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MATTHEW HALL, AUTHOE OF 'THE QUEENS BEFOBE THE CONQUEST," "NOBLE DEEDS OF WOMAN,' ETC. 8 WITH A PORTRAIT OF THE PRINCESS LOUISE. LONDON : GEORGE ROUTLEDGE AND SONS, THE BROADWAY, LUDGATE. NEW YORK: 416, BROOME STREET. 1871. LONDON : 6ATILL, EDWARDS AND CO., PRINTERS, CHANDOS STREET COTENT GARDEN. CONTENT?, PAGE SOPHIA DOROTHEA OF HANOVER, QUEEN OF PRUSSIA, LAUGHTER OF GEORGE I. . . . . 1 ANNE OF HANOVER, PRINCESS ROYAL, ELDEST DAUGHTER OF GEORGE II., AFTERWARDS PRINCESS OF ORANGE 45 AMELIA SOPHIA ELEANORA OF HANOVER, SECOND DAUGHTER OF GEORGE II 80 CAROLINE ELIZABETH OF HANOVER, THIRD DAUGHTER OF GEORGE II. 114 MARY OF ENGLAND, LANDGRAVINE OF HESSE CASSEL . . . .126 LOUISA OF ENGLAND, QUEEN OF DENMARK . . ' 133 AUGUSTA, DUCHESS OF BRUNSWICK, ELDEST DAUGHTER OF FREDERICK, PRINCE OF WALES 133 ELIZABETH CAROLINE AND LOUISA ANNE, DAUGHTERS OF FREDERICK, PRINCE OF WALES 166 CAROLINE MATILDA, QUEEN OF DENMARK, YOUNGEST DAUGHTER OF FREDERICK, PRINCE OF WALES 173 CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA, PRINCESS ROYAL, ELDEST DAUGHTER OF GEORGE III., AFTERWARDS QUEEN OF WURTEMBERG . . .216 AUGUSTA SOPHIA, SOPHIA, AND AMELIA 305 IV CONTENTS. PAGE ELIZABETH OF ENGLAND, LANDGRAVINE OF HESSE HOMBURG, THIRD DAUGHTER OF GEORGE III 333 PRINCESS MARY, DUCHESS OF GLOUCESTER, FOURTH DAUGHTER OF GEORGE III 344 CHARLOTTE CAROLINE AUGUSTA, DAUGHTER OF GEORGE IV. . . 366 VICTORIA ADELAIDE MARY LOUISA, PRINCESS ROYAL OF ENGLAND AND PRINCESS OF PRUSSIA 389 ALICE MAUD MARY, SECOND DAUGHTER OF HER MAJESTY QUEEN VICTORIA, AND PRINCESS LOUIS OF HESSE-DARMSTADT . . .477 PRINCESS HELENA AUGUSTA VICTORIA, THIRD DAUGHTER OF HER MAJESTY 499 LOUISE CAROLINE ALBERTA 516 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES, $ot t\t $*ijjtt «f top % first SOPHIA DOROTHEA OF HANOVER, QUEEN OF PRUSSIA, DAUGHTER OF GEORGE I. History of Sophia Dorothea of Zeil, her mother — Her father, George I. — George II. and his sister brought up under their grandmother's care — Character of Sophia Dorothea of Hanover — Sophia Charlotte, First Queen of Prussia, sister of George I. — Her excellent character — Charlottenburg named from her — Her death — Offers made to the Crown Prince of Prussia — Refuses all — Marries the Princess of Hanover — Preparations for the wedding — Remark of the French king — Marriage solemnity — Sophia Dorothea's public entry into Eerlin — Public festivities — Birth of her daughter — Her baptism — Prediction about her marriage — Queen follows her husband in his warlike expedition against Sweden — Her return — Education of her children — Her own accomplishments — Prince Royal, afterwards Frederic the Great — Difference of taste of the King and Queen — Projected alliances — Death of Frederic I. — Story of the White Woman of Brandenburg — Despotism of the new King — Ill-treats his family — Taken ill — Sends for Queen — Makes his will — Cabal against the Queen — Death of her grandmother, Sophia of Hanover — Her father becomes King of England — Mon Bijou — The Czar Peter the Great visits the Court of Berlin — Death of Sophia Dorothea — Death of George I. — Parsimony of the King of Prussia — Allowance granted his Queen from England — Interviews between George and Sophia Dorothea — Treaty of marriage broken off — Scene between the Crown Prince and his father — Illness and death 2 THE EOYAL PKINCESSES. of Frederic William I. — His obsequies — Tall regiment disbanded — Widowed Queen kindly treated by her son — No share in his government allowed her — Frederic enlarges her residence, Mon- bijou — Treatment of his Queen — Death of the Queen Mother,. Sophia Dorothea — Her family. One of the most ill-fated marriages recorded in the annali of history was that which gave to this throne a line of sovereigns of the House of Hanover. George Augustus, Elector of Hanover, inherited the crown of England in right of his mother, Sophia, to whom, in failure of her own issue, it was bequeathed by Queen Anne. That aged and intellectual Princess did not live to wear it herself, for she preceded Anne to the tomb ; and on the Queen's death, in 1714, George, Elector of Hanover, came over to England, and assumed the crown. Many years prior to the accession of George I., in 1682, Frederick Ernest Augustus being yet alive, and his son only Electoral Prince, George had espoused his cousin Sophia Dorothea, daughter of the Duke of Zell, by whom he had two children, both born at Hanover — George Augustus, afterwards George II., King of England, and Sophia Dorothea, subsequently Queen of Prussia by her union with Frederic "William I., a son of King Frederic I,, by Sophia Charlotte, sister of George I., his wife's aunt. Sophia Dorothea, Queen of Prussia, and her husband, were therefore, like their brother, the King of England, equally descended from Elizabeth of Bohemia, daughter of James I., and the House of Stuart. Frederic the Great, so re- nowned in the history of Europe, was the offspring of this marriage, and his sister was also ancestress of the Eoyal family of Wurtemberg, into which Charlotte Augusta, Princess Eoyal of England, eldest daughter of George III., subsequently married. With such materials as these, the SOPHIA DOEOTIIEA OF HANOYEB. 3 history of Sophia Dorothea of Prussia becomes important and interesting in the last degree ; but before proceeding to its details, some account merits here to be given of her ill-fated mother, that much-injured and ill-fated lady, the Princess Sophia Dorothea of Zell. Although that unfortu- nate Princess was never destined to wear the crown- matrimonial of England, to which she was as much entitled as her husband was to the crown-potential, but had been divorced from the Elector prior to his accession to the throne of this country, and consigned to an imprisonment only to terminate with her existence ; her right as a woman, a wife, a mother, was to have inherited the regal honours ; — and though in this respect to be compared, perhaps, to Berengaria of Navarre, that she never set foot on English shores, Sophia Dorothea would have held an honourable and graceful rank among the most dignified of our English female Sovereigns. Wit, beauty, gentleness, and all the attributes of womanly virtue so pre-eminently possessed by the Queens of England, were united in the wife of George I. ; but alas ! those eyes and that heart, where the merit should have been most appreciated, did not warm beneath so genial an influence. Let me narrate in as few words as possible the particulars here necessary to be given of her sad history, and then pass from it to that of her Eoyal daughter. William, Duke of Brunswick Lunebourg, grandfather of George I., had seven sons, who, anxious to build up their Electoral dignity, agreed on his death that one only of their number should marry, in order to convey the inherit- ance undivided to his children. The assembled Princes drew lots in the hall of their deceased parent as to which it should be, and George, the sixth son, was the fortunate individual ; he it was who, by marrying Anne Eleanora, 4 THE BOTAL PRINCESSES. daughter of the Landgrave of Hesse Darmstadt, became lather of Frederick Ernest Augustus, husband of the Princess Sophia, to whom Queen Anne bequeathed her crown, and father of our King George I., who had the good fortune to live to wear it, and through whom it was transmitted to our most gracious Sovereign, Queen Victoria. George "William, another of the seven sons of George, Duke of Brunswick, was afterwards Duke of Zell. Although lie had entered into an engagement with his brother Ernest Augustus, heir to the Dukedom of Brunswick, and Bishop of Osnaburg, that he would never many, he was not proof against the charms of the fascinating and amiable Eleanor d'Olbreuse. He became so deeply in love that, finding no other way of securing a prize he so much coveted than by marriage, he obtained the lady's consent to a " morganatic" union, or marriage called "left-handed," which union does not entitle the issue to inherit, as children of a tie contracted in the usual manner would do. By this artifice the future Duke of Zell settled the matter according to his own conscience, as regarded the keeping unimpaired and undivided the family estates. He married Eleanor, the woman of his choice, and a more happily united pair in tastes and pursuits could scarcely have been found than they turned out to be ; nor was their affection diminished when to their home were added successively four smiling infant faces, in testimony of the parents' love. Not long, however, were they permitted to be so blessed. But one of the four survived the perils of infancy — the fair girl, their first-born, to whom had been given the name of Sophia Dorothea, the meaning of which, when translated, is " Wis- dom, the gift of God." An only daughter and rich heiress, the hand of Sophia Dorothea was likely to be eagerly courted. While yet a SOPHIA DOROTHEA OF HAXOVER. 5 child of seven years old, her playfellow in the gardens and galleries of Zell had been Philip Christopher von Konigs- mark, a handsome Swedish youth, whose father was the intimate friend of the Duke of Zell. But the intimacy was not long continued, though after events connected the circumstance with the fortunes of Sophia Dorothea, and render the notice of its occurrence important. Before she attained her tenth year she was promised to Augustus Frederick, Crown Prince of Brunswick WolfeR- butfcel. The fortune of war was, however, inauspicious to this match ; the young Prince was cut off in the flower of his age at Philipsburg, and such was the youth of Sophia Dorothea that she could hardly be said to have felt the loss. At a subsequent period Augustus William, brother of the deceased Prince, became a suitor for the hand of Sophia, the coveted prize of many an aspirant. In this instance the young lady was not indifferent ; but though her mother favoured the hopes of the young lovers, the Duke, her husband, did not approve of his daughter being matched with the brother of a former suitor, and was re- luctantly prevailed on to grant his assent. His love for his child, however, prevented his interposing his parental authority any further than to signify his opinion, so that Sophia Dorothea and Augustus William looked forward to a happy future. How little of foresight, alas ! is there in the range of human calculation ! Could the fair young girl, not yet in her seventeenth year, have gazed upon the face of her future, as it was to be, what would she have seen ? Let me not be beforehand with that sorrow-fraught tale. It was at this very juncture that Ernest Augustus, Elector of Hanover, " presumptive heir to his brother George William in the Duchy of Zell, as a masculine fief G THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. was likewise desirous of securing the allodial or personal inheritance of the elder branch of his family. He de- manded, therefore, the Princess Sophia Dorothea in mar- riage for his son George Louis, the Hereditary Prince of Hanover. The Duke of Zell consented to the proposal ; hut it is universally asserted that neither the Duchess, his wife, nor the young Princess herself, submitted to it with- out great reluctance and considerable opposition. The nuptials were nevertheless solemnized in November, 1682. In the following year she brought into the world a son, who was afterwards King George II. His birth was one year afterwards followed by a daughter, who, by her marriage with Frederic William L, became Queen of Prussia."* Various portraits of Sophia Dorothea still exist in the Palace of Hanover, as well as in that of Herenhausen. Mr. Wraxall says, " I have studied them with attention ; and if I were compelled to name any person now living to whom they bear a particular resemblance, I should say it was to the celebrated Mrs. Draper, better known under the name of Sterne's Eliza ; but the Princess was unques- tionably by far the most beautiful of the two women. In a Yerj capital picture of her, which struck me yesterday at Herenhausen, she appears to be in the bloom of youth. The contour of her face is more round than oval, the fea- tures regular, and their expression gay, pleasing, and ani- mated. Pier eyes are hazel, and her brown hair plays negligently over her forehead. The painter has dressed her in a lilac coloured dress, richly embroidered, which is closely fitted to her body, and calculated to display the delicacy of her shape. Over her left shoulder is buckled a blue mantle, adorned w T ith flower-de-luces ; and behind * Wraxall, " Courts of Berlin/' &c. SOPHIA DOEOTHEA Ol 1 HANOVER. 7 her stands a negro girl, who holds out to her a scarlet riband. This portrait was probably done soon after her marriage in 1682, when she was about seventeen, and can- not be considered without emotions of concern for her subsequent fate." Soon after the birth of his daughter, which took place a twelvemonth later than that of the son, George Louis openly neglected his wife, mixing in the society of worth- less characters about the Court ; treating the unfortunate Princess with unkindness, even outrage ; nor could she walk through the apartments of her own Palace without her presence being insulted by the sight of some of her husband's abandoned favourites. A discarded servant of Madame von Platen — one of those worthless creatures who exercised an improper influence over George Louis — - having been received under the protection of the Duchess of Zell, mother of Sophia Dorothea, she determined upon effecting that ill-fated lady's ruin. Unambitious in her- self, Sophia Dorothea was yet unhappy amidst the opening prospects of her husband's family, through the absence of conjugal affection ; and, while blest with two children, could have known little enough of domestic enjoyment. It has been argued that if George Lom v , on the one hand, neglected his wife for other companions, her heart, on the other, was pre-occupied by a former attachment ; not to the young Prince Augustus of Wolfenbuttel, but to a still earlier associate, the playmate of her infancy, the handsome Swedish youth already named, Konigsmark. The fortunes of this individual, destined himself to figure so prominently in the tragical history of Sophia Dorothea, had up to this period led him into countries distant from the beautiful child, whom in early years he had regarded with boyish affection ; and, at a momentous epoch for the 8 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. Crown Princess, they met once more at the Court of Hanover — fatally, it might be said, for both. Not that Sophia Dorothea, by the worst of her enemies, could ever be accused of condescending to any renewal of an acquaint- ance which, under her altered circumstances, must have been regarded as criminal in the eyes of the world. But her conduct, if not criminal, is allowed to have been at least so far imprudent as to admit Konigsmark not unfrequently to her own private apartments, where they sometimes would sup together, and remain at table, or in conversation, till two or three o'clock in the morning. When Konigsmark retired, he descended by a little pri- vate staircase, near the great gate of the Ducal Palace, which conducted him into the town.* Imprudent as these visits were, and thoughtless as Sophia Dorothea appears to have been of what construc- tion might be put on them, they afforded but too ready a tool to the designing characters who surrounded the young and artless Crown Princess, fc> injure her in the opinion of her husband, if not in the eyes of the world. On one of these occasions, through the contrivance of the worthless Countess von Platen, the Elector Ernest Augustus was informed tha*c Konigsmark was in the chamber of his daughter-in-law ; and so exasperated was he at the manner in which the communication was made, that it is thought he himself sanctioned the act of violence by which the un- fortunate Konigsmark lost his life. He was slain by four men in masks, as he passed through an apartment adjoin- ing that in which he had left the not less unfortunate Princess. Konigsmark, indeed, perished on the spot, inno- cent, as it is generally believed, of more than imprudence towards that Eoyal lady. But Sophia Dorothea — what a * Wraxall. SOPHIA DOROTHEA OP HANOVER. 9 fate was in reserve for her ! Her present as well as future unfolded only to misery. Little more has to be said here of the mother of the Queen of Prussia. If what Wraxall states be true, that at the time of Ivonigsmark's death George Louis was in Hungary, he must be acquitted of all blame in the transaction of the death of Konigsmark; and the fact that his separation from his wife was consented to with reluctance, and at the desire of his father the Elector, is a proof of the esteem which he must still have internally felt for Sophia Dorothea. In December, 1694, a sentence of separation was pronounced between the Prince and Princess ; but no divorce, in the most extensive sense of the term, as totally dissolving the marriage between them and enabling each party to marry again, ever took place. Sophia Dorothea continued to reside at Ahlden till the death of her father- in-law, the Duke of Hanover, which happened in 1698 ; and from the time of her being first removed thither to the end of her life, she was commonly known under the name of '* Princess of Ahlden." George II. passed his youth under the care of his grandmother, Sophia of Hanover. His sister — but a year 3^ounger than he was at the time the Act of Succession was passed, which opened a throne to her father — had attained her fifteenth year; in failure of her brother's heirs, the succession had been fixed in her person ; she too, had passed her childhood under the eye, not of a fond and loving mother, but of that learned and philosophic guardian, her grandmother Sophia. Toland describes the Princess Sophia Dorothea in these words: — "In minding her discourse to others, and by what she was pleased to say to myself, she appears to have 10 TI1E EOYAL PEINCESSES. n more than ordinary share of good sense and wit. The whole town and Court commend the easiness of her man- ners and the evenness of her disposition; hut, ahove all her other qualities, they highly extol her good humour which is the most valuable endowment of either sex, and the foundation of most other virtues. Upon the whole, considering her personal merit and the dignity of her family, I heartily wish and hope to see her some day Queen of Sweden." Such, however, was not the destiny of Sophia Dorothea ! She became the wife of Frederic William, Crown Prince of Prussia, her cousin. The first King of Prussia was the husband of Sophia Charlotte, a sister of George I. On the foundation of this new kingdom the Royal pair were solemnly crowned, and the full details of the ceremony are given in the very interesting Memoirs of the Baron de Pollnitz. They are, however, irrelevant to our present purpose. Not so, however, can we esteem the testimony to the memory and virtues of that most excellent Princess, which certainly deserves a place among the Princesses of her family. It must never be forgotten that it was at the Court of Sophia Charlotte that Caroline of Anspach, Queen of George II., received her education, and there that she imbibed those tastes by which she became so eminently distinguished as the patroness of art and literature in England. The following very pleasing memorial of the talents and virtues of Sophia Charlotte, aunt of our heroine, and first Queen of Prussia, wife of Frederic I., is from the pen of the ever to be lamented Caroline Matilda, Queen of Den- mark, sister of our English monarch George IIP, a lady likewise distinguished for eminent literary endowments : — "Frederic I. founded an Academy at Berlin, at the earnest solicitation of Sophia Charlotte. Her Court was SOPHIA. DOROTHEA OF HANOVER. II a temple where was preserved the sacred fire of the vestals, the asylum of arts and sciences, and the seat of elegance, taste, and politeness. That Princess had the genius of a great man, and the knowledge of the most learned ; she thought it was not below the dignity of a Queen to honour a philosopher. This was Leibnitz ; and as those who have received from heaven privileged souls, raise themselves on the level with Sovereigns, she admitted Leibnitz to her conversation with that freedom which characterizes true merit and discernment. She proposed him as the only man capable to lay the foundation of her new Academy. Leibnitz, who had more than one soul, if I may be allowed to use the expression, was worthy of being the first president of a society which he might have repre- sented alone. " All the learned in Europe mourned at her death. This celebrated Princess joined to all the exterior accom. plishments and the most endearing charms, the graces of the mind and the most superior understanding. She had travelled in her youth in France and Italy with her august parents. She was destined for the throne of Prance: Louis XIV. was struck with her beauty, but political rea- sons prevented this marriage. She brought into Prussia the spirit of society, true politeness, and the love of the Pine Arts. She seated upon her throne the Muses ; and her curiosity was such in philosophical inquiries, that she aspired to know the principles of things. Leibnitz, whom she pressed one day upon that subject, said to her Ma- jesty— ' Madam, it is not in my power to give a satisfac- tory answer to your sublime questions ; you want to know what no mortal is capable to explain.' " Charlottenburg was the rendezvous of men of exquisite taste and literature ; all sorts of feasts and entertainments, 12 THE HOYAL PRINCESSES. diversified with that splendour and magnificence which stamped all her public diversions, made this abode delight- ful, and her Court more brilliant than any in Europe." As Charlottenburg, where the present King of Prussia is now residing, is peculiarly connected with the sister of George I., some notice of it merits to be given here. Baron Pollnitz, in his Memoirs, says, "Charlottenburg was formerly called Lutzenbourg. It was a small village belonging to M. Doberginsky, steward of the household to the Queen* (the King's mother). He had built a trilling house there, and the Queen taking the air there one day, liked the situation of the place so well, that she bought it, and set about building there ; but she died be- fore all the works she had undertaken were finished. How- ever her husband, King Frederic I., caused them to be carried on, and made considerable additions to them ; and, in order to perpetuate the Queen's name, which was Sophia Charlotte, he caused Lutzenbourg to be called Charlottenburg." The same author describes the Castle as one of the most considerable structures in Germany, the apartments of which are grand and splendid, and the furniture very rich. In it is a cabinet of the choicest porcelain, ranged in a most surprising manner; another cabinet containing lustres, a tea-table, with dishes, a coffee-pot and the whole equipage, of solid gold. The Chapel is most superb, and every side of it adorned with gold and painting. The orangery is one of the most magnificent in Europe, not only for the beauty and num- ber of its trees, but the size of the building in which they are kept during the winter. " Sophia Charlotte (continues her Royal biographer) had a magnanimous soul ; her religion was pure and free * Mother of Frederic William I. SOPHIA DOROTHEA OF HANOVEK. 13 from prejudices and bigotry, the vices of little minds. Her mind was ornamented with the knowledge of the best French and Italian books. She died at Hanover in the bosom of her family. A Lutheran minister having been introduced into her apartment in her last moments, ' Let me die in peace,' said she, ' without controversy.' One of her ladies of honour, whom she tenderly loved, was bathed in tears ; ' Do not grieve for me,' said she ; ' I shall satisfy my curiosity on the principles of things which Leibnitz could never explain to me — on the space, the infinite, our being, and the consequences of our dissolution ; and as the King, my husband, is fond of pageantry and empty shows, I prepare for him the pomp of my solemn funeral.' She recommended in dying the learned, to whom she had granted a generous protection, and the arts, which she had cultivated, to the Elector, her brother. Frederic I. made sumptuous obsequies, and found in that ceremony a con- solation for the loss of a consort whom he could never re- gret enough." The death of Sophia Charlotte occurred in 1705. In 1706 the marriage of the Crown Prince to Sophia Dorothea, her niece, took place. The object of Frederic William at so early an age entering into those ties was, that the elder line of the Royal family might be continued as soon as possible, his father's half-brothers being the sole represen- tatives of the younger. The sister of Charles XII. of Sweden, a Princess of Saxe Zeitz, or a Princess of Orange, who was niece of the Prince of Anhalt, were offered by the King to the Crown Prince as suitable matches ; the regard Frederic William had ever testified for the Prince of Anhalt, made him sup- pose the Prince's choice would fall on the last ; but the charms of the Princess of Hanover had captivated his c 11= THE EOYAL PRINCESSES, fancy, and lie not only declined his father's propositions, but by intrigues and entreaties persuaded him to consent to his union with Sophia Dorothea. The Prince of Anhalt never forgave the Princess Eoyal for having had the pre- ference. To prevent her obtaining the heart of her con- sort he sowed seeds of disunion between them. Aware of the Prince's inclination to jealousy, he excited him to be jealous of his wife, who had to endure the most cruel tor- ments from his violent temper ; and in spite of the proofs she gave him of her virtue, nothing but patience could cure him of the unjust prejudices he had imbibed against her. The Prince Royal's marriage was concluded at Hanover, in a journey the King made thither with the Prince, his son, who had long entertained for Sophia Dorothea all the veneration which exalted merit was capable of in- spiring. A contemporary writer* says : " Of all the Princesses in the world she was likely to be the most ac- ceptable to her subjects ; she represented to us the idea of the late Queen,t and as she was her niece, and designed to succeed to her dominions, she seemed also to have in- herited all the great qualities that made the former adored at our Court. The Electoral Prince of Hanover married her at Hanover by proxy, in presence of the Count do Finck, the King's Ambassador." At the time the event took place, Sophia Dorothea's mother was still pining in her solitary captivity, but the circumstance seems to have been unheeded by the joyous party assembled on the happy occasion; at least, if remembered at all, might it not have been present at the heart of the bride herself, who seems on this occasion to have resembled another Princess of her Eoyal family in later times, the much-lamented * Baron de Pollnitz. f Sophia Charlotte. SOPHIA DOROTHEA OF HA^OYES. 15 Charlotte Augusta of Wales, who was similarly situated when she gave away her hand to the Prince of Saxe Cohourg ? Taking it altogether, the wedding might be truly called a joyful one, and was performed with all pos- sible splendour, attended with the usual pomp and mirth which accompany such events, although there was no de- ficiency of sympathy in the fair bride for the mother whom she remembered to have watched over her infant years, and for whom, in subsequent periods of her own life, she felt much more keenly still. Three Englishmen of note were present at the Royal wedding — Lord Halifax, Sir John Vanbrugh, and Joseph Addison, a circumstance not uninteresting in itself. Some days after, the Princess departed from Hanover with a train becoming her present and her future dignity. The Elector, her father, had given her the most magnifi- cent suits of apparel and jewels that could be got for money, and thej- were purchased at Paris by a man sent on purpose. The Duchess of Orleans was desirous to choose and give directions for the clothes, and she after- wards showed them to Louis XIV., who thought them so rich that he said it were to be wished, for the sake of the mercers of Paris, that there were more Princesses that could afford to make such purchases. The bride repaired with her husband to Brussels imme- diately after her marriage, with the hope that Queen Anne would invite them over to England ; but, contrary to their expectation, the Queen took no notice whatever of the circumstance. Sophia Dorothea made her public entry into Berlin on November 27th, 1706. " The King met her about half a league out of the town. As soon as her Eoyal Highness perceived the King's coach she alighted, as the King did 10 THE EOTAL PRINCESSES. also from his, and went to meet her. After having em- braced the Princess, he presented the Prince Royal to her, together with his brothers and the two princesses. Then the King took coach again, where the Princess placed herself on the King's left hand, and the two Margraves sat over against them ; the Prince Royal and the King's three brothers being mounted on horseback. The entry was one of the most magnificent that was ever seen. All the troops then at Berlin were under arms, as well as all the city militia, and drawn up in a line from the out parts of the town, quite to the palace. The next day after the Princess's arrival there was a sumptuous feast, at which the Prince Royal and the Princess had arm-chairs, but for that day only ; for the next day their Royal Highnesses sat in upright chairs at the two ends of the table. " Our Court was then as splendid as in the time of the late Queen. There was a continual round of pleasures, and every day was remarkable for feasts, balls, comedies, &c." It was upon this occasion of the Princess Royal's arrival, that an interlude was acted at the Theatre of Berlin entitled " Beauty triumphing over Heroes," at which the Margraves Frederic Albert and Christian Lewis the King's brothers, danced, with all the young courtiers. Frederiea Sophia Wilhelmina, Princess Royal of Prussia, was born in 1709. Baron de Pollnitz, in his memoirs, writes — " I was at Berlin at the ceremony of her baptism, which was performed in the chapel of the castle, in presence of Frederic IV. King of Denmark, Frederic Augustus King of Poland, and Frederic I. King of Prussia. The birth of this Princess, and the circum- stance of three Kings and a Queen attending at her bap- tism, gave occasion to a great many copies of verses. All the poets said that the presence of these three Kings was SOPHIA DOHOTHEA OF HANOVER. 17 a sign that she would one day have possession of three crowns. They had then in view the crowns of Great Britain, that were to devolve to the family of Hanover; in which there was a young Prince who, it was then imagined, was to he in time the husband of this Princess. Whether this match will ever take place, and whether the Princess will be Queen, I can't say ; but if she is not, Fortune will not do justice to her merit." The young Prince alluded to was Frederic, afterwards known as Prince of Wales, eldest son of George II., King of England. All Europe, as well as the poets of that time, expected the match would take place. Both the Queens of Prussia and England (Caroline of Anspach) desired it. The young Princess herself was brought up in that expectation ; but when it was least of all antici- pated, certain reasons of State cancelled all these views, and the King of Prussia thought fit to marry his daughter, in 1731, to the Hereditary Prince of Branden- burg Bareith. # Sophia Dorothea, though again pregnant, followed the King her husband in his expedition against the Swedes. This campaign ended gloriously to Prussia, great part of Swedish Pomerania being taken. On the return of the Queen she was charmed with the improvement in her young daughter, on whom she be- stowed the tenderest caresses. This beloved child, not long after, had a severe illness. On her recovery, the Queen strove to avail herself of the prodigious facility in learning of her daughter, who says in her Memoirs, — " She gave me several masters ; among others, the famous La Croze, who has been celebrated for his histo- rical knowledge, and his profound acquaintance with the * Pollnitz's " Memoirs." 18 THE EOXAL PUINCESSES. languages of the East, and with sacred and profane anti- quities. My whole day was taken up with teachers, who succeeded each other, and left me very little time for ray recreations." The Baron de Pollnitz writes from Berlin : — " Not many days after my arrival here, the King having gone to visit his kingdom, I had the honour of waiting on the Queen. This Princess, whose name is Sophia Dorothea, is sister to the present King of Great Britain,* being the daughter of George I., the late King, and of Sophia Dorothea, Princess of Brunswick Zell; and she does everything that is worthy of her august extraction ; for surely never did daughter more resemble a father : she has the same benignity and wisdom, the same equity and justice, and sweetness of temper. Like him, she knows the charms of a private life and friendship on a throne ; like him, she is adored by her subjects and her domestics, and is the chief blessing and darling of both. To ex- tend goodness and affability farther were impossible ; there being no foreigners but what are charmed with the gracious manner in which the Princess receives them. To a thousand virtues worthy of veneration she has added the singular talent of speaking the languages of several countries which she never saw with as much delicacy as if they had been her mother tongues. The French language, especially, is so familiar to her, that one would take her to be a Princess of the Royal family of France ; and the grandeur and majesty that accompany all her actions induce those who don't know her to be of opinion that she was born to reign. "That which still more endears this Queen to her people is, the care she takes of the education of her * George II. SOPHIA DOEOTHEA OP HANOVEE. 19 family, whicli consists of four Princes and six Princesses. The eldest of the sons is styled the Prince Eoyal. This young Prince is handsome, charms every one by his kind- ness and good nature, and loves reading, music, the arts, and magnificence. His sentiments, his behaviour, and his actions, make it probable, that if he comes to the crown, his reign will be one of those mild and peaceable reigns which procure kings that love of their people wherein con- sists their true glory. The care of the Prince Royal's education was committed first of all to Madame de Kamke, one of the Queen's Ladies of Honour, and governess of the children of Prussia. But this lady left the charge of the latter to the sub-governess, Madame de Rocoule, and her daughter, Mademoiselle de Monthaii. Madame de* Rocoule had also the honour to be sub-governess to the King, so that she was no novice in the forming of young Princes. As she talks nothing but French, she has taught it to the King's children, who speak it with as much ease as they do the German language. At seven years of age the Prince Royal was taken out of the hands of the women, and the Count de Fincks, of Fruchenstein, Lieutenant-General of the King's forces, a knight of his order, and colonel of a regiment of horse, was appointed his Royal Highness's governor ; and the Baron de Kales- tein was made sub-governor. The King's choice of both these gentlemen was universally applauded. # The Queen influenced her son in forming a taste entirely opposed to all he saw about him, rather tending to literature than arms. " Sophia Dorothea had never adopted the tastes and views of her husband; the simple, straitened household, denuded of all the ornament and enjoyment of life, did * Baron de Pollnitz. 20 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. not satisfy her ; she blamed many of the King's projects, and suffered her two elder children to do the same ; she directed their attention to countries where life afforded more enjoyment ; she loved and encouraged learning. Under such influences, with such a thirst after mental culture, the young Prince began to regard the strict and narrow military life to which he was condemned as a sort of pedantry, and to conceive a disgust at reviews and parades. He thought that a taste for intellectual plea- sures, such as are afforded by music, the theatre, and agreeable society, was not less becoming in a Prince. It was, therefore, a great event in his life when, in February, 172S, he was allowed to visit the Court of Dresden. " # " The superiority of Dresden in the cultivation of music formed a permanent bond of union between the two Courts. The Crown Prince and his elder sister, as we are told by their mother, cherished a passion for music. At the request of the Queen, who spoke to the ambassador, Augustus II. had the courtesy to permit his musicians, Quanz and Weiss, to make a considerable stay at Berlin from time to time, though he would not give up their services, altogether. Weiss gave lessons to the Princess on the lute, while Quanz taught the flute to the Prince. The exquisite skill with which the inventive master first constructed, and then used that instrument, is well known. This accomplishment was a source of endless pleasure to Frederic during the whole of his life. At that time he thought himself happy if, after parade and dinner, he could throw aside his uniform, put on his brocade dressing- gown, and occupy himself with books and music. But such pursuits were in direct opposition to the wishes and views cherished by his father, and to the whole turn of * Eanke's " Memoirs of the House of Brandenburg." SOPHIA DOROTHEA OF HAXOTER. 21 bis mind ; and Frederic soon began to experience his dis- pleasure. At a later period, after his accession to the throne permitted him to follow the bent of his own inclina- tion, it was his custom in the evening to take part in a little concert ; he played the flute, as some Saxon musi- cians have told us, almost too well — better than became a King. Leave to ' be present at these concerts was granted as a very great favour." Let us hear what the Queen (Sophia Dorothea), says Sulm, announces on the 30th of July, that she had thanked the King of Poland for his kindness, " en luy envoyant des gens de sa musique, et en lui permettant cle les garder quelque terns." She then adds, " Yous savez la passion de mes enfans pour la musique, ils m'ont engage a augmenter le nombre de mes musiciens, il me manque un homme corn me Quanz ; pourrois-je esperer que le Roi, qui a un si grand nombre d'habiles gens voulut me ceder celui-la, je lui en aurois bien de robligation." More especially the Crown Prince, " qui apprend a jouer la flute traversiere avec un succes etonnant," wished for Quanz, who had already arrived (6th August). Shortly afterwards the Queen thanks the King of Poland for allowing four of his best musicians to remain so long : — " Qu'elle ne serviroit de la liberte que vous me lui donne de faire venir de terns en terns Quanz." # The Margravine of Bareith in her Memoirs thus de- scribes her mother : — " The Queen never was handsome. Her features are strongly marked, and some of them fine. Her complexion is pale ; her hair a dark brown ; her shape has been one of the handsomest in the world ; her noble and majestic gait inspires all who behold her with respect ; a perfect acquaintance with the world and a brilliant un- * Ranke. 22 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. derstanding, seem to promise more solidity than she is seed of. Her heart is benevolent, generous, and kind ; she cherishes the arts and sciences without having ever devoted much time to the study of them. No one is with- out faults ; the Queen has hers. All the pride and haughtiness of the House of Hanover are concentrated in her person. Her ambition is unbounded ; she is exces- sively' jealous, of a suspicious and vindictive temper, and never forgives those by whom she fancies she has been offended. " The alliance which she had projected with England through the marriage of her children was the most ardent wish of her heart, and she flattered herself she should gradually succeed in governing the King. Her second ob- ject was to secure a strong protection against the persecu- tions of the Prince of Anhalt, and, lastly, to obtain the guardianship of my brother in case of the King's decease. The King was subject to frequent diseases, and the Queen had been told he would not live long." The Princess of Prussia had given birth to a son in 1707, who only lived to the age of twelve months. On the 3rd of July, 1709, a daughter was born, much to the annoyance of all those who longed for male issue. This was the afterwards celebrated Marchioness of Bareith : she was christened Frederiea Sophia Wilhelmina, and a great favourite with her grandfather, the old King. Again the Princess Eoyal had a son, who did not live ; but on the 21th of February, 1712, a third Prince saw the light, and on him was bestowed the name of Frederic. He was known afterwards as " the Great." Mademoiselle Letti, companion of Madame Kilmanseck, was appointed governess to the little daughter of the Princess Eoyal, who had become much charmed with her. SOPHIA DOROTHEA OF HA1S T 0VEE. 23 The Prince Eoyal had attended the Princess to Hanover, and the Electoral Princess (Caroline of Anspach) having a son born in 1707, whose age agreed with that of the little daughter of Sophia Dorothea, they agreed to unite them hereafter in marriage. The Princess of Bareith, in her Memoirs, writes — " My little admirer began, even at that time, to send me presents, and no post-day passed without these Princesses corresponding about the future union of their children." " Her Majesty brought the bridal rings to me (says her daughter) ; I even opened a correspondence with my little admirer, and received several presents of him." Frederic I. married the Princess of Mecklenburg after- wards,* which circumstance caused great changes at Court. Among other new arrangements made, the Princess Eoyal kept her Court at her own lodgings twice a week, viz., on those days when there was no circle at the Queen's ; for upon the drawing-room days she went to her Majesty's apartment, as did most of the Princesses, and they stayed there to sup. The death of Frederic, the Great Elector, was singular. His third wife, during an illness, was subject to sudden attacks of frenzy, arising from her (disorder; in one of these she escaped from her attendants into the King's presence, smashing a glass door through which she entered his chamber, and addressing him in the most violent language. As she was clad in white, and her face streaming from the wounds of the broken glass, the King, in waking from sleep, took her for a ghost, and no less a one than the "White Woman," said to appear always in the Palace of the Princes of Brandenburg prior to the death of any one of the family. The circumstance threw * M. de Pollnitz. 24 THE EOTAL PRINCESSES. him into a fever, from which he never recovered, though, indeed, he lingered full six weeks after.* After his death, the Queen returned to her former home, in Mecklenburg, for the advantage of her health. As the King felt the approaches of death, he took an affectionate leave of the Prince and Princess Royal, and afterwards sent for both his grandchildren at eight o'clock in the evening, to whom he gave his blessing. To Frederic I. succeeded his son Frederic William, the most harsh and unamiable of Princes, whose principal felicity seemed to consist in forming and disciplining a grand regiment of guards, the wonder and the ridicule of foreign nations. Parsimonious in every other article of pleasure or expense, he retained about him no trace of his father's splendour. The Court of Berlin, to which there was a great influx of strangers, consisted chiefly of military. The Queen held a drawing-room every evening during the absence of the King, who was generally at Potsdam, a small town at the distance of four German miles from Berlin. There he lived more as a private gentleman than as a King. His table was served with frugality ; it never exceeded neces- saries. Frederic William was terrible in his anger, in- flexible in his prejudices, and inexorable in his resentment ; he punished the transgressions of his children with un- exampled severity. So strictly did he avoid unnecessary ostentation, that he addressed his family by the terms of "my son," "my wife," "the country," not choosing to adopt those of " our well-beloved son, the Electoral Prince," " our dearly beloved consort," or "magnificent land," as his father had done. It is asserted by an author of celebrity, that Frederic * M. de Pollnitz. SOPHIA DOROTHEA OF HANOYEE. 2o did not possess " the gentler virtues which adorn and bless domestic life." Some one was once, later in her life, speaking to this Queen, " with admiration of the excellent qualities of heart and mind displayed by her cousin, the Empress of Austria ; # she readily admitted her own infe- riority; but, she added, that it had been much easier for the Empress to improve the gifts she had received from nature, than for her ; on her cousin the world had smiled, whereas she had passed her life in never-ceasing disquiet. "f Formed to be the charm and grace of an amiable and polished circle, she was consigned to the arms of a savage, who, totally insensible to her fascinations, and incapable of appreciating her fine qualities, treated her so unjustly, that it may with truth be said, there was scarcely a greater slave in Prussia than its Queen. " Never," says Voltaire, "were subjects poorer, or king more rich." According to that author (whose statements, however, must be taken cum grano sails), he bought up the estates of his nobility at a despicable price ; farmed out his lands to tax-gatherers, each of whom held the double post of collector and judge ; so that if a tenant did not pay his rent on the clay it became due, the collector put on his judicial robes, and condemned the defaulter in double the debt ; and if the collector and judge did not pay the King his arrears in full, on the last day of the month, the following morning his Majesty mulcted him in the same ratio as he had mulcted the landholder. The King had an ambassador at the Hague, who, having cut down and used for fuel some of the trees in the garden of Houslar- dick. which then belonged to the Royal House of Prussia, his Most Gracious Sovereign, as he was informed by his * Maria Theresa. f Ranke's "Memoirs of the House of Brandenburg." 2(l THE KOYAL PRINCESSES. next despatches, stopped his year's salary to defray the damage. The poor ambassador, in a fit of despair, cut his throat with the only razor he had ; but his life was saved by an old valet who came to his assistance. " The King had a hundred and twenty millions of crowns in the cellars of his palace ; his apartments were filled with articles of massive silver ; and he gave to his Queen — in charge only, be it observed — a cabinet, the contents of which were all gold." When he took his walk through the town, after having reviewed his regiment of Guards, many of whom were seven feet high, everybody fled at his approach. If he met a woman in the street he would tell her to begone home, and at the same time give her a kick, a box on the ear, or a few strokes on the shoulders with his cane. His son, wearied with his brutality, determined to quit the country ; but parental economy had deprived him of the means of travelling, even as the son of an English tradesman ; and he was obliged to borrow a few hundred ducats for his in- tended journey. Two young men, one named Katt, and the other Keit, were to have accompanied him, but the King obtained information of the project, and arrested the trio. Keit afterwards escaped; but Katt was executed, and the Prince's head held out of a window by some grena- diers, at his father's command, in order that he might be obliged to behold the melancholy spectacle. On another occasion, the King ordered the daughter of a schoolmaster, for whom his son had affected a passion, to be conducted round Potsdam, where she resided, by the common hang- man, and then whipped in the Prince's presence. After having regaled him with this spectacle, he sent him to a citadel in the midst of a marsh, where he kept him for six months in a sort of dungeon, without a single servant $ SOPHIA DOKOTHEA OF HAKOVER. 27 and then graciously permitted him to have a soldier for an attendant. Suspecting that his daughter "Wilh.elm.ina was concerned in the Prince's intended elopement, he proceeded to kick her out of a lar^e window which reached from the ceiling to the floor ; and her mother (the subject of our present memoir), who was present at this achievement, with great difficulty saved her by catching hold of her garments. "The Princess," continues Voltaire, "received a contusion of her left breast, which mark of her father's affection she preserved through life, and did me the honour of permitting me to see it." It is impossible to dwell upon the many scenes of do- mestic discord which darkened the existence of Sophia Dorothea of Hanover. The conduct of Frederic William, towards her was brutal in the extreme, bordering, indeed, on insanity. He took from her the guardianship of her young family ; and, though immensely rich, provided her so ill with the requisites of life, that but for a revenue of SOOZ. allowed her by her brother, the King of England, she would have been destitute of the commonest necessa- ries. To say that such a man was universally disliked by his people must be sufficient here, without entering into the many details given of the various methods he took of exasperating them, of which the above was one instance only. His wife and children had on more than one occa- sion nearly fallen victims to his extravagant conduct. On one occasion the high-spirited and noble Frederic fled from his persecutions, and had almost lost his life through it ; as it was, he was consigned to a prison, and lost his friend. The poor Queen, under so many indignities, was driven to stoop to many a meanness, not from principle, but ne- 28 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES, cessiiy. She made her daughter, young as she wa«, a sort of confidante, and employed her as a spy on her own father ; obtained the aid of those who surrounded her, and who received money from her only to betray. The Memoirs of the Marchioness of Bareith afford a pic- ture too painful to be dwelt on, of all the domestic broils of the married life of Sophia Dorothea. They are like the scenes in which Lord Hervey's pen depicts the Prin- cesses Amelia and Caroline at a later date to have figured in England, neither instructive nor amusing, and therefore will be purposely omitted here. It was the happiness of Sophia Dorothea to survive this ill-suited husband for a woman of refined taste and intellect, and to enjoy in after-life a tranquillity she had been for so many years deprived of. She exhibited much virtue in her latter days ; an evidence that her apparent faults had been, in the lifetime of her husband, attribut- able rather to his ill usage than her own disposition. On the occasion of the King becoming ill at Branden- burg, he requested, by an express, the Queen to join him. Sophia Dorothea set out directly, and arrived at Branden- burg in the evening. She found the King extremely ill, and busy making his will, as he thought his death very near. " The Queen (says her daughter) was appointed Eegent of the kingdom during the minority of my brother, and the Emperor and the King of England were named his guardians. No mention was made of either Grumkow or the Princess Anhalt. Before their arrival the will was signed, and as the King had omitted to name them in it, he expected their reproaches ; to avoid which, he imposed a solemn promise of secresy, as to the contents, on those who had attested it, viz., the Queen and witnesses. One copy of it had been handed to the Queen, and the original SOPHIA. DOKOTHEA OF HANOVEB. 29 deposited in the archives of Berlin. On the King's reco- very, the Queen followed him to Wusterhausen." Grumkow, the Prussian Minister, perceiving the Queen had influence over her hushand, and that this was on the increase, determined to injure her in his opinion — a design imparted hy him to M. de Kamken, the Minister of State, who, too honest to be a party to such an attempt, revealed it to the Queen. Grumkow had found out that Sophia Dorothea was given to play, and having had great losses, had been forced to borrow secretly a capital of 30,000 dollars (50007. sterling). The King had recently presented her with a pair of brooched diamond ear-rings, of very great value. She wore them but rarely, because she had often dropped them. Grumkow, imagining the Queenhad pawned these ear- rings to procure the large sum she needed, resolved to inform the King, who, he felt sure, from his love of money, would be highly incensed. He was, however, forewarned by the Queen, who would have punished Grumkow for his base attempt, but the King had not the proof of his guilt ; on which she named M. de Kamken. That gentleman at- tested what she had stated ; but Grumkow's denial had more force, and thus, through the imprudence of his Royal mistress, Kamken was sent to the fortress of Spandau. In 1712 Sophia Dorothea became Queen of Prussia. In 1714 her grandmother, the Electress of Hanover, died, and in the same year,* shortly after her, Queen Anne, on which George Louis became King of England. His wife, meanwhile, remained incarcerated in her lonely residence at Ahlden. Mr. Wraxall says that he waited upon the Queen at * August 1st, 1714. D 30 THE HOYAL TPvI^CESSES. Berlin, and that she had then just received the tidings of her father, the Elector of Hanover, being called over to England, in consequence of the death of Queen Anne. The King of Prussia made an offer to the new monarch of any assistance he might have occasion for, to support him on his throne. Some days after the arrival of this great news the writer took leave of the Queen, and set off for Hamburg. " In the suburb of Spandau," says M. de Pollnitz, "the Queen has a delightful house and gardens. The house is called Men Bijou ; a very proper name for it, be- cause 'tis really a jewel. 'Tis a pavilion, the apartments of which are laid out with art, and furnished with great judgment and elegance. The gardens are charming, and are finely open to the river. This house was built by the Countess de Wartemberg, wife to the Prime Minister of King Frederic I. As her husband's power and favour were at that time so great that he did whatever he pleased, all the King's workmen and architects used the utmost dili- gence to serve her well. But she did not enjoy this fine house long ; for it was scarce completed when the King removed the Count from all his employments, and banished him to Frankfort-on-the-Maine. However, he settled a pension upon him and his lady of 24,000 crowns ; and the Countess, by way of acknowledgment, gave the King this house, which, of all the immense treasure that she has amassed, was the only piece which she could not carry with her. The King gave this house to the Princess Eoyal, now Queen, who has added great embellishment* to it, and brought it to its present state of perfection." It would not do to omit the account of the visit of the Czar, Peter the Great, to Berlin, who, not liking society and show, took it into his head to request the King would SOPHIA DOROTHEA OF HAISTOYEE. 31 lodge him on this occasion in the Queen's summer-housq in one of the suburbs of Berlin. "Her Majesty was ex- tremely sorry for this: she had erected a very pretty building, which she had decorated in a style of great splendour. The porcelain gallery was superb, and all the rooms were adorned with beautiful glasses. As this charming retreat was really a jewel, it was called Mon Bijou. A very pretty garden on the banks of the river heightened its beauty. In order to prevent the mischief which the Russian gentlemen had done in other places where they had lodged, the Queen ordered the prin- cipal furniture, and whatever was most brittle, to be re- moved. The Czar, his spouse, and their Court, arrived some days after, by water, at Mon Bijou. The King and Queen received them on their landing, and the King handed the Czarina from the boat. The Czar was no sooner landed, than he held out his hand to the King, and said, ' I am glad to see you, brother Frederic. 9 He afterwards approached the Queen with the intention to salute her, but she pushed him back. The Czarina first kissed the Queen's hands several times, and after- wards introduced to her the Duke and Duchess of Meck- lenburg, who had accompanied them, and four hundred, pretended ladies of their suite. These were mostly Ger- man servant-girls, who officiated as maids of honour, waiting-maids, cooks, and washerwomen. Almost every one of these creatures carried in her arms a richly-dressed infant, and when they were asked whether these children were their own ? they answered, prostrating themselves in the Russian fashion : ' the Czar has done me the honour to make me the mother of this child? The Queen would not speak to these creatures, and the Czarina, to be re- venged, treated the Princesses of the blood with much 32 THE EOTAL PRINCESSES. haughtiness ; and it was with very great difficulty that the King prevailed with the Queen to notice the Russian ladies. I saw the whole of this Court the next day, when the Czar and Czarina came to visit the Queen. Her Ma- jesty received them in the State Rooms of the Palace, and went to meet them in the Hall of the Guards. The Queen gave her hand to the Czarina, placing her at her right, and conducted her into the Audience Halh " The King and the Czar followed. As soon as the latter saw me he knew me again, having seen me five years be- fore. He took me up in his arms, and rubbed the very skin off my face with his rude kisses.^ I boxed his ears, and struggled as much as I could, saying that I would not allow any such familiarities, and that he was dishonour- ing me. He laughed very much at this idea, and amused himself a long time at my expense. I had previously been instructed what to say, and I spoke to him of his fleet and his conquests ; which delighted him so much that he several times told the Czarina, that if he could have a child like me he would willingly give up one of his provinces. The Czarina also tenderly caressed me. She and the Queen placed themselves under the canopy, each in an armchair ; I was by the side of the Queen, and the Princesses of the blood opposite to her Majesty. " The Czarina was short and stout, very tawny, and her figure was altogether destitute of gracefulness. Its ap- pearance sufficiently betrayed her low origin. To have judged by her attire one would have taken her for a Ger- man stage actress. Her robe had been purchased of an old clothes broker ; it was made in the antique fashion, and heavily laden with silver and grease. The front of her stays was adorned with jewels, singularly placed ; they * The Princess was at this time eleven years old. SOPHIA DOROTHEA OF HAKOVEB. 33 represented a double eagle, badly set, the wings of which were of small stones. She wore a dozen orders, and as many portraits of saints and relics, fastened to the facing of her gown ; so that when she walked, the jumbling of all these orders and portraits, one against the other, made a tinkling noise like a mule in harness. " The Czar, on the contrary, was very tall, and pretty well made ; his face was handsome, but his countenance had something savage about it which inspired fear. He was dressed as a navy officer, and wore a plain coat. The Czarina, who spoke very bad German, and did not well understand what was spoken to her by the Queen, beckoned to her fool, and conversed with her in Russian. This poor creature was a Princess G-alitzin, who had been necessi- tated to fill that office in order to save her life ; having been implicated in a conspiracy against the Czar, she had twice undergone the punishment of the knout. I do not know what she said to the Czarina, but the latter every now and then laughed aloud. " At length we sat down to table, when the Czar placed himself near the Queen. It is well known that this Prince had been poisoned in his youth ; a very subtile venom had attacked his nerves, whence he was frequently subject to certain involuntary convulsions. He was seized with a fit whilst at table ; he made many contortions ; and as he was violently gesticulating with a knife in his hand near the Queen, the latter was afraid, and wanted several times to rise from her seat. The Czar begged her to be easy, protesting that he would not do her any harm ; and at the same time seized her hand, which he squeezed so violently that the Queen screamed for mercy, which made him laugh heartily ; and he observed that the bones of her Majesty were more delicate than those of his Cathe- S-i THE ROYAL PEINCESSES. rine. Everything was prepared for a ball after supper » but lie ran away as soon as he rose from table, and went back alone and on foot to Mon Bijou. " The next day everything worth seeing at Berlin was shown to him, and among the rest the cabinet of medals and antique statues. The Czar took a fancy to several, and without ceremony asked for them, which the King could not refuse. He did the same with a cabinet lined with amber, which was unique in its kind, and had cost immense sums to Frederick I. ; and this, too, had the mis- fortune to be taken to Petersburg, to the great regret of every one. " Two days afterwards this Court of barbarians set out on their journey back. The Queen immediately hastened to Mon Bijou, and what desolation was there visible ! I never beheld anything like it ; indeed, I think Jerusalem, after its siege and capture, could not have presented such another scene. This elegant Palace was left by them in so ruinous a state, that the Queen was absolutely obliged to rebuild nearly the whole of it." # After Ernest Augustus died, George Louis sought a reconciliation with his wife, and again, after his elevation to the Crown of England. But though a deputation of English peers and gentlemen waited on the prisoner of Ahlden, requesting to approach her as their Queen, she rejected their dazzling overture, and declined the regal diadem. Her just remark was — "If I am guilty of the crime imputed to me, I am unworthy to be your Queen. If I am innocent, the King is unworthy to be my husband." She continued to be treated with the respect due to her rank. The two ladies of her household, the Chamberlain, and the officer who commanded the guard, * " Memoirs of the Marchioness of Bareith." SOPHIA DOROTHEA OF HA^OYEE. 6D constantly dined at her table. She was allowed to go in her coach to the distance of a league from the Castle. Persons of inferior condition, workmen, and tradesmen, had free access ; but no man or woman of consideration was allowed to approach or speak to her. Sophia Dorothea was heiress to property under her mother's control. Her husband had no sympathy for the imprisoned mother of his wife, but was eager to secure to her the propert}^ to which she was entitled. He cor- responded with the Lady of Ahiden until he had secured that by the writings of his mother-in-law ; after which he desired that no further intercourse should be kept up with her by his wife. Obedience was the first duty of the Queen of Prussia, so that henceforward her consoling sympathy was lost to her mother for ever. " By the con- curring testimony of all persons, Sophia Dorothea bore her misfortunes with dignity and equanimity; never vented herself in reproaches against those who had injured or oppressed her ; and preserved the cheerfulness of a mind serene and innocent, in the midst of her hard condition. Even her beauty remained in a great degree unimpaired to a late period of her life."* At her father's death she succeeded to all his personal property, and subsequently contrived to remit large sums annually, from her separate income, to her son, the Electoral Prince, who maintained with her a correspon- dence of an affectionate character. She never quitted Ahiden. That place, which " lies across an unfrequented part of the Electorate, through a dreary tract of country," and is not less than thirty miles from Hanover, is thus described : — " Ahiden is surrounded with a double moat ; the building * WraxaU. 36 TIIE ROYAL PRINCESSES. composed only of brick and wood, resembling rather a large farm-house than a Ducal seat, and forming three sides of a square in figure. " In a large square apartment, which was the eating- room, are preserved two portraits : one of George I. at full length, in his robes of State; the other of Sophia Dorothea herself. This last is very ill-executed ; but it resembles all the other portraits of her which I have seen. She is represented in a sort of fancy dress embroidered, and her hair ornamented with flowers. The face is charm- ing, and there is in its expression a wildness or playfulness, which adds to its effect. " # In the innermost of three chambers on the same floor, one within the other, the unfortunate Princess of Hanover expired, on the 13th of November, 1726, at eleven o'clock at night, after a short indisposition, at the age of sixty years and nine months, forty of which she had passed at Ahlden. It was not George I.'s fate long to survive the wife he had so hardly treated. He set off for Hanover June 23rd, 1727, and a week after died at Osnaburgh, aged sixty-seven years and thirteen days. Had Sophia Dorothea been his survivor, it was the intention of her son to bring her over to England, and proclaim her Queen Dowager. The very morning after the news of George I.'s death reached England, Lady Suffolk, going into Queen Caroline's dress- ing-room, was surprised to behold a full-length portrait of a lady in Royal robes, and in the bedchamber a half- length of the same person, neither of which Lady Suffolk had ever seen before. The Prince, who is said to have hated his father as much as he loved his mother, had kept these pictures concealed, * Wraxall. SOPHIA DOKOTHEA OF HAXOYEK. 37 not daring to produce them during the King's lifetime. The whole-length was probably sent afterwards to Hanover ; the half-length came into the possession of the Princess Amelia, who said it had been her grandmother's property, and who eventually bequeathed it, with other family pictures, to her nephew, the Landgrave of Hesse. Walpole, speaking of the Queen Dowager of Prussia, says — " During the parsimonious barbarity of her hus- band, a pension of 800Z. a-year, on Ireland, had been privately transmitted to her, and she retained it to her death. The Duke of Bedford was persuaded to ask this for the Duchess's sister, Lady Betty Waldegrave, and obtained it." It was believed that George I. had bequeathed a large sum to his daughter, the Queen of Prussia ; and Frede- ric II., King of Prussia, is said to have often claimed his mother's legacy. Ranke says— " Whenever George I. visited Hanover, he always, if possible, arranged a meeting between himself and his daughter and son-in-law. Sometimes he went to Berlin, in order to see his grandchildren, who were then growing up ; but now, often the King and Queen of Prussia went to Hanover, or to a hunting-seat called the Gohrde, on the borders of the Altmark, where huge forests of oak and beech mark the ancient boundaries which separated the Saxon and the Wendish nations. In the summer of 1725 King George I. visited Hanover, accompanied by the English Minister, Lord Townsend — a man who combined fire and boldness with experience, and a thorough know- ledge of business. Frederic William and Sophia Doro- thea went to see him, and they spent most of their time together in the gardens of Herenhausen, which then passed for the finest in the world. 38 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. " The wish entertained by the Queen of Prussia to bring about a fresh alliance between the two families, was ex- ceedingly favourable to the policy of England. Most likely, this scheme had often been talked of before, but nothing definitive had been settled until now. The Queen, who was most affectionately received by her father, now hoped to obtain a positive promise from him to this effect; and Lord Townsend says, in one of his letters, that he does not think that there will be any difficulty about the matter." George II. continued to have a cherished desire to ally two of his own children with two of his cousins of the King of Prussia's family. Sir Charles Hotham, the English King's Ambassador to the Court of Prussia, proposed that Frederick, Prince of Wales, should marry the eldest daughter of the King of Prussia, and his second daughter that King's eldest son. The King of Prussia would not agree to give the Prince of Wales his eldest daughter without having the eldest, and not the second daughter of George, for Frederic, afterwards known as the Great. The young people on both sides deeply desired the pro- posed unions should take place. To further his sister's views, Frederic, Crown Prince of Prussia, formally de- clared he would give his hand to no other than an English Princess. The Ministers employed, entering into a cabal, seem to have dissuaded, by their artifices, King Frederic from entering into this cherished alliance; representing that Prussia would become reduced by it to a mere pro- vince, and himself to a sort of dependent Prince, and under the influence of his future daughter-in-law. The King dreaded nothing more than such a prospect ; and after endless negotiations, the whole matter fell to the ground. In 1728 an open misunderstanding broke out between SOPHIA DOROTHEA OF HAXOYER. 89 the King and the young Frederic. Soon after, the following occurrence took place : — " There was a great dinner at Wusterhausen in celebra- tion of St. Hubert's day ; the Prince sat opposite to the Queen, next to the Saxon Minister, Sulm, and repeated what he had often said to him before, that he could no longer endure the bondage in which he lived ; and that he entreated King Augustus to endeavour to obtain permission for him to travel, in order that he might enjoy a little more liberty. Contrary to his natural inclinations, and hurried away by the example of the company, he drank more than usual ; he spoke so loud as to be heard across the table ; even the Queen's manifest alarm did not restrain the Prince's complaints of his sufferings ; yet every time he looked at his father he was troubled, and interrupted himself, exclaiming — e I love him, nevertheless !' The Queen left the room, but the Prince would not go until he had taken leave of his father. He drew the hand which the King stretched out to him across the table, and covered it with kisses; and in this state of excitement and emotion he went up to him, clasped him round the neck, and threw himself upon his lap. There was not a single person present who was not acquainted with their dispositions towards each other : some loudly cheered the Prince, others shed tears. ' Enough,' said the King, c enough ; only be an honest lad.' At the smoking party in the evening nobody alluded to this incident, nor did the Prince make his appearance, but the King was in unusually high spirits." 1740. — The King's illness increasing so as to become critical, the Crown Prince hastened to Potsdam to see him once more. May 28th, an affecting interview took place be- tween father and son, in which, after giving Frederic much good advice, Frederic William recommended the Queen 40 TIIE HOYAL PRINCESSES. to the care of his successor, whose answer proved he would do more for her than his father required. He afterwards addressed his advice to his younger sons — to be brave sol- diers, faithful and dutiful to their elder brother, and to regard his honour and that of the State in all they did. On the 31st he summoned the whole Court into his presence, to whom he bade a last farewell, and showed them the coffin of oak, with copper bandies, which he had caused to be made for himself, and in which he " designed to sleep." He now requested his physicians to tell him how long he still had to live, whether it was an hour, then half an hour,' and at last a quarter. " God be praised !" said he ; " now all is over." He died that afternoon, between three and four.* " The obsequies of Frederic William I. were held at Potsdam on the 22nd of June. Frederic II. caused them to be celebrated with all possible pomp and splendour, in order that none might say that his father's memory had been rendered less dear to him by that which had for- merly taken place between them. There were, however, others who respected it less. On hearing a report that a bookseller of Amsterdam was printing a Life of Frederic "William, Frederic directed his envoy to make himself acquainted with the contents of the book ; and if he found it to contain anything derogatory to the fame of the late King, to prevent its publication. " The ceremony of interment was altogether military, in harmony with the character of the deceased sovereign. Frederic rejected the services of Pollnitz, who offered himself as master of the ceremonies, and chose to be attended solely by generals, such as Prince Leopold and the Duke of Holstein-Beek. A number of other officers * Iuiiike's " History of the House of Brandenburg." SOPHIA DOROTHEA OF HA^OVEB. 41 followed, not in any regular order of precedence. The three battalions of the tall regiment once more went through all the evolutions with their accustomed pre- cision — for even the new recruits had been drilled with the utmost care — and paid the last honours to the sove- reign who had raised them in the manner most congenial to his spirit. They attracted all the more attention, as every one knew that this was the last time that they were to be seen." # This regiment was disbanded directly afterwards by Frederic, for the sake of economy, who incorporated the best and most finely grown, but not the tallest men, with the regiment which he himself had commanded when he was Crown Prince, and thus formed three battalions of Foot Guards. The Queen survived her brutal husband, and in the affectionate and dutiful solicitude of her son, whom his father once thought of beheading — as Voltaire states, because he wrote verses — she found many consolations for the evening of her days. Her health had never been robust, yet she lingered on through many years of great bodily and mental suffering. It was expected that, influenced by his mother, the new King would entirely fall into the views of England, having in his youth had so great a preference for that country, and by his birth being, through mother and grandmother, a relation of the House of Hanover. But the heart of Frederic was changed, and " cured of its predilection for England;" and from the time of his accession he dis- pensed entirely with the female influence in his political actions ; therefore, one of the most ardent wishes his ambitious mother had entertained of governing through * Banke's " History of the House of Brandenburg." 42 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. her influence over him was disappointed. Sophia Dorothea herself feeling personally aggrieved by George II. having suppressed his father's will, by which a legacy had been bequeathed to her, was not indeed disposed, on her part, to side with her brother, the English King. " Frederic II. enlarged his mother's residence of Mon Bijou, and gave her a more brilliant Court. When he begged her not to address him with the title of ' Ma- jesty,' but to call him ' son,' as heretofore, a name dearer to him than any other, this was no empty form, but the expression of a sincere feeling of reverence and gratitude. He wished to remove all the petty inconveniences which she had hitherto endured. "He stood in a very peculiar relation towards the Queen, his wife. He felt constantly that he had been forced into the marriage, and he was not disposed to sub- mit to this constraint all his life. Every one in Berlin, expected that he would divorce her ; but Elizabeth Chris- tine had, in her very difficult position, preserved so much womanly dignity, and had shown such excellent moral qualities, that the King could never have brought himself to so harsh an act. He gave her an honourable, and, considering the circumstances of the case, a splendid household,* together with the means of receiving a nu- merous and brilliant society. He himself never appeared at her assemblies, not even at the very beginning; he learned from others how she played her part. Altogether * " The new Queen had four ladies in waiting, with a high salary, and the title of Madame ; four maids of honour, with a small salary, and the title of Mademoiselle ; one Mistress of the Bobes, a Master of the Ceremonies, one Marshal of the Court and Chamherlain, twelve and whatever else belonged to such a ceremonial. None of the ladies in waiting were to be foreigners." — Eanke's "History of the House of Brandenburg." SOPHIA DOROTHEA OF HAIN'OVEK. 43 he saw her very seldom ; much less was she the com- panion of his daily life. Such was the fate imposed upon them through each other. Frederic himself continued, only without his wife, the same sort of life at Chariot - tenburg that he had led at Kheinsberg." Sophia Dorothea enjoyed to the time of her death, when she was more than seventy, the affectionate attachment of her family and her subjects. She died only ten days after the memorable defeat at Colin, in June, 1757, leaving her son and the Prussian monarchy itself in the most perilous crisis. The eldest daughter of the Queen was the celebrated Marchioness of Bareith. Princess Frederica Louisa, the King's second daughter, married the Margrave of Brandenberg-Anspach. Philippina Charlotte, the third daughter of Sophia Dorothea, was promised to Charles, Hereditary Prince of Brunswick-Bevern, nephew to the Empress Regent, and married in 1734. Wraxall relates that, " Of the King's four sisters, only one, the Princess Amelia, youngest of Frederic William's numerous family, has remained unmarried. She occupies a splendid palace in one of the best streets of the metro- polis, and Frederic, who regards her with great affection, usually breakfasts with her whenever he occasionally visits Berlin. Having been elected Abbess of Quedlin- bourg in 1751, the income arising from that ecclesiastical preferment enables her to maintain an establishment suit- able to her birth. Her endowments of mind are said to be extraordinary, but her health and constitution are altogether broken by disease, though she is scarcely fifty- four years of age. Such are her infirmities, that she has entirely lost an eye and the use of one arm ; in conse- 44 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. quence of which she is seldom seen in public, and never appears at Court."'"' The present King of Prussia is a lineal descendant of Sophia Dorothea, the second Queen of Prussia, and of George I., her father. * Wraxall's " Memoirs of tte» Cwrt. cf Berlin." 45 ANNE OF HANOVER, PRINCESS ROYAL, ELDEST DAUGHTER OF GEORGE II, AFTEBTTAKDS PKI^CESS OF OBANCKE. Birth of the Princess Royal at Hanover, 1709 — Queen Anne her god- mother — Present from her — Comes toEngland — Lands at Margate — Spends the first night at Rochester — Arrival in London — Miss Brett — Royal reading-lesson — Coronation of her grandfather — Birth of her brother, 1717 — Proposal to unite her to Louis XV. — Match broken off — Marriage contracted with William Charles Henry, Prince of Orange — Her ambition — Described by Lord Hervey — Prince's per- sonal appearance — The King's message to Parliament — Handsome allowance made on the occasion — Object of the match to secure Protestant succession — Prince's personal estate and income — Anne agrees to part with her guards — Her dresser appointed — Yacht despatched for the bridegroom — Horace Walpole his escort — Lord Lovelace appointed to meet him — Lodged in Somerset House — Strange reception given him by the King — Visited by the nobility — Queen sends for Lord Hervey — His account of the Prince — Her opinion of the match — He visits the Princesses — Their interview with Lord Hervey — Illness of the Prince — Postponement of the marriage — The event takes place — Anne's personal appearance — Questions as to precedency — Irish Peers dissatisfied — Duchess of Marlborough, and Frederick Prince of Wales, displeased — Prince of Wales escorts Prince of Orange to the principal sights of London — Opinions about the Prince — Departure of Anne — Letter from Miss Dyves, announcing her safe arrival, and account of her recep- tion — Further particulars — Anne returns to England in three months — Starts for Holland previous to her confinement — Gets as far as Colchester — On receipt of the Prince's letters returns to the English Court — Her strange conduct — Starts a second time — Re- turns again — Vexation of the King and Queen — They insist on her return — Letter from Miss Dyves — Death of Queen Caroline — Mes- sage to the Prince of Orange — Anne comes over to console her E 46 THE EOTAL PRINCESSES. father — His abrupt reception — She returns to Holland — Her cha- racter and accomplishments — Death of Frederick Prince of Wales — Death of the Prince of Orange — The cause — Anne previously had acted as Regent — On her husband's death takes the oaths as Gouvernante for her son — Embassy of Lord Holdernesse, with her father's advice — How received — Dubacq, the Princess's secretary — His influence over her — The House in the Wood described — Survives her husband ten years — Prevents a rupture between England and Holland — Signs a contract of marriage between her daughter and the Prince of Nassau Walburg — Her death — De- scendants of Anne. Anne, daughter of George, Electoral Prince of Hanover, by Caroline of Anspach, was born at Hanover on the 9th of October, 1709. Her grandfather was at that time Elector of Hanover, and her godmother, Queen Anne, sat upon the throne of England. When only two years old, a letter was addressed by the latter to the Dowager Electress Sophia, bearing date November 11th, 1711, and accompanied by a present to her godchild Anne — both letter and present being conveyed by Earl Rivers. The Electress, in her reply, communicated to the Earl of Straf- ford, Secretary of State, remarks that " the gift is infinitely esteemed;" and adds, "I would not, however, give my parchment (by which she is thought to have alluded to the Act of Succession) for it, since that will be an everlasting monument in the archives of Hanover ; and the present for the little Princess will go, when she is grown up, into another family." The death of the Queen, her god- mother, when the little Princess was in her fifth year, caused George I. to repair to England, to take pos- session of his new dominions. Shortly after he was fol- lowed by Caroline, now no longer styled the Electoral Princess, but " Princess of Wales," in consideration of her husband's being next heir to the crown of England. The aotte or ha^oyee. 47 eldest son of the Princess was left at Hanover, of whom much has to be said hereafter ; but Caroline brought with her to England her three young daughters. Anne, Amelia Sophia, and Caroline Elizabeth. They arrived in safety- October loth, 1714, and were met by the Prince, who escorted his family to the metropolis, and conducted them, on their arrival there, to the Palace of St. James's. Less pleasing in character than any of her sister Prin- cesses of the Hanoverian line was the Princess Anne, who, from her earliest infancy, exhibited latent seeds of an ambition and pride which could only be extinguished with her life. Many instances are on record. After the memorable, but lamentable misunderstanding took place between the King and the heir to the throne, the Prince and Princess of Wales were ordered by George I. to quit their residence at St. James's. They established themselves at the Palace in Saville-place, Leicester-square, where they continued till the King's death, which occurred June 30th, 1727. Their three daughters, however, resided at St. James's, under the same roof as then' grandfather, the King, and thus be- came exposed to a circumstance, which, young as was Princess Anne at the time, called forth no small share of her natural spirit. The circumstance alluded to was her treatment of Miss Anne Brett, sister of the poet Savage, and one of the worth- less favourites of her grandfather ; who, strange to say, had become located under the same roof with herself and sisters. Anne was old enough at the time to feel this insult deeply ; and, after the King departed for his last visit to Hanover, came to some words expressive of her sentiments towards Miss Brett, on the following occasion. The lady alluded to had ordered a door to be 4$ THE EOTAL PRINCESSES. broken in the wall of her apartment, in order that she might have access by it to the Boyal gardens. The Princess Anne was in the habit of walking in those gar- dens, and being determined not to have Miss Brett for a companion, she gave orders that the door should be bricked up. Miss Brett, on her part, removed the obstruction to her own wish ; again did the Princess order that it should be bricked up as before — a warfare which was terminated only by the death of George I. (June 30th, 1727), which placed the Princess's parents on the throne, and entirely altered her own position, as well as put a stop to proceedings so derogatory to the Royal dignit} r . Another incident recorded of Anne, when very young, speaks volumes. She told her mother how very much she wished that she had had no brothers, that she herself might succeed to the crown. Caroline of Anspach reproving her for the remark, she said — " I would die to-morrow to be Queen to-day !" Such was her haughty and imperious disposition, that she had but small consideration for, or gentleness towards, those who waited upon her, even from inclination, a defect which her mother severely corrected. She discovered that the Princess was accustomed to make one of her ladies in waiting stand by her bedside every night, and read aloud to her till she fell asleep. On one occasion, the Princess kept her lady standing so long, that she at last fainted from sheer fatigue. On the following night, when Queen Caroline had retired to rest, she sent for her offending daughter, and requested her to read aloud to her for awhile. The Princess was about to take a chair, but the Queen said she could hear her better if she read standing. Anne obeyed, and read till fatigue made her pause. "Go on," said the Queen; "it enter- AITN"E O* .UAtfOYEE. 49 tains me." Anne went on, sulkily and wearily, till in- creasingly weary she once more paused for rest, and looked round for a seat. " Continue, continue," said the Queen; "I am not yet tired of listening." Anne burst into tears with vexation, and confessed that she was tired, both of standing and reading, and was ready to sink with fatigue. " If you feel so faint from one evening of such employment, what must your attendants feel, upon whom you force the same discipline night after night ? Be less selfish, my child, in future, and do not indulge in luxuries purchased at the cost of weariness and ill-health to others !" Such was the address of her sensible mother. This was a wholesome lesson ; but, alas ! little profit did the young Anne make of it : she was so proud and egotistical that few could love her. Anne was only sixteen years of age when the Duke de Bourbon proposed to Louis XV. that he should make her his Queen, a match which certainly would have coincided with the ambitious views of the young lady herself. The contract was entered into between the two Boyal families of France and England ; but when it became apparent that the Princess Anne's becoming a French Queen would in- volve a necessity of her adopting the Boman Catholic faith, the subject was abruptly brought to a close, it being justly deemed one not to be thought of by a family, whose right to the English throne rested on the basis of a main- tenance of the Protestant principles. So Anne resigned herself as well as she could to the loss of her coveted bauble — a golden crown ! Eventually, and but a few years later, she determined upon the less ostentatious dignity of Princess of Orange ; and resolved, in spite of the personal deformities of Prince William Charles Henry, who is said to have had " a wry neck and a halt in his gait," to marry 50 THE EOTAL PRINCESSES. that Prince, provided the consent of her parents was ac- corded to the match. Neither George II. nor Caroline of Anspach in this matter interfered with their daughter's inclinations ; they, however, knew she was acquainted with her future husband only through the medium of pictures, never once having seen him, and therefore the King thought it advisable to inform his daughter that " the Prince was the ugliest man in Holland.' ' " I do not care," said Anne, "how ugly he may be. If he were a Dutch baboon I would marry him." " Nay, then, have your way," said George ; " have your way ; you will find baboon enough, I promise you !" Indeed, if Lord Hervey's account be to be trusted, the Prince's figure actually re- sembled that of a dwarf: he complains rather coarsely of his bad breath ; but even he admits that the Prince's " face was not bad, and his countenance was sensible." Anne neither was influenced at the time in her choice by these defects alluded to, nor subsequent to her marriage, for it appears that she became seriously and permanently attached to her chosen husband ; which proves her, in one respect at least, superior to the common opinions of her sex. Her considerations, in the first instance, were not a little influenced by the dread of becoming dependent on her brother Frederick, in the event of her father's death. Still the Prince of Orange was not a rich potentate, and there w^ere some sacrifices to be made hj Anne's pride on this occasion, of which one was the parting with her guards, to which she consented, as a matter of small im- portance. The marriage being determined upon, it was communi- cated by the King to both Houses of Parliament by a suitable message. This was in 1733, at which date Anne was in the twenty-fourth year of her age. It was stated ANNE OF HANOVEB. 51 that the ohject of the King was to strengthen the Pro- testant succession by this alliance with a family and name always dear to this nation. The Parliament voted the Princess on this occasion 80,000Z., just double what had been given before under similar circumstances. The Prince's private income was not clear 12,000Z. a-year, for it was so encumbered by debts and other drawbacks that it was reduced to that sum, although nominally double. The following letter from Mrs. Conduit to Mrs. Clayton was written in the hope of obtaining for Mrs. Burr, a rela- tive of Sir Isaac Newton, the place of dresser to the Princess Eoyal. Mrs. Conduit's husband had been appointed Warden of the Mint in 1727 on the death of Sir Isaac Newton, a post given afterwards to Sir Andrew Fountaine, of Norford. " Mrs. Conduit to Mrs. Clayton. " May 1, 1733. " Madam, " I have a greater favour to beg at Court than I can hope to obtain, unless you will be pleased to intercede for me. It is to ask a Dresser's place to Princess Eoyal, to Mrs. Burr, niece to Sir Isaac Newton, and daughter to Colonel Barbor, who lost his life in that fatal party expedition to Canada. She married the eldest son of Mr. Burr, a Dutch gentleman, who, about fifteen years ago, came over to inherit 4000Z. a-year, two of which lies in Burr-street, near the Tower, and the other half about Harwich. Notwithstanding this great estate, he suffers his son (a thing not common in England) to struggle with so short a fortune as no economy can recon- cile to his birth and expectations. To be placed in a Eoyal family, in whose cause at and ever since the Eevo- 52 THE EOTAL PRINCESSES. lution ours have had the honour to signalize themselves, and under such an incomparable mistress, in a country where they have many friends and relations (her mother being also a Dutchwoman), would make them supremely happy. " You, Madam, may be assured, though she is my niece, I durst not presume to recommend her to the service of the Royal family, if her merit did not entitle her to be distinguished by those who patronize the worthy. She has had both a genteel and prudent education, has a very good understanding, and such temper and goodness, joined with discretion (at three-and-twenty), as have carried her through a life of difficulties. Such objects look upon you, Madam, as their sure mediator to the source of bounty, and your favour therein shall be always acknowledged with the utmost gratitude by, Madam, " Your most obliged and most obedient humble servant, " C. Conduit." All the requisite arrangements preparatory to the joyful event which was to take place having been made, at the close of the year 1733 a yacht was ordered to Holland to bring the Prince of Orange over to this country, Horace Walpole having been selected as his attendant hither. The Prince arrived safely at Greenwich, November 7th, and was lodged in Somerset House. George II. 's conduct on the occasion of his future son-in-law's coming has been much commented upon, and certainly not without jus- tice. He appears to have regarded him as a mere nobody, who came over to be ennobled by a marriage with his daughter, for he would not suffer any honours to be paid to the Prince on his arrival. The guns were not allowed ANNE OF HANOVEB. 53 to salute, nor were the military ordered to be turned out. Lord Lovelace was in waiting with one of his Majesty's coaches to receive him on his landing ; but Lord Hervey had considerable difficulty in obtaining permission to con- vey the King's compliments to the newly-arrived bride- groom at Somerset House, where the Prince afterwards received numerous visits of congratulation from the nobility and gentry. Scarcely had Lord Hervey returned to the Palace after his interview with the Prince of Orange, when the Queen summoned him to her presence to obtain what information he might be able to give of her daughter's intended hus- band. Lord Hervey owned he had been most agreeably disappointed in his interview with the Prince ; that al- though not to be called an " Adonis," " his countenance was far from being disagreeable, and his address was sensible, engaging, and noble ;" moreover, his understand- ing deserved to be praised. He expressed his fear that the Princess must herself be in a great deal of anxiety. The Queen told him that in that he was mistaken ; she was in her own apartment at her harpsichord with some of the Opera people, and that she had been as easy all that afternoon as she had ever seen her all her life. " For my part," added Queen Caroline, " I never said the least word to encourage her to this marriage, or to dissuade her from it ; the King left her, too, absolutely at liberty to accept or reject it ; but as she thought the King looked upon it as a proper match, and one which, if she would bear his person, he should not dislike, she said she was resolved if it was a monkey she would marry him." One of the visitors, Lord Chesterfield, writes in these terms of the Prince of Orange : — " As far as I am able to judge from half an hour's conversation only, I think he 54 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. has extreme good parts. He is perfectly well bred and civil to everybody, and with an ease and freedom that is seldom acquired but by a long knowledge of the world. His face is handsome ; his shape is not advantageous as could be ivished, though not near so bad as I had heard it represented. He assumes not the least dignity, but has all the affability and insinuation that is necessary for a person that would raise himself in a popular government. " Lord Hervey's next visit was to the Princesses, who were eagerly awaiting the description of their new brother- in-law, and inquired if they might hope to have a more true one, now he was in the same town, than had alreadjr been given by those who had only seen him in Holland. In allusion, probably, to the story of " the baboon," Princess Caroline spoke of him as "the animal;" not the most elegant epithet, nor the strongest evidence of respect to the new member of the Royal family, which might have been adopted ; but had most likely been used playfully ; neither herself nor sisters seem to have testified much sensibility towards the Prince, who was so soon to become a brother. The nuptials were to have been solemnized without delay ; but soon after the arrival of the Prince he was taken so exceedingly ill, that it became evident he would be unable to appear at the altar on the appointed day, so that the ceremony was necessarily postponed inde- finitely. During his illness the conduct of the Poyal family was still more remarkable, for not one of its mem- bers visited him, a circumstance freely commented upon by the Dutch suite. His was a case not likely to be rapid in convalescence : it was not till the following January that the invalid was enabled to travel by easy stages to Bath, then the place of fashionable resort, and the waters AtftfE OF HANOYES. 55 esteemed a certain cure for every sort of disease. After recruiting his health at that place for a month, the Prince of Orange was enabled in February to appear at Oxford, where he dined, and received the compliments of the University. At the end of the month after that, the Princess Royal's marriage to him took place at the French Chapel, St. James's, the Bishop of London performing the nuptial ceremony. This event took place on the evening of the 24th of March, 1733. On the occasion the bridegroom was attired in a " rich suit of cloth of gold ;" the bride in " virgin robes of silver tissue, having a train six yards long, which was supported by ten Dukes' and Earls' daughters, all of whom were attired in robes of silver tissue." At midnight the Royal family supped in public, and the bridal pair did not retire until two in the morning to the State apartment prepared ; when the usual ceremonial of sitting up in bed, " in rich undresses," while the whole company defiled before them, followed. Such was the custom in the times of which we write. Much has been said on the personal appearance of the bridegroom ; but, generally speaking, it is the bride of whom most notice is taken on these occasions. Anne of Hanover is said to have possessed a clear complexion, and to have been extremely fair, but unfortunately marked with the small-pox. She was not reckoned to possess elegance of figure, and was rather inclined to embonpoint. There were many questions about precedency on the occasion of the Princess Royal's marriage. Lord Hervey was master of the ceremonies. It had been arranged that the Irish peers should walk in the procession after the entire peerage of Great Britain, at which they conceived themselves entitled to complain, and petitioned to follow 56 TIIE ROYAL PRINCESSES. those of their own degree of the peers of England and Scotland. The difference between the respective parties ran so high, that it ended in Lord Hervey leaving out altogether the names of the Irish peers from his list, and saying, that if they were not satisfied, they might walk through the procession in any order they pleased on the day after the wedding ! The Duchess of Marlborough had been most seriously annoyed at the postponement of the Princess Royal's mar- riage, as the preparations necessary to be made on the oc- casion involved a temporary blockading of her mansion, Marlborough House, Pall-Mali, by a boarded gallery erected close to her windows, and of course excluding the light. It was for the purpose of accommodating the bridal procession. During the whole term for which the grand event was postponed the boards remained up, to the Duchess's great vexation, who often called attention to them by observing, " I wish the Princess would oblige me by taking away her Orange chest V The Chapel Royal when completed was truly splendid. The gallery was contrived very commodiously ; on each side were erected* three rows of seats, railed in, which, with the floor and sides, were covered with scarlet baize. The chapel was lighted with thirty-six branches, each holding twelve large wax-candles, and one hundred and twenty-six sconces, each holding three smaller wax-candles. At one end of the chapel was a splendid altar, before which the nuptial ceremony was performed ; on the right of which was a throne, with two chairs of State for their Majesties. Adjacent to the throne was a canopy of State for their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Cumberland, and the Princesses Amelia and Caroline ; and facing the Royal throne were erected two chairs of AXX& OJf HANOVEK. 57 State, on which their Highnesses the newly-married couple sat, while the anthem,* appropriately selected, and composed by the celebrated Handel, was performed. The aisles on each side of the altar, and the two side gal- leries, were hung with crimson velvet, trimmed with broad gold lace and fringe. One of the galleries was ap- propriated to the two youngest Princesses, and the nobility who did not walk in the procession, and the other to the foreign Ambassadors. The area, or Jiaut-pas, near the altar, was covered with fine purple cloth, on which their Majesties stood during the ceremony. In the front gallery were erected twelve rows of seats, as well as six in the front, and four below, which were covered with fine scarlet harrateen, and were allotted to the nobility who as- sisted in the procession. Over the altar was erected another gallery, in which was stationed his Majesty's band of music. The processions to and from the chapel were of a most splendid and magnificent description. That of the bride- groom led the way, preceded by a numerous and well- appointed band, with the sergeant-trumpeter in his collar of SS and mace, which filed off at the entrance of the chapel, and so returned with each separate procession. The bridegroom followed in his nuptial apparel, invested with the Collar of the Garter, and conducted by his Grace the Duke of Grafton, Lord Chamberlain, and sup- ported by the Earls of Scarborough and Wilmington, Knights of the Garter, and both bachelors, wearing their collars. His Highness the bridegroom was then con- ducted to his seat at the altar, and the Lord Chamberlain * Four months before the celebration of this marriage, Handel had the honour to conduct the rehearsal of the music composed for the occasion before their Majesties and the Royal family at St. James's. 58 THE HOYAL PRINCESSES. and Vice-Chamberlain returned back to conduct the bride. Next followed the procession of the bride, in a similar manner, preceded by her Royal Highness' s Gentleman Usher, between two provincial Kings-at-Arms. Her Royal Highness was attired in a splendid nuptial habit, with a coronet, conducted by the Lord Chamberlain and the Vice-Chamberlain, and supported by the Prince of Wales and the Duke of Cumberland, wearing collars of the Order of the Garter ; her train supported by ten young unmarried ladies, daughters of Dukes and Earls, appointed for this purpose; those of the highest degrees nearest her person, all dressed in white. They were Ladies Fanny Manners, Caroline Campbell, Louisa Bertie, Caroline Pierpoint, Betty Seymour, Ann Cecil, Di Gray, Caroline D'Arcy, Fanny Montague, and Anne Pierpoint. The Prince of Wales was preceded by his ser- vants, one by one, in a line before him ; the Duke's and the bride's in the same manner. Then unmarried ladies, daughters of peers, two-and-two, the highest degrees nearest the bride, and peeresses in the same manner. The bride was then conducted to her seat opposite to the bridegroom ; her Royal brothers and their several retinues to the stations allotted them ; and the Lord Chamberlain and Vice-Chamberlain returned to the palace as before. The procession of their Majesties then proceeded to the chapel in the following manner : — Knight-Marshal ; pur- suivants ; heralds ; Knights of the Bath, not peers, in the collars of their Order, two-and-two, according to their seniorities, juniors first ; Privy Councillors, not peers ; Sir Robert Walpole, with his collar; Sir Conyers D'Arcy, K.B., with his collar, as Comptroller of the Household ; Barons, Bishops, Viscounts, Earls, Marquises, Dukes, each degree AXKB OP HA^OYEE. 59 two-and-two, according to their precedences, those being Knights of the Thistle, Garter, or Bath, wearing their respective collars ; two provincial Kings-at-Arms ; Lord Privy Seal; Lord Chancellor; Garter Principal King-at-Arms between two Gentlemen Ushers; the Earl Marshal, with his gold staff; the Duke of Montague, K.G., with the sword of State, supported by the Lord Chamberlain and the Vice- Chamberlain ; his Majesty, with the great Collar of the Garter ; Captain of the Guards, with the Captain of the Band of Pensioners on his right, and the Captain of the Yeomen of the Guard on his left; Earl of Pembroke, Lord of the Bedchamber in Waiting; Sir Robert Eich and Colonel Campbell, the Groom of the Bedchamber in Waiting ; her Majesty, preceded by Mr. Coke, her Vice-Chamberlain, and supported by the Earl of Grantham, her Lord Chamber- lain, and the Earl of Pomfret, her Master of the Horse ; the Princesses Amelia, Caroline, Mary, and Louisa, each supported by two Gentlemen Ushers ; the Ladies of her Majesty's Bedchamber, Maids of Honour, and Women of the Bedchamber, each degree two-and-two, according to their precedences ; closed by the Gentlemen Pensioners in two rows on each side. During the procession the organ played. On entering the chapel each person was placed according to rank. Divine service then commenced, and after the Bishop of London had given the blessing, their Majesties and the bride and bridegroom removed to the altar. The Prince of Orange then taking the Princess by the hand, chey knelt, and were joined in holy matrimony according to the ceremony of the Church of England ; after which they arose, and resumed their seats during the performance of the anthem. The procession then returned, and as soon as it had 60 THE ROTAL PI1INCESSES. arrived at the door of the lesser drawing-room, the com- pany stopped ; but their Majesties, the Prince of Wales, the Duke, the bride and bridegroom, and the Princesses went in, when the Prince of Orange and Princess Royal knelt, and asked their Majesties' blessing. " At eleven, the Eoyal family supped in public in the great State ball-room. Their Majesties were placed under a canopy at the head of the table. On the right hand sat the Prince of Wales, the Duke, and the Prince of Orange ; and on the left, the Princess Eoyal, Princesses Amelia, Caroline, and Mary. The Countess of Hertford performed the office of carver. About one the bride and bridegroom retired, and were afterwards seen by the nobility sitting up in their bedchamber in rich undresses. " A few days after this marriage the Eoyal pair, with the Princesses, went to view the paintings by Mr. Yander Myn, at his house in Cavendish-square. His Serene Highness was so much pleased with these performances, that he ordered a whole length portrait of himself to be painted in the robes of the Garter. The painter performed his commission in one of the Princesses' apartments in St. James's Palace with so much success, that the Prince of Wales was induced to sit for his picture. During the necessary interviews the Prince became so attached to the painter, that, as a mark of his condescension and esteem, he requested his sister, the Princess of Orange, who had a fine taste for the arts, to make a drawing of Mr. Vander Myn's portrait, for which the painter had the honour to sit. Her Eoyal Highness obligingly performed the draw- ing with a delicate and masterly execution." # For a whole week after the marriage, Frederick Prince * Pyne's " Eoyal Residences." ANNE OF HANOYEB. 61 of Wales, who was not particularly pleased at the Princess Royal having married before himself, escorted his brother- in-law to all the sights in the metropolis. Afterwards a bill of naturalization was passed, being brought in and read three times in the same day. More than this, as though the King's heart was indeed warming in earnest to his new relative, he sent a written message to the Commons, announcing his intention of settling 5000Z. a-year on the Princess Royal, which grant the King requested they would enable him to make for the life of the Princess, or it would terminate on his own death. The consent was readily given, and the Prince of Orange was made ac- quainted with the circumstance. Meanwhile the bride prepared to bid adieu to her former home and family. Par from admitting that she was to be pitied for the choice she had made, as some had intimated, on account of the Prince's personal appearance, she testi- fied the utmost affection for her husband. As Lord Her- vey remarked, " She made prodigious court to him, ad- dressed everything she said to him, and applauded every- thing he said to everybody else." Her sisters widely differed in opinion as to their sister's felicity in the match. Amelia declared " such a man no power on earth should have forced her to wed." Caroline approved of the choice of Anne as a wise one ; and said, had she been similarly situated, she would have done the same. The bridegroom did not, on his part, show much emo- tion towards either his bride or her family in his conduct, which appears to have been uniform and polite. Frederick Prince of Wales chose to be displeased with Anne for having married before him and accepted a settlement from her father, who had given none to him. (52 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. It was not till the 10th of April, 1734, that the Prince and Princess set forth from St. James's, on their route for Holland. Miss Dorothy Dyves, who attended her Eo}^al Highness the Princess Anne to Holland on the occasion of her nuptials, addressed the following letter on that occasion to Mrs. Clayton, her aunt, afterwards Lady Sundon. " Miss Dorothy Dyves to Mrs, Clayton. "Zeewarden, May 11, 1734. "Dear Madam, "As I am so far from my best friends, I hope it will be an excuse for the following long letter ; but I really believe myself so much in your favour, that you will not be displeased. " I must first thank you for your very kind letter. I had no small pleasure in showing it to my mistress, who said, ' Dyves, I am glad to see Mrs. Clayton loves you so well.' She also said you had given me an account of the election 3i sensible, and like yourself, and commanded me to make her compliments to you whenever I wrote. I hope you will give me the satisfaction of often hearing from you, which % will be double pleasure to me ; for 1 shall always lay up your letters as good advice, like old gold. " We crossed the Zuyder Sea from Amsterdam in twenty- two hours — (many of them were very sea-sick, but I was not at all so ; the Princess saw she had been told the truth ; she lay in bed all the time, and by that means was pretty well) — and came to Harlingen, where we lay, and continued in the yachts from Saturday noon to Tuesday morning, things not being ready for a public entry. It was indeed very handsome ; the coaches quite new, and ANNE OF HANOVEB. 63 the horses the finest I ever saw. As I made a part of the procession, I can give you but a little account of it ; but what I do know I will trouble you with. There was a leading coach with some of the States ; then followed her Royal Highness and the Prince of Orange in a fine open coach and eight horses ; the Prince of Orange's chariot, empty, followed them.* .... After us came the Princess of Frieze's Maid of Honour, in one of her coaches. We were ordered by our Princess to take care of her every- where. The Maid of Honour is her dresser and every- thing else, for she has no other woman-servant. After this we were followed by near a hundred gentlemen's coaches. From the gate into Friezland, quite up to the drawing-room, were guards to make a lane for us, as close as they could stand on both sides. Their greatest com- pliment was firing past under our noses ; it was so close that they broke several of our windows. The evening concluded with the finest fireworks I ever saw, but they were so long that it was past two before the Princess went to bed, and near four before I did. The Princess of Frieze dined with her Eoyal Highness the day she came, and stayed till late at night. Last night we had a Draw- ing-room, and really very well-looking people, and as fine in clothes and lace as could be without gold or silver. I believe there might be about forty ladies, but more gen- tlemen. The Princess Royal's behaviour quite pleased them. There was no kissing of hands. She stood with them about half an hour and then retired, as in England. Wednesday is fixed for Drawing-room days. We have all orders to be dressed. We have a coach and footman to attend us when we go out. We have just now all ten been to wait on the Princess of Frieze in coaches, though . * The next passage is injured in the original. 64 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. it is not above half a street's length. She was very civil. We all sat down and stayed about half an hour with her ; then took leave, as in a visit Lady Herbert is very civil to me, but Lady Southwell is quite good ; being in the yacht together caused a good deal of intimacy They both endeavour to put us upon the best footing that can be; they were resolved not to sit down with the Princess, unless she asked us. I told them I thought it impossible she could ask any without asking all ; and so we found it. Mr. Talbot went with us, in which he judged ill, for she asks no men to sit, but was obliged to sit down herself as she had women there. The other gen- tlemen belonging to the Princess went this morning ; she stood with them, but did not leave them, as our Royal family does ; so when they thought it a proper time they took leave. Mrs. Charles behaves very civilly to me, in- deed rather friendly than otherwise, and has not let any- thing slip that she could tell the Princess to my advan- tage. Mrs. Swinton is quite angry that I was all the voyage with the Princess, and scolded me one whole day, which vexed me a good deal. Mrs. Charles told the Prin- cess of it, and how well I had behaved upon it. The Princess spoke of it to me and bid me not mind it, for she would raccommode her, as she called it ; and so she has, I believe, for she has behaved very well lately. The Maids of Honour are very well, except poor Miss Howe. .... I have made bold to tell all the young folks that I am very glad to see them in an afternoon, but must have my morning to myself; the two ladies and Mrs. Charles do the same. The first day the Prince of Orange's ser- vants and the pages were coming to my room all day long ; but I assured them it was the last time they should do so, and have been very quiet since. We have people found AKNE OF HAKOYEE. 65 us that clean our rooms and wash for us, so there is no expense of that kind ; sheets and towels are also found, silver candlesticks, and china (tea-things, I mean), and sugar. " The Ladies of the Bedchamber and Maids of Honour dine together, and some of the Prince of Orange's ser- vants. We have a table that holds eight to ourselves, and the Princess's dinner ; so each of us has the liberty to invite one. I have talked a good deal of keeping good company, and I do believe we shall. I invited Miss Her- bert to-day. We have hitherto had none but people that were fit to dine with us. Lady Southwell I have invited to-morrow ; I told Lady Herbert I knew she could not, as she was in waiting. They are all glad to be with us, for we have by much the best table ; no allowance of wine, but may call for what quantity and what sort we please. We have two men to wait. " I think our lodgings very good ; but the Prince of Orange told us he was sorry he could not accommodate us better, but it was only for a little while, and we should find more room in other places .... I am acquainted with Mr. Chevenix. He is quite obliging and civil to me ; he is with me every morning for an hour to teach me French, which is really doing me a very great kindness, and giving himself a good deal of trouble .... You were so good to leave nothing undone that could be useful to me or please me ; I hope and think you will never find me un- grateful. " The Princess depends upon returning to England again in a very little time. She told me to-day that there would not be room for either me or Miss Pott at Court, but that she would send her to her mother, if she liked it, and me wherever I pleased, unless I would be with G6 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. my sister. I told her, if you were in Bedfordshire, I be- lieved you would give me leave to spend some of my time with you. She said, i Mrs. Clayton would be glad of you, Dy ves, and I will send you.' I hope it will not be incon- venient for me to be a little time with you, for I am sure it will give me vast pleasure. I shall also- spend some time with my dear Fanny, if she has room, and some with my good friend, Mrs. Yanbrugh. I cannot, for my life, make myself believe it will be so soon as this summer ; every- body else does believe it, so I keep my thoughts to myself. I do not think anybody but the Princess seems much pleased ; it is two very fatiguing journeys in a very short time, to be sure ; but yet I must own I should be very glad to have an opportunity to spend a little time with you, Madam (my best), and the rest of my friends. I hear, nobody that chooses to stay here, need go ; but every one will be ashamed to do that, for it looks as if they had no place to go to I shall write a word or two to my sister, but cannot possibly write all this over again, and therefore beg the favour of you, Madam, to show it her. The Princess Royal and Prince dine at one o'clock, and sup at nine ; but for all that, it is near twelve before I can get to bed, for we do not sup till they are in bed. Hearing from you, Madam, will give great plea- sure to " Your most dutiful, humble Servant, " Dorothy Dyves." " I hope you will forgive my giving you the trouble of these letters. The Princess ordered me to lay all my letters upon her dressing-table ; but I did not think it right to trouble her with more than one packet, and ANNE OE HANOVEB. 67 I thought directing it to you was the surest way not to have it miscarry. I beg the favour of you to send Mr. Yanbrugh's to the penny post-house." The Mr. Chevenix referred to by the Maid of Honour was chaplain to the Princess Royal, and afterwards married Miss Dyves, the writer. A very pleasing letter from him to Lady Sundon, in behalf of his suit, appears in Mrs. Thomson's Memoirs, by which it appears he was, in point of fortune, not esteemed an equal match to the lady of his choice. In the letter is this passage : — " As to my fortune, I pretend to none. My salary, as chaplain to her Royal Highness, and a living that brings me in 100Z. a-year clear, is all I have ; but the honour of serving the Princess Royal will, I hope, be thought a rea- sonable earnest of some future preferment ; and could I ever be happy enough to obtain your protection, I might flatter myself that I should one day owe to your goodness what I can never expect from my own merit — such a competency of fortune as may make Miss Dyves' choice a little less unequal." It would appear from the following letter, that, however agreeable her position might be, there was some cause of dissatisfaction for Miss Dyves in the conduct of her Royal mistress. " Miss Dorothy Dyves to Mrs. Clayton. "May 29, N.S., 1734. " Deae Madam, " I expect with impatience the pleasure of a letter from you, as you was so good to promise me. I have had one from Fanny, which is all I have had from G8 THE EOTAL PllINCESSES. any of my friends since I came here. The Princess Royal promised me she would write to Princess Caroline to chide Fanny, which I think she deserves ; though, perhaps, as hearing from our friends is our chief satisfaction, we may expect so much. This, I doubt, will be an expense to you, for we can no longer send them post free, and what comes to us we pay for, unless they are actually under the Princess's own cover. Her Royal Highness continues her great goodness to me, and as I read to her, am with her very much. I read five hours yesterday; she commends me very much to Lady Southwell, who is very civil to me. Lady Herbert behaves well enough, but nothing extraordinary. One thing I think is a little odd, which is, that I am the only one she has not asked to dine at her table ; she spoke very handsomely of you, and de- sired her service, whenever I wrote. She either takes something ill from me, or does not like me : I am quite sure I have done nothing to deserve it ; I came over much more biassed to her than Lady Southwell. By my being so much with the Princess, I have been employed to speak to her almost about everybody's business, which makes me well esteemed amongst them ; so I flatter myself you will hear no ill character of me, and that I shall in some degree come up to what you, Madam, were so good to say for me. You may believe, Madam, I never miss an opportunity of naming you to her in the manner you deserve, not only from me, but every one whom you honour with your friendship. I plainly see my Royal mistress has a prodigious good opinion of you, which gives me great pleasure. The greatest compliment we can make the Princess is, to show her our English letters ; so if you have anything to write you do not care she should see, please to send a double letter ; for though I would not AN^E OF HANOVEB. 69 choose she should see all, I would show her the first. She told me to-day we should go to the Hague for ten or twelve days in three weeks' time, and from thence to England, which indeed gives us all great pleasure. By taking proper opportunities, I can already speak to the Princess Eoyal as well as I could to yourself, especially as I have her so much alone. There is a great pleasure in thinking that, some time or other, one may have it in one's power to assist one's friends. I am quite happy that she is pleased with my reading ; I do not find it is at all troublesome to me, but it makes me have little time for anything else. I hope Mr. Clayton is well, and beg my best respects to him, and service to Miss Charlotte Dyves, and I am, dear Madam, " With the greatest respect, " Your dutiful and obliged humble Servant, "D. Dyves." Anne returned to England three months after her mar- riage, much to the annoyance of her father, and not much to the satisfaction of her mother. Lady Hervey (the beautiful Mary Lepel), in a letter addressed to Mrs. Clayton, from St. James's, June 2nd, 1734, announces the circumstance in these words: — "The newspapers will inform you with what cruelty the war in Italy is pursued ; there has been rather a massacre than a battle, the consequence of which is, that there is not a family of any quality at Paris and Vienna that is not in mourning. How happy are we who have nothing to do in it ! and who, whilst they are grieving for those who are gone for ever, are now rejoicing for the return of the Princess Eoyal, who arrived at Kensington at two o'clock this morning." 70 THE EOTAL PRINCESSES. Anne having stayed as long as she possibly could in England, set off for Holland, whither she went for her ' confinement: the Princess had internally resolved that this event should take place in England, to which her brother, Frederick Prince of Wales, would have had a very great objection, as on one occasion the Princess Amelia had remarked to Mrs. Clayton. The Princess of Orange's object, prompted by her innate ambition, was, that her infant should be English horn ; for, as her bro- thers were unmarried, she thought she might yet stand in the line of inheritance to the throne. The Queen, her mother, however, thought it more proper that the wishes of her husband should be regarded, and insisted on Anne's returning to him. After innumerable delays, she de- parted from St. James's for Holland, where the Prince awaited her, her mind occupied up to the last moment of her stay with the triumph of Handel, and success of the Opera. Both were committed by her to Lord Hervey's patronage, when she bade farewell to the metropolis, and in tears set forth for Colchester. On her arrival there, some letters from her husband informed her that he would not be at the Hague so soon as he expected. Anne availed herself of the circumstance to return suddenly to Kensington. " On the following day, the 22nd of October, the Princess Anne suddenly appeared before her parents. They thought her at Harwich, or on the seas, the wind being fair. Tears and kisses were her welcome from her mother, and smiles and an embrace formed the greeting from her father." During her stay in England, Anne became acquainted with the particulars of Lady Suffolk's withdrawal from the Court, and heartily rejoiced at the tidings. The King counted, it is said, on his daughter Anne's affection being ANNE OF HANOYER. * 71 stronger than that of her sisters ; but his daughter's man- ner of speaking of him, if true, was anything but evidence of this, being to the last degree disrespectful, as though she even despised him and thought him tiresome, requiring always novelty in conversation from others, but never having anything new of his own. She filially remarked, " I wish with ail my heart he would take somebody else, that mamma might be a little relieved from the occasion of seeing him for ever in her room!" What a remark, and from a Princess of England ! We would gladly have been spared recording such a sentiment from a child to a parent. Anne, in November, made another effort to return to Holland, but was so much annoyed by the customary inconveniences that she requested of the captain to land her again, declaring that ten days would hardly suffice to enable her to be well enough once again to go on board. It is in vain to attempt anything like a description of the confusion created by this circumstance. Both the King and Queen absolutely insisted that she should depart for Holland by way of Calais, as the kind consideration of her thoughtful husband had suggested ; but she could not accomplish this without passing through London, greatly as the King was annoyed by it, who persisted in saying that she should not stop, but should proceed at once over London-bridge to Dover, and that she should never again come to England in the same condition of health. Well might King Greorge complain of his thoughtless child, for her visit had cost him no less a sum than 20,000Z. His determined manner of treating her had the desired effect. Anne finally returned to Holland, be her reluctance what it might, and there in due time became a mother. The following letter, written on the occasion of the 72 'THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. Princess of Orange's return, by Miss Dorothy Dyves to Mrs. Clayton, is too entertaining to be overlooked here : — " Hague, Dec. 6, N.S., 1734. "Dear Madam, " I had done nryself the honour of writing to you from Harwich, if that place had afforded anything that had been any way agreeable to you. We had a very good passage from thence ; we set sail on Tuesday evening, and arrived at Nelvort by ten on Thursday morning. Friday indeed was a day of very great hardships ; we were to walk from thence to the Brill, which is seven miles. As I never was a tolerable walker, I was reduced to take to an open waggon, which was a most dangerous passage, by reason of the badness of the roads. I was the only one would venture; none of the gentlemen had courage enough to accompany me (self-preservation will always get the better of complaisance) . I went quite by myself, for I did not think it reasonable to make my maid run the hazard of her neck, because I had no legs. The roads were the worst I ever saw, but not so bad as they were represented ; the worst thing to me was the cold — that was so extreme that I had a smarting all over me, as if I had been cut with knives. I got to my jour- ney's end almost an hour before everybody else, and went into a public-house, where I got a good fire and a large quantity of brandy, which soon recovered me ; but indeed, when I first went in, I did not think I could survive it ; I imagined I had lost all my teeth, for they then felt to me all loose. You, Madam, will think this a strange descrip- tion ; but I do assure you I would much rather go out of the world at once than go through it again. I am rejoiced to think the Princess is of so warm a constitution, for ANNE OF HANOVER. 73 though everything will be made as convenient to her as possible, she has a terrible journey to go through ; it troubles me a good deal that I was not with her, because I am fearful I am not so useful to her as I thought myself. We arrived at the Hague about eight on Friday night ; the Prince came to us in half an hour, and told us he was much surprised the Princess did not lie-in in England, after what Dr. Douglas and Dr. Tissue had wrote him. He seemed very uneasy for her, and set out from home to meet her the next morning ; he was extremely gracious and good to us all. We meet with great civilities from the ladies, though they did not come to the Princess when she was here last ; most of them have been with us, which makes me hope they will alter their behaviour to our Royal mistress. Lady Albemarle does not go out, but we have been twice at her assembly by invitation, and are every day invited somewhere. I fear we shall have too much of t it. We were yesterday invited to a concert by a Jew, but as I did not think it would be of any use to the Princess to show him any particular civility, I chose to stay at home. (I believe nobody enjoys being alone so much as those whose fortune casts them into a Court.) I hear we are to have half a year's salary in a very little time, which will be very acceptable to everybody." .... Caroline of Anspach only survived her daughter's marriage till the year 1737, a period of scarcely three years. She did not evince any more inclination to see the Princess of Orange, when upon her death-bed, than Frede- rick Prince of Wales, with whom she had been on such bad terms. The Prince of Orange was informed that his wife's presence was not requisite, and that, in the event of her desiring to come to England for the purpose of seeing 74 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. the Queen, he was to interpose his authority to prevent her doing so. How singular does this seem, that a mother should purposely express the desire for her child's absence, when about to be for ever separated in this world ! There is much in the character of Caroline of Anspach which, great and shining as were the talents she possessed, can scarcely be reconciled with those womanly qualities, which, always beautiful, are most to be admired when viewed in so exalted a position that all who look upward may admire their lustre. On the Queen's death Anne was pre-eminently before the rest of her family in offering consolation to the widowed King, her father. She hastened over from Hol- land, in the hope of seizing the influence that had passed from her mother. Her pretence for the visit was preca- rious health. The King, however, saw through the motive, which, indeed, by her own imprudence had tran- spired, and peremptorily rejected the condolence proffered by this presuming and ambitious daughter. So decided was he in doing so, that Anne returned immediately to Holland. The King, it is said, would not allow her to pass " a second night in the metropolis," but sent her on to Bath, whither her physicians had ordered her last on her return back to Holland. He had not forgotten her quarrels with Miss Brett, and was not desirous of any more family squabbles. Nor did the King ever forgive her for the insult offered to his vanity ; indeed, it is said, that Anne's conduct during the latter part of her life mani- fested no proof of her capability for reigning — evincing neither good sense nor political wisdom. " The Princess Boyal was accomplished in languages, painting, and particularly music. The Queen, and the King too, before their rupture, had great opinion of her ANNE OF HANOYEK. 75 understanding : but the pride of her race, and the violence of her passions, had left but a scanty sphere for her judgment to exercise itself." * The following incident is characteristic of her peculiar style of repartee. On one occasion, when her husband had gone to the camp of Prince Eugene, she returned to England, behaving with as much boldness and freedom as usual. The news reaching the court that Philipsburg had surrendered, the Princess made the following remarks to Lord Hervey thereon, as he was conducting her to her own apartment after the Drawing-room. "Was there ever anything so unaccountable," she said, shrugging up her shoulders, " as the temper of papa ? He has been snapping and snubbing every mortal for this week, because he began to think Philipsburg would be taken ; and this very day that he actually hears it is taken, he is in as good humour as I ever saw him in my life. To tell you the truth," she added in French, " I find that he is so whimsical, and (between ourselves) so utterly foolish, that I am more enraged by his good, than I was before by his bad humour." " Perhaps," answered Lord Hervey, " he may be about Philipsburg as David was about the child, who, whilst it was sick, fasted, lay upon the earth, and covered himself with ashes ; but the moment it was dead, got up, shaved his beard, and drank wine." u It may be like David," said the Princess Poyal, "but I am sure it is not like Solomon !" The same year that Anne, Princess of Orange, lost her brother Frederick, she became herself a widow. The Prince of Orange died October 11th, 1751. " He had not improved in beauty since his marriage, but increasingly ugly as he became, his wife seemed also increasingly * Walpole. 7G THE 110TAL PRINCESSES. jealous of him. Importunate, however, as the jealousy was, it had the merit of being founded on honest and healthy afFection.' , Walpole says, " The Prince is dead, killed by the waters of Aix-la-Chapelle. The Princess Royal was established Eegent some time ago, but as her husband's authority seemed extremely tottering, it is not likely that she will be able to maintain hers. Her health is extremely bad, and her temper is neither ingratiating nor bending. It is become the peculiarity of the House of Orange to have minorities." The immediate cause of the Prince's death was an im- posthume in the head. Although his health had been indifferent, his death was rather sudden and unexpected. Lord Holdernesse was sent over from England by the King — Walpole says, " to learn rather than to teach" — but cer- tainly with letters of condolence to Caroline's widowed daughter. She is said to have received the paternal sym- pathy and advice in the most haughty and insulting manner.* She was proud, perhaps, of being made the Gouvernante of her son, and she probably remembered his peremptory rejection of her own condolence. "The Prince had long been kept out of all share in the government, like his predecessor, King William ; like him, lifted to it in a tumultuous manner, on his country being overrun by the French, and the Stadtholdership made here- ditary in his family, before they had time to experience how little he was qualified to re-establish their affairs. iS'ot that he wanted genius, but he was vain and positive, * George II. was not himself the tenderest father to his children ; Anne was lying dangerously ill at the Hague on the 11th of December, 1735, on which day the King was returning from Hanover to Eng- land, yet it is said, so great was his haste to accomplish the voyage, that he scarcely inquired after the health of his daughter. Als^B OF HA^OVEE. 77 a trifling lover of show, and not master of the great lights in which he stood. The Princess Royal was more positive, and, though passionately imperious, had dashed all oppor- tunities that presented for the Prince's distinguishing himself, from immoderate jealousy and fondness for his person."* On the death of the Prince of Orange the Princess im- mediately took the oaths as Gouvemante to her son, and all orders of men submitted to her as quietly as in a monarchy of the most established duration ; though the opposite faction was numerous, and she herself lethargic, and in a very precarious state of health. Lord Holdernesse was sent to condole and advise her. She, who had long been on ill terms with, and now dreaded the appearance of being governed by, her father, received the ambassador, and three letters written with the King's own hand, in the haughtiest and most slighting manner. Lord Holdernesse was recalled in anger. The Princess, equally unfit to govern or to be governed, threw herself into the arms of France, by the management of one Dubacq, a little secre- tary, who had long been instilling advice into her to draw her husband from the influence of Monsieur Bentinck and Oreffier, the known partisans of England ; the former of whom, immediately after the death of the Prince, refused to admit Dubacq to a Council, to which she had called him, with the chiefs of the Eepublic, at the House in the Wood.f A writer on Holland (Sir John Carr) describes the wood in which the Royal Palace is situated as two English miles long, and three-quarters of a mile broad, containing a fine display of magnificent oaks, growing in native luxu- * Walpole's " Memoirs of Court of George II.," vol. i. p. 206. f Walpole. G db THE BOYAL PRINCESSES. riance. " This wood lias been held sacred with more than pagan piety. The Royal residence is to the right, at the end of the wood. Upon my asking a Dutchman which path led to the ' House in the Wood/ the only appella- tion by which, in the time of the Stadtholder, it was known, he sharply replied, ' I presume you mean the palace in the wood.' This building is merely fit for the residence of a country gentleman, and has nothing princely about it, except the sentry-boxes at the foot of the night of stairs ascending to the grand entrance. Two tall and not very perpendicular poles, from the tops of which is stretched a cord, suspending in the centre a large lamp, stand on each side of the house in front of the palace ; on the left are the coach-houses and stablings, which are perfectly plain, and are just separated from the court-road by a small stunted plantation." In this Palace, amongst many other precious works of art, was the celebrated picture of King William III., who appointed the famous Godfrey Scalken, when he was in London, to paint his portrait by candlelight. The painter placed a taper in the hands of his Majesty, to hold it in a situation most favourable to the designs of the artist, during which the tallow melted and dropped on the fingers of the monarch, who endured it with great com- posure, for fear of embarrassing the painter, who very tranquilly continued his work, without offering to pause for a minute. This blunt enthusiasm for his art cost poor Scalken the favour of the Court, and of persons of fashion ; and he retired to the Hague, where he had a prodigious demand for his small paintings. Anne of England survived her husband seven years, still preserving the ambitious spirit by which she had been characterized throughout life. Her last public offices were ANIS T E OF HAXOVEE. 79 the preventing a rupture about to break out between Great Britain and Holland, in consequence of the m&uy captures we had made of their vessels carrying supplies to the French settlements.^ With this Princess the " ruling passion was strong in death." In her last moments she collected her remaining strength to enable herself to sign a marriage contract between her daughter and the Prince Nassau Walburg, and wrote a letter to the States General, requesting their sanction for the match. Such was the final effort for family aggrandizement of the Princess Royal of England. She died January 2nd, 1759, at the age of fifty. The daughter for whom this last effort of expiring nature was made, was named Caroline. The late King of the Netherlands, son of the Stadtholder, was Anne's grandson, son of that Princess. * Horace Walpole's " Memoirs." a 2 80 AMELIA SOPHIA ELEANORA OF HANOVEK, SECOND DAUGHTER OF GEORGE II. Her birth — Comes to England — Inoculated by Dr. Mead — Letters of Countess Pomfret, from Bath — Character of Amelia Sophia — Her illness — Drawing-room — Over-fatigues herself — Story of the Royal post-bag — Amelia drinks the waters of Bath — Lady Wig- town — Match proposed for her — Dukes of Grafton and Newcastle — Amelia's opinion of them — Swift's character of Grafton — Duke takes too great freedom in his behaviour to the Princess — Card-playing at Court — Duke of Cumberland resigns — Princess interferes in politics — Does not enjoy the King's confidence — Employed by the Ministry — Betrays her brother's secrets to the Queen — Lawsuit respecting Richmond Park — Death of the Princess Caroline — Death of Elizabeth Caroline and Princess of Orange — Allowance intended for Amelia — Does not receive it — Death of the King — His daughter sent for — Will of George II. — Conduct of Princess — Lives at Gunnersbury — Influence in George III.'s marriage — Her masculine habits — Anec- dote of a snuff-box — Presentiment concerning her own death — Dies at an advanced age — Buried in Henry VII. 's Chapel. This Princess was born on the 10th of June, 1711, and accompanied her mother and sisters to England on the accession of her grandfather George I. It was Caro- line of Anspach who had the courage to adopt the new fashion of inoculating for the small-pox in the case of her own children. The beneficial effects of this practice had been remarked by Lady Mary Wortley Montagu when staying in Constantinople ; and, in consequence of her report, Dr. Mead was ordered by their Majesties to inoculate six criminals under sentence of death, but whose lives were spared for this experiment. It proved sue- AMELIA SOPHIA ELEAtfOEA OE HANOVER. 81 cessful; and in the following year, 1721, the Princesses were inoculated, Amelia Sophia being then at the age of eleven. From that time Dr. Mead became physician in ordinary to the King. There were not many incidents worth recording in the earlier part of the time spent in this country by Amelia Sophia. The difference which arose between the King and the Prince of Wales, his son, occasioned the removal of her father and mother from St. James's to Leicester House, where from that time their establishment was fixed ; but their three eldest daughters continued to reside under the same roof as their Royal grandfather, and after the recon- ciliation between the King and his son and daughter, the Prince and Princess of Wales often visited their children at St. James's Palace. The latter might have done so while that misunderstanding existed, had she desired it. One day, when her Royal Highness was on her way to the Palace in a sedan-chair to pay her daughters a visit, one of the chairmen used very gross language to her Royal Highness, spat at her repeatedly, and uttered treasonable expressions against the King. The ruffian was prevented doing any violence by being seized and taken before a magistrate, when, having the audacity to justify the out- rage, he was committed to the Grate-House. # At the time of Greorge I.'s death, Frederick, Prince of Wales, was in his twenty-first year, the Princess Anne in her nineteenth, Princess Amelia in her seventeenth, Princess Caroline in her fifteenth year ; Prince William, Duke of Cumberland, in his seventh, Princess Mary in her fifth, and Louisa in her fourth year. On the removal of the new King and Queen to St. James's, every apartment was inhabited. " Among the * Pyne's " Royal Residences." 82 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. private letters and printed documents of the times, suffi- cient evidence may be found that paternal affection and fraternal harmony prevailed beneath the Royal roof during some years of the beneficent reign of this amiable King and Iris virtuous consort."* Mrs. Clayton, afterwards Lady Sundon, had three nieces of her own maiden name, Dyves. The three Miss Dyves all became attendants on the Princesses — one of them, indeed, in the capacity of Maid of Honour. The letters of these young ladies to their aunt throw much light on the character and habits of their Royal mistresses, as well as the customs of the Court of England in the time of George II. and Caroline of Anspach.f Miss Dorothy Dyves appears to have been appointed Maid of Honour to the Princess Amelia. Her sisters, Frances and Charlotte, like herself, were indebted for their advancement, at a time when their family was in the greatest necessity, to the influence of their celebrated aunt, the Viscountess Sundon, Mistress of the Robes to Caroline of Anspach. The following letter from the Maid of Honour to her aunt, after receiving her new appointment, has no small interest : — "Miss Dorothy Dyves to Mrs. Clayton. " August 14. " I am quite at a loss how to thank my dearest aunt for all your great goodness and concern for me when I was ill, and which, upon all occasions, I have had the vast happiness of always finding the same ; and which I am sure nothing can equal but the duty and love I shall * Pyne's " Royal Residences." f " Memoirs of Lady Sundon." AMELIA SOPHIA ELEAjSTOBA OF HANOVER. 83 ever have for my dear aunt. I am sensible that it is my advantage, as well as inclination, to follow your advice ; and am so thoroughly convinced of its being always right, that I have equally a pride and pleasure in being com- mended by 3 r ou. I went last Sunday to the Lodge, by half an hour after twelve o'clock. Mrs. Neale was in waiting, who carried in the message you bade me send. The Princess sent for me in immediately ; and though I was in a prodigious fright when I went in, the Princess was so mighty good to me, that it lessened it very much. I was with her, I believe, an hour, and said everything you bade me ; which her Eoyal Highness seemed to take mighty well of you, and said you were very good to her, and commended both you and Uncle Clayton extremely. Her Eoyal Highness spoke of you, with regard to me, in a manner that I own was an inexpressible pleasure to me to hear. The Princess spoke a great deal about my be- haviour, and said she should be in the wrong if she did hot like mine. This I could not omit saying, as being very sensible, that whatever I do right is entirely owing to your goodness. I do not mention anything of Monsieur Montendre, because he sent a letter himself, which, I sup- pose, said what he had done. " I am, dear Madam, "Your most dutiful niece and humble Servant, " D. Dtves. " I beg my duty to my uncle." In another letter from Richmond, bearing date August 21st, 1725, Miss Dyves informs Mrs. Clayton — "The Prince, and everybody but myself, went last Friday to Bartholomew Fair ; it was a fine day, so he went by water, and I being afraid, did not go. After the S4 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. fair, they supped at the King's Arms, and came home about five o'clock in the morning. It is with very great' impatience I expect the twelfth of next month, as anybody would do that waited for so great a pleasure as I do in that of seeing my dearest aunt. The Princess is very good to me, and I have great reason to hope she is not dissatis- fied with my behaviour ; and I am sure, when I have the satisfaction of your approving it (besides an inward joy to myself of knowing I am doing right), it is the surest way of being thought well of in the world." The Countess of Pomfret was one of the Ladies of the Bedchamber to Queen Caroline; and her daughter, Lady Louisa, who afterwards married the son of Sir William Clayton, held the same appointment in the household of the Princess Amelia Sophia. The character of the Princess Amelia, in these letters, forms a pleasing contrast to that given of her by Horace Walpole. "Countess of Pomfret to Mrs. Clayton. " Bath, April 22, 1728. 'Dear Madam, " By your own heart, so sensible of friendship, you will easier imagine than I can describe the joy your letter gave me. Your kindness is still surprising, though not new, and every day gives me fresh occasion to love and value you ; yet, in the middle of all this, I must be angry too, for I hear you are in waiting. How can you answer it tf> yourself, to hazard a life so many others have more interest in preserving than yourself? and since you cannot be re- covered enough for that, why does not the Queen forbid you ? I could fill more paper than I have in the world AMELIA SOPHIA ELEANOEA OF HANOVEE. 85> on this subject; but all I can say I natter myself you know already, and justice now obliges me to say something of my present situation ; what I expected to meet withal, you know. Recollect all that has been said to }'ou ; and then I will tell you the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, which T have endeavoured to come at with all the capacity I have. " The Princess Amelia is the oddest, or at least one of the oddest, Princesses that ever was known : she has her ears shut to flattery, and her heart open to honesty. She has honour, justice, good-nature, sense, wit, resolution, and more good qualities than I have time to tell you, so mixed,, that (if one is not a diveT) it is impossible to say she has too much or too little of any ; yet all these do not, in anything (without exception), make her forget the King of England's daughter, which dignity she keeps up with such an obliging behaviour, that she charms eveiybody. Do not believe her complaisance to me makes me say one silible more than the rigid truth ; though I confess she has gained my heart, and has added one more to the number of those few, whose desert forces one's affection. All the rest of our affairs I leave to the description of others, and only tell you what I thought you liked most to hear. " I must end this with what is always uppermost in my thoughts : how much I ought to be, and how ready I ever shall be, to appear, on all occasions, " Dearest Mrs. Clayton's " Most grateful, faithful, and sincere " Friend and Servant, "H. Pomeeet.'* S6 TIIE ROYAL PRINCESSES. "Countess Powfret to Mrs. Clayton. "Bath, April 27, 1728. " It is not the first time (by a great many) that I have found dear Mrs. Clayton as a guardian angel ; though I do not believe the} r have the same indulgence to habitual, or rather natural weaknesses, that you have shown to mine. But I will confess the truth : your kind caution had very little effect, and I have suffered as bad a fit as ever you saw me have, till the Princess frightened me out of it by being much out of order all day yesterday, and the night before. The occasion was this. She had a Drawing-room on Thursday, when it was extremely hot, and she (to oblige people) stayed above two hours ; and, I believe, would not have gone then (though far from well), if I had not ventured to whisper what was o'clock. You may be sure I underwent a good deal of uneasiness before I took that liberty with a Princess of her age. I have told you in my last, in pretty strong terms, what she appeared to me. As to myself, I have examined what has passed, and hope I cannot be hurt from a fair recital. And I am sure you would be charmed to hear her notions of friendship, honour, and sincerity — sure, they cannot be only repetition. I had another reason to say what I did ; which was, to set in your view a lady who is not of the same opinion with myself. I could say some things upon that subject would surprise you ; but though I could trust you with ai^thing and everything, yet I dare not do so by the postman. " I am impatient to hear from you, and of you (and always on your own account first) ; the latter satisfaction I had to-day, by Dr. Tisier, who told me Dr. Friend wrote him word you were well, though too weak for waiting. AMELIA SOPHIA ELEANOEA OE HAltfOVEE. 87 Pardon me if I differ from you, when you say you had reasons to wait ; I cannot find the least shadow of any, when your health is in the "balance. Dear Madam, I fear my own pleasure to-day has carried me beyond yours ;' which I am sure, for a thousand causes, ought ever to be the first consideration of " Dearest Mrs. Clayton's " Most affectionate and most faithful " Friend and humble Servant, " H. POMEEET. " Since I wrote to you, Princess Amelia tells me the Queen has received no letter from me since I came to Bath, which surprises me very much ; for I have enclosed all to my Lord, and received often, but not always, his answers to those letters I enclosed them in. The Princess Royal wrote it to her sister, and we both believe the pages must have lost them. I know your goodness, without my deserving it, will help me in this affair with the Queen." " The Countess of Pomfret to Mrs. Clayton. " Bath, May 6, 1728. " Deaeest Madam, " Having every post the pleasure to hear by my Lord you are well, I might excuse you from the trouble of my epistles, if I had not a more than ordinary pleasure in telling you how much I love you, and how impatiently I wish to see you. Tour kindness, dear Madam, in absence or when present, is so constantly the employment of my thoughts, that it can produce only esteem and wonder for you ; and as all goods have their evils with them, so it is my fortune to be for ever obliged, without being able to SS THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. make any other return than what is a new obligation to accept — fruitless gratitude — and empty, though sincere, wishes of happiness to you in all things. " I hear from London, that it is said at St. James's I have affronted a woman of great qualit} r , by leaving of her out in an invitation to play at cards with the Prin- cess. I am so altered about vexing myself for trifles, and there is in reality so little in this, that till you tell me the Queen is displeased, I will not be so about it ; yet, as it has an odd appearance in the terms I have put it, have the patience to hear the matter of fact, and then judge for yourself and me. When the Princess first came down, every person of quality (that ever went to Court) both sent and came to inquire after her health. In two or three days she went to drink the waters ; and between every glass walked in Harrison's garden, where all people of fashion came and walked with her ; the others (that were not known to her) walked at a little distance. The third morning Lady Frances Manners asked me if I knew my Lady Wigtown* (a Scottish Countess) ; I said I had never heard of her in my life, and believed she had not yet sent to the Princess ; upon which both she and the Duchess of Rutland smiled, and said, 6 No, nor will, I can * " The Countess of Wigtown, to whom Lady Pomfret refers in tins letter, had an hereditary antipathy to the Hanoverian family. She was the Lady Mary Keith, eldest daughter of William, ninth Earl Marischal, one of the warmest adherents of the Chevalier James Stuart. Her husband, James, sixth Earl of Wigtown, had attended James II. at St. Germains, and had afterwards suffered for his principles by imprisonment in Edinburgh Castle. Clementina, the daughter to whom allusion is here made, became, after the death of his lordship's brother, sole heiress of the family estates, the titles being extinct in 1747." — Mrs. Thomson's "Life of Viscountess Sundon." AMELIA SOPHIA ELEA^ORA OF HANOTEE. SO tell you ; for seeing the Princess coming to trie pump the morning before, she had run away like a fury, for fear of meeting her ; and declares so public an aversion for the King, &c, that she would not go to the ball made on the Queen's birthday ; and some of that subscription money remaining, the company had another ball, which she de- nied going to, and told all the people it was because the Queen's money made it.' " They laughed much at her open violence, and said she would not speak to anyone she thought a Whig ; and had a child, called Clementina, who was at this place with her. All the company agreed in this discourse ; but while it was about, she herself came into the gardens, and walked very rudely by the Princess, and pushed away the Duchess of Rutland and myself, that was near, and never offered to make the least courtesy, for two or three turns, and then went out. "' After the Princess came home, she told me to send for six ladies to play at cards with her, which I did of the most considerable at Bath. ISText day, Lady Wigtown went to Scotland for her whole life, as it was fixed she should long before the Princess came. Xeither the Prin- cess nor myself said one word when she passed by in that rude manner. This is a long story (as you see, about nothing), which I know is your aversion (yet return, as usual, good for evil) ; and though I have tired you, find out how guilty I am, and clear me. You know if I had done anything more I would tell you truly. " I hear the Princesses in town are charmed with you, but that is common ; here is one would charm you, and to so true a taste as yours, that is uncommon. Though you hate writing ever so much, send me something of a letter, if it be but to forbid me plaguing you any more in this 90 THE KOYAL PRINCESSES. manner ; and let me show you my love by my obedience, which in all things is due to dear Mrs. Clayton, from her that is " Wholly yours, "Henrietta Pomfret." From the following communication, it would appear that the Countess of Pomfret had some idea that her attendance on the Princess was not considered satis- factory. "Countess of Pomfret to Mrs. Clayton. "Bath, May 19, 1728. " Dear Madam, " As I have waited with extreme impatience, so I have received with extreme pleasure, this last mark of a perfect friendship, "lis my misfortune to be innocent without desiring to appear so, for fear of injuring an- other. I find that the love of great ones is as fatal as their anger. I confess, I have some time been involved in discourses I could wish to have avoided ; but there was not anything said but what, on my account, Mrs. Howard herself might have heard. 'Tis not possible to be with the Princess Amelia and not love her — at least, not for hearts made like yours and mine ; and 'tis as impossible for her not to acknowledge a disinterested love. We both wish not to be strangers (as I fear we must be), when this journey is at an end ; and, in order to prevent that, by making my court too much she may have hurt me. I am so certain of her goodness as not to doubt its coming about this way; and you know I am not apt to natter myself in thinking I am over-fortunate, and if I was that way given, this affair must convince me 'tis not in nature it ever can be so. AMELIA SOPHIA ELEANOKA OE HA1S T 0YEE. 91 "Pardon me, dearest Mrs. Clayton, if in that last I forgot for a moment the happiness I have in you, which, when I reflect on, I own with the utmost gratitude is a recompense for all other wants ; and that gives me still fresh uneasiness to think what a worthless friend I offer you in return for the most agreeable and most deserving- one in the world. And you do me justice, dear Madam, when you think I am constantly desirous to hear of your health, for which I have known more real pain than for anything besides. I am very sorry you left the country so soon, since you found it did you good ; and though I should miss seeing you at my first coming, I could even wish, for the sake of a health so truly dear to me, you were in the air again for some time. " What you say of the Princess's health is adapted so to her taste, that I knew I could not make your court better to her than by reading those few lines of your letter. As to Lansdowne, she • goes in the coach there sometimes, and is always better after it, though it is not an amusement she is fond of; yet, you may depend upon it, I shall put it as forward as I can. Her being in a hot, close place long, is impossible ; for she never goes to any, except her journey to Bristol, and then the heat of the weather and crowds of people altogether disordered her very much. I hope I need not tell you that all the pre- caution was taken imaginable that there should be no danger in her going ; and, as the water was perfectly safe, it was certainly more easy and agreeable. Her behaviour then, and at all times, has certainly done the King's inte- rest a great deal of good in these parts — no longer dis- affected. I wish, in your clever way, you would take notice of that to the Queen, as you find it proper. " There is another thing I must mention to you, and *P2 THE BOYAL PRINCESSES. that is, concerning- Salisbury ; the people there are in great expectation of her, but it is not possible to go and come in a day without running too great a hazard of making her ill. I know the Bishop's Palace used to be generally used for these occasions ; and may be, if the Bishop offered it for one night, it might tempt the Queen to order an expedition there, which certainly would please the country. If }^ou think fit to do anything about this, do not let it be thought the Princess's inclination, for she has none about it, and the beginning of June is soon enough. " I give you, dear Madam, a thousand thanks for in- quiring after my health ; since you think it worth your while, I will tell you, it is better than at any time since I have known you, though I do not drink the waters. I wish my political constitution was as much mended ; it is impossible for anybody to intend better; but how it appears at St. James's I do not know, but wish you would tell me truly, whether you think, if it was to do again, I should be sent. Pardon my inquisitiveness, and, if you please, answer me. I have many things to say to you that this paper will not hold, nor will my thoughts at ibis time admit of many; for once, Mrs. Howard* shares them with you, though in my affections you reign alone, to whom I am, with gratitude and sincerity, " A most unlucky, but most faithful and " Affectionate Friend. " I had forgot Mrs. Titchborne, but not the thanks I owe you on her account ; all she says is an invention from the beginning to the end. I could tell many imperti- * Subsequently Countess of Suffolk, Mrs. Clayton's rival at Court. AMELIA SOPHIA ELEANOKA OE HA^OYEE. 93 nences of hers ; but they are below niy fretting at, conse- quently much below your reading." Queen Caroline was, in her compassion testified towards the unfortunate Jacobites, a noble example to her family. The conduct of the Princess Amelia, who inherited her mother's gentleness of feeling towards the sufferers of that party, is both graceful and worthy of a Christian. The subjoined letter of Lady Pomfret mentions William, fourth Lord Widdrington, in terms of respect : he was one of the first to join in the insurrection of 1715 ; he surrendered at Preston, and was committed to the Tower. After nearly two years' imprisonment, he received his discharge under the Act of Grace, and retired to Bath, where he remained in great poverty, until his death in 1743. a From tlie Countess of Pomfret to Mrs. Clayton. " Bath, May 27, 1728. " Deaeest Madam, u Having troubled you with a long letter last post, you will, I believe, wonder upon what pretence I renew my importunity so soon ; but I know your good nature too well not to be sensible you like to employ it, especially for a person that merits it. To my story, then. I must tell you, when first the Princess came to Bath, there were a great number of Roman Catholics here, and some very considerable ones, amongst them the late Lord Widdring- ton and his lady ; you know, he was pardoned by the late King, and favoured afterwards by the Parliament. Since both these things, he has behaved himself with becoming respect ; and, for her part, she is a woman well born and well bred, and a Protestant. Some time ago, the Prin- cess saw me speak to her at the pump, where she was n 94 TIIE ROYAL PRINCESSES. inquiring how her Royal Highness did ; and then the Princess was so obliging as to say a word or two to her, which had such an effect upon all of that sort in this city that is hardly to be imagined, and they all speak of the Princess Amelia as of something that has charmed them ever since. Yesterday, in the walks, the same Lady Wid- drington came near the Princess, who took much notice of her, and she walked some time with us. Mrs. Titchborne was by, and much discomposed at it ; from which I feared her ingenuity might make a crime of a rebel's wife, that did not come to the King and Queen, being so regarded ; and that, upon her additions and alterations, the Princess might be blamed for that humanity and goodness that is the delight of all reasonable people. " You see, dear Madam, Mrs. Titchborne has found the way to give me terror ; and when I think she can attack the Princess Amelia, I can no longer be content only to despise her. I know no antidote against malice like your- self; and believe me, in serving this Princess, you will serve yourself. After we came home I told her my fears, and she agreed in them ; upon which I said, ' I knew one that had sense and good nature enough to prevent them.' She smiled, and said, c Your good friend, Mrs. Clayton. You must write to her.' You see, dear Madam, she knows you enough to guess your name by your carracter ; though I often tell her, and she believes, to know you more, and love you more, is the same thing. I shall not wonder when this arrives to you ; but I should be much surprised if she could ever esteem anybody that makes their approach through flattery, and only for interest. In short, if a more advanced age and a sharp experience do not quite meta- morphose her, her service would be paradise to an honest heart. AMELIA SOPHIA ELEAXOBA OE HANOYER. 95 u I am sure I have spoke mine so much to you. that if I was not quite sure of yours it would be madness ; but to trust you, and to be trusted by you, has been, and will -ever be, the chief satisfaction of my life, who am entirely " Dearest Mrs. Clayton's most faithful, " And most affectionate humble Servant, " H. POMEEET." In another letter, from Tunbridge Wells, bearing date June 30th, 1728, is the following passage : — " By all I can find of my own affairs, that person we suspected* has left nothing unsaid of any sort that can injure me, in every place where I can feel it worst ; and it is from you I only can know how far it has prevailed. I find the concern I showed at Richmond is turned on me as a sure proof I was guilty of all that could be said ; and the belief that I am much happier in the Princess's favour than I am is so fixed, that I fear they will not quit me till I am entirely destroyed with the Queen. I endeavour to be, or rather appear, easy in this situation, that I may not give fresh occasions of complaint at Court, or disturbance to the Prin- cess, whose charming disposition ought to meet with nothing but happiness. "f In December, 1736, George II., returning to England, had to encounter a storm in which he nearly lost his life. Although foreseen by Sir Charles Wager, commander of the fleet which conveyed him, the King had ordered him to sail. So great danger was the Royal vessel in, that the news reached the Court, and created such an alarm that the Cabinet Council met at the Duke of Devonshire's, and preparation was made for proclaiming the Prince of Wales. Her Majesty and the Royal family were attending Divine * This allusion is to Mrs. Titchborne. f "Lady Sundon's Memoirs," by Mrs. Thomson. h2 96 THE EOYAL PRINCESSES. service at the Chapel Royal, St. James's, when a messenger brought a letter, announcing the happy tidings of his Ma- jesty's sate return to Helvoetsluys. The trembling Queen could scarcely open the welcome missive ; to shorten her suspense, the Duke of Grafton broke the seal, read the contents, and announced "his Majesty was safe!" The suddenness of this occurrence had suspended the service, but on the immediate circulation of the joyful news it was resumed with becoming decorum. The Princess Amelia, in answer to a letter from Mr. Walpole, who was in the storm with his Majesty, thus describes the feelings of the Queen, of herself, and her sisters, at this momentous period : — " You have been very good and obliging, my good Mr. Walpole, to take the trouble of writing to me ; and I assure you, my joy is too great to be expressed, that you are all safe at Helvoet. What mamma underwent ever since Friday last, can't be imagined — for she never was easy since she heard that the sloop of the English secre- tary's office was come here with so much difficulty, and that they had left you all at sea. But on Sunday morn- ing, before nine, Sir Robert came to mamma, to give her the dreadful account of the three men-of-war being come, and Lord Augustus's ship, without masts or sails — then you may imagine what we all felt. We went to church as usual, and about two the messenger came in, and made- not only mamma and her children happy, but indeed e very- bod}'. The consternation was great before, and they seemed all to dread to hear some bad news. But now pray be careful, and don't get out till you are sure of seeing our sweet faces, and then we will all make you as welcome as we can ; for I cannot afford any more to be so fright- ened, for we are all still half dead. AMELIA SOPHIA ELEA^OKA OE HANOVEB. 97 " I pitied poor Mrs. Walpole extremely ; but I saw her yesterday-, and we thanked God heartily together that you are all safe. Sir Eobert hath been very childish, for he drank more than he should upon i?he arrival of the mes- senger, and felt something of the gout that same night ; but he is perfectly well again. I hunted with him yester- day at Eichmond, and he was in excellent spirits. " I thank you, dear Horace, for letting me know so exactly how my sister does — I am very happy she is so well. Mamma commands me to make you her compli- ments ; Caroline desires hers to be given you also ; and I remain jonr sincere friend upon land, but hate you at sea — for you take my stomach and rest away, and I lose both eating and sleeping." * It is now necessary to speak of a circumstance which has already been dwelt on in the Life of Sophia Dorothea of Prussia ; it is one of no small importance, as it involved the happiness of an amiable Princess, and certainly acted with no small impulse on the destinies of Europe. I speak of the marriage contracted, or sought to be con- tracted; between the parents of Frederic the Great of Prussia and Amelia, second daughter of George II. The desire of the children of George I. that the Eoyal families of England and Prussia should be united had been so great, that the union was proposed when the in- tended bridegroom and his destined wife were yet in their cradles. Marriages are, however, said to be " made in heaven ;" and certainly there is " a tide " in their accom- plishment. Amelia was not intended for Frederic the Great, but she certainly was worthy to become his wife. The fact of the child being brought up under the im- pression that she was one day to be so, accounts for much * Pyne's " Eoyal Residences." 98 TIIE ROYAL PRINCESSES. of the eccentricity afterwards developed in her character. After endless negotiations on the subject from the Electo- rate of Hanover, carried on through the reign of George I. into that of his son, George II,, the match was finally broken off, and the heroic and high-minded Frederic doomed to accept a Princess of his father's choice, in lieu of her to whom his heart seems to have been thoroughly devoted. What was the result ? A marriage, not of in- clination, brought to his bride a futurity devoid of domes- tic happiness ; to Frederic, a determination to devote himself from that time forth to martial exploits, and the welfare of his people : himself self-sacrificed by his own act, though under the parental influence. Amelia of Hanover, who must have through her long life been des- tined from time to time to learn more and more of the greatness and nobleness of one separated from her for ever, became changed in heart, and her actions changed, too, as the sources from whence they sprang. She never married, consequently had no domestic ties beyond her parents, and her brothers and sisters, the companions of her early years. The character of Amelia has been severely animadverted upon by historians for several points in it, which had been probably the result of the circum- stances in which she was placed by her altered prospects. She is said to have had a great love of politics, and a perpetual desire to mingle herself up with them. Were not her feelings interested in the questions which involved the destinies of Europe ? Walpole taxes this Princess with being voluntarily the only spy in the service of the Ministry, and with having traced and unravelled the mystery of a new faction at Leicester House. In his Memoirs, he gives this character of Amelia : — " She was AMELIA SOPHIA ELEANOKA OE HAKOVER. 99 meanly inquisitive into what did not relate to her,* and foolishly communicative of what was helow her to know; false, without trying to please; mischievous, with more design ; impertinent, even where she had no resentment ; and insolent, though she had lost her "beauty, and acquired no power." The writer of this passage should have looked deeper into the woman's heart ; he did not under- stand how far these apparent meannesses had been the result of disappointed affection. Frederick Prince of Wales had contracted certain debts at Hanover, where he had remained after the accession of his grandfather to the crown of England, in order to com- plete his education. His mother had exerted more autho- rity over him in respect to these than the Prince liked ; and Princess Amelia, who had possessed his confidence more than any other person had, out of what she regarded her duty to the Queen, informed her upon such matters as the Prince himself conceived might be injurious to him, and into which Caroline of Anspach inquired minutely. By this action she lost her brother's confidence, however well-intentioned it might have been, in the wish to obey her mother. Neither was she permitted to share her father's confidence ; and though disposed to interfere in politics, .was restricted to receiving court from the Duke of Newcastle, who affected to be in love with her ; and from the Duke of Grafton, who was thought to have been a favoured lover.f Lord Hervey, who had secured for himself the affections of the Princess Caroline, and the Duke of Grafton, the professed lover of Amelia, filled the Court with their continual quarrels and avowed dislikes. Upon * Perhaps fancying it did, or might, relate to her. f Burke's " Anecdotes of the Aristocracy." TOO THE EOTAL PRINCESSES. the Duke of Grafton — mentioned by Lord Hervey in his Letters — Swift makes the following observations : # — " The Duke of Grafton, grandson to Charles II., a very pretty gentleman, has been much abroad in the world, jealous for the constitution of his country ; a tall, black man, about twenty-five years of age ; almost a slobberer, and without one good quality." The Queen is said to have entertained a rooted dislike to the Duke of Grafton, for the freedom with which he had behaved towards Princess Amelia. They are said to have hunted together two or three times a week ; and on one occasion, having stayed out unusually late and lost their attendants, had gone together to a private house in Windsor Forest, which so exasperated the Queen, that, but for Sir Robert Walpole, she would have complained to his Majesty .f " When Caroline of Anspach died, the Duke of Grafton disputed with the Duke of Newcastle as to which of them should become in power, they both agreeing that Sir Robert Walpole, who was present, was no longer to con- tinue in office." Walpole says they both founded their hopes on the favour of the Princess Amelia, but she detached herself from that cabal, and united herself with her brother the Duke, and the Bedfords. Her Lady of the Bedchamber, Lady Elizabeth Leveson Grower, one of the Duchess's sisters, had contracted a marriage with -Colonel Waldegrave, without the consent of her father, Lord Gower, through the Bedfords, and Lord Sandwich imprudently allowed the ceremony to be performed in his apartments at the Admiralty. Lord. Gower, instigated by the Pelhams, formally complained to the King of Lord * Swift's " Character of Queen Anne." f Walpole. AMELIA SOPHIA ELEAXORA OP HAXOYEE. 101 Sandwich contributing to steal his daughter. His Ma- jesty espoused the quarrel of the complainant, by which manoeuvre the Pelhams " detached him from his family, and persuaded him that to resign with them would be sacrificing himself in the cause of Lord Sandwich, who had offered him such an indignity. " # Amelia was of a very decided disposition, and at times as imperious as her sister Anne of Hanover. Beau Nash, master of the ceremonies at Bath, ventured on one occasion openly to withstand her wishes. The hour appointed for dancing to cease in the public rooms was eleven, and the Princess happening that evening to be present, though the hour had struck and he had given his usual signal to arrest the music, she intimated to him that it was her desire there should be another country dance. There was no alternative for Nash, and the Princess carried her point. In another instance she exhibited no little despotism and determination of character. The Princess had the Bangership of Pichmond Park, but kept the park closed from the public, who demanded a right of passage through it. This Amelia refused to grant, and had a lawsuit instituted against her. The verdict was unfavourable to her wishes. t By advice of the Attorney-General, she had allowed ladders over the wall in hopes of escaping a trial, but the people sued for gates for foot passengers, and in the year 1758 obtained them, on which the Princess in a passion entirely abandoned the park. Her mother, Queen Caroline, had formerly wished * "Walpole. f In one of the hearings on this cause, Lord Mansfield, the Chief Justice, produced in court a libel published against Princess Emily, and insisted that the jury should take an oath that they had no hand in it ; and yet, when they had taken the oath, he put off the cause ! 102 TIIE EOTAL PRINCESSES. to shut up St. James's Park, and asked Sir Kobert Wal- pole what it would cost her to do it. He replied, " Only a crown, Madam !"* Princess Amelia gave offence not in one, but many cases, as regarded the access to the park. In 1752, Walpole writes — " Princess Emily, who suc- ceeded my brother in the Eangership of Eichmond Park, has imitated her brother William's unpopularity, and dis- obliged the whole country, by refusal of tickets, and liber- ties that had always been allowed. They are at law w T ith her, and have printed in the Evening Post a strong memorial, which she had refused to receive. The High Sheriff of Surrey, to whom she had denied a ticket, but on better thought had sent one, refused it, and said he had taken his part. Lord Brooke, who had applied for one, was told he couldn't have one ; and, to add to the affront, it was signified that the Princess had refused one to my Lord Chancellor. Your old nobility don't under- stand such comparisons. But the most remarkable event happened to her about three weeks ago. One Mr. Bird, a rich gentleman near the Palace, was applied to by the late Queen for a piece of ground that lay convenient for a walk she was making. He replied, that it was not proper for him to pretend to make a Queen a present, but if she would do what she pleased with the ground, he would be content with the acknowledgment of a key and two bucks a year. This was religiously observed till the era of her Royal Highness's reign. The bucks were denied, and he himself once shut, out, on pretence it was fence-month, (the breeding time, when tickets used to be excluded, keys never) . The Princess was soon after going through his grounds to town. She found a padlock on his gate. She * Walpole's "Memoirs of George II." AMELIA SOPHIA ELEA1N T 0KA OF HANOYEE. 10S ordered it to be broken open. Mr. Shaw, her deputy, begged a respite, till he could go for the key. He found Mr. Bird at home. ' Lord, Sir, here is a strange mistake, the Princess is at the gate and it is padlocked V ' Mistake ! no mistake at all. I made the road. The ground is my own property. Her Royal Highness has thought fit to break the agreement which her Royal mother made with me ; nobody goes through my grounds but those I choose should.' 5 ' His Highness the Prince of Orange, on the occasion of his marriage, remained several months in England, and frequently visited the Princess Anne, his intended bride, at St. James's. One night in the winter of the preceding year, his Highness, then keeping his Court at Somerset House, went incognito to the apartments in St. James's, and played at cards for several hours with the Prince of Wales, the Princess Royal, and her sisters, the Princesses Amelia and Caroline. The Palace^was very gay on these occasions, his Majestjr frequently condescending to be a party to these evening amusements. # After the Queen's death, the King had private parties at cards every night, from nine to eleven, in the apart- ment of the Princesses Amelia and Caroline, to which only the most favourite lords and ladies of the Court were invited, and some of the King's Grooms of the Bed- chamber. It was at Kensington Palace that the King and the Duke of Cumberland met in the apartment of the Princess- Amelia, of which Walpole w T rites in these words : — " Two messengers were despatched to recal the Duke, and, October 12th, he arrived at Kensington. It was in the evening, and he retired to his own apartment, where * Pyne. 104 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. Mr. Fox and Ids servants were attending. He thanked Mr. Fox for being there, and said — ' You see me well, •both in body and mind. I have written orders in my pocket for everything I did.' He afterwards said, his orders had been so strong, that he had not expected to obtain such good conditions. He then dismissed Fox, saying he would send for him again.. The shortness of this interview, he afterwards told Mr. Fox, had proceeded from his determination of seeing nobody alone who could be supposed to advise him, till he had taken the step he- meditated. At nine, the hour the King punctually goes to play in the apartment of the Princess Amelia, the Duke went to her. The King, who was there, and had ordered the Princess not to leave them alone, received him with extreme coldness ; and when his Royal Highness went afterwards into the other room where the King was at cards, his Majesty said aloud, ' Here is my son, who has ruined me, and disgraced himself;' and, unless this was speaking to him, spoke not a word. At eleven, when the cards were over, the Duke went down to Lady Yarmouth, and told her the King had left him but one favour to ask, which he was come to solicit by her interposition, as he wished to make it as little disagreeable to the King as possible ; it was to desire leave to resign everything, the post of Captain- General, and his regiment. The Countess was in great concern at the request, and said, ' Pray, Sir, don't determine this at once.' He replied, ' He begged her pardon, he was not come for advice ; he had had time to think, and was determined.' ' Then, Sir,' said she, ' I have nothing left but to obey.' " Walpole relates a scene which occurred at Princess Amelia's loo-table, in December, 1762 ; she was then in her fiftieth year. He says — " On Thursday I was sum- AMELIA SOPHIA ELEANOEA OF HANOVER. 105 moned to the Princess Emily's # loo. Loo, she called it \ dolitics it was. The second thing she said to me was, ' How were you the two long days V 6 Madam, I was only there the first.' 'And how did you vote?' 'Ma- clam, I went away.' c Upon my word, that was carving well.' Not a very pleasant apostrophe to one who cer- tainly never was a time-server. Well, we sat down. She said, c I hear Wilkinson is turned out, and that Sir Edward Winnington is to have his place. Who is he ?' addressing herself to me, who sat over against her. c He is the late Mr. Winnington's heir, Madam.' ' Did you like that Winnington ?' ' I can't hut say I did, Madam.' She shrugged up her shoulders, and continued — ' Winnington was originally a great Tory. What do you think he was when he died ?' ' Madam, I believe what all people are in place.' c Pray, Mr. Montagu, do you perceive anything rude or offensive in this ?' Here, then, she flew into the most outrageous passion, coloured like scarlet, and said — i None of your wit ; I don't understand joking on these subjects. What do you think your father would have said if he had heard you say so ? He would have murdered you, and you would have deserved it.' I was quite con- founded and amazed. It was impossible to explain myself across a table, as she is so deaf. There was no making a reply to a woman and a Princess, and particularly for me, who have made it a rule, when I must converse with Koyalties, to treat them with the greatest respect, since it is all the court they will ever have from me. I said to those on each side of me, c What can I do ? I cannot ex- plain myself now.' Well, I held my peace, and so did she, for a quarter of an hour. Then she began with me again, examined me upon the whole debate, and at last * Amelia — or Emily, as the name is sometimes written. 10(5 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. asked me directly which I thought the best speaker, my father or Mr. Pitt ? If possible, this was more distressing than her anger. I replied, ' It was impossible to compare two men so different ; that I believed my father was more a man of business than Mr. Pitt.' ' Well, but Mr. Pitt's language ?' ' Madam, I have always been remarkable for admiring Mr. Pitt's language.' At last the unpleasant scene ended ; but as we were going away I went close to her, and said, c Madam, I must beg leave to explain myself. Your Royal Highness has seemed to be very angry with me, and I am sure I did not mean to offend you ; all that I intended to say was, that I supposed Tories were Whigs when they got places.' ' Oh,' said she, ' I am very much obliged to you. Indeed, I was very angry.' Why she was angry, or what she thought I meant, I do not know to this moment, unless she supposed that I would have hinted that the Duke of Newcastle and the Opposition were not men of consummate virtue, and had lost their places out of principle. The very reverse was at that time in my head, for I meant that the Tories would be just as loyal as the Whigs when they got anything by it." The Duke of Newcastle appeared for the last time in a political light in 1767. He was then at the age of seventy- four, and at the beginning of the ensuing year his life was in great danger. Recovering in some degree, he notified his determination to give up politics by letter to Princess Amelia, Lord Rockingham, and others, for he could not quit folly but in a foolish manner. " Age and feebleness at length wore out that busy pas- sion for intrigue, which power had not been able to satiate, nor disgrace correct. He languished near ten months longer, and died November 17th, 1768." * * Walpole. AMELIA SOPHIA ELEANOEA OF HANOYEE. 107 The name of Amelia has been associated with another transaction of a more painful nature, the condemnation of Mr. Byng. Walpole writes — " It was the uniformity of Mr. Byng's behaviour, from the outset of his persecution to his catastrophe, from whence I conclude that he was aspersed as unjustly as I am sure that he was devoted maliciously, and put to death contrary to all equity and precedent Many years after that tragedy was acted I received a most authentic and shocking confirmation of the justice of my suspicions. " Oct. 21, 1783, being with her Royal Highness Princess Amelia at her villa, at Grunnersbury, among many in- teresting anecdotes w T hich I have set down in another place, she told me, that while Admiral Byng's affair was depending, the Duchess of Newcastle sent Lady Sophia Egerton to her, the Princess, to beg her to be for the execution of Admiral Byng. ' They thought,' added the Princess, c that unless he was put to death Lord Anson could not be at the head of the Admiralty. Indeed,' continued the Princess, c I was already for it ; the officers would never have fought if he had not been executed.' I replied, that I thought his death most unjust, and the sentence a most absurd contradiction. " Lady Sophia Egerton was wife of a clergyman, after- wards Bishop of Durham. What a complication of horrors ! Women employed on a job for blood !"* Gunnersbury House, in Ealing parish, Middlesex, was purchased in 1761 for Princess Amelia, and after her death, in 1788, it was sold and pulled down. It was originally built, in 1663, by Webb, a pupil of Inigo Jones, for the celebrated Sergeant Maynard. The neat villa, which was * Walpole. — The editor of Walpole thought more importance at- tached to mere gossip than it deserved. 10S THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. erected on the site of the dwelling formerly tenanted by Royalty, for Alexander Copeland, Esq., was surrounded by extensive and ornamental pleasure-grounds, comprising about seventy acres. There are two fine sheets of water and many beautiful cedars, which are supposed to have been planted by Kent, who laid out the grounds, about 17-10 ; the forcing-houses and pinery are on a very exten- sive scale. Amelia was residing at Gunnersbury on one occasion when a fire occurred, by which four rooms were burnt. Intimation of what had occurred was given to her Eoyal Highness through the servants, with the remark, " Do not be frightened, Madam !" which only increased her alarm ; but on learning the exact truth, she remarked com- posedly — " I am very glad ! I had expectation my brother was dead!" alluding to her favourite brother the Duke of Cumberland, whose health had long been in a very pre- carious state. Amelia survived her mother, her sisters, Louisa, Anne, and Caroline, and was destined to witness the last mo- ments of her father, George II. The death of the King is thus described by Walpole : — " On the 25th of October he rose as usual at six, and drank his chocolate ; for all his actions were invariably methodic. A quarter after seven he went into a little closet. His German valet de cliamhre in waiting heard a noise, and running in, found the King dead on the floor. In falling he had cut his face against the corner of a bureau. He was laid on a bed and blooded, but not a drop followed; the ventricle of his heart had burst. Princess Amelia was called, and told the King wanted her. She went immediately, and thought him in a fit. Being deaf herself, she saw nothing in the chamber that indi- AMELIA SOPHIA ELEANOEA OP HANOYEE. 109 €ated his being dead ; and putting her face close to his, to hear if he spoke to her, she then first perceived he was lifeless." Princess Amelia, as soon as she was certain of her father's death, sent an account of it to the Prince of Wales, but he had already been apprised of it.* ■ ■ After George II.'s death Mr. Pitt was the first who arrived at Kensington, and went to Princess Amelia for her orders. She told him nobody could give him better counsel than his own. He asked if he ought not to go to the Prince ? She replied, she could not advise him, but thought it would be right. He went." Walpole adds, " I mention these little circumstances because they show, from Mr. Pitt's uncertainty, that he was possessed with none of the confidence and ardour of a man who thinks himself a favourite." The new King (George III.) sent to Princess Amelia to know where her father's will was deposited. She said, one copy had been entrusted to her eight or nine years before ; but thinking the King had forgotten it, she had lately put him in mind of it. He had replied, " Did not she know, that when a new will was made it cancelled all preceding?" No curiosity, no eagerness, no haste, was expressed by the new King on that head • nor the smallest impediment thrown in the way of his grandfather's inten- tions. A gentleman of the bedchamber was immediately dismissed who refused to sit up with the body, as is usual. Wilmot and Eanby, the late King's physician and surgeon, acquainted the King with two requests of their master, which were punctually complied with. They were, that his body might be embalmed as soon as possible, and a double quantity of perfumes used ; and that the side of * Walpole's " George III." I 110 THE EOTAL PEIKCESSES. the late Queen's coffin, left loose on purpose, might be taken away, and his body laid close to hers.* By his will, George II. gave 50,0Q0Z. among his three surviving children, the Duke, Princess Amelia, and Mary, Princess of Hesse. This will was the one which had been placed in the hands of the Princess Amelia. The annual revenue of this Princess was 12,000Z.f George I. had left two wills ; one in the hands of Dr. Wake, Archbishop of Canterbury, the other with the Duke of Wolfenbuttel. The Archbishop, on news of the King's death, carried his copy to the Privy Council, and, without the precaution of opening it before them, which the poor man could not apprehend would be so necessary as it proved, gave it into the new King's hands, who, to the prelate's great surprise, carried it from the Council un- opened. The fate of the other copy appears by a letter from the Duke of Newcastle to the first Earl of Waldegrave, " in which his Grace informed the Earl, that he had re- ceived by the messenger the copy of the will and codicil of George I., that he had delivered it to his Majesty, who put it into the fire without opening it ; so," adds the Duke, " we do not know whether it confirms the other dr not." And he proceeds to say, " I despatch a messenger to the Duke of Wolfenbuttel with the treaty, in which is granted all he desires ; and we expect, by the return of the mes- senger, the original will from him." So that the " honest Duke of Wolfenbuttel sold it for a subsidy." J Amelia's life was prolonged to a very advanced age. She had been born at Hanover during the reign of Queen Anne, and she witnessed ihe reigns of George I. and George II., and part of that of George III., her nephew. * Walpole's " George III." f Walpole. | Ibid. AMELIA SOPHIA ELEANOBA OP HANOVER. Ill She assisted at the baptism of the second son of Queen Charlotte, wife of George, to whom she stood sponsor. The baptism of the young Prince took place September 14th, 1763, in the Council Chamber of St. James's Palace, a little after seven in the evening. The procession began in the following order : — The Lady Augusta, the King's sister, led by Prince William, Princess Louisa by Prince Henry, Princess Caroline Matilda by Prince Frederick, and the Princess Amelia led by the Duke of Cumberland. Afterwards came the nobility, according to their rank. The State bed on which the Queen reposed was of rich crimson velvet, adorned with gold fringe, and lined with white satin. - The counterpane of lace alone cost 3780Z. The sponsors were the Duke of York and the Duke of Saxe Gotha by their proxies, the Earl of Huntingdon and Earl Gower. The Princess Amelia stood herself in person. The Eoyal boy was named by her Frederick. The masculine turn of this Princess's mind was denoted by her dress and manners : she was most commonly attired in a riding-habit in the German fashion, with a round hat. Her especial delight was to attend to her stables, and she made a point of this whenever the horses were out of order. She rose early, and drank her coffee or chocolate standing, walking about the room while she did so. She took snuff immoderately, and had a great fondness for cards. 'One day, at Bath, being in the public rooms, a general officer seeing her box stand upon the table, took the freedom to help himself to a pinch — a liberty the Princess could not for a moment brook. On perceiving what had passed, she called to her servant, and ordered him to throw the contents into the fire ! For many years before her death the Princess led a very retired life, maintaining the strictest privacy. Walpole 12 112 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. says : — " After her father's death she lived with great dig- nity, but, being entirely slighted by her nephew, who was afraid of her frankness, she soon forbore going to Court, or to keep a Drawing-room herself, on pretence of her in- creased deafness. She was extremely deaf and very short- sighted, yet had so much quickness and conception that she seemed to hear and see more readily than others. She was an excellent mistress to her servants, steady to her favourites, and nobly generous and charitable." A story is told of George IV., when a young man, driving Lord Clermont in an open landau in the neigh- bourhood of Windsor, the then residence of the aged Princess Amelia Sophia. His lordship, the weather be- ing cold, was wrapped up in a thick white great coat, to which a woollen hood was attached, which he had drawn over his head. Everybody who passed by imagined it to be the Princess, and exclamations were made on the charming trait of amiability in this young Prince, who did not mind taking out his deaf old aunt, wrapped up in flannels as she might be, in order to give her a drive ! One day when the Princess was at Gunnersbury, in June, 1786, Walpole, then bordering on his seventieth year, having borrowed a dress-coat and sword for the oc- casion, dined with her, in company with the Prince of Wales, Prince of Mecklenburg, Duke of Portland, Lord Clanbrassil, Lord and Lady Clermont, Lord and Lady Southampton, Lord Pelham, and Mrs. Howe. Some of the party had retired early, others sat up playing com- merce till ten. " I am afraid I was tired," says Horace. The Princess asked him for some verses on Gunnersbury. " I pleaded being superannuated. She would not excuse me. I promised she should have an ode on her next birth- day, which diverted the Prince; but all would not do. AMELIA SOPHIA ELEANOKA OP HANOVER. 113 So, as I came home, I made — some stanzas not worth quoting, and sent them to her breakfast next morning." Four months afterwards Amelia Sophia died, on the 1st of October, at her house in Cavendish-square, at the corner of Harley-street. She was nearly seventy-six years of age, and the last surviving offspring of George II. and Queen Caroline. It is not a little remarkable that the Princess had always entertained a presentiment that her death would occur in October ; it being the month in which not only her father had died, but also her favourite bro- ther, the Duke of Cumberland, had been carried off by apo- plexy, and even on the same day of the month ! The remains of Amelia Sophia were privately interred on the 11th of November, in the Royal vault in Henry VII. 's Chapel, at Westminster. 114 CAEOLINE ELIZABETH OF HANOVEB, THIRD DAUGHTER OF GEORGE II. Birth of Caroline Elizabeth — Comes to England — First drive in public — Queen's offer to the poet Gay — Swift's satire — Princess inoculated — Her amiable character- — Love of truth — Choice of an attendant for her — Court gossip — Unhappy attachment — Character of Lord Hervey — The Duke of Grafton — Antipathy between them — Letters from Lord Hervey to Mrs. Clayton — His talents — Death — Caroline her mother's favourite — Queen's prediction about her daughter — Caroline's indifference to life — Retires into seclusion on the death of Lord Hervey — Her kindness to his children — Her singular love of seclusion — Her charities— Death and Will — King refuses to confirm her allowance to Princess Amelia — Walpole's testimonial to Caroline — A loss to the country — Mortality in the Royal Family. The little Princess Caroline Elizabeth, third daughter of George II., was a native of Hanover, and born May 31, 1713. On the accession of her grandfather to the English throne, she accompanied her mother, Caroline, Princess of Wales, and the Princesses Anne and Amelia, her eldest sisters, to this country. Two days after her arrival, she took her first drive in public, as the historian has minutely recorded. It is also stated that Caroline of Anspach, having expressed a desire to do honour to the poet Gay, offered him the post of Gentleman-Usher to her third daughter, Caroline — a circumstance on which Swift was bitterly satirical : " as if Gay would be willing to act as a male nurse to a little girl of two years of age!" The young Princess was, with her sister, inoculated by CAEOLIIS'E ELIZABETH OE HA^OVEK. 115 Dr. Mead, according to the usage which had just been brought into fashion. Caroline Elizabeth was not only one of the best, but loveliest of the daughters of George II. Her superiority is attested by Horace Walpole, who was slow in eulogizing anybody, and then seldom without detraction : by him she is called one of the most excellent of women. From infancy her superior mental acquirements were perceptible, but these were more than eclipsed by those far more desirable qualities of the heart : — " She was of a genius and disposition equally to be admired and loved ; formed to be the delight and honour of a Court ; possessed of an uncommon wit, tempered with judgment and re- strained by modesty ; for ever cheerful and the cause of cheerfulness ; excellent in all female accomplishments, and eminent particularly for her skill and taste in music ; but, more than all, distinguished by her goodness." Caroline, in the midst of a home divided by discord, was equally devoted and obedient to both her Royal pa- rents ; they seem to have returned her affection with unabated tenderness during their whole lives. These fond, proud parents were accustomed to say, when any disagreement took place among their children, " Send for Caroline, and then we shall know the truth I" Conse- quently, the Princess obtained the name of " the truth- telling Caroline Elizabeth" — an honourable epithet, applied in early history to King Alfred the Great, and which is far more worthy of remembrance than all the laurels of victory or achievements of the mind in either. A letter, addressed to Mrs. Clayton by the Countess of Pembroke, recommends the eldest daughter of James, fifth Earl of Salisbury, as an attendant for the Princess Caroline. 11G THE EOTAL PRINCESSES. " Saturday Morning-. "Dear Madam, " I have thought of one this morning, that is, Lady Anne Cecil, Lord Salisbury's sister. I never saw her, but have heard her extremely commended for a very sober, discreet young woman. I know nothing, whether she will leave her mother, or no. She dined, I know, in town with her cousin, young Mrs. Southwell, last week ; but, perhaps, you may think of objections to this that I do not recollect ; for the other you named last night, she is a relation, and I never heard a fault she had ; but, to speak freely and impartially, I fancy, if you were to see her again, you would think her too low and girlish. The Princess Caroline is considerably taller. But your judg- ment is so excellent in every degree, that I should not have named or thought of mine if you had not com- manded it, as you have a right, dear Madam, to do every- thing that belongs to, " Your most obliged and faithful " Humble Servant, "M. Pembroke." The fair, amiable, and accomplished Caroline was born to do good to others, not to reap in this world happiness for herself; on the contrary, she is a remarkable instance of the absence of it when in possession of all the gifts of fortune, youth, health, eminent beauty, high station, and attractive manners ; amiable and virtuous as she was, she was the victim of an unfortunate attachment which had taken too deep a root to be eradicated. The vanity or ambition of John, Lord Hervey of Iokworth, had induced him to create an interest in this fair young creature, which terminated only with her existence. CABOLIJS T E ELIZABETH OF HAIS'OYEE. 11? This remarkable nobleman is said to have been even for- bidding in person and disagreeable in his manners, yet to have concentrated in himself every fascination and error of the most accomplished courtier. He possessed such supe- rior attainments, joined to such vivacity, i-aiu so great a power of varying his subjects of conversation, that he was esteemed the greatest ornament of the select circle of Queen Caroline, and the Court was dull to a degree, almost intolerable, without his presence. He was born in 1696, and at the age of eighteen, " before he had taken his bache- lor's degree in Cambridge, was appointed one of the Gentlemen of the Bedchamber" to George II., then only Prince of Wales. The Eoyal favour thus early extended to him, he succeeded in retaining till his death, preserving the regard of the Queen undiminished, which, however, he repaid by exciting in his behalf the hopeless attachment of Princess Caroline. "Between Lord Hervey and the Duke of Grafton there was a mortal antipathy, and the Court rang with the quarrels of the favourites of the two Princesses ; but Lord Hervey, who, as Horace Walpole says, ' handled all the weapons of a Court,' supported by Sir Robert Walpole, to whom he paid great homage, re- tained his ascendancy over the Queen. 5 '* The Duke of Grafton, being the favoured lover of Prin- cess Amelia, created much, dissension between the two nobles, and "the sneering terms" in which Lord Hervey writes of the Duke, are explained by their frequent quarrels and avowed dislikes. It is indeed a matter of no small surprise that Hervey should have obtained the name of " Handsome Hervey," if we credit all that is written of him personally. He is said to have suffered so much from epilepsy, that he was * " Memoirs of Lady Sundon.' 118 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. compelled to use emetics daily, and to restrict himself to a certain regimen, of which asses' milk formed a part : also to have painted his face to conceal its ghastly appearance ; so that even Pope ridiculed him with malignant acrimony, under the appellation of Sporus, and Lord Young termed him " a thing of silk" — a mere white curd of asses' milk — and a painted child of dirt ! Notwithstanding all these drawbacks, Lord Hervey possessed an insinuating deport- ment and sprightly disposition, with undeniable wit — in fact, he appears to have been, in all points, the " ladies' man," and thus not only carried off the beautiful Mary Lepel, in 1720, one of the loveliest women of the Court, but secured an irrevocable interest in the heart of the un- fortunate daughter of his Sovereign. As her affection was utterly hopeless, Hervey being married to the " Brigadier's daughter," she consoled herself by eventually protecting his children. The character of this man, who so firmly fixed his foot- ing in the favour of mother and daughter, is best appre- ciated by some of his letters, which throw a light on the Court of George and Caroline. The following is addressed by Lord Hervey to Mrs. Clayton : — " St. James's, July 14, 1733. " Madam, "I fear you will think me both unreasonable and absurd, in making use of the privilege you gave me to trouble your servants as a plea for troubling you ; but it was quite impracticable for me to have taken possession of your house at Kew, upon the obliging offer you made me of a room there, without acquainting you that I had done so, and thanking you for the authority to do it. CAROLINE ELIZABETH OE HANOVER. 119 " The Court removes on Monday, after dinner, to Hampton Court, so that I shall no longer be obliged to lead the disagreeable stage-coachman's life which I have done during their stay at Richmond, and I assure you I have so little of the itinerant fashionable taste of many of my acquaintance, that 1 look on this negative pleasure of fixing with no small comfort. It has often been matter of the utmost astonishment to me what satisfaction it can be to those people whom I see perpetually going from place to place (as others walk backwards and forwards in a room), from no other motive but merely going; for the first seem no more to prefer one corner of the world to another than the last do this or that end of the room ; and the only way I can account for it is, that feeling an absolute cessation of thought, they keep their limbs in motion, as their last resource, to prevent their next heir seeing them decently interred. " I have often thought the actions of these breathing machines are to the body just what dreaming is to the mind : as the one shows the limbs can act whilst thought is asleep ; and the other, that our thoughts are not always at rest when our limbs are so. I fear you will think my pen moves to as little purpose as the first of these, and as incoherently as the last : I am sure it is with as little design as either ; for when I began my letter, all I in- tended was to tell you I had lain a night at Kew, and was obliged to you for the permission to do so. " However, notwithstanding the impertinent flippancy of writing three pages to say three words, if I knew any facts to entertain you with, I would launch out afresh, but there is nobody in town to furnish, invent, or relate any ; and at Court I need not tell you, Madam, that be- tween the people who cannot say anything worth repeat- 120 THE KOTAL PRINCESSES. ing, and the people who will not, one seldom hears any- thing one cares to hear, more seldom what one cares to retain, and most seldom of all, what one should care to have said. " If I can do you any service in this part of the world, you cannot oblige me more than by honouring me with your commands. " I am, Madam, " Your most obliged, most obedient Servant, " Heryey. " I beg my compliments to Miss Dyves and Mr. Clayton." The man who could address himself thus to please in a situation which required such absolute waste of time, and so deliberately talk upon nothing, was one who could not fail of success. Here is another specimen of the style of this nobleman : — " Lord Hervey to Mrs. Clayton. " Hampton Court, July 31, 1733. " Madam, " I am going this afternoon, with the Duke of Richmond, to Goodwood, for three or four days ; but can- not leave this place without returning you my thanks for the favour of your letter ; a debt, perhaps, you would be more ready to forgive than receive ; but as it is of that sort that one pays more for one's own sake than one's creditor's, I plead no merit from the discharge of it, but the pleasure of taking any occasion to assure you how much I am your humble servant. " I will not trouble you with any account of our occu- CAEOLINE ELIZABETH OF HANOVEH. 121 pations at Hampton Court. No mill-horse ever went in a more constant track, or a more unchanging circle ; so that, by the assistance of an almanac for the day of the week, and a watch for the hour of the day, you may in- form yourself fully, without any other intelligence but your memory, of every transaction within the verge of the Court. Walking, chaises, levees, and audiences fill the morning; at night the King plays at commerce and backgammon, and the Queen at quadrille, where poor Lady Charlotte runs her usual nightly gauntlet — the Queen pulling her hood, Mr. Schutz sputtering in her face, and the Princess Eoyal rapping her knuckles, all at a time. It was in vain she fled from persecution for her religion : she suffers for her pride what she escaped for her faith ; undergoes in a drawing-room what she dreaded from the Inquisition, and will die a martyr to a Court, though not to a Church. " The Duke of Grafton takes his nightly opiate of lottery, and sleeps as usual between the Princesses Amelia and Caroline. Lord Grantham strolls from one room to another (as Dry den says) c like some discontented ghost that oft appears, and is forbid to speak;' and stirs himself about, as people stir a fire, not with any design, but in hopes to make it burn brisker, which his lordship con- stantly does to no purpose, and yet tries as constantly as if it had ever once succeeded. At last the King comes up, the pool finishes, and everybody has their dismission ; their Majesties retire to Lady Charlotte and my Lord Lifford ; the Princesses to Bilderbec and Lony ; my Lord Grantham to Lady Frances and Mr. Clark; some to supper, and some to bed; and thus (to speak in the Scripture phrase) the evening and the morning make the day. 122 THE EOYAL PKINCESSES. "Adieu, clear Madam, and believe me, without the formality of a conclusion, " Most sincerely yours, " Heevey." Lord Hervey wrote many political pamphlets, esteemed by Horace Walpole equal to any ever written. Many of his productions Dodsley published after his death, his " Memoirs from his first coming to Court till the Death of the Queen" excepted. " To his classical erudition Dr. Middleton has left a tribute, in his Dedication to the c Life of Tully,' to which work Lord Hervey con- tributed the translations of some of the passages from Cicero. " # George II. having heard of his poetical effu- sions, said — " My Lord Hervey, you ought not to write verses ; it is beneath your rank ; leave such work to little Mr. Pope." Lord Hervey " displayed much skill as a pamphleteer, wrote several pleasing little poems, and retorted on Pope with considerable success in a ' Poetical Epistle from a Nobleman to a Doctor of Divinity.' He died on the 8th of August, 1743." The Princess Caroline had been the favourite of the Queen, who preferred her understanding to those of all her other daughters, and whose partiality she returned with duty, affection, gratitude, and concern. Being in ill health at the time of her mother's death, the Queen told her she would follow her in less than a year. The Princess received the notice as a prophecy ; and though she lived many years after it had proved a vain one, she quitted the world, and persevered in the closest retreat, and in constant and re- ligious preparation for the grave ; a moment she so eagerly * " Memoirs of Lady Sundon." CABOLIFE ELIZABETH OE BAKOTEE. 123 desired that, when something was once proposed to her to which she was averse, she said — " I would not do it to die!" To this impression of melancholy had contributed the loss of Lord Hervey, for whom she had conceived an unalterable passion, constantly marked afterwards by all kind and generous offices to his children, in which she persevered from the time of his death, as though her regard for him had been transferred to them. For many years she was totally an invalid, and shut herself up in two chambers in the inner part of St. James's, from whence she could not see a single object. In this monastic retirement, with no company but that of the King, the Duke, Princess Amelia, and a few of the most intimate of the Court, she led not an unblameable life only, but a meritorious one ; her whole income was dispensed between generosity and charity ; and till her death, by shutting up the current, discovered the source, the gaols of London did not suspect that the best support of their wretched in- habitants was issued from the Palace. " From the last Sunday to the Wednesday on which she died, she declined seeing her family ; and when the morti- fication began and the pain ceased, she said — " I feared I should not have died of this !"* The Princess's will is remarkable for its brevity and simplicity. " I leave my sister Amelia all I have in possession, and make her my sole executrix, excepting these few legacies : — To my dear sister Anne an enamelled case, and two bottles of the same sort; to my dear sister, * Walpole's "Memoirs," of which this portion was finished August 8th, 1759. 124 TIIE EOYAL PEINCESSES. Mary, my emerald set with diamonds and the brilliant drops hanging- to it, and my ruby ring with the Queen's hair ; to my dear sister Louisa my diamond ear-rings, and all my rings ; to my brother William my enamelled watch. This is my last will, writ with my own hand. " Caboline." According to Walpole, "the King, on the death of Princess Caroline, had voluntarily promised to continue her allowance to Princess Amelia, who handsomely engaged to pay the same pensions and the same grants to the per- sons that her sister Caroline had done. She had even desired to impart a large portion of it to her sister Mary, of Hesse ; but the King, while the vapour of munificence lasted, said he should take care of Mary. In a month's time the Duke of Newcastle was sent in form to notify to Princess Amelia that the King retracted his promise, and should not continue to her the allowance of Princess Caroline." The same author, writing of the death of Prin- cess Caroline, daughter of George II., says, " that though her state of health had been so dangerous for years, and her absolute confinement for many of them, her disorder was, in a manner, new and sudden, and her death unexpected by herself, though earnestly her wish. Her goodness was constant and uniform, her generosity immense, her cha- rities most extensive ; in short, I, no Royalist, could be lavish in her praise. What will divert you is, that the Duke of Norfolk's and the Duke of Northumberland's upper servants have asked leave to put themselves in mourning, not out of regard for this admirable Princess, but to be more sur le Ion ton. I told the Duchess I sup- posed they would expect her to mourn hereafter for their relations." CAKOLINE ELIZABETH OF HAKOVEB. 125 That the grief felt for the loss of Caroline Elizabeth was unaffected there can be no doubt. She was a dear and amiable companion to her nearest relatives, an obe- dient daughter to the King, and an ornament and blessing to her country. She died in the beginning of the year 1757, at the age of forty-five ; her sister Anne, and her niece, daughter of Frederick, died in 1759, and George II. on October 24, 1760. So great a havoc in the Royal family had been made by the destroying hand of death in the brief space of three years. 126 MARY OF ENGLAND, LANDGRAVINE OF HESSE CASSEL, FOURTH DAUGHTER OF GEORGE II. Princess Mary, fourth daughter of George II., and first who was born in England — Born 1723 — Married at the age of eighteen — Resem blance to her mother — Amiable character. — Prince Frederick of Hesse Cassel, born in 1720 — Marburg and Geneva, places where he had been educated — His preceptors, M. de Donep and M. de Cronzaz — Character and acquirements — History of the Prince's family — Particulars respecting the district over which they ruled — Marries Mary in 1740 — The Prince of Hesse changes to the Catholic faith — His brutal temper — Unkindness to his wife — Her father-in-law protects her — His ill-treatment — Restrictions imposed on himself by the Elector and States — Rumours of the Princess's broken health reach England — Death of her husband. — Mary writes to congratulate her niece, Caroline Matilda, on her marriage — The answer — The Queen of Denmark writes another letter — Mary declines interfering in her troubles — Death of Mary — News con- veyed to England — Her three sons — Her will — Descendants of Mary. Pehs"CESS Maky was the first daughter of Caroline of Anspach who was born in this country, and could really be called an Englishwoman; her three elder sisters were natives of Hanover, and accompanied their mother to this country on the accession of their grandfather, George I., to the throne. Mary, who has been termed the " gentlest of her illustrious race," first saw the light on the 22nd of February, 1723, and before she completed her eighteenth year, was united to Frederick, Prince of Hesse Cassel, A.i). 1740. A contemporary historian has given the following de- scription of this fair daughter of England, her narents' adopted country, MABT OF ENGLAND. 127 "The Princess Mary, future consort to his Serene Highness, is fourth daughter to King G-eorge II. of Great Britain, and now in the seventeenth year of her age. We say all that can be said of an accomplished character when we observe that she was educated by the late Queen Caroline, and that she takes after her august parent in everything that is good. In particular, she is a lover of reading, and far more solicitous to improve the mind than to adorn the body. So that her Eoyal Highness will, in all appearance, be a worthy successor to the Landgravines of Hesse Cassel, and still preserve all the virtues for which they were so eminently conspicuous in this illustrious Protestant house." " His Serene Highness was born on the 2nd of August (tf.s.), 1720. He was called after his uncle, the King of Sweden. He has had his education partly at Marburg, the University of the Landgraveate, and partly at Geneva, where solid learning and virtue are taught together. The Prince has had for governor M. Donep, colonel of the regiment of horse under his Highness — he is a gentleman of great merit; and for preceptor, the celebrated M. de Cronzaz ; but the fickleness and restless temper of that learned man not suffering him to continue long in one place and business, the Prince has been very little beholden to him for any part of his education.* " The Prince has made considerable progress in the sciences, particularly philosophy, history, geography, and the art military ; and besides the learned languages, is well versed in the Italian, French, and English To the advan- tages of an excellent education is to be added that of great examples. If the Prince copies after his great and good ancestors, which he is very likely to do, he will support * " Memoirs of the House and Dominions of Hesse Cassel." Pub- lished 1740. K 2 128 THE EOTAL PEINCESSES. the honour of his house, and make the happiness of perhaps more than one people he will be called to govern. He sustained a great loss by the death of his grandfather, Charles, in his nonage. To a solid piety, good sense, and magnanimity — the characteristics of his house — that great Prince added the culture of the fine arts, and a love for learned men. He beautified his capital with several fine structures, and useful inventions for the convenience of the inhabitants. He gave great encouragement to the French Protestants to come and settle with him, in order to im- prove the native riches of the country by manufactures of all kinds. He heartily joined his good offices to those of King George I. of Great Britain, the King of Prussia, and the States General, to reconcile Protestants among them- selves. Generous, munificent, he smiled upon the Muses, by whom he was beloved, and gave a great lustre to the University of Marburg, and other inferior seminaries in his dominions." Frederick, Prince of Hesse, is by others said to have possessed naturally " a brutal temperament," and that his bad temper increased after his changing his faith from Pro- testantism to Catholicism, a change which subjected him to many political restrictions. Walpole mentions that the English King had received the unwelcome news of his son- in-law having "turned Papist," whom he describes as "a brutal German, obstinate, of no genius ;" and adds, that " after long treating Princess Mary, who was the mildest and gentlest of her race, with great inhumanity, he had for some time lived upon no terms with her; his father, the Landgrave William, protected her; an arbitrary, artful man, of no reputation for integrity." # " The Hereditary Prince (Mary's husband) was devoted * " Memoirs of the Keign of George II." MAEY OF ENGLAND. 129 to France and Prussia. It was not an age when conver- sions were common, nor were his morals strict enough to countenance any pretence to scruples ; it was necessary to recur to private or political reasons for his change ; and from what has been said, it appears in what numbers they presented themselves. Yet even the King of Prussia acted with zeal for the Protestant cause. The Landgrave was as outrageous as if he felt for it too. No obstructions being offered by the Catholic Powers, the Landgrave and States, with the concurrence of the King, enacted heavy restric- tions on the Prince, whenever he should succeed his father."* Princess Mary having congratulated her niece, Caroline Matilda of England, on her intended union with the King of Denmark, her cousin, and whose mother, Princess Louisa of England, was a sister of Mary, received from her the following letter in acknowledgment : — "To her Royal Highness the Princess Mary of Hesse Cassel. " Madam and good Aunt, " I give your Eoyal Highness my most sincere thanks for your congratulation upon my approaching mar- riage ; but really I do not know whether we are not rather objects of pity than envy, when we are politically matched with princes whom we never saw, and who may not, perhaps, find in us those charms which, if real, are too often eclipsed by the beauties of a Court set off with national partiality. I am sensible of the honour his Majesty of Denmark has done me, by singling me out among so many amiable princesses perhaps more worthy of his choice ; but my youth and in- experience make me apprehensive of not filling the highest * Walpole's " Memoirs of the Reign of George II." 130 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. station of a kingdom according to the expectations of sub- jects who seldom think themselves obliged to us for the little good we do, and always impute to us part of their grievances. However, as my scruples will not in the least avail, I shall do my best to please the King, and to con- ciliate the affections of his subjects. I am glad that this alliance is an additional affinity to your Eoyal Highness, of whom I am " The loving niece, " Caroline." Queen Caroline Matilda, for political reasons, being un- willing to acquaint her family in England with the daily slights and mortifications she received from the King and her stepmother Juliana, addressed a letter to the Princess Mary of Hesse Cassel, to tell her of the grief and vexation she was enduring, judging by her consanguinity with the King of Denmark, and the marriage of her sons with his Majesty's sisters, that she would be a fit person to interfere in her own behalf. The following is an exact copy of this sensible and moving letter from the injured niece to her aunt : — " Copenhagen, March 22, 1769. " Madam and good Aunt, " You are not unacquainted with the arts, devices, and aspiring views of the Queen Dowager, who seems bent on undermining the Royal authority, the exercise of which she assumes solely to herself; and after having made the King contemptible to his subjects, in availing herself of his weakness to give a sanction to the most flagrant acts of violence, injustice, and oppression, that bad, wicked woman has forfeited all claims to the sentiments of for- MABY OF ENGLAND. 131 giveness and moderation I have too long manifested, in opposition to censure, insolence, and obloquy, by her last most injurious and false aspersions on my reputation, and the dignity of a reigning queen. I am amazed at the King's torpor and insensibility. If any person of my at- tendance shows a laudable zeal for my service, or a respect- ful attachment to my person, it is reputed a crime, and punished with Royal displeasure and dismission. Some reasons, dictated by prudence, have prevented me from troubling the King, my brother, on this disagreeable sub- ject, as he might, perhaps, think it highly improper to interfere in grievances which he has no right to redress. I have applied to your known benevolence to do me the kind office of advising me, that I may bring the King to a sense of his wrongs and his injustice. Would you take upon yourself, as far as it is consistent with your discre- tion, to assist me in such a perplexing situation, I could never sufficiently acknowledge your friendly interposition to restore the peace of mind of " Your affectionate " Caboline." " The Princess Mary begged the Queen, her niece, would excuse her from taking any part in these Royal feuds, which, instead of producing the desired effects, might perhaps sti- mulate her rival's vengeance to offer her Majesty some new affronts and indignities. She expressed, at the same time, a great concern for her troubles and anxiety, hoping her Majesty's good sense and conduct would confound the vile imputations of Juliana, and make the King sensible of his errors. " # Frederick of Hesse's inhumanity towards his submissive * "Memoirs of an Unfortunate Queen." 132 THE BOYAL PRINCESSES. and uncomplaining wife had nearly broken her gentle heart. From time to time various reports reached her English home of her failing health, and liability to consumption ; but an interposing Providence watched over Mary's destiny, and by relieving her from her tyrant effected her cure. During her widowhood she enjoyed a tranquillity to which in early life she had been utterly a stranger. She died on the 14th of June, 1772, at the age of sixty-nine. A journal of the time (dated June 25th) announces the arrival in England of Monsieur Koch, Secretary to his Serene Highness the Hereditary Prince of Hesse Cassel, with the melancholy intelligence of the death of this universally lamented Princess. Mary of England had three sons by her marriage with the Prince of Hesse — George, who succeeded his father as Elector, Charles, and Frederick. By her will the Dowager Electress gave all her estates to her two younger children, except " annuities to all her servants, equal to the wages given, until they marry, or get places where more wages are given than the annuities." She appointed Lord Har- court and Lord Berkeley her executors. The descendants of Mary were, by her son George Wil- liam, Elector of Hesse Cassel — two sons, William and Frederick ; and two daughters, Caroline and Mary Louisa. By Charles of Hesse, her second child, she had Frede- rick and Christian ; Mary, Julia, and Louisa Mary. His eldest daughter became Queen of Denmark, and mother of Caroline and Wilhelmina of Denmark. Frederick of Hesse, third son of Mary of England, and youngest of George II. 's grandsons, had three sons — Wil- liam, Frederick, and George ; his daughters were Louisa, Mary, and Augusta. 133 LOUISA OF ENGLAND, QUEEN OF DENMABK, YOUNGEST DAUGHTER OF GEORGE II. Her birth — Resemblance in character and fate to her mother, Queen Caroline — Prophetic address of the Queen on her death-bed — Marries Frederic V., King of Denmark — Instance of her resolution — Her death, and farewell letter to her family — Affliction of the King of England — Death and character of Frederic V. — Patron of Niebuhr — Christian, son of Louisa of England, becomes King — Sacrificed by his stepmother — Louisa's three daughters. Two RoyalPrincesses of the house of Hanover have worn the crown-matrimonial of Denmark. To both it proved a crown of thorns — of grief, of care, and sorrow — though not equally so in both instances. The first of these illustrious women, destined by an unhappy fate to end her days in the flower of her age in a foreign land, was Louisa, the youngest daughter of George II. and Caroline of Anspach ; the second was the wife of Louisa's son, that Caroline Matilda of Zell, daughter of Frederick, Prince of Wales, who was celebrated alike for her heroism and misfortunes. Mary and Louisa, the two English-born daughters of George II., were nearly of an age, and therefore must have been excellent companions. There was but a year and ten months difference between them : Mary was born on the 22nd of February, 1723, Louisa on the 7th of December, 1724. Their ages at the time of their mother's death were about fourteen and thirteen. The mother's heart generally fixes itself on the youngest of her little family group, and 134 THE EOTAI, FBItfCESSES. in the case of Caroline of Anspach we find it was even so ; that her love amounted even to idolatry for the gifted and beautiful Louisa. Little did the good Queen foresee the fate of that beloved child, or how similar it would prove to her own ! Yet so it was : the mother's misfor- tunes were inherited by the daughter, together with her talents, and, indeed, also her heroism. Louisa of England possessed a spirit, sense, and forti- tude which could only be equalled by those with which Caroline of Anspach was endowed ; and it was her destiny to be snatched from the world while yet in the flower of her age. Was it the penetration of character possessed by Caroline which made her utter on her death-bed to this favourite child, whom with her sister Mary, when she bade them farewell for ever, she consigned to the arms of the truth-loving Caroline Elizabeth, " Louisa, remember I die by being giddy and obstinate, in having kept my disorder a secret." The spirit of prophecy seems to have hovered upon the lips of the dying Queen when she gave utterance to this remark, for Louisa's death was the very counterpart of her own. Louisa was united to Frederick V., King of Denmark, in 1743. Her husband, to whom she bore four children, was passionately attached to her ; but equally unwilling to have it supposed his wife, young and lovely as she was, could exercise any influence over him, kept a mistress to contradict the truth in the eyes of the world. The Queen, who inherited her mother's lofty spirit, was too high- minded to betray how deeply she felt this conduct. When, as a young and admired bride, she had quitted England, followed by the heartfelt prayers and wishes of an adoring people for her happiness, she had announced to her brother the famous Duke of Cumberland, her determination never LOUISA OP ENGLAND. 135 to complain to her family, whatever might be her sorrows in a foreign land. She kept her word : whatever she felt of grief or anxiety at her husband's infidelity, was care- fully confined to her own bosom. While suffering the greatest possible uneasiness of mind, she never mentioned the circumstance in her most confidential letters to her friends at home ; a state of things in which her married life greatly resembled that of Queen Caroline of Anspach, who, surrounded at sundry times by the worthless asso- ciates of G-eorge II., never betrayed in the smallest degree the weakness of a woman's jealousy, but maintained her own pre-eminence triumphantly to the last. In her dying moments, Louisa wrote a moving farewell letter to the King her father, the Duke of Cumberland, then her only surviving brother, and her sisters, to all of whom she seems to have been affectionately attached. Her death, the resemblance of which to her mother's end was so striking, was caused by a slight rupture, which she concealed, and which had been produced by her stooping when seven months advanced in pregnancy with her first child. After undergoing an operation w T hich lasted more than an hour, with heroic firmness, this amiable Princess expired, in the twenty-seventh year of her age, a.d. 1751, to the inexpressible regret of her family and friends. George II. was indeed so afflicted with his daughter's letter, and so forcibly struck with the extraordinary re- semblance between her fate and that of his wife, that he broke forth into passionate exclamations of tenderness. He said, " This has been a fatal year to my family. I lost my eldest — but I am glad of it ; then the Prince of Orange died, and left everything in confusion. Poor little Edward has been cut open for an imposthume in his side ; 136 THE BOTAL PRINCESSES. and now the Queen of Denmark is gone. I know I did not love my children when they were young ; I hated to have them running into my room ; but now I love them as well as most fathers." # King Frederick V. died in the forty-second year of his age, after a twenty years' reign. Walpole calls him "a Prince good and beloved, void of any fault but that Northern vice, drunkenness ;" and says, "he had governed his small kingdom with prudence and ability, and shown both spirit and firmness in the manner in which he met the prepara- tions made by Peter III. for invading Denmark in 1762. He has the honour of having employed the talented Niebuhr on that celebrated expedition to the East, of which the latter has left so interesting a description. "f Louisa, Queen of Denmark, had one son, Christian ; who might have turned out a very different character, had his mother lived to superintend his education. He succeeded his father on the throne, and became the husband of Caro- line Matilda of England, his cousin — whose misfortunes, as well as his own, had their foundation in the artful policy of the Queen Eegent, Juliana Maria, whom the late King had married after Louisa's death, and who aimed at obtaining the crown for her own offspring, to the ex- clusion of the children and grandchildren of the former marriage. Louisa left three daughters. Sophia of Denmark, the eldest, became Queen of Sweden, by her marriage with the unfortunate Gustavus III., by whom she became mother of " the scarcely less fortunate Gustavus, whose opposition to Napoleon led to his dethronement, to give place to Bernadotte ; and whose eccentricities, under the assumed * Walpole's " Memoirs." f Walpole's " Memoirs of George III." LOUISA OF ENGLAND. 137 title of Count Gottorp, are well known to the European public."* Wilhelmina marrying her cousin, the son of Princess Mary of England, became Electress of Hesse Cassel. This Prince of Hesse Cassel was famous for supplying mercenaries to all the sovereigns of Europe, as well as the United States of North America.f Louisa, the youngest, espoused his brother, Prince Charles, of Hesse Cassel. * " Private Anecdotes of Foreign Courts." f Ibid. 138 AUGUSTA, DUCHESS OF BRUNSWICK, ELDEST DAUGHTEK OF FREDEKICK, PRINCE OF WALES Augusta, eldest daughter of Frederick, Prince of Wales — Her parents — Her birth — "Lucky month" of the House of Brunswick — Chris- tening of the babe — Called " Lady Augusta " — Early precocity — Family of Princess of Wales — Picture of her children — Theatricals at Leicester House — Death of Frederick — King's, visit to his widow — Reception of Queen Charlotte — Coronation of King and Queen — Civic feast — Amusing incident — Queen's ball — Duke of Brunswick offers to marry the Princess — Accepted — Message to Parliament from the King — Dowry voted — Prince comes over — Marriage takes place — Compliments of the nobility — Rich presents to the bride — Duke visits public places in London — Visits Mr. Pitt — Queen's birthday — Ball given — Departure for the Continent — Their route — Arrival at Brunswick — Entertain- ments given on the occasion — Revisits England — Baptism of William, afterwards "the Fourth" — Augusta one of the sponsors — Death of the Duke of Cumberland— Royal English dukes accom- pany Duke of Brunswick to the Court of Frederic the Great — Marriage of Caroline — Birth of her daughter — Death of the Duke of Brunswick — His family — Duchess's opinion of Queen Caroline's misfortunes — Granddaughter visits her — Interview with the aged King — Address from the City — Allowance granted her — House in Hanover Square taken for her — Her death and funeral. The records preserved of Augusta, Duchess of Brunswick, become even more interesting than they would other- wise have been, from the fact of her being mother of the unfortunate Caroline, Queen of George IV., and grand- mother to Charlotte Augusta of Wales — that Princess in whom, though for a brief period of years only, the hopes of the whole nation rested. Frederick Louis, Prince of Wales, eldest son of George AUGUSTA, DUCHESS OF BRUNSWICK. 139 II., was united in the year 1736 to Augusta, daughter of Frederick II., Duke of Saxe Gotha. Augusta, their first child, subject of this memoir, was born in the following year, August 1st, 1737. The month of August has been declared auspicious to the House of Brunswick. On August 1st, 1714, George I. obtained the throne of Great Britain. It was the month of August in which were born Frederick, King of Bohemia, and his wife Elizabeth, daughter of James I., from whom George I. derived his title to the crown. Both Queen Adelaide and George IY. were born in the month of August ; and, singularly enough, it was on the 1st of August that Prince Ferdi- nand of Brunswick, the future husband of the Princess Augusta, fought and obtained the glorious victory at Minden over the French. The Prince, who had long deported himself disrespect- fully to his Royal parents, without the most distant inti- mation of his intention to their Majesties, hurried his wife, who was evidently near her accouchement, at eight o'clock in the evening, from the Palace of Hampton Court to St. James's, where, at eleven o'clock, she was delivered of a Princess. At half-past ten his Eoyal Highness sent a page to Hampton Court to mention the state of the Princess to their Majesties, whose surprise and consternation at this news induced the Queen to leave Hampton Court in the middle of the night, and set off for St. James's, where she did not arrive until , four o'clock. Her Majesty was accompanied by the Duke of Grafton, Lord Hervey, and several Ladies of the Bed- chamber. After remaining about two hours at St. James's, the Queen returned to Hampton Court. The conduct of the Prince of Wales on this occasion caused a serious breach between himself and his Eoyal parents. 140 THE EOTAL PRINCESSES. On the 29th of August, at eight o'clock in the evening, the young Princess was baptized by the name of Augusta, by the Archbishop of Canterbury. The King and Queen, and the Duchess Dowager of Saxe Gotha, were sponsors by proxy. The Eoyal infant was in a magnificent cradle, elevated on steps beneath a canopy of state, and was afterwards laid in the nurse's lap, upon a rich cushion embroidered with silver. The Princess of Wales had on an exceedingly rich stomacher, adorned with jewels, and sat upon her bed of state, with the pillows richly adorned with fine lace embroidered with silver. The Prince of Wales was pre- sent, and richly dressed, attended by the Lords of his Bedchamber. The font and flagons for the ceremony were those that had been used for Royal christenings for many centuries, and were brought from the Tower. The Prince of Wales signified his pleasure that his eldest daughter should not be addressed by the title of Royal Highness, but simply " Lady;" she is therefore usually styled the " Lady Augusta." A comical incident is related of the Royal child at the age of six years. In 1743, when there was a reception at Leicester House, and the children of the Prince and Prin- cess of Wales were present, some one addressed Sir Robert Peel as " Sir Robert." Augusta, thinking the person ad- dressed must be Sir Robert Walpole^n up to the nobleman, and looking up at him inquired — " Pray, where is your blue string ? and pray what has become of your fat belly ?" This elegant incident is recorded in the letters of Walpole, and on that account, perhaps, rather than its own merit, deserves insertion. The Princess of Wales had five sons, of whom George ArGTISTA, DUCHESS OP BETJNSWICE-. 141 III. was the eldest. The names of the others were Edward, Duke of York, William, Duke of Gloucester, Henry, Duke of Cumberland, and Frederick : her first-born child was the Lady Augusta ; she had besides her, Elizabeth, Louisa, and Caroline Matilda, afterwards Queen of Denmark, who was a posthumous child ; her father, Frederick, died before her birth, in 1751 * In the cube room, Kensington Palace, is a picture of his late Majesty George III. and his brother Edward, Duke of York, when young, shooting at a target ; the Duke of Gloucester in petticoats ; Princess Augusta, nursing the Duke of Cumberland, and Princess Louisa sitting in a chaise, drawn by a favourite dog, — the scene, in Kew Gardens, — painted in 1746. f Frederick Prince of Wales possessed, like his father, George II., a great taste for theatricals, and was fond of instructing his children, at a very early age, to repeat moral speeches out of plays. While his family was still very young, the Prince had plays at Leicester House, in which the children of his Koyal Highness sustained the principal characters. These were under the direction of * During the debate respecting the Regency Bill, and the discus- sion as to whether the name of the Princess o£ Wales should he inserted, "Rose Fuller," says Walpole, "declared that if the motion for reinstating the Princess was rejected, he, to show his impartiality, would move to omit her Royal Highness's daughters, and Princess Amelia. It was said with humour, that would be like Lord Anglesey, who, beating his wife, a she said, ' How much happier is that wench (pointing to a housemaid) than I am ! ' He immediately kicked the maid down stairs, and then said, ' Well ! there is at least one grievance removed.' " a Who was a natural daughter of James II., was divorced from Lord Anglesey for his cruel usage. She afterwards married John Sheffield, Duke of Buckingham. f Fawkner's "Kensington." Kb 142 TILE ROYAL PRINCESSES. the celebrated Quin ; and it was in reference to the instruc- tions he then gave Prince George, that on hearing of the graceful manner in which he delivered his first speech from the throne, he exclaimed with pride and exultation — " Ah ! I taught the boy to speak." On the 4th of January, 1749, the children of his Royal Highness, with the aid of some of the juvenile branches of the nobility, performed the tragedy of " Cato," before their Royal parents and a numerous audience of distinguished personages. The following were the dramatis personce on this interesting occasion : — Portius Prince George. Juba ... Prince Edward. Cato Master Nugent. Sempronius Master Evelyn. Lucius Master Montagu. Decius Lord Milsington. Syphax Lord North's Son. Marcus Master Madden. Marcia Princess Augusta. Lucia Princess Elizabeth. Previous to the rising of the curtain, Prince George, then eleven years of age, came forward, and delivered in a most graceful and impressive manner the following prologue: — To speak with freedom, dignity, and ease, To learn those arts which may hereafter please, Wise authors say — let youth in earlier age Kehearse the poet's labours on the stage. Nay, more ! a nobler end is still behind — The poet's labours elevate the mind ; Teach our young hearts with gen'rous fire to burn, And feel the virtuous sentiments we learn. T' attain those glorious ends what play so fit, As that where all the powers of human wit Combine to dignify great Caesar's name, To deck his tomb, and consecrate his fame ? AUGUSTA, DUCHESS OF BRUNSWICK. • 143 Where Liberty, name for ever dear ! Breathes forth in every line, and bids us fear Nor pains nor death to guard our sacred laws, But bravely perish in our country's cause. Patriots indeed ! Nor why that honest name, Through every time and action still the same Should thus superior to my years be thought, Know, 'tis the first great lesson I was taught. What, though a boy ! it may with pride be said, A boy in England born — in England bred ; Where freedom well becomes the earliest state, For there the love of liberty's innate. Yet more ; before my eyes those heroes stand, Whom the great William brought to bless this land, To guard with pious care that gen'rous plan Of power well bounded, which he first began. But while my great forefathers fire my mind, The friends, the joy, the glory of mankind, Can I forget that there is one more dear ? But he is present, and I must forbear. After the tragedy had been performed in a manner highly creditable to the Royal and other juvenile amateurs, and much to the honour of those who had completed their education, the Princess Augusta, afterwards Duchess of Brunswick, mother of Queen Caroline, and Prince Edward, afterwards Duke of York, delivered an epilogue, of which the following is a copy : — Princess Augusta. The prologue's filled with such fine phrases, George will alone have all the praises ; Unless we can (to get in vogue) Contrive to speak an epilogue. Prince Edward. George has, 'tis true, vouchsaf d to mention His future gracious intention \ In such heroic strains, that no man "Will e'er deny his soul is Boman. i 2 144 THE KOTAL PRINCESSES.. But what have you or I to say to The pompous sentiments of Cato ? George is to have imperial sway; Our task is only to obey ; And trust me I'll not thwart his will, But be his faithful Juba still — Though, sister, now the play is over, I wish you'd get a better lover. Princess Augusta. Why, not to underrate your merit, Others would court with different spirit ; And I perhaps might like another A little better than a brother. Could I have one of England's breeding, But 'tis a point they're all agreed in, That I must wed a foreigner, Across the seas, — the Lord knows where,—- Yet, let me go where'er I will, England shall have my wishes stilL Prince Edward. In England born, my inclination, Like yours, is wedded to the nation; And future times, I hope, will see The General, in reality. Indeed, I wish to serve this land. It is my father's strict command ; And none he ever gave will be More cheerfully obeyed by me. The scene must have been interesting, for at the time Augusta, the eldest of these Royal children, was only twelve years old, the Prince George eleven, Prince Edward ten, and the little Elizabeth just seven. The same year, 1749, witnessed the birth of another little Princess, named Louisa Anne, # and the following the domestic happiness of this merry group was broken up by the death of the Prince * Louisa Anne, born 1749. AUGUSTA, DUCHESS OP BRUNSWICK. 145 of Wales himself. He died in 1751, leaving his wife in expectation of becoming again a mother. The ill-fated Caroline Matilda, afterwards Queen of Denmark, was born after the death of her Royal and much -lamented father. After the death of Frederick, Prince of Wales, the King, George II., visited the widowed Princess. A chair of state was placed for him, but he refused it, and sat by her on the couch, embraced and wept with her. He would not suffer the Lady Augusta to kiss his hand,, but embraced her, and gave it to her brothers, and told them — " they must be brave boys, obedient to their mother, and deserve the fortune to which they were born." # After the accession of George III., at the time " when the bride-Queen, Charlotte Sophia of Mecklenburg, on her arrival in England, was first introduced to the bridesmaids and Court, ' Lady ' Augusta was forced to take her hand, and give it to those that were to kiss it, which was prettily humble and good natured."f The day after the Queen's nuptials, a ball was given, which was opened by the Duke of York and his sister, the Princess Augusta (afterwards Duchess of Brunswick) . The Princess Dowager of Wales, with the younger branches of her family, did not walk in the great procession on the occasion of the coronation of her son, George III., but went from the House of Lords across Old Palace Yard, on a platform erected for that purpose, to the south cross of the Abbey, where they had a box to see the coronation, and afterwards dined by themselves in an apartment adjoining to the hall. In this procession also appeared the three Mahometan Ambassadors, then at our Court, clothed in the proper dresses of their country. The people com- * Walpole. + Horace Walpole's " Letter to General Conway." 146 TIIE ROYAL PRINCESSES. miserated the situation of the Princess of Wales and her family, who on this occasion appeared to their view to have lost their precedency by the death of Frederick, Prince of Wales. Lady Mary Stuart, eldest daughter of the favourite, John Earl of Bute (afterwards married to Sir James Lowther), and Lady Susan Stuart, daughter of the Earl of Galloway (afterwards third wife of Granville Leveson, Earl Gower), were named of the bedchamber to the Lady Augusta, the King's sister, immediately after the accession. # At the same moment that the crown was placed on her Majesty, Queen Charlotte's, head, Princess Augusta and all the Peeresses put on their coronets. At the coronation dinner, the Dukes of York and Cumberland sat at one end of the table, on the King's right hand, and the Princess Augusta at the other end, on the Queen's left hand. The new Monarch, his Queen, and all the Boyal family, were invited to the civic feast, and in the procession on the occasion of their visit, the Princess Augusta took her proper place. The lively describer of this event, after narrating the formalities attending the kissing the hand of the Queen, says — " The same ceremony was performed of kissing the hand with the Princess Dowager, Amelia,, Augusta, the Dukes of Cumberland, York, and the other Princes, who followed the King's example in compliment- ing each of us with a kiss, but not till their Majesties had left the room." Sir Samuel Fludyer was the Lord Mayor who had the signal honour of entertaining their Majesties. An incident is recorded of Queen Charlotte in her early married days : — " The King made her frequent presents of magnificent * Walpole. ArGUSTA, DUCHESS OF BETTYS WICK. 147 jewels ; and as if diamonds were empire, she was never allowed to appear in public without them. The first time she received the sacrament, she begged not to wear them ; one pious command of her mother having been, not to use jewels at her first communion. The King indulged her ; but Lady Augusta carrying this tale to her mother, the Princess obliged the King to insist on the jewels, and the poor young Queen's tears and terrors could not dispense with her obedience." # "Lady Augusta," attended by her maid of honour, Lady Susan Stuart, was present at the first party given by Queen Charlotte. The King and Queen danced toge- ther the whole evening, and the "Lady Augusta" danced with her younger brothers in turn. Even in the reign of G-eorge II. there had been thoughts of a double alliance between the Royal family of England and that of Brunswick ; but the jealousy of the Princess of Wales having prevented the marriage of her son with a Princess of that line, the Court of Brunswick, according to Walpole, "had no great propensity" to the other match between the Hereditary Prince and Lady Augusta. " It had, however, been treated of from time to time ; and in 1762 had been agreed on, but was abruptly broken off by the influence of the King of Prussia.f " Lady Augusta was lively, and much inclined to meddle in the private politics of the Court. As none of herj children but the King, had, or had reason to have, much affection for their mother, she justly apprehended Lady Augusta's instilling their disgusts into the Queen. She could not forbid her daughter's frequent visits at Buck- ingham House, but to prevent any ill consequence from * Walpolc's " Memoirs." f Ibid, i The Princess of Wales. 14S THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. them, often accompanied her thither. This, however, was an attendance and constraint the Princess of Wales could not support. Her exceeding indolence, her more excessive love of privacy, and the subjection of being frequently with the Queen, whose higher rank was a never-ceasing morti- fication, all concurred to make her resolve, at any rate, to deliver herself from her daughter. To attain this end, a profusion of favours to the hated House of Brunswick was not thought too much. The Hereditary Prince was pre- vailed on to accept Lady Augusta's hand, with fourscore thousand pounds, an annuity of 5000/. a-year on Ireland, and 3000Z. a-year on Hanover. # His Majesty having been graciously pleased to commu- nicate to both Houses of Parliament the intended mar- riage of his sister, the Princess Augusta, with the Heredi- tary Prince of Brunswick, the House of Commons waited on the King, December 2nd, 1763, wdth an address of thanks for such communication : the House of Lords did the same on the 5th. The dowery allowed by the House of Commons to her Royal Highness, in pursuance of his Majesty's message, as usual on such occasions, was 80,000Z. On January 12th, 1764, his most Serene Highness the Hereditary Prince of Brunswick Lunenberg landed at Harwich, from on board his Majesty's yacht the Princess Augusta, and on the evening of the next day arrived at Somerset House in the King's equipages, attended by several noblemen who went to wait his arrival at Harwich.. The next morning his Serene Highness waited on their Majesties and the rest of the Eoyal family ; and on the 16th, at seven in the evening, the ceremony of the mar- riage of her Royal Highness the Princess Augusta with * Walpolc's " Memoirs of the Reign of George III." AUGUSTA, DUCHESS OF BBUNSWICK. 149 his most Serene Highness was performed in the great Council Chamber, St. James's, by his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. None but peers and peeresses, peers' eldest sons and peers' daughters, privy councillors and their wives, and foreign ministers, were admitted to be present at the ceremony. Their Serene and Royal Highnesses remained at St. James's till nine, and then repaired to Leicester House, where a grand supper was prepared ; at which were present their Majesties, the Princess Dowager, Princes William and Henry, and the rest of the Royal family. Their Majesties went away about twelve. The next day their Majesties, her Royal Highness the Princess Dowager of Wales, and their Royal and Serene Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Brunswick, received the compliments of the nobilhVy and geirhy, which were followed by most dutiful and affectionate addresses from both Houses of Parliament, and the City of London. The Princess Augusta had much endeared herself to all who knew her by the virtues of her heart and the uniform, sweetness of her manners. The parting of the King from his sister could scarcely be more tender than that of the Queen and the Princess, between whom the sincerest friendship had subsisted ever since their first interview. Their Highnesses, at their setting out, were pleased to order 500Z. each for the relief of poor prisoners for debt. His Serene Highness, during his stay in London, was sumptuously entertained by his Royal Highness the Duke of Cumberland, and many of the principal nobility and gentry ; he had visited every place with the attention of a traveller ; confirming all ranks in those sentiments of love and esteem which his behaviour in the British army in Germany had already so justly inspired. But no part of his Highness' s behaviour seemed to give so much pleasure 150 THE EOTAL PKINCESSES. as his paying a visit, in a free and friendly manner, worthy of himself, to Mr. Pitt, then eonfmed by the gout at his country seat. On the occasion of her marriage the King presented his sister with a diamond necklace worth thirty thousand pounds ; the Queen gave a gold watch of exquisite work- manship, set with jewels ; and the Princess Dowager gave her daughter a diamond stomacher of immense value. This marriage caused the Court on the birthday to be uncommonly brilliant ; a splendid ball was given in the evening, rendered peculiarly interesting from its being opened by the Prince and Princess of Brunswick. Two nights afterwards they accompanied their Majesties to Covent Garden Theatre, to see the new comedy of " No one's Enemy but his Own;" and so great was the crowd, that the playhouse passages and the piazzas ex- hibited nothing but one connected living mass; even the streets were so thronged, as to render it difficult for the carriages to get along without accident. So great was the curiosity of some ladies to see the Hereditary Prince, that several offered five guineas for a seat in the boxes, and w r ere refused. But the pressure at the Opera-house on the following Saturday was even greater. The car- riages could not come near the door, on which account many of the nobility were under the necessity of mixing with the throng, which was so great that several ladies were in danger of being crushed to death. All respect for rank and sex was lost ; and some gentlemen being impru- dent enough to draw their swords, increased the confusion to such a degree that many persons fainted away ; while others, in the struggle to extricate themselves, had their clothes torn from their backs. The crowd was not much less about the Palace on the Monday following, when her AUGUSTA, DUCHESS OP EEUKSYflCIv. 151 Majesty held another Drawing-room in honour of the Prince and Princess of Brunswick, who, with the different branches of the Royal family and many of the nobility, were entertained in the evening at the Queen's house witH a grand concert, ball, and supper. This was by way of taking leave of their Serene Highnesses, who set out for the Continent on the ensuing Wednesday. On the 26th, at three in the evening, their Highnesses set out for Harwich, loaded with presents from their Majesties, and the rest of the Royal family, and attended by the tears of many and the good wishes of all, which the Prince returned by his prayers for the success of this nation, for which, he said, he had already bled, and would again with pleasure on any future occasion. The Princess, in a German travelling habit, attended by Lady Susan Stuart, and two noblemen, went in one coach, and the Prince, with some of the noblemen of his Court, followed in another. The Princes William Henry and Frederick, and two noblemen, went next in post-chaises and four, attended by many servants on horseback, but no guards. By eight they arrived at the seat of Lord Abercorn, at Witham in Essex, where a grand entertainment w r as pro- vided for their Highnesses ; and they were met by many of the nobility of both sexes, who had set out before to spend the evening with their Highnesses. On the 17th, their Highnesses set out for Mistley Hall, and from thence the next day arrived at Harwich, where the Corporation waited upon them with their compliments of congratulation, and had the honour of kissing the Princess's hand. On the 29th they embarked in different yachts, and sailed on the 30th, but did not reach Helvoetsluys till the 2nd of February, having been overtaken by very bad 152 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. weather, in which there was the greatest reason to fear their Highnesses had perished, as it was several days be- fore any certain and agreeable account of them reached London. 1764. — Their Boj'al and most Serene Highnesses the Hereditary Prince and Princess of Brunswick, on their landing at Helvoetsluys, on the 2nd of February, were complimented by the great cupbearer, Bigot, on the part of the Prince of Orange ; by M. de Beden, charged by the King of Great Britain and the Regency of Hanover to conduct them to Lunebourg ; and M. de Bortwitz, on the part of the Duke of Brunswick. The next day the Hereditary Prince took the route by land, and arrived towards evening at the Hague. Her Royal Highness embarked at the same time on board the yachts of the Prince of Orange and of the Admiralty, and having a fair wind, arrived the same evening at Delfthaven, and the next morning at Delft, where the Hereditary Prince and Duke Lewis of Brunswick, as well as the English Ambassador, came to meet her. The equipage of the Prince Stadtholder, with an escort of body guards, conducted her Boyal Highness from Delft to the Hague, to the palace of the Prince Stadtholder, called the Old Court, where, on alighting from her coach, she was received by the Prince Stadtholder, who handed her to her apart- ments, where her Boyal Highness received, some time after, the compliments of the foreign Ministers and a great number of persons of distinction. The States-General, the States of Holland, and the Council of State, upon news of their Highnesses' arrival, nominated a deputation of their most distinguished mem- bers, to compliment them upon their safe arrival, and the happy conclusion of their marriage; but as they were AUGUSTA, DUCHESS OF BKU^SWICK. 153 pleased to decline receiving these deputations in form, all the colleges had the honour to make their compliments without ceremony. The Prince Stadth older gave, the same day, a grand dinner and supper at the Palace to their Royal and Serene Highnesses, who went in the evening to the French comedy, and were entertained on the following days by Duke Lewis of Brunswick, his Serene Highness's uncle ; General Yorke, &c. On the 11th their Highnesses arrived at Loo ; on the 12th at Twickel, and the same day passed the frontiers of the Seven Provinces. On the 15th they arrived at Nienburg, and the next day at Zell. The burgesses of both these towns received them under arms, and the air resounded with acclamations of joy. They were compli- mented at Nienburg by the Generals Sporcken, Wangen- heim, Regen, and Walmoden ; and at Zell by Baron de Fursteini and M. de Bock. The Countess of Yarmouth received them at Newstadt. Their Highnesses continued their route to Lunenburg, escorted by a detachment of horse. February, 1764. — On the 19th his Serene Highness arrived at Brunswick, and on the 21st her Royal High- ness followed. She was met at Wenden, three miles from Brunswick, by a party of light horse ; and when she came within one mile of the town, by the Reigning Duke, the Duchess, Prince Ferdinand, and the whole illustrious family, who were come in six coaches-and-six. After reposing some time in a large splendid green pavilion, the reigning Duchess and her Royal and Serene Highness set out in an open coach, that the people might see her. Daring her passage, and at her approach to the town, attended by military music, ninety guns were 15i THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. thence discharged, and the bells of the town and adjacent places were rung. Without the gate paraded a company of Prince Frederick's Grenadiers, and forty of the Horse Life Guards, dressed in leathern jerkins laced with silver. Within the gate were two battalions of the Foot Guards, two battalions of General Imhoff's regiment, two bat- talions of General Mausberg's regiment, and two bat- talions of the Hereditary Prince's own regiment. Her Royal Highness w r as preceded by two squadrons of Hussars, and followed by sixty of the Horse Life Guards, another squadron of the Hussars, and a great number of officers on horseback. After they alighted at Granhoff, the Duke's Palace, the Princess appeared at the window, while the regiments filed by and saluted her ; which done, they went to the ramparts and fired three salvos. At five o'clock their Highnesses sat down to table, from which they arose at eight, played at cards in the great assembly-room till ten, when they went to supper, and then retired to the Hereditary Prince's palace. On the 22nd the whole Court was assembled in the morning in the Prince's palace ; at two her Royal High- ness went to the Duke's palace, with Lady Stuart in her coach, followed by his Serene Highness. In the evening their Highnesses went to a new opera, and were received at their entrance with great acclamations of the people. After the opera they supped in the great ball-room, and there was a splendid ball, which lasted till early the next morning. On the 23rd they dined in public, and in the evening went to an operetta. On the 24th was a great ball at Court, and a supper in the parterre of the opera-house, on a table in the form of an A, with eighty covers. AUGUSTA, DUCHESS OP BBUISTSWICK. 155 On the 25tli was an operetta, and on the 27th a panto- mime, called "Harlequin in the Hartz." This amiable Princess speedily won the hearts of her future subjects by her most gracious and popular behaviour. The Prince and Princess of Brunswick subsequently came to England by special invitation. Some thought Lord Bute hoped to engage Mr. Pitt by the intervention of the Hereditary Prince ; but the court paid of late both by the Prince and his wife to the Princess Dowager, had entirely gained her affections, and removed her antipathy to the House of Brunswick.^ 1765. On the occasion of the baptism of the fourth son of Queen Charlotte, afterwards William IV. of his name, the sponsors were the Duke of Gloucester, the uncle of the babe, and the Prince and Princess of Brunswick. The ceremony took place, in presence of their Majesties, the Royal family, and nobility, at St. James's, and was performed by Dr. Seeker, Archbishop of Canterbury. Very shortly after this event occurred the death of the Duke of Cumberland, the hero of Culloden, to the great grief of his family. In 1793 William, Duke of Clarence, and his brother Frederick, Duke of York, in company with the Duke of Brunswick, visited Silesia, and renewed their acquaintance with Frederic the Great of Prussia, whom they had pre- viously met at Potsdam. One of the Royal princes during a visit to the Court of Brunswick, had drawn a picture of the Princess Caroline in such glowing colours, as being like the Princess Mary of England, his favourite sister, that the Prince of Wales determined to make her his wife. * Walpole. 156 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. When Caroline quitted Brunswick, December 30th, 1794, for England, her future home, she was accompanied by her mother, and a numerous train of the populace, who followed her with prayers and acclamations. After Osnaburg they visited Hanover, and spent some weeks in the Bishop's Palace, which had been fitted up for their reception. On March 28th, 1795, the Princess embarked for England : her history belongs to another page, and the negotiation of Lord Malmesbury respecting her marriage, with the various details, the limits of this work do not permit us to insert. The only issue of the marriage of Caroline of Bruns- wick was one daughter, the much-beloved, the long- lamented Princess Charlotte, who drew her first breath at Carlton House, between the hours of one and two in the morning of January 7th, 1796. There were present on the occasion, the Duke of Gloucester, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the High Chancellor, the Lord President of his Majesty's Council, the Duke of Leeds, the Lord Chancellor, and Master of the Horse (Earl Jersey), the Prince of Wales, Lord Thurlow, and the Ladies of her Eoyal Highness the Princess of Wales's own bed- chamber. So great was the anxiety to obtain an heir to the throne, that the utmost anxiety was felt on this occa- sion, which was conducted with the most solemn formali- ties. The Ladies of her Royal Highness's Court waited on her during her illness, which at one period is said to have threatened her life, and in which she has been said to have been saved by the intelligent friendship of a dis- tinguished statesman. The Prince of Wales himself was so very anxious on the preceding evening, when dining at Streatham with Mr. Macnamara, to meet a convivial ATJGTTSTA, DUCHESS OF BRUNSWICK. 157 party, among whom were the Duke of Bedford and Lord Thurlow, whose society he much enjoyed, that he quitted the festive board at a much earlier hour than was his custom. On the 29th, the City of London intimated its desire to make an Address of Congratulation on the auspicious event ; but Lord Cholmondeley informed the City Remem- brancer that the Prince could not receive it in a suitable maimer, being under the necessity of dismissing his esta- blishment, which would render him unable to receive such compliments in a manner suitable to his rank, and with the respect due to the capital of the Empire ; he at the same time expressed his regret at not being able to acknowledge these good wishes to himself and the Princess of Wales. The Hereditary Prince succeeded to the Dukedom of Brunswick on the death of his father in 1780, and for some years after resided at Brunswick, where the Princess, who was throughout life deservedly esteemed, made his court very agreeable. In 1787 he commanded the Prussian forces which took possession of Amsterdam, and put down the republican party in Holland. His campaigns against the French republicans were less successful, and his well- known manifesto rendered his failure more glaring. He was mortally wounded at Auerstadt, and expired at Altona on the 10th of November, 1806, leaving behind him the reputation of a bold and enterprising, rather than of an able general. The King of Prussia had renewed his alliance with Great Britain, but Napoleon having entered Prussia at the head of a French army, the fate of that country was decided on the 14th of October, by the battle of Jena. The King retreated from the field M 15S THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. with his guards, and the Duke of Brunswick was mor- tally wounded. The Duchess of Brunswick had three sons and three daughters. The present Boyal family of Wurtemberg are descended from her through her daughter, wife of that Duke of Wurtemberg who was created King by Napoleon : his second wife, the first Queen of Wurtem- berg, was Charlotte Augusta Matilda, Princess Royal of England, daughter of George III. The Duke and Duchess of Brunswick were not happy in their family : of their two daughters, the eldest, who married the King of Wurtemberg, came to a miserable end in Russia ; the youngest was the unfortunate Queen Caroline. Their eldest son was of weak understanding ; and the youngest, " Brunswick's fated Chieftain," a Prince of moderate abilities but signal courage, fell in middle life at Waterloo. The author of " Anecdotes of Foreign Courts" ob- serves : — " There is no reason whatever even to suspect the Empress Catherine of having anticipated, much less been accessory, in any degree to the death of the late Duchess of Wurtemberg. I have the best reason on earth for contradicting the insinuations and calumnies which have gone abroad on this subject, in the testimony of her own mother, with whom I had a conversation on the subject at Hanover in 1795, and at which the late Earl of Bristol happened to be present. In this interview the Duchess of Brunswick, after lamenting the result of her daughter, the late Princess of Wales's marriage, and the terms on which she lived with her husband, observed, ' I am, indeed, truly unfortunate with respect to both my daughters. The other, poor thing ! fell a sacrifice to the jealousy of her husband, who, after having led her a most AUGUSTA, DUCHESS OF BRUNSWICK. 159 wretched life, not satisfied with his brutal treatment during an existence which was certainly shortened by ill- usage, calumniated her memory in the grave.' It may be readily supposed that in a conversation like the above, continued for some time, the Duchess would not have omitted to make some allusion to Catherine, had there been the smallest motive for doing so ; while, on the con- trary, I well recollect her Highness having alluded to the memory of the Empress, and her great kindness to her daughter, in terms of warm approbation and gratitude. In speaking of the late unfortunate Queen Caroline, the Duchess said : — ' I am convinced my daughter Caroline must have injured herself very much in the estimation of several of the British Royal family, for having been too candid relative to the cruel treatment of her sister, when the Duke married the Princess Eoyal of England, on the propriety of which match her opinion had not been asked.' 5 ' The " Lady Augusta" herself, the widowed Duchess who had survived her father, mother, sisters, and her husband, and witnessed such sorrows as those her children were destined to experience, in her old age returned again a second time to the land of her childhood and happier days, over which her brother George reigned. She had been forty-eight years married to the Duke of Brunswick when he received the fatal wound, of which he died, at Jeua. The Clyde frigate which brought over the Duchess of Brunswick arrived off Gravesend on Monday night, July 13th, 1807. The Duchess landed on Tuesday morning, July 7th, at ten o'clock, and went immediately to the new tavern, where every preparation was made for the reception of this august Princess. The volunteer artillery and the m2 ICO THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. light infantry volunteers were out, to show all possible respect to her Royal Highness. The guns from the lines at Gravesend, and also at Tilbury Fort, were fired in honour of the occasion. The Clyde manned her yards and saluted. The Mayor and Corporation received her Royal Highness with all due form, and eagerly testified their respect to a Princess so nearly related to their monarch, and so estimable in herself. The venerable Princess seemed to be deeply sensible of these demonstrations of regard, in which the people in general warmly partici- pated ; and she quitted the place in the Princess of Wales's carriage, with her attendants, for Blackheath. On Wednesday, about twelve o'clock, the Princess Charlotte of Wales, attended by Lady de Clifford, left her house in Warwick-street in her carriage-and-four, upon a visit to her Royal mother, and to pay her respects to the Duchess of Brunswick, her grandmother. On Thursday morning, his Majesty quitted Windsor in his travelling carriage at ten o'clock for Blackheath, on a visit to his Royal sister, the Duchess of Brunswick, and the Princess of Wales. His Majesty arrived at the Princess's house about one o'clock, and on alighting from his carriage was received by the Duchess and the Princess. This meeting can be better conceived than described. His Majesty partook of an early dinner, and set off on his re- turn to Windsor about four o'clock. # Of the four sisters of George III., Augusta, Duchess of Brunswick was the only survivor, and the interview be- tween the aged King, then in his sixty-eighth year, with this sister, to whom he was next in age, and under her present afflicting circumstances, after they had been sepa- rated more than forty years, was very painful, arc! much * " Annual Register." ATTGUSTA, DUCHESS OE BKTOSWICK. 161 affected both. Elizabeth Caroline had been dead forty-one years, and Louisa Anne thirty-nine. On the 8th of August, the Lord Mayor, attended by four other Aldermen, and about eighty of the Common Council, proceeded in state from Guildhall to Montague House, Blackheath, where they presented the following- address to the Duchess of Brunswick : — " May it please your Royal and Serene Highness, " We, the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London, in Common Council assembled, most humbly entreat your Royal and Serene Highness to accept our sin- cere congratulations on your safe arrival in this imperial country. The return to her native land of an illustrious Princess so nearly and dearly allied to our beloved Sove- reign, and to the Royal and amiable Consort of the Heir Apparent to the throne of this United Kingdom, cannot but renew the most lively sentiments of affection in the hearts of his Majesty's loyal subjects, and a warm partici- pation of those feelings which a meeting so interesting to the Royal family must have occasioned. Deeply impressed, Madam, as we are, by the extraordinary events which have occasioned your return, we trust that your Royal and Serene Highness will permit us to express the sincere joy we feel at your restoration to the shores of a free and loyal people — not more attached to a good and venerable King by duty to his supreme and august station, than by affec- tion to his sacred person and family. " (Signed by order of Court,) " HENEY WoonTHOKPE." To which her Royal Highness returned the following answer : — 162 THE UOYAL PRINCESSES. " My Lord, — I return your Lordship and the Aldermen and Commons of the City of London my grateful thanks for an address which has given me the most heartfelt satis- faction. It affords me an additional instance of the loyal attachment of the City of London to the King, and of their affectionate regard for his Majesty's royal family."* By direction of the King, a house in Hanover-square was taken for the Duchess of Brunswick, his sister pre- ferring a private establishment of her own upon an econo- mical scale, to a residence in either of the Royal mansions. In the following year, the Parliament voted a grant of 10,000Z. a-year to the aged Duchess. She continued to reside in England till her death, in 1813, which occurred at the residence named, in Hanover-square, on the 24th of March, at a quarter past nine o'clock. " Her Eoyal Highness had been subject to an asthmatic complaint for some years, which was increased by the epidemic disorder prevalent at the time she was taken ill, but no alarm was excited till the morning of the 23rd. About five o'clock, her Royal Highness seemed better, but spasm came upon her chest about eight, and the aged sufferer died about nine o'clock, without pain. Her Boyal Highness was confined to her bed only two days. The Princess of Wales visited her only on Tuesday, and remained with her august mother for a considerable time." This venerable Princess was in the seventy-sixth year of her age, and the last surviving sister of our Sovereign. The death of the venerable Duchess of Brunswick was a severe blow, not only to the Princess of Wales, but to her daughter, the Princess Charlotte. Happily for the aged Duchess, her death spared her the anguish of be- holding her beloved grandchild prematurely snatched from * " Annual Register." AUGUSTA, DUCHESS OE BRUNSWICK. 1G3 the world, and the subsequent miserable close of the career of her unfortunate daughter, Caroline. On the 31st of March (1813), "at an early hour, Hanover- square and the avenues leading thereto were crowded with people, who were assembled for the purpose of witnessing the commencement of the ceremonial of the funeral of her Boyal Highness the Duchess of Brunswick. A detachment of the Foot Guards was on duty in the Square, and formed a line from the late residence of her Boyal Highness to the top of George-street, through which the procession was to proceed. There were also several troops of the 7th Hussars on duty, who afterwards joined in the procession. At half-past eight, the necessary arrangements having been made, the hearse, which was richly emblazoned with the armorial bearings of the deceased, drew up to the corner of Brook-street, and received the coffin. The persons appointed to accompany the procession having taken their respective places, the whole proceeded round the north side of the square to George-street, down which, they passed into Conduit-street, Bond-street, and Piccadilly, and so on to Hyde-park-corner. The order of march was as follows : — Eight ushers in deep mourning, with scarves and hat- bands, mounted on black horses, marching two and two. Then followed five mourning coaches. The carriage of her late Boyal Highness, drawn by six horses, in which was the coronet, borne by Clarencieux King-at-Arms, attended by an escort of the 7th Hussars, and followed immediately by four ushers on horseback. The hearse, drawn by eight horses, the 7th Hussars forming a line on each side, their arms reversed. A mourning coach, drawn by six horses, in which was 1G4 THE HOYAL PllIKCESSES. Garter Principal King-at-Arms, with two gentlemen ushers. The chief mourner, the Duke of Brunswick, who seemed deeply affected, in a mourning coach, drawn by six horses, and attended by two supporters. Two mourning coaches, drawn by four horses, in. which were some of the domestics of her late Eoyal Highness. The carriage of the chief mourner, drawn by six horses. The carriage of the Princess of Wales, drawn by six horses ; the servants in State liveries. The carriage of her Eoyal Highness the Princess Char- lotte, drawn by six horses. The carriage of the Prince of Wales, drawn by six horses. Then followed the carriages of all the Eoyal Dukes, drawn by six horses each, and the procession closed with four private carriages. The cavalcade stopped at Staines, where^efreshments were prepared, and remained there for some time. The procession had k very solemn and grand effect in all the villages through which it proceeded. The solemn knell was sounded as it passed, and the inhabitants, who lined the streets and public p&ths, Iqehaved in the most -chieprous manner. It reached Frogmore about eight at Eight, where tke roackwas l^ned witb>a party of the 33rd Eegiment, carrying lighted flambeaux, and the whole ot the military at Windsor were drawn out to receive it. The Castle yard was filled with infantry and cavalry, and illuminated by the blaze of flambeaux. As soon as the procession entered the yard, the whole presented arms, and the band struck up a solemn dirge, which gave the scene altogether a truly grand and impressive effect. At the porch of St. George's Chapel the body was taken AUGUSTA, DUCHESS OE BKUNSWTCK. 165 out of the hearse and placed upon a bier, which was carried by the yeomen of the guard. On entering the chapel, the aisles appeared lined with several troops of the Royal Horse Guards, partly under arms, and partly with lighted flambeaux. The organ opened its pealing tones, and Dr. Croft's admired funeral service was sung by the whole of the choir. The Duke of Brunswick had arrived at the Dean of Windsor's in the afternoon, and acted as chief mourner ; he was supported by Barons De Hackel and De Nortenfeld. Among other noblemen present in the procession, were the Lord Chamberlain, the Earl of Winchelsea, Lords Somerville, Rivers, St. Helen's, and Arden. The body being placed near the altar, the chief mourner took his seat in a chair at the head of the coffin. The service was performed by the Dean. The gentlemen of the choir sung the anthem, ' I have set God always before me,' by Blake. The funeral service concluded with, ' I heard a voice from Heaven ;' after which Garter King-at-Arms proclaimed her late Royal Highness's style, which ended the ceremony." # * " Annual Register." 166 ELIZABETH CAEOLINE AND LOUISA ANNE, DAUGHTERS OF FREDERICK, PRINCE OF WALES. Relative ages of the two sisters — Early talents of Elizabeth Caroline — Her personal appearance — Early death — Buried in Henry VII. 's Chapel, "Westminster — Miss Chudleigh's grand entertainment described by Walpole — Louisa Anne — Her early ill-health — Re- markable talents — Anxiety of her family — Dies of consumption — Court mourning ordered — Journeymen tailors' strike for increase of wages — Remains of Louisa Anne laid in state in the Prince's chamber — Buried in Westminster Abbey — The Duke of Mecklen- burg's disappointment — The Hereditary Prince Stadtholder another suitor for the Princess Louisa Anne. These royal sisters both died at an early age, and unmar- ried, by which they escaped the misfortunes which might have been allotted to them had length of years been their appointed destiny — as exemplified in the history of their elder sister, Augusta, Duchess of Brunswick, or their younger sister, Caroline Matilda, who, in the blooming period when she was entering her twenty-fourth year, was snatched from the world, which in that small space of time had offered to her lips a cup overflowing with many sorrows. There is always something painfully interesting in viewing that spectacle of frail mortality — the early dead. The allotted years of life being threescore and ten, it does not seem wonderful that all should start with the fair pro- mise of longevity in the dawn of existence ; yet how few attain the evening's sober ray of twilight ! How very few of those who do arrive at the goal — escaping the many snares of the fell hunter, Death, laid as traps in the path ELIZABETH CAEOLIKE A5TD LOUISA AOTTE. 167 of daily traffic — can on their arrival there cast a retrospective glance on the journey, and congratulate themselves on attaining the destined haven ! Few in years — few in events, too — were the peaceful lives of the sister Princesses, Elizabeth Caroline and Louisa Anne. The first was born December 30th, 1740 ; the last, on March 8th, 1748— some distance in age, therefore, divided them from each other. Of Elizabeth Caroline, the second daughter of Frederick, Prince of Wales, Walpole says, " Her figure was so very unfortunate, that it would have been difficult for her to be happy ; but her parts and application were extraordinary. I saw her act in Cato, at eight years old (when she could not stand alone, but was forced to lean against the side scene), better than any of her brothers and sisters. She had been so unhealthy that, at that age, she had not been taught to read, but had learnt the part of Lucia by hearing the others study their parts. She went to her father and mother, and begged she might act. They put her off as gently as they could ; she desired leave to repeat her part, and when she did, it was with so much sense, that there was no denying her;" and so the little Princess had her will. If personal appearance was as essential to happiness as the courtier deemed, Elizabeth Caroline was certainly de- barred of the woman's chance : but though deformed, and even homely in person, she possessed a mind, as is not uncommon in such cases, far superior to her brothers and sisters ; and thus Nature balances the account with her children, and compensates for her own deficiencies. It was not, however, the will of Heaven that this sweet Prin- cess should live to a mature age. In her nineteenth year she died at Kew, September 4th, 1759, after a two days' 1(53 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. illness, of inflammation of the bowels, and jist one month before the decease of her grandfather, George II. She was privately buried on the 14th, in the Royal vault in King Henry VII. 's chapel at Westminster. A letter from Plorace Walpole, to his friend General Conway, describes a fete given by one of the Queen's maids of honour, Miss Chudleigh (known afterwards as the celebrated Duchess of Kingston), in honour of her Royal mistress's birthday. " Oh ! that you had been at her ball the other night ; history could never describe it and keep its countenance. The Queen's real birthday, you know, is not kept. This maid of honour kept it — nay, whilst the Court is in mourning, expected people to be out of mourning : the Queen's family really was so, Lady Northumberland having desired leave for them. A scaffold was erected in Hyde Park for fireworks. To show the illuminations without to more advantage, the company were received in an apartment totally dark, where they remained for two hours. The fireworks were fine, and succeeded well. On each side of the Court were two large scaffolds, for the virgin's tradespeople. When the fire- works ceased, a large scene was lighted in the Court, repre- senting their Majesties, on each side of which were six obelisks, painted with emblems, and illuminated ; mottoes beneath, in Latin and English: first, for the Prince of Wales, a ship, Mutorum spes ; second, for the Princess Dowager, a bird of Paradise and two little ones, Meos ad sidera tollo ; third, Duke of York, a temple, Virtuti et lionori ; fourth, Princess Augusta, a bird of Paradise, Non liabet par em ; fifth, the three younger Princes, an orange tree, JPromittat et dat ; sixth, the two younger Princesses, the flower crown-imperial — I forget the Latin, the trans- lation was silly enough — ' Bashful in youth, graceful in ELIZABETH CAKOLINE AND LOUISA ANNE. 169 age.' The lady of the house made many apologies for the poorness of the performance, which she said was only oil- paper, painted by one of her servants ; but it really was fine and pretty. Behind the house was a cenotaph, for the Princess Elizabeth, a kind of illuminated cradle : the motto, ' All the honours the dead can receive.' This burying-ground was a strange codicil to a festival; and what was still more strange, about one in the morning this sarcophagus burst out into crackers and guns. The Margrave of Anspach began the ball with the virgin. The supper was most sumptuous." Louisa Anne was eleven years old when she lost her sister; and she had herself been a sufferer from earliest infancy. ^ ^ ne ti me of her birth, she was so extremely small and delicate that it was thought advisable to have her immediately baptized. She, however, surmounted the perils to which children often fall a sacrifice, and seemed to be gradually acquiring strength. Her disposition was remarkable for its gentleness, and she was distinguished by an ardent desire for the acquisition of knowledge. This delighted, though it alarmed her family, who dreaded lest her health should be injured by too much application. The existence of that latent malady, consumption, as she pro- gressed in years, became more evident in the bright ver- milion hue of that fair cheek, to the grief of all those who surrounded and were tenderly attached to this sweet scion of royalty. Year rolled on after year, and still, as she advanced towards womanhood, that unfailing symptom was there to bid hope despair ; and a hectic cough from which she constantly suffered was herald of the rapid consumption which put a period to her existence at the early age of twenty . She expired on the 13fch of May, 1768, beins: the third child the Princess of Wales had lost 170 TIIE EOYAL PRINCESSES. within two years. At the time of this sad occurrence, the King and Queen were in such anxiety about her health, that they were staying constantly in town ; and on the occasion all plays and public diversions were interdicted, and an order for a six weeks' mourning issued from the office of the Lord Chamberlain. The journeymen tailors in London took advantage of the mourning for Princess Louisa Anne and the riots then continuing in London, to rise in a great body and go down to the Parliament to petition for an increase of wages, but were prevailed on by Justice Fielding to behave with decency.* On the 21st of May, the corpse of the young Princess was laid in state in the Prince's chamber, and about ten o'clock in the evening of the same day interred in the Eoj^al vault, in King Henry VII.'s chapel. The pro- cession began between nine and ten from, the Prince's chamber to the Abbey, where the body was received by the dean, who performed the funeral service. Her Grace the Duchess of Manchester was chief mourner ; and the pall was supported by Lady Scarborough, Lady Boston, Lady Masham, and Lady Lichfield. The minute guns at the Tower began firing about nine at night ; and St. Paul's bell, and those of most of the churches in London and Westminster, tolled every minute, and continued till her Eoyal Highness's body was interred. One part of the sad story of Louisa Anne has yet to be told. At the time of her death, fairer hopes had wakened in her young heart — a brighter future had seemed to be in reserve upon earth : she had been promised in marriage, — and, but for the relentless disease which had crept slowly and surely upon her fair frame, would ere long have been, in all probability, a happy wife. * Walpole. ELIZABETH CABOLESTE AKD LOUISA AtfKE. 171 Adolphus Frederick, Duke of Mecklenburg, the eldest brother of Queen Charlotte, had. not only offered his hand to the Princess, but been successful in his suit. The mar- riage treaty was concluded in the autumn of the year 1764 ; and from a paragraph in the Daily Advertiser, we learn that some of his Majesty's yachts were ready to sail in a few days' time for Holland, to bring over the Prince, who was shortly to be united to the royal lady of his choice. " If Louisa Anne had been gifted with rare mental powers, her chosen husband was not less so ; for so rapid had been his advances in learning at the age of fifteen, that it is on record he was elected Eector of the Univer- sity of Gupswald ; on which occasion he delivered a Latin oration, of his own composition, before the members of that learned institution, and acquitted himself with great honour. When his sister Charlotte became Queen of England, by marriage, he was reigning Duke of Mecklen- burg, having succeeded to his father's principality. Why his overtures to the sister of George III. did not termi- nate in the expected union, seems easy to be accounted for in the declining health of the Princess becoming daily more apparent to those who surrounded her. Though she survived this period three years, Walpole says " she never appeared more than an unhealthy child of thirteen or fourteen:" such inroads had been made by her fatal malady ! Yet another suitor had been ready to win her whose home was not to be in earth, but heaven. The public papers of the same period state that " Count de Bentinck, Lord of Ehoon and Pengregt, one of the lords of the States of Holland, who lately arrived in London, was commissioned to propose a marriage between his Serene Highness the Hereditary Prince Stadtholder, born 8th of March, 1748, 172 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. and her Royal Highness the Princess Ijouisa Anne of England, born 19th of March, in the same year." Adolphus Frederick, Duke of Mecklenburg, seems to have been the husband selected by the Eoyal lady ; and though death deprived him of his early choice, he was twice married. In 1782 he spent several weeks at the Court of St. James, with his second Duchess, when their portraits were painted and hung up, by Queen Charlotte's orders, in her dining- room, at Frogmore. Adolphus died in 1794, when he was succeeded in the Dukedom by his brother, Charles Lewis Frederic, father of the Duchess of Solms, who, in 1816, became wife of the Duke of Cumberland. His other daughter was the beautiful and beloved Queen of Prussia : the walls of the dining-room of Queen Charlotte at Frog- more exhibit pictures of her mother and sister, and of Charles Lewis Frederic, named above, as well as of her brothers, Ernest Gottlob Albert, and George Aagustus. 173 CABOLINE MATILDA, QUEEN OF DENMAEK, YOUNGEST DAUGHTEB OF FEEDEBICK, PEINCE OF WALES. Her parents and family — A posthumous child — Marries Christian VII., King of Denmark — Birth of an heir — Leaves England — Be- ception in Denmark — The Queen-Mother — Caroline Matilda writes to the Princess of Hesse — Christian departs for England — His ad- ventures — He visits France — Conduct of the Queen — She lives at Fredericksbourg — Christian returns — Changed in his conduct to his wife — Struenzee reconciles the King and Queen — Manners and habits of the Queen — A good horsewoman — Escapes an ac- cident — Birth of a daughter — Hirschholm — Magnificence of the Court — Order of "Matilda" — Her mother's visit — Confederacy against Struenzee and the Queen — The masked ball — Imprisonment of Caroline Matilda — Indignation of Sir E. M. Keith — Death of Struenzee and Brandt — Death of Princess of Wales — Queen's letters — Interference of England — Conditions obtained — Parts from her children — Leaves Cronenburg — Lines written on her passage to Stadt — Queen at Zell — Her letter to the Duchess of Brunswick — Attempt to replace her on the throne — Embassy of Sir N. W. Wraxall — Sudden death of Caroline Matilda — Account of her last moments — Her funeral — Grief for her loss in England, Zell, and Denmark — The Crown Prince takes the power into his own hands in Denmark — Account of his conduct towards England — The cause. If there can be found among the records of woman's his- tory one page more painfully interesting than any other, which possesses a stronger claim on the sympathy of the sex, or is more calculated to draw forth from the bosom an honest expression of indignation for undeserved wrongs, that page is the one on which has been written, in cha- 174 THE BOYAL PRINCESSES. racters too deeply traced to be ever obliterated, the sad, sorrowful life of Caroline Matilda of England, one of the noblest and most virtuous daughters of the illustrious House of Hanover. With a feeling of sympathy sincere and devoted, let the curtained veil be raised from the tomb of this revered and deceased Princess, and with hallowed hearts let us gaze upon the fair, young, idolized object of a nation's love, and a nation's everlasting regret. Caroline Matilda first beheld the light four months and eight days after the death of her father, his Eoyal High- ness Frederick, Prince of Wales, eldest son of George II. ; her birth took place July 22nd, 1751. The Princess of Wales, her mother, educated this youngest of her nume- rous family in a manner which reflected the greatest credit on her sense and judgment, and thus rendered her fit to adorn the highest station. " She was well read in modern history, conversant with geography, spoke with correct- ness, eloquence, and fluency, both French and German, and understood Latin. Her diction in English was pure, and her elocution graceful. She could with facility repeat the finest passages from our dramatic poets, and often rehearsed, with great judgment and propriety, whole scenes from Shakspeare's most admired plays. But those far nobler qualities of the heart, which outstrip the mere forms of education and dispose the mind naturally to all that is good and great, were pre-eminently possessed by this youthful scion of royalty, whose sweetness of temper and vivacity of character endeared her to all those who surrounded her. The goodness and benevolence displayed by her throughout her brief career towards the unfortunate was a striking feature in her disposition, and one which must ever be remembered. Such was the sweet sister of George III., King of England, who was destined to be CABOLINE MATILDA. 175 transplanted, at the early age of sixteen, to a foreign Court, of which she was for a brief period only to become the brightest ornament. Such was Caroline Matilda, the heroine of a melancholy- historical romance, when her hand was sought in marriage by her cousin, Christian the Seventh, King of Denmark, the son of Princess Louisa of England, one of the daugh- ters of George II. That young prince, when but three years of age, lost his mother ; and about twelve months after that event, his father, Frederick V., married Juliana Maria, of Brunswick Wolfenbuttel, a Princess of un- bounded ambition, who, while her husband yet lived, is said to have cherished the design she at a later period succeeded in carrying into effect ; of repressing the talents, and rendering incapable of wielding sovereign power, the heir to the throne, in order to make way for her own son Frederick, who was but four years younger. Stepmothers throughout history have been found guilty, in numberless instances, of crimes towards the hapless objects placed by circumstances under their care ; but never was there a more diabolical scheme than that by which Juliana Maria had planned to enervate and render imbecile the innocent young Christian, her stepson, and which eventually brought ruin and death to the blooming Caroline Matilda. The Queen Mother held, under the will of her deceased husband, an unlimited power over the Government during the minority of Christian, whose natural timidity or feeble- ness of disposition only made him the more fitting tool to accomplish her iniquitous designs. Under her control and direction, the young heir, who, according to some accounts, had even been in risk of his life from poison while his father was yet alive, had no sooner become suc- cessor to the crown, than every effort of this artful step- k2 17G THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. mother was directed to the enervation and corruption of both mind and body of this unfortunate prince. The seeds of virtue which, under proper culture, would have ripened to maturity, were eradicated by vicious and dissipated counsellors, so that the errors and vices of Christian became strengthened, and his naturally good disposition perverted and ruined. It wonld scarcely have been pos- sible for a young man in ordinary life to have become a worthy member of society under such a training; how much less was the chance of the King of Denmark ! The following description is given of the personal appearance of Christian at the age of seventeen, the year of his acces- sion to the throne : — " The person of the young king, though considerably under the middle height, was finely proportioned, light and compact, but yet possessing a considerable degree of agility and strength. His complexion remarkably fair; his features, if not handsome, were regular ; his eyes blue, lively, and expressive ; his hair very light ; he had a good forehead and aquiline nose, a handsome mouth, and fine set of teeth. He was elegant, rather than magnificent in his dress ; courteous in his manners, though warm and irritable in his temper ; but his anger, if soon excited, was easily appeased, and he was generous to profusion." With different associates under the paternal restrictions, and fostered in the genial qualities of the heart by the tender love of a mother, how different might not Christian's after career have proved ! As it was, to his mother-in- law, " notwithstanding the disdain with which she treated him," he paid " all the deference which seemed due to her rank and authority in council. He never testified his firmness, or had the courage to defend his own opinion, Gil any other occasion than in the choice of Caroline CAROLINE MATILDA. 177 Matilda of England ; whilst the Queen Dowager neither approved of the alliance, nor of the time fixed for the union. She hoped, from this Prince's weak and delicate constitu- tion, that if his marriage was deferred, he would never have any offspring of his own to succeed to the throne, and had no desire for a rival, either in the power she at present enjoyed, or the ascendancy she had acquired over the mind of the young King." Caroline Matilda, on her part, had little of happiness to anticipate in the marriage proposed to her, and seems to have not held the crown in prospect heavy in the balance. From the time the alliance was determined upon, she is described as having been " pensive, reserved, and dis- quieted, though always gracious, without taking upon her- self more state, or requiring more homage from the persons admitted into her presence." In a letter from George III. to General Conway, com- manding the summoning a Committee of Council upon the dearness of corn, bearing date September 20, 1766, is the following passage referring to the intended nuptials of his Majesty's sister, Princess Caroline Matilda : — " I return you the proposed ceremonial for the espousals of my sister, which I entirely approve of ; the full power must undoubtedly, ex officio, be read by you, and the solemn contract by the Archbishop of Canterbury. I de- sire, therefore, jou will have it copied, only inserting the Eoyal apartments of St. James's instead of the Royal Chapel, and my brother's Christian name in those places where it has, I think, evidently been, from negligence of the copier, omitted, where he speaks ; as in all other solemn declarations that is always used, as well as the title. The Archbishop should then have it communicated to him, that he may see whether it is conformable to precedents ; 178 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. besides, the dignity of his station calls for that mark of regard from me." # At length the day appointed for the marriage arrived, and on the 1st of October, 1766, the amiable Princess gave her hand to Christian VII. King of Denmark, at the Chapel Royal, St. James's. " The parting between the Queen of Denmark and her Royal mother, the Princess of Wales, was extremely tender ; the young Queen, on getting into the coach, was observed to shed tears, which greatly affected the populace assem- bled in Pall Mall to witness her departure." f Before Caroline Matilda took her last farewell of the British shores, she wrote to the Duke of York the fol- lowing letter : — " Sir, and dear Brother, " I have just time enough to write you these few lines from England. If patriotism consists in the love of our country, what I feel now at the sight of that element which, in a few hours, shall convey me far from this happy land, gives me a just claim to that virtue. Perhaps you men, who boast of more fortitude, call this sensibility weakness, as you would be ashamed to play the woman on such an occasion ; but, in wishing you all the temporal felicity this life can afford, I confess all the phi- losophy I am mistress of cannot hinder me from concluding, with tears in my eyes, " Sir, and dear Brother, " Your most affectionate Sister, " Caroline." * Fenn's " Original Letters." f Keith's " Memoirs." CAROLINE MATILDA. 179 Caroline Matilda is thus described by one of her own countrymen, at the time when she quitted for ever her native land. " Her person was above the middle size, and though well shaped, rather inclined to what the French call embonpoint. Her face was a regular oval, and her eyebrows, arched with symmetry, added sweetness and ex- pression to her beautiful eyes. Her lips and teeth exhi- bited the lively colours of coral, and the whiteness of alabaster. She had a good complexion, though not so fair as some of the royal family ; and her hair was of a light chesnut. Her voice was sweet and melodious, and her aspect rather gracious than majestic ; but she had in her tout ensemble a most prepossessing physiognomy." On the occasion of her marriage, "her Majesty was dressed in bloom-colour, with white flowers. Wherever she passed, the earnest wishes of the people were for her health, and praying God to protect her from the perils of the sea. A gentle melancholy seemed to affect her on ac- count of leaving her family and the place of her birth, but, upon the whole, she carried an air of serenity and majesty which exceedingly moved every one that beheld her." An eye-witness, however, remarks, that the tears shed by the royal bride on this occasion, " might have in- spired in those who beheld them gloomy forebodings as to the issue of the voyage she was about to undertake." How little were the events of a few short years then fore- seen — the lonely prison ! — the early tomb ! " On the 18th the Queen of Denmark arrived at Altona, and it is impossible to express the joy with which she was received. The bridge prepared for the royal reception was covered with scarlet cloth, on one side whereof were ranged the ladies, and on the other the men ; and at the end were two rows of young women, dressed in white, who strewed ISO THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. flowers before her Majesty as she approached. The illu- minations on the occasion were inconceivable." Juliana Maria was highly incensed at the iirst entry of the bride-queen into the capital of her dominions amid the universal acclamations accorded to youthful grace and beauty when combined with that natural affability which was so calculated to win the hearts of her people. This entree has been described by a Danish author in the following words : — " It was neither the powerful con- nexions, the high lineage, nor the ample dowry which this young and interesting Princess brought to my country that commanded universal admiration and esteem, but her youth, her innocence, her beauty, and her modest, re- tiring, graceful demeanour, that fascinated all who beheld her. I saw this ill-fated Princess when she first set her foot on the soil of Denmark. I did not join in the shouts of the multitude, but I was charmed with her appearance. She was received like a divinity ; and almost worshipped, at least by those of the male sex. Her animated beau- teous features, her fine blue eyes, beamed with delight on all around her. That youth must have been a stoic whose heart, if not devoted to some prior object, would not have been enslaved by this fair foreigner, then little more than fifteen." Caroline Matilda's observations in her progress through some parts of Germany, and upon the honours paid to her on her arrival on the frontiers of Denmark, with her re- ception in the capital, and opinions conceived of the Court, the Royal Family, the country, and its inhabitants, are fully detailed in a letter written to her brother, the Duke of York, after five weeks' residence in that kingdom. CAEOLINE MATILDA. 181 " Copenhagen, Dec. 25, 1766. " SlE, AND DEAE BeOTHEE, " As this epistle will exceed the bounds of a common letter, you may call it Travels through part of Germany and Denmark, with some cursory remarks on the genius and manners of the people. "Our navigation, though fortunate enough, seemed to me tedious and uncomfortable. I almost wished a con- trary wind had driven me back to that coast from which I had sailed with so much regret. Were I a man, I think I should not envy you the mighty post of admiral, as I am a true coward on the main. Though I found the opposite shore very different from that of England, in regard to populousness, agriculture, roads, and conveniences for tra- velling, I was glad to be safely landed, and vowed to Nep- tune never to invade his empire ; only wishing that he would be graciously pleased to let me have another passage to the Queen of the Isles. What I have seen of Germany exhibits a contrast of barren lands, and some few culti- vated spots ; here and there some emaciated cattle, inhos- pitable forests, castles with turrets and battlements, out of repair, half inhabited by Counts and Barons of the Holy Empire : wretched cottages, multitudes of soldiers, and a few husbandmen ; pride and ceremonial on one side — slavery and abjection on the other. " As for Principalities, every two or three hours I entered the dominions of a new sovereign ; and indeed often I passed through the place of their highnesses 5 resi- dence without being able to guess that it was the seat of these little potentates. I only judged, by the antiquity of their palaces, falling to ruins, that these princes may justly boast of a race of illustrious progenitors, as it seemed they had lived there from time immemorial. As 1S2 THE ItOYAL PKIlSrCESSES. we judge of everything by comparison, I observed that there is more comfort, more elegance, more convenieitcy, in the villa of a citizen of London, than in these gloomy mansions, hung up with rotten tapestry, where a Serene Highness meurt cV ennui, in all the state of a monarch, amongst a few attendants, called Master of the Horse, Grand JEcuyer, Grand Chanilellan, without appointments. There is no such thing here as a middle class of people living in affluence and independence. " Both men and women of fashion affect to dress more rich than elegant. The female part of the burghers' families at Hamburgh and Altona dress inconceivably fan- tastic. The most unhappy part of the Germans are the tenants of little needy princes, who squeeze them to keep up their own grandeur. These petty sovereigns, ridicu- lously proud of titles, ancestry, and show, give no sort of encouragement to the useful arts, though industry, appli- cation, and perseverance are the characteristics of the German nation, especially the mechanical part of it. " The roads are almost impassable, the carriages of the nobility and gentry infinitely worse than the stage-coaches in England, and the inns want all the accommodation they are intended for. " You may easily imagine that the sight of a new queen, from the frontiers of the kingdom to the capital, brought upon my passage great crowds of people from the adjacent towns and villages ; yet I believe you may see more on a fair day from Charing Cross to the Royal Exchange than I have met upon the road from Altona to Copenhagen. The gentlemen and ladies who were sent to compliment me, and increase my retinue, made no addition to my entertainment ; besides the reservedness and gravity pecu- liar to their nation, they thought it was a mark of respect CAKOLIKE MATILDA. 183 and submission never to presume to answer me but by monosyllables. "What I have seen of Danish Holstein and of the Duchy of Sleswick is well watered, and produces plenty of corn. The inhabitants of those countries differ little or nothing from other Germans. Some parts of Jutland consist of barren mountains ; but the valleys are in general well inhabited and fruitful. The face of the country pre- sents a number of large forests, but I did not see a river navigable for a barge of the same burden as those that come up the river Thames to London. Spring and au- tumn are seasons scarcely known here ; to the sultry heat of August succeeds a severe winter, and the frost continues for eight months, with little alteration. It seems as if the soil was unfavourable to vegetable productions ; for those that have been procured for my table, at a great expense, were unsavoury and of the worst kind. As game is here plentiful, and the coasts generally well supplied with fish, I could have lived very well upon these two articles, had they been better dressed ; but their cookery, which is a mixture of Danish and German ingredients, cannot be agreeable to an English palate. " I shall not attempt to learn the language of the country, which is a harsh dialect of the Teutonic. The little French and High Dutch I know will be of great service to me at Court, where they are generally spoken with a bad accent and vicious pronunciation. The peasants, as to property, are still in a state of vassalage, and the nobility, who are slaves at court, tyrannize over their in- feriors and tenants in their domains. These poor husband- men, with such discouragements to industry, are obliged to maintain the cavalry in victuals and lodging, likewise to furnish them with money. These disadvantages, added 184 Tin: royal princesses. to their natural indolence, make this valuable class of people less useful and more needy than in free states, where they enjoy, in common with other subjects, that freedom which is a spur to industry. You must not expect any conveniency and accommodation in their inns ; all those I found upon the road had been provided by the Court. " Copenhagen, though a small capital, makes no con- temptible appearance at a distance. All the artillery of the castles and forts, with the warlike music of the Guards, and divers companies of burghers in rich uniforms, an- nounced my entry into this royal residence. I was con- ducted, amidst the acclamations of the inhabitants, to the palace, where the King, the Queen-Dowager, and Prince Frederick, her son, with the nobility of both sexes, who had on this occasion displa}^ed all their finery, received me with extraordinary honours, according to the etiquette. The 's youth, good-nature, and levity require no great penetration to be discerned in his taste, his amuse- ments, and his favourites. He seems all submission to the , who has got over him such an ascendancy as her arts and ambition seem likely to preserve. Her darling son, whom she wished not to be removed a step farther from the throne, is already proud and aspiring, like herself. " I have been more than once mortified with the supe- rior knowledge and experience for which the takes care to praise herself, and offended at the want of respect and attention in the P e. As such unmerited slights cannot be resented without an open rupture, I rather bear with them than disunite the royal family, and appear the cause of court cabals, by showing my displeasure. It seems the teaches his subjects, by example, the doc- trine of passive obedience. Few of the courtiers look like CAEOLIKE MATILDA; 185 gentlemen, and their ladies appear in the circle inanimate, like the wax figures in Westminster Abbey. " I have been lately at Fredericksburg. It is a mag- nificent house, built in the modern taste, but ill-contrived, and situated in a moist, unhealthy soil, in the midst of a lake. The paintings and furniture are truly royal. " To remind me that I am mortal, I have visited the cathedral church of Eoschild, where the kings and queens of Denmark were formerly buried. Several of their monu- ments still remain, which are, as well as this ancient structure, of a Gothic taste. " As you flatter me with the pleasure of seeing you soon in Copenhagen, I postpone mentioning many other par- ticulars till this agreeable interview, and remain, with British sincerity, " Sir, and dear Brother, " Your most affectionate Sister, " Caroline Matilda." The above letter proves the good sense of the young Queen, and that, notwithstanding the craftiness and dis- simulation of the Dowager, she was aware of her designs and her manoeuvres. The death of the brother to whom the foregoing com- munication was penned, caused the following letter to be addressed by the Queen to her Eoyal Highness the Princess Dowager of Wales. " Madam, and revered Mother, " Give me leave to condole with your Eoyal Highness on the loss of your dutiful son, and my beloved brother, the Duke of York.* I feel, with my own grief, * He was born March 14, 1739, and died Sept. 7, 1767, at Monaco, in Italy. 1S6 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. your sorrow. I beg you will convey the same sentiments to his Majesty the King, my brother. When I reflect on the circumstances of the untimely death of the amiable Prince, in a foreign land, and perhaps deprived of the com- fort and assistance he should have found in his native countiy, I still more lament his fate. I am extremely concerned for your Eoyal Highness' s indisposition, but I hope this melancholy event, which maternal tenderness cannot but severely feel, as it was ordered by the un- fathomable decrees of Providence, will be so far reconciled to your superior understanding and piety, as to adore and to submit. " I am, with great deference, " Madam, and revered Mother, " Your Royal Highness's respectful Daughter, " Caroline." The conduct of Matilda, on her arrival in Denmark, was such as left no room but for approbation ; possessing something of the hauteur by which her family are distin- guished, she certainly did not forget the dignity of her station. While the King, descending from his rank, made companions of his gay young courtiers, Matilda exacted the homage from the ladies of her Court to which her exalted station entitled her ; and, as was natural at her age, seemed more fond of the show and pageantry of royalty than desirous of political influence. Notwith- standing the vices of her husband, as he had a large fund of good nature and generosity, she might have avoided the calamities that too soon overtook her, had it not been for the insinuations of intriguing nobles, emulous for power, and the ceaseless manoeuvres of Juliana Maria. The accla- mations which resounded whenever Matilda appeared in / / CAKOLIKE MATILDA. 187 public, smote on Tier heart as the death-knell of her am- bitious hopes of securing the crown of Denmark for Prince Frederick (her own son), then in his thirteenth year. Still, she did not relinquish her darling projects, even when her hopes were blighted by the tidings that filled all Denmark with exultation. She had, from the time the Queen's pregnancy was announced, secluded herself in a great measure from Court. For the last two months she buried herself, as it were, in her palace of Fredensborg, till, to complete her dismay, on the 15th of January, 1768, the thunder of a thousand pieces of ordnance, from the forts and fleets of Zealand, proclaimed the safe delivery of the Queen, and the birth of a male child. This was a fatal blow for Juliana Maria. She, however, resolved to have recourse to new stratagems, still keeping her favourite scheme of placing her own son on the throne in the background, as the point for which she strove. Under pretence of a necessity for the young King to ex- tend his knowledge, she next persuaded him to visit the different Courts of Europe. By this means she expected to diminish through absence the affection existing between him and his Queen, as well as to exclude the probability of more heirs to the throne ; further, she had some hope that the unwary and inexperienced Queen, being left behind, at the mercy of the cabal she had formed in her own favour, would commit some imprudences, by which she might be able to attack her character, and render her virtue suspected. The first step was easily taken in this artful plot : the young King was soon on his way to the Court of England, and Matilda, calm, tranquil, and cheerful, remained behind with her infant boy, to brave the rude storm that threat- ened to assail her future happiness. There might be volumes written on the expedition of 1SS THE KOYAL PRINCESSES. the King of Denmark, and the eccentricities he dis- played. Of all the attendants upon him in this ill-advised excur- sion, Count BernstorfFe was the only one not likely to lead him into every kind of ruin. At the head of them was the extravagant and thoughtless Count Holke. A train of royal carriages awaited the King at Dover, but he pre- ferred taking a post-chaise, in his impatience to behold the capital. Christian VII. and George III. were cousins, but totally different in character and habits. Horace Walpole writes — " The King of Denmark came on Thursday, and I go up to-morrow to see him. It has cost three thousand pounds to new furnish an apartment for him at St. James's, and they say he will not go thither, suppos- ing it would be a confinement, but is to be at his own minister's, Dieden's." It is no part of the design of this work to trace the extravagances of which this young King was guilty, and the thoughtless acts of folly he committed while in Lon- don, where he was right royally entertained as the brother- in-law of the monarch, the husband of an English Princess, should be. Balls, concerts, illuminations, masquerades, military and nautical spectacles by turns diverted his mind; he was feasted in turn by the Princess Amelia, his wife's aunt ; the Princess Dowager, his mother-in-law ; the Duke of Northumberland, and the City of London. All sought to honour this Boyal relative of the English Court ; but all he did, and all that was done by those he brought with him, tended but to bring upon themselves contempt and ridicule. Without entering into the thousand and one stories of this Boyal visit, some of which are indeed good in their way, it is necessary to remark that the CAROLINE MATILDA. 189 Royal guest's follies were not always on the wrong side of virtue. His profusion was enormous, his generosity un- restrained hy discretion, but he exhibited many traits of warm-hearted benevolence. It is recorded that when he admitted (xarrick to an audience, as a tribute to his talent, he repeated a line from Shakspeare in presenting to him a handsome snuff-box set with brilliants. The English King allowed for his expenses while over here five hundred dollars per dajr, but he contrived to get rid of five times that sum, besides drawing on the bank of Hamburgh for one hundred thousand dollars a month. This extravagant and ill-advised visit terminated October 3rd, 1768, when Christian took leave of the King, Queen, and Royal family ; and having made many magnificent presents, departed for the Court of Louis XV., a sovereign not at all calculated to improve his taste for domestic happiness on his return to Denmark. The excesses in which the King indulged during his stay there were far greater than even while in England, and some of them reached the ears of Queen Matilda, who, on learning that the King had bestowed a regiment of Danish cavalry on the son of the Duke of Duras, observed- — " He was a very good Frenchman, but a very bad politician." It is high time now to resume the thread of Caroline Matilda's personal history, which has been too long broken. Frederiksbourg, near Copenhagen, was her abode during the King's absence, and her conduct free from any re- proach. " Though courted and menaced by conflicting factions, she joined with none, nor showed the least am- bition for political power. She appeared to feel a truly maternal affection for her child, and, in spite of remon- strances, had the infant and nurse to sleep in her own o 190 THE KOYAL PRINCESSES. apartment. She sometimes visited, and was visited by the Queen Dowager, but lived very retired. She was grown in stature, and appeared much more womanly than when she arrived in Denmark. The glow of robust health was on her cheek ; she often nursed her child ; and a more in- teresting object could scarcely be conceived than this lovely and lively young Queen playing with her babe. ct During this period of retirement she visited the houses of the farmers and peasants who resided near the palace, and though she could not converse fluently with these poor grateful people, she gained their warm hearts by her condescension in visiting their cottages, smiling graciously on their wives and daughters, and distributing useful presents. Thus innocently Queen Matilda passed her time during the travels of her wild and dissipated husband."* After the return of Christian to Denmark the great influence exercised by his wild associate, Count Holke, seems to have excited the Queen's jealousy, but she appears to have had no power, and the fact of his being, with cer- tain other obnoxious nobles, exiled from the Court, is rather to be attributed to the secret machinations of Juliana, the Queen-Mother. At this epoch an important character to the future destinies of Caroline Matilda appears on the scene of action : the famous Count Struensee, who, from an obscure condition and the profession of medical student, had risen to be the favourite and Prime Minister of Christian, whose notice he had casually attracted. He was the son of a respectable country clergyman in Holstein; his ruling passions were ambition and a love of pleasure. He accom- panied Christian to England, and it was on his return, * Danish MS. quoted in Brown's "Northern Courts." CABOLItfE MATILDA. 191 while at Paris, that he formed an intimacy with Erneveld Brandt, a Dane of good extraction, afterwards his associate in crime and misfortune. The two expiated their offences by death, and their names are inseparably connected with the sad narrative of Queen Caroline Matilda. Brandt, vexed that Holke was preferred as the King's attendant into England, to his own exclusion, endeavoured to procure his ruin ; but being discovered, was banished the country. Struensee went to England, and on his way home met Brandt at Paris. They agreed that if Struensee could obtain enough influence on his return, it should be used in favour of the revocation of Brandt's sentence of exile. Struensee did progress in Boyal favour. On his arrival at Copenhagen he was presented to the Queen by his Danish Majest}^ as a medical man of great talents. He soon became Prime Minister, and the favourite of the Queen as well as her husband. In one of their domestic differences he contrived to reconcile them to each other ; soon after he obtained Brandt's recall from exile, and seemed to have reached the pinnacle of unlimited power. Jealousy was, however, created by the titles and favours bestowed on him, and the many changes in political measures he introduced, eventually led to his downfall. To these causes might be added the excesses which he encouraged instead of restricting, and by which he made- himself essentially the Royal favourite, and, still worse, the intimate associate of the amiable Caroline Matilda. The situation of the Queen was at this time very painful, and described in the following terms : — " The attachment of the King, if ever it deserved the name, thus alienated, partly in consequence of his own excesses and partly from the rival jealousies of Court parasites^ 2 192 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. had subsided from cold formality into cruel disrespect. He did not treat her even with common civility, and allowed her to be publicly insulted, in her own palace, by the Eussian Minister at Copenhagen. His resentment fell on all who were guilty of taking her part ; and his favourite cousin, the Prince of Hesse, was disgraced for no other crime." That Caroline Matilda was wholly free from blame is, perhaps, too much to say. The Prime Minister, who interested himself about her, having won her confidence, was the means of reconciling her with the King, as before noticed, which influence gave a handle to his enemies to procure his ultimate ruin. In the interviews with Struensee in public, this fact might, however, excuse the familiarity he assumed towards the Queen, apparently unchecked by her ; and he was even allowed to be seen dancing whole evenings with her. Her Majesty is said to have " walked her first minuet at the Court of Denmark.' ' Caroline Matilda has also been accused of indecorum in assuming a masculine attire. " When Queen Matilda rode out a-hunting, her attire too much resembled a man's. Her hair was pinned up closer than usual ; she wore a dove-coloured beaver hat, with a gold band and tassels ; a long scarlet coat, a frilled shirt, and a man's cravat ; while from beneath the coat was said to peep a more unfeminine appendage still, too much in keeping with the terminating spurs. That she made a noble figure mounted on a majestic steed, and dashing through the woods after the chase, her cheeks flushed with health and violent exercise, may readily be con- ceded." She was " a resolute and fearless horsewoman. Of this she gave a decided, though indiscreet proof within three days of the birth of her daughter, the Princess CAPvOLIKE MATILDA. 193 Louisa, on the 4th of July, 1771, when, being out on horseback, the horse plunged and kicked, and backed into a dry ditch, while the Queen, sitting firm and undismayed, flogged and spurred the restive animal till she conquered, and rode home unhurt." The following picture of Caroline Matilda was presented by herself, when in exile, to Sir E. M. Keith, the British Minister, to whom she owed her rescue. The description of it is extracted from a Danish novel. "Over a marble table hung a portrait in a broad gilt frame. It represented a lady in a dress of bluish satin, embroi- dered with gold and edged with lace ; the sleeves and puffs over the full bosom being of brownish brocade, Bound her neck was a closely-strung necklace of pearls, and similar rings were in the ears. The hair was turned up and powdered : it occupied a height and breadth which, agreeably to the fashion of the times, exceeded that of the whole face, and was decorated with a gold chain, enamels, and jewels, entwined with a border of blonde, which hung down over one ear. The face was oval, the forehead high and arched ; the nose delicately curved; the mouth pretty large, the lips red and swelling; the eyes large, and of a peculiarly light-blue, mild, and at the same time serious, deep, and confiding. I could describe the entire dress, piece by piece, and the features trait by trait ; but in vain should I endeavour to convey an idea of the pecu- liar expression, the amiable loftiness, or lofty amiableness, which beamed from that youthful face, the freshness of whose colour I have never seen surpassed. It needed not to cast your eye upon the purple mantle, bordered with ermine, which hung carelessly over the shoulder, to discover in her a Queen! She could be nothing of inferior rank. This the painter, too, had felt, for the 191 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. border of the mantle was so narrow as almost to be over- looked. It was as though he meant to say, ' This woman would be a Queen without a throne!' " There is scarcely space to describe in a work of these limits the grandeur of the Court of Denmark at this epoch. At Hirschholm, a country palace some miles from the capital, the Foreign Ministers dined two days in the week at the King's, or rather the Queen's table. This Eoyal residence in 1772 represented all the luxury and magni- ficence of the age of Louis XIV. " Adorned externally with all the newest French refinements in gardening and pleasure-grounds, it dazzled the eye within by the profu- sion of solid silver, intermingled with mother-of-pearl and rock crystal, with which not only pictures and looking- glasses, but even the very panels of the Audience- chamber were prodigally encircled." Such was the change in this place from the subsequent circumstances which befel the ill-fated Caroline Matilda, that Coxe, who wrote of its condition ten years later, in 1784, says, " The suite of apartments at Hirschholm is princely, but deserted, and without furniture, not having been inhabited since the exile of Queen Caroline Matilda, who made it her favourite residence. The place is so entirely neglected, that the court-yard is overrun with weeds, and the moat a green-mantled pool." Later still it appears the palace had disappeared altogether, and its site was occupied by a simple village church. " On their return from the Drawing-room to their re- spective apartments, the Foreign Ministers found a ticket on their dressing-table, specifying where they were to dine; some at the King's table, others at the Lord Chamber- lain's, in the chamber called the Eose. The usual number that sat down to dinner at the King's table was twelve ; CAEOLIKE MATILDA. 195 alternately five ladies and seven gentlemen, seven ladies and five gentlemen. The King cut a wretched figure on these occasions; not so the Queen, who dressed very superbly, and made a noble and splendid appearance. The King and Queen were served on gold plate by noble pages; the Marshal of the Palace sat at the foot of the table, the chief lady of the household at the head : the company, a lady and gentleman alternately, opposite to the King and Queen. " A table of eighty covers was provided every day in the Rose, for the great officers of state, who were served on silver plate : at this table Struensee, Brandt, with their friends and favourites, male and female, used to dine." It was shortly after the return of Christian from his fruitless travels, that, in company with his Queen, he paid a visit to Count Rautzau, at Aschberg, during which every day was devoted to amusement — " music, hunting, fishing, sailing on the lake, and rustic sports, which more than any pastime pleased the imbecile King." So pleased was Caroline Matilda by the Count's enter- tainment, that she presented him with a superb snuff-box, richly set with brilliants, that had cost her husband one thousand guineas in London. This very man was destined to play a prominent part in her approaching downfall. An Order of Knighthood was established, of which the fourth who received the honour was Struensee, whom the King had loaded with favours, and elevated to the dignity of a Count. The Queen had received a short visit from her mother, the Princess of Wales, in 1770 ; she had not quitted Eng- land for the space of thirty-four years previously, from the date of her marriage. After visiting the Lady Augusta, 196 TIIE EOYAL PRINCESSES. Duchess of Brunswick, she came for a brief space to the Danish Court, where she was received by her daughter, who had been reviewing her troops, " in regimentals with buckskin breeches." The Princess of Wales must have been struck with so novel a costume, and one certainly ill- adapted for the wearer on account of her embonpoint. Her mother lamenting to her the fall of BernsdorfTe, the ancient servant of the family, the Queen of Denmark is reported to have replied, " Pray, madam, allow me to govern my own kingdom as I please!" Bernsdorffe, the King's Prime Minister, had been devoted to the cause of Russia, and while the King had been absent, the Russian minister had treated the Queen with great want of respect. Caroline Matilda being of a dauntless spirit, took upon herself to order him to quit Denmark, and, on the King's return, feeling his incapacity and her own courage, she assumed such an ascendant over him, that she not only got rid of his favourite, young Count Holke, but, aided by the King's physician, who was thought to be equally dear to both their Majesties, she dismissed Bernsdorife and all the old ministry, flung herelf into the French faction, and transferred the whole power of the government to the beloved physician, Struensee. There was, however, a counter-party to that of the Queen, in the adherents of the Queen Dowager, who gained over Count Rautzau to her side, he being dis- satisfied at not being one of the new ministrj^. The Queen Mother strove to make the King contemptible and the Queen odious in the eyes of the people. She even caused certain calumnies to be circulated about the young Princess Royal, Louisa, whose birth was declared to be spurious. Through all sorts of channels, Juliana Maria prepared the way for the fatal revolution which was to CAROLINE MATILDA. 197 abolish the authority of the too feeble monarch, and destroy for ever the happiness of the unfortunate Caroline Matilda. The 17th of January, 1772, a masked ball was to take place — the occasion fixed on by the revolutionary party. There is no doubt that the Queen and her adherents perceived the storm which threatened them, but no precau- tions had been taken against any such secret machinations. Struensee, immersed in pleasure, and intoxicated with his high fortunes, had not watched sufficiently closely the movements of the artful Queen Dowager; and the Queen placed her security in her conscious innocence. She had, indeed, presented, through Struensee to the King, the fol- lowing memorial, in reply to the attack of Juliana's secret emissaries — " Had I been raised from obscurity to. a throne, the ambitious and wicked Juliana might have expected a pusillanimous submission to her will and pleasure, and your Majesty might have imagined that a crown of golden thorns should make me bear it with patience and resigna- tion, but, descended as I am from an illustrious race of sovereigns, and sister to a monarch who yields to none in the universe for power and extent of dominion, can I put up with more insults, outrages, and indignity, than any person in a private station ever met with from the most inveterate and the' most ungenerous enemy? Had not my conduct bidden defiance to blame and slander, I might account for so many repeated injuries ; but the conscious- ness of my virtue, and " the regard I owe to royalty, demand justice from a King who cannot deny it to his wife, since he is bound to see the meanest of his subjects righted. I am determined to bring to detection and condign punishment my accusers, however exalted may be their rank, and great their power. They have aimed 19S THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. at my reputation. I should not be surprised if their next daring attempt was to deprive me of regalities, liberty, and life. If you are unconcerned for me and your offspring, perhaps self-preservation will awaken you to snatch in time the reins from the hands of a perfidious and base woman, ere she hurries us both into destruction. Mind this information from the injured Caroline Matilda." So great a secrecy was preserved in the conspiracy, that it was not until the Queen, Struensee, and many other ob- noxious nobles, who till the close of evening had played cards with the King, were actually arrested, that any one had a suspicion of the extraordinary event that had taken place. Prince Frederick, son of Juliana Maria, had quitted the ball at eleven o'clock to concert measures with his mother. When the Queen and her partisans were seized, the King was compelled to sign an order for their impri- sonment. Certain emissaries of the Queen Dowager had been hired to cry out "Justice against Matilda and her lover, Struensee. Yivat Regina Juliana !" and Count Rautzau, in his violent treatment of the unfortunate Queen, made it his pretence that he was withdrawing her from the fury of the populace. # It was at this crisis that the noble-minded ambassador, Sir Robert Murray Keith, the Minister of England in Denmark, rushed into the presence of those who would have pronounced on the fair and devoted victim of ambi- tion a premature and fatal sentence, and denounced the swift vengeance of his country on any person who should The masked ball was given annually at Copenhagen, when the whole Court was accustomed to be present, and the populace were wont to assemble outside, where an ox, roasted whole, was distributed among them. CAROLINE MATILDA. 199 dare to injure a single hair of her sacred head ! The name of this man ought indeed to be dear to the hearts of the English ! The Order of the Bath was transmitted to him in- stantly by the English King, on hearing what had occurred. Caroline Matilda herself had remained in the ball-room that night up to three o'clock, some hours later than the King, after having danced with Struensee, and had fallen into a tranquil sleep, when a Danish attendant woke her, and presented to her the written paper signed by the King of Denmark, requesting her immediately to prepare to depart to one of the Eoyal palaces in the country for a few days. At one glance she comprehended the extent of her misfortune. She thought to go to the King, and rushed into the adjoining chamber. There she was stopped by the sight of Count Rautzau, and she returned to endea- vour to put on some of her apparel. She had scarcely time to effect this, when she found her passage was ob- structed by soldiers. The men fell on their knees, saying, " It is a sad duty ; but we must perform it !" She rushed across their muskets onwards, but the King had been re- moved to another part of the palace. Further resistance was useless. The unfortunate young Queen was sent to the Castle of Cronenburg, on a charge of high treason, and at first treated with very great severity. She was wholly ignorant of the fate that awaited her, though she had reason to fear the worst was intended. She was permitted to inhabit the apartment of the governor of the castle, and to walk upon the side batteries, or the leads of the terrace. Through the remonstrances of the English Minister her treatment was afterwards mitigated, and more deference shown to her than when first placed within those walls. It was at this crisis the two follow- ing letters were written by the imprisoned Queen. 200 THE EOYAL PRINCESSES. Iii the anguish of her heart Caroline Matilda wrote the following letter, which, though originally intercepted by an officer of the guards, came eventually to public knowledge: — " To Sir Robert Keith, Envoy from Great Britain. " From the first day of my iniquitous arrest and severe captivity, I foresaw that the rage of my enemies would insist upon the loss of my liberty and life. I am per- fectly resigned to my fate either way ; but the thought of my reputation being tarnished, and my dear children abandoned to the mercy of a people unjustly prejudiced against the legitimacy of their birth, overwhelms me with the most poignant grief. Has the King, my brother, then, abandoned me ? Great God ! will no one, then, avenge my innocence and my memory ? I doubt whether my merciless Arguses will suffer this letter to reach you : in case you receive it, continue to do me all the good offices in your power. I shall never forget the zeal which you have testified in the cause of innocence ; and if ever Heaven should restore me to the rank and pre-eminence from which I have been so unjustly degraded, you shall have more convincing proofs of my gratitude. Oh ! were I in England, my dear country, where the meanest criminal has the privilege of being tried by his peers ! Am I forgot by the whole universe ? I am greatly fallen away, and my health is much impaired since I have been immured with- in these walls. There is not a single person about me whom I do not suspect, and I despair of ever recovering my liberty. For the love of God endeavour to visit me. The time approaches when my trial will take place, but I am apprehensive my sentence is already determined. I pray God he will take you under his holy protection. " Matilda. " Cronenburg, April 11, 1772." CAROLINE MATILDA. 201 The Queen wrote, about the same time, another letter to the King of Denmark, of which the following is an exact copy : — " SlBE, " If justice and humanity dwell yet in your royal breast. I have an undoubted right, as your most in- jured wife, to claim your Majesty's protection from this vale of misery. Your honour is impeached as well as my virtue ; if the sense of both can inspire you with tender feelings for my inexpressible woes, and the indignities offered to supreme authority by the most flagitious com- bination of all the horrid engines the blackest calumnies could play to blast my innocence and reputation, I appeal to your Majesty's own conviction of my spotless and in- violable fidelity. I do not entreat mercy, but I demand justice. Were your heart callous to my inexpressible sufferings, sure what you owe to yourself, and the dear pledges of conjugal affection, should call for the utmost exertion of your power to maintain your prerogative that has been so daringly encroached upon, and to avenge the outrages. I have been forced to submit to by an un- paralleled confederacy of traitors determined to snatch the sceptre from your hands, and to sacrifice your guiltless consort and your own progeny to their wicked ambition. I wish for a fair trial, and that I may face and confound my accusers, To the Supreme Judge, who knows all hearts and all motives, I submit the justice of my cause. " Matilda." The King was not permitted to make an answer. The death of the Princess of Wales at this most painful and critical epoch in her daughter's life must have been a severe domestic affliction. " She had existed on cordials 202 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. alone," says Walpole, "for the last ten days, from the time she had received the fatal news from Denmark, and died before she conld hear again from her daughter." Struensee and Brandt were put to an ignominious death. When the Queen heard of it she said to Miss Mostyn, her maid of honour — "Unhappy men! they have paid dearly for their attachment to their King and zeal for my service." The Queen would herself have fallen a victim to this shameful plot had nob George III. sent orders to his Ambassador to demand that she should be set at liberty. The request was not, however, complied with till an Eng- lish squadron appeared to enforce it. Sir Eobert Keith having obtained an order for the release of the Eoyal prisoner, with the promise of a pension of 5000Z. a year for the support of her household and dignity, set off to convey the happy tidings in person, having been appointed to accompany her into the Electorate of Hanover, Zell being the future residence allotted to her by her brother. Caroline Matilda received the tidings with a flood of tears, and joyfully embraced the messenger of freedom, whom she addressed as her deliverer. She prepared at once to depart from the scene of so much sorrow, but the order for departure did not permit her infant daughter to accompany her. The child she had only just before been nursing at her bosom was to remain behind ! She was overcome with grief at this new stroke of fate, and could scarcely be prevailed on to accept her freedom on such hard conditions. She smothered the babe with her caresses, and finally parted from it in an agony worse than death. As long as the vessel remained in sight, her straining eyes sought eagerly the spot where it had been left ! They were parted, alas ! for ever ! The babe was then only nine months old, and from that time was brought up with her CAKOLIKE MATILDA. 208 brother the Prince, at Copenhagen. The tenderest love united these orphan children, who were very dear to the people. Louisa Augusta eventually married the Duke of Augustenbourg. The following lines are believed to have been written at sea by the Queen of Denmark during her passage to Stade, 1772:— At length from sceptred care and deadly state, From galling censure, and ill-omened hate, From the vain grandeur where I lately shone, From Cronsbourg's prison, and from Denmark's throne, I go! Here, fatal greatness ! thy delusion ends ! A humbler lot the closing scene attends. Denmark, farewell ! a long, a last adieu ; Thy lessening prospect now recedes from view ! No lingering look an ill-starred crown deplores ; Well pleased I quit thy sanguinary shores. Thy shores, where, victims doom'd to state and me, Fell hapless Brandt and murdered Struensee ! Thy shores — where, ah ! in adverse hour I came, To me the grave of happiness and fame ! — Alas ! how different then my vessel lay ; What crowds of flatterers hastened to obey ! What numbers flew to hail the rising sun ; How few now bend to that whose course is run ! By fate deprived of fortune's fleeting train, Now "all the oblig'd desert, and all the vain;" But conscious worth, that censure can control, Shall 'gainst the charges arm thy steady soul, — Shall teach the guiltless mind alike to bear The smiles of pleasure, or the frowns of care. Denmark, farewell ! for thee no sighs depart ; But love maternal rends my bleeding heart. Oh ! Cronsbourg's tower, where my poor infant lies, Why, why, so soon recede you from my eyes ! Yet stay, ah me ! nor hope nor pray'r avails ; For ever exil'd hence — Matilda sails. 1204 TIIE ROYAL PRINCESSES. Keith ! form'd to smooth the path affliction treads, And dry the tear that friendless sorrow sheds ; Oh, generous Keith ! protect their helpless state, And save my infants from impending fate ! Far, far from deadly pomp each thought remove, And as to me, their guardian angel prove ! Yes, Julia ! noio superior force prevails, And all my boasted resolution fails ! * " This exalted sufferer was never greater than during the later years which she spent in her retirement. She was no longer a } r oung unguarded Princess, whose levities had given her enemies too favourable an opportunity to effect her fall. She had learned in the school of adversity, and from the malevolence of Juliana, who had misconstrued even her virtues into vices, to act with such prudence and cir- cumspection as to command a personal respect, independent of majesty, without being less admired for her gracious condescension and most endearing affability. She appeared at Zell in her true and native character, divesfced of the retinue and pomp which, on the throne of Denmark, veiled her, in a great degree, from the inspection of impartial judges. She displayed in her little Court all the princely and social qualities calculated to charm her visitors and attendants ; there was in her person such grace and dignity as could not fail to gain her universal love. Though she excelled in all the exercises befitting her sex, birth, and station, and danced the first minuet in the Danish Court, she never indulged herself in this polite amusement, of * Many literary productions of this ill-fated young Queen are still extant, which evince her highly cultivated mind and intellectual powers. Her literary tastes were of a very high order, and her " Historical Commentaries " on her own and other times, surprising, wlteo her extreme youth is taken into consideration. Her letters are all of them evidences of sense, feeling, and judgment, and betoken a spirit of the noblest intellectual order. CAROLINE MATILDA. 205 which she had been excessively fond, since the masked ball, the conclusion of which had been so fatal and disgrace- ful to her Majesty. As one of her pretended crimes had been the delight she took in riding, and the uncommon address and spirit with which she managed the horse, she renounced also this innocent diversion, for fear of giving the least occasion to the blame and censures of the ma- licious or ignorant. " Her Majesty had an exquisite taste for music, and devoted much of her time to the harpsichord, accompanied by the melodious voice of a lady of her Court. There was in her dress a noble simplicity, which exhibited more taste than magnificence. As her mind had been cultivated by reading the works of the most eminent writers among the moderns, she read regularly two hours before dinner, with Miss Schulemberg, whatever her Majesty thought most conducive to her instruction or entertainment in poets and historians ; communicating to each other their observa- tions with equal freedom and ingenuity. She improved the knowledge she had acquired of the German language, and had a catalogue of the best authors of that nation, to enable her to converse fluently on subjects of literature with men of taste and erudition. As her manners were the most polished, graceful, and endearing, her Court be- came the resort of persons of both sexes, celebrated for their love of the fine arts. The contracted state of her finances could not restrain that princely magnificence and liberal disposition which made her purse ever open to indigent merit and distressed virtue. Naturally cheerful, and happy in the consciousness of her innocence, adored and revered by the circle of a Court free from cabals and intrigues, even the dark cloud of adversity could not alter the sweetness and serenity of her temper. There she was p 206 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. surrounded with faithful servants, who attended her, not from sordid motives of ambition, but from attachment and unfeigned regard. They were not the spies and emissaries of an artful, imperious, and revengeful woman, or the evil counsellors of a wretched King, the first slave of his de- bauched and profligate Court. Peace, content, and harmony dwelt under her Majesty's auspices, whose household was like a well-regulated family, superintended by a mistress who made her happiness consist in doing good to all those who implored her compassion and beneficence. " Banished with every circumstance of indignity from the throne of Denmark, her noble soul retained no senti- ment of revenge or resentment against the wicked authors of her fall, or against the Danish people. Ambition, a passion incompatible with enjoyment, never disturbed her peace of mind : she looked back to the diadem which had been torn from her brow with a calmness and magnani- mity which Christina of Sweden could never attain after her abdication. It was not the Crown she regretted — her children only employed all her care and solicitude; the feelings of the Queen were absorbed in those of the mother." The following letter was addressed, about 1772, to her sister, the Duchess of Brunswick : — "Zell, August 27, 1772. "Madam, and dear Sister, " Thanks to heaven for having made me sensible of the futility and delusion of all worldly pomp and stately nothingness. "Believe me, when I tell you that I have not once wished to be again an enthroned Queen. Were my dear children restored to me, I should think if there is on this earth perfect happiness, I might enjoy it in a private CAKOI/CSrE MATILDA. 207 station with them ; but the Supreme Disposer of all events has decreed that my peace of mind should he continually disturbed by what I feel on this cruel and unnatural sepa- ration. You are a tender mother, and I appeal to your own fondness. Pray give my love to the dear Augusta, and all her brothers : now that she is in her seventh year, she is, I dare say, an agreeable, chatty companion. "As for Charles, he is, I understand, like his father, born a warrior — nothing but drums, swords, and horses, can please his martial inclinations. " George, Augustus, and William equally contribute to your comfort and amusement. Tell them I have some little presents I shall send them the first opportunity. " You desire to know how I vary my occupations and amusements in this residence. I get up between seven and eight o'clock ; take a walk in the gardens, if the weather permits ; give my instructions to the gardener for the day ; observe his men at work, with that contented mind which is a continual feast ; return to the castle for breakfast ; dress myself from ten to eleven ; appear in my little circle at twelve ; retire to my apartment about one ; read or take an airing till dinner; walk again in the gardens, for about an hour, with some ladies of my retinue ; drink tea, play upon the harpsichord ; sometimes a little party at quadrille before supper; and am commonly in bed before twelve. " Every Monday I receive petitions from real objects of compassion, and delight in relieving their necessities, according to my power ; go twice to chapel every Sunday; and thus every week passes in a regular rotation of rational conversation, lectures amusantes et instructives, musical entertainments, walks, and little curious needlework. I see everybody happy around me, and vie with each other in p3- 208 THE KOTAL PEINCESSES. proofs of zeal and affection for my person. Now I can truly say I cultivate friendship and philosophy, strangers to the throne. " I expect to see you soon, according to your promise ; this visit will add greatly to the comfort of } T our most affectionate sister, "Caroline Matilda.'' Subsequently an attempt was made by certain Danish nobles to create a counter-revolution in favour of Caroline Matilda, and place her once more on the throne, not as Queen Consort only, but as Regent during her son's minority, the King being in a state of hopeless mental imbecility. On this occasion Sir Nathaniel Wraxall was their emissary, and appointed to deliver a letter to the Princess explanatory of the enterprise, which as a necessary preliminary included the dethronement of Juliana Maria. The Duchess of Brunswick, sister of the Queen, and niece by marriage to the Queen Dowager, who might have been a dangerous witness, was present when Sir N. Wraxall handed this important missive to the much-injured Queen ; who, on its receipt, wrote three letters on the subject, one of which was to her brother; the other two to Lord Suffolk, Secretary of State, and Baron Lichtenstein. The result of this was, that Sir Nathaniel was put in possession of a paper containing, in French, four articles expressing the King's approval of the intended plan : 1. That no act of violence should be employed against those now in power. 2. That if successful, the English Minister at Denmark should proclaim his co-operation. 3. By which he declined pecuniary measures in favour of the scheme, but offered to provide for the Queen's personal return to the country of Denmark. 4. By which, if the enterprise CAKOLINE MATILDA. 209 did succeed, the British forces should maintain it. On returning to Zell with this document, the Ambassador had an interview with the Queen, who entered the room without any attendant, doubtless by design, on account of the nature of the subject to be discussed. " After expressing regrets that her brother had not admitted me to a personal interview, and hopes that the stipulation I had brought from England would satisfy the party engaged in her interests, with great animation she assured me that no sentiment of revenge or animosity towards the Queen Dowager, or Prince Frederic, or any of the individuals who had arrested or imprisoned her would ever actuate her conduct. The mention of these names naturally led her to speak of the memorable night of the 16th of January, 1772, when she fell a victim to her imprudence and want of precaution. I would (says Wraxall) have avoided such a topic, for obvious reasons, but she entered on it with so much determination, that I could only listen while she recounted to me all the extraordinary occurrences which befel her, not omitting names and particulars respecting herself and others of the most private nature. I am, however, far from meaning that she made any disclosure unbecoming a woman of honour and delicacy." Delays, however, occurred, and occasioned several jour- neys between Zell and London. Wraxall describes his latest interview with the ill-fated Queen : — " The room (the Queen's Library) was fully lighted up, and in about half an hour she entered the apart- ment. She was elegantly dressed in crimson satin, and impressed me as having an air of majesty, mingled with condescension, altogether unlike an ordinary woman of condition. Our interview lasted two hours. She assured 210 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. me she would write the letter demanded by the Danish nobility to her brother before she retired to rest ; and as to the question put to me (added she), whether I should be ready to set out for Copenhagen, assure them that I am disposed to share every hazard with my friends, and to quit this place upon the shortest notice. To obtain my brother's permission for that step (which I cannot take without his consent and approbation) shall form one of the principal objects of my letter to him. " These material points being settled, our conversation took a wider range, and as her Majesty showed no dispo- sition to terminate it, we remained together till near eleven. When ready to leave me, she opened the door, but retained it a minute in her hand, as if willing to protract her stay. She had never perhaps been more engaging than that night, in that attitude and in that dress. Her countenance, animated with the prospect of her approach- ing emancipation from Zell (which was, in fact, only a refuge and an exile), and restoration to the throne of Denmark, was lighted up with smiles, and she appeared to be in perfect health." In seven weeks from that time, the young, the beloved Caroline Matilda was no more ! Wraxall reached London April 5, 1775, but Baron Lich- tenstein, the medium of communication with the King, who could not safely grant a personal interview, being absent in Hanover, the business was delayed till May 10th, when the Baron wrote to Wraxall to await in London for his next despatch, and gave him favourable tidings of the progression of the matter in which they were interested. On Friday, May 12, Caroline Matilda, at that moment when the very point of time " to the day and hour" for her restoration to power was fixed, was lying either insensible or about to breathe her last when CAKOLI]SrE MATILDA. 211 the despatch which confirmed the full assent of the Eng- lish King to all her wishes arrived at Zell ! It was thence returned with its seal unbroken to the writer! Lord Suffolk wrote to Sir R. M. Keith in these terms, announcing the distressing tidings : — "London, May 13th, 1775. "Deae Keith, " News is just arrived of our Queen of Den- mark's death. She died of a putrid fever and sore throat on the 10th of this month. " Yours ever most truly, "Suffolk." A lady of the deceased Queen's household wrote the following passage in a letter to an influential person at the Court of Copenhagen : — " Zell, May 15th, 1775. " The epidemic with which we were threatened no longer exists here, having carried off in the chateau only a page, besides our beloved Queen, so deservedly the object of not only our own, but the most general regrets. Her Court, where she was idolized, is overwhelmed with grief, notwithstanding their firm persuasion that our worthy Sovereign will take care of them. But it is for herself she is so deplored ; and you cannot imagine the distress and consternation which spread through the whole town, when she was understood to be in danger. She was indeed so, from the first moment of her seizure, in the opinion of our clever physician, Leyser ; and was herself at once aware of it, saying to him, in express terms, ' You have brought me, since October, through two pretty serious illnesses, but this one will baffle you ;' and she spoke but too truly. The fever showed its violence from the beginning, by a pulse of 130, 212 THE EOTAL PRINCESSES. and for the last two days it was past counting. Leyser sent for Zimmermann, from Hanover, who came to his aid, but without effect. "The eruption did come out, but it was with spots, which indicated its violent nature ; and to this cruel dis- ease, and the decrees of an immortal Providence, we owe our unspeakable loss. After having suffered like a Chris- tian, with the most perfect, nay, almost unexampled, patience and resignation — testifying, as usual, the most gracious and tender attentions towards the ladies who nursed her through her illness, and retaining her senses and speech to the last moment, she terminated her career in a manner which edified and penetrated with admiration all who witnessed it. She saw both our worthy superin- tendent Jacobi, and the pastor Lehsen, who never left her, and to whom she pointed out several times what he should read to her ; and among other things, that beau- ful hymn of Gellert, on the ' Love of Enemies,' ' Never will I seek to do them harm,' &c, frequently repeating the last verse." Caroline Matilda wrote two letters with her own hand at the first seizure of this fatal malady, one to the King of England, and the other to the King of Denmark. " After they were sealed, she said, with tears in her eyes, ' I hope the King, my brother, will protect my friendless children ; # * While at Zell, a few months before her decease, this amiable Princess exhibited to Madame d'O , her first Lady of the Bed- chamber, a miniature of the Prince Royal, her son, which had just come to hand, which she regarded with transports of joy. This lady accidentally entered the apartment of her Royal mistress at a moment when her presence was not customary ; what was her surprise to hear her Majesty engaged in conversation, although quite alone; astonish- ment deprived her of the power of effecting a retreat, when the CAKOLItfE MATILDA. 213 and that the King of Denmark will do my memory that justice he denied me while living. I freely forgive my persecutors and enemies, and will die in peace with all mankind and my conscience.'" She expired May 10th, 1775, after a five days' illness, about midnight, not having yet attained her twenty-fourth year. At the funeral service in the great church the whole city was dissolved in tears ; and in the streets, while she yet lived, nothing was heard but lamentations and invoca- tions for the restoration to health of " unser guten und lieben Konigen" (our good and beloved Queen). A monument to her memory was afterwards erected by the nobility and States of the Duchy of Luneberg. She was deeply lamented by her countrymen, who, from the first, had asserted her innocence, and enthusiastically vindicated her cause. The King of Denmark was not allowed publicly to mourn for her loss ; but her memory was very dear to her people there. The inhabitants of Zell mourned long for their Royal benefactress. In January, 1784, the Crown Prince, who was in stature very like his father, was sixteen years of age. " His com- plexion was very fair, his eyebrows bushy for a youth of his age, his hair almost white." He was considered a Queen turned suddenly round, and beheld her embarrassed attendant. Sweetly smiling, she addressed these words to her: '' What must you think of a circumstance so extraordinary as that of hearing me talk, though you find me perfectly alone ? But it was to this dear and cherished image I addressed my conversation ; and what do you think I said to it? Nearly the same verses which you sent not long ago to a child, sensible to the happiness of having found her father, verses which I altered as follows : Eh ! qui done, comme moi, gouteroit le bonheur De t'appeler mon fils, d'etre chere a- ton cceur ! Toi qu'on arrache anx bras d'une mere sensible Qui ne pleure que toi, dans ce destin terrible.' " 214 THE 310YAL PRINCESSES. plain likeness of Caroline Matilda, his mother. The Queen Dowager could not, with any plausibility, pretend that his mind, like his father's, was imbecile, but she prevented his taking his seat in the Council as long as she could. About a month after his solemn confirmation, the Prince was ad- mitted and took the oaths, when he addressed his father, stating that it was his intention, from that time, to adminis- ter the government himself, after which he dismissed the Council. Possessed of the same sentiments as his excellent mother, he did not pursue the guilty Juliana Maria with the punishment her crimes deserved, but contenting him- self with the recovery of his legal inheritance, evinced the most uniform forbearance and humanity. Frederick VI. became very dear to his people ; but no inducement would prevail on the English King to listen to his subsequent overtures for an union with his Eoyal family ; so that he subsequently married a Princess of Hesse Cassel, and at a later period became the ally of the Emperor Napoleon, whence originated the siege and surrender of Copenhagen in 1807, and the loss of Norway in 1814, the two king- doms having for centuries before been united. But for the death of Caroline Matilda, Norway might still have remained subject, and the Danish capital would never have been attacked or entered as it was by the English army. There are many events in history of the first importance, like this, to be traced to the influence and agency of woman. Juliana Maria was the active agent in the sad history which led to the disastrous events related, and which in- volved the destiny of the unfortunate and innocent Caroline Matilda. The numerous anecdotes still on record of the benevo- lence and goodness of heart of that amiable Princess, prove how worthy she was to reign ; and that heart must be cold CAEOLINE MATILDA. 215 indeed which does not throb with sympathy for the pre- mature and unmerited fate of one so fair, so amiable, and so accomplished. The event left deep and indelible traces on the hearts of all her contemporaries, and the sad story has been related again and again, from the most aristocratic to the humblest hearth of our English homes. 210 CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA, PRINCESS EOYAL, ELDEST DAUGHTER OF GEORGE III., AFTERWARDS QUEEN OF WURTEMBERG. Queen Charlotte's accouchement — Birth of a Princess — Persons present — Queen hindered from witnessing the wedding of Princess Caroline Matilda — Cake and caudle — Accident to the visitors — Christening of the Princess Royal — Her sponsors — Accident to the nursery — Inoculation of Charlotte Augusta — Juvenile drawing- room — Death of her grandmother — Children removed from Rich- mond to Kew — Lady Charlotte Finch — Habits of the Royal family — Anecdote of the Queen's maternal affection — Removal to Windsor — Prince of Wales's birthday — Visit to Wimbledon- common — Royal family visit the Bishop of Winchester — Early at- tainments of the Princess Royal — Letters of Mrs. Delaney — Birthday of the Princess Royal — Bulstrode — A hunt — Visit to Court of the Duchess of Portland — Morning visit to the Queen — Cordiality of the King — Prince of Wales's birthday — Charlotte Augusta appears in public — Opens the ball — Sponsor for her brother Alfred — Birth of Amelia — Her baptism — King comes to Bulstrode — Queen and King both come next time — All the children with them — Present to Mrs. Delaney — Visit to Windsor — Infant Amelia brought in — Mrs. Siddons engaged to teach the younger Prin- cesses — Disturbance at the theatre — Handel Festival — Egham Races — Mrs. Delaney writes of the Court — Visit to Nuneham — Private visit to Oxford — Queen's birthdays— Private theatricals — Princess Royal sponsor again with her parents — Attempt on the King's life — Second visit to Nuneham — Second visit to Oxford — Whitbread's brewery — Royal family go to Cheltenham — Visit Tewkesbury — Go to Worcester — Meeting of the three choirs — Mrs. Siddons' reading — Aspiring suitor for the Princess — Royal visit to Weymouth — View several castles and seats — Water excursions — Lul worth Castle — Proposal from the Hereditary Prince of Wur- temberg for the Princess Royal — Aversion of the King and CHAELOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 217 Queen to the match — The cause — The Prince doubly descended from the House of Hanover — His first wife a cousin of the Princess Royal — Inquiry as to the Prince's conduct towards her — Satisfaction given — Princess favours the suit — The Royal consent given — Message to the House of Commons — His re- ligious principles — Her dowry — Arrival of the Prince — His per- sonal appearance — Introduced to the Princess Royal — He starts on an inland tour — On his return, lodged in St. James's — The mar- riage — Drawing-room fete at Frogmore — Addresses of congratu- lation — Parting tears — Quits England — Lands at Cuxhaven — Visits Hanover — Re-married on her arrival at Stuttgardt — Duke of Cambridge and Prince Ernest of M present — Beloved by her new people — Manner of passing her time — Her husband succeeds to the Dukedom — His father a grandson of Dorothea, Queen of Prussia — Character — Fine library — Description of the Palace at Stuttgardt- — The Duke makes peace with France — Differences with his States — Becomes Elector — Wurtemberg converted into a king- dom — Assists Bonaparte in his conscriptions — His daughter mar- ried to Jerome Bonaparte — Marriage of his eldest son — Marriage of his daughter — Confederation of the Rhine — Character of the King —Frederick's Haven — His death — Succeeded by his son — Queen retires to Louisburg — Occasionally visits Deinach — Her benefi cence — George IY. pays her a visit — Duke of Clarence visits her in 1822 — Description of Deinach — Visit of the Duke in 1825 — Illness of Queen of Wurtemberg — Comes to England for advice — Returns — Escapes being wrecked — Her death — Funeral — Grief for her loss— Will of the Queen. The domestic manners of a nation always reflect the Court which presides over it, as the child looks np to its parent as a model for imitation. Example, higher in value than a thousand precepts, requires to be set forth from the first authority, and carries with it a never-failing predominance. If, from our own times, we cast a retro- spective glance to the reign of George III., we shall behold in the supreme rank all the most beautiful associations and exalted ties of human nature. Surrounded by all the cares and fatigues of Boyalty, the happily united and socially disposed King and Queen daily enjoyed every 218 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. domestic endearment in the midst of their beautiful and promising offspring, themselves the centre and pattern of all their children's happiness. A more perfect picture can scarcely be found in all the pages of history, unless in our own still more felicitous times it be presented to future generations yet unborn. The entire harmony prevailing in the bosom of the Eoyal family afforded a fine lesson for the hearth of every domestic English circle. The subject of this memoir will be sufficient evidence of the happy effect of parental care. Charlotte Augusta Matilda, Princess Eoyal of England, was the eldest of the six daughters of George III. and Queen Charlotte. Her birth took place at Buckingham House, September 29th, 1766. Early in the morning of that day, messengers were despatched to the Princess Dowager of Wales, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the two Secretaries of State, and others of the Privy Council, all of whom obeyed the summons with great expedition. Between six and seven o'clock the infant Princess was born, of which joyful event the news was announced to the expectant public by the firing of the Tower guns at noon, followed by the ringing of bells, and other demonstrations of joy. This was the fourth accouchement of Queen Charlotte, who had before presented the nation with three royally promising boys — the Prince of Wales, and the Dukes of York and Clarence. Cake and caudle were provided at the Palace on the present occasion, according to the usual custom, but so great was the novelty and attraction in the circumstance of its being this time on account of a Princess, that great throngs assembled at St. James's, and many of the visitors of the gentler sex were nearly killed by the extraordinary rush for admittance when the doors were opened, which CHAELOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 219 was not till five o'clock, by which time many thousands had assembled. The yeomen of the guard having admitted the foremost, kept others back with their battle-axes, but had some difficulty in clearing the entrance ; which, how- ever, being accomplished, they closed the gates, to the great mortification of the disappointed multitude without. Her Majesty had intended to be present at the solem- nization of the nuptials of the King's sister, Princess Caroline Matilda, with her cousin, the King of Denmark, on the 1st of October ; but the birth of her infant daughter, on the 29th of September, prevented her accomplishing her intention. On the 27th of October the Eoyal infant was christened by Archbishop Seeker, when her sponsors were, her two aunts, the newly-married Queen of Denmark, whose repre- sentative was the Countess of Effingham, and Princess Louisa, who attended in person; the King of Denmark was her godfather, the Duke of Portland being his proxy on the occasion. There is little to be said of the few first years of exist- ence, especially when nursed in the lap of luxury. Yet events transpired, momentous to the after-life of the child Princess. New members were added to her family, the associates and playmates of youth, the friends of later life. In the year after the birth of Charlotte Augusta Matilda, in 1767, was born her fourth brother, Edward, Duke of Kent, father of our present beloved Sovereign ; in 1768, Princess Augusta Sophia was added to the family group. About this period an accident occurred to the Eoyal nursery ; on the 19th of February a fire broke out, which had been for some days smothered, as appeared from the joists being burnt to a coal, but fortunately it was dis- covered in time to prevent serious consequences. 220 THE UOYAL PRIKCESSES. Queen Charlotte patronized the new practice of inocu- lating for the small-pox, introduced in the reign of George II. Her eldest daughter and Prince William were inocu- lated, and placed under the care of Sir Clifton Wintring- ham, physician to his Majesty ; Sir John Pringle, the Queen's physician; Caesar Hawkins, Esq., sergeant-surgeon ; and Pennell Hawkins, Esq., surgeon to the Queen. The result was successful, the disease appearing with both the Royal children in the most favourable manner. On the 24th of December they were pronounced out of danger, and on the 10th of January, 1769, appeared abroad per- fectly recovered. At the Queen's suggestion, the Princess Royal, when only three years old, was placed in a very conspicuous position. The object of her Royal mother was to entertain the minds of the people with a novel sight, and disarm the factious spirit just then so prevalent. A drawing-room was held at St. James's on the 25th of October, 1769, the anniver- sary of the King's accession, by the young Prince of Wales, then in his seventh year, and the Princess Royal, who was just three. As was expected, the Court was crowded to excess, everybody being anxious to witness how these sweet children would acquit themselves ; and their graceful deportment, and apt .performance of the part as- signed to them, made an impression never to be forgotten on that brilliant assemblage. The Prince of Wales was attired in scarlet and gold, with the insignia of the Order of the Garter ; on his right was the Prince Bishop of Os- naburg, in blue and gold, with the Order of the Bath : next to him, on a rich sofa, sat the Princess Royal, at whose right hand, elegantly clothed in Roman togas, were the junior Princes — William Henry, Duke of Clarence, and Edward, Duke of Kent. CHABLOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 221 At a juvenile ball, given at Buckingham Palace on the 15th of March, 1770, this promising group of children was again brought into public notice; and well might Queen Charlotte calculate on the success of such an appeal to the hearts of the people. When the Princess Eoyal was in her sixth year, she lost her grandmother, the Princess Dowager of Wales. At the time, she was too young to appreciate this affliction as she would have done a few years later ; to the King, her father, it was indeed a heavy blow, who was not only ten- derly attached to his parent, but a filially devoted son. This affliction was followed by the removal of the Eoyal family from the Old Lodge, Eichmond, to Kew Palace — a change expected to prove advantageous to the health of the children. The Dukes of Sussex and Cambridge, and the Princess Sophia, were born at Kew, during the season it was made a Eoyal residence. Of the habits of the Queen of England and her young family at Kew, during the year 1773, the following account has been handed down : — " In the morning, while his Majesty was engaged in business, or in his study, the Queen employed herself in music, embroidery, or drawing, having generally the Princess Eoyal or some of the younger children with her, their improvement being one of her most favourite occupations. After spending an hour or two in this agreeable manner, the Eoyal party, with their attendants, either took an airing in the neighbourhood, or a walk in the gardens ; and so attentive was the Queen to her children, that she never trusted the youngest of them out of her sight on these occasions. While in the nursery, she visited them ; and when they had finished their lessons with Miss Planta, or the Eev. Mr. de Guif- fardiere, their French instructor, she had them brought a 222 THE IIOYAL PRINCESSES. into her presence, examined their progress in learning, and gave them such commendation as she found they deserved." An incident is on record of good Queen Charlotte, which the mothers of England might do well to set forth for their example. On one occasion, when conversing with the Duchess of , she expressed great surprise that any lady who sent out her children for an airing could venture to entrust them to a servant's care, without in person accompanying the precious charge. The Duchess began to advocate the system ; but Queen Charlotte knew better. She arrested her remark by this forcible appeal — " You are a mother ; you now converse with a mother ; and I should be sorry you would compel me to suppose you were callous where you ought to be most suscep- tible !" The character and disposition of children are formed by the principles instilled into them from infancy by those who surround them ; what might not, therefore, be ex- pected from the daughters of Queen Charlotte, who per- sonally devoted her care to their mental improvement, as well as to rearing them in health, and who entertained so strict and exalted a sense of the maternal duties ! The lives of these amiable Princesses attest that her tender solicitude was not thrown away. They became exemplary, accomplished, and high-minded women. Lady Charlotte Finch, mother of the Earl of Win- chilsea, superintended the young scions of royalty morn- ing and evening in the nursery, which was likewise visited by the King in person, who shared with his consort the management of her offspring, and direction of their diet, exercise, and choice of preceptors. Of the food, we are told it was always homely, and free CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 223 from luxury. The children all dined together at an early hour, in presence of the King and Queen, who afterwards rambled in the gardens at Richmond till their own dinner- hour, accompanied by their children " in pairs." After dinner, the Queen worked ; and the King, unless business prevented, read aloud some instructive or amusing work. In the evening, the children, before retiring to rest, were brought to pay their duty to their parents, and wish them adieu for the night. Their Majesties always rose at six, and enjoyed as their own the two succeeding hours. At eight, the four Princes and Princess Royal were brought from their several houses to Kew, to- breakfast with the King and Queen. At nine, the younger children made their first appearance ; and while the five eldest applied closely to their tasks, the little ones and then nurses passed the whole morning in Rich- mond gardens. Then came the dinner, as before de- scribed : and the daily routine was successively very much the same. In 1776 the family residence was fixed at Windsor, where the Prince of Wales's birthday was kept on August 16th, with much solemnity ; the guns fired and bells rang. At ten o'clock the Royal party walked in procession from the Castle to the Cathedral, the Princesses following their Royal parents, and after them the Princes, two and two. The canons, poor knights, &c, met them at the door, and, after service had been performed, the Royal family walked amid the crowds familiarly, who thronged upon the Terrace. Three volleys, fired by the 23rd Regiment, drawn up in the Park, greeted them on the occasion, and were accom- panied by loud shouts of joy. About this time the Princess Royal accompanied her parents, the King and Queen, her two elder brothers, and q2 224* THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. Princess Augusta, with their suite,* to Wimbledon Com- mon, to the residence of a gentleman named Hartley, who had invented a plan to secure buildings from fire. Their Majesties, with the Princes and Princesses, first breakfasted in one of the rooms. " The tea-kettle was boiled on a fire made upon the floor of the opposite room, which apartment they afterwards entered and set a bed on fire, the curtains of which were consumed, with part of the bedstead, but not the whole, the flames, from the resis- tance of the floor, going out of themselves. Their Majes- ties then went down-stairs, and saw a horse-shoe forged in a fire made on the floor, as also a large faggot lighted, that was hung up to the ceiling instead of a curtain. After this, two fires were made upon the staircase, and one under the stairs ; all which burnt out quickly without spreading beyond the place where the fuel was first laid. Their Majesties paid the greatest attention to every ex- periment that was made, and expressed the utmost satis- faction at the discovery. The whole concluded by light- ing a large magazine of faggots, pitch, and tar, which burnt with amazing fury, but did no damage to the floor or ceiling. The Queen and the children displayed the utmost courage and composure in going up-stairs, and re- maining in the room immediately over that which was raging in flames beneath." Three or more days in every week were at this time (1778) passed by the King and Queen at Windsor during the summer months, the old Palace at Kew being still oc- cupied for the convenience of their children. Mrs. Chapone, niece of Dr. Thomas, Bishop of Win- chester, who had been preceptor to the Prince of Wales * Lady Charlotte Finch, Colonel Desaguelieres, and Colonel Hotham. CHABLOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 225 (afterwards George IV.)? was m the habit of passing much of her time at Farnham Castle, her uncle's residence. In a letter addressed by this lady to Mr. Burrows, Aug. 20, 1778, is the following record of the Eoyal family: — " Mr. Buller went to "Windsor on Saturday;, saw the King, who inquired much about the bishop ; and, hearing that he would be eighty-two next Monday, ' Then,' said the King, 6 1 will go and wish him joy.' ' And I,' said the Queen, ' will go, too.' Mr. B then dropt a hint of the additional pleasure it would give the bishop, if he could see the Princes. ' That,' said the King, c requires contri- vance ; but if I can manage it, we will all go.' " On the Monday following, the Eoyal party, consisting of their Majesties, the Prince of Wales, Duke of York, Duke of Clarence, the Princess Boyal, and Princess Augusta, visited the bishop. The King sent the Princes to pay their respects to Mrs.Chapone; himself, he said, was an old acquaintance. Whilst the Princes were speaking to me, Mr. Arnold, sub-preceptor, said, e These gentlemen are well acquainted with a certain ode prefixed to Mrs. Carter's "Epictetus," if you know anything of it.' Afterwards the King came and spoke to us, and the Queen led the Prin- cess Eoyal to me, saying, ' This is a young lady, who, I hope, has much profited by your instructions. She has read them* more than once, and will read them often ;' and the Princess assented to the praise which followed with a very modest air. I was pleased with all the Princes, but particularly Prince William, who is little of his age, but so sensible and engaging, that he won the bishop's heart, to whom he particularly attached himself, and would stay with him while all the rest ran about the house. His conversation was surprisingly manly and clever for his age ; * u Letters on the Improvement of the Mind." 220 the royal princesses. yet with the young Bullers he was quite the boy, and said to John Bailer, by way of encouraging him to talk, 'Come, we are both boys, you knew.' All of them showed affec- tionate respect to the bishop ; the Prince of Wales pressed his hand so hard that he hurt it." The Princess Eoyal was early imbued with the love of history and taste for modern languages by which she be- came distinguished, and her retentive memory excited the admiration of all who conversed with her. She was her father's inseparable companion, who encouraged her in her natural taste for study, and whom she amused by reading to him in his leisure hours. She cultivated her taste for design under the celebrated Benjamin West, and applied her skill with great effect in embroidery and other female works of art, which she pre- sented to her friends on various occasions, and which, at a later period of her life, served to ornament the apartments of the Boyal Palace at Stuttgardt. In the " Closet of the Princess Eoyal" at Frogmore, an elegant little apartment, are several drawings in pen and ink, of wild animals, in imitation of the etchings of Eidinger, which were executed, with the spirit and freedom of an able professor, by the Princess Eoyal. These pen and ink drawings, and those which ornament the walls of an- other small apartment, all framed and glazed, are executed with the firmness and freedom of a practised hand, and would do credit to a professional artist. What her Eoyal Highness might have been able to perform in the way of original design, may only be inferred. There is something extremely pleasing in the following account of the Eoyal family, given by Mrs. Delane} r in her letters. It gives a record of the visit made by the King and Queen, with their children, to Bulstrode, the seat of CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 227 the Duke of Portland, in 1779. At this time the Princess Boyal was about thirteen years of age, and the letter gives a fair picture of the manners of herself and family generally — one which cannot but prove interesting to every English reader. Mrs. Delaney writes thus : — ■ " The Boyal family, ten in all, came to Bulstrode at twelve o'clock. The King drove the Queen in an open chaise, with a pair of white horses. The Prince of Wales and Prince Frederick rode on horseback ; all with proper attendants, but no guards. Princess Koyal and Lady Weymouth in a post-chaise ; Princess Augusta, Princess Elizabeth, Prince Adolphus (about seven years old), and Lady Charlotte Finch, in a coach; Prince William, Prince Edward, Duke of Montague, and the Bishop of Lichfield, in a coach; another coach full of attendant gentlemen — among others, Mr. Smelt, whose character sets him above most men, and does great honour 'to the King, who calls him his friend, and has drawn him put of his solitude (the life he had chosen) to enjoy his conversation every leisure moment. These, with all their attendants in rank and file, made a splendid figure as they drove through the park, and round the court up to the house. The day was as brilliant as could be wished — the 12th of August, the Prince of Wales's birthday. The Queen was in a hat, and in an Italian night-gcwn of purple lustring, trimmed with silver gauze. She is graceful and genteel. The dignity and sweetness of her manner, the perfect propriety of everything she says or does, satisfies everybody she honours with her instructions so much, that beauty is by no means wanting to make her perfectly agreeable ; and though awe and long retirement from Court made me feel timid on my being called to make my appear- ance, I soon found myself perfectly at ease, for the King's 228 TIIE EOTAL PRINCESSES. conversation and good humour took off all awe but what one must have for so respectable a character, severely tried by his enemies at home as well as abroad. The three Prin- cesses were all in frocks. The King and all the men were in uniform blue and gold. They walked through the great apartments, which are in a line, and attentively observed everything, the pictures in particular. I kept back in the drawing-room, and took that opportunity of sitting down, when the Princess Royal returned to me, and said the Queen missed me in the train. I immediately obeyed the summons with my best alacrity. Her Majesty met me half-way, and seeing me hasten my steps, called out to me, 1 Though I desired you to come, I did not desire you to run and fatigue yourself.' They all returned to the great drawing-room, where there were only two arm-chairs, placed in the middle of the room, for the King and Queen. The King placed the Duchess Dowager of Portland in his chair, and walked about admiring the beauties of the place. Breakfast was offered, all prepared in a long gallery that runs the length of the great apartments (a suite of eight rooms and three closets). The King, and all his Royal children, and the rest of the train, chose to go to the gallery, where the well-furnished tables were set — one with tea, coffee, and chocolate ; another with their proper accom- paniments of eatables — rolls, cakes, &c. ; another table with fruits and ices ill their utmost perfection, which with a magical touch had succeeded a cold repast. The Queen remained in the drawing-room. I stood at the back of her chair, which, happening to be one of my working, gave the Queen an opportunity to say many obliging things. The Duchess Dowager of Portland brought her Majesty a dish of tea on a waiter, with biscuits, which was what she chose. After she had drank her tea, she would not CHAELOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 229 return her cup to the Duchess, but got up and would carry it to the gallery herself; and was much pleased to see with what elegance everything was prepared. No servants but those out of livery made their appearance. The gay and pleasant appearance they all made, and the satisfaction all expressed, rewarded the attention and politeness of the Duchess of Portland, who is never so happy as when she gratifies those she esteems worthy of her attentions and favours. The young Eoyals seemed quite happy, from the eldest to the youngest, and to inherit the gracious manners of their parents. I cannot enter upon their particular address to me, which not only did me honour, but showed their humane and benevolent respect for old age. The King desired me to show the Queen one of my books of plants. She seated herself in the gallery, a table and the book laid before her. I kept my distance till she called me to ask some questions about the mosaic paper-work ; and as I stood before her Majesty, the King set a chair behind me. I turned with some confusion and hesitation on receiving so great an honour, when the Queen said, c Mrs. Delaney, sit down, sit down; it is not every lady that has a chair brought her by a King.' So I obeyed. Amongst many gracious things, the Queen asked me w T hy I was not with the Duchess when she came, for I might be sure she would ask for me. I was flattered, though I knew to whom I was obliged for this distinction, and doubly flattered by that. I acknowledged it in as few words as possible, and said I was particularly happy at that moment to pay my duty to her Majesty, as it gave me an opportunity to see so many of the Royal family, which age and obscurity had deprived me of. ' Oh, but,' said her Majesty, ' you have not seen all my children yet.' Upon which the 230 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. King came up and asked what we were talking about, which was repeated, and the King replied to the Queen, ' You may put Mrs. Delaney in the way of doing that, by naming a day for her to drink tea at Windsor Castle.' The Duchess of Portland was consulted, and the next day fixed upon, as the Duchess had appointed the end of the week for going to Weymouth." Mrs. Delaney writes in another letter — " Last Saturday, the 11th of this month (Nov., 1780), about one o'clock, as I was sitting at work at my paper-mosaic, in my working dress, and all my papers littered about me, the Duchess Dowager of Portland very intent at another table, making a catalogue to a huge folio of portrait-prints, her Grace's groom of the chambers announced the Queen and Princess Royal, who were just driven into the court. I retired to change my dress, and wait for a summons, should her Majesty send me her commands. The Duchess kept her station, to receive her Eoyal visitors, and I was soon sent for, which gave me the opportunity I so much had wished, and my acknowledgments were most graciously accepted. # The Queen stayed till past three, and left us (though no * Here Mrs. Delaney alludes to a circumstance named in the same letter. "And now, as I know you take pleasure in what gives me pleasure, and does me honour, I must tell you of our amiable, gracious Queen's politeness, and, 1 may presume to add, kindness to me. She was told I had a wish for a lock of her hair ; she sent me one with her own Koyal fingers. She heard (for she was not asked for either) that I wished to have one of Mrs. Port's a boys in the Charterhouse, and she gave her commands that one of my little nephews should be set down in her list. You will easily believe I was anxious to make my proper acknowledgments, and under some difficulty how to do it, as I am unable to pay my duty in the drawing-room. Fortunately an agreeable opportunity came in my way " (the one described above). — Letter of Jlrs. Delaney to Mrs. Frances Hamilton. a Mrs. Delaney's niece. CHAPtLOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 231 strangers to her excellences), in admiration of her good sense, affability blended with dignity, and her entertaining- conversation. So much propriety, so excellent a heart, such true religious principles, give a lustre to her royalty that crowns and sceptres cannot bestow." Mrs, Delaney describes this visit in these words: — " We went at the hour appointed, seven o'clock, and were received in the lower private apartment at the Castle; went through a large room with great bay-windows, where were all the Princesses and youngest Princes, with their attendant ladies and gentlemen. We passed on to the bedchamber, where the Queen stood in the middle of the room, with Lady Weymouth and Lady Charlotte Finch. (The King and the eldest Princes had walked out.) When the Queen took her seat, and the ladies their places, she ordered a chair to be set for me opposite to where she sat, and asked me if I felt any wind from the door or window ? It was indeed a sultry day. " At eight o'clock, the King, &c, came into the room, with so much cheerfulness and good humour, that it was impossible to feel any painful restriction. It was the hour of the King and Queen, and eleven of the Princes and Princesses, walking on the Terrace. They apologized for going, but said the crowd expected them ; but they left Lady Weymouth* and the Bishop of Lichfield to enter- tain us in their absence. We sat in the ba3^-window, well pleased with our companions, and the brilliant show on the Terrace, on which we looked, the band of music playing all the time under the window. When they returned, we were summoned into the next room to tea, and the Eoyals began a ball, and danced two country-dances to the music * Lady Weymouth was daughter of the Duchess Dowager of Portland. 232 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. of French-horns, bassoons, and hautboys, which were the same that played on the Terrace. The King came up to the Prince of Wales, and said he was sure, when he considered how great an effort it must be to play that kind of music so long a time together, that he would not continue their dancing there ; but that the Queen and the rest of the company were going to the Queen's house, and that they should renew their dancing there, and have proper music." Another letter from Bulstrode contains this passage: — " On Saturday, the 1st of this month, the Queen, Prin- cess Royal, and Princess Augusta, came here to wish the Duchess Dowager of Portland joy of the marriage of Miss Thynne (Lady Weymouth's eldest daughter) with the Earl of Aylesford. She is as amiable as beautiful ; and as he bears an exceedingly good character, I hope he will prove worthy of her. " The Queen, &c, came about twelve o'clock, and caught me at my spinning-wheel (the work lam now reduced to), and made me spin on, and give her a lesson afterwards ; and I must say, she did it tolerably well for a Queen. She stayed till three o'clock ; and now I suppose our Eoyal visits are over for this year." The following letter was enclosed in one from which the preceding extract has been taken (dated December 9th, 1781) :— " On Tuesday morning, at a quarter before ten, the Duchess of Portland stept into her chaise, and I had the honour of attending her. We went to Garrat's- cross, about the middle of the Common, by the appointment and command of the King, who came, about a quarter of an hour after, with the Prince of Wales and a large retinue. His Majesty came up immediately to the Duchess of Portland's carriage, CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 233 most gracious, and delighted to see the Duchess out so early. The Queen was there, with the two eldest Prin- cesses and Lady Courtown,* in a post-coach and four. The King came with a message from the Queen to the Duchess of Portland, to say her Majesty would see her safe back to Bulstrode, and breakfast with her Grace. The Duke of Cumberland was there, and a great many carriages, and many of our acquaintance : amongst them, Lady Mary Forbes and her family. She took three rooms at the Bull Inn, and breakfasted thirty people. The King himself ordered the spot where the Duchess of Portland's chaise should stand, to see the stag turned out. It was brought in a cart to that place by the King's command. The stag was set at liberty, and the poor trembling creature bounded over the plain, in hopes of escaping from his pursuers ; but the dogs and the hunters were soon after him, and all out of sight. "The Duchess of Portland returned home, in order to be ready to receive the Queen, who immediately followed, before we could pull off our bonnets and cloaks. We re- ceived her Majesty and the Princesses on the steps at the door. She is so condescending and gracious, that she makes everything perfectly easy. We got home a quarter before eleven o'clock — her Majesty stayed till two. In her return back to Windsor, she met the chase, and was at the taking of the stag : they would not let the dogs kill him. " On Wednesday the Duchess of Portland intended to go to return the Queen thanks for the honour she had done her ; we were to set out early. I dressed my head * Mary, daughter and co-heiress of Kichard Powis, of Hurdlesham Hall, in Suffolk, married James, the second Earl of Courtown, 2oh THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. for the clay before breakfast, when a letter arrived from Miss Hamilton,* from the Queen's lodge, to me, with a message from the Kin^r. to desire we would not come till Thursday evening, at eight o'clock, as he could not be at home till then. Accordingly we went ; were there at the appointed hour. The King and Queen and the Princesses received us in the drawing-room, to which we went through the concert-room. Princess Mary took me by the left hand, Princess Sophia and the sweet little Prince Octavius took me by the right hand, and led me after the Duchess of Portland into the drawing-room. The King nodded and smiled upon my little conductors, and bid them lead me up to the Queen, who stood in the middle of the room. When we were all seated (for the Queen is so gracious she will always make me sit down), the Duchess of Portland sat next to the Queen, and I sat next to the Princess Royal. On the other side of me was a chair, and his Majesty did me the honour to sit by me. He went backwards and forwards between that and the music -room; he was so gracious as to have a good deal of conversation with me, particularly about Handel's music, and ordered those pieces to be played which he found I gave a preference to. In the course of the evening the Queen changed places with the Princess Eoyal, saying, most graciously, she must have a little conversation with Mrs. Delaney, which lasted about half an hour. She then got up, it being half an hour after ten, and said she was afraid she should keep the Duchess of Portland too late, and made her courtesy, and we withdrew. There was nobody but their attendants, and Lord and Lady Court own. Nothing could be more easy and agreeable." * Afterwards Mrs. Dickinson. CHAELOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 235 Another letter, to Mrs. Frances Hamilton, dated from Bulstrode, December 17, 1782, runs thus : — " The Queen made a morning visit here about three weeks ago, and brought only Lady Dartrey^ with her. The Duchess paid her duty in return, at the Queen's lodge, and I had the honour of accompanying her. The Queen was quite alone, in her dressing-room : her dress was simple and elegant, a pale lilac satin. She added dig- nity to her dress by her most gracious manner of con- versing. She was making fringe in a frame, and did me the honour to show me how to do it, and to say she would send me such a frame as her own, as she thought it was a work that would not try my eyes. We were dis- missed at three o'clock ; and as we were going to the chaise, we met, in the passage, the King and his grey- hounds just returned from coursing. He told the Duchess that he could not part with her so ; but we must both make him a visit, and opened the door for us to go with him into the drawing-room. The Queen soon came to us, and invited us back to her apartment, as the warmer place, and we stayed till four o'clock." The Prince of Wales's birthday in 1781, when he came of age, was celebrated at Windsor with much rejoicing, and the Terrace was so crowded with company that their Majesties and the Princesses were obliged to retire after walking about half an hour. A grand review was held in the Park next day, at the conclusion of which the Royal family proceeded to St. George's Hall, where they dined with about eighty of the nobility. In the evening there * The Lady Anne Fermor, daughter of Thomas, first Earl of Pomfret, married Thomas, Lord Dartrey, created Lord Viscount Cremorne, in July, 1785. 233 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. was a grand supper, and the ball was kept up till a late hour. Illuminations and bonfires were part of the day's entertainments. The first appearance in public of Charlotte Augusta Matilda was on the Queen's birthday the year following, 1782, at the drawing-room, she being then sixteen years of age. On that occasion the Princess Eoyal opened the ball in the evening with her brother, the Prince of Wales, who wore a waistcoat of the Queen's own em- broidering. Two years before, Charlotte Augusta Matilda had become sponsor for her infant brother, Prince Alfred, who was born September 22, 1780 ; it was the misfortune of their Majesties to lose this sweet child August 20th, 1782, and their grief was no doubt shared by the young Princess, his godmother. This was not a solitary be- reavement : Louisa Anne, the King's sister, died about the same time, of a lingering consumption ; and another of Charlotte's sons, Prince Octavius, fell a victim to the small-pox at Kew, in the fifth year of his age, # and was interred with his little brother in the chapel of Henry the Seventh, at Westminster. A more joyful event could scarcely have occurred after so many domestic losses, than the birth of the Princess Amelia, the youngest of the six daughters of Queen Char- lotte, whose sponsors at the baptismal font were the Princess Eoyal, the Prince of Wales, and the Princess Augusta : the child was named after her great-aunt, Amelia of Hanover, daughter of George II. From Mrs. Delaney's letter to Mrs. F. Hamilton, dated Bulstrode, October the 10th, 1783, the following extract is too pleasing to be suppressed : — * In May, 1783. CHAELOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 237 " In a few days after our arrival here, the Duchess of Portland and I were sitting in the long gallery, very busy with our different employments, when without any cere- mony, his Majesty walked up to our table unperceived and unknown, till he came quite up to us. You may believe we were at first a little fluttered with his Eoyal presence ; but his courteous and affable manner soon made him a wel- come guest. He came to inform the Duchess of Portland of the Queen's perfect recovery after her lying-in, which made him doubly welcome. " Breakfast was called for, and after a visit of two hours, the King left us. About a week after this, the King and Queen came together, only accompanied by Lady Courtown. They breakfasted and stayed much about the same time. The etiquette is, that the person on whom such an honour is conferred goes to inquire after their Majesties ; but the Queen waived that ceremony, and desired the Duchess not to come till she received a summons, as they were going to St. James's for some days. On Thursday, the 2nd of October, a little before 12 o'clock, word was brought that the Eoyal family were coming up the park ; and immediately after, two coaches and six, with the King on horseback, and a great retinue, came up to the hall-door. The company were, the King and Queen, Princess Eoyal, Princess Augusta, Princess Elizabeth, Princess Mary, and Princess Sophia — a lovely group, all dressed in white muslin polonaises, white chip hats with white feathers, except the Queen, who had on a black hat, and cloak; the King dressed in his Windsor uni- form of blue and gold ; the Queen attended by the Duchess of Ancaster, who is mistress of the robes, and Lady Elizabeth Waldegrave, # who attends the two eldest Princesses, and Mrs. * Elizabeth Laura, daughter of James, second Earl Waldegrave, by Maria (daughter of Sir Edward Walpole), afterwards Duchess of 23S THE EOYAL PRINCESSES. Goldsworthy, who is sub-governess to the three younger Princesses. The King had no attendants but the equerries, Major Digby and Major Price. They were in the drawing- room before I was sent for, where I found the King and Queen and Duchess of Portland, seated at a table in the middle of the room. The King, with his usual graciousness, came up to me, and brought me forward, and I found the Queen very busy in showing a very elegant machine to the Duchess of Portland, which was a frame for weaving of fringe of a new and most delicate structure, and would take up as much paper as has already been written upon to describe it minutely ; yet it is of such simplicity as to be very useful. You will easily imagine the grateful feeling I had when the Queen presented it to me, to make up some knotted fringe which she saw me about. The King, at the same time, said he must contribute something to my work, and presented me with a gold knotting shuttle of most exquisite workmanship and taste ; and I am at this time, while I am dictating this letter, knotting white silk to fringe the bag which, is to contain it. " On the Monday after, we were appointed to go to the lodge at Windsor, at two o'clock. We were first taken into the Duchess of Ancaster's dressing-room ; in a quarter of an hour after, to the King and Queen, in the drawing- room, who had nobody with them but Prince Alverstaden, the Hanoverian minister, which gave me an opportunity of hearing the Queen speak German, and I may say it was the first time I had received pleasure from what I did not un- derstand : but there was such a fluency and sweetness in her manner of speaking it, that it sounded as sweet as Italian. Gloucester, married her first cousin, George, fourth Earl of Walde- grave. CHAELOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 239 " There were two chairs brought in for the Duchess of Portland and myself to sit on (by order of their Majesties), which were easier than those belonging to the room. We were seated near the door that opened into the concert- room. The King directed them to play Handel and Gemimani's music, which he was graciously pleased to say was to gratify me. These are flattering honours. I should not indulge so much upon this subject, but that I depend upon your considering it proceeding more from gratitude than vanity. The three eldest Princesses came into the room in about half an hour after we were seated. All the Koyal family were dressed in uniform for the demi-saison, of a violet-blue armozine, gauze aprons, &c. &c. ; the Queen had the addition of a great many fine pearls. "When the concert of music was over, the young Princess Amelia, nine weeks old, was sent for, and brought in by her nurse and attendants. The King took her in his arms, and presented her to the Duchess of Portland and to me. Your affectionate heart would have been delighted with the Boyal domestic scene — an example worthy of imi- tation by all ranks, and, indeed, adding dignity to their high station. We were at Bulstrode before five, and very well after our expedition. I am afraid you will be much more tired than we were, in travelling through this long narration. If it affords any amusement to our dear friend, Mrs. Anne Hamilton, as well as to yourself, it will give much satis- faction to my dear Mrs. F. Hamilton's most affectionate and obliged friend, "M. Delakey." The Boyal family has always manifested a remarkable taste for theatricals. Mrs. Siddons, by her unrivalled talents, drew the King and Queen, with the children, often to r2 210 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. the theatre. On one occasion, when she was performing in the character of Euphrasia, a voice from the upper gallery disturbed the house by crying out — " Your Majesty had the goodness to promise me one of your blessed Princesses in marriage." Such an uproar was created by this breach of decorum, that the individual who had been guilty of it made his escape. Shortly after, Mrs. Siddons had an inter- view with their Majesties at Buckingham House, and at their express desire undertook to instruct the two younger Princesses in reading and enunciation. 1784. — At the grand festival held in honour of Handel, at Westminster Abbey, their Majesties were present, May 26. Prince Edward and the Princess Royal sat on the King's right, and the Princesses Augusta, Elizabeth, and Sophia, on the Queen's left hand; the box being superbly ornamented with crimson velvet. At the Pantheon, where the festival was renewed the following evening, their Majesties and three of the Prin- cesses again visited the performance. On the 29th, when the " Messiah" was performed in the Abbey, five of the Eoyal sisters accompanied their august parents, and evi- dently enjoyed the grand musical treat. August 29th, 1785. — The King and Queen, with their five daughters, visited the race-course at Egham " without guards or ceremony," and were received by the Duke of Queensberry, who gave them an account of the horses that were to run. The Lord Mayor and Lady Mayoress had some conversation with their Majesties, after which the King appeared on the ground on horseback, and conversed with the clerk of the course at different intervals with much condescension. During this time the Queen, the Princess Royal, and Princess Elizabeth were in an open landau, and the three younger Princesses in a coach. CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 241 Their Majesties partook, while on the field, of a plain repast of cold beef, ham, and veal ; and on their departure expressed themselves much pleased with the day's sport. Again, in another letter, dated from Bulstrode, June 22, 1784, Mrs. Delaney addresses Mrs. Frances Hamilton in these words : — " Now, according to my usual custom, I must give you an account of my past life and actions regarding Royal favours. As soon as the bitterness of winter was over, I received the King and Queen's com- mands to attend the Duchess of Portland to the Queen's house, at eight o'clock in the evening : there was no com- pany there but the five Princesses and Lady Charlotte Finch. There was a concert of music in the next room, which (the door being open) we heard in a very agreeable manner. The King walked backwards and forwards be- tween the rooms, had a great deal of conversation with the Duchess of Portland, and did me the honour of sharing in it sometimes. " We had much talk, particularly about music ; and his Majesty condescended to order those pieces of music to be played that he called my favourites. The Duchess of Portland sat on the Queen's right hand, and I on her left. Her Majesty talked a great deal to me about books, especially about those on religion, and recommended to me an ' Explanation of the Four Evangelists,' translated from the German. The next morning she sent me a present of the work, in three volumes. " The old 14th of May, which my dear and valuable friends in Ireland so often made a day of delight to me, is not quite laid aside : my young niece, Port, takes upon her every year, on its return, to invite a select set of com- pany, not exceeding six persons, to dine with me. On the last, a summons was sent to me from their Majesties, 212 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. that, as they were informed it was my birthday, they must see me ; and I, with the Duchess of Portland, obeyed their commands that evening. Nobodv there but the Royal family, Lady Charlotte Finch, and Lady Wey- mouth, who was the Lady of the Bedchamber in Waiting. It does not become me to say the gracious, kind, and flattering manner with which they received me. The Queen ordered Lady Weymouth to tie about my neck a small medallion of the King, set round with brilliants. The resemblance, which is very great, and the gracious manner in which it was done, made it invaluable. " I cannot enter into a long detail of the commemora- tion of Handel, performed in West minster Abbey. The effect was wonderful ; and I had the courage (having a very easy opportunity of going into the Abbey) of hearing it four times. Yesterday morning, their Majesties, only accompanied by Lady Louisa Clayton, breakfasted here. Thus ends the history and letter of my dear Mrs. F. Hamilton's most affectionate, faithful friend and servant, "M. Delaney." On Monday, October loth, 1785, their Majesties, with the Princes Ernest Augustus and Adolphus, the Princess Royal, Princesses Augusta and Elizabeth, paid a visit to Lord and Lady Harcourt, at jSTuneham, with the intention of returning to Windsor the same evening ; but the conversation happening to turn upon Oxford, and the Queen saying she should like to see a place of which she had heard so much, it was resolved to go thither, in a pri- vate manner, the next day. Accordingly, the Royal party slept at Nuneham that night ; and on Tuesday morning, about ten o'clock, their Majesties, with their children, and the Earl and Countess of Harcourt, arrived at Oxford in CHAULOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 243 five carriages, and passing through the fields behind Merton College, alighted at Christ Church, and entering the cathedral at prayer time, took their seats during Divine service ; after which, they were conducted to the hall, the dean's apartments, and the library. From Christ Church they proceeded to Corpus • Christi College, where Dr. Dennis, the Vice- Chancellor, and President of St. John's, preceded by the beadles, with their staves in- verted, paid his respects to their Majesties, and attended them to Merton College, and thence to the Radelivian Library. Their Majesties from thence entered the public schools, at the eastern gates, and passing through the divinity school, were ushered into the theatre, where the heads of houses, and the doctors in their several faculties, were already assembled. In the area of this magnificent room the Royal family were seated for some time ; and the Yice-Chancellor, with the several heads of colleges, and the proctors, had the honour of kissing their Majes- ties' hands. The Bodleian Library was next visited, and from thence the Royal party were conducted to the pic- ture-gallery ; after which they saw the Pomfret and Arun- delian marbles, and the music-school, where the professor had the honour of kissing hands. On leaving these public edifices, their Majesties went to see the chapel and library at New College ; from whence they passed through the gardens into the library, chapel, and hall of St. John's, and next to the Observatory. From this place the Royal family proceeded to the council-chamber, where the Mayor and Corporation of Oxford attended to pay their respects to the Royal visitors ; and the former had the honour of knighthood conferred upon him. Their Majesties from thence visited All Souls, Queen's, and Magdalen Colleges ; and having seen the chapels, libraries, and whatever was 2-14 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. most worthy of observation, they quitted Oxford for Lord Harcourt's, where an elegant cold collation waited their arrival ; and they set out for Windsor about seven the same evening. The death of Prince George of Mecklenburg caused the celebration of the Queen's birthday to be postponed to the 9th of February, he being her youngest brother. When the birthday was kept on that day, dancing was kept up in the evening till between twelve and one o'clock, at which hour their Majesties and the Princesses retired. Private theatricals becoming fashionable in 1786, they were patronized, among others, by the Duke of Richmond, at whose house, which was always crowded, the theatre was more than once honoured with the Royal presence. Their Majesties, with five Princesses, went the first time to see Murphy's comedy of " The Way to Keep Him ;" and the last, Mrs. Centlivre's play of " The Wonder ; or, a Woman keeps a Secret." An interesting event at this time occurred in the fashionable world — the baptism of the infant daughter of the Earl of Salisbury, April 27th, 1787. She was born after a period of sixteen years had elapsed without the Countess adding to her family. The baptismal ceremony took place at his lordship's residence in Arlington-street, and was performed in the evening with much splendour, their Majesties and the Princess Royal having undertaken to become sponsors for the babe, and attending in person on the interesting occasion, when every preparation had been made to do honour to the Royal guests. The King and Queen, with the Princess Royal, " having arrived in their chairs, were ushered into the baptismal chamber, where, according to etiquette, the Countess sat up in bed to receive them ; this bed was of green damask, CHARLOTTE AT7GTT9TA MATILDA. 245 with flowers in festoons, and lined with orange-coloured silk, the counterpane of white? satin. " Her Majesty was dressed in dark green, covered with silver gauze, and ornamented with the greatest profusion of diamonds perhaps ever seen at one time, with which, indeed, her head was literally covered ; and his Majesty was also superbly dressed. All the rank and fashion in London connected with the noble families of Hill and Cecil were assembled to witness the interesting spectacle. His Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury performed the bap- tismal ceremony. Her Majesty received the child from Lady Essex, and the Archbishop received it from her Majesty, who named it Georgiana Charlotte Augusta. Their Majesties stayed till a late hour, during which time, as was the custom, none of the company sat down. The Royal party returned with the usual formalities." Not long after occurred the memorable attempt on the King's life by Margaret Nicholson, which must have been a trial to the hearts of the Royal mother and daughters — happily his Majesty escaped injury. On the 15th of August, a second visit was paid by their Majesties and the three eldest Princesses to the noble owners of Nuneham, where they reviewed the improve- ments taking place there ; and on the next morning, Sun- day, after having attended Divine service at Nuneham, the King, Queen, and Princesses set out for Oxford. They arrived there at half-past one o'clock, and were received by the Yice-Chancellor, the Duke of Marlborough, and the officers of the University, who ushered them into the Divinity School, from whence in grand procession they entered the theatre, where the King took the Chancellor's chair, the Queen and the Princesses being seated at his right hand. After a voluntary had been played on the 21G THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. organ, the Vice-Chancellor approached the throne, with an address on his Majesty's happy deliverance; to which the King made this reply: — " Such dutiful sentiments on my second visit to this seat of learning, accompanied by affectionate congratula- tions on the protection of Divine Providence, manifested by the failure of the attempt on my life, call forth my warmest thanks. I am not less sensible of your expres- sions towards the Queen. The University of Oxford may ever depend on my inclination to encourage every branch of science ; as the more my subjects are enlightened, the more they must be attached to the excellent constitution established in this realm." This reply, all unpremeditated as it was, and uttered in a feeling and impressive manner, sensibly affected all who were present. On leaving the theatre, the Royal party went to take a second view of the New College and its beautiful win- dows ; after which they visited Wadham and Trinity Col- leges, at which last they partook of an elegant collation in the hall. From thence they went to Lincoln and Brazenose Colleges, and next to the council chamber of the city, to receive the Corporation with their address. After inspecting the library and pictures at Christ Church, the Royal party returned to Nuneham to dinner, about six o'clock. The next morning their Majesties honoured the Duke of Marlborough with a visit at Blenheim, and, on their entrance into the park from Woodstock, were saluted with the firing of eleven cannon, on the side of the great lake. The Duke and Duchess, with their family, awaited the arrival of the Royal visitors on the steps of the grand entrance, and conducted them through the great hall, saloon, and suite of rooms on the west side, to CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 247 a splendid collation prepared for them in the library. Their Majesties proceeded from tlience to view the prin- cipal apartments of that noble monument of national gratitude : after which they drove round the park, and, having surveyed it at the most striking points of view, they alighted near the cascade, where they spent some time in admiring the improvements recently made by the Duke, who received many compliments from his august visitors on the excellence of his taste. The party then returned to the house, where they spent some time in examining the observatory, with its ample apparatus, and then took leave of Blenheim for Xuneham. On the 27th of June this year, their Majesties, accom- panied by the three elder Princesses, and the Dukes of Montague and Ancaster, paid a visit to Mr. Whitbread's brewery in Chiswell-street. The Royal partjr arrived at a quarter before ten, which had been the hour appointed, and were received by Mr. and Miss Whitbread, who in- vited them to partake of a breakfast which had been pro- vided. This was politely declined, and their Majesties spent two hours in viewing the works. The King rapidly hut judiciously explained the great steam-engine to her Majesty and the Princesses in all its parts. The great stone cistern, capable of containing four thousand barrels of beer, was next examined, with which the Queen and her daughters were so much amused, that they went into it, though the aperture was so small as scarcely to admit their entrance. After this the Royal party partook of a cold collation, accompanied with old porter poured from a bottle of extraordinary size. The King, advancing by chance to a window overlooking the street, was received by loud shouts of affection from the crowds assembled without ; and the Queen, taking her daughters by the 248 THE EOTAL PRINCESSES. hand, led them herself to the window, where they were hailed by repeated cheers from the people. At two o'clock they departed, much pleased with their hospitable reception and the sight they had enjoyed. The King being advised to try the waters of Chelten- ham, Bayshill Lodge* was taken for the reception of the Royal family ; and on July 12th their Majesties, with the Princess Royal, Princesses Augusta and Elizabeth, set out from Windsor at a quarter before seven in the morning, and proceeded to Lord Harcourt's, in Oxfordshire, where they spent about two hours, and afterwards proceeded to Cheltenham, which they reached a little before five in the afternoon. The next day, Sunday, a sermon was preached by Dr. Samuel Halifax, Bishop of Gloucester, in presence of the Royal family, at the parish church. The King walked and drank the water at six every morning during his stay ; after breakfast he rode with the Queen and Princesses on excursions round the country, appearing again on the walks between six and seven in the evening. On the 16th, the Royal party visited Tewkesbury, and viewed the inside of that memorable church ; on the 19th they went to Cirencester, and from thence to Oakley Grove, the seat of Lord Bathurst. The next place they honoured by a visit was Gloucester, where their Majesties and the three Princesses were received at the episcopal palace by the Bishop, who, attended by the Dean and Chapter, addressed the King on the occasion, as also did the Mayor and Corporation, all of whom kissed the King's hand, and were introduced by him to the Queen. Their Majesties afterwards visited the cathedral and the deanery, where the King entered into a good deal of con- versation with the Venerable Dr. Josiah Tucker, the * Built for the Earl of Falconberg. CHAELOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 249 Dean, who made many apologies for the unprepared con- dition of his house, and particularly the library, which was indeed in a ludicrous state of confusion. From thence the Koyal party returned to the palace ; and after waiting a short time for the carriages, returned in the afternoon to Cheltenham. " On the following Tuesday, their Majesties and the Princesses dined with the Earl of Coventry, who dis- played all the hospitality of the ancient nobility in the reception of his illustrious guests ; for, besides the splendid entertainment within the house, he caused the cellar-doors to be thrown open to regale the immense multitudes that were assembled on the outside. " At an early hour on the 2nd of August, the King and Queen rode to Hartlebury Castle, the episcopal residence of Bishop Hurd, with whom they breakfasted ; after which they walked through the grounds, and remained for some time upon the terrace, to gratify the numerous spectators who flocked thither from all parts of the country. On the 5th, their Majesties again visited the Bishop at his palace in the city, for the purpose of attending the musical meeting of the three choirs of Worcester, Glou- cester, and Hereford. The next morning the King received the clergy in the great hall, when the Bishop, after ad- dressing his Majesty, made a complimentary speech to the Queen, who replied in a very gracious manner ; after which the reverend body had the honour to kiss her hand, as they also did that of his Majesty. At eleven the cathe- dral service began, in which was introduced the overture in ' Esther,' Handel's Dettingen Te Deum, and the Corona- tion Anthem. Their Majesties sat upon an occasional throne, the nobility, clergy, and magistrates being disposed on each side. Thursday morning the Eoyal family were 250 TI1E EOYAL PRINCESSES. again present at the cathedral, when a selection from the music of Handel was most ably performed. On Friday morning the Corporation, conducted by Lord Coventry, as the Recorder, waited on the King to request that he would honour them with a visit at the Town Hall, to which his Majesty graciously assented, and a grand procession ac- cordingly took place ; the various trades with their streamers leading the wa} r , the maces borne by the alder- men, and the Mayor carrying the sword of State. After viewing the pictures, the regalia, and everything curious, his Majesty was shown into the grand parlour, where an elegant cold collation was provided. As it was well known that the King never took any liquor before dinner, the Mayor asked him if he would be pleased to take a jelly, when his Majesty replied, 'I do not recollect ever drinking a glass of wine before dinner in my life, yet, upon this pleasing occasion, I will venture.' A glass of rich old mountain being then served by the Mayor, his Majesty immediately drank ' Prosperity to the Corpora- tion and citizens of Worcester.' This was no sooner made known to the populace, than a universal shout of acclamation arose, which continued for several minutes. The King, then addressing himself to the Corporation, asked whether there was anything that he could oblige them with P Upon which the Earl of Coventry, in his capacity of Recorder, replied on the behalf of his fellow- citizens, c that they tendered their sincere and grateful thanks for the honour his Majesty had done the city of Worcester ; and that if he would be graciously pleased to sit for his picture to be placed in their Hall, he would gratify their highest wishes.' To this the King answered, ' Certainly, gentlemen ; I cannot hesitate to grant you that favour, or any other which you can reasonably CHAELOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 251 expect.' The picture was accordingly sent ; and two others, one of the King, and the other of the Queen, as presents to the Bishop ; by whom they were placed in the great drawing-room of the episcopal palace, with a com- memorative inscription, written by his lordship. " The visit to the Corporation being ended, the Royal family again repaired to the cathedral, where the Messiah was performed, which concluded the musical festival ;. and in the evening there was a grand miscellaneous concert, which the Royal visitors honoured with their presence. " The next morning their Majesties and the Princesses left Worcester, and at going away, the Queen put fifty pounds into the hands of the Bishop." Mrs. Delaney says, # " Since I last wrote to you, I have- had an intercourse with his Majesty again by way of letter, on his returning the books of Mr. Handel's music, which my nephew J. Dewes had lent him. " The King's letter was very gracious and condescending: he was much pleased with some music that was new to him among the books, and sent his acknowledgments to my nephew, in the most obliging manner ; adding that he would not ask me to come and hear it performed at the Queen's house, till the spring was so far advanced that it might be safe for me to venture. On Thursday, the 9th of May, I re- ceived a note from Lady Weymouth, to tell me the Queen invited me to her Majesty's house ; to come at seven o'clock with the Duchess Dowager of Portland, to hear Mrs. Sid- dons read c The Provoked Husband.' You may believe I obe}^ed the Royal summons, and was much entertained. It was very desirable to me, as I had no other opportunity of hearing or seeing Mrs. Siddons ; and she fully answered * In another letter to Mrs. F. Hamilton, dated May 19, 1785. 252 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. my expectations ; her person and manner were perfectly agreeable. " We were received in the great drawing-room by the King and Queen, their five daughters, and Prince Edward. Besides the Ro} r al family, there were only the Duchess Dowager of Portland, her daughter Lady Weymouth, and her beautiful granddaughter Lady Aylesford ; Lord and Lady Harcourt, Lady Charlotte Finch, Duke of Montague, and the gentlemen attendant on the King. There were two rows of chairs for the company, the length of the room. "Their Majesties sat in the middle of the first row, with the Princesses on each hand, which filled it. The rest of the ladies were seated in the row behind them, and as there was a space between that and the wall, the lords and gentlemen that were admitted stood there. Mrs. Siddons read standing, and had a desk with candles before her; she behaved with great propriety, and read two acts of ' The Provoked Husband,' which was abridged by leaving out Sir Francis and Lady Wronghead's parts, &c. ; but she introduced John Moody's account of the journey, and read it admirably. The part of Lord and Lady Townley's reconciliation she worked up finely, and made it very af- fecting. She also read Queen Katherine's last speech in 'King Henry VIII.' She was allowed three pauses, to go into the next room and refresh herself, for half an hour each time. After she was dismissed, their Majesties de- tained the company some time to talk over what had passed, which was not the least agreeable part of the entertainment. " I was so flattered by their most kind reception of me, that I really did not feel the fatigue, notwithstanding, I believe, it was past twelve before we made our last courtesy ; CHAELOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 253 and I cannot say, though that was a very late hour for me, that I suffered from it, and I had tried my strength the week before by having been at two concerts. " The particular account you have sent me of your agreeable relations (such societies are rare) was very de- lightful ; and you flatter me very much when you say, it puts you in mind of ancient days at Deville, the recollection of which will ever be pleasant, though painful, to me. I am sorry I cannot send you a copy of the letters you hint at, but I have refused it to near relations ; and though they would do me great honour, I think it is not proper. I could depend on your discretion, but not on every one's in whose hands they might fall. The Duchess Dowager of Portland has had a bad cough, but is now better ; always inquires after you in the kindest manner, and charges me with her compliments. Had I another page, I could fill it with her goodness to me." On September 8th, 1787, an individual was brought before several of the faculty and some justices of the peace, to undergo an examination of some length ; when it became evident from what transpired, and many marks of his past conduct, that he was afflicted with insanity, and was accordingly ordered to be confined till further orders in Bedlam hospital. The man, whose name was Thomas Stone, had a few days before written a very extraordinary letter to her Majesty, declaring a very warm passion he had conceived for her eldest daughter, and hoping, " if their Majesties approved of the idea ol his marrying her, he and the Princess Royal would be a very happy couple !" After this, Stone appeared at St. James's, and begged leave to be introduced in form, as, from not having had an answer, he conceived his proposal wa& acceded to. Silence gave consent ! This, however, as s 254 THE HOYAL PRINCESSES. may be supposed, was not much attended to by the people to whom he spoke. On his going afterwards to Kew, he was seized and confined till he could be taken to the public office in Bow-street to be examined, where he con- fessed that he had conceived an attachment for her Roj^al Highness ; which attachment he declared was reciprocal. A great many papers on the subject of love were found upon him, addressed to her Highness the Princess Royal. He said his heart was stolen from him three years ago, and till last March he did not know who was the robber, till, being at the play, he saw the Princess Royal look up at the two-shilling gallery. The following are the lines which, at the time of the examination, were submitted to the critical examination of Dr. Munro, and which Stone acknowledged to be his production : — TO HER HIGHNESS THE PRINCESS ROYAL. Thrice glad were T. to be your willing slave, But not the captive of the tool or knave ; AVith woe on woe you melt my sighing breast, Whilst you reject your humble would-be guest. August 22. T. S. Stone, the author of this rodomontade effusion, was a ' heavy-looking man, in his thirty-third year, a native of Shaftesbury, where his father was a floor-cloth painter. He had himself been brought up as an attorney, and had an uncle named Sutton living at Islington. He wrote a letter to Mr. Delaval, of Pali-Mall, saying he proposed a plan for paying off the National Debt. Not only his actions but conversation were evidence of his lunacy. The Duke of Gloucester having derived much benefit from his residence at Weymouth, succeeded in providing a residence there for the Royal family ; and in 1789 the King and Queen, with the three eldest Princesses, paid CHABLOTTE ATTGT7STA MATILDA. 255 their first visit there. They started from Windsor on Mid- summer-day at seven in the morning, the Eoyal cavalcade consisting only of three carriages in all. In the first were the King and Queen, with the Princess Eoyal and Princess Augusta Sophia. The second contained Princess Elizabeth, Lady Waldegrave, and two other ladies ; the third, some of their attendants. The Eoyal route was through the forest to Bagshot, and thence by Winchester and Southampton to Lyndhurst Lodge. At their entrance into the New Porest, their Majesties received the customary honours. Sir Charles Mills, who holds the manor of Langley upon condition of presenting his Majesty, whenever he passes that way, with a brace of white greyhounds in silver collars, led in a silken cord, and coupled in a gold chain, attended in due form. After spending a few days at this rural retreat, they pursued their journey westward, and arrived at Weymouth on the last day of June, amidst the acclamations of an innumerable multitude, who thronged the roads, anxious to behold their Sovereign and his family. The Eoyal arrival was announced by the guns of the battery facing Gloucester Lodge, by those from Portland Castle, and by all the ships in Portland and Weymouth harbours, with their colours displayed. In the evening there was a splendid illumination, with divers decorations and loyal devices. m During their stay at Weymouth the three Princesses bathed frequently, and received much pleasure from these ablutions. Lulworth Castle, Sherborne Castle, Milton Abbey, and Came near Dorchester, were honoured with the earliest visits by the Eoyal guests. S 2 256 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. Excursions by water on board the Magnificent, a 74-gun ship, and the Soitthampton frigate, which constantly rode at anchor for the purpose facing the lodge, were very frequent ; for which purpose these vessels daily held them- selves in readiness, and, upon a signal, barges were de- spatched to the pier-head to take the Royal family and their suite alongside the men-of-war, on board of which they entered without salute, under three cheers, the ships being manned. The trips were generally made into the Channel, whence their return was about four in the afternoon for dinner, after an absence of about six hours. On the 3rd of August, the Royal family made an excur- sion to Lulworth Castle, on board the Southampton frigate, attended by the Lords Chesterfield, Howe, and Courtown ; the Ladies Pembroke, Howe, and the rest of the suite. A Royal salute from the guns of the castle welcomed the arrival ; and upon the Royal party's entering the vestibule, the grand chorus of " God save the King," by a select band, ushered them into the house. Mr. Weld, the hospitable owner of this enchanting spot, together with his family, paid every possible attention, and appeared highly sensible of the honour they had received ; this attention was most condescendingly repaid by their Majesties, who surveyed every part of the pleasure-grounds, the house, gardens, and the chapel, where an anthem was performed. The Royal party returned to Weymouth much gratified by the excursion, and the day was closed by a visit to the theatre, where a farce was specially ordered to be per- formed. On the 4th, the Royal visitants repaired to Sherborne Castle, the noble seat of Lord Digby, where an equally CHAELOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 257 grand reception awaited them, the pleasure of the visit being in no small degree enhanced by the beauties of the surrounding scenery. Lord Mount-Edgecumbe arrived at Weymouth the day following to invite the Eoyal family to his charming resi- dence in Devonshire ; and the King with ready compliance set off on the 13th, with his Queen, Princesses, and suite, for Plymouth. On arriving at Bridport, the Eoyal party were received by the Corporation, three hundred of the principal inha- bitants of the town preceding his Majesty's carriage, singing "God save the King," accompanied by music, with colours flying. Triumphal arches, elegantly ornamented, were erected at the entrances of the town, and numerous emblematical devices accompanied other demonstrations of loyalty, one of which was tas-tefully ornamented with wreaths of roses, laurels, &c, and bore a complimentary inscription of "Health and prosperity to the House of Brunswick." At Charmouth, the villagers had erected a high tri- umphal arch of the boughs of the oak, surmounted by an immense crown of laurel ; which rustic device their Ma- jesties and the Princesses did not fail to admire. On approaching Honiton, the illustrious travellers met with a surprise in the sudden appearance of three hundred and fifty young girls, all dressed in white, who quickly surrounded the Eoyal carriages ; which interesting scene drew tears of sympathy from the eyes of her Majesty and the Princesses. After one day's sojourn at Exeter, the Eoyal tourists proceeded towards Plymouth, visiting Saltram, the seat of Lord Boringdon, where they were joined by the Dukes of York and Eichmond. 25S THE EOYAL PRINCESSES. On the morning of the 17th his Majesty, with his family, arrived at Plymouth Dock, were they were re- ceived with all the honours of a garrison town, and immediately afterwards proceeded in barges, in grand naval procession, on hoard the Impregnable, of ninety gnns, Admiral Sir Richard Bickerton. The scene was rendered singular by the novel exhibition of a very handsome man- of-war's cutter, rowed by six young women, and steered by a seventh, all habited in loose white gowns, and black bonnets, each wearing a sash across her shoulder of Royal purple, with " Long live their Majesties" in gold charac- ters. These Devonshire mermaids attended the Royal barge during the entire excursion, and attracted the atten- tion of the whole Royal party, A grand naval review took place on the 18th, and the Royal party on the following day visited the dockyard. A visit to Mount Edgecumbe occupied the 21st, the views around that spot being most enchanting. On this occasion the Princess Royal observed to her sister that it was only of late they had seen the beauties of nature to perfection — that their lives hitherto had been spent rather in a cloister than in a kingdom abound- ing everywhere with such lovely prospects, and inhabited by so generous a people. Several days were spent in these and similar excursions, and on the 28th the Royal party returned to Weymouth. It was early in the year 1797 that the Hereditary Prince of Wurtemberg made his first formal proposition of marriage to the Princess Royal of England. Frederick "William was already related in a twofold degree to the family of Brunswick. His great-grandfather, Frederick II., King of Prussia, had married a daughter of George I. ; so that, in the female line, he was, like his proposed bride, a CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA, 259 descendant of Sophia of Hanover, and through her, of the Royal house of Stuart. He was, moreover, a widower, with several children, the offspring of Augusta Caroline, a daughter of the Lady Augusta, Duchess of Brunswick, sister of George III. His first wife, and the ill-starred Caroline, wife of G-eorge IV., were sisters, and the cousins of Charlotte Augusta Matilda, the Princess Royal. The children of the Hereditary Prince of Wurtemherg were, therefore, second cousins to the Royal Princess to whom their father now proffered his hand. Had these pre-existing ties heen all, they needed not to influence the contracting parties ; as it eventually turned out, the mother-in-law became the real mother, in every sense that could be, of the family into which she was received. Rut there were circumstances connected with the history of the first wife of Frederick William, which were considered great draw- backs on the proposed alliance in the eyes of the parents of the Princess Royal, both of whom entertained the greatest fear of their daughter's future happiness, in the event of her forming such a connexion. Augusta Caroline, whose romantic and sorrowful history exceeds even that of her sister-namesake, the Queen of England, was married, in 1780, to the Prince of Wurtem- herg ; she being then in the sixteenth year of her age, and her husband ten years older. His sister marrying Paul, son of Catherine II., heir to the Russian empire, became, at a subsequent date, mother of Alexander of Russia. The Prince of Wurtemberg, entering through this last alliance into the service of Russia, had repaired, some time after his own marriage, with Augusta Caroline and three children, to the Russian capital, where his wife, by her youthful attractions, soon became a favourite with the Empress, whose Court was not likely to improve her 2G0 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. morality, being generally admitted as one of the most dis- solute which ever existed. There, however, her husband imprudently left her, during his campaign against the Turks. Returning to her again, he found her principles contaminated by this atmosphere of impure morals she had been suffered to inhale, and her conduct the com- ment of every idle tongue. The indignant but too imprudent husband wrote off to his father-in-law, the Duke of Brunswick, for advice how to act, giving him a full account of his daughter's conduct. To remove her from Russia was decided in the correspondence which ensued ; but when leave was asked of the Empress, Cathe- rine refused to allow Augusta Caroline to quit her Court, though she acceded to the wish of the Prince as regarded his own return to Wurtemberg with his family. There was no appeal — to obey the mandate of the Empress was all that remained ; and the Prince returned to his wifeless home, accompanied by his children. A fortnight after, all the German attendants of Augusta Caroline were discarded by Catherine's orders, and their unfortunate mistress sent to the castle of Lhorde, two hundred miles from St. Petersburgh. Within two years, a letter from the Empress conveyed the news of the death of Augusta Caroline of Brunswick to her husband, and a similar communication was for- warded to the bereaved father. Could this statement Jiave been really true ? asked many an inquiring mind. So fair, so young and lovely as was the heroine of the fatal tragedy — it was, indeed, hard, to yield credence. She might yet be alive, in a state of confinement ; perhaps — as, indeed, her mother, the aged Duchess of Brunswick, stoutly maintained — she might even be exiled to the re- mote wilds of Siberia. But her father and brother were CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 261 satisfied of the contrary, and regarded her fate as certain ; while the Prince, her husband, during eight weary years from the time of her death, had remained a widower. He must have been a mourner at heart, too ; for Augusta Caroline, whatever her faults might have been, was the mother of his children, and it was a sad fate for one so young — whether guilty or innocent. When variances in domestic life occur, who shall determine between the man and wife — which is right, which is wrong ? Like many another woman's case, that of the Princess Augusta Caro- line had two sides to the story. One of these, representing the Diike himself as the injured party, and Catherine as causing his wife's death, has been already related. There is yet another version. This declared that the love and esteem of the whole Russian Court were won by Augusta Caroline, and that the brutal treatment she experienced from her husband was the subject of general animadver- sion ; who is even accused, on one occasion, of having publicly struck her in presence of the Empress. That, instead of having remained in Russia, and come to an un- timely end there, the Empress, had she stayed with her, would have preserved her from the fate which im- pended over her. These and similar stories getting into circulation, implicated the character of the Prince in no small degree in this transaction : many attributed to his influence an increased severity in the treatment of Cathe- rine towards the Princess. The Duchess of Brunswick's positive assertion, that she knew her daughter was still alive, and the freedom with which the Princess Caroline of Wales, then recently married, opened her mind on the subject when it was brought before the Royal family of England, increased the unfavourable light in which the Royal suitor was regarded, and indeed brought on her- 2G2 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. self no small displeasure from some of its members ; for the principal person concerned in the proposed alliance, the Princess Royal herself, was favourably inclined to the match. It became therefore a very serious consideration with their Majesties that, before any answer should be given to the suit, the character of the Prince of Wurtem- berg should be thoroughly cleared from any imputation of an unfavourable kind which had become attached to it. The story of Augusta Caroline, their niece, in itself was enough to deter them from allowing their daughter to enter upon so repugnant a match ; but as much as was known then of it had no influence in dissuading herself, any more than the joint remonstrances of the King and Queen, so much was her heart involved in the matter. Finding this the case, the King instituted a strict inquiry into the various particulars connected with the melancholy transaction ; and though the consent of the Princess was accorded, reserved his own until he had ascertained the death of the Princess of Wurtemberg in Russia, when he granted his own formal approval of a match which seemed requisite to his child's happiness, at least, in her own judgment. Matters being thus far satisfactorily settled, the Here- ditary Prince left Wurtemberg at the end of March, and on the 15th April, 1797, arrived in London, where he was waited upon by several persons of distinction, and the same evening introduced to their Majesties and his in- tended bride. The marriage, however, did not take place till nearly a month afterwards. On the 17th of April the Prince set out on a tour to Bath, Bristol, Birming- ham, Oxford, Portsmouth, and other places, which it was expected would occupy three weeks of the interval. His CHABLOTTE ATTGTTSTA MATILDA. 263 Serene Highness was attended by Count Zippelin, Baron Goerlitz, and Sir John Hippesley. The young aspirants to bridal honours will have no difficulty in guessing at least some part of the business which had to be transacted in the intermediate time : the various dresses to be made, the ceremonials to be inquired into, the order of precedency, &c. &c, the brides- maids, and every other paraphernalia of interest in the smallest of weddings. And how much more so when the bride is a Princess Royal, still more a Princess Eoyal of England ! In the present instance, daughters of England, who do you think made the wedding dress ? — Xo other hands than those of Queen Charlotte herself, who not only wrought the robe, but helped to adorn her first-born daughter in it on the eventful morning of her marriage. As a King's eldest daughter, Charlotte Augusta Matilda was entitled to be attired in a dress of white and silver ; but by another custom it appears that such a bride, when marrying a widower, was required to appear in white and gold. So the robe was fashioned as etiquette ordained by the proper taste of the Eoyal designer, and the taste of the Princess conformed to the circumstance as required. This was part of the maternal duties : the father's heart had other cares of a more anxious kind to consider. He took every opportunity afforded by the interval of conversing with his daughter on the subject of her approaching nuptials, offering, if she should even yet change her mind, to break off the engagement, taking the entire responsibility on himself; nor did he, till the last moment arrived, regard the decision of the Princess Eoyal as final. When that moment arrived he had nothing more to say, and he him- 264 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. self gave her away on the afternoon of the 18th of May, at the Chapel Royal, St. James's, though he could not refrain from testifying his great emotion when he did so ; while the Queen and Princesses, on their part, appeared to be overpowered with sorrow. About one o'clock the procession commenced. It was led by drums, trumpets, kettle-drums, the sergeant-trum- peter, and master of the ceremonies. The bridegroom was first to make his appearance, at half-past one, attired in a peach-coloured suit, richly em- broidered. He entered the chapel conducted by the Lord Chamberlain and Vice-Chamberlain, and supported by the Duke of Beaufort and Duke of Leeds, and attended by Count Zippelin, Baron Rieger, Lord Malmesbury, and Colonel Fane, the organ playing Handel's overture to " Esther." On his Royal Highness taking his seat, the Lord Chamberlain, &c, returned for the bride's pro- cession. Her Boyal Highness was on this interesting occasion superbly dressed in the robe before described, composed of white and gold ; she had a scarlet mantle, crimson velvet coronet with a broad band, and a large plume of diamonds ; the order of St. Catherine decorated her breast. The bride was supported by the Duke of Clarence, in a dark brown suit, richly embroidered, and Prince Ernest, who wore the Hanoverian uniform. Four bridesmaids, attired in white, supported the train : these were, the Lady Frances Somer- set, daughter of the Earl of Beaufort ; Lady MaryBentinck, daughter of the Duke of Portland ; Lady Caroline Darner, daughter of the Earl of Dorchester ; and Lady Mary Howe, daughter of Earl Howe. The ladies in attendance were Ladies Cathcart, C. Waldegrave, C. Finch, and F. Bruce. During the entrance of her Royal Highness's procession, CIIAELOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 265 Handel's overture was played in trie same manner as when the Prince had entered the chapel. The next procession was that of the King. His Majesty, dressed in a dark brown suit, richly embroidered, was at- tended by the lords and other officers of his household, Lord Privy Seal, Lord President of the Council, Lord Chancellor, Duke of Portland, Archbishop of Canterbury, Archbishop of York, and the Duke of Norfolk, Earl Marshal of England. The Queen then entered, attended by the officers of her household. Her Majesty was dressed in white, with a profusion of diamonds. The Prince of Wales was next in the procession, attended by the officers of his establishment. The dress of his Royal Highness was a sky-blue, richly embroidered down the seams, and decorated with a diamond star and epaulette. The Princess of Wales, in a silver tissue train, with purple, lilac, and green trimmings, followed her Royal hus- band, conducted by the Earl of Choimondeley. The Duke of York, in a full-dress suit of regimentals, and his Royal Duchess in an elegant dress — the body and train of lilac silver tissue, and the petticoat magnificently embroidered — next appeared, and were followed by the Princesses, in white, according to their seniority. The Duke of Gloucester and Prince William were in full uniform, and the Princess Sophia displayed a neat and elegant dress. The Maids of Honour, the peeresses of the Royal house- holds, followed by four yeomen of the guard, closed the procession. Upon entering the chapel, all the persons that were in the procession retired to the several places appointed for them. The King and Queen were seated in chairs of 266 THE EOYAL rraNCESSES. State on the right and left of the altar. The Prince of Wales sat next to his Majesty ; the Princess of Wales was on the left of the Queen ; and the Princesses occupied seats arranged on each side for their accommodation. The Royal family having taken their seats, the marriage ceremony commenced. It was performed by the Arch- bishop of Canterbury, assisted by the Archbishop of York ; at the conclusion of which, the bride and bridegroom re- tired to their seats, when the anthem was performed. The procession then returned to the drawing-room in the same order in which it entered the chapel. The Prince received the hand of his amiable Princess from his Majesty. Her Royal Highness was perfectly collected and unembarrassed during the performance of the cere- mony ; while the Princesses, her sisters, shed tears of sensibility and affection on the occasion. Their Majesties also discovered an excess of parental feeling. The whole of the ceremony exhibited a scene highly interesting and impressive. The heat, owing to the immense crowd, was so intense that several ladies were overcome by it ; and it was with much difficulty that one of the bridesmaids was prevented from fainting away. The Stadtholder, the Princess of Orange, and their atten- dants, were accommodated in the centre of the King's gallery, facing the altar ; the other parts of which were occupied by the Duchess of Leeds, Duchess of Rutland and her two daughters, Lady Buckingham, Lady Stop- ford, and several other females of distinction. The orchestra was much better contrived on this occa- sion than on that of the marriage of the Prince of Wales, the organ being placed directly over the altar. After the solemnization of the marriage, the Queen held CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 267 a Drawing-room, which was attended by the whole of the Royal family, the foreign Ministers, great officers of State, and a numerous and brilliant assemblage of the nobility of both sexes, who paid their respects to their Serene Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wurtemberg, on the occasion of their union. The Court closed at half- past five, when their Majesties and the Princesses Augusta and Elizabeth in one carriage, the Prince and Princess of Wurtemberg in a travelling postchaise, and the other Princesses in a third, all left town, with their attendants, for Windsor Lodge, to dinner. On the 23rd of the month, a splendid fete was given by the Queen, at Frogmore, in honour of the nuptials. Two days after, addresses were presented at the Drawing-room by the Lord Mayor and Corporation of London, congratu- lating her Majesty on her daughter's marriage, in which were contained the following complimentary observations on the character of the bride : — " The numerous and endearing virtues, native in her Royal mind, and cultivated with such exemplary assiduity by the brilliant and eminent conduct of her Royal mother, form at once a subject of exultation and regret, even on this joyful occasion : of exultation, as we are satisfied that the dignity of her high birth is proudly equalled by her transcendantly amiable qualities, which we have long ad- mired and revered; and of regret, as by this promising source of connubial felicity, the just reward of these quali- ties, the fair daughters of Britain will be deprived of con- templating, in the highest rank, one of the most conspi- cuous models of modern excellence. We earnestly hope, Madam, that an union of such exalted promise may be crowned with every prosperity to the illustrious pair that a mother's most sanguine wishes can form ; and that the 268 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. rest of your Majesty's fair descendants maybe heiresses to blessings commensurate to the exalted virtues with which they are endowed." Her Majesty replied in these words : — " I return you my thanks for this very dutiful and loyal address of congratulation on the marriage of the Princess Royal with the Hereditary Prince of Wurtem- berg ; and for those sentiments, so very favourable to myself, with which it is accompanied." On Friday, June 2nd, the bridal pair quitted St. James's for Harwich, escorted by a party of light dragoons. The Princess was dressed in a blue riding-habit, with the star of the Russian order of St. Catherine at her breast, and wore a straw bonnet. She endeavoured to appear cheerful; but the faltering accents with which she bade her atten- dants and the surrounding multitude farewell, bespoke her agitated feelings. None of the Royal family were present, as they had all taken leave the preceding night, at Buckingham House, when the scene was most affecting : her Majesty and the Princesses were bathed in tears ; and her Royal Highness hung upon the neck of her father, overwhelmed with grief. At length the Prince, her husband, took her hand, and persuaded her to go with him, supporting her to the carriage, whither they were followed by the King, to take a last farewell of his beloved daughter ; but his feelings were so much overpowered, that he could not even articu- late the word adieu. The child now separated from him had scarcely ever lived a single day out of his presence before, and their parting was, in all probability, for ever. Those of my readers who are old enough to cast back a retrospective glance on the year 1797, in which the Prin- cess Royal's marriage took place, will recollect the political CHAELOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 269 agitation, and existing circumstances in the history of Europe, which must have combined to render the union then formed — which was to take the amiable Princess from her hitherto peaceful home into the very heart of the Conti- nent — an anxious subject of contemplation to all who had her interest at heart ; and the minds of the people were much excited on the matter at her departure. On the 12th of June, Captain Hearne, of the Prince of Wales packet, arrived at the Admiralty, with an account of the safe arrival of the Prince and Princess at Cux- haven on Monday night at nine o'clock, in good health and spirits. The reluctance of George III. for the marriage of his daughter to the Prince of Wurtemberg, in the present in- stance, proceeded, in no small degree, from his fearing that at some future time he might follow the example of his father, the reigning Duke, and become a Eoman Catholic. He had several conversations with his new son-in-law, on religious subjects, in consequence, and his mind was much relieved to discover there was no danger of his apostacy. In announcing the intended marriage to the House of Commons, it had been stated that the Prince was a Pro- testant. A letter in the " Gentleman's Magazine," dated June 3rd, 1797, the year of his marriage, runs thus : — " Me. Ubbak, " The present Duke of Wurtemberg is a Catholic. He changed from the Protestant religion, in hopes of becoming one of the Electors, but was disappointed. The Hereditary Prince is a Protestant ; and if a Lavater were to see him, I think he would affirm he would never change his religion, having such a princely, firm, open, and unas- T 270 THE EOTAL P1USTCESSES. piling countenance. May he and his Princess live long and happy. I hope your next will inform us of their safe arrival in their own dominions. " Yours, &c, " Thomas S." Further accounts (June 20) certified their safe arrival at Hanover, where they lodged at the Electoral Palace, which had been purposely fitted up for their reception. They were received there by Prince Adolphus and Prince Ernest of Mecklenberg. It was expected that they would remain only two or three days, by way of rest, and then proceed on their route to Stuttgardt. Prince Adolphus and Prince Ernest of Mecklenberg were to proceed with them to Stuttgardt, in order to be present there at the marriage of the Prince and Princess in the form of the Prince's country. From the date of her arrival in Wurtemberg, her adopted country became the second home of Charlotte Augusta Matilda. Thirty-one years had been spent by her in England, and another thirty were reserved to be devoted to the benefit of her fellow-creatures in Wur- temberg. From the moment of her first arrival in Stuttgardt, she acquired the love of all persons by her affability and extensive charity. She knew no greater pleasure than that of alleviating the distress of others, and in sending no one away without giving consolation and assistance. In her private life the greatest activity prevailed. She was dressed early in the morning, and ready for various occupations ; her time was wisely appropriated and em- ployed, partly in reading, especially religious and historical books — partly in writing letters, particularly to her family. CHAELOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 271 to which she was tenderly attached — partly in drawing and partly in various female pursuits. The Duke of Wurtemberg, father-in-law of Charlotte Augusta Matilda, died not long after his son's marriage, at Stuttgardt, having previously, in consequence of his illness, resigned the management of public affairs to the Here- ditary Prince, who on his death succeeded to the govern- ment as his heir, December, 1797. # The deceased Duke had a library at Stuttgardt of 100,000 volumes, and was a great collector of ancient books, having often travelled in pursuit of them, and given liberal prices for the possession. His collection of Bibles was unique, amounting to 9000, all different edi- tions, and of all languages (as many as fifty-one lan- guages, including the dialects, as stated by his Serene Highness himself, in a letter to Canon Bandini at Flo- rence). The catalogue of those of Peter Lorck, at Co- penhagen, contains but a fourth of this collection, yet it was supposed that about 3000 more were wanting to render it complete. This extraordinary library contains more than 2000 volumes printed before the year 1500, and a com- plete collection of the memoirs of all sovereigns, families, and towns. The new Duke, soon after his father's death, made his peace with the French Eepublic. It is worthy of remark, that both the commencement and close of his reign were distinguished by differences between him and his States, who complained of the infringement of their privileges. In consequence of the peace of Luneville, the Duke was raised, in 1803, to the dignity of Elector ; and on the peace of Presburg, his States, which were then aggran- * He was born January 21, 1732, and succeeded his brother Louis Eugene, on March 20, 1795. T 2 272 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. dized, were converted into a monarchy. Frederick William was proclaimed King of Wurtemberg January 1st, 1806, and a colossal crown was subsequently fixed on the top of his palace at Stuttgardt. Some account of that building may perhaps with interest be introduced here, as con- nected with the history of Charlotte, Queen of Wurtem- berg. I select from the pages of Mrs. Trollope, who wrote in these terms in 1837 : — " Neither king nor kaiser need desire a more superb palace than that of Stuttgardt. We all know that Windsor Castle has a sublimity of its own, to which nothing else can be compared, and St. George's Hall is, perhaps, the finest room in the world ; but, with- out having recourse to comparisons, it may be safely asserted that few palaces can be found at once so elegant and so noble as the residence of the King of Wurtem- berg. The number of fine apartments is quite inconceiv- able, and for what purpose they can all be designed is beyond the power of my understanding to conjecture. There are, however, no good pictures ; and excepting one or two charming things from the hand of Dannecker, they have little to show of the higher order of fine arts. Ne- vertheless, the whole display, vast as is the extent of it, is in uniformly good taste, both in the rooms recently fitted up, and in those whose costly decorations of the olden time have lost none of their splendour by the variations of fashion: in these there is a tone of rich and royal magnificence well worth looking upon. " The late Princess Eoyal of England has left many specimens here of her taste and skill in enamel painting, many beautiful cabinets being ornamented by medallions of her execution. " The gardens of this superb palace are very extensive, and admirably laid out, furnishing, like all the Royal CHAELOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 273 gardens of Germany that I have yet seen, at least as much gratification to the people as to the Prince. A multitude of very magnificent orange trees are ranged beside all the walks and parterres near the palace ; and as the economical practice that prevails in Paris, of plucking the blossoms for orange-flower water, is not permitted here, the whole of this part of the garden is filled with the most delicious perfume."* Frederick William was of an impetuous and violent character, but loved justice, and maintained it rigorously in his States, though in some particular cases he is accused of having substituted his own will for the law. He was well informed in geography and natural history, and conversed well on the sciences. His palace was deco- rated with indigenous productions. He was pleased to see foreigners visit the Royal edifices, and the servants were particularly instructed to show them all the works of art which had been executed in Wurtemberg. There is one monument which will perpetuate the memory of this sovereign, named Frederick's Haven, a little port which he constructed on the Lake of Constance, and which greatly facilitates the commerce of the Wurtem- bergers with the other countries situated on the lake. The acquisition of the regal dignity by Frederick William cost him dear, in the enormous contingents of men he was compelled to furnish for the numerous expe- ditions of Bonaparte. He had himself experienced many reverses of fortune. During the French Revolution, when the Republican army had advanced on the Danube, he had been forced to fly and abandon his capital to foreign troops. It was perhaps from a wish to avoid the repetition of such an occurrence, that he subsequently showed himself * " Vienna and the Austrians." 271 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. one of the most- zealous of the sovereigns of the Rhenish Confederacy, which afforded such especial gratification to Napoleon Bonaparte, that on more than one occasion he visited Queen Charlotte Augusta Matilda at her own Court, and, according to the Moniteur, bestowed on the daughter of George III. a variety of splendid presents. Yet was the new King of Wurtemberg under the neces- sity of making many unpleasant concessions. One was the marrying his eldest son to the Princess Charlotte of Bavaria — an union never consummated, and which was dissolved as soon as the reversed fortunes of Napoleon showed such a measure could be taken with safety. Catherine, the King of Wurtemberg's daughter, moreover, was obliged to be given to Jerome Bonaparte, the brother of the Emperor. It has before been remarked that the King's sister married Paul III. of Eussia, and was mother of Alexander, Constantine, and Nicholas. The present Eussian Emperor is her grandson. Frederick William was an active ally of Napoleon, and rigorously executed his conscription laws in his States. This was one of the principal grievances of which the country had to complain. But the King was not insensible to the loss of so many subjects immolated to gratify the ambition of a foreign despot. After the retreat from Moscow, while Bonaparte was passing the winter gaily at the Tuilleries, the King of Wurtemberg prohibited all public amusements. Frederick William had been afflicted with a liver com- plaint for some time before his death, which took place at Stuttgardt, October 30th, 1816, in the sixtieth year of his age. Her Majesty was most affectionately attached to him, and painfully felt her great loss. Every year she celebrated CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 275 his birthday* by Divine service, on which occasion a sermon to his memory was preached, and she afterwards visited the vault where he was interred, to pray by the coffin of the deceased Prince. This, indeed, she often would do at other times. Her health, which was visibly impaired after his death, never kept her from this ceremony. She often went down to this solemn duty ill, and appeared to be strengthened when she came out. In general, sincere piety was a distinguishing feature of the Queen's charac- ter, and it became a source of the noblest and most un- wearied charity. From the death of the King she resided in the Palace of Louisburg, which town, with its environs, next to that of Deinach, in the Black Forest, celebrated for its mineral waters, the residence to which she was in the habit of repairing annually for her health, became the celebrated scenes of her active beneficence. She considered these two places, though without excluding others, as the sphere especially assigned to her by Providence. Here she practised the great art of dispensing widely. God had placed in her hands the means,f and in her heart the love of doing good ; so that she not only bestowed largely, but judiciously, and almost always contrived to multiply her benefits by the manner in which they were conferred. * He was born November 6th, 1754. f Her Majesty bad no annuity from tbis country. Her portion on marriage was 100,000?. Of that sum, one-balf being settled on herself, it was placed in tbe Consols, and tbe interest was regularly remitted to ber by a London banking-house. Tbe Commissioners appointed by bis Majesty as trustees for ber Eoyal Higbness tbe Princess of Wurtemberg were tbe Duke of Portland, Lord Grenville, tbe Wurtemberg Minister, and Sir John Hippesley, Bart., in wbose names tbe amount of ber dower was invested in tbe Tbree per Cent. Consols. Only balf of tbe dower remained with tbe Prince, in tbe event of bis baving no issue by ber Royal Higbness. 276 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. She did not give to poor people barren and often injurious ilms, but made herself acquainted with their wants, and in- general preferred paying their rent, in order, as she said, to help at the same time both the poor tenant and the landlord, and to preserve or restore harmony between them* Workmen who had fallen into decay she relieved by finding them employment, for which she paid liberally, and their work was again used by her for new benefits. Above all, he extended her generosity to the private support of respectable persons who had fallen into distress, and in the education of children, either orphans or those whose parents had not the means ; she apprenticed the sons of indigent parents, and gave money to those who had behaved well in their apprenticeships, to enable them to travel and improve themselves in foreign countries. She was also very liberal to public charities ; and all this was done in the quietest manner, through the medium of various persons, and often through entirely secret channels. She expressly forbade any one publicly to praise, or even to speak of her benevolent actions. With this liberality to others, the Queen was extremely simple and unostentatious, and in this might be a model for her sex. When those about her tempted her to incur any extraordinary expense she would answer, " If I did not limit my own expenses, how should I have enough for others?" Her goodness of heart and condescension rendered all those who had the happiness to be near her so attached to her, that all* did their utmost to anticipate her wishes. She was most affectionately attached to all the Eoyal family of Wurfcemberg, especially to the King and Queen, by whom she was beloved as if she had been their own mother. The judgment with which she practised the art of CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 277 relieving the distressed, was equalled by the ingenuity with which she made presents to persons to whom she was attached, or to faithful servants, which were always useful, never repeating the same gift ; so that the new present was something which seemed wanting to complete a former one, and what would have seemed superfluous of itself, was only a link in the chain of her gratifying remembrances. Christmas was, in particular, a festival for her ; she wished that everybody about her, and especially children, should rejoice on that festal occasion. With the indus- trious kindness of a good mother, she remained at her work for days together, and spared no pains to complete everything ; and when the happy eve was come, she sat in the circle which she had collected around her, and looked with silent delight at the joy of which she was herself the author. As the activity of her Majesty's mind was incessant, so were her hands seldom without some adequate subject for the display of her refined and cultivated taste, or the exercise of that laudable industry which to her had become delightful from long habit, and of which innumerable traces remain, to excite our admiration, and to be treasured as the fittest ornaments of the Royal Palace. In this her Majesty sought not pastime alone ; she had a higher object in view. She sought to inculcate a most important lesson, and to recommend it to those around by her own personal example — viz., that in the proper distribution of our time, and in the wise employment* of our faculties, the great secret of human happiness is to be found ; and that instead of pursuing pleasure as an occupation, we should find, on the contrary, that it is from prudent occupation alone that we can secure lasting pleasure and satisfaction. One circumstance must not be lost sisrht of in the his- 278 THE EOTAL PRINCESSES. tory of the Queen of Wurtemberg : it is an event which must be marked in the historic page. She was one of the sponsors of her present Majesty Queen Victoria. The christening of the infant daughter of the Duke of Kent took place at Kensington Palace, June 24th, 1820, when the future Queen Eegnant was named Alexandria Victoria. The sponsors were the Prince Regent, the Emperor Alexander, represented by the Duke of York, the Queen Dowager of Wurtemberg, represented by the Princess Augusta, and the Duchess Dowager of Cobourg, represented by the Duchess of Gloucester. When George IV. went to the Continent shortly after his coronation, the Queen Dowager Charlotte Augusta Matilda met him on his progress, and sportively welcomed him at the entrance of a house in front of which she had caused to be erected the sign of the Hanover Arms. The following is an account of a visit from William, Duke of Clarence : — " July 23, 1822. — To-morrow his Royal Highness will set out to visit his sister the Queen Dowager of Wurtem- berg. The journey will occupy three long days." This portion of the journey was written at the Baths of Liebenstein. On the arrival of the Duke and his suite at Mergentheim, where, says Dr. Beattie, in continuing his record, " we halted for a fresh relay, his Royal Highness was presented with a letter from the Queen, congratulating him on his arrival in that territory. It had been given in charge to the master of the post, so that his welcome might be received at the frontier. The letter was addressed, ' A Monsieur onon FrereJ &c. I had some difficulty in con- vincing the postmaster that the ' Graf von Minister,' in whose name the horses had been ordered and ' the Queen's CHAELOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 279 brother,' were the same personage. The Prince of Lan- genbourg met his Royal Highness at Kiinzeisaw. "Louisburg, Friday Night. — Left Kiinzeisaw this morning at seven o'clock. Between Besigheim and Louisburg, at three leagues distance, the carriage was met by a special messenger from the Queen, mounted on a fine charger, livery bright orange, with black facings. He drew himself up in front of the carriage, expressed his Royal mistress's welcome, then wheeling round, led the way to the Palace, where we arrived at six o'clock. " This is his Eoyal Highness 's first visit. " Saturday Morning. — I am to be presented to the Queen this forenoon ; to be in the drawing-room at half- past twelve ; her Majesty dines at one. The Court etiquette is to appear in boots ; in other respects I am to observe the same ceremony as on a presentation at St. James's. " The Count de Goerlitz, Baron de G-ermmingen, and General de Buneau, the principal officers of the Queen's household, have been in my apartments, and pointed out the amenities of the place. The windows command an extensive and beautiful view of the garden, the forests, and more especially that portion of the Neckar which has acquired classic interest as the birthplace of Schiller. * ^ # # " Monday. — The Queen has something exceedingly pre- possessing in her manner and conversation. There are few whom, after a very brief acquaintance, she does not attach to her for life. She seems to possess the true art of securing the fidelity of subjects, and the unflinching attachment of friends. Napoleon entertained a very exalted opinion of her Majesty, and took every opportunity to evince, by word 2S0 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. and action, the high estimate which he had formed of her qualities both of mind and heart. Several anecdotes are recorded of him during his Imperial visits to this Court. He slept here on his way to head his last and fatal Northern expedition. He told the Queen that he had, all along, had a presentiment that after the age of forty-five all his military projects would miscarry, and fortune take a final leave of his standards. The Queen inquired upon what principle he founded such an apprehension. He did not know ; it was an old presentiment ; but when or in what it originated, he could not tell. It was his opinion, how- ever, that men generally succeeded but rarely even in the common business of life after that age, and never achieved anything great or lasting. He considered that at this period of life there was a general decay of intellect, often rapid, but always in proportion to the vigour of its early development. In proof of this he adduced instances ; and at last proceeded on his way to exhibit the most striking instance of all in his own person to verify the presentiment. " Several panes in the windows of my apartment have the signatures of members of the Yieille Garde. Though frail, perhaps the only memorial that now survives them. ■W •w Tf •?!" " August 1st. — To-day Sir E. and Lady Tucker were pre- sented to her Majesty, and dined at the Royal table ; also Colonel Dalton, of the Duke of Gloucester's household. All are on their return from Italy, with which they appear to have been highly delighted. "The Queen's establishment is here on a magnificent scale. The rank and number of the members composing her household, and every other accessory, are in strict harmony with the truly Regal Palace slie inhabits. " Two young Princesses of Wurtemfoerg reside with her CHAELOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 281 Majesty. The elder of these is affianced to the Grand Duke Michael. •tP "w w "v? " The Queen is not less gifted with a faithful memory than her Eoyal brother. In conversing upon the many pleasing topics which early reminiscences supply, there was one to-day respecting their favourite Kew. Both agreed as to the year, the month, and the day upon which the circumstance in question took place ; the hour alone was left undecided. " This might appear unimportant to any one not accus- tomed to implicit reliance upon this faculty ; but with these Eoyal personages the memory is almost an infallible book of reference. The circumstance happened just before the general peace in 1781-2. # ^ % % " La langue universelle is here the usual medium of con- versation, la langue de la cour. In a late conversation, in which the Eoyal visitor was detailing an important series of occurrences to the commandant of the garrison at a soiree given by the Queen, a momentary hesitation occurred, and the only one I ever observed. It was caused by the lack of a technical French term for a marine subject. The officer could not comprehend the English expression, and neither he nor those around could suggest the French, till the Queen, with great good humour, and much to his Eoyal Highness's amusement, gave the word, and the conversation proceeded. "Baths of Wildbad, 21st. — At four o'clock the Queen's arrival was announced, and in a few minutes her Majesty alighted from her favourite caleclie, supported by his Eoyal Highness, and attended by a guard of honour, composed of all the notables of the place. This unexpected visit from 2S2 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. ' the good Queen' diffused joy and satisfaction over the whole town, which found utterance in a thousand different ways. To witness the truly parental solicitude with which her Majesty inquired into the circumstances of individuals — their health, their family, their good or ill-fortune —and the sincere interest she took in the welfare of all, was a scene that did every heart good. The people, on their part, crowded round her Majesty with expressions of grate- ful and loyal attachment. It was a delightful recognition of parental anxiety and encouragement on one hand, and of filial attachment and obligation on the other. " Such pictures are uncommon ; it is, indeed, of rare occurrence that the subject is allowed to express his grati- tude, his wrongs, or even his loyal attachment, in the Royal hearing. Here the meanest peasant may approach the Royal person without fear of repulse, and may bring his complaint with the full assurance of being heard. Even at her Palace of Louisburg, surrounded by all the show and circumstance of Regal condition, her Majesty is always accessible, always engaged in suggesting plans for the general welfare, and in providing for the happiness of indi- viduals. As reigning Queen she observed the same system of beneficent affability — qualities which, on her becoming Dowager of the kingdom, were limited, but never checked in their operation. While she reigned, it was in the affections of the people, offering an example which has been revived with additional lustre in the present King and his amiable consort. " At five o'clock an entertainment was prepared in the open air, under the shade of a huge chesnut-tree w T hich over- hangs the brook. In front of this the water, struggling through a rocky channel, and falling in foaming sheets from a ledge of rock, is collected into a tranquil pool or CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 283 basin, and reposes from the noise and agitation which had marked its course. Around the tree are seats of accom- modation for the weary or the contemplative. It was under this shade that the late King uniformly spent some hours every fine day during his visits to the baths ; a circum- stance which gave it no ordinary power of association in the Queen's mind, recalling many peaceful hours and awakening many painful as well as pleasing recollections. " Upon arriving at this spot the Queen, surrounded by nearly the whole population of the place, took her seat on the rustic chair which her late consort had so frequently occupied. On her right sat his Royal Highness and the ladies of her Court, and on the left the gentlemen of the household, headed by the venerable Lord Chamberlain, Count de Grderlitz. " A great many persons were presented, all apparently delighted with their reception. Several were also pre- sented to his Royal Highness, with whom he entered into conversation, and left an impression of affability which was afterwards acknowledged with gratifying expressions of admiration. " The peasantry, as usual, were admitted without re- straint to her Majesty's presence, and enjoyed with satisfaction that for which many of them had this morning travelled far — the privilege of a long look at the 6 good Queen.' " A band of excellent musicians stood at a convenient distance in a circle, and continued to pour forth their loyal and patriotic airs in great beauty and abundance. These were sympathetically responded to by the national dance, which brought numbers of the peasants into active operation along the densely-peopled avenue. 284 THE EOTAL PRINCESSES. " These ceremonies being concluded, and every demon- stration of loyal attachment evinced towards the Queen, a great concourse of people accompanied her on her return to the hotel,* where the civil and military authorities took their leave. The multitude in continued peals shouted 6 Long live the good Queen !' In a few minutes more her Majesty passed the outskirts of the forest on her return to Deinach, accompanied by the prayers of all, and the grateful acknowledgments of some by whom that day's visit was to be treasured as the happiest of their lives. " Monday. — To-day has been varied by an excursion to the Baths of Liebenzell. As the afternoon was most in- viting, and no place in the Black Forest more beautiful than the Baths of Liebenzell, tea and other refreshments were ordered to be in readiness at five o'clock in an apart- ment of the inn commanding the best views of the romantic country in which it is embosomed. " At three o'clock the carriages were at the door, pre- ceded by an avant courier, and followed by two other carriages containing the usual attendants ; the Queen set off to enjoy the luxury of drinking tea at five o'clock, an hour at which many an English tradesman would be ashamed to have it supposed he could dine. " These early hours, in conjunction with daily exercise and the salubrious air in which that exercise is taken, have con- tributed most materially to benefit his Royal Highness's health At Meinengen and Ems, however, the facilities for pedestrian exercise were much greater than here, where, with a few exceptions, his Eoyal Highness's time is entirely devoted to the Queen. She is well entitled to it, and in return is ever planning something new for the * Called Konig von Wurtemberg, "the great rendezvous of the place." — Dr. Beattie. CHAKLOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 285 entertainment of her illustrious brother, to whom she is greatly attached. Scarcely a day has passed but her Majesty inquires whether I do not think his Royal High- ness much improved by his visit to the Black Forest. A question which I am able to answer most satisfactorily. " As we proceeded, I talked over this subject with some of her Majesty's Court. They all descanted with great pleasure and satisfaction on the visible improvement which they observed in the Queen's health during each of these successive visits, the very anticipation of which, the Count de Goerlitz assured me, operated like a charm upon his Royal mistress's health. The Queen, he deeply regrets to state, does not, in the long intervals which divide these visits of her family, take that frequent and prolonged exer- cise which her physicians, and all who are acquainted with her Majesty's constitution, consider so essential to her health. But on the arrival of his Royal Highness, not a day passes without her spending a certain number of hours in the open carriage, the consequences of which are soon visible to every member of the household, and diffuse a pleasure and satisfaction around which cannot be expressed, but which nothing less than such a convic- tion could create. c Would to God,' he added, c his Royal Highness's visit could be prolonged ! We all look forward with apprehension and anxiety to his departure and the ensuing winter, unless indeed the Landgravine of Hesse Homburg should pass some part of it at Louisburg. In this case I shall feel unmistakeable relief ; for by the time that amiable Princess takes her leave, her Majesty will begin to indulge the cheering prospect of his Royal High- ness's third visit, which we are all delighted to hear will take place next July. Ah ! my dear friend,' concluded the worthy Count, ' I have been forty years at Court ; I v 2S6 THE ROYAL ritlSTCESSES. attended the late King to London, on his intended marriage with the Princess Royal ; thence all over your magnificent countiy. We spent a day at Oxford, where his Majesty (then Duke of Wurtemberg) was admitted a Doctor of the University, and the same honour, in compli- ment to the Duke, was conferred upon myself. Ha ! you did not know that I was a dignitary of Oxford ? I returned with their future Majesties in triumph to Stuttgardt ; and never having quitted her presence for a single day, unless through illness, during the long and eventful period that succeeded, I need not add that I feel, in common with every one around her, the most lively interest in her Majesty's health. I am now old, and cannot expect to sur- vive her; but were I young, young as when I first attended her to her adopted country, I would not wish it.' " ' Nor I, nor any of us,' interrupted the Baron de Germmingen ; * her Majesty's health is most precious to us, who, every day of our lives, are the objects of her unceasing, and, I may truly say, parental solicitude. When any member of her household is sick or threatened with sick- ness, no matter of what standing or station in her service, her solicitude makes no distinction ; her anxiety to remove or mitigate affliction, under whatever shape, and in whom- soever it may appear, is manifested in a thousand different ways, each evincing the kindly interest she feels for us all. No wonder then that all should express what they deeply feel — the most cordial attachment to the Queen, founded upon a just admiration of her virtues, and the daily expe- rience of her benefits.' " The party was now at tea : her Majesty seated in an arm-chair, upon a nicely sanded floor ; his Royal High- ness at her right hand ; a table in the centre, with the CHABLOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 287 tea equipage ; a boiling kettle in the middle, and three of the ladies of honour seated round it ; the gentlemen and myself standing near the window, and enjoying the rich forest, grey ruins, and pine-clad hills by which this beauti- ful retreat is on all sides hemmed in. " For the benefit of those who make picnic parties, where the necessary expenditure of china in breakage is often a subject of serious reflection for next day, I would suggest the plan adopted by her Majesty — namely, a metal apparatus. On this, as on former occasions, the cups and saucers were all of silver, gilt inside, so that they may be transported without risk, and survive a whole century of inadvertent tumbles. "Saturday. — Lord Erskine and family arrived from Baden. His lordship is a very agreeable man, and much esteemed by the King and Royal family here. " Tuesday, 26th. — The morning was spent in preparation for the Hercynian games, and after an excellent dinner, served in the hall or bazaar-room already mentioned, the business of the day was announced by sound of trumpet. In front of the chateau, which offered a most convenient space for the ensuing pastimes, the crowd was concen- trated. The Queen, with her visitors and attendants, occupied the front windows, and the various prizes being duly displayed and enumerated, the games began." Dr. Beattie's entertaining account of the races which ensue between first the young bachelors, and after them the shepherdesses of the locality, is highly pleasing. To these succeeded donkey races, and then a singular national game, which space alone deters me from inserting for its eccentricity. Music, dancing, singing and wassail closed the day, and closed it in harmony, without accident to mar the festivity which had prevailed. u 2 2SS THE EOYAL PRINCESSES. " Palace of Louisburg, August 2nd. — Left Deinach yes- terday morning at five o'clock, and arrived here by across road at ten. At five o'clock there was a full Court din- ner, where the High Chamberlain appeared in the name of the King to compliment his Royal Highness, and to make him a tender on the part of his Majesty of every possible accommodation during his stay in this territory The bright sun of Louisburg contrasts strangely with the cool and tranquil shades of Deinach. Here all is military manoeuvre, the incessant clang of trumpets, and the roll of drums ; there all was peaceful meditation and tranquil enjoyment. The only sound that was heard in its retired solitude was the horn of the cowherd or the tinkling of the goat-bells as they went or returned from the forest. .... The Queen evidently anticipates his Royal High- ness' s departure with regret. His visit has been a source of great pleasure to her There is to be a State din- ner at the King's Palace on Thursday next. "H* •JS" "7? "W " The Queen often mentions the Elgin family. To-day, she particularly alluded to a former visit from the Countess and her daughters ; inquired if I was acquainted with them, and expressed a most friendly interest in their favour. One, in particular, Lady Matilda, is often named by her Majesty, and the members of her household, in terms of high and delicate compliment. No ordinary accomplishments of mind or person could have left behind them so flattering a souvenir. •f? tP *JV" ~A" " One day, a c person of distinction' was announced. 1 Deeming it might be considered a mark of disloyalty if he passed through Stuttgardt without being presented to the Queen, he had come to Louisburg for that express CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 289 purpose.' Accessible at all times to the faithful subjects of her brother's throne, her Majesty made ready to receive the stranger with becoming ceremony. The officers of the household attended, and the Grand Marshal of the Palace presented ' Mr. , from London,' in due form. A speech followed, but it betrayed the speaker, or showed at least that it was his first act of diplomacy. The audi- ence was suddenly broken up — the Queen withdrew, and the stranger, retiring with the Royal functionary, felt that he had ; caught a Tartar.' " This individual, it may be added, was an inferior clerk in the button manufactory of Messrs. , and dressed in the extremity of fashion. The Queen, in relating this anecdote, laughed heartily at the recollection of the mock heroic speech, and other burlesque circumstances attending the special presentation. Specie decipimur omnes. Olm 4lm SI* «Sfc •A* -Tr w "St "4th.— To-day the Queen and his Royal Highness came to spend the day at Stuttgardt. They walked over the Palace, splendidly furnished, of vast extent, and almost every apartment exhibiting specimens of the Queen's work in painting or embroidery. The apartments for- merly occupied by Napoleon, and latterly by the Emperor Alexander, are superb, both in decoration and dimension. Surprised by the unprecedented number of musical time- pieces, &c Subsequently repaired to the celebrated picture gallery, where his Royal Highness spent an hour. .... Then revisited the studio of the German Canova, Danekker, who is at this moment engaged upon a colossal statue of St. John, by command of the Emperor, and in- tended for a church in St. Petersburg. " At two o'clock returned to the Palace, and sat down to a magnificent banquet, service of gold ; the plateau 290 THE EOXAL PRINCESSES. most elaborately carved, and ornamented with statues and allegorical groups. The King's Chamberlain and other officers of the Court were in attendance. It was in every sense a Regal banquet. " After dinner the Court equipage drove up, the party proceeded to the Baths of Canstadt, and afterwards alighted to view the new Palace, erecting upon a beautiful eminence over the Neckar." In the summer of 1S25-6, in the middle of July, the Duke of Clarence, soon after recovering from his severe illness, went once more to visit the Queen of Wurtemberg at Dei- nach, her summer residence in the Black Forest. The Queen Dowager was overjoyed at seeing her brother ; and it became evident that the meeting, and the excursions which followed, had an exhilarating effect upon both the Royal personages. "These early hours," says Dr. Beattie, "in conjunction with daily exercise, and the salubrious air in which that exercise is taken, have contributed most mate- rially to benefit his Royal Highness' s health. He is at this moment as vigorous as if he had not passed the age of forty. In proof of this, he has on various occasions been several hours a-foot, without experiencing anything like exhaustion or even fatigue." Deinach is a singularly romantic hamlet, situated on the border of the Black Forest, skirted by feudal and monastic ruins, and presenting an endless succession of all those picturesque beauties which arrest and fix the attention of the naturalist or the painter, and, to a refined and contemplative mind, give free scope for the indul- gence of the best feelings of which the human heart is sus- ceptible. It was here, too, in an antique and extensive Palace, overhung by hills of pine, traversed only by a mountain stream, and commanding objects of unceasing CHAELOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 291 interest, that her Majesty was in the habit of receiving annual visits from some member of her august family. Having repeatedly experienced herself the salutary effects of a summer's residence at Deinach, her Majesty had acquired a strong local attachment for the place. Her annual visit was anticipated by all ranks with impatience, and hailed with loyalty and delight as the signal for re- suming those innocent festivities in which the entire popu- lace took an eager part, and in the presence of their august patroness revived the ancient games of the country, while the victors in these were rewarded by suitable prizes, in- stituted and distributed by her Majesty in person. On the day of her Majesty's leaving this place on her return to Louisburg, in the month of August, it was the uniform and affecting custom of the peasantry and others to assemble on the morning of her departure, to testify their strong attachment to their Royal and beloved mis- tress, by twining the panels of her carriage and all its appendages with wreaths of evergreen, and the choicest flowers of the place and season, as the silent but expres- sive votive offering for her return. The same ceremony was observed as the several car- riages of her Majesty's suite left in succession; and at every halt in her progress fair hands continued to offer symbolic flowers, till the halls of Louisburg rang once more with the Royal welcome. " Deinach, Black Forest, 15th July, 1825.* " Arrived here last night. The country indescribably beautiful. His Royal Highness has enjoyed every hour of the journey The Queen has condescended to express, in very gracious terms, the pleasure she felt in seeing me a second time. * Dr. Beattie's Journal. 202 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. " The Royal establishment remains as it was on the former visit to Louisburg. There are six ladies of honour, accomplished and amiable women ; about the same number of gentlemen, the Comte de Goerlitz, Baron de Germmingen, Baron de Wechmar, General de Buneau, the physician, treasurer, &c The Queen's physician is dead since the former visit ; Dr. Ulmer has succeeded him. He is young ; has his w T ife here, and a remarkably tine little boy, much noticed by his Royal Highness, who is very partial to children " To-day great numbers of peasantry from the neigh- bouring communes have arrived to spend a gay afternoon. The costume is very like that worn at Berne. ■afc Jt. jp. jb " The verdure of the valleys, which here intersect the forest, is the most rich and velvet-like I ever saw. Each of these valleys has its mountain brook, by which it is traversed in a thousand fantastic meanders. u We are here so overtopped by the pine forest, that the sun takes leave at five o'clock ; and if we would lengthen our days, we must follow him to the mountains. The long delightful twilight that succeeds is a very agreeable substitute for the broad day ; and to this circumstance Deinach owes much of its peculiar attraction during the summer months. There is always a fresh current of air, with abundance and depth of shade at hand. # # # # "Hercynia. — This immense forest has been partially cut down in many places, and tracts of rich arable, towns, and principalities have replaced it. The extensive portions of it which remain are divided into the distinctive appella- tions of Hartzwald, Bohmerwald, Thtiringerwald, and the Schwarzwald, or Black Forest, where I now write. CHAELOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 293 "In this highly romantic and beautiful recess the Queen Dowager of Wurtemberg has for many years fixed her summer residence. From many local circum- stances, and the benefit she has so often derived from the periodical use of its waters, her Majesty is particularly attached to this solitude. " In addition to the Royal chateau and extensive offices, the village contains abundant accommodation for the numerous strangers and invalids who annually resort to the salubrious waters and grateful shade of Deinach. " It is here that, laying aside the artificial State and more external forms of Royalty, her Majesty enters into the simple pastimes and tranquil occupations of private life, and where every member of her Court enjoys the like immunities. " The presence of such a personage is of infinite im- portance to the prosperity of the place. The announce- ment of her visit is the signal of happy rendezvous to the towns and communes with which this portion of the forest abounds. Each, taking its holiday in succession, sends forth its wealthier portion of inhabitants to enjoy their week's pastime in the presence of the Queen. These again are replaced by others, so that the Baths of Deinach pre- sent a constant succession of visitors. " At stated times also, the inferior peasantry are invited to the celebration of games and other pastimes peculiar to this district of the ancient Hercynia, which gives a new character to the place and people. Music and dancing are heard at all hours. In addition to her Majesty's band, which plays a series of national airs during dinner and supper, there is always one or more itinerant Bohemian bands, which fill up every pause, making music the special business of life. 201 THE ROYAL PEISTCESSES. " The hours and domestic arrangements of her Majesty's household are managed with primitive simplicity — every- thing worthy of imitation she recommends by personal example. At the head of these is the practice of early rising, which is universal with the Court, as it is with all classes of the community. " The Queen is every morning visible at six o'clock ; nor does the vigour of her mind allow even bodily indisposition to interfere with the extreme regularity of her habits, unless under circumstances of urgent necessity. "The economy of time, and the nicely adjusted propor- tions in which it is distributed to the various and im- portant duties of the da} r , attest the wise and judicious employment of a materiel which no art can accumulate, which the next moment may forfeit, and in the wise appropriation of which consists the true philosophy of life. " Between six and seven o'clock at latest breakfast is served to each member of the household in his respective chamber, after the French fashion. It consists of coffee, warm milk, and fresh rolls, and is left on the toilette-table for the solitary repast of the inmate or guest. " The social breakfast of England is unknown in this country, unless where occasionally introduced. The Queen and her ladies all follow the national custom of breakfasting thus early and alone. " Dinner. — At one o'clock, the band takes its station under the windows of the drawing-room. The com- pany assemble from their several apartments ; the usual compliments are exchanged, and conversation, for which the weather here, as everywhere else, is a fertile resource, is kept up till the Queen is announced by the opening of the folding-doors of the Eoyal entree. " The gentlemen now file off to the left, and the ladies CHAKLOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 295 to the right, forming a crescent, in the middle of which her Majesty, led by her Eoyal brother, pauses to receive the homage of her household, and the presentation of such guests as rank or circumstances may have brought to her table. " In these cases, the goodness of her heart, her courtly and prepossessing manner, never fail to put the stranger at his ease, and to show how little native dignity requires the specious accessories of pomp and c circumstance' to give it effect. " After addressing obliging inquiries, as is her custom, to every individual in the circle, the doors of the banquet- room are thrown open, her Majesty, leaning on the arm of his Royal Highness, enters and takes her seat near the centre of the table, with the Duke on her right, and the guest of the day occupying the chair on her left. The company immediately follow by two and two, the Cham- berlain offering his arm to the lady who has the right of precedence ; and the others, following according to their birth or station in the household, take their places round the table, of oval form and liberal dimensions. " In the centre is a plateau, richly ornamented, and exhibiting in tasteful distribution bouquets of fruits and flowers — some natural, others artificial. Vases of precious metal and baskets of filigree work, each with an appro- priate complement of flowers or fruit, are stationed at regular intervals along the centre of the table, producing a very pleasing effect, and diverting the eye during the intervals of the successive courses. Ct Before each guest are placed two square pieces of bread, black and white — the former is that of general preference. Three small crystal flasks, holding something less than a pint, are arranged in front of each plate, one containing 296 THE EOTAL PRINCESSES. white Rhenish or Neckar wine, the other Claret or Burgundy, and the third excellent spring-water. Jt. M. M. M. ■7T -A" "A* "JS" " At the sideboard stands the maitre d 1 hotel in his State uniform, and keeping a vigilant eye on the performance. On his right and left two silver censers are constantly burning, serving the double purpose of diffusing an agreeable incense over the apartment, and of restoring to their legitimate temperature such dishes as have lost a degree or two by a careless or premature importation from the kitchen. " Behind her Majesty's chair stand two pages, in blue and silver. Behind every other at table a servant in livery, consisting of orange faced with black, and terminating inferiorly in a pair of high-heeled powerful Hessian boots " During the repast, several of the more choice and costly wines of France or Spain are handed round in glasses, repeated at short intervals, and generally in fresh variety. Dishes of elaborate study, and alluring in scent and aspect, are in constant progress round the circle, sufficient to tempt an epicure beyond his strength, and to pamper the most fastidious appetite. " Her Majesty, opposite to whom I have the honour of a place, dines sparingly, and limits her diet almost ex- clusively to vegetable and farinaceous dishes, accompanied with a glass of Malaga during dinner. She observed to me jocularly to-day after dinner, ' The ladies will never admit in England that they can possibly have gout ; there is something in the name so offensive to their delicacy ; but, I assure you, I make no secret of the matter, and suffer from gout exceedingly at times.' " At the conclusion of dinner, which seldom occupies a CHAELOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 297 full hour, her Majesty rises from table, and, retiring to the drawing-room in the same manner she entered, is followed by the company as before. Here she converses affably with her guests during the time that coifee and liqueurs are handed round the circle, first partaking of the former her- self, and then recommending the beverage to others — this being the winding-up of the entertainment. "Her Majesty retires to her private apartments, or enters her carriage, which is always in waiting at this hour, if the weather be favourable, and, accompanied by his Eoyal Highness, takes a drive of some hours through the romantic passes of the forest. " The three favourite spots to which her Majesty resorts on these occasions are "Wilhelmshohe, the Tower of Sablestein, and the Eose-garten. " On leaving the open air the Queen retires to her apart- ments, and the company to the drawing-room, where music, conversation, and the novels of Sir Walter Scott, afford delightful occupation till the hour of supper. " Here the maxim of i early to bed, and early to rise,' is strictly observed and practised. The supper-table is de- serted by ten o'clock at latest, and the household, unless on extraordinary occasions, distributed through their several apartments." Meantime the Queen preserved the warmest attachment to her native country, for whose manners, constitution, and welfare she always retained a genuine British feeling ; and she was induced in the spring of 1827, by the desire of once more seeing her beloved family, and by the hope that she might obtain relief from a complaint, dropsy, which had afflicted her for many years, and had increased her size in an extraordinary degree, to undertake a journey ta England. She arrived without any accident. The per 29S THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. sons who accompanied her Majesty on that occasion could not find terms to describe the landing in England : the affectionate reception given her b}' her Royal brother and all her august relations ; the delightful domestic circle into which she returned, after an absence of thirty years ; and the acclamations of the people, wherever they saw, even at a distance, the favourite daughter of Greorge III. One of her own most ardent desires was fulfilled. Her bodily sufferings appeared to he for a time alleviated by the joy which she felt. She seemed to live again in the remembrances of her youth — no friend, no old servant had been forgotten. Where any persons with whom she used to deal were still in business, she sent for them and made some purchases. Sir Astley Cooper, and other eminent surgeons, were called in to attend the Queen ; and, by Sir Astley Cooper's advice, her Majesty underwent the operation of tapping while residing in St. James's Palace, which was per- formed by Sir Astley with great privacy. There were at one time flattering hopes that the operation would lead ultimately to a perfect cure, but the event proved the fallacy of any such expectation. The circumstances which attended her Majesty's return home exhibited her strength of mind and her trust in Grod in the brightest light. On the second day after she had embarked, when she was very ill and much agitated by the parting with her family, a violent storm at the mouth of the Thames threatened her and all on board with the most imminent danger. In this trying moment her attendants could not sufficiently admire the unshaken courage of the Queen. When any of them went to her cabin to console her, they found her in no want of con- solation ; composedly lying on a sofa, she said to them, " I CHAELOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 299 am here in the hand of God as much as at home in my "bed." The peril, however, passed away, and the august traveller returned to Wurtemberg in safety. Unhappily her bodily sufferings increased after that period, and dropsy in the chest gradually manifested itself. At the same time, pains in the head, to which she had been subject for many years, and other symptoms, gave reason to apprehend that part of the brain was affected, which, on dissection, was afterwards found to be the case. Her Majesty frequently experienced great difficulty in breathing, was obliged to be carried up-stairs in a chair, and when she entered a carriage, to be assisted by two domestics. So far, however, was she from exhibiting any serious idea of her approaching dissolution, that she enter- tained at dinner the Earl and Countess of Shrewsbury at her Palace of Louisburg only three days previously to her death ; and having withdrawn with them in the course of the evening to her private apartments, kept up for nearly two hours a most interesting and affable conversa- tion on a variety of topics. On the 6th of October, 1828, having just entered the sixty-third year of her age, her Majesty expired without a struggle, gently and imperceptibly, in the arms of the King, her son-in-law, and surrounded by affectionate friends and faithful servants. Her mortal remains were deposited, on October 12th, with due solemnity, by the side of her husband, in the vault of Ludwigsberg. " On the 12th of October her Majesty's obsequies were celebrated in the cathedral at Stuttgardt, which was suitably fitted up for the occasion, in the presence of the King of Wurtemberg, chief mourner, the Royal family, the Court, the civil and military authorities, and a great number of persons of all ranks. After a dirge by Zumsteeg, the 300 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. Court chaplain delivered an impressive discourse on the text, c The memory of the just is blessed.' A sketch of her Majesty's life, composed by the King's command, which was read at the conclusion of the sermon, furnished the biographical data for the eulogium bestowed by the preacher on the deceased Queen ; an eulogium which deserved to be, and which probably will yet be made more extensively public. A similar religious ceremony took place on the same day at Louisburg, and on the follow- ing Sunday was repeated in all the parishes of the kingdom. Her Majesty's death was sincerely lamented at Stuttgardt on account of her extensive private charities and her numerous endearing and amiable qualities. " The will of her Majesty, the Queen of Wurtemberg, was proved in the Prerogative Court of the Archbishop of Canterbury, by his Excellency the Count de Mandelsloh, Minister from Wurtemberg to the British Court, who was also named as the attorney executor, representing his Majesty, the reigning King of Wurtemberg. " The property in England was sworn under the value of 80,000Z. sterling ; and the will, which was in the German language, beautifully written on vellum, was dated from the Palace of Louisburg, the 23rd day of December, 1816. Many of the legacies had consequently lapsed, from the death of the legatees. The following is a correct abstract of the several bequests in the order in which they appear in the will : — " Her Majesty, in the event of her Koyal father or mother surviving her, appoints them her heirs in legiti- main, with a request that her property thus devolving to them be either immediately, or at least at their Majesties' decease, given up entire or undiminished to those heirs to CHARLOTTE AUGUSTA MATILDA. 301 whom she has bequeathed the residue of her property and effects. "In case of her Majesty's surviving her Royal parents, her Majesty gives the whole of the property secured to her under her marriage settlements (subject to the lega- cies thereafter noticed) to the legitimate children of the present King of Wurtemberg, her Majesty's son-in-law, and constitutes them her principal heirs ; but directs the same to be preserved entire and undiminished as a family jldei commission, and that consequently her heirs shall not be entitled to dispose of the substance of such pro- perty, but shall have only the usufruct thereof as an annual revenue." The following are the specific legacies given by the will : — "The rings (thirty in number), and the drawings which her late consort bequeathed to her, are directed to be given, the former to the Royal Museum of Arts and Curiosities, and the latter to the Royal Private Library at Wurtemberg. " The heron aigrette, presented to her Majesty by the Grand Seignor Selim III., to be given to the Royal house of Wurtemberg, to form part of the jewels of the crown ; also her late consort's portraits, but without their mountings ; and also the portraits of the Royal family of England ; and directs them to be placed in the gallery of the Royal family at Wurtemberg. " To his Majesty the King of Wurtemberg she be- queaths the collection of English translations of ancient classics, all the historical works, together with the collec- tion called the English classics in the Palace of Louis- burg ; also the portrait bust of her late consort ; painted in 302 THE EOY"AL PRINCESSES. oil by Ketch ; the bust of the Princess Catherine de Mont- fort, in Carrara marble ; a clock in bronze, representing a standing figure, with a garland of stars ; the turquoise, mounted in a ring usually worn by, and which devolved to, her late consort out of the effects of the late Count van Zeppelin, senior. " Her Majesty begs the present Queen of Wurtemberg to accept, as a token of remembrance, a round table of bronze and marble, with a porcelain slab, upon which is a view of Monrepos ; also a round table of mahogany, with three bronze figures, and a painted porcelain slab, and a family breakfast service of Ludwigsberg porcelain ; also her chrysolite necklace, earrings, and head-band set with brilliants. " To her granddaughter, the Princess Marie of Wurtem- berg, a row of forty -two Oriental pearls, received by her Majesty as a nuptial present from her late husband ; and also a blue enamelled gold watch, set with brilliants, with a jasper chain. "To the said Princess Marie, or the eldest daughter of the King of Wurtemberg, the necklace, made of the pearls and four large brilliants, from the large epaulette be- queathed to her Majesty by her late consort." To the children of her son-in-law, Prince Paul of Wurtemberg, she bequeaths as follows : — " To Prince Frederick, a large gilt tea-urn and a silver standish. To Prince Augustus, two pair of silver candelabra. To the Princess Charlotte, six corn-ears in brilliants, and an English silver tea-service. To the Princess Pauline, six brilliant corn-ears, a silver tea-urn, and a silver toilet. To the Duchess Louise of Wurtemberg, a coffee-service of Ludwigsberg gilt porcelain, with a view of Friudenthal; also a fire-screen, with a painting on tin, after Baphael." CHAELOTTE ATTGT7STA MATILDA. 303 The following are the bequests to the Royal family of England : — " To her mother, the Queen of England, a hair-pin in the form of a half-moon, set with brilliants, and also a break- fast service of Vienna porcelain, of which the teaboard represents the death of Dido. " To his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, his present Majesty, a clock in an alabaster case, together with four vases thereunto belonging:. " To the Duke of York, a clock in alabaster, with four vases, mounted in bronze. a To the Duke of Clarence, a clock in bronze, ornamented with Cupid wheeling a barrow, and also two bronze candlesticks, in the form of negroes. " To the Duke of Kent, a clock in white marble, sur- mounted by a couchant lion, with two bronze candlesticks. " To the Duke of Cumberland, two clocks in bronze, one of them in the form of an urn, and the other in the form of a globe. " To the Duke of Sussex, two clocks in bronze, with couchant dogs. " To the Duke of Cambridge, a clock in bronze, repre- senting a basket of flowers, and two gilt porcelain vases. "To the Princess Augusta of England, a pair of bracelets, having four rows of small pearls, and clasps set round with brilliants, and with some of the hair under a glass of her beloved parents. A souvenir of gold, with portraits of the King and Queen of England (George III. and Queen Charlotte). A portrait of the Princess Eliza- beth, painted by Edridge. A ring, containing a watch set with brilliants. A head-band of pearls, studded with eleven cross rows of brilliants. " To the Princess Elizabeth, one round medallion, set x2 304 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. with thirty-four brilliants ; two cups of gilt filigree ; a standish of silver filigree ;, a square pin set with brilliants, containing the hair of the late Princess Amelia ; the por- trait bust of his late Majesty George III., in oil, by Gains- borough ; a small half-portrait of her late Majesty Queen Charlotte ; a large flower-piece, in oil, by Baptisto ; a large flower-piece, in oil, by Yanhuysen ; and a necklace and earrings set with large chrysophases, surrounded with brilliants. " To the Princess Mary, a medallion with nine rosettes, containing some of the hair of the Princess Amelia ; a pair of bracelets with rosette clasps, containing the hair of the late Duke and Duchess of York ; a girdle of three rows of pearls, with thirteen brilliants ; and an oval clasp set with brilliants, containing some of the hair of her mother, the late Queen. " To the Princess Sophia, two medallions in gold, with the portraits of the Princesses Augusta and Elizabeth ; a similar medallion, with the portrait of the King of England, her father ; and a pair of earrings with pearl- drops, mounted in brilliants. " Her Majesty recommends the persons attached to her household to the favour and protection of the King of Wurtemberg, hoping that, in consideration of the circum- stance of her Majesty having disposed of the mass of her property to the House of Wurtemberg, his Majesty will be pleased to provide suitably for her servants." 305 AUGUSTA SOPHIA, SOPHIA, AND AMELIA. Birtli of Augusta Sophia — Christening — Inoculated — Birth of Sophia — Teachers of the Princess — Her first appearance in public — Birth of Amelia — Letters of Mrs. Delaney — Procession on "Windsor Terrace — Attempt on the King's life — Frogmore — Queen of "Wurtemberg's birthday — National jubilee — Illness and death of Amelia — Illness of the King — Death of the Queen — Her will — Death of the King — Members of his family present at the time — Further history of Augusta Sophia and Sophia. The early history of the sister scions of the Royal family of Queen Charlotte bears so great a similarity, that the memoir of the Queen of Wurtemberg, prior to her mar- riage, may be said to give the whole of the most striking particulars. One reason of this was the very domestic habits of the Queen and her daughters, another their proximity in age. Only two years' difference existed be- tween the Princess Royal and Augusta Sophia, and Prin- cess Elizabeth was but two years yoimger still than Augusta Sophia, so that they must have been not only famous playmates, but excellent companions in infancy. The next daughter of Charlotte was Mary, afterwards Duchess of Gloucester, five years younger, born 1776, to whom a separate notice will be given. Sophia, still younger, born 1777, and Amelia in 1783; the last, the latest born and best beloved of King George's daughters, that fair flower destined to be snatched from the world in the very bloom of womanhood. JSTot with the married daughters of the srood King — the benevolent Charlotte Augusta Matilda, the amiable and tasteful Elizabeth of Hesse Homburg, or the fair, gentle, and excellent Mary, our ever 30G TIIE ROYAL PRINCESSES. to be lamented Duchess — that last tie of a past generation, so lately departed to a higher state than any this world could bestow — may the pen of the historian now linger : it rests with the three sisters with whom Englishwomen have long been happily associated in the history of these our own times. Years have passed away indeed since Amelia departed from amongst us ; but her sad story was long, very long, familiar on the hearth of every English home. Augusta Sophia, second daughter of Charlotte, was born December 7, 1768. The Queen's illness commenced at seven in the evening, and the Princess was ushered into the world at half-past eight. The Dowager Princess of Wales, his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, the two Secretaries of State, the ladies of honour, &c, were present on the occasion. The accounts continued favourable of the health of both mother and infant. Numerous indeed were the nobility who thronged to make inquiries on this occasion and be entertained with cake and caudle. Among the young ladies who presented themselves at the Palace to see the Eoyal babe, were two who are said to have so indiscreetly partaken of the good cheer so hand- somely provided, that, losing their discretion still further, they walked off with the cup in their keeping also, not being satisfied with the contents. On detection they were pardoned, after kneeling to ask forgiveness. Two messengers had been despatched with the earliest tidings of Queen Charlotte's safety, and the news of Augusta's birth, to the Court of Mecklenburg Strelitz, and other European Courts. The two young Princes of Meck- lenburg, the Queen's brothers, shortly after arrived from Germany, and were immediately conducted to the Queen's house. AUGUSTA SOPHIA, SOPHIA, ATO AMELIA. 307 The ceremony of baptism was performed on December 7th,inthe grand council-room at St. James's, the Archbishop of Canterbury officiating ; the name given to the Eoyal child was Augusta Sophia. Her sponsors were the eldest Prince of Mecklenburg Strelitz ; the Duchesses of Ancaster and Northumberland were proxies for the Queen of Den- mark and the Princess of Brunswick. In 1770, Prince Edward and Augusta Sophia, his sister, were inoculated for the small-pox; the Princess was a year younger than her brother. In a few years more were added to the family group Augustus Adolphus, Mary and Sophia ; this last event happened in 1777, on the 3rd of November. Her Majesty was delivered at her palace of a Princess, who was baptized on the first of the following month at St. James's by the name of Sophia. Cooper had the honour to instruct the Queen and some of the Princesses. He had lived long at Rome, Florence, and other places in Italy, and copied the surrounding country in the neighbourhood of those cities ; he drew classic scenes in black chalk, heightened with white, in a peculiar style of richness and effect. Cipriani also gave some lessons ; and Gresse, his pupil, was appointed teacher to the Princesses, which distinguished office he held from the year 1777 to the period of his death in 1794. Gresse taught landscape and figure ; the style of his landscapes was in the early manner of Paul Sandby, correctly outlined with a pen and tinted with colours ; his figures were in the style of his master, drawn in chalks, and tinted with powder colours. The first appearance in public of Princess Sophia was at the great musical entertainment instituted in commemo- ration of Handel, and conducted under the patronage of her Royal parents. The design of this extraordinary 80S THE UOTAL PRINCESSES. entertainment originated with some persons of distinction, who wished for a periodical celebration of that eminent master of harmony, in a public performance of his works, the proceeds of which were to be devoted to the musical fund. A temporary building was erected for the occasion in the west aisle of Westminster Abbey, large enough to receive four thousand persons. On Wednesday, the 26th of May, the great festival commenced, and the company assembled in numbers at an early hour. Their Majesties arrived about a quarter-past twelve o'clock ; and when the King entered the building he stood for some moments apparently lost in astonish- ment at the sublimity of the spectacle, nor was the Queen less affected by the brilliancy of the coup d'oeil, for she viewed it with admiration, and repeatedly expressed her gratification to those around her. The King and Queen were accompanied by Prince Edward and the Princess Eoyal, who sat on the King's right, and the Princesses Augusta, Elizabeth, and Sophia, who sat on the Queen's left hand. This splendid entertainment was followed by another performance at the Abbey on the 29th, at which their Majesties were attended by five of the Princesses, whose delight was continually manifested throughout the per- formance. The early years of the Princess Sophia were devoted to education, together with her younger sisters, and we find little else to record till the spring of 1789, when a splendid fete was held at Windsor by the Princess Royal. The King, on this occasion, wore the Windsor uniform, as also did the several gentlemen present, and the Queen and the Princesses did not differ from the general costume of the ladies, which consisted of " a dress of garter-blue AUGUSTA SOPHIA, SOPHIA, AKD AMELIA. 309 covered with white tiffany, which by candlelight had the appearance of purple. A plume of white feathers, plain or tipped with orange, gave style to the head-dress, which had a fine effect." The whole female circle also wore bandeaux, on which were the words, " God save the King," and some of the ladies had rich medallions of the Monarch set in pearls or diamonds. The Eoyal visit to Bulstrode, and the other localities visited by the King and Queen with their children, have already been noticed. In all these, Princess Augusta shared with the Princess Eoyal and Princess Elizabeth. One of the favourite resorts of the youthful Eoyal family was the house of Mrs. Delaney, in Windsor Park, where they not unfrequently enjoyed a merry romp, and subsequently a cup of tea. Mrs. Delaney writes : " I have been several evenings at the Queen's Lodge, with no other company but their own most lovely family. They sit round a large table, on which are books, work, pencils, and paper.. " The Queen has the goodness to make me sit down next to her, and delights me with her conversation, which is in- forming, elegant, and pleasing beyond description, whilst the younger part of the family are drawing and working, &c, &c. — the beautiful babe, Princess Amelia, bearing her part in the entertainment, sometimes playing with the King on the carpet, which, altogether, exhibits such a de- lightful scene as would require an Addison's pen or a Van- dyke's pencil to do justice to. In the next room is the band of music, who play from eight till ten. The King generally directs them what pieces of music to play — chiefly Handel's. Here I must stop, and return to my own house. Mr. Dewes, from Wellsbourn, came here on the 25th of Oc- 310 THE ROYAL ritlNCESSES. tober ; on the 2Sth, their Majesties, five Princesses, and the youngest Princes, came at seven o'clock in the evening to drink tea with me. " All the Princesses and Princes had a commerce-table. Miss Emily Clayton, daughter to Lady Louisa Clayton, and Miss Port, did the honours of it. " It gave me a pleasing opportunity of introducing Mr. Dewes to their Majesties. The King took gracious notice of him ; and having heard that his youngest brother, Mr. John Dewes, wished to take the name of Granville, said to Mr. Dewes that he desired he might from that time be called by that name, and gave orders that his sign -manual should be prepared for that purpose, which has accordingly been done. "The want of franks cuts me short ; do me the justice, as usual, to all dear friends, and believe me ever, " Affectionately yours, "M. Delakey." # # # # * Of the Eoyal family, in another letter, the writer says — " At this time of the year the evenings are devoted by them to the Terrace till eight o'clock, when they return to the Lodge to their tea and concert of music. Happy are those who are admitted to that circle ! " The Queen has had the goodness to command me to come to the Lodge whenever it is quite easy to me to do it, without sending particularly for me, lest it should em- barrass me to refuse that honour ; so that most evenings, at half an hour past seven, I go to Miss Burney's apart- ment, and when the Eoyal family return from the Terrace, the King, or one of the Princesses (generally the youngest, Princess Amelia, just four years old), comes into the room, takes me by the hand, and leads me into the drawing-room, AUGUSTA SOPHIA, SOPHIA, A1S T D AMELIA. 311 where there is a chair ready for me by the Queen's left hand ; the three eldest Princesses sit round the table, and the ladies in waiting, Lady Charlotte Finch and Lady Elizabeth Waldegrave. A vacant chair is left for the King, whenever he pleases to sit down in it. Every one is employed with pencil, needle, or knotting. Between the pieces of music the conversation is easy and pleasant ; and, for an hour before the conclusion of the whole, the King plays at backgammon with one of his equerries, and I am generally dismissed. I then go to Miss Burney's room again, where Miss Port generally spends the even- ings that I am at the Lodge, and has an opportunity of being in. very good company there." " On December 24th, 1785, Bishop Hurd confirmed Princess Augusta in the chapel of Windsor Castle : he preached in the chapel the next day, Christmas-day, and administered the sacrament to their Majesties and the Princess Boyal, and Princess Augusta. The Bishop preached also before their Majesties and Royal family in the chapel of Windsor Castle, and administered the sacrament to them on Christmas-day, 1786." # Amelia, the youngest of Queen Charlotte's daughters, was born on the 7th of August, 1783, and seems to have been the favourite and darling of all who surrounded her. If the brothers and sisters caressed, the Queen loved, and the King might be said to have adored the fairy child of his advanced years. When the hand of Amelia was placed in his by the doting mother, it seemed to touch the father's heart, and a look of that beaming eye the child possessed would bring a smile into his own. One who enjoyed many of those blessed opportunities of hovering in pre- sence of these fair scions of Boyalty, and observing * Nichols' " Literary Anecdotes." 312 TIIE KOYAL PRINCESSES. those interesting points in their daily existence which less gifted individuals may so rarely be happy enough to attain, has left an account of the birthday of one of the Princesses (Amelia) kept at Windsor, when it was com- monly the custom of the Eoyal family to walk familiarly upon the Terrace, amidst crowds of fashionable visitors to that promenade. The passage alluded to is from Miss Burney's "Diary," who writes thus: — " It was really a mighty pretty procession. The little Princess, just turned three years old, in a robe-coat covered with fine muslin, a dressed close cap, white gloves, and a fan, walked on alone, and first, highly delighted in the parade, and turning from side to side to see everybody as she passed ; for all the terracers stand up against the walls to make a clear passage for the Royal family the moment they come in sight. Then follow the King and Queen, no less delighted themselves with the joy of their little darling. " # After the death of her Grace the Duchess Dowager of Portland, the King, Queen, and Princess Amelia were con- stant and regular in their inquiries after Mrs. Delaney's health. " On Saturday, the 3rd of this month, one of the Queen's messengers came, and brought me the following letter from her Majesty, written with her own hand : — " ' My dear Mrs. Delaney will be glad to hear that I am charged by the King to summon her to her new abode at Windsor, for Tuesday next, where she will find all the most essential parts of the house ready, excepting some little trifles, which it will be better for Mrs. Delaney to direct herself in person, or by her little deputy, Miss Port. I need not, I hope, add, that I shall be extremely * Miss Burney's " Diary." AUGUSTA SOPHIA, SOPHIA, AND AMELIA. 318 glad and Happy to see so amiable an inhabitant in this our sweet retreat ; and wish, very sincerely, that my dear Mrs. Delaney may enjoy every blessing amongst us that her merits deserve. That we may long enjoy her amiable company. Amen ! These are the true sentiments of, " 'My dear Mrs. Delaney' s " ' Very affectionate Queen, " ' Chaelotte. " { Queen's Lodge, Windsor, Sept. 3, 1785. " ' P.S. I must also beg that Mrs. Delaney will choose her own time of coming, as will best suit her own conve- nience.' " My Answer. " ' It is impossible to express how I am overwhelmed with your Majesty's excess of goodness to me. I shall, with the warmest duty and most humble respect, obey a command that bestows such honour and happiness on your Majesty's most dutiful and most obedient humble servant " c And subject, " ' Mary Delaney.' "I received the Queen's letter at dinner, and was obliged to answer it instantly with my own hand, without seeing a letter ' I wrote. I thank God I had strength enough to obey the gracious summons on the day ap- pointed. I arrived here about eight o'clock in the evening, and found his Majesty in the house ready to receive me, I threw myself at his feet, indeed unable to utter a word ; he raised and saluted me, and said he meant not to stay longer than to desire I would order everything that could make the house comfortable and agreeable to me, and then retired. " Truly I found nothing wanting, as it is as pleasant and commodious as I could wish it to be, with a very 314 TIIE KOYAL PRINCESSES. pretty garden, whieli joins to that of the Queen's Lodge. The next morning her Majesty sent one of her ladies to know how I had rested, and how I was in health, and whether her coming would not be troublesome ? You may be sure I accepted the honour, and she came about two o'clock. I was lame, and could not go down, as I ought to have done, to the door ; but her Majesty came up-stairs, and I received her on my knees. Our meeting was mutually affecting ; she well knew the value of what I had lost ; and it was some time after we were seated (for she always makes me sit down,) before we could either of us speak. It is impossible for me to do justice to her great condescension and tenderness, which were almost equal to what I had lost. She repeated, in the strongest terms, her wish, and the King's, that I should be as easy and as happy as they could possibly make me ; that they waived all ceremony, and desired to come to me like friends. The Queen delivered me a paper from the King, which contained the first quarter of 300Z. per annum, which his Majesty allows me out of his privy purse. Their Majesties have drank tea with me five times, and the Princesses three. " They generally stay two hours, or longer. In short, I have either seen or heard from them every day. " I have not yet been at the Queen's Lodge, though they have expressed an impatience for me to come ; but I have still so sad a drawback upon my spirits, that I must decline the honour till I am better able to enjoy it, as they have the goodness not to press me. " Their visits here are paid in the most quiet, private manner, like those of the most consoling and interesting friends ; so that I may truly say they are a Royal cordial, and I see very few people besides. AUGUSTA SOPHIA, SOPHIA, AND AMELIA. 315 " They are very condescending in their notice of my niece, and think her a fine girl. She is delighted, as is very natural, with all the joys of the place. I have "been three times at the King's private chapel at early prayers, eight o'clock, where the Royal family constantly attend; and they walk home to breakfast afterwards, whilst I am conveyed in a very elegant new chair home, which the King has made me a present of for that purpose. " As to my health, it is surprisingly good, considering the sufferings of my agitated spirits ; and that I was hardly recovered, when I came, of a putrid sore throat and fever. How thankful ought I to be to Providence for the- wonderful blessings I have received ! How ungrateful must I be not to endeavour to resign those withdrawn from me as I ought to do ! It is a cordial comfort to me to receive a good account from you of your health and prosperity, and the rest of my dear friends who have so kindly felt for me. I cannot dictate a word more, but believe me unalterably and affectionately " Yours, "M. Delaket. 5 ' " I am sure you must be very sensible how thankful I am to Providence for the late wonderful escape of his Majesty from the stroke of assassination ; indeed, the horror that there was, a possibility that such an attempt would be made, shocked me so much at first, that I could hardly enjoy the blessing of such a preservation. The King would not suffer anybody to inform the Queen of that event till he could show himself in person to her. He returned to Windsor as soon as the Council was over. When his Majesty entered the Queen's dressing-room, he found her 316 THE EOTAL PRINCESSES. with the two eldest Princesses ; and, entering in an ani- mated manner, said, ' Here I am, safe and well !' The Queen suspected from this saying that some accident had happened, on which he informed her of the whole affair. The Queen stood struck and motionless for some time, till the Princesses burst into tears, in which she immediately- found relief by joining with them. Joy soon succeeded this agitation of mind, on the assurance that the person was insane that had the boldness to make the attack, which took off all aggravating suspicion ; and it has been the means of showing the whole kingdom that the King has the hearts of his subjects." " 1788. — This summer the King went to Cheltenham to drink the waters, and was attended by the Queen, the Princess Royal, and the Princesses Augusta and Elizabeth. They arrived at Cheltenham in the evening of Saturday, July 12th, and resided in a house of Earl Falconberg. From Cheltenham they made excursions to several places in Oloucestershire and Worcestershire, and were everywhere received with joy by all ranks of people. On Saturday, August 2nd, they were pleased to visit Hartlebury, at the distance of thirty-three miles or more. The Duke of York came from London to Cheltenham the day before, and was pleased to come with them. They arrived at Hartlebury at half-an-hour past eleven. Lord Courtown, Mr. Digby (the Queen's Yice-Chamberlain), Colonel Grwin (one of the King's Equerries), the Countesses of Harcourt and Cour- town, composed the suite. Their Majesties, after seeing the house, breakfasted in the library, and when they had reposed themselves some time, walked into the garden, and took several turns on the terraces, especially the Green Terrace in the Chapel Garden. Here they showed them- selves to an immense crowd of people, who nocked in AUGUSTA SOPHIA, SOPHIA, AND AMELIA. 317 from the neighbourhood, and standing on the rising grounds in the Park, saw, and were seen, to great ad- vantage. The day being extremely bright, the show was agreeable and striking. About two o'clock their Ma- jesties, &c, returned to Cheltenham. "On the Tuesday following, August 5th, their Ma- jesties, with the three Princesses, arrived at eight o'clock in the evening at the Bishop's Palace, in Worcester, to attend the charitable meeting of the three choirs of Worcester, Hereford, and Gloucester, for the benefit of the widows and orphans of the poorer clergy of those dioceses ; which had been fixed, in consequence of the announcement of the King's intention to honour that solemnity with his presence, for the 6th, 7th, and 8th of that month. " The next morning, a little before ten o'clock, the King was pleased to receive the compliments of the clergy. The Bishop, in the name of himself, Dean and Chapter, and Clergy of the Church and Diocese, addressed the King in the great hall, in a short speech, to which his Majesty was pleased to return a gracious answer. He had then the honour to address the Queen in a few words, to which a gracious reply was made ; and they had all the honour to kiss the King's and Queen's hands. " Soon after ten, the Corporation, by their Recorder, the Earl of Coventry, addressed and went through the same ceremony of kissing the King's hand. Then the King had a levee in the Great Hall, which lasted till eleven, when their Majesties, &c, walked through the court of the Palace to the cathedral, to attend Divine service, and a sermon. The apparitor-general, two sextons, two vergers, and eight beadsmen, walked before the King (as on great occasions they usually do before the Bishop) ; the Lord in X 318 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. Waiting (Earl of Oxford) on the King's right hand, and the Bishop, in his lawn, on the left. After the King came the Queen and Princesses, attended by the Countesses of Pembroke and Harcourt (Ladies of the Bedchamber), and the Countess of Courtown, and the rest of their suite. At the entrance of the cathedral their Majesties were received by the Dean and Chapter, in their surplices and hoods, and conducted to the foot of the stairs leading to their seat, in a gallery prepared and richly furnished by the stewards* for their use, at the bottom of the church, near the west window. " The same ceremony was observed the two following da}^s, on which they heard sacred music, but without prayers or a sermon. On the last day, August 8th, the King was pleased to give 2001. to the charity ; and in the evening attended a concert in the College Hall, for the benefit of the stewards. "On Saturday morning, August 9th., the King and Queen, &c, returned to Cheltenham. " During their Majesties' stay at the Palace they at- tended prayers in the chapel every morning (except the first, when the service was performed in the church), which were read by the Bishop. The King at parting was pleased to put into my hands for the poor of the city 50Z., and the Queen 501. more, which I desired the Mayor (Mr. Davis) to see distributed amongst them in a proper manner. The King also left 300Z. in my hands, towards releasing the debtors in the county and city gaols. " During the three days at Worcester, the concourse of people of all ranks was immense, and the joy universal. * Edward Foley, Esq., M.P. for the county, and William Lang- ford, D.D., Prebendary of Worcester. AUGUSTA SOPHIA, SOPHIA, AND AMELIA. 319 The weather was uncommonly fine, and no accident of any kind interrupted the mutual satisfaction which was given and received on this occasion. " On Saturday, August 16th, the King and Eoyal family left Cheltenham, and returned that evening to Windsor.* " In the beginning of November following, the King was seized with that illness which was so much lamented. It continued till the end of February, 1789, when his Majesty happily recovered. Soon after (says Bishop Hurd) I had his Majesty's command to attend him at Kew ; and on March 15th I administered the Sacrament to his Majesty at Windsor, in the Chapel of the Castle, as also on Easter Sunday, April 12th, and preached both days. "At the Sacrament of March 15 th, the King was attended only by three or four of his gentlemen. On Easter- day the Queen, Princess Royal, and Princesses Augusta and Elizabeth, with several lords and gentlemen and ladies of the Court, attended the King to the Chapel, and received the Sacrament with him. " On April 23rd (St. George's day) a public thanksgiving for the King's recovery was appointed. His Majesty, the Queen and Royal family, with the two Houses of Parlia- ment, &c., went in procession to St. Paul's. The Bishop of London preached. I was not well enough to be there."f Frogmore, the Queen's favourite residence, was cele- brated for the elegant fetes she gave there. The first fete at Frogmore was given by the Queen on the 19th of May, 1795, to commemorate her birthday. The second fete, on the 23rd of Ma} r , 1797, in honour of the marriage of the Princess Royal with the Duke of W r urtemberg. * Nichols' " Literary Anecdotes." f Ibid. x2 320 THE ItOTAL PEINCESSES. The third fHe, on the 8th of March, 1799, for gratitude at the recovery of the Princess Amelia. The fourth and last fete, in commemoration of the happy escape of his Majesty from a pistol-shot, fired by a lunatic at Drury-lane Theatre, May 15th, 1800. The yellow bedroom, Frogmore, has in it whole-length portraits, small size, of the King and Queen, Princesses- Augusta, Elizabeth, Mary, Sophia, and Amelia. The Princess Dowager of Orange, &c. In the State bedroom is a portrait of the late Queen of Denmark, sister of his Majesty, painted in crayons, by Coates. Also a portrait of the Queen of Wurtemberg in crayons. In the Green Pavilion, Frogmore, are the portraits of the Eoyal Princes and Princesses, by Sir William Beechey* The portraits of the latter are of Augusta and Elizabeth ; they are three-quarters canvas portraits, and very excellent resemblances. This artist painted the likenesses of all the Princesses of the same size, which were exhibited at the Eoyal Academy at various times. Some of these, which may be reckoned, both for taste and feeling, amongst the finest works of his hand, justly raised his reputation, and procured him a tide of practice among the higher circles of females, who were emulous of sitting for their pictures to the author of these faithful resemblances of the daughters \)f his munificent patron, the King, from whom he re- ceived the honour of knighthood. These pictures arc duplicates, the originals were formerly in the collection at Carlton House, where they were placed in a style of novelty that might be adopted in other apartments with an equally pleasing effect. They occupied panels over the doors, and were enclosed in a flat and broad bordure of gilt carvings, elegantly designed. AUGUSTA SOPHIA, SOPHIA, AND AMELIA. 321 Tlie following Address was presented to their Majesties, on entering the yacht, at the fete given on hoard, at Weymouth, on the 29th of September, 1804, in honour of the birthday of her Hoyal Highness the Duchess of JVurtemberg. Spoken ly Mr. Elliston and Miss De Camp, in the characters of a Sailor and his Wife. {The Sailor breaks from his companions, and says to them,) I tell you I will speak, so stand aside, And let a suitor, who lias long defy'd His country's foes, for once approach his King, The humble tribute of respect to bring. He ! God preserve him, loves an English tar, Nurs'd amid tempests and the din of war ; And hears, well pleas'd, an honest tongue impart The plain effusions of a single heart. {Turning to the King.) Then trust me, Sir, there's not a bosom here, Nor one that breathes a thought to Britons dear, Which does not feel the gen'rous glow of pride To see his friend, his Monarch by his* side. Ah ! could you but conceive the general grief, The look, which mock'd all comforts' cold relief, Whene'er a transient cloud of illness spread Its chilling vapour o'er your honour'd head, I need not now proclaim your subjects' joy, Most marked by what we felt, when fear's alloy- To ev'ry fond anxiety gave birth, " And taught the value of our jewel's worth."* If thus your people feel, what tongues can tell The rapt'rous joy that must the bosom swell, Of those who add, to ties like ours, the call Which Nature's sympathies impress on all, Whether they feel a Monarch's sceptr'd lot, Or dwell the peasant of the poorest cot ; But chiefly her's, who, in a foreign land, Far from her father, and his shelt'ring hand, * Cowper's " Task." 322 THE EOTAL PEINCESSES. In absence felt that doubled cause of woe, Which all who taste suspense too keenly know ; Who now, perhaps, the while her health goes round,. And the deck echoes to the festive sound, In fond imagination views the scene, And sighs to think what barriers intervene To stop the thanks that hang upon her tongue, Intent on him from whom her being sprung. " Oh! may he live," she cries, with mingled tears, 11 Longer than I have time to tell his years ;* And, while the dews of sleep his brows o'erspread, May all good angels guard his nightly bed." {Sailor s Wife interrupts the Sailor.) My worthy friend, have you forgot the fame Of old St. Michael, of goose-killing name ? How, ev'ry year, on this auspicious day Our vows to him with grateful teeth we pay, When cackling animals by instinct feel A sort of tremor through the bosom steal ? You surely have ; but pr'ythee say no more, For, if you are not mute, I must implore My Sovereign himself his aid to lend. He, to all just prerogative the friend, Will never see a female, fair and young, Kobb'd of her best prerogative — her tongue. And now, forsooth, when ladies ride a race, And vie with men in ev'ry manly grace ; Oh ! could our grandmothers on earth arise, How would such thoughts astound their wond'ring eyes ! They, who the Decalogue in cross-stitch wrought, Or good morality in samplers taught, Who never rode but on some festive day, When behind John, upon a long-tail'd grey, Strapp'd to a modest pillion's sober side, My good aunt Deborah came out a bride, She a long-waisted Joseph proudly wore, And on her head an ample bonnet bore. What would she say to see the modern maid, With jockey sleeves and velvet cap array'd, * Shakspeare's Henry VIII. AUGUSTA SOPHIA, SOPHIA, AKD AMELIA. 323 Dashing through thick and thin to win the post, And swearing when she finds her wishes cross'd ! But how can I one thought to censure give, When here, collected in this vessel, live Whatever virtues dignify our kind, Or stamp with excellence the female mind ! Here the soft maid, whose plighted vow is past To him she fondly loves, with whom at last She hopes to reach her happiest hours of life, May read each duty which adorns a wife, ( Turning to the Queen.) Eeflected from the throne, where rank and birth Shed the soft lustre of domestic worth ; Or would a daughter's heart inquire the way How best she may a parent's care repay. (Turning to the Princesses.) Believe me, ladies, when I turn to you, To pay the tribute to your virtues due, I am no actress here, if from its lid The tear of admiration start unhid. There are rewards a King may call his own, Brighter than all the jewels of his throne, Bought by a life in deeds of virtue spent, Which, firm as adamant, on Heaven intent, Was never from its course of duty bent. Forgive my tongue thus prattling out of time, Like sweet bells jingling on immeasured chime ; Since 'tis the fulness of my joy that speaks, The heart thro' forms of ceremony breaks ; For who can see a King those virtues blend, Which deck the father, monarch, and the friend, And not, by Nature's magic sympathy, Becall at once some fond congenial tie ? Then trust me, Sir, henceforth, when tempests roar^ And the winds whistle through my cottage door, While in my solitary bed I'm laid, And fears for Tom my anxious soul invade, The thought that 'tis for you my sailor braves The battle's danger, and the stormy waves, Shall make my heart with patriot ardour burn, And. hope anticipate his glad return. 32-1 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. So now, farewell ; but oh, may all, next year, Again with merry hearts assemble here, Once more to view their happy Sovereign prove His Queen's, his children's, and his people's love ! On the occasion of entering the fiftieth year of his reign, the King attended divine service in the morning between eight and nine o'clock, accompanied by the Queen, Princess Elizabeth, and the Dukes of York and Sussex ; after which the Queen and Princess proceeded to Frogmore, where a triumphal arch had been raised, to inspect the preparations for a complimentary/efe in honour of the occasion. An ox roasted whole, by the Queen's order, in Bachelor's Acre, was viewed by the whole Royal family, except the King and Princess of Wales, who were not present ; and at one a Royal salute of fifty guns was discharged from a grove in Windsor Park. The King took his customary walks on the terrace at Windsor, in 1810, at seven o'clock, when a small door in one of the towers, leading to the terrace, was thrown open, and the venerable Monarch appeared, led by two attendants down a flight of steps, until he descended to the walk. He was then generally taken by each arm by the Prin- cesses Augusta and Elizabeth, who paced with him on the terrace for about an hour, two bands of music being always in attendance, and playing alternately. His Majesty's usual dress upon these occasions was a blue coat and gilt buttons ; the rest of his apparel white, with gold buckles, and the star of the Eoyal Order of the Garter. His hat, in order to shade his face, was of the clerical form, but ornamented with a cockade, and gold button and loop. The childhood and youth of Princess Amelia were marked by great vivacity of character, though her health was deli- cate ; she possessed good talents, and,what is rarely conjoined AUGUSTA SOPHIA, SOPHIA, AND AMELIA. 325 with delicate health, a uniform sweetness of temper. Alas ! for the blight so soon to fall on this fair blossom ! The disease which ^eventually deprived her of existence was of a glandular nature, and even in the incipient state, the cause of considerable suffering. Sea-air, bathing, every human means was tried, to alleviate, if not restore the health, slowly yet gradually declining, and yet scarcely any hope was to be drawn of eventual improvement. Early in the year 1810 the symptoms became more alarming, and baffled medical skill. The periodical attacks became of a more aggravated character, and in the com- mencement of the autumn the Eoyal sufferer had a violent one of St. Anthony's fire, which reduced her to a very low condition, and it seemed as if even then nothing could avert her approaching doom. The fortitude, faith, and resignation evinced by Amelia throughout her protracted illness were worthy of her exalted rank, of her sex— and more, it was worthy of the Christian character. Many an idolatress has met death as firmly — face to face ; but there is beauty, heavenly beauty, in the picture, when leagued with Christian grace. While thus the daughter of England laid on her couch in expectation of the approach of that "King of Terrors" who could not inspire her with fear, there was one indeed who watched over, who caught each breath, every sigh that escaped the dying sufferer ; that one was the King — the still doating, ever-loving father — who clung no more to the hope which had been forced to give way before the prospect so inevitable of being parted for ever from the darling of his heart — his youngest-born, his idol! It was his only consolation to attend upon his child, and to administer to her the comfort which religion alone could provide, though in so doing he was harrowed to 326 THE KOYAL PRINCESSES. behold her anguish in suffering pains for which no cure existed. One who closely attended on the sick couch of Amelia described the interviews between the Boyal patient and her father — which never failed to turn on the all- important future, from which consolation was to be gained — as singularly affecting. On one occasion, "My dear child," said the King, " you have ever been a good child to your parents ; we have nothing wherewith to reproach you ; but I need not tell you, that it is not of yourself alone you can be saved ; and that your acceptance with God must depend on your faith and trust in the merits of the Redeemer." " I know it," replied the Princess, mildly but emphatically, " and I would wish for no better trust." As for the Queen — the mother, who had from first to last proved her tenderness for her offspring — it was her sad task to behold at once the affliction of her husband, and the fatal and acute sufferings of her child, between both of whom her cares at that awful moment were divided. The whole family was oppressed with grief — no hope re- mained ; and each alike anticipated with dread the moment of separation, which, in robbing them of this loved rela- tive, would at least afford release from pain to herself. The following was written by Amelia at this crisis : — " Unthinking, idle, wild, and young, I laugh'd, I danc'd, and talk'd, and sung ; And proud of health, of freedom vain, Dream'cl not of sorrow, care, or pain ; Concluding, in those hours of glee, That all the world was made for me. But when the hour of trial came, When sickness shook this trembling frame, When folly's gay pursuits were o'er, And I could dance and sing no more, It then occurr'd how sad 't would be, Were this world only made for me." AUGUSTA SOPHIA, SOPHIA, AND AMELIA. 327 It had been the desire of Amelia to present a parting gift to this beloved father, as a token of her filial duty and affection. By the orders she gave shortly before her death, a ring was made containing a small lock of her hair enclosed under a crystal tablet, set round with a few sparks of diamonds. Having received this memento of regard when completed, she held it in her hand at the time of her father's accustomed visit, and then placed it herself on his finger, saying as she did so, " Take this token to remember me !" The look given as she bestowed the ring, the sad spectacle of those fine yet pallid features lighted up by filial affection, speaking as if from the tomb, was too much for the heart to bear — the shock was electric — the poor King withdrew from the apartment, and never en- tered it more. As for Amelia, her anxious wish gratified, she resigned herself submissively to the destiny which awaited her, and in a few days expired without knowing even that her father was ill, and that by her innocent endearments she had brought about a return of his mental malady. Amelia's death occurred on the 2nd of November, 1810, about twelve ; her strength having worn rapidly away towards the last, she expired without the least convulsive motion, as one dropping insensibly and calmly into a gentle sleep. The last mortal remains of Amelia were privately con- signed to the tomb in St. George's Chapel, Windsor, on the night of the 14th of November. During the whole of the day appointed for the funeral every shop in Windsor and Eton was closed, in respect to the early deceased and much lamented Princess ; nor was an individual to be seen in the streets except in the deepest mourning — a mourn- ing evidently assumed from the heart. The funeral ceremony took place by torchlight. The 32S THE BOYAL PRINCESSES. Duke of Clarence, who supported the Prince of Wales on the left, as the Duke of York did on the right, during the service was observed to shed tears, as indeed did all the family and spectators of the mournful scene. The state to which it was known the King had been brought by this affliction increased the general feeling of sadness. The will of the departed Princess directed that all her , jewels should be sold for the payment of what she owed, and the discharge of a few bequests ; but the Prince of Wales, who was left residuary legatee, gave the whole of the property to the Princess Mary, who had unceasingly watched over the dying bed of her sister, she having taken upon herself the responsibility of settling all the claims. An affecting testimony to the exalted merits of Amelia was given bv" her favourite attendant Miss Gaskoin, whose excessive sorrow for the loss of her beloved mistress was such, that very shortly after she followed her to the tomb. By orders of his Majesty, who highly respected this excel- lent young lady, her remains were deposited as near as possible to the Royal vault, and a marble tablet was placed •on the right hand aisle of St. George's Chapel, with the following inscription : — KING GEORGE III. CAUSED TO BE INTERRED NEAR THIS PLACE THE BODY OF MARY GASKOIN, SERVANT TO THE LATE PRINCESS AMELIA: AND THIS STONE TO BE INSCRIBED IN TESTIMONY OF HIS GRATEFUL SENSE OF THE FAITHFUL SERVICE AND ATTACHMENT OF AN AMIABLE YQUNG WOMAN TO HIS BELOVED DAUGHTER, WHOM SHE SURVIVED ONLY THREE MONTHS. SHE DIED THE 19TH OF FEBRUARY, 1811. AUGUSTA SOPHIA, SOPHIA, AND AMELIA. 323 Queen Charlotte died at Kew Palace on Tuesday, No- vember 17th, 1818, in the seventy-fifth year of her age. On the 2nd of December she was interred in the Royal Chapel of St. George, at Windsor, with every regal solemnity. During her Majesty's Queen Charlotte's last illness, a new and very pleasant walk was formed in Kew Gardens, under the direction of the Princess Augusta and the Duchess of Gloucester, along the terrace bordering on the Thames opposite to Sion House, at Isleworth, which, in conjunction with the animated scenery of the river, affords a fine prospect. By her Majesty's will, in which allusion was made to the handsome provision which had already been made for the Queen of Wurtemberg, she gives the jewels presented to her by the Nabob of Arcot to her four remaining daughters, directing those jewels to be sold, and the pro- duce divided amongst them, subject to the discharge of debts, &c. The remaining jewels (purchased by herself, or given to her on birthdays and other occasions) she bestowed equally among the four daughters just mentioned, to be divided according to a valuation to be made of them. The house and ground at Frogmore, and the Stowe establishment, her Majesty gives to the Princess Augusta Sophia ; but if she should find living in it and keeping it up too expensive, it is directed to revert to the Crown, upon a valuation being made and given for it to the Princess Augusta Sophia, with due consideration to the improvements, whether it shall please the Prince Regent to reserve the possession of it as an appendage to Windsor Castle, or to authorize any other disposal of it. Her Majesty gives the fixtures, articles of common 330 TI1E ROYAL PRINCESSES. household furniture, and live and dead stock in the house at Frogmore, or on the estates, to her daughter Augusta Sophia. She gives the real estate in New Windsor, purchased of the late Duke of St. Al ban's, and commonly called the Lower Lodge, with its appendages, to her youngest daughter Sophia. Her hooks, plate, house-linen, china, pictures, drawings, prints, all articles of ornamental furniture, and all other valuables and personals, she directs to be divided in equal shares, according to a valuation to be made, amongst her four younger daughters. Lord Arden and General Taylor were appointed trustees by her Majesty for the property bequeathed to her daugh- ters Elizabeth and Mary ; stating that property to be left to them for their sole benefit, and independent of any husbands they have or may have ; and she also appointed Lord Arden and General Taylor her executors. The will bears date November 16, 1818 (the day before her Majesty's death). The state of the aged King's health spared him the pang of hearing the funeral arrangements of his beloved consort, or knowing either of the death of his grand- daughter, Princess Charlotte, or his son, the Duke of Kent. He passed from this world in a state of enviable un- consciousness of these bereavements in 1820. At the moment of his death, besides the usual attendants, there were present in the room the Duke of York, Lord Hen- ley, Lord Winchelsea, all the physicians, and General Taylor. In the Palace were the Duchess of Gloucester and the Princesses Augusta and Sophia, all of whom had been most unremitting in their attentions. Neither Princess Augusta Sophia, or her sister AUGUSTA SOPHIA, SOPHIA, AND AMELIA. 331 Princess Sophia, ever married. Their Royal Highnesses severally enjoyed an income from the State of 13,000/,, as arranged in 1812 ; previously to which they had 4000 1. from the Civil List, and 6000Z. from a Parliamentary grant (increased from 5000Z. in 1806). During the un- happy differences which existed between Greorge IV. and Queen Caroline, the Princess Augusta was called upon to preside with his Majesty at the levees and drawing- rooms. On one occasion, when a certain lady held immense influence over Greorge IV., during the latter part of his reign, that King having invited Princess Augusta to come and dine with him, her Eoyal Highness asked if Lady was to be there, and on receiving a reply in the affirmative, begged to decline. The King pressed the matter very much, when the Princess said, " If you command my attendance as King, I will obey you ; but if you ask me as a brother to come, nothing will induce me." His Majesty said no more. Princess Augusta died at Clarence House, St. James's, September 22nd, 1840, in her seventy-second year. The sweet temper and amiable disposition of her Eoyal High- ness, both in childhood and after life, made her at all times a favourite with the various branches of the Po} T al family. Her amiability and goodness of heart cannot be too highly commended. " Her benevolence has been extended to all around her. Her left hand knew not what her right gave away, and never was her charity marred by ostentation on the part of the giver." Among other noble deeds, she established in Windsor an annuity of 300Z. for the benefit of poor soldiers' wives and children. To her honour be it observed, that with these repeated acts of munificence she died poor, and is said to have left no will : Clarence House and Progmore reverting to the Princess Sophia, 332 THE ROYAL PHIXCESSES. her sister, which are now occupied by her Eoyal High- ness the Duchess of Kent. Before her death Princess Augusta sent tokens of remembrance to all the branches of the Eoyal family, and within a few weeks of the termination of her illness pre- sented all her domestics, who were much attached to her, with a copy of her portrait, drawn by E. J. Lan3, A.E.A., from a miniature by W. C. Eoss, A.E.A. Her illness was endured with pious resignation, and the intervals of suffering devoted to religious duties. Her last moments were attended by the Queen Dowager, the Duchess of Gloucester, the Princess Sophia, the Duke of Sussex, and the Duke of Cambridge. After her decease, the remains of this Eoyal Princess were removed from St. James's Palace to her house at Frogmore, where the following day they lay in State, between eleven and four o'clock, attended by the ladies, and others of her late Eoyal Highness's household, and officers of arms. In the evening of Friday, the 2nd of October, they were interred with every regal solemnity in St. George's Chapel, Windsor. The Princess Sophia always enjoyed the highest respect from the amiability of her character and her benevolence to her dependents and the poor. In consequence of her bad state of health she had for some years lived in great retirement. She died at her residence near Kensing- ton church, in her seventy-first year, and was buried at Kensal Green. 333 ELIZABETH OF ENGLAND, LANDGRAVINE OF HESSE HOMBURG, THIRD DAUGHTER OF GEORGE III. Birth of Elizabeth — Poetical effusion of Queen Charlotte — Address from the City of London — Awkward predicament in which the Lord Mayor was placed — The Royal Christening — Sponsors — Pleasing character of Elizabeth — Her talents of a very high order — Her letter to the Queen — Several instances of her taste in the ornamental arts — The Hermitage at Frogmore — Pension of the Princess — Becomes acquainted with the Prince of Hesse Homburg — Goes to Bath with Queen Charlotte — Death of Princess Charlotte of Wales — Elizabeth returns to Windsor with the Queen — Prince Regent introduces the Prince of Hesse Homburg to his mother and sisters — Marriage — Queen taken ill — Departure of the Princess —Death of Queen Charlotte — Her will — Division of her property among her daughters — Death of her husband — She has no children by him — Duke of Clarence visits Hesse Homburg — Interest taken by Princess Elizabeth in the fate of Sophia Dorothea of Zell. The Princess Elizabeth, destined in after years to become Landgravine of Hesse Homburg, was the third daughter of George III. and Queen Charlotte, and is generally con- sidered to have been her mother's favourite child. She was born on the 22nd of May, 1770, between eight and nine o'clock a.m. ; the Princess Dowager of Wales, the Archbishop of Canterbury, several lords of the Privy Council, and the ladies of her Majesty's bedchamber, being present on the occasion. The Queen, being thus prevented from appearing in public on the ensuing birthday, pre- z 331< THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. sentecl her beloved consort with the following stanzas,, written with her own hand in pencil: — When monarchs give a grace to fate, And rise as princes shou'd, Less highly born than truly great, Less dignified than good — What joy the natal day can bring, From whence our hopes began, Which gave the nation such a king, And being, such a man ! The sacred Source of endless pow'r Delighted sees him born, And kindly marks the circling hour That spoke him into morn ; Beholds him with the kindest eye Which goodness can bestow ; And shows a brighter crown on high Than e'er he wore below. The lines have not perhaps much poetical merit, though the effusion of a crowned Queen ; but they possess that sterling beauty which attests the happy feeling existing between the Koyal pair, and mark the birth of Elizabeth, one of the most intellectual and highly gifted of the children born of their happy union. This was not the only incident which attended the period at which the infant Princess was ushered into the world. The one I am about to relate was more singular in its character. The interference of the City of London in political affairs at the crisis in American circumstances which occurred at this date, is noticed in the inscription of the statue of Beckford in Guildhall. A week after the birth of the Eoyal infant, an address of congratulation was presented from the City of London to his Majesty. There are some ELIZABETH OF ENGLAND. 335 curious anecdotes about this affair, which state that, on the 30th of May, the Lord Mayor and Corporation set out for St. James's, with a complimentary address on the Queen's safe delivery of the Princess ; and only the chief magistrate and three of the aldermen had passed through Temple-bar, when the mob shut the gates against Mr. Alderman Harley, whom they not only pelted with stones and dirt, but actually pulled out of his carriage, and it was with diffi- culty that he saved his life by escaping into the Sun tavern. The Lord Mayor, finding his train thus unexpectedly short- ened, and having ascertained the cause, sent back the City Marshal to open the gate, when the remainder of the pro- cession passed through, and shortly after arrived at the Palace. After waiting a considerable time in the ante- chamber, the Lord Chamberlain came out and read a paper to the following purport : — " As your lordship thought fit to speak to his Majesty after his answer to the late remon- strance, I am to acquaint your lordship, as it was unusual, his Majesty desires that nothing of this kind may happen for the future." The Lord Mayor then desired that the paper might be handed to him ; but the Lord Chamber- lain refused, saying that he acted officially, and had it not in orders to deliver the paper. The Lord Mayor then desired a copy; to which the Chamberlain answered, that he would acquaint his Majesty, and take his directions, but did not return until the order was brought for the whole Court to attend with the address. In the interim, while waiting for the introduction, a curious scene ensued. The father of the City, Sir Eobert Ladbroke, complained to the Mayor that stones had been thrown at his coach. Beckibrd called up Gates, the City Marshal, face to face with the venerable alderman, and asked him if it was so. The Marshal denied the fact ; when Ladbroke said that, if z2 336 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. not stones, certainly dirt had been thrown. But this Beckford rebutted with the assertion, that there was no dirt in the street (happy days for the City of London!) ; when Sir Robert qualified his complaint by observing that the mob spit in the windows of his carriage. On arriving in the presence-chamber, Mr. Rigby attacked the Lord Mayor, telling him that, although he had promised to be answerable for the peace of the City, yet he had been informed by Sir Robert Ladbroke that there had been a great riot there, which he, Beckford, had taken no pains to quell. To which the Mayor replied, that he should be ready to answer for his conduct at all times, in ail places, and on every proper occasion. After some further altercation, Rigby again said that the City magistrates had been mobbed ; to which Mr. Sheriff Townsend replied, that taking the whole together, in his opinion, the people had been mobbed by the magistrates, and not the magistrates by the people. His Majesty soon after entered, and the address was presented agreeably to the usual form; his Majesty saying, in his answer — " The City of London, entertaining these loyal sentiments, may be always assured of my protection." On the 17th of June, the young Princess was christened in the great council-chamber by the Archbishop of Canter- bury, when she was named Elizabeth : one of the sponsors being the Hereditary Prince of Hesse Cassel, who was re- presented by the Earl of Hertford, Lord Chamberlain of his Majesty's household. Her godmothers were the Prin- cess Royal of Sweden, and the Princess of Nassau- Wielburg; the former represented by the Countess of Holdernesse, the latter by the Countess Dowager of Effingham. In her childhood, Elizabeth is said to have been lively, intelligent, and remarkably beautiful ; on reaching matu- ELIZABETH OF ENGLAND. 337 rity, she became an elegant, agreeable, and accomplished worn an. # Educated with her Royal sisters, by the best of masters, and superintended personally by the careful and judicious Charlotte in all her pursuits, no wonder that Elizabeth dis- tinguished herself in after years for her highly-cultivated talents and superior taste. In her pursuits she appears to have been original, and to have had a more than common regard for the arts. It was the Princess Elizabeth who, with inborn genius of her own, designed and etched a series of twenty-four plates, representing " The Progress of Genius," which display great taste and fancy, and were designed as presents for the select and particular friends of her Royal Highness. The Princess Elizabeth has afforded some other original works, by which her talent for invention may be estimated ; but the folio volume at Frogmore, entitled, " A Series of Etchings, representing the Power and Progress of Grenius," and dedicated to the Queen, exhibits a knowledge of com- position in the classic style highly creditable to the Prin- cess's talents. Some of the groups are particularly well conceived, and elegantly disposed. These designs are etched by her own hand, in a loose manner, but with rather too much of the air of an amateur, and the extremi- * On the 18th of June, 1798, a little incident, startling doubtless at the time, occurred to Princess Elizabeth. A woman, attired in deep mourning, had waited some time at the garden gate of St. James's, anxiously hoping to present a petition. Being prevented by the officers on guard from approaching near enough, she retired to some distance from the place, and threw a petition into his Majesty's coach, which fell into the lap of the Princess Elizabeth. She said she had lost her husband on board the Queen, in the West Indies ; that one of her sons, a lieutenant, had been murdered by the crew of the Hermione; that another had fallen in action, while serving on board the Leviathan; and that she was reduced to great distress. 33S THE EOYAL PRINCESSES. ties are undefined ; yet they display a capacity that would have been happily bestowed upon any lady who, reduced by misfortune, might nobly seek the means of rising again by the exertion of her abilities. The dedication was as follows : — " The etchings which are now laid at your Majesty's feet would never have been executed, if many of those who looked over the drawings had not wished them to be published; but that, my dearest mother, you will see, was impossible, for it would have opened a door to much criticism, which in every situation is unpleasant, but par- ticularly in ours. I therefore undertook to do them myself, as they might then pass unnoticed, and protected in the pleasantest manner to me by one whose affection would kindly pardon the faults of the head of the inventor. I trust those of the heart will never be known by you, as its first wish has ever been to prove grateful for those talents which you have so tenderly fostered and improved; and if they meet the approbation of those friends who will have them, believe me I shall feel that the merit will be less mine than yours, who have occasioned them to be brought forward. " I remain, with the greatest respect, " Your dutiful and affectionate Daughter, " Elizabeth." A series of prints, entitled, " The Birth and Triumph of Cupid," have also been engraved from the beautiful designs of this Princess, which were executed with much delicacy, taste, and correctness of drawing. The application of the Princesses was no less remarkable than their ingenuity. The ornamental painting on the ELIZABETH OF ENGLAND. 339 walls, and other embellishments at Frogmore, and at the Queen's Lodge, were executed with a constancy of labour and diligence that surmounted difficulties which would have deterred many who live by professing for gain, what the Princesses of England thus pursued for amusement ; who often, even in summer, obeyed the willing summons to labour in the song of the lark. The walls of the Princess Royal's closet, at Frogmore, were painted in imitation of rich japan by her Royal Highness Princess Elizabeth ; the furniture was orna- mented by the same tasteful hand. In the bow drawing-room, Frogmore, is a picture of Mr. Perceval, painted by Mr. Joseph ; the Queen, attended by some of the Princesses, went to see it when finished. On the painter withdrawing the curtain which covered the frame, her Majesty was so struck with the fidelity of the likeness that she burst into tears. The same apartment contains several pictures of the Royal children when young ; among them that of Princess Elizabeth when a child. The Hermitage at Frogmore, the Queen's favourite residence, which was a small circular thatched building, situated in the corner of the garden, and completely em- bowered with lofty trees, was constructed from a drawing of the Princess Elizabeth, who had arrived at extra- ordinary excellence in the art through her talents and application. The surrounding scenery is judiciously con- trived so as to assimilate with the character of the place, the view of every distant object being excluded by trees and underwood. It may be further mentioned, that the room on the north side of the Castle at Windsor, next the Terrace, in which his Majesty was accustomed to sleep (1805), and which 340 THE EOYAL PRINCESSES. is said to have been " not carpeted,'' was furnished " partly in a modern style, under the tasteful direction of the Prin- cess Elizabeth." The pension of the Princess Elizabeth was, in the year ISIS, 4000Z. ; in 1819 her allowance was 9000Z., and afterwards 4000/., the same as her other unmarried sisters. Queen Charlotte visited Bath in 1817, in company with her daughter Elizabeth, and took up her abode at a spacious house in Sydney-place. A general illumination greeted the Eoyal guests. The object of her Majesty was to try the efficacy of the celebrated Bath waters ; but her visit was abruptly brought to a close by one of the most painfully-affecting circumstances in our national records, the sudden and premature death of her beloved grand-daughter, Charlotte, Princess of Wales, then in the prime of youth and beauty. The event occurred on the 6th of November ; on the 8th the Queen and her daughter quitted Bath for Windsor. The marriage of the Princess Elizabeth with Philip Augustus Frederick, Hereditary Prince of Hesse Homburg, tock nkpe at the Queen's house, April 7th, 1818 ; the ac- quaintance between the Princess and her future husband had commenced two years previously, during which interval a correspondence had been maintained between them. On the arrival of the Prince of Hesse Homburg he visited the Queen at her residence, and was by the Prince Regent introduced to his intended bride, and at the same time tc* her Majesty, Princess Augusta, and the Duchess of Glou- cester, who had arrived from Gloucester House for that purpose. His Serene Highness met with a most gracious reception from all these Boyal personages, and, after a visit of an hour and a half, left the Palace with the Prince ELIZABETH OE ENGLAND. 341 Regent. Apartments in St. James's were subsequently provided for his accommodation while in England. On this auspicious occasion, cards of invitation were is- sued, between two or three weeks prior to the event, to the foreign Ambassadors and Ministers, to their ladies, to the Lord Chancellor, the Cabinet Ministers and their ladies, the Deputy Earl Marshal of England, the great Officers of State and the Household, the King's, the Queen's, those of the Windsor establishment, the suites of the Royal Dukes and Duchesses, the Lord Chief Justice of the Court of King's Bench, and other distinguished characters who were to perform and assist at the solemnization of the marriage ceremony. A great profusion of wedding-cakes were in preparation for several weeks before. It was said that the Princess Elizabeth of Hesse Hom- burg's absence from the death-bed of her aged mother was caused by some difference which had arisen between them. She had ever been the Queen's favourite daughter ; and the Times, alluding to the circumstance of her having married and taken her leave in the midst of an illness which it was pronounced must shortly bring her mother to the grave, stated that it might perhaps have been owing to the express injunctions of her Majesty. It was afterwards ascertained that a reconciliation had taken place between the mother and daughter, prior to the departure of the latter for her future home. The parting of Queen Charlotte with this beloved child, to whom she had been so strongly attached, took place at Buckingham House on the morning of the 3rd of June, 1818, and is described as having been particularly affecting to both parties — so much so, as to render a possibility of the shock proving fatal to her Majesty. In case of any 312 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. change for the worse taking place, it was stipulated that the Princess should return immediately — a sufficient con- futation of any surmises as to her unfilial feelings at the time. The Prince and Princess, with this understanding, set off for Brighton, where they remained a week, at the end of which time, the accounts of the Queen's health continuing so far favourable as to dismiss any idea of immediate danger, they left Brighton for Dover, where they embarked, and landed at Calais, from whence they proceeded to Frankfort, by way of Brussels. In the following September, the temporary recovery of the Queen w^as much aided by the arrival of General Campbell with letters from the Princess of Homburg. 1S22. — The Duke of Clarence, with a view to the im- provement of his health, visited the Continent. Of his tour, Dr. Beattie, his travelling physician, gives an in- teresting account. From his Journal, the following extract is selected : — " Frankfort, 10th July. — On arriving here, their Hoyal Highnesses were received by the Landgrave and Land- gravine of Hesse Homburg, the Landgrave of Hesse, &c. A sumptuous entertainment was prepared at the Weidenhof, to which they sat down, at the early hour of two o'clock — later by an hour than the usual time of dinner. " Here I had the honour of being presented to the Princess Elizabeth, as Landgravine of Hesse Homburg. Under the latter title, this amiable Princess has done more for the happiness and prosperity of the inhabitants than all the combined events of the last century. " The Landgrave is in appearance what he is in reality — a soldier. With the interest of his country warmly at heart, he has the good wishes of every one who has ELIZABETH OF EKGLA^D. 343 passed an hour in his company. Nothing can exceed his affability and goodness of heart. The former is conspi- cuous in his conversation and intercourse with strangers, the latter is exemplified by the actions and occupations of every day. In company, he has the dignified ease becom- ing his station, and the happy tact of neither feeling re- straint nor imposing it upon others. " Their Royal Highnesses will make a visit of some days at Homburg on their return." The excellent and patriotic Prince of Hesse Homburg was one of the oldest friends, and a fellow student, of the late Duke of Kent. He died early in the year 1828, leaving no children by his marriage with the Princess Elizabeth of England. Of all the English Princesses of the House of Hanover, Princess Elizabeth of Hesse Homburg appears to have felt the greatest sympathy for her illustrious and ill-fated relative, the wife of George I., King of England. In this she possessed remarkable interest ; and being a lady of much literary talent, and endowed with a superior taste for the arts, in which she was herself so highly accomplished, she devoted herself, after her marriage with the Landgrave of Hesse Homburg, which fixed her own residence in a locality rendered so famous by her unhappy relative, to the task of writing a history of Sophia Doro- thea, which she embellished with careful drawings. This interesting MS. is preserved in the Palace at Hesse Hom- burg ; and the portraits which form frontispieces to the Life of that unfortunate Princess, published some years since, are among its most valued illustrations. 311 PRINCESS MARY, DUCHESS OF GLOUCESTER, FOURTH DAUGHTER OF GEORGE III. Birth of Princess Mary, eleventh child of Queen Charlotte — All living when she was born — Baptism — Sponsors — Addresses to the King — A remarkable one from the Lord Mayor — Princess Mary forms an attachment for William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester, her cousin — His family — Marriage of his father — His mother and sisters — Royal Marriage Act — Princesses Sophia Matilda and Caroline Augusta — Prince of Orange — Prince Leopold of Saxe Cobourg — Marriage of Princess Charlotte — Princess Mary marries the Duke of Gloucester— Disappointment of a humbler suitor — Character and death of the Duke of Gloucester — Retired life of his widow — Affection of the Royal family for her — Her extensive charities — Last illness — Death of the Duchess — The Queen's ac- couchement — The Art Treasures Exhibition at Manchester — Re- markable sacrifice of feeling made by the Prince Consort for the people — Opening of the Art Treasures Exhibition — Speeches on the occasion — Funeral of the lamented Duchess — Universal regret of the nation. Tiieiie is something singularly beautiful to contemplate- in the history of the fourth daughter of George III. and Queen Charlotte. When we gaze upon the humble violet, which, by its intrinsic sweetness, pours forth far and wide from the most unseen and obscure nook of earth its fragrancy on all around, we do not expect to find in it the towering grandeur of the exalted lily or gaudy tulip. When, on the other hand, we raise our contemplation to the high-born, peerless, and beautiful aristocracy, we scarcely MART, DUCHESS OE GLOUCESTER. 345 expect to discover those humbler and less attractive merits which, as the violet, descend to a level with the smallest things of earth. Higher still, to gaze on the regally born, we cannot refrain from admiring in them those unobtrusive and sterling qualities which give lustre and dignity to rank, without which beauty loses its charm, wealth and grandeur are little worth, and the highest dignity on earth is an empty name. Princess Mary, afterwards Duchess of Gloucester, united in her own person all the amiable and excellent qualities of her sex. She was fair, good, amiable, and ac- complished ; worthy to adorn a throne, yet possessed every virtue to shine in the humbler station, had such been her allotted destiny. She had all these excellent claims on the admiration and respect of her fellow- creatures, without ostentation, without pretence. Like the violet, with its intrinsic sweetness, she did possess them, and cared not to vaunt her own excellence : it spoke its own praises, and was the more admired. Princess Mary was born April 25th, 1776, about the hour of six in the morning. There being every prospect that the event was near at hand, intimation was sent to the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Secretaries of State, and several of the nobility. At seven o'clock her Majesty was safely delivered of this Princess, her eleventh child, all of the others being yet living, and the Queen being then nearly approaching her thirty-third birthday, the 19th of May. On that anniversary of her Majesty's nativity, the ceremony of christening the infant Princess was per- formed in the Great Council Chamber, by his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, when her Koyal Highness re- ceived the name of Mary — one of the most interesting and distinguished in our national history. The sponsors 316 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. on this occasion were Prince Frederick of Hesse Cassel, represented by the Earl of Hertford, Lord Chamberlain of her Majesty's household ; the Duchess of Saxe Gotha, re- presented by the Duchess of Argyle ; and the Princess Frederica of Mecklenburgh Strelitz, represented by the Countess Dowager of Effingham. On this happy occasion, both Houses, and the Lord Mayor, &c, addressed his Majesty, as usual ; but as the latter is not altogether in the usual style, our readers may be srlad to see it. " Most Gracious Sovereign, "Your Majesty's loyal subjects, Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London, in Com- mon Council assembled, approach your Majesty with their congratulations on the happy delivery of their most amiable Queen, and the birth of another Princess ; and to assure your Majesty that there are not, in all your do- minions, any subjects more faithful, or more ready to maintain the true honour and dignity of your Crown. " They will continue to rejoice in every event which adds to your Majesty's domestic felicity ; and they hope that every branch of the august House of Brunswick will add further security to those sacred laws and liberties which their ancestors would not suffer to be violated with impunity, and which, in consequence of the glorious and necessary Revolution, that illustrious House was called forth to protect and defend. " Signed, by order of Court, " William Bex." His Majesty's Answer. " I thank you for this dutiful address on the happy delivery of the Queen, and the birth of another Princess. MAEY, DUCHESS OP GLOUCESTEE. 347 " The security of the laws and liberties of my people has always been, and ever shall be, the object of my care and attention." The Princess Mary remained single nntil the age of forty, a circumstance necessary to be explained. Her Eoyal rank, her exemplary virtues, and endowments both personal and mental, made such an impression on all minds as to ensure the fact that her hand would be early dis- posed of: but the world was mistaken. Mary's heart was indeed early given away, but interposing events prevented for years the fulfilment of her hopes, and the morning of life had passed and its meridian been attained, when she became finally the happy wife of the husband of her choice. This was no other than her cousin, William Fre- derick, Duke of Gloucester, a Prince whose many virtues rendered him in every way worthy of his amiable partner. Mary had early known the many excellent qualities of her Princely -cousin, but it would seem that though her feel- ings of partiality were reciprocated on the part of the Duke, a higher destiny still, if worldly honours were to be considered, was the barrier placed in the path whither affection would have led, and mutual inclinations on the side both of Mary and her lover had to be sacrificed on the altar of the nation's welfare. When Mary was twenty years of age, the Prince of Wales entered into a marriage with the Princess Caro- line of Brunswick, of which the issue was an only daugh- ter, the Princess Charlotte of Wales. As that child progressed towards maturity, it became a subject of consi- derable anxiety that the line of succession should be preserved unbroken, and of course a future husband of suitable rank provided for the young Princess. There appeared none more eligible at the time than the Duke of 1348 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. Gloucester, though that Prince was twenty years the senior of his proposed bride ; but as the Eoyal Marriage Act precluded her union to one of humbler rank than her own, he was given to understand that he was forbidden to aspire to the hand of the Princess Mary, and to consider himself bound to become, at a future day, the husband of his cousin, Charlotte Augusta, destined at some distant da} r to wear the crown of England as Queen Regnant. Alas! how short-sighted is human nature! That fair girl's crown was an early grave — her kingdom was not to be in this world ! Singularly enough, the Eo} r al Marriage Act had been passed on account of the vexation occasioned by the marriage -of the Duke of Gloucester's father, many years before the date of which we are writing. It may not be uninterest- ing to give here a short notice of the circumstance. It is related by Horace Walpole, in his " Memoirs of the Reign of King George III.," in the following words: — " Maria Walpole, second daughter of my brother Sir Edward, and one of the most beautiful of women, had been married solely by my means to James, late Earl of Waldegrave, Governor to the King and Duke of York, an excellent man, but as old again as she was, and of no agreeable figure. Her passions were ambition and expense : she accepted his hand with pleasure ; and, by an effort less ■common, proved a meritorious wife. When, after her year of widowhood, she appeared again in the full lustre of her beauty, she was courted by the Duke of Portland ; but the young Duke of Gloucester, who had gazed on her with desire during her husband's life, now openly showed himself her admirer : she slighted the subject, and aspired to the brother of the Crown. Her obligations to me, and my fondness for her, authorized me to interpose my advice, MAEY, DUCHESS OE GLOUCESTEB. 349 which was kindly but unwillingly received. I did not desist ; but pointed out the improbabilities of mar- riage, the little likelihood of the King's consent, and the chance of being sent to Hanover, separated from her children,* on whom she doated. The last reason alone prevailed on the fond mother, and she yielded to copy a letter I wrote for her to the Duke of Gloucester, in which she renounced his acquaintance in the no new terms of not being of rank to be his wife, and too considerable to be his mistress. A short fortnight baffled all my prudence. The Prince renewed his visits with more assiduity after that little interval, and Lady Waldegrave received him without disguise. My part was soon taken. I had done my duty; a second attempt had been hopeless folly. Though often pressed to sup with her, when I knew the Duke was to be there, I steadily refused, and never once mentioned his name to her afterwards, though, as their union grew more serious, she affectedly named him to me, called him the Duke, and related to me private anecdotes of the Poyal family, which she could have received but from him. It was in vain. I studiously avoided him. She brought him to my house, but I happened not to be at home. He came again alone ; I left the house. He then desisted, for I never stayed for his Court, which followed the Princess Dowager's, but retired as soon as she had spoken to me. This, as may be supposed, cooled my niece's affection for me ; but being determined not to have the air of being convenient to her from flattery, if she was not married, and having no authority to ask her the ques- tion on which she had refused to satisfy her father, I preferred my honour to her favour, and left her to her * By Lord Waldegrave she had three daughters, the Ladies Laura, Maria, and Horatia. A A 550 THE EOTAL PEINCESSES. own conduct. Indeed, my own father's obligations to the Royal family forbade me to endeavour to place a natural daughter of our house so near the Throne. To my brother the Duke was profuse of civilities, which I pressed him to decline ; and even advised him not to see his daughter, unless she would own her marriage, which might oblige the Duke, in vindication of her character, to avow her for his wife. Married I had no doubt they were. Both the Duke and she were remarkably religious ; and neither of them dissolute enough to live, as they did at last, with all the liberties of marriage. The King and Queen denied their legal union, yet the respect with which they treated her spoke the contrary; and the homage which all men and all women paid her, by a fortune singular to her, assured the opinion of her virtue, and made it believed that the King, privy to their secret, had exacted a promise of their not divulging it. By degrees her situa- tion became still less problematic; and both the Duke and she affectedly took all occasions of intimating it by a formal declaration. At first she had houses, or lodgings, in the palaces nearest to his residence; and the latter were furnished from the Eoyal wardrobe without limita- tion. She changed her liveries to a compound of the Eoyal — was covered with jewels — the Duke's gentlemen and equerries handed her to her chair in public — his equi- pages were despatched for her — his sister, the Queen of Denmark, sent her presents by him, and she quitted all assemblies at nine at night, saying, ' You know, I must go.' At St. Leonard's Hill, in Windsor Forest, near his own lodge at Cranbourne, he built her a Palace, and lay there every night : his picture, and Lord Waldegrave's, she showed in her bedchamber. These were not the symptoms of a dissoluble connexion. Once they both MA.BY, DUCHESS OE GLOTJCESTEK. 851 seemed, in 1766, to be impatient of ascertaining her rank. She had obtained lodgings in the most inner court of the Palace at Hampton, and demanded permission of Lord Hertford, Lord Chamberlain, for her coach to drive into it, an honour peculiar to the Royal family. He, feeling the delicacy of the proposal, which would have amounted to a declaration, unless a like permission had been indulged to other Countesses residing there, delayed mentioning it to the King, to whom he knew the request would be unwelcome. Lady Waldegrave sent to the Chamberlain's office to know if it was granted. Lord Hertford then was obliged to speak. The King peremptorily refused, saying, he could not break through old orders. Afraid of shocking • her, Lady Hertford begged I would acquaint Lady Walde- grave. I flatly refused to meddle in the business. In the meantime the Dukes of Gloucester and Cumberland went to Hampton Court. The former asked Ely, of the Chamberlain's office, if the request was granted ; and, being told Lord Hertford was to ask it of his Majesty, the Duke, losing his usual temper, said passionately, ' Lord Hertford might have done ifc without speaking to the King (which would have been rash indeed!) — but that not only Lady Waldegrave' s coach should drive in, but that she herself should go up the Queen's staircase.' This being reported to Lord Hertford, he again pressed me to interpose ; but I again refused ; yet, lest the Duke should resent it, I advised him to write to my niece ; but she threw up her lodgings when she could not carry the point she had aimed at. She obtained, however, about a year after, a sort of equivocal acknowledgment of what she was. The Duke of Gloucester gave a ball to the King and Queen, to which nobody without exception, but certain of their servants, and their husbands, and wives, and children, aa2 352 THE EOrAl. PRINCESSES. were admitted, yet Lady Waldegrave and her eldest daughter appeared there. She could have no pretension to be pre- sent, being attached by no post to either King or Queen ; and it spoke for itself, that the Duke could not have pro- posed to introduce his mistress to an entertainment dedi- cated to the Queen. The Princess Dowager (and she was then believed to be the principal obstacle to the publicity of the marriage) alone treated Lady Waldegrave with coldness, another presumption of their being married. His declining health often carried the Duke abroad. The Great Duke, with whom he contracted a friendship, told Lady Hamil- ton, wife of our Minister at Naples, that the Duke had # owned his marriage to him. It was this union that was censured in the North Briton, as threatening a revival of the feuds of the two Eoses, by a Prince of the Blood marrying a subject." # It was this marriage also which led, as before remarked, to the Royal Marriage Act. Though the King was in the first instance as much opposed to the union as the Princess Dowager, and in 1775, when the Duke requested permis- sion to travel on the Continent, positively declined to make a provision for his Royal Highness's family, he eventually behaved with the greatest generosity towards the Duchess and her children by the Duke, whose conduct was indeed so irreproachable that the marriage ceased to be any longer a matter of regret. f The Duchess of Gloucester had one son, William Fre- derick, by the marriage to the Duke, who succeeded to his father's dignity ; and two daughters — Sophia Matilda, born in May, 1773, and Caroline Augusta, born June 24th, 1774 ; the latter died in her infancy. On the occasion of * Walpole's " Memoirs." f Walpole's " Memoirs " — Editor's note. MART, DUCHESS OF GLOUCESTER. 353 the birth of the former, a Court of Common Council was held in the City, on the 9th of June, at which it was pro- posed by Wilkes that an address of congratulation should be presented to the King. The motion was seconded by Sir Watkin Lewes ; but considerable opposition took place, particularly on the part of Alderman Trecothick, who objected to it as an affront to his Majesty, who, up to that period, had not acknowledged the Duchess as his sister. The reply was, that the marriage was notorious ; and that the Dukes of Richmond and Dorset, the Bishop of Exeter, Lady Albemarle, and other personages of the first quality, had been present at the delivery. It was, however, passed over in the negative, upon the more delicate plea, that it was not usual for the City to address, except for the issue of the immediate heir to the Crown. The Eoyal baptism took place a few days afterwards, when the Princess Amelia and the Duke and Duchess of Cumberland were the sponsors ; so that it may be sup- posed his Majesty's displeasure at that period was more a matter of etiquette than of strict family disagreement. Although Princess Sophia Matilda of Gloucester dis- played no public talents, her private character is said to have been not only above impeachment, but decidedly commendable. Years rolled on, and the Princess Charlotte of Wales advanced to maturity ; her hand, the high prize which was to bestow a crown, had not yet been given away, though coveted by many a youthful aspirant. The world pre- dicted success to the young Prince of Orange, but the heart of Charlotte Augusta awarded the preference to the fortunate Prince Leopold of Saxe Cobourg Saalfield, to whom she was united on May 2nd, 1816 — a tie too soon to be dissolved by the premature death of that sweet young 354 THE EOTAL PRINCESSES. Princess. When the Princess Mary, on the occasion of her niece's marriage, embraced her with tears of joy in her eyes, there was a load removed from her bosom which had weighed down her own spirit during many a weary year. The barrier was at last removed which had obstructed her own happiness. The tried affection of years was now to be rewarded, her wishes to be accomplished; and with the consent of Queen Charlotte and the Prince Regent, she was shortly afterwards united to her cousin the Duke of Gloucester. A few weeks only intervened before that cere- mony was performed, which terminated, happily to both, the suspended intercourse of an attachment which had endured for about twenty years. The event took place July 22nd, 1816, at the Queen's house; and on this occa- sion no application was made to Parliament for any pecu- niary grant whatever, either by way of outfit or annuity. It needs not be added, the union proved a happy one to the bridal pair, though it terminated for ever the fruitless ambition of another aspirant to the Princess's regard. This was Dr. Tuxford, a wealthy physician, who had long sighed in vain over his hopeless passion, and who eventually consoled himself, on his death-bed, by be- queathing 100,000Z. to the unapproachable object of his fruitless love. The union of Princess Mary with the Duke of Glou- cester lasted for eighteen years. After the death of the Duke, which took place November 30th, 1834, she led a very retired life, occupying herself in actions of kindness and benevolence — those unostentatious deeds which fill up the sum of human existence so worthily, and so silently, that they are felt, though not always seen. A better and more charitable and endearing character than Princess Mary could not have been; and she long continued to MART, DTJCHESS OE GLOXTCESTEE. 355 obtain, as she merited, tokens of kindness and affection from every member of the Royal family. She was re- siding at Gloucester House, Piccadilly, during her last illness, and had just completed her eighty-first year on the Saturday previous to her death. A supplement to the London Gazette, dated Whitehall, April 30th, 1857, has these words, announcing the sad event : — " This morning, at a quarter after five o'clock, her Royal Highness the Duchess of Gloucester, aunt to her Most Gracious Majesty, departed this life at Gloucester House, to the grief of her Majesty and of the Royal family." During the illness of the departed Duchess, the mem- bers of the Royal family had been unremitting in their attention, and in her last moments were present their Royal Highnesses the Duke of Cambridge, the Duchess of Cambridge, the Princess Mary, her daughter, with her Royal sister, the Hereditary Grand Duchess of Mecklen- burgh Strelitz, all of whom had remained at Gloucester House during the night. Two medical men also were in attendance on her Royal Highness until the time of her death. The Duchess of Cambridge and her daughters departed in the morning for Kew. The melancholy event was communicated to her Majesty and the Prince Consort by his Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, who subsequently proceeded to inform her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent of the same afflicting news. It had been arranged for some time past that the Art Treasures Exhibition at Manchester should be opened in person by the Prince Consort, on the 5th of May ; the Queen's state of health, it being the period of her accouche- ment with the Princess Beatrice, having prevented her being present. In consequence of the death of the Duchess of Gloucester, the Executive Committee forwarded an 356 THE BOYAL PKINCESSES. address of condolence to his Eoyal Highness the Prince Consort. In the course of the afternoon of the same day a message was received from Colonel Phipps, stating that he was commanded to inform the Executive Committee that in consequence of the national importance of the occasion, the preparations made, and the disappointment to the public if the Art Treasures Exhibition were not opened on the 5th, his Eoyal Highness would be present as arranged ; but that, in every other respect, the Eoyal visit to Manchester was to be considered strictly private. When the Art Treasures Exhibition at Manchester was opened by his Eoyal Highness the Prince Consort, on May 5th, 1857, after the " National Anthem" had been sung, Lord Overstone advanced, and, in the name of the General Council, read the following address to the Prince Consort : — " To his Royal Highness the J?rince Albert '; K.G. " May it please your Eoyal Highness — In the name of the General Council, of the Executive Committee, and of all the officers connected with the preparatory arrange- ments of this great undertaking, I approach your Eoyal Highness with the expression of our deep sense of obliga- tion for the constant interest which your Eoyal Highness has taken in the success of the Exhibition now about to be opened for the gratification and instruction of the public. " Before, however, we enter upon the more formal pro- ceedings of this day, we beg to tender to your Eoyal Highness our sincere condolence on the event which has brought sorrow to her Most Gracious Majesty our Queen, to your Eoyal Highness, and to the members of the Eoyal family, and which has at the same time caused deep re- MART, DUCHESS OF GLOUCESTER. 357 gret to her Majesty's subjects, who have long admired the virtues and respected the character of her late Royal Highness the Duchess of Gloucester. " In the presence of your Royal Highness among us under these painful circumstances, and the decision of your Eoyal Highness not to suspend the ceremonial of this day, we gratefully recognise a delicate consideration of the importance of the occasion, and a gracious desire not to disappoint the vast numbers who must have made arrange- ments which it would have been impossible to postpone. At the same time we respectfully appreciate and sym- pathize with those feelings which cause your Royal High- ness to desire to remain in all other respects in the strictest privacy. " Overstone, " President of the General Council." His Royal Highness replied as follows : — " My Lord and Gentlemen, " You are very kind in thinking at this moment of the bereavement which has befallen the Queen and her family. " In the Duchess of Gloucester we have all lost, not only the last of the children of that good King who oc- cupied the Throne during sixty years, and carried this country fearlessly and successfully through the most mo- mentous struggles of its history, and thus the last per- sonal link with those times ; but also a lady whose virtues and qualities of the heart had commanded the respect and love of all who knew her. " If I have thought it my duty to attend here to-day, although her mortal remains have not yet been carried to their last place of rest, my decision has been rendered easy 358 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. by the conviction that, could her own opinions and wishes have been known, she would, with that sense of duty and patriotic feeling which so much distinguished her and the generation to which she belonged, have been anxious that I should not, on her account, or from private feelings, disturb an arrangement intended for the public good. 5 ' On the day the Duchess of Gloucester died, every testi- mony of respect was paid to her. The bells of all the numerous churches in the metropolis tolled, and the bells of the Eoyal churches rang muffled peals. The tradesmen at the West-end had their shops partially closed, and the theatres were suspended in the evening : all ranks seemed desirous to evince their respect for the virtues of- the de- parted Princess. By the particular desire of the deceased Duchess, no display, beyond that observable at the funeral of a private individual, was to be permitted in the present instance : excepting the presence of a detachment of the Life Guards to escort the funeral cortege to the terminus of the Great Western Eailway, Paddington, this wish was complied with. Orders were also given at Windsor for opening the Eoyal mausoleum in St. George's Chapel, that the remains of the Duchess might be placed by the side of her deceased husband. The Eoyal funeral, which took place on the 9th of May, was conducted according to the following cere- monial : — At nine o'clock, a Guard of Honour of the Coldstream Guards was mounted in front of Gloucester House, whence the body was conveyed to the terminus at Paddington, MARY, DUCHESS OF GLOUCESTER. 359 followed by the pages of her late Eoyal Highness, in a mourning coach drawn by four horses ; the house steward and two dressers of her late Koyal Highness, also in a mourning coach drawn by four horses ; the chaplain and medical attendants of her late Royal Highness in a mourning coach drawn by four horses ; the executors of her late Eoyal Highness in a mourning coach drawn by four horses ; the four ladies who would support the pall in a mourning coach drawn by four horses ; and the Vice-Chamberlain of her Majesty's Household, and the Comptroller in the Lord Chamberlain's department. Her late Royal Highness's State carriage followed, in w T hich was the coronet of her late Royal Highness, borne upon a velvet cushion by Colonel the Hon. Augustus Lid- dell, Comptroller and Equerry to her late Royal Highness. Afterwards came the hearse, drawn by eight horses. An escort of the 1st Life Guards accompanied the procession to the Paddington terminus. At the Paddington station, a Guard of Honour of the Scotch Fusileer Guards was mounted. The station was crowded by persons who had come together to witness the last progress of one who, in her life, was not more distin- guished by rank than by her unostentatious virtues. Upon the arrival of the body at Slough, the pro- cession was* joined by — The Lord Chamberlain of her Majesty's Household, The Lord in Waiting to her Majesty, The Groom in Waiting to her Majesty, The Equerry in Waiting to her Majesty, The Equerry to her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent, The Equerry to her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cambridge, 3G0 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. The Lady in Waiting to her Majesty, The Bedchamber Woman to her Majesty, Two Maids of Honour to her Majesty, The Lady in Waiting upon her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent, The Lady in Waiting upon her Eoyal Highness the Duchess of Cambridge, The Lady in Waiting upon her Eoyal Highness the Hereditary Grand Duchess of Mecklenburgh Strelitz. A Guard of Honour was mounted at the station, and the procession advanced slowly onward from the station at Slough for a distance of three miles to St. George's Chapel, Windsor, followed by three State carriages con- veying the members of her Majesty's Household, and also by the State carriages of her Eoyal Highness the Duchess of Kent, her Eoyal Highness the Duchess of Cambridge, and of his Eoyal Highness the Duke of Cambridge. On the procession arriving at the entrance of St. George's Chapel, the escort of the Blues, whicli had joined it at Slough, filed off, a Guard of Honour of the Grenadier Guards being there in attendance. Exactly at twelve o'clock the bell of the chapel tolled out its solemn note, and the body of her late Eoyal High- ness was borne within the walls of that sacred edifice, which for a long series of years has been the consecrated depository of her Eoyal race. The coffin, which was of mahogany, and covered with rich crimson velvet, was placed on tressels, having a black velvet pall, bearing eight heraldic escutcheons, over it. At the head of the lid there was a coronet, and at the foot the torch of life reversed ; with massive handles and plates ; the whole being intended to represent a splendid casket. It bore the following inscription : — MART, DTJCHESS OF GLOUCESTER 361 DEPOSITUM ILLUSTRISSIM-E PRINCIPISS.& MAKIiE, ILLUSTRISSIMI PRINCIPIS GULIELMI FREDERICI, DUCIS GLOCESTRIjE ET EDINBURGI VIDIL3E, ET FILI^ NATU QUARTS, AUGUSTISSIMI ET POTENTISSIMI GEORGII TERTII DEI GRATIA BRITANNIARUM REGIS, OBIIT TRICESIMO DIE APRIL1S, MDCCCLVII. ANNOQUE -&TATIS LXXXII. The nave through which the funeral procession passed was covered with black cloth, and the floor and also the seats in the choir were covered with the same material : in front of the reading-desk was an escocheon of the arms of the late Duchess. On the procession moving from the entrance, the gentle- men and boys composing the choir of St. George's Chapel commenced singing the 25th and 26th verses of the 11th chapter of St. John ("I am the resurrection") ; and when the body reached the choir, the 90th Psalm (" Lord, thou hast been our refuge") was chanted. The coffin, as already described, was placed upon tressels with the feet towards the altar, and the coronet and cushion were laid upon the coffin. The chief mourner, the Duchess of Atholl, sat at the head of the corpse, attended by Lady Couper. The supporters of the pall — the Hon. Mrs. Liddell and Lady Georgiana Bathurst, and Lady Caroline Murray and Lady Charles Somerset — sat on either side. The Lord Chamber- lain, the Marquis of Breadalbane, stood at the feet, having on his right the Vice-Chamberlain, Lord Ernest Bruce, and on his left the Comptroller and Chief Equerry of the 362 THE ROTAL PKINCESSES. late Duchess, Colonel the Hon. Augustus Liddell, and the Comptroller in the Lord Chamberlain's Department, Mr. Norman Macdonald. Shortly before the arrival of the procession, his Royal Highness the Prince Consort, his Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, and his Royal Highness the Duke of Cambridge, entered the chapel, and were conducted to stalls imme- diately adjoining that of the Sovereign. Prince Albert and the Duke wore the riband and star of the Garter. His Serene Highness Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar was also conducted to a seat. Their Royal Highnesses the Duchess of Cambridge, the Hereditary Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg Strelitz, and the Princess Mary of Cambridge, were in the Royal closet of the chapel. Earl Spencer, Lord Steward of the Queen's Household, and the Marquis of Abercorn, Groom of the Stole to the Prince, occupied their respective stalls as Knights of the Garter on opposite sides of the chapel, and each wore the riband and star of the order. Beneath Lord Abercorn's stall were seated the visitors, friends of the late Duchess — viz., Earl Howe, Viscount Falkland, Lord Redesdale, the Hon. Mr. Waldegrave, Sir William Gomm, Colonel F. H. Seymour (son of Sir George Seymour), Colonel Forster, and Colonel Stephens. On the entrance of the procession in the choir, the executors of her Royal Highness the late Duchess, the Earl of Yerulam, Mr. H. W. Vincent, and Mr. Mortimer Drummond, were conducted to seats in front of those occupied by the friends of the deceased Duchess. The following were also conducted to seats — viz., the Master of the Horse, the Duke of Wellington ; the Lady in Waiting to the Queen, the Countess of Desart ; the MAEY, DUCHESS OF GLOUCESTER. 363 Bedchamber Woman, Lady Codrington ; the Maids of Honour, the Hon. Eleanor Stanley and the Hon. Lucy Kerr; the Lady in Waiting to the Duchess of Kent, Lady Anna Maria Dawson ; the Lady in Waiting to the Duchess of Cambridge, Lady Geraldine Somerset ; the Lady in Waiting to the Hereditary Grand Duchess of Mecklenburg Strelitz, Lady Caroline Cust; the Lord in Waiting to the Queen, Lord Waterpark ; the Groom in Waiting, General Sir Edward Bowater ; the Clerk Mar- shal, Lord Alfred Paget ; the Bepresentative of his Ma- jesty the King of Hanover, Baron de Brandeis, and his Aide-de-Camp, Lieutenant de Brandeis ; the Equerry to his Majesty the King of the Belgians, Major-General the Hon. Sir Edward Cust ; the Equerry to the Duchess of Kent, Colonel Sir George Couper, Bart. ; the Equerry to the Duchess of Cambridge, Baron Knesebeck ; the Gentle- man in Waiting to the Hereditary Grand Duchess of Meck- lenburg Strelitz, Baron von During ; the Lord in Waiting to Prince Albert, Viscount Torrington; the Groom in Wait- ing, Colonel P. Seymour, C.B. ; the Equerry in Waiting, Lieutenant-Colonel Ponsonby ; in waiting on the Prince of Wales, Mr. F. Cavendish and Mr. Gibbs ; the Equerry to the Duke of Cambridge, Colonel the Hon. James Mac- donald; the Chaplain of the late Boyal Duchess, the Bev.E. Nepean ; and the medical attendants, Dr. Eerguson, Dr. Hawkins, and Mr. Hills. Garter King-at-Arms, Sir Charles Young, bearing his gold sceptre, stood near the coffin. The Canons of Windsor, the Bev. William Canning, the Bev. Charles Proby, and the Hon. and Bev. Edward Moore, preceded the body from the entrance of the chapel, and the Hon. and Bev. Mr. Cust was also present. 364 THE EOYAL PKINOESSES. The 90th Psalm having been chanted, the Dean of Windsor, the Hon. and Eev. Gerald Wellesley, who wore his badge of office in the Order of the Garter, read the lesson, commencing " Now is Christ risen from the dead." When this was finished, the members of the choir of the chapel sang Handel's anthem, from Job, chap. 29, verses 11 and 12, "When the ear heard her," together with the chorus, " She delivered the poor that cried." The coffin, of crimson velvet with gilt mountings, which had been covered with a black velvet pall, having eight escutcheons of her Eoyal Highness's arms emblazoned thereon, was then uncovered, and was removed to the en- trance of the Eoyal vault, and the Dean proceeded with the service, " Man that is born of a woman," and " For- asmuch as it hath pleased Almighty God," when the coffin was gradually lowered into the vault near the Sovereign's stall. The choristers then sang, " I heard a voice from Heaven" (Croft). The Dean repeated the Lord's P^er, and also the prayer, " Almighty God, with whom do live the spirits of them that depart." A second anthem, also by Handel, " Her body is buried in peace, but her name liveth evermore," was then sung. The Dean concluded the burial service with the collect, " merciful God." Garter King-at-Arms proclaimed near the grave the style of her Eoyal Highness the late Duchess as widow of William Frederick, Duke of Gloucester, fourth daughter of the late King George III., and aunt of her present Majesty the Queen. Dr. Elvey, who presided at the organ, then played the "Dead March" in Saul. Their Eoyal Highnesses the Prince Consort, the Prince of Wales, and the Duke of Cambridge were conducted out MARY, DUCHESS OF GLOUCESTER. 3G5 of the chapel, the service concluding at twenty-five minutes past one o'clock. The Prince Consort arrived at eleven o'clock in the morning at Windsor Castle, having travelled from Osborne to attend the funeral. His Boyal Highness took his de- parture about three o'clock, on his return to Osborne. The Prince of Wales had arrived at Windsor Castle from London soon after eleven o'clock, in order to be present at the funeral : his Eoyal Highness, attended by Mr. F. Cavendish and Mr. Gibbs, quitted the Castle in the after- noon, on his return to Buckingham Palace. The Lord Chamberlain and the gentlemen of his depart- ment remained in the chapel after the departure of the Hoyal family, to superintend the closing of the vault. Nothing more remains to be added of the Princess Mary, except that as her private career in life was marked by every womanly virtue, and the profuse exercise of un- ostentatious charity, she will long be remembered in the high society in which she moved and of which she was so distinguished an ornament, with the deepest regret ; and the nation, in awarding their esteem and grateful memory to this Princess, cannot forget that in her they have lost the last representative of a generation which has passed away to belong to after ages as subject of history. B B 366 CHARLOTTE CAROLINE AUGUSTA, DAUGHTER OF GEORGE IV. Birth of Princess Charlotte — Her baptism — Education — Early bene- volence — Visits Bognor — Restricted intercourse with her mother — Windsor — Has the measles — Confirmation — Comes of age — Death of the Duke of Brunswick— Visits the Leviathan — Entertainment at Frogmore — Original genius of Queen Charlotte — First Drawing- room — Her first evening party at Carlton House — Prince of Orange — Prince Leopold of Saxe-Cobourg — Princess marries the latter — Her income — Anecdote of her spirit— Retires to Claremont — In- stances of her benevolence — Her death — Public announcement of the event — Grief of her family and the nation — -Personal appear- ance and character — Princesses Augusta and Mary of Cambridge — Marriage of the former to the Duke of Mecklenburg Strelitz. There is so much of pleasure always associated with pain in every circumstance in this world, that sometimes, when there is the fairest promise, there is the bitterest of disappointments ! 'Never, surely, was this fact of the perishable and un- certain nature of earthly hopes more evident than in the instance before us of the Princess Charlotte, the only daughter of George IV. This Princess, from her birth the heiress of the first kingdom in the world, the hope and darling of a nation, after being happily reared to ma- turity, in health, beauty, virtue, and the possession of all that could make life dear, was snatched from the world at a moment when existence, before so dear, would have become endowed with double charms — when the happy wife was about to prove the blessings of the happy mother ! The first memorable event of my own infant years was the deep, solemn tolling of that bell whose mournful note announced the departure of this Princess — one of the best CHAELOTTE CAROLINE AUGUSTA. 367 and most beloved of the daughters of our Hanoverian sove- reigns. The impression it made will never be forgotten ! — it was echoed by every countenance — the index to every heart ! G-eorge IY. and his cousin, Caroline Amelia Elizabeth, second daughter of his Serene Highness the Duke of Brunswick, were united to each other on the 8th of April, 1795. Their only daughter was born on the 7th of -January, 1796. The event took place at Carlton House, between the hours of one and two in the morning. There were present at the time the Duke of Gloucester, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord High Chancellor, the Lord President of his Majesty's Council, the Duke of Leeds, the Lord Chamberlain, Earl Jersey, Master of the Horse to the Prince of Wales, Lord Thurlow, and the Ladies of her Eoyal Highness the Princess of Wales' Bedchamber. The infant Princess was christened on Thursday, the 11th of February. At half-past four, their Majesties and the Princesses arrived at Carlton House, having been pre- ceded by the younger Princesses, and other visitors. " Dinner was served up soon after, which consisted of two full courses and a dessert, in the most elegant and frugal style. None but the Eoyal family and relatives sat down to table. The Princess of Wales was hostess on this joyous occasion." At half-past nine o'clock, by the King's appointment the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord Chancellor, the State officers of the King's and Queen's households, and the several attendants of their Majesties and the Eoyal family, arrived, and were ushered into the Great Audience Chamber, at the head of which was the Princess, who lay in a State cradle, with the attendants. The sponsors were the King BE 2 3GS THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. and Queen, and the Duke and Duchess of York. The names given were, Charlotte Caroline Augusta. After the christening, there were refreshments distri- buted to the assembled guests. Such was the brilliant dawn of a life which from the lirst was regarded as very precious to the English nation. Not long afterwards arose the unhappy differences between the parents of the Eo} r al babe which more or less must have had an influence on her, both morally and physically. Happily for the little Charlotte, the earlier years of her life were passed beneath the genial influence of a mother's love, that holiest of all earthly ties, as all who have known must admit, and certainly the most unselfish ! That Caroline of Brunswick doated on her child, her only one, is not surprising — she was a most engaging little creature, from every account. But though under her mother's per- sonal inspection, she was not wholly under her care, being provided with a separate establishment at Shrewsbury House, in the vicinity of the residence of the Princess of Wales, at Blackheath. There the little Princess was brought up by the Dowager Countess of Elgin, Miss Garth, and Miss Hunt. The visits of Caroline to her daughter were restricted to once a week, when she had at least the satisfaction of seeing that her own wishes were carried out as regarded her child. The journal of B. Porteous, Bishop of London, makes the following mention of the Princess Charlotte, at the age of five years : — " Yesterday, the Gth of August, 1801, I passed a very pleasant day at Shrewsbury House, near Shooter's Hill, the residence of the Princess Charlotte of Wales ; the day was fine, and the prospect extensive and beautiful, taking in a lar^e reach of the Thames, which was covered CHAELOTTE CAROLINE AUGUSTA. 369 with vessels of various sizes and descriptions. We saw a good deal of the young Princess : she is a most capti- vating and engaging child ; and, considering the high station she may hereafter fill, a most interesting and im- portant one. She repeated to me several of her hymns with great correctness and propriety ; and on being told that when she went to Southend, in Essex (as she after- wards did for the benefit of sea-bathing), she would then be in my diocese, she fell down on her knees and begged my blessing. I gave it to her with all my heart, and with my earnest secret prayers to God that she might adorn her illustrious station with every Christian grace ; and that, if ever she became the Queen of this truly great and glorious country, she might be the means of diffusing virtue, piety, and happiness through every part of her dominions !" At a subsequent period her Eoyal Highness inquired of a clergyman what his opinion was of a death-bed, and how to make it easy : she said this had often been a subject of conversation with her grandfather, and that she desired to collect opinions about it. That she was much indebted to Lady Elgin for being the first to put Dr. Watts' hymns into her hand — most of which she could repeat from memory. The Baroness de Clifford succeeded the Countess of Elgin in the pleasing task of superintending her edu- cation. Afterwards, in 1809, Dr. John Fisher, Bishop of Salisbury, aided by the Rev. Dr. Nott, as sub-preceptor, were chosen by his Majesty to educate the young Princess, whom he regarded as a ward of the crown, and presump- tive heiress to the throne. On this plea she was removed from the immediate guardianship of her mother, about the period when the delicate investigation of the charges 370 TIIE ROYAL PRINCESSES. made by Sir John and Lady Douglas against the- Princess of Wales took place, and the aged King ad- vanced his own claim to be the protector of his young granddaughter, who by this change was thrown into the sphere of the more direct influence of Queen Char- lotte, for whom, either naturally or by instilled principle, she seemed to have entertained some dislike. The Queen secretly influenced the studies of Princess Charlotte, and, much to her credit, employed Mrs. Hannah More to write an elementary work for her advantage. The success of the young Princess in pursuit of mental attainments is developed by the following letter, the pro- duction of a very early age, and which has the merit of being authentic. It is addressed to the Countess of Albemarle : — "My ever dear Lady Albemarle, " I most heartily thank you for your very kind letter, which I hasten to answer. But I must not forget that this letter must be a letter of congratulation— yes, of congratulations the most sincere. I love you ; and there- fore there is no wish that I do not form for your happiness in this world. May you have as few cares and vexations as may fall to the lot of man ; and may you long be spared, and may you long enjoy the blessing of all others the most precious, your dear mother, who is not more pre- cious to you than to me. But there is a trifle which accompanies this, which I hope you will like ; and if it sometimes reminds you of me, it will be a great source of pleasure to me. I shall be most happy to see you, for it is long since I have had that pleasure. " Adieu, my dear Lady Albemarle, and believe me ever " Your affectionate and sincere Friend, "CHARLOTTE." CHARLOTTE CAEOLIKE AUGUSTA. 37i The allusion in the above effusion to the maternal care seems to be made directly from the heart of the young- writer. In 1807 Mrs. Campbell and Mrs. Udney were sub- governesses to the Princess Charlotte. The most talented masters that could be procured were honoured with the office of assisting this Hoyal Princess in her progress. Her attainments were proportionate to the expectations of her family and the nation, and calculated to render her worthy of the throne she was expected to adorn. There were, however, times when this young heiress- presumptive would exhibit a high spirit, accompanied by waywardness' and caprice. It is even said that on one occasion the Bishop, her tutor, having mildly corrected her for some trifling inattention, she snatched off his wig, dashed it on the floor, and indignantly quitted the room ! Another time, too, when her aged grandmother, Queen Charlotte, was reminding her that a gift from herself — a handsome shawl — had not yet been acknowledged, the Princess took the shawl that minute from her shoulders, and put it into the fire ! These were odd little stories to circulate about a Poyal Princess, but if they really were true ones of Princess Charlotte, we are told that as she advanced in age her youthful sallies of spirit subsided, and she became both tractable and amiable. Very much to her praise was the amende honorable she made to the poor dancing-master, who, having ordered some music she disliked, received her refusal to dance. ISTo persuasion changing her resolution, he quitted the room. She ran after him, and requested his return — she would finish her lesson, which in fact she did ; but the Prince, thinking the master disagreeable from this circumstance, dismissed him, much to his daughter's chagrin, who would not rest o72 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. till she had procured his reinstatement in office, declaring that she alone was to blame in the matter. The following account, written by a person who sub- scribes himself D. Forbes, is extracted from the " Gentle- man's Magazine," 1817, and refers to a communication in 1S01 : — " On leaving Paris for England, I was intrusted with a confidential communication to the Dowager Coun- tess of Elgin : which, in these days of suspicion, it was deemed imprudent to commit to paper ; and soon after our arrival in London, I accompanied my wife and daughter on a visit to her ladyship at a villa in Kent, where she resided with the Princess Charlotte, then in the ninth year of her age. " We had the honour of being introduced to her Royal Highness, who received us with that kind and amiable condescension which at every future period marked her character. The Princess particularly addressed herself to my daughter, as nearest her own age ; and was rather playfully conversing with her on some late event in Paris, when I accidentally used the word Emperor; upon which the Princess, addressing herself to me, ' Did you say the Emperor, Sir ? What Emperor ? Here we know only of two Emperors, those of Germany and Russia.' I replied, ' The Emperor of France.' ' Emperor of France !' exclaimed her Royal Highness, with a dignified look and altered manner. ' What, Bonaparte ! let me advise you never to call him Emperor in this country, for it will not go down.' I expressed my concern at having offended her Royal Highness ; particularly as I had just written a letter for the ' Gentleman's Magazine,' in which I had more than once given him that appellation. * 1 have nothing to do with your letter,' replied our noble-minded British Princess ; ' but let me repeat my CHAELOTTE CAROLINE AUGUSTA. 373 advice, never again to give the Usurper of France that title in England — for, I once more assure you, it will not go down.' I promised obedience to the Royal command, and in two much later instances of kindness from our be- loved and lamented Princess, I was happy to know I had not lost her favour." Bryan Carly, a botanist of worth and respectability, was honoured by the condescending notice of her Boyal Highness when employed in the grounds of Lady de Clif- ford in Paddington Green. One of the instances was a case of instruments presented by her own hand, and the other a quarto Oxford Bible, in which the Princess wrote the following lines : — " I give this good book to Bryan Carly, as a mark of my sincere regard and esteem ; and which I hope he will always keep, as a remembrance of her who is very truly his friend and well-wisher, " Charlotte. " May 15, 1803." The Princess had not only a superior knowledge of the arts herself, but patronized them in others. There are innumerable anecdotes of her taste and genius, and also of her benevolence and goodness of heart. The late worthy Major made a highly laboured drawing, as it afterwards appeared, from a print of the "Misers," and coloured it from recollection. Mrs. Udney was prevailed upon to introduce the Major, who was an amatear, to her Eoj^al Highness the Princess Charlotte, at Warwick House, to afford him the honour of submitting his work as a copy of the picture at Windsor Castle. The drawing was much admired, but the amateur was embar- rassed, on being told by the young Princess that he had 374 THE EOYAL PRINCESSES. mistaken the colouring : for one of the Misers was repre- sented in the colour worn by thex>ther, and the caps were also coloured vice versa. It should be mentioned, that her Boyal Highness had seen the picture but once, and that eight years preyiously to this interview. It is dan- gerous to rely upon the reminiscence of eight years 1 date ; but, unfortunately for the amateur, the Princess's memory was the most correct. To the honour of the Major, how- ever, it must be added, that he candidly told this story of himself. The health of the Princess Charlotte requiring sea- bathing, she passed three successive summers at Bognor, under the superintendence of her governess, Lady de Clifford. She bathed three or four times a- week, and might be seen driving about the neighbourhood in a little market-cart drawn by her four favourite grey ponies — a paternal present, which she had learnt to manage with grace and ability. At other times, she would stroll on the beach, in the simplest dress, not even disdaining to visit the humble cottages of the surrounding poor. During the residence of her Royal Highness at Bognor, where she had gone for the recovery of her health, an officer of long standing in the army was arrested for a small sum, and being at a distance from his friends, and unable to procure bail, he was on the point of being torn from his family, to be conveyed to Arundel gaol, The circumstance came to the knowledge of the Princess, who, in the momentary impulse of generous feeling, exclaimed, " I will be his bail!" Then, suddenly recollecting herself, she inquired the amount of the debt ; which, being told her, "There," said she, handing a purse with more than the sum, "take this to him. It is hard that he who has CHARLOTTE CAROLINE AUGUSTA. 375 exposed his life on the field of battle should ever expe- rience the rigours of a prison." During the last illness of an old female attendant, for- merly nurse to the Princess Charlotte, she visited her ever}?- day, sat by her bedside, and with her own hand administered the medicine prescribed. When death had closed the eyes of this poor woman, instead of fleeing in haste from an object so appalling to the young and gay in general, the Princess remained, and gave utterance to the compassion she felt, on viewing the remains in that state from which Majesty itself cannot be exempt. A friend of the deceased, seeing her Royal Highness was much affected, said, " If your Royal Highness would condescend to touch her, perhaps you would not dream of her." " Touch her," replied the amiable Princess, " yes, poor thing, and kiss her too ! almost the only one I ever kissed, except my poor mother." Then, bending her graceful head over the- coffin of her humble friend, she pressed her warm lips to- the clay-cold cheek, while tears of sensibility flowed from her eyes.* When not at the seaside, the young Princess either- stayed with her father at Carlton House, or with the aged King at Windsor, with whom she was an especial favourite. On the day of the Jubilee, the Princess accom- panied her father to Windsor to offer her personal con- gratulations to her grandfather. In the spring of 1809, the Princess Charlotte caught the measles, during which illness she was visited by the Queen, who presented her with a superb service of china, manufactured on purpose, from drawings executed by Lady de Clifford, the governess of the Princess. * "Noble Deeds of Woman," by Mrs. Matthew Hall. 37G THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. The intercourse with her mother, forbidden altogether in 1S06, had been renewed after the Princess of Wales appeared at Court, but with certain painful restrictions. Early in 1813 the Princess of Wales, finding her daughter, then residing at Warwick House, had been prevented by indisposition paying the visit she intended, communicated her intention of visiting her daughter at her own resi- dence to the Prince .Regent. She was informed, in reply, that the Princess would be able to see her on the 11th, at Kensington Palace, as usual. Subsequently, however, the visit of the Princess to her was forbidden, in conse- quence of the letter having been made public ; and in this •crisis the Privy Council, after several meetings for that subject, decided the mother and daughter should continue to meet, only under certain restrictions. During the time that the aged Duchess of Brunswick, her maternal grandmother, was in this country, where she had taken refuge after the death of her husband at the battle of Jena, the Princess Charlotte used to visit her at her mother's residence at Blackheath ; and the death of that amiable and unfortunate Princess, in 1813, was a severe blow both to the Princess of Wales and her daughter. Her affection for her mother, whom she was not always permitted to see, was unbounded, and the treatment that mother experienced from the Royal family gave her much pain. Filial affection is one of the most beautiful charac- teristics in the character of the Princess Charlotte. On one particular occasion, at a time when this maternal and filial intercourse was restrained, a most affecting interview took place by accident, the carriages of mother and daughte. meeting in Piccadilly. An unrestrained intercourse was at first allowed between CHARLOTTE CAROLINE AUGUSTA. 377 Warwick House and Connaught -place, but not destined to continue. In 1814, Princess Charlotte's attempts to indulge in a closer correspondence with her mother than had previously been permitted excited the anger of the Prince Regent, who intimated, in rather harsh terms, his intention of removing her without delay to his own residence. It was on July the 12th, 1814, that all the Princess's household was suddenly dismissed, and her person confided for a short period to the Dowager Countess of Eosslyn and the Countess of Ilchester. Intimation was likewise given to her that she was to remove to Cran- bourne Lodge, and remain there under the superintendence of certain ladies, without whose acquiescence neither letters nor visits were to be received. The young Princess, however, contrived to quit Warwick House unperceived, stepped into a hackney-coach, and drove off to her mother's house at Blackheath. After some negotiations, and on receiving an assurance that she should not be immured nor treated with severity, she was eventually prevailed upon to trust herself to the Eegent's protection. The Princess of Wales soon afterwards went to Italy, and all restraint upon the Princess was then removed. During the year 1813, when Princess Charlotte was staying at Windsor, the aged King would often listen with delight to the performances of the Princess on the piano- forte. One day, being desirous of obtaining the opinion of the Bishop of Salisbury on a piece she had played badly, she inquired if he was pleased. Being answered in the negative, she ran up to him and seized his hand, saying — '*' Xow I know you are my friend ; for I have convinced myself that you do not flatter me when you are pleased to approve." At the age of eighteen the Princess was confirmed, the 378 -THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. rite having been till then postponed by the wish of the King, her grandfather. On the 7th of January, the day of her coming of age, Warwick House was thronged with visitors, and every distinction due to such an occasion testified ; but the empty pageants of the world had less real enjoyment for the mind of the Princess Charlotte than the solace of a short visit to her Royal mother at Conn aught-place, who received her with the honours of one born to an empire, but dispensed immediately with form, and substituted the endearments of tenderness and affection. It was soon after she received the afflicting news of the death of her uncle, the Duke of Brunswick, at Quatre Bras, that Princess Charlotte went to Weymouth. Having ac- cepted an invitation to go on board the Leviathan man-of- war, on reaching that vessel she said to the lieutenant who escorted her party — " I resign the accommodation chair, provided to hoist us on deck, ^o the Bishop and the ladies ; do you, sir, take care of my clothes, and I will go up the ladder." On the 7th of January, 1815, the Queen gave a grand entertainment at Frogmore, in honour of the Princess Charlotte having completed her nineteenth year. One circumstance which does infinite credit to the original genius of the good Queen, and show T s her supe- riority of intellect, is the fact of her having established a printing press at Frogmore, where, among other literary treasure, are some important works, illustrated at a great expense. Adjoining the Library, which looks into the garden, is a room containing a printing press, and eveiy necessary apparatus, from which have issued some small pieces, under the immediate direction of her Majesty. Besides many single sheets on religious subjects, there CHAULOTTE CAKOLISTE AUGUSTA. 379 Tiave been printed at this Royal press sets of cards, exhi- biting chronological abridgments of the History of Rome, Germany, France, Spain, and Portugal ; all of them ex- tremely well calculated to assist the memory and exercise the faculties of young persons. Two boohs only, of sixty copies each, have been printed there, and both in the year 1812. The first, a small octavo of one hundred and eleven pages, bearing the title, " Translations from the Grerman, in Prose and Verse," is thus inscribed — " The gift of the Queen to her beloved daughters, Charlotte Augusta Matilda, Augusta Sophia, Elizabeth, Mary, and Sophia ; and, with her permission, dedicated to their Royal High- nesses, by Ellis Constantia Knight." The other is a foolscap quarto, of ninety pages, with the simple title of " Miscellaneous Poems." Both have an etching, byway of vignette, representing a garden view of the Library. All the translations in the first book are religious, consisting of prayers, meditations, and hymns ; the prose part being chiefly taken from the works of Dr. Seiler, whose explana- tory works on the Scriptures may be considered as models of rational and enlightened piety, which are equally cal- culated to improve the understanding and touch the heart. The volume of " Miscellaneous Poems" consists chiefly of fugitive pieces, which appear to have struck the fancy of the selector, who has also interspersed some original ver- sions from Italian and German writers. The following devotional piece, to be sung to Pleyel's Grerman Hymn, will speak for itself: — Oh ! my God, thy servant hear; ■To my prayer incline thine ear ; When rudely morning streaks the sides, To thee I lift mine op'ning eyes. 3S0 THE HOYAL PRINCESSES. When the sun conceals his head Beneath the western ocean's bed, Of thee, my God, I ask repose, To calm with sleep my pains and woes. "When I press the bed of death, Take, oh take, ni) r parting breath ! Save me, by thy gracious power, From all the horrors of that hour. When the righteous Judge, thy Son, Shall sit upon His glory's throne, And all th' angelic host shall see The dead arise from earth and sea— Oh ! then may I and mine rejoice To hear the trumpet's awful voice ; And, cloth'd in white robes, ever sing Hosannas to our heavenly King. From the visit of the Allied Sovereigns till May 18th, 1815, Princess Charlotte had not been seen at Court. On that day she appeared, to the delight of all beholders, at the Queen's Drawing-room, arrayed in the most splendid jewels, " with a diamond tiara, shaded by the Prince's plume." On the 29th of the same month she gave her first evening party to the Queen and the Princesses at Carlton House. The young Prince of Orange, who had been educated in England, and long regarded by this nation as the in- tended husband of this Princess, was, on December 14th, formally introduced to her by her father ; after which, every means was taken to throw this youthful pair into each other's company. During the visit of the Allied Sovereigns to this country, when, on June 2nd, Princess Charlotte made her first appearance in public, the Prince of Orange paid her marked attention, formally handed her to her carriage, and afterwards dined with the Royal family at Carlton Hous?. .Not long after, all thoughts CHARLOTTE CAROLINE AUGUSTA. 381 •of tin's match were entirely broken off by the decision of the Princess herself. It was in the year 1814 that the daughter of George IV. first honoured by her especial notice the Prince Leopold of Saxe-Coburg, to whom she was united two years afterwards, at Carlton House, in May, 1S16. The consent of the Regent having been obtained, and every arrangement duly made, after the usual prefatory ceremonies the Great Seal of England was affixed, by order of John Lord Eldon, High Chancellor, to the instrument authorizing the marriage, which took place May 2nd, 1816, in the great Crimson Room at Carlton House. The ceremony was performed by his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury, in the presence of her Majesty, the Prince Regent, the Dukes of York, Clarence, Kent, &c. Two days after, his Royal father-in-law was pleased to appoint his Serene Highness Leopold George Frederick, Prince of Saxe-Coburg of Saalfield, a General in the British army. The history of the present King of the Belgians is already too well known to require intro- duction here. Parliament voted 6Q,000£. for the outfit of the Royal pair, 10,000£. per annum as pin-money for the bride, and 60,000Z. a-year during their joint and several lives. Princess Charlotte did not, it is said, look her best at the Drawing-room given on the occasion of her marriage. She stood apart in a window recess with her back to the light, looking deadly pale. A contemporary writer says, " Prmce Leopold was looking about him with a keen glance of inquiry, as if he would like to know in what light people regarded him. The Queen-Mother was, or pretended to be, in the highest possible spirits, and was very gracious to everybody. At the time I was in this courtly scene, and especially as I looked on the Princess c c 3S2 THE EOYAL PKINCESSES. Charlotte, I could not help thinking of the Princess of Wales, and feeling very sorry and very angry at her cruel fate I dare say the Princess Charlotte was think- ing of the Princess of Wales, when she stood in the gay scene of to-day's Drawing-room, and that the remembrance of her mother, excluded from all her rights and privileges in a foreign country, and left almost without any attendants, made her feel very melancholy. I never can understand how Queen Charlotte could dare refuse to receive the Princess of Wales at the public Drawing-room, any more than she would any other lady, of whom nothing has been publicly proved against her character. Of one thing there can be no doubt, the Queen is the slave of the Regent." Before her marriage she was waited upon by one of the ministers, for the purpose of arranging some details re- specting her income. She did not consider his proposition sufficiently liberal, and addressed him in these words : — " My lord, I am heiress to the throne of Great Britain, and my mind has risen to a level with the exalted station I am to fill ; therefore, I must be provided for accordingly. Do not imagine that in marrying Prince Leopold I ever can, or will, sink to the rank of Mistress Coburg. En- tertain no such idea, I beg of you." To describe the happy and domestic life of the Princess Charlotte and her husband, at Claremont, would be to repeat that which has already been the theme of many a more gifted pen. A little poem on the death of this Princess commences — If perfect bliss, without alloy, To wedded love be given, Th' illustrious Charlotte felt that joy, Her home a little heaven ! There Fashion's idle slaves might blush to see Exalted rank from vice and folly free. CHARLOTTE CAROLINE AUGUSTA. 3S8 When on the marriage of the Princess Charlotte she retired with her consort to Claremont, she found a poor old woman. Dame Bewley, who had formerly lived with al families who had successively occupied the estate, but now. worn down with age and infirmity, was unable to labour any longer. She was living on the occasional Ity of the mansion, and the small earnings of her aged husband. Xo sooner did the benevolent Princess of this, than she visited Dame Bewley, whom she found endeavouring to read an old Bible, the small print of which to her enfeebled eyes was almost un distinguish- able. The next clay the Princess sent her a new Prayer-Book an 1 Bible, of the largest print ; her shattered cottage was rebuilt, and she no longer lived on the precarious bounty of the successive Lords of Claremont. The Princess Charlotte's acts of beneficence were alike Qguished for their liberality and judiciousness. Her bounty was invariably preceded by inquiry, and never with her knowledge did it fall but on merit and virtue. Her Eoyal Highness carried this habit of discrimination even into the choice of her tradesmen. ]\Iore than one of them were indebted for the preference they obtained to the honourable anxiety of the Princess to indemnify them for the losses they had sustained through other less opulent branches of the Eoyal family. In the majority of cases, however, the motive for selection was of a more unmixed kind — the pure desire of doing the most good with the money which she expended. Fmding that all who had applied for the honour of serving her household with meat were opulent, her Eoyal Highness inquired if there were no other butchers in Esher. The steward at first replied he believed there were no others : but, on recollection, he said there was one man, c c 2 3S-i THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. but that he was in such low circumstances that it would be impossible for him to undertake the contract. " I should like to see this man," said the Princess. He was, of course, though very unexpectedly, summoned to Clare- mont ; when he candidly confessed that his poverty was such as to make it impossible for him to send in such meat as he would wish to supply to the Hoyal household : he never even thought of offering himself as a candidate for the contract. " What sum," inquired the Princess, u would be necessaiy to enable you to go to the market upon equal terms with your more opulent fellow-trades- men?" The poor man was quite embarrassed at such a prospect before him, and overwhelmed with the Royal condescension. At length he named a sum. " You shall have it," said the amiable Princess, "and shall henceforth supply my household." This noble act of generosity rescued a deserving man from the struggles of poverty, and enabled him to make a comfortable provision for his family. In one of her Royal Highness' s walks with Prince Leo- pold, in November, 1816, she addressed a decent-looking person, w T ho was employed as a day-labourer, and said, "My good man, you have seen better days ?" " I have, your Hoyal Highness," answered the labourer; "I have rented a good farm ; but the change in the times has ruined me." At this reply she burst into tears, and ob- served to Prince Leopold, " Let us be grateful to Provi- dence for His blessings, and endeavour to fulfil the impor- tant duties required of us, to make all our labourers happy !" On her return home, she desired the steward to obtain a list of all the deserving objects of charity em- ployed in the house and park, and in the village of Esher, with the number of each family, &c. CHABLOTTE CAROLINE A1~GUSTA. 385 A communication was then made to the household that it was the wish of their Koyal and Serene Highnesses to make them happy and comfortable, yet that there should be no waste of a single article of provisions at the several tables, but that all the remnants should be delivered to the Clerk of the Kitchen, who was appointed to distribute food to the several applicants who had tickets, in propor- tionate quantities. This regulation was cheerfully obeyed, and for nineteen months scarcely a crust of bread was wasted throughout the whole establishment. Instead of festivities on the Prince's birthday, in December, 150 1. was expended in supplying the honest and poor labourers with clothing ; and on the birthday of the Princess Char- lotte, in January, her Koyal Highness laid out the same sum in clothing the poor women. The Princess Charlotte always exerted her utmost in- fluence to promote the trade and commerce of her native country. Being informed of the distressed state of the weavers in Spitalfields, in the year 1817, she immediately ordered from a manufactory there a suite of elegant rich furniture, and a variety of rich silks for dresses, to the value of 1000Z., which were sent as presents to her Continental connexions. She explicitly announced to her establishment that she expected they would wear dresses of British manufacture only ; and at the same time her Koyal Highness insisted that her dressmakers should not introduce anything foreign into the articles she ordered, on pain of incurring her displeasure, and ceasing to be longer employed. On one occasion, an Indian shawl of the most exquisite workmanship, the value of which was estimated at three thousand guineas, being handed to her Koyal Highness, the Princess, having ascertained that the shawl had been clandestinely brought into the country, oS6 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. severely rebuked the person who had tendered it to her, and said, " In the first place, I cannot afford to give three thousand guineas for a shawl ; and in the second, a Nor- wich shawl, of the value of half-a-crown, manufactured by a native of England, would become me better than the costliest article which the loom of India ever produced."* In November, 1817, she gave birth to a still-born male child ; after which she was pronounced to be doing extremely well. On the following morning, however, she was attacked first with convulsions, afterwards with faintness, and her medical attendants being summoned, found her at the point of death. She received the tidings with calm resignation, and employed the small remainder of her time in testifying by signs her affection for the young and de- voted husband she was about to be parted from for ever. When informed of her child's death, shortly before her own, she said — " I feel it as a mother naturally should;'' adding, " It is the will of Grod ! praise to Him in all things !" She died November 6th, 1817, at the age of twenty-two. The grief caused hj her death was unparalleled in our annals : the stroke was private as well as public, and went home to the heart of every British subject. The afflicting news was officially communicated by the Secretary of State, thus : — " To the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor. " Whitehall, November 6th, 6 o'clock, a.m. " My Lord, " It is with the deepest sorrow that I inform your Lordship that her Eoyal Highness the Princess Charlotte expired this morning at half-past two o'clock. "I have the honour to be, &c, &c, " SlDMOUTH." * u Noble Deeds of Woman," by Elizabeth Starling. CHARLOTTE CAEOLIKE AUGUSTA. 387 The following lines were written by Lord Byron on the removal and interment of the remains of her Royal High- . ness the Princess Charlotte : — Bright be the place of thy soul ! No lovelier spirit than thine E'er burst from its mortal control In the orbs of the blessed to shine. On earth thou wert all but Divine, As thy soul shall immortally be ; And our sorrow may cease to repine, When we know that thy God is with thee. Lord Byron. In person Charlotte was of u middle stature, stout, but of elegant proportions ; her eyes were blue, large, and intelli- gent ; her complexion unusually fair, the expression of her features dignified, and on the whole her appearance prepos- sessing. Her spirit was high, her temper irascible, and her inclination somewhat despotic ; but her affections warm, her mind cultivated, and benevolence unbounded. As she had been educated in sound moral, religious, and consti- tutional principles, it is thought that, on the throne, she might have exhibited, with some of the failings, many of the high and noble qualities of her favourite model Eliza- beth, the lion-hearted Queen." She was a pious, intelligent, energetic, and benevolent Princess, often visiting, and relieving in person the poor ; and her loss was deeply felt. Robert Hall preached a most eloquent sermon on her death.* By the death of this lamented Princess, and subsequent marriage of the Duke of Kent, her present Most Gracious Majesty has inherited the Crown of these realms. The * Maria Josepha Hale. 3SS THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. amiable Queen Adelaide was so unfortunate as to lose two of her children in earliest infancy.* There are, indeed, two sister-Princesses, though farther removed from the throne by the line of succession ; daughters of the late Duke of Cambridge. The Princess Augusta Caroline Charlotte Elizabeth Mary Sophia Louisa, the eldest, was born at Hanover, July 19th, 1822. On June 28th, 1843, she was united in marriage to Frederick William Charles George Ernest Adolphus Gustavus, Hereditary Grand Duke of Mecklen- burg-Strelitz. Her sister-Princess, Mary Adelaide Wil- helmina Elizabeth, second daughter of the Duke of Cam- bridge, was also born at Hanover, November 27th, 1833. She was married, 6th July, 1866, to Prince Teck. * Queen Adelaide had two daughters by "William IV., of whom the- eldest, Elizabeth Adelaide, born March 4th, 1819, lived only a few hours. Another daughter, who w T as christened Elizabeth, born pre- maturely December 2, 1820, died March 4th, 1821. 389 VICTORIA ADELAIDE MARY LOUISA, PRINCESS ROYAL OF ENGLAND, AND NOW HER IMPERIAL AND ROYAL HIGHNESS, CROWN PRINCESS OF THE GERMAN EMPIRE AND OF PRUSSIA. Accession and marriage of the Queen— Birth of the Princess Royal — Her christening, and sponsors — Birth of the Prince of Wales — Visit of the King and Queen of the Belgians — Visit of the Queen to the Duke of Wellington — The Princess Royal's birthday — The Princess accompanies her parents to Scotland — Louis Philippe's present to her doll — Birth of Princess Louise — The Princess visits Dublin — Opening of the Coal Exchange — The Royal Family visit Belgium — Prince of Prussia comes to England — Great Exhibition of 1851— Princess Royal visits the Court of France — Her Confirmation — Prince Frederick William visits the Queen — Drawing-room on the Queen's birthday — Personal appearance of the Princess Royal — Fancy Ball at Hanover Square Rooms — Prince Frederick William visits Scotland— Peace commemoration — Serious accident to the Princess Royal — Goes on board the Resolute — Birth of Princess Beatrice— Prince Frederick William and Princess Royal sponsors to the Royal babe — Vote of the House of Commons on the Princess Royal's marriage — Handel Festival — Distribution of the Victoria Cross— She visits the Manchester Exhibition — Present at the opening of Parliament — Departure of Prince Frederick William — Princess Royal inspects the Leviathan — Her future household — Royal trousseau — Present to the bridesmaids — Festival performances — State Ball — Arrival of the Royal Bridegroom — Medals of the mar- riage — The Royal Wedding — Departure for Windsor— Grand ball at Buckingham Palace — Presents to the Royal pair — Prince Frederick William invested with the Order of the Garter — Departure of the married pair — Embarkation — Safe arrival at Antwerp — Reception there and at Brussels — Their arrival at Potsdam — Interview with Royal Family — Public entry into Berlin — Reception at the Palace — Residence of the young couple — Presentation of young ladies of 390 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. Berlin — Deputation with a present from the city — Court Ball — Celebrated Fackeltanz — Soiree given by tbe Prince of Prussia — Donations to the poor of Berlin and Potsdam from the Princess — Domestic life — Court etiquette — Birth of her first son — The Prin- cess's love of gardening — Visit of the Queen and Prince Consort — Death of the latter — Visit of the Princess to the Queen — Birth of other children to the Princess — Picture of her family life. These records of the Royal Princesses would naturally have included her present Majesty Queen Victoria, so long the brightest ornament of her country, under the character of a maiden Princess, had not her accession to the throne placed her biography among those of the Queens Regnant of these realms. To this fortunate cir- cumstance, and to her happy marriage afterwards with Prince Albert, we are indebted for the birth of five Royal Princesses, the representatives of their mother, and, like her, educated to become an ornament and glory to their sex and station. It is not our intention to enter minutely into the history of the several Royal daughters of her Majesty, but to glance briefly at the most prominent fea- tures which call for special attention. Her Most Gracious Majesty Queen Victoria was united to Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg, at St. James's Chapel, on the 10th of February, in the year 1840. The first-born child of this auspicious union was Victoria Adelaide Mary Louisa, Princess Royal of England, born at Buckingham Palace 21st of November, 1840. On February 10th the Princess Royal was christened in Buckingham Palace, with every state and solemnity be- fitting the occasion. A temporary altar, with the furniture from the Chapel Royal, was erected in the Throne Room in the place of the throne. The rite was performed in the presence of her Majesty, the Prince Consort, the King of the Belgians, the Queen YICTOEIA ADELAIDE 3IARY LOUISA. 391 Dowager, the Duchess of Kent, the Archbishops of Can- terbury and York, the Bishops of London and Norwich, and the Dean of Carlisle, the Duchess of Sutherland, the late Duke and Prince George of Cambridge, the late Duke of Wellington, Viscount Melbourne, Lord John Russell, and others of the nobility. The Archbishop of Canterbury performed the service ; and when he came to that part for naming the Princess, her Majesty the Queen Dowager named her, Victoria Adelaide Mary Louisa. The late Duke of Wellington officiated as sponsor, on the part of the Duke of Saxe- Coburg and Goth a. The other sponsors were : the Queen Dowager, the Duchess of Gloucester, the Duchess of Kent, the King of the Belgians, and the Duke of Sussex. In the evening a grand dinner was given in the Picture Gallery, at which seventy-one guests were present. Prom her earliest infancy, the first-born of a Sovereign so beloved was naturally dear to the nation, and an object of tender interest to all who surrounded her. Of her Royal father it is related, that one day, when a gentleman was at the Palace who formerly had the honour of assisting him in his English studies, his Royal Highness inquired would he like to see the Princess ? The answer may be imagined. The Prince Consort himself brought his infant daughter from the nursery, with these words : " To you, I suppose, children seem nearly all alike ; but, to my eyes, this little girl appears more beautiful than any other in- fant I have ever seen !" On the 9th of November, 1841, the birth of the Prince of Wales gave an heir apparent to the throne ; to which till that period the Princess Royal had been presumptive heiress. The same year, June 23rd, the late King and Queen of 392 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. the Belgians, with their infant son the Duke of Brabant, and suite, arrived at Buckingham Palace, on a visit to the Queen. Her Majesty and the Prince Consort, accompanied by the Royal children, quitted Windsor on November 10th, 1842, for Walmer Castle, Deal, in order to pass a few weeks with the late Duke of Wellington. The 21st of that month being the birthday of the Princess Royal, was celebrated by general rejoicings and illuminations. The Princess Alice Maude Mary was born in 1843 : Prince Alfred, now Duke of Edinburgh, in 1844. On May 26th, 1846, Princess Helena Augusta was added to the little group. The Princess Royal accompanied her Majesty and the- Prince Consort, in September, 1844, when they left Windsor Castle for Scotland. The Royal party landed at Dundee, and visited Blair Athol, the castle of Lord Glenlyon, where they remained some time to enjoy the beauties of the surrounding scenery. It is necessary here to mention the mysterious chest which arrived in London in February, 1846, bearing upon it the Royal arms of France. It was addressed to the "Doll of the Princess Royal," and contained a complete trousseau, suited for either morning or evening costume, and two splendid ball toilettes, manufactured by the most eminent Parisian modiste, all designed with the utmost delicacy and taste. A jewel-case, with diamonds of the purest water, accompanied this unique present from the late King Louis Philippe to " the Doll of her Royal High- ness the Princess Royal of England." The education of the Princess Royal has been such as might be expected from the well-known character of her Royal parents. It has been affirmed that no man ever VICTORIA ADELAIDE MAET LOUISA. 393 arrived at greatness and distinction who might not trace his career back to the principles instilled by the maternal care in infancy. If man be then so in need of moulding from that tender hand, how much more the woman ! In connexion with this subject, the nation must ever cast back its retrospective glance in grateful acknow- ledgment to the late Duchess of Kent : and when that is remembered, we no longer wonder that in the fair daughters of the youthful Eoyal family are discernible those many traces of virtue and goodness requisite to adorn their sex and station. The tastes and pursuits of the young scions of Eoyalty have ever been, by judicious care, directed to those points in science and art calculated to tend to their improvement and advantage ; and while the ornamental accomplishments have been studied, we cannot wonder that the more valuable qualities of mind and heart have ever taken the precedence. At this time was born, March 18, 1848, Louise Caro- line Alberta, the fourth daughter of her Majesty, who was baptized in the Chapel of Buckingham Palace.^ In the autumn of 1818, the Queen and Prince Consort, with the Princess Royal and other members of their youthful family, embarked for Scotland, where they landed at Aberdeen, and proceeded thence to Balmoral Castle. In her ninth year, Princess Victoria visited Dublin, Cork, &c, with the Queen and the Prince Consort, the Prince of Wales, and Princess Alice. The Princess Royal's first visit of state in England was on the occasion of the opening of the Coal Exchange, London, at which time she was ten years of age. In the * Princes Arthur and Leopold, the two younger brothers of the Princess Royal, were born, the former, May 1st, 1850, the latter, May 7th, 1853. 394 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. first of three carriages rode the Prince Consort, Princess Royal, and Prince of Wales, with the Duke of Norfolk, Master of the Horse. On arriving at Whitehall-stairs, where the Royal barge, the Queen's shallop, and the Admiralty barge, were drawn up close in-shore, they embarked at half-past twelve o'clock, amidst the enthu- siastic greetings of the multitude, by whom, as they pro- ceeded amid waving handkerchiefs and streaming banners, they were received with continued expressions of loyal affection. At Custom House Quay the procession was formed. After a grand dejeuner, the Royal children were conducted to the Prince Consort's table, who rose, and led them forward to the body of the Hall, where they were received with great cheering. At three o'clock the Royal party took their departure. The Princess Royal and Prince of Wales accompanied the Queen and Prince Consort in August, 1850, on their visit to the Court of King Leopold, in Belgium, which visit was repeated in the summer of 1852. The union which has happily been accomplished be- tween the Princess Royal of England and Prince Fre- derick William of Prussia, had been long and ardently desired by the members of both Royal families. So early as April, in the year 1848, Prince William Frederick Louis of Prussia, father of Prince Frederick William, during a visit paid to the Queen of England at Osborne is said to have entertained for the first time the idea of the union of his son with the Princess Royal, then but a child — yet who was so interesting and attractive in her manners, that she became quite a favourite with her future father-in-law. Prince Frederick William, who was born in 1831, was then in his seventeenth year, and was ten years older than his future bride. His Royal YICTOEIA ADELAIDE MABY LOUISA. 395 parents had been several times in England. The Prince of Prussia was brother and next heir to the throne of Frederick William IV., the reigning King. # As Prince Frederick William is an only son, he is heir - presumptive to the Crown, and it may be expected, in ruling over the dominions of Frederick the Great, that he will display his virtues and talents. Fortunately for Prince Frederick William, his early hopes have not been doomed to be crushed, as were, those of his renowned relative ; but a prospect of domestic happiness, as well as a path of future greatness, opened to his view. One of the visits made by the Prince and Princess of Prussia to this country was on the opening of the Great Exhibition, when they were accompanied by the young Prince : at that interesting ceremony the Princess Poyal was also present. The Prince held a commission in the Regiment of Prussian Foot Guards, and enjoyed other military appointments. On his marriage he was promoted by the King to the rank of Major- General. He is a very fine-looking man, tall, and of a dignified and graceful deportment ; his manners are gracious and conciliatory, and he is very popular with both army and people. On the occasion of the visit of her Majesty the Queen, with the Prince Consort, to the Court of France, the Princess Eoyal, with her brother, the Prince of Wales, accompanied her parents. They embarked at Osborne, August 18th, 1855, and arrived safely at Boulogne, where the appearance of the Poyal squadron was announced by the discharge of cannon from the heights and the batteries on shore, by volleys of musketry from the troops, and the shouts of a multitude of spectators. " A handsome pavilion had been erected on the pier, in * On his death, Jan., 1861, the Prince succeeded him as William I. 396 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. which the Emperor, surrounded by a brilliant suite, awaited the approach of his guests. The instant the Eoyal yacht ran alongside, the Emperor hastened on board, and saluted the Queen, kissing her hand and both cheeks ; he then shook hands with Prince Albert, the Prince of Wales, and the Princess Royal, and with every mark of joy and welcome conducted them to the pavilion. The Royal party immediately proceeded in carriages to the railway station, the Emperor riding on one side the Queen's carriage, and Marshal Magnan on the other." On arriving at St. Cloud, the Royal party found the entire Palace placed at the disposal of her Majesty, who was received by the Empress, the Princess Mathilde, the ladies and officers of the household, and the high officers of state. The memorable event of the betrothal of Prince Frede- rick William to the object of his affections, is thus men- tioned by Queen Victoria herself in her published Journal : — " September 29, 1855. " Our dear Victoria was this day engaged to Prince Frederick William of Prussia, who had been on a visit to us since the 14th. He had already spoken to us on the 20th, of his wishes ; but we were uncertain, on account of her extreme youth, whether he should speak to her him- self, or wait till he came back again. However, we felt it was better he should do so, and during our ride up Craig- na-han this afternoon, he picked a piece of white heather, (the emblem of " good-luck"), which he gave to her ; and this enabled him to make an allusion to his hopes and wishes, as they rode down Glen-Gernoch, which led to this happy conclusion." On Thursday, March 15, 185G, her Majesty and the TICTOETA ADELAIDE MART LOUISA. 397 Princess Royal visited the ruins of Covent Garden Theatre, which had been destroyed by fire. The Royal party ap- proached the theatre by way of Hart-street, and alighted in Princes-place, in which her Majesty's private entrance was situated. There they were received by Mr. Gye, the lessee of the building, and were conducted to a position which commanded an advantageous view of the ruins. The wall under which her Majesty stood when she visited the ruins soon after fell to the ground, showing that the Queen must have run a great risk while she re- mained there. The Confirmation of her Royal Highness the Princess Royal, took place in the Private Chapel at Windsor Castle, March 26th, 1856. The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of Oxford, Lord High Almoner ; the Bishop of Chester, Clerk of the Closet ; the Dean of Windsor, Resident Chaplain to the- Queen ; the Rev. Lord Wriothesley Russell, Deputy Clerk of the Closet in Waiting, and the Rev. H. G. Ellison, Vicar of Windsor, took their seats within the rails of the communion-table shortly before twelve o'clock. The Ministers and other company invited to witness the ceremony assembled in the Green Drawing-room shortly before twelve o'clock, the Ladies and Gentlemen in Waiting on the Queen and the Royal family assembling in the corridor ; the company were then conducted to their seats in the Chapel. About twelve o'clock the Princess Royal entered the Chapel with her father, the Prince Consort, who placed her in a chair in front of the communion-table. Her Majesty the Queen, and his Majesty the King of the Belgians followed, together with the rest of the Royal and illustrious personages. The King of the Belgians, the D D 398 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. godfather of the Princess Royal, was conducted to a seat near the Princess under the pulpit ; and in a line with the King were the Duchess of Kent, godmother of the Prin- cess ; the Duchess of Cambridge, and the Princess Mary, the Duke of Cambridge, Prince Edward of Saxe- Weimar, Prince Ernest of Leiningen, and Prince Victor of Hohen- lohe. The Queen was seated opposite to the King of the Belgians, while the Prince Consort, the Prince of Wales, the Princess Alice, Prince Alfred, Princess Helena, and Princess Louise were placed opposite the other members of the Royal family. The great officers of State and the Ladies and Gentlemen in Waiting took their seats im- mediately behind the Royal family. The remainder of the company invited occupied pews on either side of the Chapel. The Princess Royal wore a rich white silk glace dress, with five flounces pinked, the body richly trimmed with white ribbon and Mechlin lace. The ceremony commenced by a hymn, sung by the gentlemen and boys of the Royal Chapel of St. George. The Bishop of Oxford read the Preface, and the Archbishop of Canterbury performed the ceremony and concluded the service, the Princess kneeling before his Grace. The Archbishop at the close delivered an exhor- tation, and part of the 268th hymn was then sung by the choir. The ceremony being ended, the Queen and the King of the Belgians, the Princess Royal and the Prince Consort, with the Royal family, quitted the Chapel and entered the Green Drawing-room, where her Majesty received the con- gratulations of the distinguished company present. The Princess Royal was with her Majesty and the Prince Consort when they proceeded to St. James's Palace YICTORIA ADELAIDE MAEY LOUISA. 399 to hold the first Drawing Boom in the season, April 10, 1856. On this occasion of her debut, the Princess Royal wore a dress of rich white glace silk, with three skirts of white tulle, looped up with bunches of corn-flowers, and rich white satin ribbon. The body was trimmed with a wreath of corn-flowers, ribbon, and blonde. The train was of rich white moire antique, trimmed with bouillons of tulle and corn-flowers, her head-dress was formed of a wreath of corn-flowers, feathers, and lappets. The arrival of Prince Frederick William, as a suitor for the hand of the Princess Royal, on May 20th, 1856, was a circumstance of uncommon interest in the Court circles, and indeed to the whole country. The Prince landed at Dover on the night of Tuesday, and on the following morn- ing travelled to Portsmouth, where his Royal Highness was met by the Queen and Prince Consort, accompanied by the Princess Royal. The illustrious party proceeded together to Osborne. On Monday, the Queen and Prince Consort, with the Prince of Wales, Prince Alfred, and the Princess Royal, crossed over in the Fairy, and proceeded up the South- ampton Water to the spot appointed for the erection of the Royal Victoria Hospital, of which her Majesty laid the first stone. After the ceremony was over, the Royal party re-embarked in the Fairy, and returned to Osborne. The following account has been given of the Princess Royal as she appeared at the next Drawing Room, held in honour of her Majesty's birthday, in May, 1856 : — " I was scarcely prepared to behold in her a fine grown woman, taller by a couple of inches than her mother, and carrying herself with the ease and grace of womanhood. It is no stretch of loyalty or courtesy to call the Princess Royal pretty. She is perfectly lovely. The regularity of D D 2 400 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. her features is perfect. Her eyes are large, and full of in- telligence, imparting to her face that sort of aspect which indicates good-humour. The nose and mouth are deli- cately and exquisitely formed, the latter giving the effect of great sweetness. The Princess is more like her father than her mother ; she is like the Queen in nothing but the nose ; in all other respects she is a female image of her father." June 6th, 1856, the Princess Royal and Prince Frede- rick William of Prussia went to a fancy ball, at the Hanover-square Rooms, with her Majesty and the Prince Consort, for the benefit of the Royal Academy of Music. On this occasion, when the splendour of dress and di- versity of costume was remarkable, the young Princess Royal surprised every beholder b} r the elegant simplicity of her white robe and wreath of flowers. The Prince's first acknowledged visit as the intended husband of the Princess Royal, who had then scarcely attained her fifteenth year, caused no small sensation in England. It was just at the close of the Russian war when the Prince arrived at Aberdeen, and proceeded by the Dundee Railway on a visit to Balmoral. He was received at Banchory by the Prince Consort, and on the following day the Queen and Prince, accompanied by Prince Frederick William, visited the camp of the Forbes Highlanders, on the banks of the Dee. At the time of the Peace Commemoration, in June, 1856, a few minutes before the commencement of the fire- works in the Green Park, the Queen, Prince Consort, the members of the Royal family, Prince Frederick William of Prussia, and other persons of rank, took their seats in a pavilion erected on the north end of Buckingham Palace, facing the Park, to witness the display of fireworks. VICTORIA. ADELAIDE MARY LOUISA. 401 The Peace Festival at the Crystal Palace, Sydenham, was honoured by her Majesty's presence, and that of the Prince Consort, the Princess Royal, and other members of the Royal family. The Princess Royal was prevented accompanying her Majesty and the Prince Consort to the ball at Grosvenor House, given by the Marquis and Marchioness of West- minster, on June 26, 1856, by an accident which might have been attended even with fatal consequences. The ball was to take place on Thursday : about midnight on the previous Tuesday, the Princess was engaged in her boudoir, and was in the act of lighting a wax-taper, when a spark ignited the sleeve of a gauze dress worn by her Royal Highness ; the flames spread rapidly, and in an instant the whole sleeve, from the wrist to the shoulder, was in a blaze. Her Royal Highness manifested remark- able presence of mind under the trying circumstances, and succeeded in extinguishing the flames before they had com- municated with the body of the dress. Her arm was much burnt, and she was in consequence confined to the Palace,-^so that she was unable to accompany her Royal parents to the ball at Grosvenor House, as originally in- tended. In August, 1856, the Queen and Prince Consort, accom- panied by five of the Royal children, made an excursion along the coast as far as Plymouth, and on their return paid a visit to Mount Edgecumbe and Salisbury. In December, 1856, during their sojourn at Osborne, the Princess Royal, in company with her Royal parents, the Prince of Wales, and Princess Alice, went on board the Resolute, then in Cowes harbour. This stout old ship had .recently arrived from an Arctic cruise, after having been conveyed into a port of the United States, 402 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. and was escorted thence by an American naval force, and was the first relic that reached our shores of the many expeditions which have been despatched in search of Sir John Franklin. The English and American flags de- corated the vessel, and when the Queen set her foot on deck, the Eoyal Standard was hoisted at the main. The Eoyal party went over the ship, and examined her with manifest interest. The birth of the ninth child of her Majesty and the Prince Consort took place on April 14th, 1857. The ceremonial of the christening was performed in the fol- lowing month. The sponsors were the Duchess of Kent, the Princess Eoyal, and Prince Frederick William of Prussia. The sacred rite was performed in the Private Chapel of Buckingham Palace : the Eoyal Princess was named Beatrice Mary Victoria. The death of the aged Duchess of Gloucester took place about the same period as the opening of the Arts Exhibition at Manchester, to the great affliction of the whole of the Eoyal family. The indispensable consent of the King of Prussia to the marriage of his nephew with the Princess Eoyal of England having been formally demanded, and granted by his Majesty, in the presence of the whole Court, the following message was communicated on the 18th of Mav, 1857, to the House of Commons : — " Her Majesty having agreed to a marriage proposed between the Princess Eoyal and his Eoyal Highness Prince Frederick William of Prussia, has thought fit to communicate the same to the House of Commons. Her Majesty is fully persuaded that this marriage cannot but be acceptable to all her faithful subjects ; and the many proofs which the Queen has received of the affectionate attachment YICTOKIA ADELAIDE MARY LOUISA. 403 of this House to her Majesty's person and family, leave her no room to doubt of the concurrence and assistance of this House in enabling her to make such a provision for her eldest daughter, with a view to the said marriage, as may be suitable to the dignity of the Crown and the honour of the country." The House sub- sequently passed an almost unanimous vote, granting a sum of 40,000Z. as an outfit, and settled an annuity of 8000Z. a year for life on her Royal Highness. The yearly allowance of 8000£. voted by the Parliament was to be paid quarterly to a commissioner named by her Majesty, who was to receive it to the sole use of the Princess. Their Eoyal Highnesses were precluded, either separately or conjointly, from making any dispositions with regard to this amount, which was to be paid to the proper hands of the Princess herself, and her sole receipt to be taken for it. The provision made by the King of Prussia for the future heir to the throne, was strictly in accordance with the regulations already existing in the ministry of the Eoyal house. By this, Prince Frederick William was to receive an appanage of 92,000 thalers (13,800Z.) a year, to be increased when, in the due course of nature, his uncle, the then King, should die and he thus become Crown Prince. In the marriage contract it is stated that the expenses of the joint establishment of their Royal Highnesses shall be defrayed out cf the above-mentioned sum : the interest, however, of the marriage portion which her Majesty gave to the Princess Victoria — viz., 40,000/. — is to go in aid of the same. The aforesaid capital to be handed over to a commissioner appointed by the King of Prussia, who is to pay it into the Crown Treasury, and give security for it on the Crown Trust Fund, until all arrangements are 404 THE EOYAL PltlKCESSES. completed. The interest of the 40,000?. to be paid over every six months to a commissioner named by their Eo}'al Highnesses and in the event of the decease of either, to go to the survivor. The ratification of the marriage treaty between the Eo} r al pair was engrossed here, in duplicate, on parchment, for the signatures of Queen Victoria and King Frederick William IV. The text was threefold— viz., in English, French, and German. It was signed at the Foreign Office by the Prussian Minister and by Lord Clarendon, and also by the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord Chancellor, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer. On the 17th of June, 1857, the Queen and her dis- tinguished guests attending the celebration of the Handel Festival at the Ciystal Palace, the Eoyal party arrived a little before one o'clock. With the Queen were the Archduke Maximilian of Austria, the Prince Consort, the Princess Royal, and Prince Frederick William of Prussia, Princess Alice, and the Prince of Wales. On this occa- sion, " as soon as the audience had settled themselves for the concert, a photograph of the whole scene, with the Eoyal box as a centre, was rapidly taken ; and, before the first part of the Oratorio was over, well-finished copies framed and glazed, were laid before her Majesty and her guests.' ' Nearly 18,000 persons were present. When, on June 26th, 1857, her Majesty went to Hyde Park to distribute the Victoria Cross of the Order of Valour, the Princess Eoyal was present, and also Prince Frederick William of Prussia: the latter wore a blue uniform, faced with silver. The visit of her Majesty to the Great Art Treasures Exhibition, Manchester, took place in August, 1857. On this occasion the cortege consisted of six carriages, in the VICTORIA ADELAIDE MART LOUISA. 405 last of which were seated the Queen, the Prince Consort, Prince Frederick William of Prussia, the Princess Koyal, and her sister. The Princess Royal has always been very dear to the cottagers on the Balmoral estate, whose humble homes she was accustomed to visit, to inform herself of the various details of lowly Scottish life. When the last visit to Balmoral was paid, the dependents were invited up to the lawn to bid farewell to her Boyal Highness. The Princess Royal's feelings entirely overcame her on this occasion, and it became necessary for the Prince Consort to bid them adieu in her name, she being unable to make her appearance. On the 21st of November, 1857, the anniversary of the birth of the Princess Eoyal, the band of the Eoyal Horse Guards played a cor ale on the south terrace of Windsor Castle, at seven o'clock in the morning. The garrison of Windsor, consisting of the Royal Horse Guards and the second battalion of the Fusileer Guards, paraded in the quadrangle of the Castle to witness the ceremony of the presentation of the Victoria Cross by her Majesty. The Queen and Prince Consort, accompanied by the Prince of Wales, the Princess Royal, Princes Alfred, Arthur, Leopold, Princesses Alice, Helena, Louise, Prince Frederick William of Prussia, and Prince Leiningen, entered the quadrangle soon after eleven o'clock. The Duke of Cambridge, Major-General Sir G. Wetherall, and the Equerries in Waiting, attended her Majesty. The Queen was received with a Royal salute, and went down the ranks ; after which the presentation of the crosses took place. The regiments then marched back in slow and quick time, wheeled into line, presented arms, and gave three cheers in honour of the Princess Royal's birthday. 406 THE EOYAL PEINCESSES. The Duchess of Kent was in the Castle, and witnessed the ceremony. On the 3rd of December her Majesty opened the Parlia- ment in person, with the usual procession. The Princess Royal preceded the Queen to the House of Lords, accom- panied by Princess Mary of Cambridge, and witnessed the ceremony ; Prince Frederick William of Prussia was also present. The Royal party afterwards went to St. James's Palace and visited the Chapel Royal, which had been thoroughly altered and refitted for the occasion of the approaching marriage. A deputation from the Merchant Taylors, on the 3rd of December, was admitted to an interview with Prince Frederick William, at Buckingham Palace, and presented to his Royal Highness the freedom of that ancient and honourable Company. The Prince left Buckingham Palace the same evening, on his return to the Continent, where he arrived in safety, after having encountered a very severe passage. The young Prince of Prussia, while in England, had visited the Leviathan, the wonder of the day. After his departure, the Princess Royal herself went to inspect that vessel, on Saturday, December 5th. The Royal visitor was received by Mr. Brunei and Mr. Yates, and conducted over the entire yard, when all the ponderous apparatus for lowering the huge mass, the greatest that has ever yet been moved, were duly explained. The enormous solidity and strength of the bases required to resist the backward strain of the hydraulic presses seemed to amaze her Royal Highness, who examined and inquired into every detail, inspecting the hydraulic machines, the construction of the cradles, and the double purchases, which, working from the land to the moored barges, dragged the vessel towards YICTOBIA ADELAIDE MAET LOUISA. 407 the river. While the Princess remained, it was unfortu- nately impossible to move the vessel ; but this loss was almost compensated by all the apparatus for moving her being quite at rest, and so enabling her to approach it nearly. Her Royal Highness quitted the yard shortly before one o'clock, and returned immediately afterwards to Windsor. On the 18th of December, Mr. Leonard Wyon was honoured with a, final sitting by the Princess Royal at Osborne, for the medal commemorative of the approaching marriage. The obverse bears the heads of the bride and bridegroom in relief, with the inscription — " Victoria, Princess Royal of England — Frederick William, Prince of Prussia." The reverse is a garland of roses, myrtle, and orange blossom, with the date of the marriage — " January 25th, 1858." The medal was struck in gold, silver, and bronze, the value of the first being forty, and of the second, three guineas. The ladies and gentlemen of the Princess Royal's future household were invited to come over to the Royal wedding by her Majesty, and entered on their duties about the Princess as soon as the nuptials were concluded. They were the Count and Countess Perponcher, the Cham- berlain and Mistress of the Robes, and the Countesses Marie zu Lynar and Wally von Hohenthal, Ladies in Waiting. The Royal trousseau was composed of every kind of article requisite for the wardrobe of a Princess — silks, velvets, satins, lace, Indian shawls, and stuffs, &c, manufactured by the most eminent firms, and prepared by the first hands in the art of millinery. Even in this depart- ment the innate benevolence of her Majesty was ex- tended to the children of the Royal Schools at Windsor 40S THE ROYAL PRIKCESSES. by large orders, and to a society formed during the Crimean war for employing the wives of the soldiers of the Guards in plain needlework. Her Majesty the Queen is said to have presented each of the bridesmaids of the Princess Eoyal with a diamond and turquoise ornament. Those ladies who occupied a prominent position in the ceremonial of the nuptials had a similar distinction conferred on them. Fourteen beau- tiful bracelets of the same pattern and with similar jewels were manufactured for the event, besides a number of brooches and pins. These latter contained on a shield of blue enamel the cipher of the Princess in diamonds, sur- mounted by the Prussian eagle, also in brilliants. The coat of arms peculiar to the Princess Royal had been obtained from competent authority, bearing the arms of Great Britain and Ireland on a shield chancre, and the arms of Coburg Gotha on a shield of pretension, sur- mounted by the crown peculiar to a Princess of the Blood Eoyal. This was her coat of arms as an unmarried Princess. In that, however, which she has assumed since her marriage, her arms are emblazoned on a lozenge or oval shield (which in English heraldry is given only to maids and widows), and surrounded by a wreath of oak leaves. The Prince's birthday, October 18th, had been at first fixed upon for the solemnization of the Royal nuptials ; eventually the day was changed — when it was finally settled to be the 25th of January. The guests invited to England by her Majesty to be present on the occasion were, his Majesty the late King of the Belgians, their Royal Highnesses the Duke of Brabant and the Count of Flanders, their Royal High- nesses the Prince and Princess of Prussia, Prince Frederick VICTORIA ADELAIDE MART LOUISA. 409 Charles, nephew of the King and son of Prince Charles, Prince Albert, brother of the King, Prince Charles Albert (son of Prince Albert), Prince Adalbert, cousin of the King, and the Prince of Hohenzollern Sigmaringen : their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Baden* and Prince William of Baden (brother of the Grand Duke) , and their Royal Highnesses the Duke and Duchess of Saxe-Coburg. There were also present their Serene Highnesses Prince Edward of Saxe- Weimar, the Prince and Princess of Hohenlohe Langenburg, Princess Feodore and Prince Victor of Hohenlohe, and the Prince of Leiningen. Four " Festival Performances" were given in honour of the approaching nuptials. For the accommodation of the Queen and her Royal guests, about a third of the ground tier of Her Majesty's Theatre was converted into one spacious box, handsomely adorned, and the concert-room, into which it opened, fitted up as a banquet-hall, with most tasteful decorations. Each of the four performances was intended to repre- sent a department of dramatic art. The first of the series took place Tuesday, January 19th, and was devoted to tragedy, followed by a short farce. The pieces selected were Macbeth, preceded by Spohr's Overture to Macbeth, with Locke's incidental music; and the National Anthem at the conclusion of the tragedy. The farce performed was Oxenford's Twice Killed. The second Festival Performance took place on Thurs- day, January 21st. The pieces selected were Balfe's Bose of Castile, and Mr. C. Selby's farce of The Boots at the Swan. * The Duke of Baden was prevented by illness from coming to England, and his death occurred before the Royal marriage. 410 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. On Wednesday evening, the 20th January, the Queen gave a State Ball, to which about eleven hundred persons were invited. Her Majesty received her distinguished guests in the White Drawing Room. The Princess Ro} r al, rendered so much more interesting than ever by the circumstances in which she was placed, was elegantly attired for the ball in a robe of India muslin, white spotted with gold, looped up with bouquets of white roses and variegated leaves : the Princess wore round her head a wreath of the same flowers and leaves. The ornaments were diamonds. On the 21st a Review took place at Woolwich, which was visited b} r his Royal Highness the Prince Consort, and the Prince of Wales and Prince Alfred, both in High- land costume. The Royal visitors afterwards visited the Arsenal. On the 22nd the Queen, Princess Royal, and Prince and Princess of Prussia, visited the Chapel Royal, when her Majesty pointed out the place where she wished her own Chair of State should be on the morning of the mar- riage — on the left-hand side of the altar. On either side of her Majesty's chair were placed five crimson velvet stools, richly embroidered with gold lace — the three on the left intended for the Princesses Alice, Helena, and Louise ; those on the right, for the Princes Arthur and Leopold. The Prince of Wales had a place apart, more to the front of the altar, and Prince Alfred among the illustrious guests on the right. The Prince Consort and King of the Belgians had crimson stools, similar to all others provided, except for her Majesty, in the centre of the liaut pas. On the right, immediately behind where the bridegroom was to stand, were the places for the Prince and Princess of Prussia. The places for Prince VICTORIA ADELAIDE MART LOUISA. 411 William of Baden and the Duke and Duchess of Saxe- Coburg were also upon the right. The Duchess of Kent's seat was on the left, near that of the Queen. A few minutes sufficed to change these arrangements, decided on at three o'clock, though the Queen had expressed her entire approbation : as shortly before four a telegram arrived at Buckingham Palace announcing the death of the Grand Duke of Baden, which caused the Duke and Duchess of Saxe-Coburg and Prince William of Baden to seclude themselves in their own private apartments, and it was not expected that they would be present at the marriage ceremony. The death of the Duke of Devon- shire also rendered it probable that his niece, the Duchess of Sutherland, would be prevented attending her Majesty on the occasion as Mistress of the Robes. There is something peculiarly interesting in the inci- dents which accompanied the arrival of Prince Frederick William in England on the occasion of his marriage. The weather was so stormy the day before, that several vessels were wrecked on the coast of Calais, the port from which the Prince was expected to embark. In the evening of Thursday, a telegraphic announcement was received at Dover that the Vivid would depart shortly after seven o'clock on the following morning. The weather had meanwhile taken a favourable turn ; the day was as calm and resplendent as heart could desire, and the Vivid had a rapid and favourable passage. The Prince, on landing at the Admiralty-pier, was met by Lieut. -Gen. Sir Frederick Stovin, K.C.B., Groom in Waiting to her Majesty, Captain M'lllwaine, R.N., the Admiralty Superintendent, the Duke of Richmond, K.G., General Crauford, Commandant of the Garrison, Colonel Ward, R.E , Colonel Brown, R.A., Cap- tain Smithett, and Mr. S. Latham, the Prussian Consul. 412 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. The guard of honour presented arms, the band playing the National Anthem, and at the same moment a Royal salute was discharged from the Drop Battery. The Prince pro- ceeded to the Lord Warden Hotel, where the Royal apartments had been prepared for his reception, and where he received a congratulatory address from the Mayor and Corporation of Dover, to which he gave a heartfelt reply, assuring his auditors that this was the sixth time he had passed through Dover, and that the present was the happiest moment of his life. At the Bricklayers' Arms Station the Eoyal visitor was met by the Prince Consort, the Prince of Wales, and Prince Alfred, who proceeded with him to Buckingham Palace, the three Royal carriages used on the occasion being escorted by a detachment of the 2nd Life Guards. His Royal Highness the Prince of Prussia met his son in the Grand Hall, and accompanied him to her Majesty the Queen. The third Festival Performance in honour of the Prin- cess Royal's nuptials took place on Saturday, January 23rd. La Sonnamiula was the opera selected ; it was followed by a Festival Cantata, composed expressly for the occasion, from which the following is an extract : — * ' Soon the parting hour will come, Joy is mingled with regret ; Eoyal bride, thy native home, Girt by ocean, ne'er forget. Gentle be the^gales that bear Britain's child to foreign lands ; Angels guard the treasure fair Trusted to your fostering hands." Chorus. 11 Raise on high a joyous song, Let the world your rapture know ; In a torrent full and strong Let the blended voices flow." YICTOEIA ADELAIDE MAET LOUISA. 413 Finale. " Hail ! to the Queen of the white-cliff' d isle ! Still may she bask beneath fortune's smile ; Blessed by the favour of Heav'n above, Blessed in her children's — her subjects' love !" The evening's entertainment concluded with a Diver- tissement Allegorique, by M. Massot. This being the first' time on which the Princess Royal had been present in public in the company of Prince Frederick William, who was seated by her side, much enthusiasm was expressed at the conclusion of the Na- tional Anthem. The Queen had several times graciously responded as usual by curtsies to the cheers from all sides of the house, when the cry of " Princess !" " Prin- cess !" ran round the whole building. The young and interesting object of this national compliment appeared for the moment only to hesitate whether she should ac- knowledge it, when her Royal mother beckoned her to the front of the box, and she gracefully curtsied to the assembled multitude amidst the greatest display of enthu- siastic feeling. The Prince brought with him to London as presents a number of the medals struck at Berlin in commemoration of the marriage. The wedding rings used at the nuptials of the Princess Royal are of Silesian gold, and were manu- factured at Breslau. A special marriage licence had moreover been prepared in conformity with the Act of Parliament (12 Geo. III.), for regulating the future marriages of the Royal Family. This was written on vellum, and to it was attached the Official Seal. There were many thousands of hearts that beat high with anxiety overnight, in the one fond hope that that E E 414 THE EOYAL PRINCESSES. wedding*day might prove fair for the sake of her who was to be given away — whose heart was with her hand to be bestowed by herself on the worthy object of her own and the nation's choice — a choice approved by her parents, who must have felt in parting with her that they were only the more closely binding those ties which nature herself had already formed between the families of Eng- land and Prussia. That the tie now formed by Victoria, Princess Royal, might be happy, was the spontaneous prayer which rose from the heart of all ; that her Royal mother had been happy, was the assurance of the past in token of the future, which promised all that was bright and fair ; and when the sun pierced through the dense fog which had enveloped the morning in its cloudy veil, and dissipated with its smile all doubts of the usual " Royal weather," as though smiling in benediction on the bridal pair, the multitudes who thronged the line of route gladly accepted the happy prognostic of the wedded life of their favourite Princess. At twelve o'clock the bridal procession began to wend its way through the Park to the Palace of St. James. Twenty carriages combed the Royal family, and those illustrious guests who had assembled to witness this inte- resting event, to the gate of St. James's Palace, where a covered way had been erected at the private entrance from the garden. The interior of the pavilion was lined with scarlet and purple cloth, and the drapery was arranged in elegant folds around the opening at either end. The slender pillars which supported the roof were connected by garlands formed of holly, golden furze, and laurustinus in flower, with pendents composed of tendrils of ivy. A knot with streamers of the colours of England and Prussia united the garlands over each column. The principal entrance VICTORIA ADELAIDE MABT LOUISA. 415 to the Palace was set in a frame of leaves, flowers, and berries, combined in a highly pleasing manner, and was surmounted by an arch, consisting of palm-branches and other exotic plants. Her Majesty was received by the great officers of State, and conducted to the Royal closet. The banister of the narrow staircase by which the Queen ascended was tastefully decorated with creeping plants, interwoven with roses and camellias. A change, almost magical in its effect, had been made in the Koyal closet. The walls were covered with rich embossments in white and gold, the ceiling was chastely painted and gilded in the same colours, while nothing could exceed the richness and elegance of the furniture. From the Koyal closet the Princess Eoyal, accompanied by the Prince Consort and the King of the Belgians, was conducted to the Re- tiring Room, a remarkably handsome apartment, exqui- sitely decorated for the occasion. Her Majesty, however, passed at once into the Robing Room, one of the noblest saloons in the Palace, fitted with the rich and quaint but somewhat sombre furniture of the time of Queen Anne. Her Majesty's Procession was formed in the Throne Room, where an elegant table, covered with crimson velvet cloth festooned with blue cords and tassels, had been placed for the signing of the marriage register. The windows were filled with flowers, and the mantelpiece bore a miniature ■parterre, the edges of the white marble being fringed with delicate twining plants. No attempt seemed to have been made, except by the introduction of flowers, to improve the State apartments. The passage of the processions through Queen Anne's Room, the Tapestry Room, and the Armoury, was a scene equally splendid and impressive. The ladies who occupied the seats prepared for the occa- sion, and the greater part of whom were in the bloom of e e 2 416 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. youth, were all in full Court dress ; they rose as each procession passed them, and did homage to it by a deep obeisance, which was graciously acknowledged by her Majesty and the other principal personages. Most of the gentlemen present were in military or naval uniform. At the top of the great staircase leading to the Colour Court were the initials of the bride and bridegroom, formed of white flowers upon a background of evergreens, plaited so as to compose a rich natural tapestry, the whole sup- ported by palm branches, displayir. g the colours of England and Prussia. At half-past twelve, a few notes on the organ were heard, which were immediately followed by the arrival of the Princess of Prussia, mother of the bridegroom, in the Chapel. Two young ladies in the group of Ladies of Honour and Gentlemen in Waiting attendant on the Princess of Prussia attracted particular attention, for it was understood they were the first ladies appointed of the future household of the young Princess: they were the Countess Hohenthal and the Countess Lynar — about her own age, interesting in appearance, and uniformly attired in elegant and simple pink dresses. Countess Bernstorff, wife of the Prussian Minister, attended also on the Princess. The approach of the Procession of the Queen was an- nounced by the sound of trumpets and the beat of drums. She was attended by the Princess Mary of Cam- bridge, the Duchess of Sutherland, the Duchess of Kent, Lady Macdonald, and Lady Caroline Barrington. Never surely had Queen Victoria felt more happy or more proud than on the present occasion, when, sur- rounded by her whole family, the infant Beatrice alone excepted, she attended at the Chapel Eoyal to witness YICTOKIA ADELAIDE MARY LOTJISA. 417 the nuptials of her first-bom daughter. Just before the Queen, yet close enough to be at her side, were the two elder Princes, attired in Highland costume. The two younger Princes came close by the side of her Majesty, and then followed the three younger Princesses — Alice, Helena, and Louise, all of them dressed in light pink tulle. The Master of the Ceremonies and other officials con- ducted her Majesty to her Chair of State, and the rest of the members of the procession to their various seats, while the other portions of the assembly remained standing. The procession of the Bridegroom followed almost im- mediately after; and as the assembly rose to receive Prince Frederick William, he bowed to them in a very graceful manner, appearing to great advantage. His Royal Highness, who wore the uniform of the Prussian Guards, and carried his helmet of polished silver in his hand, is tall in figure, and has a soldierly bearing. On arriving at the altar, he made a profound obeisance to his Royal mother, and afterwards to her Majesty. He then knelt, and passed a few moments in devotion. Another flourish of trumpets announced the arrival of the Royal Bride, whose procession entered the Chapel at a quarter to one o'clock. The dress of the Princess was of virgin white. It consisted of a rich robe of white moire antique, ornamented with three flounces of Honiton lace. The design of the lace consisted of bouquets in openwork, of the rose, shamrock, and thistle, in three medallions. At the top of each flounce, in front of the dress, were wreaths of orange and myrtle blossoms — the latter being the bridal flower of Germany — eveiy wreath terminating with bouquets of the same flowers, and the length of each being so graduated as to give the appearance of a robe 41S THE 110TAL PRINCESSES. defined by flowers. The apex of this floral pyramid was formed by a large bouquet worn on the girdle. The train, more than three yards in length, was of white moire antique, trimmed with two rows of Honiton lace, sur- mounted by wreaths similar to those on the flounces of the dress, with bouquets at short intervals. The Bride's necklace, ear-rings, and brooch were of diamonds ; she wore also the Prussian Order of Louisa, and a Portuguese Order. The head-dress was a wreath of orange flowers and myrtle ; the veil of Honiton lace, to correspond wibh the dress. The design of the lace was alternate medallions of the rose, shamrock, and thistle, with a rich ground of leaves. The veil was of an altogether new style, entirely the suggestion of her Majesty. The bridal bouquet of the Princess Royal was intrusted to the skill and taste of Mr. Harding, and the suggestions of Prince Frederick William as to its component parts are said to have been gallantly transmitted a fortnight before the auspicious event for which it was intended. On the right-hand side, the young Bride was supported by her father, the Prince Consort ; on her left, by her godfather, the King of the Belgians. The train of the Bride was fitly sustained by the fairest daughters of the first Peers of the land ; two and two, they followed thus : — Lady Susan Charlotte Catherine Pelham Clinton, daughter of the Duke of Newcastle ; Lady Cecilia Catherine Gordon Lennox, daughter of the Duke of Rich- mond ; Lady Katherine Hamilton, daughter of the Mar- quis of Abercorn ; Lady Emma Charlotte Smith Stanley, daughter of the Earl of Derby ; Lady Susan Catherine Mary Murray, daughter of the Earl of Dunmore ; Lady Constance Yilliers, daughter of the Earl of Clarendon; Lady Victoria Noel, daughter of the Earl of Gains- YICTOBIA ADELAIDE MART LOUISA. 419 borough ; 'and Lady Cecilia Maria Charlotte Molyneux, daughter of the Earl of Sefton. These lovely and high-born young ladies, the personal friends of the Princess Royal — every one of them lineally descended from the Royal houses of England and Scot- land — were uniformly attired in dresses selected from a design furnished by the taste of the illustrious Bride her- self. Their dresses consisted of a white glace petticoat, entirely covered by six deep tulle flounces, over which fell a tunic of tulle, trimmed with ruches of tulle, looped upon one side with a bouquet of pink roses and white heather. The body was trimmed with draperies of tulle, with hang- ing sleeves of the same material, trimmed with ruches. A bouquet of the same flowers was worn on the girdle, and on each shoulder. Before quitting Buckingham Palace, the Princess Royal had taken an affectionate farewell of her brides- maids, each of whom she tenderly embraced, with expres- sions of gratitude for their obliging attentions. On arriving at the Chapel, the Bride was conducted to her seat on the left side of the liaut pas leading to the Com- munion Table, near the Queen's chair of state, and the Prince Consort and King of the Belgians were conducted to their seats on the Tiaut pas near the Bride. The Lord Chamberlain and Vice-Chamberlain stood near the Queen. The Princess Royal knelt when she was conducted to the altar, and while she remained in that position, the cor ale appointed for the service commenced— ' l This day with, gladsome voice and heart, We praise thy name, Lord, who art Of all good things the giver. For England's first-born hope we pray — From hour to hour, from day to day, Be near her now and ever. 420 THE EOYAL PRINCESSES. King of Kings ! Lord of Lords ! — Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, We adore thee ; Hear us while we kneel before Thee." At the conclusion Handel's " Hallelujah Chorus" was sung, and Mendelssohn's "Wedding March" played after- wards as the procession left the Chapel. The service ended, Prince Frederick William embraced his Koyal father, by kissing first his hand and then his cheek ; he then saluted his mother in a similar manner. Meanwhile the Eoyal Bride was affectionately embraced by her Majesty and the Duchess of Kent, the Prince Consort, and her sisters. Prince Frederick William then crossed the liaut pas, and kissed the Prince Consort, the King of the Belgians, and lastly, her Majesty, who em- braced his Eoyal Highness with much affection. The Princess Eoyal, on her part, at the same instant stepped across to her father-in-law, whose hand she seized, and would have kissed, but that the gallantry of his Eoyal Highness preferred to receive the token of affection upon his cheek. The Princess now embraced her illustrious- mother-in-law most affectionately, and then, resigning herself to the conduct of her Eoyal husband, retired from the Chapel, followed by the ladies of her household, and' by the Countess Bernstorff, in the order of procession^ prescribed. The Queen's procession was then re-formed, and followed the Bride and Bridegroom to the Throne Eoom in the same order in which it had entered the Chapel. On the Eoyal party arriving in the Throne Eoom, the marriage was formally attested by the signatures of the Queen and the Prince Consort, the Crown Prince and Princess of Prussia, the King of the Belgians, and all the junior branches of the English Eoyal family. The VICTORIA ADELAIDE MAET LOUISA. 421 record was also signed by the Lord Chancellor and the other Cabinet Ministers present, and also by his Excel- lency Count BernstorfF. A very interesting incident occurred immediately after the return of the bridal party to Buckingham Palace. The windows opening into the balcony were unclosed, and, to the delight of thousands of her loyal subjects, the Queen stepped out and bowed to the enthusiastic acclama- tions of the vast crowd before her. She then retired, but as speedily returned, and, leading by the hand the Princess Royal, presented her to the multitude. As the Queen withdrew, the Royal Bridegroom took his place by the side of his Bride, and hand in hand the illustrious pair received a most vociferous ovation. The Prince Consort, the Prince of Wales, the Prince and Princess of Prussia, in turn appeared before the delighted spectators, and received a hearty welcome ; and finally, the Bride and Bridegroom again came forward, and took a farewell greeting. ISTo words can convey an idea of the enthu- siasm which this most graceful and considerate act on the part of her Majesty excited. Soon after the return of her Majesty and the Court, a dejeuner was served in the State Dinner Room, into which the Queen and Prince Consort, the Prince and Princess- Frederick William of Prussia, the Ro} r al family, and foreign Princes, passed from the Picture Gallery. The Wedding Cake was placed in the middle of the table ; it was between six and seven feet in height, and was divided from the base to the top into three compart- ments, all in white. The newly married pair departed for Windsor Castle at twenty-five minutes before five o'clock. The Queen, Prince Consort, and Royal family, with the 122 THE EOYAL PEIX CESSES. Prince and Princess of Prussia, accompanied their Koyal Highnesses to the Grand Hall, where the Ladies and Gentlemen in Waiting had assembled. Her Majesty and the Prince and Princess of Prussia took leave of their Royal relatives at the principal entrance, and the Prince Consort accompanied his daughter and Prince Frederick William to their carriage. The Bride Princess was attired in a white epingle dress high up, with plain skirt, with lace collar and sleeves ; a cloak of white epingle trimmed with grebe ; the bonnet white epingle, trimmed with orange-blossoms, and a Brus- sels lace veil. Lady Churchill, the Countess Perponcher, and Sir Frederick Stovin were in attendance on their Royal Highnesses. The Royal pair arrived at the Pad- dington station of the Great Western Railway a few minutes after five o'clock, where a special train was in waiting to convey them to Windsor. At the George-street terminus, Windsor, arrangements had been made for as many persons as possible, without inconvenience, to witness the arrival of their Royal High- nesses. Seats on one side of the platform were erected for 500 Etonians, who had assembled in full dress, wear- ing rosettes. In front of her Majesty's Reception Room were the Mayor and Magistrates of the borough, and drawn up in the rear was a guard of honour composed of the Scots Fusileer Guards. The Royal train arrived at twenty minutes to six, amidst an announcement of fireworks and firing of cannon, the guard of honour saluting. No sooner were the Bride and Bridegroom seated in their carriage, than the Eton boys, to the number of one hundred, yoked themselves to the vehicle, and the remainder surrounding it formed an aristocratic escort. This ingenious manoeuvre accom- VICTORIA ADELAIDE MART LOUISA. 423 plished, the Royal pair were drawn in triumph to the Castle, amidst the acclamations of assembled thousands, the Scots Fusileer Guards preceding the carriage to clear the way. At night the town was brilliantly illuminated. A State Concert at Buckingham Palace and brilliant illuminations closed the evening in the English metro- polis. A general holiday by common consent was observed at Liverpool, Birmingham, Nottingham, Brighton, Canter- bury, Wakefield, Leicester, Bristol, Manchester, &c. In these cities and towns, entertainments were given on a brilliant scale, while bells were rung, and flags and banners floated in every street. On the night of the 25th of January, a ball was given in Paris, at the British Embassy, in honour of the marriage of the Princess Eoyal of England. The Emperor and Empress were present. His Majesty wore the Order of the Garter, and with the Empress joined in the dancing. During supper, his Majesty rose and proposed, in a few and appropriate words, the health of the Princess Eoyal of England, expressing a hope that she might be as happy in her married state as her amiable qualities so richly merited. This toast was received with great enthusiasm.' In Berlin, on the wedding-day, Lord Bloomfield gave a brilliant ball at the Hotel of the English Mission. Among the company were their Eoyal Highnesses Prince and Princess Carl and the Princess Leignitz, &c. The portrait of the Princess Eoyal, by Winterhalter, lent to Lord Bloomfield for the occasion by Prince Frederick William, attracted the admiration of the whole company. In all the important cities of Prussia, the authorities instituted festivities in celebration of the marriage. Mr. Buchanan's fete, at Copenhagen, in honour of the 424 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. occasion, was very brilliant. The King of Denmark came there in full state, with a military escort, and running footmen bearing torches in front. The Dowager Queen Amalia, the Hereditary Crown Prince Ferdinand, Prince Christian of Denmark, and the Royal Princesses, honoured our Minister and Mrs. Buchanan with their company. Sir Ralph Abercromby, at the Hague, gave a grand dinner on the wedding-day, at which the Queen of Hol- land, granddaughter of Caroline Matilda, was present ; Lord Howard de Walden also gave a fete at Brussels. The following more solid commemoration of this event occurred on the occasion : — The national society called the " Friedrich Wilhelm Victoria Stiftung," founded January 1st, 1856, at the time of the Prince of Prussia's jubilee in honour of the ap- proaching marriage, not only supplied seven young bridal couples with a donation of 100 thalers each towards com- mencing housekeeping — five of whom were married on the 25th January, and the remaining two on February 8fch, the day of the entry into Berlin — but the same was also done for one couple in Spandau, two in .Magdeburg, and one in Breslau.* • A lofty open coronet of diamonds was the gift of the King and Queen of Prussia to the young English bride, the design of which, with its thin spires of brilliants and open shell-work between, is probably one of the most chaste and graceful that has ever been executed. The presents of the Queen of England to her beloved daughter were, first, a broad diamond necklace, with a treble row of the most brilliant drops, and long pointed terminals, which match the light tracery of the coronet. The second gift * On the meeting of this society in 1862, it was found that no less than forty couples had received similar donations. VICTORIA ADELAIDE MART LOUISA. 425 from the Royal mother consisted of three massive brooches, somewhat in the style and size of the Scotch plaid brooch, but which, instead of having an open circlet in the middle, were in each case filled with a noble pearl of the very largest size and purity of colour. The Queen's third present was three silver candelabra, the centre-piece springing from an elaborate base, sur- rounded by large groups of figures, exquisitely chased, in full relief. This is four feet high, and supports between twenty and thirty branches. The two others are to match the centre, and are equally elaborate, and -almost equally massive and lofty. The gift of the Prince Consort was most costly — a superb bracelet of brilliants and emeralds, in both design and execution beautiful. This ornament the Princess Royal wore, on the occasion of her marriage, on the right arm ; on the left arm she wore a bracelet, also of diamonds and emeralds, presented by the Gentlemen of the Eoyal Household, but inferior in value to the other, both in design and in the manner in which it is set. The Prince of Wales gave his sister a suite of ear-rings, brooch, and necklace of opals and diamonds. The Princess Alice gave a small but beautifully formed brooch of pearls ; and the Princesses Helena, Louise, and Beatrice a massy stud brooch or button, similar in shape to those of diamond and pearl of the Queen's gifts, before mentioned. These brooches are of massive gold, ornamented with pearls and emeralds, pearls and rubies, and pearls and sap- phires. The Duchess of Cambridge gave a noble bracelet of diamonds and opals ; and the Princess Mary her portrait in massive gold frame and stand. A magnificent necklace, composed of pure brilliants and turquoises, and called " the Turquoise Necklace," from the 426 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. size, value, and rarity of the latter gems, was the gift of the bride's Royal father-in-law, the Prince of Prussia, The Princess of Prussia's gift was a stomacher brooch of brilliants, of which the stones were of the purest water, and the setting and design exquisite. Her grandmother, the venerable Duchess of Kent, presented the Princess Royal with a magnificent and useful dressing-case, of which the articles were all of massive silver-gilt, enriched with bright-red coral, and for simplicity and beauty of design not to be surpassed. A writing-desk to match the dressing-case was presented by the Duchess of Buccleugh. From the Maharajah Dhuleep Singh, the Bride received an opera-glass, of elaborate design. The Duchess of Saxe- Weimar gave a magnificent bracelet of rubies, diamonds, and emeralds : and the Duke and Duchess of Saxe-Coburg bestowed plain bracelets with enamel miniatures of the givers on each. The Marchioness of Breadalbane gave a toilet hand-mirror, of which the frame was of massive gold set with pearls, the handle composed entirely of one brilliant cairngorm. The gift of the Bridegroom — the most costly, though in appearance the most simple of any — was a necklace of pearls, the value of which may be estimated from the fact that the necklace, though full-sized, requires only thirty- six to complete the entire circle ; the pearls graduate in size from the centre, tapering less and less as they approach each end. The three centre pearls in this superb circlet are said to be of great value, being estimated at 28,000 thalers (4200Z.). The pearls are remarkably pure — the largest, in the centre, of the size of a hazel-nut — and the number composing the necklace have only been accumu- lated by dint of great diligence, during a lengthened period. VICTORIA ADELAIDE MARY LOUISA. 427 A large edition of the sacred volume — a Bible, bound in the most costly and gorgeous style — has on the fly-leaf this inscription : — " The Committee of the British and Foreign Bible Society, to her Royal Highness the Princess Royal, on the occasion of her marriage, with sincere prayers to Almighty God for her happiness in time and eternity. " Shaftesbury, President. " January, 1858." On Tuesday afternoon, January 26, these splendid testi- monials of affection were exhibited at Buckingham Palace to the representatives of the British people. Amongst them was a Brussels lace dress, the present of his Majesty the King of the Belgians, made expressly for the young Bride, and valued at 50,000 francs, or 2000Z. sterling. It was in a little card-box, with a delicate fringe left out to show the pattern. Very many even of the most costly presents were not exhibited, as a great number of the gifts to the Bride had been already packed up, and sent off to Berlin ; of this number were magnificent presents from the Countess of Fife, the Countess of Derby, the Countess of Clarendon, and others ; articles of their own work sent by every lady of the Royal household, and by many personal friends and acquaintances of the Princess. The King of the Belgians and his sons, and his Serene Highness .the Prince of Hohenzollern Sigmaringen, took leave of the Queen, on their departure for the Continent, on January 26th. The Princes Albert, Frederick Charles, Frederick Albert, and Adalbert « of Prussia, with their suite, left Buckingham Palace the same day at an early hour, on a visit to several of the principal ports and towns in En 2fl and. -V2S TIIE KOYAL PRINCESSES. Deputations from the Universities of Oxford and Cam- bridge waited on the Queen with congratulations upon the marriage ; as did also the Lord Mayor and Corporation of the City of London, as well as the body of Protestant Dis- senting Ministers, and the body of English Presbyterian Ministers. On Wednesday, her Majesty, the Prince Consort, and the Royal family departed for Windsor. At a quarter to two their Royal Highnesses Prince Frederick William and Princess Victoria came from Windsor Castle in an open phaeton to the station, and were received with the usual military honours, a Prussian air being played amid hearty acclamations from the assem- bled throng. The Prince and Princess awaited in the saloon the coming of the Royal train. On its arrival the youthful couple advanced across the platform to the car- riage doors. The Prince Consort, who was the first to leave the carriage, affectionately patted the cheek of his daughter while handing out her Majesty. The meeting of the Royal mother and daughter exhibited the warmest affection. Her Majesty afterwards saluted Prince Fre- derick William ; and as soon as the Princess had placed in the hands of the Queen a magnificent bouquet of flowers, she affectionately embraced the Prince of Wales and all the Royal children. After passing through the saloon, her Majesty, the Prince Consort, and the Prince and Princess Frederick William entered the pony phaeton, and, followed by five other carriages, which contained the Prince of Wales, the Princess Alice, the rest of the Royal family, visitors, and suite, left the station, and proceeded at a slow pace through the town to the Castle, amidst the joyous accla- mations of the people. VICTORIA ADELAIDE MART LOUISA. 429 A grand and imposing spectacle took place at the solemn installation of Prince Frederick William of Prussia as a Knight of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, on the following day, her Majesty having convened a Chapter of the Order at the Castle for that purpose. At five minutes past three o'clock, her Boyal Highness the Princess Frederick William of Prussia passed through the Grand Keception Boom into the Throne or Garter Boom, attended by the Ladies and Gentlemen of her household, to witness the investiture of her husband ; his Boyal Highness the Prince of Wales (in Highland dress), and her Boyal Highness the Princess Alice, accom- panied their sister. The Prussian Minister and Countess BernstorfF followed the Princess into the Throne Boom, where her Boyal Highness was ushered to a chair at the east end of the apartment. The Princess wore a dress of white silk brocaded with gold, trimmed with gold lace, and a white satin skirt, trimmed with gold lace. Her Boyal Highness's head-dress was formed of holly, gold leaves, white feathers, and diamond ornaments. The Prince and Princess Frederick William, after the investiture of the Order of the Garter, attended Divine Service in St. George's Chapel. The Queen gave a grand dinner in the evening in the Waterloo Gallery. All the Knights of the Garter assist- ing at the Chapter were honoured with invitations : the guests amounted to seventy-one. The magnificent service of silver- gilt was used for the occasion, and the plateau was brilliantly lit by numerous golden candelabra filled with wax-lights, the candelabrum of St. George forming the centre ornament of the Boyal table. At half-past eleven on the morning of Friday, January 29th, the Mayor and Corporation of Windsor presented E F 130 TIIE EOTAL PEIISTCESSES. an address of congratulation on behalf of themselves and the town to the Prince and Princess Frederick William, on the happy occasion of their nuptials. On the evening of Friday, January 29th, the fourth and last of the Festival Performances in honour of the Princess Royal's nuptials with Prince Frederick William of Prussia, took place at her Majesty's Theatre. The house was decorated nearly the same as on the former occasion ; on the panels of the second-tier boxes, immediately fronting the stage, were inscribed, in golden letters upon a crimson ground, the words "May Heaven bless them !" Her Majesty's box was draped very tastefully in crimson and blue velvet, the canopy being surmounted with the arms of England and Prussia. At the base of the Royal box, on either side, a " beef-eater" kept watch and ward during the whole performance ; and two other of these officials were stationed respectively on the right and the left of the proscenium. The Prince of Wales, the Princess Alice, and the rest of the Royal children occupied a box directly in front of the stage, and consequently at some distance from their august parents. At half-past seven the Queen and the Prince Consort, with Prince Frederick William of Prussia and his Royal Bride, attended by the Court, entered the theatre amidst continued acclamations. The Princess Frederick William of Prussia wore a dress of light blue tulle over blue silk, trimmed with white blonde ; a large diamond brooch, with pendants ; a neck- lace and ear-rings of diamonds. Her Royal Highness wore a wreath of sweet peas as a head-dress. On the entrance of the Royal party the curtain rose and discovered the whole corps dramatique upon the stage, all YICTOEIA ADELAIDE iXART LOUISA. 431 the ladift being: dressed in white. The National Anthem was then sung, with additional verses made for the occa- sion by Mr. Alfred Tennyson, the Poet Laureate, which were as follows : — Chorus. * l God save our Prince and Bride ! God keep their hands allied ! God save the Queen ! Clothe them with righteousness ! Crown them with happiness ! Them with all blessings bless ! God save the Queen !" Solo. 11 Fair fall this hallow'd hour ! Farewell, our England's flower ! God save the Queen ! Farewell, fair Rose of May ! Let both the peoples say, * God bless thy marriage day !' God save the Queen !" The piece selected for representation was Sheridan's comedy of The Rivals, at the close of which the National Anthem was again sung. Then followed The Spitalfields Weaver, and at the conclusion her Majesty and the Royal party retired amidst general and hearty cheering. The Queen held a Drawing Room on Saturday afternoon, January 30th, for the purpose of receiving congratula- tions on the happy event of the Royal nuptials. No pre- sentations took place on the occasion. At the Drawing Room, his Royal Highness the Prince Consort was on the right of the Queen. Her Royal Highness the Princess Frederick William was on her Majesty's left, with his Royal Highness Prince Frederick William of Prussia standing by her side. p p 2 432 THE EOTAL PRINCESSES. The Queen wore a train of cerise and silver brocaded silk, trimmed with silver blonde and bows of cerise satin ribbon. The petticoat white satin, trimmed with bouil- lonnies of silver blonde and branches of camellias. The dress ornamented with diamonds. Her Majesty wore a diadem of diamonds and feathers. The Princess wore a dress of white moire antique, trimmed with satin ruches, white roses, and jessamine. The petticoat white moire antique, with deep flounces of Honiton lace, trimmed to correspond with the train. The corsage was ornamented with diamonds. Her Royal Highness wore a diadem of diamonds and a necklace ' of pearls. The Court was brilliantly and numerously attended, all being eager to behold and to congratulate on so joyous an occasion the beloved daughter of a Sovereign so dear to all classes of her people, and who, for her own intrinsic worth and amiable disposition, was an object of general affection and esteem. On the same day, Saturday, January 30th, their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess Frederick William of Prussia received various addresses of congratulation at Buckingham Palace. In the evening her Majesty had a dinner party, and afterwards an evening party, at both of which the newly-married pair were present. Man} r pleasing anecdotes are preserved of the affection testified by Princess Victoria towards those who had sur- rounded her Boyal person from childhood, and whose attachment and services she delicately acknowledged in parting from them. Mrs. Anderson, who for twelve years had been her instructress in music, was highly gratified about this time by receiving a very handsome bracelet, with a pendant enclosing a locket of the Princess's own hair. YICTOKIA ADELAIDE ZtfARY LOUISA. 433 The morning at length arrived on which our beloved Princess Royal was to bid adieu to her parents, her rela- tives, her native country, and with the husband of her choice to depart to a new land, a foreign home, to the bosom of another family — in the midst of other and novel scenes to pass her life. This parting could not but fall heavily on not only the young Bride — who had never through her life been separated from the home-ties of her childhood's years up to the present period — but still more on the parents who had given away their first-born, their hope and pride. The whole nation, too, grieved to lose the blooming Princess whose presence had long gladdened them with a smile. Yet with the cloud comes the rain- bow smile, and it could not be forgotten by those who would have mourned, that this shade of sorrow must eventually be swept away by the national joy, the alliance of two mighty nations, the renewal of ancient ties of con- sanguinity, the reception in triumph of the Royal daughter of an illustrious house into the home and affection of not only her husband's ancestors but her own. The party assembled at a quarter to twelve in the Great Hall of Buckingham Palace, to take leave of the bridal pair, were her Majesty and all the Royal family : the Prince Consort, the two elder Princes, and the Duke of Cambridge were to accompany them to Grravesend. Among those who had to bid an immediate farewell were the Duchess of Kent, the Duchess and Princess Mary of Cam- bridge, the Duke of Saxe Coburg, and Prince Victor of Hohenlohe. The Queen and her children, the Duchesses of Kent and Cambridge, and Princess Mary accompanied the bridal pair to the principal entrance. Princess Frederick's travelling dress was of drab silk with green trimmings ; a black velvet mantle, and over it 434 THE EOYAL PRINCESSES. a burnous ; a bonnet of maroon velvet with white ostrich feathers, and a black veil. At length the last embrace, the farewell was spoken, and from the windows of her regal residence alone could the Queen of England gaze on the departing procession which conveyed away from the happy home of her youth the cortege of the Princess Eoyal. The Prince and Princess were handed by the Master of the Horse into an open carriage-ancl-four, the Prince Consort and Prince of Wales taking the opposite seats. The rest of the Eoyal party and the suite of the Prince and Princess occupied five more open carriages, each drawn by four horses. Her Majesty and the Royal children came out on the balcony and watched the procession as long as it continued in sight, although the snow had already begun to fall. It was about twelve o'clock when the procession passed through the gateway of the Palace, the band of the Gold- stream Guards playing " Home, sweet Home." First came a detachment of the Life Guards; then an open carriage-and-four, containing the Prince and Princess Fre- derick William, the Priuce Consort, and the Prince of Wales ; a second carriage, in which were the Duke of Cambridge and Prince Alfred ; and four other carriages, conveying the ladies and gentlemen in attendance on the Royal party ; a detachment of the Life Guards brought up the rear. The snow fell faster and faster as the procession moved at a gentle trot along the Mall, by Stafford House, down Cleveland Row and Pall Mall. The Princess Royal was scarcely able to subdue her emotion sufficiently to acknowledge the cheers she received on all sides in her progress. The route intended to be taken having been thought by some to be through the Horse Guards, the multitude had congregated in Trafalgar Square, as the YICTOKIA ADELAIDE MAEY LOUISA. 435 locality commanding the double approach to the Strand, through which the line of route was certain to take place. Not a point was unoccupied ; not a window unfilled, even of houses of several stories, to the very top ; handkerchiefs waved, bells rang out gaily their peals, flags waved across the street, and far as eye could see was a countless multi- tude, who, as the beloved object of solicitude appeared, rent the air with their acclamations. At Temple Bar, the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs had arrived in their State carriages, to conduct the Royal party into the City with a guard of honour of the Artillery Company, who presented arms. Up the sides of Temple Bar ran clusters of the national flags of the two countries, flanked by shields on which were emblazoned the arms of the Royal houses' of England and Prussia, while over the gate were medallions of the Prince and Princess, surmounting the legends — " God speed you !" — " Farewell !" The Lord Mayor presented a bouquet of choice flowers to the fair Bride as she entered his magisterial domains : which gallant compliment having been graciously received, the procession moved on at the same gentle trot, preceded by the Lord Mayor and Sheriffs, through the densely crowded streets, till it was hardly possible to discern St. Paul's, except on a close approach. After passing Ludgate Hill, St. Paul's Churchyard, Can- non Street, King William Street, amid a concourse of ani- mated people, and enthusiastic cheers from all points in the route, the Royal cortege approached London Bridge, where the broad thoroughfare had been ornamented for the occasion. The bells rang merrily, the ships on the river were gaily decked, and thus the bridal couple pro- ceeded onward, and passed out of this ancient metropolis by the Dover and Old Kent Road to the Bricklayers' 13(3 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. Arms Station, where an enthusiastic multitude had assem- bled to obtain a last sight of the Princess. In the receiving-room a bouquet of the choicest flowers from Paris was presented to the Princess Eoyal by Miss Mary Eborall, the pretty little daughter of the General Manager of the Company, which her Royal Highness very graciously accepted. After about five minutes — during which interval she gave all a chance of being gratified by beholding her as she moved from side to side of the carriage — she entered, and was followed by Prince Frederick William, the Prince Consort, the Prince of Wales, Prince Alfred, and the Duke of Cambridge. There was already one occupant of the Royal saloon railway carriage, a little Italian greyhound belonging to the Princess Frederick William, brought over to England as a present to her from Berlin by the Prince her husband. It had awaited the arrival of its master and mistress with some impatience, and greeted them briskly on their arrival. The Royal party having taken their seats, the signal was given, and the train moved off amid loud and heartfelt cheers. At ten minutes to one, the train quitted the Brick- layers' Arms Station on its way to Gravesend, where the embarkation was to take place. Here the Royal party arrived at twenty-five minutes to two o'clock. A great concourse of persons had congregated from all parts to Gravesend on the morning of that day when the young Princess was to bid adieu to her native land, to catch a parting look of one so dear to the nation. As soon as the Railway Station was cleared, the Royal party, in four carriages, drawn by four horses each, pro- ceeded to the Pier, escorted by the Cobham troop of the West Kent Yeomanry, under the command of the Earl of VICTORIA ADELAIDE AUABY LOUISA. 437 Darnley. Through the whole route they were enthusias- tically cheered. The Royal party first passed from the Station under a splendid triumphal arch. Almost immediately on enter- ing the town, the travellers were greeted with parting words of hearty remembrance. The whole length of Windmill Street had stages of seats erected in front of the houses : the children of the Gravesend and Milton Union, stationed within the railings of St. Thomas's Almshouses, sent up their cheer of wel- come as the Royal carriages passed. A balcony the entire length of Harmer Street was festooned with evergreens and white roses, which had a very gay effect. The smil- ing Princess bowed her acknowledgments as she passed, for the kind reception shown by the garlands, wreaths, and wishes for her happiness expressed around her in every direction, and proceeded with the Royal party, amid con- tinued cheering until they reached the Terrace Pier, where she was hailed by the National Anthem. The Royal party was received by the Mayor of Gravesend, Mr. Troughton ; the Mayor and Town Clerk of Maidstone, and also of Rochester, &c. On entering the Pier the Town Clerk presented the address of the Town and Corporation to Prince Frederick William, who graciously received it. As the Royal party proceeded along the Pier, fifty- eight young ladies, most of whom were children, who were stationed on either side of the procession, strewed flowers from their baskets in the path of the Prince and Princess. They were all uniformly attired in white dresses, with mantles of blue trimmed with swansdown, and on their heads a wreath of drooping lilies of the valley. The Mayor's daughter was the one at the head of the fair throng appointed to present Princess Frederick William 43S THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. with a bouquet, which she accomplished with much child- ish grace. Although the fair Bride had already a magni- ficent one in her hand when it was presented to her, she transferred it instantly to Prince Frederick William, and receiving the one offered by Miss Troughton with a smile and curtsey, carried it herself in her hand as she proceeded down the Pier. The yards of all the vessels of the flotilla were manned, and as the Princess with her husband stepped upon the gangway leading to the Royal yacht, the cheers were deafening. Once the Princess half turned and looked back upon the Pier, at all the windows of which hats and handkerchiefs were waving ; and then slowly entering the saloon on the quarter-deck, was seen no more. Three-quarters of an hour elapsed from this time before the Royal party reappeared — an interval devoted to luncheon, but spent, doubtless, in the exchange of that affectionate intercourse attending a long parting interview between the bride and her father and brothers. When the Prince Consort reappeared, though grave and com- posed, it was evidently not without a struggle 3 but his young sons, the Prince of Wales and Prince Alfred, at- tempted not to conceal their grief — the latter wept bit- terly. Yfith them was Prince Frederick William, who shook hands heartily with the Prince Consort and his sons at parting. Lady Churchill and Viscount Sj^dney remained on board to accompany the Prince and Princess to Berlin. All then quitted the vessel, and remained standing at the head of the gangway while the Royal yacht cast off her hawsers and prepared to start. The Prince Consort, as though remembering something more he had desired to say, or anxious to take another farewell of those on VICTOBIA ADELAIDE MAEY LOUISA. 439 board, had proceeded half down the gangway with that intention, when some other vessel of the squadron ran smash into the Terrace Pier, shaking it almost to its foundation, and smashing her own paddle-box to pieces. The shock was so violent, and the Prince himself so startled, that he hastened back up the gangway, which, like a bridge, led from the yacht to the Pier, at once aban- doning his intention of again going on board. At the same moment he caught hold of his sons, calling out, "Where is George?" meaning the Duke of Cambridge. Happily the Eoyal party regained the Pier without injury. Another incident, at the very same moment, had put in peril the vessel containing the Royal pair. The Victoria and Albert, in moving astern to bring her head round, drove on to the bowsprit of the Monkey tug-boat, which went through one of the plate-glass windows of the saloon » No further mischief, however, was done ; and the Eoyal yacht began to cast off, and swing with her head towards the centre of the river. The sullen boom of cannon an- nounced the departure of England's Eoyal Princess. The Prince Consort and Prince Frederick William waved their hands in token of farewell, and the young Princes, yield- ing to the sorrow of the parting scene, shed tears of natural grief; and as the snow, drifting thickly around, soon hid the vessel from sight, the Prince Consort and his sons- returned to their carriage, greeted on their passage by continued cheering. Having returned to the Eailway Station, they re-entered the train, and proceeded to Lon- don. A Eoyal squadron accompanied the Victoria and Albert down the river, the guns of Tilbury Fort firing a salute as they passed. 140 THE ROYAL PEINCESSES. About thirteen miles from Gravesend, the Royal yacht ran into the stern of a barque, the Byhope, of Hartlepool, bearing up the river, and carried away the whole of her tafFrail. The Victoria and Albert slackened steam on the occurrence of the collision, which had been unavoidable, but, finding the injured vessel in no danger, proceeded on the voyage. There was so great a gale at Hamburg, and the snow- storm was so heavy on Tuesday morning, that great anxiety, was felt about the safe landing of the Royal couple, the French and Belgian mails not coming to hand as usual. The Victoria and Albert did not leave thelSTore till two o'clock on Wednesday, February 3rd, and was expected to have reached Antwerp between nine and ten. It, however, only arrived in the Scheldt at eleven, and did not reach Antwerp until four o'clock. The morning of Wednesday, February 3rd, broke forth enveloping Antwerp and the surrounding country in a thick fog, and no news as yet of the Royal squadron. The King of the Belgians, accompanied by the Duke de Brabant, the Count de Flandres, and a brilliant suite, arrived from Brus- sels at ten o'clock ; but the firing of the guns of Fort St. Lillo, nine miles below the city, at three o'clock, was the first signal of the approach of the Royal pair. The quays were thickly crowded with people, and flags of England, Prussia, and Belgium floated from the windows of the houses. The Victoria and Albert, with the Prussian flag at the main and the Union Jack at the fore, and tastefully decorated, moved slowly up amid the shouts of the spec- tators. She anchored in the centre of the river, nearly -opposite the Porte de l'Escaut, and was saluted by the guns of the citadel and by those of the Tete de Flandre. The Fairy passed between the Victoria and Albert and the VICTORIA ADELAIDE MART LOUISA. 441 quay, and dropped her anchor a little further up the river. Her example was followed by the Osborne and the Vivid. The Curagoa also steamed up in the same direction ; but before taking up her position by the side of her tiny con- sorts, she returned the salute of the citadel with two broadsides, which seemed almost to shake the earth. As soon as the firing had ceased, the King proceeded on board the Victoria and Albert, and, after exchanging affec- tionate greetings with the young Prince and Princess, gave them a hearty welcome to his dominions. Lord and Lady Howard de Walden also went on board the yacht, and offered their congratulations. A few minutes were spent in receiving the parting homage of the officers of the ship ; and the last word having been spoken, the Princess Royal was conducted by the King down the ladder to an elegant twelve-oared boat, painted white and gold. Prince Fre- derick William followed, and the ladies and gentlemen in attendance were landed in the boats belonging to the Royal yacht. The moment that the Princess left the side of the Victoria and Albert, the crew, officers and men, mounted the paddle-boxes, and gave three lusty cheers. The crews of the Curagoa, Fairy, Osborne, and Vivid also sent forth repeated and deafening " hurrahs !" in testimony of their loyalt} 7 " and affection. The Princess Royal was handed on shore and conducted to the carriage by the King, the Prince, her husband, fol- lowing between the two Belgian Princes. In her progress from the river-side she was greeted with the most enthu- siastic applause. She conversed with the King in a cheer- ful, lively manner, evidently none the worse for the voyage from Gravesend. Her dress was a light-coloured moire antique ; she wore a black velvet pelisse and grey silk bonnet, trimmed with flowers and cherry-coloured ribbons. 442 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. All the Royal party, the Count de Flandres excepted, en- tered one carriage drawn by four beautiful bays, in which they proceeded to the Railway Station, and found a special train was in readiness to convey them to Brussels, where, on their arrival, the English National anthem, " God save the Queen," from the military band, saluted the travellers. Having graciously bowed their acknowledgments to the cordial greetings received from all sides, his Majesty, their Royal Highnesses and suites, entered the eight State carriages in waiting, and the cortege proceeded to the Palace by the Boulevards, under the escort of two squadrons of the Regiment of Guides. On arriving at the Palace, the Prince and Princess Frederick William were received by the Duchess of Bra- bant, surrounded by her ladies of honour, and the principal officers of the Ducal household. As the Royal travellers did not arrive till a quarter before seven o'clock, the dinner was postponed until eight. This delay, caused by the obstacles the English flotilla had encountered in the Scheldt, deranged the whole of the preparations made for ? the fete of the evening, it being nearly half-past nine o'clock when the Royal party entered the salle of the Diplomatic circle, when time had become so limited that no formal presentations could be made. His Majesty, the newly-married pair, the Duke and Duchess of Brabant, and Count of Flanders walked for some time through the Ball Room, saluting all persons whom they met. The fair young Bride was attired in a robe of rose silk, ornamented with tulle illusion, with roses on the skirt ; her head-dress, a crown of roses. The only jeweller}' worn by her was the magnificent necklace of thirty-six pearls presented to her by her husband. She had also formed, YICTOKIA ADELAIDE 1IAEY LOUISA. 443 en sautoir, a large ribbon of blue moire embroidered with roses, the distinctive decoration of the Order of the Swan worn by the Prussian ladies. The ball was opened by their Poyal Highnesses, a quadrille being formed, in which the Duke of Brabant danced with the Princess Frederick William, and Prince Frederick William with the Princess de Ligne. At eleven o'clock the Eoyal party entered the Salle de Buffet, where exquisite refreshments were laid out in pro- fusion, amidst a forest of flowers of the rarest plants, and several jets of perfumed water. On their return to the Ball Room the dancing was renewed, and continued till the supper hour. After partaking of a truly regal supper, the King, Prince and Princess Frederick William, and the Duchess of Brabant, retired to their several apartments ; but danc- ing continued till half-past twelve, in the presence of the Belgian Princes. • At eight o'clock the following morning the bridal pair started for the Pail way Station, where a special train was in waiting to conduct them to Cologne. Escorted by two squadrons of the Guides, they occupied eight carriages. The King accompanied the bridal pair as far as the Pail way Station. The Duke of Brabant and Count of Flanders, and the Ministers Plenipotentiary of . England and Prussia, proceeded with them as far as the frontier, by Verviers. At Herbesthal the young couple were met by Count Pedern, deputed to convey to the young British Princess a welcome from the King of Prussia. As soon as she set foot for the first time on Prussian ground, a guard of honour of thirty men of the 28th (late the Duke of Wel- lington's Prussian regiment) presented arms. At the station also had assembled the General Commanding-in- ill THE !ROYAL PRINCESSES. chief of the Rhenish Provinces, Lord Bloomfield, and others. Here, too, a deputation from Eupeu, a town in the vicinity, was received by the Royal travellers. At Aix-la-Chapelle, the first Prussian town, a few hours only could be spent. The } f oung pair visited the Cathedral, built by Charlemagne, the Town Hall, and partook of a dejeuner. Aix-la-Chapelle was gaily adorned in honour of this occasion, flags and flowers ornamenting the streets. During their visit the military and civil authorities were presented, and some addresses. At Diireu they made a halt of a few minutes only, and proceeded to Cologne, where they had arranged to remain the night. The civil and military authorities received the travellers at the station ; and after viewing the Cathedral and other inte- resting objects, their Royal Highnesses partook of a late dinner. The evening was wound up at Cologne by a grand concert and ball : the latter was opened by their Royal Highnesses. The Royal couple resumed their journey at an early hour on Friday, through Deutz, Dusseldorf, andDeusburg, to Heme Bohun, at which station, being the frontier of the province of Westphalia, the General in command of the troops presented himself to pay his respects. From thence, through Dortmund, Bielefieid, Minden, and . Biickenburg to Hanover, where a short visit of a couple of hours was paid to the Hanoverian Court. The travel- lers proceeded to Brunswick-Oschersleben and Magdeburg, where they halted for the night, not arriving till eleven o'clock. Magdeburg was brilliantly illuminated on this memo- rable occasion, and the following morning a wedding present was offered by the town. This was a silver model VICTORIA ADELAIDE MAET LOUISA. 445 of the Market-place equestrian statue of the Emperor Otho L, founder cf Magdeburg, who married Editha, an English Princess. The model weighs half a hundred- weight, and cost about 5000 thalers, or 750Z. At twelve on Saturday the Koyal pair started again, to proceed by way of Brandenburg to Potsdam. This latter town was the birthplace of the Prince her husband. The Railway Station there was decorated in the most tasteful manner with the flags of the two countries : wreaths, flowers, and ribbons were intertwined, interlaced, and interspersed with every imaginable device and demon- stration of welcome and affection. The bridge that leads from the station into the town was so thoroughly orna- mented with evergreens, flags, &c, that it seemed as though it had been built solely for the purpose of decora- tion, and to afford the admiring lieges an opportunity of seeing to advantage the procession during the very limited space that it traversed. Over the gate of entrance to the bridge was an arch of evergreens, bearing on each side words of hearty greeting. From the seven bridges which cross the Havel Canal were waving the united flags of England and Prussia, and an immense concourse had assembled to witness the arrival of the bridal pair. On the Railway platform, close to the old station, were members of the Rifle Club, with their banners and a band of music. Next were stationed the various guilds of merchants and tradesmen, with banners, emblems, and a band of music. Then the members of the Magistrates' College, and other civil authorities. Opposite the spot where the Prince and his Bride were to alight were the Princes of the Blood, with their suite. Outside the Station stood the Royal equipages ; those of the officials, with the military escort. The artillery fired, the g a 416 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. bells rang, and the Prussian National Hymn, with " God save the Queen," was struck up on the arrival of the Eoyal pair, who, on alighting, were warmly greeted by the members of their family. The Prince wore the uniform of an Infantry General,. with the scarf of the Order of the Black Eagle. The Princess was attired in a dark silk travelling-dress, a dark, shawl, and a green silk bonnet. The Prince of Prussia kissed his daughter-in-law very affectionately, embraced and kissed his son, and presented those of the Eoyal family as yet unknown to the Princess. The whole Eoyal party then withdrew into the reception-room of the Railway Station, where various high officers of the army and Court, who were in waiting, were introduced, and a loyal address was presented by the Head Burgo- master. After the Address, to which both Prince and Princess bowed their acknowledgments, and the representatives of Potsdam had been assured by his Eoyal Highness of his gratitude for the love expressed to them both by his native town, the bridal couple and their suite entered their carriages in waiting, and drove in procession into the town amidst enthusiastic cheers from the multitude. One remarkable feature in the entertainment provided on this occasion was the assemblage of a countless multi- tude of beautiful white swans, purposely collected by the Swan Master, and which were allured to remain beside the bridge over which the procession passed : — a novel spec- tacle, which much astonished and pleased the Princess. On alighting at the entrance of the Stadt Schloss, the young couple found the hall and marble staircase richly • decorated with flowers and shrubs and costly plants ; and here, at the top of the staircase, were the Princess of VICTORIA ADELAIDE MART LOUISA. 447 Prussia and all the Eoyal Princesses assembled to receive them, while the households of the different families ranged themselves along the stairs. The Princess Frederick William then entered the saloon of the G-reat Elector, a noble room, decorated with pictures and works of art; there the civil and military authorities were presented, and in an adjoining apartment their ladies. From the windows of the saloon the young couple, surrounded by their royal relatives, looked out on the procession of the trades' companies, which marched past with their bands, their flags, and their emblems. When the procession had all marched past, the Prince and Princess thanked the people for their exertions with a silent bow ; and the Royal party withdrew to a diner enfamille, which was served at four o'clock, in the strictest privacy. At half-past eight that evening, their Eoyal Highnesses the Prince and Princess Frederick William, with the whole of the Eoyal family, household, and distinguished visitors, repaired to the Theatre, to witness the grand Festival Performance of "Yon Hundert Jahren," by the leading artists of the Theatre Royal of Berlin. This piece, rich in military reminiscences of the past century, is said to have been selected for the express entertainment of the fair Bride by Prince Frederick William, in order that the heroes of Frederick the Great's time, " in their habits as they lived," might appear before the eyes of the youthful Princess. The entertainment was strictly a soiree d 'invitation given by the Court, and no money could have purchased a seat on the occasion. Their Eoyal Highnesses the Prince and Princess Frederick William were received, on entering their box, with tremendous cheering. In the evening the town was brilliantly illuminated. a a 2 448 THE ROYAL PETKCESSES. The performance at the Theatre had been intended for the Sunday evening, but was altered to the Saturday, in consideration of the English feelings as regarded the Sabbath. The bridal pair attended Divine service on Sunday at the Garnison Kirche, where Dr. Krummacher preaches. The Municipality of Potsdam afterwards waited on them to present them with a silver tazza, as an offering from the town ; the Kaufmannschaft, or Guild of Merchants, made also a present ; an Address was presented by the Jewish community, and another by the Eifle Guild ; from the young girls of Potsdam, a copy of verses. The Prince and Princess left Potsdam next morning at an early hour, and, stopping at the halfway station, Zeh- lendorf, on their way to Berlin, they entered the carriages which were in waiting there for them and their suite, and drove to Bellevue Palace. In all the villages they passed through in this short drive, there were festal preparations made for their reception, triumphal arches, bands of young girls in white, flowers showered on them, and poems recited to the full extent the time would admit of. In the village of Schoneberg, forty Bauern (small freeholders) received the bridal cortege, mounted on excellent horses, with saddlecloths and head-gear in the English colours, con- ducted it throughout the whole of their district, and left it only on the confines of Berlin. In one point of the route, prior to entering the town the people threw flowers into the carriage as the Princess passed, for which she bowed her smiling acknowledgments. At Bellevue Palace the King and Queen surprised the young couple with a visit, instead of allowing them to go out of their way to Charlottenburg, to call upon them. As soon as the near approach of the Prince and Princess TICTOEIA ADELAIDE MABX LOUISA. 449 was announced, the King left the apartments where they were waiting, and went to the bottom of the staircase to meet his niece. The delighted Princess stooped to kiss his Majesty's hand ; but the King, anticipating her inten- tion, took her in his arms and kissed her, exclaiming with emotion, " How delightful this is ! Here you are at last !" He then led her up into the Palace, where the Queen also received her very affectionately. When the young couple left Bellevue, the King returned to Charlottenburg, while her Majesty hastened by a detour to arrive at the Schloss in Berlin, in time to receive her niece, in common with the other members of the Eoyal family — a circumstance which, not being either pre- arranged or expected, was the more gratifying. At Bellevue, the Princess made her final arrangements of the toilette prior to her entry into Berlin, exchanging her travelling dress for the splendid costume in which she appeared in the grand procession. Half an hour after arriving at Bellevue, the troops destined to escort the Eoyal party into the city had assembled in front of the building, while the Butchers and other Corporations of Berlin, all mounted, occupied the adjoining allee, and all the space lying between it and the "Kleinen Stern Platz." On the arrival of the Eoyal cortege at the " Kleinen Stern Platz," a halt was made to receive the Festival Poem of the Butchers' Company, which was duly placed on a velvet cushion by " Slaughter Master" Oppen, who, with his Guild, moved on afterwards in advance of the procession, towards the Brandenburger Gate. The Butchers were indebted to an act of gallantry per- formed during the Seven Years' War, for the privilege of going out on horseback to meet the Princess Eoyal. 150 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. Berlin, at one period of that eventful struggle, being divested of its entire garrison by Frederick the Great, for the services of a distant campaign, it was found desirable that the Princess Amelia, the King's sister, should be conducted to a place of safety. In the absence of a mili- tary escort, the Butchers' Guild offered their services, and, in fact, did escort the fair Princess to Magdeburg. In acknowledgment of the service, Princess Amelia of Prussia embroidered them a nag with her own Royal hands, and the King conferred on them the privilege of escorting in future any Princess who, on such a festive occasion as that just mentioned, should make a formal entry into the town. Honour to whom honour is due ! This Guild must have had much reason to pique themselves on their own pro- minent position in the civic pageant above described. In Berlin, at the corner of each avenue of the Linden promenade, from the Brandenburg Gate up to about the centre, were high wooden monuments painted in imitation of marble, and bearing flowers, banners, flags, emblems, and plaster busts of the Princess Frederick William and all the Royal family. Further on towards the Royal Palace, were furze-clothed flagstaff's with streamers ; and across the Schloss Briicke were suspended, from the vessels lying at either side of the bridge, immense garlands, from which depended myriad-coloured fancy-lamps, and an alle- gorical transparency bearing an inscription denoting a hearty welcome. This was a greeting from the Canal Navigation Company of Berlin. All the temporary tri- bunes erected on every available spot upon the line of procession were lined with pink calico and muslin, and decorated externally with banners, wreaths, garlands, &c, &c. Rugs and carpets were suspended, moreover, from the fronts of the houses. YICTOBIA ADELAIDE MAHY LOUISA. 451 To the right of the Brandenburg Gate were stationed the members of the Church and Magistracy, the Corpora- tion, and a deputation from the merchants of Berlin. Exactly opposite were the Poor-law Commissioners, paro- chial authorities, and other civil officials. These two tri- bunes contained 600 persons. The grand City Tribune, holding 2600, was erected between the Palace of the Prince of Prussia and the Eoyal Opera House, and gor- geously decorated by the Magistracy : its occupants were the families of officials. Another tribune, opposite the Palace, held the members of both Houses of Parliament, amounting to four hundred. Many other tribunes were erected, too numerous to be mentioned, for the accommo- dation of the public generally ; altogether, the Linden- Strasse presented a brilliant and imposing spectacle. Near the gold-fish pond were ranged the children of the Orphans' Charity School, the girls belonging to which presently ran before the Eoyal carriage strewing flowers. Near these were the British residents, headed by Lord Ponsonby, and carrying their national banner. Next to them were the civil and military officers destined to receive the Eoyal travellers at the gates of the town. On the Pariser-Platz just inside the gate were the Head Bur- gomaster and chief civic dignitaries of Berlin. On the approach of the Eoyal cortege, a murmuring sound rose louder and louder as it approached, and became over- whelming to the ears. Shouts of exultation arose on every side, hats and handkerchiefs waving from all points, and "God save the Queen" was played by the band, and responded to by the human mass in one universal chorus. " Never was grander welcome given to man or woman !" The beloved centre of this homage, the sweet young Princess, looked extremely well, and appeared to take a 152 T1IE ROYAL PRINCESSES. deep interest in this her triumphal entry into her future home. On the arrival of the wedded pair at the Brandenburg^ Gate, the Chief Burgomaster addressed them in terms of the most cordial welcome. When the Royal procession had passed slowly by, the Rifle Corps and various Guilds followed in their appointed order, bands of music preceding each different trade. Only one trade was absent — the printers — the very one to which Prince Frederick William belongs ; for, in com- pliance with an old custom in the Prussian Royal family, every Prince must learn a trade, and that of a com- positor was the one chosen by his Royal Highness. The Trades' Companies carried emblems of their handicraft which in some cases consisted of the most elaborate models. The State carriage was met at the foot of the Palace steps by the Princes of the Royal house, all of whom eagerly approached the vehicle to assist the Princess to alight. Her Royal Highness was attired in a heav}^ white moire antique robe, an ermine tippet, and a diadem of diamonds. The family greetings at the foot of the staircase were most cordial. The Princess, leaning upon the arm of her young husband, and familiarly conversing in a joyous tone with the surrounding Princes, at once proceeded to the so-called White Saloon, where she was received by the assembled Princesses of the Blood-royal. Thence she was conducted by the entire company into the so-called Red Saloon, where all the chief officers of State, with the Knights of the Black Eagle in gala costume, were assembled to welcome the illustrious pair. Here the company remained for some time, and the Prince and Princess appeared no less than three times on the balcony TICTOEIA ADELAIDE MAET LOTTISA. 45S to acknowledge the enthusiastic welcome of the masses assembled without the Palace. The "White Saloon" of the Palace, in which the Royal dinner party took place after the arrival of the Prince and his Bride, is in length 105 feet, breadth 51 feet, and height 41 feet. The walls are of pure white, delicately veined with gold. The decorations and handles of the doors are of massive silver. Twelve pillars of Carrara marble support twelve statues (by Eggers) of the Electors of the House of Hohenzollern. Immediately under the richly-ornamented ceiling are eight colossal statues, sus- tained by groups of caryatides, and symbolically repre- senting Peace, Faith, Love ; and Glory ; and a little lower clown, ten figures, likewise in bas-relief, symbolizing the various arts and sciences. The floor is of rare and costly woods ; and to all these splendours were added on the present occasion six entirely new r pictures illustrative of the eight Prussian provinces, and emblematical of the means by which a nation may become great and happy. The royal dinner-table, which extended the whole length of the saloon, was lighted by a hundred massive and gor- geous lustres. Her Royal Highness Princess Frederick William was attired in a white robe of moire antique, an ermine cape, a diadem of brilliants, and a splendid velvet train, embroi- dered with silver, supported by two pajps. At the dinner, the Prince of Prussia rose and gave the toast — " Their Majesties the King and the Queen, her Majesty the Queen of England and his Eoyal Highness the Prince Consort;" and again, after some little time, " The auspicious matrimonial alliance of Prussia and Great Britain, and the illustrious newly-married couple." After the banquet was over, and the guests had retired, 454i THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. the Royal family, together with their numerous relations present, drove ahout the town in a cortege of twenty car- riages to view the very extensive and brilliant illumina- tions, and were everywhere received by the people with the most hearty and vociferous expressions of joy, after which the whole party took tea en famille at the Prince of Prussia's Palace. The Schloss, the Palaces of the different Royal Princes, the Ministerial hotels, and all the public buildings in the town, were illuminated on the night of the entry of the newly-married couple into Berlin. The Victoria, in the Bradenburg Thor, was lit up with electric light ; the colossal statue of Frederick the Great, and other monu- ments at the west end of the town, were illuminated with gas. One of the most admirable instances of public rejoicing was that afforded by the popular place of entertainment known as Kroll's Garten, for which, on Monday evening, February 10th, 3000 free tickets of admission had been distributed to the military, the receivers of public charity, and the operatives. A prize dramatic composition, en- titled Victoria JRegia, was performed in honour of the Princess. " This rare and costly plant is discovered growing on an island, and guarded by Neptune, but is nevertheless carried off by Amor ; at which the deit}^ of the Trident is, in his wrath, about to exhibit all the terrors of his winds and waves to impede the passage of the lovers across his domain, when Minerva interferes and explains the matter to his complete pacification ; on which the winds cease blowing, the waves cease tossing, and English and Prussian vessels are seen crossing the Channel, joyously sporting all possible canvass and bunting. Borussia and Britannia meet and congratulate each other on the happiness and auspicious VICTORIA ADELAIDE MARY LOUISA. 455 union of their children ; the ciphers of the Bride and Bridegroom, surmounted by a crown, appear in jets of Hame ; and the orchestra striking up the joint national hymns, the whole audience rise and join vociferously in patriotic harmony." The poor in the workhouses and sick in the hospitals were not unbared for on a day of such general rejoicing. The new Palace destined for the future residence of the Royal pair was nearly completed on their arrival. The present abode of the Prince and Princess Frederick William is known under the name of the old King's Palace ; it was built originally for the Commandant of Berlin, but in 1734 was assigned by Frederick William I. to his son, afterwards Frederick the Great, who, on com- ing to the throne, destined it to become the residence of all future Crown Princes, and affixed to it the inscription, " Palais du Prince Royal de Prusse." His own brother next in age, August William, occupied it as a residence ; and after him Frederick William III., his son, who took possession of it on the morning of his marriage, in 1793, and, with the exception of the years of disaster to Prussia, never quitted it till the time of his death. On the morning of the 10th of February there was a de- jeuner dinatoire in the apartments of the Prince andPrincess Frederick William, after which the Royal pair received the congratulations of sixty young ladies, unmarried daughters of the various municipal officers of the city, dressed in bridal array. Owing to the extreme coldness of the weather the customary ceremonial of these young girls receiving the Bride at the gates of the town in bridal costume was dispensed with. The Princess Royal, however, subsequently expressed her wish that the youthful party should be admitted to present their Address 456 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. the next day after the entry, at the Schloss, which was accordingly done. The young ladies being drawn up in a semicircle, the Prince led in the Princess on his arm, on which Fraiilein Krausnick, stepped forward, and, with a few suitable words, presented to the Princess a poem in the name of the City, beautifully bound and illustrated, and lying on a velvet cushion encircled by a wreath of flowers ; after which Fraiilein Nannyn, addressed the Prince and Princess in a short poem written for the occa- sion : a brooch has since been presented to the young ladies, bearing the portraits of the bridal couple, in high relief, on a medallion of circular form, encompassed by the chain of the Order of the Black Eagle, and supported with the Prussian Crown. After the Prince and Princess had thanked the young ladies, and shaken the two spokeswomen by the hand, the semicircle opened, and displayed to view the noble present which the City of Berlin had prepared for the young couple, and which was here mounted on a table, backed by a deputation of the municipality. It consisted of a silver vase about four feet high, on the body of which is represented in relief the festal entry of the Prince and Princess into Berlin, somewhat idealized, but containing about seventy portraits, not only of the prominent members of the Municipality, but also of the present notabilities of art and science in Berlin. The vase stands on a silver slab four inches thick and thirty inches in diameter, on which a plan of Berlin as it now is, is en- graved, the outer border surrounding it bearing the em- blazonries peculiar to each district of the town, and the inner containing the names of the municipal authorities of the time being. This silver plate stands on a pedestal thirty-four inches high, so that in the whole this centre- piece is full seven feet in height, to which also the height VICTOKIA ADELAIDE MARY LOUISA. 457 of the branch candelabra corresponds. The weight of the whole four pieces amounts to about 5 cwt. ; the entire cost has been 30,000 thalers, and the intrinsic value of the silver contained in it about 14,000 thalers. The Chief Burgomaster, the same who delivered the spirited Address of the day before, begged their Boyal Highnesses' accep- tance of this offering in the name of the City of Berlin, and explained the intention of the artist in the allegorical forms introduced ; on which the Prince answered : — " I am extremely glad, gentlemen, that I have an op- portunity to-day to express to you in my own and the Princess's name the thanks which we feel towards the City of Berlin for the great gratification it gave us on our entry yesterday. It was impossible for us then to give utterance to our thanks. We were then rendered incapable of doing so by that which moved us both so deeply — by the extent of the lively interest and sympathy which manifested itself for us so uninterruptedly. Our entire journey has afforded us most touching proofs of attachment, and the festal reception in Berlin has formed a worthy keystone and finishing stroke to the whole, and will for ever remain unforgotten by myself and my wife. And this splendid present, for which we have further to present to you our most hearty thanks, shall remain as a pledge that the feelings that now exist between us shall remain un- changed." The Princess added a few words of acknowledgment ; and after a few cordial interchanges of kind expression on all sides, the deputation withdrew, to make room for the members of the two Houses of Diet, who came up to pre- sent Addresses to their Boyal Highnesses. On the same morning the Prince and Princess Frederick William also received a deputation from the Academy of 45S THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. Sciences, when an eloquent Address was delivered by the Chief Secretary. A brief but pithy answer was made by the Prince. The Clergy of Berlin came, headed by one of the King's chaplains, to congratulate the newly- married pair, and to present them with a Bible, which it has of late been cus- tomary for every bridal couple to receive from the hands of the clergyman on the celebration of their nuptials. Then came a deputation from all the Universities in Prussia — that from the Berlin University being the most numerous-— which delivered a Latin oration to their Royal Highnesses; and from the answer to which, given by Prince Frederick William, we discovered that the Princess is a good Latin scholar, having been instructed in that lan- guage simultaneously with her Royal brothers. The Academy of Arts, in an Address through its Secre- tary, laid claim to the right of enrolling the Princess among its members, seeing that her talent as a composer and draughtswoman entitled her to be received among them. It was the Princess Royal of England who, some time before, had contributed a spirited drawing to the Ex- hibition for the benefit of the Crimean Fund, which sold for two hundred guineas. Having been requested to set her own value on the work of art, the young Princess modestly inquired wlieiher it ivoulcl really he too much to expect a pound for it ? It is well known what multitudes thronged to an exhibition containing the productions of her genius. On the 11th the English residents at Berlin presented their Address, the deputation being introduced by Lord Bloomfield, and the Address, beautifully illustrated and illuminated, and bound in blue velvet. A deputation of ci-devant officers of the 1st Regiment of VICTORIA ADELAIDE MAET LOUISA. 459 Foot Guards came next — and then the Committee for the erection and decoration of the Oedenke Halle, which is to be fitted up in the new Palace as a votive offering from the Arts and industry of Berlin. The new building — to be erected at the expense of the city, to commemorate the great " Einholung's" ceremony, is to consist of an octagon with a cupola, in which will be the only windows. Immediately opposite the principal entrance is to be placed a large picture, representing the meeting of Wellington and Blucher after the Battle of Waterloo. Xext to this will be two other pictures — one delineating the landing of King William III. in England, and his reception by the Prince Regent, afterwards George IY. (1816) ; the other, his Majesty Frederick William IY., assisting as godfather at the christening of the Prince of Wales. The order of the festivities was — after the dejeuner dinatoire at one, the cour at seven, and a Polonnaise ball in the White Saloon at eight o'clock, which last must in- deed have been a truly magnificent spectacle. The throne has been removed, and under its canopy, which remained, a small carpet was laid to mark the spot where the bridal couple would stand, the Royal Princesses stretching away in a curved line to the left of the Prince, the Royal Princes occupying a semicircle to the right of the Princess ; the space not occupied by royalty left open to the eye the highest nobility of Prussia and the Corps Diplomatique, with their ladies. The space kept open within the circle, marked out by pages stationed at in- tervals, was, perhaps, no larger than the largest London drawing-room ; but the entire space behind the favoured foremost line was filled in with some fifteen thousand of the flower of the Prussian nation. 4G0 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. The Princess wore a white silk or moire dress, em- broidered down the front with silver in a pattern, repre- senting the twigs or branches of a rose-tree, and at each point w T here the bud might be supposed to form in nature, a rose of pink crape, as it appeared to be, grew out of the dress. The same with the rich pink robe and train, the greater part of which was thickly set with pink roses, and was carried by two pages, and held out to its full extent, apparently about twelve feet long. The pearl necklace, the present of her illustrious husband, consisting, as we have said, of thirty-six large pearls, and a tiara of diamonds, composed the entire ornaments the Princess wore. Appended to the left shoulder, however, was an Order, consisting of a medal suspended from a bow of black and white ribbon, which had just been conferred on her by the Queen. After advancing into the saloon, preceded by pages, chamberlains, and the gentlemen of their own household, the Prince and Princess took up their position on the reserved carpet beneath the canopy, and, permission having been accorded by the Prince of Prussia to the High Cham- berlain, Count Redern, the Prince and Princess opened the ball by advancing and making their obeisances to the Prince and then to the Princess of Prussia, and sub- sequently to the company generally while passing round the open circle, preceded by the Chamberlains, &c. After two rounds the Princess was led round by each of her Royal uncles and cousins, the Grand Duke of Saxe- Weimar, the Grand Duke of Mecklenburgh-Strelitz, the Duke of Saxe-Coburg, and various other relatives, the assembled company receiving and returning their obei- sances as they passed round, the orchestra playing the while a Faclceltanz composed by Count Re'dern, and then YTCTOKIA ADELAIDE MART LOUISA. 461 the " Wedding March" from Mendelssohn's Midsummer JSfighfs Dream. When the Princess had at length " trod a measure" with each of her male relatives of Royal lineage, the Prince went through the same series of evolu- tions with his female relatives, commencing with his mother, the Princess of Prussia, each of the ladies' trains being borne by two pages at full length, as had been the case also with the Princess Frederick William. With this the dance closed, which had been in fact the MtcJceltanz usually performed at the Prussian Court on occasion of Royal marriages, with the omission of the tapers and the substitution of Chamberlains, &c, in the place of the Ministers of State. The practical purpose of this Court ceremony was to introduce the Bride to the whole assem- bled Court, and show the latter to the Bride in all its pomp. On Thursday evening, February 11th, the Prince and Princess of Prussia gave a very brilliant soiree to about 2000 of the most distinguished persons in Prussia. The Prince and Princess Frederick William appeared about half-past eight o'clock, soon after which a Polonaise was commenced, in which the Prince of Prussia led the Princess Frederick William ; the ball was then considered opened, and the series of appointed dances commenced. The celebrated " Fackel Zug" must be mentioned here. A number of young students, amounting to 950, from the Berlin University, the Frederick William Institution, the Architectural and Polytechnic Schools, assembled on the night of the 13th of February, bearing large torches, upon the Pariser-Platz, opposite the Brandenburg Gate, and having formed in order, proceeded along the Linden- street to the Royal Palace accompanied with bands of music. H H 462 THE EOTAL PEINCESSES. On arriving at the Palace, a deputation proceeded to the chambers of the Prince and Princess Frederick William, while the students who were stationed without sang in full chorus the Prussian National Hymn, " God save the Queen," and a new Lied, written expressly for the occa- sion, interspersing their performance with, enthusiastic " Hurrahs," and " Hochs." When the deputation returned, the members of the procession moved forward till they arrived at the Donhofs-Platz, when they extinguished their torches with great solemnity, singing, " Graudeamus igitur," with a full chorus, in which the assembled multi- tude joined with much zest. The Prince and Princess Frederick William have since published the following lines addressed to the whole popu- lation of Prussia : — " From the very first moment of our setting foot on the soil of our country, after our marriage, there have been so many valuable proofs of sincere interest in our happiness shown us unremittingly, that the remembrance of them will remain indelible in our hearts for our whole lives. " It has only been to very few that we could in person express our feelings, and sufficiently thank for all the manifestations and presents. In speaking thus our thanks to-day to the whole country, we do so with the ardent prayer to God that He will confer on our dear country His most ample blessings, now and for ever. " Feiedkich Wilhelm, Prince of Prussia. " Victoria, Princess of Prussia. « Berlin, February 19th." The Princess Frederick William has placed 1000 thalers at the disposal of the municipal authorities for distribution YICTOEIA ADELAIDE MAET LOUISA. 463 among the poor ; she has also sent 300 thalers to the town of Potsdam for the same purpose. The letter which ac- companied the gift to the City of Berlin is as follows : — " Mr. Burgomaster, — The reception that has been given to my husband and myself in Berlin was one so beautiful and so festal, the city and all its inhabitants have taken so lively an interest in it, that my heart experiences the ne- cessity of finding some expression for the warm gratitude it feels. Will you be the exponent of these, my feelings, to the city and its population ? " They are feelings which I owe in no less measure for the hearty reception and welcome in all the towns, and every place that we touched in our journey hither, than for proofs of interest from all the provinces of the king- dom. This country, in which I have long taken a most lively interest, has by its friendly advances, made it doubly easy for me to feel myself at home in it as belong- ing to it. " I believe I act conformably to the feelings of the population of the capital in herewith sending you, Mr. Burgomaster, as a token of my sentiments, a sum for the poor of Berlin, the distribution of which among worthy recipients, I venture to beg the magistracy to undertake, with full confidence in the correctness of its application. " To this end I will also make over to the magistracy for their consideration, the applications for relief which have been made to me. " Your well-affectioned " VICTORIA. " Princess Priedrich Wilhelm von Preussen, Princess Koyal of Great Britain and Ireland." h h 2 464 THE HOYAL PRINCESSES. There is great originality of character in the Princess Royal, and she studiously maintains the habits she ac- quired in England. In Prussia there is great strictness of etiquette observed in every-day life. A Prussian Princess, for instance, is not allowed by her mistress of the robes to take up a chair, and, after having carried it through the whole breadth of the room, to put it down in another corner. Princess Victoria was caught by the Countess Perponcher com- mitting such an act. The venerable lady remonstrated against this act with a considerable degree of earnestness. " I'll tell you what, my dear Countess," replied the Princess ; " you are probably aware of the fact of my mother being the Queen of England ?" The' Countess bowed. "Well," resumed the Princess, "then I must reveal to you another fact. Her Majesty the Queen of Great Britain and Ireland has, not once, but very often, so far forgotten herself as to take up a chair. I speak from personal observation, I can assure you. Nay, if I am not greatly deceived, I noticed one day my mother carrying a chair in each hand in order to set them for her children. Now, let me ask, do you really think that my dignity forbids anything which is frequently done by the Queen of England?" The Countess bowed again, but could make no reply. At another time the Countess Perponcher took the Princess by surprise, when arranging and stowing away a quantity of linen in one of her apartments ; and here again her arguments met with a similar reproof. The Princess indeed effected a general reform in the habits of her household. The chambermaids were used to clean their rooms in silk dresses. One morning the Princess summoned them to her presence, and after as- YICTOEIA ADELAIDE 1TAET LOUISA. 465 suring them that the expense of such clothes must exceed their wages, which she had no intention of raising, sug- gested the use of cotton dresses as more economical ; adding, to make her meaning quite clear, " There ought, you know, to be a difference in the description of dress worn by mistress and servant. I do not want to hurt your feelings, but you will understand my intention at once when I tell you that I wish to follow the practice observed at the English Court in these matters." Her Majesty and the Prince Consort visited their be- loved daughter in her new home soon after her marriage. They embarked at Gravesend August 10th, 1858, and after passing the mouth of the Scheldt, they steamed next day to Antwerp, wheDce King Leopold's carriages conveyed them to the Brussels and Cologne railway station. At Malines they were* joined by the King and the Duke and Duchess of Brabant, who accompanied them to Verviers. At Aix-la-Chapelle the Prince of Prussia met their Boyal Highnesses, who thence proceeded to Dusseldorf, where they were entertained by the Prince and Princess of Hohenzollern Sigmaringen. After a night passed in the Brutenbach Hof they set off for Berlin, passing through several of the lesser German States as well as Hanover. The Koyal travellers were received and hos- pitably entertained at Herrenhaussen by the King and Queen of Hanover. At Magdeburgh Prince Frederick- William awaited the arrival of these illustrious guests, and escorted them on to Potsdam. On arrival at the small station at the Wild Park the Queen met and cor- dially embraced her daughter. The Queen and Prince Consort were entertained with great magnificence by the Prince of Prussia and Court circle ; but they took up their residence at the house of 466 THE EOYAL PEIKCESSES. their son-in-law and daughter. After viewing many things worthy of attention in and around Potsdam, her Majesty and the Prince Consort quitted Babelsberg on Sunday, September 29th, for England. Passing through Cologne, they embarked at Antwerp for Dover, whence on the fol- lowing Tuesday they proceeded to Osborne, arriving there on the evening of the same day. We have now to record that the Princess Frederick William gave birth to a son on 27th January, 1859, at three p.m., which happy intelligence was received by the Queen of England at Windsor Castle just six minutes after the occurrence. Subsequent communications certified the fact that the young mother and her Eoyal babe were progressing favourably. It is perhaps needless to add that great joy was shown by the inhabitants of Windsor on this occasion. The bells of the Chapel Eoyal of St. George and St. John's Church sent forth merry peals on the same evening. We take the following account of the infant Prince's baptism, which took place on the 5th March, from the official Gazette : — " The baptism of the prince born on the 27th of January, son of his Eoyal Highness Prince Frederick William of Prussia, took place this day at one o'clock. Dr. Strauss, principal Court Chaplain, assisted by several other clergymen, officiated. The young Prince received the names of Frederick William Victor Albert. The fol- lowing distinguished persons were present — The Prince Eegent of Prussia and the Princess his wife ; the Prince and Princess Charles of Prussia, the Prince and Princess Frederick Charles of Prussia, the Princes Albrecht, father and son, Alexander George and Adalbert of Prussia, the Grand Duke of Saxe- Weimar, the Duke of Saxe-Coburg VICTORIA ADELAIDE MARY LOUISA. 467 and Gotha, the Hereditary Grand Duke and Duchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, and Prince Hohenzollern." The Prince Begent held the Boyal babe at the bap- tismal font, the young mother witnessing the ceremony from an apartment the doors of which opened into the chapel. When the baptism was over, the Grand Mistress of the Household, Countess Perponcher, took the child to its mother, and all the company followed to present their congratulations. In celebration of this event the streets were decked with flags and garlands, and at night the entire city was illuminated. Among the handsomest public edifices was the Hotel de Yille, which was lighted up by more than 50,000 jets of gas, and in all the theatres a gala represen- tation was given. The following announcement on the part of the Royal parents was published also in the Berlin Gazette, which bore their signature — " The birth of our son has been hailed in all parts of the country with such heart}'' demonstrations of sympathy as will never be forgotten in our parental hearts. And this, we freely acknowledge, was but a sequel to the warm reception with which we were greeted a year ago, on entering Berlin as a newly-married pair. For all these demonstra- tions of joy, and hearty congratulations, we think we cannot do better than return our sincerest thanks on so appropriate an occasion as the present, when the holy rite of baptism has been administered to our beloved child. May we succeed, under God's assistance, in educating our son for the honour and welfare of our dear fatherland ! " Berlin, 5th March, 1859." We have before remarked that the Princess keeps 1-6S THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. up all her old habits and vocations. She paints very well ; is a very good musician ; reads much ; takes an active interest in household matters. She is very fond of gar- dening, and is in the habit, when writing to her family, of giving careful directions for the training, pruning, and manuring of the favourite trees and shrubs all planted with her own hands in her gardens at Windsor and at Osborne. One lady who was much at the English Court, says she has often seen her, before her marriage, coming in after an hour or two of hard work among her garden pets, wibh her apron full of green peas or early potatoes, which she was carrying to the kitchen, with an injunction that they were to be sent up in a dish by themselves to the Queen. Another relates how she has often seen her busy among the pans of milk and cream, in her private dairy, or with her arms covered with flour up to the elbows, deep in the manufacture of cakes and pies in the beautiful little kitchen set apart for the special use of the royal children, where they mixed up dough, whipped syllabubs, baked, boiled, stewed, and did just as they pleased ; the milk and butter, the eggs and the fruit, being all of their own raising. ! The birth of a Princess of Prussia next claims mention. This event took place at Potsdam, July 24, I860, at ten in the morning. The infant received the baptismal names of Victoria Elizabeth Augusta Charlotte. She is most commonly styled by the latter name. Two months afterwards her Majesty and the Prince Consort, with Princess Alice, left England, on September 22nd, in the Victoria and Albert, reaching Antwerp on the following evening. The King of the Belgians visited his VICTORIA ADELAIDE HART LOUISA. 469 niece the next day, on board the vessel, and escorted her through his dominions. At Aix-la-Chapelle the Royal party was joined by the Prince Regent of Prussia, who accompanied them on a part of their way to Frankfort. At that city the Princess of Prussia and the Grand Duchess of Baden awaited their arrival. They reached Coburg on the 25th, where they were received by their hosts the Duke and Duchess of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, and it was there that they had the happiness of again beholding their beloved child, Princess Frederick William, who, with her husband, was anxiously expecting their arrivial. The festivities which were at first planned to welcome these illustrious guests were arrested by the death of the Dowager Duchess of Saxe-Coburg, which cast a veil of sadness over all rejoicings. The Royal visitors remained at Coburg till October 10th, when they departed on their return to England. The loss of her grandmother, the Duchess of Kent, was a sad source of onief to the Princess. This distressing event followed very rapidly on the decease of the Dowager Duchess of Saxe-Coburg. After the funeral of the Duchess of Kent, in March, 1861, the Court removed to Osborne in July. It was at that time that the Crown Prince and Princess of Prussia, with their children, Prince William and Princess Char- lotte, accompanied the Royal family to the latter place. When the death of the much-lamented Prince Consort occurred, December 14th, 1861, his daughter, the Princess Royal, was at Berlin, and prevented by recent severe in- disposition from travelling. Indeed, the death of the Prince followed too soon on the discovery of his danger for such a journey to have availed. Prince Frederick William arrived in England on this 470 THE EOTAL PRINCESSES. sad occasion, and returned to Berlin on December 26th, from Windsor. Though he had travelled all night, the Crown Prince visited his Royal parents without loss of time. The Council and Magistrates of Berlin presented an Address of Condolence to the Princess Royal upon the death of Prince Albert, to which she replied in the fol- lowing words : — " For the sympathy you have expressed towards me after the heavy stroke of fate which has afflicted the Royal family and the people of England, and which has been the bitterest sorrow of my life, I return to the Magistrates and Council of Berlin my most sincere thanks. In such a calamity the mind lifts itself above earthly things, and seeks for consolation in sources which are imperishable. If anything earthly could diminish the weight of this heavy affliction, it would be the thought that the irre- parable loss is acknowledged as such in every circle ; and that the rare and lofty attributes of my dear father, so prematurely removed, will be embalmed in an enduring memory." As might naturally be expected, the Crown Princess at once -determined on a lengthened visit of condolence to the bereaved Queen and Royal family of England. Her Royal Highness arrived at Osborne on Friday, February 15th, at half-past eleven o'clock. The Royal yacht Victoria and Albert conveyed the Princess, who disembarked at Osborne Pier, where Princess Alice and Prince Arthur were waiting to accompany her to the Palace. The suite in attendance on the Crown Princess were Countess Schulenberg, Grande Maitresse; Countess Blucher, Count Fiirstenstein, Baron Ernest Stockmar, and Dr. Wesrner. VICTOBIA ADELAIDE MAKY LOUISA. 471 On the 6th March, 1862, the Queen, accompanied by her family and the Crown Princess, who was still on a visit to her, removed from Osborne to Windsor. On Thursday, March 27, 1862, her Royal Highness the Crown Princess of Prussia, accompanied by Princess Alice and Prince Alfred, paid a long visit of inspection to the Exhibition Buildings at South Kensington. So private a visit was this, in the strictest sense of the term, that no one but the Royal Commissioners were aware of their coming. On Monday, March 31, the Crown Princess bade fare- well to her beloved motherland quitted Windsor Castle on her return to her foreign home. Prince Alfred accom- panied her Royal Highness by special train on the North Kent Railway, as far as Gravesend, whence, having em- barked with her suite in the Victoria and Albert Royal yacht, the Crown Princess sailed immediately for Antwerp. On the morning of the opening of the Great Exhibition in London, 1st May, 1862, while the members were forming their ranks for the procession, Earl Granville read. to those around him the following telegram which had been placed in his hands as he left his residence : — "Berlin Palace, May 1, 9 a.m. u From Victoria, Crown Princess of Prussia, to the Far I Granville. " My best wishes for the success of to-day's ceremony, and of the whole undertaking. "Pkincess Royal." The second son and third child of their Royal High- nesses the Crown Prince and Princess of Prussia was born August 14th, 1862. Prior to the birth of the Royal 472 THE EOYAL PRINCESSES. babe, special prayers were offered up in all the churches through Prussia, by the King's order, for the safety of the Princess in her approaching accouchement. The ceremony of baptism took place on the 13th of September, at the Palace of Potsdam, his Majesty's Chaplain, the Rev. M. Heym, officiating, assisted by others of the metropolitan clergy. There were twenty-three sponsors for the infant, either in person, or by proxy. The names given to him were Albert William Henry. There were present at this christening the King and Queen, the Queen Dowager, Prince and Princess Charles, Princess Alexandrine, and Prince Frederick Charles. A grand dinner was given by the Crown Prince on this occasion, and he received from the Municipal Authorities of Berlin an Address of Congratulation on the happy event. On September 27th, 1862, the Crown Prince and Crown Princess, with their children, left the Prussian capital for Gotha on a visit to the Queen of England, who had been staying at Kheinhardsbrunn, with the other members of her family and suite, for whom the Victoria Hotel, Coburg, was engaged. This must have been a great comfort to her Majesty under her twofold heavy bereave- ment, to be surrounded by the Prince of Wales, the Crown Prince of Prussia, Prince and Princess Louis of Hesse, and the junior members of her own family. She also received frequent visits from the Duke of Saxe-Coburg, then staying in the neighbourhood. A correspondent on this subject writes, " Queen Victoria has visibly improved during her short stay among the Thuringian mountains, and may now be described as almost well. Her Majesty drives out daily, generally after breakfast, and even rainy days have not prevented out-door exercise. The Princes and Princesses often take long walking excursions in the neighbourhood, and Prince YICTOHIA ADELAIDE MAET LOUISA. 473 Arthur, a few days since, who had left the high road to climb the Neselberg with his tutor, had the misfortune to sprain his ankle so badly that he was obliged to be carried down the mountain by his guide. The Crown Princess of Prussia came to England on the occasion of the marriage of the Prince of Wales, to whom from earliest infancy she had been most tenderly attached, and the myrtle intermixed in the wedding bouquet of the Princess Alexandra was reared from that used in the bridal bouquet of the Princess Eoyal. In the marriage procession the Crown Prince and Princess of Prussia rode in the eleventh carriage. In November, 1863, the Crown Princess laid the stone of a new church, dedicated to All Saints, about to be erected at Windsor. She was accompanied by the Crown Prince, Princess Louise, and Prince Arthur ; there was also a numerous suite in attendance. In 1864, on the 15th of September, another son was born to the royal pair. This child was baptized by the names of Francis Frederick Sigismund. A daughter was added to the little group on the 12th of April, 1866, named Frederica Amelia Wilhelmina Victoria. The christening took place at Potsdam May 24th, our Queen's birthday : and the King of Prussia held the child during the ceremony. The first of these two children was destined to be cut off in infancy at the age of a year and nine months. The news of the death of the little Prince Sigismund deeply affected Her Majesty and the Eoyal Family. A State concert, announced to take place at Buckingham Palace, was postponed ; and the Prince and Princess of Wales were prevented attending a ball at the Turkish Embassy, given in honour of the Sultan's accession to the throne. A bitter fate had not permitted his Eoyal Highness the 474 THE EOYAL PKINCESSES. Crown Prince to be present at the deathbed of his beloved child, and the sacred duties he owed to his Fatherland also prevented his appearing at his son's funeral, which took place June 25th, at Potsdam. The Princess's goodness of heart and practical talents were brought fully into view in the year 1866, when she was the means of establishing the " National Victoria Society for the Benefit of the Sick and Wounded in the]* War" against Austria, recently waged in Bohemia, and got up a Bazaar in connexion with it, which was held in her own elegantly simple and homelike palace. The public generally were admitted on payment of a small sum, increased at the option of the donor: nor were the good Prussians slow to avail themselves of the oppor- tunity of coming into personal contact with their well- beloved King, who was a large purchaser on the occasion, and other members of the Eoyal family, who, like the Crown Princess and Prince, made themselves actively use- ful. A visitor felt himself gently tapped upon the shoul- der, and heard a cheery voice, exclaiming — " Just let us pass, will you ?" Turning round, he found himself face to face with Prince Frederick William, who was assisting Jiis wife, as he loved to call our Princess Eoyal, to make her way through the throng to her stall. This she had provided with socks, gloves, and little garments of various kinds likely to attract mothers, and a very successful dealer she proved. Many pleasing episodes connected with the unwonted mingling of ranks at this Bazaar were remarked, and its success financially was very considerable, not less than 6000Z. sterling being realized, defined amiability was the term most commonly made use of to describe the Princess and her demeanour. The " Arabian Nights" were brought vividly to mind when the Turkish Ambassador purchased a bouquet of violets for a thousand VICTORIA ADELAIDE HART LOUISA. 475 thalers, and begged permission of the Princess to present it to her, in token of respect, from his lord and master the Sultan. The accouchement of the Crown Princess again took place at the Eoyal Palace in Berlin, February 10th, 1868. Her Eoyal Highness was safely delivered of a son at three o'clock in the morning of that day. Her health continued to progress favourably, and the state of the infant Prince was also satisfactory. He was after- wards christened by the names of Joachim Frederick Ernest Waldemar. The baptismal ceremonial took place at Berlin, March 22nd, 1868. He is the sixth child of the Eoyal pair. A high authority thus writes of the family life of the Crown Prince and Princess of Prussia, " It recalls to mind, in its purity and affection, no less than the fact of its numerous offspring, the domestic circle which had been not long before unexpectedly and terribly broken by death at Windsor Castle." Princess Victoria possesses all the domestic virtues of her mother, the Queen of England : , her ,love of order, her economy, her watchful eye over every department of the household, and above all, her unlimited love for her children. The first visit in the morning is to the nursery, and she spends as large a portion of the day as her station will permit in the company of her little ones, following every arrangement for their bodily and mental well- being with the eye of love. The children make their appearance every night at dessert, no matter what guests may be present. The Crown Princess is a housekeeper whom many far below her in station would do well to take as a pattern. She understands and takes an interest in everything. The symbols of the womanly virtues — Bible, harp, and spinning-wheel, may serve as hers. A 470 THE KOYAL PRINCESSES. spinning-wheel, adorned with a red ribbon, stands in her drawing-room, not for show, but for practical use,, and is brought into operation every day by the Princess's own hand. Nor do her domestic duties prevent her finding time for artistic pursuits, and taking an interest in every- thing connected with art. She excels particularly in water-colour painting. Vanity and love of dress are foreign to her nature, but when it is necessaiy for her to appear as the Crown Princess of Prussia, she invents her own toilette bj the aid of her artistic genius. On Tuesday, June 14th, 1870, the Crown Princess of Prussia was again safely delivered of a daughter at the New Palace in Potsdam, the news of which happy event was immediately transmitted to the Queen of England at Balmoral, and to the several members of the English and Prussian Royal families. The names given to the Eoyal infant were Sophia Dorothea Ulrica. Little needs be said in these pages of this noble and high-spirited Princess, in whose praise volumes might be recorded. The brilliant military talents of the Crown Prince Frederick, combined with the German valour, have won for himself and his consort the new title of Imperial. It is scarcely necessary to say that any reference to the important military services rendered to his country in Denmark, Bohemia, and latterly in France, would be out of place in this work. The Princess Royal of England has hereafter to be addressed by the title of Crown Princess Imperial of the German Empire and of Prussia. But a heart like hers soars above worldly honours, and can stoop to the alleviation of sufferings among the most humble of the afflicted. 477 PRINCESS ALICE MAUD MARY, SECOND DAUGHTER OF HER MAJESTY QUEEN VICTORIA, AND PRINCESS LOUIS OF HESSE-DARMSTADT. Jot and grief tread fast on each other's heels, and are often found as closely allied as are the deep shades of night which blend into a soft and resplendent morning. Joy and grief were deeply mingled in the birth, as also subsequently at the bridal, of this fair flower of our Court. It may be said that a sort of foreshadowing of the land- scape of the future presented itself on the occasion of the birth of the Princess Alice. There was mourning just then within the Palace, for the remains of the good, frank, and accomplished Duke of Sussex were awaiting their removal to his last earthly home. Sincere was the sorrow of his countrymen, for they well knew the worth of the deceased Prince. The following particulars of the birth of the Princess were made public officially at the time. "This morning, April 25th, 1818, the Queen was safely delivered of a Princess. The occurrence had been delayed beyond the expected time, Mrs. Lilly, the nurse, having been in attendance on her Majesty from the 1st of April." Dr. Locock had not, as he had done at the birth of the Prince of Wales, slept in readiness for several previous nights in the Palace, but had returned to his home. Messengers were sent for him, Dr. Ferguson, and Sir James Clark at half-past one o'clock in the morn- ing, and on their arrival also for the Duchess of Kent, Sir i i 478 THE KOYAL PIUNC ESSES. Robert Peel, and other great officers of State. The child was born at five minutes past four, at which time Prince Albert was present, but every other person who had been summoned, the Earl of Liverpool excepted, was too late for the event, and awaited only the issue of the first bulletin announcing that the Queen and her infant were extremely well, before they took their departure. On the event being communicated to the usual autho- rities the customary salutes were fired, and other demon- strations of joy celebrated. At Whitehall, the same after- noon, a Privy Council was held, at which were present Prince Albert, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Lord President, the Lord Chancellor, and other illustrious per- sonages. A form of prayer and thanksgiving for the safe delivery of the Queen was ordered to be read in churches and chapels throughout the kingdom on the following Sunday. The ceremonj r of the baptism of the infant Princess took place on June 2nd, 1843, in the Chapel Royal, Buckingham Palace, in the presence of her Majesty and Prince Albert, the Queen Dowager, and the Duchess of Kent, and most of the principal members of the Royal family, Foreign Ministers, &c. As soon as the visitors had taken their seats, the pro- cession of the Sponsors was first formed. These comprised H.R.H. the Duke of Cambridge (as proxy for the King of Hanover), H.R.H. the Hereditary Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (as proxy for the Hereditary Prince of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha), H.R.H. the Duchess of Kent (proxy for her Serene Highness Princess of Hohenlohe Langenburg), and H.R.H. the Princess Sophia Matilda. We must duly chronicle here the dress of the infant Princess. This consisted of a robe of Honiton lace over ALICE jMATJD mart. 479 white silk, made at Spitalfields, with cap to correspond, the whole being of British manufacture. The Service was performed by the Archbishop of Can- terbury, assisted by the Archbishop of York, the Bishop of London, and the Bishop of Norwich ; the Sponsors standing near the font, opposite to her Majesty and Prince Albert, made the customary responses. When the Archbishop came to that part of the Service for naming the Princess, two amongst them — viz., the Princess Sophia Matilda and the Hereditary Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz — named her Royal Highness " Alice Maud Mary." After the conclusion of the Bap- tismal Service, the Princess Alice was reconducted to the Royal nursery from the Chapel. The Hallelujah Chorus from Beethoven's " Mount of Olives" having been performed with admirable effect, her Majesty and Prince Albert, the Queen Dowager, the Royal Sponsors, and the other illustrious visitors, left the Chapel and returned to the Queen's apartments. The events of the Princess Alice's life during the earlier years of her childhood present but few incidents to call for remark. We may mention, however, that it was rumoured on one occasion that two of the Royal children — Princess Alice being one of them — actuated by a spirit of fun, not uncommon we believe with young folks of even exalted birth, had strayed into an apartment in which a housemaid was busily at work in polishing a stove-grate. They sportively demanded that her brushes should be given up to them, pretending that they wished to help her ; and on getting possession of these domestic implements, proceeded sans ceremonie to apply them to the face of the maid, blackening her dress meanwhile. She, hear- ing the approaching footstep of Prince Albert, was i i 2 480 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. ready to sink from confusion. His Eoyal Highness entered the room, and at sight of the escapade was as much astonished himself; and on ascertaining from the reluctant servant the true version of the story, forth- with represented the matter to the Queen, who very soon after led the young culprits to the servants' quarters, and having selected the maid who had been operated upon, she at once ordered her daughters to ask pardon for the liberty they had taken. Nor was this all, for the Queen insisted that her daughters should pay, out of their pocket money, the cost of a new dress, bonnet, shawl, and gloves, in order fully to repair the mischief they had done. It is said that the young Princesses did not in the least mind part- ing with their money : it was asking the poor girl's pardon., they did not relish. On August 30th, 1852, her Majesty with Prince Albert and five of their elder children, left Osborne for an autum- nal visit to Balmoral. From G-osport the Eoyal party traversed the line to Basingstoke, thence they passed on to Swindon, then visiting Gloucester, Birmingham, and Derby, where they stayed that night. Passing through York and Berwick, they reached Edinburgh at five in the afternoon. Their residence for the night was the Palace of Holyrood, and Prince Albert and the children drove round the romantic town in the evening. Proceed- ing on their route to Cupar Angus, the Royal party travelled by carriages till they arrived at their Highland home. News arrived, on September 16th, while on an excur- sion, of the death of one of her Majesty's most illustrious subjects : this was no other than the great Duke of Wel- lington. Her Majesty lost no time in offering her condo- lence, through the Earl of Derby, to the Duke's family: ALICE MATJD MARY. 481 all pleasure arrangements were countermanded, and the household went into mourning.* On October 12th the Court removed from Balmoral, and another interesting excursion varied the homeward route. From Chester the Royal family proceeded ta Bangor, and on the following morning inspected the famous Britannia Bridge over the Menai Straits, the Queen walking through the tube, the Prince over the top of it, and then took a minute survey of the wonderful structure. Windsor Castle was reached on "Wednesday evening. In the next year, 1853, we find an extract deserving of a place here, which records in the Queen's own words the ceremony of laying the foundation-stone of the new Royal residence at Balmoral. " tteptemher 28th, 1853. — A fine morning early ; but when we walked out at half-past ten o'clock, it began raining, and soon poured down without ceasing. Most fortunately it cleared up before two, and the sun shone brightly for the ceremony of laying the foundation-stone of the new house. Mamma and all her party arrived from Abergeldie a little before three. I annex the programme of the ceremony, which was strictly adhered to, and was really very interesting." The programme is then given. It provides that the stone being prepared, and suspended over that upon which it was to rest (in which was a cavity for the bottle containing the parchment and coins), the workmen * It was from the middle balcony of Buckingham Palace that Majesty and the Royal children beheld the funeral pageant of the Duke of Wellington, the flag above the building being half lowered on the sad occasion. 482 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. were to stand in a semicircle at a little distance from the stone, and the women and home servants in an inner semicircle. Her Majesty the Queen, and his Eoyal Highness the Prince Consort, accompanied by the Eoyal children, and her Eoyal Highness the Duchess of Kent, and attended by her Majesty's guests and suite, were, after proceed- ing from the house, to stand on the south side of the stone, the suite remaining behind and on each side of the Eoyal party. The Eev. Mr. Anderson then prayed for blessing on the work. Her Majesty next affixed her signature to the parchment, recording the day of the ceremony ; this was followed by that of the Prince and the Eoyal children, the Duchess of Kent, and others, whom her Majesty had commanded to be present ; and the parchment was placed in the bottle. One of each of the current coins of the present reign was also placed within the bottle ; and this having been sealed up, was placed in the cavity. The trowel was delivered to her Majesty by Mr. Smith, of Aberdeen, the architect; and the mortar having been spread, the stone was lowered. The level and square were then applied, and their cor- rectness having been ascertained, the mallet was delivered to the Queen by Mr. Stuart, the clerk of the works, when her Majesty struck the stone, and declared it to be laid. The cornucopia was placed upon the stone, and the oil and wine poured out by the hands of her Majesty. The pipes having played, her Majesty with the Eoyal family retired. The workmen were regaled with a good dinner, and amused themselves on the green with Highland games till seven o'clock ; after which a dance took place in the ball-room. ALICE MAUD MART. 483 A visit was made in April, 1855, by the Emperor and Empress of the French to England ; and there were many marks of honour paid by the Court and people to their distinguished visitors. Among the rest was a grand review of the Household troops, held in Windsor Great Park. On Tuesday the Emperor and Prince Albert, with a numerous suite, having left the Castle at four o'clock, the Empress and her Majesty, the members of the .Royal family, and ladies in attendance, proceeded to the ground in several open barouches. The Royal car- riages were occupied by the Queen and the Empress, the Prince of Wales, the Princess Royal, the young Princes Alfred, Arthur, and Princesses Alice and Helena, with other ladies and gentlemen of the Household. They passed under a triumphal arch amidst enthusiastic cheer- ing, through the streets and Long Walk, to the ground chosen for this military pageant. At the close of the Review, the Emperor and Prince passed along the lines, followed by the Royal carriages, the colours being drooped, and the men saluting in the usual style. Princess Alice accompanied the Princess Royal and the Prince of Wales on one of the visits made to the Continent by their Royal parents. The Queen and Prince Consort with their children departed from Osborne to visit the King of the Belgians, their yachts being escorted by a squadron of steam frigates. The very rough weather compelled the squadron to pass the night at anchor in the Downs. On the following morning, in a strong gale the fleet ran across to the Scheldt, but the yacht did not reach Antwerp till half-past six in the evening. King Leopold had ceased to expect his niece, owing to the roughness of the weather, and had to be summoned by telegraph ; he dined on board the yacht, but the Royal iS4i THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. party did not land till the following morning. Quitting Antwerp in the afternoon they drove to Brussels, view- ing the streets and buildings of that city, by whose citizens they were cordially received. On Friday her Majesty went to Brussels and held a reception in the Palace of the members of the Diplomatic Corps and the chief officials. On Saturday the Royal family turned homewards, and, while at Antwerp, they proceeded to visit the Exhibition of Paintings and Sculpture, and the Museum with its matchless collection of Rubens' s finest works, and thence to the famous cathedral. In the afternoon they re-embarked in the yachts and steamed down the river, anchoring for the night off Terneuse. On the following morning the squadron again got under weigh ; but it now blew so fierce a gale and the weather was so thick, that they proceeded no further than Flushing, where the men-of-war came to an anchor, while the }^achts returned to the smoother water of Terneuse. On Monday the squadron again set sail, and succeeded in getting over to the English coast ; but so thick a fog covered the sea, that it was deemed prudent to anchor for the night in Dungeness Roads ; and it was not until Tuesday at mid-day that her Majesty arrived at Osborne House, having suffered a voyage as disagreeable as bad weather could make it. The Glasgow Waterworks — an extraordinary undertak- ing, by which the superfluous waters of Loch Katrine are conducted through a mountain and across morasses, to be conveyed to the dwellings in that town — were opened by her Majesty with great ceremony in October, 1859. The Queen, Prince Consort, and two Princesses, leaving Edinburgh, made a tour amid the beautiful scenery of the Trossachs, and crossed the foot of Loch Katrine to the ALICE MAUD MARY. 485 spot where the first outlet is constructed — about eight miles from the lowest point. There a large concourse of people waited to witness the ceremony. After an address presented by the Commissioners of the Waterworks, to which a suitable reply was made by her Majesty, the Queen put in motion the apparatus by which the waters of the lake were admitted into the tunnel ; and notice having been given by electric telegraph of the event, various salutes were fired from the batteries of Edinburgh and Stirling castles, and all the bells in Glasgow were set ringing in honour of the event. We here subjoin an extract from the " Queen's Journal :" — " September 15th, 1859. — I ascended Loch-na-Grarr with Alice, Helena, Bertie, Lady Churchill, Colonel Bruce, and our usual attendants, and returned after six o'clock." In the ascent of Ben Muich Dhul, which is 4297 feet high, one of the highest mountains in Scotland, October 7th, the Queen again names Princess Alice : — " At ten minutes to nine we started in the sociable with Bertie and Alice, and our usual attendants." The Royal party made the ascent on ponies, one carry- ing the luncheon baskets. "After all the cloaks had been placed on the ponies we mounted and began our journey — I was on Victoria, Alice on Dobbins. I and Alice rode part of the way, walking wherever it was steep." We should add, that Prince Louis of Hesse is several times named in the " Queen's Journal" as accompanying the Royal party in their excursions at Balmoral, about the time that he became publicly known as a suitor for the hand of Princess Alice. At a Council held April 30th, 1861, at Buckingham 4S6 THE EOYAL PRINCESSES. Palace, " Her Majesty was pleased to declare her consent to a contract of matrimony between her Eoyal Highness the Princess Alice Maud Mary and his Grand Ducal Highness Prince Frederick William Louis of Hesse, which consent her Majesty has also caused to be signified under the Great Seal." On Friday, the 3rd of May, the betrothal of the Princess Alice to Prince Louis of Hesse was communi- cated by the Queen to the House of Lords. In the marriage treaty the future husband of the Princess Alice is styled his Grand Ducal Highness the Prince Frederick Louis Charles of Hesse, son of his Grand Ducal Highness the Prince Charles William Louis of Hesse, and nephew of his B,oyal Highness the Grand Duke of Hesse. In July, 1861, the Prince Louis of Hesse returned to the Continent, having previously taken leave of the Queen at Buckingham Palace. Some notice ought here to be taken of a visit made by the Queen to Ireland in September, 1861, accompanied by the Princesses Alice and Helena, on a " pouring wet" day. Her Majesty having left Dublin, visited and inspected the troops at Curragh, drawn up on the semicircular ridge of hills stretching from the Prince's quarters to the camp proper. On this gentle slope were mustered a little army of 10,000 men in masses of cavalry and horse artillery, with columns of infantry in the centre. The Queen, Princesses, with Lord Carlisle, were in an open carriage; the Prince Consort, dressed in Field-Marshal's uniform, and Prince Alfred as a midshipman, followed on horse- back. Soon after the Queen arrived the storm breaking forth, made it necessary that the carriage should be closed. The Prince Consort and Prince Alfred remained, how- ALICE MAUD MAKY. 487 ever, on horseback, and were saturated with rain. Equally exposed was the Prince of Wales at the head of his Grena- diers. The evolutions of the day ended, the Queen drove off to the Prince of Wales Stand Station, followed on her departure by train with a loyal outburst of cheers. It was during this visit to Ireland that the Royal party spent a day at the Lakes of Killarney. They embarked at twelve o'clock at Ross Castle, amid the cheers of thousands and followed by an immense flotilla of boats. The mist, which at first rested on the mountain tops, having gra- dually cleared off, the remainder of the day continued remarkably fine. In the State barge were the Queen, the Prince Consort, Prince of Wales, Prince Alfred, Princess Alice, Princess Helena, Lady Churchill, Earl Granville, and Lord and Lady Castlerosse. After rowing round Innisfallen, and coasting under the Toomies and Glans mountains, the Royal party landed at one o'clock at Glana. After a short excursion through the demesne, they sat down to a magnificent dejeuner at Glana Cottage. The bay was crowded with boats, and the cheers again rang forth and awoke the echoes. After re-embarking, the procession of boats, led by the Royal barge, went through the middle of the Tore Lake, threaded the Long Range, passed the Eagle's Nest into the Upper Lake, and reached Derry Cunnihy at four o'clock. The Queen and party landed, and partook of tea. On the return the Royal party landed at Ross Island, amid renewed acclama- tions. At Killarney House they entered the carriages in waiting, and, escorted by the 1st Royals, started at 6-30 to Muckross Abbey, the seat of Mr. Herbert. The Queen and Prince Consort appeared throughout the day to be greatly delighted, and repeatedly expressed their unqualified admiration of the scenery. On Wednesday 4S3 THE EOYAL PHINCESSES. morning the Royal party drove round other portions of Muckross demesne. They visited Tore Lake, to witness the stag hunt intended by Colonel Herbert to take place. The Queen remained on the lake till six o'clock, and the State barge went repeatedly through the flotilla of boats. Her Majesty arrived at Balmoral on the following Saturday. It now becomes our sad duty to give an account of an event which plunged not only the Koyal family, but the whole nation, into the deepest affliction — the death of the Prince Consort. Whatever had been the cause, the lamented Prince was attacked with a serious illness, which betokened incipient gastric fever ; yet his condition was not at first such as to create alarm, nor was this felt till the Wednesday preceding his death, though the Prince himself had unfavourable presentiments. On Thursday no change had taken place for the better ; on Friday even the Queen had no suspicion of danger, and took her usual drive. On her return a change for the worse had taken place, and the fatal result painfully presented itself to the minds of all around. Throughout the day the patient's strength declined, and in his delirium he called for the Prince of Wales. The presence of mind of the Princess Alice had already caused a telegraphic despatch to be sent off to her brother. At half-past eight on Friday night the Queen and her family were admitted to take a last farewell ; the only absent ones were the Crown Princess of Prussia, then ill, and Princes Alfred and Leopold. The Queen and Princess Alice sat up with the patient the whole of Friday night, and were joined in their mournful watch by the Prince of Wales. From this affecting scene Princess Alice was carried away in a state of hysterical agitation ; and when the fatal news was made ALICE MAUD MART. 489 known to her, she was seized with a rigidity of the nerves and temporary insensibility, to the great alarm of all around her. Nature could no more ! It was this young girl who had from the first moment of this bitter trial displayed so much power of mind and energy beyond her years ; whose hand had soothed the sufferer ; whose tears had been carefully withheld ; but now that all hope was lost, gave way, and in the silence of her own chamber found a vent for the sorrow which had been smothered till then for the sake of others. In an early stage of the disorder, and especially on the previous Sunday, when the Prince was ill and weak, Princess Alice had spent the afternoon alone with her father, the others being at church. " He begged to have his sofa drawn to the window that he might see the sky and the clouds sailing past. He then asked her to play to him, and she went through several of his favourite hymns and chorales. After she had played some time, she looked round and saw him lying back, his hands folded as if in prayer, and his eyes shut. He lay so long without moving that she thought he had fallen asleep. Presently he looked up and smiled. She said, ' Were you asleep, dear papa ?' ' Oh no,' he answered ; ' only I have such sweet thoughts !' " He loved to hear hymns and prayers. He could not speak to the Queen of himself, for she could not bear to listen, and shut her eyes to the danger. His daughter saw that she must act differently, and never let her voice falter or shed a single tear in his presence. She sat by him, listened to all he said, repeated hymns, and then, when she could bear it no longer, would walk calmly to the door and rush away to her room, returning with the same calm and pale face, without any appearance of the 490 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. agitation she had gone through : in fact, self-control was never more highly exemplified than on this trying occa- sion by the conduct of the Princess Alice. The dreaded event soon occurred, and the Queen was left a widow. After the funeral obsequies of the lamented Prince had been completed, but one act of love remained to be performed. This was the placing on the coffin those dear memorials of love and regret from the bereaved Queen and her children, three wreaths and a bouquet, the day before brought from Osborne to Windsor. The former were simple chaplets of moss and violets, wreathed by the three elder Princesses : the bouquet of violets, with a white camellia in the centre, was sent by the widowed Queen. Between the heraldic insignia were placed these last tributes from his widow and orphan daughters. With this last act of grateful care the aper- ture to the Royal vault was closed, and thus Prince Albert, who had lived in honour and died in peace, was consigned to his tomb with every mark of affection. The Queen, who had been in strict confinement from the time of her loss, returned to Windsor on the 5th March, 1862, with the Crown Princess of Prussia, Princess Alice, and the rest of the Royal family. On March 15th, 1862, her Majesty laid the first stone of a Mausoleum to be erected at Frogmore for the reception of the late Prince Consort and herself. It was not till the 18th December in the same year that this structure was ready to receive the last remains of the object of her deepest affection. The coffin was removed on a hearse from St. George's Chapel, Windsor. The ceremonial observed was quite private, and was witnessed by the Prince of Wales and his brothers and Prince Louis of ALICE MAUD MAET. 491 Hesse, who went in a mourning coach. There were also present the Lord Chamberlain, the Dean of Windsor, with other officials. After a brief and appropriate ceremony, the coffin was placed in the sarcophagus, when the Princes placed upon it the wreaths of flowers woven by their sisters* own hands to repose on the breast of their lamented father. Her Majesty, who had been staying for some time at Balmoral, returned to Windsor Castle in the beginning of June, 1862, and proceeded thence to Osborne, where the marriage of the Princess Alice with the Prince of Hesse was to take place. The Queen's birthday had not been publicly celebrated this year. Notwithstanding her grief, her Majesty's interest in the progress of the International Exhibition never flagged. With considerate kindness she purchased 1000 half-crown tickets for the Exhibition, to be given in her name to deserving pupils of the various schools of design, as well as 3000 shilling tickets for distribution among the work- men who helped to build the Industrial Palace. The Royal Princes and Princesses had been during their sojourn at Windsor almost every day at the great building. The marriage of the Princess Alice to the Prince Frede- rick William Louis of Hesse took place privately at Osborne on July 1st, 1862, the Archbishop of York per- forming the ceremony. Her Majesty the Queen was still suffering deeply from the effects of her recent severe affliction, and in the most private manner attended the union of her beloved daughter in a robe of the deepest mourning, the sad index of her mental sorrow. She was accompanied by her four sons, the Prince of Wales, Prince Alfred, and the Princes Arthur and Leopold. The Bridegroom, who, as we have already said, is the 492 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. eldest son of the Grand Duke of Hesse, was supported by his brother, Prince Henry of Hesse. The lovely and amiable Princess Alice was supported at this interesting moment by her uncle, the reign- ing Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha, by whom she was given away ; and the youthful bridesmaids were her own three sisters, Princesses Helena, Louise, and Bea- trice, and the Princess Anna of Hesse, the Bridegroom's sister. Private as the wedding was wished to be, there were many Royal and noble witnesses who, with their several suites, assembled to witness so truly interesting a spec- tacle ; some few had indeed been honoured with invitations on the occasion. The Royal Bride's dress on this occasion was of a design which had been furnished by her deceased father, who had taken a lively interest in the ceremony, which had been fixed to take place on a day shortly subsequent to his lamented decease. His Royal Highness had also selected, in consultation with her Majesty, a magnificent series of wedding presents, distinguished for their intrinsic and artistic value. The wedding dress must be particularly mentioned here: this consisted of a deep flounce of Honiton guipure lace, composed of rose, myrtle, and orange blos- soms, with a veil to correspond. After the ceremony the newly married pair left Osborne for St. Clare, near Ryde, and afterwards proceeded to Hesse-Darmstadt. We have now to regard the incidents connected with Princess Alice, in her new relation of a wife, residing at her home in Darmstadt, and visiting from time to time various places on the Continent. Whenever the Queen ALICE MAUD MARY. 493 visited Germany we are pretty sure to find her daughter's movements were in the same direction. On the 3rd of September, 1862, the Grand Duke of Hesse-Darmstadt inspected a body of troops at Worms. The Prince and Princess Louis of Hesse arrived in the town early in the morning from Auerbach : and whilst his Eoyal Highness joined the Grand Duke, the Princess paid a visit to the Cathedral. On leaving it, she went to the banks of the Rhine, where a boat was in waiting to receive her. After enjoying a short trip on the river, she rejoined her husband, and returned to Auerbach. On September 6th, Prince Louis and his young wife arrived from the latter place at Lindenfels about noon, where they visited the ruins of the castle, and enjoyed for some time the delightful panorama of scenery around them. On Sunday, April 8th, 1863, at a quarter before 5 a.m., Princess Louis of Hesse — her Majesty having been with her Royal Highness throughout the previous night — was gladdened by the birth of a Princess. In the room with the Princess at the birth of the child were besides the Queen, his Royal Highness Prince Louis of Hesse, Sir Charles Locock, Dr. Farre, and the nurses. In an adjoining apartment were Sir J. Clark, Viscount Sydney, Lord Chamberlain, Sir George Gre\ r , and Baron de Ricon, Head of the Household of Prince Charles of Hesse. Intelligence of the happy event was immediately transmitted by telegraph to the Grand Duke and Court of Hesse-Darmstadt, and to the various mem- bers of the Royal family ; the latest bulletin stating that the Princess and her child were going on perfectly well. The christening of the infant Princess, daughter of Prince and Princess Louis of Hesse, took place on Mon- 494 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. day, April 28th, 1863, in presence of her Majesty, at Windsor Castle, in the Green Drawing Room, according to the rites of the Lutheran Church. The baptism was performed in German by the Rev. Mr. Bender, Court Chaplain to the Grand Ducal family of Hesse, who travelled from Darmstadt specially to offi- ciate on this occasion. The sponsors present were her Majesty the Queen, his Grand Ducal Highness Prince Alexander of Hesse (representing the Grand Duke of Hesse), H.R.H. Princess Mary of Cambridge, H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, and his Grand Ducal Highness Prince Henry of Hesse. The infant was named by the Queen, who held the child at the font, Yictoria Alberta Elizabeth Matilda Mary. The font of silver gilt used upon this occasion was originally made for the christening of the Princess Royal, and was filled with water brought from the River Jordan by the Prince of Wales. Various Royal and illustrious persons were present at the ceremony. The chief officers of State, and the ladies and gentlemen of the household, and also the Royal family, were then conducted to the White Room, where a Register of the Baptism w T as signed; and the general company to the Dining Room, where a dejeuner was served. On the occasion of the Prince of Wales's marriage, 10th March, 1863, the ninth carriage in the procession conveyed Princess Helena, Princess Louise, and Lady Caroline Bar- rington, the Bearer of the Train of Princess Helena. In the tenth carriage the Princess Beatrice, Prince Louis of Hesse, and the Princess Louis of Hesse. And in the eleventh carriage the Crown Prince and Princess of Prussia. ALICE MAUD MABY. 405 Among the presents from the Prince and Princesses jointly to the Poyal pair, was " a noble brooch composed of brilliants and sapphires." The Prince and Princess Louis of Hesse gave a bracelet of turquoise and brilliants. The Queen and Prince Leopold, with the Princesses Helena, Louise, Beatrice, and suite, embarked at Woolwich for Germany at a quarter past six o'clock, on the 8th of August, 1863. On the 11th, the Queen arrived at Coburg at 8 a.m., and immediately proceeded to Eosenau. It was on August 6th, just before this visit to Germany, that the formal recognition of Prince Alfred of England as heir to the Duchy of Saxe-Coburg took place at the capital of that State, on the twenty-first anniversary of the Prince's birth. On the anniversary of the lamented Prince Consort's birthday, Wednesday, August 26th, 1863, her Majesty, then at the Castle of Eosenau, planted a tree in remem- brance, in front of the Schloss in which the revered Prince was born. The Duchess of Coburg visited the Queen early in the day ; and the same day Prince and Princess Louis of Hesse, arriving on a visit to the Duchess of Coburg, immediately proceeded to visit her Majesty, and remained with her till the evening. On the 7th of September the Queen and Eoyal family left Posenau, on their return to England. The next day, the 8th, her Majesty reached Kranichstein, near Darmstadt, and spent the day with Princess Louis of Hesse. The Queen took leave of the Princess, and left Kranichstein at ten o'clock the same evening. Next morning she embarked at Antwerp for England, and had to encounter a boisterous storm. The Prince and Princess Louis of Hesse accompanied K K 2 496 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. the Prince and Princess of Wales, on May 30th, 1864, to Claremont, on the occasion of the marriage of the Comte de Paris, where these illustrious guests, after being received by the members of the French Royal family, were con- ducted into the reception-room to the presence of the late venerable Queen of the French, who received and welcomed them. The Prince of Wales and Princess Louis of Hesse, at the dejeuner, sat on the right of the aged Queen ; the Duke of Mecklenburg and the Princess of Wales on the left. Princess Alice wore a blue silk on this occasion. Prince and Princess Louis of Hesse also in the evening attended the ball given by the Duke de Chartres, in honour of this occasion. At the, christening of Prince George, second son of the Prince of Wales, July 7th, 1865, two of the sponsors were represented by the Royal sister princesses. Princess Louis of Hesse (Princess Alice), was represented by H.R.H. Princess Louise, and the Duchess of Cambridge by H.R.H. Princess Helena. The accouchement of Princess Louis of Hesse took place on Wednesday 11th July, 1866, at Darmstadt. The Princess, with her infant daughter, progressed most favourably ; the child was named Irene Mary Louisa Anna. By command of the Queen a Drawing Room was held on Saturday, June 15th, 1867, at St. James's Palace, by Princess Louis of Hesse, at which Court all pre- sentations made were, by the Queen's pleasure, con- sidered equivalent to presentations made to her Majesty. On this occasion the Princess appeared in a blue and silver moire train, thickly embroidered with silver, and a blue crape petticoat trimmed with white and silver, a diadem of diamonds, two rows of diamonds round the neck, and a ALICE MAUD MARY. 497 large diamond brooch and earrings. The Orders worn by her were Victoria and Albert, Louise of Prussia, St. Catherine of Eussia, with diamond star, St. Isabel of Portugal, and the Mecklenburg Order. When the magnificent State Ball was given at Buck- ingham Palace in the same month, Princess Louis of Hesse, the Prince of Wales, and Prince Louis of Hesse arrived at the garden entrance about half-past ten, from Marlborough House. Princess Louise was there also about the same time, attended by Lady Caroline Barring- ton and Colonel Cavendish. Princess Louis of Hesse continued to reside with the Court, then at Windsor, in June, 1867, her family and herself in good health. By command of the Queen a Drawing Room was held on Thursday, June 27th, at St. James's Palace, on behalf of her Majesty. At this thirty-five presentations took place. The Princess Alice took her station in front of the Throne, accompanied by the Prince of Wales. A ball was given at the Hotel de Ville to the Sovereigns then visiting Paris, June, 1867. This fete given by the Prefect of the Seine to the Emperor of Russia and the King of Prussia cost more than 36,000£. The guests were more than 8000 in number. The limits of this work debar any description, but it may be noted that on the raised platform in the centre of the Salle des Fetes, underneath a silken canopy the Emperor of Russia and the King of Prussia occupied two central seats, the Emperor Napoleon being at the right of the Russian Czar, and the Empress at the left of the King of Prussia. The other Princes and Princesses were placed according to their rank. In the quadrille of honour the Czarewitch danced with Princess Louis of Hesse (Princess Alice), and the Grand 108 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. Duke Vladimir with his cousin, Princess Eugenie of Leuchtenburg. On July 20th, 1867, the Queen, accompanied by Prince and Princess Louis of Hesse, Princess Louise, Princes Arthur and Leopold, and Princess Beatrice, left Windsor Castle, en route for Qsborne House. The Princess Vic- toria, Princess Elizabeth, and Princess Irene of Hesse, and the infant Prince Christian Victor of Schleswig- Holstein having left the Castle early in the morning for the same place. When the magnificent reception was given to the Sultan in Jul}-, 1867, by the Corporation of the City of London, Prince and Princess Louis of Hesse honoured Guildhall by their presence. Upon this occasion the Address of the Lord Mayor was read and duly responded to. Three thrones were erected on a carpeted eminence before the dais, and two velvet-cushioned chairs. The Sultan occu- pied the central throne, with the Prince of Wales on his right, the Lord Mayor on his left, and the Lady Mayoress and Princess Louis of Hesse on end chairs. When the dancing commenced the Princess Alice of Hesse said, with spirit, " I am going to dance with the Lord Mayor." But alas! the Lord Mayor was no dancer; and, sad to say, was forced to confess it, and decline the honour about to be conferred on him by a Royal Princess of England. In this civic visit the agreeable manners of Princess Alice won every heart, Princess Louis of Hesse-Darmstadt, with her younger children, accompanied the Crown Princess of Prussia on her return from Homburg to Berlin, at the close of 1870. In addition to the children of the Princess Louis of Hesse, we must mention that she has had two sons by her marriage — viz. : Ernest Louis Charles Albert William, born Nov. 25th, 18G8, and a young prince, born Oct. 7th, 1870* 499 PRINCESS HELENA AUGUSTA VICTORIA, THIRD DAUGHTER OF HER MAJESTY. The firing of the Park and Tower guns at three o'clock in the afternoon of May 25th, 1846, announced that another addition had been made to the family of our be- loved Queen ; and the same day the happy event was duly confirmed by the publication of the official bulletin, which stated that at Buckingham Palace, " at five minutes before three o'clock this afternoon," the Queen was hap- pily delivered of a Princess, there being present on the occasion, besides his Royal Highness Prince Albert, several Lords of her Majesty's Privy Council and the Ladies of the Bedchamber. The tidings quickly spread through the metropolis, and successive announcements made known that her Majesty and the infant Princess were both doing well. As soon as practicable, the Privy Council having assembled at the Council Chamber, Whitehall, a Form of Thanksgiving, usual on such occasions, was ordered to be prepared by the Archbishop of Canterbury, to be read all churches and chapels on Sunday, May 31st, or the Sunday next after the receipt of the same by the respec- tive ministers. In pursuance of this order, a suitable prayer was ordered to be read in all churches through- out England. The 24th of May had become memorable as the day 500 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. which gave Queen Victoria herself to the British nation. But we may add that the date of her infant's birth, May 25th, 1S46, was marked by an event which has led to great changes in the history of Europe. This was no less than the escape of the late Emperor of the French from the castle of Ham. His subsequent adventures, his be- coming President of the Bepublic, the famous coup d'etat, his elevation to the rank of Emperor, and his recent downfall, are events of much too great importance to be discussed in these pages. The Royal babe was not long after baptised at Buck- ingham Palace, the ceremony taking place July 25th. On this occasion most of the members of the Royal family were present ; the Foreign Powers connected with them by mar- riage were also represented ; there were besides, the Cabinet Ministers, Officers of the Royal Household, the Duke of Wellington, the Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishops of London and of Norwich, the Rev. Mr. Courtenay and the Rev. Mr. Howarth, and a train of official and distinguished personages. The Primate of England performed the ceremony, when the names Helena Augusta Victoria were duly bestowed on the Royal infant. There were three sponsors : the Duchess of Kent, as proxy for the Duchess of Orleans ; the other two being his Royal Highness the Hereditary Grand Duke of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, and her Royal Highness the Duchess of Cambridge. Afterwards there was a State Banquet. As an instance of the simple and admirable way in which the Queen brought up her children, we may state that at Osborne a large portion of pleasure-ground was appropriated to the use of the young Princes and Prin- cesses. Each of them had a flower and vegetable garden, HELENA AUGUSTA YICTOEIA. 501 greenhouses, hothouses, and forcing frames, nurseries, tool-houses, and even a carpenter's shop. Here the Royal children used to pass much of their time. Each was sup- plied with a set of tools, marked with the name of the owner, and here they became quite adepts in the various branches of gardening. There was, moreover, a building provided, the ground floor of which was fitted up as a kitchen, with pantries, closets, dairy, larder — all complete in their arrangements. In this building might be seen the young Princess and her sisters arrayed a la cuisiniere, floured up to the elbows, deep in the mysteries of pastry - making ; cooking vegetables from their own gardens, preserving, pickling, baking — either to partake among themselves, or to distribute their handiwork to the neigh- bouring poor. The Queen would have nothing left un- learned by her children, who were the happiest of the happy when staying in their home at Osborne. The Queen, in her " Journal," after making mention of her children, and when speaking of one of her explorations, which took place on Wednesday, October 16th, 1861, thus adverts to the Princess Helena : — " Helena was so de- lighted, for this was the only really great expedition in which she had accompanied us." On Monday, the day before the Princess of Wales's birthday, the Queen, accompanied by the Princesses Helena and Louise, attended by the Hon. Mrs. Bruce, Major-General the Hon. A. 1ST. Hood, and Colonel F. Ponsonby, went to London, and visited the Duchess Dowager of Sutherland and Lady Augusta Bruce, at their respective residences. Her Majesty also honoured Mr. Foley and Mr. Theed with a visit at their studios. At Mr. Foley's, the Queen inspected the monument to the late General Bruce ; and at Mr. Theed's, her Majesty o02 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. inspected the statues of the Prince Consort and the Duchess of Kent, both of which were advancing towards completion. By command of the Queen a Drawing Eoom was held on Tuesday, at St. James's Palace, by Princess Helena, on behalf of her Majesty. Presentations at this Court were, by the Queen's pleasure, considered as equivalent to presentations to her Majesty. Princess Helena, accom- panied by Princess Louise, attended by the ladies and gentlemen in waiting, and escorted by a detachment of the Life Guards, arrived at St. James's from Buckingham Palace at two o'clock, and was received by the Duchess of Wellington and the great Officers of State of the Queen's Household. The Prince of Wales, escorted by a detachment of the Horse Guards, and attended by the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, Mr. C. L. Woods, and Lieutenant-Colonel Keppel, arrived at the Palace from Marlborough House about two o'clock. The Duke of Cambridge, the Duke and Duchess de Brabant, and Prince Edward of Saxe- Weimar were present at the Court. The Hon. Corps of Gentlemen-at-Arms was on duty, as was also the Corps of Yeomen of the Guard. Princess Helena took her station in front of the Throne, accompanied by the Prince of Wales, Princess Louise, and the other members of the .Royal family, with the various ladies and gentlemen in attendance. Princess Helena wore a train of rich white silk, trimmed with bouillons of tulle, and bouquetsjof narcissus ; petticoat of white glace, covered with tulle, and festooned with wreaths of narcissus. Her head-dress was a diadem of emeralds and diamonds, plume, and veil ; the ornaments, emeralds and diamonds, with the Victoria and Albert Order, and Order of St. Isabel. Princess Louise wore a train of rich blue silk, trimmed HELENA AUGUSTA YICTOEIA. 503> with ruches of tulle and silver cord ; petticoat of white glace, with a tunic of silver tulle, trimmed with straw- berry blossoms. Head-dress, wreath of strawberry blos- soms, plume, and veil ; ornaments, rubies and diamonds ; and Victoria and Albert Order. The Foreign Ambassadors and Ministers having been introduced in the order of their precedence, several pre- sentations in the diplomatic circle took place. The Queen opened Parliament in person February 6th, 1866. The Queen's Speech, read from the Throne by the Lord Chancellor, announced the intended marriage of the Princess Helena with Prince Christian. " I have recently declared my consent to a marriage- between my daughter Princess Helena, and Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein-Sondenburg-Augusten- burg. I trust this union maybe prosperous and happy." The Queen then proceeded to allude in feeling terms to the loss of her beloved uncle, the King of the Belgians. The approaching marriage of Princess Helena, an- nounced by her Majesty, gave occasion, at an early day in the Session, to messages from the Crown to the two Houses, asking them to concur in making a provision for the Princess ; also for Prince Alfred, on his coming of age. The dowry agreed to by Parliament to be bestowed on the Princess, who was described by the Chancellor of the Exchequer "to have been for some time the stay and solace of her illustrious mother," was 30,000Z., with an annuity of 6000Z, At a Court held on Saturday, May 5th, 1866, Princess Helena wore a train of pink silk, trimmed with bows of pink and white satin ribbon ; with head-dress, pink roses, feathers, and veil. Diamond ornaments, Victoria and Albert Order, and Order of St. Isabel. 501 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. The twentieth anniversary (25th May) of the birth of H.E.H. Princess Helena, was kept at Windsor Castle by command of her Majesty, by an entertainment, as well in honour of that event as also of her approaching nuptials. The fete was given in the afternoon in the Conser- vatory of the Castle to all the servants of the Eoyal Household, their wives and children, for whom tea had been provided, and was followed afterwards by a dance. These rejoicings took place in the presence of her Majesty and the Eoyal family. A deputation of ladies, consisting of the Hon. Mrs. Locke King, and ten others, among whom was Miss Nugent, had the honour of being received by her Eoyal Highness Princess Helena, at Windsor Castle, in July, 1S66; to present her Eoyal Highness with a Bible, accom- panied by an admirable address, which was read by Miss Nugent. Her Eoyal Highness, in accepting the gift, thus replied : — " Accept my warmest thanks for your beautiful present : it is most valuable to me in itself, but it is rendered still more so by the kind words with which you have accom- panied it, and by the proof thus given that you, daughters like myself of our dear England, can appreciate the feel- ings which bind me to my native land, and to my beloved mother, and can sympathize with the joy that fills my heart to think that it will still be my happiness to live among you." The total of subscribers for the present was 7786. Prince Frederick Christian was born on January 22nd, 1831, and is a younger son of the late Duke of Schleswig- Holstein, who, owing to his claims to the Sovereignty of that Duchy, gave a pretext for war to the German Powers. HELENA AUGUSTA YICTOEIA. 505 The full family name is Schleswig-Holstein-Sondenburg- Augustenburg, and its lineage is collateral with that of the reigning families of Denmark and Russia. The father of Prince Christian married in 1820, a Danish lady, Louisa Sophia, Countess of Danneskiold-Samsoe, which union led to the birth of several children. The London Gazette gave the following announcement at the time of his marriage with Princess Helena. " The Queen has been pleased to declare and ordain that his Serene Highness Prince Frederick Christian Charles Augustus, of Schleswig-Holstein-Sondenburg-Augusten- burg, shall henceforth, upon all occasions whatsoever, be styled ' His Royal Highness' before his name, . and such titles as now do and hereafter may belong to him ; and to command that the said Royal concession and declara- tion be registered in her Majesty's College of Arms. The Queen has also been pleased to appoint his Royal Highness Prince Frederick William Charles Augustus, of Schleswig- Holstein, to be Major-General in the Army." Prince Christian had before this marriage held a com- mission in the Prussian Army. It has been said the Princess Helena first became acquainted with her present husband on the occasion of unveiling the statue of the Prince Consort at Coburg, and that the striking resem- blance he bore to her beloved father, had interested in his favour the affections of the young Princess. Prince Christian came to England on Monday, July 2nd, 1866, having crossed from Hamburg to Dover in H.M.S. Helicon. He was received on his arrival with Royal honours, and proceeded soon after to London by the South Eastern Railway, and on his arrival drove to Buckingham Palace. That day he visited the King and Queen of the Belgians, the Prince and Princess of Wales, 506 THE EOTAL PRINCESSES. and the Duke of Cambridge. On Tuesday, he left the Palace, and, accompanied by the Duke of Edinburgh, pro- ceeded to Windsor Castle. At the station a guard of honour, consisting of three sergeants and one hundred rank and file of the third battalion Grenadier Guards, with the Queen's colours, and the band of the regiment, was drawn up. An escort of thirty troopers of the Eoyal Horse Guards was also present, and escorted the Prince to the Castle. The Queen and Princesses, attended bj r the ladies and gentlemen in waiting, received his Eoyal Highness at the entrance of the Castle. The nuptials of her Eoyal Highness Helena Augusta Tictoria with his Eoyal Highness Prince Christian were so- lemnized in the Chapel within Windsor Castle, soon after twelve o'clock, July 5th, 1866. The members of the Eoyal family, and other Eoyal and illustrious visitors who were to be present, assembled in the White Drawing Boom at twelve o'clock. The Princess Helena was in the Queen's private apart- ments, the suite of her Eoyal Highness remaining in the adjoining corridor ; while Prince Christian, with the supporters of his Eoyal Highness and attendants, took their places in the Eed Eoom. The ladies and gentlemen of the Queen's Household assembled in the corridor, which was also occupied by the ladies and gentlemen in attendance on the Eoyal visitors. The Foreign Ambassadors, with the Cabinet Ministers and others invited to be present, assembled in the Eed and Green Drawing Eooms, from whence they were conducted to seats provided for them in the Chapel. The Archbishop of Canterbury, the Bishop of London (Dean of her Majesty's Chapel Eoyal), the Bishop of Oxford, the Bishop of Worcester, the Bishop of Win- chester (Prelate of the Order of the Garter), and the HELENA AUGUSTA VICTORIA. 507 Dean of Windsor, assembled and robed in the Audience Chamber, whence they proceeded to the Chapel and took their places within the rails of the altar. As soon as the visitors had taken their seats, the Royal procession was formed in the corridor, and moved from the White Drawing Room in formal order. As the procession passed along the corridor and entered the Chapel, Mendelssohn's March from " Athalie" was played while the Bridegroom was conducted to the seat pre- pared for his Royal Highness on the right side of the altar. The supporters occupied seats near his Royal Highness. The Lord Chamberlain and Vice-Chamberlain then re- turned, as before, to her Majesty's apartments, to attend her Majesty and the Bride, whose procession having been formed, moved to the Chapel in the following order : — The Lord Chamberlain and the Vice-Chamberlain. The Bride, Supported by her Majesty the Queen and H.R.H. the Prince of Wales. The train of her Royal Highness borne by eight unmarried daughters of Dukes, Marquises, and Earls. The Mistress of the Robes, the Duchess of Wellington. The Lady of the Bedchamber in Waiting, the Duchess of Roxburghe. The Maids of Honour in Waiting, Hon. Emily S. Cathcart ; Hon. Horatia C. Stopford. The Woman of the Bedchamber in Waiting, the Hon. Mrs. Robert Bruce. The Lord of the Bedchamber to H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, the Viscount Hamilton. The Lord in Waiting, Lord Methuen. The Procession winding up with the equerries and other officials. % BK— 508 THE ROYAL PEINCESSES. As the procession passed along the corridor, Handel's March from "Scipio" was played. Her Majesty's dress was of rich black moire antique, interwoven with silver and trimmed with black crape, and a row of diamonds round the body. Her Majesty wore a coronet of diamonds attached to a long white crape lisse veil, a diamond necklace and cross, and a brooch composed of a large sapphire set in diamonds. Her Majesty also wore the ribbon and star of the Order of the Garter, and the Victoria and Albert Order. H.K.H. Princess Helena wore a bridal dress of rich blue satin, with deep flounces of Honiton guipure, the train of extra length trimmed with bouquets of orange-blossom and myrtle, lined with white glace and trimmed with Honiton guipure, with cordons and bouquets of orange- blossom and myrtle. The design of the lace was of roses, ivy, and myrtle, and the wreath was composed of orange- blossoms and myrtle, while the bridal veil (a square) was of the choicest Honiton lace to match the dress ; the Bride also wore a necklace. The King of the Belgians, the Prince of Wales, Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein, and Prince Edward of Saxe-Weimar wore military uniforms ; the Duke of Edin- burgh that of his naval rank ; while the Duke of Argyll ap- peared in Highland costume. The ceremony over, the Bride was warmly embraced by her Majesty and the Prince of Wales, and leaning upon the arm of her husband, was then conducted by the united procession to the White Drawing Room, and in presence of the dignitaries of the Church the Registry of the Marriage was attested in due form. The Royal party after this partook of luncheon pri- HELENA AUGUSTA TICTOEIA. 509 vately in the Oak Eoom. There was, of course, a magni- ficent wedding-cake. After luncheon the Bride and Bridegroom started for Osborne, soon after four o'clock, after bidding farewell to the Queen and the Royal family. They left the Castle in an open carriage, drawn by four greys, with outriders in scarlet, and proceeded to the station of the Great Western Railway, with an escort of the Royal Horse Guards, amidst the hearty cheers of the people. On arriving at Southampton they were met at the railway station by the Mayor and Corporation of that town, who presented an address of congratulation. They embarked in the Royal yacht Alberta, and were thus con- veyed to Osborne, where they remained until Saturday, when they were joined by the Queen, who came that day from Windsor. Prince and Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein embarked from Osborne in the Royal yacht Victoria and Albert, commander the Prince Leiningen, en route for Cherbourg, whence they made a Continental tour, visiting Paris, &c, and afterwards rejoined the Queen at Balmoral. The Queen's gift to Prince Christian on this occasion was a silver service for the dinner table, comprising a large centre-piece and two side-pieces, with a set of candlesticks ; the centre-piece representing tall clumps of bulrushes in pools of water, with swans and water lilies. Among the wedding presents was the bracelet given to the Bride by the Maharajah Dhuleep Singh. This massive gold armlet had for its centre an ornament composed of white enamel with Indian rubies and pearls, and was so made as to be removed and worn as a brooch. The band, which was most elegant, was composed of diagonal lines of Oriental pearls and rubies. L L 510 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. Princess Christian gave birth to a Prince at Windsor Castle, at five in the afternoon, April 14th, 1867. The Queen, who had constantly remained with her daugh- ter during the day, was present when the child was born, as was also Prince Christian, while the eminent medical attendants and official personages were waiting, as custo- mary, in adjoining apartments. Telegraphic communica- tions announced that the state of her Royal Highness and the infant Prince continued very favourable. The ceremony of the christening was fixed for Tuesday, May 21st, 18G7, in the private chapel of Windsor Castle, when the robe, mantle, and cap worn by the infant Prince were of rich Irish lace over white satin, the gift of the Queen. The ceremony took place at one o'clock. Chairs were arranged on each side of the nave for the Queen, the spon- sors, and the Eoyal personages invited to be present. The font was placed in front of the altar, the officiating clergy being seated within the rails of the altar. The occasion was honoured by the presence of Royal personages, the relatives of the Princess, several Cabinet Ministers and Foreign Ambassadors, and other distin- guished guests. The sponsors for the infant Prince were the Queen, the Prince of Wales, Princess Louise (proxy for the Crown Princess of Prussia), the Duke of Edinburgh (proxy for the Duke of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha), Prince Arthur (proxy for the Duke of Schleswig-Holstein-Augustenburg), and Lady Churchill (proxy for the Princess Dowager of Hohenlohe-Lauenburg). The sponsors were ranged on the left side of the altar, and the infant Prince was after- wards brought into the chapel, attended by Lady Susan Melville. The Queen then handed the Prince to the HELENA AUGUSTA YICTOEIA. 511 Archbishop, and named him Christian Victor Albert Ludwig Ernest Anton. Her Majesty, accompanied by the Royal and distin- guished guests, afterwards proceeded to the Green Drawing Eoom, where the baptismal registry was completed. Luncheon was served for the Eoyal family in the Oak Eoom, and for the other guests in the Dining Eoom. During the collation the Lord Steward gave the following toasts — "Prince Christian Victor of Schleswig-Holstein," " The Queen," " Their Eoyal Highnesses the Prince and Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein." Prince and Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein, attended by Lieut.-Col. and Mrs. G. G. Gordon, left Frogmore House, June 24th, en route for the Con- tinent, on a visit to the Duke of Schleswig-Holstein- Augustenburg, and other members of Prince Christian's family in Silesia. Their infant son, Prince Christian Victor, remaining at Windsor Castle during the absence of his parents. The Prince and Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein arrived at Dover 15th August, 1867, on their return from, the Continent, and proceeded shortly after by the South- eastern Railway, on their way to Windsor. Their Eoyal Highnesses, who were attired in mourning, arrived at the Windsor station at 7.40 the same evening, and on quitting the train drove at once to Frogmore House. Prince and Princess Christian entertained Princess Louise, the Duke of Cambridge, and a distinguished circle at dinner at Frogmore Lodge, on the 23rd November, 1867. Their Eoyal Highnesses afterwards had an evening party, at which Prince Arthur and Prince Leopold were present. On the following Sunday the Prince and Princess, the l l 2 512 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. Duke of Cambridge, and Princess Henrietta of Schleswig- Holstein, attended Divine service in the private chapel of Windsor Castle ; and on the next day the Prince and Princess left Frogmore Lodge, on a visit to the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough, at Blenheim Palace. After their return from this visit, the Prince and Prin- cess Christian paid a visit to the Prince and Princess of Wales at Sandringham. The Duke and Duchess d'Aumale at the same time visited Sandringham, where many dis- tinguished guests had then assembled to celebrate her Royal Highness the Princess's birthday. The Prince met their Royal Highnesses at Wolverton Station on the 2nd December, and the children assembled to celebrate the birthday received the Royal party with loud acclamations. The Prince and Princess Christian, and Princess Henrietta of Schleswig-Holstein, left Frogmore Lodge Dec. 17th, 1867, and after paying a visit to M. and Madame Van de Weyer, at New Lodge, Wenkfield, and to Earl Cowley at Draycot, proceeded to Osborne House on a visit to the Queen, to pass the Christmas. On Christmas Eve the Queen gave a Christmas tree to the children of the Whippingham Schools. Her Majesty, accompanied by Prince and Princess Christian, Princesses Louise and Beatrice, Princes Arthur and Leopold, and the Princess Henrietta of Schleswig- Holstein, and attended by the ladies and gentlemen of her suite, entered the servants' hall, where the children were assembled. Here her Majesty, assisted by the members of the Royal family, distributed the gifts. Re- freshments were also given to the labourers on the Royal demesne. The Duke of St. Albans was married to Miss Sybil HELENA AUGUSTA YICTOEIA. 513 Grey on the thirtieth anniversary of Queen Victoria's accession, at the Chapel Royal, St. James's. Among the guests on this occasion were Prince and Princess Christian and Princess Louise, who came to London from Windsor, and honoured the breakfast with their presence. There were- Eoyal gifts, too, to the fair bride : the Queen gave a gold chain and locket, with a cross in rubies studded with diamonds, and two valuable Indian shawls. The Prince of Wales made some costly presents, Prince and Princess Louis of Hesse gave a large gold locket with ruby centre ; Princess Christian a handsome china vase, Princess Louise a lapis-lazuli and pearl locket. The Princess Christian of Schles wig-Hols tein gave birth to a son at Frogmore House, Windsor, February 26th, 1869. This gratifying intelligence, accompanied by the assurance that mother and infant were perfectly well, was no sooner received by the Queen, than her Majesty and the Royal family left Osborne for Windsor. There they were met at the station by Prince Christian, who accom- panied the Queen and Princess Louise to Frogmore House, then, having visited the Princess Christian and taken luncheon, they proceeded to the Castle. The Queen's visits were afterwards very frequent to her daughter. The baptismal names of the infant Prince were Albert John. The Queen received intelligence, on the 20th March, 1869, of the death of the Duke of Schleswig-Holstein- Augustenburg, father of Prince Christian, which took place at Prinkenau, in Silesia. Court mourning was ordered on the receipt of this sad news. The Queen and the Royal family visited the Royal mausoleum at Frogmore on Tuesday, the eighth anni- versarv of the death of the Duchess of Kent. 514 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein returned, 25th March, 18G9, to Frogmore House, from attending the funeral of his father on the Continent. Prince and Princess Christian of Schleswig-Holstein, accompanied by their two children, and attended by Lady Susan Melville and Colonel Gordon, left Frogmore House for London, en route for Balmoral Castle, on a visit to the Queen. Upon the arrival of their Royal Highnesses at the Euston terminus, the Princess felt unequal to the fatigue of so long a journey ; and symptoms being apparent of a return of the indisposition which pre- vented Princess Christian from accompanying the Queen to the Highlands, it was arranged, by the advice of Sir William Jenner, that their Royal Highnesses should return to Frogmore. The Princess was sufficiently recovered to drive in the grounds of Frogmore on the following day. The Prince of Wales visited her Royal Highness early in the day. Dr. Fairbank, her Majesty's surgeon, who had left Windsor for Paris, was telegraphed for to be in atten- dance upon the Princess, who, in the meanwhile, was under the care of Sir William Jenner. A Queen's messenger pro- ceeded to Scotland with intelligence of the sudden indis- position of her Royal Highness. The Princess con- tinued to regain strength, and Prince Christian went on a visit to the Queen at Balmoral, the Princess remaining at Frogmore House. In November, 1869, occurred the marriages of the Marquis of Lansdowne with Lady Maud Hamilton, and the Marquis of Blandford with the Lady Alberta Hamilton, daughters of the Duke and Duchess of Aber- corn, which were celebrated at Westminster Abbey in presence of a Royal and noble assemblage ; there being among others present the Prince and Princess of Wales HELENA ATJGUSTA YICTOKIA. 515 and Prince and Princess Christian. Each of the noble brides had six bridesmaids, and the gifts on the occasion to the fair brides (of whom one, Lady Alberta, was god- child of the late Prince Consort) were both costly and magnificent. On Monday, December 13th, 1869, Princess Christian laid the foundation of the new chancel in the parish church of JSTew Windsor. Prince Christian was present at the ceremony. Their Eoyal Highnesses dined with the Queen. His Royal Highness is now Lord High Steward of Windsor — an office never before filled since the death of the late Prince Consort. 516 LOUISE CAROLINE ALBERTA. Pbincess Louise, the fourth daughter of our gracious Sovereign, whose name is at this time on the lip of every young lady in the United Kingdom, and who, being on the eve of her union with the object of her cherished at- tachment, engages the sympathy of all her sex — the Princess Louise is generally considered as one of the most beautiful and accomplished of the daughters of her Majesty. Her advantages have certainly been great, for she has necessarily been much more in the society of her beloved mother than any of her other children, and has proved one of the greatest sources of consolation to her under her heavy bereavement. Every incident of the lives of this Royal family of sister Princesses is deserving of record, but limited as this work must be, we must be content to select a few points which demand especial notice. The birth of the Princess took place on the morning of March 18th, 1848, at Buckingham Palace. In the room with her Majesty were Prince Albert, Dr. Locock, and Mrs. Lilly, the monthly nurse. In the adjoining apartment were the other medical attendants, Sir James Clark and Dr. Ferguson. The Duchess of Kent was present with the lady in waiting on the Queen ; also the ministers and officers of State summoned on the occasion. Her Majesty's progress to recovery was happily so favourable that but few bulletins were issued. The following " Form of Prayer and Thanksgiving" was LOUISE CAROLINE ALBERTA. 517 ordered to be read in all churches and chapels in the Kingdom on Sunday, the 26th March. " Almighty and merciful God, by whose Providence the whole world is governed and preserved ; we yield Thee hearty thanks that it hath pleased Thee to deliver Thy servant, our Sovereign Lady the Queen, from the perils of childbirth, and to make her a joyful mother. We humbly beseech Thee to keep her under Thy fatherly care and protection ; and enable her in the hour of weak- ness to feel the support of Thine everlasting arm. De- fend the infant Princess from all dangers which may happen to the body, and from all evil which may assault and hurt the soul ; and grant that as she grows in years she may grow in grace, and in every Christian virtue. Let Thy continual help preserve our Queen and her Royal Consort ; that Thou being their ruler and guide they may so pass through things temporal that they finally lose not the things eternal. " And grant, O Lord, that Thy goodness to our land may so affect the hearts of us, Thy people, that we may show our thankfulness by ready obedience to Thy will, by dutiful allegiance to our Sovereign, and by Christian charity, one towards another, that so living in the faith of Thy dear Son, who loved us, and gave himself for us, we may be, indeed, a holy nation, a peculiar people, and shew forth Thy praise, who hast called us to Thy king- dom and glory. Grant this, Heavenly Father, for Jesus Christ's sake, our blessed Lord and Saviour. Amen." The baptism of the Princess took place in the Chapel of Buckingham Palace. The sponsors were his Serene Highness the Duke Gustavus of Mecklenburg-Schwerin (represented by the 518 THE EOYAL PRINCESSES. Prince Consort), the reigning Duchess of Saxe-Meiningen (represented by the Queen-Dowager), and the Hereditary Duchess of Mecklenburg-Strelitz (represented by the Duchess of Cambridge). The baptismal service was performed by the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the Queen-Dowager named the Princess, Louise Caroline Alberta. On Thursday, March 18th, 1849, a juvenile party was given at Buckingham Palace, on the occasion of the little Princess having arrived at the first anniversary of her birth. And here it may be remarked that the aged nurse of the Marquis of Lome the other day reminded him, when he kindly called to see her in her late illness, that he had to thank her for being the first person who took him, when a child, to see the Princess at Buckingham Palace! Was it perhaps on this very "occasion ? Of the young " Heir of Argyll" the Queen thus speaks in her Journal, when making a visit to Inverary Castle, little imagining that he was destined to become her future son- in-la w " Outside stood the Marquis of Lome, just two years old, a dear, white, fat, fair little fellow, with reddish hair, but very delicate features ; like both his father and mother ; he is such a merry, independent little child. He had a black velvet dress and jacket, with a ' sporran' scarf and High- land bonnet." Her Majesty and Prince Albert, with the Royal children, on March 23rd, 1850, visited the New Palace at West- minster, the New House of Commons, the Centre Hall, St. Stephen's Hall, the Peers' Library, and the frescoes then in progress of execution. The Queen and the Prince, with the younger members of the Royal family, on Friday the 20fch April, inspected LOUISE CAROLINE ALBEBTA. 519 the presents sent to her Majesty by the Emperor of Morocco, consisting of nine barbs, with the dress saddles of the country and horse furniture complete. These pre- sents were delivered to the Queen and Prince AlbertbyHadj Abdallah Lamartz, Kaid Abdekrim, and Hassan Boocheta. On the following morning three of the horses were in- spected in the Riding School, when Abdallah Lamartz and Kaid Abdekrim, together with a groom, exhibited feats of horsemanship with which the Queen and Prince and the younger members of the Royal family were much gratified. The Queen gave a State Ball on Wednesday, June 29th, 1850, at which all the members of the Royal family were present. The Court at Osborne, July 27th, 1850.— On Friday the Queen visited Carisbrook Castle with Prince Albert and some of the Royal children ; not forgetting the window where Charles I. tried to make his escape. Her Majesty and Prince Albert, with the younger members of the Royal family, left Buckingham Palace for Balmoral, on the 7th August, 1860. Her Majesty pro- fited by this occasion to review the Volunteers of Scotland in the Queen's Park, Edinburgh. The quiet sojourn of the Court at Balmoral was not interrupted by any circumstances needing record. The Court left Balmoral on the 15th and returned to Osborne? which was left a few days afterwards for a visit to Ger- many. An account of which has already been given in the memoir of the Princess Royal. On Christmas Eve this year, by her Majesty's com- mand, the children of the workmen and labourers on the Osborne estate assembled in the servants' hall at Osborne, where a Christmas tree with gifts was arranged. At half- 5l20 THE ROYAL TRINCESSES. past four o'clock the Queen, accompanied by the members of the Royal family, proceeded to the hall, and assisted by the Princes and Princesses, distributed the presents to the children, which consisted of articles of wearing apparel, books, to} r s, &c. The Queen subsequently gave the labouring men and women great coats, blankets, and other articles. The following year, 1861, was one of great trial to our excellent Queen and all the Royal family. The first grief which she was called upon to suffer was the loss of her mother, the Duchess of Kent, who died on the 16th of March, after a short illness. In the latter part of the year the Prince Consort was taken ill, and although no fatal issue was at first dreaded, it too soon became mani- fest that his days were numbered. To the intense sorrow of her Majesty and the Royal family, as well as to her subjects throughout the United Kingdom, the Prince breathed his last on the 14th of December. This sad event had the effect of withdrawing the Queen in a great degree from appearing in public; her chief con- solation being in the affectionate care and attentions of her children, conspicuous among whom were the Princesses Alice and Louise. During the Queen's visit to Germany in 1863, Princess Louise remained at Osborne, under the care of Lady Caroline Barrington, the Hon. Horatia Stopford, and Lieut.-Col. Cavendish. It was about this time that Mrs. Thornyeroft was appointed instructress in the art of sculpture to the young Princesses. This accomplished artist must feel very proud of the eminent rank which her pupils eventually attained. Of the talents exhibited by Princess Louise we shall have more to say elsewhere. LOUISE CAEOLIKE ALBEETA. 521 Early in September, we are informed that her Eoyal Highness honoured Sir James Clark with a visit at Eagle's Nest, Bournemouth, accompanied by Lady C. Barrington, the Hon. Horatia Stopford, and others in attendance upon her. The Princess arrived at Bourne- mouth in the JElfin steam-yacht, and was received at the pier by Sir James Clark, who conducted her to the Eagle's Nest. After partaking of luncheon, her Royal Highness visited Cranborn Gardens, and then proceeded to the Flagstaff, which is the highest eminence at Bournemouth. The Princess, who was greatly pleased with the general appearance of the place, shortly after re-embarked on board the JElfin, and returned to Os- borne. The confirmation of H.R.H. Princess Louise took place at Whippingham Church, in the Isle of Wight, on Saturday, January 21st, 1865, when the ceremony was performed by his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. Precisely at twelve o'clock her Majesty the Queen arrived at the church, accompanied by Princess Louise, having been preceded by their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales, Princess Helena, Princes Arthur and Leopold, and Princess Beatrice. Her Majesty and the Royal family having taken their places on either side of the chancel, Princess Louise stood at the communion-rail, within which were the Arch- bishop, the Dean of Windsor, and the Rev. George Prothero. Her Majesty's next embarkation for Germany took place August 8th, 1865. The Queen, with Prince Leopold, the Princesses Helena, Louise, Beatrice, and suite, embarked soon after six o'clock, at the Royal Arsenal Pier, in the presence of a multitude of her loyal 522 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. subjects. The Royal train was met at the different stations by the directors and other railway officials. The train entered the Royal Arsenal at about six o'clock, amidst the usual Royal salutes. Her Majesty and the Royal family were accompanied by their suite ; and on alighting from the carriages at the end of the pier, the Royal party was received by Commodore Dunlop (flag-officer of the port), Major-General Ward (com- mandant), and a staff of field officers; the pier and its approaches presenting a brilliant appearance. Her Majesty and' the Royal family and suite having been conducted to the place of embarkation by Commodore Dunlop, the Queen leading the Princess Beatrice, was followed by Prince Leopold, the Princesses Helena and Louise, with Prince Arthur, who went on board the Alberta, but did not accompany the Royal family down the river. Her Majesty, who was attired in deep mourning, appeared in good health and spirits, and repeatedly acknowledged in a most gracious manner the marks of loyalty shown by those assembled on the pier. On arriving at the pier-head, her Majesty and the Royal party walked on board the steam-vessel Alberta, and were there received by the Prince Leiningen, commander of the Royal steam- yacht, with whom her Majesty cordially shook hands, the bands of the Royal Artillery and Marines per- forming the National Anthem. Her Majesty soon after this took leave of Prince Arthur, who, accompanied by Major Elphinstone, returned to Greenwich ; and the Alberta steamed down the river to Greenhithe ; at which place the Queen embarked on board the Royal yacht, and proceeded to the Nore, where the Royal squadron remained during the night, and thence proceeded to Antwerp. LOUISE CAROLINE ALBEBTA. 523 The Queen arrived at Coburg on the 11th of August, at eight a.m., and immediately proceeded to Rosenau. The Queen returned from Germany in September. Her Majesty having left the Castle at Rosenau with their Royal Highnesses the Princesses Helena and Louise, and Prince Leopold, stopped en route at Darmstadt, where she was met by the Grand Duke of Hesse. Her Majesty stopped also at Ostend to visit the late King Leopold. His Royal Highness Prince Leopold, with the re- mainder of the ladies and gentlemen and suite, went to Antwerp, and embarked in the Royal yacht Victoria and Albert. The Queen, after visiting the King, whom her Majesty found in much improved health, left Ostend and arrived by railway at Antwerp, and at once went on board her yacht, which steamed down the Scheldt. After a fine passage, her Majesty arrived off Greenhithe. A special train from Woolwich Arsenal conveyed the Queen and Royal family to Windsor Castle. At the Queen's first Court held this season (1866) at Buckingham Palace, both the Princesses Helena and Louise were present. The dress of Princess Louise is thus described : — The Princess wore a train of rich white silk, bor- dered with swansdown ; petticoat of white tulle over glace silk, trimmed with bows of white ribbon and black velvet ; head-dress — diamonds, feathers, and veil ; orna- ments — diamonds, Victoria and Albert Order, and the Order of St. Isabel. In the evening the Princess of Wales, with the Prin- cesses Helena and Louise, visited the Olympic Theatre.] The Queen and junior members of the Royal family con- tinued at Windsor Castle during March, 1866, in the en- 524 THE ROYAL PRINCESSES. joyment of excellent health. The mausoleum at Progmore was thrown open between twelve and three o'clock, on the anniversary of the death of the Duchess of Kent, that the members of the Royal household might visit the tomb. The Queen on this occasion was accompanied by Princess Louise, and walked and drove in the Castle grounds. Sunday, the 18th March, was the eighteenth anniver- sary of the birthday of the Princess Louise. Her Majesty, accompanied by Princesses Helena and Louise, honoured Baron Marochetti and Mr. Theed with visits at their studios ; and in the evening Princesses Helena and Louise visited the Olympic Theatre. On Saturday,- May 31st, 1866, the Queen, accompanied by Princess Helena, Princess Louise, and Prince Arthur, drove in a carriage and four to the cavalry barracks in Windsor. Her Majesty was received by Colonel the Hon. D. de Eos, commanding the 1st Regiment of Life Guards. The Regiment received the Queen with a Royal salute, and presented arms, the band playing. Her Majesty drove slowly past the Regiment, which was drawn up in line, and after inspecting the ranks, the Queen and the Royal family alighted, and proceeded to the north wing of the barracks and inspected the various alterations which had been carried out at her Majesty's suggestion. The Queen afterwards visited the library, the children's school, and the hospital, and thence pro- ceeded to the buildings in course of erection for the married men's quarters. After the visit of inspection her Majesty returned to the parade and witnessed a troop of twelve non-commissioned officers and troopers perform the "post" practice, under Riding-master Cox, at a gallop, the exercise including the various cavalry sabre cuts and thrusts. LOUISE CAROLINE ALBERTA. 525 The great naval review at Spithead in 1866 must have been an interesting spectacle, witnessed as it was by the Queen, Princess Louise, and the Koyal family. The Queen embarked on board the Alberta at Trinity Pier, and went out to the Victoria and Albert yacht, Captain the Prince of Leiningen, in Cowes Roads, when the Royal yacht steamed round to Osborne bay, where she remained until the Osborne arrived with the Sultan on board. The Sultan came on board the Victoria and Albert with the Imperial Princes, the Prince of Wales, the Duke of Cam- bridge, the Viceroy of Egypt and his suite, &c. The Queen afterwards invested the Sultan with the Order of the Garter on the quarter-deck. Luncheon was shortly after served in the deck saloon. Then the Royal yacht steamed back through the fleet to Osborne bay, where the Queen and Royal family took leave of the Sultan, and proceeded in the Alberta to Osborne Pier. Princess Louise was present at the opening of Par- liament for the session of 1867. In this season her Royal Highness often accompanied the Princess of Wales in her drives. Princess Louise was, on the 10th May, 1867, one of the sponsors for the third child of the Prince and Princess of Wales, named Louise Victoria Alexandra Dagmar. 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