.S1C8 .-Jv ^•n*.. ..*^ 0' »> ^ > ..^'•. '^. 2^ * ,V O X O N O •■ •^^ ^ « ' O,^ ^^.^^"^ .^>^&o \/' ;^\ %,^^ ' /- ^'^ ^^ ..v->^ '^. .0^ .» •• '* Captain Geokgk Corwin. From ,l,c portra., painted in ,675 and now in the picture gallery of the Essex Institute. AN INVENTORY of the Contents of the SHOP and HOUSE OF CAPTAIN GEORGE CORWIN OF Salem, Massachusetts Bay, who died January 3, 1684-5. With a short Introductory Note by George Francis Dow Cte JFiwt €Ditlon. SALEM: Printed for George Francis Dow and his Friends in an Edition of One Hundred copies at the Press in City Hall Alley. December, 1910. ait)e €80^ OTtacts No. it) CHRISTIAN READER. Captain George Cor win came to Salem in the Massa- chusetts Bay Colony in the year 1638. He was the son of John Corwin of Sibbeitoft, Northamptonshire, Eng- land, and was born December 10th, 1610. His first wife was Elizabeth White, widow of John White and daughter of John Herbert. His second wife was Elizabeth Brook, widow of Robert Brook and daughter of Gov. Edward Winslow of the Plymouth Colony. Captain Corwin had eight children: Abigail; John, a merchant in Salem; Jonathan, one of the judges in the witchcraft trials in 1692 ; Hannah ; Elizabeth ; Penelope ; Susannah ; and George, the sheriff who hanged the witchcraft victims. He was often engaged in public affairs and was captain of a troop of horse and representative to the General Court. The house where he lived and died was located very near- ly where now stands the Jonathan Ward house, now a part of the Washington House. He early became a ship- builder and shipowner and was engaged in commence during the whole of his life. Not only did his vessels bring from England the various necessities and luxuries required by the colony, but from a shop near his house they were sold in quanties both large and small. Judging from the inventory of the contents of his shop which was taken shortly after his death, he supplied to the town's people a great variety of what would be described at the present day as dry goods and hardware. This carefully prepared list of commodities found in a Salem shop of 1685 throws much light upon the life of that time and fully (8) 4 CAPTAIN GEORGE CORWIN. fully shows that the homes of the early settlers were not lacking in the over-sea's comforts of that period, and often times the luxuries as well. In many ways it is a surprising enumeration, containing articles that generally are supposed to have come into use at a later date. Spring locks, cupboard latches, barber's scissors and a great variety of spices are seldom associated with the supposed hardships of that early day ; and the silver-laced cloth coat and satin waistcoat embroidered with gold, with the tropeing scarf, silver hat-band, and silver-headed cane (the last of which is now in the museum of the Essex Insti- tute), display a magnificence not equalled at the present time. The inventory also possesses additional interest in that it pictures in infinite detail the contents of each room and closet in the Corwin house. From it one may easily note the furnishings and clothing of the period. While many of the articles described bear names that now are very nearly obsolete yet nearly all may be found in the Century Dictionary or in Wright's Dialectic Dictionary. It should be borne in mind, however, that the spelling is usually phonetic. Inventory INVENTORY OF THE ESTATE OF CAPT. GEORGE CORWIN TAKEN BY BARTHL. GEDNEY, BENJ^ BROWNE, JOHN HIGGINSON JUN^ AND TIM^ LINDALL ON JAN. 30 AND THE BEGINNING OF FEB., 1684-5. Dwelling house & land wheron it stands & adjoyneing to it w''' the out houseing & fence, &c., 4001i. ; the pastor, q** about 3 acres ^, considering a buriall place ther apointed, 901i. ; the lower warhouse & wharfe, llOli. ; the upper warhouse & land adjoyning, 501i.; about 8 acres Medow & upland by Ely Geoules, 451i. ; the farme on the plaiues goe- ing to Lin bought of Trask, Pickering, Adams, &c., q* about 200 acres, 25p., 2501i. ; the Farme now Reding bought of Burnap, q* about 800 acres, aprized by Tho. Flint & Jos. Pope, 25011. ; the Farme bought of John Gold, q* about 500 acres, 501i. ; 60 acres of Land bought of Goodman Dutton, 201i. ; 15 acres of medow bought of Lt. Smith, 251i. ; the houses & Land adjoyneing that was Wm. Godsoes & wharfe, 451i. ; a pc. of land at the point nere Jer. Neales y* was , lOli. ; the Katch Swallow w"' her apurtenances, 13011. ; the Katch George with her apurtenances, 651i. ; 620 oz. ^ plate at 6s. 8d. f , 20611. 19s. 2d.; in New England mony, 471i. Is.; in English mony, 371i. 15s., advance, 71i. lis., 451i. 6s. ; inpeices of Eight, 151911. Is. 8d ; 72oz. ^ Gold at 51i. ^ oz., 36111. 5s.; 1 Silver hat band & 6 Spones, q* 4oz. ^^g. Hi. 10s. 6d. ; 1 watch w*** a stard case, 1 watch w*'^ a Silver case, 51i. ; 1 Silver case & doctors Instruments, 51i.; more in New Eng- land mony, 211. 18s. 6d. ; 1 Plate hilt rapier, 41i. 10s. ; 1 Two edged Sword, Hi. ; 1 Silver headed cane, 5s. In •Quantity. 6 INVENTORY OF THE ESTATE OP In the Shope. 2 yd. broadcl[oth] at 8s., 16s. ; 1 yd. f ditto at 8s., 14s. ; 16 yd. f Redcloth Rash at 6s. 6d., 51i. 6s. 5^. ; 2 yd. f serge at 3s. 6d. ; 9s. 7^d. ; 6 yd. perpcheana at 18d., 9s. ; 7 yd. ^ perp- cheana at 18d., 10s. lO^d. ; 11 yd. ditto at 18d., 16s. 6d. ; 20 yd. ^ ell french Stufe at 2s., 21i. Is. 3d. ; 36 yd. -^ ditto at 2s., 31i. 13s. ; 25 yd. Red Gotten at 2s., 21i. 10s. ; 1 Sad colerd Ruge, 18s.; 1 Grene ditto, 18s.; 9 yd. | Stript Stufe at 18d., 14s. 8d. ; 1 yd. \ Grene Say, damaged, 2s. ; 19 yd. f Grene tamey at lOd., 16s. 25 |d. ; 1 yd. f bl. calico at 18d., 2s. T^d. ; 4 yd. ^ crape at 18d., 6s. 9d. ; 11 yd. f Crape at 18d., 17s. 7-^d. ; 2 yd. I Stript Stufe at 18d., 3s. 9d. ; 2 yd ^ ell Curie deroy at 18d., 3s. lid. ; 4 yd. f prunella at 22d., 8s. 8|^d. ; 10 yd. \ Silk barronet at 2s. 6d., Hi. 5s. 7|d. ; 7yd. buckrom at 18d,, 10s. 6d. ; 10 yd. bla. Cloth rash at 6s., 31i. 4s. 6d. ; 6 yd. f Sad colerd ditto at 6s., 21i. 6s. ; 14 yd. ^ Gr. Tamey at lOd., 12s. Id. ; 6 yd. flanell at 18d., 9s. 4-|d. ; 2 pr. white blanketts, 14s. ; [2]1 yd. f Red cotten at 20d., Hi. 16s. 3d.; 14 yd. peniston , Hi. 8s. ; 11 yd. ^ Carsy in Remn*^ at 4s., 21i; 6s. ; 1 yd. ■^ Red buckrom at 18d., 2s. 3d, ; 2 Sutes Curtains & valients at 41i., 81i. ; 2 yd. i Flanell at 18d., 3s. 4^d. ; 28 yd. J ell per- sian Silke at 5s. 6d., 71i. 17s. 5d. ; 6yd. f wosted Farenden at 20d., lis. 3d. ; 5 yd. f camlet at 20d., 9s. 7d. ; 16 yd. f tick- ing at 20d., Hi. 7s. lid. ; 20 yd. ^ ditto, at 20d., Hi. 14s. 2d. ; 19 yd. i ditto at 20d., Hi. 12s. Id. ; 3 yd. i ditto at 20d., 5s. 5d. ; 11 yd. J ditto at 17d., 16s. S^d. ; 17 yd. bengall at 18d., Hi. 68. 6d.; 24 yd. \ St. Fetters canvis at 16d., Hi. 12s. 8d. ; 10 yd. i hall cloth at 15d., 12s. 9 fd. ; 5 yd. ^ canvis at 16d., 7s. 4d. ; 14 yds. ditto damaged at 14d., 16s. 4d. ; 29 yds. ditto damaged at 12d., Hi. 9s.; 12 yd. | fugeres at 15d., 15s. 7|d. ; 22 yd. f Vittery at 13d., Hi. 4s. 7|d. ; 19 yd. f ditto at 13d., Hi. Is. 4|d. ; 24 yd. \ fine canvis at 18d., Hi. 16s. 4-|d. ; 3 pes. broad linon, q* 309 yd., at20d., 251i. 15s. ; 32 yd. f blu linon at 9d., Hi. 4s. 6|d. ; 10 yd. | pillow Ticking at 18d., 16s. Ifd. ; 5 yd. wte. Fustian at 15d., 6s. 3d. ; 18 yd. course holland at 2s., Hi. 16s. ; 7 yd. Slesy holland at 21d., 12s. 3d. ; 10 yd. ^ Scotch cloth at 16d., 14s. ; 25 yd. f lockrom at 15d., lU. CAPT. GEORGE CORWIN. 7 Hi. 12s. 2id. ; 61 yd. f doulas at 16d., 41i. 2s. 4d. ; 2 halfe peces of f doulas, 91i. ; 26 yd. browne diaper at 14d., Hi. 10s. 4d. ; 55 yd. Vittery at 12d., 21i. 15s. ; 12 yd. high Brene at 22d., Hi. 2s. ; 1 bolt Noyles, q* 140 yd., at 16d., 91i. 6s. 8d., 2 p* Course ticking at 35d., 31i. 10s. ; 12 p"" weo. hose, 18s, ; 12 pr. mixed Stock""* Sm" & Great, 14s. ; 13 pr. bodys at 4s., 21i. 12s. ; 4 pr. parogon bodys & Stomachers at 8s., Hi. 12s. ; 11 pr. Small bodys at 20d., 18s. 4d. 1 doz. large Combes, 4s. 6d. ; 3 doz. ditto at 3s, f? dz., 9s. ; 5 doz. ditto at 2s. f dz. 10s. ; 8 combes at 3d.|, 2s. 4d, ; 23 w** haft knives at 8d,, 15s. 4d.; 3 thousd. pins, 2s, 6d. ; 17 long bla. haft knives w*'^out sheaths at 3d., 4s. 3d, ; 2 dz. bl. haft knives at 2s. 6d., 5s. ; 3 papers manch's & p* of a peice, 12s., 49 pes. colerd tapes at 12d,, 21i, 9s, ; 3 papers colerd Filit- ing, 9s.; 40 p^* w*« Tape at 12d., 21i.; 23 pes. nar tape at 8d., 178.4d. ; 17 doz, thred laces, 4s. lid,; a percell of broken tape, 5s. ; 4 pes. ^ diaper Filiting, 6s. ; 41 Sm" p*^ Colerd tape at 3d.^, lis. IIW. ; a percell of broken colerd tape, Is. 6d. ; 21 cards old fasioned silke lace & 5 cards Gimp Lace, 41i, ; Hi. 2 oz. fine thred at 10s., lis, 3d. ; 5 p' Gloves, 2s, ; 6 doz. ^ Sisers at 2s,, 13s. ; ^ doz. barbers Sisers at 6d,, 3s, ; a box nedles, q*^ about 3 thousand, Hi, 10s, ; 44 doz. yds, flowerd & Plain Ribin at 12s,, 261i. 8s. ; 20 yd. flowred Ribin at 5d., 8s. 4d. ; 22 yd. | ferit Ribin at 4d,, 7s. 7d. ; 1 p'' i Gotten Ribin, 4s, 6d, ; 2 yd. ^ Ribin at 6d., Is, Id. ; 121i. kniting nedles at 12d., 12s. ; 1 pr. fishing boots, 12s. ; 4 pr. fr. held shouse & 2 p' Galotias, Hi. 6 flower boxes, 4 tin poringers, 1 candle box, 1 Tinder box, 1 Calender, 4 Candlesticks, 7 driping pans, 4 fish plates, Hi. ; 1 brase Skilit, 4s. ; 27 m. 4"* Nayles at 2s. 6d., 31i. 7s. 6d. ; 4 m. 6* nayles at 3s, 8d., 14s, 8d, ; 226 mackrell lines at 9d., 81i. 9s. 6d. ; Erthen ware & wooden ware 3s. ; 4 m., 2*^ 12** Nayles at 10s. ^ ra., 21i. 2s.; 5'^: 1 : 14" Shot at 20s. f ct, 51i. 7s, 6d, ; 147li. French lines at lOd., 61i. 2s, 6d. ; 8 yd. ^ yellow Ribin at 6d., 48. 3d.; 15 yd, bone lace at 4d., 5s. ; a percell of hat bands. Hi. 15s. ; 24m.^ hobs at 21d, f ra., 21i, 2s, lO^d.; 11 Grose bntteois at 21d., a percell loose buttons, Hi. 38, 3d.; I*'* Suger, Hi. 8 INVENTOR r OF THE ESTATE OF Hi. ; lli.:^ Silke at 22s., Hi. 7s. 6d. ; 3 Iron morters & 2 Iron pots, qt 951i., at 3d., Hi. 3s. 9d. ; a parcell of Ginger in a Caske, 6s. ; 1 brase morter, 9s. ; 9 Cow bells at 8d., 2 p'" pat- tens at 12d., 8s. ; 10 Cbalke lines, Is. 8d. ; 7 doz. i Cap' hooks at 18d., lis. 3d.; 2 Eeme paper, 8s.; a percell of white beades, Is. ; 341i. ponder blue at 14d., Hi. 19s. 8d. ; 1141i. alspice at 21d., 91i. 19s. 6d. ; 1 p- cards, Is. 6d. ; 331i. shott, 6s. ; 4 large, 3 Smi» Salt Sellers, 8d. ; a bundle of Galorae, 15s. ; 3 Combs, 2s. ; 10 Catticises at 12d., 3s. ; 2 pr. blu Stockins, 2s. 6d. ; a percell of Eed filit & tape, 2s. ; 1 q* pot, 1 p* pot, 1 Gill pott, 4s. ; 4 p^ Seales & waites, 37s., 1 p^ Stiliards, 3s., 21i.; Cloves, mace, Cinomon & Nutmegs, 10s. ; 3 black Silk Caps for men, 3s. In the Shop Chamber. 21 Stock locks at 8d.|, 14s. 5|d. ; 30 ditto at lld.|, Hi. 8s. Hd. ; 42 ditto at 15d.|, 21i. 15s. l|d. ; 9 ditto at 16d.|, 14s. 7^d. ; 11 ditto at 22d.|, Hi. Jid. ; 14 ditto at 25d.-i, Hi. 9s. 9d.; 6 ditto at 31d.|, 15s. 9d. ; 45 Sm" lines at 6d., Hi. 2s. 6d. ; 5 M. brase nayles at 9s. 9d., 21i. 8s. 9d. ; 5 Candlesticks at 10d.|, 4s. 4|d. ; 2 doz. augers at 7s. 6d., 15s. ; 13 carveing Tooles at 3d., 3s. 3d. ; 5 paring Chisells at 6d.|, 2s. 9f d. ; 19 Gouges & Chisells at 7d.|, lis. 10|d. ; 6 doz & 3 plaining Irons at 5s. ^ doz., Hi. lis. 3d. ; 0«*: 2: 51^ hooks & Twists at 48s., Hi. 6s. 2d. ; 18 Spring locks at 2s. 3d., 21i. 6d. ; 3 Spring locks wt** Screws at 2s. 9d., 8s. 3d. ; 3 best ditto at 3s. 6d., 10s. 6d. ; 6 Sin- gle Spr Locks at 13d., 6s. 6d. ; 12 warded outside chist lockes, 15s. 9d. ; 15511. Frying panes at 6d., 31i. 17s. 6d. ; 23 outsid box locks at 6d., lis. 6d. ; 17 Keape hooks at 9d., 12s. 9d. ; 10 ward cuberd locks at 9d. f, 8s. iJd. ; 1 doz. latches & katches, 68. 6d. ; 26 plaine cuberd locks at 6d., 13s. ; 3 p' pinchers at lid., 2s. 9d. ; 8 p' nipers at 4d.^, 3s. ; 10 p' marking Irons at 15d., 12s. 6d. ; 2 doz. & 3 tacks at 4d. f dz., 9d. ; ^ doz. shepe sheres at 19d.i, 9s. 9d. ; 1 doz. shepe sheres, 16s. 6d. ; 13 doz. i all Blades at 6d. f doz., 6s. 9d. : 3 best box Irons at 3s. 6d., 10s. 6d. ; 2 plaine box Irons at 18d., 3s. ; 6 Stell Sawes at 3s. 3d., 19s. 6d. ; 20 Sawes at 18d., Hi. lOs. ; 7 doz. & 2 w** haft CAPT. GEORGE CORWIN. 9 haft knives at 8s., 21i. 17s. 4d. ; 1 p"" Tongs & fire pan, 5s. 6d. ; 2 doz. i home halt knives at 4s., 10s. ; 5 tilers hamers at 22d.^, 9s. 4^d. ; 7 p^ barbers Sisers at 6d., 3s. 6d. ; 4 doz. & 5 p"" Large Sisers at 3s., 13s. 3d. ; 2 doz. 11 Glase bottles at 3s., 8s. 9d. ; 4 doz. 3 Sorted hamers at 12s., 21i. lis. ; 3 doz. Speke Gimlets at 4s. 3d., 12s. 9d. ; 6 doz. 9 Small Gimlets at 2s., 13s. 6d. ; 15 p"- buttons at 19'^ i , Hi. 4s. 4id. 4 Stared bridles at 3s. 3d., 13s. ; 7 chafeing dishes at 12d., 7s. ; 1 doz. best w*« bridles 14s., 3d. ; ' doz. ordinary ditto, 6s. ; 11 bolls, 6d.|, 6s. 2i:d. ; 5 bl. plaine bridles at 14d.i^, 5s. llj^d. ; 11 dutch bridles at 25d.J, Hi. 3s. 4^d. ; 2 French ditto at 22d..^, OS. 9d. ; 1 doz. best Stirop leathers at 18s., 18s. ; 8 Stirop leathers at lOd.J, 7s. ; 1 Grose of diaper Girt web, Hi. 2s. 6d. ; 1 Grose fine plaine ditto. Hi. 3s. 3d. ; 1 Grose \- ditto at 15s., 18s. 9d. ; 7 p"" Swevell Stirop Irons at 16d.i, 9s. 7|d. ; 1 doz. boxhorse combes, 5s. ; 11 horse combes at 2s. 9d. ^ doz., 2s. 6^d. ; 3 p^ plaine Stirop Irons at lOd.^, 2s. 7^d. ; 11 horse brushes at 12d.J, lis. 5|d. ; 2 Grose Girt buckles at 8s. 3d., 16s. 6d. ; 4 Papers w*® buckles at 18d., 6s. ; 11 curry combes at 5d.^, 5s. ^d.; 4 best w*® Cury combs at 18d. 6s. ; 5 wt« ditto at 15d., 6s. 3d. ; 14 Files at 8d.^, 9s. 7-^d. ; 4 horse locks at 14d.i , 4s. lOd. ; 6 Twisted Snafells at 7d.|, 3s. 9d. ; 5 large plaine ditto at 6d., 2s. 6d. ; 4 small ditto at 4d.^, Is. 6d. ; 8 Sm'^ padlocks at 9d., 6s.; 3 large ditto at 12d.t, 3s. 2i-d. ; 4 tiling trowells at 12d., 4s.; 2 pointing trowells at 12d., 2s. ; 45 p"" plaine Spures at 6d.^, Hi. 3s. S^d.; 3 p^ Joynted Spures at 7d.i, Is. lO.id. ; 287 Curtaine rings at 18d. f ct., 4s. 4d. ; 10 Curr Bitts at 22d.», 18s. 9d. ; 12 p"" bosses, 8s. 3d. ; 2 drawing knives at 14d., 2s., 4d. ; 3 doz. 1 Shoue Spurs at 2s. 6d., 7s. 8|d. ; 3 shoue knives at 2d.|, 7d. 1 ; 4 wimble bits & 1 Gimlet, Is. ; 1 brick Joyn- ter, 4d. ; 4 outside Chist lock at lOd. % 3s. 4d. ; 1 Chist lock, lOd. ; 12 li. pack thred at 12d. % 14s. ; 1 Cutting Knife, 6d. ; 2 X Garnels at 8d., Is. 4d.; 1 cow bell, 8d.; 1 halfe p* pott, Is. 14 yd. f Carsy at 3s. 6d., 21i. lis. 7.id. ; 8 p°» blu linon, q* 233 yd. f , at 9d., 81i. ISs. 3id. ; 37 yd. ticking at 2d., 31i. 14s. ; 25 yd. 10 INVENTORY OF THE ESTATE OF 25 yd. f yellow flanell at 18d., Hi. 18s. T'd.; 61 yd. f fine doulas, and J p*' fine Doulas, 131i. ; 1 p* Course Ticking, q* 35 yds., at 12d., Hi. 15s. ; 171 yd. Genting in 20 p'« & Sever" Remn*« at 18d., 121i. 16s. 6d. ; 4 yd. f peniston at 2s., 9s. 6d. ; 45 yd. f St. Fetters linon at 15d., 21i. 17s. 2id. ; 16 yd. i Red flanell at 20d., Hi. 7s. Id. ; -} doz. chusians at 2s., 12s. ; 35 yd. Small Noyles at 9d., Hi. 6s. 3d. ; 18 yd. i medrinix damaged at 4d., 6s. Id. ; 1 p*^ Red Gotten, q* 72 yd., at 21d., 61i. 6s. ; 1 p'^ ditto, q^ 76 yd., at 21d., 61i. 13s. ; 42 yd. medrinix at 9d., Hi. lis. 6d.; 33 yd. St. Fetters Linon at 14d., Hi. 18s. 6d. ; 59 yd. ^ medrinix at 9d., 21i. 4s. 7-^d. ; 45 yd. f broad linon at 18d., 31i. 8s. l^d. ; 26 yd. broad Linon at 15d., Hi. 12s. 6d. ; 94 yd. Narow Brene at 15d., 511. 17s. 6d. ; 32 yd. f Lougloses at 16d., 2 li. 3s. 8d. ; 115 yd. Vittery at 13d., 61i. 4s. 7d. ; 107 yds. ditto damaged at 8d., 31i. lis. 4d.; 1 Ruge Eaten, 20s., Hi. : 1 ditto, Hi. 4s.; 1 dit- to, 16s. ; 1 ditto. Hi. 2s.; 1 ditto. Hi. 3s. ; 70 yd. Sm" Noyles at 9d., 21i. 12s. 6d. ; 35 yd. J Red Gotten at 2s., 31i. lis. ; 45 yd. J St. Fetters linon at 16d., 31i. 8d. ; 1 bolt Ranletts, q* 70 yd., at 12d., 31i. 10s. ; 62 yd. Lockrom at 12d., 31i. 2s.; 1 p"= course Ticking, q* 35 yd., at 12d., Hi. 15s. ; 16 yd. -\ Medri- nix at 9d., 12s. 4-^d. ; 59 yd. Vittery damaged at 6d., Hi. 9s. 6d. ; 63 yd. fine hall cloth at 16d., 41i. 4s. 13 doz. & 8 p' large Sisers at 3s., 21i. Is. ; 4 doz. Sm" Sisers at 2s., 8s. ; 4 doz. large Gombes at 4s. 6d., 18s. ; 16 doz. ditto at 3s. 6d., 21i. 16s. ; 12 doz. ditto at 3s., Hi. 16d. ; 4 doz. ditto at 2s., 8s. ; 9 white haft knives at 8d., 6s.; 6 bl. haft knives at 4d., 2s.; 16 bl. woden haft case knives at 4d., 5s. 4d. ; 86 hower Glases at 6d., 21i. 3s. ; 7 papers manchester at 48., Hi. 8d. ; 1 p" filiting, 2s. ; ' li. fine thred at 10s., 5s. ; 128 li. Colered & browne thread at 2s. 8d., 17li. Is. 4d. ; 25 Grose & 8 doz. Gimp coat buttonsat 21d., 21i. 4s. lid. ; 2 Grose brest ditto at 16d., 2s. 8d. ; 1 p'' Slesy holland, 15s. ; 1 p' Gerles Gren Stockings, Is. 2d. ; a percell of hat bands & linings, 5s. ; 1 p'' bandelers, 6s. ; 31 old fasioned high Growned hats at 18d., 21i. 6s. 6d. ; 1 low ditto. Is. 6d. ; 2 yd. \ Gurle at 2s. 5d., 6s. \di. ; 28 wooden blocks at 4d., 9s. 4d. 1 Ruge CAPT. GEORGE COKWm. 11 1 Ruge, 18s.; 2 Red Cushian, 5s.; 1 Red Ruge, lOs. ; old Curtaines, &c. in a Chist, 10s. ; 1 Silke cradle ruge, 12s. ; 1 Can vis Sute, 2s. 6d. ; 1 large wainscot chist, 18d. ; 1 old Chist & two old Trunks, 8s. ; 1 Chaire & 1 Table, 6s. ; 1 p"" weo. black shouse, 3s. 6d. ; 4 tin pans, 3s. ; 1 watch Glase, Is. ; 3 Sase pans, 2 tunells & 2 peper boxes. Is. 6d. ; 1 bed, bolster & pillow, 21i. 15s. ; 1 bedsted & matt, 10s. ; 1 p' Grene Curtains & valients. Hi. ; 2 Red Fethers, 5s. ; 1 cod line, Is. 3d. ; 1 Cloake bage, 3s. ; oatmell, 6s. In the Lowek Warehouse. 120 hh. or thereabouts of salt at 8s., 481i. ; 17 m. shingle at 5s. % 41i. 5s. ; 2'=*i Clabords at 4s., 10s. ; 20 barells Tarr at 4s. 6d., 41i. 10s. ; 5 barells Oyle at 25s., 61i. 5s. ; 3 old hogsheads, 7s. 6d. ; 1 Cask Nayles, q^ : 2 : 25, ditto, q* 1 : 1 : 24, 1 ditto, q* 2 : : 01, 1 ditto, q* : 3 : 00, 1 ditto, q* 1 : : 09, 1 ditto, q* 1 : : 05, 1 ditto, q* 1 : 3 : 15, total, 8:3: 23, deduct Tare, : 3 : 23, Rest, 8 : : 00 at 46s. 8d., 181i. 13s. 4d. ; 1 Caske hobs, 61i. ; 1 Cable, q* 3*^ : 3 : 2" at 25s., 41i. 14s. 2d. ; 48*=* : : 13" Spa Iron at 20s., 481i. 2s. 4id.; 26 : : 00 Lead at 20s., 261i.; 2doz. 3 Rubstones at 18d. f doz., 3s. 4-^d.; 35 doz. Erthen ware, 31i. ; 1 bar" yelow Oaker, q* neat 2*=»: : 17" at 10s., 1 li. Is. 6d. ; a percell of old Junke, lOli. ; 1 Great beame Scales & 1 halfe hund""*^. Hi. 16s. ; 1 Sm" beame & 2 morters, 10s. ; 2 netts damaged, 10s. ; old rey in y® Garret, 3s. ; 5 m. Red Oak hogshead staves at 25s., 61i. 6s. ; 1 p"^ old hand screws, 10s. ; 2 p' Stilliards, Hi. 5s. ; a percell of Rozin, 10s.; 1 longe Oare, 5s.; shod shoule. Is. 6d. ; old cask, 10s.; 1 Suger drawer. Is. 6d. ; a percell Limestones on the wharfe, 81i. In the Upek Warehouse. 3 Ketles 95"-^, 15 potts 550" at 25s. f "^S 71i. 4s. ; 9=*: 2 : 2» lead at 20« f , 91i. 10s. 4d. ; 4 : 1 : 9 Stelle att 50s. f , lOli. 16s. 6d. ; 1: 2: 8 of Old Iron at 12s. % 19s.; 1 hogshed Suger, qt 6*=* : 1 : 16^' neat 20s., 61i. 8s. ; 1 Cask Starch, q' 150" neate at 3d., Hi. 178. 6d. ; 7 doz. 2 Glase botles at 2s. 9d., Hi. Is. Id. ; 2 bar" mattasows at 30s., 31i. ; 1 p"" Great hand screws, 31i. ; 12 whip Sawes at 9s., 51i. 8s. ; beanes, 3s. ; 1 Chist drawers, 12 INVENTORY OF THE ESTATE OF drawers, Hi. 10s. ; wheate, Ha.; 1 p'' Great Stilliards, Hi. 5s. ; 1 p' Sm" Stilliards defective, 5s. ; 2J 9 fot Bords, 3s. f , 2 harp" Irons 12<» % 8s. 7d. ; old easke, 10s. ; Graine, the Swep- ing of the Chamber, 3s. ; part of an old Clock, 10s. In the Old Hall. 9 turky worke chaires w^^'out backs, 5s. '^j 21i. 5s. ; 4 ditto M7^^ Backs at 8s. % Hi. 12s. ; 6 low Turky worke dito w*** Backs, 8s. f , 21i. 8s. ; 2 Tables, 20s. % 1 ditto, 5s., 21i. 6s. ; 1 Carpet, 15s. ; 1 p' large brase Andirons, Hi. 10s. ; 1 large looking Glase & brases, 21i. 5s. ; 3 Curtaine rods & Curtains for windows, 15s. ; 2 Candlesticks, 5s. ; 1 Glase Globe, Is. In the Ked Chamber. 8 Red branched chaires w*'' Covers, 16s. % 61i. 8s. ; 1 Sm" table, 1 Red carpet, 10s.; 2 Curtaine rods & window Curtaines, 7s. ; 1 Scritore & frame, Hi. 10s. ; 2 Trunks, 15s. ; 1 old Cuberd & Red cloth, 6s. ; 1 p' brase Andirons, 1 back, 1 p' Tongs, 13s. ; 1 looking glase, 6s. ; 1 large white Quilt, 21i. ; 1 ditto. Hi. 10s. ; 1 ditto, Hi. ; 1 p"^ Shetts, Hi. ; 1 p"- ditto, Hi. ; 1 p' ditto, Hi. 2s. ; 1 p'^ ditto, 18s. ; 1 p"" ditto, Hi. 2s. ; 1 p"" ditto. Hi. 2s. ; 1 p"- ditto. Hi. 5s. ; 1 p' ditto, Hi. 2s. ; 1 p' dit- to. Hi. 2s. ; 1 p^ ditto, Hi. 2s.; 1 p'" ditto, Hi. ; 1 p' ditto, Hi. ; 1 p'- ditto, 18s. ; 1 p' ditto, 12s. ; 1 p' ditto, 18s. ; 1 p-^ ditto, 18s. ; 1 p' ditto, Hi. 4s. ; 1 p' ditto, 16s. ; x pr ditto, 8s. ; -i p'" ditto, 18s, ; 17 Napkins, 1 large table cloth & a Towell all of Damaske, 41i. ; 9 diaper Napkins & 1 Table Cloth, 15s. ; 1 doz. ditto & 1 Table Cloth, Hi. 2s.; 1 doz. ditto & 1 Table Cloth, Hi. 2s. ; 1 doz. ditto & 1 Table Cloth, 18s. ; 1 doz. diaper Napkins & a Table Cloth, 17s. ; 1 Table Cloth, 8s. ; 2 pillow- bers at 2s. 6d. % 5s. ; 1 Table Cloth, 5s. ; 1 diaper Table Cloth, 8s. ; 1 ditto, 8s. ; 1 Cuberd Cloth, 5s. ; 1 ditto, 3s. ; 1 Calico Counter pain, 8s. ; 18 pilobers & Napkins, 15s. ; 4 towells & a Cuberd Cloth, 10s. ; 1 Child's Bed, Is. ; 1 Red Cushion, Is. In the two Closets Adjoyning. 10 doz. Erth. ware, 15 large, 33 Small tins pans for Suger Cakes, 16 q' botles, 3 Erthen pots, 3 long mum Glases, 21i. 10s. In OAPT. GEORGE CORWIN. 13 In the Glase Chamber. 1 bed sted & apurtenances, Hi. ; 1 fether bed, bolster & 2 pillows, 41i. 10s. ; 1 p' Curtains & Valients, 21i. 10s. ; 1 Red Ruge, 8s. ; 1 large white blanket, 8s. ; 1 Stript blanket, 3s. ; 1 Silke blanket, 12s. ; 1 large Striped blanket, 8s. ; 1 Sm" blanket, 4s. ; 1 p'^ shettes, 14s.; 2 pillowbers, 2s. ; 6 parogon Chaires at 10s. % 31i. ; 2 longe Stooles, at 10s., '^, Hi.; 2 Stands at 4s., 8s. ; 1 Table, 1 linsy carpet, 10s. ; 1 Calico Car- pet, 3s. ; 1 looking Glase, 7s. ; 1 pomader basket, 10s. ; 1 Quail fine wicker basket, 3s. ; 1 painted Couberd Cloth, 3s. ; 1 Glase frame for Glase worke. Hi. ; 3 Curtain rods & window Cur- tains, 10s. ; 1 p' Andirons w*** brases, 12s. ; 1 p'' brase fire pan & Tongs, 8s. In the Corner Chamber. 1 bedsted, 10s. ; 2 Ruges, Hi. 12s. ; 1 p' Curtains & Valients & Rods, 21i. ; 1 Grene Counter paine, 5s. ; 1 p' Sheets, 12s. ; 1 bolster & pillow, Hi. ; 1 wainscot Chist, 10s. ; 1 Table & 1 Grene Carpet, 12s. ; 8 yd. bengall at 9d., 6s. ; 7 yd. doulas at 20d., lis. 8d. ; 4 yd. ^ Stript linon at 16d., 6s. ; 1 yd. | Serge at 3s., 4s, 6d. ; 7 yd. Narr. brene at 15d., 8s. 9d. ; 1 yd. | Grene Say at 3s. 6d., 4s. 9fd. ; Sp*^ Tape at 9d., 6s. ; 3 yd. Lockrom at 12d., 2s. ; 1 yd. f ticking at 20d., 2s. lid. ; a Remnant of holland. Is. ; 19 yd. high brene at 2s., Hi. 18s.; 1 yd. Red Cotten, Is. 9d. ; 3 yd. course holland at 18d., 4s. 6d. ; 3 yd. \ narr Cloth at 8d., 2s. 4d. ; ^ yd. Linon at 18d., Is. 3f d. ; 2 yd. f fustian at 12d., 2s. 9d. ; a Rem* fine Canvis, 7d. ; 1 yd. | Linon at 18d. % 2s. 3d. ; 1 yd. w^^ Calico, Is. ■ 1 j^ ^ linon at 18d., 2s. 3d. ; 1 yd. | Slesy at 12d., Is. 6d. ; 1 yd. colerd Fustian, Is. ; 1 p' Red. weo. stockings, Is. 6d. ; 2 old Chaires at 2s., 4s. ; 1 bundle of Remnants, Is. In the Counteing House & Entery. 1 dozn. pins, 9s. ; 1 dozn. ditto, 10s. ; 2 " Colerd thread at 28. 8d., 5s. 4d. ; 3 " | wormesed at 4s. 6d. % 15s. 9d. ; i Grose Girt web at 22s. '^ Grose, 5s. 6d. ; 12 books Carell upon Jobe, 1 Gr* bible & 1 Psalms Booke, 31i. ; 1 booke Markham's Gramer, 28. 14 INVENTORY OF THE ESTATE OF 2s. ; 3 pJ« Turtle Shell, Is. 6d. ; 1 Snafle bitt, 1 p' Spures, Is. : 2p' Stirop Irons, 2s. ; 1 Inkhorne, 6d. ; 1 Caine, 3s. ; 1 Turned Stick, 2s., 5s. ; 1 Rapier Tipt w^^ Silver, 15s., 1 ditto, 5s., Hi. ; 4 musketts, 21i. ; 1 p'" pistoUs & holsters, 1 plush Sadie layed w*h Silver lace & Sadie Cloth, 51i. ; 1 Caduco box, 2s. ; 1 buff belt wth Silver buckles, Hi. ; 2 old bells, 2s. In the Hall Chamber. 1 bed Sted, 5s. ; 1 p' Red Curtaines & Valients, 21i. 10s. ; 2 Ruges, 16s. ; 1 p' Shetts, 10s., 1 pillow, 5s., 15s. ; 1 flock bed & 1 fether bolster, 16s. ; 2 Ruges, 12s. ; 1 Trundle bed- sted & Curtaine rods, 7s. ; 4 Trunks, Hi. ; 1 Chist drawers & 1 Carpet, 10s. ; 1 Table & 1 Carpet, 8s. ; 1 looking Glase, 5s. ; 1 Curtain Rod & window Curtaine, 3s.; 2 p"" white Calico Curtaines, Valients, tester Clothes & 6 Covers for Chaires, 21i. 5s. ; 14 old Napkins at 9d., 10s. 6d. ; 19 new diaper small ditto at 9d. 14s. 3d. ; 2 Calico Side bord Clothes, 6s. ; 3 Calico ditto, 6s. ; 12 towells at 6d., 6s. ; more 35 diaper & other Napkins at 9d., Hi. 6s. 3d. ; 7 Table Clothes at 5s., 1 li. 15s. ; 8 ditto at 2s. 6d., Hi. ; 15 ditto, 18s. Wareikg Clothes. 1 Tropeing Scarfe & hat band. Hi. 10s. ; 1 Cloake, 21i. ; 1 Cloth Coat wth Silver lace, 21i. ; 1 Camlet Coate, 15s. ; 1 old bla. farendin Sute, Hi.; 1 black Cloake, 21i. ; 1 velvet Coate, 21i. 10s. ; 1 old Tabey dublet, 5s. ; 1 old fasioned duch Sattin dublet, 15s. ; 1 black Grogrin Cloake, Hi. 10s. : 3 Quilts, 3s. ; 1 hatt, 15s. ; 1 p' Golden Topt. Gloues, 10s. ; 1 p'' Imbroidred ditto, 8s. ; 1 pr bl. fringed Gloues, 3s. ; 1 p' bl. & Gold fringed ditto, 3s. ; 1 p' new Gloves, 2s. ; 2 p"^ Gloves, 2s. ; 3 p' old Silke Stockings, 8s. ; 2 belts and 1 Girdle, 21i. ; 1 Sattin Im- broadred wascot w*"' Gold, &c., 31i.; 1 yd. f persian Silke at 5s. 6d., 9s. 7^d. In the Counting house & Entry more. 1 Table, 5s. ; 1 Carpet, 10s. ; 1 Chaire, 4s. ; 1 desk & Cu- berd, 5s. ; 1 p' bandelers, 3s. ; seling wax, 3s. ; 1 Cushian, 6d. ; 3 flasketts & 2 basketts, 5s. ; 1 Iron bound Chist, 5s. In CAPT. GEORGE CORWIN. 16 In the Hall. 1 Lookeing Glase, 7s. ; 3 tables, Hi. 2s. ; 1 Turky worke Carpet, Hi. 5s. ; 8 leather Chaires at 5s., 21i. ; 5 Stra bottomed Chaires, 5s. ; 1 old wicker Chaire, 2s. ; 1 Napkin presse, Hi. 10s. ; 1 Glase Case, 6s. ; 1 Clocke, 21i. ; 1 Scritore or Spice box, 6s. ; 1 Serene w*** 5 leaves & Covering, ISs. ; 1 old Sm" Turky worke Carpet, 3s. ; 1 Armed Chaire, 2s. ; 1 Stand, Is. 6d. ; 1 Great Candlestick, Hi. ; 1 p"" Gr* Dogs & 1 Iron Back, 21i. 5s.; 5 Cushians at 4s. p'', Hi. ; 1 window Cur- taine & rod, 6s. ; 1 p'' Tongs, Shoule fire & Sm" Tongs & Toster, 7s. ; Glases in the Glase case, 5s. In the Maides Chamber. 1 bed & bolster, 31i.; 1 bedsted, 2s. ; 1 new Bed & Case, 51i. ; 1 Cushian & 2 Stoole Covers, 3s. ; 1 pillion & Cloth, Hi. ; 1 p' old Shetts, 4s. ; 3 p*' Shetts at 16s., 21i. 8s. ; 1 pr. new Shetts, Hi. 2s.; 5 Shetts at 8s., 21i. ; 3 Shetts at 4s., 12s. ; 1 Table Cloth, 3s. ; 1 old Sheet, 2s. ; 1 wainscot chist, 5s. ; 2 Cotten Ironning Clothes, 3s. ; 1 Calico Cuberd Cloth, Is. 6d. ; Starch & a bage, 2s. ; 2 boxes, 2s.; 1 Rat eaten Carpet, 5s. ; 1 old Bed Tick, 7s. ; 1 p"^ old Stript Curtaines & Carpets, 8s.; 1 Chist, 4s.; 1 Sm'i brase Ketle tined, 6s. ; 1 lanthorne, 5s. ; 1 Calender & 1 plate, 2s.; 1 Wooden Voider, Is. 6d. ; 1 bird Cage, 2s. In the Gabretts. 12 Reame \ paper at 4s., 21i. 10s. ; 1 bolt Noyles, q' 89 @ i is 130 y'^ f at 16d. f , 81i. 14s. 4d. ; 1 Sadie, bridle & brest plate, Hi. 5s. ; 2 p" pole daine & aRemn*, q* 80 y'^^, 41i. ; 150" Fr. lines at lOd. '^, 61i. 5s. ; 1 p'' large brase Andirons, Hi. ; 1 Candlebox, &c., 2s. ; 1 pillion & cloth, 5s. ; 1 old port man- tle, Is.; 2 ChikU blankets, 10s. ; 1 Carpet, 8s. ; 1 wainscot chist, 5s. ; 1 pin Chest, 2s. 6d., 7s. 6d. ; gloves & Some Lumber, 5s. ; 2 old Ruge, 3s.; 1 hamaker, 5s., 8s. ; 1 Auger weges, & chisles, 5s. ; 5 Shetts at 5s., Hi. 5s. ; 1 fine Shett, 7s. ; 19 nap- kins & towells, 128. ; about lOOli. hogs & beffe Suet at 2d., 16s. 8d. ; meale Troues, &c., 6s. ; old Bed steds, 10s. ; old cask, 5s. In 16 INVENTOEY OF THE ESTATE OF In the Entkt Below. 1 Bound table & 1 Gren Carpet, 15s. ; 2 Great Chaires & 4 high Chaires, 15s, ; 1 Cuberd & cuberd Cloth, 8s. In the Closet. Erthen ware & a Glase botle, 5s. ; a parcell of honey, 5s. In the Peuter Rome. 4 boles, 1 Tray & Erth. Ware. 10s. ; 1 limebeck & 1 Iron pott, 21i ; a percell of old Iron, 5s. ; 1 large defective drip- ing pan, 2s. 6d. ; 4 trayes, 1 platter, 2s., Erthen ware, 18d., 3s. 6d. ; 1 leather Jack. In the Kitchin. 7 Spitts, Hi. 5s. ; 2 Racks, Hi.; 1 Jack & waite, 12s.; 2 Iron potts & 2 p'' pot hooks. Hi.; 4 tramells & 1 Iron barr, 15s. ; 1 p"" Iron doges, 10s. ; 2 fenders, 4s. ; 1 p"" la. Tonges, 4s. ; 1 Iron driping pan, 3s ; 1 Iron back, Hi. ; 1 Iron Ketle, 6s. ; 4 box Irons, 8s. ; 5 old Iron potts. Hi. 4s. ; 1 p'" Fetters, 3s. ; 2 Fring pans, 5s. ; 3 Grid Irons, 1 p*" pot hookes & tre- uet, 7s. ; 1 Slut or larance, Is. ; 1 Cleuer «& a shreding knife, 4s. ; a hooke & Iron Squers, 2s. ; 1 Chafeing Dish, Is. 6d. ; 1 p"" bellows, Is. 6d. ; 1 warmeing pan, 2s. ; 38 p^^ Tin Ware, Is. 4d. ; 2 Iron Candlesticks & a toster, 5s. ; 2 tables, 5s., 4 old Chaires, 6d., 7s. ; Erthen ware, 6s. ; 453'* peuter of all Sorts at 12d., 221i. 13s. ; 24" brase in Small ware at 20d., 21i.; 1 Coper Ketle, q* SO" at 2s., 31i. ; 2 brase Ketles, q» 57" at 12d., 21i. 17s. ; 1 brase Stew pan, 6s. ; 3 bell mettle Skilets, q* 25', Hi. 5s.; 1 payle, 1 bole & other wood, lumber, 6s.; 2 Cases & 7 knives, 12s. ; 1 Slick Stone, Is. 6d. In the Wash House. 1 Peuter Still, lOs. ; 1 Coper, 41i. ; tubes, a Table & lum- ber, 5s. ; 1 p"^ Andirons & Iron rake, «&c., 5s. In the Stable. 1 horse, 41i. ; 1 Cow, 31i., w*'' the hay, 71i. ; 2 forks, 1 Tray, 2 Grain payles, 6s. ; 1 axe, 3s.; 1 Cow at Is. Williams, 21i. lOe. In CAPT. GEORGE CORWIN. 17 In the Seller Under the House. Old Caske, Hi.; 24 q* Jugs, 4s. ; 24 Glase botles, 5s. 6d.; 4 Jares, 4s. ; 1 Erth. pot, Is. ; 44" Castle Sope at 6d., Hi. 28. In the Closet of Kitchin Chamber. 43 pi« Erthen ware at 2s. "^ doz., 7s. 2d ; 19 Glase cups & Sm" botles, 2s. ; 1 p'" Shouse, 4s.; 5 q* botles, 15d.; 1 Stone Juge, 2s., 3s. 3d. ; 3 wodeu boxes, Is. ; 1 Tin Candlestick, Is. ; 1 Cap for a Clock of belmetle, 2s. In the Kitchin Chamber. 1 large Scritore, 51i. ; 1 bedsted & Teaster, Hi. ; 1 f ether bed & bolster cased & 2 pillows, 61i. 10s. ; 1 p"" Sad Colerd Curtaines & valients & counter paine & rods, 31i. ; 1 worsted Stript Ruge, 31i. ; 2 pillobers, 2s. ; 1 p"" blanketts, Hi. ; 1 p' Shetts, Hi. ; 1 bedsted & Teaster & head peice, Hi. ; 1 fether bed & bolster cased & 2 pillows, 41i. ; 1 p' Red Serge Curtains valients & Rods, 31i. 10s. ; 1 Quilt of Calico Colerd & ttowred, Hi. 10s.; 1 Red Ruge, 10s. ; 3 blanketts. Hi. ; 1 Pallet bed- sted, Teaster & hed peice, Hi. ; 1 fether bed & bolster, 1 pil- low, 31i. 10s. ; 2 Curtaines & Sm" Valients, 15s. ; 2 Coverleds, Hi. 12s. ; 1 p'' blanketts, Hi. ; 1 Shett, 5s. ; 1 Stoole, Is. ; 7 Chaires Sad Colerd & 1 Gr* Chaire, 4s., Hi. 12s. ; 1 Table w*'' a drawer, 8s. ; 2 Stands, 4s. ; 1 Close Stoole, Gs. ; 8 window Curtains & 4 Rods, 16s. ; 1 looking Glases & brases. Hi. 5s. ; 1 Chist Drawers, 25s. & Cloth, 4s., Hi. 9s. ; 2 p' bla., 1 p' Speckled Stockings, 12s. ; 4 p*" old Stockings, 4s. ; 1 p'' and- irons w*^ brases, 10s. ; 1 p'' tongs & fire pan, 4s. ; 1 back, 12s.; 1 Round fender, 5s. ; 1 p' bellows, Is. 6d. ; 1 Japan Truuke, 8d. ; 5 neckclothes at 9d., 3s. ; 4 night caps at 15d., 58. ; 17 bands at 6d., 8s. 6d. ; 2 pocket hanchesters, Is. ; 1 p' Gloves, Is. ; 3 fustian wescoats, 6s. ; 3 p'' dito drawers, 88. ; 4 p' hol- land drawers at 2s. 6d., 10s. ; 6 Shirts, Hi. 128. Goods that came from England from M** John Iues. P' Cap* Gener. 6 p'^ peniston am° to w*** charges, 181i. 17s. 7d., w**' advance, 501i. f CS 281i. 63. 4d. P' Cap* 18 INVENTORY OP THE B8TA.TE OP P' Cap* Edwards. 20 p'* blue linon & a percell of Spice amounting to w"' Charges, 481i. 17s. 6d., w*'' adv* at 601i. ^ C\ 731i. 6s. 3d. In the Closet in Kitchin Chamber. 18 Glase botles, 4s., 6d. ; 10 pi« Erthen ware, 2s. 6d. 2 haire bromes, 28. 6d. ; 1 knife tipt w*** Silver, Is. 3d. ; 1 woden Serene, 3s. ; 3 yd. bla. broadcloth at 10s., Hi. 10s. ; 35 Q''* merch* Fish at 9s., 151i. 15s. ; JQ" pollock at 5s., 2s. 6d. ; 22 bar"« Porke at 43s., 471i. 6s. ; 2 laced bands, 19s. ; 2 pich potts, 8s. ; 1 warehouse at Winter Island, 61i. ; 1 Great beame Scales & pt waites, Hi. 10s. ; 112^' lead & 98'* Spa Iron, Hi. 17s. 6d. ; 137" hide, damages at 2d., Hi. 2s. lOd. ; 1780 fot Bords at 2s. 6d. f ct. 21i. 4s. 5d. ; 1 heifer, 1 Stere & 1 Cow aprized by Edward & Jn'' Richards, 51i. 5s. The house & land y* was Jn" Gatchells w**^ the apurtenances, 11511. ; the house & land y* was Ju° Gatchells now W™ Fur- ners, 601i. ; the dwelling house & land nere Micall Coas, 401i. ; 2 oxe Yoakes w*'* bowes, 4s. ; 2 hows, 1 peak ax «& 2 forks, 5s. ; 1 barr Iron, 5s. ; 1 load hay, 20s., Hi. 5s. ; 1 old house & land formerly Hudsons acording to Towne Grant, aprized by Jn° Lege & Ambros Gayle, 31i. ; total, 21911. 14s. At Boston : The warhouse & Ground, 20011. ; 1056 ounces I p'^^ of eight, 6s. 8d., 35211. 3s. 4d. ; 2 Cloakes, 21i. ; an old Trunke, a hat & wax, &c., 6s. 8d. ; aprized by Eliak. Huche- son & Jer. Dumer, 55411. 10s. ; 3 pipes Madara Wine at llli., not being filled up, 331i. ; in mony of Petter Millers freight, 211. 16s. Brought home in Katch Jn° & William : 130 bushells In- dian come, at 18d., 911. 15s. ; 33 bushells Rey at 3s., 41i. 19s. ; 25 bushells ^ wheate at 4s., 51i. 2s. ; 1 bar" Porke, 211. ; 3 ba- rells Beffe at 25s., 311. 15s. ; 1 plaine Ruge, 10s. ; 15 hower Glases, bad, 5s. ; 4 p*" Stirop Irons & lathers, 7s. ; 3 locks at 26d. »Quintol. CAPT. QEOEQE CORWIN. 19 26d., 6s. ^d. ; 6 ditto at lld.i, 6s. l^d. ; 4 ditto at Sd.^, 28. 9d. ; 6 hand sawes at 18d., 98. ; 11 trunk locks at lOd., 9s. 2d. ; 6 box outsid locks, 6d., 3s. ; 4 Cuberd locks at 6d., 28. ; 1 doz. combs at 2s., 2s. ; 1 doz. ditto at 3s., 3s. ; 1 doz. ditto at 3s. 6d., 3s. 6d. ; 3 p"" paiogou bodys at Ss., Hi. 4s. ; 2 doz. Reap hooks at 9s., 18s. ; 12 duble Girts, 9s. ; 1 p"^ Shetts at 16s., 16s. ; 1 p"^ Shetts at 10s., 10s. ; 1 p' ditto at 363. 2 bredths ^, Hi. 16s.; 1 p"" ditto at 30s., 3 bredths, Hi. lOs.: 1 p'' ditto at 30s. , 3 bredths, Hi. 10s ; The land whereon the house comonly called Oap' Jn" C'or- wins stands, 351i. The Katch John & William w*"^ her apurtenauces, SOU. ; 1 old Mainsayle of Katch Penelopy, Hi. 10s. This Inventory amounting to five thousand nine hundred Sixty f oure pounds nineten shill^s & one peny ^d. was aprized as mony by us. Barth' Gedney Benj* Browne John Higginson, Jun"" Tim" Lindall. M' Jonath. Corwine, Adminsf made oath in Com-t that y' above s*^ Inventory is a true Inventory of y® Estate of Cap' Geo. Corwine deceas^ & if mo' come to hand to give Ace" thereof to y® Court. In Court at Ipsw'^" March 31, 85. Attes Jn° Appleton, Cler. Essex Caunty Quarterly Court Files. Volume X LI V, leaf 90. P» I8i o « o