NEEDHAM'S BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION 0( 1800 Glass r ' / ni Book JV h(W ) , XEKDIIAM S P.ICKX TKNN I AL C'i:i.KP,|{Ari()\ A KKcoKi) OK riii-: i;\ i:k(" isHs and a MKMOKIAL OF FHK (TJ-KMKA I'lON AT NKHDHAM MASSACHUSKTTS ON Till: IWO HI NI)HKI>TH ANNIVKRSAin OF ITS INCORPORATION Puhlity (itMr^'f W. uikI Wintliriip M S.iulliwijrlli 1 "J 1 3 \\ II 1 I \\I < . M< 'r-l I I ^ . ( lia-riunii CONTENTS FIRST STEPS Olehration Coniinittee 9 Invitations tind Acceptances 13 Interesting Letters 19 FIRST EXERCISES First Parish Cliiinh 27 Bicentennial Chronicle 33 THE CELEBRATION First Parish Church 43 First Baptist Church 59 Kvan^jelical Con^egational Church 03 Methodist Episcopal Church 77 St. Joseph's Church 83 Christ Church and First Church of Christ, Scientist 85 Bicentennial Hymn 94 Addrt>ss of Dr. W. H. P. Faunce 97 Historical Ixjan Art Exhibit 111 Atliletic Events 117 Children's Entertainment 123 Address of Charles Francis Adams 12g Bicentennial Pi)ir<<') (liainuaii of (iriu'ral Cominittcc Se<'rvtary ()f (iriirral Comiiiitlec MrjnlxTs of (iciHTJil ('umiiiitlf'*' Haiul Stand Nerdhain Railroad Station Lyon's Hridgo Mcotiiif; House and Mini>ttr of 1811 l''irst l*;irisli ( linnli Fir»t Ha|)ti>>t ( "liunli Kvanmdical C'onj^rcjjalional Clmn li Mrtliodist|)a! Church Christ ( "hunh St. Joseph's ( "hurcli Town Hall (Drcttratcd) Dr. Faunce, Charles Francis .\(l;inis, (Joorge K. Clarke. M i > .1. (;. .\. Carter New Century Chil» Coniniitlee Hijih Shool nuildin^ l*ul)lic Lihrary Muiidin^ Oflicial Medals New Dedhain .\ venue Mridjje New .\very S>h, (ieurge W. Soiithworth, Aluer F. Faton. Henry I). HIaekman. At the first meeting of the committe*' Williani (i. Mo.seh'v WHS chosen chairman and Thomas Sutton, bccretarv. [0 NEEDHAM S BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION The chairman appointed the following sub-com- mittees to take charge of different features of the cele- bration, viz.: Oration — Emery Grover, John F. Mills, Thomas Sutton. Guests — Edgar H. Bowers, William Gorse, George H. Walker. Decorations — Howard A. Grossman, Alger E. Eaton, *James Mackintosh. Banquet and Ball — William A. Probert, James H. Whetton, Henry D. Blackman. Printing and Program — George W. South- worth, fCharles H. Crowley, George H. Walker, James F. Ryan. Historical Collection — T. Otis Fuller, George K. Clarke, Thomas Sutton. Reception— John A. Tilton, William Carter, William E. Hurd. Athletics — *Charles E. Stanwood, Joseph B. Thorpe, William Mitchell, Frank W. Gorse. Children's Entertainment — Henry T. Childs, William Mitchell, Frank W. Scotton. Civic and Municipal Parade — James F. Ryan, Austin Potter, Henry D. Blackman. James F. Ryan, Frank W. Gorse, Austin Potter were chosen to fill vacancies. On the twelfth day of January nineteen hundred and eleven, the committee made a report of progress and recommended an appropriation of three thousand dollars to defray the expenses of the proposed cele- bration, but at the annual meeting in March, the sum of two thousand dollars was deemed suflScient by the town and so voted. * Resigned t Deceased 10] M (.1 |{ I' I \ If>\ < II \i;i l> II ( Hnui.l ^ liillN I Mill (.l.(»H(.i: II w \i Ki.i; ri»\ii \i) <. i'(i\ii «.r«»i!i.i K ( I \i;ki: FIUST STKI'S Tlic ^'cjicral conmiittcr held ci^'htrcii meetings before all arraii^'fincuts wrrc iiiadr to sucrr.ssfiilly carry on our cclchration. A simnnary of votes passed is as follows: Voted:- That the (•ricbratioii he Ixld on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, tlie seveiiteentli. ei^liteentli and nineteenth days of Septeinher. That five hundre«'ii Slirritr of Norfolk Coiiiity Mr. Utiiry l>. Mumplin-y 'PrraMin-r of .Norfolk ("uuiily Hon .Mfr.'.i F. I?ark.r I )islri(l All..riM'y Frt'dtrick (i. Kiil/.iiianii. 10s(|. Assistant District Attorney Hon. .lanirs M. Swift .Vttoriiry (Jrnrral Moil, ("harlt's K. llatli.UI Mayor of Nfwloii lion. .lolin F. Fit/^'t-raltl Mayor i>f Hostou l'n«>iih'nl Cliarlrs W. Fliol Harvanl liiivcrsity lion. .loliu 1). l.on^' Hin^,'liain. Mass. Hon. Hi-rhrrt l'ark«-r l,an(a^l«T. Mjiss. Hon. Fr«'(ltri(k I). Fly l)«-(lliani. Mas.s. Hon. lUron H. .Jolmsoii Wallliain. Miws. Mr. Frrdcric k H. Ncwrll^'lon. D. C. Rev. (icor^'c Whitakcr S«»nu'r\ illr, Mas-s. Rev. N. TilliM;,'ha>l Wliitak.T Lowrll, Miuss. I*n)ffS-sor ("luinnin.u Wliitaki-r 'ryiiu'>I)oro, Miuss. R«'v. Charlfs F. Sawtrllc Ncfdliam. M11H.S. R<-v. John 1). WaUlron Ncrdhani. Mass. R«'V. Nrwton lUack Ni-t-dliain Hrijj;hts Rrv. T. .1. Danaliy Newton Ippt-r Falls \{r\ . Fdwar.l Marsh N.-rdhain Hri^hts I{c\ . .1. .\ilanis I'litfrr .Nfcdhani. Mass. Mr. Don (il.-as.Mi Hill I'own (h-rk, Dcdhani, Miuss. Mr. Frt'd H. King>l)ury Town (It-rk. Wt'lU'sicy, Mas.s. Mr .loliii H. I'aiilk I'own Clerk, Dover, Mass. Mr. I,c>trr .NtWfonil) (hairnian Selectmen, Dedham, Mr. Thomas D. Coleman Chairman S«-h'ctnien, \V«-llc>lev, Ma.«w, Mr. James A. Chickerin^' Chairman Scleclmen. Dover. Mjt.s.s. Rev. John F. (ileason .\mherst. Mass. Rev. Rolx-rt L. Wel.h Haverhill. Mass. Rev. Fn'<|erij' of iiitrrrst aiiiotij^ the citi/j-ns, who with coiiiinciKlahlc j)ri(lt' put thrir otatcs in ordt-r so that Wfll kept hiwus and handsomely di'coratrd huihliii^s wiTt' the ordrr of the day. Hiisiiicss phacrs and mamifactorirs wen* also profusely drajxd with liiintiii;,' and the national colors. I'he stri'ets were ch'aiied, and in many |)laees the sidewalks edited, so that Ihr town |)resented a tid,\ and well kr|)t appear- ance. I'lider the direction of. and lar<;e|y through (lie etforts of Mr. lOdmund ( i. I'ond, a Iteantifnl I^md St any citi/ens intere>led in the ohject. who appr«'ciale Town Ilall heirii^ most artistic in desij^n, photographs of which are tiled with the archives of the town. [15 soM 1-: I N I' !•: H Ks r i n ( ; l k it k r s /7// /V// t^^irfrtji/rt/. 41 tit/ 4/ 4j /w/ir// //m/ /ir nitiy /t/4t:itU . /. ///i'fl . ./W-zv/^ ry . ///-/t/-y y fy/tt/f/j. Jh/iftilf/l !' ■/ . ^rt'/'^r/. .' Jitj/tH . yo//rr. ,/wf/lH^/l /'/ \ rft/A-iffl 1 lit (»nn I \i. i\\ n \ I ,i.\ SOMK INTKRKSTIXG LKTTKUS The Whit.- II..11.C. Wiixhington, May 20, I'.tll. Honorable John W. W kkks, House of Representatives, Washinpton, I). C My dear Mr. NNCeks: — The Presidi'iil has r(M|ui'st((l iiie to ackiiowlcd^'c the re- ceipt of your hotter of May 'ZiMh and to thank you cordially for your courtesy in asking him to attend the two hundredth anniversary of the founding of the town of Needhani, Ma-o- achusetts, on S<*ptenilH'r ISth. As he has tentative engage- ments in the West on the days you mention, he regrets exceedingly that it will not he possible to accept your inf)st attractive invitation. It affords him much pleasure, how- ever, to send his hcst wishes for a successful anniversary. Sincerely yours, CH.VHLKS n. IIII.LES, Secretary to the President. 119 NEEDHAM 8 BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION Washington, Sept. 17, 1911 The President regrets his inability to accept the courteous invitation of The Town of Needham to be present at the Celebration of the Bicentennial Anniversary of the incorporation of the Town September 17, 18, and 19 1911 20] S<)MK INTIHI '^TIV*; I KTTKW^ Huckfirld, Oxford Co.. Mc. Au^'. .'iO, ll»ll. My (lour Sir: — I Hin in nM't'ipt f)f your kind invitation to the niccntcnnial of No<'dlmni. it luivin^ Imhmi forwjirdrd to mh' hrrc when- I iiin stayirij^ ii frw wrrks. I jiin not lik«-Iy to rrturn to Mii-.sii- <'liuscfts in time* to uttrnd ut Nrrdlmin, and I iiin thcrrforc ohli^cd to fon-j^o tlw ph'asurr of Ikmii^; with yon at that tinn*. I can only srnd my thanks for the conrtr'^y rxt<*nd<'d nir and my conlial j^immI wishrs for thi* (K-casion. Ni'<*ilham is <»m* of our ancient towns, and its historical asscK-iations in the pnst and its presrnt proj^rossivf spirit which has nuidc it such a dcH>,'litfnl town, well justify the honor you do it \>y this coinuu'inoratiuu. \ cry truly yourjj, JOHN 1). IX)NG. Cio Home Hay, Ontario, Canada, S<«pt. 'i, I'.Ul. My Diar Mr. Sutton:— To you and to your Committee I n-turn appreciative and hearty thanks for the honor of the invitation from the town of Nei'tlham, to its notable celehratioti. I accept it with the earnest hop** that nothing' will arise to |)revent my attend- ance, at the l)an(|Uet ciTtaiidy, and at other exercises if pos- sil)le. I end ujy vacation here on S<>pteml>er Sth, ^<)ing to Moslon at once. The jjchhI name and leadership of New England were creat- e the Hicentennial .Xnnivcrsary, and will do any work however hunihle to Ixvstow the honor which is due to the men and women who have contributed to the civic life of our town. Sincerely yours, Sept. 10, 11>11. J. ADAMS riFFKR. August 22. '11. Mk. Tiio.s. Si tto.n, Needham, Ma>s. I)<*ar Sir: — IMease find inclosed my check for S2r).()0 toward defray- ing the ex|M'nses of thf bicentennial of the town of Ne«Mlli;im. I shall 1h' on hand to jtartieipale in the ceK-bration along with six other former n'-.idenls of the town. Wishing you every suece.Hs, I am Yours very truly, JOHN SPICER. [23 I! \\l» - 1 \\|) (i\ Mlltll \\l ( (t\lMn\ \K\N MiKK \i;\N IIWIA \ ll\IMI()|!l> l;\Ili:n\|) -I \II(»\ FIRST EXERCISES • ' 1" iM 1M i.f Ti •■ < ■ ■< !■■ •■. ••r 7*r7>t7iTi>TTM T' 1" T' T\J1 ©jr I-MRST CHURCH IN NKl^DHAM 1711 i¥ HU 1 -J HISTORICAL TABLET UNVEILED \l MONDAY. MARCH 20 At 7.30 o'clock ^ n n ^ PROGRAM Organ Voluntary Mrs. Edith Lyman \A^elcome Rev. J. Adams Puffer AN OLD-TIME SERVICE Short Prayer Anthem — "Before Jehovah s Awful Throne " Reading of Scriptures Rev. Newton Black Hymns "Russia," "Complaint" Rev. Edward Marsh Long Prayer Rev. J. D. Waldron Hymns — " David's Lamentations," " Northfield ' Extracts from Jonathan Townsend's Sermons Rev. William R. Lord Anthem " Jerusalem My Glorious Home" HISTORICAL SP:KVICE U^vcllln^; of Tablet Frederick S. Kinnsbury Emily Holland Kinjisbury Alvin Gay Stevens The BcKl"r>^"^; "* O^'^ Church George K. Clarke Musjc ol Yc Olden Time John F. Mills Extracts from Early Records William W. Peck Hymn "Old Hundred" Benediction Rev. Edward Marsh SOCIAL HOUK IN rHK CHAFKL i:XKU( ISKS AT I'lli: FII{S'i' 1»AKI-II Anticipating soniowliat tijc celohration in S«'i)t«'in- l)er. tlu' First i*ari.sli cliiircli luld a iiiciiiorial M-rvicr on March *£(), to coinujcinoratc tlic Ix-^'iiniiiij,' of piihlic worship ill Nccdhain. the j)riM(ipal feature of whicli was tlio iinveiHn^' of an historical tablet in the pres- ence of a larj^e audience. The exercises were all of tle«'P interest and closely followed. Aft«'r an or^'an voluntary hy Mrs. Kdith Lynum, the pastor, Kev. J. Adams I'utfer, extended a hearty welcome. Then followed an old time .service parlicii)ated in hv Kev. E. Marsh of the M. K. Church, Rev. Newton Black of Christ Church, Itev. J. I). Waldron of the Kvanj,'elical Con^re;,'ational Church, and Kev. Wm. K. Lord of Dover. ( )ld time music was rendered by a choir .seatetJ in balcony at the rear of the church, (leo. K. Mitchell, leader, accomj)aniiMl by strin^j^l instruments. The tablet, which is the desii^n and handiwork of J. F, Holmes, is of mahoKimy, with ^'ilt inta^dio letter- ing. It is five by seven feet, surrounded with white bordering' and surmounted with scroll-work of Colonial style of the same color, and received many compli- ments. It is placed (tii tiie wall at the ri^'ht, facing,' the pulpit. The in.scription is as follows: 127 NEEDHAM S BICENTENNIAL CELEBRATION The First Church in Ncedham Public Worship 1711 Church Embodied 1720— Parish Organized 1778 First Meeting House built 1712 — Destroyed by fire in 1773 — Second House built 1774 — Taken down and Third House built and dedicated 1837 — Moved to present site 1879 and re-dedicated — Chapel built and dedicated Oct. 1888 1720 Jonathan Townsend 1762 Samuel West 1764—1788 Stephen Palmer 1792—1821 William Ritchie 1821—1842 Lyman Maynard 1842—1846 Charles H. A. Dall 1847—1850 James F. Hicks 1852—1853 George G. Channing 1853—1855 Andrew N. Adams 1855—1857 John S. Barry 1858—1860 George B. Emerson Albert B. Vose Solon W. Bush 1860—1866 1870—1871 1871—1889 Charles A. Allen 1889—1893 Philip S. Thacher 1894—1901 William W. Peck 1901—1908 J. Adams Puffer 1908- 281 FIHST KXKiniRKH Tlic littli- (liildmi who im\rilc(l if wcrr Mniily Holland Kin^'slmry and Alvin (iay Stfvcns, drsccndants of llu' first faiiiilifs of tin- parisli. FrcMJrrick S. Kiii^s- hiiry, ^Tcat ^'nat ^randxtii of K<'V. Sfrplu-ii I'almtr, ant iniiii.stcr, rca Ilarrdd Mcintosh, Raymond Mills, (Iny Mcintosh and Lau- rence Katon. Papers of much interest were read l>y (ieo. K. Clarke on "The He^innin^ of our ("hurcli" and l»y John F. Mills on "Music of ye ()i(len Tyme," while extracts from early records were read l»y \Vm. W . I'cck. At the close of the formal pro^'ram a social hour was enjoyed in the ehapel wIktc the Ladies' Aid So- ciety served their ^niests with an ahundant supple of lii;ht refreshments. Ihrr were on exhihition r«'lics of the olden time, portraits, hooks, music, manuscripts of sermons, etc., tiiis feature receiving' nuich attention from the visitors. (20 Tin-: lUCKNTKNNIAL CIIKoNK LK THE HI( KNTENNIAL ClllUJMCLE As tilt' inmicdiato forc-niniHT of the cclcl)rati()n. The Nccdhuni Chruniclc issued on Saturday, Si'i)tcin- ber 16, a sixtt'on-pa^'f nuinlxT known a.s tlu* " Hiccntcn- iiial Clironiclc." Of tliis edition, t lire*' thousand sev<'n Inindrrd (•o|)ies were j)rint('d and t ril)nled tlirouj^li the Chronicle's regular channels. It contained articles which, taken tof^ether, made a ^'ooti resume of the his- tory of the town from its founding' to the present; contrihutions fn)in tlie older residents ; half-tone views of the puMic huildin^'s, picturescpie spots, and princi- pal business huildinfjs; portraits of town officers and [)rominent citizens, and much matter of interest con- cerning' the town in recent years. The edition was printed in Nee \ ( 1 I I s I. I I .^ ScptcinlKT 1"', I S, ;iiul I <; >iiiul.i\, Mniul;u aiiil 'l'in--ti.i\ SUNDAY, SEPT. 17, 1911 Special services at all the churches in keeping with the occasion 12.00 M. The First Parish Sunday School, accompanied by delegations from other schools will march to the cemetery and decor- ate graves of past ministers and Sunday School superin- tendents. 8.00 P. M. Band Concert at Needham Heights 4.00 p. M. \'espers at tlie First Parish Churcii. ("ireetings from Ded- ham First Parish (the mother church) and Wellesley Con- gregational, the Second Church in Needham. Double Quartet ; Violin Solo, Mrs. F. C. Peabody; Contralto Solo, Miss Adah Gay Fuller. T.:>0 V. M. Sacred Concert at Town Hall, by Needham Military Band followed by by Dr. VV. H. P. Faunce, President of Brown University. The Hovvland Class Male Quartet will sing. MONDAY, SEPT. 18 9.00 A. M. One mile race. 0.80 .A. M. Children's Entertainment in the Town Hall from !».80 to 12. 10.00 A. M. Base Ball Match between Needham V. M. C. A. and Swamp- scott A. C, on Greene's field. 1.80 r. .\i. The following list of sports will take place : 100 yard run. Trial heats. 75 yard for boys under 14. Trial heats. Handicapped at start. 100 yard finals. T-") vard, boys under 14, finals. Rvuming hi^h jump Shot put ; 12 lij shot. Broad jump. 220 yard trial heats. Girls under 14, 75 yards. Handicapped at start. 220 ynni finals Sack race. S' i (•< l« 'NO yard run Potato race, •■•• \.imi, m i.m u K«0 yard run. 7..'W» V. M Town Hall. Addresses l)y Hon. Charlcn Francis Adams and (icorRP K. Clarke Ks(|. Original poem by Mrs J. e open to visitors during the tluie ilavs of the Bicentennial. Reception to former mcml»crs and oW- iim<- rt sidenls. On Monday and Tues, tea will l>e serveil. .'\n exhibit of curios collected by Chas. H. Mitchell will be shown .,1 th. P.impinK Station during the three days. SUNDAY. SEPTEMBER 1 EXERCISES IN OUR CHrRCHES Ill \ -i A I' \i Mil; i III -I < "i\i» \ii.i;ii\(. 11(11 -I. \ii.i ii\(. iioi -I. \\i> \ii\i-n;i{ <»i iMi OUR CHURCHES One hundred years ago there was hut one church (The First Parish) in the territory now comprising the town of Needhani; and the only celehration of which we have any information, was a notahh* historical sermon by the pastor of that church. Rev. Stephen Palmer, which has been preserved and has recently been printed in full in the local paper, The Needhatn Chronicle. There are now seven churches, all well housed and prosperous. The following pages contain an account of their contributions to this Bicentennial celebration. It is to be rcgri'tti'd that in several the addresses were not reported, but tliey were nevertheless full of en- thusiasm and hcljjful in adding interest to the occasion. »*€ • U ^ j> T Oni rinitriiiN I iHsr r'Mtlsll KXKHflHKH 1711 1!)11 TllK FIRST (J(JN(iiU:(.Ari()\ AL ( Illi;( II 1\ NKKDIIA.M (Initarinn) Sijiul.iy Sfplcinhcr 17. I!>ll in:\. J AD WIS I'l II- Kit. IVilur 10.15 «. m lll^T()l{U AL CinRril SERVIPK — EifrncU frum llir (tiitiiry StTiimn i»f ISII SERMON i«v rm: i'vstou ANTHEM liV IIU: I'AUISII I^IMITET MISS MAUY A. TIHDALK UKUMKHT N. MITrUELL mas FLOUKNCK K. KATON JAMF_S K. TISUALK SOl'UANO S(H.()S l.y Miv* Ti-.UI.- 12.00 m SI .Nl).\^' S('H(K)L nuircli tn crim-tory and lieojrBtr (frnvci of jhlhI iiiiiii.Htcr.t unci Suntlny St-lu»«)l nflitfn 4.00 p. III. \ H'^I'EU SEUVR1>^ ANTHEM in DOI mm: t^l MMKT CONTRALTO SOUJ. Mi« Adah (J Fuller \ lULlN bOLUS. Mrs E C. Pcabody (tt ADDRESS OF RKN . WUJ.IAM II. NNAl.KKK MINISTF.R FIRST CHURril AND FARIHH DKDMAM (moTIIKR TOWN') "Frioiuls, it is iiKiccd a i)l('a.Mir(' as niinistcr of the parent First Parisli Chiireh of Dedham, to conpratti- latc tliis (lau^'litcr clmrcli ii{)on lirr two }nin