1^ • A^-^ '- •v-o^ •^oV" 'bv" ^°-^<^, -^^ ** '^'' c""-. ^^ 0^ ^3- 0> ' ♦ e . o ■ ^v. ' "^-^ . ^ .*>fi(^'' ^o. -f.-^" '■<^^' >'<='. -5' % \ - V »' ■ "^i^: ^> vj V= "-^ .A >^, .-^'' -> ■■•V ^^ •^, > , ,<^' » .-^SJiliS.fei' ^ -^^ "\/^. % \ 0" .'•». *> B 1 P T I S li S. MAEBIIGES, gUKERALS EECOHDEL AT G P- i C E E P I 5 C P A L G E l- H C E J A Li A I C A, LONG I 3 L A IT D NEW I E K 1769-1853 Copied from the original records in the earlj- sixties "by Eenr;,^ Cnderdonk, Jr., whose manuscript is owned hj? the Long- Island Eislorical Society of Brooklyn, New lork. Coioied from the ahove Josephine C. Frost (!:Irs. Samuel ICnapp ?rost) Brooklyn,"" H. T. 1913 l<^oocj(^ ih^ (^ V Index to Contents Baptisiris by Rev. Joshua Bloomer & others, page 1 Carriages, ^o do ^-^ _ " ^^ ?unerg.ls , " 89 -1- BiiPTISLS EI REV. JCSIH^A BLOOI^ffiR Rector, Episcopal Church, Jamaica, L. I . Date Parents Child 17ec Philip and June 15 Livinston reloval 1781 Daniel and March 12 Arabella Ludlow Thomas Duncan March 29 John and Ann Y/aters; Margaret "'illett April 1 Jaliez and Liary Eusted Eliaaoeth ADril 13 S'teiohen and r.iggms. Martha May 4 Jonathan and Mary Anderson, Isaac Jonathan and Mary Anderson, John Jonathan and Marj- /ijiderson Esther Jonathan and Mary Anderson Joseph Jonathan and Mary Anderson Clara -2- Date parents Child 1781 Jonathan and Hay 4 Iviary Anderson, Aletta Jonathan and Liarr Anderson Sarah a i Hi am and Elizaheth Anderson Jeremiah L'lay 6 Peter and Ann Eenton May 20 Josish and Anna Pomeroy Ju1t7 22 Jarvis and Elizabeth Dohhs lilary Harriet Mary Aug. 10 Thomas and Catherine Clowes Ann Sep. 2 Gerard us and Sarah Eeekman Ann pa^.ne Sep. 9 Thomas and Joanna Ganon.^ - James Jervis Sep. 13 Nicholas and Jones John Nicholas and Jones Nicholas ^- Date Parents Child 1781 John and Sep, 16 Alette Dunbar Elizabeth jep, 21 Dowe and Catherine Litmars, Dov/e Cct, 5 Thomas and Susanna 'Veiling, Catherine Tetts Cct, 25 Anthonv and Phehe Terrill ? Ann Prichard Dec. 6 Isaac and Isabella Wilkins ? Thomas Dec, 26 'villiam and Aletta Vaa^chan Aletta 1782 Eeman and Jan. 6 Eannah Clark Addison Thomas and Margaret Smith Thomas flowel (perhaps Home) Thomas and lilargaret Smith Llary Thomas and Largaret Smith Sarah -^_ I/ate rarents Child 1782 Joseph and Jan. 2C Sarah Llj,(V;ey ?) Joseph Feh. 6 Nathaniel and Joanna I.Ioore Sarah iiiarch 21 Bev. Thomas and Judith 1,1 ore ilizaheth Channing Iitarch 31 John and Ivliriam Eero-en Phebe A^ril 7 Phillip and ; us anna ienry r James A-oril 9 David arod Mary liaviland Euo-enia I-Iay 5 James and Slizaheth Eonney George May 7 John and Ann V.'aters John rials te ad June 2 Abraham and Mary Eerrian Abraham Abraham and Liar 7 Eerrian Nathaniel IJoore Aug. 17 John Dunbar, an adult ~5- Date Parents Child 1782 John and Aug. IG Mary Houlroyd Mary Sep. 15 Simon and iilargaret Wiggins Stephen Oct. 22 Isaac and l.-ary pet tit Hannah Isaac and Mary Pet tit Mary Isaac £.nd Kary pet tit Samuel Get. 23 Daniel and Catharine ?,'hit ahead Catharine Dec. 6 John and Sophia Ivlacdonald James Fenry 1783 Jan. 19 'William and Jane i.Ioore Nathaniel Fish Jan. 23 Elihu and Ann L'ume Ann Feh. 2 Henry and Elizabeth Dawson Gilbert May 18 James and Sarah i.Iorrell I'iargaret '^^illett -6- Date Parents Child 1783 James and ilay 18 Sarah M or rail June 2C 'elling; lenjamin Tanner; at Jair.aica Iklarch 23 John and L.ary Einckman Y/illiam; at Jamaica March 27 Nathaniel Eenny, an adult; at Hew Tovm Llay 9 Daniel Thorn, an adult; at Flushing Bathsheha, v/ifs of Daniel Thorn, an adult; at Jlush^g- Daniel and Eathsheha Thorn Mary; at Flushing May 22 Thomas and Elizabeth Kelly Elisabeth Yan PelJ;; at Flushing June 26 l.Iorris and Catharine Hazard Catharine; at Hew Town July IC Elena, an adult, wife of James Allen of Nev?- Tork; at Flushing James and James; Jam.es Fairchild and tr?e Elena Allen mother, sponsors. -■'I- ru: ?!>»( -18- Date Barents Child 17S1 James ancT JuIt IC Elena Allen Clarissa- at ?lushin^; James Faircliild and the mother, sponsors. Richard and peck Isaac; at Flushing Aug. 7 John and Ann 'Vaters Sally Pish; at IJew ToTvn. IJrs. Waters £.• Llrs. Burrows, sponsors. Aug. 14 Daniel and Catharine 7/hitehead, Thomas TJillot Aug. 15 Kancy Puckhee, v;ife of Denjamin; at New Town Benjamin and Hancy Buckhee Ahigail; at i^ew Town Benjamin and I'Ianc7 Buckbee Hannah, at New Town lienjainin ana Nanc-^,' Buckhee Ban j ami n; at New Town. Aug, 16 John and Sarah Nicks Patience Susanna; at Flushing, David Titus C: Susana Bvers ,s-Donsors, PR bep. ^'D ana Susana Van Pelt Jrly 16 •I'-aniel and Narv Hiss am i.'lary ; at Jamaica; sponors, her father Jacoh Van Pelt and her sifter i.ary T,I -ary; at Flushing nw'-.' TS -19- Date Parents Child 1791 Jol:n and Sep. 25 DeTjorah Dunn Kendal; at Jamaica John and Dehorah Dunn Alexander, at Jamaica Cct. 2 wlrs. Anna ?oe, an adult; at Flushing Lawrence Eoe, an adult; at Flushing Miss Detse3' Eoe, an adult; at Flushing Ann Cornell, an adult; at Flushing William and Martha Lowere Ivlartha; at Flushing William and Martha lov/ere T/illiam; at Flushing 'Yillicm and ]Iartha Louere Eichard; at Flushing nilliam and LAartha Lowere Samuel; at Flushing William and Uartha Lowere Ahraham; at Flushing William and I'.iartha lowere Isaac; at Flushing siaCI 's ;-i -i^siIJiV 3- r\ -He- cate Parents Cliild 1791 Talliair. and . . ^-, , • riov. 13 Catharine T.'eaver Catharine; at Flushing 'William and ^ , . Catharine ::eaver Sarah; at Flushing IIov. 20 Eeniamin and Kancy Euckhee Sarah; at New Tovm Nov. 29 Wiilism and . . ._ t • :.'.artha Puntine Largaret; at Jamaica Dec. 26 • James and Elizabeth Uoore John; at New Tovm 1792 Sarah Toiupkins, an adult; at New Town Jan. 2C Hamah Euckhee, an adult; at New Town Joserih and Sarali Tonrokins Edward; at New Town Josetih and Sajraji Tompkins John; at New Towi Jan. 22 John hutchins and Arjia Smith John; at Flushing Jan. 29 Ei chard and Anna Vs'iggins Anna; at Jamaica ■•oo- ■wc eaii r'^r ■;3 ,9t. .:iOi._ aniiA OiB{ -21- Date -farents Child 1792 Richard and Jan. 29 Anna V,'iggins Eoelof Durye, Jr., at Jamaica 'Feb, 15 John and Catharine Ilinksman 'iHliza; at Jamaica Liarch 11 Jonathan and Hannah I'nderhill Elizaheth Ann; at Hew Tovm March 22 Francis and Slisaheth Lewis Cecelia Gold; at flushing April 4 Hewlett and Charlotte Creed Elizaheth; at Jamaica April 6 Samuel and Catelina Lldert i.-aria; at Jamaica April 24 I'aniel and Ellen Sapelj^e George; at New Town May 28 Dai^id and Jemima i.loore Thomas; at Ilev; Tomi David aid Jemima r'oore Anna; at ITew Town David and Jemima Lloore Samuel Eallet; at New Town David and Jemima Moore Joseph; at New Town -fp,r^r'" ■rr- r^ 9 /■j-c--3''a rrsI.C 31 .cfe'^ ■'\- -22- Date Parents Cliild David and. Mbt 28 Jemima Loore 1792 David; at New Town June 4 Joseph and Marj- Hallet L3?dia; at Hallet 's Cove Ste-nhen and Betecca Pallet :.!ary Eerrian; at Eallet's Cove; EelDecca Eerrian stood sponsor viith the Toarents June 24 John and James Ilenrj-; at Jamaica Elizaoeth Van Yoorhies Aurr. 15 Isaac and Susanna Eergaw Eliza^beth; at Kallet's Cove Sep* 30 Ohadiah and Sarah Leech Chad i ah Paul; at Jamaica; the mother and Abraham rrohasco. sponsors Oct. 21 3ev. nilliam and William Henry; at Jamaica, spor.sors Catharine Hammell John Eamnell, John GrigK and Hannah Hammell lev. 25 David arj3. r.aria Purdy '•CD David; at Ilew Town Dec, 23 Joseph and Mary landle Jane; at Jamaica Isaac and Mary pet tit Jenne Dec, 15 Charles and Sarah IcDavid "lilliam Betts; at Jamaica .HjHO' ■ . J ' I C i.X' — 9100.; ^Tf- nr.V n.~- ■705 BDia: iSl, :t3 ; 3jic jn.s :i .09 1 -23- Date Parents Child 17S2 Nathaniel and Dec. 15 Elizaheth Eetts Nathaniel Levris 1793 Samuel and Sarah; at Jarr.aica; Sponsors: Sarah liarch 17 I]li?;aheth "'ellinp; Polheinus and the Tiarents April 28 Vi'illiam Simmonds, an adult; at Flushing rv'.onson ana Lucretia Ea-^'t i^ay 12 Viilliam and Sarah 'JcKrell Joanna Smith; in the evening at Jamaica; sponsors: Christ and Mary Smith I.!artha; at Jamaica June 2 Charles and Sarah LIcDavid Ann Lewis; at Kew lo^mi ;une John and Charity IBhatford Martha Prier; at Jamaica Jul"; 14 Thomas and Susanna Eayt (Ilaight) Thomas; at T'ew Tovm Julj 21 John and Sarah TrouT) Bohert Jul;; 28 'Villiam Lawrence and his son David; adults; at Flushing. Jul;; 30 Thomas and Ahigail Zillop Liarv Lawrence; at New Town; the if:ti motner a no ...rs. l.-ary Lar.Tence, sponsors; Dr. Pichard Lawrence as proxy for the father ■>.:* rrr.yia. ' -r--rr.~ ■rn-- :rr r ^r sob ;iei-i 5rrs r[;IoT, 5 asnroifT hi ^'Ic/l >-, f-r^* ' r-^T, ■-■ rr -24- Date Parents Child 1793 Samuel and Sbtd. 1 Eitslena Eldred Eldred; at Jarr.aica Sep. 15 Tijioth^ and Sarah noach ep, 29 Willi en and Eva Hannahs Judith r^oose*elt; at Hew Town; Mrs, Koosevelt and parents; sponsors. Thomas; at Flushing Cct. 23 Ahhy I.'orrell, an adult; at Flushing Elizabeth Burling, an adult; at Flushing John ulorrell, an adult; at Flushing Sarah Morrell, an adult; at Flushing Cct. 27 Morris and ^ . ,, ,, Catharine Eazard Catherine; at iler; £(ym Nov. 19 Clarissa Eodnian, an adult; at Flushing Francis ano . _^ , . Elieaheth Lewis Foratio Gates; at Flushing Dec. 1 iiary Fo^vler, an adult; at Flushing Jane Fov.'ler, an adult; pI Flushing Margaret Soe, an adult; at Flushing rr 4. '■r.^ *- f riaOi 30 i'--- I iSffs ^jrorrsi'^ ,T3!ly:o'I snsu 91 .vo:: OlS'lfi. -25 Date Parents Child 1793 Joseph and Dec. 1 Ann l^oe Thomas; at flushing Jose-oh and Ann rioe Nathaniel; at Flushing Joseph and Ann See Gilbert; at Flushing Joseph and Ann r.oe Benjamin; at Flushing Joseph and inn Soe ■Silas; at Flushing Joseph and Ann Hoe Sli7.a; at Flushing Joseph and Ann noe Ann; at Flushing Garret and John; at Flushing Cornelia Nostrant Slizaheth; at Flushing Dec. 15 Nathaniel and Flisaheth Letts Marj' Ann; at Jamaica; the mother 8: John and L.Iary Dudley, sponsors. Dec. 29 '^'illiam and Elizabeth Detts Nathaniel; at New Toi^m -26 ~ Date Parents Child 1794 John and Feb. 2 Sarah Hicks Feh, 5 John and Ii^ary E inks man Thomas; at Flushing; sponsors; David Titus; Thomas Hicks and the mother Eleanor; at Jamaica Feh. 9 Henry and uiniired Yan Allen Hlizaoeth; at New Town Feb. 26 Hewlett and Charlotte Creed Sarah; at Jamaica Uiarch 2 Daniel and Ellen Eaioelve X %' Anna Catharine; at New Town Iwarch 23 Joseph and Sarah Tomijkins Gilbert; at Hew Tovm April 2 John 'Test and Jane '.Tellini^ John; at Jamaica ^ay 4 Edward and Sarah Greenoak Elizabeth; at New Tovm June 15 David and Jemima L'oore Patience; at Hew Town Anthony and Anna Barclay Henry; at New Town; peter Eoosevelt and parents, sponsors. June 22 John and Llartha Eurroughs Lydia; at New Town c. c;:iOx.: uBi..j. ■ieJLi rfr.r 2Zi:. orr3 Biicia. .-,4 briB :^se-7 nrfoT- S lil-rA Hv'/O • vo' jS ;90:TeiJ8- j^ -^s: 917. Date parents Child 1794 Joseph and June 29 lonella Sealy Charles; at Jamaica John Eut chins and Anna Smith V.'illiar.; at Flushing Sep. 14 I; avid and I nice Van Vackly ilargaret; at Hew Town Oct, 16 Fii chard and -iggins Eichard- at V.evi Town, hy I^ev, l.Ir. Sanas Dec. 9 Charles and Sarah i'.cLIeile Hohert; at Jamaica Charles and Sarah r.cKeile George Benjamin; at Jamaica 1795 i^avid and Llarch 15 Ijlary Purdy John; at Hew Town Henrj? and Nelly Bead el John and Ann T.'aters Josexih noodward; at Kevf Tov/n; iLbm.'Durye, the f — ( ? ) and :.:rs, TJ od v.f ard , sp ons ors Eichard Betts; at Hew Tov/n April 6 Thomas and Ahic^ail Bill op Prances; at New Town .. ;j1: •30iiTj J.. ~i vJi.-J W ::L JoO •.■51 ^e. Date Parents Clnld 1795 SteiDlien Ilicks, an adult; at Jamaica April 7 Steplien and Mary Hicks I^'aria; at Jamaica Kay 14 John and Ann Louisa; at jlrshing* the Sarah Hicks mother, Samuel Titus and T^lias Hicks, sponsors r.ay 25 Samuel and Elizabeth V.'elling John Tanner; at Jamaica (Eev. jilliam Eammel resigning Aug. 1795, there was no settled minister until^i'ay IC, 1797 ^.vhen Pev. Ilijah D. Hattoone hecame one) 1796 John and Thomas Colgan; at Jamaica; hy 5'e'b. 1 Sarah Troup P.ev. Charles Sea — (':) ?eb. 24 Daniel T.. and Elisabeth Kissam Daniel 'Whitehead; at !'usc[ueto Cove Daniel W. and Elisabeth Kissam Ivlaria; at ..lusnueto Cove Aug. 21 Mary Ann, grand -daughter of John and I.'ary ^i neks man, son of said John; baptized b;^' Bev. Elias Cooper (Church presented ['.r\ Coorerj v/ho v/ere the God- father and mother. (I could not make good sense of this paragraph. J, 0, F. ) Ko date John West V.'elling and his r/ife Jenny, Leana Ko date Joseph and Catharine That ford, Llary ■30r zfcl leifi - - A .r~-r ♦ V-tLLi-^-J O^*. 1^1 ^9- Date Parents Child 17S6 Joun and Ko date Eliza lattin Sarah Eliza Get. 9 o^ohn and 'Villiam: "by Bev, Samuel Haskell Charity That ford of Peekskill Lee. 25 o^ohn and Catharine Einchman Eary; "by Eev. Eattoone of E. I. (Eev. Elijah D. Eattoone settled as Eector,Eay 10,1797) 1797 James and Jan. 2 i.^argaret Eackrell John Smith; hy Yan Dyck of New Town Llarch 16 Hewlett and George Eelwett hy Eev, Hayner Charlotte Creed of Elizaheth Tovm Stephen and Stephen; sponsors, the father and Kary Kicks llrs. Carpenter the grand -mother April 14 Samuel rnd Eliza '.Telling Thomas June 25 Joseph and Bonella Sealy Sohert Aug. 19 'Villiam and Eartha runtine Ann, horn Earch 17, 1792 William and Martha Puntine Hary, horn Earch 2C, 1795 William and Eartha Puntine Henry, lorn Jan. 2C, 1797? ^n- b: ' -^ rt^ ' •" n "r r>" J'TecTo"! 3:t^. ' ^^?vl ,VI rfo-i;. ©qij ;i .'3X/A ill. ft"! I -3C- Bate Parents Gl:ild 1797 Samuel and Se-::;. — Lldert Eenry; hy Hattoone Dec. 25 John and Elizabeth Erown, John, torn Aug, 3,1797;'by Eattoone 1801 Vi'illiam and Aug. 6 rilargaret Smith Perth Amboy Euth; ^'dfe of Joseph T.arch of ieC2 Edmund Eainhri6-^e; aged 27 years; of f erth Amhoy nril 22 Ap .r>> "Pm 1798 John and Sponsor: barai: i'urn June 3 Elizabeth Eattin John Augu.stine;hom April 2C,1798 Au"?, 21 John and Elizabeth Battin Sarah Eliza; born Aug. 5,1797 1799 'Villi am and Jan. 11 I.iartha puntine Elizabeth; born Nov. 9, 1798 Jan. 18 Charles and Sarah LcKeal Nov. 17 Thomas and Hannah Coles Sponsors: Vorn L'.ay 4,1795. Nov. 12 John and Plizaheth Cornelia Ludlow Catharine P.oogland. (infant) AnnaPuntine, an adult; v;ife of Y/illiam puntine Nov. 26 Abraham and Elizabeth Sldert Harriet; born I'ov, 19, 1808. jac._^. on late Parents Child 1809 Hoses and AiDril 16 Sarah Killer Barah Juliana; 'born Jan. 24, 1809 Feh. 10 Andrew and Catharine Ifepier John Pet ts; horn i.-arch 26,1809 (End of Earry ) Philip and Sally '[^'illians Sarah; hcptized at Jersey City Clowes; deacon Viay 14 Jonathan and Sarah Eov/land James, horn Llarch 30, 18C9 June 4 Nathaniel and L'lary Austin Liary Ann; horn Sep, 5, 1799 June 25 P.ohert and William Henry, horn Apr, 7,1809 Jane Carter of riew Tork July 2 Joseph and Catharine Thatford Harmon Fruyn; horn Liay 24, 1809 July 16 Jacoh Lliller, an adult; aged ahout 18 years. Joseph and Bone lie 3ealr John, horn Oct. 12, 1808 Aug. 13 Samuel and ^liza Carman Ann Eliza; horn ?eh. 28, 1808 I ,l: I.. ?..-< .0" \^l89c ~i. 9:^0 ■ SI -38- Date Parents Child 1809 Silvanus and. Nov, 9 Mary Ealsey Benjamin Roe; torn Sep.l6,18C9, 1810 William and ^eb, 4 Ann ^ale Eliza; born Nov. IS, 18CS Vch ?eb, 11 Thomas and I!elly Mills; "blacks; daughter Sarah, April 15 Samuel I. and. '.Tashington Joseph; horn ?eh. Elizabeth Carrnan 17, 1810 (End of Clowes ) July 22 V.'illiam and I.Iathew Abraham; born ?eb. 1C,1810 Ann Bolmer (Pirst bap. of Sayers karch 27 Augustus and Minerva Sackett tv.r Thomas Ogden; born "?eb. 14,1810 Aug. 28 Jonathan and Sara Eov/land Oct. 28 William and Alice ivlcNeil George ITostrand;born U.ay 24,1810 Charles Sigismund Gustavus; born, Sep. 1, 1810 Dec. 2 George and ii'Iary God.wise Cornelia Josephs; born peb, 1, 1810 1811 John and April 19 phebe "'ellin^ John Hendricks on; born Uov. 21f?) 1810 April 20 John :". and Jane V.'elling Elisabeth Ann Yan Erunt; born, Nov. 17, 1810 dii'j q: ?^3I,9I.cr .vc ."0' .1 nrr -U„iX :^v:ille, 1131 Date Parents Child 1811 Abraliam and iAay 5 Slisaleth Lldert Caroline; born ?eh, 16, 1811 July 7 Rev. Giibert E. Sayres and Eliza Liu. Brown' Eliza :>.ria; TDaptized "by V/,S."'3'att Aug. 14 daughter ? ;'by G. F. Sayres Aug, 27 Viillet and Llizaheth Skidmore Abigail Ann; horn Ivlay 24, 1811 Dec. 8 Joseph and EonellP- vSealy James 1812 ',7illiam and ?eh. IC Liartha Van Kostrand Elizaheth; horn IIov, 1, 1811 March 2 Jonathan and Sarali Bovrland Ida Sutphin; horn ?eb. 28,1812 iklay 8 TJhitehead Cornell; an adult ^lYhitehead and Eehecca Cornell Jonathan Jones; horn Liar, 3,1812 Liay 26 Urias and Addra Eendrickson, Joseph Guion; horn IIov. 25,18C8 Urias and Addra Ilendrickson, Sally Polhemus; horn Nov. 9,1810 r r,-> r . JU . IIoI siai J j.>j .'J ^ -J ^•_.- a ^ — ., iioL nairj . ^,f-rj^ Of^ r ^c- Late i^arents Child 1812 Urias and ^^ay 26 A(?Gr£ Ilerdrickcon Catharine .fi.nnfjorn Aug, 22, 1811 Sep. 14 John and Cornelic Eoogland Phehe; horn Jan. 17, 1812 Oct. IC Andrei7 and Catharine Napier Ann, born Jan, 7,1812 IJov. 22 Au.rustuE and Liinerva Gacket GecT^e Au-c-ustus; horn July 20,1812 Lee. 27 Thomas and Nelly Eo£:art Senry, horn Oct. 23, 1812 (Elacks) 1813 '.Tillet and ?eh, 9 Eli2;aheth Skidmore, Phehe Eapelye Llarch 3 ^Villiam and Ann Sale T.' illiam Aur;u£ tus ;h orn Lee . IC , 1812 Aug. 8 Larius Johnston, an adult. Larius and Ivlaria Johjiston Ann Catlerine Lliza; horn July 7, 1813 Nov. 4 Eev. G. E. Say res Eliza M. Brown Jane Hewlett Nov. 11 '.'/illiam and Thomas Eliza ..".cl'ee of this "oarish r"i:: :-'i.o 9j£:. ■,rTr» '^n r-H- r XUiiJi. :... -irio .ifl'j&s n3 ,ifOj . auiiB- -41- Date i'arents Child 1G13 V,'illiEm and /\.nn Elisabeth Kov. 11 Elizabeth McKee of this parish Nov. 14 George and i.larT Codvase Georgian LouiEa Dec. 12 V.'illiam and Liartha Yan Kostrand, John; horn Cct. 12, 1813 1814 s.tA John Earheck Peb, 2 Lartha i^eeker of New Tork Feb. 25 vrnithead and Fiebecca Cornell Mary Jones; born Jan. 17, 1814 iDril — Dr. Francis and Panny Ileyrier Caroline 'Vilhelmina Warrant Dr. Francis and Panny Keymer Ophelia Louisa T,'oodnian Dr. Francis and Fanny Ileymer James Ap thorp e Dr. Francis and Fann7 Kevnier Fanny L^atilda ^lay 29 John and Cornelia Iloogland Catherine; born July 14,1813. ■3;'i.i ' . 11 X.VI.: -I.: enii. , ij[l£ ■0:-''4 :i .09fl xinns'-I J3ne 3X0: 3^' -4-2- ,ate Parents Child 1614 Andrew and „ June 15 Catherine ilapier Henrj? Ten Brook;hom Aug.1^,1813 June 19 Bavid and ,,„.,. -. » kiot/i Ida P.ov^land John Sutphm; horn Apr. o, 1814 Jonathan and . „ „ Sarah Rowland Phehe Lavma; horn Oct. db,iblo July 3 Confirniation of 23 persons. ^"^ ^° iarf Self Sarah Elizaheth; horn Jan.3,1814. Jul: 17 John ^. and , - ^ t tot, Jane '.Veiling ^James; corn ^ej. 1, lol3 Aug. 21 L'rias and ^ ^ r«« '^n ipiq Addra I'endrickson, Ed.wara; corn Dec. ^7,18 IJ 1815 ■ Gary and ,,,. ., _ -,r^ ioia Llarch 5 Sarah Eunn Georce Atkmsoii; horn Dec.lC,1814 i^pril 19 Henry and Ann Van "Gott, adults Henry and Ann Van Cott James Henry and Ann Van Cott Gilhert 61 T;Jrf3is'i r-i '^f-;''T .^I^I, ?:.rTpT. cror r ff'"' ?*^ ' •f+nf? ■^rrr; ::"vr- ;tl to ^x3- Date Parents Child 1815 I-enrv and April IS Ann Van Cott AiDril 3C Lewis E. A. and oarali Eigerforodt 'iVilliam Ernest Lewis E. A. and Sarah Ei^enbrodt Catherine Louisa June 4 Gioeon and ^ x,;ar;re.ret pott Thomas; horn T-ec. <., 1G14 Cornelia and ;. ^^^ JohnE. FleDiing Sally, horn Nov. 25, 1813 June 11 Eenjamin and ^^ ^^_ Anna '.Veiling l.lary Slizaheth; born :,.ar.l5,181o. Jul7 11 Willet and ^^ ^^ ;^ riizaheth Skidmore Samuel, horn har. 31, 1815 Aug. 22 Vvilliam Cornell, an adult Sep, 5 'William and Sarah Catharine Catharine Mitchell of uehauk, II. J. Oct, 16 hrias and Addra Eendrickson uilliam; horn i.'ay 9, 1815 Nov, 26 V/illiam and Ann Tlinants; horn July 17,1815 Ann Sale of this parish 21 . . an. rp fr^rra. oOl J 9' ;3 ro r p r :7nili •)jfc -J./1- Date Parents Child 1615 John end Dec. 26 Cornelia Eoogland John Luc'Io'.t; horn Jul;- 5,1815 1816 Jonathan and April 3 Ho-'land Kwv; '.Villiams; horn IIov, 22,1815 May 19 Levine potter; negro Junr 16 Gilhert II. and Eliza M. Saj/res George, horn Jan. 3, 1816 June 23 V.'illiam and Samuel ..^artin iryam (One or three ? Alice I'.cl'^eil of P.ockaway Josiah and Alice 7-ilhelmina Cornelia Ea.nnister of Eockauay Junr 30 Catharine and Catharine Eonellajhorn ?eh.l5,'16 loseph Sealy, Jr., of this parish July 14 Silvanus and Llary halsey Laniel; horn April 14, 1816 Aug. 11 v;hithead and Eehecca Cornell Thomas; horn May 24, 1816 Sep. 8 George and Charlotte; horn A-^ril 25,1816 Helen Creea of this place 7/illiam and Sarah Elizaheth LjIcZee of this place 6I3I, . ;L n-iocf ;7,": '^.•-'f,'^': .^8 iel^o'i BnivBL. >i ii>-^ ^i:iL,Co"':, ni. ?ini ^hi r ^ r , r ^.T 10 98 -45- V ate parents Child 1816 Andrev/ and Sep. 25 Catherine Tapier Catherine; lorn Apr. 12, 1G16 Sep. 28 Chadiah and Euth Valentine Jeremiah; horn l.^ay 2, 1816 George and Ann vandeburg Sally, horn lug. 31, 1815 Nov. 20 Euth Valentine, an adult Sarah Kiss am, an adult Mary Lake, an adult Benjamin ana Sarah Kiss am Phehe, horn .".arch 15, 1807 Benjam.in and Satah Kiss am Hannah Van '^yck; horn June 18, '14 James and Euth Valentine Benjamin; horn Bee. — , 1815 1817 Charles Augustus and ^ _„ t^^. Peh. 17 Susana Van Z ant Uary Louisa; oorn I^ov. ^7, iclfc iAarch S Sarah and Cilss Hoe jOU is a; lorn Sep, 30, 1816 oXiuv 1 r r> 1 Ol*. X v ii.^artha Hewlett corn ?eb.l,1818 Aug. 24 Jacob and Jane Cosine Sarah Jane; born June 29, 1818 Sep. 20 Elizabeth and George ICod-dse railiam LlcKee of this Parish Oct. 4 Gilbert E. and 21i7.a 1,1. Sayres Gilbert; born July 16, 1S18 Dec. 15 John A. King and Liary Eay John lis op; born July 14, 1817 1819 Silas and Jan. 22 Sarah Eoe Matilda; born li'eb. 26, 1818 March 18 Joseph and Susanna Thrtford Joseph; born "ep. 17,1818 April 27 John and r.ary :;ostrand Nicholas Ludlum;born Feb. 15, 1819. •^ ff -l"'- o:t "3I,I.ff9'^r mo-f Ji. '}:iGli : ©n.Ji, n' 3m: Ar .0'3. MGIJ L'L'i^ ^8- Date parents Child 1G19 Caroline Hoe; an adult of this parish May 29 JvjLE 27 Ctadiah and Euth Valentine Susan Anne; torn Llay 27,1819 Sep. 12 Jeremiah and Simons on Jeretta Llizaheth No\'. 14 John and Slisa Codwise George Nelson;horn Sep, 15, 1819 Nov. 2C SaCTel E. and Eary Cellott Sichard Covert ;horn Apr. 14, 1818 182C William. 2nd Jan. 13 Llartha Van- Nostrand ,AnjL.Iarir;Dorn July 4,1819 June 7 Jonathan, son of Jerer.iiah and Silva; blacks Sep. 17 Samuel and Ellen F.oe George Princkerhoff Sep. 25 Joseph and Susannah Thatford Catharine; horn July 10 lest Get. 1 Amos and Sarah Palmer Amelia Eertell; "I'orn ,1819 Eec. 3 Eev. G. E. and John Tillotson; horn Se-p,4, Eliza Sayres 1820, By Col ton -49- Date Parents CMld 1820 Jacol: and ^ , ^^^^ Dec. 3 Jane Cozine Elisaljetli ;^roull;l:orn ,1820 Dec, 17 James and Ruth Valentine James; born ?eb. 13, 182C 1821 Thomas and Iviarcli 5 Phete Boe -^ary; 'oorn , 1S17 Thomas and Phehe Eoe Charles Cornell; born Apr. 19,1819 Thomas and Phehe Eoe Lawrence; born Jan. 19, 1821. Ju.1t. 10 Joseph and ::ary C. Esterbrook, "/illiari !v!ott; bom June —,1821 Au^, 3 John and Ann Smith '"illiam That ford ;born Jan. 24, 1821 &y\g^ 30 ^ils.^ Slid Sarah Eoe Silas Augustus; born July 26,1820 Sep. 2 Phebe Valentine, an adult Kov. 11 James and Phebe Valentine Talliam Alfred; born 7eb.2, 1811 -5C- Late Parents Child 1621 James and . ^ v- i. ^ -t^ r tc-io Sep. 2 Phete Valentine Andrew Waters; corn r..ay 8,lfciJ James and , , „ , ., , , ... PhelDe Valentine Stephen Hend.riks on -.torn Aug. — , '16 Kov. 11 L. S. A. and _ , ,, ^ ., , t n o-, .nn Sarah Eigenhrodt Elizaheth Dorothy; horn July ^1,»19 T tji A and Sarah Eigeribrodt Lewis Ernest Andrewjhorn Sep.l3;21 Dec. 10 Elisabeth and Kargarte Lucre tia; horn Sep. 17, ':7illiam '..Icllee 1821 Dec, 31 John and . „„ ^^„^ Eliza Codwise Hewlett Creed; horn Oct. 23,1821 1822 John and ^^ ^^^^ Jan. 13 iiary Van Kostrand Iiiery Louisa ;horn oep. ^o, lo21 April 26 Ann and (perhaps Sirdth also) John S-ith Frances Sli:7,a; corn 'Earch 22/22 r.ay 31 Lav/rence Denton and Behecca Eissam John Lawrence; corn Dec. 30,1810 Lawrence Denton and. Eehecca Kissain Eehecca Eissam; horn Eeh, 12,1817 -51- Date Parents Child 1C22 martliE I'ev/lett Lenton ) Children of Lav^rence Denton June 17 James Lawrence ) and Eehecca Kissam Julv 25 Jose-nli and Gusapjia Tliatford GiPoert "ayres; horn Apr. 7,1822 Au-. 8 ana Mrs. Gordon ';"qcT ashing ton; horn Inarch 28,1816 and "trs. Gordon George Ger/ell; horn ?eh.28,1817 Aug. 19 Elisa Caroline Crua^er of ITew York Nov. 11 h.ary j'aters, an adult Nov, 23 John A. and hary King Caroline; horn June 1, 1820 John A, and Llary King Bichard; horn July 18, 1S2S 1823 Samuel and Jan. 26 .^'an; Lemott Samuel Fenry; horn Aug. 31, 1821 lay 17 Jacoh and Jane Cozine James Thomas ?T)roull; ' orn ?eh. 18, 1823 ^ June IS Gilhert II, and Eliza i:. Sayres Isaac; horn Jan. 7, 1823 enii ,2 ,vovi on: ^2- Bate Parents Child 1823 Benjamin and V.'illiam Eenry foorn rlov.28,lS2C Jul;,- 6 Hannah 'Veiling of Iroolilyn Benjamin and Samuel; jorn Ivov. 3, 1822 Hannah 'Veiling of Erooklyn Nov, 9 James and. Ruth Valentine Jeremiah; torn June 27, 1823 1824 Andrew and Jan. 24 Catherine Napier Catherine; born Llay 4, 1819 Andrew and Catherine ITapier; Andrew; lorn June M-;: 1822 Julv 15 Joser;h and Susana Thatford Sarah Elizabeth; "born Apr. 7,1824 Aug. 17 'Tashington I!, and Llary Bodman V/ashington; honi June 23, 1824 Sep, 8 Widow of James Tolton John; horn Cct. 14, 1823 Cct. 16 Peter .3te^^hen and Stephen Bidley; horn Au^. 18,1824 Isabella Adelaide Antoinette Chazotte of Cuba Cct. 19 John and Sarah Polton Eonora; born Dec. 10, 1822 :i;.^E9v 3^^'. jrr'^ '^nijao. ^/lOI, ins ;I .'^: s-icifo' >-53- Date Parents Cliild 1825^ John A. and Kaj 2 lilarj- King Cornelia; "born 1,'ar. 31, 1824 July 26 Charles and Charity Sealy Chariles; horn Aug. 3, 182C Charles and Ann Adelia; horn Nov. 15,1822 Charity cealy (Perhaps l.Iarch and not Nov.) Charles and James Ahraham rilPiouse; Charity Bealy horn Cct. 23, 1823 Sep, 2 and Urs. lames Brower Sarah Llary Aikin and rjTS. James Prober Elvira Inn Aikin and Iv!rs. James Brower Eichard Fleming Aikin and l^iTS. J'ames Erower Charlotte Nalvina Aikin Jam.es and BroTver Euphemia Farrit; horn Aug. 22,1825 Sep. 12 Lt. L. N. a. and Sarah Eigenhrodt Charles fiayres; horn L'ar, 2C,1825 J s •^ .?-i... iiiili -54. Bate parents Child. 1825 Tenry and CLarles John; horn July 19,1625 Cct. 15 l.-ary Eewlett of Ealtirnore Kov. 11 Jacoh and Jane Cosine L'lary Agnes; horn Sep. 3C, 1625 Lee. 25 "lilliam and Alonzo; horn ''ep. 3, 1825 li'Iary Roe of New lork 1626 Susanna pov/ell; an adult of Jamaica Kay 13 May 18 ?;illiam Loose Swayse; an adult of "ew Orleans Aug. IS Tiashington H. and uiSTv Eodmpn Thornton ..lackiness Sep. 25 ';jilliam and Louisa Shavr, horn Dec. 11, 1825 Euphemia Sinclair of Charleston 1827 Thomas and Jan. 1 Elvira Troup John Liclvlasters ; horn I^^ov.5,1826 Jan. 13 Gilhert E. and Eliza i.I. Sayres Samuel 'IVoodward ; horn jeh.16,1826 llay — Silas and Sarah F.oe Sarah Denton; horn Dec. 19,1821 Silas and Sarali Eoe Alfred; horn July 13, 1823 ; bi.Rv -55- Bate Parents Child 1827 SteT^hen and . -, ^ noor, Liar 18 Corfielin Ilostrand Catharine Ann; horn Apr. 15, 1827 J"une 4 Late Prancis Eenr;- and . ■present Ann Contoit;Elizaheth; "'rorn Kay 2^, 1527 Aug. 5 Thomas C. and Caroline Pinckne-'? Amantha Caroline; horn Yeh, 24, 1827 Kov. 14 Charles C, and Ann Lawrence Thomas; horn Nov. 21, 1822 Charles C. and Ann Lavrrence Charles; horn Lla^^ 15, 1824 Nov. IS L. S. A. and Sarah Sigenhrodt Fredrick Eenrj; horn Jul 3- 11,182"? 1'?rf 1828 and A'oril 16 r.ehecca I-eckley arah Ax ton; horn July 25,1825 Laniel and Esther Ilohh V.'illiam Eeckley; horn Jan. 13, 1818 Aug, 3 Benjamin Clements; an adult of this Parish Aug. 24 i.-rs. Thomas Napier Sen. 8 John A. and fn Mary King Frederick; horn Jan. 11, 1828 -56- Late parents Child 1S2S liartha Hewlett, an adult June 4 Cct. 5 Vn'ashir^ton and I.iary Rodman Eenry Scott; loom I\or, 4,1828 Nov. ~ Gil'bert E. and ^ ^r^nr^ Eliza :.:aria Sayres Lydia Btev/art; corn au^, 1,1829 Dec, 7 Georfre and Ann Yandebur,^ Kathaniel; born Sep. 21, 182C George and Ann Vandeburg George; born ?elj. 18, 1823 1830 Iviathew and Sarah peck Frederick Lathew; born Apr.SC, '29 May 12 Eliza Eennet, an adult Georre ano. imn V'andeverg JoseT)h 1831 Eoogland's son Liarcli 16 March 27 T'illiam and Jane Creed Henrietta; born Mar .27, 1829? 1835 Charles T/ebster; born Jan. 3, 1S35;( Orossed out) June 20 1836 Leggie, daughter of Moore; buried on the 26th Oct. 24 -57- Late Barents 1G34 Benjamin T. and June 13 Kissam 1836 Capt. Jar.es and Kov. 28 Eaxter 1839 Benjamin T. and April IS His ram 184C Br. George II. and Sep. 30 Liary Ann Kissam 1842 Dr. George E. and Karcli 8 Llary Ann Kissam 1848 Dr. George T. and Aug. 3 Uary Arji Kissam George and 1853 Dr. and June 26 Kissam Child Daniel Piatt Alexander Benjamin T. Ad. Hoffman; Lorn Apr. 15,1840 arah Louisa lary Emma; 'corn April 26, 1847 Henry Lott Cl£.rence '.VasSinrton — O' 8- :i A E H I is G E S AT S P I S C ? A L CI! l- H C H AT J A :.'■ A I C A, L. I. E E V. JOSHUA B L M E E Cornelius Van Tiyck Sarah Hicks ivlarried June 6, 17G9 Thcmas Cornell Sliz ac e th Thur s t on carried Au^. 8, 1770 John Greenoak Eehekah Clement Harried SeT3. 3, 1770 George Burling Ahif^ail L.Iorrell Married Jul- 4, 1771 Lev/is Guion Elizabeth Hoorrland Married Jan. 6, 1772 Elhert Hefreman Harried Peh. 20, 1772 Mary SmitS William Deane Horianta Lattin Harried Harch 30, 1772 Thomas Cornell Ann Gale Married July 3, 1772 — iJ^ — Ste-olien P.jder l^larried. Jan. 6, 1773 Thomas Cornell DelDorali Doughty . , „ , ,^ Trrno lurried PelD. 12, 1773 Thomas F.oe Sarah •.".err ell . . „ , .^ nnr,- Marrieci ?el, 16, 177o '.Yilliani E alley Sarah Comes /two Learned June 4, 177o ^7illiam Lov/ree Patience Gosline Lamed June Id, lod Thomas Livrham^ kaiTieo Jul:, 16, 1773 Elisaheth Fish . . , . ^^ ^„ryn Garret la t tin::, larn-er Sarah Eapelye,, ^id.ow ^ ...arriec. x.iarcn 5, 1^4 HoseiDh Stringham Ann ;&'etts .... , r. i^n/ Larriec Larch 9, Ir ^'4 Peter I.'.cKee Eliaaheth Ogden _ ^ .^„, ikiarriea bep. 4, i.w4 ~6C- John Cornell Sarah Hov;e ,„,„„, ::.arried I.ov. 17, 1774 Ahraham Eerrien I'l&Ti Eoore Harried Feb. 18, 1775 JoseDli ^e£de Depeysetr Ann fi4tts /.arriec June ^, 177o Joseph Titus Martha I.loore .-.arried A-ril 17, 1775 Joserjh Eoe, farmer Ann taVfTence, loth of Flushing; x.Iarried June 15, 1775 Thomas T^elling Susanna Setts Iv'^rried June 24, 1775 Oliver ?.oe Llargaret Cornell Llarried Get. 25, 1775 Canisl Tliorne Eersheha Fowler Married Feb. l'^, 1776 Lt. Col. Thomas James Mar^^ar^t Depeyster Liarried Dec, 17, 1776 -61- It. George Irovm I.Iary French Harried luay 4, 177? Peter F.^^erson Sarah 'Veiling biarried uai' 4, 1777 John Cerkin Jane lerrian Carried Jan. 8, 177S John Eunhar Aletta '.Tillet Llarried June 13, 1778 OliisFer waters Jane Talman ilarried Bep. 20, 1778 John i-.ider Greetie ilostrant i.:arried Oct. 12, 1776 James Erimdige Hannah Hunt :.:arried Bee. 14, 1778 Thomas ?air child Slizaheth Yandewater Ivlarried Lee. 25, 1778 Henery Dishrow Ahi'^ail 7cwler Tarried Jan. 19, 1779 -62- iVilliam V^sters '!annah Eallet Ivlarried l.iarch IC, 1779 Garret Durling Sarah oinith Harried y.arc^ 17, 1779 Israel Seaman Sarah Rov^lanfi Llarried April 11, 1779 Edward Eristov; Llary leak, ' iaarried April 21, 1779 Kenry Nicoll Alice T/illet i.arried June 17, 1779 David Haviland Llary Tom iviarried Jul;y 4, 1779 John Daniel Elizaceth Elank Harried Sep. 19, 1^79 Oliver Vowler Elizaheth Bowe Carried Nov. 25, 1779 Thomas Charles I.lann Elizaheth Coon Llarried April 2, 178C -63- David ..'.oore Jemima T'allet i.larried Llay 27, 1780 Capt. John Lleredith Gertrude Skinner Uarried June 11, 1780 T^illiam S.mitli Letitia Ineorr (?) ^ ^ Carried Aug. 27, 1780 John per gen lariam Oldfield ^^ ^^^^ ..arried Hot. 12, 178C Mathew Harrington Phehe McCollum ^^ ^^^^ Harried Nov. 19, 1780 lieman Gierke Hannah Tjortman ^^ ^^^^ Married Kov. 19, 1780 Jar vis Dobbs ElizalDeth «7ortman :,Iarrie(^ Nov. 19, 1780 John Durling ElizalDeth Smith Married L-ec. 23, 1780 David I'i. Clarke on iviary Yan Forne L:Erried Feh. 18, 1781 -64- Samuel '.U^gins , ['.iarsaret LeiSter, ...erried z.'.arch 15, 1781 Daniel Halle t Charity L'.oore ^ , ^ jiErried i.arch ^1, 1781 John llc^;:icker km Fioore . „ Married iaay arah Van V«'yck of East 'Voods in Ileiiipstf Harried Sep. 12, 1785 DaviCi Chapman of Amipolis, IL S. ilizaheth Dourhtj. of Jamaica, X. I. Married Sept. 2c, 1785 James pettit Ahipail Doughty ;hoth of New ToT;n ^ Harried Sep. 27, 1785 Thomas Kellj ^^ ^ ^^ ^ . Elizabeth Van Pelt; ooth of Flushing Harried Oct. 30, i^85 -€9- Jatez CorlDine Married Get. 30, 1765 Laniel Lerybyshire IsalDel :.:ant;on; "botl: of Pluming Iterried Oct. 3C, 178^ kJ John Griffitlis of Kew lork Ann Letts of Jamaica I'arried I.^ov. 16, 1785 Augustine Pi eld Uary Cornell; "both of flushing luarried Uay 21, 1786 James I3c'/d of T^estcliester Letitia Harrington of Flushing Uarriec Aug, 13, 17G6 Bohert Hunt Ann ITai;; "both of New TovvTI I.'arried Cot. 8. 1786 Samuel Goodwin of Hew Tork Juda Halle t of ITew To^^vn Married Oct. 28, 1786 Samuel Sacket of Hew lork Slisaheth T.issam of Flushing Married IIov. 9, 1786 Samuel Hopner MiarT ^7illiams; "both of Hew Town ^ Married Dec. 13, 1786 -7C- Eobert Cromnielin at tis --(':); of Flushing Llary ailloghlDv; of Norfolk Va •^ Married Uec. 17, 1786 Ei chard V/ay Sarah T'Tatt; both of Hew Town Carried Bee. 27, 1786 Eeniamin Lawrence L'annah Carpenter; hoth of Flush ..larried Idaj/ dl ^ YIQl mg John Thatiord Charitv Eendrickson; hotn of Jamaica luarrieo Dec. 1, 1787 John Troup Sarah Hammersly; hoth of Jamaica ivfarried Dec. 10, 1787 Br. John Onderdonl^ of Iv'ew "^lork Behorah Is tick of Flushing Married March 13, 1788 YUlliani Wilkins of New Tork Ann Thorn of Flushing i.arriea April IG, Ucb John Dunn , . Dehorah ivliller; hoth of Flushing Married Flay 12, 1788 Dr. Ei chard Lawrence Viar\ Lloore; hcth of New Town ' ilarried May 31, 1788 -71- Bsnjamin Drake Pheoe Eircliell; loth of Eastcher ter Ivlarried Oct. 26,,1V8S Tl'iomas Euht of Llastcliester Elizabetli ?ield of Flusliins Harried IIov. 16, 1788 CharleE l.IcBavid Sarah Eetts; cotl: of Jamcica l.-arriec Jan, IC, 1789 John Hicks of Flushing Sarah Titus of Hew Town I,:arried Jan. 18, 17f'9 Cornelius Creed of Jamaica Bach el H-^-att of Kew Town Married March 28, 1789 John Gosling of New Town Sarah Paul of New Town Llarried Llay 18, 1789 George Eeed inn Eardy; hoth of New Tork riarriec Oct. 11, 17S9 Jacoo Cgden Ikiarv re^^evster; hoth of Jamaica " ^ Llarried Cct. 13, 1789 John Evers; merchant of New Tork Susanna Titus of NewtovvTi Uarried Nov, 29, 1789 no (Eev. Bloomer died in Aug. 179C; the follovdng marriages are evidently ty different pastors.) Col. Eichard Piatt of Xev; lork Sarah ispinwall; of Flushing; dau,2hter of Jor.n i.larried Sep. 15, 179(5 Thomas lilloiT of Hew Tork Abigail :::oore of '.lew Torm Llarried Get. 31, 1790 John Grids' Maria PeK; hoth of Hew Tork Llarried Jan. IG, 1791 peter Eoosevelt Llrs. Judith Godwin; hoth of Ilewtown Carried Nov. 17, 1791 Peter P. Jandevoort inna Burroughs; hoth of Ilewtcwn Hirried Bee. 15, 1791 Joseph Sealy of Little Plains Eonella uelling of Jamaica South l.:Irried Marci 1, 1792 Konson riajt; late of Hev; Brunswick, H. 3. Lucre tia Tjariersly of Jamaica, L. I. l^Iarried April IG, 1792 Eichard Hartshorn; merchant of Hew Tork Susana; daughter of ^Tilliam Is tick of Blushing ■^ Llarried June 14, 1792 William LIcKrell Sarah Thatford; hoth of Jamaica Married j^iy y^ 1792 ^-1 r -73- Eenry V;aterbury cf Xe^ Icrk ^ ::iarrica Jul- V, 1792 Timothy -loach of New ToT?n Sarah flallet of St. , Johns, ^g. r. K. Scotia Harried Sep. 13, J- f •v (-^ Thomas Vlay ^ ^^ . .t i. Hannah lackoee; hoth of r.ev;town I.:arried Oct. 14, 1792 John Evans ^ ^^ , Susanna Betts; hoth^of hewtown ...arried Nov. ^5, 179*;. ^hraham Bitraus ^ ^ Harriet Doughty-, hoth of Jamaice liarried Dec. 13, 1792 John Eitchell „ ^ ^^ rr j. - Jane Hewlett; hoth of ^^orth Kemps teaa L'.arriec April 17, 1793 Anthony larclay Anna Lent; hoth of Ilewtown wlarried Sep. 5, 1793 Jose-Dh Caldwell of Hew Tork Sar^-:.:oore of Erooklyn i:.arried Hov. 3, h.'93 James Siirouls . c- ^-t Elizahe^h Durlingj hoth of Jamaica oouoh i/iarrieo Jan. 2, 1794 ^74- Abraham Berrien ^ ^ .t i Pellatia '//illiarsj l)oth of Newtovm I'larried 7eb . 4, 1794 Stephen Ticks . t • Mary CarrDenter; '^oth of Jamaica Married Fee. 5, 1794 Henry Eeadel of V.evr Tork ^ ^ , . , Nelly (Eleanor)?, '.Voodward of Eushvack I'.arried Feh. 26, 1794 E^'bert Croinmeline of Hew lork Ann Pepeyster of Jamaica Carried April 1, 1794 Charles Simmons ihi^^ail Fov;ler; hoth of Flusnmg ° ularried Nov. 8, 17§4 Eichard Erinkerhof , ^ Eehecca Eerrian; hoth oi ^^iewtovm Ularried Nov. 15, 1795 'Villiam ^artshorn of Nevr Tork Jane Ustick of Flushing Carried June 11, 1795 T^asil "^ T'crt '^"/ Eliza Ann'^IIoneywell; hoth of Westchester irarried June 14, 1795 Thomas Durlmg . ^t ^ Nanc^' ?arrin?ton; hoth of Newtown i.iarried Nov. 8, 179 o "Tl 4 -If -75- yred Field Margaret Lowistot^i of T^lushing Llarried !lov. 15, 1795 (End of Ilermanc's ministry) John I. i:or^an, Scq,, of I'lev? ^ork Miss Catharine '"arne married Pel:). 29, 1796 ty Seahury 'r/illiair, Hichardson of Y.evi Tori: Eliza "Parden of Jamaica; daughter of Edward of leaver Fill Llarried Llarch 24, 1798 ty Eattoome 'i'i'illiam Cock; merchant of Hew "York Hannah Cornwell of Flushing: iviarried Bee. i, 1798 hy Rattoone Andrew Napier of New "York Catharine""/ellin.e of Jamaica L'.arried Sep. 29, 180C by Eattoone William Bodge; mate of SIooto "Funter" Susan ^Voolley of Great I'eck^ Witnesses "ir.arried June 16^ 1799 hy Eattoone : Tristr an Bodge ano John Hicks, Jr. James Armstrong Sarah Bond; both of Jamaica, West Indies Llarried in New "York hy T. Clowes, Jan. IC, 1810 Peter pilyourn, (Poillon ?) Ann Hinchman Married , 1803, hy Calvin T^ite riohert Legrushe Bannv "iorrell ^ . ^ . ^ Carried Oct. — , 1803 hy Calvin THnte -3r 5ji ^.' rf. -76- ^A'alter Boe „-,-,. Fallv Valentine "botiT of Plusliinp; " :iarried Dec. 17, 1^97 iDy Battoone TJilliam Pliiliios of ?iskkill :.Iiss nizabetli Boe of Blushing ^ ^ ^^ „ Carried Nov. 13, 1797 ly Battoone Dr. Eeniamin paine Miss Charlotte Brovm; hoth of Blushing I'arried Dec. 24, 1797 Tdj Battoone Eenlamin Hewlett , Kiss :.'ar; Sands; loth of Cow r.eck Carried June 29, 1799 hy Battoone JoseiDh Bresl;-, Bs^/, Eiss' Catharine Boe Ivlarrieo — — , 1(91 Ca^t. John Kemp . ^ . « -r^ i !'iss Dunhar, only daughter of Capt. George Bunhar of !lYde pari: ly^arried Beh. — , 1806 ^illiair. Powell of V^hitcstone Lliss Harriet Valentine of Blrshing Married Ar.ril 25, 18C8 oy Bev. Clark Is'li Ahiathur Bhodes Frances Hewlett ^ ^^^^ Harried Aug. 4, 181C James Bowl and of Bew lork Miss I'ar-^ Bnderhill of Blushing Married May 8,"lS?9 hy Bev. Barry -77- Lavid Plrtt ^ ^^ . ^ . , Ann Bo-land; both, of this Parisn iy^.arried i.ay 9, 1611 Capt. 5ohnE. Church of Ne^y Jork i^a'r:' p! Austin of .this Parish Harried June 6, 1811 Viilliam Van Nostrand , ,, . ^ . , Martha Prine That ford of tnis rarish I.'arrieo June c^o, ibll James I'cGee Eliza TJeeks of Flushing Married Nov, 3, lb 11 Daniel Craft Deborah Ahrams of Far Bockarrav I-arried llay 30, 181^ Dr. Kathan Sfeelton lliza Henrietta Stsrman idarriea Jul^^ 1, Ibl^ Jos e-nh Tlendr ic ks on Ann iSildersleeVe l^^arried July 4, ISl^ Jeremiah Eoherts Ann Cumings • . r t yt ipi9 iriarried July 4, 181^ Peter Stoter Ann Bennett , . ^ ^. ^ ^ Lamed .arch 3, 181<3 ?i': -78- Benjaniin T. Kissam of V.eir York PecrsT Hiss am of tliis parish Llarried Llay 6, IGI P.ichard Cornell Charity Van Siclen of this place L'.arried June 19, 1613 Stephen Van ITostrand Sarah Strickland ^ Larried Aug, ^1, IClo Eenjamn ';>elling Hannah Rovdand; hoth of this Parish Llarried Peh, IC, 1814 Henry Story , , . ^, ^ .. • Eliza Bovme of Prooklyn. A suo:2ej^tion tnat this name is "Pond^) Married Aug. 26, 1614 Thomas Southard, Sarah Llontross; hoth of Eenrostead i-iarried Aug. 29, 1814 James Perris Keziah Pox of Plushing Llarried Kov. 12, 1814 Chadiah P. leech Susan Holland; hoth of ^^^P.f*;) Llarried Peh. 12, 1815 James S. Bailey of New Tork Eliza C. Waters of Jamaica l.larriec Llay 4, 1615 ^ »i. >^ J- 4 '" -79- Andrer,' Allen of PliiladelphiD Clars La Conbe of Hew lork Uarried Aug. 27, 1815 Silas Koe ^ ^ Sarah Benton; Ijotli of Jamaica i:arried Dec. IC, 1815 John ?lov7er ^ ,, ^ , Eliza Eleanor V/eeks of T.ew York iviarried Dec. 23, 1815 Isaac Zennet Judal Eurrows; both of EeniT^stead Uarried Jan. 3, IS 16 John Van ITostrano i.!ar^; Ludlam of Jamaica " Carried Uarch 28,. 1816 Amos palmer of ^lev: "York Sarah Poster of Jamaica uiarried !:iay 5, 1816 Ahrahara XeEranthv/aite Uary Uar-aret EeV'int; hoth of New Tor k ^ " -'arried July 2C, 1816 John Van .:;eu.ren , „,,._. . , Elizabeth Scott Xss-ninwall of this Parish Larried Cct. lo, 1^16 John Van Ilostrana Eachel Hincksman; hoth of this Parish ".arried Hov. 9, 1816 r'5 ■ -8C- Henry TI. Tfarner of New lork inn Karsh Lartlett, step-6.au.gliter of Cornelius I. Soger t Llarried Jan» 17, 1017 Victor Amede Fedrone of Eordeau:^ bTGia p.. Yandervoort Married April 5, 1817 Anthonv '.Voodrrard, Esq/, I.'.rs. riizaljet!: Uott :.;arried L^ay IC, 1817 at Ealiway, I!. J. Jacol:' Cosine of L"ew Lots Jane Isabella Sprouls of tlds parish lilarried Aug. 2, 1C17 Peter Custerinan Jane Iloome ^ ^^^^ I.:arried l^Tov. 5, 1817 diaries Eeckwith Kauchy Seas en Carried Aioril 2^., 1C18 Benjamin T. Kiss am Pegg;>^ Kissar;. of this Parish Llarried Aug. 1, 18 John 1: . Codwise Eliza Creed of this parish Larried Kov. 14, 1818 Aug. Gaetan Camagne Susannah Johnson of riew York larried Iv'arch 15, 1819 -'"-'■ ... -81- Tliomas Valentine SaraL 3rooks of flushing Llarried April 1, 1619 Abraham Eemsen Detorah B. Dovming of Cyster ilay Liarried Lay 8, 1819 Stephen Jowler Llartha ?ov/ler of Flushin^ I/.arried Dec. S, 1519 John Smith Ann That ford of Jamaica l.larried Jan. 13, 182C Edvmrd Cc^sart Adelaide Cornell of ouccess l-arried July 11, 182C Thonrpson Town Sarah Ann Burling of Eenrpstead I-;Iarried Ju.lr 15, ISEl '"illiam Btrin:~hem Satah Doxey of Eockaway :'.arried Aug. 20, 1821 C-ilhert Y. Y/. Hewlett Eliza Hostrand; "both of Eockaway Llarriec^ Llarch 3, 1822 John henry Marshall i-latilda 7[inthrop of New lork married July 28, 1822 . v/ O ;-' X /J J. :2- Allen :;. r.ardie Caroline Cox of T'ew lork i:arried July 28, 1622 Charles Johnson Eliza Good:::an of Kew Town I.:arried Sep. 4, 1822 Exienetus T.'ood P^_e"be Smith Idarried Oct. 12, 1322 'Gillian Smith Eliza Yan Kcstrand of Success Carried Bee. 11, 1822 I^ichael llshoffer Liarian(?) Gracie Carried Jan. 9, 1823 Lewis Hewlett •Sarah Ann Temott of Boc|awa^ Harried Jan. 2b, 1823 Benjar.iii Larrence Pheoe r.owland Liarried Jan, 30, 1823 Cornelius Fowler Llary Ann Yan Ilostrand of Success Ivlarried Eeh. 5, 1823 Abraham Sypher Athex' Eolmes i..iarriea xiu.g. d, l'oi:.J ■- r-.--,--n 83- Oliver Iler/lett Cornelia Seaman of SockawET/ Llarried !:ov. 8, 1S23 John L. George Sarali Tunts; both of \e^i ^ork Married Jan. 4, 1824 Eenlainin L. Cornell nizfebeth ?ield _ ^^^^ .vlarried July 18, 1824 Edward Lurdett Earj Thomas of Irookl;j'n "^ Liarried jep. 4, 1824 James Gilhert Morrell Llargaret Lowerre of Flushing Married Sep. 4, 184, 18^6 l^ranciE ITenrT Contcit inn Greene o'f Jamaica L.arried Aug. 27, 1826 'William Jones Philis Santon . ^ Married Nov. 18, 1826 -£•5- John Goe fhehe Denton Carried Liar en o, 13cf( Daniel Losey iuaria Ee.rseh of Brooklyn Carried Sep, 16, 1827 Eenrj Cronnneline Harriet Eallet ^ ^ ^^ ^^^„ Llarried Nov. 14, 1827 Jolin H. Valentine iviartha H, Denton Llarried Jan. olly hunter; hotli colored Carried Sep. 15, 1G31 Dr. II. Shelton Liary Ann Soiohia 3 tar man of Jamaica I,:arried Cct. 27, 1831 Jno. Hewlett Nancy Simonson of Benmstead Liarried tFulT IC, 1832 Lorenzo Childs ;jin C. L'.arsliall of Brooklyn I^arried April 21, 1833 Samuel J. V/oolley Fhe'be Hewlett Harried i:ay 1, 1833 Cornelius Sens en Nancy Eisall of New Town Carried Kay 2C, 1833 James S, Eussell Sarah Iiartt of Jericho Married June 18, 1833 -V3- -e.8. Jno, Jordan ElizalDeth Keeling of Troy Carried An-. 1, 1833 Henry Yan Eensselaer Eliza'': eth Kino- of Jamaica Carried Aug. 22, 1833 EiCiiard Lester Llargaret Cossart; ooth "blacks r.arried Jan, 2, 1832 Cornelius Brinlcerlioff Ida Eov.'land of Jamaica r.'crried L'ay 25, 1S32 -89- MiNERALS BF.CCPJBD AT (TF.ACE EPISCGPiLL CEU BCH JT JAI-'AICA- 1L:]Q l^W^, T^-- '^- 179C-183C ^ctts ^Vidow letts at Jamaica; by Pev. T,'. ^^ ^ammell • July — , 1V9C rp.^ e. ' Patience, v;ife of David Titus; at Tie?/ Town; ■ Aus. -, 17S0 Pairc^ild. Son of l.'r. Paircliild; at Husliing, Aug. — , 1790 Cc-aen t^iar-' wife of Dr, Jacob Ogden; at Jamaica; ^ ' "-^ep. 21, 179C Eeesley, Mrs. Beesley at Flushing:; Oct. or Kov. 179C V.'aters, Miss EargaretrWaters at Jamaica; Jan. 18,1791 V,'oodward, Son of mS.arr vioodward at New Town; Fet. 17, 1791 ^eelY Frs. SeelT: of Foster »s Lleadow; at Jar^aicp, -^^ ■' April" 27, 1791 Cror-eline. It. Eo^ert Cronn^eline; at Flushing; i:a^ 1, 1791 Sacket, Samuel Sacket, ^r., at Jamaica; Aug. 9,1791 Haviland. Mrs. Liar- Eaviland ; at Flushing; Sep. 29, 1791 -ackett =iamuel, son of Samuel and Elir.aheth Backett at Jamaica; Oct. 16, 1791 Yihithead, Cspt. r.aniel Vjhitjihead at Jamaica; Jan.16,1792 ;BO.r ^U^tiT , inoitsiV , Aiit^i. . -Se- van T^ostr and, Joseph Van IIo?trand; son of Aaron; at Jamaica flay 3, 1792 Greenoak; of Fallet's Cove; Julj' 2, 1792; at Hew To\7n Greenoak, Morrell, Pachard :..Iorrell; at ITev: Town; Sep. 11, 1792 Pettit, ispin-r/all, Conibs, Betts , luorris , Eutchins , Smith, Son of Isaac and "ary pettit; at JaTnaica; June 6, 1793 I'j-s. ::illian-i i^s-oinwall of Hew Tork; at Flushing, Au£. 18, 17^3 lass Cersie Combs, forr-erlT of this congregation; at Jamaica; lug. 23, 1793 Nathaniel Lewis; sen of Nathaniel and Ulizaheth Eetts; at Jamaica; Sep. 1, 1793 Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph and Tlizaheth I'orris; at Jamaica; Sep. 9, 1793 John, son of Jno. Ilutchins and Ann Smith; at flushing, Oct. 18, 1793 Petts, Miss Emelia Eetts; at Jamaicf.; T^ec. 8, 1793 Eurroughs, I.j-s. Lydia Burroughs; at Hewtovm; B-ec. 23,1793 f^rowniohn. Samuel Browniohn from Jamaica; at New Tork, •^ Jan. 6, 1794 Alsop, Miss Elizabeth Alsop; at Ilewtown; Jan. 28,1794 Lowrie Widow Lowrie; at Flushing; June 4, 1794 > u J. \ir u w Vandevocrt, Paul, son of Peter and Anna Yandevoort; at Newtown; June 15, 1794 Lav/re nee , !7illet, Mclleil, '.Irs. Lav;rence of ?resli i;:eadows; at Plusliing * Sep. 13, 1794 I^. ^Villet of ::ew Tork; at Ja-:aica; Dec. 10, 1794 ^ol^ert °on of Charles and Sarali UcWeil; at "' ^ Jamaic?; I^ec. 15, 1794 OamPTiter 'T. ^eniarain Car-:enter; at Jamaica; Dec. 25 Carpenter, ...r. _^en^^ ^^ Eaaraell's pastorate) Hicks. Arji Louisa; daughter of Jno. and Sarah Ilicks; ' at Hushing h^^ Charles jeahury; ?eo. 8, 1795 Borden, Mrs inn "orden; died at i^lushing April 16, " 'l799; aged 95 Tears, 6 months and 2d days Porer, Died, Sarah Poyer; wife of Aaron Yan Nostrand; Van Ilostrand, aged 76 years; Aug. 23, 18C7 Dissoswa: Parker, f'Vs f'lark (") rdssoswa^ at Jamaicp; June 26, *1808; hy r.dm. P. Parr; •T7 llrs. Parker; wife of Edmund; Get, XX,1SC8, By lidm. 13 . Parry Price, Lirs. Price; IIov. 6, 1808. By Edm. B. Barry ^Voofendale, ^o-s. Woofendale from Kew lork; Pec. 14, 1808 By. Sdm. P. Barry -92- Eoe, Benjamin Boe of Te Poirt; drowned; Hay 3G, iec9; ty CloT/es Carman, Ann Iliza; p.ti infant of Samuel and "lizal^etli Carman; Aug. Ic, IcOb Eoe, r.iller, Ke\vman, Troup, Ke',7man, That ford, LI or re 11, !:ills, Y^ellins:, Sacket, • Ann^.oe; ac-ed 16 years and 8 months; of this Parish^ Aug, c6, 18C9 Sarah Juliana; infant of Lloses and Sarah Miller; A-. 30, 1809 Sarah- wife of rdchard Kewraan; aged 32 years; Sep. 28, 1809 Alexander Trom; son of Jolm and Sarah Troup; aged 7 years; Nov. 12, 1809 William, son of Eichard and Sarah l^ewman; aged 1 year and 10 months; Dec. 17, 1809 Catharine; wife of Joseph Thatford of this Parish; ?eh. 5, IGIG Sarah ^'orrell; vdfe of James of this Parish; Aug. 21, 1810; hy G. H. Sayres Nathaniel I,;ills of this Parish; April 5, ISll Thomas ^.Veiling of this parish; July 7, 1811 Thomas O^den Sacket; infant of Aug. S., Aug. 13, 1811 -93- Infant daughter of ; Aug. 15, 1811 LlcKee, Infant of Mr. :'ci:ee; Sep. 4, 1811 T/elling, Infant of John 11, '^ellin^, Jr. , of this Parish; Oct. IC, 18ll Kincksman, Qarali rincksman of this parish; Cct. 13, 1811 Lac^erell, T.'illiam ".lackerell; aged 14 years; Cct. 13, 1811 Johnson, Infant of l,lr. Johnson; Oct. 31, 1811 C'ldfield, Joseph Cldfield of this parish; ?eh. 27, 1812 Hewlett, Jno. Hewlett, lisc-., of this parish; at East "^oods; April 6, 1812; pneumonia. iklackerell, James I.Iackerell, Jr., of this parish; Arril 14, 18E Mills, Peter '.lills of this Parish; April IS, 1812 Kissam, Caniel Kissam, Esq,, of K. Eempstead; June 5, 1812 " Van Lew, Richard Van Lew of this Parish; June 6, 1812 Van Lew, Jno. Van Lew, 5r., of this Parish; June 3C,1812 Elder t. Infant daughter of Ahraham T.ldert of Fell Gate; aged 4 years; July 1, 1812 -94- NaiDier, Infant of Andrew and Catherine I^aDier; Oct, 16, 1812 Wellinr, Widow of Tliomas ?/elling, Llarch 21, 1C12 Korrell, James I.'orrell of New "York; formerly of tliis Parish; Iv'.ay 7, 1813 Thatford, Dau^'hter of Jose-oh Thatford of this parish; June 28, 1813 luills, Caleh Llills of this parish; Sep. 11, 1813 McNeile, Sarah, wife of r.aior F.cKeile of this Parish; Nov. 16, 1813 Eott, Lavinia, wife of Jacoh Llott of New "York; IIov. 3C, 1813 Skidmore, Abigail Ann; deurrhter of Willet and Zliza- heth Skidmore; Dec. 12, 1813 Brown, Child of LIr. Brown of Prooklyn; P eh. 25, 1814 irioe. Lawrence Roe of Irooklyn; son of Joseph Roe of this Parish; I.Carch 1, 1814 ;7elling. If Son of the widow of John Wellin£^; ag'ed 3 years; April 19, 1814 Br 07m, Josiah Erown of Irookljm; July 3, 1814; hy Hohart, -95- Eicks, Krs. Eicks of Hew Tork; Aug. 15, 1614 Eendickson, Child of Trias Eendickson of this Parish; Sep. — , 1814 Creed, Charlotte, wife of Eevrlett Greed]. Jan. 15, 1615 Johnson, Child of Carius Joh]Xon; Jan. 21, 1815 J^'apier, Child of Andrew Ilapier; Teh. 16, 1815 Bro\Tn, Josiah }?ro\'m of Brooklyn; I.lay ?, 1815 Kisaaci, Daughter of LIr. Kissam of F.ocky rill; Cct. —, 1815 Ealsey, Jones , McKeil, Child of Mr. Ealsey of this Pareih; Oct. 2S, 1615. Isaac Jones, son of Liarthar of this Parish; Dec. — , 1815 Neil LlcKeil, son of L'aior Charles of this Parish; Jan. 13, 1816 Strickland, Wife of Oliver Strickland of Jamaica; i.iay 29, 1816 Tredwell, T.iss Tredwell at Great I'eck; neice of Eeniamin T. at Cow Reck; June 17, 1616 Brown, Johin Erovrn of I'leT? lork; July 26, 1816. 1 T" Tl' -96- Erown.;. Mr. Brown of Brooklyn; July — , 1616 Godwise, ilr. Georc:e Codwise, Jr., of this Parish; Aug. 17, 1816 Lating, Satah Lating of this Parish; Kov. 27,1816 Iilackerell, :Vife of James l.'.ackerell of New Tork; forirerly of this Parish; Jan. 13, 1817 Polhemus, Mr. Polhemus of this Parish; L^ay — , 1817 Eoe, Nathaniel Boe of New York; ray — , 1817 Troup, John Troup of this Parish; July 9, 1817 Holman, At Bockaway, Llr. Eolman late from London; Aug. 2l, 1817 Bendrikson, Addra Eendrikson of this Parish; Oct. — , 1817 Jones, Sarali Jones, , 1818 Kissam, Benjamin T. Kissam; Aug. 8, 1818 Eincksman, Mrs. Eincksman from Brooklyn; , 1818 Van Lew, Mrs. Van Lew of this Parish; Oct. — , 1318 Hicks, Sarah Elisaheth Hicks; Jan. 17, 1819 v£i<^TrxOl ; -9?. Napier, Aspinv/all, Mackerell, Catherine; child of Andrew Tvapier; '-'.ay IC, 1819 Giloert Aspin'A^all of this parish; Sep. 18, 1819 James V.ackerell formerly of this parish, Oct. 3, 1G19 King, ^lery, v^ife of Kuius hing; June ^-, 1819 Puntine, Eli s alD eth Punt ine; IIov. 2, 1819 Cortelyou, Simonson, Hicks , Cortelyou, Sproull, Towns end, That ford, iffalentine. m Mrs. Cortelyou of Jamrica; Jan. 28, 1820 ivlrs. Simonson of Eockaway; Peh. IC, 1820 Stephen Hicks of this Parish; ?eh. 29, 1820 Col. Peter Cortelvou of this parish; Sep. 27, 1820 Elizabeth Sproull of this Parish, Sep. 27, 1820 kt Cedar Swampi llrs, Richard Towns end of New lork; Oct. 24, 1820 Catharine, infant of Joseph Thatford; Nov. 9, 1820 Infant of Ohadiah Valentine; Jan. 29, 1821 Wiggins, Richard V.'iggins of this parish; Apr. 12, 1821 ■^. r iieic . ^iJ^., i)" ;oni; -98- Welling, Charles T/elling of tins parish; Aug. 15,1821 Cornell, Hewlett, son of Thomas Cornell of Jamaica; Get* "^C , j-vj^:/! Puntine, Nancy, vTife of "/illism Puatine; Get. 21,1821 'Vaters, John '.Vatsrs of Jamaica; Oct, 22, 1821 Eov;land, David Eowland of this Parish; Dec. 20, 1821 Letts, '("idow of Eichard letts of tl:is parish; Dec, 20, 1821 Van Xostrand, Aaron Van Ilostrand; sexton of this parish; Jan. 23, 1822 Dawson, Mrs. Elizaheth Dawson of this Parish; ap-ed ah out 50 years; ?eh, 9, 1822 Betts, Miss Betts; ?eh. 15, 1822 Thatford, Charity, daughter of JoseTDh Thatford of this Parish; Sep. 20, 1822^ Sayres, John Tillotson Sayres ; Feb. 16, 1823 Yi'aters, i^irs. V^aters , of this Parish; Nov. 23, 1823 Valentine, islrs. Obadiah Valentine of this Parish; Nov. 27, 1823 -99- Eors field, V,'ellin£j, celling, Jones, «^ ull u Li y Jones , At Cedar Swamp, Isaac Fors field of New lork; Oct. 2, 1823 Elizabeth, wife of Sasiuel V.'elling of tlis Parish; July ~, 1823 Samuel Vi'ellin"- of this Parish; Aug. — , 1823 Jonathan Jones of ?;ochav,'ay; Cct. 3, 1623 Hrs. Katharine Smith of this parish; April 23, 1824 Jonathan Jones of the ^'i'allrhout; July 17,1824 F.owland, Ida EoY/land; Aug. 9, 1824 Eallworth, llrs. Ilallworth; Sep. 18, 1824 Sayres, Isaac, infant of G. E. Sayres; Sep. 22, 1824 Rowland , Kr. Eeniamin Rowland of this parish; Jan. — , 1825 Skidnore, lUdow Skidmore of this parish; Feb. 28,1825 Brown, V/idow of End ley Erovm of Erooklyn; April 15, 1825 Cldfiela, Mrs. Oldfield; widv/o of Jose-nh of this parish; Ivlay 10, 1^25 Valentine, Infant of Thomas Valentine of ITev/ "York; July — , 1825 .rr — xJ U t ^* A -^- r- — -^r ^ ■ ' -100- Habersham, King, ^Telling, Smith, Miss Eahershanmi of Savannah, Gfa., Julj 22, 1825 Infant of James G. Einn:' of New lork; July — , 1825 Miss 'Tellin.^; dau^'^hter of John 'Veiling, (dec'd.] of Irooklyn; Aug. — , 1825 7('ife of 'Villiari Smith of Foster's LiOadow; r^ov. 13, 1825 Llcrleill, :.'aior Oharles Kclleill of this parish; Dec. •^ 17, 1825 Simons on, FiTS. Simons on of Jamaica; T.arch 11, 1826 GortelTou, James Cortelyou of J"amaica; Llarch 11, 1826 Welling, Llrs. T/elling; Earch 20, 1826 Boe, Child of Silas r:oe; ^ep. — , 1826 Simmons, Daughter of Nathaniel Simmons; !^ep. 15, 1826 Sinclair, Infant of V.'illiam Sinclair of Charlestovm, IJr< n <-•„„/. orr too/- ' Troup, Codwise, . C, Sept. 27, 1826 Christopher Troup; aged 27 Tears; Oct, 14. 1825 Alexander T. Codwise; Oct, 2C, 1826 Thatford, Wife of Willaim Thatford from New Tork; Feh. — , 1827 ^ r -iri- Tapp, TiTS. Tapp of this parish; Feh. 2, 1827 King, Hon. Bufus King of this parish; I^ay 2, 1827 Pinl'ir.ey, Infant of T. C. pinkney; Au^. — , lf:27 Beckley, William Eeckley of this Parish; Aug. 23, 1827 Erev/er, Elizaheth Erewer of this parish; Aug.25,182r Plett, Child of David PlEtt; clec'd. Sep. 2, 1827 Clements, Mr. Clements of this Parish; Cct. 6, 1827 McKee, William I.IcKee of this Parish; June 15, 1828 Erashier, Widow Elizs^'-^eth Irashier of this Parish; Aug. — , 1828 Eigenbrodt, L. E. A. Sigenhrodt of this Parish. Sep. 1, 1828 "■ Hoogland , Cornelia, wife of Jno. Hoorland of this Parish; Sep. 2, 1828 ^^ Eoe, Sarah, wife of Silas ?.oe; I'a^? --, 1829 Eoe, Gilbert- Eoe of New York; Aug. — , 1829 Soe, Capt. Joseph Eoe of this parish; Oct. 8, 1829 Vandehurgh, l.lrs. Yandehurgh of this Parish; Dec. 7, 1629. (End of Sa3res ) _ '"IT- -1C2- Index Adanr , Allen, A Is op, Anderson, Armstrong, Aspin',vall, Austin, Backbee, Bailey, Saker, Eainoridf^e, Eall, Bannister, Barclay, Bardin, Bard en, Barry , Eartiett, Bartovr:, Battin, Baxter, Ba- , Beaael, Beaver, Beckley, Bechvi'tT^, Eeeknan, ' Bees ley , Beraw, Bell, Bennet, Bennett, Benton, Ber^aw, Bergen, Berrien, Berrien, Betts, Bill op. 77 65 17,18,79,83 7,90 75 14,72,79,90,97 37,77 73 59,78 10, 12 30 65 44 26,73 75 34,37,91 SC 74 29,30 57 65 27,74 75 55,101 89 8.9,14 32 56,79 79 2 22 4,63 4,22,61,74 60,74 10,23,25,59,60, 69,71^73,89 90, 98 23,27,72 Birchell, Elanlv , Black, Bloome, Blbomer , Bogardus, pngart, Bo|ert, Boliner, Bolton, Bond, Bonney , Borden, Boiicliier, B our on, Bov/ers , BoT^me , Box, Boyd Erasnier, Eresly, Brev;er, Bri-Iit, Bristov,y Br inker no f, Brirkerhofi Brooks, Brower, _ J. •, ■ . - , Brownjolm, Brundige, Buckl^ee, Burdett , Burling, Burlock, Burroughs , Burrov/s, 71 62 32 80 1,14,72 31 40 80 38 52 75,78 4,^4 9i 9 65 85 78 78 69 101, 76 101 34 62 74 , 88 31 53 Caldwell, Carman. Carp, enter, !0,39, 40, 61,76 37,94,95,96,99 li;i3,90 61 18,20 83 24,58,81 65 26,72,90 9, '^9 73 80 7/0,^^4, 84, 86 91 r"! •-1 \r r Ic »'i-' or; ^-^ ":o "^^^ S" LL -1C3- Index Carr, Carter, Clieriman, Cl^ar.otte, Gliilcs, Cliiirc]-! , Clerk, Clarke, Clarkso-n, Clay, Clement, Clements, Clo7/es , Coax, C ock , Codr.'ise, Coe;. Coles, '0omDS , Comes y Ccntcit, Coon, Cooper, Cor Dine, Cornell, Cornwell, Cortel^/ou, Corwin'- Cossart, Cotter Counselv, Cox, ^ Cosine, Craft, Creed. Cr eight en. 64,66 37 68 52 87 77 3.6 63 62 66 58 55.101 2,34,37,38,75 c7 75 30,33,34,35,36, 38,41,48,50,80 96,106 85 30 86,90 59 55,84 62 28 69 6,19.39,41,43, 44,5^^5§,6C,6§ 78,81,83,84,98 75,86 97,100 33 81,88 67 64 82 47,49,51,54,80 77 8A ll',14,21,£6,29 30,33,44,56,71 80,86,95 66 Crommelin, 70 Cro;v.meline, 74,85,89 Cruder , 51 Cumin=:s Daine, Dalton, Daniel Dashv.'oo6 , Haws on, Deakin, Deane, De^rusl-^e, Delancy, Demott, Denton. Depeyster, r»erDTSi:ire, Eevarit, Dis'broT;, Dissosv,'a' , Ditmars ,' Ditmus , Doak, Do^:l\-. , Dod^e, Congnsm, Do'as-ht7, Downing, Drake , Dudle;/ , Duntar, Diinr , Durham, Durlinc', Durve . 77 65 15 62 68 5^67,98 61 58 75 6,66 48,82 51,79,85 60,71,74 69 79 61 91 o O 73 62 ^ 2,63 76 67 59,68,73,03 81 81 71 25 3,4,61^76 1§,42,'^0 59 62,63^^4:^3-74, 27 Easterhrook, 4 Edsall, 87 .3riLi. -104- Index Eigenbrodt, 43,45,50,53 55, ICl Eldert, 13,21,30,36, 39,84,93 Eldred, 24 Ely, 4 Evans , 73 Evers , 71 Pair child, Earrington, Eerris , Pi eld. Pish, Pleming, Plov^or, Posdick, Poster, Pov.'ler, Preer.an, Prench, Pol'^ Gale, Ganong, Gardiner, Garret, Gedney, Geor^ e, Gere'f , Gildersleeve,77,84 Gilleen, Godwis?,^ Goodman, Goodwin, Gordon, Gosline, Gosling, Gracie, Greene, Greenoak Grifien, 6,17,61,89, 63,69,74 78 13,69,71,75,83 59,64 43 79 84 79 24,60,61,62,65 66,74,81,82 33,34 61 87 58 2 86 66 66,67 83 33 86 72 82 69 51 59 71 82 84 15,16,26,581,;9C 86 Griffiths, Grigg, Guion, Gurley , Baher*shar., Ilaight, Hali, Ballet, Halle t' Hall7;orth Ealsey Earners 1] IlaiTPiel. Eamr.eli ^ 69 22,72 58 85 IOC 23 64 16,22,62,63,64,8,15, 6e-;B7»69,73,85' Hammers iy , Hannahs," ' Earcie, Hardy , Hare, Ear is on. Hart Hartt, Hartsnorn, Haskell, Havilana, Hazard, Healy, Eegeman, Hendickson, Hendricks on, Hendrikson, Henry, Hermance, Ilev/'lett, 86,87,93 Eicks. Eig-hie, 9z. 38,44,95 72 14,28 22,89,91 70 24 82 71 15 67 33 87 72,74 29 4.62-89 23,72 17,24,66 86 58 84 *55 39140,42,43,70,77 96 4 75, 12,16,35,54,56 73,76,81,82,83, 14,18,26,28,29 33,34,42,58,71, 74,7.5,91,95,96,97 84 ■> \ t t I ! 5 ■ 'I r ,0V, c. Index Einchman, Hincksman, Einclcnan, Hinksz^iRn, EoVb, Eolconib , Eolland, Eolraan, Eolmes Bolro;70., Eone-'.T/ell, E Gotland, Hopt)er, Bors field, Eorton, Eoulro; d, Eoward , Bojt, Eullfish, Eui3S, Bunt, Busted, Eunter, Eutcliins, Eyatt, Ineog ? Ireland, James , Johnson, Johnston, Jones , Jordan, Keeling-, Lenrp, i.eyi:ier , Ling, 29.75 7,26,93,^6 17 21,26,79, 55 64 78 96 82 Q 74 T/- 36,40,41,44,46 56,58,10l CO 99 66 5,7 3i 85 87 61,68,69,71 87 9C 11,70,71 63 34 60,68 46,68,80,82 40 2.12-84,95 9^,9§ 88 88 12,17,68 76 41 47,51,53,55,88 97,100,101 ivisaam, Knips child, LaCo:nle, La f fan, iiarze , Lating, Lattin, La t ting, Lawrence , LeErantfc^ai' Leech, Leister, Lent, Lewis , Livin.^ston, Losey; 1,0 1, Lov/ere, Lov/erre . Lowiatoth, Lowree, T • Ludlam, Ludli'w, L7ster, Macdonald, Ivlaclierell, Mackreil, Mann , Man ton, Ivlarch , Marsh, Marshall, McClean, McCollum, I.xliavid, LicEvers , LlcEwen, 7,10-28,45,50.51, 57, 69, 78, 80, 86 93,95,96 65 79 66 45 96 58 59 15,16,23,51,55, 60,65,69,70,82 83,84,91- 3. 79 ^2,78 64 73 6,8,10,21,24 85 65 19 83,87 75 59 90 70 i;:6, 67,68 88 93,96,97 29,35 62 69 30 32 81,8*?^ B7 63 22,23,71 67 66 rn u -ICG- Index Lie Gee, iicllee, LIcKreil, LlcKeal, LlcNeil, ulcNeile, LIcJIeill, liiCii 1 Ci^er y Lleeker, MeKSitf., HJliller, Mtchell, Moore, MontroES, Morgan. Morrell, Morris , ¥.oi± , Naioier, Newman J Niche lis, Nicoll, Uos trand , Kostrant. 77 4C, 41,44. 47 5C, 5§,S5,1G1 3C,ol 36,38,44,91,95 27,94 irc 64 41 63 37,70,92 38,64,92,93,94 43,46,59,73 84^85 4,5.7,10, 14, 2C, 21,^2,26,36,56, 60,63,64,65,67 70,72^73,79 78 75 5,6,12^3,24,33, 34:,55,^8,59,'?5 CO or C9 C/ 90 80,84,94 O^den, Old fie Id, Cnderdonl:, Ouster man. 33,35,37,40,42 95,97 92 86 62 35,47,55,65, 81,86 25,61 14,59,66,71,89, 63 93 99 70, 80 Pal.r.er, Parker, Paul, Payne, Peck, Pedrone, Pell, Pettit, Philips, Pilyourn, Pinckney , Pinknej', Pitr;:£"n, Place, Piatt, Poillon, Polhemus, PomeroT, Pott, Potter, Pov/ell, Pover, Price, Prince, Prol:ascc, Puntine, Purdy, Earns en, Eapaleie, Hap a lye, P.a^elye, Eat to one, Kay, Eayner, P.eade, Eeec , Eenisen, Eenny , Ehodes EicJharason, 46,48,67,79 91 71 "^6 18,56 80 72 5,12,16,22,68,90 76 75 55 101 86 84 07,72,77,101 35^75 8,^3,96 2 43 44 34,76 91 91 30,31 22 20,29,30,32,34, 36,97.98 8,12,14,22,27,68 34 68 67 21,26,59 28,29,30,32,33,75 47 29 66 71 80,81,85,87 17 76 75 17 ( ^ o^ vr •qc* 5 t ' bS' -1C7- Inde:: Bider, Eiver, Eoach. Bo"berts , Robinson, Hodman, Eoe, Roosevelt, Eosevelt, Rows, Ho^yland, Eusf-ell, Ryder, Ryerson, Sacket. Sackett, Sale, Saltmarsli, Sands , Santon, Sayres , Sea ~(?) Sea'bu.r7 Sealy, J » Sea.inan, Seely, Shaw. She It on, Shutphen^ Silva, S icMonds , Simmons , 61 83 24,73 11, 66 24,52,54 12,19,24 46,47,48 59,6C,66 86,92,94 ioc.i5i 24,26 72 6C,62 36 , Jl , 3o 44,46,62 77,78,82 98,99 87 59 SI ,56,85 ,25,45, ,49,54 ,76,65 ,96 ,39,42, ,67,76 y OC J CO • Simons on, Sinclair, okidmore, Skirner , Smith, 16,40,69,89,92 38,89 36,38,40,43 65 27,76 PA 34,40,44,47,48, 51,54,56,86,92 98,99 28 75,91 37,39,44,53,64 72,89 62,65,66,83,86 86 83 77,87 67 48 23 74,100 Southard:,'; Sproull, Surouls, S'tp.rman, Ste-ohen, Stoler, Storv, Strecsck, Strickland, Stringham, S t;;.'ne , Sullivan, Sypher, iiiwayze. Talman, Ta-o:i , TatJord, Taylor Te::ir^leton, 'Terrill- Thatford, Thomas , Thorn, Thome, Thornton, Thurston, Titus, 34,35,48,87 97,100 54,100 39,40,43,94,99 63 3,10,14,20,23^27 36,4§,50,5^,6^ 63,65,81,82,86 90,99,100 78 84 97 73,80 77,87 52 77 78 35 8,78 ^5 5§,8i 66 82 54 61 101 ':'3 32 11 o 12,16,23,28,29 31,33,34,37,47 48,51,52,70,72 77,81,92,94,97 98,100 83 17,70 60,68 58 85 9.15^26,28,60 7i,8§ t ' ' , foano:!;i « t t ^ t i; c ! [f -1C8- Index 95 Tom, 62 Toiir-;kins, 2C,26 Town, 81 ToAvnsend, 97 Tre dwell, Troup, Troupe, Tuntz, Turner , Ulslioffer, tnderliill, I'stick, I'tt, Valentine , Van Allen, Van Eeuren, Van Cott, Van Dam, VandelDurg, Vandeliurgli, Vandeverg. Vandevcort, Vandewater, Van Eorne, Van Lew- Van Kostrand 13,17,23,28 54,70, 92,96, ICC 33 83 7 82 IC, 11, 21, 76 7c 7r -■ 32 7A nenssela Siclen, Van Pelt, Van ~ Van Van Voorliies Van Tficklj?: Van V/yck,' Van Sant, 97,98,99 26 79 42,43 31,32,34 45,56 ICl 56 72,8C,91 61,83 ,39,41,46,47,48 5C, 77 ,78, 79, 82 9C, 91,98 18,68 er, 88 7§ ,12,13,22, 27 58,68 45 Vaughan, Vaughn, VerTDlani, Voorhies, '.Tarne , Viarner, V.'ater'bury , Viaters , Watson, ^ate, T;ay, '7aynman , T.'eaver , Vie'bster, 'Veeks, ^7elling, 7.' est on, niale-^7 , •Thitman lihite. Whitehead, Wiggins , 1 ■ ^/Yilfcinp, 'billet, ^.Tilliauis, Willis, yjillougiil33? , Vi'lnthrot)," Wood , " ■ Woodward, 'Yoc fend ale, ^Toclley, Wortman, ill J-CjU 1/ , Yande, 3 6 68 34,35 75 80 73 1,4^6, 8.1f.l8,27 3^, Si 6i, 6^,61,78 89,98 32 S3 69.70.73 8, §,13, 14, 68 2C 56 77,79 3,8,17,23.26,28 29,33,35,36,38 42,43,46,52,60 61,72,75,78,92 93,94,98,99,100 86 4 67 85 33,34,75 5,f,9,lP,89 1,5^6,7,12,20 21,^7V64,97 70 61,62,65,91 37,68,69,74 64 70 81 82 27,74,80,89 91 75,87 63 83 22 ^\ -ovDiH t t t t T c ? « r HK196-78 ^°^>^'> .^* -^iX .^^^^S.'^ /^'^'-^ .^°^;^'> -o^^^-/ \*^-\/ %'*^*/ ^^/ l> . . „ ♦ .*" •S' <, ' ^^'% ■"f. .^^ o V ■■■■'■ O'-^-X ' ■ ■ > •■%•■■■ v^* - ■ • - o > ^^^ <^^ > • • /• C- A A* ^ o « "^i"^- V-^ •C'' ■• „, *°-% -i^f;.- /°'., •■-^'iis^:-- „, '"X '■ .0 . ' * "- > V <^ ,0 » ' • »' V- '^^ ? -it; V V N*' •- ."Jk c » " " •• -^^ ^^ - . • ■ .(^ -% ;/^^ -^ ^^ m %.^ -^^n^ o > °o G^ 'o 'o . . ' A °o ,A" ^0 • >' O J* 1, •• ,N . .. ->