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The love of home and kindred lias always and everywhere been held to distinguish man from the brute, — the civilized and educated man from the wandering savage, — and to the honor of our compatriots nowhere has burned more brightly the sacred flame than in the hearts of Scotland's children. No distance, no remoteness in time or place from the ancestral home extinguishes it, and though many a weary league of land and sea, or numerous generations may separate them from the "Land of brown heath and shaggy wood, Land of the mountain and the flood," and though poverty, or affliction, or other circumstances may prevent their ever treading the sacred soil of their fatherland, still longingly they gaze far over the seas to the ancient hills and lovingly remember their brethren at home and abroad. When Philadelphia was settled many a Scotchman was gradually attracted to the new country, and, as Scotchmen always do, they soon rose to positions of honor and profit in the various departments of life. But the old love of home and kindred animated them, and while our city, now so large and populous, was but like a babe in its swaddling-clothes, and Third Street was the western boundary of its built-up part, in December, 1749, certain 6 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF Scotchmen, honor to their memory, met and adopted the following Rules foe The St. Andrew's Society. advertisement. That peculiar benevolence of mind which shews itself by charitable actions in giving Relief to the poor and distressed, has been always justly esteem'd one of the first-rate moral Virtues. Any Persons then who form themselves into a Society with this Intention must certainly meet with the Approbation of every candid and generous mind, and we hope it will plainly appear by the Rules which are to follow that The St. Andrew's Society, of Philadelphia, was Solely Insti- tuted with that view. But as the Charities of this Society are to be somewhat confin'd, it may not be amiss, briefly, to men- tion the reasons by way of Apology for it. The design of Society in general is undoubtedly universal Good, yet as it is impossible that all Mankind can be join'd in one Society, bodies of men have separated themselves into dis- tinct Societies, which are call'd Nations. Now all the Publick Acts of these National Societies either are or ought to be calcu- lated principally to promote the particular happyness and welfare of that Nation where they are made. In Nations again for a reason of the very same kind men form themselves into Cor- porations and other Societies for promoting some particular Good which cither had not or could not be so well provided for by the Publick acts of the Community. On this Account wc are humbly of Opinion it will never be reckon'd a good Objection against any private Society that the ends propos'd by it are not General but confin'd to particulars under certain Circum- stances: Provided always that nothing can be aim'd at by any such private Society inconsistent with the Public Good. Now to apply this to the present purpose We who are Natives ol that Part of Great Britain call'd Scotland and reside in the City of Philadelphia meeting frequently with our Country people here in distress who generally make application to some THE s.MNT ANDIIKW r 8 80CTBTY OF PHILADELPHIA. I one or other of us for relief have agreed to form ourselves into a Soeietv in order to provide for these [ndigents whereby they may be more easily more regularly and more bountifully Sup- plv'd than cou'd well be done in the common troublesome way of making < Occasional collections for such purposes. As we propos'd to restrict the Charities of our Society to our Indigent Country Folks alone so it was our original intention to admit none hut Scotsmen horn into the Society and to apply to or receive Contributions from none else. But upon considering that many descended of Scots Parents might he both able and willing to contribute towards a Charitable design of this Nature whereby their own Kinsmen from Scotland might some time or other herelicv'd in time of want and Necessity wejudg'd upon mature deliberation that it wou'd be wrong to exclude them from joining with us. For this reason, we concluded to leave an opening for the Admission of such of them as shall be so disposed. At the same time we have endeavoured to preserve a fair and just Ballance betwixt those from whom the Money is to be Collected and those to whose relief it is to be apply 'd, so that as far as the original design of this Society will permit all who have any connection with the Contributors are intitl'd to the Charity of it. Others its true are not. Yet if by our Rules all others besides Scotsmen born, the sons of Scotsmen who may be members of this Society, or the Widows and Children of the Members are excluded from the benefit of it let it be likewise Considered that the same Rules limit the Con- tributions Agreeable to this So that we hope there is not the least room left for reflections of partiality. No injustice is done to any private man since if he contributes himself or Friends may reap an advantage and it can never be pretented that the Public can sustain any Injury Seeing on the contrary it may be the means frequently of saving the money alloted by the Public for Charitable Uses but cannot possibly interfere with any Public utility whatever. Thus it appears that the design of this Society is fair equit- able and Innocent and to convince the AYorkl that it is so we 8 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF thought it proper to take this method of making Public our Rules. Upon the whole we are sensible there are Societies of the -.line Denominations in other places of a more General ami extensive Nature both as to Collecting and applying the Charities collected, and indeed it is but right if they are so in the one they ought to be so in the other. But it is our Opinion for reasons which appear to us good Ones that the St. Andrew's Society in this place shou'd be constituted agreeable to the above Plan and accordingly have unanimously Voted and Agreed to the following Rules for the Better management and Improvement of the same. THE rules. 1. The Society shall be eall'd by the name of the St. Andrew's Society at Philadelphia in Pensilvania, 2. In order to maintain a good understanding acquaintance and Fellowship with one another the members of the Society shall assemble at some convenient house in Philadelphia four times every year viz. the last day of November, February May and August but when either of these days happen to be of a Sunday the Meeting shall be the day Following. At these Meetings the Society may resolve upon and Vote such further Rules and Orders as may from time to time be found necessary and convenient for the regulation of the Society. 3. The Meeting on St. Andrew's day shall be called the Anniversary Assembly of the St. Andrew's Society — on which day or the day following if that happens to be Sunday the Members regularly met shall by majority of Votes Fleet the Officers of the ensuing year viz. A President and Vice Presi- dent, Two Assistants a Treasurer and Secretary who nin-i all be Residents in the City of Philadelphia. 4. A majority of the members met at any of the Quarterly Meetings shall upon due application made have power to Admit into the Society any man of honour and integrity pro- vided he be a Scotsman or the son of Scotsman or of Scots Parentage. the saint Andrew's society of Philadelphia. 9 5. [f any of the Officers happen to die or remove out of the Province daring the year for which they were Elected the Members mel at the Nexl Quarterly Meeting shall by plurality of Votes Elect others in their room for the service of the remain- ing part of the year. (!. Any Member being duly Elected an Officer who shall refuse to Act shall forfeit Three rounds Pensilvania Currency for the use of the Society and another shall be immediately Chosen in his room. 7. The President or in his absence the Vice President shall appoint the place of meeting in Philadelphia every Quarter and shall give ten days notice to the members by an Advertise- ment in tli<' New's Papers directed to the members of the St. Andrew's Society. 8. Any member who shall then lie resident in the Province and Cannot Possibly attend the Society shall make his reason- able Excuse to the President or Vice President sometime before the Meeting which shall be laid before the Society. Otherwise for every default on St. Andrew's day he shall forfeit Twenty Shillings Currency and for every other default at any other meeting Ten Shillings for the use of the Society. 9. The President or Vice President shall at their discretion Agree for the entertainment of the Society for any sum not exceeding Ten Shillings a man Every St. Andrew's day or Six Shillings a man every other Meeting and the said Sums shall be paid by the respective Members without deducting any part of the same of the Society's Stock. 10. Every Present Member of this Society as well as every member hereafter to be admitted shall immediately Subscribe tin 1 Jules and Pay into the hands of the Treasurer a Sum not less than Twenty Shillings Pensilvania Currency to beapply'd according to the Rules and Orders hereafter Mentioned. 11. Every Member during his continuance as such shall pay Quarterly into the hands of the Treasurer a sum not less than five shillings ( 'urreiiev. 1 -. All Benefactions Donations and Forfeitures shall likewise be paid into the hands of the Treasurer for the time being who 2 10 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF immediately after his Election shall become bound in an Ob- ligation to the President, Vice President and former Treasurer or to either of them in double the Value of the Society's Stock then to be put into his hands with Condition to render to the Society a just and true Account of the same and of all Donations < Quarterly payments Forfeitures and other improvements thereof Fire and inevitable accidents only excepted and to deliver the Same to the Obligers or to the order of the Society or the next Treasurer at any time when thereunto requir'd by a majority of the members regularly met at the Anniversary or Quarterly meetings. 13. As Charitty and the relief of Indigent and poor people is principally intented by this undertaking all the money which from time to time shall be paid into the hands of the Treasurer shall be us'd and apply'd to the best advantage for promoting that design. And if at any time there shall be more Money in the Stock than the present exigencies of the Poor recpiire — The Treasurer with the consent of the President may lend out the same at Interest on good Security for the payment thereof for any time not exceeding One year which Security shall betaken Jointly and Severally in the names of the President and Vice President and Treasurer for the time being. 14. The Charity of the Society shall be apply'd in the fol- lowing manner, viz. The President and Vice President in Conjunction with the other Officers of the Society or in their absence a like number of members shall have power to draw- Orders on the Treasurer for the time being payable to such poor Persons as they shall judge proper Objects of the Society's ( 'liarity which the Treasurer shall immediately Pay. Provided always that none but Natives of Scotland the Sons of Scotsmen or of Scots Parentage who may lie hereafter Members of this Society or the Widow.- and Children of the Members shall ever 1 e entitl'd to any part of this ( 'liarity. Provided also that the sums so drawn for do not exceed Five pounds to any one Person and Thirty pounds in the whole during one Quarter and of the said draughts and payments the Treasurer -hall make report at the next Quarterly Meeting. But for any THE SAINT ANMlKw's SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. 11 larger sums the poor Person qualified as above shall beoblidged to Petition the Society at the next quarterly Meeting where the members met shall have power by plurality of Vote- to order what sum they shall think Convenient. Provided the same does not Exceed Ten pounds to any One Person or Sixty pounds during one Quarter. The consideration of the payment of any larger sums than those last mentioned shall be referr'd to the Anniversary Assembly of the Society. 15. The Treasurerfor the time being shall acct of the Society's Stock from time to time provide compleat Sets of Books wherein he shall regularly Enter all the Several Sums of Money directed to be paid by the Rules together with the names of Persons paying & the particular times when the said sums shall be paid. He shall likewise enter all the disbursements made by order of the President and Vice President or otherwise and shall produce these Books to be inspected and exainen'd by the R [embers Every Quarterly Meeting. 16. A large Seal shall be provided for the use of the So- ciety with a Thistle and Crown over it together with the motto Nemo me impune lacesset. This Seal shall be put into the hands of the President for the time being to be us'd as hereafter directed. 17. All the present Members and those who shall be after- wards admitted shall take a Certificate of their Admission un- der the Society's Seal Sign'd by the President or Vice Presi- dent and Clerk in the Following form : These are to Certify that of teas by a majority of Vote* regularly admitted a member of tin St. Andrew's Society of Philad'a in the Province of Pensilvania at a Meeting of the Society the day of Anno Domini Given under our /Kiwis and Seal of the Society the Pay and year above written President Secretary 18. The Assistants as occasion Oner shall with the Consent of the President or Vice President wait on all Gentlemen 12 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF Strangers and Others whom they shall think proper to acquaint with the Charitable design of the Society and modestly desire their asistance and concurrence therein. The success whereofthey shall from time to time report to the next Quarterly Meeting of the Members Provided always and if is herein* expressly Pufd that no application lor Assistance he ever made to or accepted from any hut Natives of Scotland or the Children of Scotsmen. 19. A Book shall be provided as often as Necessary Wherein the Seer'* shall enter all the Rules and Orders which now are or hereafter shall he voted and Agreed upon for the regulation of the Society together with the names of the Members and the times of their Admission and also the Election of the < Mli- cersand their Deaths as well as the Deaths of any of the Mem- bers. The Sec' v shall likewise duly enter in the said Book all Petitions to the Society and orders of it for the payments of Money. Also all Donations all reports made by any of the Officers, all Forfeitures incurrM by any of the Members and all other proceedings and Transactions of the Society when regularly met together. 20. The Treasurer shall out of the Stock provide a Strong Bos with a Lock and Key wherein shall he safely lodg'd the Pules and Orders of the Society with all the Money in Stock and the Securities for the same excepting the Bond l<> he en- tered into by the Treasurer which shall he kept by the Presi- dent ; and also All the Books Papers Accompts and minutes of the Transactions of the Society. This Box with every thing Contained in it shall he produe'd by the Treasurer to the So- ciety every Anniversary Assembly at their place of Meeting to be there Inspected and Examined by the members and af- terwards delivered to the Succeeding Treasurer upon his being duly Elected and giving Security according to the Direction of the Rules. 21. At all meetings of the Society after the President or Vice President has taken the chair the Pules shall he read by the Sec ,J before the Company Proceed t<> Businessand nothing -hall be talk'd of but the business of the Society while the President keeps the chair. Whoever offends against this Pule THE 8AINT ANDREW^ SOCIETY <»K PHILADELPHIA. 18 alter having been once reprimanded from tin' Chair shall for- feit Two Shillings and Sixpence to the (word lost). ~2'2. Good order and decency shall be observed in all Pro- ceedings of the Society and every Member Speaking busi- ness shall direct his discourse to the ( 'hairinan alter debate shall Sum up the Substance of the Argument and propose the Same to the Vote of the Company in all which matters a Ma- jority shall prevail unless when the 1 Jules Expressly order it to lie otherwise. 23. On any particular emergency the President shall be in- vested with the Power to call a Meeting of the Society giving at least three days' notice to the Members in either by advertisement in the Public papers or by sent to each member: every Meeting so call'd shall Possess'd of the same extent of Power in distributing Charity as any Quar- terly Meeting. 1* 1. Any Indecent or unmannerly behaviour Mem- bers at any of the Meetings of the Society shall be dudg'd of by a majority of the Company present and the Person found to have Transgress'd shall forfeit a sum to the Box at the 1 dis- cretion of the Company not Exceeding Ten shillings Currency. 25. Every Member who shall refuse to comply with the Rules without reasonable Excuse to be judg'd of by the So- ciety shall have his Name Struck out of the list and shall no longer be deem'd a Member. 26. All Pules for the better Regulation of the Society not inconsistant with or repugnant to the above Pules may Voted and agreed by plurality of Votes at the Quarterly Meeting. LIT. The foregoing Pules shall be deem'd the fundamental Articles and Rules of the Society and shall not be alter'd or abrogated otherwise than by the Consent and Vote of two thirds of the Members regularly met at the Anniversary As- sembly. Voted unanimously agreed and Sea I'd with the So- ciety's Seal at Philadelphia in the Province of Pensilvania this Seventh of December in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven hun- dred and forty nine. Witness our hands." 14 HISTORICAL 8KETCH OF Thus run the first articles of Association — reproduced in the original spelling, capitalizing, and contractions, as the same stand recorded in the early pages of the first Minute Book of the Society. On the succeeding page are, in apparently their own hand- writing, the following names. The page is torn so that some of the names cannot be read ; but the wanting part has been supplied from other data, the supplied part being- inclosed in a parenthesis. (Thomas Gra)eme President (dames) Burd Vice Presd' (D r Ada)m Thomson ) (W)illiam Mcllvaine J John Ingles Treas dames Trotter Sec 7 Geo Smith David Dewar John Wallace Charles Stedman ,\le\ r Stedman Alex 1 Annand David Hall Alex 1 Forbes John Nelson John Kiddie James Lindsay Jas Hutton James Bell Lewis ( rordon Rob 1 Philip David Mcllvaine John Bell Alex 1 1 Iamilton William Blair The above were the original members. On the 15 Deer 171!) the first application Cor Relief was made by one Alex 1 Ross who represented himself in a Petition THE SAINT ANM.'l-'.w's SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. 15 copied verbatim into the .Minute Book asa Surgeon from Gal- lowayshire, Scotland, as having been captured by the French and Spanish some 5 or 6 times within three years, as having escaped from a Spanish prison and as now confined in the Prison at Philada. for debt. For his relief 40s. were given. The old minute-book is largely taken up with petitions for relief, many of* which are very curious hut generally too long for insertion here. A few gleanings may he admitted. 27 Aug. 1750 £5. 9s. were paid for a "strong box" for the Society. This box is now in the possession of the Society and is simply a large wooden box, which any of the accomplished "cracksmen" of the present day would open in two minutes. Aug. 31. 1750. The following petition was read and is here inserted as a curiosity of the "good old times." " About 18 years ago Janet Clealand on the earnest entreaties of her uncle -John Gibbs late of Maryland deceased was pre- vailed on to make over a small patrimony which she had in Scotland to the said Gibbs' Brother as also quit her native country and attend her said uncle to Maryland relying on his solemn promise of being there handsomely supported by him during his life and having a considerable share of estate after his death — said Janet continued to live with and faithfully serve her said uncle as his housekeeper from her first arrival in Maryland until his death except at some particular times when bad council joined to his unhappy temper made him drive her from him for some days until cool reflection took place — he then always expressed a concern for treating her in that manner — she returned to serve him as usual for the truth of which as also of his frequent declarations that he brought her from Scotland on purpose to make her his Heiress, she can appeal to several gentlemen now living in Maryland. Some years before his death he was afflicted with sickness and made his will and thereby devised and bequeathed all he should die possessed of (saving debts and few legacies) to the said Janet. Dr. Wells the Physician who attended him at that time is now living and can prove this assertion as also several declarations of her uncles in 'her favor. In 1747 Mr. Gibbs died of an 16 BISTORICAL SKETCH OF ulcer iii hia head and during his miserable sickness (which from the beginning deprived him of his reason as Dr. Williams who attended him has testified) his (the said Gibbs') negroes and their associates would in the Doctor's absence and in spighl of the said Janet's endeavors to prevent it frequently give him large quantities of rum which added greatly to his disorder. In this condition he was prevailed on to make another will whereby he cuts the said Janet and all his other relations entirely off, sets all his negroes free and leaves them all lie died possessed of except his plate and a few legacies which he thereby gives to strangers by virtue of which will the Degrees and their associates have got possession of all her the said Janet's uncle died possessed of &c and she is now left entirely destitute as well of money to procure herself justice as of the means of supporting herself which her age and infirmities now render incapable of — " The Society voted her C~. to carry on her lawsuit and rec- ommended the members to give all the assistance they could, but subsequent entries show that the unfortunate Janet lost her suit entirely. At the same meeting — Wm Middle notifies the Society that he intends to be a ( Jandidate for Sheriff but thinks a " particu- lar application due to Gentlemen of so much influence as those that compose this Honorable Society — ." July 22: 1751. — A letter of thanks was sent to Messrs. [nnes & (dark of London for the present of a Seal to the Society. Nov. 30, 1751. — The Rules of the Society underwent con- siderable amendments, and on the same day il was ordered that the future meetings should be at the Assembly room OH Mr. Hamilton's wharf, (many members objecting to a public tavern) and a committee was appointed to procure wine and other necessaries for their accommodation. Feb. 7, 1752. Mary Stark presents a petition stating that -he was 1 >< nn in Glasgow of reputable parents but seduced and decoyed thence to A merica at the age of nine years, and was in want — 50s. allowed. At the same time 1 gentlemen were fined 10a. each f<>r refusing to serve as Secretary. THE SAINT ANPKKw's SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. 17 Aug. 31, 1753. Dr. Thompson and John Inglis were directed to provide a dinner for the Society at the next Anni- versary — "the dinner not to exceed 5 shillings a man for eating to lie on the table by 2 o'clock in the afternoon — the bill to be brought in and deliver'd to the Secretary by live o'clock after- noon." April 23, 1755. — Eight pounds were paid to .John Sibbald Cor a quarter cask of Madeira. May 31, 1755. The following entry occurs. " A dispute arising whether the members present that came after seven o'clock (six being- the hour appointed for meeting) shall be fined or no. — The Vice President summed up what was said on the occasion and put it to the Vote of the Company who were almost unanimous they ought to be excused the fine. Note — they were all absent except the clerk." Feb. 29th, 1757. — (How this date occurs is not explained.) Dr. MacCleane is stated to be charged with a crime of a very atrocious nature and is therefore forbidden the meetings. Feb. 28, 1758. — £100 were ordered to be put out at interest. May 31, 17G4, the Society being in straits, petitions for charity being rejected "because no money;" the Treasurer and Mr. ('has. S ted man are ordered to collect the dues. Nov. 30, 17G5. Complaints were made as to extravagances and the officers were directed thereafter to provide a cold supper for 10 or 12 persons, reckoning to be called at 11 o'clock and clubbed by the members present. No liquor to be brought in except on the officers' orders. Aug. 31, 1770. The following entry occurs : " The SccY advertized according to custom but the President and Vice President judg'd proper to put off this meeting owing to a number of the members being out of town or more par- ticularly on account of the convulsed and unsettled state of the times. "Mr. Lee was order'd not to provide for the Company and the subscriber deems it necessary to make this memorandum he having done his duty. " Axeas Uuquhart." 3 18 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF Nov. 30, 1776. — 7 members were present. The old officers were continued and all petitions for relief were referred to the old Committee, and the Company adjourned without supping having first made a compensation to Mr. Leefor his trouble in preparing to entertain them. The Society seems to have had at different times various places of meeting, among which may be named Mr. Bunn's tavern. Fleece tavern, Ton tavern, Bunch of Grapes, Masonic Lodge, and Mr. Hamilton's wharf. Thus ends the old minute-book. The next one in the pos- session of the Society commences Nov. 30, 1786. Before passing ou to notice anything of interest therein con- tained, as a matter of curiosity at the present day some old bills for supplies, which have fortunately been preserved, are here reproduced. Bill dated Sept. 3, 1755. £. S. Sirloin " " 29 " " " " " " J 17 1 4 tongues, Dozen of fowls, .... 7 Side of Lamb, .... 5 10 pounds of Veal, 4 2 I'hjcnll ]iie, ..... 5 2 Pound nt' Butter, .... 1 Horseradish, .... 1 A Sallad 1 Mustard and Vinegar, . 1 6 5 pounds of Cheese, 5 10 Six penny loaves, 5 Dressing the supper, 1 10 Bill for dinner, Nov. 30, 1765. £. 8. d. 12 12 12 2 Pheasants, (?) 3 10 (3 G 16 the saint Andrew's society <>k Philadelphia. 19 Bill f<>r dinner, Nov. 80, L765 (continued). < reese Puddens, .... Custards, .... Tails Whip Syllabubs, . " Collerds Fouls," "Sollomon < rundy," Celery and Salad, . Pickels, Bread, I landles, .... Nuts, Attendance, trouble and looking, Oil, cheese, and vinegar, 1 Five shilling Bowl of Punch, 13 1 " 1 5 13 1 " 15 I [lasses broke, E. s. d. 1 L0 15 ■ > 12 9 6 2 6 3 6 3 6 3 6 G 5 10 2 G December 1, 1788. 45 Gentlemen dinner and fruit, 38 bottles of Madeira — $, 27 " " Claret— |, . 8 " " Tort wine — 5, 26 " " Porter— i, . 2 " " Cider— i, . Bar, .... 2 bowls of Punch, . Fruit and olives, . Sugar, .... ( r lasses broke, ( 'ash paid the piper, 13 18 Id £. _ d. 11 14 5 10 2 6 2 1 19 1 1 2 6 12 6 5 7 6 45 5 2 bottles of Madeira, Welsh rabbit bread and cheese, 15 12 46 12 20 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF Contrast with these the bill of fare for 1873, as follows : ( Oysters on Shell. Mock Turtle and Julienne Soups. Rock Fish and Lobster Sauce. Boiled Turkey, Celery, Oyster Pie. Vegetables. Croquettes, Sweetbreads, Collops. Et iasl Saddle of Venison. Terrapins, Ducks, Partridges. Dressed Salad. Ices, Meringues, Charlotte Busse, Fruits, Coffee. Sherry, Latour Blanche, Champagne, Brandy, etc. Continuing our memoranda of events seeming to merit notice, we find : 1789, Nov. 30. — An invitation to the dinner of the St. George's Society, and that our officers were directed to return the compliment. 1790, May 31.— "The enormity" of the expense of the Anniversary dinner is objected to and ordered thereafter not to exceed 10 shillings each. 1790, Nov. 30. — The old seal was disapproved on account of ^he motto "Ubi Libertas ibi Patria," and a new plate for the diplomas was ordered to be procured. 1792, Nov. 21.— The officers of the St. George's and Hiber- nian Societies were invited to the dinner, and at the same time it was resolved that the spare moneys be invested, and that it was proper to apply to the Supreme Court for an act of incorporation. 1793, Feb. 28. — The Treasurer reported that lie had pur- chased SI 01 2.29 of the deferred Debt of the V. S. at the rate of 12 sh. (i pence to the pound. 1793, May 31. — Wm. M.Smith and Richard Lake were elected ( ounsellors — apparently the first time such officers were chosen. 1797, Dec. 1.- — -The Anniversary dinner was held to-day. Nov. 30 being "Fast Day" among the Presbyterians. As most of our member.- belonged to that denomination they the saint andbbw's society of Philadelphia. 21 doubtless played a better knife and fork on account of the ab- stinence of the previous day. L799, Nov. 21. — The officers of the German and Welsh Societies were directed to be invited to the Annual dinner. 1801, Dec. 23. — The expenses of the Annual dinner over the money received therefor were directed to be paid by the officers ordering the same. 1805, Nov. 21. — It was directed that the dinners should be furnished at $3 per head, which it was hoped would be suf- ficient until 10 o'clock, the members who remained paying the bill after that hour. This was afterwards reported as not practicable. 1807, Noe. 30. — A Committee was appointed to inquire whether a charter had ever been procured, which Committee at the next meeting reported that no traces of any charter could be found. 1808, Dec. ?>. — A Committee reports that the whole property of the Society consisted of a Certificate for $1012.29 of the Deferred debt and $277.99 in the Treasurer's hands. 1809, Feb. 28. — Notice was given that a Charter of Incor- poration had been drawn up, passed and enrolled. (See Ap- pendix No. 1.) 1809, Dec. 4.— $100 were directed to be invested. 1810, Feb. 28. — The subject of building a Hall for the So- ciety was broached, but it was afterwards laid aside as being beyond their means. At the same meeting all fines incurred before being incor- porated were cancelled, but with the usual Scottish prudence it was provided that any member desiring to pay his fines should be permitted to do so. 1811, Nov. 23. — Members were authorized to invite any respectable Scotch friend to the Annual dinner. 1812, Feb. 29. — The charities of the previous year reported as $223. This same year the custom seems to have arisen of holding a meeting one month before the anniversary, to make prepara- tions for the dinner. 22 HISTORICAL SKETCH OF 1815, Feb. 28. — Investments of the Society reported to be $2436.84. 1816, Nov. 30. — "The King of Great Britain " was ordered to be a standing toast at the annual dinners during the contin- uance of peace between the United States and Great Britain. 1816, Dec. 9. — Two shares of Philadelphia Bank stock were directed to be bought. 1819, Dee. 7. — Reported that applicants for charity are guilty of going to different Assistants and getting more than is right. And the Assistants were divided into pairs for each month. 1825, Feb. 28.— Assets reported at $2880.35. 1829, Aug. 81. — Steps are directed to be taken to secure a legacy of $1000 left to the Society by .Mr. McKenzie. IS:;:;, Feb. 28.— Assets reported $4045.24. With the entry of Nov. 1 1, 1833, this minute-book ends. The next minute-book in the possession of the Society is the one opened by the present Secretary, — Oct. 31, 1864. ( ontinuing the chronological jottings as before : 1865, April 20. — At a special meeting the Society adopted resolutions expressing their abhorrence of the murder of Presi- dent Lincoln, and agreed to attend his funeral procession in a body. 1866, Feb. 28.— §1000 City of Pittsburg Bond was pre- sented l<> the Society by Mr. ("has. Macalester, their President, the interest of which he directed should be applied towards defraying the expenses of the Quarterly suppers. 1868, Feb. 29. — A Committee was appointed to report what minutes of the Society were in its possession. The ( 'ommittee, on May 30, '68, reported the two minute-books heretofore mentioned, and the former Secretary was directed to hunt up the missing minutes, and to write up the minutes kept by him- self as Secretary, which it was stated he had in his possession in MS. On May .".1, '69, the Committee reported that the minute- book from 18:; I to 1840 or 18 12 had been placed by the Sec- retary in a tire-proof safe in the office of Mr. E wing, and was believed to have been stolen therefrom, but search was making the saint Andrew's society of Philadelphia. 23 therefor, and the loose minutes from 1840 or 1842 to 1864 were being collated and arranged by the Secretary, who had kept them. Aug. 31, '69,the Committee were directed to ap- ply for the loose minutes and arrange them. Feb. 28, '70, re- ported that a large bundle of loose papers had been handed over by the former Secretary. On examination many had proved worthless, and it was probably impossible to engross them systematically. They were subsequently very carefully collated and arranged and a number of minutes of meetings, from Nov., 1844, to Feb., 1862, recovered and written in a proper volume 1870, May 31. — Subscriptions of $870 to the Supper Fund reported, and that the same had been invested at interest. 1870, Aug. 31. — Reported that the President, Mr. Macal- ester, after the adjournment of the last meeting, offered to give $1000 more to the Supper Fund if the members would sub- scribe $2000 additional, and that nearly $1000 had already been paid in, and at subsequent meetings the payment of the whole amount needed and the receipt from Mr. Macalester of his subscription were reported. 1870.— Draft of new Charter submitted and adopted. Amended May 31, 1871, and on Feb. 29, 1872, it was reported that the same had been granted by the Court. (See Appendix.) 1871, Feb. 28. — Investments of the Society reported as fol- lows : General Fund ) $5720, Supper Fund j at paF ' 3100, and in August following the Supper Fund had been made up to $5100 in investments at par values. 1872, May 31. — By Laws reported and adopted. These have since been slightly amended, and, together with the new Charter, will be found in the Appendix. 1874, Feb. 28.— A legacy of $1000 to the Society from their late President, Charles Macalester, was reported. 1874, Oct. 31. — A Committee was appointed to consult with the other Scotch Societies upon the subject of a monument to Walter Scott in Fairmount Park. 24 HISTORICAL SKETCH. 1875, May 31. — Committee reported an arrangement with The Union Benevolent Society to distribute all charities. This was not found to work well in practice and was discontinued after a short trial. At the same meeting a subscription list was started to help in the erection of a monument to John Witherspoon, D.D., a Signer of the Declaration of Independence and a member of this Society. The monument was subsequently erected and St. Andrew's was represented at the opening ceremonies. 1880, Nov. 1. — The Strong Box was ordered to be refitted, painted and put in order, and deposited in The Fidelity Trust Company, with our books and papers. Thus ends our chronological summary of the history of the Society. While we have to lament the loss of our minutes for thirty busy years, in which the Society was growing stronger in influence, character, and resources, we have still the liles of the newspapers of the day, which show that the Society was flourishing, busy in good works, and with laudable regularity promoting mutual acquaintance and friendship by its annually recurring commemoration dinner. At no time has its roll of active resident members been larger or its resources as ample as now, and we fondly indulge the hope that each succeeding year may bear witness to a steady healthy growth, and that it may endure forever. The principal relic in the Society's possession is the sword of General Hugh Mercer, who was killed in the battle of Trenton during the Revolution. At the time of the dedication of the Mercer Monument at Laurel Hill Cemetery our Society occu- pied a place of honor, and was mainly instrumental in causing the same to be erected. APPENDIX No. I CHARTER. Article I. To all Mai to whom these presents shall come : Whereas, the following named persons, viz: William Mac- pherson, Thomas Smith, Thomas Leipcr, Thomas Ewing, Robert Frazcr, Joseph Shaw, John B. Wallace, Edward Shippen Burd, James Proudfit, Nathaniel Chapman, Robert Smith, David Walker, James Arrott, James McCurrach, George Farquhar, Charles McAllister, James McAlpin, John McCau- ley, Thomas Mackie, Gavin Hamilton, Emanuel Walker, .lames Miller, Thomas Dobson, George Hunter, Malcolm MacDonald, Andrew Service, Thomas Castairs, John Fimeton, Nathan Forbes, Peter Mackie, John Brice, William Davidson, William Hamilton, Thomas McKean, William Moore Smith, William H. Tod, John Cross, William Goodfellow, John Mac- kenzie, James A. Bartram, John Aitken, George McCauley, George Hyde, Benjamin Johnson, Patrick Lyon, James Rob- ertson, Malcolm Wright, Thomas White, George Davis, William Patterson, William Smith, Neal Matthison, John Simpson, Thomas Orr, William Miller, Arthur Miller, William Hall, Edward Burd, John MacGregor, William Cramood, William Brown, Walter Sinis, James Southerland, James Ron- aldson, James Gibson, Walter Johnson, George Stewart, James Grant, Samuel Miller, William Alexander Tod, William Hunter, David Lenox, David McCormick, Alexander Rcin- agle, William Turnbull, .lames Alexander Miller, William MacDonald, William McClure, John Vallance, William Mit- chell, Henry Toland, Thomas Wbtherspoon, John Brice, James Imbrie, Robert Swan, David M. Shields, John Robertson, James Cummins, Thomas Callender, David Hardie, Robert 28 CHARTER. Wilenison, Archibald Gourley, Ralph Peacock, Bird Wilson, Robert Ritchie, John Morrison, Nathan Davidson, Samuel Meeker, John Miller (M. C), Murdoch McCauley, Henry Hutchinson, John McDougall, John Micklejohn, David McCrea, John McLeod, James Hamilton, Quintin Campbell, Robert Burnside, Tristram B. Freeman, Richard E. Smith, Joshua M. Wallace, George Morris, William Stothart, William Graham, Archibald Scott, William Robertson, Robert William Hutch- inson, John B. N. Smith, Alexander Thomson, James Black, George D. Blackie, John Collet, Robert Kid, John Carson, Thomas Palmer, George Palmer, John M. Shields, John Grant, < reorge G. Leiper, Hector Kennedy, John Love, being Citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in conjunction with such other persons, being likewise Citizens of the said Common- wealth, as they shall hereafter associate with themselves, have formed themselves into a Charitable association under the name of " The St. Andrew's Society of Philadelphia." And when as, the members of the said association arc desirous that the said Society may be incorporated, and acquire and enjoy the powers and immunities of a Corporation or body politic in Law, according to an act of the General Assembly of the Common- wealth of Pennsylvania, entitled "An act to confer on certain associations of the Citizens of this Commonwealth the powers and immunities of Corporations or bodies politic in Law." Therefore, know ye, that the said William Macpherson, Thomas Smith, Thomas Leiper, Thomas Ewing, Robert Frazer, Joseph Shaw, John B. Wallace, Edward Shippen Burd, James Proud- lit, Nathaniel Chapman, Robert Smith, David Walker, dames Arrott, .lames McCurrach, George Farquhar, Charles McAl- lister, James McAlpin, John McCauley, Thomas Mackie, Gavin Hamilton, Emanuel Walker, James Miller, Thomas Dobson, George Hunter, Malcolm MacDonald, Andrew Ser- vice, Thomas Castairs, John Fimeton, Nathan Forbes, Peter Mackie, John Brice, William Davidson, William Hamilton, Thomas McKean, William Moore Smith, William II. Tod, John Cross, William Goodfellow, John Mackenzie, James A. Bartram, John Aitken, George McCauley, GeorgeHyde, Ben- CHARTER. l -2!> jamin Johnson, Patrick Lyon, .lames Robertson, Malcolm Wright, Thomas White, George Davis, William Patterson, William Smith, Xeal Matthison, John Simpson, Thomas Orr, William Miller, Arthur Miller, William Hall, Edward Burd, John MacGregor, William Cramond, William Brown, Walter Sinis, James Southerland, James Ronaldson, James Gibson, Walter Johnson, ( ieorge Stewart, James ( irant, Samuel Miller, William Alexander, Alexander Tod, William Hunter, David Lenox, David McCormick, Alexander Reinagle, William Turn- bull, James Alexander Miller, William MacDonald, William McClure, John Vallance, William Mitchell, Henry Toland, Thomas Wotherspoon, John Brice, James Imbrie, Robert Swan, David M. Shields, John Robertson, James Cummins, Thomas Callender, David Hardie, Robert Wilenison, Archi- bald Gourley, Ralph Peacock, Bird Wilson, Robert Ritchie, John Morrison, Nathan Davidson, Samuel Meeker, John Miller (M. C), Murdoch McCauley, Henry Hutchinson, John McDougall, John Micklejohn, David McCrea, John McLeod, .lames Hamilton, Quintin Campbell, Robert Burnside, Tristram B. Freeman, Richard E. Smith, Joshua M. Wallace, George Morris, William Stothart, William Graham, Archibald Scott, William Robertson, Robert William Hutchinson, John B. N. Smith, Alexander Thomson, James Black, George D. Blackie, John Collet, Robert Kid, John Carson, Thomas Palmer, George Palmer, John M. Shields, John Grant, George G. Leiper, Hector Kennedy, John Love, and such other persons as shall hereafter be admitted or become members of the said society, being Citizens of the said Commonwealth, and their successors, shall be and they are hereby in pursuance and by virtue of the above mentioned act erected into a Corporation or body politic in Law and in fact, to have continuance of the name, style, and title of " The St. Andrew's Society of Philadelphia," and as such shall have full power and authority to make, have, and use one common seal with the motto, "Nemo me inipune laeesset," and the same to break, alter, or renew at their pleasure, and by the name, style, and title aforesaid be able and capable in law to sue and be sued, plead and be 30 CHARTER. impleaded, in any Court or Courts, before any Judge or Judges, Justice or Justices, in all manner of suits, complaints, pleas, causes, matters and demands whatsoever, and all and every matter or anything therein to do, in as full, effectual a manner as any other person or persons, bodies politic or cor- porate, within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania may or can do; and shall be authorized and empowered to make rule-!, by-laws, and ordinances, and to do everything needful for the good government and support of the affairs of the said Society. Provided, that the said by-laws, rules, and ordinances, or any of them, be not repugnant to the Constitution and Laws of the United States, to the Constitution and Laws of the ( lommonwealth of Pennsylvania, or to the present instrument upon which the said Society is founded and established; and provided also, that none of the said by-laws, rules, and ordi- nances shall extend to a dissolution of the said Society or give power to dissolve the same except by consent of all the members thereof. Article II. The said Society and their successors, by the name, style, and title aforesaid, shall be able and capable in Law, according to the terms and conditions of these presents, to take, receive, and hold all and all manner of lands, tene- ments, rents, annuities, franchises, and hereditaments, and any sum or sums of money, and any manner and portion of goods and chattels given and bequeathed unto them, to be employed and disposed of according to the objects, articles, and condi- tions of this Instrument, the by-laws of the said Society, or of the will and intention of the donor. Provided, That the clear yearly value or income of the messuages, houses, lands and tenements, rents, annuities, or other hereditaments and real es- tate of the said Society, and the interest of the money by them lent, shall not exceed the sum of five hundred pounds. ARTICLE III. The members of the Society shall be distin- guished into resident and honorary. No person shall be ad- mitted as a member, unless he he a native of Scotland, or the lineal descendant of a native of Scotland. Those only shall be deemed honorary members who reside at too great a dis- CHARTER. 31 tance from Philadelphia conveniently to attend the meetings of the Society. All others shall be considered resident members. Article IV. The officers of the Society shall be a Presi- dent, two Vice-Presidents, a Treasurer, a Secretary, a Chap- lain, two Counsellors, two Physicians, and six Assistants, chosen annually by ballot by a majority of the votes of the members present. The choice of officers shall be made at the anniver- sary meeting, unless otherwise directed by a vote or resolution of the Society, in which case the notices of meeting shall ex- press that officers of the Society are to be chosen, but the fol- lowing persons shall be and continue officers of the said Society until the next anniversary meeting thereof, which shall be on the thirtieth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and nine, to wit : William Macpherson, President. Thomas Smith, and ) . „, T . } Vice-Presidents. 1 nomas I am per, J Thomas Ewing, Treasurer. Robert Frazer, Secretary. Rev d Joseph Shaw, Chaplain. John B. Wallace, and ) ~ „ ' v Counsellors. Edward Shippen, Burd, j James Proudfit, ) m V Physicians. Nathaniel Chapman, j Robert Smith, ^ David Walker, James Arrott, ! Assist;ults James McCurrack, George Farquhar, and l Charles McAllister, J Article V. The President shall take the chair at all meet- ings where he is present, shall regulate all debates, shall pre- serve order in the Society. He shall have power to call a special meeting of the Society on any emergency, directing the 32 CHARTER. Secretary to notify the members, expressing in the notice either the particular occasion of the call, or that it is urgent business. Article VI. I" the absence of the President, one of the Vice-Presidents shall perform the duties assigned to him. It shall likewise be the duty of the Vice-Presidents, or one of them, to sign all orders on the Treasurer for the payment of money agreeably to the votes and resolution of the Society or of the Assistants, and no moneys paid otherwise than upon the ordersof the Vice-Presidents, or one of them, drawn as afore- said, shall be allowed to the Treasurer in the settlement of his accounts. Article VII. The Treasurer shall have the custody of the Society's strong-box, their seal, their cash, their certificates, and other evidences of property, their books of account, and such other books and effects as may be ordered to be depos- ited therein. He shall produce the said box, with the cash, papers, and other effects, deposited or ordered to be deposited therein, for inspection and examination by the Society, or by such committee as they shall appoint for the purpose; and shall deliver the same to the succeeding Treasurer upon notice of his being duly elected, and giving the security hereinafter directed. The Treasurer shall collect all moneys due to the Society. He shall provide and keep complete sets of books of account, in which he shall keep fair and full accounts of all moneys payable to the Society for contributions, fines, or other- wise, and all property of whatever kind belonging to the So- ciety, and also of all payments and disbursements made for or on account of the Society ; expressing particularly the object and date of the payment, the date of the order on which made, the name of the officer drawing the same, and of the person in whose favor drawn. At each anniversary meeting, or at such other time as shall for that purpose be appointed, the Treas- urer shall produce such books and accounts for the inspection and examination of the Society, or of such committee, as shall be appointed for that purpose, lie shall pay out of the moneys of the Society in his possession all such orders a- .-hall be directed to him under the hand of the Yicc-IVesidents, or CHARTER. 33 either of them, in pursuance of the votes and resolutions of the Society, or of the Assistants, or any two of them, but n<> others. Each Treasurer, before he enters upon bis office, shall give Bond (with surely) to the Society in double the amount of the property, and evidences of property to be delivered into his possession and conditioned for his faithfully and diligently collecting, receiving, and keeping all moneys and other prop- erty and evidences of properly belonging or payable to the So- ciety; for the faithful and punctual payment of all orders reg- ularly drawn on him; for the true and faithful delivery to his successor, on demand, of the strong-box, and of the books of account, cash certificates, and other papers and property, or evidences of property whatever, and in all other respects well and faithfully to perform and fulfil the trusts and duties of Treasurer agreeably to the provisions of this instrument and the bye-laws of the Society until a successor shall be duly elected and qualified to fill the office of Treasurer, which Bond shall be deposited in the hands of the President of the Society for safe keeping. Article VIII. The Secretary shall have the custody of the Book of Minutes of the Society, and shall therein record all the votes, resolutions, and other transactions of the Society. lie shall give public notice of the time and place of the anni- versary, quarterly and special meetings of the Society. He shall keep a regular list or roll of the names of all the resident and honorary members of the Society. He shall, half an hour after the time appointed for the meeting of the Society, call over the names of the resident members, noting the absentees, and immediately after the adjournment of the Society shall deliver a correct list of delinquents to the Treasurer, noting those who appeared and took their seats after roll-call, and re- quested a note to be made of such their appearance. At the opening of every meeting of the Society, whether stated or special, the minutes of the proceedings of the former meeting shall be read by the Secretary, at which time, but not after- wards, corrections may be made by the Society. Article IX. The Chaplain shall perform the religious 34 CHARTER. duties customary at the meetings of the Society, and shall by his counsel and advice promote harmony and good will among the members. He shall also visit such sick and distressed persons as may be recommended to his attention by the As- sistants, or any two of them. Article X. It shall be the duty of the Counsellors, upon the call of the President, Vice-Presidents, or any two of the Assistants of the Society, to give opinions and advice upon any questions of law in which the Society >h;ill be interested, or any other persons in whose behalf the Society shall interfere, and make such call ; and shall render such other legal assist- ance as shall be necessary in any of the cases aforementioned. ARTICLE XI. The Physicians shall render such medical advice and relief to persons the objects of the Charity of the Society, as shall be pointed out to them by the Assistants, or any two of them. ARTICLE XII. The six Assistants shall be a standing com- mittee of the Society, whose duty it shall be to pay attention to emigrants from Scotland, to inquire into their treatment during the passage, and into their circumstances and views; to assist them by their advice, and to recommend such of them as they may think proper to the Society for pecuniary relief. It shall also be their duty to consider such applications as may be made for Charity between the stated meetings. They shall have power to bestow out of the funds of the Society such relief as they may think absolutely necessary to poor per- sons wdiom they may judge to be objects of the Society's bounty, being natives of Scotland, their widows and chil- dren, or being the widows, children, or grandchildren of mem- bers of the Society. But the said Assistants shall not ex- ceed the sum of twenty dollars in their donations to any one person, nor the sum of one hundred dollars in the whole in the advancements to be made by them between any two stated meetings of the Society, unless by the order or permission of a stated meeting of the Society or by a special meeting to be called for that purpose, and to consist of at least -even members; which advances shall be made by orders drawn on CHARTER. 35 the Treasurer by at least two members of the said Committee of Assistants and not otherwise. Provided, That no person shall be entitled to charity or relief from this Society who by any settlement or residence shall be at the same time entitled to support or relief from any city, county, borough, township, hundred, parish, or place within the United States, unless in cases of urgent and extraordinary distress, and when it may be necessary for the person applying to remove from this city to some other place, in which case a meeting of the officers and Assistants of the Society shall be called to determine upon the relief to be given. ARTICLE XIII. If any officer shall happen to die or to re- move from this State during the time for which he shall have been elected, his place may be supplied by an election made at the next stated meeting of the Society in the form above mentioned. Article XIV. If any member, being duly elected an offi- cer, shall refuse to serve, another shall be chosen to supply his place at the next stated meeting of the Society in the form above mentioned. Article XV. In admitting members into the Society the following form shall be observed. A member of the Societv shall name the person proposed to be admitted, and shall at the same time state to the Society that he knows or has good grounds for the belief (stating at the same time those grounds) that the person proposed is within the qualifications expressed in the third article of this Charter: whereupon the Secretary shall enter the nomination on the minutes of the Society. At the next stated meeting, at the request and motion of the per- son nominating, or of some person by him authorized, 1 1 ley shall proceed to ballot for the person proposed as member, and if upon such ballot it shall appear that two-thirds of the resi- dent members present are in favor of his admission, he shall be admitted as a member, and upon payment of not less than five dollars to the Treasurer, if a resident member, or, if elected as an honorary member on payment of any sum not less than ten dollars, he shall be entitled to the rights and privileges of a member of the Society. 36 CHARTER. Article XVI. The stated meetings of the Society shall be four times every year, at some convenient house in the city of Philadelphia, viz., on St. Andrew's day (which shall be the anniversary), and on the last days of February, May, and August; but if either of those days should be Sunday the meeting shall be holden on the day next ensuing; five resident members shall constitute a quorum for transacting the business of the Society, and upon a quorum being formed at any stated meeting, a majority of the members present shall have authority to ordain and establish such by-laws, rules, and ordinances relative to the affairs of the Society as they may deem proper, and to alter or abolish the same at their pleasure; subject. however, to the provisions contained in the first article of this instrument. Any officer who shall be absent from a stated meeting shall pay to the Treasurer for the use of the Society fifty cents, and any other resident member who shall have been regularly admitted and shall be absent shall pay a fine in like manner of twenty-five cents. But if any officer or member shall appear after roll-call and desire his appearance to be noted, he shall be fined one-half the sums above named re- spectively. Article XVII. Each member of the Society besides the gum paid on admission shall make a contribution of three dollars annually, to be paid to the Treasurer at the anniversary meeting, and to be appropriated as above mentioned to chari- table uses. The funds arising from fines imposed on the members may be applied towards the defraying of the necessary expenses incurred and occasioned by visits from strangers and officers of other charitable societies at the anniversary meetings of this Society and other necessary expenses of the Society. But the Bums payable on admission, the annual contributions, and the surplus of lines which shall appear upon the annual settle- ment of the Treasurer's accounts, shall be applied exclusively to the relief of distressed persons and to the establishing funds for affording such relief; and any surplus funds of the Society that may remain in the Treasurer's hands on the settlement of his accounts at each anniversary meeting, or such part thereof CHARTER. 37 as a majority of the members present at such anniversary meet- ing may direct, a quorum being duly formed as aforesaid, shall by him be invested in sonic Stock, bearing an interest or yield- ing a dividend, or put out at Interest on landed Security, in such manner as may he directed by a majority of the members present ; subject, however, to the provision contained in the Second Article of this instrument. ARTICLE XYIII. At all meetings of the Society the Presi- dent, or in his absence the Senior Vice-President, or in his absence the other Vice-President, or in his absence a member chosen President for one time, shall take the chair, half an hour after the time appointed for the meeting of the Society. Whereupon the roll shall be immediately called by the Secre- tary, the minutes of the former meeting read, and the Society proceed to business if a quorum shall be found ; whilst the meeting is organized no business shall be discussed or brought into the view of the Society but what shall relate to the objects of its institution. Every member speaking shall address him- self to the chair; when the debate is closed the presiding officer shall put the question, which (unless when otherwise particu- larly directed) shall be decided by a majority of voices present. Article XIX. Upon a demand made by the Treasurer upon any member personally for a fine or annual contribution, if such member shall refuse or neglect to pay the same, it shall be the duty of the Treasurer to report such refusal or neglect to the next stated meeting of the Society. Whereupon the Society shall direct the Secretary to deliver a written notice to such member personally that he is reported delinquent, and that unless he make payment or assign a sufficient reason to the Society at their next stated meeting why he does not, he will be liable to be expelled by a vote of the Society from his membership and lose all rights thereto attached ; and if such member shall still neglect or refuse to pay or to assign a satis- factory excuse for not paying, the Society may, at the next anniversary meeting, or at any subsequent stated meeting whilst such member continues delinquent, by a vote of two- thirds of the members present expel such delinquent; which 38 CHABTER. vote of expulsion shall be entered on the minutes, and a certi- fied copy thereof served on the expelled member by the Sec- retary ; and such member shall thereupon be considered as absolutely expelled and no longer a member of the Society, nor entitled to any participation in its property, rights, or privileges. Certificate of the Attorney-General. I do Certify to the Supreme Court of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that 1 have perused and examined the within Instrument, and am of opinion that the objects, articles, and Conditions therein set forth and Contained are lawful. — De- cember 30th, 1808. Jos. B. MoKean. Certificate of the Supreme Court. We do Certify to His Excellency, The Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, that we have perused and examined the within Instrument, and are of opinion that the objects, articles, and Conditions therein set forth and Contained are lawful. — December 30th, 1808. Simon Snyder. Wm. Tilghman, J. Yeates, [seal.] Thomas Smith, Hugh II. Brackenridge. Pennsylvania sst: In the name and by the authority of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Simon Snyder, Governor of -the said Commonwealth, — To Timothy Matlack, Esquire, Master of the Rolls in and for the said Commonwealth, Sends Greeting: Whereas, It has been duly certified tome by Joseph B. McKean, Esquire, Attorney- ( reneral of the said ( Commonwealth, and by William Tilghman, Esquire, Chief Justice, and by Jasper Yeates, Thomas Smith, CHABTBR. 39 and Hugh Henry Brackenridge, Esquires, Associate Judges of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, that they have respec- tively perused and examined the within Act or Instrument for the Incorporation of "The St. Andrew's Society of Philadel- phia;" and that they concur in opinion that the Objects, Arti- eles, and Conditions therein set forth and contained are lawful. Now know you, that in pursuance of an act of the General Assembly, passed the sixth day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one, entitled "An act to confer on certain associations of the citizens of this ( !om- nionwealth the powers and immunities of Corporations or Bodies Politic in Law," I have transmitted the said Act or Instrument of Incorporation unto you, the said Timothy Mat- lack, Master of the Rolls aforesaid, hereby requiring to enrol the same at the expenee of the applicants to the intent that according to the Objects, Articles, and Conditions therein set forth and contained, the parties may become and be a corpora- tion in Body politic, in Law, and in fact, to have continuance by the name, style, and title in the said Instrument provided and declared. Given under my Hand and the Great Seal of the State, at Lancaster, this Sixth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and nine, and of the Commonwealth the thirty-third. By the Governor. Natii'l B. Boileau, Secretary. Inrolled in the Rolls Office for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in Letter of Attorney book No. 8, page 165, etc. • Witness my hand and seal of said Office at Ivan- caster, this Twenty-seventh day of February, A.D. 1809. [seal.] T. Matlack, M. R. APPENDIX No. II. CHARTER. ARTICLE I. NAME AND POWERS. The name of the Society shall be "The St. Andrew's Society of Philadelphia," and by that name the Society shall have perpetual succession, and be capable of suing and being sued, pleading and being impleaded, and may have, hold, and take by gift, devise, bequest, purchase or otherwise, real and per- sonal estate of as large clear yearly value as is allowed by the Laws of the State of Pennsylvania relating to the Incoporation of Charitable and Benevolent associations; and shall have full power and authority to make and use a common seal, with such device as may be deemed proper, and the same from time to time to alter and renew at pleasure; and generally shall have and enjoy all rights and privileges appertaining to such corporations. ARTICLE II. OBJECT. The sole object of the Society shall be the relief of distressed Scotch emigrants after their arrival in Pennsylvania, and the widows and minor children of such emigrants. Such relief shall be given in such manner and form as shall be from time to time particularly set forth in the By-Laws of the Society. ARTICLE III. OF MEMBERSHIP. The only persons qualified for membership in this Society shall be citizens of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania who 44 CHARTER. shall have been born in Scotland or who shall be the descend- ants of persons born in Scotland. The Society shall have the right to elect honorary members, who shall not at any time exceed ten in number, but no honorary member shall have any right to take any part in the management of the business of the Society, nor shall such members be called upon to con- tribute to its support. The members, regular and honorary, shall be elected under such regulations, and the regular members shall pay such yearly contribution for the support of the Society, as the So- ciety may from time to time prescribe by its By-Laws. ARTICLE IV. OF OFFICERS AND ELECTIONS. The officers of the Society shall be a President, two Vice- Presidents, Treasurer, Secretary, Chaplain, two Physicians, two Counsellors, and such number of Assistants and other officers as may from time to time be provided for by the By-Laws. The officers shall perform such duties as usually appertain to the respective offices, and which shall be particularly set forth in the By-Laws. They shall be elected annually by ballot at the October meeting, and shall hold office for the term of one year from the Thirtieth day of November of the year of their election ; and if from any cause there should fail to be an election at the proper time, the officers then in office shall hold their respective places until their successors shall be duly chosen ata subsequent meeting. At all elections for officers the candidates elected must have a majority of the whole number of votes east. In case any of the offices becoming vacant by death, resig- nation, or otherwise during the current term the vacancy shall be filled by election by ballot at the next stated meeting, or at a special meeting called for the purpose. CHARTKi:. 45 ARTICLE V. OF MEETINGS. There shall be at least five stated meetings of the Society held every year, viz., on the last day of the months of Feb- ruary, May, August, and Oetober, and on St. Andrew's day, unless said meeting day shall happen on Sunday, when the meeting- shall be held on the day next succeeding. The order of business and the number necessary to form a quorum shall be prescribed by the By-Laws. The President or either of the Vice-Presidents at any time may, and shall at the request of three members in writing, call a special meeting of the Society. ARTICLE VI. OF BY-LAWS. The Society shall have power to make all needful By-Laws for the regulation of its affairs not contravening this Charter, or the Constitution and Laws of the United States of America, or of the State of Pennsylvania. APPENDIX No. III. ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY. BY-LAWS. ARTICLE I. OP THE OFFICERS. Section 1. The President shall punctually at the hour for meeting take the chair at all meetings of the Society, and con- duet its business in the order prescribed in Article III, Section 2. He shall keep proper order, decide all points of order, sub- ject to appeal, and shall in case of a tie vote on any subject have the privilege of voting, but in no other case; should he refuse to so vote the motion shall be lost. He shall appoint all committees unless otherwise ordered, of which committes the first-named person shall be chairman, and shall himself be ex-ojjioio a member thereof unless other- wise determined by the Society. He shall perform any other duty assigned him from time to time by the Society. Section 2. The Y ice- Presidents shall, in order of seniority in office, perform the duties of the President in his absence, and in the same order succeed to his place in case of his death or resignation, until his successor be duly chosen. Section 3. The Treasurer shall have the custody of the moneys and securities and other valuables of the Society. He shall collect all moneys due the Society, and pay all orders lawfully drawn upon him by the Assistants, and all moneys which, by any vote of the Society certified to him by the Sec- retary, he may be directed to do, and all bills which he may know to be correct and proper, and which may be presented for payment more than fifteen days preceding the next stated 7 50 BY-LAWS. meeting of the Society. He shall keep a proper cash-book, a proper ledger account with each member, a ledger account of each security, and of each special fund, and shall make a written report at every stated meeting showing his receipts and dis- bursements in detail since his last report. He shall at every February meeting report what members are in arrears for initiation fee for one year or for dues two years, and at every meeting all fines incurred by officers pursuant to Section 9 of this Article. He shall farther give proper notice previous to the February meeting to any member who may be in danger of being dropped for unpaid dues, that at said meeting he will cease to be a member unless said dues are paid, and shall notify all members stricken from the roll for this cause of the fact thereof. He may be recpaired to give satisfactory security for the due performance of his duties. Section 4. The Secretary shall keep in a proper book fair and correct minutes of all proceedings of the Society, and shall produce such book and read such minutes at every stated meet- ing of the Society. He shall give written or printed notice of election to every new member elected, and to every officer not present at the time of election, and a similar notice by post to every member in the city of Philadelphia of the time and place of the stated meetings in February, May, August, and October ; and of every adjourned and special meeting, unless prevented by shortness of time. Each notice of a stated meet- ing shall contain the names and residences of candidates for membership and the names of the proposers. He shall notify the Treasurer of the name and address of each new member elected, and the chairman of each committee appointed of such appointment, with a list of the members of the committee. He shall send an invitation in the name of the Society to the subscribers and invited guests for the annual dinner. Be shall lay before the chair at cadi meetings written order of business, with the names of the committees who should re- port, and a statement of the unfinished business, if any. He shall keep a correct roll of all active and honorary members, BY-LAWS. 51 and all reports, letters, and other papers of the Society shall be properly filed and preserved by him. Section 5. The Chaplain shall open each meeting, at which he is present, with prayer and shall invoke the blessing of God at each animal meeting, and shall render such spiritual advice ami consolation to the sick and suffering objects of the Society's bounty, referred to him by the Assistants, as he may deem proper in the circumstances of the case, and shall, if re- quested by an officer so to do, perform proper funeral services for persons buried under the care of the Society. He shall be excused from the payment of any dues. Section 6. The Counsellors, who shall be men learned in the law, shall give the Society such legal advice as may be re- quired from time to time without charge. Section 7. The Physicians, who shall be regular graduates of a respectable Medical College, shall under the direction of the Assistants render proper medical attendance to the sick and suffering under the Society's care, without charge. Section 8. The Assistants, whose number shall be desig- nated at each annual election, shall have charge and oversight of all the sick and suffering poor who may apply for the benefit of the charity funds of the Society. The Assistants shall have liberty to expend in each month, from May to October inclusive the sum of Fifty Dollars, and in each month from November to April inclusive, the sum of One Hundred Dollars, and any amount unexpended in any month may be expended by them any time subsequently. Relief shall only be extended to the objects named in Article IV of these By-Laws, and care and discrimination shall be used to prevent any unworthy person from becoming a recipient of the Society's bounty. It shall be the duty of the Assistants to keep a book wherein shall be entered in alphabetical order applications for relief, amount given (if any), the date of giving, and every other particular which may be deemed useful to the Society. The Acting Assistant shall further have power to call for the pro- 52 BY-LAWS. fessional services of the Society's physicians or counsellors, and to provide for all burials in the Society's lot. Section 9. If either the President, Vice-Presidents, the Secretary or Treasurer be absent from any stated meeting of the Society he shall pay to the supper fund a fine of $1.00; unless excused on good cause by a vote of two-thirds of the members present at the next meeting. ARTICLE II. OF MEMBERS. Section 1. The name of every proposed member shall be handed in by a member of the Society in writing at a stated meeting of the Society, with his address, a statement of the business in which he is engaged, and whether he was born in Scotland or is descended from Scottish ancestors. This statement shall be signed by the member proposing, and shall be read aloud by the Secretary at the close of the meeting immediately before adjournment. The proposals shall then lie over for action at the next stated meeting. There shall be appointed at each annual election a Committee of five members who shall constitute an Elective Committee, to whom all propositions for membership shall be submitted, at least thirtv days previous to a regular meeting, at which the election shall be held as provided in this Section. SECTION 2. All elections for members shall be by ballot, and three black balls in the box shall defeat the candidate. If his proposer thinks proper he may request the ballot to be taken again before the transaction of other business; and the same shall be done, but such new ballot shall be final. Section 3. Every new member shall pay an admission fee of $10. All admission fees received subsequently to the adoption of this By-Law shall be invested at interest as a part of the permanent funds of the Society. Every member shall pay an annual fee of $5. AdmisSlOD fees shall be payable upon election ; annual lees on St. Andrew's day. Any member may commute his annual lees by the payment of $50 in one sum ; BY-LAWS. 53 and all sums so received shall be invested at interest as part of the permanent funds of the Society. SECTION 4. Any member who shall be found guilty of any breach of the Criminal Laws of the land, or who shall become intoxicated, or use profane, violent, or obscene language at any meeting of the Society, or who shall by his acts or behavior show himself unfit to associate with gentlemen, shall be ex- pelled from the Society. In order to expel a member notice shall be given in writing, signed by three members, at one stated meeting, that a motion to expel will be made at the next stated meeting, and notice thereof shall be given to the offending member by the Secretary. Such motion when brought up at a subsequent meeting shall require the votes of two-thirds of the members present for adoption. Provided, however, that if the reasons for expulsion be open, notorious, and uncontradicted, any stated meeting may by the unanimous vote of all the members present, except the offending member, dispense with notice and by such vote expel the offender. Any member whose admission shall be unpaid for one year, or who shall be in arrear for his annual dues for two years, shall cease to be a member of the Society, unless retained upon the roll by an express vote when reported by the Treasurer. Section 5. Honorary members shall be elected in the same manner as prescribed respecting other members. ARTICLE III. OF MEETINGS. Section 1. The hour for all meetings, stated, adjourned, and special, shall be eight o'clock in the evening, unless spe- cifically ordered otherwise in the ease of a special meeting, and except also on St. Andrew's day, when the Dinner Committee shall fix the hour. Twelve members shall constitute a quorum, but a less number may adjourn over to another time. Section 2. At all stated meetings the order of business shall be as follows : 54 BY-LAAVS. 1. Heading and amendment and approval of the minutes. 2. Reports of Committees in the order of their appointment and action thereon. 3. Treasurer's Report and action thereon. 4. Unfinished business. 5. Election of members. 6. Election of officers. 7. New business. 8. Reading the names of candidates for membership, and adjournment. At an adjourned meeting the business shall be commenced where the same was left oft" at the time of the adjournment of the previous meeting. At a special meeting no business shall be transacted other than that for which the meeting was called. At any stated or adjourned meeting the order of business may be changed or suspended by a vote of three-fourths of those present. Section 3. After the adjournment of every quarterly meet- ing the members present shall be entitled to partake of such collation as the income from the Supper Fund may justify. ARTICLE IV. RELIEF. Relief shall be given by the Assistants as prescribed in Sec- tion 8 of Article I of these By-Laws. The only persons to whom it shall be given shall be destitute persons born in Scotland, their widows and minor children. No person habit- ually using intoxicating liquor to excess shall ever receive any relief. ARTICLE V. OP EMOLUMEN rS. No officer shall receive any emolument whatever from the Society except the Treasurer, who shall be allowed ten per BY-LAWS. 55 centum upon all annual dues collected, dues paid at the annual dinner always excepted. ARTICLE VI. OF AMENDMENTS. All amendments or alterations of these By-Laws must (irst be proposed in writing at one stated meeting, and shall then require the votes of three-fourths of the members present for adoption; and in the notices issued for such next stated meet- ing; the substance of such amendment or alteration shall be set forth. CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS KITS SOCIETY 0i ; PHILADELPHIA. PRESENT MEMBERS IN SMALL CAPS This Catalogue lias been compiled from the following sources: I. The Minute- Books of the Society. II. The prior Catalogues — printed or MSS. III. The Ledgers and Cash Books. Aided by whatever other memoranda have been found and which seemed to give any information. It is not pretended that it is complete, nor is all therein con- tained to be implicitly relied upon as correct ; it is only put forth as the best now to be had. By reason of the loss of minutes, the diverse spellings of names in memoranda preserved, and the great want of system in former records, it is more than probable that the names of some members have been entirely lost, and it is also likely that others are spelled wrongly, improper dates given, and, perhaps, some few duplicated. I can only say that I have given much care, time, and attention to avoid errors of every kind, and have done the very best I could do with the material at my com- mand. It was at one time apparently the practice to accept gifts from divers persons, very frequently captains of merchant vessels fre- quenting Philadelphia, and those persons are styled honorary members. They appear invariably to have been Scotchmen. I have not entered intentionally any such persons as members, but have catalogued only the resident members. This practice died 8 58 CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS OF out about the Revolution, and from that time every name it is likely is that of a resident member, and there can be but very few, if any, names previous thereto who were not resident members. The work of collating the Ledgers and Cash Books was per- formed by Mr. Hunter Stedman, who, in so doing, has only added another to the very many obligations due him from The Saint Andrew's Society. C. D. RITCHIE, Secretary. Philadelphia, 1881. NAMES. ADMITTED. OTHER MEMORANDA. Annand, Alex Founder Not in Cat. of 1769. Alexander, Alex 1749 In Cat. of 1791. Abercrombie, Capt. Jas. ..Member 17o4 Dead in 17-V.i. Anderson, James Member 1760 Hon. List in 1760. Alexander, Cosmure Member 1768. Afflick, Thos 1769. Aitkin, Robt 1774 Hony 1789. Anderson, Alex Member 1786. Angus, John Member 1786 Mvd to Amboy 1S01. Aitkin, John 1790. Aitkin, John 1794. Alexander, Win 1 7! '7. Arrott, James 1798 Died in 1859. Abrahams, Johu 1810. Allen, Alex 1813. Arrott, Win 1816. Arrott, David 1817. Aitkin, Dr. Win 1818. Anderson, James 1819. Anderson, William 1819. Agnew, Wm. F NAMES. A OMITTED. OTHER MEMORANDA. Buchano.au, Robt Member 1790. Bilsland, Alex 1 795. Bonnar, Wm L795. Blackburn, John Member 1790. Blackburn, Wm 1798. Brown, Andw 1800. Burd, Edward Sbippen 1801. Burnside, Robert 1805. Blakie, Geo. D 1806. Black, James 1806. Binny, Archibald 1810. Burns, Hugh 1812. Brownlee, Rev. Wm. C 1S14. Biddle, Thos 1814. Banks, Rev. Dr 1819. Bennett, Jobn 1823 Not in Cat. of 1837. Burns, John M 1831 Not in Cat. of 1837. Beveridge, Rev. Thos 18:51 Not in Cat. of 1837. Bald, Robert 1831 Died about 1855. Brown, Capt. David 1831 Died 1852. Burns, J. H 1832. Bell, Jas. F 1833 Resigu'd prior to 1847 Blayney, Willis II 1836. Buist, Robert 1836 Died July 13, 1880. Biddle, Nicholas 1837 Pres't Bank U. S. From catalogue of 1837 which purports to be a catalogue ot members from the formation of the Society. Barber, Capt. Wm. Bart ram, James A Beau, Samuel. Bissett, Rev. John. Brown, Laurence. Brown, Capt. John. Buchanan, Walter. Burke, Robt. Betbune, Rev. (J. W 1838. Bolton, E 1839. Browu, David Paid 1839. the saint Andrew's society of Philadelphia. 61 NAMES. ADMITTED. OTHER MEMORANDA. Blackic, James 1840. Beath, Robert 1841 Cat. 1847 mk'd rem'd. Blaekburu, Alex. I) 1841. Biddle, Thos 1841. Blackmail, John F 1841'. Biddle, Clement 1845. Biddle, Chas., Jr 1845. Brown, Alex. II 1846. Biddle, Henry J 1847. Bald, Bobt. L 1847 Died 1853. Bell, Hon. Thos. S 1847. Bartram, George 1848. Blackwood, Rev. Wm 1850. Bald, J. Dorset 1850. Biddle, Chas. J 1850 Died 1873. Biddle, Clement 1850. Bonnar, Rev. Jas. B. D 1852. Biddle, Hon. Craig 1852 Resigned 1878. Biddle, J. Williams 1852. Baird, John 1852. Balch, Thos 1853 Resigned 1857. Bell, Thos. S 1853. Braidwood, Thos. W 1853. Biddle, Thos. A 1850. Burns, Dr. Robt 1856. Blair, Wm 185G. Brown, Wm 1856 Died 1800. Baird, Wm 1850 Died 1878. Byrnes, Jacob F 1804 Resigned is;::. Baird, Wm. 8 1864 Died 1870. Booth, John 1865 Died 1871. Baird, Matthew ISC,;) Died 1877. Burns, John M 1807. Boyd, A 1807. Bailey, John T 1808 Resigned 1873. Brockie, Wm 1800. Bingham, Henry II I860. Burns, Chas. C 1870 Resigned 1878. Bull, George 187< >. 62 catalogue of members of names. admitted. other memoranda Biddle, Alex 1870. Bums, John 1871 Died 1872. Brown, Thos 1872 Struck off' 1877. Buist, Robt., Jb 1875. Besson, Chas. A 1876. Blair, Henry C 1877. Black, Robt. G 1879. Booth, James K 1880. Boyd, Peter 1880. Cowan, Capt. John 1750 Not in Cat. of 1769. Craig, Jas 1750. Cameron, Thos 1750 Died 1751. Campbell, Rev. Collin 1750 Not in Cat. of 1769. Corrie, Capt. Win 1750 Not in Cat, of 1769. Currie, Rev. Wni 1751. Chrystie, Archibald 1751 Died 1754. Cannon, James 1757 Struck off 1764. Clark, Robt 1759. Chambers, James 1701 Not in Cat. of 1769. Chalmers, Jas Struck off 1764. Cleland, Geo Member in 1770. Craig, Capt. Jas 1773. Craig, Wm 177-"». Clow, Andw. Clark, John. Craig, John. Craig, Jas., Jr 1786. Christie, Alex 1786. Carstairs, Thos 1786. Cramond, James 1788. Cochran, Nicol 1788. Campbell, Robt 1790 Dead in 17!)!). Clark, David Member 1701. Cay, David Member 1701. Cramond, Wm Member 1791 . Cross, John Member 1791. Currie, Dr. Wm 1792 Resigned 1799. Coupar, Robt 1800 Dead in 1802. the saint Andrew's society of Philadelphia. 63 N IMEB. ADMITTED. OTHER MEMORANDA. Cuming, James 1800. Callender, Thos 1802. Campbell, Quint in 1804. Collett, Capt John 1805. Chapman. Dr. Nath'l 1806 Died 1853. Caldcleugh, Robt, A 1811. Carstairs, Jas 1812. Cochran, John 1814. Campbell, John 1817. Campbell, Robt 1*18. Clunie, Mich! L823. Carter, Durdan B 1*27. Cross, Benj 1828. Clark, David 182!). Campbell John 1831. Cameron, James 1831. Christie, Wm 1832. Caldcleugh, R. C 1832. Cochran, Wm. G 1836. Caldcleugh, Wm. G 1836 Died Dec. 1872. Caldcleugh, Robt 1837 Died Jan. 1*73. Croskey, Henry 1*37. Crosby, William 1837. From before mentioned catalogue of 1837. Callender, Capt. Alex. Campbell, Hugh. Campbell, Capt. Thos. Campbell, Chas. Carsou, John. Cathcart, Andw. Clayton, Capt. Geo. Craig, Alex. Colquhoun, Henry. Colquhoun, Humph rev. Currie, Lewis. Clark, Willis G 18:57. Campbell, Henry B 1838. Culbertson, Wm 1841. 64 CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS OF NAMES. ADMITTED. OTHER MEMORANDA. Claphane, John 1841. Chambers, Geo. T 1841. Campbell, Geo 1841. Clayton, T 1842. Clark, John C 1842. Culbertson, G 1842. Chambers, Robt 1842. Campbell, St. John 14. Cummings, G. Parker 1851 llon'y 1865. Crawford, James 1851. Craig, Joseph B 1852 Died in 1865. Coats, Andw 1852 llon'y 1865. Chillas, David 1852 Dropped in 1804. Cooke, Jay 1853. Cameron, Hon. Simon 1853. Campbell, Malcolm 1854. Cameron, Win 1856. Campbell, Win. S 1856 Struck off 1863. Cummings, Alex. G L858. Cummings, John G 1860. Cummins, Dan'l B 1865. Cochran, Thos 1865 Struck off 1870. Crow, Alex 1865. THE SAINT ANDREWS SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. 65 NAMES. ADMITTED. OTHER MEMORANDA. Campbell, Win. L 1865 Struck off 1873. Carter, James 1865 Resigned 1868. Carriek, B. F 1866 Struck offl870. Childs, Geo. W 1866. Campbell, Archibald 1867 Died 1874. Crawford, John S 1868 Struck off 1869. Cunningham, Win. .1 1869 Resigned 1*71. Campbell, James II 1869. Craig, Hu^h, Jb 1871. Craig, John F 1871. Cathebwood, John H 1*72. Cbaig A.NDW. C 1.S74. Crow, Aeex, Ji: 1875. Cochran, Wm 1875 Struck off 1879. Cochran, Thos 1870. Carnahan, John 1877. Craweoud, Gen. Saml. \Vylie...1878. Dewar, David Pounder Struck off 1761. Davey, Hugh 1750 Struck off 1761. Dowuie, Capt. Wm 1754 Not in Cat. of 1769. Duncan, Thos Member 1764. Derby, Henry 1767 Hon'y 1769. Douglass, Wm 1771. Dobsou, Thos 1786 Resigned 1802. Davidson, Win Member 1788. Dewar, David 1792. Douglass, Win 1793. Davis, Geo 1796. Drummond, Archibald 1799. Davidson, Nathan 1803. Douglas, James 1810. Dickson, John 1813. Duncan, David 1815. Dobson, Judah Member 1816. Drysdale, Win 1817. Dunnett, James 1819. Dun, Geo. W 1823. Dunlap, Thos 1831. 9 6Q CATALOGUE OP MEMBERS OF NAMES. ADMITTED. OTHER MEMORANDA. From before mentioned catalogue of 1837. Davidson, Robt. Deas, David. Donald, Robt, Douglass. James. Doran, ('apt. Win. Duncan, Robt. Duncan, James. Dundas, Tims. Dunn, ('apt. James. Dunlop, ('apt. Win. Drummond, Dr. Jas. Dalling, -lames 1838. Dick, Walter B 1838 Died 1869. Dickson, John 1838. Dun, Nathan 1839. Dryburgh, Andw 1841. Dick, James 1841. Drysdale, W 1844. Dobson, .Mr Died 1850. Dick, Fred 1851. Duncan, Robt 1854. Duncan, Rev. -John McKim 185"). Dull', Wm. .1 1856. Dobson, Zach. Poulson 1856 Died 1873. Dick. Matthew W 1858. Duncan, Jacob M 1866 Struck off 1*7*. Duncan, Wm 1866 Struck on 1878. Dallas, Geo. M L868 Resigned 1*72. Drysdale, Dr. Thos. M 1869. Dickson, L. Taylor 1870. Dangler, David A 1874 Struck on 1*7'.). Elliott, Andw 1750 Name era'd Cat. 1764. Elpbinston John L760 Name era'd Cat. L764. Ewer, Walter 1768. Ewing, Thos 1784. Ennis, Wm 1 7*6. Elmsley, John. the saint Andrew's society of Philadelphia. o< NAMES. ADMITTED. OTHEB MEMORANDA. Elliot, Hugh 1833. From before mentioned catalogue of ls:!7. Elphinston, Hugh. Esdale, John. Esdale, Donald. Erskine, William. Ely, Win 1837. Ely, John, Jr 1838. Ewing, Edward 1838. Elliott, Chas. A 1840. Edwards, H. B 1851. English, G 1851. Elmslie, Win 1864 Died Nov. 1871. Elltott, John 1866. Forbes, Alex Founder Not in Cat. of 1769. Ferguson, Capt. Robt 17ol Struck off 1761. Forbes. Win 1769. Fearies, Capt. Francis. Fairbairn, John 1786. Frazier, Thos 1 788. Firaeton, John 1788. Femingtou, John 1788. Forbes, Nathaniel 1788. Fridge, Alex 1800. Frazer, Robt 1803 Farquhar, Dr. Geo 1804. Freeman, Tristram B 1804. From before mentioned catalogue of 1#37. Falconer, Capt. Ferris, Capt. Robt. Forrester, Dr. Fletcher, P 1838. Fagan, James 1839. Frye, Wm 1841. Fife, Jas 1845. Fife, R 1847. 68 CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS OF NAMES. ADMITTED. OTHER MEMORANDA. Ferguson, P. L 1848. Farquhar, E. Y 1850. Forsyth, Presley B 1851. Fisher, J. W 1853. Findlay, Wm 1854 Resigned May 1870. Fergusson, David 1855 Died in 1880. Fleming, Wm 1856. F raiser, Jas 1857. Ferguson, Peter 1857. Fales, Saml. D 1859. Fair, James M 1863 Moved to X. Y., L868. Frazer, John 1807 Struck oft" 1*77. Fergusson, Alex. C 1868. Fulton, Saml. H 1868 Struck off 1877. Fergusson, John 1869. Fergusson, Wm 1869. Frazier, John W 1869 Struck off 1874 Forbes, Dr. Wm. S 1872 Struck off 1877. Ferguson, Jas. M 1877. Ferguson, Geo 1877. Graeme, Dr. Thos Founder Dead in 1771. Gordon, Lewis Founder Hon'y 1770. Gardner, Win 1750 Resigned 17<>2. Gibbons, Capt. James 1752 Resigned 1769. Gibson, John 1756 Resigned 1769. Grant, Capt. Thos 1750 Resigned 1762. Grant, Lewis 1769. Geddes, Capt. Geo 1786 Dead in 1797. Garden, John 1786 Dead in 1801. Gilchrist, ( 'has Member 17*0. G i 1 c h r i s t , J a m es 1788. Graut, John 1792 Dead in L801. Goodfellow, Wm 1792. Gibson, John 1795. ( I i hson, James 1795. Gibson, John 1796. < i rant, dames 1797. Gibson, James 1798 Resigned 1820. the saint Andrew's society of Philadelphia 09 NAMKS. ADMITTED. OTHER MEMORANDA. Gourley, Archibald Member 1801. Graham, Win L804. Grant, John 1807. Grant, Saml 1810. Grant, Joseph 1810. Graham, Peter 1810. Gullen, John 1814. Geddes, Archibald Member 1815. Gullen, John, Jr 1818 Dead in 1820. Graham, John 1819. Go wan, James 1827. Gillian, John 1830. Grant, Rev. John L 1835. Glendenning, Robt 1837 Died 1878. From before mentioned catalogue of 1837. Graham, Hugh. Gray, Robert. Gillespie, Geo. Gilmore, Robt. Gordon, Dr. Gibb, David 1838. Gibson, John 1839 Died 1877. Grant, Prof. W R., M.D 1839 Died 1852. Gibson, James 1841. Gordon, Geo 1841 Dropped 1868. Grant, Rev. John 1841. Graff, Thos 1842. Gluyas, Wm 1850. Gibson, Geo. H 1856. Grieve, Wm 1859. Gray, Wm 1863. Glendenninc;, Robt., Jr 1865. Gardiner, John 1862 Died 1875. Graham, ('has. II 1867 Struck off 1*6!). Grant, John C 1867 Died Jan'y 1877 Gebbie, George 1869 Struck off 1877. Grant, James 1869. Gemmill, Wm. I) 1870. 70 CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS OF names. admitted. other memoranda. Graham, Thos 1870. Gilliams, Lor is 1 870. Grubb, E. Burd 1871 Struck off 1878. Gray, Robert 1873 Died 1876. Gibson, ('has. II 1. Garden, Thos. C 1875. Gardiner, John 1876. Gibson, Walter S 1878. Gibson, Murray 1878. Gold, Peter 1879. Gibb, Alex. B 1880. Hall, David Founder Dead in 1772. Hutton, James Founder Not in Cat. of 1769. Hamilton, Alex Founder Resigned 1 762. Hamilton, Capt. Win 1750 Not in Gat. of 1769. Hamilton, Capt. John 1750. Houston, George 1750 Resigned 176!). Hamilton, Hon. Jas 1750 Governor of Penna. Hood, James 1753 Not in Cat. of 1769. Harshorne, Daniel 1760 Resigned 1769. Hathorn, Daniel 1760 Not in Cat. of 1769. Hawthorne Daniel 1 7<>1 . Hindson, Capt. Win 1772. Hall, Win 177:;. Henderson, James. Hamilton, Gavin, Jr. Hunter, Dr. George 1786. Hewston, Capt. Thos. Henderson, Robt 17*<>. Hunter, Win 1788. Hutton, James L788. Hunter, John 17**. Hindman, John 17!>2. Hardie, Janus 1792. Hyde, Geo 1795. Hamilton, James 1798. Henderson, Jas 1798 Dead in Nov. 1799. Hardie, Capt. David 1800. the saint Andrew's society of Philadelphia. 71 NAMES. ADMITTED. OTHER MEMORANDA. Hamilton, Win L804. Hutchinson, Robt. W 1806. Harkness, Adam 1814. Henderson, dames 1815. Hood, William 1816. Hutchinson, Henry 1 .S'J.J. Hughes, Thos 1831. Hogg, Geo 1831. Hunter, Capt. Wm.M., U.S.N. ..1836. Hyde, Wm 1836. From hefore mentioned catalogue of 1837. Hamilton, Gavin. Henry. Dr. dames. Henderson, John. Hudson, Capt. Hutchinson, James 1838 Resigned 1865. Hutchinson, Capt. H., Jr 1838. Haviland, John 183.S Died 1852. Hogan, James 1839. Hay, Aid. Peter LS40. Henderson, Saml. J 1841. Hamilton, John Marshall 1841. Hamilton, John 1841. Humphries, Win 1842. Harris, Dr. Wm LS44. Hogan, W 1845. Herkness, Alt'. M 1845. Hogan, D 1846. Harkness, H 1-S47. Hornor, Dr. Wm. E 1847 Resigned 1851. Hogan, T 1847. Heugh, Walter 1850 Resigned 1871. Homer, H 1851. Harrington, Wm 1 8o(i. IIardie, Jas. (i 1859. Hendrie, Dam ei 1 862. Haig, Anthony 1866 Struck off 1869. Hall, Dr. A. Douglass 1807 Resigned 1873. 72 CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS OF NAMES. ADMITTED. OTHER MEMORANDA Hogan, ("has. M 1867 Struck off 1869. Hackett, James 1868. Hall, George W 1870. Helme, Wm 1870. Henderson, Win. M 1870 Struck off 1874. Hogan, James 1871 Struck off 1879. Henderson, James 1871 Struck off 1879. Hopkins, Edw'd. M 1872. Hope, Jas. F 1873. Ilarkness, Alfred M 1874 Resigned 1877. Holmes, ('has. A 1874 Struck off 1877. Hay, Rev. Henry Palethorp...1876. Harding, Alex 1877. Hardie, Robt. Jas 1878. Inglis, John Founder. Inglis, Sand Member 1765. Inglis, Capt. John, Jr 1766.. Irwin, Matthew 1795.. Irwin, John M 1795. Innes, Win.. Jr 1799. Imbrie, Chas 1815. Imbrie, David 1810. .Hou'y 1768. .Dead in 1799. From before mentioned catalogue of 1837. Innes, Wm. Imbris, James 1880. Ingraham, Edwd. I) 1838 Resigned 1852. Inglis, John 1845. I in brie, James 1851. Irving, James 1861 Dropped 1868. Jolly, Chas 1754. Jamison, John 1791. Johnston, Walter 1795. Johnston, Benj 1795. Jardine, Dr L800. Jolly, Chas L804. Jaudon, Sand 1836. .Resigned 1762. the saint Andrew's society of Philadelphia. 73 NAMES. ADMITTED. OTHER MEMORANDA From before mentioned Catalogue of 1837. Johnson, Audw. Jones, Thos 1841. Jack, Chas. J 1844. Johnson, Win. J L850. Jamison, B. K 1866. Jarden, Albert B. 1867 Struck off 1877. Junkin, George 1873. Katter, Capt. Alex 1750 Dead in 1766. Kiddie, John 1759 Struck off 1761. Kid, Capt. Geo 1759 Struck off 1769. Kidd, Capt. Wm 17(50 Dead in 1774. Kidd. Alex 1772. Knox, David 17*4 Dead in 1797. Kennedy, Moses. Kay, David. Keeing, James 1786. Killoch, Wm Member in 1786. Kincaid, John Member in 1791. Kidd, Robert 1805. Ker, John C 1813. Kitchen, James 1818. Kennedy, David 1827. Kane, Hon. John K 1837 Dead in 1857. From before mentioned catalogue of 1837. Kennedy, Daniel. Kennedy, Hector. Kidd, Wm. Kennedy, D. J 1840. Kennard, Manning 1850. Kelly, James 1851. Kater, John 1852. Kilgore, John 1854. Kean, Wm 1855. Kane, Robt. P 1850 Struck off 1870. Kane, Dr. John K 1860 Struck off 1868. 10 74 CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS OF NAMES. ADMITTED. OTHER MEMORANDA. Ketcham, John 1804 Died 1878. Kv«l, Jas. I) L868 Dead 1873. Knox, John C , L870 Struck off 1877. Keene, G. Fred'k 1 1 Not in Cat. of 1769. Lennox, Hugh 1705 Resigned 1801. Leiper, Thos 17(i7. Leitch, Quintan 1 T< >* >. Lake, Richard 1785. Leech, Richard. Lowrey, 17-S0. Lang, Capt. Jas. Lennox, David 1788. Lyon, Patrick 17!)^. Leiper, Thos., Jr ...1796. Leiper, Geo. G 1*07. Love, Capt. John 1808. Latimer, James 1815. Little, John P 1815 Resigned 1820. Lee, Wm 1827. Littlejohn, David 1832. Lamont, Robert A l(>. From before mentioned catalogue of 1837. Liston, Hon. Robt. Lawson, Oscar A 1838. Lawsou, Benj 1838. Lindsay, Robt 1841. Lamont, Danl. G 1841. the saint Andrew's society of Philadelphia. 75 names. admitted tther memoranda Lamout, Johu 1841. Leversteiu, E 1841. Launder, W 1841. Leiper, Wm. J 1845 Died 1800. Lowrie, Robt. D 1848. Levienstein, H. E 1850. Lukens, Dr 1850. Leiper, John C 1852 Dropped 1868. Logan, Dr. John Dickinson 1851 Dropped 1808. Leslie, Jas. M 1852 Died 1861. Lindsay, John 1853. Lindsay, Jno. P 1856. Leslie, Geo. R 1800 Resigned 1870. Letterman, Dr. Jona, U. S. A 1864 Hon'y 1805 ; Dead. Dowry, Robt, 1868 Died 1873. Leiper, Dr. Armstrong 1868 Struck off" 1871. Ludlow, Richd. S 1800 Died 1871. Lewis, Hon. Ellis 1870 Died 1871. Linn, Claudius 13 1871. Latta, James 1871 Struck off 1879. Lansing, H. 8 1872 Resigned 1877. Lauder, James 1873 Struck off 1874. Lansing, Arthur L 1874 Struck off 1877. Lindsay, Robt. M 1879. Logan, James A 1880. Mcllvaine, Wm ' Founder. Mcllvaine, David Founder Not in Cat. of 170'.). McPherson, Capt. John 1751 Dead in 1774. MacFarland, Alex 1751 Not in Cat. of 1769. McCall, Saml., Jr 1751 Dead in 1761. McCall, Geo 1751 Not in Cat. of 1700. McCall, Archibald 1751 Not in Cat. of 1709. McJauet, Thos 1751 Resigned 1702. McCall, Saml., Sr 1752 Dead in 1700. McMurtrie, David 1752 Resigned 1709. McCalla, Geo 1753 Struck off 1704. McClelland, Capt, John 175:! Struck off 1702. McLean or MacCleane j y,^ ( Struck off Feb. 1757 for Dr. Lachlau J " (an atrocious crime. 76 CATALOGUE OP MEMBERS OF NAMES. ADMITTED. OTHER MEMORANDA. McGrouger, Jas 1758 Dead in 1764. McKelven, Wm 1761 Not in Cat. of 1769. McFarston, Capt. Jos 1761 Not in Cat. of 1761). McMurtrie, Wm 1761 Resigned 1801. McJann, Wm 1764 Not in Cat. of 1769. M( Isaac, Dan] 1766. McCalla, John 1772. McPherson, John, Jr 177-J. McDonald, Malcom 1786. Mcllvaiue, Dr. Wm 1786. MeFarland, John. Mclvean, Saral. McKee, Thos 1786. McKenzie, Wra. McBeath, Alex 1786. McCauley, John 1786. McDowell, Wm 1786. McAlpin, Jas 1786. McAllister, Capt 1788. McCloud, John 1788. McAnley, Auley 1788. McPherson, Genl. Wm 1791 j Died ln }? 1B > theQ ( I res t oi tin- Soc'y. McDougall, Wm 1701 Dead in 1802. McCormick, David Member in 17D1 Resigned 1801. McLane, Capt. Allen 1701. McCarrach, das 171)2. McKcan, Hon. Thos 1702 Governor of Penna. McLaws, Wm 1703 Resigned 1799. M c I nnes, Duncan 1 704. McCauley, Geo 1795. McDonald, Wm 1796. McDonald, John 1796. McClure, Wm 1796. McLeane, Capt. A 17D7. McDonald, Hon. Thos 17!>7. McDonald, Wm 171)'.). McNavin, ('apt. Malcolm 1800. McAllister, John 1800. the saint Andrew's society of Philadelphia. 77 nam,;-,. admitted. other memoranda. MacGregor, John Member in 1801. McDougall, Capt. John 1802 Dead in 1801). McGregor, John 1802. McCauley, Capt. Murdoch 1802. McLeod, John 1804. McCall, John 1804. McDought, Capt. John 1807. Mcintosh, Duncan 1809. McLean. Archibald 1809. McNeal, Chas 1809. McEwen, Thoa 1809. McCorkle,Wm 1812. McCarter, 1815. McAllister, Jno., Jr 1815 Died 1877. McMinn, Robt 1816. McDonald, Alex. Allen 1826. McCauley, Danl. S 1828. McLaughlin, Danl 1829. McAlpin, James 1830. Mclntyre, Jas 1< S:> > ( ». McCauley, J 1831. McAlpin, Alex. B 1831. McPherson, Alex. Mcintosh 1831. McKay, Adam 1831. Mclntyre, Danl 1832. Mc Annum, John 1832. McBean, Duncan 1 833. MacLean, Saml 1836. McCausland, Alex 1836. McAuley, John 1 837. Mclntyre, Arch., Jr 1837. Mcllvaine, Jos. W. Mcllvaine, Henry 1837. From before mentioned catalogue of 1837. MacBean, Augus. McCrea, David. McCleur, Andw. Mcintosh, Capt. David. 78 CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS OF NAMES. ADMITTED. OTHER MEMORANDA. McKellard, Duncan. MrKenzie, John. McNaughtou, Capt. John. McCleland, James. McClelland, Wm 1837. McCloud, John. McLeod, Geo 1838. McClelland, Jas 183s. McNab, J. F 1838. McKay, Adam 1841. McMichael , Morton 1841 May 'r Phila. died 1879. McKay, Dr. John 1841. McCarty, Win 1S44. McLeod, John 1846. McKenzie, H. C 1847. McCall, Peter 1848 (Mayor of Phila.) McCall, Robt 1848. Mcllvaine, H 1851. Melntyre, Danl 1851 Died 1870. McCammon, David C 1852 Died 1ST!). McClure, Win. M 1853. Mc( 'lure, Joseph 1853. MacLellan. C. J 1854. McLean, Wm 1855. McDonald, Francis 1 855. MacPherson, Augus 1855. McCrea, Rev. C. F 1856. McClelland, Dr. Ely 1857. McCloud, John 1858. McElhone, John J 1864. McInnes, John T 1864. McAllister, John A 1865. McClellan, Oarewell 1865. McNabb, Joseph 1866 Died 1871 . McDonald, G. F 1866 Struck off Is?::. McCay, S. Kingston 18(i(i. McFetrich, John II 1866 Died 1st I. McNeil, Gordon 1867 Died 1876. the saint Andrew's society of Philadelphia. 79 NAMES. ADMITTED. OTHER MEMORANDA. McAdam, Wm. R 1868 Struck offl873. McMichael, Wm 1868 Resigned 1880. MacFarlan, Dr. Malcolm 1868. M<< Jartney, Johu 1868 Struck off 1869. McAdam, Wm. R., Jr 1869 Struck off 1873. McLeod, Dr. Geo. J 1869 Resigned 1877. McCammon, Jos. K 1869 Struck off' 187!). Mcintosh, Lachlan 11 1869 Struck offl873. McCabe, George II 1870 Struck off 1874. McPherson, Wm. C 1871. McLean, Hugh 1874. McIntyre, Archibald 1K PHILADELPHIA. 81 NAMES. ADMITTED. OTHEB MEMORANDA Prom before mentioned catalogue of L837. Mackie, Capt. Robt. Maxwell, Win. Mercer, Gen. Hugh Fell at Princeton 1777. Milligan, ( reo. Mitchell, Geo. Montgomery, Thus. Muir, Dr. John. Marshall, Armstrong 1838. Montgomery, John C 18.">*. Murdoch, Jas. E 1841. Murphy, John K 1841. Montgomery, John K 1841. Mason, David B 1841. Mercer, Singleton A 1841 Died 1867. Muir, Andrew 1841. Montgomery, Richard R 1841. Martin, John C 184:5. Morrison, Andrew 1844. Murray, Geo 1. Milne, Jas 1848. Montgomery, Rev. Henry E 1-~>. Nide, Geo 17!>.">. Nisbet, John 1811. Nisbet, Michael 1811 Resigned 1823. Norrill (or Norvell), John 1811. Norval, James 1830. Notman, John 1837. Neff, Robt, K 1842. Notman, Peter 1-S47. Neilson, Thos 1847 Resigned 1856. Neill , John L 1*47 ! Died 1,S7T - Left ($5(Mi to Society. Nicholson, Peter 1 852. Neilson, Wm 1853. N i:i.s( >x, J am es 1867. N [sbet, Mich a E] 1871. THE SAINT ANDUKW'S SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. 83 NAMES. ADMITTED. OTHER MEMORANDA. Ogilvie, Alex 1759 Not in Cat. of 1769. Oswald, Eleazar 1788. Orr, Thos 1790 Died 1819. Ogilvie, Dr 17!):;. Orr, Hector 1838. ( hvston, Thos 1853. Ormiston, Thus. I) 1854. Ord. John 187.;. Philip, Capt. Robt Founder Died 1751. Peel, John 1751 Not in Cat. of 1769. Patterson, Thos 1763 Struck off 1769. Patton, Hugh 1786. Portes, Ive. Parsley, Robt. Pen man , Alex 1 790. Peacock, Ralph 1801. Proudfit, Dr. Jas 1805. Palmer, Thos 1807. Palme., Geo 1807. Parry, John J 1815. Pattison, Win 1815. Pattison, John 1816 Resigned 1817. Parry, Thos Member in 1816. Pilmore, Jas 1817. Potts, Capt, Thos 1831. Pattison, Robt 1831. Patton, Win., Jr 1831. Phyfe, Jas 1833. From before mentioned catalogue of 1837. Patterson, Wm. Pattison, M. M. Peck, John. Peacock, S. H 1838. Patrick, John Y 1839. Patterson, Dr. P. M 1841. Pearson, Jas. B 1841. Primrose, Wm 1841 Died 1859. 84 CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS OF NAMES. ADMITTED. OTHEB MEMORANDA. Patti.soii, Jas 1844. Poulson, (has. A 1844 Resigned 1852. Prin ce, ( ' 1851. Parkinson, Jas. W 1851. Price, .Michael 1852. Patton, Wm 1853. Pollock, Geo. 1 1855. Priestley, Alex 1862 Struck off 1873. Pierie, Geo. G 1872. Quintin, Alex 15. Hose, Capt, Duncan L796. the saint Andrew's society op Philadelphia. 85 NAMES. ADMITTED. OTHEB MEMORANDA. Richie, Robl L802. Robertson, Win 1804. Richardson, John (' 1809. Rea, John 1811 f Died Dec. 30, 1871, ( aged !»7 years. Robeson , Win 1 () Resigned 17<>2. Steele, Robt 17 ")0. S t n i t h , R o b t 1 7 . J 2 . Smith, Rev. Win, D.I) 1754 Dead in 1801. Stewart, Alex 1 7.">">. Sword, Wm 17">l>. Stuart, Capt. David 1757 Dead in 17<>-. Smith, Geo 17")!). Stuart, Alex 17")!). S pence, Capt. Jas 1759 Struck off 1764. Seamun, Geo 1701 Not in Cat. of J7t>!.). Sproat, David 1765 Not in Cat. of 170!). Stewart, John 17(i"). Semple, Wm 1707. Stewart, James 1707. Skinner, Jas 1708 Struck off 1770. Speir, Capt. Robt Member in 17l>!). Suter, Peter, Jr 1770. Somervell , Francis 1771 Hon'y 177"). Shields, John 1784 Died 1801. Smith, Robt 17*4. Speuce, Dr. Andrew 1784. Scot, Robt 1780. THE SAINT ANDKKW's SOCIETY OF PHILADELPHIA. 87 NAMES. ADMITTED. OTHER MEMORANDA. Scott, George. Swim, Robt 1786. Sample, Wm 1788. Stevenson, Robt. Service, Andw 1788. Stocker, Capt. Hugh. Simpson, John 1790. Smith, Wm. Moore 1791. Smith, Thos Member in 1791. Steinson, Wm 1791. Stillas, John 1791. Stewart, James 1791. Sword, Capt. John 1791. Stewart, Genl. W 1792 Died in 1796. Sibbald, Geo 1793. Smith, ('has 1793. Smith, Richard 1793. Scott, Geo 1793 Dead iu 1798. Southerland, Janus 1 795. Simpson, Thos 1796. Stewart, Jas., Jr 179(3. Stott, Watson 17*M>. Syme.Geo 1799. Shields, David M 1800. Swan, James 1800. Smith, Richard E 1804. Stothart, Wm 1805 Resigned 1822. Scott, Archibald 1805. Smith, John Blair 1806. Shields, John M 1807 Dead in 1810. Stewart, Geo 1811. Scott, Alex 1812. Smith, John R. C 1815. Smith, Robt. II 1815. Somerville, Wm 1815. Smith, Robt., Jr , 1816. Smith, Wm. II 1817. Singleton, Capt. Stephen 1817. Sti others, John 1823 Died 1851. 88 CATALOGUE OF MEMBERS OF NAMES. ADMITTED. OTHER MEMORANDA. Spence, Andrew B 1826. Stewart, Saml. M 1828. Smith, Robt, Jr 1831. Smith, ('has 1832. Steel, John 1831. Saint, Daniel 1832. Strickland, Win 1W>. Struthers, Wm 1836 Died 1876. Smith, Nathaniel 1837. Stephens, Alex 1837. Stephens, Win. B 1837. Stephens, Jas 1 8-'57. Smiley, Wm. C 1837. From before mentioned catalogue of 1837. St. Clair, John. Shaw, Joseph. Semple, Robt. Steel, Hugh. Stewart, Chas. Stewart, Geo. N. Sims, Capt. Walter. Sinclair, Genl. Arthur. Smith, John. Smith, Win. A. Smith. Dr. Win. Smith, Wm. Stouts, Z. Barston. Stupart, Allen. Smith, Win. W 1838 Resigned 184:.. Skirving, John 1838. Sanderson, Jas. M 1838. Sutherland, duel 15 1838 Died in I860. Scott, Hugh 1839. Si Nci. aii:. Tims 1840. Smillie, W. C 1841. Scott, Robt L842. Sinclair, A 1844. Soutter, R., Jr 1847. THE SAINT \M»i;i:\v's SOCIETY <>K PHILADELPHIA. 89 NAMES. ADMITTED. OTHEB MEMORANDA Scott, Robt. K 1850 Resigned 1852. Stedman, IIintki: 1850. Swift, Joseph 1851. Struthers, John S 1851. Stewart, Alex 1851 Struck off 1858. Stewart, John 1854 Resigned L863. Service, Joseph 1855. Smith, Edmund 1856. Sanderson, John (J 1857. Staley, Andrew 1859. Snowden, A. Loudon 1864. Simpson, James 1865. Steedman, Chas 1865 Struck off 1869. Stewa rt, Robt 1866. Smith, Thos. D 1866 Died Oct. 11, 1880. Stewart, T. McIntosh 1868. Sheddon, John 1869 Struck off 1878. Smith, Wm. Wallace 1869. Smith, Aubrey H 1869. Stacy, M. P 1870. Smith, Wm. Hastie 1871. Struthers, John 1871 Resigned 1878. Struthers, Wm., Jr 1871 Resigned 1878. Stewart, Wm. M 1872. Sinclair, Rev. Jno. C 187o Struck off 1877. Smith, Wm. B 1874. Stevens, Sydney A 1874 Struck off 1879. Sloan, Andrew J 1875. Stewart, Arthur 1875. Scott. Key. Walter Q 1877 Hon'y 1878. Stephen, P. W 1878. Shannon, John R 187!). Smith, Wm. Rudolph 187!). Smith, Dr. Wm. A 1879. Thompson, Dr. Adam Founder Not in Cat. of 1769. Trotter, James Founder. Taylor, Capt. Jas 1750 Struck off 1761. Thompson, David 1755 Not in Cat. of 176!). 12 90 CATALOGUE OF MEMBEBS OF NAMES. ADMITTED. OTHER MEMORANDA Thain, Rev. Daniel 1759. Thomson, (apt. < Jeo 17")9 Resigned 17(12. Todd, Win 17U7. Tait, Robt L768 Hon'y 1771. Taylor, Wm 1769. Turnbull, Win 1774. Tarbet, Richard. Tod, Alex 1792. Tod, Win. H 1793. Thomson, John 17!)-'!. Toland, Henry 17!)!). Telfair, Wm 1799. Turnbull, Robt 17!)!) Dead in 1801. Thompson, Alex 1806. Turnbull, Alex 1812. Traquair, Jas 1813. Traquair, Adam 1817. Traquair, Saral. H 1833 Died 1853. From before mentioned catalogue of 1837. Taylor, John. Traquair, Thos. Tandon, S 1836. Taylor, Thos. L 1837. Tennant, John 1838. Tudehope, Rev. Archibald 1838. Tagan, James 1839. Taylor, Robt 1840 Died 1856. Trotter, Alex 1842. Tucker, Dr. Andrew II 1842. Turnbull, Dr. Lawrence 1842 Resigned. Tower, Alex 1844. Titus, John 1847. Taylor, Jas. L 1852. Turnbull, W. P 1851 Resigned I860. Thomson, John 1852. Turnbull, Adam 1854 Died 1861. Turnbull, Thos 1855. Thomson, Dr. Jas. W 18f>6. THE SAINT AXhUKW's SOCIETY OF PHI I. A DELPHI A. 91 NAMES. ADMITTED. OTHEB MEMORANDA. Thornton, John Resigned 1856. Taggart, Wm 1865. Taber, Wm. E 1807 Struck off 1878. Thompson. Alex. B 1808 Struck off 1879. Taylor, David B 1869 Struck oil' 1ST I. Thompsox. Samuel K NAMES. ADMITTED. OTHEB MEMORANDA. Wilson, W.n 1836. Wallace, John 1836. From before mentioned catalogue of 1837. Wake, Henry. Walker, Thos. Watson, ('apt. Magnus. White, Donald. Whitehead, Thos. Whitlow, Chas. Wilson, James. Wood, Alex. Wood, Robt. Wright, Win. W 1837. Waldie, Adam 1838. Watson, James 1838. Wallace, John Wm 1839. Watson, Dr. Gavin 1838 Died Oct. 1858. Wallace, Dr. Joshua M 1839. Williams, H. B 1839. Wemyss, F. C 1841. Wirt, Irvine P 1841. Wight, Wm 1841. Wylie, Rev. S. B 1841. Watkiuson, Richard 1841. Whelin, M 1841. Wallace, Wm 1841. Whelen, Edwd 184:;. Wallace, B 1844. Wallace, Horace Binney 1845. Wallace, J. Wilson 1846. Woddrop, Dr. 1848. Waugh, Saml. B 1848 Resigned IS?:;. Waldie, Walter 1 1850. Walter, Walter S 1850. Williamson, Peter 1S52. Wallace, John 1856 Died 1868. Walk br, Peter 1857. Wilson, John W 1860 Resigned L866. the saint Andrew's society of Philadelphia. 93 NAMES. ADMITTED. OTHER MEMORANDA Watson, Peter 1863. Wallace, Dr. Ellerslie 1863 Resigned 1878. Wallace, Dr. Edward 1865. Wilson, Robt 1865 Resigned 1870. Wigham, James 1866 Dropped 1867. Webb, Thos. O 1866 Died 1868. W i lson, J. Shields 1 870. Walker, Jerry 1871 Resigned 1879. Walker, Jonas M 1871. Williams, D. Walker 1872 Resigned 1878. Wallace, Andrew 1875 Resigned 1877. White, Geo. W 1876 Struck off' 1879. Wallace, J. M. Power 1879. W • m >d, Robert 1 880. Wilson, John A 1880. Wilkie, Samuei 1881. Young, Capt. Jas 17o4. Young, Wm 1780 Hon. 1789,Died 1829. Young, Capt. Saml. Young, John 1786. Young, Wm. W 1815. Young, Geo 18.'57 Life Member. From before mentioned catalogue of 1837. Young, Major John. Young, Capt. John. Young, John Evans 1841. Young, W. E 1846. Young, Robt 1853. Younger, Jas 187!). Young, James F 1881. ROM, OF OFFICERS. PRESIDENTS 174!). Dr. Thomas Graeme. 1750-53. Hon. James Hamilton. 1754-56. Hon. Robert Hunter Morris i. L757-58. Dr. Thomas Graeme. 1759-63. Hon. James Hamilton. 1764-71. Dr. Thomas Graeme. 177-2-74. John Inglis. 1775. (?) Wm, Smith, D.D. Records wanting. 1786-96. James Wilson. 1797-02. Wm. Smith, D.D. 1803-12. General Wm. Macpherson. 1813. Robert Smith. 1831. James McAlpin. 1837. James McAlpin. 1847. Nathaniel Chapman. 1851-57. Thomas Dunlap. 1858-61. Stephen R. Crawford. 1862-63. David Milne 1864-7:5. Charles Macalester. 1874-70. John Gibson. 1877-81. Daniel Hendrie. VICE-PRESIDENTS : 1749. James Burd. 1754. Andrew Elliott, 1750. John Ingl is. 1755. Chas. S ted man. 1751. Dr. A.Th omson. 175(5. John Bell. L752. Dr. Thos. Graeme. 1757. John Inglis. 1753. Juhn Ingl is. 1758. John Bell. 96 ROLL OF OFFICERS OF L759. Andrew Elliott. L760. ( 'has. Stedman. 1761. John Elphinstoo. 1762. James \ oung. 1763. John Elphinston. L764-65. John [nglis. 1766. Alex. Lunan. 1767-69. Rev. Dr. Wm. Smith 177U. Robert Ritchie. 1771. Capt. Wm. Morrell. 1772-7:;. David Sprout. 1774. John Ross. 177-"). •lames Craig. Records wanting. 1786-88. James Craig, Sr. James Craig. Jr. 1789 96. Win. Smith, D.D. James Craig, J r. 1797-99. James Craig. Wm. McPhereon. L800-02. Gen.W.McPherson. J Ion. Thos. Smith. 1803-08. Thomas Smith. Thomas Leiper. 1809-12. Thomas Leiper. Robert Smith. 1813. Thomas Leiper. ( 'has. Macalester. 1814-22. Chas. Macalester. ( ravin Hamilton. 1823-25. ( 'has. Macalester. L823-25. Wm. Young. 1826- 28. Wm. Young. James McAlpin. 1829- ■30. James McAlpin. James Ronaldson. 1831. Quintin Campbell. Peter ( r rah am. 1837. Quintin Campbell. Peter Graham. 1847. John Struthers. Ed. I). Ingraham. 1851. S. R. Crawford. 1855- -56. S. U. Crawlbrd. John Gibson. 1857. S. R. Crawford. David Milne. 1858- -60. David Milne. Chas. Macalester. 1861- -63. No entry. 1864- 66. I). C. Mc( 'amnion. George Young. 1867- 72. I). ( '. McCammon. John Gibson. 1873. John Gibson. Daniel Hendrie. 1874- -76. Daniel Hendrie. Thomas D. Smith. L877- -79. Thomas D. Smith. Alex. ( '. Fergiisson 1880. Alex. ( '. Fergusson Dr. Ruben Burns. 17 1!). 1750. 1751. 1752. 17:.:;. SECRETARIES: James Trotter. 1754. Thos. McJanett. John Bell. L756. Alex. Hamilton. Lewis Gordon. 1757. John Gibson. David Mcllvaine. 1758. Win. Sword. Alex. Lunan. 1759. Robt. Ritchie. the saint Andrew's society <>k rmi,.\i>rciiPHiA. 97 1760. Win. Miller. 1 786-87. Thomas Lwing. L761. ( rilbert Barkly. 1788-89. G. Hamilton, Jr. 1762. James M<< rrougar. 1790-91. Win. Forbes. 1763. Thomas Duncan. 1 792. Wm. Moore Smith 17H4. •lames Blair. 1793-96. Richard Lake. 1765. Thomas Duncan. 1797. Wm. II. Tod. L766. John Ross. 1798-02. David Walker. L767. Wm. Murray. 1803-06. Wm. Mitchell. L768- (39. David Sproat. 1807-08. Robert Frazer. 1770. Robt. Wilson. 1809. James McCurrach. 1771. Win. Semple. 1810-14. Wm. Stothart. 1772. James Milligan. 1815. James Imbrie. 177:5. Thomas Leiper. 1837. Saml. II. Traquair 1774. Eneas Urquhart. 1847-0:5. George Young. Records wanting. 1864. Craig D. Ritchie. TREASURERS : 174M. John Inglis. Records wanting. 1750-56. Win. Mcllvaine. 1786-87. Hugh Lennox. 1757. Alex. Hamilton. 1788-96. John Shields. L758 Thos. McJauett. 1797-09. Thos. Ewing. 1759-63. John Gibson. 1810-30. Quintin Campbell 1764. Robt. Ritchie. 1831. Adam Ramage. 1765. James Craig. 1837. Adam Ramage. 1766. Lewis Grant. 1847. Adam Ramage. 1767-0'.). Saml. Inglis. 1850. Wm. Struthers. 1770. Wm. Miller. 1855-58. Wm. Struthers. 1771. ( reo. Bartram. 1859-60. Geo. Bertram. 1772. Wm. Semple. 1861-63. Thos. Sinclair. 177:;. Robt. Wilson. 1864-07. Alex. Priestly. 1771. William Craig. 180*. Hunter Stedman. COUNSE ;llors 1793. Wm. M. Smith. 1704. Richard Lake. Richard Lake. Wm. H. Tod. L794. W. Moore Smith. 1798. Wm. II. Tod. 13 98 1808. 1821. 1837. L847. 1855. L856. 1857. 1858. 1 859. 1860. POLL OF OFFICERS OF John B. Wallace. Edward S. Burd. Edward S. Burd. Henry J. Williams. Edward S. Burd. Thos. Dunlap. Henry J. Williams. Henry J. Williams. John W. Wallace. Saml. PI. Traquair. Henry J. Williams. John W. Wallace. John W. Wallace. Robt. P. Kane. Thos. Dunlap. John W. Wallace. Robt. I'. Kane. 1864. John W. Wallace. M. J. Mitcheson. 1865. M. J. Mitches.m. 1866. A. L. Snowden. 1867. M. J. Mitcheson. 1868. Thos. D. Smith. 1869-73. Thos. D. Smith. E. Coppee Mitchell. 1874-76. E. Coppee Mitchell. James H. ( 'ampin 11. 1877-78. E. Coppee Mitchell. 8. ( r. Thompson. 1879. E. Coppee Mitchell. George Bull. 1880. E. Coppee Mitchell. S. G. Thompson. PHYSICIANS: 1794. Andrew Ross. 1847. L. Turn bull. William Currie. D. II. Pucker. Win. Mcllvaine. 1855. John K. Mitchel 1796. Andrew Ross. 1856. L. PWubull. William Carrie. Thos. D. Mutter. 1808. James Proud fit. John F. Meigs. Nath. Chapman. 1857. Robert Burns. 1813. Nath. ( 'hapman. S. Weir Mitchel] 1818. Nath. Chapman. I860. L. Turnbull. William Aitken. L864. S. Weir Mitchell 1827. Nath. Chapman. Robert Burns. 1830. Nath. Chapman. P. Turnbull. John K. Mitchell. L865-69. Robert Burns. 1837. Nath. ( "hapman. L. Turnbull. John K. Mitchell. "1870. L. Turnbull. 1847. John K. Mitchell. (J. J. McPeod. Thos. D. Mutter. 1871-77. L. Tumbull. W. R. Grant. Robert Burns. THE SAINT AXDIIMW's SOCIETY OP 1 PHILADELPHIA. 99 1878. 8. Weir Mitchell. Robert Burns. L879. L. Turnbull. 1ST!). Robert Burns. 1880. Dr. M. Macfarlan. Dr. S. W. Mitchell. CHAPLAINS 1788. Wm. Marshall. 1850. 1805. Joseph Shaw. 1851. 1813. Win. C Brownlee. 1855. 1816. Dr. Banks. 1826. None elected. 1827. Thos. Beveridge. 1856-57. 1837. John L. Grant. 1845. A. Tudehope. 1847. John L. Grant. A. Tudehope. 1858-60. Samuel E. Wylie. 1864. Win. Blackwood. II. E. Montgomery. Wm. Blackwood. II. B. Montgomery. J. McKim Duncan. Win. Blackwood. ,1. McKim Duncan. C. F. McRae. Wm. Blackwood. ( !. F. McRae. Win. Blackwood. ASSISTANTS 1740. Dr. A. Thomson. 1754. Alex. Hamilton. Wm. Mcllvaine. James Trotter. 1750. John Wallace. John Neilsou. George Smith. Saml. McCall, Jr 1751. Chas. Stedmau. 1755. Wm. Ritchie. Hugh Davey. James Trotter. John Neilsou. Alex. Hamilton. 1752. John Bell. James Craig. Alex. Ray. 1756. John Inglis. Andrew Elliott. Wm. Ritchie. Saml. McCall, Jr. Alex. Stuart. 1753. John Wallace. John "Wallace. Robert Ragg. L757. James Young. James Craig. Alex. Lunau. Thos. McJannett. John Bell. 100 ROLL OF OFFICERS OF L757. David Mcllvaine. 1769. Chas. Stedman. 1768. Andrew Elliott. < reorge Bartram. Alex. Lutian. 1770. James Craig. Win. Mcllvaine. ( reorge Bartram. David McMurtrie. James Stewart. 1759. Wm. Sword. John Wallace. 1 >avid Mcllvaine. 1771. Robert Tait. dames Cannon. Francis Somerville dames Mc( S-rougar. Alex. Bartram. 1760. Win. Mcllvaine. William Forbes. Wm, Sword. 1772. William Miller. James Young. Francis Somerville. Alex. Hamilton. ( reorge Bartram. 1761. Robert Ritchie. William Forbes. Wm. Sword. 177:;. William Forbes. James Anderson. Magnus Miller. James McGrougar. Alex. Bartram. 1762. Chas. S ted man. Hugh Lennox. Gilbert Barkly. 1774. William Ball. Wm. Sword. .lames Milligan. Robt. Ritchie. Hugh Lennox. 1763. Wm. Sword. William Taylor. Robt. Ritchie. 177:». William Miller. Chas. Stedman. William Forbes. John Bell. James Milligan. 1764. John Wallace. William Turnbull. Wm. Miller. 1786-87. John Shields. ('has. Stedman. Robert Smith. John Bell. Thomas Leiper. 1765. James Young. Magnus Miller. ('has. Stedman. Emanuel Walker. Wm. Morrell. William Turnbull. James Blair. 1788. Magnus Miller. 1766. Sand. Inglis. William Forbes. James Blair. dames Milligan. 1767. David Sproat. Thomas Mackie. John Malcolm. Robert Smith. 1768. Robert Wilson. Thomas Leiper. L769. James Craig. 1789. William Forbes. John Wallace. Thomas Leiper. THE SAINT AM>i;i:\\'s SOCIETY OF I'll 1 1. A Dill. I'll I A. 101 L789. Emanuel Walker. James Henderson. Roberl Henderson. Andrew Spence. 1790-91. Thomas Ewing. Thomas Leiper. .lames Henderson. Robert Smith. Robert Henderson. -lames Milligan. L792. Robert Smith. Thomas Leiper. Alex. Anderson. Dr. Andrew Spence. ( ravin Hamilton. Richard Lake. 1793. Andrew Spence. G. Hamilton, Jr. Robert Smith. Thomas Leiper. Thomas Ewing. Alex. Anderson. 1794. Thomas Leiper. James Henderson. Robert Henderson. Dr. And. Spence. G. Hamilton, Jr. 1795-96. Thomas Leiper. Robert Henderson. James Henderson. Wm. H. Tod. Dr. And. Spence. Gavin Hamilton. 17 ( ,i7. Robert Smith. William Young. Robert Campbell. James McAlpin. Andrew Spence. John McCaulley. 1798. Thomas Leiper. L798. William Tu'rnbull. William McLaws. John McCauley. James McAlpin. John Kincaid. 179!). ( ravin Hamilton. James McCurrach. ('has. ( Jampbell. Thomas Leiper. John McAuley. John Kincaid. 1800 -u2. Gavin Hamilton. Thomas Leiper. William Young. James McCurrach. John Kincaid. Charles Campbell. 1803-04. Robert Smith. James McCurrach. Wm. Innis, Jr. Thos. Witherspoon. Dr. And. Spence. David Walker. 1805-06. Robert Smith. James McCurrach. David Walker. Thos. Witherspoon. James Arrott. John MacGregor. 1807. Robert Smith. James McCurrach. David Walker. James Arrott. John McGregor. George Farquhar. 1808. Robert Smith. David Walker. James McCurrach. James Arrott. George Farquhar. 102 ROLL OF OFFICERS OF 1808. Chas. Macalester. 1817. L809. Thos. Witherspoon. ( 'has. Macalester. .John M. Shields. 1818 22. James Arrott. Robert Kid. .hunts Imbrie. 1810-11. Thos. Witherspoon. ( lias. Macalester. .lames Arn.tt. .lames Imbrie. Robert Kid. Thos. McEueu. 1812. .lames Arrott. James Imbrie. Tims. McEueu. ( 'has. Macalester. Robert Kid. John Mc( 'auley. 1813. James Arrott. Robert Kid. John McCauley. .lames Imbrie. ( ravin Hamilton. Thos. McEuen. 1*14. James Arrott. .lames Imbrie. 1830. Robert Kid. Peter Graham. John McCauley. Thos. McEuen. 1816-16. John McCauley. Thos. McEuen. 1831. Robert Kid. Adam Ramage. ( i-eorge Morris. -lames Arrott. 1817. Thos. McEuen. John McCauley. L832. Robert Kid. George Morris. Adam Ramage. Robert Swan. Thos. McEueu. Robert Kid. . ' Morris. Adam Ramage. Robert Swan. Win. Young. I reorge Morris. Adam Ramage. John Rea. Robert Swan. Robert Kid. Win. Hood. Robert Kid. Robert Swan. Adam Ramage. John Rea. .1. McAllister, Jr. (\i\ Watson, Jr. Robert Kid. John Rea. r.C. Watson, Jr. 1). B. Carter. A. 1>. Spence. Adam Ramage. John Rea. ('. C. Watson, Jr. I). B. Carter, A. 1>. Spence. John Struthers. .John Rea. C. C. Watson, Jr. D. B. Carter. A. lb Spence. John Struthers. Jas Mclntyre. John Rea. C C. Watson. Jr. the saint Andrew's bociett? of Philadelphia. 108 1832. I). P>. Carter. John Struthers. J. Mclntyre. Judafa Dobson. is;;;. John Rea. * John Struthers. Judah Dobson. John Menzies. Robert Bald. Wm. Drysdale. 1847. Judah Dobson. John Reid. Gavin Watson. David Milne. Hugh Elliott. Win. Primrose. 1850. John Gibson. is,!."). ( ravin Watson. Win. Trim rose. George Bar tram. David Milne. Walter He ugh. Hunter Stedman. 1856. Gavin Watson. Hunter Stedman. Wm. Leslie. David Milne. George Bertram. Laurence Turnbull. 1857. Gavin Watson. J. R. Anderson. John Gibson. George Bertram. Adam Turnbull. Dr. L. Turnbull. 1858. ( reorge Bertram. William Brown. John ( ribson. William McLean. Adam Turnbull. L858. Thus. Sinclair. 1859. John Gibson. Wm. McLean. Adam Turnbull. Tlios. Sinclair. William Brown. Audrew Coats. 1860. John Gibson. Thos. Sinclair. Adam Turnbull. John Wallace. Andrew Coats. Wm. Findlay. 1864-66. John Gibson. George R. Leslie. John Wallace. Francis F. Milne. Hunter Stedman. Daniel Mclntyre. 1867. Daniel Mclutyre. ( leorge R. Leslie. John Wallace. Francis F. Milne. Hunter Stedman. J. B. Mageoch. 1868. Daniel Mclntyre. J. B. Mageoch. A. C. Fergusson. Peter Watson. Daniel Hendrie. John Booth. 1869. A. C. Fergusson. John Fergusson. Alex. Crow. Albert B. Jarden. John Booth. Wm. R. McAdam. 1870. A. C. Fergusson. John Fergusson. Wm. R. McAdam. 104 ROLL OF OFFICERS. 1 870. 1871. 1872. 1878-74. 1875. Peter Watson. Win. Fergusson. Win. ( irieve. A. < !. Fergusson. John Fergusson. Win. Grieve. Peter Watson. Win. Fergusson. John M. Burns. A. ( !. Fergusson. Win. Fergusson. John Fergusson. Daniel Hendrie. Win. (irieve. John Fergusson. A. C. Fergusson. Win. Fergusson. Win. Grieve. Peter Watson. John Fergusson. Win. Fergusson. 1876. Alex. C. Fergusson. John Fergusson. Win. Fergusson. Wm. Grieve. I *77. Win. ( irieve. Peter Watson. John Fergusson. Win. Fergusson. 1878. John Fergusson. Win. Fergusson. Wm. Grieve. Jas. S. Martin. 1879. Wm. Grieve. John Fergusson. Wm. Fergusson. W. Wallace Smith. 1.HM0. John Fergusson. John F. Craig. James S. Martin. J. H. Catherwood. W 98 %9 ** \/ %*^w*V V^^\/ %*<^V *< /,!^.\ ^.aafc*.* . • + ">&*:::%> *&**+ +*.•&**% ^ '//&& s\ >\^*\ * -SSL* * <^tffc/% o< ?*v v^Ssv^ o °^^*v vT^-.y °c r oV' r %*<^V v^JSSv^ ^^*V V™ WW ^ % 'ARK* ^ ^ <3Wv 4.^ %. T^HC* 4> ' v.* ** v %