r, 139 U COO jf| k Complete Copy of the Church Hecords of GJenviille, ochenectady County, M . *. 2 61 4-19 ;.i0 Members i'errisges Baptisms Deaths (Jopied by Charlotte Tayler Luckhurst, A3 tony, fi. Y. tfeb. 1922. quU* ecord of i«pti« id fcdulta in ^ ' 183 ■ ,rOT aB *" ' d tie— nt, P. Van tU. ] )h non. 1 aborafc Sol th J Lanaing Karj Shirt 5 ■ Abigail ^ov^tt 4 o " ■ Lucy Lovatt ■ " Lois rotter 6 •• » ' SP : illard (colored person) 8 14 June ]7t'n Fra, Eaney Seaman ) :«? .ct. S5tM y^ An-lpsw i.etP,T M " M lock-well B a fro on H ■ Sliaa -■■oward ■ ° *' Phoebe Uofnwell " " ary Cornwall ■ * ■ Lois ickes " " ! arga ret i or ton ton I ■ 1 J ■ " " l J30 to< . riah :u»ird following t'co^ ec. lb, 1635 — 3 6.59 Jsrsniah Can off J nne Swart I irip.h Van ...pps I an i e 1 v qn In t.ve rp Jnmes Chamberlain Margaret a. Waters ^daline Chamber! in Jon Chamborlin ?'ary Ann Fondn Betsy II^?r>^in Juli*» T3eavenport 03 ive i-ottyr Jacob Gardner Clarissa "ary J^-mlin dul t Baptism ] bbfi Hay ] 4th nma Gillispie, irife oi J ansa Hanson • ept. 24th to ge line Gilliapie, »if« of rloa B, G reere -ec. 13 th Ben ry Corn all area 14th Htnrj Jamaa .wart ?jnd tilisa )odge .omeyn, his wife >ol crin o J] rileck -^nd Sanies *mi rsllsr. tie ife ] : . 'arch ] 4th i] Han I lllrqy and arriet u Ired hotter, hi a ifj ■ " • -pine Cran< , ife of John KcLachlin " J o rn « 3 i °> ' i • I r I 1 1 , i : i ■ of [sat ">ff " •' aria .ouisn v^rt, wife of J OHtiLJ" . I ;1 t'.l ", ■' i rice lariah ;err'/itt, wife of . ii J i^n tale j " " ■ iliaabeth v: issels, vile of --er-ry I ead liXliam HaetiAgs Jane t^u a clean bush farina De Grgff iet«r hIohsjo ^sssels Jane Van -.-pa Kariah I qr^aret vop V ranker iiJiza Vsn ...ps John -gJisham ill roy r^ry Ann Gilliapie 'artha Cijjispie Charlotte orers De i tt Amelia Fonda h Mariah v^n or^er, "n J^rr 28 t. 11 ih Chai - roll Jane 7th olomon Ranblin achael ';Bm3 in " latin Van Bramer, wife of M Sept, 3 4 th Jane «nri vnn Vomer, wife of r, l, i o tt*r " Catherine Knapp, rife oi .-ibr^r. Vgn 7ranken Catherine Condi, ife of_ B VI:: t I Ott«r j ept. 14th 11 an ill i 808)8 on, wifa of 'hfirlGS Vqn i stten '' Bry Van ..ps aehael I strom Vareh 8 186.T- Martha Onn, wife of Robert Haatinga ^ri* Rea tinge -r3h neeba Dee, 13tb 1862 Lia'roh reegueon, wife of -vert eauels John : vers bb4 culia, his wife John opecitin June 20, lo63 Lidia Caroline ^hnrp, r^r.y J ana ^«ie Jemima Vandenberg, wife of Albert iard Sept. 3 2 th 3865 irron "urry June 12th 3 364 Harriett ftarla Scheraerhom ■ ept. 9Ui 186S ir^. J^rber ec. 9tb 1' 68 ' 9 vy i'fanoi;?. Sonde "Tro^i 33th 3366 ffilliam '. ^]dred Sept. ?th 1367 Kary Louis? Vedder Dee. 8 th 3 867 ls*>ac Lew ton Van Lot. -ept. l r >+': 1861 .uli^ totoinett .otter •«« J !tb j 68 Coty Bradt, ehecc^ ^radt ■arch 14tb 1669 " a ry i^ke Bar? -,. Co. i 4 1 . . 1872 re. fcgaae Sharp, aifa o* i ry Van huren •• visa 'Pry Ann Killlpa m « ■ • r . J me a -^tipley .1 « Krs, Cnarlotty . Saurburn, . . i . J ohna " P rch ICth 18 '■. 8TJ) "rean June 1872 *vnna Chamberlain "nrch 16th 1873 Irving G. i,osee April 82 1873 Joseph Jurtson Dgc . 'bth 1873 iit'bie Conde arci 21, 1874 Jlariaaa h ami in Spaacer . hotter* fiautrison >« Greif : ay loth 1874 George A.. Cte*ert . D. JS pt. 6 1874 -gnee a. Carroll Kbra.-- H. £radt iec. 12 1874 Cornelia B. Vnn x.uren lira, Harriet k. *•» Baraa June 12th 187b rs. ' eraaia Dee, 11 th 1875 J. S. Knap? garon 11 167^ : obert Jnco^s n « •• *'rs. Kary BaCana Carrie rittar \ 1 Rrcellus ■ ■ ,vm* Van r -eveyr •■ ■ ■ I nerec. Ttb 1678 Karen 8tb 1879 Ha rob 13th J - •rc l i 13tn 1880 Sophie Judeen " " ■ j^nu J. Groot M " , " . eCann ' «roh 12th 1883 is A. Voeburgh June 18th •' Kittie Stevens arch 10th I «la G. Van Bueen, Matthew, (father), Nancy, (mother). Ball an beck Mttie k. Swart, Mr. v'roman, Mrs. Vro Angel ine X '. ^j)ith, Michel Salth, Mrs. M.Saith, Jar.iv; ..-, March ioth 1883 r. Bead, rs. Read, Jpnie C, Maxwell, Andrew Maxwell, Mrs. a. Maxwell, Hansen R. I artin, r. Martin, March ioth 1883 rrs. Martin, iSmma Bharts, Mr. Sharts, Harriett Sharts. June 2 3 683 Susan L. Sharts, Br. Sharta, iarri«t -hart.: ^rusta Ida j'ox Sept. 8th Antoinette ^nlsJee, Anthony Sweet, Father V cs . Sweet, (Mother). Gertrude De Graff, r. Van Vost, H rs. Van Vost. J, ec. 8th " John 0. Van ^pys itacheJ S, Link Fee. 23rd 1884 1 rs. Pete* Vedder iceman 6. i ami in I ra. g, G. Ham J in " John nockley ^mith " " J'rank Paul Vedd.r Jem*. 23rd 1884 .nni-j Kattia hotter » " Julia van ormer » ■ " , Harriet A. Hallenbeck " ** Henry -^nell Harch 8th ]t>85 Colon H, Brovn, aged « " Nannie . .rown, hi« 11 >, . ;d 50 » " " ,Ji7n J one ilroy c',7 » ■ ■ Hat tie oeam^n " 16 Mattie Vrooman " 19 " Gar'itt J&enry Van Derreer Sept. 13th I re. Aggie Young « - Fillies Collins I: aggie Coll in a Uec. 13th " «n Blizabeth Atkine » ■ " Lulu 1'idlane Jacobs, Robert Jacobs, (father), Anna ' idlar.o, (mother). Varch 3 4th 1886 Wallace Collins Sept. 11th 1$87 Elizabeth 1 omeyn, lhaa. r* omeyn, (father). ' nry .emms BruMBagem Dec. 11th " ^sther iaria G roesbcici' , wife of .p. Henry " " " Charles (Jreenfield •awBon ■ ■' -,lmer hitney Kelderhouse M " John Jacob Van Loan » ■ M Minnie Brummagem rt " " James i'enry lector J ] t ■•- J • m » i>t» • • * S3aackM icnii«« la , t«f ol J»««k • - BfAfMI :, ■ - 1 ■• • r c-i L i J 1 I 1 UJ I -ept. " Hw 12tfei 1 £*ti MM a i J rojr , i»* e th* r 3 , i : , f ) # Btjf« t • fe( ■ , -.»;.-• 3 3, I ' i J J th ■ i th ■ ■ I OB i j i. : 1 -dword J«*»tt f«a -jpa June 3 1th 1898, '• 1 1 1 * rd Van Derveer rvter, (f a ther] , rTinie . r, (aether), age TO, * as lor, ..ay 3 0th, 1899. ^ept. 9th 3uyy ! ias Carrie Me Cam) Larch 1900 I iss tfnilj career ~ept. oth 1900 Catherine t.. Knight ~ept. 7th 1903 Hubert h. Clark* over 60 yre. i ■ ■ ■ Mia* ilia a. Featherwax Kerch 8th 1902 Hies Brace £awsen, (rather, Isaac Dawson, no ther, -elle n^ier. v*>rch 8th 1903 i">egraff Van Vranl^en, (.nther, James Van Vranlren, T'other, Mary Kaliaea BLnighta). June 13th 1903 Annie ^.li'/.aheth Joans, (Father, BaTid John;-,). " H " ^ e lla Marguerite Dan aha, i^atner, Charles Dan aha, motn-jr Agnes Van Ue rhyder) . H " " f.nnie ay he Graff (Father, Charles Je Graff, mother -r^nnis Vrotnan). .-:ept. 12th 1903 Robert Stanley Kraft, (mother, Cora) rt ■ " £thel Kaj 1 raft " ° " ra. Core r-- r-ii't " H " ieholas Snith ee. 91*' l- 5 rim ora Hartroan, (mother, Eleanor), ■ " j. r^r k Vy»3l8i " ) . H " Lea ter Jaeoto , ( " M ) . " Russell i-iiJip Hartnjan(" " ). " jju rton Joshui n, ( ■ ), June 22 1913 ria -i. pps, father, -avid /.^uatus Van ^ps, other, kirna Van Losn Var ->pp3. June 14th 1914 Jessie ilissafcetli klsdorf " Gertrude -«r-sori j--uJ1 * " " Frank -.J 3sod > ood " " " Harold George Tatloek " , " Lucius sead barrett " " " Banian Sradt 1 . cv. 28th 1 9j 6 Helen "oore Sweet (l rs. Jasper). June 13th H Ida Giffo ra ■ u " iilla iioseJJ^ Giffo cd ■ « " jidma Say Bifi ■■>ept. 2 1 9j 6 ah] >n ircellus, ^^ed 69 " Kargaret D. reel las, aged 4j Kareh 26th 1921 ills Bay Col well " " ■ Vise Christine » . Van ^erzee I 3,00 Jacob Smith t I • '-jJir-i 4th ec. j 18, 3 .00 "'^rried a person at • 1 '\ r. Una in J , 4. J oum?> ai i.J B, Akin t< . i£;s -ily Calkins, r c^rroJ to Kiss knn 'rria oigleston, Hep t. ] J one t*i or , 8 li.. Oct. J , STr. - -i Hyden to r ios !ye3ine Van Bees, 1./ Oct, 18, Mr. Pel I , ',/ Kot. 18, Wr. Will iflu nant to Slaa Bel , -.tc r of ' r. I'cter Condey, J hillings. Ijec. 16, Kr. J pet Swart, 16/ 7, Mr. Isaac B] oomei Lll ing. ; Jan. 10, r. Then ^-.i i j j ( . 3 C mi3 es out. «;ept. 30 Kr. Jimii; .tin, ein, J6 shilling. i«ov., 3 5 r. Lawrence k nn Jan. 35th Mr. Aaron Shew to Miss Margaret Mead. $2.00 ^j.. rx. 1 23, J r. John . - 1 1 i r i>' Lea .ciliza '<'■.., s . rria to 1 annati ' ead v 3.00. July 35, A3ori7;o v inui.. . &lliot, Lau i of 1 r. H mry - illerton, .3 . . a, In tha city ..." roy, r. ir. Sidney >mith to b Jo j i- teilay, 3 3. _J. i.ov. 18, Iii the town jf Amsterdam, Mr, George Ohlen to Biee at ■•, pi 0.00. . T La • ny Count/, i ' r r L. . _ ; hoaaaka • . , Glainrilla, &iaa . nriti . . ... 23 3 r.C< Ha, 1 £*■« - • . tar of Sich' .i j , '•WW' I ' . J in-. ■ . for ' Ot . 7 J k? \ r ' : ., UUtj , ]i. , mg faratar, to i itiht .. ..nr ila lace, "•• •• il. i ti . . ■■■ : f 3 »•" M ' ■ . .... I . . . 1830 7 ov. 3rd Married Philip | ] ., fame r, to Piss i ertor , - u] J jrton 01 Same p] ' f . itn< see, fcbn : r Smi th ai ! Isaac place, farm ere, trees, . }, 3830 ;'ec. 1st >J3 1 , Romeyn, farmer t of John Van u.ps, inn , rraer, botd of timsterdem, Montgomery County. 'it- nee* ' "i, John Van -ps and Henry v^n -. pi a ce > 3 or , f ,; o 8pe r Van o em j r , s, gratis, 1833 -arch 4 I r.Chanery to Miss Kargaret Glen. ?it- jfurphy nesses, ^gflhu" Leaman, Rev. James . tees, 383:1 ' r. Orville ». Calkins to ' isa srguson. itnaases -iJiis L. Calkins, i.athan J. Calkins. . " . 3833 *d, Blacksmith, Rotter inty to Kancy Hea<±, daughter of •;n's l»ead, Char3ton, Saratoga county Shoemaker. teases, Ura. >,, Slingerland, wife of Rev, *. Slinger] iell , house-maid both i en vi n e , el i . , j . _■. 1833 June Stb r. A-bra -odder to LMsa 0orne3i?. ,it- nesoes James Murphy, Jun'r, I ,00. 3831 Vr > a-hrahaa Hoffman ir~ : -< men I ontg. County, i ver - troe to fiisa Abigail, daughter of * r. Aaron Cnrrol. itneaaea 23eaar Slij • . . , • • • " . . r , 4aq r. I i Rotte rd aileanor, 'Su, hter oi .. i ru?K, ■ . Lorida. itnesa, John ^. Swart M.D. of i i ici rart , J 183: ■ f ?da haw of Glenville, Seta - . Ppei ter to £188 iierriet a-ucrcti ci ^-- John L. bhelly, chair-maker, a orge gill asp i and ie, b on and d Gillespie, Jun'r, farmer oi lace. f bride. 3832 June ?7th ! r. Johnson Potter of Glenville. farmer to ter of ev. iho'a non»e.yri, of Amsterdam. itneaaes flarmanua taley, , Ulei Ut homas • , fa rme r , Glenville, fee 1833 Sot. 17th raff, Iton, to uiville, fit- ' - ••• • 98 ra Johns oi i , , totter, farm ■ 3 anvil Je, ,00. 1832 Jept. 13th I arried r. «dam C. Conde J»qrmer, to T'i33 Gilllapie Jun'r farmer, «]] ofuienrille. ltnessos, . r. Charles Conde farmer of Ulenrille end Hastings, inn-keeper of same place. J'ees, 5, ] 1832 Dec. 26th Rarried I r. Karaanue Fan fipa of ■• t •..■ r farmer, tc Bisa "'~rtha Berostred of GlenTille tayloress. itesses, ir. J-^cob Smith and r. Isaac Groot, both of cienville, farmers. ij'ees, fc. 00, 1833 J<\n. 31st r. Lawrence Van Former, son of John Van Won r Glenville, f firmer, to 1'iss i : annp>i Bradt, d t;r of . eter Bradt, a day laborer, idh?nj. Iaaac van ormer and lac he] i-.rw Vaafformer, boh and daughter of John VseYWormer, aforesaid, nesses. tfeea, $2.00. 1S33 i'eb. 5th Mr. k\ tt an Hauvanbergh, fan ec of -in I ■- ••■ iaa Rhode Rodgers, of Jfcr. John dodgers, miller and farmer of -harlton. itnaaa Rr, Conda van ratten, I | Ulenvill x'ees, 13,00. 1833 May 25th John a than Barker Bickmalrer of Schenectady married bo I Julia ^nn Reynolds, waiting- maid of sar»e place. iln^sses, J-^yG Garrit, f^mer and Henrietta, his wife. 1833 Sept. 5th r. Dawid C. Van *pa of line, ir of Luma . i Glenrille, farmer. itneaa Gertrude lingerland and : i llay> . I ran all. Jan. 32th 1837 pried ttr. ■ ' - ■ n-Truax° ( '" . I I .nviJ J , . rvpriJ 26th 1838 j i a i n to ".i'.tJiii", ri 3 . . .ecord of Marrj jv. A.brs . ye re. 6th • • i _ Aon I lie , in lire r of I ton ie am an , < J -snv i i i " kur . ! John C. " abee 2C yrs of to ■ _■ »i uienTille J . I I V 1 ] J . . J653 ,ov. ... ict, B . 0. to flancy Van foe • her father. tti I ' ..", isggc V ' ■ > rd?jn . rs, to dna y i J7, both oi Bienville, married -■ house oi rhilip V Alex- ander i rgh of Bienville, Judith Voa- cf riorida. H Sept. 27th ill j rnell aged 26 to ?ary Davie s , ]we rrie sea .both of r] HTille. . Burgherdt, cownencing, ! . : • j -i Bomeyn I] ;.'■■. H l.ov. ]9t ■ i •>/' ai ppa ■ l J of " Jec. ) 2tl rati .' oX • oi Uha ri to?i . " Dec, ,.oth ■ . oi i. o I . " ■ " - y] or of Chs r] to, Co. on t- 11 • ■ I i • ' June lot 33 ow ft] -irU»3 ^jidi Conde, . J rvjj.i. , el r ictadj County, fc« f. .it" - . . nrille J*, i . j ov. 37th " j . . arl ton and Harriett A. t , I . i'eb. 23th j -3b John V, a »yn an lien u . Le« c Ln , both of A;jri3 : " to rda . '- . June Dec. ] . •] . (aroan, Chatham, i •- Cotlnt.ii .... T. 1 , i ! • . , J in . on 1 - . n-i-'. 3 a, »J bany Co. *»nd LI] v iu i ik of Du an a a burgh, Schei • ij'it ui oj jnvi]]'j, Co, April mj tarltoi , aratoga '-o. ^r -, Saratoga if tfl envi] 1 a . : * . Virgi »ni a ■jn J . • ; of C] OJTille, :, . . y«b. 6th 1867 ■ J -i. villa, K, Y. and n onrer oi' ... - ; 3th j jriville and ., , rlenylUe, • . i. ft.ug.14tb ic . rij, fiorth Castle, eatcb ..... »th eiopJe, Charlton, . • . ■ n • , i m « ille, iv . i. «nd "«ry Jane Low, Glenril] , I . .. : arch 13th 186- Joseph Rowland of atkins, J.. /. IS, Gl unv i31e , 1 . July 7tn " j.ornt (Barent) emple of Charlton, k. * . and iiannah Ca tharinc .ost, Charlton, i.. 1 • uepi. Ibtta " Jane a Pickett of -•■■■•■ i etady, 1». X. "'nd u jja C. Turn hull of ichenectady, fc. i. Sept. 16th ■ Kahlen Kareellus of ulenville, fc. t\ Crrriy :rittor of -'. : 3 envi3 J e, ti . X. Oct, 7t i i " i33i r >m i: - . Van Bramer of Schenectady, ^rifl Abbey £. Vosburgh of C3envi3 3e, h . *. J-^r. 7th 1869 i3 3 iam M cCol 3 urn ol Lam, K. J. Harriett A, Sower ui' G] j>vi33e, 1. . . Aug. 1st " ■ nolds of tflenville, M. V. and ^rrie A.. Jone3 of JonesTille, I . U i.ct. nd " Rudoli Kyer ol" Florida, K. 5f. and Louise Hiadmann of Glenville. June 29th " , S. G. riamJir. of Schenectady, i . X. ?nd Battle : . jrott-r of Bienville, i . X. isb. 16th lb70 Cornelius S. Conde of Glenville, Uk Y. and B. A. Hamlin ol Glenville, h . If. Bareb ^ 3 Avars', I . -ept. 1st " Curti saver and Kary Ar* both of Glenville, h. Y. Sept. 34th H mi . .' ; i and Hat tie furdy botb of Glenville, 8. i. '■ " .- root and i teobe Ann Jf otter, both ] anvil 1 b . ..pril Jtith 3673 illiai . >etherwaa wd Harriett Faria Scheme rhorn, bot.-, oi GlenTille. ^ept. . Oth ■ 1 1'viriK . rah Jane bot nvi] J e . Oct " Denial Bu cannon Denmark and Jane Ruth . erranse, both of Glenrille. Bot. 3 at " Joseph Peck u.i' Ornate rdaa and e lling, mater las , - . i . lov. Slat " j; Jeirirj-, "i nk „n-j of Uhariton -jni Mar J- i3aon of Bienville, -. if. Bot. 1870 ir^ T. Jones of B. Y. and iarah -= -r; de rs of Lodi, B . i . Hareh 7th 1872 Belson ±i«3d of Canaatota, is. X. ana orgiann* Griffith of Amsterdam, B. .t. May 21st " Jim on P. KeLachlan of Gj»villc, B. if. and Kargaret issbeil* kledorf of Llenville, ... 30th " Qa i st row of C-lenville, B. If. Bella Knapj ., Glenville, B. Y. Juie 20th " J. ti. Davidson of Castle ton, B. Tf. Carroll Bienville, B, i". Deo. 5th " *'. C. C. Cornell of Bienville, B, i. and 08 S of Gl aivil 3 e, B. i . Dec. 25th ■ 3 , . on, Glenville, I . <• Ksabell .j isher, G] enville, B. i . Oct. 7th 1872 . t .. n by the s v . . .] I ( r1 lingerl and, atre :urr, both uJ r. is tardea e I . - 1 ) t l f inor, pence i ir of . . nd Catharine 3. I ^wun Of ''- 1 MJVille, ft. f. June 17th 1871 -by . Sth " Col, F. 0. Curtis, I .- "ori and Debort bh, 0] snville, a*. Y. July P th H £lijah . Clark, He* Brunswick, H, J. and ; E roam , S3 anvil] e, 35, I, Sept. 8th " Frank Xn^rp, Charlton, ft. Y. gnd Franca I n vill a , ft . t. Get. l^th " Albert J, Batea, Providence, K. Y. and a , i. . I . C'ct. 20th H ?. B. 'unsaulus, Charlton, £ . i. and e i r?fl, Charlton, i< . i r . lo?6 — 26 r Van orroer, Bienville, ft. r. and £tt»a A, Korneyn, Glenville, H. X, March isth lts76 John B, apps, Gyraeuss, ft. X. and Christie y, Schenectady, i . 5t"« 4th " J. kergusea Brown, Amsterdam, a, *. and -a rria a I vt ■ , . ! . Mi tne Jan ra -it. rd, Colin h. y lav, Sept. 20 th " Andrea R. 7an Vorst, Syracu . . i. and Annie Be Graff, Glenville. . 4 1 -: 1876 1111 - Karlette, Flori , I . i tinis Brit ton, Glenville, ft. i . i el . Oth ] 878 I er i g . 11 , . I 7 th " »eh« r* Bt a? m , Glenville, b» . . i ] i i • I • 03 , dentill e, 1 . 1 . ee, till cCann, .John Kll roy. j«pt. 1 ^th ■ . ;. n ; Snapp, KatoBsh, I r c . i <*n d , a rl t on , K . Y . i 1 net sea, G, . - , st run UkJ - . Bov. " Jo! . 'j', Jr., > : , on l, Co. , ranees A, Deuel . Lti , I - rt. ] 9T, 26tfc " Ireland, a - . 0. ! ■• i. flici s , trl ton " ■ 1 to esse s , i 1 ] i am or. s aul us , p. ins . ' i 1 1 i Dec. 18th nee Swart, itosterdan, N, i'. and tvittie V room an, Slenville, M. 1. (fitnesses, J« Sector, G , . • an iiu ran . bth 1879 Vrooir.^n Briton, ft. 1. and ami in, Bienville, i- . X. - 1 a ran , Ren oi ; ."cii in. Feb. 26th '' Sanford nan, lenville, K. Y. and £12 a H. Link, . . itn esses Charles >eaxnan, John i.iny. i'eV'. 27 th " fa , L . , 1, 8. Y. and . tied rf, Glenville, K. I. fitnesses, Krs, t . r , rs . . ft. Rand] Sept. 2nd 1879 bi . radt, G] anvil le, h. ¥. and • i] j , ... ■ i I n esses A] I •it r a d t . ec. 4tl " . i J J iem ... ' 1 J enla ick , j en? Llle, A . ttie v-n .or:;er, .■.mat'-fd.w., &, i. ifitnesses, . fan Keuson, ^ . innie Jr. (Jr?J I a> 'ru " fa. C, slid ridge Sharon Springe, i- . >. -r. .. eeley, '"i snville, Itnesses fir. Canary and I r. >eeley. Get, 6th " jps, Olenville, *». *. and £lizaheth Shankle, Ulenville, K. *. fitnei J ofc , j. e rcy /ar j^. ?^r.d ■ Char] i rf, Cliftoj rark, fi. *. an, Bienville, B . f. Witnesses ■ rt , G . i . '' an Buren . it! ii. 16th 2 633 ;ev. Joshua R. Kyle, Port Jacks n, H. if. and uha n ton, i. . i . .j ri i m , J r . , <-m . I a t FOB . april yth •' Isaac Coi te Bienville, ... (. and rs, Ann -J j ss J . r- u a , ] n w j j j , itne K.na , * . igge tt. 6th i • .• m. • . Hallenbeck, 27 next birthday Glenville Juli* Antoinette Potter, J>'5 yra. Siti s ■ y r, 1 ck. k«c. 5th yra. Glenville, .n. ¥• to i • ■ , J y rs ? " ' vi Chi r ■■ ha, t.v ■ il j . .-•>■• P. c . ■ . I I . ■ . ■ • J .1 • . on. . ....'. i I - K»rol • I b, 23 11] , ,'u3y 5th Leo] i - tp t. • ' ; '■ i i . ■;;..... ■ » . • • Kerel , ... , i. . , . " v 1 1 ] 3 , ' . i : | ] e r f J ' n . root, Jane 30th 18 snjamii toroeyn, 21 years, . Phillipe 20 ■ Florida, K. i. i tneese , re. C. A, on . July 1st 1889 Randies Van Heuaen, 23 yaara, «t Charlt< xiJizsbeth rtnn smple 23 " " ■ ■ » fitneasea, .J. a. Aiclrera on, George h. l| | " ue 17th " L *ymour ^rruw, ^ t d 19, Oneida 1 ] -• ■ • • ; ' r -/ '- rill a »ssea, Augustua Shart8, illia Feb. 26th 18S0 alter e-noe Bead, aged 26, Galway, i. . r. ends, " 24 *eat Char] tor, itnessos, John Fri8S Gardeer, Kittle *. Gardnet March 3$Tch ■ Seymour Shoulta, aged 22, ^'ond% . . (, and Berthn A. Ferguson " 37, Glenrille, J. i m *it»es , , , 3. Fetera, Mrs. ~ iJ 16th " iJjl ~ 53, CJlenville, r. Y. At. rig Lansing Cath "26 " " " i Mrs. r. A, 7th - Henrj H. Jacobs, 2b yeara, Lichenectady, . .. ^mrr.8 Hall en beck 30 H Gjenviil,. , ., i, 'itnesaee Robert C. Cullin b, rs. ,. llenb Jaae 18th ■ Fredirici . iiese. 26 yrs. , Louisa B, Lange 21 yrs. CJlenrille, a. x. Charlea . Pagl 9 a, lla . Lange. kprij vjtu 1Q s r> 36 yra Glenville, . 64 yra, G] .pv ille, . *. ■ i ■ ■ , pastor, irn ba] ] sd • 10, I °v ' • , * ' i re rati , Grool ton, Ji. Y, ifina 0, Kereta ":4 ye*irs, Glenville, *iti ore Ker3te, J^nnia ^. Gri.ut. *ab. 7th 1900 Thomas Plunraer -16 yre, esc Charlton, ... i. Ida '. Cath, 26 yrs, Glen villa, B. t, fitneaaes n^urge «. Bolt, Lottie ,. Cath. "^ril 24th 1900 .. Bolt 33 y^^rn, Glenville, ft. i. utti« a. Cqth, 26 " Glenville, i. . ± . g it» . , x-lunwer, aiomis i oa ' 31 at 5». Henrj Groeatoeck, by >«ara, Glenville, S. Catherine R. V?.r, .^pps, b6 " " Sfitnaaaea Hargsret Van ^pps, J ina k. Putaan. Kay 14th 190*/ Aaraa >. Groot 23 yrs, Charlton, : . r. ^f^ I. '"'son 20 ■ Glenville, H. 5T. Vitnesaes, Alexander Dawson, Jcnr.it . Grout June 18th ■ Alexander nnwson 21 yro, Charlton, I . Jernie £. Groot 23 " ■ n ■ raon , Luey G ru W t. June 18th Louis Safcee 24 yrs, G] mville, :.. Y. ** la rwax 17 yreara, Glenville, a. K. ritnessea baa, ?eatherwax I ov . 29t i 1890 iJJinin x.awrence 23 yrs., esidenca Van I uiiTi , 26, GIttnviJJ ;him, irs. George Lester, iti rton, pastor, froa Oct. 2^93 2nd 1893 John D. Patterson 25 yrs, G2 enviU e, H. i. ;\] "Mn . .29 " Amsterdam, H. if. Fov. 28th J894 ? "ina v. P. v. Var Spps, Am&erd . (.'-root, Char2ton, '. , A.pri2 34th 2 895 Louis fclbrandt, Glenrille, :. i. 1 2 3 r " " by Joseph lie lrtyre, past r, .jure 22, 2ti95 Aug. 24th 2,69b Kr. George ^radt 27, Schenectady, i. ?. n.da lie rate, 23 years, Glenbille, H. ^. Conrad derate, fitness. i-ct. 2nd ." Janes i. Bowman, 5 yr;:, .. ... l Gal way, b. -. . -2 ark 22 " West Charlton, fl. .. •• i tnessea J. .Clark, r . . ] Sept. 25th " Jno. Henry Conde 59 yrs., UlenTille, ■ . >. --ret hmv tennis 45 " PatterBonville, . Sf, itnesses, aiDue2 Conde, ftrs. Uonde. Oct, 3rd ■ Chchenectad , . Y. fitnesses "'..-. klonzo .». Peclrharo, Mrs. Alonzo k. Pe ofc Jun<± 3^th 3 93 2 Irederiefc .. Lemke 23 yrs, last Greer. B. Y. and J i ad 3 6 yrs, G] enviJ 3 9 B. *'. fitnesses yina Simons, Mrs, rallie s. Bead . Lct " " Charles William But 23 yrs, Burnt Eill, 1 . i. - ji rrett J yrs, lenville, B. -. Witnesses Miss Bettie Barret Mr. *», .*. -• -j 1 1 . March 4th 1913 irtloo, 2J yrs, a lton, B. Y. qnri ..-.' e3 Bay Kraft 23 yrs, Glenville, K. *. witi r. eiamest urt3on, Hiss Ruth A3 - .v. ' . G . I. ies . ret, 3rd 1916 LUisa * rker yrs, UlanYilla, N. i. m, th - . '■•-! ■-"' «nd« r 23 " " it -rofe barker, rjoria J. :;<-,nd«; r. P3rd 1916 --rod Von fedal 26 yrs, Schenactady, H. i. Id« Gifford 18 yrs, Glenrille, H. X. fr, Thos. i'r^ece, Mrs. Thoa. Pr 13th 1916 Rayaond 3e G r^f f 20 yrs Giervilla, *. Y. rjorie J. Alexander, GlenTille, k. i". tasae, John ?an ormer, Olira Alexander npril 15tb 1917 0. Harold fatloc* '3 yrs, Glenville.k. *. J, lador£ 19 " " " H tfitneaaee, Da Graff Van v^nlreo, 1 rs. . G, kiea. Jane 27th " iugane Jurtea urr^y 24 >r- », • •• rgarat yarehaa ' v;fld 18 " Gisnville, k. K. ie88ee, John.C. VanWoraier, Tiro. Joirn C. Van'Vcner. 28ih 1920 -v. .-. Doflsont officiating. Hernuan J. 2 a re tana, town of GlasTilla, and nrriatta fences, tonn of Glenville, itneaaea, Bisa uhj, Chaa. Z raft. ecor I wi i ■ i in the & ■ :• i ( j ■ . 1 J 4 - 1 1 5 . t Childa tine ui" birth 1814 xeb. 23 «daro I. V ruronn Jemima HOT, -ive Groot J acofc I an Bt t ten foil J Lovett Aug. 31 Vollre Vroraan (Voliree) v 22 Hindert 'ewpel 8? me r. 3 1 6] 4 • lizabeth V os burgh a] ta r 613 1 ispey llanoy July 22 lol3 Chri b ten a ' mx ti -i !•. ov . 6 Samuel Ann Peack Au< . j AngeJicha Truax July 31 Xtiur Gosdey Uetharlna June 27 l di 4 Ul&rry Van .tat ten Lie hoi as van .fatten Cornelius Larci 7 262 4 I. an cy July 3 John Amos Covey '• 3 r £h 3 1814 J -^ne Van V] ^cV it it Gilbert I, Clo* (Clough or Clowe) argaret I arch 1 2814 Hit j Sharp (Margaret Mariah) 1 I ) A JuJy 3 Che rl'm Van Ti'^t (km i -.il ip Jr e i rcuilde • --r.r. Bom an June 13 ] S op h i lblb.seb.il Iaac V< r-tT^hara July 17 lol4 .Jim both Sharp B Cillispey Luor-ati^ Chenberlin J- In 1 v. 6 lol4 Silvester Aladorf Valentine roan£ov. 26 183 2 i.l 1 i ivov. 1 4 1 cl 4 Cornel iuo 3. Oondey Cornelius - • 3x Bogsrdue Dae. 27 1 61 4 13 133C Groat Juliu3 -ullirii rov. 3 1 ol 4 el lean t Cull in a " " " I least Collins an i*dult. Jan. 20 Rachel Lansing wife Abbey ?»nd . . lV ii } 1S1J Hen ry r. 3 1 81 3 of David Cstrom " Jnn. 20 J -■ i i a Jun ' r Abraham i>ec. 5 1815 Ch^ri ty inne ■ 21 Henoanue 7an Jtpt'a «ug. 27 lol5 . thVan Me tten uviur{.,<_ t-^.a aty Mill Ap r . 10 1M 6 Oornel i^j- ■ ila -^ni'ora Jan. 9 ldll oarnh Oct. 9 1815 SaSS ■£ o. 3 Ibl 6 " " i . - • »a rt " " Sicholea Spitzar & -^n 1 iil 3 Sitti Luis Job. 20 1816 Is an r.y Philfip o.-efc. ,38 lolo ,1 i Babe t' Hub a (Haatar) Jysi : ay 9 i-.jj Ju]y 7 esse] I . Tf nret - -id . 11 ]tii6 Gil ©art He t tie rin^ ■ ■^wyt. 3 John Fan ..pd cSJiaabeth Sharp c DaGraaf - (DaGraff) July 9 i'iethe ? July 3 i-"svid Lstrom c' u ] y Gilbert Hest<=r Karia Bay 19 n 18*6 Gestaaa -u^x Jane Mi*a and j.. e b 3 183 5 vargery Gillaapay Hary *nn cct 3 1826 ■ Jan. 15 3H°r pi a, tha ds May the 18, 1815 ->nd was Christ-n-j rusa -?ptieed, Jan. 15." ■ Aug. 21 &daa I Vr:,, »Jana waa born" * e b. 8 1 bj 6 ve Sroot Hester n re 17 1 61 6 J oja Jan . B James A, . rt t>rnhnra jJoc. 6 J8J7 I'Kor-a Van . tt in sOregor) April i. j louuj's Spioher (Mchol . v j rit Lov. 7 181 3 ■ j pieh ir j tii ed by Andrew Yntsj . 13 Toll ■ " " tel Hays nnge] 1 i- Lov. 29 Joco' /foonnn a ri a • room an .L>ec. 7 Joiin 3 waft Al 1 id? It " 25 Ceo: Mlidn knn Dec. 30 3 81 7 ar it ]ojo Daniel Da Graff itill ur Helen Sw-arts Matilda" June 13 hem Hester &lid« oonde VanZandt Oct. 17 J 1819 Con's Condey (Cornel ii. . imon ¥an- Sellie Truss ten nov. 17 1828 ruax) 3 8] 9 Feb. 14 Corne] i a Uic Dee. 19 ■ >yJ veste r *3 adori" .tyriifi Bfo n " 3 7 Feb. S3 isnnc Vu3turgh j i sal . t »ha cp Mot. 15 J 18 arch P.7 -.ghert Van . urine r Elizabeth aGriff i a- Dec. 8 3 83 7 Ali?a " Ju3y i I Oat row I uhriato- pher Apr. 3 9 18J9 »pt. J H^pm^nus V*n . eg] i sabeth ? an at ten ■'eft rule or Gitty July 4 3o3 J Charlea v "m ipi >ot Sua an Ju3y 9 3 8JJ Dec. 5 Bicholaa van Fatten j J ico v r. i ii^ncy- alid it ten I'i arc f tregor . 3 183 9 3 8 i Feb, 6 James . -^rt Anny ^3 ov . r Karl ah Oct. 4 3^3 9 Jerimia Hebecc a v an ^ps ''a3ter Jan, 7 ] . . ~1 i zabe th °.y l Joahu I Phoebe Knapp " ■ " I s a ac r og t .. j r uolllns " Jusa is Karl a Swarts Abran Da Graff 25 AuVes Peak nleida Van ^yke ■Jugnor Oct. IS Jo] y Irny .'.Tin Ju]j J March 16 Sarah rch 1 1820 Keller. v 22 1820 Isn^c J. fan v ranken -uBfln y 24 1820 Be rber S, 3 ji tze r J ohn . S va r ts . al ber irch lo nleid 2< June . 9 Jb Q ] ov. 5 3 i • - ' - rts 22 John Vnt Foe r ilargarat Vosr u 3 823 J*n. 23 Jacob •v'ir.q '- rt.s " «,>riJ 1 lease Vosturgh j£] isabeth oh-srp " Bay 3 3 esseJ i. =sse]8 t V^nde rheyden inn a ' -fin fcug. 4 3 iry «->nn Sapt. J^ ItfiiC ■ ir.or. Groat, Oct. ? 1620 bO e tfilli J»'eb. 19 1623 Richard Sept. 13 1£ " June 29 George 1'ead Geor^ e- alley Condey Michael June 4 " rtiip. 26 John Van George July 6 ia^i J°ne VanV] «ck " " i'eter Van Zandt Sarah Carolina- Joanna .J. x. *.aypas Livingston Bay 28 1821 Sept. J 6 Jimes W, Jwart J tar July 10 J 621 Anny ol over las t. Van Patt Margaret 1821 3 3 ica v roorcan " Dec. 9 Jeri»iah Swart illy «nn Oct. 30 3 821 e ce « wa r i ] •ian oepL. 14 . . .' i Jaroee Henrj Uruti Bond Jane Awelia >eb. . I t. 15 Cornel iu « S. Conde Andrew- . 3 ( Samuel uachv. j Q w ] ej (daughter tf 3uean de ^ r->ii Aug. 2 1822 Henry • taJ ey) 28 Angel lee t fru .. Ju3> 25 1822 ( . '.is nay fee Angel In •ife oi asuel Haye) 1 823 May Ik David o c ' Hellan Dec. lb 1822 Rejchiei It Jae c.f D, Be ringe r John Henry Karch 13 18 Catherine K en 1 ok hue en oimon I. Van Fatter uharlee Condey Karch 27 1823 fiva. r Cornel ius Feeei Adam Cornelius .. 1822 rt.llid' 3 fan 3lyke i aeoD D. B« ringer ■ i I dred - Catharin " ■ - 1 < r tte ler# n jg^ 1824 J ^n . George ' glize Ann Cct. fa 1823 alids Condey lu>k,4 Karen ] 4 oylve I lorf Lydi " spril • 5 » aa =r . ,, ., tten "Joseph ->w>33t w * rf • "i^y rtyv. l'rony Comslius . londe Lawrence Oct. a so. ;. . J OS i rata 3 we eta an July 3 J ii>2 4 "By Rev. V«n Daniel D« Graff ; ' nndt " Jo fin June 22 lis]] ] 62b .byt . I] ton a. Rachel Van ormer ■U t'Q rt •-■] insof] and Gertrude Keilay '•rcri Jacof; Banta " ' °-y J ?illia Calkins Sally '•"( Fatten John Jpn. 9 arch 19 io<;4 henry isb. 3 1825 Mai . Jane Feb. 3 1^25 July 10 • eys a p , a re t ■ r i n ' ru - 1 tc Sept . 30 1824 hup. 2 Cornelius Peek Mid. -, llyek ^ ghert Ba * ^° 1825 " 1 ov . 26 Isaac >tev sns Hariet- ■ argaret iterens Abigail Hare. 3J 1<;23 ' ' - - ' 1 61 7 I n r . Sarah a] ijsa I aj ] B 1624 i * r3 and : Libert- Gertrude Reilaj Ludloa Jan. J ■ JuJy 2 li choirs ! fan i*att . in - angelies Van i-^lten Oroat *eb. 25 18i6 6 'i-uel > an airs Ca tharina " J oabu a Ses lc j - •ch 19 iJ.U an- ™«oba (Xn Fowler >, 20 Dae. 3 Hamilton *. fan ...pa Rachel Van _ps ( ■"""- crmar ) Ifi r ' - -••. 11 J onn 1 . s wart H 16 .ofi A.1 ley Read June John .. Van orreer Ami .i er ( ) Isaac Vosnurgh Blizabeth Sharp .valine Aug. 6 18;-:6 Oct. 9 .. Joel Bfesith Jin. 9 1827 Guorpq j, ov . 23 U ;urf,e ^aria Dec. 24 1625 1827 Jul} IS Samuel la tlxqj irit- elice i '■■ Shared Sept. IS i ^26 Marge tisriet Jr^ssu oi' Juoti f - Be] ] ) pnd Li Patten J.ov. 30 :'/ Jacob Smith Michael Jan. ] 18 Lucy Lav in a tfeb. Deborah Smith Vid April 3 18! 4 Auf. ;:orro] lua Peek A] i I jynV l c a te re cor*) I . 3 Jamea »art Ai na art 1828 J 9n . 20 4. Slingerland Gertrude Slingerland " " " Charles -ondey aria Condey " March 2 H. A. :•-. ehel v^n ipa " Apri] Robert Clark -y 0} irk ifigbe rt J 'lCu(» S] OV ;T AU| . 30 •leanor iJec. 2b 1827 John t. 14 1827 JJevid fienry Dec. 6 Mary Feb. 8 3 ] 6 28 our . J . remi ... - »ert i sey June 27 Hef-ekkn Swart Jul.V J"OU aith an II na kp r. 12 Deborah Smith ^u)y J e r a i 1 1 tzec Cr. the rip« I a rcii 3 i e i' . Jo rn ' "'ley j i n - kj a c •■■<'. Sonde j Luther i. u*/. J rcb 15 J ohn I . £ i i. a ler- Angelice Swart Cuyier 1 ov . p.pr. J mdel • . Sandt Hy *nn Oct. 4 ] (Rachel j ^ycne Dehor ah Van I .cc? ict. 8 M oept. b4 Jop'iu^ Seaman ■ Mov. 20 Ha»»V. ^rd his wife 3 829 I.ov. 20 „iliif • and his el fa ■ ■ •• i >■ , , and hi a wiie ■ " " Charles uondey 1829 Deo. 6 Jan inns Swart 1830 June ''7 g, Slisgerland ( ) Oct. 16 John Swart ( -u,ve Jonnn?> oept. 29 1829 i'&]ena oept. U inor- snd hia irlfa Elizabeth oept. John Oct, 9 ] J ohn . - G. Slingerland neiley Kny 5 1830 I I ec, ] cL. 25 183U I! ;o* -t f - igai] si . John l. »ar1 . t l^ij -^pt. Hamilton .-. . /an &pi . thai v . Jti3 Ha ron J l fearli r li ce- Harie . Js 183.5 April Philip • . . : -r M rfh Alexerder- -._.-.----...--_ full art or ( 1 333 J~n. 27 Cor ' s S . Al on?o« «nd his wlfa Boyd o. 2, frillie i... Calkins A a than- Dec, 8 li " I eo . 1 6 Ha pbb ' r ■ .» . ■it e ay 6 cruel - i j - o rfc el rt i I t I e rj Cl ark " Jul y 1 3 .. a r 1 tfflliam oept. . Julj 23 lo5J Jllizsl>eth JTeb. ^7 1833 Alexander- Slover Juna 6 ( ) J v. rem i oh 3wart a] e*«nder- Rel art Henrj June 6 1 834 I. ov. 2 Chs r] es r 1 Christians Aug. 4 1834 La Conde.y Jo nn Parry Oct. 4 1834 Co'. Ill , J '■tt'-r G , S ] i ri r ] . 5i -li^ri , U ; . 3 3634 Lanaii . - Angelica Swart Outhout -pril 4 183! Cor 'ns 6 roa b ard- 3 Cornel Corn ij Jan. 8 3835 3 837 Jure 4 Barnoniafl V- .- . fan* and rtni fi pa - Catharine- j£21«abeth March 16 1837 Dnvil . -ps Siroon- Vn Pat tan .teb. 4 H " " 1111a Callrina . Calkins " Aug. ft Joseph Tailor -iJ iss fail or George Conde cct. 4 ib5t> Try ^liza April 2& 1837 Lai races v ?n former Sallj . 31 1635 and tiannah /an . erausr aret ^ ec> lb36 U radt) I Mar . irt Lari '..ct. 1 Apr. j Phillip ■ v-i'ir — Hal Tin 8 Jan. 19 1638 1 6 39 x eb. 16 And re// Q . '. . Be r ■By H«t. T« IvOttc y */ er e " 1- e >. 1 1 -c . 6 1833 "By uev . J oi.n A. 5a t j * ' J OhT Apr, 3 1837 fill 1839 Po*. 26 ■By H©Y. J. A. «obn 3ept. It, 1836 Yates" 1639 Avxg. 25 Cornelius Groot ■Bj R< ert- lngolls" -ell Slingerland -Oec. k:8 1838 1839 oapt. 22 Tunie •jv. . Elizabeth t. 10 183B Ingslls" >'. . r% 1840 ieh. 35 1 r ancle I . Oct. 1840 " - i .- k Elizabeth Jane ^ec. 7 lt*39 16 40 Yen, 16 andre* tie a it try Jane Oct. <;3 1639 Mrs. ttrott J o*C. 3 1. .. n{ lllB .i. k, Jittarly 1840 . ni ■ -t " " " Jcr ; -:.eJu8 < v . . »oca Oct. 10 lc36 : :ii 9 ]64,: . - Men inf.. cc. 5j -■ ■ . 16 i] pa . '• (Sena mistal July 3 9 .i. •• j J c ... A . -i tl srly A-biguJ Seg t. 15 3 c40 i'rrd " fcug. 16 Joseph- George Dec. 26 lo3e Orril al] Li risoc ^J. Mar. 33 lto3^ Sarah i,mel,y Sept 16 3833 Ikins Get. 2! I j ^j izabeth Feb. « •• " Frances- vip? Jane 2C Ic?? ■ • f V Ir r arlt 3 ir - J8P. 3 J J 6 39 " ou3y 3 potwj ( ) ( ) 1840 tug. 16 Ci ...ljenor- i»l ingorland May 3 9 1840 i] 1: 1640 . h -icon lariah Una / . • Bi i J Jul,> 30 1 ts 4 • May 17 1640 JV - ' y 1 ' > Irs July 30 lo34 or iter June 23 lo36 r '"-iJ ro jr 25 3 837 I ■ , med j ^li^an ] 5 1840 1841 J*n. 20 r. r ^ J ■- "If n Oct. 8 1840 ?eb. 2] ! r, . • r j hi ISpi tzer . M rs . Spicter ffil lias- Henry " 18 1836 " Bay .16 Rockwell I • • Julia h.r-,'- Vvs - Cathern = Sept, 23 1840 " June 1C l!r. He Willi ffeapl e 1841 June 10 Hr. 0. Conde . • ] I 1 ) ( lb Mida Apr. 21 1840 ,u ^* ]/ ' John J eilisebetl Oct. A5 3834 r he Vie fiatherine May 5 1637 John July 23 1839 1 1 cv . j 4 Harnj \ 3 rat ( . S. Vr.r Harriet x-oicr I.ov. 21 1640 3 841 Eot. 3 4 H. V, ,3 .trances iiept. ;.l 3843 Mrs. v. ^ps M H " H. Spr ty Ann *'onda Mary Ann Ju3y 29 3843 Corn«3ius Groot ..ihert ( ( 1 a r Corn«33 t»J U £r. Haswe33 .o3i7.*beth .:ept. 6 1833 Sniri 1 '*\ria June 3o 3u36 Hugh Doyd Mlg. 31 3o36 3843 Dec. 39 <*rt .^ron Vedder *.pri3 38 3843 1842 I ay 39 Irs. Van Paten Henrietta Sept. 25 3840 "re % Calkins Ch^ndler- Caril v. 3 3843 " Julius Groit Is^ic- Agn® Low Duryea Jan. 7 3o4.; ; ,0 Phi3Jip V. burgh Lenorar ( ) Mrs. V. burgh " Jer. /i]aon J«ines ( ?'rs. . il3on " Dec. 25 n^v. .. Ingalle *. k. 3^ ^'-vid- Mra. Brott A?.ron -r. 24 3843 1844 -beb. 14 .fr "nee 3 C3o< S&rah- tfrs. Clow Jane cot. •vid Vnn tfire ^3 in or in l Citaline V. fatten tharine- ccn Oct. 2 1843 i;->44 1 ^y ]» fcgnea Low Julian 'Jroot " - " Jer. iltson jf oi J > re t Gill i sp ie orge Henrj 1644 Mr. C« L'strom 19 ftliza Sliegerland lienor r. Duel M rtUfr. 18 ,! "tthew lirown Jof.li- i'rs. Brown .Burgers on Jan. 3 lu44 " Charles Ba n o» .-illiarf- Vrs. Barnes ^1 app ^-pr. 5 1844 " Era. Bsbob Abigail { ) 184b Jan. 5 Catherine ector (wife of) iiusan ( ) £11 Allsdorl Richard Van fcetten -■thew ( ) Krs, V*n Net ten Feb. 15 ^lisebet'n V*n or^er (wife of ) n»o»a»- Thom^.s Homeyn ^dwin Dec. i27 134 4 " i-hil^nder jpagne Phebe Aaelia June ££> lo44 . ^prague 1845 Kay 17 Robert A. McWillian! b . Be i J 3 i " " b uornelus nnd »rj • ruflt " Lov. 2 5 L. underdone George t. 10 164b H re . Its rio '. en Patten ( rife of) rf- nr-^t- C. Van rotter Isabella ( 184b Oct. 1 Rer, I. Ing^lls Appal onia- Sept. 5 I Ann 1846 i'eb. lb Julius Groot Hgnis C root ay 19 "ilo Hue M a ry ( Cyrus- lira, uie rd *'en. 4 1841 " rtndfew hrott Garret- Mrs. Brott Edward Feb. 9 184b Aug. lb Mrs. Van former John Van fo riser " Doc't Bwart Ark an re? ( Ha rmon- ' :rs - Swar>t Veedetf tec. 4 ltt45 1847 Feb. 33 Catharine V. i"tten > of) iilliam- i-eter KcLachlin ^ug^ne Aug. 26 1846 1847 ] ay lb r. . I iahar of) Hell en S, Jb'isher " Charles Harmon V. c3, Hai Charles I . Oa t ruin of) Games C. C;8trom Lov. 20 David V*ri .^pi 1 rge- ■Vn Spa iinriilton July 13 IB 47 " Sol on«n Han] in Tunis- Mrs. S, Hamlin Slingerland b lo47 1846 Jeb. 18 Jj &1 3dorf uhristi?n- r->. tt.]sdorf Dings? o an . 9 1646 " ar, 27 Lansing t-nderdonk . ^nde rdonk -ne ^harp " Aup. 20 Philip Vos Burgh Vrs. Vos Burp-h 1846 Kot. 18 Julius c ro«t Ague's Low " " ■ . - o a r ? I . • r ■■» i f o# d Isaac Lu {.her Dec. 26 Lidla Jane 1847 George i>en. 18 John Jfar. 28 1848 Jul> ts 1646 3 84? j [acl ory- J ine Lawrence lfan jor^er y«B .ormer c . 5 J o49 ? lxov. 17 crville t-aHrine K. Jane ^harp Jewitt 1U48 M -^ Jine - t r rinc V . Fatten Simon Pewter laj 13 lo4v J. V. Vomer ■aney V. Fatten Bma) p. 4 lo44 1850 Aug. 17 R. Hnrm.on Amel i~ . . ~ine- Saiith ^ovet J«ne ara'n- Joinn^ Hec. 9 1849 ) Andrew Fischer oveJine F. -lanor Dora ^ept. 1 lo49 1851 June 14 Onrille Calkin ■ r 3 . C 3 1 If i n g crania Caroline p, lobi July 12 Andrew ^c^tt '■ fa. Lr«tt -usan- ce! 1 a iiov . y,2 1 obO L^rs. Kledurf 1852 Var. 6 George Leet'e L*ura ..illiarpson lisabeth Oct. 10 1644 Kary Jane r . 19 lU4d Johr) *ug. 11 ■ . , i t ■ .... . ■■■ . j k " Jt e t ■ . . Le- tter I OV. .1 '.. ree t . ■ r . 3 8 r r « t • )6i>6 : «y SI ■ l t- i Vina of) tfillia- . Lovett Cijicins Jan. 14 185: - 1 rd Of) r :H l . ,1 ItJOj isner (wife of) 011t« Miin . o 1854 I . lea the r DeY> orah a , G r ( i i of) a ry- k., r. Buell riria June 7 1o;j6 r.v Dunkf ^1 t Sept. 13 David Snitfe 18b? June r-0 John Wateratreet ♦•hew R. Br *n i fcta 'Jrj th*irine Curr^n 1888 Mar. 13 Lydia olf 1 i' i. in r., al iaa June 2b rd- Cath?rine Smith Curran &pr. 19 1«55 C attaarine Ci owe (v/ife of) grand a. nenry Cornell Oliver Jul., 20 la55 J ohii- Mary Spieken Henry Jan. 10 1857 Colin- Barbers a. Bradahvw Alexander ^pr. 24 1857 Jqoob J an. 24 1857 Bargaret - i l ip ■bronjr I forces Jan. "' T. 2S 'TT' . J. >eclc .. iJ 1 i Henry June 3 9 1856 " '■. r. I ttolonan .- Pier* yioj I L, 3^53 Valentin 38b4 uumc« rt/in I'tilJer Hancy Jan.; Jan. 23 3cib6 111 11 an ; jjroy George hotter Aug. 31 Idbb Harriet Fildred t utter Isabel la- Louisa Oct. .-8 ]8( , John JS. Rilroy Jane Hqtibda Uec. 8 lo44 Catholiae July IS Ann H. Haswell fcgsea Lev/berry " 7 184i ^nne .vpr. 18 lebl 711 lien ^dward J/eb. 3 1 ^3 »arah Elizabeth Dec. 5 ldbb Hary Al id^ Kay 4 1858 1858 3ept. 3 1 m. J. Hallenbeck * ary G . ■ " " Hen rry J. Swart Ul arence- 41iza D. Roaeyn ;yne Oct. 29 185b M Dec. 11 Deborab k, Groot - of J JSllaebetfa- Alferd uuel Helen . 7 1858 Henry >ate rstreet fcary Danfield (See Dec. 3 3, . 1. 55) Charles feter lay 25 3858 John D. ".. ate rs tree t Lab DorotVia ( ) Splckine Par. 3 3 Praline *rd ( wife of J filliaa Fard I A. .b'iaher 3 1 (wif« cf) • , or- ' r -1 i' . 1858 " " C«th« rir.=; votor of] rgaret- ... AJodorf Isabella £>ec. 27 1853 " Sept, J] Laura ill it ( rife of) J- ■ Hov, C . Bebee I860 Feb. U filJian Kilroy Hariett hotter Lahani ;£5v " Mar. 10 David C. Van ^pa ,, ., , *ercy kyers nup. .30 1859 Catfeal i- an J tten (Grand parents) " June ^.1 Henry Cornell in t^vrie July 17 1859 Catherine Clow H M " John Clow y can i « a - Valine Turnbull ta Ireb. " ^opt. 8 John C. 7 an or^sr Nancy ?an fatten " " " John fii. Bil roy John Haswell l»ov. 5 1 159 firm a M . Haawell . - . Hall eabeelc Mary ilead Jun '- 1 1360 I ) John D. rate rat raet J860 Dec. 3 Agnes- ] ica . J7 J B59 3 86] June 8 ttiunioa 5. Conde Sept. Louisa x. ov. j 4 ] . of i Ct rri e- Jla ( " Henry lateral ry Danfield iien- Andrew Oct. d IdnJ j«^L. 7 John C, Vnn Vomer Base J Ten i'ntten iiarah Mar. 5 1862 Villi an -taley Catharine Dewitt ■fc'annie Aug* 1 1861 Bee. 7 John S. ViJroy Ann ! . ...Jiner- iilaworth ( 1861? Bar. 8 Iaa^c C. Groot ■ j .J Anna iov. 30 2c6J 1862 Sept. 13 Jot" reet Mary Speck in 1863 June 20 Henry J. owart ^J izg oJ. fcicneyn Anna- i'riedric". June 23 3 35 Johji i.enr., June 7 136: Jui >ept. 12 J ufui Conde 1864 June 12 Isaac C. Gr< " H " Cnvi'3 ' . Va . .6; J ■ a r iae July 18 3 359 Zach^ri^h I. 1 John Christina .iockef el 3 ow ] i'pnni-. j - C ' t<- k, Bandera Lot- Aujj • ■ 1864 ] Rrs. He ri al Voe bu r S.arah Francee Bee. 6 165:. widov/ of J. Mead Harriett* (saii to be widow of Louiza Ju3y 36 3857 Lucius Mead) ^3izabeth .-*pr. 30 1862 3 -' 1 re. Marian Vender- John Henry nyden Lnndy Jane Feb. 4 1855 Chnr3es P. 5 3 857 Wife >f (Christopher) Catharine- Truax Louisa Dec 14 3 859 Aaron Dec. Christopher Jan. 3 1863 Apr. 3 6 i^'ivid Van Lerhyden Agnes woodbeek Jure ( ) Frederick Larnbee ' d o rf Sept./ ( ) Isaac C. Groot Lyman 0. Hamlin Lov 9 1664 John Gardner Ju; Charles- jiidwin Feb. 3 5- 16 65 ( ) • . ... A3sdorf illiaa- Bancy Larabee Alonzo Sept. ^3 3o64 Dec. ( ) Robert ... Clark Hannah ' . i John D. C3 ark Feb. 6 •P r - 5 -i J # Lynk c *' ■*; • TeJlo " Juno 9 I . . 63 Daniel June 1 1865 rtnn? filmot July 4 Jo59 Heine Cara- line Let. 11 1850 -ve Theresa iiov. 30 ] Lewis LeediBge Jan. 16 1360 Sherman Kinor kiy 27 1866 Charles I . Apr. 23 1863 Le Louisa h v. 12 Sarah ^dal^de Sept J l; 1o65 Jl 7 f%h, 3 Chriatopher Tru^x nt . . 7 1866 vden rman " " June 2 Garret •. C]o»? Ch<^r3 es- Marthfl Ccnde * nnces Aug. 1] 3..J66 W*cy Ida >■ ay 3 9 3866 Daniel '3imon rf Albert B, Groot .V'j r t- Jane k. irnders ;er3 Dec. 6 3866 oe^t. 7 John Gardner George- Maria A3edorf .o ford Jan. 2 1867 " G. Ka3 3enbeclr £3izabeth Sharp " Jacob 31. Holenbeck Fargaret J. Sager " ^>3i7a Ann Shoonnaker widow of Ch-?r3es Austin A3ive J. Kay 3 9 3 867 ,i33ie- Viola Fohn ~P r. ^7 lbt/8 S] one r Fab. 19 1860 r. 7 Isaac C. Groot Mary- iarah JS. Van JSpa Slizabeth 3eptJ5 , " June 6 David J Kenry- , . reel 1 us ■ Sept. 11 John EI. Ccnde i" I'QnciR X e ing " ■ . : Bd u rf IJ inoy L« r"Vee July 3o J ol i Fan ifipa HOv. cildp i.ov. 5 iza Jane Oct. 22 1867 01 in ton .*. A.ug. 15 Louise Aug. 19 J^oa Charles -idwin -*pr. 8 June 28 1868 ( ) Deo. 10 '. V. i-, fan *.ps Stewirt f odiwiek tfTeeette i)ec. 2 7 1870 : ep t . 7 j J ond« Alice . 4 1873 ■t p ting ■ " ■ R, J-. fendall l * d *rt Ipr. 8 1871 John Shur- burr 4 1861 Charlotte .-. Shnrburne Jane V. it . . ■ * ', c, Vgn Duren Oct. 19 1865 ^ln; rm on Potter Oct. 1 lo74 Joni . Fannie Franklin Conde 8ept. 11 &bran B. ( aters) Louise Hattie J. waters (set. 20 187< Df-vid fl # (Johnson, Charl otte Henry J.- John sen toig. J 3 1874 " George (Hal .1 en beck j ~J i z8beth George ^.ar] Hall en beck Feb. 13 187 5 Dec. 11 ojpnon V>r JSpps B jrtriettP Van ^pps Alzada Van- ^pps Mar. 3 1875 Stephen ^iTne 1 - S3 oouao Son of (SJocuw) and " a ry Ccnde , Bapt. June 10 1876 Catherine Lai D^ught. of Frederick (Larabee) ^ni ^us^n Alsdorf B. Bapt. June 10 1876 Amy rtose Jacobs Daut. of Robert (Jacc ■ Ldlanej Jacobs Ko d^tes. £3 isabeth Kwr^ Curtis Dsut. of i'rsnir Curtis and Deborah omitn B. Oct. 30 3876 Bapt. July 8 1877 Jennie S3iflebetl C root D^ut. of albert Groot *nd J. ^gust' re J B, Say 5 3 877 Bapt. JJeo. 8 1877 John Henry a te r a S. Abr^m Waters and 1 mis a B. Dec. 31 1876 Bapt. Dec. 8 1377 ttlla ] ./ell Daut. of Andrew (Xaxwell ) u?d bliaabeth ii. Marcli 16 1678 Bapt. War. 16 187b ctor B . of Jones stor i : . .■ ■ . t. Jam.- lb ] Cr r: Le Br I 1 1 itte of 111 ion; arlotto - Christina Brit ton B, Sept. 86 J Jinpt. June 15 3 378 Austin Keldortootlf S on of S». (WoCann) n r 3 Kary B. Oct. 7 J878 , t. Juno 2 1879 Abrnm C. Groot a on of albert S« [Groot) and .v«-ust^ Sanders B. Bapt. oept. 20 1879 & aryetta to on an iiRut. of and Jemima .to on an B. Bapt. Bare* 13 1880 Jul i a rta B'ut, of Agaatua Shirts and Sarriet I. Kay 6 1 Bapt. Oct. 9 1880 D«] } . oi kv i m f Swoot and jod B. Bapt. Oct. 9 : LtM ■ - ' ;. ■ r ' t. Jul j ■•«-;. I _, - I . . | ] j ... j I D«ttt. of Til} | tt M I 8 . of G e • 1 . ■ l{ . J 1 i , ! ' -''lit. -.-•.' .t.. June 13 181 Df r. i Jf rerieric* ) ChpJ.pt. dpt . Sep t, Janie lJ«ir i I - r«i dJ b. IT an B. sreh 20 J883 Robert Benjaal* B. ul HI] las J. Hil] B. Karon IS 183; ? Lapt. Sept. - 1883 fill la Colie ->. oi' >tu. WeCaj i ( iJir 1 yenr old # D ec< ■ Rose] ], Daut. of Os^r i a»d . rB# o acar y an tf 0Pre6r ] ye^r old Bept.Dec. 8 J8a3 Henry Vroman oi' Claranca ^^rt and •■ ra. Clarence Swart 1 year old Bapt, Dec. 3 Jcuicur J?Qtt s. oi" ..r.. i.. Hallenfcec] .m o . ^. r-ctt 4 m on the old - # June 9 ]884 Rutb fiats] jr. Daut. of Jierrnan ii^wjin an . a»lin • ~~' * »pt« June 8 )t3^ larta 1 • - -.rt'i • • '-' Bapt. 3 e pt. • Daut. oi l .1 ee] u id J ■ ■ r B. Grace, infant daughter of (.'.!i. Van ilu8en) and £11 a J. Van Bui B, pt, Juno ] Mary Florence Uul lings, inft. daut. Ball en be ok and Harriet k. Hall en tack 3 . Bapt. Sept. 13 lb85 (!><=> renta of the above should read Bfe. Ha]]enbeek »nd Antonette Potter 1 Clarence Harmon, infant of 0]*rence Swart and Kittle A. Swnrt, nee Vrooman B. Bapt. June 20 1886 •ren Greer oi sCann and ' r fy (Greeni B, Bapt. Sept. 12 J 886 Blanche LouewxcB Vai £aut. Oscar Van Werner and (^ffie Lodewiekj j.. Bapt, March 1 ki 1667 Hary ^3 eanor la] ' nbeck Dent. Vi33iarr Haiienbeclr and Harriet (V?n Porwer) ». pt. June 12 1887 i A] loe ' an i ra f j r, infant nnj *P 9d 4 y« *apt. June 16 3 .>«8 Henrietta Von former, Infant. Ch«rlen V. (Former ond fanny ■ 8 yeara ,t. une 16 n . «8b iill« Agitata v 3ti - Groot B. Bapt. Jub« 10 1894 .'ee r S. of 6< HenryVai • ny Groot B, it. June 10 1894 nj tain Sal 1 erb ,ck of Denjw ir - . Hall n i ;ck and J acgar C J ass . . Bapt, Jure 10 1894 Jannio JUnaretta Kelderfc Baut. of John Bartoa and B. Bapi . - .12 1894 V«*ra francos ftg In tyre Beat, ol Joaeph 8c In tyre and Sarah (skirt In tyre B. June 7 1894 JJapt. Sept. 14 1895 iiidith CBanbe rj - jSthel CHaafterlain John Howard Chan Bar lain CM Id ran of (Aguetua Uhantoerlain snd vlicept. 9 18^9 Vn . How a rd I e a t he rwax B. of lb. Alexender (weatherwax) and j-leanor U-astinj B. Kov. 2 1893 Bapt. Sept. 9 1899 Cl a rence Mi] roy S. of ':. B«pt. 24 1890 Bapt. Sept. 9 1899 Charles Bel son Mil roy S. of 13. July 7 1895 Bapt. Sept. 9 1899 Bear? veeder Hector 8. of Barry Rector and Lena (Veederj Hector b. Bapt. Bee. 8 1900 Jessie Alma owart Baut. of Theodore (8wart)and Lena (Laina Van ^pps) B. 1,'arch 31 1895 Bapt. Mar. 7 1903 Viol ° May Swart Daut. of Theodore ("wart) and Lena (Lina Van -u-pps) B. ©et. 14 1892 Bapt. Mar. 7 1903 Ofut. oi .-...*• ]j 1903 -- — .i.M.j.^/ •1. ... .904 i'r*>.n}c, 9 19K ii .-.d - or • rt J ippe r ■ B. fcpril J? 192>7 .. J |j ] tat Swart Daut. of C, - .• . . B. 1919 dsut. o* • rn y B. ----- . ma j 91 9 J in Inn: •Uaut. <'ieJd 11 • " 1919 ♦ l on I P I .n. ... j ■ . xob. 1 ; 1920 j^ni -.r-ien De G r«f f dent, of ; rank ^e Gruff »T»d Rv.t*i Pritnaw B. Feb, h 1917 e S 3923 Chart es Patnaw ;, >e Gpnff >. of Fp«n}r i^ Sr«ff ai i Putney B. Ltec, 36 1919 no b 1923 Prencea Irrir Conde 3. of Logtla Curde sod £dlth Clove B. Sept. 22 1918 fcept. June 1919 Visa (fcina) Joaephene rr~eca, (Adopted) dsat. . Pre«oe and da rah Gifferd B. J»». 1? 193 7 boot. ...1919 Hepiater of Daatha of tnembyra 1828 n Staley " apt. ls an Da Graff Doctor I'e-iri i'viorah i log an Rabaeea Aladorf G^rturd l(jad, vile of 'uctor J otin ^rlcaon and his rife, -ilnappe Cruet Jacob a. Vroaman and his rife -jimon Groat and ^viie Eunice Hi Helen owitz Abrsr Truay ^nd his ^'ife 1 61111 pi« rtchsa rotter Lac,, .bovet tfhil Q| who h*ve died belonging to tha Church and corc'-r^tion ast r,]envi33e, during the period between the ye^r 1639-1849 Joai^ih Swart ^rnest ^wart uegecca -..'art I-——- owsrt baran Jw«rt Jacob Van Hannah ?an -^pa Thurr.n3 ? Van ^ps J ohn Severing, ^hi]d John Van ^pps rt iild oarah /est Krs . v ^p v ranken Era, Van V ranker, 1 a child A-brahaa Vai Mrs. Peek J'r.De ven burgh 1 rt . i t>er Clow J ohn C ] ow J nr* e 8 C 1 ow l!rs. J. ""rneJJus pps fvo cildren Mrs. Herri a iiii^iline Vender Kesccrne Potter Kr. J O'iri i. nights Hiss I I HBf.C jbemey ^1 iot "tberwpx i^li Knppp V rs. V«n Z*ndt John Cnrters child Xiadert \> - <:r »Ot V. rs. Von Denhurgh . Junes -:i.- chlan r. c . ~-?lkins Child ' r l <- I .:. Clirir Mr, iionrick Vrs. Bells Child 1 r . J ohn • or?n Hariet reran Jars. H. Young "is 3 Young 1'rs. Van rattens child bsrali kue ^dv/ard * . Rue I col ored ^irl re-. . I Gd. Oetriza Levnsing Oatroms child i ol 3>y il3ons child Harrison ■. Calklne Calkioa . t iChild Bra. Van ^ps Fatten Ere. o. Cgikins winne fendall .ret, ffendall J ow Jarae3 Van iips Mrs. If ay has B P. Jo'i-n ".. °.yi'C'j3 c Old !r. Scheme rhorn iri« rhorn 3am Scheme rhorn r: . Scheme rhorn Hrs. J. .ntera tfra. Weters Mre, »harp I! ps. J. Baggets child Mra, R. f^rrol 'i'ill iam Fonda Kr. D. van ifipa child J ohn ^m i th Kictmrd Carrol I r. - . Smith L. r. end all Saroue Eli ran ••eidinan John Davaeaa child Krs, ..he a ton I rs. ^: J ennr Fisher fa than ope I i?i.\er Sarah Tell« - John .Davidson Hannah Unison Garett 'atklna child Mr. Van Lusk i rk . CataJine Cunde " itama Cob da 11 Jinnies 31 aye rt on " C. Peek " Arm CI ow •emstreet i-'.ter Con da J^e3 Gilliapie Andre* ^eajnan I >m an • . .' ' man Elizabeth Vosbur^h Philip Voaburgh'a child Rubin Lansing* a child Garett Hog an firs, v rom an Henry ? V reman . Old ■■ rs. Shelley Mrs. Shall ay John Cooper Krs. Coopers child Apolonia lis Sara lis kpiol an Ann Ingal 1 a tern Van At ten I atthea Broaaa child I r. Christ an ce . ^apin ' r . I i 1 1 ei Mrs. ;.'. . .1. rt^meyn electa rtiga r. linger en ca Lilian's son Da a the in tha eoi tie First Church Glenville 1846 r. . lattin fa ther Mr. M>raharn Simmons Era, Hubherd.Kethodlat Mrs, father Clow -ait 9 o£ G. Ci ow He. ftu'a 3 or. Bdward " Hua's daughter Vvry Roe Jacob Hendrielra vife C. S. Conde John Snlth Jasper Maad aad ^arah Cornelius Grout Jidwin ft . C. y. -. Vandal i'eicheme rhorn : 'r. rsltOB Mrs. S. Larabe I. c rout ----- j finis 1. . J . j | ----- Rachel RaslHl tfradoricjr Enaff 3 - . John f. LinV June 3 • ■' /,re Jo*niv • . Luel ------ o»r« • ■. -. Ch«gib«r3ftia i. Joseph Judaon «ay 8 . '.t*.r 'JorneJlufl £e it Tuni«. li- ---------- Lot rati* 'iHicpie , s D»ni«3 Dm Cr^ff Jup-3 24 1657 r r *. i 3 837 au.t. 9 'iyr> 1 l^ov. 3 4 Vidow 013 318, ) - . Wj fa oi-L'iv | I I ■ fcpri] 1 Isaac . I 8 * «ufe-. 4 JNtta " tov. *.t> ~orrie3i* : -h«ir.t>feri ■ i/i, ridot Christoaher ._ lfaG7 Lure e it Rache] I er§ la63 lEr " fi G f 1864 il3i7p>?Qtr Gardner (widow) i.ov. 30 187] ph B. Conda gar. 8 i860 • :1 " -1 1870 .ye Conde widow of linon I. Van Pattei Julj 3,867 glizaoetli I i J . of Kinar i j 5 i860 Is^ „_ 1864 .David Gstrom <-.pril 1 7 Dr. ownrt ______ 187c; Daniel De Graff 1871 Leur r 1 1859 David Uavenporl iec. 3 871 Bally fan Patten wif« •' ,. L. Calkins April 27 1876 Cathar:* ■ « David Knapp Kay 1865 Ji] isibetvn van -Vomer nH Thomas Raaeyzi Kay 29 187 5 Elisabeth Slinger.aaitt Gideone Bui] Rebecca Swart *■ Jeremiah Bwart 1869 Ann lunn wife of j, ±. Greene j) ec . 1859 Oliwe J.qv » » e Potter Kar. 1870 '• Brc ™ " " Alexander Fi.be r lay 31 1862 ann /arderburfh wif« of tichard van Attei 1870 J^ne van *>. KftJ g, 18?5 *Ua# Van ^p 3 Hareellaa . M 1674 *" n '■ '«• of John *. ailroy lie? 1864 Sarah *»* V»r, i e ■ ■ 4atB Conda £%c 1670 llleabetl iiao»e] Lansing " ii an cy V ari Bo rne r " ilellen Swart ■ I -m.-r. v*aa oisser w Juli* v - ept 1859 Fay 31 Hannah Van Y/orrrer, widow of Lawrence Van Wormei Jec. 1 Cornelius Groot ■ " 7 ivnn Green, wife of John t, i>ru«n M " 16 Cpspor Vin '.vomer I860 Fmr. 8 Jottfh S, Conde " " 25 V.ariah Smith, wife of C. V. i). .-emple * Apr. 13 Elisabeth 'eb. Br», Richard Van ^tten 1870 J^ns Kf», Lancy emple M l'?r. r- . Isaac hotter " Apr. Brs. Rachel ostrom " " l\iae oarah iiamlin 1870 Dec. i'rs. rt.dam Conde 1871 Bay Mrs, Daniel Do Graff 1871 July John Brown 1872 July 24 airs. Daniel ^cCollum 187,> Sept. 3 I'-iss Abby i-uvett 1873 Mey-i* Dr. ^,dwin ii. Young " Sept. r. rs. C. s. Cos da M June 5 Vvs. Rebecca Dradt 1874 :'ar. 13 "rs. Anna uook " ° 15 Prs. Catharine Snyder * Vrs. ^liza Van ^pps Van .Vom-er " Sept. 7 RaahalA. hamlin M 2b G. file on Clow 1875 J?n. 14 ad^ra T. Conde " I ?r. 7 i'rs. Kargarat ;—>l lenbeck 4875 lay 29 1* rs . Thomaa Horoeyn H Aug. 20 " rs . iTeafcargh, ,vi ili.j ?os1 M Oct. 3 John I lJ roy 1876 Apr. 27 11 rs. o^raVi Calkins X875 Feb. 11 Jasper 1876 July 5 : ra. J. Germain 1876 Aug. :-: - . Minnla Strewing Wisher n Oet. 3 4 "ra. Gertrune olingerland widow of Kqv. ... 31 inge rl and H Dec. 29 "ary S, jlomeyn 1877 Mar. 8 Knjalins ^ith widow of Abner Smith 1877 A^ s . 6 • rs. Loiewicjf, vidow of " June 1 Helen Van Vr^nkin " " 9 Matilda D e Graff low. 7 Julia Letwson (wife of Chancy) 1878 Jan. 6 Sarah (fearer (-wife of Stephen) " ieb. 12 ffilliam Strewing ■ liar. 9 Maria Van Vranken (widow of G. Griffeth) " 28 Margaret Smith ( ■ " John Smith) Bradt ( " H 1879 Mar. 9 ^valine vessels ( M " Lul^e Vessels) " 21 ade Woodbeck (Colored J " Apr* 11 Rhodn Knapp (widow of ^.1 i Kr.^pp) " I^ay 1 David Rowe ■ Aug. — Chandler Cnrroll 1880 Jan. 28 7/ aria v. D Q Graff (wife of Abrem] " Febi 18 Rebecca .eonda (" M Albert H. ) u Mar. 29 Agnes v 8 n Derby den (■ M David Vende rhyden ) " ^r. 15 lellia -ard (widow of H May 28 John Lini: M July 4 , J. Hal lea beck " Mow. 16 Catharime Dewitt (wife of Km. Staley) . . 15 Boater J, J cCann ( mid) ■ Bar. 3^. n G. Hamlin ■ Oct. 28 !'ary £. Glass 23 r'jt Ostrom " M 28 Biaa Harriet Rorneyn " Aup. 1 *'iss xLl 1 a Van'ierv. • . ekman " Oat. 19 -Jdward hal3enbecy, child 2 years old " "26 Blaa Judith Ds. n earoer of Cnarlton aged 72 ■ " 30 George Weatherwax aged 4 yearo - » ■ BnaM C. Gamer "22 M Dec. 4 oiiloie Miller " 22 M ■ M 8 Jaooe Swith " 87 ■ 1883 Fafc. 12 Biaa C. Beeirean ■ 7S " ■ ■ 21 John Myers rt 66 * liar. 2 i^rs. Sanders at Charlton aged 78 years. " Apr. 4 Bra. Henry Van .ormer " 71 " ■ "19 Miss Fannie Kriyps M 26 rt * " 23 Famiia Hamlin ■ 9 " ■ l^ay 23 David Lowe " 60 " ■ Oct. 4 Betsy Hamlin Cu.nl. ■ 35 ■ * • 7 Mary J. Sallasfeaek Cull in ps aged 25 years ■ " 22 Robert eVil liana aged 79 years 1884 Bar. 26 Jacob Dq Graff ■ 78 " " >->ept.l4 Mrs. Hargarat Collins * Dec, 7 Andrew Hradt ■ ■ 17 Bra. Catharine Smith 84 " Oct. 10 Charles Con da 1885 Jan. 20 Bra. Johnson Pot tar (oubwi homoyn ) 7b npr, 30 reer 57 y lb la A. Austin 57 19 . . LovetL J'uDy J 2 r, Thantai .\cmieyn 75 3 6 'Tvid G. Knn j.ppa 84 tug. 23 John 8] J " i.ov. 23 Karia Slingerland (widow of Chaa. Conde) 77 lo86 Mar. 1 Batthew a. Brown 7a J 9ii« Judson (widow Mil ^s) 62 iilary Wilson (colored) wife of Jerre .'ilson 86 Aurelia, wife of . ntten 72 ■ Fee, 16 Karri! ton A. Van ij.pps (66 years 67 ■ lir. 18 ] ra, 0->tharina Knapp V3n Vr-- 52 ■ ' re. rtbipail Baal in (wife of «innson) 76 Infant (l week old) of George Vosburghs ra. fSllaabetb ^>iarp — - oaaar Vpn«ormsr 42 ~ tier ST. Fes iierveer 62 Kre. - rj cCann (wife of to. B.J 34 " 8 1 IJ 2 June ;c* j uly ;.7 Aug. l n 7 1 >>' 1 ■ 7 ■ 17 Jure 17 Ju3 y 9 v • Nat ten (wife 01 ^dw-srd) 32 1 I . nt v.<3c«r Yarn . unper) 18 days J 81 e j " • ■ i J 1 lama pde Van Pattei (Brot froi Virginia) 69 bbi J-'« Cr 74 i Dan 84 Infant of Kr« Jo>uns a weeks cea 6, Clowe (Ciourh; n member 60 yr3. 87 1 ovet.t, daut Iaaac Lovett 9^- 86 " r* . George Denrii, 79 oil ins 28 -. Bfittoa 69 Howard, infant son of Kr. iiurnside 8 r^o's Cornelius Class 68 illiam Collins 23 abran fruaac Rayae 78 Anna i J . Kayse (insane) 74 Vv. and Mro. oinndrrill (killed by rail road) 70 ^nd 74 Calvin '.'?rd 60 Mr*« Barbara (a. Bradaha (widow of Hatt. H. flro*n; 71 ■ _- n P a, Catharine S. Dou. Mar. t> Kra. Henry Swarta 53 A.y r. 1^ Mrs, Douel as Burial sarTiee 1 John C. Van orroer 76 June 14 Hi as ^liza i>ullerton 76 aug. 16 Lire. i:ary J. Lovett 64 oe^t.ll . ro. francos Clowe 87 t» Jan . 7 .7 rr . 24 " •■ 22 11 - 24 " N 26 ■ 34 " ,_ - r. 1 H Apr, 17 a 21 n June 1? w July 29 ■ Aug. — * ■ 14 » Sept, . 1 n « 26 n Oct. 22 " - 29 - .Dec. 17 3 889 Fen, 17 i i . --i. • i i on of llllan Ber1 7 root bl; -.0 £8 . Bde (wifa of John) b4 " Ixov. 5 Kr. Qardnar (aon~in*law at " " 3 7 TViomfls .•>.. Parks 64 " " " George ?■' . Knapp m Dee, 14 infant of Georjg pp 1891 Jan. I tilaanor Roreeyn (wifa ol Isaac Van Vonsar) 71 " ?ab. 30 Mary a. GiiJispj ■ Apr. b Catharine '. 77 M Auk. 22 : . ley Smith Alftdorf (widow of Jacob) -- 1892 Kar, 32 John ft. Bruit*] " : ^ep':. 14 ! srj Van Klpps, wifa of Janes Karcellua :'l Philip Bronlr > . .- Channay 25. Lawsing 1893 Apr. 2 Gazen* D« Graff M oot. 19 Hester D. Sample Da Gt Ldow of Gnia) 1694 Bar. 22 itetaer Saria (wifa oi . roe aback) 1895 Jan. 16 v ife of h. Eritton 19 Sophia Croly (wife of Charle schJager) John Z, 2 . Kna July 6 George a. CirMj «r 1. ": u ray" Hi3 Henry Van Vonere ohijd . " War, re. it. of i rts) " -i » - . ■ i on 9 2 " Styt. i c •. . [Anal i? •.. 3aith) Rookvall Barn on 85 I Lnor " Roatayn jp. Glove roville . Gowsrs I r. fc j, :.t r> Darvaars cuiid i>e is j am in a ; oro e y r i kiss 3 ij ro> 1)699 July 19 lira, Sarah G. Van ^p^s (,>ife of ."ina Van -^.pps) 3 9 Q . — . Ancirvr; Kaxaall 3 ay . • ache] Young ,,. do T, liogers ieter Van -'.pps iss Catharine --wart nda? KcCann ;r&. '->. L. Aladorf ^Christina Loi^^iCb; John Gardinar Cornel iue ?"an uuren . i Sn ith I a arc VanWoraser Robert %l aeons (almost 30 years old) Sra, *nna Jacobs (nearlji 80 yrs old j 1901 tittg. 21 - July — it ■i 18 N 50 *ab. ■ Oct. 1 19C4 . ? jept. Oct. 23 190b Kov.— Thomaa i*. *\onieyn iy f J6 war.-- Henry finnie •■ lc S. ) cCann ir'el*. — Johr hnnuaan H Bar, 1 .'j Kiaa Jr. Col too suddenly " -- :. If. Van ..ormer, in Duluth, 1 inneaotR ■ /una ! ra. ireter jps '' " 26 Henry . V on huren 30 Kofcert Clark " oept.J 1 ! r - j . Ju M " " wan Kareellua 1 " — ^ .rJ„:> ivipalager " o-.it. b B a than 1*. omit i ■ . David Smith 1907 Jan. 3 Michael Smith ar., 12 I'rs. Kartha ^. 3 tT ,ith ■ June L "rs. Kary tfead hallenbeck " "9 Isaac Scheme rhorn Ere. Harriet . eatherwax ] 19 ?; ro. j? noma a K. Potter liJl Jan. 3 8 Killlaa H. ?.ll enbeck ■ as Karri son . J amea Harrison 1922 fcpriJ ~- ire Amelia iyers Kerste 1913 Jan. -- Irs. J an a Potter Kelderhouae 1911 ------- Mrs, Marge .rs Scheme rhorn (ovtr 90 years) . Cornel iua j 1914 Jan. 9 rs, Peter Vedder 3 • .j Bov. 9 . . ronlr C -- ll«fq J ^J * J . . 1 j . y 3 An t • I j 3t 193 2 Kaj — ra, ierthe .j"ver tf»ith 1915 Ma/. 17 Peter ..i ■ Ape. 14 Knepp ■ a li . u root 1 91 o oypt 19 ' lea. if achaaan ■ £ t 1 1917 mat 1 Jotiu J, (Tai gppa ■ Fa*. 4 Jill art - . uroot h -ept.10 Mrs. ... K. Groesfeeck 1919 Ke? — Krs. sit he 1 £»app ^lsdori' M Bee. 25 ffHliaa? Grees If ] Juu« 15 Henry •-' . Cornell 2 ©y, 6 J si' €3 Kareellua 1913 j^eo. -- Jcnn H. Knapp j 920 -Frederic.- Christopher Mrs. (jfreAl Mars Christopher 1919 Ueorgo 3918 tov. — ' ra. *nn Mareeilua Qatroa 1917 Sept. 10 1 r8. it '■'-'■ -■-- ~i raesback 1918 Buy, 10 Hra. Battle Mead (Hn.) Barrett June -- Mi as >r8o<; foathenrex 1902 Kay 6 Stephen fearer 8© yaara 1913 • ra. roUr ir. 1907 June — Irs. ^ovid H. ..'oodineck 3931 ?*pr. 5 Amos Von Jgppe 1 r.v. 30 i eat 3 *J k] P, 3 t 3 9 J 1 Jennl 1902 ?'-■ r. 3 3 19J7- Jun-3 23 nlonz? A. ireci 193.. Fov. 30 Hra. Sarrl callus ■ kut. 50 Simon I a rray i 90 ont . 22 S ra. &c 190a S'eb. 6 r- . 1907 -------- Vrs, Qui 3 903 *