*i^% °, ,** •• l J^" 4? ^ O *o A° * * o . o 9 A* O ^ ^ *V ,sN . Inscriptions on Gravestones in the Two Old Cemeteries on the East Hill in Peterborough, N. H. dni Xa.Leiand I \ A COPY OF INSCRIPTIONS ON GRAVESTONES IN THE TWO OLD CEMETERIES ON THE EAST HILL IN PETERBOROUGH, NEW HAMPSHIRE. This publication is issued with a desire to preserve, in a convenient and perma- nent form of print, a copy of the inscriptions on the gravestones in the old ceme. teries — the records on which, in many instances, can be found in no other place. The first burials were in the smaller cemetery, which is a little walled enclosure fifty feet square, situate two hundred and fifty-two feet westerly from the second and much larger cemetery. In this small cemetery there are but five gravestones. In both cemeteries there are many mounds with rough stones at either end indicating graves that must ever remain unknown. The larger cemetery is two hundred and seven feet on the Street Road, and two hundred and ninety-five feet on its south line (see plan). The spelling, punctuations, capitalization and use of f for s on some of the oldest gravestones, have been faithfully copied. The subject of copying these inscriptions was first suggested at a meeting of the Peterborough Historical Society, and, as a result, the matter was brought before the annual town meeting of March, 1908, and the following motion passed: "That a survey and plan of the two old cemeteries on the hill be prepared, that a copy of the inscriptions on all the gravestones be made and printed for permanent preserva- tion and free distribution under the direction of a committee of three to be appointed by the moderator, and that a sum not exceeding two hundred dollars be raised and appropriated for the same " Under this motion James F. Brennan, Eben W. Jones and William Moore were selected as a committee. The following is copied from page 220 of the Town History on " Cemeteries and Burials." " A few burials were made in a little graveyard on the meeting-house hill. This was probably laid out just after the first meeting-house was built, in 1752. It seemed the intention of the early settlers to have the graveyard just behind the church, and a few burials were made here. William Stewart, the first person who died in town, March 15, 1753, aged fifty-three years, was buried here, and then five other burials (which have stones) took place, and a few mounds and headstones indicate a few graves beside. But the ground was found so full of rocks, and so hard, that It was impossible to dig graves, and this site was abandoned and a new location sought. A spot was selected near, situated on the side of the hill, east of the meeting-house, of about one and a half acres, and walled in for this purpose, which is now known as the Old Cemetery. With our modern views of cemeteries, it had an exceedingly bad location ; it was on ground, the most of it, wholly unsuitable for the purpose of burial ; there was no order in the arrangement of the graves in the yard, only that the head was laid to the west. It was also too circumscribed, as though in this wide country, and where land was so cheap, a sufficient room could not be afforded for the final resting place of our bodies without impinging on one another. The north side only of this yard was found suitable for graves, embrac- ing but little more than a half of the yard, while the remainder of it, in consequence of its rocks and ledges, was never occupied. So hardly an acre of ground constituted the burial place of this town for more than eighty years, or through more than two generations. How such numbers were buried on such a small tract of land, and yet always room for more, is a mystery to us. Gravestones were not very common, in proportion to the number of deaths, and the graves soon became obliter- ated and gave space for new burials. In these times, very little attention was ever bestowed on cemeteries ; they were sadly neglected, allowed to grow up with bushes and briars, to be overrun with cattle, and to become one of the most unsightly places in town. To narrow the precints of man at death, when he requires so little space at the best, was a petty economy, a thoughtless act that should never have been tolerated. The early inscription on the stones began with the real matter of fact, ' Here lies the body of ' ; the next step was, 'Sacred to the memory of ' ; and later to the plain ' Memory of ' ; but subsequently with the plaiu ' Mr. ', with the date of death and the age, and perhaps with some scrap of poetry or a Scripture quotation on the bottom of the stone. The early gravestones very scrupulously noticed all the titles of the individual, and if he had none he was sure to have the plain Mr. applied to his name on his gravestone. In proportion to the large number of burials, very few gravestones were erected, and all of these were of slate. Many families were very culpable in this respect. No doubt it was attended with a great trouble and expense in these times, and then to be served with an ordinary article at the best. But some of these stones show the durability of slate, even compared with the modern marble. They stand yet— a good, fair record— after more than a hundred years of exposure to the elements. The first burial in this yard was Samuel, son of Capt. Thomas and Mary Morrison, died Dec. 22. 175*1, aged one year ; and then burials occurred in 1757, '58, '60, '62, '64, and '66, and so on till 1S34, when most of the burials ceased, upon the establishment of a new yard. As for ornamentation of the early cemeteries, it was never dreamed of ; all agreed to let the graveyard be the most neglected of all places ; but little effusions of fancy and sometimes grim humor would eke out on the grave- stones, in the grotesque figures of death and death's head, sometimes an angel with a trumpet, and the memorable inscriptions of ' Moriendum est omnibus' and the 'Memento mori ' so common in these times. Little scraps of indifferent poetry were often applied to individuals, as much out of place as could be well imagined ; for instance, a rough, quarrelsome, and perhaps intemperate per- son, is lauded with all the choicest and mildest of the Christian graces, the quotation being as devoid as of propriety of application." At the annual town meeting of March, 1897, a committee was selected to mark the site of the old meeting house. Their report — submitted at the next annual meeting — may be found in the town records and in the Transcript of March 17, 1898 ; a copy of the plan of survey, accompanying that report, is here given — believing it would be useful in connection with a description of the old cemetery — showing the site of the First Frame Meeting House built in 1777, abandoned in 1825, sold by the town to William Scott in 1829 for $75.25 ; the probable site of the First Log Meeting House built in 1752, used in 1796 as a school house ; the location of Horse Sheds ; the prob- able site of the Beech Tree under which the people gathered at noon, between Sabbath services, to discuss the events of the day ; the location of the roads across the com- mon ; the large rock near the southwest corner ; the minister's house south of the south wall of the common on land owned in 1895 by George E. Hunt and west of where Mrs. (Cheney) Schofield's new road enters the common. In the north- west corner is shown the head of the old road — long since abandoned and of which only the south wall now remains. The town records of 1784 show the plan of the ground floor of the 1777 meeting house, giving size and shape of pews, aisles, pulpit, and names of owners, showing the house to have been 60 by 45 feet. On June 21, 1834, the town voted " to discontinue the road across the old common from the Street road to south line of common, and that the selectmen sell the common at auction." The registry of deeds (Vol. 179, page 332) records a deed, dated July 4, 1834, from the selectmen to John Farnum, for $81, of land " known by name of Old Meeting House Common, bounded east by highway and old graveyard, north by Dunbar, Ames and Smith, west by Ames, Smith and said Farnum, south by said Farnum and the grave- yard." The grantee and his heirs and assigns were to put up and forever maintain a wall around the small graveyard and keep up the wall between the common and graveyard adjoining. PLAN OF OLD BURIAL This plan of the larger old cemetery is prepared to aid in the location of grave- stones. Because of rocks and ledges in the soil, most of the graves were placed in the north and west part of the cemetery, hence it was thought best to use the north line of posts to measure from in the location of graves. At the points indicated by letters of the alphabet on the plan, are set fifty-four substantial granite posts with four inch square tops, on which are cut letters as above shown. The graves are placed very irregularly, little or no attempt at uniformity of rows of lots were maintained, and in order to establish some plan for the location of these graves imaginary lines were run north and south, as indicated on plan, wherever an unobstructed space through the gravestones could be found, and measurements from the north posts southerly to the front of each gravestone was made, and from this imaginary line east to the face of the gravestone Under this arrangement will be found a letter and figure at the left of each of the following printed record of inscriptions to indicate its location ; for instance, A 57 indicates that the grave is south fifty-seven feet from the north post marked A, on an imaginary line to the south post with a similar initial ; the figure at the right of the record of inscription indicates that it is that number of feet east from this imaginary line to the face of the gravestone. Where the lines on the west side are so close together, much difficulty was experienced in finding an un- obstructed space between the many and irregularly placed gravestones to run a line. Oct. 1, i< James F. Brennan, ) Eben W. Jones, [Committee. William Moore. ) SMALL CEMETERY. Slate. (The first death in town.) Memento mori. Here lyes y e Body of M r . William Stewart who departed this Life March y e I5 9t 1753 in the 53 d year of his age. Slate. (Different spelling of same name; of above ) In memory of MRS. MARGARET STUART, the wife of Mr. William Stuart who died March 8th 1795 in the 87th year of her age. wife Slate. (Son of the foregoing. Memento mori Here lies the Body of M r William Stewart who depar- ted this Life Oct r 25 th 1 771 In the 31st year of his Age. Modern Polished Granite Tablet (replaced an old slate.) WILLIAM ROBBE, Died Dec. 5, 1769, JE. 77 yrs- Agnes, his wife, Died Sept. 8, 1762, 2E. 77 yrs. Slate. (Grandson of the above.) Here lies a Son of M r . William and M rs Elenor Robbe who was ftill born May 5 1770 LARGE CEMETERY. A 8 Slate. A 12 Slate. IN memory of MR. JOSEPH SMITH, who died Sept. 22, 1814, JEt. 50 years. IN memory of MRS. ESTHER wife of Joseph Smith who died June 26, 1821, ^.49- FRANCIS, son of Mr. Frederick & Mrs. Mercy Poor, died March 4, 1830, JE. 19 years & 6 months. A 51 Marble. In memory of MR. JONAS BARBER, who departed this life Feb. 23, 1831 ^45 A 48 Slate. A 60 Slate. IN Memory of ELIZA SHATTUCK who died April 16, 1815, JE,. 12 y rs Dau. of Mr John, & Mrs. Mary Shattuck A 129 Slate. In memory of ABEL W. THAYER Son of M r William & Abigail Thayer who died Sep'. 27 th 1800 JEt 1 year & 6 mon. The dear delights we here injoy, And fondly call our own, Are but fhort favors borrow'd now, To be repaid anon. A 57 Slate. In memory of Mrs. Mary, wife of Mr. John SHATTUCK, who died Jan 12 1804, aged 43 years Why should we start and fear to die ? What tirn'rous worms we mortals are ! Death is the gate of endless joy, And yet we dread to enter there. B 23 Slate. MRS. MARY, wife of Mr. Thomas Hadley, died Nov. 2, 1828, JE,. 40 years & 8 m's. B 32 Broken Slate. In memory of LUCY ELIZABETH, daughter of Col. Norton & Mrs. Mary C. Hunt, who died July 25, 1831, JE. 14 months & 19 days. Sleep, sleep thou, lovely child ! May naught invade thy rest ; Breezes ! blow soft and mild, O'er her unspotted breast. B 36. U. S. Government Marble Marker. G. W. WARREN CO. E, 6th N. H. INF. 5 B 42. Modern Granite Double Tablet. 1 Father NAHAM WARREN, 1794-1878. Mother SARAH A. DUNBAR, 1 809- 1 858 GEORGE W. THEIR SON 1843-1863. A MEMBER OF CO. E 6th N. H. VOLS. B 47 Marble. J Consecrated. by filial & congugal Affection. To the memory of MRS. ANN PEABODY wife of REV. ELIJAH DUNBAR, & daughter of the late WILLIAM PEABODY Esq. of Milford, who died July 25, 1828, M. 44 yr's & 4 mo's, after a short illness of 4 days. Low where this silent marble weeps, The friend, the wife, the mother sleeps ! In agony in Death resigned ; She felt the sting she left behind. B 49 Marble. 6 REV. ELIJAH DUNBAR Born July 7, 1773, DIED Sept. 3 rd 1850, Aged 77 years. Mark the perfect man and behold the upright for the end of that man is peace. B 70 Slate IN MEMORY of Maj Samuel Gragg, who died December 10, 1S08 ; in the 70 year of his age. B 73 Slate. IN MEMORY of Mrs. Agness Gragg, wife of Maj. Samuel Gragg, who died Feb. 2, 1803 ; in the 60 year of her age. B 78 Slate. MRS. REBECCA, wife of WM. DIAMOND, died April 8, 1855, JEt. 92 ys & 8 mos. ^iV^Tjy; ii : i%#a$2& B82 Slate. MR. WILLIAM DIAMOND, died July 29, 1828, ^•73- A Revolutionary Soldier ; drummer at Lexington and Bunker Hill. 8 B 99 Slate. OLIVER, Sou of Mr. John Leathers died April 19, 1812, JEt. 20 days. The tender blossom fades away, The leaves now wither and decay ; The stalk falls prostrate to the ground All vanish in an empty sound. B 102 Slate. In memory of MRS. LUCY FAIRBANK, wife of Capt. Ephraim Fairbank, who died Feb. 19th, 1814, In the 45 year of her age. Behold & see as you pass by As you are now so once was I As I am now so you must be Prepare for death & follow me. C 14 Slate. C 18 Slate. DEA. CHRISTOPHER THAYER DIED Sept. 28, 1823, ;Et. 82 yrs. & 4 mo. MRS. BETHIAH, wife of Dea. Christopher Thayer, Died Feb. 28, 1817, .^t. 72 yrs. & 2 mo. C 29 Slate. In memory of RICHARD EVERETT, son of Eber & Sarah Thayer, who died May 31, 1821, JE. 9 weeks & 1 day. Sleep on dear babe, & take thy rest, To call thee hence God thought it best. 9 C 25 Broken Marble. DANIEL CHAPMAN, DIED Nov. 11, 1832, JB.38. MARGARET, his wife died May 22, 1867, M. 70. C 27 Broken Slate. In memory of MORIAH LOUISA, daugh of Daniel & Margarett Chapman, who died April 19, 1828, 2E,. 3 years 2 months & 5 days. C 31 Slate. In memory of MR. DUDLEY CHAPMAN, who died Oct. 18, 1832, M. 67. C 35 Slate. In memory of MRS. ELIZABETH, wife of Mr. Dudley Chapman who died Nov. 28, 1826 : M. 66. C 66 Slate. In Memory of SAMUEL, Son of Mr. Thomas, & Mrs. Nancy White, who died March 14, 1811, Mt. 12. 10 C 68 Slate, IN Memory of THOMAS WHITE, Jr. who died Oct. 1, 1818, JB,. 23. Hark ! from the tombs a mournful sound My ears attend the cry ; Ye living men come view the ground, Where you must shortly lie. C 74 Slate. JANE GREGG, died July 2, 1805, JE. 28. C 80 Slate. In memory of LIEUT. JOHN GRAGG, who departed this life 24 Feb. 1798, in the 70th year of his age. Great God, I own thy sentence just, And nature must decay ; I yield my body to the dust, To dwell with fellow clay. Yet faith can triumph o'er the grave, And trample on the tombs : My Jesus, my Redeemer lives ! My God, my Saviour comes. C 84 Slate. In memory of MRS. ELIZABETH GRAGG, widow of Lieut. John Gragg, who died 3 Nov. 1803, in the 59th year of her age. Hear what the voice from heaven Proclaims To all the pious dead, Sweet is the savour of their names, And soft their sleeping bed. Far from this world of toil and strife, They'r present with the Lord ; The labours of their mortal life End in a large reward. 10 11 C 103 Slate. In memory of ISAAC LEATHERS Son of Mr. John Leathers &. Mrs. Martha his wife, who died May 19, 1801, JEt. 12 years &. 9 months. In faith he died, in dust he lies, But faith foresees that dust shall rise, When Jesus calls, while hope assumes, And boasts her joy among the tombs. C 105 Slate. IN memory of MRS. MARTHA LEATHERS, wife of Mr. John Leathers, who died June 2, 1816, JEt. 63. Lord I commit my soul to thee, Accept the sacred trust ; Receive this nobler part of me, And watch my sleeping dust. C 108 Slate. IN memory of MR. JOHN LEATHERS who died April 13, 1805, JEt. 52. From death the gloomy terrours flee. When once 'tis understood, I'is natures call, 'tis God's decree, And is and must be good. D 26 Slate. IN memory of MRS. ABIGAIL WAIT wife of Mr. Nathan Wait who died April 6, 1817 JE. 48. I) 37 Slate. IN memory of MR. JOHN TUTTLE, who died April 1799 JE. 67. 12 D 64 Marble. ' NELLIE, daugh. of John & Hannah WHITE, died Oct. 23, 1859, JE. 69 yrs. D 67 Slate. IN memory of MRS. HANNAH WHITE, wife of Mr. John White, died Dec. 23, 1825, in the 77 year of her age. Distress sore long time I bore, Physcians strove in vain, Till dedth did cease and God did please, To cure me of my pain. D 70 Slate. IN Memory of MR. JOHN WHITE, who died, Jan. 11, 1823, .Et. 79- Surviving friends, do not complain, Yours is the loss, but mine the gain Our God doth order all things well. Therefore, I bid you all farewell. D 73 Slate. In memory of MRS. JANE WHITE, widow of Mr. PATRICK WHITE, who died 16 Dec r . 1803, in the 84 year of her age. Death may dissolve my body now, And bear my spirit home, Why do my minutes move so slow, Nor my salvation come? With heav'ly weapons I have fought The battles of the Lord, Finish'd my course, & kept the faith, And wait the sure reward. 11 13 D 77 Slate. Moriendum est omnibus. In memory of Mr PATRICK WHITE, who departed this life, May the xo 1792: in the 82 d Year of his age. Retire my friends refrain your tears Here I fhall lie till Chrift appears. D 81 Slate. In memory of Mr. JOHN WHITE, who departed this life Feb. 24th 1796; in the 77 year of his age. Farewell vain world as thou hast been to me; Dust & a shadow, those I leave with thee ; The unseen vital spirit I resign, To him that's spirit life, light, love divine. 14 D 84 Slate. In memory of Mrs. MARY WHITE, wife of Mr. JOHN WHITE, who departed this life May 14th 1800, in the 78 year of her age. Friends nor physcians could not save, My mortal body from the Grave ; Nor can the Grave confine me here, When Christ shall call me to appear. D 92 Slate. Memento mori In memory of . Mr. JOHN STEWART, Son of Mr. William & Mrs. Betty Stewart, who deceaf'd March 17 th 1795. Aged 26 Years & 6 months. Friends & Phyfcians could not fave, My mortal body from the grave : Nor can the grave confine me here. When Chrift fhall call me to appear. D icu Slate. In memory of an infant son of Mr. Silas & Mrs. Margaret Spring, who died Aug. 6, 1812, JE. 7 weeks. D 107 Slate. In memory of Miss ELIZA, daughter of Mr. Silas & Mrs. Margaret Spring; who died April 9, 1828, JE. 21 years & 9 months. When bloming youth is snatched away, By death's resistless hand, Our hearts the mournful tribute pay Which pity must demand. 12 15 D us Slate. Dr. JOHN MUSSEY, died Jan. 17. 1831, aged 85. Also Mrs. BULAH, wife of Dr. John Mussey, died Dec. 13. 1805, aged 59. Blessed are they, that do his commandments. D 124 Slate. JONATHAN, son of Dr. John & Mrs. Rhoda Mus- sey, died Oct. 17. 1829, JE. 19 years 4 months & 23 days. Blessed are the dead who died in the Lord. D 159 Slate. In memory of Mr. JARVIS WHITCOMB, who died Sept. 20. 1832, M. 29. E 5 Marble. Mrs. ESTER, wife of Mr. Joseph Day, died Oct. 25. 1829, aged 55 years & 3 months. Behold the sad impending stroke. Which now arrests our eyes ; The silken bands of union broke. A tender mother dies. E S Marble. Miss MARY, daugh. of Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Esther Day, died Aug. 21. 1829, aged 23 years & 5 months. Pause weepinc; mourner as you stand, And view my silent shade; Remember that deaths key hand, Will soon on you be laid. 16 E 24 Slate. Remember death In memory of Mr. ALEXANDER MILLIKEN, who departed this lifejan-'y 15 th 1800, in the 77 th Year of his age. E 36 Slate. E 38 Slate. SARAH P. daug. of Elihu & Susan Thayer, died Oct. 2, 1826, A$. 7 years 11 months & 22 days. CHARLES, son of Elihu & • Susan Thayer, died Sept. 4, 1826, JE- 2 years 3 months & 16 days. E 40 Slate. NANCY H. daugh. of Elihu & Susan Thayer, died July 15, 1829, 2E,. 3 years 4 mo's & 12 days. E 80 Slate. (Broken below the lettering.) E 83 Slate. SACRED to the memory of Miss BETSEY, daugh. of Mr. William & Mrs. Catherine Scott, who died July 11. 1827, aged 34. E 86 Slate. SACRED to the Memory of MR. THOMAS SCOTT, who died August 29. 1816. in the 30 year of his age. 13 E 89 Slate. 17 In memory of Mrs. DEBORAH, wife of Mr. William Scott ; who died Feb. 27, 1826 : In her 51 year. E 92 Slate. Mrs. Mr SACRED to the Memory of CATHERINE SCOTT, wife of , WILLIAM SCOTT, who died June 5. 1808. in the 49 year of her age. E 96 Slate. Memento mori. ERECTED in memory of Mr. WILLIAM SCOTT, who deceaf'd on the 2 d of Nov. 1795. in the 82 d Year of his age. E 99 Slate. Remember death. In memory of Mrs. MARGRET SCOTT, Relict of Mr. WILLIAM SCOTT, who deceaf'd Oct. 3 d 1797. in the 80 th Year of her age. E 126 Marble. In memory of Mrs Hannah H. Read, wife of Mr. Frederick Read, who died March 30 1819 in the 32 year of her age. 18 E 160 Slate. In memory of William Nelfon, Son of Mr. Walter & Mrs. Sally Nelfon, who died Dec r 13 th 1796, aged 5 months. Sleep on fweet babe — High hea- vens all gracious King Hath to eternal Summer, chang'd thy fpring. E 205 Slate. DAVID HOLT, died April 24. 1835, 2E,. 83 years. RUTH, wife of David Holt, died July 24. 1833, J£,. 81 years. F 4 Slate. In memory of MR. FRANSIS DAVISON, who died Oct. 31, 1832, in the 25. year of his age. F 11 Slate. In memory of a son of Mr. Will" 1 & Mrs. Jenny Davison who was still born Dec r 25 th 1800. F 14 Slate. In memory of WILLIAM H. DAVISON, son of Mr. William & Mrs. Abigail Da- vison, who died August 4 th , 1798, in the 3 d Year of his age. 14 19 F 19 Slate. Memento mori Erected in memory of Mrs. ABIGAIL DAVISON, wife of Mr. William Davi- fon who deceaf'd Feb r 29 th 1796 : in the 24 th Year of her age. My partner dear do not complain, Yours is the lofs but mine the gain ; God lent you me but for a time, And now hath took me in my prime. Dry up your tears nor for me grieve, Tis well yo've reafon to believe ; That our God doth all things well, And fo my loving friends farewell. F 22 Slate. JONATHAN, only son of Jonathan & Mary Ann Jewett, died Sept. 13. 1830, JE. 1 year 4 months & 28 days. Jesus said, suffer the little children to come onto me : for of such, is the kingdom of God. 20 F 30 Slate. In memory of MRS. ELIZABETH JEWETT, wife of Mr. John Jewett, who died 10 May 1798 in the 29 year of her age. The fweet remembrance of the juft Shall flourifh when they fleep in duft. F 40 Slate. F 24 Slate. MARY ANN, daughter of Jonathan & Mary Ann Jewett. died Aug. 31. 1830, M. 4 years 7 months & 11 days. Jesus said, suffer the little children to come onto me : for of such, is the kingdom of God. F 26 Slate. MR. JOSEPH JEWETT, died Aug. 25. 1814, JB. 74- F 43 Slate. Cynthia Nay, dau. of Mr. George & Mrs. Sarah Nay, died 5 Dec. 1798. Aged 2 years 2 months & 13 days. In memory of Mr. George Nay son of Dea. William and Mrs. Elizabeth Nay who died 9 Sept. 1798 aged 26 years. F 47 Slate. F 51 Slate. F 54 .Slate. In memory of Mr. Samuel Nay, son Dea. William & Mrs. Elizabeth Nay, who died 6 July 1798, aged 29 years. In memory of Mr. James Nay son of Dean. William & Mrs. Elizabeth Nay who died 3d June 1798 ; aged 19 years. Joseph L. Smith, son of Mr. James, & Mrs. Mary Smith, died Nov 9, 1815 ; & 6 m 08 15 21 F 57 Slate. Joseph, son of James & Polly Smith, died July 26, 1810 ; aged 4 years, 4 months & 26 days Alas ! how swift our tranient comforts fly, And all our pleasures only bloom to die ; Sweet smiling babe, a spotless flower, Cut down & wither'd in an hour. F 59 Slate. James Smith J r . son of Mr. James Smith & Mrs. Polly his wife died 10 Feb. 1799 aged 2 years & 1 month. Jesus the ancient fath confirms To our great fathers given He take young children to his arms And calls them heirs of heaven. F 63 Slate. (Last McNee ; his descendents changed name to Nay.) In memory of, Dea. William McNee Jr. who died April 13th j 810 ; in the 70th year of his age. F 68 Slate. SACRED To the Memory of Lieut. Robert Nay, who died Oct. 2, 1824 : In the 63. year of his age. F 73 Slate. In memory of MR. CHARLES TAYLOR, who died 20th Nov. 1800. aged 38 years and 11 months. The rising morning can't assure That we fhall end the day ! For death ftands ready at the door To snatch our lives away. 22 F 75 Slate. In memory of MRS. MARCY TAYLOR, wife of Mr. Isaiah Taylor, who died 7th July 1803 in the 74th year of her age. Stop here my friend & fhed a tear, Think on the duft that f lumbers here And when you read this date of me, Think on the glass that runs for the. F 78 Slate. In memory of MR. ISAIAH TAYLOR, who died 1 Nov. 1801 ; in the 78th year of his age. Friends Gods will is dune Let ev'ry mumur cease To Jesus fly prepare to die And find eternal peace. F 88 Slate. In memory of two children of Mr. Charles & Mrs. Lydia Brown. Julia Ann, Nancy, died died Oct. 8, 1829 : Aug. 22, 1826 : Mt. 1 year iEJt. 2 years & 8 mo. & 5 mo. These once lov'd forms both cold & dead, Each mournful thought employs ; And nature weeps their comforts fled, And wither'd all their joys. But cease fond nature, cease thy tears ! Religion points on high ; Their everlasting spring appears, And joys that cannot die. F 90 Marble. SACRED to the memory of Joanna W. wife of Josiah Colburn, who departed this life April 6"' A. D. 1832; in the 77 th year of her age. 16 23 Also Josiah Colburn, who departed this life January 12 th A. D. 1839 ; in the 86 th year of his age. "They have gone to their homes! like well ripen'd sheaves, Like the ears in their fulness and sere in the leaves, The angels have born them with joy to the skies, The portals of heaven have closed on their prize." F 106 Slate. 5 In memory of SARAH MARIA, Daug. of Mr. Stephen & Mrs. Mary Felt; who died April 23, 1822 : JEt. 1 y r & 8 mo. Farewell sweet babe we part in pain, We only part to meet again. F 119 Slate. In memory of two Children of Mr. Timothy Kneeland and Mrs. Dorothy Ames. SARAH ELIZA died GREEN Aug. 11, 1822 ; died ^Et. 5 yrs. Oct. 8, 1822 ; & 10 mo. JEt. 1 yr. Friends & Physicians & 1 3 ds. could not save, Dear babe your dust my mortal body must here remain, from the grave. Til i j esus cal i it forth again. F 123 Slate. In memory of twins, Child- ren of Mr. Timothy Kneeland and Mrs. Dorothy Ames. BENJAMIN JOHN FRANKLIN, ADAMS, died died March 18, 1823 Jan. 19, 1824 : .y Remember you was born to die. As Von are Now So 1 face Was I As I am Now So you niuft he Prepare foi Death and Follow me. 52 95 S 147 Slate. In memory of Mrs. SARAH, Relict of the Rev. John Morrison, who died Nov. 26, 1824, in the 85. year of her age. Also of John Morrison, who died Nov. 15, 1794, aged 26 years. And of Mary Morrison, who died April 6, 1812, aged 42 years. both children of the Rev. John & Mrs. Sarah Morrison. 9 212 Double Slate. In memory of James Wilfon fon of James Wilfon Efq. and Mrs. Elizabeth his wife, who died April, 9, 1796, aged 5 months & 9 days. In memory of Charlotte Wilfon, daughter of James Wilfon Efq. and Mrs. Elizabeth his wife, who died March, 26, 1796, aged 22 months & 2 days. 96 S 275 Slate. In memory of MARY UPTON, daughter of Mr. Thomas Upton, who died March 26, 1806 ; aged 15 years & 4 months. Turn back my friends, dry up your tears, I must lie here till God appears. S 277 Slate. S 215 Granite Monument. WILSON S 218 Slate. ERECTED in memory of Mrs. ELIZABETH WILSON, consort of JAMES WILSON Esq. who died 4th Nov. 1806, In the 39. year of her age. Farewell my partner, child and all, For God my Savior does me call, Prepare to meet on canaan's shore, Where parting hours are known no more. In memory of Mr. THOMAS UPTON, who died Octr. 24, 1809 : aged 47 years & 11 months. What think ye mortals who behold, The place where my remains are cold. S 281 Slate. ATTA wife of Thomas Upton died June 9, 1843. Mt. 82. S 285 Slate. In memory of William H. Smith, fon of Mr. James C & Mary M Smith, who died Nov 21" 1815, aged 5 years. Here lies a fweet a fmiling boy, A Mothers pride, a Fathers joy, Swift flew the turning fhaft of death The lovely charmer yields his breath. T 54 Slate. ERECTED IN Memory of Miss. MARGARET, Daug. of Esq. Thomas & Mrs. Ann Steele ; who died Feb. 4. 1824 : In the 34. year of her age. 53 97 T 72 Marble. (Error in name Jabez.) DAVID, son of Jabey & Mary Carley, died Aug. 18, 1826, M. 1 year 3 months & 3 days. T 75 Marble. (Error in name Jabez.) HENRY, son of Jabey & Mary Carley, died Aug. II, 1826, M- 4 years 9 months & 8 days. 98 T yo Slate. SACRED To the memory of Mr. JAMES FERGUSON, who died April 30 th 1814 ; In the 44 year of his age. He's gone beyond this lower sky. Up where eternal ages roll ; Where solid pleasures never die. And fruits immortal feast the soul. T 98 Slate. 2 ERECTED To the memory of Mr. HENRY FERGUSON, who died April I st 1812 ; Mi. 75- This spot contains the ashes of the just Who sought no honour & betrayed no trust. This truth he prov'd in every path he trod An honest man's the noblest work of God. Christian sincere ! thou generous, feeling friend Here with the ills of life, thy sorrows end ! True worth, like thine, sustains no rude decay Tho' time should sweep these sculptur'd lines away While weeping friends bend o'er thy silent tomb, Recount thy virtues and their loss deplore ; Faith's piercing eye darts through the dreary gloom And hails the blest, where tears shall flow no more. T 101 Slate. IN Memory of Mrs. SARAH FERGUSON, wife of Mr. John Ferguson, who died Dec. 26, 1791 ; ^81. The rising son doth not ensure, That we shall end the day, For Death stands redy at the dore To snatch our lives away. T 94 Slate. IN Memory of Mrs. MARTHA FERGUSON, wife of Mr. Henry Ferguson, who died Oct 30, 1815, 2£ 76. T 106 Slate. Memento mori. Here lies the Body of M r John Fargufon who departed this Life May 3 d 1769. In the 65 th year of his Age. T no Slate. Mrs. MARGARET GILCHRIST, wife of RICHARD GILCHRIST, died August 7. 1818. in the 50. year of her age. 54 T 143 Slate. 99 ERECTED In Memory of M r HUGH GRAGG who Departed this Life March ye 2I n , 1 791 : in the 90 th year of his age. T 166 Marble. SARAH MILLER DIED Nov. 20, 1820, M. 75 y'rs. T 176 Slate. Charlotte Miller dau of Mr Joseph & Mrs. Anne Miller, died Aug. 25 th 1797. aged 4 years one month and 21 days. The dear delights we here enjoy And fondly call our own Are but short favours borrowed now To be repaid anon. 100 T 242 Marble. Mrs. ANNA, Relict of Mr. Joseph Fletcher, died Sept. 23, 1823, aged 60. T 245 Marble. In Memory of Mr. JOSEPH FLETCHER, who died May 3, 1819, in the fif- ty fifth year of his age. U 34 Slate. T 188 Slate. NANCY C. daug. of Aaron B. & Persis Kidder died July 29, 1826, JE. 7 years 9 months & 15 days. T 191 Slate. SILAS BARBER, Son of Mr. John & Mrs. Betsy Barber ; died Aug. 22, 1813: -Et. 21 months. U 68 Marble. SYLVESTER W. son of Aaron B. & Persis Kidder, died July 19, 1826, -E. 2 years 4 months & 25 days. V 71 Slate. T 238 Slate. Polly Fletcher dau r of Mr. Joseph & Mrs. Anna Fletcher, died 15 Sept. 1800, aged 2 years & 1 month. Henry B. son of Samuel & Charlotte Gates, died July 29, 1826. 2E,. 15 months. MARY STEWART, DIED Apr. 10, 1858. M. 84 y'rs 4 mo's. U 74 Slate. Mrs. SARAH S. GATES, wife of Samuel Gates, died June 25, 1822, ^E 27 years & 6 m's. Nor sculptur'd brass, nor monumental stone Can add to her, in whom the virtues shone. U 77 Slate. 73 Slate. 101 SARAH S. Daug'r of Samuel & Sarah S. Gates, died July 27. 1822. aged 7 weeks. In memory of an infant dau r . of Mr. Asahel, & Mrs. Sarah Going, who died Nov. 2d. 1798, aged 7 weeks. I 79 Slate. In memory of MR. CHARLES STUART J" r . fonof MR. CHARLES & MRS. ESTHER STU- ART, who died 20 Sept. 1796 : in the 18th year of his age. In youth I've walk'd the way to death Obay'd my God who gave me breath, By me my mates a warning take, Prepare for death befor's to late. 55 102 U 83 Slate, with carving of Angel Gabriel. 2 ERECTED, in memory of MR. CHARLES STUART, who died 13, Oct r . 1802, in the 57 year of his age. Farewel vain world ; as thou hast been to me, Dust & a shadow ; those I leave with thee. The unseen vital substance I resign, To Him that's substance, life, light, love, divine. Stat sua cuique dies ; brevis & irreparabile tempus. U 86 Slate. 1 In memory of MRS. ESTHER STUERT, the aged & venerable widow of MR. CHARLES STUERT, who departed this life August 22, 1826, in the 80. year of her age. God gives us friends to bless the present scene, Resumes them to prepare us for the next. U 90 Slate. IN memory of ELIZA, Daug'r of Oliver & Jane Carter who died May 25. 1818. in the 19. year of her age. 56 103 U 94 Slate. CONSECRATED to the memory of MR. OLIVER CARTER, who died April 5, 1812, in the 49 year of his age. Here, passenger, confin'd, reduc'd to dust, Lies what was once religious, wise and just. U 96 Slate. U 97 Slate. JANE, wife of OLIVER CARTER DIED Mar. 8, 1857, in her 82 nd y'r. In memory of Jane, Daughter . of Mr. Oliver & Mrs. Jane Carter, who died July 4. 1809, aged 2 months. U 100 Slate. U no Slate. 104 In memory of an infant son of Mr. Oliver & Mrs. Jen- ny Carter, who died 25 Nov. 1800, aged 1 day. Jane Mitchell, dugh r of Mr. Ben- jamin & Mrs. Mar- tha Mitchell, died 26 Sept. 1805. Aged 19 months and 5 days. 21 Slate. In memory of Mrs. MARY HALE, widow of Mr. Paul Hale, who died April 8th, 1811; in the 77th year of her age. V 22 Slate. In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth Davis, wife of Mr Peter Davis ; who died Aug. 22, 1827 : in her 24 th year of her age. V 25 Slate. Mrs. Rachel, Con- sort of Mr. Samuel Sanders Jun. is here intered with her infant son. She died 24 Sept. 1807 ; JE. 28. Why do we mourn departing friends Or shake at deaths alarms, Tis but the voice that Jesus sends To call them to his arms. 57 105 V 29 Double Slate. Mrs. Jane Turner, wife of Tho. Turner, died June 19 th , 1812 ; M. 74- Mr. Thomas Turner died April 14 th 1802 M. 77- Mr. Joseph Turner died June 10 th , 1783; M. 77- Father of Tho. Turner. V 36 Slate. Sacred To the memory of Mrs. Rachel Turner, wife of Mr Jofeph Turner She died Dec. 23, 1787 ; Aged 87. Bleffed are the dead, who die in the Lord. V 41 Slate. V no Slate. V 112 Slate. V 114 Slate. Joseph A. son of Capt. Thomas & Mrs. Clarissa Turner, died Aug. 31. 1833, M- 4 years 10 mo's & 11 days Abigail, wife of Wm. Gowing, Died Feb. 23, 1830, M. 72. William Gowing Died Oct. 25, 1854 ^.87. In memory of Mrs. Elizabeth, wife of Moses Cunni- ngham, who died May 13. 1819. JE. 78 years. 106 V 117 Slate. In memory of Mrs. Margaret Miller, who died 8 Odt. 1806 ; In the 89 year of her age. The aged sink into the dust, And leave this world of care ! In Jesus only put thy trust, And for this scene prepare. V 119 Slate. (Error in name Miller.) In memory of M r . Samuel Millow, who died March 27 th 1791 : Aged 75 years, 2 months & 12 days. V 139 Marble. HERE repose the remains of Doct. Jabez Brooks Priest, who died Aug. 17, 1826 : Aged 36. Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord. & V 144 Marble. In memory of Charles Brooks, son of Doct. Jabez B. Mrs. Fanny Priest, who died Aug. 29, 1826 ; Aged 5 yrs. & 7 mo. " Insaitiate Archer, could not one suffice ? Thy shaft flew thrice, and thrice my peace was slaiu ; And thrice, er'e once, yon moon had fill'd her horn " V 147 Marble. In memory of John Moore, son of Doct. Jabez B. & Mrs. Fanny Priest, who died Aug. 23, 1826 ; Aged 1 yr. & 4 mo. " The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away and blessed be the name of the Lord." 58 107 200 Marble. In memory of Sally Burdoo, who died Dec. 14, 1827, Aged 42. W 51 Slate. In memory of Capt. DAVID STEELE, who was born January 31, in the year of our LORD 1727; and died July 19, in the year of our LORD 1809 ; Aged 82 years, 5 months, and 19 days. W 55 Slate. ERECTED in memory of Mrs. JANET STEELE, wife of Capt. David S- teele, who died Sept. 30, 1816; in the 88. year of her age. W 65 Slate. In memory of George Steele, son of Col° David & Mrs. Sally Steele, who died May 23. 1803 ; aged 6 Years, 1 month, & 17 days. " Fresh in the morn the summer rofe, Hangs with'ring ere 'tis noon ; We scarce enjoy the balmy gift, But mourn the pleafure gone." W 68 Double Slate. In memory of two stillborn Children of Col . David & Mrs. Sally Steele. The first, The second, born Feb. 17, born Dec. 28, 1802. 1S02. 108 W 70 Double Slate. In memory of a son, & daughter, of Col . David & Mrs. Sally Steele. Sally Steele, died Sept. 1. 1800, aged 1 Year, 11 months, & 14 days Jonathan Steele, died April 29. 1803 aged 2 Years, & 10 months So fades each lovely blooming flower, Frail smiling solace of an hour ! So soon our tranfient comforts fly, And pleasures only bloom to die. W 72 Slate. In memory of Jonathan Steele, fon of Capt. David Steele jun. & Mrs. Lucy his wife, who died Aug. 10, 1786. Aged 16 days. W 74 Marble. IN Memory of Mrs. LUCY STEELE, wife of Gen. David Steele, who died Jan. 27, 1795, JEt. 36. Friends nor Physcians could not save My mortal body from the grave ; Nor can the grave confine me here, When Christ shall call me to appear. W 76 Broken Marble. IN Memory of Mrs. SARAH STEELE wife of Gen. David Steele, who died Jan. 15. 1822, Et. 52. The faithful wife, The tender mother, Are both laid down In death together. W 79 Marble. Gen. DAVID STEELE, Died, March 19, 1836, M. 78- 59 109 W 82 Slate. Mary Moore, daugh r of Lieut. William & Mrs. Jane Moore died May 20. 1785 ; In the 3 Year of her age. W 85 Slate. In memory of Mips NANCY MOORE, daugh r of Lieut. William & Mrs. Jane Moore, who died March 6. 1801 ; in the 21 Year of her age. " It is the Lord our Saviour's hand Weakens our strength amidst the race ; Disease and death at his command, Arrest us, and cut short our days." W 87 Slate. In memory of Mrs. JANE, Relict of Mr. William Moore, who died Aug. 22. 1831, in the 88 th year of her age. W 90 Slate. ERECTED in memory of Mr. WILLIAM MOORE, who died Sept. 7. 1S18 JBt. 87. Dry up your tears surviving friends, Weep not for me, but for your sins ; Die to the world, live unto God, The grave will soon be your abode. W 93 Slate. MARTHA, Daughter of Mr. Nathaniel and Mrs. Sally Moore, died Sept. 28. 1818 JBt. 17 months. 110 X 81 Slate. In memory of Samuel Moot, son of Mr Ebenezer & Mrs. Rosanna Moor, who died 24 Oct. 1800, aged 7 y e . & 10 days. Death, like an overflowing stream, Sweeps usaway; our life's a dream ; An empty lake, a morning flow'r, Cut down & wither'd in an hour. X 86 Thick Slate on top of four Granite posts. HERE lies the Body of Deacon Samuel Moore. who died Jan r . y e 28 th . 1793; in the 66 th year of his age. He was a tender Hufband, an affectionate Parent, a faithful friend, an honest man, and a ufeful member of fociety. How lov'd how valu'd once avails thee not To whom related or by whom begot ; A heap of duft is all remains of thee, Tis all thou art & all ye proud shall be. In memory of MRS. MARGARET MOORE, wife of Deac. Samuel Moore, who died April 29. 181 1, Aged 84. X 107 Slate. IN memory of Deacon ROBERT THOMPSON, who died July 10 th 1808. .Etatis LXXXIV. God's own right hand his saints shall raise, From death's dark shade to sing his praise, And bring them to his courts above, To see his face, & taste his love. Y 3 Slate. In memory of Charlotte, daugh. of William & Betsey Coss who died Sept. 8, 1828, JS, 2 years & 3 mo's. 60 111 Y 6 Marble. In memory of Martha, daugh. of* Mr. Warren & Mrs. Edith Coss, who died Sept. 12. 1827, JE. 1 year & 11 mos. This lovely bud, so young and fair, Call'd hence by early doom ; Just lived to show how sweet a flower, In paradise could bloom. Y 29 Slate. James Porter Died Dec. 2, 1843, JE. 88 yrs. & 10 mos. A Hero of the Revolution. Y 32 Slate. Mrs. Hannah, wife of Mr. James Porter, died Nov. 4. 1805, JE. 57 yr's. Also 3 children of Mr. James & Mrs. Hannah Porter ; Henry died Aug. 8, 1790, JE. 18 mo's. Harriet died Sept. 16, 1791, JE. 1 y'r. Peter died March 3, 1802, JE- 24 yrs. Y 43 Slate. In memory of Mrs. Catherine, wife of Dea. Nathaniel Holmes, who died April 29, 1 83 1, in the 70. year of her age. Y 43 Slate. (Rear of Mrs. Catherine Holmes slate stone. ) In Memory of Jennat Holms, Daughter of M r Nathaniel Holms & M rs Katharine his wife, who died March 24 th AD. 1786 ; aged 6 days. 112 Y 46 Slate. In memory of Dea. Nathaniel Holmes, who died Sept. 10. 1832, JE. 73 years & 5 days. Y 46 Slate. (Rear of Dea. Nathaniel Holmes slate stone.) Kathrin Holmes, dau. of Mr. Nathauiel & Mrs. Kathrin Holmes, who died 11 March 1807 ; aged 12 years & 7 months. Sweet babe, we mourn thy swift remove From all enjoyments here, When Christ commands we must obey Without a sigh or tear. Y 51 Slate. Mary Holmes, dau. of Mr. Nathaniel & Mrs. Sally Holmes, died Dec. 25 th 181 1 ; aged 5 months & 10 days. Tis God that lifts our comforts high, Or sinks them in the grave ; He gives and blessed be his name. He takes but what he gave. Y 55 Slate. In Memory of George Rodney Grage; (Son of M r Samuel Gragg and M rs Jaen his wife) who died Sep 4 20 th 1787 ; Aged 1 year 9 months & 18 days. Frefh as the morn the fummer Rofe Hangs wither'd ere its noon, We fcarce enjoy the balmy Gift, But mourn the pleasure gone. 61 113 Y 58 Slate. In memory of George Rodney Gragg, son of Mr Sam 1 & Mrs. Jane Gragg, who died 6th Oct. 1800; in the 13 year of his age. As fades the rose and bows its sickly head So fades the youth and's number'd with the dead. Z 2 Slate. Y 62 Slate. Y 144 Slate. In Memory of Jane Gragg, Dau. of Mr. Wirling & Mrs. Mary Gragg, who died Jan. 27. 1816 ; JEt. 10 years, 6 mon. Sarah Hale. Relict of Nathaniel Ingalls. Died Sept. 18, 1844. Aged 79 years. 114 In memory of Mr. WILLIAM MERRIAM, who died Oct. 28. 1831, in the 30. year of his age. Z 22 Slate. Y 146 Slate. Erected In memory of Mr. Nathaniel Ingalls, who died Feb. 9, 1814: ^Et. 62. " Such is man's doom." Z 4 Slate. In Memory of Mrs. ELECTA, wife of Mr. Wm. Merriam, who died, July 28, 1826. JBt. 22. DOLLY G. daughter of Elijah & Dorcas Stone, died Jan. 20, 1827, M. 21 years 2 months & 7 days. Lord I commit my soul to thee, Accept this sacred trust ; Receive this nobler part of me, And watch my sleeping dust. Z 31 Slate. MARY HOLMES Dau. of Mr. Samuel & Mrs. Mary Holmes, Died April 21, 1819; Aged 10 months & 19 days. Sleep on sweet babe and take thy rest God call'd thee home he thought it ber£ Silent I walk the gloomy road In hopes to see, my Saviour God. Y 150 Slate. In memory of Hannah Morrison Daug. of Mr. Nathaniel and Mrs. Sarah Ingalls ; who died Jan. 21, 1812 ; JBt. 2 y 8 . 5 mo. & 5 days. Z 49 Slate. In memory of Mrs. JANE F. wife of Mr. Jonathan Holmes, & daughter of Dea. Nathaniel & Mrs. Sarah Moore, who died April 19. 1831, in the 22. year of her age. 62 115 Z 56 Marble. Ill memory of Wm. HARRIDAN, son of James & L,ona Perham, who died Sept. II, 1827, aged 3 mo. Farewell sweet babe we part in pain But only part to meet again. Z 69 Double Slate. IN memory of Mr. NATHANIEL PRENTISS, who died March 15, 1825 ; JEt. 70 yrs. IN memory of Mrs. ANNA PRENT- ISS, wife of Mr. Nathaniel Prentiss ; who died Nov. 8, 1824 : ^Et. 66 yrs. 116 Z 99 Slate. Esther Duncan dau of Mr. George & Mrs. Betsy Duncan died 21 Feb. 1809; aged 2 years & 10 months. Alas how swift our transient comforts fly And all our pleasures only bloom to die A sweet smiling babe a spotless flower Cut down & withered in an hour. United we liv'd, United we lie. Z 94 Slate. Z 97 Slate. IN Memory of Mrs. MARY DUNCAN, wife of Mr. George Duncan, who died Jan. 22, 1812, M. 84 y rs IN Memory of Mr George Duncan, he died May 20, 1810, JE 86 y™ Z 102 Slate. In memory of Jenny F. Duncan dau. of Mr. George Duncan J r & Mrs. Jenny, his wife, who died 9th Sept. 1801. Aged 16 months & 12 days. See the dear youth just enter life ; Bud forth like flowers in May ; Stay long enough to steal our hearts, Then smile & die away. Z 105 Slate. In memory of Martha Duncan, dau. of Mr. George Duncan J r & Mrs. Jenny his wife who died 31 May 1801. Aged 1 year 7 months & 24 days. So fades the lovely blooming flower, Sweet smiling solace of an hour ; So soon our transient comforts fly, And nature only blooms to die. Z 108 Slate. In memory of Mrs. JENNY DUNCAN, wife of Mr. George Duncan J r . who died June 16th 1802. in the 29th year of her age. Great God, I own thy sentence juft, And nature muft decay ; I yield my body to the duft, To dwell with fellow clay. The large cemetery has 468 gravestones and monuments, recording the deaths of 539 persons ; the small cemetery has 5 gravestones, recording the deaths of 6 persons. The date of the Youngman inscription, in column 37, should read 1817, instead of 1317, as printed. INDLX OF NAMLS. (References are here made to column numbers, not to page numbers. 63 Alld, Benjamin 29 Alld, John 29 Alld, Mrs. Lettice 3° Alld, Mrs. Martha 3° Alld, Sarah 28 Alld, Capt. William 29 Alld, (Infant son of Samuel) 3° Ames, Alpha E. 24 Ames, Benjamin F. 23 Ames, Eliza Green 23 Ames, John Adams 23 Ames, Sarah 23 Annan, Jane (Dau. of Rev. David) 93 B Ballard, William, Jr. 44 Ballard, Sarah A. 45 Ballard, (Infant of Nathan) 45 Barber, Jonas 3 Barber, Silas 100 Barry, John D. 37 Barry, John 38 Barry, William 37 Blair, John 47 Blair, William 48 Blair, William 48 Burdoo, Sally 107 Boynton, Hariot 39 Brackett, Mrs. Elizabeth 50 Brackett, Elizabeth 5o Brackett, Mrs. Rebecca 51 Brackett, Samuel 51 Brackett, Sarah 51 Brown, Cyrus I. 57 Brown, Julia Ann 22 Brown, Mary Jane 61 Brown, Nancy 22 Brown, Mrs. Sarah 61 Brownlee, Mrs. Agness 59 Buss, Mary Ann 66 c Carley, David Carley, Henry Carter, Eliza Carter, (Infant son of Oliver) Carter, Mrs. Jane Carter, Jane Carter, Oliver Cavender, John Chamberlin, Benjamin Chamberlin, Jane Chapman, Daniel Chapman, Dudley Chapman, Mrs. Elizabeth Chapman, Mrs. Margaret Chapman, Moriah Louisa Colburn, Mrs. Joanna W. Colburn, Josiah Coss, Charlotte Coss, Martha Cuningham, Mrs. Jenny Cunningham, Mrs. Elizabeth Cunningham, Mrs. Elizabeth Cunningham, George J. Cunningham, Mrs. Hannah Cunningham, James Cunningham, Mrs. Mary Cunningham, Moses Cunningham, Rachel J. Cunningham, Samuel Cunningham, Thomas D Davieson, Mrs. Abigail Davieson, Charles Davison, Mrs. Abigail Davison, Abigail Davison, Elizabeth Davison, Fransis Davison, (Still-born son of Wm.) Davison, Mrs. Susanna 97 97 102 104 103 103 103 48 92 92 9 9 9 9 9 22 23 no in 77 77 105 77 77 83 83 77 77 77 77 19 89 8S 18 18 88 64 Davison, Dea. Thomas 88 G Davison, William H. 18 Gates, Henry B. 100 Davis, Mrs. Elizabeth 104 Gates, Mrs. Sarah S. 100 Day, Mrs. Esther 15 Gates, Sarah S. IOI Day, Mary 15 Gibbs, Daniel 25 24 25 Diamond, Mrs. Rebecca 7 Gibbs, Mrs. Lydia Diamond, William 7 Gibbs, Polly Dunbar, Mrs. Ann P. 5 Gibbs, Sally J. 25 98 IOI 78 Dunbar, Rev. Elijah 6 Gilchrist, Mrs. Margaret Duncan, Esther Duncan, Mrs. Jenny 116 116 Going, (Infant dau. of Asahel) Gordon, Mrs. Eleanor Duncan, Jenny F. 116 Gordon, Elizabeth 75 Duncan, George 115 Gordon, John 75 75 Duncan, Martha 116 Gordon, Nancy Dunean, Mrs. Mary "5 Gordon, Samuel 78 E Gowing, Mrs. Abigail 105 Edes, Isaac 31 Gowing, William 105 Edes, Mrs. Sarah 31 Gragg, Mrs. Agness 6 Evans, Abigail 28 Gragg, Mrs. Elisabeth 10 Evans, Alpha 27 Gragg, George R. 112 Evans, Asa 28 Gragg, George R. 113 Evans, Mrs. Dorothy 28 Gragg, Hugh 99 Evans, Heman 27 Gragg, Jane 113 Evans, Samuel 28 Gragg, Lieut. John 10 Gragg, Maj. Samuel 6 F Gregg, Jane 10 Fairbank, Mrs. Lucy 8 Graham, Lydia 68 Farnum, Mrs. Arathusa 78 Gray, Esther 53 Felt, Elizabeth 32 Gray, Esther 53 Felt, Ira 33 Gray, Mrs. Phebe 53 Felt, Jonathan 38 H Felt, Mrs. Mary 38 Felt, Mrs. Mary 38 Hadley, Mrs. Mary 4 Felt, Oliver 38 Hall, Lydia K. 25 Felt, Sarah Maria 23 Hammil, Mrs. Ann 65 Farguson, John 98 Hammil, Joseph 65 Ferguson, Henry 98 Hammill, Mrs. Elisabeth 64 Ferguson, Mrs. Sarah 98 Hammill, Martha 65 Ferguson, James 97 Hammill, Neal 64 Ferguson, Mrs. Martha 97 Hannaford, Lydia R. 46 Field, Albert 32 Hale, Mrs. Mary 104 Field, Jabez 37 Holmes, Abraham 5i Field, John 37 Holmes, Betsy 5i Field, Mary Ann 32 Holmes, Mrs. Catharine in Field, Mrs. Ruth 37 Holmes, Mrs. Elizabeth 5i Field, William J. 32 Holmes, Mary 112 Fletcher, Mrs. Anna 100 Holmes, Mary 114 Fletcher, Joseph 100 Holmes, Mrs. Jane F. 114 Fletcher, Polly 99 Holmes, Kathrin 112 Forbush, Leonard A. 68 Holmes, Dea. Nathaniel 112 Forbush, Rufus 68 Holms, Jennat in Holt, David Holt, Mrs. Lydia Holt, Mrs. Ruth Holt, Dea. Timothy Hovey, Anna Hovey, Asenath Hovey, Jonathan Hovey, Mrs. Rebecca Hovey, Richard Howe, (Infant son of James) Howe, Mrs. Martha Hunt, Mrs. Abigail Hunt, Eber Hunt, Eber, Jr. Hunt, Eli Hunt, Lucy Hunt, Lucy E. Ingalls, Hannah M. Ingalls, Nathaniel Ingalls, Mrs. Sarah H. Jackman, Noah Jewett, Mrs. Elizabeth Jewett, Jonathan Jewett, Joseph Jewett, Mary Ann K Kidder, Nancy C. Kidder, Sylvester W. Leathers, Isaac Leathers, John Leathers, Mrs. Mary Leathers, Mrs. Martha Leathers, Nathan Leathers, Oliver Leathers, (Infant son of Nathan) Little, Thomas Little, Mrs. Susanna M Mac.Clayland, Mrs. Elizabeth Mackeen, James Marshall, Isaac Merriam, Mrs. Electa 18 48 18 48 25 26 25 26 26 67 68 66 66 66 66 67 4 "3 113 113 86 20 19 19 19 99 99 11 11 24 11 24 8 24 67 67 67 76 32 114 Merriam, William Metcalf, Mrs. Hannah D. Metcalf, John Metcalf, Martha Swan Metcalf, Mary J. Swan Miller, Mrs. Catharine Miller, Charlotte Miller, Lieut. James Miller, Mrs. Jane Miller, John Miller, John Miller, Mrs. Margaret Miller, Molley Miller, Polly Miller, Mrs. Ruth Miller, Ruth Miller, Sarah Miller, Samuel Miller (Millow), Samuel Miller. William Milliken, Mrs. Mariam Milliken, Alexander Milliken, Mrs. Esther Milliken, James Milliken, John Milliken, William Millow (Miller), Samuel Mitchel, Mrs. Jenet Mitchel, Dea. Samuel Mitchell, Jane Moor, Samuel Moore, Mrs. Jane Moore, Martha Moore, Mrs. Margaret Moore, Mary Moore, Nancy Moore, Dea. Samuel Moore, William Morrison, Mrs. Agnes Morrison, Betsy Morrison, Betsey Morrison, (6 Children of Dea. Morrison, Elizabeth Morrison, Mrs. Elizabeth Morrison, Mrs. Elizabeth Morrison, Hannah Morrison, John Morrison, John Morrison, John Morrison, Mrs. Margret Morrison, Maty 6f> 114 30 31 31 31 27 99 26 34 33 33 106 58 26 34 35 99 34 106 34 87 16 87 87 87 43 106 53 54 104 no 109 109 no 109 109 no 109 64 42 42 Robert) 68 27 42 68 43 49 72 95 72 27 66 Morrison, Mrs. Mary Morrison, Mary Morrison. Dea. Robert Morrison, Sally Morrison, Sarah (Widow of Rev. John) Morrison, Samuel Morrison, Samuel, Jr. Morrison, Samuel Morrison, Thomas Morrison, Thomas Morrison, Capt. Thomas Mussey, Mrs. Bulah Mussey, Dr. John Mussey, Jonathan Mc McAlester, Mrs. Mary McAlester, Randel McCay (McCoy), Mrs. Mary McCoy, Charles McCoy, Mrs. Jane McCoy (McCay), Mrs. Mary McCoy, Mary McCoy, Samuel McCoy, Sarah McCoy, Susan McCoy, William McCoy, William McNee, Mrs. Mary McNee, Rebeckah McNee, Mrs. Sarah McNee, Dea. William, Jr. McNee, Dea. William N Nay, Cynthia Nay, George Nay, James Nay, Samuel Nay, Lieut. Robert Nay, Robert, Jr. Nelson, William Parker, Abel Parker, Gideon, Jr. Parker, James Parker, Mrs. Sarah Patch, Mrs. Elizabeth Penniman, Esther Penniman, (Infant of Adam! 69 95 68 42 95 42 43 70 64 64 69 15 15 15 47 47 35 36 36 35 36 35 36 35 35 36 60 59 61 21 60 20 20 20 20 21 81 18 44 44 43 44 76 49 49 Penniman, Phebe J. 49 Perham, William H. 115 Poor, Francis 3 Porter, Mrs. Hannah in Porter, Harriet in Porter, Henry 11 1 Porter, James 111 Porter, Peter in Prentiss, Mrs. Anna 115 Prentiss, Nathaniel 115 Priest, Charles B. 106 Priest, Dr. Jabez B. 106 Priest, John M. 106 R Read, Mrs. Hannah H. 17 Richey, James 90 Richey, (Infant dau. of James) 90 Richey, Jenny 90 Richey, Mrs. Mary 90 Richey, Polly 90 Richey, Mrs. Sarah 91 Richey, William 89 Richey, William 90 Robb, Elizabeth 82 Robbe, Mrs. Agnes 2 Robbe, Alexander 82 Robbe, Capt. Alexander 83 Robbe, Andrew J. 76 Robbe, Betsey 76 Robbe, Mrs. Betsey 83 Robbe, Mrs. Elisabeth 82 Robbe, Elizabeth C. 81 Robbe, Marcus C. 76 Robbe, Samuel 81 Robbe, Thomas 82 Robbe, William 2 Robbe, (Still-born son of Wm. ) 2 Sanders, Mrs. Rachel 104 Sanders, (Infant son of Samuel) 104 Scott, Betsey 16 Scott, Mrs. Catherine 17 Scott, Deborah 17 Scott, John 39 Scott, Mrs. Margret 17 Scott, Mrs. Nancy 57 Scott, Thomas 16 Scott, William 17 Shattuck, Eliza 4 Shattuck, Mrs. Mary 3 Simmons, Betsey D. Smith, Mrs. Agness Smith, Charles Smith, Charlotte Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, Mrs. Esther Smith, Frederick A. Smith, Harriet Smith, Mrs. Jenny Smith, James, Jr. Smith, Jeremiah Smith, James Smith, John Smith, John Smith, John Smith, John Smith, (Still-born son of John) Smith, Joseph Smith, Joseph Smith, Joseph L. Smith, Maria Smith, Maria H. A. Smith, Mary Soley Smith, Mrs. Mary Smith, Nancy Smith, Mrs. Olive Smith, Polly Smith, Dea. Robert Smith, Robert Smith, Mrs. Sarah D. Smith, Sharlotte Smith, Thomas Smith, Hon. William Smith, William Smith, William H. Spaulding, Benjamin F. Spaulding, Betsy Spring, Eliza Spring, (Infant son of Silas) Steele, Capt. David Steele, Gen. David Steele, George Steele, Mrs. Janet Steele, Jonathan Steele, Jonathan Steele, Mrs. Lucy Steele, Margaret Steele, Sally Steele, Mrs. Sarah Steele, (2 infants of Col. David) Steward, Thomas, Jr. 9i 4i 78 40 40 3 45 52 78 21 52 86 52 78 85 86 S6 3 21 20 45 45 45 86 40 79 85 4i 80 46 40 85 40 79 96 56 56 14 14 107 108 107 107 108 108 108 96 108 108 107 50 Stewart, Mrs. Abigail Stewart, Mrs. Elizabeth Stewart, Jane Stewart, John Stewart, Mary Stewart, Thomas Stewart, William Stewart, William Stuart, Alvah Stuart, Mrs. Abigail Stuart, Charles, Jr. Stuart, Charles Stuart, Mrs. Margaret Stuart, William Stuert, Mrs. Esther Stinson, Anna Stinson, Keziah Stinson, Margaret Stinson, Mrs. Margaret Stinson, Moor Stinson, Moor Stinson, Samuel Stone, Dolly G. Swan, Gustavus Swan, James Swan, James W. Swan, Jane Swan, Mrs. Jane Swan, Jane Swan, Jeremiah Swan, Jeremiah Swan, Mrs. Judith P. Swan, Capt. Robert Swan, Samuel Swan, William W. T Taggart, Mrs. Barbara Taylor, Charles Taylor. Isaiah Taylor, Mrs. Marcy Templeton, Harkness Templeton, Mrs. Jane Templeton, Mrs. Jane Templeton, John Templeton, Matthew Templeton, Samuel Thayer, Abel W. Thayer, Mrs. Bethiah Thayer, Charles Thayer, Dea. Christopher Thayer, Christopher 67 49 50 50 14 100 49 1 2 32 49 101 102 1 49 102 54 54 54 56 54 55 56 114 72 80 74 46 46 47 47 74 87 46 47 73 9i 21 22 22 85 94 94 S5 94 94 4 S 16 8 74 68 Thayer, Elizabeth S. 75 Warren, George W. 4,5 Thayer, Joseph A. 75 Warren, Naham 5 Thayer, Nancy H. 16 Warren, Mrs. Sarah A. Dunbar 5 Thayer, Richard E. 8 Weston, Mrs. Harriet 83 Thayer, Sarah P. 16 Whight, Mrs. Batrage 33 Thayer, William 75 Whitcomb, Jarvis 15 Thompson, Dea. Robert no White, Carioline 61 Todd, Col. Andrew 58 White, Charles F. 61 Todd, Elizabeth 58 White, Charlotte 57 Todd, Esther 59 White, Mrs. Elizabeth 57 Todd, Mrs. Hannah 7i White, Mrs. Hannah 12 Todd, John 54 White, Mrs. Jane 12 Todd, John 59 White, John 12 Todd, John 70 White, John 13 Todd, Mary ist 59 White, John 57 Todd, Mary 2d 59 White, Mrs. Mary 14 Todd, Mrs. Rachel 70 White, Nellie 12 Todd, Mrs. Rachel 7i White, Patrick 13 Todd, Samuel 7i White, Reuben h. 26 Todd, Sarah 54 White, Robert B. 61 Todd, Mrs. Sarah 7i White, Samuel 9 Treadwell, Mrs. Mary 52 White, Thomas, Jr. 10 Treadwell, Samuel 52 Whitney, Mrs. Jane 45 Turner, Mrs. Jane 105 Wilson, (Monument without names) 95 Turner, Joseph 105 Wilson, Charlotte 95 Turner, Joseph A. 105 Wilson, Mrs. Elizabeth 95 Turner, Mrs. Rachel 105 Wilson, Hariot H. 84 Turner, Thomas 105 Wilson, John 83 Tuttle, John n Wilson, James 95 u Wilson, Joseph 73 V/ilson, Joseph 84 Upton, Mrs. Atta 96 Wilson, Mrs. Mary 72 Upton, Eli 92 Wilson, Mary 84 Upton, Mary 9i Wilson, Maj. Robert 73 Upton, Mrs. Mary 9i Wilson, William 84 Upton, Mary 96 Willson, Anna 72 Upton, Mrs. Rebecca 92 Upton, Thomas 96 Y w Young, Mrs. Elizabeth S. 63 Wait, Mrs. Abigail n Young, Elizabeth 63 Walace, Mrs. Elizabeth 67 Young, Jane F. 62 Walace, William 67 Young, Dr. John 63 Ward, Nahum 54 Youngman, Mrs. Ruth 37 TRANSCRIPT PRINTING COMPANY. PETERBORO, N. H. 3477-26* Lot IS ^ :f»* ^ v % 1 C?- V V * S M'* \ /ti&&y* y.-^«.% - # \/ #fc %<** ' * * V. '*. O < > s • V *-^(ri)p Deacidified using the Bookkeeper process Neutralizing Agent: Magnesium Oxide Treatment Date: ^^ MAY JllBBBftftEEPER PRESERVATION TECHNOLOGIES. LP. 1 1 1 Thomson Park Drive Cranberry Township. PA 16066 (724) 779-21 1 1 : ¥• %^ A''- X/ #fe %/ • Jfc r *o x v* ..^L'. «>. ^X*** X/--X*X ^"'^^'V* X/'°--*v - • „ <$. c° .£«»£• ^ .<♦ .-iss&v. V * u -M