Class Book. 133 ()0p>7ightN^. COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. i| 1 ** 1 ■ 1 ^1 ^H 1 COTUIT CAPE COD BY HENRY D. THOREAU WITH INTKODUCTION AND ILLUSTRATIONS FROM PHOTOGRAPHS BY CHARLES S. OLCOTT BOSTON AND NEW YORK HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY 1914 f s '^$5 COPYRIGHT, 1914, BY HOUGHTON MIFFLIN COMPANY ALL RIGHTS RESERVED AUG -8 1914 CI,A376929 CONTENTS PAGE Introductory Note . . . , , • • vii I. The Shipwreck . 1 II. Stage-Coach Views 20 III. The Plains of Nauset . 34 IV. The Beach 65 V. The Wellpleet Oysterman . 92 VI. The Beach Again .... . 120 VII. Across the Cape .... .153 VIII. The Highland Light . . 179 IX. The Sea and the Desert . 211 X. Provincetown . ♦ • , « . 255 ILLUSTRATIONS PAGE CoTuiT Frontispiece V^' A Street in Yarmouth 24 \/^ Evening, Chatham Harbor 30 '^ The Oldest House on Cape Cod, built in 1690 32 ^'^ Old Mill, Eastham 381/ The Beach, from Highland Light . . . 66 ^ A Sand Dune, showing the Stone that marks the Boundary between Wellflbbt and Truro . 94 ^ Higgins and Gull Ponds, near Wellfleet . 104 '^ Fish Wagon, Yarmouth 140 '^ Pond Village (North Truro) .... 168 "^ Mackerel and Butterfish 218 ^ Beach Peas 248 Scallop Shacks, Mill Pond, Chatham . . . 266 ^ . Beach Plums 278 ^ A Cranberry Bog, near Harwich .... 294 Bass River from West Dennis .... 318 K INTRODUCTION TO THE VISITOR'S EDITION BY CHARLES S. OLCOTT Although the activities of sixty-five years have done much to change the aspect of Cape Cod since Thoreau made his first visit in 1849, yet the visitor of to-day who follows in his foot- steps may gather many of the same impressions and experience many of the same conditions. Thoreau traveled by rail to Sandwich, thence by stage-coach to Orleans, and from there walked to Provincetown. The visitor to-day may travel the entire distance by train, or he may, preferably, glide over the well-oiled roads at a rapid pace in an automobile ; but if he wishes to see things with the eyes of Thoreau he must do neither of these, but get an old-fashioned " horse and buggy " and travel over some of the sandy roads among the scraggly pitch pines and shrub oaks, or walk along the seashore through the sand, as Thoreau did, stopping at frequent intervals to empty his shoes. A journey of this kind is really necessary to en- able one to get the full flavor of Thoreau's " Cape Cod." The sands of the seashore are constantly viii INTRODUCTION shifting and forming yearly a different coast-line, and yet their aspect is essentially the same. One can look up, as Thoreau did, to the towering beach bluffs, or, climbing these heights, he can surVey a country of sand-dunes and desert. If the present-day visitor should proceed as far north as the division line between Wellfleet and Truro, he might find, if he had a well-informed native to guide him, the stone post, half buried in sand, that marked the boundary line when Thoreau walked along the shore and where he diverted his route toward the interior. He could then walk over a sandy road by the margin of some pretty lakes, or ponds, and eventually come to one of those " sober-looking houses within half a mile " which Thoreau saw. The first of these is the identical house where Thoreau knocked at the door and found the inhabitants gone. The second is the veritable home of the "Wellfleet oysterman," where our traveler of two generations ago stopped over night with the old man of eighty-eight years, who remembered hearing the cannon fire at the time of the battle of Bunker Hill. His name was John Young New- comb, and he is well remembered as " Uncle Jack." The two houses are well preserved, though unoccupied. They are the sole survivors of the settlement which originally occupied this immedi- ate vicinity. Many apple trees and lilac bushes INTRODUCTION ix scattered between this neighborhood and the present village of Wellfleet, mark the spots where farm-houses formerly stood, but the old part of the village of Wellfleet is now entirely depopulated. From the home of Uncle Jack, or better, from the hill near by, may be seen a number of ponds, the largest and most beautiful of which is Gull Pond, about a mile in circumference. The others are Newcomb's, Swett's, Slough, Horse-Leech, Kound, and Herring Ponds. Thoreau mentions that the old man made him repeat the names to see that he got them right. The scenery from this point is as beautiful as in any part of Cape Cod. On another hill, not far away, is the place where the old man found a comfortable seat and sat down to see the Franklin wrecked, a boy having notified him that the vessel was too near the shore. The vegetation which Thoreau describes may be seen in abundance in this section. The visitor may walk over acres of ground covered with the bearberries, which are still used for medicinal purposes. He will see patches here and there of the moss-like " poverty-grass," with bright yellow blossoms, flourishing in the sand where nothing else will grow. He will find bayberries in abundance and plenty of huckleberries. He will see the beach peas growing on the sandy X INTRODUCTION banks along the shore, and here and there, if he happens to visit the Cape in the spring of the year, will see the beautiful white blossoms of the beach 23lums, in clusters of shrubbery not over two or three feet high. At Highland Light he may stand upon the same high bluff overlooking the ocean and watch the breakers coming in as Thoreau did, but he will see a different light- house, a larger and finer one equipped with modern apparatus. By its side he will see what Thoreau never dreamed of, a high mast, held in position by innumerable wire ropes and used for the receipt and transmission of wireless mes- sages. At Provincetown he will see the same kind of sand-dunes and drifts that Thoreau de- scribes, will walk through the same long narrow street, only eighteen feet wide, and will see the same harbor and some of the same old wharves along the water-front. Thoreau has much to say about the industries of the Cape, particularly the clam and oyster business and the fisheries. The visitor of to-day will hear much talk of these things, although there have been changes. The modern clam-digger and oysterman bring in their shellfish in motor- boats, and the boats of the old-time mackerel fleet no longer depend upon their sails, but come to shore under the power of gasoline engines. The old windmills that Thoreau mentioned as char- INTRODUCTION , xi acteristic of the Cape may still be seen, many of them retaining- the old mill-stones. Some of these are kept in excellent repair by their owners, while others have been allowed to fall into de- cay and are half covered with the sand. Next to the windmills as landmarks, according to Tho- reau, were the churches, and these may still be seen standing out conspicuously on the high ground, acting as useful guides to the sailors at sea, and offering their assistance in the same capacity to any landsmen who may attend their services. It was never Thoreau's practice to frequent the villages in his travels. He preferred the seashore and the woods and the wild open places. The visitor who goes to Cape Cod to-day in the spirit of Thoreau may still avoid, as he did, most of the signs of habitation and enjoy the sweep of the sand and of the ocean, fill his lungs with the fresh air and enjoy the atmosphere of the Cape, observing its birds and flowers and trees, its sands and its shellfish, in very much the same way that Thoreau did ; and for those who enjoy the things of nature this is really the best way to see Cape Cod. CAPE COD THE SHIPWRECK Wishing to get a better view than I had yet had of the ocean, which, we are told, covers more than two thirds of the globe, but of which a man who lives a few miles inland may never see any trace, more than of another world, I made a visit to Cape Cod in October, 1849, an- other the succeeding June, and another to Truro in July, 1855; the first and last time with a single companion, the second time alone. I have spent, in all, about three weeks on the Cape; walked from Eastham to Provincetown twice on the Atlantic side, and once on the Bay side also, excepting four or five miles, and crossed the Cape half a dozen times on my way; but having come so fresh to the sea, I have got but little salted. My readers must expect only so much saltness as the land breeze acquires from blowing over an arm of the sea, or is tasted on the windows and the bark of trees twenty miles inland, after September gales. I have 2 CAPE COD been accustomed to make excursions to the ponds within ten miles of Concord, but latterly I have extended my excursions to the seashore. I did not see why I might not make a book on Cape Cod, as well as my neighbor on " Human Culture." It is but another name for the same thing, and hardly a sandier phase of it. As for my title, I suppose that the word Cape is from the French cap ; which is from the Latin caput, a head ; which is, perhaps, from the verb capere, to take, — that being the part by which we take hold of a thing : — Take Time by the forelock. It is also the safest part to take a serpent by. And as for Cod, that was derived directly from that "great store of cod-fish" which Captain Bartholomew Gosnold caught there in 1602; which fish ai3pears to have been so called from the Saxon word codde, "a case in which seeds are lodged," either from the form of the fish, or the quantity of spawn it contains; whence also, perhaps, codling i^'''' pommn coctile^''f^ and coddle, — to cook green like peas. (V. Die.) Cape Cod is the bared and bended arm of Massachusetts: the shoulder is at Buzzard's Bay; the elbow, or crazy -bone, at Cape Malle- barre ; the wrist at Truro ; and the sandy fist at Provincetown, — behind which the State stands on her guard, with her back to the Green Moun- tains, and her feet planted on the floor of the THE SHIPWRECK 3 ocean, like an athlete protecting' her Bay, — boxing with northeast storms, and, ever and anon, heaving up her Atlantic adversary from the lap of earth, — ready to thrust forward her other fist, which keeps guard the while upon her breast at Cape Ann. On studying the map, I saw that there must be an uninterrupted beach on the east or outside of the forearm of the Cape, more than thirty miles from the general line of the coast,' which would afford a good sea view, but that, on ac- count of an opening in the beach, forming the entrance to Nauset Harbor, in Orleans, I must strike it in Eastham, if I approached it by land, and probably I could walk thence straight to Race Point, about twenty-eight miles, and not meet with any obstruction. We left Concord, Massachusetts, on Tuesday, October 9, 1849. On reaching Boston, we found that the Provincetown steamer, which should have got in the day before, had not yet arrived, on account of a violent storm; and, as we no- ticed in the streets a handbill headed, '' Death ! one hundred and forty-five lives lost at Cohas- set,'* we decided to go by way of Cohasset. We found many Irish in the cars, going to iden- tify bodies and to sympathize with the survivors, and also to attend the funeral which was to take place in the afternoon ; — and when we arrived 4 CAP^ COD at Cohasset, it appeared that nearly all the pas- sengers were bound for the beach, which was about a mile distant, and many other persons were flocking in from the neighboring country. There wei^e several hundreds of them streaming off over Cohasset common in that direction, some on foot and some in wagons, — and among them were some sportsmen in their hunting- jackets, with their guns, and game-bags, and dogs. As we passed tlie graveyard we saw a large hole, like a cellar, freshly dug there, and, just before reaching the shore, by a pleasantly winding and rocky road, we met several hay -rig- gings and farm-wagons coming away toward the meeting - house, each loaded with three large, rough deal boxes. We did not need to ask what was in them. The owners of the wagons were made the undertakers. Many horses in carriages were fastened to the fences near the shore, and, for a mile or more, up and down, the beach was covered with people looking out for bodies, and examinino^ the frao^ments of the wreck. There was a small island called Brook Island, with a hut on it, lying just off the shore. This is said to be the rockiest shore in Massachusetts, from Nantasket to Scituate, — hard sienitic rocks, which the waves have laid bare, but have not been able to crumble. It has been the scene of many a shipwreck. THE SHIPWRECK 6 The brig St. John, from Galway, Ireland, laden with emigrants, was wrecked on Sunday morning ; it was now Tuesday morning, and the sea was still breaking violently on the rocks. There were eighteen or twenty of the same large boxes that I have mentioned, lying on a green hillside, a few rods from the water, and sur- rounded by a crowd. The bodies which had been recovered, twenty -seven or eight in all, had been collected there. Some were rapidly nail- ing down the lids, others were carting the boxes away, and others were lifting the lids, which were yet loose, and peeping under the cloths, for each body, with such rags as still adhered to it, was covered loosely with a white sheet. 1 witnessed no signs of grief, but there was a sober dispatch of business which was affecting. One man was seeking to identify a particular body, and one undertaker or c^irpenter was calling to another to know in what box a certain child was put. I saw many marble feet and matted heads as the cloths were raised, and one livid, swollen, and mangled body of a drowned girl, — who pro- bably had intended to go out to service in some American family, — to which some rags still ad- hered, with a string, half concealed by the flesh, about its swollen neck; the coiled-up wreck of a. human hulk, gashed by the rocks or fishes, so that the bone and muscle were exposed, but quite 6 CAPE COD bloodless, — merely red and white, — with wide- open and staling eyes, yet lustreless, dead- lights ; or like the cabin windows of a stranded vessel, filled with sand. Sometimes there were two or more children, or a parent and child, in the same box, and on the lid would perhaps be written with red chalk, "Bridget such-a-one, and sister's child." The surrounding sward was covered with bits of sails and clothing. I have since heard, from one who lives by this beach, that a woman who had come over before, but had left her infant behind for her sister to bring, came and looked into these boxes, and saw in one — probably the same whose super- scription I have quoted — her child in her sis- ter's arms, as if the sister had meant to be found thus; and within three days after, the mother died from the effect of that sight. We turned from this and walked along the rocky shore. * In the first cove were strewn what seemed the fragments of a vessel, in small pieces mixed with sand and seaweed, and great quantities of feathers; but it looked so old and rusty, that I at first took it to be some old wreck which had lain there many years. I even thought of Captain Kidd, and that the feathers were those which sea-fowl had cast there; and perhaps there might be some tradi- tion about it in the neighborhood. I asked a THE SHIPWRECK 7 sailor if that was the St. John. He said it was. I asked him where she struck. He pointed to a rock in front of us, a mile from the shore, called the Grampus Rock, and added, — "You can see a part of her now sticking up; it looks like a small boat." I saw it. It was thought to be held by the chain-cables and the anchors. I asked if the bodies which I saw were all that were drowned. "Not a quarter of them," said he. "Where are the rest?" "Most of them right underneath that piece you see." It appeared to us that there was enough rub- bish to make the wreck of a large vessel in this cove alone, and that it would take many days to cart it off. It was several feet deep, and here and there was a bonnet or a jacket on it. In the very midst of the crowd about this wreck, there were men with carts busily collecting the seaweed which the storm had cast up, and con- veying it beyond the reach of the tide, though they were often obliged to separate fragments of clothing from it, and they might at any moment have found a human body under it. Drown who might, they did not forget that this weed was a valuable manure. This shipwreck had not produced a visible vibration in the fabric of society. 8 CAPE COD About a mile south we could see, rising above the rocks, the masts of the British brig which the St. John had endeavored to follow, which had slipped her cables, and, by good luck, run into the mouth of Cohasset Harbor. A little further along the shore we saw a man's clothes on a rock; further, a woman's scarf, a gown, a straw bonnet, the brig's caboose, and one of her masts high and dry, broken into several pieces. In another rocky cove, several rods from the water, and behind rocks twenty feet high, lay a part of one side of the vessel, still hanging to- gether. It was, perhaps, forty feet long, by fourteen wide. I was even more surprised at the power of the waves, exhibited on this shat- tered fragment, than I had been at the sight of the smaller fragments before. The largest tim- bers and iron braces were broken superfluously, and I saw that no material could withstand the power of the waves; that iron must go to pieces in such a case, and an iron vessel would be cracked up like an egg-shell on the rocks. Some of these timbers, however, were so rotten that I could almost thrust my umbrella through them. They told us that some were saved on this piece, and also showed where the sea had heaved it into this cove which was now dry. When I saw where it had come in, and in what condition, I wondered that any had been saved on it. A lit- THE SHIPWRECK 9 tie further on a crowd of men was collected around the mate of the St. John, who was tell- ing his story. He was a slim-looking youth, who spoke of the captain as the master, and seemed a little excited. He was saying that when they jumped into the boat, she filled, and, the vessel lurching, the weight of the water in the boat caused the painter to break, and so they were separated. Whereat one man came away, saying, — "Well, I don't see but he tells a straight story enough. You see, the weight of the water in the boat broke the painter. A boat full of water is very heavy," — and so on, in a loud and impertinently earnest tone, as if he had a bet depending on it, but had no humane inter- est in the matter. Another, a large man, stood near by upon a rock, gazing into the sea, and chewing large quids of tobacco, as if that habit were forever confirmed with him. "Come," says another to his companion, "let's be off. We've seen the whole of it. It 's no use to stay to the funeral." Further, we saw one standing upon a rock, who, we were told, was one that was saved. He was a sober-looking man, dressed in a jacket and gray pantaloons, with his hands in the pockets, I asked him a few questions, 10 CAPE COD which he answered ; but he seemed unwilling to talk about it, and soon walked away. By his side stood one of the life-boat men, in an oil- cloth jacket, who told us how they went to the relief of the British brig, thinking that the boat of the St. John, which they passed on the way, held all her crew, — for the waves pre- vented their seeing those who were on the vessel, though they might have saved some had they known there were any there. A little further was the flag of the St. John spread on a rock to dry, and held down by stones at the corners. This frail, but essential and significant portion of the vessel, which had so long been the sport of the winds, was sure to reach the shore. There were one or two houses visible from these rocks, in which were some of the survivors re- coverinof from the shock which their bodies and minds had sustained. One was not expected to live. We kept on down the shore as far as a pro- montory called Whitehead, that we might see more of the Cohasset Rocks. In a little cove, within half a mile, there were an old man and his son collecting, with their team, the seaweed which that fatal storm had cast up, as serenely employed as if there had never been a wreck in the world, though they were within sight of the Grampus Kock, on which the St. John had THE SHIPWRECK 11 struck. The old man had heard that there was a wreck and knew most of the particulars, but he said that he had not been up there since it happened. It was the wrecked weed that con- cerned him most, rock- weed, kelp, and sea- weed, as he named them, which he carted to his barnyard; and those bodies were to him but other weeds which the tide cast up, but which were of no use to him. We afterwards came to the life-boat in its harbor, waiting for another emergency, — and in the afternoon we saw the funeral procession at a distance, at the head of which walked the captain with the other sur- vivors. On the whole, it was not so impressive a scene as I might have expected. If I had found one body cast upon the beach in some lonely place, it would have affected me more. I sym- pathized rather with the winds and waves, as if to toss and mangle these poor human bodies was the order of the day. If this was the law of Nature, why waste any time in awe or pity? If the last day were come, we should not think so much about the separation of friends or the 6lighted prospects of individuals. I saw that corpses might be multiplied, as on the field of battle, till they no longer affected us in any de- gree, as exceptions to the common lot of human- ity. Take all the graveyards together, they are 12 CAPE COD always the majority. It is the individual and private that demands our sympathy. A man can attend but one funeral in the course of his life, can behold but one corpse. Yet I saw that the inhabitants of the shore would be not a little affected by this event. They would watch there many days and nights for the sea to give up its dead, and their imaginations and sympa- thies would supply the place of mourners far away, who as yet knew not of the wreck. Many days after this, something white was seen float- ing on the water by one who was sauntering on the beach. It was approached in a boat, and found to be the body of a woman, which had risen in an upright position, whose white cap was blown back with the wind. I saw that the beauty of the shore itself was wrecked for many a lonely walker there, until he could perceive, at last, how its beauty was enhanced by wrecks like this, and it acquired thus a rarer and sublimer beauty still. Why care for these dead bodies? They really have no friends but the worms or fishes. Their owners were coming to the New World, as Columbus and the Pilgrims did, — they were within a mile of its shores; but, before they could reach it, they emigrated to a newer world than ever Columbus dreamed of, yet one of whose existence we believe that there is far more THE SHIPWRECK 13 universal and convincing evidence — though it has not yet been discovered by science — than Cohnubus had of this : not merely mariners' tales and some paltry drift-wood and seaweed, but a continual drift and instinct to all our shores. I saw their empty hulks that came to land ; but they themselves, meanwhile, were cast upon some shore yet further west, toward which we are all tending, and which we shall reach at last, it may be through storm and darkness, as they did. No doubt, we have reason to thank God that they have not been " shipwrecked into life again." The mariner who makes the safest port in Heaven, perchance, seems to his friends on earth to be shipwrecked, for they deem Bos- ton Harbor the better place ; though perhaps in- visible to them, a skillful pilot comes to meet him, and the fairest and balmiest gales blow off that coast, his good ship makes the land in hal- cyon days, and he kisses the shore in rapture there, while his old hulk tosses in the surf here. It is hard to part with one's body, but, no doubt, it is easy enough to do without it when once it is gone. All their plans and hopes burst like a bubble I Infants by the score dashed on the rocks by the enraged Atlantic Ocean ! No, no ! If the St. John did not make her port here, she has been telegraphed there. The strongest wind cannot stagger a Spirit ; it is a Spirit's 14 CAPE COD breath. A just man's purpose cannot be split on any Grampus or material rock, but itself will split rocks till it succeeds. The verses addressed to Columbus, dying, may, with slight alterations, be applied to the passengers of the St. John, — " Soon with them will all be over, Soon the voyage will be begun That shall bear them to discover, Far away, a land unknown. " Land that each, alone, must visit, But no tidings bring to men ; For no sailor, once departed. Ever hath retxirned again. " No carved wood, no broken branches Ever drift from that far wild ; He who on that ocean launches Meets no corse of angel chUd. " Undismayed, my noble sailors, Spread, then spread your canvas out ; Spirits ! on a sea of ether Soon shall ye serenely float ! *' Where the deep no plummet soundeth, Fear no hidden breakers there. And the fanning wing of angels Shall youi' bark right onward bear. *' Quit, now, full of heart and comfort, These rude shores, they are of earth ; Where the rosy clouds are parting. There the blessed isles loom forth." THE SHIPWRECK 15 One summer day, since this, I came this way, on foot, along the shore from Boston. It was so warm, that some horses had climbed to the very top of the ramparts of the old fort at Hull, where there was hardly room to turn round, for the sake of the breeze. The Datura stramo- nium, or thorn-apple, was in full bloom along the beach; and, at sight of this cosmopolite, — this Captain Cook among plants, — carried in ballast all over the world, I felt as if I were on the highway of nations. Say, rather, this Viking, king of the Bays, for it is not an inno- cent plant; it suggests not merely commerce, but its attendant vices, as if its fibres were the stuff of which pirates spin their yarns. I heard the voices of men shouting aboard a vessel, half a mile from the shore, which sounded as if they were in a barn in the country, they being be- tween the sails. It was a purely rural sound. As I looked over the water, I saw the isles rapidly wasting away, the sea nibbling vora- ciously at the continent, the springing arch of a hill suddenly interrupted, as at Point Allerton, — what botanists might call premorse, — show- ing, by its curve against the sky, how much space it must have occupied, where now was water only. On the other hand, these wrecks of isles were being fancifully arranged into new shores, as at Hog Island, inside of Hull, where 16 CAPE COD everything seemed to be gently lapsing into futurity. Tliis isle had got the very form of a ripple, — and I thought that the inhabitants should bear a ripple for device on their shields, a wave passing over them, with the datura, which is said to produce mental alienation of long duration without affecting the bodily health,^ springing from its edge. The most in- teresting thing which I heard of, in this town- ship of Hull, was an unfailing spring, whose lo- cality was pointed out to me, on the side of a distant hill, as I was panting along the shore, though I did not visit it. Perhaps, if I should go tlirough Rome, it would be some spring on the Capitoline Hill I should remember the long- ^ The Jamestown weed (or thorn-apple). "This, being an early plant, was gathered very young for a boiled salad, by some of the soldiers sent thither [i. e., to Virginia] to quell the rebellion of Bacon ; and some of them ate plentifully of it, the effect of which was a very pleasant comedy, for they turned natural fools upon* it for several days: one would blow up a feather in the air ; another would dart straws at it with much fury ; and another, stark naked, was sitting up in a corner like a monkey, grinning and making mows at them^ ; a fourth would fondly kiss and paw his companions, and sneer in their faces, with a countenance more antic than any in- a Dutch droll. In this frantic condition they were confined, lest they should, in their folly, destroy themselves, — though it was observed that all their actions were full of innocence and good nature. In- deed, they were not very cleanly. A thousand such simple tricks they played, and after eleven days returned to them- selves again, not remembering anything that had passed." — Beverly's History of Virginia, p. 120. THE SHIPWRECK 17 est. It is true, I was somewhat interested in the well at the old French fort, which was said to be ninety feet deep, with a cannon at the bottom of it. On Nantasket beach I counted a dozen chaises from the public-house. From time to time the riders turned their horses toward the sea, standing in the water for the coolness, — and I saw the value of beaches to cities for the sea breeze and the bath. At Jerusalem village the inhabitants were col- lecting in haste, before a thunder-shower now approaching, the Irish moss which they had spread to dry. The shower passed on one side, and gave me a few drops only, which did not cool the air. I merely felt a puff upon my cheek, though, within sight, a vessel was cap- sized in the bay, and several others dragged their anchors, and were near going .ashore. The sea-bathing at Cohasset Rocks was perfect. The water was purer and more transparent than any I had ever seen. There was not a particle of mud or slime about it. The bottom being sandy, I could see the sea-perch swimming about. The smooth and fantastically worn rocks, and the perfectly clean and tress-like rock-weeds falling over you, and attached so firmly to the rocks that you could pull yourself up by them, greatly enhanced the luxury of the bath. The stripe of barnacles just above the 18 CAPE COD weeds reminded me of some vegetable growth, — the buds, and petals, and seed-vessels of flowers. They lay along the seams of the rock like buttons on a waistcoat. It was one of the hottest days in the year, yet I found the water so icy cold that I could swim but a stroke or two, and thought that, in case of shipwreck, there would be more danger of being chilled to death than simply drowned. One immersion was enough to make you forget the dog-days utterly. Though you were sweltering before, it will take you half an hour now to remember that it was ever warm. There were the tawny rocks, like lions couchant, defying the ocean, whose waves incessantly dashed against and scoured them with vast quantities of gravel. The water held in their little hollows, on the re- ceding of the tide, was so crystalline that I could not believe it salt, but wished to drink it; and higher up were basins of fresh water left by the rain, — all which, being also of different depths and temperature, were convenient for different kinds of baths. Also, the larger hollows in the smoothed rocks formed the most convenient of seats and dressing-rooms. In these respects it was the most perfect seashore that I had seen. I saw in Cohasset, separated from the sea only by a narrow beach, a handsome but shallow lake of some four hundred acres, which, I was THE SHIPWRECK 19 told, the sea had tossed over the beach in a great storm in the spring, and, after the alewives had passed into it, it had stopped up its outlet, and now the alewives were dving by thousands, and the inhabitants were apprehending a pestilence as the water evaporated. It had five rocky- islets in it. This rocky shore is called Pleasant Cove, on some maps ; on the map of Cohasset, that name appears to be confined to the particular cove where I saw the wreck of the St. John. The ocean did not look, now, as if any were ever shipwrecked in it ; it was not grand and sublime, but beautiful as a lake. Not a vestige of a wreck was visible, nor could I believe that the bones of many a shipwrecked man were buried in that pure sand. But to go on with our first excursion. n STAGE-COACH VIEWS After spending the night in Bridgewater, and picking up a few arrow-heads there in the morning, we took the cars for Sandwich, where we arrived before noon. This was the terminus of the "Cape Cod Railroad," though it is but the beginning of the Cape. As it rained hard, with driving mists, and there was no sign of its holding up, we here took that almost obsolete conveyance, the stage, for "as far as it went that day," as we told the driver. We had for- gotten how far a stage could go in a day, but we were told that the Cape roads were very "heavy," though they added that being of sand, the rain would improve them. This coach was an exceedingly narrow one, but as there was a slight spherical excess over two on a seat, the driver waited till nine passengers had got in, without taking the measure of any of them, and then shut the door after two or three ineffectual slams, as if the fault were all in the hinges or the latch, — while we timed our inspirations and expirations so as to assist him. STAGE-COACH VIEWS 21 We were now fairly on the Cape, which ex- tends from Sandwich eastward thirty -five miles, and thence north and northwest thirty more, in all sixty-five, and has an average breadth of about five miles. In the interior it rises to the height of two hundred, and sometimes perhaps three hundred feet above the level of the sea. According to Hitchcock, the geologist of the State, it is composed almost entirely of sand, even to the depth of three hundred feet in some places, though there .is probably a concealed core of rock a little beneath the surface, and it is of diluvian origin, excepting a small portion at the extremity and elsewhere along the shores, which is alluvial. For the first half of the Cape large blocks of stone are found, here and there, mixed with the sand, but for the last thirty miles boulders, or even gravel, are rarely met with. Hitchcock conjectures that the ocean has, in course of time, eaten out Boston Harbor and other bays in the mainland, and that the minute fragments have been deposited by the currents at a distance from the shore, and formed this sand-bank. Above the sand, if the surface is subjected to agricultural tests, there is found to be a thin layer of soil gradually diminishing from Barnstable to Truro, where it ceases; but there are many holes and rents in this weather-beaten garment not likely to be 22 CAPE COD stitched in time, which reveal the naked flesh of the Cape, and its extremity is completely bare. I at once got out my book, the eighth volume of the Collections of the Massachusetts Histori- cal Society, printed in 1802, which contains some short notices of the Cape towns, and be- gan to read up to where I was, for in the cars I could not read as fast as I traveled. To those who came from the side of Plymouth, it said, "After riding through a body of woods, twelve miles in extent, interspersed with but few houses, the settlement of Sandwich appears, with a more agreeable effect, to the eye of the traveler." Another writer speaks of this as a beautiful village. But I think that our villages will bear to be contrasted only with one another, not with Nature. I have no great respect for the writer's taste, who talks easily about beau- tiful villages, embellished, perchance, with a "fulling-mill," "a handsome academy," or a meeting-house, and "a number of shops for the different mechanic arts;" where the green and white houses of the gentry, drawn up in rows, front on a street of which it would be difficult to tell whether it is most like a desert or a long stable -yard. Such spots can be beautiful only to the weary traveler, or the returning native, — or, perchance, the repentant misanthrope; not to him who, with unprejudiced senses, has ST A GE-COA CH VIE WS * 23 just come out of the woods, and approaches one of them, by a bare road, through a succession of straggling homesteads where he cannot tell which is the almshouse. However, as for Sandwich, I cannot speak particularly. Ours was but half a Sandwich at most, and that must have fallen on the buttered side some time. I only saw that it was a closely -built town for a small one, with glass-works to improve its sand, and narrow streets in which we turned round and round till we could not tell which way we were going, and the rain came in, first on this side and then on that, and I saw that they in the houses were more comfortable than we in the coach. My book also said of this town, "The inhabitants, in general, are substantial livers," — that is, I suppose, they do not live like philosophers ; but, as the stage did not stop long enough for us to dine, we had no opportu- nity to test the truth of this statement. It may have referred, however, to the quantity "of oil they would yield." It further said, "The in- habitants of Sandwich generally manifest a fond and steady adherence to the manners, employ- ments and modes of living which characterized their fathers," which made me think that they were, after all, very much like all the rest of the world ; — and it added that this was "a re- semblance, which, at this day, will constitute no 24 • CAPE COD impeachment of either their virtue or taste ; " which remark proves to me that the writer was one with the rest of them. No people ever lived by cursing their fathers, however great a curse their fathers might have been to them. But it must be confessed that ours was old authority, and probably they have changed all that now. Our route was along the Bay side, through Barnstable, Yarmouth, Dennis, and Brewster, to Orleans, with a range of low hills on our right, running down the Cape. The weather was not favorable for wayside views, but we made the most of such glimpses of land and water as we could get through the rain. The country was, for the most part, bare, or with only a little scrubby wood left on the hills. We noticed in Yarmouth — and, if I do not mistake, in Dennis — large tracts where pitch- pines were planted four or five years before. They were in rows, as they appeared when we were abreast of them, and, excepting that there were extensive vacant spaces, seemed to be doing remarkably well. This, we were told, was the only use to which such tracts could be profitably put. Every higher eminence had a pole set up on it, with an old storm-coat or sail tied to it, for a signal, that those on the south side of the Cape, for instance, might know when the Boston packets had arrived on the north. It STAGE-COACH VIEWS 26 appeared as if this use must absorb the greater part of the old clothes of the Cape, leaving but few rags for the peddlers. The windmills on the hills, — large weather-stained octagonal structures, — and the salt-works scattered all along the shore, with their long rows of vats resting on piles driven into the marsh, their low, turtle-like roofs, and their slighter wind- mills, were novel and interesting objects to an inlander. The sand by the roadside was par- tially covered with bunches of a moss-like plant, Hudsonia tomentosa^ which a woman in the stage told us was called "poverty grass," be- cause it grew where nothing else would. I was struck by the pleasant equality which reigned among the stage company, and their broad and invulnerable good humor. They were what -is called free and easy, and met one another to advantage, as men who had, at length, learned how to live. They appeared to know each other when they were strangers, they were so simple and downright. They were well met, in an unusual sense, that is, they met aa well as they could meet, and did not seem to be troubled with any impediment. They were not afraid nor ashamed of one another, but were contented to make just such a company as the ingredients allowed. It was evident that the same foolish respect was not here claimed, for 26 CAPE COD mere wealth and station, that is in many parts of New England; yet some of them were the "first people," as they are called, of the various towns through which we passed. Retired sea- captains, in easy circumstances, who talked of farming as sea-captains are wont; an erect, re- spectable, and trustworthy-looking man, in his wrapper, some of the salt of the earth, who had formerly been the salt of the sea; or a more courtly gentleman, who, perchance, had been a representative to the General Court in his day; or a broad, red-faced. Cape Cod man, who had seen too many storms to be easily irritated; or a fisherman's wife, who had been waiting a week for a coaster to leave Boston, and had at length come by the cars. A strict regard for truth obliges us to say, that the few women whom we saw that day looked exceedingly pinched up. They had prominent chins and noses, having lost all their teeth, and a sharp W would represent their profile. They were not so well preserved as their husbands; or perchance they were well preserved as dried specimens. (Their hus- bands, however, were pickled.) But we respect them not the less for all that; our own dental system is far from perfect. Still we kept on in the rain, or, if we stopped, it was commonly at a post-office, and we thought STAGE-COACH VIEWS 27 that writing letters, and sorting them against our arrival, must be the principal employment of the inhabitants of the Cape this rainy clay. The post-office appeared a singularly domestic institution here. Ever and anon the stage stopped before some low shop or dwelling, and a wheelwright or shoemaker appeared in his shirt-sleeves and leather apron, with spectacles newly donned, holding up Uncle Sam's bag, as if it were a slice of home-made cake, for the travelers, while he retailed some piece of gossip to the driver, really as indifferent to the pres- ence of the former as if they were so much bag- gage. In one instance, we understood that a woman was the post-mistress, and they said that she made the best one on the road ; but we sus- pected that the letters must be subjected to a very close scrutiny there. While we were stopping, for this purpose, at Dennis, we ven- tured to put our heads out of the windows, to see where we were going, and saw rising before us, through the mist, singular barren hills, all stricken with poverty-grass, looming up as if they were in the horizon, though they were close to us, and we seemed to have got to the end of the land on that side, notwithstanding that the horses were still headed that way. Indeed, that part of Dennis which we saw was an exceed- ingly barren and desolate country, of a char- 28 CAPE COD acter which I can find no name for ; such a sur- face, perhaps, as the bottom of the sea made dry hind day before yesterday. It was covered with poverty-grass, and there was hardly a tree in sight, but here and there a little weather- stained, one-storied house, with a red roof, — for often the roof was painted, though the rest of the house was not, — standing bleak and cheerless, yet with a broad foundation to the land, where the comfort must have been all in- side. Yet we read in the Gazetteer, — for we carried that too with us, — that, in 1837, one hundred and fifty masters of vessels, belonging to this town, sailed from the various ports of the Union. There must be many more houses in the south part of the town, else we cannot imagine where they all lodge when they are at home, if ever they are there; but the truth is, their houses are floating ones, and their home is on the ocean. There were almost no trees at all in this part of Dennis, nor could I learn that they talked of setting out any. It is true, there was a meeting-house, set round with Lombardy poplars, in a hollow square, the rows fully as straight as the studs of a building, and the cor- ners as square; but, if I do not mistake, every one of them was dead. I could not help think- ing that they needed a revival here. Our bool^ said that, in 1795, there was erected in Dennis STAGE-COACH VIEWS 29 " an elegant meeting-house, with a steeple." Perhaps this was the one ; though whether it had a steeple, or had died down so far from sympathy with the poplars, I do not remember. Another meeting-house in this town was de- scribed as a " neat building ; " but of the meet- ing-house in Chatham, a neighboring town, for there was then but one, nothing is said, except that it '* is in good repair," — both which re- marks, I trust, may be understood as applying to the churches spiritual as well as material. However, " elegant meeting-houses," from that Trinity one on Broadway, to this at Nobscus- set, in my estimation, belong to the same cate- gory with " beautiful villages." I was never in season to see one. Handsome is that handsome does. What they did for shade here, in warm weather, we did not know, though we read that " fogs are more frequent in Chatham than in any other part of the country ; and they serve in summer, instead of trees, to shelter the houses against the heat of the sun. To those who de- light in extensive vision," — is it to be inferred that the inhabitants of Chatham do not ? — " they are unpleasant, but they are not found to be unhealthful." Probably, also, the unob- structed sea-breeze answers the purpose of a fan. The historian of Chatham says further, that " in many families there is no difference between the 30 CAPE COD breakfast and supper; cheese, cakes, and pies belnfj as common at the one as at the other." But that leaves us still uncertain whether they were really common at either. The road, which was quite hilly, here ran near the Bay-shore, having the Bay on one side, and "the rough hill of Scargo," said to be the highest land on the Cape, on the other. Of the wide prospect of the Bay afforded by the sum- mit of this hill, our guide says, "The view has not much of the beautiful in it, but it commu- nicates a strong emotion of the sublime." That is the kind of communication which we love to have made to us. We passed through the vil- lage of Suet, in Dennis, on Suet and Quivet Necks, of which it is said, "when compared with Nobscusset," — we had a misty recollection of having passed through, or near to, the latter, — " it may be denominated a pleasant village ; but, in comparison with the village of Sandwich, there is little or no beauty in it." However, we liked Dennis well, better than any town we had seen on the Cape, it was so novel, and, in that stormy day, so sublimely dreary. Captain John Sears, of Suet, was the first person in this country who obtained pure marine salt by solar evaporation alone ; though it had long been made in a similar way on the coast of France, and elsewhere. This was in the year STAGE-COACH VIEWS 31 1776, at which time, on account of the war, salt was scarce and dear. The Historical Collec- tions contain an interesting account of his ex- periments, which we read when we first saw the roofs of the salt-works. Barnstable County is the most favorable locality for these works on our northern coast, — there is so little fresh water here emptying into ocean. Quite recently there were about two millions of dollars invested in this business here. But now the Cape is un- able to compete with the importers of salt and the manufacturers of it at the West, and, ac- cordingly, her salt-works are fast going to de- cay. From making salt, they turn to fishing more than ever. The Gazetteer will uniformly tell you, under the head of each town, how many go a-fishing, and the value of the fish and oil taken, how much salt is made and used, how many are engaged in the coasting trade, how many in manufacturing palm -leaf hats, leather, boots, shoes, and tinware, and then it has done, and leaves you to imagine the more truly do- mestic manufactures which are nearly the same all the world over. Late in the afternoon, we rode through Brews- ter, so named after Elder Brewster, for fear he would be forgotten else. Who has not heard of Elder Brewster ? Who knows who he was ? This appeared to be the modern -built town of 32 CAPE COD the Cape, the favorite residence of retired sea« captains. It is said that "there are more mas- ters and mates of vessels which sail on foreign voyages belonging to this place than to any other town in the country." There were many of the modern American houses here, such as they turn out at Cambridgeport, standing on the sand; you could almost swear that they had been floated down Charles River, and drifted across the bay. I call them American, because they are paid for by Americans, and "put up" by American carpenters; but they are little re- moved from lumber; only Eastern stuff dis- guised with white paint, the least interesting kind of drift-wood to me. Perhaps we have reason to be proud of our naval architecture, and need not go to the Greeks, or the Goths, or the Italians, for the models of our vessels. Sea- captains do not employ a Cambridgeport car- penter to build their floating houses, and for their houses on shore, if they must copy any, it would be more agreeable to the imagination to see one of their vessels turned bottom upward, in the Numidian fashion. We read that, "at certain seasons, the reflection of the sun upon the windows of the houses in Wellfleet and Truro (across the inner side of the elbow of the Cape) is discernible with the naked eye, at a distance of eighteen miles and upward, on the county STAGE-COACH VIEWS 83 road." This we were pleased to imagine, as we had not seen the sun for twenty -four hours. The same author (the Rev. John Simpkins) said of the inhabitants, a good while ago : " No persons appear to have a greater relish for the social circle and domestic pleasures. They are not in the habit of frequenting taverns, unless on public occasions. I know not of a proper idler or tavern -haunter in the place." This is more than can be said of my townsmen. At length, we stopped for the night at Hig- gins's tavern, in Orleans, feeling very much as if we were on a sand-bar in the ocean, and not knowing: whether we should see land or water ahead when the mist cleared away. We here overtook two Italian boys, who had waded thus far down the Cape through the sand, with their organs on their backs, and were going on to Provincetown. What a hard lot, we thought, if the Provincetown people should shut their doors against them! Whose yard would they go to next? Yet we concluded that they had chosen wisely to come here, where other music than that of the surf must be rare. Thus the great civilizer sends out his emissaries, sooner or later, to every sandy cape and light-house of the New World which the census-taker visits, and summons the savage there to surrender. ni THE PLAINS OF NAUSET The next morning, Thursday, October 11, it rained as hard as ever; but we were determined to proceed on foot, nevertheless. We first made some inquiries, with regard to the practi- cability of walking up the shore on the Atlantic side to Provincetown, whether we should meet with any creeks or marshes to trouble us. Hig- gins said that there was no obstruction, and that it was not much farther than by the road, but he thought that we should find it very "heavy" walking in the sand ; it was bad enough in the road, a horse would sink in up to the fetlocks there. But there was one man at the tavern who had Walked it, and he said that we could go very well, though it was sometimes inconven- ient and even dangerous walking under the bank, when there was a great tide, with an east- erly wind, which caused the sand to cave. For the first four or five miles we followed the road, which here turns to the north on the elbow, — • the narrowest part of the Cape, — that we might clear an inlet from the ocean, a part of Nauset THE PLAINS OF NAUSET 35 Harbor, in Orleans, on our right. We found the traveling good enough for walkers on the sides of the roads, though it was "heavy" for horses in the middle. We walked with our um- brellas behind us since it blowed hard as well as rained, with driving mists, as the day before, and the wind helped us over the sand at a rapid rate. Everything indicated that we had reached a strange shore. The road was a mere lane, winding over bare swells of bleak and barren - looking land. The houses were few and far be- tween, besides being small and rusty, though they appeared to be kept in good repair, and their door-yards, which were the unfenced Cape, were tidy ; or, rather, they looked as if the ground around them was blown clean by the wind. Perhaps the scarcity of wood here, and the consequent absence of the wood-pile and other wooden traps, had something to do with this appearance. They seemed, like mariners ashore, to have sat right down to enjoy the firm- ness of the land, without studying their postures or habiliments. To them it was merely tery^a firma and cogriita, not yet feyiilis Sindjucimda. Every landscape which is dreary enough has a certain beauty to my eyes, and in this instance its permanent qualities were enhanced by the weather. Everything told of the sea, even when we did not see its waste or hear its roar. 36 CAPE COD For birds there were gulls, and for carts in iKe fields, boats turned bottom upward against the houses, and sometimes the rib of a whale was woven into the fence by the roadside. The trees were, if possible, rarer than the houses, excepting apple-trees, of which there were a few small orchards in the hollows. These were either narrow and high, with flat tops, having lost their side branches, like huge plum-bushes growing in exposed situations, or else dwarfed and branching immediately at the ground, like quince-bushes. They suggested that, under like circumstances, all trees would at last ac- quire like habits of growth. I afterward saw on the Cape many full-grown apple-trees not higher than a man's head; one whole orchard, indeed, where all the fruit could have been gathered by a man standing on the ground ; but you could hardly creep beneath the trees. Some, which the owners told me were twenty years old, were only three and a half feet high, spreading at six inches from the ground five feet each way, and being withal surrounded with boxes of tar to catch the canker-worms, they looked like plants in flower-pots, and as if they might be taken into the house in the winter. In another place, I saw some not much larger than currant-bushes ; yet the owner told me that they had borne a barrel and a half of apples THE PLAINS OF NAUSET 37 that fall. If they had been placed close to- gether, I could have cleared them all at a jump. I measured some near the Highland Light in Truro, which had been taken from the shrubby woods thereabouts when young, and grafted. One, which had been set ten years, was on an average eighteen inches high, and spread nine feet, with a flat top. It had borne one bushel of apples two years before. Another, probably twenty years old from the seed, was five feet high, and spread eighteen feet, branching, as usual, at the ground, so that you could not creep under it. This bore a barrel of ajjples two years before. The owner of these trees invari- ably used the personal pronoun in speaking of them; as, "I got him out of the woods, but he doesn't bear." The largest that I saw in that neighborhood was nine feet high to the topmost leaf, and spread thirty -three feet, branching at the ground five ways. In one yard I observed a single, very healthy- looking tree, while all the rest were dead or dy- ing. The occupant said that his father had manured all but that one with blacktish. This habit of growth should, no doubt, be encouraged, and they should not be trimmed up, as some traveling practitioners have ad- vised. In 1802 there was not a single fruit-tree in Chatham, the next town to Orleans, on the 38 CAPE COD south; and the old account of Orleans says: "Fruit-trees cannot be made to grow within a mile of the ocean. Even those which are placed at a greater distance are injured by the east winds; and, after violent storms in the spring, a saltish taste is perceptible on their bark." We noticed that they were often covered with a yellow lichen like rust, the Parmelia i^arietina. The most foreign and picturesque structures on the Cape, to an inlander, not excepting the salt-works, are the wind-mills, — gray -looking, octagonal towers, with long timbers slanting to the ground in the rear, and there resting on a cart-wheel, by which their fans are turned round to face the wind. These appeared also to serve in some measure for props against its force. A great circular rut was worn around the building by the wheel. The neighbors who assemble to turn the mill to the wind are likely to know which way it blows, without a weather- cock. They looked loose and slightly locomo- tive, like huge wounded birds, trailing a wing or a leg, and reminded one of pictures of the Netherlands. Being on elevated ground, and high in themselves, they serve as landmarks, — for there are no tall trees, or other objects com- monly, which can be seen at a distance in the horizon ; though the outline of the land itself is so firm and distinct, that an insignificant cone, f-^\mifiih,iii OLD MILL, EASTHAM THE PLAINS OF NAUSET 39 or even precipice of sand, is visible at a great distance from over the sea. Sailors making the land commonly steer either by the wind mills, or the meeting-houses. In the country, we are obliged to steer by the meeting-houses alone. Yet the meeting-house is a kind of wind mill, which runs one day in seven, turned either by the winds of doctrine or public opinion, or more rarely by the winds of Heaven, where another sort of grist is ground, of which, if it be not all bran or musty, if it be not plaster^ we trust to make bread of life. There were, here and there, heaps of shells in the fields, where clams had been opened for bait; for Orleans is famous for its shell-fish, especially clams, or, as our author says, "to speak more properly, worms." The shores are more fertile than the dry land. The inhabi- tants measure their crops, not only by bushels of corn, but by barrels of clams. A thousand barrels of clam-bait are counted as equal in value to six or eight thousand bushels of Indian corn, and once they were procured without more labor or expense, and the supply was thought to be inexhaustible. "For," runs the history, "after a portion of the shore has been dug over, and almost all the clams taken up, at the end of two years, it is said, they are as plenty there as ever. It is even affirmed by 40 CAPE COD many persons, that it is as necessary to stir the clam ground frequently as it is to hoe a field of potatoes; because, if this labor is omitted, the clams will be crowded too closely together, and will be prevented from increasing in size." But we were told that the small clam, Mya arenaria^ was not so plenty here as formerly. Probably the clam -ground has been stirred too frequently, after all. Nevertheless, one man, who com- plained that they fed pigs with them and so made them scarce, told me that he dug and opened one hundred and twenty-six dollars' worth in one winter, in Truro. We crossed a brook, not more than fourteen rods long between Orleans and Eastham called Jeremiah's Gutter. The Atlantic is said some- times to meet the Bay here, and isolate the northern part of the Cape. The streams of the Cape are necessarily formed on a minute scale since there is no room for them to run, without tumbling immediately into the sea ; and beside, we found it difficult to run ourselves in that sand, when there was no want of room. Hence, the least channel where water runs, or may run, is important, and is dignified with a name. We read that there is no running water in Chatham, which is the next town. The barren aspect of the land would hardly be believed if described. It was such soil, or rather land, as^ THE PLAINS OF NAUSET 41 to judge from appearances, no farmer in the in- terior would think of cultivating, or even fenc- ing. Generally, the ploughed fields of the Cape look white and yellow, like a mixture of salt and Indian meal. This is called soil. All an inlander's notions of soil and fertility will be confounded by a visit to these parts, and he will not be able, for some time afterward, to distin- guish soil from sand. The historian of Chatham says of a part of that town, which has been gained from the sea : " There is a doubtful ap- pearance of a soil beginning to be formed. It is styled doubtful^ because it would not be ob- served by every eye, and perhaps not acknow- ledged by many." We thought that this would not be a bad description of the greater part of the Cape. There is a "beach " on the west side of Eastham, which we crossed the next summer, half a mile wide, and stretching across the town- ship, containing seventeen hundred acres on which there is not now a particle of vegetable mould, though it formerly produced wheat. All sands are here called "beaches," whether they are waves of water or of air that dash against them, since they commonly have their origin on the shore. "The sand in some places," says the historian of Eastham, "lodging against the beach-grass, has been raised into hills fifty feet high, where twenty-five years ago no hills ex 42 CAPE COD isted. In others it has filled up small valleys, and swamps. Where a strong - rooted bush stood, the appearance is singular; a mass of earth and sand adheres to it, resembling a small tower. In several places, rocks, which were formerly covered with soil, are disclosed, and being lashed by the sand, driven against them by the wind, look as if they were recently dug from a quarry." We were surprised to hear of the great crops of corn which are still raised in Eastham, not- withstanding the real and apparent barrenness. Our landlord in Orleans had told us that he raised three or four hundred bushels of corn annually, and also of the great number of pigs which he fattened. In Champlain's "Voyages," there is a plate representing the Indian corn- fields hereabouts, with their wigwams in the midst, as they appeared in 1605, and it was here that the Pilgrims, to quote their own words, "bought eight or ten hogsheads of corn and beans" of the Nauset Indians, in 1622, to keep themselves from starving.^ "In 1667 the 1 They touched after this at a place called Mattachiest, where they got more corn ; but their shallop being' cast away in a storm, the Governor was obliged to return to Plymouth on foot, fifty miles through the woods. According to Mourt's Re- lation, "he came safely home, though weary and surbated,^^ that is, foot-sore. (Ital. sobattere, Lat. sub or solea battere, to bruise the soles of the feet ; v. Die. Not " from acerbatus, em- THE PLAINS OF NAUSET 43 town [of Eastham] voted that every housekeeper should kill twelve blackbirds, or three crows, which did great damage to the corn, and this vote was repeated for many years." In 1695 an additional order was passed, namely, that "every unmarried man in the township shall kill six blackbirds, or three crows, while he remains single; as a penalty for not doing it, shall not be married until he obey this order." The blackbirds, however, still molest the corn. I saw them at it the next summer, and there were many scarecrows, if not scare-blackbirds, in the fields, which I often mistook for men. From which I concluded, that either many men were not married, or many blackbirds were. Yet they put but three or four kernels in a hill, and let fewer plants remain than we do. In the ac- count of Eastham, in the "Historical Collec- tions," printed in 1802, it is said, that "more corn is produced than the inhabitants consume, and above a thousand bushels are annually sent to market. The soil being free from stones, a plough passes through it speedily ; and after the corn has come up, a small Cape horse, somewhat bittered or ag-grieved," as one commentator on this passage supposes.) This word is of very rare occurrence, being applied only to governors and persons of like description, who are in that predicament ; though such generally have considerable mileage allowed them, and might save their soles if they eared. 44 CAPE COD larger than a goat, will, with the assistance of two boys, easily hoe three or four acres in a day; several farmers are accustomed to produce five hundred bushels of grain annually, and not long since one raised eight hundred bushels on sixty acres." Similar accounts are given to> day; indeed, the recent accounts are in some instances suspectable repetitions of the old, and I have no doubt that their statements are as often founded on the exception as the rule, and that by far the greater number of acres are as barren as they appear to be. It is sufficiently remarkable that any crops can be raised here, and it may be owing, as others have suggested, to the amount of moisture in the atmosphere, the warmth of the sand, and the rareness of frosts. A miller, who was sharpening his stones, told me that, forty years ago, he had been to a husking here, where five hundred bushels were husked in one evening, and the corn was piled six feet high or more, in the midst, but now, fifteen or eighteen bushels to an acre were an average yield. I never saw fields of such puny and unpromising-looking corn, as in this town. Probably the inhabi- tants are contented with small crops from a great surface easily cultivated. It is not always the most fertile land that is the most profitable, aud this sand may repay cultivation, as well as THE PLAINS OF NAUSET 45 the fertile bottoms of the West. It is said, moreover, that the vegetables raised in the sand, without manure, are remarkably sweet, the pumpkins especially, though when their seed is planted in the interior they soon degenerate. I can testify that the vegetables here, when they succeed at all, look remarkably green and healthy, though perhaps it is partly by contrast with the sand. Yet the inhabitants of the Cape towns, generally, do not raise their own meal or pork. Their gardens are commonly little patches, that have been redeemed from the edges of the marshes and swamps. All the morning we had heard the sea roar on the eastern shore, which was several miles distant ; for it still felt the effects of the storm in which the St. John was wrecked, — though a school-boy, whom we overtook, hardly knew what we meant, his ears were so used to it. He would have more plainly heard the same sound in a shell. It was a very inspiriting sound to walk by, filling the whole air, that of the sea dashing against the land, heard several miles inland. Instead of having a dog to growl be- fore your door, to have an Atlantic Ocean to growl for a whole Cape! On the whole, we were glad of the storm, which would show us the ocean in its angriest mood. Charles Darwin was assured that the roar of the surf on the 46 CAPE COD coast of Chiloe, after a heavy gale, could be heard at night a distance of "21 sea miles across a hilly and wooded country." We con- versed with the boy we have mentioned, who might have been eight years old, making him walk the while under the lee of our umbrella; for we thought it as important to know what was life on the Cape to a boy as to a man. We learned from him where the best grapes were to be found in that neighborhood. He was carrying his dinner in a pail; and, without any impertinent questions being put by us, it did at length appear of what it consisted. The homeliest facts are always the most acceptable to an inquiring mind. At length, before we got to Eastham meeting-house, we left the road and struck across the country for the eastern shore at Nauset Lights, — three lights close together, two or three miles distant from us. They were so many that they might be distinguished from others; but this seemed a shiftless and costly way of accomplishing that object. We found ourselves at once on an apparently boundless plain, without a tree or a fence, or, with one or two exceptions, a house in sight. Instead of fences, the earth was sometimes thrown up into a slight ridge. My companion compared it to the rolling prairies of Illinois. In the storm of wind and rain which raged when we traversed THE PLAINS OF NAUSET 47 it, it no doubt appeared more vast and desolate than it really is. As there were no hills, but only here and there a dry hollow in the midst of the waste, and the distant horizon was con- cealed by mist, we did not know whether it was high or low. A solitary traveler, whom we saw perambulating in the distance, loomed like a giant. He appeared to walk slouchingly, as if held up from above by straps under his shoul- ders, as much as supported by the plain below. Men and boys would have appeared alike at a little distance, there being no object by which to measure them. Indeed, to an inlander, the Cape landscape is a constant mirage. This kind of country extended a mile or two each way. These were the "Plains of Nauset," once covered with wood, where in winter the winds howl and the snow blows right merrily in the face of the traveler. I was glad to have got out of the towns, where I am wont to feel unspeak- ably mean and disgraced, — to have left behind me for a season the bar-rooms of Massachusetts, where the full-grown are not weaned from sav- age and filthy habits, — still sucking a cigar. My spirits rose in proportion to the outward dreariness. The towns need to be ventilated. The gods would be pleased to see some pure flames from their altars. They are not to be appeased with cigar-smoke. 48 CAPE COD As we thus skirted the back-side of the towns, for we did not enter any village, till we got to Provincetown, we read their histories un- der our umbrellas, rarely meeting anybody. The old accounts are the richest in topography, which was what we wanted most; and, indeed, in most things else, for I find that the readable parts of the modern accounts of these towns con- sist, in a great measure, of quotations, acknow- ledged and unacknowledged, from the older ones, without any additional information of equal interest ; — town histories, which at length run into a history of the Church of that place, that being the only story they have to tell, and conclude by quoting the Latin epitaphs of the old pastors, having been written in the good old days of Latin and of Greek. They will go back to the ordination of every minister, and tell you faithfully who made the introductory prayer, and who delivered the sermon; who made the ordaining prayer, and who gave the charge ; who extended the right hand of fellow- ship, and who pronounced the benediction ; also how many ecclesiastical councils convened from time to time to inquire into the orthodoxy of some minister, and the names of all who com- posed them. As it will take us an hour to get over this plain, and there is no variety in the prospect, peculiar as it is, I will read a little in the history of Eastham the while. THE PLAINS OF NAUSET 49 When the committee from Plymouth had pur- chased the territory of Eastham of the Indians, "it was demanded, who laid claim to Billings- gate?" which was understood to be all that part of the Cape north of what they had purchased. " The answer was, there was not any who owned it. 'Then,' said the committee, 'that land is ours.' The Indians answered, that it was." This was a remarkable assertion and admission. The Pilgrims appear to have regarded them- selves as Not Any's representatives. Perhaps this was the first instance of that quiet way of "speaking for" a place not yet occupied, or at least not improved as much as it may be, which their descendants have practiced, and are still practicing so extensively. Not Any seems to have been the sole proprietor of all America be- fore the Yankees. But history says, that when the Pilgrims had held the lands of Billingsgate many years, at length, "appeared an Indian, who styled himself Lieutenant Anthony," who laid claim to them, and of him they bought them. Who knows but a Lieutenant Anthony may be knocking at the door of the White House some day? At any rate, I know that if you hold a thing unjustly, there will surely be the devil to pay at last. Thomas Prince, who was several times the governor of the Plymouth colony, was the 50 CAPE COD leader of the settlement of Eastham. There was recently standing, on what was once his farm, in this town, a pear-tree which is said to have been brought from England, and planted there by him, about two hundred years ago. It was blown down a few months before we were there. A late account says that it was recently in a vigorous state ; the fruit small, but excel- lent ; and it yielded on an average fifteen bush- els. Some appropriate lines have been ad- dressed to it, by a Mr. Henian Doane, from which I will quote, partly because they are the only specimen of Cape Cod verse which I re- member to have seen, and partly because they are not bad. " Two hundred years have, on the wings of Time, Passed with their joys and woes, since thou, Old Tree ! Put forth thy first leaves in this foreign clime. Transplanted from the soil beyond the sea." ******** [These stars represent the more clerical lines, and also those which have deceased.] " That exiled band long since have passed away, And still, old Tree ! thou standest in the place Where Prince's hand did plant thee in his day, — An undesigned memorial of his race And time ; of those our honored fathers, when They came from Plymouth o'er and settled here ; Doane, Higgins, Snow, and other worthy men. Whose names their sons remember to revere. ******** THE PLAINS OF NAUSET 51 " Old Time has thinned thy boughs, Old Pilgrim Tree I And bowed thee with the weight of many years ; Yet, 'mid the frosts of age, thy bloom we see, And yearly still thy mellow fruit appears." There are some other lines which I might quote, if they were not tied to unworthy com- panions, by the rhyme. When one ox will lie down, the yoke bears hard on him that stands up. One of the first settlers of Eastham was Dea- con John Doane, who died in 1707, aged one hundred and ten. Tradition says that he was rocked in a cradle several of his last years. That, certainly, was not an Achillean life. His mother must have let him slip when she dipped him into the liquor which was to make him in- vulnerable, and he went in, heels and all. Some of the stone-bounds to his farm, which he set up, are standing to-day, with his initials cut in them. The ecclesiastical history of this town inter- ested us somewhat. It appears that "they very early built a small meeting-house, twenty feet square, with a thatched roof through which they might fire their muskets," — of course, at the Devil. "In 1662, the town agreed that a part of every whale cast on shore be appropriated for the support of the ministry." No doubt there seemed to be some propriety in thus leaving the 62 CAPE COD support of the ministers to Providence, whose servants they are, and who alone rules the storms ; for, when few whales were cast up, they might suspect that their worship was not accept- able. The ministers must have sat upon the cliffs in every storm, and watched the shore with anxiety. And, for my part, if I were a minister, I would rather trust to the bowels of the billows, on the back-side of Cape Cod, to cast up a whale for me, than to the generosity of many a country parish that I know. You cannot say of a country minister's salary, com- monly, that it is "very like a whale." Never- theless, the minister who depended on whales cast up must have had a trying time of it. I would rather have gone to the Falkland Isles with a harpoon, and done with it. Think of a whale having the breath of life beaten out of him by a storm, and dragging in over the bars and guzzles, for the support of the ministry ! What a consolation it must have been to him ! I have heard of a minister, who had been a fisherman, being settled in Bridge water for as long a time as he could tell a cod from a haddock. Gener- ous as it seems, this condition would empty most country pulpits forthwith, for it is long since the fishers of men were fishermen. Also, a duty was put on mackerel here to support a free- school; in other words, the mackerel-school was THE PLAINS OF NAUSET 53 taxed in order that the children's school might be free. "In 16G5 the Court passed a law to inflict corporal punishment on all persons, who resided in the towns of this government, who denied the Scriptures." Think of a man being whipped on a spring morning, till he was con- strained to confess that the Scriptures were true ! "It was also voted by the town, that all persons who should stand out of the meeting-house dur- ing the time of divine service should be set in the stocks." It behooved such a town to see that sitting in the meeting-house was nothing akin to sitting in the stocks, lest the penalty of obedience to the law might be greater than that of disobedience. This was the Eastham famous of late years for its camp-meetings, held in a grove near by, to which thousands flock from all parts of the Bay. We conjectured that the reason for the perhaps unusual, if not unhealth- ful development of the religious sentiment here, was the fact that a large portion of the popula- tion are women whose husbands and sons are either abroad on the sea, or else drowned, and there is nobody but they and the ministers left behind. The old account says that "hysteric fits are very common in Orleans, Eastham, and the towns below, particularly on Sunday, in the time of divine service. When one woman is alfected, five or six others generally sympathize 54 CAPE COD with her; and the congregation is thrown into the utmost confusion. Several old men suppose, unphilosophically and uncharitably, perhaj)s, that the will is partly concerned, and that ridi- cule and threats would have a tendency to pre- vent the evil." How this is now we did not learn. We saw one singularly masculine woman, however, in a house on this very plain, who did not look as if she was ever troubled with hyster- ics, or sympathized Avith those that were; or, perchance, life itself was to her a hysteric fit, — a Nauset woman, of a hardness and coarseness such as no man ever possesses or suggests. It was enough to see the vertebrae and sinews of her neck, and her set jaws of iron, which would have bitten a board -nail in two in their ordinary action, — braced against the world, talking like a man-of-war 's-man in petticoats, or as if shout- ing to you through a breaker; who looked as if it made her head ache to live ; hard enough for any enormity. I looked upon her as one who had committed infanticide; who never had a brother, unless it were some wee thing that died in infancy, — for what need of him ? — and whose father must have died before she was born. This woman told us that the camp-meet- ings were not held the previous summer for fear of introducing the cholera, and that they would have been held earlier this summer, but the rye THE PLAINS OF NAUSET 55 was so backward that straw would not have been ready for them ; for they lie in straw. There are sometimes one hundred and fifty ministers, (!) and five thousand hearers, assembled. The ground, which is called Millennium Grove, is owned by a company in Boston, and is the most suitable, or rather unsuitable, for this purpose of any that I saw on the Cape. It is fenced, and the frames of the tents are, at all times, to be seen interspersed among the oaks. They have an oven and a pump, and keep all their kitchen utensils and tent coverings and furni- ture in a permanent building on the spot. They select a time for their meetings, when the moon is full. A man is appointed to clear out the pump a week beforehand, while the ministers are clearing their throats; but, probably, the latter do not always deliver as pure a stream as the former. I saw the heaps of clam-shells left under the tables, where they had feasted in pre- vious summers, and supposed, of course, that that was the work of the unconverted, or the backsliders and scoffers. It looked as if a camp-meeting must be a singular combination of a prayer-meeting and a picnic. The first minister settled here was the Rev. Samuel Treat, in 1672, a gentleman who is said to be " entitled to a distinguished rank among the evangelists of New England." He con- 66 CAPE COD verted many Indians, as well as white men, in his day, and translated the Confession of Faith into the Nauset language. These were the In- dians concerning whom their first teacher, Richard Bourne, wrote to Gooldn, in 1674, that he had been to see one who was sick, " and there came from him very savory and heavenly expres- sions," but, with regard to the mass of them, he says, "the truth is, that many of them are very loose in their course, to my heart-breaking- sorrow." Mr. Treat is described as a Calvinist of the strictest kind, not one of those who, by giving up or explaining away, become like a porcupine disarmed of its quills, but a consistent Calvinist, who can dart his quills to a distance and courageously defend himself. There exists a volume of his sermons in manuscript "which," says a commentator, "appear to have been de- signed for publication." I quote the following sentences at second hand, from a Discourse on Luke xvi. 23, addressed to sinners : — "Thou must erelong go to the bottomless pit. Hell hath enlarged herself, and is ready to re- ceive thee. There is room enough for thy en- tertainment. . . . " Consider, thou art going to a place prepared by God on purpose to exalt his justice in, — a place made for no other employment but tor- ments. Hell is God's house of correction; and, THE PLAINS OF NAUSET 57 remember, God doth all things like himself. When God would show his justice and what is the weight of his wrath, he makes a hell where it shall, indeed, appear to purpose. . . . Woe to thy soul when thou shalt be set up as a butt for the arrows of the Almighty. . . . " Consider, God himself shall be the principal igent in thy misery, — his breath is the bellows which blows up the flame cf hell forever; — and if he punish thee, if he meet thee in his fury, he will not meet thee as a man; he will give thee an omnipotent blow." " Some think sinning ends with this life ; but it is a mistake. The creature is held under an everlasting law; the damned increase in sin in hell. Possibly, the mention of this may please thee. But, remember, there shall be no pleas- ant sins there; no eating, drinking, singing, dancing, wanton dalliance, and drinking stolen waters; but damned sins, bitter, hellish sins; sins exasperated by torments, cursing God, spite, rage, and blasphemy. — The guilt of all thy sins shall be laid upon thy soul, and be made so many heaps of fuel. . . . • "Sinner, I beseech thee, realize the truth of these things. Do not go about to dream that this is derogatory to God's mercy, and nothing but a vain fable to scare children out of their wits withal. God can be merciful, though he 68 CAPE COD make tliee miserable. He shall have monu- ments enough of that precious attribute, shining like stars in the place of glory, and singing- eternal hallelujahs to the praise of Him that re- deemed them, though, to exalt the power of his justice, he damn sinners heaps upon heaps." "But," continues the same writer, "with the advantage of proclaiming the doctrine of terror, which is naturally productive of a sublime and impressive style of eloquence ('Triumphat ven- toso gloriae curru orator, qui pectus angit, ir- ritat, et implet terroribus.' Yid. Burnet, De Stat. Mort., p. 309), he could not attain the character of a popular preacher. His voice was so loud, that it could be heard at a great distance from the meeting-house, even amidst the shrieks of hysterical women, and the winds that howled over the plains of Nauset; but there was no more music in it than in the dis- cordant sounds with which it was mingled." " The effect of his preaching," it is said, " was that his hearers were several times, in the course of his ministry, awakened and alarmed ; " and on one occasion a comparatively innocent young man was frightened nearly out of lys wits, and Mr. Treat had to exert himself to make hell seem somewhat cooler to him ; yet we are assured that Treat's " manners were cheerful, his conversation pleasant, and some- THE PLAINS OF NAUSET 69 times facetious, but always decent. He was fond of a stroke of humor, and a practical joke, and manifested his relish for them by long and loud fits of laughter." This was the man of whom a well-known anecdote is told, which doubtless many of my readers have heard, but which, nevertheless, I will venture to quote : — "After his marriage with the daughter of Mr. Willard (pastor of the South Church in Boston), he was sometimes invited by that gentleman to preach in his pulpit. Mr. Willard possessed a graceful delivery, a masculine and harmonious voice; and, though he did not gain much repu- tation by his 'Body of Divinity,' which is fre- quently sneered at, particularly by those who have not read it, yet in his sermons are strength of thought and energy of language. The natural consequence was that he was generally admired. Mr. Treat having preached one of his best dis- courses to the congregation of his father-in- law, in his usual unhappy manner, excited uni- versal disgust; and several nice judges waited on Mr. Willard, and begged that Mr. Treat, who was a worthy, pious man, it was true, but a wretched preacher, might never be invited into his pulpit again. To this request Mr. Willard made no reply ; but he desired his son-in-law to lend him the discourse; which, being left with 60 CAPE COD him, lie delivered it without alteration to his people a few weeks after. . . . They flew to Mr. Willard and requested a copy for the press. 'See the difference,' they cried, 'between your- self and your son-in-law ; you have preached a sermon on the same text as Mr. Treat's, but whilst his was contemptible, yours is excellent.' " As is observed in a note, '' Mr. Willard, after producing the sermon in the handwriting of Mr. Treat, might have addressed these sage critics in the words of Phaedrus, — ' En hie declarat, quales sitis judices.' " ^ Mr. Treat died of a stroke of the palsy, just after the memorable storm known as the Great Snow, which left the ground around his house entirely bare, but heaped up the snow in the road to an uncommon height. Through this an arched way was dug, by which the Indians bore his body to the grave. The reader will imagine us, all the while, steadily traversing that extensive plain in a di- rection a little north of east toward Nauset Beach, and reading under our umbrellas as we sailed, while it blowed hard with mingled mist and rain, as if we were approaching a fit anni- versary of Mr. Treat's funeral. We fancied that it was such a moor as that on which some- 1 Lib. V. Fab. 5. THE PLAINS OF NAUSET 61 body perished in the snow, as is related in the "Lights and Shadows of Scottish Life." The next minister settled here was the "Rev. Samuel Osborn, who was born in Ireland, and educated at the University of Dublin." He is said to have been "a man of wisdom and vir- tue," and taught his people the use of peat, and the art of drying and preparing it, which as they had scarcely any other fuel, was a great blessing to them. He also introduced improve- ments in agriculture. But, notwithstanding his many services, as he embraced the religion of Arminius, some of his flock became dissatisfied. At length, an ecclesiastical council, consisting of ten ministers, with their churches, sat upon him, and they, naturally enough, spoiled his usefulness. The council convened at the desire of two divine philosophers, Joseph Doane and Nathaniel Freeman. In their report they say, "It appears to the council that the Rev. Mr. Osborn hath, in his preaching to this people, said, that what Christ did and suffered doth nothing abate or diminish our obligation to obey the law of God, and that Christ's suffering and obedience were for him- self; both parts of which, we think, contain dangerous error." "Also: 'It hath been said, and doth appear to this council, that the Rev. Mr. Osborn, both 62 CAPE COD in public and in private, asserted that there are no promises in the Bible but what are condi- tional, which we think, also, to be an error, and do say that there are promises which are abso- lute and without any condition, — such as the promise of a new heart, and that he will write his law in our hearts.' " "Also, they say, 'it hath been alleged, and doth appear to us, that Mr. Osborn hath de- clared, that obedience is a considerable cause of a person's justification, which, we think, con- tains very dangerous error.'" And many the like distinctions they made, such as some of my readers, probably, are more familiar with than I am. So, far in the East, among the Yezidis, or Worshipers of the Devil, so-called, the Chaldaeans, and others, accord- ing to the testimony of travelers, you may still hear these remarkable disputations on doctri- nal points going on. Osborn was, accordingly, dismissed, and he removed to Boston, where he kept school for many years. But he was fully justified, methinks, by his works in the peat meadow; one proof of which is, that he lived to be between ninety and one hundred years old. The next minister was the Rev. Benjamin Webb, of whom, though a neighboring clergy- man pronounced him "the best man and the best minister whom he ever knew," yet the his- torian says, that, — THE PLAINS OF NAUSET 63 "As he spent his days in the uniform dis- charge of his duty (it reminds one of a country nmster) and there were no shades to give relief to his character, not much can be said of him. (Pity the Devil did not plant a few shade-trees along his avenues.) His heart was as pure as the new-fallen snow which completely covers every dark spot in a field ; his mind was as se- rene as the sky in a mild evening in June, when the moon shines without a cloud. Name any virtue, and that virtue he practiced; name any vice, and that vice he shunned. But if peculiar qualities marked his character, they were his humility, his gentleness, and his love of God. The people had long been taught by a son of thunder (Mr. Treat); in him they were in- structed by a son of consolation, who sweetly allured them to virtue by soft persuasion, and by exhibiting the mercy of the Supreme Being ; for his thoughts were so much in heaven, that they seldom descended to the dismal regions be- low; and though of the same religious senti- ments as Mr. Treat, yet his attention was turned to those glad tidings of great joy which a Sav- iour came to publish." We were interested to hear that such a man had trodden the plains of Nauset. Turning over further in our book, our eyes fell on the name of the Rev. Jonathan Bascom of Orleans: "Senex emunctae naris, doctus, et 64 CAPE COD auctor elegantium verborum, facetus, et diilcis festique sermonis." And, again, on that of the Eev. Nathan Stone, of Dennis: "Vir humilis, mitis, blandus, advenarum hospes; (there was need of him there;) suis commodis in terra non studens, reconditis thesauris in coelo." An easy virtue that, there, for methinks no inhabitant of Dennis could be very studious about his earthly commodity, but must regard the bulk of his treasures as in heaven. But probably the most just and pertinent character of all is that which appears to be given to the Rev. Ephraim Briggs, of Chatham, in the language of the later Romans, ^^ Seip, sepoese, sepoemese, wecheJcum,^* • — which not being interpreted, we know not what it means, though we have no doubt it oc- curs somewhere in the Scriptures, probably in the Apostle Eliot's Epistle to the Nipmucks. Let no one think that I do not love the old ministers. They were, probably, the best men of their generation, and they deserve that their biographies should fill the pages of the town histories. If I could but hear the "glad tid- ings " of which they tell, and which, perchance, they heard, I might write in a worthier strain than this. There was no better way to make the reader realize how wide and peculiar that plain was, and how long it took to traverse it, than by inserting these extracts in the midst of my narrative. IV THE BEACH At length we reached the seemingly retreat- ing boundary of the plain, and entered what had appeared at a distance an upland marsh, but proved to be dry sand covered with beach-grass, the bearberry, bayberry, shrub-oaks, and beach- plum, slightly ascending as we approached the shore; then, crossing over a belt of sand on which nothing grew, though the roar of the sea sounded scarcely louder than before, and we were prepared to go half a mile farther, we sud- denly stood on the edge of a bluff overlooking the Atlantic. Far below us was the beach, from half a dozen to a dozen rods in width, with a long line of breakers rushing to the strand. The sea was exceedingly dark and stormy, the sky completely overcast, the clouds still drop- ping rain, and the wind seemed to blow not so much as the exciting cause, as from sympathy with the already agitated ocean. The waves broke on the bars at some distance from the shore, and curving green or yellow as if over so many unseen dams, ten or twelve feet high, like 66 CAPE COD a thousand waterfalls, rolled in foam to the sand. There was nothing but that savage ocean between us and Europe. Having got down the bank, and as close to "■jhe water as we could, where the sand was the lardest, leaving the Nauset Lights behind us, we began to walk leisurely up the beach, in a northwest direction, toward Provincetown, which was about twenty-five miles distant, still sailing under our umbrellas with a strong aft wind, admiring in silence, as we walked, the great force of the ocean stream, — Tforafiolo /xeya a6ivos ^ClKiavoio. The white breakers were rushing to the shore ; the foam ran up the sand, and then ran back, as far as we could see (and we imagined how much farther along the Atlantic coast, before and be- hind us), as regularly, to compare great things with small, as the master of a choir beats time with his white wand; and ever and anon a higher wave caused us hastily to deviate from our path, and we looked back on our tracks filled with water and foam. The breakers looked like droves of a thousand wild horses of Neptune, rushing to the shore, with their white manes streaming far behind; and when, at length, the sun shone for a moment, their manes were rainbow - tinted. Also, the long kelp- THE BEACH 67 weed was tossed up from time to time, like the tails of sea-cows sporting in the brine. There was not a sail in sight, and we saw none that day, — for they had all sought har- bors in the late storm, and had not been able to get out again ; and the only human beings whom we saw on the beach for several days were one or two wreckers looking for drift-wood, and fragments of wrecked vessels. After an easterly storm in the spring, this beach is sometimes strewn with eastern wood from one end to the other, which, as it belongs to him who saves it, and the Cape is nearly destitute of wood, is a godsend to the inhabitants. We soon met one of these wreckers, — a regular Cape Cod man, with whom we parleyed, with a bleached and weather-beaten face, within whose wrinkles I distinguished no particular feature. It was like an old sail endowed with life, — a hanging-cliff of weather-beaten flesh, — like one of the clay boulders which occurred in that sand-bank. He had on a hat which had seen salt water, and a coat of many pieces and colors, though it was mainly the color of the beach, as if it had been sanded. His variejrated back — for his coat had many patches, even between the shoulders — was a rich study to us when we had passed him and looked round. It might have been dis- honorable for him to have so many scars behind, 68 CAPE COD it is true, if he had not had many more and more serious ones in front. He looked as if he sometimes saw a doughnut, but never descended to comfort; too grave to laugh, too tough to cry ; as indifferent as a clam, — like a sea-clam with hat on and legs, that was out walking the strand. He may have been one of the Pilgrims, — Peregrine White, at least, — who has kept on the back side of the Cape, and let the cen- turies go by. He was looking for wrecks, old logs, water-logged and covered with barnacles, or bits of boards and joists, even chips which he drew out of the reach of the tide, and stacked up to dry. When the log was too large to carry far, he cut it up where the last wave had left it, or rolling it a few feet, appropriated it by stick- ing two sticks into the ground crosswise above it. Some rotten trunk, which in Maine cum- bers the ground, and is, perchance, thrown into the water on purpose, is here thus carefully picked up, split and dried, and husbanded. Be- fore winter the wrecker painfully carries these things up the bank on his shoulders by a long diagonal slanting path made with a hoe in the sand, if there is no hollow at hand. You may see his hooked pike-staff always lying on the bank, ready for use. He is the true monarch of the beach, whose "right there is none to dis- pute," and he is as much identified with it as a beach-bird. THE BEACH 69 Crantz, in his account of Greenland, quotes Dalagen's relation of the ways and usages of the Greenlanders, and says, "Whoever finds drift-wood, or the spoils of a shipwreck on the strand, enjoys it as his own, though he does not live there. But he must haul it ashore and lay a stone upon it, as a token that some one has taken possession of it, and this stone is the deed of security, for no other Greenlander will offer to meddle with it afterwards." Such is the in- stinctive law of nations. We have also this ac- count of drift-wood in Crantz: "As he (the Founder of Nature) has denied this frigid rocky region the growth of trees, he has bid the streams of the Ocean to convey to its shores a great deal of wood, which accordingly comes floating thither, part without ice, but the most part along with it, and lodges itself between the islands. Were it not for this, we Europeans should have no wood to burn there, and the poor Greenlanders (who, it is true, do not use wood, but train, for burning) would, however, have no wood to roof their houses, to erect their tents, as also to build their boats, and to shaft their arrows, (yet there grew some small but crooked alders, etc.,) by which they must procure their maintenance, clothing and train for warmth, light, and cooking. Among this wood are great trees torn up by the roots, which, by driving up 70 CAPE COD and down for many years and rubbing on the ice, are quite bare of branches and bark, and corroded with great wood-worms. A small part of this drift-wood are willows, alder and birch trees, which come out of the bays in the south (i. e. , of Greenland) ; also large trunks of asx>en- trees, which must come from a greater distance ; but the greatest part is pine and fir. We find also a good deal of a sort of wood finely veined, with few branches; this I fancy is larch-wood, which likes to decorate the sides of lofty, stony mountains. There is also a solid, reddish wood, of a more agreeable fragrance than the common fir, with visible cross-veins; which I take to be the same species as the beautiful silver-firs, or zirheU that have the smell of cedar, and grow on the high Grison hills, and the Switzers wain- scot their rooms with them." The wrecker di- rected us to a slight depression, called Snow's Hollow, by which we ascended the bank, — for elsewhere, if not difficult, it was inconvenient to climb it on account of the sliding sand which filled our shoes. This sand -bank — the backbone of the Cape — rose directly from the beach to the height of a hundred feet or more above the ocean. It was with singular emotions that we first stood upon it and discovered what a place we had chosen to walk on. On our right, beneath us, THE BEACH 71 was the beach of smooth and gently- sloping sand, a dozen rods in width; next, the endless series of white breakers; further still, the light green water over the bar, which runs the whole length of the fore-arm of the Cape, and beyond this stretched the unwearied and illimitable ocean. On our left, extending back from the very edge of the bank, was a perfect desert of shining sand, from thirty to eighty rods in width, skirted in the distance by small sand- hills fifteen or twenty feet high ; between which, however, in some places, the sand penetrated as much farther. Next commenced the region of vegetation, — a succession of small hills and valleys covered with shrubbery, now glowing with the brightest imaginable autumnal tints; and beyond this were seen, here and there, the waters of the bay. Here, in Wellfleet, this pure sand plateau, known to sailors as the Table Lands of Eastham, on account of its appearance, as seen from the ocean, and because it once made a part of that town, — full fifty rods in width, and in many places much more, and sometimes full one hundred and fifty feet above the ocean, — stretched away northward from the southern boundary of the town, without a particle of vegetation, — as level almost as a table, — for two and a half or three miles, or as far as the eye could reach; slightly rising 72 CAPE COD towards the ocean, then stooping to the beach, by as steep a slope as sand could lie on, and as regular as a military engineer could desire. It was like the escarped rampart of a stupendous fortress, whose glacis was the beach, and whose champaign the ocean. From its surface we overlooked the greater part of the Cape. In short, we were traversing a desert, with the view of an autumnal landscape of extraordinary bril- liancy, a sort of Promised Land, on the one hand, and the ocean on the other. Yet, though the prospect was so extensive, and the country for the most part destitute of trees, a house was rarely visible, — we never saw one from the beach, — and the solitude was that of the ocean and the desert combined. A thousand men could not have seriously interrupted it, but would have been lost in the vastness of the scenery as their footsteps in the sand. The whole coast is so free from rocks, that we saw but one or two for more than twenty miles. The sand was soft like the beach, and trying to the eyes, when the sun shone. A few piles of drift-wood, which some wreckers had painfully brought up the bank and stacked uj) there to dry, being the only objects in the desert, looked indefinitely large and distant, even like wigwams, though, when we stood near them, they proved to be insignificant little "jags " of wood. THE BEACH 73 For sixteen miles, commencing at the Nauset Lights, the bank hehl its height, though farther north it was not so level as here, but interrupted by slight hollows, and the patches of beach- grass and bayberry frequently crept into the sand to its edge. There are some pages entitled "A Description of the Eastern Coast of the County of Barnstable," printed in 1802, point- ing out the spots on which the Trustees of the Humane Society have erected huts called Char- ity or Humane Houses, " and other places where shipwrecked seamen may look for shelter." Two thousand copies of this were dispersed, that every vessel which frequented this coast might be provided with one. I have read this Shipwrecked Seaman's Manual with a melan- choly kind of interest, — for the sound of the surf, or, you might say, the moaning of the sea, is heard all through it, as if its author were the sole survivor of a shipwreck himself. Of this part of the coast he says: "This highland ap- proaches the ocean with steep and lofty banks, which it is extremely difficult to climb, especially in a storm. In violent tempests, during very high tides, the sea breaks against the foot of them, rendering it then unsafe to walk on the strand which lies between them and the ocean. Should the seaman succeed in his attempt to ascend them, he must forbear to penetrate into 74 CAPE COD the country, as houses are generally so remote that they would escape his research during the night ; he must pass on to the valleys by which the banks are intersected. These valleys, which the inhabitants call Hollows, run at right angles with the shore, and in the middle or lowest part of them a road leads from the dwelling-houses to the sea." By the word road must not always be understood a visible cart-track. There were these two roads for us, — an upper and a lower one, — the bank and the beach ; both stretching twenty -eight miles northwest, from Nauset Harbor to Race Point, without a single opening into the beach, and with hardly a serious interruption of the desert. If you were to ford the narrow and shallow inlet at Nauset Harbor, where there is not more than eight feet of water on the bar at full sea, you might walk ten or twelve miles farther, which would make a beach forty miles long, — and the bank and beach, on the east side of Nantucket, are but a continuation of these. I was com- paratively satisfied. There I had got the Cape under me, as much as if I were riding it bare- backed. It was not as on the map, or seen from the stage-coach ; but there I found it all out of doors, huge and real. Cape Cod! as it cannot be represented on a map, color it as you will ; the thing itself, than which there is nothing THE BEACH 75 more like it, no truer picture or account ; which you cannot go farther and see. I cannot remem- ber what I thought before that it was. They commonly celebrate those beaches only which have a hotel on them, not those which have a humane house alone. But I wished to see that seashore where man's works are wrecks; to put up at the true Atlantic House, where the ocean is land-lord as well as sea-lord, and comes ashore without a wharf for the landing; where the crumbling land is the only invalid, or at best is but dry land, and that is all you can say of it. We walked on quite at our leisure, now on the beach, now on the bank, — sitting from time to time on some damp log, maple or yellow birch, which had long followed the seas, but had now at last settled on land; or under the lee of a sand-hill, on the bank, that we might gaze stead- ily on the ocean. The bank was so steep, that, where there was no danger of its caving, we sat on its edge as on a bench. It was difficult for us landsmen to look out over the ocean without imagining land in the horizon; yet the clouds appeared to hang low over it, and rest on the water as they never do on the land, perhaps on account of the great distance to which we saw. The sand was not without advantage, for, though it was "heavy " walking in it, it was soft to the feet; and, notwithstanding that it had 76 CAPE COD been raining nearly two days, when it held up for half an hour, the sides of the sand-hills, which were porous and sliding, afforded a dry seat. All the aspects of this desert are beau- tiful, whether you behold it in fair weather or foul, or when the sun is just breaking out after a storm, and shining on its moist surface in the distance, it is so white, and pure, and level, and each slight inequality and track is so dis- tinctly revealed; and when your eyes slide off this, they fall on the ocean. In summer the mackerel gulls — which here have their nests among the neighboring sand-hills — pursue the traveler anxiously, now and then diving close to his head with a squeak, and he may see them, like swallows, chase some crow which has been feeding on the beach, almost across the Cape. Though for some time I have not spoken of the roaring of the breakers, and the ceaseless flux and reflux of the waves, yet they did not for a moment cease to dash and roar, with such a tumult that, if you had been there, you could scarcely have heard my voice the while; and they are dashing and roaring this very moment, though it may be with less din and violence, for there the sea never rests. We were wholly ab- sorbed by this spectacle and tumult, and like Chryses, though in a different mood from him, we walked silent along the shore of the resound- ing sea. THE BEACH 77 B^ 5' OLKiuv iraph diva iro\v(p\oi(rPoio 6a\d(rle-like weed, as it was tossed up on the crest of a breaker, waiting with interest to see it come in, as if there was some treasure buoyed up by it; but we were always surprised and dis- appointed at the insignificance of the mass which had attracted us. As we looked out over the water, the smallest objects floating on it ap- peared indefinitely large, we were so impressed by the vastness of the ocean, and each one bore so large a proportion to the whole ocean, which we saw. We were so often disappointed in the size of such things as came ashore, the ridiculous bits of wood or weed, with which the ocean la- bored, that we began to doubt whether the At- lantic itself would bear a still closer inspection, and would not turn out to be but a small pond, if it should come ashore to us. This kelp, oar- weed, tangle, devil's apron, sole-leather, or rib- bon-weed, — as various species are called, — appeared to us a singularly marine and fabulous product, a fit invention for Neptune to adorn his car with, or a freak of Proteus. All that is told of the sea has a fabulous sound to an in- habitant of the land, and all its products have a certain fabulous quality, as if they belonged to another planet, from seaweed to a sailor's yarn, or a fish story. In this element the animal and vegetable kingdoms meet and are strangely min- THE BEACH 79 gled. One species of kelp, according to Bory St. Vincent, has a stem fifteen hundred feet long, and hence is the longest vegetable known, and a brig's crew spent two days to no purpose collecting the trunks of another kind cast ashore on the Falkland Islands, mistaking it for drift- wood.^ This species looked almost edible; at least, I thought that if I were starving, I would try it. One sailor told me that the cows ate it. It cut like cheese ; for I took the earliest oppor- tunity to sit down and deliberately whittle up a fathom or two of it, that I might become more intimately acquainted with it, see how it cut, and if it were hollow all the way through. The blade looked like a broad belt, whose edges had been quilled, or as if stretched by hammering, and it was also twisted spirally. The extremity was generally worn and ragged from the lashing of the waves. A piece of the stem which I car- ried home shrunk to one quarter of its size a week afterward, and was completely covered with crystals of salt like frost. The reader will excuse my greenness, — though it is not sea- greenness, like his, perchance, — for I live by a river shore, where this weed does not wash up. When we consider in what meadows it grew, and how it was raked, and in what kind of hay weather got in or out, we may well be curious 1 See Harvey on Algm. 80 CAPE COD about it. One who is weather-wise has given the following account of the matter ; — " When descends on the Atlantic The gigantic Storm-wind of the equinox, Landward in his wrath he scourges The toiling surges, Laden with sea-weed from the rocks. *' From Bermuda's reefs, from edges Of sunken ledges, In some far-off bright Azore ; From Bahama and the dashing, Silver-flashing Surges of San Salvador : *' From the tumbling surf that buries The Orkneyan Skerries, Answering the hoarse Hebrides ; And from wrecks of ships and drifting Spars, uplifting On the desolate rainy seas ; " Ever drifting, drifting, drifting On the shifting Currents of the restless main." But he was not thinking of this shore, when he added, — " Till, in sheltered coves and reaches Of sandy beaches. All have found repose again. " These weeds were the symbols of those gro- tesque and fabulous thoughts which have not yet got into the sheltered coves of literature. THE BEACH 81 " Ever drifting, drifting-, drifting On the shifting Currents of the restless heart; " And not yet " in books recorded They, like hoarded Household words, no more depart." The beach was also strewn with beautiful sea* jellies, which the wreckers called Sun-squall, one of the lowest forms of animal life, some white, some wine-colored, and a foot in diameter. I at first thought that they were a tender part of some marine monster, which the storm or some other foe had mangled. What right has the sea to bear in its bosom such tender things as sea-jellies and mosses, when it has such a boisterous shore, that the stoutest fabrics are wrecked against it? Strange that it should un- dertake to dandle such delicate children in its arm. I did not at first recognize these for the same which I had formerly seen in myriads in Boston Harbor, rising, with a waving motion, to the surface, as if to meet the sun, and dis- coloring the waters far and wide, so that I seemed to be sailing through a mere sun-fish soup. They say that when you endeavor to take one up, it will spill out the other side of your hand like quicksilver. Before the land rose out of the ocean, and became dry land, chaos reigned ; and between high and low water mark, where she is partially disrobed and rising, a sort 82 CAPE COD of cliaos reigns still, which only anomalous creatures can inhabit. Mackerel-gulls were all the while flying over our heads and amid the breakers, sometimes two white ones pursuing a black one; quite at home in the storm, though they are as delicate organizations as sea-jellies and mosses ; and we saw that they were adapted to their circumstances rather by their spirits than their bodies. Theirs must be an essen- tially wilder, that is less human, nature, than that of larks and robins. Their note was like the sound of some vibrating metal, and harmon- ized well with the scenery and the roar of the surf, as if one had rudely touched the strings of the lyre, which ever lies on the shore ; a ragged shred of ocean music tossed aloft on the spray. But if I were required to name a sound, the re- membrance of which most perfectly revives the impression which the beach has made, it would be the dreary peep of the piping plover ( Cha- radrlus melodus) which haunts there. Their voices, too, are heard as a fugacious part in the dirge which is ever played along the shore for those mariners who have been lost in the deep since first it was created. But through all this dreariness we seemed to have a pure and un- qualified strain of eternal melody, for always the same strain which is a dirge to one household is a morning song of rejoicing to another. THE BEACH 83 A remarkable method of catching gulls, de- icived from the Indians, was practiced in Well- fleet in 1794. "The Gull House," it is said, " is built with crotches, fixed in the ground on the beach," poles being stretched across for the top, and the sides made close with stakes and sea- weed. " The poles on the top [are] covered with lean whale. The man, being placed within, is not discovered by the fowls, and, while they are contending for and eating the flesh, he draws them in, one by one, between the poles, until he has collected forty or fifty." Hence, perchance, a man is said to be gulled^ when he is tahen in. We read that one "sort of gulls is called by the Dutch mallemuche^ i. e. , the foolish fly, because they fall upon a whale as eagerly as a fly, and, indeed, all gulls are foolishly bold and easy to be shot. The Norwegians call this bird havJiest, sea-horse (and the English translator says, it is probably what we call boobies). If they have eaten too much, they throw it up, and eat it again till they are tired. It is this habit in the gulls of parting with their property [disgorging the contents of their stomachs to the skuas], which has given rise to the terms gull, guller, and gulling, among men." We also read that they used to kill small birds which roosted on the beach at night, by making a fire with hog's lard in a frying-pan. The Indians probably 84 CAPE COD used pine torches; the birds flocked to the light, and were knocked down with a stick. We noticed holes dug near the edge of the bank, where gunners conceal themselves to shoot the large gulls which coast up and down a-fishing, for these are considered good to eat. We found some large clams, of the species Mactra solidissima, which the storm had torn up from the bottom, and cast ashore. I selected one of the largest, about six inches in length, and carried it along, thinking to try an experi' ment on it. We soon after met a wrecker, with a grapple and a rope, who said that he was looking for tow cloth, which had made part of the cargo of the ship Franklin, which was wrecked here in the spring, at which time nine or ten lives were lost. The reader may remem- ber this wreck, from the circumstance that a letter was found in the captain's valise, which washed ashore, directing him to wreck the vessel before he got to America, and from the trial which took place in consequence. The wrecker said that tow cloth was still cast up in such storms as this. He also told us that the clam which I had was the sea-clam, or hen, and was good to eat. We took our nooning under a sand-hill, covered with beach-grass, in a dreary little hollow, on the top of the bank, while it alternately rained and shined. There, having THE BEACH 85 reduced some damp drift-wood, which I had picked up on the shore, to shavings with my knife, I kindled a fire with a match and some paper, and cooked my clam on the embers for my dinner; for breakfast was commonly the only meal which I took in a house on this excur- sion. When the clam was done, one valve held the meat, and the other the liquor. Though it was very tough, I found it sweet and savory, and ate the loliole with a relish. Indeed, with the addition of a cracker or two, it would have been a bountiful dinner. I noticed that the shells were such as I had seen in the sugar-kit at home. Tied to a stick, they formerly made the Indian's hoe hereabouts. At length, by mid-afternoon, after we had had two or three rainbows over the sea, the showers ceased, and the heavens gradually cleared up, though the wind still blowed as hard and the breakers ran as high as before. Keep- ing on, we soon after came to a Charity-house, which we looked into to see how the shipwrecked mariner might fare. Far away in some desolate hollow by the sea-side, just within the bank, stands a lonely building on piles driven into the sand, with a slight nail put through the staple, which a freezing man can bend, with some straw, perchance, on the floor on which he may lie, or which he may burn in the fire-place to 86 CAPE COD keep him alive. Perhaps this hut has never been required to shelter a shipwrecked man, and the benevolent person who promised to in- spect it annually, to see that the straw and matches are here, and that the boards will keep off the wind, has grown remiss and thinks that storms and shipwrecks are over; and this very night a perishing crew may pry open its door with their numbed fingers and leave half their number dead here by morning. When I thought what must be the condition of the fami- lies which alone would ever occupy or had oc- cupied them, what must have been the tragedy of the winter evenings spent by human beings around their hearths, these houses, though they were meant for human dwellings, did not look cheerful to me. They appeared but a stage to the grave. The gulls flew around and screamed over them ; the roar of the ocean in storms, and the lapse of its waves in calms, alone resounds through them, all dark and empty within, year in, year out, except, perchance, on one memor- able night. Houses of entertainment for ship- wrecked men! What kind of sailor's homes were they? "Each hut," says the author of the "Descrip- tion of the Eastern Coast of the County of Barnstable," "stands on piles, is eight feet long, eight feet wide, and seven feet high; a sliding THE BEACH 87 door is on the south, a sliding shutter on the west, and a pole, rising fifteen feet above the top of the building, on the east. Within it is supplied either with straw or hay, and is further accommodated with a bench." They have va- ried little from this model now. There are similar huts at the Isle of Sable and Anticosti, on the north, and how far south along the coast I know not. It is pathetic to read the minute and faithful directions which he gives to seamen who may be wrecked on this coast, to guide them to the nearest Charity -house, or other shelter, for, as is said of Eastham, though there are a few houses within a mile of the shore, yet "in a snow-storm, which rages here with exces- sive fury, it would be almost impossible to dis- cover them either by night or by day." You hear their imaginary guide thus marshalling, cheering, directing the dripping, shivering, freezing troop along : " At the entrance of this valley the sand has gathered, so that at present a little climbing is necessary. Passing over several fences and taking heed not to enter the wood on the right hand, at the distance of three quarters of a mile a house is to be found. This house stands on the south side of the road, and not far from it on the south is Pamet River, which runs from east to west through a body of salt marsh." To him cast ashore in Eastham, 88 CAPE COD he says, " The meeting-house is without a steeple, but it may be distinguished from the dwelling- houses near it by its situation, which is between two small groves of locusts, one on the south and one on the north, — that on the south being three times as long as the other. About a mile and a quarter from the hut, west by north, ap- pear the top and arms of a windmill." And so on for many pages. We did not learn whether these houses had been the means of saving any lives, though this writer says, of one erected at the head of Stout's Creek, in Truro, that "it was built in an im- proper manner, having a chimney in it; and was placed on a spot where no beach-grass grew. The strong winds blew the sand from its foun- dation, and the weight of the chimney brought it to the ground ; so that in January of the pres- ent year [1802] it was entirely demolished. This event took place about six weeks before the Brutus was cast away. If it had remained, it is probable that the whole of the unfortunate crew of that ship would have been saved, as they gained the shore a few rods only from the spot where the hut had stood." This "Charity-house," as the wrecker called it, this "Humane house," as some call it, that is, the one to which we first came, had neither window nor sliding shutter, nor clapboards, nor THE BEACH 89 paint. As we have said, there was a rusty nail put through the staple. However, as we wished to get an idea of a Humane house, and we hoped that we should never have a better oppor- tunity, we put our eyes, by turns, to a knot- hole in the door, and, after long looking, with- out seeing, into the dark, — not knowing how many shipwrecked men's bones we might see at last, looking with the eye of faith, knowing that, though to him that knocketh it may not always be opened, yet to him that looketh long enough through a knot-hole the inside shall be visible, — for we had had some practice at look- ing inward, — by steadily keeping our other ball covered from the light meanwhile, putting the outward world behind us, ocean and land, and the beach, — till the pupil became enlarged and collected the rays of light that were wandering in that dark (for the pupil shall be enlarged by looking ; there never was so dark a night but a faithful and patient eye, however small, might at last prevail over it), — after all this, I say, things began to take shape to our vision, — if we may use this expression where there was no- thing but emptiness, -— and we obtained the long-wished-for insight. Though we thought at first that it was a hopeless case, after several minutes' steady exercise of the divine faculty, our prospects began decidedly to brighten, and 90 CAPE COD we were ready to exclaim with the blind bard of "Paradise Lost and Regained," — " Hail, holy Light ! ofPspring- of Heaven first bom, Or of the Eternal co-eternal beam May I express thee unblamed ? " A little longer, and a chimney rushed red on our sight. In short, when our vision had grown familiar with the darkness, we discovered that there were some stones and some loose wads of wool on the floor, and an empty fire-place at the further end; but it was not supplied with matches, or straw, or hay, that we could see, nor "accommodated with a bench." Indeed, it was the wreck of all cosmical beauty there within. Turning our backs on the outward world, we thus looked through the knot-hole into the Hu- mane house, into the very bowels of mercy ; and for bread we found a stone. It was literally a great cry (of sea-mews outside), and a little wool. However, we were glad to sit outside, under the lee of the Humane house, to escape the piercing wind; and there we thought how cold is charity ! how inhumane humanity ! This, then, is what charity hides! Virtues antique and far away, with ever a rusty nail over the latch; and very difficult to keep in repair, withal, it is so uncertain whether any will ever gain the beach near you. So we shivered round THE BEACH 91 about, not being able- to get into it, ever and anon looking through the knot-hole into that night without a star, until we concluded that it was not a humane house at all, but a seaside box, now shut up, belonging to some of the family of Night or Chaos, where they spent their summers by the sea, for the sake of the sea- breeze, and that it was not proper for us to be prying into their concerns. My companion had declared before this that I had not a particle of sentiment, in rather abso- lute terms, to my astonishment; but I suspect he meant that my legs did not ache just then, though I am not wholly a stranger to that senti- ment. But I did not intend this for a senti- mental journey. THE WELLFLEET OYSTERMAN Having walked about eight miles since we struck the beach, and passed the boundary be- tween Wellfleet and Truro, a stone post in the sand, — for even this sand comes under the ju- risdiction of one town or another, — we turned inland over barren hills and valleys, whither the sea, for some reason, did not follow us, and, tracing up a Hollow, discovered two or three sober-looking houses within half a mile, uncom- monly near the eastern coast. Their garrets were apparently so full of chambers, that their roofs could hardly lie down straight, and we did not doubt that there was room for us there. Houses near the sea are generally low and broad. These were a story and a half high ; but if you merely counted the windows in their gable ends, you would think that there were many stories more, or, at any rate, that the haK-story was the only one thought worthy of being illustrated. The great number of windows in the ends of the houses, and their irregularity in size and posi- tion, here and elsewhere on the Cape, struck us THE WELLFLEET OYSTERMAN 93 agreeably, — as if each of the various occupants who had their cunahida behind had punched a hole where his necessities required it, and ac- cording to his size and stature, without regard to outside effect. There were windows for the grown folks, and windows for the children, — three or four apiece; as a certain man had a large hole cut in his barn-door for the cat, and another smaller one for the kitten. Sometimes they were so low under the eaves that I thought they must have perforated the plate beam for an- other apartment, and I noticed some which were triangular, to fit that part more exactly. The ends of the houses had thus as many muzzles as a revolver, and, if the inhabitants have the same habit of staring out the windows that some of our neighbors have, a traveler must stand a small chance with them. Generally, the old-fashioned and unpainted houses on the Cape looked more comfortable, as well as picturesque, than the modern and more pretending ones, which were less in harmony with the scenery, and less firmly planted. These houses were on the shores of a chain of ponds, seven in number, the source of a small stream called Herring River, which empties into the Bay. There are many Herring Rivers on the Cape ; they will, perhaps, be more numer- ous than herrings soon. We knccked at the 94 CAPE COD door of the first house, but its inhabitants were all gone away. In the mean while, we saw the occupants of the next one looking out the win- dow at us, and before we reached it an old woman came out and fastened the door of her bulkhead, and went in again. Nevertheless, we did not hesitate to knock at her door, when a grizzly - looking man appeared, whom we took to be sixty or seventy years old. He asked us, at first, suspiciously, where we were from, and what our business was; to which we returned plain answers. "How far is Concord from Boston?" he in- quired. "Twenty miles by railroad." "Twenty miles by railroad," he repeated. "Didn't you ever hear of Concord of Revo- lutionary fame? " "Did n't I ever hear of Concord? Why, I heard guns fire at the battle of Bunker Hill. [They hear the sound of heavy cannon across the Bay.] I am almost ninety; I am eighty-eight year old. I was fourteen year old at the time of Concord Fight, — and where were you then?" We were obliged to confess that we were not in the fight. "Well, walk in, we '11 leave it to the women," said he. rX O THE WELLFLEET OYSTERMAN 95 So we walked in, surprised, and sat down, an old woman taking our hats and bundles, and the old man continued, drawing up to the large, old-fashioned fire-place, — "I am a poor, good-for-nothing crittur, as Isaiah says ; I am all broken down this year. I am under petticoat government here." The family consisted of the old man, his wife, and his daughter, who appeared nearly as old as her mother, a fool, her son (a brutish-looking, middle-aged man, with a prominent lower face, who was standing by the hearth when we en- tered, but immediately went out), and a little boy of ten. While my companion talked with the women, I talked with the old man. They said that he was old and foolish, but he was evidently too knowing for them. "These women," said he to me, "are both of them poor good-for-nothing crittur s. This one is my wife. I married her sixty-four years ago. She is eighty-four years old, and as deaf as an adder, and the other is not much better." He thought well of the Bible, or at least he spohe well, and did not think ill, of it, for that would not have been prudent for a man of his age. He said that he had read it attentively for many years, and he had much of it at his tongue's end. He seemed deeply impressed 96 CAPE COD with a sense of his own nothingness, and would repeatedly exclaim, — "I am a nothing. What I gather from my Bible is just this; that man is a poor good-for- nothing crittur, and everything is just as God sees fit and disposes." "May I ask your name?" I said. "Yes," he answered, "I am not ashamed to tell my name. My name is . My great- grandfather came over from England and settled here." He was an old Wellfleet oysterman, who had acquired a competency in that business, and had sons still engaged in it. Nearly all the oyster shops and stands in Massachusetts, I am told, are supplied and kept by natives of Wellfleet, and a part of this town is still called Billingsgate from the oysters hav- ing been formerly planted there ; but the native oysters are said to have died in 1770. Various causes are assigned for this, such as a ground frost, the carcasses of black-fish, kept to rot in the harbor, and the like, but the most common account of the matter is, — and I find that a similar superstition with regard to the disap- pearance of fishes exists almost everywhere, — that when Wellfleet began to quarrel with the neighboring towns about the right to gather them, yellow specks appeared in them, and THE WELLFLEET OYSTERMAN 97 Providence caused them to disappear. A few years ago sixty thousand bushels were annually brought from the South and planted in the har- bor of Wellfleet till they attained "the proper relish of Billingsgate;" but now they are im- ported commonly full-grown, and laid down near their markets, at Boston and elsewhere, where the water, being a mixture of salt and fresh, suits them better. The business was said to be still good and improving. The old man said that the oysters were liable to freeze in the winter, if planted too high ; but if it were not "so cold as to strain their eyes" they were not injured. The inhabitants of New Brunswick have noticed that " ice will not form over an oyster-bed, unless the cold is very in- tense indeed, and when the bays are frozen over the oyster-beds are easily discovered by the water above them remaining unfrozen, or as the French residents say, degele.^^ Our host said that they kept them in cellars all winter. "Without anything to eat or drink?" I asked. "Without anything to eat or drink," he an- swered. "Can the oysters move? " "Just as much as my shoe." But when I caught him saying that they "bedded themselves dpwn in the sand, flat side 98 CAPE COD up, round side down," I told him that my shoe could not do that, without the aid of my foot in it; at which he said that they merely settled down as they grew; if put down in a square they would be found so; but the clam could move quite fast. I have since been told by oystermen of Long Island, where the oyster is still indigenous and abundant, that they are found in large masses attached to the parent in their midst, and are so taken up with their tongs; in which case, they say, the age of the young proves that there could have been no mo- tion for five or six years at least. And Buck- land in his Curiosities of Natural History (page 60) says: "An oyster, who has once taken up his position and fixed himself when quite young, can never make a change. Oysters, neverthe- less, that have not fixed themselves, but remain loose at the bottom of the sea, have the power of locomotion; they open their shells to their fullest extent, and then suddenly contracting them, the expulsion of the water forwards gives a motion backwards. A fisherman at Guernsey told me that he had frequently seen oysters mov- ing in this way." Some still entertain the question "whether the oyster was indigenous in Massachusetts Bay," and whether Wellfleet harbor was a "natural habitat" of this fish; but, to say no- THE WELLFLEET OYSTERMAN 99 thing of the testimony of old oystermen, which, I think, is quite conclusive, though the native oyster may now be extinct there, I saw that their shells, opened by the Indians, were strewn all over the Cape. Indeed, the Cape was at first thickly settled by Indians on account of the abundance of these and other fish. We saw many traces of their occupancy after this, in Truro, near Great Hollow, and at High-Head, near East Harbor River, — oysters, clams, cockles, and other shells, mingled with ashes and the bones of deer and other quadrupeds. I picked up half a dozen arrow-heads, and in an hour or two could have filled my pockets with them. The Indians lived about the edges of the swamps, then probably in some instances ponds, for shelter and water. Moreover, Champlain, in the edition of his "Voyages " printed in 1613, says that in the year 1606 he and Poitrincourt exj)lored a harbor (Barnstable Harbor?) in the southerly part of what is now called Massachu- setts Bay, in latitude 42°, about five leagues south, one point west of Cap Blanc (Cape Cod), and there they found many good oysters, and they named it "Ze Port aux Huistres^'^ [sic] (Oyster Harbor). In one edition of his map (1632), the "i?. aux Escailles^'' is drawn emptying into the same part of the bay, and on the map ''^ovi Belgii,^^ in Ogilby's America 100 CAPE COD (1670), the words '^ Port aux Huistres^^ are placed against the same place. Also William Wood, who left New England in 1633, speaks, in his "New England's Prospect," published in 1634, of "a great oyster-bank" in Charles River, and of another in the Mistick, each of i^hich obstructed the navigation of its river. ^The oysters," says he, "be great ones in form of a shoe-horn; some be a foot long; these breed on certain banks that are bare every spring tide. This fish without the shell is so big, that it must admit of a division before you can well get it into your mouth." Oysters are still found there. ^ Our host told us that the sea-clam, or hen, was not easily obtained; it was raked up, but never on the Atlantic side, only cast ashore there in small quantities in storms. The fisher- man sometimes wades in water several feet deep, and thrusts a pointed stick into the sand before him. When this enters between the valves of a clam, he closes them on it, and is drawn out. It has been known to catch and hold coot and teal which were preying on it. I chanced to be on the bank of the Acushnet at New Bedford one day since this, watching some ducks, when a man informed me that, having let out his young ducks to seek their food amid the samphire 1 Also, see Thomas Morton's New English Canaan^ p. 90. THE WELLFLEET OYSTERMAN 101 {Salicornia) and other weeds along the river- side at low tide that morning, at length he no- ticed that one remained stationary, amid the weeds, something preventing it from following the others, and going to it he found its foot tightly shut in a quahog's shell. He took up both together, carried them to his home, and his wife opening the shell with a knife released the duck and cooked the quahog. The old man said that the great clams were good to eat, but that they always took out a certain part which was poisonous, before they cooked them. "People said it would kill a cat." I did not tell him that I had eaten a large one entire that afternoon, but began to think that I was tougher than a cat. He stated that pedlers came round there, and sometimes tried to sell the women folks a skimmer, but he told them that their women had got a better skimmer than they could make, in the shell of their clams ; it was shaped just right for this purpose. — They caU them "skim-alls " in some places. He also said that the sun-squall was poisonous to handle, and when the sailors came across it, they did not meddle with it, but heaved it out of their way. I told him that I had handled it that afternoon, and had felt no ill effects as yet. But he said it made the hands itch, especially if they had previously been scratched, or if I put 102 CAPE COD it into my bosom, I should find out what it was. He informed us that no ice ever formed on the back side of the Cape, or not more than once in a century, and but little snow lay there, it being either absorbed or blown or washed away. Sometimes in winter, when the tide was down, the beach was frozen, and afforded a hard road up the back side for some thirty miles, as smooth as a floor. One winter when he was a boy, he and his fatlier "took right out into the back side before daylight, and walked to Prov- incetown and back to dinner." When I asked what they did with all that barren-looking land, where I saw so few culti- vated fields, — "Nothing," he said. "Then why fence your fields? " *' To keep the sand from blowing and cover- ing up the whole." "The yellow sand," said he, "has some life in it, but the white little or none." When, in answer to his questions, I told him that I was a surveyor, he said that they who surveyed his farm were accustomed, where the ground was uneven, to loop up each chain as high as their elbows; that was the allowance they made, and he wished to know if I could tell him why they did not come out according to his deed, or twice alike. He seemed to have THE WELLFLEET OYSTERMAN 103 more respect for surveyors of the old school, which I did not wonder at. ''King George the Third," said he, "laid out a road four rods wide and straight the whole length of the Cape," but where it was now he could not tell. This story of the surveyors reminded me of a Long-Islander, who once, when I had made ready to jump from the bow of his boat to the shore, and he thought that I underrated the dis- tance and would fall short, — though I found afterward that he judged of the elasticity of my joints by his own, — told me that when he came to a brook which he wanted to get over, he held up one leg, and then, if his foot appeared to cover any part of the opposite bank, he knew that he could jump it. "Why," I told him, "to say nothing of the Mississippi, and other small watery streams, I could blot out a star with my foot, but I would not engage to jump that distance," and asked how he knew when he had got his leg at the right elevation. But he regarded his legs as no less accurate than a pair of screw dividers or an ordinary quadrant, and appeared to have a painful recollection of every degree and minute in the arc which they de- scribed ; and he would have had me believe that there was a kind of hitch in his hip-joint which answered the purpose. I suggested that he should connect his two ankles by a string of the 104 CAPE COD proper length, wliicli should be the chord of an arc, measuring his jumping ability on horizontal surfaces, — assuming one leg to be a perpendic- ular to the plane of the horizon, which, how- ever, may have been too bold an assumption in this case. Nevertheless, this was a kind of geometry in the legs which it interested me to hear of. Our host took pleasure in telling us the names of the ponds, most of which we could see from his windows, and making us repeat them after him, to see if we had got them right. They were Gull Pond, the largest and a very hand- some one, clear and deep, and more than a mile in circumference, Newcomb's, Swett's, Slough, Horse-Leech, Round, and Herring Ponds, all connected at high water, if I do not mistake. The coast-surveyors had come to him for their names, and he told them of one which they had not detected. He said that they were not so high as formerly. There was an earthquake about four years before he was born, which cracked the pans of the ponds, which were of iron, and caused them to settle. I did not re- member to have read of this. Innumerable gulls used to resort to them ; but the large gulls were now very scarce, for, as he said, the Eng- lish robbed their nests far in the north, where they breed. He remembered well when gulls THE WELLFLEET OYSTERMAN 105 were taken in the gull-house, and when small birds were killed by means of a frying-pan and fire at night. His father once lost a valuable horse from this cause. A party from Wellfleet having lighted their fire for this purpose, one dark night, on Billingsgate Island, twenty horses which were pastured there, and this colt among them, being frightened by it, and endeavoring in the dark to cross the passage which separated them from the neighboring beach, and which was then fordable at low tide, were all swept out to sea and drowned. I observed that many horses were still turned out to pasture all sum- mer on the islands and beaches in Wellfleet, Eastham, and Orleans, as a kind of common. He also described the killing of what he called "wild hens," here, after they had gone to roost in the woods, when he was a boy. Perhaps they were " prairie hens " (pinnated grouse). He liked the beach-pea {Lathyrus maritimus), cooked green, as well as the cultivated. He had seen it growing very abundantly in New- foundland, where also the inhabitants ate them, but he had never been able to obtain any ripe for seed. We read, under the head of Chatham, that "in 1555, during a time of great scarcity, the people about Orford, in Sussex (England) were preserved from perishing by eating the seeds of this plant, which grew there in great 106 CAPE COD abundance upon the sea coast. Cows, horses, sheep, and goats eat it." But the writer who quoted this could not learn that they had ever been used in Barnstable County. He had been a voyager, then? Oh, he had been about the world in his day. He once con- sidered himself a pilot for all our coast; but now they had changed the names so he might be bothered. He gave us to taste what he called the Sum- mer Sweeting, a pleasant apple which he raised, and frequently grafted from, but had never seen growing elsewhere, except once, — three trees on Newfoundland, or at the Bay of Chaleur, I forget which, as he was sailing by. He was sure that he could tell the tree at a distance. At length the fool, whom my companion called the wizard, came in, muttering between his teeth, " Damn book-pedlers, — all the time talking about books. Better do something. Damn 'em. I '11 shoot 'em. Got a doctor down here. Damn him, I '11 get a gun and shoot him;" never once holding up his head. Whereat the old man stood up and said in a loud voice, as if he was accustomed to command, and this was not the first time he had been obliged to exert his authority there: "John, go sit down, mind your business, — we 've heard you talk before, — precious little you '11 do, — THE WELLFLEET OYSTERMAN 107 your bark is worse than ypur bite." But, with- out minding, John muttered the same gibberish over again, and then sat down at the table which the okl folks had left. He. ate all there was on it, and then turned to the apples, which his aged mother was paring, that she might give her guests some apple-sauce for breakfast, but she drew them away and sent him off. When I approached this house the next sum- mer, over the desolate hills between it and the shore, which are worthy to have been the birth- place of Ossian, I saw the wizard in the midst of a cornfield on the hillside, but, as usual, he loomed so strangely, that I mistook him for a scarecrow. This was the merriest old man that we had ever seen, and one of the best preserved. His style of conversation was coarse and plain enough to have suited Rabelais. He would have made a good Panurge. Or rather he was a sober Silenus, and we were the boys Chromis and Mnasilus, who listened to his story. " Not by Haemonian hills the Thracian bard, Nor awful Phoebus was on Pindus heard With deeper silence or with more regard." There was a strange mingling of past and present in his conversation, for he had lived under King George, and might have remem- bered when Napoleon and the moderns generally 108 CAPE COD were born. He said ^that one day, when the troubles between the Colonies and the mother country first broke out, as he, a boy of fifteen, was pitching hay out of a cart, one Donne, an old Tory, who was talking with his father, a good Whig, said to him, "Why, Uncle Bill, you might as well undertake to pitch that pond into the ocean with a pitchfork, as for the Col- onies to undertake to gain their independence." He remembered well General Washington, and how he rode his horse along the streets of Bos- ton, and he stood up to show us how he looked. "He was a r — a — ther large and portly- looking man, a manly and resolute-looking offi- cer, with a pretty good leg as he sat on his horse." — "There, I'll tell you, this was the way with Washington." Then he jumped up again, and bowed gracefully to right and left, making show as if he were waving his hat. Said he, " That was Washington." He told us many anecdotes of the Revolution, and was much pleased when we told him that we had read the same in history, and that his ac- count agreed with the written. "Oh," he said, "I know, I know! I was a young fellow of sixteen, with my ears wide open; and a fellow of that age, you know, is pretty wide awake, and likes to know everything that 's going on. Oh, I know I " THE WELLFLEET OYSTERMAN 109 He told us the story of the wreck of the Franklin, which took place there the previous spring; how a boy came to his house early in the morning to know whose boat that was by the shore, for there was a vessel in distress, and he, being an old man, first ate his breakfast, and then walked over to the top of the hill by the shore, and sat down there, having found a comfortable seat, to see the ship wrecked. She was on the bar, only a quarter of a mile from him, and still nearer to the men on the beach, who had got a boat ready, but could render no assistance on account of the breakers, for there was a pretty high sea running. There were the passengers all crowded together in the forward part of the ship, and some were getting out of the cabin windows and were drawn on deck by the others. "I saw the captain get out his boat, "said he; "he had one little one; and then they jump^ into it one after another, down as straight as an arrow. I counted them. There were nine. One was a woman, and she jumped as straight as any of them. Then they shoved off. The sea took them back, one wave went over them, and when they came up there were six still clinging to the boat; I counted them. The next wave turned the boat bottom upward, and emptied them all out. None of them ever came 110 CAPE COD ashore alive. There were the rest of them all crowded together on the forecastle, the other parts of the ship being under water. They had seen all that happened to the boat. At length a heavy sea separated the forecastle from the rest of the wreck, and set it inside of the worst breaker, and the boat was able to reach them, and it saved all that were left, but one woman." He also told us of the steamer Cambria's get- ting aground on this shore a few months before we were there, and of her English passengers who roamed over his grounds, and who, he said, thought the prospect from the high hill by the shore, "the most delightsome they had ever seen," and also of the pranks which the ladies played with his scoop-net in the ponds. He spoke of these travelers with their purses full of guineas, just as our provincial fathers used to speak of British bloods in the time of King Gfeorge the Third. Quid loquar f Why repeat what he told us ? " Aut Seyllam Nisi, quam fama secuta est, Candida succinctam latrantibus inguina monstris, Dulichias vexasse rates, et gnrgite in alto Ah ! timidos nautas eanibus lacerasse marinis ? " In the course of the evening I began to feel the potency of the clam which I had eaten, and I was obliged to confess to our host that I was no tougher than the cat he told of; but he THE WELLFLEET OYSTERMAN 111 answered, that he was a plain-spoken man, and he could tell me that it was all imagination. At any rate, it proved an emetic in my case, and I was made quite sick by it for a short time, wliile he laughed at my expense. I was pleased to read afterward, in Mourt's Relation of the landing of the Pilgrims in Provincetown Har- bor, these words: "We found great muscles (the old editor says that they were undoubtedly sea-clams) and very fat and full of sea-pearl; but we could not eat them, for they made us all sick that did eat, as well sailors as passengers, . . . but they were soon well again." It brought me nearer to the Pilgrims to be thus reminded by a similar experience that I was so like them. Moreover, it was a valuable con- firmation of their story, and I am prepared now to believe every word of Mourt's Relation. I was also pleased to find that man and the clam lay still at the same angle to one another. But I did not notice sea-pearl. Like Cleopatra, I must have swallowed it. I have since dug these clams on a flat in the Bay and observed them. They could squirt full ten feet before the wind, as appeared by the marks of the drops on the sand. "Now I am going to ask you a question," said the old man, "and I don't know as you can tell me; but you are a learned man, and I never 112 CAPE COD had any learning, only what I got by natur." — It was in vain that we reminded him that he could quote Josephus to our confusion. — "I 've thought, if I ever met a learned man I should like to ask him this question. Can you tell me how Axy is spelt, and what it means? Axy^^"* says he; "there 's a girl over here is named Axy. Now what is it? What does it mean? Is it Scripture ? I 've read my Bible twenty-five years over and over, and I never came across it." "Did you read it twenty -five years for this object? " I asked. "WeU, how is it spelt? Wife, how is it spelt?" She said, "It is in the Bible; I 've seen it." "Well, how do you spell it? " "I don't know. A c h, ach, s e h, seh, — Achseh." " Does that spell Axy ? Well, do you know what it means? " asked he, turning to me. "No," I replied, "I never heard the sound before." " There was a schoolmaster down here once, and they asked him what it meant, and he said it had no more meaning than a bean-pole." I told him that I held the same opinion with the schoolmaster. I had been a schoolmaster myself, and had had strange names to deal with. THE WELLFLEET OYSTERMAN 113 I also heard of such names as Zoheth, Beriah, Amaziah, Bethuel, and Shearjashub, here- abouts. At length the little boy, who had a seat quite in the chimney-corner, took off his stockings and shoes, warmed his feet, and having had his sore leg freshly salved, went off to bed; then the fool made bare his knotty -looking feet and legs, and followed him ; and finally the old man exposed his calves also to our gaze. We had never had the good fortune to see an old man's legs before, and were surprised to find them fair and plump as an infant's, and we thought that he took a pride in exhibiting them. He then proceeded to make preparations for retir- ing, discoursing meanwhile with Panurgic plain- ness of speech on the ills to which old humanity is subject. We were a rare haul for him. He could commonly get none but ministers to talk to, though sometimes ten of them at once, and he was glad to meet some of the laity at leisure. The evening was not long enough for him. As I had been sick, the old lady asked if I would not go to bed, — it was getting late for old people ; but the old man, who had not yet done his stories, said, "You ain't particular, are you? " "Oh, no," said I, "I am in no hurry. I be- lieve I have weathered the Clam cape." 114 CAPE COD "They are good," said he; "I wish I had some of them now." "They never hurt me," said the old lady. " But then you took out the part that killed a cat," said I. At last we cut him short in the midst of his stories, which he promised to resume in the morning. Yet, after all, one of the old ladies who came into our room in the night to fasten the fire -board, which rattled, as she went out took the precaution to fasten us in. Old women are by nature more suspicious than old men. However, the winds howled around the house, and made the fire-boards as well as the case- ments rattle well that night. It was probably a windy night for • any locality, but we could not distinguish the roar which was 23roper to the ocean from that which was due to the wind alone. The sounds which the ocean makes must be very significant and interesting to those who live near it. When I was leaving the shore at this place the next summer, and had got a quarter of a mile distant, ascending a hill, I was startled by a sudden, loud sound from the sea, as if a large steamer were letting off steam by the shore, so that I caught my breath and felt my blood run cold for an instant, and I turned about, ex- pecting to see one of the Atlantic steamers thus THE WELLFLEET OYSTERMAN 115 far out of her course, but there was nothing un- usual to be seen. There was a low bank at the entrance of the Hollow, between me and the ocean, and suspecting that I might have risen into another stratum of air in ascending the hill, — which had wafted to me only the ordi- nary roar of the sea, — I immediately descended again, to see if I lost hearing of it; but, with- out regard to my ascending or descending, it died away in a minute or two, and yet there was scarcely any wind all the while. The old man said that this was what they called the "rut," a peculiar roar of the sea before the wind changes, which, however, he could not account for. He thought that he could tell all about the weather from the sounds which the sea made. Old Josselyn, who came to New England in 1638, has it among his weather-signs, that "the resounding of the sea from the shore, and mur- muring of the winds in the woods, without ap- parent wind, sheweth wind to follow." Being on another part of the coast one night since this, I heard the roar of the surf a mile distant, and the inhabitants said it was a sign that the wind would work round east, and we should have rainy weather. The ocean was heaped up somewhere at the eastward, and this roar was occasioned by its effort to preserve its equilibrium, the wave reaching the shore before 116 CAPE COD tlie wind. Also the captain of a packet between this country and England told me that he some- times met with a wave on the Atlantic coming against the wind, perhaps in a calm sea, which indicated that at a distance the wind was blow- ing from an opposite quarter, but the undula- tion had traveled faster than it. Sailors tell of "tide-rips" and "ground-swells," which they suppose to have been occasioned by hurricanes and earthquakes, and to have traveled many hundred, and sometimes even two or three thou- sand miles. Before sunrise the next morning they let us out again, and I ran over to the beach to see the sun come out of the ocean. The old woman of eighty-four winters was already out in the cold morning wind, bare-headed, tripping about like a young girl, and driving up the cow to milk. She got the breakfast with dispatch, and with- out noise or bustle ; and meanwhile the old man resumed his stories, standing before us, who were sitting, with his back to the chimney, and eject- ing his tobacco -juice right and left into the fire behind him, without regard to the various dishes which were there preparing. At breakfast we had eels, buttermilk cake, cold bread, green beans, doughnuts, and tea. The old man talked a steady stream; and when his wife told him he had better eat his breakfast, he said*. "Don't THE WELLFLEET OYSTERMAN 117 hurry me; I have lived too long to be hurried." I ate of the apple-sauce and the doughnuts, which I thought had sustained the least detri- ment from the old man's shots, but my compan- ion refused the apple-sauce, and ate of the hot cake and green beans, which had appeared to him to occupy the safest part of the hearth. But on comparing notes afterward, I told him that the buttermilk cake was particularly ex- posed, and I saw how it suffered repeatedly, and therefore I avoided it ; but he declared that, however that might be, he witnessed that the apple-sauce was seriously injured, and had there- fore declined that. After breakfast we looked at his clock, which was out of order, and oiled it with some "hen's grease," for want of sweet oil, for he scarcely could believe that we were not tinkers or pedlers ; meanwhile, he told a story about visions, which had reference to a crack in the clock-case made by frost one night. He was curious to know to what religious sect we be- longed. He said that he had been to hear thir- teen kinds of preaching in one month, when he was young, but he did not join any of them, — he stuck to his Bible. There was nothing like any of them in his Bible. While I was shaving in the next room, I heard him ask my compan- ion to what sect he belonged, to which he an- swered, — 118 CAPE COD "Oh, I belong to the Universal Brotherhood." "What 's that ? " he asked, "Sons o' Temper- ance?" Finally, filling our pockets with doughnuts, which he was pleased to find that we called by the same name that he did, and paying for our entertainment, we took out departure; but he followed us out of doors, and made us tell him the names of the vegetables which he had raised from seeds that came out of the Franklin. They were cabbage, broccoli, and parsley. As I had asked him the names of so many things, he tried me in turn with all the plants which grew in his garden, both wild and cultivated. It was about half an acre, which he cultivated wholly himself. Besides the common garden vegetables, there were yellow-dock, lemon balm, hyssoj), Gill - go - over - the - ground, mouse-ear, chick-weed, Roman wormwood, elecampane, and other plants. As we stood there, I saw a fish- hawk stoop to pick a fish out of his pond. "There," said I, "he has got a fish." "Well," said the old man, who was looking all the while, but could see nothing, "he didn't dive, he just wet his claws." And, sure enough, he did not this time, though it is said that they often do, but he merely stooi3ed low enough to pick him out with his talons ; but as he bore his shining prey over THE WELLFLEET OYSTERMAN 119 the bushes, it fell to the ground, and we did not see that he recovered it. That is not their prac- tice. Thus, having had another crack with the old man, he standing bareheaded under the eaves, he directed us "athwart the fields," and we took to the beach again for another day, it being now late in the morning. , It was but a day or two after this that the safe of the Provincetown Bank was broken open and robbed by two men from the interior, and we learned that our hospitable entertainers did at least transiently harbor the suspicion that we were the men. VI THE BEACH AGAIN Our way to the high sand-bank, which I have described. as extending all along the coast, led, as usual, through patches of bayberry bushes, which straggled into the sand. This, next to the shrub-oak, was perhaps the most common shrub thereabouts. I was much at- tracted by its odoriferous leaves and small gray berries which are clustered about the short twigs, just below the last year's growth. I know of but two bushes in Concord, and they, being staminate plants, do not bear fruit. The berries gave it a venerable appearance, and they smelled quite spicy, like small confectionery. Robert Beverley, in his "History of Virginia," published in 1705, states that "at the mouth of their rivers, and all along upon the sea and bay, and near many of their creeks and swamps, grows the myrtle, bearing a berry, of which they make a hard, brittle wax, of a curious green color, which by refining becomes almost trans- parent. Of this they make candles, which are never greasy to the touch nor melt with lying in THE BEACH AGAIN 121 the hottest weather; neither does the snuff of these ever offend the smell, like that of a tallow candle; but, instead of being disagreeable, if an accident puts a candle out, it yields a pleas- ant fragrancy to all that are in the room; inso- much that nice people often put them out on pur- pose to have the incense of the expiring snuff. The melting of these berries is said to have been first found out by a surgeon in New Eng- land, who performed wonderful things with a salve made of them." From the abundance of berries still hanging on the bushes, we judged that the inhabitants did not generally collect them for tallow, though we had seen a piece in the house we had just left. I have since made some tallow myself. Holding a basket beneath the bare twigs in April, I rubbed them together between my hands and thus gathered about a quart in twenty minutes, to which were added enough to make three pints, and I might have gathered them much faster with a suitable rake and a large shallow basket. They have little prominences like those of an orange all creased in tallow, which also fills the interstices down to the stone. The oily part rose to the top, making it look like a savory black broth, which smelled much like balm or other herb tea. You let it cool, then skim off the tallow from the surface, melt this again and strain it. I got 122 CAPE COD about a quarter of a pound weight from my three pints, and more yet remained within the berries. A small portion cooled in the form of small flat- tish hemispheres, like crystallizations, the size of a kernel of corn (nuggets I called them as I picked them out from amid the berries). Lou- don says, that " cultivated trees are said to yield more wax than those that are found wild." ^ If you get any pitch on your hands in the pine- woods you have only to rub some of these ber- ries between your hands to start it off. But the ocean was the grand fact there, which made us forget both bayberries and men. To-day the air was beautifully clear, and the sea no longer dark and stormy, though the waves still broke with foam along the beach, but sparkling and full of life. Already that morning I had seen the day break over the sea as if it came out of its bosom : — " The saffron-robed Dawn rose in haste from the streams Of Ocean, that she might bring light to immortals and to mortals." The sun rose visibly at such a distance over the sea, that the cloud-bank in the horizon, which at first concealed him, was not perceptible until he had risen high behind it, and plainly broke and dispersed it, like an arrow. But as yet I looked at him as rising over land, and 1 See Duplessy, Vig^taux B^sineuXf vol. ii., p. 60. THE BEACH AGAIN 123 could not, without an effort, realize that he was rising over the sea. Already I saw some vessels on the horizon, which had rounded the Cape in the night, and were now well on their watery way to other lands. We struck the beach again in the south part of Truro. In the early part of the day, while it was flood tide, and the beach was narrow and soft, we walked on the bank, which was very high here, but not so level as the day before, being more interrupted by slight hollows. The author of the Description of the Eastern Coast says of this part, that "the bank is very high and steep. From the edge of it west, there is a strip of sand a hundred yards in breadth. Then succeeds low brushwood, a quarter of a mile wide, and almost impassable. After which comes a thick perplexing forest, in which not a house is to be discovered. Seamen, therefore, though the distance between these two vallies (Newcomb's and Brush Hollows) is great, must not attempt to enter the wood, as in a snow- storm they must undoubtedly perish." This is still a true description of the country, except that there is not much high wood left. There were many vessels, like gulls, skim- ming over the surface of the sea, now half con- cealed in its troughs, their dolphin-strikers ploughing the water, now tossed on the top of 124 CAPE COD the billows. One, a barque standing down par- allel with the coast, suddenly furled her sails, came to anchor, and swung round in the wind, near us, only half a mile from the shore. At first we thought that her captain wished to com- municate with us, and perhaps we did not re- gard the signal of distress, which a mariner would have understood, and he cursed us for cold-hearted wreckers who turned our backs on him. For hours we could still see her anchored there behind us, and we wondered how she could afford to loiter so long in her course. Or was she a smuggler who had chosen that wild beach to land her cargo on? Or did they wish to catch fish, or paint their vessel? Erelong other barques, and brigs, and schooners, which had in the meanwhile doubled the Cape, sailed by her in the smacking breeze, and our consciences were relieved. Some of these vessels lagged behind, while others steadily went ahead. We narrowly watched their rig and the cut of their jibs, and how they walked the water, for there was all the difference between them that there is between living creatures. But we wondered that they should be remembering Boston and New York and Liverpool, steering for them, out there ; as if the sailor might forget his peddling business on such a grand highway. They had perchance brought oranges from the Western THE BEACH AGAIN 125 Isles; and were they carrying back the peel? We might as well transport our old traps across the ocean of eternity. Is that but another "trading flood," with its blessed isles? Is Heaven such a harbor as the Liverpool docks? Still held on without a break the inland bar- rens and shrubbery, the desert and the high sand-bank with its even slope, the broad white beach, the breakers, the green water on the bar, and the Atlantic Ocean; and we traversed with delight new reaches of the shore; we took an- other lesson in sea-horses' manes and sea-cows' tails, in sea-jellies and sea-clams, with our new- gained experience. The sea ran hardly less than the day before. It seemed with every wave to be subsiding, because such was our ex- pectation, and yet when hours had elapsed we could see no difference. But there it was, bal- ancing itself, the restless ocean by our side, lurching in its gait. Each wave left the sand all braided or woven, as it were with a coarse woof and warp, and a distinct raised edge to its rapid work. We made no haste, since we wished to see the ocean at our leisure, and in- deed that soft sand was no place in which to be in a hurry, for one mile there was as good as two elsewhere. Besides, we were obliged fre- quently to empty our shoes of the sand which one took in in climbing or descending the bank. 126 CAPE COD As we were walking close to the water's edge this morning, we turned round, by chance, and saw a large black object which the waves had just cast up on the beach behind us, yet too far off for us to distinguish what it was ; and when we were about to return to it, two men came running from the bank, where no human beings had appeared before, as if they had come out of the sand, in order to save it before another wave took it. As we approached, it took successively the form of a huge fish, a drowned man, a sail or a net, and finally of a mass of tow-cloth, part of the cargo of the Franklin, which the men loaded into a cart. Objects on the beach, whether men or inani- mate things, look not only exceedingly gro- tesque, but much larger and more wonderful than they actually are. Lately, when approach- ing the sea-shore several degrees south of this, I saw before me, seemingly half a mile distant, what appeared like bold and rugged cliffs on the beach, fifteen feet high, and whitened by the sun and waves; but after a few steps it proved to be low heaps of rags, — part of the cargo of a wrecked vessel, — scarcely more than a foot in height. Once also it was my business to go in search of the relics of a human body, mangled by sharks, which had just been cast up, a week after a wreck, having got the direc- THE BEACH AGAIN 127 tion from a light-house : I should find it a mile or two distant over the sand, a dozen rods from the water, covered with a cloth, by a stick stuck up. I expected that I must look very narrowly to find so small an object, but the sandy beach, half a mile wide, and stretching farther than the eye could reach, was so perfectly smooth and bare, and the mirage toward the sea so magnifying, that when I was half a mile distant the insignificant sliver which marked the spot looked like a bleached spar, and the relics were as conspicuous as if they lay in state on that sandy plain, or a generation had labored to pile up their cairn there. Close at hand they were simply some bones with a little flesh adhering to them, in fact, only a slight inequality in the sweep of the shore. There was nothing at all remarkable about them, and they were singu- larly inoffensive both to the senses and the im- agination. But as I stood there they grew more and more imposing. They were alone with the beach and the sea, whose hollow roar seemed addressed to them, and I was impressed as if there was an understanding between them and the ocean which necessarily left me out, with my snivelling sympathies. That dead body had taken possession of the shore, and reigned over it as no living one could, in the name of a certain majesty which belonged to it. 128 CAPE COD We afterward saw many small pieces of tow- cloth washed up, and I learn that it continued to be found in good condition, even as late as November in that year, half a dozen bolts at a time. We eagerly filled our pockets with the smooth round pebbles which in some places, even here, were thinly sprinkled over the sand, together with flat circular shells (/Scutellcef); but, as we had read, when they were dry they had lost their beauty, and at each sitting we emptied our pockets again of the least remarkable, until our collection was well culled. Every material was rolled into the pebble form by the waves; not only stones of various kinds, but the hard coal wdiich some vessel had dropped, bits of glass, and in one instance a mass of peat three feet long, where there was nothing like it to be seen for many miles. All the great rivers of the globe are annually, if not constantly, discharg- ing great quantities of lumber, which drifts to distant shores. I have also seen very perfect pebbles of brick, and bars of Castile soap from a wreck rolled into perfect cylinders, and still spirally streaked with red, like a barber's pole. When a cargo of rags is washed ashore, every old pocket and bag-like recess will be filled to bursting with sand by being rolled on the beach ; *uid on one occasion, the pockets in the clothing THE BEACH AGAIN 129 of the wrecked being thus puffed up, even after they had been ripped open by wreckers, deluded me into the hope of identifying them by the contents. A pair of gloves looked exactly as if filled by a hand. The water in such clothing is soon wrung out and evaporated, but the sand, which works itself into every seam, is not so easily got rid of. Sponges, which are picked up on the shore, as is well known, retain some of th3 sand of the beach to the latest day, in spite of every effort to extract it. I found one stone on the top of the bank, of a dark gray color, shaped exactly like a giant clam (^Mactra solidisshna), and of the same size ; and, what was more remarkable, one half of the outside had shelled off and lay near it, of the same form and depth with one of the valves of this clam, while the other half was loose, leav- ing a solid core of a darker color within it. I afterward saw a stone resembling a razor clam, but it was a solid one. It appeared as if the stone, in the process of formation, had filled the mould which a clam-shell furnished; or the same law that shaped the clam had made a clam of stone. Dead clams, with shells full of sand, are called sand clams. There were many of the large clam-shells filled with sand; and some- times one valve was separately filled exactly even, as if it had beeij heaped and then scraped. 130 CAPE COD Even among the many small stones on the top of the bank, I found one arrow-head. Beside the giant clam and barnacles, we found on the shore a small clam {llesodesma arctata), which I dug with my hands in num- bers on the bars, and which is sometimes eaten by the inhabitants, in the absence of the My a arenaria^ on this side. Most of their empty shells had been perforated by some foe. Also, the — Astarte castanea. The Edible Mussel {Mytilus eduUs) on the few rocks, and washed up in curious bunches of forty or fifty, held together by its rope-like byssus. The Scollop Shell (^Pecten concentricus), used for card-racks and pin-cushions. Cockles, or Cuckoos {JVatica heros)^ and their remarkable nidus, called "sand-circle," looking like the top of a stone jug without the stopple, and broken on one side, or like a flar- ing dickey made of sand-paper. Also, — Cancellaria Couthouyi (J\ and — Periwinkles (?) (^Fusus decemco status). We afterward saw some other kinds on the Bay side, Gould states that this Cape "has hitherto proved a barrier to the migrations of many species of Mollusca." — "Of the one hun- dred and ninety-seven species [which he de- THE BEACH AGAIN 131 scribed in 1840 as belonging to Massachusetts], eighty-three do not pass to the South shore, and fifty are not found on the North shore of the Cape." Among Crustacea there were the shells of Crabs and Lobsters, often bleached quite white high up the beach; Sea or Beach Fleas (^Am- ^ihii^odd)', and the cases of the Horse-shoe Crab, or Saucepan Fish (^Limulus Polyphe- mus), of which we saw many alive on the Bay side, where they feed pigs on them. Their tails were used as arrow-heads by the Indians. Of Kadiata, there were the Sea Chestnut or Egg (^Echinus gra?iulatus), commonly divested of its spines; flat circular shells (Scutella parma ?) covered with chocolate-colored spines, but becoming smooth and white, with five petal- like figures; a few Star-fishes or Five-fingers {Asterias rubens); and Sun-fishes or Sea-jellies {Aurelice). There was also at least one species of Sponge. The plants which I noticed here and there on the pure sandy shelf, between the ordinary high-water mark and the foot of the bank, were Sea Rocket {Cahile Americana)^ Saltwort (Salsola hali\ Sea Sandwort {Honhenya pep- loides), Sea Burdock {Xanthium echinatuni). Sea-side Spurge {Euphorbia polygonifolia); also, Beach Grass {Arundo, Psamma, or 132 CAPE COD Calamagrostis arenaria\ Sea-side Golden-rod {SoUdago sempervirens), and tlie Beach Pea {Laihyrus maritimusi). Sometimes we helj)ed a wrecker turn over a larger log tlian usual, or we amused ourselves with rolling stones down the bank, but we rarely could make one reach the water, the beach was so soft and wide ; or we bathed in some shallow within a bar, where the sea covered us with sand at every flux, though it was quite cold and windy. The ocean there is commonly but a tantalizing prospect in hot weather, for with all that water before you, there is, as we were af- terward told, no bathing on the Atlantic side, on account of tlie undertow and the rumor of sharks. At the light-house both in Eastham and Truro, the only houses quite on the shore, they declared, the next year, that they would Tiot bathe there "for any sum," for they some- times saw the sharks tossed up and quiver for a moment on the sand. Others laughed at these stories, but perhaps they could afford to because they never bathed anywhere. One old wrecker told us that he killed a regular man-eating shark fourteen feet long, and hauled him out with his oxen, where we had bathed; and another, that his father caught a smaller one of the same kind that was stranded there, by standing him up on his snout so that the waves could not take him. THE BEACH AGAIN 133 They will tell you tough stories of sharks all over the Cape, which I do not presume to doubt utterly, — how they will sometimes upset a boat, or tear it in pieces, to get at the man in it. I can easily believe in the undertow, but I have no doubt that one shark in a dozen years is enough to keep up the reputation of a beach a hundred miles long. I should add, however, that in July we walked on the bank here a quarter of a mile parallel with a fish about six feet in length, possibly a shark, which was prowling slowly along within two rods of the shore. It was of a pale brown color, singularly film-like and indistinct in the water, as if all nature abetted this child of ocean, and showed many darker transverse bars or rings whenever it came to the surface. It is well known that different fishes even of the same species are col- ored by the water they inhabit. We saw it go into a little cove or bathing-tub, where we had just been bathing, where the water was only four or five feet deep at that time, and after ex- ploring it go slowly out again ; but we continued to bathe there, only observing first from the bank if the cove was preoccupied. We thought that the water was fuller of life, more aerated perhaps than that of the Bay, like soda-water, for we were as particular as young salmon, and the expectation of encountering a shark did not 134 CAPE COD subtract anything from its life-giving quali- ties. Sometimes we sat on the wet beach and watched the beach birds, sand-pipers, and oth- ers, trotting along close to each wave, and wait- ing fpr the sea to cast up their breakfast. The former {Charadrius melodus) ran with great rapidity, and then stood stock still, remarkably erect, and hardly to be distinguished from the beach. The wet sand was covered with small skipping Sea Fleas, which apparently made a part of their food. These last are the little scavengers of the beach, and are so numerous that they will devour large fishes, which have been cast up, in a very short time. One little bird not larger than a sparrow — it may have been a Phalaroj)e — would alight on the tur- bulent surface where the breakers were five or six feet high, and float buoyantly there like a duck, cunningly taking to its wings and lifting itself a few feet through the air over the foam- ing crest of each breaker, but sometimes outrid- ing safely a considerable billow which hid it some seconds, when its instinct told it that it would not break. It was a little creature thus to sport with the ocean, but it was as perfect a success in its way as the breakers in theirs. There was also an almost uninterrupted line of coots rising and falling with the waves, a few THE BEACH AGAIN 135 rods from the shore, the whole length of the Cape. They made as constant a part of the ocean's border as the pads or pickerel- weed do of tliat of a pond. We read the following as to the Storm Petrel {Thalassidroma Wihonii), which is seen in the Bay as well as on the out- side. "The feathers on the breast of the Storm Petrel are, like those of all swimming birds, water-proof; but substances not susceptible of being wetted with water are, for that very rea- son, the best fitted for collecting oil from its surface. That function is performed by the feathers on the breast of the Storm Petrels as they touch on the surface; and though that may not be the only way in which they procure their food, it is certainly that in which they ob- tain great part of it. They dash along till they have loaded their feathers and then they pause upon the waves and remove the oil with their bills." Thus we kept on along the gently curving shore, seeing two or three miles ahead at once, — along this ocean sidewalk, where there was none to turn out for, with the middle of the road, the highway of nations, on our right, and the sand cliffs of the Cape on our left. We saw this forenoon a part of the wreck of a ves- sel, probably the Franklin, a large piece fifteen feet square, and still freshly painted. With » 136 CAPE COD grapple and a line we could have saved it, for the waves repeatedly washed it within cast, but they as often took it back. It would have been a lucky haul for some poor wrecker, for I have been told that one man who paid three or four dollars for a part of the wreck of that vessel, sold fifty or sixty dollars' worth of iron out of it. Another, the same who picked up the cap' tain's valise with the memorable letter in it, showed me, growing in his garden, many pear and plum trees which washed ashore from her, all nicely tied up and labeled, and he said that he might have got five hundred dollars' worth; for a Mr. Bell was importing the nucleus of a nursery to be established near Boston. His turnip-seed came from the same source. Also valuable spars from the same vessel and from the Cactus lay in his yard. In short the inhab- itants visit the beach to see what they have caught as regularly as a fisherman his weir or a lumberer his boom; the Caj^e is their boom. I heard of. one who had recently picked up twenty barrels of apples in good condition, probably a part of a deck load thrown over in a storm. Though there are wreck-masters appointed to look after valuable property which must be ad- vertised, yet undoubtedly a great deal of value is secretly carried off. But are we not all THE BEACH AGAIN 137 wreckers contriving that some treasure may be washed up on our beach, that we may secure it, and do we not infer the habits of these Nauset and Barnegat wreckers, from the common modes of getting a living ? The sea, vast and wild as it is, bears thus the waste and wrecks of human art to its remotest shore. There is no telling what it may not vomit up. It lets nothing lie; not even the giant clams which cling to its bottom. It is still heaving up the tow-cloth of the Franklin, and perhaps a piece of some old pirate's ship, wrecked more than a hundred years ago, comes ashore to-day. . Some years since, when a vessel was wrecked here which had nutmegs in her cargo, they were strewn all along the beach, and for a considerable time were not spoiled by the salt water. Soon afterward, a fisherman caught a cod which was full of them. Why, then, might not the Spice-Islanders shake their nut- meg-trees into the ocean, and let all nations who stand in need of them pick them up? How- ever, after a year, I found that the nutmegs from the Franklin had become soft. You might make a curious list of articles which fishes have swallowed, — sailors' open clasp - knives, and bright tin snuff-boxes, not knowing what was in them, — and jugs, and jewels, and Jonah. The other day I came across the following scrap in a newspaper. 138 CAPE COD , " A Religious Fish. — A short time ag-o, mine host Stewart, of the Denton Hotel, pm'chased a rock-fish, weighing about sixty pounds. On opening it he found in it a certificate of membership of the M. E. Church, which we read as follows : — Member Methodist E. Church, Founded A. D. 1784. Quarterly Ticket. 18 Minister. * For our light aiSiction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory.' — 2 Cor. iv. 17. * O what are all my sufferings here, If, Lord, thou coimt me meet With that enraptured host t' appear. And worship at thy feet.' " The paper was, of course, in a crumpled and wet condition, but on exposing it to the sun, and ironing the kinks out of it, it became quite legible. — Denton {Md.) Journal.'^ From time to time we saved a wreck ourselves, a box or barrel, and set it on its end, and ap- propriated it witli crossed sticks ; and it will lie there perhaps, respected by brother wreckers, until some more violent storm shall take it, really lost to man until wrecked again. We also saved, at the cost of wet feet only, a valu- able cord and buoy, part of a seine, with which the sea was playing, for it seemed ungracious to refuse the least gift which so great a person- age offered you. We brought this home and still use it for a garden line. I picked up a bottle half buried in the wet sand, covered with barnacles, but stoppled tight, and half full of THE BEACH AGAIN 139 red ale, which still smacked of juniper, — all that remained I fancied from the wreck of a rowdy world, — that great salt sea on the one hand, and this little sea of ale on the other, pre- serving their separate characters. What if it could tell us its adventures over countless ocean waves ! Man would not be man through such ordeals as it had passed. But as I poured it slowly out on to the sand, it seemed to me that man himself was like a half -emptied bottle of pale ale, which Time had drunk so far, yet stoppled tight for a while, and drifting about in the ocean of circumstances, but destined erelong to mingle with the surrounding waves, or be spilled amid the sands of a distant shore. In the summer I saw two men fishing for Bass hereabouts. Their bait was a bullfrog, or sev- eral small frogs in a bunch, for want of squid. They followed a retiring wave, and whirling their lines round and round their heads with in- creasing rapidity, threw them as far as they could into the sea ; then retreating, sat down flat on the sand, and waited for a bite. It was liter- ally (or littorally) walking down to the shore, and throwing your line into the Atlantic. I should not have known what might take hold of the other end, whether Proteus or another. At any rate, if you could not pull him in, why, you might let him go without being pulled in your- 140 CAPE COD self. And they knew by experience that it would be a Striped Bass, or perhaps a Cod, for these fishes play along near the shore. From time to time we sat under the lee of a sand-hill on the bank, thinly covered with coarse beach -grass, and steadily gazed on the sea, or watched the vessels going south, all Blessings of the Bay of course. We could see a little more than half a circle of ocean, besides the glimpses of the Bay which we got behind us; the sea there was not wild and dreary in all respects, for there were frequently a hundred sail in sight at once on the Atlantic. You can commonly count about eighty in a favorable summer day, and pilots sometimes land and ascend the bank to look out for those which require their ser- vices. These had been waiting for fair weather, and had come out of Boston Harbor together. The same is the case when they have been as- sembled in the Vineyard Sound, so that you may see but few one day, and a large fleet the next. Schooners with many jibs and stay-sails crowded all the sea road ; square-rigged vessels with their great height and breadth of canvas were ever and anon appearing out of the far horizon, or disappearing and sinking into it ; here and there a pilot-boat was towing its little boat astern to- ward some distant foreigner who had just fired a gun, the echo of which along the shore THE BEACH AGAIN 141 sounded like the caving of the bank. We could see the pilot looking through his glass toward the distant ship which was putting back to speak with him. He sails many a mile to meet her; and now she puts her sails aback, and communi- cates with him alongside, — sends some import- ant message to the owners, and then bids fare- well to these shores for good and all; or, per- chance a propeller passed and made fast to some disabled craft, or one that had been becalmed, whose cargo of fruit might spoil. Though si- lently, and for the most part incommunicatively, going about their business, they were, no doubt, a source of cheerfulness and a kind of society to one another. To-day it was the Purple Sea, an epithet which I should not before have accepted. There were distinct patches of the color of a purple grape with the bloom rubbed off. But first and last the sea is of all colors. Well writes Gilpin concerning "the brilliant hues which are contin- ually playing on the surface of a quiet ocean," and this was not too turbulent at a distance from the shore. "Beautiful," says he, "no doubt in a high degree are those glimmering tints which often invest the tops of mountains ; but they are mere coruscations compared with these marine colors, which are continually varying and shift- ing into each other in all the vivid splendor of 142 CAPE COD the rainbow, through the space often of several leagues." Commonly, in calm weather, foi half a mile from the shore, where the bottom tinges it, the sea is green, or greenish, as are some ponds; then blue for many miles, often with purple tinges, bounded in the distance by a light, almost silvery stripe ; beyond which there is gen- erally a dark blue rim, like a mountain ridge in the horizon, as if, like that, it owed its color to the intervening atmosphere. On another day, it will be marked with long streaks, alternately smooth and rippled, light-colored and dark, even like our inland meadows in a freshet, and show- ing which way the wind sets. Thus we sat on the foaming shore, looking on the wine-colored ocean, — 0iV er]S a\hs e|a). And the summits of the hank Around resound, the sea being vomited forth. As we stood looking on this scene we were gradually convinced that fishing here and in a pond were not, in all resj)ects, the same, and that he who waits for fair weather and a calm sea may never see the glancing skin of a mack- erel, and get no nearer to a cod than the wooden emblem in the State House. Having lingered on the shore till we were well-nigh chilled to death by the wind, and were ready to take shelter in a Charity-house, we turned our weather-beaten faces toward Pro- vincetown and the Bay again, having now more than doubled the Cape. PROVINCETOWN Early the next morning I walked into a fish- house near our hotel, where three or four men were engaged in trundling out the pickled fish on barrows, and spreading them to dry. They told me that a vessel had lately come in from the Banks with forty-four thousand cod-fish. Timothy Dwight says that, just before he ar- rived at Provincetown, "a schooner came in from the Great Bank with fifty-six thousand fish, almost one thousand five hundred quintals, taken in a single voyage ; the main deck being, on her return, eight inches under water in calm weather." The cod in this fish -house, just out of the pickle, lay packed several feet deep, and three or four men stood on them in cowhide boots, pitching them on to the barrows with an instrument which had a single iron point. One young man, who chewed tobacco, spat on the fish repeatedly. Well, sir, thought I, when that older man sees you he will speak to you. But presently I saw the older man do the same thing. It reminded me of the figs of Smyrna. 256 CAPE COD "How long does it take to cure these fish?" I asked. "Two good drying daj^s, sir," was the an- swer. I walked across the street again into the hotel to breakfast, and mine host inquired if I would take "hashed fish or beans." I took beans, though they never were a favorite dish of mine. I found next summer that this was still the only alternative proposed here, and the landlord was still ringing the changes on these two words. In the former dish there was a remarkable pro- portion of fish. As you travel inland the potato predominates. It chanced that I did not taste fresh fish of any kind on the Cape, and I was assured that they were not so much used there as in the country. That is where they are cured, and where, sometimes, travelers are cured of eating them. No fresh meat was slaughtered in Provincetown, but the little that was used at the public houses was brought from Boston by the steamer. A great many of the houses here were sur- rounded by fish -flakes close up to the sills on all sides, with only a narrow passage two or three feet wide, to the front door ; so that instead of looking out into a flower or grass plot, you looked on to so many square rods of cod turned wrong side outwards. These parterres were said PROVINCETOWN 257 to be least like a flower-garden in a good dry- ing day in midsummer. There were flakes of every age and pattern, and some so rusty and overgrown with lichens that they looked as if they might have served the founders of the fish- ery here. Some had broken down under the weight of successive harvests. The principal employment of the inhabitants at this time seemed to be to trundle out their fish and spread them in the morning, and bring them in at night. I saw how many a loafer who chanced to be out early enough, got a job at wheeling out the fish of his neighbor who was anxious to improve the whole of a fair day. Now then I knew where salt fish were caught. They were everywhere lying on their backs, their collar- bones standing out like the lapels of a man-o'- war-man's jacket, and inviting all things to come and rest in their bosoms ; and all things, with a few exceptions, accepted the invitation. I think, by the way, that if you should wrap a large salt fish round a small boy, he would have a coat of such a fashion as I have seen many a one wear to muster. Salt fish were stacked up on the wharves, looking like corded wood, maple and yellow birch with the bark left on. I mis- took them for this at first, and such in one sense they were, — fuel to maintain our vital fires, — an eastern wood which grew on the Grand 258 CAPE COD Banks. Some were stacked in the form of huge flower-pots, being laid in small circles with the tails outwards, each circle successively larger than the preceding until the pile was three or four feet high, when the circles rapidly dimin- ished, so as to form a conical roof. On the shores of New Brunswick this is covered with birch-bark, and stones are placed upon it, and, being thus rendered impervious to the rain, it is left to season before being packed for exporta- tion. It is rumored that in the fall the cows here are sometimes fed on cod's heads! The godlike part of the cod, which, like the human head, is curiously and wonderfully made, forsooth has but little less brain in it, — coming to such an end ! to be craunched by cows ! I felt my own skull crack from sympathy. What if the heads of men were to be cut off to feed the cows of a superior order of beings who inhabit the islands in the ether? Away goes your fine brain, the house of thought and instinct, to swell the cud of a ruminant animal! — However, an inhabi- tant assured me that they did not make a prac- tice of feeding cows on cod's heads; the cows merely would eat them sometimes, but I might live there all my days and never see it done. A