K? 3 8 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. Chap. Shelf JAiit UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. r A£i ^Vg^ ^/^^/^ ^'ifA' HISTORY H V H H H H H i Pennsylvania Volunteers. 1862 -- 1865. By DAVID CRAFT, CHAPLAIN OF THE REGIMENT. Published by the Author. Reporter-Jouenal Printing Company, - Towanda, Pa. 1885. PREFACE. tn e present work owes its existence to the enterprise of the editor of the Brad- ford Reporter. In the latter part of the year 1883, he wrote to the author in regard to a series of articles to be printed in that paper under the caption of the "Battles of the One Hundred Forty-first Regiment." After conferring with some of the officers of the Regiment, the original plan was enlarged to include a History, in- stead of a series of sketches. Immediately the work of collecting material com- menced, and the publication began in the June following. At that time only news- paper articles were contemplated, but friends suggested that the history of a Regi- ment that had done such gallant service ought to be in more permanent form, con- sequently the newspaper columns were changed to book pages, and the present work is the result. While no pains have been spared to secure accuracy of statement, and a reason- able fullness of detail, the manuscript was prepared amid a pressure of other work, it often happening that the last line was printed before another was written. Many infelicities of expression would have been corrected if a revision could have been made. Inexperience in proof reading which was usually done in the editor's office amid the hurry and bustle of getting ready for press, have caused numerous typo- graphical errors to be overlooked. Only enough of general army movements have been given to indicate the work the Regiment was expected to do, and no criticism has been attempted. In addition to the account of its doings as a separate military organization, it was contemplated to give a brief account of each man connected with it. This was soon found to be impracticable, but of the two hundred and fifty members of it who lost their lives ii the service, such sketches have been attempted Here the greatest difficulty has been experienced. In some cases the men were entire strangers to their comrades until they enlisted, and but little was positively known of them ; in others, friends have removed and after much inquiry no trace of a relative has been found ; in some others friends could furnish only approximate data, and in one or two instances near relatives have entirely neglected to answer the letters written. In these sketches slight errors will undoubtedly be found. The muster rolls have been revised with great care, and an attempt has been made to combine an index with it, which is hoped will be found satisfactory, as well as the tables appended. Only those who have had experience in this work know its diffi- culties. A few slight errors overlooked while the book was in press have been noted. The preparation of the work has been encouraged and its labor greatly lightened by the cordial interest manifested in it by the membersand hit rids of the Regiment. General Madid, in addition to giving me the use of his diary and private papers, has gone over the manuscript before it was given to the printer. Mrs. Colonel Watkins, Mrs. Major Spalding, and Mrs. Captain Atkinson, kindly allowed me to peruse both letters and diaries written by their honored and distinguished husbands. I have iv. PREFACE. received the loan of diaries of Adrial Lee, of Company A, Captain Peck, Sergeants John II. Chaffeeand Josiah A. Bosworth, Corporal James P. Coburn, and private James H. Smith of Company B, Sergeants C. J. Eastabrook and William Heweti of Company D, Captain Lobb of Company G, Sergeants E. G. Owen and John D.Blood- good and Theodore Larrisonof Company I, and Levi T. Adams of Company K. other oflBicers and members of the Regiment especially adjutant Searle, Captain Kilmer, Captain Beardsley, Corporal Charles T.Hull and Richard McCabe, have promptly and at much pains aided in gathering valuable information. To Colonel John 1'. Nicholson, of Philadelphia, unspeakable obligations are ac- knowledged for free access to his unapproachable collection, and for the use of valua- ble material not otherwise obtainable, as well as for many excellent hints and sug- gestions. Swinton's History of the Army of the Potomac, Scribner's series ''Campaigns of the Civil War," and the Compte de Paris "Civil War in America" have been books of constant reference, To the publishers of the Bradford Reporter and Reporter-Journal sincere - thanks __ are due for their liberal and cordial co-operation, seconding all efforts in making the work as complete as possible. If this feeble effort will help to preserve to future generations the record of the deeds of men who at their country'scall left business, home and family to help defend her institutions and preserve her government, in winch one-fourth of them lost their lives and almost every other one bears the sears of the battles they fought ; and of those who survived the perils of camp and of field and lived to return after witness- ing the surrender of the armies arrayed against them, storm-beaten, battle-scarred, health-broken prematurely-aged, heroes of a hundred 1 tattles, and deserving their country's gratitude and blessing, if their names and their heroic deeds of glory and renown which are here recounted shall be deemed by them to have been told cor- rectly, the author will be more than repaid for his labor. INTRODUCTION r iT*n e 141st Regiment, of Pennsylvania Volunteers, whose history is given in this I: volume, was in many respects a remarkable Regiment. Recruited from the rural districts of its respective counties, composed mainly of young men, farmers and the sons of farmers, mechanics and those attending the different institutions of learning in their respective counties, of fair education, and many of them of a good deal more than ordinary intelligence. They were all men and boys of good character, and exemplary habits, and most of them left comfortable and happy homes to give their services, and their lives if need be, to their country in its hour of peril. They were true patriots, they loved their country and its institutions. Their attention was directed to the fact that their services were needed, by the proclamation of the President calling to arms the patriots of the land to resist the attempted overthrow of their government. Their patriotism was aroused by the pa- triotic and strong addresses made by the gentlemen who visited the different parts of the counties from which the Regiment was raised, many of whom afterwards became officers of the companies forming the Regiment. As an inducement to go with them, they promised that they would btand by their men until the end. How well most of them kept their promise the record will tell. The men and officers composing the Regiment had little or no experience in military affairs. They did not even have the benefit of a militia-man's experience. After completing their Regimental organization at Harrisburg, they were hurried to Washington, which place they reached amid the thundering of the artillery of Lee's victorious army, and among a people trembling in fear, believing that on the morrow Lee's victorious troops would be thundering at the doors of the Capitol. The Regi- ment was immediately ordered across the Potomac and put into the defences of Washington. Poorly armed and equipped, and without any particular knowledge how to use the poor and worthless arms in their possession, thev were expected to face the coming of, as was supposed, the veterans of the victorious army of Lee. I found the Regiment in the fore part of September, at the "Chain Bridge," where it had been sent from Arlington after the battle of Bull Run. I thought the Regiment was composed of the finest body of men I had ever seen, in most part young, vigorous and hardy, just the men to endurp the privation and hardships of the campaigns which were to follow. After the defeat of Lee at Sharpsburg, and he had turned Pack, abandoning his effort to take the Capital, it was determined to retain the Third Corps and place it in the defence of Washington. This Corps hav- ing suffered very much at. the battle of Bull Run, ils reorganization was determined upon. When I returned to the Regiment and assumed command, on the 17th of Sep- tember, 1862, I found it associated in brigade with the veterans of a part of the old Kearney Division— the heroes of the Peninsular campaign. At the time I thought it unfair for the Regiment to be associated with these old veterans, fearing that they vi. INTRODUCTION. were green troops would be forgotten, and more expected of them than they would be able to perform. Up to the time of their brigade associations, the Regiment had never been drilled. After that time, the Company officers, under the direction of an officer appointed for that purpose by the Brigade Commander, commenced to drill their companies, and acquaint themselves with the tactics necessary to be understood and applied. What little time could be spared from outpost and picket duty, was devoted by the officers in instructing themselves and the men in their commands in the drill and maneuvers necessary to be understood by them in order that they might be able to be handled and moved on the field when necessary. The time for this prepara- tion was short ; the Regiment was soon called to march on that wild goose chase to Poolesville, in Maryland, in order to prevent Stewart from crossing with his cavalry the Potomac near that place. This was one of the hardest marches the Regiment ever made, and was the cause of the breaking down of more men than any other march during their service. The first campaign of the Regiment closed by the ford- ing of the Potomac and marching through Virginia to the banks of the Rappahan- nock, where they went into winter quarters near Fredericksburg At the time of the battle of Fredericksburg the Regiment had had the advantage of a few battalion drills, in which some of the simpler movements of the line were taught them, selecting those that would be used, if at all, on the battlefield, and when the order came to march, I had the satisfaction of knowing that the Regiment knew what a line of battle was, and that they knew how to form it from the march. It was known by the Regiment when the order to march came, that it was the purpose of Gen- Burnside to cross the river and occupy Fredericksburg if possible: that of course implied some fighting, for the enemy were strongly intrenched and had come there to stay. The Third Corps, to which the Regiment belonged, was in reserve, and was the last body of troops to cross the river. On their march they were halted in a field that overlooked the town. At this time Sumner with his corps was engaged with the enemy in his efforts to carry the heights and occupy the town. His several ef- forts were repulsed with fearful slaughter. The Third Corps witnessed these unsuc- cessful assaults of their comrades of the Second Corps to carry the works of the enemy. What effect was this scene having upon the minds of the troops witnessing it, and especially upon the minds of this neA- Regiment, who for the first time in their lives witnessed a scene like this, and they so soon to be subjected to the same fiery ordeal ? Fortunately, the thoughts and reflections of men and officers were soon directed to the appearance of an aid, accompanied by an orderly, riding at full speed across the field in the direction of the corps commander's flag. This officer was an aid of Gen. Meade, coming for assistance. The " Reserves," under their noble leader, made that grand charge, not an hour since, driving die enemy from their line at the railroad, back into the woods, and up the slope through the woods, and back upon the second line, and being unsupported, was being forced back again by the enemy, who had been strongly reinforced. The Corps was immediately put in motion, and the river soon reached and crossed, and the march over the flat ground be- tween it and the road made. At this point the enemy opened fire on the head of the column from a battery on the high ground in the woods, nearly in front of the line of march, and as the troops reached this point on their line of march, covered by the guns of the enemy, they entered a severe shower of shot and shell, which were INTRODUCTION. vn. shrieking and bursting in the air, over the heads and on the flanks, and among the brave men who were struggling to reach the road, in order to give succor to the retir- ing heroes. The Regiment which is the subject of this sketch came last, and, though the road was very heavy, caused by the rain of the day before and the marching of the troops who had previously passed over it, they kept well closed upon the men of the column, and passed through the shower of shot and shell that greeted them, without faltering, and passed on to the road where they met the retiring troops, the Reserves. Upon this point the enemy had concentrated all their guns in our front, and were do- ing fearful execution with solid shot and shell, and yet this green Regiment, upon its first battlefield, without faltering, passed through this vortex of fire, and formed their lines of battle on the right by filing into line as coolly and as quietly as if they had been the veterans of a hundred battles. Their coolness and courage and the ready manner in which they obeyed every command given them surprised me, and chal- lenged the admiration of the Corps, Division and Brigade Commanders who were watch- ing the formation of the lines. They had earned their place among the heroes of Peninsula with whom they were brigaded, and were entitled to wear the Army badge. No question as to whether they could be relied upon in an emergency in the future was ever again raised. They had established confidence in the minds of the old regi- ments with whom they were associated, and received the commendation of their supe- rior officers, for their courage and daring under the discouraging circumstances by which they were surrounded. In all the battles in which they were afterward engag- ed they showed the same cool, daring, courageous and patriotic spirit that character- ized them in their first engagement. To show the estimation in which they were held by the officers of the Corps, I need now but mention the fact that they were selected by the Division and Corps comman- ders in the celebrated " mud march" of Gen. Burnside, to cross the river alone, carry the opposite heights at the point of the bayonet, and hold the crest of the hill in order that the army might cross to the opposite side, for the purpose of attacking Fredericks- burg in the rear. Fortunately for them, the heavy rainstorm setting in that night frustrated the movement. They had earned a reputation for courage and daring that promised no good, in one sense, for the future, as the sequel shows. In the many severely fought battles that followed, they were often put into the imminent deadly breach, and expected to do what older and stronger regiments failed to do. Through the thirty-three battles in which they fought they never became demoralized, or willingly turned their back upon their foe. I said this was in many respects a remarkable Regiment. I much doubt if you can find many regiments in the service of which it could be said, they never disap- pointed the hopes, expectations or commands of their officers on the battlefield, which can be said of this, and their record sustains the assertion. The colors which were received from the hands of Gov. Curtin, before they cross- ed the Potomac into Virginia, in the fall of 1862, were kept and guarded by them with zealous care, and as they at that time promised him, they would guard them with their lives, and at the close of the contest turn them over to the State Department unsullied by dishonor, they nobly kept this and they hang to-day in the flag-room, at the State Capitol, tattered and torn by the storms of many a battlefield. I believe that no other regiment suffered so much in its color-guard as did this one. Twice it was entirely annihilated— at Chancellorsville and Gettysburg — not a single man escaping, and every one of the comrades coming to their assistance, were either killed or wounded. Around them seemed to be the favorite spot to die, for there viii. INTRODUCTION. always were found most of the dead and disabled. At Spottsylvania a hand to hand contest took place over the colors, with clubbed muskets. The colors of this Regi- ment, were never lost, surrendered, or trailed in the dust, though their surrender was often demanded by the closely pressing enemy, yet they were always carried over the head of those who bore them, and the brave men who followed and defended them. This grand old Regiment has a glorious history. A regiment that lost over two- thirds of the men on its rolls carrying muskets, in the service of their country, and of which it can be said, as shown by the records in the State Department, sacrificed more men upon the altar of its country's needs, than any other Regiment in the ser- vice save one, and that a regiment which went into the service with a good many more men, deserves, at least, to have its history carefully, fully and impartially writ- ten, as a means of perpetuating the memory of their deeds and sacrifices in the minds of those who come after. The officers and men who remained in the field, and stood by one another, deserve to be remembered, at least by each other, and they will he. The writing of a full and complete history of this Regiment was made necessary by the many partial and unsatisfactory attempts at so doing, by persons unac- quainted with its history, which appeared from time to time through the press. Who should undertake this task? was a question often asked, to which no answer came. At length Rev. David Craft, the first Chaplain of the Regiment, was induced to attempt the task. Where was the material from which this history was to be formed ; and how were the facts and incidents connected with its history to be gathered? The records of the Regiment, kept by the adjutants, which were full and complete were inaccessi- ble, being in the possession of the last adjutant, " Brainerd," and he in one of the far- ofl States or Territories. The sources of information remaining were the several de- partments of the Government and the State, the recollections of the surviving mem- bers of the Regiment and the memoranda of the officers and men who had recorded from time to time the facts and incidents which went under their observation. The author diligently set to work to gather from these sources the needed material, and after a great deal of time and labor spent in the effort, he succeeded in securing much of the matter necessary. Many of the officers and men promptly fur- nished their diaries and letters remaining accessible, and the wives and families of those who were dead kindly placed in his possession the letters and memoranda re- maining in their possession, made by their dead husbands, fathers or brothers. Out of the material so gathered, the author has, after much time and labor spent in its preparation and arrangement, given you the result of his effort. Taking into consid- eration the great difficulties surrounding him at every step in the progress of his lahor, I am surprised that it is as accurate and complete as it is. I was extremely anxious that the history of this grand cid Regiment should be complete and satisfactory. A Regiment which had done so much and suffered so much in its effort " to give to this nation a new birth of freedom, that the Government of the people, by the people, and for the people, should not perish from the earth," deserves at the hands of the persons who undertake to write its history, patience and fidelity in bringing to the knowledge of their friends the facts and incidents which cover their names with glory. I have carefully read each page as it came from the press through the Reporter and Reporter-Journal, and commend to the surviving soldiers of the Regiment, and their friends, this little volume, which contains the record of their endurance, their patience, their suffering, their patriotism, or, in other words, the record of their glori- INTRODUCTION. ix. ous deeds. I do this with greater pleasure, because the work has been prepared with rare fidelity, and is a full and complete record of their achievements. The author has honored the men who bore the brunt of the work, while he has not forgotten the officers of the Regiment ; and yet we must, as officers, remember that it was these brave men who endured without complaining all the hardships and privations of the camp and, field, and whose blood has enriched the soil of every battlefield on which the army of the Potomac was engaged, from Fredericksburg to Appomattox, who have made the reputations we have attained as such, possible. The private soldier fought the battles of the war and conquered a lasting peace, and the officers too often got the most of the credit. Honor to whom honor is due. All honor to the private soldier, all honor to the private soldiers of this grand old Regi- ment, to its dead who lie on every battlefield of the army of the Potomac, to the living, who by the good providence of God were spared, though torn by wounds and broken down by disease, to enjoy the fruits of their labor. H. J. M. Chapter I. FORMATION OF THE REGIMENT. VirHATEYER ideas may have been enter- tained in the beginning that the war of the Rebellion would be of small proportions and of short duration, they were most thoro- ughly dissipated by the battle of Bull Run and by McClellan's Peninsular campaign in the spring and summer of 1862. The South had exhibited such an unexpectedly enthusiastic, united, and truly martial spirit, such an abundance of means and skill in using them, as to convince thoughtful men all over the country that the time was not far distant when the resources of the loyal States in money and men must be heavily drawn upon if the war was prosecuted to a favorable termination. In anticipation of demands which might soon be made, little companies of men in various neighborhoods — in Bradford county, at least — -were accustomed to meet on Satur- day afternoons during the summer, practice some of -the more simple evolutions of mili- tary drill, learn to keep step with the music of the fife and drum, and catch something of the spirit which animated their neighbors and kinsmen in the field. In consequence of the great losses suffered by the army of McClellan and the expiration of the short term of service for which many had enlisted, the President, at the suggestion of the Governors of the loyal States, who pledged him their cooperation and support, on the second of July, 1862, issued his proc- lamation calling for three hundred thousand men, to be enlisted to serve for three years or during the war. To devise measures for filling the quota assigned to Bradford county, which was something more than a thousand men, a meeting was held at Towanda, July 19th, presided over by Hon. Ulysses Mercur, and addressed by a number of the prominent citizens of the county. Resolutions were passed looking to the speedy enlistment of recruits, and it was suggested that companies be raised in the several neighborhoods, which should be joined in a regiment to be known as the Bradford County Regiment, and officered by Bradford county men. The advantages of this arrangement were obvious. Among them it was mentioned that the men coming from one locality would be much more liable to aid one another in the necessities of camp and field ; that the relations between officers and men would be to the advantage of each and there would be a closer bond of sympathy between the men in the field and those at home. At Terrytown a number of the young men had been in the habit of meeting occasion- ally to talk over the war news and engage in military drill. Early in August a public meeting was held in the church, at which Guy H. Watkins, Esq., of Towanda, was the principal speaker. The sincerity of his pur- pose, and the deep, almost pathetic, earnest- ness of his address made a profound impres- sion upon his audience. Among other things he said he had thought this whole matter over carefully, and had determined that for himself it was his duty to go to his country's aid in this hour of her peril ; that at the most a man could die but once, and he would prefer to die on the battlefield than to think he had shrunk from danger in the hour of his country's need ; that he had often thought how, when this war was over and he should be telling his children of its occurrence, he ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST would feel should they ask him, " Were you there?" and he should be compelled to an- swer, " No." He was going to be able to say, " Yes, 1 was there and 1 tried to . Robbins; and the corporals, Andrew St. John, Amasa Wood, George D. Crandall, James Goodell, John Keeney, Josiafa A. Bosworth, Homer REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. II. Stevens, and Charles II. Crandall, with Frank J. Vanderpool and Henry W. Brown, musicians. On the following Monday, Aug- ust I8th, the company with "IC and "I" went to l'roy, and the next day arrived in < 'amp ( 'urtin. On Thursday the men passed their medical examination, and the next day, August 22d, were mustered into the ser- vice of the Government. Besides the three commissioned officers, the company consist- ed of ninety -eight men and was registered as Company "B" of the Regiment. COM I 'A NY ('. Rev. A. J. Swart, a minister of the Disci- ples' Church, a man of fine abilities and of great popularity not only in his own denom- ination but outside of it, was deeply inter- ested in the struggle of the war, after ;i con- ference with some friends at Liberty Cor- ners and Macedonia, determined to raise a company I'm- the Bradford Regiment, and at once Commenced enlisting men from Mon- roeton, where he resided, Franklin and Over- ton townships, while Win. ,J. Cole, of Mace- donia, enlisted from that neighborhood, and George W. Kilmer enlisted from other parts of Asylum and (rum Liberty Corners. ( >n the 7th of Augusl it was ascertained thai a sufficient number had enlisted to warrant the organization of the company, and ;t meet- ing was held at Monroeton, at which Mr. Swart was unanimously chosen Captain, Mr. Cole, First Lieutenant, and II. G. Goff, of Monroeton, Second Lieutenant. The next week they proceeded to Harrisburg, where most of the company was mustered into the United States service August 19th, but the full complement was not reached and the commissioned officers mustered until the 25th. After the muster a meeting was held at Camp Curtin, at which G. \V. Kilmer, wdio thought himself too young for a com- missioned officer, W. W. Goff, George C. Beardsley, Bishop Horton and A. R. Cool- baugh were chosen sergeants; John Chap- man, < }eorge< >wen, Charles S. Brown, Hiram Cole, Daiiicd Schoonover, Muses Coolbaugh, John Rockwell, and Jerry Hakes were elid- ed corporals; Clarence Cole and Morris M'Lain were elected musicians. The com- pany then numbered, including both non- commissioned officers and privates, eighty- nine men, and was registered as Company "C" of the Regiment, and its color company. COMPANY D. In the early part of August, Morgan Lewis, a tinsmith by trade, who for some years had been iii the employ of S. N. Bronson, Esq., of Orwell, having received a commission from Gov. Curtin to recruit a company, at once set about making enlistments, and soon had enrolled seventy men from the townships of Windham, Herrick, Orwell and Rome. Thomas Ryon, a young member of the Towanda bar, was also engaged in making enlistments, mostly from Burlington and vicinity, and had secured twenty-two men. On Friday, August 15th, the parties met at the Court House to organize the company. Mr. Lewis, by virtue of his commission and by the choice of the men, could have been the < aptain, but modestly declined the honor and responsibility. Isaac A. Lark, of Herrick, a well-to-do farmer, who had served in the regular army (First Regiment of I . S. I dragoons) five years, one of which was in the Mexican war and the others on the frontier, at the solicitation of Mr. Lewis was unanimously chosen Captain; Mr. Ryon was chosen First Lieutenant, and Mi-. Lewis, Second Lieutenant. In accordance with previous arrangement, the company assem- bled at Towanda on the following Monday, and with the Towanda and Wysox compa- nies went to Harrisburg, reaching ('amp Curtin Tuesday afternoon. The company was quite unfortunate before the board of med- ical examiners, who rejected nineteen. As showing the uncertainties of such hasty exam- inations, all or nearly all of these nineteen men connected themselves with other com- panies and were accepted tin- next day by the same board without a word of objection. Mr. Ryon secured an additional number of recruits from Burlington, to which a few were added from Orwell that brought the ONE IirXDRED FORTY-FIRST number up to the required standard. The non-commissioned officers were : Sergeants — Marcus K. Warner, Henry .). Hudson, Geo. Wilson, Charles J. Easta brook and David C. Palmer; Corporals, William Howe, Simeon G. Rockwell, Charles B. Hunt, Charles E. Seeley, Robert Nichols, Elijah A. Matiison, David Benjamin and William Hewitt; with Wilson S. Hill and William Lathrop, Musi- cians, and Isaac S. Clark, Hospital Steward. Including these, when mustered, Friday, Au-ust 22, the company consisted of eighty- five enlisted men, and became Company " D " of the Regiment. M I'AXY E. Athens, settled by some of the heroes of the Revolution, whose memory she has fondly cherished and whose deeds she has delighted to commemorate, has never been behind her sister villages in maintaining military organizations or cultivating a mar- tial spirit. When the call was made for men to defend the integrity of the nation, she was ready to respond heartily to the de- mands made upon her. Joseph B. Reeve, a lawyer then in practice in Athens, began enlisting a company in Athens ami Litch- fiold. George C. Page, a farmer in Athens township, made enlistments in Athens, Uls- ter and Sheshequin townships ; while John F. Clark, formerly of Conesus, N. Y., but then residing in Burlington, secured a num- ber of men from that township. Enough having been enrolled to form a company, a meeting was held in Athens on Saturday, August 16, and an organization effected by electing Mr. Reeve, Captain ; Mr. Clark, First Lieutenant; and Mr. Page, Second Lieutenant. Stephen Evans, Tracy S. Knapp, Mason Long, William S. Wright and Will- iam Garner were chosen Sergeants ; Orlando Loomis, James W. Clark, Alonzo D. Beech, Otis A. Jakeway, Charles McNeal, William R. Campbell, Charles T. Hull and Russell R. Clallin were made Corporals ; Warren W. Powers and Byron Munn, Musicians; and Hanford D. Kinney, Wagoner. These with seventy-three privates made a total of eighty- nine enlisted men in the company. After the meeting, which was held at Carner's Hall, Col. C. F. Welles invited the boye to his office and gave each enlisted man live dollars as a token of his personal interest in the company. On Monday, August IS, they left Athens and the next day arrived at Camp Curtin, where having passed their medical exami- nation they were mustered into the service of the United States, August 2~>, and on the organization of the Regiment became Com pany " E." COMPANY I. In the early days of August, Israel P. Spalding, a well-to-do farmer in Wysox, a member of one of the oldest and most influ- ential families of the county, and himself greatly beloved and trusted by his neighbors and friends, together witli his brother, then the Sheriff of Bradford county, commenced enlisting men in Wysox, Rome and Litch- iield townships. On Tuesday, the 12th of August, the company met in Towanda and organized by electing Israel P. Spalding, Captain ; Edwin A. Spalding, son of the Sheriff, First Lieutenant; and Charles Mer- cur, of Towanda, Second Lieutenant. On the organization of the regiment, Captain Spalding was made Major; the company was reorganized, and E. A. Spalding became Captain; Mercur, First Lieutenant; and John G. Brown, an employe of the Sheriff at the time of his enlistment, was chosen Sec- ond Lieutenant. The non-commissioned officers were John S. Frink, Wm. Bostwick, John D. Bloodgood, Truxton Havens and George F. Reynolds, Sergeants; John E. Gillett, F. Cortes Rockwell, Stephen L. Clark, John M. Dunham, Orrin C. Taylor, James Lunger, Eugene L. Lent and John Turnbull, Corporals ; and Daniel Lamphere, Wagoner. Besides these the company con- sisted of seventy privates, making a total of eighty-live enlisted men. On Monday, Au- gust 18, they again assembled in Towanda, and with Companies "B"and "D"' started for Camp Curtin, where they arrived the REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 5 next day, and on Friday of the same week were mustered into the United States' service, and known in the records of the Regiment as < lompany " I." COMPANY K. Jason K. Wright, of Smithfield, though considerably advanced in yeans and in feeble health, and who had three sons in the ser- vice of his country, began enlisting a com- pany from Smithfield and vicinity. Having secured the requisite number he started with them for Harrisburg. On reaching Troy they were met by parties from Elmira, who informed them of the larger bounty offered by some localities in New York, and in- duced about half of his company to leave him and east in their lot with the New York men. Nothing daunted, Mr. Wright deter- mined to go on with the number he had left, hoping to fill up his company in Camp Cur- tin. While waiting for the other Bradford companies, two small squads from Sullivan county — one enlisted in Laporte by Henry R Dunham, a rising young lawyer of that place, and the other by John S. Diefenbach, of Dushore — arrived, and arrangements were readily made for uniting these with Mr. Wright's company, and the organization was effected by choosing Mr. Wright, Captain : Mr. Dunham, First Lieutenant; and Mr. Diefenbach, Second Lieutenant. The organ- ization was completed by choosing Beebe Gerould, Aurelius J. Adams, Wallace Scot! and Daniel W.Scott, Sergeants; Charles W. Smith, Calvin C. Chamberlain, Gordon T. Wilcox, Wallace W. Farnsworth, George W. Pennington, William Rogers, Nathan S. Brown and William R. Smalley, Corporals; Elton M. Durfey and Alfred Hunsinger, Musicians; and Wm. H.D. Green, Wagoner. The company consisted of eighty-six men, including both non-commissioned officers and privates, and was mustered into the United States' service August "26-7, and was known upon the rolls of the Regiment as < lompany "K." The Government at this time was in press- ing need of men. McClellan, by the imper- ative command of the President, was remov- ing his army from the Peninsula; Lee, relieved from the pressure of an enemy in his front, was massing his forces in overwhelm- ing numbers against Pope, then in command of the Army of Virginia, which was holding its position on the north bank of the Rappa- hannock, along the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, and while covering Washington was endeavoring to prevent the concentra- tion of Lee's forces; while the ranks of the Federal army were being rapidly thinned by the retirement of the troops enlisted for nine months or a year. Great anxiety was felt at the Federal Capital over the gravity of the situation, and most serious results were feared. The Governors of the loyal States were urged to forward all available troops with the least possible delay. The men in < lamp ( 'urtin were directed to complete their organization immediately. While enlistments were going on in East- ern Bradford, Daniel W. Searle, Esq., of Montrose, already a lawyer of some repute. but who was then preparing to exchange the forum for the field by enlisting a company in Susquehanna county, came to Towanda with the proposition that the companies then being raised in that county should unite with those of Bradford in a Regimental organization. The proposition was favora- bly considered, and the preliminary nego- tiations entered into in case the Regiment was not raised entirely from Bradford. Accordingly, under the urgent solicitation of the mvernor, without waiting for additional companies to be raised, the arrangements were completed with the two companies from Susquehanna, and one company from Wayne, already on the ground, to unite with the seven from Bradford into a Regiment, and the Regimental organization was speedily and satisfactorily effected. These Companies were known respectively as " V," " II." and "G." COMPANY F. The people of Susquehanna were not a 6 Hi NDRED FORTY-FIRST wliii behind her sister counties in zeal for prosecuting the war, or readiness to furnish men and means for carrying it forward. A public meeting of tin- citizens of the county was held at the Court Mouse in Montrose on Monday evening, July 21, 1862, "to take steps to raise volunteers under the late call." Hon. Wm. II. Jessup was chosen chairman, and stirring addresses were made by him and by Win -I. Tuirell, B. S. Bentley, Esq., and others. Resolutions were adopted look- ing to promptly tilling up the old regiments which had been decimated by battle and disease, and raising the required new ones. A subscription was started by which a local bounty of tiny dollars was given to every enlisted man. Henry F. Beardsley, a gentle- man of considerable prominence, with the assistance of others began enlisting a com- pany principally from the neighborhood of New Milford. A sufficient number to form a company having been enrolled, a meeting was held at New Milford on Friday morn- ing, August 22, and the company organized by electing ELF. Beardsley, Captain; Albert \. Hemstead, first Lieutenant; and Elisha B Brainerd, Second Lieutenant. Richard Kent, Jackson B. Ferris, William II. Loo- little. Philip Peckens and Salmon s. Eager were chosen Sergeants; and Augustus Roper, Frederick I >. Young, William P. Brainerd, Levi Moss, Henry M. Stearns. Llias W. Stedman, John II. Green ami Price F. Mil- ler, Corporals; Nelson D. Coon and William II. Nun. Musicians: and George \.. Wilson, Wagoner. Besides these there were seventy- eight privates, making a total of ninety-four enlisted men. At New Milford the citizens gave the company a dinner; appropriate addresses were made and greal interest was manifested. In the afternoon the company went to Scranton, where they were joined by Company " 11." and the next day wenl to Harrisburg, passed their medical examina- tion on the 24th, and were mustered on Monday the 25th into the United States' service, and became Company "F" of the Regiment. COMPANY it. About the middle of .Inly, Casper W. Tyler and Daniel W. Searle, two young law- yers of Montrose, both of them gentlemen of much worth and influence in the community, commenced raising a company. Thinking to awaken deeper interest in their work and forward the enlistment, they suggested the calling of the meeting held the 21st. The men enlisted by them were almost entirely from the borough of Montrose and the town- ships of Bridgwater, Franklin, Liberty, Sil- ver Lake. Forest Lake. Push, Dimock ami Springville. They were joined by Aaron Bunnell, a large farmer and influential citi- zen of the township of Auburn, with a con- siderable number enlisted from that place On Saturday, August Li, the nun held a meeting at the Court House in Montrose, and proceeded to organize themselves into a company by choosing Mr. Tyler, Captain ; Mr. Searle, First Lieutenant ; and Mr. Bun- nell, Second Lieutenant. On the 22d the company reassembled at Montrose, where they were greeted by a large concourse of citizens, who in an appropriate manner demonstrated the public interest felt in the departure of the brave men who were about to imperil their lives for their country. Be- sides the commissioned officers, Logan 0. Tyler, John Harris, [saac G. Babcock and William Magee were chosen Sergeants; James H. Weaver, John Gyle, Jeremiah Hayes, Albert P.Gates, Picknell P. Atlicr- ton, Henry 11. Dougherty, Asa 11. Decker and Fredrick Fargo, Corporals ; George C. Hill and George W. Hewitt, Musicians. With the seventy-live priva'es the company consisted of eighty-eight enlisted men. or ninety-two in all On the afternoon of the same day, the "_'"Jd, they went to Scranton, where they joined Com- pany '• L," and with them proceeded to Harrisburg the next day. On the 25th they passed their medical examination, and on Tuesday, the 26th, were mustered into the military service of the United States, and REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. were known as Company "II" of the One I [undred Forty-First Regiment. COMPANY ft. In the early days of A ugut i (o ■ about the 6th l, James L. Mumford, a student in the law office of Wm. II. and Samuel E. Dimmick, of fine parts, high social standing and brillianl prospects, commenced making enlist. incuts aboul Honesdale, in Wayne county. In iliis he was assisted by Charles M. Ball, also of Honesdale, who was one of three brothers in the service of his country. About the same time Joseph Atkinson, an active business man in the eastern p the county, assisted by William Muir, was 'I in raising :i company from Hawley and vicinity. It \v;is subsequently arranged to combine the two enli bi into one company, giving the Honesdale men their choice of Captain and Second Lieutenant, and i he I [awley men First Lieu- tenant and First Sergeant. A meeting was accordingly held in Liberty Hall in Hone dale, Augusl 18, and Mr. Mumford was elected < laptain ; Mr. Atl- it Lieu- tenant; Mr. Ball, Second Lieutenant; and Mr. Muir, Fin ! ; also, William T. Lobb was elected Second, and J. T. R. Third Sergeant. On the 21 t the company left Honesdale for Camp ( iiiiin, u here aftei ig the usual medi- cal examination they were mustered into the service of the I United Stati i I 25th, and the remaining non-commissioned officers selected, viz : Richard F.Taggart and James X. Terwilliger, Fourth and Fifth and James I n Thursday, August 28, thecommi ioned officers oi i he ever il companies met at ( lap tain Jackson's quarter and proc< eded to organize the Regiment. Henry J. Madill, a member of the fowanda bar who had en- li ted at the beginning of the war, was then Major of the Sixth Pennsylvania Ri and had di I ingui hed him elf in the battles in which that Regiment had engaged by his heroic valor and military skill, was made Colonel of the RegimenI ; I laptain Watkins, of < lompany B, was elected a Lieutenant l lolonel ; and < laptain Spalding, of ' lompan . [,a Major; Daniel W.Searle, I in I Lieuten- ant of < lompany II, as Adjutant ; Rob< <\ ' ■ of Honei dale, a Quartermai ter; Dr. Ezra P. Mien, of Uh< n , one of the mo t eminent, phy ician oi Northi rn P< nn nia, u:i cho en Surgeon, but owing to ome technicality in the Medical Department wa commi isioned A , istant Surgeon in itead and William Church, Ash ,, f the One Hundred Tenth Regiment, Penna. Vols., received the ;, | ,| „,i III men I .,|'Sl/l and Rev. David Craft, pastor of the Pr< byterian Church at W , appoint ed ' haplain. At the -.-one time Charli D. a private of Company B, and Henry 1 • Jones of the ame < lompany, and Jo eph • •• Fell, al 10 a private in ' lompany < I, were rgeanl Major, and I Clark, of Company D i Ho pital Sti The Regiment consisted, be idi the field and 'ill offici i , of twenij even i od sioned officers of the Line (that is, I aptains and Lieutenant and nine hundred teen non commi ioned officer and pi i a total of nine hundred fifty-onemen, The ignified his readin i suetb tons for the everalol ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST the persons nominated, on the 29th the Regi- ment was reported ready for service, accepted by the * rovernor of the Commonwealth, and known on the roster of the army as the One Hundred Forty-first Regiment of Pennsyl- vania Volunteers. No Regiment of better men or better officered was put into the field during the war. It was the pride of North- ern Pennsylvania, from which much was expected, and whose subsequent history proved they were worthy of the trust reposed in them. It was the first Regiment enlisted under the call for the War. Note. — After this chapter was in type a note received from Rev. C. C. Corss, of Smith- held, contains the following : "Several members of Company K think the statement that one-half of the company left it at Troy and joined the New York boys, is a mistake. The Smithlield hoys all agree that not one who gave his name left at all." The statement made in the text was upon what was thought to have been good and reliable authority. Chapter II THE REGIMENT IN THE DEFENCES OF WASHINGTON. ^IXTHILE, as we have said, the government was in great need of reinforcements for its depleted armies, the troops rendezvoused at Camp Curtin were as eager to get out of it and into the service. The location was nat- urally a beautiful one, on the left hank of the Susquehanna, a mile or more above the city of Harrisburg. The constant tread of thou- sands of feet had, however, not only destroy- ed every vestige of grass, but had ground the surface into dust which every puff of wind sent in clouds across the encampment. This with the pelting heat of an August sun and a prevailing drought, made that almost treeless plain seem cheerless as a desert. The barracks were dirty, the water poor, and the police arrangements of the camp defective; added to which was a prevalent diarrhoea among the men, brought on to a great extent by the change of food, drink and habits from their usual homes to the life of the camp. The inactivity and restraints to which they were subject, the feeling that they were doing nothing toward the accomp- lishment of the object for which they had left their homes, made them restive and un- easy ; when, therefore, on Thursday evening, August 28, the order cams to be in readi- ness to go to Washington the next day, it was hailed with universal joy. It was a busy day for the men of the Reg- iment to complete the arrangements neces- sary to enter upon the new life before them, and it was five o'clock in the afternoon be- fore they entered the train for Baltimore, reaching the city about four o'clock the next morning. The night's ride was a very try- ing one. The train was made up of twenty box cars, and soon the air inside became stifling hot and close, while those, who en- deavoring to escape that, rode on the top of the car, were soon chilled by the damp eve- ning air ; and as the train was an irregular one, it was delayed considerably in waiting for others to pass, thus making the journey still more tedious. Of rest there was none, and to sleep was impossible. The boys whiled away the long hours by telling sto- ries, singing songs, playing pranks upon one another and such like, until the tiresome ride was ended. At Baltimore they halted two hours, obtained their breakfast and marched to the station, where they took the train for Washington, arriving there about three o'clock in the afternoon of Saturday. Here everything was confusion and excite- ment. The second Battle of Bull Run was being fought, and the roar of eannon could be distinctly heard. After eating their din- ner at the Soldier's Rest, the Regiment was ordered to Arlington Heights. On reaching Long Bridge they were detained until dark by an ambulance train going to Bull Run, and did not reach their destination (Camp Wells) until nearly eleven o'clock. They had just nicely laid down and fallen asleep when the word came to fall in and march to Chain Bridge, a distance of eight or nine miles. The night was pitchy dark and the guide lost his way. The news of Pope's defeat had reached Washington, and the men did not know but any moment they would be confronted by an enemy. They were unaccustomed to their guns, Austrian muskets, and there was not a load of ammu- nition to tit them in the Regiment, nor a hundred bayonets that could be used, in this comparatively helpless condition, ex- 10 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST hausted by their long ride from Harrisburg and the \v:m! of sleep, the men trudged on until sunrise, when they halted at Camp Sumpter, near their place of destination. Nol to exceed one-fifth of the Regiment were in line at the halt. The others, over- come by fatigue, fell out <>n the way and came straggling in during the forenoon of Sunday. The Regiment encamped near Fort Ethan Allen, a short distanee from Chain Bridge. To add still further to their discomfort, it began to rain about daylight, and continued all dav. A more forlorn company of men it would be difficult to find ; — tired, sleepy, footsore, wet, without tents or other shelter from the drenching rain, hungry and served with only quarter rations, it was a beginning of soldier life sufficient to dampen the ardor of the most enthusiastic. It may be of interest to have the story told by one of the Field officers of the Regi- ment. Under date of September 1st, Major Spalding wrote : — "On Thursday night we received orders to leave for Washington at five o'clock the next afternoon. Every moment of our time was t ikeu in getting ready to go. We work- ed nearly all night in writing our muster and pay rolls, and were finally obliged to go without getting them completed. We reach- ed Baltimore just before daylight, marched through the city, had our breakfast provided by the " Union Association," went on to Washington where we arrived about three o'clock. We were detained there in getting our men (vd and making arrangements with the proper department. We left the eating house about six o'clock, marclud through the city, making a line display and were much complimented by the citizens. * * We lay on the pavement until dark for the purpose of allowing ambulance wagons ami nurses to pass over to the battle field U>idl Run J which we knew was not more than twenty miles away. For two hours a steady stream passed along. After they had passed we crossed over in the direction of the battle The men were in fine spirits, saying they were as ready to tight then as ever. We marched some six miles and encamped. Be- fore I had laid down a messenger came into Camp with an order from Washington di- recting us to march to Chain bridge. Tired as the men were, they formed readily, leav- ing all baggage except what they could carry, and started. * * We reached Fort Ethan Allen about six (./clock and were at once posted upon a hill near Fort Marcy which commands the road leading to the bridge. It rained all day very hard and we hail no shelter hut our blankets. The men lay down by hundreds and slept all day in the rain, for they were much exhausted. The men all seem to be in good spirits and have stood their hard march well." ' During the next day some tents were pro- cured and on Tuesday enough were had for the Regiment. These with clearing weath- er, a better supply of rations and more con- genial employment, brightened the spirits and increased the cheerfulness of the men. The Regiment continued here for a week, occasionally furnishing details of men to dig rifle pits and make slashings of timber, and resting from the fatigue of the journey from Harrisburg. After the defeat of Pope at Bull Run, Lee began to move up the south side of the Po- tomac and crossed over into Maryland. The Army of Virginia commanded by Pope was merged into the Army of the Potomac and the combined forces under the command of General McCIellan were hastened forward to check the progress of the Rebels. For several davs the troops were passing the en- campment of the One Hundred Forty- First crossing the Chain Bridge into Mary- land, and during Tuesday and Wednesday the Regiment was kept under arms most of the time. On Tuesday suitable ammunition was pro- cured, bayonets were fitted to the guns and the arms were put into somewhat effective condition. Owing to the confusion in mili- REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 1 1 tary affairs always following great battles, and the inexperience of the officers of the I. 'raiment — Colonel Mad ill had not as yet assumed command, — for the first week or two the supplies were frequently short, but the weather was warm, the surroundings novel, and purchases could readily be made, so that little complaint was heard. Sunday, September 7th, was a beautiful day, and in the morning the whole Regi- ment gathered under a clump of trees to at- tend for the first time Divine service con- ducted by the Chaplain, but soon as the benediction was pronounced orders were read to pack up and march to Fort Lyon, below "Alexandria, said to be about twelve miles from Chain Bridge, and report to General Robinson. The Regiment got un- der way about one o'clock in the afternoon, but the day was very warm, the roads dusty, and the marching slow. It was nine o'clock before the destination was reached. The Regiment was halted alongside the Sixty- Eighth Pennsylvania from whom they expe- rienced the most generous hospitality. Find- ing that the One Hundred Forty-First were to encamp beside them, they brought buckets of fresh water for the several compa- nies, which were peculiarly grateful to the wearied, dust-covered, thirsty men, and as tents and camp equipage bad been left at Chain Bridge the officers and men of the Sixty-Eighth vied with each other in otter- ing to their new neighbors, whom they in- sisted upon receiving as guests, all the ac- commodation they could possibly hestow. The regiments were placed together in the same brigade, and ever after the remem- brance of that Sabbath evening was a bond of lasting friendship and the cause of many reciprocal favors. The immediate reason for the removal of the Regiment to Fort Lyon was to connect it with the brigade then under the command of General John C. Robinson, which was the First Brigade of the Kearney Division of the Third Corps of the Army of the Poto- mac, then under the command of Major- General Samuel I \ I leint/.leman. The Third Corps had already done sign d service, and had won an enviable distinction in the Fed- eral army. Its commander was a gallant old veteran who bore the laurels of many a hard fought battle. The corps was made up of two divisions — the Second of which was com- manded by Major-< ieneral Joseph Hooker, whose dash and bravery bad already earned him the sobriquet of " Fighting Joe Hooker." The First Division was under the command of that beau ideal soldier, Major-General Philip Kearney. No man ever succeeded better in thoroughly infusing into his men his own spirit than (ieneral Kearney, lie had brought his division up to a high stand- ard of discipline, and its fighting qualities were developed in the largest degree, until the fame of the division and of its stern old commander, and the story of its heroic deeds were known through all the land. When (Jeneral Pope was needing tried soldiers to enable him to resist the advance of Lee, the Third Corps was among the first pushed for- ward for his relief. In the battles which followed it suflered severely. Kearney was killed on the first of September while recon- noitering in front of his troops, and Briga- dier-General Birney took command of the division. The corps had been so badly cut up by the continuous service in which it bad been engaged that it was not sent on the Maryland campaign, but left about the defences of Washington. General Robinson's Brigade consisted ,ii that time of the Twentieth Indiana, the Sixty-Third, and the One Hundred Fifth Pennsylvania, and live companies of the Thirtieth Ohio Regiments, In the reorgan- ization of the brigade immediately on reach- ing Washington from the battle of Chantilly, the Ohio companies were transferred to another brigade, and there'were added the Sixty-Eighth, the One Hundred Fourteenth and the One Hundred Forty- First Pennsyl- vania Regiments. It was in pursuance of 12 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST this arrangement that the removal of the latter to Fort Lyon was effected, and the Regiment was officially connected with the brigade five days after, September 12th. On Monday evening the Regiment, in company with the Sixty-Eighth, moved about three miles up the river to Fort Worth, near Hunter's creek, where the rest of the brigade had just encamped, and took its place in that organization whose fortunes it was to share and in whose labors it was henceforth to bear so conspicuous a part. The next day was a busy one for the men. Six hours were spent in drill and they had their first inspection. Unused to military matters they had a very imperfect concep- tion of the condition in which arms were required to be kept, and in consequence the guns were pronounced "bad" by the inspect- ing officer. To men of the spirit of the One Hundred Forty-First, no second admonition was needed. No sooner was the inspection over than every man was busy cleaning and polishing his gun and equipments. Intheeve- ning the Regiment had its first dress parade. The afternoon of the next day, Wednesday, the Brigade moved to the camp near Fair- fax Seminary. The men were still without their tents, and had to lie on the bare ground without other shelter than their blankets, but fortunately the rain which had been threatening did not come. On Tinirsday was the usual drilling. Ma- jor Spalding went back to Chain Bridge and superintended the transportation of the tents to camp, which opportunely arrived, for hardly had the boys got them pitched ere the rain began to fall, and continued all night. The next day the Regiment ex- changed the large tents with which they had been furnished, and the delay of whose transportation had been a source of so much discomfort, for what were called shelters, that is, a piece of canvas about six feet square, on two adjacent edges of which were buttons, and the other two button holes. Two of these fastened together and hung across a stick resting upon supports about four feet high would cover a space near six feet square with a roof; another piece fast- ened across the end would afford additional protection. From two to four soldiers, each with his shelter, which was carried folded on the top of his knapsack would join to- gether, and on going into camp would com- bine their shelters, and in five minutes would have a covering that would afford considerable protection against quite severe weather or hard storms. These shelters which at the first were designed only for ac- tive service in hot weather became the only tents furnished to the men. On Friday, September 12th, the Regiment went to Arlington Heights and pitched its camp just in the rear of Fort Albany, about four miles from Washington, which was in plain sight. An officer of the Regiment writing under this date says : " It will be two weeks to-morrow since we crossed into Virginia, and we have been encamped in six different places." This was known as " Camp Whipple," and was laid out in an orderly manner. In the neighborhood the whole of Birney's Division was encamped. An officer writes : '' The whole division came with us here to-day. Everything wears a warlike aspect, — long lines of troops as far as the eye can reach, immense trains of army baggage, and hundreds of cannon are moving in all directions. There is noth- ing but military movements to be seen or heard of here." The routine of camp life began here to be somewhat settled. There was " guard mounting" at nine o'clock in the morning, drilling in the manual of anus three times a day, two hours at a time, and dress parade in the evening. These with ordinary camp duties, and occasionally going on fatigue or picket duty, gave pretty constant employ- ment to the men and the discipline needed for the service in the field. On the follow- ing Sunday morning at eight o'clock came the usual inspection. One of the men writes REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 13 with a commendable pride, " we were in- spected again this morning and this time our arms are pronounced good." In addi- tion to the regular morning preaching ser- vice, Captain Jackson invited the Regiment to attend a memorial service, to be conducted by the chaplain in the evening, of Thomas R. Miles, third Sergeant of his company. Mr. Miles, a wagon-maker by occupation, came from Susquehanna county to Wyalu- sing some two or three years before his en- listment ; was engaged for a time by H. S. Clark, who was then in business at Wyalu- sing ; afterward was in business on his own account in the village, where he was highly esteemed. While in Camp Cnrtin he was suffering from diarrhoea, and while the Reg- iment was waiting at Long Bridge in Wash- ington was seized with a chill, taken io a hospital and died September 5th. at about the age of twenty-nine years, and was buried in the Military Asylum Cemetery. He left a wife and two children. Thus early in its history the ranks of the Regiment began to be depleted by death. The selection of Captain Watkins as Lieu- tenant-Colonel of the Regiment left his company without the usual commissioned officers. On Monday a meeting was held, and William T. Davies, who had been in command of the company, was elected Cap- tain ; Henry Keeler, First Lieutenant, and Benjamin M. Peck, Second Lieutenant. The Governor of the Commonwealth in due time issued to them their respective commis- sions. Each company was now furnished with its proper complement of officers, and completely organized for its work. On the evening of Wednesday, the 17th, Colonel Madill was present and was warmly welcomed by the men. On receiving his appointment, the Colonel had visited the Regiment at Chain Ridge, but supposing it would remain in camp there at least until the conclusion of the Maryland Campaign, he had availed himself of a short leave of absence and made a hasty visit home, from which he had just returned. The next morning he reported to General Robinson and General Birney, and took command of the Regiment. Lieutenant-Colonel Watkins, who had until this time been in command, was not only inexperienced in military mat- ters, but expecting the speedy return of the Colonel, hesitated to do more than was nec- essary to carry out the instructions of his superior officers. Colonel Madill at once set to work to bring his regiment up to a high standard of efficiency. Company officers were instructed in their duties, the men were daily drilled in squads, companies and bat- talion ; camp guards were established, and a prettv rigid discipline enforced. A week after the Colonel writes, " the Regiment is getting along very well," and another week the men were highly complimented by Gen- eral Robinson at dress parade for their rapid improvement. A picket line had been established a few miles from the encampment, partly to pro- tect the camps from stragglers, but mostly for the purpose of giving the soldiers a prac- tical knowledge of the responsible duty of picket service. The line occupied by the Brigade was in the neighborhood of Falls Church. The following incidents occurred while the Regiment was on this service, as the stories were told at the time : ' During the night of the 22d a strong detachment of the Regiment, nearly five hundred, while on picket duty, captured a rebel who attempted to run the guard. He was poorly clad, having a sack slung over his shoulder containing old boots and clothes, the common character of disguised rebels- This is the first rebel seen by any of the boys, and he is in limbo, for he was next day marched into camp and lodged in a guard-house near the headquarters of the Brigade, where he is now imprisoned." Captain Jackson claimed the honor of taking him, the first rebel captured by the Regi- ment. Under date of October 9, Corporal Walker, of Company " G," writes : " On the H ONE HUNDRED FORTY-EIRST 28th ult., a party of the One Hundred For'y- First, twenty-five in number, under Lieuten- ant Atkinson, held a picket station on Rose Hill, at a point where a road intersects the Columbia turnpike. About five o'clock in the afternoon, a private carriage approached the guard from the direction of Washington, and of course was brought to a " halt." Your humble servant was then acting as guard, and immediately after halting such a respec- table appearing party, demanded to see their pass, and was only answered by a min- isterial-looking personage with a pair of keen eyes, that " A Generals vants to pass." " Your pass first," replied the obstinate picket, holding his musket at a charge, which made the queer-looking little man really laugh, and hand out a paper which read, " Guard, pass General Sigel and lady, also General Schurz and lady." With a smile on his face the guard handed back the piece of parchment to its gallant possessor, and at the same time signalled the Lieutenant to approach, who held a brief conversation with the brave and sociable Sigel of a mili- tary nature." It is needless to add that the distinguished travellers were closely scruti- nized by the vidette, who had never before seen these already famous generals. On Friday, the 26th of September, the Regiment again moved camp, going about a mile farther south, near Hunt's Chapel where the men pitched their tents in a grassy meadow which had never been occu- pied by troops — a very great improvement over the places where they had heretofore encamped. This was known as Camp Pres- cott Smith. On the first of October the Division was reviewed at Baileys Cross Roads, about three miles from the camp, by Generals Heintzleman, Birney and Robinson. It was the first review the men had ever partici- pated in, and the first the most of them had ever seen. The Regiment, however, made so good an appearance and performed its part so well, that on dress parade the next evening General Robinson in person com- plimented it very warmly. As an evidence of the character of the men, the Adjutant in his report about the last of the month says: "During the stay of the Regiment in camp no soldier has been in the guard-house, and between officers and privates no insult has been offered." The hot. dry weather which prevailed through most of September and the early days of October, were peculiarly trying to the health of the men, and much sickness prevailed. At one time one-third of the Regiment was on the sick list. Some of them were sent to hospitals, but the greater part preferred to remain in camp and be cared for by their comrades. In fact, so many stories were afloat at this time, of the neglect, or worse, of patients in Government hospitals, that it was some time before the men were willing to avail themselves of the care and comforts which the Government provided for its sick and disabled soldiers. Hard marches, unaccustomed exposure, in many cases neglect of simple sanitary measures, a change of climate and mode of life, had already begun to thin the ranks of the Regi- ment. On the first of October, Charles M. Mory was made Sergeant of the Commissary De- partment of the Regiment, by which and the addition of a clerk to the Quartermaster, the efficiency of this part of the service was greatly promoted. While the army under McClellan was resting on the north side of the Potomac, after the battle of Antietam, the rebel Gen- eral Stuart with eighteen hundred men started the 10th of October on a raid into Pennsylvania, and pushed up as far as Chambersburg, twenty miles in the rear of the army, spreading consternation in his path. General Stoneman was directed to take such portions of the Third corps as was available, hasten up the river and endeavor to arrest the dashing trooper before he could re-cross the Potomac. Taking Ward's and REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. •5 Robinson's Brigades, he thought by a forced march to reach the fords of the river below the mouth of the Monocacy creek and bold them against him. On the very day it was known that Stuart had gone on his raid, after a hard day's work in drilling, and dress parade after dark, orders came to pack up and march immediately. The tents were pulled down and knapsacks packed, but the marching was deferred until morning, on account of the threatening storm and the intense darkness of the night. Martin L. Ormsby, from New Albany, a private of Company C, died after a short sickness in camp this evening, at the age of twenty-five years. He had been a farmer by occupation, and left a wife and two children, a son and daughter, both since deceased. He was buried at Arlington Heights. The officers and men were up nearly all night. Tents were not put up and knapsacks remained packed, as at any moment the or- der to ''fall in" might be issued. The reveille beat at half- past three o'clock a. m., and with the first dawn the troops were put in motion. The Potomac was crossed at the Aqueduct, and the Regiment passed through Georgetown just as the sun came over the eastern hills. Leaving Washington to the right, the Brigade followed the pike up the Potomac thro' Darnestown, reaching Rock- ville. a distance of about twenty-three miles from Camp Prescott Smith, a little before sundown and encamped on the Fair ground. It was a wearisome march for the Regiment. The hard work of the day before, and the loss of rest at night, the roads made slippery from the rain which had recently fallen, and the position of the Regiment at nearly the rear of the brigade, * all combined to make unusually tedious what under the most favorable circumstances would have been a hard march. On Sunday morning at two o'clock the men were called up, and started at four o'clock for Poolesville. Every man in Company E was reported unfit for duty. The knapsacks of those most disabled were loaded into the wagons until they would hold no more, that the men might be relieved from as much burden as possible. Every mounted officer in the Regiment, ex- cept the Adjutant, whose duties would not admit of it, went on foot and put some tired soldier on his horse, the Colonel himself part of the time carrying a gun. When about half way there, orders were received from General Stoneman to hurry up, and the last ten miles were made without a halt. The Regiment bivouacked about two miles north of Poolesville at one o'clock in the afternoon. The men, completely exhausted, fell out by scores ; some flung aside their blankets, some their overcoats, and a few t'Vfii their knapsacks in their desperate struggle to keep in line. When the halt was called only ten of Company A were in line, and less than one hundred fifty from the whole Regiment. Colonel Madill writes: " A very hard march. A great many fell out ; the balance were tired out." When near Poolesville, the Regiment passed a "contraband" making his way toward Rockville with a yoke of oxen attached to a little cart. Sergeant Rought, of Company A, soon persuaded the owner of the team to about-face ; the boys piled their knapsacks upon the creaking cart until it would hold no more, and relieved of this incumbrance, were able to make the rest of the journey with comparative ease. On reaching camp the cart was unloaded, and its owner relieved from its impressed service. The troops in advance reached Poolesville just in time to see the rear of Stuart's force cross the river, and to experience the morti- fication that after all their efforts the wily Confederate had beaten them in the race, and slipped their fingers before they could close their grip on him. Later in the day the Colonel with one hundred fifty men ♦The order of march was as follows : The lllth took the lead, followed by the 63d, the 105th, the 68th, the Hist, Pennsylvania Regiments ; the 20th Indiana briuging up the rear. i6 OXF. Hl'XDRED FORTY-FIRST went to Conrad's Ferry, but finding no ene- my returned about 10 p. m. Some one has said " That severe marches are more destructive to armies than battles." The march of the One Hundred Forty-First Regiment to Poolesville was a ease in illus- tration. Under the fatigue of the journey the effort made to keep their places in the ranks, the loss of sleep, and the exposure to the chill night air, many of the men con- traded diseases from which they never re- covered, and never afterward were able to perforin active military service. The Sur- geon of the Regiment reported that more than one hundred cases of hernia alone were traceable to the Poolesville march. On Monday the Regiment occupied the road from Poolesville to within about two miles of Conrad's ferry, a distance of between three and four miles, as pickets, a company in a place. In the meanwhile the stragglers tame up. tents were pitched, rations were supplied, and " the boys went to bed quite comfortable." The next day the Regiment was ordered to march at four o'clock in the morning. They went to Conrad's Ferry, a distance of about two miles, where they remained until about ten o'clock, when they marched up the river nearly to the mouth of Monocacy creek, but after a brief halt, returned a cou- ple of miles to White's Ford, which they were ordered to watch and guard. Compa- nies B, C and G were posted at the Ford almost directly opposite from Ball's Bluff, where about a year before (< >ctober 21, 1861,) the detachment under Colonel Baker bad been so disastrously routed, the gallant Col- onel slain and nearly half of his force, about two thousand men, butchered. At this point the greater part of Smart's cavalry had crossed the Sunday previous. The remain- ing part of the Kegiment was posted near the towing path of the Ohio and Chesapeake canal. The day had been warm, but the night was clear and frosty. Tents, knap- sacks and blankets were left at the camp near Poolesville; no fires were allowed and hav- ersacks were empty. The people about this part of .Maryland were at this time deeply in sympathy with the South ; it was the home of Major While, who had recruited some of Stuart's cavalry from this immediate neighborhood. Neither food nor forage could be had, but under the pressure of pretty strong arguments, and as the Stale was nom- inally loyal, foraging was forbidden under severe penalties. Without fire, tents, blankets or food, the temper of the men was not the most amiable, and the suffering would have been greater had not the officers been willing to put a very liberal construction upon the order. Some of the Field and Stall' officers alter fasting aiost of the day were just sitting down to supper, which they bad secured at a farm-house near by in the evening at "right smart dark," when one of the darkies came to the door, and with a broad grin upon his face said, " Kun'l ! Kun'l ! you'ah so'jers in Mass'r's hen- roost af'fr de chickens." "They are not my men," answered the Colonel, gruffly; "there are other soldiers here be- side mine." Perhaps five minutes had elapsed when this same darkey, accompanied by another, again came to the door. " Kun'l ! you'ah so'jers hab got all de tu'keys and most all de chick'ns." " They are not my men," again said the Colonel, sharply. " I t'ink dey be you'ah men," persisted the dar- key. "Send them in here and let me see ;" but none came. The next morning, how- ever, there were ominous little piles of feath- ers in certain places, which suggested the possibility that the Colonel might have been mistaken. About nine o'clock in the morning of the next day, Wednesday the 15th, the Quarter- master succeeded in getting a wagon with rations to the Regiment, and empty haver- sacks and empty stomachs were soon filled with pork and hard tack. In the evening- all but two companies were moved across the canal and bivouacked in a ravine on the side of the hill and overlooking the Ford. REGIMENT, PENN'A IVES. 17 The next day their knapsacks came, and the men made themselves comfortable in a very pleasant camping place. They remained here, doing picket duty, and keeping close watch at the Ford, until Saturday evening, when they were relieved by Ward's Brigade, and the Regiment returned to the old camp at Poolesville, reaching there about mid- night. The next day a new place was se- lected for the encampment, a grassy meadow, a fine spot, and before night the tents were up, the Regiment nicely sheltered, and a full supply of rations. Writing at this date Ma- jor Spalding says: 'We arrived here (Poolesville) the day Stuart's cavalry crossed back into Virginia, after being up at Cham- bersburg. They crossed at three places not far from here, in the forenoon of Sunday. We got here about two o'clock in the after- noon. We went on Tuesday to White's Ford, the principal crossing, and kept guard over the river until last night, when we were re- lieved by Ward's Brigade. Our brigade is now attached to General Stoneman's Corps of < )bservation." The Regiment continued in its cam)) at Poolesville until Tuesday, October 28th. The usual drills were again resumed, with inspection and reviews, except when inter- rupted by storms which now were of fre- quent occurrence. On Thursday, the 23d, Colonel Thomas, Assistant Secretary of the Commonwealth, presenting the Regiment with a stand of colors, gave the men a patri- otic address, to which the Colonel briefly re- sponded. The next day the brigade was re- viewed by General Stoneman. After the battle of Antietam and the re- treat of Lee to the south side of the Poto- mac, except the raid of Stuart, both armies spent a month in comparative quiet. Mc- Clellan relieved from the presence of a hos- tile force in his immediate front, seized the opportunity to thoroughly re-organize the Army of the Potomac, to procure necessary supplies of shoes and clothing and to give his soldiers a short rest preparatory to the active movements of the contemplated Fall campaign. On the 26lh of October, McClel- lan put his army in motion, crossing the Po- tomac at Berlin, five miles below Harper's Ferry, on a pontoon bridge, he moved by easy marches toward Warrenton, Virginia. The troops at Poolesville were ordered to join the main army in this movement. On the same day that McClellan crossed the river, Sun- day, October 26th, orders were read to the Regiment "to be ready to march to-morrow morning at four o'clock, with three days' ra- tions in haversacks," but a severe rain storm setting in that night, the movement was de- ferred until the storm passed over, Tuesday, the 28th. When the Regiment left (amp Prescott Smith, a considerable number were left behind sick, some of these recovered and rejoined the Regiment at Poolesville, on Sunday, October 26th, some were sent to hospital, and John S. Deifenbach, Lieutenant of Company K, died. A young man of more than ordi- nary promise, he commanded the respect of his men and the esteem of his superior offi- cers. At < 'amp Prescott Smith he was seized with typhoid fever, and though apparently improving at the time the Regiment left, died the next day, October Pith, at about the age of twenty-three years. His remains were brought home and consigned to their last resting place in the Lutheran Cemetery near Dushore, where his parents reside. While at Poolesville a considerable num- ber of both officers and men suffered from typhoid and bilious fevers ; in addition to which the sick list was further swelled by a number of cases of measles which at one time became almost epidemic in the camp. When the Regiment left Poolesville a num- ber of these including Captains Davies, Reeves, and Beardsley, Doctor Allen, Lieu- tenant Page, who were quartered in private houses, and Lieutenant Brainerd who had obtained permission to remain with his sick brother then just at the point of death. There were besides twenty-two en- listed men, including a few sick soldiers, whom they were left to guard, a few guns ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST and also a considerable quantity of clothing and commissary stores, which were stored in a log house, through which port holes had been cut, that rendered it quite a defensible work, and where the men were quartered. On the 22d of November, Major White with a detachment of Stuart's Rebel cavalry about one hundred in number, crossed the river, and early in the morning pounced down upon the little squad in whose care the sick men and stores had been left, and after a brief, weak resistance, captured them. The Confederates lost two killed and thirteen wounded, while the Union loss was one kill- ed (from the One Hundred Fourteenth) and one wounded — Corporal N. J. Gay lord, of Company A, One Hundred Forty-First, in the hand. Captains Davies and Reeves, aware of the great danger of remaining in the proximity of Poolesville, managed to get to Washington a day or two before the raid; Captain Beardsley escaped in the guise of a Quaker cattle buyer, by the aid ofhis Quak- er host, Lieutenant Brainerd had left soon after the death ofhis brother, Corporal Wil- liam P. Brainerd, which occurred November 1st. He enlisted from New Milfordin Com- pany F, was a young man greatly beloved by his associates, and his early death was greatly lamented. His remains were brought back for interment near the home of his childhood. Doctor Allen and Lieutenant Page, though staying at the house of Mr. Young, on whose farm the Confederates exchanged, were not molested. The rest were captured, paroled and subsequently encamped. A de- tachment of Federal Cavalry was encamped near Rockville, who, learning of the raid, hastened to Poolesville so rapidly that the Rebels, unable to get away with their plun- der, destroyed it and beat a rapid retreat across the Potomac. On the 28th of November, Edwin A. Leonard, a private of Company F, who also had been left behind sick, was captured by a party of guerillas, paroled and subsequently exchanged. Chapter III A FTER the battle of Antietam, McClellan determined to taken little lime/while giv- ing his army the rest it sadly needed, to reor- ganize his forces and equip them more thor- oughly for the fall campaign. This being accomplished, he put his army in motion on the 26th of October, but owing to bad weather it was the 2d of November before the entire army was on the south side of the Potomac. The line of march was by roads parallel to the Blue Ridge, along its eastern slopes, making Warrenton the point of direction and concentration, from which, if a favora- ble opportunity offered, he hoped to strike Lee a damaging blow, or, failing in this, " to adopt the Fredericksburg line of advance upon Richmond, or to be removed to the Peninsula, if as I [McClellan] apprehended, it were found impossible to supply it [the army] by the Orange and Alexandria Rail- road beyond Culpepper." In this movement he wanted all the "old troops that could possibly be dispensed with around Washington and other places," de- siring that their places be supplied by the new levies which then were pouring into Washington. The old Third Corps, whose valor had been so thoroughly tried and never found wanting, was a peculiarly desir- able addition to his army. Since the second battle of Bull Run it had been lying about the defenses of Washington, recuperating its strength, increasing its numbers, and becom- ing more thoroughly efficient for its work. It now consisted of three divisions — the First, or Kearney's old Division, now com- manded by Brigadier-General David B. Birney ; the Second, Hooker's Division, commanded by Brigadier-General Daniel E. f"HE FREDERICKSBURG CAMPAIGN. Sickles; and the Third, commanded by Brigadier-General A. W. Whipple. The One Hundred Forty-First Regiment was in the First Brigade, Robinson's, of Birney's Division. To this division were also attached Batteries K and F, Third United States Artillery, commanded by Captain L. L.Liv- ingston, and Battery E, First Rhode Island Artillery, under Lieutenant P. S. Jastram, and the whole commanded by Captain G. E. Randolph. In this forward movement the Third Corps was directed to participate, and orders were issued to Robinson's Brigade, on the afternoon of Sunday, October 26, to be ready to move at eight o'clock the next morning with three days' rations in haversacks. At five o'clock the call came to get up and pack up for the march, but the rain poured in torrents and the wind blew a gale. All day long the storm continued with great violence, ending in fitful gusts toward evening. Marching in such a storm was out of the question, but before the order was counter- manded everything was drenching wet. Tuesday morning the storm had cleared away and a cool, fresh breeze was blowing from the north, which, however, subsided in the afternoon. At seven o'clock all was ready and soon after started for White's Ford, a distance of four or five miles, reach- ing the river bank about noon. After wait- ing here between two and three hours, the order " Forward !" was given, and the Reg- iment waded the river. The stream had become considerably swollen by the recent rains, the water was cold and the current swift, yet the passage was made without accident. On reaching the south side of the 20 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST river the road led up Ball's Bluff, a further march along which of about three miles and the men bivouacked in a wheat field. In one corner of the Held stood three large stacks of unthreshed wheat, which was freely used for beds. The night, however, was so cold that next morning the ground was fro- zen and a white frost covered everything. The men in their wet clothing and scanty covering suffered not a little from cold during the night. The following extract from a letter written by Lieutenant Lewis, of Company D, gives such a vivid and picturesque description of this day's march that I cannot forbear to quote a, paragraph or two: "On Monday last we broke camp in Eastern Maryland and crossed the Potomac at White's Ford. Our Regiment arrived at the banks of the muddy waters at two o'clock in the after- noon, and [.lunged in. It was a sight to lie- hold ! ( >ur boys dreaded to step in, but had to come to it. When we arrived on the hill overlooking the river, Ward's Brigade [the Second, of Birney's Division] was in ; and such a scene! — some naked, some with their pants pulled up around their thighs, s< me in drawers, some in shirts, and all seemed to be yelling like demons; and then across upon the opposite shore Berry's Brigade [the Third] were winding their way up the hills as far as the eye could discern their gleaming bayonets. At length our turn came. Our hoys began to strip. The air was cold and chilly. I advised them to keep on their clothes, hut everyone followed his own peculiar ideas. 1 was in command of our company. Captain Park was "officer of the day," and was not with us, but had the good luck to ride, and Lieutenant Ryon we left very sick at Washington. I did not move a garment, hut stepped oil' and in, the hoys following. Nothing like order could he maintained ; companies' and regiments were all mixed together, yelling and screech- ing like demons. Occasionally some one would slip on a stone and down he would go, plunging all under; others would catch him and set him 1 1 j > again. 1 myself came very near going under once. I stepped on a round stone, my foot slipped and away I went, hut two men of tl e One Hundred Fifth caught me just in time to save me from an immersion. They told me my legs were too short and offered to help me across, but, thanking them, 1 declined the proffered aid. The river was a fourth of a mile in width, and the deepest part up to my hips. When across 1 took oil' my hoots and wrung my socks, and resumed the march upon the bluffs. We had several cannon planted to cover us in case of an attack." After crossing the river a picket line was established, the left of which rested on the Potomac at Conrad's Ferry and the right at White's Ford. On Wednesday afternoon the Regiment was sent out on that part of the picket line which crossed the road lead- ing to Leesburg, where it relieved the Twen- tieth Indiana. It was a beautiful place, in a hickory and walnut grove, with an abund- ance of good water near by. Under date of November 1, Major Spalding writes : "We forded the river and camped about three miles from the ford, near the river. The next day we were put forward as pickets aboul a mile from the rest of the brigade. We kept fivecompanies and put five forward as guards from the river near Conrad's Ferry around our brigade, and connecting with General Berry's Brigade, which was en- camped next above us. General Ward's Brigade was next above Berry's and close by where we crossed." On reaching this place the three days' ra- tions taken from Poolesville began to get short, and the boys started out to replenish the failing stores. They were now on the south side of the Potomac, in an enemy's country, and the orders against foraging had a liberal construction. Lieutenant W. T. Horton was in command of Company A, Captain Jackson having been left sick at (amp Prescott Smith and Lieutenant J. H. Horton on the sick list, yet keeping along REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 21 with the Regiment by riding in an ambu- lance. The Lieutenant in command went a few rods from where his company was sta- tioned to a farm house whose owner learning the near approach of the Federal troops was just herding a hue flock of sheep, one of which the Lieutenant offered to buy. "I have none to sell,' was the reply. " Well," persisted the oflicer, " there is a regiment of hungry soldiers just over the hill, and I ad- vise you to sell when you can. What will you take for the choice of the lot ?" " Five dollars," was the answer. Hardly had the words "I'll give it" escaped the Lieuten- ant's lips ere the sheep was being converted into mutton. On offering a five dollar greenback in payment the owner demurred, " I can do nothing with that ! Haven't you anything else ?" " Nothing but this," was the reply as he showed a facsimile of a Con- federate note which was then freely circu- lated through the army. " I can use that," said the farmer as his eye caught the bogus bill and handed a five-dollar greenback in change. The boys thought it a pretty good purchase and enjoyed a hearty laugh as they ate their mutton chops at dinner. In other parts of the regiment the men supplied themselves with food by an equally summa- ry method. One of them writes in his diary " Drew fresh pork and mutton to-night, and also drew apples to-day." Much complaint was made at the time of the manner in which Rebel property was protected by Fed- eral troops, but so far as our Regiment was concerned, the protection was more nominal than real. On Friday, the 31st, the Regiment was mustered for pay, after which it was relieved from picket duty, and in the afternoon went to Leesburg passing through the town a lit- tle before sundown, and encamping south of it in a meadow. Before the war this was a place of considerable wealth and refinement, but at this time everything seemed to be go- ing to decay. The colored population here, as everywhere through the South, hailed the coming of the Northern soldiers with evi- dent marks of delight, but the greater part of the whites, and especially the ladies, were not slow 10 express most emphatically their hatred of the Yankees. The boys returned the compliment by singing, as only soldiers can sing, that grand battle-song of the war : " John Brown's body lies mouldering in the ground. But his soul goes marching on.'' There had been a report through camp that Rebel cavalry were hanging on the flanks and rear of the army, and that our cavalry had been skirmishing with them near Leesburg. W r hen the Regiment reach- ed an abrupt angle in the road about half a mile from the village, a few horsemen were observed a short distance away and at once some one called out that Rebel cavalry was about to attack us. In a trice half the Reg- iment had thrown off their knapsacks and were in readiness for the anticipated fight, when the Colonel, who had been riding in the rear of the column came up, and seeing they were our men, corrected the mistake and ordered the march to be resumed. The Regiment, although under orders to be ready to move at a moment's notice, re- mained in camp all of Saturday without any occurrence of special note. About twenty- five Rebel soldiers were found sick in the academy which was used as a hospital, and some of our men were also left here. On Sunday morning, about three o'clock, Jonas Fuller, a private of Company A, died suddenly in his tent. Though complaining somewhat while on the march, neither he nor his friends apprehended any serious re- sults. As the regiment was then under or- ders to move, his body was taken to an un- dertaker in the village, by whom he was buried in the cemetery of the town and his grave properly marked. He was the son of Ransom Fuller, Esq., of Camptown, a faith- ful soldier, ever at his post, and died in the twentieth year of his age. This was the third death from this com- pany since its muster ; the other was Wil- 22 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST liana Blocher, of Herrick, and a near neigh- bor of Fuller. He was sick with fever in Camp Prescott Smith when the Regiment left there for Poolesville, and from there was son( to Cliff burn Hospital, in Washing- ton, where he died, October 25, 1862, at the age of twenty-five years and was buried in Military Asylum cemetery. Alanson Rowe, a private of Company B, who had enlisted from Warren township was also among those left at Leesburg, where he was seized with an attack of lever, and died on the 14th of November. The others were taken to Washington in a short time to escape being captured by the enemy's caval- ry, who were making frequent raids in the iear of the arm v. The order was to leave Leesburg at eight o'clock on Sunday morning, but it was four o'clock in the afternoon before the column got in motion. The Catoctin Mountain runs parallel to the Blue Ridge a few miles to the east of it. The several affluents of Goose Creek break through this range making a succession of gaps, that at Aldie being the most considerable, from which to Thorough- fare Gap, the range is called the Bull Run mountains. The route of the Regiment on this day (Sunday,) was westerly from Lees- burg through one of these gaps, to the west- ern slope of the Catoctin, thence southerly to Mount Gilead, a distance altogether about twelve miles, reaching this latter place about one o'clock on Monday morning, November 2d. The march had been a severe one, and as usual the canteens were empty, and a good prospect for going to bed without the cus- tomary cup of coffee. Corporal Hull, of Company E, who was usually ready for any emergency, gathered a back load of can- teens, and went out beyond the lines for wa- ter. The mountain was so steep that at places there were steps to get down to the creek. After going some distance he came to the stream and was tilling his canteens, when he heard the tramp of horses ami rat- tle of sabres, and on looking up to his sur- prise saw a detachment of White's Guerril- las ride into the stream to water their horses. The Corporal at once took in the situation, and before he was discovered, concealed himself behind some trees and as his unex- pected neighbors retired, beat a hasty retreat for camp, which he reached in safety. When the Regiment broke camp at Pooles- ville, several were recovering from measles, others from typhoid fever, who though ap- parently well at starting, were soon over- come by the fatigue and exposure incident to the march, and owing to defective trans- portation, were obliged to he left by the way. It was a rare thing that the Regiment left a camping place without leaving behind some one who had marched the day before. Major White with a small cavalry f>rce hovered over the rear of the retiring columns picking up stragglers, and such as were unable to march, and several of the men of the One Hundred Forty- First suddenly found themselves in the hands of the enemy, and hurried off to Libby prison. Among those who were thus left at Mount Gilead, were corporal George W. Owen and Clarence Cole, musi- cians of Company C,who AVere captured Nov. 5th, evidently by the same party from whom Corporal Hull so fortunately escaped. Both were subsequently paroled and re-joined the company. The next morning was cold and frosty with a northwest wind. The Regiment re- mained here until three o'clock in the after- noon when the march was again resumed, still in a southerly direction, until nine o'clock in the evening, when they were or- dered to halt for the night, after traveling about eight miles. The encampment was on sloping ground, on the principal branch of Goose Creek, near Aldie, and called Mill- ville, from the fact that a gristmill was near the camp. Here the Regiment remained during all Tuesday. The mill was filled with corn and other grain, and was set in motion and the men were supplied with REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 23 plenty of corn meal. The country round was scoured and sheep, hogs and poultry were taken wherever found. Officers and visitors shared with the rank and file in the rations not accounted for in the commissary department. The next morning three days' rations of hard bread, which was twenty-six crackers per man for three days, were distribu- ted, after which the Regiment again started on its march. The course this day was south- erly, through Middleburg, to White Plainson the Manassas Gap railroad, thence along the railroad to near Salem, where they went into camp. The day was cold, and although the roads were rough and hilly, the day's march was made with comparative comfort. The Regiment profited by the experience of Company A on the march to Pooles- ville. Captain Lobb, of Company G, writes : " I think it was soon after we left Goose Creek that I saw a yoke of oxen marching along in the rear of the One Hundred Forty- First Regiment, hauling a cart loaded with knapsacks. I had a good chance afterward to know they were a good team, and did good service for the Union during the winter. The next spring I think they were turned over to the butchers. Falling in with the One Hundred Fifth Regiment, the first thing that attracted my attention was that they had a yoke of oxen also. They were old soldiers, and were not going to be out-done by the One Hundred Forty-First, and so General Robinson had two regiments in his Brigade that had suc- ceeded in bringing oxen into the Union." Corporal Hull, of Company E, thus tells the story: "While the Regiment was at Millville, November 2d, a colored man came to the mill with a yoke of cattle and a cart, which the boys borrowed to draw rails and straw up to the camp. As they did not get through with their work that night, the dri- ver went home, but returned next morning for his oxen, when he was told that they were so useful the boys had concluded to keep them. The man said his master had nothing left but a three-year old colt. After describing the colt, three of the Company went with him to see it, but could nut catch him." The oxen and cart took their place in the Regiment, and were the pets of the boys, who showed them every attention. They continued with the Regiment until the battle of Gettysburg, when they were turned into the Quartermaster's Department. Thursday, November 6th, was bitterly cold, a raw north-easterly wind seemed to chill one through. The Regiment started on the march at daylight, in a westerly di- rection for a short distance, until Salem was reached, then turned southerly toward the Warrenton pike. Here they began to come up with the rest of the army. They found the Reserves encamped near Salem. The road through the mountains was very rough and hilly, tedious for infantry, and trouble- some for artillery and supply teams. The country was covered with a dense growth of scrub oaks and pitch pine. "Here," writes Captain Lobb, " it was wheretwoof Company G's men fell out as stragglers, James Ogden and William Short. Short was picked up afterward and sent to Alexandria, where he soon died, December 29th, 1862, and was buried in the Military Asylum Cemetery, near Washington. We do not know to this day what became of Ogden. We have ex- hausted all means since the war to find him, but yet no clue. I suppose I am the last person in the Regiment who saw him, when I told him that he had better keep in the ranks." "At Middleburg," says an officer writing of this march, " we met the Pennsylvania Reserves. It was where two roads crossed each other. As the Sixth came down one street and filed into another, they gave three hearty cheers for Colonel Madill, who had formerly been Major of that Regiment, and said, ' We will meet you again on the battle- field,' and sure enough, we did so meet at Fredericksburg, a few days after. At this ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST place the women came oul when we were cheering, and said that we would not feel bo gay in a little while, for we would find :i ' Longstreet' to march through, and two Hills' in climh over, and then we would come to a ' Stonewall,' thai would stop our enthusiasm, and we would be glad to roll up our Hags and go honie." The turnpike leading from Waterloo to Warrenton was reached a little after dark, and the Regiment was directed to picket the n>ad. During the night the outposts were drivenin by the enemy's cavalry. This road follows for a short distance west of Warren- ton one of i ho forks of the < ledar Run Creek, an affluent of the Occaquan, then crosses one of the upper branches of the Rappahannock, about halfway between Warrenton and Wa- terloo. The bridge over this stream, which at this point is narrow but deep, the enemy had destroyed the day before. It was about this point where the Regimen) was posted, a company in a place. On the morning o\ the 7th, just before day- break, tho cavalry pickets were driven in upon the line of infantry. Tho reserve por- tion of the picket line was called out and ad- vanced some distance, but found no enemy. The Twentieth Indiana was pushed forward on a reconnoissance but discovered nothing, and the picket line resumed its former posi- tion. This day was intensely cold for the season, and snow fell all day. Tho brigade was moved a short distance to a sheltered spot in tho woods, where it remained for the nest two or three days. Under this date, November 7th. the Major writes : " We left 1 eesburg last Sunday afternoon, and march- ed until about two o'clock at night, and have marched every day but one since. We pass- ed through Middleburg, White Plains and Salem, crossed the Manassas Gap railroad about forty miles west of Bull Run, and are now about five miles from Warrenton, and a half a mile from the Rappahannock river. Tho rebels have retired steadily before us. \ esterday a small force was hero, that cross- ed the river, burning the bridge. Our Reg- iment was thrown out in pickets, a company in a place." While the Regiment was shivering over its camp-fires on the picket line, the com- mand of the Army of the Potomae, by order of the President, was passed over from Me- ridian to Major-* ioneral Amhrose l'.urnside. Swinton thus tells the story: "Late on tin' night of November 7th, amid a heavy snow- storm, General Buckingham, arriving post- haste from Washington, reached the lent of General McClellan, at Rectortown, He was the hearer of the following dispatch, which he handed to General McClellan : GENEE \1 ORDERS, NO. 182. W \i; Dept., A.DJT.-Gen'ls < >FFICE, | Washington, Nov. 5, 1882. J By direction of the President of the United States, it is ordered that General McClellan he relieved from the command of the Army oi the Potomac, and that Major C ioneral Burnside take the command of that army. By order of the Secretary of War. E. D. Townsend, Assistant Adjutant-QeneraL It chanced that General Burnside was at the moment with him in his tent. Opening the dispatch and reading it, without a change o( countenance or voice, McClellan passed over the paper to his successor, saying as he did so, " Well, Burnside, you are to com- mand the army." The army was now concentrated about Warrenton, from which place McClellan had designed to strike the enemy where he could deal the most effective blow. At the request ^( Burnside, ho continued in com- mand until the 8th, when he turned it over to his successor, and retired from military life. Says Swinton : " Upon assuming command o\ the army, General Burnside made at War- renton a hall often days, during which time lie endeavored to get the reins into his hands, and he carried into execution a pur- pose he had formed o\ consolidating the six corps of the army of the Potomac into three Grand Divisions o( two corps each" — the ri > miles further, when a hall was ordered, and the Regiment was put out on picket, where they remained to guard the roads until Wed- nesday, the 12th, when they were relieved, and marched back across the river, the Reg iment, with two pieces of artillery, covering the crossing until the other troops had pass- ed, and went into camp on (lie Sulphur Springs road, about four miles from Warren- ton, in a pitch pine grove, where it remain- ed until Sunday, the 16th, when il went lo Warrenton and encamped. The almost unprecedented had weather, heavy toads and eonstanl exposure, wen- he ginning lo ailed the new troops severely. Bad colds and rheumatism were prevalenl in the camps of the < >ne Hundred I'orly- First, and many were on the sick list. On assuming command of the Army of the Potomac, Burnside adopted the Fredericks- burg line of approach to Richmond, which Mel lellan had designed as a last contingency. Orders were therefore issued changing I he general direction of the vements of the army now concentrated about Warrenton, and using his cavalry to mask his positions, al once scl iil'l .in his route In Fredericks- bui'g, which he hoped lo occupy hcl'ore Lee could lie aware of Ins intentions. I >n Monday, the 17th, orders were issued to he ready lo march at six o'clock in the morning, but it was ten hcl'ore the Regiment began to move, Robinson's Brigade leading tin 1 division. The course was almost direct- ly south toward Bealton Station, on the < >i angH and Alexandria railroad, mar which they encamped for the night. About the middle of the afternoon (hey passed Liberty, a " hamlet of six or eight shanties." When Ihe urders to inarch were received, a number being sick and unable to travel, were left tO he taken to Warrenton ill the ambulances, and thence transported to Washington. Among these were Horace K. Smith, of Company K, who at the time of his enlistment was living in Burlington, where he left a wife and two daughters. It was a sad parting, as these hrave men were compelled to leave their comrades by the wayside sick, among strangers, and in an enemy's country, and ii was with a feeling almost bordering on despair, thai the sick men saw their friends take their departure. The Sergeant of C pany EC, speaking of M r. Smith, says : "I shall never forget the look he gave me, when 1 told him that we were obliged lo leave him." He died at Warrenton, November 18th, the day after ihe Regiment left there, at about twenty-five years of age, and was buried in the National Cemetery, Arlington. Elisha H. Bedford, Clarence Goff and George Delong, of Com- pany < i, were among those left here sick. In trying to reach the railroad, they were as- sailed by guerillas, and Bedford was cap- tuded. He has not heen heard from by his c pans since, and is supposed In have died in captivity. 'The others escaped. The next morning ihe Regiment resumed iis march toward Fredericksburg, and en- camped near a little church ahoul fourteen 26 ONE lirXDRED FORTY-FIRST miles south of Bealton, which was reached aboul three o'clock in the afternoon, and soon after was detailed for picket near Kelly's Ford on the Rappahannock. Says Captain Lobb " we had strict orders not to shoot any game should any chance to cross our beat, nor to bring down a turkey should we see him in a tree overhead. Lieutenant Atkinson is in command of the One Hundred and Forty- Firsl picket line and Lieutenant Ball of Company G's pickets. We are posted along the edge of a piece of oak wood." The Regiment was relieved from picket duty about six o'clock the next morning and at nine again resumed their march to- ward Fredericksburg. About two o'clock in the afternoon they reached Hartwood where they halted for the night. Scarcely were the tents pitched when the rain began to tall which continued all night and the next day, rendering roads impassable, and keeping the men in camp here until the afternoon of Saturday, the 22d, when they struck camp and at eight o'clock in the evening went into camp near Falmouth, a village on the north bank of the Rappahannock, opposite to and a little above the city of Fredericksburg. The next day the camp was moved about a mile Southeast and nearly opposite the city. The Richmond and Fredericksburg Kail- road extends from Aquia Creek Landing on the Potomac, southwesterly aboul twelve miles crossing the Rappahannock at Fred- ericksburg, thence southerly to Richmond. 'Phis road Burnside expected to make the base of supplies for his army upon reaching Falmouth, but the Rebels had so completely destroyed it that some time was required to put it in repair. As the Kappahannock at Fredericksburg is not fordable it had bom arranged that pontoon bridges should be at A(|uia Creek by the time the army reached Falmouth, but owing to a blunder some- where they did not reach the place designat- ed until several days after. The delay in the arrival of the pontoons, the difficulty in repairing the railroad prevented the occupa- tion nf Fredericksburg as had been contem- plated, and while the Federal army was wasting precious time in getting ready to move, the Confederates were busily at. work concentrating their forces, and fortifying their position so as to render the move, when made, abortive. TWO weeks were thus spent where success could only be hoped by rapid and prompt action. On Monday I he brigade was inspected by the Inspector from General Stoneman's Head Quarters, on Tuesday the division was reviewed by General Hooker, on Friday, the 28th, the railroad was opened from Aquia Creek to Falmouth, and the question of supplies, for the present at least, practi- cally settled. As soon as the Regiment was settled in camp, the daily drills in compa- nies, battalion and brigade, were resumed. These with frequent reviews and inspections kept the men employed whenever the weath- er would admit. A few minutes walk from the Camp WOllld bring one to the crest of Stafford Heights, as the hills on the north side of the Kappahannock were called, from which the lines of rebel pickets and the al- most impregnable heights on the other side, fortified with breastworks and rifle pits and defended by a powerful army, could be plainly seen, and the impossibility of success- fully assaulting them was freely discussed. Although cold weather was rapidly ap- proaching, yet the men occupied their shel- ters without any other protection from the inclement storms. On Tuesday, December 9th, there was brigade and division inspection, after which orders were received to he in readiness to march at an hour's notice after the next day. Before detailing the events of the next few days 'let US stop a moment to consider the condition of the Regiment. New regi- ments always sutler considerably from siek- ness until they become accustomed to the climate and inured to the life they are re- quired to lead. Several references to the general health o( the men already made REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 27 would probably be sufficient to convince the reader that the < me Hundred Forty- First was no exception to the rule. Below are given the footings <>f the Adjutant's re- ports of the strength of the Regiment for September 30th and November 30th, 1862: COMMISSIONED OFFICERS, Sep. tO, ,, . ! For duty Present.. «• 1 bick Absent 35 3 38 Nov. SO. 23 7 30 7 ENLISTED MEN 763 24 109 2 475 ( >n extra duty Sick 23 129 (i .Total K'.IX 2 627 Absent •J.r,:\ Aggrei !i:;s KIT Prior to November 30th, three commis- sioned officers had resigned and onft hud died ; of enlisted men fourteen had been dis- charged for various sorts of physical disabil- ity, twelve had died and one, James Ogden, of Company G, was lost and never heard from. A loss to the Regiment of thirty-one, two of whom are counted in the above ag- gregate of November 30th, the notice of their discharge not having been received l>y the Adjutant — so that at this date the nomi- nal strength of the Regiment was nine hun- dred and seventeen, of all ranks. In the two months the number "present for duty " had decreased by two hundred anil eighty- eight, while the number absent sick was in- creased by two hundred and fifty-one, and the number sick in camp was increased by twenty. The reports freely circulated at this time of the wonderful amount of sick- ness in the Regiment were no doubt greatly exaggerated, but over forty-three per cent. was a large number. Besides the deaths already enumerated, George 1 lull', who enlisted in Company E, from Laurel Hill, in Dlster township, a young man, son of Isaac Hull, was taken sick at ( 'amp Prescotl Smith, and transferred to a hospital in Alexandria, where he died November 1st, about twenty-four years did. A 11 nit T. Watkins, also of the same com- pany, a single man, died at Falmouth No- vember 'J7th, after doing the usual duties of camp through the day, and so sudden and quiet was his departure ilia! his brother who was sleeping with him had no intima- tion thai anything was wrong until morning, when he awoke to find him dead. Moses Treible enlisted with Lieutenant Bunnell in Company II, at Auburn, Susque- hanna County, and was married the day the Company organized, August 16th. lie was granted a furlough to tarry with his bride a few days, after which he returned to his Company and remained with it until he was taken sick with typhoid fever at Waterloo, Y i rg in ia„ where he died November 1 0th, and was buried there, lie was twenty-live years of age at his enlistment. Peter 1 1. Treible, another of those enlisted by Mr. Bunnell from Auburn, was a single man, and brother of Moses Treible. He died in hospital at Washington, I). ('., No- vember 1 1th, at the age of twenty-one years, and was buried in the Military Asylum Cem- etery. In addition io the losses by death, Captain Jackson and private George II. Richards of Company A, James Grannis and Ransford S. Sherman of Company B, Second Lieuten- ant Harry G. Coll of Company C, Corporal S. G. Rockwell of Company I), William I). Powers of < 'ompany K, Asahel Lord, Pardon T. Lindsey, W. P. Tewksberry and Jonathan II. Merrill, of Company F, Arthur O'llara of ('ompany (J, Second Lieutenant Aaron Bunnell, and Ethamer Conrad of Company II, were discharged on surgeon's certificate of such physical disability as rendered them unlit for military service. < laptain Jackson was unable to go with the Regiment when ii Lefl ''amp PrescOtt Smith, and soon was completely prostrated. ( )n the advice of the surgeons in Washington, he resigned Ids commission October 31st, 28 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST came to his home :ii Wyalusing, for l\ few years engaged in business became the pal enteeofan improved platform scale, went i<> Clayton, Illinois, and finally to Burlington, [owa, where lie died at about the age of six- i \ yea] Lieutenant Gofl' resigned November 16th, returned i>> his home in Monroeton, where lii-- family had resided during his absence; afterward came to Towanda, w here for some years he kepi the Vmerican House, on Bridge street; went West 1ST I, where he still resides. \nioin; those who were so completely ex hausted and broken in health, by the night's march from Irlingtoil to Chain Bridge, as i.' render them until for military servici was Lieutenant Bunnell, who, finding himself unable to endure the fatigue and exposure of the field, resigned September '1'1k\. and returned to his home in Auburn, Subse- quently lie removed to Russell Hill, in Wy- oming county, where he now resides. Some of these were apparently as robust and healthful men as any in the Regiment, but the exposures of the camp and the march soon unexpectedly developed diseases which ren- dered them unfit for duty -while others, either from advanced age or naturally feeble health, soon (ownd themselves giving way under the fatigue incident to their new surroundings, and however reluctantly, were obliged to leave the service. The Vutimin of 1862 had been noticeably one of frequent storms and eold weather. Alter a lew days of pleasant sunshine, there followed on Friday, December 5th, a severe rainstorm Avith snow ai intervals, followed by clearing and cold weather again on Sun- day. Monday and Tuesday the ground was fro en, and the hoys were strongly reminded of (he winter to which they were accustom- ed among the hills of Northern Pennsylvania rather than what they expected to find in Virginia. On Tuesday, the 9th, after bri- gade and division inspection, orders were received directing the Regiment to be in readiness to march on the next t\.\y ;il a mo- ment's not lee. The w eal her w as SO Cold I his day that the guns were covered with frost, and (lie men's hands were ben imbed, \llor a delay of seventeen days, days on his part of comparative quietness, but on the part of his toe of ceaseless activity, General Burn- side found himself ready to attempt to cross the Rappahannock and drive the enemy from his fastnesses in (he heights south of Fredt ricksburg. BATTLE OF FREDERN KSB1 RG. At Falmouth, a village on the left hank about a mile abovt Fredericksburg, the Rap- pahannock, from running in an easterly li- rection, turns abruptly to a more directly southerly course, which it pursues about two and a half miles, when it makes a sharp bend to the cast, from which, with a more graceful sweep, ii resumes its former course. On the left bank are the Stafford Heights, whose steep slopes come in most places sheer down to the water's edge, and behind which the federal army had been encamped. On the i iu ' » i or southwest side of the river, there begins at the bank opposite Beck's Island a half a mile above Falmouth, a range of hills which lor nearly tour miles runs in a direc- tion almost due south, then bending toward the river, continues two miles further, to the Massaponax (feck. These hills are neither so high nor abrupt as the opposite Stafford Heights, and between tin- loot kA' them and the river is a broken plain o\ irregular boun- daries six or sever, miles in length and from three fourths o\ a mile to a mile and a half in width, and of deep alluvial soil. Beginning nearly a mile south of the bend in the river opposite Falmouth, and on its right bank is the citj o\ Fredericksburg, ex- tending nearly or quite a mile along the Rappahannock and back a half a mile or more to Marye's Heights, as that part of the hill opposite the city is called. At the south of the city is 11a e! Run, the main branch o\ w Inch, coming down a depression o( the hills on a course nearly perpendicular to the river. REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. empties into it a little below the city. Two and a half miles south of Hazel Run, at the angle of the hills described above, is another depression, running down which in a north- easterly direction is Deep Run, which after cutting a deep channel through the sofl soil of the plain, reaches the Rappahan sk nol much more than half a mile below the city. It is al iliis poinl the river turns sharply to the east. The Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad crosses the river at the city and follows the first bench of hills for some distance southward. The crests of the hills were covered with woods part of the way, extending down to the railroad track, and al no place bui a shorl distance from it. AImiiii midway between the riser ami the railroad is the old stage road to Richmond, Avbout three and a half miles below Fredericksburg 1 his road is crossed by another at nearly hkI'I angles, which ex- tends southwesterly from the river, and crossing the railroad at what has been known as Hamilton's crossing, turns abruptly west mi ;i line parallel with the IWassaponax ( leek, and Kill a short distance Iroin it. 1 lere the railroad runs at the fool of a wood-cov- ered hill thai juts a mumlcd shoulder out Inward the river, Called in some of the re- ports Hamilton Hill, and thai was thesouth eni limit of the battleground. From Freder- icksburg, running westerly up Hazel Run, was the bed of an unfinished railroad, and on the second hench of hills Leading for a dis- tance southerly and then southwesterly over the hills is what has been called the Tele- graph road, along which the enemy had creeled a line of strong fort ilical ions, pro- tecting them with rifle pits and so arranging ! hem that an assault al almost liny poinl would he met Willi an enfilading lire. Burnside determined to span the river with five pontoon bridges, three of which were lo he laid opposite Hie upper pail of the city, and two lower down at a point mid- way on | he ea terly bend of the river below the mouth of Deep Run. To coverthecross inj4' and control the movements of ihceneniy mi I he plain, a powerful artillery force, con sisting ol twenty nine batteries of one hun- dred and forty seven guns, was placed in po siiion on the night of the i () i h, and before the dawn of Thursday the I Lth, the pontoon boats were silently unshipped al the river's brink, and the work of placing them in posi- tion was begin der cover of a dense fog thai idled the valley. Bui an unexpected delay occurred in laying the upper bridges, from (he destructive fire of sharp shooters whom it was found impossible to dislodge until late in the afternoon, when the bridges were quickly completed, and Howard's Di- vision crossed over and occupied the eily. At the poini below, Franklin was able soon to disperse the sharp sh Miters, and by noon two bridges were available for the pas- sage of his troops, a pari of whom were sent over. The Center Grand Division, under Hooker, was held in reserve. ''The whole of the l-tli of December was consumed in passing over the columns and reconnoitring i he ( 'onfederate p tsition. The Iroopa lav on their arms for the night under that Decem- ber sky : then daw ned the m Lng of Satur day, the 13th, and this was lo l.e the day of the battle." \ nearly as can lie gathered, llurnside's plan of attack seems lo have heen lo divide his army into two columns, the righl under ( J. nerd Sumner, with his own and a pari of 1 looker's i I rand Division lo assault the ene- my's position on Marye's Heights, and the left under < ieneral Franklin with hi own and the remainder of Hooker's I roups lo at- lack and turn the Confederate right resting on Massaponax Creek; and at the same time each Column lo he held so c pletely in lunulas lo lie aide to support the other in case of nee, I It, is not here designed to describe or cril eisc the battle of Fredericksburg; this has repeatedly been attempted by abler pens and persons professing greater military knowl- edge than the writer, who will content him- self by describing only those operation in 30 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST which the One Hundred Forty-First had a part, and such as are necessary to understand their movements. In the distribution of his forces, two Di- visions of the Third Corps— Birney's and Sickles' — were assigned to Franklin's col- umn to take part in the movements on the left or below Fredericksburg, These will, therefore, chiefly ciaini our attention. The point which Franklin was directed to attack was from two to three miles below the city. The plain is here at its widest, not much less than two miles, and is notched by spurs of hills less elevated than those in the rear of the town, and was covered with dark pines and leafless oaks. This was the right of the Confederate position, and was held by the corps of "Stonewall" Jackson, whose line extended from a point on Deep Run, a half a mile up the stream from where it is crossed by the railroad, obliquely down to Hamil- ton's ( Irossing, the division of A. P. Hill hold- ing the railroad with a brigade at the angle of the crossing and one on the north bank of the Massaponax, while his headquarters were south of the stream. Stuart's cavalry with three batteries of artillery continued the Confederate line from Hamilton's Cross- ing to the river. The morning of the 10th broke calm, clear, and crispy; all, however, was excitement in the camp of the One Hundred Forty- First. Every man felt that the day so anxiously waited for, when he was to meas- ure' strength with the enemy, when his courage, fortitude and endurance were to be put to a test which he had never before had, was breaking ; and what to him, personally, would he the result of the contest, he could not tell. All day the Regiment was kept under arms, and in the evening bivouacked in the woods near the railroad. In the meanwhile the sick were hurried off to Washington as fast as transportation could he pr icured. All the next day the brigade lay on their arms, moving down the railroad, about sun- down, a half mile toward the river, where again they bivouacked, expecting an order to cross before morning; hut none came, and the brigade remained quietly in camp until sundown, when it was moved about two and a half miles farther down the river, in the vicinity of Franklin's bridges, where again it went into bivouack, fait holding itself in readiness to move at a moment's notice. Although the days were warm and sunny, yet the nights were clear and frosty, and the men suffered not a little from the cold. Franklin had suggested the propriety of making an attack upon the enemy's right, early in the morning of Saturday, the 13th, hoping to turn his position and secure a firm hold upon the heights, and was anxiously awaiting orders from the commanding Gen- eral to that effect, and had disposed his troops accordingly. It was not until half- past seven o'clock in the morning, that he received the orders in purtuance of which the attack was made flis own Grand Division was already on the south side of the river, and the two divisions of the Third Corps were near by. At nine o'clock Meade's Division— the Pennsylvania Reserves— began to move. They had not gone far when they were met by a sharp fire from Stuart's bat- teries, which they were compelled to stop and silence. A little after eleven o'clock Reynolds, who was in command of the First Corps, composed of Meade's, Gibbon's and Sedgwick's Divisions, was compelled to develop his whole force, and Stoneman was directed to cross one division to support Reynolds' left, which was then held by Meade, with Gibbon on his right. AVhile these movements were going for- ward upon the battlefield, the Regiment had at eight o'clock marched from its ressing place the night before to a point on the hills near the approach to Franklin's bridges, where they stacked arms, and from which they had a full view of the battle which was then raging about Fredericksburg, where Sumner was vainly hurling his forces against REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 3i the almost impregnable fortifications on Marye's Heights, only to fall back in bro- ken, shivered fragments, to be gathered np to attempt again the same fruitless experi- ment ; while down to the extreme left, Reynolds was striving to gain a foothold on Hamilton Hill by pushing back and turning Jackson's right wing. While the brigade is awaiting orders to advance, let us look over the Regiment as it contemplates with sober, earnest yet deter- mined spirit the firy ordeal through which it is so soon to pass. The men are mostly lying upon the ground in the warm sun- shine, but each intently watching the pro- gress of the fight. Near at hand the gallant Colonel is sitting quietly upon his horse, watching with eagle eye every moment on the plain below. Lieutenant-Colonel Wat- kins was left in camp in care of relatives. sick with typhoid fever. The Major and staff officers are gathered near the Colonel as he explains the various movements pass- ing before their eyes and comments upon the probability of success. In the Adju- tant's report of November 30th, four hun- dred and seventy-five enlisted men were for duty — about that number were now under arms. Company A was in command of Lieutenant J. H. Horton — Captain Jackson having resigned and Lieutenant W. T. Hor- ton having been left behind sick. Company B, which numbered only thirty men, was in command of Lieutenant Peck, the other com- missioned officers being absent, sick. Cap- tains S warts and Park were in command of their respective Companies, C and I), Lieu- tenant Clark commanded Company E, Cap- tain Reeves and Lieutenant Page being ab- sent, sick. Captain Beardsley, who having nearly recovered from his recent sick- ness had come to the Regiment a few days be- fore the battle, was in command of Com- pany F. Captain Tyler was at the head of Company H. Owing to the sick- ness of Captain Mumford, who was left . at the camp, Lieutenant Atkinson had com- mand of Company < i, which now had fifty- four men for duty, the most of any company in the Regiment. Captain Spalding com- manded his company ; but Company K not having a commissioned officer for duty Cap- tain Wright and Lieutenant Dunham being sick, and Lieutenant Deifenbaugh having died, Lieutenant Mercur of Company I, was appointed to command it. Returning to the movements of our forces south of the river, at twelve o'clock, noon, the batteries on Stafford Heights opened a heavy fire, shelling the woods in front of which Meade was advancing, while Rirney was getting his division into position for his support, and which he was ordered to deploy in the rear of Meade's. This he did by placing Ward's Brigade on the right and Berry's on the left in two lines, Robinson's being left in reserve still on the north side of the river. Meade now began to push for- ward with great vigor, the main line being preceded by a "cloud of skirmishers." Sweeping aside A. P. Hill's advanced line and pressing back the troops sent to its sup- port, he gained the line of the railroad, compelled the enemy to withdraw his bat- tery, and wedging in between the brigades of Archer and Lane, turning the flank of each, compelled them to fall back in confusion. Heavy reinforcements were at once sent to aid the flying Confederate brigades and to stay Meade in his victorious advance, who, before his supports reached him, was driven peeled and bleeding from the field he had at a great loss, so gallantly won. In his report, the Confederate General, A. P. Hill, speaking of the charge by which Meade was forced back says : " The contest was short, sharp and decisive. The rattling musketry and charging yell of the Fifth Al- abama battalion, the Forty-Seventh Virginia regiment, and the Twenty-Second Virginia battalion, and the withering fire from Ham- ilton's regiment, right in their faces was more than Yankee firmness could stand. In addition to this, that gallant old warrior, General Early, to whom I had sent, request- ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST ing thai he would move down to my sup- port, came crashing through i lio woods at the double quick. " rhe enemy, completely broken, Bed in confusion. The two regiments of Brocken brough's brigade, Vrcher, with the First Tennessee ami Fifth Alabama battalion, ami i troops, chased them across the rail- road and back to their reserves." It was at this point that Robinson's Brigade came upon the field, just in time to join Birney's other brigades in hurling the yelling Southrons who were chasing Meade's Division, or what there was left of it, across the tield back upon the linos oftheir intreneh- monts. General Birney finding thai Meade's batteries had exhausted their ammunition replaced them with Randolph'sand 1 ivings ton's, belonging to his own division, sent for- ward the brigadesof Ward and Berry to check the advancing foe ami ordered Robinson's Brigade to follow in their support. They crossed aboilt one o'clock in the afternoon ami in about an hour reached their position. Although the men had been for three hours w etching the progress of the battle, had wit- nessed assault alter assault, and defeat alter defeat, had seen men marching boldly up to the cannon's mouth only to he shot down ami scattered, ami beheld time ami again the attacking columns of the Federal army melt away under the destructive tire of the exultant toe. yet no sooner w ns the command " Forward!" given, than every man sprang to his t'eet, ami at the double quick rushed down the slopes, over the bridge swaying and quivering under their rapid tread, on across the plain whose soft soil was a sea of mud which Came to their shoe tops, to the position assigned then', with scarcely a waver in the line, or a straggler from the ranks. Vfter crossing the river, the course o( the march was in a southwesterly direction, across the Richmond road, following in the path of Meade earlier in the day. to a line between the Richmond road and the rail- road. The Regiment had not advanced more than a halt' a mile from the bridge be- fore they were met by the Hying Reserves who rushed through the ranks toward the rear. Many of the Sixth were from Brad- ford County. The promise inade ai Warren- town that thej would next meet the One Hundred Forty-First on the battlefield had been made good. \s they eame running; through the ranks of the Regiment the hoys heard expressions like these: "You will have hot work up there!" " All ot' you will not cet back !" " You'll catch it !" and the like It was here that Sergeant William Jones of Company B, was wounded, being struck by a s,.lid shot which, coming down the hill ricochet, hit him in the right side just upon his haversack, breaking several ribs and in- Dieting other injuries. He was the first man of the Regiment hurt in the battle. In his report General Birneysays: " Rob- inson's Brigade now arriving, 1 ordered im- mediately to the front and center his firsl two regiments, the One Hundred Fourteenth, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Col lis, ind the Sixty- Third Regiment Pennsylva- nia Volunteers, Major Dank — and they poured a most effective and gulling tire into the now i eire.it ing toe. The enemy being repulsed I formed new lines — Berry's Brigade on left, Robinson's Brigade in center, and Ward's Brigade on rightj with my two batteries on the crest of the hill, receiving also the efficient aid ot' the batteries of Captains Cooper and Leppi- en of General Reynold's command. During the remainder ot' Saturday the firing was eon-taut between the pickets and the ad- vanced line-, the enemy holding the edge of the wood, the railroad embankment, rifle- pits and ditches in our front." lor nearly a mile the Regiment marched under a heavy lire t'rom the enemy's artillery, yet they pressed forward without flinching. Colonel Madill says : "I think it was the hardest march the men ever made. The fiat was muddy and the men sank to their REGIME VT, PENh './ VOLS shoe-tops every step. Bach man curried his knapsack and all his accoutrements which added id the difficulty of marching. At this time ilif enemy discovered our advance and began to welcome us with solid Bhot, shell, grape and canister with which they gave us rather a warm greeting. Several shell anil BOlid shol fell among our ranks, lull providentially, did but little injury. I believe ihai Sergeant Jones is the only one who received any serious injury in our march from the river Id I lie mad Here we met ibe Reserves returning from the field. Ii was very hot al ibis point. The enemy hail brought two batteries i>> bear so that they enfiladed the road thai \w must cross i" gel upon the field but there was mi faltering by the men. Thej closed 1 1 1 > in line Order anil crossid in ilmilile quick time, stepping aside only to avoid tramping mi the dead or dying body ol a fellow sol- dier who had jusl fallen from ibe ranks of the regiments in front, The shell ami shot fell at'OUnd us like hail, anil men fell as grain falls before the sickle. Ii was a terri- ble ordeal through which to pass a regiment of new troops who hail never been under lire; but they passed ii uohly, gallantly, Dot a man hesitated <>r faltered, but closed up and pushed on. Ii was at this point thai a man from Company ne I [undred fin h Pennsj l\ ania next, and ihe ( hie llnndied folly first on ihe right supporting Randolph's battery. The poi ilion assigned the latter Regiment was u very try ing one. They were c flelled to lie Hal on their faces on the gr id, and could not (ire a shot, while they must receive the concen trated fire of the enemy who always seeks to silence ihe haltery of a Ine. A fler ( ieneial Robinson had made his dispositions, think- ing that the unusual trial to which the < Ine Hundred Forty-Firs! had been exposed had In snllie e\lenl delni ira li/.ed them, jllsl as I hey were going into position rode up in the Colonel, his horse Hecked With foam, and his countenance aflame with excitement, with the question, "Colonel, can you hold your men there?" i iting to the spot in t he rear of the hallerv. " Hold 'em in hell !" wus the short, incisive answer. Quick almost as an eleelrie Hash, question and answer Mew back from mouth I outh down Ihe line, and in murmurs of applause "and s i you can, I lob mel, so ) ian !" answ eri d back the men who from the first understood that going to war was no holiday excursion, and w bo if inclined LO W aver, would SOI m i be shol than falter, after such an expression of confidence from their beloved commander, The Colonel continues; " We marched on the field by the Hank. The vvjy was so crowded by the retiring troops thai it was i mpo sible io march on in any ol her w ay We formed our line of battle under a very heavy fire from the enemy's batteries in front of us, who opened on us with prrapeand shell. 'file men were ordered to ' eover,' thai is, to lie flat on the ground to avoid the missiles of ihe enemy. They lay lor three hours on their faces, during which time eight shells struck in I he ranks anion:', the mi ii, and had lliey exploded, the companies anion;; w 1 1 ■ .ill lliey fell would ha\ c 1m.ii I.iI tcrh decimated. < hie struck in the I me 54 ONL HUNDRED F0RTY-F1\ Hundred Fourteenth, a few feet in advance of us, and killed and wounded nine men. Our men lay in that position all the after- noon. The enemy never ceased their tire upon us till dark." eral Birnei - W three o'clock in the afternoon 1 ordered a line of skirm- ishers to advance and seize a ditch parallel with my front. They die. so gallantly, cap- turing in the ditch some sixty prisoners At half-past four in the afternoon the enemy. uncovering ten guns on the hill opposite my left, opened a constant tire on Doubleday's >n. My Chief of Artillery directed the fire of the two division batteries upon them. and. aided by Leppien's battery on my left, sileneed the guns in twenty minutes. The enemy then opened upon our left a bat- tery i f Whitworth guns, that enfilade command and annoved us greatly. At rive o'eloek General Key - 5 tne order- to ; command of my front. During S day ;• g nday and Monday, my tired .".us remained without a murmur on the tield. lying on the damp ground without blankets, and ex st galling tire from the sharpshooters. During Mon- sfternoon an informal ar- leut was made at the suggestion of ral Ewell, commanding 3 posite, - u the picket firing. hin one hundred 5S h ithout tiring a shot at pickets." 5 passed from :. k, until the gathering darkness put an end to the conflict, and hid from sight the terrible carnage of that day of strife; and the men lay down upon their arms to rest, but the - - :' the help OW any one 3 .ep. Sunday was spei quiet. little firing between the pi, kets was tinned to same position they took Saturday, until about ten o'eloek in the forenoon, when they fell back about forty yards to a line parallel to that first occupied, stacked arms, and the men gin a little rest. The suffering o\ the wounded lying be- tween the lines was intense, and their eries were distressing. Sergeant Lobb writes: " We could distinctly hear the groans of our wounded, calling, ' For God's sake, bring me a drink of water:' 'Oh, for God's sake, can't you help us off?* These were the sounds that fell on our ears hour after hour." Any one venturing beyond the line would be im- mediately tired upon by the enemy's picket. [\ ward noon a Bag of trace was sent within the Confederate lines, asking for of hostilities while each party could bury their dead and care for their wounded, but it was not accepted. In her history of the One Hundred Fifth the author qnotes from one oi' its 8 ".day. while the flag of truee - .'.y to the enemy's line, hostilities for awhile: and. as if by magic, the two armies rose up, the piekets began to con- - and all seemed friends ; bu - - as the flag was returned, the sharps!' of both parties eommeneed tiring, and the two armies vanished from each other's sight - - Idenly as they had appeared to view." The - s brought over the river weit \ sted, but by dint of perse- ster Torrey sueeeeded after dark in eetting a supply to the Kegi- ment, which was distributed about ten at night. :-.g the evening two hundred men. twenty from each company, were detailed for pi< x M - 3 eived an on'.. »S to s n two hundred men and er in the ditch, in advance of our line and within - u* the enemy's line of { " jM S - s mmis- sionevi Beers _ .em. They arrived the: . I : ' REGIMENT, PENNW IVES. 35 ing. It was in and near this ditch that the Fifty-Seventh Pennsylvania Regiment suf- fered so terribly on Saturday. The ditch was still filled with the ilea.! and the wound- ed. Our men helped some of them oul during the morning. Our pickets occupied this ditch until three o'clock Tuesday morn- ing." One instance in which a wounded Federal soldier was helped over this ditch is so characteristic that 1 cannot forbear to give it in the language of Lieutenant Lewis, who was a witness of the incident, lie says: " Within a few yards and in front of US lay the helpless wounded of both sides. Their cries for assistance were heartrending, but it would have been death to us to have ven- tured to cross (lie ditch. One child-like voice was to me mo8l piteous. He pleaded with ns in mercy to venture to give him water or carry hi in oil'. "(), come! O, do come! Why will they not accept the flag? 0, is there no mercy on earth ? Then, come! come under the protection of Grod, and give me water.' All this time hi' would crawl toward us, a few feet at a time. Our noble Colonel, who had crawled down to us in the night, bearing the lad's piteous moans, leaped the ditch. A rebel seeing him commanded him to halt, hut he took the youth in his arms and passed him to two of our men. A minie hall had broken his leg, making a painful wound. Two days and nights he lay on the field. We had him carried to the rear and his wounds dressed." Sergeant Lohh says that he was the man to whom the Colonel gave the lad, placing him upon his hack, and that he carried him to a place of safety. That portion of the Regiment which re- mained in support of Randolph's Battery found Monday even more quiet than Sunday had been. They remained in the line occu- pied the day before until evening, when they fell back a little distance farther to a road run- ning nearly parallel with their former line. It was soon discovered that the object of this last movement was to facilitate their depast- ure from the field later in the evening — a measure which already had been determined on. About nine o'clock the order came to pack up and get oil' the ground as quietly as possible, and in about an hour they were on their way for the north side of the Rappa- hannock. 'Phose who were On the picket line, except Major Spalding, were in utter ignorance of the movements going on in their rear. Their position was at best a dangerous one, owing to the close proximity of t he enemy's line, which was concealed in the woods a few yards distant, from which every movement on our line could be closely watched. Ser- geant Lobb thus describes the position: " We were posted two in a place, about four yards apart, on the bank of a ditch — a Vir- ginia fence ditch — running parallel with the railroad, witii strict orders not to lire except we were fired on. Between our line and the railroad which runs along the fool of the hill, lav a strip of land that 1 will call an Open meadow, covered with old coarse grass and young pines." General Early (Confed- erate) speaks of this place as "a small neck of swampy woods." It was a sag in the hills, one side of which our troops were occupying, while the opposite one was held by the ene- my. The army became well acquainted with " Virginia fence ditches," which were four or five feet in depth, with the earth usually thrown up in a ridge on one bank, on the top of which was frequently set a thick hedge of cedars. Lieutenant Lewis says: "We laid prostrate on the verge of a ditch live feet deep, with a little water in the bottom of it. Along this ditch the slaughter of Sat- urday had been terrible. Lead bodies and guns were in horrid profusion. There we lay from five o'clock Monday morning until two o'clock Tuesday morning, Hat on our faces." As Major Spalding had command of this picket line, his own account is herewith given. He says : " We were left in quiet possession of the , , . bill tho Rebel ba lion in tho woods in front and their | inied ;v point of Uail- ■ ^ ^ l >' i \\\ la> . s i - said tho field was that tho ni< - « inv men. Tho them their s We snocex U\l in SS - ■ 5 w« •- '■ ; - , tos - . - REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS hours and not be permitted to fire :i shot. [his is whal you seldom find old regiments willing to endure, Bui this Regiment bore it bravely, demonstrating beyond a question, thai they possess the courage that will take them any where in the face of the enemv." "On Monday night, ' says Genera] Birney, w under orders from General Stoneman, this division was withdrawn in good order and without loss of public property." That part of the Regiment not on picket retired with the rest of the division and bivouacked in the woods near the bridge and the next day joined by the others marched back near their former encampment on Stafford Heights. ■ The Colonel reported one killed and four wounded in the engagement. The one kill- ed Was William Tambiyn o( Company G He, his brother Richard, and his cousin, Sergeant Lobb, were Englishmen, who at the time of their enlistment had nol been naturalised, but with ardent zeal for the cause of human liberty, enlisted with Cap- tain Mumford, and William was the first in the Regiment to fall at the hands o\' the en- emy. He was a young man o\' excellent character and habits, taking an active pan 1 1 1 he religious meetings in the Regiment and at the time of his enlistmenl was educating himself for the Christian ministry in the Methodist Episcopal Church. On Sunday morning he was buried by his comrades on the field of battle. The tour reported wounded were James Nevins ^( Company A., in the side by a piece of shell, Sergeant William Jones ofCompa- n\ B, Lafayette Smith of Company G, and Charles Russell of Company I. As in every battle, there wore a number of narrow escapes. \ tninio ball out through the hoard of Captain Park. ''It didn't hurt any," said the Captain, " but it made a wonderfully uncomfortable singing." W. W. Miller of Company 1 had his pants out with a hall which passed so near the Besh as to burn it hnt did not draw blood. A number of the men found bullet holes in their clothes and in their knapsacks after reaching ramp hnt did not know when they they were made. The shells thrown by the enemy were mostly percussion, intende I to be exploded by the blow of striking upon the earth, but falling on the soft ground which the Regiment was occupying, the im- pact was nol sufficient t<> explode them, oth- erwise the loss wotdd have been much greater. V flag of truce was sent into the enemy's linos on Monday. Sergeant Lobb savs " while the parleying was going on two uf of our doctors wont out and gave our wound- ed some water. Soon tin- flag of truce was withdrawn again leaving our wounded be- hind. In the afternoon the flag was finally accepted, and now those who had been ar- rayed in deadly combat were mingling to- gether. Each party left their guns within their own linos, and those sent out were for the purpose of bringing oil' the dead ami wounded, hnt once in a while Yankee Blue and Johnny Gray would stop and trade cof- fee or jack knives tor plug or Virginia leaf tobacco. A colonel in gray would yell out when the Blues and Grays stopped to trade*. The flag of truce, with tin- officers on each side> met so near my post that 1 saw and heard all of the transaction. The name of every wounded man was taken by both par- ties, company and regiment, also rank of any officer. The sixty or seventy dead that were brought in by my post were shamefully stripped of their clothing. Tin- officer on our sido made some remark about such con- ducl : the officer in gray turned it oil' by saying that it was contrary to orders. But what 1 saw tlu-n and many times afterwards showed it was not contrary to custom." During the cessation of hostilities the pickets met between the lines with the ut- most [' articles hut to talk over the oc- currences of the battle and the situation in which they were placed; and when notice 33 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST was given that the time had expired for which the truce was granted the Blue and the Gray parted with mutual expressions of good will— "Good bye, Yank ! keep low be- hind that ditch — don't let us hit you." "Good bye, Johnny! keep out of sight and take care of yourself," were the parting sal- utations as each hastened to the cover of his own lines, and in a moment every head was out of sight. Mr. Lobb mentions three un- successful attempts to effect a truce. In his report General "'Stonewall" Jackson men- tions only the one that was granted. He says: " On the fifteenth the enemy still re- mained in our front, and in the evening of that day, sent in a flag of truce requesting a cessation of hostilities between his left and our right wing, for the purpose of removing his wounded from the field, which under previous instructions from the commanding General, was granted." The movements and incidents of the Regi- ment on this ill-starred field have been given with considerable minuteness of detail be- cause to the men it was a new experience and a new revelation. It was the first time they were under an enemy's fire, and it was here their first blood was shed. It afforded an index to their character and was an earn- est of their subsequent history. A letter from General Birney to Governor Curtin will be a fitting conclusion to this chapter: Headquarters Th Camp Pitcher, Your Excellency : — It gives me pleasure to say to you that among the distinguished regiments of this old division in the battle ers First Division, ~k rHiRD Corps, \ i, Va., Dec. 19, 1862.) of Fredericksburg, were seven from Penn- sylvania, our patriotic old State. The Fifty-Seventh, Colonel Campbell ; Six- ty-Third, Major Danks; One Hundred Fifth, Colonel McKnight; Ninety-Ninth, Colonel Leidy, were identified with the glory of the command. But the Sixty-Eighth, Colonel Tippen ; the One Hundred and Fourteenth, Colonel Collis;One Hundred and Forty- First, Colonel Madid— new accessions— did much service, and withstood the enemy's charge with enthusiasm, driving him to his breastworks and cover. It was with peculiar delight, as a Penn- sylvanian, that I led so many Pennsylvania regiments to the support of the veteran " Re- serves," as that division was slowly and sul- lenly retiring before the overpowering foe ; that we relieved it from pursuit and repulsed the enemy with terrible slaughter. All of these regiments are fully entitled to have officially awarded to them, from the executive power, the right to add " Freder- icksburg" to the names already crowding their banners. May I ask you, amid your many duties, to have this compliment promptly paid them ? I regret to say that Colonel Campbell, Colonel Leidy and Major Hawksworth fell severely wounded while leading their com- mands. Many a brave Pennsylvanian gave his life for the glory of the old flag and the honor of our good State and country. I am your obedient servant, D. B. Birney, Brig. Gen. Com. Div. Governor Cvrtin, Harrisburg, Pa. Chapter IV. THE REGIMENT IN WINTER QUARTERS ON THE RAPPAHANNOCK. The Regiment returned on Tuesday, De- cember 16th, to its old camp, and after a short rest moved about a half a mile far- ther up the river toward Falmouth where the men laid down for the night. From the time of breaking camp to go to Fredericks- burg the weather had been mild. Early Tuesday morning there was a hard shower, followed by a warm, sunny forenoon which before the day closed was succeeded by a strong north wind, snow squalls and colder weather. The next day the order was re- ceived to build winter quarters and obeyed with alacrity. Every one in the camp was busy, some cutting poles for the body of a log-house, others fitting them to their places, others were plastering the sides with mud, and doing such parts of the house-building as convenience or taste might dictate. At the close of the week (he Regiment was com- fortably housed in their log cabins, each with a canvas roof, its fire-place, its bunks for sleeping, with rustic table and stools made usually of cracker boxes, — a great im- provement over toe little shelters under which they had been crawling for the past three months. Nothing else was attempted until Saturday, when the Regiment was out a couple of hours for inspection in order to as- certain what losses had been sustained on the battle field, and requisitions were needed to repair them, and make the men comforta- ble for the winter. The weather for the past two days had been extremely cold and the ground was frozen. This camp, was by the order of General Burnside called "Camp Pitcher, in honor of a true soldier who died (at Fredericks- burg) as the brave only die." Wednesday, the 24th, the weather was milder. At eight o'clock in the morning the Regiment was in readiness to march to the picket line, under command of Major Spalding, Colonel Madill being "Division officer of the day." As going on picket was with a single exception the only active mili- tary service in which the Regiment was en- gaged during the winter, a description of it as given by the officer in command may not be without interest. Major Spalding says: "On Tuesday night three regiments of our brigade were ordered to be ready at seven o'clock the next morning, to go out on picket, with three days' rations. Before we started an order came from General Hooker that General Robinson should add two more regiments and that he should go with us and take command. It is rather an uncommon thing for a General officer to be detailed upon this duty ; this, and the large force, showed that it was considered a matter of some importance. Colonel Madill being Division officer of the day could not go, so the command of the Regiment devolved upon me. We marched about six miles from camp and about three from the rail- road. Here the One Hundred Fifth under Colonel Craig, part of the Sixty-Eighth and the One Hundred Forty-First were ordered into a little valley to form a reserve, the balance were posted on the ridge in front. We were also ordered to divide the reserve into two parts or reliefs, one of which should at all times be under arms. Colonel Craig took command of one relief standing six hours, from three until nine o'clock ; I of the other from nine till three, alternately the day around. So we had " watch meet- 40 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST ing," in which watching was the order of both the day and the night. [This was Christmas eve.] At nine o'clock our duties began. The men were called up, put on their belts and cartridge boxes, — guns were loaded, but stacked, the men staying close behind them until three o'clock in the morning. We had a guard to see that no one took a gun from the stacks without or- ders. I passed the time comfortably walking back and forth along the line, or sitting down for a short time talking with the offi- cers and men of the different companies, yet all the time keeping a sharp look out for any alarm on the posts in front of us. At three o'clock I awoke Colonel Craig, who called up his men and we laid down and slept until morning. At nine in the morn- ing we took our turn again, and so we passed three days watching six hours, and resting six, until eleven o'clock Saturday morning when we were relieved by another brigade." The day after their return to camp was the customary Sunday morning inspection, when it was announced that General Robin- son had been assigned to the command of the Second Division of the First Corps, a just recognition of his military ability and services in the battle of Fredericksburg, and Colonel S. B. Hayman, of the Thirty-Sev- enth New York Volunteers was temporarily assigned command of the brigade. At dress parade, December 30th, General Robinson's address on leaving the brigade was icad, in which he praised the regiments for their conduct while under his command, and especially on the battlefield, and ex- pressed his regrets at being obliged to leave them. The next evening a circular was read from General Stoneman, commending in very warm terms the conduct of both officers and men in the late battle, and the timely arrival of our division, especially of our brigade, which saved the batteries and very probably the whole left wing of the army from destruction. I'or some days after the battle, the wound- ed demanded the entire attention of the sur- geons. Those left sick in camp, and others who became so either on the field or soon after, frequently suffered for want of proper care and attention. At this time two ladies, Miss ilattie R. Sharpless and Mrs. Charlotte E. McKay came to the Division Hospital as nurses, and at once with all a woman's tact and skill devoted themselves to the allevia- tion of the sufferings of the sick and wound- ed, and by their unwearied care many valu- able lives were saved. Miss Sharpless has resided in Bloomsburg, Pennsylvania, since the war. Mrs. McKay had a brother in the Seventh Maine Regiment, who was killed at Chancellorsville, and she while the battle was still raging went fearlessly upon the field to care for him, and others who were wounded. Many a soldier of the One Hun- dred Forty-First Regiment remembers with gratitude the kindly attentions of these de- voted and patriotic ladies in ministering to their needs, and their womanly sympathies in the hour of their discouragement and suf- fering. On pleasant days there were the usual drills which with getting wood, policing the camp, and frequent inspections occupied a consider- able portion of the time. Friends of the boys began to avail themselves of the first prospect of quiet to visit the front, and learn from personal observation something of soldier life. On Wednesday, December 31st, the Regiment was again mustered for pay. As yet, although they had been more than four months in the service, they had received nothing but the twenty-five dollars bounty and two dollars premium paid by the Gov- ernment, together with what local bounty was given in some townships for volunteers. In many cases the men had left their fami- lies at home without sufficient provision for the rigors of winter, supposing of course that they would be paid every two months. The delay created uneasiness and some dis- content, but in the main, the long winter REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 4i nights, and stormy days were spent if not pleasantly at least quietly. Sergeant Lobb secured candle wicking and molds from home, and out of the refuse tallow thrown away by the butchers, made candles which were supplied to the men at a merely nomi- nal rate, which with the open fire places and wood tires added much to the cheerful- ness of the log houses ami to the comfort of the men. The Adjutant's return for this date, De- cern her 31st, shows the strength of the Regi- ment as follows: COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. D . /For duty 27 present.. < Q . , ., ( bick 2 Absent 2 Total 31 A loss of six since the last return. ENLISTED MEN. f For duty 421 p J On extra duty 2l> 1 Sick 13o I Total 582 as against 627 preseut November 30. Absent 255 Making an aggregate of present and absent of 868 a loss during the month of -in. Of the officers on the Colonel's staff. Dr. Allen had been promoted to surgeon of the Eighty- Third Pennsylvania Regiment, and Dr. John W. Thompson was appointed As- sistant Surgeon in his stead ; and Charles J. Eastabrook, Sergeant of Company D, was appointed Commissary Sergeant December 31st, in place of Charles Mory, whose health had become so seriously impaired that De- cember 28th he was discharged on Surgeon's certificate of disability. In Company A, Second Lieutenant William T. Horton, after long contin- ued ill health, on the advice of the Surgeon, resigned December 22d, and was accordingly discharged. After coming home and par- tially recovering his health, Mr. Horton was appointed enrolling officer in the summer of 1863, and the next spring became connected with the commissary department of the Army of Tennessee, with headquarters at Murfreesboro, where he remained until the close of the war, when he returned to Terry- town, engaged in business until 1881, when he was elected Sheriff of Bradford County, which office he now (1884) holds. The only change among the non-commis- sioned officers in the company was the pro- motion, November 18th, of Stephen Rought from private to sergeant. The Company lost by death George H. Babcock, who died December 15th. He was living in Tuscarora at the time of his enlistment, and was about twenty years of age. He was a son of William Babcock. He was buried in a little plot selected as a brigade burying ground on the farm and not far from the house of a well-to-do farmer nam- ed Walter Bay, on whose farm a part of Bir- ney's Division was encamped and the graves were marked with boards on which were writ- ten the name, company and regiment of the deceased. Mr Ray was sick when the army encamped there, and knew nothing of what was transpiring. He had a fine house sur- rounded with a peach orchard, a large pile of wood was in his yard, his farming imple- ments were well cared for. and everything bore marks of thrift and care. Our army first burned the wood, then cut down a grove near by, and at last cut down the orchard and finally dug out the stumps for fuel, be- fore they moved back to Potomac Creek. In the spring when Mr. Ray sufficiently recov- ered to go out of doors, he was perfectly be- wildered. In reply to the inquiries of some of the men, he said he did not know where he was ; the interior of the house looked like his ; but the grove, and the orchard he could not find, and he did not know there was a burying ground so near, — so completely had everything been destroyed. During the winter more than thirty from this Regiment alone were buried here. The bodies were subsequently removed, some be- ing brought home, others taken to one of 42 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST the National cemeteries for permanent inter- ment. While in ramp, as far as possible the funeral ceremonies were observed with due solemnity by the Regiment, Pall bearers and a guard o\ honor were detailed from the company. The procession was led by the brigade band, and the corpse was followed by the company to whi :h the dead soldier belonged. The services at the grave con- ducted by the Chaplain consisted of reading a selection of Scripture, a brief address and appropriate prayers, after which the guard of honor tired the customary salute over the grave, and the procession was marched back to the Company Headquarters where it was dismissed. There were also discharged from this Company, December 30th, as reported for physical disability on the Surgeon's certifi- cate, Corpora] .Martin B. Ryder, and pri- vates, Myron Mericle and George E. Mor- row. In Company 1'.. December 10th, Henry Keeler was mustered First, and Benjamin M. Peck, Second Lieutenant, although the appintments had been made at the organiza- tion oi the Regiment. On Surgeon's certificate of disability the following were discharged during the month of December, viz: Pearl C. Fassett, Oscar VV. Brown, Addison C. Arnold, John H. Kingsbury, Corporal Andrew A. St. John. Chester P. Hodge, Charles \Y. McCormick, James Mclntyre, Jesse A. Wilson. Eb< L. Silvara and Sergeaut Still man J. 1 i In Company C, John Chapman was pro- moted from Corporal to Sergeant, E Little and Charles Scott to Corporals. No- vember loth. On the 7th o( December, Edward H.Stine, son of George Stine, of Macedonia, since de- eeased, died of fever at Falmouth, at the age of twenty-one years. There were also discharged from this com- pany on Surgeon's certificate, Corporal Hi- ram Cole. Jacob MeXeal, James Salsbury, ami Nathaniel Hoiuiershot. In Company D, Chester Stewart was pro- moted to Corporal in place of Simeon G. Rockwell, who was discharged on Surgeon's certificate, October 6th. This company lost four men by death during the month oi De- cember, the first of whom was Amos ■■; .. son oi Isaac Barber o( South Hill. Orwell town- ship, a single man, who was taken sick with typhoid fever, while the Regiment was en- camped in the pines near Waterloo, and was carried in an ambulance to the encampment near Falmouth, where he died December 2d, at the age of twenty-nine yoars. Although apparently one of the most robust in health, he was the first in his company to yield his life a sacrifice to his country's need. Soon after receiving intelligence o( his death, fit- ting memorial services, conducted by Rev. Jeremiah Karnes, were held in the neigh- borhood o( his early home, in which a fitting tribute was paid to his memory. Davis Lathrop died on the 9th. 1! son o( the late Rev. William Lathrop, in Herriek. Bradford county. He died in camp near Falmouth, of typhoid lever, at the age of thirty-one yoars. On Sabbath, January L'oth, following, a vast concourse o{ people assembled in the Herriek church and 'listen- ed to a funeral discourse bv the Rev. .Mr. Stone, of Home. " Tearful were the eyes and sorrowful the hearts o\ those there assem- bled. He left a wife and one child." Mo- t >s Miller Carr contracted sickness from exposure at Chain Bridge, and was sent to hospital in Washington, and afterward transferred to Philadelphia, where he died December 20th, at the age o( about twenty- five years. His remains were brought home and interred at Hatch Hill, near New Al- bany, with appropriate funeral ceremonies conducted by Rev. George Williams. He left a wife and one child, the latter since dead. The same day. December 20th, Percival F. lline, a young man about twenty-one years ol age, whose home was near Wind- ham, died in the Division Hospital, also of REGIMENT, PEW A IVES. 43 typhoid fever, and was buried in the Brig- ade burying ground. There were also discharged <>n Surgeon's certificate of disability, Franklin Babcock, Henry Buffington, and Sherman Shonp, and Fredrick M. Tingly was dismissed the ser- vice. In Company E, Captain Joseph B. Reeve, who had never recovered from the sickness contracted at Poolesville, resigned Decem- ber 10th, and returned home. Mr. Reeve was born in Minnesink, Orange county, 1ST. Y.. March 24, 1825, came to Vthensin 1848, where he engaged in school teaching, read- ing law at the same time, lie was admitted to the bar in 1850, and continued in the practice of Ins profession until lie entered the service in 1862. After his return he was in the Provost Marshal's office some time in Troy, l'enna.. and then until the elose of the war at Baltimore. Md., when he returned to Athens, resumed the practice of law, and continued it until his death, May 1 9th, 1879. He left two brothers, one since dead, the other resides in Missouri, and two sish'is, one of whom, Mrs. .1. E. Canfield, now resides in Athens. Second Lieutenant George C. Page, who was left sick at Pooleville, on the advice of his physicians, resigned December 29th, re- turned, and is now living in the vicinity of Athens. Thomas M. Gilmour died December 17th. lie was a farmer, on Moore's Hill, Ulster township, where he left his family. He was at his death nearly forty-three years of age. The Grand Army Post of lister is named in honor of his memory. Isaac C. Lane was discharged on Surgeon's certificate of disability. In Company F, besides Corporal Brain- erd, four had died, of whom account will be given at the end of this chapter. And on Surgeon's certificate of (Usability, Charles L. Seeley, Samuel Lindsey, Asa Green and Orange W. Tennant had been discharged. There were no changes in the organiza- tion of Company G, and only one death dur- ing the month of December, William Short, mentioned before. There were discharged on Surgeon's cer- tificate of disability, Frederick M. Reeves, Martin Reynolds and Sobiskie Tyler. In Company II, Logan o. Tyler was pro- moted from First Sergeant to First Lieuten- ant. September 22d, John L. Gyle from Sec- ond Sergeant to Second Lieutenant, Decem- ber 10th, Parker J. Gates was made First Sergeant, B. B. Atherion was promoted from Corporal, and Thomas Hickock was made t lorporai, September 23d. Lewis 1'". Harrow, a young man about twenty years of age, son of llerriek Harrow, of Liberty township, in Susquehanna Coun- ty, was taken sick and fell out on the march to the battlefield of Fredericksburg, was picked up and taken to Washington where he died December 18th, and was buried in Military Asylum Cemetery. There were discharged on Surgeon's cer- tificate of disability William 0. Markham, John McLeod, Elwood F.Gates, Harlan W. < iates, and John C ).\. On the 10th of December, in Company 1. First Lieutenant Edwin A. Spaldin . mustered as Captain, Second Lieutenant Charles Mcrcur as First Lieutenant, and First Sergeant John G. Brown as Second Lieutenant. At the same time John S. Frink was made First Sergeant, and George 1'". Reynolds was made Sergeant. Three out of the company had died dur- ing the year. The first was Charles M., son of Charles .Taylor, of Standing Stone, an un- married man, about twenty-live years of age. was left sick at Camp Prescott Smith, when the Regiment went to Poolesville, whence he was sent to a hospital in Alexandria, where he died of inflammation of the bowels. November 24th, and was buried in the Na- tional Cemetery there, his grave being num- ber 1, 136. George W. Jakeway was born in Wash- ington County. N. J., but was living in ONE HUNDRED FORTV-FIRST Litchfield, Bradford County, at the time of liis enlistment. He died in camp near Fal- mouth, of typhoid lover, December, 27th, at the age of tliirty-eighl years. His remains were brought home and buried with appro- priate funeral services :tt Windham Summit. He K'i'i a wife and five children, one since dead, lo mourn his loss. David II. Schriver died at the Third Corps Hospital, near Falmouth, December 26th, and was buried there. He was the son of John P. Schriver, who lived on Bullard Creek, and was about eighteen years of age. Joseph Towner, company musician, was discharged on Surgeon's certificate of disa- bility, as was also Moses Whaling; the lat- ter became exhausted on the march Septem- ber l-ili from Fairfax Seminary, and in or- der to keep along with the company flung away both blanket and overcoat, caught cold and was immediately taken sick with camp fever, was left behind when the Regiment weni to Poolesville, was discharged and reached home Sunday, December 7th, and died the following Friday, leaving a wife and a large family of children. A brother- in-law, Samuel (lore, was in Company 11. of the Fifty-Seventh Pennsylvania Regiment, was killed at Fredericksburg. Memorial services conducted In Rev. E. T. Dntcher were held in memory of both of them at the same time. Captain Jason K. Wright el' Company K, finding his health giving way from the ex- posure of active service, resigned December 2d, ami returned to his home IK resided me time in Alliens, where he died several years since. His widow still sur- vives him. Mr Wright was a man greatly respected by his superior officers and greatly beloved by his men, but his advanced years and consequent physical infirmities made esiguation necessary. First Lieutenant Henry R. Dunham also resigned December 28th after being laid aside for some time on account oi' sickness. lie was from Laporte, Sullivan County, and enlisted a considerable number of men from tiiai county. "At a war meeting held in Au-nst, i.sol', after several speeches had been made, Henry R. Dunham, (then a member of the liar to which lie had been admitted the May previous, i arose and said ' \ number of speakers have said Gol 1 say come!' And put his name down. Februa- ry 11, 1864, be was appointed Second Lieu- tenant of Company E of the Thirteenth Reg iment, United States colored troops, lie was in the Fort Fisher expedition, and serv- ed under General 'ferry until the close if the war, and was mustered out with his regiment. He was tor a lime after his re- turn in the employ of Welles and Aokley, of Dushore, afterward went to Kansas, re- turned to his home in Laporte where he died September 5, 1 > 7 7 , at the age of thirty- nine year-. This ( 'ompany lost by death, John ( rower, December 2d, in camp near Falmouth. He was the son of \udtvu Cower, a resilient of Davidson town-hip. Sullivan County, a far- mer by occupation, and about twenty-five years of age. He left a wife and two chil- dren. John 11. Place died of typhoid fever, in hospital, near Falmouth, December 15th, a* about nineteen years of age. He enlisted with Captain Wright from Smiihfield. His commanding officer writes o( him, " He was one of tin best specimens of a man physical- ly, we had in our company. The stir-eon who examined him said he never examined a man of more perfect physique. We fell his loss very much." Oliver Quick, a married man. with no children, died in hospital at Washington, December 25th, at the age of twenty-three, of camp fever. He was buried in the Mili- tary Asylum Cemetery. Henry Quick was discharged, on Surgeon's certificate of disability, December 30th. The first of January. L863, was a beautiful day. One of the men writes : •' There is no frost in the ground, u is warm as April up in old Bradford." There luul been rumor- REGIMENT, PENA './ VOL'S. 45 of another move upon the enemy, but they had blown over, and the R 'giment felt they were settled in their quarters until the end of winter] and were busy when not on drill, in arranging tilings in their little houses for their comfort, writing to friends, and occa- sionally indulging in a game of ball or in other amusements. On Friday, January 2d, Birney's Division was reviewed by General Stoneman. li was a bright, balmy day and the review was a very line one ; on the .Monday following the entire Third Corps was reviewed by General Burnside. The day was sunny and warm as a Mayday; the roads dry and dusty. A.bout fifteen thousand troops were in line. The Colonel in writing of it, says: "The review was a grand affair. The troops passed in columns by divisions, doubled on the center." General Burnside was attended by his staff, and accompanied by Generals Stoneman, Sickles, and Birney. The plain on which (he review was held was large and nave plenty, of room for display. The boys were ai their best, their uniforms neatly brushed, shoes blacked, and their arms polished until they shone like silver. Taken altogether, it was one of the finest reviews the corps had ever made, and (he men of the One Hundred Forty-First marched hack to their quarters with (he proud satisfaction (hat (hey had borne (heir part well in the grand pageant. In the few days of repose allowed the army they were served with a great variety of ra- tions, potatoes, cabbage, onions and pickles. Flour and corn meal were also issued, and hot cakes made of the meal or Hour mixed with water, which were made light by using vinegar and lie leached from the ashes of their tent fires for an alkali, instead of bak- ing powder, varied the diet from hard bread and were much more palatable. The place of the encampment was inti- mately associated with the early life of the Father of his Country, and on pleasant days, the men as opportunity offered, rambled over (he hills and along (he river bank to obtain what information (hey could of the country and its places of interest, \ letter written at this time by a member of the Regiment describes one of these rambles so vividly that 1 cannot refrain from quoting it. He says : "1 got permission from the Captain to no down io the bank of the river opposite Fred- ericksburg, and view the city, and also the place of Washington's birth, and the home of his youth, [t is said that an old log house occupies the ground where Washington was born, but among ill those of whom we en- quired, we found none who could direct us to the spot, so we gave up (he search, satis- lied with being near the place. Next we walked out near the bank of the river, in front of the Lacy house, a very large brick mansion, about which the grounds aresplen- didly arranged, and everything bears the ap- pearance of its having once been the home of a wealthy Southerner, From one position we had a fair view of the city. It is evident- ly deserted. Only occasionally could a per- son be seen in the streets. Among the many buildings, there are but few that show signs of life. It had the appearance of death, and one could not look upon it without a shud- der. The tall church spires looked lonely, and the half-burned and shattered buildings tell hard stories of the destructive and deso- lating influences of war. The battle held opposite and below the city was plainly vis- ible. Hack on the hills, wherever good po- sitions could be obtained, lines of breast- works anil cannon are plainlyseen. Looking at these and the advantageous ground they occupy, 1 think it would be folly to try them again." The beautiful days which ushered in the new year were soon followed by rain storms and cold. Prills by company, battalion and brigade were had whenever tin' weather was suitable, and inspections were frequent. Although the health of the men had great- ly improved, yet considerable sickness slill prevailed in the Regiment. A member of Company I, writing under date of January 1 1th, says : " This morning our company r< - \ ; ' i 'i;t twenty men fordu y. We started from Harrisburg with eighh linen. Some captured and paroled, some have deserted, some h to their long home, and a good • - is the smallest number our company ' - - ire reduced as much." period now under i n was which •my of the Potomac had e' e the judgment as to Mo- commander, that his high in their confidence and esl bt, and that rd with distrust and surprising This sitied by the it that i ad made was a fruitless - ixnupe- md its unmu- - - tie, the i - • •k, by - - ■ that with a high regard f :n- side's person and character, his ud patriotism, his leadership itly dis- trusted and feared. It was noi ,e therefore that the men of the One Hundred Forty-First should have partaken of the spirit prevailing in army. The letters written hone, the enti in their diaries, all reflect the general tone of despondency. One of the officers iu the Regiment writes "everybody has got the Dt Lobb says the " winter oi is often spoken of as the moralized winter, but 1 prefer the term grumbling winter." This phras< as any characterises the spirit ot men. Disappointed and of tritles and to grumbh e ry t - ird ["he : he - - iron on his right hip, - - at the poii and :m- On Thursday, the 15th, 1 uns s sh- - I his health - REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. Virginia, then so prominent a theme o\ dis- cussion in the columns of newspapers, and by the public, such was the sentiment at the North, that he could not possibly afford to hold his army in camp. Meridian had been removed from command because he was SO slow — the new commander must not he liable to the same charge. A laudable desire to cover the stigma of defeat with the laurels t,>[ victory, to inspire his army with confidence and courage, as well as to do something to meet public expectation, for- bade his continuing idle or even giving his army a needed rest. Checked in his plan of attempting to turn Lee's right wing, he determined to take the only alternative left him. cross the Rappahannock above Fred- ericksburg and endeavor to turn Lee's left wing and compel the evaluation o( Freder- icksburg. In older to mask his movements roads were cut to various points on the river, by which the army, unobserved by the ene- my's picket-, could he marched to the point designated for crossing; pontoon boats for the bridges, ordnance and stoics were got in readiness tor the contemplated advance. On Thursday, January loth, orders were issued to send all who could not march ten miles to the hospitals, which was the first intimation received by the army that a movement was in contemplation. The next day was very rainy, and the roads, which luul become dry and hard, were covered with water. In the morning orders were issued to he in readiness to move at an early hour Saturday morning— toward evening the time was changed until one o'clock Sunday after- noon. Saturday the preparations lor the inarch were pushed forward. The weather had cleared and become much colder. The men were provided with live days' rations o\ meat and hard bread; all garrison and camp equipage, arms not in use and stores were turned over to the proper officers, and all arrangements made for an active campaign. t m Sunday the orders to inarch were coun- termanded by postponing the movement until Mon. lay, ami then it was deferred until Tuesday. The weather had In- come quite wintry and the ground was hard. The center t I rand Division under ( lencral Hooker was designated to lake the advance. and the First Brigade (Robinson's) of the First Division was in the front. T« that brigade was assigned the duty o\' assisting to lay the bridge, of taking possession of the heights on the south side of the river and holding them until the army had crossed. It was to he the "forlorn hope" of the movement. The position assigned the One Hundred Forty-First was the most perilous. They were ordered to be ready at half-past three o'clock in the morning to cut loose from the brigade, cross the river in the boats, drive oil' whatever pickets or sharp- shooters of the enemy there might he on the hank, and take possession of the hill on which there was a slight breastwork over- looking the site selected for the bridge, and hold it until the bridge was fastened and the brigade passed over. It was no small com- pliment to the character of the officers and men of this comparatively new regiment, that for the second time it had been selected for a place i-( great danger and responsibility, w lure everything dep( nded upon their cool- ness and courage, where the cowardice i'f a single man or the blunder o( an officer might not only impi ril the Regiment, hut seriously embarrass the success of the move- ment. Other regiments might surpass them in parade or on review, in the glitter and show of military display, hut where pluck and skill and endurance were needed, the commanding officers of the army always felt the One Hundred Forty-First could he de- pended upon. About half-past ten o'clock on Tuesday morning, January liOth. the Regiment was in line, marched to the parade ground, stacked arms ami listened to General Burn- side's address to his troops, read by the Ad- jutant, lie said they were about to meet the enemy once more, assured them of his 48 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST confidence in their courage and their unfal- tering readiness to perform their whole duty. This was followed by a brief but earnest ad- dress from the Colonel, directed mostly to the commissioned officers, when the men re- lumed to their quarters, strapped on their knapsacks, and at eleven o'clock the com- mand, " Forward !" was given, and the troops again -tailed for the south side of the Rap- pahahnock. The morning was frosty, the wind from the northeast, but as the day ad- vanced the weather became warmer, with more threatening indications of storm. The roads were in splendid condition, hard, dry, and smooth as a floor. The route was up the Warrenton road a distance of about six miles, from which point a road had just been '■ut to the river, about four miles further. It was so far behind the hills that the move- ments of the army on it were completely hidden from the enemy. Accompanying the brigade was a splendid train of artillery of about one hundred guns, many of them rifled, and following closely behind was the pon- toon train. The troops were cautioned to move as rapidly and as quietly as possible. About seven o'clock in the evening the bri- gade halted for the night, with orders to be in readiness to move at four o'clock next morning. The place of bivouack was about a mile from the river, in the direction of Bank's ford, five miles above Falmouth, near Scott's mills, in a thicket of {lines. Strict orders were given not to light fires lest the presence of the troops should be dis- covered by the enemy, and consequently the boys were obliged to go to bed without their coffee- Before nine o'clock officers and men, rolled up in their blankets on the bare ground on that mid-winter's night, with no covering but the heavens and no shelter but the trees, wearied with the march, had scarcely fallen asleep before the rain began io fall, gently at first, but rapidly increasing until it poured like a summer's shower, and - i continued all the night. Between three and four o'clock in the morning the men of the One Hundred Forty-First began to be aroused. Some in the Twentieth Indiana Regiment w< before them and bad lighted small fires and were cooking their breakfast. Cold, wet, hungry, human endurance could stand it no longer, and the Pennsylvania soldiers deter- mined to follow the example of their Indi- ana comrades. It had not yet begun 10 be light, everything was drenching wet, and the rain still pouring down, it was therefore no easy matter to kindle fires, and both pa- tience and perseverance were put to the test, but crowned with success at last. Breakfast was hastily prepared and eaten, and the men ordered out to assist in getting the boats to the river. The morning was now just beginning to dawn, and such a sight it is probable never before greeted the eyes of mortals. The ground was covered with water, which was soon transformed into a sea of mud. On the roads, horses and men had been floundering in it all night until from sheer exhaustion they had Hung themselves down wherever they happened to be, unable to go farther. The night before a battery of five or six guns had been got into position to cover the par- ties who were to lay the bridges, but the rest were scattered along the road from the War- renton Pike to the river. Of the pontoons which were to have been on the river's bank- before daylight, not one had yet arrived. The yielding frost, the peculiar soil and the con- stant rain had made the ground so soft that the wagons sank to their axles and the teams could not stir them. Colonel Watkins esti- mated the mud from fifteen to twenty-five inches deep, and no one who was there would think it over-estimated. Swinton says : " The nature of the upper geologic deposits of this region affords unequalled elements for bad roads, for it is a soil out of which, when it rains, the bottom drops, and yet which is so tenacious that extrication from its clutch is next to impossible." The same author continues : " Herculean efforts were made to bring pontoons enough into position to build a bridge or two withal. Double and REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 49 triple teams of horses and mules were har- nessed to each boat, but it was in vain. Long, stout ropes were then attached to the teams and a hundred and fifty men put to the task on each. The effort was but little more successful. Floundering through the mire for a few feet, the gang of Liliputians with their huge-ribbed Gulliver, were forced to give over, breathless. Night arrived, but the pontoons could not be got up, and the enemy's pickets discovering what was going on, jocularly shouted out their intention to 'come over to-morrow and help build the bridges.' " In a letter written immediately after the return of the Regiment to camp, Major Spalding says : " About daylight the Sixty- Third, the One Hundred Fourteenth and the One Hundred Forty First were ordered out to help the teams. Long ropes were attached to the pontoon wagons and a hun- dred or more men would take hoid of each, and with six or eight horses would drag them up the hill, which was about fifty or sixty rods across a field. We worked until about one or two o'clock, when we went back to our stopping place in the woods and oth- ers took our places; but the ground became so soft that it was hardly safe to ride over the field, and it was evident we must give it up, as we could do nothing with the artillery upon such ground, and we could not get half the boats to the top of the hill, which was about half a mile from the river." At night only fifteen boats had been dragged to the top of the hill, and twenty were required for a single bridge. All day the rain continued to pour with- out hardly a moment's cessation, and as night closed down upon the wet, mud-be- drabbled, tired, hungry troops everything came to a stand still from sheer inability to move. Literally and emphatically the Army of the Potomac was " stuck in the mud." Some of the men lay down in their wet blankets and slept, others sat about the smoky fires, while others tried to extempo- rize bed and shelter out of the pine boughs. Wednesday night was foggy, drizzly, and rainy, and those best protected slept but lit- tle. For the first time a ration of whisky was issued this evening. Thursday the question was not how to advance, but how to get back to camp. Details of men were made to corduroy the roads, and others to help up the supply wagons which were four miles distant, but the latter returned after finding all efforts to accomplish this fruit- less. This evening the picket lines of each army was on opposite banks of the river, and after a little banter over the situation, entered into friendly conversation, and after dark crossed from one side to the other ex- changing Federal coffee, sugar and salt for Confederate tobacco. On Friday morning, January 23d, orders were received to return to the old camp. At ten o'clock the army w;ts again in motion. One writes, "Our route back was much more direct, through the woods, fields, and over the hills, regardless of roads, rank or file. It was muddy at the best. We took our lime and got back to camp about five o'clock in the afternoon, the distance was about *six miles." The storm was over, a bleak northwest wind was blowing, and before morning the ground was frozen hard again. The men were very greatly provoked to find that stragglers ami convalescents from a Maine regiment had come to the camp in their ab- sence and had torn down some of their houses and cut up the logs for wood. The mischief however was soon repaired, and the Regiment took the next few days to rest from the march and get rid of the mud. A letter written by Colonel Watkins on the re- turn of the troops to camp and published in the Bradford Reporter of February 5th, 1863, gives so vivid an account of the whole affair that a paragraph or two will be quoted. He says : " From the proposed place of crossing to our present camp, the roads were blocked 50 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST up with wagons which could not be moved and the rain still falling. On the morning of the 21st our regiment with others was de- tailed to help these foundered wagons to the top of the bluff near the river. Passing and re-passing over the roads and fields, only serve. I to mortarize the roads ; and finally through sheer inability of men and horses to wade, the bridge contract was abandoned after we had succeeded in dragging some twenty pontoons and fifty guns to the top of the bluff. It was now noon of the 21st, and the rebel force was rapidly coming to the defense of the place which must have inev- itably fallen into our hands had not the ele- ments prevented. The bluff's upon the op- posite shore were higher than upon our own, affording such a natural defence that the en- emy had neglected increasing its strength except by a small breastwork which had been raised to defend a ford which exists at that point. By noon however the crests of their hills were covered with busy rebels digging all conceivable kinds of defenses, so that when we were reluctantly obliged to postpone the advance, their position had be- come absolutely impregnable. In addition to other difficulties, the river already consid- erably swollen, was rapidly raising. The next question was how to get "unset- tled,'' or out of our bad scrape. A large force was put to work building corduroy roads, and by dint of teams and men tugging and teamsters swearing, our guns, ammuni- tion and provision trains were got into a po- sition of safety. Many pontoons however still remain stuck or piled upon poles wait- ing for deliverance. * * We arrived in camp about dark last night, after a pleasant walk of ten miles through the mud and three nights sleep in the rain. We had been on short rations and our horses on no rations at all since noon of the day before, in consequence of our supply wagon being unable to reach us. * * That he [Burn- side] did not succeed was no fault of his. A vast army was silently and suddenly assem- bled within a few rods of the enemy without the least disorder or confusion. J Tow so great a number of men could inarch by so many different routes and arrive at a given point in such order, and go into camp in the prescribed place and yet make so little noise and let so little be known of their arrival is a mystery to me. That we failed is attrib- utable only to the elements. Yesterday morning the rebels had learned our condi- tion and displayed upon the opposite shore a large board marked ' Burnside stuck in the mud.' "' It was a costly experiment in both men and material ; much had been suffered and nothing gained, but the folly of attempting military operations upon a large scale in Virginia during the winter was completely demonstrated. Hardly had the news of this second disas- ter been flashed over the wires ere it was announced that the Army of the Potomac had again changed commanders; President Lincoln accepted the resignation of General Burnside, and January 20th, Major-rteneral Hooker was appointed his successor, and the same day the appointment was officially an- nounced to the army, and at dress parade on the olst, Burnside's address on relinquish- ing, and Hooker's on assuming command of the army was read. The new commader set to work at once to infuse a better spirit into the army. Leaves of absence for ten days were sys- tematically granted officers, to afford them opportunity to visit their homes, and deser- tions were greatly checked by granting fur- loughs to a certain number at a time of the enlisted men. courts of inquiry were estab- lished to examine all cases of alleged over- staying the time granted. Under this arrange- ment nearly all the officers and many of the men of the One Hundred Forty-First were enabled to visit their homes during the months of February and March. Hooker abolished the arrangement of the army into Grand Di- visions which had been found cumbersome REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 51 and inefficient. Recognizing the efficiency of a suitable cavalry force, he at once in- creased largely this arm of the service and gave it a new organization placing it under the command of General Stoneman, who was consequently relieved of the command of the Third Corps, February 8th, by Gen- eral Daniel E. Sickles who had commanded the Second Division of the Corps. At the battle of Fair Oaks, General Kear- ney ordered the soldiers of his division to sew a piece of red flannel on their caps so that in the confusion and tumult of battle he could recognize them, from this they became known in the army as the " Red Patch Di- vision," and the red patch was a badge of honor among their comrades, and of respect among their foes. Hooker developed the idea and gave each corps a distinct badge, the divisions of which were designated by the prescribed color of the badge. Out of respect to the memory of General Kearney, the badge of his old division was the red di- amond, the other divisions of the Third Corps wore white and blue diamonds re- spectively. On the 23d of March orders were given the One Hundred Forty-First Regiment that hencefjrth each officer and enlisted man when on duty must have the " Red Patch " fastened upon his hat or cap. A question having arisen as to seniority in rank of the several Colonels in the Bri- gade, after due examination, January 26th, Colonel Van Valkenburg of the Twentieth Indiana was declared to be senior in rank, Colonel Collis of the One Hundred Four- teenth, next, Colonel Tippen of the Sixty- Eighth, third, Colonel Madill of the One Hundred Forty-First, fourth, Colonel Mc- Knight of the One Hundred Fifth, fifth, and Colonel Morgan, of the Sixty-Third, sixth. Storms of rain and snow were frequent, and much of the time the roads were ren- dered nearly impassable on account of the mud. The camps were frequently inspected and most thorough cleanliness was required. The sick were examined by a board of sur- geons and those likely to be for a time unfit for duty were ordered to be sent to the hos- pitals. Schools of instruction were institut- ed. The field officers were regularly exam- ined and instructed in their several duties and in army tactics by an officer appointed for that purpose, the commissioned officers of the Regiment were instructed by the Col- onel, and the non-commissioned officers by the commanding officers of the respective companies, and drills and inspections were required whenever the weather was suitable. On Thursday, February 5th, the Regiment was paid for the first time, receiving two months' pay, although more than five months' pay was due, yet the sum paid relieved many from considerable embarrassment and bright- ened materially the spirits of the men. On the 8th the Field and Staff' officers in Birney's Division called to take leave of General Stoneman, who had been promoted to the command of the entire cavalry force of the Army of the Potomac. On the 10th the whole brigade went out on picket and remained until the 13th. Fre- quent inspections enforced cleanliness both of the troops and the camps. Almost dailv policing, (as cleaning up the camp was call- ed,) and the weekly Saturday washing were the established regulations of the army. A greater variety of rations was also issued, potatoes, onions, cabbage, pickles, and dessic- ated vegetables were almost daily distribut- ed, and what perhaps was as great a luxury as any, soft bread took the place of the hard crackers. As indicating the practical strength of the Regiment on Wednesday, February 18th, five hundred and forty-nine loaves of bread, one for each man, were is- sued. A good deal of uneasiness was felt among both the officers and men in the Regiment over rumors and orders of changes in bri- gade organization. On the 17th, Colonel "VVatkins writes, " We received lots of orders to-day regarding a re-organization of the Pennsylvania troops." On the 24th Colonel 52 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRS: Mtvdill received an order to report with his Regiment to General Ward of the Second I le, but before night the order was tem- porarily snpended, and on the 3d of March to the great joy of all the proposed change was revoked by special order. The latter part of the month n number who bad been left behind sick at Poolesville, Leesburg and other places, and some who had been cap- tured, paroled and exchanged, returned, yel the actual strength of the Regiment was not materially increased. February 2Sth rations were issued to five hundred and forty-live men, and five were sick in field hospital, making the whole number of enlisted men present five hundred and fifty. Wood becoming scarce about Camp Pitch- < r, for this and other reasons it was thought advisable to select a now place for the en- campment. On Tuesday, March 3d, orders were received to be ready to move at nine o'clock the next morning. The weather on Wednesday was clear but cold. Early the camp was astir, everything was packed and the Regiment in lino at the prescribed hour, and at noon the now camping place was reached. It was about four miles northerly from their old quarters, and about three- fourths of a mile from Potomac Crook in a piece of beautiful oak timber; this was known as Camp Sickles. The lime for which the Twentieth Indiana Regiment had enlisted having about expir- ed, at a meeting hold February 19th, they resolved not to re-enlist, but ask to be sent Their request was complied with, and at the moving of camp the Fifty St v- enth Pennsylvania Regiment, commanded by Colonel Peter Sides, took its place. U'ter the promotion of General Robinson, i llavman commanded the brigade for a >liort time when he was transferred to ued to be some difficulty In deciding upon the name for this camp; li «.>.- "Camp in Woo Is, " I »inp near Potomac Creek," i overn >r Curtln It was called for a few I amp Curtln." On itio evening of A pill iitti tin were beaded "Camp Sickles" which name it retained while occupied by the aruij . another brigade, and the command devo'.ved lonel Van S T alkenburg of the Tweiti- eth Indiana. Uter this regiment was trais- ferred, Colonel Col lis of the One Hundred Fourteenth, took command in virtue ofsenkr- itv in rank. The next four days were spent in building now quarters. Considerable improvement was made over the old huts at Camp l'itei- or, being built larger and higher, and some of them floored with split logs. On the 9th the whole brigade worn on picket. Colonel Madill took three hundred and fourteen men all except camp guards and those on extra limy, belonging to the Regiment tit for ser- vice. Here the brigade remained until noon of Friday, the 12th. On the afternoon of the 11th ''intelligence was received that a raid was expected on the picket line at the time it begins to be day- light. The Regiment was kept under arms from an early hour in the morning until af- ter SUtltisO.' The monotony of camp lit'o, as the spring approached was varied and brightened by several incidents. On the 13th one o( the officers on General Sickles' staff was married at Headquarters, to which the field officers were invited and which was an occasion of rejoicing tor the whole corps. Later the wives of the field officers k( the Regiment naid them a visit, and enlivened the camp by their presence. Besides ball plays, am! sports o( various kinds as the weather would permit, a general gala day was planned to be spent at Division Headquarters mi the •27th of March. Races both of horses and men. of various kinds, saek races, climbing a greased pole, and such like were partici- pated in ami enjoyed. The officers of the brigade took part in the sports and Colonel Watkins won the prize at one o( the races much to the delight of the boys of his Regi- ment. ng the reforms instituted in the bri- while under the command of Colonel Collis, was the organization of a Brigade REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 53 Band. A very line band was connected with his regiment, the One Hundred Four- teenth, when it wont into the service, l>ut was unfortunately lefl behind on the return of the army from Fredericksburg and cap- tured by the enemy, since then the music in (lie brigade had been of a very inferior quality. Details of the best musicians wore made from the several companies by order of the Colonel commanding the brigade, and instruments procured, and the Brigade Hand organised. Al dress parade in the evening of Satur- day, March 7th, the Colonel of the regiment informed the* men thai he had the promise of seventy- five Springfield rifles to be given as a reward to the company that was reported best at the next general inspection, and it any were left they should be given to the second best company. 'The inspection was held on the 15th of March, and Company < J, was awarded first, and Company K second In the order of excellence. < >n the follow- ing Thursday the successful companies were awarded the coveted prizes. An officer of one of the companies writes, "they are not much better than our Austrian guns, but the name is worth working for." On the 21st of March Brigadier-General ( iharles K. < l-raham was assigned to the com- mand of the First Brigade, and on the" 26th arrived at headquarters. This day Governor Curtin, who had been spending a few days among the troops, in company with General Sickles, reviewed ( he di vision. Tin 1 display was very line, the men appearing at their best, very much to the gratification of their own officers by whom they were warmly commended. The First Brigade was the last reviewed in the division. At this time it was com posed exclusively of Pennsylvania troops. After the other two were dismissed, this was formed in a hollow square with the Gover- nor and the officers in the centre, and were addressed by the Governor in a short, patri- otic speech, during which he was heartily cheered by the hoys sevcrai times. < >n the last days of the month orders were issued which looked as though another move of the army was imminent. Surplus bag- gage was directed to be turned over to the proper officers, and things weie beginning to be got in readiness lo break camp. The win ter had been used to thoroughly re- organize the army, and by frequent drills, in- spections, schools of instruction, and reviews the troops hail heen brought up to a high standard of discipline ami efficiency. " In I Cooker's grandiose style, ii was t he grandest army on the planet.'' Stormy weather ami had roads made il necessary to defer the movement for some days. In the early pari of April President Lincoln and family visit- ed tin- army and were received with every mark oi respect. »)n Wednesday, the 8th, he reviewed three corps of the army, the next day the Eleventh and Twelfth Corps, and on Friday the Third Corps. General Hooker accompanied him. These reviews were very brilliant affairs, and indicated the high discipline and drill which the troops had attained. A member of the Regiment thus describes the affair. The Regiment had returned from picket the night before, and many sup- posed they had missed the opportunity of seeing him. Orders were issued lo he ready for inspection at ten o'clock in the morning, and soon it was known that Birney's Divis- it'll was ordered out lo see I he President and parly start for Washington "The Division was formed in two lilies, on each side of the road along which the party was to pass. As far as the eye could reach the glittering lines of bayonets extended. It was an im- posing spectacle. About eleven o'clock the President and his retinue made their ap- pearance. I 'i rst were Mr. Lincoln's sons with an attendant, General Birney next, fol lowed by the President, Mrs. Lincoln, and I General Hooker in a carriage, then followed a long line of Generals, Colonels, stair oi'i- 54 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST cers and others, and lastly a regiment of cavalry. ^s the party passed the heads ot brigades their respective bands played " Hail to the Chief," and as it passed each regiment nine rousing cheers were given, three for the President, three for General Hooker and three for General Birney. All were gratified with a sight of the great chief- tain and family. Tiny returned to camp, and were mustered in the afternoon by the Colo- nel to ascertain the number of men i to till the Regiment to its maximum num- ber. Each company was also directed to build a cook house, and two men wore detailed to cook the rations for the remainder of the company. Tliis gave considerable dissatis- faction, and as soon as the army broke camp the men returned to their former custom, eaeli one to cook for himself, or associate in voluntary messes for that purpo The men were required to have on hand at all times eight days' rations, part of which shoul 1 be carried in their knapsacks. L T nder date of April 14th, Sergeant Owen, of Com- pany I. writes: " Last night the orders were as follows: That every man should have sixty rounds of cartridges, and that the fol- lowing articles should he packed in knap- sacks, viz: One shirt, one pair of drawers, and one pair ot sock- ; and tent strapped outside : in the pocket of knapsack should be neatly packed five days' rations of hard bread, coffee, sugar and salt. All blankets, extra clothing, hooks, portfolios, etc., should he tied up in bundles, each man's separately, marked and turned over to the Quartermaster. Besides the rations in the knapsacks, three days' rations of the same articles, with three days of cooked pork added, should he carried in haversacks." The sick were sent to the general hospi- tals. A knapsack drill was required every morning except Saturday and Sunday, and a thorough inspection everyday. On Monday. April 27, the roads had he- come suffieientlv drv and the weather settled to warrant the Commanding General to issue orders tor a forward move; accordingly, after a review of the Third Corps "orders were received to he ready to march to-mor- row morning at an early hour." Before fol- lowing the stirring events of the next few days, it may he well to pause a moment and note what changes the four months over which we have passed so hastily have wit- nessed in the condition of the Regiment. This will strikingly appear by comparing the Adjutant's returns of December 31, with April 30, 18 tfJSSIOXED OFFICERS. ^ Forduty 27 25 P - Extra dutv 1 I Sick ". 2 Absent 2 3 I : u 31 W - rED Ml'N. Forduty 421 477 ,, . Extra dutv 7 i Sick 13o 19 In arrest 3 TOTA] 582 Absent 2 •">■"■> 206 Aggregate 868 741 While only two commissioned officers had left the Regiment, the number of enlisted men had been diminished by one hundred twenty-five; yet the actual efficiency of the ation as represented by the number present for duty had increased by fifty-six. Of the one hundred twenty-five, thirteen had died and the others had been discharged on account of diseases ot various kinds, which in the judgment ot the physicians in charge would render them unfit for military service. rud other changes not indicated in the returns were distributed :f February 20th, the announce- ments were made by the Colonel. Just as {lie Regiment was returning from the "Mud March," Jesse Hartwell Brewster, after a protracted sickness, died in Division Hospital, January "I'.'A. Two or three mem- bers of his company who had been left be- hind sick were with him in his last tours, and the next day he was buried in the Bri- gade burying ground, lie enlisted with Captain Jackson from Lime Hill, where he resided and where he left his family. He was a good, true man, and was about forty- three years of age. On receiving the news of his death appropriate memorial services were held at Lime Hill, conducted by Elder Lathrop. He left a wife and two children. February, Corporal N. J. Gaylord was discharged for wounds received at Poolei?- vjlle the November previous ; Philip ( Ironk, by special order, being exempt by age; First Sergeant Austin D. .Tellers, Sergeant Na- thaniel. P. Moody, privates Perry Donley, John M. Wells, Joshua Wells, Stephen Allen, Levi W. Heath, John W. Washburn and < (scar F. Parsons on surgeon's certificate of disability. In Company 1!, Lieutenant Keeler resign- ed February 9. After being sick for some time in camp, he went to the Corps Hospital when the Regiment started on the " Mud March," from which, on account of contin- ued disability, he was discharged. Returning to Bradford county he resumed his profes- sion, and in 1865 went to Oskaloosa, Kansas, where he was for live years District Attor- ney, and has acquired a large and lucrative practice. Joseph S. Lockwood, the Orderly Sergeant of the company, died in camp after a sick- ness of a couple of days, April 1. He had formerly been a sailor, but at the time of his enlistment was residing in LeRaysville, where he was reading medicine with Doctor DeWitt. The knowledge and discipline ac- quired at sea were of great advantage in the army, so that when Mr. Peck was promoted to the Lieutenancy of the company, he was appointed first Sergeant, December L0. lie was ;i single man, twenty-four years of age, and his death was a loss to the , pany deeply felt, and by the community in which he had lived deeply mourned. James II. Smith was made fifth Sergeant March 7th. There were discharged for various disa- bilities on the usual surgeon's certificate, Wright Dunham, James Sibley, Charles Hand, Travel- Bosworth, Henry W. Brown, John N. Calili; Seneca C. Arnold and Jona- than 1!. Stevens. In ( lompanyC, Nicholas Wank wasappoint- ed Corporal, February I. 1863. and John R. Lancaster, April 28, in place of Reuben J. Hakes; Moses M. Coolbaugh was discharged on the surgeon's certificate of disability, as were also privates Lockwood II. Adams, Joel Rice, Barnard Vroman, Bethuel \V. Bradley, Clarence (I. GorT, Daniel W. Peck- ham, Almiran B. Cole and Ingles Mauley. ( ieoige E. I >eLpng, son oft reorge DeLong, of Asylum, township, died i„ Washington, January 18, at the age of eighteen years, and was buried in the Military Asylum cemetery. Christopher Barnes, of the same age, died also in Washington. February .'!, and was buried in the same cemetery. Charles ]<]. Nichols, a resident of Monroe township, died February 12, at the age oi twenty years. Michael Thoiupsoii. of Macedonia, acci- dentally cut off his thumb, was sent to hos- pital and died of lock-jaw, March 28, leav- ing a wife and two children. He was thirty- three years of age. In Company D. Captain Park, who had been suffering from sickness since the battle of Fredericksburg, resigned and was (lis- c WE 111 WPRED FOR 71 -FIRS T charged by special order April 22dj and re- turned to his borne where he has since resid- ed, enjoying a comfortable competency in the afternoon of life, and dispensing a gener- ous hospitality to hi> numerous friends. Lieutenant Morgan J. Lewis, who had en- tered with meat zeal into the military ser- vice, found his health failing from the ex- posures of camp life, which together with the infirmity o( increasing years, he being then at the age of fifty, resigned and was dis- charged by special order February 10th. Mr. 1 ewis was of a family which has shown con- siderable martial spirit, his grandfather hav- ing been a soldier in the war of the Revolu- tion, his father in the war of ISIl'. and him- self and three sons in the war of the Rebel- lion. From the army he returned to his home in Orwell, in IS68 removed to Towan- da. working at his trade, that of a tinsmith, until his death in 1873, at the age oi' sixty years. His widow and several children still reside in Towanda. William D. Hewitt was promoted sergeant and Morton Berry, Mason 1.. Ellsworth Mid Elisha W. Parks to corporals January 7th when the announcements were made, and Samuel Petley February 10th. William R. Lathrop, another son of Rev. William Lathrop, of Herrick, died of fever in Division Hospital at the ace oi' twenty-two. leaving besides other relatives a wife to mourn his loss. "He was an exemplary member of the Baptist Church, manly, virtuous and patriotic, hut unobtrusive, loved and respect- ed by numerous friends." He wrote a few- days before his death. " 1 did not come here to dishonor my friends or ruin myself. My motives have been and now are to help sup- press this rebellion, and 1 have a still higher motive in view, and that is to suppress potism and dethrone aristocracy." And this was the almost universal sentiment of the regiment. There were discharged from this company Corpora] Robert Nichols, Privates Solomon Walborn, Alfred Strope. William B. Han- lev, George N. Johnson, Amos Bennett, Al- onzo 1!. Whitehead, lacob J. Fly, William C. Davis, Chester 1.. Parks, Owen Wright and dames Davis. In Company E, John F. Clark was pro- moted from First Lieutenant to Captain, January 7th. Stephen Evans from Firs 3 geant to First Lieutenant February loth, and at the same time Mason Long from Ser- geant to Second Lieutenant, .lames Mustart was made First Sergeant and John M.Jack- Sergeant ii> irge Lowers died in hospital at Wash- ington January 13th, and was buried in the Military Asylum Cemetery. He was broth- er of Marten Lowers, the musician of the company, an unmarried man. and before his enlistment was a day laborer about Lister and vicinity. Byron (Laran Munn was a son oi Hus- ton Munn. o( Litchfield. Laran and his brother Byron enlisted, and both were re- jected by the mustering officer on account of their age, but Byron was afterward accepted as musician. The evening after, the broth- ers held a consultation, and it was agreed that Byron should return home and Laran should go with the company which they ac- cordingly did. and Laran Munn was entered upon ■ the rolls and answered to the name of Byron until his death in Camp Pitcher January "J'Jd. at the aj nearly nineteen years. Miss Sharpless, the hospital nurse, was greatly attracted by his boyish face and became deeply interested in him during the few days he lived after she came. Charles G. Sawyer died in hospital in Baltimore, January ilSth. There were discharged on Surgeon's eer- tificate of physical disability Sergeant Tracy S. Knapp. February 27th, also Privates Cal- vin C. Alexander. Warren W. Wilson. Isaac M. Gillett, John Henry. Lorenzo D. Hill, James II. Harris. William Miller. Russell Hadloek. Addison B. Stone, and Alanson Miller. William Miller, though discharged, REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 57 w;is unable to leave the hospital in Washing- ton where he was sick, and died eleven days after, February 22d, and was buried in the Military Asylum Cemetery. [n Company F, First Lieutenant A. \. Hempstead resigned, and was discharged on Surgepn ; s certificate of disability. Among those members of Company F, who bad died prior to the battle of Chancel- lorsville, the first was Simeon Van Horn, whose death occurred at Camp Prescott Smith, October 24th, of typhoid fever, lie enlisted from Thompson, Susquehanna County, was unmarried, and twenty-three years of age. Corporal William P. Brainerd, who it will be remembered died at Poolesville, No- vember 1st, was son of Lewis Brainerd, of Gibson, where he resided at the time of his enlistment, and where he was buried. lie died at tin 1 age of twenty-one years. Davis N. Philips died at Division Hospi- tal of typhoid fever, on the day of the battle of Fuedericksburg, December l.'ith. lie en- Listed from Lathrop township where he left his family. He was about forty years of age. Frederick D. Young also died of typhoid fever, the day after Philips, December 14th. He was a single man, living near Harford at the time of his enlistment, and at his death was about twenty years of age. There were discharged on the usual certi- ficate of disability, Corporal John II. Green, February 12th, also privates John W. Doli- way, .John M. Hobbs, Nathan Lewis, Myron Lames and Harvey M. Miller. There had been no changes in the organi- zation of Company (i, and no one had died during the period now under consideration ; Henry Smith, Robert King and Malcom Dodge had been discharged on account of physical disability, and La Fayette Smith was discharged April 6th on account of wounds received at the battle of Fredericks- burg, December 13th, 1862. In Company H no change in the officers had occurred. On the 26th of February, William Hotel, an unmarried man, who lived near Auburn Center, died in camp near Falmouth, of fever, at about twenty- three years of age. lie bad been iii the bat- tle of Fredericksburg December 13, 1862 He was buried in the Brigade burying ground. There were discharged from this company on Surgeon's certificate of disability, Isaac G. Bffbcock, George C. Hill, William S. Gates, Charles II. Marshall, Charles II. Vanness and John C. Rifenburg. In Company 1 on the 2d of January, at dress parade, Augustus S. Parks was an- nounced to have been appointed Second Sergeant in the place of William Bostwick, who had been discharged the day before for physical disability, Edwin G. Owen, First Corporal and Richard McCabe, Eighth. On February 1 4th, Corporal Owen was promot- ed to Fifth Sergeant in place of George F. Reynolds, discharged on Surgeon's certifi- cate, McCabe was promoted First Corporal, J. B. Ellsworth appointed Third, and Simeon Archer, Eighth. Besides those already mentioned there were discharged for various disabilities, Pe- ter Layton, Jr., William Vanderpool, Thom- as Van Deuzer, Louis F. Wickizer, George A. Westcott, Coryell Shores, Albert Smith, John 11. Allen, Harvey Johnson and Snover M. Layton. The commissioned officers of ( oinpany K having either died or resigned, Charles Mer- cur, Second Lieutenant of Company 1, had been temporarily in command, and was mus- tered as its Captain March 2d. John T. Brews- ter was appointed Third Sergeant March 12th, and James L. Vincent Corporal Janua- ry 5th, Charles W. Converse March 3d. Corporal Charles W. Smith, William K, Smalley, William Wilson, and Rufus R. Child were discharged on the Surgeon's cer- tificate of disability. Were the means of information at band it would be of interest to know just how the >8 .' ; l XDRED FOR T\ '-FIRS T uumK " for duty " was made up from t t companies, but probably, excepting Company G, which seems to have sses than either of the > g ; . about the same per- rhe following may be taken ::nens: April il ed fori - - ginal number being eighty-five, and April 14th, Company B fifty-five, h finally ninety-eight. W this April 30th, Cap- sain Horton was in command of Com- pany A. Lieutenant Peek, owing to the con- tinued sickness - mand- ed Company B. Captain Swan Compai - a f Captain Park and Lieutenant Lewis, and the absence from sickness of Lieutenant Kyon. Lieutenant At- my Gr, was signed the command of Company D, - Clark, Mumford. . Mereur each commanded their rev. companies. Chapter V. PRELIMINARY MOVEMENTS. The important question whioli met Hook- er on assuming command of the Army of the Potomac was in what direction its next movement should be made, but this was a problem by no means of easy solution. Since the latter part of November the two great armies had been encamped on opposite sides of the Rappahannock, the one occupying a strong, practically impregnable defensive position, from which the other had sought in vain to dislodge him. The grand ulti- mate objective of the Army of the Potomac was the capture of Richmond, the capital of the Confederacy, and Lee had placed his army squarely in the way. To attack it by an assault upon its defenses would he mad- ness, and to surprise it at a weak point next to impossible. Lee had not been idle during the winter. Knowing that the Federal army would not be allowed to remain quiet long after the spring opened, he had been dili- gently preparing to repel anothei attack from whatever direction it might come. Posses-ing an intimate knowledge of the country, he had posted strong bodies of in- fantry and cavalry within supporting dis- tances of each other along the south bank of the river for a distance o\' twenty-five miles. Every fording place and bridge site in that distance was protected by strong earthworks, while videttes of -cavalry were stationed at favorable points of observation for many miles beyond. In addition to this the in- habitants were mostly in sympathy with the Confederacy, and generally found means to communicate to the enemy intelligence of every movement that was made. As an ex- CHANCELLORSVILLE CAMPAIGN. ample of the ways by which this was done, on Sunday, April 26th, the Provost Marshal discovered hat a telegraph communication had been established between Falmouth and Fredericksburg, the wire being laid under the river and under ground to the instru- ments which were secreted in the cellar of a house near the bank. By this means the enemy were instantly apprised of whatever was going on in the Federal camp. About four miles above Falmouth the Rappahannock makes an acute angle, al- most like the letter V with the apex toward the south ; just in this angle is Banks' Ford. Six miles farther up is Scott's Ham at the point where Mine ('reek empties into the river; a mile above that is United States Ford, and a mile and a half above the ford, the Rappahannock receives its principal af- tluent on the south side, the Rapidan, a stream coming from the west and quite as large as the Rappahannock above the junc- tion. Hooker had conceived a bold plan r( ad- vance. Sending a strong force down the river to threaten Lte's front, with the re- maining portion of his troops to make a wide detour up the river, crossing the Rappahan- nock and Rapidan above Lee's fortified posi- tion, come down upon the enemy's left flank and in his rear, compel his evacuation of the strongholds about Fredericksburg, and either fall back towards Richmond or accept the gage of battle on more equal terms with his antagonist. To still further embarrass Lee, Stoneman was directed to take a strong cav- alry force and operate against the communi- cations with Richmond, and since the Con- federate army could keep only four days' ra- 5 ; - 2 - ? - 2 - - - s I i - - - - ■ - 2 2 2 _ ■ ■ - 2 - iheoi - -- , - - 2 2 - - - - 5 - ... . _ - - - . - REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 61 under the high banks of the river. The bridges as well as the troops were effectually protected from our artillery by the depth of the river's bed and the narrowness of the stream, while the batteries on the opposite heights completely commanded t ho wide plain between our lines and the river." This brief account of the general move ments of the army will aid in understanding the duty assigned to the One Hundred Forty-First Regiment. After the review on the 27th orders were received to be ready to march the next day at an early bour. Early the next morning, orders were given to pack up and be ready to '* fall in" at short notice. Blankets and all extra baggage were turned over to the Quarter- master, and even then with arms and accou- trements and eight days' rations all were heavily 1 >aded. " The old tents were taken down, and the hare barracks were all that wore left, and the camp had much die ap- pearance of a wrecked ami deserted city." The morning had been cloudy, and toward noon a drizzling rain set in, but was not al- lowed to impede the preparations tor the movement. About two o'clock in the after- noon General Birney was seen to ride up to Regimental bead quarters, soon after the bu- gle sounded "attention," and in ahout an hour the Regiment was on its way down the river taking the advance of the brigade. \ f- ter marching ahout six miles, tho men biv- ouacked in the woodsjust at dark, ahout a mile and a half from the river ami three miles below Fredericksburg. On Wednesday morning the troops were called up soon after daylight, ordered to hurry their breakfast, and he ready to march .at a moment's notice. The sky was overcast and the air heavy with fog. \hout nine O'clock the regiment went a mile toward the river. Here tin- brigade was halted in a piece o[ woods on a hill near the river hank. Stacked arms and remained all day. From this point a full view was had of the bridges and the old battle field whore they had fought the December before, and where they anticipated the conflict would again be 10 newed. The Confederate troop-, could be plainly seen, their skirmishers occupying the old Richmond road, while our own line was drawn up only a lew rods from thorn \ second bridge was laid in the forenoon of this day, and l.ee was led by the movement of the forces On the north side o\' the river into the belief that all or the greater part of [looker's army was there. The clouded sky of the morning was followed by a day of al- ternate rain and sunshine, rain enough to keep clothing wet, and sunshine enough to inspire hope oi hotter weather. Ml the day long the Regiment was in suspense, every moment expecting orders to advance and wondering what the delay could mean. At night the men laid down in their wet clothing, without shelter from the rain which continued to fall until after midnight, drenching them completely, and preventing much of either rest or sleep Marly on Thursday all were aroused with orders to he ready to march at short notice. 1'he supply wagons had come up during the night and rations sufficient to keep good the eight days' supply to the regiment were drawn Sutlers and peddlers, the constant hut almost neces- sary nuisance of army lite, woio swarming about the camp. On the Friday before, the regiment had received four months' pay, and pay-day afforded an opportunity to reap a rich harvest ol gain from the soldier hoys, which could not he neglected. Paid as they had been and as it seemed unwisely just on the eve ol an important movement, and pro- bably of a severe battle, hut little opportuni- ty had been offered for sending money home, and most o\ the men had the entire sum tluy had received in their pockets, which just then there was peculiar temptation to spend. The men reasoned this way: We an- just going into a fight, if I fad the enemy will get all 1 have, 1 have no moans of sending anything home, if the sutler has anything : . - ■. - - - • - - - - - - - i - • - - ! i i - -- - ■ ■ - - - - ■ - • - - - - _ 5 S - - - - - 2 i - - - - ■ ■ - - - - - -• I I - I - - - : REGIMEXT, PENN'A VOL'S. ternoon. we took up our line of march for the Tutted States Fori). Bringing up the rear of the division. At half-past eleven in the afternoon, after a fatiguing inarch, we reach- ed our camping ground, a short distance be- yond Hartwood Church, and within about two miles of the United States Ford." Already it had been whispered through the camp that Lee was preparing to accept Hooker's offer of battle, that if a victory was trained, it would be won only after a hard titrht with a powerful foe who was already gaining strong positions which the Federal General had delayed to occupy. Tired as they were, many a brave man could scarcely close his eyes in sleep, in lively anticipations of the coming struggle and its uncertain re- sults Friday. May 1st. Two great roads lead easterly from Chan- sville to Fredericksburg — the turnpike. a broad, well built, macadamized highway, and the plank road: the former beiug al- most a direct Hue between the two places, while the plank road at Chancellorsville di- i - from it considerably to the south for about two miles, when it turns to a course almost due east and in about three miles farther unites with the turnpike at the " Ta- bernacle" or "Salem Church," which is about five miles west of Fredericksburg The plank road keeps on nearly the level crest of a ridge of considerable elevation above the river, and the divide between the uumerous streams having their sout- hs northern slope, which unite, some in forming Hunting, and others. Motte's Creek, the former emptying into the Rapidan, the latter into the Rappahannock, and of Mine Run or Mineral Spring (.'reek flowing be- tween the two. whose principle source is near Chancellorsville. and its dtbouchure a little below the junction of the two rivers: — while m the south side are the soui s he Ny river, an affluent of the Mattapony, and of the Massaponax Creek. The turnpike, although following a more direct course than the plank road between Chancellorsville and Salem Church. - the northern slope of the ridge, and crossed by a number vt' the branches o( Motte's -. whose depressions and the hills inter- vening render the surface broken, and the road more difficult for travel. Another called the river road, dh toward the north from the plank road at the Chancellor house, and after reaching the foot of the blurts, follows the general course of the river to Ranks' Ford. The "Mine Run" or "Old Mountain" road extends from the river near the mouth of Mine Run, in a southeasterly direction, crossing each ol' the above described high- ways, and passing near Salem Church. Westward from Chancellorsville the plank road extends to Orange Court House. On this road, about two miles from Chancellors- ville. is DowdalPs Tavern, or the Chancellor House, and a half a mile farther the old Wilderness Church. About half way between this church and Chancellors- ville a road called the Furnace road, branch- es off almost directly south through the -. running along or near a little stream, a couple of miles to Catherine or Welford's Furnace, and continuing in the same course dd's Tavern. A half a mile be- yond the furnace this road crosses the bed of the unfinished Fredericksburg and Gordons- ville railroad, which pa.~sing up Hazel Creek on the east of Fredericksburg takes a west- erly course, keeping south of the plank road but in some places running near to it. A short distance beyond the railroad bed. on the Furnace road, is the Welford nlansiou. Resides these there were numerous other roads oi less account to our narrative, some of them being mere bridle paths, of which were a description here attempted it might confuse instead of aid the reader to a Ixnter knowledge of the situation ofthii - Chancellorsville, or the Chancellor House consisted of a single, large, brick house standing on the north side of the plank road 6 4 ONE H VXD RED FORTY-FIRST and at its intersection with the turnpike, river and United States Ford roads, about ten miles west of Fredericksburg, and sur- rounded by a few acres of cleared land.* The country around it is an elevated plateau, of a considerably uneven surface, covered with thickets of black-jack oak and scrub pine growing so densely and the limbs so closely interlaced that it is with great diffi- culty a man can make his way through it, broken only by the limited open spaces about the houses sparsely situated on or near the principal highways. In the common par- lance this region is called the Wilderness, which extends from the Rapidan to some distance south and west of Chancellorsville, opening up into a cleared country from Sa- lem Church toward Fredericksburg. Scarcely half a mile southwesterly from Chancellorsville, between two small streams which unite at its southern point is a cleared (ield of somewhat greater elevation than that on which the Chancellor House stood, called '* Fairview," on the highest point of which and near the center there stood at the time of the battle a large white house, fre- quently referred to in the reports of the offi- cers and in the diaries of the men. A half a mile still further to the southwest, and about in line vi Chancellorsville and Fair- view, and between the latter place and the Furnace, and crossed by the Furnace road, situated also in the forks of two rivulets, one of which separates it from Fairview and is bordered by a narrow strip of swaley ground deepening into a ravine farther down the stream, is a similar elevation called "Hazel Grove," on the crest of which was a log dso referred to in the reports o( the battle. The streams which these knobs di- vide, unite to form the Ny river near the Catherine Furnace. Between Fairview and Hazel Grove is a narrow road or bridle path *" Chancellorsville is placed in the middle of a clearing some three hundred yards iu extent, and all around are the thickets of the Wilder: Swi>, i leading into the Furnace road about a mile from the plank road. Keeping in mind this brief description of roads and topography may aid in under- standing the movements and positions of the One Hundred Forty-First Regiment, as well as the general movements of the troops about to be related. Salem Church standing near the junction of the turnpike and plank road and their in- tersection with mine road, and in the open country beyond the Wilderness was a stra- tegic point Hooker should have occupied on Thursday night. Lee taking advantage oi the neglect pushed forward a force to seize and hold it. He says: — "Learning that the enemy had crossed the Rapidan and were approaching in strong force. General Ander- son retired early on the morning of the thir- tieth to the intersection of mine and plank roads, near Tabernacle Church and began to intrench himself." By eight o'clock on the morning of the first of May. Lee's entire army, except a small force left in the defen- ces of Fredericksburg, was in position to meet Hookers advance. Between ten and eleven o'clock of Friday forenoon, as preliminary to a general ad- vance ordered to be made at two o'clock in the afternoon, three columns were directed to move out. one on each of the principal roads leading eastward. Accordingly the left column consisting of two divisions of Meade's corps, (Griffin's and Humphrey's. 1 moved five miles down the river road, to within sight of Banks' Ford, which if uncovered would have shortened the distance between Hooker and Sedgwick twelve miles : the ceu:re column consisting of the divisions of Sykes and Hancock advanced on the turnpike about two mile- or mure east of Chancellorsville and occupied one of the se- ries of ridges over which that road p - - the right column, composed of Slocum's en- tire corps advanced about two miles on the plank road and held a strong position there. The position- held by these several columns REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 65 was " a ridge of some elevation, perfectly commanding Chancellorsville, out of the Wilderness, and giving a debouche into the open country in the rear of Fredericksburg, while the left column had practically uncov- ered Banks' Ford." These were hardly se- cured when, to the surprise of all, and against the remonstrance of his corps commanders, Hooker ordered the troops to fall hack to a line nearer Chancellorsville. In the meanwhile the Third Corps which had orders to come to Chancellorsville was early in motion. About four o'clock in the morning the reveille sounded in the camps of the One Hundred Forty-First and get- ting a hasty lunch the men were on the march by six o'clock. Crossing the pontoon bridge laid by Couch at United States Ford, at eight o'clock in the morning, and going about a mile farther they halted behind some rifle pits which the Confederates had thrown up to cover the ford, but were compelled to abandon on Honker's advance; alter resting here for an hour or more, the Regiment was marched up to the plank road and again halted nearly west of the Chancel- lor House. Here Sickles massed his entire corps except one brigade left on the north side to guard the ford against any cavalry raid from the enemy, having been ordered to hold all but Birnev's division in reserve. The men had scarcely stacked their arms, before they were ordered to go on picket near Dowdall's Tavern. In establishing his lines about the Chan- cellor House the troops were arranged as fol- lows : :; " Meade's Corps rested its left on the Rappahannock near Scott's Dam ; the line was continued in a southerly direction by Couch's Corps, facing east, French's Division being extended to a point near to and east of Chancellorsville, with Hancock's division of the same corps holding an outpost still far- ther east. Next came the Twelfth Corps *Doubleday's Chancellorsville and Gettysburg, Page 16. under Slocum, facing south, and then at some distance to the west, in echelon to the rear along the plank road, Howard's Corps (the Eleventh) was posted." Howard's line extended on the right some distance beyond the Wilderness Church with his right Hank " in the air," that is, resting on no natural defense. Hooker, aware of the weakness of this flank sent Graham's Brigade to strength- en it. The brigade reached Dowdall's Tav- ern, General Howard's Headquarters, about two o'clock in the afternoon, but General Graham upon reporting to him for orders was informed that his services were not needed. The men lay about in the road and in an oak grove near by until nearly live o'clock in the afternoon, when they were di- rected to rejoin the division which had been placed in the line between Slocum and How- ard's Corps having the former on the left and the latter on the right. Speaking of this movement General Dou- bleday says : — " Hooker was sensible that this Hank ( Howard's right, I was weak, and sent Graham's brigade of Sickles' Corps with a battery to strengthen it; hut Howard took umbrage at this, as a reflection on the bravery of his troops or his own want of skill, and told Graham that he did not need his ser- vices; that he felt so secure in his position that he woidd send his compliments to the whole rebel army if they lay in front of him, and invite them to attack him. As Hooker had just acquiesced in the appointment of Howard to be commander of the Eleventh Corps, he disliked to show a want of confi- dence in him at the very beginning of his career, and therefore yielded to his wishes and ordered the reinforcements to return and report to Sickles again.'' In his report of the proceedings of this day General Graham says: — "We marched again 1 Friday morning,) at five o'clock \.\i., towards the lord, and crossing it, halted in columns of regiments behind the rebel rifle- pits. After a brief halt we took up our line of march with the rest of the division, push- 66 ONE HI TV / > A' A7; /< ( » A' / ) - FIRS T ing "ii toward the front, and halted on the left of the road near the Chancellor House — General Hooker's headquarters. The men had scarcely stacked arms when 1 was or- dered to proceed with my command via ( lhancellorsville to Dowdall's Tavern, on the plank road to perform picket duty. My or- ders were to throw out a line of pickets well to the right and rear, holding the balance of my command well in hand near the tavern. Having arrived there I found the place oc- cupied by General Howard as his headquar- ters. He informed me that his command picketed the right and rear, and that as he had no orders to move and needed no assist- ance, he thought there must be some mistake in my orders. 1 at once sent my aid, Lieu- tenant Bullurd, to inform General Birney of the fact and ask for future instructions. During his absence Lieutenant Turnbull re- ported to me with his battery. In accord- ance with Major-General Howard's orders, I halted my cut ire command near the tavern lo await further orders. \i about live o'clock in the afternoon or- ders came for me to return as rapidly as pos- sible and rejoin the division near the Chan- cellor House. My column was at once put in motion, preceded by TurnbuH's battery, which 1 ordered to report to General Birney at i nee." [n attempting to execute the order to tall back upon the lines about Chancel lorsville, the troops on the turnpike and on the plank road found themselves confronted by a heavy force of the enemy who assailed them with ureal fury, following closely upon the retir- ing columns and taking possession of the ground as soon as our men left it. and press- ing the attack vigorously until the troops reached the intrenched position. In this movement General Anderson, of the Con- federates, directed the brigade of General Wright to diverge from the main line "to the left, (south) of the plank road, march by wa\ of the unfinished railroad from Freder- icksburg to Gordonsville and turn tin- ene- my's right. His whole line thereupon re treated rapidly, vigorously pursued by our troops until they arrived within about one mile of Cliancellorsville." (Lee's Report.) The em my on reaching the Furnace road pushed up a considerable force on Slocum's right, ami Limey's Division was ordered in and took possession of the heights of Fair- view in order lo hold him in cheek. In his report, Major General Anderson says.:— " Brigadier General Wright was directed to follow with his brigade, the line of the un- finished Fredericksburg and Gordonsville railroad, to threaten their right and compel them to fall back. ' General Wright continued to follow the line of the railroad without opposition until he arrived at the Catherine or Welford's furnace, where he had a sharp encounter with a superior force of the enemy. Darkness put a stop to this conflict without any decided results having bavin;;' been attained, and at ten o'clock at night, in obedience to orders from Lieuten- ant General Jackson, he returned to tin' plank road." As has been said, the One Hundred Forty-First with the brigade of which it was a part remained in the roads or the fields about Dowdall's Tavern' until five o'clock in the afternoon when it, in obedience to orders returned to Cliancellorsville and took its place in the division. In order to cheek the advance iA' Wright, a battery, the First < 'bio, was placed on the crest of Lairview and the brigade was massed behind it for its support, that is to repel any attempt the enemy mighl make for its capture, the One Hundred Fourteenth being in the first line, the One Hundred Forty-First in the second line ami twenty paces distant, the remaining reg- iments behind them, each regiment in line one behind the other. As soon as the bri- gade was in position the battery opened tire upon the enemy's force advancing from the Furnace, to which they replied with spirit. The field officers of the Regiment had dis- mounted and were standing on the right of REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. ^7 the lint- watching the artillery duel going on. Mutters in another quarter demanding attention, the Colonel and Adjutant had re- mounted, and Lieutenant-Colonel Watkins was just in the act of doing so, having liis fool in tli" stirrup, when a solid shot struck his horse in the shoulder anil passed entirely through him lengthwise. A shell exploded nearly the same time, a piece of which lure off the top of the head of John I'. < rrant, and another piece wounded Sergeanl Jack- son ( '. Lee, cutting off the thumb of his right hand, both of Company A, which occupied the right of the Regiment,* at the same lime Major Spalding was bruised aboul the lace by flying gravel stones from the concussion of the explosion. The Major describes the killing of the Lieutenant-Colonel's horse a little differently from some of the others whose account I have followed. He says: — "The battery in from of us (after the Regi- ment got into position, ) began to shell the woods in front and was immediately replied to by a rebel battery about half or three- fourths of a mile to the right and in front of us. (the Regiment was facing nearly south). Colonel Mattill, Lieutenant- Colonel Watkins and myself rode up to the head of the line to watch the firing of the batteries. Watkins and I had dismounted. He was again getting upon his horse when a shell struck right among us. It struck the ground about ten feet in front of us, and exploding, killed Colonei Watkins' horse, and knocked me down by the concussion. 1 was only slightly hurt, having my face and the side of my head somewhat bruised, and was all right again in a few minutes. A second shell immediately following killed one man ♦The companies of the Regiment which vere des- ignated by the fust letters Of the alphabet were ar- ranged as follows: — The Regiment being in line on the extreme right was Company A, then Compa- nies l'\ I). I. C, H, E, K, ft, B, in the eider given, that is the a on the extreme right, B on the left, (' on the right cinter, and the others arranged tor the purpose of bringing the Captains In certain po- sitions according to rank, in evolutions of drill, etc. in Company A, and wounded another. <)ur brigade was i lien moved a Mule, (about fifteen rods) to the rear behind a knoll, when; the shells went over our heads " In describing this engagement General Graham says: — " After reaching the division and receiving several orders and counter 01 ders, 1 finally formed my command in close column of regiments in rear of our batteries, ready to support them, or to advance to the aid of General Williams' division then mi gaged with the enemy to my front and right. Immediately on formation the brigade was ordered to lie down to escape tin- heavy lire of artillery to which we were then subject. Our loss (in the brigade) was one killed and live wounded." One of these was in the One Hundred Fourteenth, wounded se- verely by a piece of the same shell whieh killed Grant, George II. Capwell, who was Lying immediately behind Grant had his knapsack cut oil' his hack by another piece of the same shell, hut escaped without a scratch. John I'. < Irant was a young man who had reached his majority just a week before the battle, the only son of William Grant, resid- ing in the soul hern part of Wilmot township, where he was enlisted by Lieutenant Horton in August, 1862. He was a good soldier and never flinched when duly called. At Fred- ericksburg, as at < haneellorsvillo, he was in the holiest of the fray, and was the first in his company and the second in the Regi merit to fall by the hand of the enemy The cannonade was kept up in front of the brigade until aboul eighl o'clock, when darkness put an end to the conflict. The Regiment bivouacked on the ground to which it. had retired in the rear of the bat- tery, and remained there without hem- dis- turbed during the night. Saturday, May - j. Wearied as the men of the One Hundred Forty-First, were when they Bung them- selves down upon the ground to rot, they were permitted to enjoy only a pari of the 68 ' HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST night in (ho repose they so sadly nteded. Vi three o'clock in the morning the reveille sounded, rousing every man from liis slum- bei"s and co unianding him to lie in readiness for the duties of the coming day the tii whose morning were just beginning to brighten the eastern sky. Soon every- thing was packed and at daylight the Regi- ment was inarched * ut by the nay of the plank road, down the Furnace road into the pine woods, where it was halted and the nua> ate their breaklast. The Furnace ro.nl inns for nearly a half mile after it leaves the plank road through thick woods, from which it emerges into the cleared space ^( Ha eJ Grove, where General Birney had establish- ed his headquarters. After passing through this clearing the descent is quite rapid to the stream which forms the western boundary of the elevation. The road along this s until the Furnace is reached, | ground in many places marshy and swampy, which in the latter part of the day proved to be an embarrassing obstacle to the move- ments undertaken. General Graham says:—" In this pi - (in bivouack on the field we remaiued un- til daylight, May 2d, when we marched to- ward IVwdall's Tavern on the plank road. tiling off to the left through the woods, until led ( iener. 5 head- quarters. Here I halo >rders, forming four of my regiments in two lines on each side of I Third and One Hundred Fifth [Pennsylvania Volunteers to the 1 - - - the skirmishers, and connecting the One Hundred Fifth Pennsylvania Vol- rs with the left of Colonel llayman's our right.'" Colonel Hay man was in command of the third brigade of Bir- sion. >f the halt must have s - half a mile from the Here in t the crest of the lull they remained until about twoo'clock in the afternoon. While the Regiment is lying in the friendly shade dur- ing that warm Ma) morning, some lazily resting and trying to catch a moment's sleep in the lull of the strife, others eagerly watch- ing the movements going on around them — others again speculating as to what may be the plans of the two commanders and the probabilities of their success ; and each man ready to spring to his feet at the call of " at- tention."' other movements were going on which were destined in a most remarkable manner to decide the fate of the conl The position of the Federal troops has al- ready been briefly noticed. On Friday night the Confederate army was drawn up in line ot" battle in front of Chancellorsville at right - io the plank road, his right resting on the mine road, and his left extending to Catharine furnace, McLaws on the right, Anderson in the center, and Jackson's corps on the left. Hooker's position wj s so s and his fore* - .hat any direct attack upon him would necessarily be attended with heavy loss. After carefully reconnoitring the position and finding that from some un- accountable blundering Howard's right wing was still unprotected and that he « - using even ordinary precaution to guard against surprise, Lee, at th« - __ - Stonewall Jackson, detached his corps from the main bod) of the ( army, that by a wide detour passing acr ss tire front, he should make a sudden attaek up- on the extreme right which ifsuccessful would nded with - - res s to the Fed- eral army. Early on the morning o( the set out on this hazardous undertaking. With his remaining made a series of tieree onsets on Hooker's ation frou - which were made along roads bordered with thick 3 covered by Fit/ 5 where the column crossed the Fi south of the - REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 69 lilt' from Hazel Grove. In a few minutes af- ter arriving at this latter place, Colonel Madil I called the attention of both General Graham and General Birney to the movement. At first it was thought Lee was retreating, and this delusion was strengthened from the fact that at this point the road on which Jackson was passing turns to the southward. Hook- er was apprised of what was going on, and to guard against a Hank attack directed Howard to strengthen his position, which with a seemingly blind infatuation as to his security, he entirely neglected to do. The batteries on Hazel Grove however opened on the column, causing the train to make a still wider detour to tlic south. Major Spalding says:— "In the morning we again moved up the plank road about hall a mile, and tinned short to the left on a road cut through thick pines about half a mile and were ordered to halt in the woods by the roadside. The Sixty-Third and < me Hundred Fifth were taken farther to the front as skirmishers, the other regiments remaining with us. We could see from here long lines of rebel teams about a mi'e and a half away, moving along a ridge road, evi- dently trying to get out of danger. A bat- tery of rifled guns was immediately thrown forward and shelled tie train for a long time." In order to determine what was the char- acter of the movement of ihe eremy, S'ekles was sent out with two divisions, Birney's and Whipple's, to reconnoitre and attack him. Says Swinton :- "At about three o'clock in the afternoon, he advanced through the Wilderness lor a mile and a half or two miles, reached the road on which Jackson had moved, struck the rear of his column, and began to cake prisoners." In describing the operations at this point Genera] Lee says: "As the rear of the train was passing the furnace, a large force of the enemy advanced from t hanccllorsville and attempted its capture. General Jack- son had left the Twentv-Third Georgia reg- iment under Colonel Best, at this point, in guard his Hank; and upon the approach of tin- enemy Lieutenant-Colonel J. T. Brown, whose artillery was passing at the time placed a battery in position, t" aid in check ing the advance. The enemy was kept back by this small force until the train had passed, hut his superior nu nbers ena- bled him subsequently to surround and cap- ture the greater part of the Twenty-Third Georgia regiment." Sickles was greatly pleased with his success and in communicat- ing to 1 looker tin' result of his reeonnoissance asked lor reinforcements; and at his request 1'leasanton's cavalry, and Williamson's bri- gade of Slocum's, and Barlows brigade, of Howard's corps, were sent him. Lee, desir- ous of diverting attention from Jackson, who was at that lime just getting into position, reinforced Colonel Brown with two brigades, with whom Sickles' advanced lines became warmly engaged. The One Hundred Forty-First, al- though not occupying the front line took part in this movement against the rear of Jackson's column, I Jeneral ( iraham reports : — " About one o'clock in the afternoon we advanced to support Colonel Hayman's bri- gade across the open field and through the dense WOOds in front. When we had nearly reached the iron works we found a double line of halt'- Ztlong the road and on the right of llaymau. Soon after this the order came for another advance. The Fifty Seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers was ordered to re- main on the crest of the hill as support to Berdan's sharpshooters, and the Sixty-Third Pennsylvania Volunteers was taken from me hy Captain Walker, of (Jeneral Birney's stalk With my remaining regiments (the One Hundred Fourteenth, One Hundred Forty-First, Sixty-Eighth, and One Hundred Fifth,) I advanced on the double quick along the road ami into the open held beyond the cut for a railroad, near Welford's house. I hadscarcely form- ed my command as a second line lo Colonel ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST llavnian. whep orders came to return at once. This order was complied with, and we followed the Third Brigade. At tin' iron works the Fifty -Seventh Pennsylvania Vol- unteers rejoined us. We marched hack to the field we had left in the morning, when we formed in rear of the batteries, with or- ders to act as their support in case of an at- tack." Major Spalding lias so fully described the part the Regiment took in this advance o( Sickles that it will be given in substantially his own words. \Kuit two o'clock an order was received directing us to move forward. We crossed an open Held, (Hazel Grove,) where our battery was, went down through a hollow, and crossed a little creek across the ravine lying below the log house, went up the opposite hillside a short distance, and then were ordered to form in line of battle, our right resting upon the read; — the Sixty- Eighth was upon our right and the Fifty- Seventh behind us. The woods were verj thick and 1 left my horse in charge of one of i he men. Our prick horses were scut hack from here with instructions to keep in the war, Our brigade with [layman's brigade, and two regiments of Berdan's sharpshooters were in the woods. Tin sharpshooters went forward. We then moved forward, says Col- onel Madill, by the right of companies and formed another line parallel with the same road, and 1 sent out Company B in com- mand o( Lieutenant Peck, as skirmishers. 1 then changed the line a second time, moving it by the tlank and forming it at right angles with the road. The Third Brigade during this time lay in our front. The line was changed for the third time, bringing us on a line parallel with the road, in which position we remain- ed until neai evening. The Major continues : - before sundowc we were marched at a double quick about a mile further in ad- vance, where we were formed in an opei field near a huge farm house, Welford's. The artillery came up and tired rounds, and the men stacked arms as they supposed for the night. Their stay here was short, for while Sickles had been pushing forward his lines depending upon Howard whose line was across the plank road to pro- tect his rear, and connect him with the main army, an unexpected calamity had befallen the Eleventh Corps and enabled the enemy to cut off his communication with Hookei for a time. After a long and fatiguing march the ad- vanced division of Jackson's corps reached the old turnpike about three miles west of Chancellorsville, and one mile west o( How- ard's headquarters at Dowdall's Tavern, at four o'clock in the afternoon. Forming his divisions as they arrived at right angles with the road, it was two hours before all were in position. During all this time Howard fail- ed to learn that an enemy was near him. At six o'clock .lacks, m ordered the advance. Howard was taken by surprise. His men were lying about on tiie ground, some of his officers were playing cards, guns were stack- ed, and all were abiding in perfect security. The Confederates rushed upon the unsus- pecting troops with the velocity of a whirl- wind. In an instant, men. horses, ambulan- ces, artillery, army wagons, all were huddled together on the plank road making for Chancellorsville. It was a panic, the like ot which had never been witnessed in tie Army ^( the Potomac before. The enemy rushed on sweeping everything before them. Scarcely any resistance was attempted, but men ran like frightened deer without even waiting to take their guns from the stacks. What would have been the consequence to the Federal army had not darkness put a cheek to the advance oi' the foe can hardly be imagined. As it was Jackson's forces- had pressed down below the junction o\ the Furnace road and on until their advance crested by the abatis in front yA the line of works near Hooker's central position at Chancellorsville. The position of Sickles was perilous in REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 7 the extreme, and ii required all his skill to effect his junction with the main body of the army. His troops had scarcely got into po- sition at Welford's when heavy tiring heard in his rear, and clouds of dust and smoke arising from the woods he had just left be- tween the furnace and the plank road, told him that a serious attack was being made in an unexpected quarter. Pleasanton had been ordered to return to Hazel Grove, ami Sickles rode forward to ascertain the nature of the engagement when he met the flying fugitives of the Eleventh Corps. Pleasan- ton charged and drove the enemy out of the woods in his front, got possession of Hazel Grove, and a battery of twenty-two guns in position and poured double charges of can- ister into the advancing line of Jackson's men. Hooker rallied the troops near at hand and the first outset of the Confederates was cheeked. It was now dark. Jackson with a portion of his stall' rode forward beyond his own lines to reconnoitre the ground and ascertain exactly the federal positions, when on re- turning he was fired upon by his own men so it is said, who mistook his party for a Fed- eral cavalry force, and that most daring and efficient General fell, mortally wounded. Sickles upon ascertaining the condition of things in his rear ordered the immediate re- turn of his troops to Hazel Grove. Birney's division was entirely surrounded, facing his lines to the north and placing his guns in position he began to shell the woods in Iron! and to the right of him, and set out on his return, giving his men orders to mullle their canteens and carry their guns at trail, and move quietly as possible, to escape the attention of the enemy. Major Spalding's account here is so full that it will be given in his own words. lie says: — " 1, of course, did not know the na- ture of the firing we had heard, but my sus- picions were Btrong that there was something wrong. We met the boys with our horses in the woods, who told me that they had been Obliged to follow Us to keep out of tie enemy's hands, as they had seen them drive out the Eleventh Corps. We came back into the field where our batteries had shell- ed their train in the afternoon, Hazel Grove. It was nov some time after dark. Here the division was halted. Our Reg- iment, (and the One Hundred Fourteenth, but this was subsequently withdrawn,) was sent to picket around the right (east,) of the field. The posts were not over a rod apart, and three men upon each post. 1 noticed also that the line we were guarding was fac- ing where our friends ought to be. We had four companies in reserve — they were the four right companies, A, F, Hand I. After the pickets were all posted, I came back to the reserve and said to the Colonel, — " hid you notice how our guards are placed? We are evidently surrounded." He said "There is no doubt of that." No one bean' what was said and neither of us alluded to it again. It was now between ten and eleven o'clock — a blight, beautiful, moonlight night. 1 gave my horse some water but did not take off either saddle, bridle or blankets. Tying the halter around my hand, without taking off sword or pistols, I lay down upon the ground, pulled t he cape of my overcoat over my head, and fell asleep. The Colonel's horse was also ready— the Lieutenant-Colo- nel had lost his the day before. About midnight we were aroused by a heavy firing on the opposite sice of the field, some thirty or forty rods from us. For a short time the roar of cannon and musketry was deafening, then all was still again. An aid came and directed us to call in our pick- ets. After getting them together and wait- ing for some time for orders but receiving none, the Colonel sent me to find General Graham and ask his orders, i found Gen eral Birney and staff and General Graham and staff on the knoll about the center of the field, all sitting upon their horses, ami was directed to bring our Regiment and join the 72 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST brigade, but before 1 got back an order came to replace our pickets, which was done. The firing was caused by Ward's Brigade charging upon the rebel line to drive it back and open a road, which they successfully ac- complished. The roar of artillery, the sharp report of thousands of rifles, and the long lines of men standing still as statues, but each leaning upon his loaded rifle, the groups of officers sitting here and there upon their horses, the moon shining brightly upon all, and the shadows of the dark woods all around us, were a most imposing scene, and one which no man who beheld it will ever forget/' Although the One Hundred Forty-First was not engaged in the moonlight fight < t' Saturday night, they were under its tire, and shells and bullets flew like hail over their heads, fortunately without wounding any. In his report Colonel Madill says: — " During all the movements of the day (May 2d) my Regiment was not engaged with the enemy, nor did they lire a shot, will the ex- ception of a leu tiled by the skirmishers sent out under Lieutenant Peck." It may he observed here that Lieutenant Peek pushed up his skirmish line to the west of Welford's and overlook some of the stragglers from Jackson's column who at- tempted to impede our line by setting tire to the brush in the field, and skirmished with them lor some time. Lieutenant Peck re- mained in this advanced position until some time after the division had left the Held, when a staff' officer informed him of his crit- ical situation, and directed Inn to return to the Furnace, wh re he would find the First Regiment of the United States Sharpshooters and to follow that regiment, which he did, reaching Hazel Grove between nine and ten o'clock where he rejoined his regiment. The ( olonel continues : " During the evening I marched hack to a place mar the point from which we start- ed in the afternoon, when 1 was ordered to take my regiment on picket. 1 posted six companies on the ground pointed out to me l>\ the field-officer of the day and held four companies in reserve. By an order from Brigade Headquarters I withdrew my pickets when the attack was made on the left of our line by the enemy at two o'clock in tlu morning May .">d <. The attack being repulsed, 1 re-posted my pick- ets, and we remained there until six o'clock of Sunday morning, May 3d, when 1 rejoin- ed the division on the hill near the old log Ik use. Th< brigade was in close column by regiments, my regimei t being in the rear." The picket line occupied In the Regiment was to tin' left and rear of the line held by the brigade, in the edge of the woods skirt- ii g tic low ground, and in the immediate vicinity of where Jackson was shot. The One Hundred Fourteenth which also had keen ordered on picket was drawn in and formed part of the main line. The Sixty- Third Regiment, after rejoining the brigade was subsequently sent to aid Brigadier-Gen- eral Ward and was the only regiment in the brigade that participated in the night attack. The account of this day's movements may he fittingly coi eluded with the following quotation from Pates' " Pennsylvania Volun- teers :" — " J ust hi fore dark a terrible musket- ry lire opened to the right and rear of the advancing divisions. (Birney's and Whip- ple's). Jackson had unexpectedly attacked the Eleventh Corps, rolling it up like a scroll, anil crushing it wherever it offered a feeble resistance. These two divisions were in a critical position; hut they marched cpii- eth hack under cover of the darkness, brush- ing past the enemy without discovery. The Regiment finally halted in an open field, and was detailed tor picket duty. Captain Tyler in a letter uives the following account of the night's experience : — '' We picketed on the low ground between the two armies which were within musket range of each other. Suddenly the air was rent with cheers as Ward's Brigade charged down the Gordonsville plank road driving the enemy REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 73 from a portion of his line. The crash of musketry and the screech of flying shot and shells made the night hideous. We were between two fires. Shells with their burn- ing fuses streamed in every direction over our heads. Occasionally one would hurst in its fiery course, and the sharp whiz and thud of the pieces as they struck the ground in our midst, reminded us of our mortality, ami gave us a foretaste of the struggle to be- gin with the dawn of the morrow." SUNDAY, may :;. The route of the Eleventh Corps on Sat- urday evening had greatly disconcerted I looker's plans, and discouraged him as to the result of the contest, lie determined, nevertheless, to continue the battle, hut con- tract his lines by bringing them nearer to Chaneellorsville. A new line was accord- ingly laid out by his order on a low ridge perpendicular to the plank road, opposite to and at right angles with Slocum's front, and was strongly supported by artillery massed on the heights of Fairview, in the rear and to the left. "On Sunday morning the Federal army held a position which covered the angle of roads at. the Chaneellorsville House. Sick- les' Corps, ami Berry's division of Slocum's Corps, and French's division of Couch-'s Corps, formed the right and faced westward to meet Stuart's attack — Major-General J. E. B. Stuart having succeeded for the time being to the command of Jackson's ( lorps — Hi ■ rest of Slocum's Corps and Hancock's division of Couch's Corps formed the center and left, covering the two roads from Chan- eellorsville to Fredericksburg, part of Han- cock's force being thrown hack, lacing east- ward, to guard the communications with the United States Ford." Says General Doubleday : — ''The real key of the battle- field now was the eminence at Hazel Grove, (held by Sickles' Corps). So long as we held it the enemy could not advance without presenting his right Hank to our batteries. If he obtained possession of it he could plant guns which would enfil- ade Slocum's line and lire directly into our forces below. Birney's division at this time posted in advance of Best's guns on the left, —Best was in command of the artillery on Fairview, and Birney was at Hazel Grove — Berry was on the right, with Williams' divi- sion of the Twelfth Corps behind Birney, and Whipple's division in rear of Berry. The position of Hazel Grove commanded Chaneellorsville where all the roads meet, and which it was vital to Hooker to bold. For if he lost that, he could not advance in any direction, and only his line of retreat to the Ford would remain open to him. Pleas- anton spent, the night in fortifying this hill, and placed forty guns in position there; but it was of no avail, for it was outside of the new line Sickles was directed to occupy at daylight, and Hooker was not aware of its importance. A request was sent to the lat- ter to obtain bis consent to bold it, but he was asleep, and the staff-officer in charge, who had had no experience whatever in military matters, positively refused to awak- en him until daylight, and then it was too late, for that was the time set for the troops to fall back tO the new line." In falling hack to this new line to which Sickles was ordered, Birney's division ex- cept Graham's brigade, led the way, and Whipple's division brought up the rear, Graham's brigade being at tiie extreme rear of the column following Whipple. Says Doubleday: — "When the movement began, Birney's division, on the left of Whipple, occupied the high ground at 1 [azel Grove facing the plank road, Graham's brig- ade being on the extreme left. This was a very aggressive position, since it took every column that advanced against Sickle's new line directly in Hank, and therefore it was indispensable tor the rebel commander to capture Hazel Grove before he advanced against the main body of the Third Corps, which held the plank road. The hill was not ip high as that at Fairview, but 74 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST our artillery on it had great range, and the post should have been maintained at all hazards. The cavalry who had so ably de- fended it fell back, in obedience to orders, to the Chancellorsville House, to support the batteries in that vicinity, and 1 think one regiment was sent to report to Sedgwick. Whipple commenced the movement by sending ofl his artillery and thai of Birney, Graham's brigade was the roar guard. Its retreat was covered by the fire of Hunting- ton's battery on the right. The moment the enemy saw that Graham was retreating, Ar- cher's brigade of A. P. Hill's division, charged, attained the top of the hill and suc- ceeded in capturing four guns." This brief account of the positions of the troops and their movements on this part of the field may help make intelligible the op- erations of the One Hundred Forty- First Regiment on this eventful Sunday morning. The Regiment, which had been placed on picket the evening before, was called in about sunrise and joined the brigade, which was posted on the hill to the north o\ the log house on Hazel Grove, in "close column by regiments*'; that i-. each regiment in line, one behin 1 the other. At this time the columns - formed that the left of each reached beyond the left v\ the one in front of it. The One Hundred Forty-First formed the rear column, companies " B" and " K " extending farther to the left than the n - the brigade, the left ot Company "B' ro-t- ing within three or four nxls of the log house, and the right in the direction ot Chancellorsville, so that the line faced a lit- tle west of north. General Graham says ' V: this time tabor.: six ck in the morning) the ene- my opened a brisk tire on our whole line. The troops that had been in my front, and which 1 was ordered to follow from the field. were I _ hastily, leaving my lines exposed - 't the rapid ad- vance of the enemy. 1 now w vol- leys from the Fifty-Seventh, < me Hundred Forty-First and Sixty-Third Pennsylvania Volunteers, which formed my left and were most exposed. This served to check the enemy to some extent, and enabled me to bring oil my command in Inner order than 1 otherwise could have done We now re- tired rapidly, closely followed and subjected to a hot tire. We followed the rear of Whip- ple's division, passing to the right i>l the batteries on the hill except the One Hun- dred Forty-First, which went upon the left of them), and forming again to the left o\ the Plank Road, and directly behind the graveyard near l'airvieu." The position of the One Hundred Forty- First by this movement subjected it to a very severe tire at close range. They had scarcely joined the brigade when a sharp firing was heard in the pine woods, on the left oi the field, and directly in front of the brigade as it stood. As soon as the K<_i- nunt got into position, the men were ordered to lie down. They had just obeyed this order when the enemy made a charge upon our line, advancing from the northwest. As soon as they came out of the woods the tiring became general on both sides. At thi* time a regiment belonging to another I lying in front of Companies " B" and " K." cave way ane. came running back over the Regiment, but rallied behind a breastwork made o\ rails just in our rear, and again opened tire. Between the place where the enemy came out oi the woods and where the Regiment were Ivingi there was a considera- ble depression in the surface of the field. As they ad vain ss this depression they were out of our sight, and when they came into view again they were only a few ro^is from our line. Here they were met I • - s volley from our men. that they fell back in i:: - ; - the depression, under f which they re formed and marched by their right flank, and passing around the ine in tlank and REGIMENT, PENN'A IVES. 7$ It was about the time the enemy made this first charge that Graham's Brigade was ordered to retire from Hazel Grove. In executing this order the regiments moved by the right flank, the regiment in front taking the lead, the One Hundred Forty- First being in the rear was the last to move. By som" means Lieutenant Peek, who was in command of Company " B," did not re- ceive the order to retire with the rest of the Regiment, and could not have executed if he had received it, since the regiment which had taken position in the breastworks at his rear were firing hut a few inches above the backs of his men, who were lying Hat upon the ground. To have called his company to their feet under such circumstances would have heen certain death to most of them. This company was therefore compelled to remain in this exposed position until the rear of the Regiment was just passing out of the cleared field they had heen occupying. The enemy in the meantime had gained a position in the rear and flank of the compa- ny, tired a volley into the backs of the men wlio were in the breastworks, at which they broke and ran. The company, relieved from the fire of their own men, was immedi- ately ordered to follow the Regiment— they being the last Union forces to leave the posi- tion at Hazel Grove. When the company began to retire the enemy was not more than six or eight rods from their left flank. In a single minute more the whole Company would have been captured. It was here that John H. Chaffee, George Ott and A. J. Horton, who were on the left of the Company, were captured and William Bunt lost his arm. The severity of the tire at this time may he inferred from the fact that when Lieuten- ant Peck sprang up to take his company out of its perilous position, he had scarcely gained his feet when his blanket, which rolled up in a strap lie was carrying in his hand, was carried away by a cannon shut, the tin cup cut from his haversack, the strap of his haversack (ait oil', and himself wound- ed in the neck and shoulder, the hall just missing the spinal cord and jugular vein, all in almost the same instant. Here he would aLo have been captured had ii not heen for the devotion and bravery of one of his men, Alvin Whittaker, who at the peril of his own life remained with him and assisted him off the field, escaping without a scratch, although several bullets passed through his clothing. It has frequently been remarked that un- der the indescribable excitement of a sudden and unexpected attack sometimes the brav- est and ordinarily the coolesf men will for a moment lose their heads. Such an instance occurred here. A member of Company K, whose courage was unquestioned, about the time the engagement became general, sprang to his feet and tired his rifle at the enemy in front, after loading tired to the left flank, loading the third time tired to the rear, when he called out to his comrades, "Get up, hoys! there is good fighting all around here." lie had scarcely uttered the words when he was struck by a hall on (he hack of the head near the base of the skull, and hit for dead on the field and so reported by the commander of his company. A few days later when the wounded were brought in all were greatly surprised and delighted to find their wounded comrade among them, lie recovered, returned to his company and did good service afterward. The northern limit of the clearing at Ha- zel Grove is a few rods west of the south line of the cleared space about l'airview. The stream which divides these two eminences has. at the point where these cleared fields approach nearest each other, worn tor itself quite a deep channel bordered by steep broken hanks — the men frequently speak of' this stream as a ditch— along this stream was a narrow strip of cleared space, not more than three or four rods in width, join- ing l'airview ami Hazel Grove. I town into this space on Saturday night, a brigade or 76 ONE HCXDRED FORTY-FIRST more of Jackson's Corps had been pushed, connecting themselves with the Confederate forces nn the plank road and thus cut off Sickles completely from the rest of the Fed- eral army. Later, General Ward with the Second Brigade attacked this force and drove them out of the road which skirts this little stream, hack to the [dank mad, forcing them a half mile or more toward Dowdall's Tavern. The route by which the One Hun- dred Forty-First retired was to the east across Hazel Grove, across this brook, or "ditch," up the bridle path to the plank road, east- ward on this road until they reached the po- sition behind the batteries on Fairview, where it was again re-formed. While retiring across the clearing and un- til the shelter of the woods and the cover of •series was reached the Regiment, as has been said, was exposed to a terrific fire from Archer's entire brigade — the same force they encountered at Fredericksburg — who were pressing hard after them and yell- ing like demons. It was a race for life. Says an officer of the Regiment in speaking of it. '" 1 think I did the best running there I ever did in my life." It seems marvellous that any escaped. Colonel Madill says: — "About sis o'clock in the morning the enemv made an attack upon our brigade. Companies B, G and K received and returned the tire of the enemy and held them in check for a few minutes until the regiments in front of me filed off. I brought up the rear of the column. Dur- ing the engagement on the hill, (the past at- tack.) Companies B and K suffered quite se- verely. Company B especially. Captains Spalding (Company 1) and Tyler, (Compa- ny II and Lieutenants Peck, (Company B.) and Atkinson, commanding Company I), were wounded at this place. Lieutenant At- kinson, although severely wounded in the arm. continued in command of his company until the Regiment reached the Brick (Chancellor's II he went to the rear." Iu regard to the movements at this point Swinton says:— "It will be remembered that Sickles from the movement he had made on Saturday afternoon to attack the rear of Jackson's Corps, reached a position on the right flank of that corps ; but a little before daybreak Sickles was ordered to retire from that position to his place in the new line. It was when the withdrawal had been nearly accomplished, that Stuart advanced his right, and in so doing engaged Sickles' rear, consisting of the brigade of Graham, who manceuvered his command with address and made good his escape." In his report Brigadier-General Archer gives this version of the affair: — "During the night I formed on the extreme rit;ht of the division, with General McGowan's bri- gade on my left. The next (Sunday) morn- ing, about sunrise, we moved forward to the attack, through dense pine timber, driving before us the enemy's skirmishers, and at a distance of four hundred yards, emerging into an open field in front of a battery, which was placed on an abrupt hill near a spring house. We advanced at double quick and captured four pieces of artillery, and about one hundred prisoners, driving the infantry supports in confusion before us." The enemy was not slow to avail himself of the immense advantage gained by the oc- cupancy of Hazel Grove. A strong battery under Major Pegram was at once got into po- sition, covering Chancellorsville, enfilading Slocum's entire line, and rendering Fairview untenable for the federal troops, while Gen- eral Anderson with his whole division has- tened to the support of the two brigades al- ready in possession of the heights. Hooker soon learned to his cost what an advantage he had given his foe without a struggle. After a weak, brief effort to re- tain Chancellorsville, orders were given to retire behind an interior line laid out the night before somewhat in shape like the let- tvhose right wing rested on the Rapi- eft on the Rappahannock near REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 77 Scott's Dam, and the vertex near Bullock's Spring, less than half a mile north of Chan- cellorsville. To Graham, who had formed his brigade in close column of regiments behind the batteries, near the grave yard on Fairview, was again assigned the duty of holding the enemy in check until the bat- teries could be removed to the new line and the proper disposition of the troops effected. The enemy, whose movements at this point were now directed by General Lee in per- son,- pressed forward in the direction of Chanpellorsville. Halting a little on the edge of the Hazel Grove for the purpose of receiving a fresh supply of ammunition, lie advanced cautiously to the crest of the hill looking southward, where he was in full view and in the range of the batteries of Fairview which opened a severe fire upon him. The eastern side of Hazel Grove toward Fairview was covered with oak woods extending to the edge of the stream which divides the two hills, and is broken into a number of ridges by shallow valleys down which run rivulets in wet weather, but disappear when it is dry. The distance from the batteries to the edge of the wood was about twenty- five or thirty rods. As soon as the enemy made his appearance on the eastern crest of Hazel Grove, Graham was ordered to charge his line and hold him in check, and if possi- ble drive him back. Facing his brigade a little to the south of west, with his columns doubled on the center, at half distance, for more rapid movement, the One Hundred Fifth Regiment in front and the One Hun- dred Forty-First in the rear, he marched down the westerly slope of Fairview across the low ground that borders the stream at its foot, and to the edge of the woods where the enemy was found in strong force drawn up in line of battle ready to receive him. While passing down this slope Lieutenant- *ln a few minutes General Lee rule up ai.d soon directed me ro move forward with my own brigade and the three regiments of Dole's, which were un- der command of General Mericle. — A kciikr's Ke- pout. Colonel Watkins was knocked ofl his horse by the concussion of an exploding shell, which for a moment stunned him, but from which he quickly recovered and pressed on with the Regiment. On reaching the edge of the woods ( len- eral Graham deployed his line on the dou- ble quick, the One Hundred Fifth being in front forming on the left, and each regiment as it came into line forming on the right of the one before it, so that in the line of bat- tle they stood as follows : the One Hundred Forty-First on the extreme right, and count- ing the others in order to the left the Sixty- Third, Fifty-Seventh, Sixty-Eighth, One Hundred Fourteenth, and the One Hundred Fifth. Here began a terrible fight. Graham had advanced his line in the open woods to within about twenty rods of the enemy, con- sisting of Archer's and MeGowan's brigades whose line was drawn up on one of the ridges before described, when they opened upon him a heavy fire. After delivering a few rounds in reply, Graham ordered his line to advance. With a cheer that made the woods ring, every man sprang forward up the ridge in the face of the enemy's fire, un- til they shortened the distance between the two lines about one-half, w-hen they poured into them another volley at this close range. The enemy recoiled a little but stood their ground. After a few minutes our fire be- came so hot they could stand it no longer, but broke and run, followed by our men, wdio with cheers that made the woods ring again, chased them behind their breast- works of logs* upon another ridge a short distance in their rear. Here they gave Gra- ham a most terrific fire. Bullets went whist- ling through the ranks, crashingin the tree- tops, and thinning the Federal lines with fearful rapidity. •In a letter written by L. F. Ward and publish- ed in the Bradford Reporter soon after the battle, this breastwork is described as an old log fence, through a gap in which the Confederates were hastening to find shelter when Captain Swart wis shot and himself wounded. 7u over their breastworks lie had chased them, leaving the path behind him thickly strewed with the wounded and the slain, until now with- out supports, with fresh troops of the enemy massing in front and on either Hank, he was obliged to recall his tired and exhausted forces and retire his shattered and bleeding columns from the vastly superior numbers of the foe. If the brigade had met with heavy loss, so had the enemy, especially in officers. General Colston says: — " it was at and be- yond these breastworks that the division sustained the most severe loss, the nature of the ground being such that the enemy had a plunging fire upon us, and sent destruction upon all that occupied the slope of the hill on which we were." General Graham now retired his brigade to the edge of the woods where the fighting had begun nearly two hours before, having halted once or twice, to check the enemy who were following up his line a little too closely. Here, at the edge of the woods the brigade was again halted, fired two or three rounds when they were ordered to stop fir- ing and sat down a moment to rest. In his report General Graham says: — "This [the falling back of the One Hundred Fourteenth] and the increasing numbers of the enemy necessitated the retiring of the whole line. When the retreating line reached the crest of the hill where we had first opened the at- tack I ordered the colonels of regiments to halt their commands, face about, cease firing and lie down, as the enemy did nol seem to be pressing us very hard. All of the regi- incnls rallied in splendid Style, and a solid front was again presented to the enemy." " It was here," says Major Spalding, "that Colonel Madill did one of those things that borders somewhat on the romantic, and yet is strictly true. When the order was given to rally he was carrying the flag and I was carry : ng the banner, lie immediately stuck the flag-stafl in the ground and began to sing 1 Bally 'round tie' flag, boy9 ! Bally once again,' and most nobly did the "boys" respond; for many of them joined in singing the stan- za, and without a word of command they formed their line, and faced the enemy as firmly as ever." Nothing could better il- lustrate the intrepid coolness and undaunted resolution of the men. With nearly half their number already dead or bleeding on the held, with the leaden hail of ten thous- and muskets falling among them, and the ranks of the victorious, exultant enemy (dos- ing around them, with the self composure of a company of school girls in a calisthenic drill, did these brave men again turn their faces to the foe, not at the word of command, but at the music of their own patriotic song, wheeled into position ready to charge back the advancing lines of the Confederates. After lying in this position some fifteen minutes, the enemy was seen advancing in force ,,n the right of the brigade. The men at once arose, ami for a few minutes a heavy lire was renewed on both sides, but the over- whelming numbers of the assailants, and the exhaustion of his men compelled Graham to order them to fall back, which was done with some confusion, across the low ground and past where the batteries had been on Fail-view. What was left of his command was soon re-formed in rear of the Chancel- lorsville House. The object of this last movement, and the reason why they were not reinforced was now apparent. The batteries had been safe- ly removed to the new line a half mile nearer the river, and the troops securely posted behind the contracted lines that cov- ered the United States Ford. For the sec- ond time on this day of terrible slaughter bad this brigade been interposed between Hooker's retiring troops and the advancing foe. Twice with unflinching courage it had braved the onset of the onward rush of the enemy, and like a rock it had for a time .So ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST turned the tide of battle until overwhelmed by greatly superior numbers it had beeu compelled to yield the ground it had fairly won. Says Major Spalding: — " The battle so far as wr were personally engaged was now over. It was aboul ten o'clock in the morn- ing. We had been thrown forward in a pressing emergency and most fully had we met the expectation of the General. It was up to the most advanced line that Colonel VVatkins was wounded. He was with the Regiment up to the last line they reacbed, when he was hit in tin- breast by a minie ball and fell. He was carried to the rear by Lieutenant Brainerd, assisted by some of of the men. Captain Swart am! Lieutenant Tyler were both killed there. Two color- bearers had been shot when Captain Swart, who commanded the color company, took them himself and was instantly killed. 1 then picked them up and carried them tor a few minutes, when the Colonel came ami wanted them. 1 gave them to him and took the banner which 1 carried a short time and gave it to one of the color guard, the only one who was unhurt— also both color bear- ers were wounded '* This was Sergeant .1. A. Bosworth of Company B, who bore the colors from the field. The brigade reaching the rear of the Chancellor House, was ordered to form on the left of General Ward, and in rear, or north, of the road from the Chancellor House to United States Ford. Here the brigade lav tor a lew minutes when it fell back according to orders and occupied the second line near the Bullock House and in rear of the rifle pits. The field around the Chancellor House was swept by a terrific tire of shell and canister from two directions Hazel Grove on the southwest and Ander- son's battery on the southeast. A number fell here, but the men fore 'he fiery ordeal un- flinchingly. It was herethat Captain Mum- ford fell mortally wounded. Says Double- day: — "The Third Corps left their last po- sition at Chancellorsville slowly and sullen- ly. I layman's brigade, not far from the Chancellorsville House, finding the enemy a good deal disorganized, and coming tor- ward in a languid and inefficient manner, turned — by Sickles' direction — and charged, capturing several hundred prisoners and several colors, and relieving Graham, who was now holding on witli the bayonet, from a most perilous flank attack, enabling him to withdraw in good order." In the afternoon the brigade was ordered to the front to support the batteries in which the One Hundred Forty-First lost one man killed and two wounded by the explosion of a shell. Here they remained all night. Says one of the men in his diary, " we were completely tired out and exhausted." and no wonder. All of Saturday night they had been on picket so near t he enemy that they could hear the conversation on his post-, on Sunday forenoon they had passed through the hottest part of the tight, in the after- noon they had been under constant lire, and now on the front line again. It was very trying indeed, especially as it was rumored that Lee designed to make a night attack upon this part of the line. Here we will let Major Spalding again tell the story: — "At lock on Sunday evening 1 was lying by the side of the breastworks, i nmediately behind our batteries. The moon was shin- ing brightly. We were every moment ex- pecting an attack. Colonel Madill, the Ad- jutant, Captains Mercur and Horton, were lying together close by our men. 1 had just been down to see < ienerals Graham and Bir- ney, to ask that our men might be with- drawn where they could sleep. Our Regi- ment were on picket the night before and had not slept at all. We had been through the most severe fighting all the day and were much exhausted. The GeneraJ said that it was too late to make any change that night, but be would withdraw us from the line of battle in tin' morning. " About midnight the expected attack was REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. made. A single shot was first heard from a sentinel, then the scattering tire of the skfrmishers, and this was followed by an ex- plosion which seemed to shake the earth as our front line of battle delivered a volley upon the enemy. For a short time the roar of musketry was deafening, then all was quiet again. The enemy had been driven back witli heavy loss. For the balance of the night all was still. The contrast be- tween the terrible roar of battle and the death-like stillness that followed was so great that it was almost oppressive." The rest of the story is soon told. On Monday morning the Regiment was with- drawn from the front line of ri He-pits where it had been placed Sunday afternoon, and placed in the third line. Throughout the day there was not much but skirmishing on ei- ther side. Hooker had lost all heart for the fight and was thinking of only how he could make good his retreat. The campaign of such great promise, had by a series of most inexcusable blunders, to use no harsher word, resulted in the defeat of the Army of the Potomac and the demoralization of its commander. Monday afternoon and Tues- day every man in the Regiment was busy throwing up breastworks of brush, logs and dirt, the men using their tin plates in lieu of shovels. In the afternoon the artillery shelled the woods in front of the Regiment but elicited no reply. At four o'clock in the afternoon the rain began to fall in torrents. The past few days had been excessively warm, and the rain was accompanied with vivid lightning and heavy thunder. At nine o'clock in the evening orders were given to pack up quietly and be ready to march at a moment's notice. All night the men re- mained in the rain, when about daylight the order was received to " fall in " and they marched to the river in quick time, crossed the rapidly rising stream on the pontoon bridge, and drew up in the woods about four miles from the noith bank wheie they were halted for breakfast. The roads were very muddy and it was late in the afternoon be- fore the Regiment reached its old quarters in ('amp Sickles, on Potomac < reek. Whether by design or by accident this Regiment had been placed in a most re- sponsible position in every important move- ment made by the army since it had become a part of it. At Fredericksburg, and on the Mud March, and now at Chancel lorsville, both on Saturday when its skirmishers had advanced nearest the enemy at Welford's, and on Sunday as the rear guard of Sickles on Hazel Grove, and again later on the slopes of the hills, in all of which it had shown a coolness and courage (hat would have been expected only of troops drilled by long discipline, and tempered in the fires of many a strife, rather than of men who only eight months before were on their farms, in their workshops, and engaged in the various pur- suits of civil life. In his report of the engagement General Graham pays this Regiment and its grandly heroic commander the following high com- pliment : — " I would, however, mention for their coolness, enthusiasm, and gallant dar- ing, and untiring exertions in sustaining their men that brave soldier, Colonel Madill, of the One Hundred Forty-First Pennsylva- nia Volunteers." After mentioning other commanding officers, among them Major Spalding of our Regiment, he adds: — "I would give especial praise to the One Hun- dred Forty-First Pennsylvania Volunteers, a new Regiment, for the second time under fire. No men could have behaved better. Its thinned ranks are better proof of its steadiness under fire than any words can be, of four hundred and seventeen men taken into the fight it lost two hundred and thirty-four. * * * Lieutenant Colonel Watkins of the One Hundred Forty First Pennsylvania Volunteers, was also severely wounded while nobly urging his men forward to the ene- mv's works." General De Pevster, in his Third Corps address, in speaking of the heroic fighting 32 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST of this corps al Chancellorsville, and mori particularly of the First Brigade of the First Division, says :—" Pretty much rill I lie real hard fighting done at Chancellors- ville proper, i. e., on the great battle Sun- day, was accomplished by the diamond patches. Had Graham, constituting the lance-head of the corps and the army, been properly supported, he would have transfix- ed Stuart, successor to Jackson, and to use a soldier's term, he would have 'bust up' Le« " Colonel Madill concludes his report as fol- lows : — " 1 feel it my duly to say a lew words in relation to the conduct of the brave officers and men of my Regiment during the hard marches and severe lire to which they were subject during the several movements of the Regiment. " 1 left camp April 28th with four hun- dred and sixty men and twenty-lour officers. During the march but five were known to Straggle ; yet 1 regret to say, that some live or six men disgracefully left their compa- nies and fell out during the march to United States Ford. 1 took lour hundred and sev- enteen men into the fight on Sunday morn- ing. This number does not include the pi- oneers or musicians, who were left behind on Saturday afternoon, the musicians in charge of the surgeon, and the pioneers in charge of an officer of the brigade. Out of that number 1 lost two hundred and twenty- three in killed, wounded and missing, the missing, 1 am sorry to say, 1 believe to be among the killed and those wounded and left on the field. 1 think there were very few, if any, of my men taken prisoners. < >ut the twenty-four officers 1 had on Sunday morning, twelve are among the killed and wounded, Captain Swan of Company C, and Lieutenant Tyler, Company II, were killed, and 1 am afraid that Lieutenant-Col- onel Watkins and Captain Munifi rd of Com- pany G, are mortally wounded. ii istoi \ of the 105th Regiment, l>. V. " The officers of my Regiment behaved splendidly throughout the whole lime; in fact each one vied with the other to see who could best do his duty, and how well they ditl so the large list of killed and wounded but, loo clearly tells. There is scarcely ail officer in the Regiment who has not a bullet mark on his person. '"Of tjie lamented Watkins 1 cannot. speak too highly. lie had his horse shot under him on Friday evening and was se- verely stunned by the same shell, yet he marched with the Regiment on Saturday on loni and rendered very valuable services during that time. He was again, on Sun- day morning, knocked from his horse by the explosion of a shell, and though badly stun- ned, insisted on remaining with his Regi- ment, which he did, and went into the w Is with us. lie was shot through the breasl and borne from the field about eight o'clock, lie was a brave soldier and true patriot. 1 lis place in the Regiment cannot be replaced. Captain Swart was killed while holding tin colors ol the Regiment. He had just taken them from the color-sergeant, who had been shot. lie was a brave officer and a good man. Lieutenant Tyler was also killed. He was also a line officer. It would be useless for me to particularize any of my < fficers. They all acted with much spirit anil bravery during the live davs we were under lire. I am under great obligations to the Ma- jor and Adjutant for their coolness and bravery in assisting me during the several days we were under tin'. They proved themselves valuable and brave officers. Of the bravery ofthe men under my com- mand 1 need scarcely speak. I saw no de- position in any man while under lire to shirk or avoid his duty. The loss in non- commissioned officers was very severe. The color-bearers and color-guard were all killed or wounded but one, who was guarding and holding the colors. REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 83 Sergeant Beardsley, the color-bearer, de- serves particular mention for the pertinacity witli which he clung to his colors, though severely wounded. In fact, all the non-com- missioned officers and privates deserve the highest praise in standing under one el* the most severe fires under which men could be plai ed. Particular mention is made of J. B. Ells- worth, of Company I, James M. Beach, of Company E, and Benjamin P. Oliphant, of Company A, who particularly distinguished themselves for coolness and bravery during the fight of Sunday 'ning. I think there can be no question of the discipline and bravery of troops who will stand and he shot down as they were on Sunday morning. To such men as stood under such circumstances too much credit cannot he awarded." The escapes were in some instances almost hair-breadth. The Colonel had his horse shot under him, and no less than seven bul- let-holes through his overcoat. Says the Major : — " I cannot speak in terms sufficient- ly high of the conduct of Colonel Madill upon the battlefield. 1 never saw him look so well. During all the terrible seems through which he passed, there was a smile upon his face, a pleasant encouraging word for every man. lie was proud of the con- duet of his men." One man had the vizor of his cap shot off, and another had a bullet pass under the top of his cap but diil not graze the scalp. In sev- eral instances halls penetrated the clothing, bruised hut did not cut the Mesh, and a number found halls lodged in their knap- sacks. Sergeant Owen, of Company I, bud the, -tuck of his gun shivered into splinters just as he was bringing it to his face to Inc. These arc hut few out of a multitude of sim- ilar instances. Most of those seriously wounded were left in the hands of the enemy. With hut little if any, care, their wounds in most instances undressed, and the greater part lying upon the ground without shelter from the sun or the storm, their sufferings were intense, and no doubl many precious lives were lost, that with decent care and the ordinary comforts of army hospitals might have been saved. Negotiations for their removal were not ef- fected until Tuesday, the I2ih, when a. lim- ited number of ambulances Were allowed lo enter tin: enemy's lines and bring oil' the wounded, greatly to the joy and comfort of their friends. Colonel Watkins was shot as has been re- lated, by a minie hall that penetrated the upper part of the left lung, coming out un- der the shoulder blade. He was carried to the rear as far as a log house near the While House on Fairview, in what was supposed lo he a dying condition, when he refused to he carried farther and ordered hack the men who had broughl him oil the field. Without knowing his whereabouts the Reg- iment passed him there on its retreat from the fight. lie saw his men rush by, hut ii his weak condition could not make himself heard in the tumult of that horrid strife. When the enemy took possession of Fair- view Colonel Watkins, with a number of wounded Federa{s, was taken prisoner, and his captors were about stripping him of his clothing and valuables when on making himself known to the Lieutenant of tin com- pany as a Free Mason, he also belonging to the same fraternity, he was scut to 1 he head- quarters of Genera] Longstreet, where he was placed under the immediate care of Doctors Guild and Breckenridge, and re- ceived the kindest attention. On Friday, the loth, to the delight and surprise of all, Colonel Watkins came to the camp, and the next dav accompanied by Colonel Madill, went to Washington, where he was granted leave of absence, reaching his home in To- wanda on the evening of the 20th. Captain Abram .1. Swart, who fell at Chancellorsville, was horn in Hamden, I >i I aware county, \. Y., in IS.'!.'!; was a teacher in Starkey Seminary from 1854 to L857, and principal of Watkins Graded School from 84 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST 1X">7 to 1859, In this latter yeai he com- menced his work in the gospel ministry in connection with the Disciples' church, and the ii" x t year re vol to Bradford county. In tlic summer of 1862, at the urgent call of his country for volunteers, he left his be- loved people and the work to which he was devoted, and used his personal influence to obtain recruits, succeeding where others tailed, and was unani noiisly chosen by his company to be their Captain, thus leaving his (|iiict study, his congenial work and the large circle of friends to whom he was greatly attached and I »> whom he was great- ly loved, for the unaccustomed and uncon- genial life of the camp and the field. While Captain Swart entered upon military life purely from a sense of duty, he brought to it the activity, zeal and whole-hearted devo- tion characteristic of the man. His numer- ous letters, while breathing a longing for home and for the society of friends, as con- stantly speak of his determination to con tinue in the service while his country need- ed him. The most cordial feeling existed between him and the other officers of the Regiment, many of whom volunteered words of regret at his untimely death and in praiee of the soldier, the comrade, and the man. He had also, to an unusual extent, the love and re- spect of his men. Although patient and forbearing, he was a rigid disciplinarian and required strict adherence to study. Win- ning in manners and frank in speech, he commanded the warmest love of his friends; while his devotion to principle and loyalty to duty disarmed his enemies and command- ed respect from those with whom he differed. One who loved him and knew him well both before and after he entered the service, says of him: "He had unlimited good nature, quickness of repartee, a keen sens- ot humor, a warm heart, purity of principles, and an absolute earnestness and sincerity, and no man has left a purer name or the memory of a more spotless integrity.' 'finis died in the Hush of his early man- hood one whom many loved ; hut as he fell at the head of his men. enveloped by the folds of his country's Hat;', which he was bearing aloft in his own hands, his friends feel that could he have chosen the end it would have come as it did, while doing the work given him to do and faithfully stand- ing at his post. He left a wife and daughter to mourn tin ir unspeakable loss. Captain .lames L. Mumford, who tell mor- tally wounded near the close of the engage- ment, was horn at Starucca, Wayne County, on the 28th of May, 1836, and was educated in the town of Homer, X. Y. lie entered the law office of William 11. and Samuel E. Dimmick, in Honesdale, as a student, with every prospect of a brilliant career before him. On the organization of Company (!, which he was largely instrumental in enlist- ing, he was chosen Captain. He brought to this new position all the energy, tact and perseverance of which he was capable. He was tireless in bringing his company up to the highest possible degree of efficiency and drill, and of infusing into their minds a tru- ly heroic and martial spirit. How well he succeeded has already been indicated from the fact that in a contest they carried off the first prize. Between himself and his men there sprang up a strong bond of attach- ment; he looked after their welfare with al- most parental solicitude, while they in re- turn regarded him with great respect and esteem. By his superiors he was looked upon as a young officer of much merit, to whom, if spared, a brilliant military career was in store. His loss was deeply felt by both the officers and men in his regiment. first Lieutenant Logan O. Tyler was horn in Montrose June 22, 1836, of good New England stock, a cousin of Captain Tyler, had acquired a good academical education, and was by trade a carpenter and builder. Prior to his enlistment he had spent several years on the then frontier, in Minnesota, and afterward in business in Memidiis.Tennessie. REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 85 ill- did not become connected with the corn- pan) until the day it left Montrose, but on completing its organization he was made First Sergeant solely on accounl of his pe- culiar fitness for the position. On the or- ganization of the Regiment, D. W. Searle, the First Lieutenant of the company was promoted to Adjutant, Second Lieutenant Bunnell resigned soon after, and Sergeant Tyler was promoted to the First Lieutenan- cy. When the Regiment left Leesburg, Lieutenant Tyler was detailed wilh a de- tachment of soldiers under command of a Captain of the Twentieth Indiana Regiment to guard the hospital and military stores left at that point, and rejoined the Regiment :i short time after the battle of Fredericks- burg. By reason of the close attention he paid to the duties of his position he was for a time dubbed by the men "Old Discipline on the brain." At the time of breaking camp to march to Chancellorsville he was suffering from rheumatism and was advised to go to the rear, but lie refused to be l< fl behind, insisting that as he missed the Fred- ericksburg battle by reason of detached ser- vice, he was determined to be in the next one. Here, on Sunday morning, while in the woods in front of the Chancellorsville House, on the left of the plank road, within a few minutes after the death of Captain Swart, Lieutenant Tyler was killed by a minie ball shot through his head. At the time he was in command of the company, Captain Tyler having been wounded earlier in 1 he action. One of his company had been badly wounded, and Lieutenant Tyler stoop- ed down on his right knee and raised the soldier up to give him a drink of water. As he was laying him gently down. Colonel Watkins passed along from the left towards the right of the Regiment, and a few words of pleasantry passed between them, Colonel Watkins hailing him by his nickname, " < >'d Mississip." Watkins pas-id on, and Lieu- ten on Tyler was in the act of raising up when hi' was struck by a bullet in the right temple, and he laid himself down on the ground as easily and quietly in "the sleep that knows no waking," as a mother lays her babe in its cradle, with the same smile that had greeted Colonel Watkins still lin- gering on his face in death. His loss was sincerely mourned in the Regiment, and ev- en man in his company fell he had Lpsl a friend and a brother. In the several engagements in which the Regiment participated on the od of May, fifty-three non-commissioned officers and en- listed men were either killed outright (in the battlefield, or died soon after from the effects of wounds received there; of which three were from Company A, live from Com- pany B, three from Company I >, seven from Company F, one from Company II, six each from Companies C and I, and eight each from ( 'ompanies E, » '< and K . Of Company A, Corporal Benjamin E. Sumner fell shot through the head in the beginning of the fight and was instantly killed. His loss was deeply felt in the Reg- iment and his death sent a pang of deepest sorrow through the heart- of his acquaint- ances at home. He was lovely in his life, died nobly, and his men ory will long he cherished. He was the third son of George and Lydia Sumner, unmarried, and in the twenty-third year of his age at the time of his death. John Dereamer was the only remaining son of Philip Dereamer, ofTuscarora town- ship, an unmarried man, twvni\ five years of age, a good soldier, who was in the battle of Fredericksburg, and fell in the beginning of the charge in the woods. Marvin Ely was living at Wyalusing on the farm of .Justus Ackley at the time of his enlistment. He had In en married hut six weeks to a very estimable young lid when he left all to go in defense of his country's flag. He was horn in Brooklyn, Susquehan- na County, September -'■'>. 1837. Company B nut wilh its seven-si loss when retiring from the Held, which was un- der the heavy fire and closely pursued by 86 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST the enemy. Frank \\. Carey and James Savercool fell jus! as they were crossing tlie ravine or "ditch " that divides Hazel Grove from Fairview. Carey was a very bright young man, son of Henry A. Carey, then of Towanda, had taken a liberal course of study at the Institute in that place, bad taught school one or Ih'ii terms, and gave great promise of future usefulness. He fell mor- tally wounded in the arm and body as the company was retiring from the field of Ha- zel Grove. No-certain information was ever obtained by his friends as to the particulars of bis death, hut it was thought to have oc- curred within two or three days after the battle. lie was twenty years of age. James Savercool was also from Towanda, unmarried, about a year older than Care) 7 , and with him was enlisted by Colonel Wat- kins, and fell with him on the same fatal field, and like him the particulars of his de< 1 sentiment when I went into this fight that 1 should be killed, but I guess I am all right after all." Just at this moment he Stopped talking ami Lieutenant Chirk turn- ed and saw a hole entirely through his head made either from a stray grape shot or a piece of shell. It was so sudden, says Lieu- tenant Clark, that he did not fall at once, and 1 could hardly believe he had rec< ived his death hurt. He was about twenty-four years of age. llis parents arranged a mound in their family burial ground in Litchfield, which they marked with his name and as long as they lived yearly decorated in his memory. He was the last one of the Eegi- iiii nt killed in the I attle, having fallen after they had retired behind the intrenchments in the afternoon. Charle II . Packard was from Burlington, ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST where he worked in his father's mill and where he left his family when he enlisted. He was wounded and seen to fall by his comrades, left in the hands of the enemy and was reported missing, but doubtless died from the effects of his wounds as he was never heard of afterward. He was a good, faithful soldier. John Sauster was a single man about twenty years of age, living in Waverly, New York, when he enlisted. His parents have since removed West. He was killed on that fatal Sunday morning. John Mustart was born in Perthshire, Scotland, in 1843, emigrated with his par- ents to America in 1857, and enlisted in Mulligan's Irish Brigade at the breaking out of the Rebellion, was wounded and taken prisoner at Lexington, Missouri, paroled and came home to Athens, where he again enlisted as a private in Company E of the One Hundred Forty-First Regiment. Feb- ruary 19th he was promoted to Sergeant. In the early history of the company he had been very efficient in drilling the men; on the march and in the field he was ever found in the line of duty. He was wounded in the arm and breast and left on the Held, but subsequently paroled, taken to Washing- ton, where he died May 24th, wanting but a few days of twenty years of age, and was buried in the Military Asylum Cemetery. David Dains was wounded in the hand, not seriously, but lock-jaw set in, and he died May 19th. He was originally from Milo, Yates < bounty, New York, but was liv- ing in Sheshequin at the time of his enlist- ment, where he left his family, consisting of his wife and four children, lie was nearly twenty-eight years of age. Orrin I >. Snyder was born in Sheshequin in 1835, and resided there with his family, consisting of his wife and two children, at the time of his enlistment. He was an ac- tive, brave soldier, ready for any duty to which he might be called. He was severely wounded in the body, but lived until May 20th when he died in hospital at Potomac Creek, Virginia. The losses in Company F were severe, four were killed and three died in conse- quence of wounds received. The casualties for the most part occurred in the second en- gagement on Sunday morning. Henry Me- lody was enlisted from Great Bend, Susque- hanna County, was unmarried and about twenty-three years of age. Oscar Trowbridge was also from Great Bend, but further particulars have not been learned. Linus N. Tiffany was a farmer in Jackson township, the son of Bernard Tiffany. He was fatally wounded by a musket ball in the charge on Sunday forenoon and left dying on the field. He was nineteen years of age. Melancthon McDonald, born in the Stale of New York, but living in New Milford at the time of his enlistment, a tinsmith by trade, was killed in the charge near the time that Tiffany fell, lie was fifty-four years of age, and left a wife, a son and a daughter. Roscoe S. Loomis, son of Dr. E. N. Loom- is, of Harford, enlisted with Captain Beards- ley, when a lad eighteen years of age, while attending school at Franklin Academy in the town, a young man of much promise. Young as he was he entered the service with all the enthusiasm of a veteran. In all of his letters home the cause in which he was engaged was uppermost in his mind. Just before the battle of (Jhancellorsville he wrote that were the time of his enlistment expired he would enlist again at the first call of his country, lie was wounded and left in the hands of the enemy where he was a prisoner ten days. After being exchanged he remarked that he tired twenty-three rounds before being wounded, and was only saved from instant death by the bullet strik- ing bis Bible which lay next bis heart. He lived until the 24tli of .May. His body was embalmed, brought home, and buried among his kindred on the slope of his native hills with appropriate funeral services. REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 89 Christopher C. Wilmarth; son of Thomas Wilmarth, of Harford, by occupation a far- mer, enlisted with Captain Beardsley, and Was a faithful soldier. Pie was wounded in the leg with a musket ball, left on the field, and the leg was amputated by a Confeder- ate Surgeon. Like n .iy another left on that fatal held, exposure and want of atten- tion rendered wounds fatal which uimer more favorable circuin stances would have b^en otherwise. After he was brought with- in the Federal lines gangrene set in, and though the limb was amputated three times on that account, he died June 9th at the age of twenty-eight years. He never was mar- ried. Appropriate memorial services, con- ducted by Rev. L. F. Porter, were observed in the Universalist Church in Brooklyn, Pennsylvania. Richard Henrv Kent, of Brooklyn, enlist- ed first in a three months' regiment ; return- ing home with bis company, he re-enlisted with Captain Beardsley, and was made First Sergeant of the company. Suffering from lameness produced by the severe marches to which the Regiment was subject he was compelled to suffer some time in hospital, but had returned for duty just before the battle. Although at the time scarcely able to carry his musket he could not be dissuad- ed from his purpose to go into the engage- ment, in the early part of which his limb was shattered by a piece of a shell and he was left on the field in the hands of the ene- my. For two days he lay there without shelter and uncared for. His limb was final- ly amputated and he seemed to be recover- ing. On the 13th, he w ; as sent within the Federal lines, but exhausted by the long ride in the ambulance over a rough road, he died in four hours after reaching the hos- pital, on the 14th, at the age of twentv -three years. His remains were brought to Brook- lyn, where with appropriate services con- ducted by Rev. Mr. Porter, and attended by a large concourse of citizens, they were laid to rest near the home of his childhood. Just prior to leaving home, August 15th, he was married to Sarah Paulina, daughter of Nathan Lathrop, of Brooklyn. One who kuew 1 1 i 111 intimately writes: — "He was a very worthy young man, of correct habits of life, of high moral character, respected by all lovers of right, who had the confidence of all who knew him, both at home and in his company. He was good everywhere, and what he undertook was well done. He was a musician of rare ability, and at the time of his enlistment had made arrange- ments for a two years' course of study in Boston." Taken altogether Company G suffered most of any in the engagements about Chan- cellorsville. Six were killed, including the gallant Captain, on the tield, and two died of wounds received there. Corporal William Killam enlisted from Paupack township, and on the organization of the company was made Corporal. He was a single man about twenty-two years of age. Edward F. Farnham was a resident of Honesdale, also unmarried, and about twen- ty years of age. Johnson H. Schoonmaker and Orrin Wil- cox were both also single men, about twenty years of age, the former residing at Cheny Ridge and the latter from Clinton. Delos Woodward enlisted from Prompton, was a single man, and twenty-three years of age. Flenry W. McKane was a resident of Pau- pack, where he left his family at the time of his enlistment. He received wounds in the engagement from which he died May 7th at the age of thirty-five years. Daniel R. Frier enlisted from Hawley, where his family resided, lie survived the wounds received on the 3d until the 19th of May, when he died at the age of thirty-four. Company II suffered the least in fatal cas- ualties, having but one enlisted man killed, Jonathan C. Darrow, who was a brother of Lewis, who had died some months before. 90 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST At the time <>t' his enlistment he was living in Liberty township, a single man, and at his death about nineteen years of age. lit' bad been with the Regiment in its marches, participated in the battle of Fredericksburg and was killed while retiring on the plank road near the Chancellorsville House. Nelson Harris of Company I, enlisted from Standing Stone, where for some time he bad been in the employ of the late Simon Stevens. lie was unmarried and about twenty-one years of age at the time of his death. Earnest F. Russell, a son of Dan Russell. belonging to one of the old families in that part of the county, was living on Park's ( 'reek, in Rome township, at the time of bis enlistment, was shot through the head and instantly killed as the company was leaving Hazel Grove. His body was left on the field. He was about twenty-eight years old, and left a wife, since married to Henry Vought, living near Rome village, and a daughter who has since died. Morgan Russell, a younger brother of Earnest, also living on Park's Creek, was fatally wounded in the oak woods in the second engagement, Sunday morning, and left on the 'field where be died before be could be removed. He was twenty-four years of age and left a wife but no children. Jeremiah J. Nichols was wounded in the arm, which was shattered below the elbow, and was so prostrated from the effects of it that he died on the 19th of May in the hos- pital at Washington, and was buried in the Military Asylum Cemetery. He was living in Wysox at the time of his enlistment. His arm was three times amputated, and gan- grene having set in preparations were made to amputate it again when he was seized with lock jaw from which he died at the age of twenty years. Sergeant Augustus S. Parks was severely wounded in the thigh and the bone broken, and left on the field, where be lav for three' days without food or shelter; the enemy gave him water, and by parting with bis gold pen he induced them to carry him to a temporary hospital, where he remained un- til the fifteenth, exposed to the severe show- ers which passed over the field and to the pelting sun, his wounds undressed, and he suffering indescribable pain, until be was brought over to the hospital of the Third Corps where he received the unremitting care and attention of bis comrades and w here he lingered until the 12th of June following when he died. He was a young man of great promise and highly esteemed by his comrades. At the tunc of his death he bad been recommended to the Lieutenantcy of his company made vacant by the promotion of Mercur to be Captain of Company K. He left a wile ami two daughters. Jasper M. Brown, son of Ruel Brown, was living in the northern part of Wysox town- ship at the time of his enlistment, unmar- ried, nearly twenty-nine years of age, and a cousin of Sergeant Beardsley, of Company ( '. He was left sick at Poolesville, Mary- land, having a sore foot which prevented him from marching, where he was captured by White's Cavalry, paroled and sent to pa- role camp at Alexandria, where he remain- ed until mid-winter. At length one day an order came declaring certain of the men who had been captured in Virginia duly ex- changed. Brown misapprehending the lim- itations of the order, supposed he was in- cluded in it joined the party going to his Regiment, where he arrived the "J 1st of February. He was wounded in the thigh, in the oak woods on the eastern side of Ha- zel Grove. He was left on the field by the side of a large oak tree, not more than fif- teen rods from the breastworks behind which the enemy was fighting. A number of Federal soldiers fell near that oak. Frown was sent to camp with the other wounded left in the hands of the enemy and died in the hospital on the 7th of June. In Company K eight were slain, one cap- tured and four reported missing. REGIMENT, PEN AT A VOL'S. 9i Gordon T. Wilcox was the son of Gordon Wilcox, of East Smithfield. He fell mor- tally wounded at Hazel Grove in the attack early on Sunday morning while the compa- ny was lying down to escape the missiles of the enemy. He was twenty-two years of aye. A member of his company, Henry Stalil, who was captured in the engagement and compelled to assist in burying the dead, repeatedly sought opportunity to secure his effects, including his diary and some money, unobserved by the enemy but failed. His body was subsequently secured, and brought home where it wis interred with appropri- ate memorial services. .lames McCally, son of Peter McCally, an unmarried man, a bright, intelligent Scotch- man, was living at the time of his enlist- ment on Moore's Hill, in lister township. In the battle lie was wounded in the leg he- low the knee, left on the field and died May 6th in the hands of the enemy. He with others of his company was wounded in the first engagement on Sunday morning at Ha- zel ( Jrove. George J. Baumgartner owned and lived on a farm in Cherry township, Sullivan County, between Dushore and Overton. lie was one of four brothers who entered the Union Army, one of whom was in Company A of this Regiment. He left behind a wife and seven children, the eldest twelve years and the youngest five months of age. He was a good soldier, ever with his company and always ready for duty, lie was killed in the first attack in the morning at the age of forty-five years. His widow still resides on the homestead. Joseph HufI'master was a resident of ('ber- ry township, near Dushore. He was shot through the head and instantly killed in the early Sunday morning engagement. lie was about twenty-eight years of age, and left a wile and two children to mourn his un- timely end. Benjamin M. Dunham, a younger brother of the Lieutenant, also of LaPorte borough, was a young man of more than ordinary ability and character. Said one who knew him: "He was characterized by untiring energy and intense application to his stu- dies. No lesson or duty was ever assigned that he did not grapple with all his powers. He loved study. He was impetuous almost to a fault. Whatever he did, he did with all his might. His moral character was without reproach. He could he relied on implicitly in all he said or did. He was, in short, one of Nature's noblemen, an honest man. His dear remains rest in an unknown grave, on hostile ground, and his spirit has gone to ( hid who gave it. lie sleeps his lust sleep ; He has foughl his hist battle; No sound can awake him t<> f;lory again I We witnessed his earlier struggles and successes, and hesitate not to set him forth as a model student, teacher, patriot and gen- tleman." Memorial services conducted by Rev. Hallock Armstrong were held in the Court House at LaPorte on the 28th of June fol- lowing. He was unmarried and past twen- ty-three years of age. .lames Sperry and his brother Dorson were residents of Davidson township, in Sul- livan county, and both members of the same company. In the assault upon the enemy's position in the oak woods James was mor- tally wounded in the hack, and as the Regi- ment was compelled immediately to fall hack lie was left on the field. He was un- married and about twenty-four years of age. lie seemed to have a premonition of his death, for in Colonel Watkins' diary was this entry : — " James Sperry, Company K, shot by a ball in the hack in the spine, Chancellorsville, Virginia. His father's name is Christopher Sperry — resides in Da- vidson, Sullivan County, Pennsylvania. ' He died a soldier and a Christian. If he never meets you on earth, will met you in heaven.' " Oliver G. King, a cousin of the Sperrys, 92 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST and also of the Penningtons, and Converse, of the same company, enlisted from LaPorte township, was a sun of William King, ;i sin- gle man, and aboul the age of twenty. Henry Epler enlisted from Forks town- ship, in Sullivan County. He was the sun of Samuel Epler, unmarried, and twenty-two' years of age. Besides these the following were reported wounded, captured and missing: COMPANY A. Lieutenant Joseph II. Hurst, thigh. Sergeant Stephen Rought, leg and breast, and captured. Sergeant Jackson C. Lee, hand and side. Cprporal William Mace, leg :.nd thigh. " George 11. Birney, both hips, left on the field. Private George Johnson, hip. " Jonathan D. Brown, thigh, lefl on the field. Private George V. Wells, In-east. ". John < ). Frost, leg. " William U. II. Mitchell, chin. " Charles W. Potter, leg. " Adrial Lee, lace. " John J. Corbin, arm and body. " Isaac Allen, Leg. " ( Jharles M. Young, leg. " William Miller, leg. " Orrin Coleman, hack. " Edwin < 'leveland. " Joseph Dickson. Corporal George I!. Capwell, missing. Drummer, Edward A. Lord, missing. Private Allied Hammerly, captured. COMPANY B. Lieutenant Benjamin M. Peck, neck and shoulder. Private Robert I latch, leg. " Robert Sherman. " John Keeney, hand, wounded May 4th. Private William II. Hunt, arm off. " ( reorge W. * roodell, head. " George II. Granger. " Nelson ( !. Dyer, hip. " Abram Whittaker, thigh. Sergeant John II. Chaffee, captured. Private Andrew J. Horton, captured. " George < >tt, captured. COMPANY C. Lieutenant William J. Cole, face. Corporal Ezra S. Little, leg. " I >aniel Schoonover, hip. " John Rockwell, wrist. Private Charles W. Cole, leg. " George E. (Well, hand. " David II. Carpenter, hand. " Josiah ( logensparger. " James Corby, hand. " D'Lanson Fenner, head. " Marshall Jennings. " James Piatt. " Lewis Piatt, leg. " Lewis Rinebold, thigh. " EleryC. Walker, leg. " Albert Chilson, missing. " Clarence W. Cole, captured. " Martin McKee, captured. '• Morris McLane, captured. " Edward J. Rinebold, missing. COMPANY D. Private Daniel Shultz, hand. " Daniel F. Barton, hack. " Abram French, leg. " Robert Price, hip. Sergeant William Hewitt, arm. " Henry J. Hudson, thigh. Private Charles K. Canfield, shoulder and thigh. Corporal Mason L. Ellsworth, heel and arm. Private I >avid Levis, arm. " Hubbell Pratt, face. " Chester Stewart, side. " Willis G. Sexton, arm off. '"' Albert Brainerd, shoulder. Private Benjamin Craridall, missing. Corporal Charles E. Seeley, captured. Musician Wilson S. Hill, captured. REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 93 COMPANY E. Lieutenant John M. Jackson, body. Sergeant William S. Wright, both legs. Private Charles A. Tibbits. " Alonzo D. Beach, leg broken, left on the Held. Private George Fredrick. " John Fredrick, thigh. " George Johnson, contusion. " John Lancaster, leg and breast, left on the field. Private John P. Snyder, hand. " James M. Beach, leg. " Abrain Fredrick, thigh. " John Adamson, captured. " A bram Crandall, captured. " Michael Finney, missing. " James Williams, missing. " E. Wandall, missing. " William Fredrick, missing. COMPANY F. Sergeant George K. Resseguie, head. Corporal Ellis W. Steadman, neck. " William H. Doolhtle, leg. " Augustus J. Roper, leg. " Benjamin F. Barnes, arm. " Jerome Davison, foot. Private Jacob B. Adams, wrist. " Albeit J. Baldwin, face. " Philander J. Bonner, arm. " Julius H. Burr, shoulder. " Hiram Chrispell, arm. " Adelmer Doughty, groin. " Edson M. French, shoulder. " David S. Goss, hand. " Frances Hawley. " James M. McRoy. " George M. Sweet, head. " John V. Tennant, thigh. " Charles H. Tripp, leg and cap- tured. Corporal Christopher C. Nicholas, cap- tured. Corporal Nelson D. Coon, captured. Private Daniel Van Auken, captured. " Jacob Whitman captured. " Levi Moss, missing. " William E. Osman, missing. COMPANY G. First Lieutenant Joseph Atkinson, arm. Second Lieutenant Charles M. Ball, leg. Sergeant J. T. R. Seagraves, arm. " James N. Thorp. Corporal David B. Atkinson, foot. " Edward Wells, wounded and captured. Corporal Robert C. Clark. " Theodore Fuller. " Daniel Ballard. Private Lucius C. Barnes, leg and back, left on the field. Private George M. Day, foot. " Anson R. Fuller, wounded and captured. Private William Harvey. " Bruce Jones. " William Stone, foot. '' Noah P. White, shoulder. " Charles H. Williams. " N. Belknap, missing. " James Dekin, missing. " Fred Salmon, missing. " George S. Wells, missing. " Albert Wagner, missing. " Thomas Walton, missing. COMPANY H. Captain Casper W. Tyler, arm. Second Lieutenant John L. Gyle, back. Corporal Asa H. Decker, shoulder. Private Charles Avery, arm. " Adelbert Corwin, neck. " Charles Brookstaver, leg. " George W. Hewitt, arm. Corporal Jeremiah Hayes, leg. " Philip E. Quick, leg. Private Henry D. Carney. " Jonathan M. Eckert. " Charles Perkins, head. " W r illiam H. Peet, leg. " William W. Tarbox, abdomen. " William G. Thornton, abdomen. " Joseph Mackey, arm. " Horace A. Roberts, arm. " Theron Palmer, head. Corporal Fredrick Fargo, missing. 94 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST Private David Tarbox, missing. " Jacob Palmer, missing, (deserted.) " Martin \\ iles, missing. COMPANY I. Captain Edwin A.. Spalding, shoulder. Sergeant F. Cortes Rockwell, thumb. Private .John A. A lien. " Pitman Demarest. Corporal Richard McCabe, arm. Private John P. Taylor, arm oil'. " Frank L. Ward, both legs. Charles II. Potter. " ( reorge W. Smith. Sergeant Simeon Archer, missing. Private .lames L. Johnson, missing. " John E. < iillett, missing. COMPANY K. Sergeant John T. Brewster, leg. " Daniel \V. Seott, arm. " Andrew VV. Seward, back. Corporal James L. Vincent, leg. John S. Darkness, leg. " Wallace VV. Farnsworth, hip. Nathan L. Brown, foot. Archibald Sinclair, knee. " Samuel Conklin. Private Henry A. Burlingame, head. " Charles E. Coleman, thigh. Porter Fosburg, arm. " Christopher Fraley, leg. " Albert Moore, hand. " William II. Crawford, side. D. S. Simmons, head. " George T. Phillips. " Alvin Smith. Private George VV. Pennington, captured. Tillman E. Bedford, missing. " Henry Bedford, missing. " Henry Stahl, missing. " Harvey Gregory, missing. The following table is a summary of losses in the Regiment arising from the engage- ments at Chancellors ville, May 1st and 3d: ti s 13 Company. tt 13 3 F s 11 b' F 19 6 <; 8 17 IS 6 D 4 I (•) 9 3 K s 18 •"> Total 57 119 44 2b* 17 26 19 25 :'.2 31 24 18 31 I 250 It will be seen the aggregate of losses en- umerated is somewhat larger than that giv- en by the Colonel in his report. This may be accounted lor from the well known fact that in the active movements of a Regiment in the tield, men frequently became sepa- rated from their commands, and in some in- stances did not find them for several days. Phis may have been the case here, where the complicated and rapid movements of charge, retreat, and change of position made it very easy for a man to lose his regiment. In some instances without doubt men were reported missing at first who after two or three days found the Regiment and were unharmed. Those captured were paroled, most ol them on the field, others were sent to Libby prison, the seriously wounded were sent within the Federal lines, the others were subsequently exchanged and returned to their companies in the month of October following. Among the unwounded who were captured in the engagements of this day one deserves especial mention. Among those who came from Wayne County with Captain Mumford was a lad apparently not more than fifteen or sixteen years old, of light complexion and slight build, bent on going into the army, by the name of Edward A. Lord, lie was at once rejected by the mustering officer and told to go home. Nothing daunted, he REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 95 stayed with the company until finding <':ip- tain Jackson was lacking a drummer, in- duced the Captain to enlist him as a musi- cian, in which capacity he was mustered August 27, 18(12. There was not a more courageous, faithful soldier in the Regiment. He was always in his place on the march, always ready for duty, kept at the head of his company at Fredericksbuig, and at Chancellorsville had been engaged in car- rying water and attending to the wounded. He had started with his pail to go for water, when he was surprised by a party of the en- emy and captured. The Colonel says he acted like a hero through all of that event- ful Sunday. He was paroled, and discharg- ed by a general order May 27, 1865. Cl [APTER VI IN CAMP ON POTOMAC CREEK. Ii will ho remembered thai tin- Regiment reached its old encampment on Potomac Creek, Wednesday evening, May Oth, after .in absence oi eight days; Imii those days had wrought n great chance in its numbers and condition, rhe men had started upon the campaign with high hopes and eager expec- tations. In their grapple with the foe they had 1'tvn left without supports once and again t<> he crushed by his superior numbers, compelled to retreat when they anticipated an advance, and experienced defeat where the} looked for victory, until leaving one- il ird ''i theii number either slain or severe l\ wounded in the hands of the enemy, through a drenching rain, and upon roads where the mud was oxer their shoe tops, they made theii way back to their disman- tled houses al Camp Sickles, whose dilapi- dated and cheerless walls were in perfect harmony with the despondent and gloomy spirit which overshadowed them. They had made fatiguing marches, they had borne exposure, they had fought with courage and suffered terribly, while more than one third of the federal army hail not tired a shot, they hail Becured a position from which they could not easily be driven, and now when there seemed to be no serious obstacle be tween them and victory, that they should be compelled to full back and all the sacrifice, toil and suffering they hail endured go for nothing was no very pleasant thing to con- template. One of the officers of the Regi- ment bitterly writes "so ii appeals we have again not been defeated but out-generaled ;" another says, " 1 cannot understand it. with an army superior to the enemy, occupying as we did a strong position where we could not be successfully assaulted, with nearly forty thousand fresh troops who had not pulled a trigger., that we should abandon all thai we had gained thus far at so great a eost, is incomprehensible to me." Perhaps no better indication of the feel- ings, spirit and e mdition of the men can he afforded than from the following quotations from the entries in his private diary of a Sergeant in the Regiment. Under date of May 6th he says: "We fell in, took arms, weie marched to the river in quick time, and crossed. The river is very high and rising rapidly. Drew up in the woods, four miles from the river, for coffee; breakfasted and started lor our old camp. The condition of the roads was awful, mud and water from shoe to knee de (p. The whole army appeals to be retiring so 1 chronicle it as a retreat and a defeat, however much we may have injured and hurl the enemy, but not a disas- trous or a disgraceful retreat. My feel be- came 80 sore that with many others 1 tell out to lake it more moderately. Reached Camp about five o'clock in the afternoon after a muddy march cl' aboui twenty miles. We left our poor wounded companions on the field. '• .May 7th Woke this morning still and sore. Hobbled around, found shirt, drawers and towel, washed them and mv pants, cleaned my gnn, and had brigade inspection at four o'clock in the afternoon 10 ascertain the condition of the men. The boys all feel down and discouraged. Several of the boys that we had not heard from came in this evening. The extras that we sent off before marching, came back. Have not had mail I since we started. M\ feet are very sore and /.!//■ \ /, /7.W.I I i>/.\\ badly swollen. We hear nothing of ihe missing the weather clearing oft, '"May 8th The camp is very quiet and loucs i', lull all arc recruiting munch lia I We have as yet heard nothing of our wounded miss in;;. The Col one I looks woe begone and dispirited, ami so do all the officers and men since the battle. We do nol hear thai any deans are taken to recover our wounded.'' We cannot wonder thai uiih heavy hearts the men sel about putting the camp in order Noi a mess from headquarters to private but had a vacant scat ; nut a icni hut one or more of its inmates was left wounded or dead on the blood drenched field, not an of- ficer or a man 1ml had lost a friend and a comrade. For a few days nothing was at- tempted in lie done, except uliai the utmost necessity demanded, Tin' next m ing af- ter reaching camp fresh provisions were is- sued io the men. " Before the battle," writes the clerk of the Commissary Department, " we issued rations lor live hundred men, on die siii of May our returns fall for only two hundred :uul Ion \ seven." ( )n the afternoon after their return an in gpection was had to ascertain what the men had losl and what supplies were needed lor (heir Comfort* They were in want of al uosl everything. Sinus and clothing had been ruined; h;i \ ei ■• ..icl.s, eanleeiis and knapsacks had been shot away, and the arms of many had been rendered worthless, li was a piti- ful Bight io behold— this mere handful of wearied, haggard, mud-begrimed men, ami think that ihis was ;n Friday, the 8th, the greater part of them were conveyed by boat to the hospitals in Washington where better care could be i\ en them than iii the camp. Ihe officers ami men of i he Regiment aided in remo\ mg them from the hospital and arranging matters for ih< u comfort during ihe tran puliation. As soon as the army was bacl io its old camps a picket hue was established on the north bank ol the Rappahannock, and on I rida j a detail of one hundred nun from the Regiment, with a similar detail from the Sixtj I'D'lith and the One Hundred Fifth, all under the command of ( aplain I loi Ion, was made lor that purpose; lluv did not, however, leave camp until about lour o'clock Saturday alien , when they marched about twelve miles ami laid down in the woods lor the night. The next morn- ing the detachmenl was called up at lour o'clock, and after a inaieh ol I h n 8 mile- farther reached their posts on the river bank, The enemy held a picket line <>n the south side of the river, which here was nol more than thirty rods wide. The two lines were within plain sight of each other. I'h' enemy had, according to their custom, Stl ipped <>n I dead and wounded left io their hands of most ol their clothing, and now, much to the indignation of our men, Confed* erate pickets were ecu . n their posts in Uniforms stolen I federal soldiers. The detachment remained here on picket until Tuesday w hen (hey were relieved and re- turned to camp The rainy weather which began liel'oie I looker retired from < lhancellorsville con- tinued lor several days, hul by Monday, the I Ith, the ground had become sufficiently dry to allow the movement ol troops, and in the after n of thai day a review of the Third ( lorps was had on the old parade ground. The One Hundred Fortj First wag consolidated ill live companies, and United with the < me 1 1 undred Fourteenth w huh had been consolidated in like mannei and c manded by Colonel Mad ill, alsothe I il ty Seventh and sixty-Third were united in 9 8 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST the same way, and the brigade was attached to Ward's. Every movement <>f this kind was :i sail reminder to the men of the terri- ble losses they had sustained. As they looked along their thinned ranks they could not refrain from thinking <>f their fallen comrades and officers, many of whom wound- ed were in the enemy's hands, and whose I'ati it was impossible to learn. ( )n Wednesday, the 13th, a meeting of the Field Officers of the brigade was held at the Regimental Headquarters for the purpose of taking appropriate action regarding those of their number who fell in the recent bat- tle. Colonel Madill was chosen Chairman ami Lieutenant-Colonel Craig of the One Hundred Fifth, Secretary. A committee was appointed to prepare a suitable paper on the subject, and the meeting adjourned until the next day when the following reso- lutions were adopted : Resolved, That in the death of Colonel A. A. McKnight, of the One Hundred Fifth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, the country has lost a brave, efficient and patri- otic officer, whose untiring energies were given to promoting the efficiency of his Reg- iment, who sealed his devotion to the cause in which he was engaged with his lite blood, at the head of his command, on the battle- field of Chancellorsville, Virginia, Mav 3, L863. Resolved, That we condole with the rela- tives and friends of the deceased in their loss of a companion endeared to them by his many amiable virtues, and that we lament the loss the country has sustained by his un- timely death in the hour of her greatest need. Resolved, That in the death of the gallant. Major Joseph S. Chandler, of the < >ne Hun- dred Fourteenth Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, this brigade has lost one of its most brave, efficient, useful and devoted i ffi- i cis — a soldier whose chief care it was to ] romote the efficiency of his command and secure the approbation of his superior offi- cers. Devoted to the holy cause for which he sacrificed his life, he never tailed by wcrd or Avvt\ to encourage others to emulate hi- own hoi nl example. Resolved, That, as Pennsylvanians, we shall forever cherish the memory of the many hours made joyous by the light of his social intercourse; as Pennsylvanians we shall honor the memory of his noble death, and as Pennsylvanians we pledge ourselves to devote our lives to sustain the glorious principles for which he gave up his lite. Resolved, That we ask the privilege of mingling our sorrows with the widow, the orphan, and the parents. And Whereas, Lieutenant-Colonel William S. Kiikwood. of the Sixty-Third Pennsylva- nia Volunteers, was wounded in two places in the battle of Chancellorsville, Sunday, May 3d, whilst leading his regiment in a charge on that evening, be it Resolved, Thai we have temporarily lost a good officer and brave soldier, who, although not fully recovered from a wound received at the battle of Groveton, Virginia, August 29, 18(52, assumed the command of (he regi- ment January hist, and in this, the first en- gagement his regiment has participated in since that time, he displayed his devotion to the cause in which we are engaged, and, by his bravery, has won the respect and confi- dence of th£ officers and men of his own reg- iment and ol the brigade. Resolved, That we tender to him our best wishes and hopes for his speedy recovery from his wounds, as nothing would give us more pleasure than again to see him taking an active pail in field duties. Ami Whereas, Lieutenant-Colonel Guy II. Watkins, of the One Hundred Forty-First Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, was se- verely wounded and left on the battlefield of Chancellorsville; therefore, he it Resolved, That, while we believe he will soon recover from his wounds and return to his Regiment, we still desire to express our admiration and esteem lor him as a man and an officer. As an officer, his bravery, coolness and efficiency won our admiration ; as a man and friend, every quality of head and heart endears him to all with whom lie comes in contact. To his friends and fami- ly we would extend our heartfelt sympathy, and express our hope and confidence that he will soon be released from captivity and re- turn once more to gladden the hearts of his friends. /.'(■ it also Resolved, That the customary badge of mourning be worn by the field offi- cers of this brigade in memory of the la- mented dead. These resolutions signed by the field offi- cers of the brigade, were sent to the officers REGIMENT, PENN'A VO/.'S. 99 .■mil families of those who wire mentioned therein, and also published in the public prints. < >n the evening of this day, May 1 3th, the Regiment had dress parade for the first time since the battle. At this time there was read by the Adjutant a congratulatory order from Genera] Hooker, closing in these words : — "The events of the last week may swell with pride the heart of every officer and sol- dier of this army. We have added new Iuf- t ii' to its former renown. We have made long marches, crossed rivers, surprised the enemy in his intrenehmenls, and, wherever we have fought, have inflicted heavier blows than we have received. We have taken from the enemy five thousand prisoners; fif- teen colors; captured and brought off seven pieces of artillery; placed hors du combat eighteen thousand of his chosen troops ; de- stroyed his depots filled with vast, amounts of stores; deranged his communications; cap- tured prisoners within the fortifications of his capital, and filled Ins country with fear and consternation. We have no other regret than that caused by the loss of our brave companions, and in this we are consoled by the conviction that they have fallen in the holiest cause ever submitted to the arbitra- ment of battle." Negotiations which had been going on be- tween the commanders of the two armies re- lative to the removal of the wounded Feder- als were finally concluded, and, on the l.'Jth, two of Company G, the first in the Regi- ment, were brought over to the Division Hospital. Inac pie oi days all of our wounded were safely in our hands where they could receive all the comforts and care their comrades could bestow. They wen- a sorry looking company of men, haggard, emaciated, some of them robbed of their blankets and portions of their clothing, ex- posed to sunshine and storm, without shel- ter, without any but the coarsest food, with their wounds undressed, and themselves un- cared for, it was with unspeakable joy thej saw the Third < lorps ambulances, and learn- ed they were to bring them within our lines. The experiences of our men while in the hands of the enemv cannot heller be describ- ed than in the language of the men them- selves. Charles K. Canfield, of Company D, was severely w ided in the shoulder in the oak woods after he had shot twenty rounds ;it the enemy, and while getting to :i place of safety was shot through the hip, hut man- aged to crawl to the ( haneellorsville House. This building look fire from the bursting of a shell, ami after a desperate effort, he says : — "I succeeded in getting out of the house, lint many of our brave hoys are said to have been burned in it. I hobbled along toward the woods amid showers of shot and shell .■mil laid down behind a. breastwork and could get no further. The enemy's skir- mishers came up and took me prisoner. I then crawled back to an old log house where I stayed during the rest, of the; day and night. The shells then began to come from our forces hut ceased after a short lime. The night was spent in restlessness. " Monday — It. was thought the place would he shelled by our men. and I Was ad- vised to gel farther to the ( Rebel's) rear, and with -real effort 'jut to a safer place. I was now in an old log house and almost helpless. We had no care as the enemy ueie husy with their own wounded. Some of our own I >octors ere with us, but they had no medi- cine or instruments. We had nothing to eat. I found my friend, L. I 1 '. Ward, of Company I, as helpless as myself. We were nut only wounded hut prisoners. "May 5th — We lay in the same helpless condition — were paroled by a Confederate officer. It was rainy and some of the poor fellows were out on the wet ground. "May 6th— There is very little prospect of our being removed. < lur wounds are not dressed, and we have hardly anything to 100 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST eat. Rebel transportation is very limited and our men cannot gel through the linos. "May 7ih — Our condition is much the same wounds not dressed They do not pain very badly but are very sore. We are beginning to get a little more to eat. Bacon, hard-tack and Hour are our rations. The Doctors began to work. '• May Sib — Those who were badly wound- ed art' dying very fast. Ward and 1 are moved into a little shelter tent to make room in the house For those who have had limbs amputated. Slept rather cold on the ground with but one blanket to cover us both. ' May 9th— The weather gets settled ami warmer. Time passes heavily and we wish to be removed. We are flattered that wo shall ho token through the linos. Some saj wo will have to go to Richmond. The R< b- ols are very civil to us. General Lee's headquarters are near us, ami wo see him frequently. Am anxious to know how many of our boys « 1 1 o killed in the fight. "May 10th — The weather getting warm. Tito Doctors look at my wounds for the first time. Many persons come to look at the battlefield. It is a week since we were wound* d. "May tlth— Weather getting hot. They still flatter us that we shall be taken away, but it has got to be an old story. Our wounded are getting along finely with the little care they have. '" "Wednesday, May 13th— The day of de- liverance has come at last. A train of am- bulances came over the river after us. We crossed the United Suites Ford in boats where we crossed on the pontoons thirteen days ago, but not exactly in the same spirits. I feel to thank God that 1 have got across the itver again alive."' Sergeant William S. Wright, of Company E, who was among the wounded captives in this battle, has written in brief the story of his captivity entitled '* Twelve Days on the Battlefield." Although not written for pub- lication, the following paragraphs are quoted with iiis permission : "' 1 will not recount any exploits of mine, 1 simply marched ami fought until 1 receiv- ed a gunshot wound in my left thigh which at first, in the excitement of battle 1 thought hut a slight wound. Alter firing three rounds however, i ho numbness was followed by a ureal pain in my limb that caused me to lay down my musket :m '' look tor a place of safety. A small log laid about ton feet from where 1 was, a little to the roar of n.y company and parallel with the line of battle. By rolling my body on the ground, for 1 could no longer walk. 1 got behind this log, which only served mo a few minutes, as our troops were obliged to fall back closely followed by the enemy. From the log 1 was taken by a Confederate who was wounded in the arm and a Federal who, though unhurt, was nearly scared to death, and carried just over the line of works previously occupied by Howard's troops, where 1 lay tor twelve days. Of the nun who guarded me 1 have no reason to complain. There were about three thousand wounded soldiers, (a Confed- erate estimate,) unable to walk, and . quently who escaped a worse fate — the hor- rors of a rebel prison. We wore guarded by the Third Georgia Regiment, a part oi nail Jackson's command. " Early in the evening of the 3d Jackson himself was carried by on a stretcher, wounded they said by one of his own men. On the morning of the 4th, the Surgeons improvised amputation tables— one made o( sixteen foot boards, placed about four rods from where 1 was lying. were used for ampu- tating the limbs of Union soldier-. My story may seem incredible and yet it is true, when 1 say that no loss than one hundred logs and arms were out off on this table alone for the first three or tour days, many of the poor fellows dying during the opera tion. Three times during one day they came for me. 1 quietly but firmly told the he would never get me on that table ri\ /; rrw ./ voi:s. IOI alive. A little pluck saved my leg and per- haps my life. The amputated limits were taken by the darkies in a wheel-barrow and buried near the roots of a peach tree. Manv died of their wounds. Some lingered eight or ten (lavs and then passed away. " On the 5th of May a short but very se- vere shower passed over us accompanied with hail. We were without dots and many with l>ui scanty clothinjj, as nearly all of our loose garments had been appropriat- ed by the enemy. About this lime 1 was found by Sergeants l>. W. Scott and A. W. Seward, of Company K, both of whom had been wounded, and to them more than to •any other two men 1 owe my present exist- ence. "Our lady frit-rids often remark that they have not much to oat ; — 1 often thought of it while dining at the expense of the Confed- erates. Their rations were about as near nothing as can be imagined. < >nce every day our camp was visited by an old citizen who sold biscuit and bacon — a biscuit about the si/.c of an army cracker, made without salt, and a piece of good bacon for the sum of two dollars. "The morning of the 15th we heard thai our ambulances were coming alter us. 1 was told by a Sergeant of the Third Georgia Regiment, as noble a specimen of manhood as 1 ever saw. lie gave me a hearty shake of the hand, took my address, and said that if he was living when the war ended he would write to me ; 1 have never heard from him. " About noon it was reported t hat our train was coming, and soon I heard the welcome voice of Harvey Cummins. 1 was one of the first loaded, and we were soon on our journey toward the happy land of freedom. Our route lay directly across the battlefield. The Stench from the dead horses was dread- ful, hut we were soon Out of it and within our own lines, glad indeed once more to be among our friends and see the familiar laces of our comrades in arms." \lmosi every regiment has iis story of some amusing or romantic incident in which the principal actor was of the gentler sex. The thrilling adventures and constant dan- gers of camp and field appealed powerfully to the sympathies of the ladies of the conn- try and called to the front, as most skillful and efficient helpers and nurses in hospital and camp, some ol the nohlest women of the land, while occasionally others were inspi red with a desire to share the rougher dangers of the field, and donning male attire were discovered SOUK times as servants to the olli- eeis, or as musicians, and sometimes even carrying a musket. While in (amp Cur- tin t here came into the quarters of ( onipany 1<], a bright, black-eyed hoy who gave his name as Charles Notion, and desiring to go to the front offered his services to Captain Keeves as servant, The Captain was favor- ably impressed with the appearance id' the little fellow and employed him. lie was a faithful anil efficient helper at I leadipiarters, always marching with his company and keeping a sharp lookout for the officers' pro- perly. Among his other qualifications he was a splendid cook, preparing little dain- ties from the slender stock the commissary afforded, so that Captain Reeves' mess en- joyed many delicacies the other officers knew nothing of. The boy of course lie came a general favorite. When the Cap- lain became sick at Poolesville, Charlie staid at his side and tenderly cared lor htm, and returned to camp with him and resumed his duties at Headquarters where he continued until the battle of Chancellorsville, where an incident occurred that disclosed the fact that Charlie Norton was a woman. Captain Mereiir hail a delicate fool and wore a hoot unusually small for a man. One morning he awoke to find Ids hoots missing, lie could get i o trace of them for several days, hut finally discovered them on Norton's feet. lie had never seen a man before who could wear his hoots, and on questioning Norton accused him flatly of stealing which he at first denied hut afterward confessed 102 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST In the course of the investigation the Cap- tain's <■< ok proved t<> be of the opposite sex, and it is needless to add was speedily mus- tered out of the service. Some of the mem- bers of that company have seen her since and talked with her in regard to this some- what romantic adventure. She said she was deeply interested in the war, and desired to serve her country in some way. and was obliged to assume the disguise she adopted in order to carry out her plans. A reference to the account of tho.-e who died from wounds received at Chancellors- ville will disclose the fact that fur a month after the battle deaths from this cause were of frequent occurrence. Besides a number died from disease brought on in some cases at least by the fatigue and excitement of the engagement. Indeed the Regiment had scarcely return- ed io their old camp before il was called to attend the burial of William F. Lewis. He was the son of James Lewis was living at Lewis' Mill, between Wyal using and Camp- town, when he enlisted in Captain Jackson's company. Just prior to breaking camp for the ChancellorSvilJe campaign, lie was taken sick and sent to the division hospital where he died May 10th. lie was an unmarried man nearly twenty-two years of age. On Saturday. May 16th, George W. Angle. of Company B, died in his tent, after a sick- ness of two (lavs, of inflammation of the brain brought on by the exertion and nervous strain incident to the battle. He was the son of Jacob Angle, of Dingman's Ferry, Pike County, hut at the time of his enlistment was learning the trade of blacksmith in North Towanda. He was nineteen year- of age at his death, and was buried the next day in the brigade burying ground. About this time regular drills by company and battalion were resumed more for the purpose of giving the men employment than for acquiring additional skill in military ev olutions. As the weather was becoming very warm, the hours lor this exercise were from half-past six until half-past eight o'clock in the morning, and from three until live o'clock in tlu' afternoon; followed by dress parade. Potomac Creek, near which the camp was pitched, afforded good opportuni- ty for bathing which was frequently indulg- ed in. Bakeries were also constructed and rations of soft bread regularly issued. The spirits and health of the nun also began to improve. It has been frequently observed in regard to the Army of the Potomac that no body of men ever met with so many re- verses, yet maintained such unwavering courage, and was ever as ready to light again as was this grand army — a condition of things without doubt due largely So the in- telligent patriotism and true courage of the rank and file of which it was composed. The One Hundred Forty-First Regiment af- fords an illustration of this. Recovering from the first shock of the conflict they are ready again to engage the enemy as I hough ( 'hanci llorsvillo had been a victory instead bf a defeat. The despondency which mark- ed the correspondence of the men immedi- ately after the battle is followed by a bright- er tone and a more cheerful view of things, as well as a deeper determination not to lay down their arms until the rebellion is crush- ed out. General Graham having been assigned to the command of the Second Division after the death of General Berxy, who fell on Sunday morning mortally wounded by a ri- fle-ball, the command of the brigade devolv- ed on Colonel Tippen, of the Sixty-Eightb Pennsylvania Volunteers, who at this time was the ranking Colonel. Colonel Madill was so thoroughly exhausted by the anxiety ami and fatigue of the battle as to lie unable to do much active duty, and in consequence the command of the Regiment devolved largely upon tin Major. On Monday the 25th, Albert Corby, a pri- vate in Company c, died suddenly of con- gestion of the lungs, in his tent in camp. He was brother of James Corby, who was REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 103 in the same company and wounded in tlie late kittle. At the time of their enlistment he was living with their widowed mother in Monroeton. " To say he did his duty as a soldier well anil was respected by every member of his company, is but a small part of the honor to which lie is entitled." He was twenty-three years of age. Badges of honor, peculiar marks of dis- tinction in recognition of acts of peculiar bravery or especial service, or distinguished heroism have frequently been bestowed liy officers, and societies and governments upon those who have dared to face great dangers or, for the sake of others, have exposed themselves to peculiar peril. It has been the case in almost every army of every civi- lized nation, that deeds of daring and of danger have thus been recognized as a fitting compliment to the men who have performed them and as an incentive to others to like acts of personal bravery. General Birney, after the battle of Chancellorsville, deter mined to try the effect of such a public rec- ognition of the men in his division, who in that engagement had by their conduct on the Held become worthy of this distinction. The several commanders of regiments were directed to designate not more than three in each companj who were most worthy of such distinction, and Wednesday, May 27, was I he day set apart for the badges to be conferred. Where all had done so well, and in most cases where one had done as well as another, and every man in the com- pany would have done the same thing had opportunity offered, it was a very difficult and delicate matter to select three who ought to be thus distinguished above their com- rades; and it would be nothing strange if the men in the ranks should not coincide with the judgment of the officers. The badge designed for this occasion called the " Kearney Cross," in honor of the former gallant commander of the division, was a bronze Maltese cross, bearing on one de the legend "Birney r s Division," on the other " Kearney Cross." suspended by a red ribbon bearing the word "Chancellorsville" from a bronze pin, It was determined to make the presenta- tion of these badges an occasion of great military display. On the afternoon of the appointed day the entire division was called out. The men were required to be in their best attire, with shoes blackened and arms well burnished. At two o'clock the troops, accompanied with their bands of music, were marched to the parade ground and formed in a hollow square, with the merito- rious soldiers in the center, arranged in the order of the brigades and regiments to which they belonged. The order of the Division Commander, by whom the badges were presented, was- then read, which among other things says : — The Brigadier-General commanding the division announces the following names of meritorious and distinguished non-commis- sioned officers and privates, selected for their gallantry as recipients of the " Kear- ney Cross," the division decoration. Many deserving soldiers may have es- caped the notice ot their commanding offi cers, but, in the selection after the next bat- tle, they will doubtless receive this honora- ble distinction. This cross is in honor of our old leader, and the wearers of it will always remember his high standard of a true and brave sol- dier and will never disgrace it." At the request of General Birney, Major 1 < reneral Sickles, in a brief, apt and patriotic address, made the presentation. Each of the meritorious men was thereupon presented with a neat package, containing his particu- lar medal, together with a manuscript copy of the order. Says an eye witness: — "Any one who could have been present at that moment, and seen how the eyes of those brave men sparkled with delight, and how proudly they attached the decorations to their breasts, would be firmly convinced that such a comparatively trifling outlay 104 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST would be tlic most valuable the Government could make." Among tlic recipients of this honor the following twenty-five were from the One Hundred Forty-First Regiment: — Sergeant Major Joseph (!. Fell. Sergeant Edwin M. White, Company A. Private Benj. P. Oliphaut, Company A. " Edwin Lee, ( 'ompany A. Corporal Josiah A. Bosworth, Company B. Private Isaae K. Potter, Company II. Corporal Charles Scott, Company ('. Private George W. Fell, Company C. Selden F. Worth, Company ( '. Sergeant David C. Palmer, Company D. Corporal Morton Berry, Company I). Private .lames M. Beach, Company E. Sergeant Salmon S. Hager, Company F. Private Albert .J. Baldwin, Company F. Orrin A. Oakley, Company F. Sergeant James II. Terwilliger, Compa- ny ( 1 . Private Marcus C. Rosencrantz, Company (i. Private William O. McCreary, Company (i. Private Jacob W. Palmer. Company 11. John J.Stockholm, Company 11. Joseph McSherer, Company 11. Corporal John N. Dunham, Company 1. Private Alfred Alhee, Company I. Corporal .lames 1>. Ellsworth, Company 1. Archibald Sinclair, Company K. The ceremonies of the presentation were of a very imposing character, ami no pains were spared to render them deeply impres- sive upon the spectators — to make the recip- ients of the decoration feel that they had been greatly honored, and inspire in their comrades an intense desire lor a like honor- able distinction. The results were not as beneficial as had been anticipated, and the ceremony was not repeated. It will be seen however, that the greater part of those who received the badges were subsequently either killed or wounded in battle. Of course those who were not recipients of the honor affect- ed to treat the matter with ridicule or con- tempt. Some of the men of the One Hun- dred Fourteenth cut crosses out of their army crackers, went strutting through the camp with them fastened to their coats A Sergeant in one of the companies wrote in large letters on his tent, "three brave men and sixty cowards." The camp had been occupied so long that with the approaching hot weather it began to be unhealthy and disagreeable. A new site was therefore selected, and Friday, the 29th, the brigade moved to it. Major Spal- ding in a letter written the day after, gives the following description of the new loca- tion : — " We have moved our camp about a mile anil a half down the Potomac (feck upon the same side toward Belle Plain. Where the Regiment is encamped is a level field with good water, but rather too small. The whole brigade is here. There was no room for our Headquarters near the Regi- ment, so we got permission to go about forty rods above, upon a high piece of ground, an open field in front and a steep side hill cov- ered with huge oak trees on the side toward the creek. We went under the trees a few paces down the side hill, had places dug out and pitched our tents there. The Colonel and I each have a tent under a large tree and are well shaded. The Adjutant and Quartermaster have a tent under another tree a few feet away. We shall have a pleasant place when we yet it cleaned up, but that will take considerable lahor. " Potomac ( 'reek is very w 'ule at this place, and the tide from the river comes up here. ( >ur camp is on a point of land that runs out into the creek which looks more like a bay than a creek. From my tent 1 can see down the creek to the Potomac River and Belle Plain landing, which is some three miles from here, and away in the distance on the opposite side of the river a dim blue line can be seen which 1 suppose to he the Mary- land shore " On Monday, June 1st, the Regiment was again inspected, after which orders were re- REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 105 ceived directing it to go on pickel early the next morning. As early as four o'clock the men wore astir and about ten o'clock reach- ed their posts on the picket line. Colonel Madill being still unwell remained in camp, the Major taking command of the men. One-half the Regiment was posted along the river, and the other half under Captain Clark, of Company E, on the right of the main road to Warrenlon. The entire bri- gade was out. The wind blew a gale, the day warm, roads dusty, and the march out very disagreeable. In the evening the Dumber of each post was doubled, and at three o'clock the next morning patrols were sent out, hut, no discoveries made. Already some movements on the pari of the enemy were detected, which gave occasion for great- er watchfulness, but all of Wednesday pass- ed in quiet. On Thursday morning a patrol often nun under Captain Horton was again sent out but made no discoveries, and in the afternoon the Regiment moved up in the neighborhood of Hartwood brick church. A number of despatches from General Meade to General Hooker were sent through the lines, hut beyond this nothing of im- portance occurred until Friday when the brigade was relieved from this duty and re- turned in the afternoon to earn]). ( )n reach- ing here they learned the Colonel had ob- tained a leave of absence of ten days and had gone home to recover his health, hav- ing been unfit for duty since the battle. Sat- urday was spent by the men in preparing for the inspection, which was ordered for the next day, at which "General Jiirney complimented the Regiment on its appear- ance." Inspection over the men returned to camp to rest during the remainder oi the day. In the evening Major Johnson began paying the Regiment for two months, and finished this duty on the following day. Examinations and drills of the non-com- missioned officers, and by company and bat- talion were now of daily occurrence. The days were warm and the camp was becom- ing (pule dusty. The severely wounded men in the Division hospitals who could en- dure the travel were granted furloughs to return home, and at the same time applica- tion was made to have the men who had been sent away sick, had recovered and were employed in hospitals as nurses and helpers, returned to the Regiment. It had been a month since the men had returned from Chancellorsville. With re- invigorated strength, and renewed zeal, and revived spirits, they were ready to obey with alacrity the order to advance again against the enemy, and as far as in them lay en- deavor to bring to a successful termination the war in which they were engaged Chapter VII. GETTYSBURG From the newspaper accounts of the bat- tle of < lhancellorsville, and from the official reports which were widely circulated, the people of the North were led to believe that although [looker had failed to destroy Lee's ;innv or dint" him in inglorious flight from his defences, yel lie had so roughly used him thai it would require many months for him to be ready lor active operations. It was therefore with utter surprise and incre- dulity thai on ilu- liist days of June they read of the appearance of the Confederate forces in the Shenandoah Valley, and a few days after that they were cautiously making their way noil h ward. A number of cir- cumstances combined to make it appear to the Confederate commander thai this was a feasible undertaking. lie had succeeded in concentrating the largest nrmy he had heretofore commanded, numbering nearly ninety thousand men, while the army under [looker had, by the expiration of the short terms of enlistment, been reduced to less than eighty thousand. The Confederate army was in highest spirits, ready to under- take anything, while as we have seen the mora/e of the Federals was low, So far the devastations t^' war had been experienced only on Southern soil. There was a feeling all through the South, in which the Rich- mond government was in full accord, that the theatre of the conflict should he trans- ferred to the Northern States, while the rich grain fields of Southern Pennsylvania, just then maturing for the harvest, were no doubl a prize that with their exhausted re- sources the enemy greatly covettd. Neither can it lie denied that while the Union army had lost much of its confidence and enlhnsi- CAMPAIGN. asm lor its commander, l.ce and his army regarded him with supreme contempt, and hardly thought it worth while to attempt to conceal their movements or the object they were striving to reach. Although he was to leave [looker with an army nearly as large as his own in his rear, yet he moved his col- umns boldly forward without making much account of the foe he hail so lately flung from his position with hardly a serious ef- fort. As early as the 8th of .lime Lee's northward movement, which began on the 3d, was unmasked by a cavalry engagement al Brandy Station, and on the 11 th, Ibokcr threw forward the Third Corps up the Rap- pahannock to prevent the enemy from cross- ing it. The story of the next three weeks is of the Confederate invasion and the federal pursuit, in which neither seemed to know the exact positions of the other, until they met in deadly grapple at Gettysburg. In these movements the Third Corps was kept well in advance lo he ready to join in the pursuit of the Confederates and at the same time to afford a cover to Washington from any marauding force thai might be sent out. Without attempting to follow in detail the various movements of all the troops, either federal or Confederate, the operations of our Regiment only will he described, The advance of Lee rendered il neeessarv for Hooker to extend the right wing of his army consisting of the First, Third and Eleventh Corp-;, under the direct command of General Reynolds, commanding the First Corps, ;v gallant and tried officer, along the upper Rappahannock ; accordingly on the 11th, the Third Corps was directed to take position between Beverly ford and Kappa- REGIMENT, PliNN'A VOLS. 107 bannock Station. General Graham, wlio had been in temporary command of the Sec- ond I division after the death of < reneral Ber- ry ;it Chancellorsville, had been relieved by Brigadier-General Humphreys, and had re- sumed the command of his old brigade — (Firsl Brigade of the First Division, Bir- ney's,)— and Major Spalding was in com- mand of the Regiment, the Colonel having been almosl prostrated since the battle, and no military movement being thought proba- ble during the extreme hoi weather, had ob- tained a short leave of absence, while Lieu- tenant-Colonel Watkins had not yet recov ered from his wounds. On Thursday, June llih, there was bri- gade inspection in the morning ; ii was hard- ly over, when ill eleven o'clock orders were received to lie in re.nline s to in:ircli ;it a moment's notice. About one o'clock the bn gle sounded " pack up," and a little before two o'clock the Regimen! was on the march. The frequent showers of May had been fol- lowed by dry and very hot weather, the roads were dusty and the heat oppressive. The men had gone but little way before some of them became foot-sore and fell out by the roadside. All of the officers of the corps speak of the great number of Btrag- glers. It was after ten o'clock at nighl when a halt was called, the Regiment was drawn up in a Held about a mile ind a half above Hart wood Church on the Warrenton road, arms were stacked, and the men spread their blankets upon the ground and biv- ouacked for the night. They had traveled that hot summer afternoon fifteen miles. The next day's march was about as great, but the Regiment was on the move as early as seven o'clock in the morning. Ahout four o'clock in the afternoon they went into camp in an oak wood on the left of the road about a mile and a half from Bealton Sta- tion on the Orange and Alexandria Rail road. It should be remembered that the army was now faced northward, contrary to what it had hitherto been, consequently the right an I left had \»t ime rever ted. A Ser- geant of Company I writes under this date, "There is scarcely a, man without blistered feet. I think it was as hard a march as we ever made. Tin ■ Lieutenant with live oth- ers besides myself were all that Company I could muster when we halted, hut most of the men are heie now. I never saw so n h Straggling. The road was lined with exhausted men and several c;iscs of sunstroke were reported. Tin- finners Inn are trying to do something, but (heir crops look puny and are drying up for want uf rain. They all plead starvation." On the march this day, the One Hundred Forty-First was in the front, and as it came into camp w a ■; placed in support of a battery near the Cor| I [eadquarters. During the night most of the stragglers reached the Regiment. Before noon orders were again received tO be ready to rCS ! the march, and in the afternoon they went, about three miles and stopped a mile and a half south of Rappahannock Station. This evening a slight rain cooled the air and laid the dust. The men remained here taking a. little needed rest and receiving a fresh sup- ply of rat ions tint il live o'clock on Sunday afternoon when they marched for Catlett's Station, a distance of twelve miles, reaching it a little after midnight. At six o'clock in the next morning they were again on the road, stopping for a little rest at Bristoe's Station, they then pushed on ahout a mile beyond Manassas Junction, where, about four o'clock in the afternoon, they halted for the night. The commander of the Regi- meni writes: — "It has been the loudest day to inarch I have ever seen, The Weather has been very hot and the dust so thick I could hardly see the column ahead of me. The men aie very much worn out. Almost (•vrry man has blistered :i iw 1 scalded his fi el until they are verv sore, one of our men 1 said to have died from the heal, and quite a. number in the corps." Hooker had thought that possibly Lee roS ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST would repeat the movement of the year de- fore, push forward to Manassas and endeav- or to gel between him ai d Washington. He then-fore pressed rapidly forward until he had obtained a position in wli ich he euro against any such possible attack. The left u ing - it had formerly been the right wing — was advanced still further. In this movement, on Tuesday, the 16th, the Regi- ment joined, marching early in the morning a couple of miles anil halted at " Bull Run," where u is crossed by the Centreville road, and remained here during the day. The weather had become much cooler so that it was quite comfortable in the shade of the large trees along the creek. "Bull Run," writes :ui officer of the Regiment, "now fa- mous in history, is about as large as the Wysi x Creek, but the country around is more broken." ih\ Wednesday afternoon the Regiment wetil a coupie ol mihs farther am! encamped about a mile west of Centre- ville, a small village rendered conspicuous on account of its relation to the (irst an ond battles of Bull Run. The dust was ex- ceedingly annoying. It was drawn into the lungs with every breath, it filled their cloth- ing, penetrated their haversacks and c< i their trod, h had to be endured not only when on the march but there were i portunities of bathing or even washing their clothes. Notwithstanding the heat ami the dust the men kept in good spiritsaud though some of them were compelled to fall out yet they promptly joined their compai they came up. Under this date the Major wrius: -"Our Regiment is doing well, ami our General has complimented me on the promptness with, which the nun come in af- ter a hard day's march. Our whole corps is encamped here on the plain west of the vil- lage." The country about Centreville was under a good state of cultivation, and though considerably devastated by the armies in whose track it lay, and deserted by n. its inhabitants, it nevertheless everywhere gave evidence of fertility and productive- ness. The troops were greatly refreshed by the two days' rest 1 hey enjoyed hi re. Newspapers received in camp brought the startling news that Lee's army was invading Pennsylvania. Men in the army as well as the citizens of the Commonwealth could with difficulty he made to believe that it was any thin- more than a raid for the pur- pose of plunder ; they thought the enemy would disappear as suddenly as he Inn! come, but in this they were doomed to disappoint- iiu nt. \fter the death of Jackson, Lee had re- organized hi> army into three corps, each consisting of three divisions of from four to live brigades each. The first corps com- manded by Longstreet was made up of Hood's, McLaws ami Pickett's divisions; the second corps under Ewell was composed oi' Early's, ,1, Imson's and Rhode's divisions; the third corps under A. 1'. Hill consisted of the divisions of Anders n, render and lleth ; besides these there was a division of cavalry commanded by Major-General J. 1']. B. Stuart. In the movement northward Ewell took the advance with Rhode's divi- sion in front, Longstreel followed, while Hill was loi't at Fredericksburg until Hook- er should loosen his hold upon the Rappa- hannock when he was directed by rapid marches to concentrate about Winchester. On the 20th Rhodes had advanced as far as Hagarstown, and Ewell had orders to march to Harrisburg and obtain possession >, af- ter six mi nt hs' illness resigned and was dis- charged on Surgeon's certificate, May 23, 1S63. He returned to Towanda where he resumed the practice of law ; in LSGo he was elected District Attorney for the county of Bradford ; in 1870 he was elected to the State Senate on the Republican ticket where his distinguished abilities gave him great prominence, and in 18S0 was re-elected to the same office; in 1882 he was die regular Re- publican nominee for Lieutenant-Governor of the Commonwealth. He was law partner with Hon. U. Mcreur until that gentleman was chosen one of the Justices of the Su- preme Court, when he entered into partner- ship with \V. II. Carnochan, Esq., which continued until the death of the latter, since which L. M. Hall, Esq., has been his law part- ner. The firm enjoys a large and lucrative practice. Eli M. Parsons, a private in the same company, was discharged also on Surgeon's certificate June 1 1, 1863. Martin O. Codding was madeOrderly Ser- geant and Robert Sherman Corporal of the ( 'ompmy. May 1, 1863. In Companies C and I) there were no changes except what have been previously mentioned. In Company E, John M. Jackson was promoted to Orderly Sergeant, and James M. Beach to Sergeant June 1, 1863. Hanford I>. Kinney, a private of this Company, died in hospital at Alexandria, Virginia, June 28, 1863, of disease. He had been married before the war. but his K1:(,IMI. C, March 29, 1863, at the age of forty-five years, and was buried in the Military Asylum Cemetery. lie left a widow and four song ti> mourn their loss. Appropriate memorial services were observed at Brooklyn, Susquehanna County. Cyrenius W. Hughes, a tinker by trade, a widower with a number of children at the time of his enlistment, died in camp, De- cember 2, 1862, at the age of forty-one years. In Companies G and II, there bad occur- red no oilier changes than those already no- ticed, except that < lharles W. Rice, a private of the latter Company, was discharged May L!~>, 1863, on Surgeon's certificate of disabil- ity. In Company I, there had been no changes but those before mentioned. In Company K, Archibald Sinclair was made Corporal May 1, ISti. - ;, Private Wil- liam Weed had been discharged on Sur- geon's certificate of disability, May 1 1, ISii.'!. Lyman J). Chilson died in Division Hos- pital, near Falmouth, of disease, May 20, L863. At the time of his enlistment he was living with < ). K. Bird, of Smithfield, was unmarried, and at bis death, which occurred in consequence of exposure at the time of an attack of measles, was about twenty-three years of age. ( lharles W. Grange, son of Joseph < rrange, of Elkland township, Sullivan County, died in Division Hospital, near Falmouth, June 11th, the day the Regiment started on the Gettysburg campaign. He was an unmar- ried man about twenty-live years of age. At the battle of Fredericksburg, where 11 will be remembered the Regiment was placed in support of Randolph's Battery, the men became acquainted with artillery practice, and the following were transferred to that arm of the service: Nathaniel W. Dodge, Company < ', to the Fourth New York Battery, April, 1863; Oliver Skinner, Company (I, to Randolph's Battery, Rhode Island Artillery, .January, 1863; William Ransom, Company H, to the same Battery, February 17.1863; Jesse Baker, Company A, to the Fourth New York Battery, date unknown, but early in 1863. A large number of enlisted men bad by wounds received in battle, or by some form of chronic disease, been rendered unlit for service in the field, yet were able to do gar- rison duty, to assist in provosl-marslials' of- fices, and in hospitals. In order to utilize this class of men by giving them suitable employment, and send to the front the able- bodied men who were in these several posi- tions, an act was passed April is, 1863, cre- ating an "Invalid Corps," and went into operation April 28th, by General Orders, March is, 1864, the name was changed to the " Veteran Reserve Corps." This Corps was organized in two battalions; the first, consisting of six companies, composed (he ablest-bodied men, armed with muskets, who had to do garrison duty in the towns, the arsenals, and various posts in the interior, and act as military police; the Second Bat- talion was composed of loin- companies of the tUOSl infirm, who were employed in hos- pitals, offices, etc. According to the records John Frederick, of Company E, was the fust man in the One Hundred forty-first Regiment transfer red^to this corps, the date given being April 28, 1st;:!, the very day the order was promulgated declaring its estab- lishment. The casualties at Chancellorsville had made some changes iu the commanding (di- cers of the several companies. Captain Horton commanded Company A. In Com- ii 4 ( WE III WD RED Ft 'A' / 1 -FIRST panies B, C Mini I>, every commissioned < >tli- cer had either resigned, been killed or wounded, and they were commanded by noncommissioned officers: First Seigeant M. O. Codding, Company B, First Sergeant George W. Kilmer, Company C, and Sergeant David C. Palmer, Company D. Captain John F. (lark had charge ot' Company E, Second Lieutenant E. B. Brainerd. of Company F, First Lieutenant Joseph Atkinson of Company G, Captain Tyler, of Company 11. Second Lieutenant John G. Brown, of Company 1, and Captain Mercur, of t !ompany K. To the careful researches and finely exe- cuted maps of the battlefield made by Colo- nel Bachelder, the student of the Battle of i tettysburg is under unspeakable obligations. In describing this field accuracy will be se- cured by following substantially the descrip- tion of this author. The country about Gettysburg is general- ly open, and the surface rolling, though deep forests, high hills and rocky ravines are not unfrequent. Commencing with the Blue Ridge is a succession of undulations running generally in a northerly and south- erly direction. The most important, east ol' South Moun- tain, as affects the history of the battle, is Seminan Ridge, previously called Oak Ridge, on which is situated the Lutheran Seminary, in the western suburbs of the 'own. This ridge extends for several miles, mid is crossed by all the roads which diverge from Gettysburg toward, the northwest, west, and southwest. As a defensive military po- sition it possesses great advantages, and was held from the first night of the battle by the Confederate army, who constructed heavy earthworks alone its crest, and held every available position with artillery, lis alti- tude is not as great as Cemetery Hill, but its extended position, admitting of a con- verging tire upon any desired locality, more than balanced this difference. Cemetery Rid^e is next in importance to- ward the east. This is marked by three dis- tinct elevations, standing out in clear relief. Round Top, or Sugar Loaf Hill, its extreme southern terminus, is seven-eighths of a mile east from Seminary Ridge, and rises directly from the plains beyond, its wooded crest towering high above the surrounding coun- try. From its northern face a bold shoulder protrudes, separated from the larger hill by a gentle depression, heavily wooded, name- less before the battle, but since known as Little Mound Top. The western side was stripped of timber the year before the battle, which added materially to its advantages as an artillery position. The rough, rocky rid o connecting the two Round Tops has been given the name of Vincent's Spur, in honor of a gallant Federal officer who fell there on the second day of the battle. Plum Run, a small and unimportant stream, llows along the western base of these hills, and drains a marshy swale in front, (west) oi Little Round Top. West of this is a stony, precipitous undulation called Ilonek's Ridge. Between this and Little Round Top is a deep gorge known as the Dev- il's Den, which presents a scene of the wild- est character. Huge syenitic boulders are crowded into this narrow ravine, through which struggle the waters of Plum Run. From Little Round Top the ridge, de- pressed, yet well defined, rises gradually in its northern course to Cemetery Hill, where with a sharp curve to the eastward it termi- nates in Chip's Hill; thus leaving a broad, extensive basin, northward from the Ceme- tery Hill, in which, upon a gentle elevation, is situated the village of Gettysburg. Culp's Hill is irregular in shape, quite precipitous on its eastern face, and generally covered with a heavy open growth of hardy timber. Rock Creek separates it on the east from Wolf Hill. This, like the last is wooded, but exceedingly rough, and formed the east- ern boundary oi' the infantry operations. The general course of Cemetery Ridge has not inaptly been likened to that of a Limer- REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 115 [ck lisli hook, of which Round Top would be the eye where the line is attached, the axis of the ridge, the shank, Cemetery Hill at the hend, and ('nip's Hill at (he barb. On the east side Rock Creek takes a gener- ally southerly direction among enormous boulders and through gentle fields until it unites with Marsh Creek, a few miles south of Gettysburg, to form the Monocacy. On the west Willoughby's Run is at the western slope of Seminary Ridge, also running south- erly into Marsh ('reek which it reaches at a point directly west from Round Top. An undulation shoots off from Cemetery Hill south-southwesterly, leading diagonally across the valley between Cemetery and Seminary Ridges, intersecting with the latter at a distance of nearly three miles. The Emmettsburg road is laid along this ridge. The historic peach and apple orchards are here, and on it General Sickles formed his line of battle on the second day. From Gettysburg as a center, eleven roads radiate at every point of the compass, like spokes from the hub of a wheel; three of these which chiefly concern this narrative coming from the south two unite at the north of Cemetery Hill and two cross near that point. These are the Taneytown road, running northerly from the latter place, twelve miles distant, passes at the eastern foot of the Round Tops, follows near the crest of Cemetery Ridge, on the west side of the cemetery and down its northern slope enters the town near its southwestern corner. The Baltimore Pike crosses Rock Creek at the southern point of Wolf's Hill, passing up Cemetery Ridge in a northwesterly di- rection is the eastern boundary of the ceme- tery and at its foot unites with the Emmetts- burg road. This latter road runs toward Gettysburg in a north-northeast direction, following the crest of the ridge connecting the Seminary and Cemetery ridges crossing the Taneytown road at the north foot of East Cemetery Hill. From the crest of Round Top it is just one mile west to the Emmetts- burg road. A mile and a half south of its intersection with the Taneytown road is what is called the Millerstown road crossing it almost at right angles, coming up from Willonghby Run, passing over the southern end of Seminary Ridge, bending farther to the southward until it crosses Plum Run when it turns in a northeasterly direction passing the northern foot of Little Hound Top, and intersects the Taneytown road. At the point where this last described road crosses the Emmettsburg is a considerable rise of ground — a knoll, from which the ground descends easterly to Plum Run. Down this descent the rains and travel have worn the path of the road considerably low- er than the ground on either side. In this sunken road the One Hundred Forty-First was sheltered in the early part of the light on the second. In the northeast angle of the intersection of these roads is the John Went/, house just in the rear of which is the oat field — in the southeast angle is the peach orchard, east of the peach orchard, also on the south side of the cross-road and near to Plum Run is the wheat field. One-fourth of a mile on the Emmettsburg road north of this crossroad, is another which takes a southeast course to the Abra- ham Throstle house, then a northeast course to the Taneytown road. The house of George Wickert is on the north side of this road, midway between Throstle's and the Taneytown road. On the west side of the Emmettsburg road and between the two crossroads is the house of Joseph Sherfy. Keeping in mind this brief description of the topography of the field which is soon to be the theatre of the most terrible strife ever witnessed on this continent, we will re- turn to our Regiment which we left in biv- ouack at Emmettsburg, a town about a cou- ple of miles south of the Pennsylvania line, on the evening of Tuesday, the 30th of June. The forenoon of Wednesday, July 1st, is rainy, but early in the morning orders are received to be in readiness to march at a ii6 ONE HUNDRED FORTY- FIRST moment's notice. Soon after 1 i the bugle sounded and the men started off in the midst of a drenching rain, but alter passing Emmettsburg about a mile 'were ordered to go into camp, where they remained until five o'clock, in the meanwhile events of the most serious character were transpiring a few miles to the northward. General Buford with a cavalry force held the ridges west of Gettysburg on the morn- ing of July 1st. The enemy, not aware of his presence, sent forward Heth's division of Hill's corps to occupy the town. General Reynolds, who it will be remembered com- manded the left wing, consisting of the First, Third and Eleventh Corps, made im- mediate dispositions to assist Buford, Gen- eral Doubleday being placed in command of the First Corps. At nine o'clock in the morning the first gun was heard, Buford gave the signal for his skirmish line to open on the enemy, and the battle of Gettysburg began. The enemy had encountered the militia a number of times and easily dispersed them, and supposing only militia were now before them advanced carelessly and confidently without anticipating any serious resistance. Buford fell back slowly, and soon General Reynolds was aide to re-inforce him with a division of the First Corps which was near at hand. All this hot, murky, July day the battle continued, the advanced forces meet- ing by accident, the troops of both armies considerably scattered, the Federals more so than their adversaries, each brigade and di- vision as it came upon the Held endeavoring to strengthen that part of the line where it was weakest until about four o'clock in the afternoon, when, owing to the greater prox- imity of the Confederates and their more rapid concentration, the Union forces were overpowered after having performed prodi- gi s of valor, and were forced to retire from their first positions. Early in the day the gallant Reynolds fell, shot dead by a sharp-shooter, and for a time the command rested upon Doubleday. Howard, who had been ordered by Reynolds to bring forward the Eleventh Corps, arriv- ed upon the field about eleven o'clock and by seniority of rank took the command. As he advanced along the Taneytown road lie left one division, Steinwher's, at the ceme- tery, with orders to strengthen the position, as a convenient point upon which the Fed- erals could rally if driven from their posi- tions west of ( rettysburg. The result show- ed the wisdom of the precaution, for, when overborne by superior number and forced from every defensible position on Seminary Ridge, Howard brought back his bleeding and shattered columns to this stronghold which nature had provided, where Provi- dence had led them, and where the enemy hesitated to follow. As lias beep said the enemy at first thought they had only militia to contend with. The First Brigade, of Wadsworth's, (First) division of the First Corps, which was early in the fight, and was known as the "Iron Brigade," were, however, soon recog- nized by their assailants, who then knew that severe work was before them, and were heard to exclaim, "There are those d d black-hatted fellows again! 'Tain't no mi- litia. It's the Army of the Potomac." ( General Meade, whose headquarters were at Taneytown, on being informed of the death of Reynolds, and that the enemy were near by in force and pressing heavily the troops already on the ground, sent forward General Hancock, then in command of the Second ( 'orps, though a junior officer in rank to Howard, to represent himself uponthe field, take command of the forces there, and if he deemed that or any place near by suitable to fight the impending battle, to send him word. Hancock arrived on the field at half- past three o'clock in the afternoon, but the fighting was substantially over. The troops being ordered to retire to Cemetery Hill were formed, the Eleventh Corps on the right of the pike facing northward, the First REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 117 Corps on the left, except Wadsworth's divi- sion, which took post on Culp's Hill; the enemy had been too roughly handled to be eager to renew the attack of so strong a po- stion, and awaited the arrival of the re- mainder of the army. Upon examining the ground pretty care- fully Hancock was impressed with the de- fensible position of Cemetery Ridge, and so informed his chief, advising him to fight there. Before receiving his report Meade had however issued orders to his corps com- manders to concentrate in the neighborhood of Gettysburg. Howard had in the meanwhile sent most urgent requests to both Slocum, command- ing the Twelfth Corps, and Sickles for aid. Slocum, not knowing the plans of his chief, hesitated, but finally pushed forward and went into position on the rid^e. and Han- cock turned over the command to him and hastened to Taneytown to confer with Gen- eral Meade Howard's messenger reached General Sickles at Emmettsburg about two o'clock in the afternoon. Meade's orders, dated the day previous, had directed him to make pre- parations to occupy this town, but the in- structions of the morning had marked out a retrograde march toward Pipe ('reek, where at first Meade thought to make his defence. After sending these instructions he learned that a battle had commenced in which two corps might have to contend with the whole Confederate army. In such an emergency Sickles was not a man to hesitate, and he determined to hasten to the assistance of his comrades. The corps of which he had re- sumed the command only three days before, was only two divisions strong. It had been terribly shattered at Chancellorsville, and had not yet recuperated its strength. Thi' first division, commanded by General Birney, was composed of the brigades of ( ira- ham (First,) Ward's (Second,) and De Tro- briand's (Third.) The Second Division, Brigadier-General A. A. Humphrey's, was made up of General Carr's Brigade (First,) Colonel Brewster's (Second,) ami Colonel Binding's (Third.) There was also an artil- lery brigade under command of Captain George E. Randolph, composed of Battery E, First Rhode Island; B, First New -Jer- sey ; D, First New York ; K, Fourth United States, and Fourth New York. Graham's entire brigade did not have the strength of two full regiments. Leaving the brigades of I)e Trobriand and Burling at Emmettsburg to cover the outlet of the mountains, Sicklesset out with the bri- gades of Graham and Ward at the earliest possible moment, leaving orders to Hum- phreys, who was out reconnoitering, to hasten forward with his division. It was five o'clock in the afternoon while the men were eating their suppers before orders were received at Regimental Headquarters to make all speed and reach Gettysburg as rapidly as possible. The roads were muddy and slippery from the rain in the morning, and the marching hard, but they arrived on the field and went into position before dark. General Birney says, " my command reached Gettysburg at half-past five in the afternoon, marching with enthusiasm and alacrity over roads rendered almost impassable by the mud aim 1 the passage over it of the First and Eleventh Corps through the rain." The One Hun- dred Forty-First reached the field at a later hour — the Major says, "went into camp about dark " As has been said, Hancock placed the First Corps on Jhe left of the Taneytown road with its right at the cemetery and its left occupying the crests of the ridge between the Taneytown and Emmettsburg roads, but nearer the former. The Second Corps was placed on the left or south of the First, and the Third to the left of the Second, with Humphreys' division on the right, just north of the road near George Weikert's house, and Birney's on the left, Graham's brigade on the right of the division bivouacked in column by regiments, on a knoll in a field IIS ONE HUNDRED F0RTY-FIRS1 south of George Weikert's house between the road and ;i piece of wood, the Sixty- Third in front followed toward the rear by the One Hundred Fifth, Fifty-Seventh, One Hundred Fourth, Sixty-Eighth, with the One Hundred Forty-Firsl in the rear. Ward's brigade went into bivouac to the left and a little in Ironl of < rraham. Hie Sixty-Third a little later in the evening was put on the picket line. During the evening General Geary with his division of the Twelfth Corps formed on the left of Birney extending the line south- ward as far as Little Round Top which he occupied with two regiments, the Fifth Ohio and One Hundred Forty-Seventh Pennsyl- vania. General Meade anticipating the at- tack would be made on the right of his line, as that was nearest the enemy, and anxious to strengthen it as much as possible, ordered Geary to abandon his position near Sickles and occupy ( 'nip's Hill and directed Sickles to take the ground Geary had left. But Geary had moved about five o'clock in the morning, and Sickles did not receive his or- ders until an hour later, when, being ignor- ant of the position Geary had held, and no officer being left to direct him, the order was imperfectly carried out. From the po- sition Sickles, occupied the Round Tops did not appear to he of such commanding im- portance as subsequent events proved them to be. Colonel Meade, the General's son, who had first brought Sickles his order, vis- ited his headquarters between eight and nine o'clock to ascertain if the order had been executed) sickles answered that he could not distinguish the position in which he was to replace Geary. Without, however, waiting for more explicit directions, he gave orders to extend his line toward the left, or south, he was facing the westward, and before nine o'clock Birney wasdeploying Graham's ami Ward's brigades toward Little Round Top. About this time the two brigades left at Emmettsburg came upon the ground, and De Trobriand was placed between Ward and Graham, while Burling was sent on to Humphreys. The line as it then stood, at about nine o'clock in (he morning, was near- ly a direct one from Cemetery Hill to Little Round Top, Ward forming the left, his left resting at the foot <>! the last mentioned hill, then De Trobriand on his right, and Gra- ham on the right of him. Colonel Madill says: — " During the fore- noon of July I'd, we moved into a held be- yond a small house [George Weikert's,] and to the left of a road leading from the wood- en house near which General Sickles estab- lished his headquarters, [General Sickles' headquarters were to the southwest of Abra- ham Throstle's house,] to the Emmettsburg pike, and here by command of General Gra- ham we then formed line of battle, the Fif- ty-Seventh Pennsylvania Volunteers on the right of the line, the Sixty-Eighth Pennsyl- vania Volunteers on the left, and my Regi- ment in the center, the Cue Hundred Fifth and the One Hundred Fourteenth Pennsyl- vania Volunteers supporting. The line was doubled on the center, Clark's battery in our front." General Birney says: — "On the morning of Jufy 2d, about nine o'clock, the Third Brigade, Colonel De Trobriand, relieved by orders of the commanding General, rejoined the division. At seven o'clock in the morn- ing, under orders from Major-General Sick- les. 1 relieved Geary's division and formed a line resting its left on the Sugar Loaf Mountain, \ 1 ittle Pound Top.] and the right in a direct line toward the cemetery, connecting on the right with the second di- vision o\' this corps. My picket line was in the Emmettsburg road, with sharpshooters some three hundred yards in advance." About this time occurred one of those se< tningly unavoidable mistakes which sometimes turn the entire results of a battle. Buford's cavalry had been stationed on the let! to clear the ground and observe any movement- of the enemy in that direction. Meade being incorrectly informed that REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 1 19 Gregg's division had joined him, Buford was sent away to allow his men and horsesa little needed rest and not until after one o'clock did Meade ascertain his mistake and that his left was stripped entirely of cavalry. On being apprised of the departure of the cavalry Sickles advanced his skirmish line to the Emmettsburg road, and Colonel Ber- dan was ordered to push a reconnoissance along the Millerstown road where he was soon met by the enemy's skirmishers sup- ported by Wilcox's brigade and Poague's battery of Hills corps. Berdan fell back to the Peach Orchard, but the presence of the enemy in his front had been unmasked. Repeatedly Sickles had sent to Meade rep- resenting the danger he believed himself to be in, asking for reinforcements or instruc- tions and finally, about eleven o'clock, receiv- ing neither, went himself to head-quarters to obtain more definite instructions and sug- gested the Emmettsburg road as a defensible line. Meade however declined to go him- self or send General Warren upon the ground as Sickles desired. In fact the com- mander was so thoroughly possessed with the idea that the main attack would be made upon his right, that he did not consider Sickles in any danger, and regarded his fears as groundless, and is credited with treating his request almost with rudeness. Permission was at length obtained for General Hunt, Chief of Artillery, to accom- pany him. After making some suggestions but giving no directions. Hunt returned to head-quarters to suggest to Meade the pro- priety of going in person upon the ground In the meanwhile Sickles determined to take the responsibility of advancing his line to the Emmettsburg road. About noon or little after,* Humphrey was directed to post his men along this line with his right resting upon the Cordori house, connecting with a thin line across the low ground be- tween the ridges with Hancock's right, ♦Bachelder savs "about noon" — Compte nle salient angle ni tlie I 'each < >r chard allowing ii concentrated attack of both artillery inn! infantry on ;i single point which Wfi i In- Lev in i he vvliole line ; second, il nearly doubled the lenglb of his line which was ii thin one :ii bcsl and made doubly so by this extension ; third, if left unprotected the I.'ihiihI Tops which were the key to the IV, h i il [>osii ion ul ( nil \ burg, und fourth, il allowed the enemy to iiiuhh their forces out of sight along Willoughby linn behind the hill :ii Wat field's, (which is a prolonga- tion ul Seminary Ridge I I pon In'. M ni" the report of < leneral 1 1 unl mid while Sickles was making this disposi- i ion ni Ii is forces, < loneral Meade called a council of his Corps Commanders, Sickles asked lobe excused us he expected every moment the attack to begin, bill the order being made peremptory, placing Birney for I he lime in coi and of i he corps, he an swered the summons. On reaching head- quarters and before he had time todismount the cannonade on the left had begun, the council was dismissed and Meade followed Sickles i" the field. He was quick to discover the weakness of the position. Sickles' pro- posil ion to fall back, he deemed impracl icn ble in the face of the enemy after the attack bad been made, Ii was now half-past three or four o'clock and the second day's battle had begun. Meade promised to reinforce Sickles sufficiently to withstand the attack :ili c ul y commenced, I ' i " army v, as arranged, 1 iongstreet on In ii' hi. oppo lite our left, 1 1 ill in the cen tor, ami Kuril on lii right, Ml ibis hot July day Longstreet hud been getting bis men into position i>> break sickle.' line and turn i li<' Federal left, I .in le Round fop w.i occupied il stal ion, and i he < Ion- federate general obsen ing the part} wa\ iug their Hags is t truck with its commanding po- sition, a nd orders II I I o occupy it. Law's Brigade followed by Robertson's, <>f Mood's Division, are pushed forward across the Dev- il's Den in thai direction. At. the Batne lime lhe reinforcements promised Sickles are ordered forward and General Warren, the engineer on Meade's staff, is directed to give them their positions. Ascending- Lit- tle Round Top he discovers iis defenseless position :iinl iis absolute necessity to the safety of the Federal army, and :ii once Bets mil in hasten to il a sufficient force for its protection. The battle is now inning along the win le of Birney's front. Ward and De- Trobriand are making desperate efforts to maintain their ground against the fierce as s;nilis of Hood's columns. Warren is strain- ing every nerve I" secure Little Round Top. McLaw's Division h;is in the meantime been coining up the Millerstown road to- ward the angle at the Peach Orchard, Ker- shaw's Brigade advancing against Graham's lefi and Barksdale's Brigade against bis front. De Trobriand is compelled to fall back, and the Eighth South Carolina of Kershaw's Brigade rush forward i<> cap- ture Clark's and Ames' guns which appear in lie poorly supported and are verj annoy- ing ; bui jnsi as they are about to seize them the One Hundred Forty-First, which has been lying concealed in the sunken road springs up, and delivers a murderous fire in i heir faces. The Confederates, appalled by i lie fearful slaughter of ibis unexpected fire, halt, and the Regiment clear the fence in their front with a bound, the Third Maine on their right, and Third Michigan on their left, push back the foe to the farther side of the Peach Orchard and succeed I'm- a time in turning Kershaw's riglu Hank and pre- venting him from uniting with Hood whose men were fighting like demons about iho sides of Little Round Top and the Devil's hen. The Colonel thus desciibes iliis move- ment: -" The battery then moved up the REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 121 lull ami :i little i<> the lefl and took a posi- tion in tin- Peach Orchard near the Em- inettsburg pike. In the meanwhile our line advanced up the slope and deployed in the oal field, some fifteen rodt east from the pike and were ordered to lie down. At ihis point we sustained a severe fire from artil- lery for some time, tin' enemy having ;i good range. Ifter remaining in this po i tiun for some twenty minutes or more I re ceiyed an ordei from General Graham, through the :i<-t i n<_c assistant adjutant-general (Lieutenant Graves,) i<> move my regimenl out mikI place it in front of Clark's battery. This order was in a few minutes counter manded, and I formed my regimenl in the rear of that battery, and while supporting that battery the Second New Hampshire was ordered up to my support. They took position in my rear. Here the fire from the enemy's artillery was very severe, and we sustained a considerable loss in killed and wounded." The enemy had planted powerful batteries along the south pari of Seminary Ridge about Warfield's, which concentrated a tei rible fire upon this angle of Sickles' line. While here, and lying in the sunken road, Captain Horton was stunned from 1 1 > « - con (Mission oi an exploding shell, ami picked up for (lead. lie sunn recovered from the .shock, remained with his company and ren- dered efficient, service through all thai terri hie afternoon. The fire to which the Regi nieiil was In re exposed is spoken of a . feai fully severe. Sergeanl Owen says:— "The enemy had a battery planted to rake us in front and on the left Hank. We changed fronts and covered (laid down flat) just in i he rear of our battery ; and ! such a can- nonading as we here were iniiler lor an hour, their cursed iron hail Coming from two ways and seeming to center on usl Fortunately I here was ;t slight rise of ground in 0111 front and there were uol many killed hy the shells." The ( 'olonel continues : " A I this lime it, was observed that tin- enemy was advancing in strong force from across and down the E tettsburg pike. My regiment, together with two others, (the Third Michigan, Colo ne| Pierce, and Third Maine, (olonel Lake- man,) was ordered to the Iron! of the I '' tell Orchard, the battery occupying that position having withdrawn and left the field. We advanced, the Third Maine on my right, and the Third Michigan on my left. The enemy was advancing in two columns, one column, (Kershaw's South Carolina Brigade, composed of six regiments,) crossing the pike beyond the stone harn, (now known as the Rose barn,) and advancing in two lines in the direct ton of the positi occupied by the Second and Third Brigades, which were to Our left and somewhat tO our rear. When they advanced hclow the si • ham liny endeavored to extend their lines to the left. It was at this time t bat my regimenl with the I wo others spoken of Were Oldcicil |,,r ward. Weengaged the flank oftheenemy and prevented him from extending his line I hia side of the small c reel. I an afllileii! ,,f I'llllll I .'on, on the southern slope of the Peach Or- chard and emptj ing into the mam stream at the i mIi of the I >evil's I >en,) that runs t hrOUgh I he field near the stone harn. At. ihi time the other column i Barksdale's Brigade, composed of the Thirteenth, Sev- enteenth, Eighteenth and Twenty-;First Mississippi Regiments,) had advanced up the pike and deployed, and was marching on the point we were occupying. The bat tery in position near the road and immedi- ately tO the left Of the log house withdrew. The Third Maine, after exchanging a few shots with the enemy at. this point, u ilh drew. < olonel I'n n > regiment, (Third Michigan,) withdrew about the same time or a few minutes before. I found a alone with ;i small regiment of ahoui one I died and eighty men." Twenty had been either killed or wounded by the i evere cannonade lo which the regimenl had hcen exposed and in the charge made upon the Eighth South < larolina Regiment. 122 ONE III WAV-.'/) FORTY-FIRST General Doubleday thus describes this part of the battle:*— "The batteries under Major McGilvery, which lined the cross road below the Peach Orchard, were very effec- tive, but were very much shattered. Ker- shaw captured them at one time, but was driven oil temporarily by a gallant charge of the One Hundred Forty-First Pennsyl- vania of Graham's Brigade, who retook the guns, which were then broughtoffby hand." The regiments connected with the One Hundred Forty-First in this charge were in the reconnoitering party under Berdan ear- lier in the day and had been preltj roughly handled. Wofford, commanding the Fourth Bri- gade of McLaw's Division, swings about his five Georgia regiments and comes swooping down upon the little handful standing in this exposed angle of the Teach Orchard. The regiment which had been lacing the south was now brought to face west, the di- rection from which the enemy was coming, but his force was so overwhelming and the batteries which were endangered having been secured, it would have been madness to remain there longer, and the regiment was retired, marching by its righl flank to a point on the Emmettsburg road near the Wentz house, and in the rear of the Sixty-Eighth. Between them and the Emmettsburg road was a board fence which afforded a slight shelter. Mcl.aws, who had gone to the support of Hood in his attack°on|Birney's left, had been flung loose from bis grapple with the Fed- erals, and severely punished, now prepared to concentrate bis entire force upon ( irahatn, break through his weak line, and take the Union \\<\ws now struggling to retain their hold at llouek's Ridge and the Hound Tops in flank and rear. Out of the woods, where they had retired to re-form, his veterans came pouring down the road in a solid mass. Like the resistless waves of the sea. with a veil as though all pandemonium hail brok- ., ellorsT Llle and Gettj sburg.p. 171. en loose, they rush upon the devoted band at the Went/, house. The One Hundred Fourteenth break and run. Before our men can get into position, every regiment in the brigade except the Sixty-Eighth has been retired, and that soon follows the others. None but that handful of one bundled and eighty men are left to resist the momentum of that terrible charge, but there they stand immovable as the granite rocks about them. It is a critical moment, but not a man flinch- ed. " Hadn't we better get out of this? is Captain Clark's anxious inquiry of Colonel Madill; " 1 have had no orders to get out," is the imperturbable reply ; and looking with pride upon the little band of heroes, exclaimed enthusiastically, "If 1 had my old regiment back again, 1 could whip all of them !" Hardly have the words been uttered before the shock comes. More than thirty fall at the first volley. In a short time twenty- seven lie dead upon the field and a hundred more are bleeding from severe wounds, among whom are the gallant Major and the leave Adjutant, w ho have been as cool through all this baptism of lire as if on dress parade. The Major had lost his horse early in the engagement and the Colonel undertakes to bear him oil' the field in his strong arms, but he is hit again and rendered helpless — the enemy press too closely, and he is placed in as comfortable a position as possible under an ash tree, among his slain and bleeding comrades. The color-bearers and all the color-guard are killed or severely wounded, and the Colonel on foot his horse had been shot under him, takes up the rent, shot- pierced flag* and hears it from the field fol- * J.J. Stockholm, of Co. 11, s:iys '■] picked up the siuie colors when the second man was shot. .lu-t as 1 raised it, while it was gathering in un- hands, a musket ball cut about half of the staff away, made a line of holes the length of the flag and went through my hat rim. When we tell back, Corporal Horry who was carrying the stars and stripes was shot down. 1 was just behind him ami oaught the flag with my left hand, when Colonel Madill, Who w as a tew roils in advance f me. saw me coming, waited anil took the United States flag and carried it off the field." Mr S w a- w ounded before. REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 123 lowed by only twenty* ->l' liis brave men, all the resl having been killed, wounded or scattered. General Graham has received a severe wound in the shoulder, and the < 'on federates are so near that they capture him before he can be taken from the Held. The reinforcements promised Sickles have been turned to thedefence ofthe Bound Tops, the key of the Federal position, where for more than two hours the tide of battle lias Keen raging with indescribable fury and word is sent him to hold on to the lael extremity. lie endeavors to cheek liis retiring troops and restore his broken lines. Meeting Colo- nel Madill and his twenty men, with a be- seeching cry rather than a command — says: "Colonel! for God's sake, can't you hold on?" With tearful eyes and a choking voice 1 be Colonel replies, " Where arc my men?" A moment after and the gallant Sickles is hit with a musket ball, his let; fractured and he is carried from the field, while the com mand of the corps devolves upon General Birney, and of the division on General Ward. ( 'olonel Tippen, of the Sixty-Eighth, is a short time in command of the brigade, but during the evening it is turned over to Colonel Madill, and Captain Horton takes command of the Regiment. Me Laws continued to sweep on until he had driven Humphreysf from his position on the Emmettsburg road to hold which had cost so many lives, and the new line was formed on Cemetery Ridge, near thai held at nine o'elock in the morning. Here the enemy was successfully resisted and com- Tliere were just Nineteen, I line eomni is.sii.ned officers, Capt. Horton and Lieutenants Brainerd mi'i Atkinson, who ,though wounded, remained with the Regiment, and sixteen nun. I Humphrey's division fell back before Gra- ham's Brigade retired, which held its ground un- til the new line was formed on Cemetery Ridge, behind which they retired, after Beven o'clock in the evening. Capt .). II. Surst, U.S. A.., says Lieut- VanAuken, of Co. A , who was temporary in command ofOo. i>. after tin- death ofthe Ser- geant, was one ofthe heroes of that lie id, and the only officer of the regiment unharmed who fol- lowed its Man l>uek to the I'otomae. pel led to retire without having loosened the federal army from its strong positions. So far as our Regiment was concerned the hat I le lor this day was over. It may lie re- marked here that General Barksdale whose Mississippi troops had fought so furiously this afternoon, was mortally wounded in the charge, captured and died within the Feder- al lines. In his report Colonel Madill thus refers to this pari ofthe battle: — " I continued to hold my position 1 iii the Peach < Irchard,) for a short time, when 1 withdrew from that position and took a position in rear of the Sixty-Eighth Pennsylvania Volunteers, who were engaged with the enemy in front of the barn near the brick house. When 1 took this position the Sixty-Eighth withdrew, the balance of the brigade Inning previously withdrawn. 1 was thus leli alone on (he hill occupied by the brigade in the after- noon. The enemy after the falling back i<( the Sixty- Eighth advanced to the barn. I engaged them at this point and held them, in check twenty minutes or upwards, but be- ing overpowered by the large numbers of the enemy I was compelled to retire which I reluctantly did, (but not until the enemy had been compelled lo lear down I In- board fence.) It was at this point that my regi- ment suffered so severely : twenty live of my men were killed here (I went v-seven were subsequently found) and five of my officers severely wounded, besides a large number of non-commissioned officers. Among the se- verely wounded and who have since died. were the color-bearers and all of the color- guard." The account of affairs on this position of the held cannot be better concluded than by the following id' the ( lom pte de Paris :* " At last McLaws, seeing Semmes and Kershaw forced back in disorder by Caldwell, decides to attack the orchard. Sickles has given to Graham the effectives of two brigades to de- fend it, but it would require strong intrench- ments tO cover a position so destitute of nal- < Jivil \\hi m \ mei lea in, ''-'•'; 124 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST ural shelter on its two flanks. The Confed- erates slacken the fire of their artillery; the infantry is in motion Barksdale advances against that one of these two flanks which lies opposite, to the west. Wofford, placed in the rear of his right, conies l>y a half wheel to attack the south front by assisting some of the battalions of Kershaw's Brigade which have not joined in his retreat. Gra- ham, wrapped in a vortex of fire, sees his troops rapidly diminish around him. It is in vain that a regular battery has come to relieve that of Ames at the point exposed— that Randolph has silenced some of the ene- mv ' s guns— that all the federal -nns are fir- ing grape shot into the ranks of the assail- ants, f( r the Confederate infantry penetrates into the orchard and takes possession of it; Graham is wounded antl taken prisoner; his soldiers share his fate or are dispersed along the slopes of the hillock, which they rapidly descend ; Sickles hastens from the Throstle house, hut a bullet breaks his leg, and he is obliged to transfer the command to Bimey. The batteries posted on the right along the Emmettsburg road abandon positions which it is no longer possible to defend. Those on the left continue to lire almost at short range, causing the guns after each lire to he drawn hack a few paces. But nothing can prevent the defeat of Birney's Division, which out of scarcelv live thousand men, has lost two thousand. Barksdale followed closely by several batteries, rushes into the open breach between Humphrey's left and Barnes' right, and, leaving to the troops that are to sup- port him the task of Striking these divisions in the rear, he still pushes forward. The grape-shot thins the ranks of his soldiers, hut his example sustains their courage. < m his right, VVoflbrd, following his success, bears to eastward in order to take in Hank the enemy's regiments that are holding Ker- shaw in check. It requires less than an hour lor the Confederates to achieve this success, which changes the aspect of the combat." General Sykes with his Fifth Corps, who had -one to the assistance of Sickles, formed a new line from Hoiick's Ridge which is on the west Hank of Little Hound Top, in the direction of Cemetery Hill, and behind this Bimey brought the shattered fragments of his corps. Night put an end to the conflicf and the wearied men were allowed a few hours rest. It was a sorrowful night for all. More than half of the number which Colo- nel Madill took upon the field were left there either slain or badly wounded and in the hands of a cruel enemy, lor it may here be remarked that in a number of instances were they so infuriated with their repulse that they shot in cold blood the wounded prisoners that fell into their hands. The twenty minutes during which our mere handful of a regiment held both Wof- ford's and Barksdale' i Brigades at hay were vital to Sykes who was thus enabled to es- tahlish his line with sufficient firmness to withstand the lieroe assaults of McLaws' maddened troops, Again that devoted band iiad stood in the " imminent deadly breach." and through practically for a time swept out of existence, its gallant survivors have the proud satisfaction of knowing that they ma- terially if not absolutely saved for us the day at ( rettysburg. The moon nearly at its full was shining out of a clear sky, making that calm July night beautiful as Eden ; as if it would con- ceal the very hell that human passions had made the Ileitis upon which it shone. The Union commander took advantage of the moonlight to rectify and strengthen his line. The fifth Corps takes the lirst line with its left extended so as to occupy the steep de- clivities of the Great Bound Top and thus guard against any Hank movement on the part of the enemy, with Caldwell's (First) Division of Hancock's Corps on his right. "The Third, which is the most disabled corps, is kept in reserve- it officers stop the progress of t lie stragglers, bringing together isolated commands and picking up those REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. i 25 that have strayed from the ranks." Each man takes his place in silence, for not yet have the men been able to forget their suf- ferings in the joy of victory, nor that the coming •day may be even more full of danger and suffering than the one just closed. " I wish 1 were already, dead," said the gallant Pirney. whispering to one of his lieutenants, at the sight of the small number of determin- ed soldiers who surrounded him. Before morning a few men of the One Hundred Forty-First found .'heir regiment and rations were issued to thirty. Sergeant Lobb, who was on duty at Brigade Head- quarters, and was with the wagons then parked on the Baltimore pike near Rock Creek, says: "Occasionally a squad of pris- oners were brought to the rear, hut as for straggling flunkies 1 did not see one. After night (of the 2d) 1 considered it my duty to report to the front with supplies, it being moonlight so that I could see the Hags. I found the Third Corps flag, tlm the First Division flag, and soon found the First Bri- gade Hag. I passed and re-passed it, but could see neither General Graham nor his staff officers. After awhile 1 found the bu- gler, he said General Graham is taken pris- oner, most of his stat)' officers are wounded, and Colonel Madill is in command of the brigade. I think the supplies brought us were very acceptable both for man and beast The horses had been without food since the morning of the. 2d, and the boys had shared their hard tack with their officers." The position of the Third Corps on the morning of the 3d was a few rods to the east of its position on the morning of the 2d, Humphrey's Division on the right occupied a wooded knoll just back (east) of George Weikert's house, his right resting on the road; Madill's Brigade occupying a wooded ridge toward Little Round Top on Hum- phrey's left, Ward's, now in command of Berdan on his left, and De Trobriand's on the extreme left of the corps, each brigade lying in column by regiments, the One Hundred For- ty-First as usual forming the rear lineofthe column. On the afternoon of Friday, -July 3d, oc- curred that terrible charge of the Confeder- ates, mainly Pickett's Division, on the left center of the Federal luns, occupied by Hancock's Corps, a (barge which decided the issue of the three days' lighting. As the enemy occupied positions in full view of the Union army, his movements wer< plain- ly seen and their object readily understood. The whole front which the enemy seems to be menacing is considerably strengthened. Stannard's Vermont Brigade of Doubleday's Division is formed in the lirst line in col- umn by regiments deployed, behind il the rest of the division is drawn up in the same order. In making hi.s lines more compact Doubleday has contracted his front about two hundred and fifty yards, and the Third Corps now organized under General Birney is ordered to lilt up the gap. This makes it necessary for him to move about a hail' of a mile to the northward, where he goes into position in the rear of Slannard. Birney's Division (now Ward's) on the right, and Humphrey's on the left. Berdan's Brigade, (formerly Ward's) is next on the left of Doubleday, and just behind the Sixteenth Vermont Regiment, Madill's (formerly Gra- ham's) Brigade on Berdan's left, in column by regiments, the One Hundred Fifth in front and just behind a post and rail fence, then towards the rear, the Fifty-Seventh, One Hundred Fourteenth, Sixty-Third, Six- ty-Eighth, and the One Hundred Forty- First. Carr's Brigade of Humphrey's Divi- sion was in the rear of Madill's, his left rest- ing at the •). Hammerbach house and his rear extending to the Taneytown road, De Trobriand's Brigade was on the left of Ma- dill's with the balance of Humphrey's Divi- sion on the left of him. In this position Madill's Brigade was supporting a battery which was engaged against Pickett's assault- ing column, and were the witnesses of that attack which challenged the admiration alike of friend and foe for its intrepid dar- 1 26 ONE HI NDRED FORTl FIRS1 tag and imperturbable coolness under ihe most terrific lire to wbieli men wen exposed. The < me Hundred Forty-Flint, though under lire during tins terrible light, was not iietively engaged, and mel with no casualties. General Doubleday thus de- scribes the linal blow : :: " When Pickett the greal leader— looked around the top of the ridge lie had temporarily gained, lie saw it was impossible to hold the position. Troops were rushing in on him from nil Riots. The Second Corps was engaged in a furious assault on his front. Ilis men were fighting with clubbed muskets, ami even banner staves were intertwined in a tierce and hopeless struggle, My division (Third) i>i the Firs' Corps, were on his right Hank giving deadly blows there, and the Third Corps were closing up to attack. Pettigrew's forces on his left had given way, and a heavy skirmish line began to accumulate on thai Hank, lie saw his men surrendering in masses, and with a heart full of anguish, or- dered a retreat. ' In his report the Colonel says: "The movements of the Regiment on the third were unimportant and do not require a de- tailed statement. The brigade was gotten together in the morning of the third, and during the greater part of the day occupied a position in the second line. In the after- noon we went to the right near the ceme- tery, and mv Regiment reported in General Webb and here supported a battery." General Birney reports :— " During July 3d ihis division under the command of General Ward, was held in reserve, and during the heavy artillery-fire of that day was brought up under it to support General Newton's line. The enemy were however repulsed without its assistance." Night put an end to the conflict, the bai- lie of lettysburg was ended, and victory perched on the Union banners. However it was not certain in the Federal camp what the next movement of the enemy would be. ncellarsville and Gettysburg, p. IU6. As soon as the dusk of evening settled down upon the field of carnage the officers set about re-forming their regiments, rectifying their positions and collecting their wounded. " Birney about nine o'clock, has made a portion of Ilis soldiers who are following Ihe tracks of Wheaton's troops advance toward the battle- field, which is still covered with their dead comrades. The night is cloudless, the lull moon cists iis quiet light upon the motion- less forms of those who are already enjoying the sleep of eternity, or who, too weak to complain, are awaiting death as a deliver- ance. But in spite of the horror of such a spectacle ibis calm night is chiefly employed by the exhausted combatants in resting safe- ly. Every one is waiting for daylight to see what the enemy will do." Madill's Brigade formed a part of the troops detailed for this danserous business. Quietly they pass over the hillside that but a few hours before bad rocked in the storm of battle. Now in I he shadow, one stumbles over a dead comrade and slarls back with a. shudder. Now one man stoops down to give a wounded man a drink of water from his .ante* 11, but t here is no time to wait. Soon with stretcher and ambulance parties will be scouring the field to pick up every wounded man, friend and foe alike, to give him a brothel's care and a soldier's honor. The picket line was on the marshy ground be- tween the two ridges drained by the left branch of Plum Hun, extending from front of the Sherfy house to the Peach Orchard, uear the ground fought over in the after- noon, and in close contact with the enemy. Lieutenant Vtkinson was in command of the One Hundred Forty-First on the picket line. The Colonel says : — "In the evening we went with the balance of ihe division to ihe front and picketed a part of the line. We were withdrawn on the morning of the fourth.'' The Regiment returned to its place in the line between the George Weikert house and REGIMENT, PENA ' / VOL'S. 127 the Little Round Top, where il remained under arms all day, and until it joined in the forward movement in pursuit of Lee. Ii is no pari of the plan of 'his history to attempt any general criticism of the military operations in which the Regiment had a share. Ii is the easiest thing to bee a mis- take after it has been committed, and to spec date as to what other combinations would have been more successful after a bat- tie has been fought. This, however, may be said of ihe battle of < Jettysburg, that the slieeessof Ihe Ihion arms was line ver\ much more to the intelligent patriotism and invincible courage and determination of the rank and file, than upon the plans or efforts of Generals The men felt they were on the sacred soil of the dear "I I Commonwealth, and there they would conquer or die. They were fighting for home and fireside, and here ;it whatever cos!, the inv.-idei' must be beaten back. " We have come tostay," Baid the nun aS they wheeled into line of battle, — meaning they would not retreat— and true enough many of them did stay, and enriched the \'wt' soil of the old < lommonwealth with their blood. "This is old Pennsylvania, hovs 1" said the wearied soldiers of the Penn sylvania Brigade as they flung themselves down upon the ground <>n the night <>f July 1st," :md we must stand by her," and most nobly was thai pledge redeemed— they dill stand by her through all that death-dealing storm of Thursday afternoon, and their hones will rest in hallowed soil until the an fjel of the resurrection shall awake the dead. Before detailing the events which imme diately follow in the pursuit of the flying foe, we will slop ;i moment to recount in de- tail the incidents and casualties which befel ihe I {.i-iii ni'-nt. The casualties were noticea- bly great. General Birney in his report says: — " Several of my regiments hist more than fifty per cent, of their number, and al- most every officer engaged, One Regiment, One Hundred Forty-First, Pennsylvania Volunteers, Colonel Madill, lost out of two hundred taken into the fight, oiK' hundred and foi I \ nine nun and officers filled and wounded." "'Ihe First Brigade, composed of Penn- sylvania regiments, commanded by Briga dier 1 leneral < K. < rraham, tried with his skeleton ranks to even outdo Chancellors- ville." Mier naming the regiments which con posed the brigade with their command ing officers adds " they have made ii reputa talion equal to any in this army. < Jeuei al Graham showed the same coolness, daring anil endurance under the terrible fire that distinguished him at Chancellorsville." In his report the Col< nel says: -" I took two hundred men into the fight with nine officers. < >ui of that number I lost one hun- dred and folly live men and six commission- ed officers, the largest proportionate loss in the corps in that fight, and I think in the army, in this or any oilier battle." " Of the conduct of my officers and men I am happy tO Say that liny are all entitled io greal credit. Not one of my men failed me under the trying circumstances, ami to my officers I am under greal obligations for their coolness and efficiency under Ihe cir- cumstances." In a letter accompanying a list of Ihe kill- ed anil wounded occur Ihe following para- graphs : — "Our brigade was, as usual, scut to the front to meel and check the advance of the enemy. " The loss of my regiment was terrible. The morning of (he second I ordered :t roll- call and found llier • were two hundred and o men with cjms lor duty — at three o'clock in Ihe afternoon it was found six- teen of them had disappeared "The loss is proportionately greater than ai ( hancellorsville, for there we fought a part, of the time under cover of a wood while here we were in an open field and expo ed to every shot of the enemy, "The list shows that twenty-five men were l.ilhd. I counted twenty-seven in n of the Regiment lying mar each other killed, hut they had heen so long exposed to tic 128 ONE 11 ( INDR ED F( ) A' 7 ) - FIRS 1 ' that ii was impossible to recognize bul twen- ty-five oi' theru, everything by which their names could be ascertained baving been taken from them by the enemy. They were known to belong to the Regiment by the numbers on their cups, their names appear among the missing. "My belief is that must of those reported missing are either wounded in the hands of the enemy or killed and unrecognized, as 1 think few or no prisoners were taken of the Regiment. Those killed were buried on the field, it being impossible to ve them. "The behavior ol the officers and men on that occasion requires no endorsement at my hands. By their coolness and determined courage they have excited the surprise and admiration of their fellow-soldiers of the brigade and division. •' The history of this Regiment is a short, sad, eventful, yet a glorious one. No regi- ment in the army lias done so much and sacrificed so much as this. In a less period than ten months it lias lost nearly seven hundred men, who have sacrificed their lives, shed their blood and ruined their health in the service of their country. " ( 'aptain Horton, though severely stunned by the concussion of a shell, remained on the field with his company. 1 am greatly indebted to him for his services. He was the only (aptain left with the Regiment. Lieutenant Atkinson, of < 'oiupany ( i, though wounded, remained with the Regiment. In fact all of the officers of the Regiment did l heinselves credit." Reference has been made to the brutality shown by some of the Confederates to the wounded who fell within their lines. Ser- geant J. \. Bosworth, of Company B, was wounded in the right leg below the knee, he says: "I went about thirty rods after 1 was hit, got OV( r a sloiie wall and laid down (here. In a short time the enemy came over the wall where 1 lay. 1 asked one of them for a drink of water ; he gave it to me, but while I was drinking he was loading his gun. lie said he haled our men, then went oil about eight rods and shot at me, but 1 happened to lav down so he did not hit me. lie was [he only one that, saw me. The bushes were so thick 1 kept out of their sight." Several instances similar to this are related where our men were shot at in cold blood. An examination of the losses of tin- sever- al companies will show that the three on the left of the Regiment, II, <1 and K, suffer- ed the most, as they were in closest contact with the enemy when retiring from the Peach Orchard. Company li had twenty- eight men when they went into the engage- ment, and lost twenty-three, Charles Mc- ( lumber alone following the colors from the field. Company G went into action with one commissioned officer ami twenty eight guns, its losses were twenty enlisted men and its Lieutenant wounded. Joel I.. Moly neux, of Company K, who was private or- derly to the Adjutant-General on General Graham's staff, says: — '" About midnight of July 2d, I came to our Regiment as they lay upon the field, Colonel Horton says, '1 have only sixteen men left.' Upon inquir- ing lor Company K, Charley Webster raised upon his elbow and said ' here is Company K,' and sure enough, he was the only one- left of it. lie, poor fellow, was afterwards mortally wounded in one ol' the battles of the Wilderness." In Company 1 only lour escaped, Orderly Sergeant John S. Prink, Alfred Albee, George L. Forbes and Lemuel Robinson. Sergeant Owen came up that evening. The loss of Major Spalding was deeply felt and deeply mourned by the Regiment, as it was indeed by the entire community where he had formerly resided. Modest and unassuming, it required some acquaint- ance with the man to discover those sterling traits of character which endeared him to bis friends, and commanded the respect and confidence of all with whom he was brought in contact. Israel Putnam Spaulding was born in Major i. P. SPALDING REGIMENT. PENN'A VOL'S. I !Q Alliens. Pa., January 22, lv. r >, where his seen how in more tin le instance he whs father, Colonel Robert Spaulding, was a placed in very responsible and delicate no prominent Parmer, In 1840 his father pur sitions and how well he mel them, \i chased the propert) in Wyox, known as the I u l >ai Btow estate, or '' Eenoelor Caslli and removed his family there in April of thai year, Athena al thai lime a Hording 1 1' 'I i ii I sburg, though lei s i ban four monl lis in the Hervice, the pick el line w as placed in liis cnre and he \\ as inl i usted to b the lai i i wo hundred from i lie left Held the best educational advantage! to bei ecured in the face of the enemy, \ i < hancellorsville in Northern Pennsylvania, Putnam spenl there the « inter of I 8 1 1 I", acqi - a good English mid business education, after which In- returned home and assisted bis fat her in the management of the farm, in t!.<- store, and in i he manufacture and sale of lumber, becoming :i partner in the bin ine i in 18 10, mi reaching his majority, in which he con he received the i pecial <• mendal ion ol his superior officers for his coolni land bravery. 1 m i he long march from the Rappalu ick 0. ( Gettysburg, peculiarly trying to I he men "ii account of the great heal and cloud ol (limi, he acquitted himi elf so well a ■ i he commanding offici t ol hii Reg ni that b«' n ceived i he pen onal I ban! s of ( ieneral Gra tinued until his father's death in 1853. He 1 ham ; while at Gettysburg his conduct was married Ruth E. Cooley, ol Vlyei burg, De equally gallant and heroic, where he fell cember 2, 1852, and continued to live upon while fearlessly exposinu himself to ive his the homestead engaged in farming until his "" " enlistment in 1802. Extracts from bis letteri , to which ili<- au- thor bus kindly had free hi c< i s, ha ve rre quenl I \ enriclu 'I the foregoing pagei , and will be great ly mil ed by both \\ ritei and ,\i the breaking out of the Rebellion his I'm i impul e wa i to respond personally to the. first call of his country for volunteer Inii the ties and responi ibiliiies of home, the demands of business fora time eemed to for liil enli ting the company which a< companied him, As has been related, at the formation of the Regiment be was chosen Major. 1 te entered upon i he work ol bii new vocation with great earnestness, detei mined to allow no personal con ideration whatever for one moment to interfere with in duly to his Regiment or his counti y. intelligent, patient, com cienl ioui he oon reader in l lie subsequent history oi his Reg i im ni . I ii I In: <• lei ten , whi If ex pre ing the most profound re ipecl and con (id i nee i" ward his wife and love for l>i childn n and relativi s, is also the a urance thai com< what may, he shall never fail in his dut y to the poi ition he occupied, I n the lasl lettei" written before the battle and just on its < ve, he ays i " The enemy are now in my nal ive Slate and I i hall not fail in my dutj to the Hi' w ' follow nor dii grace the unifi I wear." A has been related he « as i w ice « i mnd (•ii, one ball sii iking hi Ihig h, and u hi u as I" ing helped from the Held another broke bii inkle and be was left in the hands of i be enemy, A II night be lay upon thi !i:ii tlefield, amid the dead, the mastered the intricacies of military evolu the wounded, entirely helph from his tions and became familiar with military ' vv ds which were indescribably painful. movements. His men soon learned to re The next day Colonel Humphreys, of the spect and confide in him, and his superior Eighteenth Mi i ippi Regiment, who held officers to trust and rely upon him. the ground, ordered him carried to Lli [n the course of this narrative i l has been where a surgeon dressed hi woui [30 ONE HUNDRED FORTY FIRST ii pnil of wuter to keep tlie bandages wet. The soldiers of the nu inv treated liini very kindly. On Sunday the ankle wiih found so badly shattered thai the leg was amputated below the knee. V week was spent in lone- mil pain. The enemy had been driv- en back and friends were ministering to his wants, but they were strangers. On the loth he writes in his diary, " 1 was gratified to-day more than 1 can express, by the sight of a fa miliar face, the first I have seen since I was hurt, ll was .lames M rKarlanc. (iod only knows how much trood ii did me to sec him. lie was looking for me and brought several lit lie things that were very acceptable. I shall not soon forget his kindness." The next day h is brol her I lanson, I »i . I, add and others from about Towanda reach- ed [he field, ami he was lovingly and faith- fully ministered to until his death, which occurred Tuesday, July 28th, in the thirty- ninth year of his age, leaving a wile, with two sons and a daughter llis remains were brought to WvsOX, where, on Sunday, August I'd, a large em course of citizens assembled with sympathiz- ing hearts while the lasl riles w ere soleiuni,' ed, and there, in the churchyard cemetery, his soldier e ades entombed thai form which in life had stood with ihem in the Held of battle strife. " There aro paleness and weeping and sijjhs be- low Kor "in faith is faint and our tours will How, Hiii ili.- harps of I Ieu\ en arc rin^in ( . lad i idioms .vim' to v.\ ii i urn , Ami hymns of joy are sinjj i i \\ Idle old friends press in meet him " Joseph < :. I'ell, Sergeanl Major of the uenl, was also fatally wounded here. lie was a son of Samuel 1*. fell, of Asylum, w hero he was horn in L 842, and where his early manhood was spent, some ol the lime as a teacher, and ai others in manual labor. On the breaking out of the war he enlisted in the sixth Pennsylvania Reserves, from which he was discharged on Surgeon's cer- tificate of disability. Recovering Ins health he re enlisted with the Asylum hoys in Company < ', of the One Hundred forty- first. ( >n the organization of the Regiment, his knowledge derived from former military service, together with his executive ability and rapid ami correct penmanship, secured him the appointment of Sergeant Major. I le was not only a competent ami efficient officer, hut greatly distinguished himself by his bravery on every Held ill which his reg- imeiil was engaged. IK' was one of the re- cipients of the " Kearney (ross," for gallant conduct af Chancellorsville. In his report of ( rettysburg the * iolonel saw, " I would es- pecially call attention to Sergeat-Major Jo- seph Q. fell for his good conduct on the field. The pari he look in fearlessly expos- ing himself during ihe whole fight, and es- pecially during the latter part of it, deserves to be particularly noticed." When he was wounded, our troops were so hard pressed that he could not be removed from the field ibis right thigh was broken) and he fell into the hands of the enemy, was left on the ground exposed not . illy |o [he enemy's lire, hui 10 our own when the forceS'Of Longstreet were driven hack. lie was then taken to a hospital, but died on the allcruoon of July 17th, and was buried in the National Ceme- tery, Section P>, grave 16. Company A being on the extreme right of the Regiment, escaped with two killed and nine wounded. Of these one was Peter Yeitcr, whose father, Henry, was living in Terry township, where Peter enlisted under Lieutenant llorton. lie was a faithful sol- dier, an unmarried man, and about twenty- five years of age at his death, lie was among those mentioned by Colonel Madill who were beyond recognition when found by his comrades after the battle. Daniel Baumgartner, a brother of George, ofCompany K, who was killed at Chancel- lorsville, had since a lad been in the employ of J. T. Stalford, Esq., of Wyal using, where he enlisted with Captain Jackson, lie was a bravo soldier ami tell at his post severeU wounded in the thigh. \flcr the battle ho REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. i \\ was removed ton hospital where lie lived until iln afternoon of Thursday, July 28d, dying at the age of twenty five years. He was buried in the National Cemetery, Sec tion < : , grave 24. Company l: lust three killed and four died of wounds. vVilliam EI. Clark and his brother Dennis were shoemakers in Towanda when they enlisted. William was an un- ■ i ■ :i 1 1 1 » 1 1 man about twenty one j ea rs 01 age He was mi the lefl of his company and in lanilv killed when falling back from the Peach Orchard, and his brother was wound ed. Amaoa Wood, a descendant of Lieutenant .lames Wells, slain in the Wyoming ma u ere, anil smi of Umer W I, of Pike tOWIl ship, near LeRaysville, a single man, and at his i his enlistment. He was unmarried and about twenty twoyeai ol age I le was shot in the right leg below the km e which shattered the bone, making amputation necessary from the effect of which he died at Third < 'orp ho pital the 131 li of .1 uly. I >< -ii ii i- on ' Iregory wa a blacksmith by trade living in LeRaysville, where he lefl a family, consisting of wife and one child. He was shot through the hand and died in ho pital from the effects of the wound July 18th. 1 1 is remain', were brought to LeRaysville for interment. John S hulk, enlisted wit h Captain I >a vie from Warren < lepter, I [e was w led in the lefl leg, suffered amputation and died in hospital mi Monday, J uly 1 7 1 h, Me left a wife to mourn Ins untimely end. lie was a very wort hy man, in civil life meeting its duties manfully, and as a soldier, pal ienl faithful and COlirageOUS. He died al llie age of about thii ty yea rs. I n I bmpany I ' t hree were slain outright, and one d ied I n im i he effects of w < mnds. Nicholas Wanck enli led from Monroeton wil li < 'aplain Swai I HI a pri \ ale, l.iil k elu n ary I, 18(53, was promoted < lorporal foi mi i itorious conduct. He was brother of B. k. Wanck in the same company, who wh al u Mounded in this engage it and of M rs, A . M, • oolbaugh of Liberty < !oi nee, I le was nearly I wenly years of age al Ids death. John I ""in parger was born and in ed ai Liberty I iorners whence he enlisted wii h < laptain Swart. His < laptain said of him, a quiet oldiei , bul al •■ a prompt for dut y, and always in his place." He wa eighteen year of age at his death. A . R. '. loolbaugh, on of William < !ool baugh, 8r., of Macedonia, and brother of J, I! ami William Coolbaugh, of Wilkei Barn?, u a among ike In i < ■ i > l ■ tin the Cotiipan " To say he wai a l>i ave and faithful soldier, would be giv I les praii e than he was entitled." I le wu al his dmith little pti i thirty one years of age, leaving a w ife and three daughters, one of whom is Mrs, W. S. Rickey, of Pon anda, Pa. William L. State , on of Captain 1 1 I Man- , i, iding in \ . luui in 1803, bul now in Wyalusing tow n hip, wa a ided in the i ight ii in id en to ho pital, and died from the wound A ugui i I 1 1 li. "A noble bo ha aerilieed iii life to i ve that ol hi com A pleasant companion a faithful soldier, and a 1 1 ui man I [e died in ho pital al Phila delphia al i he age ol i ighteen y ai In ( lompany l», I 'avid < Palmer, the 132 ONE 1 KINDRED FORTY-FIRST Sergeant in command,* w;is killed early in the engagement, while the Regiment was ly- ing in the Millerstown road in support of the battery. The Adjutant thus relates the inci- denl : " Sergeant Palmer being in command of Company I >, had stated that he proposed to win his 'shoulder straps' in that fighl and . Penis was killed on the field. He had enlisted with Captain Beardslcy from Great Bend. Phineas Pierson was lost from his compa- ny during the movements on tin- afternoon of .Inly 2d, and was reported as a deserter, hut has never been heard of since, and was probably killed, of which there is pretty conclusive evidence. He left a wife, hut no children. Philip Peckeus was wounded in both legs, the left was broken and the right amputated. He died July 9th, and was buried in the National Cemetery. Section B, grave 16. He was residing near Montrose, enlisted with Captain Beardsley, was made Sergeant in the company, served faithfully as a soldier and gave his lite lor his country. He was mar- ried and left a family. George M. Sweet, a farmer of Harford, where he left his family consisting of his wife and one daughter, enlisted with ( 'aptain Beardsley. He was wounded at Chancel- REGIMENT, P/iNN'A VOL'S. 133 lorsville, and again at Gettysburg severely in the thigh, from the effects of which he died al West Bospital, Maryland, July 20, L863. His remains were brought home for interment. He was a little past thirty years of age :it his death. William I). Osbom was born in Scott, Lackawanna County, October 17, 1841, but enlisted from Lathrop, Susquehanna ( Jounty, where he was engaged as a farmer. A friend writes of him : — " 1 fe was one of the many noble young men who loved to stand by the flag of his country as the emblem of freedom. lie fought at Fredericksburg and at Chan- Cellorsville. At the latter place two men were killed on his right hand and one wounded anil his own elolhes were perforat- ed with nineteen bullet holes. On his death bed he told his lather that he never stepped out of the ranks, although he had seen many larger and stronger men than lie do so, but until he fell he stood by his ( 'olonel and the flag, lie fell mortally wounded through the right lung, and died July 26th, L863, and was buried at Hillsdale Cemetery in Lathrop township. He was small in stature, his character was without reproach, his manners were genial, was respected and beloved by all." John E. Hempstead, a brother of Lieu- tenant Hempstead, of the same company, was born in Dimock, December 7, 1840, hut at his enlistment was engaged in farming in Brooklyn. lie received a very severe wound in the hip at the engagement in the Peach Orchard, and was left behind when the Regiment retired. 'The nexl day, while still lying upon the held he was again wounded by a spent hall ill the left shoulder. After the battle he was taken 10 the Corps Hospital, hut subsequently transferred to West Philadelphia, where he died August 28th. I lis remains were brought home, where funeral services, conducted by Rev. L. !•'. Porter, were held, and attended by a, large concourse of relatives and friends were consigned to the dust in Brooklyn cemetery. •'In life beloved, in death lamented." The slain in Company ushore, a plaster mason, n arried, and about twenty three years ol age al the time of his death. William II. K nicker kei « aB enlisted by < laptain Wright, a fi ir bj occupation, from Smithheld, where he l<-n a good home Mini family, consisting ol wife, son and three daughters. He was mortally wounded on i he field, and • 1 i * -< 1 aboul the age ol forty. Peier C, a son of Christopher Mcsier, \\a living in Colley where he worked at the trade of a carpenter, I [e was unmai i ied, and aboul twenty (i ve years of age. Samuel Molj neu » fell in i he thicke I ol the fight, when Lee made his last desperate truggle i" regain the day on the 2d, 1 [e was the son of John Molyneux, a farmei Ii' i ng al Mill \ iew, Fori ti iw n hip, Sullivan I ounty, a ingle man, I hirty lour yea] i ol a ;i by occupation a lumberman and milh ight, :i man of few words, but one of the first citi - en of the place. When i he call came for more men he i aid to i ome of his acquaint mci " Comi let us go, I have i tayed al home as Jong as I cbh." Twelve wenl with 1 1 mi hum thai immediate vicinity, onl i of u horn lived Lo ret urn. < reoi ge I homa Phillips, of Davidson, si I by the side of Mul\ neu and aw him fall, Baid : "J imt as M"l\ ii' N s fell a ball pas ed throu) h m . arm and I slai ted for i he rear, but sei ing the dei perate need ouj bo^ we >i help, I picked up my gun and wenl al il when .- 1 1 1 < < i J i < • i ball pa ed through m < tin foil being di tven bach I laj helph ■a ii Inn the reb( I lines until they retreated, witl i an kindly
  • ne, two, i hree weary dayi and nighl came and went and brought no relief to i he w led sol 'ini the fourth day dawn , ami with il came peeled aid lull a'a , too lain ' In, tide had ebbed too low he survived atnpu- iai ion Inn a few days w hen he died, died lii i a oldier, calmly, hei oi< al ly. Kind friends bore In remain to I he pi ice ol hi nal I in. I hands laid him in i he quiel graveyard, by i he side of lovi 'I ones gone before, rela i ive and it iend i paid thi lasl tributi to hi memory, and left him to i lumbei unl il the < ,i ami i laptain i hall call i he roll of tin I ni ■ I i 1 1 , v a on ol Or m al Tracy , a in gle nan, a farmer by ocupal ion and one years ol age In addition to those who were killed or ih I in the I' an le, i he follow ing wen n ported wounded l>. VV. Searle, Adjutant, in the lefi leg '"•II- , A. < lorporal El hel I uller, ankle, " Iln el Pt ' ail an "I. in, leg Private A lexander K i lefl side and arm. I'm. an Edwin Lee, bai I " Elmer P. Lewi i i William II. II. Mitchell, shouldei .1" < | > 1 1 M ill' i Ii A llmii A . Stel I'l, hand. " I rank Ii. Si lli ONh HUNDRED FORI V FIRS1 COMPANY li. . i .in! \l inn i i ( ...1,1 .. knee. . I • • . . i : 1 1 1 \. Bosworth, below the i l-li! I n, , Si i •- lllll I I, in v I . .lour:., righl ill in 1)1 ,.1 I'll, IVlVllte Slllil li I • I ',:n niini, I. II i I. Stephen B. ' 'aulield . eai I >. inn I Ink. I Wallaee M. Plliott, righl thigh .): is S. (Ji 113 , linek, I leorgc 111 lumphrey, right tinkle. JunieH II. Ilulse, lel'l leg and right 1 Private IVTutt. V. ( ireening, left arm. II , 1 I) Millard, right thumb nil. Pri\ nte Jamei 1 1, Smith, bowel Martin VV Smith, both legH I'hilip Showoi , buek, severely. A Kit. Whitlaker, lel'l U COMPANY «'. i Wportil Warren VV I loll', thigh and head Charles Seolt, righl shoulder. Private Charles Akloy, Hhonlder. CI. M.Irs VV. Cole. William () Lane, thigh Benjamin I'. Wanek. COMPANY I). ( lorporal < Hun lea !'■ I luni. Private Sylvonus Benjamin, arm and side Samuel Buttles, right arm. Byron < ihambei lain, lel'l thigh, overely. Private Koborl 1'.. II. .11. \ u n in ft. I lamilton, shoulder I ,e\vollyn I larris, elbov . ( In 1 K M, I .mi, righl nnn. Naphttili Woodburn, shoulder, ..-\ ,'i eh i 'orporti I lli- tin VV ! '.irks, captured. COMPANY ic, Captain John !•'. Clark. Private ftpaphras W. Baker, righl thigh, sovorel) \.-. ,.1. ui iUj kill. .1 m 1 oUuj * .ii.- July 1. 1870 Private ftli R. Booth. I ,\ 111:111 Dunn, Corporal William ft. Loring, missing, I'.i vato < >i is 1;. Jakevt ay, missing, I >ealmon Watkins, missing. , OMPANY i'. Sergeiml Salmon S, rlagar, righl hip, Corporal Price ft. Miller, lel'l leg, severely I'rivate Warren Burchel, lefl arm and side. Private Vietur A. Poller, leg. John I,. Kike,. COMPAN\ (I. Pirsi I .it-lit 1 n. mi Joseph Aukinson, back. ftirsi Sergeant William Muir, lel't knee Sergeant James N. Terwilliger, face. Corporal ftranklin A [)ix, baek. Ueorge 1 1. Tryon, loot. John < )gden, arm. Daniel Ballard. Private Thomas Bated, shoulder. William I,. Cole, leg. ftrancis ft. Holley. William C. MeCreary, baek. Kichard I'. Pierce, mouth. William li, Seagraves, lel'l leg ( (liver Skinner, arm. Henry I'.. Williams. COMPANY 11. Captain C W Tyler. Setgeanl John I larris, left wrist. Parker .1. Cales, ankle. Pi ivate Nathan 1 loodsill, ankle. Leander Lott. Joseph MeSherer, face. ftgberl Sinsabaugh, wrial ami thigh Private ftrederick W, Slade, neck, John .1. Stockholm, righl arm Lorenzo W. Sullivan, ankle. William Van Osdale, righ hip. ftlwo< . Bl tg I, foot, < lorporal Fernando < '. Rockwell, bol l> li • Eugene \ Lent lefl thigh Pj ivate Edward A. Bennett, lefl l( g " I ,ciinnl 1 1 1 > \v < ■ 1 1 , thumb. " Edward W, W ids i&er, liand, '' S\l venter I lonk lin, missing. I'llJII'ANV K. ( laptuin < lharles Mercur, lefl leg, severely. Sergeant Aurelius J. Adams, Bhoulder. < lorporal Si lei < lonklin, face. " A rchibald Sinclair, arm. Private Edmund Bedford, leg. " 1 1. A. Burlingl •, Hide. " William II. < Irawford, hand. William Crowl. James L. I lowie, i ighl hip. I Inn y E, 1 1 h 1 1 s i 1 1 - . i . " < leorge T. Phillip , lung and arm. " A Kin B. Smith, face. " Jacob S. Stevenson, right arm. 'lin- fol low ing table contains a summary >f i he losses in ii'i engagement Company, A' . ■< Field & Staff, A 15 (' I) E F G II I K TOTA I.. 2 19 "1 551 1 • n; 6 9 1 1 5 15 8 II >> 7 18 1 (I »« , 3 I! 28 in [3 9 II '.'.I IH 13 20 Ah was stated in the accounl ol the battli General Graham was wounded and • -: i j > t ■ 1 1 > < I early in the i ngagi menl of l uly 2d. Joel I, Molyneux, of Company K, was detached (December 27, 1862,) as Provosl Guard al I leadquartei , aftei ward as Private Ord< i ly to Lieutenant C. H. I Irave , tbi n ( Ordinance < Mil. .-i i.i.i pi i before the Gi ttysl ■ battle np| tod Adjutant ' General on Gi aham's staff, u ho related the pai ticulai i of I he < ten nil captun as follows "The horse of ili»- < General had been shol ler him eai ly in the (ighl ihe Adjutant ( General di mount ;, gave him lii ow n tak ing for him self one from an I Irdei ly, ^ ; i after tlii < line of ii was seen approai hing ii om the flank, who from their uniform and the fuel they were imi. tiring upon our men were mis taken by the < lenei b I for I nion soldiei Mini In- rode tow ards i hem i" ascertain i he regiment to which i hey belonged. I >i v.o\ ii ing i hem to be < lonfederate troop he wheeled his 1 i and started for Ii is i iw n lines when they called u] him to ui ren der, which he refu ling to do, they fired a vol ley al him, wounding him, and killing his hoi e, u lip li in falling ■ < » 1 1 « < I upon the < fen* era I. holding I < in a vise, in which con dition he wa captured by the enemy. The Adjutant General was severely wounded in the hip, picked up by a gunner and can led from the field on a i aii on Major Spaulding ci neai falling Into ili<- same trap thai i>i oved fatal to < General ' I rah am, He also mi took the advancing line foi I nil I dii i and ordered the men to stop firing • h ■or 'i- Forbes, of I lompany I , pointi d oul to him in mil take and the firing wa r< limed wiili hardly ;i moment's intei mil sion, i 1 1 1. 1. H i ■'• mi: i:m M S fO TH] wi'n writes, ' the Regimi nl noti numbi i ilui i v two < lompany I . i " in n letle* u i itten al this date to I lieuti nanl ' loloni I Watl hi , ' 'olonel Madill ay "I fi eJ cor> UN ONE HUNDRED F0RTY-FIRS1 fidenl from the information I have received this morning I cannot raite sixty nun. Ii is fearful to think of, and yet I am afraid it is too true. My heart bleeds for the fami- lies and friends of those brave men who fell on the second." Later in the day Lieuten- ant Atkinson writes : — " We have but fifty- five men left in the Regiment," including those oil detached service. The enemy had on the night of the third of July strengthened his lines on Seminary Ridge, and all of Saturday it was uncertain in the Union Army what would he his next movement. During the clay ii was ascertain- ed that he was falling hack toward the Po- tomac, yet he succeeded in maintaining such a hold front toward his victors that the com- manding General hesitated to leave his strong positions until certain that Lee was not preparing to make an attack at an unex- pected quarter. The Regiment therefore had received or- ders t" he in readiness to march at a, mo- ment's notice. During the early pail of the afternoon the rain began to fall in heavy showers, which continued through the even ing, and the hoys put up their shelters and spent the afternoon and night quietly resting. Sunday, the 5th, the rain continued to fall at intervals, breaking up the roads, transforming the soft soil into a moitar bed, rendering the movements of infantry diffi- cult, and of wagon and artillery trains al- most impossible. All day the Regiment re- mains under its shelters awaiting orders to start in pursuit of the foe whose retreal to- ward the Potomac is now ascertained. The day is spent in removing the wounded, bury- ing the dead and gathering the arms and accoutrements with which the field was Strewn. The officers and men availed them- selves of the opportunity to go over the field and carefully survey the scene of the terrible strife in which they had been engaged. On the sixth Lieutenant Atkinson writes: — " Yesterday I went over the battlefield. I will not attempt to describe it. I dread to think of it. I went on the ground where our Regiment did its hardest fighting. I there found twenty-seven of the dead of our Regiment on a very small space of ground — four of my company. ( >ur brigade of si x regi- ments numbers less than six hundred men. We are under marching orders and liable to move at any moment." The orders were, however, countermanded, and the Regiment remained in its position until Tuesday. The enemy had taken the direction of ITagerstown, Meade had determined to fol- low in a line parallel to that taken by his opponent. On Monday all hut the Third ( 'orps were leisurely advancing towards 1 Jar- per's Perry, and on Tuesday morning, July 7th, at tour o'clock in the morning the bri- gade set out, the One Hundred Forty-First Regiment bringing up the rear of the col- umn. The recent rains had made the whole country a sea of mud, and the roads had been made all the worse from the long col- umns which for two days had been tramp- ing over them. 'I he marching was necessa- rily slow and difficult. Emmettsburg, a dis- tance of eight miles, was reached in time for dinner. After an hour's rest the march was resumed, and the troops reached Mechanics- town, ten miles farther, at dark. The men were officially informed of tin- surrender of Vicksburg on the Fourth of July and re- ceived the news with cheers. All night the rain had been pouring down in torrents, and continued to fall until noon of the 8th. At six o'clock the Regiment was again on (he move. Taking the turn- pike in the direction of Frederick, at Lew- LStOWn they took a shorter road over the ( a- toctin Mountain toward Middletown, but found it so bad they were i ipelled to re- trace their steps and lollow the pike. The mini was deep and the roads were slippery, the marching hard, many became lame and foot-sort' and fell out. Passing through Frederick, they took a westerly course to- ward Middletown and encamped for the night about midway between the two places. REGIMENT, I'h.W'A l Major-General French, who h-ad been in command at Harper's Ferry, l>m on the ad vance of the army was directed to occup; I iitl. rick with the bulk of the garrison, a division of four thousand men, was now or- dered to unite his division with the Third Corps. This was -effected when the Corns reached Frederick on the afternoon of the 8th, and became the Third Division of the Corps, and General French by seniority of rank assumed the command of the corps. Early the next morning the march was resumed. After going a couch of miles tbey went into camp near Middletown, ex- pecting a night's march over the mountains. An inspection of the brigade was here or- dered and requisions made to replace the losses of material sustained in the engagement ami Kscertain (lie strength and c lit ion of the brigade. Immediately after inspection, orders were issued to continue the forward movement of the corps westward. Follow- ing the pike they crossed the < latoctin < !reek, the South Mountain, and in the evenin n camped at Fox's Gap near the Pike, They ,veie now approaching the Antietam battle- ground, where it was thought Lee would mal - another stand. While he had been in Pennsylvania the Federal forces had succeeded in destroying his pontoons, and . Imost unprecedented heavy rains had r< nd sred I he Potomac unfordable. It was thought Meade ivould not allow Lee, hemmed in as he was, to escape without a batl le, and that it would b in the neighborhood of this historic battlefield. The place of their encampment was on the South Mountain battlefield, and they had passed by (lie place where General Reno was killed. Every man expected to bo aroused at any moment by tin' order to " fall in." A horse breaking loose and running through, had roused all to their feet, think- ing they were about to he attacked by rebel cavalry. On Friday, the 10th, the men were called lip at daylight and ordered to be in readi- to move at any moment. A cavaly en- gagement had keen going on since i Creek, ami encamped on the bat- tle ground, expecting to remain all night, luit were again ordered on to the Williams- port turnpike where they finally rested loi the night. The march w:is a haul one Says Sergeant Owen: — "We have keen hitching along and changing camps all day. ( 'rossed tic Antietam < reek, camped the Antietam battle-ground. Were roused no at eight o'clock in tic evening, wenl up the creek three miles, quick time, and came to a halt in a lield lor the night We have traveled eight miles hack and forth on the same road.'' The next day the mo a were about of the same character. Alter going (rotn place to place the Regiment wenl into biv- OUack al>. ml i WO mih from their encamp- ment the nii; hi before, on the ground occupied by the Fifth Corps which had been moved up to the fr. Sunday morning, < len< r il Meade an order saying he would attack the enemy thai day. The lines were advanced aboul a mile, the Third Corps supporting the Sec- ond. Monday was spent the same way. The Commanding General was approaching the enemy in line of battle which, while ii was very tedious to the men who were required to he under arms from five o'clock in the morning until after dark, was extremely -low, only aboul a mile a day being gained. On Tuesday a Strong reconnoissance was or- dered forward to feel the enemy am ascer- tain his position, when it was discovered he had succeeded in crossing the river and was on the friendly soil of Virginia, with the loss only of an inconsiderable part of one ul' his wagon trains and abort! three thousand prisoners. f |M ONE HUNDRED FORI Y-FIRST Wednesday, the 1 5th, was n ten ibly hot day — not a breath <>! hit moved i<> refresh the panting troops. At nine o'clock in the r 1 1 1 > 1 1 1 1 1 1 " llii' brigade WHS in line and the march resumed, The route lay across the Aniiciain battlefield, the men halting for [tinner near the little brick church, a well known landmark to those familiar with thai hard fought contlict, The hall was near where ili<- (bail bail been hn I ily and care- lessly buried. In several places the bones nf tiic slain wire seen scattered over llii' ground. <>n all sides were the evidences of ilir severity of the fight, the traces of the siuiiii of battle which a few months before bad raged and heal upon its hillsides. In the evening they encamped a mile bey I Bharpsburg The next day the brigade wont about a mile beyond Brownsville, and encamped nboul two o'clock in the afternoon, where the) remained until five o'clock, In ■ 1 .1 \ afternoon, expecting to r< ceivc supplies of cloth in;', si iinr of w hich, especially shoes, ibr men began to be in great need. Some of the troops were actually bare footed, oth crs bad tan their shoes to relieve their feet which bad become sure from die heal and travel, until they aflorded very little protec tion. I nderclothing also bad become soiled, ami mi opportunity for washing being af- forded, the int'ii bad (blown il away, and were without a change. The hot weather an. I constant movements, bad in fact been very injurious to all clothing, The needed Biipplie! , however, did nut come, ami tin- ev- ening saw ibr men in line ready in take up i In ii inarch again into V irginia, 1 1 bad been raining all the previous night, ami nearly all the day. The roads were ,-, is muddy, ami the night which came on rarl\ vvas very dark. The Potomac was crossed on pontoons, al Harper's ferry, four miles distant from the camping place o I the night before, after dark, They continued i Inn journey thi ee or four mill's farther, crossing the Shenandoah ami going into "- . i s ouack on the hillside, Meade now began to press forward iftei Lee with considerable vigor. Tin- Third Corps was in the advance with the Second ami Twelfth Corps following. Tin- routt was along the eastern fool of the Blue Ridge mountains, in a general southerly direction while the enemy was going in the same di rection on the western slope of the rid",-. < )n Saturday, the 1Mb, the Regiment started at five o'clock in the ning and weni lo Hillsborough, a distance of eighl miles, and encamped there. The nexl day the line of march is in ibe direction <>' Snickers Gap. They go about six miles in the forenoon when they again go into camp until Monday, near Woodgrove. Here wai the ancestral mansion of one of the promi nent Virginia families, in which were a number of young ladies who were eager to display their sympathy for the Confederal cause. The boys replied lo their denionstra lion by the band playing Yankee Doodle. Leaving Woodgrove early the nexl morn> ing they still continued southward, passing Snicker's Cap ami reaching Upperville in the afternoon, where they camped for the night. The line of march bad been through a beautiful, fertile valley, well watered ami very productive. Evidences of thrift in well improved farms, and good buildings were everywhere apparent. Large slacks oi grain, the fruits of the last year's harvest doll,,! the fields. Upperville, a pleasant \ ill ige was i be business center of ill is fruit- ful region, but on the approach of the army all of its business places were dosed, and [be town seemed lo be deserted. " Through all this valley," writes the Colonel, "thus tar, we bave sou no person al work. The white population have either kepi within doors, or are in the enemy's lines. All are thoroughly in sympathy with the secession- ists." The Regiment remained at Upper- ville until Wednesday, (be 22d. Vs was frequently the case on a long march, the ration became scarce, in the camps and the Soldiers foraged freely from the Lrihabitants, While in Pennsylvania RHGIMIiNT, /'/• \ \ ' / / OIJS ' M l ., , |i ud Lull un nut onlj I'" lmi nppli I'm bill | Kill II I lull I Willi ■ • i 1 1 1 1 mid 1 1 ro v . ilt'i vt'ii till ! and lim i . ■ i ■ ' I ■ i 'Mi ill ni. i lunuu I'm lii urm i" 1 • ■ I taken IVorn llu Inliiil il • • w thai i In' Union form wen on the oil lho\ « il low lo take whatever I 1 1 hoi in i iii. required ( In, -I onH, |'i" , il.. in. 'Hlio Li . 1(1 111(1 l.hi.l I. .1 in i which were in iihnnd moo, holpud to ii ni i in- « . " lore 'llu- ,i-\ unil oii.ll of the fn I'l'-ni I'm vol mil ' ii lo llll h|i I In- I ml ni i In I .1 . i .1 .11 nil. Ii. I II i -, III'- I.. • M|. r I.. :i ■ i - . I . I I'm I , I f mind — seeing that it was necessary to force Lee to battle under circumstances in which he would naturally wish to avoid it- was very unfortunate; and by his misman- agement General French succeeded in de- priving the army of one of the few really advantageous opportunities it ever had to strike a decisive blow. A slight observing force had been left at the gap, but th : s was expelled and the corps passed through on the i vening of the 22d, prepared to advance on Front Royal in the morning. But on moving forward to strike the enemy's line of retreat, the Corps-Commander acted with such feebleness as to allow the rear-guard to delay him the whole day, so thai it was ev- ening before he penetrated to the Confeder- ate line of battle at Front Royal. Next morning, when Meade hoped to give battle, Fee had made good his retreat," and adds a fool from General Warren, "thai General Meade was more disappointed in thai result than in anything that happened." In the movements of this day, Thursday, .July 23d, the brigade was called up before four o'clock in the morning, and at five went to Linden Station, where they formed line of battle al noon, and marched oil' in the direction of Front Royal and went into ick on the hill, on the right or north '■ Arm} of tin' Potomac, \>. 374. of the Gap, resting on their arms. Berdan's sharp-shooters, supported by the brigade, were sent forward, and about two o'clock in the afternoon began skirmishing with the enemy who slowly retired before them. .Ma- dill moved forward and formed on the left of the Second Brigade — the Sixty-Third Pennsylvania was sent forward as skirmish- ers, the One Hundred Fourteenth and One Hundred Forty-First went on picket, from the point occupied by the Regiment a magnificent view was afforded. The She- nandoah Valley for miles was spread out be- fore them in beautiful landscape, and a good view afforded of the conflicl going on in the •.alley between one brigade of the Third Corps and Lee's rear-guard. Toward even- ing a charge was made on tie- enemy's posi- tion which was carried with slight loss, cap- luring two batteries and a lew prisoners. Our Kegiment was not actively engaged in this affair. As the enemy had made good his escape. nothing was to Ik- gained in the further pur- suit, and ( ieneral Meade determined to give nis troops a little rest during the hot weath- er, preparatory to opening the fall campaign with vigor. For (his reason and because both sides found it necessary to draw de- tachments from their armies in Virginia for other needs, a considerable period of repose followed, spein by our Regiment in the neighborhood of the White Sulphur Springs, a place which before the war had enjoyed a considerable reputation as a watering place. On Saturday, the 2oth, the Regiment started by way of Salem for Warrenton, which was reached without any incident worthy of note at half- past ten o'clock the following morning. All the able-bodied men of the place were in the Confederate army, only old men and negroes being found on the streets. The troops marched through the town, the column being formed by com- panies, our Regiment going into camp on i he Sulphur Springs pike, three miles south- west of Warrenton, al two o'clock in the af- ternoon. The Third Corps was in front, the REGIMENT, PENA ./ VOL'S i , First (Madill's) Brigade of the Firsl Divis- which had been anxiously looked for, arriv- ion being in the pan. The First, Second, ed and were distributed to tin troops iliis Fifth, Eleventh and Twelfth Corps were day. On Friday the Regiment moved to found encamped about Warrenton. The the immediate vicinity of (he Spring Regiment remained in camp here for several member of Company B, of the Regiment, days. On Monday, General Birney who says of this place:— "Sulphur Springs, a fa- had been absent a few day-, returned and mous watering place, is five mile took command of his old divisioi of from Warrenton. There were two lai the Third Corps.) On 'I'm -day the detail tels here— the largest one has been burned to escort the drafted men to the army took the other injured i . de their depart lire, The mppli < lothin ( I [APTER VIII CAMPAIGN OF THE RAPIDAN. I'm neat Iv nine months i lie A rmy of tlie f'i >t« >iu:i«- « ><-i it | »iii I the territory ill the head- waters of the Rappahannock and the Rapi- rlan, an campaign of maneuvers rather than of engagements, in which Meade, | ■■• ed of the idea thai a defensive battle like < rettysburg was the most likely l<> he successful, was endeavoring I,, compel Lee to attack him, while Lee seeking to avoid a pitched battle until his army could recuperate itH strength, was threatening now one point and now another, compelling his over-cautious antagonist to hurry his forces first to one threatened posi- tion and then to another, and so wear out his strength in a I'ruitlesH chase after an enemy always ahle to elude him ; a campaign fruit- less of any valuable results, yet exceedingly annoying and v exatiotis to the men. The Regiment numbering about thirl) ef- fective men, exclusive of those on detached nnd special duty, went into camp at While Sulphur Springs, duly 31st, for a brief peri- od of rest, at ibis somewhat celehrated wa- tering place. Kxcepl pickel duty there was little or nothing done. Two or three times ,. nil] week the men bad to lake their place on the picket line, which extended south al- most in the Rappahannock, and remain twenty-four hours a! a time. The g reil | heat of the weather made the least duty burdeni omi < 1,1 Wednesday, \ ugusl 5th, < !olonel Ma- dill sustained a severe injury by being thrown from bis horse. Remaining in camp until the 1 Ith and the propped of immedi- ate recovery being dubious, he ohtain sick lea ve and returnei I In ime. The Regiment bad been in service just one year, bill it bad been an eventful one. < lorporal .lames P. ( lohurn writes in bis dia- ry under date of August loth: "One yeai ago in day < lompany B mustered one hun- dred men, to-day it can muster only seven." Angusl I Ith, Ailrial Lee writes " < >ne year ago to-day Company A came to tlarris- burg with a hundred men, and now tin whole Regiment numbers only lifty live." About ibis time, however, a number who bad been in I he hospitals either from sick- ne or wounds bad sufficiently r< covered to return to their companies, and in a day or two after the entry of Mr. Lee the strength of the Regimen) was doubled. August I'.Uh Mr. < 'obi i n> again notes thai "sixteen of oui men arrived from convalescent camp, swell- ing our number to one hundred and fifty men all told," and on the 28ll) more convalescents cam* up to day. \\'v now have one hundred and sixty men in the Regiment," a strength which after the battle of Gettysburg those best informed did not think it possible could ever be mustered. The Regiment remained here without ;nn noteworthy occurrence until Tuesday after- noon of September I ith, when it broke camp and marched in a southwesterly direc- tion, the next day crossing the Rappahan- l'ord and halting for the night about three miles beyond, and reached Culpepper, on the Orange and Alexandria Railroad, on the afternoon of Thursday, Sep- tember 1 7 1 1 1 , where ii remaineo! in camp about a month longer. Several limes in the course of this nana- REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 145 tive it has been nut iced that now and then a man was so unfortunate as to fall into the hands of the enemy. This occurred in a few instances on the march from Poolesville t<> Fredericksburg in the autumn of L862, a few of the wounded at Chancellorsville, in- cluding Sergeant Bought, of( lompany A, were captured and taken to Richmond, bul nearly all of these in a few weeks were released on parole and subsequently exchanged. In the movements of September L5th, William li. D.Green, then connected with the Corps wagon and supply train, was captured and remained in captivity until the close of the war, a year and a half, and had an experience so varied that his narra- tive, in substantially his own words will he given : "On the nighl General Meade broke camp 1 took the train to Fox's Ford, on the Rappahannock. The next morning Quartermaster Tall man ordered me back to Sulphur Springs to bring on some condemned stock that had been left there the night he- fore. When I got there the picket line had been cut and the stuck scattered I had been busy all day until" just, at night, had picked up seventeen and started to Warren- ton Junction to turn them user in the pro- per authorities. When I gol 10 I':' vet ley i lie, about half way between Warrenton and Warrenton .Junction, nighl came on, and as we supposed we were within our own lines, we halted, tied our stock in a little piece of woods and encamped lor the night, and that night, September L5th, !)-«;.">, we were cap lured by a party of Moseby's men under command of Lieutenant Smith. " We were immediately marched hack through Warrenton, over Flint Hill, ami for four days got nothing to eat hut a plate of cabbage and a piece of corn bread. Sep- tember 20.1 li, we reached < liaiiee I 0111 I House, where we were placed in the com- mon jail for two nights and the intervening day. From there we were sent in Rich- mond where we were examined ami every- thing we had taken from us, and then were [Hit into an old tobacco ware bouse, known as ' Libby Prison.' " We staid there aboul si\ weeks. A dif- ficulty having arisen between the prisoners, the New York conscripts and the regulai soldiers, the latter were sent to Belle Island, where we remained until February, 1864. Here we suffered terribly from the cold, lee froze twelve inches thick on I he .lames river The inhabitants said they had never seen such severe weather there before. Some froze t<> death, others froze their limbs and died from the effects of amputation. " It was rumored thai there were cases of small-pox in the prison, and the Confederate authorities issued an order that none should have rations except those who would allow themselves to he vaccinated. In a short time hundreds were dying from the effects of sore arms— the disease extending to the entire body and attended with great pain, proved fatal in a majority of cases. Matthew I [owe, l ( lompany E, captured < )ctober, 1 863,) Elisha W. Parks, (Corporal in Company l» captured at Gettysburg, July '-', L863,) and myself, as soon as we were vaccinated, Step- ped out of sight, scratched all the virus oil' our arms, causing the wound to bli ed freelj , consequently we suffered hut little inconve nience on thai account, hut did sufter severe- ly from the cold and short rations. Through the Sanitary ( mn mission several hah s of clothing and blankets were sen! to the pris- on for the use of prison.'!-., bul i he enemy kept the most of them. "Some of the Confederate officers had dogs which used |o come into our camp. At one time when rations were shorl we killed three of theee dogs, buried their heads ami skins, and ale the meat with a r« lish and looked lor more does. " About the L8th or 20th of February we were i oh I we were ahoui to be exchanged, tak- en nut of [prison and put in box cars and start- ed as we supposed toward the Federal lines, hul alas, instead of thai wife taken In An- dersonville, where we arrived aboul the first I.lf. ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST of March, and remained until the eighth of September. " During our stay here we were literally starved. The only shelters we bad were holes dug into the ground and covered with sticks. The camp was very filthy and the prisoners died al the rate of from forty to seventy-five per day. The long continued confinement and the want of vegetable diet brought on scurvy. In many instances men lost all of their teeth, and gangrene follow- ing ate the flesh oil their bones. Men were to be seen in whom the entire jaw-bone back to the ear would thus be exposed before death ca to the relief of the sufferer. " Among the conscripts from New York, drafted at the time of the riots, were a num- ber of desperate characters who allowed lives to be captured by the enemy at the first opportunity, and some of them were sent to Andersonville. They would steal the rations of their fellow prisoners, and In some cases men were found murdered and stripped of everything they had. Six of these desperadoes were arrested, and tried by a jury of thirty-six men, and formally convicted. The proceedings were sent to the President of the United States, who en- i the action and approved the verdict of the jury, and the men were hanged the eleventh of July, 1SG4. " We were k.pi at Andersonville until the Nth of September, when we were sent to Sa where we remained for about a month and then were plated in a stockade about half way between Savannah and Macon, known as the Milieu prison The enclosure contained about forty acres. About 1 ' 1st Sherman drove us out of it, and the same night we w i out, his men burned the ide. The next morning we wei back to Savannah and up the t iull Railroad, and camped in the woods at various in Thomas County, but were returned to An- dersonville in time to take our Christmas dinner i n n very scanty allowance of boiled "A soldier by the name of Walker had been left sick at Andersonville, got better, and was allowed to go out on his parole not to escape until properly exchanged. He had some little chance to obtain corn meal which he used to smuggle into the prison for us, so that we bad a little more to eal for the rest of the time we remained there. "On the 17th of April, L865, we were (akin out for exchange. We were sent by cars to Albany, Georgia, then marched through Thomas County into Florida, turned loose and told to go to Jacksonville, where we ar- rived April 29, 1865. When about seven miles from Jacksonville we were met by a squad of our own men with a full supply of bread and coffee, and a reasonable amount of " commissary." It is needless to say that we ate with a relish. When we reached camp we had a hard struggle to keep from eating too much. Many of our nun Acre made sick, and some died from over-eating. " 1 was almost blind and went to the sur- geon in charge of the Government Post there and told him my story, lie inquired as to my usual weight ; 1 told him two hundred pounds. lie directed me to he weighed and my weight was one hundred and nineteen pounds. He said I was very much reduced in flesh, and the cause of my partial blind- ness was weakness of the optic nerve pro- duced by poverty of food and ordered me to drink a pint of fresh beef's blood each day. This I did. and my sight hegan to improve, hut ii brought on chronic diarrhoea, which I have suffer* d ever since. " We remained at Jacksonville until the first of June when we were put on ship- hoard for Annapolis, Maryland. After re- maining there a few days we were sent to [Iarrisburg where we received our discharge, dated June 10, 18(35, with thiee months' ex- tra pay, and sent home, satisfied that the war wa.s not a failure, that if the Confederacy were not good feeders, nevertheless this was a great and a glorious I Fnion." The Regiment remained at Culpepper un- REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. H7 til October 10th, withoul any occurre especial note. < m Sunday, September 27th, Captain Mercur and Lieutenant Brown had so far recovered from their wounds received al l rettysburg th il trned to the Reg- iment, and un the evening of Septi 30th, twenty-seven arrived from conval camp, swelling tin- whole number present (<> two hundred and twenty. On the 1st of Oc- tober the camp was moved back from the mad to a dry, pleasant place, on the farm of a former member of ( longress, and a speaker of the House, Hon. Pendleton. The next dav, the long term of hot, dry weather, was followed by a severe rainstorm. About this time, also, drills, both company, regi- mental and brigade, were resinned. On Tuesday, October 6th, the camp was again I across the Pike, about three-fourths of a mile, and on the 8th, the Regiment re- ceived marching orders, which, however, werecounl anded until Satnrd ay, the 10th. Before recounting the movements of the liu ing this autumn campaign, it may be well to note some of the changes which had taken place in the strength of it since the last report. Comparing the Adju- tant's Report of June 30th with that of Sep- tember 30th, the figures stand as follows: — COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. | For duty ../.. > Extra dui v. ) Sick '.. Absent .' TdTA I. nt.. ' ENLISTED M EX. Forduty 270 Extradutv 3 , Sick In arrest. Tut A L. Absent 273 Aggregate li will thus be seen the Regiment lost in effecti ve si rength eighty-i ight, while its nominal strength had been diminish' sixty-nine. Of the losses nol already enumerated was that of the Assistant Surgeon, John \V. Thompson, who died July I. He was a young man of pleasant manners, amiable disposition and upright life ; skillful in his profession, ever ready to expose him- self to alleviate the sufferings of the me'n whether-in camp or field, lie was greatly respected by both officers and men in the Regiment. Upon the promotion of Dr. Al- len to he Surgeon of tin- Eighty-Third Regi- ment, Dr. Thompson was appointed to lill his place in the One Hundred Forty-First, and name to the Regiment while it was at Poolesvilie in the autumn of 1862. lie was a resident of Philadelphia, and a graduate of Jefferson Medical College. He left the Regiment soon after the battle of ( hancel- lorsville, sick with fever, brought on by ex- posure on that ill-starred campaign, from lie effects of which he died at his home in that city, at the age of twenty live years. In Company A, there had been no changes in officers except those arising from the casualties of battle. Corporal Isaac L. Johnson enlisted from Tuscarora township where his family, con Sisting of wife arid one son, were living, lie was taken sick soon after the halt le of I han- cel lot sville, and died of lexer in hospital in Baltimore at tic age of twenty-four j e There had been discharged on the usual Surgeon's Certificate of physical disability, e Strr,ng ami John M. Vargison, and by special order NicholasEverett and I N. All In ( oni] any I!, the changes we: transfer to the Veteran Reserve Corps. Mel- ville Black, July 1st, Edmund W. Ch September It; John Keeney, Sep llthjAbram Whittaker, September 30th ; the two latter were wo.mded at Chancellors- Ville. In Company C. Icott was promot- ed from Corporal to Sergeant; Leu is Rine- bold was discharged September 1th, on ac- count of wounds received at Chancellors ville; — D'Alanson Fenner, July loth ; James 148 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST Corby, September 1st ; and David II. Car- penter, September 30th, all wounded May 3, 1863, were transferred to the Veteran Re- serves. In Company I>, Sanford Diamond was promoted from private to Sergeant, Septem- ber 1st; and Willis ( 1. Sexton, who hail lost an arm Chaneellorsville, was discharged on that account. September 5*.h. In Company E, Serjeant William < 'aimer, August 30th, was discharged on the usual Surgeon's Certificate, and September 26th, John S. Miller was transferred to the Vet- eran Reserves. From Company F, John V.Tennant, Au- gust 27th, and September 4th, James M. Mc- Kov, both wounded at Chaneellorsville, were discharged, and Herman I. Potter was trans- ferred September 30th, to the Veteran lie- serves. From Company (>, James Dekin was dis- charged on Surgeon's Certificate in July, and Thomas Walton, wounded at Chaneel- lorsville, in August, and Richard F. Taggart was transferred to the Veteran Reserves, September 7th. There were transferred from Company II to the Veteran Reserves, August 20th, John Conrad, James A. Peaseley. and John II. Sodan. John 1*. Taylor, who lost an arm at Chan- eellorsville, was discharged from Company I, in August, and Theodore W. Wood bum was transferred, September 1st, to the Vet- eran Reserves. In Company K Clark S. Taylor was dis- charged on the usual certificate of disability, and Charles II. Phelps, July 2d, was pro- moted to Hospital Steward in the United Slates A i my. When Colonel Madill went home on sick- leave, August 10th, he turned over the com- mand of the brigade to Lieutenant-Colonel Craig, of the One Hundred Fifth Regiment, then the Field < )rficer of highest rank in the brigade. Subsequently, however. Colonel Coll is, of the One Hundred Fourteenth, re- turned to his regiment, and as the ranking officer took the command. As has been said, Captain Spaulding, of Company I, was in commandofthe Regiment; Lieutenant Jo- seph II. Hurst, wounded at Chaneellorsville had returned, and was in command of Com- pany A, in the absence of Captain Horton on detached service. Lee, aware of the reduction made in the force of Meade's army, determined on an of- fensive movement against it. Leaving Fitz Hugh Lee with a cavalry force to guard the south hank of the Rapidan, on the 9th of October, with the hulk of his army, he took "circuitous and concealed roads" by way of Madison Court House, passing quite to the right of the Federal army, pressed forward toward Culpepper, and Meade found that wing of his army turned before he was hard- ly aware that his enemy had left their camps. The Union commander at once be- gan a rapid retrograde movement and suc- ceeded in planting himself across the path of his foe. Owing to a misapprehension of Lee's plans, Meade countermarched the main body of his army toward the south bank of the Rappahannock, while his oppo- nent by parallel roads started in a north- ward direction to lay hold of the Federal communications with Washington. The Third Corps, which had been left to guard the line of the Rappahannock, took posses- sion at Freeman's Ford. By this misappre- hension on the part of Meade his retrograde movements to meet the ( onfederates were seriously compromised and " the Third Corps, remaining alone on the north hank of the Rappahannock, were thrown quite out of position ami exposed to destruction by an ovei whelming force."* In time to save himself from serious em- barrassment, Meade comprehended the de- signs of his antagonist, and bringing his Sec- ond, Fifth and Sixth Corps, which had been sent southward, hack, and joining lo them the Third Corps, determined to checkmate *Swinton, Army of the Potoruac, p. 379. REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. him by a rapid northward movement The Federal army marched in two parallel col- umns, l lie Third Corps followed by the Sec- ond forming the left, and the Sixth followed by the Fifth, the right column. Returning now to the movements of our Regiment in these manoeiivers — on Thtns- day and Friday, October 8th and 9lh, the men are under orders to be ready to march at a moment's notice; on the latter day they •draw rations, but do not leave their camp. The next morning, Saturday, the 10th, they are hurried out about ten o'clock, drawn up in line of battle, changed about from place to place, and finally at dark went into biv- ouack on their arms about three-fourths of a mile north of the place where they had been encamped. The next morning early, the men were called up and started on the march, taking a course first nearly north un- til they crossed Hazel River, where a pon- toon bridge had been laid, then northwester- ly toward the Rappahannock, bivouacking after midnight within a mile of that stream and near Brandy Station. Several limes dur- ing the day the brigade had been drawn up in line of batlie, and once skirmishers were thrown out, but no enemy being found, the inarch was resumed. In reconnoitering the Federal positions a parly of Stuart's cavalry fell in with a detachment of Union cavalry on the slope of the hillside, and our Regiment deploying right and left were ordered at dou- ble quick to the support. Theenemv broke, and our men resumed the march, but did not overtake the brigade until evening. Monday the brigade was set to watch and guard the river. They were marched from place to place aiong the bank to observe any force of the enemy which might attempt to cross, and for the night remained on picket in that immediate vicinity. The next morn- ing the march was resumed. Stuart is again endeavoring to ascertain the movements of the Union army, for Lee is becoming anxious to know where the forces of his antagonist are. Starting on the road from Fayetteville to Greenwich, about four o'clock in the afternoon, he leaves Lo- max's Brigade at Auburn, a little hamlet on the north bank of Cedar Run, to watch this route, while be continued his movement to Catlett's Station, about five miles further south, in the meantime the Third Corps has continued its march, and Graham's Bri- gade, which forms the advance, has reached the vicinity of Auburn about an hour after Lomax, who has dismounted his men and placed them advantageously in a thick piece of woods on the slope of a dry ravine near the ford. French, believing himself far from the enemy, is marching carelessly without re- connoitering, and the advance of his column is unexpectedly welcomed by a sharp fire from Lomax's cavalry. The Sixty-Third Pennsylvania Regiment is in the advance of the brigade, and the One Hundred Forty- First in the rear. Collis immediately de- ployed his brigade and engaged the enemy. Says Ueorge W. Morse, of Company I, who lost his arm in this engagement: — "The bullets Hew around us like hail. Our boys were at once formed in line of battle and or- dered to lie down just back of a knoll which protected us somewhat from the enemy's fire. We loaded and fired while lying down, and a battery was placed in position in our rear which did good service in dislodging the enemy. After shelling the rebel line for some time, we were ordered to charge. As we raised the knoll behind which we had been lying, a murderous volley was poured into us. it was here that 1 was hit. Cap- tain Spaulding, who was in command of the Regiment, had just dodged, whirling nearly around, when I asked him what was the matter, he replied that he thought at first that a bullet had struck the side of his head. My gun falling to the ground I tried to pick it up with my right hand, but soon found my fighting days were numbered, and de- clining assistance, retired gracefully to the rear. Captain Spaulding captured a rebel sabre at this engagement." Lomax was compelled to leave the crossing and retired r 5o ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST toward Warrenton, while the Regiment con- tinued its march to the vicinity of Green- wich, reaching its halting place about eleven o'clock in the evening. The loss from this engagement in the bri- gade in killed, wounded and missing was about fifty, of whom fourteen were from our Regiment, two being killed, nine wounded, of whom one died subsequently of wounds, and three were captured or missing. In Company A, Sergeant Franklin Kinne was killed. He, with his brother Asa, enlist- ed from Terrytown, where he left a wife and tour small children, and was killed the dav he was thirty-two years old. From a letter written by Lieutenant Hurst to Mrs. Kinne is the following extract: — " He fell in the skirmish at Auburn on Tuesday, the 13th T at about four o'clock in the afternoon, shot through the body, and died at nine the same day. He was a brave and good soldier, loved and respected by his comrades in arms, both officers and men, and died as he lived, a true patriot. The Regiment made a charge on the enemy and lost twelve men. Frank was the first to fall. He was immediately carried from the field to the field hospital, and had all needed medical attendance, hut it was of no avail. He was conscious to the last moment and spoke often of his wife and children. His last words were ' Tell them I died a soldier.' His body was brought along with us to Centerville and there decently buried. Be assured that yon have the earn- th of November, without anything of importance occurring. The party detaih d the last of July to es- cort the drafted men to their respective reg- iments having performed the duty assigned, returned to their companies on the the 26th of October. Sergeant Owen, writing under date of November 3d, says: — "We found the Regiment about two o'clock iu the after- noon in a disorderly temporary camp, in line of battle. It seems that the whole army is under marching orders all the time, for the boys say 'they are moved nearly eveiy dav, change fronts, form new defensive lines, move first to strengthen one point and then another. All have to carry eight days' ra- tions. That night 1 drew the required amount, and just nicely got laid down in a tent, about ten o'clock, when the 'pack up' bugle sounded through the whole division. Business was lively then till we started. We were marched about four miles, around through the woods and encamped in line of battle. We remained there until after eight ,,', lock in the morning of the '27th when we were again ordered in line and inarched back toward where we started from, and a huge de- tail, of which 1 was one, was made to strengthen the picket line. We remained in camp on the picket line until seven o'clock iu the morning of the 29th, when the w I ole corps started as if a great deal depended on their getting somewhere in a very short I'm c. We marched down the railroad about eight miles where the whole corps camped in mass between Catleti's and Bealton Sta lions, and have remained lure ever since. The enemy's picket line is this (north) side of the Rappahannock, but ours advanced on Sunday and drove them back a mile." By dint of great energy Meade succeeded in repairing the railroad, so that cars were run to Warrenton on the 1st of November, and to Bealton the next day. On Thursday, the 5th of November, Lieutenant-Colonel Watkins again joined the Regiment. Friday were the usual drills, and al dark the Colo- nel received orders to go with his regiment as an escort, to the pioneers of the division as far as Bealton, a distance of lour miles, to repair a bridge in that neighborhood, and returned to camp near midnight, where or- dt rs were found to be in readiness to march the next morning at daylight. Tired and sleepy the men Hung themselves down for a little ic>t preparatory to the hard journey awaiting them on the morrow. The Confederate army bad fallen back to the right (south) bank of the Rappahan- nock, placing Hill's Corps on the let't and Ewell's on the right of the railroad. Here they had built quarters and hoped to spend the winter. There were only two practica- ble crossings of (he river at this place, one a bridge thrown across at the point where the two corps join by which communications were maintained, with a .small force station- ed on the north bank of the river near Rap- pahannock Station, and the other between four ami five miles below, known as Kellcy's ford, which was covered by Rhode's divi- sion of Ewell's Corps, consisting of twenty- two regiments in live brigades, besides four batteries of artillery. R)Nr, riiNN'A vols. i Meade did nol wish to allow the fine weather then enjoyed to pass without at- tempting another forward movement. His plan was to turn Lee's righl flank al Kelley's Ford, push forward through Chancellors- idlle and gain the heiglits of Fredericksburg before bis antagonist could leave Culpepper; mil like nli previous commanders of the Army of the Potomac he found his plans thwarted by the authorities at Washington. I le next determined to make a dired attack, and on the morning of Saturday, November 7th, moved his army forward in two columns, the right under Sedgwick consisting of the Fifth and Sixth Corps to cross the river at Rappahannock bridge, and the left column under French consisting of the First, Second and Third Corps to cross at Kelley's Ford, which was guarded by Rhodes, who bad massed his division a mile behind (south) the Ford on the Stevensburg road. *"The configuration of the ground does not permit him to defend the Ford itself, which is in the center of a curve described by the Rap- pahannock, The right (south) hank of a Convex form, is uncovered and low ; at a Bhort distance the ground gently rises, and does not afford any protection for the space of a mile, as Car as a grove, beyond which is the village of Kelleysville. On the opposite hank rugged and wooded declivities form a semicircle of heights which completely com- mand it." The Second and Thirteenth North Carolina Regiments of Rarnseur's Brigade, nearly nine hundred men in all, were guarding the Ford. The Third Corps formed the advance of the left column, Birney's division in front, which had orders to march to the Ford and force a crossing. The division reached the hills overlooking the Ford about three o'clock in the afternoon. De Trobriand with the Third Brigade and a regiment of sharp- shooters are to make the attack, supported by the other brigades of the division and the artillery which commands theslopes be- tween Kelleysville and the river. A little *Comptc De Paris, JI1., 7«8. alter three o'clock hi' Trobriand plunges into the water which is ahout three' ted deep, and reaches the opposite bank. The. Thirteenth North Carolina are brought for- ward to defend the pa jsage, hot on the ap- proach of the Federals break and seek ref- uge in a. neighboring farm house where most of them to the number of three hun- dred and fifty are captured. As soon as De Trobriand had effected a crossing the other brigades of the division were hurried over to his support as Rhodes was now bringing up his entire force to re pel this unexpected attack. Finding, how- ever, that our artillery commanded the ford, Rhodes withdrew and formed his line in a more advantageous position. In this engagement the One Hundred Forty-First was under fire, hut did not occupy (he first line. Colonel Watkins says, "we all lay down Hat, and hugged the ground closely to let the minies go over us. Our Corps was the only one that crossed that night. The skirmishers had a brisk time of it. The en- emy's sharpshooters at one time got on our Hank' ami killed two in our brigade, hut none in our Regiment. The nun suffered greatly that night. The weather was cold anil the night frosty, and they were com- pelled lo lie on the ground without lire with their clothing wet to the waist, and without their coffee, .lust after dark a portion of the Regiment was put out on pic Says Sergeant Owen : "Soon after dark there was made a detail of a hundred nun from our Regiment, in which I was includ- ed, to go on picket. We were hoping soon of having the privilege of building fires, hut now it was good-bye tires, and sleep too, until morning. Our skirmishers had driven out the enemy from the clearing into the woods, and we were posted along those woods within ten or fifteen rods of them. We could hear them cough, could hear the tramp of their horses and the rattle of their sabres very plain. I think I never suffered so much from the cold as I did that night. 154 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST The air was not freezing but very penetrat- ing. Every man in the line shook as with the ague." Colonel Madill, now again in command of the brigade, was division Officer of the day, and ordered an advance of the picket line which was precipitated by the enemy about three o'clock in the morning, making an offensive demonstration to cover their re- treat. A squad of mounted horsemen came out in sight of our left as if to charge us. The Colonel on being informed of the move- ment, instructed the officers on the picket line to have the men deployed as skirmish- ers and move forward from the right at a given signal. An hour before daylight they entered the woods along which they had been posted, expecting every moment to be confronted by a hostile force, but on they went, a half a mile, through the woods, and into the clearing beyond, but not a Confeder- ate was to be seen. The men were then, about daylight, allowed to build tires, and " we had a chance to dry our clothing and make some coffee." The Regiment started soon after this movement, about seven o'clock in the morn- ing, and after marching about live miles formed line of battle, and the left wing- made a junction with the other under Sedg- wick, who had been even more successful at Rappahannock Station, than French at Kel- ler's Ford. Here Meade offered battle, but Lee retired across the Rapidan, the advanc- ed guards and cavalry of the Federals skir- mishing with the rear guard of the enemy all the way, but could not bring on an en- gagement. Colonel Watkins thus speaks of the ad- vance :r-" After marching about live miles we formed line of battle. Here the First, Second, Third, Fifth and Sixth Corps form- ed a junction and tried hard to bring on a general engagement, but the enemy tied. We started in pursuit and soon reached the railroad, when the whole live corps marched in parallel lines. 1 never saw so tine a sight in my life. From sixty thousand to seven- ty thousand men were marching side by side, at quick time, with their trains, am- bulances, and artillery. I never saw so line a line of battle — some five miles in length and in good order. Older soldiers than I ever expect to be say that they nev< r saw so large a force, so splendidly arranged, and marching to the attack." The troops reached Brandy Station, on the railroad that evening, in tine spirits and went into camp — Lee had been so sud- denly surprised that he could not destroy the road from Rappahannock to Brandy Station, so that as soon as that part from Catlett's to Rappahannock could be repaired Meade's communications would be restored. The Regiment encamped in a piece of woods near the Station where they remained until the evening of Monday, when they were moved about a mile and went into camp in an open field a short distance south of the railroad. The next morning the brigade had orders to put up winter quarters and moved into a piece of woods for that pur- pose, but before the camp was laid out the men were moved into the camp lately occu- pied by the Confederate General James IT. Lane's Brigade (Second Brigade of Pender's division, of Hill's Corps,) and the Regiment took the camp occupied by the Thirty-Third North Carolina. Regiment. As evidence of the sudden departure of this brigade, they left their quarters which had been newly built, standing, and in a good condition. The camp was conveniently located, on the plantation of Hon- John Minor Botts, a mile and a half from his residence, about a mile west of the Station, with plenty of wood and water near by, but the huts were built without any order, "haphazard." The camp, however, was remodeled by our men, regularly laid out, the log houses rebuilt and put in order for winter use. Sergeant Chalice notes that (his morning, Thursday, November 10th, the mountain tops are white with snow. On Sunday, the loth, was the usual inspection deferred until afternoon on REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 155 account of a severe rain which began on Saturday and continued all night. And on Monday General French reviewed the ( lorps, this with a couple of details of fifty men each for picket duty, and the rebuilding of quarters were the only occurrences of note until Tuesday, the 17th, when the Sixty- Eighth Regiment was transferred from the First (Graham's) Brigade to the Third. (De- Trobriand's) and the One Hundred Tenth took its place. The next day the Regiment was gladden- ed by a visit from its old Brigade Command- er. He had been wounded and captured at Gettysburg, exchanged, and at his request transferred to a command in North Carolina where the service would be less arduous and the climate less severe, and now came to bid the men who were endeared to him, farewell. Colonel Watkins has written the following description of this reception of the General and his complimentary address to the men who fought under him at Chancellorsville and Gettysburg: — '* Colonel Madill was in command of the brigade and I of the Regiment. We were ordered out and formed line by battalion in mass, doubled on the center, to receive the General and bid him good-bye. Our Regi- ment took the center in line. As the Gen- eral appeared before the brigade colors Colo- nel Madill greeted him with a neat little speech in behalf of t lie brigade, and the bri- gade with three rousing cheers. The Gen- eral responded, bidding us 'farewell !' The General and Colonel with their staffs then went to the right of the line and dismount- ed. The Colonel then introduced the Gen- eral to the Commanding Officer of each regi- ment, who in turn introduced him to the Line Officers. "When he came to our Regiment we gave him three cheers more, and the General greeted me warmly and inquired as to my health. I then introduced him to the Line Officers, after which lie made us another fare- well speech, closing by saying, ' you are a noble little Regiment. You have sacrificed more lives on the altar of your country than any other regiment in the service of the United States. God bless' you ! farewell!' " lie then passed on to the left of the line. All say that he visited the One Hundred Forty-First with the honors of the occasion. Of course we felt proud. The boys and offi- cers of the Brigade, (leaving out the One Hundred Fourteenth,) are all sorry to lose him. He was always a friend of the One Hundred Forty-First, and always specially noticed us in bis reports of engagements. "As to our Regiment, I can assure you- that it stands as high in two respects, — or- derly conduct and courage — as any other in the division. General Birney says, ' I have often been tempted to reprimand the One Hundred Forty-First for its deficiency in drill, but when I think how much better it drills on the battlefield than on dress parade, I can't have the heart to do it.' Major Duff, now on Birney's staff, told me the other day, ' That is a good fighting Regiment of yours. I saw you at Chancellorsville and never saw a regiment stand under such fire. When they commenced Hanking your left wing it looked like sticking a tallow candle into the fire and holding it there, it melted away so in line.' I thought he was about right." After a short visit at Headquarters the General started for Washington, bearing the hearty good will of the men who parted with him in genuine sorrow. On the 19th the Regiment had dress pa- rade, the first in a long time, and on the 22(1 an order was received reducing the amount of rations to be carried by each man to five days, and the number of cartridges to forty rounds. On Monday, the 23d, the men re- ceived four months' pay. The next morn- ing orders were issued to be ready to march at once, but a severe rainstorm having set in. the order was countermanded until weather. It should have been noticed that on the 19th the railroad was opened to Brandy Ma- i ;6 ONE HUNDRED FORI V-F/RST i ii ii, .111.1 U. ade had been hurrying ii| |ilii for his I mops preparatory to I he linal the yea) I (i : Tlml I in know ii as llie MINI III i ■•!<■- i Says Wwinton : " J ud ■■ 1 1 1-- from the cxpc lience ol ml mi lilury operul ions as had heen al tempted during pi evious yean nt the i now reached, ii might have heen in l(i nd that the army could d i hing hetter than t< ml" u inter quarters, and awail the coming Hpring, hefore entering upon n new campaign. Bui < ieneral Meade fell I hal I he condition of I In 1 public mind would hardly brook delay ; and being himself very Ii ir mi lion, he .in \ iously watched a fa- vorable opportunil y lo deliver battle. Such an opj)ortunity he thought he saw towards the end of November ; and he I hen planned peration known m the 'Mine Run ' move an opera! ion which deserved hetter I .11 it met." The Rupidun, n I the place w here I Potomai t-rn lo I iocii i Gj;ove oi Robert on'a Tavi i n i w o miles east of Mine Run, crosi es i hal si ream -i x and ;i ha If ml Ies from its moul h. Tbe Plank Road and unlini hod railroad i lo. new i ly purul lel with i he Turnpike, bul about ili no miles Carl her south. A road 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 ■ almost directly south from Jacob's Ford, follow in.; nearly the crest ok tlie hill which I iln i ;i in ii boundary of M ine !; on valley, crosses the Turnpike ;ii Robert son's Tavern, and the Clunk Road al Hope Church. Half w a) bctw een the Ford and Tn vcrn ihi road passes throug Ii i In' far f the Widow Morris, where the One Hundred Fort) First had a sharp engagement in which thej losl :i number of men. I .cr had placed Hill's < lorps along the south hank of the Rapidan as far as Mine linn, which was on his east or i i" lit Hank, and Kw oil': < lorps along 1 1> i latter stream, forti lying hi po itions, which w ere nat ura I- ng, with rifle piis and breai tworl Meade designed by a rapid movement to strike Fwell on his righl Hank from the Flank Road, and crush him before Lee could strengthen his posil ion. Farly in i lie morning ol' Thuri day, No veinhei 2(ith, he put lit; army in motion, marching in three columns, French, with the Third Corps, w in to take the advance of iii column, in. in " i In- Rapidan al Jacob's Ford, a mile and ;i half east of the in. .mi I. of M in..- Run, follow ed by the Sixth Corps, and meel the center column consisting of i lir Sri -onil Corps which was lo cross at the (iermnnna Ford, ai Robertson's Tavern, w bile die lei'l column, consisting of the First and Fifth < lorps, w as to cross at ' lulpepper Mine Ford and proceed to Parker's Store on the Plank Road. The column led b) French comprised nearly thirty thousand men, almost one half of .Meade's ellcclive force 'The success of |he movement de- pended entirely upon each column reaching its prescribed position al the exacl time w lo.li i he < o anding < Ieneral had ar ranged with great particularity, and upon i he celerity of their mo\ emenl REGIMENT, PENA './ / i 1 ; i. i. ii v, i ordered to start ni daylight, ,i ii ill pa i eight o'i locl< hefore our , . nil il, i In- roads w ere made heavy by the recenl rains, find the a in", difficult at li lays on the road ho thai Jaeob i I 'ord ii nol i eached until tw 'three o'clocl in ll lei noon. Here unforeseen diflieultii in w di I113 h The in." i o ivollen thul fordinj i , and a pontoon miiBt be i id, the ( nginci i i liave made u i the bri Lie st be l'n i h to i euch the hore the banki ol the n ver here are bo i teep thai ii would tuke .-i day i" make a road l\ u nd arl illery, bo I' i ' 1 1 < I ! "Hi tl ' • ri i i ■>!<(, w here ill" rivei ible. The Third < orp f i null ) ucceeded in gel 'nr .mi i, . . i he river before dark, Prince in command of i he Third ( I rench s) Di in i he advani e Tlii division after croi in", the rivei lost i I and linally al i i I- hi or nine o'clock in i he e\ eniny thi ' ivouacked neai i he oul h bank of i he Rapidan for the night. I rem Ii'h delays ■ ' ioui ly interfered w itii hi command ■ i plan , but new orders were is iued and Meade hoped still thai by an enei mm., i mi iii he might i ompel Lee LO abandon in poi ition, and I rench was directed to pn li I'm ward i mI v 1 1- i I" and form ;i junction with the Second < iorps at Robi rl ■ in. I In in - hi w i bitterly cold and the mi n were ready to i tart i arly tin ni i mo I 'iimr a Divi ion again led the advan I he Third Corps, and about nine o'i loi I I ill.- Mori ho in a glade w here righl branch i unning almoi i direct ly we i reai hi M ine Run near I ..M 1 1, n' . Mill iii left continues to Robei i i ii. Mr I M mi I,, i of John on' Dii ( KwiU'n < lorps) advance up the road from Bartlett's Mill. Prince on seeing them end to I' rench who was in the rear for in struct ions and wailed two hour foi a reply. Meade orden I 'rench foi ward to Robi T:i\ ii n, I. ni iii.- Inttei In i iti . \ aoillates and linally instead of obeying pu hi Prince iluu ii towards Bart letl M i lephy h I H vision on the lefi of the road in i In- ■ I . ■ . I . French hn ni\ en Johni on i ii. m to pn pan lor the attaol , II" til bad Prince to I he glade and pr< Second Division In wo\ er, deploj id In:, men, and lid' ing i he plai i ol iii. hard pr d troops, ucceeded In ing the enemy, The One Hundred in i was i he on 1) Regi menl ol th e I i ■ i Brigadi engaged in thi part ol the fight, "> hii li ■ a i very i h ii*ji here foi an hour, \\ hen i he enemy having accompl lir purpose, in pi eventing i he junction of the Iwo i "liinm , : low In ret m 'I followed by I'.il' i h rough ill" woods and to the i dge of a cleared field. The Regimeul was i tected by a rail f< nee and •Mil i ni" the everity of the (ire ll . omparatively liglit, three killed and len wo led. The Si icty Third relieved our i :ii dark, and the men retired ;i id and laid down for i he nighl, aflet replenii hing their empt y carti ii wondering wlial the moi row would reveal This engagement i I now n on Hi" records ol the Liegiraenl as ( he " Battle of Moi ri I ftl IM The next moj ning i he si irmishers were id before da flight, but i he enemy had withdrawn dm ing ill" night. I rencli now pushes forward loward Robert on I ■ ■• em. li had rained all the moi ning, but the . ni, (loundering i h rough the mud The road croi sei a number of small treams (lowing into Mine Run, which are epa rated Li f rom one o( ] viiw of iii" < lonfedoratc posi btained. The mountain brool , i li\ iln- ruin had becomi h i"i rent inundal ing a large pari of the valh •■ i h u li which ii flowed ; and i oon, t<> m - eeable, an al i imi trabh fog ettled dow n upon i vei . thing .in, i ,i ; iii. • ii,,; iii.- Fed fS8 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST eral army occupies :i line facing Mine Run (westerly) and perpendicular (<> the Rapi- dan, Warren's (Second) Corps on the ex- treme left, his left resting upon the unfinish- ed railroad, and crossing the Plank Road, French on his right, Newton's (First) on the right of French, his right resting on the Turnpike, then Sykes' (Fifth) Corps and Sedgwick's (Sixth.) The day was spent in getting into position, there being im fighting except a little skirmish firing at times. The Regiment was placed on picket this evening. The Federal and Confederate picket lines were near each oilier, both Oil the east side of the Run, our line extending across Mrs, Kennedy's farm, at whose house the Colonel established his headquarters. The night was rainy and cold and the men suffered in- tensely. Sunday, the 29th, the Regiment still held the advanced line. They were deployed as skirmishers and compelled the enemy to withdraw to the west side of the Run. The entire day was thus passed. Ticket firing between the lines was kepi up constantly, but no general engagement. The enem} in the meanwhile was fortifying the west side of Mine Run until it became a line of great strength. Lieutenant Atkinson writes: — " Our Regiment was sent out on picket that (Saturday) night and remained out all day Sunday. Firing between the pickets was kept up all of Sunday ; and 1 venture to say that there was not an officer in the Regi- ment, except three with the reserves that was not fired ul several times during the day, and only one was hit, and he very slightly on the finger." Just when' our picket line was established the valley through which the stream runs is several rods in width, the creek running near the western bank. The videttes of the line were placed in a fringe of timber which bordered the stream, while the re- serves were stationed in a belt of wood at the foot of the hills that form the cash rri bound of the valley. Between the two was a strip of cleared ground. A party of ( lonfed crate sharpshooters occupied a position over looking this cleared space and sent a volley of minie balls after officer or man who at- 1 impted to cross it. Several bad thus been shot at when Colonel Madill came down to visit the picket posts. Though warned of his danger he fearlessly strode across the dan) erous w ay unharmed, and told < laptain Atkinson he wanted sonic of bis best marks- men. Taking these they crossed the stream on one of the rail bridges which had been laid preparatory t aking a charge upon the enemy's position, clambered up the bank on the west side until he reached a point commanding the position of the sharpshoot- ers, and then elevating his hat on a stick to draw the fire and learn their exact hiding place, directed his men to watch for them. In this way the two parties watched each oilier for some time, each firing at the bid- ill"' place of I he other without damage to either, but making the sharpshooters a little more cautious about firing at persons cross- ing the cleared space lest they should < themselves to the fire of their assailants. The One Hundred Forty- hirst, relieved by the Fifty-Seventh after dark, Sunday ev- ening, retired on a ridge back of Birney's Headquarters for the night, where they biv- ouacked upon the ground, wet, cold and tired. Warren was to have led the attack on .Monday morning, the 30th ; but finding the enemy so strongly in his front declined to do so, in which he had the approval of his commander, who determines if he can to at- tack the enemy's center. The First Brigade of Birney's Division is placed to support Sleeper's battery, but before Meade could make the proper dipositions his watchful antagonist divined his purpose and massed his fonis to repel the threatened attack. The Regiment was busy in the afternoon in strengthening its line by a series of rifle pits and breastworks. This evening clearing weather was followed by severely cold wind.-; which brought suffering to the men. REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. [59 < )n Tuesday morning, I (ecember 1st, the brigade moved farther to the rear and found shelter in a piece of pine woods, where they remained all day, while the artillery and trains were senl back across the Rapi- dan, Ai six o'clock in the evening orders were received to !><• ready to march at once, and in an hour the whole corps was in mo- tion, takin ■; 1 lie Plank Road toward Fred- ericksburg until they reached the road lead- ing to < rermanna Ford, 1 hen in '. he direct ion of Culpepper Ford, which after a long, hard march all night was reached and 1 about five o'clock in the morning of the sec- ond of December. In this retreat Birney's Division was icar guar I to i he column. Upon reaching the north side of the Rapi- dan the division remained to guard the ford until Wednesday evening, when they started for their old camp which \\a reached with- out further incident about daylight of Thurs- day, after an absence of just one week. The campaign had been a very severe and 1 rying one. Rain, cold weather, long night marches, proximity to the enemy, forbidding md thus depriving the men of their much needed coffee, all told badly for the m< u, w ho rejoiced once more to get into their log hut - and enjoy the shelter and rest they afforded. What was worse, the campaign was a fruit- ne. The loss entailed upon the enemy was trifling and the gain on our pari noth- ing, Meade was chagrined and laid the blame of failure largely on French whose dilatory movements and disobedience of or ders had thwarti d the plans of the com- mander, and thus turned what promised to be a successful movement to a complete failure. The loss of Second Lieutenant James Van \nl en, who was killed on the afternoon of November 27th, ( was deeply felt. He was born April 27, L840, and spent his boyhood on Lime Hill, acquiring a fair English edu- cation in the publin school, and was living iln re at the ti ne of his enlistment with < lap- tain Jackson iii Company A, in which at its organization he was made Si 1 from \\ hich, February 16, 1863, he wa promoted to Second Lieutenant. In th< ab- sence of commissioned officers in Company I >, I ( ieutenant Van A.uken was placed in command of that company by ordei of < lolo nel iMailill, May L2th, continuing in that po- sition most of the time until his death. .Inst, al the do e of 1 he engagement at Morris Farm, he was standing in a group with three or lour other officen when he was shot by a sharpshooter, in the right side just be- low the shoulder, the ball striking his arm and passing into the lungs. He was assisted to the rear and died in about fifteen min- utes, lie was a good soldier, an efficient of- 1 pleasant companion, possessed of a cheerful disposition, an even temper r< ed by his fellow officers and beloved by his men. He, with others who fell in thi en gagement, was buried in a plot in the Wi- dow Morris' garden. Al, Kelley's Ford Lieutenant Van A uken captured a < lonfed- erati officer, and retained his sword which is now in 1 he posi es ion of his brother. A f- ii r 1 lie Regiment retui ned from the M ine Run expedition a meeting of the officers wa held w hich adopted 1 he following minute, viz: At a meeting of the officers of the ( me Hundred Forty-First Regii 1, Pennsylva- nia Volunteers, held in camp near Brandy Station, Virginia, December 8, 1863, lor the purpose of taking suitable action in regard to 1 he death of Lieutenant Van Vol.. n, of Company A, of that Regiment, the follow- li ilutions were unanimou l;> adopted 1 Whereas, An A.ll-Wise Providence has removed from among us our esteemi d and valued friend and brother officer, Lieuten- ant James Van A uken, of < 'oinoaiiv A, a comrade possessing high social qualities, and an amiability of disposition thai endear- ed him to all with whom he was acquainted and 1 ociatl d, and who fell mm tally wound- ed in the kite battle of Mon is Farm, while gallantly defending his country's (lag; and We i:i; r: \ -, Words can but inadequately express the sorrow which we, his brother officers, lee] upon this sad occasion, and u bile humbly bowing to the dictate, of I Inn who doeth all things well, we would put on i6o ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST record evidence of the deep sense of the loss we have sustained, and as a slight mark of respect to the memory of our lamented com- rade, il is Ri solved, That in the death of Lieutenant .lames Van Auken, the < )ne I [undred Forty- First Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, lias li st a faithful and valued officer, his brother officers a dearly beloved comrade, and the service one of its brightest and noblest ornaments. Resolved, That our heartfelt sympathies are due and are hereby tendered to the sor- row-stricken family and relatives of the de- ceased, in this their hour of affliction. /,'. solved, That we, the officers of the One Hundred Forty-hirst Regiment, Pennsylva- nia Volunteers, in token of respect for our late brother officer, do wear the usual badge of mourning for the ensuing thirty days. Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be transmitted to the family of the deceased, and to the Bradford County papers for pub- lication. Signed, II. J. Madill, Colonel, 141st, Pa. Vols. <;. Ii. Watkins, Lieut. Col., 1 list. Pa. Vols. 1). W. Sea'rle, Adjutant, 141st, Pa. Vols. R. N. Torrey, Quar. Master, 1 list, Pa. Vols. William Church, Surgeon, Mist, Pa. Vols. ■ F. C. Dennison, Asst. Surg., 1 list. Pa Vols. Joseph H. Horton, Captain, Company A. Joseph 11. Hurst, First Lieut., Company A. Benjamin M. Peck, Captain, Company B. Henry I*. Jones. First Lieut., Company B. "William J. Cole, Captain, Company C. GeorgeW. Kilmer, First Lieut., Company C. Marcus L. Warner, First Lieut., Company 1). John F. Clark, Captain, Company L. Mascn Long, First Lieut., Company E. E. B. Brainerdj First Lieut., Company F. I -ii Atkinson, Captain, ( lorupany ( I. < '. \V. Tyler, Captain, Company 11. John L. Gyle, First Lieut., Company II. L. A. Spaulding, Captain, Company 1. John G. Brown, First Lieut,. Company 1. Charles Mercur, Captain, Company K. ! Gerould, First Lieut.. Company 1\. Hiram Bennett, a private in Company D, son of Enos Bennett, living in Burling- ton township at the time of his enlistment, was instantly killed having been shot through the head, lie was unmarried, and about twenty-two years of age. John I'. Snyder, was living in Sheshequin "'Appointed Assistant Surgeon in place of Dr. i Thompson, deceased. at the time of his enlistment, where he left a wife and one daughter, (since married and living in Stillwater, Minnesota,) joined Cap- tain Reeves" Company, was a good soldier, and fell in the ranks, lie was horn Decem- ber 24, 1830, and a brother of William Sny- der, Esq. There were wounded also in this engage- ment the following as reported : COM PANY A. Sergeant Edwin White, severely in the thigh. Private Benjamin P. Oliphanl, severely in the right arm. COMPANY 1>. Corporal Charles E. Seeley, slightly in the hand. Private Darius Bullock, severely in the breast. COMPANY II. Lieutenant John L. Gyle, slightly in the fingers. Private < tilbert Corwin. Jacob W. Palmer, thigh broken. COMPANY 1. •■Private Mill's Russell, slightly in the finger. •Private William Heath, slightly in the hand. i PANY' K. Private Wallace Scott, slightly in the fin- gers. J he following table is a summary ol the looses : Company', &c. Killed or Died of Wounds. Captured and Missing Field n Monday, the 7th, Captain Atkinson with a detail of fifty men went on picket, re- maining until Wednesday, and thirteen ar- rived from Convalescent Camp. The week passed quietly, the weather was cold, high winds and rains were frequent, and the win- ter quarters proved to lie very comfortable. The Christian Commission erected a cha- pel-tent near Brigade Headquarters, and on Sunday, December l.'Jth, it was opened for public worship. George H. Stuart and the Secretary of the Commission, Dr. Patterson, conducted the public service which was well attended by men of the Regiment. Preaching services, prayer and conference meetings were held almost nightly, ami Bible class instruc- tion every Sunday. Members of the commis- sion remained with the brigade until the opening of the spring campaign. The efforts here made to improve the moral and spirit- ual condition of the men were warmly sec- onded by the officers of both brigade and Regiment, Quartermaster Torrey always giv- ing prompt transportation to their baggage and supplies. The meetings were largely attended, many became deeply interested in tin' great question of their spiritual well-be- ing, and began to lead a better life. In ad- dition to religious meetings the chapel was frequently used lor addresses on temperance, patriotism and the like. Wednesday, the Kith, was the monthly inspection. On the 23d General Meade re- viewed the corps, but the weather was cold, the ground covered with snow, and the dis- play was soon over. The vicissitudes through which the Regi- ment had passed since Chancellorsville had deprived the companies of many of their of- ficers, both commissioned and non-commis- sioned. In some of the companies not a commissioned officer was left, and in most, the few non-commissioned officers were obliged to serve in several capacities. As soon as the Kegiment returned from the Mine Run movement, arrangements were made to give each company its required number of officers, and at dress parade, Tuesday, December 211111, the announcement of the promotions was made. In Company A promotions were made November 1st, viz: .James W. Alderson from Sergeant to firs: Sergeant; Ethel Ful- ler from private to Sergeant; Isaac Yetter and Daniel B. Yose from privates to Cor- porals. In Company B, December 5th, Benjamin M. Peck was promoted from Second Lieu- tenant to Captain; Henry ['.. .Jones from Sergeant-Major to First Lieutenant; Martin 0. Codding, December 17th, from Sergeant to Sergeant-Major; Ephraim D. Robbins, December 3d, from Sergeant to First Ser- geant; Josiah A. Bosworth from Corporal to Sergeant ; .John H. Chaffee, Robert Hatch, Stephen B. Canfield, Nelson C. Dyer, Hi- ram L. Culver, Alvin Whittaker and ( leorge II. (i ranger to be Corporals. In Company C, December 5th, First L>' tenant William J. Cole was promote' f(')2 ONE HUNDRED FORTY- EI RSI Captain ; George W. Kilmer from First Ser- geant to First Lieutenant. En Company 1>, First Lieutenant Thomas Ryon was promoted to Captain, December 26th; Marcus E. Warner, December oth, was promoted from First Sergeant to First Lieutenant; Henry J. Hudson from Sergeant to First Sergeant; Chester Stewart from Cor- poral to Sergeant; Lyman Beers, Jerome Chaffee, Daniel Shultz, and Rodney Brewer, from privates to Corporals. In Company E, Mason Lout;' was promot- ed, December 5th, from Second to First Lieutenant, in place of Stephen Evans- , re- signed, November 3d, and William R. Campbell was promoted Corporal, Novem- ber Is!. [n Company F, Elisha 1'.. Brainerd was promoted from Second to First Lieutenant, December 5th, ami Leander Brooks was made Corporal, December - _ > ">th. In Company ('<, Joseph Atkinson was pro- moted, December 5th, from First Lieutenant to < 'aptain ; ( 'liarles M. Ball from Second to First Lieutenant, and William Muir' 1 from First Sergeant to Second Lieutenant, Decem- ber 9th. In Company H, John L. Gyle was pro- moted, December 5th, from Second to First Lieutenant. In Company I, John G. Brown, December 5th, was promoted from Second to First Lieutenant. In Company K, December 5th, Beebe Gerould was promoted from First Sergeant to First Lieutenant, and the first of January following Aurelius J. Adams from Sergeant to First Sergeant. In a letter of ( 'aptain Atkinson, under date of January 24, 1864, be says: — "I have had a recom- mendation sent for Miiir as Second Lieutenant, and hope to gel his commission so as to take it to him at Philadelphia on my way home" Mr. Muir was at that time in hospital suffering from his wound received at Gettysburg, shot by a re- volver, the ball passing through the knee, and for some reason never received his Lieutenant's amission to which he was entitled, but the ■imciit subsequently recognized his right The year closed in quietness among the camps of the Grand Army. Under the or- der allowing a certain number of officers and enlisted men to be absent on furloughs, quite a number had availed themselves of the opportunity to make short visits home, the sick and wounded were recovering and returning to the Regiment so that altogethei the outlook was more hopeful than it had been since Chancellorsville. The period of enlistment of the Fifty-Sev- enth, One Hundred Fifth, and One Hundred Tenth Regiments having nearlj expired, the most of them re-enlisted as veteran volunteers, and December 29th were muster- ed for three years more, or until the < li the war. Those who thus re-enlisted were given furloughs of thirty-live days to return home as an organization. Wednesday and Thursday, December 30th and 31st, had been rainy, so that when in the afternoon of the last day of the year the Regiment was mustered by the Colonel, ev- erything was swimming in mud. John II. Chalice, of Company B, makes. this entry at the close of the year: — "One year ago to-day the One Hundred Forty- First numbered between six hundred and seven hundred. To-day we have two hun- hundred and forty-five present. Many of our absent ores lie buried in Virginia or on the bloody held of Gettysburg, while many more are absent in hospital, not having as vet recovered from their wounds. I believe the majority of those present have the marks of rebel bullets on their persons, while there are but three or tour officers thai have not been wounded." The severe experiences of the past two winters bad been sufficient to convince ev- ery one ol the folly of attempting active mil- itary operations during the bad weather. Meade therefore wisely determined to allow his army to rest in their comfortable winter quarters until the weather became settled in the spring. Luring the first four months of the year 186 1, the t roops remained encamped REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 163 about the north bank of the Rapidan, our Regiment in the vicinity of Brandy Station, without the occurrence of much that is wor- thy of note. Details of fifty men or therea- bouts were required for picket duty, one de- tail relieving the other, so that about this number of men was constantly on the pick- et line; company, regimental and brigade drills were had in suitable weather; inspec- tions were frequent ; dress parade was ob- served on pleasant afternoons; the troops were occasionally reviewed by the Generals, while the leisure was mostly spent in such amusements as could be indulged in. The year 1863 closed with heavy rains, but before night of January 1st tin- weather became much colder and the ground was t'ro/.cn again. The day after, the One Hun- dred Fifth Regiment started for home on their veteran furlough. On Sunday, Janua- ry 10th, Captain Mercur, who, December 24th, had been detailed Brigade [nspector, inspected the Regiment. The Regiment wns encamped upon the farm of Hon. John Minor Botts, but wood becoming scarce it was rumored that Mr. Botts had prevailed upon General Birney to move his division farther away; and on Monday, the 11th, the One Hundred Forty- First struck tents at eight o'clock, and mov- ed about four miles toward the Rapidan into a piece of line timber. That night the men were compel led to sleep upon the frozen ground with the snow three inches deep without shelter. The next two days they were busily engaged in building new quar- ters. The new camp was by order of Gen- eral Birney called Camp Bullock, in honor of a friend who had presented each man in the division with a pair of yarn mittens. The brigade was temporarily reduced to three regiments, the Fifty-Seventh having gone home on the 8th on veteran furlough. ( !aptain ' ryle was in command of the Regi- ment for a (■-■w days, the Colonel having gone home on a short leave on the 6th, and Lieutenant-Colonel Watkins being also ab- sent on sick leave, the latter, however, re- turned on the 1-lth and took command. Sunday, .January 24th, was pleasant, and General Birney reviewed the troops of his division and inspected their camps, ordering the men in the First Brigade to build their houses somewhat higher and otherwise im- prove them, and the next two or three days were spent in making these improvements, policing the streets, and otherwise improv- ing the cam]). The first few days of February were spent in the usual quiet. General Butler, com- manding the Department of Virginia and North Carolina, believing that Richmond bad been snipped of its garrison, formed the design of swooping down upon the Confed erate Capital with a cavalry force by way of New Kent Court House, on the Peninsula. In order to distract Lee's attention and [ire- vent him from sending a force to aid the garrison at Richmond, in case the attack- should prove successful, Sedgwick, then temporarily in command of the Army of the Potomac, ordered two divisions of the Sec- ond ( oi-ps to cross the Rapidan at Germanna Ford, and the rest of the army to be in sup- porting distance. In this movement the One Hundred Forty-First fad a. part. At five o'clock on the morning of Satur- day, February 6th, the men were ordered to pack up, and, leaving a guard totake care of the camp, be ready to march at seven, heavy cannonading meanwhile being heard in the direction of Culpepper. Owing to the great depletion of the First Brigade, most of its regiments being absent on veteran furloughs, it was divided between the other two bri- gades of the division, the One Hundred For- ty-First being placed in the Third, 1 De Tro- briand's) Brigade. The men remained ready to march until lour o'clock in the af- ternoon, when they fell into line and set out in the direction of Culpepper at quick time. The morning was cloudy, and about noon the rain began to fall which continued all the afternoon and evening, making the roads 164 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRS! slippery and muddy. It was dark before Culpepper was reached, but the men contin- ued 1 brer miles farther, when about, ten o'clock they bivouacked in a piece of vv is for the night, with orders to be ready to march the next morning at daylight. The rain continued to fall nearly all night, drenching the men to the skin. At live o'clock the Regiment is again aroused, and after a hasty breakfast is in line and ready to move at seven. The roads by this time are terribly muddy, which with wet clothing render all movements slow and difficult. They, however, push on four miles farther when then' come to a halt, where they re- mained until afternoon. The clouds had broken away ami the sun shone during the afternoon. Later in the day the men were moved back about a mile into a piece of woods where they again bivouacked until night, when they returned to camp which they reached about ten o'clock, tired, wet, and hungry. It had been a muddy, hard march. The movement had accomplished nothing but weariness to the troops who were engaged in it. In a letter under date of February 11th, Sergeant Owen has so graphically described this movement, and his half mirth- ful style wili be so well appreciated by his comrades as giving a soldier's view of things that the following extract will be given: — " Early on the morning of the 6th we heard cannonading, and packing up our things ready for a move we lay in readiness awaiting orders until four o'clock in the af- ternoon, at which time the musketry could be heard very plainly. The bugle then sounded ' Fall in !' which was done in short order, every man with about as much on his back as he could stand under. It had rain- ed some in the night and drizzled all day, thus rendering things wet and nice, and making the going muddy and slippery. The First Brigade, (ours) was divided between lie Second and Third — the One Hundred Forty-First was put with the Third. We marched over to General Birney's Head- quarters where we rested a short time for the columns to pass. While there the artil- lery and musketry firing was very rapid, and appeared to lie not more than two miles off. Marching in the direction of the firing we passed through Culpepper, three or four miles from camp, at eight o'clock, mud shoe deep in all places and deeper if you happen- ed to get your foot into some other places, which I and the most of us did. The lain kept coining steadily and at times quite fast. It was as dark as it usually is when the sky is completely hidden by black clouds, and including everything it was delightful. "Our road was the broad common over rivulets, ditches, through liehls and hedges, interspersed with stumps and stones which would frequently run against the soldiers' toes, prostrating them at full length in the mud. I was fortunate enough to come that game twice. On we went, however, but the musketry which had slackened somewhat seemed no nearer than when we started. Three miles from Culpepper toward the Ra- pidan, and at the foot of Pony Mountain they ran us into a fine piece of woods where we were told to make ourselves comfortable until daylight. All that we could learn was that the Second Corps was fighting the enemy somewhere in hearing, but on which side of the river we could not tell. It was said the movement was merely a reconnois- sance in force to ascertain the strength of the enemy, but we all thought we would get a 'chance in' before it was done with. Guards had been left at all the camps to keep bummers and stragglers from destroying what could not be taken. Some of the troops left their tents up, but we were ordered to take everything as we might not return. " At daylight on the 7th we fell in and started again for the scene of action. Some artillery was playing, and the musketry fir- ing was as if on a skirmish line. After marching about three miles we came to a halt in a piece of woods where we staid near- ly two hours. Meantime the news came REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 165 that the play was out, and we would return to camp. The report was soon confirmed by our taking the back track, and a general shout ran from one end of the line to the other when we were aerain sent to the woods on a middling dry piece of ground where we remained till night. At noon the sun came out, the clouds vanished, and it was ■quite pleasant. We took advantage of it to dry our things. "At dark (he column started tor camp, and the marching we (lit! — well, we did not run all (he way, but we did some tall walk- ing, and did not make a halt in the whole distance, nearly or quite eight miles. Ami here I must say that I am not disposed to faultfinding, but I do wish that some of our leaders who have horses to ride were obliged to shoulder a soldier's burden and foot it just one day on some of our marches. I think it would make stragglers of them and teach them a lesson that any sensible man ought to know by reason without a resort to experience. The road from Culpepper to camp was lined with soldiers, worried out. A few of the strongest got through with the horses, but the ranks were completely brok- en, one regiment mixed with another. Some did not get in until the next day. I with iny tent-mates got in about ten o'clock in the evening just about whipped. When there is necessity for fast marching no sol- dier will grumble, hut where then- is no oc- casion to]- hurry one cannot help it. " Another point that I cannot see the rea- son for is why we cannot have daylight to move in? Completely hidden as we are from the enemy by distance, woods, moun- tains, etc., we often loiter away a nice day, and then pull up in the night and make a long hard march, when a man's eyes are of no use to him. There may be policy in it, but I cannot see it. The troops are all hack in their old camps. The papers say the Second Corps surprised and captured a good many prisoners, crossed the Kapidan, had a sharp engagement with the enemy, held their ground, retired in the night with the loss of ali lut two hundred men." Nearly all of the men of the Fifty-Sev- enth, Ninety Ninth, One Hundred Fifth and One Hundred Tenth Regiments had re-en- listed, but a few in each preferred to leave the army and return home. While their comrades were away on veteran furlough, those of the One Hundred Tenth who did not re -enlist were transferred to Company I swelling their number to nearly eighty men, those of the Ninety-Ninth were also assigned to two other companies of the Regiment, making for a time the aggregate as many as four hundred and eighty-nine men, from whom sixty-three men were daily detailed for picket service. The remnants of the Fifty-Seventh and One Hundred Filth re- mained by themselves. On the 12th of February, Colonel Madill returned on the expiration of his leave and again resumed command of the Regiment. On Sunday, February 14th, the woods look lire, endangering the camp, the Brigade Commissary and stores, and the men were all called out to put out the fires. The wind was high and for a time it was thou- hi doubtful i I anything could lie saved, hut the flames were got under control and the stores secured. On Monday, Francis A. Spencer, a recruit in Company II, died in camp of- measles, and was buried the 16th — "The first funeral in the Regiment since last spring." He had heen mustered December 31, 1863, but reached the Regiment only the week before his death. He was a young man, "a mere lad," living at the time of his enlistment in Erie County, Pennsylvania, the son of Ben- jamin N. Spencer, (since deceased,) of the same company, who was aide to care for him in his sickness, and in whose anus he died. His being almost a stranger in the Regiment, his youth, and his sudden death enlisted much sympathy from his comrades. The weather during the month had been extremely unpleasant. Most of the time it bad rained or snowed, the storms being fol- i66 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST lowed by high winds and cold weather, pre- venting any regular drills. The men, how- ever, amused themselves at playing ball whenever the weather would admit, and in- spections were frequent. On Sunday, the 21st, the One Hundred Fifth Regiment re- turned to camp at the expiration of their furlough. Our Regiment turned out with guns and equipments to welcome them, standing at " present arms " while the vet- erans passed by. Says Adrial Lee, in speak- ing of this reception: — "Colonel Madill takes off' his hat and gives three cheers, ac- companied by the Regiment, and the salute is returned by the old veterans. We were mighty glad to see them returning. Com- pany A had a grand cotillion after roll call in their honor." On Monday, orders were issued for a daily thorough inspection, and to prepare for a review of the division. The next two days were spent in policing the camp and preparing for the review which took place on Wednesday, February "24th, at two o'clock in the afternoon, by Generals French and Birney, followed by dress paradein the even- ing. Thursday, the Regiment received two months' pay. The Fifty- Seventh Regiment returned from furlough this day, and was received with the same honors as had heen accorded to the One Hundred Fifth. Six men also returned to the Regiment this even- ing. < >n Saturday, the '27th, orders were re- ceived at Regimental Headquarters to he ready to march at seven o'clock the next morning, and the men to provide themselves with five days' rations in haversacks. The accounts of the ill-treatment of Federal prisoners at Richmond hud excited profound sympathy throughout the North, and led to fitting out a bold expedition under command of General Kilpatrick to effect their release. In this, as in other raids against the Capi- tal of the Confederacy, the Army of the Po- tomac co-operated by diverting Lee from the cavalry movements on the James and pre- venting him from reinforcing the Rich- mond garrison* The picket detail was immediately called in and the men were busy the remaining part of the day in getting ready for the con- templated movement. On Sunday morn- ing the reveille sounded at live o'clock, and at half-past six the men were in line ready to march. The tents were left standing with the halt and lame to guard them. The roads were good, in som-e places dusty, and the weather pleasant. The route was in a southwesterly direction toward Madison Court House, south of Robertson's river. The Sixth Corps, preceded by a division of cavalry, led the column, the Third Corps following within supporting distance. About ten o'clock in the forenoon the brigade reached Culpepper, through which the divi- sion marched in column by companies. This- town, which is so frequently mentioned in the accounts of the Army of the Potomac. is descrihed by one of the men of the Regi- ment as " about four miles west of Brandy Station, on the Orange and Alexandria Rail- road, on the south hank of the Rapid an, of about four hundred houses, somewhat scat- tered and built, some of wood, which are shabby, ami some of brick which are very -Dod.'' The Regiment continued on its much un- til a little past noon, when it halted an hour for dinner, alter which the route was re- sinned, halting at two o'clock for the night a. little beyond .lames City, (dose to Thorough- fare Mountain, on the road to Madison Court House, which was about six miles dis- tant, dailies City consisted, says one, of two old houses, a tannery and a woodshed," and another describes it as "a city composed of four old dwelling houses, an old store-house, three hog-pens and two barns." By some means the dry grass in the fields had been set on tire and was rapidly driven by the wind, consuming fences and stacks, and endan- gering even the buildings. The men soon found that they were encamped near the residences of a general and a captain in tin- REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 167 Confederate service. The family of the for- mer had removed, but that of the latter re- mained, the captain himself coming near be- ing captured, his muster roll and company papers falling into our hands. General Bir- ney refused his wife a safeguard and the sol- diers stripped the plantation of everything. Monday, February 29th, was passed in quietness. The Regiment was mustered for pay by the Colonel at eight o'clock in the morning. They found in the Confederate captain's house two carbines and a quantity of cartridges, which were taken, and the house pillaged. A sergeant truly remarked, " there are some half-civilized men in the army as well as at home." In the captain's house a negro child had died after the troops came, and the men assisted in burying it. The men were under orders to be ready to march at a moment's notice, but were not required to move. In the afternoon it had be- gun to be cloudy, and toward night it com- menced to storm, which continued with con- siderable severity through the night, and all of the next day. On the morning of March 2d, the ground was covered with snow and the mud frozen. At seven o'clock this morning the Regiment started on its return to camp, which was twelve miles distant, reaching it about half-past one o'clock. The roads had become slippery and the march- ing bad before camp was reached, but the journey was made without casualty. In order to fill up the old regiments, and otherwise augment the military force in the litlil preparatory to the spring campaign of 1864, February 1st, the. President of the United States issued his proclamation call- ing for live hundred thousand men, and in such districts as failed to make up by volun- teers the quota asssigned them, a draft was ordered to he made March 10th, to secure the required number ; and on the 15th of March another proclamation was issued, calling for two hundred thousand additional to make up deficiencies, and have a force ready for an emergency. As a further in- ducement for men to volunteer, the Govern- ment offered a bounty of four hundred dol- lars lor every volunteer for three years, or during the war, who had been in the service nine months or longer, been regularly dis- charged and was now fit for duty, and three hundred and two dollars for all volunteers of like terms and conditions. Besides this the State passed laws authorizing va- rious municipal authorities to offer local bounties tor volunteers, and issue bonds upon the cities, boroughs or townships therefor. Officers home on veteran furlough were also doing their utmost to enlist men to fill up the ranks in their own regiments. Captain Darling was enlisting for the Fifty- Seventh ; Lieutenant-Colonel Overton and Captain Telford were enlisting for the Fifti- eth, and Charles Mercur for the One Hun- dred Forty-First. The latter Regiment re- ceived recruits for the most part from the vicinities whence the several companies en- listed as follows: Company A, eleven, mus- tered March 15, 1864, and four who were mustered at other dates, all but one prior to May 1, 1864; neither Company B nor C re- ceived any before the beginning of the spring campaign ; Company I) received six. Company E two, Companies F and G none, Company H, eighteen mustered in March, 1864, most or all of whom were enlisted by John B. Overfield, Esq.; Company I receiv- ed three in the fall of 1863, six in March, and one in April, 1864; Company K receiv- ed one in in January, and one in March, 1864, making an addition of fifty-two to the strength of the Regiment prior to April 30, 1864. From all sources the numbers had so increased that in the latter part of March the Regiment could muster about two hun- dred men. Wednesday, March 16th, was the month- ly inspection, after which Generals French and Meade reviewed the Third Corps. The day was cold, but clear and sunshiny. The Colonel spoke of the review as a very fine one. A considerable number of the officers were 1 visited by their wives and friends, si/ 1 68 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST that the number of ladies present was no- ticeably large. As the weather was becom- ing better drills began to be resumed. This was especially necessary for the benefit of the recruits which were daily expected, and on the 17th by general orders the various signals were to be at the following times: — Reveille, 5:30 a. m. Breakfast, 6:30 A. M. Sick Call, 7:00 " Company Drill, 8:30 A. M. Recall, 11:30 A. M. Battalion Drill, 2:00 p. m. Recall, 4:00 p. m. Dress Parade, 5:00 r. M. Tattoo, 8:30 i>. m. Taps, '.1:00 P. M. One of the men observes, " business for all hours, and wood scarce at that." in addition to the ball-playing which was the popular amusement, General Ward built a log theatre with such appointments as could be secured, and obtained a troupe to give a series of plays for the entertainment of the troops. This was opened March "21st, at which says one, they " had a good attend- ance and a poor performance." After a few days of pleasant weather, on the 22d oi March snow began to fall, and continued until the next day when it reach- ed the depth often inches, stopping all ac- tivity in the camp and shutting the men up in their log houses lor several days. From the commencement of the war the Federal government had suffered for the want of an intelligent control of all its mili- tary forces. Generals in the field were oft- en moving at cross purposes. The President by the Constitution is made the Commander- in-Chief of the Army and Navy, but nei- ther Mr. Lincoln nor his Secretary of War had enjoyed a military education, and even if otherwise qualified, other duties prevent- ed him from looking after the details of army organization or movements. To se- cure harmony in military operations, Major- General Halleck had been called to Wash- ington with the rank of General-in-Chief as the President's military adviser, through whom orders were to be issued to the Gen- erals in the field. But the folly of manag- ing campaigns on distant fields al Washing- ton, whether by Cabinet or Military Officers, was soon apparent. This was particularly true in regard to the Army of the Potomac. The largest, best equiped, and best disci- plined body of troops in the country, had been made a foot-hall to gratify the ignor- ance, the whims and the jealousies of men who were incompetent to use it. Every General who had commanded it had been compelled to submit to the mortification of having his own plans thwarted, and yet held responsible for want of success in mili- tary movements he could not control, and many times which were undertaken contrary to his judgment. The demand was loud and general that some man who by educa- tion and experience might be deemed com- petent, should he put in command of all the armies that there might he harmony of plans and of movements- Early in 1864 Congress revived the rank of Lieutenant-* Jenet al in the army, providing thereby that he whom the President should appoint, should rank next to the Commander-in-Chief in military au- thority'. Mr. Lincoln immediately nomi- nated Majnr-( ieneral Ulysses 8. Grant for the new office, and the nomination was promptly confirmed, and on the 9th of Match, in the presence of the Cabinet, he received the high commission at the bands of the President. The first act of General Grant in connec- tion with the Army of the Potomac where he had his headquarters, was its re-organi- zation, in which it was consolidated into three Army Corps. Meade was retained at the head of the army as Sherman was at the head of the Western Army — General Han- cock commanded the Second Corps, General Warren the Fifth and General Sedgwick the Sixth, while the First and Third Corps were broken up and united with the other REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 169 three. In these changes, which were made the 25th of March, our Regiment was as- signed to the Second Corps, (General Han cock,) .the Third Division, (Major-General David B. Birney,) First Brigade, (Briga- dier-General J. H. H. Ward.) The brigade consisted of the following regiments: Third Maine, Fortieth, Eighty-Sixth, and One Hundred Twenty-Fourth New York, Nine- ty-Ninth, One Hundred Tenth, and One Hundred Forty-First, Pennsylvania, Twen- tieth Indiana, and Second United States Sharpshooters ; while the Fifty-Seventh, Sixty-Third and One Hundred Fifth Penn- sylvania Regiments, which had formed part of the Pennsylvania Brigade, were placed in the Second Brigade of this division. The onlcr was read to the several regiments on the evening of the 26th, and on Sunday, the 27th, General Ward inspected the new bri- gade. The men who had been at the old Brigade Headquarters on special service, were remanded to their several regiments, on the breaking up of the old brigade. On tin' 29th, orders were issued that Gen- erals Grant and Hancock would review the army at Stephensburg, and the division had started for the review ground, when, on ac- count of a rainstorm in prospect and which soon began, the review was postponed. The Regiment moved camp, occupying the one used by the One Hundred Fifth New York, on the morning of the 31st, so the close of the month find* the Regiment in its new quarters, and new brigade and new corps; drills resumed, and the routine of duty es- tablished. The new camp was on low ground, near the railroad toward Bealton Station. The huts were small, not more than room enough for three in each, but in sufficient numbers for all. Rev. Andrew Barr, pastor of the Presby- terian Church in Wysox, Bradford County, had been invited by Colonel Madill to be- come Chaplain of the Regiment, which he decided to accept, and the latter part of March signified his purpose to the Wysox congregation. He left Wysox March 24th, took his family, consisting of his wife and three children, to Danville, and on the 30th started for camp; but inexperience in find- ing his way to the army, and heavy rains which had swollen the streams and made the roads heavy, so delayed him that he did not reach the Regiment until evening of Sunday, April 3d. He had walked twelve miles, carrying a heavy traveling sack, had forded a stream from which the bridge had been swept away, reaching camp in a state of complete physical and nervous exhaus- tion. The attack was so violent that he was taken directly to the hospital, and Ser- geant Hewett, of Company D, a former par- ishioner of Mr. Barr, was requested by Colo- nel Madill to lake care of him. Mis. Ma- dill, the Colonel's wife, was then visiting him in the camp, and was constant in her care and attentions to the sufferer, and sent her cook to prepare suffh delicacies as the sick man might need. But his disease ra- pidly progressed to a fatal termination, and he died Monday, April 11th. His body was embalmed and sent to Danville for in- terment. Mr. Barr was a man of more than ordina- ry ability, and his sudden death made a pro- found impression upon the men of the Regi- ment. He was born in Columbus, Ohio, January 30, 1820, educated at Jefferson Col- lege, Cannonsburg, Pennsylvania, and Princeton Seminary, New .Jersey, and had been a successful and earnesl minister of the Gospel for fourteen years, six of which had been spent at Wysox. His brother, Dr. Barr. was during the war Surgeon-General of the State of < >hio. On the 9th, the Regiment went on picket, the reserve line being near Stephensburg, and the advance line a mile farther on, while the signal station was on Pony Moun- tain. Several of the men went up to it where a good view was obtained of the ene- my's lines south of the Rapidan. They did not return to camp until four o'clock in the afternoon of Tuesday, the 12th, where they i jo- ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST found orders to be ready tor a review on the morrow. The experience of these three days' picket service wa.s the severest the men had ever seen. A participant in it says: — " They waded to the line and stood in the mud with the rain pouring down on them for three days and three nights. On Wednesday, April 13th, the weather was pleasant, and early the preparations were made for the appointed review. Clothes must be brushed clean, shoes blackened, overcoats neatly rolled on the top of the knapsack, arms clean and polished, and ev- ery man in white gloves. The troops made a fine appearance. The review took place on the farm of John Minor Botts. The di- vision formed in two lines, and was reviewed by Generals Birney and Hancock, General Meade joining them in time to see the col- umn pass in review. The men were excused from further duty until dress parade at even- ing. This afternoon overcoats and extra baggage were ordered sent to Washington preparatory to the active duties of the spring campaign. On the 16th, the Regiment received pay for two months, were inspected and had dress parade the next day, and on the 18th went on picket, returning to camp on the 21st. At eleven o'clock of Friday, the 22d, General Grant, accompanied by Generals Meade and Hancock, attended with their staffs, reviewed the Second Corps. It was a brilliant affair, and the troops looked very fine. It was the tirst time many of the men had seen the General-in-Chief, whose fame had already filled the land, and with eager eyes they scanned that plain, quiet, unosten- tatious man, who wa.s destined to lead them on many a bloody field, and through many a hard-fought conflict, to glory and to victory in the end. On the 24th, the Colonel met with a se- vere injury from the falling of his horse, which confined him to his bed for a number of days, when, on the advice of a Board of Medical Examiners, he applied for and re- ceived leave of absence pending his recovery. The next few days were spent in the cus- tomary drills, target practice, picket duty, inspections and reviews. On Tuesday, the 26th, the Regiment mov- ed out of its winter quarters and encamped in tents in an open field, a mile and a half south of their old camp toward Mine Run. The Commanding General was anxious to have the army in perfect readiness to move, as soon as the weather would seem to admit. Lieutenant-Colonel Watkins was now in command of the Regiment, The next day the Regiment, under com- mand of Captain Horton, went on picket. The weather was pleasant, but the picket line was still damp and uncomfortable. One of the men writes: —'Some of our boys go^ up to the signal station where they see the enemy fortifying on the other side of the Rapidan. They are burning their winter camps and have set the woods on fire." On, Saturday, April 30th, they returned to camp. Before recounting the stirring events which are soon to be related, it will be well to stop a moment and see in what condition the opening of the spring campaign finds the Regiment. Companies A, D; H and I, each had received a number of recruits. The men were in good health and spirits. They had become accustomed to the climate, and felt that under the leadership of General < liant success was assured. In Company A there had been no promo tions since January 1st. Captain Horton was in command of the company, with Jo- seph H, Hurst First Lieutenant. Albert W. Mills, the first recruit the com- pany received, was mustered September 22, L 863, only son of John Mills, enlisted from Terrytown, and died of disease in "Emory Hospital," Washington, February 5, 1864, and was buried in the Military Asylum Cemetery. He was unmarried, and thirty years of age. Jonathan D. Brown was discharged Janu- ary 13, 1864, on account of wounds received at Chancellorsville, and Alexander Kinney for wounds received at Gettysburg, Februa- REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. i/i ry 27th. There were transferred to the Veteran Reserves, Orrin Coleman, Novem- her loth, John D. Corbin, and Orville W. Mushier, December, 1863, George V. Wells, and Charles M. Young, March 12, 1864. All except Moshier had been wounded at Chancellors ville. In Company B, Hiram L. Culver and Al- vin Whittaker were promoted, April 1, 1864, from Corporals to Sergeants ; Corporal Har- vey \Y. .J (who died November 1st,) was living with his father, Isaac Huff J on Laurel Hill, Uls- ter Township, when he enlisted, and died in Division Hospital, December 18, 1862. • He was unmarried and about twenty-two years of age. Corporal Hall says of these men: — *Bates' " Volunteers " lias been followed for names and dates, unless corrected by better au- thority — he gives Huff's death at Alexandria, Virginia, December 8, 1863, and Howe's Decem- ber 11, 1863, but tin- company officers give the ' dates in the text. 172 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST " Howe died just as we were going to the Wattle of Fredericksburg, and Huff just on our return." George W. Lord was .captured at , and died in Anderson ville prison, April 27, his grave being number 761. He was a married man, leaving a wile and two chil- dren now living in Athens township. In this company (harks A. Tibbits, George A. Rogers, (January 1st,) Franklin Granger, (January 17th,) Dealmon Wat- kins, and Everts Wandall, (February 1, 1864,) were promoted Corporals; Alonzo D. Beach, wounded at Chancellorsville, was discharged December 31, 1863, and William Frederick, February 2(1, 1864. There were transferred to the Veteran Reserves, George Johnson, February 6th, Epaphras W. Baker, February Kith, and Lyman Dunn, March Kith, the first wcunded at Chancellorsville, and the others at Gettysburg. From Company F, there had been trans- ferred to the Veteran Reserves Herman J. Potter, September 30th ; Edson M. French, November 1st ; Christopher < '. Thayer, No- vember 13th; Corporal Jerome Davison, January 11th; Corporal Benjamin F. Barnes, January loth, and Jacob B. Adams, April 1-1. 1864. All but Potter and Thayer were wounded at Chancellorsville. Ormiel S. Davison, also of this company, who was wounded and captured at Gettys- burg, July 2d, died of starvation in Libby Prison, Richmond, Virginia, January 24, isi; I, when thirty-seven years of age. He was a mason and farmer, living in Mesbop- pen at the time of his enlistment, was en- gaged in the battles of Fredericksburg ami Chancellorsville. He left a wife and one daughter, (one Mary 1']., having died Janu- ary 1, 1863,) who died in the Soldiers' Or- phan School in Harford. October 5, 1875. lie was one of the bravest of soldiers, always ready to do his duty in every respect. [n Company G, February 1st, James N. Thorn was promoted to Sergeant, Joseph E. Williams, Charles Williams, and George E. Weaver, to Corporals, and on May 1st, J. T. R. Seagraves, was promoted to First Ser- geant, James X. Terwilliger, and Joseph E. Williams, Sergeants, and Hugh Brady Cor- poral. There were transferred to the Veteran lie- serves on account of wounds received in bat- tle, William C. McCreary, January 22d ; George M. Day and Henry B. Wilbur, March 6th ; William L. Cole, March 7th; George II. Tryon and Lucius C. Barnes April 28th ; Thomas Bates, wounded July 2d, and Albert Wagner, wounded and cap- tured May 3d, were discharged, the former February 1st, the latter February 17th. Corporal Theodore Fuller was discharged on special order, October 9th, and Bruce Jones for wounds received, December 17th. On the 9th of December, Lieutenant Charles M. Ball resigned on account of wounds received at Chancellorsville, and was honorably discharged. He had a com- mission of First Lieutenant but his physical disability was such that he was found unlit for active service and not mustered. A com- rade said of him, that " he was a soldier ev- ery inch and every ounce, and had he been spared would have made his mark in the army." He is a brick- layer by trade, and has at times as far able, worked at the busi- ness since his return. He was born in Or- ange, Sussex County, New Jersey, May 2 1, 1831, the oldest of five brothers, two of whom beside himself were also in the active military service. Since his muster-out, Lieutenant Ball has resided in Honesdale, where he commands the respect of his nu- merous acquaintances as well lor his social as for his soldierly qualities. As indicating the closeness of the com- batants on the field at Gettysburg. Firs) Sergeant William Muir, of this company, was wounded in the left knee, as was after- wards ascertained by a revolver evidently in the hands of a Confederate officer, the ball passing through the joint. It attempting to assist him from the field, Alonzo Benjamin REGIMEN 1, PENN'A VOL'S. 173 was shot through the head and instantly killed, tailing prostrate upon the wounded and almost helpless Sergeant, who only by dint of great exertion was able to disengage himself from his dead comrade. He was but a few feet from Major Spaulding, with whom he could easily converse, hut the lat- ter was taken to the hospital the next 1110m- iiit; by the enemy, while Sergeant Muir was left uncared for two whole days until our men again obtained possession of the field. He was subsequently sent to a hospital in Philadelphia where he remained until Feb- ruary, 1864. While in the hospital he re- ceived the commission of First Lieutenant jn recognition of his gallant services, but on examination was pronounced disabled on ac- count of his wound for active service, and was not mustered into the rank tor which he had been commissioned. He was honorably discharged March :26th. The Captain of this company having been killed, and the Lieutenant wounded at Chancellorsville, the command for several months devolved upon Sergeant Muir, and he performed the duties both of Sergeant and Commander of the company with entire satisfaction to both offi- cers and men. Mr. Muir was born in Phil- adelphia in the year 1837, of Scotch parent- age, a machinist and engineer by profession, is now residing in Honesdale in the employ of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company, respected and esteemed as an upright citizen and a gallant soldier. In Company H, Philip E. Quick was pro- moted from Corporal to Sergeant, and Abram V. Alden was promoted to Corporal, March 1, 1864. William G. Thornton was dis- charged March 10th, and David H. Tarbox, April 0th, both wounded at Chancellorsville, There were transferred to the Veteran Re- serves, William W. Tarbox, November 1st; Charles Perkins, and Christopher C. Pease- ley, November 15th ; Charles Brooksta ver, January 31st; Charles Avery, February 15th ; Corporal Jeremiah Hays, and Cor- poral Frederick Fargo, March 15th. All but Peaseley were wounded at Chancellorsville. In Company I, F. Cortes Rockwell was promoted from Corporal to Sergeant, George L. Forbes, Lemuel Robinson, John C. Mc- Kinney, and Simeon Archer were made Cor- porals January 1st; Alfred Albee, April 30th; George W. Smith and Fdvvard W. Wickizer May 1, 1864. For the wound re- ceived at Auburn, George W. Morse was discharged December 20th, and in the year 1863, on the usual Surgeon's Certificate, Harry VV. Baxter, Frederick Furscht, Kd- ward Keene, Wallace W. Miller, Orrin C. Taylor, William B. Dunham, January 20th ; Isaac Armstrong, February 4lh, and Henry Bennett, by special order, February 22d ; Theodore W. Woodburn was transferred to the Veteran Reserves September 1st; James L. Johnson, John M. Russell and Sergeant John D. Bloodgood, December, 1863; Cor- poral James B. Ellsworth, John A. Allen, and Frank L. Ward, February, 1864. In Company K, May 1st, Archibald Sin- clair was promoted from Corporal to Ser- geant ; Joseph C. Pennington, James L. How- ie, H. E. Hunsinger, John S. Harkness, and William C. Brown were made Corporals; Charles E. Coleman was discharged Janua- ry 7th, and Corporal Nathan L. Brown March 1st, botli for wounds received at Chancellorsville; Sergeant Daniel W.Scott April 2d, was promoted Captain in the Twenty-Third Regiment of United States Colored Troops ; Peter Fosburg, November 16, 1863, Albert Moore and Alviu Smith, January 1 jilt ; Hiram Eisner, January 25th; H. A. Burlin^ame, February 6th; George T. Phillips, February 2d ; (all except Kinner wounded at Chancellorsville,) and Jacob S. Stevenson, April 28th, wounded at Gettys- burg, were transferred to the Veteran Re- serves. Captain Horton was in command of Com- pany A, Peck of Company B, Cole of Com- pany C, Ryon of Company D, Clark of Com- pany E, Lieutenant Brainerd of Company F, Captain Atkinson of Company G, Tyler of Company H, Spaulding of Company I, and Lieutenant Glerould of Company b K, Cap- 174 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST tain Mercur being Brigade rnspector. The Adjutant's returns give the numerical condition of the Regiment for April 30 1864, as In! lows: COM MISSIONED OFFICERS. | For duty 1"> ^^■4Sck". d ^:::::::::::::::::::::::: I J In artist 1 Absent 2 Total 25 ENLISTED MEN. | For duty 309 i, . ! Extra duty :'> / ''-" / - j-si.k : io J In arrest Totai 322 Abs( nt 165 Aggregate 512 Chapter IX FROM THE RAPIDA Nearly two months had been spent by the Lieutenant-General in maturing his plans, re organizing his army and completing his preparations for what he hoped would be I lie final campaign of the war. That part of it about to be described is for continuous and severe fighting, loss of life, and hard service probably without a parallel in the world's history; in faci it is a series of campaigns following closely upon each other and form- ing several steps in the prosecution of the task set for himself bv the General-in-Chief — the destruction of Lee's army and the cap- ture of Richmond. "On the 3d of May the order went forth that the armv should that night launch forth in the great adventure. Tims was initiated ;i campaign of unsurpassed severity, and in all that makes war grand, terrible, bloody awful, unequalled by any on record." The part taken in these momentous events by our Regiment will be briefly narrated in the following sections : THE BATTLE OF THE WILDERNESS. At eighl o'clock in the morning of Tues- day, May 3d, a large detachment from the One Hundred Forty-First was sent three miles from the camp on picket. All day the frequent coming and going of swift-rid- ing orderlies, a noticeable excitement, about Headquarters convinced the soldiers that an important movement of the army was near at hand. About nine o'clock in the evening the < itlicer of the day came out and ordered the line taken in and the men to report at camp as soon as possible. Arriving at their quarters about an hour later they found ev- erything in a bustle of preparation. Sup- plying themselves with fifty rounds of am- N TO THE JAMES, munition and six: days' rations, they made :i hasty cup of coffee, and by eleven o'clock were packed and the Regiment ready to start on the march which was destined to be fraught with such momentous results. For some months Lee had been holding the strong position in which he was left af- ter the attack in the November previous; his right resting on the west hank of Mine Run, and his left on the south hank of the Rapidan, a position so well fortified that a direct attack was out of the question. Noth- ing was left to < reneral Grant but an attempt to force him out of tin- position by turning one of his Hanks. The Federal Commander, td'ter much deliberation, determined to move on the enemy's left, and thus while threatening his communications with Rich- mond preserve his own with the seaboard. The Union Army moved in two columns, the right, composed of the Fifth and Sixth Corps, were to cross at Germanna Ford, while the left column, consisting of the Sec- ond ( Hancock's) ( Wps, were directed to cross at Ely's Ford, six miles farther down the river. At eleven o'clock in t he evening the Regiment was in line and in a few minutes took up its march toward the Confedi Capital. The night was very dark and the traveling difficult, but by eight o'clock on the morning of the lih the ford was reach- ed and the crossing effeoted on two pontoon bridges which had been laid here. Every- thing conspired to bring vividly to mind the experiences of the year before. If then' was less of exultant joy there was a! least as con- fident expectation in ultimate victory now as then. Halting a short time at the ford for breakfast, the wearied troops pushed forward i;6 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST as far as Chaneellorsville, and encamped on the battlefield at Fairview, a little past noon. Here they rested until the nexl morning. The march had been a severe i in-. The distance was twenty-live miles, and for those on picket six miles farther, the weather was very warm but the roads unusually good. All were lame and foot- sore, but there were very few stragglers, al- though the roads were strewn with over- coats and blankets. While here the men took occasion to visit the places where they had fought a year ago. Everything appear- ed about as it was then left. In some instan- i is the rains had washed off the little dirt which had been cast upon the remains of their comrades, and others were found that had been left by the enemy unburied. These were carefully interred and the graves marked. In his diary, Corporal J. P. Coburn, of Company 15, makes this entry : — " Here we are after a hard day's march on the old battle-ground. I visited the works I helped to build a yea:- ago to-day, saw the grave of my former comrade, Robert McKinney. The field lor miles around is strewn with iron and lend from the batteries. Our boys found the remains of sonic of the yet un- buried and interred them. What memories do these scenes awaken ! Blankets and cloth- ing are strewn all the way from here to Brandy Station." Captain Joseph II. Hurst, now of the United States Army, but at this time First Lieutenant of Company A, writes: — "On the morning of the 4th we arrived on the Chaneellorsville battlefield and remained until live o'clock in the morning of tin- 5th. We spent the day in sad remembrances and reminders of our presence there just one year previous. We went over the field and decently buried the bleached bones so thick- ly scattered over it. Faded caps, knapsacks and haversacks with the familiar ' 141 P. V .' still on them, identified to us the bone-- of many a comrade who had worn them, and who seemed to have so quietly waited our coming to bury them. How vividly we re- membered them as the) marched on to that field and into those woods with us exactly one year ago that beautiful May morning." Early Thursday morning the buglescalled the wearied troops From their bivouack to the duties of the day. Snatching a hasty breakfast they were ready for the march at live o'clock in the morning, and soon en nml, lor Spottsylvania Court House by the way of the Furnace* and Todd's Tavern, reac long the latter place about ten o'clock whin they came to a halt. Lee had been apprised af the first movements of the Fed- eral army, and as soon as its purpose was known issued orders to bis corps-command- ers to hasten up with all speed to intercept it, or if possible to strike it a withering blow upon its open flank on the line of march^ Soon the flankers of the Fifth and Sixth Corps began to feel the enemy while still in the forests of the Wilderness, and orders were issued to Burnside now in command of the Ninth Corps, which had joined the Army of the Potomac, but had been left north of the Rapidan, to hurry forward, and to General Hancock, while his men were resting at Todd's Tavern, to retrace his steps and connect his lines with those of theother corps now getting into positions to meet the enemy. The region where this battle was to be fought is known as " The Wilderness," ex- tending eastward from Mine Run, some dis- tance beyond Chaneellorsville. In describ- ing the Chaneellorsville battlefield, which was fought on its eastern margin, we have had occasion to mention its peculiarities. The whole region rests upon a belt of min- eral rocks where a hundred and fifty years before Hon. Alexander Spottswood,# then *At the Furnace, three companies of the Regi- ment were detailed to hold a cross road until the division passed. gThe first syllable of the name with the Latin- ized form of the last wood gives us the name of the county Syott-sylvania. REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. W i rovernor of Virginia, had :i smelting furnace and worked the mines. To feed the works the timber had been cut off for miles around and in its place had arisen a dense growth of low-limbed and scraggy pines, stiff' and bristling chickapins, scrub-oaks and hazel. It is a region of gloom, and the shadow of death. It forms a plateau of considerable elevation, in which are found the streams, swamps and rivulets that are the sources of the Ny river, and those that unite and form the Wilderness Run which traverses the northern portion, beside numerous affluents of Mine Run. The Orange Turnpike and -the Orange Plank Road— two great high- ways from Fredericksburg to Orange Court House, and the bed of an unfinished railroad traverse this region from east to west. These -are intersected by roads leading from the lords of the Rapidan, that from Jacob's* Ford intersects the turnpike at Robertson's Tav- ern or Locust Grove, and the Plank Road at Hope Church ; that from Germanna Ford known as the Stevensburg Plank Road in- tersects the Turnpike at " Old Wilderness Tavern," that from Ely's Ford intersects the Turnpike at Chaneellorsville, and the Plank Road near Piney Branch Church. About ■one mile east from the Old Wilderness Tav- ern begins what is known as the Brock road running in a south-southwest direction, in : tersecting the Stevensburg road about half way between the turnpike and the Plank Road, and the latter about two miles east of Parker's store, which is at the intersection of a number of unimportant roads with the Orange Plank Road. A few houses, sur- rounded with small clearings, are sparsely scattered along these various highways. Such is a brief account of the field on which on that bright May day two hundred thousand men were to meet in deadly conflict. Grant greatly desired to push beyond these impenetrable thickets where the im- pact of numbers is lost and cavalry and artil- lery are almost useless, and meet his adver- sary on more even footing in the cleared country to the south, but in this he was foil- ed by his wily antagonist. The advantage was clearly on the side of the Confederates who knew every foot and every path of this Labyrinth, hut which was an unknown terri- tory to his enemy, lie could readily dispose of his forces whose gray uniform made them almost invisible in the dense dun woods, where they could strike unexpected blowsupon the foe and whose superior skill in woodcraft and Indian tactics would greatly outweigh the Federal preponderance in numbers. About eight o'clock on the morning of the oth the battle of the Wilderness began, Meade finding the enemy present in force upon his right flank, sent word to Hancock to hasten by the Brock road, to the point of its intersection with the Orange Plank Road, in order to support the attack then immi- nent. The messenger arrived at Hancock's headquarters about eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Birney's Division which formed the rear of the column was then resting at Todd's Tavern while the head of the column was two miles beyond. The countermarch was immediately begun, Birney's Division leading the van, with Ward's Brigade in front. The enemy was marching down both the Turnpike and the Plank Road, Hill's Corps, Heth's Division in the van, being on the latter. General (Jetty with his (Second of the Sixth Corps) Division was hastened tor- ward lo hold the intersection of the Brock and Orange Plank Roads, and soon became engaged with the enemy on the Plank Road in the direction of Parker's store. Wilcox's Division soon joined Heth's and pressed Getty closely. In his official report General Hancock says: — At a quarter past four p. M., finding that General Getty had met the ene- my in great force, I ordered General Birney to advance his command, [his own and pott's Divisions,] to support the movement of Getty at once. Although the formation I had directed to be made before carrying out my instructions to advance was not com- pleted, General Birney immediately moved forward on General Getty's right and left — r/S ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST one section of Rickett's Battery, Company F, First Pennsylvania Artillery, moving down the Plank K< ad just in rear of the in- fantry. The fight became very fierce at once, the lines of battle were exceedingly close, the musketry continuous and deadly along the entire line." Bhney's Division was on the left of (Jetty, the line facing westward with Ward's Brigade on the right, and Hays' on the left of it Ward's Brigade was formed in two lines, the One Hundred Forty-First being on the extreme right of the seeond line, and the right of Company A resting; on the south or left side of the Orange Plank Road.f The front line was about fifty rods west of the Brock road, and the seeond line about eight rods back of it. Beginning on the ridge, on which this road runs, and running neatly parallel with and about a fourth a mile from it, is a creek whose numerous affluents make depressions which are soft and swampy ; ibis stream was about midway between the two lines of bat- tle. About live o'clock in the afternoon, af- ter having gone a mile on the "double quick " the brigade got into position and the front line commenced the attack, while the second line began to throw up breastworks of logs and dirt. The second lice was then ordered to lie down, but the btdlets ilew like hail among them, killing and wounding a number. A half an hour later there was a slight lull in the firing and the second line fin the Virginia Campaigns of 1864 and 1865, General Humphreys (p. :.l ) says:—" Bhney's Di- vision arrived and was formed <>n Getty's left in two lines of battle along the Brock road. Mott's and Gibbon's Divisions coming up rapid- ly, took their position nn Birney's left in the same formation." On page 33 says: — "Genera! Eirney at once moved forward his own division on the right and Mott's on the left of Getty." In his latter statement General Humphreys is doubtless mistaken. The uniform testimony of the men of our Regiment is that they did not at any time change their relative position only to advance from the second into the first line, and that the right ol Company A rested on the Plank Koad in the beginning and at the close of engage- ment, and occupied that position the ne.xt morn- moved to the front, relieved the first line and the battle was renewed with great fury and continued without intermission until darkness put an end to the conflict. Just in the edge of the evening the Sev- enth North Carolina Regiment, (Lane's Bri- gade of Wilcox's Division.) finding a gap between the Second and Fifth Corps, slipped through unobserved and passed to the real of the line. They were discovered by Cap- tain Spaulding, who had just been wounded, and in going to the rear came near being captured by them. He informed Major Dull, Adjutant General on Ward's staff, who sent the Twentieth Indiana, then on the left of the One Hundred Forty-First, to drive them out. Discovering the Twentieth across their path they made a charge upon them. The former reserved their tire until they were within short range when they poured into them a deadly volley. The Seventh threw down their arms at once and came in bringing their colors with them. A strong line of battle was then formed, pickets post- ed and the men laid on their arms until morning. The losses in this engagement were one killed, eighteen wounded and one missiDg An incident occurred in the morning. which came near entailing a greater loss to the Regiment than the casualties of the bat- tle. On reaching Chancel lorsville forty en- listed men were detailed for picket and sta- tioned on the line in a piece of woods about a mile from where the Regiment was en- camped. In the morning, by some over- sight, they were not notified of the departure of the troops, and remained on their posts until alter ten o'clock, when, becoming un- easy, an investigation was made and it was found the division had gone, but which way no one could tell. The party at once started in pursuit of their comrades, but instead of taking the Catharpin or Furnace road which leads to Todd's Tavern, they followed the Plank Road in the direction of Fredericks- burg. After going about two miles in this direction they became satisfied they were on REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 179 the wrong mad, retraced their steps ami fol- lowed alter the Regiment. It was now after one o'clock in the afternoon and the division was countermarching in the direction 01 Parker's store. About live o'clock they came near falling into the hands of the ene- my, who had pushed through the gap be- tween the Second and Fifth Corps, and were in the rear of our lines. Later they found Captain Spaulding, who had been wounded i:i the arm, making his way to the rear. He directed the men to remain near where they were until dark, as the Regiment was hotly engaged and could not be reached. As soon as the battle was over they joined their com- rades after a day of hard marching, of con- tinual fears and alarms. Theodore Larri- son, a recruit of Company i, who was one of the party adds: — "We lay on our arms all night in the hearing of the wounded." Perry D. Saunders, of Company F, was the only one of the Regiment killed in this engagement. A friend writes of him that he was living in Brooklyn at the time of his enlistment, unmarried, twenty-three years of age at his death, and that appropriate memo- rial services were held in the M. E. Church of that place, and adds: — "He was a good, honest boy, and what is left of his company say he was a brave soldier, always anxious to be in the thickest of the fight. He was wounded first in the hand and hips, and while being helped to the rear by one of his comrades was again shot and killed." The following companies suffered in wounded : COMPANY A. Private Joseph H. McCafferty, shoulder. " Arthur T. Vose, leg. " Charles Viall, Jr., left arm. COMPANY D. Captain Thomas Ryon, left leg. COMPANY E. Private Abram Crandall, left hand. " Henry M. Chandler, thigh. " William Frederick, shoulder. " Michael Finney, leg. COMPANY F. Corporal Charles H. Tripp, hand. Private Adelmer Doughty, head. " John L. Riker, In ad. Daniel Yanauken, hand. COMPANY H. Sergeant John Harris, wounded. Private Gilbert Corwin, wounded. '' Joseph Mcoherer, wounded. " John Wiles, missing. COMPANY T. Captain Edwin A. Spaulding, left arm. Corporal Kdward W. Wickizer. face. Private George W. Reppeth, linger. Swinton says: — "The action of the 5th of May was not so much a battle as the fierce grapple of mighty wrestlers suddenly meet- ing. But it had determined there should be a battle, and it had drawn the relative posi- tions of t'ie combatants." At dark a detail of about fifty men under command of Lieutenant Gerould was placed on picket in front of the Regiment. There were nine posts under his supervision, the line being about one hundred yards from the creek on the west bank of which was the picket line of the enemy. Mi-. Gerould says, that taken altogether it was a most un- comfortable night — the men were worn out, they were in woods so dark that nothing could be seen, in going and returning from the posts they would stumble and fall over the dead, while the groans of the wounded and the dying combined to invest that night with the most horrible surroundings. The troops spent the night of the 5th qui- etly resting on their arms in the line which they held at the close of the engagement, and in hearing of the enemy, who spent most of the night constructing .intrench- ments. Five o'clock the next morning was the hour fixed for an attack upon the Con- federate positions all along the line. At daylight the men are called up, and with hardly time to snatch a mouthful of food, are formed in line and ordered to the charge. The One Hundred Forty-First still holds the extreme right of the line, its right rest- i8o ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST ing on the Plank Road. It will be remem- bered Hancock's Corps was composed of four divisions. Says Humphreys* : — " General Gibbon was placed in command of the left, composed of his own and Barlow's Divisions and the artillery. General Birney was put in command of the right, composed of his own, Mott's and Getty's Divisions. At five o'clock General Birney's command advanced along the Orange plank road, his own and Mott's Divisions in the first line, Getty's in the second, supported by Carroll's and Owen's Brigades of Gibbons' Division. Wadsworth's command advanced at the same time on the right of Birney's. All attacked the enemy with great vigor, and after a des- perate contest the enemy's line was broken at all points, and he was driven in confusion through the forest, suffering severe loss in killed, wounded and prisoners." In the morning the front line held by our Regiment was about twenty rods east of the stream which runs nearly parallel with the Brock road, and the enemy were occupying an intrenched line on the opposite slope, Scales' Brigade of Wilcox's Division lying directly in front of our brigade, the flag of the Thirteenth North Carolina Regiment hanging lazily from the staff which was con- spicuously placed upon the crest of the ene- my's works, and directly in front of our Reg- iment. While "fixing bayonets" prepara- tory to the charge, Sergeant Stephen Bought, of Company A, who had been severely wounded at Chancellorsville, and had just returned to his company from hospital, found be had lost his bayonet from its scab- bard, so clubbing his musket, he remarked with a pretty strong expletive: — "I'll have that Hag!" Says Captain Hurst : — "Acheer — a run — the whiz of bullets in our ears — through the powder-smoke, and through the bramble-bushes, we found ourselves over the works, and the Thirteenth North Caroli- na Veteran Infantry, our prisoners before Virginia Campaign, p. .;7. breakfast, and for that matter without sup- per, and without sleep the previous night. Sergeant Rought, with some others, went straight for that rebel flag, and when over the works the rebel color-sergeant refused to surrender and tried to defend it. Rought with his clubbed musket split his head open and felled him prostrate at his feet, at the same time breaking his own musket oil' at the stock. Before the Hag had hardly touch- ed the ground he snatched it out of the dy- ing color-sergeant's hands, shouting ' I've got it! I've got it !' What a cheer went up from the victorious One Hundred Forty- First as he waved it, and we read on it in golden letters and figures, " loth North Car- olina Veteran Volunteers," and its long list of battles.f It was a new flag. The Sergeant was ordered to report with it to the Brigade Commander, and by him to General Birney, commanding the division. Such cheers as went up along the line as he carried it wav- ing to the rear made those old woods ring. While so doing he was again wounded. A congratulatory order was issued the next day by General Birney very compli- mentary to the Regiment, in which he gave us the honor of taking the first flag captured by the Army of the Potomac under the im- mediate command of General Grant. This flag was on exhibition at the great Sanitary Commission Fair held in Philadelphia that summer, and Rought who was in hospital there wounded, was regarded as quite a hero. It is now in the trophy room of the War De- partment, Washington, with this record at- tached : — "Captured by Sergeant Stephen Rought, Company A, 141st Reg't., Pa. Vols., May 6th, 1864. Battles of the Wilderness, Va." Sergeant Ethel Fuller, of the same com- pany, took prisoner the Captain of the Rebel Color Company. While Sergeant Rought was engaged in the hand to hand struggle with the Color- tColonel Watkins says fourteen battles were iuscibed on it. REG I MEN 1, PENN'A VOL'S. 181 Sergeant for the flag, another of the enemy drew his gun to shoot Ro'ight, but betore he could fire Captain Warner, of Company D, shot him dead with his revolver. The Ser- geant says: — ''I took the colors to General Ward, lit; gave me a word of praise and ot- tered me a drink from Ids flask, which I de- clined. He unfurled the flag and added more compliments, and told me totake is, to General Birney, who received it with many Mattering words for my courage and bravery." In addition to tiie battle-flag about forty prisoners were taken, which were passed to the Fortieth New York Regiment of the same brigade, and which has received un- merited credit for capturing them. Sergeant Lobb, who had lately returned to his com- pany from the Brigade Staflj to whom Colo- nel Watkins had given the prisoners in charge to convey to Brigade Headquarters, gives this explanation of it, and no one who knows Mr. Lobb will for an instant doubt the perfect truthfulness of his statement. He says: — "Early on Friday morning, May oth, we took forty prisoneis and a stand of colors, and during the forenoon we took more prisoners. Colonel Watkins asked Captain Atkinson to let me take them to the rear. I accordingly started with them with- out thinking to ask for a written order. When I came out on the Brock road 1 soon met an officer who said he was the Provost Marshal and demanded the prisoners. I asked him for a receipt. He answered by saying, 'Have you any papers to show that you must have a receipt?' As I had none this Marshal or pretended Marshal, took the prisoneis, and I returned to the Regi- ment and reported to Colonel Watkins, who replied he did not suppose such ' red tape' was necessary. The result was that this Marshal gave the Fortieth New York the credit that belonged to the One Hundred Forty- First. When Colouel Watkins learn- ed what had been done, he had an interview with General Ward who assured him that the matter should be corrected and our Reg- iment receive the credit it deserved, but I have since learned it was never done." Although on some parts of the Union lines Lee was the first to make the attack, the enemy in the immediate front of Ward's Brigade was evidently not expecting to be assailed so early in the morning, and unpre- pared for it. When our men came upon them thsy were just cooking their breakfast, and some of our boys seized pieces of their partly cooked corn bread, eating it as they ran. Halting but a moment in the first line of the enemy's works the victorious troops pushed on. over the second line, the Confed- erates flying before them. For more than a mile the brigade pressed forward in hot pur- suit, until they had penetrated the enemy's lines almost to their trains, and it was said the most advanced were in the rear of his headquarters.* Here they held their ground until their ammunition was expended. A detail with Captain Horton was sent to Bri- gade Headquarters for a fresh supply and for supports, and another detail was sent to gather up what ammunition could be found in the cartridge boxes of the dead and the wounded. Supports could net be hail at that moment, and the cartridges found on the field were exhausted, when the men were ordered to lie down, and a consultation of the Field Officers of the brigade was held. In the meanwhile the head of Longstreet's Corps was just reaching the field, who, ral- lying the panic-stricken Confederates again turned their faces toward their assailants. Without supports, without ammunition, with lines badly broken by the long distance t!i rough the thickets, the Regiment was forced to retire, and with fixed bayonets slowly and sullenly fell back to near the po- sition of the morning on the line of the Brock road, when there followed a short lull in the contest. *Hill's Divisions under Wilcox and Heth were driven for a mile and a half through the woods under heavy tire, and back to their trains and ar- tillery, and the Confederate headquarters. — Swinton, p. 1.31. 182 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST It was now about eight o'clock in the morning. New supplies of ammunition were obtained, the lines readjusted and Gen- eral Hancock received reinforcements to aid the Second Corps in resisting the desperate assaults it was evident would soon be made upon it. He at once set about preparing to make another advance upon the enemy. Gen- eral Wadsworth's Division, (Fourth of the Fifth Corps,) which had been on the right of Birney, and on the north of the Plank Road and had participated in the charge early in the morning, with those of Mott and Birney and part (one brigade) of Stevenson's Divi- sion of the Ninth Corps, and Gibbons' Divi- sion of the Second Corps were designated as the force to renew the attack, Webb's Bri- gade of Gibbons' Division being on the left of Wadsworth. In arranging the line, a gap was found to exist between Gibbons' and Wadsworth's Divisions, and the One Hun- dred Fortv-First and another regiment were detached from the brigade and placed in this pap, and temporarily in command of Gen- eral Webb, the Regiment at first occupying the second line on the north side of the Or- ange plank road but in a few minutes, tak- ing their place in the first line which they held until they were relieved by Carruth's Brigade of Stevenson's Division. While Hancock was engaged with the en- emy in front where they were making a furi- ous attack upon his line, General Longstreet, whose corps was now on the field, sent a strung force on Hancock's extreme left, by the way of the unfinished railroad, where they formed facing north, and about eleven i advaned until they encountered the Hank and rear of Birney's command, which with Wadsworth's was now fiercely engaged with Kershaw's, Field's and Anderson's Di- visions. This movement concealed from view by the dense wood, through which General Hancock says one could not see- a hundred paces, was completely successful. The brigades on the left could not resist the impetus of the attack. In less than half an hour a portion of the divisions on the left gave way forcing back the remaining regi- ments in great confusion. The fighting here was desperate. The enemy pressed forward with great vigor, crowding the Federals back (northward) to a knoll where a Colonel had collected a large number of stragglers. Here the troops were again rallied and checked the Confederate advance. The ground was contested inch by inch with great stubborn- ness, and almost desperate valor. The ene- mv occupying lower ground their fire was very destructive. Small trees and bushes be- tween the lines were cut down as with a scythe, and the large ones were pierced and peeled. Wadsworth on the right was oppos- ing the most heroic efforts to the onset of the enemy, but after several ineffectual efforts to rally his men, fell mortally wounded in front of his command and very near the ground held by our Regiment. Our men having exhausted their ammunition were relieved bv the regular troops of Carruth's Brigade, (first of Stevenson's Division,) and fell back to the Plank Road again, and laid down. General Hancock consulting with General Birney, had deemed it advisable in order to restore the lines to fall back to the intrenchments on the Brock road, which was safely accomplished, and here the One Hundred Forty-First re-joined its own bri- gade. The troops were now re-formed in two lines of battle on the ground from which they had advanced to the attack in the morning. The enemy pushed forward to within a few hundred yards of the breast- works, but did not attempt to assaidt them. The One Hundred Forty First occupied very nearly the same position again it had the evening before. Longstreet had intended to follow up this success with what was. planned to he a most decisive blow, but at the time the Union troops were falling back in disorder, this in- trepid leader of the assault fell severely wounded, and the Confederate advance was checked. It was now a little past twelve o'clock. REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 183 It required about four hours for Lee who now took immediate command on this part of the field to get his forces well in hand so as to be able to renew the attack. This long lull in the conflict gave Hancock time to re-establish his lines and strengthen his po- sitions. At a quarter past four o'clock the enemy advanced a strong force against Hancock's line until they came w : 'hin a hundred yards of it when they opened a heavy but not very destructive musketry fire. The attack was the heaviest on that part of the line south of the plank road, was replied to with spirit and would have been easily repulsed, but for the fact that the log breastworks behind which the 1 ederal line was protected acci- dentally caught fire, and a strong westerly wind blowing at the time drove the fire and smoke from the blazing logs into the faces of the men behind them. The enemy tak- ing advantage of this pressed forward, and a portion of Mott's Division and of Ward's Brigade retreated in great disorder. Jen- kins' Brigade of South Carolina troops push- ed up and took possession of that part of the intrenchments from which our men had been driven, and the remaining part of Ward's Brigade being thus assailed in flank as well as front, joined in the retreat down the plank road toward Chancellorsville. For a time it looked like a general rout, but the Twentieth Indiana forming the right of the line clung to their position, and the enemy were speedily driven back, the retreat check- ed, order restored, and the integrity of the line established. By five o'clock the enemy was completely repulsed, and fell back with heavy loss in killed and wounded. A battery, (Dow's Sixth Maine,) on the plapk road which was well served enfiladed the breastworks and the enemy soon found it to be an unpleasant neighbor.* This practically ended the fighting on this part -Captain Lobb says the gunners broke open boxes of ammunition and loaded their pieces with musket cartridges, firing the leaden bullets into the enemy by pails' full. of the line, and for that matter the severe fighting of the Wilderness. General Meade had ordered an attack to be made by Hancock on the Confederate po- sition at six o'clock, but from the almost con- tinual fighting of the day, his men were nearly out of ammunition, and the ammuni- tion-wagons were some distance in the rear and there was not time enough to replenish, consequently the attack had to be given up. As an instance, our own Regiment had been in three engagements in the battles of the day, and had expended from one hundred and fifty to two hundred rounds of ammuni- tion per man. Hancock, who had borne the brunt of the fight, was now allowed a little rest. Lee's efforts to turn his left and thus force Meade back to the Rapidan had been unavailing, and if our men had not perm a" nently gained much ground, they at least had lost none, for the One Hundred and Forty- First we re at night occupying the same place at the intersection of the Brook and Plank roads they held in the morning. In a letter written a few days after this battle, Sergeant Owen has given so vivid an account of the movements of the regiments this day, that I cannot forbear to quote at length from it. He says : " At five o'clock in the morning of the Gth, the whole left of the line began an advance, charged the Rebs from their temporary breastworks and drove them half a mile, ["a mile and a half.] Simeon Archer, of Com- pany I, was killed in that charge. Our Reg- iment took about sixty prisoners and a set of colors. Our ammunition being out, we re- tired to the creek [Brock] road, filed up and were taken in on the Plank road farther to the right. There our Regiment was in the second line for a while, but were soon put in the advance again, where we peddled out the most of our cartridges and retired to the second line. The underbrush and woods were so thick that we could not see theirgray uni- forms half the time. In the meanwhile they were fighting desperately where we were in 1 8 4 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRS! the morning. The Liebs made a desperate , bi ike t hrough or turned the II ink and threw our forces into confusion, and ;i general skedaddle was the result. All fell b ick to the creek | Bro :k | ro.i I, « here there were two lines of breastworks, Our brigade was put in the front line on the lefl of the Plank road. It was getting near three | four | o'clock in the afternoon when the irmisherson the left were driven in, and the musketry commenced. Steadily it advance I up to us in one continuous roar, until they came in sight on our front, when it was our turn to begin. 1 had just discharged the third shot when a ball struck me over my right eye. I think I never heard such musketry as there was there for about twenty minutes. Finally the Rebs charged them uch force on the left that our men gave way and gradually the whole line broke for the rear. Those in tin second line with the Jli ick in c infusion for half a mi le, where they again rallied, funned new lines and charged them bad .in lo their old position." * Here the regiment again lay on their arms all night. Saturday, the 7th, was -pent in compara- tive quiet. Both armies were peeled and bleeding, and tired. The One Hundred Forty-First lay behind their intrenchments nearly all day. There was skirmishing on the front and some cannonading on differenl parts of the field, and some movements to determine the enemy' About live o'clock in the afternoon an advance was or and possession taken of the line of breastworks in front of that behind which the brigade was lying. Hardly had this been accomplished when orders were receiv- ed to " Fall in," and the hi out in quick time on the road to Chancellorsville. en at once interpreted this as a defeat and thought that the example of Burnside and Hooker was to be followed by Grant. After going about two miles they were as rapidly countermarched to their old posi- tions. \.t eleven o'clock at night the men were ordered into line and so continued till morning. The enemy's cavalry had torn up the Or- ange and Alexandria Railroad, so the wounded had to he removed by way of Fred- ericksburg, thence to Belle Plaiu, and by boat to Washington At one time it was thought that some might fall into the hands of Confederates, but during the day mo I oi them were removed to a place of safety. The casualties were thirteen killed, nr died of wounds, fifty-nine wounded, and three captured or missing. Corporal Aaron F. Bender, of Company A, was mortally wounded on the charge made in the morning, by being shot through both hips, and died in the hands of the ene- my Sergeanl Fuller, ol the same company, who was wounded later in the day, tin; the story: "Alter capturing the enemy's second line of works we soon found them in strong force. Some of them swinging their hats told us they wanted to come into our lines, and if half a dozen of our men would come out, there were about twenty who would give themselves up. Half a of Company A :; went out a short dis- tance, and swinging their hats ordered them in. The miserable ' ( rraybacks ' then poured a volley into them, wounding Corporal i len- der, who afterwards died." He was a son of Jacob Bender, but at the time of his enlist- ment was working as a farm hand for Cyrus Shumway on Spring Hill. He was unmar- ried, and twenty-live years of age- John 11. Ford, son of J-ohn Ford, then living near LeRaysville. was at his enlist- ment living in Wyalusing, where he had learned the trade of blacksmithing of* reorge W. Jackson, with whan he was then work- ing, and with whom he enlisted. On the 6th of May he was wounded by a musket ball in Alfred Hammerly, of Company a. says only himself and Bender went out. After they were tired on the whole Regiment poured a i upon the treacherous foe and nothing further was seen of lllCIll. REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 185 the small of the back, and died the 8th, un- married, at the age of twenty-three years, of his comrades from LeRaysville were standing by him when he fell, but were obliged i" move en and leave him to die alone. They speak of him as a brave sol- dier; ever read) to do his duty and always at liis post. William Miller was born in Germany, and enlisted when bul sixteen years old. At that time he was working as a farm hand for John Mahony on Spring Hill. He was wounded in the head in the afternoon of May 5th, ami died in Fredericksburg May 13th, and was buried there. Edward Krouse was wounded and captur- ed, and died .11 Anderson ville prison on the 23d of June following, Ids grave being num- bered 2,455. He was a recruit from Wilmol township (Elwell,) mustered March 15, 1864, son of Jacob Krouse, a < rerman, unmarried, and about tW< Uty-tWO years of age. Sergeant Hiram L. Culver, ol Company B, who was also killed in the charge of the morning, was a young man whose loss was greatly felt in his company. His Captain u r e of him : — " He was killed in a charge upon the enemy's breast works on the south side of the Plank Road in the Wilderness. I le lived to see their works, one stand of colors, ami a large number of prisoners in the hands of the Regiment when a ball struck him and he died without a struggle or a groan within the rebel works we had won. He sealed with his life his devotion to the country he hail so long and nobly served with his best energies. While we bow to the mandate of Him who doeth all well, we can hut mourn the cause which has deprived us of a brave and noble officer, an honored and esteemed friend and companion, and our country of a firm supporter and true patriot." En- tering his company as a, private he was pro- moted to Corpora] December 5, 1863, and to .hi April 1 , 1864. I le was a wagon- maker by occupation, a single man and thir- ty-one years of age. George A. Jennings, of Company C, en- listed from Macedonia with Captain Cole, at the age of twenty year . lie was the son •■(' Dr. Coe G Jennings, of that place, and was greatly be! ived and respected by his com- rades. He was killed in the engageraenl on the right of the Plank Road while the Regi- ment was temporarily under the command of General Webb Sergeant Daniel Shultz, of Company I>, was also killed in the charge in the morning, His home was near Danville, Pa. He was December5, 1863, promoted from private to Sergeant, an unmarried man about twenty- four years of age. Wells M. Warner was killed in the game charge with Sergeant Shultz. lie was mar- ried am! living in Rome at the time of his enlistment, and was killed by a gunshot wound in his breast. He was by trade a harness maker, and at his death about t bir- rs of age. John King was a recruit, enlisted from Asylum township, March 22, 1864, was wounded in the arm, suffered amputation, and died from the effects of the wound .June 4th. In Company G, John Ballard, brother of Daniel Ballard of the same company, was wounded while out in the woods on the right of the Plank Road. As illustrating the severity of the light here, Captain Lobh says Mr. Ballard hail Bred until his gun was SO hot as to blister his hand. While resting on one knee he was hit above the ankle with a minie ball, which so badly shatli red the limb that amputation was necessary, from which he never rallied, but died in field hospital May 12th. He was a farmer from Scott township, near Starucea, married, and about forty years of age. Corporal Simeon P. Archer, of Company 1. was killed in the early morning charge, lie was a -on of John T. Archer, now ofWysox, was born in Orange County, ,\. Y., Decem- ber I'i, 1839. II'' resided at his enlistment in ('cuter Valley, Rome township, when- be left his family consisting of a wife ami two 186 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST daughters. lie enlisted as u private, l>ut on the Is: of .January was promoted to Corporal. Aimer W. Forest, in Company K, was color-bearer and shot, in the elbow while car- rying the flag, and death resulted from over- exertion in getting to the rear alter he was wounded, lie enlisted ('nun Sinithfield with Captain Wright, was unmarried, and died in Chestnut Hill Hospital, June 29th, at the age of twenty-three years. Sergeant Sea- graves, of Company G, took the colors, which were picked up by Lieutenant Brain- erd, and carried them for sonic time after- ward. Charles Webster was wounded in the pri- vates, and died in consequence in hospital at Alexandria, duly 25th. He entered the service when only eighteen years of age, and had not yet reached twenty at his death, lie was living with his father, .Jonathan Webster, in Elkland township, where he en- listed, lie was a, good soldier, never absent, from bis company from the day of bis mus- ter until lie was wounded. The following is a list, of the wounded a s far as can now lie ascertained: COM PANY A. Sergeant Stephen Rought, slight. " Ethel Fuller, right hip. Private Albert Baker, finger off. " George .Johnson, right side. " Edwin Lee arm. " John Lee, hand. " Albert Stetler, leg. " Moses Wheeler, face. COMPANY B. Corporal Nelson ( '. Dyer, arm. " ( barles E. Met 'umber, arm. " Martin W. Smith, leg. Private Wallace M. Elliott, cheek. Matthew V. < rreening leg. " Andrew .). Horton, knee. < )rin A. Soper, leg. COMPANY C Lieutenant George W. Kilmer, leg, slight. Senreant Frank W. Douglass, bead. COM PANY i>. Sergeant Sanford Diamond, bead, slight, voluntarily returned to duty. Private Harry (Unison, band. " Robert Price, arm. Loomis Vargason, arm. '' John Whitaker, finger oil. COMPANY E. Corporal Frank Granger, shoulder. COMPANY <;. Sergeant James N. Thorp, wounded. Corpora] George E. Weaver, wounded. Private Edward F. Boswell, " Michael Daly, wounded. " William Harvey, wounded. " William Stone, wounded. COMPANY H. Private Joseph Gary, wounded. " Ashael Hobbs, wounded. " Benjamin C. Marshall, wounded. COMPANY I. Sergeant Edwin G. Owen, eye. Private William P. Heath, wounded. " George K. Wagner, wounded. " John McQueeney, missing. com PANY K. Corporal dames L. Vincent, wounded. Private William Bedford, wounded. '' Albert ( base, wounded. James P. Howie, wounded. " Dorson M. Sperry, wounded. " Piter Miller, wounded. The losses iii the Regiment for the two days arc as far as can now be ascertained, comprised in the following tabular state- ment : REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 187 Company, &c. 3 1 1 3 1 J Captured and Missing so Field & Staff', A 11 7 2 6 5 { 6 6 6 1 1 1 15 B 8 C 3 f) 9 E F G 7 n 1 I 2 7 8 K Total 8 13 59 3 75 While tin two armies were lying behind their intrenchraents in the thickets of the Wilderness on Saturday, the 7th, each watching the movements of the other, Gen- eral Grant determined to move smith by his lefl flank, and by thus threatening General Lee's communications with Richmond, com- pel him to move out of his fastnesses into a more open country. To effect this he pur- posed to plant himself at Spottsylvania Court House, fifteen miles southeast of the battle- field of the Wilderness, and about ten miles almost directly south of Chancellorsville. ACTION AT I'd RIVER. Of the four streams that unite in forming the Mattapony river, the two eastern ones, the Po and the Ny, have their sources in the southern slopes of the Wilderness pla- teau, the former near the Wilderness battle ground, and the latter about Chancellors- ville ; the Brock road follows in the main the crest of the ridge which divides the wa- ter-shed of each, to Spottsylvania, which is nearly midway between the two streams, the Po on the right or south, and the Ny on the left or north. About a mile south of the Po and running nearly parallel with the Brock road is the "Shady drove" road, the church The official report gives sis killed, sixty-seven wounded and two missing— aggregating- seventy- five. being about two miles west of Todd' Tav- ern. The I'<> runs for about three miles neai lv parallel to and about midway between these two roads, when it turns almost direct- ly south for about a couple of miles where it spreads out into quite a lake', from which it resumes its former southeasterly course un- til it unites with the Ny. Todd's Tavern is about eight miles on the Brock road from the Orange plank road; three miles farther south the road forks at a clearing known as " AIsop's farm," the two roads uniting again about a mile farther south. Haifa mile far- ther on the road again forks, the left, which is the continuation of the Brock road, fol- lowing the same general southeast course to Spottsylvania Court House, the right, or Block House road, running almost directly south crosses the Shady drove road at the " Block House" at a mile from the forks and two miles farther crosses the Po. The old court house is on this road about, half a mile north of the river. In this turning operation General Meade moved his army in two columns, the right by the Brock road composed of the Fifth Corps followed by the Second, the left column col- umn composed of the Sixth Corps, followed by the Ninth, took the pike and plank road to Chancellorsville by way of l'iney Branch Church, to the < lourt 1 louse. Early in the evening of the 7th, Saturday, the Fifth Corps were on the march for Spott- sylvania. After various unavoidable delays, about eight o'clock on Sunday morning, Warren emerged from the woods into the clearing at AIsop's about two miles north of Spottsylvania Court House, but Lee discov- ering the removal of the trains of the Union Army had anticipated the movement by sending Longstreel in the direction of the threatened point almost simultaneously with Warren's leaving the Wilderness, and Barksdale's Brigade closely followed by Mc- Laws' and Anderson's Divisions, by way of Shady Grove had met with less difficulty than Warren, and reached AIsop's just prior 1 88 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST to tin- arrival of Robinson's Division, which led t lie Federal column. The road here as- cends a considerable elevation, and just as the troops reached the crest of it they were met with an unexpected and terribly severe musketry fire from the enemy by which 1 antral Robinson was severely wounded and his command thrown into considerable con- tusion. At Todd's Tavern the Catharpin road leading southwesterly from Chancellorsville to Shady Grove Church crosses the Brock load. After the attack at Alsop's Meade fearing the enemy would move up this road from the Shady Grove road, Ins principal line of march, against his open Hank while on the move halted Hancock at the Tavern, and directed him to prevent the enemy's ad- vance in that direction. It was about eight o'clock on Sunday morning when the One Hundred Forty- First Regiment left their breastworks near the Or- ange plank road and marched by their left Hank at the rear of the brigade down the Brock road toward the Tavern. The day was terribly hot and many suffered from sunstroke, and all were greatly overcome by the heat. Marching in the rear of the col- umn is always tedious, and was made doubly so by the heat and dust. They reached the vicinity of the Cathar- pin road about one o'clock in the afternoon where they were halted, and began throw- ing up breastworks preparatory to an antici- pated attack. Before dark a pretty heavy line was completed. This evening five days' rations were issued and the men secured some rest, although heavy firing was heard in the direction of Shady Grove, lien- the division bivouacked for the night. Says Swinton, speaking of this day's oper- ations, "The Confederates were in possession of Spottsylvania Court House. Lee, in fact, had succeeded in planting his army across Grant's line of march ; and having drawn upon the Spottsylvania Ridge a bulwark of defence, he was able, for twelve days, to hold the Army of the Potomac in check, and ex- act another heavy dole of blood." The position of the enemy was one of great strength, though of but little stratege;- ical importance- Hill's Corps occupied his extreme left extending from the Shady Grove road easterly across the Po to the folks of the Brock and Block House road, a distance of two and a half miles, then bend- ire; to the northward three-fourths of a mile farther to a small stream that empties into i be .\v, the line turns first to the east and then south, for a half a mile farther, then bearing southeasterly by the court house down to the Po at Snell's bridge, thus occu- pying a ridge from the Po to the Ny and back again to the former stream, the salient angle which includes an acorn shaped space a half a mile in breadth by nearly a mile in length, the base of which was joined to the intrenched lines was held by Ewell's Corps. A shorter line spoken of as the second line of works, extended across the base of this sali- er.t, and also connecting the main lines of Lee's intrenched position. Longstreet was on the Confederate right. On Monday, the 9th, Meade got his army in readiness to move against the enemy. General Hancock moved from Todd's Tav- ern and took position on the extreme right occupying high ground overlooking the Po and the Shady Grove road south and con- fronting the Confederate left. The Fifth Corps was on his left, and the Sixth Corps was on the left of Warren crossing the Brock road where the two branches come together south of Alsop's. The Union lines now were nearly the arc of a circle, considerably con- tracted, well intrenched and protected by ar- tillery, but the enemy's position was also too strong io he successfully assaulted. On Monday, the 9th, Ward's Brigade lay at Todd's Tavern until one o'clock in the af- ternoon, when it was moved to its assigned placein the line. In the meantime skirmish firing was kept up without intermission, and the skirmish line at some points crowded REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 189 close to the enemy's works, capturing some of his pickets. Later Hancock made a con- siderable advance on the enemy's left. SaysSwinton: — "During the afternoon a Confederate wagon train was observed filing along the road leading into Spottsylvania, opposite Hancock's position. That officer was directed to make a movement across tbe Po, partly with the hope of capturing some of the train.* Accordingly, toward evening of the 9th, the Second Corps forced a cross- ing of the stream, the south bank of which was observed by but a small force. The passage was effected with entire success in the face of many difficulties of ground; but night came on before the movement could be brought to a head." The banks were steep and covered with bushes. Theodore Larrison, of Company I, makes this entry for the day : — " About two o'clock in the afternoon we were ordered to advance and went in a southwest direction. We were obliged to wait for the artillery which was shelling and trying to capture the enemy's wagon train. At three we were ordered to march. At six encamp with the artillery. Heavy firing was still going on. We took four pieces of artillery, part of the train and lots of prisoners. Crossed a river and went about two miles [less than one mile] south of it and encamped on the height of ground for the night. I was sent to picket in the rear." The portion of the Regiment not on picket bivouacked on the south side of the Po, occupying a portion of the ridge and in the edge of a piece of woods. The next morning, although the Confed- erate train had been safely retired, yet Gen- eral Hancock after bridging the stream where his troops had crossed, which was fif- ty feet wide and deep, pushed forward the *General Humphreys, p. 76: — "It was deter- mined that Hancock should cross the river in his front and make a reconnoissance in force along the Shady Grove road on the enemy's left, cross, ing the river again by the Shady Grove road bridge or below it, with a view of turning and at- tacking the enemy's left." development of his operations. The One Hundred Forty-First was thrown forward as skirmishers and advanced about two miles pressing back those of the enemy with whom they were constantly engaged, advancing be- low the mills. The Po, where Hancock crossed it, runs nearly eastward, but farther on turns sharp- ly southward for two and a half miles, and again crossed the line of his march. He was now on the Shady Grove road which crosses the river on a covered bridge, a mile west of the Block House, and two and a half miles west of the Court House, and is known as the Block House bridge, near which the enemy were observed in force behind in- trenchments, commanding all the approach- es to it, and the bridge itself. Brooke's Bri- gade (the fourth of Barlow's Division) was thrown across the stream a half a mile below the bridge and was moving down on that side of the river when the operation was suddenly suspended by order of General Meade, who had determined to attack the enemy on Warren's front, and ordered Gen- eral Hancock to send two divisions to assist in the proposed assault. The divisions of Gibbon and Birney were accordingly retired, the rear of the latter in which was our Regiment which had been supporting a battery, being sharply assailed in the act. Some of the men ha\te said that for the time it lasted, it was as hot as any fire they were ever in. It was now two o'clock, and the men had been engaged, or at least under fire, since daylight. In retiring the troops who had crossed the river, considerable loss was suffered, and the horses attached to one of the guns becoming unmanageable wedged it be- tween two trees in a morass, whence it could not be extricated — "the first gun ever lost by the Second Corps." Miles' Brigade crossed last, taking up the pontoon-bridge and destroying the other. This movement is known in the records of the Regiment as the " Po River Move." 190 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST Although the Regimenl was under a very hoi fire for a time, and in the skirmish line on the morning of the 10th, and afterward were under a heavy fire of shut and shell in support of a battery near the river which covered the crossing of the rear guard, yet no casualties are reported as occurring here. I. \i LIEL HILL. "The poinl the attack (to assist in which the Second Corps had been retired across the I'o, i was designed to be made, was a hill marked on the maps as 'Laurel Hill,' held by the enemy in front of Warren's line. This was perhaps the most formidable point along the enemy's whole front. Its densely wooded crest was crowned by earthworks, while the approach, which was swept by ar- tillery and musketry fire, was rendered more difficult and hazardous by the heavy growth of low cedars, mostly dead, the long bayonet- like branches of which, interlaced and point- ing in all directions, presented an almost im- passable barrier to the advance of a line of battle."! At eleven o'clock in the forenoon an at- tack had been made iiih.ii ibis position by troops of the Fifth Corps, assisted by two brigades of Gibbons' Division of the Second Corps which had been repulsed with severe loss. An attempt made by a, part of the Fifth Corps at three o'clock in the afternoon to eleai- the ground in their front bad also failed. At five o'clock die assault, was re- newed with great energy, some of Warren's men even reaching the parapet of the ene- my's works, but were driven back with great slaughter. But for all this (lie attack was ordered to be repeated at half-past six, hut under orders was deferred until seven. Gen- eral Hancock was now in command of the storming party which consisted of Gibbons' and Birney's Divisions, with a pari of the Fifth Corps. The men regarded the effort as hopeless from the start, anil the officers fulled to secure any enthusiasm in tiieir troops. For the first time the old division fSwinton, p. 1 19. faltered. It exhibited a behavior very un- like what had heretofore characterized it. General Hancock says, " Ward's Brigade re- tired in disorder until rallied by my own stall' and that of General Birney." "Bir- ney's m< n," writes a stall offic< r, " in fail be- c i mc scared and ran back a quarter of a mile behind some old breastworks." SwintOQ adds, " It is only those who know little of the motives which influence troops that would mistake such conduct for pusillanim- ity." The men speak of the charge in similar language. Sergeant Hewitt says : — " Our division made a charge just before dark, but our lines were broken on account of 1 he t hick woods, and the first lire from the rebel artil- lery caused us to fall back in great confusion. It was late before our scattered troops were re- organized." Another says: ''A little after live o'clock we were all massed for a charge mi the enemy's works. All went steady un- der a perfect shower of bullets until the grape and cannister began to come, when we broke and run in all directions. Our breast- works were nearly a half mile oil'.'' This ended tic operations for the day. Mr. Liriison has this entry in his diary for the day in regard to the movements south of t be Po: -— " J lay near a white house doing picket duty at the rear of the army. An hour later we were hurried on doable quick down to a saw mill, [Tinder's?] and put under a heavy lire of musketry which soon became artillery. The enemy seemed to be trying to Hank us. The engagement became quite severe am! numbers were kill- ed on both sides. A number of times dur- ing the day I was where shot and shell came so thick they killed men on each side of me." Sergeant Lobb's account contains a num- ber of additional facts, and though it is im- possible to locate all the positions he de- scribes with certainty, yet the experiences of the morning OUght to lie preserved as a. part of the historv of the Regiment. lie REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 191 says : < in tlie evening of the 9th I was sent as the Sergeant of the One Hundred Fori First pickets. It must have been near mid- night before we got posted. Everything was quiet during the night. "The next morning we advanced the picket line to the banks of a little stream 1 was told was the Po river. About noon a line of sharpshooters crossed the stream and engaged some rebel cavalry, and the squad from the One Hundred Forty-First was or- dered to support them. We crossed the lit- tle stream and kept in close supporting dis- tance until we reached a. bouse. The few cavalry that bad been retiring from us fell back to a. road, received reinforcements and a field-piece, rallied and soon drove us back across the Stream. By tbis time our battery, Stationed on the high ground in the rear of us, opened on them, and tin' sharpshooters went their way, and we took our p serve post again. We could not find the line, but posted ourselves along where the line had been. "By this time a pretty sharp cannonading was playing over the hollow we were in, and we SOOn became satisfied tbal the picket line bad been withdrawn while we were put with the sharpshooters, and no one left to give us instructions; we therefore concluded that we bad better get out of it in some way. The Corporal of the squad and myself held a consultation as to what was best to be done, and it was arranged that we would go in single file, keeping some distance apart to a, piece of pine woods where we would be shel- tered from both fires, the Corp' nil led the way and I brought up the rear. The move- ment was successful and all reached the woods in safety. We at length succeeded in attracting the attention of our own men and soon got safely within tiie Union lines, but, where Birney's Division was we could not. find out We finally met an officer who told us that the division bad been withdrawn and sent further to the left. " We seemed to be a long time going to the left when we noticed the blue clover-leaf in the red diamond*— it was the Sixty- Third Pennsylvania, which formerly was in our brigade, but now in the Second. As we drew near we were recognized as old friends. Here we learned that a charge was in be made and that we bad better join them. Soon the order 'Forward!' came, and we took part with the Sixty-Third in it. We went over an open field down toward smiir stream, but, did not cross it, when the enemy op( ued upon us from the next hill. We Soon learned the charge bad not been a suc- cess, and fell back to (be starting point. "We now bid adieu to our old friends, and followed along the line until we found our Regiment, which was then awaiting or- ders lor another charge. Both officers and men were greatly pleased on our arrival, as they feared we hail been taken prisoners. We lad scarcely time to give account of our- selves, before the order came ' Forward !' " General Ward's Brigade was formed in column by regiments, with other troops, in a piece of very thick pine and cedar woods — the One Hundred Forty-First Regimen! was the seventh from the front. The lines mov- ed forward very steadily until the first line was within a few rods of the enemy's works, when they opmed upon us with grape and canister such a lire as V> sweep the front lines completely away. We fell back- in some confusion. It si emed to me very much like a bull-dig fight, and 1 think the rest saw it as I did. Night soon came and with it a Utile much needed rest." The next day, the llth, the brigade re- mained behind the intrenchmeiits to which tin y had retired the evening before There was continual skirmish firing, but not much else. Once the enemy got the range and sent the shot and shells into the ranks, but a slight change, in position enabled them to escape further annoyance from this source. The only casualty was one wounded, Samuel Lee, of < 'ompany A. *This was the combination of the Second and 1 Third Corps badges. 192 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST SPOTTSYLVANIA COURT HOUSE. Afier :i thorough and careful examination of the enemy's lines, General Granl deter- mined to assault them again. The poinl now fixed ii]»iti was the apex of the acorn- shaped projection at the salient. As this was the field on which the Regiment en- gaged in the terrible strife of the 1-th, it may not be amiss to give in detail the posi- tions and strength of the enemy at this point. In this the full description of General Hum- phrey will be substantially followed. Be- ginning on the cast of the Brock roid and a quarter of a mile south of its intersection with the Block house road the intrenchment ran through woods, which were slashed in part, in a northeast direction for the space of half a mile, entering then the open ground of Harrison's farm. Harrison's house was near the intrenchment. This part was occupied by Kershaw's Division of Ander- son's (First) Corps. The line now ran near- ly north for half a mile, chiefly through wood, which was slashed, some part being in open ground, where there were abatis. Rhodes' Division of Ewell's Corps occupied this part of the line, his right, Dodge's Bri- gade, resting on what was afterward known as the bloody angle. From this angle the line ran along the outer edge of a wood in a direction a little north of east for about four hundred yards, having in front of it, for a long distance, the open ground of Landron's and Brown's farms. Brown's house being a mile directly north, and Landron's half as far and a little to the east This latter line terminates at a high open point where six or eight guns were in position. This east and west, line is usually termed the salient, but should he called the apex. The mtrench- nients turned at this high open point, making a second angle and ran nearly south six or seven hundred yards, having fairly open ground in front, in the centre of which was the McCool house, and wood in the rear of the house. Johnson's Division of Ewell's (orps held the intrenchments from Rhodes' right, along the apex of the salient and along a part of its east face for the distance of six or seven hundred yards. Running in an easterly direction across Landron's farm and about midway between the dwelling and the intrenchments is a small stream that empties into the Ny. At the sources and along the holders of this stream the ground is soft and miry. From this marsh the ground ascends to the line of the intrenchments. On the evening of Wednesday, the 11th, the camp fires were built along and in front of the lines of Hancock's Corps, and the troops had orders to march with the greatest possible silence. There had been a heavy shower in the afternoon and a drizzling rain continued through the night which was dark as Krelus, and the ground was made soft by the rain. The line of march was in the rear of the Fifth and Sixth Corps in nearly an easterly direction, without regard to mads, through open fields, through heavy forests, fouling streams and floundering through swamps guided only by the com- pass, so dark that often one could not see the man in front of him, nor even his hand held before his face. About three o'clock on the morning of the 12th, the Regiment reached the high ground in front of Brown's house, and obtained a few minutes' rest, but DO fires were to be lighted or noise made. Just in the gray of the morning, a I 'out half-past lour o'clock, light coming a little later than usual owing to a heavy fog, the Second Corps was massed for the charge. The direction had been determined by point of compass from the McCool house. Bar- low's Division massed in two lines on the cleared ground extending to the enemy's lines formed the left of the Storming column, Birney formed in two deployed lines on Bar- low's right, Mod's Division supporting, and Gibbon's held in reserve. Birney's lines were formed in the shelter of some woods — from there the ground descended to the swale through which flows the little stream above noted, and thickly covered with al- ders. Here the ground was so soft the men went in to their knees. At the farther side REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 193 of this swale the enemy ha 1 a vidette post. Beyond here was a narrow strip of clearing in which was posted the enemy's pickets. Simultaneously the columns were set in motion. Barlow having open ground in his front, marched fast until about half way to the intreuchmentswhen his men gaveacheer and broke into a run. Birney's men had the brush and swamp in their path, but they kept their lines up to Barlow and together they reached the works. Here they tore away the abatis with their hands and poured over the works in an irresistible mass. The men were in great confusion. The several commands mixed in great disorder, but such was the enthusiasm inspired that every one seemed bent on doing his best to make the dash successful. The works at this point were very strong, consisting of a double line of intrenchments of oak logs, banked up with dirt from six to eight feet in height, and connected at short intervals with transverse sections and well protected with artillery. Our own brigade pressed forward with fixed bayonets without firing a shot. The enemy's pickets were dispersed and some captured. Reaching the line of fortification a volley was poured into their faces but did not check the impetus of the attack. In another moment with a cheer and a bound the men were over the works. It was a complete success if not a complete surprise. Some of the officers were pulling on their boots and some of the men were asleep in their tents. Four thousand of the enemy were taken prisoners, twenty pieces of their artillery with their caissons, horses, etc., several thousand stand of small linns, and upwards of thirty colors were taken. Among the prisoners were Major- General Edward Johnson, and Brigadier- General George H. Stuart. Captain Peck captured a Colonel. General Birney's troops seem to have en- tered the enemy's intrenchments just west of the east angle, extending from that point to the west angle and down the west face of the salient some four hundred yards, encounter- ed Terry's and Walker's Brigades at the apex of the salient. In taking the intrench- ments the commands became still more dis- ordered and mixed up. Sweeping away or capturing these brigades the enthusiastic troops push on toward the south, our Regi- ment on the inside of the west line of the salient or acorn-shaped projection, until they reached the second line which had been thrown across the base of this salient, about six hundred yards -in the rear of the apex, where, in the rear of Harrison's house, < Gen- eral Cordon had collected a considerable force which he threw upon the disorganized troops who were assailing them. The main body of the One Hundred Forty-First push- ed up as far as the McCool house where they were halted in order to collect the men, but; Captains Peck, Kilmer, and some of the men had gone a half a mile farther, the for- mer to the left the latter to the right, when to their utter surprise they saw coming in just a few rods behind them a brigade of the enemy completely cutting off their retreat. Most of our men who were captured were taken here. Kilmer ran down into the woods near by, got outside the fortifications, and struck the line on which the advance had been made in the morning, and reached his command again later in the day. Captain Peck thus speaks of his own ad- ventures :— " In making the charge on the morning of the 12th all organization was lost. Soon after striking the works about five hundred men and a few officers turned to the left and followed down the enemy's works capturing a large number of prison- ers. After following the works down about or nearly a mile we struck a heavy body of the enemy who poured upon us a severe (ire. In a short time the enemy were reinforced and we began to lose men rapidly. On look- in- around I found Lieutenant H. W". Jones, First Sergeant Epbraira Bobbins, Sergeants Alvin Whitaker and Charles Scott, of Com- pany C, Color Sergeant, with the Regimental 194 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST ( ulni's, and three or four enlisted men. Know- ing the danger we were in, and fearing that by some accident we might lose our colors, 1 directed Sergeants Whitaker and Scott to return with the flag to the point where we struck the works in the morning and rejoin the Regiment if they could find it. Sergeant Whitaker was killed in getting hack, but Scott escaped unhurt. They had been gone but a few minutes when Lieutenant Jones called my attention to a line of men just in my rear. Upon turning around I found the enemy had crossed their line of works and were shutting us in between their lines. They were so close we had no time to notify our men. We did some lofty tumbling and fast running through the worst slashing I ever saw, until we came to a small stream which we crossed and escaped. We, Lieuten- ant Jones and myself, were the only two of our party that were not captured. Sergeant Robbins afterward told me that he had no knowledge of the enemy being in his rear until one put his hand on his shoulder and ordered him to throw down his gun." While making his way back Captain Peck saw a Confederate sunk to his waist in one of the sloughs which abound there, who see- ing the Captain approach called out to him: — " For God's sake, Yank ! don't come here or you'll get stuck." The terrible fighting which occurred here in Lee's desperate efforts to re-take the works our men had won has passed into his- tory as the hardest lighting of the war. It was not only desperate but hand to hand. " Nothing but the piled up logs separated the combatants. Our men would reach over the logs and fire into their faces or stab over with their bayonets. Many were shot and stabbed through the crevices and holes be- tween the logs. Men mounted the works and with muskets rapidly handed them, kept up a continuous fire until they were shot down when others would take their place and continue the deadly work. Sev- eral times duriug the day the rebels would show the white flag about the works and when our fire slackened jump over and sur- render, and others were crowded dovn to fill their places. It was there that the some- what celebrated tree was cut off' by bullets, there that the brush and logs were cut to pieces and whipped into basket-stuff, there that the ditches and cross-sections were fill- ed with rebel dead several feet deep. * * General McGowan, of Wilcox's Division, Hill's Corps, says : — "Our men lay on one side of the breastworks, the enemy on the other, and in many instances men were pull- ed over. The trenches on the right of the bloody angle had to be cleared of the dead more than once. An oak tree, twenty -two inches in diameter in rear of the brigade, was cut down by musket balls and fell about twelve o'clock, Thursday night (of the 12th) injuring several men in the First South Car- olina Regimeni."" Says Swinton : — " Lee seemed to be deter- mined to retake, at any cost, the line wrested from him, and throughout the day made not less than five heavy assaults, each of which was in succession repulsed by the troops of the different corps now concentrated at the point assailed." Of all the struggles of the war this was perhaps the fiercest and most deadly. Fre- quently, throughout the conflict, so close was the contest that the rival standards were planted on the opposite sides of the breast- works. The enemy's most savage sallies were directed to retake the famous salient, which had now become an angle of death, and presented a spectacle ghastly and terri- ble. On the Confederate side of the works lav many corpses of those who had been bay- oneted by Hancock's men when they first leaped the intrenchments. To these were constantly added the bravest of those who, in the assaults to recapture the position, fell at the margin of the works till the ground was literally covered with piles of dead, and the woods in front of the salient were one hideous Golgotha. At midnight, after twen- *Humpl>reys\ pp. 99, 100. REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS, 195 ty hours of combat, Lee drew back Jus bleed- ing lines and re-formed them on his interior position. Our own Regiment was in the thickest of this terrible strife. The oak cut down by minie balls, a section of which was on exhi- bition at the Centennial Exposition, in Phil- adelphia, and is now in the War Depart- ment, at Washington, was directly in front ■of where it was lying. Captain Lobb says: — "Near the point where that oak was cut down, some of the One Hundred Forty-First helped to get out four brass pieces of the enemy's artillery and turned the captured guns upon them. They made a noise if nothing more. Men with ropes hauled these guns to the rear. The enemy soon brought their artillery to bear upon us from behind the McCool house — I had been near this house before we halted in the morning — but just at this time a sec- tion of our artillery came up at a full gallop and gave Johnny Reb. some hard tack in the shape of solid shot. The enemy soon rallied and tried many times through the day to regain the works." Sergeant William Hewitt, of Company D, says the fighting was terrible — an awful struggle. The enemy try to take their lost ground but are repulsed with great slaugh- ter — the trees are literally cut to pieces with bullets— Captain Lobb adds, one tree in par- ticular 1 noticed considerably riddled with bullets, but my opinion is that about half was purely accidental and the finishing was for fun. After the enemy retired and the firing ceased the men laid down in the trenches for a little rest, but it was a horrible place in which to rest. It had rained considera- bly during the day and the ditches were filled with water and everywhere was mud, while around were the dead and the dying. An officer in the Regiment says : — "1 think it is no exaggeration to say the dead lay as thick as pumpkins in a cornfield in autumn."' Another says, " the only place I could find to lie down was between two dead men who were so close together I could not turn over without touching one of them." In a letter written the morning after the battle, Friday, May 13th, Colonel Watkius says: — "Wo are lying in the mud. We have been fighting incessantly since the 5th. Yesterday we charged very heavy breast- works and carried them after some loss. The slaughter on both sides passes descrip- tion. We marched all night, night before last, attacked the works at daylight in three lines with fixed bayonets, fought over the works all day and all night in the rain and mud. Our men are wet to the skin and are now eating their first meal since night before last. My heart bleeds when I think of our sufferings and losses. I am unhurt, but ex- hausted with fatigue." In subsequent letters he thus speaks far- ther of this day's terrible strife: — "Our losses have been miraculously small for the number and obstinacy of the fights in which we have been engaged, and can be attributed only to the fact that we fought most of the time behind breastworks and were guarded by a kind Providence. The day we took the enemy's works was one of continual musketry such as has never been seen before in this war. You will not credit me when I tell you that I saw large trees — one eighteen inches through, of white oak — literally cut down by musket balls, yet such is the truth. Every live man in the Regiment can testify to the fact. Just at this point our own and the rebel dead lay in heaps, pierced some of them with hundreds of balls- So horrible and sickening a sight I never saw before. Here we fought almost hand to hand for twenty-four long hours in a heavy rain. Our Regiment has behaved nobly and has taken more prisoners than its numbers. The men and officers are completely exhausted. I have passed through what I did not think a man could without injury. The loss of the enemy has been as large, if not larger than our own. They are as well armed and clothed as our own men, and fight with per- ig6 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST feet desperation. History will record the tight as the longest, the most obstinate, fierce and bloody single engagement of the whole war. Hour after hour it seemed as if they must give way. Hour after hour I feared we would run out of ammunition and be compelled to fall back. But cartridges came in abundance, and finally we held the hard-won works, guns and prisoners. If we could deal them two or three more such blows. I should hope for an early end of the campaign." The 13th continued to be rainy. Heavy skirmish firing continued all day, and occa- sionally a little cannonading. The day was spent in burying the dead, strengthening the works, rectifying the position, caring for the wounded, and getting a little rest. Some of the men went out to look over the ground of the yesterday's battle. Corporal Coburn, Company B, writes, ' : I viewed a part of the scene of yesterday's conflict. In the woods beyond the works the dead were piled be- yond anything I ever saw before, in all shapes and shot in all imaginable ways. A few rebel dead still remain on the field. There are many vacant places in our ranks." The men were exposed to the deadly aim of the enemy's sharpshooters as soon as they ventured beyond the rifle pits. The rain continuing they were compelled to pitch their tents upon the graves of the recently buried dead, where they continued also all of Saturday and Saturday night. Out on the right the dead lay unburied, the ene- my's sharpshooters preventing our burial parties from doing their work. Captain Lobb, who was thus engaged on Saturday, says: — " I never saw the dead lie so thick before. The One Hundred Forty-First buried the dead in the. vicinity of this oak tree. The enemy had constructed very heavy breastworks of oak logs filled with brush and earth, about five feet high from the bottom of the ditch. This ditch was lit- erally filled with the dead in their desperate struggle to regain their works. In many places we saw their bodies three deep, which with the water that had gathered there from the rains and the blood, was a sight too hor- rible for description. We shoveled the earth from the top of the works and buried them where they fell in the ditch they themselves had dug. I went through the woods for some distance and in many places saw the dead lying in heaps, especially near the trees." During Saturday, the 14th, there was- some skirmishing, but no fighting in the im- mediate front of the Regiment. Captain Peck went on picket this evening, and says: — "Up all night; a large number of the dead still lying about unburied ; in many places they are close by the side of the sen- tinels." The next day the pickets on the right were withdrawn, at which the enemy observing, poured upon the retiring line a perfect shower of bullets, but without doing much damage. The Captain says : — " I went to Spottsylvania Court House and then marched back and joined the Regiment and skirmished with the enemy until dark, when we were relieved by the Ninety-Third New York." The losses, most of which occurred on the 12th. were eleven killed, died of wounds and died in captivity, twenty-five wounded, and seven missing. It may here be remarked that these figures fall short of the reports made soon alter the engagements, but are as complete as can now be obtained. In a re- port made by the Adjutant of the Regiment, under date of January 5, 1865, the losses in the Wilderness are given as seventy-eight killed and wounded, (two less than were given in our list,) and four missing — a total loss of eighty-two. Under date of May 1(3, 1864, Colonel Watkins reports that since the Regiment broke camp eight had been killed in action, one hundred and four wouuded, and twenty-nine missing. In the Adjutant's report above mentioned the number is thir- ty-nine killed and wounded, and eight miss- ing, Colonel Watkins gave the figures soon after the action at Spottsylvania Court REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 197 House, further investigation discovered some who were reported missing to have been killed, others to have straggled off and sub- sequently got back to their companies, as the Adjutant reports only twelve missing from the two engagements, instead of twen- ty-nine, one hundred and seventeen killed and wounded, instead of one hundred and twelve; so that it may be safely assumed twelve who at first were reported missing subsequently retured to the Regiment.* It will be observed the aggregate loss as given in our tables nearly corresponds with the aggregate given by the Adjutant, viz: — for- ty-rive. In Company B, as has been said, Sergeant Alvin Whitaker was killed while going back to his regiment from the extreme advance in the charge of the morning of the 12th. He was born in Warren Center November lii, 1836, and was working there at his trade — a blacksmith — when he enlisted with Cap- tain Da vies as a private. He was promoted to Corporal December 5, 1863, and Sergeant April 1, 1864. In a letter of Colonel Wat- kins, under date of May 17th, he says: — "It was in our last engagement that Sergeant "Whitaker. of Company B, was killed, hav- ing part of his head blown away by a shell, lie was an excellent soldier and a superior man, and fell in the very front. Davies thought much of him. Peck buried him upon the field." His parents were New *The official returns are somewhat less than either of the above— they are for the Wilderness May 5th and 7th. as follows: — Killed, six enlisted men ; wounded, two officers, 65 enlisted men, and two enlisted men missing, aggregating 75. For Spottsylvania, May 8th to 20th, three enlisted men killed ; two officers and 30 enlisted men wounded, and eight enlisted men missing, mak- ing an aggregate of43. This latter enumeration includes one killed May 20th, and places those who died of wounds and in captivity as among the wounded or missing. As an illustration, under date of May 13th Captain Atkinson writes: — "I have hut six men of my company here this morning; some are no doubt scattered in different places and may yet come up." England people and among the eaily settlers in Warren. A comrade writes of Alvin : — ''He was always a favorite at home, and in the army, genial, true and brave." Charles Acl a, a private of Company C, son of. John Acla, of Asylum, where he en- listed with the party that went from that township. He is spoken of by his com- manding officers as a brave and faithful sol- dier, "who never shrank from duty or from danger." In the battle of Gettysburg he re- ceived a severe wound in the neck, which in healing drew his head to one side, and for which, had he desired, he could have been honorably discharged, but he preferred to go to the front. He was again severely wound- ed in the charge of Thursday morning, sent to Washington, where he died May 27th and was buried in the National Cemetery at Arlington, at the age of twenty-one years. Francis E. Patterson was among the party who was following Captains Peck and Kil- mer out to the extreme front, who with the most of that squad found their retreat cut off and obliged to surrender. Here young Pat- terson was captured and sent to Richmond where he died May -3d. at the age of twenty years. He was a brave, resolute soldier, of unexceptionable character and habits, and respected by both his officers and comrades. He was living in North Towanda at the time of his enlistment, going with the Com- pany B men, but transferred to Company ( ..', to fill up its numbers. Martin McKee was also wounded and captured at the same time and under the same circumstances as Patterson, and died in Andersonville prison, July 1*2, 1864. He- was a son of Robert McKee, of LeRoy town- ship, where he enlisted with Captain Swart, a man of excellent habits and soldierly qual- ities. His commanding officer says of him : — "That he had a mind which kept him above any of the vices into which many of his age are liable to fall. He was one of the bravest of soldiers, and died at the age of twenty-one." 193 ONE HUNDRED EORTY-EIRST [n Company D, Ephraim Acla, reported missing, was found wounded, taken to hos- pital and died .June 3d. He was a recruit in the company, joining the Regimentin the March previous. A sou of Jonathan Aria, sit' Durell, and died at the age of twenty years. Wilson S. Hill, a farmer by occupation, and unmarried, enlisted with Mr. Lewis at a drummer, but when the regimental drum corps was broken up, lie voluntarily took up a musket and entered the ranks as a pri- vate, and cheerfully assumed the new duties cf his position. lie also was captured in the grand charge of the morning of May 12ih, taken to Richmond and afterward to Andersonville, where he died October 25, 1864. He was a son of Samuel H. Hill, of North Orwell, who died previous to his en- listment, about twenty-five years of age, and the only son of his widowed mother. He had been captured at Chancellorsville the year before, released, and returned to his regiment, but probably not exchanged. In Company F, a private, William J. Crandall, was wounded by a minie ball in the body, from the effects of which he died May 26th. lie was a son of Caleb Crandall, was a farmer in Brooklyn, where he enlist- ed, leaving a wile and two children to mourn bis untimely death, lie was twenty-four years of age.* In Company H, Sergeant Philip F. Quick was wounded in the thigh, and afterward shot in the mouth, the ball knocking out his front teeth, and passing so near the large fa- cial artery that it became uncapped in the sloughing off of the wound, causing death in a few moments. At his enlistment he was living in Dimock, where he was at work as as a farm laborer. He died in Lincoln Captain (now Rev.) N.J. Flawley. says :— " He was shot on the morning of the 12th while charg- ing the enemy's works, and feUnear me. I gave him a drink from my canteen, laid his head on his knapsack, bid him good-bye and left him, as tin- exigencies of the hour demanded every man in line and to his duty." Hospital at Washington, May 19th, at the age of twentv-six years, unmarried. A com- rade who knew him well, says of him : " He was as good a soldier as ever carried a musket, and as true a man as ever lived." Corpora] William Rogers, of Company K, was killed on the field, on the morning of the 12th of May, and buried in the Wilder- ness burial grounds. He wis from Forks- ville, where he was a farmer, a single man, and at his death twenty-seven and a half years of age. Until that fatal morning he had escaped unhurt. He was instantly killed. His comrades speak in the highest terms of his soldierly qualities, and of the esteem in which he was held by both, officers and men. Corporal George W. Pennington was among the captured on the morning of the 12th, enlisted from Laporte with Lieutenant Dunham, and died in Andersonville prison September 15, 1864. From a letter of one of his company the following facts are taken : — "He was taken prisoner at Chancellors- ville, May 3, 1863, paroled, sent to parole camp near Alexandria, where he remained until September 30th, when he was ex- changed and joined his regiment. From the time he was taken at Spottsyl vauia noth- ing was heard of him until December 20th, when one of his comrades, taken at the same time, was exchanged, and informed the Reg- iment concerning his death. He died of starvation. In his diary he says: — "Tongue can never express, nor pen describe how we stiller." He was bold and fearless, and al- ways found at his post. At a meeting of his company the following was unanimously adopted : Whereas, It has pleased an All- Wise Providence to remove from our midst our fellow-soldier, Corporal George W. Penning- ton, who died while a prisoner in the hands of the enemy ; therefore Resolved, Although we bow to the will and behest of an Ail-Wise Providence, we sincerely regret to part with bin. Resolved, That the deceased was one y hi had won the confidence of his fellow-soldiers, REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 199 by his Christian character and many kind and good qualities and gentlemanly deport- ment during the time he was among us. Resolved, That in his death we have lost a patriot and a soldier. Resolved, That we sincerely sympathize with his bereaved parents, and all who were endeared to him bv the lies of nature, and who will most deeply feel his loss. Byron Pierce, a private of this company, was also in the front charging column of the early morning attack, whose retreat was cut off by the enemy, was captured, taken to Andersonville, where he died, but the time or particulars of his death were never known by his comrades or friends, lie was a sun of Davis Pierce, from Smithheld, a single man, and about eighteen years of age. A comrade says of him : — "A good soldier and a very fine young man." Besides the above, the following casualties were reported, all of which except as other- wise noted, occurred on the 12th of May : COMPANY A. Captain Joseph H. Horton, right arm. First Lieutenant Joseph H. Hurst, left shoulder. Sergeant Stephen Bought, side. Private Elisha S. Keeler, side. " Samuel Lee (11,) head. " Delton Y. Caswell, wounded and captured. Private James C. Crawford, wounded and captured. Private James W. Crawford, wounded and captured. COMPANY B. Corporal Stephen B. Canfield, lower jaw. Sergeant Ephraim D. Bobbins, captured. COMPANY C. First Sergeant Ezra. S. Little, right leg. Sergeant Bishop Horton, shoulder. Private John Bockwell, captured. " Moses C. Johnson (10,) left side. COMPANY D. Corporal Rodney Brewer, hand. Private Charles A. Chaffee, foot. Private Henry Walker, left thigh. Corporal Charles E. Seelev (Hi,) captured. COM I'AXY E. Corporal Everts Wandall, left arm. Private William Campbell, head. company o. Private George S. Barnes, wounded. " Richard R. Tamblyn, wounded, COMPANY II. Sergeant B. B. Atherton, wounded. Corporal Abram V. Alden, wounded Private Thomas Davis, arm oil'. " Stephen Millard, wounded. " John B. Overfield, " William II. Peet, " John J. Stockholm, wounded. " John Siillwell missing. COMPANY I. Corporal F. Cortes Rockwell, wounded. COMPANY K. Private Davis S. Simmons, wounded. The following table contains the usual summary of losses occurring about Spottsyl- vania from May 10-20, 1864 : Company, &c. Field & Stall', A B C D E F G IT 1 K *T0TAL X V. * — $u ■- . - c s ^c,^ ,o -< ^ *] 5 1 1 3 •2 3 2 1 2 1 7 i-1 1 3 1 13 25 ►** Or 45 Including John Allen, Company A, killed May 20th. t Including Jeremiah S. Shores, Company I, died from wounds received May I'.'lh. 200 ONE HUNDRED F0RTY-FIRS1 On Monday, the 16th, the weather still continued showery, but much better than the past three days, and the roads were con- sequently improving. General Hancock was busy reconstructing his lines. Our Regiment was on the skirmish line, and busily engaged in building breastworks, Colonel Watkins writes under this date: — " 1 cannot describe and you cannot imagine the labors and sufferings we have undergone. We are now on a picket line, and this is the thirteenth day we have been under fire. Often we get a meal a day, but ofcener a meal in two days. I have not changed clothing in three weeks, and have had my boots off but once since we started." The next day be writes: — "Yesterday we had more rest than at any time since we started, as we had nothing to do but to build breast- works. ( >ur men are very much worn down and exhausted and the army is greatly de- pleted.'^ During the forenoon of Tuesday all was quiet along the front of our brigade. Chang- es were made in the forces on some parts of the line owing to the departure of some Mas- sachusetts troops whose term of enlistment had expired, and whose places were lilled by the reinforcements now arriving. Late in the afternoon the skirmish line was driven in, and just before dark Rhodes' Division of Ewell's Corps charged the works held by the Regiment. " We held our fire until they came close up and then sent them howling back with a single volley. Some oi'the enemy were killed and wounded, and three were taken prisoners, hut. our Kogi- nient suffered no loss. The men slept on their arms, expecting a renewal of the at- tack the next morning!" At dawn next day ( reneral Hancock ordered his men up to charge the enemy's line, and the division moved up near the Harrison house, hut it proved unsuccessful, and they were soon compelled to retire. The brigade then moved hack and re-occupied the works taken on the morning of the 12th. Here they were under a heavy lire of shot and shells, hut no casualties were suffered by our Regiment. Our batteries returned the fire with spirit and soon silenced the enemy's fire. Under this date Colonel Watkins writes: — " p I am now sitting behind the very breastworks, and upon the very ground we fought so long and obstinately over on the 12th instant. 1 have just eaten a supper from an old oil cloth spread over the buried remains of brave soldiers, amid the most noi- some smell one can imagine. I do wish we could get away from here. Six days ago we took this place and have not gained ground since. As I write 1 keep my head low to avoid the deadly missiles of the enemy's sharpshooters. We had a hard fight to-day in attempting to take one of the enemy's lines in front, but failed. We are expecting an attack to-night in return. We are in front where we have been almost all of the time, it does seem as if they ought to take us out and give us a little rest. The days are very warm, but the nights are cool and foggy. We are all so worn out and exhaust- ed that when we once get to sleep it is al- most impossible to get awake again. 1 hope we will move from this spot soon. The stench is intolerable and the associations by no means pleasing. Think of lying down among graves from which protrude the pu- trefying arms and legs of dead comrades with the whole atmosphere thick with the most offensive smells." Captain Atkinson writes under date of May 16th to the same import: — "Since the hard fought battle of the 12th, we have been skirmishing with the enemy continually, hut have had no hard lighting. Yesterday I had the Regiment on the skirmish line, and the hoys amused themselves by tiring at the Rebs. every lime they showed their heads. We were relieved last night, and this morning are taking (.air ease. Ti not a shot to be heard. We have whipped the enemy thus far, hut it is at a fearful cost. Over one half of our division have been REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 201 either killed or wounded, and the whole army has suffered terribly. It seems as if a man must be made of iron to stand such a campaign as this. We have lost over one half of our Regiment, and strange to say have had but few killed, and the most have been only slightly wounded. We have done some of the most obstinate fighting of the war. Captain Peck and myself are the only Captains left with the Regiment. The Lieu- tenant-Colonel is in command of the Regi- ment this morning, and the acting Major is also present." This day some of the slightly wounded and convalescents came up, and a number of detached men returned to their companies, so that this evening one hundred and eigh- ty-six were reported present for duty. At ten o'clock in the evening the Regi- ment received the welcome order to evacu- ate the intrenchments. Quickly gahering up their arms and baggage they set out and marched east, (to the left,) about two miles and encamped near Anderson's mill, across the Ny, and a little east of the Fredericks- burg road. Here for the first time since the campaign opened, the men were not under fire. In the morning orders were issued to make themselves comfortable, wash their clothes and obtain what rest they could. It should have been stated, that owing to the losses in Mott's Division, (the Fourth,) from the casualties of battle and the expira- tion of the terms of service of many of his regiments, it had become so reduced in numbers that on the 13th of May it was con- solidated into a brigade and attached to Bir- ney's Division. FREDERICKSBURG ROAD. General Grant, after a week of fruitless effort, determined to abandon the attempt at carrying the enemy's position, and by a turning operation compel Lee to relax his hold upon the Spottsylvania ridge. Prepa- rations were in progress for this movement, which was intended to be set on foot on the night of the 19th, but the enemy observing them, resolved on a bold move to delay if not to thwart them. The Federal line of communications with Washington was by way of Fredericksburg, which was held by Tyler's Division of foot artillerists. Ewell with a considerable force by a wide detour around the right flank of the Union army, moved down upon the Fredericksburg road, and attempted to seize the ammunition train then coming in. The attack was met with spirit by Tyler's men. and Birney's Division was ordered up to their support. Anticipating a day of rest, the men had taken the first opportunity in three weeks to wash their clothes, and when the order came to " Fall in " many were obliged to put on their wet shirts or pack them in their knap- sacks and march without one on their backs. It was about five o'clock when the order was received to march immediately. Two brigades of Birney's Division, one of which was Ward's, went into position on Ty- ler's right, but the severity of the action was already past. Mr. Lobb, whose diary has been so frequently quoted in these pages, thus recounts the particulars of the engage- ment: — "We were ordered out to support the heavy artillery, and soon got on their track, their heavy knapsacks being scattered along their path. After a while we came out into the cleared ground. A few of us who were in front came in sight of the smoke of the engagement — I was able at that time to keep up with any in the Regi- ment. The enemy had taken a position in the woods on a side hill, while the heavy ar- tillery were formed in an open field, and pressing forward to close range, were cut down fearfully. We saw the situation at a glance, and fell back to a cross road, for the rest of our Regiment to come up. In a few minutes Captain Atkinson, Major Tyler and Lieutenant-Colonel Watkins arrived, and I made known to them the situation of things. Colonel Watkins then formed the Regiment along this cross road, which was somewhat sunken so as to afford us considerable pro- 202 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST tection, with instructions to the company of- ficers that at the command "forward" the Regiment should move at double quick over the brow of the hill, get through the line of heavy troops as best they could and make for the woods. The command was given and the run through the troops and into the woods was soon accomplished. There was pretty sharp firing for a while in the woods, but it soon became dark and put an end to the fighting. We were on low ground and advancing up the hill, the enemy fired over us. We drove them back from our front and lay on our arms all night. The next morning we advanced early, but found the enemy, except their dead, gone. A Colonel Boyd was among the dead, and Colonel Wat- kins had him buried where we found him, in the front yard of a small house. Our loss was only two, and our brigade took six or seven hundred prisoners. We were relieved by the Sixth Corps and moved back near the Anderson house again." Under date of May 20th, Captain Atkin- son writes: — "Our division was sent from the front night before last for the first time since the campaign commenced. We rested and washed up yesterday, and were expect- ing a fine night's rest, when about three o'clock in the afternoon the enemy made a fierce attack on our right flank and rear, en- deavoring to capture the wagon train. Our division was ordered out to meet them and we had quite a little fight after night, and succeeded in driving them back. We were in line of battle all night expecting an at- tack every moment, but none was made. Before daylight our brigade advanced and captured about seven hundred prisoners." Colonel Watkins adds: — "Alter supper we were hastily marched about three miles to meet Ewell's Corps, which was endeavor- ing to capture part of our train. We were most of the night under fire, and drove him back. We are now near Army Headquar- ters." Another says: — " We surprised and cap- tured four hundred and eighty prisoners, who like ourselves were completely tired out." The following paragraphs from Swinton* are a fitting conclusion to this section of the history : — "Before the lines of Spottsylvania, the Army of the Potomac had for twelve days • and nights engaged in a fierce wrestle, in which it had done all that valor may do to carry a position by nature and art impregna- ble. "In this contest, unparalleled in its con- tinuous fury, and swelling to the proportions of a campaign, language is inadequate to convey an impression of the labors, fatigues, and sufferings of the troops, who fought by day only to march by night, from point to point of the long line, and renew the fight on the morrow. Above forty thousand men bad fallen in the bloody encounters of the Wilderness and Spottsylvania, and the ex- hausted army began to lose its spirit. It was with joy, therefore, that it at length turned its back upon the lines of Spottsyl- vania." Jeremiah S. Shores, a recruit in Company I, was severely wounded in the evening of the 19th, and died in consequence in hospi- tal June 27th. He was a son of Silas Shores, living near Black's Post Office, in Sheshe- quin township, a single man and about twen- ty-one years of age. Sergeant John Allen, of Company A, was killed by the accidental discharge of a gun in the hands of a member of his company, while lying down upon his knapsack, on the morning of the 20th. He was a fanner in Herrick, living near his brother-in-law, James W. Alderson, where he left his fami- ly, consisting of wife and three small chil- dren. He was a faithful soldier, and had taken part in every action in which his Reg- iment was engaged. After receiving the fa- tal wound which was just as flie Regiment was about to march, he was placed in an *P. 45S. MENT, PENN'A VOLS. 203 fay, and was Jas thirty-two as says: — " We ., Sergeant Allen, ANNA RIVER. .nter with Ewell had the effect t jone the turning movement at Spott- .ia in which the Second Corps was to the lead, for twenty-four hours. On the 1, however, General Hancock was direct- ly General Meade to move as soon at'ter ,rk as practicable, by way of Guinea Sta- 011 and Bowling Green to Milford Station, 'bout twenty miles distant, on the Rich- mond and Fredericksburg Railroad, and ake position on the right or south bank of he Mattapony, if practicable, and attack the nemy wherever found. f The Regiment was aroused about mid- light of the night of the 20th and soon were in the march, reaching Guinea Station, light miles on the way just at daylight, ["hence their route lay through Bowling Jreen, a little east of the railroad, which pas reached at three o'clock in the after- loon. The weather had come off exceed- ngly warm. After taking their dinner and •esting a little at the Green, they pushed on, ■rossing the Mattapony at Milford Station", pd encamped on the south side of the yearn. The march had been an uneventful le. The cavalry force, which had preceed- 3 the infantry column, had cleared the way if whatever force the enemy had stationed o observe the roads, and had secured both he wagon road and the railroad bridges, rhe country through which their journey ay was beautiful. They had emerged from he thickets of the Wilderness and the woods )f Spottsylvania into the cultivated fields of he central part of the State. Corn was six riches high, wheat was in bloom but not jromising, the clover fields were red with slossoms, the early fruits were ripening. It fHumplirev's Virginia Campaigns, 1SG4 and .865, p. 120. was also the first day since the 5th of Mas they had not been under the enemy's lire, and as they bivouacked for the night it was to sleep without being disturbed by the roar of cannon or the firing of pickets. The next day, (Sunday, the 22d,) the bri- gade moved out about a mile to a better po- sition and began intrenching, continuing un- til nearly noon when our Regiment was sent out on a reconnoissance about four miles to support a company of cavalry; but after vainly searching for indications of the ene- my until night, they returned to camp and rested quietly until morning. In a letter written by Colonel Watkins of this date, he says: — "We marched about twenty-two miles yesterday. We came through Bow- ling Green and are now intrenched about two miles out [south of the Mattapony.] I went with the Regiment to support some cavalry about four miles out on a reconnois- sance, but found nothing. This is a most beautiful country. Many fine residences and plantations. The male slaves are mostly gone. Chickens and turkeys are found quite abundantly, but they will not last long." Early Monday morning the Regiment again broke camp, and at six o'clock were on their way for the North Anna river. General Lee having been made aware of the turning movement in progress threw his army by the nearer and more direct routes across this stream, and thus again interposed the Army of Northern Virginia between the Army of the Potomac and Richmond. * Gen- eral Grant now determined to press forward with vigor. In this movement the Second Corps had been directed to move to Chester- field ford, near the Fredericksburg and Richmond railroad bridge. Chesterfield ford was where the Telegraph road from Fredericksburg to Richmond crossed the North Anna, and was by a bridge instead of a ford. " At eleven o'clock in the forenoon of the li -' • » 1 General Hancock reported from Old Chesterfield (about four miles from the 204 ONE HUNDRED FORTY- t ii UK,, back ters.' An. North Anna, at the railroad and Telegraph road bridges,) that part of his infantry had passed that point, moving toward those bridges, his First Division massed at Old Chesterfield and the rest coming up. In accordance with his instructions, advancing, he took position on the north bank, about a mile from the river, his right across the Tel- egraph road, his left across the Fredericks- burg railroad, Birney on the right, Barlow in the center and Gibbon on the left. The enemy were seen in force south of the river. They had batteries in position on the high southern bank of the river, as well as infantry intrenchments. On the north side they had intrenchments covering the Telegraph road bridge, and on the south side, close to the bridges, similar works. The bridge-head works were held in force by a part of Kershaw's Division. After ex- amining them General Birney was of the opinion they could be taken, and about six o'clock General Hancock directed him to make the attempt."* General Birney detailed the First and Second Brigades to make the assault. The First (Ward's) Brigade was temporarily un- der command of Colonel Eagan of the Forti- eth New York, and the other under com- mand of Colonel Pierce. Our Regiment reached the vicinity of the telegraph road bridge about noon, and in connexion with the Ninety-Ninth and One Hundred Tenth Pennsylvania Regiments, was ordered to the front as skirmishers. A little stream, name- less on the maps,* running nearly parallel with the North Anna, on the north side, and about a half mile from it is crossed by the Telegraph road by a plank bridge. A little beyond, at the Chandler house, this stream, a mere brook, turns almost sipiarely south and empties into the river about midway between the Telegraph road and railroad. On the south side of this stream and about sixty or eighty rods from the enemy's re- doubt at the bridge was a knoll, and from "Humphrey's, pp. 12'.>-130, this knoll to of Chandler's The skirmish creek, crossed it, av posed to a severe fire, stump for protection, the . hind the knoll for cover until s in readiness. " While we waited hti Sergeant Lobb, " for our supports to ft the rear, we threw out a few expei sharpshooters ' to brush the fly oft JoIil cap' whenever opportunity offered." '. brigade was formed for the charge in soi woods on the north of the litte stream befo. spoken of, but remained under cover unt nearly six o'clock. At that time the ord( of " Forward " was given. With a shot that made the hills ring, the men spran forward for the redoubt that covered tl: north end of the bridge, the One Hundre Forty-First in the front. The ground w: swept with both artillery and musketry fir but with the irresistible force of determine men the column bore down upon the en mv's position. Says Sergeant Lobb:- " U'hen we reached the intrenchments v found them more difficult to scale than tin hail appeared while we were watching shoot flies off Johnnie's caps. We found ditch about five feet deep, and the heig^ from the bottom of the ditch to the top the earthwork was nearly ten feet. The fiii thought that came to my mind as J jump into the ditch, was what would be the b< way to scale the works. I said to Sergea Seagraves — 'mount my shoulders!' so leaned my hands and head against the bar and he was ,.oon on my shoulders, and tlie top of the fortifications. How ma went up that ladder I do not recollect, bu do recollect the colors of the One Hundr Forty-First were soon up — Sergeant S< graves at that time was carrying one of tht — and the stars and bars were soon dow When our Hag was up 1 preferred to be lieved, so Sergeant Seagraves reached doA and pulled up the ladder by which he h mounted the parapet." REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 205 Some thrust their bayonets in the side of the ditch, and resting the breech of the guns upon their shoulders, made a support by which others were able to climb the sides of the redoubt. The enemy beat a precipi- tate retreat, except a few who were caught \ at such close quarters that retreat was im- possible and surrendered. Swinton says :f — " An hour before sun- down the assault was made by the brigades of Pierce and Eagan, that, under a heavy fire, swept across the open plain and at dou- ble-quick. As the menacing line approach- ed close to the work, the garrison fled pre- cipitately, and the men making a foothold in the parapet with their bayonets clamber- ed over it and planted their colors on the redan. Thirty men of the defending force, unable to escape, were captured in the ditch. The affair was exceedingly spirited and cost less than one hundred and fifty men." The One Hundred Forty-First claimed, ind is justly entitled to the honor of being irst in the works, their flag and that of the Second Excelsior (Fortieth N.Y.)were plant- ed on the works about the same time. The remaining part of the brigades was within supporting distance, but the work was done by our Regiment and the Fortieth New York. The force on the north side of the river fled across and joined their comrades on the other side and endeavored to burn the bridge, but were prevented by the vigi- lance of our men, who were occupied in throwing up intrenchments until two o'clock n the morning of Tuesday, the 24th. The loss in our Regiment was remarkably light. Corporal Henry E. Hunsinger, of Company K, who was wounded at Gettys- ourg, was also wounded here ; and private George Nichols, of Company D, was mor- tally wounded in the breast after the redoubt was taken, by a bullet from the south side of the river, and died a short time after dur- j jng the same evening. He enlisted from *It is named in the text by Swinton Long Creek. 1 fP- 476. the upper part of Wysox township where he left his family, consisting of his wife and several children. His wife died in the fall of 1862 while the Regiment was at Pooles- ville on account of which he went home on a furlough, but returned in the fall of the next year. He was the best target shot in the company, and at his death was about forty years of age. On Tuesday morning, the 24th, it was found the enemy had abandoned their works on the south side of the river in front of the Second Corps, and General Hancock crossed and occupied them. The Twentieth Indiana crossed in the forenoon and took possession of the first line, nearest the river, without opposition. The enemy had placed batteries where they kept a constant shelling upon the south approach to the bridge, as well as cov- ering the open space along the south bank of the river. Under fire from these batteries our Regiment crossed the bridge about noon, and went into position by the right flank in an open field, under a galling fire from the enemy. After a few moments the Regiment fell back under cover of a rise of ground, where they remained until all was quiet again, when they advanced, took position and constructed a line of works, " dodging the shells as they came along." Sergeant Lobb says:— "It was here that I saw for the first time earthworks thrown up without pick or shovel — bayonets were used for picks and tin plates for shovels, — but in that sandy loam in an incredibly short time, we had quite formidable works in three lines across that entire plantation. We lay in the second line for the night." Colonel Watkins says : — " We crossed the bridge under a raking fire of the rebel bat- teries, and formed in mass just in front of the rebel line of works which we had taken. Soon after we were ordered to advance, our regiment on the left ; we immediately struck upon an open plain about three-fourths of a mile in extent, when the enemy opened fire upon us with a large battery from directly 2o6 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST in front, which threw shells with deadly accuracy. Several men of one company of the Fortieth New York, just in front of us, are reported to have been struck by a single shell. Our Regiment was immediately or- dered back under a knoll, where we stacked arms, and the men took oil' their accoutre- ments and advanced to throw up breast- works. We are now lying behind the in- trenchments. There is another line in our front, but we shall not probably be allowed to enjoy long the security we now have." In the affair of this day, although at times subjected to a severe artillery lire, the Regi- ment suffered no loss. The following day the men lay quietly behind their works until evening, when they advanced to the front line and relieved the Fourth Division. The picket lines were al- most in contact, and as night came on they laid aside the restraints imposed by military rules, and chatted with each other like old friends, and carried on quite a barter of to- bacco, which the Confederates had of fine quality in abundance, for the coffee and su- gar of the Federals. As the day began to dawn, after agreeing not to fire unless com- pelled to, and then to fire the first shots high as a warning, each man returned to his post to await the movements of the day. As usual the Union army had marched in two columns, the right under Warren had crossed the North Anna at Jerico Mills some four miles above Chesterfield bridge where Hancock had effected his crossing; between the two points the river bends considerably to the south, its general course being nearly eastward, and Lee had thrust his army be- tween the two Federal columns, holding two lines arranged like the letter V with the apex at the bend of the river, one line fac- ing Warren and the other facing Hancock. Grant was thus obliged to cross the river twice to communicate from one column to the other, and was thus completely check- mated by his antagonist, whose position was too strong to be successfully assailed. Hanover Junction, the intersection of the Virginia Central, and the Fredericksburg Railroads, was about three miles distant — Warren had reached the former road and Hancock had been holding the line of the latter, but between the two were the hosts of the enemy holding intrenched positions which it would be folly to attempt to assault. The Federals busied themselves in reconnoitering the Confederate positions, tearing up the railroads and throwing the rails into the river. All the day of Thursday the army re- mained in the pits until eleven o'clock at night when they quietly packed up and re- crossed to the north side of the river, and bivouacked about a mile back at two o'clock in the morning. The One Hundred Forty- 1 First being in the front line was the last to leave, re-crossing near the railroad bridge, and then covering the crossing until the- train was over; it was nearly morning when! the men went to their bivouack. Corporals John Burns Walker, of Company G, did not\ keep up with his company, and fell into thelj hands of the enemy and remained in captiv- ity until the close of the war. TOTOPOTOMOY CREEK. General Grant determined by a long de- tour eastward to effect-'another turning opera- tion which, while bringing his own army nearer Richmond, would compel General Lee to release his hold on the North Anna. The North and South Anna unite and form the Pamunkey, which uniting with the Mat- tapony forms York river that empties intoj Chesapeake Bay. At the head of navigation on the York is White House. The success- ful crossing of the Pamunkey would there- fore bring the army into communication with a new and excellent water base, and se- cure fresh supplies of provision and ammu- nition, the want of which began to be felt. On the night of the 26th the Sixth Corps followed the cavalry which lead the advance to Hanover town, a little hamlet on the south side of the Pamunkey, a distance of REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 207 twenty-two miles. They were followed by the Fifth and Ninth Corps, the Second Corps bringing up the rear of the column. It was noon of Friday, the 27th, before our Kegiment left their bivouack to join the advancing column, when they took up the line of march, going by the Concord Church road, and traveled until midnight without incident, halting about a mile from the Pa- munkey, and about four miles from Hanover- town, and encamped in a cornfield. The next morning at seven o'clock the march was resumed and continued until ten, when, after a rest of two hours, they again push- ed on, cross in thePamunkey near Hanover- town,* and took position on a range of hills on the south side of the river where they threw up intrench ments for the night. The surrounding country was beautiful The magnolias were in full bloom. Cherries were ripe, but the army was short of rations, meat both salt and fresh was exhausted, and the hard tack nearly consumed. Sunday morning dawned beautiful and bright. For once the army lay compara- tively still on the Sabbath, and as the fore- noon advanced the bands began to play, mostly sacred music, occasionally inter- spersed with patriotic and sentimental airs like " Star Spangled Banner " and " Home Sweet Home." Writes an officer of this date:— "It seems more like Sunday than *General Humphreys says : — " On the afternoon of the 27th, the routes of the army were changed ; the Sixth and Second Corps were directed to cross the Patnunkey at Huntley's, four miles above Hanover town, and the Fifth and Ninth Corps to cross at Hanover town." Our men all speak of crossing at Hanover town, and of forti- fying a line from one to two miles south of it; but the line was probably a ridge east of one of the branches of Crump's Creek along the road leading to Hawes' shop. " Not long after mid- day of the 28th, the Sixth Corps had crossed the Pamunkey and was in position across the Hano- ver Court House on river road, at Crump's Creek. The Second Corps followed the Sixth closely, and formed on its left, completing the cover of the road from Crump's Creek to Howes' shop." — Humphreys', p. 163. anything I have seen for a long while, but not as much as I would like to see it. How 1 wish I were at home. T woidd go t<> church and feel much more happy than here." On this morning, the 29th, the command- ers of the Sixth, Second and Fifth Corps were directed to make reconnoissances in their front, in which General Hancock was to examine the roads southerly from Hawes shop. His leading division, Bar- low's, met only the enemy's videttes until it arrived at the crossing of the Totopotomoy Creek by the Richmond road. This creek is an affluent of the Pamunkey on the south side, running almost due east, and empties into the latter stream about midway between Hanover town and New Castle Ferry. On the south bank of the Totopotomoy Barlow found the enemy in force and strongly en- trenched. Here he encountered such stubborn resistance as to compel Hancock to bring up all of his corps. Our own brigade was ac- cordingly pushed forward about two miles, and encamped in the rear of Barlow in some pine woods. The next day, Monday, the 30th, Colonel Madill, who had left home the 24th, after being on the road a week, rejoined the Kegi- ment, greatly to the relief of Colonel Wat- kins, who had been in command thus far through this trying campaign. He found the Regiment occupying an intrenched posi- tion on a belt of high land running nearly parallel to and forming the north bank of the Totopotomoy Creek. Colonel Watkins writes under this date : — " We are lying on the north side, and the Rebs. on the south side of a creek, [Toto- potomoy,] and the sharpshooters are enter- taining each other. Net an officer or man- has hard tack or sugar. My supper last night was simply tea and boiled beef. I do not know what we shall do if we do not get bread soon. The water here is also very bad. Generals Meade and Hancock and their staffs were riding through the camp 208 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST when the boys commenced halloing "Hard Tack! Hard Tack!" An order was at once issued putting the Commissary under arrest, and saying that we were not to move without rations; but later we got orders to move im- mediately and came here without them." In the afternoon the Regiment was ad- vanced until within about sixty yards of the enemy's lines, where they were sheltered in a ravine until evening, when they receiv- ed intrenching tools and threw up works of considerable strength. The much needed rations were also issued this evening, much to the relief of both officers and men. A considerable number of the Regiment, among whom was Sergeant Lobb, were on picket on the road to Hanover Junction, but were re- lieved about noon the next day. On the 31st a battery was got into position and after shelling the enemy's work's for some time, the skirmishers advanced and took the first Confederate line in our front. The brigade about two o'clock in the after- noon crossed the Totopotomoy Creek in their front, and occupied the line taken by the skirmishers, and at dark advanced forty or fifty rods farther and constructed a new line.- A portion of the time the men were exposed to a pretty severe fire and lost two severely wounded, Charles Angle, a recruit of Company A, and Sergeant Lobb, of Com- pany G, both wounded in the back, the for- mer while falling back to their intrenchments and the latter while working upon them. It was discovered the enemy held a position *In her history of the 105th Regiment, the au- thoress says on the morning of May 31st, that r< giment moved forward on the Richmond road close to Totopotomoy Creek, and occupied the line just vacated by the Firsl Brigade, which had driven the enemy from his first line on the SOUtb side of the creek and had occupied it. In a short time they crossed the creek and formed in line close in the rear of the First Brigade, and there lay all day under the enemy's artillery lire. The One Hundred Forty-First was in tin- First and the One Hundred Fifth in the Second Brigade. This would give a position a mile or more south of Hawes' store. enfilading our advanced line of works, con- sequently at three o'clock of the morning of June 1st, the Regiment had orders to fall back to a more sheltered place. COLD HARBOR. The enemy's lines along the Totopotomoyf were too strong to be carried, and General Grant determined to move by the left and secure a foothold upon the Chickahominy. Accordingly dispositions to this effect were made on Wednesday, June 1st. " Cold Harbor," says Humphreys, " was an important point to us, as it was on the line of our extension to the left, and roads concentrated there from Bethesda Church, from Old Church, from White House di- rect, from New Bridge, and, directly or in- directly, from all the bridges across the Chickahominy above and below New Bridge. Some of these roads, and others connected with them, furnished great facilities to us in the movements and operations that took place here and those that followed." The place is not as its name would indicate on the border of a stream or bay, but entirely inland, being not even a village, but having importance only because of the confluence of important roads. The name is said to be common in England and was transferred to this locality probably from some fancied re- semblance to its English namesake. A mile west of it is New Cold Harbor, and north- west of this latter place a half a mile is Gaines' Mill. In order to seize and hold Cold Harbor the cavalry were sent forward in force on the 31st. General Butler commanding the Army of the James, had been ordered to for- ward all the reinforcements he could spare, and twelve thousand Cwe hundred men un- der General W. F. Smith were forwarded by transports to White House where they arrived on the afternoon of the 30th and were placed under the command of General Meade. fl have followed the orthography of Humph- reys. Swinton and some others have Tolopoto- REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 209 The Sixth Corps was ordered forward to hold the roads about Cold Harbor, and Gen- eral Smith took position on their right, cov- ering the road to Bethesda Church. The enemy anticipating the movement had plant- ed a force which held a well intrenched line at right angles to the road between Cold Harbor and New Cold Harbor, facing the northeast. An attack was made upon the enemy's position without any decided ad- vantage to the Union army. On the after- noon of the 1st of June General Hancock was ordered to withdraw early in the night and make every effort to reach Cold Harbor by early morning to reinforce Wright's (Sixth Corps,) left. In the operations of this day, William Pope, a private of Com- pany G, was wounded. Early on the night of the 1st, General Hancock began to withdraw. The picket line under Colonel Madill, who was Division Officer of the day, was got off safely at half- past twelve o'clock. The route was neces- sarily circuitous, the night was pitchy dark, the roads were unknown, while the heat and dust were oppressive. It was half-past six in the morning before the heads of the columns reached Cold Harbor, and then the men were so exhausted that a little time was necessary to close up the ranks, get some- thing to eat and take a moment's rest. It was three o'clock in the morning before the First Brigade of Birney's Division got start- ed, and ten o'clock before they reached their position. From New Cold Harbor, which is a mile and a half north of the Chickahominy, a road runs nearly parallel with the river, crossing Flder Swamp Creek at Barker's Mills. About half way between New Cold Harbor and the mills this road is intersect- ed by one running almost directly south from Cold Harbor. Wright's left rested on this latter road. Hancock, who occupied the extreme left of the Federal line placed Gibbon on his right across this latter, called by Humphreys the Despatch Station road, Barlow on his left toward Barker's Mill, while Birney was sent to reinforce Smith who was on Wright's right on the road half a mile north of Cold Harbor, but in the af- ternoon our brigade went into bivouack in a piece of wood on Woody's farm," where they remained all night. This afternoon a very welcome shower fell and the rain con- tinued late in the evening. At six o'clock in the morning of the 3d, the division moved toward the front and to the lefr, a couple of miles to support l leneral Barlow, who made a furious assault upon a salient of the enemy's works, taking the first line, but unable to gain a permanent foot- hold. Gibbons made an attack at the same time with as little success. Both suffered heavily in killed and wounded. Birney was not engaged, although his men were ex- posed to a severe fire. The only casualty was one wounded, Daniel Hyna, of Company E. About noon the division was again sent to the right to till a gap between the Fifth and Eighteenth Corps, where the men went into bivouack on Woody's Hill and remained until the next day when they were relieved by Biirnside's troops, and in the afternoon returned to their place in the corps in the rear of Barlow's and Gibbon's Divisions. During this day an order was issued that further offensive operations would cease, that the seige of Richmond had begun, and the advance would be by regular approaches. The order was a welcome one, for the men were greatly exhausted, having for a month marched and countermarched, chopped and dug every day. The health of the Regi- ment was generally good. On Sunday, the 5th, everything was cmiet most of the day, but in the eveniag the bri- gade was moved to the iront and to the ex- treme left of the line where they intrenched and remained until morning, when the works were completed. A few extracts from letters written by Colonel Watkins at this *In their diaries the men call this Gaines' larin and Barker's Mill Gaines' Mill. 2IO ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST date will best describe the position : — " We are in a magnificent country, and one would think it might be made the garden of the world if properly cultivated. The health of the Regiment is good, except diarrhoea, which plagues us all. Tyler is in hospital sick. He has not been well during the cam- paign, and has thus escaped the hard fight- ing and fatigue. Many of the soldiers are going home on account of the expiration of their terms of enlistment, but new arrivals keep the army as large as when we left Cul- pepper. We are now (June 6th,) lying near Gaines [Barker's,] Mills behind breastworks which we constructed last night in advance, and to the left of our front line. It is very quiet considering the proximity of the two forces. Our picket lines are but a few rods apart, and have, just in our front, agreed not to fire upon each other except in case of an advance. Some of our boys are trading with them coffee for tobacco— you see that General Orders have very little influence over a picket line. "Last night we had a pretty hard night's work, as we had to throw up strong breast- works for our Regiment with only ten axes and ten shovels, which took until nearly daylight, and we had to keep pretty quiet. The Rebels have a strong battery which partially commands our present line, and I should not be surprised if it became some- what warm before night. It was near our present position that Lee turned McClel- lan's left and eventually forced him back to the James. Our left is said to rest near Bottom's Bridge. The Chicka hominy is within a short distance of us. We had a pretty good night's sleep last night, (June 7th.) The pickets in our im- mediate front are getting along pretty well under their new arrangement. Their last bargain was not to fire upon each other un- less obliged to, and then shoot high the first time as a caution. Yesterday some of our boys went down to the point to wash when the enemy's pickets opened fire from both Hanks and sent them out in confusion, but those in our front kept their bargain and did not lire a shot. Yesterday they got up quite a trade in tobacco, coffee, etc. The Rebels desire to get writing paper, cofiee and newspapers more than anything else. They have plenty of tobacco of a good qual- ity, which our boys are anxious to get, so there is very little difficulty in fixing terms. We are now in the swampy region of the (hickahominy. When I lay down at night it is so warm I need no covering at all, and I go to sleep in a heavy sweat; in a few hours I awake cold and damp." Rations were now abundant, new supplies of clothing were issued, the boys foraged some vegetables, especially sweet potatoes, the weather was cooler since the showers, which with the few days' rest had greatly revived the spirits and improved the morale of the troops. Letters written by the men to their friends give so vivid pictures of the soldier's inner life that I cannot forbear to give the follow- ing from Captain Atkinson: — "On Monday evening, (the 6th,) I was sent with a detail of fifty men to strengthen the picket line, as a deserter had come in and reported that tin- Rebs. were intending to gobble up our pickets that night. I was posted on the ex- treme left and placed in command of Gen- eral Mott's Brigade (Third) picket line. Everything passed off quietly, the Rehs. not even firing a shot at us. I was left out for two days, returning to the Regiment last ev- ening. South Carolina troops were picket- ing in our front, were very friendly talking and trading with our men as if they had never been enemies. At a point between our lines I found five of them and five of my men sitting together and talking in a very friendly manner, a thing positively for- bidden. I got right upon them before they saw me, and the Rebs. looked quite sur- prised to see me there. They saluted me with 'Good Morning! Captain.' I ordered my men back to their posts and the Confed- REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 211 erates to their. All immediately obeyed but one. I asked him if he was not going. ' No !' he said, 'he was posted there,' and showed me his gun, so I concluded to let him alone, and went back to my own lines. We are having quite peaceable times and are living very well. We get potatoes, dried apples, and pickled cabbage, all of which are great luxuries for soldiers." The position of the Regiment is thus de- scribed by Colonel Watkins : — "The left of our Division line is at or near Beaver Dam Creek, [Elder Swamp ('reek on Swinton's Map,] and the right of our Division line is near Cold Harbor; our brigade is on the right of our division. Our brigade line faces Richmond, and the road to Median iesvi lie, somewhat southwest. Our Regiment has been for several days a sort of reserve, the rest of the brigade occupying a line at an angle with the Mechanicsville road. A swamp is distant about thirty rods and the rebel pickets about fifty rods. The enemy's batteries are close and where they can make us hug our breastworks at any time. We are all enclosed by bushes set up to keep out the sun. The sharpshooters about seventy- five rods to our right are less friendly than the pickets, and are continually trying their skill on one another. Axes are heard all around plied by details at work upon the breastworks. Each day we are in pretty close proximity to pretty heavy shelling, and have to listen until they get tired and quiet down." It should be added the reports of Sunday morning, June 5th, give the number of the Regiment for rations, one hundred and eighty-seven. No changes occurred in the position or surroundings of the Regiment until the night of Sunday, the 12th. THE PASSAGE OF THE JAMES. After spending more than a week about the defences of Cold Harbor, General Grant determined on the immediate execution of a plan formed at the beginning of the cam- paign that in case of failure to thrust his army between Lee and Richmond, to cross the James and invest the Confederate Capi- tal from the South. Accordingly, on Satur- day, the Kith, orders were issued for the transfer of the entire army across the James. In these orders " Major-General Hancock" was directed to " withdraw as soon after dark as practicable on the evening of the 12th in- stant, to the intrenched line in his rear from Allen's pond to Elder's swamp, and hold that line in conjunction with the Sixth Corps until the roads for the Second and Sixth Corps are well cleared when he will move by routes in his rear to the Despatch Station road, and Despatch Station and the shortest route to Long Bridge. After cross- ing the Chiekahominy, General Hancock will move toward < 'barles City Court House, by way of St. Mary's Church, Walker's, etc." Towards evening of Sunday, the 12th, Colonel Madill received an order to take the Regiment out on picket, and at eight o'clock in the evening started for the line, but lie- fore reaching the ground the order was countermanded and he was directed to march for Long Bridge. At nine o'clock the Regi- ment was ready for the march and in a few minutes the columns were in motion. The route was by a road nearly parallel with the Chiekahominy to Despatch Station on the York railroad, thence nearly south to Long Bridge across the Chiekahominy, arriving at Charles City Court House at dark of Mon- day evening. The Regiment was only three miles from the James river. The march had been rapid and severe, but was made without incident. The country was a most beautiful and productive one. The wheat was ready for the sickle. Corn, oats and clover were luxuriant. On Tuesday morning the men were called up early and under arms at four o'clock. After throwing up slight breastworks as a protection against a sudden attack, they got their breakfast and at ten o'clock started for the James. Here the brigade was crossed on a Hudson river steamer, the " Thomas 212 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST Powell,'' which had been sent for that pur- pose, and landed at Windmill Point where they waited for the trains and the balance of the array to cross. The country was at its best, and the men availed themselves of what supplies it afforded for their wants. The Regiment encamped about a mile south of the James in a country of great beauty and fertility. Every heart beat high with hope, and every man looked forward to what he belived woidd be the speedy downfall of the rebellion. The official report of losses at North Anna, Totopotomoy and Cold Harbor, May 23d to June 5th, are one enlisted man killed and five wounded. In a table to which reference has been made heretofore the losses are given at North Anna, two killed, two wounded, two missing ; Totopotomoy, one killed, four wounded and one missing ; Cold Harbor, one wounded, making an aggregate of thirteen. The record from the diaries of the men give one killed, five wounded and one captured) an aggregate of seven. The following table will indicate the changes in the strength of the Regiment during the month of May: COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. f For duty .. r> , 1 Extra duty Present " \ Sick 1 In arrest... Absent Total April SO May 31. 15 13 3 1 4 2 1 2 9 25 25 ENLISTED MEN. ! For duty I 309 I 176 Present. Extradutv. Sick In arrest. 3 10 Totai 322 Absent 165 184 268 Aggregate 512 477 Very few changes were made in the or- ganization of the companies, except those occasioned by the casualties of the service which have already been noted. In Company B, Nelson C. Oyer was pro- moted from Corporal to Sergeant May 12, 1864, and at the same time Matthew V. Greening, Wallace M. Elliott and James Cornell were made Corporals. In Company D, Lyman Beers was promot- ed from Corporal to Sergeant, May 6, 1864,. and at the same time Albert Brainerd to Corporal. In Company E, May 13, 1864, Charles A. Tibbits was promoted from Corporal to Ser- geant, and Melvin Douglass was made Cor- poral, and the same date Sergeant William E. Loring was discharged. In Company F, Sergeant William H. Doolittle was discharged May 31, 1864, on. account of wounds received at Chancellors- ville, and on the 15th of May Moses B. Al- drich and Philander J. Bonner were trans- ferred to the Veteran Reserves. William K. Seagraves, of Company G, was in May, 1864, transferred to the United States Navy. Chapter X, SIEGE OF P As has been related, the Second Corps was ferried across the James from Wilcox's Landing to Windmill Point, and went into camp on the Wilcox Plantation, a mile south of the river on the afternoon of the 14th of June. Orders had been given General But- ler to send 60,000 rations from City Point, but alter waiting in vain for them until eleven o'clock the next day, General Han- cock, in obedience to orders issued from Army Headquarters, set out for an assigned position on the road to Petersburg. The " Cockade City," as it is frequently called, is twenty-two miles south of Rich- mond, the Confederate Capital, but for mili- tary purposes was included within the de- fences of the latter. In fact it is a great railroad center, communicating with all parts of the South, over whose great high- ways the Confederate army was dependent for its supplies, and maintained communica- tions with the country it was endeavoring to defend. On the east a railroad connected it with City Point on the James river, on the southeast was the Norfolk railroad, and on the south the Weldon railroad with their va- rious connections with the important towns of the South Atlantic States, while the South Side road coming from the west communi- cated with the most productive territory of the Confederacy. Besides these there were a number c.f pikes and plank roads, the most important of which are the Jerusalem Plank running midway between the Norfolk and Weldon railroads, the Halifax road running near to and parallel with the latter, Squirrel Level road farther to the west and the Boydton Plank still Farther to the west and the Cox road near to the South Side ETERSBURG. railroad. Petersburg was closely connected by railroad and wagon roads with Rich- mond. It was the purpose of General Grant, if possible, to wrest Petersburg from the hands of the enemy while it was compara- tively naked of defenders. In anticipation of such a movement, Beauregard, who had command of the defences of Richmond, had erected a cordon of strong works about it" so that with even a small force it was deemed impregnable. After Lee had drawn every man that could be spared from the Rich- mond garrison to reinforce his own army, General Butler in command of the Army of the James, shut up in the cul de sac of Ber- muda Hundred, was ordered to attemp' the capture of Petersburg, but the attack was only half made and repulsed. Again, be- fore Lee should occupy these strongholds with his army, General Grant hoped by a vigorous effort to take possession of them. With great energy the colored troops un- der the command of Butler assaulted some of the outer works and carried thern,f and it was hoped if the Second Corps could reach the field in time to support them the prize might be gained. In this, however, the Commanding General was doomed to signal disappointment. *" The Petersburg- intrenchments encircled the city at the distance of two miles from it, and con- sisted of a series of strong redans or batteries connected by infantry parapets with high profiles- all with ditches."— Humphrey's, p. 206. fThe works were redans numbered from 5 to I I inclusive These redans or forts were numbered consecutively left of the Appomattox river, 1 to i covering the space between (he river and the City Point Railroad remained in the hands of the enemy as did those to the left of No. II, which was three-fourths of a mile south of the railroad, at the Dunn house. 214 ONE HUNDRED FORTY- FIRST At four o'clock in the afternoon of the 15th, General Smith in command of the troops investing Petersburg, was informed that the Second Corps was marching toward him on the road from Windmill Point, whereupon he sent word to General Han- cock requesting him to come up as quickly as possible. This dispatch General Han- cock received at half-past five, about a mile from Old (Prince George) Court House, and about four miles from Smith's left. The head of Birney's Division was just passing a country road leading directly to Petersburg when these dispatches were received and was at once turned toward Smith's line, Gib- bons' Division followed, and Barlow was or- dered toward the same point. The route which General Hancock was directed to take, through Prince George Court House was much longer than the direct road, and he did not reach his destination until nine o'clock in the evening, when his troops were so disposed as to relieve Smith's. It was two hours later before our Regiment biv- ouacked behind the lines. "The Petersburg intrenchments ran from the Appomattox river east, a mile to the City Point railroad (including redans one to four,) then south three miles to the Norfolk railroad, then west four miles to a point a mile west of the Weldon railroad ; then north two miles to the Appomattox river. The length of the intrenchments from the Norfolk railroad to the Jerusalem plank road was a mile and a half."J During the night Lee had been hurrying troops forward to hold the defences of Pe- tersburg, and lines which were comparative- ly naked the day before were this morning bristling with bayonets. The First Brigade, now under the com- mand of Colonel Eagan, awoke on the morn- ing of the 16th to find themselves near the city of Petersburg, whose steeples seeming not more than a mile and a half distant were glistening in the early sunlight. The ene- my at six o'clock opened upon our men a {Humphrey's, p. 216. heavy cannonade. Reconnoissances were made of his lines in the forenoon when it was found he had secured the commanding positions and strengthened his line at all points. " Eagan's (First) Brigade attacked and carried in a very spirited manner a small redoubt (Number 12,) occupied by the enemy opposite Birney's left, the brigade passing to the extreme left of the corps, and remained in the captured works." At four o'clock in the afternoon a general advance was ordered, but our brigade was not active- ly engaged, it being assigned as support to the first line. Three in our Regiment were wounded, said to have been by the bursting of a single spherical case early in the morning; — these were Corporal John H. Chaffee, of Company B, in the back ; Private Charles B. Salsbury, of Company P, in the side, and Corporal Al- fred Albee, of Company I, in the back. Col- onel Eagan was also wounded at ten o'clock in the morning, and Colonel Madill took command of the brigade and Colonel Wat- kins of the Regiment. During the day Redan, No. 4, on the right, and Nos. 13 and 14 on the left, togeth- er with their connecting lines, were cap- tured. On the morning of the 17th, the attack on the enemy's position was renewed by Han- cock and Burnside, the former capturing the hill on which the Hare house stood, and where Fort Steadman was subsequently erected. Our own brigade was advanced at six o'clock in the morning to relieve a bri- gade of the Eighteenth Corps in the front line. In this position General Mott's Bri- gade was on the right, and Colonel Brewster on the left. The brigade was formed in two lines, the One Hundred Forty-First occupy- ing the front line. The troops were very much annoyed by the enemy's sharpshooters who had a good range and did considerable mischief. Private Adelbert Corwin, of Com- pany H, was killed ; Almarine G. Arnold, of Company B, was wounded in the leg, and REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 215 Corporal George W. Smith, of Company I, in the face. Adelbert Corwin, son of W. T. acd Caro- line Corwin, was born in New Milford, hut at his enlistment was engaged in blacksmith- ing in Montrose. He was a single man, a good soldier, and highly spoken of by his officers for the promptness and readiness with which he responded to every call to military duty. He was shot through the neck, died on the field, and was buried at the City Point National Cemetery, Section D, lot 1, grave 81. Under this date Colonel Watkins gives the following description of the position of the Regiment : — " We are now in the front line again within one and a half miles of Petersburg. The rebel 1; .es are just across a ravine and near by. x ' * The sharp- shooters have a deadly range on us and we have to lay low. Every few minutes some one to the right or left of us is hit or killed. I have had several very close calls but am not touched. Petersburg is within perfect control of our siege guns when they come up. I was back at the first line which the Eighteenth Corps took before we came up. It is the strongest line of extended works I ever saw, and could not have been taken if the enemy had had any considerable force there. When we came up we were put in the front line as usual, afterward were put back in the first or rear line. Company B has five men left for duty now. "The line in our rear is only about eight rods distant. There is a knoll between it and us. We have to go over it for rations and water, and the officers for their meals. The sharpshooters fire at all that do so and are hitting a good many." Later in the day," he writes : — " We are still in the same pine woods, leading an idle life, but not at all anxious to be more busily occupied, if to do so we have to charge the enemy's breastworks or rifle pits." Having pretty thoroughly examined the enemy's position, and gained a permanent foothold within his lines, a general advance was ordered to be made early in the morn- ing of Saturday, the 18th. During the night of the 17th, General Beauregard determined to withdraw to an inner line laid out by his engineers, where his line of battle would be much shortened and his positions more ad- vantageous. This new line was across a ra- vine and from five hundred to a thousand yards in rear of the one he was occupying, and intersected the original line of intrench- ments at the Jerusalem plank road. Upon advancing to the assault on the morning of the 18th, the changes the enemy had made in position were discovered and General Meade ordered the troops to press forward and take the new line if possible before the intrenchments were completed or reinforce- ments could arrive. General Birney was in temporary com- mand of the corps, General Hancock being disabled on the evening of the 17th by the opening of an old wound, and General Mott was in command of the division. The assault in the morning, owing to the unfavorable positions of the several Federal Corps could not be made simultaneously, — and, after several abortive attempts the gen- eral advance was ordered to be made at twelve o'clock with strong assaulting col- umns. Birney carried out this order, Gib- bons' Division making two assaults at the time specified, both of which were repulsed with severe loss. General Meade again ordered assaults to be made by all the corps, with their whole force at all hazards, as soon as possible, without fixing the hour. At four o'clock in the morning, (of the 18,) Captain Peck was ordered to take the Companies B, I and F, and advance them as skirmishers. He pushed his line up to the works in front of him and found the enemy had left. Advancing to the second line it was also found unoccupied, but a strong body of the enemy's skirmishers in front of it. Pressing forward he drove the enemy's 2 I 6 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST skirmishers before him until they reached the line where the Confederates were in force, mid unable to retire he remained in close contact with the enemy's pickets until the next morning. At live o'clock the re- maining companies of the Regiment joined the brigade in the contemplated advance- anil in half an hour were in the Confederate lines without opposition. Again they moved forward and seized an old line and held it for a time, but the movement was finally cheeked, and our troops forced to retire. Arrangements began to be made for the assault, which had been ordered by General Meade in the afternoon, General Birney using all of his available force. Mott was in front and to the right of the Flare house, on the left of the Prince George Court House mad, supported by one of Gibbons' brigades, with Barlow's Division on his left. At four o'clock in the afternoon the bri- gade under command of Colonel Madill,was massed in column by regiments for the charge, the One Hundred Forty- First being the rear column. Between where the bii- gade was massed and the enemy's works they were to attack, which were to the left of the Hare house, was a rise of ground which, while it sheltered and concealed the movements of the brigade, was found when the commanding officers of the regi- ments in company with Colonel Madill went upon it for the purpose of viewing the ground over which they would he required to pass and the works they were to assail, to be swept by a terrible fire of shot, shell and musketry. The reconnoissance completed, the order to advance was so >n given. Our Regiment with fixed bayonets pressing for- ward and keeping the lines before them sol- id. In passing over the ridge to reach the enemy's works they as well as the regiments in front of them, suffering fearfully. Here the lamented Watkins fell, at the head of his Regiment. The result was only the re- petition of the story so frequently told dur- ing this campaign — a dash against works strengthened by all the appliances of mili- tary skill and defended by men subjected to the severest military discipline, fighting with desperation and using the In si appli- ances of modern warfare, — a horrible slaugh- ter of the assailants, a disheartening repulse, a falling back of shattered and bleeding col- umns to a place of shelter to gather up the remnants of commands, perhaps to renew a like fruitless endeavor. Such was the story of the assault this Sat- urday afternoon. There was an exhibition of dauntless courage — a determination to do till that men could, but met with a blow that sent them back reeling and shattered under its withering force. Colonel Madill says:— " 1 soon saw the attack was a failure, and that to compel men to remain there and sacrifice their lives unnecessarily would be criminal, I ordered them back behind the crest of the hill, the place from which they started." The loss of Lieutenant-Colonel Watkins was deeply felt by both officers and men to whom he was strongly attached, and in whose gallant deeds he had had so large a share. Guy Hulett Watkins was born in the bor- ough of Towanda, March 19, 1831. Corri- pleting bis education, which had been ob- tained in the schools of his native village, and at t he seminary in Lima, Xew York, he entered the law office of his father, William Watkins, Esq., was admitted to practice in the courts of hi.-, county, September 9, 1853, and soon became the law partner of Hon. David Wilmot. His marked ability, indus- try and uprightness gave promise of unusual success in his chosen vocation. In 1859 he was elected District Attorney, his term not having expired when he entered the army. From the first outbreak of the rebellion Mr. Watkins took a lively interest in the men and measures employed for its suppres- sion, and its voice and means were always ready when either could be of use to the cause he had so deeply at heart. Profoundly impressed that next to his God his duty was LT.-COL. guy h. watkins. REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 217 to his country, his large heart and fear- less nature chafed under the duties of civil life which prevented his sharing the toils and dangers of camp and of field. "In the summer of 1862, when President Lincoln's summons to arms appeared, Colonel Watkins' sense of duty overcame the enjoy- ments of a happy home and family, the al- lurements of peace, and the business pros- pects which were so brightly opening. He weighed his duty calmly and conscientious- ly, and determined to resign all at home, and offer his life upon his country's altar." He at once entered with great earnestness into the work of raising the quota of men called for in Eastern Bradford. On the or- ganization of Company B he was chosen its Captain, and on the formation of the Regi- ment was made Lieutenant-Colonel. The Colonel, H. J. Madill, being at the time in the Sixth Pennsylvania Reserves, the com- mand of the Regiment devolved upon Colo- nel Watkins for nearly three weeks. His duties at this time, peculiarly trying to an experienced officer, were doubly so to the young lawyer, who but a few days before had exchanged the quiet life of a civilian for the turmoil of the army. Everything relating to the supplies, discipline, and drill of his Regiment must be learned. In mili- tary circles all was confusion. Pope had just been defeated at Bull Bun, and McClel- lan was hastening to Antietam. But in the midst of all this hurry and rush of new du- ties and strange work, he displayed rare tact and energy. To the utmost of his ability he cared for the wants and supplied the neces- sities of bis men, who were as inexperienced as himself. At the battle of Fredericksburg Colonel Watkins was dangerously sick of fever, and with some other officers of his Regiment was removed to Washington amid the din of the coming strife. Recovering his health he returned to the Regiment the loth of Janua- ry following, just in time to take part in the "Mud March" on the 20th, where the ex- posure nearly prostrated him again. At the battle of Chancellorsville, May 1st, he had his horse shot with his foot in the stirrup in the act of mounting, and on the 3d, after many hairbreadth escapes, was him- self shot through the right lung, left upon the field and captured by the enemy. Fort- unately he received immediate surgical at- tendance by the most eminent physicians in the Confederate service, and after a week of distressing anxiety in which he was mourned by his friends as dead, was sent under a flag of truce to our lines and brought home, where, severe as the injury was, (in most cases fatal) he recovered. About the last of June, learning through the papers of the invasion of Lee's army into Pennsylvania, in company with Captains Peck and Spaulding, who had also been wounded, he started to return to the Regi- ment. On reaching Harrisburg it was found the enemy had possession of the Northern Central Railroad at York, and they were ordered to proceed to Washington by way of Philadelphia. On reaching Washington the Surgeon-General of the Army found Colonel Watkins utterly unfit for duty in the field, and would not permit him to go farther. He was therefore placed in command of the camp of paroled prisoners. So firmly were his friends persuaded that he never would be fit for active service in the field, that they secured the appointment from President Lincoln which was immedi- ately confirmed by the Senate, of Paymaster in the Army. On mentioning this to the men of his command, which he had rejoined on the 5th of November, they expressed suich unfeigned sorrow at parting with him, that with the unselfishness which ever mark- ed his conduct, he determined to decline the appointment. On the 3d of May, 1864, Colonel Madill having been injured by a fall of his horse was obliged to go home, and the command of the Regiment fell upon Colonel Watkins. Although much of the time more fit for the hospital than the field, yet how nobly he bore himself throusfh all that terrible cam- 21! ONE HUNDRED FORTY- FIRS! paign, how bravely lie ever stood at the head of his men in the thickest of the fight, how readily he met privation and suffering with them, has in some measure been re- corded in these pages. It has frequently been observed that at times men on going into battle have seemed to be in possession of an impression of its fa- tal result which usually turns out to be true. This was noticeably the case with Colonel Watkins. In a letter written soon after his death Colonel Madill says: — "In my mind he was satisfied what his fate would be. When I received orders to make the charge, I sent for him and told him what order I had received, — that we were to make the charge at four o'clock of that day. He made a few inquiries as to the place, etc. I gave him all the information I had. I observed that his manner changed and he became sad. I tried two or three times 10 rally him, but utterly failed." Although his mind seemed to be preoccupied while the orders and di- rections were being given, yet as soon as the charge was ordered he became himself again. He was shot through the body while, at the head of his men, he was passing over the rise of ground between the place where the Regiment was massed and the line of works they were to assail. Captain Atkinson, who was near him, went back and raised him up, and with the aid of Lieutenant Gerould, carried him back a few rods out of the fire, when at Colonel Watkins' request and while the storm of battle was raging around him, read to him the fourteenth chapter of St. John. For two hours he lived after receiv- ing the fatal shot, expressing the assurance of his own hope of a blessed immortality through the Savior of men, and sending messages of love and affection to the dear ones at home, breathing his last amid the tears and prayers of his companions in arms with his head resting upon the arm of Cap- tain Atkinson, who never left him from the moment he fell. Loving hands bore the body back to the home of his childhood, whence with fitting solemnities it was laid to rest in Riverside Cemetery, where a brok- en shaft, bearing appropriate emblems and inscription, marks his resting place. One who knew him from his early life wrote of him: — " He was a true, constant, unselfish friend, an affectionate husband, a kind parent, a dutiful son, a devoted brother, but high over all, the bravest and noblest of patriots." More than twenty years have passed since he gave his country all he had to give, his life, but his memory is still green in the hearts of the men wdio fought by his side, and who always speak of him with a reverent respect, and the perfume of his vir- tues is still precious to those who loved him. He left his aged parents, a wife, a son and daughter to mourn an irreparable loss. Besides resolutions of respect and condo- lence passed by the Bar Association of Bradford County, and of the civic societies of which he was a member, the officers of his Regiment at a meeting held soon after his death unanimously adopted the follow- ing : Whereas, By a dispensation of Divine Providence, to which we meekly, though sorrowfully bow, Lieutenant-Colonel Guy H. Watkins, our brother, has been taken from us and gathered with the martyred dead ; therefore, Resolved, That in the loss of Colonel Wat- kins, we have lost a brave and efficient offi- cer; one whose high aim was unselfishly to discharge all the duties of his responsible position, however arduous or dangerous. Resolved, That it is not alone the loss of a brave officer we mourn, but the loss of a companion and friend ; one who has endear- ed himself to us by those manly, generous, social qualities, which he so eminently pos- sessed ; and which smoothed the hard march, — enlivened the lonely bivouac — and strengthened our wavering resolution in the hour of conflict. He was our counsellor and friend — undemonstrative, caring to govern only as he swayed us by a wand of love that all were proud to acknowledge — which made his slightest wish our law. Resolved, That we can pay no greater trib- ute to his memory than by endeavoring to emulate the noble patriotism of our brother ; REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 219 who from a sense of duty preferred to share the hardships and dangers of the battlefield, than accept an honorable position tendered him by his Government for which his taste and education amply qualified him. Resolved, That to his afflicted family we tender our sincerest sympathy. Were it possible we would take a part of their great sorrow into our own hearts and share that grief which now overshadows the family al- tar. May our Heavenly Father, who " tem- pers the wind to the shorn lamb," sustain and comfort them in these dark hours of their affliction. Resolved, That these resolutions be copied into the Regimental Order Book, and that a copy be sent to the family of our late broth- er, Lieutenant-Colonel Guy H. Watkins. [Signed] Henry J. Madill, Col. 141st Eegt., P. V. C. VV. Tyler, Major. Wm. Church, Surgeon. F. C. Dennison, Assistant Surgeon. E. B. Brainerd, Adjutant. K. M. Torrey. Quartermaster. Benjamin M. Peck, Captain Company B. Joseph Atkinson, Captain Company G. John L. Gyle. Captain Company H. Mason Long, 1st Lieut., Commanding Co. E. Beebe Gerould, 1st Lieut., Command'g Co. K. John L. Brown, 1st Lieut., Command'gCo. I. Marcus E. Warner, 1st Lieut., Com'd'g Co. D. Thomas Ryon, Captain Company D. Joseph H. Horton, Captain Company A. Charles Mercur, Captain Company K. E. A. Spaulding, Captain Company I. There were also the following reported wounded in the engagement, viz : COMPANY A. Sergeant James W. Alderson, leg. Private Joseph Rosencrans, leg. company c. Sergeant Charles Scott, arm. COMPANY D. Private Byron Chamberlain, neck. " Jesse D. Vargason, wrist. COMPANY E. Private Eli R. Booth, arm. COMPANY G. Sergeant David B. Atkinson, arm. Corporal Daniel Ballard, arm. In Company K, William Warren was j wounded in the arm, from the effects of which he died July 30th, at his home in Smithfield, and was buried in the family 1 plot on his father's farm, but on Memorial Day, 1870, the Grand Army Post of that place removed his remains to the village cemetery. He left a wife and one or two children, and was about twenty-eight years of age. Henry U. Jones, of Company B, who had been promoted First Lieutenant and was act- ing as an aid on Colonel Madill's staff, was wounded in the breast. Bates relates that "his life was singularly preserved by a small memorandum book, which he carried in his breast pocket. A minie ball was found com- pletely buried in the book." Of those under the command of Captain Peck on theskirmish line, Larra Raymond, a recruit of Company I, is reported missing, and Pitman Demarest, of the same company, was killed. He was born in Lafayette, New Jersey, December 25, 1832, removed to Rome, in Bradford County, where he enlist- ed with Major Spaulding, leaving a wife (since died) and one son. He and Mr. Lar- rison had become somewhat separated from their company, and were in an oat field, near where Fort Steadman was afterward built, when Demarest was shot through the head by a sharpshooter and instantly killed. That evening he was buried where he fell. In addition to the casualties already enu- merated, David Benjamin, of Company D, who was serving in the Pioneer Corps, was slightly wounded in the ankle on the 15th. Captain C. W. Tyler, of Company H, now took command of the Regiment by seniority of rank. He had for some time acted as Major, and was commissioned to that office on the 22d of June. General Grant, at length convinced of the hopelessness of further attacks upon the strongly defended Confederate fortifications, determined to begin intrenching a systemat- ic line, which could be safely held by a 220 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST small part of his army, allowing the rest to (iii loose for manoeuvers to the left. After the repulse of the assault upon the enemy's works on the afternoon of the 18th, Madill's Brigade fell back to the line in their rear where they remained until morn- ing, when the lines of the brigade were moved forward and strongly intrenched. The enemy in their front remained compara- tively quiet during the day, with but little picket tiring or cannonading on cither side. In fact both officers and men in both armies were completely exhausted, and a little rest was enforced by the demands of nature. Captain Peck had pushed his skirmish line so close to the enemy that he could not he relieved until dark, but at eight o'clock in the evening of the 19th other troops were directed to take his place, and he was al- lowed to return t<> his Regiment. On Mon- day the 20th, everything continued quiet along the line until midnight when the bri- gade was relieved by Burnside's colored troops, and moved to the rear and encamped for the night. While occupying the advanced picket line now under command of Captain Kilmer, on the 20th, Frederick F. Cole, of Company C, was wounded. Mr. Larrison, who was also on picket, thus relates the occurrence: — " On the night of the 19th we went on picket, my post being in a large oat field, in a pit, where we had to get wood and water in the dark, for in daylight we dare not show ourselves. There were six of us in the pit, until Fred, Cole was badly wounded by a shell, then 1 ran out to get help, but there was so much shooting at me they dare not go back until dark. At ten o'clock in the evening of the 20th we were relieved." Under this date, June 20th, Captain At- kinson writes :— " Yesterday it was quiet along the lines, although there was some ar- tillery tiring. Last night we shelled the Kebs. with mortars. It was a splendid sight to see the shells passing over in circles, but 1 imagine the sight was more pleasing to us than to them. We are in the second line of works about four hundred yards from the enemy's position. Our lirst line is in some places within one hundred yards from them. Our artillery is up close to their works and firing quite sharp this morning. It seems that General Meade or General Grant must give our corps some chance to do the easy part of the work before long. Men and offi- cers are growing tired of seeing themselves put into all the hard work. We are willing to do our share, but think that is all that should be required." *"On the 21st the Second and Sixth Corps were despatched on the left (lank to effect a closer investment of Petersburg on the south side. The Second Corps having the lead, proceeded westward to the Jerusa- lem plank road, which runs southward from Petersburg nearly midway between the Nor- folk and Weldon Railroads. After some skirmishing it established itself in a position on the west side of that road, connecting with Griffin's division of the Fifth Corps which held post on the east side. During the night the Sixth Corps coming up ex- tended to the left and rear of the Second Corps." On Tuesday morning, the 21st, the bri- gade moved to the left or south and took position on the west of the Jerusalem plank road near where Ft. Sedgwick afterward was constructed. Oibbons' Division on the right the corps resting on the road, Mott who commanded the Second Division, (Birney's,) being on Gibbon's left, and Barlow on the left of Mott. General Grant intended to ex- tend his lines as far west as the Weldon rail- road, and General Birney who was still in command of the Second Corps, was ordered to push forward his left to support the Sixth Corps on that flank, but in the move- ment a gap occurred between the two corps, into which the enemy thrust a strong force, sending Barlow's Division back in disorder, compelling Mott, who had reached his as- *Swinton, p. 511. REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 221 signed position and begun to intrench, to fall back not without considerable loss, and involving Gibbon in disaster. The corps was speedily reformed and early the next morning re-occupied its original line, and the enemy withdrew, carrying with them twenty- five hundred prisoners and many standards. Our own brigade, having the second line in front, was not severely engaged, but lost one killed on picket, Warren Burchell, of Company F, the particulars of which are thus given by a comrade: — "He and one other of our company were out with a detail from the Regiment. About four o'clock in the afternoon, (of the 22d,) they got orders to advance as far as a road a few rods in front of them, which they did, but on reach- ing the road they found they were nearly into the enemy's lines; be and Humphrey Millard were together. As soon as they discovered this they made an eflbrt to retreat— Warren was shot dead, the other man escaped." Pie was a son of Samuel Burchell, then of Jackson, but himself was. living with W. Tiffany, of Harford, at his enlistment, a single man, twenty-two years of age at his death. He was wounded in the arm at Gettysburg, and while leaving the field was again hit in the back, the ball following a rib and coming out at his breast. He soon recovered and returned to bis com- pany. Both friends and comrades speak of him as a good soldier, a true man and a worthy citizen. Edward McAllister, of Company D, was captured at the time Bur- chell was killed. After retaking the line from which they bad been driven the evening before, the bri- gade moved to the rear where they threw up Lntrenchments, but toward evening again vent forward and relieved the right brigade of Harlow's Division. At nine o'clock the next morning the brigade was moved to the rear line which was about nine hundred yards to the rear of the second line, and be- gan constructing works, .in' Regiment re- mained here with slight changes in position for several days. The weather was intense- ly hot, the mercury at one time marking L08° in the shade, the roads were dusty and for a time water was scarce, but it was found in abundance by sinking wells. The Regi- ment for most of the time occupied a shel- tered position in some pine woods where they remained as quietly a§ possible during the intense heat, working a portion of the time on the fortifications with which General Grant was investing Petersburg, and taking their turn with the other troops in occupy- ing the picket line. Owing to the great losses in the brigade during the campaign some changes were made in its organization. The Seventy- Third New York Regiment was also attach- ed to it, and its commander, Colonel P 'tier, being then the ranking officer, took the command. A number of changes had also been made in the organization of the Regi- ment. Major 1 Tyler was commissioned Lieu tenant-Colonel, and Captain Horton was the Acting Major. The Adjutant, I). W. Searle, was discharged June 2d, on account of wounds received the year before at Gettys- burg, and Lieutenant Elisha P>. Brainerd was made Adjutant July 1st. In Company A, Corporals George H. Bir- ney and Russell R. Carrington were dis- charged June 18th, for wounds received, the former at Chancellorsville, the latter at Get- tysburg, and June 1st Elmer F. Lewis was transferred to the Veteran Reserves. [n Company R, Charles McCumber was promoted to Corporal February 10th, Ste- phen B. Can field from Corporal to Sergeant June 1st, and on the loth James IP Smith, James IP. Htdse and Philip Shower were transferred to the Veteran Reserves. In Company C, Captain William J. (oh. wounded at Chancellorsville, resigned and returned to hie farm in Macedonia, where he has since enjoyed the quiet of his pleas- ant rural home. Charles Scott was promoted to First Sergeant June 30th, and to Second Lieutenant July 4th, but on account of the 222 ONE HUNDRED F0RTY-FIRS1 small number of men in the company could not be mustered ; on the same date, June 30th, George W. Fell, Dallas J. Sweet and Sclden F. Worth, were made Corporals. In Company I>, Lyman Beers was pro- moted from Corporal to Sergeant, and Al- bert Brainerd to Corporal, May 6th. In Company E, Captain John F. Clark resigned June 16th, the command of the company devolving upon Lieutenant Mason Long. In Company F, Captain Henry F. Beards- ley resigned on account of impaired health. In June, after the battle of Chancellorsville, the Captain had been granted a twenty-day sick leave and went home. He, however, accompanied the militia who left Montrose in response to ( rovernor Curtin's call for aid in repelling Lee's invasion, tendered hisser- • vices to the Adjutant General of the State, was assigned to duty at Camp Curtin, re- maining on duty until the expiration of his sick leave. Unable to reach his Regiment, he reported to General Couch commanding the Department of the Susquehanna, who ordered him to Reading where a camp of instruction had been established, and shortly after he was appointed Acting Assistant Ad- jutant General on General Sigel's staff, then commanding the "District of Lehigh," where he remained until March 9, 1864, re- ceiving an acknowledgment from his chief in General Orders for faithful and able ser- vices, and leaving him in temporary com- mand until the arrival of his successor- Captain Beardsley continued to hold the same place on the staff of General Ferry, who succeeded Sigel in the Department. On the 18th of March he was ordered to Cham- bersburg, and was assigned to duty as Act- ing Assistant Adjutant General to General ( ouch, where he remained until June 9th, when upon his resignation he was honorably discharged. Having to some degree regain- ed his health, in 1865, he accepted a posi- tion in the Quartermaster's Department at Washington, where he remained until its af- fairs were closed up. Returning to Mont- rose, he was elected Register and Recorder of Susquehanna County in 1875, and re-elect- ed in 1878, besides holding other important positions in that county, and for eight con- secutive years Chairman of the Republican County Committee. In this same company, Sergeant Salmon S. Hagar was commissioned First Lieuten- ant, David T. Salsbury was made Sergeant, Charles H. Tripp, Urbane F. Hall and Christopher C. Nichols, and Enoch W. Lord transferred to the Veteran Reserves July 3d. Noah White, of Company G, was transfer- red to the Veteran Reserves in July. In Company H, First Lieutenant John L. Gyle was commissioned Captain July 4th, H. H. Daugherty promoted from Corporal to Sergeant; H. J. Millard, Lorenzo W. Sullivan, and Horace A. Roberts to Corpo- rals, June 30th; Egbert Sinsabaugh and George Stare were transferred to the Veteran Reserves June 15th. In Company K, Corporal W. W. Farns- worth was discharged on account of wounds received at Chancellorsville, June 26th. Says Bates: — "On the 1st of July the Reg- iment numbered but one hundred and sev- enty, and of the thirty-nine original officers, only seven were left. ' The old division,' wrote an officer, 'is now principally in heaven and in hospitals.' " Two strong redoubts were built on the line running south of the Jerusalem plank road in front of the Second Corps, Fort Sedgwick near the road, and Fort Davis half a mile south of it. These were finished and occupied on the 11th. The next day the brigade, after destroying the works be- hind which they had been encamped, moved down the plank road a couple of miles and bivouacked for the night. The next morn- ing at seven o'clock they were sent farther to the right and encamped in a piece of woods in the rear of the Ninth Corps. Gen- eral De Trobriand having been assigned to the command of the brigade this day relieved REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 223 Colonel Madill. A letter of Captain Atkin- son, dated July 13th, says : — " Monday night, the 11th, at eleven o'clock we were called up and ordered to tear down our works, and about three o'clock in the afternoon of Tues- day commenced moving. Only marched about two miles, then part of the corps was engaged all day in levelling down the old works for which we had no further use, our brigade supporting them. This morning we again commenced moving, and have es- tablished a camp about six miles from City Point, in a nice, shady piece of woods, out of range of the enemy's guns, the first time we have been out of range of their artillery since the 17th of June." On the 19th of July the first rain fell since the 3d of June, a period of forty-seven days. The earth had become very dry and the heat oppressive. Until the 26ih the men were engaged in strengthening the line of fortifi- cations, digging sunken roads, and building covered ways for the protection of troops moving from point to point on the line. July 23d, Captain Atkinson writes: — " Yesterday morning we were up early and ordered out on fatigue duty at five o'clock. T had command of the Regiment. We work- ed all day, and returned to camp a little after dark. Yesterday there was more firing along the lines than there had been for a week past, but this morning it is very quiet in- deed. " General Bimey has been relieved of the command of this division and assigned to the command of the Tenth Army Corps; General Mott now commands the division. We are not sorry for the change, as we think it will make less fighting for us. General Birney has in several instances in this cam- paign asked for the privilege of putting his division into difficult positions, just for the sake of gaining a reputation for himself. General Mott is not so anxious for military glory and will only do what he is ordered to." " The opinion expressed by Captain Atkin- son of General Birney, whether correct or not, was generally entertained by both offi- cers and men of the division at this time. DEEP BOTTOM. General Burnside had, with the consent of his commanding officers, run a mine un- der one of the principal redans of the ene- my, which being completed it was determined to spring it, and in the enemy's confusion make an assault upon the works in his front. The Second Corps, accompanied by two di- visions of Sheridan's Cavalry, was sent to the north of the James to threaten the ap- proaches to Richmond, and turn the enemy's position there, General Meade thinking that in protect it Lee would weaken materially his force in front of Petersburg. Our bri- gade had orders to move at three o'clock in the afternoon, but did nut get started until six. Taking the road to City Point, when within about two and a half miles of that place they turned to the left, crossed the Appomattox and thence to the James, which was reached at daylight. Lying in one of the long northward bends of this river be- tween Dutch Gap and Turkey Bend, and about twelve miles from Richmond, is Jones' Neck. On the north side of the river oppo- site the Neck, at the mouth of Bailey's Creek which comes down from the north, is Deep Bottom. General Foster, of the Tenth Corps, held two pontoon bridges which had been thrown across the James, one above and the other below the mouth of Bailey's 1 Creek. General Hancock determined to cross by the lower bridge and turn the ene- my's left flank, while General Foster threat- ened them in front. The crossing was ac- complished early on the morning of the 27th. A considerable force of the enemy on the east side of the creek, with a battery of four twenty-pound Parrott guns, was captured by the skirmish line of Barlow's Division, but the force on the west side of the creek was found to be too strongly posted to be dis- lodged. Our Regiment was on picket as 224 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST supports until ten (.'cluck in the foren 1 of the 28th, when an order was received trans- ferring the Regiment temporarily to the Sec, ml Brigade of the division. Colonel Madill being the ranking officer, now took command of the brigade, and Lieutenant- Colonel Tyler of the Regiment. This even- ing Mott's Division was sent back to relieve Ord's Corps in the intrenchments on the right of Burnside, and on the night of the 29th Hancock and Sheridan re-crossed the .James to take part in the contemplated as- sault when the mine should be sprung. Aside from the fatigues of the march our Regiment suffered no loss. Captain Atkinson writes July 30th: — "We broke camp Tuesday afternoon, and commenced moving We had no idea, where we were going. We crossed the Appomat- viix river aboui midnight, and the James at •Jones' Neck at daylight. Part of our bri- gade and some of the First Division were immediately deployed as skirmishers, and had advanced but a short distance before they became engaged with the enemy and got up a brisk little fight which terminated in our men driving the rebels back and cap- turing four pieces of artillery. Our Regi- ment was not actually engaged, though we were under lire. We remained there until Thursday (28th) at dark, when we com- menced moving back toward Pet< rsburg where we arrived at daylight. We bad a very hard march both ways. Lastnightour division relieved a part of the Eighteenth Corps in the front line of works, and to-day a terrible battle has been going on. Just at daybreak one of the forts which had been mined was blown up and the artillery open- ed along the whole line. It was the most terrific firing I ever heard. Nearly all the rebels who were in the fort when it was blown up were killed or buried in the earth. " \\'e are to occupy the front line of works two days out of every six, the other four we will be encamped in the rear. We are very close to the enemy and a constant fire is kept up by the pickets on both sides, but it amounts to nothing as we keep down behind the works. Occasionally a man will become careless and get hit. Many bullets and some shells have whistled over head since 1 commenced writing, but I feel as safe down here in the ground as 1 would at home." On Monday, August 1st, the brigade moved back to its old position on the plank road. Changes in the strength of the Regiment since May 31st, are indicated by the Adju- tant's returns for July :ilst : COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. May SI, July :i. I Forduty ... Extra duty. Present., -j si( . k I In arrest Absent TOTAI ENLISTED MEN 13 1 176 4 1 146 | Extra dutv 68 /w "'-- jsick : 28 m 268 237 194 477 451 Asahel Hobbs, a recruit of Company II, wounded and captured in the Wilderness, died from the effects of his wounds in An- dersonviile prison July 28th, grave number- ed 4,137. Samuel Qard, a recruit of Company I , son of George Gard, on Shores' Hill, in Wysox, died of fever in hospital, in June. He was a single man and about twenty-two years of age. On the 5th of August, Colonel Madill bad the misfortune to be thrown from his horse and so severely injured that he was compell- ed to be absent from bis command until the Dih ol October, Colonel Craig, of the One Hundred Fifth, taking the command of the brigade. Just before dark, on the 5th, an alarm was given of some movement on the part of REGIMENT, P.ENN'A VOLS. 225 he enemy. The division had orders to nove with all possible despatch. Tn a few minutes the lines were formed and the troops in motion. Alter marching about a mile, jthey were ordered, much to their joy, to re- turn to camp as "the emergency had passed for which they had been ordered out." The remaining part of the year was taken [up with a series of manoeuvres in v hich the Commanding General sought to find some spot where the enemy was less watchful or his lines more weakly held, and where he might effect a successful lodgment for his troops. The first of these operations was a SECOND MOVE TO DEEP BOTTOM, OR STRAW- BERRY PLAINS. On the afternoon of Friday, August 12th, orders were received to be ready to march at a moment's warning, and it was given out the destination was for the defences of Washington. At two o'clock the column was in motion for City Point. The next morning four days' rations were issued, and in the afternoon the whole corps embarked on trans-ports and steamed two or three miles down the river, where the fleet an- chored until ten o'clock in the evening, when they moved up the stream to Deep Bottom, where, on the morning of the 14th, it debarked and our division moved out on the river road to the front facing the ene- my's intrenched line, behind Bailey's Creek where it remained all day, but was not act- ively engaged. Barlow in command of the other two divisions, mo/ed on Mott's right to assault the enemy's left near Russell's mill. The Tenth Corps, now under General Birney, accompanied General Hancock, and took position on Mott's left with orders to attack the enemy's right near the pontoon bridge above the mouth of Bailey's Creek. Dining the night the greater part of Gen- eral Birney's command was sent to the right ' and massed in the rear of Barlow near Rus- sell's with Gregg's mounted division sup- ported by our brigade under Colonel Craig, on the extreme right. Says Captain Peck: —"At ten o'clock (of the loth,) our brigade moved up to the right and formed to support the cavalry. About two o'clock p. M- we got into position upon the left flank of the rebel line. We advanced and skirmished with the enemy, driving him through the thick woods about two and a half miles to the Charles City road. Having accomplished all that was wanted we returned at dark." At eight o'clock the next morning, the 16th, the brigade again went to the assist- ance of Birney and skirmished with the en- emy all the forenoon until they came to his fortified Hire which Birney was ordered to attack. Terry's Division of Birney's Corps, with Craig's Brigade, charged the works and carried them, but with severe loss. In this attack our brigade was formed at right an- gles to the enemy's line, charging down upon their flank with the design of rolling them up, and captured about a hundred prisoners. But the enemy rallied and re- took their line, Birney retaining only the advanced line of pits, the picket line. In this action the gallant and beloved Craig fell mortally wounded. The next day the brigade re-joined the division and was not actively engaged. While General Hancock was engaging the enemy north of the James, General Meade determined to seize the opportunity and gain possession of the Wehlon railroad. This op- eration was confided to General Warren who was supported by the Ninth Corps, and on the 18th Mott's Division was detached from the Second Corps and sent back to re- lieve the Ninth Corps in the intrenchinents. Captain Atkinson reported the loss to the Regiment as thirteen, in the Adjutant's table of losses it is given as one killed, seven wounded and six missing, but in the official reports they are nine wounded and six cap- tured and missing, an aggregate of fif- teen. In one of the diaries is this entry :— "Some of the 'Yanks' were captured getting green corn between the lines." Our list, de- rived mostly from the imperfect muster out 226 ONE HUNDRED F0RTY-FIRS1 rolls, is very defective, aggregating only nine, of these three were fatal. Manzer L. Benson, a private of Company l\ was captured and died of starvation in Salisbury prison. Pie was a son of Austin Benson, of Jackson, where he was living at the time of his enlistment. He had been in all the battles in which the Regiment had been engaged, and his comrades speak in the highest terms of his bravery. At the battle of Gettysburg when volunteers were called to open the lence for the artillery to pass through, he with six others removed it, but uearly all except himself were either killed or wounded ; in the Wilderness he was hit with a ball which, passing through his cap- box and clothing, only bruised the flesh, dropping into his shoe- He was popular with his companions, who playfully called him "Joe Bowers" from his favorite sung. He was a noble, whole-souled boy, who died at the age of twenty-one, a priceless sacrifice upon his country's altar. George W. Rippeth, of Company I, was also captured and sent to Libby prison where be was nearly starved. He was subsequent- ly paroled and sent to hospital at Annapolis, Maryland, where he died October 22d from the effects of the sickness and exposure of his prison life. He was a recruit in the company, from Shores Hill, where he was a neighbor of the Gards, and where he left a wife and son. He was wounded in the Wil- derness and died at the age of twenty-four. Sergeant Archibald Sinclair, of Company K, was shot through the body when the bri- gade was compelled to retire from the ene- my's works, was removed to the field hospi- tal near the river, where he died and was buried. He was a young Scotchman, from Moore's Hill, where he was living at his en- listment. He was promoted to Corporal May 1, 1863, to Sergeant May 1, 1864, was wounded at Gettysburg, where he exhibited much heroism, and died at the age of twen- ty years. At a meeting of his company, held Sep- tember 5, 1864, among other resolutions wer the following: Resolved, That we as a company moun the loss of Archibald Sinclair as of om bound to many of us by the tenderest ties o. intimate friendship. Resolved, That while we lament that we shall no more see his manly form among us, we rejoice that we can recall so much that was noble, generous, frank, and true in his character. Resolved, That we tender our sincere sym- pathy to the mother, who in giving him up has made the greatest sacrifice she could have been called upon to make for her coun- try's salvation. Resolved, That while we cannot hope to console her or his many other relatives and friends for their and our great loss, we would remind them as well as ourselves of his de- votion and duty while in his country's ser- vice, his zeal in fighting his country's battles for the suppression of this uncalled-for re- bellion, his bright example of fearlessness and coolness on the battlefield, his patience and suffering, and the calmness with which he yielded up his life when his Heavenly Father demanded of him this extremest test of patriotism. There were wounded : John Farrel), Company C. David Benjamin. Company D, (15.) Corporal William C. Brown, Company K. There were captured : Abram Frederick, Company E. First Lieutenant [Salmon S. Hagar, Com- pany F. Corporal Edward F. Bennett, Company I. beam's station. Warren had effected a secure lodgemen, on the Weldon railroad at Globe Tavernt but up to a point of a day's hauling the Con- federates could still use the road as a means of supply. It was determined to destroy the road as far as Rowanty Creek, thirteen miles from the Tavern, which would compel them to haul at least thirty miles. General Han- cock, who had on the 20th withdrawn to his old position, was charged with the work. He set out on the 22d with his First (Miles',) and (Gibbon's) Divisions, and Gregg's Cav- alry — the Third Division (Mott's,) which REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 227 went on picket immediately on its arrival at four o'clock in the afternoon of the 19th, at the Jerusalem Plank Road, was left in the lines they held. By night of the 24th Han- cock had accomplished the work assigned him to three miles below Ream's Station, which is five miles from Warren's position. But the Weldon road was of too much ac- count to the enemy to be surrendered with- out a desperate struggle. On the 25th a heavy force was sent against General Han- cock, which attacked him about two o'clock in the afternoon. Soon after five o'clock a vigorous charge was made by the enemy in force, and the Second Division, which con- tained many new and undisciplined troops, gave way, losing some of their guns and many prisoners. In the meanwhile Mott's Division, relieved from picket, was hastened to the support of Hancock. At two o'clock orders were received to march at once. The distance was about twelve miles. It had been rainy for several days, the weather was sultry, the roads heavy, and marching diffi- cult. The light was over before our Regi- ment reached the field. The next day, Friday, August, 26th, Cap- tain Atkinson, writes: — "Yesterday, about two o'clock in the afternoon, two brigades of our division were ordered to move at once. We moved toward's Ream's Station on the Weldon Railroad. On the way we heard very heavy firing, and learned that the other two divisions of our corps were engaged. Before we arrived within supporting dis- tance the fight was ended, so we were not engaged. We took up a position at an im- portant point and fortified. We remained there until about three o'clock this morning when we were ordered back to the position in the works we left yesterday. We are now about nine miles from City Point. This is a warm quiet day ; not a shot has been heard along our lines since seven o'clock this morning." On the 28th of July, the One Hundred Forty-First Regiment was transferred from the First to the Second Brigade of the Third Division of the Second Corps. General Gershom Mott had been assigned to the command of this division on the 23d of July, and on the 26th of August General Byron Pierce wag assigned to the command of the brigade, which was composed of the follow- ing regiments, viz : — Fifth Michigan, Fifty- Seventh, Sixty-Third, Eighty-Fourth, One Hundred Fifth, and One Hundred Forty- First Pennsylvania, Ninety-Third New York, First United States Sharpshooters and First Massachusetts Heavy Artillery. In August the Sixty-Third was merged into the One Hundred Fifth. The brigade remained on duty near Fort Hell, as Fort Sedgwick was called, until the first of October, the officers having very little to do, while the men's duties were very hard, being on picket one day and on fatigue the next. The camp was moved to the eastward a fourth of a mile on the 8th of September, and other slight movements were made in position for the convenience of the troops. Some casualties were experienced on the picket line. On the 11th of September, Theodore Lar- rison, a recruit of Company I, was wounded in the arm by a minie ball, and Sergeant Augustus J. Roper, of Company F, was kill- ed by one of the enemy's sharpshooters when a little past twenty-five years of age. He was unmarried, a farmer in Gibson where he enlisted. At the battle of Chancellorsville he was wounded in the leg, sent to hospital, and re-joined his company in March, 1864. His body was taken home and committed to the earth with touching and appropriate fu- neral ceremonies on the 19th, attended by a large concourse of friends and acquaintances. In an appreciative sketch of him it is said : — "We always found him an interesting friend, possessing warm social feelings and good intellectual powers. His comrades speak of him as the ' bravest of the brave,' faithful in duty, and cool in action, much beloved by his company and Regiment who deeply mourn his loss " 228 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST On the 26th the brigade movtd again a short distance and went into camp at Fort Prescottj a little east On extra duty 57 ) Sick 18 Total 249 Absent 154 Aggregate 4 23 In Company A, J. H. McCafferty was dis- charged on account of wounds September 15th, and John Lee for the same cause on the 30th, and Sergeant Jackson C. Lee was transferred to the Veteran Reserves. In Company B, Dennis Clark, wounded at Gettysburg, was discharged in August. August 8th, First Lieutenant G. W. Kil- mer was made Captain of Company C, and John Farrell was transferred to the Veteran Reserves September 16th. In Company D, Captain Ryon resigned on account of enfeebled health, August 6th, and was discharged by special order. In Company E, Henry M. Chandler was transferred to the Veteran Reserves August 31st. Ellis W. Steadman, of Company F, was promoted to Sergeant, and George Taylor Corporal, September 12th. There were transferred to the Veteran Reserves, Jona- than Squires, July 25th ; Hiram Chrispell, August 26th, and John L. Riker, August 30th. In Company G, Sergeant William T. Lobb was promoted to First Lieutenant Sep- tember 27th ; Richard T. Pierce w r as dis- charged for wounds received, September 6th. In Company H, Sergeant B. B. Atherton was promoted to First Lieutenant, August 10th, and there were transferred to the Vet- eran Reserves September 10th, Joseph Mc- Sherer, Benjamin C. Marshall and Joseph Mackey. In Company K, on the 1st of September, Joseph C. Pennington was promoted Ser- geant; William Bedford, Albert Chase and William H. Crawford, Corporals. Hiram Carter, a boy only sixteen years of age, son of Theron Carter, from Auburn, a recruit in Company H, died of camp fever in Brattleboro, Vermont. " He was a good, brave boy, who never flinched from duty, however difficult." Charles A. Chaffee, of Company D, died in hospital, in Washington, September 30th, of chronic diarrhoea, at the age of about twenty-eight years. He enlisted from Or- well, was unmarried, and his mother a widow. He had been wounded at Spottsyl- vania, May 12th. poplar spring church. The latter part of September Genera! Grant again made strong demonstrations upon the enemy's works north of the James. Waiting until Lee had weakened his lines REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 229 on the front by reinforcing the point of attack, two divisions of General Warren's corps and two of General Parke's, now in command of the Ninth corps, were directed against an important point at the junction of tne Squirrel Level and Poplar Spring Church roads at Peeble's farm, a couple of miles west of Warren's position, where a redoubt terminated the Confederate intrench- ment, covering these roads which since the destruction of the Weldon railroad at Ream's Station were important avenues of supply to the beleaguered army. From that point an advance was to be made against the Boydton plank road and South Side railroad. Gen- eral Mott's Division was ordered to the sup- port of General Parke. As early as the 29th the division had received orders to be ready to march at a moment's notice, and remained in readiness until noon of October 1st, when they took the cars at Hancock Station, near their camp on the Military railroad, to the Yellow House, as far west as the cars ran, and then marched over to Warren's Head- quarters, about two miles distant, and re- mained all night. It rained and the men were wet to the skin. The next morning the division was placed on the extreme left of the line, and the fighting which had been going before was renewed. Our Regiment was deployed as skirmishers, and took the first line of works without opposition. About a mile farther on was another line of considerable strength. Four regiments, one of which was the One Hundred Forty- First, were selected to assault the works, but were repulsed with consider- able loss. The Regiment moved back to the headquarters, where they bivouacked for the night. The 3d and 4th were spent in construct- ing the fortifications by which this advanced position should be connected with Warren's line at the Globe Tavern, and on Wednes- day, the 5th, they returned near to their old place in the line at Fort Alexander Hays. In the charge at the beginning of this en- gagement, James Bagley, a Corpora! of Com- pany G, and one of the color guard, was killed, shot through the heart, and was buried by his comrades near where he fell. He was a moulder by trade, and at bis en- listment was in the employ of the Delaware and Hudson Canal Company at Honest! ale. He left a wife, who afterward married J. T Seagraves, also of Company G, and two chil- dren. Bagley was about twenty-eight years of age. Seven were reported wounded, of whom only the following can be given : Private Spencer B. Tupper, Company B. Sergeant Henry M. Stearns, Company F. Private Daniel D. Duren, Company F. First Sergeant Parker J. Gates, Com pa- nyH. Private John Stilwell, Company H. Stilwell was sent to hospital in Washing- ton, where he died November 2d. He was a single man about twenty-one years of age. He was buried in the National Cemetery at Arlington. October 8th the men received six months' Pay- On the 10th the Regiment moved a short distance to the left to Battery Number Twen- ty-Four, which they were to hold, and which afforded a good camping place. The next day an election was held in the Regiment for county and State officers. < >ne hundred and ninety-six votes were cast, all but two of which were for the Republican ticket. On the 14th, Matthew Howe, of Company F, was captured on the picket line. boydton plank road. General Grant was anxious to make one more effort which, if it did not compel the evacuation of Petersburg, would at least make its tenure less secure and the labor of procuring supplies greater. Since Lee had been deprived of the Weldon railroad, the Boydton plank road and the South Side rail- road were the main avenues by which sup- ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST plies reached his army. General Grant proposed to push forward a strong force, get possession of the Boydton mad, and then if possible secure a lodgment on the railroad. Hatcher's Run is a considerable stream, having its sources in the high ground to- ward Lynchburg, running southeasterly and unites with Gravelly Run at Monk's Neck, forming Rowanty Creek. It is crossed by the roads west of the Weldon railroad which run northerly toward Petersburg. As early as < >ctober 24th orders were is- sued preparatory to the movement. In or- der to divert Lee's attention a feint was made of an attack from the north of the James. The attacking forces on the left were to move in three columns, General Parke on the right, General Warren in the center and General Hancock on the left with Gregg's Cavalry on his left. The route marked cut for General Han- cock was down the Vaughan road in a southwesterly direction six miles to its inter- section with Dabney's mill road, one mile below Hatcher's run crossing, then up the Mill road in a northwesterly direction two miles to the Boydton road, up that to Bur- gess' mill on Hatcher's Run, thence by the White Oak and Claiborne roads, to the rail- road. In pursuance of this plan, on the 25th Mott's and Gibbon's Divisions — the latter under command of General Eagan— were withdrawn from the intrenchments and massed in the rear of the lines, and the next day were quietly moved to the vicinity of the Weldon railroad, our Regiment moving at two o'clock iii the afternoon to the Yellow House bivouacked one mile south of it, with orders to be ready to march the next morning, the 27lh. But it was dark and rainy, and the movement necessarily delayed somewhat. By nine o'clock General Han- cock had crossed Hatcher's Run on the Vaughan road. The ford had been obstruct- ed by fallen trees, but Eagan's Division which was in advance waded the stream waist deep, followed by Mott's, and gallantly carried the rifle pits on the south side of the of the stream. Dabney's Mill road was only a narrow lumber road through the woods — passing up this they emerged on the Boyd- ton road a mile below Hatcher's Run. At Burgess' mill, which is on the Run, the White Oak road comes in from the wist. At this point the enemy whose skirmishers had been on the road since daylight appear- ed in considerable force. Eagan was sent up the Boydton road to drive the enemy across the Run, and Mott's Division was sit in motion for the White Oak road. It was now about one o'clock. At this point Gen- eral Hancock received instructions to halt. In the meantime the Confederates got nine guns in position on the north side of the Run facing Eagan, who had deployed his division across the plank road, and live on the White Oak road facing Mott, from which an annoying tire was opened. It was seen the South Side Railroad, which was more than six miles distant, could not be readied, and General Hancock had orders to hold his position until morning, and then fall back by the route he had come. On the north side of Hatcher's Run, rear Burgess' mills, was high ground which Han- cock determined to possess witli Eagan's Division supported by McAllister's (Eirst) Bi igade of Mott's Division. De Trobriand's Brigade was nearly a mile below on the plank road, and Pierce's Brigade was sup- porting Metcalf's section of Beck's battery on the cast side of the Boydton road midway between Eagan and De Trobriand, and fac- ing the north. In the meantime the enemy had been ra- pidly gathering about Hancock's force, and Mahone's Division, concealed by the thick woods had crossed the run a mile below and taking advantage of a gap between the Sec- ond and Fifth Corps, advanced by an obscure road struck Hancock's on the right Hank The first intimation Pierce's Brigade bad of an enemy in that direction was a volley of musketry poured upon his little force about four o'clock in the afternoon. Mahone's Di- REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 23 1 vision broke out of the woods just where Matcalf's guns were placed, overrun the bri- gade and captured the guns. The brigade endeavored to change front, but was driven back to the plank road in confusion, from which, however, it soon rallied. Our Regi- ment was the last to leave the field, and then not until nearly surrounded. The fighting was almost hand to hand. Eagan quickly turned upon Mabone, swept him from the field in confusion and with consid- erable loss recaptured the guns taken from Metcalf and held the enemy at bay. Han- cock under orders withdrew in the night. Our own brigade left the field about mid- night and went to the Vaughan road, and on Saturday, the 29th, were up to the front line and the next day returned to their old camp. Our men gave the name of " Bull- Pen " to the place of this engagement. The casualties were four killed, five wounded and one captured.* John Ogden, ot Company G, was among the killed here, shot through the forehead, and buried on the field. The Regiment had been sent out on a reconnoissance. They went through the woods, out into an open field, where, being subject to a hot fire, they threw up a little breastwork with bayonets and tin plates. Here Ogden was killed. He was a brother of James in the same compa- ny, enlisted from Clinton township, and a farmer by occupation, left a wife and son. He was about twenty-eight years of age. In Company H, Gilbert Corwin was kill- ed. He was brother to Adelbert, killed in front of Petersburg, born in New Milford, but a resident of Montrose at his enlistment. He was wounded in the arm at Morris Farm, November 27, 1863, and like his brother, spoken of as a brave man and a good soldier. He was a single man about twenty-two years of age. *Mr. Lobb says Colonel Tyler's life was saved here by his horse shieing from a fragment of an exploded shell — the piece striking the ground near the position occupied by Mr. Lobb, — Ser- geant Seagraves dug it out and presented it to Colonel Tyler. Company C lost Avery Eastabrook killed. He had been promoted to Corporal January 26, 1864, and to Sergeant August 1st. He was shot in the thigh and mortally wounded while assisting his wounded Captain from the field, and died in half an hour. He was a son of William Eastabrook, of North To- wanda, and twenty-four years of age. His character as a soldier, and the esteem in which he was held by his officers are indi- cated by his promotion in rank and the cir- cumstances of his death. William S. Margerum, of Company K, was also shot in the head and killed on the field. He had been a member of Company F of the Sixth Pennsylvania Reserves, been discharged at the expiration of his term, and re enlisted in Towanda and joined Company K, of our Regiment, September 14, 1864. After dark some of his company went out between the lines, found his body and buried it. He was a man of unblemished charac- ter, unmarried and about twenty-five years of age. Of the wounded were : First Sergeant Edwin M. White, Compa- ny A. Corporal Jerome Chaffee, Company D. Sergeant Wallace Scott, Company K, left arm off. Corporal William H. Crawford, Compa- ny K. Captain George W. Kilmer, of Company C, was severely wounded in the head and captured, and taken to Libby prison, where, nearly starved, he remained until the 21st of February, when he was paroled and sent to Annapolis. His captors took everything, the coat from his back, his hat, boots and four months' pay which he had just receiv- ed. At Richmond the party was greeted with hoots from the mob gathered at the station who received them with cries, "Good enough for you !" " Kill the d d Yanks!" and the like. After partially re- covering from his wound, his ration in com- mon with other prisoners was a piece of corn 232 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST bread about two inches in width by three in length, given to each man :tt eleven o'clock in the morning. The wonder is how human beings can survive such treatment and ex- posure. The Captain was subsequently ex- changed and returned to his company. The Regiment, on reaching its old posi- tion at Battery Twenty-Four, was engaged most of the time in picket duty. The time not spent in the trenches was in a pleasant camp in the tear of the lines. November 8th, the Regiment cast its vote for President, giving Abraham Lincoln one hundred and ninety-rive and George I!. Mc- Clellan live votes. On the 24th was the National Thanks- giving, in which, through the agency of the Christian Commission, the men were ena- bled to enjoy a good dinner. On the 20th the brigade moved to the rear for the purpose of changing camp, which was accomplished the next day. The brigade went into camp on the Vaughan road, on the Davis plantation, where they remained until the 7th of December, when it took part in the WELDON RAILROAD RAID. Although General Grant had firmly es- tablished his position on the Weldon Rail- road near the Globe Tavern, it did not hin- der the enemy from receiving supplies by it as far as Ream's Station, whence they were brought to Petersburg on wagons. To de- stroy still further the usefulness of this road so essential to the enemy, it was determined to send a force a considerable distance down thi' road, who by tearing up the rails, de- stroying the bridges, and the like, should prevent its use altogether, f" During De- cember, General Warren having Mott's Di- vision of the Second Corps, and Gregg's Cavalry added to his own Corps, destroyed the Weldon Railroad as far as Hicksford, on the Meherrin river, about forty miles from Petersburg." tHumphrey's, i For two weeks the weather had been beautiful, and the men were well along with their winter quarters, when on the evening of Tuesday, December 6th, orders came to lie ready to march at eight o'clock in the morning. The Regiment was on the move at the appointed time. Going out to the Jerusalem plank mad they turned south down the road, crossing the Nottaway river on a pontoon bridge just after dark, and en- camped on the south side of it. The next morning at six o'clock the march was re- sumed. It rained a little during the day before, and this morning it was quite wet, but cleared away before noon. In the even- ing it became bitterly cold. The route this day was southwesterly toward the railroad, stopping a little before noon at Sussex Court House, and at night without the occurrence of any incident of note, bivouacked within three miles of the railroad, and near the Nottaway. The Regiment was again on the move at six o'clock in the morning of the 9th, going south, struck the railroad at Janett's Station. Mott's Division forming on the left of the Fifth Corps, began to tear up the road, de- stroying it thoroughly for a considerable dis- tance. Friday night was rainy, but the next morning the work of destruction was re- sumed, and continued until orders were re- ceived to return to camp, "the object of the expedition having been accomplished." About tw< nty-three miles of the railroad bad been destroyed. Saturday evening the Reg- iment went into bivouack when about three miles of Sussex Court House. The next day the Nottaway was reached at noon. After resting here some time they crossed the river at five o'clock in the afternoon and at night bivouacked four miles north of it. Near Sussex Court House some Guerrillas had killed and stripped of their clothing a few Stragglers from the ranks, in retaliation for which General Warren ordered all the pro- perty in the neighborhood to be destroyed. On Monday afternoon, when the division bad nearly reached its old encampments, it REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. was sent farther to the west and bivouacked in the woods on the Halifax road. The next day, the 13th, the division went into camp on the line from the Vaughan to the Halifax road, near Poplar Spring Church, the First Brigade on the right, the Second in the center and the Third on the left, where our Regiment remained encamped, the One Hundred Fifth on its left until the fifth of February, doing camp and picket duty, and working by details on Fort Fish- er, and engaged in regular drills when not otherwise employed. On the 26th of De- cember they had their first dress parade since they set out on the spring campaign. The camping place was a pleasant one with plenty of wood and good water. Up to the first of February, 1865, some changes had been made in the Regiment. Colonel Madill had been commissioned Brigadier-Genera!, receiving his commission on the very morning the Regiment set out on the raid down the Weldon road, but re- mained with the Regiment until the 18th of January, when he was assigned to the com- mand of the First Brigade of the First Di- vision. While his men rejoiced that his gallant services had thus far been recogniz- ed, and the well earned promotion had been received, they parted with their beloved Colonel with regret. No officer ever was more loved, respected or trusted by his men. They looked up to him with the confidence and affection of children to a father, and well they might, for by his energy, bravery, consideration and care he had largely been instrumental in making the Regiment what il was. In the terrible battles which had swept its men from the field he had been at its head. In the camp he secured obedience without resort to the cruel punishments which were a disgrace to so many, and at all times was watchful for the interests of his men, at the expense of himself ; and to-day after more than twenty years have elapsed since he led them on the field, and cared for them in the camp, every man of the One Hundred Forty-First speaks of him with a loving respect, and the familiar title, "Our Old Colonel," is uttered with an affectionate regard by those with whom he shared dan- ger and privation, hardship and want. Henry J. Madill must always be insepara- bly connected with whatever glory or re- nown was won by the One Hundred forty- First, an integral part of its grand achieve- ments and of its imperishable history. Fearless of danger himself, he never ex- posed his men needlessly, and never sought a fight to promote his own interests — in fact at least at three several times promotion was offered him if he would attempt a desperate charge, when the answer, as self-sacrificing as gallant was:—" If I must gain a star at the expense of the lives of my men I will never have one." Although he had been three times slight- ly wounded, once at Gettysburg, and once at Petersburg, and had had six horses shot from under him, the General had escaped without serious injury until the 2d of April when in a charge upon a battery at Suther- lin's Station, while at the head of bis bri- gade, he was severely wounded by a sharp- shooter, the ball lodging in the groin, from the effects of which he has never recovered. As soon as his wound would admit he re- turned to his home in Towanda, and recov- ering in some measure his health, resumed the practice of law. Soon after, he was elect- ed Register and Recorder of his countv. In 1879 he represented his district in the State Legislature for one term, and since then has been engaged in the practice of his profes- sion. On the 20th of April, 1865, the Pres- ident of the United States, " by and with the consent of the Senate," commissioned him Major-General by brevet, the commission to bear date from the 13th of March, " for gal- lant and meritorious services," but the boys of the One Hundred Forty-First can hardly call him anything but "Our Old Colonel." Lieutenant-Colonel C. W.Tyler, promoted from the Captaincy of Company II. took command of the Regiment. 234 ONE HUNDRED FORTY- FIRST Robert II. Torrey, the Quartermaster, re- signed by the Surgeon's advice, on account of broken health, and was discharged Octo- ber 24, 1864; and on the 25th of the next January, Charles D. Cash was promoted from Quartermaster Sergeant to Quartermas- ter, and at the same date Lilburn J. Rob- bins, a private of Company It, was promoted to Sergeant-Major, and Martin ( ). Codding from Sergeant-Major to Quartermaster-Ser- geant. Dr. William Church, on the expiration of his term of muster, was discharged by spe- cial order, September 22, 1804, and T)r. Denison was promoted from Assistant Sur- geon to Surgeon, December loth, and Wel- lington G. Beyerle was mustered Assistant Surgeon, December 27th. On the 31st of December, Michael G. Hill, a private of Company H, and Gilbert 11. Stewart, a musician of Company G, were promoted regimental musicians. In Company A, Isaac Yetter was promot- ed from Corporal to Sergeant, November 1st. There were discharged Corporal William Mace, for wounds, December 18th; Adrial Lee ; by special order, December 29th; Cor- poral Asa J. Kinne, for wounds, January 7th, and Samuel Lee, on Surgeon's Certifi- cate, January 26th. In Company B, on the 1st of January, .John H. Chaffee was promoted from Cor- poral to Sergeant, and Andrew J. Horton was promoted to Corporal, and on the 21st Robert Hatch and Charles E. McCumber were promoted from Corporals to Sergeants, and E. B. Eastabrook was promoted to Cor- poral ; December 10th, George H. Humphrey was discharged on account of wounds, and on the 21st Sergeant Stephen B. Canfield, Sergeant Nelson C. Dyer were transferred to the Veteran Reserves January 20th. In Company C, Selden F. Worth was pro- moted from Corporal to Sergeant, Novem- ber 1st, and Bishop Horton was made Cor- poral October 25th; Benjamin F. Wank was discharged on Surgeon's Certificate Decem- ber!8th; Warren W. Goff. Frederick F. Cole (January 18th,) and Jeremiah Ray- mond were transferred to the Veteran Re- serves. In Company D, First Lieutenant Marcus E. Warner was commissioned Captain; By- ron Chamberlain was promoted to Corporal January 1st. There were transferred to the Veteran Reserves Frederick D'Victor, (De- cember 2d,) Charles K. Canfield, (January 1st,) Sergeant William Hewitt, (January 21st,) and Corporal Rodney Brewer. Edward McAllister, captured June 22, 1864, died in captivity at Florence, South Carolina, November 5th. In Company E, First Lieutenant Mason F. Long was commissioned Captain Decem- ber 20th, and First Sergeant -John M. Jack- son First Lieutenant, January 24th; James M. Beach was promoted First Sergeant, and Dealmon Watkins to Sergeant, February 1st. Pierce F. Miller, of Company F, was trans feried to the Veteran Reserves, Decem- ber 25th. In Company G, Captain Atkinson, twice wounded, resigned on account of ill health, and was honorably discharged. He is a res- ident of Ilawley, where he was born October 29, 1836, graduated from Claver Institute, Hudson river, in 1856, and at his enlistment was extensively engaged in the lumber busi- ness. On his return to Hawley he resumed the business, which, with the manufacture cf glass he carries on to a large extent. In 1879 he was the Republican candidate for Sheriff of Wayne County, which ordinarily gives six hundred Democratic majority, but such is the Captain's personal popularity that he was elected by sixteen hundred ma- jority. He is now one of the prominent business men of his county. Daniel Ballard, William Stone and David B. Atkinson, (January 1st,) were transfer- red to the Veteran Reserves. In Company H, Jacob W. Palmer, (De- cember 17th,) and Thomas Davis, (Decem- ber 23d,) were discharged, and January 1st, Asa H. Decker and Leander Lott were transferred to the Veteran Reserves. REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 235 In Company I, Captain Spanning, in con- qsence of wounds received in the Wilder- j 3SS) resigned, returned home in Athens Lit soon became connected with the Second [ational Bank in Wilkes-Barre, was tor a umber of years cashier of that institution, j ut now in company with his brother is en- I aged in business at Forty-Fort, Luzerne bounty. Sergeant Richard McCabe, (October 19th,) or wounds received at Chancellorsville, and William P. Heath, on Surgeon's Certificate, ;December 16th,) were honorably discharged. Theodore Larrison, a recruit in the com- pany, wounded September 11th, was trans- ferred to the Veteran Reserves January 27th, ind honorably discharged May 8, I860. November 1,-1864, George L. Forbes was promoted to Sergeant; January 1, 1865, Eugene L. Lent and Lemuel Robinson were also made Sergeants, John N. Dunham made First Sergeant, Eli Rolls and Trowbridge L. Smith made Corporals, and on the 24th of January, First Lieutenant JohnG. Brown was commissioned Captain, and First Ser- geant Join S. Frink was commissioned Sec- ond Lieutenant December 26th, and First Lieutenant January 24th. In Company K, Lyman T. Wheeler, who was suffering from pulmonary disease when mustered into the service, August 11, 1864, was soon sent to hospital in Washington, where he died the December following. He was the son of Thomas Wheeler, of Smith- field, unmarried, and about twenty-five years of age at his death. For November 30, 1864, and January 31, 1865, the Adjutant's reports are as follows: ENLISTED MEN. fForduty I 17J ! Extraduty | o<> Present.. -, gick 9 ^ In arrest \_ Total ?44 Absent |_1£> Aggregate Present.. COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. Nov. SO^Jan. 31. [ For duty Extra duty Sick Absent Total dabney's mill or hatcher's run. After the destruction of the Weldon Rail- road at Hieksford the enemy brought sup- plies by the way of Dinwiddle Court House on the Boydton Plank road to Petersburg, in wagons. To intercept these trains and breaK up this route of supply a force consisting of the Second and Fifth Corps with Gregg's Cavalry was directed to get possession of the Bovdton Plank road, and if possible gam a foothold upon the South Side railroad. On the morning of the 5th of February the troops were set in motion. General Hum- phreys, now in command of the Second Corps, about three o'clock in the morning, issued orders to his troops to be ready to march at daylight. Although the weather was intensely cold yet with the first streaks of the dawn the camp was astir. Leaving his First Division to hold the intrenchments General Humphrey took the Second and Third Divisions down the Vaughan road the Second being in advance, to the crossing of Hatcher s Run, where a small force of the enemy was stationed for observation. This was quickly dispersed by the skirmishers ot De Trobriand's (First) Brigade, and Mott s (Third) Division was placed in position South of the Run and threw up intrench- ments, while Smythe's (Second) Division was sent a mile up the stream on the north side of it to Armstrong's Mill. A road nearly parallel with tne Vaughan road con- nects Armstrong's with Dabney's steam saw mill the latter being about a mile south- west of Armstrong's. A mile north at the junction of the Squirrel Level road with the Vaughan road is a road running westerly t0 the Boydton Plank road at Burgess's 236 ONE HUNDRED F0RTY-FIRS7 Mill. On this road, in front of Sniythc's position, i!ir enemy were discovered in force. General Humphreys anticipating an at- tack on Smythe's right in front of which the enemy were seen in force, detached Colo- nel McAllister's (Third) Brigade from Moil's Division to strengthen Smytlie. Aliont live o'clock the Confederates opened upon Smythe followed by tour divisions of Hill's and Ewell's Corps, who three times charged with headlong fury upon McAllis- ter's position, whose steady and firm bearing checked the enemy's advance and compelled him to withdraw. ( renral Mott at once sent the Second Brigade to support McAllister. Our Regiment which had been on the skirmish line all day took part in the move- ment, and with the rest of the Brigade fell back to the north side of the Run. Before our Brigade arrived, however the enemy's Infantry had retired, although the Artillery kept up a fire for some time. The Second Brigade was not actively engaged, although it was under a hot [ire. The casualties were one killed and three wounded. The one killed was Albert Phelps, of Company K, a son of William Phelps, of Smithfield, and a cousin of C. 11. Phelps, of the same company. Young Phelps had greatly desired to visit home, had made application for a furlough hut tailed to receive it, whereupon his mother wrote to President Lincoln, saying she had six sons in the service of the country and greatly desired to sec Alberl who had not succeeded in obtaining leave in the usual channels. The good President was touched with her motherly devotion and granted a leave of thirty days. Albert had returned to the Regiment only a short time before he was killed. Says a comrade " alter the battle was over a man came and told us that one of our company was killed ; be had been shot over the eye ami death was so sudden that he had not fallen, but was leaning against a stump. He was unmarried and about twenty-four years old," ami buried near where he fell. Corporal Charles Williams, of Company G, was wounded here. That evening a part of the Regimenl was placed on picket, and the rest lay behind the intren chments. A; three o'clock the next morning the pickets, relieved by men of the Fifth Corps, rejoined the Regiment. The next morning, Monday, the (iih,a reconnoissance showed the enemy was not outside bis intrenchments north of the Pun At one o'clock in the afternoon General Warren sent General Crawford's Division "ii a reconnoissance out to Dnbney's Mill. Here he was met by the Confederates in force and a severe engagement took place. Warren's line at length gave way and fell hack rapidly with hut little loss. The Federals reinforced by detachments from the Sixth and Second Corps checked the farther advance of the enemy. The First mid Second Brigades of Mott's Division were ordered up to support Warren, but before they reached i he scene of action the fight was over and they were ordered hack to their former position and bivouacked for the night in a little piece of pine woods. Toward evening a severe storm of rain, snow and sleet set in, the weather was in- tensely cold and some of the men almost perished. The next day came clearing weather hut no abatement of the cold, a reconnoissance revealed the fact thai the enemy had retired to his works. The line of intrenchments was now ex- tended to I lately r's Run, on the Vaughan road, the Second Corps occupying the ex- treme left, the sixth taking the intrench- ments at Fort Fisher, an. I the Fifth Corps massed in rear of the Second. Wednesday the weather moderated some- what. Everything was quiet along the lines, and the day was spent in establishing the new line of works ami the next day the troops were located upon this new line, the First Division on the right, the Third the fi»/^%A&£: REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 237 ft, and the Second (Mott's) the center. In le division line De Trobriand held the ght, McAllister the left and Pierce Second) Brigade the reserve. Part of the regiment was on picket and part was cut- timber for corduroy roads. The work- jig party bivouacked in the pines again at ight. On Friday the Second Brigade was ent to slash the timber between McAllister nd the Fifth Corps, while the rest of the I i vision was engaged on the fortifications. ', On Saturday, the 11th, the camps were located and for the fourth time since the pommencementof cold weather the regiment began to build winter quarters. For a few days the weather was intensely cold and much suffering experienced by the men in their unfinished houses, but nothing espe- cially noteworthy occurred until the 25th of March. The monotony of camp was broken by occasional reviews, brigade dress parade and regimental drills. The usual inspec- tions were had and the army kept in condi- tion to move at a moment's notice. Before recounting the events of the final campaign we will stop a moment to notice the changes which had occurred in the Regi- ment during the winter. Lieutenant-Colonel Tyler resigned on account of continued ill health and was honorably discharged March 1, and Major Horton was commissioned Lieutenant-Colo- nel and mustered on the 18th, Captain Mer- cur being Commissioned Major. Sergeant Alderson made First Lieutenant April 22, was in command of Company A. Company B, was in command of Lieuten- ant Henry U. Jones, Captain Peck had on the 8th of October, 1864, been assigned to the command of the First Regiment of United States sharp shooters, holding that position until the close of the year when the Regiment was consolidated with others and the Captain returned to his company. On the 14th of January he was appointed by Major-General Humphrey, assistant com- missary of musters and became a member of Genera] Mott's staff where he remained until the close of the war, when he returned home, resumed the practice of his profession, was six years Prothonotary of the county and now a prominent lawyer in Towanda. March 11, Corporal Almerine G. Arnold was transferred to the Veteran Reserves and Corporal Mathew V. Greening, at a date not given. Sergeant Ezra S. Little commanded Com- pany C, Daniel Schoonover and George \V. Fell were promoted from Corporals to Sargeants, March 1, and Dallas J. Sweet, March 20. Company D was commanded by Captain Marcus E. Warner. First Sergeant Henry J. Hudson was promoted to First Lieutenant February 14; Sanford Diamond to First Sergeant, March 1. On the 19th of March David Lewis was transferred to the Veteran Reserves, also Clark M. Lent, date not given. Joel Allis, a private in this Company died at his home in Orwell, February 3. Captain Long was in command of Com- pany E ; Michael Finney was discharged on Surgeon's certificate February 10; James W. Clark transferred to the Veteran Reserves, February 20, and Edward J. Sweeney, no date given. Truman Galusha while at home in Athens sick, was picked up by a person anxious to secure the reward offered by the Govern- ment for deserters, and died at Alexandria before reaching the Regiment December 25, 1864. It is needless to add that his com- rades condemn the arrest in the strongest terms. John A. Snell was a recruit from Athens, enlisted January 13, 1865, but before reach- ing the Company became insane, left the squad, was arrested, tried by court-martial, acquitted and sent to hospital in Alexandria where he died March 5. His friends lost all trace of him until the facts were ascer- tained through the perseverance of Corporal Hull, of that Company. In Company F, on the 14th of February, Nelson J. Hawley was promoted Captain ; 2-38 ONE HUNDRED FORTY- FIRST George R. Resseguie, First Sergeant ; John A. Brown, Sergeant, and Elisha M. Skinner, Corporal; on the 23d, Henry \Y. Kenyon was discharged on Surgeon's certificate. Company G. was in command of Captain William T. Lobb, promoted from First Lieutenant, February IS. The same day John A. Smith was discharged, and Linus F. Sut- tOn, March 17. Captain John L. Gyle commanded Com- pany 11; Benjamin N. Spencer was dis- charged by special order March 1. Captain John G. Brown commanded Com- pany I; Sergeant Edwin G. Owen was discharged on account of wounds February 6. Company K, was commanded by First Lieutenant Beebe Gerould ; Captain Mercur having been made Brevet Major of the Regiment. The Adjutant's Report gives the strength of the Regiment, March .">lst, 1865, as follows : ' COMMISSIONED OFFICERS. !For duty 13 On extra duty 6 Sick Absent 2 Totai 21 ENLISTED MEN. | For duty 1 ,, , On extra duty i oick 1, In arrest Totae 27 Absent 9J, A GGEEG ATE 388 The Second Corps was commanded i.« Major-General A. A. Humphreys, the Thin Division by Brigadier-General Gersharr Mott, the Second Brigade by Brigadier- General Byron Pierce. The Brigade was composed of the following regiments: Seventeenth Maine, (Lieutenant Colonel William Hobson;) First Massachusetts Heavy Artillery, (Major Nathaniel Shats- well ; Fifth Michigan (Colonel John Pul- ford ;) Ninety-Third New York (Lieutenant Colonel Haviland Gifford;) Fifty-Seventh Pennsylvania (Colonel George Zinn ;) One Hundred Fifth Pennsylvania, (Major James Miller; One Hundred Forty-First Pennsyl- vania (Lieutenant Colonel Joseph H. Horton.) Chapter XL THE General Lee, as fully aware of the strength f the Federal forces as of the weakness of lis own, had, on consultation with the Con- ederate authorities, determined to evacuate *etersburg and Richmond, and by a rapid narch on the Cox road to Amelia Court louse, endeavor to form a junction with r ohnston's Army, and thus prolong the war ndetinitely. The strong Federal force at Catcher's Run was a serious obstacle to this movement. In order to compel General jiant to weaken this wins of his army, an ssault was planned on Fort Ste.adman for he morning of the 25th of March. -In this, hough the Confederate arms were at first M-owned with success, the result was terribly disastrous to them. As soon as the attack opened, General Humphreys ordered his corps under arms and strong reconnoissances to be made in his front to ascertain if Lee had not stripped his defences for the attack on Fort Steadman. he intrenched picket line of the enemy as captured, and the Federal lines were arther advanced notwithstanding repeated efforts on the part of the Confederates to re- ake them. This is known upon the records of the Regiment as THE ACTION AT FORT FISHER. The evening before, the 24th, a large picket detail was made from our Regiment under the command of Lieutenant Gerould, while Captain Lobb was in command of the brigade picket line, Captain Gyle of the di- vision, and General Madill was corps officer of the day. Until the affair at Fort Stead- man was decided the troops were kept under arms ready to move to the right if needed, FINISH. but as soon as the fort was re-taken, the pickets were ordered to the front. Says Captain Lobb: — " I was on my waj to the front when I met General Madill, who said, ' I have just ordered Captain Gyle tocharge on the enemy's pickets, and you will take the reserves out as quickly as possible. We shall press close up to the enemy's works and see what can be done.' Similar instruc- tions were given along the line. We moved forward through the woods. When I came to the clearing I saw that Captain Gyle was in possession of the enemy's picket line, some of whom he had captured, the others lied. I reported with the reserves to Cap- tain Gyle, who ordered me to take them to Lieutenant Gerould farther to the left. " The enemy's line was in a southeast to northwest direction through a cleared field of slightly rolling ground, our pickets were in the woods on the next ridge. To the left, where Lieutenant Gerould was stationed, the clearing was much wider and was in range of the enemy's battery in the rear of their picket line. Lieutenant Gerould had charg- ed the enemy's line and taken some prison- ers, the rest fell back behind their intrench- ments, when their battery opened and soon drove him' back to the shelter of the woods, just as I came to his support with the re- serves. Meanwhile Captain Gyle's men were giving the Rebs. hot lead from the rifle pits that his part of the line was hugging closely. Quicker than I can write it we were ready for the charge, and strangely enough we crossed that field under fire of their battery and gained their rifle pits with- out losing a man. But our stay was short, for we soon saw the enemy approaching us 240 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRS! in force, and we made for tlie woods in our rear, where the ground was lower and where we had a good range on the advancing ene- my, and checked their farther progress. The fusillade had been heard in camp* and the brigade was ordered out for our sup- port. Soon the cheers of our advancing line were heard and we were allowed to fall back and let the battle-line charge, and charge they did — and drove back the en- emy. Entrenching tools were now brought and a line of works thrown up to connect the ground gained with Fort Fisher." A hundred or more prisoners were taken with the loss of one slightly wounded in the fin- ger and one missing. It was the last time the boys of the One Hundred Forty-First were led by their old gallant Colonel, Gen- eral Madill. George Stage, of Company C, reported missing in the above action, and probably killed, was enlisted by Captain Swart from Monroeton, about thirty-seven years of age. This advance of the picket line, which was nearly or quite a mile from the old picket line, was due largely to the gallantry of the officers and men of the One Hundred Forty-First, and was a material advantage to the Federal positions, and rendered pos- sible the successful assault on the enemy's lines a few days afterward which compelled the evacuation of Petersburg. The next day, Sunday, March 26th, the pickets were relieved, and our men returned to camp where they remained until Wednes- day, the 29th. The time had now come, in the expres- sive language of the Commanding General, " To finish up the business." Sheridan's Cavalry were to operate on the extreme left, supported by the Fifth Corps, while the Second Corps should connect with the right of the Fifth. Early in the morning of the *Our canip at this time was near where the military railroad crossed the Vaughan Road, and we were picketing on the north side of Hatcher's Run. 29th the troops were in motion, Pierce's 1 I gade moving down the Vaughan Rq across Hatcher's Run, the division formiij on the right of the road, the right resting the Myer house and connecting with t Second Division, (Hays,) and the left w the First, (Miles') Division. At elev o'clock the lines advanced so that Pierc Brigade rested near the Coleman house, a in the afternoon pushed up near Dabne; steam saw mill. The men were now ground made familiar by the expedition the 27th of October last. The day had been very fine, but at nig a severe rain storm set in which continue for two days, rendering roads a sea of mi Hooding the swamps and low grounds, ar swelling the runs to torrents. At six o'clock in the morning of the 301 the line commenced advancing, and the ei emy's works at the Crow house were seize without opposition, and his skirmishe: forced back to his main line north of Hatcl er's Run. The next day the enemy made fierce attack upon Warren, but was finall repulsed with considerable loss. A demoi stration was made against his works by th Fifth Michigan and First Massachusetts ui der Captain Peck, but was repulsed. Th division moved to the left, crossing th Boydton road early in the morning and fo tifying its positions. The ground occupie by our Regiment was the famous Bull Pei Saturday, April 1st, but little movemei was made by our division. The weatln had cleared, but the men were retired to tl cover of the woods, a most uncomfortab position in the wet ground. Farther to tl: left the fighting had been desperate, the ei emy assailing the Fifth Corps and Sherida furiously. Miles' Division which had gor to support Warren, had also suffered, bi our brigade had not been engaged. In tl: evening the lines were moved forward i connect with Madill's Brigade of Miles' D vision. Early in the morning of April 2d, a su ^ REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 241 iik was made upon the enemy's 1 runt of Fort Fisher by the Sixth advance of the picket lines on the X made tliis feasible. This was a general forward movement of s. Miles' Division on the ex- shed up the Claiborne road to $ Station on the South Side Rail- i \n an assault upon the enemy's •*, gallant Madill was severely / [ays' Division on the right as- carried the works at the Crow uile Mott's Division at half-past ^,en carried the first line of the Confederate fortifications at Burgess' mill under a severe artillery and musketry fire. In an hour the enemy abandoned them, pursued as he was moving out by the victorious Federals. Hays and Mott, in pursuance of orders from Gen- eral Meade, then pushed up the Boydton . -"1 Pierce's Brigade reaching the South Side Bailroad at noon. Our Regiment, chough under a severe fire for an hour, met with no loss. The enemy's retreat was pre- cipitous. Sergeant Chaffee says : — " I was in a rebel camp this afternoon, they left ev- erything — their tents standing, knapsacks, haversacks, everything." Captain Lobb tays : — "About five o'clock we had orders to march. We struck the Boydton plank road a little nearer the run than we were last October. The troops in advance cleared away all opposition, and the order was passed down the line ' Onward for Petersburg.' We went up the Boydton road about three miles to the railroad, then swung around behind Petersburg Heights in an easterly direction, the route of the Regi- ment from its starting point, near Ward's Station resembling a semicircle. Thus far the Regiment had not fired a shot. In pass- ing where General A. P. Hill's headquarters had been we found two or three colored ser- vants ; one said he belonged to General Hill and his master was killed ; another that he was General Lee's boy, and his master staid at General Hill's quarters the night before and felt so bad. Our Regiment was now put in position to support a battery playing on a fort, I think Fort Gregg. I never saw guns so well worked as they were by the Captain of this battery. We camped near here for the night." General Lee evacuated Petersburg during the night of the 2d, giving orders for his troops to rendezvous at Amelia Court House; each corps reaching there by the best roads possible. Early the next morning that city and Richmond surrendered to the Federal troops. The news was received with great rejoicing by the investing army, which was at once started in vigorous pursuit of the retreating foe. Sheridan with the Fifth Corps led in the chase, the Second and Sixth Corps fol- lowing close after. At eight o'clock our Regiment was on the march, and at eleven o'clock in the evening bivouacked on the west side of the Namozine Creek, making a distance of eighteen miles, where it was placed on picket on the road to Birksville. On the 4th the pursuit was continued. Mott's Division in the advance starting at seven o'clock. Roads were heavy and bad- ly cut up from the recent rains, and our men were hard at work keeping them in repair for the passage of the trains. Great num- bers of prisoners, cannon, caissons, and quantities of all sorts of equipments were ta- ken through the day. The Brigade halted for the night at Deep Run where they were compelled to repair the bridge destroyed by the enemy. The next day the columns were in motion at two o'clock in the morning, but were detained several hours by a troop of cavalry, when they pushed forward, striking the Danville Railroad near Amelia Court House later in the evening. Here Sheridan had had a severe fight earlier in the day, and Pierce's Brigade frequent skirmishes with the enemy all day. sailor's creek. On the 6th, the morning broke cloudy and rainy, but cleared about noon. All the night >42 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST long Lee's army had been on the march en- deavoring to escape the encircling forces of the Federals. General Humphreys soon dis- covered the retreating columns of the enemy, and was directed to move toward Deatons- ville, the Fifth Corps on his right, and the Sixth on his left. The Second Corps began crossing Flat ("reek and a sharp running fire commenced with Gordon's Corps, which was continued over a distance of fourteen miles, and several intrenched positions carried. Woods with a dense undergrowth, swamps alternating with cleared fields covered the broken country ; but the lines of battle fol- lowed close on the skirmish line with a ra- pidity and good order unexampled. About three miles west of Deatonsville, at, J. Hott's house, which is on high ground, the road forks, one branch turning to the right runs down to Sailor's Creek, a consid- erable stream running northerly and empty- ing into the Appomattox at the apex of a sharp bend, the other road leading to Rice's Station. Upon arriving at the Forks at Hott's about half past four o'clock iu the af- ternoon, Ewell's troops were found in Hue of battle on the north side of Sailor's Creek. General Humphreys however continued the pursuit of Gordon's Corps, who in their haste left tents, camp equipage, baggage, forges, limbers and wagons. At last they made a final stand at Perkinson's mills, near the mouth of the creek, where a sharp contest ensued with the First and Second Divisions of the Second Corps, routing the enemy and capturing thirteen flags, three guns, several hundred prisones and a large part of the main trains of Lee's army which were hud- dled together at the creek crossing. The country being unknown to the Federals pur- suit was checked by the darkness. General Mott was among the wounded and General De Trobriand took command of the Division. Captain Lobb relates the following inci- dent: — "When we came out of a piece of wood near the road and looked down the hill we saw the road and both sides of it blocked K 9- jh ; ti . eu b <■ V with wagons. After leaving the \ hill, to the right and the left w land. The One Hundred Fort) ordered forward on the skirmh right being along the road bloel train. The enemy had also skirmish line along the creek i tery from the opposite hill was severely. At the creek most o skirmish line was captured. ( captured a Confederate Captaii he handed over his sword Captai. asked him where he got that Yankee, his reply was from a Yankee officer at Chan'- cellorsville. From the description he gave ' we are satisfied that it was Captain Mum- \ ford's. The Confederate Captain said he found the Yankee officer badly wounded in the edge of the woods near the plank road not far from where Jackson fell, and took his sword together with what 'greenbacks' were in his pocket, and the wounded Cap- tain was taken to their field hospital. '' We were ordered to burn the wagons, and no orders to take care of the plunder, so each one appropriated what he wanted. We , ' camped here for the night." Only two of our Regiment were wounded, and these slightly. FARMVILLE. At half past five on the morning of the 7th ( ieneral Humphreys resumed the pur- suit of the enemy, keeping the river road along which the largest bodies of infantry seemed to have passed. About eight o'clock in the morning, High Bridge, the point where the South Side railroad crosses the Appomattox, a bridge of twenty-one spans and sixty feet high, was reached. This the enemy on their retreat during the night had attempted to burn, but by vigorous efforts all but three spans were saved and the wagon bridg;e secured. The railroad bridge was on fire when our regiment came up. General Humphreys with the divisions of Miles and De Trobriand continued the pur- suit on the old stage road to Appomattox I REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 243 Court House, while Barlow's Division was sent to Farmville, three miles farther west, De Trobriand moved his division forward with some caution as sharp musketry firing was heard both in front and on the left. Pierce's Brigade was now deployed and moved around the hill where a body of the enemy was observed, but seeing the ap- proach of the Federals left, although a run- ning skirmish fire was kept up for some distance. Five miles north of Farmville, General Humphreys found the remains of Lee's army in an intrenched position. Several at- tempts to turn this position were repulsed with considerable Federal loss. One of the One Hundred Forty-First is reported captured. On the afternoon of this day at Farmville General Grant sent through General Hum- phreys the first proposition to General Lee for a surrender of the army of Northern Virginia. Again, Lee used the night to place as great a distance as possible between his rapidly diminishing army and the Federals. The Second Corps resumed pursuit at half past five the next morning on the road to- ward Lynchburg and soon came up with the rear of the enemy. Pushing on at all speed they passed the town of New Store at half past seven in the evening. After a few hours rest the march was renewed at one o'clock the next morning and continued until four o'clock. The Brigade remained in line to advance but were held in position hour after hour They had planted themselves across the line of the enemys retreat. A little past noon a flag of truce came into the lines announcing that General Lee was about to surrender his entire army, which was done at four o'clock in the afternoon. Our regiment had reached Clover Hill when the joyful news was received. Words cannot describe the scene of wild excitement which ensued. Cheer after cheer made the woods ring. Men shouted themselves hoarse. All feeling of animosity was forgotten in the tide of joyous victory which swept through the ranks. Every man knew the end of hard marches and severe fighting was at hand and their homes and loved ones were near. With a soldier's generosity the victors, though themselves short of rations, shared their stores with the vanquished. That night the regiment en- camped at Clover Hill, where they remained until the 12th, when they set out on the re- turn to Richmond. That evening they ! passed through Farmville and encamped a mile east of the town ; the 13th encamped within three miles of Birksville, where they remained until the end of April. Johnstcn having surrendered his army and all armed garrisons of the Confederacy having rapidly followed in yielding obedience to the general government, orders were issued for reducing the armies by mustering out the troops. While here a number of prisoners released by the capitulations of the enemy's garrisons returned to their companies. On this day the march to Richmond was re- sumed, Jettersville being reached that even- ing, Amelia Court House for dinner the next day and the Appomattox at night, and on the 4th bivouacked within ten miles of Richmond. On the 6th the division marched through Richmond in column by regiments, our boys bearing aloft their tattered flags, the evidences of their valor and the symbols of their victory. Here the men guided by some of their comiades, who escaped from captivity on the surrender of Richmond had rejoined the regiment, went over to Castle Thunder, Libby prison and other places, scenes of indescribable horrors and un- speakable suflerings borne by their comrades. Crossing the Chickahominy, passing by Hannover Court House,Jacrossthe Pamunky, the Mat, the Ta. the Po and the Ny, Fredericksburg was reached a little after- noon of Wednesday the 10th, and that even- ing they halted five miles north of Falmouth, and on the loth encamped at Four Mile 144 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST Run in a pleasant grove, near to Bailey's ' 'ross Roads. The regiment had been passing over familiar ground and was now hack near its early camping place. On the 18th the order was received to muster out the regiment, and the commanding officers of the several companies were directed to make out the required rolls for that purpose. On Tuesday the 23d, the regiment took part in the grand review, breaking camp at ,six o'clock in the morning, crossed Long Bridge at nine, passed up Maryland to Penusylvan a Avenue, where the brigade was halted an hour or more for other troops to pass. They were near the very spot where two years and nine months before they had waited to go to the front. But what eventful years they had been. One- fourth of their number then were now sleeping the sleep that knows no earthly wakinsr. Their skeleton ranks, their soiled and worn uniforms, their tattered Hags borne on so many fields of bloody strife, told a story of suffering, of toil and of hardship that no pen can describe. With mingled feelings of pride, joy and sadness these bronzed weather-beaten, battle-scarred vet- erans marched up at noon past the Grand Stand to receive the acknowledgement of their valor and victories alike from the Chief Magistrate to the humblest citizen, from the Lieutenant-General of the armies to the private in the ranks. They recrossed the Potomac on a pontoon bridge near Georgetown and reached camp about five o'clock in the afternoon. Some promotions and changes had been made in company A, prior to the muster out, and orders both general and special for the muster out of certain classes of disabled soldiers, paroled and escaped prisoners. First Lieutenant Joseph H. Hurst was promoted to Captain April 21, and the next day First Sergeant James W. Alderson was made First-Lieu- tenant, Sergeant Edwin M. White, first Sergeant, and Daniel B. Vose, Sergeant. Charles Yiall, Jr., was transferred to the Veteran Reserves, May 9. Thomas E. Quick was discharged by special order, May 16, and James Nevins, August 25, 1863 Lotrip Palmer dishonorably discharged January 20, 1864; Charles Bierly was trans- ferred to the Veteran Reserves, June 26. In company B, Spencer B. Tupper was discharged by General Order May 31, Ser- geant Josiah A. Bosworth, June 29, and Corporal Martin W. Smith, July 3. In Company C, Thomas Lapey was dis- charged by General Order May 15 ; James Piatt, June 2 ; First Sergeant, Charles Scott, on Surgeon certificate for wounds, January 20; Sergeant Frank W. Douglass transferred to the Veteran Reserves, February 18, and Corporal George W. Owen, Enos H. Harris and Jackson Talada, date unknown. In Company D there were discharged by General Order Llewellyn Harris and Henry Walker, May 15; Robert Hall, May 30; John Whitaker, June 9 ; Corpoaal Elisha W. Parks, July 8, and John McNeal, date unknown. Edward W. Chilson, a drafted man was mustered out January 2^ at the expriation of his time. In Company E, there were discharged by General Order, Martin B. Phelps, June 2; Corporal Abram Frederick, June 27 ; Matthew Howe, July 8; Corporal Charles T. Hull by Special Order, July 17, and Edward P. Lenox, on Surgeon's certificate, date unknown. In Company F, Sergeant Henry M. Stearns, on General Order, and Adelmer Dougherty, on Special Order, May 15 ; on General Order, Daniel Van Auken, June 5 ; William H. Nutt, June 12, and Corporal Christopher C. Nichols, June 25, were discharged. In Company G, there were discharged on General Order, Nathaniel Belknap, May 15 ; Austin Welton, May 16; John B. Walker, May 26 ; Enos Williams, June 5. In Company H, there were discharged on General Order, Alpheus Snow and William S. Vanorsdaie, May 15; Stephen Milliard REGIMENT, PENN'A VOL'S. 245 and Theron Palmer, May 17 . First Ser- jeant, Parker J. Gates, June 5 ; James EL Bay ley, June 30 ; and on Surgeon's certifi- cate, but dates not given ; John Ralston and Sidney Warner. Jonathan M. Fckert, of this Company had died in February and was buried in the Division Cemetery, at Poplar Grove, Divi- sion C, Section D, grave 34. He enlisted from Great Bend, was a single man, a car- penter by occupation, about thirty years old, and a good faithful soldier. In Company I, George K. Wagner was discharged on account of wounds April 30 ; Corporal Edward A. Bennett, on General Order, May 27 ; Lafayette Shay, June 12 ; an expiration of term, Seth T. Vargison, on Genera] Order, June 26, and on Surgeon's certificate, but dates not given, Charles Rus- sell and Morris Whaling. In Company K, W. H. D. Green was dis- charged on Special Order, June 20 ; on General Order, William A. Gavett, May 20; Edward Bedford, May 27 ; Daniel Taylor, May 24 ; First Sergeant, Aurelius J. Adams, May 25 ; Sergeant John T. Brewster, June 1. Corporal James L. Vincent, June 10; Alfred Hunsinger, June 14 ; Sergeant Andrew W. Seward, June 15 ; Corporal William C. Brown, June — ; Heman H. Williams, July 7, and on Surgeon's certifi- cate, date not given, Salmon H. Gates. There were transferred to the Veteran Reserves, dates not given, Corporal Henry E. Hunlinger, Samuel Conklin and Chris- topher Fraley. John W. Loughead, a recruit in the Com- pany from Litchfield, a married man, leav- ing wife and a daughter, died of typhoid fever in Finley hospital at Washington, May 8, at the age of thirty-one years. Owing to the exertions of Captain Peck, ;he assistant commissary of musters, the rolls were completed on the 26th of May and sent to the proper officers and were returned approved with the order for the discharge of ;he Regiment on Sunday, May 28. Recruits and those who had unexcused absences from the service were transferred to the Fifty- Seventh, Pennsylvania Regiment as follows : COMPANY A. Charles Angle, Josiah N. Smith, John P. Cline, Arthur T. Yose. Delton Y. Caswell, Nelson Vanderpool, James C. Crawford, George B. Capwel I , James W. Crawford, Perry O. Brown, Hathael Hoover, Joseph C. Dickersoh, George Johnson, George Wetmore, Elisha S. Keeler, William Von Deimar. COMPANY B. Edward Britton, Edward Fowler. Riley W. Potter, Clark C. Hines. COMPANY C. Judson English, George H. Gamble, Charles Stout, John Chapnr n. Levi K. Chapman, Albert Chilson, Samuel Corley, Simeon Mosier, James C. Ridgeway, Melvin Rice. COMPANY D. Corporal — C. H. Warner. Francis Chilson, Thomas Dugan. Simeon Middaugh, Charles Monroe, Loomis Vargison, H. C. Carpenter, Oscar A. Bailey. COMPANY E. William H. Fredrick, Otis A. Jackwaj Richard Lyons, Mark Michael, Simeon Titsworth, Jacob Wiles, James Williams. COMPANY F. Charles B. Salsbury, John C. Austin, David S. Goss, William E. Osman, Phineas Pierson, Eldridge G. Ten nan t. COMPANY G. Samuel M. Bates, Robert A. Couch. David Radcliff, Henry Row, Charles E. Smith, Joseph Stalker, George S. Wells, Henry Wilbur. COMPANY H. Ahara A. Bonnell, Hiram V. Baker, Henry Baker, Hampton A. Conger, Joseph Gary, Henry N. Kellogg, Merritt Lillie, Jason Lemon, John B. Overfield, Almon N. Pickell. William A. Taylor, John AViles, Silas Winans, Stephen S. Beeman, Henry S, Hart, Jacob Palmer, Charles D. Sterling. COMPANY I. Truxton Havens, Silas E. Kinner, Elwood Reeser, Daniel J. Shelly, Joel Bennett, John H. Bishop, Jackson Bennett, Sylvester Conkli'i Zelotus G. Doty, Lemuel Howell, Charles H. Porter. 246 OXE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST COMPANY K. George Gorton, Joseph Mitchell. After making the transfers to the Fifty- lb Regiment, the One Hundred Forty- First was mustered out as follows : FIELD AND STAFF. Lieutenant Colonel — Joseph H. Horton. Adjutant — Elisha B. Brainerd. Quartermaster — Charles D. Cash. rgeon — Fredrick C. Denison. Assistant Surgeon — Wellington G. Beyerle. Sergeant Major— Lilburn J. Robbins. QuarU rmasti r Sergeant — Martin O. Codding. Commissary Sergeant — Charles J. Eastabrook. Hospital Stt ward — Isaae S. Clark. Princ cians — Michael G. Hill, Gilbert B Stewart. Those who were mustered out with the Regiment were the following ; COMPANY A. First Lieutenant — James W. Alderson. J irst St rgeant— Edwin M. White. eants — Ethel Fuller, Isaae Yetter, Daniel B. V( >ra*s— Erastus S. Gregory, Charles Daugh- erty, Perry Roberts, Frank R. Stone, Joseph Miller, Edwin Lee. John 0. Frost, Moses Jeffers, Isaac S. Allen, Amzi F. Mann, Albert A. Baker, Wm. H. H. Mitchell. Mallory D. Bramhall, Benjamin P. Oliphant. George Bennett, Charles W. Potter, James Carr, Napoleon B. Roberts, James H. Camp. Joseph Rosencrans, Edwin Cleveland. Nelson Ruj Alfred Hammerly, Albert M. Stetler, John F. Verbryck. lin Joseph H. Hurst was absent on detached service : Sergeant Stephen Rought and private Moses Wheeler were absent in hospital. COMPANY' B. — Benjamin M. Peek. First Lieutenant — Henry U. Jones. First Sergeant — Ephraim D. Robbins. ants — John H. Chaffee, Robert Hatch, Charles E. M'Cumber. Corporals — James P. Coburn, Wallace M. Elli- ott. James Cornell, Orrin A. Soper, Andrew J. Horton, E. B. Easterbrooks. Huston Coon, James II. Goodell, Jesse P. Carl, Peter M. Jacobus, Frank Canfield, Lawrence Holbran, William H. Coverdale, Stephen H. Lewis, James s. Gray, George Ott, George W. Goodell. Henry Pierce, Ezra Rutty. Henry W. Lyons absent, sick. COMPANY C Captain— George W. Kilmer. First Sergeant— Ezra S. Little. ants — Selden F. Worth. Daniel Schoonover, George W. Fell, Dallas J. Sweet. Bishop Horton Clarance W. Cole, Moses C. Johnson, Morris M'Lain, William S. Prentice. Elisha Cole, Lewis Piatt. Charles W. Cole, Dana Robinson, Harvey Cummins. John Rockwell. Aaron J. Edsall, Horace Spencer, Henry Harris, Fredrick II. Sehraeder. Alonzo Harrington, Reuben Sehraeder, Abram Williams. William 0. Lane absent in hospital. COMPANY - D. Captain — Marcus E. Warner. First Lieutenant — Henry J. Hudson. First Sergeant — Senford Diamond. ants — Chester Stewart, Lyman Beers, Jerome Chaffee, Albert Brainerd. Corporals— David Benjamin, Byron Chamber- lain, Charles E. Seeley. Alfred F. Burchard, Darius Gowin, Orrin Bennett, Augustus E. Hamilton, Tracy J. Chubbuck, William Howie, Bazaliel E. Chaffee. Elijah A. Matteson, Harry Chilson, Robert Price. Abram French, Hubbel Pratt, Napthali Woodburn. COMPANY* E. Captain— Mason Long. First Lit utenant — John M. Jackson. First "•• rgi nil — James M. Beach, Sergeants — William S. Wright, William R. Campbell, Charles A. Tibbetts, Dealmou Watkins, Corporals — George A Rogers, Franklin Grang- er, Melvin Douglass, Alexander Lane, Warren W. Powers, - Edward M. Jackson, John Adamson, James R. Martin, Eli R. Booth, Elias H. Merrilhevr, Abram Crandall. Frank B. Nickerson, Aaron Eddy. Riley Pruyne, George Frederick, Edward Pric'e. Daniel Hiney William Smith. Everts Wandell in hospital. Levi B. Rogers on detached service. COMPANY' F. Captain — Nelson J. Hawley. First Lieutenant — Salmon S. Hagar. First Sergeant — George R. Resseguie. Sergeants— David T. Salsbury. Ellis W. Stead- man, John A. Brown. Corporals — Edwin A. Leonard, Charles A. Tripp, Leander Brooks, Urbane F. Hall, George Taylor. Elisha M. Skinner, James T. Ousterhout, Julius II. Burr, John Ousterhout, Nelson D. Coou, Orrin A. Oakley, REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 24/ Albert J. Baldwin, Victor A. Potior. Daniel D. D.uren, George A. Wilson, Nicholas M. Martin, Jacob Whitmore, Francis Hawley sick in hospital. COMPANY G. c,i, tain— William T. Lobb. First Sergeant — J '. T. K. Seagraves, Sergeants — James N, Terwilliger, Joseph E Williams. Corporals— Charles Williams, Franklin A. Dix, George E. Weaver, Hugh Brady, Levi Thayer, Edward Wells.Thomas Marshall, Robert C. Clark. David J. Richmond, William Pope, Frederick Salmon, M. C. Rosencrantz, George S. Barnes, David Shannon. George E. Bahccck, Gilbert B. Stewart, Edward F. Boswell. Ri hard Tamblyn, John Cur. Charles H. Williams. Anson R. Fuller, Francis Wells, Issae'ier M. Haycock, Micaijab Wise. Sergeant James N. Thorp absent in hospital. COMPANY H. Captain — John L. Gyle. Firsl Lieutenants. B. Atherton. S< rgeants — William Magee, H, H. Daugerty. Corporals — Albert P. Gates, Thomas Hickock, Abrnm V. Alden, H. J. Millard, Lorenzo W. Sullivan, Horace A. Roberts. George W. Hewitt, Samuel Gary, Horace Baker, Dutch Hyna. Henry D. Carney, Richard M.Kishbaugh, George D. Carney, Barney M'Shere Alexander DeWitt, Matthias C. Oliver. Patrick Daly, William H. Peet, Henry Grant, Fredrick W. Slade, John J. Stockholm. Sergeant John Harris, Corporal James H. Weaver, Nathan Goodsell, Warren Wiles and Martin Wiles absent, sick. COMPANY I. Captain — John G. Brown. Firsl Lieutenant — John S. Frink. Sergeants — F. Cortes Rockwell, George L Forbes, Lemuel Robinson. Corporals — John C. M'Kinney, Alfred Albee, George W. Smith, Eli Rolls, Edward W. W T ick- izer, Trowbridge L. Smith. John Gillett, Mervin Mericle, Elijah Horton, 2nd, Miles Russell, Daniel Lamphier, John Trumble, James Lunger, Cornelius Vanderpool, First Sergeant John N. Dunham and Sergeant Eugene L. Lent absent, sick, and Nelson Corma on detached service. COMPANY K. Capta in — Charles Mercur. First Lieutenant — Beebe Gerould. Sergeant — Joseph C. Pennington. Corporals — James L. Howie, John S. Haikness. William Bedford, William H. Crawford, Albert Chase. Calvin C. Chamberlain. Elton M. Durfey, Ghas. Fredri k Hoose, Levi T. Adams, William Lorah, Henry B dford, Pet. r Miller, David Bubb, Joel L. Molyneaux, James C. Burnside, James H. Pardoe, John Depew, Oliver Rogers, Thomas A Dent, Davis S. Simmons. Harvey Gregory, Henry Stahl, Francis M. Hill, Dorson M. Sperry. Sergeant Wallace Scott absent in hospital. Two hundred and sixty men all told. At three o'clock on Tuesday morning of May 30th, the bugle sounded to 1 pack up" and in an hour the men were on their way to Washington, where, after getting break- fast at the " Soldiers' Ketreat," they took the cars for Harrisburg at ten • 'clock, reach- ing the city at daylight the next morning, and again camped at Camp Curt in. Camp and garrison equipage, with ordinance stores, were turned over to the State author- ities, and on Saturday, Juue 3d, the men re- ceived their pay, and the next morning, bidding each other adieu, the several com- panies started for their respective homes and the remnants of this grand old Regi- ment resumed their places in the commu- nities from which they came, glad to be able to lay aside with honor the trappings of war for the arts of peace, and join their fellow- countrymen in their efforts to make the country they had defended with their lives prosperous and beautiful, a heritage for their children and children*' children for a thous- and generations. Under date of June 8th, the Bradford Re- porter said : — " The One Hundred Forty- First Regiment was mustered out of service last week at Harrisburg. On Sunday last about one hundred men of the Regiment ar- rived at this place on their way to their homes. The boys came home browned by exposure, and hardened by the toils they have undergone. It is now nearly three years since this Regiment left this county for Camp Curtio, nearly one thousand strong, composed of the very best blood and muscle of the county. They mustered, when dis- 248 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST charged, but a few men over two hundred. < )f the officers first commissioned but few re- main. The brave General Madill,* brevet- ed Brigadier, is at home suffering from the effects of a severe wound ; the lamented Watkins and Spaulding sleep in soldiers' graves, dying for their country. Of the line officers and privates many a gallant soul has been yielded up on the field of battle. " The history of the One Hundred Forty- First Kegiment is a glorious one. It has suffered on many a hard-fought battlefield, and its tattered colors have been riven in many a desperate conflict. At Chancellors- ville, at Gettysburg, at the Wilderness, and in the recent battles before Richmond, it has been conspicuous for gallantry and for its heavy losses. "The returning members deserve to be honored and remembered for their bravery and the gallantry with which they have up- held the cause of their country. We be- speak for them the respect and attention of our people. Their proudest boast in after time will be, that they followed the flag of the One Hundred Forty-First Regiment through the battles of the Great Rebellion." On the Fourth of July, 1866. with much pomp and display, the military authorities transferred the flags of the Pennsylvania Regiments to the keeping of the State, and they are now deposited in the flag-room of the State Capitol. Conspicuous among them were the colors of our gallant Regiment, and *He had been breveted Major-General April 20th. there they will remain, the mute but truth- ful witnesses of the terrible strife through which they were borne, when the hands that carried them have yielded their vigor and the hearts then so full of courage have ceased to beat. The following table exhibits the losses of the Regiment in the several battles in which it was engaged— the figures after the date of the battle refer to the page in the history : ENGAGEMENTS. Page Fredericksburg, Dec. 13, '62. 37 Chancellorsville, May l-3,'63 94 Gettysburg, July 2. '63 137 Auburn, Oct. 17, '63 151 Kelley's Ford, Nov. 7. '63... 153 Morris Farm, Mine Run Nov. 27-29 .' 160 Wilderness, May 5-6, '64 187 Laurel Hill, May 11, '64 191 Soottsylvania C.H., May 12. 199 Fredericksburg R'd, May 19 202 North Anna, May 23 205 Totopotonioy, May 31 208 Cold Harbor, June 3 209 Petersburg, June 16-18 217 Deep Bottom, Aug. 13 226 Poplar Spring C'h, Oct. 2... 229 Boydton Plank road, Oct. 27 229 On the line, Aug. 20, Nov. 1 Dabnev's Mill, Feb. 5-7, '65. 235 Fort Fisher. March 25 239 Sailors Creek, April 6 241 Farmville, April 7 242 V ^ •st =i? w S 1 -* u c s &e O - 1 4 57 149 44 49 96 7 3 8 1 3 3 10 13 59 1 3 ii 25 7 2 1 1 2 1 1 5 15 2 3 1 9 7 3 2 7 1 4 3 2 1 3 1 1 2 i 75 156 404 5 250 152 14 1 13 75 1 43 Allowing for those wounded in more than one engagement, more than three-fifths of the men in the Regiment suffered from the casualties of battle. REGIMENTAL FLAGS MAY 28TH 1865. Muster Roll. The following abbreviations are used : abs. for absent; eaptd , captured ; co., company; cor., cor- poral ; des., deserted; dis.,, discharged ; fr.,from; G. O., General Order ; lit., Lieutenant ; mus., mus- tered ; pr., promoted; rec , received ; ret. returned ; sgt., serge mt; S. O., Special Order ; tr., trans- ferred; V. R. C, Veteran Reserve Corps; wd., wounded ; wds., wounds. Figures not dates refer to pages of the History. FIELD AND STAFF. Mustered in August 29, 1862. except otherwise noted. Mustered out May 28, 1865, except otherwise noted. RANK. Colonel. LtCol. ...do.. . ...do Major Adjt do QM ..do Surgeon. 27, '63. Wd at Wilderness — ISO ; mus out with CO. Trans to 4th N Y Battery, date unknown. Mus out with co. Died Dec 15, '02—41. Died Oct 25, '62-21. Died Jan 23, '63-55. Wd at Chancellorsville— 92 ; dis Jan 13, '64. Mus out with co. Wd at Gettysburg ; died July 12, '63—130. Tr to 57 reg P V, date unknown. Mus out with co. Mus out with co. Wd at Chancellorsville— 92 ; Dis S 0, Ap 22, '63. Wd at Chancellorsville— 92 ; Wd at Chancellorsville— 92 ; Dis on s c. Jan 30, '63. Wd at Chancellorsville— 92; tr to 57 reg P V, date unknown. Killed at Chancellorsville— 199. Dis by SO, Auk 27. '63. Killed at Chancellorsvi lie 85. Died at Leesfourg, Nov 2, '62—21. Died at Fredericksburg, May '64—184. Killed at Chancellorsville— 67. mus out with co. trans V R C, Nov 15, '63. trans V R C, Dec 7, '63. REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 251 HANK. NAME. REMARKS. Captd at Chancellorsville— 92 ; mug out with 00. do to V R C, Feb 13, '64; dis by G O, June *9. '65. Tr to V R O, Sep 1, '63 ; dis by G O, June 28, '65. Killed at Chancellorsville— 86 Killed at Gettysburg— 131. Dis on s c, Jan 13, '63. Dis on s c, Dec 1, '62. Died fr wds at Gettysburg — 131. Des ; ret ; tr 57 reg P V, date unknown. Wd at Gettysburg ; mus out with CO. Wd at Chancellorsville — 92; mus out with co. Dis on s c, Nov Y0, '62. Died July 19 r'r wds rec at Gettysburg — 131. Dis on s c, Dec 27, '62. Wd at Gettysburg; dis Dec 10, '64. Dis on s c, Jan 21, '63. Wd at Gettysburg; tr V R C, Jan 15, '61. Killed at Chancellorsville— 86. Des; ret; tr to 57 reg P V, date unknown. Dis on s c, Dec 4, '62, Killed at Chancellorsville— 86. Mus out with co. Absent sick at mus out. Wd at Gettysburg ; tr to V R C, Nov 15, '63. Dis on s c, Dec '62. Dis on s c. Dec '62. Captd at Chancellorsville; mus out with co. Des ; tr to 57 reg P V, date unknown. Mus out with co. Dis on s c, Jan 11, '63. Killed at Gettysburg — 131. Mus out with co. Pr to sgt maj, Jan 25, '65. Died at Leesburg— 22. Dis on s c, Nov 18, '62 ; died Nov 29, '62. Dis on s c, Dec 30, '62. Dis on s c, Ap 24, '63. Dis on s c, Jan 16. '64 Wd at Gettysburg; tr to V R C, June 15. '64. Wd at Gettysburg ; tr to V R C, June 15, '64 : dis by < i 29, '65. Killed at Chancellorsville— 86. Wd at Poplar Spriwg Church ; dis by G O, May 31, '65. Dis on s c, Dec 22, '62. Wd at Chancellorsville— 92 ; tr to V R C, Sep 30, '63. Died July of wds rec at Gettysburg — 131. do do .... ..do do Jesse P Carl ..do do .... .do do . ..do do .... do ... .. ..do Prank BCary William HL Clark ..do do Wright Dunham do do John S Folk do . rlo do do do do iio .. do do do do do John H KLingsbery . do do ,1,, ....do do CharJes W McCormick do .. do ... .do Riley W Potter .. .do do do do ....do do Ransford Sherman do do do do do do ....do ... Ho ....do EthielC Wood ...do Recruits to Company B. Private (Lawrence Holoran IMus Aug 27, '64, a subs for Charles W Bixby ; mus out with co. . .. do |Peter M Jacobus |Mus See 3, '64 ; mus out with co. ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST < 'OMP VNY C Company mustered in Aug. 19, 1862. Officers mustered in Aug 25, 1862 Co mustered out May28, 1865. BANK. NAME. REMARKS Captain Ybram J Swart Killed at Chance lorsville-83. ...do William .1 Cole 1'r fr 1st Lt, Dec 5, '63 ; wd at Chancellorsvilli — 92; dis on s c, June 27, '64—121. do George W Kilmer Fr fr 1st sgl to 1st Lt. Dee 5, '63; to Capt Aug 8, '64 ; wd in Wilderness; wd and captd at Boydton road— 230; m us out with co. 2d Lt. M riy G Goff Dis on s e, Nov 16, '62—28 1st Sgt Ezra S Little Pr to cor, Nov 13, '62; to 1st set, Jan 26, '64 ; wdat Chancellors- ville, iit Spottsylvania — 199; mus out with co. ...do Charles Scott Pr to cor, Nov 13, '62 : to sgt, Sept, '63; to 1st sgt., June 30, '64 ; com 2d Lt but not mus; wd at Gettysburg and at Peters- burg — 219; dis on S c, Jan 20, '65. Sergeant.... Warren W Goff Wd at Gettysburg; tr to V R ( '. Oct, '64. ... do George C Beardsley Died May K of wis rec at Chancellorsville— 83. ...do Bishop Hortori Wd at Spottsylvania— 199 ; mus out with Co. ...do *. R Coolbaugh 'Killed at Gettysburg- 131. ....do Seldeu F Worth p r to cor, June 30, '64; to sgt, Nov I, '64 ; wounded at Chancel- lorsville; mus out with co. ....do rohn Chapman Pr fr cor to sgt, Nov 13, '62; des; tr to 57 reg P V, date un- known. ....do Frank VV Douglass Pr fr priv to sgt, Jan \!7i. '64; wd at Wilderness; tr to V R C, Feb 18, '65; dis on s c, July 14, '65. ...do Avery Eastabrook Pr to cor, Jan 26, '64 ; to sgt, Aug 1, til; killed at Boydton road— '.'31. ...do Daniel Schoonover Pr fr cor to sgt, March I, '65 ; wdat Chancellorsville; mus out with co, ...do George W Fell Pr to cor, .Tune SO, '64 ; to sgt, March I, '65 ; mus rvut with co. ...do Dallas J Sweet Pr to Cor. June 30 '64; to sgt, March 20. '65; mus out with eo Corporal.... < reorge W Owen Dis on s c, date unknown. do Charles S Brown Killed at Chaneelorsvill. ....do Hiram Cole Dis on s c, Dec 6, '62. do Moses M Coolbaush Dis on s c, Jan 13, '63. ...do John Roekweil WdTat Spottsylvania — 199 ; mus out with co. do Reuben J Hakes Dis on gfc, March 27. '63. do Nicholas Wauk Pr to eor, Feb 1. '63; killed at Gettysburg— 131. do John R Lancaster p r to cor.Ap is, '63; killed at Chancellorsville— 86. Muse Clarence W Cole Mus out with eo. do Morris McLane Mus out with eo. Private Lock wood H Adams Dj s on s c, Jan 1. '63. iio Charles Aela Wdat Gettysburg; died of wds re* 'kt Spottsylvania— 197. do Bethuel W Bradley Dis on s c, Jan 18, '63. do Christopher Barnes Died Fell 3. '03—55. do Elias H Bedford Missing Nov 17. '62; do Klisha Cole Mus out with eo . . ..(In Charles W Cole Wd fit Chatieellovsville. at Gettysburg ; mus out with eo. ... do Frederick F Cole Wdat Petersburg— 220 ; tr to V R C. Jan 18, '65; dis by G O, Au- 19, •c.5. do Harvey Cummin's Mus out with <" do Almiran B Cole Dis on s c, Feb is, 53, do George E^Cawell Wd at Chancellorsville ; trtoYKC. Ian Hi. V.I. do David H Carpenter Wd at Chancellorsville: tr to V R C; Sep-80 'feS ; dis by G O, June 24, '('>,">. ...do James Corby Wd at Chancellorsville: tr to V R C, Sep 1. do Levi R Chapman 1 >es ; ret : tr to r>7 reg P V. date unknown. ...do Josiah Cogansparger Killed at Gettysburg-* ! 31. ...do Albert Corby Died May 25. %3— 102. do Albert Chilson Tr to 57 reg 1' V, date unknown. ....do *Samuel Corley Tr to V RC date unknown ; dis by G O, July 13. '65. ...do Nathaniel W Dod^e .... Tr to t N Y battery, April. '63. ..do Ceorge E Delong Died Jan 18, ! 63. .do Delanson Fenner Wd at Chancellorsville ; tr to V R C. July 16, '63. . Fr sgl maj, Aug 26, '62 ... Wd at Deep Bottom ; tr to V R C, Sep 16, '64; dis by (i O.June 29, '65. ... Dis on s c. Feb 9, '63. ... Tr to 57 reg P V. .. Mus out with eo. .do Joseph G Fell. ..do John Farrell. ..do Clarence G Goff ..do Oeorge H Gamble.... ..do Henry C Harris ..do Monzo Harriii'rton Mus out with eo. Phis name, given by Bates, is not on the muster-in roll of the company, nor the muster of April 30, '63. REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 255 RANK. NAME. REMABKS Private ....do ....do Nathaniel Hendershot ... Enos H Harris Dis on s e. Dee 22, '62. Dis on s c, date unknown. Wd at Wilderness, and at Spottsylvania ; nms out with CO. Trto V TiC, Jan 16, 'P4. Killed at the Wilderness— 185. Died Dec 25 '63— 171. ...do ....do ....do ....do Marshall Jennings George A Jennings ....do Wd at Gettysburg; ahs in hospital at urns out. Dis by G O, May 15, '65. Dis on s c. Ap 2, '63. do do do do do Jacob M'Neel Martin M'Kee Charles E Nichols William S Prentice ....... Dis on s c. Dec 18, '62 Wd and eaptd at Ohancellorsville ; died at Andersonville, July 12. '64—197. Died Feb 12, '63. Died Oct 10. '62—15. Wd at Chaneellorsville ; dis by G (). June 2, '65. Mus out with cq. do do do do do do ....do Cantd at Spottsylvania— 197 ; died at Richmond. May 26, '64. Mus out with co. Wd at Chaneellorsville : dis on s c, Sep 4, '63. ]„ Edward J Rinebold do do do Died Feb 27 '64 — '71 do ... do do do Mus out with co. do do do Edward H Stine William L Stales... do Died Aug 11 of wds recat Gettysburg — 1:>1. Miss, March 25. '65. do do Michael Thompson Kenj F Wanck Elerv C Walker do do do do Wd at Gettysburg ; dis on s o, Dec is. '64. Wd at Chaneellorsville : tr to V R 0, March 16, '04. do Private Aaron J Edsall do Judson English do James C Ridgeway-... ■ ■■• do Jeremiah Raymond do Charles Stout Recruits to Company C. Mus Aug 15, '64 ; mus out with co. Mus Feb 11. '65 ; tr to 57 reg P V. Mus Feb 1 , '65 ; tr to 57 reg P V. Mus not given ; tr to VKC; dis Aug 21, '65. Mus March 31, '65; tr to 57 reg P V. 256 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST Company I). Mustered in Aug. 22, 1863. Mustered out May 28, 1865. ( laptain. do do 1st Lt.. 2nd Lt.. Lst Set.. NAME. Isaac A Park Thomas Ryon Marcus E Warner. Henry .1 Hudson.. REMARKS. Morgan Lewis Sanford Diamond. Sergeant— . George Wilson do Charles .' Eastabrook. do David C Palmer do Daniel Shult/. <1<> William Hewitt do Chester Stewart Jerome Chaffee do Albert Brainerd Corporal... Simeon (i Rockwell.. do William Howe do Charles B limit .do.. ...do do . .. ...do ...do do.. ( lharles E Seeley. Robert Nichols Elijah A Mattison. I lavid Benjamin.... Rodney Brewer Byron < Jhamberlain. do.. .. do.. .. do.. do.. .. Musician do. .. Mason 1. Ellsworth.. . Morton Kerry Elisha W Parks Samuel l'etlev Wilson S Hill William R I, ithrop... Private In.'l A 11 is do .A lire. 1 F Burchard do k)rrin Bennett do Franklin Babcock .... irber do Hiram Bennett do Tracy .' CHubbuck do Br.izaliel E Chaffee do Harry Chilson ....do [saac S Clark ....do Charles K Cantielii do M Miller Carr ...do Charles a Chaffee ilo Benjamin Crandall ..do Hiram c Carpenter ....do William C Davis ...do lames Davis ... .do Frederick D'Victor ....do laeoh.l Ely ....do \hram French .. .do Darius Gowin ....do Augustus E Hamilton ..do Robert Hall .do Llewellyn Harris ...do William" H Hartley Dis by s O, Ap22, '63—55. Pr IV 1st Lt. Dec 23, '63; wdat Wilderness; dis 1>\ SO. Ang6,'64. Prfrlstsgt to 1st Lt, Dec 5, '63"; to Capt Dec 20, '64 ; mus out with co. Pr IV sgt to 1st sgt, Dee 5, '63 ; to 1st Lt, Feb 1 I. '65 ; wd at Chan- cellorsville ; mus out with co Dis by s O, Feb L0, '63 55. Pr fr priv to s^t. Sep I, '63 ; to lst sgt, March 1, '65 ; \v, '(> ' ; to sgt, Dec 5, '63 ; mus o. it with co. Pr to cor, Dee .">, '63; to s.nt. May 6, 'lit ; mus out with eo. Prtocor, Dec5,'63; to sgt. May 1, '63; wd at Boydton plank road ; inns out with CO. Pr to cor. May 6, 'til ; to sgt, May 1, '65; mus out with co. I )is on s c, < >ct 6, '62. Mus out with co. Wd at Gettysburg; tr to V R C, Jan 15, '64; dis by G O, June 29, T>-">. Pris fr May 3 to Oct 20, '63, and fr Mav !0, '64, to May 19, '65; wd at Morris Farm ; mus out with co. Di- on s e, Jan 9, 63. Mus out with co Wd at Petersburg and at Deep Bottom— 220; Prtocor, Dec 5, '63; wd at Spottsylvania ; t s «■, Maj 15, '65. Pr to cor. Jan I, '65; wd at Gettysburg and Petersburg; mus out witli ee Pr to cor, .'an 7, '63; tr to V R c, March 16, '64. Pr to cor, Jan 7. '63 ; died July 10 of wds rec al < tettysburg. Pr to cor, Jan 7, '63 ; captd at Gettysburg ; dis on G O, July 8, ,'65. Pr to cor, Feb 10, '63; killed at Chancellorsville Captd al Spottsylvania ; dud at Andersonville, Oct, •">. '64—198, Die.l April :. - Died Feb ; i '65. Mus out with CO. Mils out with CO. I lis on s e, I lee 6, '62 Dis on I e. Dee 10, '62. Dis on s e. Jail 27. '63. w d ai Morris Farm ; dis on s e. April 20, '64, Wd at Geitvsburg; tr to V R C, Feb 15, '64 ; dis exp of term An- 21. '65. Wd ai Gettysburg; tr to V R C, Ap 28, '64—171. Tr to V R C, Apr 28, '64 : dis by G <>. June 26, '65. Killed at Gettysburg, July 2. '63—132. Died Dee 21, i'.2— 12. Killed al Morris Farm, Nov. 27, '63—160. M us out w ith eo. Mus out with eo. Wd al Wilderness; mus Out with CO. Pro to hospital steward, Aug 29, '62. Wd at Chancellorsville; tr to Y R C, .Ian 1. '65. Died Dee 20, '62- 12 Wd ai Soottsylvania ; died Sept 30, '64. \l issed at Chancellorsville. Pr to 57 reg P V, date unknown. Dis on s e. March 19, '63. Dis on s e. April IS, '63. Tr to V R C, Dec 2, '64. Dis on s c. Feb 13, '63. Mus out with eo. M ii- out with eo. Wd at Gettysburg ; mus out with co. Wdat Gettysburg; dis by G O. May 30, '65. Wd at Gettysburg; .lis by G <>. May 15, '65. I >i- on - e. Jan 21 . '63. REGIMENT, P/iNN'A VOL'S. 257 RANK. NAME. REMARKS . Died Dee 30 '62 42 do .do Clark M Lent Wd at Chancellors ville, tr (0 V K C, March 19, '05 : dis on s c June 23, '05. Wd at Gettysburg ; tr to V R C; dis by G O, July 14, '05. Died Dec 9 '62 -ii ....do ....do ... do Tharles M Mory , Pr to commissary sgt Oct 1, '62. Dis Dee '62 ....do ...do Edward McAllister Captd June 22, '64 ; died at Florence, S C, Nov 5, '04—234. Killed at North Anna River, May 23, '04—205. ....do ....do ...do ....do Hubbel Pratt Chester L Parks Mus out with co. Dis on s c, March 19, '63. Tr to V R C Feb 15 '04 ...do ....do ....do Dis on s c, Sept 5, '03. ....do W111 LTaylor ....do Dishonorably dis, Dec 14, '02. Tr to V R C Oct 15 '03 ...do .. .do Wd at Wilderness; dis by G O, June 9, '65. Wd at Spottsylvania; dis by G O, May 15. '65. Wd at Gettysburg; mus out with co. ....do ....do ...do . .do ,,.. do Wells M Warner Dis on s c, Feb 0, '03. ...do Killed in Wilderness— 185. Recruits to Company IX Corporal Private.. ...do... ...do ....do ... do do ...do do ....do ....do ... C H Warner Ephraim Ada Oscar A Bailey Edward Chilson.... Francis Chilson Thomas Dugau John King Simeon Middaugh. Charles Monroe Loomis Vargison... Jesse D Vargison... Mus March 12, '64 ; pr cor May 0, '05 ; tr to 57 reg P V. Mus March 2:!, '01 ; died ,.1'wiis at Spottsvlvania- 19S. Mus Jan 10, '05; tr to 57 reg P V. Drafted ; des; ret; mus out Jan 2. '05, at ex of term. Mus March 13, '64 ; tr to 57 reg P V. Mus Jan 10, '65 ; tr to 57 reg P V. Mus March 23, '01 ; died of wds rec at Wilderness — 185. Mus Feb 1, '05 ; tr to 57 reg P V. Mus Jan 31 , '65 ; tr to 57 reg P V. Wd at Wilderness ; mus March 13. '64 ; tr to 57 reg P V. Wd at Petersburg ; Mus Mar 23, '04 ; tr to 57 reg P V. : 5 8 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRST Company E. Mustered in Aug. 25, 1*62. Mustered out May 28, 1865. REMARKS. Captain. do ....do 1st Lt. ..do.... 2nd Lt 1st Sgt. ... ..do Sergeant. do do do .do: .do. .do. .do. .do. .do . .do , .do. .do. ..do. ..do . Joseph B Reeve. John F Clark Mason Long Stephen Evans... John M Jackson. George C Page... John Mustart James M Beach.. Tracy S Knapp William 8 Wright. William Carner ... Wm R Campbell... Wm E Loring Charles A Tibbits. Corporal.. do do do do do do ....do. ... ....do ....do ...do. ... ....do. ... Dealmon Watkins. Orlando E Loomis., James W Clark Alonzo D Beach Otis A Jakeway Charles McNeal Charles T Hull.... Russell R Claflin.. George A Rogers.. Franklin Granger. Melvin Douglass.... Alexander Lane Everts Wandall ...do Musician ••••do. .. Private.... ...do.... ...do.... .. do.... ... do ... . ...do.... Abram Fredrick. Warren W Powers.. Byron Munn John Adamson Calvin C Alexander. Eli R Booth Epaphrus W Baker. Abram Crandall Henry M Chandler. . Elnathan "Crandall. Lyman Dunn David Dains Aaron Eddy George Fredrick — Michael Finney William Fredrick.. . John Fredrick ,. .do Isaac M Gillett. ..do .... — Thomas M Gilmore.. ..do Truman Galusha. ..do Daniel Hiney ..do Russell Headlock ..do Lorenzo D Hill. ..do James H Harris ..do John Henry ..do ( Jeorge 1 1 nil' ..do John Huff ..do Horace Howe ..do Andrew Huff ..do Matthew Howe ..do Edward M Jackson. ..do George Johnson ..do Hanford 1) Kinney.. ..do ICharles A Knapp. Resigned Dec 17, '02- V\. Pr IV I st Lt, Dee 17, '63 ; wd at Gettysburg ; resigned June 29, '64 Pr fr 1st sgt to 2d Lt, Feb 16, '6.3 ; to 1st Lt, Dec 5, '63 ; to Capt, Dec 20, '64 ; mus out with co. Pr fr Isl sgt. Dee 20, '62; resigned Nov 5, '63. Pr fr pr to sgt, Feb 19, '63; to 1st sgt, June 1, '63 ; to 1st Lt, Jan 24, '65; wd at Chancellorsville — 93; mus out with co. Resigned Dec 17, '61—43. Pr fr priv, Feb 19, '63; died of wds rec at Chancellorsville — 88. Pr from priv to sgt, June 1, '63; to 1st sgt, Feb 1, '65; wd at Chaneellorsville ; mus oui with co. Dis on s c, Feb 27, '63. Wd at Chancellors"ille — 93; mus out with eo. Dis on s c, Aug 30, '63. Pr fr cor, Nov 18, '63 ; wd at Wilderness and at Spottsylvania ; mus out with co. Pr fr priv to sgt, Jan 1, '63 ; dis on s c, May 13, '64. Pr to cor, Jan 1, '64; to sgt, May 13, '64; wd at Chancellors- ville ; mus out with eo. Pr to cor, Feb 1, '64 ; to sgt, Feb 1. '65 ; wd at Gettysburg ; mus out with co. Killed at Auburn — 150. Tr to V R C, Feb 20, '65; dis by G O, June 20, '65. Wd at Chancellorsvilk — 93 ; dis on s c, Dec 31, '63. Tr to 57 reg P V. Killed ai Chancellorsville — 87. Dis by S O, July 17, '65. Killed at Gettysburg — 132. Pr to cor Jan 1, '64 ; mus out with co. Pr to cor, Jan 17, '64 ; wd at Wilderness ; mus out v Brainerd. . . Salmon S Hagar Richard H Kent George H Rpsseguie. Jackson B Ferris . . . Philip Peckins William H Doolittle David T Salsbury. . . Ellis W Steadman... John A Brown Henry M Stearns. . . . Augustus J Roper. . Frederick I) Voung do Wm P Brainerd. ...do ...do. ... ...do .do.. Levi Moss. John II Green. Price F Miller. Edwin A Leonard. do Charles H Tripp. .do.. .do.. .do.. .do. .do.. .do.. Leander Brooks Urbane F Hall Christopher C Nichols ( George Taylor Elisha M Skinner Julius H Burr. . . . Corporal. do Musician do Private.... do. do do ...do do do do do ..do., ..do.. ..do. ..do ■ ..do . ..do ..do . Benjamin F Ban es... Jerome Davison Nelson D Coon William II Nutt Moses B Aldrich Jacob B Adams John C Austin Albert J Baldwin Wm II II Bennett Myron Barnes Philander I Bonner- Warren Burchell Manzer J Benson Hiram Chrispell ,. Wm J Crandall Daniel 1) Duren Adelmcr Doughty. John W Doliway... Ormiel S Davison... Edson M French. Asa t hreei Patrick G ..do David S( ..do . ..do rilaher. oss Francis Hawley.. .John M Hobbs.... ..do John E Hempstead. Pr fr priv to Capt, Feb 14, '65 , mus out with co. Dis on s e, Feb 10, '63—57. Pr fr2d Lt. Dec 5, '63; to adjt, July 1, '64 Prfr sgt, July 2, '64 ; wd at Gettysburg; pris fr Aug 16, '64, to Ap 11. '65; mus out with co. Died May 14 of wds rec at Chahcellorsville — 88. Pr fr sgt, Feb 14, '65 ; wd at < lhancellorsville ; mus out with co. Killed at Gettysburg— 132. Died July 9 of wds rec at < Gettysburg — 132. Wd at Chancellorsville ; d's by G O, May 31, '64. Pr to sgt, July 2, '64 ; mus out with co. Pr to sgt, Sep 12, '64; wd at Chancellorsville and at Vuburn ; mus out with co. Pr to sgt, Feb 14, '65; mus out with co. Wd at Poplar Spring Church ; dis by GO, May 15, '65. Wd at Chancellorsville , killed at Petersburg— 227. Died Dec 14, '62—57. Died N v 1, '62—18—57. KiUed in Wilderness Dis on s c, Feb 12. '63. Wd at Gettvsburg ; tr to V R C, Dec 25, '64 ; dis by G O, June 28, '65. Pr to cor, July 2, '64 ; captd at Poolsville; mus out with co. Pr to cor, July ::. '64 ; captd at Chancellorsville ; wd in the Wil- derness ; mus out with CO. Pr to cor, Dec 45, '6 I ; mus out with co. Pr to cor, July 2, Y>l ; mus out with co. Pr to cor. July 2, '64; captd at Chaneellorsvilie; dis by G O, June 25, '65. Pr to cor, Sept 12, '64 ; mus out with co. Pr to cor, Feb 14, '65 ; mus out with co. Pr to cor. Feb 14, '65 ; wd at Cham ellorsville and at Gettysburg ; mus out with co. Pr to cor ; wd at Chancellorsville ; tr to V R C, Jan 15, '64. Pr to cor ; wd at Chancellorsville ; tr'to V R C, Jan 11, '64. Pris fr May ■'< to Oct 10, '&> ; mus out with co. Dis by G O, June 12. '65. Tr to V R C, May 15, '64 ; dis by < ! O, July 6, '65. Wd at Chancellorsville; tr to V R C, Ap 14, '64. Tr to 57 reg, date unknown. Wd at Chancellorsville ; mus out with co. Dis on s c, May 15, '63. Dis on s c, Feb 20, '63. Wd at Chancellorsvil'e ; tr to V R C, May 15, '64. Wd at Gettysburg ; killed at Petersburg. Killed at Deep Bottom— 226. Wd at Chaneellorsvilie ; tr to V R C, Aug 26, '64. Died May 21 of wds rec at Spottsylvania— 198. Dis on s c, Nov 18, '62; re-enlisted Aug 19, '64; wd at Poplar Spring Church : mus out with cb Wd at Chancellorsville and at Wilderness; dis by SO, May 15, '65. Dis on s c, Feb 8, '63. Wd and captd at Gettysburg; died at Richmond, Jan 24, '65— 172 Wd at Chancellorsville; tr to V R C, Nov I, '63; dis Aug 24, '65, at ex of term. Dis on s e, Dee 30, '62. Dis on s e, May 15, '63 Wd at Chancellorsville ; |\Vd at Chancellorsville ; Dis on s c Feb 18, '63. Mns Dec 16, '62 ; died Aug 28 of wds rec at Gettysburg— 133. tr to 57 reg, date unknown. abs in hospital at mus out. ..do. do. ..do . ..do . ..do. ..do. .do. Cyreneus W Hughes Died Dec 2, '62— 113. Henry W Kenyon pis on s c Feb 23, '65. Samuel Lindsey Dis on s e, Dec s, '62. Pardon T Lindsey Dis on s c, Nov 13. '62. Nathan Lewis I Ms on s c. Feb 18, '63. Asahcl Lord Dis on s c, Nov 9, '62. John Lord Dis on s e, May 15, '63. REGIMENT, PliNN'A VOLS. 261 l: VMi. NAME. BEMABKS .. Jo Tr to V R 0, July 3, '64 ; dis by GO, Nov 22. '65. do . do do do do Harvey W Miller His on s c, March 12, '63. do .. Wd at Chancellorsville; dis oris c, Sept 4, '63. Killed at Chancellorsville 88 do Melancthon M'Donald do do do ....do . .. Orrin A Oakley Mus out with co. Died July 24 of wds rec at Gettysburg— 133. Tr to 57 reg I' V, date unknown. Wd at Gettysburg; nius out with eo. Tr to V R C, Sep 30, '63. ....do ....do ....do Victor A Potter ....do Davis X Phillips Died Dec 13, '62—57. ....do ....do Wd at Gettysburg and Wilderness; tr to V R C. Aug 30, '64 do John N Reynolds Dharle-i L Seeley dis bv G O, June 29. '65. Died March 29, '63—113. do do do Dis on s c, Dec 6, '62. Tr to V R C, July 25. '64 ; dis by GO, July 26, '65. Wd at Petersburg -21 I : tr to57 reg P V. do Perry I) Saunders ....do Wd at Chancellorsville ; died July 15 of wds rec at Gettysburg ....do —132. Dis on s e. N'ov 25, '62. ....do Dis on s c, Dec 28, '6.2. ....do.. ....do. . . ...do Wd at Chancellorsville ; dis on s e, Aug 27, '03. Tr to V R C, Nov 13, "63 : dis by (i .Inly 5, '65. Killed at Chancellorsville— 88. ...do. Killed at Chancellorsville- 88 ....do do Elbridge G Tennant Pr to 57 reg P V. date unknown. Pris fr May 3 to Oct 10. '63 ; wd at Auburn and the Wilderness ....do dis by G O, June 5, '65. Died Oct 24, '62—57. do Christopher ( W ilmarth. . do do Pris IV May 3 to Oct 25, '63; mus out with co. Died June 9 of wds rec at Chancellorsville— 88. 262 ONh HUNDRED FORTY-FIRS! ( !0MPANY < r. Mustered in Aug. 2."), 1862. Commissioned officers, Aug. 20, 1862. Mustered out May 28, I860. BANK. Captain. .. .(I. . .do 2d Lt. 1st Sgt ...do Sergeant.. . \ \ M E. REMARKS. Joseph Atkinsoi WmT Lobb Charles M Ball William Muir John T R Seagraves lames N Thorp James L Mum ford Killed at Chancellor-ville— 84. Prf. 1st Lt, Dee"», '63; \vd at Chancellorsville— 93 ; at Gettys- burg and at Petersburg ; dis on s e, Jan J 1, '05—234. Pr fr sgt to 1st Lt, Sep 27, '64 ; to Capt. Feb 18, '65 ; \vd at Toto- potomoy, May 31. '64; mus out with co. Com 1st Lt; not mus; dis Dee 9, '63, for wda received at Chan- cellorsville — 172. Com 2d Lt; not mus; wd at Gettysburg — 136; dis for wds, March 26, '64—1 3 Pr to 1st s^t, May I, 'til ; com 1st Lt, Jan 8. '05 ; wd at Chancel- lorsvillt — 93 ; mus out with co. Pr to sgt, Feb 1, 'til; wd at Chancellorsville and at Wilderness ; al>s in hospital at mus out. .lames N Terwilliger |Pr to sgt, May 1, '01 ; wd at Gettysburg ; mus out with co. Joseph E Williams p r to cor. Feb 1, '64 ; t > sgt, May 1, '0! ; mus out with co. Richard Taggart Tr to Y K C, Seut7, "63. Wd at Chancellorsville and at Petersburg ; tr to V R C, Jan 1,'65 . Pr to cor, Feb t, '04 ; wd at Dabney's Mill ; mus out with co. Abs on detached service at mus out. Dis on s c, March I", '05. Tr to 57 reg P V. ...do... ..do... ...do.. ...do David B Atkinson Corporal.. . ( 'harlcs Williams do lames Lindsay ... do Linus S Sutton... do Samuel M Bates do Robert C Clark Wdat Chancellorsville; mus out with co. .do Theodore Ful .do Franklin A Dix .do George H Tryon... .do lolm Carr .do George E Weaver. .do. !Hugh Brady. do. do. do.. ....do.. ....do.. ....do. ....do. Levi Thayer Edward Wells Thomas Marshall. Daniel Ballard.... William Killam. lames E Baglcy. John Ogden Muse David J Richmond... ..do Frederick Salmon.. . . Private George S Barnes ..do George E Babcock... ....do Edward F Boswell.. . ...do Thomas Bates ...do Nathaniel Belknap. . . ....do Lucius C Barnes ...do Alonzo Benjamin.... ...do Ellory Bunnell ...do lolm Ballard .. do William L Cole ...do Robert A Couch ...do Michael Daly ...do lames Dckin ...do Malcom Dodge . .do George M Day ...do Ezra Dexter ...do lonathan E Elmer... ...do Anson K Fuller ...do Edward F Farnham.. ...do Daniel C Frier ...do Lerov D Goodwin.... Wd at Chancellorsville; dis by so, Oct 9, '63. Wd at Gettysburg ; mus out with co Wd at Gettysburg; tr to V R C, Ap 28, '01. ( Japtd at Cold Harbor ; mus out with eo. Pr to cor, Feb 1, '64 ; wd at Wilderness ; mus out with co. Pr to cor, May I, '64 ; captd at Chancellorsville; mus out with co. Pr to cor, Oct I, '64 ; mus out with eo. Pr to cor, Oct I, '64; wd at Chancellorsville; mus out with co. Pr to cor, Oct 1, '64 ; mus out with co. l'r t i or ; wd at ( 'haiicellorsville, at Gettysburg and at Peters- burg ; tr to V R C, lice, '01 ; dis by G O, June 29, '65. Pr to cor ; killed at Chancellorsville — 89. l'r to co-; killed at Poplar Spring Church— 229. Pr to cor; wd at Gettysburg; killed at Boydton plank road —231. Mus out with co. Captd at Wilderness; in us out with CO. Wd at Spottsylvania ; mus out with co. Mus out with co. Wd at Wilderness ; mus out with co Wd at Gettysburg; dis on s <■, Feb 1, '64. Captd at Chancellorsville; dis by G O, May 15, '65. Wd at Chancellorsville; tr to V R C, Ap 2S, '64. Killed a Gettysburg— 133— 172. Killed at Gettysburg — 133. Died May 12 of wds rce in Wilderness — 185. Wd at Gettysburg; tr to V R C. March 7, '64. Tr to 57 leg P V, date unknown. Wd in the Wilderness; abs in hospital at mus out. Captd at Chancellorsville ; (lis on s c, July, '63. Dis on s e. Jan 17, '03. Wd at Chancellorsville; tr to V R C, March o, '64. Killed at Gettysburg — 133. Killed at Gettysburg— 133. Wd and caotd at ( 'hanerllorsvillc ; mus out with CO. Killed at Chancellorsville 89. Died May 19 of wds fee al Chaiicellorsvill. — 89. .'Missing at Auburn — 150. . do . William II Heath I Mus out with co. ..do William Harvey I Wd at Chancellorsville and at Wilderness; abs in hospital at mus out. . .do Henry B Hall Mus out with co. ..do Issacher M Haycock Wd ; mus out with eo. . .do Francis 10 Hoi ley Missing at ( tettysburg. . .do Bruce Jones Dis Dec 17. '03, for wds at ('haiicellorsville where he wascupld. ..do Robert King Dis on s c, Jan 9, '63. ..do William CM'Crary Wd at Gettysburg; tr to V R C, Jan 22, '64 ; dis by G O, July 0, '65. REGIMENT, PENN'A VOLS. 263 HANK. N \ME. REMARKS Private.... Henry W M'Kai.e Died Maj 7 of wd- rec at Chancellorsville— 89. Dis on s c. Oct 1 '62 1<> ...do Missing, Nov 6, '62—23. ...do ...do ...do Richard T Pierce Dis Sep 6, '64, for wds rec at Gettysburg. Wd at Gettysburg ; mus out with co. Dis on s <•, Dec 11, '62. . .do ...do ...do David Kadcliff Dis on s c, Dee 2, '62. Tr to 57 ley; P V, date unknown. ...do Wd at Gettysburg; tr to Randolph's Battery, R I Art, .Tan '6.3. ...do ...do ...do . . ..do Lafayette Smith Wd at Fredericksburg-/37 ; dis on s c, Ap 6, '63. ...do ... do William Stone Gilbert B Stewart Wd at Chancellorsville and Wilderness ; tr to V R C, Dec, '61 ; dis by G O, June 27, '65. Pr to principal musician, Dec 31, '64. W.l at Gettysburg; tr TT S Navy, Mav. '64. Died Dec 29, '02—23. Killed at Chancellorsville —89. Tr to 57 leg P V, date unknown. Trto 57 reg P V, date unknown. Wd at Spottsylvania ; mus out with co. Dis on s c, Dec 21. '62. Killed at Fredericksburg — 37. W<1 at Chancellorsville ; mus out with co. VVd at Auburn ; dis by G O, May 16, '65 Dis by GO, June 5 '65. Mus out with co. Des ; ret ; mus out with co. Pris fr May 28, '64, to May 11, '65 ; dis by G O, May 26, '65. Dis on s c, Aug 25, '63. Dis Feb 17, '64, for wds rec at Chancellorsville. Tr to V R C, March 6, '64 ; dis by G O, July 25. '65. Wd at Chancellorsville; tr to V R C, July, '64. Killed at Chancellorsville. Killed at Gettysburg— 133. Killed at Gettysburg— '33. Killed at Chancellorsville— 89. Tr to 57 reg P V, date unknown. Wd at Gettysburg; tr to 57 reg P V, date unknown. ...do ...do ...do W iliam Short Charles R Smith ...do ...do ... do ...do ...do ...do William Tumblyn . .. ...do ...do . . . do John B Walker . . . do ...do ....do Henry B Wither ....do Noah White. . ....do ....do M inford Whitaker do do do do Henry B Williams 264 ONE HUNDRED F0RTY-FIRS2 Company II. Mustered in Aug. 26, 1862. Mustered out May 28, L865. BANK, ( lap tain. do \ A \l i: Casper W Tyli John L < ryle... 1st l,t ...do ...do I >aniel W Searle Logan Tyler Bicknell B Atherton. •2nd I.t. 1st Sgt.. Sergeant. do do do. ... do ( lorporal. do do . ..do. . do do do do do do Musician.. do I 1 \ ate ... Aaron Bunnell Parker .1 < rates lolni Harris Isaac Z Babcock. William Magee... Philip E Quick ... . .. do do do, do ...do ...do Henry II I >augherty . .lames II Weaver lercmiah I laves Albert P Gates • Asa II Decker Frederick Fargo rh'omas Hickok Abram V Alden I [umphrey .1 Millard. Lorenzo \V Sullivan.. Horace A Roberts ( reorge W Hew ill George (' Hill ( 'liarlcs Avery Horace Baker .lames 1 1 P.aylcy Charles Brook staver Henry I ) Carney George l> < larney Ithanier ( 'onrad do lohll < 'ox do lohn Conrad do \dclberl ( 'orwin . '62; wd at Gettysburg and Poplar Spring ( hiirch ; (lis by G <), June 5, '65. Wd at < rettysburg and at Wilderness; ahs in hospital at urns on t His on s e, Jan !!'.> '63. Mils out with co. I'r IV cor, March I, 'CI; wd at Chancellorsville; died May 19 of wds rec at Spottsylvania— 198 I'r fr cor, June 30, '64 : mus out witli eo. Ahs sick at mns out Wd at Chancellorsville ; tr to V R C, March 15. '64. Mus out with eo. Wd at Chancellorsville; tr to V R C, Jan I, '65, ( lantd at ( lhancellorsville ; tr to V R C, Mar 15, '64. Pr cor, Sep 23, '62 ; mus out with co. I'r cor, March I. '64; wd at Spottsylvania ; mus out with co. Pr COr, June 30, '64 ; mus out with CO. Pr cor, June 30, '64 ; wd at Gettysburg; mus out with eo. Pr cor, June 30, '64; wd at Chancellorsville; mus out with eo. Wd at Chancellorsville ; inns out with co. His on s c, Feb 5, '63, Wd at Chancellorsville; tr V R C. Feb 15, '(II; (lis Aug 26, '65, at e\ of term. Mus out with co. His by C O, June 30, '65. Wd at Cliancellorsvilli- ; tr to V K C. Jan 31, 'I'd. Wd at Chancellorsville ; mus out with co. ..do... ..do.., .do... .do.. ..do... ..do . .Mus out with co. His 011 s c, Sep MO, '62. His 011 s e, Dee 1 1, 'IV-!. Trio V RC, Aug 20, '63 \\'d at Chancellorsville ; killed at Petersburg— 215. Killed at ( rettysburg 133. Wd at Morris Farm and Wilderness; killed at Boydton plank road- 231. Mils out wit 11 co. Mus out with <•<>. K tiled at Chancellorsvilh — 89. Died Dec is, '62 I::. Killed al Gettysburg 133. Wd at Chancellorsville; died Feb, '65. Mus out with co. :\lus out with co. Wd at Gettysburg : ahs sick at mus out. Dis on s c, Feb 7, '63. Dis on s e, I >cc (',, '(')2. Dis on s c. Deed, '62. Mus out with eo. I'r to principal musician. Killed at Gettysburg— 133. Died Fd> '■(•>. '6 Tr to 57 reg P V, date unknow n. Died Vug 8 of wds rec it Gettysburg— 133. Wd at Gettysburg; tr to V R C, Jan 1, '65. Dis on s e, Oct 6, '<>-. Dis on s c, Feb 20, '63. Wd at Wilderness; tr toVRC, Sep30, HI ; dis by G (>,.Iune, '65. Wd at Chancellorsville; tr to.V R C, Sept 30, '64, Mus out with co lohn Mel. cod Dis on s c, Nov 21. 'tlli. Joseph M'Sherer Wd at Gettysburg and Wilderness; dis by o 0, July 13, '65. Oliver C Matthias. Mus out with co. Benjamin C Marshall Joseph Mackey Barney M'Shere. to V K C. Sep 30, 'HI ; REGIMENT, J'ENN'A VOL'S. 265 RANK. NAME. REMARKS Wd at Chancellorsville and at Spotsylvania ; mas out with co. Wil at Chancellorsville; dis by G 0, May 17, '05. Wd at Morris Farm ; dis by G O, Dec 17, '64. Wd at Chancellorsville ; tr to V R C Nov 15 '63 ..do ..do ..do ..do Tr lo V l; ( ', Aug 20, '63 ; dis by , March 1, '65. Dis by G O, May 15, '65. do ...do ..do Tr to V R (J, Auk 20, '63. Wd at Gettysburg; tr to V R C, June 15, '61. Tr to V R C, June 15, '64 ; dis by ( i Nov 22, '65. Died Nov 2 il'wds rec at Poplar Spring Church — 229. Pr to hospital steward in l T S army, July 6. '64. 1 >i* 011 s e, April 6, '64. Wd at Chancellorsville ; dis on s <•, March 10, 1,1. Wd at Chancellorsville; tr to V R C, Nov 1, '03, dis by G (>, July 22, '65. Hied Nov 14 62—27. ..do Egbert Sinsebaugh William A Taylor do . ...do ... do .. ..do do . ..do William G Thornton William W Tarbox ,|o do Moses Treible Died Nov 10, '62—27. do .... Killed at Gettysburg — 133. Wd at Gettysburg; dis by G O, May 15, '65. Dis on s c Feb 20. '63. do :... Charles H Van ess do do .. do.... do Dis on s c, date unknown. Recptjits to Company H. Mustered March 18, 1864. Private .lo... do... do... .. ..do... do... do... do... do... do... do... ...do... 'lo... do.... do. .. do. .. do. .. ...do. .. ... do. .. ...do ... Ahara A Bonnell Hiram V Raker Henry Raker Stephen S Beeman Hiram Carter Hampton A Conger Thomas Davis Joseph Gaiy Asahel Hobb-t Richard M Kishbaugh. Henrv N Kellogg Merritt Lillie Jascn Lemon Stephen Millard John B Overfield \lmon N Picket! Francis A Spencer.... Charles D Sterling....!. John Wiles Silas Winans Trto57 reg P V. Mus Aug 6, '61 ; tr to 57 reg P V. Tr to 57 reg P V. Tr to 57 reg P V, date unknown ; dis by G O, May 26, '65. Died Aug 3, '01 228 Tr to 57 reg P V. Dis Dee 23, '03, lor loss of arm at Spottsylvania. Wd at Wilderness : tr to 57 reg 1' V. Wd andcaptdin Wilderness; died in Andersonvillc, July 28, '63 Mus out with eo. Wd; tr to 57 reg P V : dis by G O, June 3, '05. Pr to 57 reg P V ; dis by G 0, June 17, '65. Tr to 57 reg P V. Wd at Spottsylvania ; dis by G O, May 17, '65. Wd at Spottsylvania; tr to 57 reg P V. Tr to 57 reg P V. Mus Dee 31, '63; died Feb 15, '64—165. Tr to 57 reg P V. Trto57 reg P V. Tr to 57 reg P V 266 ONE HUNDRED F0RTY-FIRS1 ( (iMl'ANV I. IMustered in Aug. 21, 1862. Mustered out May 28, 1865. RANK. < !aptain. ..do • 1st Lt ..do... 1st 8gt. ■• Sergeant. do ..do .do.. .do. .do. NAME. REMARKS. John G Brown ( lharles Mercur. John S Frink ... John N Dunham.... William Bostwi^k John D Bloodgood Truxton Havens George F Reynolds.. '65; mus out .do. .do. ..do. ..do. ....do Corporal.. . George L Forbes. Eugene L Lent Lemuel Robinson. John E (iillett do Stephen I. Clark .do Omn C Taylor Edwin A Spalding Wd at Chancellorsville and at Wilderness; dis on s e, Dee 16, '64—235. Pr fr 2d to 1st Lt, Dec 5, '63; to Capt, Jan 24, '65 ; wd at Gettys- burg; mus out with eo. Pr to Capt Co K, Jan 5, '03. Pr fr sgt to 2d Lt, Dee 26, '64; to 1st Lt, Jan 24, with co. Pr l'r eor, Jan 1, '05; abs sick at mus out Dis on s c, Jan 1, '63. Wd at Gettysburg ; tr to V K C, date unknown; dis by G O, June 27, '65. Tr to 57 reg P V. 1 lis mi s c, Jan '-'7. '03. Edwin G Owen.... ... pr to sgt, Jan, '53 ; wd at Wilderness ; dis on s c, Feb 0, '65. Richard McCabe Pr fr cor, Jan 1, '64; wd at Chancellorsville, on account of which dis Oct 19, '01. Augustus S Parks p r to sgt ; died of wds re? at Chancellorsville— '.10. F Cortes Rockwell p r fr cor, Jan 1, '64 ; wd at Chancellorsville, at Gettysburg and at Spottsylvania ; mus out with co. Pr to cor, Jan 1, '64 ; to sgt, Nov 1, '04 ; wd and at ; mus out with co. Pr fr eor, Jan 1, '05; wd at Gettysburg and at Petersburg; abs in hos at mus out. Pr to eor, Jan 1. '64 ; to sgt, Jan 1, '65 ; mus out with eo. Mus out wit h co. Killed at Gettysburg— 134. Dis on s c, '03. Mus out with eo. Mus out with co. Pr cor, Jan 1, '63; wd ai Gettysburg; captd at Deep Bottom; dis by (in. May 2'.), '65. Pr cor ; tr to V R C, Feb 15, '64 Pr cor. Jan 1 . '04 ; killed at the Wilderness— 185. Pr to cor Jan 1, 04; mus out with co Pr to eor, April 30, '64 ; wd at Petersburg; mus out with co. Pr to cor. May 1,'64; wd at Chancellorsville and at Petersburg ; mus out with co. Edward W Wickizer Pr to eor. May 1. '64; wd at Gettysburg, Wilderness and at Po River; mus out with co. Pr to eor, Jan 1, '05; mus out with co. I lis on s e, Dec, '62. Killed at Gettysburg— 134. Dis onsc. Feb 18. '63. Dis on s c, Feb 4, '64 Wd -it Chancellorsville ; tr to V K C, Feb 10. '01 ; dis by ( i (), July 11 '05. Dis on s c, '03 do George T Bishop Died July 12 of wds rec at Gettysburg— 134. .do Jasper X Brown Died of wds rec at Chancellorsvilh — '.m. .do Mcrvin Blend Died Oct 311 of wds rec at Auburn — 150. do .do do .do. .do .do do. do. .do. do. .do. do. do. .do. James Lunger. John Trumhle Edward A Bennett James B Ellsworth. Simeon Archer ... John C McKinney. Alfred Albee George W Smith do Eli Rolls Musician .. Joseph G Towner do Oliver Morse Private John H Allen . . .do Isaac Armstrong.. . . .do John A Allen do Harry W Baxter. Henry Bennett Des Oct I 1. '02; dis by S O, Feb 22, '64. Joel Dennett Tr to 57 reg P V, date unknown Join II Bishop Tr to 57 reg P V, date unknown. Jackson Bennett Tr to 57 reg P V, date unknown. Nelson Corma Abs on detached si rvice at mus on*. do William Chamberlain Died of wds rec at Gettysburg 131 do Sylvester Conk I in Tr to 57 reg P V, date unknown do Win B Dunham Dis on s c, Jan 20, '04. ile Pitman Demerest Wd at Chancellorsville; killed at Petersburg— 219. do ZelotUS G Doty Tr to 57 r, July 1'.). '65. Killed at Chancellorsville 90. .do . ..do ...do D s on s e Feb Ik, '03. . . .do ,do David II Sehriver Died I >ee 26 '62—44. ..do Died Feb hi '63. .do Dis in A.ug I'm- wds ree at Chancellors vi lie. Died March ">, '64—43. ...do do . ..do Di- l.y (i O. June J:i. '65. . ..do do Louis P Wiekizer do do 1 )is on s e, Jan '.), '63. do do Theodore W Woodburn.. . I'r 1.. V R (', Sept 1. '63. Wd at Chaneellorsville; tr to V U C, Feb, '64, do RECBUITS TO ( 'oMl'ANV I. Corporal.. . Private lo do ...do do do do ...do do do do Trowbridge L Smith . Samuel < iard sHas E Kinner Theodore Larrisdn. . . John McQu eeny Fl wood Reeser George VV Reppeth. . Larra Raymond Lafayette Shay Daniel J Shelley Jeremiah S Shores. . . George K Wagner. . . Mustered March 29, 1864. Miis Aug 26, '64 ; pr to cor, Jan I, '65; inus out with eo. Died June, lit 234, Tr to 57 reg P V, Wd on picket— 227; tr to V 1; c, Jan 27, '65; dis on s c, May 8, 65. Mus April 1, '64; missing in action in Wilderness. i'r to 57 reg P V. Wd at Wilderness; captd at Deep Bottom ; died Oct 21. '64—226. Mus May 24, <"ii ; missing at Petersburg. Mus Nov 17, '. May 24, '65. ...do Clark S Taylor D;s on s c. '63 ■■■•do Alanson L Tracy Killed at-Ge'ttysburg— 135. • do William Weed..". Disonsc May 11, '63. ■ -.do William Wilson Dis on s c. Feb 1 I, '63. • •••do William Warren Died July • 11 IV wds rec at Petersburg— 219. ••■•do Charles Webster Died .Julv 25 of wds rec at Wilderness— 186. ■••do Wilmot W Wheeler Captd Oct 9, '63, and supposed to have died in captivity. Recruits to Company K.' Mustered mostly Auk. 6, J864. Private ....do.... ...do... ... do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do.... ...do... ....do.... ... do... ....do.... ...do.... David Bubb James C Burnside James A Burlingame Thomas A Dent Francis M Hill C Frederick Hoose Mus Aug L'.'i. '64 : mus out with co. Mus out with co. Mus Mar 11, '64 : captd at North Anna river; died at Ander- sonville, Aug 11, '64. Mus out with co. Mus out with co. Mus out with co. William Lovah JMus Aug 23, '64; mus out with co. John W Doughead Died May 8, '65. Joseph Mitchell Mus Julv 12, '64; tr to 57 reg P V, date unknown. William S Margerum Mus Sep 14. '64 ; killed at Boydton plank road— 231. Oliver Rogers Mus Aug 23, '64; mus out with co. Lyman P Wheeler Mus Aug 11, '64; died Dec, '64—235. H Heman Williams Disbv G O, July 7. '65. 270 ONE HUNDRED FORTY-FIRS! The following is a summary of the Muster hulls of the Regiment :f COMPOSITION OF COMPANIES. Companies. Field and Stair. ( lompany A B C.. I).. E.. ¥.. G.. II. I.. K. Total. Orig. Muster. Com Enlisted 8 '■> 97 97 3 '.HI .'! 85 ■• 90 :; 98 ' 91 ■' 84 86 911 11 9 1 (I 20 12 ; 14 87 DISPOSITION OF MEN. Field and Staff. 1 !oro Non Com. 12 116 1 ol- ds 99 95 97 101 ill 99 103 1036 1 Died. X f 3s 5 % =- -■ ^ 4 ! 2 2 21 35 26 3 2 17 35 21 25 1 26 25 21 24 1 4 22 28 22 23 1 25 27 15 25 3 25 28 19 23 1 20 24 21 29 6 s 19 27 34 25 6 22 33 „ 19 10 37 24 14 27 1 238 290 214 252 29 < 12 116 102 98 99 95 07 101 114 99 10:; 1 036 1. dipt. Hurst absent on detached service, Sergeant Bought and M. Wheeler in hospital. 2. Henry VV. Lyons absent sick at muster out. ;!. William (). Lane absent in hospital. 1. Edward Chilson mustered out at expiration of term r>. Everts Warutall in hospital and Levi B. Rogers on detached service at muster out, md Elna- \ lian Cu mi. ill deserted. c>. Francis Hawley absent in hospital. 7. James N. Thorp, Michael Daly and William Ha vey absent in hospital and James Lindsay ched service, LeRoy 1>. Goodwin aad Francis E. Holly missing. 8. John Harris, James li. Weaver, Nathan Gmdsell, Warren Wiles and Martin Wiles ab ent sick; William A. Taylor hospital steward in U.S. A. 9. Charles Mercur transferred toCo. K ; Sergeants Dunham and Lentabsentsick ; Nelson Corma mi detached service ; McQneeny and Raymond missing. Lncluding Captain Mercur, transferred from Co. I. It). Wallace Scott absent sick. f The above table differs somewhat from the numbers given in Chanter I which weir derived from imperfect data ; the above is from actual count man by man. Notes. Page 35— Captain Lobb informs me that Colonel Madill assisted a number across the ditch, and (he one he carried over on his back was not the one mentioned by Lieu- tenant Lewis. Page 44— Sergeant R. McCabe writes thai the funerals of David H. Schriver and Sam- uel (lard were at the same time instead of Whaling and Schriver — ( Morris, not Moses, as printed). Also in regard to George Nichols (p. 205) that he enlisted in Company I, was rejected on account of his age, joined Company Dand passed on a false report of his age, went home without leave on the deatli of his wife, re- turned for the battle of Chancellorsville where his son Jeremiah was wounded, and was probably at Gettysburg also. Page 89— The name of Orrin X Wilcox, of Company * i. should be added to the killed. Page 93 — John Lancaster placed among the wounded in Company E, should be in Company C. Page 119 — Batchelder says Hart's instead of Clark's Battery — other authorities give Clark's. Edwin Cleveland, of Company A was one of five (see p. llo) soon after the battle of Fredericksburg, detailed to go with Randolph's Battery, and continued with it thirteen months. He says we got into Get- tysburg just before dark and had a little brush that evening. Our battery lay in po- sition in the Peach Orchard on the Emmetts- burg pike, our right gun in the door-yard of the Went/, house. When the One Hundred Forty-First first came to our support, they marched in front of us and laid down so we shot over them, but were soon ordered to fall back a few yards, when they lay down behind us. The enemy had a thirty-twO pounder a little to the right of us and tired two shots . the first was too high and did no harm; the second killed five horses and two men. We turned our battery — six guns — upon it and fired two shots from each gun and heard nothing more from that gun. When the rebs made a charge upon us, in getting back we had to leave one gun. That night 1 was one of live that went through the picket line, muffled thegun and brought it into our lines The first battery on our left was the Fourth Maine. Mr. Cleveland add- in regard to Dennison Gregory (p. 131) : He was born in 1824, left a family of three children, two sons now suc- cessful farmers in Nebraska, and a daughter, the wife of Mr. Cleveland. Page 141 — In a letter of Capt. Spalding's dated White Sulphur Springs, August 24, he says: When I returned to the regiment I found only about fifty men, and they were worn out with marching and exposure; but it has now increased to three times that num- ber by the return of those who have been absent sick and wounded in hospital-. They are beginning to feel like men once more, and are anxious to go forward at any tice to accomplish the object for which they came. Page 136 — With Company F insert Or- miel S. Davison, wounded and captured and died in prison, and erase Elwood F. Gates, who had been discharged from Company H. Also William Crowl from the wounded of Company K. Page 190 — Edward W. Wickizer, of Com- pany 1, was wounded on picket across the Po river Page 205 — James A. Burlingame, of Com- pany K, was captured at North Anna river. Page 209 — Benjamin P. Oliphant, of Com- pany A, was wounded, and John Carr, of Company (J, captured at Cold Harbor. Errata. 'age 2, 2d < L5, lsl is, 2d 30, " 39, 1st Hi, 2d 57, " 69, " XI, 1st JOS, " 109, " 125, 1st 135, 2d 157, 1st 158, 2d 172, 1st His, " 204, " 207, " 209, 2d 212, 1st ilimin, 3d 3d " 11th " 13th " 32d " 15th " Mid, " loth " 17th " 14th " 16th " Kill, '• 23d " Kith " 14th " 11th 8th " 2a 9th " 11th " 16th " 21st " 11th encamped. exchanged. from top, I'm' committee read company " " " Monocracy " Monocacy " " " exchanged " " " encamped " " " purtuance for toe " Seventh " Rifenburj " found " study " shady bottom, top, bottom. top, thn pursuance. the. Seventeenth. Rifenbury. formed, duty, shade. at. then. " bottom, insert " by" after brought. " " " " on account of wounds " after died. top, lor said read laid. " bottom, " dipositions read dispositions. " " ' ; Thorn " Thorp. " top, " at " as. " bottom, the * refers to note on next page. " top, for cross in read crossing. ' : <: " Hyna " Hiney. " " " beliud " believed. Index. Adjutant's returns, 27, 41, 54, 112 147 174 212, 224, 228, 235, 238. ' Army, reorganization of, 169. Auburn, battle of, 149. losses at, 151. Badges, corps. 51. of honor, 103. Battle Flags captured, 180. Birnev, Gen'l, commands 1st division 11 letter of, 38. commands 3d division, 169. tr to command 10th corps, 223 Boydton Plank Koad, 229. losses at, 231. Brandy Station, winter quarters at, 154. Burnside, Gen'l, commands the army, 24. resigns, 50. Camp Bullock, 163. Chaneellorsville, campaign of 59 battle of, 63. losses at, 94. Regiment encamps at, 176. Cold Harbor, 208, 271, note. Culpepper, advance toward, 163, 166. Deej) Bottom, 223, 225. Falmouth, encampment at, 26. a place of interest, 45. Farmville, 242. Fort Fisher, 239 Fredericksburg campaign, 19. battle of, 28. losses in, 37. Fredericksburg road, 201. f rench, Gen'J, commands 3d corps, 139. Gettysburg campaign, 106. battle of, 116. losses at, 135. evacuation of, 128. Graham, Gen'l, commands 1st brigade, 53 wounded and captured, 123. takes leave of the Regiment, 155 Grand Review, 244. Grant, Gen'l, in command, 168. Hancock, Gen'l, commands 2d corps, 169 Hatcher's Run, 235. Heintzleman commands 3d corps, 11. Hooker, Gen'l, commands the army, 50. relieved of command, 111. Humphreys in command of 2d corps, 235. James City, 166. James River crossed, 211. Kelley's Ford, action at, 153 Laurel Hill, 190. Meade, Gen'l, commands the army 111 Mine Run, move, 156. losses at, 160. Morris Farm, action at, 157. Mott commands 3d (2d) division, 223 227 Mud March, 47. Muster out, 246. Muster rolls, 249. North Anna River, 203. Nurses, 40. Petersburg, seige of, 213. assaults upon, 214, 216. surrenders, 241. Pierce, Gen'l, commands the brigade 227 Po River, action of, 187, 271, note. Poplar Spring church, 228. Rapidan, campaign of, 144. Rappahannock, winter on, 39. Ream's Station, move at, 226. Recruits received, 167. Regiment, companies of, 2. organization, 7. in defenses of Washington, 9. at Poolesville, 15. forlorn hope, 47. in 1st brigade, 11. tr to 2d brigade, 224, 227. Richmond, surrenders, 241. Regiment passes through, 243. Robinson, Gen'l, commands brigade, 11. tr to a division, 52. Sailor's creek, 241. Sickles, Gen'l, commands 3d corps, 51. wounded, 123. refused command of corps, 151. Spottsylvania C. H., 192. losses at. 199. Stoneman^ Gen'l, commands 3d corps, 14. reviews the division, 45. tr to the cavalry, 51. Strawberry Plains, 225. Table, of losses, 24S. of musters, 260. Totopotomoy creek, 206. Transfers at muster out, 245. Ward, Gen'l, commands brigade, 169. Weldon Railroad, 232. Wilderness, battle of, 175. losses at, 1S7. s For index of members of the Regiment, see general Muster Roll. Additional Note. PERCENTAGE OF LOSSES. In the Post and Picket of August, 1885, is the statement that the whole number of recruits in the Federal army, not including State militia and men enlisted for special emergencies, was 2,656,553 men — Of whom 96,087 were killed or died of wounds=3.6 per cent. And 184,331 died of sickness=7 per cent., nearly. The whole number who died was 280,418=10.5 per cent. The great comparative loss in the 141st Regiment is noticeable when it is remembered that, including recruits, the Regiment numbered a trifle less than 1000 enlisted men, of whom 82 died of sickness=8.2 per cent., a little above the average, and 156 were killed or died of wounds=16.6 per cent, 4.4 times the average ; the whole number who died was 238=23.8 per cent., or 2| times the average. "^mkw ■j> ""■'