.^ Jl"^ .•^q •5.^ ,0 At ,«^'"-^. ^7 * o N o -^ ' /% WC^/ ,/""^* ^^>-\ ^^ cm 35^ s m^H^^'s JJn ^i^t ^ttu. t^'fU^n NEW-YORK: PRINTED BY OSBORN & BUCKINGHAM, No. 8 William-street. MDCCCXXXV. FSz is^ y^J 7 y. Bramatis ^personae- Count Adelbert. Baron Sigismund. Emperor Henry the Fourth. Duke of Bohemia. Duke of Saxony. Duke of Bavaria. Marquis of Austria. Archbishops of Mentz, Worms and Cologne. Bishop of Constance, Pope's Legate. Henry, Son of the Emperor, aftericard Henry the Fifth. Anselm — Hugo, his Attendants. Rhodehi.ck, Attendant of the Emperor. Arnold, a Cottager. Bertha, his Daughter — Frederick and a Boy, his Sons. Leopold. Baroness Sigismund. Adela, her Daughter. A Saxon and his Son. RoDOLPH, St ewai-d of Sigismund. Count Godfrey, Brother of Adelbert. Ermengarde, a General. Rhist, Porter of Sigismimd. Guelf, Attendant of Sigismund. Wolff and Gaspard, Stewards of Godfrey. Officers, Attendants, Lords, Soldiers, Procession of Personages, d^'C. (^'c. (^'c. HENRY IV. OF GERMANY. AC T I. SCENE I.— Palace at Mentz. Enter Count Adelbert— Baron Sigismund, Adelbert. Confess, he treads on autumn's further verge. Sigisviund. 'Tis not apparent; nature's fires in him Have vigorous life, and still his s2Dirit boasts The furnishings and temper of that j^outh Which Othobold o'erthrew, in Hohnburg's strife. Adelbert. His sinew 'd days are by : infirmities Their courier, age o'ertake. Sigis7nu7id. I know it not. Waxed as he is in winters, (two fold thine,) His corp'ral power would not unto thy own Prostrate, Count Adelbert, Adelbert. Thy love, time-fixed And vision-worn, discerns not, Sigismund, Life's summit past, his urgent cadency Determined to its base. All we, his friends, In careless watch assieging his deport, Obtain the note of stealing crepitude And frame's defect. Nor only this : his mind Fast loses competence ; his sense neglects ; And reason's rivetings are sprung ; that which Thine eyes, affection-hindered, will not know, As thus — how bends to puerility The judgment nature swerved, — is amply thrust On our observance. Doubt it not, my friend ; Capacity is withered. It is fear'd, 1* 6 HENRY IV. OF GERMANYf (And fearful 'tis,) his weakness unconfessed, Lest in some passions play, he shakes the health And soundness of the empire. Sigismund. Adelbert — Some bait, I'll pierce it with a similar. — This granted. Adelbert. Then ensues ; empower'd age ..: Offends obedience ; manhood, pride, respect. Revolt from shallow guiding, to instate A head in intellect unsapped and flush. Sigismund. A frequent truth. Adelbert. And is it not a wise '? Who to inferior judgment would inclined Besm'e, it was no jaundiced prejudice Discovered this in-eating reason's I'ust. To capture the ingrateful certitude I was not foremost ; fealty repell'd And obstacled this truth-invading ti-uth. At length — but question any where, my lord; Few so time-careless as not comprehend The general grief, and know its medicine. Sigismund. Indeed 1 I little recked the common sense So felt their disadvantage in this rule, Adelbert. The universal syllable. And now — If you have lent the prince a frequent eye. Its acquest must have treasuried your thought With his endowments ; grace with valor pair'd, A lavish court'sy braced with skill profound, To match audacious peril. These the rest Initiate, and this to close, — rest sure, Ere his prov'd friends, he rather will forsake His best of hopes, his cherished interests, Ay, honor-bred ambition. Sigismund. Gods! is tins'? Insinuous and detested treachery. Thou art apparent Iiere. How false, how rank, The soul to disenthrone his sanctioned lord In age, to swim the tides of fate unbuoyed ! — Suppose a subtle, self-disguising Moor Shoixld of your confidence the portals gain. And then, by stealthy drops, pour argument A TRAGEDY. 7 To tempt your Christhood, and persuade a league With desp'rate credence Adelberl. Were this fiction truth, His pagan throat I'd grasp, and instant choke The stream of pois'nous breath and founts of life. Sigismund. Thou art no other than that trait'rous slave, A recreant to allegiant altar-oaths, A base deseiter, — Adelbcrt. Liar ! Cease or die. Enter Emperor, Dukes of Bohemia, Saxony and Bavaria, Marquis of Austria, and Archbishop of Mentz. . Emperor. Haply in presence, lord's : we feared your loss In direct council. — Leisure with consent Advise to hear this nuncio from the pope. What motions us against it ? Bavaria. Naught, my lord. Question and answer let him have at once. Emperor. How answei-ed? — Sigismund, we are in rest For his approach: warn Constance. — [Exit Sigismvsd. Bavaria. How 7 as ever ; If 'twas, is right denial. Emperor. Spleenful pope ! This constant broaching of repugnant claims Is odious. — Adelbert, that brow becomes Nor thee, nor our respect. — Investitures, Pernicious word ! — Bohemia, these winds Blow drearly-keen from your black forests. — Peace ! The legate. Enter Bishop op Constance. Constance. From my puissant master, Henry, Holy salutes and mine own humbler. Emptror. Thanks ; — Age seems to touch thee with no angry hand ; When saw we thee % Constance. Five gathered harvests since. Emperor. And still the same — Well, bishop, high in grace, What sends us Paschal % Constance.. These, O King. BoJiemia. How'? King! 8 HENRY IV. OF GERMANY; Emperor. Peace, good my lord Constance. Tis known, — for who indeed Lives senseless to this knowledge 1 — how the rights Of holy church her servitors to clothe With robes of tutelage in all God's house Throughout your confines, impiovisly is snatched, And long hath been by foulness' force usui-ped. Though the superior pope, have riv'n your fame With bills of outlawry, and diction dread, Still title's worst reproach exists your name ; Your heav'n-doom'd sins still issue, and the world Levels its horror here. O, Henry, prince, Guiltiest of all, redeem your blotted name ; The opening narrows that prevents your close; Haste, deprecate the strides of missioned wrath. Yield us those rights your traffic construes wrongs. These uttereththe pope, my gracious lord. Emjjeror. Constance, our patience sorely is chastised By dues of calm reply. What ! shall our heirdom. Our maintenant estate, be put in quest Ourselves threat-struck, by claims remote from laAV, And simply be denied '? Let him as well Our household seek to steward with his slaves, As this inherent crown-pecvdiar sway. The kingdom's proper drapeiy are these So arrogantly waged prerogatives. What then '? Conceives the priest that, motion'd by respect, We'll strip us of this raiment ? What i-egard Attribute we the pope 1 Who was 't enthroned The Suabian Rodolph lawless in our front 1 Who robb'd us of our offspring '? Who seduced Dear Conrad from his virtvxe and his sire 1 — That stroke my heart half-wither'd. Rest in peace, Misguided child ! for I another have — A world of solace to me. — Who with these Grief generating wounds, poisoned our peace *? Was 't Urban 1 Constance. Ay, and righteous Gregory. Emperor. And righteous Gregory, i-espectless priest ! Hark ! When our embassy was visitant A TRAGEDY. 9 In Gregory's palace, superb Vatican, 'Twas he who, ruffian-like, plucked out their eyes, And bade them with this tale to find their home. Beware ! tiiie, we can only be ourself: But thou art warned ; depart. Constance. Not this weak rage, But your pride's fall respecting, I take leave. Emperor. Stay, bishop ; yet unsuited is thy speech. The prince — good marquis, bear our search to him. [Exit Austria. — Is this the world's philosophy % — to grant A lease unfinished to disunion's breach, Its fretful train of bickerings, ill blood And at the close, tumviltuous, wasteful war To vantage death — for what? th' assault of right, An innocent request 'twixt vis whose choice Shall serve God in the temples of our state ! 'Tis something more than this ; false precedent Hath ten-fold worse success. Behold, the prince. Enter Prince Henry and MARauis of Austria. Prince. Wherefore am I invited here, my lord '? Emperor. Somewhat apart. — The priest again hath moved Those vision-built requirements of the pope. Prince. Concerning the due answer can you pause 7 Emperor. I would possess your voice. Think you, more loss Our honor will sustain, ceding these rights Or paying future blood to hold them ours 1 Pririce. Give up our privilege in the prelacies ! I'd rather with my rank invest some slave Entitling liim to that exalted grade Wherewith your tendered hopes expectance feed. You cannot think of it. — 'twould clip the worth And richness of the crown, and I shotxld reach A plaything for a kingdom. Good, my lord, The many foreigners, graced with our best, May execute our numerous other loss. Emperor. Less heat : with the like judgment we are borne. Prince. From the disuse of counsel on this theme Sprang fear of some changed policy herein. Emperor. But note the smothered courtesy of this priest. 10 HENRY IV. OF GERJIANY; Adelbert. We'll meet before depart. Constance. Assuredly — Emperor. Give us one moment. — Greet from us the pope, And in the car of memory these convey. His hollow claims deserve not our regard ; Of them, no more; what follows, is of note. Henry, and all the others present, hear ; Th' address demands reception from your sense. Through fifty years of storm we have sustained This crown of Germany. The world confess A many wrongful stroke and grievous gash Our course of life hath ta'en ; and we must think, Reflection errs not crying more our life Than commonly, with urgent burdens charged. Be this, or not : we yearn to doff their cares ; Our thoughts are purposed, full determinate To live beside our state, whereon we mean To fix young Henry. In his balanced mind No bias weighs the reason, and he stands Without the pale of that embitter'd hate Which papacy hath ever blown on us. So, it is hopeful, when he sways the realm Contention will entomb her means of strife. Prince. Thanks for this gi-ace conferred. But, noble sire, My inexperienced art will scantly fill The rank of thine time- versed and disciplin'd. Constance. What time will slip from meditation, ere These things are so 1 Emperor. Precaution needs one year To make this transfer of our empeiy . Our wish is termin'd for your more delay. Constance. Then I embrace departure. Sov'reign Henry, And royal-gentle prince, and lord — Farewell. [Exit. Emperor. Farewell. Prince. My lord, is it proper I detain This priest from courtly converse, till he frees Our palace of his stay 1 Emperor. Advised well. [Exit Prince. Bohemia. My lord, — Emperor. What would Bohemia with us 1 Bohemia. Your breathed intent did startle, till the term A TRAGEDY. H Of your resolve rejecting it one year, Assure you, honor'd lord, refreshed my mind. Emperor. Is it from courtesy this speech of thine'? or based On sober judgment 1 Bohemia. This; which is confirmed By the attested general sentiment, Of your finn-founded knowledge in true rule. Saxony. My thought is similar with Bohemia's ; Who least obedience love, approve your sway. It is confessed, the prince honors his age ; Yet Emperor. Thanks, good duke — What is it, Adelbert, Seems to desire impartment from your lips'? Adelbert. I crave a private moment. Emperor. Well, commence. [Adelbert 'whispers Emperor. Austria. Are you of interests so slightful, lords, As praise his empty age, applauding that Which turns to profit his most wise design 1 Bavaria. You mean this year wherewith he checks'? Austria. I do. Pi'ofit lives not in gracing him entlu'oned ; Who climbs, bestows. Lend your adherences To the ambitious prince. His rate is best. Bohemia. But longing does not show so keen in him. Saxony. On all occasions duteous. Austria. Think you so'? None know the course affections take in him. Look deeper than appearance. Emperor. Rhoderick ! Give order for the hunt, — Who will attend. Let them make ready. [Exeunt save Emperor tf7ii Adelbert. Lukewarm ! Sigismund ! Adelbert. Even so and worse ; I fear not proof's defect To bare in him most foul disloyalty. Emperor. Ha! Sigismund! Adelbert. So far, will evidence. My injured sovereign, I do dread the work His hatred meditates ; for that harangue Wherewith he sought to tempt my loyalty, 12 HENRY IV. OF GERMANY; Was shadow'd darkly. Do not trust my doubts Till you own other surety ; but for me, I know he is your enemy. Emperor. But, Count, Remember what he spoke; give me his words. Adelbert. The cost were little to administer To his help-lending age, a powerful drug, — And in this strain he followed. Emperor. Ho ! My guards — Now prove these things to sense, or dread my wrath. Adelbert. Mine honor is my voucher, ne'er till now Disgraced by any doubt. If you require More means to plant convincement in your mind, A scrutinizing eye may haply purge Its scrupulous state, and shield your royal self. Commune upon this topic with the prince, Who hath an ill surmise of Sigismund. Emperor. He was not in the council. Adelbert. No, my lord. Emperor. Get thee away ; afflict no more our sight Till morrow dawns, when bring us evidence Of guilt in Sigismund : default of which, Count Adelbert were better born a slave. [Exit Emperor. Adelbert. Auspiciously begun : to render vain The hold I've given, I needs must blast his fame, Cherished o'er life. 'Tis bold, and being in. My only hope is onward. To infect Most instantly his good repute in court Is easy ; and false doubts, once sown in men, Do breed prolific. Soil most fit for weeds. [Exit Adelbert. SCENE 11.—^ Chavibcr in the same. Prince, {alone.) Twelve weary moons ; who knows if even then 1 In my life's prime a dull entrammell'd age Of mere survivance on a distant gleam ! This chilly beckons one ambition-spurred. If he can thus dilate, why not stretch out A TRAGEDY. 13 The hopeless temn till death defines its bound 1 Prospects do urge the question ; of our sense The twilight still precedes extinguished life. Dark thoughts do noisily assault my brain, While inmate cai-es, repugnant to this space, Sing pray'rs for their admittance. "Wrong old man ! Thus with unslacking tenvire, keeping throne. If force were capable 1 Much he deserves, But whether this my mind somewhat misgives. 'Tis w^orth — the legate. Entei- Constance. Constance. Noble prince, divide A passing hour, in interchange of thought With one who loves you well. Prince. Most cheerfully. Constance. I crave it rather as my holy liege Bade me to you impart, with friendly breath, What spacious lodging in his breast possess'd The sense of your proud mastery and desei'ts. Prince. I thank him for his love, which is avowed In decking this my worth. Constance. Oftimes, my lord, Kis grace, encircled by the cardinals. Breaks forth into a fit of sounded thought. He muses that the father should affy To such a nature's vicious wcnderwoi'k As he in Germany, misruler now, A son, so rare and generous in frame. And then awhile he thoughtful-mute will pause ; Anon exclaim, when goodness neighbor'd evil, It should disable this. He pitied much Your worth should be self slighted. Prince. In what view ? Constance. This : that yovi sink God's duty in your sire's. Prince. Consent they not 1 Co7istance. In no regard, my lord, Features exist not more opposed. The first Demands a reverent aspect for the pope ; To whom your father sore enbosoms hate. Prince. Paschal speaks thus 1 2 14 HENRY IV. OF GERMANYj Constance. How speaks yourself, my lord % Prince. I think my father scants religion's due, Maltreating thus your master's frequent quests. Constance. E'en so; and as an earnest of his thought, He wills to solve your sworn allegiance, And consecrate your every cry and stroke Against th' existing onerous government. Prince. Whose bidding, think you, is most capable In Germany % Constance. The Church, for all the world, Hath the fore rank. No prelate whom the pope May not dispose at list. Prince. Ha ! Say you so 1 Constance. And why not, my good prince 1 What reverence Unto a sovereign owe they, in the ban And hated object of the Church 1 Fear not This tendence be preserved in your despite ; Their hearts are due where'er the pope esteems. Pri7ice. Can you assure his best svipport through all 7 Constance. Ay, by this signet. Prince. Well ; repair with me To a more fav'ring privacy — Anselm ! Enter Anselm. Desire Count Adelbeit to seek our chamber. [Exeunt. SCENE III. — A Room in the same. Enter Sigismund. What means this upstart strangeness that affects Where'er I come 1 All my accustomed friends Fall from my fellowship, and ice my heart With frigid and penurious courtesy. What hath thus crippled me in their regard % By Heav'n, I'll know it ; for my nature craves Heart sustenance, and farewell all with friends. Bohemia tends this way. If kindness links, He should be firm-contracted to my weal. Hail ! My good lord ; bestow approach this way. A TRAGEDY. 15 Enter Bohemia, Break a few words with me. Bohemia. To-morrow, sir. Sigismund. To-day or never, duke. Interpret me This version in the gesture of my friends. Bohemia. Can you not guess 1 The current rumor's tongue With foul connections bloodies your repute. Sigismund. The charge, the charge 1 Bohemia. 'Tis here disloyalty, 'Tis there conspiracy. There want not those Who cry, his life attempted by your hand. Sigismund. Whose life '? Bohemia. The emperor's : some e'en these exceed. Among the main, as I my pace did urge, Was one amused a gaping curious crowd, Pretending that 'twas newly brought to light How you in butcheries time-practised were. Sigismund. Ha ! Ha ! My friends, to while away court-time, Have well contrived this jest. Bohemia. Ha ! Say you so 1 Sigismund. Not thus, good duke. Bohemia. You are in peril, sir; Which to avoid, 'twere best that you withdraw. The emperor by Count Adelbert is told Sigis7nund. Ha! Adelbert '? Bohemia. Why stand you thus aghast ) My time hath stress ; farewell ! But are these truths 1 Sigismund. Tmths! Tmths! Bohemia. Why clutch your sword '? Your looks affright. I nothing doubt you, baron ; but, I pray ye. Call me not your acqtiaintance, while these times. Sigismund. Away, thou thing : exemplarof the world. [Exit Bohemia. — God help me, what a treach'rous fiend is this ! Seeing his falseness self-bewrayed in me, No way he knew t' unhand me of his fate, Save the imputing similar guilt in me. Most artful, subtle villain ! — To enforce Amercement from his heart's blood, be my task. — Henry to list his forged batteries ! ^eaven forgive him '. Adelbert, I bum 16 HENJR,Y IV. OF GERMANY; To hold thee in the aspect of my sword. But lo ! he wends this way. Let me retire, Lest prescient of my presence he diverge. Enter Adelbert. Adclbert. It gathers as it goes. E'en I am 'mazed To see how lovingly mankind embrace Conviction of their fellow's guilt. — Ha! you'? Why thus upon me rivet you your eye*? Sigismund. That conscience fii'ed, more dire may prove your death. Adelbert. Villain ! Resheathe yoixr sword ; I owe you naught. Sigismund. Thou hast encanker'd my fair faith with men ; This ow'st thou me; — but therein poor thyself, Thy life becomes my compt. Advise thee, draw j Or I will tilt so full upon that breast, That further chance shall lose itself with death. Adelbert. Approach me not, avoid ; in danger, Ho ! Enter Emperor, Austria, Saxony, Lords, &c. Emperor. Remove the weapon from that madman's hand. — Oh! Sigismund! — Adelbert. My lord Emperor. — This sadly proves Th' attached bleuiie; 'gainst all, it must be so. — He dare not, if so bent, attempt false charge. Approach ! How chanced this 1 Adelbert. As I, my lord. Did casvxally pace this hall, thought-blind And unforeseeing, suddenly out starts, Unpresaged, Sigismund. In desp'rate rage That I had broached the workings of his heart, He lances at my breast. Emperor. Enough. All hence. Unto the council-chamber. Sigismund. Sov'reign prince. Can you list him, and me deny to hear 1 Emperor. You shall be heard. Unto the council, all. [Exeunt. A TRAGEDY. 17 SCENE IV.— ^ Cottage. Arnold, Bertha, a Boy, (A/s son,) and Leopold apart in thought. Arnold. Have you ne'er a flagon of the vintage, child 1 Bertha. Sorrow the day: wine is the only prologue to the best of your old histories of war. Arnold. Would I had ne'er condescended to utter the accident and sparkles of my time, for then Bertha. We had missed woi'thy enjoyment. Arnold. Then would my tired details have the spii'it and fx-esh- ness of news. Bertha. Keeping bestows not that nicety of relish on the liquor of our memory, which the flow and unhoard beget in the sense of old acquaintance. Boy. Old soldier, when mean you to take down your ponder- ous halberd again '? Arnold. Never again, youngster ; except my old passion pos- sess me to go up for a finishing sight of my brave war-boy, the emperor. On thirty-six fields have we done slaughter together; in that many of his fifty-five victories have I followed the rout of his enemies. He js the paragon of our race ; Time stops amazed and leans on his sickle before him. 'Tis a sufficient lot to live in his age — side by side we have fought. — Well, well; many can vaunt the like; yet when my old helm, thirteen sum- mers by, was split i' the twain to fend his royalty, he said not a little ; he shouted Boy. Till the steel of the field did laugh to the sound, — Well done, my old fellow. Arnold. Out, thou young wolf! Thinkst thou we've not chronicled old 'scapes by the hour together, my sovereign and I ; and clashed cans in how many a merry bout ? Boy. I, how many faith 1 When crazy Tim Kreutzer and you got drunk upon guard one cold Saxon night Arnold. And 'twas as dark as the cave of a Lapland witch, in comes an old Gennan with rusty armor, and hails at companion- ship with an exceeding curious humor. I tell you, the welkin was split in the audience o' our wit, and our comical jokes and our choruses ; but in the top o' ecstacy, up marches our guard- captain, and away with vis all to the emperor's tent-chamber, 2* 18 HENRY IV. GF GERMANY; But -^Ivhere was he then l Ay, that was a most ludicrous per- plex to the seekers ; — what thinkst thou How '? Our old rusty comrade makes nothing to advance to the emperor's state-seat, and by the torch light 'twas him past help, and with a terrible frown afore him. O, my four finger'd hand, what say you was then our affliction 1 Boy. He caused bring swords to old Kreutzer and thee, and bade ye encounter ; when ye so whacked and batter'd at other, that ye lay unharnessed a month. Arnold. I'll so bewrack thy yovmg head, and thou'rt not more i' the ear, and less i' the tongue ■ Bertha. Indeed, father, he is forward and so rudely familiar 'with you Arnold. Not a jot, say I; he shall be as [ choose, and have words when he will; come, come, Albi'echt, brave the valiancy of this goblet. " To the olden days !" — The spirit of the beve- rage will embolden the intmiacy of that liking which seems to wish progress betwixt you. — Fear not. Bertha. Bertha. Truth I am cowardly and will behold thee sip. Arnold. When I am a lambkin ; — sip, o' my soul ! — Would I had a vinegar drop of care, that I might violently drown it thus. — Ho, Sir Albrecht ; What now, that you buiy the action of your tongue in the speculation of your brain 1 Better a foolish some- thing than a wise nothing ; — if the wars are in no other way efficient, they induce a world of loquacity in their batter'd remnants. Leopold. My thoughts are in circle on the prospective like- nesses of war. Boy. O no mox'e wars, and I could fast for the grief of it. Arnold. Why so, youngling ? Boy. Thou art grown out o' war; it fits thee not, and there's an end all o' chance. Arnold. Murmur who will ; he hath an opinion o' me. — But see, son Frederick, and top o' the time it is too. Enter Frederick. Bertha. O welcome home, dear brother. Arnold. Welcome, brave boy ; what news in the town 1 Frederick. No news but the expectation. Some who profess a fine and intricate knowledge in the signs of the age, and wisely soothsay the events of to-morrow Arnold. And there be many o' that profession ; what they fore- cry is as oft the consequence as coincidence of their prophecies. A TRA^ESy. 19 Frederick. How ^wims th^e' tide at home % — How now, Al- breeht^ — But as I learned to say, there is trouble in expectance. Paschal is fanning the time-perishing hatred of papacy 'ward our state. Arnold,. Peace, peace ; the pope lacks humanity to fight. Frederick. Yet seldom fails to decoy to his battle auxiliar sub- stitutes. Arnold. And that's but true. Frederick. Beside, the state is rotting at the heart. The priesthood are essentially the pope's instruments through which he blows infection to the very core of the empire. So embosom- ing these appearances, I was urged toprovideme with— suits of armour. Arnold. The devil ! Show us, show us. Frederick. 'Tis without; I desire thy admiration by sunlight. [E.veunt save Bertha aiid Leopold. Leopold. Why thus discouraged 1 Bertha. Albrecht, tell me why 1 Why throw you still disdain upon my glance, Granting but melancholy nouriture 1 What is it in me possest of such disgrace As can in your esteem deform me thus 1 Leopold. Not so, not so : if, as you still pretend, A passion urge you for my worthless self, Why ever vex me with reuttering that Which serves to grieve me for your own peace' sake 1 The thought is false that else than grace abides In your fair innocence; no guilt of mine That my dear estimate grows not to love. This last is elsewhere writ; its links do twain By an above prescription : so forget This phantasied conception, and complete The sum allotted my content. 'Tis much I owe this roof; I Avas unfortunate ; — 1 spake it, — and besought a home. Your doors Flew gladly wide to my unwarrantize. Bertha. I fear you are not what yoii then beseemed ; No peasant's son, I ween, but high in birth. For there's a spirit of nobility As nature 'twere, a wrestler with your art Which is but feeble. If 'tis so, declare : If birth partition fabrics, ah! perforce 20 HENRY IV. OF GERMANY; Affection must be dumb ; which piteous case Must be, for aught I see, its only doom. But if my nature hath some flaw, — defect In temper, understanding, or in fonu Of language or demeanor, which beneath Thy heart and sympathy my value weighs, — With strife gigantic, with ambition's strength, I'll combat for its o'ertlu'ow, till Leopold. O hold. — I am not proud, ye gods ; no, 'tis not pride Bertha in this you lacerate my heart. Bertha. I say no more. [Exit Berth.4. Leopold. Great blame is mine herein. I linger here, till honor cries, begone. My melancholy dreamed to find relief In humble socialness. The lot I sought, Was found, and the relief desired supplied. Had I but Imiited existence here ! My error was in knowing Adela, — To her belong my thoughts; farewell these walls. [Exit Leopold. SCENE lY.— Castle of Sigismund. Baroness and Adela. Baroness. How tends your choice 1 Adela. Not to the court, indeed. Baroness. On what is gromided your repugnancy 1 Adela. My age Baroness. How many less matured, shine there 1 Adela. What understanding I herein possess, Makes faith to doubt th' advantage of the court To youthly residents. I am convinced That nature meets contempt and slight from art, And best dissimulation bears the palm. Baroness. You do not widely err, and for your choice I shall not urge it. Nothing in our world Deserves a prejudice. Howe'er the court May be a tumult of mean artifice, A TRAGEDY. 21 It is a school, where wisdom, if invoked. May be acquired. Yet you are nearest right. Adela. 'Twas taught of Leopold. Baroness. Ill-fortuned youth ! Adela. Unfortunate indeed ! Yet have I often mused how his estate Can live in wrenched possession, why his right Is banished from the law a term so long. Baroness. It strangely seems to us, who cannot know Why wicked strength should master weaker right. I will impart what knowledge I possess Questioning this : When mortal malady Smote the near kindred of young Leopold, Count Egbert's son so sudden as an hour, He being orphan 'd, a far relative Took guardianship upon hmi. For his health This guardian, Godfrey, sent the boy to seas, And eight years hindered him of home and rights ; Playing meantime the traitor and the thief Urging false claims, he grasped the estate and rank. And held them for himself So when returned The due inheritor, he knew him not ; Denied his sameness, and retained liis lands. Adela. And Leopold could not impress the law With his identity. Baroness. Ee'n so. — I leave you. But will return ere long. [Exit Baroness. Adela. Too oft 'tis seen That villany runs far a prosperous race, Yet ne'er knew I a happy term and goal. Enter Leopold. Leopold. Nor ever will. Adela. Ha ! Leopold your voice Startled; howe'er your aspect glads. Indeed You're welcome to our somewhat loneliness. Leopold. My steed would take no curb ; but as there were Omnipotent attract herein, he flew As fleet and straight as arrows to the home, When heard you from your sire 1 22 HENRY IV. OF GERMANY; Adela. Too long time past, We hope his soon return. Leopold I wish it much. I fear tempestuous hours ; the aspect now Assumes a still and warning front ; all men The nat'ral currents of their lives desert, And pause as if expectant : all informs To one who mounts the mast-head of the times To peer beyond, a dreadful sea o'ernear. Adela. What do you fear 1 Leopold I ever have observed That civil motion vibrates ere it bursts : Methinks were men but shallow, blind and dull, They might forefend the sviddenness of fate. In those dread periods when she summons up And loosens o'er the rife and ready world The hell-fires of her wrath, filling the vast With awful havoc of the gen'ral race. Adela. I nothing fear of this. — My parent comes. Behold! Enter Baroness. Baroness. Informed of your arrive, I haste To speak your welcome. Leopold. My best thanks be youi's. Baroness. An unused pallor hath usurped your checks. Unstate this gloom, distemper's minister. Be sanguine : Grief hath not that power he boasts ; A little cheer, — afFrightedly he flees. Leopold. To lose his government, I brought me here. In solitude a fever takes my brain. And conjures up a ghastlike choir of thoughts. Till phrenzy make me desperate. Baroness. Should this be '? Methought thou heldest not at sorrow's worth The loss of thy estate. Leopold. If it were sunk. A villain's tenure calls upon reprise. Adela. Who comes 1 The court sill rings with 'won tramp. Leopold. The baron. Baroness. Dost thou think so 1 — Yes, 'tis he. A TRAGEDY. 23 Enter Sigismund. Sigismund. I see all well ; enough. For mine own self Its health is passing good. Adela. But, father, no ; It seems not thus. Baroness. Your looks are wild and pale, Sigismund. Then is it their fault, — for I indeed am calm. Ah! Leopold. Leopold. I hope you are belied ; For truly what is visible of you Betokens a discomfiture at heart. Sigismund. Then hearken : I am banished from the court, And further presence of the emperor, Disgraced through each division of the realm, And bounded in my territory's span, — Yes ! Girdled by these walls. Here in my home — Baroness. What have you done 1 Sigismund. Good God ! What have I done 1 Slaughtered my prince, — betray 'd the state : — What else"? Whate'er you please. — I wrong your innate fears. A noble, witless of my nature's stuff. Did whistle me my sov'reign to desert, Betraying bootlessly his pers'nal guilt. The sense of his discovered malintent And of my power to publish him a wretch Urged his forefense. He filled the emperor's ear With misconceit of my rock-loyalty ; Whichknown, I gave indignance free consent, And drew upon this slave. But fell mischance Called in my lord, who burst to flaming wrath, And in th' explosion me exiled. — Enough — Baroness. A timely entrance. Hadst thou silenced this Person most base, who would not have decried Thy guiltiness. Sigismund. 'Twas that inhibited My loitering for vengeance. Leopold. Name this man 1 Sigismund. Count Adelbert. Adela. Cheer, father : in the end All shall be well determin'd : do not doubt But truth will triumph. 24 HENRY IV. OF GERMANY; Leopold. Sorrow blast his heart ! Sigismund. That I must suffer ! Baroness. Till the period comes Of vindication ; then these shackles drop, And justice may be uttered. Sigismund. Farewell all. My good repute stands smirched ; and easier 'tis To blacken than reblanch. Adela. Rely on Heav'n. Leopold. Insensate Henry, ere thou sleep'st in peace, This wide ixnwalled suspicion thou shalt wail. Sigismund. Too soon, too soon ; he little wots what tempest Is rising for his harm. Baroness. Then never grieve; You stood within, but now art 'yond its reach. Adela. Here conscience-sheltered, and amid your friends, You may behold the wintry desolate stonns That tear the world, and smile at your escape. Leopold. May fiends embattle in his bosom's world ! Sigismund. Good youth, disgrace our colours hath torn down ; Blush not to troop with other stolen friends. Leopold. You wrong me, by the gods ! No : hear me, sir, I vote each sinew 'd parcel of my means To give erection to your foundered name ; This base supplanting foe, will I pursue Into earth's hiding places, but revenge These coward doings, and re-edge your sword Hacked by the emperor's restriction. Sigismund. Hold. 'Twere kindness to annul this imposed straint, Which renders me self-gaoler in my home. But he is strange to me and odious Who steals me of my vengeance. Leopold. Ho! my horse. — Baroness. Come, be convivial and submerge all care In nobler wisdom. Adela. For serenity Turns inward slander's thorn. Leopold. To all, farewell. Sigismund. Where now 1 A TRAGEDY. 25 Leopold. To make the emperor rehecort His ancient grace. Baroness. What title hath your zeal 1 Leopold. The tie of kincked; in these letters he Has giv'n me Adela, Adela. Is't so, indeed. I've seen that time, when thou possess'd of these Wouldst not have ta'en departure in such haste. Leopold. For thee, for thine I go. Sigismund. We'll see thee leave. There's matter for our converse as we go. [Exeunt. SCENE YL— Room in the Palace. Emperor a7id Prince Henry. Prince. Let me commend your highness to impose An absence on the diet near at hand. Emperor. What reasons counsel this reproof of usage 1 'Tis much that must induce us to infringe This institute and custom's perquisite. Prince. Say rather, why should you dispend rich time And misprized patience thither '? Let your years Of tiresome ceremonials be disrupt; Do not expose your health, sir, to attend. Emperor. My mind to go is strung most pointedly, And is past bias. Prince. Let your son's entreat Unbuckle your disposal. Emperor. Tell me why : What motive works in you to chain us thence 1 Prince. My lord, you cannot think how much the realm Is in the pope's invisible restraint ; Extravagant conject falls short the sum. Emperor. O 'tis too true ; we are enjoined to crush This strength-devouring power in our rights. Prince. Of late, perceiving this, I have sent forth To know the perfect dolor of this evil. My lord, beware this congress; 'tis misshaped, Of base, unleaven'd, hostile rudiments, 3 26 HENRY IV. OF GERMANY; That machinate disventures for your state. The gross and bulk are fee'd and power'd of Rome. Emperor. Beware! 'twere better they beware. — By Heav'n ! Is our authority the sport of slaves *? When was our sceptre undertamed 1 To go. — Shuns the leviathan shoals of pettier breath 1 Prince. Your impulse will surrender its resolve, When of my reasons you are more possess'd. Think not my love's excess timidity, But guard and sentinel to your defence. Emperor. What course takes your persuasion 1 Prince. This ; to keep Your valued person from this danger's shade, — To haste to Ingelheim, — your castle there Is pleasant, safe, commodious ; in the mean. Your temporary sway declined on me, I will attend the council, with the force To shackle all unholy foul designs. Your presence could no more : Do you accede 7 Come, my liege lord, within ; whiles I do urge Capturing arguments and joleas for this. [Exeunt. SCENE VII. — Gates of the same. Saxon and Son. Saxon. Son, importune me not. Son. I have a right. Some dreadful memoiy or fancy stirs Unceasingly within you. In my childhood I ever saw it, but childlike conceived, 'Twas proper to mankind ; not singular To you, as observations teach at length. I swear I'll take no further sustenance Until I know the feature of thy thought. Saxon. Boy ! boy ! — Then hearken : Thirteen summers gone This emperor invaded Saxony, wild-like And furious in the devastation : Sire And brethren, wife and children, all, save thee, Perished one night when through our village came A TRAGEDY. 27 A party of his soldiers. Mid the ashes Of my paternal dwelling, I stood up And took an oath, dreadful and sacred, ne'er To make my country my abode, till he Had amply paid these debt in record here. Son. By Heaven 'twas bold ! Saxon. And just *? Son. 'Twas bold. Saxon. Not just '? Son. Past his control perhaps the instruments Saxon. I sought him ere I swore. But he denied To make the soldiers suffer. Son. 'Tis long past. If you could thus let sleep your high demands, Why let them always rest. Saxon. And recreant son, Have you no feeling of your mother 1 Son. Hold! Let me be partner in your purposes. Saxon. Enough. Come with me to resolve the means. [Exeunt. 28 HENRY IV. OF GERMANY; ACT II. SCENE I. — Castle of Ingelheim. Emperor, Adelbert, Bohemia. Emperor. I find no comfort in this drear abode ; The very air with fantasies is charged, Which, breathing, so infects our mind with gloom, That all the channels of our num'rous sense Convey no cheer, nor else but ill forbodes. Upon the instance of the morrow's sun, This dusk and imperfection of a place We shall desert : regain our proper roof And more dear habitance, Adelbert. To Mentz, my lord 1 It can but give an edge to danger's tooth. Emperor. Even so ; Who saw us shrink from peril's front, Save in the imply of this pernicious time 1 The fiend take all advice; when impulse sways, Seldom toils sorrow after to chastise. But when our nature swerves to foreign art, Repentance galls the svibject ; so, no more. But take a backward step from rash resolve, It seems a something so defoi-med and strange, That we, our people's sovereign and our own, Should start from jeopardy. Adelbert. And yet, my lord, Would your dear son dread unembodied riskl Or thus advise were menace not most lov'd '? Emperor. Most true; dear Henry, kind beloved son, Meseems, our first was framed distort and curst That we our present having might apprize. What storms soe'er assiege our time-moss'd head, A TRAGEDY. 29 The wealth of his fidelity might swell Our torn possession even to whole content. Enter Rhoderick. Rhoderick. Their graces of Cologne, of Woims and Mentz, Archbishops, with a lib'ral body-guard, Ask audience of your majesty, Emjjcror. Indeed ! — Present them on the instant. Rhoderick. Sire, forgive: Affection boldens me, — their warlike port Makes me to apprehend a thi-eatened harm. Deny, and fly : thus plainly counsels one, A lowly subject but sincere, my lord. Adelbert. Fly, slave ! Take that, thou reptile. [Exit Rhoderick. Emperor. Let them come — Ne'er smite your lessers ; they're bestowed with soul, And liberal nature sanctions their revenge As their superiors. Adelbert. Menials should possess A servile spirit, made to bend and brook. Nature, my lord, discriminates ; and knows In her apportionments the difference Of worldly state. Emperor. Is't so '? I tell thee, no. — Enter Archbishops of Cologne, Mentz, and Worms. Cologne. In that diet's name, the holiest pontiff's grace Has blessed and sanctioned, we approach thine eye, O, Henry ! Emperor. Well ; your charter we allow ; Time scorns used form ; unlock forthwith your charge. Mentz. O, sir, our message only suits your ear. Bohemia. Let us retire the while. Count Adelbert, [E.xeunt. Emperor. Now give these hardy frowns, a key in terms. Cologne. You are enjoined, by mandate and consent Of the assembled congress, now in Mentz, To abdicate the crown ; resign the robe, The ring, the crown, which symbolize thy power, To our colleagued and high-empowered hands ; 3* 30 HENRY IV. OF GERMANY; Which law is so supreme to all dispute That replication is but empty sound. Emperor. We lavxgh at your commission ; get you back, — We'll be in Mentz before ye ; not a one Among these traitorous, rash, rebellious worms, But shall beweep this day, when they were drunk With sensless hardihood. Avoid our sight : We're angered to a point will doom your death. If longer tarry ye t' afflict our eye. Wornis. Laughter is not the livery for chains : Were we undignified 'twere ours to mock. Look out that portal : the wide tenement Is full with the suppliance of our strength, And to our mere presentment, yours surrend. Mentz. O powerless prince, know exaltations cease : Give o'er the garniture of royalty Wherewith your successor may be indued. Emperor. What's he 1 Mentz.. Your son. Emperor. Ay, even so, good Mentz : And he will wait his father's free dispose, Ere don the weighty robes of royal care. Cologne. What ! is your oifspring loving and so true 1 Emperor. Thou w^orkst that smile to taunt my earlier loss. But know, O priest, my duteous son and heir Would sooner roam the basest mendicant, Than see his father outraged in this kind. Worms. Who was it spun-ed the diet to this mark Which now we represent \ Thy boasted son. His factors filled the hall, and each convoked He first approved and in the task prepared. For he is righteous and doth love the cluu-ch. Em2)eror. Was this enrol'd against me, ye of Heaven % Wei-e not my tribute and my doom consumed When Rodolph paired my heart and killed the half? But credence cannot go this flight, — no, no ; False-spoken priests, I hold your sland'rous words Untrue and merely malice. Cologne. Peace, O peace ! Delay, time's thief, we will not tolerate. By those we serve we shall have our command. A TRAGEDY. 31 Emperor. Let then your oaths remove this pendent doubt, Which will not yield to your infectious words. Swear him a faithless guilty-stricken son, — Conjure him to mine eyes that hollow thing. Cologne. By my devotion, I protest your son Did move the congress to depose his sire. Emperor. Am I this wretch'? Or is it nature's fault '? Rhoderick bring forth the purple robe : — Worvis. Ah, now You show like what you should : consent alone Might sweeten future medicines. Emperor. Behold ! The ring, the robe, the crown, ourself enthroned. Now, tell me, why should we put off these signs '? Cologne. The righteous congress utter the command. Emperor. They are unsanctioned, and their words are froth. Cologne. Earth's highest warrant vests their utterance. Emperor. In our own realm, validity hath nought Which disrespects our sovereignty of will. Hence, dull, unmanner'd priests ; in you we know But headstrong insolence. Are you our peers 1 Nothing that shames this orb hath baser frame, Less winnowed earthliness, than thou, Cologne And Mentz thyself Did we apparel ye^ In the rich decorations of your sees, And dare- ye thus confront Mentz. Why suffer we This war of epithet to steal our time'? We're officer'd to capture these ensigns ; So Emperor. Hold ! one stride compels a tragic deed ; Stand where thou standst ; — as well as dare advance, Buy hell with self-infliction. — Priest, beware ! (Mentz disarms him.) Ho, there ! my battle-axe ! — wouldst pillage me *? The black death take thy flesh, false-hearted hound, To bay thy master thus ! Oh for a sword All 'twixt the Hartz and Alps ! — Now are we shorn. Mentz. Where was your benefit % must I perforce Be single soldier to our captaincy '? Take thou tlie purple, — thou the ring ! — myself 32 HENRY IV. OF GERMANY; This chief temptation will convey. So, now With this rich freight let us rewend our way. Farewell, sir. Worms. God be with you ! Cologne. Prince, farewell ! [Exeunt. Emperor. Hark! their drums beat trivuTiphant march. — And now What's left for me 1 To list me in his guard And be my offsprings underling '? How else '? By my best strength, I'd rather tread the wold And make the beasts my dieters, — alone, Unserved, unmaster'd, levy life's supply. — But come, thou better genius, honest pride, Whose symbol is not glitter. — — Be it so : Abjection Tor the bended peasant's soul, — We mount the clouds to battle with the storm. And yet, what wildness could have hit conject Of under nature there'? — The times live hence To note and weep our losses ; when in port, We may ixview our rented sails. The main Cries on us to display our eveiy best ; These strippings are but hollow ; they are wide Of royalty's fixed soul. — By Heaven, we must Reburnish apprehension once again, And disentomb our effort militant. Although this individual self contain Our one-whole squadron, yet shall come the strife. What rude approach 1 Are we soon contemned 1 Enter Leopold Leopold. My lord, a most just friend hath been extort And warped from your esteem, by falsehood's wiles And envy's angry hate ; albeit the skies No being cope whose heart's most native throbs Chord more unjarred fidelity. — My lord, I swear he hath been wi'onged, maligned, traduced ; Though it may forfeit the decline of those Too high in place, yet shall not I go hence Till in your estimate and due regard Is uncareened your faithful Sigismund. A TRAGEDY. 33 Emperor. O tell me by what spell he could awake This sympathy in thee, this extacy 1 Leopold. His bosom ne'er did ofter port, my lord, To thought disloyal. Malice hath diseased Your sound regard, and stol'n your very armor. Could you dishearken one whom time approved An honest, loyal lover, and partake The villain hate of rank deformity 1 Weapon with your opposeless sway a thing Conjunct of baneful, subtle artifice, Excommuned from all high-born sentiment, To let him hack and slash among the fame Of excellence, in his true state possessed. O, my good loi'd, 'tis easy to declare His falsehood's secret cause. Having betrayed His bosom's perfidy to Sigismund, Th' unwise committal urged this subsequence. Emperor. Rhoderick, bid Count Adelbert approach. — Thy name] Leopold. Is Leopold, Count Egbert's son. Emperor. Him I remember while this life endures. The day lives brightliest in my memory When from a matin fate he snatched my days. Beneath my mother's tutelage I gi-ew, Till my twelfth spring arrived, when my i-emove Was by the priesthood planned. Enticed by craft, On Hamno's sumptuous ship I one day passed, Viewing its novel beauty and fast frame. Upon a motion all afloat the oars And down the Rhine we swept. Then, most alarmed, 1 cast my pithless body in the tide, — And rashness wovild have had high sacrifice, Had not Count Egbert instantly pursued And disappointed ruin, Rhoderick. He went hence In cordial company Emperor. Is't possible % With the archbishop '? Rhoderick. Even so my lord ! [Exit. Emperor. O miserable dolt, these eyes are filmed With folly, else how fail to apprehend 34 HENRY IV. OF GERMANY; The portents of this day of treachery. — Go, bid exult the baron : him we wronged And he may triumph o'er our humbled state. Leopold. He'd sooner die. But what hath fallen my lord 1 Emperor. I'll move the veriest energies of earth To make this day an interval — no more. Time must renerve my wounded pow'r, and soon, Retribute with a vengeance. Smile, my soul ; — Thy countenance, although impassionate, Breathes token of an inward sorrow ; say, Are we not right 1 Leopold. Ay, by my father's tomb. Emperor. Cam'st thou from Mentz along 1 What news was there 1 Leopold. I hastely spurred through either gate, my lord. And tarried for no sound. Emperor. Thou knowst not then The diet's seizure of their sovereign's crown 1 Leopold. The grace of Heaven forbid ! Emperor. Three ruffian priests Despoiled our person, but this instant hour, Of coronation weeds. Leopold. With what intent 7 Emperor. Ha! there: the utterance stabs ; — to elevate Our recreant son into his father's seat. Standst thou amazed 1 Behold ! I have no crown, Yet one might speculate a sympathy Was raging in your eye. Leopold. By Heaven's bright orb, With my best heart I'll follow in your laile Till on these traitors you've suspended chains To pull them under earth ! Rebellious slaves ! — Enlist me in your ranks, my injured liege, And you shall see, how all my bosom warms Toward my prince in his calamities. Misfortune eases those neglected springs Whose dixty is a fellowship for grief. Emperor. By all the gods ! good youth, you shall have post In critical approach to us. Leopold. And you Will invite Sigismund — - A Tragedy. 35 Emperor. If he consent To shut his memory's portal, (save against The prime malicious mover,) and indeed Go shares v/ith our distress, till we are firm, He shall possess this bosom all entire. Whoe'er be friends in these disastrous times, By Heav'n hereafter we will sell ourself If it may do him good. Of this enough : Necessity calls to us from afar. And we must hence upon occasion's front. Who meets not fortune's buffets with a smile Is further smitten : time hath taught us this. [Exeunt. SCENE II, — SiGisMUND in his castle. O what a curb is patience for revenge ; And how all confines prey upon its flame. Hope is its casual food, — its ultimate Is voluntary poison : — with content It ceases being. How I long to 'scape This conscience which computes each unseized hour That gallops unimproved from careless reach ; Vengeance, — revenge ; two bloody-looking terms : Appel it justice then, of more meek note. Be whatsoe'er it may, who tamely meets The woundings of despite, were he not pale And imbecile at heart, would act those deeds His sufferance vilely flatters. Well, my child ? Enter Adela. Adela. Father, you shall not be so lone : indeed To fasten specvilation on your wrongs Is profitless. See, it suspends a gloom And unbecoming favor on your brow. Pray, tell me, if th' inquiry not offends, Why are your feudsmen gathering in arms '\ Sisismund. Is't so ? I knew it not. — Rodolph, how now 7 36 HENRyi\.OF GERMANY; Enter Rodolph. Rodolph. Tidings that fill the air : th' old emperor Hath been disseated, disenthi-oned, disrealmed, And in his place upraised his son, my lord. Sigismund. So soon*? Rodolph. My lord % — A contest is presaged By various manifestoes. Sire and son Sound their loud trump for partisans ; the noise Amazes all the land. Sigismund. These drops foreshow A torrent mustering. Rodolph. The nmnerous part Of your true feudators, come flocking in, In hard pursuance of these news, haste-amied, And ready for your guidance to the fields, Sigismund. Whither would they 1 Rodolph. Where'er your pleasure wills. Sigismund. Rodolph, I made thee know what accidents Had gambled with my time-bought estmiate. As honest impulse actuates your thoughts, And your gray hairs deserve the privilege, Give me your counsel in this crisis. Rodolph. How 1 Why thus : Weighing your duty's peniianenee Which at your sovereign's check did never balk. But still through all his fortune's maze adhered, It seems a monstrous and excuseless fault This finish of your trust. Had I your power I would exert it his reverse to heap And sicken his mutation. Trust me, sir, Your tenants are indignant at these wro^igs. — Adela. But, Rodolph, know you not he was misled, And was the veiy villain's instrument. Who wrought against your master these events 1 Thy counsel is of judgment thine unworthy. Rodolph. The world o'erteems with malice ; 'tis as slight And common as the merest weeds that grow ; 'Tis the inflicted trouble of our state, A fret of nature : wortlfless our regard ; A spider to be ci'ushed not warred upon. — Ingratitude is something else ; for what A TRAGEDY. 37 Imbibed affection's nurture, was enriched By long respect, must, in its treachery, Be surely worth the sickle of our wrath. Adela. O, father, there is no nobility In the return of meditated wrong 'Gainst erring impulse. Let me counsel now. Here rest you quiet till assurance comes That the old emperor is in the field. Then it befits you muster all your force, And march to his support. Sigismmid. Thou hast but hit My own determined course. I merely played With your opinions. Rodolph, not to-day, Will we go forth. Rodolph. Even so. [Exit RoDaLPH. Adela. When do you guess That Leopold will return 1 Sigisvmnd. I fear indeed These wars will charm his absence for some while. Adela. O, no ; he will not linger. Enter a Messenger. Sigismund. Have you news 1 Messenger. These letters sir. [Exit. Sigismund. Thank Heaven ! from Leopold. — With higher matter mix'd he sends me these : My sov'reign kindly wafts me his desire, The memory to let fly of past dissents. And be his friendly subject once again. By Heaven ! good bye to dreary, noiseless walls. The wars, with all their bruyant accidents, Of emulation hot and eager-eyed, Of lofty venture, and the livery Of sound and scene which almost melt the sense To one most dazzled sentiment, we seek. But why in meditation wrapt, my child'? Adela. That which is not ; a reasonaljle plea For this strange-shown neglect ; why came he not 1 Sigismund. Wait till the strife is done. Come, Adela : Departure must be planned, enforced and wept. Ere sundown. [Exemit. 4 38 HENRY IV. OF GERMANY? SCENE III. — Palace at Mentz. Adelbert and Godfrey. Adelbert. Is youi' possession stable and secure 7 Is it so mortised that no slightest chink May work hostility about your wealth 7 Godfrey. I know not that. This stripling here and there Makes sceptics in my right to titled rank. I would he were where I do gossip him. Dost thou know Sigismund ? Adelbert. My veriest foe. Godfrey. Heav'n blest him in his child. I saw her once ; The only fair in Germany. She's given In plight to Leopold. Adeldert. — Is't so 1 why then I prophecy our emnities concur. — My brother you must give this boy a pass For Heaven's gate, else may you apprehend But perilous morrows. Godfrey. So, at times, I think. But I have stricken all too much his kin Adelbert. To hesitate for him. What is it worth The acquisition of your broad estates, If insecurely yours. You know the prince Casts a fair eye on us,rand now commence With his domains occasion for our stars. Since we forsook the common paths of men, Swearing the general order to smnnount. How happily and high have we progi-essed ! Scruples ne'er aided us. Godfrey. Nor shall they now Oppose our scope. This earliest of my feat I'll gratify ere time hath travel'd much. Adelbert. And if this maiden nears your heart's desire I'll help you to the matrimony. Go : We'll hold anon some converse on this text. [Exit Godfrey, He bowed before mine eye in days of play, Whose power is still his governor. 'Tis strange How high command a grain of nature gives In one above another unpossest. — Ha ! ha ! A TRAGEDY. 39 His daughter, — then, his. lands, — ay, stripped To very want, starvation and despair. — Hell's miseries cannot effray my hate. Behold, our new-anointed sovereign comes. Enter Henry the Fifth, the Archbishops of Cologne, Worms, and Mentz, and Austria. Henry. You have well done 5 our sanction and our thanks Go with your violent motions. Austria, We must stand ready for a sudden march. — Till all the faculties that help his hopes Are broken up, himself without a home. Save what submission buys, this crown is not Without some parcel of my father's spirit. — A heavy force comes onward from ovir bounds ; Fi'om every point direction hath attained. The sound of trampling masses bowls along. Adelberi. The empire yields her richest veins, for war To sluice for your maintain of place, my lord. Henry. We dovibt it nothing. Meantime let our friends Look toward gratitude for honors. They Shall coin what the false servants of the crown Lose in their treachery. We shall have note Of who stand up rebellious with my sire 5 These forfeited estates we will bestow Among the more judicious. Now will we Glance o'er the lists of our assembling force. [Exeimt. SCENE IV, — Louvain — in the Castle. Emperor and Leopold. Emperor. Thou wound'st me quickly with this tale of thine To be despoiled of your inheritance, Your title, all your rights by wicked art — How could this be '? This causes shame in me For my abused authority, whose look 40 HENRY IV. OF GERMANY; Should scope these continents, yet so .could wink Before th' unheeded outrage of this crime. We are beholden to adversity, That in our judgment hath disclosed these faults. So much as our bled state hath vein to do, Shall act remvmeration of thy loss. In our regard stand thou as titled ; when We've funeralized rebellion, to thy rights We'll lend a hasty hand. Leopold. But better 'twere We waive this paltiy matter that usurps Important hospitage unprivileged : Let it at random float, till graver cares Have ta'en permittance fx'om your burthen'd mind. Emperor. Swift and continuous as the wind, the noise Of gath'ring powers blows 'gainst us from the south. When rich men leave their coifers undefensed With what a zest I burn to be away And breathe a better life upon the march. Leopold. My heart each moment more impatient grows Till we are launched upon the sea of war. Upon your voice depends such rallied bands Of legiant subjects as give warranty For the immediate onset. Emperor. We shall make All further our equipment by this night, And ere the morn is yet awake, be bound Upon that voyage which must have no fate But shipwreck or success : all vulgar hope That aims at mere self-safety, stand aloof. — Here comes Bohemia, whose truth is steel Against distress, with others several. — Heav'ns ! Accord me but the means of gratitude. Enter Bohemia, Ermengarde, and. Generals. How live the preparations ? Bohemia. Prosperously. Your generals come embodied to announce That all stand eager for the marshal-word. Emperor. They soon shall have the slip for which they pant, A TRAGEDY. 41 Let all be perfect. Meantime, mark these few : No discipline neglect, yet foster more The soldier's spirit. Intersperse your speech With sparks of fiery honor ; resting sure That inspiration is not barred his heart, One soul, ambition-spurred, is of more rank Than troops of strict servility ; for oft A breast so fired may turn the tide, and 'whelm The pouring victory. Bohemia, Ee'n so, my lord. Enter Rhoderick, BhodericTi. A force is seen upon th' approach this way. [Exit Leopold, By my best hopes, 'tis Sigismund. Emperor. No, no: I've weighed more nicely his late accidents : 'Tis not in human nature to forget Such crying wounds, and, when retalliance Is opportune, to I'ender help for harm. O, no; yet think not, therefore, we regret: O never, — nothing. — [Exit Leopold, Ermengarde, your horse Show gallantly ; they plume your cap of pride. Re-enter Leopold. Leopold. My lord, tis he. Emperor. Who, Sigismund 1 Leopold. Ee'n he, — Whose proper force is much incorporate With augments on the march, Emperor, Go forth, good lord, And give him greeting — - leave us to ourself. [Exeunt, O for the fine, the wild and spacious hope That urged me victor through innumerous fields In other days. How can I else Than be a loser in the present strife 1 Say that T conquer, what more fell defeat Than where my subjects shed rebellious blood, — <■ My son a prisoner of war 1 O fate ! 4* 43 HENRY IV. OF GERMANY; Somewhat too long you wished me drag this life. Curses take hold him ! Can I title son A traitor thus respectless-eager for His destined burthen, that he needs must stab The very father-love in 's parent's heart 1 [Exit. A TRAGEDY. 43 ACT III. SCENE I. — Arnold's Cottage. Bertha. Gone, gone, past all return, and ne'er a word To breathe a consolation for left grief — The torment of his station. — Fool, fool, fool ! — My brother forth among the crazy wars, Which gallop down their best ; him followed now My old storm-beaten father. — Cluite alone. — " Wait here till havoc neighbours, then withdraw To the near convent," was his last prescript. I am determined else. For me what cheer When all my hopes stand in mine enemy 1 This resolution is my only sort, — Disguised to make my father company And helpful comrade in the wars. Perchance I may behold, ere my sad fate is reached. My heartless captor ; then there rests no more. My parent hath not many hours advance, I'll start time-even to enact these thoughts, A certain grace a tragic end imparts To what lives unregarded and — repentance. [Exit. SCENE II — Emperor's camp near Ratishon. Before his tent SiGisMUND, Leopold, Bohemia, and Officers. Leopold. The scouts are home ; they found the hostile front Before their sight had lost our outerposts. Bohemia. Verging this way 1 Leopold. Most sure, and nimble too. 44 HENRY IV. OF GERMANY; Sigismund. The fearful crisis then will fatalize To-morrow's feature. Leopold. Hopes cry certainty Enter a Messenger. Messenger. The enemy are encamped within three leagues. Leopold. How near the mediate river 7 Messenger. Sir, they lie Upon its very hem, Leopold. Enough : depart. [Exit Messenger, — Leopold enters the Emperor's camp, Sigismund. "We'll give them honest greeting. — I'll rip up The bowels of their ranks, to find my foe. — Bohemia, think you our late estimates Rate high the enemy 1 Bohemia. Too low, too low. They double your false reckoning Sigismund. It may be : Still on the more will traitor's ruin fall Bohemia. 'Tis well to buoy your spii-its with this trust; 'Tis well enough: yet do not much rely Upon your sense of right ; they have the same : Nor is it conscience alway bears the palm. You must do bravely to o'erthrow their force. Sigismund. You 7 your 1 as he were not conjoint with us, Enter Emperor and Leopold from the tent. Emperor. Give order that the posts projected be Ee'n to the Regen's brink. Our force we mean At the third watch of night shall follow up. Leopold. It shall be articled among the troops. Enter an Attendant. Attendant. An officer from the enemy, my lord, Entreats a parley with your majesty. {Exit. Emperor. What matter in this hour 7 The time has gone When offer might import. Enter Officer. What from the foe 1 Oflcer. No foe, my lord, but your dear loving son A TRAGEDY. 45 I am direct, with modest emphasis, To bring these subjects to your reason's ear. ' The numeral force of Henry, styled the Fifth, Far outstrips your opposings, even when ta'en The liberal-conjectured quantities, — Victory is his pers'nal slave of motion. — But with a shrinking and o'erfine a heart Doth he take anns against your highness' pride; And could he wake your virtues, would correct These times' dissensions with a peaceful hand. Heav'n hear his protestations ! that he moves By pure and righteous causes guided, as To win retractment of those scandals given The holy Church, to urge the nobler sparks Of your revolted nature, and in fine Induce a penitent and curbed deport Toward the pope : and therewithal he adds Would Paschal call his shafted curse again And pour the blessed commune-rights anew, His hostile arm will dviteously decline. Emperor. Hypocrisy ! E'en fiends contemn the creature, — Now while my thoughts pass that way, Leopold, See thou the spirit of sound be not neglect ; The battles droop where music revels not. Leopold. My lord, it shall be ordered. Officer. Has your highness Considered of this question 1 I await Due entertainment. Emperor. Ha ! wilt share our cheer % You shall be feasted. For the other part The manner of reply will be confessed Upon the cap o' the morn. Offxer. Enough: this slight Of profFer'd bounty soon will have its rue. [Exit. Emperor. Come, Sigismund, and tent with us a while To barter judgment on some grave imports. — The rest to their transactions : in the night, At the sixth watch, let all the chief attend Our ultimate commands and distributes. [Emperor and Sigismund enter the tent — Exit Leopold. Bohemia. Observe how rash his ventures. What, my lords, 46 HENRY IV. OF GERMANY; But idiocy could hope success herein 1 Their mass still thickening and their counted force Ermengarde. Past all expectance. I am well convinced Your reasons lack not cogency. And note How fair a heraldment and foul reply, But even now. Bohemia. The honors of our mind Are not herein impeached, for fealty Is paid in our adherence to this length ; While those of rank may look for preference Ermengarde. The channel of inducements is not dry. Bohemia. Come to my tent, where I'll unfold to you The letters of Count Adelbert, — sum up Th' excuse and instigation of this art, — And dress your souls for motion in this cause : [ Exeunt. SCENE \\\.— Oidpo$ts of the Camp. Arnold, and Bertha, disguised, on guard. Arnold. Well, occasion may soon pi'ove you a warrior, and tis to be hoped a gallant one. Bertha. I shall achieve my best ; who could do less in such a cause Avere merely a felon. Arnold. Right. — I know not, but either the frankness where- with you affect me, or some latent associations, have rooted in me at once a paternal regard and soldierly fellow feeling toward you. I peruse a subjugated sorrow, a subscribed melancholy in your countenance, which, though your modesty assume a gayety, challenge my sympathy and heart kin. Bertha. The place is bleak, and the night wind chill ; I fear the exposure will afflict your health. Arnold. O, never : many the drear and wintry nights have I walked below the stars, — but always with warm thoughts : I am now too serious by half: I was wont to make admired entertain- ment for the watch; but the humor has vanished. Bertha. Thei-easonl Arnold. This : — Ever with my devotion to the good emperor, was mingled such a rooted confidence as made it cheerful. But TRAGEDY. 47 now it thickens on his sorrows, and there are fears of his suc- cess—What iniqviity ! what shameless, foul, ungrateful treachery! Such a father too, who should make proud the love and fidelity of a son. Wo-stricken Henry ! in life's setting hour, to arm against a rebel child ! cruel, cruel : — 'T would murder me, e'en me an un- deserving, fond old soldier, to know the minutest failing in my offspring's affection. Bertha. Our captain's worthy of your honest warmth; and meseems were men but what they are, they would bear a most tender grief for his misfortvines, and devote their total means to his restoration. Yet do but see ; the forced disfeatured motion of a revolted son, with all the appal of incident, take the main oaths, and i-ecreant swords are most. All is one ; — fickle, falsely fickle; self-love, self-love, and no feeling, no pity. Arnold. Bitterly spoke and true. But take place where they will they are the guilty, and heaven will visit them. All wrongs are borne in mind. Bertha. But say what you list, the church is the prime mover of this rebellion. Tell me who can, how grew this animosity. Arnold. You know Henry was in his seventh year when he inherited the crown. The priestcraft strove at once to impreg- nate the blossoms of his judgment with reverence for the pope, and a submissive humiliant awe. All their endeavours how- ever were frustrated by the observation of the prince, who saw in the arrogant and encroaching Gregory, naught to claim his deference. So when he stood upon his independence, a footing which was nature's free gift, and would not thence be urged, the whole effort of the hood, with engines of malediction, and treachery- working deceit was bowled against him. Rebel and rebel, son after son disloyal, were the defeated fruit of their wrath. And now, the master sting of the whole is blown against him, when nature was almost ready for him. God befriend us ! to-morrow will be a fearful contest, and I fear me, the period of his strife- torn days. Come, let us be cheerful to-night. Enter Leopold with Soldiers. Arnold. Stand, ho! disclose yourself and purposes: You may not pass beyond. Leopold. Nor mean we so. I make the circle of the posts to know If all lives safe and proper through the watch. 48 HENRY IV. OF GERMANY; Bertha. Tis he. Arnold. All here secure and silent. Sir, your voice Recalls some friend in mind ; say, do you know Old Arnold Adelfred. Leopold. Is't so *? again Among the wars 1 Arnold. And you, that seem to own Authority, are you not called Albrecht 7 Leopold. Ay, and a fellow soldier with yourself, Though not what I professed, when I besought Your liberal bounty. When your watch is done Seek out the tent of Leopold : tis pitched Beside the Emperor's. Awhile farewell. Strictly defend all passage of the lines. {Exit. Bertha, This proves his false report, his noble rank. O woful certitude to stead my fears ! Wrong and most wrong deceit, and not on him But me, ah me ! the forfeit thereof falls. now comes desperation, death and doom! 1 care not what to end or di'ag my woes. O, spirit of evil ! give me instant means To leave this gloomy dreajTi, this tragic play. Arnold. I muse nor can resolve ; here is indeed A wonder- worthy marvel. — Hark ! young friend : Wouldst think this officer had hearthed with me, Been my companion for the two past years 1 Bertha. 'Tis very strange indeed. Arnold. So should it seem Did you know all. I long to hear him tell How this promotion came. Bertha. 'Tis nothing so, No sudden elevance, but birth-bestowed. Arnold. No, I repeat : he sate beside my board — Bertha. But yet self- falsified. Arnold. You know him then 1 Bertha. His heart, his heart, his heart ! Arnold. It is not well. Some certain regard that was based upon his appearance must now slide with its foundation and with a shock too. 'Twas not well. — I'll tell thee, my friend, how I have a daughter who conceived a silly fondness for the fair youth's A TRAGEDY. 49 company, and now may reckon her spent affections. It is ill, and so will I this night instruct him. Bertha. O it was foul, if he won her heart to desert — Arnold. Not justly so ; he never played for it, — but rather, as far as my old and oblivious discernancy carried, she more loved to bestow her regard than he to accept. Bertha. Then only she or you can censure self On her, not him, truth's sorrow should alight. Arnold. Reflect not on her boy : she's dear to me. Enter Bohemia, Ermengarde and Officers, Bohemia. Stand not before — prevention is in vain. We are full wrought to pass, though hell oppose. Depose your halbert, ere you fall with it. Arnold. In the emperor's name, I bid you stand. — Ho ! help ! The watch. Ermengarde. 'Twere better silence him, Bohemia. Ay, ay. Perish all hindrance. Bertha. Let us stand our guard. Arnold. Back or I'll cleave the foremost. Bohemia. Knock him then. Such vile impediments are worth the rough And moment-quick reject, nor more nor less. So, spurn them from our passage. Arnold. Treacheiy ! Help, guard ! [Broil. — Exeunt Bohemia, <^c. Young soldier, are you hurt 1 By Heaven ! You used a noble ^aif. Bertha. Good father, help ! There, well — farewell. Arnold. God pardon us, he's wounded. Dead 1 quite gone. O cruel death, upon the eve of fight. [Exit. SCENE lY.— Hall in the Castle of Sigismund. Enter Rodolph and Rhist. jRodolph. Do you hear, porter? JRhist. Whati Rodolph. They are coming. Yes, 5 50 HENRY IV. OF GERMANY; I saw them from the terrace. By my faith, I hope for sport with them. 'Twere worth some wounds To tell our lord returning from the wars, We had not been all quiet. Rhist, Ay, what now 1 Sayst thou a force approaches % Rodolph. Even so. Rhist. But why talkst thou of wounds 1 There needs no risk Of person. Is there not sufficient strength In these same walls '? Better they stand the battery Rodolph. You care not then to fight, — Get to the gates ; There is a knocking ; go and satisfy. [Exit Rhist. I recollect some rusty lances in the vault — All now May be of service. Re-enter Rhist ivith Godfrey. Rhist. Here's one desires to entertain a while Our lady with discourse. Rodolph. I will report. [Exit. Godfrey. Hark ye, young honest friend, what over all Claims your affection. Rhist. What'? my lord the baron. Godfrey. Why so 1 Rhist. He is my lord ; Godfrey. If thou thyself Wert master of thyself? Rhist. Myself would be My chief affection. Godfrey. Then should you desire The eminent means to make thee thine own lord. Rhist. And they Godfrey. Are what 1 Rhist. Are gold : which, to speak sooth, Has more of my devotion than the baron. Godfrey. Thovi hast awit. Take this. Rhist. I love thee mu«h. Godfrey. Impress the portal keys in wax, and bear The counterfeits at midnight to yon camp. Rhist. Rely upon me. ' [Exit. A TRAGEDY. 51 Enter Baroness and Rodolph. Baroness. Your pleasure 1 Godfrey. 'Tisto utter our demands Upon this casfle. Your surrenderment, Speedy and total, will not lose you auglit Save bloody prisal. Baroness. Though no argument May move our hesitance, yet fain would we Know wherefore thus bold featured we are shown The image of oppose. Godfrey. The traitorous state Of Sigismund, once lord within these walls Who now steads hostile pow'rs, hath forfeit them To the true empire. With her name and sword We give them greeting, fair or deadly foul, As reason or your madness sway reply. Baroness. We are embattled strongly and will keep Our castle from unruly ownership While life finds sustenance here. Godfrey. E'en as you list. The rising sun shall hear another tale. Farewell the interval. Baroness. Who leads this force % Godfrey. I, Godfrey, for my brother Adelbert. Baroness. Enough. [Exit Godfrey. Rodolph, at once in the great ha:ll convene Our numbers, that I may allot to each Their post and clmrge, — and breathe a spirited miad Throughout our slender but sufficient ranks. [Exeunt. SCENE Y. — A remote part of the field of Battle. Soldiers fly over — a pause. Enter two Soldiers. 1st Soldier. Pause we awhile: methinks there's no pursuit, 2 But now I saw- , reporting that the baron Is lingering in the valley, whei'e he waits Some knowledge of your prospect or your fate, Ere motion is determined. Emperor. Seek we him. Comie, Leopold : place hath no choice for us Save where a friend survives. Leopold. This I divined, Perceiving the remotion of the guards. SCENE \l.— Palace at Mentz. Henry the Fifth, Austria^. Adelbert, Bavaria, Bohemia, Archbishop of Mentz, others.- Bohemia. My lord, the object being deprived of harm, Nobility deposes warfare. Mentz. True ; Beside, yovxr spear being vow^ed God's instrument, And clesiastic mean to frame this sway Acceptant with the pope's, should be suspense. Nor clear its limits. Summon home all things- A TRAGEDY. ^j Whose warxd'rings menace his poor state of health. Bavaria. His hopes aftamished and his havings lost, ■His utter-stricken age must swiftly bow The mortal stuff to earth. ^(^Ibert. You know him not ; And are but shallow-versed in nature's lore. Which of you (how so meriting) could brook The spoliage of your titles, and afford A smooth unstruggli-ng cease 1 All would efforce Prom death the debitor a harmful spite. Austria. The rash untiring Henry will dark- work Some danger to the empire while he breathes. He will not see these domains peaceful sw-ayed Which were the carcass that his wrath exposed, Regardless to all perils, nor uplift An angry hand his footing to regain. Henry. High Heaven forbid me leap the proper list Pitched by the holy church. Our subjects know A heavy heart our service companied, And not malevolent-eager. — Adelbert, 1 am no sovereign thus ; till he is tombed, My perfect ease and speculation's scope Are pale and wan, — sole medicine his deatk Select an amjjle power from out our ranks.: Thy warrant take in silence. Adelbert. All content. It shall be executed on the wing In flight immediate. Henry. ■ Chance, 'twill ask some pains To learn his haunts. Your vigilance we trust. Adelbert. The royal prey is easiest tracked, my lord. This will befriend my private scope, and hate Shall heap his mound of some. that follow him. {Exe'Vynt. SCENE lil.— Li a Valley.. Enter Sigismund and Rhoderick. ■Rhoderick. Your espial by this should have returned. Sigismund. Ay, surely; should his absence last much more, 2'11 seek in person tidings o'f my liege. Rhoderick. And 1 with you. 64 HENRY IV. OF G ERMANY; Sigismund. However calm this place And peaceful-pleasant, yet uncertainty- Is tyrant o'er content. — Dear home, dear home ! Would I had tidings thence. 1 something wish His capture had not parted us. ^ Rhoderick. Great good ! While lives a friend abroad, not all confined Or weaponless is he. Sigismund. What is, is best. Or more than worst, at least. Rhoderick. Without more words, Behold the emperor with Leopold. Enter Emperor, Leopold. Emperor. Thank Heav'n for this one recollection. Baron, Great joy we feel to meet thee. Leopold. Reunite Beholding us, I think an anny's strength Consisteth here. Sigismund. And so it does, if we Pespise the chance of future accidents. Emperor. Fallen, 'tis true ; withal we lose not much. Could I but harbor thought in this retreat, Content might be my constant revenue ; But rebel fancies, courier-like, to me Approach my son, now piteous for his sense, Nowoftener firing hope of chastisement. Sigismund. This currency of thought will early droop, And still, will help to sweeten your degree. Emperor. We serve the springs of super-ord'nance ; while We settle here we must ameliorate. E'en to our best. When time the warrant bears To loose inaction, quite reselfed, we'll march To wage accumulate wrath against all foes. Fortune not singly damaged me ; ye both Have ta'en sore gashes ; manifold this day Bear heavy weights of wo, and who shall say My state is most disconsolate, most dire. But no ; I wound the spirit of my wrongs : Who has, say who, a rebel child to hate, — Cherished, up fondly reared beyond all love, A TRAGEDY. fi5 Clutching t' outroat that breath, which so engraved His recreant soul with promise '? Such an act To ravage earth with greedy, blood souled dogs For his destruction makes damnation blush Its inefficience. Wither, fret and die, Is all with all ; — degree distinguishes. This valley seems a hold of utmost strength Walled in by massive rock. Sigismund. Ay, Rhoderick Hath visited each portion. Emperor. Well, what sort ? What manner 1 Was th' inspection fee'd 1 Rhoderick. My lord, Your little world is mvich above contempt. Though rugged, yet it has some flowery spots And full variety. So may be hoped An honest, fair, untroubled domain here. Emperor. The hush before the hurry of the stonu May be improved. So shall we take from time A tranquil patience. Sigismund. Leopold, by this We should have tidings from my dear loved folk. Leopold, The smoothness of their safety is unrufiial^ Elsewise th' ill news were thine. Sigismund . ' T is true, they ha ve, By far, the swiftest carriage. Enter ^a^lo-^ {as Hermit) from a cave. Emperor. What art thoul Speak quickly, ere you startle in us thoughts Sudden of harm, Rhoderick. A strangely, ghost-like being: Leopold. Unfold your character. Saxon. Peace be with all. Emperor. Why gaze you thus around % Saxon. To see those thing.s My customs have dismemorized. I not thought To come by pleasure in the sight of man. But nature, nature. Emperor. Dost thou domicile In this wild buried spot 'J 6* QQ HENRY IV. OF GERMANY; Saxon. For fifteen years. Who are they that encroach on this still vast? Welcome whate'er ; we are too old for fear. Emperor. Divine, good man : w^hat is thy guess of us 1 Saxon. You have a captain's look ; a deference Sits round like duty on th' assembly's face. You're in the empire's ban, and here have fled For secrecy's best keeping. Emperor. Not far wide. Seclusion's feeble thread suspends our lives, Discovery shearing which dependency, Our hold on life is gone ; who stands with us Must share our fate. Wilt hazard this, old man. And give us aidance 1 Saxon. What was your offence '? Emperor. A credulous honesty; Saxon. No more than this 1 Leopold. I swear, no more. Saxon. Come then with me along. Nature hath chambered here a kind of cave, Spacious accommodant. With you and yours, Among whom name myself, I will partake. Emperor. We thank thee, thinking infinitely more. Go all with him. I'll follow in due time. [Exeunt^ save Emperor - An emperor, no doubt ; for fifteen years Respected and unchid by goodness' ebb. He wakes to fearlessness and careful sleeps ; No underlings ambitious, mutinous ; No treacherous friends, rebelliovis sons, no popes ; No dispensations to bi-eed jealousy ; No irritating levies of his rights : No world to slander, — to breathe deadly blast 'Gainst what its ignorant jvidgments and mean sense Its petty one-thought soul, — know not to prize. Here is a peer and sov'reign o'er the world To pity or to laugh as temper moves. But who approaches now"? Some valley- nymph, The daughter of the place. A TRAGEDY. qj Enter Adela, Rodolph, ^oho retires. Adela. I cannot err ; This must be majesty. Emperor. Your hand. Methinks There's something, Sigismund, in that thine eye. Adela. Before all other question, let me know If hereabout my father may be found, The baron Sigismund 1 Emperor. I'll bring thee to him. Enter this grot with me, and strike his eye All unexpectant with thy self-delight. [Exeunt. SCENE IV.— Godfrey's castle. GoDFREy. The dark, dull fit once more. Where is that drug To smooth my perturbed soul % To renovate The slumbering part of life? O, God ! what art, Or what retraction will procure the loss Of horror's visitation to my mind 1 Can restitution of his usurped lands Restore my death-piled childhood- honesty 1 Will not his sire, old Egbert, glaze mine eyes With death's similitude '? I pushed him not Till nature built the precipice : his life Was in its faint and flicker when I blew. Let him rest quiet then ; I owe him naught, — No deviation or digression now ; On, on while life contain a hope. My heart Hies now a chase, encouraged with my sum Of fate-exciting hope. Her let me clutch And conquer to my wedlock, then all cares Lose tyranny upon me, and what things Do worry at content are partly drowned. I must play time, nor ever cast behind A mental eye. Who's there 1 — How now 1 What word 1 E?iter an Attendant. Attendant. Count Adelbert, with numerous company, Is at the gates. 68 HENRY IV. OF GERMANY; Godfrey. Thou lying messenger, He foUoAvs thee at hand. Go get thee hence. {Exit Servakt. Enter Adelbert. Adelbert. An accidental visit. Journeying, Chance brought me here by. Godfrey. What affair Do yovx pursue this way '? Adelbert I have a task Whose subject is the old emperor's remove. Clustei-ed with Sigismund and Leopold, And other vulgar, he is spending time Among the neighboring mountains. Godfrey. Of what strength Are your dependant instruments 1 Adelbert. The force Of sum superfluous. Do not think my power Is all in deputation. I do mean To pay my hire in some resembling act. Godfrey. Thou wilt not let occasion lapse, I know. To serve the orders of your bosom's wrath. That boy, remember him. Adelbert. Ay : have you wived That child of Sigismund 1 beyond a doubt, — There was no portal for alternative. Godfrey. Must you proceed 1 Can you not dwell awhile % Or, I presume, your office scourges time. Adelbert. What, you evade 7 Found yov\r intent a balk ? Godfrey. Curse all the race of woman ; she escaped. Adelbert. And whither fled '? Godfrey. To Sigismund, I learn. Adelbert. Has this submined yovir purpose % Godfrey. Strengthened it. Now it concerns my pride. If you accord, My stewards shall go with you, trusty men. Your process being co-operant, past help. She must be mine. Adelbert. I willingly consent, And with my best of efforts will approach Your cherished longing. Get these persons sohooled. And bring them sudden to the gate. My troops Do tarry me. [Exit Adelbert. A TRAGEDY. ( Godfrey. A favorable chance. I will determine WoliF and Gaspard so That nothing shall impede. And T myself Will follow leisurely. For of such price My heart esteems success, that rest is not So long as lasts the treatise. [Exit. SCENE Y.— Valley. Leopold and Adela. Leopold. Pernicious villain ! Is he discontent With th' usurpation of my heritage 1 Envies he me the revenues of my heart 1 Foul was the first, and heavily deserved Th' exaction meditate in me, but left Till time grew seasonable. Still my mind Could lightly hold that in compare with this Refinement of fell" malice. Let him walk: Men do not last for ever. Adela. Banish him From nobler-busied thoughts. — O, Leopold, I wronged you when my discontentment blamed Your long-spun hour of absence. Let me lose Whate'er may cost your fealty toward This sovereign, base-deserted. To behold The nobleness of sufferance in him Would make exult adherence. Leopold. Adela, The critical hour of his life's tide is wearing. In his decease th' usurper will find that Which his solidity of peace now wants. This dispossess'd condition must not last ; The flood of change, or bear him up again, Or loses him within th' eternal main. Adela. The best be hoped. Leopold. And neither feared the worst. Adela. Then fortune's spite is futile.*^ Father mine. Enter Sigismund. Sigismund. O, God ! 'twas yet relief for other griefs Safe sheltered to suppose my flock at home. 70 HENRY IV. OF GERMANY; Sorrow is multitudinovis. All now Are scattered Mildly, and my noble sjDouse, High minded lady, undeserving grief, Is where '? I can but guess. Adela. O rest assured, Dear father, she is safe with friends at Mentz. Leopold. I trust that your despatch will have returned With tidings by this night. Sigisimind. No doubt, no doubt. The emperor inclines to leave this vale ; If he is resolute therevmto, I mean You twain shall take the matrimonial oath With first occasion. Leopold. Where about is now Plis highness 1 Sigisinnnd. In the hennit's cave he stays Conversing with this new companion chos'n. Adela. Truly a man of charity and love. Leopold. He wins all hearts immediate. See, they come. Enter Emperor and Saxon, Saxon. Discriminate : that your observance teems With instances where shows of goodness lied, Where seeming piety glossed rancorous hate, Where things presumptively depvite of God Have been most virulent in enmities. Because of these, must all else be deceit. Do not contemn the Roman sceptre, for Its sometime misdirection. Though 'tis seen Hypocrisy steals nearest under Heaven, The greater and moi'e direful is its fall. Emperor. Well, good old man, I do believe not all Professing sanctity are false in heart, O, Leopold, you uttered ne'er a hint Of your contract ; a richer tint is added To your devotion. Who can say we're poor 'J Give us oblivion, and included here We may all find content. A company Co-levelled and degree'd by fortune's blows, Commutual in affection, good in heart, Consenting each unto the other's weal, A TRAGEDY. 71 In pleasantest repose we may i-eside, And make this spot felicity's true court, The envy of all else. Saxon. This the true mood. Leopold. But how can you, my lord, whose varied life Has wild ambition o'er the field pursued Through action's very whirlpools, give yourself A pause and tranquil term 1 Emperor. E'en so, my friend : While counting up the chance of pleasance here, My soul is swayed for motion. With the break And gaily skipping interrupt of morrow, We purpose to remove our camp. Adela. Alas ! It is not safe. Sigis7iiund. What Leopold hath urged Can be no reason. Age is giv'n as rest To the most stirring lives which chief demand it. Saxon. And are there not the peril and offence Of enmity abroad upon yovir search 1 Emperor. Be they confronted : I more brook their threats Than this inaction. Enter Rhoderick. Rhoderick. O, my lord, my lord. Emperor. What hath perturbed you 1 Speak ; what dreaded cause So moves you 1 Rhoderick. Foes are now upon your track. Sigismund. Is the retreat discovered. Emperor. Let him breathe, And after, leisurely disclose his news. Rhoderick. Pursuing sport this morn, 1 was beguiled Even to the very isthmus of this glen. Where craggy heights, fantastically spersed, Abound. To rouse a high-lodged eagle, Up clamber'd I amain ; obtained my aim, And on the wing transfixed the noble bird. He fell not sudden, but consumed some space. Heart shafted though, and fell without the rocks. My weariness begged rest, and in repose 72 HENRY IV, OF GERMANY? I sought the needed strength to reach my prey. But the dead drum awoke ; a band of men Were filing from above, who had divined, By my pierced game, th' abode of ours below. Saxon. Follow me all whose voice cries for escape. There is another outlet. Emperor. For ourself, So far from willing to avoid their search We shall assist. We'll affront their eyes : Come, whosoever choose. Leopold. I much mistake If any here dissent, save Adela. Sigismund. Thy best protection is with this good hermit. Adela. Not I ; forgive me, but beside yourself I only can be safe. Saxon. Then let us all Together meet the invaders of our realm = [Exeunt, A TRAGEDY. ACT V. SCENE l. — A loooded part of the Valley, Enter party of the last Scene. Emperor. The clouds usurp aloft, the winds escape, And sullen night hangs darkness in the air. Now birds of sweet-tuned throat are nestled hush, And things of prey arouse. 'Twill be a night Of wrathful temper in the elements. Sigisymmd. Fearful it were, if real things, my lord, Spoke not of danger. Emperor. So ; and thus we learn How foolish- visionary is the fear That takes such pains to start at needless objects. Adela. I hear their tramp. Leopold. They are upon us. Hark ! The sounds of number. E7iter Adelbert and Soldiers. Adelbert. Halt ! They are around. — Who there 1 Emperor. Henry the Fourth of Germany. Adelbert. Ha, Ha ! The Gods be thanked! — Bring torches! Now Thou adjudged traitor, by the crown condemned To forfeit thy detested life, prepare ; Thy hour hath come — 'tis in arbitrement Of one who holds thee odious. Lights! and then Objected to my weapon Sigismund. Adelbert! Meseemed that voice familiar. Leopold. As the fiend To mortals hell-condemned. 7 74 HENRY IV. OF GERMANY; Emperor. Or to the sire, A child's forgetfulness. O, Adelbert, This insolent front is my punition for Th' uplifting thee to honor. Sigismund. I should claim A tongueless future, did my vengeance let Words separate us more. O worse than breath Can tell thee Leopold. Sigismund, this cause is mine By a most sacred oath. Eviperor. Upon your loves, I charge ye both to stay this passion. What! Do ye prefer your fates before mine own '? Stand none before me, — on your honors, none ; But second, each and all. — Now, faithless slave, And rash and wicked man, what seek you here '? Speak the extreme and bloodiest of your purpose. Its blockade, bound and trench ; that knowing this, I may resolve resistmem or consent Accoi'ding. Adelbert. 'Tis the end of your existence. Your doom hath issued, and all people wait To know its consummation. Emperor. Why pretend The fool 1 And buy more deaths with shunless mine 1 If when this blood be spilt will pause your furies, {Storm heard.) Come on ; evasion shall not sway this breast. Come with your hated steel, nor fear oppose. Farewell, all friends. Leopold. Now, by the God of gods, May I be Heaven-detested if this bane And nature's poison banquet on such viand Without prevention ! Emperor. Shall our last command Sigismund. My lord, my lord, you wrong the dearest right That honored man can boast ; his vengeances, Or upon justice or main strength, have claims Precedent of all else. Adelbert. Base villain ! Guards Stand here before me. — What these men may do, In inconsidered wrath, who can foresee. A TRAGEDY. 75 Adela. O man of God, canst tliou be passive here 1 Pour Heaven's influence upon this rage, Engenderful of mischief. (Sform.) Saxon. Stay, rash men. Agnise the dreadful terrors in the sky, The sublime fury shattering o'er your heads, And leave contemned strifes. How puny show These battles puerile in such a time When Heaven stalks roundabout. Put vip your steel. I charge ye, in the name of all things sacred, To reconcile or part. Adelbert. Regard thy health. This old deposed villain, whose long life Compose a series of amazing guilts, Still glorying in his maledicted state, Affronts the empire's safety, and must die. Whoso dare lift an arm to ward his doom Would better erst have died. Fast hold him, fellows^ While I ransack that traitor bosom his, For the life's part. Saxon. The skies fore fend ! Leopold. Beware, Base dogs, taint not his person with rude grasp. Ha ! thus then. {He cuts doion one of the soldiers.) [Meamvhile enter Godfrey behind with Wolff and Gaspard, whoon he motions toioard Adela. They seize her.} Adela. What cursed sport is this 1 [Exeunt Godfrey and his stewards, hearing ojf Adela, Adelbert. Vile upstart fool. Hast thou assassined him % Destruction hence ! -^ Soldiers assault them all t— cut down the whole. Why do ye pause % Must I direct ye then ! {Lightning ; a tree is struck, and Atielbert falls killed, Soxon. Death supernatural! Fall all, fall down : Acknowledge God in awe. Around and through His thought abides. Let all confess this Heaven. All. We all confess thee. Heaven. Emperor. Strangely dismayed, My soul starts inward. Saxon. Let thy equal wrath Terribly fall upon us, when our m.ind 76 HENRY IV. OF GERMANY; Conceive like bloody purpose. All. Be it so. Sigismund. O, night of horror ! Saxon. When from any breast The lesson of this hour is' fallen, inflict The same denouncement. All. Even such great powers. Leopold. Vast nature's dissolution could not shake Its elements more loudly terrible, Than this terrific storm. Saxo7i. Come all with me Who will provide a shelter. Soldiers, come, \st Soldier. Canst thou supply protection from this night And chilling tempest '? If so, we will accept ; And on the morn will go our way in peace. Sigismund. Who hath seen Adelal My child ! My child ^. Where sped 1 Speak ! Speak ! Leopold. Where fled 1 Will no one telH 2d Soldier, When all was hurry and confusion, sir, I saw her carried hence, with violent force. By several disguised. Leopold. Oh, cursed fault ! Great God, why shared not I that bolt 1 Sigismund. No fate Can amply scourge the remnant of my days. If she is lost. Why heard not I her voice *? Were all my senses shut ? [Exit. Saxon. Silentest gloom Succeeds the busy noises which did wage But even now. Leopold. O, who can counsel now ? {Exeunt. SCENE II.— The palace. Henry the Fifth, Bohemia, Austria, Bavaria. Bavaria. My lord, the nuncio waits an audience; Has he your license *? A TRAGEDY. 77 Bohemia. Duke, he marks thee not ; Nor little else of late. Austria. This malady Of which I yester spake ; these reveries, Gloomy abstraction and long sullen moods, Denoting a possessing sorrow, grows Most sovereignly upon him. Bohemia. He repines For his past motions 'gainst his sire. — My lord ! — Bavaria. Waste not your voice toward his poisoned ear. Austria. 'Tis most despisable, hated of all, This wailing for past deeds. Who would not do Even as did himself 7 But so unwise, Unripe in reason, tame and vulgar-souled, As fall to moan his process, who would be 1 The act diveited half the world from him ; Penitence turns the other, Henry. Ha ! how now 1 How long must we attend him 1 Bohemia. Who, my lord 1 Henry. Who, senseless duke 7 The legate from the pope. [Exit BOHBMtA. How, Austria ! several discolored thoughts Look through your aspect. By the gods ! be 't known We like not frowns. Enter Bohemia with Constance. Your business in our court, Please you, make known. Constance. Then thus in mildest terms : My master. Paschal, listening the tale Of the abject extreme to which your foal And most unfilial negligence hath driv'n Your predecessor, hath at once been struck With a resenting and amazed wrath. Wherefore I am despatched, in impulse warm, To censure this unnatural contempt Of obligations and all human sense ; To deprecate Henry. Out, varlet, from my sight ! Hence suddenly and tell his insolence — ^ cOFC 78 HENRY IV. OF GERMANYj O what a damned thing desertion is ! Would he stood here ! his person might receive A violent respect. Hence, devil-priest ! [Exit Constance. Austria. My lord, methinks Henry. My dog, bethink thy health. Now cursed be mankind 1 all slaves un worth Their appetite's supply. Austria. My lord, I must be heard. With your permission, to my states I mean To make repair forthwith. Henry. Why, what care we % Bohemia. And I Henry. And you too, all, leave us alone. [Exeunt. My heajt is desolate. I will to rest ; What rest 1 Even such the angry ocean gives. [Exit. Enter Anselm a7id Hugo. Hugo. When with this dread disorder, was he first Afilicted 1 Anselm. Lately, very lately. Hugo. And How frequent the return % Anselm. Each altern night, In the dead stillness, it affects his grace. Hugo. Is it not something strange '? Anselm. I ne'er before Heard of an equal case. But have thou care. Not for a kingdom this to noise abroad. Hugo. Ti-ust me; — and he will have none other near % Ayiselm. Not but myself, who with much time and toil Recover him to feeling. Hugo. By yon skies, He is not enviable. Well, good night. [Exeunt. SCENE III — Chamber of Henry the Fifth. Enter Henry with a light. Is this th' aspired pomp for which my soul Professed ambition 1 This the royal of A TRAGEDY. 7r My nurtured dreams 1 Power indispute is dull, And checked, it is the worst, most damned chain Humanity is born to. Well, die thought In sleep, my debtor, greatly in default. When sleep 1 Can 1 escape this waking dream. This nightly terror, which enthrals my sense "? But shall this sense endure the whelming sway Of my unsinewed fancy 1 Must I know Such thing is not, and suffer horror still Set frightful thoughts upon my fugitive spirit 1 Knit brows and see it not : tis naught, naught, naught. Why now I will retire and Savage Fates ! — He visits us again. His white head — mark, — His vengeance-bolting frown. O ! tis hot iron Upon my blasted eye-balls. No, but no : I say thou art not there ; a cheat, a lie. Deception false as hell, and pervious art To this my substance. See, I walk thee through. Now reason can you fly 1 All's well, all well. This fever is unmanliest, and but springs From a wide-wandering ! Hence, thou subdued thing I O God ! 'tis true ; delusion is not there. Stand ! and demand my life. Clutch not thy sword. No nearer ; O ! no, no : murder me not. Death levels from thine eye ; 1 will confess, Relinquish all, rove mendicant, so that Compassion ; O not yet — but now — 'tis done. [Swoons. [Enter Anselm — Scene changes. SCENE IV. — Spire. House of Ermengarde. Enter Godfrey and Ermengarde. Godfrey. The lady Adela % Ermengarde. Sits drooping still And mute. Not e'en my daughter can obtain A tokening word of healthy sense from her. Godfrey. Poor girl, poor child ! I thank you, Ermengarde, 80 HENRY IV. OF GERMANY; For our kind brotherly reception here, But must away to-morrow for my lands. Erviengarde. So soon 1 Godfrey. And therefore do I wed this day. Ermengarde. Is Adela consenting 1 Godfrey. She is not ; But what imports it '? In these questions, count, You know full well such youth should have no voice. Ermengarde. O none; she is honored much Godfrey. Not so, by Heaven t Ermengarde. My meaning is, though fair the maiden be^ And all in person worthy, yet the child Of one in treason's practice should esteem The nviptials with Count Godfrey. Godfrey. Have you ta'en Precaution for the ceremony % Ermengarde. Ay ; All the most noble families of Spire Will witness and assist. Godfrey. Good friend, desire The maiden to approach. Ermengarde. This will I, sir. Pray school her in some manner as respects Her dvUies on th' occasion. [Exit Ermengarde. Godfrey. Fear me not. Duties ! obedience ! would her heavenly soul But feel a kind resentiment with mine, I'd own the obligation, and with me Wovild rest the duty. See, she moves this way, But with determinate clung lips. How long Enter Adela. Must this dejected character usurp The throne of your fair visage '? Is't from me This sorrow comes 1 With me you are incensed \ Have I done aught solicitous of hate '? Will you not see that 'twas the violence, The craze and emphasis of passion, which Enforced your midnight capture 1 He on whom You spend inutile thoughts could never feel Access like this, or dare so much for love. A TRAGEDY. 81 You know it, and in heart confess my right Unto your worshipp'd heart. Be wise ; assume A much more proper aspect, and prepare For altar oaths. For this I leave you. Mark! A few short hours are yours. As you deport, Showing reluctance or a blithe consent, Shall influence much your hours of after life. Farewell a while. [Exit Godfrey. Adela. It cannot — shall not be. My trust is fervent that he will arrive ; The messenger I bribed cannot but find My father, who will raise all pow'rs of earth To save his heart's true child. But should he not — My thoughts are firm disposed to cut me out A passage from this danger. Heaven and earth ! But sorrow is the watchword of these times. An hour, an hour; and in some sort 'tis o'er. [Exit. SCENE V, — Same. Before the temple to the Virgin. Enter Sigismund, disguised. The hinted place — and near about the hour Whereto points my intelligence. From me The truths of sorrow have been erst withheld j Accumulating idly till my state Was least in preparation. 'Tis the past Must borrow knowledge from the current time ; To-day cries out on yestern's ignorance, And so until that sun when all know all. Was't yesterday I sorrow'd, talked on grief. Thought smiling to be martyrdom 1 Fool's error \ Happiest among mankind. Let me thus learn To 'scape this pi-esent weight by thinking what More direful might befal. But no, O God ! Fancy is impotent, nor can create One harder lot. And now perhaps this ruffian Revels in dreams, whence he shall wake to death. Say that 'tis done — Before the very altar, where 'tis thought ^ HENRY IV. OF GEE3IANY^ To sacrifice my child ; striking the eye Of th' undisposed audience How thenl Will they not rush in horror to avenge The deemed offence'? What can an abject man, Sided with ruin, 'gainst establishment 1 Esteemed a traitor, how subdue the cry And general shudder for a noble's death 1 And why not now 1 I owe the world no more ; The folly of my part is done ; naught claims Against departure. Lo ! — behold, behold ! The pageant nears. Vain pomp ! — To mix with them. [Retires. Enter Godfrey, Adela, Ermengarde, Lords, Ladies, d^'C. Adela. O Heaven remember me ! Now shall I prove How tempered was my nature ; moulded how. My father comes not. Guard him, ye above, — My mother bless, and Leopold — but oh ! Not that way ; there I die a previous death. Godfrey. This is the temple, maiden, where our vows Are served at Heaven's table. Adela ! Beware, in presence of this noble crowd. To utter shame against me, or to cast Its faint reflection. G, beware ! dar'st thou. By darkest shades of hell, I'll take thy life. O do it not, and all my heart is bound Toward thy pleasance ever. Kindest friends, Make happy entry with us to this place. [ The portals open ; procession enters, Sigismund mingling tviih the train ; doors close. Enter Emperor resting on Leopold. Leopold, O, my dear lord, your looks speak languor; wan Your face is quite with the o'er great attempt Of journey. On these steps awhile still rest, While T some sustenance seek. Emperor. Thanks, thanks ; O, me ! 'Tis the sense here, that with this corp'ral toil Is fellow 'gainst existence. Leopold. Good, my Ic-rd^ How fare you % A TRAGEDY. 83 Emperor. Wearily ; which bodes true weal. O nigh spent, Leopold. Leopold. Not so ; sit here While I an instant leave you to obtain, By prayer or threat, for your condition help. Emperor. Tarry ; why seek to stretch th' attached chain Which fates great self hath forged'? — This alifice Of so fair architecture, even I, Or what I was, constructed. Perfect fane 1 The bishop, I remember, was a liege Who pleased me well. Go, Leopold, make known Our fallen fortunes, and attempt his love. But, O ! not long. Leopold. I come again with speed. [Exit, [Strain of music aoithin. Emperor. Hark ! a most solemn choir ; these chords sublime Uplift the soul ; — sweet music! fare thee well ; All still. What sweeter balm to sooth these hours Preceding cease. The clangor of the trump. And the discordant battle song alone, Have been my youth's delight ; to these my mind Threading this night of life complacent turns. But 'twas a pure, a blessed hymn that now Uprose my knell. It is the noblest joy. Music, the soul may know. Heaven favors him Whom she bestows with feeling for its breath ; She loves not emperors. The hennit ! Ah, my friend. Enter Saxon alway as hermit. Emperor. Why have you thus far wandered from your home 1 Saxon. To follow thee. Emperor. Even here will end that care. Saxon. I mean it. Henry, thou hast trod so far As destiny permits. Emperor, I know it, feel it. Saxon. Dost thou remember Emperor. Yes. You came before me. Some thirteen years have past, and justice craved, Which I denied ye. Flushed with victory, Fearing the jealousies of my bold troop Moreover, in an angry mood, that hour 84 HENRY IV. OF GERMANY; I spurned ye, often to regret the word. I knew you in your hermit's guise, but deemed Devotion had entombed the memory. Now in that eye I see the lasted heat Of your vowed vengeance. Saxon. Which demands your blood. I have borne many trials in the search Of this beneficent hour, and ever nursed A certain oath I uttered. Emperor. Say, dark man, What residue of life have you in hope ? Saxon. This day's my last. I know your ready speech ; Why should 1 curse th' eternity within By leaving earth in blood. But die thou must, And fated 'tis — by me be shed thy blood. Emperor. Not so ignobly shall I end my days. Heaven's ways are marvellous ; to see a nation Pursuing down time's hill my last of days, Led by a sovereign, — cozened of their prey By an unknown, base person were most so. Rash man, forbear ; thy touch is desecration. Saxon. Though passionless, yet am I resolute ; A goodly sword is by theej draw ! Emperor. O, God ! What matters it ! 'tis nature though ! Now, Heaven, Give vigor to my arm. [ They fight. Exit Saxox. 'Tis done ; th' acceleration was required. Finish this torture, — now my soul 'gins burn. Haste, Leopold. Enter Leopold. Leopold. My lord Emperor. That hermit came — An enemy — my death- wound ; see. Leopold. He fell upon his sword hard by, and died. Great Heavens ! 'tis foul in ye. Emperor. The bishop — Leopold. Yes, Denied me. May the worms consume his heart. Let me support you. Must I, must I stay *? A TRAGEDY. 85 Emperor. Yes, and be happy. 'Tis a tragicd'ay Without more doom. Leopold. Naught else could make it more, Though legions suffer'd. Emperor. And there's one on earth, — Say, is there nof? who holds attached your hopes. Leopold. O where is she 1 Where 1 'Tis this mystery Which consummates my grief. O, God ! O, God ! Cut shoit my days even here, but save her to This father. Ha ! what noise, and whence is this 1 Emperor. 'Tis rmiior in the temple. — Sigismund ! [Doors Jly open. AiiELk at the altar supported. Sigis- RiuND and Godfrey combating. Leopold. Great God ! And Adela ! An altar ! Emperor. See, Count Godfrey falls. O haste me some to read The meaning of this scene. Enter Sigismund, Adela, Lords, d^c. d^c. All. The emperor ! Leopold. Keep silence ; he departs. Emperor. I see it all. She's saved. Good night ! Sigismund. O must we speak it now. Emperor. E'en now, and 'tis full time. Weep not the day. Whoe'er sees Henry, let him utter these ; — But no, tell simply death. Enough, farewell ! Tis now the awful night, the unknown gloom. [Exp-ires. [Curtain falls.] twifc Z1 * • o^ '^ A -.,1- ^V O^ O N O ,-19*. ''i* '77. ,« S'"'-^, ° ^rr« 'oS^ '^n^ HECKMAN IX BINDERY INC. |§ ,.0^ DEC 88 N. MANCHESTER, *" .'