bv^ 4i '^ x^- (I'd- '•»,-' ^ » gr ^ •« s> v-^. „ ,,.. . _ ^_ .^^\ > -> ^0' ^' <^ <> 'o-"* .G^ ^o .<&> <.^">. i 8th CONGRESS, 2d Session. [90 3 KEPORT Of the Select Committee, to whom was referred the Vrcsidenth message, in relation to the sale of the Fuhlic. Lots in the City of Wash- insiton. FEBRUARY 28, 1825. Read: ordered that it He upon the table. The Committee to Avhom was was referis^d'the message of the Presi- dent in relation to the sale of piiblic^.lots in the City of Washiifigton. REPORT: That, immediately after tlieir appointment, they addressed a letter to the Secretary of the Treasury, requesting such information asthe^ deemed important; and which had not been communicated in the docU" ments accompanying the President's message. In answer to their in- quiry, they received sundry documents, which accompanies this re- port, and to which they refer in illustration of it. The first Board of Commissioners for the City of Washington, were appointed isjjfhe } car 1791, consisting of Messrs. Johnson', (^.arroll, ana Stual•yJ"^■^H) com- menced the sale of city lots, in October of that year, and' in the ag- gregate, sold, during their continuan'ce in office^ 6,2:C7 lots, for the sum of S 541,384 89, of which g427'i9l5 87 was received by them; leav- ing uncollected, at the change of that Board in the year 1794, the sum of S 113,469 2j ii also appears, by the documents furnished, that, in addition to the above sum of Ig427,94 5 87, said commissionei'S receiv- ed S 245, in interest from the puichasers of lots, who failed to make payment at the time the ])urchase money became due; as also the fur- ther sum of g 464 29, as forfeitures, for non-com])]iance with tlie terms of sale in the improvement of said lots, &c. The second Board of Commissioners, consisting of Scott and Thornton, in the room of Johnson and Stuart, sold eighty-three lots for the aggregafe sum of 8 50,217 29, and received of that amount 846,637 59, leaving un- collected S 117,565 86, when that Boaid was again changed, so far as the appointment of White, in lieu of Carroll, e>i tended. After the change above specfied, said Board exposed to sale 1 1 lots, for the sum of g4 1,081 46, and received a corresponding amount, leaving 3S 117,565 68, due from the several sales of City lots; they also re- ceived the sum, of g 567 64, for interest on purchase moneys, together 2 [90] with S 1199 60 for forfeitures incurred. The said Board of Com- missioners was dissolved by act of Congress, passed on the — — day of 1802, and the office of Superintendent created. The committee are unable to report the manner, or objects, for which the several sums received by the commissioners were disbursed; as it ap- pears, from the letter of the first Auditor of the Treasury Depart- ment, that Ae always understood that the Board of Commissioners con- sidered themselves only accountable to the President of the United States, by whom they had been appointed, and under whose directions, and control, they immediately acted. No accounts of theirs were ever rendered to the Treasury Department for settlement, but a per- son was appointed to adjust them for settlement. And a statement of receipts, &c. for disbursements made, was presented for revision at the Treasury Department. On that subject, the accounting officers did not feel themselves at liberty to act without Legislative interposition, and gave this reason, that said accounts, in many instances, were de- ficient in vouchers; and in a particular manner, because the loan of $ 100,000 obtained from the Treasury Department, under the act of the 18th April, 1798, was included; which loan, it was believed, by the terms of the act, could not be so included and accounted for. It, however, appears, that the sum of g 1 10 59, the amount of cash (then On hand) was turned over to Thomas Munroe, the superintendent of the City of Washington, who succeeded the City commissioners, and entered upon that office, in the year 1802. During the first year of Mr. IMonroe's service, as superintendent, he received of Morris and Nicholson, for unpaid purchases of lots, sold by the commissioners, tlse sum of g49,56l 1 3; said superintendent also sold 238 lots forthe sum of S5 1,652 63 and received on account of that sale S 50 166 70 leav- ing as a-balance uncollected of that sale the sum of Rl,485 75, when his office expired in the year 1817. The committee have procured copies of ali the accounts rendered by the superintendent to the Trea- sury Department, to which they refer as part of this report. The committee find that the sum of ^20,945 13, remained in the hands of tlie superintendent, Mr. Mufiroe, from the time his office expired, un« til the SOth of December, 1 820, when he obtained a credit for g 1 0, 000, being tlie amount of a warrant drawn in favour of the Treasurer; that, on the 3 1st of December, 1821. (one year thereafter) another warrant issued to the I'reasurer, for S 9,372 75 for which a credit was also entered, leaving a balance"-of g 1,572 S3, which was not paid until the ISth January, 1825. The committee are informed, that a considerable amount has been received, for interest on the unpaid purchase money of lots, and for forfits incurred by the purchasers, for non-compliance with the terms of sale. The committee refer to a note of the present commissioner, in answer to their inquiry, on that subject, in which he states, << Other sums appear to have been received, on account of interest by the two Boards of Commissioners, and Mr. Munroe, but they are so blend- f>(l with Bank discounts, stock dividends, and other profit and loss? ) [ 90 ] 3 transactions, that it would be impossible to separate and report on them, during the present session. The committee find the sum of S 126,795 8 remains due from the sales of City lots, made by the first and second Boards of Commis- sioners, of which, they can see no reasonable prospect of any part ever being received: they are told, however, that a suit is now pend- ing in Chancery, to vacate the deeds of conveyance, for several squares; in which, (if the decree should be favourable to the United States) the amount due will be proportionably decreased. Col. Lane, it appears, succeeded Mr. Munroe, in the management of City affairs, and sold 69 lots, for §21,128 45, of which he receiv- ed S8,010 44, leavinga reported balance due from him of g7,743 29= The committee are unable to account for the difference, which exists, in the amount of sales, made by commissioner Lane, and the amount received, when taken in connection with the balance still due, and have sought for information on that subject, but can obtain none; they do not believe it important, to report more minutely on his transactions, inasmuch, as two reports, shewing the balance due, from him have already been made, and to which reports, the committee refer for fur- ther illustration. The committee find that Joseph Elgar, the present commissioner, has sold 6 City lots, for the sum of S 981 10; that he has received the full amount thereof, and has accounted at the Treasury Department for that sum. The committee further report, that there are 3,164 lots belonging to the United States, unsold, at this time, containing 26,453,733§ square feet; that, of the squares not laid off into lots, allowing 500 feet to each lot, would make 240 more, which, when added to the above number, would make 3406 lots now remaining unsold. The committee have derived many of the preceding facts from two voluminous documents, which it has cost much labour to prepare, and, OH account of their value, they recommend to be carefully filed among the records of the Clerk's office of the House of Representatives. The committee have not deemed it advisable to conclude this re- port with a resolution for the consideration of the Hou-e, believing it to be the more correct course, to leave that to a future Congress. All which is respectfully submitted., [ 90 ] 5 Committee Room, Jamiary 1, i825. Sir: I am directed by the Select Committee, to whom was refer- ed the President's Message, relative to the sale of the lots in the city of Washington, &c. to inquire the number of lots now the property of the United States; tlje number which were sold and forfeited for non-payment, and what number of those forfeited have been resold; the cause of the difference in the amount of sales made by the late su- perintendent Samuel Lane, and the sum received by him, and the balance due from his sales, and how^ that balance is secured; desig- nate the good, doubtful, and bad debts. Is there no evidence of the amount received by Thomas Munroe for the sale of city lots, other than his acknowledgments? did he receive nothing more? why are the accounts of debts due, or money received from individuals, other than for lots sold, been embraced in the report of Thomas Munroc's accounts? what amount did he receive from the sale of city lots, and what for the sale of other public property? stale the sums separately. Is there any evidence of the amount received, or balance remaining in the hands of the late Board of Commissioners, or either of them, at the time of their ceasing to act, or final dissolution, other than their own acknowledgments? and how was the full amount received by them disbursed, or is there any balance now remaining in their hands? where, and how were the Treasury reports, referred to in a note on the accounts of Thomas Munroe, destroyed? cannot the loss be sup- plied? what were the lawful regular expenses of the Commissioners and Superintendents of the city? were they by law allowed clerks, messengers, fuel, &,c. as charged in the accounts, or what were the legitimate incidental expenses? in what condition is the balance due from Thomas Munroe; has he been charged with interest while the money was in his hands, on the sums admitted to have been received, or balance now due? have any steps been taken to compel payment? why was not Thomas Munroe required to pay over to the United States the balances remaining in his hands at sundry times? when did he receive from Morris and Nicholson the sum of §49,561 13, and what then was the state of his accounts? did he ever pay any mo- ney to the United States, except the two drafts of the Treasury De- partment, as reported? was the whole amount received by him con- sumed in salary, and other expenses authorized by any law? if not, state the sumsnotauthorized ofthe S126.795 08, appearing to bedue, what part may be considered good, what doubtful, and what desper- ate. Has legal steps been taken to recover any part of said sum? if so, what part? was any account of the Board of Commissioners ex- hibited? if so, the Committee request a copy. Was no interest re- ceived by Thomas Munroe, or others, for debts due from the sale of city lots; if so, why was not such sum charged in their accountsl JOHN COCKE. Hon. William H. Crawford, Secretartf of the Treasnrij. SI Ai Ji.Mii.iM ofTJoIs belonging to the United States in the City of VVasliington, and sold by 'I'homas Jonnsois. i ^ai(i;i Vim oil, ciiivi j-fttin^i t.a Stewart, Commissioners. SIlIJAItES. LOTS SOLD. NO. OF THE lOT. TO WHOM SOID. WHEN SOID. PRICE OF EACH LOT. AMOVNT OF SAIES. VTIAT I'AKT PAID. DUE. iiY WHOM. nv.MAnua. 126 . George Di!;ii;es - Oct. 1791 ;ei50 OS. 0((. . .£■19 14 s. 9i/. Dolls, rts. . Lot bi'l'olted, and this .sum paid. 1 29 Thomas Lee Sliijipcii 115 J?1I5 OS. 01. 115 1 28 I'eter Cassaiiove 101 101 101 1 31 Heui'y CairoU - Jacob Welsh 201 201 201 . ',14 . Thissum paid, and live IoIh forfeited. 105 1 4 Tobias Lear 112 112 112 2 7 8 Nicholas Sluby - Do. 112 110 s } 228 228 1 3 Franris Cabot - 111 1110 111 1 14 Jacob'Sliner, .jr. 105 105 105 78 3 S Jacob Viilchrist - 104 U 1 19 Do. 120 « [ 326 ( . ,320 22 'Do. 102 J 2 20 21 Cabot ami Cassanovo Do. 101 102 2 } 203 { 203 107 1 5 Georg 1 King 105 105 ( 105 1 4 James Gilchrist - 101 101 ( 101 79 2 5 6 John lavidson - tDo. 61 60 ; } 121 C 121 2 7 19 Thorn IS Pierce - Do. 75 101 S } 176 176 77 1 3 Joseph Hodgson - 65 65 65 127 2 28 29 Thoin; s Sinim Leo Do. 60 62 I } 122 122 1 30 Peter ■harlcs L'Enfant - 99 99 24 15 193 00 Peter Chas. L'Enfant Sotllcd by City of Washington. 224 2 8 9 David Burns Do. Oct. 1792 200 150 ° } 350 350 2 12 13 W. Am Justine Wasliington 112 10 225 225 1 4 Iloban and I'ursell no 110 110 1 5 WiUia a Cacliell 105 105 105 2 1 16 Thorn; 3 I. Beatty Do. 113 117 ° } 230 , 230 66 Thomas J. Dcatty 254 1 1 5 7 Leonni Gabric d Harbaugli [ P. Vanhorn 135 120 135 135 30 . . This sum paid, and lot forfeited. 1 10 Clotwc rthy Stephenson - 102 102 102 1 11 Colin ^ i'iiliamson 105 105 105 1 14 Rd. Alj-x. Coulee 105 105 105 2 1 20 21 1 Saml. ijlodget, jr. Do. Cortils M'DermotRoe - 80 75 110 s } 155 110 155 110 1 2 Saml. )avidson 86 86 86 •1 2 4 Saml. 1 lodget, jr. 88 ° 1 20 iJo. 60 ° i 209 209 16 b 21 3o. - 61 J i 1 JLES. i WHAT PART PAID. DUE. BY WHOM DUE. pd. ^76 OS. Od. Dolls. Cts. 282 78 180 86 15 00 George Warley. 164 101 1,368 167 1 67 2,040 75 130 300 400 200 100 100 100 100 100 200 250 G 1 ) ) 250 100 100 100 110 71 200 * SliVARES. LOTS SOLD. NO. OF LOT. Til WHOM SOLD. WHEN SOLD. PRICE OP EACH LOT. AMOUNT OF SALES. ■WHAT PART PAID. DUE. BY WHOM DIE. 4 1 2 Richard B. Lee - Oct. 1792 - ^76 OS. Orf. ^76 OS. 0((. ^76 OS. 0,/. Dolls. Cts. 4 4 1 Richard Ober - 67 1 5 8 Do. . 71 16 23 Do. . 81 « f 282 282 :6 22 Do. - 63 J 5 1 18 William Deakins, jr. - 78 78 78 5 2 17 Rd. Alex. Contee . 70 ° } 5 11 Do. . 110 180 180 5 1 12 George Warley - - 8G 86 86 15 00 George Warley. 16 16 2 15 16 Walter Hellen - Do. " 81 83 2 } 164 164 16 1 17 Hoban and Pursell - 101 101 101 688 24 1 to 24 Saml. Blodget, jr. . 57 1,363 1,368 489 489 2 1 2 Hoban and Pursell Do. 81 86 I] 167 9 167 489 1 13 Saml. Davidson - . . 67 67 H 67 221 24 1 to 24 Do. . 85 2,040 ) 2,040 253 1 6 Patrick M-Derinot Roe . 75 75 ) 75 323 323 2 8 9 Corns, M'Dermot Roe - Do. - 65 e 65 ; } 130 1 130 200 3 2, 8, 9 Jno. Templeman - 100 300 1 300 408 533 2 2 1 and 2 5 and 6 Nathrfn Bond - 1 Do. - 100 100 s } 400 I 400 200 225 2 I 7 Saml. Blodget, jr. Do. - 100 100 S 1 200 1 200 225 6 Peter Oilman . 100 100 1 100 225 11 Thomas Metcalf . 100 100 1 100 225 8 Benj.iBlodget . 100 100 1 100 253 7 John {Templeman Nov. 1792 - 100 100 t 100 406 4 Andrew Estave - Hoba^i and Pursell - 100 100 ) 100 ] 406 16, 17 Dec. 1792 - 100 200 ( 200 * 456 6 George Howell - March, 1793 83 6 ^ ■) 728 9 Do. • - . 83 6 « [ 250 C 250 200 6 Do. - 83 6 8 J ' ' 9 3 Tobias Lear June, 1793 250 250 C 250 1 12 Henrich Conig - . 100 100 ( 100 .\ 290 12 Henry Edwards - - 100 100 ( 100 290 13 Charles Jones . 100 100 1 100 E.of 88 10 Corns. Cunningham Aug. 1793 - 110 110 ( 110 431 12 Robt. Kid Sept. 1793 - 71 71 ( 71 664 2 4 and 5 Tobias Lear and Co. - 100 200 ( 200 savAXKn- /.OTH HOI.II. NO. OF -rilK LOTS. CBS S IG 605 17 6l)S 18 6fi3 2'J CGT 15 172 1 1 720 1 27 72!) 2 20 7:2!) 9 103 2 3 and 4 7'ZS 2 7 725 723 t 72.1 C67 007 72,1 457 431 431 487 100 100 57 102 !)7e '2811 riir 376 in, 14 5 1, <:. 3. •(,.'5, c,,\ 7. 17, tvnd 18. J 1 nml 2 1 and 2 ito WHOM soi.n. WIlE.y SOLD. I PBICE OFEACn lOT. I Carroll, of Dud'n Do. • - 1)0. Do. Do. John Wicms J no. HcMiy James lloUan Do. Jno. Oajps Urnjaniin Dulniiy Do. James K. Dei inolt Daniel ChiioII. of Dnd'n George Wasliini'ton Do. Peter Cassannvo Jno. Mirliland - James K. Dciniott Do. Saml. Da\idson licnjaniin Sloddart Do. Marslinm Waring Ricliard Itoss .1 limes Ilobiui Kdwaid KiirioHs Jno. Toinplenian Henry Schneblv 'I'inis. Sim" Antlioiiy CnflViiy David Stewart - I'eter Nealo Do. George M asliingion 'I'lios. Johnson, jr I-ewis Deblois '. Antliony I'alVr.-iv George Washington Sept. 1793 Jan. 1794 - March, 1794 April, iriM June, 1794 AMOrsT OF SALES. WH\T TABT PAID. 7,07 97 110 7R 70 GO 87 10 160 IGl 101 100 82 70 80 100 40 G4 I 1 230 50 U 200 100 400 16 00 200 £4 55 OS. 0(/. 110 7G 130 175 321 101 100 PC 82 120 60 80 100 64 11 8 5G0 200 100 460 16 8 60 eoo 36455 OS. 0(/. 110 70 90 82 SO 100 900 80 6 SO 64 11 560 200 100 460 16 60 200 DIE D\ WHOM. DifTcrenco in division of IoIn- Uo. do. Rep. 90 — 5 "STATEMENT—Continued. ]G9 634 7ri&803 979 ■So. 667 729 33 78 729 729 1 200 225 iOTS SOIII. 6,000 NO. or THE r.oTs. TO WHOM SOLD. 19, 20 2, 3 3, 4, 5 I 8, 9,12, 13 18, 19 5 and 6 I, 2, 30 22 ■ S3 8,9,10, 13 8,9, 10, 11 1, 2, 3, 16 15 and 19 9, 10 6,227 Philip Gadsden - Do. James Grecnleaf & Co. James Grcenleaf William Thornton William O'Neale James Ciammond Jno. Coles Leonard Harbaugli Waltei- Steward Geo. and And. Thompson WHEN SOLD. PRICE OF EACH lOT. June, 1794 Sept. 1794 £150 Os, 150 Os. 0(1. \ J 200 231 13 228 100 100 79 6 100 100 75 100 100 100 no AMOUNT OF SAIES. 1} ^600 Os. Ul. 180,000 ( 900 695 1,140 200 200 237 18 100 S 100 300 !,000 220 203,019 6 I Equal to S 541,384 81 WHAT PABT PAID. igeoo OS. Od. 137,529 IS 54 900 695 1,140 200 200 237 18 100 100 300 1,000 160.734 9 10, Equal to S428.6'25 16 BY WHOM DUE. Dolls. Cts. 113,254 21 S 113,467 87 Morris and Nicholson Morris and Nicholson, it is heliovcd, died in- solvent, and no security lor the balance ap- pears; but n suit in equity is now depending to recover hack six squares of the lots sold. Gustaviis Scott and Wm. Thornton appointed, vice Th. Johnson and D. Stuart. Currency clianijcd to dollars and cents by the Commissioners' Clerk. nep. 90 — 6. STATEMENT of Lois belongiig to llic United States, in the City of Washington, and sohl by Daniel Carroll, Gustavus Scott, and Wm. Thornton, Commissioners. Ilru' I forward 9 S of fi(i7 S of ros 11!) (• 200 720 127 GG2 S of 708 21 728 72ti 4:12 708 7« 200 ■) 728 708 70,') 7'!8 1-13 169 L0T8 HOLD. NO. OP LOT. 3, l.'i, 10, 17, 18,19 hikI Iiuii»c U and 15 1, 2. 12 4, fl, 7. 14, IE 9 l(i S and 8 17 5 aiul 4 17 1 HI and U 4 and 5 TO jIVHOM SOLD. t Tobias tear & t'oiii)). $blois James B Do Lewis D Uriah f'l ,ri(' Do Walter S tcwart Tlioinaa jnd James Cook 'I'llOH. Jo Jim. Da I'liilipN J no. J. ancncer - I Jiimcs Bjarry Groi'gc ^\ asliinglon Naliii. rjjiilips - Henry l^icliolls James li, Dermot moll, of Dud. lalph - O'lNealo iJlodifct II, of Krcdcrick idsDii klin - Danl. t' i (ieorge M illiaiii Samuel Do James Ift. Dcnnott James lllaily James R. Deimott Do[ M'illiairi) Deakins. jun. James Barry Amariam Krost - Williaiiils Deakins James Iparry Rirlinrdl (iridley James llronn C'hfti'lcii..Cook WHEN SOLD. PRICE OF EACH LOT. I A.MOINT OF SALF.S WHAT I'AItT PAID. Jan. 1793 Do Do Dio. Feb. Do Do Do Marcli Do Do Do Do Do April May May June July Aiii;ii9t "Do Der. Do Feb. I79G March April Do Do Do May June Do Do July Sept. . S541.384 89 S 1.539 46 1.539 46 1,800 00 I 1,800 00 J *, 3,G0O 00 480 00 480 00 333 33n 2.000 00 295 02 6G5 36 2GG 67 331 20 942 21 53.1 33 266 66 266 66 481 14 400 00 238 32 266 66-f 266 06J 40.i 65 450 00 400 00 I 00 1 400 250 00 400 00 260 00 482 85 17,823 24 295 02 3,992 15 2,000 00 206 67 . 331 20 3,942 21 1,066 66 266 66 533 33 1,443 44 400 00 2,400 00 238 32 1.600 00 403 65 900 00 800 00 500 00 4U0 00 743 10 450 00 720 00 260 00 482 85 337 33 5428.625 16 1,539 46 3,600 00 480 00 2,000 00 14,328 39 295 02 3,992 15 2.000 00 266 67 246 35 3,942 21 1,066 66 266 66 533 32 1,443 44 400 00 2,400 00 238 32 1,600 00 405 65 900 00 800 00 500 00 400 00 743 10 450 00 720 00 260 00 482 85 SU3,467 87 3,494 85 BY >VII0M lUE. Walter Stewart John J. Spencer Giis. Scftt, Wm. Thornton, and Alexander White, Cominissioiiors. IIousc oil tlio lot. . JI^.I* J Ji.' Jt ju.uii3 uuiuiigiijg 10 llie United States, in the Cit; oi iington, Alexander Wiiite, Commissioners. and sold by Gustaviis Scott, Wni. Thornton, and srii;,iltKH, I.OTH HOLD. NO. OP EACH lOT. 1 1 TO WHOM SOLD. VfllES SOI.U. PAII) ON EACH LOT. AMOINT UI SALES. V HAT PART PAin. VVK. HY WHOM DCE. ItUMAnKs. llri)'l fiirwitril, KM 4 1 ()(i4 7H (i,3m 1 1 1 '.) Jo.scpli Hooiie, half of tlirse ") two public srimues. J VVillimn O'JNealo .Sept. Feb. 179G 1797 S266 G7 S 591.60! IS 1,7 30 52 2G6 67 S475.2C2 75 1,240 85 266 67 g 117.047 57 508 91 - loclmling S13 21 interest: one hit sold for nun- payment, but did not priiOnie the aniunnt due. 7H 1 HI Do June, 200 00 2(H'II0 200 00 '.>:.'> ", 4 ;inil 5 .lames IIob,iii Do 297 50 59; 00 595 00 III! 3 ICancI 17 Saml. Wilaoii - Do 208 67i 417 35 417 35 HOS 2 IGan(ll7 James GiTCiiIcnf Sept. 423 06 423 06 I'urcbased 44 feet 1 inelios IVonl 728 1 27 • Thomas Watkins Do 219 16 219 16 219 16 rmi 1 1 Lewis Deblois Do 1,19G 92 1,196 92 1,196 92 728 1 2 Wilson Uiyaii Sept. 1798 345 28 34.1 28 345 28 75!) 1 5 Nat.Walkrr/v; Js.Tliom|ison Do 427 92 427 92 427 92 143 1 12 Riilit. Kins Jiin. April 549 15 549 15 549 15 . - Uefnult in not building eliarofml gio. li!)l 1 13 Tomkiiis and Jno. Minor Do 54 8 32 543 32 548 32 514 3 2, 20. 22 William liayly - May 100 00 300 00 300 00 7i)G 3 1,0,3 I'Ved May Do 60i! 35 1,807 05 1,807 05 CM) 1 3 Tlinmas KctlanU June 266 66 266 66 266 66 (Ull 1 12 William hovering Aug. G32 73 632 73 G44 53 . Including balance due I.overingon bo(d>H SI 1 811. ,; 4, 5, () Cli»i'les Minino Do 840 60 2,520 00 2.520 00 9 38 Cliark'U Miniliu •:!S,\ 1 2(i Jnd Ardery Sept. 240 60 240 GO 240 60 731 1 2 Richard Andrews Du 173 90 173 90 243 46 . . Including default in not building, B69 .'iG. i);l4 1 If) Gci'gc W ashington Do 535 70 535 ro 535 70 731 1 |)IU't of (Ills lot } ' Adpi Lynn Do 160 80 160 80 225 10 - Including SG4 30 fordef.inlt in not building nc curding to ronliarl. 731 731 1 |)ltl't (if llllHlot 1 Gci Ed gc McMann arJ Laiigley Do Do J31 05 545 G3 131 05 545 63 183 47 736 14 - Do. S5 52 42 du. do. Including dri'aull in nut building, and then de- ducting intereal to Ills creilil, Sl90 .11. 7'3H 1 22 (id pe Walker - Oct. 414 14 414 14 414 14 75!) 1 G Sail N. Smallwuod Nov. 330 24 330 34 330 24 KoflOQS 1 2 Cie, gc niagdcii Dec. 860 00 860 00 860 00 S 744 (> 1. 2, 3 Jan s I'icrcy May, 1799 478 39 2,870 35 3,225 34 , IncliliIinB R271 70 8'iort rlinigoon llio lotH, and 4, (i, 7 balance due liini on CoiiinirH. Iioiiki), K8) 29. 4(il Hi!) 1 5 G, 7, 8, 9, 1() Cri Sol kslianks ^; Tliomiison nun Elting July Aug. 720 24 437 62 720 24 2,188 11 720 24 2,500 70 - - Including for drfault in nut building iigrcunblo liiconlrnrt, »3I2 39. l'".dviid Lanq-ley - I Sept. 218 25 218 25 . Addilinnal price for not iinprovinpt lot No. 1, 8(|uarc 731, according In lrriiirtiiiii of DF KACII LOT groiiiid. !. 3, 4, 19, 1 , 17, IB, i;i I SO. J 4. «.■!. 1 :!B, S!l, I 1. 8, 3, 4 16 \ ii. 8.1, 2(i,27 no. II ,M, 88,") \ tiO C. 7. H, 9, ■» 10, II, U J 19, 80, '2 S3. 84 lU \ 8(1 SH, i\> 7,», >), 10, II i, li I) TO WIIO.M 101,1). (')iM. yy. Cinldsborougk A. anil a. Way .Ino. KiiiUHiia 'I'oppAn \N ibslpf Clinrlcs Vinson - Kichni'il Kiliott II. 'riiriiilon Allllrinv lloHS I'ulrirk WHiing Robt. mill ^^ . Ilicnt IVncli Itiiiggiilil JuHrpli Noiii'so Jim. SioiiHiu lulboll nixi W. Boyd Do Win Whniiii I'lio^. Siinilifiiril .Ino. l.i|isi'onib - Kol.l. lIlTIlt ,liio. Soiiiii.Hii ■lamra M. Vnriinin .Ino. Kicomnii itolit. Il.nlry Do Do N icliolii!) Travcrno Jnu. SluiiHin 'I'lioH. niid Jamra Mooro Ulllinm Allen - Jninf!) rboniiiHoii Tliuii. Sim Willisin Hlanrhnrd IVlrr Ilugiirr Murrii I.Hinbrrt Trnrli UitjgKold llit'liard Cnttn Do Ilo Do Do Jolin Mnunli IVin li Kingcold Jrmuiiib Hunt wiir.H soi.i). PBICE OF EACH LOT. Aug. 1811 Oct. Nov. Dec. April, 1812 Do Do June July Aug. Nov. April. 181.) Oct. Jan. IK 11 Do March May Jnly Do April, 1815 Do Juno July Do Do Do Aug. Do Dcr. Jan. 1810 Do March July Do Aug. Do Srpt. Do Do Do Do iJrt. Nov. B370 09 230 00 120 00 17J 40 200 00 100 00 265 00 200 00 60 00 40 00 13J 60 252 66 80 1)0 223 00 1 269 00 J 8t<0 no 13J 13 577 83 20 00 9U 00 562 .'iO 180 00 327 70-J 604 HO I 1,589 41 J 163 97 100 00 956 68 381 36 221 50 950 00 1,854 30 317 97 132 42j 588 98 588 98 588 98 350 00 769 50 175 00 AMOrST OF SALE9. Tills Hiiin nirixrd bv Tboma-" MnniMo, SuporinlcmUnt. f'r ■<«lc.>lh July, 1808, to lotb Jan. 1810. Sc« Monij and Miibul>ou'» afct. ledger D, fol. 198. 370 00 250 00 120 00 526 20 200 CO 100 DO 205 OO 200 OO 60 OO 400 OO 1,193 46 VHAT PART PA II). 952 66 80 00 494 00 880 00 133 U 577 85 300 00 90 00 562 50 ISO 00 2,581 91 663 8S 100 OO 256 6t 381 36 1,550 SO 735 93 9,519 94 500 00 1,854 30 1,589 85 13.071 lifl 550 00 1,585 00 175 00 51,652 65 370 09 850 00 120 00 526 20 200 00 100 00 26. ■! 00 200 00 60 00 400 00 1,193 46 259 66 80 00 494 00 880 00 133 13 577 83 500 00 90 00 568 50 180 00 2,581 91 663 88 100 UO 256 68 381 36 730 00 2,519 94 500 00 1,854 50 1,589 85 t-,c:i s'.> 550 00 1,585 00 175 00 50,166 70 uv WHOM lU'i;. kf.mvuk.i. 750 00 735 93 Jamri 'I'lioinptoii 'Hiuinai Sim • Am iriuunl •>( J. KIgnr. 8(« arrunnt of >^. I^nn. '>'.>.r27 »1 I M»5 »J iv 1 ii.jviJi.i^ 1 01 Lrots belonging to the United States m trie uiiy oi vvasnington, and sold by Samuel Lane, Commissioner of the Public Buildings. fl(il/AKKS. LOTH SOLD. NO. OF THE I.OT. TO WHOM SOLD. WHEN SOID. rillCE OF EACH LOT. AMOUST OF SAIES. WHAT PART PAID. DUE. BY WHOM DUE. UEMAUKS. 102 1 Thos. St Sam'l Saiiiiiford June, 1817 S 743 80 S 748 80 771 26 Interest paid, S22 40. 212 3 IS, 14, 15 John Gniliain July, IKir 91 20 273 60 273 60 - Sale made by T. M. Superintondant. Rcmi. 10 A James Biisbaiic Aug. 1817 - 3,330 00 1,260 00 2,120 00 Hoirs of John Law Lot and improvements held as sociu'ity. Jonathan Elliot Aug. 1817 - 1,476 20 100 00 1,376 20 Jonathan tUiott Ditto 429 1 Jno. H alley Aug. 1817 279 85 279 85 279 85 92 7 James Baker Sept. 1817 108 50 108 50 112 00 - Interest paid, S3 50. 25 S 3, 4, 5 George Macdaniel Oct. 1817 291 20 873 60 - 873 60 George Macdaniel Kesold for non-payment by J. E. 429 f> Lewis II. Maclicn Nov. 1817 253 12 253 12 267 43 - Interest paid, 8 14 31. 79 9, 18, 21 Nathaniel Frye, Jr. Aug. 1817 459 95 1,379 85 1,379 85 Nathl. Frye. jun. Paid J. VAgar S800. House aNd lot security. 429 14 George Sweeny Sept. 1817 266 25 266 25 . 266 25 George Sweeny 429 2 Sain'i Buri'h Jan. 1818 319 50 319 50 319 50 - Paid by Wni. Matthews. ?12, \vholo8()r. George Macdaniel Feh. 1818 500 00 528 33 - - Interest paid, g 28 33. 4t!9 5 James M. Variium Feb. 1818 237 00 237 00 264 42 - . Interest paid, g27 42. 733 1, 3, 5, 23, 25, ■) 20, 27 *c 29 J Griflitli Coombo March, 1818 214 54| 1,716 35 1,716 35 C8G 14 Benjamin Sprlgg April, 1818 378 56 378 56 - 378 56 Benjamin Sprigg Paid J. Elgar. 728 2(i Ann Chalmers April, 1818 259 71 259 71 100 00 159 71 Ann Chalmers Paid Do. 255 14 Wni. Jones May, 1818 492 00 492 00 492 00 - llolinquished. 429 4 Lewis II. Machen May, 1818 253 12 253 12 253 12 L. U. Machen Paid J. Elgar. 757 2, 4, 5 M m. Brent June, 1818 - 1,316 36 . 1,316 36 . Relinquished. IIG 12 Peter Davis June, 1818 150 00 150 00 150 00 245 3, 4, 5. G Joseph Anderson July, 1818 204 25 817 00 817 00 - Do. 728 102 127 28 Lemuel Sawyer Aug. 1818 454 75 454 75 454 75 - Do. Joseph J. Monroe Nov. 1818 495 00 1,980 00 . 1,980 00 Do. 215 7j . . Building engine hnuso Si 12 05, and paid .( 197 4 Alex. Borland Dec. 1818 251 05 251 03 100 00 151 05 Elgar $30 in full. :i7(i, pni't of 11 Lau. Klinn &.Tho. Magnier Dec. 1818 - 2o2 00 - 252 00 Flinn and Magnier Lot and impruvonients held as securily. part of 1 25 foot Iront, [ 2 George Joyce Dec. 1818 - 210 00 - 210 00 George Joyce Do. next to No. 1. J 429 I 7 Jno. Goulding Dec. 1818 213 00 213 00 222 87 . Paid Interest, 89 87. M7fi, 20 W'vi, \ next to lot 1 J Unmphrey Alary Feb. 1819 - 140 00 -■ 140 00 Humphrey Alary Security on lot and improvomoiitfi. 73;) 1 28 AVni. MrCoy Feb. 1819 - 269 45 209 45 . Relinquished. 1U> 1 11 Charles Bizit April, 1819 250 00 250 00 250 00 313 o n, 12 Jno. Graliam April, 1819 111 934- 223 87 223 87 79 2 19,20 'I'homus Sim May, 1820 474 48" 948 95 948 96 270, wliolo IB Vestry of St. John's Church Julv, 1820 11 1^\ 200 00 - 200 00 Vestry of St. John's for grave yard. ViT 1 27 Corporation of Washington Feb. 1821 • 100 00 100 110 100 00 Use of a school. ll(i 1 13 George Bomlurd Dec. 1821 156 00 156 00 22 00 134 00 Geo. Bumfoid Lot and improvemcnta as Hccurily. (i9 £1,128 45 8,010 44 7,743 29 ~ f D. Rep. 90 — 12 STATEMENT of Lots belonging to the United States, in the City of Washington, and sold by Joseph Elgar, Commissioner of the Public Buildings. StlUABES. LOTS SOLD. NO. OF lOT. TO -WHOM SOLD. WHEN SOLD. PRICE OF EACH LOT. AMOUNT OF SALES, WHAT PART PAID. DUE. BY WHOM DUE. KEMARKS. 371 515 255 1 2 3 4 4,5 3,4, 5 Peter Lenox James Moore sen. Richard Dem nt March, 1823 Do Aug. g200 00 140 50 166 66| S200 00 281 00 500 00 S200 00 281 00 500 00 - Originally sold to Geo. Macdaniel, and resold for default of payment. See Col. Lane's statement. 6 981 00 981 00 if i [90] - ===== CO CO 00 " 00 05 C> o ^ ^ ^ w N CO 00 CO C35 P ^ ^ ^ n 1— « CO G? ^ ^ p M 1-4 CO -* O 00 ■^ 00 tt ■^ b- &i O t^ O !-< o> Tfi ©I r-l 00 lO ^ Ob- O Oi t^ •«^ •\ WX •V Ph 00 Ol 80 CO b, a> 00 S5 ta ^ 60 "* CO »o O G( CO CO Tj< 1-1 i^ o M3 G^ C« 00 I-" rf • o o 12; o 2,68 1,65: 1,12 98 CO l-H H Tfi lO G^ CD c -*1 1 1^ ■«i e1 12; H o H <*1 o r-l 00 Oi CO T— CO CO Gl S » 09 -^ G^ «3 ccT H c;;) o i » w H to • -^ "^ o 1 e • ' a ' fiom atemi ; Mu 180 B ane, ings, 1 per gar, ngs, ;,pcr ' the Comi shington, 02, per sti y Thomas om July, statement Samuel L blic Build :. 1821, as Joseph El ic Buildi gust, 1823 ts made bj ity of Wa March, 18 ts made b endent, fr 16, as per :s made by r of the Pu 17, to Dec s made by r of Publ 823,toAu S^oo^^o^^^^-^ «« © ,,s^"E . s- ,2 -^e-.2oT: c^T-io«ttOo3..1G| 1.1, rficoivcd \>y Tlioman Miiiiriir, Hu|loi'liilriiili'iil, nn nrruiiiil nr Mnrri^ linil Nirlicilioii, im ( ri'itlli'il lliriii In tlirlr nrrniint liy 'I'Iioiiih* MiitiriK'. Siipi'riiili'iiilciil, «lijrli ii'nvrii llin iirliiul hiiiii ri'rri»«(l \>y llir ConrniiHiiiincrs for hbIci ol' IoIh, iih |iri' Hlitlrmioit A, lo bi' . . . • I'or ilonnliooN IVimii Hip Mtiiti' of Vir);inia I'll. from Ihr Nliitii of Mnrylimd I'lriiHiiry of the Utiilril Htnlci. prr nrt of April mill. 1798 Do. (III. |inr nrt of April ailh, 1800 Kor iii'lt proriKiil-i of nix prr rrnl. nlnrk. Iiorrnwrd of llie iiUIr of Miu'J'IuikI, iiiiilt'r uullinrily of tlio act of Mny lilli. 1796 i^r 8,0-10 11 lio.uuo 00 7-2,000 00 lOO.UOO 00 lb,000 00 I!0,8I6 6S g9no,8J7 03 EXPEXDITCaES. Capitol, from Urtobrr, 1791, to lat June, lSO-2, inclusive ]'rrHidci)t*s Ilnu^r, do. do. do. Trranury ami War Oftlrc, do. do. Uruundn in Ijic cily of Wasliinjion, rr«r»cd for u^r of I'. Stairs Duildini; drnnbridge ovrr Kock Crcrk, I do. o»rrllic Tibrr. I do. over Kock (.'iTck ....-- BuildJni; wiiarf at Hip Eastern Brancli, I do. of stone at loulh side of bridjje o\er Ilock Ireck, including rafting and mato- rials for buildini; wharves . . . - Cnnal from Tiber to Jftinc-s' Crerk yunrrir.n, Ktnne and slate, on Aquia ("reek. Virginia, and at Ham liiirg, in the City of Washington, on land purchased for fnited Sillies ..-•---• Temporary buildings in the city of Washington, brick making, erecting ranscw a), utensils of vaiiuus kinda for the works, pro V isions for labon'i s - - - - - Foot pavement, and opening »treets and avenues Surieying department, including marking and planting bounda rics, \c. ...... City of Washington paid salaries of commissionrra. clerks, su pi-rintendenta. olBco rent, commissions, engraved plans of the city and territory, printing, stationery, evpenses of expresses post road, hospital for sirk laborers, and atlindanrr. Ai-. Kc from October, 1791, to l.stJune, 1800, inclusiir SJ3O,308 69 240.0S< B7 B9,795 17 16,785 31 7,903 2t 11.063 Si 9,A70 61 24,448 81 19,931 43 90,7 J7 7; S900.I37 03 1\ Dr. Thomas Munroe, Superintendent of the City of Washington, in relation to the Funds arising from the sale of City Lots. Cr. Mar. 31, 1806 Nov. 12, 181G May 30, 1817 IVov. 26, " Dec. 31, 1821 For thirty-five thousand three hundred and eighty-nine dollars and two rents; bein;;; the amount of moneys wliich he arknoft ledges to have rereind fiom theSd.Iune, 1802, to 3 ist Dec. 1803. per the Auditor's repoit No. 16 4:13. viz. Received from the late Coramissiuneis of the City, said (o be a balance remain- ing in their hands on the 1st June. 1802, wlien the Boaid was abolished From lots resold in pursuance of the act of 1st May, 1802 - 8^6,848 10 On account of do. sold pi'ior to 6lli May, 1796 - - - 2,028 77 Do. do. sold since 6th May, 1796 - - - 580 55 Do. do. sold at private sale . . - - 1,531 43 On account of debts due from individuals, other than for lots sold For nineteen liundrcd and forty-eight dollars and 6fty-two cents, being the amount acknowledged to have been received by him from 1st Jan. to 31st Dec. 1804. per report. No. 17,966, viz. On account of lots sold ....... Do. of old materials sold ...... For this sum acknowledged by him to have been received by bim from 1st Jan. 1805, to 1st Jan. 1808, being the proceeds of lots sold by him, per report No. 33,434 ........ For this sum acknowledged to have been received by him from 1st. Jan. 1808, to 1st July, 18 15. being the proceeds of lots sold by him, per report. No. 34,817 For this sum acknowledged to have been received by him from 1st July, 1815, to 3d March, 1817, from sundry individuals, in payment of public lots sold them, as per report. No. 35,964 ...... To balance due the United States on last settlement, To balance due the United States, 30,988 85 4,289 58 1,907 52 41 GO 8 35,389 02 1,948 52 3,545 34 34,159 22 20,945 13 Mai-.Sl, 1806 Nov. 12, 1816 May 30, 1817 Nov. 26 Nov. 26, 1817 Dec. SO, 1820 Dec. 31, 1821 By amountof his expenditures for various purposes, from Ist June, 18(2, toSlst Dec. 1803. including his own salary and thai of his clerk, and of the city surveyor, as per Treasury settlemint. i\o. 16,433 - . . . By amount of his expenditures from 1st Jait. to 3 1st Dec. 1804, including his own SHiary and that of his clerk, to 1st June. 1804, the per diem nllnwanco of the surveyor to 31st Oct and the sal.iiy of his messenger to Slsl Dec. 1804, per Treasury settlement. No. 17,966 - - . . By amount of sundry pai ments made by him from 1st Jan. 1805, to 1st .fan. 1805. charged under llie lollowing heads of expenditure viz. Superintendent's office, for stationery, fuel &c. including his own salary finm 1st June, 1804, to 1st Jan. 1808; that of his clerk from 1st June. 1804, to 1st June, 1807, and of his messenger from 1st Jan. 1803, to 31st Dec. 1806, per report. No. 33,434 ....... Surveyor's allowance, stationery, fuel. &c. per report, No. 33,434 City of Washington, for payments of marshal's fees, for advertisements, kc. per report. No. 33,434 -----.. By amount of payments made by bim from 1st Jan. 1808, to 1st July, 1815, charged under the following heads, per report. No. 34,817, viz. City of Washington, for payment to marshals and lawyers for their fees in sun- dry suits, including final payment of Peter C. L'Enfant's claim Surveying Department, including stationery, fuel, ^;c. Superintendant's office, including salaries, stationery, and fuel By amountof his payments from 1st July, 1815, to 4th March, 181", charged under the following heads, per report of the Auditor of the Treasury, No. 35,964, yet to be admitted and certified by the Comptroller, viz. City of Washington, for counsel and clerk's fees, advertisements. *cc. - Surveying Department, for stationery, fuel, including salaries, surveying instru- ments, ice. ---.....- Superintendent's office, for salaries, stationery, fuel, &c. Balance due the United States, per the last mentioned report of the Auditor of the Treasury .-.-.... S6. 181 10 3,799 ■■7 6,704 30 6,-ar 39 14 9!;4 48 1,220 91 3,613 62 10,000 00 9,372 75 * 833,937 62 * 9,802 22 10,423 74 28,396 26 6,527 8.S 20,945 13 3103,032 85 By warrant. No. 3,482 drawn on him in favor of the Treasurer of the United States -.---.... By warrant, No. 3,361 drawn on liim in favor of do. - By balance due the United States, being th amount of sundry charges suspend- ed on the last settlement ....... * The heads under v.'hich these payments were made, cannot be particularly stated, the Treasury reports Jiaving been destroyed. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Register's Office, Dec. 4th, 1824, JOSEPH NOURSE, Register. Rep 182S 182J i82' ^ - " 11. I»r \S ••(ii..^ • ■■ ■ , ••. MVefnf f l l H i* wilh Jowph >.lj*r i '>flifai«*i -•*» »f ISMtr W M W 14. M •«M «• M •! I 0(L « I r I D«. I I ■;«!«•( ha^ far . -Mkf T W M %•. I*. M ■»-- «--»^ I!rl>. Ill \\'!isliiii;.';l()ii f il \ , ill at roiiiil iiinciil with Sniiiticl F.ano. CoiiimissioiuT of tlu- Piildic nttil(lin);s. ri.riu iIm (III nf Man I). IS 17. to tlir 'J_>(l of Miinh. 1 s J-.>. Cr. im:. III*. 1)10, July M AllR. «'. .lull' .1 .lull. 1 ,-,iH, .ImI, >•', Dm. 11 Hi'pl. till Nc.i. 10 IKtI. Jnii. Ill M»i 111 Mnrili 2\: 'I'll ji.ilil I'.ilHiiril l>i- Krain fur >l.ili'inrn ruriii>li«l Mr. I ' ' .^unrrjor llatiil lliili'a, iiiniiiii«>iiiii< nii'l rtj. I, .. , .. Ilm^ l.i N.,. lu 'riiiiiiina Huiiiin. Hr aMiiiiiKi I >': I i.l.illi.i. 'riiniiiiin i'lillmi, iii:ii|irii|H-rliiiK iinil mraMiriiiK uimiirn boililiiigt W III. lliTiil. Iiii- rlrrk'" fnorni ■uiidr) viiu rrlaliir in 1 H/ ppi|irrt« l.iiliiiiTi* riiritrHiiiiiiK *'•■' IHililir Kmuntt South nftlir Tilior Diiiiii I liiiiill, fur liiiikiiiK riinlun; In fmnt nf llir |Miljlii iimi ' l.uliiiii-i° Hni'Vi'Mii'ifiir iiiiiijiriiiintiiiM fnim MiutIi 'IiIi, IHI7 nill'iK r< 111 iiii- "111 Hii I'riiitrra. fiir liiiirlliiK imtn i-i iinil iinK-UinalmnH n-lnti*'- im ilj iim|H rl.t ( :|i.iilr» lllxrl, fur niilur) »■• (;iirt» ** iC «: SI *T r.i er 1 , 1 on on J,49: >JI 311 71 5(1 ^r I.IS.^ nil 31 U i,:w '^ »,oio 44 C3 •*** ■Jl Oi o Oi QJ " 0( to 00 t^T) O ^ Tf 05 CO ^.S «0 Oi CO o y CO §i S 5 < ■w 1> O ■* Ci CO ;u O «3 00 ITS OJ CTS »n b> m 00 •- (U rf W 1 rt CO TJ* r- CO (M CO S @Q < .J. b^ i-H O »0 O GO c 00 O b» V5 O »— 1 .5-^ Urn -^ •T) O «0 Tf T-i 00 "-1 — CO O 00 t^ o H C?) OJ r- 05 OJ T-^ u «^ «\ «s VV 4J 4) b- b, o t^ "tt 3^ Ol Oi ifi 00 o ea ■^ lO e c- ^ < Oi lO m lO o G »0 ©I 00 Tf o CO Ol CO ^ OJ '<*' r\ •^ v^ «t •\ 53 •^ 1— J ^ T-H' CO 3 ■* o >o CM O »0 rl K E < ^ • ill! CO 1 ::< a> •» s eS • O III ♦J 2 o CO to H s So o £ •*-' o ^ & ^ 1st Board Co 2d di Thos. Munro Samuel Lane Joseph Elgai PS « in G^ CO G? O £ « S en Sid o -o C* «4_ XJ J- C "^ •*- ^ *J '^ CO ^ » § ^ o n H k .13 o * = § = o ""' •« 2 o — ^ = o -^ -a « c > u C CO r « o C4 43 O •- « O) CJ -3 OS 3 S O « -^ » S 5 J2 O c HIS 5= *- = S a — o 1 . Mu loss bove » 1^; ^ oners, ther pr ?ssion. 18 CO O CO m [90] A SCHEDULE of Lots in the City of Washington, the property of the United States, remaining unsold on the Stk day of May, 1822. Square feet Proportion of Total No. Total No, of No. of square. No, of lot. in lots. alley. of lots,. squire feet. 4, N. of 4 4 8,000 1 12 1 2,500 - 1 10,500 13 5 8 10 12 11,810 Water lot 11,090 14,9601 on the creek 13 13,080 - 5 50,9401 16 3 4 5 9 10 26 5,801 5,801 5,4471 7,4 12| 7,4 12| 7,4121 1,009| 1,0'. 9i 2524 1,2091 1,0091 1,0091 27 6,426i 1,009^ 45,714| 19 6 7 8 9 6,0161 7,417 4,200 4,660 10 4,810 . 5 27;103| '''■^■ 22 2 11,036^ - 1 11,0361 23 8 Water lot on the creek 1 W. of 23 2 130 feet front 25 st. 1 25 19 20 21 22 23 24 10,294 10,035 5,100 4,200 4,6161 5,225 1,467| 1,4671 3661 733^ 1,4674 25 5,2411 1,4671 7 44,7121 32 6 •7 8 9 10 11 12 5,025 3,825 4,575 5,341 4,575 3,825 5,010 13 6,420 \ 1,037 \ 1,037 8 38,596 33 3 9,156 4 10,0971 2 19,2531 19 [ 90 ] SCHEDULE— Continued. No. of square Noo of lot Square feet in Proportion of Total No . Total No, of lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 35 4 10,967i M /^ 8 8,233 - 2 19,201 36 8 6,599| 1.038 9 5,794| 1,038 17 5,641| 1,038 18 4,950 2591 19 4,0S7i 20 4,6751 5!9i 21 6,599i 1,038 22 6.599i 1,038 23 6.5994 1,038 43 24 1 5,7941 13,409i 1,038 iQ 57,3414 44 4 5,355 5 5,8S5 629 9 4,800 10 5,675 3141 11 6,811 629 12 8.0784 314§ IS 5,926 1,258 14 5.926 1,258 15 6,720 1,258 10 68,5964 48 3 4 Water lot 7,500 49 5 5 6 8 10 11 12 7.500 7 950 9.150 10,900 7,7161 7,944i 9,144i 3 15,000 50 13 I 9,144i 4.087i - 7 61,9504 2 4,950 2593 10 5,794* 1,038 1 11 6.5991 1,038 12 6,5991 1,038 13 6,5991 1,038 14 4,675i 5194 ^ 15 4,087^ IQ 4,950 2591 E90] SCHEDULE— Continued. Square feet in Proportion oi fotal No. Total No. of No. of square No. of lot. lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 50 17 5 64li 1,038 25 5,7941 1,038 26 6:599^ 1.038 27 6,599 1,038 28 4,675^ 519i 14 77,6531 51 2 5,575i 1,098 3 4,966i 274 4 4,0991 5 4,510 549 < 5,4781 1,098 14 4.9661 274 15 4,0991 16 4,510 549 17 6.383i 1,098 18 5 4781 1.098 10 5O,068| 57 8,454 Hamburg lots 59 1 16,092 do 60 3 7,255 do 61 13 8,735 do 4 40,536 67 1 10,000 2 7,440 432 • 3 10,918 1,728| 4 12,060 1,728| 5 10.950 1,7281 13 11,676 14 12,055 1,7283 15 12,2872 1,7281 19 8,174 1,7281 9 95,560i 68 1 7,650 2 6,600 56^ 3 8,100 1,136§ 4 6,772l l,l36i 15 6,772^ 1,1362 16 8,100 1,1364 17 6,600 568 18 7,650 1,1 36§ 19 6,300 l,136i 20 6,500 l,136i 10 70,845 69 5 10,175 1,7071 6 10,175 1,7071 7 6,640 4261 C 90] SCHEDULE— Continued. No of square. No. of lot. Square feet in Proportion of Total No. Total No. of lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 69 8 9,000 1 9 7,182 854 10 7,689 1,7071 11 7,182 854 12 9,000 -. 13 6.640 4261 14 10,175 1,7071 15 10,175 1,7071 11 94,033 70 1 7 8 9 14 15 16 17 18 20,034 9,745 9,745 9T45 12,400 12-400 7,500 10,000 8c625 1,765 1,765 1,765 1,765 1,765 1,765 882i 1,765 22 17,553 1,765 . 23 14,029 1,765 13 73' 2 5,200 329 24 5,291 057 3 i 79 9 18 21 9,198 9,199:^ 9,199i 80 13 14 7,325 7,314i 15 7,325 w. 81 sq. 82 83 84 87 182 5 4 5 6 7,649 10,610 8,974 8,194 9,480 11,861 . 9 67,701i 10,610 E. of 87 9 42.467 - E. 88 of 88 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 4,923 6 i 85,899 [90] 5 SCHEDULE — Continued. Square feet Proportion of rotal No, Total No. of No. of square. No. of lot. in lots. al-ey. of lots. square feet. T 8 ^ n 12 14 15 16 . 13 89 2 25 feet rect angular front 90 1 2 9,000 16:363 3 14.43U - 3 39,794i 91 1 2 3 4 9.294 6,152i 7,708:^ 10,125i 5 6.300 -- 5 39,580i 92 1 2 3 4 5 17 959i 14.400 12.2231 10,642 9,060i 6 7,478^ „ 6 71,764 93 1 8,000 2 7>775 781 3 8. 491 1,562* 4 8,491 ,1,5621 5 7,775 781 6 8.000 7 6,800 781 8 10,38li 1,562^ 9 10.38U 1,562^ 10 6.910 781 11 8,000 12 7,568 781 13 8.182 1,562^ 14 8,405 781 15 16,469^ 1,562§ 16 10,38U l,562i 17 6,800 781 1^ 158,807 94 1 9,5981 2 8,918 6 [90 1 SCHEDULE— Continued • No. of square No. of lot. Square feet ill lot. Proportion of alley. Total No of lots. . Total No. of square feet. S 7,34H 4 5,753 5 6.943i 6 8.100 . 6 46,6544 95 1 £ 3 4 5 ll,776i 7.6741 9.6903 11.14U 10,0413 6 14,846 - 6 65,171 100 2 5,132 2363 3 6,2305 946i 4 6,547 946i 8 3,8183 9 3.602 4734 10 7,16H 946i 14 6,496:§ 946i 15 7.8483 94 '^2 16 7.8483 946§ 17 7.16H 946i 20 5,132 S£63 21 6,230§ 9461 22 6,547 946 i 26 3,8183 27 3.6063 4733 32 7.9lli 946i 33 7,8483 946i 34 7,8483 946i 18 110,79U 101 6 5,9513 4651 8 5 9511 4653 9 2, 6312 2SS 3 12,807a 10£ 5 11 12 13 9.195 . 7, 1821 7,1703 7,1703 14 7,170i - 5 37,8893 106 19 5.737 488 £0 5,1773 488 2 10,9143 116 1 3,90'i . .2 4; 671 3143 S 5,2432 1 1,2581 [90] SCHEDULE— Continued. No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet in lots. Proportion of alley. Fotal No, of lois. Total No. of square feet. 13 3 900 14 4,67 1 5 3141 15 5,243i 1,2587^ 22 7,4461 1.2581 23 7.886§ 1,2585 24 4,681 6294 9 47,644§ 117 1 3,900 2 4.552 2654 3 5 036 1,0601 12 6,3021 l,060i 13 7,0411 1,060^ 14 7,0411 1,060: 15 4.293^ 5302 16 3,900 17 4,552 2654 18 5,036 1,060^ 26 6,302i 1,060* £7 7,0411 1,0604 28 7,0411 l.ObOs 29 7,0411 l,060i 30 4 2931 5301 15 83,3761 121 7 6.253 6.253 123 2 15,026 124 5 8 996 - 4 36,528 la7 . 26 4,163 228 2 18,700 301 2 22,863 131 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 7,200 6 200 11.329i 9.309 7.288§ 6 924 6.336 15 824 9 6.500 - 9 76,911 • 134 1 19,849J 1,7974 2 8, 5571 8981 3 10 000 4 7,525 8981 5 10,2345 1,7974 s C 90 3 SCHEDULE— Continued. No. of squai e. No. of lot. Square feet i« Proportion of Total No. T tal No. of lots. alley. of lots. square f^et. 6 10,234-1 1,7974 7 7,525 898-1 8 10,000 9 8,5571 8981 10 8,9211 1,7974 11 8 5461 8981 12 10,000 13 7,525 8G8I 14 10 230 • 1,7974 15 19,4564 1,7974 15 157,164 135 1 2 13,646 8,800 3 13.472 . 3 35,918 136 4 5 13,296 10,361 6 13.019 . 3 36,676 137 1 2 3 28,981§ 17,9!4 23,3931 4 13,470 - 4 83,7594 140 5 5,500 1,2101 6 5,320 1,2 lOi 7 4,350 302* 8 3,828 9 4,092 6054 10 7,847 1,2104 11 9,302 1,2104 12 8,511i 1,2104 22 5,500 1,2104 23 5,320 1,2104 24 4,350 302§ 25 3,828 26 4,092 6054 27 7,847 1,2104 28 9,302 l,2l04 ^9 9,302 1,2104 30 8,5Ui 1,2104 17 106,805 144 5 7,364i - 1 7,364 150 1 2 ' 5 10,000 9,680 10,880 [ 90 ] 9 SCHEDULE — Continued. No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet Proportion of Total No. Total No. of in luts. alley. of lots. square feet. 9 10 11 12 10.880 9,630 10 000 7.200 13 7 200 - 8 75,520 W.sqr. 152 I 27.858 6,659 Q 12,,252i 1.885 3 12,252^ 1,885 4 12.259^ 1.885 5 12,236-4 1.882i 6 12,236^ 1,8824 7 12,236i 1,8821 8 11,700 9 11,700 3,600 10 11,7P0 3.600 11 11,700 1,8821 12 12,236i l,88i'.l 13 12,2 3 6i 1,882| 14 12,2361 l,8S'i| 15 12.252^ 1,885 16 12.252i 1,885 17 12,Q522 1,885 18 12,236^ 1,8821 19 12,236i 1,882| 20 18,275 21 22.744i 4,162 21 287,052i W.ofS.153 1 2 13,301 10 116^ 3 7.619^ ' 4 8 229^ 5 )10.167 6 7,573i 7 iaii6i 8 8,744 9 9.,994i ' 10 7,764i 11 5,i535 12 16 J548^ 13 8,091i i ^^ 9,94.6# ] 15 15,386\^ 20 "'-• io [90] SCHEDULE— Continued. No. of square. No. of lot. W. sq. 155 158 159 16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 23 1 4 5 6 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 2 3 4 5 Square feet in lots. 14,311 10,000 7,520 '13,860 13,860 13.860 13.860 6,900 6,900 34,532 15,4631 13.638 22.917^ 13,860 13,860 13,860 13,860 7,520 10,000 8,180 8,500 8,500 8,180 19,599 7,560 8,190 8,820 7,560 23,963 13-960 16,632 13,794 12,163 10,534 9,534 8,534 29.954 10,586 8 800 9,750 10,700 Proportion of alley. 1,776 1.776 1,776 l-,776 1,776 1,776 446 1,776 1,776 444 1,776 1,776 1.776 1,776 444 888 1,776 1,776 888 445 1,782 1.782 1,782 Total No. of lots. Total No. of square feet. 16 163,2441 22 279,631 160,845 [90] SCHEDULE— Continued. a No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet Proportion of Total No. ,.■ r*. IT- Total No. of in lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 13 12.080 1-782 14 10685 1,782 15 9,290 1,782 16 11,030 445 9 112,875 162 1 10,000 2 8,130 466 3 11,3651 1,864 4 15,802| 5 10,4852 1-864 j 6 12,3901 1,864 7 14,739 1,864 8 14 471 § 1,864 9 12,247-1 466 ! 1 10 29.543 1 11 9,731 466 12 10,349| 1,864 13 10,3491 1,864 14 8,130 466 15 10,000 16 S,577^ 932 17 12 906| 1,864 18 12,381§ 1,864 19 19,38U 1,864 20 11.890" 1,864 21 S,5771 932 21 254,4491 175 1 8,000 2 7,7601 S 9 0983 1,505 4 9,0981 1,505 5 7,7601 7521 • 6 8.000 7 6. 600 376i 8 6.600 376^ 9 8.000 10 7,7601 752|. 11 9,098i 1,505 12 9,098f 1,505 13 7.7601 752i 14 8 000 15 6 600 376i 16 6; 600 5,76^ 16 125,838 12 [90] SCHEDULE—Continiied. No. of square No. of lot. Square feet Proportion of Total No Total No. of in lots. alley. of lots. square feet. N. of 177 1 2 7,000 10.676^ 3 10,917 - 3 28,593^' . 177 4 5 6 7 8 9.994 7.406 9,000 8,2261 21,935 9 22,668 - 6 79,2291 178 1 9,000 £ 7,510 442 3 8,149 1,770^ 4 8, 149 l,770i 5 7,510 442^ 6 9,000 \ 7 7,522i 885 8 10,894| 1,770i 19 10,894| l,770i £0 7,.5221 885 10 86,152 179 ] 10,000 £ 6.699^ 958^ 3 7,2851 1,917 4 7.285| . 1,917 5 6,6991 958^ 6 10,000 7 7,050 47H 8 11,6371 1,917 9 11,637^ 1,917 • 10 7.050 479^ 11 10,000 12 6,699i 9,9581 13 7,285i 1,917 14 7,285§ 1,917 15 6,699i 958i 16 10,000 17 7,050 47H 18 ll,637i 1,917 19 11,6371 1,917 20 7,050 479i 20 170,690 131 1 14,536 . 2 6,139i 1,234 [90] SCHEDULE— Continued. 13 No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet Proportion of Total No. Total No. of in lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 181 3 5,595i 1,234 4 5.595i 1>234 5 6,222 1,234 6 10 083i 3084 7 8 812i 2.700 8 6 075 2,700 9 7,310 3364 10 7,310 3364 11 6 075 12 6,475 673 13 6,550 1,346 14 6 550 1,346 15 6,475 673 16 6,075 17 7,310 3364 I 18 7,310 3364 19 6.075 2,700 20 6.475 2,5034 ' 21 6,550 3,209 22 6 550 3,209 23 6,475 2,5034 1 24 6 095i 2,447 * 1 25 6,569i 3,0964 ! 26 8,2684 3,0964 i 27 8,3632 2-447 28 8,812i 2,700 29 7,3531 3084 30 7,863 617 30 215.4484 S. of 181 1 9,53U N. of 182 1 11.937 - 2 21,4684 183 5 7.040 1,3764 6 6 453 1,3764 7 4,825 344 8 3,9931 9 4 855i 6884 10 8,3904 1,3764 11 11,2904 1,3764 • 12 9,8544 1,3764 17 3,9334 21 7.040 1,3764 22 6,453 1,3764 _ 14 [90] SCHEDULE— Continued. No of square. No. of lot. Square feet Proportion of Total No. Total No. of in lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 183 23 24 25 26 27 4,825 3,9951 4,855i 8,3901 11,290§ 344 6884 l,37b2 l,376i 28 9,854i l,376i 17 117,398i s. of 188 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 6 939 9,000 6,000 5,100 15,915 7,552 8.312 14.965 10,000 7.556 1 6,939 10 9,043 - 10 93,443 190 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 6,400 6,847i 12,465i 12,465^ 6,847i 6,400 6,628i 7,586^ 7,586^ 6,628i 6,400 6,847^ 12,465i 12,465i 6,400 6.628i 6,6284 7,5864 7,5864 5183 2,0741 2,0743 5183 1,0374 2,0741 2,0743 1,0374 5183 2,0743 2,0743 5183 1,0374 2,0743 2,0743 ■ 20 6.6284 1,0374 20 159,710 192 9 10 11 12 ll,130i 7,320 10,000 6,716 945 1,890 1,890 C 90 ] SCHEDULE— Continued. 15 No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet Proportion of Total No. Total No. of in lots. alley of lots. square feet. 192 13 14 7,336 7,336 945 15 6,716 472i 16 10,000 1,890 17 7,520 1,890 18 11,1302 472i 10 194 1 10,000 2 6 635 951 3 7,210 1,9024 4 7,210 1,9024 . 5 6,635 951 6 10,000 7- 7,050 4751 8 11,5731 1,9024 9 ll,573i 1,9094 ' 10 7,050 4751 11 10,000 12 6,635 951 13 7,210 1,9024 14 7,210 1,9024 15 6,635 951 16 10,000 17 7,050 4751 18 11,5731 1,9024 19 11,5731 1,9024 20 7,050 4751 20 169,875 197 1 3,975 2 4,800 3434 3 6,420 1,3724 13 9,8001 1,3724 14 11,229 1,3724 15 8,345 1,3724 16 4,833 686 17 3,975 18 4,800 343 19 6.420 1,3724 20 6,99 6 1.3724 29 9,80 H 1,3724 SO 11,22 9 1,3724 31 8,34 5 1,3724 82 4.83 (^ 686 15 105,8Q1 16 C90 J SCHEDULE (—Continued. No, of square. No. of lot. Square feet Proportion of Total No. Tutal No. of in lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 200 12 6,554 13 6,882 - 2 13,436 204 1 10,000 2 8,220 403^ 3 9,908 1,614 4 9,908 1.6 i 4 5 9.908 1,614 6 9,908 1,614 7 8,220 4031 8 10,000 9 7,550 807 10 7,550 807 U 10 000 12 8.220 403^ 13 9,884 1,614 \ 14 9,884 1.6 4 15 9,884 1,614 16 9,884 1,614 17 8 220 18 10.000 4034 19 7,550 807 20 7 550 807 20 182,248 205 5 13 717 1.706 6 13,717 1,706 7 7,553i 853 8 8,000 9 8,223i 853 10 9,372 1,706 ■ 11 9,372 1,706 12 8,2235 853 13 8,000 14 7,553i 853 15 13,717 1,706 16 13.642 1,706 12 121.090* 206 1 10,000 2 8,260 459 2 18,260 207 5 14,472§ 1.840 6 14,472i 1,840 7 8,270 460 8 10,000 9 7,904 920 [ 90 ] 17 schedule- —Continued. No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet Proportion of rotal N>.. •'otal No. of in lots. alley. of iuts. quare feet. 207 10 8,6824 1,840 11 8,6824 1,840 12 7,904 920 13 10,000 14 8,270 460 15 14.4722 1,840 * 209 16 11,411 1,840 12 127,541 1 10,000 ■ 2 7,625 765§ 3 12,810 1,5304 4 12,810 1,5304 5 11,655 1,5304 6 11.655 1,5304 7 12,810 1,5301 8 7.625 765i 9 10,000 10 7,412i 765 i 11 8,1875 1,5301 • 12 8,1874 1,5301 13 7,412i 7654 14 10,000 15 7,625 7654 16 12,810 1,5301 17 11 550 1,5303 18 11.550 1,5301 19 12 810 1,530^ , 20 12.810 1,5301 21 7.625 7654 22 10 000 * 23 7,4124 7654 24 8,1874 1,5304 25 8,1874 1,5304 26 7,4121 7654 211 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10,000 8,400 10.880 9,240 7,920 6,5274 6,930 8 11,600 21 18 [90] SCHEDULE^Continiied. No. of square No. of lot. Square feet Proportion of Total No. Total No. of in lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 211 9 13,897 10 7,536i 11 9,639i 12 11,171^ 13 ll,73Si 14 11,229* 15 12.901 16 19,677 :» 17 7-800 ' 18 7,800 236 19 1 7,200 8,000 19 192,087* 2 7,585 715 3 9,135 1,430 4 9.135 1,430 5 9,135 1,430 6 9,135 1,430 e 7 8 7,585 8,000 715 9 6,128^ 715 10 6. 128j 715 11 8,000" < 12 7,585 715 13 9,135 1,430 14 9,135 1.430 15 9,135 1,430 16 9.135 1,430 17 7,585 715 " 18 8,000 i 19 6,128^ 715 20 6,128^ 715 20 159,933^ 237 1 7,136i 2 6,600 8211 3 12,015 1,643 ! 4 12,015 1,643 5 12,0i5 1,643 ! 6 12,015 1,643 7 6,600 82U 8 7,1361 9 7,16H 82H 10 8,06li 1,643 1 [ 90 ] SCHEDULE— Continued. 19 No. of square. No, of lot. Square feet Proportion of Total No. Total No. of in lots. alley. square feet. 237" 11 8. 061 5 1,643 12 7,]6li 82li 13 7,1363 14 6,660 82U 15 12,015 1,643 16 12,015 1,643 17 12.015 1,643 18 12,015 1,643 19 6,600 82H £0 7,1361 £1 7,16U 8211 £2 8,06]i 1„643 £3 8,06U 1,643 24 7,l61i 82U 24 211,959 £38 1 9-000 17 12.5021 1,766 18 12,495 l-,766 19 7,220 442 20 9 000 ' 21 6,707i 883 22 7,5101 1,776 23 7,510^ 1,776 « 24 6,907i 883 9 79,054i 240 1 9,000 2 7,468i 810 S 12,547i 1,6191 4 12,5381 1,6193 5 12,538^ 1,6193 6 12,547^ 1,6193 7 8 7,46Sf 9,000 810 9 6,740 810 10 7,4841 1,6193 1 '■ 11 7,484f 1,6193 12 6,740 810 13 9,000 14 .7,4681 810 15 12,5471 1,6193 16 12,5381 1,6193 17 12.5381 1,6193 i 18 12,547^ 1,6191 20 [ 90 ] SCHEDULE— Continued. No. o square. 'No. of lot. Square feet m Proportion of Total No. Totai No. of lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 240 19 20 7,468i 9,000 810 21 6,740 810 » 22 7,4841 1,6191 23 7,4841 1,6191- 24 6.740 810 24 242 1 2 4 4 5 11,687 9,750 7,032i 8>052i 9,07H 6 7 8 9 10,09i?i 14,8i8| 9,072i 7,240^ 10 12,5861 11 14,770 12 8,8424 13 10; 5664 14 10,862 15 9.8694 16 S.S'Qi 17 7,883-1 - 17 171,104 243 1 2 10.000 15.292 > 8 4- 5 12,838 9.9,72 7,677 6 9. 746 - 6 64,825 244 1 7,514 2 8 097i - 2 15,6114 245 1 9, 000 2 7.290 9751 ' 3 8 980 1,9512 4 9.880 4871 5 24,468§ 6 11,857 4873 7 13.8232 1,9514 8 11,8491 1,9514 9 20,925 9751 10 7,965 9751 [ 90 ] SCHED ULE-^Continued. 2£ No. of square. No. of lot. square feet in Proportion of Total No. Total No. of lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 11 9,000 12 7,440 4871 IS 9,555 1,9514 14 9.198A 1,9514 15 9 570 1,9514 16 7,440 48/f 16 178,242i 255 3 4, 6031 4i 3,510 5 2,4 1 6| 13 3,2B0| 14 3,2!: 0^ - 5 17,091i 259 4 6 8,50^4 12,083| 8 8, 3 6.2 i - 3 28j8084 273 1 7,000 2 7.9801 1,47U 3 7,980i 1,47a 4 7,0 '0 5 6,800 6 7,200 735^ 7 . 6,800 8 7,000 9 7,9S0| 1,47U 10 7,980| 1,4714 11 7,000 12 6 800 1 13 7,200 735§: 14 6,800 - 14 101,523 274 1 2 6,400 6,0094 3 6.0' 94 rssi 4 6,0094 5 6,400 6 8,26l4 7831 7 9,902 1,567 8 9,902 1,567 9 8,26i4 783i 10 6,400 11 6,0094 78Si 12 6,0094 783i 13 6,0094 22 [90] SCHEDULE—Coiitinued. No. of square. No. of !ot. Square feet in Proportion of rotal No. Total No. of lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 274 14 6,400 15 8,26 U 783i 16 9,902 1,567 17 9,902 1,567 18 8,261^ 783i 18 135,5081 ^75 1 7,200 2 6,760^ 9631 8 9,889i 1,927 15 6.375 4813 16 9,8894 1,927 17 9,889:^ 1,927 18 6,375 4813 7 56,378 S of 277 - - - - 10,859 278 1 21,504 2 27,296 , 2 48,800 280 1 6,000 2 5,515 913i 12 6,2343 1,827 13 5,515 913i 14 6,000 15 6,168§ 4561 16 9.1131 1,827 17 9,1131 1,827 18 6,1683 4563 9 59,8291 281 1 10,000 2 8,415 6143 11 8,415 6143 12 10,000 13 9,756i 1,2295 14 10,845l l,229i 15 10,845i l,229i 16 9,74Si 1,2295 8 78,021 304 1 2 3 4 5 • 6 10,208i lO,C08i 6,005 6,005 K),008i 10,008i 6:005 8 6,005 8 64/)5S [ 90 ] 23 SCHEDULE— Continued. Square feet Proportion of Total No. Total No. of No .of square. No. of lot. in lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 305 1 2 3 9,0075 9,007^ 6,263i 4 6,27U ■ 5 6,271i 6 6,263^ 7 9,007i 8 9,007^ 9 6,2635 10 6 271i 11 6,27 H 12 6,263i - 12 86,170 806 5 6 7 8 9 6,255^ 6,255^ I0.008i 10,008^ 6,255i 10 6,255^ - 6 45,G37i= 307 1 14,426 2 16,323 - 2 30,749 309 1 2 3 4 10.008^ 10,008^ 6 255i 6.255^ 5 12.9441 6 15,672 7 5,6041 8 6,255^ 9 6,255^ 10 6,255i „ 10 85,6044 311 1 14.793 2 13,766 » 2 28,559 312 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9,007^ 9,007^ 6,005 6«005 9,007^ 9.007^ 6,005 8 6,005 - 8 60,050 24 [ 90 1 SCHEDULE— Continued. Square feet Proportion of Total No. Total No. of No. of square. No. of lot. ia lot. alley. of lots. sq lare feet. S13 2 3 4 5 10,008i 5,5041 7,206 7,306 6 10,008i - 5 40,033 314 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 12 13 10,008i lG,008i 5,904-1 5,904-1 5,580 5,9041 5.904-1 I0,008i I0,008i 5,9041 6,9041 5,880 5,9041 14 5,9041 - . 14 99,031 332 1 2 3 4 9,9871 9,9874 5,9924 5,9924 5 6 7 9,9874 9,9874 5,9924 8 5,9924 - 8 63,920 333 1 2 8,09 i 4 8,840 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 . 11 5,9924 5,9924 5,9924 5,9924 7,990 7,990 5,9924 5,9924 5,9924 12 7,6391 - 12 82.4981 N of 334 1 11,429 - 1 11,429 [ 90 ] SCHEDULE— Continued. 39 No. of square. No. of lot. 335 359 360 361 362 Square feet in lots. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 4 5 1 2 3 4 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 10 11 Proportion of alley Total No. of lots. Total No. of square feet. 9,975 10,000 6.250 6,250 6 250 6 250 10,000 9,975 6<234§ 6,2341 6,234^ 6,2.34i 9 987i 6,658i 6,658i 6,658i 9.987^ 11,4541 10,3394 12,352i 8,000 12,06U 8,000 19,3394 17,446 8,000 ^,672i 10,114 10,114 26 507 10,000 8,250 14,437^ 14.437^ 8.250 10.000 7,8974 8 6724 8,6724 7,8974 10,000 12 978 1,956 1,956 978 978 1,956 978 89,888 39,9491 54,2074 52,785 54,4074 ^o %B [90] j SCBEDULE ) — Continued • No. of square. No, of lot. Square feet Proportion of Total No. Total No. of 1 in lots. alley. of lots. square feet S62 12 8.250 978 13 l4AS7i 1,956 ., 14 14,437^ 1,956 ; 15 8,250 978 16 10,000 17 7.897i 978 18 8,672i 1,956 19 8.672^ 1,956 364 £0 1 7,897i 15.996 978 1,046 20 197,028 2 11.463 2,092 3 14,911 2,092 4 10,993 523 5 ■ 17,233 6 8,672 2,092 7 8,672 2,092 8 8,672 1,046 9 10,000 10 8,250 523 11 12,375 2,092 12 12,S75 2,092 13 8.250 523 ' 14 10,000 S71 15 1 2 3 4 7,897 10,564 7,33Ji 9,168i 8.000 1,046 15 164,984 393 5 4 8 11,427 5,960 5,960 - 5 • 46,491 394 9 1 2 5,960 9,333^ 9,333-i " B 17,880 3 6,208i 4 6,2081 5 6,208^ 6 6,208§ 7 9,333i 8 i).33S4 K 9 1 6,208i ' ;;!- [90 ] 27 SCHEDULE— Continued. No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet ill lots. Propurtum or uliey. Total No. of lots. Total No. of square feet. 394 10 11 6, 2084 6 2084 12 6,2084 - 12 89,401 398 4 5 6 5,y60 8.fr40 8,940 7 5,960 - 4 29,800 399 1 2 3 4 5 6 9. 9354 9 9-334 6.62^25 6 62 3 i 6,622§ 9.93^4 ' 1 7 9,9334 1 8 6 6224 9 6 6222 10 6,622i „ 10 79,468 400 1 2 3 ,4 5 6,6334 6 600 6,6334 5,860i 5 8603 6 5,8364 7 5„ 860-1 8 5 8603 9 6.6334 10 6,600 11 6.6334 12 5,8601 ■ 13 5,860i 14 5,8364 15 5, 8601 16 5,8603 - 16 98,291 416 4 12,5212 5 10,177 - 2 22,6981 419 1 2 3 4 5 6 10,000 10,000 6.250 6,250 6,2'50 6,250 \ 38 [ 90 3 SCHEDULE— Continued. No. of square. No. of lot. 419 Is. of 420 420 421 422 423 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Square feet in lots. 10.000 10.000 6,250 6,250 6. 250 6,250 whole sq. 10,000 10.000 11,7571 13,839i 6,000 10 000 10.000 6,250 6,250 6.250 6«250 10,000 10 000 6,250 6,250 6,250 6,250 9.000 9,000 6,000 6 000 6,666| 6,666f 6,666| 6 666| 6.6661 6 666| 6,666| 6,666| 6,666| 6.666| 6,666| Proportion of alley. Total No. of lots. 12 Total No. of square feet. 90,000 9,83S 51,597 13 90,000 30,000 12 f 80,000 [90] SCHEDULE— Continuetl. 29 No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet Proportion of Total No. Total No. of in lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 440 1 8.9551 2 9,788i - 2 18,744i 441 1 10.000 2 8.28U 516 3 13,9l2i 2.066 4 13.912i 2,066 5 8 28U 516 6 10 000 7 7,609§ 1,033 8 8,5153 2 066 9 8 5l5i 2.a66 10 7,6091 1.033 11 10.000 516 12 8 28U IS 13,912^ 2,066 14 13,912^ 2,066 15 8,2814 516 - 16 9,2202 1,033 17 7,609^ 1,033 18 8,5151 2,066 19 8,5151 2,066 20 7,609J 1,033 20 192,4961 444 1 9 000 2 6 800 4991 3 6.390 1,999 4 8 250 1,999 5 8,250 1,999 6 6,800 4995 7 9,000 8 7,000 999§ 9 8,400 9994 10 16 564 11 13 602§ 1,9991 - 12 15,066 1,999 13 15,073 1,999 14 6,800 499i 15 9,000 16 8,200 9994 ,' 17 8 625 L999 ! 18 8,625 1,999 19 8,200 9994 19 180,2454 30 [ 90 ] S CHEDULE— Continued. No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet in lots. Proportion of alley. Total No. of lots. Total No. of square feet. 446 4 8,9431 1,5064 5 8.443-1 904 6 9,000 7 6,800 30U , 12 8,943i 1,5064 13 7,94.'^! 1,205 14 9.000 15 4 460 3014 8 63,535 •447 1 6,400 2 6,100 3881 3 11,285 1,535 4 11,285 1,535 5 11,285 1,535 6 6,100 3831 7 6,400 8 6,240 l,15l5 9 6o960 1,535 10 6.960 1,535 11 6.240 1,1514 12 6,400 13 6,100 14 11,285 1,535 15 11,285 1,535 16 11,285 1,535 17 6,100 3831 18 6,400 19 6,240 1,1514 20 6,969 1,535 21 6,960 1,535 22 6,240 1,1514 22 170,510 475 1 2 3 4 5 6 9,3375 9,337i 5,602§ 5,6025 13,137 10,1945 ' 7 5,602i - 7 58,814 S. of 475 1 7,0561 2 12.6624 3 9,3375 4 9,3375 " 4 [38,394 90 3i SCHEDULE-^Continued. No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet Proportion of Total No. Total No. of in lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 477 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 9,337* 9,337* 5,836 5,836 5.836 5,836 9,337i 9,3374 5,836 5,836 5,836 12 5,836 - 12 84,058 479 3 4 5 6 5,602i 4,980 4,986 5,602* 7 6,847* - 5 28,012* 480 1 8 9 10 11 7,470 7,470 5,602* 5,602* 5., 602* 12 5,602* - 6 37,350 481 1 9 10 11 12 13 9,337i 9,3374 5,5094 5,509i 5,4851 5.5094 ■ ■ 14 5.505^4 - 7 46,1974 a. of 482 - 6,4484 - - 6,4484 N. of 507 - 2,0984 - - 2,0984 507 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 16,905 15,763 8.899 10,178 19,137 22,869 9,852 S 9.852 - 8 11^,455 32 [! 90] SCHEDULE— Continued !. No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet Proportion of Total No. Total No. of in lots. alley. of lots. square feet. E. of 509 1 2 3 4 5 6 8,717 6,990 8,070 9,150 10,230 10,873 7 9,000 - 7 63,030 E. of 510 1 4,830 "_ - 4,830 510 2 7.200 862 3 12,600 1,7244 5 12,600 l,724i 6 7,500 862 7 10,000 8 7,375 862 9 8,125 l,724i 14 12c 600 l,724i 19 13,22ai l,724i 9 91,222§ 511 1 23,7971 2 8,235 !,189i 3 8,235 l,189i 4 8,235 l,l89i 7 8.235 l,189i 8 6,774 5941 9 9,000 - 10 7,263^ 5941 15 8,235 l,189i 16 8,235 1,1894 10 96,245 512 7 11,285 l,56Si 8 11,^85 l,563i 9 7,390 3901 - 10 10,000 11 8,141 7811 12 8,7722 1,563^ 13 8,141 7811 14 10,000 15 7,390 3901 16 11,285 l,563i 17 11,285 l,563i 18 11,285 1,563| 12 116,25^ 513 1 2 6,400 6,0021 . [90] 38 SCHEDULE— Continued • ■^fo. of square . No. of lot. Square feet Proportion of Total No To al No. of in lots. alley. uf 3ots. square feet. 513 3 4 5 6 22 23 24 25 26 27 6,5761 6,5761 6.576^ 6,554i 6.574i 6,574i 6 574i 6,0001 6 400 6,733i 1 28 6,400 2,400 29 6.005^ 1,815 30 6,5744 1,815 31 6,5744 1,815 82 6,5744 1,815 42 6,540^ 1,805 43 6,5761 1,815 44 6,576i 1.815 45 6,5761 1,815 46 e,002-i 1,815 47 6,400 2,400 48 5,741 - 24 154,068 N. of 515 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8,000 6,000 11,1781 9,9981 8,74U 15,775 8,055 13,276 9 6,300 - 9 87,3241 S. of 516 1 2 7,315 2,98U 3 4 3,682 3,438i 5 3,194§ 6 2,951 7 2 7071 8 4,844* 9 4,390i 10 3,797 . } ^3 B4 [ 90 •3 SCHEDULE- — Contiiiiietl. No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet in Proportion of Total No. Total No. of lots. alley. of lots. square feet. S of 516 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 S.273§ 6,861 2,660 2,940 3,220 3,500 3,780 2,800 4.800 3,040 3,050 22 2,400 . '22 81,6151 520 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 9,337i 9,3375 5,836 5,836 5,836 5,836 9,3374 9 3374 5,836 5,836 5,836 12 5,836 12 84,0a8 521 1 9,3S7f 5,835i 5 5,8351 S* 8 9,3371 , 9 5.8351 12 5,8351 - 6 42,0184 523 2 3 4 5 9. 3414 5,605 5. 505 10.310 6 8,4944 - 5 39,357 550 1 12,8601 2 13,921 - 2 26,7813 551 1 11,000 2 11,921 * 3 13 755 1,4694 4 13,755 1,4694 [90] 35 SCHEDULE — Continued. Square feet Proportion of Total No. Total No. of No. of square. No. of lot. in lots. alle}'. of lots square feet. 551 5 13,7901 1,4694 6 ' 7 8 13,755 1,4694 9 8,515 735 13 9,0931 1,4694 14 8,028-1 735 15 11,000 16 8,515 735 17 13,755 1.4694 18 13,790 1,4694 24 9,020 14 159,6931 552. 7 11,375 1,344 8 11,970 1,344 9 11,970 1,344 10 11,970 1,344 , 11 7,125 6724 12 9,000 13 6,6374 6724 14 7,3124 1,344 15 7,3124 1,344 16 6,6374 6724 17 9,000 18 7,125 6724 ' 19 11,970 1,344 20 11,970 1,344 21 11.970 1,344 22 11,375 • 1,344 . 23 11,375 1,344 24 11,970 1,344 18 178,065 W of 553 3 4 7,635 8,8374 - 5 7,000 3 23,4721 553 1 8,100 2 6,555 555i 3 7,695 1,1104 4 7,695 1,1104 5 7,695 1,1104 6 7,3124 1,1104 21 7,3124 1,1104 22 7,695 1,1104 86 C 90 ] SCHEDULE — Continued. No. of squar. No. of lot. Square feet in Proportion of rotal No. Total No. of lots. allej'. of lots. square feet. 23 7,695 l,110i 24 7,695 1,1104 25 6,555 555* 26 8,100 27 6,345 555i 28 6,345 555i 14 102,795 554 1 9,000 2 6,840 66U 3 10,545 l,323i 4 10,545 l,323i 5 10,545 l,322i . 6 10,021 1,3234 22 10,021 l,S23i 23 10 545 l,323i 24 10,545 1,3234 25 10,545 1,3234 26 6.840 661i 27 9,000 28 7.2591 66li 29 7,7991 1,3234 30 7,2591 66li 15 1 37,31 U W. of 554 1 2 8 16,122 12,583 9.9071 9 lS.720i 10 22,004 11 9,271 i 12 7,696i 13 6,400 2,400 14 6,614 1,890 15 9,124i 1.890 16 9,124i 1,890 18 5,400 1,800 19 860 1,800 13 136,5684 S. of 562 * 35,649 574 not divided 576 2 4 6 8,100 10,000 12.160 11 9,202i - 4 39,462§ 598 1 9,600 [90] S7 SCHEDULE Continued. No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet Proportion of Total No. Total No. of in lota. alley. of lots. square feet. 2 6,968 5 5,900 6 5,445 11 4,2651 12 5,171 - 6 S7,S49§ 599 7 9,834 9 9,502 . 2 19,426 600 - - A - 13,025i 600 1 2 5 7 8 12 9,58 U 7,121 9,58U 9,575 6,680 9,5814 13 9,58U 14 9,58U , 15 9,575 " 9 80,8574 602 2 6,726 5 6,3671 8 9 9,577 5,571 10 6.315 t 5 33,5561 603 7 9 7,5374 9,589 10 7,268 , 3 24,394 604 1 11.4851 4 6.885 = 2 18,370i 605 5 14,615 6 14,569 « 2 29,184 606 4 6 4.050 5,715 9 7,200 - 3 16,965 607 2 3 4 6 6,261 9,591 9,591 9,591 9 6,261 - 5 41,295 608 3 5 7 9 4,050 5,400 4,050 4,050 38 [90] SCHEDULE— Continued. No. of square. No. of lot Square feet in lots. Proportion of alley. Total No. of lots. Total No, of square feet. 11 4,050 13 4,050 18 9,587 19 6,060 - 8 41,297 609 3 4 5 11 12 13 9.589 9,589 9,463 9,589 9,463 9,589 14 9,589 - 7 66,871 610 3 8.060 W. pro. 5 5,400 do 7 4,050 do canal 8 4,050 do do 10 4,905 do do 11 4,905 do do 12 4,927i do do 15 9.587f 17 7,691 - 9 59,2964 611 8 9 602 612 & sqr. S. of 612, water prop. 17 }- 9,602 at. to lots in square 6 10 \ 2 19,204 613 3 24 front feet ") S. of 613, water prop. } - water prop. Wat. p. at. to lots ins. 613 1 ■ 614 1 2 25,590 12,600 615 3 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 18,130 9.000 7,375 7,385 7,385 9,000 8,947 11,161 11,161 8,947 3 56,320 C 90 ] S CHE D ULE—Continued. 39 No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet Proportion ot Total No. ■■ otal '"' 0. of in lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 6i5 15 16 17 18 9,000 7,375 7.385 7,385 19 9 000 3.000 20 8,947 1,875 21 11,161 1,875 22 11.161 1.875 23 8,947 1,875 18 160,722 616 7 8 9 10 11 9.562^ 9 562i 9.562^ 8.100 9,000 12 7,500 13 7,500 14 9,000 15 8,100 16 9,562-^ 17 9,562A . 18 9.562^ - 12 106,575 617 1 14,650 1,3741 2 11,655 1,3741 3 11,655 l,374i 4 11,655 l,374i 5 10,945^ 1,3741 19 10.945i 1,3741 20 11,655 1,3741 21 11,655 l,374i 22 11.655 1,3741 23 8 263i 687i 24 10 000 25 8 333 343f 26 8,333 l,3^4f 27 10,8661 687i 14 152,2674 618 1 2 . 27,763^ 15,013 3 12,6111 - 3 55,388i 619 I 2 40 [90] SCHEDULE— Continued. No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet Proportion of Total No. Total No. of in lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 619 4 5 6 own. — quare. 7 a "= M j^ 8 9 C s^ 10 11 "—1 © 12 ^ i 13 « o 14 15 16 17 o 18 o 18 234,8481 620 6 18,922i 2,0774 7 18,922i 2,077i 8 18,922i 2,077i 9 16,223 l,4S2i 10 14', 960 11 17.842i 3,900 18 18,922^ 2,0774 19 18,922-1 2,077i 20 18,9221 2,077i 21 16,223 l,482i 22 14,960 23 17,842 3.900 12 211,586 621 6 10,088^ 1,3904 7 I0,088i l,S90i 8 10,088^ l,390i 9 8,240 695i 10 10,500 11 8,122 695^ 18 10,088^ 1,3904 19 10,088^ 1,3904 20 10,08Si 1,3904 21 8,240 695i 22 10,500 23 8,122 695:1 12 114,2534 632 1 11,500 2 8,500 I [90] S CHEDULE— Continued. 41 No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet Proportiou of Total No. Total No. of in lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 632 3 4- 5 6 I I4.77.'^f 10,6521 12,260^ 15,4231 6,600 8,580 9 11,500 10 10,215 11 10,215 11 120,282-1 634 8 9 10 5,231 3,875i 4,580-5 ' 11 3,9475 4 1 7,634 g 636 1 2 , 7 8 9 14 4,200 4,978 5,136 4,784 4,4331 4,156i 15 4,558 19 4,637 8 36,833 65^ 4 6 7 8 9 9,590 9,590 9,590 9,590 9,590 10 4,3685 13 4,3685 14 9,590 15 9.590 16 9.590 17 9.590 19 9.590 13 104,627 653 4 9,590 5 9,590 6 9,590 7 .9,590 8 9,590 9 13,959 13 6,943 14 7,015^ 8 e3,S67i 34 42 [90] SCHEDULE— Continued. Nq. of square. No. of lot. Square feet Proportion of Total No. Total No. of in lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 654 3 5,410 4 9,590 • 6 9,590 9 9,590 » 4 34,180 655 3 4 5 5,410 9,590 9,590 10 5,410 - 4 30,000 656 1 2. 3 5 6 9,590 9.590 9,590 9,4161 9,590 11 9,590 12 9,4l6i 14 9,590 - 8 76,373 657 3 4 5 6 7 8 9,590 9,590 9,4161 9,590 9,590 9,590 9 9,590 - 7 66,9561 658 I 2 3 23,472i 17,754 9,590 ^ 4 9,590 - 4 60,406S 660 5 14,597 661 4 5 9 10 12 7,478^ 7,485§ 9,590 9,590 9,579 13 7,572 - 6 49,295 663 3 7,875 5 9,590 _ 2 17,465 665 2 4 7 8 9,600 9,590 9,590 9,590 10 9,600 J 5 47,970 r 90 ] SCHEDULE— Continued. 43 No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet in lots. Proportion of alley. Total No. Total No. of square feet. 667 669 673 6f4 4 9,590 6 9,590 1 9,000 2 7,605 3 8,505 4 8,505 5 8,505 6 8,527i 19 8,527i 20 8,505 21 8,505 22 8,505 23 7,605 24 7,485 25 7.200 26 , 7,200 1 14,960 2 l6,496i 3 19,196 4 19,196 5 19,196 12 I7,842i 13 14,960 14 I6,496i 15 19,196 16 19,196 17 19,196 24 17,842^ 1 3 4 5 12 13 14 Si Is 15 16 17 S 1 ^ 24 M^ 5972 l,195i 1,1954 1,1954 1,1954 1,1954 1,1954 1,1954 1,1954 597^ 1,512§ 2,107i 2,107§ 3,900 1,512^ 2,l()7i 2,107^ 2,107^ 3,900 19,180 14 114,180 12 313,7731 12 126,6621 44 C 90 ] SCHEDULE— Continued. No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet in lots. Proportion of alley. Total No. of lots. Total No. of square feet. 686 11 7,261 1,43U 14 8,8803 8341 16 17,0801 l,431i 3 33,2211 691 3 4 5 6 6.725 4,825 4,181 4,448 11 6,725 - 5 26,904 702 4 5 6 7 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 - . 11 105,468 70S 5 6 7 8 9,588 9,588 9,588 9,588 10 5,473 11 9,589 12 5,473 13 5,473 = 8 68,484 ■ 704 1 9,588 3 9,588 4 9,588 5 5,939 6 5,939 - 5 40,642 705 . 7 - - 1 9,582 710 * - - - 43,123 B. of 711 * - - „ 16,4081 712 2 12,100 3,300 3 12,100 . 4 14,171f 1.932i 5 14,1711 1,9321 6 14,1711 lj9324 12 14,400 5,600 [90 1 SCHEDULE— Continued. No. of square. 712 713 No. of lot. ri5 717 724 13 14 15 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 6 7 11 12 15 16 17 20 21 25 Square feet in lot. Proportion of Total No. alley. I of lots. , Total No. of square feet. 24,375 18,9081 17,4211 14,020f 9,715 8,417 9,000 8,4892 8,489i 9,000 8,417 9,715 6 600 12,775 lO,75Si 8,438 10,000 6,258 7,310 9,000 6.000 10,370 6,607 6,910 9,615i 6,250i 7,212i 12,153^ 4,312^ 5,867i 7,759^ 9,667 9,667 4,664i 6,234 4,312i 5,867^ 7,759§ 8,414| 9,667 4,664* 1,755 2,160 270i 1,082 1,082 1,082 541 1,082 2701 1,802 1,802 1,802 541 141,82U 12 115,3921 70,893 35,2311 46 SCHEDULE— Continued. No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet Pfoportion of Total No. Total No. of . in lots. alley of lots. square feet. 724 26 6,234 1,802 14 95,091* 728 26 4,109 2194 28 4,109 4381 2 8,218 733 2 3,466i 4521 4 5,497 905i 6 4,780 905i 22 4,780 905i 24 5,497 9051 28 4,4834 905i 30 4,079i 226i r 31,583 748 1 2 3 4 5 10,000 7,740 7,790 10,000 9,888^ 6 7 15 11,186 13,9491 ll,158i 16 9,868i - 9 91,5811 749 1 8,100 2 8,735i 1,538 3 8,735i 1,538 4 8,100 5 7,911 S84i 6 7,911 384i 7 8,100 8 8,735§ 1,538 9 8,7351 1,538 10 8,100 11 7,911 384§ 12 7,911 384i 12 98,986 751 1 8,100 2 8,598 l,520i 9 8,598 l,520i 10 8,100 11 7.590 380 12 7,590 380 6 48,576 757 2 4 5 6 11,236 9,307 9,557 10,000 7 6,0931 5 48,1931 1 [90] S CHEDULE— Continued. 47 No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet Proportion of Total No. Total No. of in lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 761 14 15 5,7371 4,1124 232J 16 5,787i 232§ 17 4,8124 930i 4 18,4491 763 1 4,034i 2 4,69H 737 3 6,5524 1,474 12 ' 4,6924 737 13 4,0344 14 4,879 • 3684 15 5,3004: 1,474 16 4,879 3682 8 39,1461 N of 772 * - - - 8,721 77SL 3 4 7,669 8,550 3511 5 7,8884 703J 6 8,982i 1,4074 7 8,9824 1,4074 8 8,9824 i,4or4 9 7,8884 7031 10 8,550 11 7,669 55\i 9 75,162 775- 3 4 8,218 8,100 365 5 9,0731 7314 J 6 10,268 1,4624 7 10,268 1,4624 8 10,268 1,4624 9 10,268 1,4624 1 10 9,0731 7314 11 8,100 12 8.218 3654 10 91,8554^ 774 1 8,100 2 8,735i 1,538 3 8,735i 1,538 i 4 8,100 5 7,911 3844 6 7,911 3844 7 8,100 1 8 8,735§ 1,538 I 9 8,735? 1,538 48 [90] SCHEDULE— Continued. No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet Proportion of Total No. Total No. of in lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 774 10 8,100 11 7,911 384^ 12 7,911 384i 12 98,986 776 3 4 8,598 8,100 l,520i 5 7,590 380 6 7,590 380 7 8,100 8 8,598 1,5201 6 48,676 785 790 796 828 829 SECOND VOLUME. 4 6,146 1,272| 5 4,725 318 6 4,125 7 4,530 6364 8 5,060 1,2721 9 10 4,530 '4,125 6364 11 4.r25 318 12 6,146 1,272 1 8,851§ £ 8,6641 4 6,866 - 5 10,157 6 5,883 7 4,125 8 5,025 9 7,476 10 7,476 11 5,025 12 4,125 13 5,883 - 1 6,300 2 6,315 3 7,700 4 13,7601 5 • ll,983i » 1 10,5084 2 10,5084 3 7,U9| 44,112 24,382^ 55,175 46,059 C 90 ] 49 SCHEDULE— .Continued. No. of square No. of lot. Square feet in Proportion of Total No. Total No. of lota. alleys of lots. square feet. 829 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 7,119§ 7,119^ 7,ll9i 7,119i 7,119* 10,5084 10,5084 7,119* 7,U9i 7,119* 7,119* 7,119* 16 7,119* - 16 127,467 830 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10,508* 10,508* 10,5064 10,5064 10,508* 10,5084 10,5064 8 10,5064 8 68,058 831 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9,983 9,983* 6,576* 6,576* 9,983 9,983 6,576* 8 6,576i - 8 66,238 832 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9,983 9,983 6,7254 6,7254 9,983 9,983 6,7254 8 6,7254 - 8 66,833 839 1 2 3 4 3,937* 4,7584 4,7584 5,937* 25 [ 90 ] SCHEDtJLE—Continttea. No. of square. No. of lot. — »»' Square feet Proportion of Total No. Total No. of in lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 859 5 6 4,527 5,380^ 7 4.527 8 3.937^ 9 4,758i ' 10 4,758^ 11 3,937i 12 4,527 13 5,3501 14 4,527 & 14 63,59S M2 1 2 6 7 8 9 3.940i 5,2711 5,385| 4,046 3,9401 5,2711 14 4,046 = 7 31,90g \ m-i 4 5 3,937i 5.0171 6 5,823^ • 7 5,832i 8 5,017^ 12 3,9374 13 5,017| 14 5,83^1 15 5,823i 16 5,017^ - 10 51,256 N. of 855 * - - - 12,354 855 1 2 6.500 6,800 6,800 4 6,575 3,000 25 7,720 2,0324 26 8,520 2,032i 27 8,520 2,0324 28 8,520 2,0324 29 8,341 2,385 30 19,916 4,680 31 21,72U 32 8,4681 1 33 8^4681 [90] SCHEDULE— Continued. 5i No. of square. No, of lot. Square feet in Proportion of Total No. Total No. of lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 855 34 8.4681 35 7,6681 - 15 1435008* 856 1 8,000 2 8,117i 665 3 9 2551 1,330 4 8,3551 1,330 15 8.3551 1,330 16 9.2551 1,330 17 8.117i 665 18 8,100 19 7,911 332 20 7,911 i532 10 ^%iW 857 1 8,100 2 7,931 659 3 8,9821 1,318 4 8,110 1,318 5 8 110 1,318 6 8,9821 1,318 . 7 7,931 659 8 8,100 9 7,434 329i 10 7,434 329^ 11 8,000 12 7.931 659§ 13 8,9821 1,318 \ 14 8,110 1,318 15 8,110 1,318 16 8,982i 1,318 17 7,931 6594 18 8,100 19 . 7,434 3295 20 7,434 329i 20 162,231 867 1 4,500 2 5,040 3 6,951 4 6.951 5 6,133 19 20 21 22 6,133 6,951 6,951 5,040 52 [90 1 SCHEDULE— Continued. Square feet in Proportion of Total No. ' ■ "• '■ .x. Total No. of No. of square. No of lot. lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 867 £3 24 25 4,500 5,280 6,3203 26 5,280 - 13 76,0301 870 1 2 6 7 8 12 13 li Lot not known, for this square. 14 15 19 ^ O 20 21 26 13 85,117 1886 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9,000 8,180 9,000 6,763^ 7,445 6,000 18,243§ 17,982 7,445 10 6,763^ . 10 96,822i 887 1 2 9,000 8,180 3 9,000 4 7,001 5 7,001 * 6 9,000 7 8,180 8 9,000 9 7,001 10 7,001 . 10 80,364 888 1 2 8,100 7,498 3 8,100 1 - 4 7j704 1 [90] STATEMENT-^Continued. as No. of square, No. of lot. Square feet in Proportion of Total No. Total No, of lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 88S 5 7,704 6 8,100 7 7,498:1 8 8,100 9 7,704 10 7,704 - 10 78,212 889 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 8,550 7,839 8,550 7,2591 7,2591 8,550 7,839 8,550 7,2591 10 7,2591 - 10 78,917 S9£ 1 4,650 2 5,498 3 5,498 4 4,650 5 4,694i 6 4,745 7 4,745 8 4,694i 9 4,650 10 5,498 11 4.650 12 4,694i 13 4,745 14 4,745 15 4,745 16 4,694i - 16 78,349 901 1 4,180 } 2 4,930 3 6,3974 4 8,4752 5 6,217§ 6 5,599i 7 5,599i 8 5,667§ 9 4,9661 54 [90 ] SCHEDULE— Continued, No, of square. No. of lot. Square feet in Proportion of Total No. Total No. of lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 901 10 11 12 13 5,885 5,885 4,9661 5,6671 14 5,5991 ' 15 5,599i 16 6,2171 17 5,206i «. 17 97,052 912 1 • 2 1 t 3 i§ 4 -M cr- 5 6 H -1-9 -^ 7 8 9 11 10 11 o > 12 13 « « 14 15 Q 16 - » 16 94,427 914 1 2 3 i?3 4 :S^ ] 5 ° ^ 1 6 7 8 C.2 9 il 10 Sm f^ 11 SS 12 13 14 1^ 15 u 16 - - 16 86,362 915 # - - - 7,500 90] 55 SCHEDULE— Continued. -No. of square. No. of lot. S. of 915 S. of 917 924 934 935 937 94r 956 Square feet in lots. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 •> CO '- s as * c M fl fe rt o ^ 2 " § CC 05 O 4,706i 5,4263 5,4261 4,706i 4,9004 5,426i 4,6l7f 4,6l7i 5,426i 4,900i not divided 1 2 © "O . > (N ® S 4 5 6 w 1 CO « I CO i5 C '3 7 a ^ +- _g O ti 8 o -^ 9 o -^ ^ 10 S k 11 12 - 1 6,626 2 6,176 3 5,950 4 4,299 1 8,500 2 6,175 3 8,500 4 6,883^ 5 15.398§ Proportion of alley. Total No. of lots. 2501 2503 501i 1,003 1,003 1,003 1,003 501i Total No. of square feet. 49,6901 7,6044 10 50,155i 111,240 12 85,82J 23,05t [90] SCHEDULE—Continued. No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet Proportion of Total No. Total No. of in lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 956 6 15j754i . 6 61,211 957 1 7,650 2 6,792| 3 7,650 4 7,2131 5 7,213# 6 7,650 7 6,792| 8 7,650 9 7,213i 10 7,213§ =. 10 73,040 958 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7,650 6,792i 7,650 7,3771 7,3771 7,650 6,792| S 9 7,650 7,3771 10 7,3771 - 10 73,696 959 3 4 5.287| 4,350 301 5 5,178 603 6 5,119| 1,206 11 5,2874 301 12 4,350 13 5,178 603 14 5,119i 1,206 960 8 4,993:1 1,039 9 5,447^ 1,039 10 4,875i 51^ 11 4,350 12 5,287 259-^ 1 4,350 2 5,287^ 259i 18 4,993* 1,039 19 5,447i 1,039 20 4,875 519 10 49,907 961 3 9,2631 4 5,200 - 2 14,46Si [90] STATEMENT— Continued. 57 No, of squai'e. No. of lot. Square feet Proportion of Total No. Total No. of in lots. alley. of lots. square feet. N. of 962 1 ' 1 5,437§ 969 1 4,415^ 2 5,075 262i 3 5,075 262§ 4 4,415i 5 5,123 524 i 6 5,548 1,0494 7 4,985 1,0494 8 4,985 1,0494 9 5,548 524i 10 5,123 11 4,415S 262^ 12 5,075 262^ 13 5.075 14 4. 415^ 524i 15 5,123 1,0494 16 5.548 1,0494 17 4,985 1,0494 18 4,985 ' 1,0494 19 5,548 1,0494 20 5,123 542* 20 100,586 N. of 980 1 10,135 ' 2 11,]25J - 2 21,260i 980 1 2 4 5 6,5433 6,600 6,600 6,543§ 7,769i ^ 6 7,769i ' 7 6 5431 8 6,600 9 6,600 10 6,5431 11 7,7694 12 7,7694 - 12 83,652 984 2 12,4064 4 16,628^ - 2 29,034| 985 1 3.9814 2 4,9734 3404 10 3,9814 ' 11 4,973| 3404 26 [90] SCHEDULE— Continued. No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet in Proportion of Total No. Total No. of lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 985 12 5,5731 1,3621 17 7.062^ do. 8 7,062^ do. 18 5,056| 6814 9 5,049 6814 9 47,714* 989 11 12 Rever. lots; contents not 21 known. - 3 990 4 4,328i 1,007 5 3,944^ 2511 6 3.2684 7 3,276 25 1§ 8 5,405 1,007 9 5,10H 1,007 10 5,10H 1,007 11 5,405 1,007 12 5-405 1,007 13 3.276 2513 14 3.2684 15 3,944 i 251i 16 4,3284 1,007 13 56,05S « of 990 3 1 9,605 5 7,200 . 2 16,805 1,001 1 4,025 2 4,160 . 2 8,185 S of 1,001 Water property; no contents. 1,002 5 6 7 8 9 6.86*51 9,000 9,7281 9,104 9,000 10 10,785 - 6 54,483* 1,003 1 2 5 4 7564 1,513 1,513 5 6 7 8 9 756 3784 3784 [90] 59 SCHEDULE— Continued. No. of square. No. of lot. Squai'e feet in Proportion of Total No. Total No. of lots. alley. of lota. square feet. 1,003 10 11 7,559 8,784 12 13 14 15 16 8,784 7,559 9,0481 7,696 - 7,696 1,004 1 10,000 2 7,800 818§ 3 10 033 1,637^ 4 10.033 l,637i 5 7,800 818^ 6 10.000 7 6,92 If 818i 8 7,821# 1,637* 9 6,9211 818^ 10 10,000 11 7,800 818* 12 10,033 1,637* 13 10,033 1,637* 14 7,800 818* 15 10,000 16 6,9211 818* 17 7,821§ 1,637* 18 6,9211 818* 18 7r,33U- 1,005 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 12.0194 7,8284 8.442 9,0551 9,581 19,075 6,000 6,000 8,000 7,800 9,000 7,800 6,600 i 14 10,360 . 14 128,16U 1,006 # - - - 16,468 1,007 1 9,000 - 60 L 90 ] S CHED ULE—Continued. No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet in lots. Proportion of alley. FotalNo. of lots. Total No. of square feet. 1,007 2 6,7564 790§ 3 9,3011 1,581 4 9,S0U 1,581 5 6,756i 790i 6 9,000 7 6,4914 790i - 8 7,210 1,581 9 6,4914 790i 10 8,99 1| 11 6,7564 790i 12 9,301|- 1,581 13 9,301^ 1,581 14 6,7564 790i 15 9,000 16 6,4914 7901 17 7,210 1,581 18 6,4914 790i 18 140,607| 1,008 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Contents ofeacli lot not known. See 2d volume for this square. - 20 * 20 182,3841 1,015 1 2 3 4 3,900 5,5084 6,340 6,340 ' [90] SCHEDULE— Continued. 61 No, of square. No. of lot. Square feet in Proportion of Total No. Total No. of lots. alley. of lots. square feet- 1,015 17 18 19 6,340 6 340 6,357-2- 20 7,453-1 2,250 21 7,947 1,800 22 6,3571 1,795 23 6,340 1,795 24 6,340 1,795 29 6,340 1,795 30 6,340 1,795 31 5,508* 1,800 32 3,900 2,250 33 4,896 34 4,896 - 18 107,4444 E. of 1,015 3 5,760 4 6,382 - 2 12,142 1,018 1 3,515 2 3,772 6G4§ 3 8,500 1,2094 4 7,352§ l,209i 5 7,352i 1,2094 20 8,500 1,2094 21 3,772 604i 22 3,515 23 4, 145 3024 24 4,275 1,2094 25 4,275 l,2r;94 26 4,275 1,2094 27 4,275 1,2094 28 4,145 3024 14 71,669 1,019 1 2 8 9 18,865 8,902 7,285 10,000 10 7,370 « 5 52,422 1,025 2 4 6 8 Contents of each not known. _ 4 54,816 E. of 1,025 6 10,827 8 12,763 - 2 23,590 N. of 1,026 # J - - 12,232^ 62 L9D] SCHEDULE— Continued. No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet in Proportion of Total No. Total No, of lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 1,029 1 8,800 2 6,4311 6734 3 9,659^ 1,357| 4 9,659i 1,357^ 5 9,659i 1.357i 6 9,6594 1,357§ 7 9,6594 l,357i . 8 9,6594 1,357^ 9 6,4314 6783 10 8,000 11 7,444 678 12 8,2254 1,357-^ 13 7,444 6781 14 8,000 15 6,4314 6781 16 9,6594 l,357i 17 9,6594 1,3571 18 9,6594 l,357i 19 9,6594 1,357^ 20 9,6594 l,357i 21 9,6594 1,357^ 22 6,4314 6781 23 8,000 24 7,444 678§ 25 8,225 1,357| 26 7,444 6781 26 219,862 S. of 1,036 1 8,336 2 6,050 -- 2 14,386 S. of 1,059 2 6,012 3 3,750 „ 2 9,762 1,042 1 3,962^ 2 4,506 Zlll 3 9,109 l,l55i 4 9,109 l,155i 5 9,109 1,1 55§ 6 9,109 l,155i 24 9,109 1,155§ 25 9,109 1,1 55| 26 9,109 l,I55i 27 9,109 1,155^ 28 4,506 ^77h 29 3,9621- ■ [90] 63 SCHEDULE— Continued, _::, . — No. of squars. No. of lot. Square feet in Proportion of Total No. Total No. d? lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 1,042 SO 4,783i 2884 31 5,283^ 1,1554 32 5,300 1,1554 33 5,283i 1,1554 34 4,783i 2884 17 115,242 i; N. of 1.04 9 ^ 1,050 1 - « 1 1.6,6464 3 8,767 4 7,879§ 5 8,5684 - 3 25,215 1,052 1 2 3 4 11,0394 10,047 12,7474 10,800 5 14,581 - 5 59,2114 = N. of 1,053 1 23,607 2 18,118 ~ 2 41,725 1,060 4 8.2333 1,8774 5 7,216 9381 6 9,500 9 31,125:1 1,8774 10 15.565 9381 13 13,S01i 1,8774 14 8,250 938f 7 93,1911 1,063 1 4,500 £ 5,500 350 3 8,357 1,400 4 10,147 1,400 11 7,116 1,400 12 7,50lf 1,400 ' 19 7,063 1,400 20 7,161 1,400 " 21 6,429 1,400 22 8,426 350 10 72,8001 S.E. 1,068 1 2 3 4 5 6 6,000 5,550 8,317^ 6,870 6,4311 4,5074 7 8,824 " 7 46,5G0i S. of 1,072 1 2 12,638 9,087 64 [90] SCHEDULE — Continued No, of square No. of lot. Square feet Proportion of Total No. Total No. of in lot. alley. of lots. square feet. S. of 1,072 3 4 7,319 8,300 5 9,000 ... 5 46,344 .1,073 2 3 4 5 6 7 7,330 7,440 10 000 9,452 10,692 6,930 8 21,274 - 7 73,118 1,077 8 9 10 11 12 8,419 12,947 7,243 6,434 5, 624 13 5.,512 14 10.894 15 4,706 16 5,796 17 6,886 18 7,976 19 7,960 - 12 90,399 1,079 2 4 7 8 9 9,360 9,639 5,457§ 4,973i 7,772i 12 . 10,360 s.. 6 47,562 1,080 2 - - 1 2,86 U S. of 1,080 1 water lot 1,089 1 4,037i 2 4,787i 3,542 3 5,3911 1,418 4 5,383i 1,418 5 4,787i 3,542 6 4,037i ' 7 4,8111 709 8 6,959 1,418 9 6.959 1,418 10 4.8111 709 11 4,0374 1 12 4,787* 354i [90] 61 SCHEDULE— Continued • No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet Proportion of Total No. Total No. of in lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 1,089 13 5,383§ 1,418 14 5,3911 1,418 15 4,787i 3545 16 4,037^ 17 4 81if 709 18 6. 963 1,418 19 6 963 1,418 20 4,811# 709 20 103,9414 W of 1,092 2 . 1 5,406 1,102 1 12.470^ 862 2 1 13 659 1,724 3 10,129 1,724 4 6.852 862 5 7,200 6 6. 20 1 862 7 6,940^ 1,724 - 8 6,201 862 9 7,200 10 6,852 862 11 10,129 1,724 12 10,129 1,724 13 6,852 862 14 7,200 15 6.201 862 16 6,940§ 1,724 16 131,1561 1,117 1 2 7,35©i 5,6821 3 4,363 - 3 17,3951 1,130 3 4,694 4 3,914 . 2 8,608 S. of 1,140 1 2 3,862i 4,492i 10 4,4 92i 11 3,862i 12 4,605i 13 5,244i 14 4,6051 - 7 31,166 1,148 1 13,596 2 13,596 - 2 27,192 1,149 1 2 13,596 13,596 3 13,596 - 3 40,788 27 66 C 90 ] Lots which revert to the public for sale^ the terms of jirior sale not being complied with. No. of square No of lot. Square feet Proportion of Total No Total No. of in lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 126 30 4,274i 470i 22 5,125§ 470^ 23 5,125i 470i 3 14,5251 101 11 2,473 233 12 4,219 4653 10 2,045i - 3 468 N. sqr.* 131,564 469 - 131,564 l«^ 470 = 112,565 ^^^ 495 _ 154,560i Cor in 1( kno 498 - 154,84U 465 . 237,983 - - 923,078 106 30 - 122 1 2,360 116 4 5,243 1,2581 5 4,671i 314| 16 5,243i l,258i 17 4.67li 3141 18 3.900 19 4,681 6291 20 7,8861 1,2581 7 36,297| 150 4 5 10,880 9,520 6 29,748i - 3 40,148^ 154 10 12,861 11 10,850 - 2 23,711 774 1 2 10 11 12 13 10,000 7,765 7,765 10,000 8,616 9,910 14 8,t)l6 = 7 62,672 665 6 ° - 1 11,890 778 4 5,4701 1,273 5 6,000 318^ 6 4,125 7 4,815 6361 8 8,2331 1,273 9 7,111 1,273 ' 10 7^111 1,273 [90] S CHEDULE— Continued. 67 No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet Proportion of Total No. Total No. of in lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 778 11 8,2331 1,273 12 4,815 6364 IS 4,125 14 5,000 3184 15 5,470i 1,273 12 69,511 779 11 5,000 12 7,7134 - 2 12,7134 809 1 4 5 6 10,5084 6,3224 6,3224 10,5084 10 6,3224 <& 5 39,984i 810 1 2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 3,9374 4,758i 4,758i 3,9374 4,965 5,7794 5,7794 5,7794 5,7794 20 4,965 - 10 50,4394 811 10 11 12 5,0214 4,200 5,7704 ■ 13 6.585 - 4 21,577 833 1 I 9 10,508i 6,3224 I0,508i 6,3224 10 6,3224 * 5 39,9831 834 1 3,937 2 4,758i 8 5,7794 9 5,7794 10 4,965 11 3,9374 12 4,7584 18 5,7794 19 5,7794 20 4,965 - 10 50,439 [90] SCHEDULE— Continued. No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet Proportion of Total No. Total No. of in lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 835 2 8 9 13 5,02U 4,200 5,02H 6,585 14 5,7701 - 5 26,598 859 1 10,000 2 7,200 697 3 10,515 1,394 4 9,266 1,394 11 7,22 If l,045i 12 10,000 13 7,200 697 14 10,515 1,394 15 9,266^ 1,394 21 7,8211 1,394 22 7,2211 1,045 11 96,227g 860 1 4,500 2 4,840 705i 3 9,495 1,411 4 11,250 1,411 5 10,772 1,411 6 10,772 1,411 7 11,250 1,411 8 9,495 1,411 9 4,840 705i 10 4,500 11 5,300 3521 12 6,420 1,411 13 6,600 1,411 14 6,600 1,411 15 6,420 1,411 16 5,300 3521 17 4,500 18 4,840 705i 19 4,495 1,411 20 11,250 1,411 21 10,772 1,411 22 10,772 1,411 23 11,250 1,411 24 9,495 1,411 25 4,840 705§ [90 1 SCHEDULE— Continued. 69 Square feet Proportion of Total No. Total No. of No. of square. No, of lot. in lot. alley. of lots. square feet. 860 26 4,500 27 5,300 352 28 6,420 1,411 29 6,600 1,411 30 6,600 1,411 31 6,420 1,411 32 5,300 352 32 236,708 917 13 15, 6,6931 6,2084 16 8,892i = S 21,794| 939 4 5 6 6,460 6,460 6,460 7 4,871 8 4,343 9 5„956i 16 6,460 17 4,871 19 5,955i| - 9 51,855-1 964 8 9 10 11 6,460 6,460 4,871 4,3431 12 5,955^ , 5 28,090 965 13 5,296 1,2461 14 5,2804 6234 2 6,582 623* 3 17,158-1 987 14 5,445i 9824 15 5,445i 2454 16 3,975 17 4,123| 49U 18 6.5504 9824 19 5,669* 9824 6 31,209 1,011 2 3 9.1303 11,797^ 4 14,4631 - 3 35,3911 1,032 2 21,028 - 5 12,5004 - 2 33,528*. 1,033 4 13,233* 1,6544 5 13,250 1,654| ^ 6 11,000 70 [ 90 ] SCHEDULE— Continued. '^o. of square. No. of lot. Square feet in lots. Proportion of alley. Total No. of lots. Total No. of square feet. 1,033 7 11,000 2,750 10 21,195 1,9354 11 18,027^ 1,9354 6 87,7054 1,034 3 4 12,120 14,460i 10 8,120 „ 3 34,7004 1,035 12 13 14 9,3005 9,300^ 9,300* 15 8,5381 - 4 36,4404 1,057 15 6,0254 1,164| 16 6,6995 1,164| 17 5,280 291 18 4,320 19 5,456 5824 5 37,7801 3,058 5 6,0255 1,1644 6 6,699 1,1644 7 5,280 291 8 4,320 9 5,456 5824 15 6-0254 1,1641 16 6,6995 1,1 641 17 5,280 291 18 4,320 19 5,456 5824 10 55,56li 1,059 1 2 3 9 8,100 8,554i 13,643§ 9,616 10 8,557i 11 8.100 12 6,6101 13 6,60U 8 69,7834 1,069 3 7,232i l,256i 4 4,480 628^ 5 4,000 6 4,600 314 ' 7 4,916 l,256i , 8 4,916 1,2.:6^ 9 4,600 314 10 4,000 11 4,480 628i 9 4 3,224 i C 90] SCHEDULE— Continued. 71 No. of square. No, of lot. Square feet in Proportion of Total No. Total No, of lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 1,070 1 4,240 2 5,230 344 3 5,936 1,376 12 5,936 1,376 13 5,230 344 14 5,240 15 5,299§ 688 16 5,2991 688 8 41,411| 1,071 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 5,936 5,230 4,240 5,2991 5,2991 4,240 5,230 5,936 1,07£ 4 4,480 6304 5 4,000 f 6 4,600 315^ ii 1 7 4,973i 1,2601 8 4,9734 1,260§ 9 4,600 3l5i 10 4,000 11 4,480 6304 12 7,259 1,2601 9 43,366 1,082 3 4 5 6 7,0674 10,000 8,779 9,6924 r 11,0654 - 5 46,6044 1,083 1 4,000 2 4,480 628^ 12 7,2324 1,2564 13 4,480 628i 14 4 000 15 4,600 314 16 4,916 1,2564 17 4,916 1,2564 18 4,600 314 9 43,2244 1,084 1 4,240 2 5,230 344 72 [90 ] SCHEDULE— Continued. as ■ ..1 No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet in Proportion of Total No. Total No. of lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 1,084 3 5,936 1,376 12 5,936 1,376 13 5,230 344 14 4,240 15 5,2991 688 16 5.2991 688 8 41,411§ 1,085 1 4-240 2 5,230 544 3 5,936 1,376 12 5,936 1,376 13 5,230 344 14 4,240 15 5,2991 688 16 5,2991 688 8 41,411 1,086 1 4,000 1 2 4,480 630§ 3 7,2611 l,260i 13 4,480 630i 14 4,000 15 4,600 3l5i 16 4,97Sf 1,260 17 4,973^ 1,260 18 4,600 315* 9 43,3684 1,087 2 3 4 23,718 9,82U 9.000 5 8,3171 » 4 50,857 1,093 5 8,338| l,3644"f 6 4. 904 682 7 4,350 8 5,142 9 5,255i 1,364 10 5,255^ 1,664 11 5,2551 1,364 12 5,142 341 13 4,350 14 4,904 682 15 8,338| 1,3644 16 8,3381 1,3641 12 69,S7Q 1,094 15 7,113^ 1,25U 16 4,7941 625| { [90] STATEMENT-^Continued. 73 No. of square No. of lot. Square feet in Proportion of Total No. Total No. of lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 1,094 17 4,550 18 5,4521 6253 19 5,8923 1,25H 5 27,803| 1,095 2 4,724i 5711 3 6,660^ 1,143§ 14 5,913 1,143^ 15 6,660i l,143i 16 4,724i 5713 17 4,318$ 18 5,089 5713 19 5,529 1,143§ £0 5,089 5713 9 48,708i 1,096 .5 5,913 l,143i 6 4,724i 5713 7 4,3183 8 5,089 5713 9 5,229 1,143^ 10 5,089 5713 11 4,3181 1£ 4,724^ 4713 13 5,913 1,143§ 9 45,61^1 .1,097 1 4.550 2 4,794i 6251 3 7,113i 1,25U 4 6,315i l,251i 14 6,315^ 1,251§ 15 7,ll3i l,251i 16 4,7944 625| 17 4,550 18 5,4521 625| 19 5,8921 l,2ol| 20 5,4521 625| 11 62,344| 1,098 12 8,360 1,754 13 7,720 876A 14 8,000 15 6.200 438i 16 ll,883i 1,753 17 ll,883i 1,753 6 54,046 i 1,107 1 4,350 2 4,904 682 3 4,3922 1,364 ^8 74 C 90] SCHEDULE— Continued. No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet in lots. Proportion of alley. Total No. of lots. Total No. of square feet. 1,107 i,108 1,109 1,110 2,111 1,112 4 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 1 2 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 15 16 17 18 19 2 3 4 18 19 20 15 16 17 18 19 1 2 3 10 11 12 8,338^ 8,392| 4,904 4»350 5,142 5,255i 5,255i 5,2554 5,142 4,550 4,7941 7,113i 6,315| 7>113i 4,794 1 4,550" 5,452| 5,892| ■ 5,4521 6.C60i 4,724|. 4,3183 5,089* 5,529 4,724i 6,660i 5 913 5,089 5,529 5,089 7,113i 4,794i 4,550 5,452| 5.892 3 12,100 8,483i 9,2061 11,788 1 1,883^: ll,883i 1,3644 1,364 682 341 1.364 1,364 1,364 341 625A l,25ii 1,251§ l<251i 625| 62.5| 1,251^ 625| 1,143^ 571| 571| 1,143-1 571| l,143i 1,143§ 571| 1,143^ 5711 1,2511 625f 625| 1,2511 780i 780| 1,560^ l,560i 1,560^ l,560i 12 71,68U 10 56,0294 33,0044 5""^^ 27,8034 [ 90 ] SCHEDULE— Continued. T5 No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet Proportion of Total No. Total No. of in lots. alley. square feet. 1,112 13 8,060 390^ 14 12,100 7804 15 8,483i 1,5604 / 23 11,788 1,5604 24 ll,883i 1,5604 __ 25 ll,883i 1,5604 26 8,086 390^ 13 137,6024 1,118 1 •2 11 12 13 14 15 3,932 4,477 4,477 3,932^ 5,560 6,180 6,180 ■ • 16 5,560 „ 8 40,2994 1,119 1 2 10 3,862A 4,492^ 4,492i 11 12 13 3,862 5.242^ 4,6051 14 4,605i - 7 31,166 1,120 1 2 9 10 11 4,160 5,010 5,010 4,160 5,567i - 12 5,5674 - 6 Z9,475 1,121 1 2 9 10 11 4,160 5,010 5,010 4,160 5,567i - 12 5,5674 - 6 29,475 1,125 1 2 3,9324 4,477 ' 11 4,477 12 3,9324 13 5,560 14 6,180 15 6,180 16 5,560 - 8 40,299 76 [90 1 SCHEDULE— Continued. No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet id lots. Proportion of alley. Total No. of lots. Total No. of square feet. 1,126 1 2 10 11 12 13 3,8622 4,492i 4,492§ 5,862^ 4.6051 5,244* 14 4.6051 • - 7 31,166 1,127 3 5,010 4 4,160 1 5 5,567i 6 5,5672 7 4,160 1,128 8 1 2 9 10 11 5,010 ■ 6 29,475 1,129 12 3 4 5 6 8 4,492* 3.862* 4,605f 5,2442 4.6053 3,8622 ta 6 29,475 9 4,492* - 7 31,166 1,132 1 2 11 3,932* 4,477 4,477 12 13 14 15 3,932* 5,560 6,180 6,180 1,133 16 1 2 5,560 3,862* 4,492* 8 40,299 10 11 12 4,492* 3,862* 4,6053 13 5,244* , ' 14 4,605f C 90 ] SCHEDULE— Continued. 77 No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet in Proportion of Total No. Total No. of lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 1,134 1 2 4,160 5,010 9 5,010 , 10 4,160 11 5,567* 12 5,567* - 6 29,475 1,135 3 4 5 6 7 5j0l0 4,160 5,567* 5,567-^ 4,160 8 5,010 - 6 29,475 1,136 10 11 12 4,492* 3,862* 4,6053 13 5,244* - 4 18,205i 1,137 1 2 3,923* 4,477 11 4,477 12 3,932* 13 5,560 ' 14 6,180 15 6,180 16 5,560 - 8 40,29P 1,138 1 2 10 11 12 13 3,862* 4,492* 4,492* 3,862* 4,605| 5,244* 14 4,6051 - 7 ' 31,166 1,139 1 2 9 10 11 4,160 5,010 5,010 4,160 5,567* 12 5,567* - 6 29,475 :^,140 1 4,160 2 5,010 9 5,010 le 4,160 i [90] SCHEDULE— Continued. No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet in rroportion of Total No. Total No. 01 lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 1,140 11 5,56Th 12 5,567i - 6 29,475 1,141 1 2 3,9324 4,477 11 4,477 ^ 12 3 932i ■• 13 5,560 14 6,180 15 6,180 16 5,560 ^ - 8 40,299 1,142 3 4 5 4 492^^- 3.86^§ 4,6051 6 5,2444 7 4,6051 8 3,862* 9 4,4924 - 7 31,166 1,143 1 2 9 10 11 4,160 5,010 5,010 4,160 5,567i 12 5.567i - 6 29,475 1,144 1 2 3 4 5 6 15 3,8624 4,892^ 4,8921 3,862i 5,2l4i 6,180 6,180 16 5,Q\4i - 8 40,2984 1,145 7 4,606 8 3,862§ 9 4,492§ 10 4,4921 11 3,s62i 12 4,606 13 5,2431 - 7 31,1651 1,146 1 2 3 4,160 5,010 5,010 [90] SCHEDULE— Continued. 79 No. of square. No. of lot. Square feet in Proportion of Total No. Total No. of lots. alley. of lots. square feet. 1,146 4 5 4,160 5,567i 12 5.5672 - 6 29,475 836 11 12 5 0214 4,200 13 5,6411 - 3 14,8621 1,102 2 - - 1 24,589 996 7 8 4,125 3,525 9 4 027 - 3 11,677 RECAPITULATiON. Lots, 3,170; square feet, 26,453.733^. J. ELGAR, Com. P. B> Washington, 1 5th October^ 1822. Note. — The squares in the foregoing schedule marked *, (a J are included in the schedule, and the above recapitulation, to the amount of 1,209,9831 square feet, which have not heen laid off in lots; but al- lowing 5,000 square feet to a lot, would give 240 lots more, which, added to 3,170 lots, as recapitulated above, make the total i.umbcr of lots, agreeable to this schedule, belonging to the public, 3,412. Treasury Department, Register's Office, Feb. 9, 1895. I do hereby certify, that the aforegoing is a true copy iVosii a record made in this office. JOSEPH NOURSE, Register of the Treasury U. S. OrriCE OF Commissioner or Public Buildings, February 15, 1825. The following lots have been sold since the foregoing schedule was made out, viz: Lot No. 4, in square No. 371. No. 4 & 5, in square north of No. 515. No. 3, 4, & 5, in square north of No. 255. J. ELGAR, Commissioner FiibHc Buildings. faj The asterisks were accidentally omitted in the following' squares, viz: square W. of square 82; square S. of square 277; square N. of square 420; square S. of square 482. and square N. of square 507. 80 [90] JVo. 16,286. Treasury Department. Auditor's Office, Mdrch Q7th, 1805. I have examined and adjusted an account between the United States and Thomas Munroe, superintendent of the City of Washington, in re- lation to the debts due the state of Maryland, and find that he is chargeable on said account, To Treasui-y warrants for amount of the following, issued in his favor, viz: No. 3117 dated July 7,1802 - 18,000 S409 '< Nov. 1, do - 28,650 93 3427 *' Nov. 12, do - 3,000 00 3585 '< Jan. 15, 1803 - 3,000 00 3845 *< April 7, do - 3,000 00 4066 " July 6, do - 3,000 00 4289 <' Oct. 6, do - 3,000 00 4503 <' Jan. 9, 1804 . 3,000 00 4810 " April 18, do - 3,000 00 5050 << July 18, do - 3,000 00 5262 " Oct. 10, do - 3,000 00 5362 f' Dec. 4, do - 40,423 91 Sale of Public lots, authorized by act of Con- gress, of 1st Ma y, 1 802, for this sum applied by him in diechar 'geof the loan of 50,000 dol- iars. - 24,599 or S 138. 673 91 I also find that he is entitled to credit on said ac- count, By interest on loans obtained by the late Commis- sioners of said City fi'om the state of Maryland, viz : On 50,000 from 1st October, 1801 to 1st November, 1802, when it was reimbur- sed, at 6 per cent, per annum, - - 3,250 On S 20,000 from the 1st January, 1801 to 30th September, 1 804, at 6 per cent, per annum, - - - - 4,500 1804, S40,000 from 1st October to 4th De- cember, 1804, when it was reimbursed, 423,91 48,673 91 [ 90 ] 81 By debt due to the state of Maryland, for this sum, being a reimbursement of the loan of 50,000, paid off, on the 1st No- vember, 1802, - - - 50,000 For this sum being one-fifth of the loan of 200/)00 reimbursed on the 4tli De- cember, 1804, 40,000 90,000 gl38,6r3 91 As appears from the statement and vouclsers herewith transmitted for the decision of the Comptroller of the Treasury thereon. R. HARRISON, Jluditor. To Gabriel Duvail, Comptroller of the Treasury. Treasury Department, Register's Office, I8th January, 182?. I do hereby certify that the aforegoing Report No, J 6,286, is a true copy from the original on file in this otfice. JOSEPH NOURSE, Register of the Treasury U. S. No. 16,433. Treasury Department, Auditor's Office, Jipril 25, ISOi I have examined and adjusted an account between the United States and Thomas Munroe, Superintendent of the City of Washington, in re- lation to the City funds, and find that he is chargeable on said account, To amount of moneys which he acknowledges to have received from the 2d June, 1802, to 31st December, 1803, of his accounts No. 1 and 2, herewith, viz: From the late Commissioners of the City, y said to be a balance remaining in their hands on the 1st June, 1802, when the Board was abolished. - - 110 59 From the sale of lots, viz: Lots resold in pursuance of the act of the 1st May, 1802, - - - 26,848 10 On account of ditto sold prior to the 6th May, 1796 - - - 2,028 77 29 82 I 90 ] On amount ditto resold by the Commission- ers, since the 6th May, 1796, - 580 55 On account ditto sold by the Superintend- ent at private sale, - - 1,531 43 On the debts due from individuals on ac- counts other than for lots sold - 4,289 58 30,988 85 g35,389 02 I also find that he is is entitled to credit on said account, By amount of his expenditures, for various purposes, from the 2d of June, 1 802»to S 1 st December, 1 803, out of the City funds, including his own salary from the 1st July, 1802 to the 31st December, 1803; that of his clerk, from the 2d June, 1 802 to the 2d June, 1 803: his messengertothe 30th November, 1803, and the per diem allowance; of tlie surveyor, to 31sc De- cember, 1803, per account No. 1 and 2 9,338 55 Sale of public lots for this sum applied by him, to the discharge of the loan of dol- lars 50,000, to the state of Maryland, per report, No. 16,286 - - 24,599 07 Leaving a balance of one thousand four hundred and fifty one dollars forty cents, due from the said Thomas Munroe to the United States, to be accounted for in a future settlement. - - • 1,45140 35,389 02 As appears from the statement and vouchers herewith transmitted for the decision of the Comptroller of the Treasury thereon. R. HARRISON, Mditor. To Gabriel Duvall, Esq. Comptroller of the Treasury, Treasury Department, Register's Office, ISth January, lS!il5, I do hereby certify that the aforegoing Report No. 16,433, is a true copy from the original on file in this office. JOSEPH NOURSE, Register of Treasury U. S. [90] 83 t^ m >o JfiQQ 02 o "3^ CO a to o 00 P5 °a3 06 C3 CO i::^ CO?; § S5 '^w Ol r^ ^ cS ^ to C cc W u M O M O CO CO c"0 in "'A H o O (5 gin n <1 P« % • SCO o Ph ^H, Q P H CO CO o s o o o P5 .a "^ -^ I— ^ c c J= -ri ^ -^ «5 O) O T3 ® -a fl -^^ = « o " «^ « I ^ ^ ^ o >» ^ S rt c3 ^_x-S— 3 s;:^ ^ CO o ^ ^ ^ " -^ .s 'o fao © c2 ,£3 u O 84 [90] No. 33,4S4. Treasury Department, ^iuditor's Office, November 12, 1816. 1 have examined and adjusted an account between the United States and Thomas Monroe, Superintendent of the City of Washington, in relation to the City fund, and find that he is entitled to credit on said account, ^y amount of sundry payments made by him from the 1 st January, 1805, to the Isit January, 1808, charged under the following heads of expenditures, viz: Superintendent's office, for stationery, fuel, &c. including his own salary, from the 1st June, 1804 to 1st January, I8O85 that of his clerk, from the 1st June, 1804, to the 1st June, 1807; and of hi«i messenger, from 1st January, 1805, to the 31st December 1806; per account 6,181 10 Surveying Department, for stationery. &c. including the surveyor's per diem allow- ance,, from the 1st November, 1804, to 30th November, 1807, and that of the messenger, from the 1st January, 1805, to 3 1st December, 1806 - - 3,799 37 City of Washington, for payments made to marshals, for their fees in sundry suits instituted, and payments to printers for advertisements, and travelling expen- ses. ----- 443 27 10,423 74 I also find that he is chargeable on said ac- count To balance due by him, per Report No. 17.966 - - - - 597 70 To this sum acknowledged to have been re- ceived by him, from the 1st January, 1805, to the 1st January, 1808, for the proceeds of sundry city lots, &c. sold by him -...-- 3,545 34 Leaving a balance to be brought to his credit on a future settlement of - 6 280 70 10,423 74 [ 90 ] 85 As appears from the statement and vouchers herew ith transmitted for the decision of the ComptroUerof the Treasury ihercon. R. HARRISON, Auditor. To Joseph Anderson, Esq. Comj) trailer of the Treasury. Treasury Department, Comptroller's Office, 9th December, 1816 Admitted and certified. JOS. ANDERSON. To Joseph Nourse, Esq. Register. Treasury Department, Register's Office, \8th January, IS25. I hereby certify that the aforegoing Report, No. 33, 434, is a true copy from the original on file in this office. JOSEPH NOURSE, Register Treasury U. S. No. 34,817. Treasury Department, Juditor's Office, June 2, 1817. I have examined and adjusted an account between the United States and Thomas Munroe, Superintendent of the City of Washington, in relation to the city funds, and find that he is entitled to credit on said account. By balance due him per Report No. 33 434 - - - - 6,280 70 By amount of payments made by him from the 1st January. 1808 to the 1st July, 1815, charged under the following heads of expenditures, viz: By City of Washington, for payments made to marshals and lawyers, for their fees in sundry suits instituted, and payments to sundry individuals for their attend- ance as witnesses in those suits, includ-' ing the final payment of Peter Charles Le Enfant's claim, per abstract - 6,704 59 86 C 90 ] By Surveying Department, for stationery, fuel, and office rent, &c. including the surveyor's per diem allowance, from the 1st December, ISOf, to the 31st Decem- ber, 1812; and that of tlie messenger, from the 1st January, 1807, to the 30th September, 1814, per abstract - 6,727 39 By Superintendent's office, for stationery, fuel, and office rent, &c. including his own salary, from the 1st January, 1808, to the 1st July, 1815, that of his clerk, from 1st June, 1807, to the 1st July, 1815, and of his messenger, from the 1st January, 1 807, to the 30th September, 1814; per abstract - . . 14,964 48 g 34.676 96 I also find that he is chargeable on said ac- count, To this sum acknowledged to have been re- ceived by him, from the 1st January, 1808, to the 1st July, 1815, for the pro- ceeds of sundry lots sold by him, per account herewith - - . 34,159 22 Leaving a balance of five hundred seven- teen dollars seventy-four cents, due from the United States, unto the said Thomas Munroe. - - - - 517 74 S 34,676 96 As appears from the statement and vouchers herewith transmitted for the decision of the Comptroller of the Treasury thereon. R HARRISON, Auditor. To Joseph Anderson, Esq. Comptroller of the Treasurij, Treasury Department, Comptroller's Office, June l7th,lS17. Admitted and certified. JOS. ANDERSON. To Joseph Nourse, Esq. Register. L90 3 87 Treasury Department, Register's Office^ 18th January, 1825. I hereby certify that the aforegoing Report No. 34,817, is a true copy from the original on file in this office. JOSEPH NOURSE, Register of the 2'reasiiry. No. 35,964. Treasury Department, Auditor's Office, JK'hv. 26, 1817. I have examined and adjusted an account between the United States and Thomas Munroe, late Superintendent of the city of Washington in relation to the city funds, and find that he is chargeable on said account, To this sum acknowledged to have been re- ceived by him from the first of July, 1815, to the 3d of March, 1817, from sundry individuals in payment of public lots, sold them, per account - - g 27,990 75 I also find that he is entitled to credit on said account, By balance due him per report No. 34,817 517 74 amount of his payments from the first of July. 1815, to the 4th of March, 1817, charged under the following heads of ex- penditures, viz. By city of Washington for counsel and clerk's fees and payments, made to printers for advertisments including a payment made in pursuance of the deed of trust or origin- al contract between the proprietors and the Government _ _ , 1,657 32 By surveying department for stationery wood, and rent, including the cost of a theodolite and telescopic lever with the balances of tlie surveyors from 1st Oct. < 1815, to 4th of March, 1817, - - 1,226 91 By superintendent's office for stationery wood, &c. including his own salary from 1st July,l 81 5, to tlie 4th March, 1817,and his clerks, for the same period, and that of his messenger, from the first of Oct. 1814, to the 4th of March, 1817 - 3,643 62 6,527 88 88 [ 90 ] Leaving a balance of twenty thousand nine hundred forty five dollars tbii teen cents due, from the said Thomas Monroe, to the United States - - - 20,9^5 13 Dollars,, ^ ^ TV . ^ a\ V- '-os^ *G^ ^r> '0.7* A, •^ ■ * .^^^ ^P,^ N. MANCHESTER ^~^" INDIANA '^r^