G V ;o'"''"^VAt5?^ L. W. L. + >^ y-sTA: + L. ^ ^ ^m "^^^ ^- The Quantity L. is to be obtained in the following way: B is breadth of load water line plane at }4 of its length from forward end. B' is breadth of load water line plane at ys of its length from after end. B" is breadth (greatest) of L. W. plane. C is any excess of (B-f B') over B". D is draft at M S + f of any greater draught aft and all of any greater draught forward. E is any excess of (B"-|-D) over 3}^ ^ m. S. submerged. CH-E = L, THE YACHTIXG RECORD 9 SEAWANHAKA-CORINTHIAN YACHT CLUB. REGATTA, Thursday, June 27. Wind W. S. \y.. moderate. Course triangular. YAWLS, Class G. Start 12.35. H. M. S Vigilant 3-22.57 Ailsa 3.24,28 SCHOONERS, Class D. Start 12.40. Quissetta 340.56 Muriel 3.43.50 Elmina Disqualified SLOOPS, Class K. Start 12.50. xA^Itair 3.46.30 Humma 3.48.22 SLOOPS, Class M. Start 12.55. Leda 3.02.40 O'Shima San 3.20.47 SLOOPS, Class N. Start 1.05. Oiseau 3.05.57 Enpronzi 3- 12.44 Marion 3.21.37 RACEABOUTS. Start i.io. Jolly Roger 3.06.05 Scamp 3-04.43 Rogue 3.06.54 Badger 3.04.18 SEAWANHAKA KNOCK- ABOUTS. Start 1. 15. Lucille 3.23.05 Vagrant 3-17-17 Marcia 3.20.36 Nakodo 3.22.10 SLOOPS, Class Q. Start 1.20. H. M. S. Ox 2.21. 16 Gazabo 2.13.35 MANHASSET RACEABOUTS. Start 1. 00. Mist 2.17.48 Firefly 2.18.C6 Lambkin 2.15.09 Arizona 2.10.19 Bab .2.24.59 REGATTA, Friday, June 28. Wind W., light. Course triangular. YAWLS, Class G. Start 12.05. Vigilant 3.19.15 Ailsa 3.23.23 SCHOONERS, Class D. Start 12.15. Elmina 3.28.09 Muriel 3.37.09 Quissetta Disabled Amorita Disabled SLOOPS, Class L. Start 12.25. Mira 2.52.51 Effort 2.49.56 SLOOPS, Class N. Start 12.35. Oiseau 3.05.58 Alerion 309.30 Enpronzi 3.1 1.44 Marion 3. 12.08 SLOOPS, Class P. Start 12.35. Ojibv/ay 3-21.34 10 THE YACHTING RECORD RACEABOUTS. Start 12.45. H. M. S. Scamp 3. 10.10 Badger 3.06.26 Rogue 3.10.20 Jolly Roger 3.05.09 SEAWANHAKA KNOCK- ABOUTS. Start 12.50. Vagrant 3-26.19 Marcia 3.25.04 Lucille 3.33.04 Mistral 3.28.36 MANHASSET RACEABOUTS. Start 1. 00. Mist 2.17.25 Firefly 2.06. 15 Lambkin 2. 10.00 Arizona 2.05.27 Bab 2.07.53 CATBOATS. Class V. Start 12.55. Vera 2.17.11 Arline 2. 19. 17 SLOOPS, Class R. Start i.oo. Cricket 2.13.44 Nora 2.14.16 Mystral 2.10.15 Chipmunk 2.15.32 CATBOATS. Class W. Start i.oo. Kazaza 2.18.29 ANNUAL REGATTA, Saturday, July 29. Wind S. W., moderate. Course triangular. YAWLS, Class G. Start 12.05. Vigilant 2.58.07 Ailsa 304.23 SCHOONERS, Class D, racing trim. Start 12.15. H. M. S. Muriel 3.16.42 Elmina 3.08.41 Amorita 3.16.20 SCHOONERS, Class D, cruising trim. Start 12.15. Latona 3.24.56 Katrina 3.22.21 SLOOPS, Class K. Start 12.20. Altair 3.23.12 Hunima 3.26.19 SLOOPS, Class L. Start 12.25. Dorwina 2.30.58 Effort 2.35.51 Mira 2.39.05 SLOOPS, Class M. Start 12.30. O'Shima San Disabled Leda 2.36.02 Veda* 2.53.19 Anoatok 2.54. 10 ♦Corrected time, Veda 3.23.19. YAWLS, Class M. Start 12.30. Sakana 3.10.06 SLOOPS, Class N. Start 12.40. Oiseau 2.48.10 Enpronzi 3.00.30 Alerion d. n. f. Marion d. n. f. Kit 3.09.18 SLOOPS, Class P. Start 12.45. Ojibway 302.31 THE YACHTING RECORD 11 RACEABOUTS. Start 12.50. H. M. S Rogue 2.55.26 Merrywing 2.39.31 Jolly Roger 2.49.40 Scamp 2 44.50 Viper d. n. f. Badger 2.44.05 SEAWANHAKA KNOCK- ABOUTS. Start 12.55. Mistral 30i-34 Lucille 307.36 Vagrant Disabled Marcia 300.33 Nakodo 307.15 Heron d. n. f. CATBOATS, Class T. Start i.oo. Mollie S 3-04I9 CATBOATS, Class V. Start i.oo. Arline 2.27.20 Kazaza I-45-52 Vera d. n. f. MANHASSET RACEABOUTS. Start 1.05. Bab 2.00.57 Arizona i-5503 Firefly d. n. f. Lambkin i-55-ii Mist d. n. f. SLOOPS, Class R. Start 1.05. Cricket I-57-I9 Chipmunk I-54-5I Hope d. n. f. Mystral i. 58.21 Neola 1.46.05 Nora 1.54-32 AUXILL\RIES. Start i.io. Elapsed Cor'cted Yacht. Time. Time. Lady Godiva 2.26.02 2.22.22 Aloha 2.23.48 2.23.48 CLUB EVENTS. Opening Day, May 30. Wind N. E., light. Course No. 2. RACEABOUTS. Start 3.05. Elapsed Time. Yacht. H. M. s. Scamp 330.05 Merrywing Z.Z^.2Z Raider d. n. f. KNOCKABOUTS. Start 3.10. Vagrant Z-ZA-27 Marcia 344-37 Wyntje disq. Nakodo disq. CLUB CATBOATS. Start 3.15. No. I, A. R. Whitman 3.14.28 Nos. 2 and 3 d. n. f. Saturday, June i. Wind fair. Course No. 2. KNOCKABOUTS. Start 3.10. Nakodo 2.04.15 Vagrant 2.05.33 Marcia 2.10.40 CLUB CATBOATS. Start 3.10. No. 3, H. W. Warner 2.22.22 No. 4, R. H. Thomas 2.22.28 No. I, A. R. Whitman d. n. f w THE YACHTING RECORD SPECIAL RACE, July 4. Wind N. E., light. Course No. 2. KNOCKABOUTS. H. M. S. Wyntj e 2.04.22 Marcia 2.05.28 Nakodo 2.10.58 Mistral 2.11.30 Heron 2.15.30 CLUB CATBOATS. No. I, T. W. Satterwaithe 2.19.58 No. 4, M. Hudson 2.24.08 No. 2, C. Woodward 2.33.30 SPECIAL RACE, July 6. CLUB CATBOATS. No. 4, E. Woodward . . . No. I. L. B. Willard ... .1.15.30 .1.17-25 CENTER CUPS, August 3- Wind S., fresh. Course 12^ Miles. RACEABOUTS. Joker 2.26.09 Persimmon disabled KNOCKABOUTS. Wyntje 2.32.55 Nakodo 2.35-50 Mistral 2.36.42 Lucille 2.37-55 Vagrant 2.39.18 Marcia 2.39-38 Anawan Not timed ROOSEVELT MEMORIAL CUP RACE. Saturday, July 13. Wind.E. by S.. fair. Course 12^ M. Elapsed Cor'cted Yacht. Time. Time. Wyntj e 2.38.35 2.23.35 Marcia 2.43.47 2.28.47 Magouly 2.46.15 2.31. 15 Heron 2.46.16 2.31. 16 Lucille 2.45.52 2.30.52 Anawan 2.48.19 2.33.19 Joker 2.35.05 2.35.05 Scamp 2.35.32 2.35.32 Chipmunk 3.00.42 2.35.42 Nakodo 2.52.10 2.37.10 Ojibway 2.44.32 2.44.32 CENTER ISLAND CUP. FIRST RACE, Saturday, June 15. Wind E., moderate. Course No. 2. Marcia i.57-io Nakodo 1.57-24 Vagrant 1.58.18 Lucille 2.03.25 Heron 2.05.13 \ SECOND RACE, June 22. Wind S. E., light Course No. 2. Vagrant 2.14.08 Mistral 2.16.17 Nakodo 2.19.28 Marcia 2.19.47 Lucille 2.22.38 Heron 2.22.57 THE YACHTING RECORD IS THIRD RACE, Jnly 20. Wind W., light to S. Course No. 2. H. M. S. Wyntje 3.50.00 Vagrant 3-5343 Marcia 3-55.20 Lucille 3.58.10 Heron 3.57.10 Bobs 4.00.25 Nakodo 4.02.30 Anawan 4.09.00 Mistral d. n. f . Magouly d. n. f . FOURTH RACE, July 27. Wind S., mod. Course No. 3, new. Wyntje 2.01. 15 Marcia 2.03.00 Heron 2.03.33 Nakodo 2.03.48 Vagrant 2.05.40 Lucille 2.06.40 Anawan. 2.06.43 SIXTH RACE, August 17. Wind S. W., fair. Course No. 3. H. M. S. Wyntje 2.12.26 Gowan 2.14.18 Lucille 2.16.34 Heron 2.18.15 Marcia 2.18.52 Nakodo d. n.f . Vagrant d. n. f . SPECIAL RACE, Sweepstakes, August 31. Wind S. E., light. Course No. 3. Wyntje 2.11.12 Marcia 2.15.03 Gowan 2.18.30 Bobs 2.27.35 Heron 2.28.42 Nakodo 2.33.15 Lucille 2.39.12 Vagrant 2.45.25 FIFTH RACE, August 10. Wind S. E., fresh. Course No. 3. Lucille 1.50.30 Wyntje 1.50.42 Mistral i. 52.18 Marcia i .52.32 Nakodo i.. 52.49 Vagrant 1.53-53 Anawan 1.57-40 Heron disabled RACE FOR F. R. COUDERT CUP, September 2. Wind E. by S. half S., mod. Gowan 2.11.55 Marcia 2.12.25 Wyntje 2.13.22 Lucille 2.14.21 Bobs 2.14.27 Mistral 2.14.42 Vagrant 2.17.32 Heron 2.18.13 u THE YACHTING RECORD RACE FOR C. W. WETMORE CUP, September 23. Wind S. E., light to fresh. Course 3 Miles to windward and return twice. H. M. S. Gowan i. 37.42 Heron 1.39.15 Lucille 1-39.23 RECORDS OF SEAWANHAKA KNOCKABOUTS. Yacht. Starts, ist. 2d. 3d. Wyntje 10 7 i i Marcia 16 3 7 2 Vagrant 13 3 3 i Gowan 9 2 i i Nakodo 13 i 2 3 Lucille 14 I 4 Mistral 8 o 2 3 Heron 12 i i Bobs 3 Magouly 2 o o THURSDAY, AUGUST 22. Wind E. N. E., light. Course 29^ Miles, triangle. Elapsed Corrected Start. Finish. Time. Time. Yacht. H. M. S. II. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. Columbia 1.3500 5-23.32 348.32 3-47.I4 Constitution i.35-Oo 5.25.11 3.50. 11 3.50. 11 SATURDAY, AUGUST 24. Wind E. S. E., S. E., squalls, rain. Course 30^ Miles, triangle. Columbia 12.35.00 4.08.25 3-33.25 3.32.07 Constitution 12.35.00 Withdrew in squall Times at end of first round, Columbia, i. 58.21; Constitution, 1.59.08. INDIAN HARBOR YACHT CLUB. SPRING RACE. Thursday, May 30. Wind S. E., light RACEABOUTS. Start 2.15. H. M. s. 2.02.29 Rogue 2.04.42 Oonagh 2.08.04 Yacht. Badger HANDICAP RACE, 43 feet and under. Elapsed Time. Enpronzi 1.58.45 Sultan 2.20.25 Sirene 2.39.01 Bonnie 2.55.55 Freya 2.42.55 Spindrift 3.28.20 THE YACHTING RECORD 15 CIRCUIT RACE, Tuesday, July 2. Wind S. W., light, squalls. SLOOPS, Class K. Course, 12 Miles. Start 12.50. Elapsed Time. Yacht. H. M. s. Altair 2.57.35 SLOOPS, Class K. Mariquita Cruising trim. Z-Z7'OZ YAWLS, Class M. Course 12 Miles. Start 1.00. Memory 2.54.11 ANNUAL REGATTA. Saturday, August 17. Wind S. W., fresh. SLOOPS, Class L. Course 18 Miles. Start 12.55. Yacht. H. M. s. Dorwina 2,53,03 SLOOPS, Class L. Course 18 Miles. Start 12.55. Dorwina 3.58.38 Saunterer d. n. f. Cymbra Empress SLOOPS, Class M, Course 18 Miles. Start 1. 00. Leda 3-53-52 Cymbra 4.06.03 SLOOPS, Class M. Course 18 Miles. Start i.oo. 3.20.00 3-3I49 YAWLS, Class M. Memory 3-I5-5I Peggy 4.18.18 Anoatok ,d. n. f. SLOOPS, Class N. Course 18 Miles. Start 1.05. Oiseau 3-08.29 Enpronzi 312.24 SLOOPS, Class N. Course 18 Miles. Start 1. 10. Enpronzi 3-55-IO Alerion 3-56.39 Windora d. n. f. RACEABOUTS. Course 9 Miles Start 1. 15. Badger 3.12.25 Scamp 3-17-36 Spindrift disq. SLOOPS, Class R. Course 6 Miles. Start 1.20. Opossum 3.27.50 Neola d. n. f. Spindrift Alerion 3 2D.2I CATBOATS, Class S. Course 18 Miles. Start 1.05. Dot 3.15.40 Windora d, n. f. RACEABOUTS. Course 12 Miles. Start 1. 10. Badger 2.24.57 Merrywing 2.26.22 Sis 2.27.48 Persimmon 2.29.27 2.31. 17 16 THE YACHTING RECORD SLOOPS, Class P. Course 12 Miles. Start 1. 15. H. M. S. Don 2.29.16 Mummer 2.48.44 Robin Hood 2.35.48 CATBOATS, Class T. Course 12 M. Start 1.20. Win or Lose 3.02.33 SLOOPS, Class Q. Course 9 Miles. Start 1.20. Montauk 1.58.26 Exella 2.01.24 CATBOATS, Class V. Course 9 Miles. Start 1.20. Ox 2.25.20 Arline 2.29.44 Punch 2.33.04 SLOOPS, Class R. Course 6 Miles. Start 1.25. Opossum 1. 20. 01 Sandpiper 1.21.15 Cricket i .24.5 ^ Kingfisher 1.27. 12 Nora 1.28. 19 Chipmunk i. 30.21 Mystral INDL\N HARBOR SAIL- ABOUTS. Course 6 Miles. Start 1.25. Bug 1.42.19 Noggin Stingy I-45-53 I.59-I3 CATBOATS, Class W. Course 6 Miles. Start 1.25. Kazaza 1.24.35 Bantam 1-39.34 Lobster 2,35.16 Last Chance d. n. i. LARK CLASS. Course 6 Miles. Start 1.30. Echo 1.39.00 Gloria 1.48.10 Skidoo 2.59.44 Go To d. n. f. HANDICAP RACE. Monday, Sep- tember 2. Wind E., moderate. Cymbra 5-09-5I Spindrift 5-I9-02 Robin Hood 519.31 Fly 5-20.03 Louie Belle 527.31 Noggin 5-33-49 Lassie 5.36.42 Bug Not timed Gaybird Not timed Themis d. n. f. Stingy Disqualified THE YACHTIXG RECORD 17 LARCHMONT YACHT CLUB. SPRING REGATTA. Monday, June 17. Postponed from June 15 on account of easterly gale. Wind E., light, calms. S. W. at finish. SCHOONERS, Class D. Course 30 Miles. Start ii.35- Yacht. H. M. s. Elmina 6.26.25 Quissetta 6.29.17 Amorita 6.30.18 SLOOPS, Class K. Course 22 M. Start 11.40. Altair 545-56 Huguenot . . Parted throat halyards SLOOPS, Class L. Course 22 M. Start 11.45. Effort 5-55.06 Mira 5-55-3I NEWPORT SPECIAL 30-FOOT Class. Course 22 M. Start 11.53. Esperanza 5-49-3I Veda 6.04.26 Hera d. n. f. SLOOPS, Class N. Course 22 M. Start 11.55. Oiseau 5-48.53 Enpronzi 5-50.41 Alerion 5-54-II Mab II 6.07.33 RACEABOUTS. Cour.se 11 Miles. Start 12 M. H. M. S. Badger 4-05-51 Rogue d. n. f. Viper d. n. f . SLOOPS. Class P. Course 11 Miles. Start 12 M. Rochelle d. n. f. SLOOPS, Class Q. Course 11 Miles. Start 12.05. Ox 508.39 SLOOPS, Class R. Course 11 Miles; Start 12.05. Hope 4-54-57 Nike *5.oi.oi Mystral 4-58.09 Sora 502.43 Cricket 5.22.07 *Nike, corrected time, 4.57.57. CATBOATS, Class T. Course 11 M. Start 12.10. Mongoose II 4.38.08 Win or Lose 4.42.46 CATBOATS, Class V. Course 11 M. Start 12.15. Kazaza 5.06.14 MANHASSET RACEABOUTS. Course 11 Miles Start 12.20. Arizona 4.49.49 Firefly 456.23 Bab 458.36 Lambkin d. n. f 18 THE YACHTING RECORD ANNUAL REGATTA, July 4. Wind E. by N., moderate. Courses 30, 22, II and 5^ Miles. SCHOONERS, Class D. Start 11.04. H. M. S. Amorita 5.15.26 Elmina 5.04. 18 Quissetta 5.08.28 Muriel 5-II.45 Class D, cruising trim. Start 11.40. Katrina 6.02.00 YAWLS, Class G. Start, 11.35. Vigilant 4.41. I7 Ailsa *4-55-53 ♦Corrected time, Ailsa, 4.54.28. SLOOPS. Class K. Start 11.45. Humma 3.40.24 Altair 3.35.47 SLOOPS, Class L. Start 11.50. Dorwina 3.52.14 SLOOPS, , Class M. 30 to 36 feet. Start 11.50. Leda 4.28.15 Spasm 4.34-4;s Veda *4.52.35 Possum 4.49.50 ♦Corrected time, Veda, 4.41.30. YAWLS, Class M. Start 11.50. Memory 5.04.02 Sekana 505.01 SLOOPS, Class N. Start 11.55. Lorelei d. n. f. Oiseau 4.34-56 Alerion 4-34.15 Enpronzi 4.54.46 SPECIAL LARCHMONT, 25-foot Class. Start 11.55. H. M. S. Nei San d. n. f. SLOOPS, Class P. Start 12.00. Rochelle d. n. f. Smoke 301. 39 RACEABOUTS. Start 12.00. Merrywing 2.47.30 Badger 2.50.10 Snapper 2.47.45 Viper 2.55.58 Scamp 2.48.15 SLOOPS, Class Q. Start 12.05. Rod 3.23.00 Ox 4.00.06 Gazabo d. n. f. SLOOPS, Class R. Start 12.05. Neola 3.03.55 Sandpiper 3.20.08 Kingfisher 3.14.37 Sora 3.25.19 Hope 3.15.52 Opossum 3.14.27 Cricket 3.29.25 Flim Flam 3.32.41 Nike *3. 19.47 Mystral 3.15.26 ♦Corrected time, Nike, 3.16.22. DORY CLASS. Prize Cecil Start 12.05. 5.21.00 5.24.17 THE YACHTING RECORD 19 MANHASSET RACEABOUTS. Start 12.05. H. M. S. Mist 4-14.30 Arizona 4-07.57 Firefly 3-45-58 Lambkin 350.59 CATBOATS, Class S. Start 12.40. Dot 3-58.35 CATBOATS, Class T. Start 12.10. Mongoose 2.56.09 Molly S 3-35-22 CATBOATS— Class V. Start 12 M. Kazaza 3.46.21 Hobo 429.27 CATBOATS, Class W. Start 12.10. Sneaker 4-55-49 Last Chance* 4-29.27 ♦Disqualified for not being meas- ured. LARK CLASS. Start 12.20. Streak 5.02.06 Skido 4-39-14 Flirt 4.30.10 Halo 4.27.26 Chop Suey 4.29.26 RACE WEEK. First day, Saturday, July 13. Wind E. by N., fresh. Courses 30, 22, 11 and 5J^ Miles. SCHOONERS, Class D. Start 11.40. Elmina 4.16.49 Amorita 4.41.04 Quissetta 4-34-24 Muriel 4.42.02 MIXED Class, cruising trim. Start 11.40. H. M, S. Katrina 5-O3.20 Hildegard 5.48.00 SLOOPS, Class L Start 11.45. Isolde* 4-43-23 Eelin 4.40.28 Hester 4-32.34 ♦Corrected time, Isolde, 4.34.27. SLOOPS, Class K. Start 11.4S. Humma 3. 10. 10 Altair 3-I4-3I Huguenot 3-i4-i7 SLOOPS, Class L. Start 11.50. Ludeah d. n. f. Dorwina 3-23-34 Effort 3.29-56 YAWLS, Class M. Start 11.50. Memory 3-58-33 Sakana 428.35 SLOOPS, Class M. Start 11.50. Leda 3-38-CO Possum 3-52.32 Anoatok 3.57-00 Spasm 3-50.10 SLOOPS, Class N. Start 11.55. Enpronzi 4.01.30 Alerion 4.08.24 Oiseau 3.59-55 Lorelei 5-03-03 Kit 426.39 SPECIAL LARCHMONT, 25-foot Class. Start 11.55. Nei San 4-32.57 20 THE YACHTING RECORD RACEABOUTS. Start 12.00. H. M. S. Snapper 2.15.48 Merry wing 2.08.32 Viper 2.13.58 Rogue 2.22.04 Badger 2.18.33 SLOOPS, Class P. Start 12.00. Don 2.19.27 Smoke Disabled Rochelle 2.09.02 SLOOPS, Class Q. Start 12.05. Ox Disqualified Rod 2.36.58 Montauk 2.40.13 MANHASSET RACEABOUTS. Start 12.05. Mist 2.49. 14 Lambkin 2.48.19 Arizona 2.44.50 Firefly 2.46.50 Bab 2.51.26 SLOOPS, Class R. Start 12.05. Sandpiper 2.45.30 Hope 2.39.53 Nora 2.42.31 Neola d. n f. Nike* 2.42.55 Cricket 2.41.02 My stral 2.43.49 Kingfisher 2.41.58 *Nike — corrected time 2.39.35 CATBOATS, Class T. Start 12.10. Kazaza d. n. f. CATBOATS, Class V. Start 12.10. H. M. S. Mongoose II 2.22.48 Vera d. n. t. SECOND DAY, Monday. July 15. Wind S. W., moderate. Courses 30, 22 and 11 miles. SCHOONERS, Class D. Start 12.35 Amorita 5.13-54 Elmira 5.00. 12 Quissetta 5-01. 15 Muriel 5.07.54 SLOOPS, Class I. Start 12.40. Isolde d. n. f. Hester ; 5.00.02 Eelin 5.12.05 SLOOPS, Class K. Start 12.40. Humma 4.06.09 Huguenot Disabled Altair 3.53.i8 SLOOPS, Class M. Start 12.45. Leda 4-29.36 Spasm 4.43.49 LARCHMONT, 25-foot Sloops. Start 12.50. Nei San d. n. f. RACEABOUTS. Start 12.55. Merrywing 4.56.03 Viper d. n. f . Snapper 3-01-49 Persimmon 2.59.31 Badger 2.54.48 THE YACHTING RECORD 21 SLOOPS. Class R. Start i P. M. by Sachem, F. T. Adams. Time, 23m. H. M. s. 35s. Amorita, W. G. Brokaw, sec- ^°P^ ^-^^-^^ ond. Time, 23m. 59s. The other ^^""^ 3-38.38 starters were Katrina, Atlantic and ^"^^^^^ 3.38.47 Barracouta. Sora 3-3I-4I t^ , , , • ^ Dauntless colors, two-oared gigs. Opossum 3-33-4I ^ w ., ,,, , t ij ^ . , ^ AC Course iH miles. Won by Isolde, Cricket d. n. f. ^\ ^ F. M. Hoyt. lime, 20m. 58s. Sec- MANHASSET RACEABOUTS. °"^' Wenonah F. G. Corning. Time. 2im, los. Other starters were Cru- Start i.oo P. M. sader, Carlotta, Idalia, Hildegard, Bab 4-35-20 Intrepid. "'^^^^ 4.20.30 Execution colors, dingey race. Lambkin 4-39-09 Course V2 mile. Won by Paladin. Arizona 4.10.24 ^r q Hubbard. Time, 12m. 38s. Firefly 4-06.04 Fortuna, H. R. Walcott, second. Time, 12m. 50s. Other starters were THIRD DAY, TUESDAY, JULY Amorita, Dot, Intrepid, Carlotta, 16. Zara, Atlantic, Muriel. Naphtha launches 21 feet and over. Course 2 miles. Won by Intreped, Lloyd Phoenix. Time, 19m. 31s. Levanter, Alfred Marshall second Time, 19m. 44s. Naphtha launches under 21 feet. Course i^ miles. Won by Atlantic, Wilson Marshall. Time, 17m. 31s. Fortuna, H. R. Walcott, second. Time, i8m. 12s. These finished in the order named: Windora, Crusad- er. Sachem, Dorothea. Alco Vapor launches under 21 feet. Course i^ miles. Won by Mimete. Time, 17m. 21s. Paladin. W. C. Hubbard, second. Time i8m. 50s. These finished in the order named; Katrina, Idalia. Hen and Chickens colors, four- oared gigs. Course 2 miles. Won FOURTH DAY, WEDNESDAY, JULY 16. Wind S. W., light; N. W. squall; calms. Courses 30, 22 and 11 Miles. Time limit 7.56 p. m. SCHOONERS, Class D. Start 11.40. Elmira d. n. f . Quissetta d. n. f . Muriel d. n. f. Quissetta crossed the line a minute after the expiration of the time limit. SLOOPS, Class I. Start 11.45. xHester d. n. f. Eelin d. n. f. Isolde d. n. f. THE YACHTING RECORD SLOOPS, Class K. Start 11.50. H. M. S. Humma 3. 38. 18 Altair 343-38 Huguenot 4.02.38 SLOOPS, Class L. Start 11.50. Dorwina 3-53-38 Effort 303-50 SLOOPS, Class M. Start 11.50. Leda 5-23-03 Anoatok 6.53.43 Cymbra d. n.f . Possum d. n. f. Spasm 5-35-i8 YAWLS, Class M. Start 11.50. Memory d. n. f. SLOOPS, Class N. Start 11. 55- Oiseau 6.12.16 Alerion 6.14.55 Enpronzi 7-04.43 SLOOPS, Class P. Start 12.00. Don 2.56.30 Rochelle 3-15-40 RACEABOUTS. Start 12.00. Merrywing 2.50.00 Joker 2.51.30 Badger 2.51.50 Snapper 2.57.15 Persimmon 2.59.07 Viper d. n. f. MANHASSET RACEABOUTS. Start 12.05. Arizona 3.16.40 Bab 3-19-24 Mist 3-55-51 Firefly 4-II-36 Lambkin 4.11-50 SLOOPS, Class Q. Start 12.05. H. M. S. Rod 3.10.40 Montauk 3. 11.30 Gazaboo 4-13-28 SLOOPS, Class R. Start 12.05. Sora 3.10.10 Neola disq.. Hope 3.19.40 Mystral 3.22.18 Opossum 3-5350 Nike 4.10.13 Moya d. n. f. CATBOATS, Class S. Start 12.10. Windora 2.42.08 Dot 2.44.20 CATBOATS, Class T. Start 12.10. Mongoose II 303.02 Vera 4-i4-00 CATBOATS, Class V. Start 12.10. Kazaza d. n. f . CATBOATS, Class W. Start 12.10. Wee Win d. n. f. Bouncer d. n. f. Barnacle d. n. f. S. C. Y. C. KNOCKABOUTS. Start 12 M. Wyntje 303.20 Ruby d. n. f. LARK CLASS. Start 12.15. Gloria 4-56-4- Echo 4-57.41 Streak d. n. f. Flirt d. n. f. Go To d. n. f. THE YACHTING RECORD 28 H. M. S. Yellow Jacket d. n. f . Chop Suey d. n. f. Skidoo d. n. f. FIFTH DAY, Thursday, July 17. Wind S. W., light, shifting to N. W. squall. Courses 30, 22, 11 and 5^ Miles. SCHOONERS, Class D. Start 11.35- Muriel 5.08.16 Elmina 5-12.57 Quissetta 5-i9-o8 SLOOPS, Class I. Start 11.40. Isolde* 5-45-32 Hester 5-44-04 Eelin 5.48.20 =*'Corrected time, Isolde 5.36.36 SLOOPS, Class K. Start 11.40. Humma 3-30.30 Altair 3-34-o8 Huguenot 3-39-42 SLOOPS, Class L. Start ii.55- Dorwina 3-55-09 Effort 4.00.16 SLOOPS, Class M. Start 11. 55- Possum 4.24.15 Anoatok 500.45 RACEABOUTS. Start 12.00. Persimmon 2.41.45 Badger 2.41.59 Merrywing 2.42.18 Joker 2.42.38 Snapper 2.46.38 Viper 2.51.52 Rogue .2.53-55 LARCHMONT SPECIAL 25-ft. Class. Start 12.00. Nei San H. M. S. 5-52.23 SLOOPS, Class R. Start 12.10. Opossum 3.08.48 Neola disq. Hope 3.13.28 Sora 3-15-25 Nora 3.24.08 Nike 3.27.21 MANHASSET RACEABOUTS. Start 12.05. Bab 3.30.26 Firefly Z-2>7-2>o Arizona 3-37-48 Mist 3.45.58 Lambkin 3.52.10 SIXTH DAY, FRIDAY, JULY 18. Wind S. E., light; calms, S. W., light. Courses 15, 11, 5^ Miles. SCHOONERS, Class D. Start 3.05. Muriel * Quissetta * Elmina Withdrew *Time limit expired. SLOOPS, Class K. Start 3.10. Humma d. n. f. Altair d. n.f. No race; time limit expired. SLOOPS, Class L. Start 3-io. Dorwina 4.07.08 Effort d. n. f. Katonah ■. d. n. f. H THE YACHTING RECORD Yh^NUSi, Class M. Start 3-i5 H. M. S. Memory d. n. f. Albicore d. n. f . RACEABOUTS. Start 3-15. Badger 3.09.02 Merrywing 3-23-59 Snapper 4-46.05 MANHASSET RACEABOUTS. Start 3.20. Lambkin 8.03.15 Firefly 8.04.12 Arizona 8.04.16 Bab d. n. f. Mist d. n. f. No race; time limit expired. SLOOPS, Class R. Start 3-30. Opossum 3-20.13 Nora 351-43 Pandora 4.27.00 Hope d. n. f. Neola disq. Unfinished races resailed on Sept. 4 and 5. SEVENTH DAY, SATURDAY, JULY 29. Wind, E., moderate, shifting to S. Courses 30, 22, 11 and 5)^ Miles. YAWLS, Class G. Start ii.35- Vigilant 6.25.49 Ailsa d. n. f. SCHOONERS, Class D. Start 11.40. Quissetta 6.08.45 Muriel 6.15.53 SLOOPS, Class I. Start 11.45. H. M. S. Isolde* 6.15.05 Hester 6.16.04 Eelin 6.20.24 ^Corrected time, Isolde 6.10.37 SLOOPS, Class K. Start 11.45. Hunima 4-43-53 Altair 4-52.59 SLOOPS, Class L. Start 11.50. Dorwina 4-44-58 SLOOPS, Class M. Start 11.50 Anoatok 6.09.55 Leda 6.12.00 Possum 6.16.07 Spasm 6. 16. 17 YAWLS, Class M. Start 11.50 Memory 6.36.-1 r SLOOPS, Class N. Start 11.55. Oiseau 5-54-20 Alerion 6.04. 10 Cartoon 6.12.42 RACEABOUTS. Start 12.00. Snapper 5-I9-04 Badger 5-19-49 Merry Wing 5.20.CI Viper d. n. f. Persimmon disq. S. C. Y. C. KNOCKABOUTS. Start 12.00. Ruby 5-58.34 SLOOPS, Class P. Start 12.00. Don 5.22.26 Rochelle d. n. f. THE YACHTING RECORD SLOOPS, Class Q. Start 12.05. Yacht. H. M. s. Montauk 5-47-48 Ox disq. Rod disq. MANHASSET RACEABOUTS. Start 12.05. Arizona 6.24.12 Mist 6.38.05 Lambkin d. n. f. Bab d. n. f. Firefly disq. SLOOPS, Class R. Start 12.05. Neola disq. Mystral 5-5902 Nora 6.01. II Sora d. n. f. Cricket d. n. f . Moya d. n. f. Nike d. n. f. Hope d. n. f. Opossum disq. Pandora disq. CATBOATS, Class S. Start 12.10. Dot 5-44-56 Windora 5-5i.io CATBOATS, Class T. Start 12.10. Mongoose II 5-55-26 CATBOATS, Class V. Start 12.10. Punch 5-55.56 Kazaza 6.32.05 Vera d. n f. CATBOATS, Class W. Start 12.10. Sneaker d. n. f. LARK CLASS. Start. Yacht. fi. M. s. Echo 6.31.47 Gloria 6.32.12 Skidoo d. n. f. Flirt d. n. f. Yellow Jacket Disqualified Go To Disqualified SPECIAL RACE. Start 11.45. Wenonah 6.45.40 Hildegard 6.46.41 SPECIAL RACE. Start ii.45- Isolde 6.15.05 Eelin 6.20.24 SPECIAL RACE, Saturday, Au- gust 31. Wind E., fresh. Courses 30 and 11 Miles. SCHOONERS, Class D, Start 12.05. Elapsed Time. Elmina 4-43-25 Muriel 4-49-45 Quissette 4.51.58 SLOOPS, Class I. Start 12.10. Hester 4.56-35 Isolde *5.o8.45 Eelin 5.14.00 *Isolde corrected time, 4.59.46. SLOOPS, Class K. Start 12.10. Humma 3.56.30 Syce 4.34.00 SLOOPS, Class L. Start 12.15. Dorwina 3.56.22 Effort 4.04.42 THE YACHTING RECORD SLOOPS, Class R. Start 12.20 H. M. S. Opossum 2.29.33 Sora 2.50.36 Pandora d. n. f. Neola Disqualified SPECIAL RACE, for Cup given by ex-Com. W. S. Ackley. Isolde 5-08.45 Eelin 5.14.00 FALL REGATTA. Monday, Sep- tember 2. Wind E., light. Courses 30, 22, 11 and 51^ Miles. 22, II and SV2 Miles. SCHOONERS, Class D. Start 11.35. Elmina 5.56.08 Muriel 5.57-08 Quissette 6.03.00 SLOOPS, Class I. Start 11.40. Hester 6.00.03 Isolde 6.10.54 Eelin 6.18.42 SLOOPS, Class K. Start 11.40. Syce 4 54.21 Humma 4.38.00 SLOOPS, Class L. Start 11.45. Effort 4-35.15 Dorwina 4-39-38 SLOOPS, Class M. Start 11.45. Leda 503.03 Possum 5.06.20 Spasm 501.15 Yacht. H. M. s. Electra 5-i3-5o Ashumet 5.40.40 Grayling d. n. f. YAWLS, Class M. Start 11.45. Memory 5.28.08 Tern 5.36.21 Sakana 556.44 SLOOPS, Class x\. Start 11.50. Oiseau 5.14.45 Alerion 5.17.00 Mab II 5.31.21 Cartoon 5-39.40 SLOOPS, Class P. Start 11.55. Don 3.15-40 Smoke 3.35.i8 Houri .^ 3.42.24 RACEABOUTS. Start 11.55. Badger 3.00.05 Merrywing 3.10.45 Viper 338.50 Snapper 3-41-55 SLOOPS, Class P. Start 12.00. Montauk 3-39-24 Neola 3.43-24 Rod 3.50.00 Quoc 4.00.34 Gazabo 4.15.55 MANHASSET RACEABOUTS, Start 12 M. Lambkin 4.26.34 Bab 4.22.50 -A^rizona 2.24.10 THE YACHTING RECORD S7 SLOOPS. Class R. Start 12.00. H. M. S. Opossum 325. 58 Sandpiper 3-50.55 Flim Flam 4.06.14 Cricket 4.19.14 Mystral 5-30.50 CATBOATS, Class S. Start 12.05 Louise 3-59-08 CATBOATS, CLASS V. Start 12.05. Kazaza d, n. f. CATBOATS, Class W. Start 12.05. Sneaker 5-30-59 DORIES. Start 12.05. Ketch 5-19-40 Prize 5.21.08 SPECIAL RACE FOR W. S. ALLEY CUP. Isolde 6.10.54 Eelin 6.18.42 SPECIAL RACE FOR H. W. COATES CUP. Fern 5.36.21 Sakana 5-56.44 RESAILED RACE OF JULY 17. Sailed September 4. Wind E., light to S. W. Course 30 Miles. SCHOONERS, Class D. Start 11.35. Elmina 5-01-55 Quissetta 5-45-15 Muriel 5-49-24 SLOOPS, Class I. Start 11.40. H. M. S. Isolde* 5.52.10 Hester 5-43-54 Eelin 5-56.53 *Tsolde corrected time, 5.47.40. SPECIAL RACE. Isolde 5-53-10 Eelin 5-56.53 RESAILED RACE OF JULY 19. Sailed September 5. Wind S. S. E. to S. W., light. Courses 30 and 11 Miles. SCHOONERS, Class D. Start 11.35. Elmina 5-47-53 Quissetta 6.45.10 Muriel d. n. f. SLOOPS, Class I. Start 11.40. Isolde 6.56.41 Hester 7-05-35 Eelin 7.11.40 SPECIAL RACE. Isolde 6.56.41 Eelin 7.1 1.40 MANHASSET BAY RACE- ABOUTS. Start 11.45. Arizona 4.01.00 Lambkin 4.04.32 Mist 4-10.32 Bab 407-36 S8 THE YACHTING RECORD WINNERS OF SERIES PRIZES DURING RACE WEEK. SCHOONERS, Class D. Series Cup won by Elmina, 32 points ; Qnis- setta, second prize, 30 points ; Muriel, 19 points ; Amorita, 3 points. SLOOPS, Class I. Adams Cup won by Hester, 18 points; Club Cup won by Isolde, 16 points; Eelin, 8 points. SLOOPS, Class K. Adams Cup won by Humma, 18 points ; Club Cup won by Altair, 11 points; Huguenot, 5 points. RACEABOUTS. Adams Cup won by Merry wing, 224 points ; Club Cup won by Badger, 216 points ; Snapper, 116 points; Persimmon, 84 points; Joker, 40 points ; Viper, 34 points ; Rogue, 5 points. MANHASSET RACEABOUTS. Roach Cup won by Arizona, 76 points ; Club Cup won by Firefly, 34 points ; Bab, 31 points ; Mist, 22 points; Lambkin, 15 points. LARCHMONT CUP. Saturday, September 21. Wind N. W., light. Course 15 Miles triangle. Start 3.15. Quissette 3-42.15 Elmina 4.08.02 Muriel d. n. f. FIRST RACE FOR 90-FOOTERS. Cups given byVice-Com. Wilson Marshall. FRIDAY, AUGUST 16. Wind S. S. W., light, flukey. Course 30 miles, triangle. Elapsed Corrected Start. Finish. Time. Time. Yacht. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. Constitution i-35-ii 5.16.20 34109 3-41.09 Columbia 1.35-26 5-49-i8 4-13-52 4-12.32 SECOND RACE, AUGUST 17. Wind S. S. W., moderate. Course 30 miles, triangle. Constitution 1.05.09 4.08.23 303. 14 3.03.14 Columbia 1.05. 11 4.10.43 3.05.32 3.04.12 THE YACHTING RECORD S9 RIVERSIDE YACHT CLUB. ANNUAL REGATTA. SPECIAL CLASS. Start 3.20. Saturday, July 6, q Wind S. W., squalls. ^ . ,' ' ' t^,*. ' , ,' , vAixATc r-1 V/r o. Cricket Disabled YAWLS, Class M. Start 3.15. Elapsed MANHASSET RACEABOUTS. Time. Yacht. H. M. s. ^^^'^ 3-^^- Memory 2.22.23 Lambkin 2.59.15 CATBOATS, Class S. Start 3.15. Dot d. n. f. CATBOATS, Class W. Start 3-20. Windora d. n. f. Kazaza 2.21.00 NEW YORK YACHT CLUB. ANNUAL REGATTA, THURSDAY, JUNE 20. Wind S. S. E., fresh. Courses Lower Bay. YAWLS, Class G. Course ZZ Miles. Elapsed Corrected Start. Finish. Time. Time. Yacht. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. Ailsa 11.26.33 2.34.39 308.06 3.02.09 Vigilant 11.25.27 2.38.43 3-i3i6 Z.^^.^d SLOOPS, Class L Course ZZ Miles. Hester 11.26.41 3-03-5I 3-37io 3-37-IO Isolde 11.26.39 3-09.47 3-4308 3-33-i8 SLOOPS, Class J, cruising trim. Course 26 Miles. Wasp 11.27.16 301.39 334-23 3-34-23 Carmita 11.27.49 3-13-43 3.45-54 3-45-47 Mermaid 1 1.28.30 Z-^z-ZZ 3-55-03 3-5503 SLOOPS, Class K. Course 26 Miles. Humma 11.27.03 2.50.29 3.23.26 3.23.26 Altair 11.27.25 Did not finish. so THE YACHTING RECORD SLOOPS, Class L. Course 26 Miles. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. Effort 11.27.35 3-i8.i6 3.50-4i 3-50.4i Mira 11.29.03 3.26.28 3.57-25 3 57-25 Cymbra 11.30.00 Dia not finish SCHOONERS, Class D. Course 22, Miles. Elmina ♦11.32.26 3.08.29 3.36.03 3-36.03 Quisetta 11.30.38 307-59 3-37-21 3-36.25 Muriel 1 1.32.03 3-19-43 3-47-40 3-45-24 Amorita 11. 30.51 Dia not finish SCHOONERS, Classes D and F, cruising trim. Course 33 Miles. Katrina 11.31-38 3-19-34 3.47-56 3-47.56 Wayward 11. 31. 41 3.46.16 4.12.35 4.04.10 Bennett Cup for schooners won by Quissetta from Muriel. Bennett Cup for Sloops won by Hester. GLEN COVE CUPS. TUESDAY, JUNE 25. Wind S., shifting to S. S. W., moderate. Course 15 Miles triangle. SLOOPS AND YAWLS, Class G. Columbia 2.25.32 3-57-20 1.31.48 1.31-48 Ailsa 2.25.27 4.20.14 1-54-47 1-47-53 Vigilant 2.25.29 4.17.12 I-5I.43 1-47-37 SLOOPS, Class K. Humma 2.27.53 4-42-05 2.14.12 2.14.12 Altair 2.28.17 4-40-55 2.12.38 2.12.38 SLOOPS, Class L. Effort 2.26.34 4-59-39 2.33.05 2.33.05 Mira 2.26.24 5.01.26 2.35.02 2.35.02 SLOOPS, Class M. Leda 2.28.28 50503 2.36.35 2.36.35 Anoatok 2.26.05 506.39 2.40.34 2.40.34 SCHOONERS, Class D. Amorita 2.32.52 4-35-42 2.02.50 2.02.50 Quissetta 2.31.29 4-32-00 2.00.31 2.00.06 Elmina 2.31.48 4-31-30 1-59-42 1-59-42 Muriel 2.3323 4-39-07 2.05.44 2.05.4^ THE YACHTING RECORD SI SPECIAL CLASS. H. M. S. H, M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. Hester 2.32.48 4.46.12 2.13.24 2.13.24 Katrina 2.32.27 4-49-57 2. 17.30 2. 14.03 Shamrock 2.32.09 4.59.20 2.27. 11 2.23.40 YAWLS, Class G. Ailsa 2.25.27 4.20.14 1.54-47 I-5447 Vigilant 2.25.29 4-T7-I2 1.57-43 1-57-43 NEWPORT, MONDAY, JULY i. Wind S. W. by W., moderate. Course 15 Miles to windward and return. Columbia 11.40.34 2.32.38 2.52.04 2.50.54 Constitution it. 40.37 2.33.29 2.52.52 2.52.52 Constitution pulled out cringle on the clew of the jib while on the windward leg. NEWPORT, WEDNESDAY, JULY 3. Wind W. S. W. Course 30 Miles triangle. Constitution 12.25.15 Withdrew Columbia 12.25.25 Disabled Columbia's martingale doubled up 18 minutes after the start. ANNUAL CRUISE. RENDEZVOUS, GLEN COVE, MONDAY, JULY 23. RACES FOR COMMODORE LEDYARD'S CUPS. Wind W. S. W., moderate. Course 21 Miles. SLOOPS, Class G. Racing trim. Constitution 2.46.35 5-13.50 2.27.15 Columbia 2.45.58 5-I7-3I 2.31.33 SLOOPS AND YAWLS IN ONE CLASS. Humma 2.30.00 S.50.01 3.20.01 Altair 2.30.00 5-54-16 3.24.16 Rainbow 2.26.29 5-32.09 3-05-40 Navahoe 2.26.07 5.29.44 307.37 Vigilant 2.29.03 5.36.42 3.07.39 Ailsa 2.26.10 5.36.18 3.10.08 2.27.15 2.30.39 2.55-07 2.59-29 2.59-54 3.02.22 3-07-39 309.07 S2 THE YACHTING RECORD H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. Athene 2.26.17 540.54 3I4-37 3-07.57 Hester 2.30.00 5-55-56 3.26.56 3-I5-22 Isolde 2.30.00 6.04.06 3.34.06 3. 17.17 Eelin 2.26.42 6.02.22 3.35.40 3.18.55 Carmita 2.27.57 6.1 1.35 3-43.44 3-32.15 Mermaid 2.29.44 6.28.37 3-58.53 3-32.22 Bedouin 2.30.00 6.15. 13 3-45-13 3-37-15 Effort 2.30.00 6.26.20 3.56.20 .... Vinita 2.30.00 Not timed SCHOONERS, ALL IN ONE CLASS. Elmina 2.34.47 5.46.23 3-II-36 3-05-58 Muriel 2.33.32 5-48.15 3-14-43 308.50 Quisetta 2.32.28 5.48.52 3.18.24 3. 11.04 Amorita 2.35.00 5-56.45 3-21.45 3-i6.47 Katrina 2.32.50 6.07.20 3.3430 329.10 Marguerite 2.35.00 6.08.30 3-33-30 3-33-30 America 2.35.00 6.23.48 3.48.48 Columbia 2.35.00 6.22.45 3-47-45 3-47-45 Wayward 2.35.00 Not timed RUN TO MORRIS COVE, TUESDAY, JULY 24. Wind S. E., shifting to N. W., very light. Course 28 Miles. SLOOPS, Class G. Constitution 1 1-35-35 5-36.41 6.01.06 6.01.06 Columbia II-35-53 5-42-15 6.06.22 6.05.13 YAWLS, Class G. Vigilant 11.20.00 6.13.36 6.53.36 6.53.36 Ailsa II. 16.15 6.04.25 6.48.10 6.46.52 Navahoe 11. 18.00 6.02.22 6.44.22 6.43.43 SLOOPS, Class H. Rainbow 11. 17.02 556.23 6.39.21 6.39.21 Bedouin 11.20.00 6.44.45 7-24-45 7-21.48 Athene n. 19-35 5-59-51 6.40.16 6.40.16 SLOOPS, Class I. Hester 11. 16.50 6.25.46 7.08.56 7.08.56 Hildegard 11.20.00 6.39.25 7-19-25 7.17-49 THE YACHTING RECORD SS SLOOPS, Class I (Special). H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. Eelin ii. 16.00 6.47.40 7-3I.40 7.3140 Isolde 11.20.00 706.55 746.55 7.38.34 SLOOPS. Class J. Carmita 11.17-50 6.32.57 71507 7.1507 Petrel 11.20.00 6.57.40 7.37.40 7.37-40 Isolt 11.20.00 7.44.40 8.24.40 8.21.40 Altair 11. 18.48 6.50.53 73205 7-32.05 Humma 11.20.00 6.25.26 705.26 7.05.26 SLOOPS, Class K. Sistae 11 .20.00 7.02.06 7.42.06 7.42.06 SLOOPS, Class L. Effort 11.17.44 6.33.48 7.16.04 7.16.04 Mira 11.20.00 6.38.35 7-18.35 7-i8.35 SLOOPS, Class M. Cymbra 1 1. 18.55 6.55.49 7-36.54 7-36.54 Salome 11. 19.20 Did not finish Leda 11. 18.35 Did not finish SCHOONERS, Class A. Columbia 1 1.25.00 759.40 8.34.40 8.34.40 SCHOONERS, Class B. Corona 1 1 .25.00 5.58.24 6.33.24 6.33.24 America 11.25.00 7.26.10 8.01. 10 8.01. 10 Emerald 11.25.00 6.10.39 6.45.39 6.43.20 Marguerite 11.25.00 6.52.03 7-V-OZ 7.22.11 SCHOONERS, Class D (Special). Muriel 11.25.00 6.12.05 6.47.03 6.47.03 Quisetta 11.24.03 5-54.01 6.29.58 6.29.24 Elmina 11.25.00 6.13.55 6.48.55 6.48.55 SCHOONERS, Class D. Katrina 11.25.00 6.20.05 6.55.05 6.55.05 Shamrock 11.25.00 6.56.28 7.31.28 7.3104 Latona 1 1.25.00 6.23.40 6.58.40 6.58.40 SJ^ THE YACHTING RECORD SCHOONERS, Class F. H. M S. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. Indra 11.25.00 6.53.06 7.28.06 7.28.06 Uncas 11.25.00 7.35.10 8.10.10 8.10.10 Loyal 11.25.00 7.35.40 8.10.40 8.10.40 Wayward 11.25.00 Not timed AUXILIARIES. Cachalot 11.40.00 7.16.11 7.36.11 7.36.11 Enterprise, Lady Godiva, Satanella, Intrepid, Idler and Mavis started, but did not finish. RUN TO NEW LONDON, WEDNESDAY, JULY 24. Wind, W. S. W., light. Course 39 Miles. SLOOPS, Class G. Constitution 11.05.08 Z.ZT-Z'i 4-32.27 4.32.27 Columbia 11.05. 11 3.46.01 4.40.50 4.49.10 YAWLS, Class G. Vigilant 10.45.30 3.54.07 5.08.37 5.08.37 Ailsa 10.45.25 3-55.12 5.09-47 5-07-56 Navahoe 10.45.17 3-52.55 507.38 506.33 SLOOPS, Class H. Rainbow 10.49.07 4.00.00 5.10.53 5.10.53 Bedouin 10.48.06 4-41-25 5.53-19 5-49.13 Athene 10.48.38 4.31.05 5.42.27 5.42.27 SLOOPS, Class I. Hester 10.46.57 4.23-55 536.58 5.36.58 Hildegard 10.47.29 4-39.30 5-52.01 5-49-47 Eelin 10.46.03 4-31-58 5-45-55 5-45-55 Isolde 10.47.02 4.48.26 6.01.24 5-49-47 SLOOPS, Class J. Carmita 10.46.45 Did not finish Petrel 10.49.00 4.47.26 5.58.26 5.58.26 Isolt 10.47.55 5.2302 6.35.07 6.30.06 Altair 10.46.27 4-25-39 5-39.12 5.39.12 Humma 10.47-49 4-21.23 5-33-34 5.33-34 THE YACHTING RECORD SB SLOOPS, Class L. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. Effort 10.45.37 445-54 6.00.17 6.00.17 Mira 10.49.28 5.01.54 6.12.26 6.12.26 SLOOPS, Class M. Cymbra 10.46.16 Did not finish SCHOONERS, Class A. Columbia io.54-i3 448.26 5-54-I3 5.54-I3 SCHOONERS, Class B. Corona 10.50.30 3.53-19 502.49 5-02.49 Emerald 10.51.00 4.10.37 5.19.37 5-i6.23 America 10.50.40 4-38.55 5-48.15 548.15 Marguerite 10.54.22 4.17.03 5.22.41 5-15-54 SCHOONERS, Class D. Katrina 10.52.18 4.18.58 5-26.40 526.40 Latona 10.51.20 4.21.20 5.30.00 5-30.00 Shamrock 10.53.10 5.01.54 6.18.44 6.18.11 SCHOONERS, Class D (Special). Muriel 10.52.08 4.08.29 5. 16.21 5. 16.21 Quisetta 10.54.29 4-09-36 5-15-07 5.14.20 Elmina 10.55.00 4-14-57 5-19-57 5-19-57 SCHOONERS, Class F. Loyal 10.52.43 4.52.00 5-59-17 5-59-17 Indra io.54-33 5-09-55 6.15.22 6.15.23 Uncas 10.54.19 5-33-02 6.38.43 6.38.43 AUXILIARIES, Class i. Intrepid 11. 16.25 520.23 6.03.58 6.03.58 AUXILIARIES, Class 2. Satanella 11. 17.00 Did not finish Lady Godiva 11. 17.00 Did not finish AUXILIARIES, Class 3. Cachalot 11. 14.14 5.18.54 6.04.40 6.04.40 Laurus ii.i3-37 5-52-32 6.14.55 6.14.55 Mavis Started in wrong class 36 THE YACHTING RECORD RUN TO NEWPORT, THURSDAY, JULY 25. Wind, E., light to moderate. Course 40 Miles. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S Constitution 11-25.45 6.24.16 6.58.31 6.58.31 Columbia 11.25.29 6.21.55 6.56.26 6.54.47 Constitution struck a rock near Race Rock. YAWLS, Class G. Vigilant 1 1.05.06 6.05.54 7.00.48 7.00.48 Ailsa 1 1.06.45 7-5540 8.48.55 8.47.01 Navahoe 1 1.05.48 6.08.26 7.02.38 701.32 SLOOPS, Class H. Rainbow 11.07.26 Ran aground Virginia 11.07.16 7-54-30 8.47.14 8.47.14 Bedouin 11.07.56 Did not finish *Athene 11.07. 16 8.00.28 8.52.42 8.52.42 *Time limit expired at 8 p. m. SLOOPS, Class L Hester 11.06.17 Did not finish Hildegard 11.08.36 Did not finish Eelin 1 1.06.40 Did not finish Isolde 11.05.07 7-39-28 8.34.21 8.22.25 Senta 11.08.00 Did not finish SLOOPS, Class J. Petrel (yawl) 11.05.48 Did not finish Isolt 11.08.17 Did not finish Altair 1 1.06.51 7-37-15 8.30.04 8.30.04 Humma 1 1.08.50 Did not finish SLOOPS, Class K. Sistae 11.05.52 Did not finish SLOOPS, Class L. Effort 11.06.30 Did not finish Mira 1 1.09.05 Did not finish SLOOPS, Class L (Special). Eelin 11.06.40 Did not finish Isolde 11.05.07 7.39.28 8.34.21 8.34.21 THE YACHTING RECORD S7 SCHOONERS, Class A. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. Columbia ii. 12.07 Did not finish SCHOONERS, Class B. Corona 11. 10.25 Did not finish Emerald 11. 10.28 Did not finish America 11. 15.00 Did not finish SCHOONERS, Class C. Marguerite 11. 10.20 Did not finish SCHOONERS, Class D. Katrina 11. 11. 12 7-53-IO 8.41.58 8.41.58 Latona 11. 11.02 Did not finish Shamrock 11. 11.06 Did not finish SCHOONERS, Class D (Special). Muriel n. 10.45 Disabled Quissetta 11. 10.06 7-5I45 8.41.39 8.41.39 Elmina 11. 11. 19 7-54-50 8.43.31 8.43.31 SCHOONERS, Class F. Loyal 1 1. 14.44 Did not finish Indra 11. 13.12 Did not finish AUXILIARIES. Cachalot 11. 15.00 Did not finish Mavis II. 13.00 Did not finish Adrienne 1 1. 14.32 Did not finish RUN TO VINEYARD HAVEN, FRIDAY, JULY 26. Wind, N. E., light, shifting to S. W. Course ^7 Miles. At 8 o'clock, when the time limit had expired, no yacht had reached the finishing line. RUN TO NEWPORT, SATURDAY, JULY 27. Wind, E. N. E., light to fresh. Course :^y Miles. YAWLS, Class G. Vigilant 9.15.00 2.08.13 45313 dJsq. Ailsa 912.15 2.17.18 50503 503.i8 Navahoe 9.15.00 2.07.06 4.52.06 disq. Navahoe and Vigilant fouled the Committee Boat. 38 THE YACHTING RECORD SLOOPS, Class H. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. Virginia 9.11.06 2.30.56 519.50 Bedouin 9-ii-43 2.56.43 5-45-00 SLOOPS, Class L Hester 9.14.22 2.20.43 5.I4-2I Hildegard 9.15.00 3.06.22 5.51.22 Eelin 9.12.25 2.37.29 5.22.29 SLOOPS, Class J. Altair 9.15.00 3.04.00 5.49.00 Effort 9-I3-22 2.44.23 5.31.01 SLOOPS, Class M. Cherokee 9.15.00 3.15.47 6.00.47 Kiowa 9.12.35 3.10.44 5.58.09 SCHOONERS, Class B. Corona 9.20.00 2.48.22 5.28.22 America 9-16.55 304.27 5-47-32 SCHOONERS, Class D. Katrina 9.16.26 2.51.32 53506 Shamrock 9I7-47 2.54.20 5-36.33 SCHOONERS, Class D (Special). Quissetta 9.19.14 2.13.28 4.54.14 Elmina 9.18.12 2.15.51 4-57-39 SCHOONERS, Class F. Rondina 9.20.00 304.07 5.4407 Indra 9-17-23 304-23 5-47.00 AUXILIARIES, Class i. Cachalot 9.18.50 301.30 542.40 AUXILIARIES, Class 2. Idler 9-49-35 2.59.09 6.09.34 Intrepid 9.07.00 Did not finish THE YACHTING RECORD S9 THE VICE COMMODORE'S CUP. Offered by Vice-Commodore August Belmont for the schooner winning the greatest number of runs during the cruise, all sailing as one class. HUNTINGTON TO MORRIS COVE.— 28 MILES. Corrected Time Allowance. Elapsed Time Time. Yacht. H. M. s. H. M. s. H. M. s. Corona (W) Allows 6.33.24 6.33.24 Katrina 13.02 6.55.05 6.42.03 Indra 3544 7.28.06 6.52.22 MORRIS COVE TO NEW LONDON.— 39 MILES. Corona Allows 5.02.10 5.02.49 Quissetta (W) , 18.10 5.14.20 4.56.10 Loyal 29.28 5.59-I7 5-29-49 NEW LONDON TO NEVv^PORT.— 40 MILES. Quissetta (V/) 8.41.39 8.41.39 Katrina Allows 8.41.58 8.41.58 VINEYARD HAVEN TO NEWPORT.— 37 MILES. Corona '. . Allows 5.28.22 5.28.22 Quissetta (W) 17.13 4.54-14 4.37.01 Rondina 5.4407 The Quissetta wins. REAR COMMODORE'S CUP. Offered by Rear Commodore C L, F. Robinson for the single-masted vessel winning the greatest number of runs during the cruise all sailing as one class. HUNTINGTON TO MORRIS COVE.— 28 MILES. Corrected Time Allowance. Elapsed Time Time. Constitution (W) Allows 6.01.06 6.01.06 Navahoe 5.36 6.44.22 6.36.46 Rainbow 16.30 6.39.21 6.22.51 Hester 22.54 7.08.56 6.45.52 Humma 42.00 7.05.26 6.13.26 Effort 55.00 7.16.04 6.21.04 Cymbra 7-36-54 J^ THE YACHTING RECORD MORRIS COVE TO NEW LONDON.— 39 MILES. Constitution (W) Allows 4-32.27 4.32.27 Navahoe 7.45 507.38 4.59-53 Rainbow 22.58 5-10.53 4-47-55 Hester 31.54 536-58 5-05-04 Humma 58.30 5-33-34 4-35-04 Effort I-25-33 6.00.17 4-34-44 NEW LONDON TO NEWPORT.— 40 MILES. Columbia Allows 6.56.26 6.56.26 Vigilant (W) 5.02 7.00.48 6.55.46 Virginia 21.42 8.47.14 8.25.32 Isolde 42.35 8.34.21 7-51-46 Altair 57.45 8.30.24 7-34-39 VINEYARD HAVEN TO NEWPORT.— 37 MILES. Ailsa Allows 5-05-03 5-05-03 Virginia 13.41 5-19-50 506.09 Hester 21.58 5-I4-2I 4-52-23 Effort (W) 1.04.58 5.31.01 4.26.03 Kiowa 5.58.09 The Constitution wins. ASTOR CUPS. NEWPORT, MONDAY, JULY 29. Wind, N. by E.. light to moderate. Course 38 Miles, Block Island course. SLOOPS, Cup $1,000. Columbia 11.08.19 2.54.38 346.19 3-44-45 Constitution 11.07.38 2.56.51 3-49-13 3-49-13 Navahoe 11.08.16 3-44-30 436-14 4-23-50 Senta 11.08.36 4.20.28 5-ii-52 4-30-33 Eelin 11.09.19 4.21.47 5.12.28 4.30.36 Isolde 11.09.14 423-32 5-I4-18 4-32-17 Hester 11.09.00 4-13-43 5-04-43 4-34-02 SCHOONERS. Cup $500. Elmina 11. 12.58 4.00.14 4.47.16 4.29.09 Corona 1 1. 10.35 3-42-58 432.23 432.23 Quissetta 11. 12.38 4.22.00 5.09.22 4.51.40 THE YACHTING RECORD 41 NEWPORT, TUESDAY, JULY 30. Owl colors, pair oared gigs, won by Isolde; Wenonah, second; Crusader, third. Game cock colors, four oared cutters, won by Katrina. Dingey race won by Fortuna ; Lotowana second. Alco-vapor launches won by Enterprise; time, 8m. 4s. Ailsa second; time, 8m. 56s. Naphtha launches won by Surf; time, 7m. i8s. Thor second; time, 7m. 4oHs. Fortuna third; time, 8m. 4s. Varuna fourth; time, 8m. 37s. NEWPORT, SATURDAY, AUGUST 10. Wind S. S. W., fresh; sea rough. Course 15 Miles to windward and return. SLOOPS, Class G. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. Constitution i.oi.oo 4.17.43 3.16.43 3-16.43 Columbia 1.00.46 4.21.38 3.20.52 3.19.41 YAWLS, Class G. Vigilant 1. 10.28 4-57.ii 346.43 346.43 Navahoe 1. 12.29 5.00.31 3.48.02 3.47.20 Ailsa 1. 10.40 Disabled. LIPTON CUP, SLOOPS, Class H. Virginia I.II.53 5-00.05 3.48.12 3-48.12 Rainbow 1. 10.33 5.06.48 3.56.IS 3-56.15 NEWPORT, MONDAY, AUGUST 12. Wind N. N. E., light, hauling E., calms; N. N. E. at finish, rain. Miles, triangle. SLOOPS, Class G. Columbia 12.00.36 4.26.16 4.25.40 Constitution 12.00.09 4.25.16 4.25.07 YAWLS, Class G. Vigilant 12.11.30 6.24.21 6.12.51 Navahoe 12.11.22 5-58.05 5-46-43 Ailsa 12.15.00 6.24.04 6.09.04 Course 30 4.24.29 4.25.07 6.12.51 5.46.01 6.07.39 4£ THE YACHTING RECORD SLOOPS, Class H. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. Rainbow 12.12.50 6.15.06 6.02.16 6.02.16 Virginia 12.13.42 6.11.41 5-57-59 5-57-59 NEWPORT, WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 14 Wind S. S. E., light, calm. Course 15 Miles to windward and return. Race declared after yachts had sailed 8 miles on account of calm. TRIAL RACES. FIRST RACE, SATURDAY, AltC^tJSf 31. Wiiid S. S. E. to S. E., moderate. Course 15 Miles to windward and return. Columbia 11.41.15 3.02.08 3.20.53 3-I9.42 Constitution 11.42.00 3.06.01 3.24.01 3.24.01 SECOND RACE, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. Wind E. by S., light, flukey. Course 30 Miles, triangle. Columbia 1.06.00 Did not finish Constitution 1.06.00 Did not finish Time limit expired with the Columbia leading three miles from the finish. The elapsed times over each leg sailed were : First leg, 10 miles to wind- ward, Columbia, 2.11.02; Constitution, 2.15.57. Second leg, 10 miles reach. Constitution, 1.39.07; Columbia, 1.39.32. THIRD RACE, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 4. Wind S. S. W., light to fresh. Course 15 Miles to windward and return. Columbia 1.00.47 5.03.13 4.02.26 4.0I-I5 Constitution 1.02.00 5.03.32 4.01.32 4.01.32 Constitution was handicapped 22 seconds at the start through a tug getting in her way and lost her balloon jib topsail near the finish. THE YACHTING RECORD AMERICA'S CUP RACES. J,s Match between the Royal Ulster Y. C, challengers, represented by Sham- rock II., owned by Sir Thomas Lipton, K. C. V. O., and the New York Y. C, defenders, represented by the Columbia, owned by J. Pierpont Morgan and in charge of ex-Commodore E. D, Morgan. FIRST RACE, SEPTEMBER 26. Wind E. by N., light; sea rough. Course 15 miles to windward and return. Start. Turn. Elapsed Time. Gain. Yacht. H. M. S. H. M, S, H. M. S. M. S. Columbia 11. 10.49 305-32 3-54-43 7-03 Shamrock II ii.ii.oi 3.12.47 4.01.46 .... Race declared off when the Columbia was about 7 miles from the finish and leading by about ^ mile. SEPTEMBER 28. Wind E. by S., sea lumpy. Course 15 to windward and return. FIRST LEG. Yacht. Start. Turn. Elapsed Time. Gain. Shamrock II 11. 00.14 1.25. 12 2.24.58 .39 Columbia 11.00.16 1.25.53 2.25.37 .... SECOND LEG. Yacht. Start. Finish. Elapsed Time. Gain. Columbia 1.25.53 Z-Z^-'^Z 2.05.30 1.16 Shamrock II 1.25. 12 3.31.58 2.06.46 .... The summary — Elapsed Corrected Yacht. Start. Finish. Time. Time. Columbia 11.00.16 3.31.23 4.31.07 4.30.24 Shamrock II 11.00.14 3.31.58 4.31.44 4.31.44 The Columbia won by 2)7 seconds actual time and i minute 20 seconds cor- rected time. SECOND RACE, OCTOBER i. Wind E., light. Course 30 miles, triangle. FIRST LEG 10 MILES E. Yacht. Start. First Mark. Elapsed Time. Gain. Shamrock II 11.00.22 2.41.36 3-41.14 3-30 Columbia ii.oo.io 2.44.44 3.44.34 •••. Race declared off at expiration of time limit with Shamrock leading. u IHE YACHTING RECORD OCTOBER 3. Wind N. N. W., fresh to strong. Course 30 miles, triangle. FIRST LEG 10 MILES E. j4 S. Yacht. Start. First Mark. Elapsed Time. Gain. Columbia 11.01.47 11.52.22 0.50.35 0.23 Shamrock II 11.00.13 11.51.10 0.50.57 .... SECOND LEG 10 MILES S. W. ^ S. Yacht. First Mark. Second Mark. Elapsed Time. Gain. Columbia 11.52.22 12.46.39 0.54.17 0.30 Shamrock II 11.51.10 12.45.57 0.54.47 THIRD LEG 10 MILES N. N. Vv. Yacht. Second Mark. Finish. Elapsed Time. Gain. Columbia 12.46.39 2.15.05 1.28.26 2.00 Shamrock II 12.45.57 2.16.23 1.30.26 .... The summary : — Elapsed Corrected Yacht. Start. Finish. Time. Time. Columbia 11.01.47 2.15.05 3-i3-i8 3-I2.3S Shamrock II 11.00.13 2.16.23 3. 16.10 3. 16.10 Columbia won by 2 minutes 52 seconds actual time and 3 minutes 35 seconds corrected time. THIRD RACE, OCTOBER 4. Wind N. N. W., light, flukey. Course 15 miles to windward and return. FIRST LEG S. S. E. Yacht. Start. Turn. Elapsed Time. Gain. Shamrock II 11.02.00 12.48.46 1.46.46 Columbia 11.02.00 12.49.35 1.47-35 0.49 SECOND LEG N. N. W. Yacht. Turn. Finish. Elapsed Time. Gain. Shamrock II 12.48.46 3-35-38 2.46.52 Columbia 12.49-35 3.35-40 2.46.05 0.47 The summary — Elapsed Corrected Yacht. Start. Finish. Time. Time. Columbia 11.02.00 3.35-40 4-33-40 4-32-57 Shamrock II 11.02.00 3-35-38 4-33-38 A-ZZ-Z^ THE YACHTING RECORD 1^6 Columbia was handicapped 12 seconds at the start and Shamrock 29 seconds. Columbia won by 47 seconds corrected time. Shamrock beat Columbia 2 seconds actual time. NEWPORT YAC HT RACI NG ASSOCIATION. SATURDAY, JULY 6. Wind E., light, sea rough. Course 15 miles to windward and return. Elapsed Corrected Start. Finish. Time. Time. Yacht. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. Constitution 12.10.02 5.48.08 5.38.06 5.38.06 Columbia 12.10.17 5-59-29 5-49.12 547-55 Independence 12.12.00 Not timed. MONDAY, JULY 8. Wind S. W., light. Course 30 miles, triangle. Constitution 11.55.26 4.54-30 4.5904 4.59.04 Columbia 11.56.07 5.24.36 5.23.29 5.22.12 Independence 11.56.22 6.14,40 6.18.18 6.17.35 WEDNESDAY, JULY 10. Wind S. W., light, fog. Course 15 miles to windward and return. Constitution 12.55.03 Withdrew on account of fog. Columbia 12.55.05 Did not finish within time. Independence 12.55.07 Did not finish within time. Time limit 6 hours. THURSDAY, JULY 11. Wind S. W., light to fresh. Course 15 miles to windward and return. Columbia 12.25.21 4.55.00 4.29.39 4.28.22 Constitution 12.25.43 4.58.42 4-32.59 4.32-59 Independence 12.25.08 5-01.05 4-35-57 4-35-14 FRIDAY, JULY 12. Wind N. E. by E., strong. Course 30 miles, triangle. Columbia 11. 11.36 2.09.33 2.57.57 2.56.40 Constitution 11. 12.00 2.10.59 2.52.59 2.58.59 Independence 11. 11. 51 2.19.58 3.08.07 3.07.24 Independence lost her topmast right after the start. 46 THE YACHTING RECORD THURSDAY, AUGUST i. Wind S. W., fresh. Course 30 miles, triangle. SLOOPS, CLASS G. H. M S. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. Columbia 11.40.00 3.22.57 342.57 3.42.26 Independence 11.40.00 3.27.40 3.47.40 3.47.40 YAWLS, CLASS G. Vigilant 11.45.00 3.28.23 343.23 343-23 Navahoe 11.45.00 3.29.07 3-44.07 3-43-25 Ailsa 11.45.00 3-37-16 3-52.i6 3-50.51 SCHOONERS, CLASS D. Elmina 1 1.55-00 3-50.52 3-55-52 3-55-5^? Quissetta 11.55.00 4-05-39 4-10.39 4-IC.39 SATURDAY, AUGUST 3. Wind S. S. W., strong. Course 30 miles, triangle. SLOOPS, CLASS G. Columbia 11.25.00 2.16.48 2.51.48 2.51. 17 Independence 11.25.00 2.17.28 2.52.28 2.52.28 YAWLS, CLASS G. Ailsa 11.30.00 2.40.26 3.10.26 3.09.01 Vigilant 11.30.00 2.44.23 3-14-23 3-14-23 Navahoe 11.30.00 2.45.36 3-15-36 3-14-54 SCHOONERS, CLASS D. Elmina 11.40.00 Z-2)7-^2. 3.58.22 3.58.22 Quissetta 11.40.00 3.43.06 4.03.06 4.03.06 CUTTERS, CLASS I. Isolde 11.45.00 3-47-01 4.02.01 3-53-08 Hester 1 1.45.00 3-42.46 3-57-46 3-57-46 Senta 11.45.00 3-53-54 4-08.54 4.00.38 MONDAY, AUGUST 5. Wind N. by E., calms; S., flukey. Course 12 miles to windward and return. YAWLS. Navahoe ii.ii.39 4.0957 458.18 4-57-45 Ailsa II. 10.35 4.12.57 5.02.22 5.01. 14 Vigilant 11. 12.00 4.13.20 5.01.20 5.01.20 THE YACHTING RECORD 47 SLOOPS, CLASS H. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. Rainbow ii. 15.00 4.24.14 509.14 Virginia 11. 13. 00 4.25.09 5.10.09 THIRTY-FOOTERS. RECORD FOR THE SEASON. Yacht. Starts. Firsts. Seconds. Thirds. Totals. Wa \Va 46 II 13 10 34 Carolina 40 21 9 3 33 Esperanza 50 4 12 11 27 Hera 44 7 10 10 27 Barbara 50 4 7 8 19 Vaquero HI 10 6 i 7 Raccoon 27 i 2 3 6 Pollywog 9 o 2 I 3 Dorothy H 6 1 2 3 The cups were won as follows : Carolina — The Walters, Griswold, Havemeyer, two New York Y. C, three Newport Y. R. A., Duryea, Rutherfurd and Paget Cups. Wa Wa — The Ellis, Mrs. Duryea, Thompson and Tournament Cups. Hera — The Rhode Island Y. C, three, New Y'ork Y. C, Mrs. Jones and Drexel Cups. Barbara — The New York Y. C, Mrs. Drexel, Vanderbilt and Dolan Cups. Esperanza — The Norrie Cup. Vaquiero III. — The Jones Cup. PENATAQUIT COPINTHIAN YACHT CLUB. ANNUAL REGATTA. SLOOPS, Class N. Saturday, Aug. 17. Amy Foster 3:06.57 Wind S. E., moderate. Courses, Pinkie 3.07.01 Classes V and W 8 Miles, other Gayety 2.09.23 Classes 12 Miles. Grotona 3.12.21 Wanda 3.23.23 SLOOPS, Class M. SLOOPS, Class Q. Yacht. H. M.S. Constance 3.03.39 Alcatorda 303.46 Wynnabust 307.04 Quo Vadis 3-I7-48 Microbe 3.13-39 48 7 HE YACHTING RECORD CATBOATS, Class S. H. M. S. Jupiter 3-03.45 Uncle Van 3-I3-33 CATBOATS, Class T. Dorothy 3.18.51 Ellen 3.38.10 CATBOATS, Class V. — H, M. S. Toddie ^. 2.03.30 Mollie 2.04.45 Little Doctor 2.13.03 CATBOATS, Class W. Kinkie 2.09.25 Defiance 2.18.30 CANADA CUP RACES. Match race sailed on Lake Michigan, off Chicago. The Royal Canadian Yacht Club, the challengers, being represented by the Invader, designed by Sibbick, of Cowes, England, and sailed by ^melius Jarvis, of Toronto, and the Chicago Yacht Club, the defenders, being represented by the Cadillac, designed by Hanley, of Quincy, Mass., and sailed by W. H. Thompson. The judges were E. P. Warner, Chicago; E. H. Ambrose, Royal Canadian Y. C, and O. E. Cromwell, Seawanhaka-Corinthian Y. C. FIRST RACE, August 10. Wind W., shifting to N., fresh. Course 21 Miles, triangle. Start II A. M. Yacht. Finish. Cadillac 1.46.35 Invader i-55-io Cadillac won by 8 minutes 35 sec- onds. THIRD RACE, August 13. Wind E. S. E., moderate. Course 21 Miles, triangle. Start 11 A. M. y. M. s. Invader 2.49.01 Cadillac Disqualified Cadillac fouled Invader at the start and was ordered out of the race by the judges. SECOND RACE, August 12. Wind E. light. Course 9 Miles to windward and return. Start II A. M. Invader 2.08.00 Cadillac 2.14 22 Invader won by 6 minutes 22 sec- onds. The Royal Canadian Yacht Club FOURTH RACE, August 14. Wind S. E. by E., light, shifting to E. and N. E. Course 9 Miles to windward and return. Start II A. M. Invader 3.07-30 Cadillac 3-09-49 Invader won by 2 minutes 19 sec- onds, won the Cup. IHE YACHTING RECORD SEAWANHAKA CHALLENGE CUR <^ Match race sailed on Lake St. Louis, near Montreal, Canada, between the Island Sailing Club, of England, represented by the Grey Friar, owned by Lome Currie, and the Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club, represented by the Senneville, owned by R. B. Angus, of Montreal, and sailed by her designer, G. H. Duggan. FIRST RACE, July 25. Wind S. E., light, flukey. Course 6 Miles to windward and return. Start 1.40 P. M. Yacht. Finish. Senneville 5.10.57 Grey Friar 5.30.12 Senneville won by 19 minutes 15 seconds. THIRD RACE, July 29. Wind S. E., light. Course 6 Miles, windward and return. Start 2.25. H. M. S. Senneville 4.52.42 Grey Friar 4.57.38 Senneville won by 6 minutes 56 seconds. SECOND RACE, July 27. Wind S. E., light. Course 12 Miles, triangle. Start 1.40 P. M. Senneville 4.08.50 Grey Friar 4.16.20 Senneville won by 7 minutes 30 seconds. The Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club successfully defended the Cup. The judges were: Dr. G. H. Ward Humphreys, Island Sailing Club; W. Q. Phillips, Royal St. Law- rence Y. C. ; W. P. Stephens, New York. NEW ROCHELLE YACHT CLUB. SPRING REGATTA. Saturday, May 25. Wind E., strong, rain. RACEABOUTS. Start 3-20. Yacht. H. M. s. Badger 1.14.11 Oonagh 1. 16.26 Nirvana 1. 17-34 Rogue 1.18.45 MANHASSET RACEABOUTS. Start 3.25. Lambkin 47-14 Bab 47.43 Arizona 48.31 ANNUAL REGATTA. Saturday, June 22. Wind S. E., light, calms. 60 THE YACHTING RECORD SLOOPS, Class K. Course 14 2-3 Miles. Start 1.35. Humma 3.07.25 Altair 3.07.48 SLOOPS, Class L. Course 14 2-3 Miles. Start 1.40. Mira 3.11.52 Dorwina 3.25.46 Effort 3.34.11 Cymbra 3-34.30 142-3 YAWLS, Class L. Course Miles. Start 1.40. Scapha 3.37-58 Fleetwing 4.14.16 SLOOPS, Class AL Course 142-3 Miles. Start 1.45. • 3.22.44 Leda O'Shima San Disabled YAWLS, Class M. Course 142-3 Miles. Start 1.45. Memory 4.05. 15 Sakana 4.07.24 NEWPORT SPECIAL. 30-foot Class. Course 12^ Miles. Start 1.50. Veda 3.25.03 Esperanza 3. 26.34 SLOOPS, Class N. Course 12^ Miles. Start 1.55. Oiseau 3.16.30 Enpronzi 3.1903 Marion 3.20.06 Alerion 3.23.41 RACEABOUTS. Course 12^ Miles. Start 2.05. H. M. S. Merrywing 302.53 Badger 3.06.12 Rogue 3.1 1.28 Snapper 3.13.37 Viper 3.18.24 SLOOPS, Class P. Course 12^ Miles. Start 2.10. R"by 338.49 Ojibway 4.03.50 Rochelle 4.04.42 SLOOPS, Class Q. Course 8^^ Miles. Start 2.15. Rod 2.30.04 Ox 3.09.38 Gazabo 3.18.56 SLOOPS, Class R. Course 8^ Miles. Start 2.20. Opossum 2.23.00 Neola 2.32.30 Mystral 2.37-48 Moya 2.46.22 Nike 3.02.36 Cricket 3.1302 CATBOATS, Class S. Course 12^ Miles. Start 1.55. Dot 3.19.21 Windora 3.24.09 CATBOATS, Class T. Course 12^ Miles. Start 2.10. Dade 336.41 Grace 3-43-35 THE YACHTING RECORD 51 CATBOATS, Class V. Course ^V2 Miles. Start 2.15. H. M S. Vera 2.31. 16 Arline 2.38.57 CATBOATS, Class W. Course 8>^ Miles. Start 2.20. Kazaza 3 41.30 Hobo Not timed PELHAM COUNTRY CLUB. LARKS. Course 4^ Miles. Start 2.25. H. M. S. Gloria 3 16.55 Echo 3-38.25 Chop Suey 3-S4-3I Skidoo d. n. f. Yellow Jacket d. n. f. Halo d. n. f. Streak d. n. f. Tom Boy d. n. f. San Toy d. n. f. SEA CLIFF YACHT CLUB. ANNUAL REGATTA. Saturday, July 28. Wind N. W., light, shifting to S. W. SLOOPS, Class M. Start 1.05. Yacht. H. M. s. Hebe 4-07-35 Memory 4.15.CO Opossum SLOOPS, Class M. Start 1.05. Oiseau 4 07.37 Possum 4.16.27 RACEABOUTS. Course 8 Miles. Start 1. 10. H. M. S. Snapper 2.36.12 Viper 2.39.12 SLOOPS, Class P. Course 8 Miles. Start 1. 10. Don 2.27.00 Independent 2.45.10 SLOOPS, Class Q. Course 8 Miles. Start 1. 10. Montauk 2.41. co Quoc 2.45.00 SLOOPS, Class R. Cou-se 8 Miles. Start 1. 10. 2.31.30 Hope 2.36.30 Neola 2.39.55 Sora 2.44-35 Cricket 2.52.00 Bess d. n.f. Flim Flam d. n. f. CATBOATS, Class V. Course 8 M, Start 1. 10. Arline 2.51.32 Dunlea 3-03-I2 CATBOATS, Class T. Course 8 M. Start 1. 10. Punch 2,49.45 6i THE YACHTING RECORD H. M. S. H, M. S. Vera 2.52.50 Wee Win 2.57.40 Kazsiza. 314.03 Bouncer 3i5-30 ^^^^ "^^ "• ^" DORIES. Course 8 Miles. CATBOATS, Class W. Course 8 M. Start 1. 10. Start 1. 10. Prize 301.45 Coot 2 53.40 Cecil 3-04.30 KNICKERBOCKER YACHT CLUB. ANNUAL REGATTA. Saturday, June i. Course to Gangway Buoy and re- turn, 14!/^ Miles. Wind E. W. E., changing to S. W. light. SCHOONERS, Class F. Start 12.05 Elasped Cor. Time. Time. Yacht. H. M. s. H. M. s. Miladi 4.40.04 4.40.04 SLOOPS, Class L. Start 12.10. Mira 4 04.44 404.44 Paiute 4-34-32 4-34-32 White Wing 5.12.09 5.12.09 Gurnard 4.32.46 4.28.47 Nautilus 457.39 450.45 YAWLS, Class M. Start 12.15. Memory 4.21.03 4.21.03 NEWPORT Class. Hera Esperanza . . . SPECL\L, 30-foot Start 12.20. 402.52 4.02.52 403.33 4.03.33 SLOOPS, Class N. Start 12.25. Oiseau 3.5922 3.59.22 Alerion 4I5-32 4.1S.03 H. M. S Marion 4.08.11 4.08.11 Mab II Did not finish SLOOPS, Class N. K. Y. C. Start 12.25. Ouananiche 4.18.19 4. 18.19 Feydeh 5.13-57 5-13.09 Porgie 5.29.13 5-23.I3 RACEABOUTS. Start 12.30. Badger 4.12.12 Rogue 4.14.12 Oonagh 4.16.38 Snapper 4.23.21 Nirvana 4.27.03 CATBOATS, Class S. Start 12.25. Dot 4.03.09 4.03.09 Flyaway 4.46.47 4.46.27 Leisure Not timed CATBOATS, Class T. Start 12.35. Win or Lose 4.26.50 4.23.33 Thisbe Did not finish MANHASSET RACEABOUTS. Course 7}4 Miles. Start 12.30. Lambkin 2.44.04 Firefly 2.48.30 Mist 3.0D.02 Arizona 35500 THE YACHTING RECORD SS HUGUENOT YACHT CLUB. SPRING REGATTA. Saturday, May i8. Wind S. E., light. RACEABOUTS. Course 7 Miles. Start 2.35. Yacht. H. M. s. Rogue 1.31-55 Sis I-33-40 Oonagh i.34i5 Snapper d. n. f. SLOOPS, Class P. Course 7 Miles. Start 2.40. Alcedo 1.48.32 Bingo I-53.50 SLOOPS, Class Q. Course 7 Miles. Start 2.45. Nora 1.44.17 Ox 1.48.50 MANHASSET RACEABOUTS. Course 7 Miles. Start 2.45. Bab 1.4345 Arizona 1.46. 18 Mist 1.51.57 Firefly i. 52.15 DORIES. Course 3 Miles. Start 2.55. Ketch 1. 10.30 Scamp 1.22.40 Prize 1.24.50 ANNUAL REGATTA, August 24. Wind S. W;, mod. SLOOPS, Class L. Start 12.35. Course 15 Miles. Valerie 2.01.20 Red Cross 2.10.54 YAWLS, Class M. Start 11.40. Course 15 Miles. M. M. S. Memory 3.50.36 SLOOPS, Class M. Start 11.40. Ashumet d. n. f . SLOOPS, Class N. Start 11.45. Course 15 Miles. Alerion 3-41.52 Oiseau 342.29 CATBOATS, Class S. Start 12.45. Course ii]^ Miles. Echo d. n. f. RACEABOUTS. Start 12.50. Course iiJ4 Miles. Badger 2.05.01 Merrywing 2.05.39 Snapper d. n. f . Viper d. n. f . SLOOPS, Class P. Start 12.55. Course 7H Miles. Don 1.36.55 CATBOATS, Class V. Start i.oo. Course 7J^ Miles. Ox 1.58.13 Arline d. n. f. SLOOPS, Class Q. Start i.oo. Course yYz Miles. Montauk 1.38.50 Rod 1.40.10 Gazabo capsized -^Broncho disq. S4 THE YACHTING RECORD MANHASSET RACEABOUTS. Start 1. 00. Course 7^ Miles. H. M. S. Arizona 1.48.08 Firefly i.4'3.37 Bab 1.49.08 Lambkin i •54-55 SLOOPS, Class R. Start 1.05. Course 7^ Miles. Sora 1.33-30 Hope 1.36.00 Flim Flam 1-37-32 Kingfisher i -39-41 Opossum 1-43-45 Pandora d. n. f . Mystral d. n. f . CATBOATS, Class W. Start 1.05. Course 7^ Miles. Sneaker 2.26.30 DORIES. Start i.io. Course 3 Miles. Prize 1. 19.40 Ketch II d. n. f. HARLEM YACHT CLUB. ANNUAL REGATTA. Thursday, May 30. Wind N. E., light, flukey. Marguerite Bessie F. . . H. M S. • d . n. f. ..d. n. f. SLOOPS AND YAWLS. Class P. SLOOPS, Class K. Course 18 Miles. Start 1.20. Yacht. H. M. s. Course 13 Miles. Start 1.30 Sunshine d. n. f . Snapper 3.02.00 Nirvana 3.08.10 SLOOPS AND YAWLS, Class L. Course 18 Miles. Start 1.20. Mira 4-14-45 Aquila d. n. f. Memory d. n. f. Coquette d. n. f. Ramona d. n. f. CABIN CATBOATS, Class T. Course 13 Miles. Start 1.25. Golden Rod 4-29-35 Emily 4-37-00 Romance 3-25-45 Coquette 3 59.0D Roxane 4-33-O0 Naiad d. n. f. Gertrude d. n f. Fortuna d. n. f. CATBOATS, Class S. Course 13 Miles. Start i.35- Dot 2.41.30 Glory d, n. f . THE YACHTING RECORD 86 SLOOPS AND YAWLS, Class N. Course 13 Miles. Start 1.40. H. M. S. Alerion 2. 46.30 Elua 3-54-30 Vim 3.55.45 Petrel 4.04.00 Ereco d, n. f. SLOOPS AND CATBOATS, 21- foot Class. Course 9 Miles. Start 1.45. H. M. S. Ox 3.27.25 Gazabo 3.28.00 Ellide 3-5500 Undine d. n. f. Dottie Deane d. n. f. BRIDGEPORT YACHT CLUB, SPRING RACE, May 30. SLOOPS, Class N. Kit beat Tern 2 minutes 45 seconds elapsed time and 23 seconds corrected time. YAWLS, Class M. Yram beat Hadassah i minute 45 seconds. CATBOATS, Class T. sailover. Vagabond ANNUAL REGATTA, Saturday, August 10. Wind S., light to fresh. Course 10 and 15 Miles triangle. SLOOPS, Yacht. Defiance* . Titania* .. Class M. Start 12.15. H. M. s. 2.57.26 2.58.06 *Corrected time — Defiance, 2.27.56; Titania, 2.57.49. YAWLS, Class M. Memory 2.49.52 Yram 2.58.45 SLOOPS, Class N. Start 12.26. H. M. S. Alerion 2.45.59 Kit 2.52.26 Diana d. n. f . SLOOPS, Class P. Start 12.25. Folly 3.I4-44 Pampero* 3-19.52 *Pampero corrected time, 3.14.02. SLOOPS, Class Q. Start 12.35. Exella 2.22.10 Mercury 2.31. 16 RACEABOUTS. Start 12.35. Sis 2.58.17 Jolly Roger 3-03-I9 MANHASSET RACEABOUTS. Start 12.45. Lambkin 2.36.53 Firefly 2.37.01 Arizona 2.37.54 Bab 2.39.19 SLOOPS, Class R. Start 12.40. Monsoon 2.48.16 Lotus 2.50.26 56 THE YACHTING RECORD CATBOATS, Class T. Vagabond Shippan CATBOATS, Class V. Little Joe Start 12.35. Dora* 2.45.36 3.20.27 Tout* 2.45.01 d. n. f. Alicef disq 2.25.33 *Corrected time — Tout, 2.42.33 ; Start 12.35. Dora, 2.39.00. 2.31.36 t Alice measured out of the class. HARTFORD YACHT CLUB. ANNUAL REGATTA, July 4. Wind S. E. Course 9 Miles. SLOOPS, Class L. Start 11. 10. H. M. S. Saunterer 1.59-45 SLOOPS, Class N. Start 11. 10. Nellie 1.50.24 SLOOPS, Class P. Start 11. 15. Why Not 2.32.22 Ella 2.37.20 Lily 2.43.30 Alice 2.47.38 SLOOPS, Class Q. Start 11.15. Red Jacket 2.07.07 Crescent 2.22.48 DORIES. Start 12.04. Course 4 Miles. Sea Gull 5S.o6 Gretchen 57.24 FENWICK HALL CUP. Elapsed Cor'cted Yacht. Time. Time. Nellie 1.50.24 1.40.28 Red Jacket 2.07.07 1.48.47 Saunterer 1.59.45 1.59.45 Crescent 2.22.48 2.04.12 Why Not 2.32.22 2.20.16 Ella 2.37.20 2.24.33 H. M. S. Lily 2.43.30 2.29.52 Alice 2.47.38 2.35.24 FALL REGATTA, August 31. Wind S. E., mod. Course 9 Miles. SLOOPS, Class P. Start 11. 15. Why Not 1.58.54 Alice 2.04.16 SLOOPS, Class Q. Start 11. 15. Red Jacket 1.50.51 Exella 1.54.38 SLOOPS, Class R. Start 11. 15. Tyro 2.14.00 Anna 2.14.20 SEAWANHAKA KNOCK- ABOUTS. Start 11.20. Senta 1.51.30 Kittiwynk 1.52.03 Midge 1.54.00 Gloria 1.54.23 DORIES. Course 4 Miles. Sea Gull 1.35. 12 Gretchen 1.40.12 Ha Ha 1.40.17 Sandpiper 1.40.51 Zero 1.41.12 Nemo 1.49.4c THE YACHTING RECORD S7 CORINTHIAN YACHT CLUB OF STAMFORD ANNUAL REGATTA, July 20. Sloops, Class N. — Florence May won; Village Maid second; Stranger third. Catboats, Class T. — ^Win or Lose won ; Frou Frou second ; Lillian third. Catboats, Class V.— Tom Boy won ; Elmer L. second; Vivian third. Catboats, Class W.— Hornet won; Phoebe second ; Nellie third. SACHEM'S HEAD YACHT CLUB ANNUAL REGATTA, Sept. 2. Wind N., mod. to light. Courses, all over 21 feet, 8J^ knots; others 6 knots. SLOOPS, Class M. Start 11.50. H. M. S. Titania 2.58.17 Pawnee d. n. f. SLOOPS, Class N. Start 11.50. Commodore 3.12.50 Spray z.Si.iJ SLOOPS, Class P. Start 11.55. Dione 3.00.36 Ghoorka 3-I3-33 Exella d. n. f. SEAWANHAKA KNOCK- ABOUTS. Start 11.55- Midge 3.28.19 H. M. f. Gloria d. n. f . Kittiwynk 3-33-28 Senta d. n. f. Thelga d. n. f. SLOOPS, Class Q. Start 12 M. Nelson 2.25.10 Aphrodite 2.26.42 Nereus 2.27.23 CATBOATS, Class V. Start 12 M. Meteor 2.25.40 Siren 2.31.46 CONN. RIVER BOATS. Start 12 M. Crinoline 2.37-58 Nora d. n. f . DORIES. Start 12 M. Gretchen 2.53.49 Hunky Dory 3-04.13 NORTHPORT YACHT CLUB ANNUAL REGATTA, July 27. Wind S. E., light to S. W. fresh. SLOOPS, Class L. Course 15 Miles. Start 1.05. SLOOPS, Class K. Yacht. H. M. S. Gaviota .4-51-55 SLOOPS, Class L. Start I. OS Tigress .4-40.52 Rowena 4-5S>59 58 THE YACHTING RECORD CATBOATS, Class S. Course 15 Miles. Start 1.20. CATBOATS, Class T. Course 10 Miles. Start 1.30. H. M. S. Uarda 2.24.54 H. M. S. Dot 3-I9-IO ,r , , Windora d. n. f. Vagabond 2.27.40 Kathleen 2.39.04 KACEABOUTS. Course 10 Miles. Start 1.25. Badger 2.18.15 Persimmon 2.21.00 Merrywing 2.21.23 Scamp 2. 22.03 Jolly Roger 2.23.03 SLOOPS, Class P. Course 10 Miles. Start 1.30, Ojibway 2.21.1^ Coquette 2.28.02 CATBOAT, Class W. Course 10 Miles. Start 1.35. Kathryn 2.51.55 HEMPSTEAD HARBOR YACHT CLUB. TENTH ANNUAL REGATTA, Saturday, Aug. 3. Wind S., fresh. SLOOPS, Class. M. Yacht. H. M. s. Possum 3. 16. 10 Memory 3- 12.33 O'Shima San d. n. f. SLOOPS, Class N. Oiseau 3.14.26 Alerion d. n. f. RACEABOUTS. Merrywing i-45.ii Snapper 1.48.33 Viper d. n. f. SLOOPS, Class P. Don 1.53.35 Eleanor 2.21. 16 SLOOPS, Class Q. Rod 1.56.35 Montauk 2.02 00 Quoc d. n. f. SLOOPS, Class R. Cricket 1.54.20 H. M. S. Neola I-55-5I Flim Flam 2.00.36 Hope 2.05.05 Opossum 2.05.19 Pandorg 2.06.00 Mystral 2.07.50 Moya 2.10.50 MANHASSET RACEABOUTS. Arizona 2.08.17 Bab 2.09.00 Lambkin 2.09.26 Firefly 2.11.15 Mist 2.14.14 CATBOATS, CLASS W. Kazaza 2.03 00 Arline 2.12.34 Vera d. n. f. SPECIAL 15-FOOT CLASS. Scout 1.45.06 Bouncer 1.51.40 Fiddler I-54.30 Wee Win 1.30.50 THE YACHTING RECORD 59 HORSESHOE HARBOR YACHT CLUB ANNUAL REGATTA. Saturday, Aug lo. Wind N. W., fresh. SLOOPS, Class M. Yacht. H. M. s. Oiseau 2.17.24 Possum d. n. f. SLOOPS, Class P. Don 1.38.30 RACEABOUTS. Merrywing i. 33-15 Persimmon I-35-2I Badger 1.38.27 Vagabond i. 40.41 SLOOPS, Class Q. Montauk 1-43.39 SLOOPS, Class R. Cricket 1.44.16 Sora I-49-I7 Nora I.52.33 Kingfisher 1.54.22 Neola 1.55.06 Pandora Hope . . ,d. n. f. ,d. n. f. CATBOATS, Class S. Nymph 1.36.44 CATBOATS, Class T. Arrow 1-49.57 Vera 2.07.26 CATBOATS, Class W. Vera 2.02.09 Punch 2.11.31 Arline 2.22.25 lone 2.23.30 Miriam 2.23.53 CATBOATS, Class V. Kazaza 2.06.34 Wee Win 2.06.34 CATBOATS, 15-foot Class Scout 2.05.12 Askme 2.15.30 Barnacle d. n, f. MANHASSET BAY YACHT CLUB. ANNUAL REGATTA, Saturday, June 8. Wind W., strong. SLOOPS, Class N. Course 10 M. Start 12.40. Yacht. H. M. s. Leda 2.57.36 Anoatok 3.03.43 YAWLS, Class M. Memory 3.06.22 SLOOPS, Class N. Special. Course 19 Miles. Start 12.45. H M. S. Esperanza 3. 01.21 Hera 3-03.14 SLOOPS, Class W. Course 19 M. Start 12.45. Alerion 3.16.58 Enpronzi 3-17-39 Oiseau disabled THE YACHTING RECORD CATBOATS, Class S. Course 19 M. Start 12.45. H. M. S. Dot 3.28.07 Flyaway d. n. f . CATBOATS, Class T. Course 11 M. Start 1.05. Win or Lose d. n. f. H. M. S. Lambkin 1.49.19 Bab 1.50.54 Mist 1.53.33 Firefly I.55-3I SPECIAL KNOCKABOUTS. Course 9]^ Miles. Start 1.15. Scintilla 1.40.31 Lassie 1.44.27 RACEABOUTS. Course 11 Miles Start 12.50. Badger 1.54.29 SLOOPS, Class Q. Course 9^ M Start 1.05. Ox 2.05.00 SLOOPS, Class R. Course 9^ M. Start 1. 10. Sora 1.42. 10 Cricket 1.43.00 Mystral 1.52.50 Nora 1.56.21 1.47.42 Chipmunk 2.OQ.34 Rogue disabled Snapper disabled Sis d. n. f. S. C Y. C. KNOCKABOUTS. Course 11 Miles. Start i.oo. Ruby 2.02.27 MANHASSET RACEABOUTS. Course 9^ Miles. Start i.oo. Arizona , MANHASSET RACEABOUTS. Record of Club Races. Yachts No. of Starts ist 2d Firefly 28 12 7 Arizona ...25 8 7 Lambkin 27 5 9 Bab.. .26 4 II Mist 20 3 I Record for Opfn Races. Yachts No. of Starts ist 2d Arizona 18 10 3 Lambkin 18 5 4 Firefly 11 2 7 Bab 15 2 3 Mist 12 — I th 4th 5th 3 5 4 6 3 5 5 3 6 3 2 7 6 3 th 4th 5th 5 — — 3 2 4 I 4 — 5 3 2 4 5 2 THE YACHTING RECORD 61 AMERICAN YACHT CLUB RACES, SEASON J90h ONE-DESIGN CLASS. Date. No. Boats. Winner. Second. July 4 6 H. A. Sherman. . . A. J. Cumnock. July 13 7 S. Wainwright. . . .W. W. Caswell. July 20 9 S„ Wainwright. . . .H. A. Sherman. July 27 10 W. W. Caswell. . . S. Ford. Aug. 3 10 W. W. Caswell ... A. J. Cumnock. Aug. 10 9 S. Wainwright. . . .H. A. Sherman. Aug. 31, A. M 10 H. Sherman A. O. Sherman. Aug. 31, P. M 10 W. W. Caswell... W. H. Browning. Sept. 5, A. M 5 H. A. Sherman ... A. Sherman. Sept. 5, P. M 5 A. Sherman H. Sherman. NORWALK YACHT CLUB. Spring Regatta, June 15TH. Regular Triangular Courses. SLOOPS, Class H. Kit, first; Kestrel, second. CATBOATS, Class S. Ayil. sailover. CAT BOATS, Class T. Vagabond, first; Duchess, second. SEAWANHAKA KNOCKABOUTS, Pampero won. Annual Regatta, Sept. 2d, SLOOPS, Class M. Express, first; Defiance, second; Adele, third; Akista, fourth. SLOOPS, Class N. Diana, first; Kit, second; Kestrel, third; Elsa, fourth. SLOOPS, Class P. Folly, first; Ojib- way, second. RACEABOUTS. Sis. first. Rogue, second. SEAWANHAKA KNOCKABOUTS. Dacoit, first; Pampero, second. CATBOATS, Class T. Vagabond, first; Duchess, second. CATBOATS, Class V. Little Joe. first; Critic, second; Ox, third. CATBOATS, Class W. Grace, first; Ask Me, second; Vision, third; Dudline, fourth. SLOOPS, Class R. Monsoon, first, Lotus, second. eg THE YACHTING RECORD HUNTINGTON YACHT CLUB. ANNUAL REGATTA, Saturday, August 31. Wind S. E., light to fresh. SLOOPS AND YAWLS, Class M. Course 16 Miles. Start 12:35. H. M. S. Ashumet 3 08.43 Memory 3 11 08 SPECIAL RACE. Course 16 Miles. Start 12 35. Windora 502.35 Empress 5.09-57 SLOOPS, Class N. Course 16 Miles. Start 12.40. Oiseau 3 03. 38 Alerion.. 305.15 Hannah Disabled RACEABOUTS. Course 10 Miles. Start 12 45. Merrywing 2. 19 09 Badger 2.21.09 CLASSES P and T. Course 10 Miles. Start 12.50. H. M. S. Murmur 23208 Vagabond *2 35 01 Ojlbway 2 34.34 Molly S Disabled *Corrected time — Vagabond, 2.33,33 CLASSES Q and V. Course 10 Miles. Start 12.55. Montauk 2.33 10 Quoc 2 35.38 Rod 2 36 35 Ox 2 47 20 CLASSES R and W. Course 10 Miles. Start 1. 00. Sandpiper 2 48 42 Hope 2 Ko 44 Daphne 3 03 25 Imp d. n. f. Harlequin d. n, f. THE YACHTING RECORD 6S CHAMPIONSHIPS OF LONG ISLAND SOUND. SLOOPS, CLASS L, 43-FOOT CLASS. No. of Yachts Races Yacht. Racedays.competing.sailed. Points. Possible. Dorwina 16 16 9 14 16 SLOOPS, CLASS M, 36-FOOT CLASS. Leda 16 16 8 27 29 SLOOPS, CLASS N, 30-FOOT CLASS. Oiseau 17 Alerion 17 SLOOPS, CLASS Don 16 SLOOPS, CLASS Montauk 17 Ox 17 Opossum 15 Hope 15 Sora 15 Cricket 15 Mystral 15 YAWLS, CLASS M, 36-FOOT CLASS. Memory 18 6 15 13 CATBOATS, CLASS S, 30-FOOT CLASS. Dot 15 12 8 15 RACEABOUTS. Merrywing 17 13 12 46 Badger 17 13 16 56 Snapper 17 13 10 21 Viper 17 13 9 9 MANHASSET RACEABOUTS. Arizona i Firefly i Lambkin i Bab I Mist I 10 9 II 8 6 37 23 24 14 II 13 15 53 58 42 43 40 43 35 28 Per cent. 87.5 930 23 14 43 46 93.2 23 16 Z7 58 63.8 p, 25-FOOT CLASS. 20 8 13 14 92.8 Q, 21-FOOT CLASS. 15 9 24 26 92.3 15 10 10 21 47.6 R, 18-FOOT CLASS. 19 ID 46 72 63-9 19 10 42 71 59.0 19 8 31 55 56.4 19 12 45 85 52.9 19 II 36 76 47-4 100. 100. To qualify, a yacht had to start in half the races arranged for There were no qualifications in other classes. 86.8 82.35 50.0 25.0 86.0 57-5 55.8 40.0 390 the class. 94 THE YACHTING RECORD ATLANTIC YACHT CLUB, CLUB REGATTA, Thursday, May 30. Wind S. E., moderate. SLOOPS, Class K. Start 3.05. Yacht. H. M. s. Mariquita 2.06.08 Ondawa 2.06.26 SLOOPS, Class M. Start 3.10. Akista 1. 16.43 YAWLS, Class M. Start 3.10. We Win It 1.28.51 SLOOPS, Class P. Start 3.10. Song and Dance 1.3904 SLOOPS, Class R. Start 315. Pebble 1.31.07 Peanut 1.37.28 SPECIAL REGATTA, SATUR- DAY, June I. Wind S. E., fresh. SLOOPS, Class M. Start 3.10. Akista 2.02.09 Titania .2.11.45 SLOOPS, Class N. Start 3.10. Squaw 1 .27.34 SLOOPS, Class P. Start 3.10. Song and Dance 1.24.56 SLOOPS, Class Q. Start 310. Wraith 1.31.11 Wink 1.37.42 SLOOPS, Class R. Start 3.10. Peanut 1.44.23 Pebble 1.44-57 CATBOATS, Class T. Start 3.10. Qui Vive 1.26.38 CATBOATS, Class V. Start 3.10. Elsie H. M. 9. I.45.II ANNUAL REGATTA, TUESDAY, June 18. Wind S. S. E., light to fresh. SCHOONERS, Class D. Course 25^ Miles. Start 11.20. Quissetta 3-49.05 Elmina 3.49.10 Amorita 3.51.29 SLOOPS, Special Class. Course 25^ Miles. Start 11.20. Isolde 4.06.32 Isolt* 4.25.58 *Isolt, corrected time 4.16.59. SLOOPS, Class K. Course 19 Miles. Start 11.25. Humma 305.30 Altair 3.07.10 Huguenot 3.26.55 SLOOPS, Class K. Cruising trim. Course 19 Miles. Start 11.40. Ondawa 3.38.18 Mariquita 3.42.15 CLASS L. Start 11.30. Bonito disq. SLOOPS, Class M. Course 16 Miles. Start 11.30. Leda 2.55.12 Akista 3.23.12 SLOOPS, Special Class. Course 16 Miles. Start 11.30. Selnada* 3.25.04 Siren 3.23.23 *Selnada, corrected time 3. 19.13. THE YACHTING RECORD 65 SLOOPS, Class P. Course i6 Miles. Start 11.35. H. M. S. Song and Dance 2.43.00 Cockatoo 2.45.00 Apteryx 2.48.00 SLOOPS, Class Q. Course 9 Miles. Start 11.35. Wraith sail over SLOOPS, Class R. Course 9 Miles. Start 11.35. Pebble 3.05.40 Peanut 3.23.06 SATURDAY, June 29. G. B. Y. R. A. Wind S., fair, SLOOPS, Class M. Start 3.05. Akista 2.21. 18 Bonito 2.53.25 SLOOPS, Class M. Start 3.05. Vivian 2. 18.31 Narika 2.55.52 Susie d. n. f. SLOOPS, Class Q. Special. Start 3.10. Minnetonka i ,30.00 SLOOPS, Class P. Start 3.10. Cockatoo 1.20.04 Song and Dance 1.20.44 Apteryx d, n. f. SLOOPS, Class Q. Start 3,10. Broncho 1.24.49 Spots 1.27.35 Wraith 1,29.02 Elsie , 1.30.15 SLOOPS, Class R, Start 3.10. Pebble 1,36.23 Peanut d, n, f. M. & F, RACEABOUTS, Start 3.i5- H. M. S. Jig a Jag 1.30.07 Quinque 2,17.48 Vixen 2.19.22 Kelpie 2.41 .36 Flying Fox 2,42,00 Stinger 2,43.24 JULY 14, G. B. Y. R. A. Wind E,, moderate, SLOOPS, Class M. Start 3.05. Akista 1.44.47 SLOOPS, Class N, Start 305. Vivian 1,41,28 Squaw 1. 51.22 Bonito 1.53.31 SLOOPS, Class P. Start 3.10. Cockatoo 1. 13.03 Song and Dance 1.1309 SLOOPS, Class Q, Start 3.10. Broncho 1. 15-37 Spots 1. 16.40 Wraith 1. 17.58 Wink 1.18,35 M, & F. RACEABOUTS. Stinger 1.19,15 Quinque 1.20,15 Kelpie 1,20,18 Jig a Jag 1,21,20 Vixen 1,22,15 Flying Fox 1,26,20 August 10. G. B, Y. R, A, Wind S. W., light. SLOOPS, Class M. Start 3,20, Vivian 307,45 Akista 3.32.30 66 THE YACHTING RECORD SLOOPS, Class N. Start 3.20. H. M. S. Squaw 1.23.40 SLOOPS, Class P. Start 3.25. Cockatoo 1.22.25 Song and Dance I.33-38 SLOOPS, Class Q. Start 3.25. Wraith 1.29.20 Spots 1.33.44 SLOOPS, Class R. Start 3.25. Pebble 1.40.55 Budget disabled Constance d. n. f. M. & F. RACEABOUTS. Start 3.30. Jig a Jag 1.37-35 Kelpie 1.38.15 Vixen 1.38.33 Stinger .1.40.08 Quinque 1.42.15 Flying Fox > 1.42.55 September 7. G. B. Y. R. A. Wind S., light. SLOOPS, Class P. Start 3.10. H. M. S. Cockatoo I-33.05 Corona 1.42.30 SLOOPS, Class Q. Start 3-io. Wraith 1.37-40 Wink 1.40.27 Broncho 1.41-38 SLOOPS, Class R. Start 3.10. Budget 1.41.16 Pebble 1.50.06 Pickaniny 1-53-58 M. & F. RACEABOUTS. Start 3-30. Kelpie 2.15.40 Vixen not timed Flying Fox " Quinque Stinger Jig a Jag ANNUAL CRUISE. RENDEZVOUS, LARCHMONT, AUGUST 24. RUN TO NORWALK ISLANDS. Wind S. W. S. E. squalls. SCHOONERS. Start. Finish. Yacht. H. M. s. H. M. s. Loyal 12.05.00 2.00.15 Water Witch 12.05.00 2.16.00 Glendoveer 12.05.00 2.29.05 Neaera 12.05.00 2.32. 10 SLOOPS, SPECIAL CLASS. Humma 12.10.00 2.04.15 Isolt 12. 10.00 2. 19.20 Ondawa 12.10.00 2.28.05 Elapsed Corrected Time. Time. H. M. s. H. M. £,. I.55-I5 2.1 1. 00 2.24.05 2.27.10 1.54.15 I-54-I5 2.09.20 1.54-28 2.18.05 THE YACHTING RECORD 67 SLOOPS, CLASS I. H M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. H. M. S. Vinita 12.15.00 4.03.40 3.48.40 Bonito 12.15.00 4.06.30 3-5I-30 SLOOPS, CLASS M. Akista 12.15.00 4.14.40 3-5940 disq. Narika 12.15.00 4.19.20 4.04.20 SLOOPS, CLASS M. Selnada 12.15.00 4.03.40 3.48.40 CATBOATS, CLASS S. Dot 12.15.00 4.06.30 351.30 AUGUST 26. RUN TO MORRIS COVE. Wind N. N. E. to S. E., light. SCHOONERS, CLASS B. Water Witch 9.17.00 3.50.46 6.45.46 SCHOONERS, CLASS F. Loyal 9.05.00 3.19.22 6.14.22 Glendoveer 9.05.00 3.48.50 6.43.50 SLOOPS, SPECL\L CLASS. Isolt 9.10.00 2.57.35 547.35 5.06.54 *Humma 9.10.00 2.22.25 5-12.55 5.12.55 *Humma allow 13 per cent, of her time, 40 min. 41 sec. Eclipse 9.10.00 4.51.00 7.41.00 ' SLOOPS, CLASS K. Ondawa 9. 10.00 3.25.32 6. 15.32 Mariquita 9.10.00 4.16.21 7.06.16 SLOOPS, CLASSES L AND M. Akista 9.15.00 3.53.18 6.38.18 Vinita ^ 9.15.00 4.27.04 7.12.04 Bonito 9.15.00 452.50 737-50 Narika 9.15.00 5-30.38 8.25.38 AUGUST 27. RUN TO NEW LONDON. Wind variable and Calm. SCHOONERS, CLASS B. Water Witch 8.35.00 9.19.00 12.44.00 Varuna 8.35.00 Did not finish. 68 THE YACHTING RECORD SCHOONERS, CLASS F. Loyal 8.3500 3-5o.li 7-i5-ii 7-08.31 Glendoveer 8.35.00 Did not finish. SLOOPS, SPECIAL CLASS. Isolt 8.40.00 *Humma 8.40.00 Eclipse 8.40.00 *Hiimma allows 50 min. 20 sec. SLOOPS, c; Ondawa 8.40.00 Mariqtiita 8.40.00 Vanessa 8.40.00 SLOOPS, CLASS Bonito 8.45.00 Akista 8.45.00 Vinita 8.45.00 3.40.54 7.00.54 6.10.34 3-07-15 6.27.15 6.27.15 Not timed. .SS K. 4-18.43 7.38.43 Not timed Did not finish AND M. 9.20.00 12.35.00 9.35-00 12.50.00 10.00.00 13-1500 AUGUST 28, RUN TO SHELTER ISLAND. Wind, S. Fresh. SCHOONERS. Loyal 10.05.00 Varuna 10.05.00 Water Witch 10.05.00 SLOOPS, SPECIAI Humma 10.10.00 Isolt 10.10.00 SLOOPS, CLA Ondawa 10.10.00 Mariquita 10. 10.00 SLOOPS, CLASSES Vinita 10.15.00 Bonito 10.15.00 Akista 10.15.00 2.20.08 4-15-08 2.28.40 4-33-40 2.30.00 4-35-00 CLASS. 1-17-45 3-27-45 1. 27.16 3-57.16 S K. 2.42.55 4-52.SS Did not finish . AND M. 2.22.45 4-37-45 2.25.35 4-40.35 3.27.00 5-42.00 MAFINE AND FIELD CLUB. MATCH RACE. Saturday, August 24. Saturday, June i. Wind S. W., light. Course 6 Miles. Wind S. E., light. Course 6 Miles. Jig a Jag 2.18.32 Quinque 2.21. 10 Quinque 2.26.12 Kelpie 2.24.47 Kelpie 2.35.00 THE YACHTING RECORD 69 YACHT RACING ASSOCIATION OF GRAVE- SEND BAY. Clubs.— Atlantic Yacht Club, Brooklyn Yacht Club, Marine and Field Club, New York Canoe Club. Course, triangle, on Gravesend Bay. JUNE I 8 15 22 29 SLOOPS, CLASS M. A.Y.C. B.Y.C. N.Y.C. M.&F. A.Y.C. Akista, Geo. Hill i i — i i Bonito, Haviland Bros — 2522 Titania, W. H. Childs 2 — — — — SLOOPS, CLASS N. Squaw, H. J. Heath s s 2 s — Vivian, S. E. Vernon — — — — i Susie, C. Ferguson — — i — D Narika, F. T. Cornell — — — — 2 SLOOPS, CLASS P. Song and Dance, E. F. Luckenback s s s 2 2 Cockatoo, Hendon Chubb — — — i i SLOOPS, CLASS Q. Wraith, Calvin Tomkins i i 2 i 3 Spots, D. D. Allerton — — — D 2 Wink, W. A. Barstow 2 2 3 2 — Broncho, F. C. Moore — — i D i Elsie, C. P. Rosemon — 3 — D 4 Corodo, A. Peters — — — 3 — CLASS Q, SPECIAL. Minnetonka, S. E. Vernon — — — — s SLOOPS, CLASS R. Pebble, R. W. Speir 2 i 2 i i Peanut, Calvert Brewer i 2 i 2 D 70 THE YACHTING RECORD MARINE AND FIELD KNOCKABOUTS. Kelpie, W. K. Brown — s i i 4 Jig-a-Jag, W. A. Hutcheson — ~ — 4 i Quinque, L. H. Smith — — 2 2 2 Vixen, Baylor and Mahoney — — — 5 3 Stinger, A. P. Clapp — — — 6 6 Flying Fox, Cone and Buckman — — — 3 5 CATBOATS, CLASS T. Elsie, C. P. Rosemon — — s — — Qui Vive, Geo. Freath s — — — — CATBOATS, CLASS V. Martha M., Richard Moore — s s s s Elsie, C. P. Rosemon s — — — — JULY 4 13 20 27 SLOOPS, CLASS M. G.B.A. A.Y.C N.Y.C. B.Y.C Akista, Geo. Hill i s — 2 Vivian, S. E. Vernon 2 — — i SLOOPS, CLASS N. Squaw, H. T. Heath s 2 — — Vivian, S. E. Vernon — i — — Bonito, Haviland Bros — 3 — — SLOOPS, CLASS P. Song and Dance, E. F. Luckenback i 2 2 i Cockatoo, Hendon Chubb — i i 2 Corona, J. E. Beggs D — — — SLOOPS, CLASS Q. Wraith, Calvin Tomkins i 3 i i Spots, D. D. Allerton 2 2 2 — Wink, W. A. Barstow D 4 — 3 Broncho, F. C. Moore — i 3 2 SLOOPS, CLASS R. Pebble, R. W. Speir i — i 2 Budget, Hy. Anthony — — 2 i Peanut, Calvert Brewer D — — 3 Pickaninny, L. R. Connett — — — 4 IHE YACHTING RECORD 71 MARINE AND FIELD KNOCKABOUTS. Kelpie, \V, K. Brown i 3 i 5 Jig-a-Jag, \V. A. Hutcheson 4 4 6 2 Quinque, L. H. Smith 6 2 5 4 Vixen, Taylor and Mahoney 2 5 4 i Stinger, A. P. Clapp 3 i 3 6 Flying Fox, Cone and Buckman 5 6 2 3 AUGUST —SEPTEMBER— 3 10 31 2 7 21 SLOOPS, CLASS M. M.&F. A.Y.C M.&F. G.B.A. A.Y.C. N.Y.C. Akista, Geo. Hill — 2 — — — — Bonito, Haviland Bros — — — — — s Vivian, S. E. Vernon — i — — — — SLOOPS, CLASS N. Squaw, H. T. Heath — s — — — — Vivian, S. E. Vernon — — i — — s Gwendolyn, H. G. S. Noble — — 2 — — — SLOOPS, CLASS P. Song and Dance, E. F. Liickenback. D 2 i 2 3 i Cockatoo, Hendon Chubb i i 2 i i dis. Corona, J. E. Beggs — — — — 2 — Wraith, Calvin Tomkins — — — 3 — — SLOOPS, CLASS Q. . Wraith, Calvin Tomkins i I i — i i Spots, D. D. Allerton D 2 2 — — 2 Wink, W. A. Barstow — — — — 2 3 Broncho, F. C. Moore — — — — 3 — SLOOPS, CLASS R. Pebble, R. W. Speir D i 2 2 2 2 Budget, Hy. Anthony i D i i i i Pickanniny, L. R. Connett D — D D 3 — Constance, F. D. Prentice — D — — — D MARINE AND FIELD KNOCKABOUTS. Kelpie, W. K. Brown i 2 2 — i — Jig-a-Jag, W. A. Hutcheson D i i — 3 i Quinque, L. H. Smith D 5 dis. — 4 2 7S 7 HE YACHTING RECORD Vixen, Baylor & Mahoney D 3 3 Stinger, A. P. Clapp D 4 4 Flying Fox, Cone & Buckman .... — 6 6 CATBOATS, CLASS V. Elsie, C. P. Rosemon — — — S., sailover; D, did not finish; dis., disqualified. SUMMARY. Sail- SLOOPS, CLASS M. Starts.overs. ist. 2nd. 3rd. 4th. Akista 8 i 5 2 o Bonito 5 2 o 3 o Vivian 3 2 i o Titania i o o i o SLOOPS, CLASS N. Squaw 7 5 o 2 o Vivian 4 i 3 o Susie 2 o I o Narika i i o o Gwendolyn i o i o Bonito I o o o SLOOPS, CLASS P. Song and Dance 15 3 4 6 i o Cockatoo *ii 08200 Corona 2 o i o Wraith i o o i SLOOPS, CLASS Q. Wraith ,. ... 14 11 1 2 o Spots 9 7 o Wink 9 o 4 3 I Broncho 7 3 i 2 o Elsie 3 o I I Corodo I o o I o SLOOPS, CLASS Q, SPECIAL. Minnetonka i i o o SLOOPS, CLASS R. Pebble 14 6 7 Did not 5th. 6th. Fin.Pts. 0— 71 0— 34 0— 28 0— 8 — 41 0— 35 I— 10 a- 8 0- 8 0- 6 o — 109 O — 96 I — 8 o — 6 0—130 2— 56 I— 54 I— 50 I— 10 0- 6 0— 5 1 — 116 THE YACHTING RECORD 73 Budget 8 6 i Peanut 7 o 2 2 Pickanniny 5 o o Constance 2 o o o MARINE AND FIELD KNOCKABOUTS. Kelpie 12 i 6 2 Jig-a-Jag II o 4 I Quinque *I2 005 Vixen 10 i 2 Stinger 9 i o Flying Fox 8 o o i CATBOATS, CLASS T. Elsie I I o Qui Vive i i o o CATBOATS, CLASS V. Martha M 5 5 o Elsie I I o *Disqualified once. I— 68 I 2— 42 I I 3— 10 2— I I I 0— 93 I 3 I 1-67 2 2 I I— 53 3 I 2 I— 52 2 2 3 I— 33 2 3 2 0— 28 0- 5 0— 5 0— 25 0— 5 BROOKLYN YACHT CLUB. FORTY-FOURTH ANNUAL RE- GATTA. " Monday, June 17. Wind S. E., moderate. Courses Lower Bay. SLOOPS, Class L. Start 11.05. Elapsed Finish. Time. Yacht. H. M. s. H. M. s. Gladys 2.25.40 3.20.40 Narcissus 2.47.27 3.42.27 SLOOPS, Class M. Start 11.05. Bess 1.49.24 2.44.24 Akista I.5I-59 2.46.59 H. M. S. Bonita 2.06.51 3. 01. 51 Kangaroo 2.08.56 3.03.56 Siren Did not finish SLOOPS, Class N. Start 11.05. Squaw 1.58.29 2.53.29 Susie 2.03.18 2.58.18 SLOOPS, Class P. Start 11. 15. Gracie E 1-38.59 2.23.59 Elsie 1.51-50 2.36.50 SLOOPS, Class Q. Start 11. 15. Wraith i. 04.19 i. 49.19 CATBOATS, Class W. Start 11.25. Martha M Did not finish 74 THE YACHTING RECORD RACING NUMBERS. The number, owner and racing length of yachts in New York Harbor and Long Island Sound for 1901. arranged to their classification, follow: — SCHOONERS A; First-Class; Over 9 5- feet racing length No. Name Racing Length Owner 1 Alsacienne Caius C Bragg 2 Brunhilde John M. Masury 3 Constellation 107.24. . .F. Skinner Jr. 4 Coronet 114.84. . .John I. Waterbury 5 Fleetwing 100.66 J. R. De Lamar 6 Gitana 7 Intrepid q8 01 . . 8 Lady Evelyn 10 Endymion George Lauder Jr 11 Ramona 105 84 B. M. Whitlock 12 Columbia 97.98, .Joseph de F. Junkin 14 Wanderer W. H. Reynolds 16 Hildegarde 107.82. .George W. Weld 17 Vesta J . Fred Ackerman B; 95-foot Class; 95 to 85 feet racing length I Atalanta Robert C. H. Brock 3 Alert 91.58. ... . .Clement A. Griscom 4 Atlanta 86.31. Wilson Marshall 5 Corona 93.07. . . .Lewis Cass Ledyard 6 Comanche 85.74. . .W. D. Bishop, Jr 7 Emerald 91.07 William E. Iselin 8 Fleur de Lys Dr. L. A. Stimson 9 Fortuna 94.57 IL D. Wolcott 11 Mayflower 89.63. .W. Amory Gardner 12 Merlin 93.35 W. H. Forbes 13 Montauk William H. Langley 15 Phantom 86.52 H. S. Parmelee 16 Sachem 90.16 Frederick T. Adams 17 Sea Fox Alanson Tucker 18 Speranza No. Name Racing Length Owner 19 Saxon 90 20. . . J. I. Waterbury 20 Varuna Frederick F. Aii-es 21 Viking James D. Smith 22 Miranda 85.79 • • .Charles H. Nelson 23 America Butler Ames C; 85-foot Class; 85 to 75 feet racing length 2 Ariel 83.53 Francis L. Leland 3 Clytie 79.46 Henry C. Ward 4 Comet William H. Langley 5 Crusader 81.90 S. L. Husted, Jr 8 Iroquois 82 . 28 9 Magic 7822 10 Marguerite 83.48. .Prescott H. Butler 11 Puritan 12 Water Witch David Banks 13 Wayfarer 76.88 W. H. Patterson 14 Hermit W. J. Morse D; 75-foot Class; 75 to 65-feet racing length 1 Amorita 74.58 W. Gould Brokaw 2 Actaea 3 Elmina 73.10 F F. Brewster 4Alda F. M. Crawford 5 Avalon Francis L. Leland 6 Cavalier 70.00 Jefferson Hogan 7 Carlotta Charles F. Ulrich 9 Rosemary 74.67 Frederick C. Fletcher 11 Harbinger 67.57. .. Henry G. Russell 12 Ingomar 67.52 Morton F. Plant 13 Ivanhoe 14 Meteor William H. Raab 16 Nirvana. Geo. G. Tyson 18 Quickstep 70.11. . .Frederick Grinnell 19 Quissetta 73 59 Henry F, Lippitt IHE YACHTING RECORD 76 No. Name Racing Length Owner 20 Kirin. Maximilian Agassiz 21 Shamrock 73.07. . . .Willard P. Ward 22 Sylph 72.40 . . . C. Fabyan Monroe 24 Muriel 72.20 ., Charles Smiihers 25 'Winona 73 90. . .Charles McK Loeser 26 Katrina 73.14 James B. Ford 27 Latona 73.00 Henry C. Eno 2S Karlielmina William J. Curiis F; C-5-foot Class; 65 feet and tinder, rac- ing length I Agnes 58.44.... J. Morton Winslow 2 Altama 3 Leslie 5 Beatrice 6 Carrie 7 Clochette Eugene L. Bushe 8 Curlew 12 Fenella 56.39 E. J. Bergen 13 Gabrielle 32.46 14 Gevaiia 62.53. • • Howard W. Coates 15 Glendoveer 57.42. .Malcolm Graham 16 Grampus Samuel F. Houston 1 7 Jewel 18 Kismet James Cockcraft 19 Lotus 60.85 .. . 20 Loyal 64.37 Robert P. Doremus 22 Meta 23 Monhegan . Clark A. Miller 24 Neaera 59.31. . . .Thomas A. Mclntyre 25 Mercedes 26 Orithyia Frederick D. Lee 29 Signal R. Temple Emmet 30 Social 31 Southern Cross Edward F. Cole 33 Triton 35 Kiwassa 65.34 E.P.Morse 37 Vif R. Floyd Clarke 38 Whim 39 Woodmansie Edward F, Cole No. Name Facing Length Owner 40 Gaetina 41 yNdrienne 48.30 Henry P. Smith 42 Francis 36.30 43 Piiscilla 41.80. . Robert J. W. Koons 44 Gloria 52 Nathan D. Bell 45 Uncas 51.46 Chas P. Buchanan 47 Mallard 48 Nokomis 50 Lucille 48 E. A. Morrison 51 Wayward 63 82 F. W. Duryea 53 Barbara C. H. W. Foster 54 Idlewild Edward R. Johnes 56 Rusalka Frank F. Olney 57 Miladi 57.38 S. H. Mason 58 Indra 51.70 John M. Richmond SLOOPS AND YAWLS G; 100-foot Class; over 80 feet racing length No. Name Racing Length Owner 1 Constitution 104 I4,W.B. Duncan, ^/a/ 2 Ailsa (yawl) 86.12. . .H. S. Redmond 6 Jubilee 97.23 Charles J. Paine 8 Navahoe (yawl) 85.95. . .R. P. Carroll 11 Vigilant (yawl) 88 34. . .Percy Chubb 12 Volunteer J. Malcolm Forbes 13 Shamrock I 102.56. . Sir T. J. Lipton 14 Columbia 102.35 J Pierrepont Morgan . . Shamrock II 103,79. -Sir T. J. Lipton H; 80-foot Class; 80 to 70 feet racing length 2 Dare H. G. Neil 3 Bedouin 73.11. . . J. Murray Mitchell 4 Fanny Frederick B. Fiske 5 Mineola 77.50 August Belmont 6 Rainbow 76.90. .Cornelius Vanderbilt 7 Virginia 76.74. .W. K. Vanderbilt, Jr 8 Athene 75.31 W. Otis Gay 9 Pocahontas John C. Sharp, Jr II Yankee 76.36 J. Rogers Maxwell 76 THE YACHTING RECORD I; 70-foot Sloops; 70 to GO feet racing length No. Nan.e Racing Length 1 Hildegarde 65.39 2 Huron 68.02 . . . 3 Queen Mab 63.76 4 Wenonah 64 . 06 . , 6 Isolde 60.45. . . . 7 Hester 69.03. . . . 8 Montecito (Yawl) 9 Senta 60.99 11 Thistle 12 Eelin 60.47 13 Whileaway 60. 19. . . .James C Bergen E. S. Hatch L. H. Smith F, G. Corning F. M. Hoyt .C. L. F. Robinson , W. W. Tompkins A. Howard Hiukle , . . J. Howard Ford P. T. Dodge f; 60-foot Class; 60 to 51 feet racing length T Active 53.23 2 Alborak Charles J. Paine 4 Athlon 59.08 E. B. Havens 6 Carmita 54.93 Robert L. Foster 8 Corsair W . R . Whitner 9 Daphne 55.20. . .George W. Copland 10 Eclipse 53.33 L. J. Callanan 1 1 Eleanor 12 Fredonia 53.97 D wight Braman 14 Gloriana 54.67 Walter Abbott 15 Gulnare John E. Dwight 16 Heartsease 17 Hesper 18 Ilderim 54.88. . . James M. Gallatin 19 Milicete 53.00 20 Isolt 52.09 C. W. Nason 21 Nautilus 53.23. . .Frand L. St. John 22 Oriva 23 Rover 24 Sayonara 54. 06 Estate C.B.Hendricks 26 Swannanoa Stephen Liones 27 Valkyr S.&F. Houston 28 Viola C. M. Wayland 29 Vixen No. Name Racing Length Owner 30 Wasp 54.97 C. H. Dodge 32 Nirvana 33 Paulina 53 John M . Crouse 34 Alga 35 Petrel (yawl) 53.77 H.V. R. Kennedy 36 Iztaccihuatl Henry C. Tinker 37 Anaconda 44 Mermaid 50.88. .Anson Phelps Stokes K: 51-foot Class; 51 to 43 feet racing length 1 Aeolus R. K. McMurray 2 Alice 3 Ariadne 4Awa46.78 A. K. Bolan 5 Banshee 43 . 50 6 Charlotte 43 , 3 7 Chiquita Joseph S . Fay, Jr 8 Chispa C. W. Nason 9 Choctaw George B, Watts, Jr 10 Huguenot 51.00 Edward Kelly, Estate 11 Humma 51.47. . . .J. Rogers Maxwell 12 FlyingCloud(yawl)5i.53 J.LaughlinJr 13 Gossoon 47 . 83 14 Harriet 1 5 Genia W . L . Bass 16 Inez 17 Imperia Henry C. Eno 18 Jessica 50.22. .M, Roosevelt Schuyler 19 Liris 20 Lotowana 46.98 John M. Knapp 22 Mariquita 46.83 H. B. Shaen 23 Minerva 45.63 24 Moccosin 47.45 . . .S. H. Mason, Jr 25 Nethla (yawl) W. W. Kenyon 26 Niagara Howard Gould 29 Nymph 46 . 39 A Burr 30 Sistae 50.86 John B. Rhodes 31 Penguin 48 . 87 A . H . Forbes 32 Polly (yawl) C. S. Randall THE YACHTING RECORD 77 No. Name Racing Length Oweer 34 Syce 50. 86 Henry S. Redmond 38 Ventura 49 . 12 39 Verena 47 . 90 40 Winona 45 . 10 41 Xara 45.97 George W. Scott 42 Acushla II 50 . 15 W . T . & R , A . Rainey 43 Sunshine 44.38 W.Chester&H .Jones 44 Vencedor 47 . 64 F . A . Price 46 Ouida 47 Kestrel 48.37 John B. Mills 48 Acushla II 49 Come .J. Clarence Davies 50 Pilgrim 51 Zingara 52 Rover 53 Truant Nelson C. Thrall 54 Ondawa 46 . 93 Henry J , Robert 55 Vandal 56 Kiora 57 Paladin (ketch) 48.72 W. C. Hubbard 58 Altair 51.58 Cord Myer 59 Bijou John N . Luning 60 Hussar II 50. 78. . .Frank A. Wilmot 61 Shark 51. F. L, Ames 62 Julnar (yawl) Reginald Norman 63 Narcissus II Francis H . Page L; 43- foot Class; 1,3 to 36 feet racing length 1 Algir R. Terry, Jr 2 Gladys 39.05 E. F. Glover 3 Dorwina 43.00. W. L. Ward 4 Agnes S. 36. 70 5 Bonnie Kate 37 40. 6 Bonito 40.22 John G. Meehan 8 Daffodel 40.81 Fred'k P. Sands 9 Ludeah 40.28 James M. Daggett TO Effort 42. 89 F. M. Smith 11 Drusilla 38.21 Col. A. C. Tyler 12 Zingara 40.87. .Thos. W Broadhurst No. Name Racing Length Owner 13 Eurybia 40.02 Charles Pryer 1 5 Genia 77 Gurnard 39.03 Louis H. Zocher 19 Hydriad 20 Ilikato E. H. Converse 23 Katie Louise 38.40 H. Roth 25 Katonah 42.05 Dudley Williams 26 King Philip H. B. Torrey 27 Kraken .Nathaniel Hathaway 28 Lapwing H. R. M. Cook 30 Aquila 3S.02 J. K. Getty, et al 31 Mirth II 41.73 J. W. Beekman 32 Mistral 41 . 20 Robert Evans 35 Nimpoy J. H . Lidgerwood 36 Vinita G. D. Provost 37 Olga T. W. Salterwaite, Jr 38 Pawnee (yawl) 42.33. .J, E. Way land 39 t'eri 40 Phantom M.S. Brown 41 Polly 42 Pontiac 40 . 70 43 Safna 46 Senorita 36 . 20 50 Tigress 40.50 C. A. Appleton 51 Trochilus 42.79.Mayhew W. Bronson 53 Viking 54 White Cap 42.50 5 5 Waneta 4c . 38 56 Mabel 39.90. .. . W. S. Bentham 57 Sistae 39.33 J. B. Rhodes 58 Nimrod 41 8 59 Huzzah 60 Lady Emma 36.79 J. C. Reed 61 Albicore (yawl) 41 . . .Seymour J. Hyde 62 Thorn 63 Tiger 64 Mira 42. 83. . . . .Charles Lane Poor 65 Sultan (yawl) 37.07. .C. S. Somerville 66 Fleetwing C . M . Fletcher 67 Irex 42 . 90 F . C . Rodewald 78 THE YACHTING RECORD Xo. Name Racing Lti-t h Owner 68 Meemer R. C. Nickerson 69 Effort 42. 39 F. M. Smith 70 Defiance Dr Keeler 71 Zenobia F. C. Swan 72 Gretchen 74 Surf W. G. Titcomb 75 Umbrina John P. Elton 76 Kiowa A . H . Fowler 77 Paiute 37 . 39 . Beam Bros . 78 Whitewing 38.06 Wm. L. Hall 80 Hebe 42.98 H. W. Bancker 81 Vinita 38.44 G. D. Prevost 82 Dutchess 36.67 E. S. Bellew 84 Rondinella Richard H, Morgan 85 Narcissus A. Erdman M; 36-foot Class; 36 to 30 feet racing length 1 Acushla C. T. Wills 2 Adele 34 . 00 3 Florence 33 5..E. C. & S.G.deKay 4 Aloha (Yawl) 5 Annie L 6 Kangaroo 31.6 C. H. Humphrey 7 Audax (Yawl) 30.90. . .H. W. Eaton 8 Peggy 36.00 F. S. Hastings 9 A wixa 10 Ashumet 35 . 96 G . Paulding iiTern35.90 John Hyslop 12 Kit 33. 4 T. H. Macdonald 13 Empress 33 August Heckscher 19 Cygnet 32.60 Elbert M. Wiley 20 Cymbra 33.57. .. F. C. Henderson 21 Delvin M. Roosevelt Schuyler 22 Doctor H. F. Hewlett 25 Escape (yawl) 30.42 George Matthews 26 Eunomia 28 Fanny 29 Flora 34 . 70 32 Ghost (lugger) P. E. Stevenson No, Name Racina: Lenvjlh Owner 33 Gunhilde 35.85 34 Indolent 35 Infanta 33 30 36 lola 30 . 90 J . Beebe 37J. H 38 J. S M 40 Kwasind (yawl) 31 . 14 41 Laxen 43 Lounger (yawl). ...J. B. Hammond 44 Mar jorie 35.23 S. T. Hubbard 45 Maud 32 . 50 46 Memory 32 . 49 W . N . Bavier 47 Mignon 35.16.. 53 Departure 31 ,01 C. B. Seeley 54 01ga34.76 55 Pauline 57 Rajah Walter C. Hubbard 58 Reliance 59 Rosalind 60 Sea Belle 68 Viking 35.95 69 Volusia 70 Vorant E. L. H. McGinnis 71 Vorant II 33.80 G. G. Bascom 72 Wabasso L. Dudley Martens 74 Wanda (yawl) 78 Yram (yawl) Percy Bartram 79 Yvette ... James R. Hopkins 80 Akista 34 . 75 George Hill 81 Millionare 82 Surprise 84 Leda 35 . 79 H . L . Maxwell 85 Twilight 86 Sekana (yawl) 32.15 . A. B. McCreery 87 Nautilus John J. McCue 88 !V[ayoltd35.6o 89 Florence B 30.50 L. Englert 90 Ward V 34 50 91 S.ippho 33 Chester W. Chapin 92 Gretchen 39.23. . . .William M. Ivins THE YACHTING RECORD 79 No. Name Racing Length Owner 93 Vela John E . Cowdin 94 Katrina 34 . 7 Charles Smithers 95 Tigress 34 . 1 1 96 Coquette 33 . 90 M , Delaney 97 Jeannette 98 Delphine 30.6 99 Anoatok 33.97 . James E. Martin, Jr 100 Eleanor 33.60 . . Andrew & Mooring loi Viking 34 . 82 102 Vivian S . E , Vernon 103 Abeona H.Alexander T04 Climax Frederick G. Bourne 108 Nemo , 109 Possum 35.00 E. S. Ballou III Saladin Henry W. Cannon 113 Bonnie Bairn F. H. Davoe 114 Cornelia R. W. Comstock 115 Lydla 34.95 R. Underhill 116 Grace H.G. Timmerman 120 Possum( yawl) 33. . .David Gregg, Jr 122 O'Shima San 35.81 .. H. J. Pratt 123 Siren 33 C. F. Wygand 124 Flora (yawl) 35.36. .H. H. Landon 125 Daisy 32.15 127 Freya (yawl) 30.30 . . .G. J. Bradish 128 Saracen 35 . 77 Sydney Chubb 129 Altruiian . .. Frederick A. Haight 131 Hoodoo (yawl) 25.55. .T. H. Smith 132 Razmatang George F. Booker 133 Isem Henry R . Reed 134 Meemer R . C . Nickerson 135 Narika 136 Spasm 35 ■ 7^ E . D . Kings 137 Titania 33.66 W. H. Childs 138 Spindrift (yawl) 30.20 E. S. Griffing 139 Cherokee 35.91 ...E. W. Clark, Jr 140 Harbinger One Design Special 30-foot Class 152 Asahi W. Starr Miller 153 Carolina Pembroke Jones No. Name Racing Lengih Owner 155 Esperanza H. V. Havemeyer, Jr 156 Hera Ralph M. Ellis 157 Mai F. P\ Brewster 158 Barbara W. Rutherfurd 159 Puck E. D. Morgan 160 Polly wog Almeric H. Paget 161 Dorothy H. Yale Dolan 162 Vaquero HI W. Rutherfurd 163 Veda 30,33 Robert Bacon 164 Wawa Reginald Brooks Raccoon J. R. Drexel N; 30-foot Class; 30 to 25 feet racing length 1 Addie 2 Adelaide 27.90 3 Alice E 26.60 4 Alma 29. 30 5 Vim 30 C. Branneck 6 Enpronzi 29.30 Alfred Peats 7 Ariel R.I. Wilson 8 Selnada 29.66. ..J. Fred. Ackerman 9 Squaw 28 13 H.J. Heath 10 Marion 28 87 F . N . Smith 11 Mab II 29 S. Brokaw 12 Bonnie Doon Arthur Gibb 13 Brunhilda C. W. Gould 14 Tern C . E . Perkins 15 Nei San J. M. Woodbury 16 Diana 28.9 Oliver H. Denning 17 Commodore 29.08..W. S. Brandegee 18 Bonito 29 . 81 . J. E. & W. D. Haviland 19 Susie 29. 50 C. Fergueson 20 Cricket 21 Vivian 28.50 S. E. Vernon 24 Dilemma Latham A. Fish 28 Dorothy II 31 E. Z. Sloat 26 90 32 Fannie 25 70 35 Goblin 36 Guenn 80 THE YACHTING RECORD No. Name Racing Length Owner 37 Gypsy 40 Herbert R 27.00 43 Jane S 29.25 44 Isabella 29.50 J. Lalor 46 Jewel 29. 50 49 La Rus 50 Lotus 51 Louise Walter J. Masterson 53 Madrine 26.97 Walter Ferguson 59 Poco 25.20 62 Madzy 63 Naiad 25.20 65 Ninon 66 Nydia 70 Petrel 28.8 0. C. Rigl 73 Pyxie 26. 53 76 Roma E. C. Moffat 79 Ruth 26.60 83 St. Elmo 26.94 85 Susan B 86 Susie L . T. Duryea 87 Theresa 28 50 94 Cartoon W . Gardner 93 Venture Henry Griswold 95 Una 28.10 W. Scardefield 96 Water Lily 29 T . Kiernan 102 Petrel 103 Falcon 104 Olive L io5 Typhoon . . 107 Nautilus 108 Wanderer 29 W. Straus 1 10 Penelope 111 Kite 112 June 29.20 113 Natalie 29.60 114 Bingo , 1 16 Reynord 28,3 117 Albatros 118 MTariel No. Name Racing Length Owner 119 Jester (yawl) 26.67 120 Kestrel 28.92 H. E. Bishop 121 Marguerite 29 96 J. H. Dingee 123 Irene 25.40 124 Bonnie Glint , 125 Cute 126 Newasi ... 127 Princess. . 128 Saracen Sidney Chubb 129 Ouananiche 27.05 R. H. Dirby 130 Lorelei J. M. Ellsworth 13 1 Cora 132 Alerion 29.70 A. H. Alker 134 Jessica George F, Reynolds 135 Crony Henry B. Welsh 136 Kittywake Earle Dodge 137 Tammany W. C. Towen 138 Rhuhama, W. T, Bernard 139 Elsa 27.04 Mead Brothers 152 Oiseau 29.93 Pirle Brothers 153 Momo II C. II. Crane 154 Boreas Cord Meyer P; 25-foot class; 25 to 21 feet racing length 1 Muvmur Barclay Ward 2 Ojibway D. P. Morse 3 Mariposa . George Townsend 4 Agawam 22.74 W. Lopez Diaz 5 Alcedo G. C. Allen 6 Roxane 23. i W. J. Baxter 7 Americus 24 93 8 Apache 9 Kenosha Charles Voltz 10 Fortuna 22.80 Brudie & Ulrich I [Gazabo 18.50 H. T. Volte, Jr 12 Edwina III 24.55. .. .J. A. Dunning 13 Aphrodite 21 86 C. E. Bristol 14 Hrenda 22.00 F. M. Scott 15 Folly 24.95 G. S. Hill THE YACHTING RECORD 81 No. Name Racing Length Owner i6 Celia 22.50 W. S. Gould 1 7 Chin-Chin 18 Commche 19 Coyote 20 Cruiser W. Alley 21 Cygnet A. Clements 22 Doris 21.21 23 Corona 2478 J, E. Beggs 24 Emma 25 Expert 26 Don 2497 G . Reevs 27 Smoke L. T. Boury 28 Fedora 29 Flirt 30 Louise 24.58 William B. Arnold 31 Florence 32 Folly 24.40 G. S. Hill 34 Gertrude 22 J. H . Curtis 36 Houri 2295 E, J . Bergen 37 Jack Rabbitt 25 M. J. Vestedt 38 Kate .... 39 Katie C 40 Lanner .... 42 Lotta 23,30 J 3 Lassie .E. C. Wallace 45 Robin Hood 24 76 George E. Gartland 46 Mignon 47 Kantaka 48 Nameless 49 Nahli 50 Nahma 21. 20. 52 Nomad 24... 53 Nora 54 Scintilla 22 16 J. R. Hoyt 55 Cambrian 24 50 57 Sea Bird 24 40 59 Secret 25 60 Ruth 63 Sparrow 64 Trident No. Name Pacing Length Owner 66 Trochilus, Jr M. W. Bronson 67 Vanadls . . 68 Vaquero W. G. Brokaw 69 Vaquero 11 71 Virginia. J. Gungbarre 72 Adelaide 22.50 . . .J. M. Woodbury 75 Wahneta 24.30 T. B. Aldrich 77 Zetes 24.40 78 Corrinne 79 Just Right 23.8 E. Miller 80 Quantuck 81 Barnacle 82 Amomo 23.83. . . H. B. Towle 83 Hazel 2290 84 Skimmaug 85 Priscilla 25 F. W. Boyer 86 Hoodoo 23.6 T. H. Smith 87 Emyzol 25.00 A. Tissot 88 Naiad 24.00. ..... C. Christiansen 89 Coquette 24.90. ,F.C. & W.S.Sullivan 90 Romance 25.00 A. Johnson 91 Impudent C. E, Silkworth 92 Scrap 93 Manatee 94 Ida 95 Neenemoosha 96 Song-and- Dance. .E. F. Luckenback 97 Rochelle 24.83 .Edward Kelly estate 98 Rough Rider 24 . 98 99 Chingachgook 24.50 E .A. Stevens, Jr SEAWANHAKA KNOCKABOUTS 100 Aeolus Leonard J. Busby loi Gowan (Anawan). .. Gibson & Stewart 102 Bauble 103 Bobs W. A. W. Stewart 104 Marcia Dresser & Jacquelin 105 Dacoit H . H . Mossman 106 Dipper A. F. Townsend 107 Frances George K. Milne THE YACHTING RECORD No. Name Racing Length Owner io8 Gloria E.G. Seaward 109 Thelga Gharles R. Clark no Magouly L. B. S. Willard 111 Vagrant.. T.M.Brown& W. G. Low 112 Kathama H. O. Havemeyer 113 Keewaydin C. W. Wetmore 114 Lady Blanche C. K. J. Billing 115 Lucille H. H. Landon 116 Midge William E. Peck 117 Mistral E. J. Low 118 Mosquito Edward Randolph 119 Nakodo J. T. Sherman 120 Perchance ... F. H . Wall 121 Eitul O. P. Collogue i22Senta R. C. Mitchell 123 Sito Kenneth Rouse Otis 124 Stella J. S. Hoyt 125 Taifer C. B. Hodges 126 Tosto George H. Schuyler 127 Wyntje C. Sherman & Colgate Hoyt 128 Ruby James Sparkman 129 Petrel. .R. W. Gibson & F. G. Stewart 130 Kittiwynk J. J. Phelps 134 Folly A. D. Navarro 135 Phillippini 136 Ditto William Laimbeer 137 Heron... Frederick R. Coudert, Jr RACEABOUTS 140 Kittle 141 Spindrift Samuel Cowley 142 Rogue F. T. Bedford, Jr 143 Badger Thoreson & Jones 144 Cockatoo Hendon Chubb 145 Merrywing H. M. Crane 146 Djin E. L. Tinker 147 Mongoose , , . 148 Jolly Roger. . . S. Le Roy Ackerley 149 Snapper A. Bryan Alley 150 Scamp Johnston de Foresr No. Name Racing Length Owner 151 Colleen L. R. Alberger 152 Persimmon W. Earl Dodge 153 Raider K.M.Crane 154 Viper. W. D. Hennen 155 Sis F. T. Bedford i56Ghoorka J. P. Elton 157 Ala 158 Joker (Oonagh)..J. R. Maxwell, Jr OPEN SLOOPS Q; Sl-foot Class; 21 to IS feet racing length 1 Pirate 20.86 Arthur Foster 2 Exella 20.95 T. A. Humason 3 Bambino - 4 B . O. B. 20.00 5 Bogie 6 Quoc 21.00 A. D. Tappin 7 Rod 19.24 Iselin & Law 8 Emanore 1 5 . 30 9 Trouble 2100 W. H. Childs 10 Eos 1 1 Fiorella .... 12 Flounder 19.60 E. P. Titus 16 Hyale 17 60 17 lola 22 Marion 21.00 J- P- Donovan 25 Minnetonka 20.50 S. E. Vernon 26 Narrisch 20.00 29 Polly 30 2 E. Z. 16.05 . 34 Shark 20.00. FLC.Rouse&C.S.Hoyt 35 Riot 21.00 Robert M. Sayre 36 Water W^ag 37 Wave 18.79 39 Zahra 40 Asthore 21.00 C. H. Otis 41 Keneu 43 Al Anca 44 La Chica THE YACHTING RECORD 83 No. Name Racing Length Owner 48 Montauk 20.90 J. S. Appltby 49 Alice (yawl) 50 Skate 51 Americus 19.85 53 Vagary 20.00 55 Fidget 17.40 62 Constance 19.915. ... Regis H. Post 63 Spider 20.86 J. C. Work 64 Crawler 18.60 65 Ox 19.14 Robert Bavier 66 Spots 19.5 D. J. Allerton 67 Broncho 28.18 F. C. Moore 68 Wraith Calvin Tomkins 70 Cicada P. K. Labouisse 72 Lurene R. C. Mitchell 73 Charlotte 2100 A. Mackey 74 Wink 21. 00 W. A. Barstow R; 18- foot Class; IS feet and under, racing length 2 Boojum (yawl) 3 Cricket 19.97 H. C. Pryor 4 Vivette 15.00 J. H.Esser 10 Flim Flam 18.00 A. D. Prince 11 Isabelle ; 15 Mystral A. C. Bostwick 16 Jessica George Bowles 17 Pandora 17 97 rl. B. Towle 19 Microbe 16.50 P. C. Anderson 20 Monsoon Harold Fish 22 Nike 15.64. Gu} Forbes 23 Opossumi7.98 H. M. Raborg 24 Hope C. O. Iselin 25 Neola 18.00 C. D. Mallory 32 Daphne 17.00 E. D. Trusdale 40 Chipmunk T . E . Young, Jr 41 Laura Lee 42 Fiddler J. J. Connolly 44 Ripple 17.91 J. A. Meek 46 Fidget 17.00 No, Name Racing Length Owner 48 Joker 1 5 .00 49 Sora 17.94 .... W. Hoey, Jr 50 Mae 13.35 Clinton Crow 51 Pebble 16 52 R. W. Speer 52 Nora 17.27 Lewis Iselin 53 Peanut 16.52 54 Sandpiper 17.27. . Raymond Belmont 55 Kingfisher 17.27. .August Belmontjr 56 Sweetheart 17.27 E. A Sumner 57 Moya 17.27. ... ... Amlerson Dana 58 Eaglet 17.27 Robert Bacon 59 Palani W. W. Swan 60 Flim Flam 18.00 A. D. Prince 61 Fox G. S. Hill 65 Prize H. H. Van Renssalaer 66 Ketch II... L. C. Ketcham 67 Cecil .... F. T. Chapman 93 Ketch H. E. Jones 98 John Dory Guy Standing 99 Rudder H . Stevenson 100 Swastika . MANHASSET RACEABOUTS loi Alice A. Mack 102 Firefly Guy Standing 103 Mist J . W. Alker 10 J. Bab Phillip & Morgan 105 Lambkin Stephen W. Roach 106 Arizona G . A . Cory 107 Foggy Dew H . L. Quick MARINE AND FIELD SPECIAL 1 Vixen Baylor & Mahoney 2 Flying Fox Cone & Buckman 3 Kelpie W. K. Brown 5 Quinque L. H. Smith 6 Stinger A. P. Clapp 7 Jig a Jag.... I....W. A. Hutcheson CATBOATS S; 30-foot Class; 30 to 25 feet racing lensth THE YACHIING RECORD No. Name Facing t.ength Owner I Glory 27.2 J. Greenbaum 4 Anemone 6 Ayli 26.90 A. E. Chasmer 12 Dosoris 11 26.28 14 Elfin 18 Exonian 28 08 19 Flyaway 27 St A. Palmer 29 Leisure 27.96 F. B. Myrick 36 Nymph 28 62 W. Marble 37 Dot 29.87 C T. Pierce 38 Jay 26 50 H. W. de Forrest 47 Uncle Sam 26.20 48 Volsung 28.50. , . .Johnston de Forrest 52 Lauretta 27.95 W. P. Shearer 53 Ann : 54 Consuelo (yawl) 28.59. .A. \V. Cabot 55 Stranger 56 Dandy 25.13 . , 58 Bon Bon 27.20 59 Oconee 26.32 60 Dorothy 61 Grayling 26.37 H. W. Warner 62 Rex 25.01 64 Rajah 28.00 65 Windora 29.90 John Green 66 Louise . John Knox 68 Hannah 25 50 R. H.Cook 73 Jessie 26.40 75 Lou 28.8 G. J. Oakes 77 Owl 26.05 T; 25 foot Class; 25 to 21 feet racing length 1 Roxane 25.00 Baxter & Steele 2 Bessie F. 25 00 . . F.J. Muhlfield 3 Ami 4 Bertha 21.60 5Mollie25.oo A.M.Bradley 6 Caper 24. 17 ... 7 Dione R.E. Hill No. Name Racing Length Owner 8 Dolphin 24 . 1 5 9 DuchesK 23.30 G. A, Jennings 11 Drift 23.6 12 Mongoose IT 23.46 .. . .Simeon Ford 15 Ethel 21. 40 .C. E. Berner 16 Falka 23 . 90 17 Arrow 21 10 A, C. Miller 20 Grace 22 00 25 Elsie C . P . Rosemon 27 Jonquil 23 00 29 Kittie 23.10 30 Lancet 23 . 40 . . . 32 Mary II 24.87 33 Mecca 21 87 34 Melita 22.25 37 Mohican 21.70 39 Nadsy 22 10 41 Niagara 21 20 43 Oconeta 24 00 46 Presto 23.30 48 Satanic 22 60 5 1 Shadow 2 1 90 54 St. Elmo II 22,43 60 Winona 23. 20 61 Win or Lose 23.50. . . .J. S. Appleby 63 Mable M E. Haman 65 Ouananiche 23.59 - 66 Argo 22 . 50 67 Yankee Girl 68 Uarda 24 64 H. H.Gordon 70 Dandy 24.97. ... . 71 Mink 25.00 T. Miller 72 Kite 24 79 R. M. Goddard 73 Hj'patia 23.50. . . . . .0. C. Belding 74 Lauretta 25 00 W. P. Shearer 75 Oriole 76 Allegro 22.8 77 Molly S 25 00 A , M , Bradley 78 Wanda 25.00 79 Qui Vive 24.87 . . . .George A. Freeth THE YACHTING RECORD 86 No. Name Racing Length Owner 80 Adelin 81 Osage 23.50 A. C, Nickerson 82 Scat 22.00 83 Vagabond 24 06 . . Fancher & Bartram 84 Marguerite 24 50 T. J. Canavan 85 Golden Rad 24.30 W. A. Tower 86 Frolic 24 20 F. L. Kraemer 87 Thisbe 25.00 W. i3. Reed 108 Arrow, ... J. M. Sawyer Jr 1 10 Brant 2 1 . 20 111 Bubble 20.89 ... . 119 Elsie 23.52 120 Emily 22.20 John Winner 121 Emma S 23 25 135 Marguerete 21.10 S. G. Poole 136 Minnie 25.00 137 Norman 23. 10 141 Osprey 24.47 142 Pastime 144 Punch Von Schrader 145 Sahib E. V. Hubbard 146 Sirene 24.34 R. Cutwater 151 Violet 20.20 153 Whim 23.40 154 Gypsie 22.40 , 155 Eddie S 24 05 157 Ondawa 20.91 161 Irex 22 . 80 162 Folly 21.75 163 Little Joy 21.00 165 Ella W. T. Spencer 166 Kenwood 22.70 . A. B. Cornell 167 Florence 22.40 A. H. Alker 168 Sadie B . M . Wallace 169 Jennie D 23 . 92 170 Victor 24. 54 171 Valladola H. Merrill CPEN CATBCATS V; 21-foot Class; 21 to 18 feet racing lenQth No. Name Racing Lengtii Owner 1 Dry Speed 22 . 52 2 Madeleine 20.8 W. Greinert 3 Martha M 19.4 ... Richard B. Moore 4 Coot A . D , Prince 5 Punch 20.01. . . .Major Von Schrader 6 Catspaw E. L. Tinker 8 Byna Jane 9 Amos 19 . 70 12 Ark 21 .00 Keane & Pryor 22 Alice A. K. L. Watson 23 Alice Maud 18.00 25 Bell 17 . 50 26 Chip 17 . 80 32 Dolphin 15. 10 33 Dorothy 19 . 06 38 Gosbird 20.79 f^- ^' Nevins 42 lone 19.92 47 Jessie 15.30 50 Little Willie 15.60 53 Mongoose II , Simeon Ford 61 Olga W. Linnikin 63 Little Joe 21.00 Samuel Lynes 64 Regina 19 70 70 Spindrift 18.60 B, C Lockhart 72 Starling 19.91 .... 75 Miriam 19.86 J. M. Price 80 Whiz 17.60 84 Bubble 16 00 86 Ellide 19.3 M. R. Walsh 90 Willie B 20 91 Gaviota 19 10 93 Stranger 20.00 , 94 Daphne 19.80. . . . . George Jennings 96 Gladis May 17.30 97 Spunk 19 00 A. D. Smith 98 Mynah 19. 9S , . , , 99 lone 19.68 ... CM. Bird 102 Vera 20.07 L. Dowdney 103 Zelica 20.00 ... 104 Psyche 20 00. . ..... H. B. Stevens 86 THE YACHTING RECORD No. Name Racing Length Owner 105 No Name 18.08 106 r^aby ig 10 108 KiKJare 19.98. .Thomas A. Mclntyre 154 Gypsie 20.8 S. L. Schicler W; 18-fooi Class; 18 feet and under, racing length r Sneaker 15.45 H. T. Volte, Jr 2 Lady Ellen 15.00 3 Sans Gene 15 .00 4 Last Chance 14. 6.. C. E. McManus 5 Zoe 6 Bantam Francis H . Page 10 Cora 12.58 F. W. Flint. Jr 1 1 Coot 14 . 80 A . D . Prince 12 Lark 13 Caprice 14 87 14 Lobster 15.00 A. M. Brush 16 Grace 13.30 W. H. Bynington No. Name Racing Length Owner 17 Old Squaw 15 .00 18 Bogey 19 Emma 14 . 7 20 U. S. Maine, Jr 21 Ka-Za-Za 17.65.. T. J. McCahill, Jr 22 Sneeker R. N. Bavier 23 Scout 15.00. H. C. Hall 24 Bouncer 15.00 A. D. Tappan 25 Louie Belle 14. 00.. J. M. Williams 26 The Kid 15.00 27 Norma 17.6 28 Restless 13.21 29 Vision 16.05 V. H. Ferris 30 Ding A 15 31 Capt A. Gattringer 32 Wee Win 14.08 F. Sherwood 33 Hi Jinks 16.20 H. P. Towle 3 \ Dora 35 Barnacle 14.80 R. R. Mamlok THE YACHTING RECORD 87 IXT3DE Adele 6i Adrienne 37 Ailsa 9, 9, 10, i8, 24, 29, 30, 31, z^, 34, 36, 37, 40, 41, 41, 41, 46, 46, 46. Akista 61, 64, 64, 64, 65, 65, 65, 67, 67, 68, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73. Albicore 24 Alcatorda 47 Alcedo 53 Alerion 9, 10, 15, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 24, 26, 50, 52. 53, 55, 55, 58, 59, 62, 63. Alice (sloop) 56, 56 Alice (catboat) 56 Aloha - II Altair 9, 10, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 23, 24, 28, 29, 30, 31, Z2>, 34, 36, 38, 40, 50, 64. America 32, 33, 35, 27, 38 American Y. C, one design 61 Amorita. . . .9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21, 28, 30, 30, 32, 64. Amy Foster 47 Anawan 12, 12, 13, 13, 13 Anna 56 Anoatok 10, 15, 19, 22, 23, 24, 30, 59- Aphrodite 57 Apteryx 65, 65 Aquila 54 xA-rizona. .. .9, 10, 11, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 49, 52, 53, 54, 55, 58, 60, 6z. Arline. .. .10, 11, 16, 51, 51, 53, 58, 59 Arrow 59 Ashumet 26, 53, 62 Ask Me 59, 61 Athene 32, 32, 34, 36 Atlantic 21, 21, 21 Ayli 61 Bab 9, 10, II, 17, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 49, 53, 54, 55, 58, 60, 62,. Badger.... 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 15, 17, 18, 20, 20, 22, 23, 24, 24, 26, 28, 49, 50, 52, 53. 58, 59, 60, 62, 6z. Bantam 16 Barbara 47 Barnacle 22, 59 Barracotita 21 Bedouin 32, 32, 34, 36, 38 Bess 51, 63 Bessie F 54 Bingo 53 Bobs 13, 13, 13, 14 Bonnie 14 Bonito 64, 65, 65, 6y, 67, 68, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 72>. Bouncer 22, 52, 58 ss 7 HE YACHTING RECORD Broncho 53, 65, 65, 66, 69, 70, 71, 72. Budget (i(), 6(i, 70, 71, 73* Bug 16, 16 C Cachalot .,,.^4, 35, Zl, 38 Cadillac 48 Carolina 47 Carlotta 21, 21 Carmita 20, 32, 2>Z, 34 Cartoon 24, 26 Cecil 18, 52 Cherokee .38 Chipmunk 10, 11, 12, 16, 60 Chop Sucy 19, 23, 51 Cockatoo. . . .65, 65, 65, (yd, 66, 69, 70, 7h 72. Columbia 14, 14, 28, 28, 30, 31, 31, 31, 32, 34, 36, 40, 40, 41, 41, 42, 42, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 46. Columbia (schooner) . .32, 33, 35, 37 Commodore 57 Constance 47, 66, 72, ys Constitution. .. .14, 14, 28, 28, 31, 31, 31, 32, 34, 36, 39, 40, 40, 41, 41, 42, 42, 42, 45. Coot 52 Coquette (43 ft.) 54 Coquette (25 ft.).. 54, 58 Corodo 69, 72 Corona. . . .33, 35- 37, 38, 39, 39*. 39, 40 Corona (sloop) IJf. ..66, 71, 72 Crestent \ 56 Cricket 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 25, 27, 29, 50, 51, 58, 59, 60, 63. Critic 61 Crusader. , 21, 21, 41 Cymbra 15, 15, 16, 22, 30, 33, 35, 39, 50. Dacoit 61 Dade 50 Baphne 62 Defiance 48, 55, 61 Diana 55, 61 Dione 57 Don.... 16, 20, 22, 24, 26, 51, 53, 58, 59, 63. Dora 56 Dorothea 21 Dorothy 48 Dorothy II 47 Dorwina. . . .10, 15, 15, 18, 19, 22, 23, 23, 24, 25, 26, 50, 63. Dot. . . .15, 19, 21, 22, 25, 29, 50, 52, 54, 58, 60, 63. Dottie Deane 55 Duchess 61, 61 Dudline 61 Dunlea 51 Echo (lark) 16, 22, 25, 51 Echo (catboat) 53 Eclipse 67, 68 Eelin. . . . 19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 25, 26, 26, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 28, 32, 33, 34, 36, 36, 38, 40. Effort 9, 10, 17, 19, 22, 23, 23, 25, 26, 30, 30, 32, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 40, 40, 50. Eleanor 58 Electra 26 Ellen 48 Ellide 55 Elmer L 57 Elmina....9, 9, 10, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 23, 25, 26, 27, 27, 28, 28, 30, 30, 32, 33, 35, V, 38, 40, 46, 46, 64. ^•If. THE YACHTING RE<:ORD 80 Elsa 6i Elsie. . . .64, 65, 69, 70, 72, 72, 73, 72), Elua 55 Emerald ZZ, 35, Zl Emily 54 Empress 15, 62 Enpronzi. . . .9, 9, 10, 14, 15, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 50, 59. Enterprise 34, 41 Ereco 55 Esperanza 17, 47, 50, 52, 59 Exella 16, 55, 56, 57 Express 61 •^ Feydeh 52 Fiddler 58 Firefly.... 9, 10, 11, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 28, 52, 53, 54. 55, 58, 60, 62>. Fleetwing 50 Flim Flam 18, 27, 51, 54, 58 Flirt 19, 22, 25 Florence May 57 Fly 16 Flyaway 52, 60 Flying Fox.... 65, 65, (i6, 66, 70, 71, 72, 73- Folly 55, 61 Fortmia (sloop) 54 Fortuna (schooner) . . . .21, 21, 41, 41 Freya 14 Frou Frou 57 (3- Gaviota 57 Gaybird 16 Gayety 47 Gazabo 9, 18, 22, 26, 50, 53, 55 ^ertrude 54 Ghoorka 57 Gladys 73 Glendoveer 66, 67, 68 Gloria (lark) 16, 22, 25, 51 Gloria (knock.) 56, 57 Glory 54 Golden Rod 54 Go To 16, 22, 25 Gowan 13, 13, 13, 14, 14 Grace 50, 61 Grace E 73 Grayling 26 Gretchen 56, 56, 57 Grey Friar 49 Grotona 47 Gurnard 52 Gwendolyn 71, 72 Hadassah 55 Halo , 19, SI Ha-Ha ^^^ 56 Hannah rff^fvT 62 Harlequin ^ . . .62 Hebe 51 Hera 17, 47, 52, 59 Heron.*. II, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 14. Hester. . . .19, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 27, 28, 29, 31, 32, 32, 34, 36, 38, 39, 40, 40, 40, 46. Hildegard. . . .19, 21, 25, 32, 34, 36, 38 Hobo 19, 51 Hope. .. .11, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 2/1. 25, 51, 54, 58, 59, 62, 63. Hornet 57 Houri 26 90 THE YACHTING RECORD Hiimma 9, 10, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 23, 24, 25, 26, 28, 29, 30, 31, ZZ, 34, 36, 30, ^o, 50, 64, 66, 67. 68, 68. Hunky Dory 57 Huguenot 17, 19, 20, 22, 23, 28, 64 Idalia 21, 21 Idler 34, 38 Imp 62 Independence 45, 46, ^6 Independent 51 Indra 34, 35, 2>y, 38, ^0 Intrepid (aux.) 21, 21, 21, 34, 35, 38. Invader 48 lone 59 Isolde. . . .19, 20, 21, 21, 23, 24, 25, 25, 26, 27, 27, 27, 27, 27, 28, 29, 32, 33, 34 36, 36, 40, 40, 41, 46, 64. Isolt 2)7>, 34, 36, 64, 66, dy, 68, 68 Jig a Jag. . . .65, 65, 66, 66, 68, 70, 71, 71, 73- Joker 12. 12, 22, 23, 28 Jollv Roger 9, 10, 11, 55, 58 Jupiter 48 Kangaroo ']2> Kathleen 58 Katonah 23 Katrina. .10, 18, 19, 21, 21, 30, 31, 32, ZZ, 35, Zl, 38, 39, 39, 4i- Kathryn 58 Kazaza. . . .10, 11, 16, 17, 19, 20, 22, 25, 27, 29, 51, 52, 58, 59. Kelpie.... 65, 65, ^6, 66, 68, 68, 70, 71, 71, IZ- Kestrel . . ..61 Ketch II 27, 53, 54 Kingfisher 16, 18, 20, 54, 59 Kinkie ^ Kiowa 38, 40 Kit. 10, 19, 55, 55, 61 Kittiwynk 56, 57 Lady Godiva 1 1, 34, 35 Lambkin 9, 10, n, 17, 19, 20, 21, 22, 2Z, 24, 25, 26, 2-], 28, 29, 49, 52, 54, 55, 58, 60, 63. Lassie 16, 60 Last Chance 16, 19 Latona 10, 33, 35, 37 Laurus 35 Leda 9, 10, 15, 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26, 30, ZZ, 50, 59, ^Z, 64. Leisure 52 Levanter 21 Lillian 57 Lily 56 Little Doctor 48 Little Joe 56, 61 Lobster 16 Lorelei 18, 19 Lotowana 41 Lotus 55, 61 Louie Belle 16 Louise 27 Loyal. . . .34, 35, Z7, 39, ^^, 67, 68, 68 Lucille. .. .9, 10, II, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13. 13, 14, 14- Ludeah 19 Mab II 17, 26, 52 Magouly 12, 13, 14 THE Y A CHUNG RECORD 91 Marcia....9, lo, ii, ii, ii, 12, 12, 12, 12 12, 13. 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14. Marguerite (sch.) 32, 22>, 35, Z7 Marion 9, 9, 10, 50, 52 Mariquita 15, 64, 64, 67, 68, 68 Martha M 70, 73 Mavis 34, 35, 37 Memory. .. .15, 15, 18, 19, 22, 24, 24, 26, 29, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 58, 59, ^2, 62,. Mercury 55 Mermaid 29, 32 Merrvwing. . . . II, 11. 15, 18, 20, 20, 22, 23, 24, 24, 26, 28, 50, 53, 58, 58, 59, ^2, 63. Microbe 47 Midge 56, ^'7 Miladi 52 Mimete 21 Minnetonka 65, 69, 72 Mira....9, 10, 17. 30, 30, 22,, 35, 2^, 50, 52, 54. Miriam 59 Mist. . . .9, 10, II, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 52, 53, 58, 60, 62. Mistral (knock.) ... .10, 11, 12, 12, 12, 13. 13, 13, 14. Mystral. . . .10, 11. 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 25, 26, 50, 54, 58, 60, 62. Mollie 48 Molly S II, 19, 62 Mongoose II 17, 19, 20, 22, 25 Monsoon 55, 61 Montauk. . . .16, 20, 22, 25, 26, 51, 53, 58, 59, 62, 63. Moya 22, 25, 50, 58 Mummer 16, 62 Muriel.... 9, 9, 10, 18, 19, 20, 21, 21, 23, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 27, 28, 28, 30, 30, 32, 22, 35, 37- 3Sr Naiad 54 Nakodo....9, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14. Narcissus 73 Narika 65, 6y, 67, 69, 72 Nautilus 52 Navahoe 31, 2^, 34, 2^, 27, 39, 40, 40, 41, 41, 46, 46, 46. Ncaera 66 Nei San 18, 19, 20, 23 Nellie 56, 57 Nelson 57 Nemo 56 Neola. .. .11, 15, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 26, 50, =ii, 58. 59. Nereus 57 IN ike 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 25, 50 Nirvana 49, 52, 54 Noggin 16, 16 Nora (Con. R. boat) 57 Nora (sloop) ... .10, 11, 16, 20, 21, 23, 24, 25, 53, .S9, 60. Nymph 59 Oiseau....9, 9, 10, 15, 17, 18, 19, 22, 2A, 26, =;o, 51, 52, 53. 58, 59, 59, 62, 62. Ojibway 9, 10, 12, 50, 58, 61, 62 Olga 52 Ondawa 64, 64, 66, 67 68, 68 Oonagh 14, 49, 52, 53 Opossum 15, 16, 18, 21, 2^ 24, 25, 26, 27, 50, 51, 54, =^^ 63. O'Shima San 9, 10, 50, 58 Ouananiche 52 Ox 9, 16, 17, 18, 20, 25, 29, 50, c^. 53, 55, 60, 61, 62, 63. THE YACHTING RECORD Painte 52 Paladin 21, 21 Pampero 55, 61, 61 Pandorg 58 Pandora 24, 25, 26, 54, 59 Pawnee 57 Peanut 64, 64. 65, 65, 69, 70, 73 Pebble 64, 64, 65, 65, 66, 66, 69, 70, 71, 72. Peggy 15 Persimmon. .. .12, 15, 20, 22, 23, 24, 28, 58, 59. Petrel (30 foot) =;S Petrel (yawl) 33, 34, 36 Pickaniny 66, 70, 71, 73 Pinkie 47 Phoebe 57 Polly wog 47 Porgie 52 Possum 18, 19, 22, 23, 24, 26, 51, 58, 59. Prize 18, 27, 52, 53, 54 Punch 16, 25, 51, 59 Quinque 65, 65, 66, 66, 68, 68, 70, 71, 71, 1Z' Quissetta 9, 9, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 27, 28, 28, 30, 30, 32, 33, 35, 37, 38, 39, 39, 39, 40, 64. Qui Vive 64, 70, 73 Quoc 26, 51, 58, 62 Quo Vadis 47 Raccoon 47 Raider 11 Rainbow. .31, 32, 34, 2>^, 39, 40, 41, 42, 47. Ramona (sloop) •••54 Red Cross 53 Red Jacket 56, 56 Robin Hood 16, 16 Rochelle 17, 18, 20, 22, 24, 50 Rod.... 18, 20, 22, 25, 26, 50, 53, 58, 62. Rogue 9, 10, II, 14, 17, 20, 23, 28, 49, 50, 52, 53, 60, 61. Romance 54 Kondina 38, 39 Rowena 57 Roxane 54 Ruby 22, 24, 50, 60 Sachem 21, 21 Sakana 10, 18, 19, 26, 27, 50 Salome 33 Sandpiper (sloop) ... .16, 18, 20, 27, 62. Sandpiper (dory) 56 Satanella 34, 35 San Toy 51 Saunterer : 15, 56 Scamp (race.) 9, 10, 11, 11, 12, 15, 18, 58. Scamp (dory) 53 Scapha 50 Scintilla 60 Scout 58, 59 S. C. Y. C. Catboats 11, 11, 12, 12 Sea Gull 56, 56 Selnada 64, 6^/ Senneville 49 Senta 36, 40, 46 Senta (S. C. kockabout) 56, 57 Shamrock II 43, 44, 45 Shamrock (schooner) ... .31, 33, 35, 7>1, 38. IHE YACHTING RECORD 93 i^hippan 56 Sirene 14 Siren 64, 'JZ Sis 15, 53, 55, 60, 61 Sistae 33, 2>^ Skidoo 16, 19, 23, 25, 51 Smoke 18, 20, 26 Snapper. . . .18, 20, 20, 22, 23, 24, 24, 26, 28, 50, 51, 52, 53, 53, 54, 58, 60, (>■})' Sneaker 19, 25. 2^, 54 Song and Dance. .. .64, 65, 65, 65, 66, 69, 70, 71, 72. Sora....i7, 18, 21, 22, 23, 25, 26, 51, 54. 59, 60, ez. Spasm 18, 19, 20, 22, 24, 26 Spindrift (yawl) 14, 16 Spindrift (raceaboiit) 15, 15 Spots 65, 65, 66, 69, 70, 72 Spray 57 Squaw 65, ^^, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73 Stinger 65, 65, 66, 66, 70, 71, 72, Stingy 16, 16 Stranger - 57 Streak 19, 22, 51 bultan 14 Sunshine 54 Surf 41 Susie 65, 69, 72, ']■}) Syce 25, 26 Tern (yawl) 26, 27 Tern (sloop) 55 Thelga 57 Themis 16 Thisbe 52 Thor 41 Tigress 57 Titania 55, 57, 64, 69, 72 Toddie 48 Tom Boy (lark) 51 Tom Boy 57 Tout 56 Tyro 56 Uarda 58 Uncas 34, 35 Uncle Van 48 Undine 55 Vagabond 55, 56, 58, 61, 61, 62 Vagabond (raceabout) 59 Vagrant. . . .9, 10, 11, 11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13. 13, 13, 14- Valerie 53 Vanessa 68 Vaquero III 47 Varuna 41, 6^, 68 Veda 10, 17, 18, 50 Vera. .. .10, 11, 20, 22, 25, 51, 52, 58, 59- Vera (25 ft.) 59 Vigilant. . . .9, 9, 10, 18, 24, 29, 30, 31, 32, 34, 36, 2>7. 40, 41, 41, 46, 46, 46. Village Maid , 57 Vim 55 Vinita 32, 6^, 67, 68, 68 Viper. . . .11, 17, 18, 20, 20, 22, 23, 24, 26, 28, 50, 51, 53, 58, 62,. Virginia. .. .36, 38, 40, 40, 41, 42, 47 Vision 61 Vivian (sloop) ... .65, 65, 65, 69, 70, 71, 72. Vivian (cat) 57 Vixen. . . .65, 65, 66, 66, 70, 71, 72, y^)- 94 THE YACHTING RECORD Wanda .• • • -47 Wasp 29 Water Witch 66, 67, 67, 68 Wa-Wa 47 Wayward 30, 32, 34 Wenonah 21, 25, 41 Wee Win 22, 52, 58, 59 We Win It 64 White Wing 52 Why Not 56, 56 Windora. . . .15, 15, 21, 22, 25, 29, 50, 58, 62. Wink 64, 66, 69, 70, 71, 72 Win or Lose 16, 17, 52, 57, 60 Wraith 64, 65, 65, 65, 66, 66, 69, 70, 71, 72, 7Z. Wynnabust 47 Wyntje 11, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 13, 14, 22. -^ Yellow Jacket 23, 25, 51 Yram 55, 55 Zara 21 Zero 56 ^'-.n •? lOAo AUG. 15 1902 AUG 11 1902