■Ι 'l??»J Η V fill ϊ\^.>>ϊ. ΙβΙΙ Mr! ■ uft em hi» mv Ktif: ■ ImSBH HI i IBIli HSHBllil EH Μ Η WBSSm ■■Hi HI ■HMllIHi fflii HI H I *!t Ιη}}! ■BH Hi mm m Gass ΓΗ5•4•£Γ Book-J £ r Gr-1. By bequest of William Lukens Shoemaker I A GREEK AND ENGLISH DICTIONARY, 3 COMPRISING ALL THE WORDS IN THE WRITINGS OF THE MOST POPULAR GREEK AUTHORS; WITH THE DIFFICULT INFLECTIONS IN THEM AND IN THE SEPTUAG1NT AND NEW TESTAMENT: DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF SCHOOLS AND THE UNDERGRADUATE COURSE OF A COLLEGIATE EDUCATION. BY THE REV. JOHN GROVES. If WITH CORRECTIONS AND ADDITIONAL MATTER, BY THE AMERICAN EDITOR. Δ) rd παν Ιρμηνίων Χατ*£«.— PiND. BOSTON : HILLIARD, GRAY AND COMPANY 1836. ?h ^ ι** 07Ka,and Αβακίζω, f. -ίσω, (ίτ.άβακης, silent) to be silent, dumb ; to be ignorant of, not to know. Αβάκιον, -ov, το, (dim. of άβαζ, a table) a small table, properly one divided into lines or squares for the purpose of calculation; a draft, or chequer-board. Αβακίσκος, -ov, δ, (fr. last) a small square, or other shaped piece, of which the pavements called tes- selated, or mosaic, were composed; a die. Άβάλε, adv. of wishing : Oh that ! would it were ! Αβαμά, Αββαμά, and Αβανά, Heb. the high place ; where the hea- thens and idolatrous Jews used to sacrifice. Άβαντα, a. sin. οΐ'Αβας, the name of a man. Αβαξ, -κος, b, a bench, table, board, or side-board ; a table, or board used for calculation, chess, &c. ABI ίβάπτιστος, -ου, b, f), (fr. a neg. and βαπτίζω, to dip) not to be sunk, drowned, or overwhelm- ed; floating, buoyant; unbapliz- ed. Άβαπτος, -ου, b, //, fr. a neg. and βάπτω, to dip, or dye) not dyed, colourless, untainted; untemper- ed, blunt. Άβαρ, -ρυς, rb, a kind of cake. Αβαρη, a. sin. raas. cont. of. Αβαρης, -έος, -orS, b, η, (fr. a neg. and βάρος, weight) light, not heavy; trifling, volatile; easy to be endured; not burdensome, not chargeable. Άβας, -αντος, Abas, a man's name. Αβας, Dor. for ήβης, g. sin. of 'ήβη. Αβάσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of αβάζω. Αβασάνιστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. α neg. and βάσανος, a touchstone) un- tried, not proved, or explored; not examined by torture. Αβασανίστως, (fr. last) without trial, or examination, unadvisedly. Αβασίλευτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and βασιλεύς, a king) without a king, ruler, or chief; indepen- dent, free ; unlike a king. Αβασιλεύτως, (fr. last) without a king; unlike a king. Άβατος, -ου, b, /„ (fr. a neg. and βαίνω, to go) pathless,untrodden, unfrequented; impassible, inac- cessible, lofty, steep; not to be trodden, or entered, holy; lone- ly, solitary ; deserted, desolate ; accursed. Αβατόω, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to make desolate, lay waste. Άββα, Syriac, indecl. father. Άββαμά, see αβαμά. Άββαλε, for απέβαλε or ανέβαλε, 3 sin.2 a. ind. act. of αποβάλλω, or αναβάλλω. Αβέβαιος, -ου b, ή, (fr. α neg. and βέβαιος, firm) unstable, weak; inconstant, fickle, wavering, ca- pricious. Αβεβαιότης, -ητος, %, (fr. last) weakness ; fickleness, inconstancy, caprice. Άβελ, b, Heb. indecl. Abel, a man's name. ίβέλτερος, -a, -ov, (fr. a neg. and /3Arfpoi,better)siupid,si%,dwZi, foolish; a blockhead. Αβελτερία, -ας, η, (fr. last) stupi- dity, dulness, want of sense, or talent; folly, infatuation. Αβια, Heb. indecl. Abia, a man's name. Αβιάθαρ, Heb. indecl. Abiathar, a man's name. Άβιβλος, -ου, b, (fr. a neg. and βίβλος, a book) without books, unlearned. Αβιληνη, -ης, η, Abilene, the name of a country. Άβιος, -ου. b. η. (fr. a n**g. and βίος, a livelihood ; or βία, strength) poor, indigent, neces- sitous, needy; simple, innocent, harmless; weak, feeble: or (fr. a intens. and same) rich, wcal- ihy J strong, hardu ^irloleni; bng- ABP lived : or (fr. a neg. and βώς, a bow) unarmed. Αβϊούδ, Heb. indecl. Abiud, a man's name. Αβίωτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and βιόω, to live, th. βίος, life) without life, lifeless, inanimate; short-lived; grievous, sorrowful. Αβ^αβέως, Αβλάβως, and Αβλάπ- τως, (fr. next) harmlessly, inno- cently ; safely, securely. Αβλαβης, -έος, ->~ς, S, h, (fr. a neg. and βλάβη, hurt, th. βλάπ- τω, to hurt) harmless, inoffensive, innocent; safe, unhurt, unin- jured. Αβλάπτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and βλάπτω, to hurt) unhurt, not to be hurt, secure; harmless, inno- cent. Αβλης, -ητος, b, η, (fr. a neg. and βάλλω, to throw) not yet thrown, or shot; new, fresh, unused; pointed, sharp. Άβλητος, -ου, b, >;, (fr. same) not hit, or struck; unhurt, safe. Αβληχρης, -έος-οϋς, b, η,&ηά Αβλη- χρός, -a, -bv, (fr. α redun. and βληχρος, weak) weak, feeble, in- firm. It is used by Pindar to signify strong, where the α must be considered as neg. Αβλοε7, pres. impr. act. cont. of Αλοέω -ω, to sacrifice, offer. Αβοάτι, Poet, and Dor. for αβοητϊ, (which fr. a neg. and βοη, din) without war; quietly, tranquil- ly. Αβοηθησία, -ας, ή, (fr. a neg. and βοηθέω, to assist) want of aid, helplessness. Αβοήθητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) des- titute, helpless; deadly, incurable. Αβόηθος, -ου, b, ι), (fr. same) past help, irremediable, incurable. Αβολέω, -ω, to meet, encounter. Αβόλησαν,Ιοη. ϊοΐηβόλησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of last. Άβολος, -ου, b,(fr. «neg. and βάλ- λω, to cast) that has not cast his first teeth, not lost the mark of mouth; young. Αβουλεύτως, (fr. a neg. and βουλή counsel) unadvisedly, rashly, hastily, imprudently, inconside- rately. Αβουλία, -ας, ή, (fr. same) rash- ness, folly, imprudence. Άβουλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same)wna<2- vised, thoughtless, inconsiderate, imprudent, hasty, rash; unfore- seen, unexpected. Αβουλότατα, sup. of Αβούλως, see αβουλεύτως. Αβουτέω, Ion. for αβούτου, g. of Αβούτης, -ου, b, (fr. a neg.and βους, an ox) having no cattle, poor. "Αβρά, or Άβρα, -ας, η, (fern, of αβρός, tender) Habra, or Abra, a woman's name ; a maid of honour, handmaid, servant,. Αβραάμ, Heb. indecl. Abraham, a man'<= name. Αβραδάτης, -ου, b, Abradates, a man's name. Αβρακέω -ω, and Αβράχω, fr. α redund. and βράχω, which see. (2) • ABP ίβράκησαν, Ion. for ηβράκησαγ, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of last. Αβράχε, Ion.for^|3pa^,3sin.imp. act. of αβράχω. Αβρεκτος, -ου, b, f), same as άβρο Αβρίζομαι, (fr. αβρός, delicate) ti» indulge in delicacies, to pamper one's self, to live delicately. Αβρίζω, f. -ίξω, (fr. α intens. and βρίζω, to nap) to sleep from ex- cess of food, to nap, or slumber after meals; or (fr. a neg. and same) to ivake, be watchful, vigi- lant, or active. Αβρϊθης, -έος, -οΐις, b, >/, (fr. a neg. and βρίθω, to weigh heavy)Zi^n5 not heavy. Αβρίξαι, 1 a. inf. act. οϊ αβρίζω. Άβροβάτης, -ου, b, η, (ir. άβρος ten- der, and βαίνω to walk) one who walks softly, stepping lightly, moving stately. Άβρόβιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. άβρος deli- cate, and βιδς, life) and Άβροδίαιτος, -ου, b, η, (fr.same and δίαιτα, diet) delicate inmanners, luxurious, voluptuous; affluent, rich. Άβρομος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a intens. and βρόμος, noise, th. βρέμω, to roar) making a loud noise, loud, noisy, roaring, clamorous. ' Άβρος, -a, -ov, soft, delicate, tender; dainty, choice; mild, gentle, ti- morous, effeminate; affluent, rich; fair, splendid, beautiful. Αβροτάζω,ΐ. -σω,(π\ αβρότη, night) to go astray in the dark; to wan- der, rove, to ramble; to err, mis- take, sin. Αβροτέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same) to meet by night. 1 a. ind. act. ηβρότησα' inf. αβροτησαι. • Αβρότη, --ης, ή, fr. α neg. and βρο- τος, mortal) an epithet of night, in which mortals do not appear, night.. Άβρήτης, -ητος, η, and Όοτ.Άβρό- τας, -ατός, a, (fr. άβρος delicate) • softness, tenderness, delicacy ; luxury, indulgence. Αβρότονον, -ου, το, the herb south- ernwood. '^βροτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and βροτος, mortal) immortal, that never dies, perpetual, never end- ing ; divine, ambrosial, balmy. Άβροχαίτας, -a, b, Dor. and JEol. for άβροχαίτης, -ου, b, (fr. αβρός- delicate, and χαίτη, the hair) vmo is exact about his hair; or wlw has fine hair ; delicate, ef- feminate. Αβροχία, -ας, η, (fr. next) drought, thirst. Άβροχος -ου, b, η (fr. a neg. and βρέχω, to moisten) dry, not wet, without rain ; thirsty. Άβρννα, or αβρυνα, -ων, τα, delay, procrastination ; stop, hindrance. Άβρύνω, f. -νω, [fr. a|Spo?,dehcate) to adorn, dress, deck out, decorate. Mid. άβρύνομαι, Ό indulge nne^ self, display, boast, vaunt, exult. Άβρωτος, -ου, and Αβρως, -ωτος, b, fj, (fr. α neg. and βρώσκω, to eat) ΑΓΑ tcneaten, not devoured, or cor- roded, sound, that hus not eaten, hungry ; also, unfit to be eaten, not eatable. Αβύδηνος, -ου, b, (fr. next) one of Abydos ; treacherous, perfidious, like them. Άβϋδος, -ου, δ, Abydos, the name of a city. Άβυσσος, -ου, η, (fr. a intens. and βυσσός, Ion. for βυθός depth) an abyss, a deep; the receptacle of the dead ; the bottomless pit, hell ; an abyss of waLrs. Adj. bot- tomless, unmeasurable, vast. Ay', for άγε, pres. impr. act. of άγω, come, lead on. Αγάασθαι, Poet. Pleonasm, for αγάσθαι, pres. inf. mid. — Αγά- ασθε, same for αγάσθε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. of άγαμαι. Άγαβος, -ου, b, a man's name, Lat. Agabus•. Αγάγας, Ion. for αγαγών, Att. for άγων, part. 2 a. act. — Αγαγεν, Dor. for αγαγείν, Att. for αγεΐν, 2 a. inf. act. — Αγαγέσθαι, Att. for αγέσθαι, 2 a. inf. mid. — Αγάγοιμι, -οις, -οι, Att. for άγοι- μι, 2 a. opt. act. and Αγάγον, -ες, -ε, Att. and Ion. for ήγον, 2 a. ind. act. — Αγάγυνθ\ by Apos. before an aspirate, for αγάγοντε, Att. for αγόντε, η. a. v. du. par. 2 a. act. — Αγάγω, -ης, -η, Att. for άγω, 2 a. sub. act. and Αγάγων, -ούσα, -ov, &c. Att. for άγων, &c. par. 2 a. act. of άγω. Αγάζομαι, f. -σομαι, (fr. αγάω, or αγάομαι to wonder) to be angry, break out, exceed ; to envy, grudge ; to admire, wonder, gaze ; to venerate, look up to. Αγαθαρ-χία, -ας, η, (fr. αγαθός good, and αρχή rule) the rule, or do- minion'of goodness, good govern- ment. Αγαθαρχικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. last) rul- ing 'well, governing justly, wise. Αγάθεος, and Ion. ηγάθεος, -ου, b,rj, (fr. άγαν, very, and θεός God) divine; excellent, superior; no- ble, illustrious. Αγάθϊς, -ίδος, η, (fr. αγαθός, good) a ball, or clew of yarn, or " thread. Αγαθοεργέω -Si, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. αγαθός good, and έργον work) . to do good, benefit, serve ; to do well, act rightly ; to do works of chanty, and mercy, pres. inf. act. cont. αγαθοεργεΊν. Αγαθοεργία, -ας, and Ion. Αγαθοερ- γί-ν, -νς, η, (fr. same) beneficence, bounty, active kindness; an ex- ploit, feat. Αγαθοεργός, and cont. Αγαθουργός, -ου, b, ι), (fr. same) beneficent, benevolent, a benefactor ; a sena- tor of Sparta. L•γaθoκλέης, -ίεος, b, and Αγαθοκ- Μς, -ίος, -ους, b, (fr. άγαν much, and κλέος fame) Agathocles, a man's name. ιγαθοποιέ ω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. ayrids, good, and *οιέω to do) ΑΓΑ to do good, serve, to be of use to, to assist ; to act rightly. Αγαθοποίία, -ας, η, (fr. same) well- doing, doing good, acting rightly; a benefit, service. Αγαθοιτοιός, -οΰ, b, η, (fr. same) α well-doer y one who acts rightly ; a benefactor. ΑγαθοττοιεΊτε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. act. νοιησαι, 1 a. inf. act. -ποιητε, 2 pi. cont. pres. sub. act. — -ττοιουσαι, η. pi. fem. — - -τζοιουντες, η. pi. mas. τζοιοΰντας, a. pi. mas. cont. par. pres. act. of αγαθοποιέω. Αγαθόν, -ου, το, (neut. of next) a good, perfection; bounty, bless- ing ; -wealth, property, goods. Αγαθός, -η, -bv, (fr. α intens. and γηθέω, to rejoice ; or fr. αγάω, to admire) admirable, for what- ever maybe the present subject, excellent, surpassing ; good, pure, correct in conduct ; bountiful, kind, benevolent, merciful; pro- fitable, useful; fertile, product- ive; brave, courageous ; shlful ; ingenious, clever, active. Οι αγα- θοί, the good, the virtuous. Αγαθότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) good- ness, good conduct; bounty, be nevolence ; courage ; skill. Αγαθουργίη, -ης, η, Ion. for αγα- θουργία, by Cras. for αγαθοεργία. Αγαθουργός, -οϋ, b, η, by Cras. for αγαθοεργός. AyaSou) -ώ, f. -ώσω, and Αγαθύνω,ΐ. -υνω, (fr. αγαθός, good) to do good to others ; to act well myself; to be glad, to rejoice. Αγαθυνθεϊς, -είσα, -εν, (par. 1 a. pass, of last) glad, rejoiced. Αγαθώς, (fr. same) well, rightly. Αγαθωσύνη, -ης, η, (fr. same) good- ness. Αγαθώτατος, -η,-ον, sup. of αγαθός. Άγαι, -ων, -αϊ, (fr. άγω, to break) breaches ; a shore, or strand ; and wounds. Αγαίεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of Αγαίομαι, (fr. αγάω, to admire) to be angry ; to entertain a grudge, or spite, to envy ; to admire, won- der. ΑγαΧος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) elegant, \ neat,fine, gay; envious, enviable. Αγακλειτός, -ου, δ, η, (fr. άγαν very, and κλειτός celebrated, th. κλείω to celebrate) and, Αγακλης, -έος, -ους, b, η, (fr. same and κλέος fame, th. κλείω, to ce• lebrate) and, Αγακλυτός, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and κλυτός famed, th. κλύω, to hear) celebrated, cried up, extolled, fa- mous, renowned, eminent. Αγακπμέναν,Αι,οΙ. for αγακτιμένην, fem. a. sin. of αγακτιμένος, Poet. for άγαν κεκτισμένος (th. κτίζω, to build) well built. Αγαλλίαμα, -άτος, τό, and, Αγαλλίασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. αγάλλω, to exult) transport, ex- ultation, leaping for joy, ecstasy, delight. Αγαλλιασθε, 2 pi. cont. pres. impr, mid. — -λίώμεθα, 1 pL cont. pros, (3) ΑΓΑ sub. mid. — -λιωμένοι, η. pi. mas. cont. par. pres. mid. of Αγαλλιάω -ω., f. -άσω, ρ ηγαλλίακα^ (th. αγάλλω, to adorn) 1 a. ind. mid. ηγαλλιασάμην, -ω, -ατο' pass, ηγαλλιάσθην and, Αγάλλομαι, (fr. άγαν very much, and ίίλλομαι to leap) to leap for joy, show delight by gestures, ex- ult, rejoice, triumph ; to adorn, bedeck. γάλλοχον, -ου, το, an odorous In- dian wood. Αγάλλω, f. -λώ, p. ηγάλκα, to adorn, decorate, embellish; to sacrifice, consecrate, dedicate ; Αγάλλομαι, to glory, exult, triumph. Αγαλμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. last) an ornament, a decoration, finery ; a deliglit, gratification ; an offer- ing, statue, image; a form, sha- dow. Αγαλμάτων, -ου, το, (dim. of last) a little image, statue, or figure. Αγαλματοττοιός, -ου, δ, (fr. άγαλμα an image, and ποιέω to make) a statuary, carver. 'Αγαμαι, f. -άσομαι, (th. αγάω, to wonder) to admire, wonder, praise, respect; to prize, esteem; to envy ; 1 a. ind. mid. ηγασά- μην, pass, ηγάσθην. Άγαμος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. a neg. and γάμος, wedlock) unmarried, sin- gle. Άγαν, much, very, too much, ex- ceedingly. Αγανακτέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ηγανάκ- τηκα, (fr. άγαν very much, and άχθομαι to be oppressed) to grieve, or fret through anger ; to be moved, or filled with indigna- tion, or resentment, resent, be in- dignant, to stomach, take ill. pres. inf. act. cont. αγανακτεΊν. Αγανάκτησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) resentment, indignation. Αγανακτικός, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) indignant, incensed, angry. Αγανακτέων -ων, -έουσα-ουσα, -έον -οΰν, in η. pi. mas. cont. — -οϋντες, par. pres. act. of same. Αγανης, -έος -ους, δ, η, same as αγανός• ά. pi. Ion. αγανησι. Αγανησι, Ion. for αγάνεσι, d. pi. of last. Αγάννιφος,-ου^,η, (fr. ayav much, and νιφάς, snow, th. νίψω, to snow) snowy, covered with snow. Αγανός, -η, -ov, (fr. a intens. and γάνος, joy) mild, gentle, calm, soothing ; affable, agreeable ; pleasing, desirable, dat. pi. αγα- νοΊσι. Άγανος, -η, -ov, fr. άγαν very, and αινός severe) cruel, severe, aus- tere, morose, inexorable, hard hearted : or (fr. άγω or άγνυ- μι, to break) broken, snapped ; brittle. Αγανόώρων, -όνος, δ, η, (fr. αγανός mild, and φρην the mind) mild, gentle, tender, humane. Αγανοώρωσΰνη, -ης, %, (fr. same) mildness, genileness f clemency humamfaf. ΑΓΑ Αγανωθ, Heb. indecl. cups. Αγάνωρ, Dor. for αγήνωρ. Αγάομαι, see αγάω. Αγαπψ — Αγαπάς, 3 and 2 sin. cont. ind. act. — Αγαπάτε, 2 pi. cont. ind. or impr. act. — Αγαπάτω, 3 sin. cont. impr. act. — Αγαπάν, pres. inf. act. cont. of Α/απάω. Αγαπάζε, pres. impr. act. — Αγαπά- ζοντι, Dor. for αγαπάζουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Αγαπάζω, Poet, for αγαπάω. Αγαπάτά, Dor. for αγαπητά, η. pi. of αγαπητός. \.γαπάω, -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. ηγάπηκα, to be strictly united in affection, to love, cherish, prefer, delight in, covet ; to entertain, welcome, treat kindly; to be content, to agree, ac- quiesce, pres. impr. act. αγαπάε -a' inf. αγαπάν par.l a. act. ay a- πήσας. par.per.pass. ηγαπημένος. Αγάπη, -ης, >/, (fr. last) lovejriend- ship, affection, charity. — plu. love-feasts, feasts of charity. Αγαπηθήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. pass, of same. Αγάπημα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) a thing loved, a delight, favourite, darling. Αγαπήνωρ, -ορός, δ, η, (fr. αγαπάω to love, and avi)p a man) fond of men : also, manly, high spirited, brave. Also, Agapenor, a man's name. Αγαπήσας, η. αγαπήσαντος, g. -σαν- τι, d. sin. par. 1 a. act. — Αγα- πήσατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act.— Αγαπήσητε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. act. — Αγαπήσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of αγαπάω. Αγάπησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, same as αγάπη. Αγαπητός, -η, -bv, (fr. αγαπάω, to love) beloved, well beloved, dear. Αγαπητώς, (fr. last) willingly, with good will, readily. Αγαπώ, 1 sin. cont. pres. ind. or sub. act. — Αγαπών, nom. — Αγα- πώντας, a. pi. αγαπώντων, g. pi. cont. par. pros. act. — Αγαπωμαι, pres. ind. or sub. cont. pass. — Αγαπωμεν, 1 pi. -ωσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. or sub. act. of same. Αγαπώην, -ης, -η, Att. for αγαπίομι, pres. opt. act. cont. of αγαπάω. Αγαπωμένη, fern. par. pres. pass, of αγαπάω, γυνή understood, a mistress, a siveetheart. Άγαρ, Heb. indecl. Agar, a wo- man's name. Αγαρικον, -ου, το, agaric; a fungus growing on trees, and used in medicine and dying. Αγάρροος -ονς, -ου, b,'j, (fr. άγαν very, and ρε ω to flow) swift- flowing, rapid; boisterous, tumul- tuous, agitated. Αγάσαντο, Ion. for ηγάσαντο, 3 pi. οΐηγασάμην, 1 a. ind. m. — Αγά- σασθαι, 1 a. inf. m. of αγάζομαι. ΆγασΟαι, pres. inf. of άγαμαι. ΑγασθεΙς, 1 a. par. pass. — Αγασ- σάμενος, Poet, for αγασάμενος, 1 a. par. of αγάζομαι. Αγάστονος,-ου, b, η, (fr.ayai'much, and στένω to ^oan) groaning ΑΓΓ much or violently; loud roar ing. Αγαστός, -η, -bv, (fr. αγάω, to ad mire) that may, or ougtit to be admired, wonderful ; desirable, enviable. Αγάστωρ, -ορός, b, (fr. a coll. and γαστήρ, the womb) an uterine brother, a brother by the same mother. Aγaσυλλ\ς,-ίδoς,η,Agasyllis,^.γ\^.τύ which yields the gum ammonia. Αγαύη, -ης, η, and Dor. Αγανά, (fem.of p*vxt) Agave, a woman's name. Αγαυός,-ά, -bv, (ΐν.αγάω, to admire) , admirable, fine, splendid; fa- mous, renowned, celebrated, proud, haughty. Αγαυρος, -ά, -bv, (fr. a intens. and γαύρος, haughty )haughty, proud, arrogant; daring, presumptuous; vehement, outrageous, furious, fierce; luxuriant, blooming. Αγαφθέγκτο^, -ου, b, η, (Poet. fr. άγαν, very much, and φθέγγομαι, to resound) loud, noisy. Αγάω, -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ήγηκα, to ad- mire, wonder ; to be lost in amazement; to gape with asto- nishment ; to envy, resent; to stand aghast. Άγγάρα, -ων, tu, (fr. άγγάρος, β Persian post boy) stations, re- lays, or stages of the post in an- cient Persia, Αγγαρείον, and Ion. Αγγαρηΐον, -ου, το, (fr. same) the Persian post ; any post, despatch, or mail. Αγγαρεύουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Αγγαρεύσω, -εις, -£t,lf.ind.act.of Αγγαρενω, f. -εύσω, (fr. next) to press for public service ; to com- pel another to go somewhere, or to carry some burden; to engage as a courier, act as a carrier. Ά^γάρος, -ου, b, the bearer of the royal despatches among the an- cient Persians ; a post boy, mes- senger, courier. Αγγαροφορέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. last, and ώορέω, to carry) to carry des- patches, or messages. Άγγε,ϊοΐ άγγεα,χι.Ά. v. pi. of άγγος. Αγγειδίον, -ου, το, (dim. of next) any lesser kind of vessel, a cup, gill. ΑγγεΧον, -ου, το, (fr. άγγος, a ves- sel) any small vessel, a ewer, ba- sin ; a tub, cash, cistern. Αγγείωδης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and είδος, likeness) formed, or used as a vessel ; sloped, like an urn, or pitcher. Αγγελέονσι, for αγγέλουσι, 3 pi. 1. f. of αγγέλλω. Αγγελεία, and Αγγελία, -ας, η, Ion. Αγγελίη, -ης, η, (fr. αγγέλλω, to tell) the power or right of deliver- ing oracular responses, the de- claration of an oracle; a denun- ciation, publication, or decla- ration ; a message, embassy mandate, commandment; news; and Αγγελίας, Poet, and Ion. Αγγελίης , -ου, b, (fr. same) a messenger, legate, ambassador. (4) ΑΓΕ Αγγελιηφόρος, -ov, b, (fr. last, and φορέο) to carry) the deliverer of an oracular answer; a nuncio, or envoy. Αγγελικός, -η, -bv, (fr. άγγελος ii messenger) of a message or mes- senger; angelical. Αγγελιώτης, -ου, b, and Αγγελιωτϊζ, -'ώας, η, (fr. same) a messenger. Αγγελλόντων, g. pi. par. pres. act. Att. for αγγελλέτωσαν, pres. impr. act. of Αγγέλλω, f. -ελώ, p. ήγγελκα, to deliver a message, threat, or VMrning ; to denounce, tell, de- clare ; to publish, reveal ; to bring news. 1 a. act. ήγγειλα. p. pass. ήγγελμαι. 1 a. pass. ηγγέλΰην. part, αγγελθείς. p. mid. ήγγελα. Άγγελμα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) α message, news ; a command. Άγγελος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a mes- senger; envoy, legate, ambassa- dor; agent; a messenger from heaven, an angel. Αγγεσι, d. ρ! οι άγγος. Αγγηίον, -ου, το, Ion. for αγγείον. Άγγος, -εος -ους, το, a vessel, tub, cask, pitcher, a basket, &c. Αγγοΰριον,οΐΆγγονρον,αΰηαλ^ετ Αγγ(ίζω, (fr. next) to irritate, pro- )oke ; to grieve, or pain. Ά γγριξ, >Ί, grief, pain, irritation. Αγγριστης, -ου, δ, (fr. last) one that provokes, or irritates. Άγε, 2 sin. and Άγεθ\ by Apos. before an aspirate, for άγετε, 2 pi. impr. act. of ay ω. lead, con- duct, bring, take. Or, used ad- verbially, come, come on; come now, let us see. Αγε, Dor. for ηγε, 3 sin. 2 a. act. of αγω. Άγει, 3 sin. — Άγουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Άγειν, pres. inf. act. — Άγεσθαι, pres. inf. pass. — Άγεσθε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. mid. of same. Αγειρόντων, g. pi. par. pres. Att. for αγειρέτωσαν, 3 pi. pres. impr. act. of Αγείρω, f. -ερω, p. ήγερκα, Att. αγή- γερκα, to collect, gather up, beg, borrow ; to summon, raise, levy ; to assemble, come together, meet. 1 a. ήγειρα, 3 pi. Ion. άγειραν for ήγειραν inf. αγείραι• par. αγείρας per. pass, ήγερμαι. 1 a. ηγέρθην. 1 f. αγερθήσομαι. per. mid. ήγορα. Αγείτης, -ου, b, a wrong-doer; wrongful, injurious. ΆγεΤτο, Dor. for 'ιγεΐτο, 3 sin. imp. of ηγέομαι. Αγελάζω, f. -άσω, p. ηγ&ακα, (fr. αγέλη, a herd) toflo^Tt together, associate; to assemble. Αγελαΐος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) herd- ing, or associating together, gre- garious ; one of the flock, or herd ; common, ordinary, vulgar; a herdsman, shepherd. Αγελαιών, -ωνος, b, (fr. same) the fold, the stalls or retreat for the herd. Αγελαρχέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. αγέλη a herd, and αρχή rule) to had the flock or herd ; to rule, govern. ATE Αγελάρχης, -ου, b, (fr. last) a herdsman, shepherd; the lead- er of the flock; a leader, ruler, chief. Αγελαρχουσα, fern, par. pres. cont. of αγελαρχέω. Αγέλαστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. α neg. and yi\aw to laugh) that will not laugh, rough, rude, sullen, surly, morose, serious, sober, grave, harsh. Αγελαστία, -ας, η, (fr. same) gra- vity, solemnity, rnoroseness. Αγελεία, and Ion. Αγελείη (fr. άγω to drive, and λεία booty) she that plunders. An epithet of Minerva. Αγέλη, -ης, η, a herd, properly of kine ; a drove, flock ; a troop, crowd, assemblage ; society. Αγεληυον, (fr. last) by droves, flock by flock. Αγελήθεν, (fr. same) from the flock, or herd. Αγέληφι or αγέληφιν, Poet, for αγέλη, d. sin. of αγέλη. Αγελήτης, -ου, b, gregarious; one of the flock. Αγέμεν, Ion. for άγειν, pres. inf. of άγω. Άγεμονεύειν, Dor. for ηγεμονεύειν, pres. inf. of ηγεμονεύω. Άγεμων, Dor. for ήγεμών. Άγεν, Ion. for ήγεν, imp. and Dor. for άγειν, pres. inf. of άγω. Also, Άγεν, Bosot. for ήγησαν, 3 pi. 2 a. pass, of άγνυμι, or άγω. Αγενεαλόγητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. γένος a family, and λέγω to tell) without genealogy, or pedigree; obscure. Αγένειος, -ου, b, (fr. a neg. and γέ- νειον a beard) beardless, young. Αγενή, neut. pi. cont. of 'Αγενής, -εος -ους, b. η, (fr. a neg. and γένος a family) of no de- scent, whose family is obscure, of mean birth, ignoble, obscure, base ; childless. Comp. αγενέστε- ρος, sup. -έστατος. Αγενήτος, or Αγέννητος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. α neg. and γίνομαι to be) having no origin, not made, or done, unborn ; unfinished, imper- fect, defective; mean, ignoble. Άγεο, Dor. and ηγεο, Ion. for ηγου, pres. impr. of ηγέομαι. Άγέομαι, Dor. for ηγέομαι. Αγεόμενος, Poet, for αγόμενος, pres. par. pass, of άγω. Αγέραστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. α neg. and γέρας reward) unrewarded, not remunerated, or recompensed. Αγερέθω, Poet, for αγείρω. Αγέρεσθαι, Att. . for αγείρεσθαι, pres. inf. pass, of αγείρω. Αγερθεν, Ion. and Syne, for ηγέρθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. pass, and Αγέρθην, -ης, -η, Ion. for ηγίρθην, 1 a. ind. pass, of αγείρω. Αγερμος, -ου, υ, (fr. αγείρω to col- lect) a collection, gathering, as- semblage. Αγέροντο, Poet, or Ion. for ηγέροντο, 2 a. ind. mid. of aytiow. ΑΓΗ Αγερόομαι -ουμαι, (fr. a neg. and γέρας reward) to neglect, slight. Αγέρρω, JEol. and Αγέρω, Poet, for αγείρω. Άγερσις, -ως, Att. -εως, >/, (fr. αγείρω to collect) a collection, crowd, assemblage. Αγερώσατο, Ion. for ηγερώσατο, 1 a. ind. of αγερόομαι. Αγερώσσω, to watch, lie awake; to lie in wait, hunt. Αγερωχία, -ας, η, (fr. next) haughtiness, pride, disdain. Αγέρωχος, -ου, b, η, (perhaps fr. a intens. γέρας a reward, and έχω to have) victorious, trium- phant; proud, haughty, arro- gant; daring, fierce; vain, fickle ; boasting, vain-glorious ; provident, careful. Αγερώχως, (fr. last) proudly, &c. according to the adj. Άγες, Poet, for άγε, pres. or 2 a. impr. or Dor. for ήγες, 2 sin. imp. act. Άγεσκεν, Ion. for ήγεν, 3 sin. imp. act. of άγω. Αγεσίλαος, -ου, b, (fr. άγω to drive, and λαός people) Age- silaus ; an epithet of Pluto, and the name of several men. Άγεστα, (fr. Lat. aggesta) a mili- tary engine. Αγέστράτος, -ου, b, >), (fr. άγω to lead, and στρατός army) a cap- tain, leader, general ; an epithet of Minerva. Άγετε, and by Apos. άγετ , pres. impr. of άγω, used adverbially, come, come on. Αγέτης, -ου, b, (fr. άγω to lead) a conductor, leader, guide. Αγενστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and γ ευ ω to taste) that has not tasted, fasting, hungry ; who has not tried, inexperienced ; untasted ; tasteless, insipid. Αγεωμέτρητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. α neg. and γεωμετρία geometry) ungeometrical, ignorant of ge- ometry. Αγεώργητος, -ου, b, f), (fr. a neg. and γεωγρέω to cultivate) uncul- tivated, neglected, barren, waste. Άγη, -ης, η, (fr• αγάω to wonder) admiration, wonder, astonish- ment; or (Λ. άγνυμι to break) a fracture, rupture, breach ; a rock, precipice, strand, beach ; a wound. Άγη, Ion. for εάγη, 3 sin. 2 a. pass, of άγω or άγνυμι. Αγηγέ>ραται, Att. and Ion. for ηγερμένοι εισι, 3 pi. per. pass. Αγήγερχα, Att. for ήγερκα, per. ind. act. Αγήγερμαι, Att. for ήγερμαι, per. pass, of αγείρω. Αγήλαι, inf. — Αγήλας par. οΐηγή- λα, 1 a. act. Αγη Λα of αγά αγι >/ ; Αγηλατέω -ω, (fr. άγαν much, and ελάω to drive) to chase, drive away; to fly or flee, escape. Άγηλατέω -ω, (fr. άγης accursed, and same) to expel or banish any polluted person, or thing ; to pu- rify, expiate. Άγημα, -ατός, τό, (fr. oywtolead) (Β) ΑΠ an assemblage, crowd, troop, flock. Άγημι, -ης, -ησι, obs. hence mid. Άγαμαι, which see. Αγηνορία, -ας, η, and Ion. Αγηνορίη, -IS, η, (fr• αγήνωρ manful) man liness, spirit, courage, bravery. Αγηνορι'ησι, Ion. for αγηνοριάϊς, d. pi. of last. Αγήνωρ, -ορός, b, η, (fr. άγαν very much, and ανήρ a man) manly, manful, spirited, brave, courage- ous ; also Agenor, a man's name. Αγήοχα, by pleonasm for άγηχα, Att. for ήχα, per. of άγω. Αγήραος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. α neg. and γήρας old age) exempt from old age, undecaying, unimpaired by age, ever young. Αγήράτον, -ου, το, (fr. same) the herb everlasting. Αγήρατος, -ου, and Αγήρως, -ω, b, η, same as αγήραος. Άγης, -έος -ους, b, η, wicked, ac- cursed, polluted, abominable, pro- fane. Άγήσασθαι, Dor. for. ηγήσασθαι, 1 a. inf. of ηγέομαι. Άγησι, 3 sin. pres. ind. of άγημι. Αγησίλαος, -ου, b, Agesilaus, a Spartan king. Άγησίχορος, Poet, and Dor. for ηγησίχυρος, (fr. ηγέομαι to lead, and χορός the chorus) the leader of the dancers, or singers; or of any other theatrical perform- ers. Άγητήρ, -ήρος, b, Dor. for ηγητηρ, (fr. ηγέομαι to lead) a leader, conductor, 'manager ; guide. Αγητος, -η, -bv, (fr. αγάω to won- der) admirable, enviable; won- derful, splendid. Άγηχα, see αγήοχα. Αγιάζει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Άγιαζόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. — Άγιάζων, -ούσα, -ov, par. pres. act. of Αγιάζω, f- -σω, p. ηγίακα, (fr. 'άγιος holy) to consecrate, sanc- tify, separate, or set apart; to esteem, or revere as holy, or sanctified ; to purify, cleanse from, pollution ; to expiate, atone, appease ; to hallow, sanctify, make holy : per. pass, ηγιάσμαι, 1 a. ηγιάσθην, 1 f. άγιασθήσομαι. Άγιάσαι, 1 a. impr. m. — Αγιά- σατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act Άγιάση, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. — Άγιασθήτω, 3 sin. 1 a. impr. pass. — Άγιάσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. — Άγίασον, 1 a. impr. act. of last. Άγιασμα, -ατός, το, and Άγιαομος, -ου, b (fr. same) sanctiflcation, sanctity, holiness, purity. Άγιαστήριον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a sanctuary, a holy place. Άγιαστία, -ας, η, (fr. same) holi- ness, purity; ceremony, wor- ship. Αγίγαρτος, -ου, b, ', (fr. a neg and γίγαρτον a \emel) witi βότρυς understood, grapes with out stones. ΑΓΚ Άγίζω, same as αγιάζω. Αγίνεσκον, Dor. and Ion. for ηγί- νεον -ου ν y imp. act. of Αγινέω -ω, and also Αγίνω, Poet. for αγω. Αγιον, -ov, το, (fr. next) a holy place, or thing, a sanctuary ; άγια, -ων, τα, and άγιαι, -ων, αϊ, the holy of holies ; the upper re- gion of the heavens. "Αγιος, -a, -ov, holy, sacred, sanc- tified ; hallowed, set apart from sin, consecrated to God; chaste r pure; pious, devout. Άγιότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) holi- ness. Άγιστεύω, and άγιστέω, (fr. άγος atonement) to venerate, revere, respect ; to purify, sanctify ; to celebrate, solemnize. Άγιστία, or άγιστεία, -ας, ή, (fr. same) a rite, ceremony. Άγιωσύνη, -ης, η, (fr. άγιος holy) sanctification, sanctity, holiness. Αγκάζομαι, (fr. αγκή, an arm) to hold in the arms, to embrace; to cherish, foster, nurse. Αγκαλέω -ω, Poet, for ανακαλέω, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. αγκα\έι.ι. 2 a. act. ind. ανέκαλον' impr. αγκαλε. Αγκάλη, -ης, η, (fr. αγκη an arm) an arm. It is generally used plural : the arms ; the clasping, or folding of the arms, in order to hold, or carry any thing. Αγκαλίζομαι, (fr. last) same as αγκάζομαι. Αγκαλϊς, -ί5ος, I], (fr. same) an armful, a bundle, parcel, packet. Αγ καλώ αγωγό ς, -ου, b, (fr. last, and άγω to take) and Αγκαλώοφόρος, -ου, b, (fr. same, and φέρω to carry) a porter. Αγκάς, (fr. αγκη an arm) in the arms. Άγκεα, pi. of άγκος. Άγκειμαι, Poet, for ανάκειμαι. Αγκεράτεσσι, Poet, for ανά κερά- τεσσι, d. pi. of κέρας. Αγκη, -ης, η, the arm; pi. Αγκαι, the arms; an embrace, clasp, hug. Αγκίον -ου, το, (dim. of άγκος a valley) a vale, glen. Άγκιστρον, -ov, rb, a hook, a fish- ing hook ; a bait ; enticement. Αγκιστεία, -ας, η, (fr. last) fishing, vnth the hook, angling. Αγκιστρεύω, (fr. same) to fish with a hook, to angle. Αγκ'.στρόω, (fr. same) to catch with a hook, to fish. Αγκίστρωσης, -εος -ονς, b, ^, (fr. same) shaped like a hook, hooked, barbed. Άγκλειτος, for ανάκλειτος (th. κλείω to celebrate) boasting, os- tentatious. Αγκλίνας, for ανακλίνας, 1 a. par. act. of ανακλίνω. Αγκοίνη, -ης, η, Poet, the arm; the arjns, the bosom. Αγκαινίζω, (fr. last) to carry in the arms ; to embrace. Αγκομίζω, for ανακομίζω. Inf. αγκο- μίζβ,ν, pa* αγκομίζων, 1 a, mid. ΑΓΚ ηγκομισάμην, 3 sin. Opt. αγκο- μίσαιθ' for -σαιτο. Αγκονέω -ω, (fr. ανά and κονέω to hasten) to ivork diligently, to la- bour, to toil, to exert; to drive, urge, hasten. Άγκος, -εος, -ονς, τό, a valley, glen, dale; a precipice, crag. Αγκόχασι, Macedonic, for ενηνό- χασι, 3 pi. per. mid. of φέρω. Αγκρίνω, for ανακρίνω. Αγκρούομαι, for ανακρούομαι. Αγκτηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. άγχω to choke) a strap, tie, buckle, clasp, button; rope, halter. Αγκύλη, -ης, η, a thong, loop, or strap, used for throwing the dart; a kind of dart ; a hook, handle ; the bend of the elbow, or knee; a sort of cup; a defect in the tongue; the yard-arms, or ends of the sail-yard. Αγκνλίζομαι, (fr. last) to dart, throw a dart. Αγκνλιστής, ov, h, (fr. same) a darter, one who fights with a dart. Αγκυλόγλωσσον, -ov, το, (fr. αγκύ- λος crooked, and γλωσσά the tongue) a defect in the tongue, an impediment in speech. Αγκνλομήτεω, g. Ion. of Αγκνλομήτης, -ov, b, and Αγκνλο- μητϊς, -ίδος, η, (fr. same, and μήτις skill) of deep design, in- scrutable ; sagacious, wise, intel- ligent, skilful, knowing ; artful, crafty, politic, insidious. Αγκύλος, -ov, b, η, crooked, not straight, awry ; hooked; curved, bent, round; perverse, wily, artful, crafty. Αγκυλόταμον, -ov, το, (fr. αγκύλη the tongue-tie, and τέμνω to divide) a surgical instrument to remove that defect. Αγκνλότοξος -ov, b, (fr. αγκύλος, crooked, and τόξον, a bow) equipped with a bow, an archer. Αγκνλόω -ω, f. ώσω, and Αγκύλω, (fr. αγκύλος crooked) to crook, bend; to twist, distort; to fling, hurl a dart. Αγκύλως, (fr. same) crookedly; indirectly, perversely. Αγκύλωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f/, (fr. same) a bending, twisting, crook- edness, distortion, perversion ; the shot of an arrow, or dart. Αγκνλοχείλης, -ov, and Αγκυλόχει- λοί, -ov, b, (fr. same and χείλος the lip) having broad lips, or α wide mouth, or a crooked beak. Αγκνλοχήλης, -ov, and -εος-ους, b, η, (fr. same and χηλή a claw) with broad or bending hoofs,; with crooked claws, or talons. Άγκυρα -ας, η, an anchor, grapnel, hook ; a stay, support, protection; steadfast hope. a. sin. άγκνραν a. pi. αγκύρας. Αγκύριον, -ου, το, (dim. of last) a small anchor, &c. Αγκνρίζω, (fr. same) to knock down ; to trip up ; to supplant, remove by intrigue. Αγκνρόυ ?ΰ>, (fr. same) to anchor, ΑΓΛ to come to an anchor > to Jis>, confirm, establish. Αγκών, -ώνος, b, the elbow, any bending of the body or limbs ; tht fore-arm, the arm, a cubit; the horns, or handle of the lyre ; an angle, corner. Αγκωνίζομαι (fr. last) to elbow, thrust with the elbow, to hint, or signify by touching with the el- bow; to hold in the arms, em- brace, clasp ; to encircle, bend round; to crook, make an angle. Αγκωνίσκος, -ov, b, (dim. of same) a small elbow, a knuckle, joint. Αγλαέθειρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. αγλαδς bright, and έθειρα the hair) hav- ing beautiful hair. Αγλαΐα, -ας, η, (fr. same) bright- ness, splendor ; beauty ; orna- ment ; joy, delight ; excellence ; Aglaia, one of the Graces. Αγλαϊάων, 2Ε•ο\. for αγλαιων, g. pi. of last. Αγλαϊεΐσθαι, Att. for αγλαίσεσθαι, 1 f. inf. mid. of Αγλαιζω, or αγλαίζομαι, (fr. same) to shine, glitter, glisten ; to beau- tify, adorn. Αγλαιη, Ion., and αγλαίηφι, Ion. and Poet, for αγλαί'α, d. sin., and Αγλαϊησιν, Ion. for αγλα'ίαις, d. pi. of αγλαια. Αγλάισμα, -ατός, το, and Ανλαίσ- μος, -ov, b, (fr. same) splendor, ornament, decoration. Αγλαόγνιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and γνϊον a limb) well made, well shaped; who forms fine limbs. Αγλαόδενδρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and δένδρον a tree) bearing fine trees, shady. Αγλαόθρονος, -ov, b, fy, (fr. same, and θρόνος a throne) and Αγλαόθ\Λ,<ος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, $ωκος a seat) having splendid seats, or abodes; spoken of the Muses. Αγλαόκαρπος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same, and καρπός the wrist, or fruit) with fine wrists, beautiful; or bearing fine fruit. Αγλαόκονρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and κούρος, Ion. for κόρος young) having fine, or famous children. Αγλαόκωμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and κώμος festivity) who lays out or adorns a banquet ; festive, jovial; splendid. Αγλαος, -ου, b, η, bright, shining, sparkling, radiant, glittering ; beautiful, admirable ; joyous, de- lightful ; ornamental ; splendid, illustrious, noble, majestic, grand. Αγλαοτρίαινας, -ου, b, (fr. last, and τρίαινα a trident) he with the bright, trident ; an epithet ol Neptune. Αγλάωψ, -οπός, b, f), (fr. same, and ώψ the eye) having spark- ling eyes ; animated, lively , blazing, shining. Αγλενκης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. α neg. and γλεύκος new wine, or γλυκϋζ sweet) iwt sweet f bitter } ΑΓΝ tour; tasteless, insipid; stink- ing, foul; harsh, disagreeable, morose ; sad, grievous. Αγλίη, -ης, η, a kind of sore on the eye. Άγλιθες, -ων, at, heads, or cloves of garlic. Άγλωσσος, -ου, b, ^, (fr. α neg. and γλώσσα the tongue) without a tongue, speechless, slow of speech, ineloquent, dull. Άγμα, -ατός, το, (fr. άγνυμι to break) a fragment, shard, splin- ter ; piece, part. Αγμός, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a steep place, a precipice ; shore. Άγναμιττος, -ου, ό, η, (fr. a neg. an;l γνάμπτω to bend) not pliant, stiff"; not to be bent, rigid, in- flexible ; inexorable ; stubborn, obstinate. Άγνάφος, and Άκναφος, -ου, b, η, (fr. α neg. and γνάφω, γνάπτω or κνάπτω, to full) unfulled, undressed, . uncombed ; new, fresh. Άγναία, -ας, f], (fr. αγνός chaste) chastity, continence ; purity. Άγνεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same) to live chastely, be continent; to pu- rify, cleanse. Αγνήκαμες, _Έο1. for ηγνοήκαμεν, 1 pi. per. act. of αγνοίω. Άγνης, -ίος -ους, δ, //, see αγνός. Αγνιξω, f. -/σω, (fr. αγνός pure) to cleanse, purify, sanctify ; to consecrate, set apart. 3 sin. pres. ind. act. άγνίζει. Άγνίσατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act Άγνισθύς, -ε7σα, -εν, par. — Άγνίσθητι, 1 a. impr. pass. — Άγνίσωσι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of last. Άγνισμα. -ατός, το, and ' Αγνισμος, -ου, δ, (fr. αγνός pure) cleansing, purification, expiation. Αγνοίω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. ηγνόηκα (fr. α neg. and νοίω to think, th. νόος the mind ; or fr. a neg. and γνόω to know) not to know, to be ignorant of not to under- stand ; to err, or sin through ignorance. Imp. ηγνόεον -ουν, 1 a. par. αγνοήσας. ί,γνόημα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) mis- take, error ; a sin or fault through ignorance, g. pi. αγνοημάτων. Αγνοια, -ας, η, (fr. same) igno- rance, want of knowledge ; un- skilfulness ; imprudence, error, sin. Κγνοιίω, Poet, for αγνοίω. Αγνοίησιν, Ion. for αγνοίη, 3 sin. pres. sub. of αγ νοιίω. 'Αγνός, -ου, ή, a willow, also a fish. Αγνός, -ή, -δν, chaste, pure; un- mixed, unpolluted, undefiled ; clear from sin, or guilt ; sepa- rated from sinners ; innocent. Άγνότης, -ητος, ^, (fr.last) chastity, purity ; holiness, aversion from sin. d. sin. άγνότηπ. αγνοούν, neut. sin. coot. — Αγ- νοουντες, nom. pi. cont. par. pres. act. οι αγνοίω. Αγνοουμεν, 1 pi. cont. — Α γνοουσι, 3 pi. pi 8S. ind. aot. — Αγνοούμε- ΑΓΟ νος , -η, -ον, par. pres. pass. cont. — Ay νοώ ν, par. pres. act. cont. of same. Άγνυθες, -ων, a}, pebbles used as weights to part of the machinery in weaving. Άγνυμι, Αγνύω, or Άγω, f. άζω, p. ήχα. to break, bruise; dash forcibly ; to wreck, shatter ; vio- late, infringe. 1 f. Att. εάζω, and per. Att. εάχα. 1 a. act. ήξα, Att. εάξα. 2 a. ind. act. άγνυν, -νς, -υ, pass, ήχθην, Att. εά-χΟην. 2 a. pass, ήγην, Att. ίαγην. per. mid. Τ/γα, par. ηγώς, Att. ίαγα, and εαγώς. Άγννντ, Ion. and Apos. for ήγνυν- to, imp. pass, of last. Αγνω, and Ανίνω, contracted from αγινίω. Αγνωμονίω, (fr. αγνώμων foolish) to act foolishly, do silly things. Αγνωμόνως, (fr. same) foolishly, stupidly ; unreasonably, ungrate- fully ; rashly, unadvisedly. Αγνωμοσννη, -ης, η, (fr. next) fol- ly, silliness; awkwardness, igno- rance ; rashness, temerity ; rude- ness, roughness, perverseness, ob- stinacy ; ingratitude ; uncouth behaviour. Αγνώμων, -όνος, δ, 17, (fr. a neg. and γνώμη judgment, th. γνόω to know) foolish, silly ; imprudent, indiscreet ; ignorant ; unreason- able, unjust; unmerciful; sin- ful, wicked; ungrateful, unfeel- ing, inhuman. Άγνώς, (fr. άγνος chaste) chastely, innocently, purely. Αγνώς, (fr. a neg. and γνόω to know) ignorantly, unskilfully. Αγνώς, -ώτος, δ, η, (fr. same) igno rant, awkward, uninformed; also unknown, uncertain, obscure. Αγνώσασκε, Ion. for ηγνόησε, 3 sin 1 a. ind. act. of αγνοίω. Αγνωσία, -ας, η, (fr. a neg. and γινώσκω to know) ignorance, un- skilfulness. Αγνώσκω, f. -ώσω, Αγνώσσω, and Ion. Αγνωσσάσκω, (fr. same) to be ignorant, not to know, not to acknowledge, or recognise. Άγνωστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) unknown. Αγοήτευτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and γόης a wizard) unaffected by charms, over whom enchantments have no effect. Αγοητεύτως, (fr. last) in security from charms. Αγοίατο, Ion. for άγοιντο, 3 pi. pres. opt. pass, of άγω. Αγόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of same. Αγόμφωτος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. a neg. and γύ^ώος a nail) loose, incom- pact, ill united, frail. "Άγον, Ion. or Dor. for ηγον. 2 a. ind. act. of άγω. Αγονος, -ου, δ, jy, (fr. α neg. and γόνος offspring, th. γίνομαι, to be) past bearing, incapable of procreation ; barren, childless unborn, never born.. Αγορά, •άς, ή, a place, square, mar (7) ΑΓΟ ket-place, or forum ; where, ac cording to the Greek and Ro- man customs, the markets, courts of justice, and public assemblies, were held, and all kinds of public business trans- acted ; an assembly held there ; a speech or oration deliverea there. Αγοράασθαι, Poet, for αγοράεσθαι, cont. αγοράσθαι, pres. inf. mid. of αγοράω. Αγοράζω, f. -σω, p. ηγοράκα, (fr. same) to buy and sell, traffic, trade; to purchase, procure; to redeem, perf. pass, ηγοράσμαι, 1 a. ind. pass, ηγοράσθην. Αγοραίος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) re- lating to the market, vulgar, mean, common; loose, disorder- ly ; judicial, belonging to the courts ; viz. ημίρα, those days when the courts sit, court days, also epith. of Jupiter and ot Mercury whose statues were placed in the market place. Αγορανόμος, -ου, b, (fr. same, and νόμος law) one who regulates the market, the clerk of the mar- ket. Αγορανομίω -ώ, (fr. last) to regu- late the market, act as clerk. Αγορινομία, -ας, η, (fr. same) the duty of the clerk of the market. Αγοράσιίειν, Dor. for αγοράζειν, pres. inf. of αγοράζω. Αγορησία -ας, η, and Αγόράσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. αγορά the mar- ket) buying and selling, traffic, trade, dealing. Αγοράσμα, -ατός, το, and -μος, -ου, b, (fr. same) merchandise. Αγοραστής, -ου, b, (fr. same) a dealer. Αγύράσον, in 2 pi. -σατε, 1 a. impr. act. — Αγοράσω, 1 pi. -σομεν, 1 f. ind. act. of αγοράζω. Αγοράω -ω, (fr. αγορά the market) same as αγορεύω. Αχόρευ', Apos. for αγόρευε, pres. impr. or Ion. and Apos. for ηγόρευε imp. ind. — Αγορευί- μεν, Ion. for αγορεύειν, pres. inf. of Αγορεύω, f. -εύσω (fr. αγορά the market) to address a public as- sembly, harangue ; to relate, de- clare, tell, show, explain ; an- nounce, publish, proclaim. Αγορίω -ώ, f. -ήσω. the same, generally used in comp. Αγοριών, Ion. for αγορών, g. pi. of αγορά. Αγορή, -ης, η, Ion. for αγορά. Αγορήνδε, (fr. αγορά the market) to, or towards the market. Αγορηψι (fr. same) at, or in the market. Αγορηθεϊς, 1 a. par. pass. — Ayo- ρήσατο, Ion. for ηγορήσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of αγοράω. Αγοοητης, -ου, b, (fr. αγορά the market) a speaker. Αγορητος, -ου, b, same. Αγπρητύς, -νος, ή, (fr. same)^um- cy of language, eloquence. "Αγος, -εος -οϊς, rb, veneration, re- ΑΓΡ sped', an expiation, atonement, satisfaction; crime, guilt, sin; pollution. Αγος, -ου, b, (fr. άγω to lead) a leader, head, chief; a captain, general. Αγοστός, -ου, δ, the palm of the hand; the back of the hand ; the fist, a grasp; the forearm; the arm. Αγρα, -ας, ή, a draught of fishes ; game, prey, a capture ; a trap ; the chase, hunting, fowling, &c. Αγράμματος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. a neg. and γράμμα a letter) illiterate, unlearned. Αγρανλίω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ηγραύληκα (fr. άγρος the country, and αυλή a residence) to live in the coun- try ; to abide in the fields, pro- perly by night. Άγραυλος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) abiding in the fields. Αγραφος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and γράφω to write) unwritten. Άγρει, and άγρει μάν, same as άγε, end άγε δη, and αγρεΊθ' for αγρεΊτε, pres. impr. of αγρέω to hunt (th. άγρα a capture) come, come on ; up, hasten, rouse. Αγρεύμα, -άτος, το, (fr. αγρεύω to hunt, th. άγρα a prey) game, prey, booty, spoil. Αγρενς, -εος, Att. -έως, Αγρευτηρ, -ηρος, and Αγρευτης, -οι), δ, (fr. same) a hunter, a huntsman, a sportsman. Αγρεύω, f. εύσω, (th. άγρα a prey) to hunt, chase ; to take, catch ; to ensnare, inveigle. Άγρην, Ion. for άγραν, a. sin. of άγρα. Άγρια, and Αγρ'ιως (fr. άγριος wild) wildly, fiercely, savagely. Αγριαίνω (fr. άγριος wild, th. αγρός, a field) to irritate, provoke, teaze, exasperate ; to fret, agitate ; to heighten, aggravate, embitter. Αγριας, -άδος, η, (fr. same) rustic, rural. ΑγριελαΊος, -ου, £, (fr. same, and ελαία the olive-tree) the wild olive-tree ; a barren tree. Αγρίζω, (fr. same) to exasperate. see αγριαίνω. Αγριοβάλανος, -ov, b, (fr. same, and βάλανος an acorn) the holme- oak. Αγριομυρίκη, -ης, ή, (fr. same, and μυρίκη the tamarisk) the wild tamarisk. Άγριος, -a, -ov, (th. αγρός a field) rustic; wild, fierce, turbulent, boisterous ; rude, untaught, unci- vilized, savage ; untractable, hurt- ful, noxious ; mad, raving, fran- tic ; also, Agrios, a man's name. Αγριότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) rus- ticity ; wildness, fierceness, &e. Αγριόω -ω, (fr. same) to grow wild, to let grow wild ; to exasperate. Αγρίππας, -ου, and -a, b, Agrippa, a man's name. Αγριώδνς, -εος -ους, δ, //, (fr. άγριος wild) wild, fierce, savage. Αγρίως, (fr. same) uncouthly, sa- vagely, fiercely. ΑΓΤ Αγρόθεν Αγρόθι, (fr. αγρός a field) from the field ; in the field. Αγροικέω -ω, (fr. άγροικος rustic) to rusticate, live in the country. Αγροικία, -ας, %, (fr. same) rusti- city, vulgarity, roughness ; a country house, a farm house, a villa, a country seat. Άγροιχος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. αγρός a field, and οίκος a habitation) rus- tic, wild ; clownish, uncouth, awkward ; rude, surly. Αγροιώτης, -ου, b, (fr. same) see αγρότης. Αγροκύδοιμος, -cv, δ, η, (fr. same, and κυδοιμός tumult) rioting, or causing confusion through the country. Αγρομέννσιν, d. pi. with ν added — Αγρομένοιο, g. sin. — Αγρο- μένων, g. pi. Ion. for αγειρομέ- ναις, -ου, -ων, of αγείρω. Αγρόνδε, (fr. αγρός a field) to the field, to the country. Αγρονομία, -ας, ft, (fr. same, and νόμος a law) regulation, or divi- sion of land. Αγρονόμοι, -ων, o\, (fr. same) offi- cers to regulate, or divide land ; surveyors. Αγρός, -ου, b, land, a field, farm, country seat ; the country. Αγροτέρος, -a, -ov, (fr. last) wild ; rural, rustic ; a tenant of the wilderness, inhabitant of the country ; a hunter, or huntress. Αγρότης, -ου, and Αγροτηρ -ηρος, δ, (fr. same) a rustic, clown ; wild, fierce, savage. Αγρυπνείτε, 2 pi. cont. pres. impr. act. of Αγρυπνέω -ω, (fr. άγρυπνος sleep- less) to lie awake ; to watch, wake ; to be watchful, or guard- ed against sin. Αγρυπνία, -ας, η, andIon.aypu7n/£'?7, -ης, η, (fr. same) waking, watch- ing ; watchfulness, vigilance, cir- cumspection, d. pi. αγρυπνίαις. Άγρυπνος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. a neg. γρύ an atom, and 'ύπνος sleep) sleep- less ; watchful, vigilant ; diligent, assiduous, incessant. Αγρυπνουντες, η. pi. cont. par. pres. act. — Αγρυπνουσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of αγρυπνέω. Αγρώσσω, (fr. αγρός land) to hunt, pursue, prey. Αγρώσσα, -ας, η, Poet, a huntress. Αγρωστης, -ου, δ, and αγρώστωρ, -ωρος, b, (fr. same) a hunter; a rustic, peasant, clown. Άγρωστις, -ιος, >/, (fr. same) her- bage, grass, pasture ; dogsgrass. Αγρώτης, Poet, for αγρότης. Αγυιά, -ας, η, a road, highway, street; village. Αγυιάτις, -ιδος, δ, ή, (fr. last) liv- ing in the same street, or village, a neighbour. Αγυμνασία, -ας, //, (fr. a neg. and γυμνάζω to exercise) disorder, negligence, indolence; want of discipline, or cultivation. Αγνμναστος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) . not taking exercise ; unpractised, undisciplined, inexperienced. I (8) ΑΓΧ Αγύναικος, ου, Αγννης, -εος -ους and Αγυνος, -ου, 6, ^, (fr. a neg. and γυνή a -woman) single, un- married, a bachelor, or maid. Άγύρις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ί/, a compai ny, asse7nbly, assemblage, crowd gathering of people ; the vulgar ; a rendezvous ; a heap, collec- tion. Αγυρέω -ω, and Αγυρίζω (fr. last) to assemble, collect, meet. Αγύρτης, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a quack-doctor, a mountebank, jug- gler, fortune-teller ; impostor. Αγυρτάζω, (fr. last) to collect a crowd, or money, like a moun tebank. Αγχάζω, Poet, for αναχάζω. Άγχ for άγχι. Αγχαλάω, Poet, for αναχαλάω, (fr. ανά, and χαλάω, which see.) Άγχασδε, Dor. for άγχαζε pres. impr. of αγχάζω. Άγχαυρον, -ου, το, (fr. άγχι near, and αύρα air) twilight, dawn. Άγχι, near, nigh, close, at hand. Αγχίαλος, -ου, δ, (fr. last, and αλς the sea) maritime, bordering on the sea, on the shore. Also, An- chialus, the name of a man, and a city. Αγχιβαθης, -ίος -ους, δ, ί } , (fr. same, and βάθος depth) deep, nether, near the earth, here below ; steep, precipitous. Αγχιβαίνω, f. -βήσομαι, (fr. same, and βσ.ίνω to go) to come near, to approach. Αγχιβατης, -ου, δ, (fr. last) a com- panion, an attendant, a fellow traveller. Αγχιβατέω -ω, (fr. last) same as αγχιβαίνω. Αγχιβέβακα, Dor. for -βηκα, per. of αγχιβαίνω. Αγχιθανης, -εος -ους, b, >% (fr. άγχι near, and δνήσκω, or $άνω obs. to die) just dead, almost dead. Αγχίθεος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and θεός God) near to, or like a god, godlike. Αγχίθυρος, -ου, b, f], (fr. same, and $ύρα the door) neigbbour, neigh- bouring, adjoining, near. Αγχιμαχητης, Αγχίμακος, and Αγ- χίμακος, -ου, δ, (fr. same, and μάχομαι to fight) fighting near, at close quarters. Αγχίμολον, (fr. next) near, nigh, at hand. Αγχίμολος, -ου, b,fj, (fr. άγχι near, and μολέω to come) from the same country, neighbourhood. &c. also coming near, approaching. Αγχίνοια, -ας, ij, (fr. next) wit, acuteness ; ingenuity; subtilty, craft. Αγχίνοος-ους,-οου -ου,δ,»% (fr. άγχι near, and νόος the mind) witty, acute ; ingenious, sagacious, cle- ver ; artful, crafty, cunning. Αγχίροος -ους, -οου -ου, δ, >/, (fr. same, and ρέω to flow) flowing together, whose streams are near. Αγχίσαο, JEo\. for Αγχ'ισου, g. of ΑγχΊσης, -ου, δ, Anchises, a man's name. ΑΓΩ Αγχιστ'' for άγχιστα sup. of άγχι, very near, next ; extremely, very much, most, mostly. Αγχισπίι,-ας, η, and Αγχιστείον, -ου, το, (fr. άγχι near) nearness ; relationship ; propinquity^ con- sanguinity. Αγχιστευς, -έος, Att. -έως, b, (fr. same) a near relation, a kins- man ; a protector, avenger. Αγχιστεΰω, f. -εΰσω, (fr. same) to be nea r 'u related, next of kin ; to succeed to the rights of inherit- ance ; to act as a kinsman. Αγ- χιστενομαι, to have a claim of propinquity set aside. ΑγχιστΊνος, or αγχιστηνος, -η, -ov, (fr. άγχι close, and 'ίστημι to set) standing close, pressed to- gether, crowded, thick. Άγχιστος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. άγχι near) the nearest, next. Αγχίστροφα, (fr. next) quickly, smartly. Αγχίστροφος, -ov, b, η, (fr. άγχι near, and στρέφω to turn) liable to sudden alterations, changeable, fickle ; quick, active ; sudden. Αγχόθεν, (fr. same) hither, hither- ward, near, hard by. Αγχόθι, same as άγχι, and αγχου. Αγχόνη, -ης, η, (fr. άγχω to stran- gle) strangulation, xhoking ; a noose, halter. ^ΥΧ ος -> (f r • <*γχω to choke) suf- focation, choking, strangulation. Αγχότατος, -η, -ov, (sup. of άγχι near) nearest, next, close. Αγχοτάτω, (fr. last) most nearly, very closely. Αγχότερος,-α, -ov, (comp. of άγχι near) nearer, closer. Αγχου, Poet, for άγχι. Αγχου, pres. impr. pass. of. Αγχω, f. -ξω, .p. ήγχα,Ιο strangle, choke, suffocate; bind tightly, compress; restrain, manage, or curb; to silence. Αγχώμαλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. άγχι near, and ομαλός even) equal even; nearly ef the same age• stature, or rank. Αγω, f. άζω, p. ηχα, to bring, lead, conduct, escort; carry , bear; to introduce, bring in; to move, drive, impel ; to draw, drag, rob, ravage, plunder ; to weigh, con- sider, explain, interpret; to esteem, value; to utter, pro- nounce; to marry; pass, to spend, celebrate ; to induce, pre- vail on, move, affect ; to govern, rule, train, educate ; to convey oneself away, go, depart, p. Att. άγηχα, and αγήοχα. 2 a. ind. ηγον, Att. ήγαγον, impr. άγαγε' sub. αγαγω. mf. αγαγειν. per. 1ην, 1 f. pass, ήγμαι, 1 a. αχθήσομαι. Άγω, to break, see άγνυμι. Αγωγευς, -έος, Att. -έως, b, (fr. άγω to lead) a leader, guide, conductor; a halter, bridle. Αγωγή, -ης, η, (fr. same) a driv- ing, or leading away, carrying off. carriage, conveyance ; a road, highway ; a course, or manner Β ΑΔΑ of life; education, training, rear-, ing, discipline ; comfort, conso- lation ; amusement, inducement, a lawsuit, appeal ; conduct, be- haviour. Αγώγιμος, -ου, b, 'η, (fr. same) easy to be led, docile, tractable ;. port- able, to be carried. Αγώγιον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a bur- den, a cart-load. Αγωγός, -ου, Ό, (fr. same) a guide. Αγων, -ώνος, b, a contest, spectacle, games; the scene, course, circus, amphitheatre, where such are performed ; the assemblage of spectators there ; a temple ; the concourse attending any cele- bration there ; a concourse, or assemblage of any sort, as of ships ; a circle, circuit ; strife, contention, contest, competition, rivalry; a lawsuit; peril, danger. Αγωνία, -ας, ή, (fr. άγων a contest) strife, struggle, contest, conten- tion; anxiety, agony, anguish. Αγωνιάω -ω, (fr. same) see άγω- ν Ίζω. Αγωνίδάται, and Αγωνίδάτο, Ion. for ηγωνισμένοι εισϊ, and ήσαν, 3 pi. per. and pper. of αγωνίζομαι. Αγωνιευμαι, Dor. for αγωνιωμαι, Att. for αγωνίσομαι, 1 f. mid. of αγωνίζομαι. Αγωνίξεσθε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or im- pr. mid. — Αγωνίζου, 2 sin. pres. impr. mid. — Αγωνιζόμενος, par. pres. pass, of Αγωνίζω, but more usually, αγωνί- ζομαι, f. -ίσομαι p. ηγώνισμαι, (ir. άγων a contest) to contend, struggle, fight ; to strive, endea- vour ; to risk, or to be in danger ; to agonize; to act, perform. Αγώνιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) relat- ing to public games; toilsome, dangerous, hazardous. Αγώνισμα, -άτος, το, (fr. same) a contest, fight ; competition, trial ; a race, match ; a dispute, suit; an exploit ; risk, peril, danger. Αγωνιστής, -οϋ, b, (fr. same) a wrestler, boxer, champion, prize- fighter ; a competitor, rival, actor. Αγωνιστικός, -η, -ov, (fr. same) concerning public games ; fitted, prepared, or trained, for them ; controversial. Αγωνοθέτης, -ου, b, (fr. άγων a pub- lic game, and τίθημι to arrange) an umpire, arbitrator, judge, or steward at the games in Greece. Αγωνοθετέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same) to preside at the games, adjudge prizes ; to urge, instigate, excite. Αγώρ, Heb. indecl. a crane. Άδα, -ας, η, a woman's name Ada. "Αία, Dor. for 'φοη,Λ. sin. of ί^δης. Άδαημονία, -ας, and Ion. αδαημο- νίη, -ης, η, (fr. next) unskilful- ness, inexpertness, inexperience, want of art or ingenuity. Αδαήμων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. a neg. and δαήμων, knowing, th. δαίω to learn) unskilful, ignorant, rude, simple, unlearned, unexperienced. Αδαής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. α neg. and δαίω to learn) unlearned, ΑΔΕ unt'.uglit, Ignorant; tnntktnfy lulling, ηΐι(ΐ>τί'ΐ<ι imttttstt-le. Αδαίετος, -ου, b ) η, (fr. a /, (fr. α neg. and δείπνον supper) supperless. Αδεισιδαιμόνως, {fr. α neg. δείδω to fear, and δαίμων a god) regard- less of the gods, irreligiously, im- piously, irreverently. Αδέκαστος, -ov, b, %, (&• « «eg- and Ψεκάζω to bribe) unbribed, incor- rupt; honest. Αδεκάστως (fr. last) incorruptly, justly, honestly. Αδελφαϊ, -φας, -φην, -φης, cases of αδελφή. Αδελφείος, and αδελφεος, Poet, and Ion. for αδελφός. Αδελφή, -ης, η, (fr. αδελφός a bro- ther) a sister, according to the several senses of αδελφός, which see. Αδελφιδέα -δη, -εας -ης, η, (fr. same) the daughter of a brother, or sister, a niece. Αδελφιδέος -ους, -ov, b, (fr. same) the son of a brother, or sister, a nephew. Αδελφιδίον, -ov, το, (dim. of same) a little brother, a dear little bro- ther. Αδελφίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. same) to take, or adopt for a brother, to address, or entreat as a brother. Αδελφικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) bro- therly, fraternal. Αδελφικώς, (fr. last) like brothers, brotherly. Αδελφοκτόνος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and κτείνω to kill) a murderer of a brother, a fratricide* Αδελφορ, JEol. for Αδελφός, -ov, b, (fr. a together, and δελφνς the womb) a brother pro- perly by the same mother ; a bro- ther generally ; a kinsman, cou- sin ; one of the same tribe, cast, profession, or country; one oj the same faith, a christian; adj. twin, related; similar, congenial, brotherly. Αδελφότης, -ητος, ?', (fr. last) the relation of brothers, or sisters; a brotherhood, fraternity ; a so- ciety of brethren in Christ. Αδεματος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and δέμας the body) without a body, bodiless; incorporeal, spiritual; dead. Or, for αδείμαντος, wh. see. Αδίμεν, Ion. for άδειν. 'Άδενδρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. « neg. and δενδρον a tree) without trees; hare, barren ; open, clear. Αδες, Dor. for δαψιλες, neut. of δαψιλής. Αδες, neut. of αδης, for αηδής, wh. see. Αδέσποτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and δεσπότης a lord) without a mas• ter, free; without authority, or recommendation ; unauthorized, unwarranted ; vnthout a lord, 01 ruler. Αδεσιτότως, (fr. preced.) freely, ai liberty, at large. Aitvicfc, -ioe -ονί, b, jj, (fr. a neg. ΑΔΗ and δευκος the sweet juice of the grape) bitter; disagreeable, unpleasant ; unwelcome. Αδέψ',τος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and δεψεω to cook) raw; not well cooked, sodden, rare; untanned, not dressed. Αδεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ηδηκα, to please, delight, give pleasure ; to flatter, sooth; to prefer, choose; 2 f. αδω, per. mid. εαδα, and εύαδα, Poet, for ηδα, par. εαδως, 2 a. εαδον, for ήδον. Αδεω, (fr. άδω to satiate) to be tired, wearied, fatigued. 1 a. opt. JEol. αδήσεια, and αδδήσεια, -ας, -ε, for αδήσαιμι. Αδεώς, (fr. αδεης fearless) fearless- ly, undauntedly. Αδη, 2 a. sub. act. of άδέω. Αδη, d. — "Αδη, V. — "Αδου, g. of "Αδης. Αδη κότες, and Αδδηκότες, Ion. for ηδηκότες, η. pi. par. per. act. of αδεω. Άδηκτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and δάκνω to bite) not apt to be cor- roded, or wasted, nor feeling de- cay, lasting, durable ; not bitten, or gnawed ; unenvied, unmolest- ed; sup. αδηκτότατος. Αδήλητος, -ov, Ό, η, (fr. α neg. etnd δ?]λέω to hurt) unhurt; sound, whole, entire, safe. Αδηλος, -ov, b, η, {fr. α neg. and δήλος clear) unseen, hidden, la- tent, concealed; obscure, mean, ignoble; doubtful, dubious, un- certain. Αδηλότης, -ητος, and Αδηλία, -ας, >/, (fr. last) uncertainty, obscurity; inconstancy, fickleness. Αδήλως, (fr. same) uncertainly, ob- scurely, dubiously ; impercepti- bly. . Αδημιούργητος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and δημιονργεω to constitute) in- effectual, inefficacious ; weak, feeble, ΑδημονεΊν, pres. inf. act. cont Αδη μονών, par. pres. act. cont. of Αδημονεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ηδημόνηκα, to languish, faint, sink with la- bour or fatigue ; to grieve, de- spair ; to be overwhelmed with sorrow, or anxiety, 1 a. act. ηδη- μόνησα. Άδην, and άδδην, enough, abun- dantly, sufficiently. Αδην, -ενός, b, a kernel, gland; the tonsils, or almonds of the tongue. Αδηνέως, (fr. next) artlessly, awk- wardly. Αδηνης, -έος -ους, b, η, Poet. (fr. a neg. and δή*νος design) unde- signing, artless, simple; unskil- ful, stupid, dull. Αδηρίς, -ίτος, and Αδύρϊτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and δϊρις, a fight) without dispute, amicable, peace- able ; irresistible, not to be op- posed. Αδηρίτως, (fr. last) indisputably, without dispute, unquestionably. Αδης, and Poet, αΐδης, -ov, b, (fr. (10) ΑΔΙ a neg. and είδω to see) a dark, obscure place; a place unseen, or not to be seen by mortals ; hades, the receptacle, or region of the dead, containing all the fabulous mansions of the hea- then ritual. According to the christian doctrine, the invisible world of spirits, the unseen place of souls ; the place of the dead generally, but vulgarly a place of torment ; the abode of the damned, hell; death. Αδηφαγία, see αδδηφαγία. Αδιάγνωστος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. a. neg. and διάγνωμι to distinguish) indistinguishable, indiscernible, doubtful. Αδιαίρετος, -ov, b, η. (fr. α neg. and διαιρέω to separate) inseparable, closely attached. Αδιάκριτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. α neg. and διακρίνω to distinguish) not to be distinguished, indistinct, confused; peaceable, not litigi- ous ; undistinguishing, impar- tial. Αδιάλειπτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and διαλείπω to intermit) un- ceasing, continual, without inter- mission. Αδιαλείπτως, (fr. last) continually, incessantly. Αδιάλλακτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and διαλλάσσω to reconcile) ir- reconcilable, adverse, discordant. Αδιάλντος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and διαλύω to melt) not to be melted, indissoluble ; binding, firm. Αδίαντον, -ov, το, (fr. next) an herb, maiden-hair. Αδίαντος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and διαίνώ to sprinkle) not sprinkled, or moistened, dry; rigid, un- bending, strict. Αδιάπτωτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. α neg. and διαπίπτω to decay) firm, lasting, durable; infallible, cer- tain. Αδιάστροφος, -ov, b, 7), (fr. a neg. and διαστρέφω to distort) unper- verted, invariable. Αδιάτρεπτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and διατρίπω to pervert) un- moved ; immoveable, firm, unal- terable. Αδιατρεπτως, (fr. last) immoveably, firmly. Αδιαφθορία,-ας,ή, (fr. next) incor- ruptness, integrity, honesty ; pu- rity of manners ; sincerity. Αδιάφθορος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and διαφθορά corruption, th. φθείρω to corrupt) incorruptible, uncorm rupt, pure, honest, sincere. Αδιάφορος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and διαφέρω to differ) indifferent, middling, neither good nor bad ; trifling, insignificant. Αδιάψευστος, -ov, b, f/. (fr. a neg. and διαψεύδομαι to deceive) that cannot he deceived, or imposed on. Αδίδιικτος. -ov, b. /;. (fr. a neg. and διδάσκω to teach) untaught, ig- norant, illiterate, inexperienced; natural, spontaneous. Αδιφταστος, -ov, δ, η, (fr. α neg. ΑΔΜ Stcl through, and εξετάζω to exa• mine) unsearchable; inexpressi ble, ineffable. Αδιήγητυς, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg and διηγίομαι to relate) not to be told, beyond expression, inex- pressible. ΑδικεΊτε, act. — Αδικέϊσθε, pass 2 pi. cont. οΐαδικέω. Αδικέσσαι, Ion. and -Έοΐ. for αδι- κήσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of Αδικέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ηδίκηκα, (fr. a neg. and δίκη justice) to injure, wrong ; to annoy, hurt, damage, harm. Par. pres. αδικιών, -ων, a. sin. αδικουντα. 1 a. ind. ηδι- κήσα' impr. αδικήσον. pres. pass. αδικεομαι -ουμαι. per. ind. pass. ηδίκημαι. 1 a. ηδικήθην. Αδικηθείς, -είσα, -εν, g. -εντός, par. 1 a. pass. — Αδικηθώ, -jjj, -fj, 1 a. sub. pass, of last. Αδίκημα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) an act of injustice; injury, hurt, wrong, damage ; crime, offence ; disgrace, scandal. Αδικήσας, par. 1 a. act. — • Αδικησαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Αδικησάτω, 3 sin 1 a. impr. act. — Αδικησης, 2 sin. and -σητε, 2 pi. and -σωσι 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. — Αδικήσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of αδ κέω. Αδικήτεος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) to be injured, Sec. ; hurt cannot be avoided, wrong must be done. Αδικία, -ας, η, (fr. same) injustice, partiality, wrong, injury ; false- hood, deceit ; unrighteousness, iniquity, villany. Αδικοδοξεω -ω, (fr. άδικος unjust, and δόξα fame) to seek fame by bad means ; to thirst after glory ; to decree iniquitously , determine unjustly. Άδ'ίκος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and δίκη justice) unjust, iniquitous, partial, corrupt £ deceitful, falla- cious ; injurious, hurtful; un- righteous, sinful, wicked ; inade- quate, unfit, improper. Αδικώ, 1 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. — Αδικων, η. mas. cont. par. pres. act. οΐαδικέω. Αδίκως, ( fr, άδικος, unjust) unjust- ly, wickedly, &c. " Αδινάων, JEio\. for αδινων, g. pi. of Αδϊνός, -ή, -bv, dense, thick, copious; crowded, numerous ; strong, har- dy > fierce, violent ; ceaseless, in- cessant; fat; noisy, clamorous. Αδιον, Dor. for 'ήδιον, neut. comp. of ηδύς. Αδιορθώτως, (fr. a neg. and διορθόω to correct) incorrigibly. Άδιψος, -ov, b, η, (fr. α neg. and δίψα .thirst) not thirsty, moist, cool; quenching, cooling, allay- ing thirst. Αδματος, -ov, δ, Dor. for Άδμητος, Admetus, a man's name. Αδμης, -ητος, same as Άδμητος, -° v > δ, ^,.(fr. a neg. and δαμάω to subdue) untamed, wild, un- broken; untr actable, fierce, sa- vage. Αδμηής, Ίδος, η, same as lasU ΑΔΡ Αδμήτη, -ης, η, Admetl, a woman's name. Αδμολία, or Αδμωλία, -ας, η, (fr. a neg. and ιδμών intelligent) igno- rance. "λδοιμι, 2 a. opt. act. of άδέω. Αδόκητου, Αδοκήτως, and Άδόκως, (fr. next) unexpectedly, sudden- ly, unawares. Αδόκητος, -ov, b, η, (fr. α neg. and δοκίω to consider) unexpected, unthought of, sudden; of no consideration, mean, worthless. Αδόκιμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and δόκιμος approved, th. δοκέω to consider) disapproved, rejected, cast off; undiscerning, silly, seyiseless, stupid ; unqualified, unfit, barren, worthless. Αδολεσχίω -ω, f. -ήσω (fr. άδος, abundance, and \έσχτ] conver- sation) to converse freely, to chat, to gossip together. 1 a. inf. act. αδολεσχησαι. Αδολεσχής, -ου, b, (fr. same) a ■ talker, a gossip. Αδολεσχία, -ας, η, (fr. same) talka- tiveness ; conversation, chat. ΑδοΧεσχος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) talkative, loquacious, chatty. Άδολος, -ov, b, η, (fr. α neg. and δό\ος deceit) candid, ingenuous, sincere; pure, innocent; unmix- ed, unadulterated. Αδόλως, (fr. last) sincerely. "Αδον, Dor. for ηδον, imp. ind. act. of αδω ; or neut. of t /,δων, par. pres. of same verb ; but Άδον, Dor. for 'ήδον, 2 a. ind. act. of άδέω, or άνδάνω, opt. αδοιμι. Άδονά, Dor. for ηδονή. Αδόνητος, -ov, b, η, fr. a neg. and δονέω to disturb) immoveable, unshaken, firm; unmoved, mo- tionless, still, calm, quiet. Αδονϊς, -ίδος Ί η, same as αηδονίς. Άδοντες. η. pi. par. pres. act. " — Άδονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of άδω. Αδοξέω -ω, (fr. a neg. and δόξα fame) to live inglorious, to be of no account ; -to vilify, defame. Αδοξία, -ας, η, (fr. same) infamy, ignominy, disgrace, dishonour. Άδοξος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same) inglo- rious, mean, infamous, contempti- ble, obscure. Άδος, -ov, b, (fr. άδέω to please) joy, delight, pleasure. Άδος, -εος -ονς, το, (fr. άδω to sa- tiate) satiety, disgust, loathing; lassitude, weariness, fatigue ; plenty, abundance. "A<5r v, g. of αδης. Άδοαμνττηνος, -η, -bv, of the city of Adramyttium. Αδράνεια, and Αδρανία, -ας, ή, (fr. a neg. and δραίνω for δοάω to act) weakness, feebleness; sloth, indo- lence, languor. λδοανέω -ω, (fr. same) to be weak, or indolent ; to neglect, fail. ιίδρανής, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. same) weak, feeble, infirm ; barren, im- potent ; slothful, lazy, indolent ; destitute. Αδράσταα, Ion. αδαηστεΰ), aa epi- (Π) ΑΔΩ thet of Nemesis; envy, malice, revenge ; fate, destiny. Άδραστος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and δράω to flee) that will not flee, or fly > fl rm -, resolute, faith- ful. Also Adrastus, a man's name. Άδρεπήβολον. -ov, το, (fr. άδpbς abundant, and επήβολος for επί- βολος sharing) success, prosperi- ty ; the full attainment of an ob- ject, good fortune; boldness t sublimity. Άδρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ηδρηκα (fr. same) to abound, be plentiful, be large ; to grow, increase. Par. per. act. ηδρηκώς. ΑδρηστΊνη, -ης, ή, the daughter oj Adrastus. Άδρηστος, Ion. for Άδραστος. Άδρία, d. of hpi Venice. Άδρος, -a, -bv, ripe, mature, full grown; rich, abundant, plenti- ful; great, powerful, mighty; strong, fat, large. Άδροσννη, -ης, b, (fr. last) same as next. Άδρότης, -ητος, b, (fr. same) abun- dance, plenty ; wealth ; power, strength, vigour, maturity ; great- ness. Άδρότητι, 1. of last. Άδρννσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. άδρύνω to increase) youth, pu- berty, manhood, maturity. Άδρύνω, f. -ννώ, p. ηδρνγκα (fr. άδρος abundant) to increase, en- large, extend, aggrandize ; rear, fatten. — Άδρύνομαι, to grow, to be >me great, to act proudly ; to arrive at manhood. Άδν, Dor. for ηδύ. Άδύγλωσσος, Dor. for %δνγ\ωσσος Άδυεπης, Dor. for ηδνεπής. Άδνλογος, Dor. for ηδνλογος. Άδυμελής, Dor. for ηδνμελής. Αδνναμία, -ας, η, and Ion. Αδυναμίη. -ης,.η, (fr. α neg. and δύναμαι to be able) impossibility, impotence. Αδννασία, -ας, η, (fr. same) impo- tence, weakness, inability, imbe- cility ; simplicity, silliness. Αδννατ-εω -ω, f. ήσω, (fr. same) to be unable, to be impotent ; to be impossible. 1 f. ind. act. αδννα- τήσω, -εις, -ει. Αδύνατες, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) un- able, incapable ; impotent, weak ; impossible, impracticable. Comp. αδννατώτερος, sup. -τώτατος. Αδννάτως, (fr. last) weakly, feebly , foolishly. Άδύπνοος, Dor. for ηδύιτνοος. Άδνς, Dor. for ηδύς. Άδΰτον -ov, το, (fr. a neg. and δύνω or ου ω to enter) a sacred, or consecrated place, a part oj the Temple into which none but the priest was allowed to enter, a shrine. Άδυτος, -ov, b, ';, (fr. same) inac- cessible, not to be approached; consecrated, holy, hallowed. Άδω, ΐ. -σω, to satiate, fill, ghU^ gratify ; to iryure, hwrt, harm. ΑΕΙ ^ω, Poet. αείδω, f. άσω, p. ηκα, sing, warble ; to prophesy, to utter oracles; to praise, celebrate. 1 a. ησα, per. pass, ήσμαι, 1 a. ήσθην. "Αδω, to please, see άδέω. Άδων, -ούσα, -ov, (2 a. par. of last) pleasing, agreeable; willing, rea- dy. Αδων, -όνος, η, Dor. for αηδών. Άδωνις, -ιδος, b, Adonis, a man's name. a. Άδωνιν. Αδώρητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. α neg. and δώρον a gift) ungifted, not re- warded. Αδωροδόκητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. δώρον a gift, and δέχομαι to take) that will not take a bribe, incor- rupt, upright, honest. Άδωρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and δώρον a gift) without presents; ungifted, without reward ; incor- rupt, upright, honest. Also who does not give, niggardly. Αδώτης, -ου, b, (fr. a neg. and <5i- δωμι to give) who does not give, ungenerous, covetous. Αεθλεύω, f. -εύσω, p. εύκα, (fr. αέθ- λος contest) to contend at public games ; to fight ; to contest, strive, dispute, vie, emulate ; to strive, lahour, toil. 1 a. opt. JEol. αεθλεύσεια, -ας, -ε. Αεθλέω, Ion. for αθλέω, same as last. Αεθλητήρ, -ήρος, b, (fr. same) one who fights at public games ; a champion, prize-fighter, pugilist, wrestler. Αέθλιον, Άεθλον, and~A0Xov, -ου, το, (fr. same) a prize, premium, reward of victory. Αέθλιος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a cham- pion, prize-fighter, pugilist. Αεθλονικία, -ας, η, (fr. same; and νίκη victory) victory, success, or triumph, in public games. Ά.εθλος, -ου, b, a contest, trial of skill ; a fight, skirmish, battle ; risk, danger, hazard; a con- troversy, dispute ; public games, tournaments, or martial exer- cises ; pains, labour, toil,fatigue, distress. Αεθλοφόρος, -ου, b, (fr. άεθλον a prize, and φορέω or φέρω to car- : ry) V)ho carries the prize, a con- queror at public games ; victorious. Αει, alvmys, ever, aye; frequently, continually, perpetually. Κειγενετάων, 2Ειθ\. for αειγενετών, g. pi. of. Αειγενέτης, -ου, b, (fr. αεί always, and γίνομαι to be) everlasting, eternal, immortal. Αείδελος, (fr. a neg. and είδω to see) Poet, same as αειδής. Αειδεν, Dor. for αείδειν, pres. inf. act. — Αείδεο, Ion. for αείδου, pres. impr. pass, of αείδω. Αειδης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. a rieg. and είδω to see) not to be seen, invisible ; dark, obscure, gloomy. Also (fr. είδος shape) shapeless, deformed, uncouth. Αείδησι, Ion. for αείδη, 3. sin. pres. sub. act.— Acidotaa, Dor. for AEK αείδουσα, η. fern. par. pres. act. — Αειδόμενος, par. pres. mid. or pass. — Αείδον, Ion. for ηείδον, imp. act. — Αείδυντι, dat. sin. par. pres. Dor. for αείδουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. — Αει'<5ων, -ούσα, -ov, par. pres. act. of Αείδω, f. αείσω, p. ήεικα, and ήκα, Poet, same as άδω in prose, to sing, warble; to prophesy, ut- ter oracles ; to praise, celebrate. 1 a. act. ind. ήεισα• opt. iEol. αείσεια, -ας, -ε' sub. αεί σω. 2 f. ind. act. αίδω. per. ind. pass. ήεισμαι, and ήσμαι. per. ind. mid. ήοιδα. Αείζωον, -ου, το, (fr. next) the herb houseleek. Αειζώος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. αεί always, and ζωή life) immortal, everlast- ing, eternal.. Αείκεια, -ας, ή, and Ion. αεικείη, -ης, i h (fr. αεικής indecent) in- dignity, contumely, affront, out- rage, insult. Αεικέλιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) un- becoming ; worthless, despicable, contemptible ; loathsome, foul, unlucky. Αεικής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. a neg. and είκω to become) unbecom- ing, indecent, unseemly ; harsh, severe, cruel. Αεικίζω, Att. αικίζω, f. -σω, (fr. last) to insult, affront, treat cruelly ; to act indecently ; to befoul, soil, pollute ; to disgrace, dishonour. Αεικώς, (fr. same) shamefully, in- decently, unbecomingly. Αείμεναι, Poet, for αέμεναι, Dor. for άειν, pres. inf. of άω. Αείμνηστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. αει al- ways, and μνάομαι to remem- ber) ever to be remembered, not to be forgotten, memorable. Αείναος, -ου, b, η, and Αεινάων, -ούσα, -ov, (fr. αει always, and νάω to flow) ever flowing, con- tinually running ; perennial, un- ceasing ; ever living, everlasting. Άειρα, Ion. for ήειρα, 1 a. ind.• act. of Αείρω, f. αερώ, p. ήερκα, to lift, raise, elevate ; to carry, convey, bring ; to hang, suspend, tie or fasten to ; to take upon, to under- take. 1 a. act. ind. ήειρα' impr. άειρον. mid. ηειράμην. par. αειρά- μενος. 2 a. ήερον. par. pres. pass, αειρόμενος. 1 a. pass. ind. ηέρθην sub. αερθώ. Αεί?, -έσσα, -εν, par. pres. act. — Αεί'σί, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. οΐάημι. Αείσατ, Ion. and Apos. for ηείσα- to, 3 sin. 1 a. mid. or Apos. for αείσατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. of αείδω. ' Αεισμα, Poet, for μσμα. Αεκαζόμενος, -η, -ov, (par. pres. pass, of next) compelled, forced, constrained ; adj. unwilling, loath, not inclined, averse. Αεκάξω, (fr. αέκων unwilling) to force, oblige, compel, constrain. Αεκάζομαι, to be forced, be un~ wWirvg. (12) AEP Αίκητι, (fr. a neg. and ϊκητι will ingly) unwillingly. Αέκων^ -ούσα, -ov, Poet, for άκων Άέλίος, Poet, for ήλιος. Αελλά,-ής, η, a storm, whirlwind. Αελλάς, -άδος, b, η, (fr. last) swift, rapid as a storm. Αελλής, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. same) stormy, tempestuous, boisterous, roaring ; - violent, turbulent, fu- rious, rapid. Αέλλοπος, -ου, b, ή", and αελλό-κονς, -οδός, b, //, (fr. sai.ie, and πους a foot) swift-footed, fleet, rapid. Αελλώ, (fr. same) Aello, a woman's name. Αελλώδης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. same) stormy, &c. see αελλής. Αελπής, -έος -ους, b, {], (fr. α neg. and ελττίς hope) unexpected, un- looked for ; sudden, unprovided for ; despaired of, hopeless. Αέλποντες, η. pi. of αέλπων (fr. a neg. and Απω to expect) de- spairing, desponding. Άελπτ, for άελπτα, neut. pi. of άελπτος. Αελπτία, -ας, and Ion. αελ-πτίη,-ης, η, (fr. same) want of hope, de- spair, hopelessness. Έ.ξ αελπτίης, suddenly, unexpectedly. Αελπτε'ω, (fr. same) Poet. for ανελ- πιστέω. Άελπτος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) un- hoped, unexpected, improbable. Αέμεναι, and άμμεναι, Dor. and Ion. for αεΊν, pres. inf. of άω. Αένναος, and αένναων, Poet, for αείναος and αεινάων. Αεννάασθαι, Poet, for αεννάσθαι, pres. inf. pass. cont. of Αεννάο,μαι -ώμαι, (fr. αεί always, and νάω to flow) to stream, is- sue, flow constantly ; to be sprinkled, or moistened, be wet. Άεξε, Ion. for ήεξε, 3 sin. imp Αέξατο, Ion. for ηέξετο, imp. pass, of αέζω, for αυξάνω. Αεξίγυιος, -ου, b, (fr. αέζω to in- crease, and γυΊον a limb) invi- gorating, strengthening ; train- ing for combat. Αεζίφυτος, -ου., b, ή, (fr. same, and φυτον a plant) rearing plants, fertile, fruitful. Αεξομένοιο, Ion. for αεξομένου, g. par. pres. pass, of Αέξω, f. αεξήσω, Poet, for αύζω, or αυξάνω. Άεπτος, -ου, b, >% (fr. a neg. and έπω to speak) not to be spoken to ; fierce, violent, haughty. Or (fr. same, and πτήμι to fly) not able to fly, young, unfledged. Αεργηλος, -ή, -bv, Αεργης, -έος -ους, b, η, and Αεργος, -ου, b, η, (fr. α neg. and έργον, work) same as αργός. Αεργία, -ας, η, and Ion. αεργίη, -ης, η, (fr. same) idleness, laziness, inactivity, sloth, didness. Αερέθομαι, and ηερέθομαι, Poet. (fr. αείρω, to raise) to raise, lift; to hang, be suspended ; to vibrate, flutter ; to fluctuate, be irreso- lute, or uncertain. Imp. ηερεθ** μην^ 3 pi. tftfeOavrth ΑΖΗ Αίρθη, Bceot. for ηέρθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. pass, of αείρω. Αέρθην, Ion. for ηέρθην, 1 a. pass, of same, par. αερθείς. Αέριος, -ov, b, η, (th. αήρ, air) aenal, airy ; high, lofty ; light, unsubstantial. Αεροβατέω -ώ, (fr. same, and βαίνω to walk) to move through the air, be in the clouds. Α ερόεις, -εσσά, -εν, (fr. same) dark, misty, dim, obscure; deep, hol- low, gloomy. Άερον, Ion. for ήερον, 2 a. act. — Αέρω, -ης, -η, 2 a. sub. act. of αείρω. Άερσα, Dor. for είρση, Poet, for έρση. Αερσίπους, -οδός, b, η, (fr. αήρ air, or αείρω to raise, and -πους the foot) airy -footed ; swift, fleet, nimble. Αερσιπότης, -ov, and -ητος, b, {], (fr. same and -πέτομαι to fly) flying high, soaring, floating through the air ; lofty, towering. Αίρσω, iEol. for αίρω, 1 f. of αείρω. Αερτάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. αείρω to raise) to raise, lift, elevate. Αέσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of αέω, or άω. Αεσιφροσύνη, -ης, ή, (fr. next) fool- ishness, folly ; fickleness, incon- stancy ; rashness. Αεσίφρων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. άω to blow, and φοήν the mind) foolish, fickle, inconstant; inconsiderate, rash. Αετιδενς, -έος, b, (fr. next) a young eagle, eaglet. Αετός, and Poet, αιετος, -ου, b, an eagle ; the Roman military en- sign. Άζα, or άζη, -ης, η, drought, tlurst, barrenness from want of mois- ture ; foulness, fllthiness ; moul- diness, rust, canker; soot, reek. Αζαίνω, same as άζω. ΑζαΧέος, -a, -ov, (fr. άζω to parch) dry, burnt, parched, torrid, ; wi- thered, blighted, decayed, ex- hausted, g. Ion. αζαλέοιο. Άζει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Άζηται, 3 sin. pres. sub. pass. of άζω. Άζεο, Ion. for αζον, pres. impr. of αζομαι. Άζηλος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and ζήλος emulation) unenviable, un- worthy of imitation, worthless, vile, insignificant. Αζήμιος, -ov, b, ij, (fr. a neg. and ζημία damage) not fined, un- punished, unavenged ; unhurt, | uninjured, safe, whole, sound. Αζημίως, (fr. last) safely ; vnthout hurt, danger, or punishment. Αζήν, -ενός, b, the beard. Άζητος, -ή, -bv, (fr. αζω to revere) august, reverend, venerable, aw- ful. Αζηχες, (fr. next) with noise, shout- ing, &c. ; loudly, clamorously ; incessantly. ^ζνχής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. α in- tens, and ήχος sound) uttering a great sound, loud, noisy, clamor- σω, p. -ηκα, (fr. α intens. and $ρέω, Sync, for Sew ρέω to behold) to look steadfast- ly, gaze, stare; to look into, examine, scrutinize; to discern, descry. Αθροίζω, f. -σω, p. ήθροικα, (fr. αθρόος crowded) to collect, clus- ter, crowd; to gather, accumu- late. 1 a. inf. act. αθροίσαι. Άθροισμα, -ατος, το, and Αθροισ- μός, -ου, b, (fr. same) a gather- ing, crowd, assemblage ; a meet- ing, congregation, collection. Αθρόος, -a, -ov, crowded, collected, assembled; close, dense, thick; continued, constant ; frequent, repeated. Also (fr. a intens. and $ρέω to clamour) confused, indistinct. Αθροότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) uni- versality, the whole ; entirc^ess, completeness, fulness. Αθρόως, (fr. same) in crowds, thick- ly, all at once; continually, re- peatedly. Αθρύπτος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. a neg. and S -ρΰπτω to enervate) unimpaired by excess, or luxury, sound, hale, healthy. Αθϋμέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. ηθϋμηκα (fr. a neg. and $υμος spirit) to de- spond, despair, be discouraged, or dispirited. Αθυμέτεος, -a, -ov, (fr. last) to be despaired of, it is all over, it is past recovery. Α,θυμία, -ας, η, and Ion. αθνμίη, -ης, ή, (fr. next) dejection, de- spondence, despair ; reluctance. Άθϋμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and $υμος spirit) dejected, downcast, sad, desponding. Αθϋμως, (fr. last) dejectedly, &c. Αθυμώσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. sub. act. of αθυμέω. Άθυρμα, -ατος, το, (fr. αθνρω to play) child? s play, sport ; a play- thing, a toy ; a delight, pleasure. Αθύρος, and αθύρωτος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. a neg. and d -υρα a door) without a door, open, unclosed, free, pass- able, pervious. Αθύρω, (fr. same) to play as chil- dren abroad, to gambol, sport, frisk ; to sing, warble, άθυρε, for ήθυρε, 3 sin. imp. ind. Άθϋτος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. a neg. and ■S -ύω to sacrifice) unfit for sa- crifice, profane, polluted, abo- minable. Αθώος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. a neg. and ■W) a fine) notfined, unpunished, •ρέρω to carry) who carries tht > free ; innocent, guiltless. prize, a victor, conqueror. Αθωόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to Αθόλωτος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. a neg. and $ολυς sediment) limpid, clear, pure, transparent, bright. Αθόρυβος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and θόρυβος tumult) undisturbed, quiet, calm, peaceable. Αϋραγένη, -ης, η, a tree good for making matches. ^ U4) exempt, clear, absolve, acquit ; Αθωόομαι -οΐψαι, to be innocent. Άθως, -ω, c, Mount Athos. Αθώωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. αθώος not fined) exemption; ab- solution, pardon, acquittal. Al, nom. ph. of b, — At, nom. pi» fern, of 3s. ΑΙΓ ΛΪ, ah ! alas ! ah me ! At, Dor. for ει, if— A?,. Ion. for είθε, oh thai — would that — A?a, for γαϊα, ας, η, Poet, for γη. Αιάζω, f. -(ω, or -σω, (fr. αϊ alas) to bewail, lament, mourn, grieve. Αιακίδαο, Ion. for Αιακίδον, g. of Αιακίδης, -ov, b, JEacides, the son or descendant of Αιακός, -ου, δ, JEacus, a man's name. Αϊαν, ace. sin. of αΐα. Or voc. of Αία?, -αντος, b, Ajax, a man's name. Αίαντε, η. du. Αιάνος -ή, -ov, and Αιάνής, -ίος -ους, b, r), (fr. αϊ alas) mournful, la- mentable; heavy, weighty ; grave, serious, severe, reprehensive ; direful, portentous, ominous ; perpetual, continual, lasting. Αιβοϊ, fy ! shame! wo ! alas ! It expresses anger, and sorrow. Αίγα, a. sin. — Αιγαν, Dor. for αιγών, gen. pi. of αίζ. Αιγάθεν, Dor. for Αιγηθεν, from Αιγή, ης, η, or Αιγαϊ, ων, αί, ^Egce, the name of a town. Αιγαίον, -ov, το, πέλαγος under- stood, (fr. last) the JEgean sea. Αιγαίων, -ωνος, b, uffigeon, the name of a sea monster. Αιγανεά, -ας, ή, and Αγάνεον, -ov, -o, a dart, javelin. Αίγδην, (fr. αΐσσω to rush) sudden- ly, quickly, hastily, unexpectedly; violently, with impetuosity, furi- ously. Αιγίη, -ης, f), Ion. (fr. αϊζ a goat) a goat's skin. Αιγείδης, -ov, b, (patronym. fr. Ai- γεύς ^Egeus) jEgides, a man's name. Α'ιγειος, and Αίγεος, -ov, b, η, (fr. αϊζ a goat) of or belonging to a goat, a goafs, goatish. Also uEgeus, a man's name. Αίγειρος, -ov, >% the black poplar, or alder tree. Αιγιαλεία, -ας, η, JEgialea, a wo- man's name. Αιγιαλενς, -ίος, b, (fr. αιγιαλός the shore) a fisherman who lives on the shore. Αιγιαλίτης, -ov, b, (fr. next) one living on the shore, or by the sea. Αιγιαλός, -ου, b, (fr. αιγϊς a storm, and <ιλς the sea) a seabeaten rock, cliff, promontory ; the seashore, strand, beach, a. sin. αιγιαλόν. Αιγίδ', for αιγίδα, a. sin. of αιγίς. Αιγίδιον, -ov, τό, (dim. fr. αϊζ a goat) a kid, a young goat. Αιγίζω, f. -σω, p. -κα, (fr. same) to herd, feed, or keep goats. Also (fr. αΐσσω, to rush) to blow vio- lently, tear, rend. Αιγιθαλος, -ου, b, a bird living on bees and insects ; a titmouse. Αιγιθος, -ου, b, the name of an un- known bird. Αιγίκνημος, -ov, b, η, (fr. αϊζ a. goat, and κνήμη a leg) having legs like a goat ; a satyr. Αιγίλιφ, -κος, b, η , (fr. αϊζ a goat, and λείπω to desert) inaccessible, even to goats ; high, lofty, tower- ing, Aigilips, the Bame of a town. ΑΙΔ Αΐνιλος, -ov, b, (fr. αϊζ a goat) an herb of which goats are fond. Aigilos, an island in the Tuscan sea called by the Latins Capra- ria, now Caprara, or Cabrera. Αιγίλω, Dor. for Αιόλου, g. ofAt- γιλος. Αιγίλωψ, ωπος, b, — (fr. αϊζ a goat, and ώψ the eye) a fistula in the corner of the eye, called uEgilops, from occurring fre quently in goats ; wild oats ; a " mast-bearing tree. ΑιγΊνηται, -ων, o\, uEginetans, na- tives of jEgina. . Αιγιόχος, -ου, Ion. -οιο, b, (fr. αιγϊς a goat's hide, and έχω to hold) aegis-bearing ; an epithet of Ju- piter, who is represented with a shield, covered with the a?gis, or skin of the goat Amalthea ; on which was mounted the Gor- gon's head. Αιγίπονς, -οδός, b, η, (fr. αϊζ a goat, and πους a foot) goat-footed. Αιγϊς, -ίδος, η, (fr. αϊζ a goat) a goafs hide ; the JEgis or skin of the goat Amalthea which suckled Jupiter ; a breastplate, a shield. Also (fr. αίσσω, to rush) a storm, tempest. Αιγλαντα, αιγλαεν, Dor. for αιγλή- εντα, and αιγλήεν and αιγληεν from αιγλήεις. Αίγλη, -ης, η, lustre, brightness, splendour, brilliancy. Αιγλήεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. last) bright, shining, glittering, splen- did, brilliant. Αιγοβοσκδς, -ου, b, and Αιγιβότας, -a, b, Dor. for αιγοβότης, -ου, b, (fr. αϊζ a goat, and βόσκω to feed) a goatherd. Αιγόκερως, -ωτος, δ, (fr. same, and κέρας a horn) having goafs horns; capricorn, an imaginary animal, with the head of a goat, and tail of a fish. Αιγυπώς, -οϋ, δ, same as γυψ, a vulture ; an eagle. Αιγύπτιος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) Egyptian. Αίγυπτος, -ov, b, Egypt. Αιγωλιος, -ου, δ, an owl. Αιγών, -ώνος, b, (fr. αϊζ a goat) a fold, pen, or stable for goats. Αιγών, g. pi. of αϊζ. Αίγων, -όνος, δ, JEgon, a man's name. AWao, -<93ol. for αΊδου, g. of αίδης. Αίδε, η. pi. fern, of ος with the enclitic δε. Αίδεο, Ion. for αΐδον, g. of αί'δης. Αιδέομαι, -ουμαι, f. -ίσομαι and -ήσομαι, p. f /δεσμαι, (fr. αιδώς respect) to revere, reverence, re- spect, regard; to be ashamed; to fear, obey; to pardon, forgive, remit, pres. inf. pass. cont. ai- δέΐσθαι. pres. impr. mid. 2 pi. cont. αιδεΊσθε. Αιδες, neut. of αΐδης. Αιδέσθεν, for ηδέσθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. pass. ■• — Αιδεσθητι, 1 a. impr. pass. — Αίδεσσαι, Poet, for a(- δεσαι, 1 a. imp. mid. οι αιδέομαι. Αιδίοίμος ί -ov } b, η, (fr. αιδέομαι to (15) ΑΓΕ revere) awful, venerable, re- verend, respectable, compassion- ate, pitiful. Αΐδηλος, -η, -ov, (fr. αΐδης unseen) secret, private, concealed ; ob- scure, dark ; unexpected, unfore- seen. Or (fr. a intens. and h)- λος clear) manifest, apparent, bright. Or (fr. αεϊ ever, and δηλέω to hurt) hurtful, consum- ing, destructive, devouring. Αιδημων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. αιδέομαι to revere) reverent, respectful, dif- fident, bashful, timorous, modest. Αϊδης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. α neg. and είδω to see) invisible, un- seen, antiquated, past, gone. Αίδης, -ov, b, (fr. a neg. and είδω to see) Poet, in prose §δης which see. Pluto, death, hell, the grave. Α'ίδι, d. of αί'?, αΐδος, for αίδης. Αίδιος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. αεϊ ever) per- petual, continual, everlasting, eternal. Α'ίδιότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) perpe- tuity, eternity. Αϊδέως, (fr. αεϊ ever) continually , eternally. Αιδνος, -η, -bv, (fr. a neg. and είδω to see) dark, dusky, shady, gloomy, αιδν^ς Ion. for αιδναΐς d. pi. fern. Ai<5o7, d. sin. cont. of αιδώς. Αιδοιέστατος, Poet, for αιδοιότατος ί sup. of αιδόϊος. Αιδοΐον, -ov, το, (neut. of next) the groin, the reins, the privities. ΑιδοΊος, -a, -ov, (fr. αιδώς respect) reverend, venerable, awful, so- lemn, retired, secret, private J chaste, modest. Αίδομαι, for αιδέομαι, par. pres. αιδόμενος. Αιδοΰς, g. sin. cont. of αιδώς. Αϊδρεία, -ας, and Ion. Αϊδρηίη and Αϊδρίη, -ης, η, (fr. αιδρις rude) rudeness, ignorance, inexperi- ence, unskilfulness, awkward- ness, simplicity, Αίδος, g. of αις , for αίδης. Αϊδρείησι, Ion. for αϊδρείαις, d. pi. of αϊδρεία. Αϊδρϊς, -ίος, Att. -έως, δ, η, (fr. a neg. and ιδρϊς prudent) rude, simple; ignorant, uneducated; inexperienced, awkward. Αϊδροδϊ"κης, -ov, b, η, (fr. αϊδρϊς ig- norant, and δίκη justice) inequit- able, unjust ; partial, unreason- able, wrongful, injurious, mali- cious. Αιδώ, a. sin. — Αιδώ, η. a. v. du. of αιδώς. Αϊδωνενς, -έος, or -τ'ιος, Att. -έως, δ, (fr. αίδης hell) A'idoneus, the king of the heathen realms of the dead ; Pluto, death, hell. Αιδώς, -6ος -ους, η, modesty, bash- fulness ; shame, decency ; respect, reverence, veneration, d. αιδόϊ -o7, a. αιδόα -ώ. Αιεϊ, and Αιίν, Poet, and Αιες Cret. for αεϊ, always. Αιειγενέτης, -ου, δ, η, Poet, for αει- γενέτης, αιειγενετόων, JEol. for. αιειγενετών, αιειγενέττ}σι } Ion. for αιεινενίταις. ΑΙΘ Αιετδς, Poet, for αετός. Αϊζηϊος, -ov, Ό, η, (fr. next) warm, fervent , glowing ; young, youth- ful, blooming. Αϊζηος, and αζηος, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. αεί always, and ζέω to glow) a youth, a young person. Αίης, g. air) d. Ion. for αίας, aiq from ata ; for γαία Poet, for γη. Αιήταο, λΈοΙ. for Α ιήτον g. of Anj- της, u^Eetes, a man's name. Αίητος, see άητος. Α'ίθ, by apos. for aire n. pi. fern, of οστε. Αιθάλη, -ης, η, and αίθάλος, -ov, b, (fr. αίθω to burn) smoke, soot; embers, cinders, ashes. Αιθαλίων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. same) warm, hot, sunny, basking ; JEthalion, a man's name. ΑιθαΧόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. same) hot, warm, burning ; smoky, sooty, burned; glittering, shin- ing, bright. Αιθαλύω -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. αίθω to burn) to blacken, cover with soot, burn, consume; to inflame, kin- dle, set on fire. Αιθάν, Dor. for αιθών, g. pi. of αιθός. Αίθε, Dor. for είθε. Αιθέριος, -ov, b, η, (fr. αιθηρ air) ethereal, aerial, pure, light ; high, lofty. Αιθεροβατέω -ω, (fr. same, and βαίνω walk) to move through the air ; to walk on air. Αιθεροειδης, -έος -ους, b, $, (fr. same, and είδος likeness) airy ; light, unsubstantial, trifling ; fickle. Αιθηρ, -έρος, b, the air, atmosphere; fern, serene weather, a calm. Αιθιόπισσα, -ης, η, (fr. next) a wo- man of JElhiopia. Αίθίοψ, -οπός, b, and Αιθιοπενς, -έος or -έως, b, (fr. αίθω to scorch, and ώψ the countenance) an ^Ethiopian. ΑΊΘος, -εος -ονς, rb, (fr. same) warmth, heat, burning; the warmth of summer, glow of a furnace. Αιθος, -η, -αν, andAtitov, -ώνος, b, η, Poet. (fr. same) burning, burned; dusky, brown, dark, black. Αίθονσα, -ης, η, (fr. same) aportico, porch, piazza, corridore, gallery. Also, par. pres. fern, οι αίθω. Αίθοψ, -οπός, b, η, (fr. same, and ώψ the countenance) hot, warm ; scorched, burned ; brown, dusky, dark, sometimes bright, shining. Αίθρα, -ας, and Ion. Αίθρη, -ης, η, (fr. αιθηρ the air) serenity, a clear, or bright sky, calm weather. Αιθρία, -ας, η, (fr. last) sereneness, calmness ; aflame. Αιθρηγενης, -έος -ους, b, η, and αι- θρηγενέτης, -ov, b, (fr. αίθοα a calm, and γίνομαι to cause) bringing fair weather ; calming, cooling, refreshing. Αιθριοκοιτέω -ω, (fr. αίθρα a calm, and κοίτη a bed) to lie, or sleep, in the open air. AIM Αιθρίνος, -η, -bv, (fr. αίθρα a calm) in the morning, early. Αίθριος, -ov, b, r), (fr. same) calm, serene, still, fair, in the open air. Αΐθρος, -ov, b, (fr. same) white or hoarfrost, bright air. Αίθνια, -ας, ή, a cormorant, a sea- fowl. Αιθύσσω, (fr. next) to sparkle, shine, glow; to warm, heat; to excite, disturb, rouse. Αίθων, -ονσα, -ov, (par. pres. of next) burning, blazing, fiery, hot, glowing, shining, bright, gleaming; warm, eager, vehe- ment, violent ; high-spirited, met- tlesome, hot, impetuous; tawny, dusky. Αίθω, f. -σω, p. -κα, to burn, kin- dle, inflame; to shine, glitter, glow. Αίκ, apos. for αίκα, Dor. for είκε, same as ειμεν, (fr. ai Dor. for ει if, and κε truly) if truly, if Αιμονίη, -ης, η, H&monia, a coun- indeed, if only, if by chance ; if, whether. ΑικάΧλω, f. -αλω, to sooth, coax, flatter, wheedle, fawn, caress. Αικαλος,-ον, b, (fr. last) afiatterer, sycophant, toad-eater. Αϊκη, -ης, η, (fr. α'ίσσω to rush) an assault, attack; violence, force, fury, impetuosity ; spring, re- bound, recoil. Αίκης, -εος -ονς, b, η, see αεικής, Αικία, -ας, η, and αίκιον, -ον, το, α wound, stroke, cut, stripe, Αικίζω, f. -Ίσω, (fr. αίκης, for αεικης unmerited) to beat, strike ; wound, cut, maim, mutilate; break, shatter ; torture, treat cruelly, treat shamefully ; to waste, desolate,ravage, par. pres. pass, αικιζόμενος, Αίκισμα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) a wound, cut, blow ; torture. Αικισμος, -ου, b, (fr. same) abuse, a wounding, beating, striking; scourging, torturing. ΑΐκΧος, -ov, b, η, evening, late. Neut. the evening meal, supper. Αικως, for αεικώς. Α'ιλϊνα, Poet, for αιλίνως, mourn- fully, sadly. Αίλονρος, -ov, b, (fr. αιόλλω to shake, and evpa the tail) a cat. Αίμα, -ατός, το, blood, gore ; blood- shed, murder; blood, consan- guinity, descent, relation; seed, offspring, race. Α'ιμακορία, -ας, η, (fr. last, and κορέω to satisfy) obsequies, fune- ral ceremonies. PI. victims sa- crificed on such occasions, of- ferings to the infernal d.aties, or to the dead, Α'ιμάζας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. of αίμάσσω. Α'ιμασιά, -ας, η, (fr. αίμα blood) a thorn hedge, a fence made of, or set with sharp stakes. Αίμάσσω, Att. -ττω, f. -ξω, p. -χα, (fr. same) to sprinkle, besmear, or stain with blood. Α'ιματεκ-χνσία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and εκγνω to pour out) a pour- ing out or shedding of blood. (16) AIN Α'ιμάτη, -ης, ή, (fr. same) a sword, or rather an epithet of it. Α'ίματι — Α'ψατος — ΑΪμάτων, cases of same. Α'ιματίζω, (fr. same) to let blood, bleed; to stain, or cover with blood. Αιματοειδης, and Αψατωδης, -έος -οΐις, b, η, (fr. same, and είδος likeness) like blood ; bloody. ΑΪματόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. same) blood-stained, bloody, gory. Αιματοσταγης, -έος -οΐις, b, η, (fr. same, and στάξω to trickle) dripping with blood, gory. Α'ιματύω -ω, (fr. αίμα blood) same as αίμάσσω. Αιματωπυς, -ου, b, (fr. same, and ώψ the face) gory-visaged, bloody-faced ; with bloody looks. Αίμοβόρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and βορά food) living on blood, blood- ucking ; sanguinary, cruel. try of Greece. Αψορραγέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. αίμα blood, and ρήγννμι to burst) to be afflicted with a discharge, or flux of blood. Α'ιμορραγία, -ας, η, (fr. last) a dis- charge of blood, bloody flux. Α'ιμορροέω -ώ, (fr. next) to have a discharge of blood, either habit- ual, or temporary, αιμορροουσα par. pres. fern. Α'ιμόρροος -ονς, -oov -ov, η, (fr. αίμα blood, and ρόος a flux, th. ρέω to flow) a menstrual woman. Αψορ'ροουσα, η. fern. cont. par. pres. act. of α'ιμορροέω. Αΐμος, -ov, b, (fr. αίμα blood) a wood, thicket, grove. Αιμοφόρνκ-ος, -ov, b, ?' f , (fr. same, and φορύνω to smear) stained ivith blood, nixed with blood, raw. Α'ιμνλία, -ας, f), (fr. αιμν"λος kind) mirth, cheerfulness, festivity ; flattery, caressing. ΑίμύΧΧω, (fr. same) to cajole, wheedle, banter, flatter, deceive. Αϊμνλομήτης, -ov, b, (fr. same, and μητις design) fair-spoken, cour- teous ; imposing, persuasive, flat- ter in g ; artful, deceitful. Α'ιμύλος, -ov, b, η, (fr. αϊμα blood, and «ΰλλω to agitate) thrilling, cheering, animating ; kind, cour- teous ; soothing, flattering, coax- ing ; cheerful, merry, jovial, hearty, jolly ; delusive, deceitful, artful. Α'ιμωδέω, and Α'ιμωδιάω -ω, (fr. αίμα blood, and οδούς a tooth) to have the teeth set on edge ; to be amazed, astonished, stunned. Α'ίμων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. same) bloody, gory ; murderous. Αίμων, -όνος, b, η, knowing, intelli- gent, skilful, clever, ingenious, expert. Α ι να, Poet, for αινως. Αινάρέτης, -ov, b, (fr. aivfc pel verse, and αρετή virtue) who abuses his talents, perverse, re probate. Αινέας, and Αινείας, ov, b, JEneas^ A1N a man's name. g. iEol. Αινείαο, Ion. Αινείεω,Ά. Αινίαν, v. Aivia. Aivt7v, pies. inf. act. cont. — ΑινεΊ τε, 2 pi. cont. pres. ind. or impr act. οΐ αινεω. Αινεσέως, Att. g. of Αίνεσί?, -iOi, Att. -εως, (fr. αινε'ω to praise) praise, commendation. Αινετός, -ου, b, ή, (fr. last) praise- worthy, commendable, laudable. Αινίω -ω, f. -ήσω, and -εσω, p. ήνε- κα, (fr. αίνος praise) to praise commend, glorify in worship ; to celebrate, applaud ; to approve consent, agree, per. pass, ήνεμαι 1 a. act. ind. ήνεσα, Ion. αίνησα impr. αίνεσον opt. αινήσαιμι J£ol. and Poet, αινήσσεια, -ας, -ε* inf. αινησαι' par. αινησάς. Aivrj, -ης, f), (fr. last) praise, com- mendation; honour, celebrity ; a story, fable,. proverb. Αίνημ\ Apos. for αίνημι, same as αινεω. Αινησι, Ion. for αιναΐς, d. pi. fern of αίνος' or of αινή. Αίνιγμα, -ατός, to, and Αίνιγμος, -ov, b, (fr. αινίσσομαι to hint) an enigma, a riddle, an obscure question ; an allegory, metaphor, parable. Αινιγματίας, -ου, and Αινιγματισ- της, -ου, b, (fr. last) enigmatical obscure, speaking in riddles or parables. Αινιγματωδώς, (fr. same) obscure• ly, darkly, enigmatically. Αινίζομαι, same as at νίω, to praise, wonder, admire. Αινικτος, -η, -bv, (fr. next) enigma- tical, obscure ; hinted, alluded to. Αινίσσομαι, Att. -ίττομαι, f. -ίζομαι, p. ήνιγμαι, (fr. αίνος a fable) to hint, intimate, allude, refer in- directly ; to couch a meaning, to convey more than is express- ed. Αινόθεν, (fr. α^ς severe) grievous- ly, severely ; very, exceedingly. Αινοθεν αινώς, grievously severe, from bad to worse. Αινολέων, -οντος, b, (fr. αινδς terri- ble, and λ ίων a lion) a terrible furious savage lion. -Αινόμορος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and μόρος lot) hard-fated, unfortu- nate, wretched, miserable. Αινοπαθης, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. same, and πάσχω to suffer) suffer- ing misery, enduring hardship, wretched, afflicted. Αινοπληξ, -ηγος, b, ή, (fr. αίνος se- vere, and πλήσσω to strike) lash- ing, cutting ; austere, morose, in- exorable. Αίνοποιέω -ω, (fr. αίνος praise, and ποιέω to render) to give praise, to sing praises, to celebrate, to laud. ΑΊνος, -ov, b, a fable, an apologue, a moral, allegory, proverb; an argument, discourse ; praise, ce- lebrity. A«vd?,-?7, -bv, severe, harsh, austere; grievous, painful; cruel, unre- lenting; dreadful, terrible ; wick- ΑΙΠ ed, heinous, comp. αινότερος, sup. -τατος. Αινοτοκεία, -ας, ή, Poet, and Αινο- τόκος, -ov, b, (fr. αι νος , severe, and τίκτω to travail) who has severe labour. Αίννμαι, to take, carry off, seize, deprive. αίνντο : Ion. for fjvvro, 3 sin. imp. ind. Αίνων, par. pres. act. cont. of αι- νεω. Αίνων, Heb. indecl. jSSnon, the name of a place. Αίνων, L -^En/, (fr. αιόλος varied, and $ώραξ a breastplate) armed with a coloured breast- plate. Αιολόμητις, -ιδος, and Αιολομήτης, -ov, and Dor. Αιολομήτας, -a, b, (fr. same, and μητις counsel) of extensive thought, of deep de- signs ; sapient, wise, sagacious, provident. Αιολομίτρης, -ov, b, (fr. same, and μίτρα a girdle) wearing a co- loured girdle or belU Αιολόπωλος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, aiad πώλος a young horse) driv- ing pied, or different coloured, or swift horses ; also active, expert in horsemanship. Αιόλος, -η, -ov, varied, diversified, variegated, party coloured ; agile, nimble, active, swift ; waving, floating, quivering; chargeable, fickle, flexible ; subtle, artful, sly ; complicated, involved; wreathed, tortuous, twisted. Αιόλος, -ov, b, utEolus, the king of the winds. Αιολοχαίτης, -ov, b, (fr. αιόλος va- ried, and χαίτη the mane) with a waving mane, or adorned with a coloured crest of hair. Άϊον, Ion. for ή'ίον, imp. of αίω. Αιονάω -ω, f. -ήσω, to sprinkle, wet, moisten, bedew, dash. Αιόνησις -ιος, Att. -εω?, ^, a sprink- ling, moistening. Αιορπάτα, a Scythian word signi- fying manslayers. ΑιπεΊαν, a. sin. fern, of αιπνς. Π 7) ΑΙΡ Αιπεινη, fern, of Αιπεινός, -i), -bv, (fr. αιττυς .high) high, lofty, elevated; towering, arduous; heavy, overwhelming ; grievous, oppressive ; terrible. Αίπερ, η. pi. fern, of 'όσπερ. Also Dor. for γπερ, where. Αιπολεω -ω, (fr. α\ξ a goat, and πολίω to be engaged about) to keep, herd, or tend, goats. Αιπολικος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) about, concerning, or like a goatherd. Αιπύλιον, -ov, το, (fr. same) a flock of goats. At7r<5Xc?,-oi>,6,(fr. same ) a goatherd. Αΐπος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. αιπνς high) height, altitude, elevation; an eminence, a mountain. Αιπος, -η, -bv, same as Αιπύς, -εϊα, -ύ, high, lofty ; ardu- ous, hard, severe, difficult; rough, rugged; great, large, mighty, overwhelming. Α ιπύτιος, same as αιπνς' or relating to Αιπυτος, -ov, b, jtEpytus,a.maxi , B name. Alpa, -ας, η, the herb darnel or tares ; a mallet, hammer, axe. Α'ιρας, Sync, for αείρας, 1 a. par. act. of αείρω. Αΐρε, pres. impr. act. — Αίρεις, 2 sin. and — Αίρει, 3 sin. and — Αίρετε, 2 pi. pres. ind. act. — Αφε- ται, 3 sin. pres. ind. mid. οϊαίρω. Α'ίρεε, Ion. for ηρεε, 3 sin. imp. of άιρέω. Α'ιρεθεωσι, Ion. for α'ιρεθωσι, sub. of τ/ρέθην, 1 a. pass, of αιρέω. Αίρίθη, Ion. for ηρέθη, 3 sin. 1 a. pass. — Α'ιρεθεις part. — Α'ιρεΟή- σομαι, 1 f. of αιρεω. Αίρεο, Ion. for aipov, pres. impr. mid. of αίρω. Α'ιρεσεις, η. a. v. pi. cont. — Αίρε- σέως, g. Att. — Α'ίρεσιν, a. sin. of α'ίρεσις. Α'ιρέσϊμος,-ον^,ϊ), (π\αφεω to take) easy to be taken, or captured. Α'ίρεσις, -ως, Att. -εως, ^,(fr. same) election, choice, preference ; adop- tion, opinion, tenet; heresy; c sect, schisma. Αϊρετίος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) to ba chosen, preferred, &c. Aip£ri£% (fr. last) negligence, neglect ; indolence, sloth ; sadness, grief, mourn- ing.^ Ακηδιάζω, f. -σω, p. -κα, (fr. same) to be indolent, idle, lazy; to neglect, slight ; to mourn, pine, grieve, fret. Ακήκοα, Att. for ήκοα, per. ind. mid. of ακούω. Ακηκόεσαν, or ακηκόεισαν, ακηκοί ναι, ακηκοότες, Att. for ηκόεισαν, pper. ηκόεναι, inf. ηκάοτες^ par. per. mid. of ακούω. AKI Ακήλητος, -ου, δ, f,, (fr- a neg. and κηλέω to soothe) implacable, i: exorable, vindictive. Ακηλίδωτος,-ου^,ή, (fr. same, and κ^λ^όω to tarnish) immaculate spotless, pure. Άκημα, -ατός, rb, same as άκος. Ακήν, and Poet, ακά, or ακή, (fr. α neg. and χαίνω to gape) silently, stilly, mutely; quietly, calmly, placidly. Ακήρατος, and ακηράσιος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and κεοάω to mix) unmixed, pure, unadulterated, inviolate, untouched. Or (fr. α neg. κήρ the heart, and άτη ma- lice) sincere, true, honest. Also (fr. α neg. and κήρ death) im- mortal, undecaying, perpetual, everlasting. Ακήριος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and κΐίρ the heart) heartless, dispirit- ed; lifeless, dead. Also (fr. a neg. and κήρ. fate) immortal, ever- lasting ; enlivening, animating ; undecaying, safe, unhurt. Άκηρυκτεϊ, (fr. next) without a herald, unproclaimed, not so- lemnized. Ακήρυκτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. α neg. and μηρύσσω to proclaim) not cried. AKM Ακϊς, -ίδος, fj, same as ακή. Ακίνητος, -ου, b,fj, (fr. α neg. and κιχέω to overtake)7io< to be over- taken, unattainable, out of reach ; implacable. Ακιχητως, and ακίγτητα, (fr. last) in vain, fruitlessly . Ακκίζομαι, (fr. Ακκώ) to feign a re- fusal, refuse what is wished, to be coy. Ακκισμος, -ov, b, (fr. same) coyness, false shame, affectation, refusing what is wished for. Ακκώ, -ω, f),Acco, a woman, whose silliness gave rise to the two former expressions. Ακλάρωτος, -ου, b, k, Dor. for ακλή- ρωτος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. a neg. and κλήρος a lot) portionless. ' Ακλαυστος, or Άκλαυτος, -ου, b, >;, (fr. a neg. and κλαίω to bewail) unwept, unlamented, unmourn- ed, unhonoured by funeral cere- monies. Ακλεής, and Ακλειής, -έος -ους, δ, >/, (fr. same, and κλέος fame) in- glorious, mean, low in rank, or birth. Ακλεώς, (fr. last) ingloriously. Άκλειστος, -ληστος, and -λήϊστος, ου, δ, ή, (fr. α neg. and κλείω to or proclaimed, unpublished by a shut) unbarred, open herald ; obscure, not celebrated, Ακηχέατο, Ion. for ακήχηντο, 3 pi pper. pass, by Att. redupl from αχέω. Ακηχέδάται, or ακηχέάται, Ion. for ακηχήνται, 3 pi. per. pass, of ακαχέω. Ακήχεμαι, or ακήχημαι, same a ακαχέω, or ακάχημι Ακίβδηλος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. α neg. and κίβδηλος mixed with dross) un- alloyed, clear, pure, sincere, ho- nest, incorrupt, innocent. Ακιβδήλως, (fr. last) sincerely, ho- nestly, &c. Ακίδας, -η, -bv, (fr. a neg. and κινέω to move) unable to move, weak, infirm. Comp. ακιδνότε- ρος, sup. -τατος. Ακίδωτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. ακίς a point, and ους an ear) pointed, sharp- ened ; shaped like the head of a spear. Ακινάκης, -ου, b, a scimitar. Ακίνδυνος, -ov, b, η, (fr. α neg. and κίνδυνο? danger) safe, secure, free from harm ; unfit for, or unable to bear danger. Ακινδύνως, (fr. last) in safety, safe- ly, securely. Ακίνητος, -ov, b, ή, and-?7,-ov, Poet, and in fern, ακίνητα, g. -ας, d. -a, Dor. (fr. a neg. and κινέω to move) immoveable, firm, steady: fixed, unmoved; undisturbed, at rest. Άκινος, -ov, b, the stones of berries, &c. a plant. Άκιος, -a, -ov, and άκις, -ιος, δ, ;/, (fr. α neg. and κϊς a maggot) uncorrupt, sound, whole, sup. ακιώτατος. Ακιρος,-ά, -ov, (fr. a intens. χϊς a worm, and ρέω to flow) worm- eaten ; decayed) frail) weak, Ακληρεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. a neg. and κλήρος a portion) to be portionless ; to have no lot, share, or inheritance ; to live in poverty, or obscurity. Άκλητος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and καλέω to call) not called, unin- vited. ΑκΚίνής, -έος -ους, δ, ή, (fr. same, and κλίνω to lean) firm, steady, unbending, resolute; fixed, up- right. Άκλνστος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and κλύζω to wash) unwashed, not overflown, or deluged, calm, un- ruffled. Ακμάζω, f. -άσω, p. ήκμακα, (fr. ακμή bloom of age) to come to maturity, to bloom, flourish, ripen. Ακμάζει, it is time. Ακμαίος, -α, -ov, (fr. same) adult, blooming, vigorous; ripe, luxu- riant; mature, perfect. Ακμαστής,-ου, δ, (fr. same) bloom- ing, flourishing, vigorous. Ακμή, -ής, ft, a point, edge ; point, moment, critical time; flower, bloom, vigour, maturity of age ; highest degree of increase, or im- provement. Ακμήν, Dor. ακμάν, for κατ ακμήν, now, at this moment, yet, still. Άκμηνος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. ακμή bloom) mature, full-grown ; fasting, hungry, dry, thirsty. Ακμής, -ήτος, δ, ή, (fr. a neg. and κάμνω to toil) unwearied, fresh, vigorous, strong. Ακμοθέτον, -ου, το, (fr. άκμων an an- vil, and τίθημι to set) the block on which an anvil is set. Ακμονίδης, -ov, b, Dor. Ακμονίδας, -α, Ό, the son of Acmon. Ακμων, -όνος, b, (fr. a neg. and κάμνω to weary) an anvil. (21) AKO Ακναμτττος, -ov,b,f}, (fr. a neg. and κνάμπτω or γνάμπτω to bend) inflexible, unbending, unyielding, stiff. Άκναφος, see άγναφος. Άκνηστις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή", the spine, the backbone, the back. Ακοή, -ής, ή, and Dor. Ακοά, -α?, a, (fr. ακούω to hear) hearing, listening; the ear; rumour, re- port, relation, account, news ; at' tention, obedience. Ακόην, Ion. for ηκόην, 2 a. pass. — Ακοήσομαι, 2 f. pass, of ακούω. Ακοίμητος, -ov, δ, ή, (fr. α neg. and κοιμάω to lull) sleepless, waking, watchful, inextinguishable. Ακοινώνητος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same, and κοινωνέω to impart) incom- municable ; not to be shared, im- parted, told; unsocial, soli- tary. Ακοίτης, -ov, b, ή", Dor. ακοίτας, -a, b,a, (fr. a coll. and κοίτη a bed) a husband, a married person of" either sex, a bedfellow. Άκοιτις, -ιος, Att. -εως, $, (fr. same) a wife, a bedfellow. Ακολασία, -ας, ή, (fr. a neg. and κολάζω to restrain) irregularity, licentiousness, incontinence, in- temperance, excess. Ακόλαστος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same) un- chastised, undisciplined, licen- tious, irregular; immodest, in- temperate. Ακολονθέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ηκολούθη- κα, (fr ακόλουθος a follower) to follow, attend, ac^jmpany ; to imitate, follow after, conform to, obey, serve ; to pursue, perform, discharge ; to reach to, in a suc- cessive train. Ακολονθήσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Ακο- λουθήσαντες, η. pi. and -θησάν- των, g. pi. par. 1 a. act. of last. Ακολονθητι"κος, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) following, succeeding, conse- quent, proceeding from ; obedi- ent, attentive. Ακολονθία, -ας, ή, (fr. same) pur- suit, chase ; attendance ; a reti- nue, company, procession ; train, series; consequence. Ακόλουθος, -ov,b, η, (fr. a coll. and κέλενθος the road) a companion, follower, attendant; an acolylh, ox young priest. Adj. suitable, congruous, coincident, correS' pondent ; consequent. Ακολουθουσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. or d. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of ακολονθέω. Ακολούθως (fr. ακόλουθος attend- ant) consequently, suitably. Ακολνμβος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. . and κολνμβάω to swim) that cannot swim, that will not float. Ακομιστία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and κομίζω to regard) negligence, carelessness ; want of equipage, provisions, &c. Ακόμτταστος and Άκομιτος, -ου, δ,>/, (fr. α neg. and κόμπος ostenta- tion) without boasting or osten* tation. Άκομψος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. α neg. an t * ΑΚΟ κομψό 4 ? ostentatious) unassum- ing, modest, unqualified. Ακονάω -ω, (fr. ακόνη a whetstone) to whet, sharpen, grind ; to quicken, excite. Ακόνδυλος, -ov,b, ή, (fr. a neg. and κόνδυλος a thump) without blows, unpunished. Ακάαη, -ης, ή, a grinding-stone, whetstone. ΑκονΊτϊ, (fr. a neg. and κόνις dust) without toil, easily, readily. Ακόνϊτον, -ου, τό, the herb aconite, or monkshade ; poison. 'Ακοντα, άκοντε, άκοντες, fr. άκων, -ούσα, -ον. Ακόντιας, -ου, δ, (fr. άκων a dart) α serpent, called in Latin Jaculus. Ακοντίζω, f. -ίσω, p. -ικα, (fr, same) to throw the javelin; to hurl, dart, discharge. 1 a. -ηκόν- τισα, Ion. ακόντισα. Ακοντίον, -ου, το, (dim. of same) a smaller kind of javelin, &c. Ακοντίσις, -ϊος, Att. -εως, r), (fr. άκων a dart) a throwing of the javelin, darting, hurling, shoot- ing ; a volley. Ακοντιστής, -ου, b, Dor. Ακοντιστάς, -a, b, and Ακοντιστής, -ηρος, b, (fr. same) a javelin-man, a lan- cer, who is armed with missile weapons. Ακοντιστίκος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) clever at the dart ; sup. ακοντισ- τώτατος. Ακοντιστυς, -ύος,ή, (fr. same) dex- terity in using the dart, or jave- lin ; a trial of skill, or a fight with missile weapons. Ακοπίαστος, -ου, b,f],_(fr. a neg. and κόπος fatigue) unwearied, fresh, vigorous, able, active, har- dy. Ακοπιάστως, (fr. last) vigorously, actively. Ακοπος, -ου, b, η, see ακοπίαστος. Ακόρεστος, -ου, b, ή, and Poet. Ακέ- ρετος, or Άκορος, (fr. α neg. and κορέω to satisfy) insatiable, gree- dy, ravenous, voracious. Ακόρητος, and Ακόριστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and κορέω to sweep) unswept, unbrushed, unpolished, dirty, neglected. Άκορον, -ου, το, the herb sweetcane, or galingale. Ακος, -έος -ους, το, (fr. ακέομαι to cure) a cure, medicine, remedy; expiation, atonement. Ακόσμητος, -ου, b,rj, (fr. a neg. and κοσμέω to adorn^ unadorned, plain, not ornamented. Ακοσμία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and κόσμος order) want of ornament, plainness, simplicity; irregula- rity, confusion, disorder, tumult. "Ακοσμος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. same) plain, unadorned; irregidar, disorder- ly, undisciplined, tumultuous. Ακόσμως, (fr. last) disorderly, dis- gracefully, indecently. Ακοστέω -ώ, fr. -ήσω, (fr. next) to feed on barley ; to pamper, fat- ten. Ακοστη, -ης, ^ barley, food in ge- neral, victuals. AKP Ακουάζω, (fr. ακούω to hear) to hear, to listen, to attend on an invitation, to be invited. Ακουε, -ετω, sin. and -ετε, 2 pi. pres. impr. act. — Ακούει?, -£t, 2 3 sin. and -ομεν, -ετε, -ουσι, pi. pres. ind. act. — Ακουέμεν, Ion. for Ακούειν, pres. inf. act. of ακούω. Άκονή, -ης, η, same as ακοή. Άκουρος, *ου, b, η, (fr. α neg. and κείρω to shave) unshorn, untrim- med, rough, unseemly; beard- less. Or (fr. κούρος, Ion. for κόρος a youth) childless. Ακούς, see άκων. ΑκουσιασθεΧς, -είσα, -εν, 1 a. par. pass, of Ακουσιάζω, (fr. next) to force,com- peL Ακουσιάζομαι, to be forced ; to act unwillingly, be reluctant; to shun, avoid, loathe, decline. Ακούσιος, -ου, b, η, and -ια, -ιον, (fr. a neg. and εκών willing) unwill- ing, involuntary, loathe, discon- tented, reluctant. Ακουσίως (fr. last) unwillingly, re luctantly. Άκουσμα, -ατός, το, (fr. ακούω to hear) a hearing, the thing heard a sound ; fame, report. Ακουστέος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) that must be heard, attended to, obey- ed. Ακουστής, -ου, b, (fr. same) an au- ditor, hearer, scholar. Ακουστικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) re- lating to hearing, or sound ; list- ening^ attentive, obedient. Ακουστός, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) to h heard, audible, distinct. Ακουτίζω, f. -ίσω, p. ηκούτικα (fr, same) to cause to hear, to make attend. 1 f. Att. ακουτιω, -εΊς, &c. Ακούω, f. -σω, p. ήκουκα, to hear ; to hearken or listen to, attend; to comprehend, learn, under- stand ; to regard, obey ; to be called, or said to be. imp. act. ήκουον. la. ήκουσα, Ion. άκουσα' opt. ακουσαΊμι, JEol. ακουσεία, -ας, -ε' par. άκουσας, 2Eol. ακού- σαις. per. pass, ήκονσμαι. 1 a. ηκούσθην. 1 f. ακονσθήσομαι. 2 a. - act. ind. ήκοον. 2 f. ind. act. ακοω. 1 f. ind. mid. ακούσομαι. 2 sin. ακούση. Ion. ακούσεαι. per. mid. ήκοα. Att. ακήκοα. 2 f. mid. ακοήσομαι. Ακούων, -ούσα, -ov, par. pres. act. — Ακούωσ£,'3•ρ1. pres. sub. act. of last. Άκρα, -ας, hi (fr• άκρος highest) a height, summit, eminence; a fort, citadel, fortress; a cape, pro- montory ; beach, shore ; extre- mity, verge. Ακράαντος, Poet, for άκραντος. Ακράης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. άκρος high) high, elevated, on an emi- nence ; on the surface, superfi- cial. Ακραίος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) high- est, loftiest; extreme, last. Or (fr. άκρα a fort) of the castle. Ακραιφνής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, 1 (22) AKP and φαίνω to appear) bright, clear, distinct; pure, unmixed; lively, active, swift. Ακραντος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and κραίνω to complete) imperfect, unfinished, defective, frail; vain, fruitless, ineffectual. Άκ ρας, <ρος. Ακρασία, -ας, η, (fr. α neg. and κράτος strength) inability to re- strain the appetites ; intempe- rance, excess ; incontinence, un- chastity. Ακρατεύομαι, f. -ενσομαι (fr. άκρατης intemperate) to act intemperate- ly, to live dissolutely ; to exceed, indulge, pamper. Ακρατευτικός,-ου, b, ^,(fr. last) dis- solute, intemperate. Ακρατης, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. α neg. and κράτος strength) unable to curb the appetites, intemperate, dissolute, debauched, unchaste. Ακράτητος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and κρατέω to restrain) not to be checked, restrained, or kept ivith- in bounds; ungovernable, licen- tious. Ακρατίζω, (fr. ακράτον unmixed wine) to carouse, indulge; to breakfast. Ακράτισμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) breakfast : an early meal taken by those who cannot restrain their hunger. Ακράτιστος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. last) who breakfasts, having break- fasted. Ακράτον, -ου, to, (neut. of next) pure or unmixed wine. Άκρατος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and κεράννυμι to mix) unmixed, pure, simple ; unsullied, untouched ; perfect, complete, just. Ακράχολος, Dor. for ακρόχολος, -ov, b, η, (fr. άκρυς extreme, and χολή anger) irascible, passionate. Ακρέμων, -όνος, b, (perhaps fr. άκρος high, and κρεμάω to hang) a large branch, or arm of a tree; a bough ; a shoot, sucker. Ακρέσπερον, (fr. άκρος extreme, and 'έσπερος evening) late in the even- ing, dusk. Άκρη, -ης, η, Ion. for άκρα. Άκρηβος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. άκρος ex- treme, and 'ήβη youth) young, boyish, childish. Ακρητοποσίη, -ης, Ion. for ακρητοπο- σία, -ας, η, (fr. άκρητος unmixed, and πόσις drink) strong drink; drinking plain wine ; a drinking bout. Ακρητοπότης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a toper, drunkard. Άκρητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and κεράννυμι to mix) unmixed, pure, plain; sincere, honest, innocent, chaste. Ακριβό f. -άσω, p. -ακα, (fr. ακρψης exact) to examine, try, prove, inquire, search, scrutinize. Ακριβασμός, -ου, σ? (fr. same) exa- mination, trial, scrutiny, search; a limit, boundary, restriction. Ακρίβεια, -ας, η, (fr. same) exact- ness, accuracy, nicety. ΑΚΡ Ακριβέστερος, comp. -τατος, sup. of Ακριβής, -έος -ους, δ, η, accurate, exact, nice, correct, strict, rigid ; perfect, finished, complete. Ακριβοδίκαιοι*, -ου, τό, (fr. last, and δίκη law) strictness of law, rigid, right. Ακριβολογέομαι -ουμαι, (fr. same, and λέγω to count) to count ac- curately ; to enumerate, define, describe, discuss. Ικριβόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. ηκρίβωκα, (fr. ακριβής exact) to search out, to inquire diligently; to examine, explore; to learn accurately, to know thoroughly ; to finish, complete, execute in a masterly manner. Δϊρ'φως, (fr. same) diligently, ac- curately, exactly. Ακρϊδύθήρα, -ας, r>, (fr. next, and $ηράω to catch) a trap to catch locusts. Ακρίδας, -δων, cases of Ικρις, -ίάος, ή, the locust. Άκρις, -ίο?, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. άκρος high) a summit, ridge, or top of a mountain ; a cliff", crag. Ακρισία, -ας, fa (fr. άκριτος un- tried) want uf judgment or dis- crimination, confusion, uncer tainty. Ακρ'ίτόμΰθος, -ov, δ, η, (fr. next, and μνθος speech) hasty in language, indiscreet in speech, rash, imper- tinent. Άκρ'ϊτος, -ov, h, f), (fr. a neg. and κρίνω to judge) rash, hasty, in- considerate ; irregular v perplexed, confused, indistinct; boundless, extreme ; untried, not judged, who has not pleaded. Ακρίτοφύλλος, -ov, δ,?/, (fr. last,and φύλλον a leaf) with brandies in- terwoven, intertwined, leafy. Ακριτόφνρτος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same, and φνρέω to mix) indiscrimi- nately mixed, huddled together in confusion. Ακρ'ϊτως, (fr. same) indiscreetly, rashly ; indistinctly, confusedly ; unjustly, without trial. Ακρόαμα, -ατός, το, (fr. next) a sound, a voice; that which is heard, or listened to ; as a play, a musician, &c. Ακροάομαι -ώμαι, f. -άσομαί, p. ηκρόάμαι, to hear, listen; to at- tend, obey. par. pres. ακρναόμε- νος -ώμενος. Ακρόάσις, -to?, Att. -εως, ii, (fr. last) hearing, listening ; an hear- ing, an audience ; attention, obe- dience, respect. Ακροατήριον, -ov, το, (fr. same) an audience-chamber, a public hall, or court. Ακροατής, -ου, δ, (fr. same) an au- ditor, a hearer, scholar. Ακροβολίζομαι, (fr. άκρος high, and βάλλω to throw) to shoot, throw or dart, in volleys, or from an eminence ; lofght with missiles to skirmish. Ακροβολισμος, -ov, b, (fr. last) shower of weapons, a volley ; skirmish, skirmishing. AKP Ακροβόλος, -ov, o,(fr. same) a skir- nisher, light-armed soldier. Ακροβνστέω -ω, (fr. άκρος extreme, and βύω to cover) to have not been circumcised. Ακροβνστία, -ας, ή, (fr. same) the foreskin, or prepuce ; uncircum- cision. Ακρόβνστος, -ov, b, (fr. same) un- circumcised. Ακρογωνιαίος, -a, -ov, (fr. άκρος extreme, and γωνία a corner or coin) at the corner of the founda- tion, of the corner or foundation ; the lowest, fundamental. Ακροδακτνλιον, -ov, το, (fr. άκρος extreme, and δάκτνλος a finger) the thumb. Ακρόδρνα, -ων, τα, (fr. same, and δρΐ)ς an oak) acorns, mast, nuts, berries. ΑκροθΊνιον, -ov, το, (fr. same, and ■S -ϊ? or $ϊν, sand heaped on the shore) a heap of corn, the first fruits of it ; a heap of spoils, that part of them dedicated or of- fered. Ακροθώραζ, -ακος, b, η, (fr. same, and $ώραξ the breast) tipsy, warm-hearted, full to the throat. ΑκροκεΚαινιάω -ω, (fr. same, and κελαινος black) to have a black hue, to be black externally; to look dark, or sternly, to frown. Ακροκνέφαιος, -a, -ov, (fr. same, and κνέφας darkness) evening, twilight, dusk. Ακρόκομος, -ov, b, (fr. same, and κόμη the hair) long-haired; with spreading foliage. Ακροκορδών, see ακροχορδών. Ακρομάνης, -εος -οϋς, b, η, (fr.same, and μαίνομαι to be mad) mad, distracted, outrageous. Ακρομάσθιον, -ov, το, (fr. same, and μασδος for μαζος the teat) nipple, Άκρον, -ov, το, (fr. same) the top, tip, summit; edge, extremity; end. Ακρόνηον, -ov, το, (fr. same, and νηυς Ion. for νανς a ship)• the prow, head, or stem of a ship. Ακρονενθης, -έος -οϋς, b, >/, (fr. same, and πένθος grief) extreme- ly sad, mournful, dispirited. Ακροποδητϊ (fr. same, andiron? the foot) on tiptoe. Ακρόπολις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same, and πόλις a city) a castle, a citadel, a city. Ακρόπολος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and πολέω to be) elevated, lofty, tow- ering, high ; on high, on the summit; turning, or revolving above, reaching to the pole, Ακρόπορος, -ov, Ό, ή, (fr. same, and πείρω to pierce) piercing, sharp, pointed. Ακροποσθία, -ας, >/, (fr. same, and πόσθη the foreskin) the foreskin, or prepuce ; the gland, or nut. 'Ακρος, -a, -ov, high, elevated, lofty, topmost; raised, or drawn to a point, sharp; extreme, outward, external ; perfect, consummate, finished, sub. a height, summit, (23) AKT cliff, comp. ακρότερος, sup. ακρό τατος. Ακρόσοφος, -ov, δ, (fr. last, and σοφός wise) a complete philosn- pher ; all-wise, sage. Ακροτήριον, -ov, το, (fr. same) a height, promontory ; an extremi- ty, or outward part. Ακρότης, -ητος,η, (fr. same) height; the top, ridge, summit; perfec- tion, completion. Ακρότομος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and τέμνω to cut) precipitous, steep ; rough, rugged, abrupt, craggy. Ακρόχβλος, see ακράχολος. Ακροχορδών, -όνος, η, (fr. same,and χορδή a sinew) a wart. Άκρω, Dor. for άκρυν, g. of άκρος. Άκρων, -ωνος, δ, (fr. άκρο? ex- treme) an end; the extremities of the limbs. Άκρως, (fr. άκρος high) on the sur- face, superficially, slightly, light- ly. Ακρωτηριάζω, f. -άσω, p. -ακα, (fr. ακρωτήριον a fragment) to cut off the extremities; to maim, lop, mutilate. Ακρωτηριασμός, -ov, b, (fr. last) am- putation ; maiming, lopping, mu- tilation, disfiguration. Ακρωτήριον, -ov, το, (fr. άκρων the extremity) apiece cutoff; a lop- ping, a fragment ; a wreck; the extremity, end; a pinnacle, bat- tlement ; prow, beak, ornament of ships. Ακταίη, -ης, ί], Aetata, the name of a nymph. Ακταΐος and Άκτιος, -a, -ov, (fr. ακτή the shore) on the shore } near the coast, maritime. Ακταίων, -ovo?,and -ωνος&,ΑσΙοζοη, Ακτή, -ης, η, (fr. άγω to break) α coast, shore, strand, beach; a rock, reef, cliff; grain, corn; the elder tree. Ακτήμων, -όνος, b, >), (fr. α neg. and κτάομαι to possess) poor, indi- gent, needy. Ακτίν, and ΑκτΙς, -7νος, ή, a ray, a sunbeam; a flash, brightness; ακτίνεσσι, Ion. for ακτϊσι, d. pi. Άκτιος, -ov, see ακταΊος. Ακύλας, -qv, b, Aquila, a man's name. Ακν\ιστος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and κυλίω to roll) that will not roll, cannot be rolled; steady, firm. Ακνλος, -ov, b, the acorn of the Ilex, or scarlet oak. Ακύμαντος, -ov, and άκύμων, -όνος, δ, η, (fr. α neg. Άΐιάκνμα a wave) calm, unruffled. Ακϋμων, -όνος, b,rj, (fr. same, and κνω to be with child) barren. Ακϋρολογεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. άκνρος void, and λέγω to speak) to speak incorrectly, improperly, or without authority. Άκνρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and κϋρος force) void, invalid, of no force or effect ; vain, ineffectual ; obsolete, abrogated, null. Ακνρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. ηκύρωκα,(&. same, and κνρόω to confirm) to abrogate, revoke, repeal, annul. ΑΛΑ Ακωκη, -ης, ^, (same as ακη) the edge, or point ; a weapon. Ακώλιστος, -η, -ov, deprived of any part, or member. And Άκωλος, -ου, b, 1), (fr. a neg. and κώλον a member) that wants some part, member, or Limb, especially the feet; maimed, mutilated, de- fective. Ακώλΰτος,-ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and κωλύω to hinder) unhindered, . free, at liberty, unrestrained. Ακωλϋτως, (fr. last) without stop, hindrance, or prohibition. Ακων, and Ακούς, -όντος, b, a dart, javelin, weapon. Άκων, and Αέκων, -ονσα, -ov, (fr. a neg. and εκών willing) unwilling, averse, reluctant ; involuntary, unintentional. Άλα, a. sin. of αλς. "Αλα<3' for άλαδε, to sea, seaward. Άλαβα, -ης, {/, ink. Αλάβάρχης, -ου, b, (fr. άλαβα ink, and άρχος chief) a penman, writer, scrivener ; a governor. Αλάβαστρον, -ου, το, and αλάβασ- τρος, -ου, b, alabaster ; a box made of it for ointment, or perfume ; such a box made of other ware. Αλάδρομος, -ου, b, //, (fr. αλς the sea, and δρόμος a course) roving at sea, cruising; a corsair, pi- rate. Αλαζονεία, -ας, η, (fr. αλάζων a braggart) a boast, ostentation, pretension ; pride, pomp, arro- gance. Αλαζονεύομαι, f. -εύσομαι, (fr.same) to boast, brag, glory, vaunt. Αλαζόνες, -ζόνας, cases of Αλανών, -όνος, b, η, a boaster, pre- tender. Adj. self-assuming, inso- lent, vain- glorious, arrogant. Αλαθεία, Αλαθεύω, Αλαθης, Dor.for αλήθεια, &c. Αλαθε;?, par. οΐηλάθην, 1 a. pass, of άλημι, αλέω, or αλάομαι. Αλάθητος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. α neg. and λανθάνω to hide) not to be con- cealed, notorious, public, conspi- cuous. Αλαώς, -a, -bv, for -παλαιός. Αλακατα, -ας, a, Dor. for ηλακά- τη. Αλαλαγμός, -ου, b, and Αλάλαγμα, -άτος, το (fr. next) a din, shout; a cheering used by soldiers in battle ; exultation ; sound, me- lody, warbling; lowing, bleat- ing. Αλαλάζον, neut. sin. — Αλαλάζον- τας, a. pi. par. pres. act. of Αλαλάζω, f. -άσω, p. -ακα, (fr. next) to cry alala, shout, cheer ; to wail, yell, howl; to clatter, tinkle, clang, clank. Αλαλη, -ης, η, and Dor. αλαλά, -ας, a, alala, an unmeaning word, forming the shout of soldiers joining battle. Αλάλημαι, ind. αλάλησθαι, inf. αλα- λημένος, par. per. pass, by re- dupl. from αλάομαι. Or by alike redupl. pres. from αλήμαι, act. άλημι. Αλάλητος,-ου, δ, §, (fr. a neg. and ΑΑΓ λαλέω to speak) inexpressible, unutterable, unspeakable, inef- fable. Αλάλητδς, and Dor. αλαλάτος, -ου, b, (fr άλαλη) same as αλαλαγ- μός. Αλαλκομενηΐς, -ίδος, ή, (fr. αλάλκω to assist, and μένος strength) able to relieve, the mighty helper, an epithet of Minerva. Άλαλκον, Ion. for ήλαλκον, imp. or 2 a. of Αλάλκω, same as αλκέω, or άλκω. Άλαλος, -ου, b, 17, (fr. a neg. and λαλέω to speak) dumb, mute, si- lent. Αλάλΰκτημαι, by Att. redupl. for αλύχτημαι, which is either a Poetic present tense, or per. pass. Ion. of αλνκτέομαι, Poet. Αλαξόνες, -ων, οϊ, Alaxones, a peo- ple adjoining Scythia. Αλάομαι, f. -ήσομαι, to wander, stray, roam, rove; to err, mis- take ; to doubt, hesitate. Αλάός, -οΰ, b, η, (fr. a neg. and λάω to see) blind; purblind, short-sighted ; with but one eye. Αλαόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to blind, deprive of sight; to de- ceive, delude. Αλαοσκοπία^ -ας, η, Ion. Αλαοσκο- πίη, (fr. αλαος purblind and σκο- πός a view) dimness of sight, an indistinct view ; a bad lookout, neglect of guard. Αλάπαδνός, -η, -bv, (fr. next) easily destroyed, injured, impaired, or pained; soft, tender, delicate; weak, frail. Αλάπάζω, f. -ξω, (fr. λαπάζω to ex- haust) to waste, destroy ; to rob, spoil, pillage, plunder ; to empty, exhaust, drain. 1 a. ηλάπαξα, Ion. αλάπαξα• inf. αλάτταξαι. Άλας,, -άτος, το, (fr. αλς the sea) salt; brine; the sea; hospitality, entertainment. Αλαστέω -ω, (fr. άλαστος indelible) to feel heavily, resent, be angry, not forget ; to fret, grieve. Άλαστος, Dor. for άληστος. Αλάστωρ, -ορός, b, (fr. a neg. and λήθομαι to forget) a punisher, an avenger, who inflicts woes not to be forgotten ; an evil genius, a demon ; execrable. Also Alastor, a man's name. Αλατα?, -a, b, Dor. for Αλ^τ»^. Also Alatas, or Aletes, a man's name. Αλατο, ion. for ηλάτο, 3 sin. imp. of αλάομαι. But, "Αλατο, Dor. for 'ήλατο, 3 sin. 1 a. mid. of άλλομαι. Άλάωτύς,-ύος, η, (fr. αλαος pur- blind) blindness, dimness of sight. Άλγε\ for άλγεα, pi. of άλγος, d. άλγεσι. Αλγεινός, -η, -bv, Αλγηρος, -a, -bv, and Αλγϊνόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. next) grievous, mournful, sad; painful, aching. Comp. αλγει- νότερος, sup. -τατος. Αλγέω -ω, f. -ήσω, ρ. ήλγηκα, (fr. άλγος pain) to ache, feel pain ; mourn, fret, pine, grieve. (24) ΑΛΕ Αλγηδών. -όνος, δ, Άλγημα, -ατός", rb, andΆλyJ70■ίί, -ιος, Att. -εως, f), (fr. same) wo, sorrow; pain ache ; grief, mourning, trouble. Αλγηρός, -ά, -bv, (fr. same) griev- ous, mournful ; painful. ΑλγΊων, comp. άλγιστος, sup. (fr. same) more and most grievous, mournful, painful, &c. Άλγος, -εος -ους, rb,wo, grief, sor- row, sadness ; trouble, hardship, distress ; pain, ache, soreness. Αλδέω -ω, or Άλδω, f. -ήσω, p. -η.κα, also Αλδαίνω, f. -άνω, to feed, nourish, maintain ; to invi- gorate i strengthen; to increase, enlarge, augment. Αλδήσκω, (fr. last) to grow, be- come larger, increase. Αλεά, -άς, and Ion. Αλεη, -ης, η, (fr. αλέω to shun) escape, flight, refuge. Αλέα, -ας, and Ion. Αλέη, -ης, η, heat, warmth. Αλεαίνω, (fr. last) to grow warm. Αλέασθαι, and Αλεύασθαι, for αλέ- σασθαι and αλεΰσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. of αλέω and αλεύω. Αλεγεινος, -ου, b, >), (fr. αλέγω to regard) mournful, soirowful,sad, melancholy, grievous; anxious, solicitous, attentive, watchful. See also αλγεινός, Αλεγίζω, f. -ίσω, p. -ικα, same as Αλέγω, f. -ξω, to take care of, see to, look to, order, provide'; to attend, regard, respect ; to value, esteem. Αλεείνο?, -η, -bv, (fr. αλέα heat) warm, temperate, tepid. Αλεείνω, (fr. αλέω to shun) to flee, escape; to shun, avoid. Imp. αλέεινον, Ion. for ηλέεινον. Αλεη, -ης, ι), (fr. same) see αλεά. Άλεία, -ας, fj, see αλιεία. Αλείαντος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. α neg. and λειαίνω to polish) unpolished, coarse, unfinished. Άλειάρ, -άτος, το, (fr. αλέω to grind) meal, flour. ΑλείλΥφα, Att. for ήλειφα, per. of αλείφω. Άλειμμα, -άτος, rb, (fr.same) unc- tion, anointing; ointment, be- smearing, daubing. Αλείος, Dor. for ΗλεΓοί, -ου, δ, ή, Elean, of Elis. Αλείπτης, -ου, δ, (fr, αλείφω to anoint) an anointer, one who oil- ed and attended the wrestlers; a perfumer. Αλειπτρ'ον, -ου, rb, (fr. same) α vessel for ointment ; a room for anointing. Αλεϊς, par. pres. of άλημι, or par. 2 a. pass, of αλέω. Αλείσον, -ου, το, an embossed cup, a drinking vessel, tankard, gob- let. Αλείτης, -ου, b, (fr. next) a sinner. See αλίτροϊ. Αλείτω, see αλιτεω. Αλειτουργησία, -ας, fj, (fr. a neg. λειτος public, and έργον work) an immunity from public duties; a privilege, exemption. Άλειφα,οτ Άλειφη -ης, ^,and Αλεί• ΑΛΕ φαρ, 'ατός, τδ, (fr. next) oint- ment, unction; oiling, greasing ; ■pitch, calking. λ \είφω, f. -ψω, p. ήλειφα, to anoint, oil, grease; to daub, smear; to overspread, coat, calk; to con- secrate. 1 a. ήλειψα' par. άλεί- xpag. 2 a. ήλιφον. per. mid. ήλοι- φα. Att. αλήλοιφα. per. act. Att. αλήλιφα' pass. αλήλιμμαι. pper. pass. Att, αληλίμμην, and Poet. ηληλίμμην. Αλεϊψαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Αλείψα- σα, η. fem. sin. and Αλείψαντες, η. mas. pi. par. 1 a. act. — Αλείψωσί, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of αλείφω. Αλέκτωρ, -ηρος, b, Sync, for αλεξη- τήρ, (ft", αλέξω to avert) a de- fender, protector, guardian. Αλεκτοροφωνία, -ας, ή, (fr. next, and φωνή voice) cock-crowing; the three hours after midnight ; early morning. Αλεκτρύών, -όνος, b, ή, (fr. next) a cock or hen ; a fowl. Αλέκτωρ, -ορός, b, (fr. a neg. and λέκτρον bed) a cock. Αλέματος, Dor. for ηλέματος. Άλεν, Sync, and Ion. for ήλεσαν, 3 pi. imp. or 2 a. ind. of άλημι, the same as αλέω. But "Αλεν, Boeot. for άλησαν, Ion. for ηλησαν, by Metapl. for the Att. εάλωσαν, 3 pi. 2 a. of άλωμι, or άλίσκω. Αλεξάνδρεια, -ας, η, the city Alexan- dria ; and Αλεξανδρενς, -έος, b, an Alexan- drian ; and Αλεξανδρινό?, -η,-ον, about Alexan- dria, or Alexander, or a kind of verse ; all from Αλέξανδρος, -ου, b, (fr. αλέξω to protect, and ανηρ a man) Alexan- der, a man's name. Αλεξάνεμος, ov, b, η, (fr. αλέξω to avert, and άνεμος the wind) that turns the wind, excludes air ; sheltering, screening. Αλέξασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. of αλέγω. Or by Sync, for αλεξήσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Αλεξέμεναι, Dor. and Ion. for αλέξειν, pres. inf. act. — Αλε^σεία, -ας, -ε, 1 a. opt. act. iEol. of αλέξω, or αλεξέω. Αλέξημα, -ατός, το, (fr. αλέξω to avert) defence, protection, assist- ance, relief, succour. Αλεξητήριος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) fit or capable of defending, protect- ing, guarding. Αλεξιαρη, -ης, ?/, (fr. same, and αρά prayer) a female who averts curses, or turns away prayers. Αλεξιβίαδας, -ου, b, the son of Alexias. Αλεξίκάκος, -ου, b, %, (fr. αλέξω to avert, and κακός evil) preserva- tive, preventive. ; sub. a good genius, an averter of evil ; a de- fender, protector, guardian. Αλεξίμβροτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and βροτος human) protecting, guarding, defending, averting. Αλεξίμορος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and. D ΑΛΗ μδρος death) averting death, pro- tecting. Αλεξι φάρμακο ς•, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same, and φάρμακυν poison) averting the power, or preventing the ef- fects of poison; an antidote, charm. Αλέξω, and Αλεξέω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, to drive, turn away ; to re- pel, keep off, avert, set aside ; to assist, succour, protect, defend. — Αλέξομαι, to defend ontfs self, revenge, retaliate. 1 a. ^Eol. αλεξήσεια, -ας, -ε, &c. for αλεξή- σαιμι. Αλεξώμεσθα, Dor. for αλεξώμεθα, 1 pi. pres. sub. mid. of αλέξω. Αλεος, -ου, b, η, (fr. αλέα heat) hot, warm; temperate, tepid* Also Dor. for ηλεος, which see. Αλεότης, -ητος, ή, (fr. αλέω to ga- ther) a collection, gathering ; a crowd, an assemblage. Αλεόφρων, -όνος, δ, η, (fr. same, and φρην the mind) wandering in mind, erroneous ; foolish ; mad, distracted. Αλεττίδωτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and λεπίδωτος scaly, th. λεπις a scale) without scales, smooth. Αλέτης, -ου, b, (fr. αλέω to grind) of a mill ; with όνος understood, a millstone. Αλετρίς, -ίδος, ή, (fr. same) a mil- Zer's wife. Αλετών, -ώνος, δ, (fr. same) a workhouse, where refractory slaves were set to grind. Αλεύάδαι, -ων, ol, the sons, or de- scendants of Aleuas. Αλεύατο, Ion. for ηλεύατο, 1 a. ind. mid. — Αλεύασθαι, inf. — Αλευ- άμενος, par. Sync, for ηλεύσατο, αλεύσασθαι, αλευσάμενος from αλεύω. See also αλέασθαι. Αλευμαι, Dor. for αλουμαι, cont. of αλέομαι. See αλέω. Αλεύρον, -ου, το, (fr. αλέω to grind) meal, flour. Αλεύω, to avoid, shun, flee; to avert, keep, or turn off. Also Αλάυ -ώ, f. -ήσω, and -έσω, p. -jca, to grind. Αλέομαι, in the sense of αλεύω, to quit, flee, eseape ; to shun, avoid, decline; to writhe,, twist, strain, bend, in order tc, avoid violence ; to conceal, hide^ shut up, as in order to avoid or escape pursuit ; to. collect, as- semble, crowd together as for the same purpose. Also to vmnder, ramble, stray, as if for the same reason. Par. 2 a. pass, αλεϊς, -εΤσα, -έν. Αλεωρη, -ής, η, (fr. last) escape, safety, security, protection; a refuge, asylum; a bulwark, fortress. Αλη, -ης, ή, (fr. αλάομαι to stray) a going astray ; error, mistake ; roving ; an unsettled life. Αλήθεια, -ας, }/, (fr. αληθής true) truth, veracity ; reality, fact ; fidelity, faithfulness; integrity, righteousness, a. Ion. αληθείην. Αληθευτικύς, -η, -bv, (fr. next) true, speaking truth. (25) ΑΛΗ Αληθεύω, f. -εΰσω, p. ηλήθευκα, (fr. αληθής true) to speak, or main- tain the truth; to act sincerely; to verify, confirm. Αληθη'ί'η, for αλήθεια. Αληθής, -έος -ους, b, >/, (as fr. a neg. and λήθω to lie hid, or λήθη oblivion) true, real, certain, au- thentic, unerring ; valid, decisive, competent; candid, sincere, honest. comp. αληθέστερος, sup. αληθέσ- τατος. Αληθίζομαι, same as αληθεύω. Αληθινός, -η, -bv, (fr. αληθής true) true, sincere; real, genuine, es- sential. Αληθοσύνη, -ης, η, (fr. same) ve- rity, reality, genuineness. Αλήθουσαι, η. pi. fem. par. pres. act. of next. Αλήθω, f. -ήσω, p. ήληκα, same as αλέω, to grind. Αληθώς, and ΑληθΈνως, (fr. αληθή- true) truly, sincerely, really. Αλήϊος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and λη'ίς booty, or λήϊον a crop) poor, indigent. Αληκτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and λήγω to cease) incessant, un- ceasing, continual; restless, not to be stopped. Αληκτώ, -έος, η, Alecto, one of the furies. Αλήλεκα — Αλήλεσμαι — Αληλεσ- μένος, Att. for ήλεκα, per. act. ήλεσμαι, per. pass, ηλεσμένος, par. of αλέω, to grind. Αλήλημαι, for άλαμαι, -/, Althaea, a woman's name. Αλθαίνω, and Αλθε'ω, see αλΟω. Άλθετο, Ion. for ήλθετο, imp. mid. or pass, of Άλθω, Αλθέω, and Αλθαίνω, f. -ήσω, to heal, cure; to recover ; to grow, increase, enlarge. Άλ\, d. sin, οι αλς. Άλία, -ας, t), (fr. 'ά\ης abundant, or αλις enough) a company, as- sembly, meeting. Άλιάής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. αλς the sea, and άημι to blow) blowing from, or over the sea. Άλιαίετος, or Άλιάετος, -ου, b, (fr. αλς the sea, and αετός an eagle) the osprey. Άλιάκμων, -όνος, b, Haliacmon, a river. Αλίαστος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. λιάζω to move, with a neg.) inevitable, unavoidable; unable to escape, without resource; (with a in- tens. ) vehement, violent, in- tense; incessant. Αλίβατος, Dor. for ηλίβατος. Άλιβρόχος, -ov, b, η, (fr. αλς the sea, and βρέχω to wet) washed by the sea, seabeaten. Αλίγκιος, -ου, Ό, η, like, alike, simi- lar, resembling. Αλιεία, and Άλεία, -ας, η, (fr. αλιενς a fisherman, th. αλς the sea) a fishing, fishery, supply of fish. Αλιερκής, -έος -ους, h, η, (fr. αλς the sea, and ερκος a fence) sea- bound, seagirt. ΑλΈευς, -εος, Att. -έως, b, (fr. αλς the sea) a fisherman. Αλιευτική, -ης, f/, (fr. last) fish•^ ing, fishery. Αλιεύω, f. -εύσω, p. ηλίενκα (fr. same) to fish. pres. inf. act. άλιεύειν. Άλίζω, f. -ίσω, p. -ίκα, (fr. αλς salt) to preserve with salt, pickle, corn, cure. per. pass, ηλισμαι. 1 a. ηλίσθην. 1 f. άλισθήσομαι. Άλίζω, (fr. αλί? enough; ίο collect, assemble, meet ; to gather, heap, pile, accumulate. 'Αλίζωνες, -ων, οί, the Halizonians. Αλιηχής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. αλς the sea, and ήχος a sound) sea-re• sounding, murmuring, roaring, like the sea. Αλίθιος, and Αλιθίως, Dor. for ηλί- θιος, and ηλιθίως. Άλικος, Dor. for ηλίκος. See also αλίμος-. 'Αλικ-τυπο?, -ου, b, η, (fr. «λ? the sea, and κτνπέω to resound) sea- resounding, sea-beaten. Αλίμενος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and λιμήν a harbour) without a port, haven, or harbour ; inhospitable, dangerous. Άλιμήδη, -ης, η, (fr. αλς the sea, and μήδσς regard) Halimedo, a sea-nymph. ΑΛΙ Αλιμος, -ου, b and η, also Άλιμον, -ov, το, (fr. next) a shrub of a salt or oiiier taste growing in deserts. Άλιμος, and "Αλικο?, -ου, b, η, (fr. αλί, δ, salt, or αλς, η, the sea) salt, saltish, brackish, bitter; marine, naval; maritime. Άλιμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a intens. and λιμός hunger) dry, thirsty, hun- gry, barren. Also, good, against hunger, satisfying. Άλιμϋρήεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. αλς the sea, and -μύρω to pour) flowing into the sea. Αλινδέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. αλίω the same) to roll, turn, move round ; to wallow, tumble. Αλινδέομαι, -ουμαι, to be engaged, concerned, or employed about ; to converse, be intimate, or acquainted with. Αλινδήθρα, -ας, η, (fr. last) a fold, paddock, or yard, where beasts may roll and tumble ; a maze, labynnth. Άλινος, -η, -ov, (fr. αλς salt) salt- ed, pickled ; fruitless, vain. Αλίνος, -ου, ο, η, (fr. α neg. and λίνον flax) without nets ; unfit for nets ; improper for fishing. Άλιξ, Dor. for ήλιξ. Άλιζ, -ικος, η, a kind of wheat ; porridge made of it. Άλίοιο, Ion. for Ιίλιον, g. of αλιος. Άλιόκαυστος, Dor. for ηλιόκαυστος. Άλιος, Dor. for ήλιος. Άλιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. αλς sea) of the sea, marine. Also vain, false, empty, worthless, unimportant, silly, unmeaning, idle, insigni- ficant. Αλιοτρεφής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. αλς sea, and τρέφω to rear) sea-bred. Άλιόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, (fr. αλιος vain) to frustrate, defeat, disappoint; annul. Άλίπλαγκτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and πλάζω to wander) cruising, roving at sea.. Άλίπλοος -ονς, -6ου -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and πλέω to sd'.\) floating, sailing ; ploughing, traversing the main; surrounded by, or sunk in the sea. Άλίπνοος -ονς, -6ου -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πνέω to breathe) smelling, or breathing of the sea. Άλιπόρφΰρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πορφύρα purple) bright, re- splendent as the sea; seagreen, dark, azure. "Αλις, sufficiently, enough, plenti- fully, abundantly. Άλις, -ιδος, η, Dor. for Ήλ /j, Elis, a city. Αλισγέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, to pollute, corrupt, contaminate taint. Δλίσγημα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) pol- lution, taint, contamination; im- purity, uncleanness. Αλίρροθος, -ov, b, η, (fr. αλς the sea, and ρόθος the noise of the waves) sea-flowing, sea-resound- ing. Άλίσκω, or Άλωμι, f. αλώσω, p. 'ήλωκα, Att. εάλωκα, to receive, (.26) ΑΛΚ take; to seize, catch, caplute } to find out, detect, discover ; to con- vict, condemn. 2 a. ind. 'ήλων, Att. έάλων. impr. αλωθι• sub. άλώ. inf. άλωναι' par. άλούς. This tense and the perfect have always a passive signification, pres. inf. pass. μλίσκεσθαΓ par. αλισκόμενος. per. ind. pass. 5;λω- μαι. 2 a. inf. pass, άλήναι. Άλισμα, -ατός, το, Alisma, a plant. Αλιστρεφής, -έος -ους, b, //, (fr. αλς the sea, and στρέφω to turn) employed on the sea, seafaring ; floating, or tossing on the sea. ΑλϊΥίω, or ΑλεΓτ/ω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. ηκα. to wander, err, mistake ; to sin, transgress, offend; to omit, neglect, fail in duty ; to insult, affront, abuse. Αλίτη, 2 a. sub. of αλιτέω, or d. sin. οΐαλίτης. Αλιτημένος, Ion. for ηλιτημένος, par. per. pass, of αλιτέω. Αλίτημων, -ονος, b, η, (fr. αλιτέω to sin) a sinner, transgressor; perversely wicked, reprobate. Αλιτήρως, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) sin- ful, flagitious ; a sinner. Αλίτης, -ov, b, (fr. same) a sinner, transgressor. Αλιτάμηνος, see ηλιτόμηνος. Αλιτόντο, Ion. for ηλιτόντο, 3 pi. 2 . ind. mid. of αλιτέο). Αλιτόξενος, -ου, b, (fr. αλιτέω to sin, and ξένος a guest) who insults or abuses his guests ; inhospitable. Αλιτραίνω, (fr. same) to sin; to offend, abuse. Αλιτρόπος, -ov, b, η, (fr. αλς sea, and τρέπω to engage) employed on the sea, seafaring. Αλιτρος, Αλίτης, and Αλείτης, -ου, b, (fr. αλιτέω to sin) α sinner, transgressor, an offender ; a cri- minal. Άλίτρντος, -ov, b, η, (fr. αλς sea, and τρύω to wear) wasted, or worn out by the toils of the sea, seaworn ; wrecked, shattered. Αλίω, f. -ίσω, p. ήλικα, to roll, turn, move, round. Άλίως, (fr. αλιος vain) in vain, to no purpose, fruitlessly, amiss. Αλκά, and Αλκάεις, Dor. for αλκή, and αλκήεις. Αλκάθοος, -ov, b, Alcathoos, a man's name. Αλκαία, -ας, η, ουρά understood, (fr. αλκή strength) α lion's tail. Αλκαιδης, -ov, b, the son of Alcasus. Αλκα'ικυς, -ου, b, of Alcaus. Αλκαίος, -a, -ov, (fr. αλκή strength) strong, noble, generous. Also Alcoeus, a man's name. Αλκάνδρος, -ου, b, Alcander. Άλκαρ,-αρος, το, (fr. αλκή strength) defence, safeguard, protection ; assistance, relief; a bulwark, fortress. Άλκεα, -ας, »/, wild mallows, marsh mallows. Αλκείδάω, JEol. for Αλκζίδου, g. of Αλκείδης, -ov, b, Alcides, an epithet of Hercules. Αλκέω -ω, f. -ήσω, and Άλκω, f. -|ω, (fr. next) to defend, protect; ΑΛΛ saw, preserve ; assist, relieve ; to avert, repel. Αλκι), -fa, f], strength, force, vigour, power ; courage, bravery, forti- tude ; help, assistance, relief; labour, toil ; victory, triumph. Αλκήεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. last) strong, mighty, courageous, brave ; help- ing, assistant. Αλκηστϊς, -ίδος, η, Alccstis, a wo- man's name. Αλκιβιάδιος, or Αλκίβιος, -ov, b, an herb ; anchusa, bugtop. Άλκίμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. αλκή strength) strong, able, vigorous, powerful, mighty ; brave, gener- ous; helping, aiding. Αλκμαιονίδαι, -ων, o't, the descend- ants of Alcmeeon. Αλκμήνη, -ης, η, Alcmene, a wo- man's name. Αλκτηρ,-ηρος, b, (fr. αλκή strength) an avenger, assertor ; defender, patron, protector. Αλκυόνη, -ης, ι), Alcyone, a wo- man's name. Άλκυών, -όνος, η, (fr. 'άλς the sea, and κύω to hatch) tlie halcyon, or kingfisher. Άλκω, and Αλάλκω, f. άλξω, αλκή- σω, and αλαλκήσω, (fr. αλκή strength) to keep off, drive away, repel enemies ; to protect, guard, save, preserve ; to assist, help. 2 a. ήλαλκον, Ion. άλαλκον. Αλλα, (properly the a. reut. pi. of άλλος with κατά understood) in other respects ; but, yet, except ; unless, nevertheless, notwithstand- ing ; also, rather, yea, moreover, truly. Αλλ' for αλλά, and άλλο. Άλλαγε, bui indeed, yet, at least. Αλλ' ή, but only. Αλλαγή•, -ης, η, (fr. αλλάσσω to change) a change, alteration, vi- cissitude ; substitution, barter, ex- change ; intercourse, commerce. Άλλαγμα, -ατός, το, same. Αλλάλο<σίΐ>, Dor. and ν added for αλλήλοις, see αλλήλων. Αλλαλοφονία, Dor. for αλληλο- φονία. Άλλαν, Dor. for άλλην, a. sin. of άλλος. Αλλαντοποιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. αλλάς a sausage, and ποιέω to make) a maker of sausages, black-pud- dings, &c. - Αλλαντο-ώλης, -ου, b, (fr. same, and πωλέω to sell) a seller of sausages, &c. Αλλάξαι, 1 a. inf. act Αλλαζα, 3 sin. If. act. of αλλάσσω. Αλλάς, -άντος, b, a sausage, or such kind of pudding. Αλλάσσω, or -ττω, f. -ζω, p. yjX- λάχα, to change, alter ; exchange, barter, substitute ; to succeed, fol- low in order ; to requite. 2 a. ήλ- λάγον. per. pass, ι'/λλαγμαϊ. 1 a. ηλλάχθην. 1 f. αλλαχθήσομαι, 2 f. αλλαγήσομαι, 1 a. act. ήλλαζα. 1 a. mid. ind. ηλλαξάμην' opt. αλλάζαιμι• inf. αλλάξασθαι. Αλλάττα, for άλλα αττα, or άτινα, some, the rest. Αλλαχου, and Αλλαχη, (fr. άλλο? ΑΛΛ other) elscwliere, in another place. AλλaχόQεv,from another place. Αλλάων, iEol. for άλλων, g. pi. of άλλος. Άλλεγον, for ανάλεγον, which Ion for ανέλεγον, imp. of αναλέγω. λλλέες, Poet, for αυλλέες, η. pi. of αολλής. Αλλέξαι, Poet, for αναλέξαι, 1 inf. act. of αναλέγω. Άλλη, (properly the d. of άλλος with μερίδι part, or 'όδο> way understood) otherwise, else ; in another part ; elsewhere ; in ano- ther direction, in another way. Αλληγορεω -ω, (fr. άλλος other and αγορέω to speak) to allego- rize, allude to, hint at, prefigure, represent metaphorically. Αλληγορία, -ας, η, (fr. last) an al- legory, allunon, parable, fable. Αλληγορικός, -i), -bv, (fr. last) alle- gorical, allusive. Αλληγορούμενα, -ων, τά, (η. pi. par. pres. pass, of αλληγορεω) the expressions, or narrative con- taining the allegory, or allusion ; an allegory, metaphor, allusion. Άλληκτος, ^Έοΐ. for άληκτος. Αλλήλησι, Ion. for αλλήλαις — Αλ- λ?Ίλοιϊν, Poet, for αλλήλοιν fr. αλλήλων. Αλληλούια, allelujah. Αλληλοφαγίη, -ης, η, Ion. for Αλ- ληλοψαγία, -ας, η, (fr. αλλήλων each other, and φάγω to eat) eating each other; mutual de- struction. Αλληλοφονία, -ας, ή, (fr. same, and φόνος slaughter, th. φένω to kill) mutual slaughter. Αλλήλων, g. pi. d. αλλήλοις, -αις, -οις, a. αλλήλους, -ας, -a, it wants the other parts, (fr. άλλος ano- ther) each other, in turn, mutu- ally, reciprocally. Αλλογενής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. άλ- λο? other, and γένος race) a fo- reigner ; an alien, stranger. Αλλόγλωσσος, -ου, ο, η, (fr. same, and γλώσσα tongue) of a differ- ent language, an alien. Αλλόγνωτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and γινώσκω to know) known to others, a foreigner. Αλλοδαπός, -η, -ov, (fr. same, and δάπεδον land) a foreigner, sira?i- ger, alien. Αλλοειδης, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. same, and είδος shape) of a different shape, changed, transformed, metamorphosed. Άλλοθε, and Άλλοθεν, (fr. same) from elsewhere, from another place, or quarter. Άλλοθι, (fr. same) elsewhere, in a different place, &c. Αλλόθροοί, -ου, δ, >/, (fr. same, and •Spoo? sound) of a strange voice, using a different cry in battle, foreign. ΑλλοΤος, -a, -ov, also in fern, αλ- λοίη, (fr. same) other, different, diverse ; averse, discordant. Αλλοιόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. ηλλοί.ωκα (fr. last) to change, alter; to cast (27) ΑΛΛ qff, reject ; to alienate, estrange, Αλλοιόομαι,-οϋμαι, to be changed, corrupted, vitiated ; to change in mind, go mad. Αλλοίωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, ifr. same) change, alteration. Άλλοκα, Dor. for άλλοτε. Αλλόκοτος, -ου, ο, ;/, (fr. άλλος other, and τόκος birth) monstrous.^ irregular, unnatural, strange. " Αλλομαι, f. άλουμαι, p. ηλμαι, to leap, bound, spring; to dance, to rise, get up : to spring, issue, bubble up. imp. ηλλόμην. 1 a. mid. ηλάμην. άλτο, without the asp. JEo\. for ηλτο, pper. pass, or for 'ήλατο, 1 a. mid. or for ηλετυ. 2 a. mid. Αλλοπρόσαλλος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. άλλο? other, προς towards, and άλλος other)changeable, variable,fickle, inconstant, Άλλος, -η, -ο, another, other, the other ; the rest, some; these and those; another's. Άλλοσε, (fr. last) elsewhere, to another place, or purpose. Άλλοτε, (fr. same) otherwise, at another time, in another manner ; sometimes, now and then. Αλλότερρος, iEol. for αλλότριος. Αλλοτριοεπίσκοπος, -ov, δ, {/, (fr. αλλότριος another's, and επίσκο- πος an inspector) a meddler, in- termeddler, busybody. Αλλότριος, -a, -ov, (fr. άλλος ano- ther) other's, another'' s, not one's own ; strange, foreign ; differ- ent, of another sort ; unsuitable ; absurd. Αλλοτριοφθονέω -ω, (fr. same, and φθονέω to envy) to hate another for excellence or success ; to envy } Αλλοτριοφρονέω -ω, (fr. same, and φρονέω to think) to take a con- trary part, be alienated, es- tranged, or averse. Αλλοτριόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. ηλλο- τρ'ιωκα (fr. same) to alienate, estrange ; to withdraw, emigrate; to claim, appropriate. Αλλοτρίως, (fr. same) strangely. Αλλοτρίωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) alienation, estrangement; departure, separation. Αλλοφάσσω, (fr. άλλος other, and φάω to speak) to talk incoherent- ly ; to be deranged, or disordered in mind. Αλλοφρονεω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and φρονέω to think, th. φρην the mind) to think on other things ; to feign, dissemble, dis- simulate; to faint, be distressed, distracted, or insane. Αλλοφρονέων -ων, -έουσα -ούσα, -έον -ουν, (par. pres. act. of last) alienated, estranged, averse ; agi- tated, perplexed, distracted, in* sane. Αλλοφυλισμος, -ου, δ, (fr. same, and φυλή a tribe) a foreign cus- tom, strange manner, rile, or ce- remony. ΑλλοφιΊλος,. -οϋ, δ, ή, (fr. same) β stranger, foreigner; of anothe. ΑΛΟ race, tribe, or nation, d. sin. αλλοφύλω. Αλλόφωνος, -ov, 6, η, (fr. same, and φωνή voice) of a different language ; strange, foreign. Αλλυ<5ϊί, Poet, for αλλαχοϋ. Αλλύεσκε, Poet, and Ion. for ανέ- λυε, imp. act. of αναλύω. Αλλύτος, Poet, for άλυτος. Αλλύω, Poet, for αναλύω. Άλλωθεν, by Ectas. for άλλοθεν. Άλλως, (fr. άλλος another) other- wise ; beside, moreover ; idly, fruitlessly, in vain ; rashly, un- intentionally ; falsely, incor- rectly. "Αλμα, -ατός, το, (fr. αλλομαι to leap) leaping, dancing ; a leap, bound, spring; an eminence, mound, tomb. "Αλμενος, and iEol. Άλμενος,Κγ Sync, for άλλόμενος, par. pres. of αλλομαι. Αλαη, -ης, η, and Αλμυρϊς, -ίδος, η, (fr. αλς the sea) a liquor that remains in saltpits beneath the salt; brine, pickle. "Αλμυρός, -a, -ov, (fr. last) salt, briny. Αλζ, -κος, f/, same as αλκή. Αλοάω -ω, f -ήσω and -άσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. άλως a threshing floor) to tread, or rub corn out of the ear, to thresh ; to strike, fell, kill, par. 1 a. pass, αλοαθείς. Αλοαίω, Poet, for last. Αλογεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. c neg. and λόγος account) to make no account of; to neglect, slight , contemn, despise. Αλογίη, -ης, η, (fr. last) contempt, slight, inconsistency, absurdity ; rashness, temerity. Αλόγιος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) insen- sible, stupid, unreasonable ; con- temptuous, scornful ; negligent of accounts. Αλογιστία, -ας, η, (fr. same) indis cretion, imprudence, rashness. Αλόγιστος, and Άλογος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) irrational, brute; un- reasonable, absurd, inconsistent. Αλογίστως, (fr. last) unreasonably, absurdly. Αλόγως, (fr. άλογος irrational) ab surdly, unreasonably. Αλόη, -ης, ft, the aloe. Αλοητδς, and Άλοητος, -ου, δ, (fr αλοάω to thresh) threshing time harvest. Άλόθεν, (fr. αλς thxs sea) from the sea, from sea. Αλοία, Ion. for ηλοία, 3 sin. cont. imp. act. of Αλοιάω -ώ, same as αλοάω. Άλοίην, 2 a. opt. act. of αλωμι. "Αλοιμαν, Dor. for άλοίμην, 2 a opt. mid. οι άλλομαι. Αλοιφή, -ης, η, (fr. αλείφω to anoint) fat, grease; ointment, oil; an anointing, daubing ; oblitera- tion. Αλοκίζω, or Ανλοκίζω, f. -"σω, (fr. αϋλαξ& furrow) to make furrows, plough. Άλοζ, -οκος, f), same as αυλαξ* Άλος, Dor. for ήλος. ΑΛΤ Αλοσύονη, -ης, ή, (fr. αλς the sea, and σεύω to shake) an epithet of a sea nymph ; marine, seaborn, daughter of the main. Αλονργος, -ου, and ' Αλουργης, -ίος -ους, b, {], (fr. same, and έργον work) made from the sea, purple, violet-coloured. Αλούς, -ούσα, -bv, par. 2 a. act, of αλωμι. Άλοφος, -ου, b, η, (fr. α neg. and λόφος a crest) without the crest, v>anting the crest, unplumed. Άλοχος, -ου, η, (fr. α together, and λέχος a bed) a wife, consort, concubine. Αλόω, Poet, for αλώ, 2 sin. cont. impr. mid. of αλάομαι -ωμαι, impr. pres. αλάου -ω. Αλόων, par. pres. act. cont. of αλοάω — a. sin. mas. cont. Αλό- ων τα. Αλόωνται, Poet, for αλώνται, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. οι αλάομαι. Άλπεις, -ων, al, the Alps, moun- tains so called. Άλπνιστος, or Άλπιστος, for 5άλ- ττιστος, sup. of θάλπος, §αλπίων, &άλ-ιστος, or rather the sup. of Άλπνος, -η, -ov, (fr. άλφι meal) feeding, nourishing, cheering ; agreeable, pleasant ; comp. αλπ- νίων, sup. άλπνιστος. Άλς, άλος, η, the sea, the ocean. Άλς, άλος, b, salt; wit, fancy, genius. Άλσος, -εος -ους, το, a wood, grove, thicket ; a lawn or open space in a forest. Αλσώδ//?, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. last) woody, shady, leafy ; branching. Άλτίκος, -η, -bv, (fr. αλλομαι to skip) nimble, active, lively. Άλτο, Ion. and Sync, for 'ήλατο, 3 sin. 1 a. mid. of αλλομαι. Or for ηλτο pper. of same. Αλύη, -ης, ή, the head, or stock of the plough, into which the tail or handle is fixed. Άλνκος, -ή, -bv, (fr. αλς salt) salt ish, briny. Αλυκτάζω, (fr. αλύω to rave) to fear, dread, apprehend. Αλυκτέομαι, Αλύκτημαι, and Αλσ- /.ύκτημαι, Poetic verbs, (fr. αλύσ- σ^> to rave) to wander in mind, doat, rave ; to faint, sink ; to be alarmed, shocked, angry, indig, nant. Αλυκτονέδη, -ης, ή, (fr. άλυκτος, Poet, for άλυτος not to be loosed, and 7Γί<5?7 fetters ) fetters that bind for ever ; an indissoluble chain d. pi. Ion. αλυκτοττέδησι. Άλνξας,ρΆν. 1 a. act. — Αλύξεται, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of αλύσκω Άλϋπος, -υυ, b, η, (fr. a neg. and λύπη grief) free from grief clieerful, gay, merry ; not griev- ous, agreeable, grateful. Άλυ• πον, το, ease, cheerfulness, mirth Άλυς, -υος, b, η, (fr. αλύω to rave) anxiety, disgust, perturbation, distraction of mind, perplexity distress. Αλυσθαίνω, or Αλυσθένω (fr. same, I and σθένος strength) to faint ; to (28j ΑΛΩ sink under weakness or sorrovo J to grieve, despond. Αλυσθμαίνω, (fr. same, and ασθ- μαίνω to pant) to ache, be oppress- ed, to pant. Άλΰσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. β neg. and λύω to break) a chain, bond, fetter. Αλυσιτελής, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. a neg. λύω to pay, and τέλος tax) unserviceable, unprofitable, use- less ; pernicious, hurtful. Αλυσκάζω, (same as next) par. pres. d. sin. αλυσκάζοντι. Αλύσκω, f. -|ω, (fr. αλέω to avoid) to skulk, shun, avoid, evade ; flee, escape. 1 a. ήλυξα' par. άλυξας. 1 f. mid. αλύξομαι -η, -εται. Αλυσμος, -ου, δ, (fr. αλύω to rave) anxiety, perturbation, distrac- tion. Αλύσσω, (fr. same) to suffer agi- tation, or distress of mind; to rave, be mad. Αλυσταίνω, (fr. same) to be weak, to faint, be dejected. Αλυτης, -ου, Ό, (fr. a neg. and λύω to release) a lictor, beadle, con- stable. Άλυτος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) not loosed ; not to be loosed, released, remitted, requited; fast, firm; binding. Αλυχή, -ης, ^, (fr. next) a sinking, or depression of the spirits, anxi- ety, perplexity, or distraction, of mind. Αλύω, f. -ύσω, to afflict one's self, fret, grieve ; to despond, despair ; to wander in mind, be distract- ed, rave ; to wander ; to exult, triumph, boast ; to be idle, do nothing, live at ease. Άλφα, indecl. alpha, the first let- ter of the Greek alphabet. lYie- taphorically, a beginning, source, origin. ΑλφαΊος, -ου, b, Alphceus, a man's name. Αλφάνω, or Αλφέω, f. -ήσω, and -έσω, (fr. άλφα) to find, discover, invent ; to earn, get, produce, re- ceive as wages. 2 a. act. ind. ηλφον' opt. άλφυιμι. Αλφειός, -ου, b, Alpheios, a river. Αλφεσίβοιαι, -ων, al, (fr. αλφέω to find, and βους an ox) those young women, who from their attrac- tions, get presents from their lovers, when riches chiefly con- sisted of cattle; beautiful, en- chanting, charming, bewitching ; fertilizing, rich, luxuriant. Αλφηστης, -ου, b, (fr. αλ^εω tofind) a finder, inventor, discoverer ; a leader, chief prince, noble, ricn man, d. pi. Ion. αλφεστ^σι. Άλφι, by Apoc. for Άλφιτον, -ου, το, fiour, meal; parched corn, victuals. Αλφδς, -ή, -bv, (fr. a neg. and λέ- πος scale) peeled, or white from cutaneous eruption, white. Αλφος, -ov, b, (fr. last) a kind of leprosy. Άλώ } 2 a. sub, of αλωμι. ΑΜΑ Αλωά, Dor. for άλω»), -ης, h, (&• la ■ Άλως a floor) a plantation of θίστερος, sup. -τατος. η. pi. αμα- vines and trees, a vineyard; grove, thicket ; corn field ; crop, grain ; harvest ; a threshing floor, barn, granary ; afield, sur- face, area ; a festival of Ceres and Bacchus. Αλωάς, -άδος, η (fr. last) thrash- ing; an epithet of Ceres. Άλωεύς , -ίος, Att. -ίως, δ, (fr. same) a thresher. Άλωην, -ης, -η, Dor. Or Att. for άλοίην, -ης, -η, 2 a. opt. — "Αλω- θι 2 a. inipr. — "Αλωκα, Ion. for ηλωκα, per. of άλωμι. Αλωμενη, η. sin. fern. par. pres cont. of αλάομαι. Άλωμι, see άλίσκω. Άλων,-ωνος, η, (fr. άλως the same) a threshing floor. "Αλωνα, a. sin. of last. Άλώναι, 2 a. inf. act. οι άλωμι. Αλωπεκή, -ης, η, (fr. αλώπηξ a fox) the skin of a fox. Αλωπεκία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a fall- ing of the hair. Αλωπεκίζω, (fr. same) to play the fox, to deceive, beguile. Αλωπεκινδς, -ου, δ, (fr. same) cun- ning as a fox, artful, designing fraudulent. Αλωπεκίον, -ov, to, (fr. same) a young fox. Αλωπεκϊς, -ίδος, η, (fr. same) a she-fox; a cap of a fox' s skin. Αλώπηξ, -εκος, η, a fox ; a crafty, cunning, malicious person. "Αλως, -ω, ή, a threshing floor, a place for cleaning grain ; a con. stellation; an area, field, sur face. ΑλώσΈμος, -ov, h, η, (fr. άλωμι to take) that may be caught, taken, or conquered ; relating to a cap- ture ; intelligible, easy of com- prehension. "Αλωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f/, (fr. same) a capture, conquest ; a taking, catching, a. sin. άλωσιν. Άλωτος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) taken, caught, captured, subdued ; easy to be taken, &c. accessible. Άλώω, for άλω, 2 a. sub. of same. Αμ, for αμφί. *Αμ' for άμα. "Αμα, (is properly the neut. pi. of άμος, Dor. one) with, together, along with ; moreover, also, with- al; at once, at the same time, immediately. Αμαγγαρι, Αματταρί, or Αματταρά, indecl. Heb. a mark. Άμαδρύαδες, -ων, αϊ, (fr. αμα with, and δρυς an oak) wood-nymphs. Αμαζόνες, -ων, αϊ, (fr. α neg. and μαζος the breast) Amazons. Αμάθαίνω, (fr. a neg. and μανθάνω to learn) to unlearn, to forget ; to be ignorant, uninformed, 1 a. ind. act. ημάθηνα. Αμάθεια, and Αμαθία, -ας, η, (fr. same) ignorance. Αμαθεϊ, (fr. next) ignorantly, awk- wardly. Αμαθης, -έος -ους, h, 7), (fr. αμαθία ignorance) ignorant, untaught; ΑΜΑ rude, coarse, vulgar ; comp. αμα- Αμαθώς, (fr. last) ignorantly, stu- pidly, foolishly. Αμαθόεις, Ion. ϋμαθόεις, for ψαμα- θόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. next) dusty, sandy, gravelly. Άμαθος, -ov, η, for ψάμαθος, (fr. ψαίω to pulverize) dust, sand, gravel ; the strand, shore. Αμαθύνω, (fr. last) to pulverize, grind to powder; to ruin, de- stroy, reduce to ashes. Αμαιμάκετος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and μάχομαι to fight) invincible not to be subdued ; unconquered, untamed. Or (fr. a intens. and μαιμάω to desire) violent, furi ous, savage, fierce. Or (fr. < intens. and μήκος. Dor. μα κος length) huge, large, great, long. ΑμαλακιστΙα, -ας, η, (fr. a neg. and μαλακός delicate) hardness,flrm ness, solidity ; Jortitude, resolu tion, magnanimity. Αμαλδννω, (fr. αμαλος tender) to soften, soak, macerate; to de- stroy, waste, consume. Or (a< from bμaλbς plain) to level, over throw, ruin. Αμάλθεια, -ας, //, Amaltheia, the goat that suckled Jupiter. Άμαλλα, -ης, >/, a handful, gripe ; a sheaf. Αμαλλενω, (fr. last) to gather into handfuls, or sheaves; to grasp Αμαλλοδετηρ, -ηρος, and Αμαλλοδέ- της, -ου, ο, (fr. same, and δίω to bind) who ties the sheaves, a binde~. Αμαλος, -y), -bv, JEol. for απαλός, soft, tender ; unfledged. Άμαμυξ, -υκος, fi, a kind of grape. Αμάν, pres. inf. act. cont. of αμάω. Αμανιτης, -ov, b, mushroom, or fungus of some sort. Άμαξα, -ης, η, (fr. αμα together, and άγω to drive) a chariot, carriage, cart, vehicle. Άμαξεύω, (fr. last) to travel in, or drive carriages; to cart, draw, drag. Άμαξις, -ίδος, η, (fr. same) a small cart, carriage, Nc. Άμαξίτυς, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) about carriages. Αμαξιτός, η, viz. bδbς, a carriage road, high- way. ' Αμαξοπηγεω, (fr. same, and πήγνυ- μι to frame) to make carts, car- riages, &c. Άμαρ, -άτος, το, Dor. for ημαρ. Αμάρα -ας, η, a trench, ditch, drain, sewer, canal, conduit. Αμάράκος, -ου, b, svjeet marjoram. Αμαράντίνος, and Αμάραντος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. a neg. and μαραίνω to fade) unfading, ever-fair, and ever-young. Αμαρέω -ω, (fr. αμάρα a canal) to run through a pipe, flow along a conduit; to obey, follow. Άμάρτανε, pres. impr. act. — Άμαρτάνετε, 2 pi. pres. ind., or (29) ' ΑΜΑ impr. act. — Άμαρτάνει, 3 Bin. pres. ind. act. of Άμαρτάνω, f. -ήσω, p. ημάρτηκα, (fr. άμαρτίω obs. j to miss a mark ; to lose, be disappointed ; to go astray, deviate, swerve ; to mistake, err ; to pass by, neglect, omit; to sin, transgress, ojfend. a. par. αμαρτι/σας. 2 a. ind. ϊ/μαρτον, Ion. άμαρτον' sub. άμάρ- τω' par. άμαρτών. Άμαρτάς, -άδος, η, (fr. last) fault, crime. Αμαρτγι, same as αμα. ' Αμάρτη, 3 sin. and — Άμάρτητε, 2 pi. 2 a. sub. act. — Άμαρτηθεϊς, -ε7σα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass. — ' Αμαρτήαας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. of αμαρτάνω. 'Αμάρτημα, -άτος, τδ, (fr. same) any deviation from, right ; error, transgression, sin, fault ; failing, failure; defect, blemish; a sin- offering. Αμαρτία, -ας, ι), (fr. same) sin, guilt, transgression ; falsehood, deceit; an offering for sin; pu- nishment. Άμαρτίνοος, -6ου, δ, ft, (fr. same, and νύος the mind) guilty, cri- minal, depraved, corrupt ; in- sane, mad. Άμαρτοεπης, -ίος -ους, δ, f), (from same, and έπος a word) with a bad delivery, confused, wander- ing. Also deceitful, false, vain. Αμάρτυρος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. α neg. and μάρτυρ a witness) without wit- ness, unsupported ^y proof, un- attested. Άμapτωλbς, -ου, δ, η, (fr. αμαρτάνω to sin) a sinner, sinful. Αμαρϋγη, -ης, η, and Αμάρυγμα, -άτος, το, (fr. next) brightness, lustre; a flash of lightning. Αμαρνσσω, f. -ξω, p. -χα, to shine, glitter, sparkle, flash. Άμάς, Dor. for ημάς. a. pi. of εγώ. Αμάσας, Dor. for αμήσας, 1 a. par. act. of αμάω. Αμάσητος, and Άμαστος, -ου, δ, τ), (fr. α neg. andμασάΌ//αί to chew) unchewed. Αμάσθαι, pres. inf. pass. cont. oi αμάω. Άματροχάω -ω, (fr. αμα together, and τρέχω to run) to drive to- gether ; to clash, jostle; to ac- company, attend. Αματροχία, -ας, η, (fr. last^ run- ning or driving together, the rat- tling of wheels ; clashing of cha- riots ; a track, rut. Αμανρος, -ov, b, η, or -ρος, -pa, -pbv, dark, obscure, dim, indistinct ; Ιοιυ, mean, ignoble. Αμαυρόω -ώ, (fr. last) to obscure, tarnish, sully, soil ; tc veil, cover, αμανρόομαι -ουμαι, to be extinct, to die. 1 a. opt. pass, αμαυρο- θείην, -ης, -η. Αμαχανία, Αμάχάνος,Ώοτ. for αμη- χανία, αμήχανος. Αμαχει, Αμαχητί, and Αμαχως. (from next) without fighting peaceably. AMB Αμαχος, -ου, b, h, (fr. a neg. and μάχομαι to fight) without battle, or fighting, not quarrelsome; unwarlike, peaceable. Also un- conquerable, invincible ; incon- testable ; impracticable. Αμάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ήμηκα, to reap, mow, cut down; to collect, ga- ther ; to heap up, pile. Αμβαίνειν, Αμβαίη, Poet, for ava- βαίνεεν, pres. inf. and αναβαίη, 2 a. opt. οι αναβαίνω. Αμβάλεν, Dor. and JE>o\. for ava- βάλου, 2 a. impr. mid. of ανα- βάλλω. Αμ βάλλομαι, Poet, for αναβάλλο- μαι, see αναβάλλω. Αμβάσε, Poet, and Dor. for ανέ- βησε, 1 a. ind. act. of αναβαίνω, sometimes used for αναβιβάζω. Αμβάστ], Poet, and Dor. for ava- βήση, 2 sin. 1 f. mid of ava- for ΑΜΕ βοδτος human) divine, immortal; ambrosial, calm, sweet, balmy. Αμβροτέω, or Αβροτέω -ω, Poet. for άμαρτάνω, (fr. αβρότη night) to miss, not to hit, to go wide of; to stray, err. Άμβροτος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. a neg. and βρότος human) immortal, divine, incorruptible. ΑμβωμοΊσι, for ανά βωμοΊς, at, or on the altars. &c. See βωμός. Άμβων, -ωνος, b, a boss or spike in the middle of the shield ; any si- milar protuberance ; a knob, stud; a hill, hillock, eminence ; the edge, or brim. Αμβώσας, Poet, and Ion. for ava- βοήσις, 1 a. par. act. of ava- βοάω. Αμε, Dor. for εμε, from εγώ. Αμέγαρτος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. a neg. and μεγαίρω to grudge) without stint d( Άμβασις, — Αμβατος, Dor ανάβασις, and αναβατός. Άμβη, -ης, )), the brow of a rock; a beach, shore, bank, precipice ; an edge, brim, brink ; the brow, or forehead. Άμβιξ, -ικος, b, a pot, jar, pitcher ; a cup, bowl. Άμβλακέω -ω, same as αμπλακέω. Αμβλήδην, for αναβλήδην, (fr. ανα- βάλλω to defer) by delays, te- diously, lazily. Αμβλίσκω, (fr. αμβλύς blunt) to cause abortion. Αμβλόω -ω, (fr. same) to grow blunt, dull, or dim ; to fail, mis- carry. Αμβλυγώνιος, -ov, b, //, (fr. same, and γωνία an angle) obtuse- angled. Αμβλύνω, (fr. next) to biunt, to turn the edge; to tarnish, make dull, or dim ; to impair, weaken repress. Αμβλύς, -εΐα, -ύ, blunt, obtuse ; dull, dim ; heavy, stupid ; inanimate, Αμβλνωγμός, -ου, b, (fr. last) duU ness, weakness, or shortness of sight. Αμβλνώττω, (fr. same) to see badly, have weak, or short sight ; to mis- take, blunder. Αμβλωθώ,Ι a. sub. pass, of αμβλόω. Αμβλωθρίδιον, -ov, το, (fr. αμβλόω to miscarry) an abortion. Άμβλωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. same) a miscarrying, miscar- riage. Αμβολάδαν, Dor. Ion. and Poet, for αναβολάδην, (fr. αναβολή de- lay) with delays, tediously, lazily. Αμβολάς, -άδος, ή, (fr. αναβάλλω to throw up) earth thrown up, a heap, a bank. Αμβολη, Poet. Sync, for αναβολή Αμβολιεργος, -ov, b, (fr. αναβάλλω to defer, and έργον work) a de- layer, trifler ; adj. indolent, pro- crastinating. Αμβροσία, -ας, η, (fr. next) ambro- sia, the food with which the poets fed the gods ; fragrance, αμβρο- σίη, Ion. Αμβοόσιος, -α, -οι (ft. a neg. and or stop ; unbounded, extensive, immense, large, great; willing, ready, prompt ; unenvied. Αμέθυσος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same, and μεθύω to intoxicate, th. μέθυ wine) not drunken, sober ; not intoxicating, averting drunken- ness. Also subs, an amethyst, a violet coloured precious stone. Αμείβετο, Ion. for ημείβετο, imp. ind. mid. οι αμείβω. Αμείβοντες, -ων, ο\, (fr. next) pro- perly the principals in framed roofs ; and the rafters in smaller roofs, which by mutual resist- ance support each other; any beam or timber in building. Αμείβω, f. -ψω, p. ήμειφα, to ex- change, barter ; to alternate, in- terchange ; act, or take in turns ; to converse, answer, reply ; to pass by, or over; to transport, ferry, or carry over ; to requite, re- pay, recompense, per. pass, ήμ- μειμαι. 1 a. ημείφθην. 1 f. αμειφ- θήσομαι. per. mid. ήμοιβα. 1 f. mid. αμείψομαι. Αμειδάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ημείδηκα, (fr. a neg. and μειδάω to smile) not to smile, be grave, sad. Αμειδης, -έος -ονς, — Αμείδητος, -ov, b, »j, (fr. same) dismal, grave, sad, solemn ; sullen, sour. Αμείλικτος, and ΑμείλΥχος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and μείλιχος sweet) implacable, harsh, severe, cruel. Αμείνω, a. sin. or neut. pi. cont. of Αμείνων, -όνος, b, ft, (one of the ir regular comparatives attributed to αγαθός) better, superior ; fit " ter, preferable. Αμείρω, (fr. a neg. and μείρω to share) to deprive of their share ; to defraud, cheat, rob. Αμείφθην, Dor. for ημείφθην, 1 a. pass, οι αμείβω. Αμέλγες, Dor. for αμελγεις, 2 sin. pres. of Αμελγω, f. -ζω, p. -ήμελχα, to milk ; to reap, gather, pluck be- fore ripe ; to extract, draw, drain ; Αμελγομαι, to yield milk, be ■milked, par. pres. pass, or mid. αμελγόμενος. Αμελεί, (pres. impr. of αμελεω) (SO) ΑΜΕ neglect, cease; never fear, doni mind, dont be uneasy. Also adv. for ; truly, certainly, sure- ty i for instance, as for example, to wit, namely. Αμέλεια, -ας, ή, (fr. αμελεω to neg- lect) neglect, negligence, omis- sion, oblivion. Αμελετητος, -ή, -ov, (fr. a neg. and μελετάω to meditate) unexer- cised, unpractised. Αμελεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ημέληκα, (fr. a neg. and μέλει he cares) to neglect, omit, pass by, overlook ; to slight, disregard. Αμελής, -έος τους, b, f/, (fr. last) negligent, remiss, careless ; neg- lected, slighted. Αμελήσαντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. act» — Αμελήσω, 1 f. ind. act. of αμελεω. Αμελητέος, -α, -ov, (fr. same) to be neglected, disregarded. Αμελητϊ, (fr. same) carelessly, neg- ligently. Αμέλξης, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. act. oi αμελγω. Άμελξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. αμελγω to milk) a milking, drain- ing, emptying ; a drain, stieam t channel. Αμελως, (fr. αμελής careless) neg- ligently, indifferently, contemptu- ously, slightingly. Άμεμπτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and μέμφομαι to blame) blameless, unblameable, innocent, faultless. Αμέμπτως, (fr. last) blamelessly; without complaint. Αμεμφία, -ας, η, (fr. same) free- dom from fault, blamelessness. Αμένας, Dor. for Αμένης, -ου, 6, Amenas, name of a river. Aμεvηvbς, -η, -bv, and Αμενης, -έος -ονς, b, η, (fr. a neg. and μένος strength, or μένω to stay) weak, infirm; flitting*, evanescent, va- nishing; restless. Αμενηνόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to weaken, debilitate, impair ; to de- feat, frustrate. Άμέρα, Dor. and Άμέραισι, Dor. and Poet, for ήμερα, and ήμέραις, d. ph, Αμέργω, to dear or extract the im- purities from oil ; to clarify, pu- rify ; to strain, squeeze, press ; to strip, cull, gather. Αμέρδω, (fr. a neg. and μέρδω to look at) to dazzle, blind; to darken, cloud, shade, or obscure; to deprive of brightness. Or (fr. a intens. and μέρδω, Dor. for μερίζω to share) to rob of his portion, de- prive, cheat, defraud, imp. ήμερ- δον, Ion. άμερδον, 1 a. pass. ind. ημέρθην• sub. αμερθώ, -ης, -η. Αμερης, -έος -ους, δ, ή, (fr. α neg. and μέρος part) not to be shared. or divided, indivisible. Αμερίξω,ΒΆϊηβ as αμείρω, or αμέρδω. Αμεριμνησία, and Αμεριμνία, -ας, ή, (fr. next) security, confidence, carelessness ; quietness, assur- ance, safety. Αμέριμνος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. a neg. and μέριμνα care) careless, confident, AMft tecure, quiet; unheeded, disre- garded. Ααερίιχνως, (fr. last) indifferently, securely, at ease. Άμερος, Dor. for 'ήμερος. Άμερσα, -ας, -ε, Ion. for ήμερσα, 1 a. ind. act. — Αμεοσώ, -ής, -fj, 1 a. sub. act. — Αμέρσαι, 1 a, inf. act. of αμέρδω. Or by Sync, for ημίρισα, αμερισω, and αμερί- σαι, οΐαμερίζω. Or JEo\. {οτημεί- pa, αμείρω, and αμείραι, οι αμείρω. Αμερώσαις, Dor. and JEol. for ήμε- ρώσας, 1 a. par. οίημερόω. "Αμες, Dor. for ημεΊς, η. pi. of εγώ. Αμετάθετος, -ον, δ, ή, (fr. α neg. and μετατίθημι to transpose) un- changeable, fixed, determined. Αμετακίνητος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and μετακινέω to remove) im- movable, firm, established, set- tled ; unmoved. Αμεταμέλητβς, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and μεταμέλομαι to repent) not to be repented of, or regretted; impenitent ; irrevocable. Αμετανόητος, -ου, Ό, ή, (fr. same, and μετανοέω to repent) impeni- tent, obdurate, reprobate; unre- pealed. Αμετάπειστος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and μεταπείθω to persuade) not to be persuaded, positive, obstinate. Άμέτερος, Dor. for ημέτερος. Αμέτρητος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and μετρέω to measure) immea- surable, immense, boundless ; unmeasured, not stinted, αμέτρε- τα, fem. Dor. Αμετροεπής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, μέτρον measure, and έπω to speak) talkative, loquacious, babbling. Άμετρος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and μέτρον measure) without mea- sure, excessive. Αμενσίπορος,-ον, b, η, (fr. αμενω to change, and πόρος a gait) chang- ing, revolving, returning, flow- ing again. Αμεύω, to proceed, march, move, pass over, or through; to over- run, conquer, overthrow ; to change, alter. 'Αμη, -ης, η, (fr. αμάω to reap) a a sickle, reaping-hook ; a spade, thovel, hoe. Αμήν, Heb. amen, truly, verily, so be it ; Ό Αμήν, the truth, mean- ing Christ. Αμήν'ίτας, -ου, b, ή, (fr. a neg. and μήνις anger) void of anger, mild, calm, temperate, meek. Αμήρυτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and μηρύω to roll up) not spun, or reeled; unwound, entangled, per- plexed, intricate; endless, im- perfect, unfinished. Άμης, -ου, and -ητος, b, a cake made with milk. Αμησάντων, g. pi. par. 1 a. act. of αμάω. Αμητήρ, -ήρος, b, (fr. αμάω to reap) a reaper, mower. Αμητδς, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) har- vest-time, the harvest, crop. Αμητωρ, -όρος, b, η, (fr. a neg. and AMM μήτηρ a mother) without a mo- ther, that has no mother; mo- therless, orphan; unlike a mo- ther, cruel. Αμήχαν' for αμήχανα, neut. pi. of αμήχανος. Αμηχανέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. α neg. and μηχανή contrivance) to be without means of acting; to be straitened, perplexed, embarrass- ed ; to be at a loss, to want, to need. Αμήχανης, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. same) without means, or assistance, at a loss, perplexed, anxious; art- less, unskilful, without ingenuity. Αμηχανία, -ας, ή, and Ion. Αμηχα- νίη, -ης, ή, (fr. same) difficulty, perplexity, want of means, em- barrassment. Αμήχανος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) un- skilful, awkward, artless ; at a loss, distressed, perplexed; diffi- cult, unattainable, impossible ; not to be evaded, dangerous, mischievous, artful, insidious, in- triguing. Αμηχάνως, (fr. last) in perplexity ; with difficulty. Αμία, -ας, ή, a fish so called. Αμίαντος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. a neg. and μιαίνω to taint) undefiled, un- tainted, unpolluted ; innocent, pure, chaste. 'Αμίθεος, Dor. for ημίθεος. ΑμιθρεΊν, by Metath. for αριθμεΤν, pres. inf. act. cont. of αριθμέω. Άμιλλα, -ης, η, a fight ; contest; trial of skill, contention, emula- tion. Άμιλλάομαι -ωμαι, (fr. last) to fight, quarrel, dispute ; to vie, rival, emulate. Άμίν, Dor. for ήμ"ιν, d. pi. of εγώ. Αμίναδαβ, indecl. Aminadab. Αμινάΐος, -a, -ov, Aminean, relat- ing to Aminea; a part of Cam- pania famous for its wines. Αμιζία, -ας, Ion. and Αμιξίη, -ης, η, (fr. α neg. and μίγννμι to mix) distinction, separation; property, private right ; freedomfrom mix- ture, pureness ; simplicity, sin- cerity ; seclusion, privacy, retire- ment. Αμϊς, -ίδος, η, a vessel for unne ; a small ship. ΑμισθΊ, (fr. α neg. and μισθΖς hire) without fee, or reward, gratis. Αμίσθωτος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same) un- hired, disengaged; unpaid, not rewarded. Αμιτροχίτων, -ωνος, δ, ή, (fr. a neg. μίτοα a girdle, and χιτών a coat) without a girdle, ungirded. Or (fr. a cop. ) wearing a girdle on the coat of mail. Αμιχθαλόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. same, μίγννμι to mix, and αλς the sea) forbidding an intercourse, unso- cial, inhospitable ; dangerous, in- accessible ; as an island without a safe port. Or (fr. a intens. Άτιάόμίχλη a mist) cloudy, foggy, cloud-capt. Άμαα, -άτος, το, (fr. άπτω to tie) a knot, tying, fastening. (SI) AMN Αμμιίθω, Poet, for αναμαθω, 2 a. sub. act. of αναμαν θάνω. Άμμας, iEol. for ημάς, a. pi. of εγώ. Άμμε, Poet, for ημάς. iEol. for νωΐ, νω. Αμμέγα, Poet, for ανά μέγα, very large, great, so large. Αμμείνας, Poet, for αναμείνας, 1 a. par. act. of αναμένω. Άμμεναι, Dor. for αέμεναι, which is Ion. for άειν, pres. inf. act. of άω, for άδω. Αμμένομεν, Poet, for αναμένομεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. of αναμένω. Άμμενος, or άμενος, Dor. for ημε- νος, par. pres. of ήμαι. Άμμες, JEo\. Άμμες, Dor. for ήμεϊς, η. pi. of εγώ. Άμμεεον, Poet, for ανά μέσον, in the midst, amidst, among. Άμμέων, jEoI. for ήμων, g. pi. of εγώ. Άμμι, -ως, Att. -εως, το, ammi, bishop's weed, a medicinal herb and seed. Άμμίγα, Poet, for ανάμϊγα, (fr, αναμίγννμι to intermingle) to- gether, along with. Αμμίγζην, Poet, for αναμίγδην, (fr. same) confusedly, indistinctly^ mixed among each other; pro- miscuously. Άμμιν, or άμμι, Dor. and iEol. for ήμΊν, d. pi. of εγώ. Αμμίξας, Poet, for αναμίζας, 1 a, par. act. of αναμίγννμι. Άμμων, -ov, το, red lead, vermilion, Άμμορος, -ZEol. for άμορος. Άμμος, -ov, ή, for χ^άμμος, (fr. ψαίω to pulverize) properly the dust of parched land j powder ', sand. Αμμώδης, -εος -ονς, b, η, (fr. last) dusty, sandy, dry. Άμμων, iEol. for ήμων, g. pi. of εγώ. Άμμων, -ωνος, b, Hammon, an epithet of Jupiter. Αμμώνιος, -ov, b, relating to Sum- mon. Άμναμος, -ov, b, (fr. αμνδς a lamb) a grandchild, offspring. Pro- perly of the young of sheep. Αμνάμων, Dor. for αμνήμων. Αμτάς, -άδος, ή, same as αμνή. Αμνάσει, Dor. Sync, for αναμνήσεις 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of αναμιμ- νήσκω. Άμναστος, Dor. for άμνηστος. ΑμνεΊος, -a, -ov, (fr. αμνός a lamb) of a lamb. Αμνή, -ής, ή, (fr. same) a ewer- lamb. Αμνημονέω -ω, f. -ήσω, and Αμνη- μονενω, (fr. next) to forget. Αμνήμων, -όνος, δ, ή, (fr. a neg» and μνάομαι to remember) for- getful, oblivious; inattentive,neg- ligent ; ungrateful; not record- ed, forgotten. Αμνησικακέω -ω, (fr. same, and κακός evil) to forget injuries; to forgive, pardon. Αμνησικάκως, (fr. last) forgiv- ingly. Αμνήστεντα, (fr. next) WWQUt Q AMO marriage-contract, without wed- lock. Αμνήστεντος, -ου, b, r), (fr. a neg. and μνηστεύω to court) not en- gaged, or promised in marriage ; unmarried. Αμνηστία, -ας, ή, (fr. same, and μνάομαι to remember) an am- nesty ; forgetfulness, oblivion ; forgiveness. Άμνηστος, -ου, b, ί), (fr. same) for- gotten, unknown, obscure, low, humble. Αμνίον, -ov, το, the membrane co- vering the embryo in the womb ; a vessel for the blood of the sacrifice. Αμνις, -ίδος, {/, (dim. of αμη a ewe- lamb) a little lamb. Αμνός, -ov, b, a lamb. Αμνοφόρος, -ov, η, (fr. last, and φέ- ρω to carry) a breeding ewe, or with young, αμνοφόρως, Dor. for αμνοφόρονς, a. pi. Αμογητϊ, (fr. next) without toil, or care, easily. Αμόγητος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and μδγος toil) unwearied, indefati- gable ; incessant. Αμόθεν, (fr. αμός some one) else- where ; from another place, per- son, or thing. Αμοιβάδις, Αμοιβάδόν, Αμοιβάδήν, and Αμοιβαίως, (fr. next) in turns, alternately, mutually. Αμοιβαίος, -a, -ov, and b, η, (fr. next) alternate, reciprocal, mu- tual. Αμοιβή, -ης, ή, (fr. αμείβω to ex- change) a change, exchange; retribution, recompense. Αμοιβός, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same) mu- tual, reciprocal; aiding, assist- ant. Subs. pi. auxiliaries, allies. Αμοιρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. next) to be destitute, to want, need. 'Αμοιρος, -oo, b, η, (fr. α neg. and μοίρα a share) portionless, desti- tute, needy. Αμολγαίος, -a, -ov, (fr. αμέλγω to milk) giving milk ; milky ; white, αμολγαΊη, fern. Ion. Αμολγεύς, -έος, b, and αμολγίον, -ov, το, (fr. same) a milking ves- sel, milk-pail. Αμολγός, -ου, b, (fr. same) niilking time; evening, night. Αμόλυντος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and μολύνω to taint) unpolluted. Αμόρα, -ας, η, a pudding, or cake of flour and honey. ΑμορβαΊος, -a, -ov, and Αμόρβιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. αμορβός dark) dark, dusky, obscure. Αμορβεύω, (fr. same) to follow, at- tend, wait upon. Αμορβός, -ή, -όν, obscure, dark, shady ; subs, a companion, fol- lower, attendant. Αμοργή, -ης, {], (fr. αμέργω to clari- fy) the lees of oil ; an herb used in dying purple. The name of an island. Αμορίτης, -ου, b, fj, same as αμόρα. 'Αμορος, -ov, b, fj, (fr, a neg. and μόρυς a share, th. μείρω to di vide) portionless, without a share destitute ; unfortunate, helpless. ΑΜΠ Άμορφος, -ov, b, >/, (fr. same, and μορφή shape) shapeless, deform- ed, unsightly, ugly; unimproved, uncultivated. Αμός, -ου, b, η, one, some one, some- body, any body. Also Dor. for ημέτερος, or for εμός. Αμός, for ήμος. Άμοτον (fr. next) insatiably, inces- santly. Άμβτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and μότος lint) not to be stopped, or stanched; insatiable, eager. Άμουσος, -ov, b, f), (fr. same, and μούσα the Muse) inharmonious, discordant ; illiterate, unlearned ; unbecoming, awkward, inelegant. Άμοχθος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and μόχθος labour) without labour, toil, or trouble, easy ; at ease, at rest; indolent, lazy. Αμπαιανίζω, Poet, for αναπαιανίζω. 1 a. inf. act. αμπαιανίσαι. Άμπάλος, Poet, for ανάπάλος. Αμπαλών, Poet, for αναπάλων, 2 a. par. act. of αναπάλλω. Αμπαύεται, Poet, for αναπαύεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass. — Αμπαύ- σασθε, Poet, for αναπαύσασθε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. mid. of ανα- παύω. Άμπαυμα, Άμπαυσις, Αμπανστή- ριον,Αμπανστήριος, Poet, for ανά- πανμα, &C Αμπεδίον, Poet, for ανά -πεδίον, along the plain. Αμπείρας, Poet, for αναπε'ιρας, 1 a. par. of αναπείρω. Αμπέλάγος, Poet, for ανά πέλαγος, along the sea, through the sea. Αμπελεών, and Αμπελιών, -ωνος, b, Poet, for αμπέλων. Αμπέλ'ΐνος, -ov, b, η, f fr. άμπελος a vine) viny, of the vine. Αμπελύεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. next) planted, or cropped with vines, fertile in vines. Άμπελος, -ov, >), a vine, vineyard. αμπέλως, Dor. for αμπέλους, a. pi. Αμπελουργία, -ας, hi (fr• l ast > ar "d έργον work) vinedressing, work in a vineyard ; pruning. Αμπελουργός, -ου, b, (fr. same) a vinedresser, a labourer in a vine- yard. Αμπελόφυτος, -ov, b, »>, (fr. same, and φύω to grow) planted with vines. Αμπέλων, -ωνος, b, (fr. same) α vineyard. Αμπελώνα, a. sin. oflast. Άμπεμψας, Poet, for ανέπεμψας, 2 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of αναπέμπω. Αμπεπάλών, Poet, for αναπαλών, 2 a. par. of αναπάλλω. Αμπέσαι, Lacon. and Mo\. for αμ- φιέσαι, 1 a. inf. of αμφιέννυμί. Αμπέτασον — Αμπετασάσα, Poet. for αναπέτασον, 1 a. impr. act. and αναπετασάσα, 1 a. par. fern. act. of αναπετάζω, -πετάω, or -πετάνννμι- Αμπέχονον, -ov, το, and Αμπεχόνη, -ης, ή, (fr. next) clothes, clothing, dress. Αμπέχω, and Αιιπισχέω, I&o\. for AMT αμφιέχω, (fr. αμφΧ about, and έχω to have) to compass about) environ, enclose ; to clothe, dress, arm, equip. 2 a. ind. mid. ημ- πειχόμην with two augments. Αμπηδάω, for αναπηδάω. Αμπίσχω, Or αμπισχέω, (j3Eo1. for αμφϊ about, and ίσχω to hold) same as αμπέχω. 2 a. ind. mid. αμπεσχόμην, and αμπισχόμην. Αμπλακέω,(ύι.πλάζωίο set astray) to stray, err, mistake ; to fail, miss; to transgi-ess, sin. 2 a. par. αμπλακών. Αμπλάκημα, -άτος, το, (fr. last) er ror, transgression, sin, crime. Αμπλακία, -ας, and Ion. αμπλακίη, -ης, ή, (fr. ανά about, and πλάζω to wander) mistake, error ; guilt, sin. Αμπλίας, -ov, b, Amplias, a man's name. Άμπνενμα — Αμπνοή — Αμπνέω — Αμπνείω, for ανάπνενμα, &c. Αμπνύθην, -ης, -η, Ion. for ημπνύν- θην, 1 a. pass, of άμπνυμαι, Poet, for ανάπννμαι. ΑμπολεΊν, Poet, for αναπολεΤν, pres. inf. of αναπολέω. Αμπόλιν, for ανά πόλιν, through the city, about the town. Αμπόνον, for ανά πόνον, through the toil, turmoil, or fight. Αμπρδν, -ov, το, a collar, halter, tether, trace used with oxen. Αμπτάμενος, Poet, for αναπτάμενος, par. 2 a. mid. of ανίπταμαι. Αμπνκιδής, -ov, b, Ampycides, a man's name. Άμπνζ, -νκος, b, or ή, and Αμπυκ- τήρ, -9\ρος, b, the forehand of a bridle which confines the fore- lock ; a bridle, rein, strap, thong β a fillet, headband. Άμπωσις, or Άμπωτις, Sync, for ανάπωσις, and ανάπωτις. Αμπωτίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. last) to ab- sorb, swallow, or suck up ; to ebb and flow. Αμνγδάλέα, -ας, — Αμυγδαλή, -ής, — Αμνγδάλος, -ov, and Αμνγδα- λϊς, -ίδος, >;, the almond tree. Αμνγδάλινος, -η, -ov, (fr. last) oj the almond tree, or fruit, like ar. almond. Αμύγδαλον, -ov, τό, (fr. same) ar almond. Άμνγμα, -ατός, τό, and Αμυγμός, -ου, b, (fr. αμύσσω to scratch) a scratch, rent, tear, pull, pluck ; a cut, wound ; a gibe, taunt. Άμυδις, Poet, or iEol. for άμά. Αμυδρός, -ά, -ov, dark, dusky, ob- scure ; purblind, short-sighted. Or (fr. ύδωρ water) wet, moisL damp. Αμύητος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and μνέω to initiate) not entered, iru itiated, or instructed; profane t vulgar. Αμυθάν, -άνος, b, Poet, for Αμυ~ θάων, -ωνος, b, a man's name. Αμύθητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and μυθέομαι to speak) inexpressible, unspeakable, ineffable, unuttera~ Me. Αμύκητος, -ου, δ, ί), (fr. same, aad ΑΜΦ μνκόω to low) without the low- ing, or noise of cattle ; without herds; poor. Αμνκλαθεν,βοτη Αμνκλαι, -ων, αι, Amyclae, a city of Laconia ; also a kind of shoes so called from it. Αμνκλαίσδω, Dor. for αμνκλαίζω, (fr. last) to speak in the Doric, or Laconian dialect. Αμύλων, -ου, το, (fr. next) bread made of boiled wheat. Άμνλος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and μύλη a mill) unground, whole but soaked. Άμνλον, -ov, rd, (neut. of last) boil- ed wheat, starch. Αμνμων, -όνος, b, η, irreprehensible, blameless ; innocent, upright, worthy ; opulent,fine, grand. Αμυνα, and Αμννη, -ης, η, (fr• αμν- νω to aid) protection, defence, help, vindication, revenge. Αμύντας, -ov, b, Amyntas, a man's name. Αμνντήριον, -ov, rb, (fr. next) a defence, fortress ; armour. Αμνντήριος, -ov, b, η, (fr. αμννω to aid) assistant, helping, relieving; defensive. Αμνντωρ, -ορός, and Αμνντήρ, -ηρος, b,)), (fr. same) a defender, helper, protector, avenger. Also Amyn- tor. Αμννω, f. -ννω, p. ήμνγκα, to help, assist, succour, relieve ; to fight for, defend, guard; to avert, re- pel ; to avenge, punish, requite. Αμννέμεν, Ion. and αμννίμεναι, Dor. for αμύνειν, pres. inf. αμν- νενσι, Dor. for αμννοϋσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. 1 a. act. ind. ήμννα' sub. αμννω, -ης, -η. inf. αμνναι. mid. ημννάμην' inf. αμννασθαι. 1 f. pass, αμννθήσομαι. 1 f. mid. αμννονμαι, -τ/, -έΐται. Άμνξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, same as άμνγμα. Αμνζω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. of Αμύσσω, or -ττω, ί. -ζω, ρ. ήμνχα to scratch, scrape ; to tear, rend lacerate ; to pull, pluck, twitch . to taunt, fret, exasperate. 1 a ■ημνξα' inf. mid. αμύξασθαι. Αμνστϊ, (fr. a neg. and μνω to close the mouth) at a draught, hastily at once, all at a breath, without drawing breath. Αμνστις, -ιδος, η, (fr. same) a drinking vessel ; a drinking bout ; emptying large glasses at a draught. Αμνχμος,-ου, b, and Αμυχή, -ης, same as άμνγμα. Αμφ^ for αμφί. Αμφαγνοέω -ω, (fr. αμφϊ about, and αγνοέω not to know) to be slight- ly informed, to know partly, imp. act. ημφαγνόεον -ουν. Αμφάδά — Αμφάδην — Αμφάδον, for αναφανδά, &c. Αμφαδίη, -ης, η, (fr. ανά intens and φαίνω to appear) clearness, perspicuity ; openness, plainness. Αμφαδίην (a. sin. of last, with κατά understood) clearly, plainly. Αμφάδιος, -ov, b, ^, and Άμφαδος, Ε ΑΜΦ -η, -ov, (fr. same) clear, mani- fest, open, plain, explicit; re- vealed, disclosed. Αμφαίνω, imp. άμφαινον, -ες, -ε' 2 a. άμφανον, -ες, -ε' for αναφαίνω, &c. Άμφανα, also Poet, and Dor. for ανίφηνα, 1 a. ind. act. Αμφάκης, Dor. for αμφήκης. Αμφαξονεω, (fr. αμφϊ about, and άξων the axle-tree) to deviate from the track, swerve ; to sway, swing, or hang unsteadily ; said of a chariot which hangs, or moves ill. Αμφαραβίζω, or Αμώαβαρίζω, (fr. αμφι about, and άραβος a crash) to crash, rattle, stun. Αμφασίη, -ης, η, Ion. for Αμφασία, -ας, η, (fr. α neg. and φημι to speak) muteness, silence ; stop- page of utterance, hesitation, per- plexity. Άμφανξις, -εως, ι), a lopped trunk of a fir-tree. Αμφαφάασθαι, for αμφαφάσθαι, pres. inf. mid. cont. of Αμφαφάω -ω, (fr. αμφι about, and ιφάω to touch) to handle, feel. Αμφείττετο, imp. mid. — Άμφεπε, Ion. for αμφείττε, imp. act. of αμφίπω. Αμφεκάρη, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. pass, of αμφικείρω. Αμφεττονήθη, 3 sin. 1 a. pass, οΐαμ- φιττονέω. Αμφεττοτατο, 3 sin. cont. imp. ind. act. of αμφιποτάω. Αμφέττω, same as αμφιεπω. Αμφίρεσθαι, Poet. Sync, for αναφέ- ρεσθαι, pres. inf. οι αναφέρω. Αμφέστην, 2 a. ind. act. of αμφίσ- τημι. Αμφεφόβηθεν, Bceot. for αμφιεφο- βήθησαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of αμφι- φοβέομαι. Αμφέφνγον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of αμφιφενγω. Αμφέχυτο, for αμφικέχντο, pper ind. pass, οΐαμφιχέω. Αμφήκης, -εος -ονς, b, η, (fr. αμφι about, and ακη the edge) two• edged. Αμφηρεφης, -ίος-ονς, b, ?% (fr. same, and ερέφω to cover) covered all over, roofed ; enclosed ; unseen, hidden. Αμφήριστος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and ίρις a dispute) doubtful, dw bious ; disputed, questioned. Αμφί, a prep, governing the g. d. and a. cases in all its varieties of signification. About, round about, on both sides, on all sides ; about, beside, near, at, with; about, for, concerning ; for the sake of, on account of. Ο ι αμφι Ιωάννην, John and his disciples ; sometimes John only. 0[ αμφι Ώριαμον, Priam ; his suite, court, or train; where he might ' supposed to be. Αμφιάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. αμφιένννμι to clothe) to put on, dress, clothe. p. pass, ημφίασμαι. Αμφίαλος, -ov, b, η, (fr. αμφι around, and αλς the sea) sea• girt, sea-beaten. (33) ΑΜΦ ΑμφΙασμα,-ατος,^, ΆηάΑμφΙασις, -ιος, Att. »εως, η, (fr. αμφιάζω to clothe) dress, vesture, a garment. ΑμφιαγνΊαν, a. sin. fern, of αμφια- χώί, par. per. mid. of αμφιάχω, or αμφιαχίω. Αμφιβαίνω, f. mid. -βήσομαι, p. -βίβηκα, (fr. αμφϊ about, and βαί- νω to go) to go round about ; to encompass, surround, environ ; to survey ; to guard, protect, de- fend ; to invade. Αμφιβάλλω (fr. same, and βάλλω to cast) to put, or cast round about ; to enclose, surround, en- viron ; to comprise, contain ; to revolve, consider ; to doubt, hesi- tate ; to litigate, dispute ; to clasp, embrace. Αμφιβάλη, 2 a. sub. act. αμφίβολου, 2 a. impr. mid. Αμφιβάς, par. 2 a. act. of αμφι- βαίνω. Αμφιβασίη, -ης, η, Ion. for αμφισβή- τησις. Αμφίβάσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. αμφιβαίνωΐο surround) an enclos- ing, protection, surrounding; a surprise, ambush; a controversy, dispute. Αμφίβιος, -ov, b, %, (fr. αμφί both ways, and βίος life) amphibi- ous. Αμφιβληστρενω, (fr. next) to fish witli a net, catch fish. Αμφίβληστρον, -ov, το, (fr. αμφι around, and βάλλω to throw) a fishing net, seine, or drag net. Αμφιβδητος,-ον, b, f), (fr. same, and βοάω to shout) resounding, re- echoing ; celebrated. Αμφιβολενς, -έος, Att. -έως, b, (fr. αμφιβάλλω to cast) a fisherman. Αμφιβολία, -ας, η, (fr. next) doubt y doubtfulness, uncertainty, per- plexity. Αμφίβολος, -ov,b, >/, (fr. αμφι about, and βάλλω to cast) doubtful, du- bious ; distracted, perplexed ; double ; assaulted on all sides. Αμφίβροτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and βροτος a mortal ) that guards, or protects, covering, saving, pre- serving. Αμφιγέγηθα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of Αμφιγήθω, (fr. αμφί about, and γη- θεω to rejoice) to rejoice publicly ; to exult. Αμφιγνοεω, f. ->;σω,ρ. -r' /κα, (fr. αμ- φί, doubt, and γνόω to know) to understand partly, know imper- fectly ; to doubt, hesitate. Αμφίγονος, -ου, b, η, (fr. αμφϊ about, and γίνομαι to be born) by a former marriage, a step-son, or daughter. Αμφιγνήεις, -εντός, b, ij, (fr. αμφϊ on both sides, and γνώς lame) lame of both legs, limping. Αμφίγνος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) that lames, or wounds with each edge, two-edged ; pointed at both ends ; tottering, quivering. Αμφιδαίω, (fr. αμφϊ around, and δαίω to burn) to be all inflame»^ kindle about, blaze around; to ΑΜΦ be agitated, in commotion, or dis- turbance. Αμφιδαμας, -αντος, b, Amphida- mas, a man's name. Αμφίδασνς, -εια, -ν, (fh αμφϊ on both sides, and δασύς shaggy) hairy, rough, nappy on both sides ; very thick, or rough. Αμφιδέδηα, per. mid. — Αμφιδεδήει, Ion. for αμφιεδεδήει, 3 sin. pper. mid. of αμφιδαίω. Αμφιδέες, -ίων, al, (fr. αμφϊ about, and δεω to tie) chains, fetters ; ornaments jor the ankles. Αμφιδέξιος, -ου, δ, >), (fr. αμφϊ on both sides, and δεξιός right- handed) ambidextrous, using each hand equally ; double deal- ing, ambiguous. Αμφιδέρκομαι, f. -ξομαι, (fr. αμφϊ about, and δέρκω to look) to look round ; to be cautious, attentive ; to watch, observe. Αμφιδέρχθην, Ion. for αμφιεδερχθην,Ι a. pass. Αμφιδεντατος, -ov, b, η, (fr. αμφϊ intens. and δεντατος last) the last, very last, srnallest ; the second, of the second course ; and thence delicate, sumptuous. Αμφιδινέω, (fr. αμφϊ about, and δινέω to whirl) to roll, turn, wind, whirl about, or flutter about; to surround, environ. Αμφιδεδίνημαι, -cat, -rat, per. ind. pass. Αμφ^δοκεύω, (fr. same, Άΐιάδοκενω to spy) to spy, lie in wait; to snare, entrap. Αμφιδοξέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. αμφϊ doubt, and δόξα an opinion) to doubt, waver, fluctuate. Αμφίδοξος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. same) dis- puted, uncertain, dubious, am- biguous, doubtful, double-mean- ing. Αμφίδρνπτος — Αμφίδρνφος, -ov, b, f), and Αμφιδρνφής, -έος -ους, δ, ή, (fr. αμφϊ on both sides, and δρύττ- τω to strip the bark) torn -on both cheeks, much abused ; lacerated, disfigured, as in mourning. Αμφίδυμι, or -ύω, f. -ύσω, (fr. same, and δύω or δυμι to enter) to put on, wrap round, dress, clothe. Αμφίδύμος,-ου, b, f), (fr. same, and δυμι to enter) open at both sides, pervious, passable ; accessible. Αμφιδνς, par. 2 a. act. of αμφί- δνμι. Αμφιειμένος, par. per. pass, of αμ- φιέννΰμι. Αμφιέλισσος, -η, -ov, (fr. αμφϊ both ways, and ελίσσω to turn) im- pelled, moved, or rowed on both sides ; that may be turned either way. Αμφιένννμι, f. αμφιέσω, p. ημφίει- κα, Άηάημφεικα, (fr. αμφϊ about, and εννυμι or έ'ω to put on) to dress, clothe ; to decorate, adorn, embellish. 1 a. act. ind. ημφίεσα• sub. αμφιεσω, -ης, -η' mid. ημφιε- σάμην par. mid. αμφιεσάμενυς. per. pass, ημφίεσμαι, Ion. αμ- φίεσμαι' ημφίειμαι' and ήμφειμαι' par. ημφιεσμένος, ημφιειμένος, and ημφειμένος. ΑΜΦ Αμφιίνννσιν, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. with ν added of last. Αμφιέπω, (fr. αμφϊ about, and έπω to manage) to conduct, order, manage, govern ; to treat, enter tain ; to be engaged, or concern- ed in ; to take care of; to prose- cute ; to follow, pursue. Αμφιέχομαι, see αμττέχω. Αμφιζάνω, (fr. αμφϊ about, and Ίζά- νω to settle) to adhere, cling, or stick to ; to sit down about, or before ; to besiege. Αμφιθάλασσος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and θάλασσα the sea) surround- ed by the sea, sea-girt; near the sea. Αμφιθαλής, -έος -ους, b,f), (fr. same, and $άλλω to bloom) flourish- ing, abundant, prosperous ; hav- ing both father and mother alive ; blooming, full-grown. Αμφιθεατρον,-ον, το, (fr. same, and Γεύομαι to see) a double theatre, an amphitheatre; a circus, course. Αμφίθετος, -ov, b,f], (fr. αμφϊ both, and τίθημι to set) that may be placed either way. Spoken of a cup, either end of which may be used for drinking, and the other as a foot. Αμφιθέω,ί. mid. -θενσομαι, (fr. αμ- φϊ about, and §έω to run) to run round about, or up and down ; to frisk, gambol. Αμφ'ιθύρος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. αμφϊ on both sides, and $vpa a door) having both a font and back door ; or a double door. Αμφικαλύπτω, (fr. αμφϊ about, and καλύπτω to cover) to cover over, enclose, envelope ; to overshadow, veil. Αμφικαλύψη, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. αμφικαλύψοι, 3 sin. 1 f. opt. act. Αμφικαρης, -έος -ου? , b, ή, (fr. αμφϊ on both sides, and κάρα a head) having two heads, tops, or han- dles ; double-headed, two-han- dled. Αμφικεάσσας, Ion. for αμφικεάσας, 1 a. par. act. of Αμφικεάζω, (fr. αμφϊ through, and κεάζω to split) to split through, cleave, cut asunder; to peel off, strip round. Αμφικείρω, and Αμφικαρέω-ω, (fr. same, and κε'ιρω to clip) to clip about, cut, or lop all round ; to chop, or cut clean off. 2 a. ind. pass, αμφεκάρην. Αμφίκλνστος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and κλύζω to overflow) washed around ; surrounding, circum- fluent. Αμφίκομος, -ov, b, η, (fr. αμφϊ in- tens. and κόμη foliage) covered with hair ; leafy, branching, hav- ing a great foliage. Αμφικρέμαμαι, f. -άσομαι, (fr. αμφϊ about, and κρεμάω to hang) to hang round about ; hang to, or upon, suspend. Αμφικρεμάω -ω, (fr. same) to hang about; to beset, surround, be- siege, invest. (34) ΑΜΦ Αμφικνλίσσαις, JEo\. and Poet, for αμφικνλίσας, 1 a. par. act. of Αμφικνλίω, f. -ίσω, (fr. αμφ) about, and κυλίω to roll) to roll about t throw down, make tumble, or falL• Αμφικύπελλον, -ου, rb, (fr. αμφι both ways, and κύπελλον a cup) a two-handled cup ; or a drink- ing vessel made of two cups, with the bottoms joined, so that while either serves for drinking, the other answers for a foot. See αμφίθετος. Αμφιλάβης, or Αμφιλάφης, -έος, -ους, b, ή, (fr. αμφϊ around, and λαμβάνω to take) ample, large, extensive, wide spreading ; um- brageous, shady ; seizing all around. Αμφιλαχαίνω, (fr. αμώϊ about, and λαχαίνω to dig) to dig about. Αμφιλέγω, f. -ξω, and Αμφιλυγέω -aj,f. -ήσω (fr. αμφϊ on both sides, and λέγω to speak) to speak am- biguously ; to hesitate ; to dis- pute, quarrel, Αμφίλεκτος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) in doubt, doubtful. Αμφιλογία, -ας, η, (fr. same) doubt; a quarrel, dispute, altercation. Αμφίλογος, -ου, b, >/, (fr. same) doubtful, questionable ; disputa- tious, litigious, quarrelsome. Αμφίλοχος, -ου, b, Amphilochus, a man's name. Αμφίλυκος, -ου, b, η, (fr. αμφϊ about, and λύκη dawn) dawn- ing, glimmering, about day- break. Αμφψάσασθε, 2 pi. 1 a. imp. mid. of Αμφιμάσσω, or -ττω, f. -ζω, and -σω, (fr. αμφϊ about, and μάσσω to wipe) to rub down, wipe all over, wash off, clean away. 1 a. ind. mid. αμφεμασάμην. Αμφιμάτριος, Dor. for αμφιμήτριος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and μήτηρ a mother) still in the womb, yet unborn. Αμφιμάχομαι, (fr. same, and μάχο- μαι to fight) to fight all round; to assault, besiege. Αμφιμέλας, -αινα, -av, (fr. same, and μέλας black) black, dark, gloomy, n. pi. fern, αμφιμελαίναι. Αμφιμνκάω -ω, f. -^σω, (fr. αμφϊ about, and μνκάω to bellow) to low, bellow, roar about, or exceed- ingly, per. mid. αμφιμέμυκα. Αμφινέμομαι, (fr. same, and νέμω to pasture) to herd, graze, pas- ture, live, or dwell round about. Αμφιξέω -ω, f. -ί'σω, (fr. same, and ξέω to scrape) to scrape, or rub all over ; to polish thoroughly. 1 a. αμφέξεσα. Άμφιος, -ου, b, Amphius, a man's name. Αμφίπαλτος, -ου, b, >/, (fr. αμφϊ all round, and παλτον a dart) thick with darts, bristling with spears. Αμφίπεδος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same, and πέδον a plain) plain, or level all round, surrounded with plains. Αμφιπένομαι,{$ν. same, and πίνομαι ΑΜΦ to toil) to work hard, labour, be very busy, employed, engaged, or concerned. Αμφιπερικτίων,-ονος, b, n,{fr. same, and περικτίων a neighbour, wh. fr. περί about, and κτίζω to build) building, living, or dwelling near, or round about ; a neighbour. Αμφιπεριστρωφάω -ω, (fr. αμφϊ περϊ round about, and στρίψω to turn) to turn about quickly, wheel, αμ- φιπεριστρώφα, 3 sin. cont. imp. Ion. for αμψιπεριεστρώφα. Αμφιπεσών, -ούσα, -bv, 2 a. par. of αμφιπίπτω. Αμφιπιέζω, (fr. αμφϊ about, and πι ίζω to press) to compress, squeeze, constrivge, clasp, grasp. Αμφιπίπτω, (fr. same, and πίπτω to fall) to embrace, clasp. ΑμφίπΧηκτος, -ov, and Αμφ'ιπ\ηξ, -γος, b, η, (fr. same, and πλήσσω to strike) beaten all round; dashing about ; striking, or ham* mering upon. Αμφιπο\ενω,\~. -ενσω,(ίτ. same, and πολέω to be with) to walk about, walk with, accompany, attend. Αμφίπολις, -εως, η, Amphipolis, a city. Αμφίπο\ος, -ov, b, η, (fr. αμφϊ about, and πο\έω to be) an at- tendant, companion, follower ; a minister ; a servant, page. Αμφιπονέω -ω, (fr. same, and πονίω to toil, th. πένομαι to work) to labour at, toil about ; to faint, be weary, exhausted. 1 a. pass, ind, αμφιπονηθην. Αμφιποτάω, and -άομαι (fr. same and ποτάομαι to fly) to fly round about, flutter over, αμφεποτά 3 sin. imp. mid. Αμφιπυρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and πυρ fire) on fire, burning, flam ing all round. Αμφίρρντος, -ov, b,f], (fr. same, and ρέω to flow) circumfluent, flow ing around; encmnpassed with water. Αμφφ'ράγοςι -η, -ov, and Αμφιρρωζ, -ώγ'ος, b, η, (fr. same, and ρώξ an aperture) torn, broken, abrupt, rugged ; rough, set with spikes ; open, perforated, railed, latticed, barred. Αμφιρω, -όος, η, Amphiro, a wo- man's name. Αμφϊς, Adv. (fr. αμφϊ about) on each side, in the middle, between ; without, separate, apart; discord- antly ; around. Αμφίσβαινα, -ης, >% (fr. last, and βαίνω to go) Amphisbcena a kind of serpent, feigned to have a head at each extremity ; and capable of moving with either end foremost. Αμφισβητέω -ω, to doubt, hesitate, pause ; to dispute, question, con- trovert ; to debate, plead. Αμφισβήτησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, and Αμφισβησίη, -ης, η, (fr. last) doubt, hesitation ; suspicion ; dis- pute, controversy, litigation ; pleading, debate. Αμφιστέλλω, f. -ελω, (fr. αμφϊ ΑΜΦ about, andσrfλλω to contract) to compress, bind up together; to cover, dress. αμφιστίιΧάμενος, par. 1 a. mid. Αμφιστεφης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and στέφω to crown) crowned, bedecked with garlands ; filled up, quite full. Αμφίστημι, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and "ιστημι to place) to stand around, surround. Αμφίστομος, -ov,b, >/, (fr. same, and στύμα the mou\h)double-tongued, deceitful, insidious ; false ; with two faces. Αμφιστρατάομαι, (fr. same, and στρατός an army) to besiege. Αμφιταθεϊς, -είσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass, of αμφιτείνω. Αμφιτάπης, -ητος — Αμφιταπϊς, -ίδος, η, and ΑμψΊταπος, -ου, b, (fr. same, and τάπης tapestry) tapestry napped on both sides, hangings the same on each side, rich, embroidered tapestry. Αμφιτείνω, (fr. same, and τείνω to stretch) to extend, stretch out the arms, embrace, clasp, αμφι ταθεϊς, 1 a. par. pass. Αμφιτίθει, pres. impr. act. οι αμφι τιθέω, same as Αμφιτίθημι,ί. -θήσω, p. -τέθεικα (fr. αμφϊ about, and τίθημι to put) to put round about } put on, gird, bind. Αμφιτρης, -ητος, Ό, η, (fr. same, and τιτράωΧο pierce) pierced through, open at both ends. Αμφιτρίτη, -ης, η, (fr. same, and τείρω to wear away) the sea- coast, beach; the sea, ocean ; Amphitrite, a marine deity, Neptune's wife. Αμφιτρομεω -ω, (fr. αμφϊ about, and τρομεω to tremble) to tremble, all over, to quake, be in dread. Αμφιτρνών, -ώνος, b, Amphitryon, a man's name. Αμφιτρνωνιαδης, by Epen. for Αμ- φιτρνωνίοης, -ov, b, the son of the last. ΑμφίφαΧος, -ov, b, η", (fr. αμφϊ about, and φάλος a crest) with a double crest, set with studs, stud- ded all over. Or, (fr. φαλος bright) very bright, shining, splendid, glittering. Αμφιφενγω, (fr. same, and φεύγω to flee) to escape, to get clear off. Αμφιώοβέομαι -ουμαι, (fr. same, and φοβέω to frighten) to fiy on all sides, be totally routed. 1 a. ind. pass, αμφιεφοβήθην, 3 pi. Boeot. αμφεφόβηθεν. Αμφιφορενς, -έως, Ion. -ηος, b, (fr. same, and φέρω to carry) a pitch- er with two ears or handles. Αμφιχα'ινω, (fr. same, and χαίνω to yawn) to gape wide; to swallow up, devour. Αμφίχαιτος, -ov, b, (fr. same, and χαίτη hair) with long hair, with hair loosely flowing ; with a flow- ing mane. Αμφιχέαι, 1 a. inf. act. of Αμφιχέω -ώ,ΐ. -εύσω, (fr. same,and χέω to pour) to pour out, shed, AN spill ; to scatter, spread, or sprin- kle about. Αμφιχνθεϊς, -είσα, -lv, 1 a. par. pass, of last. Αμφίχυτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. αμφιχέω to pour about) spread, scattered, thrown, or cast up ; encompassed with an earthen rampart, fortified. Αμφιχνω, same as αμφιχέω. Αμφίχωλος, -ov, Ό, η, (fr. αμφϊ on both sides, and χωλός lame) lame in both legs, crippled, maimed. Άμφοόον, Αμφόοιον, -ov, το, and Άμφοδος, -ov, η, (fr. same, and bίbς a road) a meeting, or cross- ing of roads ; a street, thorough- fare ; a round about, circuit. Αμφόνον, Poet, for ανά φόνον, with slaughter, murderous. Αμφορείς, -έος, and -έως, b, Sync, for αμφιφορενς. Αμφοτεροόέξιος,-α, -ov, same as αμ• φιδέξιος. Αμφότερος, -a, -ov, (comp. of άμφω both) both together, d. pi. mas. αμφοτέροισιν, fern, αμφότερες, and αμφοτέρησι, Ion. for αμφο- τέροις, and αμφοτέραις. αμφοτέ- ρως, Dor. for αμφοτέρονς, a. pi. Αμφοτέρωθεν, Αμφοτέρωθι, Αμφο- τέρωσι, from both quarters, on both sides, on each side. Αμφράσσαιτο, Poet, for αναφράσαι- το, 1 a. opt. mid. οΐαναφρίζομαι. Αμώυτά, for ανά φντά, through the trees, plants, shrubs. Άμφω, g. and d. αμφοίν, both. Αμφωτις,-ιοΌς, η, (fr. αμφϊ on both sides, and ους, ωτος an ear) a part of the helmet which protected the ears, an ear-piece; an ear, or handle ; a cup, or χ essel with two ears, or handles. Αμφώτος, -ov, b, η, and Αμφώης, -εος -ους, Ό, η, (fr. same) with two ears, or handles. Αμώμητος, and Αμωμος, -ov, Ι, 17, (fr. a neg. and μωμος disgrace) faultless, without blemish ; blame- less, guiltless, innocent, g. Ion. αμωμήτοιο. ΑμίΛμήτως, (fr. last) blamelessly, innocently. Άμωμον, -ου, rb,amomum, an odo- riferous shrub and gum ; ginger. Αμών, δ, Amon, a man's name. Άμων, Dor. ΐοτήμων, g. pi. of εγώ. Αμωνται, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. pass. — Αμώντεσσι, Poet, for αμωσι, d. pi. cont. par. pres. act. — Αμως, 2 sin. cont. of — Αμάοιμι -ψμι, -άοις -ως, -άοι -ψ, pres. opt. act. of αμάω. Αμως, (fr. αμος some) some way, by some means. Αμως, indecl. Amos, a man's name. Αμωσγέπος, (fr. αμως some way, γε an enclitic, and πως how) how- soever, however, in any manner, any how. Άμωτα, -ων, τα, chestnuts, chest- nut trees. N AN. A particle whose general use is to render indefinite the word or phrase to which it is united. It gives the force of ANA Ihe Potential, and sometimes of the Optative mood, to the Indicative. Frequently, it can- not be translated distinctly ; but generally signifies, if; as if; truly, indeed; even, per- haps ; whether ? It answers to the English termination -ever, or -soever, added to other words as, 'ός av, whosoever. .'Ewj άν, till, until. "Οπως άν, that, to the end that. "Ω,ς αν, even as, so as. άν τε — άν τε, whether — or. καν, for και αν, even, even if, though, άν, or ην for εάν, if. Av, Dor. for ην the a. fern, of the possessive ος, η, ΰν, his, hers, its, theirs ; and of the relative, ος, rj, d, who, which, what. Av, Poet, for ανά the Adv. and for ανά, or άνα, the verb. See them. ANA", prep, with an a. or a g. sometimes ; back along, up against, up along, up; over, be• yond ; up and down, to and fro, backwards and forwards ; throughout, among ; during, at, whilst, above, upon ; apiece, to or for each, severally ; with ; about ; in, into ; according to ; with a d. Poet, up, upon, in, with. Ανά, and Poet. v Av, adv. up ! rise, stir. Some consider it a verb, put for ανάστα, and that for ανάστηθι, 2 a. impr. act. of ανίατη μι' as also Άνα, for ανάστα, and that for ανές•η, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of α νίστημι. Ανα, v. sin. of άναζ' or .by Apoc. for άνασσα. Αναβα, for ανάβαθι, or, ανάβηθι, 2 a. impr. οι αναβαίνω. Αναβαθμϊς, -*ϊοΌς, η, and Αναβαθ- μός, -ου, δ, (fr. ανά up, and βαθ- μός a step) a step, flight of steps, staircase, ladder ; a degree ; a coming, or going up. Ανάβαθρον, -ου, το, and Αναβάθρα, -ας, η, (fr. next) a ladder, stair- case, stepping -board. Αναβαίνω, f. -βήσομαι, p. -βίβηκα, (fr. ανά up, and βαίνω to go) to go up, ascend^ mount, climb, scale ; embark, go, or put on board ship; to put to sea; to rise, grow, spring up ; come into the mind, occur. 2 a. ind. ανίβην' impr. ανάβηθι' inf. αναβηναι' par. αναβάς, -άσα, -άν. Αναβάλλω, f. -βάλω, ρ. -βέβληκα, (fr. ανά back, and βάλλω ,to throw) to throw back, reject ; .to throw up, heap ; to put, or set on, mount; to throvj back, fling, throw off; to throw round, put on, clothe, dress; Αναβάλλομαι, put off, defer; to be excited, roused, made angry. 2 a. act. Ανέβαλον' mid. ανεβάλομην per. mid. αναβέβολα. Ανάβασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. ανά up, and βαίνω to go) a going up, ascent ; an invasion, expedition. Αναβάσομαι, Dor. for αναβήσομαι, If. mid. of αναβαίνω. Αναβάτης, -ου, δ, (fr. αναβαίνω to ANA mount) one who mounts, a rider, horseman. Αναβατός, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) that may be mounted, or ascended, accessible. Αναβεβηκα,-κας,-κε,ον-κεν\>ζϊονΖΆ. vowel, per. ind. act. of αναβαίνω. Αναβεβιωκως, -via, ro?,~par. per act. of αναβιόω. Αναβέβρύκεν, per. act. fr. ανά in- tens, and βρύω, which see. Αναβιβάζω, f. -άσω, p. αναβεβίβα- κα, (fr. ανά up, and βιβάζώ to bring) to take, bring, or carry up ; to cause to mount, or ascend, force up; to set, or place upon, put on horseback, or on board; to withdraw, remove privily. 1 a, ανεβίβασα. Αναβιοίην, Att. for αναβιοΊμι, -pres opt. act. cont. of Αναβιόω -ω, or Αναβίωμι, (fr. ανά again, and βιόω or βίωμι to live) to revive, come to life, live over again. Αναβίωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr, last) a return to life, revival from the dead, resurrection. Αναβιώσκω, (fr. same) to animate, enliven, bring to life ; Αναβιώσ- κομαι, to revive, return to life. Αναβλαστάνω, and -στέω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. ανά again, and βλασ- τάνω to bud) to bud, sprout, spring, or shoot forth afresh. Αναβλέπω, (fr. same, and βλέπω to look) to look up; to look again, or attentively ; to receive sight, see again, recover the sight. Ανάβλεψις, -ιος. Att. -εως, ί], (fr. same) recovery of sight. Ανάβλησις, -ιος. Att. -εως, η, (fr. αναβάλλω to defer) a delay, put- ting off, deferring. Αναβλύζω, fr. ανά afresh, and βλύ- ζω to gush, which see. Αναβοάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. same, and βοάω to shout) to cry aloud, shout, bawl, exclaim. 1 a. ανεβόησα' par. neut. αναβοησαν. Αναβόλαιον, -ου, το, (fr. αναβάλλω to put on) α short cloak; an out- er garment; a robe. Αναβολή, -ης, η, (fr. same) an emp- tying, a throwing out ; the thing throivn up, a mound, rampart; an ascent, going up; procrasti- nation, delay ; a prelude, intro- duction ; garb, dress, clothing ; a garment. Αναβορβορνζω, f. -ζω, (fr. ανά in- tens. and βορβορύ ζω to grumble ) to growl, murmur ; to bawl, cry out. Άνάβος, -ω, δ, a, Dor. for άνηβος. Αναβράζω, and -σσω, (fr. ανά in- tens. and βράζω to boil) to make boil ; to boil up ; to leap, or spring out ; to shake, or drive out. Αναβράχω, (fr. same, and βράχω to resound) to crack, crash, dash, roar, bellow, resound. 2 a. ind. act. ανέβραχον. Αναβρέχω, fr. same, and βρέχω, which see. 2 a. ind. act. ανέβρα- X ov ' Αναβράχω, (fr. same, and βρδχω obs. to suck up, th. βρόγχος the (36) ANA throat) to gargle down, renorb^ swallow, or soak up. 1 a. ind. ανέβροξα' JEol. opt. ζναβρόξεια, -ας, -£,par. 1 a.pass.avafyo^foi'j. Αναβρυχάομαι, -ωμαι, f. -ήσομαι, (fr. same, and βρύχω to gnash) to bewail, moan, or lament with outcry, to howl mournfully. Αναβωλακία, viz. γη, (fr. same, and βώλος clay) the turning of the sod, ploughing ; the earth thrown up by the plough, particularly that which sticks to the sod. ΑναγαγεΊν, inf. — Αναγαγών, -ούσα, -bv, par. 2 a. act. Att. redupl. — Ανάγεσθαι, pres. inf. pass. — Αναγόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of ανάγω. Αναγαλλϊς, -ίοΌς, >% the herb pim- pernel, sea-purslain, brook-lime, or calves-snout. Ανάγγειλαν, -άτω, 1 a. impr. act. of Αναγγέλλω, f. -ελώ, p. ανήγγελκα, (fr. ανά again, and αγγέλλω to tell) to tell in return, bring back answer; to tell, teach, explain, de- clare openly ; to publish, or pro- claim with authority. 1 a. ind. ανήγγειλα' impr. ανάγγειλον' inf. αναγγεΊλαι' 2 a. act. ανηγγίλον' pass, ανηγγέλην. per. pass. ανήγγελμαι. Αναγεγεννημένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass. — Αναγεννήσας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. of αναγεννάω. ΑναγεΊσθαι, Dor. for ανηγέϊσθαι, pres. inf. of ανηγέομαι. Αναγελάω, f. -άσω, (fr. ανά intens. and γελάω to laugh) to laugh heartily. Αναγεννάω -id, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. ανά again,and γεννάω to breed) to beget again, regenerate, renovate, renew, per. pass, αναγεγενημαι. Ανα)/ίνώσχ:ω, or rather αναγιγνώσκω, f. αναγνώσομαι, p. ανέγνωκα, (fr. same, and γινώσκω to know) to recognise, acknowledge ; to know, understand; to learn by study, to read ; to advise, persuade. 2 a. act. ανέ γνων, per. pass, ανίγνωβ- μαι. 1 a. pass, ανεγνώσθην, sub. 3 βιη.αναγνωσβη,ϊηΐ.αναγνωσθηναι. Αναγκάζω, f. -άσω, p. ηνάγκακα (fr. ανάγκη necessity) to force, con- strain, oblige, compel, per. pass. ηνάγκασμαιΛ Ά.ρΆΆδ.ηναγκάσθην. Αναγκαίη, -ης, η, (fern, of next) see ανάγκη. — Αναγκαίη, d. adver- bially necessarily, of necessity. Αναγκαίος, -a, -ov, (tr. ανάγκη ne- cessity) necessary, compulsory, unavoidable ; needful, useful, thrifty, profitable ; intimate ; near, related, connected. Αναγ- καίο ν ήμαρ, Αναγκαίη τύχη, slavery, bondage — Αναγκαία, -ων, τά, necessaries. Αναγκαστος, -ου, δ, ^, (ir. same) forced, obliged, constrained. Αναγκαστως, (fr. last) by con- straint, of necessity. Ανάγκη, -ης, ή, and Dor. ανάγκα, necessity, compulsion, force, obli- gate• -n, whether actual, moral, or religious, distress, affliction, poverty. ANA Ανα^κύλο?, -ου, δ, f), (ft. ανά intens. and αγκύλος bent) wry, crooked, bent. Αναγλνκαίνω, f. -ανω, (fr. same, and γλυκαίνω to sweeten) to make very Sweet. Αναγλυκαίνο- μαι, to receive pleasure, be grati- fied, αναγλυκανθωσι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. pass. Ανάγλυφος, -ου, δ,//, (fr. same, and γλύφω to cdLrve)carved,engraved. Αναγνάμπτω, fr. same, and γνάμπ• for καμ-ητω. which Αναγνάπτω, fr. same, and γνάπτω, which see. Αναγνεία, -ας, η, (fr. α rieg. and αγνός pure) impurity ; sin, gm'ft, criminality. Αναγνους, -ούσα, -υν, η. pi. -νοΊτεί, par. 2 a. act. of Avayvc5/n, obs. see αναγινώσκω. Αναγνωναι, 1 a. inf. act. — Αναγ- νωσθη, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass. — Αναγνωσθήναι, 1 a. inf. pass. — Αναγνώτε, 2 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of last, but see αναγινώσκω. Αναγνωρίζω, f. -ίσω, p. -ικα, (fr. ανά again, and γνωρίζω to know) ίο know; again ; to acknowledge, recognise ; to introduce, make known. Ανάγνωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr αναγνωμι to read) a reading. Αναγνώστης, -ου, δ, (fr. same) < reader. Ανάγον, and Ανάγοντο, for ανηγον, imp. act. and ανήγοντο, imp. pass, or 2 a. mid. of ανάχω. Avayopav, Dor. for ανά την αγοράν, at, or before the assembly. Αναγόρευσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. next) a proclamation, public de- claration ; report, evidence. Αναγορεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. ανά through, and αγορά the public place j to proclaim, publish, de- clare ; to authorize, enact ; to no- minate, depute, appoint ; to have a surname, or second name. Αναγραμματίζω, (fr. ανά up and down, and γράμμα a letter) to transpose the letters so as to form new words, to make anagrams. Αναγραμματισμός, -ου, δ, (fr. last) transposition, the making ana- grams. Ανάγραπτος, -ου, ο,η, (fr. next) in- scribed ; written, or copied out clearly ; recorded, enrolled. Αναγράφω, f. -ψω, (fr. ανά intens. and γράφω to write) to write out in full, or at length ; to inscribe ; to enrol. Ανάγνρις, -εως, η, and Ανάγυρος, -ου, δ, ή, name of a shrub. Ανάγω, f. άξω, p. -ήχα, (fr. ανά up, and άγω to lead) to take up, off or away ; to bring, lead, or carry up ; to raise, exalt, erect ; to rear, educate; to offer up, sacrifice. Ανάγομαι, to withdraw, betake, take one's self, or be taken away ; to go off, set out ; put to sea, sail away. 2 a. ανηγον, Att. ανήγαγον, Ion. ανάγον per. pass. ανηγμαι. 1 a. pass, ανήχθην par. ανηχθείξ. ANA Ανάγωγη, -ης, η, (fr. last) educa- tion, rearing, bringing up ; rais- ing, lifting up ; weighing anchor, embarkation, setting sail; a car- rying away, captivity. Αναγωγία, -ας, η, (fr. α neg. and αγωγή education) a want of, or defect in education; extrava- gance, excess; insolence. Ανάγωγος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) ill educated, ill-bred; saucy, petu- lant ; undisciplined, refractory. Αναδάζω, fr. ανά a piece, and δά- ζω to divide, which see. Αναδαίω, (fr. same, and δαίω to di- vide) to divide among, share, dis- tribute ; or (fr. δαίω to burn) to kindle up, light, burn. Αναδάκνω, f. mid. -δήξομαι, (fr. ανά again, and δάκνω to bite) to gnaw; to irritate, fret, grieve; to cause remorse. 2 a. ind. act. ανέδακον. Αναδάσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. of ava- δάζω. Αναδασμός, -οΰ, δ, (fr. same) a di- viding ; a division, share. Ανα<5ί<5ρο//α, per. mid. of ανατρέχω• αναδέδραμεν, by Sync, for ava δεδρόμαμεν, 1 pi. Αναδείκνϋμι, f. -ζω, p. -χα, (fr. ανά intens. and δείκνυμι to show) to show clearly ; to mark, point out ; to designate, appoint. 1 a. ανέδειξα' inf. αναδείζαι. p. pass. αναδέδειγμαι. 1 a. pass, ανεδείχ- θην mid. ανεδειζάμην. Ανάδειξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η~, (fr. last) a display ; a showing, ap- pointment. Ανάδειζον, -άτω, 1 a. impr. act. of same. Αναδέκεσθαι, Ion. for αναδέχεσθαι, pres. inf. of αναδέχομαι. Ανάδελφος, -ου, ύ,ή, (fr. α neg. and αδελφός a brother) brotherless, without brothers ; a half brother, by the same father only. Αναδενδράς, -άδος, ^, (fr. ανά up, and δένδρον a tree) a vine climb- ing up, or clinging to a tree, an espalier ; a plantation of vines. Αναδέξαι, and Αναδέξασθαι, Ion. for αναδεϊξαι, 1 a. inf. act. and ava- δείξασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. of ανα- δείκνϋμι. Αναδεξάμενος,-η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. of αναδέχομαι, Αναδέρκω, (fr. ανά intens. and δέρ- κω to see) to see clearly, behold, look up. 2 a. ind. act. ανέδαρκον, and by Metath. ανίδρακον. Αναδεσμεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same, and δεσμεύω to bind) to bind, fetter, chain, confine. Αναδέσμη, -ης, η, (fr. αναδέω to bind around) a head-dress ; a fillet, turban. Αναδέχομαι, f. -ξομαι, (fr. ανά again, and δέχομαι to receive) to receive, take ; to take up, carry ; to entertain ; to undertake, take j upon, promise, engage, bail. Αναδέο) -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. ανά intens. and δέω to tie) to bind, bind up, lash, or fasten together ; to en- circle, crown, adorn ; to attack, (37) ANA win, gain over ; to subdue, sub* jugate. 1 a. inf. act. αναδήσαι. Αναδηχθεις, 1 a. par. pass, of ανα- δάκνω. Αναδιδάσκω, (fr. ανά again, and διδάσκω to teach) to teach tho- roughly j to impress, inculcate. Also, tounteach, unlearn, for get. Αναδίδωμι, f. -αδώσω, (fr. ανά back again, and δίδωμι to give) to pre- sent, deliver ; to give back, re- turn, restore ; to yield, put forth, emit ; to distribute, divide ; to propose, deliberate; to give up, fail, yield ; to give, hand, trans- mit. For its tenses see δίδω- μΐ. Αναδίπλωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (ft. ανά again, and διττλόω to double) α doubling, repetition. Anadi- plosis, a figure in rhetoric. Αναδοθεϊς, 1 a. par. pass. — Ava- δοθηναι, inf. 1 a. pass. — Ανάδου, -οσο, 2 a. impr. mid. — Αναδοΰ- ναι, 2 a. inf. act. of αναδίδωμι. Ανάδοχος, -ου, δ, ή, Ά,ηάΑναδοχεύς, -έος, Att. -έως, b, (fr. αναδέχομαι to receive) an undertaker ; a re- ceiver ; a surety, sponsor Αναδϋμι, Αναδύω, or Αναδύνω, (fr. ανά up, and δύω to enter) to emerge, rise, spring, or grow up, appear, to come forth. Αναδύο- μαι, to reject, refuse, shun, avoid, to retire, withdraw. 2 a. ind. act. ανέδυν. Ανάδυσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) α rising, growth, appear- ance ; a declining, avoiding. Ανάεδνος, -ου, δ, η, (ft. α neg. and έδνα, or εδνα bridal presents) portionless, unendowed. Αναείρ', for αναείρε, pres. impr. act. of Αναείρω, (ft. ανά up, and αείρω to raise) to raise, lift up ; to carry off, bear away. Ανάελπτος, -ου, δ, η, (ft. α neg. and ελπις hope) unhoped, unexpected, unforeseen. Αναζάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. ανά again, and ζάω to live) to live again, revive, come to life. 1 a. ανέζησα. Αναζεύγνυμι, or Αναζευγνύω, ί. -ξω, (fr. same, and ζεύγω to yoke) to yoke, or harness again, pack up; to decamp, shift quar- ters ; to set out, depart, αναζεΰ- ξαι, 1 a. inf. mid. Αναζέω -ω, f. -ήσω, ox -έσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. same, and ζέω to boil) to be hot, to boil up ; to break out, burst forth, αναζεσθείς, par. 1 a. pass. Αναζητέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. same, and ξητέω to seek) to look for, to seek diligently, inquire after ; to trace, investigate. 1 a. act. ανεζήτησα. Αναζητήσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of last. Αναζύγη, -ης, η, (fr. αναζεύγω to pack up) a packing up ; a de- campment, a change of quarters, rout, march. Αναζωγραώέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. ανά intens. ςωος alive, and γράφο• to ANA describe) to represent in colours, draw, paint. Αναζωννύω, or Αναζώνννμι, f. -ζώ- σω, p. ανέζωκα, (fr. same, and ξώννυμι to gird) to gird up, tight- en ; to prepare for a journey, or work ; as the ancients did, by fastening their loose clothes tight about them. Αναζωπνρίώ -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ανεζω- πύρηκα, (fr. same, and ζωπνρέω to kindle) to rekindle, revive, ex- cite, stir up. Αναζωσάμενος, par. 1 a. mid. of αναζώνννμι. Αναζώω, same as αναζάω. Αναθαλέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, same as Αναβάλλω, f. -άλω, p. ανατεθαλκα, and Poet. Αναθαλέω -ώ, (fr. ανά again, and θάλλω, or θαλε'ω, Poet, to bloom) to thrive, flou- rish, or bloom anew ; to cause to flourish. 2 a. act. ανέθάλον. Αναθάλπω, f. -ψω, (fr. same, and ■S -άλπω to warm) to warm, chafe, refresh, comfort, cherish, relieve; to caress, make much of. Αναθαρρεω, and Αναθαρσεω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and θάρρος, or $άρσος boldness) to take courage ; to encourage, animate ; embolden. Αναθείην, -ης, -η, 2 a. opt. act. — Αναθεΐναι, inf. — Αναθεϊς, par. of ανατίθημι. Ανάθεμα, -ατός, το, (fr. ανατίθημι to lay apart) a person or thing de- dicated to holy uses, or separat- ed on account of some impurity ; or devoted to destruction, a vic- tim ; an anathema ; the form of such dedication ; a curse, or exe- cration, d. sin. αναθεματι. Αναθεματίζω, f. -ί'σω, p. ανατεθεμά- τικα, (fr. last) to bind by a curse, er . execration ; to curse, devote. 1 a. act. ανεθεμάτισα, per. pass. ανατεθεμάτισμαι. Αναθεματιώ, Att. for. αναθεματίσω, If. of last. . Αναθέμεν, and Αναθεμεναι, Dor. JEo\. and Ion. for αναθεΐναι, 2 a. inf. act. of ανατίθημι. Αναθεωρεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ανατεθεώ- ρηκα, (fr. ανά intens. and θ-εω- ρέω to consider) to view, behold, observe, examine attentively; to contemplate, study, meditate. Αναθεώρησις,-ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) contemplation, meditation; study, examination. Αναθεωρών, η. sin. cont. -ωροΰντες, η. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of same. Αναθηλέω -ω, Ion. for Αναθαλέω, see αναθάλλω. Ανάθημα, -ατός, το, (fr. ανατίθημι to set apart) a consecrated gift hung, or laid up in a temple, an offering ; an ornament. Αναθήσονσι,^ pi. 1 f. ind. οι ανατί- θημι. Αι αθορέω -ω, (fr. ανά back, and &ο- ρέω to spring) to leap, spring, start back ; to rebound, recoil ; to leap, or dart out. 2 a. ind. act. ανέθορον. Ανάθρεμμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. ανά in- tens. and &ρέμμα cattle) same ANA as $ρψμα, also a pupil, a fos- ter-child ; a pet, cub. Αναθρώσκω, (fr. same, and-9 -ρώσκω to bound) to leap into, or upon ; to bound, or spring upwards ; to mount ; to awake. Αναθυμίασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same, and $νμιάω to perfume) scent, perfume, odour, exhala- tion, incense ; breath, life, soul, spirit. Αναίδεια, -ας, Ion. Αναιδείη, -ης, η, (fr. αναιδής shameless) shame- lessness, impudence ; indecency ; importunity, d. sin. Ion. αναι- δείς φι. Αναιδέω -ω, f. -^σω,ρ. ηναίδηκα (fr. same) to be without shame, be- have indecently ; to importune, be troublesome. Αναίδην, and Αναιδημόνως, (fr. next) impudently, shamefully. Αναιδής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. α neg. and αιδώς modesty) impudent, saucy, shameless ; regardless, ir- reverent ; urgent, importunate ; unfeeling, remorseless ; huge, rough, rugged. Αναιδώς, (fr. last) shamelessly, ir- reverently ; intensely, eagerly, steadily. Αναίθω, (fr. ανά intens. and αίθω to burn) to burn violently ; to inflame, kindle, light up. Αναιμόσαρκος, -ov, b, η, (fr. next, and σαρξ flesh) whose flesh seems to have lost its blood, pale, inani- mate. Αναίμων, -όνος, and Άναιμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and αίμα blood) bloodless, without blood ; immor- tal. Αναιμωτεί, and Αναιμωτί, (fr. same) without bloodshed. Αναίνομαι, (fr. a neg. and a7vo$ as- sent) to refuse, deny ; to reject, slight, repudiate, disown. 2 sin. pres. αναινεαι, Ion. for αναίνη' 3 sin. αναίνεται. imp. 3 sin. avai- νετο, Ion. for ανήνετο. par. pres. αναινόμενος. Αναιξας, 1 a. par. act. of αναί'βσω. Αναιρεθήναι, 1 a. inf. pass. — Αναι- ρεί, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act ΑναιρεΊν, pres. inf. act. cont. — ΑναιρεΊσθαι, pres. inf. pass. cont. — Αναιρούμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. cont. — Αναιρουντων, g. pi. par. pres. act. cont. of αναιρεω. Αναίρεσις, -ισς, Att. -εως, rj, (fr. next) a lifting up, taking away; burial; a taking, or cutting off ; slaughter, murder. Αναιρεω -ώ,ΐ. -ήσω, p. ανήρηκα, (fr. ανά up, and α'ιρεω to take) to take up, or away ; to bury ; to undo, abolish, annul ; to over- turn, overthrow, subvert ; to kill, cut off; to make war ; to answer, reply ; to refute, disprove ; to rear, educate. Αναιρίομαι -ουμαι, to betake, or take one's self away, to withdraw, pres. impr. act. 3 sin. αναιρείτω. par. pres. fem. pi. αναιρονσαι. 2 a. act. (fr. έ'λω obs.) ανεΧλον impr. ανελε' sub. ανελω, -ης, -η, 3 pi. ανελώσι' inf. ' (38) ANA ανελεΐν. par. ανελών. mid. ανειλ& μην, -ον,-ετο' inf. ανίλεσθαι. 1 a. pass, ανρρέθην inf. αναιρεθήναι, 1 f. αναιρεθήσομαι. Αναίρω, (fr. same, and αίρω to raise) to take upon, undertake; to pursue, prosecute. Αναισθάνομαι, (fr. ανά intens. and αισθάνομαι to feel) to feel strong ly ; to perceive quickly. Or (fr. α neg. and same) to be without feeling, or sense ; to be stupid. Αναισθησία, -ας, η, (fr. α neg. and αίσθησις feeling) insensibility. Αναίσθητος, -ov, b, f}, (fr. same) insensible, senseless, stupid. Αναισθήτως, (fr. last) senselessly , stupidly. Αναισιμόω -ώ, (fr. ανά intens. and αισιμοω to expend) to spend, ex- pend ; to waste, consume, lavish. Αναισίμωμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. last) ex- pense, cost ; labour, pains. Αναίσσω, (fr. ανά up, and αίσσω to rush) to rise, or spring up; to burst, or gush out ; to leap, or dart forth. 1 a. ind. act. ανήιξα. Αναισχνντέω -ώ, (fr. αναίσχυντος immodest) to behave indecently, act shamefully, feel no shame. Αναισχνντία, -ας, η, (fr. next) in- decency, shamelessness, impu- dence. Αναίσχυντος, -ov, b r ή, (fr. α neg. and α ισχύ ν ω to shame) indecent, immodest, shameless, impudent. Αναίτιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and αιτία blame) blameless, guiltless, innocent. Αναιτίως, (fr. last) innocently ; without cause, or reason. Ανακαθαίρω, (fr. ανά intens. and καθαιρώ to cleanse) to clean, purge, purify. 1 f. mid. ανακα- θαιρουμαι, 3 pi. ανακαθαιρουνται. Ανακαθίζω, f. -Ίσω, p. ανακεκάθικα, (fr. ανά up, and καθίζω to sit) to sit up. Or (fr. ανά intens. and same) to subside, settle, sink down ; to cling, adhere to. Ανακαινίζω, (fr. ανά again, and καινίζω to renew, th. καινός new) and Ανακαινόω -ώ, (fr. same, and Kaivbs new) toreneu), restore, refresh. Ανακαίνωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) α renewing, renewal, reno- vation. Ανακαίω, f. -κανσω, (fr. ανά intens. and καίω to burn) to kindle, light ; to burn up, flame forth ; to inflame, par. pres. pass, ava- καιόμενος. Ανακαλέω -w, (fr. ανά again, and καλίω to call) to recall, call back, call again; to call upon, invoke ; to rail, accuse ; to name, designate. Ανακαλυπτήριον,-ον, το, (fr. next) the day on which the bride ap- pears to company. In pi. pre- sents made to her on that occa- sion ; bridal gifts. Ανακαλύπτω, f. -ψω, p. ανακεκάλν- φα, (fr. ανά back, and καλύπτια to cover) to unveil, reveal, dis- close, discover ; to open. per< pass. ανακεκάλνμμαι. ANA Ανακάμπτω, f. -ψω, p. -φα, (fr. same, and κάμπτω to bend) t« turn, bend, or bow back ; to bend my course back, to return, go back ; to go back and forwards. Ανακάμψαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Ava κάμψω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act» of last. Α,νάκανθος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. a neg. and άκανθα a thorn) without thorns, bristles, orpins, smooth. Κνακάπτω, (fr. ανά intens. and κάπτω to swallow) to swallow greedily, to eat voraciouely ; to engulph. Ανακέάται, Ion. for ανάκεινται, 3 pi. pres. of Ανάκειμαι, (fr. ανά intens. and κεΐ- μαι to lie) to lie down ; to re- cline, like the ancients, to sit, like the moderns at meals ; to lay up, or by ; to dedicate ; to charge, impute. Διακείμενος, -η, ~ov, (par. pres. pass, of last) seated at table, subs. a guest. — Ανάκειται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass, of same. Ανακεκραγώς, -υΐα, -ος, par. per. mid. of ανακράζω. Ανακεράννϋμι, Ανακεραννύω,Οΐ Ava• κεράω, (fr. same, and κεράνννμι, &c. to mix) to mingle, mix, blend ; to temper, dilute ; to in- termingle, confuse. Ανάκεια, -ων, τά, (fr. άνακες the kings) the festival of Castor and Pollux. Ανάκειον, -ou, τά, (fr. next) their temple. *Ανακες, -ων, όί, the kings ; and Ανακοϊ, -ων, ol, an epithet of Castor and Pollux. Ανακεφαλαιόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. ανακε- κεφάλαίωκα, (fr. ανά apiece, and κεφαλή a head) to enumerate ; to class, arrange, under respective heads; to sum up, to reduce to one total. Ανακεφαλαιόομαι-ουμαι, to come together, to unite under one head; to be summed up, comprised. Ανακεφαλαίωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, fj, (fr. same) a recapitulation ; a sum, total. Ανακεχωρηκεναι, per. inf. act. of αναχωρέω. Ανακηκίω, (fr. ανά up, and κηκίω for κίω to go) to spring, leap, or bound upwards ; to burst forth, gush out. Ανακηρύσσω, (fr. ανά intens. and κήρυξ a crier) to publish, declare by authority, proclaim by a crier. Ανακινδυνεύω, (fr. same, and κίν- δυνος danger) to venture, endan- ger, expose. Ανακινεω, (fr. same, and κινίω to move) to move, remove ; to af- fect, persuade, impel ; to excite, rouse, provoke ; to sift, examine. Ανακίνησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, fj, (fr. last) a moving, motion ; com- motion, disturbance ; excitement, provocation. Ανακρνάμενος, for ανακιρνησάμενος , pai. 1 a. mid, of ANA Ava ιιρνάω -ω, -νημι, or -ναμαι, (fr. ανά intens. and κιρνάω to mix) to blend, mingle, confuse. Ανακλάζω, f. -γξω, (fr. same, and κλάζω to clang) to clang, re- sound ; to shout, call, cry aloud ; to bark. Ανακλαίω, (fr. same, and κλαίω to weep) to weep for, lament again, deplore anew. Ανάκλασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. next) a contortion, strain, bend- ing ; a breaking, fracture; re- fection, change of direction. Ανακλάω -ω, f. -άσω, (fr. ανά in- tens. and κλάω to break) to bow, or bend violently, strain; to break, to beat, or strike back, refect. Ανακλήτωρ, -ορός, b, (fr. ανακαλίω to recall) one who calls back complainant, accuser. Ανακλίνω,ΐ.-'ϊνω, p. ανακεκΧίκα, (fr. ανά intens. and κλίνω to lay down) to lay, or set down, make to recline ; to put back the door or cover, open. Ανακλίνομ to be in a recumbent posture, to be reclined, or to recline one's self, as the ancients did at meals ,• answering to sit, or be seated, as the moderns ; to bring back ; to return. 1 a. act. ανίκλι- va' inf. ανακλΊναι' 1 a. pass. ανεκλίθην inf. ανακλιθηναι' 1 f. pass, ανακλιθήσομαι. Ανάκλισις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) a reclining, leaning, lying, or sitting at meals ; an opening Ανάκλιτον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a couch. Ανακοϊ, see άνακες. Ανακοίνεο, Ion. for ανακοίνου, pres. impr. pass, of Ανακοινόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, (fr. ανά apiece, and κοι νος common) to communicate, impart, share; to propose, consult, confer. 1 a. inf. mid. ανακοινώσασθαι. Ανακοιρανεω -ω, (fr. ανά intens. and κοίρανος a lord) to rule, go- vern; to manage, conduct; to execute, discharge, perform. Ανακολουθία, -ας, ^, (fr. next) irre- gularity, discord, disagreement. Ανακόλουθος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a f neg. and ακόλουθος suitable) incon- clusive, incongruous, inconsist- ent; unlike, improbable ; unfit, improper ; silly, foolish. Ανακομιδη, -ης, η, (fr. next) a re- ceiving, recovery, getting again ; carriage, transportation, convey- ance ; return; interment, burial rites. Ανακομίζω, (fr. ανά back, and κο- μίζω to carry) to bring, or carry back ; to carry out to burial ; Ανακομίζομαι, to recover, get again, regain; to betake one's self ; to return, go back. Ανακοντίζω, (fr. ανά intens. and ακοντίζω to dart) to hurl, dart, shoot, cast afar off; to discharge, spout out ; to rebound, fly back. Ανάκοος, Dor. for ανήκοος. Ανακόπτω, f. -ψω, p. -κεκοφα, (fr. ανά back, and κόπτω to beat) to (39) ANA beat, or drive back ; to blunt ; Η jostle, impede hinder, stop, stay^ prevent; to cut short, interrupt. 1 a. act. ανέκοψα. Ανακουφίζω, (fr. same, and κουφός light) to lighten, ease ; to relieve, succour, help, assist. Ανακούφισις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr, last) lightness ; a making light, exoneration ; relief, ease, allevia- tion. Ανακράζω, f. -ζω, (fr. ανά intens» and κράζω to cry) to cry out•, shout, bawl, exclaim, per. ind. mid. ανακέκραγα, par. ανακεκρα* γώς. Ανακραθεϊς, for ανακερασθεϊς, 1 a, par. pass, of ανακεράννϋμι, which see. Ανακράζας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a» act. of ανακράζω. Ανακρίμάσαν, Ion. for ανεκρεμα- σαν, 3 pi. 1 a. act. — Ανακρε- μασθεϊς, 1 a par. pass, of Ανακρεμάω -ω, fr. ανά intens. and κρεμάω, which see. Ανακρέων, -οντος, b, Anacreon, a poet. Ανακριθω, -ης,-η, 1 a. sub. pass, of Ανακρίνω, f. -νώ, p. ανακέκρϊκα, (fr. ανά intens. and κρίνω to judge) to discern, judge; to question, interrogate, ask ; to examine, in- quire, search out ; to decide, de~ termine. 1 a. act. ανεκοϊνα. per. pass, ανακεκριμμαι. 1 a. ανεκρ'ί- θην, 1 f. ανακοιθήσομαι. Ανάκρΐσις, -ιος', Att. -εωί, η, (fr. last) a trial, hearing ; examina- tion, inquiry ; question. Ανακρούομαι, (fr. ανά back, and κρούω to strike) to backwater, row backwards, shove off from the shore; to recede, withdraw, yield ; lo delay, defer ; to hinder y check, repulse ; to st?ike, beat, or play upon an instrument; to prelude, flourish, prepare to be- gin, preface. Άνακτα, a. sin. Ανάκτεσι, Poet, for άναζι, d. pi. of άναζ. Ανακτάομαι, (fr. ανά again, and κτάομαι to possess) to get again, regain, recover ; to be reconciled, attached, conciliated, pres. inf. pass. cont. ανακτάσθαι. 1 a. inf. mid. ανακτήσασθαι. Ανάκτησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) a recovery, or regaining what was lost ; refreshment, re- lief; reconciliation. Ανακτορία, -ας, η, (fr. άναζ Ά king) rule, sway, government, νακτόριος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) re- gal; a master'' s, relating to a master, or lord. Ανάκτορον, -ου, rb, (fr. same) a court, palace ; a temple, particu larly that of Ceres at Eleusis. Ανακυκλισμος, -ου, b, (fr. ανακυλίω to revolve) a circumvolution, a revolution, turning ; motion in a circle. Ανακύκλωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (Γι , same) a circulation, a free pas sage, a series of regular motions t a revolution. ANA Ανακυλίω, f. -σω, p. -κα, (fr. ανά back, and κυλίω to roll) to roll back and forwards, to roll up ; to whirl, turn round; to creep out. Ανακυμβαλιάζω, (fr. ανά intens. and κυμβαλιάζω to play on the cym- bal) to fall with a crash, to be overthrown, ruined, destroyed. Ανακύπτω, (fr. ανά up, and κύπτω to bend) to bend, or turn, up wards; to lift up the head, to look upwards; to recover health or spirits ; to resume hope, take courage. Ανακύψαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Ανά- κυψα?, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. of last. Ανακωκνω, f. -ύσω, (ανά intens. and κωκύω to bewail) to shriek, scream, raise an outcry, or lamentation. Ανάκωλος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. a neg. and κώλοι/ a limb) small, short, mi- nute ; defective, deficient, im- perfect. Ανακως, (fr. άναξ a king) royally, grandly, exquisitely, finely, care- fully, diligently, watchfully. Ανακωχεύω, (fr. next) to anchor, come to anchor, to moor; to heave, or lie to, wait. Ανακωχή, -ης, j), for ανοχή. Αναλάβέϊν, 2 a. inf. aet. — Αναλά- βετε, 2 pi. 2 a. impr. act. — Ava- λαβων, -ούσα, -bv, 2 a. par. act. of Αναλαμβάνω, f. -λήχ^ιομαι, i. ανεί- ληφα, (fr. ανά up, and λαμβάνω to take) to lift, raise ; to take up- on, assume, undertake ; to take up, carry, convey, take on board ship, or on a beast ; to take up arms ; to take in sail, furl ; to take a wife, marry; to take up the bridle, curb ; to take up a book, read; to receive breath, recover, revive ; to take to one's self, ap- propriate, procure ; to gain, con- ciliate ; to refresh, reanimate. 2 a. act. ind. ανέλάβον' par. ava- λαβών, 1 a. ind. pass, ανελήώθην. Αναλάμπω, (fr. ανά intens. and λάμπω to shine) to shine brightly, glitter ; to burn clearly ; to en- lighten. Αναλγής, -έος -ους, and Ανάλγητος , -ου, δ, η, (fr. α neg. and άλγος pain) without pain, unaffected by pain ; insensible, unfeeling ; not painful. Αναλγησία, -ας, η, (fr. last) absence of, or freedom from pain ; ease ; apathy, insensibility. Αναλεγόμενος, par. pres. pass, of Αναλεγω,ΐτ. ανά intens. and λέγω, which see. Ανάλημμα, -άτος, το, (fr. αναλαμβά- νω to take up) height, eminence ; a fortress, castle. Αναληπτέος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) to be taken, carried, ; that must be taken, &c. according to the verb. Ανάληψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, fj, (fr. same) a recovery, restoration, a taking, carrying back, or away ; elevation, or lifting up, a re- moval, retiring, withdrawing. ANA ΑνάΎίπος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and ήλιψ a shoe) unshod, barefoot. Αναλίσκοισα, Dor. for αναλίσκουσα, fem. par. pres. act. of Αναλίσκω, f. αναλώσω, p. ανήλωκα, and Att. ανεάλωκα, (fr. ανά away, and άλίσκω to take) to take away, waste, consume, expend to corrode, impair, destroy. 1 a. act. ανήλωσα. 2 a. ind. act. ανή• λων. Αναλκεία, Αναλκ'ια, -ας, and Ion. Αναλκίη, -ης, η, (fr. next) weak- ness, timidity, delicacy. Άναλκις, -ιδος, δ, ι), (fr. α neg. and αλκή strength) weak, feeble ; timid, delicate ; slothful, indo- lent. Αναλλέξας, Poet, for αναλέξας, 1 a. par. act. of αναλέγω. Ανάλλομαι, f. -ουμαι, (fi. ανα up, and αλλομαι to leap) to leap, jump, spring up ; to jump upon ; to spring back, recoil. Αναλογία, -ας, η, (fr. ανά accord- ing to, and λόγος account) analo- gy, proportion. Αναλογίζομαι, f. -ίσομαι, (fr. ανά apiece, and λογίζομαι to think) to consider severally ; to deliberate, reason, argue; to recount, enu- merate ; to value, estimate, con- jecture. Αναλογίσασθε, 2 pi. la. impr. mid. oflast. Αναλογισμος, -ου, b, (fr. same) thought, consideration, argument, reasoning ; an account, enume- ration, list, roll ; design, propor- tion, harmony. Ανάλογος, -ου, b, %, (fr. ανά ac- cording to, and λόγος reason) analogous, proportional; agree- able to, consistent with, reason- able ; suitable, fit, proper. Αναλόγως, (fr. last) proportionally, consistently, suitably. Αναλος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. a neg. and αλί salt) without salt, insipid, tasteless. Αναλόω, same as αναλίσκω. Αναλτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and άλόω to grow) not thriving, or prospering, stunted, dwarfish. Or, (fr. same, and αλις enough) insatiable, greedy, ravenous. Or, (fr. same, and 'άλς salt) unsea- soned, not salted, insipid. Αναλυεμεν, Ion. for αναλύειν pres. inf. act. of αναλύω. Ανάλυσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, r), (fr. next) a separation, division, ana- lysis ; a deliverance, ransom, re- lease ; a loosening οι the cables, putting to sea, departure ; return, coming back. Αναλύω, f. -ύσω, p. -κα, (fr. ανά again, and λΰω to loose) to se- parate, divide, loosen, unravel, untie, to loose the cables, unmoor, put to sea ; to set out, depart ; to return ; to die ; to dissolve, dis- miss, break up ; to rest, put up, stop, halt; to free, deliver, re- trieve from ; to discharge, re- compense. Αναλωθείς, -εϊσα, -εν, 1 a. par. pass. 140) ANA — Αναλωθ^τε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. pass. — Ανάλωσα, Ion. for ανή- λωσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — Αναλώσαί, 1 a. inf. act. of ανα- λίσκω. Ανάλωκα — Ανάλωσα — Ανάλωταί, Ion. for ανήλωκα, per. act. ανή- λωσα, 1 a. act. ανήλωται, 3 sin. per. pass, of αναλόω obs. ; see αναλίσκω. Ανάλωμα, -άτος, το, (fr. αναλίσκω to expend) expensiveness, costli- ness, extravagance ; pi. expense, cost, charges. Ανάλωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, »% (fr. αναλίσκω to expend) expense, expenditure, consumption, waste; ruin, destruction. Ανάλωτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) im- pregnable. Αναμαιμάω -ω, (fr. ανά intens. and μαιμάω to covet) to desire pas- sionately, to long eagerly ; to rage. Αναμανθάνω, (fr. ανά again, and μανθάνω to learn) to learn over again. Αναμάξευτος, -ου, δ, #, (fr. a neg. and άμαξα a cart) impassable by carriages. Αναμάοτητος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. α neg. and άμαρτάνω to sin) without sin, innocent, faultless. Αναμάσσω, or -ττω, (fr. ανά intens. and μάσσω to wash) to cleanse thoroughly, to wash out, wipe away, expiate. Αναμάχομαι, (fr. ανά again, and μάχομαι to fight) to fight again, to renew the battle, pres. inf. αναμάχεσθαι. Αναμεμίχάται, Ion. for αναμεμιγμέ- νοι εισϊ, 3 pi. per. pass, of ava- μίγνυμι. Αναμένω, f. -μένω, p. -μεμένηκα, (fr. intens. and to wait) to expect, wait for ; to persevere in hope ; to await the charge, stand the brunt, pres. inf. act. αναμενειν. Ανάμεοος, Dor. for ανήμερος. Ανάμεσος, -ου, b, η, (fr. ανά intens. and μίσος middle) in the midst, middlemost, intermediate. Αναμεστος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and μεστός full) quite full. Αναμετοεομαι -ουμαι, (fr. same, and μετοίω to measure) to inspect, view, survey ; to set, or arrange an ambuscade; to recount, enu- merate, repeat ; to measure back, return ; to experience, discover; to estimate, value ; to measure out, set, task ; to pour, discharge, shed. 1 a. inf. mid. αναμετοή- σασθαι. Αναμίγνυμι, and -γνύω, (fr. same» and μίγνυμι to mix) to mix to- gether ; intermingle ; to con• found, confuse. Αναμιμνήσκω, f. αναμνήσω,^ p. ava- μέμνηκα, (fr. ανά aguin, and μιμνήσκω to remind) to call to mind, recollect ; to remind, ad- monish, per. pass, αναμέμνημαί, 1 a. ανεμνήσθην. Αναμίμνω, Poet, for αναμένω. ANA Αναμίξ, (fr. αναμίγνυμιΐο mix)con- fusedly, promiscuously. Αναμίσγεται, 3 sin. pres. pass. fr. ανά and μίσγω, which see. Αναμμένος, Ion. for ανημμένος, par. per. pass, of ανάπτω. Αναμναω -ώ, (fr. ανά intens. and μνάω to remind) ίο hint, inti- mate, suggest ,' Αναμνάομαι -ωμαι, to be reminded, warned ; to remember, recollect. Αναμνέεσθαι, Ion. same as αναμ- νάεθαι, pres. inf. mid. or as ava- μιμνήσκειν, pres. inf. act. — Αναμνησθώμεν, 1 pi. 1 a. sub, pass. — Αναμνησθεϊς, -ε7σα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass. — Αναμνήσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act οϊαναμνάω, or αναμιμνήσκω. Ανάμνησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η", (fr. αναμνάω to remind) remem- brance, a commemoration, a me- morial. Αναμορμύρεσκε, Ion. for ανεμόρμυρε, 3 sin. imp. of Αναμορμύρω, (fr. ανά intens. and μορμύρω to murmur) to bubble, or foam with loud murmuring, roar, bellow. Αναμοχλεύω, f. -σω, (fr. ανά up and μοχλός a bar) to lift, raise, remove with bars, or levers ; to unhar, unlock. Αναμώίλεκτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and αμφιλέγω to doubt) and Αναμφίλογος, -ου, b, fj, and Αμφι- λόγως, adv. (fr. same) and Αναμφισβήτητος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. a neg. and αμφισβητέω to contro- vert) doubtless, unquestionable, certain, satisfactory. Αναμφισβητήτως, (fr. last) without controversy, certainly. Ανανδρία, -ας, ή, (fr. next) sloth, laziness ; cowardice. Ανανδρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and avr\p a man) unlike a man, un- manly, cowardly, timorous. Ανάνδρως, (fr. last) fearfully, timor- ously. Ανανεόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, p. -νενέωκα, (ir. ανά again, and νιος new) to renew, restore, re-establish; to call to mind. Ανάνευσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ft, (fr. next) a raising or drawing back of the head, expressive of a refusal, a denial, rejection ; a respite, escape ; rest, renovation, revival. Ανανεύω, f. -σω, p. -νένευκα, (fr. ανά back, and νεύω to nod) to raise up, and draw back the head ; to refuse, deny ; decline, reject ; to respire, breathe, revive. Ανανέωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ^, (fr. ανανεόω to renew) a renewal, re- novation, restoration. Ανανήφω, f. -ψω, p. -νένηφα, (fr. ανά again, and νήφω to be sober) to become sober ; to come to a right mind. Ανανήψωσι, 3 pi. I a. sub. act. of last. Ανανίας, -ου, b, Ananias, a man's name. * kvavra, foravavr>?,n.pl.of ανάντης. F ANA Ανανταγώνιστος, -ov, b, {j, (fr. a neg. and ανταγώνιστος a rival) that has no equal, matchless, in- vincible. Ανάντης, -εος -ους, b, //, (fr. ανά up, and αντάω to meet) up hill, steep ; inaccessible ; rugged. Αναντίρρητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. avn against, and ρέω to speak) indisputable, unquestionable, in- contestable. Αναντιρρτιτως, (fr. last) without contradiction, indisputably. Αναντλέω -ώ, (fr. ανά intens. and αντλί'ω• to pump) to pump dry, exhaust, drain ; to endure, suffer. Ανάνντα, Dor. for ανήνντα, (fr. a neg. and ανΰω to complete) in vain, fruitlessly, to no purpose. Αναξ, -ακτος, b, a king, sovereign, monarch, lord, master. Άναξα, Ion. for ήναξα , 1 a^ ind. act. — Ανάξαι, 1 a. inf. act Ανάξασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Ανά- ξειν, 1 f. inf. act. of ανάσσω. Ανάξαρχος, -ου, b, Anaxarchus, a man's name. Αναξηραίνω, (fr. ανά intens. and ξηραίνω to dry) to dry up, parch ; to empty, quaff. ^ Αναξιόλογος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. a neg. άξιος deserving, and λόγος ac- count) not worth remembrance, worthless, insignificant. Αναξιοπαθέω -ώ, (fr. ανάξιος un- merited, and πάσχω to endure) to suffer wrongfully, endure un- deservedly ; to resent, feel indig- nant. Ανάξιος, -ου, b, f), (fr. a neg. and άξιος deserving) undeserving, un- worthy, worthless, mean, insigni- ficant ; unmerited, undeserved. Αναξιφόρμιγξ, -ιγγος, b, η, (fr. ανάσσω to command, and φόρ- μιγξ the harp) adapted to the harp, demanding its strains. Αναξίως, (fr. ανάξιος unworthy) unworthily, unbecomingly, irre- verently. Αναξϋρϊς, -ίδος, #, (fr. ανά up, and σύρω to draw) breeches, trousers, leggings, stockings. Αναοίγεσκον, Ion. and Poet, foravf- ωγον, or ήνοιγον, imp. of ανοίγω. Αναπαγγελλω, (fr. ανά again, από from, and αγγέλλω to tell) to bring back word again ; to bring an answer. Αναπαιανίζω, fr. ανά intens. and παιανίζω, which see. Αναπαιδευτότροπος, -ου, b, η, (fr. ανά intens. απαίδευτος untaught, and τρόπος manner) totally uned- ucated, quite uninformed. Αναπαίζω, f. -ξω,τρ. -κα, (fr. same, and παίζω to play) to play upon, to mock, delude, deceive. Αναπάλιν, (fr. same, and πάλιν again) on the contrary; back again. Αναπάλλω, (fr. ανά intens. and πάλλω to vibrate) to brandish, shake, fiounsh ; to excite, insti- gate. 1 a. par. act. αναπήλας' 2 a. par. αναπαλών, Ion. and Sync. αμπαλών. 441) ANA Ανύηταλος, -ου, b, (fr. avct again, and πάλλω to 6hake)aneio allotment, change of lot, alteration. Αναπάσσω, (fr. same, and πάσσω to sprinkle) to bedew, bespread ; to adorn, celebrate. Ανάπαυα, and Ανάπαυλα, -ης, Ανά- παυσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, Ανά- παυμα,-άτος,το, (fr. αναπαύω to give rest) cessation, interval, in- termission ; rest, repose; recrea- tion ; an abode, residence. Αναπαυτήριον, and αναπαυστήριον, -ου, το, (fr. same) rest, rejresh- ment; a resting, or stopping place, an inn. Αναπαύω, f. -σω, p. -κα, (fr. ava intens. and παύω to make to cease) to stop, make cease; to give rest ; to quiet, still, calm ; to refresh, recreate. Αναπαύομαι, to cease, make an end ; to rest, take rest, be quiet, per. pass. αναπέπαυμαι. 1 a. mid. ανεπαν σάμην. Αναπείθει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of Αναπείθω^ f. -σω, p. -κα, (fr. ανά back, and πείθω to persuade) to dissuade, persuade from, or against; to induce, prompt. Αναπειράω -ω, f. -άσω, p. -ακα, (fr. ανά intens. and πειράω to try) to prove ; to attempt, endeavour ; to plan, contrive. Αναπείρω, (fr. same, and πείρω to pierce) to pierce, or run through. Αναπεμπάζομαι, (fr. ανά up, and παμπάξομαι to count) to recount, revolve, consider ; to enumerate ; to retrace,, go over again. Αναπέμπω, f. -ψω, p. -φα, (fr. avct back, and πέμπω to send) to send forth, up, or back ; to remit, re turn. Αναπεπαυται, 3 sin. per. ind. pass, of αναπαύω. Αναπεπλήρωνται, 3 pi. per. pass, of αναπληρόω. Αναίτεπταμένος, Sync, for αναπεπε- ταμίνος, or αναπεπετασμενος, per. par. pass, of αναπετάω, -άζω^ -αννύω,οτ -άννυμι. Or, par. of πεπταμαι, for έπταμαι, per. pass. οΐ'Ίπτημι, the same as πετομαι, πέταμαι, or πετάομαι. Αναπεπτωκώς, per. par. act. — Αναπεπτωμενος, per. par. pass. - — Ανάπεσαι, mid. and Α νάπεσον % act. I a. impr. — ΑναπεσεΊν, inf. and Αναπεσών, -ούσα, -ov, par. • 2 a. act. of αναπίπτω. Αναπετάω, -άζω, -αννύω, or -άννυ μι, f. -σω, (fr. ανά intens. and πετάω, &c. to spread) to open wide, unfold, expand, unfurl ; to stretch out, spread abroad. Αναπέφηνα, p. mid. of αναφαίνω. Αναπήγνϋμι (fr. ανά up, and πήγ- νυμι to fasten) to suspend, hang, or fix up. Αναπηδάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. ανά up, and π»7<5άω to leap) to start, or spring up ; to vault upon ; to bound, bounce ; to leap back. 1 a. par. act. αναπη δήσας. Ανάπηρος, -ου, δ, δ, (fr. avct intene ANA and πηρδς maimed) mutilated, maimed. Αναπιμπλάναι, pres. inf. act. fr. same, and πίμπλημι, which see. Αναπ/πτω, f. -πεσοΰμαι, p. -πέπτω- κα, (fr. same, and φζνω to fall) to fall down ; to lie down, recline, instead of sitting, as' now, at meals ; to bend, or lean back; to delay, defer. Αναπιτνάμεν, Ion. and Dor. forava- πιτνάναι, pres. inf. act. — Ava- ■ πιτνάμενος, pres. par. pass, of Αναπίτνημι, (fr. -ανά intens. and πίτνημι, ττιτνώύ, or πιτνέω which see) used for αναπίπτω' to fall, lie, or lay down. Αναπλάκητος, -cv, b, ή, (fr. ανά up and down, and πλάζω to wan- der) wandering, roving; pursu- ing, tracing, hunting ; devious, irregular. Αναπλάσαντες, 1 a. par. act. of Αναπλάσσω, or -ττω, (fr. ανά in- tens. and πλάσσω to shape) to make, form ; to fashion, shape, mould ; Jo imagine, compose. Αναπλέκοντι, Dor. for αναπλέκονσι, 3 pi. pres. fr. ανά intens. and πλέκω, which see. Ανάκλεος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. ανά intens. and πλέας full) quite full, filled, stuffed, crowded. Αναπλεύσεσθαι, 1 f. mid. of Α να - πλεω-ώ, f. -εύσω, (fr. ανά bad, and πλέω to sail) to set sail away, or back, sail home. Αναπλέως, -ω, δ, η, Ion. and Att. for ανάπΧεος. Αναπληθήσονται, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. pass, of ΑνατζΧήθω., fr. ανά up, and πλ??0ω, which see. 1 a. inf. αναπλησαι. Αναπληρουται, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. pass, of Αναπληρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα (fr. same, and πλ??ρ<5ω to fill) to fill up, supply, complete ; fulfil, ac- complish. Αναπλίρωσις, -ως, Att.. -εω?, η, (fr. same) completion, fulfilment, ac- complishment. Ανάπλοος cont. ανάπλους, -oov -ου, b, (fr. ανά back, and πλόος a voy- age) a voyage, sailing back, or home. Αναπλδνω,.ί. -iiw, (fr. ανά again, and πλύνω to wash) to wash out, wash clean, or thoroughly. Αναπλώειν, pres. inf. fr. ανά back, and πλώω, which see. Ανάπνενμα, -ατός, το, and Ανάπνευ- σα- -ιος, Att. -εωί, >% (fr. ανά again, and πνέω to breathe) breathing, respiration, drawing breath, rest, refreshment. Ανάπνευστος, -ov, 0,17, (fr. a neg. and same) not breathing, breathless. Αναπνέω -ω, f. -εύσω, and Αναπ- νείω, (fr. ανά again, and same) to breathe, respire ; to take breath, rest, recover, revive. Αναπνοή, -ης, η, (fr. last) respira- tion, breathing, taking breath. Αναπνύω, or -νμι, same as αναπνέω. 1 a• pass, ανηπνννθην, Poet, and Ion. αμπνύνθην. ANA Αναπύδεικτος, -ου, b, //, (fr. a neg. από intens. and δείκννμι to show) improbable, unlikely ; not proved, unsupported. Αναποδίζω, (fr. ανά back, and ποδί- ζω to step) to go back, retreat to walk backwards ; to retrace, re- tract; to examine, inquire into, rectify. Αναποδισμος, -ου, b, (fr. last) a re- turn ; inquiry, examination. Αναποιίω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. -yxa, (fr. ανά intens. and ποιέω to make) to make up, form, prepare. Ανάποινος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and άποινον ransom) unransomed, without ransom, fee. Αναπολίζω, Poet, for αναπολέω -ω, (fr. ανά about, and πολέω to turn) to consider, deliberate ; to turn up, or break fresh ground ; to roll, tumble. 'Αναπολόγητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg, and απολογέομαι to vindicate) not to be defended, without apolo- gy, inexcusable. Αναπρήθω, f. -σω, (fr. ανά intens. and πρήθω to burn) to set on fire, kindle, burn ; to scorch, blast ; to shed burning tears, weep violently. Also for αναπλήθω, to fill, fill up, swell, expand. 1 a. par. act. αναπρήσας. Αναπρίζω, or Αναπρίω, (fr. same, and πρίω to saw) to cut asunder, to cut off; to gnash, or grind the teeth. Ανάπταμαι, and Ανάπτασθαι, see in ανίπτημι. Αναπτερδω -ω, (fr. ανά up, and πτερόν a wing) to give wings, make fly ; to give spirits, ani- mate, exhilarate, encourage ; Αναπτερόομαι Όυμαι, to have wings, or be winged ; to take wing fly, flutter ; to fluctuate, doubt. Αναπ-τερυγίζω, (fr. same, and πτέ- ρυξ a wing) to wing, rise on wings, soar. Αναπτηναί, 2 a. inf. act. of ανίπτημι Αναπτοέομαι -ουμαι, (fr. ανά intens and πτοέω to amaze) to be amaz ed, astonished, confounded; to covet, desire earnestly. Αναπτοιέομαι, Poet, for last, pper pass, ανεπτοιήμην, -ησο, -ητο. Αναπτύσσω, f. -ζω,ρ. ανέπτυχα, (fr, ανά back, and πτύσσω to fold) to unfold, unrol, open, spread out. Αναπτνγη, -ης, >'/, (fr.last) an open- ing, unfolding, disclosing ; αναπ- τυχαί, the rays of the sun.. Ανάπτω, f. -ψω, p. άνηφα, (fr. ανά intens. and άπτω to touch) to kindle, light, set on fire ; to fix, fasten, hang, or set up ; to con- secrate, dedicate. Ανάπτομαι, to catch, cling to ; to be tied about, girt, dressed ; to dress, put on clothes ; to cover, lay on. 1 a. act. άνηφα. pres. par. pass. αναπτόμενος, g. Ion. αναπταμέ- νοιο. 1 a. pass, ανήφθην. Ανάπυστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πννθάνομαι or πεύθομαι to hear) published, proclaimed ; heard, known. (42) ANA Αναπω, Dor. for Ανάπου, g. of 'Aw» πος, b, Anapus, a river in Sicily. Ανα'πωσ«ί, or Ανάποσις, and Ανάπω- τις, by Sync, άμπωτις, -ως, Att. -εως, η, (fr. ανά intens. and πίνω to drink) a sinking or absorption of waters; the reflux of the sea, ebbing of the tide. Αναραιρηκως, Att. and Αναρραιρη- κώς, Ion. for ανηρηκώς, per. par. of αναιρέω. Άναρθρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and άρθρον a joint) disjointed, loose t frail, weak ; disabled, lame. Αναριθμέω -ω, (fr. ανά again, and αριθμέω to count) to reckon over again, count up, recount, enume- rate. Αναρίθμητος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same) innumerable, numberless, count- less ; insignificant, trivial. Ανάριστος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and άριστον dinner) before diwner f without dinner, fasting. Αναρίτης, -ov, b, a shell-fish. Ανάρμοστος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and αρμόζω to adapt) unfit, unsuita- ble, improper ; untuned, unhar- monized. Αναρπάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. ανά up, and αρπάζω to seize) to snatch up, or away ; to seize, carry off, rob, plunder. 1 a. par. act. αναρπα- σας. Ανάρπαστος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. last) car ried off, hurried off, snatched away ; cut off, intercepted ; seized, plundered. Αναρ ράπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. ανά again, and ρά-τω to sew) to sew, or stitch up ; to mend, repair, refit. par. per. pass, ανερραμένος. Ανάρρημα, -άτος, το, (fr. ανά up, and ρέω to speak) a proclama- tion by a crier, publication, pro- mulgation. Αναρρήσω, or -ρήγννμι, f. -£ω, (fr. ανά up out, and ρήγννμι to break) to tear, rip up, open violently, burst asunder ; to break out, up, or forth ; to break off. 1 f. inf. αναρρήζειν. la. act. ind. ανερ- ρήζα' opt. JE61. αναρρήζεια, -α?, -ε• inf. αναρρνζαι. 2 f. inf. pass. αναρραγήσεσθοΑ. Αναρριπίζω, (fr. ανά intens. and ριπίζω to ventilate) to kindle, to blow into aflame; to inflame, excite desire. Αναρριπτέω, or αναρρίπτω, f. -ψω, p. ανέρριφα, (fr. ανά up, and £/-- τω to throw) to throw, cast,flmg upwards ; to dart. Α^αρροιβδέω -ω, f. -^σω, (fr. ανά intens. and ροίζος a crash) to absorb, ingulph, engorge; to swallow with noise. Αναρρωγώς, for ανερραγως, par. p. mid. of αναρρήσσω. Αναρρώνννμι, (fr. ανά again, and ρώνννμι to strengthen) to recovery grow strong ; to become reso- lute, determine; to corroborate, strengthen. Αναρ'ρωσθέντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. pass, of last. Ανάρσιος, -ov, b, %, (fr. α neg. and ANA άρω to agree) implacable, in ixo- rable ; contrary, unsuitable, un- pleasing, unfit. Αναρτάω, fr. ανά up, and αρτάω, which see. h -νάρτντος, -ου, b,f/, (fr. α neg. and αρτϋω to pickle) not seasoned, unsavoury, tasteless. Αναρχία, -ας, Ion. -χίη, -ης, f h (fr. same, and αρχή government) wanf, of government, or magis- trates ; anarchy, confusion ; tu- mult, riot, disturbance. Άναρχος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) with- out rule; tumultuous, riotous; without a beginning, from all eternity. Ανασειράζω, (fr. ανά back, and σει- ρά a chain) to drag with a chain. Ανασείω, f. -σω, p. -κα, (fr. ανά up, and σείω to shake) to excite, stir up, rouse, promote ; to move, affect; to shake, or wave the hand ; to shake, or throw off ; to shake out, try, examine. Ανασεσυρμένος, (par. per. pass, of ανασύρω) drawn, or tucked up indecent, obscene. Ανασκάπτω, fr. ανά up, and σκάπτω, which see. Ανασκευάζω, f. -άσω, p. -ακα, (fr ανά back, and σκευάζω to pre- pare) to repair, renew, restore ; to collect, gather, pillage ; to overthrow, subvert, destroy, de molish, ruin ; to break through, violate, infringe ; to abolish, an- nul; to take, or put away, re- move; to refute, weaken, dis- prove; Ανασκευάζομαι, to packup, bind on, harness, yoke ; to change quarters, remove, depart. Ανασκευαστέος, -ου, b, η, (fr. last) to be overthrown, &c. See the verb. Ανασκευαστίκος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) ruinous, destructive, pernicious. Ανασκευή, -ης, η, (fr. same) repair, restoration, renewal; destruction, ruin, overthrow ; contradiction, disproof, conviction. Ανασκιρτάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ανεσκίρ- τηκα, (fr. ανά up, and σκιρτάω to skip) to frisk, gambol; to play wantonly ; to kick, plunge. Κ,νασκολοπίζω, (fr. ανά up, and σκό- λοψ a stake) to empale. Ανασκοπέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. ανά in- tens. and σκοπέω to consider) to think maturely, deliberate ; to meditate, muse, refect upon. Ανασοβέω -ω, (fr. ανά back, and σοβέω to drive away) to throw back; to scare, frighten away. Αιιάσπαστος, -ov, b, η, (fr. next) drawn up, brought back, with- drawn ; torn, dragged away. Ανασπάω -ω, f. -άσω, p. ανέσπακα, (fr. ανά up, and σπάω to draw) to draw up, back, or out, extract ; to root up, overthrow, throw down ; to tear, or rip up ; to be tedious, prolong, protract. Άνασσα, -ης, η, (fr. άναξ a king) a queen, mistress, lady. Ανάσσατος, Dor. for ανήσσητος, -ου, b, {/, (fr. a neg. and ηΌσάομαι to be inferior) invincible. ANA Ανάσσει, 3sin.pres. ind. of ανάσσω. Ανασσείσασα, Poet, for ανασείσασα, 1 a. par. fem. of ανασείω. Ανασσέμεν, Ion. for ανάσσειν, pres. inf. — ■ Ανάσσε, pres. impr. — Άνασσον, Ion. for ήνασσον, imp. ind. of Ανάσσω, f. -ζω, (fr. άναζ a king) to reign, rule, govern. Ανάστα, (2 sin. cont. impr. act. of αναστάω, obs. and used for ανασ- τηθι, 2 a. impr. act;- of ανίστημι) up ! rise, get up. Ανασταδον, (fr. ανίστημι to stand up) on the feet, upright, standing. Ανασταλμένος, Ion. for ανεσταλμέ- νος, par. per. pass, of αναστέλλω. Ανασταλύζω, same as αναστενάζω. Αναστάς, -άσα, -άν, par. 2 a. act. of ανίστημι. Ανάστάσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. ανίστημι to stand up) a standing up, rising, resurrection; an in- surrection, commotion, tumult, uprising; an expulsion, a driv- ing out ; overthrow, devastation. Ανάστατος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) uprooted, expelled, turned out ; overturned, ruined, wasted, de- stroyed. Αναστατόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. ανεστά- τωκα, (fr. last) to subvert, over- T throw, destroy ; to unsettle, dis- turb, excite, promote sedition. Ανασταυρίζω, and Αναστανρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, (fr. ανά upon, and σταυρός a stake) to crucify ; to crucify over again. Ανασταυρουντας, a. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of ανασταυρύω. Άναστε, by Sync, for ανάστατε, 2 pi. of άναστα, -άτω, for ανάστηθι, 2 a. impr. act. of ανίστημι. Αναστείλας, -ασα, -αν, 1 a. par. act. of Αναστέλλω, f. -ελώ, p. ανέσταλκα, (fr. ανά up, and στέλλω to send) to send off, dismiss, discharge ; to repulse ; to dress, put, or draw on ; to restrain, hinder, check ; to contract, draw in; Αναστέλλο- μαι, to withdraw, retire; to dis- semble, disguise, feign. Αναστενάζω, f. -ζω, p. -κα, and Αναστένω, (fr. ανά intens. and στενάζω to groan) to groan hea- vily, sigh deeply, sob, gasp, pant. Αναστεναχίζω, or Αναστοναχίζω, and Αναστενάζω, Poet, same as last. Ανάστημα, -άτος, τδ, (fr. ανί-στημι to stand up) erection, elevation ; height, eminence ; substance ; a fort, castle. Ανάστην, Ion. for ανέστην, 2 a. ind. act. impr. αναστήθι, -τω. 2 pi. αναστητε' sub. αναστώ, -ης, -η• inf. αναστηναι' οι ανίστημι. Αναστησεία, -ας, -ε, JEo\. for ανα- στησαίμι, -αις, -αι, 1 a. opt. act. of same. Αναστρατοπεδεύω, f. -εύσω, p. -ευκα, (fr. ανά again, and στρατόπεδο ν a camp) to remove a camp, change quarters, return. Αναστράφητε, impr. and -φητε, sub. 2 a. pass, and (43) ANA Αναστρέφιοθαι, pres. ind. pass. — Αναστρεφόμενος, -η, -ov, par» pres. pass, of Αναστρέψω, f. -ψω,ρ. -φα, (fr. ανά back, and στρέφω to turn) to turn back, return; to overturn, sub- vert, destroy ; to invert, turn upside down ; to torture, rack. Mid. to be with, live with, as- sociate with; to be conversant in; to spend or pass time; to turn over, revolve, run over, or through. 2 a. act. ανέστραφον pass, ανεστράφην, per. ind. mid. ανέστροφα' pass, ανέστμαμμαι. Αναστροφάω -ω, (fr. last) to turn, roll, wind, move round, pres. inf. act. αναστροφάειν -αν. Ανάστροφη, -ης, η, (fr. same) a turning back, return ; an over- throw, reverse, alteration, change ; a course, revolution ; stale of be- ing ; conduct, behaviour, man- ner of life. Αναστώσι, 3 pi. 2 a." sub. act. of ανίστημι. Ανασύρω, (fr. ανά up, and σύρω to draw) to raise, draw back, un- cover ; to expose indecently. Ανασύω, or -σεύω, (fr. same, and 'σεύω or συ ω to rush) to rush forth ; dart, spring upon. Ανασφάλλω, f. -αλώ, (fr. ανά up, and σφάλλω to trip) to recover, as from a slip, or from illness, rise, become better : to flourish again, be restored to former pros- perity. Ανασφηλαι, inf. of ανέσφηλα, 1 a. ind. act. of last. Ανασχάζω, (fr. same, andσ%άω or σχάζω to cut) to beat, drive, or thrust back ; to repel, turn away / ανασχάζομαι, to retire, withdraw. Ανασχέθω, Poet, for ανέχω, OS ανέσχω. Ανάσχεο, Ion. for ανάσχου, 2 a. impr. mid. — Ανασχοίμην, 2 a. opt. mid. — Ανασχόμενος, par. 2 a. mid. — Ανασχών, par. 2 a. act. of ανέχω. Ανασ χετος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) tole- rable, to be borne. Ανασχίζω, (fr. ανά intens. and σχί- ζω to split) to cleave, rend, rip up, split. Ανασώζω, (fr. ανά intens. and σώζω to save) to preserve, deliver, re- store ; to cause, or enable to escape ; to realize, establish ; Mid. to recover again, escape, save one's self. Αναταζέσθαι, 1 f. inf. mid. of ava τάσσω. Αναταράσσω, or -ττω, f. -ζω, (fr same, and ταράσσω to disturb) to trouble, disorder, distract, em- broil ; to confound, confuse ; to excite or raise commotion, par. per. pass, ανατεταραγμένος. Ανατάσσω, or -ττω, f. -ζω, p. -χα, (fr. same, and τάσσω to range) to arrange, set in order; to com- pose, dispose, adjust, settle. 1 a. mid. ανεταζάμην. Ανατατϊκύς, -η, -dv, (fr. next) ex* tended, stretched out; extensive f ANA wide ; towering, shooting, or pointing upwards; earnest, eager, violent, menacing ; haughty, ar- rogant, vain, boasting. Ανατεθραμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of ανατρέφω. Ανατείνω, f. -ενώ, (fr. ανά up, and τείνω to reach) to extend, stretch out ; to stretch round about, surround; to raise, hold, or lift up ; to verge upwards. Ανατελεΐ, 3 sin. 1 f. act. — Ανατέλ λει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Ανατέλλουσας, a. sin. fern. par. pres. act. — Ανατέταλκα, -ας, -ε per. ind. act. of Ανατέλλω, f. -ελώ, p. ανατέταλκα (fr. ανά up, and τε'λλω to rise) to raise, push out, throw up, pro- trude, or cause to rise ; to pro duce, cause to be ; to spring ; to grow, bud, shoot; to arise. 1 a. ind. ανέτειλα' sub. ανατείλω' inf. ανατείλαι' per. mid. ανατέτυλα. Ανατέμνω, (fr. ανά intens. and τέμνω to cut) to cut up. Ανατετμημένος, par. per. pass, of last. Ανατιθεασι, for ανατιθείσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Ανατίθετι, -έτω, pres. impr. act. of Ανατίθημι, f. -ήσω, p. ανατέθεικα, (fr. ανά up, and τίθημι to set) to place, or put above, or upon ; to dedicate, consecrate ; to ascribe, refer, attribute; to erect, build; to replace, renew, restore ; to tahe up, lift, remove ; to propose, com- municate, impart ; to exjdain, de- clare ; to decree, enact, enjoin; Ανατίθεμαι, to set up, demand, claim ; to adopt, or alter an opi- nion, per. ind. pass. 3 pi. ανατί- θενται' 2 a. mid. ανεθίμην' par. αναθεμένος. Ανατιμάω -ω, (fr. ανά up, and τι- μάω to value) to enhance, raise the price, pres. inf. act. αν-ατιμά- tiv -av. Ανατιναγμος, -ov, b, (fr. ανά intens. and τινάσσω to quiver) a concus- sion, shock ; a violent change, or removal. Αιατλάς, par. pres. act. — Ανατλή- σας, par. 1 a. act. of Ανάτλημι, (fr. ανά intens. and τλη- μι to bear) to suffer, endure, un- dergo ; to sustain, support. ΑνατμηθεΙς, par. 1 a. pass, of ανα- τέμνω. Ανατολή, -ης, η, (fr. ανατέλλω to arise) day-spring, dawn ; sun- rise ; the east ; the eastern parts of the world. Ανατολικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. last) eastern. Ανατομή, -ης, >% (fr. ανατέμνω to cut up) a cutting, dividing, dis- section, anatomy. Ανατομικός, -η, -bv, (fr. last) ana- tomical, an anatomist. Ανατρέπονσι,3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Ανατρέπω, (fr. ανά back, and τρεττω to turn) to subvert, overturn; to trip, throw down, lay fat, pros- trate ; to refute, disprove. Ανατρέφω, f. αναθρέψω, p. ανατέ- εφα, (fr. ανά up, and τρέφω to ANA rear) to nurse, bring up, educate, rear. 2 a. act. ανέτραφον pass. ανετράφην 1 a. act. ανέθρεψα' mid. ανέθρεψα μην per. mid. ava τέτροφα'ροτ. pass, ανατέτραμμαι Ανατρέχω,?, αναθρέξω, p. αναδεδρά• μηκα, (fr. ανά back, and τρέχω to run) to run back, or up; to as- cend, mount ; to grow, shoot up ; to jet,, gush out ; to recede, with- draw; to recur, retrace, amend, reform ; to run over, discourse of, enumerate. 2 a. ind. act. ανίδρα μυν per. ind. mid. αναδέδρομα. (fr. δρέμω, obs.) Ανατροπή, -ης, η, (fr. ανατρέπω to overturn) overthrow, ruin. Ανατροφή, -ης, η, (fr. ανατρέφω to rear) education. Ανατνπόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, (fr. ανά according to, and τύπος a mark) to imagine, conceive; to form an image, or likeness, re- present. Άναυδος, -ov, and Αναυδης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. a nog. and αυδη voice) speechless, mute, dumb, silent. Αναύζητος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and αυξάνω to grow) that does not grow, stunted, dwarf sh, diminu- tive. Αναυος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and αύω to cry) same as άναυδος^ Αναυρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and av pa a breeze) wanting air ; without wind, breathless, still, calm. Also, (fr. a intens. and νάω to flow) rolling rapidly ; a torrent. Ανάϋσαν, Dor. for. ανηυσαν, 3 pi. 1 a. — Αναυξας, Dor. for αναύσας, par. 1 a. of Αν&άω, f. -σω,. (fr. ανά again, and αύω to cry) to exclaim, shriek, cry out ; to shout, cheer. Αναφαίνεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. — Αναφανείς, -είσα, -εν, η. pi. -έν- τες, par. 2 a. pass, of Αναφαίνω, f. -φάνω, p. -πέφαγκα, (fr. ανά intens. and φαίνω to show) to show, make appear, ex- hibit, display ; to testify, prove, convince, convict ; to accuse, charge. Αναφαίνομαι,^ be shown; to appear, look, seem. per. pass. αναπέφαμμαι. 2 a. ανεφάνην. Αναφαίρετος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. «770 from, and αιρέω to take) not to be taken away ; own, proper, peculiar. Αναφαλαντίας, -ου, b, (fr. next) α bald man ; somewhat bald. Αναφάλαντος, -ου, b, η, bald, with- out hair on the lop of the head. Αναφαλάντωμα, -άτος, το, (fr. last) baldness. Αναφανδά, -δον, and -δην, (fr. ανα- φαίνω to show) openly, plainly, clearly, evidently. Αναφέρω, f. ανυίσω, (fr. ανά up, and φέρω to carry) to carry, bring up, or back ; to offer sacrifice ; to take upon, bear, endure; to take, remove, discharge, dismiss ; to break out, burst forth ; to re- port, tell ; to concern, relate to ; to (44) ANA ■ impute, refer to ; Αναφέρομαι, t« withdraw, betake, retire ; to col lect, recover, rise up; 1 a. ind. ανήνεγκα' inf. ανενέγκαι' par. ανηνεγκάς' 2 a. ind. ανήνεγκον inf. ανένεγκειν par. ανενεγκών' per. ind. pass, ήνοισμαι, as if fr. ανοίω. Αναψθεϊς, par. 1 a. pass, of ανάπτω. Αναφλέγω, '(fr. ανά intens. and φλέ- γω to burn) to burn up, blaze, kindle, blow up. Αναφλεχθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of last. Αναφορά, -ας, η, (fr. αναφέρω to bear) a burden, load; an offer- ing, sacrifce ; a tax, tribute, re- venue ; a rising up, emersion; exhalation, evaporation ; recovery, restoration, recollection; a dis- charge, issue;' a reference, rela- tion, tendency; narrative; a charge or transfer of crime, im- putation, appeal; a subterfuge, evasion ; refuge, shelter, protec- tion ; in astrology, the sign rising after the horoscope, the ascendant. Αναφυρεύς, -έος, Att. τέως, b, (fr. same) a bearer, carrier ; a bar, crow, staff, lever. Αναφράξομαι, (Cr. ανά intens. and φράζομαι to consider) to observe, perceive, recognise, acknowledge. Αναφράσσω, or -ττω, (fr. same, and φράσσω to stop up) to hinder, ob struct; to close, stop up, barricade. Αναψροντίζω, (fr. same, and φρον- τίζω to think) to consider, pon- der, revolve, meditate, deliberate. Αναφύρω, fr. same, and φύρω, which see. Αναφυσιόωντες, Poet, for αναφν- σιώντες, η. pi. cont. par. pres. fr. ανά intens. and φυσιάω, or φυ- σιόω, which see. Αναφύω, (fr. ανά again, and φύω to grow) to spring, shoot, sprout up, bud again ; produce, bring forth. Αναφωνέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. αναπεφώ- νηκα, (fr. ανά intens. and φωνέω to speak) to exclaim, call, cry aloud; to sound out. Αναχάζω, (fr. same, and χάζω to yield) to retreat, withdraw, re- tire ; to return. Αναχαίνω, or Αναχηνέω, fr. same, and χαίνω, which see. Αναχαιτίζω, f. -ί'σω, (fr. ανά back, and χαίτη the mane) to fling back the mane; to rear, unhorse; to precipitate, cast headlong, over- turn ; to behave riotously, or wantonly, riot. Αναχάσσασθαι, Poet, for αναχά- σασθαι' 1 a. inf. mid of αναχάζω. Αναχέω, f. -εύσω, (fr. ανά back, and χέω to pour) to pour back; to refund; to pour in, or upon, infuse ; to confound, disturb. par. 1 a. pass, αναχυθεϊς and αναχεθείς• Αναχηνών, par. pres. οΐαναχηνίω. See αναχαίνω. Άναχθ\ by Apos. before an aspi- rate for άνακτα, a. sin. of άναξ. Αναχθείς, -είσα, -εν, η. pi. -θέντες' par. Αναχθηναι, inf. I a. pass, of ανάγω. ΑΝΔ ΑΝΔ Αναχοη, -ης, η, (fc αναχεω to pour \Ανδραποδΐζω, f. -ίσω, ρ. -ηνδραπό- oul) a pouring out, overflowing,] δικά, (fr. same) to enslave, reduce inundation; a passage, course; to servitude ; treat as a slave. the opening, or mouth of a river Α,ναχυθεΧς, par. 1 a. pass, of ava- χέω. Ανάχνσις,-ιος, Att. -εως, (fr. same a pouring forth, effusion ; an inundation, lake, pool ; a siyik, vortex; gulf of vice, or de- bauchery, profusion, prodigality. a. sin. ανάχυσιν. Αναχωρεω -ω, f. -ν,σω, p. -ηκα, (fr. ανά back, and χωρεω to go) to go back again, return, depart, re- tire, withdraw; to secede, sepa- rate, (fr. χώρος room) to con- tain, hold. Αναχωρητέος, -ov, b, η, (fr. last) it is necessary to be withdrawn, &c. Αναψης, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of ανά— τω. Ανάψνζις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr next) a cooling, refreshing ; a breathing, rest, respite. Αναψνχω, f. -ζω, p. ανέ^νχα, (fr. ανά again, and ψύχω to breathe) to cool, refresh; to rub down, wipe dry; to relieve, rest, give respite; to repair ; 1 a. ανέψυξα inf. αναφύξαι. Ανγνοίη, Dor. Sync, for αναγνοίη, 3 sin. 2 a. opt. of αναγινώσκω. Άνδάνω, to please, delight, gratify, humour ; to satisfy, content, imp. ηνδανον. For other tenses see Άδέω. ΑνδεΧσθαι, Poet, for αναδείσθαι, pres. inf. pass. — ανδεσάμενος. for αναδησάμενος, 1 a. par. mid, of αναδέ ω. Άνδεμα, Poet, for ανάδεμα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) a diadem, band, fillet, turban, garland. Ανδηρον, -ου, το, a summit, top ridge; a terrace, bank, mound. Ανδίκτης, Poet, for αναδίκτης, -ου, b, (fr. ανά about, and δίκω to throw) a noose, gin, halter. Άνδίχα, Poet, for ανάδίχα, (fr. ανά intens. and δίχα twice) twofold, doubly, separately, two vjays. Άνδρ 1 , for άνδρα, a. of ανήρ. Άνδρα, Άνδρας, Ανδράσι, Ανδρϊ, Ανδρες, Ανδρος, Ανδρών, cases of same. Ανδραγαθέω -ω, (fr. ανηρ a man, and αγαθός good) to behave like a man, to act with spirit. Ανδραγάθημα, -άτος, το, (fr. last) an exploit, achievement, feat. Ανδραγαθία, -ας, η, (fr. same) bravery, manliness, spirit. Ανδράγρια,-οιν, τά, (fr. avi)p a man, and άγρα a prize) spoils of the dead, plunder. Άνδραγχος, -ου, b, (fr. ανηρ a man, and άγχω to choke) a murderer. Ανδράκάς, Poet, for κατ άνδρα, se- verally, separately, man by man. Ανδραμίας, -ov, b, Andramias, a man's name. Ανδραπόδεσσι, for ανδρα-όδοις, d. pi. of ανδρά-οδον. Ανδραζοδιευνται, Ion. for. ανδρα-ο- διοΰνται, Att. for ανδρα -t δίσον- τίΐι, 3 pi. 1 f. mid. of Ανδρα-οδιστης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a man-stealer, kidnapper, d. pi. ανδραττοδισταϊς. Ανδρά-οδον, -ου, το, (fr. ανηρ a man, and -πους the foot) a slave. Ανδραττοδώδης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. last) slavish, servile. Ανδραχθης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. ανηρ a man, and άχθος a burden) too much for a man to bear, bur- densome, grievous. Ανδράχνη, -ης, η, the herb pur slain. Ανδρέας, -ου, b, Andrew, a man's name. Ανδρεία, and Ανδρία, -ας, η, (fr. ανηρ a man) manliness, valour, courage, fortitude. Ανδρείος, and Ανδρείος, -a, -ov, (fr. last) manly, brave, courageous ; masculine, male. Ανδρειφόντης, -ου, b, (fr. ανηρ a man, and φενω to kill) a man- slayer, munlerous, an epithet of Mars. comp. -ότερος, sup. -ότα- τος. Ανδρείως, (fr. ανδρείος manful) manfully, &c. Ανδρεσσι, Poet, for ανδράσι, d. pi. of . >ηρ• Ανδρεύμενος, Dor. for ανδρούμενος, par. pres. of ανδρόω. Ανδρεωθεώσι, Ion. for ανδρωθώσι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. pass, of same. Ανδρεων, Ion. for ανδρών, g. pi. of • ανήρ. Ανδρεών, -ώνος, b, (fr. same) the men's apartment; a hall, din- ing-room. Ανδρη\άτης, -ου, b, (fr. ανηρ a man, and ελαύνω to drive) driving men into banishment, an oppressor; one who expels a just claimant. Ανδριάντα, a. sin. of ανδριάς. Ανδριαντο-οιία, -ας, η, (f?. ανδριάς a statue, and ττοιεω to make) statuary, the manufacture of statues. Ανδριαντοττοιός, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) a statuary, carver. Ανδρίάς, -άντος, b, (fr. ανηρ a man) a statue, image, carved figure. Ανδρίζω, f. -ίσω, p. ήνδρικα, (fr. same) to make manful, encou- rage ; Ανδρίζομαι, to behave like a man, to act with spirit; per. ind. pass, ήνδρισμαι. Ανδρικός, -i), -bv, (fr. same) man- ly, manful, br^.ve. ΑνδρΥκως, (fr. last) manfully. Ανδρίον, -ου, το, (dim. of ανηρ a man) a little man, pigmy. Ανδροβρώς, -ώτος, δ, and Ανδροβό- ρ'ος, -ου, b, (fr. same, and βορά food ) a cannibal ; one who kills anolher'with his own weapon. Ανδρογόνος, -ου, η, (fr. same, and χάνομαι to bear) a mother of heroes ; producing males. Ανδρόγυνος, -ου, b, (fr. same, and γυνή a woman) an hermaphro- dite ; a catamite ; effeminate, wo- manish ; weak, feeble, delicate. Ανδροδάμα, -ας, Dor. for ανδροδάμη, ~VS, δ» (fr• same, and δαμάω to (45) ANE subdue) who governs, or rules her husband. Ανδροδάμας, -αντος, b, (fr. same, and same) who conquers men, a hero. Ανδροθεά, the manly or intrepid goddess; an epithet of Mi- nerva. Ανδρόκμητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. ανηρ a man, and κάμνω to labour) la- boured, wrought, or tilled by man. Or, belonging to a dead man. Ανδροκτασία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and κτείνω to kill) slaughter, murder, carnage. Ανδρολέτειρος, -a, -ov, (fr. ανηρ a man, and όλλυμι to destroy) men-destroying. Ανδρολογία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and λόγος an account) a choice, levy, or muster of men. Ανδρομάχη, -ης, η, Andromache, ξ woman's name. Ανδρόμεος, -a, -ov, (fr. ανηρ a man) manlike, human; crowded with men. Ανδρόνικος, -ου, b, Andronicus, a man's name. Ανδρόπαις, -δος, δ, (fr. same, and τταΐς a boy) a boy almost arrived at manhood. Ανδρόσώιγξ, -ιγγος, b, (fr. same, and σφίγξ a sphinx) a figure com- posed of a man and a sphinx. Ανδρουσθαι, pres. inf. m. cont. — . Ανδρωθήναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of αν- δρόω. Ανδροφαγέω -ω, (fr. same, and φά- γω to eat) to eat human flesh. Ανδροφάγος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) that devours human flesh ; a can- nibal. Ανδροφόνοιο, g. Ion. of Ανδροφόνος, -ου, b, (fr. same, and φένω to kill) a murderer^ man- slayer ; a warrior. Ανδρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, (fr. same) to make manly, encourage; to make a man ; change into men, humanize; Ανδρόομαι -οΐ- μαι, to behave like a man ; to grow up, to become a man, to arrive at man's estate. Ανδρύνομαι, (fr. same) to grow up, approach to manhood. Ανδρωδης, -εος -ους, Ό, η, (fr. same) male, masculine, manly, brave, courageous, a. sin. ανδρωδεα -η. Ανδρωδώς, (fr. last) manfully, like a man. Ανδρωθείς, par. 1 a. pass Av- δρώσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. of αν- δρόω. Ανδρών, -ωνος, b, see ανδρεων. Ανδρώος, -a, -ov, (fr. ανηρ a man) like a man, manly. Ανδυεται, for αναδύεται, pres. mid. of αναδύω. Άνδωκα, Dor. and Poet, for avi- δωκα, 3 sin. 1 a. of αναδίδωμι. Ανίβαινον, -ες, -ε, imp. act. oiava βαίνω. ΑνεβάΧΧετο, 3 sin ΑνεβάΧΧοντο, 3 pi. imp. of αναβάλλω. Ανεβην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. act. ol αναβαίνω ANE Ανεβιβάααν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. of ανα- βιβάζω. Ανέβλεψα, -ας, -ε or -εν, before a vowel, 1 a. ind. act. of αναβλέ- ττω. Ανεβορβόρνξαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. of αναβορβορύζω. Ανέβραχε, 2 a. ind. of αναβρεχω, or . imp. act. of αναβράχω. Ανέβωσεν, Ion. for ανεβόησεν, 1 a. ind. act. of αναβοάω. Ανεγείρω, f. -ερώ, (fr. ανά up, and εγείρω to rouse) to arouse, awake, excite ; to cheer, encourage ; to raise, erect; Ανεγείρομαι, to be raised, to rise, start up. Ανεγίνωσκε, and before a vowel -κεν, 3 sin. imp. of αναγινώσκω. Ανέγκλητος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. α neg. and εγκαλέω to accuse )not to be blam- ed, blameless, irreproachable. Ανεγνάμπτοντο, 3 pi. imp. pass. — Ανεγνάμψθην, 1 a. ind. pass, of αναγνάμπτω. Ανεγνωρίσθη, 1 a. ind. pass, of ανα- γνωρίζω. Ανέγνωσμαι, per. pass. — Ανεγνοσ- 6ην, 1 a. pass. — Ανέγνωτε, 2 pi. and — Ανέγνωσαν, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. act. of αναγινώσκω. Ανίγρετο, Ion. for ανήγρετο, imp. ind. pass. — Ανεγρομέν)ς, par. per. pass, of Ανέγρομαι, for ανεγείρομαι. See ανεγείρω. Ανεδέγμεθα, Sync, for ανεδεδέγμε- θα. 1 pi. pper. pass. — Ανεδέξάτο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of ανα<5ε'- χομαι. Ανέδειξεν, 3 sin. 1 a. act. of av δείκννμι. Ανέδην, (perhaps fr. ανίημι to al- low) freely, vithout restraint, loosely, not strictly. Ανέδρακον, Metath. for ανεδαρκον, 2 a. act. of αναδέρκω. Ανέδραμον, 2 a. act. of ανατρέχω. Ανέδν, imp. or 2 a. — Ανεδϋνε, imp. — Ανεδύσατο, 1 a. mid. of αναδϋ- μι, -δύνω, or -δύω. Ανέδωκε, 3 sin. 1 a. act. of αναδί- δωμι. Ανεεργω, Poet, for ανείργω. Ανέζενξεν, 1 a. act. of αναζεύγννμι. Ανέξω, f. -εσω, (fr. ανά upon, and εζω to place) to set, or lay upon; to prevail on, persuade, induce ; to bring back, lead. 1 a. ind. act. άνεισα. Α εζωπύρησε, 1 a. act. of αναζωπυ- ρέω. Ανέηκεν, Att. for ανηκεν, 1 a. ind. act. of ανίημι. Ανεθάλετε, 2 pi. 2 a. act. of ανα- βάλλω. ΑνεθεΙς, -εΊσα, -εν, par. of Ανέθην, 1 a. pass, οι ανίημι. Ανεθέλητος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. α neg. and εθε'λω to wish) involuntary, un- willing, loath ; unwelcome, un- wished. Ανεθεμην, 2 a. ind. mid. of ανατί- βημ,ι. Ανέβηκα, 1 a. ind. act. — Ανέθην, 2 a. ind. act. of ανατίθημι. Ανέθην, I a. ind. pass, of ανίημι. Also 2 a. ind. of ανατίθημι. ANE Ανέθρεψα μην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. οί ανατρέψω. Ανειδωλοποιέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. ανά redun. είδωλον an image, and ποιέω to make) to form b simi- litude, appearance, or represen- tation ; to conceive, or imagine in the mind ; to propose an ob- ject to the attention, or consider- ation. Ανείλεω -ώ, f. -ήσω, and Ανειλίσσω, f. -ζω, (fr. ανά back, and ειλεω to roll) to unrol, unfold ; to re trace, wind back, return ; also to roll up. ΑνείΧηπται, 3 sin. per. pass. — Ανεί• ληφώς, per. par. act. of αναλαμ- βάνω. ΑνεΊλον, -ες, -ε, 2 pi. Ανείλετε, 2 a. ind. act. — Ανειλόμην, -ov, -ετο, 2 a. ind. mid. of αναιρέ ω. ' νειμένος, -η, -ov, (for αναμένος, par. per. pass, of ανίημι) remiss, slack, negligent ; given up to, devoted, deserted. Ανειμενως, (fr. last) remissly, care- lessly. Άνειμι, f. ανείσομαι, p. άνεικα, (fr. ανά up, and ε"ιμι to go) to go up, return, come back. Άνειμι, (fr. ανά up, and ειμϊ to be) to be at, up, or upon ; to reach, arrive at, come to. Ανείμων, -όνος, δ, η, (fr. α neg. and ε'ίμα clothes) ill dressed, badly clothed ; without clothes, naked. Άνειν, Ion. for ανύειν, pres. inf. of αννω. ΑιεΤναι, inf. of avrjv, 2 a. ind. act. — Ανεϊς, -είσα, -εν, par. 2 a. ind. act. — Ανέσθαι, 2 a. inf. mid. — ΑνεΓσθαί, per. inf. pass, of ανίημι. Ανείπαπε, Poet, for Ανείπε, 3 sin. 1 or 2 a. of ανέιτω. Ανείργω, f. -ξω, (fr. avaintens. and είργω to hinder) to keep off, out, or from, to drive, or put away ; to repel, repulse, thrust back ; to oppose, resist ; to save, protect, guard ; to hinder, stop, debar ; to inclose, shut up, confine, im- prison. Ανείρειν, pres. inf. fr. ανά intens. and είρω, which see. Ανείρυσαν, 3 pi. 1 a. act. of ανερύω. ΑνεΊσαν, 3 pi. of Ανκΐσα, 1 a. of άνειμι. Ανεΐσθαί,ρβΓ. inf. pass, of ανίημ Ανεΐχε, 3 sin. imp. act. — Ανεί^εσ- θε, and Att. ηνείχεσθε, 2 pi. imp. mid. of ανέχω. Ανείω, Poet, for ανέω, or ανήω, Ion. or Att. for ανώ, 2 a. sub. of ανίημι. Ανέκαθεν, and Poet. Ανεκάς, (fr. ανά intens. and εκάς afar) early, in the beginning, from above, from afar, from on high. Ανεκάθισε, or -σεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of ανακαθίζω. Ανεκδιήγητος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and εκδιηγέομαι to relate) not to be fully expressed, i?iexpressible. Ανέκειτο, 3 sin. imp. pass, of ανά- κειμαι. Ανέκλαγον, 2 a. act. of ανακλάζω. Ανεκλαλντος, -ov, b, η, (ην a neg, (46) ANE and εκλαλέω to utter) unuttero' ble, inexpressible, unspeakable. Ανέκλειπτος, -ov, and Ανεκλιπης, -έος -ονς, δ, η, (fr. α neg. and εκ- λείπω to fail) constant, unfail- ing, certain. Ανεκλείπτως, (fr. last) without fail. Ανεκλίθην, -ης,-η, 1 a. ind. pass. — Ανίκλινα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -ναν, 1 a. ind. act. of ανακλίνω. Ανεκ6μ"ιζε, 3 sin. imp. of ανακο- μίξω. Ανεκόπη, 3 sin. 2 a. pass, of ανα- κόπτω. Ανέκπληκτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. α neg. and εκπλήσσω to terrify) unter- rified undaunted, fearless, in- trepia. Ανεκιτλήκτως, (fr. last) boldly, in trepidly. Ανέκραγον, 2 a. ind. act. — Ανέκρα- ζον, imp. ind. act. — Ανέκραξα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -ξαν, 2 a. ind. act. of ανακράζω. Ανεκτός, -η, -bv, (fr. ανέχω to en- dure) tolerable, bearable, to be suffered, comp. ανεκτότερος, sup. -ότατος. Ανεκτότερον, (neut. comp. of last) more tolerably. Ανεκτώς, (fr. same) bearably, to- lerably. Ανεκνλίσθης, 2 sin. 1 a. pass, of ανακνλίω. Ανελεημόνως, (fr. next) cruelly, without pity, unmercifully. Ανελεήμων, -όνος, δ, η, (fr. a neg. and ελεήμων merciful) unmerci- ful, merciless, pitiless, a. pi. avt- λεήμονας. Ανελείν Ανέλης' Ανελών Ανελέσ- θαΓ Ανέλωσι' See Αναίρεω. Ανελεύθερο?, -ου, δ, »/, (fr. a neg. and ελεύθερος free) illiberal, sor- did, base ; niggardly, narrow, stingy ; homely, clownish, mean. Ανελήφθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. of αναλαμβάνω. Ανέλκω, or -κύω, (fr. ανά up, and έλκω to draw) to draw upwards, or towards ; to haul up ; to tear, or pluck up, draw out, extract ; to raise, lift up; to draw back, bend. Ανελόντα, a. sin. par. 2 a. act. — Ανε'λοντο, Ion. for ανε'ιλοντο, 3 pi. 2 a. mid. of avat ρέω. Ανελπίζω, f. -ίσω, p. -ικα, (fr. a neg. and ελττίζω to hope, th. ελπϊς hope) not to hope, be without hope, to despair. 1 a. ανήλπισα* sub. ανελπ/σω, -ης, -η. Ανελπιστία, -ας, η, (fr. same) hope- lessness, despondency, despair. Ανέλπιστος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) without hope, desperate ; unhoped for, unexpected, despaired of; surprising, strange, disastrous, unfortunate. Ανελπίστως, (fr. last) past hcpe, unexpectedly. Ανελών, par. 2 a. act. — Ανέλωσι, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of αναιρέω. Ανέμεινε,3 sin. — Ανεμείνατε, 2 pi. 1 a. ind. aet. of αναμένω. Ανεμέσητος,-ον, b,fj, (fr. α neg. and νεμεσάω to envy) not envied t un» ANE unviable; giving no cause of anger, faultless, worthy, good. Ανεμέω -ώ, (fir. ανά again, and εμέω to vomit) to vomit up again, disgorge. Ανεμιαως, Ανεμίδιος, Ανέμιος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. άνεμος wind) windy, airy ; light, trifling, vain, silly. Ανεμιζόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of Ανεμίζω, f. -ίσω, p. ηνέμικα (fr- άνε- μος wind) to toss, shake, agitate, by the wind ; to expose to the weather ; to float in the air. Ανέμιμνε, 3 sin. imp. of αναμίμνω. Ανεμνήσθη, 3 sin. 1 a. pass, of αναμνάω. Ανεμόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. άνεμος the wind) windy, stormy, tempestu- ous; airy, exposed to the air, or winds. Άνεμος, -ου, b,wind; breath; life; mind. g. Ion. ανέμοιο' d. pi. ανέ- μοισι. Ανεμοσκέπης, -εος -ους, δ, ?ι, (fr. άνεμος wind, and σκέπω to cover) protecting from the storm, shel- tering, warm. Ανεμοσφάραγος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same, and σφάραγος a rumbling noise) roaring, rattling, whistling with the wind. Ανεμοτράφης, and Ανεμοτρεφης, -ίος -οΐίς, δ, >'/, (fr. same, and τρέφω to rear) reared, strengthened, or nursed by the wind, hardy. Ανεμότροπος, -ου, h, f/, (fr. same and τρέπω to turn) exposed to the wind, weatherbeaten ; changing with the wind, fickle. Ανεμοφθορία -ας, >}, (fr. same, and φθείρω to spoil) grain, &c. blight• ed by the wind ; blight, blast. Ανεμόφθορος, -ου, h, η, (fr. same) blighted, blasted, tainted. Ανεμόω -u (fr. same) ft expose to the wind ; to air, ventilate ; to fan, winnow ; to blow ; to shake, or fill with the wind. Ανεμπόδιστος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. a neg, and εμποδίζω to hinder) unhin- dered, unrestrained, at liberty, free. Ανεμποδίστως (fr. last) without hin- drance, freely. Ανεμώδης, -εος -ους, δ, '/, (fr. άνεμος wind) windy, airy ; swelling with, or weaving in the wind. Ανεμώκης,-εος -ους, δ, η, (fr. same and ωκΰς swift) swift as the wind, wind-fleet, storm-winged. Ανεμώλιος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same) airy, light, trifling, silly, worth less ; false, ineffectual, vain. Ανεμώνη, -ης, η, (fr. same) Ane- mone, a flower. Ανενδεης, -έος -ov?, δ, fj, (fr. a neg. and ενδεής deficient) deserving, worthy ; capable, sufficient. Ανένδεκτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. α neg. and ενδέχεται it is possible) impossi- ble, not to be allowed, ox permitted. Ανενέγκαι' Ανενέγκας' Ανενεγκείν Ανενεγκών see αναφέρω. Ανενέκας' Ανενείκάτο• Ανενεικάμε- νος• Ανενειχθείς' Ion. and Poet, for ανινέγκας, par. 1 a. act. avt- ANE νέγκατο, 3 sin. 1 a. mid. ' tvty- κάμενος. par. I a. mid. a.id ανε- νεχθεϊς, par. 1 a. pass, of ανα- φέρω. Ανένευσεν, 1 a. act. mid. οϊανανεύω. Ανενηνοχώς, -υ7α, -ός, Alt. for ανη- νοχώς, par. per. mid. of αναφέρω. Ανενόχλητος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. α neg. and ενοχλέω to disturb) undis- turbed ; peaceful, quiet, calm* Ανέντες, η. pi. of ανεϊς, par. 2 a. of ανίημι. Ανεξάλειπτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. α neg. and εξαλείφω to wipe out) not to be effaced, or annulled, indelible. Ανεξέλεγκτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. α neg. and εξελέγχω to convince) not to be convinced, or disproved, indis- putable; untried, not examin- ed, unascertained; unconvicted, blameless. Ανεξερεύνητος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. a neg. and εξερευνάω to search) un- searchable, inscrutable, past find- ing out. Ανεξέταστος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. a neg. and εξετάζω to examine) untried, unheard, not examined. Ανεξετάστως, (fr. last) without trial. Ανεξικακία, -ας, η, (fr. ανέχω to en- dure, and κακός evil) mildness, gentleness ; endurance, forbear- ance ; patience, fortitude. Ανεξίκακος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) pa- tient, forbearing, meek. Ανεξιχνίαστος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. a neg. and εξιχνιάζω to trace, th. ίχνος a track) not to be traced, or dis- covered, intricate, inscrutable. Ανέξοδος, -ου, b, ,',, (fr. a neg. and έξοδος a passage) impervious, im- passable; irremeable, having no return ; confined, not let loose, or at liberty. Ανέξομαι, -y, -εται, 3 pi. -ονται, 1 f. ind. mid. of ανέχω. Ανέονται, Ion. for ανεΐνται, 3 pi. per. mid. of ανίημι. Ανεπαίσθητος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. α neg. and επαισθάνομαι to feel) unfeel- ing, insensible, stupid; unper- ceived, unobserved ; not to be ob- served, imperceptible. Ανεπαίσχυντος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. a neg and επαισχύνομαι to blush) un- blushing, shameless ; that has no cause to blush, innocent, blame- less. Ανεπάλμενος, Poet, for ανεφαλλόμε- νος, par. pres. pass. — Ανέπαλ- το, by Sync, and Dor. for ανεφή- λατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of Ανεφάλλομαι. Ανεπανόρθωτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and επανορθόω to correct) past mending, incorrigible, de- praved ; to ivhich nothing can be added, perfect, complete. Ανέπαυσαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of αναπαύω. Ανεπαχθως, (fr. a neg. and επαχ- θής grievous) easily, agreeably freely, without grudge, or envy. Ανέ-εισα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. act. of ava- πείθω. Ανέπεμψα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. act. of ava< πέμπω. (47) ANE Ανεπεσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. and Ανίπεσ^ -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act, of αναπ'ιπτω. Ανεπήδησα,-ας, -ε, 1 a. act. of ανα- πηδάω. Ανεπηρέαστον (neut. of next) safe- ly, securely, without railing, or abuse. Ανεπηρέαστος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. α neg. and επηρεάζω to injure) irre- proachable, harmless ; safe, se- cure from affroni. Ανεπιβουλευτος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same, and επιβουλεύω to plot) not to be surprised, secure, safe; candid, ingenuous. Ανεπίγράφος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and επιγραφή a title, th. γράφω to write) untitled, without inscrip- tion, nameless, obscure. Ανεπικαλύπτως, (fr. same, and επι- καλύπτω to cover) without con- cealment, openly, avowedhj, pub- licly. Ανε-ικωλύτως, (fr. same, επί in- tens. and κωλύω to hinder) with- out hindrance, freely. Ανεπίληπτος, -ov, b, »/, (fr. same, and επιλαμβάνω to check) un- blameable, blameless, irreprehen- sible, irreproachable. Ανεπίμικτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, επϊ in, and μίγνυμι to mix) se- cluded, retired, lonely, solitary; unsocial, implacable. Ανεπνόητος,-ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and επινοέω to consider) inconsider- ate, thoughtless, rash, hasty. Ανεπίξεστος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, επι on, and ξέω to polish) unpo- lished, rough, unfinished. Ανεπίρμεκτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, επι on, and ρέζω to do sacrifice) unfinished, imperfect; not offer- ed, or sacrificed ; not duly so- lemnized ; not purified, or cleans- ed. Ανεπιστήμων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. same, and επιστήμων knowing) igno- rant, unskilful; illiterate; awk- ward. Ανεπιστρέφω, f. -ψω, p. -φα, (fr. same, and επιστρέφω to turn to) to turn away, or from, avert. Ανεπιστρόφως (fr. last) aversely, heedlessly, without regard, or respect, without return. Ανεπιτήδεος, Ion. for α^επιτήδειος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. a neg. and επιτήδειος fit) unfit, improper, unsuitable. Ανεπίφθονος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and επίφθονος envious) devoid of envy, candid, generous; unen- viable. Ανεπίφραστος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same, and επιφράζομαι to consider) un- expected, unthought of, unfore- seen. Ανεπλήρωσαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of αναπληρόω. Ανεπτάμαν, Dor. for ανεπτάμην, 2 a. mid. of Α νίπτάμαι. Ανεπτόημαι, per. pass, of αναπτοέο- μαι. Ανεπτοίητο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of αναπτοιέομαι, Poet, for αναπτοίο- μαι. lAv£7rw, (fr. avil intens. and into to ANE say) to proclaim, publish, com- mand, either as an injunction, or prohibition ; to prohibit, for- bid. 1 a. avziira. 2 a. ανέΐπον. 3 sin. ανείπε. Poet, ανείπαπε. Ανέρ', for ανέρα, by Sync, άνδρα, a. sin. of ανήρ. Ανέραστος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. a neg. and εράω to love) unamiable, dis- agreeable, unpleasing, offensive, hateful, odious ; unkind, un- friendly ; not inclined to love. Ανερεθίζω, (fr. ανά intens. and ερε- θίζω or ερέθω to provoke) to pro- voke, stir, irritate. Ανερείπω, and Ανερείπτω, (fr. same, and ερείπω to ruin) to lay waste, ruin, despoil; to steal, gather; to tear, rend, pull in pieces ; to destroy. Ανερειψάμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. of last. Ανέρεςψ Ion. for άνδρες, η. pi. of ανήρ. Ανερμάτιστος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and ερματίζω to steady, th. έρμα ballast) unsteady, unfirm, loose, limber, pliant. Ανερπύω, (fr. ανά up, and ερπύω or ερπύξω to creep) to creep up, crawl back. Ανερράγην, 2 a. pass, of αναρρή- γνυμι. Ανερραμενος, par. per. pass, of avap- ράπτω. Ανέρρωγα -ας, -ε, Att. for ανέρρηγα, per. mid. of αναρίήγνυμι. Αντρύω, f. -νσω, (fr. ανά up, and ερύω to draw) to haul up, draw ashore; to tuck, or tie up; to steal; to withdraw, remove. ind. act. ανείρνσα. Ανέρχομαι, f. ανελενσομαι, p. -ήλν- θα, (fr. ανά up, and έρχομαι to go) to go up ; to return, come back ; to enter, go in ; to succeed, follow ; to go over, repeat. 2 a. ind. act. ανήλθον. Ανερωτάω, Ion. ανερωτέω -ω, fr. ανά intens. and ερωτάω, which see Άνες, 2 a. impr. act. of ανίημι. Ανέσαιμι, 1 a. 0,»t. of Ανεςω. Άνεσαν, 3 pi. of ανην, 2 a. act. of ανίημι. Αν έσεισαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of ανασείω. Άνεσις, - ος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. ανίη- μι to remit) remission, loosening, looseness, relaxation ; indulgence, recreation, refreshment, ease, rest ; remissness, negligence ; a release, dismissal. Ανεσπάσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. act. of ανασπάω. Ανεσσυτο, for ανασέσύτο, pper. pass, of ανασεύω, or -σύω. Ανέστα, Dor. for ανέστη, 3 sin. 2 a. act. — Ανέσταν, iEol.' Sync. for ανέστησαν, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. act. — Ανεστέασι, Ion. for ανεστήκα- σι, 3 pi. per. ind. act. — Ανεσ- τεώς, Ion. for ανεστηκώς, par. per. act. of ανίστημι. Ανέστην, -ης, -η, 3 pi. -ήσαν, 2 a. ind. act. — Ανέστησα, -ας, -ε, or -εν before a vowel, 1 a. ind. act. of same. ANE Ανέστιος, -ov, b, //, (fr. a neg. and εστία a hearth) without a home, a wanderer ; one who shuns home, solitary. Ανεστράφην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. pass, of αναστρέφω. Ανέσχετο, 3 sin. of Ανεσχόμην, 2 a. mid. of ανεχω. Ανετάξω, (of ανά intens. a.nd ετάζω to examine) to inquire, Search out ; to question, examine, extort by torture. Ανέτειλα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of ανατέλλω. Ανετιθέμην,-σο, -ετο, imp. pass, of ανατίθημι. Άνετος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. ανίημι to loose) loosened; loose, lax, re- miss, negligent. Ανετράπην, -ης, -η, 2 a. pass. — Ανετρέφθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of ανατρέπω. Άνευ, without. 'Araj0£v,/aro/T,/ar from. Ανενάζω, (fr. ανά intens. and ευάζω to shout) to shout like bacchanals, rave, celebrate orgies. Ανενθετος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and ένθετος well arranged) ill adapt- ed, unfit, inconvenient, unsuit- able. Ανεύθυνος, -ου, b, >% (fr. same, and ευθύς straight) uneven, rough, not level ; not accountable, or responsible. Ανευθύνως, (fr. last) not subject to rule, or control, unaccountable, with impunity. ΑνευρεΊν, inf. of ανενρον, 2 a. of ανευρίσκω. Ανεύρετος, -ov, b, 17, (fr. a neg. and ευρέω obs. or ευρίσκω to find) not found, undiscoverable. Ανευρίσκω, f. -ενρήσω, p. -ενρηκα, (fr. a or ανά intens. and ευρίσκω to find) to discover by diligence, invent ; to seek, find out ; to find, meet with. Ανενρον, -ες, -ε, ind. — ΑνευρεΊν, inf. Ανενρόντες, η. pi. par. 2 a. act. oflast. Ανευφημέω, (fr. ανά intens. and ευ- φημέω to praise) to celebrate, ex- tol, praise highly ; to lament or bewail avoiding unlucky words. Ανέφαινον, -ες, -ε, imp. act. — Ανε- φαινόμην,-ον, -ετο, imp. pass. — Ανέφηνα, 1 a. act. — Ανεφηνά- μην, 1 a. mid. of αναφαίνω. Ανεφάλλομαι, f. -αλοΰμαι, (fr. ανά Ανήγαγον, 2 a. ind. impr, ανάγαγε' ANH of ανέχω. Or, for ανενεχθείς, ft. αναφέρω. Ανεχοίμαν, Dor. for ανεχοίμηψ, pres. opt. mid. — Ανέχοιτ, for ανέχοιτο, 3 sin. pres. opt. mid. of ανεχω. Ανέχω, f. ανέξω, p. ανέσχηκα, (fr. ανά up, and έχω to hold) to hold tip, lift, raise, exalt ; to esteem ; to hold on, persist ; to hinder, check, stop ; to cease, rest, re- lax ; to rise up, emerge ; to up- hold, support, maintain ; to prop, bear up ; to bear, suffer ; to at- tract, draw to, induce, par. pres. act. ανέχων. 2 a. act. ανέσχον par. ανασχών. pres. pass. ind. ανέχομαι' opt. ανέχοιμι, -οιο, -oiro. imp. pass, ανειχόμην, and ηνειχόμην. f. mid. ανέξομαι' 2 a. mid. ανεσχόμην. Att. ηνεσχόμην. Ανεχώρησα, -ας, -ε, or -εν before a vowel, 1 a. act. of αναχωρέω. Ανεψιά, -ας, ή, (fern, of next) α niece, cousin. Ανεύιώς, -ov, b, properly a nephew. Also α cousin in any way. Ανέψνχθεν, for αναψνχθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. pass, of αναψύχω. Άνεω, (η. pi. of άνεως) silently, mutely, without speech or noise. Ανέωγα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. — Ανεωγως, -via, -ός, a. sin. -γύτα, par. per. mid — Ανεωγμένος, par. per. pass. — Ανε'ω^ί, -ας, -ε, or ήνοιξα, I a. ind. act. of ανοίγω. Ανέωνται, for ανεΐνται, 3 pi. per. ind. pass, or for ανωνται, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. mid. οι ανίημι. Άνεως -ω, b, ή, (Att. for άναυος or άναυδος, fr. α neg. and αύω to cry) silent, mute, dumb. Ανέωχα, per. act. Att. — Ανέωγ- μαι, per. pass. — Ανεωχθην, -ης, -η, 3 pi. -ήσαν, 1 a. ind. pass.— . Ανεωχθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass. — Ανέωχθεν, Sync, for ανεωχθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of ανοίγω. Άνη, -ης, η, (fr. άνω or ανύω to finish) perfection, perfeclness, completeness ; the perfecting, completion, finishing, conclusion. Ανηβάω -ω, f. -ή τω, (fr. ανά again, and ηβη youth) to grow young again; to grow up, arrive at puberty, pres. inf. act. ανηβαν. Άνηβος, -ου, b, η, (fr. ανά intens. and 'ήβη youth) very young ; a boy, stripling, lad. upwards, επί upon, and αλλομαι to leap) to spnng back, to leap up, rear.pa.i-. pres. mid. ανεφαλλόμε- νος. Poet, ανεπάλμενος. 1 a. ind. mid. ανεφηλάμην, by Sync, and Dor. ανεπάλμην, -άλω, -αλτο. Ανεφερόμην, -ov, -ετο, imp. ind. pass, of αναφέρω. Ανεφώνησα,-ας,-ε, 1 a. act. of ava- ωνέω. Ανεχαζόμην, -ου, -ετο, imp. mid. of αναχάζω. Ανέχεσθε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. mid. — Ανεχόμεθα, 1 pi. pres. ind. mid. — Ανεχόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. of ανέχω. Ανεχθεί?, -εΊσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass. f. αναγαγεΊν. Att. for ανηγον' ανάγε' &c. of ανάγω. Ανήγγειλα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. act. 3 pi. ανήγγειλαν. — Ανήγγελον, 2 a. act. — Ανηγγέλην, -ης, -η, pass, of αναγγέλλω. Ανηγέομαι, (fr. ανά intens. and ηγέομαι to lead) to tell, relate, re- count, recite, pres. inf. mid. ανη- γείσθαι. Ανηδώς, (fr. α neg. and ηδύς sweet) disagreeably, harshly. Ανήεσαν, Att. for ανήεισαν, 3 pi. pper. mid. of άνειμι. Ανήη, Poet, for avrj, 2 a. sub. act. of ανίημι. Or, Att. for avfjet, 3 sin. pper. of άνειμι, to return» ANH Άνηθυν, -ov, rd, the herb Mise, or am. Ανήϊζα, 1 a. ind. act. of αναΐσσω. Ανήίον, Ion. for άνιον, 2 a. οϊάνιιμι. Ανηκάμην, 1 a. ind. mid. — Ανηκε, 3 sin. 1 a. act. of ανίημι. Ανήκει, (impers. fr. ανήκω to be- fit) it appertains, it is fit, it be- comes, it is convenient, right, just. Ανηκεν, 3 sin. before a vowel, imp. of last. Ανήκεστος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and ακέο/νιι to cure) incurable, past remedy, irremediable ; incon- solable. Ανηκέστως, (fr. last) incurably. Ανήκον, neut. sin. — Ανήκοντα, neut. pi. of ανήκων. Ανηκόντιζε, imp. ind. act. of ava- κοντίζω. Ανήκοος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and ακούω to hear) inattentive, negli- gent ; disobedient ; silent, speech- less ; ignorant, simple, unlearn- ed^ inexperienced; unheard of, unknown, of no celebrity. Ανηκουστέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. next) not to attend ; to neglect, slight, disregard, disobey. Ανήκουστος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and ακονω to hear) not heard, attended to, or regarded ; slight- ed, neglected, disobeyed ; unheard of, strange ; not to be heard, in- audible, indistinct. Ανήκω^ f. -ζω, p. -ηχα, (fr. ανά up, and ηκω to come) to co?ne to f mount, arrive at ; to advance, proceed, improve ; to reach, at- tain, extend to ; to meet ; to ft, agree, suit; to become, beflt; to appertain, belong, relate to, con- cern; to avail, signify. Ανήκων, -ονσα, -ov, (par. pres. act. of last) ascending, mounting ; raised, elevated, lofty ; reaching, pertaining, or belonging to ; ft, becoming, right. ΑνήΧάτο, 3 sin. 1 a. mid. of ανάΧ- Χομαι. ΑνήΧάτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and εΧαννω to drive) unmoved, calm, still ; stiff, inflexible, unyielding ; obstinate, stubborn ; unbroken, not trained, wild. ΑνηΧθον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of ανέρχομαι. ΑνήΧιος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. a neg. and ηΧιος the sun) sunless, dark, gloomy. ΑνηΧώθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. pass. — Ανάλωσα, 1 a. act. — ΑνήΧωκα, per. act. of αναλίσκω. ΑνήμέΧκτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and αμέΧγω to milk) not milked, which yields no milk. Ανημεν, for ανέμεν, 1 pi. 2 a. act. or Sync, for ανήκαμεν, 1 pi. 1 a. οι ανίημι. Ανημεν, 1 pi. imp. of άνειμι, fr. ειμί, to be. Ανήμερος, -ov, b, η, (fr. α neg. and ήμερος gentle) wild, fierce, savage; cruel, pitiless. Ανην, -ης, -η, 2 a. act. of ανίημι. Ανήνασθαι, inf. of Ανηνάμην. 1 a. mid. of αναίνομαι. AN Θ Ανήνεγκα, -ας, -ε, or -εν before a vowel, and Ion. ανίνεικα, 1 a. act. — Ανηνείχθησαν, Ion. for ανηνέγχθησαν, 3 pi. of Ανηνέγχ- θην, 1 a. ind. pass, of αναφέρω. Ανήνημαι, -σαι, -ται, per. pass, of αναίνομαι. Ανήνοθα, -ας, -ε, by Epenth. and Att. redupl. for ηνθα, per. mid. of ανθέω. Ανήννστος, or Ανήνυτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and αννω to finish) unfinished, imperfect ; not :o be finished ; unceasing, intermina- ble ; insurmountable, impracti- cable. Ανήνωρ, -ορός, b, η, (fr. a neg. and ανηρ a man) unmanly; slothful, lazy, inactive; dull, heavy, stupid. Ανηπται, 3 sin. per. pass. ofava7r- τομαι. Ανήρ, ανδρός, Sync, for άνερος, b, a man, husband. Ανηρεθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of αναι ρέω. Ανηρείψαντο, 3 pi. 1 a. mid. of ανε- ρείπω. Ανηρηκώς, -ina, -6ς, Att. αναραιρη- κώς, Ion. αναρμαιρηκώς, par. per. act. of αναιρεω. Ανηριθμησάμην, 1 a. mid. of ava- ριθμέω. Ανήροτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and αρόω to plough) untilled, uncul- tivated, neglected ; unmarried. Ανήρπασα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. act. of avap- πάζω. Ανηρώτενν, Ion. and Dor. for ανε- ρώτονν, 3 pi. cont. imp. of ανερω- τέω. Ανης, 2 sin. 2 a. sub. act. — Ανή- σω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of ανίημι. Ανήφθνν, -ης, - η , 1 a. pass, of ανάπτω. Ανήχθην, -ης, -η, \ ρΐ. -θημεν, 3 ρΐ. -θησαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of ανάγω. Ανήω, Att. for ανείω, Poet, for ανέω, Ion. for ανώ, 2 a. sub. act. of ανίημι. Ανθ\ before an aspirate for αντί, which see. Ανθαιρεω -ω, (fr. αντί for, arid αιρέω to take) to take in preference, pre- fer, choose, elect ; to gain, get. Ανθάτττομαι, (fr. αντί against, and απτω to touch) to touch, attack, or lay hands upon in turn, or after another ; to cling, em- brace, or supplicate in turn; to move, affect, afflict; to touch, reach, come to ; to take in hand, undertake. Άνθεα, pi. of άνθος. Ανθεί, 3 sin. cont. pres. of ανθέω. 'Ανθεια, -ας, ή, Antheia, the name of several cities ; an epithet of Venus and Juno. ΑνθείΧοντο, 3 pi. of ανθειΧδμην, 2 a, mid. οι ανθαιρεω. Ανθείς, and Ανθινος, -n, -bv, (fr. άν&ος a flower) in blow, bloom- ing, flourishing, vigorous ; flow- ery, adorned with flowers. Ανθέμενος, Poet, for αναθεμένος, par. 2 a. mid. of ανατίθημι. (49 ΑΝΘ Ανθέμιον,-ον,τό, (fr. dV0osaflower) the herb gith, or nigella; an or- nament, Ανθεμις, -Ίοος, η, (fr. same) a flout- er ; the herb chamomile. Ανθεμόεις, -εσσα, -εν, and Άνθεμος % -ov, b, η, (fr. same) flowery ', blooming, bright, luxuriant. Άνθεμον, -ov, το, (fr. same) α flower. Ανθέζομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. mid. — Ανθέξωμαι, 1 a. sub. mid. of αν- τέχομαι. Ανθερεών, -ωνος, b, (fr. ανθέω to blossom) the chin ; the part be neath tlie lower jaws in beasts ; the throat. Ανθέρίκος, -ov, b, the star-flower, or asphodel. Ανθέριξ, -ικος, b, same as αθήρ. Άνθεσαν, Poet, for ανέθεσαν, 3 pi. 2 a. act. of ανατίθημι. Άνθεσι, d. pi. of άνθος. Ανθέστηκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — Ανθεστη κότες, η. pi. of Ανθεστη- κώς, -via, -ός, par. per. act. of ανθίστημι. 'Ανθετο, for ανέθετο, 3 sin. 2 a. mid. of ανατίθημι. Ανθευσαν, Dor. for ανθονσαν, a. sin. feirK cont. par. pres. act. — Ανθενσι, Dor. for ανθονσι, cont. fr. ανθέονσι, d. pi. par. pres. or 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Ανθέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. άνθος a flower) to blossom, bloom, bear flowers ; to flourish, proper ; to shine, dazzle, glitter; to ooze, trickle, per. ind. mid. ηνθα• for which also ήνοθα, and Att. ανή- νοθα. Άνθη, or Άντη, -ης, η , the name of a city. Ανθηδών, -όνος, ?% (fr. άνθος a flower, and έδω to eat) a bee ; or rather an epithet of the bee, from living on flowers. Ανθηρός, -ά, -bv, (fr. same) flow- ery, fresh, blooming ; gay, lively. Ανθίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. same) to bud, blossom, put forth flowers ; to strew, garnish, adorn with flow- ers ; to colour, tinge, dye. Ανθίζω, or Ανθίζομαι, (fr. άντι against, and ΐζω to seat) to sit down against, encamp opposite, Ανθινος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) flow- ery, adorned withflowers. Ανθιστάμην, -ασο, or -ω, -ατο, imp. mid. — Ανθιστάμενος, par. pres. mid. — Ανθίστανται, 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. of Ανθίστημι, f. αντιστήσω, p. ανθέ- στηκα, (fr. αντϊ against, and "στη μι to stand) to stand against, resist, oppose. 1 a. αντέστησα' 2 a. αντέστην imp. pass, ανθιστά- μην, -ασο, -ατο. Ανθοδόκος, -ov, b, (fr. άνθος a flow- er, and δέχομαι to contain) a flower-pot, flower- basket. ΑνθοΧογέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and Χέγω to gather) to gather flowers; to select beauties; tc cull, choose. ΑνθομοΧογέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. αντί to ΑΝΘ return, and ϊ>μο'\ογέω to confess) to confess in turn, assent or agree mutually, covenant, or stipulate on both sides ; io sing praises, or thanksgivings responsively . Ανθορε, Poet, for ανέθορε, 3 sin. 2 a. of αναθορέω. Άνθος, -εος -ονς, το, a flower, blos- som ; fresh growth ; the budding or shooting of trees ; luxuriance, bloom, flower, pride, excellence ; a garland; a spark ; a fit, pa- roxysm. Ανθ' οτον, for which ? for what ? why ? wherefore ? Ανθρακενς, -εος, Att. -έως,' b, (fr. άνθραξ a coal) a collier, coal- man. Ανθρακία, -ας, ή, (fr. same) a heap of burning coals, afire. 'Ανθραξ, -άκος, b, a burning, or live coal ; a carbuncle. Άνθραξις, -ως, Att. -εως, η~, (fr. last) a coal ; afire, conflagration; a burn. Ανθρήνη, -ης, η, a wasp, hornet. Άνθρωπ, for άνθρωπε, V. of άν- θρωπος. Ανθρωπάρεσκος, -ov, b, <$, (fr. άνθρω- πος a man, and αρέσκω to please) one who courts popularity, a man- pleaser ; ambitious, intriguing; afiatterer t parasite. Δ,νθρωπεη, cont. ανθρωπη, -ης, η, (fr. same) the human skin. Ανθρώπειος, and Ion. Ανθρωπήϊος, -ov, 5,- ή, Ανθρώπινος, Ανθρωπι- νός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) human, belonging to man. Ανθρωπείως, Ανθρωπίνως, and Av- θρωπικως, (fr. same) like a man, according to human nature ; man- fully ; courteously, kindly. Ανθρωπιά, -ας, η, (fr. same) hu- manity, human nature; benevo- lence, kindness. Ανθρωπίζω, (fr. same) to behave or act like a man, be like a human creature; Ανθρωπίξομαι, to be- come man, be made human, par 1 a. pass, ανθρωπισθείς. Ανθρωπίον, -ov, το, (dim. fr. Suffle) a little man, dwarf, pigmy; a fellow, varlet, knave. Ανθρωπόγλωττος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and γλωοσα the tongue) speaking with, or imitating the human voice. An epithet of a parrot. Ανθρωποειδής, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. same, and εΊδος shape) of hu- man form, in the shape of man, Ανθρωποθνσία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and θύω to sacrifice) a human sacrifice. Ανθρωποκτόνος, -ov, b, (fr. same, and κτείνω to kill) a manslayer, murderer. Ανθρωπολόγος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same, and λόγος a discourse) treating of human nature, speaking of man. Ανθρωπος, -ov, b, j% (fr. άνω up, τρέ- πω to turn, and ώψ the counte- nance) man, mankind, the hu- man species; human nature; a man, person, husband, master. Ανθρωποφάγος, -ov, δ, ^, (fr. last, AN1 and φάγω to eat) a man-eater, cannibal. Ανθρωποφνής, -ίος -ους, b, f], (fr. same, and φύω to be) of human nature, born like men. Ανθνπαντάω -ω, f. -r' /σω, (fr. αντί against, and νπαντάω to meet) to go to meet ; to encounter, run together, Ανθνπατεία, •ας, η, (fr. ανθύπατος a proconsul) the office of procon- sul, a proconsulate, or procon- sulship. Ανθνπατεύοντος, g. sin. par. pres. act. of Ανθυπατενω, f. -εύσω, p. ηνθνπά- τενκα, (fr. next) tt> be a procon- sul ; to enjoy, or discharge the office of proconsul. Ανθύπατος, -ου, b, (ΐϊ.αντί for, and ύπατος a consul) a proconsul ; Roman magistrate next to the consuls; a lieutenant, governor, Ανθνπονργέω -ω, (fr. same, νπο un- der, and έργον work) to work under, or along ivith, assist, co- operate ; to give work in return Ανθνφαιρέω -ω, (fr. αντί in turn, and υφαιρέω to withdraw) to subtract take away, lessen proportionally, Ανθωμολογείτο, 3 sin. cont. imp, mid. of ανθομολογέω. Ανθ' ων, for which, wherefore. Ανία, -ας, and Ion. Ανίη, -ης, ff, grief, sorrow, wo, mourning; sadness, heaviness, pensiveness ; vexation, trouble. Avia, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of ανιάω. Ανιάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. ανία grief) to cause sorrow, grieve, trouble, sad- den ; to fret, repine, repent. Ανιαρός, or Ανιηρος, -a, -bv, (fr. same) mournful, sad, sorrowful, melancholy, painful, distressing, afflictive ; troublesome, vexatious. comp. ανιαρότερος, sup. -ότατος' and ανιηρέστερος, -έστατος. Ανιάσθην, 1 a. sub. pass, of ανιάζω. Ανιάσι, Att. for ανίεισι, 3 pi. pres. ind. οι ανιημι. — Ανίασι, for ανεϊ- σι, 3 pi. pres. of άνειμι, to go up. Ανίατος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and ιάομαι to heal) incurable; re- mediless, desperate. Ανιάτρεντος, -ov, b, i,.(fr. a neg. and ιατρεύω to cure) uncured, not healed ; incurable. Ανιάτως, (fr. ανίατος incurable) in- curably. Ανίάχος, -ov, b, η", (fr. a intens. and ιάχω to resound) noisy ; vo- ciferous, loud, clamorous; rat- tling, crashing, pealing. Ανιάω -ω, f. -άσω, p. ηνίακα, (fr. ανία grief) see ανιάζω. pres. opt. pass, ανιαοίμην -φμην, αοίο -ωο, αοίτο -ωτο. Ανιδρωτΐ, (fr. α neg. and "δρως sweat) without labour, toil, or trouble, easily. Ανίδρωτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) without trouble, easy ; without sweat, or exercise. ΑνιεΊ, pres. impr. act. cont. or 3 sin. cont. imp. ind. act. — Ανιεΐν, pres. inf. act. cont. — Ανίεις, 2 (50) ANI sin. cont. imp. ind. act. οΐανίημι as if fr. ανιέω. Ανίειν, ΐοτανίην, imp. act. — Avtctj, -εΐσα, -εν, par. pres. act. — Avtt- μενος, par. pres. mid. — Ανιείην^ -IS, -η, pres. opt. act. — Avit- vai, pres. inf. act. οΐανίημι. Ανίερος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. next) unholy, profane. Ανιερόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, (fr. ανά intens. and Ίερος holy) to do holy ceremonies, sacrifice ; to con- secrate, devote. Ανίεσκον, -ες, -ε, imp. of ανιέσκω, Poet, for ανίη μι. Ανιευνται, Dor, and Ion. for ανιουν- ται, 3 pi. pres. pass, of ανιέω 7 for ανιημι. Άνιζον, -ου, το, the herb anise. Ανιηθεις, 1 a. par. pass, of ανιΊω. Ανιημι, f. -ήσω, p. -εικα, (fr. ανά up, and 'ίημι to send) to send back; to' cast, fling, throw up- wards; to emit, discharge; to loosen, unloose, open, strip; to liberate, release, let go ; to slack- en, relax, intermit, moderate, lessen ; to remit, for give, forbear ; to dismiss, leave, let alone; to desert, forsake ; to let slip, omit, neglect; to urge, incite, impel, 1 a. act, άνηκα. 2 a. act. ind. ανήν sub. ανώ' par. pres. act. ανιείς• 2 a. ανείς' par. pres. pass, ανιέμενος• 1 a. ind. pass. ανέθην, and ανείθην par. ανεβείς. Ανίην, a. sin. οι ανίη, Ion. for ανία. Also imp. οΐανίημι. Ανιηρέστερος, -έστατος, and Ανιηρό- τερος, -ότατος, comp. and sup. of ανιηρος, for ανιαρός. Ανιήσεαι, iEol. for ανιήση, 2 sin. 1 f. mid. — Ανιήσεια, -ας, -ε, JEo\. for ανιήσαιμι, 1 a. opt. — — Ανιήσω,-ης,-η, 1 a. sub. of ανιάω. Ανίησι, 3 sin. οι αν ίημι. ' Ανίκα, Dor. for ηνίκα. Ανίκητος, and Dor. Ανίκατος, -ου, b, η, (ft. a neg. and νικάω to con- quer) invincible ; unconquered. Ανίλεως, -ω, b, η, (fr. a neg. and Ίλεως merciful) pitiless, merciless, inhuman, cruel. Ανιμάω -ω, (fr. ανά up, and \μάω to draw, th. "μας a thong) to haul up, weigh; to draw up, or out of; to exhaust, empty. Άνίον, Dor. for ηνίον. Ανιόντα, -ουσαν, -bv, a. sin. 2 a. par. of άνειμι, to go up. Άνίοχος, Dor. for ηνίοχος. Άνιππος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and 'ίππος a horse) without a horse; an infantry soldier. Ανίπταμαι, f. -ήσομαι, (fr. ανά Up, and 'ίπταμαι to fly) to fly up, off, or away ; to soar. 2 a. ind. mid. ανεπτάμην, Dor. ανεπτάμαν. 2 a. ind. act. ανέπτην' inf. αναπτη- ναι, fr. ανίπτημι. Ανιπτόπονς, -οδός, b, f/, (fr. next, and πους the foot) with unwash- ed, dirty, or unclean feet. Ανίπτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and νίπτω to wash) unwashed, foul ; unclean, not purified, d. pi. Ion. ανίπτοισι. ANO Ανιστάμενος, par. pres. mid. — Ανίστασθαι, pres. inf. mid. — Ανίσταται, 3 sin. pres. inf. mid. of Ανίστημι, f. αναστήσω, p. ανέστηκα, (fr. ανά up, and 'ίστημι to place) to stand, rise, rise up again; to arise, appear ; to rise up against, oppose, resist ; to set out, depart ; to raise, erect, exalt ; to take up, remove; to rouse, set in motion, cause to depart, banish ; to sub• vert, overthrow. 1 a. act. ανέστη- σα• 2 a. act. ind. ανίστην' impr. ανάστα, and ανάστηθι' sub. ava- στω' inf. αναστηναι' par. ava- στάς. 1 f. mid. αναστήσομαι. Ανιστορέω -ω, (fr. ανά again, and Ιστορέω to examine) to inquire, ask. Ανίστω, Att. for ανίστασο, pres. impr. pass, of ανίστημι. Άνισχνς, -νος, b, η, (fr. a neg. and ισχύς strength) weak, feeble, nerveless. Ανίσχω, (fr. ανά in tens, and ίσχω for έχω to hold) to uphold, sup- port, raise, lift ; to hold up, arise; to contain, restrain, re- frain, behave, par. pres. ανίσχων' pres. impr. mid. ανίσχον, Ion. ανίσχω. Ανιχνεύω, (fr. ανά along, and ίχνος a track) to trace, search after, pursue ; to investigate, examine. Ανιώμεθα, 1 pi. cont. pres. ind. mid. — Ανιαοίμην -ωμην, -άοιο -ωο, -άοιτο -ωτο, pres. opt. pass of ανιάω^ Ανιών, -ούσα, -dv, par 2 a. of άνει- μι, tO gO Up. Ανιών, g. pi. of ανία. Άννα, Anna, Eng. Anne, a wo- man's name. Άννας, Annas, a man's name. Άννειν, Poet, for άνειν, pres. inf. of άνω, for ανύω. Αννέφαλος, Poet, for ανέφελος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and νεφέλη a cloud) cloudless, bright, clear, serene. Αννούβις, -ιος, b, Annubis, an Egyptian idol. Άνοδος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. ανά up, and bδ^ς a road) having a road, or path upwards, steep. Or (fr. a neg. and same) pathless, with- out a road, impassable. • Ανοδύρομαι,ΐτ. ανά intens. andoou- ρομαι, which see. Ανοήμων^ -όνος, b, ή, (fr. a neg. and νοήμων sensible) of weak in- tellects, simple, silly, foolish. Ανοησία, -ας, η~, (fr. a neg. and νοέω to understand) foolishness. Ανόητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) unin- telligible ; unintelligent, dull, un- apprehensive ; senseless ; incon- siderate, thoughtless, foolish. Άνοια, -ας, %, (fr. same) madness ; folly, want of understanding. Άνοιγμα, -άτος, το, (fr. next) an opening, unclosing, unlocking; disclosure; a passage, entrance, door. Ανοίγω, Ανοιγνύω, and Ανοίγνϋμι, £ ανοίξω, p. ανέωχα, Att. for ANO to open) to open, throw open; to unclose, unlock, unbar, admit; to disclose, unfold. 1 a. ανέωξα, and ήνοιξα' inf. ανοΧξαι. per. pass. >γμαι and ηνεωγμαι. pass, ηνεώχθην, and ανεώχθην, 3 pi. ανεώχθησαν. 2f. pass, avoi- γήσομαι. p. mid. ανέωγα' par. ανεωγώς. Ανοιδέω, same as οιδέω, ανοιδησάν, η. sin. neut. 1 a. par. act. Ανοίης, g. sin. of ανοίη, Ion. for avoia. Ανοικισμος, -οϋ, b, (fr. ανά again, and οικίζω to inhabit) a return, restoration, replacing. Ανοικοδομέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ανωκο- δόμηκα, (fr. ανά again, οίκος a house, and δέμω to build) to re- build, repair, build up again ; to restore, reinstate. Ανοικοδομήσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of last. Άνοικος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and οίκος a house) houseless, an exile, wanderer. Ανοικτός, -η, -bv, (fr. ανοίγω to open) open, unclosed, wide ex- panded ; that may be opened. Ανοικτός, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and οίκτος pity) pitiless, merciless, ruthless, unmerciful, cruel, Ανοίκτως, (fr. last) unmercifully, without pity ; unpiticd, Ανοιμώζω, f. -fa;, fr. ανά intens. and ιμώζω, which see Ανοίξαι, 1 a. inf. — Ανοίξας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. of ανοίγω. Άνοιξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, fj, (fr. ανοίγω to open) an opening, un- closing, unlocking ; a chasm, passage, entrance, door. Ανοίσω, 1 f. act. of αναφέρω. Άνοιτο, 3 sin, pres. opt. οΐάνομαι, pass, of άνω, or ανύω. Ανοιχθώσι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. pass, of ανοίγω. Ανολβία, -ας, ff, Ion. ανολβίη, (fr. next) want, poverty ; wretched- ness, misery. Άνολβος,-ον, b, η, (fr. α neg. and όλβος wealth) destitute, needy; forlorn, forsaken ; unhappy, mi- serable. Ανόλεθρος, and Ανώλεθρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. α neg. and όλεθρος harm) safe, secure, free from danger. Ανολολύζω, fr. ανά intens. and ολο- λύζω, which see. Ανολοφύρομαι,ίτ. same, and ολοφύ- ρομαι, which see. Άνομαι, pass, or mid. of άνω, for ανύω. Ανομβρέω -ω, (fr. same, and 6μ- βρος rain) to pour down rain, or like rain, deluge, overflow. Άνομβρος,-ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and όμβρος rain) without rain, dry, wanting rain. Ανομέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. άνομος lawless) to act unjustly, abuse, injure, defile. Ανόμημα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) a wrong, injury ; crime, trans- gression. Ανομία, -ας, η, (fr. same) illegality, ανωχα, (fr. ανά intens. and οίγω] iniquity, transgression; impiety, (51) ANO ein ; violence, rapine; perver- sion, or confusion of principles. Ανάμματος, -ου, b, f/, (fr. α neg. and όμμα an eye) wanting eyes, in- capable of seeing. Ανόμοιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and όμοιος like) unlike, dissimilar; different. Ανομοιότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) un- likeness, difference. Άνομος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and νόμος law) illegal, unlawful; law- less, sinful, iniquitous, wicked; violent, injurious, not having, knowing , or acknowledging α Ιαιυ; an unbeliever, apostate, infidel. Ανομόω -ώ, (fr. last) same as ανο- μέω. Ανόμως, (fr. same) without law; unlawfully, wickedly, violently. Ανόνητος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. a neg. and όνημι to delight) useless, unpro- fitable, unavailing; unpleasant, disagreeable, offensive, hurtful. Ανοος -ονς,-όου -ov, (fr. a neg. and νόος sense) senseless, foolish, stu- jnd ; perverse ; mad, distracted. Ανόπαια,-ας, η, a kind of eagle; or a swallow. Ανοπαΐα, or Ανο-αίως, insensibly, unperceived, invisibly. Or, for αν' οπαΐα γ over, or above the chimney, high, lofty. Άνοττλος, -ov r b, η, (fr. a neg. and οζλον a weapon) unarmed, de- fenceless, dismantled. Ανόπλως, (fr. last) without defence, weakly. Ανορεα,Όον. for ηνορέα. Ανορθύω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. ανώρθωκα ) (fr. ανά up, and ορθόω to straight- en) to raise, lift up ; to rear, set up, erect ; to rebuild, restore ; to correct ; to establish. 1 a. ind. a%* ώρθωσα' impr. ανόρθωσον 1 a : pass, ανωρθώθην. Άνορμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and όρμος a harbour) without a har- bour, unsafe for ships. Ανόρουσα, Ion. for ανώρονσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. act. o r Ανορούω, f. -ούσω,ρ. ανώρονκα, (fr. ανά up, and ορούω to start) to start up, rise hastily; to rush, dart. Ανορύξας, -ασα, -αν, par. of Ανο- ρύξω, -ης, -η, sub. 1 a. act. of Ανορύσσω, or -ττω, (fr. ανά up, and ορνσσω to dig) to dig up, root; to raise from the dead. Ανόσιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and 'όσιος holy) unholy, impious, pro- fane, wicked ; faithless, treacher- ous, cruel, comp. ανοσιώτερο$, sup. -ώτατος. Άνοσος, -ov, b, >j, (fr. same, and νόσος disease) healthy. Ανόστεος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and οστέον a bone) without bonet, boneless. Ανόστΐμος,-ου, b, η, (fr. same, and νόστιμος returning, th. νοστέω to return) without return, never to return; hopeless. Άνοστος, and Ανόστητος, -ου, b, ή. (fr. same, and νόστος a return, th . νοστέω to return) not to be troL ANT den back, or retraced ; that may not return ; an exile. Ανούατος, -ου, b, η, (fr. άνευ with- out, and οΰας, Poet, for ους an ear) without or wanting ears, deaf. Ανουθέτητος, -ου, b, η τ (fr. a neg. and νουθετέω to advise) inatten- tive, heedless ; perverse, obsti- nate ; that will not be advised. Άνους, see ανόος. Ανουσος, for άνοσος. Ανούτάτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and οντάω to wound) not wounded, unhurt. Ανούτητι, (fr.last) without a wound. Ανοχή, -ης, ή, (fr. ανέχω to with- hold) an intermission, interval, pause ; a truce, cessation of arms ; forbearance, patience, indulgence. Ανόχϋρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and εχυρός or οχυρός firm) not forti- fied, unfenced ; insecure. Άνστα, and Άνσταθι, Dor. for ανά- ντηθι, 2 a. impr. act. — Ανστα?, for αναστάς, par. of ανέστην, 2 a. ind. act. — Ανστήμεναι, Att. and Dor. for αναστηναι, 2 a. inf. act. — Ανστήσεσθαι, for αναστήσεσ- βαι, 1 f. inf. mid. — Άνστησον, for ανάστησον, 1 a. impr. act. — • Ανστήτην, for αναστήτην, 3 du. 2 a. ind. act. of ανίστημι. Ανστρέφεται for αναστρέφεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. mid. οι αναστρέφω. Ανσχεθέω, Poet, for ανέχω. inf. ανασχεθίειν -είν. Άνσχεο, Poet, for ανάσχεο, Ion. for ανάσχου, 2 a. impr. mid. — Av- σχήσέσθαι, for ανασχήσεσθαι, 1 f. inf. mid. — Ανσχμοίην, -οιο, -οιτο, for ανασχοίμην, opt. of ανεσχό- μην, 2 a. mid. of ανέχω. Ανσχετος, for ανασχετος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. ανέχω to bear) tolerable, sup- portable, that may be endured. Αντ for αντϊ, before a smooth vowel. Άντα, (fr. αντϊ against) opposite contrary to; directly; very. Ανταγοράζω, f. -άσω, (αντί for, and αγοράζω to buy) to buy in /return for, to barter. Ανταγωνίζομαι, f. -ίσομαι, p. αντη- γώνισμαι, (fr. αντϊ against, and αγωνίζομαι to contend) to strive against, resist, oppose, contend with. 1 a. ind. mid. αντηγωνι- σάμην. Ανταγωνιστές, and Ανταγώνιστος -ου, b, (fr. same) an antagonist, foe, rival, adversary ; a com- batant, champion. Ανταδικέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. αντϊ for, and αδικέω to wrong) to injure in return^ to retaliate. Ανταείρω, (fr. αντϊ against, and αείρω to raise) to raise, to set, or to rise up against ; to oppose, re- sist, inf. ανταείρειν. Αντάεις,Όον. for αντήεις, -εσσα,-εν, (fr. άντην opposite) contrary, op- posite, adverse ; inimical, hostile, Ανταίος, -a, -ov, same as last. Αντακαΐοι, -ων, o\, sea monsters. Αντακούω, L• -ούσω, (fr. αντϊ for, and ακούω to hear) to listen, ANT hearken, attend ; to hear in turn-, or reply. , Αντάλλαγμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same, and αλλάσσω to exchange) a change, exchange, commutation; the thing given in exchange, an equivalent; price, ransom, re- demption ; compensation, retri- bution ; a type, similitude ; rela- tion, reference, correspondence. Ανταμείβετο, Dor. for αντημείβετο, imp. of Ανταμείβω, or -ομαι, fr. αντϊ in turn, and αμείβω, which see. Αντάμειψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) recompense, return, com- pensation, exchange. Ανταναιρέω -ω, (fr. αντϊ for, ανά up, and α'ιρέω to take) to take, lift, or carry away in return. Ανταναίρω, (fr. same, and αίρω to cut off) to destroy, waste, ruin in return, or by way of retaliation Αντανακλάω -ω, (fr. same, and κλάΐχ to break) to rebound ; to reflect or refract. Ανταναπλερόω -ω, f. -ώσω, αντανα- πεπλήρωκα, (fr. same, and πλη- ρόω to fill ) to Jill up, or complete in turn ; to finish, or perfect the correspondence, fulfil ; to coun- terbalance. Ανταναστησαι, 1 a. inf. act. of av τανίστημι. Άντανδρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. αντϊ in stead, and avfjp a man) a substi tute, a deputy. Αντανίστημι, f. -στήσω, (fr. αντϊ against, and 'ίστημι to set) to raise, or set up against ; Αντα- νίστάμαι, to rise up against, re- sist, rebel, revolt. Αντανορίδαι, Dor. for Αντηνορίδαι, -ων,ο\,ϋιβ sons or descendants of Antenor. Αντανυσάς, -άσα, -αν, for ανατανυ- σάς, par. 1 a. act. of ανατανύω, the same as ανατείνω. Αντάξιος, -a, -ov, (fr. αντϊ for, and άξιος deserving) equivalent, equal in worth, value, or estimation ; as good as ; on a level, or equali- ty with ; preferable. Ανταττοδίδωμι, f. ανταποδώσω, p. ανταποδ έδωκα, (fr. αντϊ for, and αποδίδωμι to return) to hand over, transfer; to recompense, repay, re- turn, imp. ind. ανταπεδίδων. 2 a. ind. ανταπέδων. inf. ανταποδου- ναι'ΌΆΧ.ανταποδούς. 1 a. pass, av- ταπεδώθην. 1 f. ανταποδοθήσομαι. Ανταπόδωμα, -ατός, rb, (fr. same) recompense, retribution, retalia- tion, requital ; a turn, winding ; change, revolution. Ανταττόδωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) recompense, remuneration, reward; wares bartered, or ex- changed. Ανταποδωτΐκος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) retributory ; equivalent. Ανταποκρίνομαι, (fr. αντϊ in return, and αποκρίνομαι to answer) to make answer in return, contra- dict, reply. 1 a. pass, ανταπεκρί- θην inf. ανταποκριΒηναι* 1 f. av- ταποκρώήσομαι. ANT ΑνταπδκρΥσις,-ιος, Att. -εως, fj, (fr. same) a reply, answer. Ανταπύλλυμι, (fr. αντϊ for, and απόλλυμι to destroy) to ruin, waste, destroy, in return, or in re- venge. Ανταποστέλλω, (fr. same, and απο- στέλλω to send away) to send back again ; send in place of. Ανταποτίω, fr. αντϊ in return, and αποτίω, which see. Αντάπτεσθαι, Ion. for ανθάπτεσθαι, pres. inf. οϊ ανθ άπτομαι. Αντάρσις,-ιος, Att. -εως,ί/, (fr. αντϊ against, and αίρω to raise) a lifting the hand against, an as- sault ; rebellion, insurrection. Αντάρτης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a rebel, insurgent. Αντασπάζομαι, (fr. αντϊ in return, and ασπάζομαι to embrace) to embrace heartily, to return love, to show mutual affection, salute those thai salute me. Ανταύγεια, -ας, fj, (fr. αντϊ against, and αυγή brightness) radiance, beaming, or reflecting of light. Αντανω, f. -ύσω, p. αντήϋκα, (fr. αντϊ against, and αυω to cry) to cry out against; to shout in re- turn, or reply. Αντάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ήντηκα, (fr. αντϊ against) to meet ; to face, encounter ; to meet with, find, get, obtain. Αντεβόλησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of αντιβολέω. Αντέγκλημα, ατός, το, (fr. αντϊ against, and καλεω to call) an accusation in reply, recrimina- tion, retort. Αντεδεξιουντο, 3 pi. cont. imp. mid. of αντιδεξιόομαι. Άντειλας, Poet, for ανίτειλας, 2 sin. or for ανατειλας, par. 1 a. act. of ανατέλλω. Αντείνω, Poet, for ανατείνω. So 'Avtuvov, for ανάτεινον, 1 a. impr. and ΑντεΊναι, for ανατεΐναι, 1 a. inf. Αντειπεϊν, 2 a. inf. of αντέπω. Αντείρεσθαι, pres. inf. of Αντείρομαι, or -έρομαι, (fr. αντϊ in turn, and ε/ρω or έρομαι to ask) to ask in return. Αντεισάγω, fr. same, and εισάγω, which see. Αντεκδραμων, -ούσα, -bv, par. 2 a. act. of αντεκτρέχω. Αντεκκόπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. αντϊ in turn, and εκκόπτω to cut off) to cut off, or destroy in turn. Αντέκλινον,-ες,-ε,ϊηνρ.οΐαντικλίνω. Ατέκτίσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f), (fr. next) repayment, reward, recom- pense, retribution ; a fine. Αντεκτίω, and αντεκτίνω, (fr. αντϊ in turn, εκ intens. and τίω to pay) to repay, recompense, compen- sate'; to suffer punishment; to expiate, atone. Αντεκτρέχω, f. -θρέξω, (fr. avri against, εκ from, and τρέχω to run) to run out against, go to meet; to outrun, anticipate ; 2 a. act. ind. αντεξέδραμον' par. av τεκδραμών. ANT Αντελαβόαην, -ov, -ετο, t a. ind. mid. οϊαντιλαμβάνω. Αντέλεγον, -ες, -ε, imp. act. of αν- τιλέγω. Αντέλλοισα, Syn. and Dor. for ανα- τέλλουσα, fern. par. pres. act. — Αντέλλοντι, for ανατέλλουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. of ανατέλλω. Αντελοιδόρει, 3 sin. cont. imp. act. of αντιλοιδορέω. Αντεμβολη, -ης, η, (fr. αντϊ for, and εμβάλλω to put in) a change, removal; putting one thing in the place of another, a substi- tution. Αντεμπλήθω, f. -ήσω, (fr. αντί in return, εν in, and πλτ/θω to fill) to fill, or satisfy in return, remu- nerate. Αντεμ,πλησαι, 1 a. inf. act. of last. Αντέξεψι, (fr. αντϊ against, and έξειμι to go t>ut) to go out to, or towards ; to go to meet an enemy. Αντεξετάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. αντί in turn, and εξετάζω to examine) to cross-examine, scrutinize; to compare, collate ; to match, op- pose. Αντεξεταστίκος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. last) inquisitive. Αντειζάγω, f. -ξω, (fr. αντϊ against, and επάγω to lead on) to conduct to, lead towards ; to set, or march against. Αντεπέξειμι, (fr. αντϊ against, επϊ to, εξ from, and εΊμι to go) to go to meet, to set out towards. Αντεπεξήεσαν, 3 pi. pper. mid. Att. of last. Αντεπηχέω -ω, (fr. αντϊ against, and επηχέω to resound) to make a noise in opposition, to drown a sound hy noise. Αντεπιμελέομαι, fr. αντϊ in turn, and επιμελέομαι, which see. Αντέιτνεεν, 3 sin. imp. of αντιπνέω. Αντέπω, 1 a. -είπα, 2 a. -εϊπον, (fr. αντϊ against, and έπω to speak) to contradict; to refuse, deny; to reply, or speak alternately. 2 a. inf. αντειπέίν. Αντεραστης, -ου, b, (fr. next) α rival. Αντεράω -ω, (fr. αντϊ towards, and εράω to love) to love mutually ; to love the same object, rival. Αντερείδω, f. -είσω, p. αντήρεικα, (fr. αντϊ against, and ερείδω to fix) to fasten to ; to cling, adhere ; to prop, support; to tread; to resist, oppose. Αντερέω -ω, (fr. same, and ερέω to speak) to contradict. Αντερείσαις, JEdi. for αντερείσας, par. 1 a. act. of αντερείδω. Αντερίξω, (fr. αντϊ against, and ερί- ζω to dispute) to contend, or strive against ; to quarrel, wrangle. Αντέρομαι, (fr. αντϊ in turn, and έρομαι to ask) to ask in return. Αντερύσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. of Αντερνω, (fr. αντϊ in turn, and ρω to draw) to draw back, take in return ; to recompense, repay. Αντερΰομαι, to gain, get; to be repaid, or rewarded. Αντερώμενος, par. pres. pass. cont. of αντεράω. ANT Άντεσθαι, pres. inf. of άντομαι. Αντεσπά, 3 sin. cont. imp. act. of αντισπάω. Αντέστην, -ης, -η, 3 pi. αντέστηοαν, 2 a. ind. act. of ανθίστημ ι . Αντεστραμμένος, (par. per. pass. fr. αντϊ against, and στρέφω to turn) turned, or set against, perverted, changed. Αντεστραμμένως, (fr. last) in a con- trary way, in a different manner, vice versa ; perversely. Αντέταται, Poet, for ανατέταται, 3 sin. per. pass, of ανατείνω. Αντέτεινον, -ε?, -ε, imp. of αντιτείνω. Αντετέτνξο, .2 sin. pper. pass, of αντιτεύχω. Αντετόρησα, -ας,-ε, 1 a. act. of av- τιτορέω. λντετους, Lacon. for του αυτοί) έτους^Λε same year, thatycar's. Αντευεργετέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. αντϊ in return, and ευεργέτης a bene- factor) to return a kindness, re- quite, repay. Αντενεργετϊκος, -η, -bv, (fr. last) grateful. Αντεύκράτος, viz. ζώνη, (fr. αντϊ op- posite, and εύκρατος temperate) the contrary temperate zone ; the southern as opposite to the northern. Αντεφέροντο, 3 pi. imp. pass, of αντιφέρομαι. Αντεφίλάσε, Dor. for αντεφίλησε, 3 sin. 1 a. of αντιφιλέω. Αντέχεσθε, 2 pi. pres. impr. mid. — Αντεχόμευος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of αντέχω. Αντέχρησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. of αντι- ΧΡ/ω. Αντέχω, f. ανθέξω, ρ. αντέσχηκα, (fr. αντϊ against, and έχω to hold) to resist, sustain, bear up against ; to detain, keep, restrain; to hold against, resist ; to sustain, endure, support; to claim, seek after, cultivate, pursue : Αντέχο- μαι, to withhold, abstain from ; to cling, cleave, adhere to ; to main- tain, support, help, relieve, suc- cour ; imp. mid. αντειχόμ,ην 1 f. mid. ανθέξομαι. Αντέω, Ion. for αντάω, imp. ήντεον. Αντηδην, (fr. άντομαι to supplicate) suppliantly, humbly. Αντημείβετο, 3 sin. imp. mid. of ανταμείβω. Άντην, (fr. αντϊ against) opposite, before, in front, in presence of. Αντηνορίδαι, -ων, oi, (fr. next) the sons or descendants of Antenor. λ,ντήνωρ, -ορός, b, Antenor, a man's name. Αντηρέτης, -ου, and Αντήρης, -εος -ους, b, (fr. αντϊ against, and ερέσσω to row ) an opponent, ene my, antagonist. Adj. opposite, ad- verse, hostile ; struggling against each other. Αντηρϊς,-ίόος, η, (fr.* αντερείδω to support) a buttress, prop, sup- port ; ribs, or timbers of a ship ; the bit of a bridle. Αντήρίσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. οΐ αντερίζω. Άντησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. άν- τομαι to supplicate) supplication, entreaty, prayer. (53) ANT Αντηχέω, (fr. αντϊ against, and ηχέω to eound) to re-echo, re- sound, reverberate. Αντηχούσης, g. sin. fern. cont. ot αντηχέων -ων, par. pres. of last. Αντϊ, opposite to, over against , equivalent, equal to ; jor, on ac- count of; for, in stead, or place of, in exchange, in return for, in requital of ; in preference to, above, before, beyond. Αντία, (neut. pi. οϊαντίος opposite, th. last) opposite, contrary, on the other side. Αντιάζω, same as αντιάω. Αντιάνειρα, -ας, η, (fr. αντϊ equal to, and ανηρ a man) a heroine. Adj. furious, fierce. Αντιάζω, -εις, -ει, Dor. for αντιά- σω, 1 ft of αντιάω. Αντιάομαι, see αντιάω. Αντιάσας, 1 a. par. — Αντιάσειν, 1 f. inf. of αντιάω. Αντιαχεϋσι, Dor. and iEol. for av- τιαχοΰσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. of Αντιαχέω -ω, (fr. αντϊ against, and ιάχω to shout) to exclaim, cry out against, contradict, deny, re- fuse. Αντιάω -ω, or -άζω, f. -άσω, p. ην τίακα, (fr. αντϊ against) to meet, go to meet, come towards ; to meet in combat, fight, resist, oppose; to share, partake of; to attain, reach, hit; to entreat, supplicate. Αντιβαίνω, (fr. α ντϊ against, and βαίνω to go) to go against, with- stand, resist, oppose ; to cross, thwart. Αντιβάλλω, f. -άλω, p. αντιβέβλη- κα, (fr. same, and βάλλω to cast) to throw, shoot, or dart against ; to throw back weapons ; to ban- dy, throw to and fro ; to con- verse, dispute, argue. Αντιβεβόληκα, per. ind. act. of αν- τί βολέω. Αντιβηναι, 2 a. inf. act. of αντι- βαίνω. Αντιβία, Αντιβίην, Αντίβιον, (fr. next) opposite, against, before, in front. Αντίβίος, -a, -ov' and -ου, δ, η, (fr. αντϊ against, and βία violence) opposite, contrary, against ; hos- tile, adverse; an enemy, an op- ponent. Αντιβλέπω, f. -yco, (fr. same, and βλέπω to look) to look in the face, behold steadfastly ; to dare, brave. Αντιβολέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. αντιβεβό- ληκα, (fr. same, and βολέω for βάλλω to throw) to meet ; to meet with, hit upon, find, get ; to face, encounter ; to be present at ; to share, partake ; to supplicate, entreat, pres. inf. αντιβολεΊν. 1 a. inf. αντιβολησαι. Αντιβουλεύομαι, f. -εύσομαι, (fr. same, and βονλείω to consult) to plot against. Αντιβροντάω -ω, (fr. same, and βροντάω to thunder) to thunder against, imitate thunder. Αντιγεγωνέω -ώ, (fr. same, and γεγωνέω to speak) to cry out, 0> ANT exclaim against; to deny abso- lutely t contradict positively. Ανηγενίδας, -ου, δ, Anligenidas, a man's name. Αντιγηροτροφέω -ύ, (fr. αντί in turn, γήρας old age, and τρέφω to nurse) ίο repay the cares of age ; to cherish old age in return for the nurture of youth, ίντιγνωμονέω -ω, (fr. αντϊ against, and γινώσκω to think) to think contrary, or otherwise, differ in opinion, disagree, deny, contra- dict. Αντίγονος, -ου, δ, Antigonus, ι man's name. Αντιγραφή, -ης, ί,, (fr. αντί against and γράφω to write) a reply, an- swer, defence, plea. Αντιγραφδν, -οΰ, το, (fr. same) a copy, transcript, counterpart Αντιγράφω, f. -ψω, (fr. same) to write back again, answer, reply to retort ; to rejoin ; to copy. Αντίδειπνος,-ου, b, (fr. αντϊ instead, and δεΊπνον a dinner) a guest in place of one who disappoints; an unbidden, or unexpected guest. Αντιδεξιόομαι, -οϋμαι,ΐ. -ώσομαι (fr αντϊ in return, and δεξιόομαι to shake hands) to return hospita- lity, or entertainment ; to receive welcome, embrace in return. Αντιδιατιθέμενος, par. pres. pass, of Αντιδιατίθημι, (fr. αντϊ against, and διατίθημι to dispose) to in- cline differently ; to be otherwise disposed, or affected. Αντιδίδοται, 3 sin. pres. pass, of Αντιδίδωμι (fr. αντϊ in turn, and δίδωμι to give) to give in return; to repay, recompense ; to requite, retaliate ; to substitute. Αντιδικέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. αντϊ against, and δίκη justice) to go to law ; to bring an action ; to come to a trial ; to contest, try, litigate. Αντίδικος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. last) an adversary, opponent; the adver- sary, the devil. Αντίδοσις, -ιος, Att. είχς, η, (fr. αντιδίδωμι to repay* remunera- tion, reward; requital, retribu- tion; exchange, barter. Αντίδοτος, -ου, b, ?/, (fr. same) re- warded, repaid, requited; pre- ventive, preservative ; an anti- dote. Αντιδράω -ω, f. -άσ^>, (fr. αντϊ in turn, and δράω to do) to act for, or in return; to repay, requite, avenge. Αντίδωρον, -ov, το, (fr. same, and δωρον a gift) a present, gift ; a return, recompense. Αντίζεσθαι, Ion. for ανϋίζεσθαι, pres. inf. of ανθίζομαι. Αντίη, Ion. for αντία. Αντίβεος, -ου, b, η, (fr. αντϊ alike, and §εδς a god) godlike, divine ; noble, illustrious. Αντιθέσεις, η. a. pi. cont. Att. of Αντίθεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. αντιτίθημι to set againsO anti- thesis ; opposition, contrariety, contrast; dispute, cavil. ANT Αντίθετος, -ου, δ, f), (fr. same) set up against, opposite, contrary. Αντιθευσόμενος, par. 1 f. mid. of Αντιθέω, f. -εύσω, (fr. αντϊ against, and $έω to run) to run against, encounter. Αντίθημι, Poet, for ανατίθημι. Αντίθροος, -ου, δ, >/, (fr. αντϊ in turn, and S -ρόος clamour) shouting, sounding in reply, or against re-echoing, resounding. Αντίθϋρος, -ου, δ, f), (fr. αντί against, and $vpa a door) oppo- site, before, or against the door Αντικάθημαι, (fr. αντϊ against, and καθήμαι to sit down) to sit down against ; to besiege, attack. Αντικαθήμενος, par. pres. mid. of last. Αντικαθίξω, or -ίζομαι, (fr. same, κατά down, and 'ίξω to seat) same as last. Αντικαθίστημι, (fr. same, and κα• θίστημι to set up) to place against, to set in opposition ; to withstand, stand against, resist, oppose; to substitute, appoint instead. Αντικακονργέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. αντϊ in return, κακός ill and έργοχ work) to hurt in return, revenge retaliate. Αντικαλέσωσι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of Αντικαλέω -ω, f. -έσω, and -ήσω, ρ αντικέκληκα, (fr. same, and κα• λέω to call) to call again, invite in return, return an invitation Αντικαταλλάσσω, or -ττω, (fr. same, and καταλλάσσω to exchange) to get, procure, acquire ; to ex- change, barter ; to succeed, come in place of; to renew by succes- sion ; to conciliate, reconcile. Αντί κατασκευάζω, (fr. αντϊ against, and κατασκευάζω to prepare) to provide against; to furnish, sup- ply. Αντικατάσχεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same, and κατέχω to re- strain) a withholding ; retention, confinement, restraint. Αντικατησθαι, Ion. for αντικαθήσ- θαι, pres. inf. of αντικάθημαι. Αντικατίζεσθάι, Ion. for αντικαθί- ζεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. — Αντι- κατιξεύμενος, Ion. and Dor. for αντικαθιξόμενος, par. pres. mid. of αντικαθίζω. Αντίκειμαι, f. -είσομαι, _ (fr. αντϊ against, and κείμαι to lie) to lie, or be placed against ; to sit down, or encamp against; to oppose, be opposite, or adverse to. Αντικείμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. — Αντίκειται, 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. of last. Αντικηοΰσσω, (fr. αντϊ against, and κνρυσσω to proclaim) to publish contrary orders ; to denounce, proclaim. Αντικιγράω -ω, (fr. αντϊ in turn, and κιχράω to lend) to accommo- date ; to assist by a loan, relieve. Αντικλίνω, (fr. αντϊ towards, and κλίνω to lean) to nod, or beckon to ; to assent by signs, permit. Αντικνημιον, -ου, το, (fr. αντϊ be- fore, and κνήμη the leg) the shin. (54) ANT Αντικρίνομαι, (fr. αντϊ against, and κρίνω to judge) to contest, liti- gate, go to law; to answer, reply. Αντικρούω, f. -ούσω, (fr. same, and κρούω to strike) to strike against ; to blunt ; to surprise, happen un- expectedly, occur ; to disappoint ', frustrate, interrupt. Αντίκρυ, Αντικρύς, (fr. same, and κάρα the head) opposite, over against ; to the other side, through and through ; clearly, openly, de- cidedly, expressly, against all op position. Αντικτερίζω, (fr. αντϊ in turn, and κτερίζω to bury) to inter, to give the heathen rites of sepulture. Αντίκυρα, -ας, //, Anticyra. Αντικυρέω -ώ, (fr. αντϊ against, and κυρέω to meet with) to hit upon, fall in with ; to get, procure ; to attain, arrive at ; to fall against, encounter, overwhelm. Αντικύρ'ϊκον, -ου, το. Hellebore, so called from the island of An- ticyra. Αντικύρσας, Sync, for αντικυρήσας, par. 1 a. act. of αντικυρέω. Αντιλάβη, -ης, £, (fr. αντιλαμβάνω to lay hold of ) α handle ; a seiz- ing, laying, or catching hold of; participation, assistance, mutual cooperation. Αντιλάβοιμι, -οις, -οι, 2 a. opt. of same. Αντιλάζομαι, and Αντιλάζυμαι, (fr. αντϊ in turn, and λάζομαι to catch) to lay hold on together ; to take, seize, hold; to bear a share, partake. Αντιλαμβάνεσθαι, inf. — Αντιλαμ- βανόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. of Αντιλαμβάνω, f. -λήψομαι, p. -λέ- ληφα, (fr. same, and λαμβάνω to take) to take hold of together, by turns, or on each side ; assist in lifting, or carrying ; to take in- steadof; Αντιλαμβάνομαι, to take, claim, usurp ; to undertake, take upon; to perceive, observe; to hold, curb, restrain; to support, help, relieve; to share, partake of, participate, receive, enjoy. Αντιλάμπω, (fr. αντϊ against, and λάμπω to shine) to show a light, light a fire as a signal in answer to another ; to reflect; to glitter, sparkle. Αντιλέγω, f. -ζω, p. -χα, (fr. same, and λέγω to speak) to speak against ; gainsay, speak in reply, contradict, deny. imp. and 2 a. αντέλεγον, per. mid. αντιλέλογα. Αντιληπτέον, (fr, αντιλαμβάνω to lay hold on) to be held, seized, attempted, undertaken. Αντιλήπτωρ, -ορός, δ, (fr. same) a supporter, upholder, defender, protector. Αντιλήψεις, η. a. pi. cont. Att. of Αντιληψησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) a hold, handle, thing held by ; blame, rpvroof, censure; an objection, charge, reply ; a hin- drance, impediment ; perception^ ANT apprehension; help, assistance, protection; wages, reviard. Αντιλογία, -ας, η, (fr. αντιλέγω to contradict) contradiction, oppo- sition ; an excuse, apology, plea, defence, debate, trial. ΑντιλοιοΌρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα (fr. αντί against, and λοιδορέω to revile) to retort, recriminate, reproach, revile again, imp. act. αντεΚοώόοεον -ουν. Αντίλοχος, -ου, b, Antilochus, a man's name. ΑντιΧνπίω -ω, (fr. αντί in turn, and λυπέω to grieve ) to grieve in turn ; molest, annoy in return, take re- venge. Αντιλύπησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, h, (fr• last) grief caused, or vexation returned, revenge, vengeance, retaliation. Αντίλυτρον, -ου, τό; (fr. αντί in turn and λύτρον a ransom) the price of redemption, ransom. Αντιμαρτυρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. αντί against, and μαρτυρέω to testify, th. μάρτυρ a witness) to give evidence, or bear witness against. Αντιμαχετης, -ου, b, (fr. next) an antagonist, opponent, adversary. Αντιμάχομαι, (fr. αντί against, and μάχομαι to fight) to fight, strive, or struggle against; to resist, oppose. Αντιμεθίσταται, 3 sin. pres. pass, of Αντιμεθίστημι, (fr. αντί instead, and μεθίστημι to substitute) to put in place of, change places, transpose. Αντιμελίζω, (fr. αντί in turn, and μελί ζω to modulate) to play in- stead, play music against. Αντιμεταβολη, -ης, η, (fr. same, and μεταβάλλω to change) an ex- change; an alteration; change, reverse. Αντιμετρίω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. same, and μετρέω to measure) to measure back, mete out in re- turn, repay ; to proportion, coun- terbalance. Αντίμιμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and μίμος a mimic, th. μιμέομαι to imitate) imitative of, like, resem- bling, formed after; Subs, a rival. Αντιμισθία, -ας,Ιι, (ft. same, and μισθός price) hire, reward, recom- pense, compensation ; retribution, punishment. Αντιμνηστεύω, (fi\ αντί against, and μνηστεύω to court) to woo, or court in rivalry. Αντίμολπος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and μολπή a song) doleful, sad, mournful ; lulling, soothing. Αντιξοέω, (fr. same, and ξέω to rasp) to be contrary, or against, oppose, differ, disagree, pres. inf. act. αντιξοέειν -εΐν. Αντίξοος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) cross- grained, discordant, adverse ; op posite, contrary. Αντίον, -ου, το, (fr. αντί against) a weaver's beam ; a mast, spar. Αντίον, (neut. of next) opposite, over against on the contrary. ANT Ανταίος, -a, -ov, (fr. avt against) opposite, contrary, adverse; a- gainst, before, towards. Αντιόομαι -οϋμαι, (fr. last) to op- pose, thwart, cross, traverse. Αντίϋνσθαι, pres. inf. cont. of last. Αντιόχεια, -ας, r), Antioch. Αντιοχενς, -έος, b, a native of last, a. sin. Αντιοχέα. Αντίοχος, -ου, b, Antiochus, a man's name. Αντι&ων, αντιόωσα, Poet, for αντι- ων, αντιωσα, mas. and fern. sin. par. pres. cont. — Αντιόωο, -όωτο, Poet, for αντιωο, αντίωτο 2 and 3 sin. cont. pres. opt. mid. of αντιάω. Αντίπαις, -αιδος, b, η, (fr. αντί in- stead, and πα7ς a child) a young man, or woman, a grown boy, a youth ; like a boy, or girl, boyish. Αντίπαλος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. αντί against, and πάλη wrestling) a match in the theatrical combats ; an antagonist, opponent, adversa- ry ; opposite, adverse ; rival, emulous. Αντιπαραβάλλω, f. -άλω, (fr. αντϊ against, παρά by, and βάλλω to place) to put by the side of, com- pare, contrast; to contribute, subscribe, provide ; to expose, en- danger. 2 f. ind. act. αντιπαρα- βάλω, 1 pi. -βαλουμεν. Αντιπαραβολή, -ης, η, (fr. αντί against, and παραβάλλω to com- pare) a comparing, comparison, proportion; contrast, opposition. Αντιπαράγω, f. -ξω, (fr. same, and παράγω to produce) to render back, recompense, repay ; to draw up, marshal, array, march a- gainst, attack. Αντιπαρακαλέω, (fr. same, and πα- ρακαλάω to exhort) to persuade differently, advise otherwise, or against, dissuade. Αντιπαρασκευάζομαι, (fr. same, and παρασκευάζω to prepare) to get ready, prepare, provide against. ΑντιπαρασχεΤν, 2 a. inf. act. of αντιπαρέχω. ντιπαράταξις,-ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. next) battle array, line of battle. Αντιπαρατάσσω, or -ττω, (fr. αντί against, and παρατάσσω to array) to draw up, or marshal troops, prepare for action. Αντιπαρέρχομαι, f. αντιπαρελεύσο- μαι, (fr. αντϊ over against, and παρέρχομαι to pass by) topass by on the other side, turn out of the way ; to come upon, surprise. Αντιπαρέχω, (fr. same, and παρέχω to display) to allow, afford, or give in turn, repay, requite. Αντιπαρηλθον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. act. of αντί πα ρ έρχομ a t . Αντιπαρίημι, (fr. αντϊ instead, and παρίημι to entreat) to beg an ex- change, offer, or promise one thing for another. Αντίπας, -a, b, Antipas, a man's name. ΑντιπατρΙς, -ίοος, fj, Antipatris, a city. a. Α ντι πατρίδα. Αντίπατρος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. αντί (55) ANT against, and πατί,ρ father) hating, injurious ,or adverse to his father* Also, Antipater, a man's name. Αντιπέμπω, f. -ψω, (fr. αντϊ in turn, and πέμπω to send) tosena back, return, remit. Αντιπέραιος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) op- posite, facing ; on the far side. Αντιπέραν, and Αντιπέρας, (fr. αντί against, and πέ pa ν beyond) on the further side, over against, on the opposite shore. Αντιπεριβάλλω, f. -άλω, (ft. same, and περιβάλλω to surround) to surround in a hostile manner, besiege. Αντιπεριΐίστημι, (fr. αντί against, περί around, and 'ίστημι to place) to place, or set round about; Av- τιπεριισταμαι, to surround, invest, besiege ; to straiten, confine ; to be besieged, &c. Αντίπερ/σπασμα, -άτος, τό, (fr. next) the drawing, decoying, or surrounding of troops in an am- bush ; a stratagem, diversion, feint to draw away the attention. Αντίπερίσπαω -ώ, f. -άσω, (fr. αντί agninst, and περισπάω todistract) to distract, or draw away to a loss ; to decoy, ensnare, surround. Αντιπεφάσθαι, per. inf. pass, of av- τιφάω. Αντιπίπτω, f. αντιπτώσω, p. αντι- πέπτωκα, (fr. αντϊ against, and πίπτω to fall ) to fall upon, rush against, assault ; to resist, strug- gle v:ith. Αντιπληρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. αντϊ in turn, arid πληρόω to fill) to ful- fil, accomplish ; to perfect, com- plete, finish ; to fill up, supply, equip, man. Αντιπνέω -ω, f. -ενσω, p. -ευκα, (fr. αντϊ against, and πνέω to breathe) to blow against ; to stop, stay, detain. Αντιπνοία, -ας, ή, (fr. last) an ad- verse, or contrary wind. Αντίπνοος -ους, -6ου -ου, b, η, (fr. same) blowing against ; adverse, boisterous, of warring winds. Αντιποιέω -ω, f. -?;σω, (fr. αντϊ against, and ποιέω to do) to act against, set up against, resist; to act in turn ; to make, or be- come like ; to assimilate, resem- ble ; Αντιποιέομαι -ουμαι, to claim, challenge, demand; to as- sert, vindicate. Αντιποίησις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, f], (fr. last) zeal, earnestness ; a claim, demand; assertion, vindication. Αντιποιούμενος, pres. par. mid. cont. of αντιποιέω. Αντιπολεμέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. αντί against, and πόλεμος war) to wage war against; to fight, or struggle against, resist. Αντιπολέμιος, and Αιππόλεμος, -ου, b,fj, (fr. same) a foe, enemy, ad- versary. Αντ'ιπολις, -ιος, Att. -εως, h, (fr. αντϊ against, and πόλις a city) a rival city. Αντίπορος, -ου, h, ή, (fr. αντϊ ove» against, and πείοω to pass) oy ANT posite, on the other side ; g. Ion. αντιπόροιο. Αντίπονς, -οδός, b, ή, (fr. same, and πους the foot) with opposite, or contrary steps ; feet towards feet ; pi. the antipodes. Αντιπράττω, f. -ζω, p. -χα, (fr. αντί against, and πράσσω to act) to do, or act against, resist, op- pose. Αντιπρήσσω, Ion. for last, inf. αντί- πρήσσειν. Αντιπρύειμι, (fr. αντί against, προ towards, and εΊμι to go) to go out towards, march oittageiinst. pres. inf. αντιπροείναι. pper. mid. av- τιπροήειν. Αντιπροήεσαν, Att. for αντιπροήει- σαν. 3 pi. pper. mid. of last. Αντιπρόσωπος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πρόσωπον the face) looking towards, or at each other, face to face. Αντίπρωρος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and πρώρα the prow) opposite the prow ; the prow towards ; prow to prow. Αντίπτωμα, -ατος,τό, (fr. αντιπίπ- τω to fall against) ruin. Αντίρ'ρησις, -ιος % Att. -εως, >), (fr. αντί against, and ρέω to speak) contradiction ; condemnation, sentence. Αντισήκωσις,-ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same, and σηκόω to balance) counterbalance, compensation, re- ward, requital. Αντισθένης, -εος, ό, Antisthenes, a man's name. Αντισπάω -ω, (fr. αντ) against, and σπάω to draw) to drag against, resit; to tear away; to divert, turn away. Αντιστάς, par. 2 a. of ανθίστημι. Αντίστασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) resistance, opposition ; faction, party ; liardship, asperi- ty ; adversity, misfortune, Αντιστασιώτης, -ov, b, (fr. last) one of an opposite purty, a dema- gogue; factious. Αντιστατέω -ω, (fr. same) to be of another party ; to resist, oppose ; to hinder, embarrass. Αντιστηναι, inf. — Αντίστητε, 2 pi. 2 a. impr. act. of ανθίστημι. Αντιστήριγμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. next) a stay, staff, support, prop. Αντιστηρίζω, (fr. αντί against, and στηρίζω to fasten) to prop, sup- port ; Αντιστηρίζομαι, to lean upon. Αντιστοιχέω -ω, (fr. same, and στοίχος a rank) to be opposite, front, face. Αντιστοιχία, -ας, η, (fr. same) an arranging, or being arranged opposite, contrary array ; mo- tion in the same direction, paral- lel movement. Αντίστοιχος, -ου, b, /;, (fr. same) opposite, contrary; on the far side; fronting, facing. Or, (fr. avrl equally) equal, even, level, similar, parallel. Αντιστοίχως, (fr. last) on contrary sides, face to face. ANT Αντίστομος, -ov, b, f), (fr. αντί against, and στόμα the mouth) opposite, facing. Αντιστρατεύομαι, f. -εύσομαι, p. av- τεστράτενμαι, (fr. same, and στρατεύω to war) to make war against. Αντιστρατενόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. of last. Αντιστρατοπεδεΰω, (fr. same, A no στρατόπεδον a camp) to encamp against, sitdoion before, besiege. Αντισχεο, 2 a. inf. act. — Αντίσ- χεσθε, 2 pi. 2 a. impr. mid. of αντέχω. Αντίτ,ιγμα, -ατός, το, (fr. αντί against, and τάσσω to array) the line of battle, a body of troops in array, an army. Αντιτακτίκός,-ή, -dv, (fr. same) in array, marshalled ; adverse, re- pugnant; a general officer, com- ma mhr. λντίπιξις, -ιος, Att. -εωί, η, (fr. same) an array, order of battle ; repugnance•, reluctance; contra- riety, opposition. Αντιτάσσεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass. — Αντιτασσόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pros. puss, of Αντιτάσσομαι, f. -ξομαι, p. αντιτέ- ταγμαι, (fr. same) to set up, or ais against} to disobey, mutiny, rebel; tortus/. kvnrebm (fr. «in against, and τείνω to stretch) to str,tcli,stricc, or strain against, resist ; to repay, return. Αντιτεύχω,ί". -fu>,p. -χα, (fr. αντί equally, and τενχω to make) to make equal, even, or like ; to tiki n, assimilate; to resemble, be like } to become, be changed into. ■ ΑντιτίΟημι, (fr. αντί against, and τίθημι to set) to place against ; to sit up instead of. replace; to set before, serve up ; to repay, recompense, retribute; to resist, oppose ; to set against, compare estimate; to consecrate. Αντιτιμάω -ω, (fr. αντί in turn, and τιμάω to honour) to regard, re- vere ; to pay due respect ; to treat according to rank, or worth Αντιτίω, (fr. avrl in turn, and τίω to pay) to repay, suffer retribu- tion, pay for it. Αντίτομος, -ου, b, η, (from same and τέμνω to cut) alleviating, assuaging. Αντιτορέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. αντί through, and τορέω to bore) to bore through, pierce, penetrate. Άντιτος, -ου, b, η, Sync, for αντί τϊτος, (fr. αντιτίω to repay) re qui ted, repaid, punished ; expia- tory, cloning. Αντιτυγχάνω, (fr. same, and τυγ χάνω to be) to happen, come, or be in place of, change, alter ; to meet with, encounter. 1 f. ind. mid. αντιτεύζομαι. per. ind. pass αντιτέτυγμαι. pper. pass, αντετε- τύγμην, -ζο, -κτο. Αντίτυπος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and τύπτω to strike) striking back, repelling ; adverse, hostile ; re- (5Q) ANT fleeting, and thence exhibiting a similarity of form, responsive, corresponding, like; figurative, typical. In neut. an antitype, or fulfilment of a type. Αντιτύχοιμι, -οις, -οι, 2 a. opt. act. of αντιτυγχάνω. Αντιφάω, (ir. αντί instead, and φάω to kill) to slay in place of ano- ther. Αντιφερίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. αντί a- gamst, and φερίζω for φέρω to bear) to go towards, meet, oppose ; to match, compare with ; to set out, proeied. Αντιφερίξαι, Dor. and Poet, for αντιφερίσαι, 1 a. inf. of last. λντιψέρομαι, (fr. avrl against, and φέρω to carry) to set out against, proceed to meet; to resist, op- pose; to attack, fglU. pres. inf. 81 τΐγέρεσθαι. Αντιφθέγγομαι, f. -ξομαι, (fr. αντί in turn and φθέγγομαι to utter) to speak in turn, answer, reply ; to echo. Αντίφθεγμα, -ατός, rd, (fr. last) an echo, Αντιφιλέω -ω, f. -ι/σω, (fr. avri in turn, and φιλέω to love) to love in return, or mutually. ΑντιφιΧονεικέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. αντί against, and φιλονεικέω to quar- rel) to scold, wrangle, dispute. ΑντίφΙλος, -ου, b, Antiphilus, a man's name. Αντιφόνος, -ου, υ, b,, (fr. avri in turn, and ώόνυς slaughter, th. φένω to kill) shedding blood for olood, atoning murder for mur- der; avenging, retributive. Αντιφντεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. αντί in turn, and φυτεύω to plant) to plant in place of, propagate anew, soiv over again. Αντιφίύνέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and φωνέω to speak) to speakin turns, reply, answer; to sing with ; to echo. Αντιφωνη, -ης, ή, (fr. same) a reply, answer, response, echo. Αντιχράω -ώ, (fr. avri instead, and χράω to lend) to suffice, supply, furnish ; to be adequate, or an- swerable for. Αντίχρησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, >/, (fr. same) a loan. Αντίχριστος, -ov, b, (fr. αντί a- gainst, and χριστός anointed) an opposer of the anointed, adversary of Christ ; Antichrist. Αντιωθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of av- τιόομαι. ΑντλεΊν, pres. inf. act. cont. of Αντλέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ήντληκα, (fr. άντ\ος a sink) to draw, pump; to empty, exhaust ; to spend, waste, shed, spill; to linger, drag, or draw out. 1 a. ind. ήντλη- σα. Άντλη, -ης, η, Poet, for άντλος. Άντλημα, -ατός, τδ, (fr. άντλος a well) a bucket, pitcher, pail ; a pump. Αντλήσαι, 1 a. inf. — Άντλησον, -άτω, 2 pi. -are, 1 a. impr. act. of αντλία. ANT Αι τλίον, -ου, τό, (fr. next) a bucket. !i, νί/ιλ, pump ; tkr h(A, entreat ; t<> namtL \αψ. Off in Utah ^. Otntldt . ti.ni. pi. par. ζίομαι, (fr. air? in turn, ami ορχίυμαι to dame) tO dam; to, or (/( fi/;/. ; fo if/^ _//- par. pre•, mi. Ι. αντορχεόμινος \ ι\μίω -ω, f. -ijcu), p. αντωψ- Ibm in th> ' ten, keep in mind ; (•, luff, I» or up to lh> wind ; to 4 ugainst, Γ, -αίο?, δ, »/, (fr. aVrpov a ca\t•) lirin^ in em cms ; a tro- glwlij! ι (fr. Best) out of, or from . -ον,τό, a care, den, cavern. , v, (fr. last) Λι# "' ι, or W(S, /i'j/- Αντρω, Dor. for άντρου., g. sin. of rpov. . >',, the front of cient chariots ; the ujipcr edge, or rail of the front; in pi. M» extremities of the rati uhirh form- ed two hoeki f>r holding the reins ; hooks fired to the teat for the same purpose ; u border, edge, circuit, circumfe- rence ; a revolution, period. Αντνπουργεϊν, Ion. for ανθυπονργε- 7i , pres. inf. act. οΐανθυπουογεω. Αντωθίω -ω, (fr. αιτϊ against, and ωΰ(ω to drive) to drive, rush, or struggle against ; to tlirust back, repel ; to resist, oppose. Αντωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) a repulse, resistance, strug- gle. Ανύβριστος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. α neg. and 5 insolence) civil, obliging, affable ; safe, or free from in- sult. Ανυίρος, -ου, δ, }}, (fr. α neg. and ΰέωρ water) without water, dry ; unwashed, unpurified. Αννμες, Dor. for ήινμεν, 1 pi. imp. act. of Ανίψι, same as ανύω. Ανυπαρξία, -ας, η, (fr. α neg. and υπάρχω to be) non-existence dissolution, destruction, ruin. Άννον, -ες, -ε, Ion. or Dor. for ήνυυν, imp. act. — Αννων, -ούσα. -ov, par. pres. act. of ανύω. Ανυπέρβλητος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same υπέρ beyond, and βάλλω to throw) insuperable, impassable ; invincible. Ανυπεύθϋνος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. a neg. ANT and ί•ΐΓ{ύ0υνο$ accountable•) not amenable, a» l respon- sible ; ubsolute, mill} that hat not ur.ounted. . fr. lael ) freely, with- out r< peudenthj. Dor. for Ανννόοητος,-ου, Ό, fj, (fr. « n< ru to shoe) unshod, without Ανύζοιστυς, -ου, ό, q, (fr. and ί -υ nihil r, and otu I Ανυ^κρΥτοί, -ου, δ, ^, (fr. and {,πυκυίνυμια to pretend ) UJM- oti/ dissimulation, unf c unit. . Ανυπομόνητος, -ov, Ό, !/, (fr, - Wr, unsuff'trablf. Ι τος, -ου, b, η, (!. . and . I - >s, and Ανυτόπτεχτος, -ov, b, ι), (fr, sanii', and ί -ύπτομαι,οτ in ξ ; Ανυπόπτως, (fr. last) υ ilhout susjii- Αννπόστατος, -ov, Ό, η, (fr. a neg. and ι φίσπηϋ to mtnstand) ime• . intolerable i un*i tud, 1 1 I and ίποτάσσω to subdue) "'<' ' ; »<-/ auomiMive, disobi- du'it, refractory, diiordtrly. Κνυσάμαν, Dor. for ηννσάμηι , 1 a. ind. mid. — ΑιΓσ.:>, 1 a. par. act. ot afviu. ΑνυσίΓΟ^οί, -ου, δ, //, (fr. αιι'ω to finish, and t'oyov work) studious, diligeru\ laboriouM. active, Αννσϊμος, -ου, δ, f), Αννστικος, and Αιιτικος, -η, -Οι, (fr. un'iu to finish) effective, if, cious; useful, benejicial, advun- ;ιυτο, imp. pass. οΐάνυμι'οτ pper. pass, of ανύω. Ανυ^όω -ώ, (fr. ava up, and υψόω to raise, th. Ski/os height) to lift, hold, or raise up ; to elevate, ex- alt ; to rear, set up. Ανύω, Άνω, or 'Αννμι, f. ανύσω, p. ήννκα, to accomplish, effect ; to perfect^finish, complete ; to avail, serve, assist, profit ; to execute, fulfil, discharge; to expend, consume; to attain, obtain, get, arrive at ; to hasten, accelerate, despatch. (57) ΑΝΩ Ά»ω, (fr. ανά up) upward*. v. \N ith the article, wJud ι* above; he, efie, it, tht ' Ι.ιιίημι. 'Αιωγιι, Ion. tor ήν*γα, p»-r. mid. r αιώ) (ov. rV| and Att. Ανωγεων -ω, το, (iir. αιω alxn••, and γη ill•• ground) an upper room, or iber, γω. , ami Ιλ S\nc. Αιώχθι, pr< I. impr. of Ανώγι; r . 1>γω. , -i'.n, -htui, |»cr. pass. — i/vof, par. per• I 1 revail on ; to exhort, en- courage ; to permit, allow. 1 a. ι'ινωζα. \ .•, -ας, ή, (fr. tif-xt) ease, a pat» ; rtlul, alle- ι i'ttiun. Ανώδυνος, -ου, b, h., (fr. a neg. and from pom ; al- leviau . '/did. Ανωϊνιως, (tr. last) at ease, with• OUt puin. ΆνωΟιχ, (fr. άνω above) from : from the beginning, ori- gin, or first rise; again, anew, ire. With a prep, the top, upper part. With the pi. arti- faihertf time, or things past. Ανωθίω -ώ, C. ανωθήσω, and αχώσω, (fr. α»<1 up, and ωθεω to push) to force or drive up; to push or thrust forward ; to repulse, re- pel. 1 a. act. ind. ώνασα• inf. αιώσαι, and ανωθησαι' 1 a. ind. ιχωσάμην inf. ανώσαοθαι' par. ανωσαμεΐΌ?. Ανώθησις, -ιος, Att. -εάΐί, ή, (fr. last) a forcing upwards, rise, ele- vation ; a driving away, repul- sion, resistance. Ανωϊστϊ, (fr. next) unawares, unex- pectedly. Ανώϊστος, -ov, b, »/, (fr. a neg. and οίομαι to think) unthought of unexpected, unforeseen. Ανωίχην, for ανώχθην, 1 a. pass, of ανοίγω. Ανώλεθρος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. α neg. and όλεθρος destruction) undecaying^ unfading, imperishable, everlast- ing. Ανωμαλία, -ας, '/, \ft. next) uneven- ness, roughness, inequality ; irre- gularity ; anomaly. Ανώμαλος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. anc bμaλbς smooth) uneven, rough unequal, irregular, anomalous. Ανωμοτϊ, (fr. next) without an oath, without swearing. AMI Ανώμοτος, -ov, b, #, (fr. a neg and όμνυμι to swear) without swear ing ; unsworn, unadjured, not obliged to swear. Ανων, -ούσα, -ov, (pres. par. of άνω or «ΐ'ύω) finishing, conclu- sive ; Jilting , expedient, proper. Ανώνυμος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. a neg. and όννμα, JEo\. for όνομα a name) anonymous, nameless ; undistin- guished, insignificant, obscure, ignoble. Ανωρθώθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass of ανορθόω. Ανωρία, -ας, and Ion. ανωρίη, -ης, η, (fr. a neg. and ώρα season) tin seasonableness, unfitness, inegu- larity. Ανωσαι, Ion. for ανοΊσαι, the same as ανενέγκαι, 1 a. inf. act. of ανα- φέρω. Ανώσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Ανώσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Ανωσάμενος, par. 1 a. mid. of ανώθω, or -θίω. Ανωτερικός, -η, -bv, (fr. next) up- per, higher,farther. Ανώτερος, -a, -ov, (comp. fr. άνω) higher, loftier; above, before. Ανωφελεία, -ας, »/, (fr. next) inuti- lity, uselessness, worthlessness. Ανωφελής, -έος -ους, b,'i, (fr. a neg. and όψελος use) useless, unpro- fitable, worthless. In neut. T b ανωφελές, unprofitableness. Ανωφελώς, (fr. last) unprofitably, to no purpose. Au 7>X a > P er • act • — Ανωχθην, 1 a. pass, of ανοίγω. Άνωχθι, -^9w,byPoet. Sync, for ανώγηθι, -ήτω, I and 2 sin. pres. impr. of ανώγημι, same as ανώ- γω. Άξαιμι, -αις, -αι, 1 a. opt. act of άγννμι, or άγω. Άξας, -ασα, -αν, 1 a. par. act. of άγω. Άξε, pres. impr. of άξω, Poet, for άγω' or for άξον, 1 a. impr. act. of άγω. Άξει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of άγω. ί Άξεια, -ας, -ε, iEol. for άξαιμι, 1 a. opt. act. of άγννμι, or άγω. Άξενος, and Poet. Άξεινος, -ov, b, fi, (fr. a neg. and ξένος a stran- ger) inhospitable, savage, wild. 'Αξεστος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and ξέω to scrape) unpolished, rough. Αξία, -ας, and Ion. Αξίη, -ης, f), (fr. άξιος worthy) rank, dignity, worth, estimation ; value, esteem ; merit, desert. Αξιάγαστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and αγάζομαι to admire) admi- rable, wonderful. Αξιάκονστος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and ακούω to hear) worth hear- ing, memorable, remarkable, fa- mous. Αξιακοόάτος, -ov, b, t% (fr. same, and ακρυάομαι to hear) worth at- tention; attractive, alluring, en- ticing. Αξιαπήγητος, Ion. for αξιαφήγητος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and αφηγέο- μαι to relate) worth relation, me- morable, famous. Αξιέραστος, -ου, b, >'•, (fr. same, and εράω to love) lovely, amiable beloved. Αξιευμαι, Dor. for αξιουμαι, pres ind. mid. cont. of αξιόω. A in;;, -ης, η, an axe, hatchet. Αξιοθαύμαστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. άξιος worth, and θαυμάζω to admire) wonderful, admirable. Comp. αξωθανμοστότερος. Αξιοθέητος, Ion. for αξιοθέατος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and $εάομαι to see) worth beholding, admirable, splendid; worth considering, im- portant. Comp. αξιοθεατώτερος, by Sync, αξιοθεώτερος, sup. -ώτατος. Αξιόλογος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and λόγος speech) praiseworthy, me- ritorious, splendid, v,orth men- tioning ; estimable, worthy. Αξιόμαχος, -ov, b, f), (fr. same, and μάχομαι to fight.) warlike, brave, intrepid ; a match, an equal ; worth fighting with. ΑξιύνΊκος, -ου, b, f), (fr. same, and νίκη victory) deserving of victory, meritorious. Αξιοπιστία, -ας, f), (fr. next) good authority, credibility; assurance, certainty , faithfulness. Αξιόπιστος, -ov, b, η, (fr. next, and πίστις faith) trustworthy, deserv- ing credit ; credible ; faithful ; probable, specious, likely. Άξιος, -a, -ov, worth, either much ,>r little ; valuable, estimable, precious ; worthy, meritorious, deserving ; fair, fit, suitable, equitable, equivalent, comparable, a match for. Αξιότης, -ητος, t), (fr. last) worthi- ness, worth, value, merit, desert. Αξιον μεν, 1 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. — Αξιοϋν, pres. inf. act. cont. — Αξιούσθωσαν, 3 pi. cont. pres. impr. pass, of αξιόω. Αξιόχρεως, -ω, b, ή, Ion. and Att. (fr. άξιος worth, and χρέως debt) able to pay, solvent; creditable, useful, fit, competent. Αξιόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, p. ηξίωκα (fr. same) to rate, esteem, reckon worthy ; to think right, fit, or proper ; to account, accept as deserving. Αξιόομαι -οϋμαι, to claim, require, demand ; to dare, presume ; to deign, vouch- safe, condescend. Imp. ind. ηξίον -ovv' 1 a. ηξίωσα' sub. αξιώσω• inf. αξιώσαι' pres. impr. pass. 3 pi. αξιούσθωσαν per. pass, ηξίωμαι' 1 a. ηξιώθην. 1 f. αξιωθήσομαι. Αξίωμα, -άτος, το, (fr. last) worth, value, merit ; dignity, authority, weight, consequence ; a claim, request; a sentence, sentiment ; a proposition, axiom. Αξιωματικός, -ου, b, fj, (fr. last) placed in authority, authorized, empowered, qualified; dignified, grand, venerable, awful ; asking, supplicatory. Αξίως, (fr. άξιος worthy) worthily, suitably, proportionably. Αξιώσεια,-ας, -ε, uEol.for αξιώσαι- μι, 1 a. opt. of αξιόω. (58) AOP Αξίωση, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act — Αξιωσθήσεται, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. pass, of same. Αξίωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, $, (fr. αξιόω to esteem) dignity, rank, influence, authority, greatness; a claim, request, demand. Άξομαι, 1 f. mid. of άνω. Άξονα, a. Άξονι, d. sin. of άξων. Άξϋλος, -ov, b, >/, (fr. a neg. and ξύ- λον wood) without wood, bare. Or, (fr. a intens.) with plenty of wood, abounding in timber. Άξω, -εις, -ει, ind. — Άξων, -ονσα, -ov, par. 1. f. act. — Άξον, -άτω, 1 a. impr. act. of άγω, or of άγννμι. Άξων, -υνος, b, an axle-tree ; a wheel; a rut, track, path; a board on which the punishment of criminals was written, and laws published. Αοιδάν, Dor. for αοιδών, g. pi. of αοιδός, or αοιδή. Αοιδη, -ης, and Dor. Αο<δά, -ας, f], (fr. αείδω to sing) a song, tune, ode. αυιδησι, d. pi. Ion. Αοιδιάω -ω, (fr. last) to sing; t& celebrate. Αοίδϊμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) sung of, celebrated ; famed. Αοιδός, -ου, b, (fr. same) a singer, songster; a bard, poet. Adj. tuneful, harmonious, musical. Αοίκητος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. a neg. and οικέω to inhabit) uninhabited, deserted, wild. Άοικος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and οί- κος a house) houseless, forlorn, destitute, poor. Άοινος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and οί- νος wine) without wine. Άοκνος, -ov, b, f], (fr. same, and όκνος sloth) diligent, active ; quick, ready ; courageous, bold. Αολλέω -ώ., (fr. αολλης crowded') to gather, assemble, crowd, flock together. Αολλήδην, (fr. same) together, in crowds. Αολλης, -έος -ους, b, η, in close or- der, in dense array ; crowded, collected, assembled. Αολλίζω, same as αολλέω. Άοπλος, -ov, b, >/, (fr. a neg. and οπλον arms) without arms, un- armed, defenceless ; not equip- ped, not harnessed, Άορ, -ρος, b, a sword. Αορασία, -ας, η, (fr. a neg. and οράω to see) blindness, darkness. Αόρατος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) invi- sible, not to be seen ; blind, not seeing. Αοράτως, (fr. same) invisibly. Αορ'ια, -ας, f/, (fr. same) darkness, blindness. Αορισταίνω, (fr. αόριστος undeter- mined) to be undecided; to hesi- tate. Αοριστέομαι -ονμαι, (fr. same) to be boundless, extend, stretch out. Αοριστία, -ας, η, (fr. same) infini- ty, endlessness, vastness ; gene- rality, vagueness. Αοριστίκος, and Αόριστος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. a neg. and 'όρος bounds; Λ ΠΑ boundless, infinite, indefinite, un- defined, Αορίστως, (fr. last) infinitely, inde- finitely, generally. Άορνος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and όρ- νις a Dird) unfrequented by birds ; impassable, or inaccessible. Αορτή, -ης, η, the large artery, the aorta ; a chest, case. Αορτ'ηρ, -ηρος, δ, (perhaps fr. άορ a sword, and Γηρίω to keep) any suspender, by which a sword, shield, pouch, or scrip is hung ; a string, strap, belt, girdle, brace, ring ; a case, sheath, scabbard. d. pi. Poet, αορτηρίσσι. Άορτο, 3 sin. of αόρμην, for ηίρ- μην, pper. pass, of αείρω. Αοσσέω -ώ, (fr. α neg. and όσσα voice) to help readily, assist with- out being culled, succour. Αοσσητηρ, -ηρος, δ, (fr. last) aready assistant, willing helper, protect- or, favourer. Άουτος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. a neg. and ουτάω to wound) unhurt. Or, (fr. ους an ear) without cars. Αοχλησία, -ας, η, (fr. next) ease, tranquillity, retirement. Αόχλητος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. a neg. and οχλίω to disturb) undisturbed, unmolested, tranquil. Άοψ, -οπός, δ, η, (fr. same, and 6ψ the eye, th. άπτομαι to see) blind. Απ\ for από, before a smooth vowel. Απαγάγω, Att. for απάγω. It is chiefly used in this form in the 2 a. ind. απήγαγον impr. Απά- γαγε, -ίτω, 2 pi. -γετε. Απαγγελία, -ας, η, (fr. next) news, tidings, a message. Απαγγέλλω, f. απαγγελω, p. απήγ- γελκα, (fr. από from, and αγγίλ- λω to tell) to bring back word, or answer, carry news, bring tidings, report ; to tell, declare, announce, publish, proclaim. 1 a. ind. απήγγειλα' impr. απάγγει- λον, -άτω' inf. απαγγείλαι• par. απαγγείλας• par. pres. act. απαγ- γελλων' pass, απαγγελλόμενος. Απαγε, impr. of απάγω, away with you, begone. Απαγης, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. a in- tens. and πήγνυμι to fix) impe- netrable; hard, compact, firm. Or, (fr. a neg. and same) un- firm, loose, fluid. Απαγινεειν, pres. inf. of απαγινέω, ion. for απάγω. Απαγξαίμην, 1 a. opt. mid. of απάγχω. Απαγόμενος, -η, -ov, pass. — Απά- γων, -ούσα, -ov, act. par. pres. of απάγω. Απαγορεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. από from, and αγορεύω to declare) to be spent, worn out, or exhausted : to prohibit, forbid, hinder, slop, stay, debar ; to refuse, renounce, deny ; to plead in defence, or xenial, excuse. Απαγριόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. από in- tens. and αγρός the country) to rusticate, grow wild ; to enrage, ΑΠΑ vex. par. per. pass, απηγριωμί- νος. ΑπαγρΙωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) rusticity, wildness ; savage- ness, rage, exasperation. Απάγχω, f. απάγζω, p. άπηγχα, fr. από intens. and άγχω, which see. pres. pass, απάγχομαι. 1 f. mid. απάγξομαι. 1 a. mid. απηγζά- μην. Απάγω, f. -ζω, p. απηχα, (fr. από from, and άγω to lead) to lead, carry, bring off, or away ; to take aside ; to drive back ; to call off", divert, turn away, mislead, seduce ; to lead, tend, incline to ; to conduct, carry to prison, pu- nishment, &c. ; to pay, render. 2 a. απηγον' Att. απήγαγον impr. απάγαγε' par. απαγάγων' per. pass, απηγμαι,-ζαι, -KTat. 1 a. pass, απήγβην inf. απαχθή- ναι. Απαγωγή, -ης, >), (fr. last) a taking, carrying, or driving away ; cap- tivity ; payment, contribution, tribute. Απαδέω -ω, (fr. a neg. and ΐιόίω to ΑΠΑ self away, depart. 1 a. ind. απη- pa'impr. απαρον, -άτω' inf. απι}- pai. per. pass, απΐ,ρμαι. 1 a. pass, απηρθην sub. απαρθω, -ης, Άπαις, -aιδoς,b,η, (fr. a neg. and παϊς a child) childless, barren. Απαίσιος, -ου, Ό, ή, (fr. same, and αίσιος lucky) unfortunate, un- lucky, ill-omened, unpropilious. Απαισσω, f. -ζω, (fr. από from, and άίσσω to rush) to sally forth, dart out, rush, or hasten away. Απαιτεί, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. — Απαιτεί, 2 sin. pres. impr. cont. of Απαιτίω -ω, (fr. από intens. and αιτέω to ask) to beg of, entreat, request ; to claim, demand back, require. Απαίτησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) a request, entreaty, prayer ; a demand, requisition, exac- tion. Απαιτίζω, f. -Ίσω, (fr. same) to ex- act, require, demand. Απακριβόω -ω, fr. από intens. and ριβόω, which see. please) to displease, dissatisfy, Απάλαιστος, Poet, for ακαταπάλα• disgust. ; ιστός. Απαδικεω -ω, (fr. από from, and ΪΑπάλαιστρος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. α neg. αδικεω to injure) to wrong, de- and παλαίστρα a school for arms) fraud, rob, detain unjustly Απάδις,-ιος,η, (fr. από from afar, and είδω to see) thought ; think- ing, consideration, meditation ; heart, mind, spirit. Απάδω, (fr. same, and άδω or αείδω to sing) to sing false, make dis- cord ; to disagree, differ. Απαείρω, (fr. από from, and αείρω to take) to carry off, convey away, remove. Απαείρομαι, to take one's self off, depart, go away. Απαθανατίζω, fr. από intens. and αθανατίζω, which see. Απαθής, -έος -ους, Ό, η, (fr. a neg. and πάσχω to suffer) unJivrl, safe, secure, free from harm ; in- sensible, unfeeling ; unmoved, not affected, undisturbed. Απα], Poet, for από. Απαιδευσία, -ας, η, (fr. next) igno- rance, simplicity, want of breed- ing, rudeness ; awkwardness, un- skilfulness. Απαίδευτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. a neg. and παιδεύω to educate) untaught, unlettered, unlearned ; rude, Mi terate. Απαιδοτρίβητος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg and παιδοτριβέω to educate) un- educated, ill-bred ; unpractised, ignorant. Απαίνυμαι, or Αποαίνυμαι, (fr. από from, and αίννμαι to take) to take away, carry off; to deprive, plun- der, rob. Απαιρεθέω, Ion. for αφαιρεθώ, 1 a. sub. pass. — Απαιρεϊσθαι, Ion. for αφαιρεΊσθαι, pres. inf. pass. — Απαιρερημενος, Ion. and Att. for αφηρημένος, par. per. pass. , of αφαιρέω. Απαίρω, f. -άρω, p. -ηρκα, (fr. από from, and αίρω to lift) to take. unpractised in public exercises, not trained. Απαλαλκέμεν, Dor. for απαλαλκεΐν, pres. inf. of Απαλάλκω, (fr. από from, and αλάλκω for αλκεω to help) to keep off, or from ; to beat, drive back ; to repulse, repel, turn away ; to guard, save, protect, pres. opt. απαλάλκοιμι, -οις, -οι. Απάλαμνος, for Απάλάμος, -ov, δ, η, (fr. α neg. and παλάμη the hand) handless, awk- ward, artless; destitute, poor, miserable, wretched ; inevitable, unavoidable. Απαλάομαι,ϊΐ. από intens. andaXa- ομαι, which see. Απαλγέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. απήλγηκα, (fr. same, and αλγέω to pine) to grieve, mourn, pine ; to despond, despair ; to become insensible, hardened, or abandoned. Απαλείφο), f. -ψω, p. απήλειφα, (fr. από from, and αλείφω to wipe) to wipe off, blot out, efface, oblite- rate. Απάλειψον, impr. of απήλειψα, 1 a. ind. act. of last. Απαλεξίκακος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. από priv. αλεξω to avert, and κακός evil) incurable, irremediable ; not to be saved, past recovery ; doom- ed, fated. Απαληθεύω, f. -εύσω, p. -ενκα, fr. από intens. and αληθεύω, which see. Απαληλειμμενος, Att. for απηλειμμέ- νος, par. per. pass, of απαλεί- φω. Απαλήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. mid. fr, από from, and άλημι, αλέω, or αλάομ,ιι, which see. Ατταλθέομαι -οϋμαι, fr. από intens, lift, or carry off"] to take one'sl and αλθέω, or άλθω, which see, ΑΠΑ Άπαλίας, -ου, δ, (fr. απαλός ten- der) a young kid. Απαλλαγή, -ης, fj, ζίτ. απαλλάσσω to dismiss) a dismissal, discharge, departure, removal ; reconcilia- tion ; a deliverance, escape ; an exchange, alteration, change of situation, or circumstances ; end, issue, conclusion ; death. Απαλλακτέον, (fr. same) an altera- tion must be made, it must be changed, removed, taken away. Απαλλάξη, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. — Απαλλάσσεσθαι, pres. inf. pass. of απαλλάσσω. Απάλλαξις, -ιος, i% (fr. next) a change, alteration, removal, dis- missal. , Απαλλάσσω, or -ττω, f. -άξια, p. απήλλαχα, (fr. απο from, and αλλάσσω to change) to dismiss, discharge, absolve, acquit, let go, set free ; to deliver, extricate; to have done with, be rid of; to depart; to change, put off, de- tach, remove, expel. Απαλλάσσο- μαι, to escape, come off, get off, withdraw, depart, retire ; to ac- quit, or disengage one's self, be rid of, have done with. 1 a. ind. act. απήλλαξα' sub. απαλλάξω, 7?7?> -.'?' per. pass, απήλλαγμαι' inf. απηλλάχθαι. Απαλλοτριόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. απηλ- λοτρίωκα, (fr. απο intens. and αλ- λοτριόω to alienate) to estrange, alienate totally ; to emigrate; to disperse, separate. 3 sin. pres. ind. or opt. απαλλοτριοΐ' per. pass, απηλλοτρίωμαι' par. απηλ- λοτριωμένος. Απαλλοτρίωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f), (fr. last) estrangement, aliena- tion, transfer ; removal, depart- ure, emigration. Απαλοιάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. απο in- tens. and αλοιάω by pleonas. for αλοάω to thrash) to pound, bruise, grind ; to rub, wear-, chafe; to break, shatter. ΆπαλοΓο, g. sin. Ion. of απαλός. Απαλοιφή, -ης, f), (fr. απαλείφω to wipe out) a blot, rasure, oblitera- tion. ' Απαλός, -ή, -bv,soft, tender, deli- cate. Άπαλόσαρκος, -ov, b, η, (fr. last, and σαρξ flesh) with tender flesh, delicate. Απαλότης -ητος, ή, (fr. απαλός ten- der) softness, pliability, tender- ness, delicacy, niceness, effemi- nacy. Απαλοτρεφης, -έος -ους, b, ?% (fr. same, and τρέφω to rear) pam- pered, high-fed, fattened ; reared tenderly. Άπαλόχροος -ους, -6ου -ov, ο,η", (fr. same, and χρόα the skin) of a tender skin or flesh, delicate. Άπαλόω -ω, and Απαλύνω, f. -υνω p. -νγκα, (fr. same) to treat ten derly, touch softly ; to soften ; to calm, sooth, alleviate ; to make mild, tender, delicate. Απαλως, (fr. same) tenderly, deli" cately, softly. ΑΠΑ Απαμβλννω, fr. απδ intens. and αμβλύ ω, which see. Απαμείβετο, Ion. for απημείβετο, imp. mid. of Απαμείβομαι, fr. απο intens. and αμείβω, which see. Απαμμένος, Ion. for αφημμένος, par. per. pass, of αφάπτω. Απαμννω, f. -υνω, (fr. απο from, and αμύνω to protect) to drive away, repulse, repel ; to avert ; to guard, protect, defend. "Απαν, neut. of άπας. Απαναίνομαι, (fr. απο from, and αναίνομαι to deny) to refuse ; to reject, cast off, loathe ; to excuse, pretend. Απαναισχυντέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, fr. απο intens. and αναισχνντέω, which see. Απαναλίσκω, f. -αλώσω, (fr. απο in- tens. and αναλίσκω to waste) to consume, destroy ; to impair, wear, corrode ; to expend, lay out upon, bestow. Απανάλωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) consumption, expenditure, expense, waste, wear. Απανάνάτο, Poet, and Dor. for απανήνατο, 3 sin. 1 a. mid. of απαναίνομαι. Απαναχώρησις, -ιος, Att. -εως,ή,(ίτ. απο from, and αναχωρέω to re- tire) a departure, withdrawing. Απάνενθε, (fr. απο from, and άνευθε afar) at a distance, separately, apart. Απΐινήνασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. of απα- ναίνομαι. Απανθέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. από from, and ανθέω to bloom) to shed, loose, or be stripped of its flowers, or verdure ; to decay, fade, with- er; to yield, or furnish flowers, Απανθρακόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. απο in- tens. and άνθραξ a cinder) to burn up, parch; to reduce to ashes, consume totally. Απανιστάμενος, par. pres. mid. of Απανίστημι,ΐ. -στήσω, (fr. από from, and ανίστημι to rise up) to rise up to go, set out, depart ; to re- move, retire. "Απαντα, -τας, -τες, -των, cases of άπας. Απαντών, pres. inf. act. — Απαν- τώντας, a. pi. mas. cont. par. pres. act. of απαντάω. ' Απανταχάθεν, (fr. άπας all) on all sides, all around, round about. Απαντάω -ω, (fr. απο intens. and αντάω to meet) to come before ; to face, meet, encounter, go to meet ; to reply, answer, refute; to hap- pen, rhovre. Άπάντη. (fr. οπΊχς all) every where. Απά'ντημα, -άτυς, το, (fr. απαντάω to meet) a meeting; chance, ac- cident ; circumstance, occasion, opportunity. Απαντησαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Απαν- τήσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of απαντάω. Απάντησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. απαντάω to meet) a meeting, ap- pointment, assignation; a ren> counter, charge; an occurrence, (60) ΑΠΑ accident ; a waiting for, way laying ; opposition, attack, a. sin. απάντησιν. Απαντίον, Απάντικρν, (fr. απο in- tens. and αντί against) opposite, right against, on the other side. Απαντωντα, -τας, -τες, -τος, cont. cases of the par. pres. of άπαν τάω. "Απαξ, (fr. άπας all) once, at once, once for all, entirely, thoroughly, altogether, άπαξ καϊ ots, once and again. Άπαξαπλώς, (fr. άπαξ once, and άπλως simply) wholly, totally, entirely, altogether. Απάξιος, -ov, b, ?/, (fr. απο priv. and άξιος worthy) unworthy, unde- serving ; unflt, unbecoming, un- suitable, unmerited. Απαξιόω -ω, (fr. same) to disap- prove, reject, refuse ; to scorn, slight. Απαξιόομαι -ονμαι, to think one's self unworthy, despair of. Απάορος, Poet, for απήορος, -ov, b, V, (fr. απαείρω to remove) remote, distant, far off; withdrawn, re- tired. Απαράβατος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. a neg. and παραβαίνω to pass over) im- passable, impervious ; not to be transgressed; which does not pass, fixed, permanent, perpetual. Απαραι, inf. — Απάρας, par. — ' Απ ά- ρον, impr. 1 a. act. of απαίρω. Απαραιρημένος, or -εμενος, Ion. for αφηρημένος, or -εμένος, par. per. pass, of αφαιρέω. Απαραίτητος, -ov, b, %, (fr. a neg. and παραιτέω to beg off) not to be entreated, or deprecated, inex- orable ; inevitable, unavoida- ble. Απαραιτήτως, (fr. last) inexorably, obdurately ; inevitably. Απαρακαλύπτως, (fr. α neg. and παρακαλύπτω to conceal) withoui disguise, openly, avowedly. Απαράλλακτος, -ov, b,!j, (fr. same, and παραλλάσσω to alter) unal- terable, immutable, permanent, fixed, stable. Απαραλόγιστος, -ov, b, >), (fr. same, and παραλογίζομαι to defraud). not to he deceived, or imposed on ; infallible, certain, sure, un- doubted. Απαράμνθος, -ου, Ό, fj, (fr. a neg. and παραμυθία consolation, tn. μύθος a word) without soothing, or encouragement, that cannot be soothed. Απαρασήμαντος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and παρασημαίνω to stamp) un- noticed, uncelebrated, unfrequent- ed; obscure, obsolete. Απαρασκεύαστος, and Απαράσκενος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and παρασ- κευάζω to prepare) unprepared, not ready ; unexpected, una- wares. Απαρατηρήτως, (fr. same, and πα- ρατηρέω to watch) unattentively, lightly, unguardedly, incautious- ly. Απαραφνλάκτως, (fr. same, παρά contrary, and φυλάσσω t;, (fr. a neg. παρά inlens. Άπάεγχειρέω to han- dle) beyond the reach of art ; which baffles all attempts ; in- violable, inaccessible, unattaina- ble; unparalleled, matchless in- Απαρτι\ για, -ας, η, (fr. same imitable ; complete, perfect. \ and \6γυς account) a round sum, Απαρεγχειρήτως, (fr. last) bcyond\ tot αι. amount. the power of imitation ; complete- ι Απα ρτισμός, -ov,b, (fr. απαρτίζω to ly, perfectly. \ finish j a completion, flnishing, Απαρέσκω, (fr. από priv. andapfV-j perfecting. κω to please) to displease, dissa- Απαούω, (fr- από from, and αρύ ω to tisfy, disgust; to disapprove, re- draw) to exhaust, drain, empty ; ject. Απαρέσκομαι, to appease,' :r take from, lessen, diminish, soothe, mollify ; to obhge,deserve. α ~ιηχή, -ης, η, more usually Απαρ- Απάρθενος, -ov, δ, η, (fr. a neg. and χαϊ, -ων, at, (fr. από intens. and παρθένος maiden) not maiden, αρχή the beginning) first fruits. ΑΠΑ perfection, completion ; the whole, entire. Απαρτίζω, f. -ίσω, p. αιήρτικα, (fr. lasi) to join, unite put together, mjdcl, form ; it finish, perfect, complete; to set, fit, replace; ■ o divide, sha^e, apportion'- to prepare, maiu ready. Also, to unfit, impav . make unequal, un- like, or uiuien. per. pass, απήρ- τισμαι' 1 1. απαρτισθήσομαι without virginity ; tainted, de fiowered. Απαρθώ, -ης, -rj, 1 a. sub. pass, of απ αίρω. Απαριθμίω -ω, (fr. από from, and αριθμέω to count) to reckon up, count over, tell off. Απαρίνη, -ης, η, the herb burdock. Απαρκτίας, or Απαρκίας, -ov, b, (fr. από from, and άρκτος the north) the north wind. Απαρνέομαι, (fr. same, and αρνέομαι to deny) to refuse ; to renounce, abandon ; to resign, abdicate. Απαρνησάσθω, 3 sin. 1 a. impr. mid. — Απαρνησθήσομαι, -η, -εται, pass. — Απαρνήσομαι, -t], -εται, mid. 1 f. ind. of last. ' Απαρνος, -ov, b, η, (fr. last) a de- nier, one who refuses, declines, or renounces. Απαρόδεντος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and παροδεύω to pass through) impassable, impervious ; inacces- sible ; fortified, impregnable. Απαρράσσω, f. -ζω, (fr. από intens. and αράσσω to beat) to disturb, disorder, confound ; to overturn, throw down ; to remove, turn out, eject. Απαρρησιαστ'ίκός, and Απαρρησίασ- τβς, -ov, b, ή", (fr. α neg. and παρρησιάξομαι to speak freely) fearing to speak, not using free- dom ; servile, mean, cringing. Άπαρσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. απαίρω to carry off) a packing up ; setting out, departure. Απαρτάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. από from, and αρτάω to hang) to hang up, or upon, to make depend on ; to suspend, doubt ; to defer, de-\ Απάτη, -ης, fj, (fr. same) deceit, lay, put off; to interrupt, break*, deception, fraud, imposition ; a off; to withdraw, remove, set ι cheat, trick, artifice; seduction; tipart. an er> or, illusion. ΑτταρτΫ, (fr. από from, and apru Απατηθήναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of απα~ now) from this time, f ram hence-\ τάω Απάρχομαι, (fr. same) to offer first fruits ; begin with an offering. Απάρχω, (fr. same, and αρχή the beginning) same as άρχω, and άρχομαι' but also in mid. to be- gin sacrificing, make libations, pay, or offer the first fruits. "Απας, -άσα, -αν, fr. α intens. and πας, which see. "Απασαν, -σι, cases of last. Άπασέων, g. pi. Ion. of same. Άπαστος,-ον, b, η, (fr. a neg. and πάω to feed) that has not lasted, fasting. Απαστράπτω, (fr. από from, and αστράπτω to lighten) to dart like lightning ; to emit, let fly ; to sparkle. Απαστράπτων, -ονσα,-ον, par. pres act. of last. Απασχολέω -ω, fr. από intens. and ασχοΧέω, which see. ΑπασχοΧία, -ας, η, fr. same, and ασχολία, which see. Απάτα, Dor. for απάτη. Also Απα- τα, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act.— Απατάτω, 3 sin. cont. pres. impr act. — Απατηθείς, -εΐσα, -εν, par 1 a. pass. — Απατώ ν, par. pres act. cont. of Απατάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. ηπάτηκα, to deceive, beguile, cheat ; to disap- point ; to seduce, lead into error. pres*. inf. act. cont. απαταν' 1 a. act. ηπάτησα, and Ion. απάτησα' pass, ηπατήθην par. απατηθείς. Απάτερθε, (fr. από from, and άτερ or άτερθε without) apart, sepa- rately, asunder, at a distance. Απατεών, -ωνος, b, (fr. απατάω to deceive) a deceiver, impostor. forth. Or {fr. άρτιος whole) wholly, entirely, totally, altoge- ther, clearly. Απαρτία, -ας, ή, (perhaps fr. απαίρω to carry off) furniture, baggage, provisions ; equipage, suite. Or (fr. ατό intens. and άρτιος whole) Απατηλός, -ή, -ov, and ΑπατήΧιος, -ov, b, »/, (fr. απατάω to deceive) deceitful, fallacious, fraudulent, cheating ; beguiling, seducing ; illusive, delusive, erroneous. Απάτησε, Ion. for ηπάτησε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Απατήσει, 3 sin. ΑΠΕ 1 f. act — Απατωντες, η. pi. mas. cont. par. pres. act. of απατάω. Απάτωρ, -ορός, b, η, (fr. α neg. and πατήρ a.(a.ther) fatherless, orphan. Απαύγασμα, -άτος, τό, (fr. από from, and αυγάζω to shine) splendour, brightness, irradiation, effulgence. Απανγή, -ής, η, (fr. same, and any») brightness) splendour, radiance, effulgence. Απανδάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. απηύδηκα, (fr. same, and ανδάω to speak) to renounce, disclaim ; to j'orbid, interdict, prohibit ; to faint, fail, pres. inf. απανδαν 1 a. act. απηύδησα' par. απανδήσας, -ασα, -αν. Απαυθαδιάζομαι, fr. από intens. and ανθαδιάζω, which see. Απανθαδιείσθαι, Att. for απανθαδί- σεσθαι, 1 f. inf. mid. of Απανθαδίζομαι, fr. από intens. and ανθαδίζομαι, which see. ΑπανΧίζομαι, (fr. από from, and ανΧίζομαι to herd) to herd, fold, or lodge apart ; to separate, re- tire, withdraw. ΑπανΧόσϋνος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and ανΧή a sheepfold) herding, or lodging apart ; solitary, lone- ly, retired. Απαύξηοις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same, and ανξησις increase) di- minution, lessening, weakening, impairing. Απαύρα, Ion. for απήνρα, 3 sin. imp. of Απανράω -ώ, (fr. από from, and avpa a breeze) to take away, carry off; to rob, despoil, imp. απηύραον -ων. Άπανστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and παύω to cease) unceasing, inces- sant ; endless, continual, per- petual ; not to be alleviated, or re- lieved. Απανστως, and ΑπανστΊ, (fr. last) incessantly, continually. ΑπαντομοΧέω -ω, fr. από from, and αντομοΧέω, which see. * Απανχενίζω,ϊ. -Ίσω, (fr. same, and ανχήν the neck) to cut the throat, or neck, behead. Απαφάω, Απάφω, Απαφίσκω, and Απείφω, (fr. από by, and αφη the touch) to soothe, caress, fondle ; flatter, deceive. An ^Eolic word used Poet, for απατάω, which see. Απαφρίζω, (fr. από intens. and αφ- ρίζω to foam) to foam, froth ; to work, foment. Απαχθείς, -ε"ΐσα, -εν, par. — Απαχ- θήναι, inf. 1 a. pass, of απάγω. Απαχθής, -έος -ους, Ό, η, (fr. από in- tens. and άχθος a load) heavy, weighty ; burdensome, oppressive; troublesome, uneasy, offensive. Απαχθίζω, (fr. same) to oppress, burden, overload ; to annoy, in- commode, trouble, distress. Απάχθομαι, see Απεχθάνομαι. Απάψας, Ion. for αφάνας, 1 a e par. of αφάπτω. Απέβα, Dor. for απέβη, 2 sin. 2 a act. οι αποβαίνω. ΑπέβαΚον, 2 a. act. of αποβάΧΧι* ΑΠΕ ΑΠΕ Α^πέβην, -ης, -η, 2 a. act. — Απέβη- -θάνετε, 1 and 2 pi. 2 a. ind. act, σάμην, 1 a. mid. of αποβαίνω. οι αποθνήσκω. Απέβλεπον, -ες, -ε, imp. act. of Απεθάρρησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. act. of αποβλέπω. Απεγαλακτίσθην, 1 a. ind. pass, of απογαλακτίζω. Απέγγονος, -ov, b, (fr. από from, and εγγονός a grandson) a great grandchild. Απενλνκάνθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. pass. of απογλνκαίνω. Απεγνωκύτως, (fr. next) despairing ly, hopelessly. Απεγνώσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. pass. — Απεγνωκώς, -v7a, -ός, par. per. act. of απογινώσκω Απεδάνός, -οι), b, η, (fr. a neg. and πεδανός firm, th. πέδον the ground) lame, halt, weak, infirm, frail ; of weak intellects. Απεδάσσαο, Ion. and Poet, for απε- δάσω, 2 sin. 1 a. mid. of αποδά• ζομαι. Απέδειξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. act. — Απεδε- ίχθην, 1 a. pass, of αποδ είκν νμ ι. Απεδειροτόμησα, 1 a. act. of αποδει- ροτομέω. Απεδεζάμην, -ω, -ατο, and oy Apos. -ατ\ 1 a. ind. r.tid. — Απεδέχετο, 3 sin. imp. or 2 a. ind. mid. — Απεδέχθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. hid. pass. of αποδέχομαι. Απεδήμησα, -ας, -ε, or -εν before a vowel, 1 a. act. of αποδημέω. Απείίδον, 2 sin. imp. pass, of απο- δίδω μι. Απεδίδονν, -ους, -ov, imp. cont. of α~οδιδόω, for απεδ'ιδων, -ως, -ω, imp. of same. Απέδΐλος, and απεδίλωτος, -ov, b,f/, (fr. a neg. and πέδιλον a slipper) without shoes, unshod, barefooted, Απεδοκίμάσα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -μασαν, 1 a. ind. act. of αποδοκιμάζω. Απεδόμην, 1 sin. — Απέδοσθε, Απέδοντο, 2 and 3 pi. 2 a. ind. mid. of αποδίδωμι. Απεδον, -ov, το, (fr. a intens. or redund. and πεδον the ground) Ion. and Poet, for πεδον, or πε- δίον, which see. Απεδος, -ov, b, §, (fr. last) plain, level, open, champaign. Απέδοτο, 3 sin. and Απεδόσθε, -δοντο, 2 and 3 pi. 2 a. ind. mid. of αποδίδωμι. Απέδοχ", by Apos. before an aspi- rate, for απέδοκε, 3 sin. 1 a. act. of αποδίδωμι. Απεδρα, 1 sin. — Απέδραμεν, 1 pi. — Απέδραν, 3 pi. for απέδραζα, απεδράσαμεν, and απέδρασαν, 1 a. act. of αποδιδράσκω. Απεδνσάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. act. of αποδνω. Απέδω, per. απεδήδοκα, for απέδηκα, (fr. απο intens. and έίω to eat) to consume, eat up, devour. 1 a. pass, απηδέσθην. Απίειπον, Att. or by Poetic Pros- thesis for απείπον, imp. or 2 a. of απέπω Ακεζωσμένος, par. per. pass, of αποζώνννμι. Απ-ε^ν,-Ροεί. fora7ri5v, imp. of άπει- μι, to be absent. Απέθανον, -ε?, -ε, sin. -θάνομεν. αποθαρρεω Απεθεμην, -εσο, -ετο, 3 pi. -εντο, 2 a. ind. mid. — Απεθηκάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. mid. of αποτίθημι. Απεθηλα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. act. of απο- βάλλω. Απεθίζω, ΐ. -ίσω, (fr. απο from, and εθίζω to accustom) to disuse, wean, break off, alter a habit. Απεθνησκον, -ες, -ε, or -εν before a vowel, imp. act. of αποθνήσκω. Απει, or Άπϊθι, pres. impr. of άπειμι, to go away. Also, Απει 2 sin. pres. ind. of άπειμι, to go away. Απείδω, f. -είσομαι, (fr. απο intens. and είδω to see) to turn the eyes, look attentively ; to perceive, see clearly. 2 a. απεΊδον' sub απίδω, -ης, -τ). Απείθεια, -ας, f), (fr. απειθης diso- bedient) disobedience ; stubborn- ness, obstinacy, resistance to per- suasion ; unbelief, infidelity. Απειθεϊς, η. a. pi. cont. of απειθής. Απειθεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ηπείθηκα, (fr. α neg. and πείθω to persuade) to disobey, resist ; to disbelieve. 1 a. act. ηπείθησα. 2 a. ήπιθον. Απείθην, Ion. {or αφείθην, 1 a. pass. ΟΓ αφίημι. Απειθης, -εος -ους, b, ή, (fr. a neg. and πείθω to persuade) disobe- dient ; perverse, obstinate, stub- born ; unbelieving, faithless. Απειθήσασι,ό.ρ\.ο{Απείθησας,-ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. of απειθεω. Κπεικάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. απο intens. and εικάζω to liken) to assimi- late, liken, make like ; to com- pare, examine together ; to ima- gine, conjecture ; to resemble. Απεικασία, -ας, η, (fr. last) a like- ness, resemblance, similitude; a picture, portrait. Απείκασμα, -ατός, rb, (fr. same) a resemblance, picture, image, figure, statue. Απεικαστεον, (fr. same) it must be likened, compared, &c. Ανείκει,ί. -ζει,ο. απεοικε, (impers. of απείκω) it is unfit, unbecom- ing, improper ; it is discordant, different, inconsistent. Απεικονίζω, fr. απο intens. and εικο• ζω, which see. Απεικόνισμα, -άτος, το, (fr. last) a resemblance, representation image, picture, statue. Λ,πεικότως, same as απεοικότως Απείκω, f. -ξω, p. απέοικα, (fr. απο priv. and είκω to be like) to be unlike, differ, not to resem ble. Απεικώς, same as απεοικώς. Απειλείων, -ονσα, -ov, par. pres. of απειλείω, Poet, for Απειλέω -ω, and iEol. απελλω, f. -ήσω, p. ηπείληκα, to threaten, menace ; to glory, boast, vaunt ; to promise, vow. imp. ηπείλεον -ovv. 1 a. act. ηπείλησα' mid. ηπειλησάμην' sub. απειλήσωμαι. ΑΠΕ είλ/ω to collect) to roll, or wrap up ; to entangle, involve, pres. inf. pass. cont. απειλεΐσθαι. per, par. pass, απειλημμένος. Απειλή, -ης, ή, (fr. απειλέω to threat- en) α threat, menace ; a boast. Απειλησώμεθα, 1 pi. 1 a. sub. mid. of same. Απειλήτην, Ion. and Sync, for ηπει* λησάτην, 3 du. 1 a. act. of απει λέω. Απειλήτειρα, -ας, ή, (fern, for next) she that threatens, &c. Απειλητηρ, -ηρος, and Απειλητης ί -ου, b, (fr. απειλέω to threaten) a threatencr, menacer ; a brag' gart, boaster, vauntcr. Απειλητήριος, -ov, b, »/, and Απειλη- τικός, -r), -bv, (fr. last) threat- ening, menacing ; boasting, vaunting ; haughty, arrogant. Απείληφα, Απειλήφασι, Απειληφώς> Att. for απολέληφα, per. act. απολελήφασι, 3 pi. and απολελη- φως, par. of απολαμβάνω. Άπειμι, f. απέσομαι, (fr. από from, and ειμί to be) to be absent, be wanting, be away. Imp. απην' pres. inf. απείναι' par. απών. Άπειμι, or Απίημι, f. απείσομαι, p. άπεικα, (fr. same, and εΊμι to go) to go away, depart. 2 a. ind. άπιΌν impr. άπιε' opt. απίοιμι' sub. α7Γίώ• par. απιών' 1 a. act. απεΤσα, Att. απήεσα, in 3 pi. απήεσαν. per. mid. απε7α' άπηα and απήια. Απειπάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 pi. -άμεθα, 1 a. ind. mid. — Απε'ιπαι, 1 a. inf. act. — ΑπεΓττε, 3 sin. 1 or 2 a. — ΑπειπεΊν, pres. inf. act. of Απείπω, Poet, for απέπω. Απειράγαθος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. πειράω to try, and αγαθός good) experiencing no kindness, unfa- voured ; ignorant of what is good, knavish, dishonest. Απειραγάθως, (fr. last) badly, awk- wardly, ignorantly ; dishonestly, corruptly, knavishly. Απειοάκις, (fr. άπειρος boundless) infinitely, immensely, without li- mits, or bounds. Απείραντος, -ov, b, //, (fr. a neg. and πειρο,ίνω to finish) Poet, for άπειρος , boundless. Απείραστος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and πειράζω to try) untried, not at- tempted ; not to be tempted, be- yond temptation ; impossible, im- practicable, unattainable. Απείρατος, -ov, Ό, η, (fr. same) Poet, for άπειρος, ignorant. Απειραχως, (fr. από intens. and πείρα a trial) infinitely, in many ways, variously. Απείργω, f. -ζω, p. άπειρχα, (fr. από from, and είργω, to lestrain) to drive away, hinder, prevent ; to shut out, exclude, keep out; to stop, bar, impede. Απείργων, -ονσα, -ov . par. pres. of last. Απειρέσιος, -a, -ov, and -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and πέρας the Απειλέω -ώ, (fr. από intens. andj end) boundless, immense; great, ΑΠΕ Luge, extravagant; innumera- ble. Ακειρηκώς, -via, -ύ>, par. per. of απερίω. Λ rji, -ου, b,ff, see απείρατος. -ας, ι/, (fir. άπειρος ignoranl ) i%noran, or unacquainted tcith the sea, not versed in naval affairs; a landsman. JL-rttBOKOJtfw -ώ, (fir. next) to be free from guile, or deceit, be in- nocent, behave sincerely, deal honestly. Απειρόκακος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and κακός evil) ignorant of evil, sinless, innocent; honest, sincere, simple. Απειροκαλία, -ας, η, (fr. next) want ofhonc*ti/, roguery ; folly, silli- ness, impertinence, vulgarity. Απειρόκαλος, -ου, δ, t), (fr. άπειρος ignorant, and καλός good) dis- homst, fraudulent, rience, want of knowledge, ac- quaintance, or skill. Απείρω, JEol. Απέρρω, f. -ερω, p. απείρηκα, (fr. από priv. and είρω to say) to forbid, prohibit ; re- fuse, discharge, dismiss. ΑπειρωδΙν, -ίνος, η, (fr. same, and ωδιν travail) that has not known the pains of childbirth, childless, barren. Απείρων, -όνος, b, ή, (fr. a neg. and πείρας the end) infinite, bound- less, immense, numberless. Also, round. Απείρως, (fr. άπειρος ignorant or boundless) awkwardly, igno- rantly, rudely; infinitely, end- lessly. ΑΠΕ Aittvaa, and Att. απηεσα, -ας, -t, 1 a. — Απείσομαι, 1 1. "• to go -:n. iin;i. ind. act. cont. ώα, -ας, -ε, and. act» Ι νλίω. Ις, -tiff ι, -iv, in n. pL uitt• ,, 1 a. par. pass, of απε- ΑίΓεΧαιιπόμην, 1 a. mid. — A*i- Χαμ^,α, 1 a. act. of απολάμπω. Απελασία; -ας, η, (fr. αττελαύ»« te drive away) a driving uuuy, epoiiing, plundering ; banish- HUllt, trpu Απίλαστος, and Άπλαστος, -ov, Ό, η, (fr. a neg. and πίλας near) ', beyonxl reach; inaccessi- lil•, unattainable, which S or cannot be reached ;' unsafe, or /■ι approach. ΑπίΧαστος, -ov, b, η, (tr. last) dri nrrtd, put lu lull speed. ■>, f. απελάσω, p. απήλακι, (fr. απ) Ιρίιι, and ελανχω to drive) to drive uuay, expel, ba- nish, thrust out ; to hinder, keep off, ot --t ; to drive, spur, luisten. 1 a. act. απήλα- ca. ΑπεΧανσα, and Ion. ανήΧανσα,-ας, -ε, 1 a. art. of απολαύω. ■Ίω, Γ. -ύιώ, (fr. α -D in- -nd ελαφρός light) to light- Απελάω, Poet, for αττελαττω. Ατελεχ/ιοί, -oe, δ, (fr. next) confu- tation, disproof; disgrace, scan- dal, disrepute. Απελεγχω, f. -^^ω, p. απήΧεγχα, (fr. από from, and ελέγχω to | ίο disjiTove, refute, con- fute, convince; to blame, reprove, censure. 1 a. act. απήλεγξα' mid. απηλεγξάμην. per. pass, α-ί-λε}'- μαι. 1 a. pass, απηλέγχθην. ΑπέΧεθρον, (fr. next ) /ar, distant, a great way off. ΑπέΧεθρος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. a intens. and πέλεθρον, οτπλέθρονζη acre) immense, wide, extensive; vast, gigantic. Απελείβεθ\ by Apos. before an as- pirate, for απεΧείβετο, 3 sin. imp. mid. of απολείβω. Απελέκητος, -ov, δ, η, (fr. α neg. and πέλεκνς an axe) not planed, or {.moolhed, rough. Or, (fr. ο intens. and same) well planed, smooth, polished. Απελέσθαι, Ion. for αφέλεσθαι, inf. — ΑπεΧόαενος, Ion. for αφεΧόμε- j of, par. of αφειΧόμην, 2 a. mid. of αφαιρέω. ΑπεΧενθερία, -ας, η, (fr. next) ma- numission, enfranchisement, the gift of freedom . Απελεύθερος, -ov, b,fa (fr. από ill- tens, and ελεύθερος free) enfran- chised, freed, set free ; a freed- man, one who had been a slave. ΑπεΧενθερόω -ω, (fr. last) to free, set free. Απελεύσομαι, 1 f. mid. οϊαπέρχομαι. ΑπέΧηγον,-ες, -ε, imp. act. οι απο- λήγω. Απελΐλάκα, Att. for απήΧακα, per. ind. act. — ΑπεΧήΧατο, Att. for απήΧατο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of απελαύνω. ΑπεΧηΧνθεισαν, 3 pi. pper. mid. At^ ΑΠΕ — Απελήλνθε, S sin. per. ind. mid. Att. of απέρχομαι. Απελθε, impr. — ΑπεΧθέϊν, inf. — Απέλθω, sub. — Απελθών, -ούσα, -όν, η. pi. -θόντες, -θουσαι, d. sin. -θόνη, g. pi. -θόντων, par. 2 a. act. of απέρχομαι. Απέλ'ΐπον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. act. of απο- λείπω. Α,πελλα?, -ων, al, a temple, fane, shrine; an assembly, meeting, congregation. . Απελλής, -ου, b, Appelles, Lat. Apella, a man's name. ΑπελογεΤτο, 3 sin. cont. imp. pass, of απολογέομαι. Απελογησάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of same. Άπελος,-ου, b, a wound, hurt, cut; an ulcer, sore. Απελούσασθε, 2 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. of απολούω. Απελπίζω, f. -ίσια, p. απηλπικα, (fr. από priv. and ελπίζω to hope) to expect, wait for, attend ; to sus- pect, apprehend ; to despair, des- pond. 1 a. act. απήλπισα• par. απελπίσας. par. per. pass. απ»;λ- πισμένος. Απελύθην, pass. Απέλυσα, act. 1 a. ind. — Απελΰοντο, 3 pi. imp. pass, of απολύω. Απελυμαινόμην, imp. pass, of απο- λνμαίνω. Απελωβήθην, 1 a. ind. pass, of απο- λωβάω. Απίμαθον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. act. of απο- μανθάνω. Απεμαράνθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. pass, of απομαραίνω. Απέμεσσα, Poet, for απίμεσα, 1 a. act. of Απεμέω -ω, f. -εσω, p. -εκα, (fr. από from, and εμίω to vomit) to vomit, cast up ; to reject, throw off Απεμνησάμην -ω, -ατο, ind. — Απομνήσασθαι' inf. la. mid. of απομνάομαι. Απεμόργννν, imp. act. — Απεμορ- ζάμην, 1 a. mid. of απομόργννμι. Απεμπολε7ται,3 sin. pres. ind. pass, of - Απεμπολέω, and -άω -ώ, f. -ησω, (fr. απο intens. and εμπολίω to sell) to sell, offer, or expose for sale ; to barter, trade ; to prostitute. 1 a. act. απεμπόλησα' par. απεμπολή- σας. 1 a. inf. pass, απεμποληθηναι. Απεμΰθεόμην, -ov, -ετο, imp. ind. pass, of απομυθέω. Απεμφαίνω, f. -ανω, (fr. απο priv. and εμφαίνω to express) to disa- gree, differ ; to be unlike, unfit, or absurd. Απέμφάσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) an expression, declara- tion, affirmation; an explana- tion, interpretation ; demonstra- tion, proof. Απεμφερης, -έος -ους, δ, ή, (fr. από priv. and εμφερης relating to) un- like, different. Απέναντι, and Απεναντίον, (fr. απο from, and αντί before) over against, before, in presence of; opposite, against. ΑΠΕ Απενα'σθ^Γ, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of απονάω. Απενέγκασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Απενέγκαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Απε- νεγκείν, 2 a. inf. act. — Απενεγ- κών, -οϋσα, -bv, par. 2 a. act. — Απενεχθ^ναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of αποφέρω. Απενέγκω, (fr. απο from, and ενέγκω to carry) an obsolete verb, for which αποφέρω. Απενειγθείς, Ion. for απενεχθεις, 1 a. par. pass, from Απενείχθην, Ion. for απηνέχθην, 1 a. ind. pass, of αποφέρω. Απενέπω, and Poet. Απετνε'πω, (fr. απο priv. and ενε'πω to tell) to forbid, prohibit ; to oppose, pre- vent. ΑπενθεΊν, Dor. for απελθεΊν, 2 a. inf. act. απέρχομαι. Απενθης, -έος -οΰς, b, η, and Απεν θητος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. α neg. and πένθος grief) free from grief, without Jorrow ; unlamented, tin- mourned. Απενιαντίζω, (fr. από from, and ενιαντός a year) to desist, cease, be absent for a year ; to act year- ly ; to alternate by the year. Απενιψάμην,-ω,-ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of απονίπτω. ΑπενόσφΊσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of απονοσφίζω. Απέντες, Ion. for αφέντες, η. pi. of αφεις^ 2 a. par. act. of αφίημι. Απεζαμαρτάΐ'ω, fr. απο intens. and εζαμαρτάνω, which see. Απεζεδϋσάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. mid. of απεκδύομαι. Απεζελαθύμην, -ov, -ετο, and Poet, by Ion. redupl. απεκλελαθόμην, 2 a. ind. mid. of απεκλανθάνω. Απεζηραμένος, Ion. for απεζηραμμέ- νος, par. of απαξήραμμαι, per. pass, of αποξηραίνω. Απέοικα, -ας, -ε, per. act. οΐαπείκω. Απέοικε, per. of the impersonal απείκει. Απεοικότως, (fr. next) improbably, unfitly, improperly ; foolishly, absurdly, unreasonably ; unde- servedly. Απεοικως, -νϊα, -ός, (par. per. act. οΐαπείκω) unlike, dissimilar, dif- ferent ; improbable, unreasona- ble, absurd ; unfit, improper unbecoming ; alienated, estrang- ed. Απέοντβς' Απέοντα' Ion. for απόν- τος, g. and απ<5νπα, a. sin. of απών, par. pres. of• άπειμι, to be absent. Απέπαντος, -ου, b, η, (fr. α neg. and πεπαίνω to ripen) unripe, imma- ture ; unseasonable; incomplete, imperfect. Απέπειρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and πέπειρος ripe, th. πέπτω to soften) same as last. Απέπλαγζα, 1 a. act. — Απεπλαγ- ζάμην, mid. — Απεπλάγχθην, pass, of αποπλάζω. Απεπλανήθησαν, 3 p'j. 1 a. ind. pass, of αποπλανάω. Απέπλευσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of αποπλέω. (64) ΑΠΕ Άπεπλος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and πέπλος a veil) unveiled; unrobed t undressed. Απέπλνναν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of αποπλύνω. Απέπνεον -ovv, -εες -εις, -εε -ει, imp. ind. act. — Απε'πνευσα, 1 a. act. — Απεπνενσάμην, 1 a. mid. of αποπνέω. Απεπνίγην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. pass. — Απε'πν<£α, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -ξαν 1 a. ind. act. οΐαποπνίγω. Απεπτάμην, 2 a. ind. mid. — Αποπ τάσθαι, inf. — Αποπτάμενος, par — Απέπτην, -ης, -η, in 3 pi. απέπτησαν, 2 a. ind. act. οΐαφίπ* τ η μι. Απιπτέω -ώ, (fr. α neg. and πέπτω to cook) to be raw, rare, or not sufficiently cooked ; to have a weak stomach, suffer indigestion. Άπεπτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) raw, rare ; not cooked ; which cannot be cooked ; indigested. Απίπω, 1 a. -είπα, 2 a. -εΐπον, (fr. από priv. and ε'πω to speak) to renounce, disclaim, disown ; to refuse, deny, contradict; to give up, relinquish; to fail, faint, be weary. Or, (fr. από intens.) to declare, utter, pronounce. 2 a. act. ind. απεΤπον, -ες, -ε* inf. απειπείν. 1 a. ind. mid. απειπά- μην. "Απεη, Dor. for ηπερ' also neut. pi. of όσπερ. Απεραντολογία, -ας, η, (fr. next) talkativeness, loquacity, verbosity, garrulity. Απεραντολόγος, -ov, b, η, (fr. απέ- ραντος endless, and λόγος talk) verbose, wordy, prolix; loqua- cious, talkative. Απέραντος -ov, b,f/, (fr neg. and πέρας the end) boundless, endless, without stint ; incessant, continu- al ; infinite. Απεράντως, (fr. last) endlessly, in- cessantly, infinitely. Απεργάζομαι, f. -άσομαι, p. απείρ- γασμαι, fr. από intens. and εργά- ζομαι, which see. Απεργασία, -ας, h, (fr. last) a finish- ing, completion, perfection, end- ing, conclusion; means, cause, efficiency. Απεργαστΐκός, -η, -όν, (fr. same) effective, effectual, capable, ope- rative, active, efficient, effica- cious. Απέργειν, pres. inf. act. — Άπεργ- μαι, per. ind. pass. — Απεργμέ- νος, par. per. pass, of Απέργω, Ion. for απείργω. Απερείδω, f. -σω, p. απήρεικα, (fr. από intens. and ερείδω to fix) to fasten, stick, fix firmly ; to press upon, drive, push, dash, or strike against, remove, displace; Απε- ρείδομαι, to be set, or placed against, lean, incline, rest upon ; to jut out, project ; to gush out, discharge, shed ; to extend, stretch, strain. Απερείσι', for απερείσια, neut. pi. of απερείσιος ι by Metath. for a*£t- ρέσιος. ΑΠΕ Κπέρεισις, -ως, Att. -εως, f), (fr. απερείι χ ω to fasten) a fixing, or ■/ι» ; «'( inclination, It lin- ing, retting against, or depending upon; pressure, forces violence. Αττερ/ω -ώ, f. -ijffui, p. απειοηκα, (fr. απί priv. and ερίω to say) ίο de- nt/, -forbid, refuse ; to decline, s/turt ; U> tail, be worn out, weary, rayed, impot erisht d. Απεριγένητος, -ov, b, i), {ft. a neg. and περιγίνομαι to surpass) not to be surpassed, or excelled ; in- vincible. Απεριόριστος, -ov, h, >/, (fr. same, and περιορίζω to limit) unlimited, unconfintil; boundless, indefinite, infinite. Απερισκέπτως, (fr. same, and περι- σκέπτομαι to survey) heedlessly, incautiously, unguardedly, in- considerately. Απερίσπαστος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and περισπάω to perplex) at ease, undisturbed, calm, leisurely, with- out hurry. Απερισπάστως, (fr. last) without distraction, or confusion ; collect- edly, orderly, leisurely. Απερίστάτος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. a Reg. and περιΐστημι to beset) isolated, detached, not surrounded, or en- closed ; deserted, forsaken, des- titute; not perplexed, or sur- rounded with cares, prosperous. Απερίτμητος, -ov, Ό, //, (fr. same, and περιτέμνω to cut off) uncir- cumcised. Απέριττος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and περιττός, Att. for περισσός super fluous) having no superfluity or luxury, moderate, mean, of a middle r ank. Απερίττως, (fr. last) indifferently, negligently, carelessly. Απερίττωτος, -ov, b, f>, (fr. a neg. and περίττωμα excrement) with- out excrements. Απεριψερης, -έο( -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and περιφέρω to move cir- cularly) not circular, irregular; devious, erring. Απέρζας, -ασα, -αν, 1 a. par. act. of απορρέζω. Άπερρε, (pres.impr. of next) away, begone, plague take you. Απέρρω, JEol. for απείρω. Απερρύγως, -v7a, -ος, par. per. mid. of απορρήγννμι. Απέρσω, -εις, -ει, for αποέρσω, 1 f. ind. act. of αποέρρω. Απερνκω, f. -ξω, p. -χα, (fr. απο from, and ερνκω to hinder) to repel, drive back or away; to defend, repulse ; to hinder, avert. 3 pres. impr. απέρνκε. par. pres. pass, απερνκό μένος. Απερχη, 2 sin. pres. ind. mid. — Απερχόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. act. of Απέρχομαι, f. απεΧενσομαι, p. απέ- Χνθα, Att. απεΧήΧυθα, (fr. απδ from, and έρχομαι to go) to go, g° oJTi from, away, or out of; to go forth, depart; to return, go after, follow ; to leave, aban- don, give up ; to pass away, die. , ΑΠΕ 2 a. ind. απηΧθον' sub. απέΧθω' inf. απεΧθειν' par. απεΧθων, η. pi. fern. απεΧθυνσαι. Απερωενς, -έυς, Att. -ίως, b, (fr. same, and ερωεω to pass) one who hinders, stops, or prevents; a hindrance, obstacle. Απερωέω -&, (fr. same) to pass, Steal, glide, or skulk away; to desist^ cease, stop ; to hinder, prevent. Άπες, Ion. for άφες, 2 a. impr. of αφίημι. Απέσαζα, 1 a. ind. of αποσάττω. Απέσας, -αντος, b, Apesas, a man's Dame. Απέσβας, Dor. for απέσβης, 2 sin. >f Απε'σβην, -ης, -η, in 3 pi. — Απεσβησαν, 2 a. ind. act. — Απέσβησα, 1 a. ind. act. — Απεσ- βηκως, par. per. act. of αποσβεν- ννω, or-i;/ii,asif from απόσβημι. ΑπεσκίμφΟαΐ, per. inf. pass, of αποσκίμπτομαι. ΑπεσκοΧνμμένος, per. par. pass, of αποσκοΧνπτω. Απεσομαι, f. of άπειμι, to be absent Απέσπασα, 1 a. ind. act Α*εσ- πάσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of αποσπάω. Απέσσνθεν, JEo\. or Boeot. and Poet, for απεσνθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. pass. — Απεσσνμαι, Poet. Me- tath. for αποσεσνμαι, per. ind. pass. — Απεσσϋτο, Poet, for απεσέσντο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of αποσείω. ΑπεστάΧην,-ης, -η, ind. ΑπεσταΧεις, par. 2 a. pass ΑπεστάΧθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass Απέσ- ταΧκα, per. ind. act. — ΑπέσταΧ- μαι, ind. -αΧμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass. — ΑπέσταΧον, 2 a. ind. act. of αποστεΧΧω. Απέστασαν, Ion. for απεστησαν see απέστην. Απεστέγασαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act, of αποστεγάζω. ΑπέστειΧα, -ας, -ε, or -εν, before a vowel, 2 and 3 pi. -Χατε, -Xav, 1 a. ind. act. of αποστεΧΧω. Απεστερησα, 1 a. ind. act. — Απεσ- τερημενος, par. per. pass, of απυστερίω.• Απέστην,' -ης, -η, and 3 pi. απεσ- τησαν, 2 a. ind. act. — Απέσ- τησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of αφίστημι. Απέστίχον, 2 a. ind. act. of απο- στείχω. ΑπέστοΧα, per. mid. of αποστεΧΧω. Απεστ ραμμένος, per. par. pass. — Απέστραφον, 2 a. ind. act. — Απεστραφην, 3 pi. -φησαν, 2 a. ind, pass. — Απέστρεψα, -ας, -ε, I a. ind. act. of αποστρέφω. Απέστραφον, 2 a. act. — Απεστρα- φην, 2 a. pass. — Απέστρε-^α, 1 a. ind. act. οι αποστρέφω. Απεστω, -όος -ους, η, (fr. αφίστημι to be at a distance) absence; flight, desertion. Απέστω, 3 sin. impr. οι άπειμι, to be absent. ΑπεσφάΧην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. pass. of αποσφάΧΧω. Απέσχηκα, per. — Απέσχρν, 2 a. ΑΠΕ act Απεσχόμην, 2 a. ind. mid. of απέχω. Απέτάμον, 2 a. ind. act. of απο- τέμνω. Απεταξάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of αποτάσσω. Απετέγγετο, 3 sin. imp. mid. ol αποτέγγομαι. Απετίθην, 1 a. ind. pass, of αποτί- Οημι. Απετίνννον, imp. of αποτινννω, or -νμι. Απέτραγον, 2 a. ind. act. of απο- τρώγω. Απετρωπωντο, 3 pi. cont. imp. pass, of αποτρωπάομαι, same as Αποτροπάομαι. Απενθης, -έος -ους, and Άπενθος, -ov, b, »/, (fr. a neg. and πννθά- νομαι to hear) unheard of, not known by fame, obscure; rude, ignorant, unlaugfit. Απενθννω, f. -ννώ, p. -νγκα, (fr. απο intens. and ενθννω to direct) to straighten ; to correct, reform, amend ; to direct, guide ; to or- der, regulate, array. Απέφηνα, 1 a. ind. act. — Απεφη- νάμην, mid. of αποφαίνω. ΑπεφΟαρμένος, per. par. pass, of αποφθείρω. Απεφθεγξάμη», -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of αποφθέγγομαι. Απεώθίμην, -ισο, -ιτο, pper. pass. of αποφθίνω. Άπεφθος, -ov, b, t), (fr. a neg. and εφθος boiled) raw, undressed, not cooked. Or, (fr. a intens.) re- fined, purified. Απέφνγον, 2 a. — Απέφενγον, imp. act. of αποφεύγω. Απέχει, impersonal, (fr. απέχω to withhoU*) it is enough, sufficient. Απέχει, 3 sin. — Απέχετε, 2 pi. — Απέχουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Α-πέχης, 2 sin. pres. sub. act. of απέχω. Απέχεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. — Απέ- χεσθε, 2 pi. impr. mid. of απέχω. Απεχθαίρω, f. -άρω, (fir. από intens. ) and εχθαίρω to hate) to detest, hate, abhor, 1 a. act. απήχθηρα. Απεχθάνομαι, f. -θήσομαι, ' (fr. same, and εχθάνομαι to hate) to hate, grudge, envy, feel anger, or malice against. 2 a. απηχθόμην, as if fr. απεχθέομαι, obs. Απέχθεια, -ας, η, (fr. απεχθής en- vious) hatred, abhorrence, detest- ation; grudge, malice, ill-will- Απεχθέμεναι, Att. and Dor. and Απεχθέμεν, Ion. for απέχθειν, pres. inf. of απέχθω, Απέχθηαι, Ion. for απεχθή, 2 sin. pres. sub. of απέχθομαι, same as απεχθάνομαι. Απεχθής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. απο in- tens. and έχθος hatred) hating, grudging, envious, malicious ; hostile, inimical, adverse. Απεχθησομαι, 1 f. mid. — Απεχθδ- μην, 2 a. ind. mid Απέχθοιτο, ■3 sin. 2 a. opt. of απεχθάνομαι. Απέχθω, and Απέχθομαι, same as απεχθάνομαι. Απεχθως, (fr. απέχω to refrain) ab- stemiously, temperately, soberly. ΑΠΗ modestly. Or, (fr. απεχθής en- vious) hatefully, spitefully, ma- liciously, enviously, Απεχρέετο, 3 sin. imp. as if from αποχρέομαι, same as απέχρη, imp. of απόχρη. Απεχϋρόω -ω, f. -ώσω," p. -ωκα, (fr. από intens. and εχυρόω, which see. Απέχω, f. αφέξω, p. απ4σχηκα, (ft. από from, and εχω to hold) to receive, obtain, get, or have from another ; ίο derive, or draw from ; to relate, refer, or belong to ; to be absent, distant or away from ; to abstain, withhold, be far from; Απέχομαι, to refrain, keep away, or remove from, restrain one's self, be clear of, or free from. 2 a. act. απίσχον, mid. απεσχδμην, inf. απεσχίσβαι, imp. mid. απεί- χόμην, 1 f. mid. αφέζ,ομαι. Απέχων, -ονσα, -ov, g. sin. -χοντο?, a. fern, -χουσαν, par. pres. act. of last. Απεχωρίσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of αποχωρίζω. Απεψ'ια, -ας, ή, (ft. α neg. and πίψις boiling) the incapability, or absence of softening, or dis- solving ; indigestion. Απεψύχοντο, 3 pi. imp. mid. of αποψύχω. Απεων, Ion. for απών, pres. par. of άπειμι, to be absent. Απγι, 3 sin. pres. sub. — Άπω, -ης, -fj, pres. sub. — Απήν, -ης, -η•, imp. ind. of same. Απήγαγον, Att. for απηγον, 2 a. of απάγω. Απήγγειλα, -ας, -ε, 3 pl.. -λαν, 1 a. ind. act. — Απεγγέλην, -ης, -η, pass, and Απήγγε\ον, -ες, -ε act. 2 a. ind. of απαγγέλλω. Απηγέεσθαι, Ion. for ηψηγέεσθαι pres. inf. οΐαφηγέομαι. Απήγημα, -ατός, το, Ion. for αφήγ- ημα. Απηγήσασθαι,Ιοη. for αφηγήσασθα 1 a. inf. mid. of αφηγέομαι. Απήγησις, Ion. for αφήγησις. Απήγμαι, -ξαι, -κται, per. pass, of απάγω. Απηγξάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. — Άπηγχα, per. act. οΐαπάγχω. Απηγον, see απήγαγον. Απηδέσθην, -ης, -η, 1 &• pass, of απέδω. Απήειν, -ήεις, -ήει, 3 ρΐ. απήεισαν, Att. απήεσαν, pper. mid. — Απήε- σα, Att. for απεΤσα, 1 a. ind. of άπειμι, to go away. Απήκα, -ας, -ε, Ion. for αφήκα, 1 a. act. οΐαφίημι. Απήκοος, -ου, Ό, η, (ft. απο from, and ακούω to hear) same as ανήκοος.' Ατηκρϊβωμένος, per. par. pass, of απακριβόω. Απηκριβωμένως, (fr. last) exactly, completely, perfectly, accurately, in a masterly manner. Απηκτος, -ov, b, >;, (ft. a neg. and πηκτές compact, th. πήγννμι to fasten) infirm, weak, loose, un- connected ; not frozen, or har- dened, soft, dissolved, thawed. Αιτηκτός, -ου, b, ή, (fr. απάγω to ΑΠΗ drive away) driven, or carried off; departed, set out, gone. Απήλάκα, -ας, -ε, per. — Απέλασα, ς, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of απελαύνω. Απήλαυον, and απέλαυον, imp. — Απήλανσα, for απέλαυσα, 1 a. act. of απολαύω. ΑπήΧγηκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — ΑπηΧγηκότες, η. pi. par. per. act. of απαλγέω. ΑπηΧεγέως, (fr. next) fiercely, fu- riously, cruelly ; boldly, intre- pidly ; openly, undisguisedly, daringly. ΑπηΧεγής, -έος -ους, b, ι), (fr. απο from, and αΧέγω to regard) re- gardless of" persons or danger ; fierce, furious ; bold, daring, in- trepid, courageous. Απΐ]Χενξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. act Απη- Χεγξάμην, mid. of απεΧέγχω. ΑπηΧεΊται, Gen. xxvii. 42. suppos- ed erroneous for απειλείται, 3 sin. pres. pass. cont. of απειλέω. Απηλέχθην, -ης, -η, απελέγχω. Απήλθαν, -ες, -ε, Sync, for απήλν θον, (ft. ελενθω obs.) 2 a. act. of απέρχομαι. Απηλιώτης, -ου, b, (ft. απο from, and 'ήλιος the sun) depending on, or proceeding from the sun ; the east wind ; distant from the sun, the north or south. Απήλλαγμαι, -ζαι, -κται, per. ind. pass. — Απηλλάχθαι, inf. — Απηλλαγμένος, par. per. pass. Απήλλαχα, per. act. — Απήλ- λαζα, 1 a. act. — Απηλλάγην, 2 a. ind. pass. — Απηλλάσσετο, 3 sin. imp. pass, of απαλλάσσω. Απηλλοτρίωκα, per. act. — Απηλ- λοτρίωμαι, per. pass. — Απ>?λλο- τριωμένος, -η,-ον, par. per. pass, of απαλλοτριόω. Απηλο'ιησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of απαλοιάω. Απήλπίκα, per. act. — Απήλπισα, 1 a. act. of απελπίζω. Απήμαντος, -ου, b, ή, (ft. α neg. and πήμα hurt) see απήμων. Απήμαρτον, -ες, -ε, Poet, for αφή- μαρτον,2 a. act. οΐαφαμαρτάνω Απημελημένος, per. par. pass, of απαμελέομαι, fr. απο intens. and αμελέω which see, Απημελημένως, (ft. »ast) negligent ly, carelessly. Απήμεν, Sync, for απήειμεν, 1 pi. pper. οι άπειμι, to depart. Απημοσύνη, -ης, and Απημονία, -ας, η, (fr. απήμων unhurt) safety, security ; harmlessness, inno- cence. Απήμυνεν, imp. or 1 a. of απαμύνω. Απήμων, -όνος, b, ή, (fr. α neg. and πήμα damage) unhurt, unin- jured, safe, secure ; innocent, harmless ; wholesome, healthy, salutary ; favourable, balmy. Απήν, imp. of άπειμι, to be absent, Απήνεγκα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -γκάν, 1 a, — Απήνεγκον, 2 a. ind. act. of αποφέρω, Απηνεία, -ας, >% (fr. απνης cruel) cruelty, inhumanity ; wildness, fierceness. (66) ΑΠΗ Απηνεάομαι, (fr. από" intens. and ενεος dumb) to be dumb with amazement, be confounded, asto- nished. 1 a. ind. pass, απηνεώθην. Απηνέος, g. sin. of απηνής. Απήνη, -ης, fj, and Dor. Απήνα, -ας, a, (perhaps fr. απεΐναι to go away. Or, fr. από from, and ηνία reins) a car, cart, wagon, carriage, chariot. Απηνηνάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. mid. of απαναίνομαι. Απηνής, -έος -ους, b, ή, (perhaps fr. απο priv. and ενηής gentle. Or, fr. απο from, and ηνία reins) harsh, rough; cruel, inhuman, savage; fierce, wild, ungovern- able, intractable; Or, (fr. same, and αινέω to praise) uncommend- able, unworthy, blameable. Απήνθον, Dor. for απήλθον, 2 a. act. of απέρχομαι. Απήντησα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -ήσαν, 1 a act. of απαντάω. a. pass, of] Απήορος , -ου, b, >/, (fr. από from, and αιωρέω to suspend) hanging from above, depending; ever- hanging, impending, imminent ; high, lofty; elevated. 'Απηρα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — Απηρκα, per. act. — Απηρμαι, per. pass. — Απήρθην, 1 a. pass. of απαίρω. Απηρεισάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of απερείδω. Απήρτημαι, per. ind. pass. — Απηρ- τημένος, per. par. pass, of απαρ- τάω. Απήρτισμαι, per. ind. pass. — Απηρτισμένος, per. par. pass, of απαρτίζω. Απηρτισμένως, (fr. last) perfectly, completely. Απης, 2 sin. pres. sub. of άπειμι to be absent. Απήσων, -ονσα, -ov, Ion. for αφή- σων, 1 f. par. οΐαφίημι. Απηύρα, 3 sin. cont. of Απηύραον -ων, imp. ind. . act. it may also be Sync, for απηύρησα, 1 a. ind. -act. of απαυράω. Απήχα, per. ind. act. of απάγω. Απηχέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. από priv. and ηχέω to sound) to jar, discord, disagree; to sound loud, or harsh; par. pres. απη- χών, -ούσα, ~6v. Απήχημα, -ατός, το, and Απήχησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. last) jar- ring, discord, disagreement. Απηχής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same) discordant, jarring, disagreeing ; disagreeable, unsuitable, offen- sive, contrary. Απήχθετο, 3 sin. imp. or 2 a. — Απήχθημαι, per. ind. pass, of απάχθομαι, (fr. από intens. and άχθομαι to dislike) or of απεχ- θάνομαι, which is more in use. Απήχθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pads, of απάγω. Απήχθηρα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of απεχθαίρω. Απηχούμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. cont. of απηχέω. Απηωρευντ , for απηωρενντο, Dor. for ΑΠΙ τ,τηίωροΐντο, 3 pi. imp. ind. mid — Απηώρησα, 1 a. ind. act. — Απηωρημενος, per. par. pass, of απαιωρεω, fr. απο intens. and αιωρίω, which see. Απήωρος, -ου, δ, η, same as απρορος. Απιάσι, Ion. for άπισι, 3 pi. pres. of άπειμι, to go away. Απίδω, -ης, -n, 2 a. sub. act. of απείδω. Απίεμεν, Απιεναι, Απιεσωσι, Απίεν- ται, Απίεσθαι, Απιέμενος, Ion. for αφιέμεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. αφιέ- ναί, pres. inf. act. αψιώσι, 3 pi. pres. sub. act. αφίενται, 3 pi. pres. ind. pass, αφίεσθαι, pies. inf. pass, αφιεμενος, par. pres. pass, of αφίημι. Απ-ιεναι, pres. inf. of άπειμι, to go away. Απ'ιεσαν, 3 pi. imp. ind. of απίημ to go away. Απίη γαίη, a distant land, see άπιος. Or, the Apian land, Pe- loponnesus, from Άπις the son of Φορονεύς. Απίης, 2 sin. 2 a. sub. of άπειμι, to go away. Απίθανος, -ov, b, 7% (fr. a neg. and πείθω to persuade) improbable, unlikely, incredible ; undeserving credit. Απιθέω -ω, L -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. same) to disobey, transgress com- mands; to disclaim, or disown authority. Απίθησα, ~ας, -ε, Ion., for ηπίθησα, 1 a. ind. act. of last. Απίκάται, Απίκάτο, Ion. for αφίκα- ται, and αφίκατο, these for αφιγ- μίνβι εισι, 3 pL per. ind. pass. and αφιγμίνοι ήσαν, 3 pi. pper. pass, of αφικνίομοΛ. ' Απ'ίκη, Απίκεσθαι, Απικόμενος, Απικ- νέΐσθαι, Απίκται, Ion. for αφίκρ, 2 sin. 2 a. sub. mid. αφικέσθαι, inf. αφικόμενος, par. Αφικνεΐσθαι, pres. inf. pass, αφίκται, 3 sin. per. ind. pass, of αη[ ικνέομαι. Άπικρος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. α neg. and πικρύς bitter) not bitter, without harshness ; gentle, mild. Απιλλεω -ω, (fr. απο from, and 'ίλ- Χος the eye) an antiquated word, synonymous with απο- κλείω, to shut out, exclude, ba- nish. 1 a. ind. pass, απιλλήθην. Απίμελος, -ου, and Απιμελης, -έος -οΰς 3 δ, η, (fr. α neg. and πι- μελη fat) thin, lean, meager, poor. Απήνης, -εος -ους, δ, η, (fr. same, and πΊνος dirt) free from dirt, clean, neat, elegant. Απινύσσω, (fr. same, and πινύσσω or πνυμι to breathe) to dote ; to faint ; to breathe forth, expire. Απίξεται, Ion. for αφίξεται, 3 sin 1 f. mid. of αφικνεομαι. Άπιξις, Ion. for άφιξις. Άπιον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. — Άπιε impr. — Απιοΐμι, opt. — Απ-ιω sub. — Απιε"ϊν, inf. — Απιώρ, par. of άπειμι, to go away. *Απίοι, -ου, το, a pear, and Άπίος, -ου, ή, a pear tree. Άνϊος, -α, -ov, and Ion. -n, -ov, ΑΠΛ perhaps fr. and from) far, dis- tant, remote. Απιστάναι, Απιστίάται, Απιστίάτο, Ion. for αφιστάναι, pres. inf. act. αφίστανται, 3 pi. pres. ind. pass, αώίσταντο, 3 pi. imp. ind. pass, of αφίστημι. Απιστίω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ηπίστηκα, (fr. α neg. and πίστις faith) to disbelieve, discredit, doubt, mis- trust ; to be faithless, disobey ; pres. par. pass, απιστονμενος. Απίστημι,ΐοΐι. for αφίστημι. Απιστήσας,-ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. — Απιστοΰμεν, 1 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. — Απιστούντων, g. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of απιστίω. Απιστία, -ας, η, (fr. next) want of faith, unbelief ; mistrust, doubt; infidelity, treachery. 'Απιστος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. α neg. and πίστις faith) not to be believed, incredible ; not to be trusted, faitldess, perfidious ; disbelieving, incredulous, dubious; an unbe- liever, infidel, comp. απιστότερος, sup. -ότατος. Απίστως, (fr. last) perfidiously, fraudulently, treacherously; ab- surdly, incredibly. Απλάκητος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. a neg. and πλάξω to stray) unerring, cer- tain, sure, not straying. Απλανής, -εος -ους, and Απλάνητνς, -ov, δ, η, (fr. α neg. and πλάνη error) not wandering, settled, resident; unerring, undeviaiing, undeceived, faithful. Άπλαστος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. a neg. and πλαστός feigned) unfeigned, sin- cere, artless, simple; rude, un- formed, shapeless, uncouth. Άπλαστος, Sync, for απέλαστος, which see. Απλάτης, -εος -ους, δ, η, (fr. α neg. and πλατύς broad) narrow, con- tracted, confined. Άπλυτος, Dor. for άπλητος, which Απλάτυνε, (Gen. xxiv. 22.) per- haps επλάτυνε, 3 sin. imp. or 1 a. ind. act. of πλιχτννω. Άπλετος, Poet, for άπλητος. Ά-λενρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. α neg. and πλευρά the side) uncovered on the side, unguarded, exposed. Άπλήγιος,-ου, δ, η, (fr. next) sin- gle, plain, simple ; artless, harm- less, innocent. Άπληγϊς, -ίδος, η, (by Epen. fr. άπληΐς, which is fr. άπλόη άπλη, fern, of άπλόος single) a thin light cloak. Άπληκτος, -ου, and Απληξ, -γος, δ, η, (fr. α neg. and πλήσσω to strike) not struck, unbeaten, un- hurt ; harmless, undamaged. Άπλην, a. sin. fem. cont. οι άπλόος, Απλήρωτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. α neg. and πληρόω to fulfil) deficient, want- ing, imperfect ; not fulfilled, or consummated ; insatiable, greedy. Απληστενομαι, (fr. άπληστος insa- tiable) to be greedy, or insatiable ; to crave, importune. Απληστία, -ας, η, (fr. next) insa- tiableness, greediness, craving, (67) ΑΠΛ voraciousness ; greatness, cj ten- sion, vastness. Άπληστος, -ov, b, η, (fr. α neg. and πλήθω to fill) not to be gratified, insatiable, ravenous, voracious ; craving, importunate ; extensive, boundless, immense, vast. Απλήστως, (fr. last) insatiably, greedily, voraciously, vastly, in- finitely. Άπλητος, Όοτ.Άπλάτος, and Poet. Άπλετος, -ου, δ,»/, (fr. α neg. and πλάω, πελάω, or πλημι to ap- proach, th. πίλας near) inac- cessible, unattainable, beyond reach, or power ; inextricable, irremediable. Or, (fr. same, and πλήθω to fill) vast, extensive, immense, boundless. Άπλόη, -ης, >), (fr. άπλόος single) same as άπλότης. Άπλόθριξ, -Έχος, b, η, (fr. same, and &ρ\ξ hair) straight-haired, lank-locks; bald. Άπλοια, -ας, η, (fr. άπλοος unnavi- gable) that part of the year when sailing is dangerous, the season unfit for sea ; rough weather. Άπλοίζομαι, f. -ίσομαι, (fr. άπλόος simple) to behave with simplicity, act with candour, be ingenuous, or candid. Απλοϊκός, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) sim- ple, single ; plain ; goodnatured. Άπλοϊς, -~ίο~ος, η, (fr. same) alight cloak ; thin, single. Άπλοκος, -ου, δ, ^, (fr. α neg. and πλέκω to fold) unfolded, not creased, or crumpled, smooth. Άπλοκνων, -όνος, δ, (fr. next, and κυων a dog.) An epithet of Antisthenes one of the Cynic sect, because these men were nicknamed dogs, and wore only a single garment. Άπλόος -ους, -όη -η, -όον-ουν, (per- haps fr. α one, and πέλω to be. Or fr. α neg. and πολνς many) simple, single, plain, uncom- pounded ; clear, distinct ; sound, healthy ; artless, unvarnished ; candid, honest, sincere, upright. Άπλοος -ους, -όου -ου, b, %, (fr. a neg. and πλόος navigation, th. πλέω to sail) unnavigable ; unfit, or improper for sailing ; boister- ous ; dangerous. Άττλότης, -ητος, η, (fr. άπλόος sin- gle ) singleness ; simplicity, inno- cence, purity ; sincerity, candour, ingenuousness, frankness ; boun- ty, liberality. Άπλόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, (fr. same) to simplify, explain ; to unfold, open, discover, display ; to expand, blow ; to extend, stretch out. imp. ind. ηπλοον -ovv, I a. ind. ηπλωσα' inf. άπλω- ααι. per. pass, ηπλωσμαι, par. ηπλωσμενος. Απλυσία,-ας, η, (fr. next) foulness, dirt, nastiness, want of washing. Απλυσίαι, -ων, a\, sponges. Άπλυτος, -ου, b,fi, (fr. a neg. and πλύνω to wash) unwashed, foul, dirty, soiled. 'Απλώς, (fr. άτλάος single) singly; ΑΠΟ iincerely, frankly ; bountifully, liberally, kindly. Απλωτό?, -ov, δ, η", (fr. α neg. and πλωμι for πλέω to sail) see άπλοος, Απνεης, -εος -ους, δ, η, (fr. α intens and ττ^εω to breathe) breathing deeply, panting, sighing. Or (fr. a neg. and same) out of breath, breathless, wanting air; without air, or wind, lighting, kindling. Απνεύμάτος, -ου, b, ^, (fr. same, and πνεύμα air) free from zoind, sheltered. Απνευστί, (fr. άπνευστος breathless) stilly, without a breath ; all in a breath, without drawing breath, or interruption; closely, in a crowd, confusedly. Απνευστία, -ας, r\, (fr. same) a re- straining, or suppression of breath; difficulty of breathing, shortness of breath. Απνευστιάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. same) to breathe short, or low ; to pant, gasp. Άπνενστος, -ου, ο,η, (fr. α neg. and πνέω to breathe) breathless, spent, exhausted; lifeless, dead; with- out scent, or nose ; sheltered. Άπνοια, -ας, (fr. same) calmness, serenity ; a calm, stillness of air ; viant of air, sultriness. Άπνοος -ους, -όον -ου, δ, 17, (fr. same) calm, still ; breathless, lifeless, dead. Από, with the genitive, from ; off, far ; since, after ; away from, wide of; by, for, by reason ; of out of, belonging to ; without ; through time or space ; at the distance of, on ; with, by. In compos, it generally implies ne- gation, or privation. Απο, at a distance, away, far, far off; for άπεστι, he is off, away ; it is past, and gone. For άπιθι, away ! off! begone ! Απο αντου, from thence, from that time. Αποαίνυμαι, same as απαίνυμαι, which see. Imp. ind. αποαινΰ- μην, Ion. for αποηνύμην. Αποαιρεϊσθαι, Αποαίρεο, Αποαιρέο- μαι, Ion. and Poet, for αφαιρεΤσ- θαι, pres. inf. pass, αφαίρου, pres. impr. pass, αφαιρέομαι^ pres. ind. pass, or mid. of αφαιρέω. Αποβαδίζω, f. -ίσω (fr, απο from, and βαδίζω to go) to walk away, go off, depart. Αποβάθρα, -ας, >/, (fr. next) a lad- der, step-ladder, stepping-board, gangway. Αποβαίνω, f. -βήσομαι, p. -βίβηκα, (fr. απο from, and βαίνω to go) to come, or go from, or out of ; to diaembark, land ; to depart, yield, retire ; to descend, come down, dismount ; to succeed, follow after, or from ; to happen, come to pass, turn out. per. par. αποβεβηκώς. 2 a. (fr. βημι) ind. απέβην, 3 pi. απέβησαν' sub. απο- βώ' inf. αποβηναι' par. αποβάς. Αποβάλητε, 2 pi. sub. and Αποβα- λύν, -οΰσα, ov, par. 2 a. act. of ΑΠΟ Αποβάλλω, f. -άλω, p. αποβεβληκα, (fr. απο from, and βάλλω to throw) to cast, fling, throw off, or away ; to reject, let go, relin- quish ; to lose, waste, forfeit. 2 a. act. ind. απέβαλον' sub. αποβά- λω, 2 pi. αποβάλητε' par. αποβι λών. per. pass, αποβέβλημαι. 1 a. pass. απεβλήθ7)ν' par. αποβλη- θείς, per. mid. αποβέβολα. Αποβάπτο, f. -ψω, p. -φα, (fr. same, and βάπτω to dip) to dip, dive '; to draw, pour out, as liquor ; to tinge. 2 f. and act. απο βάφω. Αποβάς, -άσα, -αν, η. ρΐ. -βάντες, 2 a. par. act. of αποβαίνω. Απόβάσις, -ως, Att. -εως, η~, (fr. αποβαίνω to descend) a descent ; landing ; a landing-place, lad- der, steps, stairs ; exit, end, event, Αποβατήριος, (fr. same) who de- scends. An epithet of Jupiter. Αποβάτης, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a kind of soldiers, who- either had a second horse, or fought both on foot and horseback. Also, a kind of chammon in the public games. Αποβατικός, -η, -ov, (fr. last) be• longing to that kind of soldiers champions, or games. Αποβέβηκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act, of αποβαίνω. Αποβέβληκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act, — Αποβεβληκώς, par. per. act, of αποβάλλω. Αποβηναι, 2 a. inf. act. — Αποβή- σομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. of αποβαίνω. Αποβήσσω, or -ττω, f. -ζω, (fr. από from, and βήσσω to cough) to cough up, expectorate, spit. Αποβιάζομαι, f. -άσομαι, (fr. same, and βιάζω to force, th. βία force) to force away, drive off, repulse ; to enforce, constrain, overpower ; to labour, strain ; to travail. Αποβιβάζω, f. -άσω, p. -κα, (fr. απο intens. and βιβάζω to admit) to make descend, bring, or take down ; to dismount, unhorse, disembark ; to pass, cross, send- over, pres. inf. act. αποβιβάζειν. pass, αποβιβάζεσθαι. 1 a. ind. mid. απεβιβασάμην. Αποβιόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, (fr. από priv. and βιόω to live) to de- part, die. pres. inf. act. αποβιω- ναι. 2 a. απεβίων,-ως,'-ω. Αποβιώσϊμος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. last) de- parting, dying, death-bed, final, last. Αποβίωσις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, δ, η, (fr. same) departure, death. Αποβλάπτω, f. -ψω, p. -φα, (fr. απο priv. and βλάπτω to hurt) to injure, hurt, impair, damage; to deprive, bereave, par. 1 a. pass, αποβλαφθείς. Αποβλαστάνω (fr. απο intens. and βλαστάνω which see.) Αποβλάστημα, -άτος, το, (fr. last) a bud, shoot, germ, sprig ; off- spring, descendants. Αποβλάστησις, -ιος, Att. -εο>ς Λ f), (fr. same) a springing, budding, sprouting, shooting* (68) ΑΠΟ Αποβλαφθεϊς, -εϊσα, -εν, 1 a par pass, of ατοβλάπτω. Αποβλέπω, f. -ψω, p. αποβέβληφα, (fr. απο intens. and βλέπω to look) to turn the sight, or atten Hon from about one's self towards another object ; to look up to, ad- mire ; to regard, respect ; to con- sider ; to have an eye to, mind, head ; to belong, appertain to ; to look from, off, or away ; la. ind. act. απέβλεπα, impr. από- βλεφον, 2 pi. αποβλέψατε. 3 pi. 1 a. sub. αποβλέψωσι. 1 a. ind. mid. απεβλεψάμην. Αποβληθείς, -εΐσα, -εν, 1 a. par. pass, of αποβάλλω. ΑπόβΧημα, -άτος, το, (fr. αποβάλλω to throw away) refuse, leavings, remnant, relics, offal. Αποβλητϊκος, -ov, b, η, (fr. αποβάλ- λω to throw away) negligent, wasteful, scattering, lavish, pro- digal ; a spendthrift ; an out- cast. Απόβλητον,-ου,το, (neut. of next) same as απόβλημα. Απόβλητος,-ον, b, η, (fr. same) to be refused, rejected, cast off, thrown aside, or away ; worthless, vile. Αποβλίττω, fr. απο from, and βλίτ- τω, which see. Αποβλνξω, f. -νσω, (fr. same, and βλνζω to gush) to spring, stream, gush ; to vomit, spit, or spevj out ; pres. inf. αποβλνζειν. Αποβλώσκω, f. -ώσω, (fr. same, and βλώσκ<ύ to come to) to depart, go away, leave, quit ; to return. Αποβολή, -ης, ή, (fr. αποβάλλω to throw away) a casting off, rejec- tion ; a loss. Αποβόσκω, fr. απο intens. and βόσ- κω, which see. Αποβουκολέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -κα, (fr. απο from, and βονκολέω to pas- ture) to separate, seduce, or de- coy' from the herd, or flock ; to mislead, deceive, delude, beguile ; Αποβονκολέομαι -ονμαι, to stray, wander, depart, err. 1 a. ind. act. αποβονκόλησα. Αποβονκόλημα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) robbing the flock, theft ; imposi- tion, imposture, cheat ; deception, delusion ; seduction. Αποβουκολίζω, same as αποβουκο- - λέω. # Αποβράξω, f. -άσω, (fr. απο intens. and βράζω to boil) to froth, foam, boil over. Or (fr. απο priv.) to cool, calm, abate. Απόβρασμα, -άτος, rb, (fr. last) froth, foam, spray ; chaff, bran. Αποβράσσομαι, (fr. same) to froth, foam, fly, or be thrown off like foam. Απόβοεγμα,-ατος,το, (fr. next) cm infusion, or extract ; a mixing with water, weakening, dilution ; a sprinkling, washing ; the wa- ter so used ; moisture, juice. Αποβρέχω, f. -ζω, p. -χα, (fr. απί intens. and βρέχω to sprinkle) to sprinkle, bedew, viet, moisten ; to dip, steep; Αποβρεχομαι^Ιούϊ wet; to drop, drip, ΑΠΟ Αποβρίζω, f. -te -ω, and -ίξω, (fr. same, and βρίζω to nap) to sleep soundly ; to sleep off a surfeit ; to indulge in sleep. 1 a. act. απεβριξα. par. αποβρίξας, η. pi. mas. αποβρίξαντες. Αποβρίθω, f. -ίσω, (fr. same, and βρίθω to be heavy) to oppress, Overpower; to weigh down, over- balance. Αποβροχη, -ης, h-, (fr. αποβρίχω to sprinkle) a sprinkling, moisten- ing, wetting, Αποβροχθίζω, (fr. aitb intens. and βρόχθος, same as βρόγχος the throat) to swallow, devour, eat up. Αποβροχίζω, (fr. same, and βρόχος a halter) to ensnare ; to inveigle, implicate, embarrass. Αποβρύχω, (fr. same, and βρύχω to gnash) to bite, gnaw, consume. Αποβρωθεις, -εΊσα, -εν, 1 a. par. pass, of Αποβρώσκω, f• -ώσω, p. -βίβρωκα, (fr. απδ Intens. and βρώσκω to feed) to feed upon, eat up, devour, consume, per. pass, αποβεβρω- μαι. 1 a. pass, απεβρώθην. Αττοβύω, f. -ύσω, (fr. same, and βύω to stuff) ίο stop up, fill up, dam ; to block up, barricade, shut up. Απόβωμος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. απο from, and βωμός the altar) profane ungodly, irreligious, wicked, ex- communicated. Αηωβωσι, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of απόβημι, or αποβαίνω. Απόγαιος, and Απόγειος, -ov, b, >'/, (fr. same, and γαία the earth) beyond the earth ; removed from the eartii ; far from land. Αΐϊογαιόω -ω, (fr. απο intens. and γαία the land) to make for land, to turn to land. Απογαλακτίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. απο from, and γάλα milk) to wean, to take from the milk. Απογαλακτισμός., -ου, b, (fr. last) weaning. Απογεγραμμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of απογράφω. Απόγεια, -ας, //, (fr. απο from, and γάΐα the land) a land-breeze. Απόγεια, -ων, τά, (fr. same) a ca- ble, halser, a rope holding the ship to the shore. Απόγειον, -ου, το, (fr. same) the apogee of a heavenly body, its greatest elongation from the earth. Απόγειος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) same as απόγαιος. Απογεισόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. απο by, and γείσον the eaves) to roof, cover with a slope, to give a drip to, form like a penthouse ; to shelter, screen. Απογεμίζω, fr. απο intens. and γε- μίζω, which see. Απογεμω, f. -μω, (fr. απο priv. and γεμω to fill) to unload, empty, discharge. Απογεννάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. απδ in- tens. and γεννάω to breed) to engender, beget, conceive, breed, ΑΠΟ bring forth, produce, create, make, form. Απογενόμενος, -r„ -ov, par. 2 a. mid. of απογίνομαι. Απογεύομαι, f. -εύσομαι, (fr. από from, and γεύομαι to taste) to taste, share, partake of. Απογεφνρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, fr. απδ in- tens. and γεφνρόω, which see. Απογηράσκω, f. απογηράσω,ρ. απο- γεγήρ'ακα, (fr. απο by, and γη- ράσκω to grow old) to grow old, advance in years ; to decay, wtnr out ; to be out of date, become ob- solete. 1 a. ind. απεγήρασα' sub. απογηράσω. par. pres. απογη- ράσκων, η. pi. απογηράσκοντες. Απογίγνομαι, and Απογίνομαι, f. απογενησομαι, απογεγένημαι, (fr. απο from, and γίνομαι to be) to be absent, away from; to abstain, be unconcerned, unconnected, have nothing to do with ; to depart ; to die ; to descend, proceedfrom ; 1 a. pass, απςγενήθην. 2 a. mid απεγενόμην. Απογινώσκω, f. απογνώσομαι, ρ απεγνωκα, (fr. απο from, and γι- νώσκω to know) to change the mind, alter an intention ; to reject,, cast off, disown, renounce ; to dis- claim^ discharge, dismiss ; to de spair, despond, pper. απεγνώκειν 2 a. act. ind. απεγνων, (as fr γνωμι) 3 pi. απεγνωσαν impr, απόγνωθι• sub. απογνω' inf. απο- γνωναι'γ&ν. απογνους, -ουσά, -ov, per. pass. απέγνωσμαΐ'\>η.τ. απεγ- νωσμένος• 1 a. pass, απεγνώσθην 1 f. pass, απογνωσθήσομαι. Απογλανκόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. απο intens. and γλαυκός azure) to be gray, blue, or azure ; to have gray, fierce, or fiery eyes. 1 a. inf. pass, απογλαυκωθηναι. par. απογλανχωθείς. Απογλαύκωμα, -άτος, το, and Απο- γλαύκωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, %, (fr last) a disease of the eye, a pearl on the eye ; a wall-eye. Απόγλουτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. απο priv. and γλουτός the buttocks) small about the hips. Απογλνκαίνω, f. -ανω, fr. απο in- tens. and γλυκαίνω, which see. Απόγνοια, -ας, and Απόγνωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. απογινώσκω or απογνω μι to disown) despair, despondence; hopelessness, des- peration. Απογνω — Απογνονς, see απογι- νώσκω. Απογνώμων, -όνος, b, //, (fr. απογι- νώσκω to disown) whose age can- not be known, without the foal- teeth, lost the mark of mouth. Απυγνώστης, -ου, b, (fr.. same) a despair er; desperate., desponding. Απογονη,-ης,η, and Dor. Απογονα, -ας, a, (fr. απογίνομαι to descend from) posterity, descendants, off- spring. Απόγονα, -ων, τά, (fr. same) pro- ceeds, produce, product, gain. Απόγονος, -ου, b, f], (fr. same) a grandson, descendant. Απογραίζω, (fr. απο from, and ypa?a (.69) '* ' γίγραμϊ ΑΠΟ an old woman) to restore to youth, to make young again. Απογράφεσθαι, pres. inf. pass, of απογράφω. Απογραφή, -ης, η, (fr. απογράφω to enrol) an enumeration, muster- ing, enrolment; a register, re- cord ; a survey, description. Απόγράφον, -ov, το, (fr. same) α copy of usriting, or drawing, a counterpart; a draft, extract. Απόγράφος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same) copied, transcribed. Απογράφω, f. -ψω, p. απογέγραφα, (fr. απο from, and γράφω to write) to write out, transcribe, copy ; to levy, muster, enrol ; to assess, tax ; to register, record ; to enter, keep account ; to survey, describe ; to accuse, inform against ; Απο- γράφομαι, to enrol one's self; to declare, profess; to expunge, obli- terate, erase, imp. and 2 a. act. απεγραφον. 1 a act. απέγραψα' sub. απογράψω, per. pass, απο- - μαι. 1 a. pass, απεγράφ- a. ind. mid. απεγραψά- μην inf. απογράψασθαι. Απογυιόω -ω, f. -ώσω, ρ. απογε- γυίωκα, (ft. από intens. andytuoa; to lame) to weaken, enervate, en- feeble, debilitate; to mutilate, dismember ; to fracture, dislocate. I a. ind. act. απεγυίωσα' sub. απογυιώσω. Απογυμνάζομαι, (fr. same, andyv//- νάζω to exercise) to practise for improvement ; to strip, expose ; t» speak, or act shamlessly, or bare- facedly. Απογυμνόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, (fr. same, and γυμνόω to strip, th. γυμνός naked) to strip, undress; to discover, disclose, expose ; to exercise, practise. 1 a. par. pass. απογυμνωθείς. Απογνμνωσις, -ιος, Att. -εο>ς, rj, (fr. last) a stripping; nakedness ; ex- posure, discovery. Απογνναίκωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f), (fr. απο from, and γυνή a woman) a making like a woman, taming, subjugation. Απογωνιόομαι -ονμαι, (fr. απο from, and γωνία a corner) to creep into a corner ; to hide, shrink, shun, avoid, pres. inf. -πογωνιουσθαι. Άποδα, a. sin. mas. and neut. pi. of άπονς. Αποδάζομαι, f. -άσομαι, and Poet. -άσσομαι, (fr. απο intens. and δάζομαι to divide) to deal out, share, distribute ; to impart, com- municate. 1 a. inf. αποδάσσασθαι. 1 f. inf. αποδάσσεσθαι, Poet, for -δάσασθαι, and -δάσεσθαι. Αποδαίω, (fr. same, and δαίω to burn) fo burn up, consume; to parch, scorch. Αποδάκνω, f. -δήξω, p. -δεδηχα, (fr. απδ from, and δάκνω to bite) to bile off, snap. Αποδακρυτίκα, -ων, τά, (fr. next) provocatives of tears. Αποδακρύω, f. -νσω, p. -vka, (fr. απο intens. and δακρύω to weep) to show affections by tsars, burst ΑΠΟ into tears; to lament, bewail. imp. απεδάκρνον, Ion. αποδάκ- ρυον. 1 a. ind. act. απεδάκρυσα. Αποδάμεΐν, Dor. for αποδημεϊν, pres. inf. of αποδημέω. Απόδάμος, -ου, δ, ή, Dor. for από- δημος. Αποδαρθέΐν, 2 a. inf. act. of απο- δαρθάνω, see δαρθάνω. Αποδάσμίος, -ον, δ, >'/, (fr. next) tri- butary ; subject, subordinate ; sharing, partaking ; divided, al- lotted. Α,ποδασμος, -ov, b, (fr. αποδάζομαι to divide) tribute, tax ; a division, allotment, distribution ; partici- pation ; share, portion, lot. Αποδάσσασθαι, and Αποδάσσεσθαι, Poet, see αποδάζομαι. Αποδαυλίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. απο from, and δαυλός JEol. for δαλος a torch) to beat, or belabour with a piece of firwood, or a stick off the hearth ; to strike, bang. Αποδέδεγμαι, -ξαι, -κται, per. pass, Of αποδέχομαι. Αποδίδειγμαι, per. pass, — Αποδε- δειγμένος, -η,-ον, par. per. pass of αποδε'ικννμι.. Αποδεδειλιακότως, (fr. next) fear- fully, timidly, cowardly. Αποδεδειλιακώς, -via, -ος, par. per act. of αποδειλιάω. Αποδεδοκιμασμίνος, -η, -ov, par per. pass, of αποδοκιμάζω. Αποδίδομαι, per. pass, of αποδί- δωμι. Αποδέδρακα, in 3 pi. — Αποδεδρά- κασι, per. act. of αποδιδράσκω.. Αποδέδωκα, per. ind. act. of απο• δίδωμι. Αποδεης, -έος -οΐις, b, ή, (fr. αποδέο to want) inferior, subordinate deficient, defective; void, want ing. Αποδέΐ, f. αποδεήσει, impers. (fr. same) there is wanting, it is de- ficient, it is requisite, or neces- sary. Αποδειδίττω, or -ίσσω, and Αποδει- δίττομαι, or -Ίσσ.ομαι, (fr. απο from, and δειδίσσομαι to affright) to terrify, scare, frighten away to deter, discourage, dissuade. imp. απεδειδισβόμην. Αποδείκνϋμι, f. αποδείξω, p. αποδέ- δεικα, (fr. απο intens. and δείκνυ- μι to show) to show, exhibit, ma- nifest, discover, point out ; to dis- play, publish, expose ; to demon- strate, prove, make good, evince ; make appear ; render, make, cause to be. pres. inf. act. απο- δεικννναι. par. αποδεικνύς. 1 a. ind. act. απέδειξα' inf. αποδεϊξαι, Ion. αποδέξαι. pres. inf. pass. αποδείκννσθαι. per. αποδέδειγμαι' par. αποδεδειγμένος. Αποδεικνύς, -νσα, -iv, a. sin. -vvv- τα, par. pres. act. of last. Αποδεικτικός, -η, -ov, or -ov, b, 17, (fr. same) demonstrative, show- ing ; proving, convincing. ΑποδεικτΥκως, (fr. last) evidently, clearly, explicitly. Αποδεικτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. αποδείκ• ννμι to display) that can be ΑΠΟ proved, or shown; proveable ; likely, probable. Αποδειλίάσις, -ως, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. next) laziness; timidity, fear, cowardice. Αποδειλιάω -ω, f. -άσω, p. αποδε- δειλίακα, (fr. απο intens. andfct- λιάω to fear) to dread, fear great- ly ; to fly, escape, shun, avoid, shrink, fail. Αποδείξαι, I a. inf. act. — Αποδεί- ξειν, If. inf. act. οι αποδε'ικννμι. Αποδείξει, ά. sin. cont. Att. of Απόδειξις, and Ion. Απόδεξις, -ιος, Alt. -εως, ή, {fr. αποδείκνϋμι to display) proof, demonstration ; evidence, testimony ; a test, trial, experiment ; a specimen, sample ; pattern, example. Απόδειπνος, -ου, b, η, (fr. απο from, and δεΊπνον dinner) after dinner, having dined, or supped. Or, (fr. από priv. and same) without din- ner, supperless, hungry, empty Αποδείρειν, Ion. for αποδέρειν, pres. inf. act. of αποδέρω. Αποδειροτομέω -ω, f -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. απο intene. and δειροτομέω to behead) to decollate, cut off the head, behead; to slay, slaughter ; to strip, or take off, or from about the neck. 1 a. act. απεδειροτόμη- σα. 1 f. inf. act. αποδειροτομή- σειν. Αποδειχθείς, -είσα, -εν, 1 a. par. pass. — Αποδειχθήσεσθαι, I f. inf. pass, of αποδείκνϋμι. Αποδεκατονν, pres. inf. act. cont. — Αποδεκατοΰτε,Ζγ]. cont. pres. ind. act. — Ανοδεκατω, pres. ind. act. cont. of Αποδεκατόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. αποδε- δεκάτωκα, fr. απο intens. and δε- κατδω, which see. Αποδεκάτωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. last) decimation ; a division into tens ; a punishment of every tenth ; tithe ; payment, or receiv- ing of tithe. Αποδέκεσθαι, Ion. for αποδέχεσθαι pres. inf. pass, οι αποδέχομαι. Αποδεκτέος, -a, -ov, or -ov, b, fj, (fr. αποδέχομαι to receive) to be received, admitted, or allowed; that must be taken. Αποδέκτης, -ου, and Αποδεκτηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. same) a receiver, collector ; a tax gatherer, farmer of the revenue, publican. Αποδεκτός, -ov, b, hi (fr• same) acceptable, pleasing, agreeable, grateful, welcome ; approved, tried. Αποδενδρόομαι -ονμαι, (fr. απο in- tens. and δένδρον a tree) to grow thick, or close; to be covered, overgrown, or overrun with trees ; to shoot, sprout, become, or be changed into a tree. pres. inf. pass, αποδενδρονσθαι. I a. pass, ind. αποδενδρώθην' par. αποδεν- δρωθείς. Αποδέξαι, Αποδεξάμενος, Ion." for αποδεΐξαι, 1 a. inf. act. andairo- δειξάμενος, 1 a. par. mid. of απο- δείκνϋμι. And other parts in like manner. (70) ΑΠΟ Αποδεξάμενος, -η, -ov, par. and Αποδέξασθαι, inf. 1 a. mid. — Αποδεχόμεθα, 1 pi. pres. ind. mid. of αποδέχομαι. Απόδεξις, -ιος, Att. -εω&, Ion. fa* απόδειξις. Αποδέομαι -ονμαι, pres. ind. mid. or pass, of αποδέω. Απόδερμα, -ατός, το, (fr. αποδέρω to skin) a skin, hide ; booty, plun- der, spoil. Αποδερματύω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to strip, peel. Αποδερματόομαι -ουμαι, to have the hide or cover- ing stripped off. Αποδέρω, and Ion. Αποδείρω, (fr, απο from, and δέρω to skin) to flay, skin, uncase ; to peel, strip. Απόδεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ι), (fr. αποδέω to bind up) a tying, bind- ing, fastening. Αποδεσμέω -ω, Αποδεσμόω -ω, and Αποδεσμενω, (fr. next) to tie up, confine, bind, swathe, bandage. Αποδεσμος, -ov, b, (fr. απο intens. and δεσμός a band) a packet, bundel, parcel ; a wrapper, cloth, napkin; a swathe, band, ban- dage; a fillet, headband, hair- lace; a stomacher, or such like dress for the breast, or bosom. Αποδεχθείς, -εισα, -ev, 1 a. par. pass.- of Αποδέχομαι, f. αποδέξομαι, p. αποδέ- δεγμαι, (fr. απο intens. and δέχο- μαι to receive) to receive, take, get, bear ; to entertain, treat ; to take, accept ; to admit, allow^ submit to, approve of, assent to ; to comprehend ; to follow ; to ap- praise, estimate, rate, value, es- teem, pres. impr. mid. αποδέχον. 1 a. ind. pass, απεδέχθην, 3 pi. απεδέχθησαν. 1 a. ind. mid. απε- δεξάμην inf. αποδέξασθαι. Αποδεχόμενος, -η, -ov, (par. pres. mid. of last) received, acknow- ledged ; acceptable, agreeable. Αποδέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. απο intens. and δέω to tie) to bind, tie up, or together, gird; to enclose, pack, wrap up ; to fix, fasten. Αποδέω -ω, (fr. same, and δέω to want) to be absent, or away from ; to be wanting, deficient, inferior; to fail, fall short. Αποδηλόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, fr. same, and δηλόω, which see. Απο5^/ω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. αποδεδή- μηκα, (fr. απύ from, and δήμος people) to go from home, tra- vel, journey ; to sojourn, reside abroad. 1 a. ind. act. απεδήμησα' par. αποδημήσας. Αποδημητης, -ov, δ, (fr. same) α traveller ; a sojourner, lodger ; a stranger ; engaged, or busy abroad. Αποδημητίώς, -η, -bv, or -ov, b, ^, (fr. same) journeying, travel- ling ; foreign ; living, or trading abroad. Αποδημία, -ας, ή, (fr. same) a jour- ney, travelling; residence abroad^ foreign- service ; absence from home. ΑΠΟ Κπόδημος, -ου, δ, ^, (fr. same) going, or living abroad, an ab- sentee ; a traveller, tvjourner, lodger. Αποδήμων, par. pres. act. cont. of αποδημεω. Αποδία, -ας, h, (&• άπους without feet) want of feet. Αποδιαιτάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. απδ in- tens. and διαιτάω to diet) to ar- bitrate, mediate; decide, deter- mine. 1 a. ind. act. απεδιήτησα. Αποδιαστέλλω, f. -ελώ, p. απεδιέ- σταλκα, (fr. same, and διαστέλλω to separate) to divide from, ex- clude ; to keep off, hinder ; to enclose, fence, hedge ; to appro- priate, set aside. Αποδιατρίβω, f. -ψω, (fr. same, and διατρίβω to delay) to abide, rest, wait, stay ; to trifle, loiter, linger. Αποδιδάσκω, f. -ξω, (fr. από from, and διδάσκω to teach) to un- teach ; to unlearn, forget. Αποδιδόειν -ούν, for αποδιδδναι, pres. inf. of α— οδίδωμι. Αποδίδομαι, pres. pass, of same. Αποδιδόναι, pres. inf. act. — Απο- διδότω, 3 sin. pres. impr. act. — Αποδίδουν, neut. sin. and Απο δίδοντες, η. pi. par. pres. act. — Αποδίδωσι, 3 pi. pres. sub. of αποδίδωμι. Αποδιδράσκω, f. αποδράσω, (fr. απο from, and διδράσκω to fly) to flee, fly away, run off, escape; to hide, skulk, shrink from, see αποδράω. Αποδίδωμι, f. αποδώσω, p. αποδέδω- κα, (fr. απο intens. and δίδωμι to give) to give up, give back, store, return; to yield, produce, bring forth; to repay, requite, recompense ; to pay, discharge ; ίο give, grant, bestow ; to permit, concede, assign, attribute ; to ren- der, construe, interpret, explain. Αποδίδομαι, to give, sell dedi- cate, or devote one's self. pres. act. impi. αποδίδοθι' opt. αποδι- δοίην, -ης, -η' sub. αποδίδω, -ως, -Cj• inf. αποδιδόναι, and αποδι- δόειν -οΰν, as if fr. αποδιδόω' par. αποδ ιδσύς, -ούσα, -όν imp. απεδίδων. 2 a. act. ind. απέδων, -ως, -ω' impr. άποδος, -ότω, 2 ρΐ. απόδοτε. opt. αποδοίην, -ης, -η, in pi. by Sync. αποδοΊμεν οιτε, -ο"ίεν, and Att. αποδωην, ης, -η' sub. αποδώ, -ψς, -φ' inf. αποδουναι, and Att. Dor. JEol. αποδόμεναι' par. αποδούς, -ούσα, -bv, 1 a. ind. act. απέδωκα. pres. pass, and mid. ind. αποδίδομαι' impr. αποδιδόσω,-σθω' opt. απο- διδοίμην, -οίο, -οϊτο' sub. αποδι- δωμαι, -ψ, -ώται' inf. αποδίδοσ- θαι' par. αποδιδόμενος, imp. απε- διδόμην, -σο, -το. per. pass. ind. αποδέδωμαι' opt. αποδεδοίμην sub. αποδεδωμαι. pper. απεδεδό- μην. ppfut. αποδεδόσομαι. 1 a pass. ind. απεδόθην opt. αποδο- θείην' inf. αποδοθηναι. 1 f. pass αποδοθήσομαι. 1 a. ind. mid. απε- δωκάμην. "2 a. mid. ind. απεδό- μην' impr. απόδοσο' opt. αποδοί- ΑΠΟ μην' sub. αποδώ μαι' inf. αποδόσ- θαι, par. αποδόμενος. Αποδιιστημι, and Απο^αστάω -ώ, (fr. απο intens. and δάστημι to part) to separate, divide ; to break off, interrupt ; to decide, deter- mine, make an end of. Αποδικάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. απο priv. and δικάζω to judge) to acquit, free, clear. Αποδικέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and δίκη sentence) to plead. Αποδινίω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and δινίω to roll) to whirl; to tumble, roll over. Αποδιοπυμπέω -ώ, and Αποδιοπομ- πέομαι -ούμαι, (fr. απο from, and διοπβμπέω to avert ; which fr. Αιός Jupiter, and πομπή an expi- ation) to put out of the way, send off, remove ; to avert, deprecate; to atone, expiate. Αποδιορίζοντες, η. pi. par. pres. act. of Αποδιορίζω, f. -ίσω, p. αποδιώρικα, (fr. απο from, and διορίζω to di- vide) to separate, sever ; to with- draw, form a schism, or sect ; to limit, bound, confine, determine. Αποδισκεύω, fr. απο intens. and δισκεύω which see. Αποδιφθογγόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. απο from, and δίφθογγος a diph- thong) to form a diphthong ; to unite, or coalesce in sound. Αποδιφθόγγωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) the union of vowels into a diphthong; a concord of sounds. Αποδίω, f. -ίσω, (fr. απν from, and δίω to drive) to drive out, expel, banish, force away, turn out. Αποδιώκω, f. -ξω, (fr. same, and διώκω to pursue) to chase, or drive away ; to banish, turn out. Αποδίωξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. last) expulsion, banishment. Αποδοθευ]ν, Αποδοθηναι, Αποδοθή- σομαι, see αποδίδωμι. Αποδοκέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. απο priv. and δοκέω to seem) to displease, disgust, dissatisfy, offend, shock ; to decline, disapprove ; to decide, determine, pres. inf. act. αποδο κέειν -ε?ν. Αποδοκιμάζω, and Αποδοκιμάω -ώ, f. -άσω, p. αποδεδοκίμακα, (fr. same, and δοκιμάζω to prove) to disapprove, dislike ; to reject, dis- allow, reprobate, refuse, cast off; to despise, undervalue, make lit- tle of. 1 a. ind. act. απεδοκίμασα. per. pass, αποδεδοκίμασμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, απεδοκιμάσθην. Αποδοκιμασθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of last. Αποδοκιμασία, -ας, η, (fr. same) disapprobation, dislike; rejection, reprobation ; censure. Αποδοκιμαστέος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) to be reprobated, that must be disapproved, that ought to be re- jected. Αποδόέίμος, -ου, b, fi, (fr. same) disapproved, disliked, rejected ; cast off, reprobate; base, false, counterfeit. Αποδόμεναι, Αποδόμενος, Αποδουναι, (71) ΑΠΟ Άποδος, Αποδόσθαι, see αποδί* δωμι. Αποδόντωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, §, (fr. απο from, and οδούς, a tooth) cleaning the teeth ; removing the tartar from them. Άποδος, Απόδοτε, Αποδουναι, Απο- δούς, see αποδίδωμι. Άποδος, -ου, η, Ion. for άφοδος. Άποδος, g. sin. of άπους. Αποδόσίμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. αποδίδωμι to repay) due, owing, liable. Απόδοσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f], (fr. same) return, restitution, repay- ment; retribution, recompense. Αποδοτηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. same) a re- storer, recompenser. Αποδοτικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) that which repays, repaying, retribu- tory. Απόδουλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. απο from, and δούλος a slave) born of a slave, servile. Αποδουναι, 2 a. inf. act. of αποδί- δωμι. ΑποδοχεΊον, -ου, το, (fr. αποδέχο- μαι to admit) a receptacle, store- house; a refuge, retreat, shelter, asylum. Αποδοχή, -ης, η, (fr. same) ac- ceptation, acknowledgment, ac- ceptance ; reception, admission, admittance ; approbation, praise^ commendation. Αποδοχμόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. απο in- tens. and δοχμόω to bend) to crook, bend ; to warp, twist, dis- tort ;' to pervert, corrupt, turn from the right way. 1 a. ind. act. απε- δόχμωσα' inf. αποδοχμώσαι' par. αποδοχμώσας. Απόδραγμα, -άτος, τό, (fr. αποδράσ- . σω to gather) a handful. Αποδράθεΐν, metaplas. for αποδαο- θεΤν, which see. Απόδράθι, pres. impr. act. — Απο- δραίην, opt. — Αποδράναι, inf. — Αποδράς, par. of αποδρημι, same as αποδράω. Αποδράσεια, -ας, -ε, 1 a. opt. act. JEol. of αποδοάω. Απόδρασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. αποδράω to run away) flight, escape, running avmy ; a shun- ning, avoiding ; a leaving, quit- ting^ forsaking. Αποδράσσω, or -ττω, and Αποδράσ- σομαι, or -ττομαι, (fr. απδ intens. and δράσσω to lay hold on) to ^collect, gather, reap ; to pluck, pull, crop. Αποδράω -ώ, f. -άσω, p. αποδέδρακα, (fr. από from, and δράω to fly) to fly, ox flee, run away, escape ; to shun, avoid ; to retire, decline. 1 a. ind. act. απέδ ράσα, by Sync. απέδρα' par. αποδράς' or par. pres. of αποδρημι, see ΐηαπόδραθι. Απόδρεπε, pres. impr. act. of Αποδρέπω, f. -ψω, p. αποδέδρεφα, (fr. από intens. and δρέπω to reap) to collect, gather, reap, mow ; to enjoy, reap the benefit. Απόδρεψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, >'/, (fr. last) the gathering, or collection of the fruits of the earth ; reap- ing, mowing, pulling. ΑΠΟ AvoSpljvai, 2 a. inf. or Ion. for αποδράναι, pres. inf. of αποδρημι, same as αποδράω. Απόδρησις, -ιος, Ion. for απόδρασις. Απόδρομος, -ου, Ό, ^, (fr. αποτρεχω to run back) coming back, return- ing, arriving, reaching the goal; also inferior, beaten in the race. Αποδρύπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. από intens. and δρύπτω to tear) to lacerate, rend, mangle; to strip, skin, peel, excoriate. Αποδρύφω, (fr. από intens. and δρν- φω, fr. 2 a. of δρνπτω to tear) same as αποδρνπτω. pres. opt. αποδρύφοιμι. 1 a. sub. αποδρύψω. 1 a. ind. pass, απεδρύφθην. Αποδρω, cont. for αποδράω ΑΠΟ zone, or ^ircZ/e ; to unbind, untie ; to put out of office, discharge, dis- miss, disband; to separate, dis- unite, force away. 1 a. inf. pass. αποζωσθήναι. Αποβάλλω, f. -αλώ, p. αποτίθαλκα, (fr. από priv. and θάλλω to bloom) to cast, shed, or drop the flower ; to wither, decay, fade. 1 a. ind. act. απέθηλα. per. pass, αποτέ- θαλμαι. Αποθανεέαι, Ion. and Αποθάνει, Att. for αποθανη, 2 sin. of αποθανον- μαι, 2 f. mid. of αποθνήσκω. ΑποθΐίνεΊν, 2 a. inf. act. — Αποθα- νεϊσθαι, 2 f. inf. mid. — Απόθα- νε?™, 3 sin. and Αποθανεΐσθε, 2 pi. 2 f. ind. mid. of same Αποδρώην,Αη. for αποδράοιμι, pres. \Αποθανο~ισα, Dor. for αποθανονσα, opt. act. of αποδράω. η. sin. fern. par. pres. act. οι Απόδνμι, or Αποδνω, f. -ύσω, ρ αποδέδνκα, (fir. απο from, and ίο- μι or δύω to enter) ίο s, di- vest, unrobe, undress ; to despoil plunder; to loosen, untie. Απο- δνομαι, to put off, cast off, lay aside; to prepare, make ready, undertake, par. pres. act. αποδός. pres. pass, αποδύομαι. imp. απε- δνόμην, 3 pi. απεδύοντο. Αποδνρομαι, f. -ρουμαι, (fr. απο in- tens. and οδύρομαι to grieve) to lament, bewail, deplore. Αποδνς,-νσα, -iv, par. pres. — Απο- δυσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Αποδνσά- μενος, par. 1 a. mid. of απόδνμι. Απόδυσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. απόδνμι to strip) a stripping, un- dressing ; a loosening, untying. Αποδνσπετίω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. από from, δνς ill, and πίτω or πίπτω to fall) to fret, fume, chafe; to be impatient, take ill; to resist, oppose, struggle against. Αποδνσπίτησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) anger, rage; fretful- ness, impatience, sullenness. Αποδντήριον, -ov, rb, (fr. απόδνμι to strip) a room for undressing. Αποδνω, or ΑποΖύνω, f. -ύσω, p. -νκα, see απόδνμι. Αποδώ, -ως, -ω, — Αποδωην, -ωης, -ώη, — Αποδώσω, -εις, -ει, see αποδίδωμι. Απύδων, g. pi. of άπονς. Αποδώσοντες, η. pi. par. and Απο- δώσονσι, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of αποδίδωμι. Απόειπον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. — Απόειπ\ impr. by Apos. for απόειπε — Αποείπω, -ης, -η, sub. Poet, for απεΐπον,απε7π\ ιπεΐπω,^.απεπω. Αποείρω, (fr. απο intens. and είρω same as φθείρω to destroy) to drive away, hinder, repel; to separate, divide. Αποέργω, Poet, for απεργώ, same as απείργω. Αποερρω, and Αποερδω, f. αποερσω, (fr. απο from, and έρρω to pine) to swallow up, ingulph, sweep away, overwhelm, devour, destroy. 1 a. ind. act. -<3£ol. απόερσα, -ας, -ε, without an augment. Ανοζώννυμι, or Αποζωννύω, f. απο- ζώσω, (fr. απο from, and ζωννυ- μι to gird) to ungirdy loose the same. Αποθάνω, -ης, -ji, 2 a. sub. act. — Αποθανών, -ούσα, -bv, g. sin -οντος, d. sin. -οντι, a. sin. -οντά par. 2 -a act. of same. Αποθαρρίω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. απο in- tens. and $αρρεω to trust) to con- fide, trust; be bold, confident; to venture, dare. Αποθανμάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. same, and θανμάζω to wonder) to ad- mire, wonder at ; to venerate, look up to, respect, regard. Αποθείνω, (fr. από intens. and^in -ω to strike) to be cut off; to die. Αποθεμένος, -η, -ov, par. — Απο- θίσθαι, inf. 2 a. mid. — Απόθεσ- θε, 2 pi. impr. 2 a. mid. — Απο- θώμεθα, 1 pi. 2 a. sub. mid. of αποτίθημι. Άποθεν, (fr. απο from) from afar ; far, distant. Αποθεόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. aπb in- tens. and θεός a deity) to deify, rank among the gods. Αποθερίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. same, and αερίζω to reap) to mow, reap, gather, collect harvest ; to fell, cut down ; to cut off, extirpate, strip, spoil. Απόθεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f/, (fr. αποτίθημι to set down) a putting off, or away ; a discharge, dis- mission ; a deprivation, degrada- tion, removal. Απόθεστος,-ον, δ, ';, (fr. a neg. and ποθέ'ω to desire) unregarded, neglected, slighted. Απόθετος, -ov, b, η, (fr. αποτίθημι to lay by) set aside, laid by ; hidden, abstruse. Sub. a musi- cal measure. Αποθέω -ώ, f. -ενσω, (fr. απο in- tens. and Si ω to run) to run with speed, hasten; to run away, set off running. 1 f. mid. αποθεύσο- μαι' par. αποθενσόμενος. Αποθεώρησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. απο intens. and θεωρέω to view) a sight, view, prospect; exami- nation, inquiry. Αποθέωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ->}, (fr. αποθεόω to deify) placing among the gods; consecration, hallowing. Αποθήκη, -ης, ή, (fr. αποτίθημι to lay up) a storehouse, repository, warehouse ; a barn, granary. (72) ΑΠΟ Αποθηρίωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, »/, (fr. απο intens. and θηρίον a wild beast) wildness, fierceness, sa- vageness, cruelty. Αποθησανρίζω, f. -ίσω, p. αποτεθψ• σανρικα, (fr. aπb intens. and θη- σαυρίζω to treasure) to lay up, hoard, amass ; to store, collect. Αποθησανρισμος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. last) a hoarding, a7nassing. Αποθήσομαι, 1 f. mid. of αποτίθημι. Αποθλίβουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Αποθλίβω, 1. -ψω, p. αποτέθλιφα, (fr. από intens. and θλίβω to press) to press upon, squeeze, crowd, confine ; to express, wring , strain, squeeze out ; to dart out, emit ; to strike, dash ; to oppress. Αποθνήσκει, 3 sin. and -κομεν, -κονσι, 1 and 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Αποθνήσκειν, pres. inf. act. — Αποθνήσκοι, 3 sin. pres. opt. act. — Αποθνήσκων, -ούσα, -ov, par. pres. act. of Αποθνήσκω, f. αποθνήξω, p. αποτέθ- νηκα, (fr. από intens. and θνή- σκω to die) to decease, die ; to be dead to, renounce, forsake ; to be as dead; to be omitted, not cowit- ed. 2 a. act. ind. απεθανον sub. αποθάνω• inf. αποθανείν par. αποθανών. 2 f. mid. αποθανονμαι. Αποθορεω -ώ, (fr. από from, and θο- ρεω or θόρω to leap) to leap down. Απόθον, -εσθω, 2 a. impr. mid. of αποτίθημι. Αποθουνται, 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. of αποθέω, to run. Αποθρώσκωσιν,3 pi. pres. sub. act. of Αποθρώσκω, f. -σω, (fr. από from, and θρώσκω to leap) to leap down, or off; to alight, dis- mount ; to spring back, rebound t recoil ; to start, rush out. Αποθύμιος, -ου, b, f), (fr. από from, and θvμbς the mind) unpleasant^ unacceptable, disagreeable ; hate- ful, odious. Αποθωνμασας, for αποθανμασας, I a. par. act. of αποθανμάζω. Αποίητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. α neg. and ποιεω to make) rude, rough, un- finished, imperfect.' Αποικεω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. από from, and οικίω to dwell, th. οΐκος a house) to come to live, come from abroad ; be far from home, be absent ; to migrate, emigrate, change residence. Αποικεσία, and Αποικία, -ας, //, (fr. same) absence from home, resi- dence abroad ; a colony, planta- tion, settlement ; a carrying into captivity. Αποικίζω, f. -ίσω, p. απώκικα, (fr. same, and οικίζω to found) to colonize, plant, settle ; to remove t carry into captivity. 1 a. ind. act. απώκισα* inf. αποικίσαι. per. pass. απώκισμαι' par. απωκισμένος. 1 a. ind. pass, απωκίσθην par. απω- κισθείς. Αποικις, -ίδος, f], and Άποικο?, -ου« ό, (fr. same) a colonist, settler > planter. Adj. of a settlement \ colonial. Aπoικισμbς, -ov, b, (fr. same) cole- ΑΠΟ tnzation, emigration ; leading into caplifuy. Αποικοδυμέω -ώ, t". -ήσω, (fr. από priv. and οικοδομέω to build, th. οίκος a house) to build up, stop up, batricade ; to dismantle, pull down, destroy, overthrow. Αποιμώζω, f. -ζω, (fr. από intens. and οιμώζω to lament) to bewail, bemoan, weep for, deplore. Άποινα, -ων, τά, (fr. από from, and ποινή punishment. Or, as if άφοινα fr. same, and φόνος mur- der) ransom, redemption ; a fine, penalty, forfeiture. Αποινάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, and Α.ποινόο> -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to ransom, redeem, quit for a fine ; to fine, avenge, pres. inf. αποιναν. Αποίσετον, 2 du. of Αποίσω, 1 f. of αποφερ^. Αποίχομαί, f. αποιχήσομαι, p. απώ- χημαι, (fr. από from, anJ οίχομαι to go) ίο £0 away, depart, be ab- sent, par. pres. αποιγάμενος, g. Ion. απυιχομέιοιο. Αποκαθαίρω, and Αποκαθαοίζω, (fr. από intens. and καθαίρω, and κα- ■ θαρίζω to purify) to cleanse away any defilement ; expiate, puri- fy ; to clean thoroughly. Αποκάθαρσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last ) purification, cleansing, cleaning. Αποκάθημαι, (fr. από from, and κάθημαι to sit) to sit down ; to sit apart, separate, retire ; to loiter, be indolent, listless ; to be faint, ill. Αποκαθημένη, -ης, ή, (fr. last) hav- ing the catamenia. Αποκαθιστά, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of αποκαθιστάω. Αποκαθιστάνεις, 2 sin. pres. ind. act. of αποκαθιστάνω. Αποκαθίστημι, Αποκαθιστάω, and Αποκαθιστάνω, f. -ήσω, p. αποκα θίστηκα, (fr. από intens. and κα• θίστημι to appoint) to reform restore, retrieve, recover. — Απο- καθίσταμαι, to subside, sink down, settle. 1 a. ind. act. αποκατέστη- σα. 1 a. pass, αποκατεστάθην sub. αποκατασταθώ. Αποκαθ'ιστων, 1 sin. or 3 pi. cont. imp. ind. act. of αποκαθιστάω. Αποκ'ΐίω, f. -ανσω, (fr. απο intens. and καίω to burn) to burn up consume ; to parch, scorch. Αποκάκίω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and κακός ill) to faint, fail, yield, sink under misfortune. Αποκαλέω -ω, f. -ήσω, and -εσω, (fr. same, and καλέω to call) to call back, recall, send for, invite ; to call, name, αποκαλύπτω, f. -ψω, p. αποκεκάλυ- φα, (fr. από from, and καλύπτω to cover) to unveil, show, display; to uncover, expose; to reveal, dis- close. 1 a. act. ind. απεκάλυψα' inf. αποκαλύψαι. per. pass, απο- κεκάλυμμαι. 1 a. pass. ind. απε- καλύψθην sub. αποκαλυφθώ -inf. αποκαλυφθ'ήναι' par. αποκαλυφ- θείς. 1 f. pass, αποκαλυφθήσομαι. Αποκαλυφύη, 3 sin. and -θωσι, 3 pi. ΑΠΟ 1 a. sub. pass. — Αποκαλυφθή- ναι, 1 a. inf. pass. — Αποκαλυφ- θήσεται, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. pass, of last. Αποκάλυψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) an uncovering, exposure ; a revelation, disclosure, exposi Hon ; a display, appearance, ma- nifestation. Αποκαλύψει, -ψε<ί, -ψίων, -ψεως, -ψιν, cases of last. Αποκάμνω, ϊ. -αμώ, (fr. από intens. and κάμνω to toil) to faint, fail, tire, be worn out, wasted, ex- hausted with fatigue. Αποκαπύω, (fr. same, and καπύω to breathe) to breathe forth, pant, expire. Αποκαραδοκέω -ω, (fr. από intens. καρά the head, and δοκέω to think) to expect, wait for, hope desire. Αποκαραδοκία, -ας, η, (fr. same expectation ; a waiting or look- i- n g f or / anxious hope, earnest desire. Αποκαρτερέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. απυ priv. and καρτερέω to be strong) to give up, cease exertion, despair, commit suicide ; to starve to death, die of hunger. Αποκαταλλάσσω, or -ττω, f. -ξω, p. αποκατήλλαχα, (fr. καταλλάσσω to exchange) to reconcile, make friends. 1 a. ind. act. αποκατήλ- λαζα. Αποκατασταθώ, -ης, -fj, 1 a. sub. pass, of αποκαθίστημι. Αποκατάστάσις, -to?, Att. -εως, η", (fr. αποκαθίστημι to restore) re- storation, restitution, dedication, renewal, renovation, new begin- ning ; regulation, settlement, ar- rangement. Αποκατέανται, Ion. for αποκάθηνται, 3 pi. pres. ind. of αποκάθημαι. Αποκατεστάθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of αποκαθίστημ. . Αποκατήλλαζα 1 a. ind. act. of αποκαταλλάσσω. Απόκειμαι, •κεισομαι, (fr. from, and κε7μαι to he) to put by, lay up, set aside, reserve ; to appoint, ordain, pres. inf. απο- κεΊσθαι. imp. απεκείμην. Αποκείμενος,-η,-ον,ρ&Γ. pres. pass. — Απόκειται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass, of last. Αποκείρω, f. -ερώ, (fr. απο from, and κείρω to clip) to shave, shear. cut, lop, pare, chop; to shorten, curtail ; to raze, demolish ; to plunder, spoil. 1 f. yEol. αποκέρ- σω. 1 a. ind. act. απέκειρα' and JE>o\. απίκερσα. Αποκεκλεατο, Ion. for απεκέκληντο, 3 pi. pper. pass, of αποκαλέω. Αποκεκλεισμένος, par. per. pass, of αποκλείω. Αποκεκρυμμενος, -η, -ov, par. per, pass, of αποκρύπτω. Αποκεκρυμμενως, (fr. last) secretly, privately, privily. Αποκεκύλισται, 3 sin. and Αποκεκν- λισμενος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass. of απο κυλίω. Αποκενόω-ω, f.' -ώσω, (fr. απο from, (73) ΑΠΟ and κενόω to empty) to drain, ex* haust, evacuate. Αποκεντέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. από in- tens. and κεντεω to prick) to pierce, stab, run through ; to kill. Αποκεντησις, -ιος, Att. -εωί, ή, (fr. yast) a stabbing, piercing, wound• ing ; slaughter. Αποκερδαίνω, f. -άνω, (fr. από in- tens. and κερδα'ινω to gain) to win, get, earn, make profit. Αποκερδίω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and κέρδος profit) to bring gain, yield profit, make a return ; to benefit, serve. Αποκίρσω, see αποκείρω. Αποκεφαλίζω, f. -ίσω , p. αποκεκεφά- λικα, (fr. από from, and κεφαλή the head) to behead, cut off the head. Αποκιδαρόω -ω, (fr. same, and κι- δαρϊς a diadem) to strip off the diadem, tiara, or turban ; to un- cover the head. Αποκινέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and κινέω to move) to remove, with- draw ; to drive, convey away. ΑπύκΊνος, -ου, δ, (fr. last) aremo- val, withdrawing ; departure, re- tiring ; retreat, flight. Αποκλαίω, f. -αύσω, (fr. από intens. and κλαίω to weep) to mourn 1 grieve, bewail, lament, bemoan. Αποκλάξας, Απόκλαξον, see απο• κλείω. Απόκλάρος, -ου, δ, !/, Poet, and Dor. for απόκληρες. Απικλείση, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of αποκλείω. Απόκλεισμα,-άτος,τό,{ίτ.^χΙ) con- finement, custody, keeping, safe- guard ; an enclosure, prison. Αποκλείω, f. -είσω, p. αποκέκλεικα, (fr. από intens. and κλείω to shut) to shut to ; to bolt, bar, hin- der either from ingress or egress ; to shut up, confine, enclose ; to sJmt out, exclude ; to cut >ff, in- tercept. 1 a. act. ind. απέκλεισα' sub. αποκλείσω. 1 f. Dor. απο- κλαξω' from which 1 a. ind. απέκλαξα' impr. απόκλαξον' par. αποκλαξας. Αποκλέπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. same, and κλέπτω to steal) to rob, thieve, filch, pilfer, steal privately. Απ-ικληΐξω, and Αποκληΐω, Ion. and Poet, for αποκλείω. Απόκληρος, -ου, δ, >/, (fr. από from, and κλήρος lot) without share, or portion ; hapless, unfortunate, destitute. Απόκλίμα, -ατός, ro, (fr. αποκλίνω to lean) steepness, acclivity, ascent. Αποκλινθεΐς, -εΐσα, -εν, Poet, for αποκλιθείς. par. 1 a. pass, of Αποκλίνω, f. -ti /ώ, (fr. από from, and κλίνω to lean) to lean off, turn from, bend back , to decline, shun, avoid; to recline, lean, rest, repose; to incline, be dis- posed. Απόκλισις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η", (fr. last) a slope, slant ; an obliquity, leaning ; inclination, bias, par- tiality. Αποκλύζω, f. -ύσω, (fr. απο intens. ΑΠΟ and κλύζω to wash) to wash out, or away, efface ; to sweep away, overwhelm ; to rinse, cleanse ; to purify, expiate. Αποκναίω, f. -αίσω, (fr. same, and κναίω to gnaw) to weary, fatigue, overpower ; to fret, smart ; to afflict, trouble, grieve. Αποκνίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. same, and κνίζω to cut) to pluck, twitch, pinch ; to tear, rend ; to lop, cut off. ' Αποκομίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. απδ from, and κομίζω to carry) to bring, take, carry away ; to transport. Αποκομιω, -εΊς, -ει, Att. for αποκο- μίσω, 1 f. act. of last. Απόκομμα, -ατός, το, (fr. αποκόπτω to cut off) a fragment, piece, part, shred, morsel. Αποκοπείς, -είσα, -εν, par. 2 a. pass, of same, g. sin. fern. Αποκοπεί- σης. Αποκοπή, -ης, >';, (fr. next) a cut- ting off; a deficiency, want, failing; a fragment, piece ; abo- lition of debts; a figure when something is omitted at the end of a word. Αποκόπτω, f. -ψω,ρ. αποκεκοφα, (fr. απδ from, and κόπτω to cut) to cut off; to amputate ; to cut off, defeat, dislodge ; to put an end to ; to exclude, debar. 1 a. act. απεκοψα. 2 a. pass. ind. απεκό- ηην' inf. απεκοπηναι• par. αποκο- πείς. Αποκορυφουν, pres. inf. act. cont. of Αποκορυφόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. από from, and κορυφύω to erect, th. κορυφή the top) to sum up, com- prise, collect, bring to a point. Άποκος, -ov, b, η, (fr. α neg. and πόκος a fleece) without wool. Αποκόψειν, 1 f. inf. act. — Απ<5- κοψον, 1 a. impr. act. — Απο- κόβονται, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. mid. of αποκόπτω. Αποκρεμάννυμι, or -ννύω, (fr. απδ intens. and κρεμάω to hang) to hang up, suspend ; to overhang. Απόκρημνος, -ου, b, >/, (fr. same, and κρημνός a precipice) precipitous, steep, abrupt, craggy, overhang- ing. Αποκριθείς, -είσα, -εν, η. pi. -θεν- τες, -θεΊσαι, -θεντα, par. 1 a. pass, of αποκρίνομαι. Αποκριθήναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of same. Απόκρϊμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) an answer, reply ; a decree, act ; a sentence, decision. Αποκρίναι, 1 a. inf. act. or impr. mid. — Αποκρίνασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Αποκρίνεσθαι, pres. inf. pass. — Αποκρίνη,2, and Αποκρί- νεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass, and Αποκρίνασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid Απο- κριτθέντε, Poet, for αποκριθεντε, η. du. par. 1 a. pass, of Αποκρίνομαι, f. -υΐψαι, p. αποκεκριμ- μαι, (fr. απο intens. and κρίνω to discern) to be separated, set apart, selected, chosen ; to an- nwer, reply ; to take occasion to ΑΠΟ speak, or my ; to take up a sub- ject, or discourse ; to observe up- on, remark. 1 f. pass, αποκριθή- σομαι. 1 a. pass. ind. απεκρ'ίθην impr. αποκρίθητι, 2 pi. αποκρίθη- τε' par. αποκριθείς. 1 a. ind. mid. απεκρ'ινάμην. Αποκρίσει, Αποκρίσεσι, Απόκρισιν, cases of Απόκρισις, -ιος, Att. -εω£, f), (fr. αποκρίνομαι to reply) an answer, reply ; a separation, discharge of excrement. Αποκριτέον, (fr. same) to be answer- ed, it must be answered. Αποκριτίκος, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) ju- dicial ; condemnatory. Αποκρούεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. of Αποκρούω, f. -ούσω, (fr. απο from, and κρούω to strike) to put away, thrust back, drive off; to repel, repulse, beat off. Αποκρύπτασκε, and Αποκρύπτεσκε, 3 sin. imp. of αποκρυπτάσκω, Ion. for Αποκρύπτω, f. -ψω, p. αποκίκρυφα, (fr. απο intens. and κρύπτω to hide) to conceal, hide, obscure ; to lose sight of, leave behind ; to eclipse, excel ; to disguise. 1 a. act. ind. απέκρυψα. 2 a. ind. απέ- κρΰβον. per. pass, αποκεκρυμμαι. Απόκρυφη, -ής, η, (fr. last) a hiding, concealment; a covert, shelter, recess, retreat. Απόκρυφος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) hidden, concealed ; disguised ; secret ; doubtful, apocryphal ; treasured, laid up, stored. Απόκρυψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) a concealing, hiding. Αποκτάμεν, Ion. and Αποκτάμεναι, Dor. for αποκτε7ναι, 1 a. inf. act. — Αποκτάμενος, g. Ion. αποκταμένοιο, par. οίαπεκτάμην, 2 a. ind. mid. of αποκτήμι for αποκτείνω. Αποκτανθείς, -εΐσα, -εν, par. — Αποκτανθηναι, inf. — Αποκταν- θω, -ης, -η, 3 pi. -θώσι, sub. 1 a. pass, of Αποκτείνω, f. -ενώ, p. απίκτακα, (fr. από intens. and κτείνω to kill) to kill, slay, slaughter ; to destroy, abolish, ruin. 1 a. act. ind. απε- κτεινα' sub. αποκτείνω' inf. απο- κτεΊναι• par. αποκτείνας' 2 a. act. απεκτάνον. per. mid. απεκτονα. per. pass, ατέκτάμαι,-ασαι, -αται, and απίκταμμαι, -ανσαι, -ανται. 1 a. pass. ind. απεκτάνθην inf. αποκτανθηναι' par. αποκτανθείς. Αποκτενεΐς, 2 sin. — Αποκτενέίτε, 2 pi. — Αποκτενουσι, 3 pi. 1 f. act. of last. Αποκτεννω, Αποκτεννύω,Αποκτεννυ- μι, Αποκτήμι, Αποκτίννυμι, same as αποκτείνω, pres. inf. act. απο- κτιννύναι, par. pres. act. απο- κτιννυς, in a. sin. αποκτιννύντα οι αποκτίννυμι. Αποκυβεύω, (fr. απο intens. and κυβεύω to game, th. κύβος a die) to play at dice; to gamble; to risk, venture. Αποκυέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. αποκεκύηκα, (fr. same, and κυέω οτκύω to con- (74) ΑΠΟ ceive) to engender, beget, breed. bring forth ; to produce, cause, occasion. 1 a. act. απεκύησα. Αποκυλίω, f. -ίσω, p. αποκεκύλικα, (fr. απδ from, and κυλίω to roll) to roll down or away ; to remove. 1 a. act. απεκύλισα. per. pass. αποκεκύλισμαι. Αποκωλύω, fr. απδ intens. and κω- λύω, which see. Αποκωφόομαι -ουμαι, (fr. same, and κωφύω to deafen, th. κωφός deaf) to grow deaf, or dumb. Απολαβεϊν, 2 a. inf. act. — Απολα- βόμενος, -η, -ov, par. 2 a. mid. — Απολαβή, 3 sin. Απολάβωμεν, 1 pi. Απολαβώσι, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of απολαμβάνω. Απολαγχάνω, fr. απδ intens. and λαγχάνω, which see. Απολακτίζω, fr. same, and λακηζω, which see. Απολαμβάνειν, pres. inf. act. — Απολαμβάνομεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. — Απολαμβάνοντες, η. pi. par. pres. act. of Απολαμβάνω, f. απολήψομαι, p. απο- λέληφα, (fr. απδ from, and λαμβά- νω to take) to take back again, re- gain, recover ; to take back, or in return, be recompensed; to se- lect, choose, take out of, except; to take aside; to cut off, inter' cept ; to take, get, obtain ; to re- ceive, entertain, par. per. act. απολεληψώς. per. act. Att. απεί- ληφα' par. απειληφώς. 2 a. ind. απίλαβον' sub. απολάβω. 2 a. mid. απελαβόμην. Απολαμπρύνω, fr. same, and λαμ- πρύνω, which see. Απολάμπω, f. -ψω, p. -ώα, (fr. same, and λάμπω to snine) to glitter, beam, shine forth, enlight- en ; to shoot, dart, gush, or issue forth. 1 a. act απέλαμψ a. Απολαμφθεϊς, -εΤσα, -εν, Dor. or Ion. for αποληφθείς, par. 1 a. pass, of απολαμβάνω. Απόλανσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. απολαύω to enjoy) profit, advan- tage, benefit; enjoyment, fruition; gratification, luxury, a. sin. από- λαυση: Απολαυστος, and Απολαυστικός ,-ov, b, ή, (fr. same) luxurious, volup- tuous, gratifying. Απολαύω, f. -αύσω, p. απολέλαυκα, (fr. απδ from, and λαύω, obs. fr. λάω to enjoy) to enjoy ; to make use of, delight, in; to reap the fruit or profit of, take the benefit of feel the effect of. pres. impr. απόλαυε. 1 a. act. ind. απέλαυσα, Ion. απόλαυσα' sub. απολαύσω' 1 pi. απολαύσωμεν. Απολαφθεϊς,-εΊσα,-εν,Όον. for αι,ο- ληφθείς, 1 a. par. pass, of απο- λαμβάνω. ΑπολάχεΊν, 2 a. inf. act. of απο- λαγχάνω. Απολεγω, f. -ζω, p. -λελεχα, (fr απί from, and λέγω to speak) tc choose, pick, cu 11 , to pluck, g other, collect; to reject, slight; to de- clare, signify, pronounce; to for» bid, prohibit. — Απολίγομαι, to ΑΠΟ cease speaking, sink, yield, faint; to renounce, give up ; to rejuse, loath, decline. 1 a. act. αιτέ- λεξα. . r ΑπολεΊ, Att. for απολη, 2 sin. of απολονμαι, 2 f. mid. of απόλλυμι. Απολείπω, f. -ψω, (fr. and from, and λείβω to drop) to distil, pour out, shed. Απολείπεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass, of Απολείπω, f. -ψω, p. απολέλειφα, (fr. same, and λείπω to leave) to quit, leave,forsake, abandon; to leave behind, outstrip ; to fail, faint, despond; to cease, leave off; to decay, die; Απολείπομαι, to be distant, far, or absent from ; to be deficient, fall short, pres. impr. απόλειπε, inf. απολείπειν• 2 a. ind. απέλίπον par. απολιπών. per. pass, απολέλειμμαι. per. mid. απολέλοιπα' par. απολελοιπώς. ΑπολεΊς, 2 sin. 2 f. act. — ΑπολεΓσ- 0at, 2 f. inf. mid. — Απολεϊσθε, 2 pi. and Απολείται, 3 sin. of απολονμαι, 2 f. mid. of απόλλυμι. Ανολείχω, f. -ξω, p. απολέλειχα, (fr. αϊτό from, andλεtχω to lick) ίο lick away, or o^", Zicfe up, lap, devour, imp. ind. απεΚειχον. 1 a. act. απέλειξα. Απόλειψις, -ιο-ς, Att. -εω?, »/, (fr. ατολείπω to fail) a leaving, for- saking, desertion, quitting; a failure, deficiency, defect; an eclipse ; a leaving off, cessation, ending ; a divorce ; or bill of divorcement. Απολελαμένος, Dor. for απολελημέ- voi,par. per. pass, of απολαμβάνω . Απολέλανκα, per. act. of απολαύω. Απολελοιπότες, η. pi. mas. of Απο- λελοιπώς, par. per. mid. of απο- λείπω. Απολελυμένος, -η, -ov, par. per, pass. — Απολέλυσαι, 2 sin. per. ind. pass. — Απολέλυσθαι, per. inf. pass, of απολύω. Απόλεμος, -ov, b, >*}, (fr. a neg. and πόλεμος war) pacific, peaceable, unwarlike. Απολεόμενος, Ion. for απολούμενος, par. 2 f. mid. — Απολέοντες, Ion. for απολονντες, η. pi. mas. of απαλών, par. 2 f. act. of απόλ- λυμι. Απολεπίζω, (fr. από from, andXf-i- ζω to peel) same as Απυλέπω, f. -ψω, and Απολέπομαι, f. -ψομαι, (fr. same, and λε'πω to peel) ίο peel off, bark, strip. Απολέσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Απολέ- σας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. — • Απολέσω, -εις, ει, 3 pi. -σουσι, 1 f. ind. act. — Απολέσω, -ης, -η, 1 a. sub. act. — Απολέσθαι, 2 a. inf. mid. — Απόλεσσαν, Ion. for απώλεσαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of απόλλνμι. Απολήγοιμι, -οις,-οι, pres. opt. act. of Απολήγω, f. -ξω, (fr. απο intens. and λήγω to cease) to leave off, stop, desist ; to fade, decay, die. Αποληίζομαι, (fr. same, and λη'ίζω to plunder) to gain, or become ΑΠΟ rich by booty; to spoil, rob. pres. inf. αποληίζεσθαι. Απόληται, 3 sin. Απόλωνται, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. mid. — Απολυμένο?, -η, -ov, par. 2 a. mid. of απόλλνμι. ΑποληφθεΊς, -εΊσα, -εν, 1 a. par. — Απολήψομαι, -η, -εται, 2 pi. -λή- ψεσθε, 1 f. ind. mid. of. απολαμ- βάνω. Απολιβάζω, f. -ξω, (fr. από from, and λιβάς a drop) to drop off; to flit, escape, make off. Απολιθόομαι -ουμαι, f. -ώσομαι, p. απολελίθωμαι, (fr. από intens. andAtflouj to turn into stone) to become stone, petrify. Απολιμπάνω, (fr. απο intens. and λιμπάνω to leave) same as απο- λείπω. Απολιπών, -ούσα, -bv, η. pi. -πάν- τες, par. 2 a. act. of same. Άπολις, -ιδος, b, η, (fr. α neg. and πΰλις a city) without a home; an exile ; banished ; no longer a city. Απολισθαίνω, f. -άνω, (fr. aitb from, and ολισθαίνω to slip) to slide, or fall down, slip off; to fall away decay, die. Απολιχμάω -ώ, (fr. απο from, and λιχμάζω, or λιχμάο) to lick) to lick up, devour. Απολλήγω, f. απολλήξω, Poet, for απολήγω, f. -ζω. Απολλόδωρος, -ου, b, Apollodorus, a man's name. Απόλλυμι•, or Απολλύω, f. απολέσω p. απώλεκα, (fr. από intens. and όλλνμι to lose) to abolish, destroy ruin ; to kill, slay ; to lose ; Απόλλνμαι, to be ruined, lost, un- done ; to perish, decay, par pres. act. απολλύων. 1 a. act, απώλεσα, per. act. Att. απολώ- λεκα. inf. απολωλεκέναι. per. mid. ind. απώλα, Att. απόλοΛα inf. απολωλέναι' par. απολωλώς, -νΐα, -6ς. 2 a. mid. ind. απωλό- μην' sub. απόλωμαι' inf. απολέσ- θαι' par. απολόμενος. 2 f. mid απολονμαι' par. απολονμενος. Απόλλνται, 3 sin. pres. pass, of last. Απολλύων, (par. pres. act. of απολ- λύω to destroy) Lat. and Eng. Apollyon, the destroyer. Απόλλων, -ωνος, b, Apollo, a Greek and Roman idol. Απολλωνία, -ας, η, (perhaps fr. last) Apollonia, a city. Απολλωνία*?, -άδος, η, (fr. same) a priestess of Apollo. Απολλώνιος 'ΐόδιος, Apollonius Rhodius, a man so called. Απολλωνόβλητος, -ov, b, η, (fr. Απόλλων and βλητος struck, th. βάλλω to strike) mad, distracted. Απολλώς, -ώ, Ό, Apollos, a man's name. a. sin. τον Απολλώ. Απολογέΐσθαι, pres. inf. pass. cont. — Απολοχεπ-αί, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. pass, of Απολογέομαι -ουμαι, f. -ήσομαι, p. απολελόγημαι, (fr. απο from, and λέ^ω to speak) to speak in de- fence, or in favour of; to plead, apologize, reply, imp. αττελογεό- (75) ΑΠΟ μην -ούμην, -έον -ου, -ίετο -βϊτο. 1 a. ind. mid. απελογησάμην' sub. απολογήσωμαι' par. ανολο- γησάμενος. 1 a. ind. pass, απελο- γήθην. pres. inf. pass, απολογέεσ- θαι -είσθαι' par. απολογευμενος -ούμενος. Απολόγημα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) apo- logy, plea, defence, refutation. Α,πολογησαμένω, d. sin. par. 1 a. mid. of same. Απολογία, -ας, i h (fr. same) an apology, verbal defence, excuse, plea, reply. Απόλογος, -ου, δ, (fr. same) an in• sipid narration, tedious dis- course ; an apologue, moral al- lusion ; a fable. Απολογούμαι, pres. ind. pass. — Απολογον μένος, par. pres. pass, cont. of απολογέομαι. Απόλοιπος, -ov, δ, ή, (fr. απολείπω to leave) remaining over and above; the rest, remainder, residue. Απόλοιτ, Apos. for απόλοιτο, 3 sin. opt. mid. — Απολονμαι, 1 f. ind. mid. of απόλλνμι. Απόλονσαι, 1 a. impr. mid. of next. Απολούω, f. -ούσω, p. απολέλονκα, (fr. από intens. and λούω to wash) to wash away, cleanse thorough- ly ; to purify. Απολοφύοομαι, fr. same, and ολοφύ- ρομαι, which see. Απολογμόομαι -ονμαι, f. -ώσομαι, (fr. same, and λόχμη a close wood) to grow wild, be over- grown with underwood, be cover- ed with shrubs, or brambles. Απολυθέντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. pass. — Απολυθητε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. pass, of απολύω. Απολυμαίνομαι, f. -ανονμαι, (fr. airb from, and λνμα filth) to clean, cleanse; topurify; to expiate, atone. Απολνμαίνω,ΐ. -άνω, (fr. από intens. and λύ«77 hurt) to corrupt, spoil; to abuse, treat ill, hurt, injure ; to ruin, destroy, waste. Απολνσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Αιτολύ- σας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. — Απόλυσον, 1 a. impr. act. — Απο- λύσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. — Απολύσω, -ης,-η,2Άηά3τΑ.-σητε, -σωσΐ, 1 a. sub. act. of απολύω. Απόλνσίς, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. απολύω to dismiss) a release, de- liverance ; a discharge, acquittal ; a departure ; decease, death. Απολυτρόω -ώ, fr. από intens. and λυτρύω, which see. Απολύτρωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) ransom, release, deliver- ance from captivity ; redemption from the thraldom of sin. a. sin. απολύτρωσιν. Απολύω, f. -ύσω, p. απολέλνκα, (fr. same, and λύω to loose) to un- loose, set free, enfranchise ; to release, discharge, acquit, for- give; to dismiss, let go, suffer to depart ; to disband, send, away ; to divorce a wife, put away a husband ; to gratify, satisfy, indulge ; to despatch, make an end of, destroy, kill. Αναλύομαι, to betake one's self ΑΠΟ take one's self away ; to go off, de- part, imp. απέλυον. 1 a. act. hid. απέλυσα' impr. απόλυσαν' sub. απολύσω' inf. απολυσαι' par. απο- λύσας. imp. pass, απελυόμην, 3 pi. απελνοντο. per. pass, απολ λύμαι. 1 a. pass. ind. απελνΟην, S"pl- απελύθησαν' sub. απολυθώ, 2 pi. απολυθήτε' par. απολυθείς. Απολώ, -ε??, -ε7, 2 f. ind. act. of απόλλυμι. Απολωβάω -ω, and Απολωβόομαι -ωμαι, fr. same, and λωβάομαι, which see. Δπόλωλα, -as, -ε, Απολώλαμεν, Απο- λωλεκέναι, Απολωλέναι, Απολω- λώς, -υ7α,-6ς. see απόλλυμι. Απολωλώς, -υ7α, -όί, neut. pi. -λω- λό -ra, par. per. mid. Att. of same. Απολωπίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. από from, and λωπίζω to strip) to strip off, undress, put off clothes. Απολωτίζω, f. -ίσω, Att. -ίώ, to pluck, tear, pull. Απολωφάω, or -φέω -ω, f. ->/σω, (fr. από from, and λωφάω to rest) ίο a//ay, mitigate, assuage ; ίο cairn, ouiei, sft'M. Απομάθησις, -ιος, Att. -εωί, ';, (fr. απομανθάνω to unlearn) forget- fulness, oblivion, failure of recol- lection ; decay of memory. Απομαίνομαι, f. -ονμαι, (fr. από in- tens. and μαίνομαι to rage) 7σω, (fr. same, and μνησικακέω which fr. μνησις recollection, and κακός evil) to remember a wrong, or affront, keep a grudge, live in enmity. Απόμνυμι, or Απομνύω, f. απομόσω, p. απώμοκα, (fr. από intens. and όμννμι to swear) to swear to, a/firm on oath. Or, with μή following, to deny on oath, swear against, pres. inf. act. απο- μνύειν. Απύμοιρα, -ας, //, (fr. απομείρομαι to allot) a share, portion, part. Απομόογνυμι, or Απομοογνύω, (fr. (76) ΑΠΟ από intens. and ομόργννμι to wipe) to wipe away, clean tho- roughly ; to brush off, put away, remove. 1 a. mid. απεμορξάμην. Απομόσαι, 1 a. inf. act. οι απόμνυμι. Απομϋθέω -ω, f. ->}σω, (fr. από from, and μυθέομαι to speak) to dis- suade, advise against, divert, turn from ; to prohibit, forbid, hinder. imp. pass, απεμυθεόμην -ούμην. Απομύσσω, or -ττω, f. -ξω, (fr. από intens. and μύσσω to wipe) to wipe clean ; to blow the nose ; to overreach, trick. Αποναίομαι, same as απόναμαι. Απόναντο, 3 pi. imp. of Απόναμαι, or Απόνημαι, f. -t' /σομαι, (fr. same, and όνημι to help) to receive benefit from, take pro- fit of, enjoy; to trust to, rely upon. Απονάσσωσιν, Poet, for απονάσωσι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. of Απονάω -ω, f. -άσω, (fr. από from, and νάω to dwell) to remove, change residence ; to return, come back ; to send away, send to another abode ; to eject, drive away, separate. Απονέεσθαι -εΊσθαι, pres. inf. pass. of απονέυμαι. Απονέμω, ι. -μω, ρ. απονενέμηκα, (fr. από intens. and νέμω to di- vide) to allot, share, distrilmte. Απονενοημένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of απονοέω. Απονενοημενώς, (fr. last) foolishly, wildly, distractedly. Απονέομαι, (fr. από from, and νίω to go) to go, depart ; to return, come back. Απονέστερος, -a, -ov, Poet, for απο- νώτερος, comp. of άπονο?. Απονεΰω, f. -ευσω, p. απονένηκα, (fr. από from, and νεύω to nod) to beckon, express by signs of the head; to dissent, disagree, de- cline. Απόνημι, act. of απόναμαι, which see. Απονητϊ, sup. απονητότατα, (fr. a neg. and τόνος labour) easily, without difficulty, or trouble. Απονίζω, (fr. από intens. &ηάνίζω) These verbs are used by the dialect of the Tarentines, for νίπτω, and απονίπτω, which see. Απονικάω -ω, fr. same, and νικάω, which see. 1 a. inf. act. απονικη- σαι. Απονίπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. same, and νίπτω to wash) to wash, proper- ly the hands ; to wash off, or out ; to clean, cleanse; to shake off, free from. Απονοέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. από from, and νοέω to think) to distract, perplex, bewilder, set mad. Απο- νοέομαι -ουμαι, to dote, rave, go mad ; to despair. Απονοία, -ας, η, (fr. last) folly, do- tage; madness, distraction, in- fatuation ; profligacy, vicious conduct. Άπονος, -ου, b, f/, (fr. a neg. and πόνος labour) at ease, without labour J easy, without difficulty, ΑΠΟ Α πονοστάσας, Dor. for απονοστήσας, ~ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. of A πονοστέ ω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. από from, and νοστίω to return) to come back, return again. Απονύσφι", (ft', από from, and νόαφ apart) asunder, apart, severully, separately. Απ^νοσφίζω, (fr. last) to disjoin part, separate, sever, set apart 1 a. act. απεν,όσφισα. Απόντες, η. pi. par. pres. οΐάπειμι. Απόνως, (fr. άπονος easy) easily without toil, or trouble. Απόξενος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. από from, and £/vui a stranger) inhospita- ble, unfrequented, wild, barba rous, uncivilized, rude, savage. Αποξενόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to banish, exile. Αποξέω, f. -ί'σω, and Απολύω, f. -ύσω, (fr. από intens. and ξέω or ξύω to scrape) to scrape off, shave, polish, smooth ; to sharpen, whet ; to wear away by rubbing, waste, reduce, lessen. 1 a. par. act. αποζύσας. Αποξηραίνω, f. -άνω, p. -ραγκα, (fr. same, and ξηραίνω to dry) to dry up, parch, scorch. Αποπάγήσομαι,2 f. pass, of αποπήγ- νυμι. Αποπαπταίνω, f. -ανω, (fr. από from, and παπταίνω to survey) to turn round and look at, look back upon; to avoid, flee from. Αποπαπτανίονσι, Ion. for αποπαπ- τανονσι, 3 pi. 1 f. act. of last. Αποπαρθενόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. από priv. and παρθένος a virgin) to defiour, ravish. Αποπατέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. οπό from, and πατέω to tread) to go out of the road, step aside ; to withdraw, retire ; to go to stool. Αποπάτημα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) ex- crement, ordure. Απόπάτος,-ου, δ, (fr. same) excre- ment ; a privy ; retirement for the purpose of stool. Αποπαύεο, Ion. for αποπαύον, pres. impr. mid. — Αποπαύσεσθαι, 1 f. inf. mid. of Αποπαύω, f. -αύσω, (fr. απο from, and παύω to stop) to check, hold, stop, stay, hinder, prevent. Απο- παύομαι, to cease, desist, refrain, abstain. Απόπειρα, -ας, ή, (fr. απο intens. and πείρα an attempt) experience, a trial ; risk, venture, Αποπειράω -ω, f. -άσω, or -^σω, (fr. same, and πειράω to try) to prove, make trial of, trying by a test, find by experience; to tempt, de- ceive. Αποπεμπτόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. απο from, and πέμπτος fifth) to de- mand, exact a fifth; to pay, share, divide a fifth, pres. inf. act. cont. αποπεμπτουν. Αποπέμπω, f. -ψω, (fr. same, and πέμπω to send) to send away, dismiss ; to send back, return. Αποπέμπομαι, to reject, disclaim, deprecate, disown ; to divorce. Απόπψψις, -ios t Att. -εως, ^, (fr. ΑΠΟ last) a dismissal, discliar ge ; re jection, refusal. Απυπιπλάνημαι, per. pass, of απο- πλανάω. Αποπέπλενκα, per. act. ofajro7rXfu> Απυπέπλυγκα, per.act. οΐαποπλύνω Δποπίπνιχα, per. act. — Απο- πίπνιγμαι, -ξαι,-κται, per. pass of αποπιίγω. Αποπέπτωκα, per. act. of αποπίπτω Αποπήγννμι, or Αποπηγνύω, (fr από intens. and πήγνυμι to fix) to put together, frame ; to thicken, make, firm, or consistent. Α πο- πήγ\>νμαι,ίο grow strong, or firm ; to increase, become larger; to freeze, stifiin, riot. Αποπηδάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. απο from, and πηδάω to spring) to recoil, rebound, start back ; to fail, revolt. Αποπιάζω, and Αποπιέζω, f. -έσω (fr. απο intens. and πιέζω to press) to press together, squeeze ; to strain, wring out ; to oppress, extort, constrain. Αποπίπτω, f. αποπτώσω, p. αποπέπ- τωκα, (fr. απο from, and πίπτω to fall) to fall down, or from ; to fall off, separate, apostatize ; to fail, miscarry. 2 a. ind. act. απέ- πεσον. Αποπλάζω, or -άγγω, f. -γξω, p. αποπέπλαγχα, (fr. απο intens. and πλάζω to confound) to put wrong, set astray ; to deceive, be- tray. Αποπλάζομαι, to err, mis- take, wander, go astray ; to miss, fly, or glance off. 1 a. ind. act. απέπλαγξα, -ας, -ε' pass, απε- πλάγθην,-ης, -η' mid. απεπλαγ- ξάμην, -ω, -ατο. Αποπλαν^ν, pres. inf. act. cont. of Αποπλανάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. αποπε- πλάνηκα, (fr. same, and πλανάω to deceive) to lead astray, mis- lead, deceive, seduce. Αποπλανάο- μαι, to deceive one's self, err, mis- take ; to go astray, fall off, apos- tatize, per. pass, αποπεπλάνημαι. 1 a. ind. pass, απεπλανήθην. Αποπλάνησις, -to?, Att. -εως, ?/, (fr. last) deception, mistake, error. Αποπλείειν, Poet, for αποπλέειν, cont. ΑποπλεΊν, pres. inf. act. and Αποπλενσαντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. act. of Αποπλέω -ω,ΐ. αποπλεύσω, p. αποπέ- πλενκα, (fr. απο from, and πλέω to sail) toweigh anchor, sail away, set sail ; to sail back, return. Αποπληξία, -ας, η, (fr. απο intens. and πλήσσω to strike) apoplexy, stupor, languor, fainlness, asto- nishment, amazement. Αποπληοόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. same, and πληρόω to fill) to fill up, make up ; to accomplish, fulfil ; to perform, execute ; to grow up. Αποπλήρωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) a filling up, satiety ; com- pletion, fulfilment, accomplish- ment, execution ; growth, in- crease, enlargement. Αποπληρωτης, -ου, δ, (fr. same) he who fulfils, executes, accomplish- es ; a finisher. (77) ΑΠΟ Απόπλοος , -ov, δ, L/n. for απόπλουζ, (fr. αποπλέω to set sail) a weigh- ing anchor, setting sail, depart- ure. Απόπλϊψα, -ατός, τό, (fr. next) foul wuter, in which things had been washed, vyishings. Αποπλύνω, f. -υιώ, αποπίπλνγκα, fr. από intens. and πλύνω, which see. Αποπλαειν, Ion. for αιτοπλεΊν, pres. inf. of αποπλέω. Απυπνείονσα, Poet, for αποπνέουσα, l< πι. par. pres. of αποπνέω. Απόπνενσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. next) panting, palpitation ; rest, drawing breath ; loss of breath, death. Αποπνέω -ώ, and Poet. Αποπνείω, f. -ευσω,ρ. απέπνενκα,(ΐτ. από forth, and πνέω to breathe) to breathe deep, or strong ; to pant ; to breathe forth, expire ; to stop, rest, draw breath, respire; to exhale, smell of. 1 a. act. απέ- πνενσα• 1 a. mid. απεπνενσάμην. per. pass, αποπέπνενμαι. Αποπνιγησόμενος, -η, -ov,2 f.pass.of Αποπνίγω, f. -ίξω, p. αποπέπνί'χα, (fr. από intens. and πνίγω to choke) to strangle, choke ; to suf- focate, drown ; to choke with vexation, or anger. 1 a. act. απέ- πνιξα' par. αποπνίξας. 2 a. act. απέπνίγον. per. pass, αποπέπνιγ- μαι. 2 a. pass, απεπνίγην. 2 f. pass, αποπνιγήσομαι. Αποπνοή, -ης, η, (fr. αποπνέω to pant) breath ; fume, steam, va- pour ; shortness of breath. Αποπνοία, -ας, ή, (fr. same) α breath, blrtst, breeze. Αποποιέομαι -ουμαι, f. -ήσομαι, (fr. απο priv. and ποιέω to make) to undo; to withdraw, withhold, keep from ; to put away, cast off, reject, disown. ΑποπομπαΊΌς, -ov, Ό, (fr. απο away, and πέμπω to send) an averter of evils ; a guardian, protector. Αποπομπή, -ης, η, (fr. same) a send- ing away, dismissal, discharge; a divorce ; an escort, convoy. Αποπρατίζομαι, (fr. πρατη: a seller) to sell. Απόπρο, Απόπροθεν, or -θι, Από- προσθεν, (fr. από from, and προ or πρόσθεν before) away, far off, at a distance ; from afar. Αποπταίνω, same as αφίπτημι. Αποπτάμενος, -η, -ov, par. of απεπ- τάμην, 2 a. mid. of αφίπταμαι. Αποπτανέονσι,ΐοη. for αποπτανουσι, 3 pi. 1 f. of αποπταίνω, same as αφίπτημι. Or of Αποπτάνω, (fr. απο back, and οπτά- νω to look) to look back upon*, turn round to look at ; to avoid, flee from. pres. ind. 3 pi. αποπτα- νουσι. Αποπτήναι, inf. of απέπτην, 2 a. act. of αφίπτημι. Αποπτολις, -ίδος, δ, η, (fr. απο from, and πτόλις Poet, for πόλις a city) vnthout a home ; an exile, wan- derer; banished. Άποπτος, -ov, b, f), (fr. από from, ΑΠΟ and άπτομαι to see) beyond view, out of sight ; not to be seen, in- visible. Απόπτυστος, -ου, b, j), (fr. next) hateful, detestable, abominable. Αποπτύω, f. -νσω, (fr. από from, and πτύω to spit) to spit out; to re ject, loathe ; to hate, abhor, abo- minate ; to froth, foam. Απόπτωμα,-άτος,τό, (fr. αποπίπτω to fall) a fall; an overthrow. Αποπτώσω, I f. act. of αποπίπτω. Αποργίζομαι, f. -ίσομαι, (fr. από in- tens. and οργίζομαι to be angry, th. οργή anger) to be enraged, indignant. Απορεί, 3 sin. pres. ind. of Απορέω -ω, f. -ήσω, ρ.ηπόρηκα, (fr. άπορος impassable) to be at a loss how to proceed, speak, or act; to hesitate, doubt ; to he in dis- tress, want, or poverty ; to be wanting. Απόρημα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) per- plexity, distress ; want, poverty ; doubt, hesitation. Απόρθητος, -ov, b, η, (fr. α neg. and πέρθω to destroy) safe, firm, un- hurt, uninjured ; impregnable. Απορία, -ας, and Ion. Απορίη, -ης, f), (fr. άπορος impassable) perplex- ity, doubt ; difficulty, distress ; want, penury. Απορνύμενος, -η, -ov, pres. par. pass, of Απόρνϋμι, or Απόρνύμαι, fr. από in- tens. and όρνυμι, which see. Άπορος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and πόρος, a passage, th. πείρω to pierce) impassable, intricate, per- plexing, difficult ; doubtful, du- bious, uncertain, undetermined ; languid, weak, feeble ; poor, des- titute. Απορούω, f. -ούσω, p. απώρουκα, (fr. από intens. and ορούω to rush) to burst, break, dart forth ; to sally out, attack, set upon ; to rebound, recoil ; to jump, or leap off ; to flee, retreat. Απορράγείην, -ης, -η, 2 a. opt. pass. — Αηορμαγεϊς,-ε'ΐσα, -εν, g. -εντός, 2 a. par. pass, of απορρήγνυμι. Απορραίνω, (fr. από intens. and ραί- νω to sprinkle) to besprinkle, be- dew, wet; to shower down ; to spawn. Ατχορραίω, f. -α'ισω, p. -αικα, (fr. same, and bam to rout) to knock, or break off; to hammer, pound, grind; to waste, squander; to overthrow, overturn, destroy. Απορ'ράπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. απο intens. and ράπτω to sew) to sew up, mend, patch, piece. 1 a. par. act. απορράψας. Απορ'ρέζω, (fr. same, and ρέζω to do) to do out, finish, complete. par. 1 a. act. απέρξας. Απορρέω -ω, f. -εύσω, (fr. απο from, and ρέω to flow) to flow, glide, ebb away ; to leak, ooze, drop out ; to issue, proceed from ; to decay, perish, fall off; to shrink, waste away. Αχορρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. απέρρηκα, Att. απε'φηκα, (fr. από priv. and ΑΠΟ υέω to speak) to forbid, prohibit ; to refuse, decline, renounce. Or (fr. απ j intens.) to warn, an- nounce, declare. Απορρήγνυμι, f. -ήζω, p. -ηχα, (fr από from, and ρήγνυμι to break) to break off, wrench, tear , burst to dislocate. Απορρηθείς, -εΊσα, -εν, par. 1 a pass, of απορρέω, tofoi bid. Απόρρημα, -άτος, το, (ft. απορρέω to enjoin) a judicial rule, an order ; an injunction, or prohibition. Απόρρησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (ft same) an order, injunction, pro- clamation. Or (fr. απορρέω to flow away) a falling off, deficien- cy, failure ; defection, revolt ; re- jection, abdication. Απόρρητον, -ου, το, (fr. απορρέω to forbid) a secret. Απόρρητος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) se cret, hidden, unseen, dark, ob- scure ; forbidden, prohibited, in terdicted ; inexpressible, -unutter- able. ; not to be divulged or spoken ; unfit to be expressed. Απορρήτως, (fr. last) secretly, ob- scurely. Απορρίπτω, f. -ψω,ρ. απέρριψα, and ΑπορρΊπτέω -ώ, (fr. απο from, and ρίπτω to throw) to throw, cast away ; to fling out of, or from ; to fall upon, attack ; to drive, or turn out, expel; to reject, spurn. 1 a. act. ind. απέρριψα' par. απορρίψας, 2 a. ind. act. απέρρ'ϊφον. Απορ'ρίψαντας a. pi. par. 1 a. act. of last. Απόρ^ιψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) a crating away ; turning out, expulsion ; rejection, refu- sal. Απορροή, -ης, Απόρροια, -ας, and Απόρ^ϋσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. απορρέω to flow away) a dis- charge, issue, vent; a spring, stream, current ; an emanation ; a blight, blast, decay. Απορροφάω, or Απορροφέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. από intens. and ροφέω to suck) to swallow up, engorge ; to sip, sup, taste. Απορρυεω -ω, (fr. same, and ρυέω to flow) to run off", flow away. Απύρρύτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) running down, flowing away ; streaming, issuing, gushing out. Απορρύω, (fr. απο from, Άηάρύω to flow) same as απορρέω. Απορρωγάς, -άδος, η, (fr. same, and }>ωγη, or ρωγάς a fissure) steep- ness, abruptness, ruggedness ; a era?, precipice. Απορρώξ, -ωγος, b, η, (fr. από in- tens. and ρώζ a breach) steep, pre- cipitous, rugged, craggy. Subs. a fragment, branch ; a race, stock, lineage ; a stream, torrent ; the opening or mouth of a river. Απορφανίζω,ϊ. -ίσω, p. απωρψάνικα, (fr. από intens. and ορφανίζω to bereave) to make orphans ; to deprive of any thing dear, but properly of parents ; to bereave, strip. 1 a. act. απωρφάνισα. per. (73) ΑΠΟ pass, απωρφάνισμαι. 1 a. pass, ind. απορφανίσθην par. απορφα- νισθείς. Απόρφυρος, -ου, b, fi, (fr. a neg. and πορφύρα scariet) without scarlet, unadorned, plain, untrimmed. Απορχέομαι, f. -ήσομαι, (fr. από from, and ορχέομαι to dance) to dance off, away, or from ; to re- tire, or withdraw dancing. Απορων, par. pres. cont. of απορέω, Απόρως, (fr. άπορος difficult) per- plexedly, intricately ; poorly, wretchedly. Απορώτερος, Απορότατος, comp. and sup. of άπορος. Άπος, -εος -ους, το, (perhaps fr. από from) height, elevation; weariness, fatigue. Αποσάττω, f. -ξω, (fr. από from, and σάττω to load) to unload, unharness, loose. Αποσβεννύω,ον -υμι, f. -έσω, p. -εκα, or -ηκα, (fr. από intens. and σβεννύω, or -υμι to extinguish) to extinguish, put out ; to stop, put an end to ; to suppress ; to abolish, destroy ; to go out, perish, decay, sink. par. per. act. απεσ- βηκώς. 2 a. ind. act. απέσβησα. 2 a. ind. act. απέσβην, -ης, -η. per. ind. pass, απέσβεσμαι, 1 f. ind. pass, αποσβεσθήσομαι. Αποσβέσσωσι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of last. Αποσειεύ μένος, and Αποσειουσθαι, are found in Herodotus, and seem to come from αποσειόω, per- haps the same as αποσείω. But it is conjectured that they are cor- rupted from αποσιεύ μένος, and αποσιουσθαι, Ion. for αφοσιοϋμε- νος, and αφοσιουσθαι, the par. and inf. pres. pass, of αφοσιόω. Αποσεισάμενος, 1 a. par. mid. of Αποσείω, f. -σείσω, p. αποσέσεικα, (fr. από from, and σείω to shake) to shake off ; to throw off, fling ; to reject, refuse ; to drive away, repel, beat off ; to spoil, plunder. Αποσεμνύνω,ΐ. -υνω, (fr. and intens. and σεμνύνω to adorn, th. σεμνός honourable) io celebrate, solem- nize ; to grace, honour. Απο σεμ- νύνομαι, to behave haughtily ; to boast. Αποσεσημειωμένος, (par." per. pass. of αποσημειόω) marked, noted. Αποσεσημειωμένα, -ων, τα, notes, comments, annotations. Αποσεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. από from, and σενω to rouse) to rouse up, excite, instigate. Αποσεύομαι, to hurry off, haste away ; to break, or rush out, or forth, per. ind. pass, αποσέσυμαι, by Metath. απέσσυμαι. Αποσημαίνω, f. -ανω, (fr. από in- tens. and σημαίνω to sign) to show clearly, prove, demonstrate ; to seal, seal up, set a seal, or mark ; to confiscate, proscribe. Αποσημειόω -ώ, (fr. same, and ση- μειόω to mark) to set a sign or mark upon, seal, brand; to write down, note, record ; to notice, mark, observe; ίο signalize. ΑΠΟ Αττοσήπω, f. -ψω, (fr. same, and σήπω to putrefy) to pine, lan- guish ; to waste away } dissolve . to putrefy, rot. Αποσιόω -ώ, Ion. for αφοσίοω. ores inf. pass, αποσιόοσθαι -ουσΟαι, par. απ-οσίοό^εΐΌί -ούαει/ο?, Ion. -ευμενο?. Αιτοσίτίω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. από priv. and σιτίω to feed) ίο abstain from food, fast, starve to death. Απόσΐτος, -ου, b, »/, (fr. same, and σίτος food) fasting, loathing. Αποσιωπάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. από in- tens. and σιωπάω to be silent, th. σιωπή silence) to be silent, mute, struck dumb ; to be unnoticed, passed by in silence. Αποσιώπησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) silence, secrecy, reticence; concealment by not speaking ; a blank left for conjecture; the figure aposiopesis. Αποσκαρίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. από from, and σκαρίζω to bound) to fling the limbs through pain ; to pal- pitate, throb, beat ; to pant, breathe hard. Αποσκεδάννυμι, f. -άσω, p. -ακα, (fr. από intens. and σκεδάω or σκε- δάννυμι to scatter) to dispel, dis- perse, dissipate, fling about. Αποσκεπάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. από priv. and σκεπάζω to cover) to uncover, open, expose. Αποσκέπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. από intens. and σκέπτω to survey) to visit, go to see ; to watch from a tower, or height, observe, spy. Αποσκευάζω, f. -άσω, p. -ακα, (fr. same, and σκευάζω to prepare) to lay by, lay up, reserve ; to prepare, provide. Αποσκευάζομαι, to carry off goods or furniture, remove, change residence ; to pack up baggage, prepare for a journey ; or to unload, forsake baggage, in order to travel, or march lighter ; to dismantle, break up ; to empty, evacuate. 1 f. mid. αποσκευάσομαι. 1 a. mid. απεσκευασάμην. pen pass, απεσ- κεύασμαι. Αποσκευή, -ης, η, (fr. από intens. and σκευή furniture) goods, sub- stance ; a pack, parcel ; furni- ture, baggage ; train, women and children. Αποσκηνδω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. από from, and σκηνόω to pitch a tent) to remove the tent, or habitation ; change residence, retire to a dis- tance. Αποσκήπτω, f. -ψω, ρ» -φα, (fr. same, and σκήπτω to lean) to avoid, shun, get away, escape; to slip from under ; to fail ; to dash, rush upon, hail, shower down. 1 a. act. par. αποσκήψας. ±.ποσκιάζω, f. -άσω, p. απεσκίακ-α, (fr. από intens. and σκιάζω to shadow) to overshadow, shade, darken. Αποσκίασμα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) a shadovnng, overshadowing ; a shadow, adumbration, darken- ing ; a shade, slight appearance. ΑΠΟ Αποσκίμπτομαι,ί'ΐ. same, &ηάσκίμπ- τω, which see. per. inf. pass. απεσκίμφθαι. Αποσκλημι, (fr." same, and σκλημι or σκλίω to harden with drought) to dry, parch ; to wither, decay, fade, die ; to harden, stiffen. 2 a, ind. act. απέσκλην. Αποσκλήναι, 2 a. inf. act. of last. Αποσκληρύνω, f. -ΰνώ, (fr. από in- tens. and σκληρύνω to harden) to stiffen, grow hard ; to be hard- hearted, severe ; to treat harshly. Αποσκολοπίζω, (fr. από from, and σκόλοψ a stake) to break down a fence, open a way, make way. Αποσκολΰπτω, (fr. same, and σκο- λύπτω to rend) to peel, strip, un- cover ; to lacerate, scratch, ex- coriate; to maim, mutilate, par. per. pass, απεακολυμμένος. Αποσκοπέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, and Αποσκο- πεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. από from, and σκοπέω or σκοπεύω to mark) to view from a distance, survey ; to aim at ; to aim, keep in view, attend to, pursue as an object. Απόσκοπος, -ου, b, η, (fr. last) be- holding from a distance, view- ing ; aiming, pursuing ; obser- vant, attentive. Or, (fr. από from, and σκοπός a butt) absurd, silly ; inconsistent, preposte- rous. Αποσκορακίζω, f. -ίσω, p. -ικα, fr. από away, and σκορακίζω, which see. Αποσκορακισμός, -ov, b, (fr. last) contempt, scorn ; a taunting re- fusal, or rebuke. Αποσκορπίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. από in- tens. and σκορπίζω to scatter) to disperse, scatter ; to dismiss, dis- band. Αποσκυλάω, Poet, for αποσνλάω. Αποσκώπτω, f. - τ ω, (fr. από in- tens. and σκωπτω to scoff) to taunt, revile, scoff; to ridicule, deride. Αποσμάω -ω, (fr. same, and σμάω to wipe) and Αποσμήχω, f. -ήζω, p. -ηχα, (fr. same, and σμήχω to wipe) to wipe off, or away ; to lick. Απισμύχω,ΐ. -ζω, p. -χα, (fr. same, and σμύχω to consume) to burn away, waste, wear away ; to de- cay, pine. par. 2 a. pass, αποσ- μυγείς. Αποσοβέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. από from, and σοβέω to drive) to brush away, frighten ; to drive away, expel, turn out; to repel, keep f off Άποσος, -η, -ov, (fr. a neg. and πό- σος some) none, not one ; nega- tive, having, doing, or express- ing, nothing. Αποσπάδιος, -a, -ov, (fr. αποσπάω to tear off) torn off, pulled away, dragged from. Αποσπάδιον, -ου, τό, a piece, fragment. Αποσπαν, pres. inf. act. cont. — Αποσπασθέντες, η. pi. par. 1 a.' pass, of αποσπάω. Απόσπασμα, -άτος, τό, (fr. next) a piece, part, fragment. (79) ΑΠΟ Αποσπάω -ω, f. -άσω, p. σ.πίσπακα, (fr. από from, and σπάω to draw) to root out, tear away^ extirpate ; to draw, draw forth, or out of, unsheuth ; to draw away, reduce; to cleanse, bur- nish. — Αποσπάομαι, to with- draw, retire. 1 a. act. ind. απέσπασα' par. αποσπάσας- per, pass, απίσπασμάι. 1 a. pass, ind. απεσπάσθην par. Λποσπασ- θείς. Αποσπείρω, f. -ερω, p. -αρκα, (fr. από intens. and σπείρω to sow) to sow; to disseminate, spread abroad, publish. Αποσπένδω, f. αποσπείσω, p. -εικα, (fr. same, and σπένδω to pour) to sprinkle ; to pour out in sacri- fice, make a libation, or offering of liquids ; to sacrifice. Αποσπεύδω, f. -ευσω, (fr. από from, and σπεύδω to hasten) to dis- suade, discourage, advise from, or against. Απόσπορος, -ου, b, η, (fr. αποσπείρω to disseminate) derived, or de- scended from ; sown, planted ; subs, an offspring. ΑποσπουΙάζω,ΐ. -άσω, (fr. από from, and σπουδάζω to hasten) to slack- en, relax, remit, abate ; to neglect, omit, postpone. Απόστα, pres. impr. cont. of απο- στάω, for αρίστη μι. Or, for από*- στηθι, 2 a. impr. of same. Αποστάδά, and Αποστάδόν, (fr. αφίστημι to stand off) far off, at a distance, afar. Αποστάζω, f. -ζω, (fr. από from, and στάζω to drop) to trickle, distil, par. pres. αποστάζων. Αποσταλάζω, f. -ζω, (fr. same, and σταλάζω to drop) same as last. Αποσταλώσι, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. pass, of αποστέλλω. Αποστας, -άσα, -αν, par. 2 a. act. of αφίστημι. Αποστασία, -ας, η, (fr. αφίστημι to desert) a departure, leaving, quitting; desertion, defection; falling off, apostacy. Αποστάσιον, -ου, τό, (fr. same) a departure, separation ; a divorce, a deed of divorce. Απόστασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, §, (fr. same) a desertion, forsaking } defection, revolt ; departure. Αποστατέος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) to be desisted, it is proper to cease, we must stop. Αποστατέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. same) to apostatize; to desert, forsake ; to rebel, revolt. Αποστάτης, -ου, b, (fr. last) an apostate ; a traitor, deserter, re- bel. Adj. faithless, treachc rous. Αποστατίκός, -η, -ov, (fr. same) re- bellious, revolting, traitorous ; contumacious, insolent ; head- strong, haughty. Αποστατίκώς, (fr. last) rebelliously , traitorously ; insolently, haugli- iily. Αποστεγάζω, f. -άσω,ρ. απεστέγακα, (fr. από from, and στεγάζω to ΑΠΟ cover) to unroof, strip off the roof; to uncover. 1 a. act. απε- στέγασα. Αποστέγασμα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) a lid, cover ; a covering ; a roof. ΑποστεΊλαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Arro- στείλας, par. 1 a. act — Αποστεί- λη, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. — Από- στειλον, 1 a. impr. act. of απο- στέλλω. Αποστείχω, f. -ζω, (fr. από from, and στείχω to march) to go away, depart; to retire, with- draw ; to go back again. 2 a. ind. act. απέστιχον. Αποστέλλω, f. -ελώ, p. απέσταλκα, (fr. same, and στέλλω to send) to send away, dismiss ; to send out of the way ; to send, send forth, despatch, send off; to equip, pro- vide, prepare. 1 a. act. ind. απέστειλα' par. αποστείλας. 2 a. act. απέσταλον. per. pass, απέ- σταλμαι. 2 a. pass. ind. απεστά- λην. sub. αποσταλώ' par. αποστα- λείς, per. mid. απέστολα. Αποστενόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. από in- tens. and στενόω to confine, th. στενός narrow) to covtrain, ne- cessitate, bring to loss, or difficul- ty, distress. Αποστέργω, f. -ζω, (fr. and from, and στέργω to cherish) to dislike, disregard, not to love; to hate, abhor. ΑποστερεΊσθε, 2 pi. cont. pres. ind. mid. — Αττοστερε?τε, 2 pi. cont. pres. ind. or impr. act. — Απο- στέρηση?, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of Αποστερέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. απεστέρη- κα, (fr. από intens. and στερέω to deprive) to bereave, deprive of; to wrong, injure, defraud. Απο- στερέομαι, to be destitute, not to have, be without, devoid of. I a. act. ind. απεστέρησα' sub. απο- στερήσω, per. pass, απεστέρημαι' par. απεστερη μένος. Αποστέρησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) a taking away, privation ; fraud, swindling ; want, defi- ciency ; need, poverty. Αποστερητής, -ου, b, (fr. same) a cheat, impostor, deceiver. Αποστήθι, -ήτω, 2 pi. -στητέ, impr. — Αποστω, -ης, -fj, sub. 2 a. act. — Αποστήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. mid. of αφίστημι. Απόστημα, -ατός, το, (fr. αφίστημι to separate) a separation, part- ing ; an imposthume, abscess, gathering. Αποστηναι, 2 a. inf. act. — Απο- στήσαι. 1 a. inf. act. — Αποστη- σόμεθα, 1 pi. 1 f. mid. of αφίστη- μι. Αποστηρίζω, f. -ζω, (fr. απο intens. and στηρίζω to fix) to strengthen, confirm, establish; to fix upon, fasten in. Αποστίλβω, f. -ψω, p. απέστιλφα (fr. same, and στίλβω to shine) to glitter, sparkle, reflect. Απόστίχε, 2 a. impr. of αποστείχω. Αποστολείς, -έος, Att. -εως, δ, (fr. αποστέλλω to equip) an admiral ΑΠΟ a commissioner of the navy. n. pi. con*, αποστολείς. Αποστόλη, -ής,ή, (fr. αποστέλλω to send forth) a mission, commis- sion ; a message, office, duty ; a gift, present ; an apostlesliip ; the means of sending a messen- ger ; a judgment., visitation, ; a pestilence, plague. Αποστολικός, -η, -όν, (fr. απόστολος an apostle) apostolic, relating to an apostle, or the apostles. Απόστολον, -ου, το, (fr. αποστέλλω to send away) a light ship, pack- et, advice boat. Απόστολος, -ov, b, (fr. same) ames- senger, ambassador, commission- er ; an apostle ; a fleet, armada. Adj. sent, despatched. Αποσταιχατίζω, f. -ίσω, p. απεστομά- τικα, (fr. από from, and στόμα the mouth) to repeat from me- mory, say by heart ; to per- suade, prevail on, or force to speak; to provoke, or incite to speak ; to draw, or force words ; to question, interrogate, examine. I a. act. απεστομάτισα. Αποστομόω -ώ, (fr. από priv. and στομόω to sharpen, th. στόμα the mouth) to blunt, break the edge, or point ; to check, weaken, repress, stop the mouth, par. per. pass, απεστομωμένος. Απόστοργος, -ου, 6, ή, (fr. same, and στοργή natural affection) with- out natural affection, unfeeling, unnatural ; unkind ; disliking, hating. Αποστ ραγγαλίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. από by, and στραγγαλϊς a halter) to strangle, choke. Αποστρακίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. από in- tens. and οστρακίζω to vote with shells, th. όστρακον a shard) to condemn by ostracism, to ba- nish. Αποστραφείην, opt. — Αποστράφητι, impr Αποστραφω,-ής, -η, sub. — Αποστραφηναι, inf. — Απόσ- τρατε^, par. 2 a. — Απυστραφή- σομαι, 2 f. ind. pass, of αποστρέ- Αποστρέφω, f. -ψω, p. απέστρεφα, (fr. από from, and στρέφωίο turn) to turn from, or away, divert ; to convert, change ; to pervert, cor- rupt, incite to rebel; to return, put back ; to return, bring back ; to reject, refuse ; to hide, con- ceal ; to leave, desert, forsake. Αποστρέφομαι, toturn away from; to disregard, slight; to dislike, hate. 1 a. act. ind. απέστρεψα- impr. απόστρεψαν' sub. αποσ- τρέψω' par. αποστρέψας. 2 a. pass. ind. απεστράφην, 3 # pi. απεστράφησαν. 2 a. act. ind. απέστραφον. Αποστρέψασκε, Poet, and Ion. for απέστρεψε, 3 sin. 1 a. act of last. Αποστροφή, -ής, η, (fr. από from, and στρέφω to turn) a turning from, or away ; a return, con- version; a refuge, shelter, asy- lum ; an apostrophe. Απόστροφος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same) (80) ΑΠΟ turned from, averse, strange ; malign, unfavourable ; an apos» trophe, the mark of a letter being cut off in Greek. Αποστυχεω -ω, f. ->7σω, (fr. από in tens, and στνγέω to hate) to 06- hor, detest, loathe, abominate ; to shun, avoid. Αποστω, -ης, -rj, 2 a. sub. act. of αφίστημι. Αποσυλασαι, Dor. for αποσυλήσαι. — Απο σνλαται, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. pass, of Αποσυλαω -ώ, f. ->7σω, (fr. από from, and συλαω to rob) to steal, rob; to pillage, plunder, spoil. Αποσννάγω, f. -ζω, (fr. same, σνν together, and άγω to bring) to collect from, gather from about ; to recover from ; to drive away, turn out, put from, among. Αποσυνάγωγος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and συναγωγή a synagogue) put out of the synagogue, excommu- nicated. Αποσνρίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. από intens. and σνρίζω to hiss) to hiss at, hoot ; to whistle. Αποσυσκευάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. a-nb from, and συσκευάζω to pack up) to pillage, plunder, spoil. Αποσώάζω, f. -ζω, (fr. από intens. and σφάζω to slay) to cut the throat, slaughter ; to sacrifice. 2 a. Dar. pass, αποσφαγείς. Αποσώακελίζω,ί -ίσω, (fr. απί* from, and σφάκελος a gangrene) to waste, decay ; to dissolve, pu- trefy. . t Αποσφάλλω, f. -άλω, p. απέσφαλκα, (fr. από intens. and σφάλλω to trip) to trip up, overthrow, sup- plant; to frustrate, defeat, dis- appoint ; to deceive, delude ; to mislead, seduce, deprave. Απο- σφάλλομαι, to err, stray, mistake. 2 a. par. pass, αποσφαλείς. Αποσφάττω, f. -ζω, p. -χα, (fr. same, and σφάττω to slay) see αποσφάζω. Αποσφενδονάω, or -εω -ώ, f. -^σω,ρ. -ηκα, and Αποσφενδονίζω, f. -ίσω, see σφενδανάω, or σφενδονίζω. Αποσφηλεία, -ας, -ε, 1 a. opt. ^Eol. of αποσφάλλω. Αποσφράγισμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. απο dimin. and σφραγϊς a seal) a sig- net ; the impression of a seal. Αποσχάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. από intens. and σχάζω to lance) to open a vein, bleed ; to break in pieces. Αποσχειν, a. inf. act. — Απο- σχών, par. of απέχω. Απόσχεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f), (fr. απέχω to withhold) forbearance^ moderation ; abstinence, temper' anr.e, soberness. Αποσχέσουσι, 3 pi. 1 f. act. of same. Αποσχίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. από from, and σχίζω to split) to cleave, di- vide, cut, separate ; to rend, teai away. Απόσχϊσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, »/, (fr. last) ο rupture, fracture ; a rending, breach ; a slip, branch. ΑΠΟ Αποσχολάζω, (fr. από intens. and σχολάζω to have leisure) to em- ploy, or apply one's leisure; to occupy it in some pursuit or study. Αποσχολέομαι -οΰμαι, f. -ήσομαι, (fr. από from, and σχολή leisure) to be busy ; to employ, apply, or engage one's self. pies. par. απα- σχολούμενος. Απόσχωμαι, 2 a. sub. mid• — Απο- σχόμενος, par. 2 a. mid. of απ- έχω• Αποσώζω, f. -ώσο», p. -ωκα, (fr. από intens. and σώζω to save) to pre- serve; to recover, restore to health; to protect, guard. Αποσώζομαι, to save one^s self, fly for re- fuge, pres. inf. mid. αποσώζεσ- θαι. 1 a. inf. pass, αποσωθή- ναι. Αποτάγή, -ης, and Απόταξις, -ως, Att. -εωί, η, (fr. αποτάσσω to re- nounce) a renunciation, giving up ; farewell, adieu. Αποτάοην, (fr. αποτείνω to stretch) at full length, at large, largely, fully. Αποταθείς, 1 a. par. pass, of απο- τείνω. Αποτακεϊς, 2 a. par. pass, of απα- τή κω. Απότακτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. αποτάσσω to arrange) reserved, laid by, set apart, destined, intended, Αποταξάμενος, -η, -ov, par. — Απο- τάξασθαι, inf. 1 a. mid. — Απο- τάσσεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass. of Αποτάσσω, or -ττω, f. -άζω,ρ. -αχα, (fr. ατό from, and τάσσω to or- der) to arrange, regulate, set in order; to separate, distinguish, set apart from others. Αποτάσ- σομαι, to give commands, send with orders ; to take leave, bid adieu, bid farewell ; t renounce, give up, forego. 1 f. mid. απο• τάζομαι. 1 a. mid. ind. απεταζά μην inf. αποτάζασθαι. per. pass αποτέταγμαι. Αποτάτω, sup. (fr. από from) very distant, very far, farthest of all. Αποταυρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. απο of, and ταύρος a bull) to make a bull. Αποταυρόομαι, to imitate a bull, rage like a bull. Απότάφος, -ου, b, {], (fr. απο priv. and τάφος a tomb) unburied ; not laid with ancestors ; interred far away. Αποταφρεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. απο from, and τάφρος a ditch) to ditch about, fortify ; to cut off by a ditch. Αποτέγγω, fr. απο intens. and τίγ- γω, which see. ΑποτεθεΊεν, Sync, for αποτεθείησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. opt. pass, οΐαποτίθημι. Αποτείνει, impers. (fr. next) it tends, pertains, or belongs to ; it concerns, relates to. Αποτείνω, f. -ενώ, p. αποτέτακα, (fr. από from, and τείνω to stretch) to extend, spread ; to stretch, reach out ; to enlarge, lengthen ; to in- tend, purpose, design; to strain, Is ΑΠΟ exert. Αποτείνομαι, to contend, debate; to inveigh, censure; to be suspended, hang, depend. Αποτειχίζω,ϊ. -ίσω, p. αποτετείχι- κα, (fr. από by, and τεΊχοςΆ wall) to wall about, surround with a viall, or rampart, fortify ; to in- tercept with a wall; to cut off. 1 a. act. απετείχισα. Αποτείχίσις, -ιος, Att. -εωί, η, and Αποτειχισμός, -ου, b, (fr. last) a walling about ; a fortification, fort. Αποτείχισμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) a wall, bulwark, rampart. Αποτεκνόω -ώ, (fr. από priv. and τεκνύω to bear children) to lose, or be deprived of children, be childless. I a. pass. ind. απετεκ- νώθην sub. απιιτεκνωθώ. Αποτελεσθεϊς, -εϊσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass, of αποτελέω. Αποτέλεσμα, -άτος, το, (fr. αποτε- λέω to finish) a making, doing ; a finishing, execution ; an effect, event, production, end, termina- tion ; a charm, incantation ; the influence of the stars ; an image suspended to arrest, or draw down their power. Αποτελεσματική, -ης, η, viz. τέχνη, (fr. same) the art of making and using the figures for charms ; as- trology ; incantation. Αποτελεσματικός, -ή, -ov, (fr. same) effective, effectual, operative, ac- tive, efficient. Αποτελεσμός, -ου, b, (fr. same) a making, finishing, conclusion; an effect, end. ΑποτελεστΥκός, -ου, b, ^, (fr. same) effective, effectual, effcacious. Αποτελευτάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. από intens. and τελευτάω to end) to finish, conclude, cease, stop, come to an end ; to die. Αποτελεύτησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. last) decease, death. Αποτελέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, and -έσω, p. αποτετέλεκα, (fr. τίλος an end) to form, shape ; to bring to pass, effect, fulfil, accomplish ; to do, perform; to perfect, finish, com- plete, make an end of; to pay a tax, yield, contribute. Αποτελέο- μαι, to improve, amend, make progress ; to recover health, per. pass, αποτετέλεσμαι. par. αποτε- τελεσμένος. 1 a. pass. ind. απετε- λέσθην' par. αποτελεσθείς. Αποτέμνω, f. αποτεμώ, (fr. από from, and τέμνω to cut) to cut off, lop, sever, dismember ; to inter- cept ; to take apart, appropriate. par. 1 f. act. αποτεμών. per. pass. αποτέτμημαι. pper. απετετμήμην, -ησο,-ητο. 1 a. pass. ind. απετ- μήθην' ι•ρί. αποτμηθείη ν, and απο- ταμηθείην. Αποτέξεσθαι, 1 f. inf. mid. of απο- τίκτω. Απότεξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. αποτίκτω to bear children) child- birth, labour, delivery, accouche- ment. Απότερος, -a, ov, and -τατος, -η, -ov, comp. and sup. (fr. από from) (81)' ΑΠΟ farther, farthest ; more, or most distant ; remoter, remotest. Αποτέρω, and -τάτω, (fr. last) far- ther, more distant, remotely. Αποτεταμένος, par. per. pass. — Αποτέταμαι, -σαι, -ται, in 3 pL -ανται, per. ind. pass, of απο τείνω. Αποτετελεσμένος,-η,-ον, (par. per. pass, of αποτελέω ) perfect, com- plete, finished. Αποτέτμητυ, Poet, for απετέτμη^ο 3 sin. pper. pass, of αποτέμνω. Απότευ, Ion. for αφ' ου, or από τον. Απότευγμα, -ατός, το, (fr. αποτυγ- χάνω to miss) disappointment; loss, harm,damage, disadvantage, Απότευξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) disappointment, misfor- tune, ill success, less, defeat. Αποτηγανίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. από in- tens. and τηγανίζω to fry, th. τήγάνον a frying pan) to fry ; to eat fried meat ; to eat out of the pan. Απυτήκω, f. -ζω, (fr. same, and τήκω to melt) to melt, dissolve ; to steep, soften ; to consume^ waste, decay. Αποτίθημι, f. αποθήσω, p. αποτέθει- κα, (fr. από from, and τίθημι to lay) to lay down, or aside, put off, relinquish, quit, renounce; to lay by, store, or treasure up ; to put off, defer, delay, procrasti- nate ; to expose, put out to perish. 1 a. act. απέθηκα. 1 a. mid. απε- θηκμάην. 1 a. pass, απετέθην. 1 f. pass, αποτεθήσομαι. 1 f. mid. απυθήσομαι. 2 a. mid. ind. απε- θέμην inf. αποθέσθαι' par. αποθε- μένος. For other tenses see τίθημι. Αποτίκτω, fr. από intens. and τίκτω % which see. Αποτίλλω, f. -ίλώ, (fr. same, and τίλλω to pluck) to pluck up, or out; to pull off, strip; to take off' the hair. Απότιλμα, -άτος, το, (fr. last) a shred, piece, fragment ; huir, or wool plucked iff. Αποτιμάω -£>, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. από intens. and τιμάω to honour) to valuta appraise, estimate; to esteem , regard ; to fine, amerce; to dishonour, slight ; to pledge, give bait. Αποτιμάομαι -ώμαι, to take a pledge, accept security. Αποτίμημα, -άτος, τό, (fr. last) a pledge, pawn, deposit, penalty ; security given by a guardian; a compensation for dowry. Αποτϊμόν,-ου, τό, (fr. same) aprice % value, rate ; a pledge, security. Απότϊμος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. same) pawned, engaged, bound. Or, (fr. από priv. and τιμή honour) inglorious; private, mean, oo- scure. Αποτίναγμα, -άτος, τό, (fr. next) sweepings, dust, off scouring, the dirt coming off any thing when cleaned. Αποτινάσσω, f. -άζω, p. αποτετίνα- χα, (fr. από from, and τινάσσω to quiver) to shake off] shake ouU ΑΠΟ 1 α. act. ind. απετίναζα. impr. αποτίναξον par. αποτινάζας. 1 a. inf. mid. αποτινάξασθαι. Αποτιννύ μένος, par. pres. mid. of Αποτίννυμι, or -ύω, (fr. από back, and τίννυμι, or -νω to pay) also, Αποτίω, or Αποτίνω, f. -ίσω, p. -ικα, (fr. same, and τίνω or τίω to honour) to honour, compensate, reward ; to repay, pay, or suffer for, atone for, make compensa- tion ; Αποτίννυμαι, Αποτίομαι, &c. to exact punishment, punish, revenge, avenge. 1 f. act. 3 sin. αποτίσει, 1 pi. αποτίσομεν. 1 a. act. ind. απέτισα] 3 sin. sub. απότιση' par. αποτίσας. 1 a. mid. par. αποτισάμενος. Αποτμήγω, or αποτμήσσω, f. -ζω. (fr. από from, and τμήσσω οττμάω to cut) to cut off, slaughter ; to intercept, separate, divide from. 1 a. par. act. αποτμήξας, 2 a. pass, απετμάγην. Άποτμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and πότμος lot) illfated, hardfaled, unfortunate, miserable, wretched, unhappy, sup. αποτμότατος. Αποτολμά, 3 sin. cont. pres. act. of Αποτολμάω -ώ, f. -ι/σω, p. αποτε- τόλμηκα, (fr. από intens. and τολ- μάω to dare) to presume, be very bold, dare very much. Απότομη, -ης, η, (fr. αποτέμνω to cut off) « cutting off, cutting short, making an end of. Αποτομία, -ας, ι'/, (fr. same) a cut- ting or paring closely ; lopping, pruning. Απότομος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) ab- rupt, steep, precipitous ; ar- duous ; concise, short, brief ; ri- gid, severe, cutting. Αποτόμως, (fr. last) cuttingly, se- verely ; concisely, briefly. Άποτος, -ov, b, f/, (fr. a neg. and πότος drink, th. πίνω to drink) abstaining from dnnk, living without liquids ; not dnnkable. Αποτράγειν, 2 a. inf. act. of απο- τ Ρ ώ Υ ω ; ' Αποτραχύνω, f. -ίίνώ, (fr. από ιη- tens. and τραχύ νω to make rough) to roughen; to ruffle, fret, exasperate. Αποτρέπου, pres. impr. mid. of αποτρέπω. Αποτρεπτικός, -η, •όν, (fr. next) dis- suasive. Αποτρέπω, f. -ψω τ p. αποτέτρεφα, (fr. από from, and τρέπω to turn) to turn away from, dissuade ; to avert, turn aside, put away ; to frustrate, disappoint. Αποτρέπο- μαι, to turn one's self from, dis- like ; to loathe, reject. 1 a. act απέτρεψα' 2 a. act. απέτράπον. 2 a. mid. απετραπόμην. per. ind pass, αποτέτραμμαι. Αποτρέχω, (fr. από back, and τρέχω to run) to run back, run away, fly, escape; to revolt, rebel. __ Αποτρίβω, f. -ψω, (fr. από from, and τρίβο) to rub) to wear away, waste, bruise, break, consume, i/npair ; to rub down, clean. ΑΠΟ wipe; Αποτρίβομαι, to file off, pare down; to extenuate, clear up, explain ; to remove, with- draw ; to shake off, reject, put away ; to impede, frustrate. Απότριμμα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) a chip, shaving, dust, &c. made by cleaning, or polishing. Αποτροπάασθαι, Poet, for αποτρο- πασθαι, pres. inf. cont. of a~o- τροπάομαι. Αποτρόπαιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. αποτρέ- πω to avert) preserving, protect- ing ; averting, or turning away evils; to be averted, shunned, avoided, deprecated. Αποτροπάομαι, or -τρωπάομαι -ώμαι, (fr. απο from, and τροπάω to turn) to turn away from, de- cline, shun, avoid; to slight, neglect. Αποτροπιάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. same) to pacify, appease, reconcile ; to atone, expiate. Αποτροπιασμός, -ου, b, (fr. last) dislike, aversion; an amulet, charm. Απότροπος, -ου, b, >), (fr. αποτρέπω to turn away) unpleasant, disa- greeable ; hateful, odious, abo- minable ; unlucky. Απότροφος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. από from, and τρέψω to rear) educated abroad, reared among strangers ; foreign, strange. Αποτουγάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. απόιη- tens. and τρυγάω to gather grapes) to gather the vintage ; to make up harvest ; to enjoy, indulge in. Αποτρνχω, f. -ζω, and Αποτρύω, f. -ΰσω, (fr. same, and τρνχω or τρύω to wear away) to waste, or rub away, wear out ; to con- sume ; to break, tame, subdue ; to weary, exhaust. Αποτρώγω, f. -ζομαι, p. αποτέτρω- χα, (fr. same, and τρώγω to gnaw) to waste, consume, eat up, devour. 2 a. act. ind. απέτράγον inf. αποτράγειν. Αποτυγχανόμενα,-ων,τά, (fr. next) disappointments, misfortunes. Αποτυγχάνω, f. αποτυχησω, p. -τε- τυχηκα, (fr. από priv. and τυγ- χάνω to get) to miss, mistake; to miss of fail, not succeed, be dis- appointed. 2 a. act. ind. απέτυ- χαν' par. αποτυχών. 1 f. mid. αποτεύζομαι. Αποτυτιόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, (fr. από intens. and τυπόω to copy) to form, fashion, portrary, re- present, express ; to imitate, re- semble, be like. Αποτνπτομαι, (fr. από from, and τνπτω to strike) to cease beating, desist from striking; to beat one's self ; to mourn, bewail. Αποτύπωμα, -άτος, τό, and Αποτν- πωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. απο- τυπόω to express) a resemblance, likeness, portrait ; an image, sta- tue. Αποτυφλόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, fr. από intens. and τυφλόω, which see. (82) ΑΠΟ Αποτύφλωσις, -ιος, Att. -£ως, f/, (fr. last) a blinding; blindnesa t want, or loss of sight. Αποτυχία, -ας, and -χίη, -ης, η~, (fr. αποτυγχάνω to miss) failure; disappointment ; refusal. Αποτυχών, see αποτυγχάνω. Απουράμενος, — Απούρας, by Sync, for απουρισάμενος, par. 1 a. mid. and σπιυρίσας, par. 1 a. act. of απουρίζω, Ion. for αφορίζω. Or by Metapl. and Sync, for απαυ- ρησάμενος, par. 1 a. mid. and απαυρήσας, par. 1 a. act. of απαυ- ράω. Άπουρος, -ου, b, f), (fr. από from, and ορός a border) beyond the borders, foreign ; banished, out- lawed; an exile. 'Απους, -οδός, b, η, (fr. α neg. and πους the foot) without feet; tame. Απούσα, fern, of απών, par. pres. ol άπειμι, to be absent. Απουσία, -ας, f), (fr. last) absence, injury, damage, harm. Αποφαίνω, f. -άνω, p. -αγκα, (fr. από intens. and φαίνω to show) to show, point out ; to exhibit, dis- play ; to utter, pronounce, de- clare ; to render, cause, or make to be. Αποφαίνομαι, to appear, seem ; to express one's self, de- clare his opinion; to interpret, explain, pres. inf. pass, αποφαί- νεσθαι' par. αποφαινόμενος. Αποφανουμεν, 1 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of* last. Απόφανσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, >/, (fr. αποφαίνω to declare) a declara- tion, assertion, assurance, asse- veration; an oracle, response; a maxim, axiom ; a proposition ; a list, valuation. Αποφαντίκός,-η,-όν, (fr. same) de- claratory, expressive of; express, positive, decided. Απόφασθε, 2 pi. 2 a. impr. mid. of απόφημι. Απόφάσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, t), (fr. αποφαίνω to declare) a saying, expression ; a sentence, decision, determination, resolution ; a pro- clamation, declaration; the an- swer of an oracle. Αποφάσκω, (fr. από priv. and φάσ- κω to say) same as απόφημι. Αποφασμένως, (fr. αποφαίνω to show) openly, clearly, evidently. Αποφεροίάτο, Ion. for αποφέροιντο, 3 pi. pres. opt. mid. of Αποώέρω, f. αποίσω, 1 a. απήνεγκα, (fr. από from, and φέρω to carry) to take, bear, carry off, or away ; to carry out, bury ; to make away with, kill, destroy; to exhibit, show ; to pay, contri- bute; to earn, get gain; tore- port, relate, give an account of; to accuse, indict ; to convey, con- voy, escort ; to bring in to ; to save, preserve ; to bear, endure, suffer. 2 a. act. ind. απήνεγ- κον inf. απενεγκέΐν. 1 a. pass, ind. απηνέγχθην inf. ακενεγχ θηναι. Αποφεύγω, f. -^o^p.-^a^fr.sauie, ΑΠΟ and φεύγω to nee) to fee, or fly away, to escape, get clear off; to shun, avoid. 2 a. act. ind. απί- φυγον' opt. αποφύγοιμι' inf. απο- φυγείν par. αποφυγών. 1 f. mid• αποφεύγομαι. Απόφημι, (fr. same, and φημϊ to say) to deny, contradict; to re- nounce, disclaim ; to declare, publish, announce. Απόφημος, -ov, b, η, (fr. last) not to be mentioned ; unlucky, ill-omen- ed, inauspicious, ominous. Αποφηναι, 2 a. inf. act. of απόφημι — Αποφηναι, 1 a. inf. act. of αποφαίνω. Απόφησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ^, (fr. απόφημι to deny) a contradic- tion; denial, refusal; sentence, judicial decision ; a denunciation, declaration. Αποφθέγγομαι, f. -γζομαι, (fr. από intens. and φθέγγομαι to sound) to utter, pronounce, declare so- lemnly ; to speak proverbs use pithy sayings. 1 a. ind. mid. απεφθεγξάμην. Απόφθεγμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. last) an apophthegm, sentiment, proverb, remarkable saying ; an oracle. Αποφθείρω, f. -ερώ, fr. από intens. and φθείρω, which see. Αποφθίμενος, Sync, for αποφθιόμε- νος, par. pres. pass. — Αποφθί- μην, or Αποφθιμενος είην, Ion. for απεφθίμην, or απεφθιμίνος είην, per. opt. pass. — Άποφθί- σεια, -ας, -ε, ^Eol. for αποφθίσαι- μι, 1 a. opt. act. — Αποφ$ίσθω, Sync, for αποφθιίσθω, pres. impr. pass, of αποφθίω. Αποφθινύθονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. of Αποφθινύθω, same as Αποφθίω, or Αποφθίνω, f. -ίσω, (fr. από intens. and φθίνω to spoil) to corrupt, destroy, ruin, over- throw ; to kill, slay; to waste, decay, putrify ; to perish, die. Αποφλανρίζω, f. ~σω, (fr. same, and φλανρίζω, Att. for φανλίζω to slight) to neglect, disregard, set no value on, make little account of. Αποφλαυρίξας, -ασα, -αν, Dor. for αποφ\ανρίσας, 1 a. par. act. of last. Αποφοιβάζω, f. -άσω, fr. από in- tens. and φοιβάζω, which see. Αποφορά, -ας, and Ion. Αποφορη, ■5?j hi (fr• αποφίρω to carry away) a carrying, taking, or driving away ; a tribute, sub- sidy ; a tax, toll, impost, assess- ment ; rent, revenue, income ; an exhalation, vapour. Αποφορτιζόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. act. of Αποφορτίζω, f» -ίσω, and Αποφορ- τάω -ω, (fr. από priv. and φορ- τίζω or φορτάω to load) to un- lade, unload, disburden. Αποφράς, -άδος, b, η, (fr. a neg. and φράζω to speak) unhallow- ed, excommunicated ; unlucky, inauspicious ; ominous, unfa- vourable, unfortunate. Αποφράσσω, or -ττω, f. -άζω, (fr. arch intens. and φράσσω to hedge) ΑΠΟ to fence, stop, or shut up ; to en- close, fortify ; to hinder from, re- ject, put away, repulse ; to si- lence, stop the mouth. ΑποφυγεΊν, inf. — Αποφνγύντες, η. pi. -γόντας, a. pi. par. 2 a. act. of αποφεύγω. Αποφυγή, -ης, η, (fr. αποφεύγω to escape) a flight, escape; a re- fuge, retreat, asylum. Αποφώλιον, -ου, τό, (fr. από from, and φωλεός a den) an untimely or monstrous birth ; the litter, or cubs of a wild beast. Αποφώλιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) from, or out of a cave ; mon- strous, strange ; abortive, un- timely ; false, deceitful. Αποχειρόβιος, and Αποχειροβίωτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. από from, χειρ the hand, and βίος life) gaining a living by the work of the hands handicraft, mechanic ; a work man, day labourer. Αποχειροτονέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. από from, χειρ the hand, and τείνω to stretch) to vote against, disap prove, reject, refuse, disallow ; to rescind, annul; to dismiss, re- move, discharge. Αποχειροτονία, -ας, ή, (fr. last) re- pulse, refusal, loss of an elec- tion; repeal. Αποχετεύω, -εύσω, (fr. από from, and οχετεύω to irrigate) to cease from irrigation ; to convey, draw off, or turn aside water ; to divert, turn from. par. 1 a. mid. απο- χετενσάμενος. Αποχεω -ω, f. -ήσω, -είσω, and -εύσω, (fr. same, and χίω to pour) to pour out, shed; to dis- embogue. Αποχή, -ης, η, (fr. απέχω to be dis- tant) distance, space, interval, remoteness. Αποχρψ, 3 sin. pres. ind Απο- Xpq.v, pres. inf. — Αποχρων, fem. αποχρωσα, par. pres. of Αποχράω -ω, f• -ήσω, (fr. από in- tens. and χράω to lend) to grati fy, suffice, satisfy, content. Απο χράομαι, to use, make use of, em• ploy ; to abuse, make an ill use of, turn to a wrong purpose ; to consume, spend, waste. 1 f. mid. αποχρήσομαι. per. ind. pass. αποκέχρημαι. Αποχρεώμενος, Ion. for αποχρώμε- νος, par. pres. mid. cont. — Αποχρησθαι, Ion. for αποχρασ- θαι, pres. inf. mid. cont. of απο- χράω, or -άομαι. Απόχρη, Apoc. for απόχρησι, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. it is sufficient, there is enough, that will do. Αποχρην, Apoc. for αποχρηναι, pres. inf. act. of απόχρημι, same as αποχράω. Αποχρήσει, 3 sin. 1 f. act. of απο- ΧΡ άω • , . Αποχρήσει, a. sin. cont. Att. of Απόχρησις, -ιος, Att. -εο>ς, η, (fr. αποχράομαι to consume) con- sumption^ wear and tear; use, enjoyment, benefit, advantage ; abuse, waste, decay. (83) ΑΠΓ Αποχρώντως, (fr. αποχρων, par. pres. of αποχράω to suffice) suf flciently, fully, satvfactoi'ly. Αποχυθεις, 1 a. par. pass, of απο- Χ ίω • Αποχυρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, fr. από in- tens. and εχυρόω, which see. Αποχωρεί, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. — Αποχωρείτε, 2 pi. pres. impr. act Αποχωρήσας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. of Αποχωρίω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. αποκεχώ- ρηκα, (fr. από from, and χωρεω to go) to go from, depart, retire, withdraw, yield, give place; to digest, secrete, pass off. 1 a. act. ind. απεχώρησα• par. αποχώρησες. Αποχώρησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) departure, retirement, re- treat. Αποχωρίζω, f. -ίσω, p. αποκεχώ- ρικα, (fr. από from, and χωρίζω to part ) to sever, rend, separate, part, divide. Αποχωρίζομαι, to be separated, or to separate one's self; to depart from, quit, have. 1 a. pass. ind. απεχωρίσθην inf. αποχωρισθη^αι. Αποχωρούντα, -ων, τα, (neut. pi. par. pres. act. cont. of αποχω- ρίω, to pass off) the excrements. Αποχράω -ω, f. -ησω, and Αποψάο- μαι, (fr. από from, and ψαω to wipe) to wipe off, clean; to clear away, scrape off, efface. Αποψηφίζομαι, f. -ίσομαι, p. -ισμαι, (fr. από priv. and ψηφίζω to bal- lot) to vote against ; to dismiss^ discharge > acquit; to abrogate, repeal. Άποψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. από from, and άπτομαι to see) aspect, look, appearance ; a sight, view. Αποφύχω, f. -ζω, p. απεψυχα, (fr. same, and ι(ίύχω to cool) to cool, allay ; to quench ; to wipe, rub away sweat ; to faint ; to breathe forth, expire, die. 1 a. act. απέ- ψνζα. Αποώ/η/υ?, Poet, for απώμννς , 2 sin. imp. ind. οίαπόμννμι. Άππιος, -ov, b, Appius, a man's name.. Απραγία, -ας, η, (fr. a neg. and πράσσω to do) idleness, leisure ; inefficacy, inability ; inutility, worlhlessness. Απραγμάτευτος, -ov, b, '/, (fr. same, and -ραγματεύω to be busy) idle; at leisure, not busy, unemployed, disengaged. Απραγμόνως, (fr. απράγμων easy) easily, readily, without trouble; leisurely, quietly. Απραγμοσύνη, -ης, >', (fr. same) leisure ; rest, quietness ; ease, unconcern, security ; idleness. Απράγμων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. α neg. and πράσσω to do) easy, not troublesome ; tranquil, quiet, un- disturbed; indolent, inactwe. Απρακτέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same) to have nothing to do, be at lei- sure ; to idle, trifle; to miss, fail, he unsuccessful. Άπρακτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) not donei xundone } unfinished, wfa ΑΠΡ perfect ; endless, interminai le ; ineffectual, fruitless ; incur αϊ ie ; doing nothing, idle, indolent, inactive. Απράκτως, (fr. same) imperfectly : idly, indolently. Απραξία, -ας, f), (fr. same) leisure; quietness, ease/ indolence. Απρεπεια, -ας, and Απρεπίη, -ης, {], (fr. next) indelicacy, impropriety, indecorum ; ugliness, deformity. Απρεπης, -ίος -ους, b, η, (fr. a neg. and πρεπω to become) unbecom- ing, unfit, improper, unsuitable; indelicate, indecent, indecorous. Απρεπως, (fr. last) unfitly, impro- perly ; unscemingly, indecently. Απρηκτος, Ion. for άπρακτος. Απριάτην, (fr. a neg. and πρίαμαι to buy) without value, price, or ransom; freely, gratis, without recompense. Απρϊξ, and Απρίγδα, (perhaps fr. απο from, and ^ίζα the root. Or, fr. α neg. and πρίω to saw) by the root, inseparably ; firmly, stiffly, tenaciously, tooth and nuil. Απροαίρετος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and προαιρέω to prefer) against the will, unwilling. Α-ροαιρίτως, (fr. last) unwillingly. Απρυβονλευτος, and Απροσβούλευ- τος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and ποο- βονλεύω to consider) unadvised, foolish, indiscreet ; rash, head- strong ; insignificant ; not enact- ed, or decreed. Απροβουλεντως, and Απροσβονλεύ- τως, (fr. last) iinadvisedly, fool- ishly, indiscreetly, rashly. Απροβονλία, -ας, >% (fr. a neg. προ before, and βουλή consideration) want of thought, inattention, in- advertence ; rashness, temerity. Απρόθυμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πρόθυμος ready) dull, slow, heavy, lazy, unwilling, inactive, reluc- tant. Απροθύμως, (fr. last) slowly, lazily, unwillingly, inactively. Απροίδής, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. ο neg. and προείδω to foresee) unpreme- ditated; unforeseen, unlooked for, unthought of. Απροικυς, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and προΊξ a fortune) portionless; un- endowed. Απρονοησία, -ας, f), (if. same, and προνοεω to consider) thoughtless- ness, inadvertence, heedlessness ; imprudence, rashness. Απρονόητος, •ου, b, ?/, (fr. same) unadvised, hasty ; thoughtless, inconsiderate, rash; unforeseen, unexpected. Απρονοήτως, (fr. last) hastily, in- considerately, rashly. Απρόοπτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. προ before, and άπτομαι to see) un- foreseen, unthought of, unexpect- ed; rash, hasty. Απροόπτως, (fr. last) suddenly, un- expectedly. Απροόρατος χ -ov, b, ή, (fr. a neg. and προοράω to foresee) unfore- seen^ unexpected. ΑΠΤ Απροοράτως, (fr. last) unexpectedly. Απροσδέης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. a neg. and προσδέομαι to want) abundant, abounding, affluent ; not wanting, requiring, or de- serving ; unworthy, undeserving. Απροσδιόννσος, -ου, }), b, (fr. a neg. προς to, and Αιόννσος Bacchus) not to the purpose, absurd, un- meaning, inconsistent. Απροσδόκητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and προσδοκάω to expect) un- foreseen, unexpected. Απροσδόκητης, and Απροσδόκητον, (fr. last) unexpectedly. Απρόσικτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. προς to, and Ίκνέομαι to arrive) and Απρόσιτος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. same, and πρόσειμι to come at) not to be approached, inaccessible; unat- tainable; unrivalled. Απρόσκοπος, and Απρόσκοπτος, -ov, b, »/, (fr. same, and προσκόπτω to strike against) not stumbling, or falling ;firm, steady, upright; not striking, tripping, or throw- ing ; harmless, innocent ; plain, free, open, clear ; unforeseen, unthought of. Απροσκόπως, (fr. last) without trip, fall, or error ; safely ; innocent- ly, uprightly. Απρόσμικτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. a neg. and προσμίγνυμι to intermingle) that will not mix ; unsociable, solitary. Απροσόράτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, προς at, and bpάω to look) not to be looked at, horrid, horrible, shocking, hideous ; immense, huge, vast. Απροσόρμιστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, προς at, and 'όρμος a harbour) unsafe for ships ; without port, or haven. Απρόσφορος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and φέρω to bring) unfit, disad- vantageous, dangerous. Απροσωπολήπτως, (fr. same, πρό- σωπον the face, and λαμβάνω to take) without regarding persons, or respecting ranks, impartially, equitably, equally. Απροσώπως, (fr. a neg. and πρό- σωπον a mask) without a mask ; undisguisedly, face to face. Απρότιμαστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and προτιμάσσω, Dor. for προσ- μάσσω to touch) untouched, un- defiled, pure, chaste. Απροφάσιστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πρόφασις a pretence) with- out pretence, inexcusable; with- out hesitation, ready, prompt, willing ; unfeigned, sincere. Απροφασίστως, (fr. last) readily, promptly, willingly, sincerely. Απρόφατος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. a neg. and πρόφημι to foretell) unwarned; sudden, unexpected, unawares. Άπταιστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πταίω to stumble) safe from stumbling, or falling, sure, firm, steady, upright; blameless, harm- less, innocent. "Απτει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of απτω. (84) ΑΠΤ Άπτερος, -ου ? b, f), (fr. a neg. and πτερον a wing) and, Απτερυγος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. same, and πτερυξ a wing) and, Απτέρωτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πτερωτός winged) unfeathered, without feathers, or wings ; that will not, or cannot fiy away, permanent, fixed, settled. Or, (fr. a intens. and same) with great wings, winged, rapid. Άπτεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass. — Άπτεσθον, 2 du. and "Απτεσθε, 2 pi. pres. impr. mid Άπ- τεσθαι, pres. inf. pass, of απτω. Απτήν, -ήνος, b, ή, (fr. a neg. and πτηνος winged) callow, unfledg- ed, unable to fiy. dat. pi. απτήσι. Άπτική, -ής, η, (fr. άπτομαι to touch) the touch, feeling. Άπτικον, -ου, το, (fr. same) feel- ing, sensibility. Άπτικος, -ή, -ov, (fr. same) touch- ing, affecting; reaching , having an infiuence, or power over. Απτοεπής, -έος-ους,^, η, (fr. α neg. πτοεω to falter, and έπος a word) fearless, bold, or confident in speech. Άπτοεπής, -ίος -ους, b, η, (fr. απτω to touch, and ίπος a word) keen, severe, sarcastic. Απτόητος, and Απτοίητος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. a neg. and πτοεω to terrify) fearless, intrepid, undaunted. Απτύλεμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πτόλεμος for πόλεμος war) un warlike, peaceable; weak, feeble; timid, cowardly. Άπτω, f. αψω, p. ήφα, to touch; to connect, join, bind; to make, finish ; to light, kindle. Άπτομαι, to approach, come to, arrive at ; to catch, reach, clasp, embrace; to lay hold on, take, use ; to be- gin, take in hand, enter upon; to seize, lay hold of, invade, attack ; to bear hard upon, be severe. 1 a. act. ind. ηψα• par. άψας. 2 a. act. ηφον. imp. ind. pass, ηπτόμην. per. pass, ήμμαι' par. Ιμμίνος. 1 a. pass, ίί/φθην. 1 f. mid. αψομαι. 1 a. mid. ind. ηψάμην' sub. άψωμαι. Απτώς, -ωτος, b, η, (fr. a neg. and πτωσις a fall) secur e, firm, steady ; stable, durable. Άπτωτος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same) in- declinable. Απύρετος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and πυρετός a fever) free from fever, cool. Απυρος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. same, and πυρ fire) without fire, or heat; untouched by fire ; unfit for, not intended for the fire ; undressed, not cooked, raw ; that stands the fire. Απΰρωτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and πυρόω to burn) never brought to the fire ; new, fresh, unused. Άπυστος, -ου, b, f], (fr. same, and πυνθάνομαι to hear) unheard of unknown, obscure; ignorant^ un» acquainted with. Απύω, and ηπύω, f. -ύσω, p. ήπνκα { (perhaps ^. anh intens. and δω ΑΡΑ to drop. Or, fr. έπος a word) to sound, emit a noise, ring ; to shout, cry out, announce, de- clare ; to address, invoke. Απφία, -ας, η, a woman's name. Απφνς, νος, and Απφώ, indecl. δ (perhaps, fr. and from, and^uo to grow) a father. Απωδνρετο, 3 sin. imp. ind. of a~o- δύρομαι. Άπωθεν, Poet, for άποθεν. Απωθεΐσθε, 2 pi. pres. ind. mid. of Απωθέω -ω, f. απώσω, p. άττωκα Απωθέομαι -ουμαι, f. -ήσομαι, and Απώθομαι, (fr. απυ from, and ωθε'ω, to drive) to thrust, push away, repel, drive off ; to dispel, scatter, dissipate ; to tear off, or away ; to reject, refuse ; to di- vorce. 1 a. ind. mid. απωσάμην. per. pass, άπωσμαι. Απωθώμεθα, cont. fr. απωθεώμεθα, 1 pi. pres. sub. mid. of last. Απωκισμένος, par. per. pass, of αποικίζω. Απώλεια, -ας, f/, (fr. απόλλνμι to destroy) destruction, ruin, deso lotion, waste. Απώλεσα, -ας, -ε, or -εν before a vowel, 1 a. ind. act. — Απωλό- μην, 2 a. ind. mid. — Απώλα, Att. απόλωλα, per. mid. — Ara- λώλειν, Att. for απώλειν, pper. mid. of ακόλλυμι. Απών, and Ion. αιτίων, -ονσα, -ov, (par. pres. of ά-ειμι to be ab- sent) absent, distant, remote. Απώρυξ, -νγος, δ, (fr. απο from, and ορνσσω to dig) a cutting, slip, shoot, branch. Απωρχήσαο, Ion. for απωρχήσω, 2 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of απορχέο- μαι. Απώσα, -ας, -ε, ind. — Απώσας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. — Απω- σάμην , -ω, -ατο, ind. — Απωσά- μενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. — Απώσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. of απωθέω. Άπωσις, -ως, Att. -εως, ή, and Απωσμος, -ου, δ, (fr. απωθέω to drive away) a repulse, refusal, denial, rejection. Απωστικος, -ή, -ov, or-ov, b, η, (fr. same) repellent, repulsive. Απωστδς, -ή, -bv, or -ov, b, η, (fr. same ) liable to be expelled ; turn- ed, or driven out ; refused, re- jected, disowned. Απώτερος, -τατος, same as απότερος. Απωτέρω, -τατω, same ?s αποτέρω. Απώχοντο, 3 pi. imp. ind. of αποί- χομαι. Άρ\ and 'Ρα, Poet, for Αρα, therefore, consequently ; then, then indeed, indeed, in truth; next, consequently ; truly, duly, accordingly ; perhaps. Άρα ; whether ? is it so ? why ? Αρα, -ας, η, (perhaps fr. αίρω to take, or άρω to be suitable) a prayer, supplication; an oath; a curse, cursing, imprecation; bane, detriment, injury. Αραβα, Heb. a wilderness. Αραβεΰσαι, Dor. for αραβονσαι, η. ρ!, fern. par. pres. act. of ΑΡΑ Αραβέω -ώ, f. ->/σω, p. ηράβηκα, (fr. άραβος a crash) to crash, clash, clang, dash; to cause a a sound by striking or falling ; to rattle, resound, ring. 1 a. ind act. ηράβησα. Αράβησα, -ας, -ε, Ion. for ηράβησα, see last. Αραβία, -ας, η, Arabia. Αραβικός, -η, -ov, and Αράβιος, -οι δ, η, (fr. last) Arabic, Arabian, Άραβος, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. Άρης Mars, and βοή a shout) a din, shout, crash, clang ; noise of things sti-iking, or falling; the roar of water; grinding, or gnashing of teeth. Άραγε, (fr. άρα then, and γε an emphatic enclitic) then truly, therefore indeed; surely, cer- tainly. Άραγμα, -ατός, το, and Αραγμός, -οΰ, b, (fr. αράσσω to knock) col- lision, knocking, dashing, or striking together ; breaking, bruising ; rattle, crash, din. Άράδος, -ov, b, (fr. same) palpLw- tation, strong pulsation, or beat- ing of the heart after exercise. "Apai, 1 a. inf. act. — Άρας, inn. pi. Άραντες, par. 1 a. act. — Αράτ'ω, 3 sin. — Άρατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. of αίρω. Αραία, -ας, η, (fr. αραώς delicate) the intestines, belly. Αραιός, -a, -ov, (fr. αρά a curse) cursing, imprecating. Also, cursed, accursed, devoted to the furies, execrable. Αραώς, -a, -bv, rare, thin, delicate, fine ; small, slender. Αραιότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) fine- ness, thinness, delicacy ; loose- ness, softness, sponginess. Αραιόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to refine, clear; to rarefy, make thin. Αραιόομαι -ουμαι, to clear, become fine, or thin. Αραίρημαι, ΑΓαιρήμην, Αραιρημένος, by Att. redupl. and Ion. want of augment for, ηρημαι, per. ερή- μην, pper. and ηρημενος, par. per. pass, of α'ιρέω. Or by the same, and Epen. of η, for ήρμαι, per. ηρμην, pper. and ηρμένος. per. par. pass, of αίρω. Αραίωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, fj, (fr. αραιός fine) a loosening, easing ; looseness, ease; thinness, rare- faction. Αρακος, -ov, b, a kind of pulse. Αρακτον, -ov, το, blacking used by shoemakers. Αράμ, Heb. indecl. Aram, a man's name. Αράμενος, 1 a. par. mid. of αίρω. Αράν, Aran, a Hebrew name. Αραζα, -ας, -ε, Ion. for ήραξα, 1 a. md. act. — Αράξω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. act. of αράσσω. Άραο, 2 sin. Ion. and Dor. οΐηοά- μην, imp. ind. of έραμαι' thus ηράμην, ήρασο, Ion. ήραο, Dor. άραο. Or of ηρασάμην, 1 a. mid. of same ; thus ηρασάμην, ηράσω, Sync, ίιρω, Ion. ήραο, Dor. άραο. Αράομαι -ωμαι^ f. -άσομαι, (fr. αρύ (85) ΑΡΓ prayer) to pray in any manner ; to supplicate, entreat, beg bless- ings ; to deprecate, beg off, pray deliverance from ; to curse, im- precate ; to injure, hurt, wrong. Άράρα, -ας, -ε, for ήρα, per. mid. οι άρω' thus ήρα, by redupl. άρη- pa, Poet, άραρα, thence Αραρώ, -ης, -η, sub. for^pcS* and Αραρώ?, par. for ηρώς. Αράρισκον, -ες, -ε, imp. ind. of αρα- ρίσκω, Ion. and Poet, for άρω. Αραρο'ιάτο, Ion. for αράροιντο, 3 pi. of αραροίμην, by Poet, redupl. for αρο'ιμην, 2 a. opt. mid. of άρω. Άραρον, by Poet, redupl. for ήρον, 2 a. ind. act. of άρω. In like manner, impr. Άραρε' opt. Αρά- ροιμι, &c. Αραρότως, (fr. next) fitly, conve- niently, agreeably ; firmly, stead ily, compactly. Αραρώς, -νΊα,-ος, (by Poet, redupl. for ηρώς par. per. mid. of άρω) fit, fitting, adapted, convenient, suitable. Αράς, 1 a. par. act. — Άρασθαι, inf. of ηράμην, 1 a. mid. οι αίρω. Αράσσω, or -ττω, f. -ζω, (fr. a in» tens, and ράσσω to dash) to cut off, lop, prune ; to saw, break with a noise, tear asunder; to knock, break, dash; to revile with noisy abuse. 1 a. ind. act. ηραζα. Αραται, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. of αράομαι. Αράτω, 3 sin. 1 a. impr. act. of αίρω. Αραφώθ, soaked, or malted corn, malt. Αραχίδνα, -ης, η, the name of a plant. ΑραγναΊος, and Αράχνειος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) like a spider, made by, or relating to a epider ; full of cobwebs, dirty. Αράχνης, -ov, b, and Αράχνη, ->;!,» η, (perhaps fr. αραιός slender, and ίχνος a track) a spider ; a spider , s web, cobweb. Αράχνιον, -ov, το, (fr. last) a cob- web ; down, gossamer ; a disease incident to olive trees. Αραχνονφής, -ίος -ονς, b, ft, (fr. same, and νφάω to weave) woven by a spider. Άραψ, -βος, b, an Arab. Αρβήλα, -ων, τα, Arbela. Αρβηλος, -ov, δ, α shoemakers knife. Αρβνλη, -ης, η, a high shoe to keep out the mud, a half boot. Αργαίνω, f. -άνω, (fr. αργός white) to be, or grow white ; to whiten, bleach, blanch. Αργαίος, -ov, b, Arg&us, a man's name. άλέος, -a, -ov, (as if αλγαλέος, r. άλγος pain. Or as if εργα- λίος, fr. έργον work) painful, toilsome, laborious, hard, diffi- cult ; grievous, troublesome, op- pressive, cruel. Apyai, -άντος, Αργας, -a, and Άρ- γης, -ov, δ, a kind of serpent. Αργεί, d. sin. cont. of Άργος. Αργά ΑΡΓ Αργείς 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of αργέω. Αργεινός, and Αργεννος, -ή, -bv, and Αργετος, -οϊί, b, η, (fr. αργός white) white, bright, shilling; swift, violent, impetuous, d. pi. αργεννήσι, for αργεννάΐς. Αργεΐος, -a, . and Ion. -η, -ov, (fr. ' Αργός Argos) of Argos, one of Argos, Argive, an Argive. d. pi. Ion. Αργείοισι. Αργειφόντης,-ον, b, (fr. ' Αργός Ar- gus, and φόντης, for φονητής, a slayer, th. φένω to kill) the killer of Argus, Lat. Argicida. An epithet of Mercury. Αργές, -έτος, b, η, cont. by Syst. for αργής, -ήτος. Αργεστηρ, -ηρος, Αργέστης, and Poet. Αργηστής, -όϋ, and JEo\. -άο, b, η, (fr. αργός white) white, bright, shining; active, swift, impetuous. Αργέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. αργός idle) to have leisure, be unemployed, or disengaged ; to linger, loiter ; to cease, stop. 1 a. ind. act. ήργησα. Αργήεις, see αργής. ' Αργής, -ου, b, the name of a Cy- clops, a. sin. Άργην. Αργής, -ητος, Αργής, -έος -ους, b, η, Αργήεις, and Αργινόεις, -εσσα, •εν, (fr. apAoswhue) white, bright, shining, sparkling, fashing ; ac- tive, swift, violent, impetuous. Αργηστης, see αργεστηρ. Αργία, and Αργεία, -ας, ή, (fr. αργός idle) a festival, holiday ; leisure, rest ; idleness, laziness, sloth, in- activity. 'Αργιλος, or Άργιλλος, -ov, b (perhaps fr. αργός white) clay, potter's clay. Αργινόεις, -εντός, b, η, see αργής Αργιόδους, -οντος, b, ή, (fr. same, and οδούς a tooth) having vjhite teeth. Άργιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) white, bright ; swift. Άργμα, -ατός, το, more usually, pi. Άργματα, -ων, τα, (fr. αρχή the beginning) first fruits, first of- ferings. Αργμενος, Ion. for ηργμένος, par. per. pass, of άρχω. 'Αργοί, -ων, οι, (fr. 'Αργός, Argos in Peloponnesus) Argians, or Ar gives, natives of Argos. Αργο\ογεω -ω, (fr. αργός idle, and λέγω to say) to use superfluous expressions, talk too much ; to speak, or write from the purpose. Αργολογία, -ας, η, (fr. last) idle talk, superfluity of language. 'Αργός, -ου, b, Argus, who wai said to have a hundred eyes Also a dog's name, Swift. Αργός, -εος -ους, το, Argos, a city of Thessaly. 'Αργός, -ου, η, Argos, a city of Pe- loponnesus, sometimes used for Peloponnesus, sometimes for all Greece. Αργός, -ή, -bv, white, bright, resplen- dent ; active, nimble, swift. Αργός, -ου, b, η, same as άεργος, ΑΡΓ (fr. α neg. and έργον work) idle, inactive, lazy, indolent ; unpro- fitable, unwrought, untilled, un- cultivated. Apγυpάμoιβoς,-ov,b,η, (fr. άργυρος silver, and αμείβω to exchange) a banker, money-lender, usurer. ΑργνρεΊον, -ου, το, (fr. next) a bank, money-lender's office. Αργυρεως, -a, -ov, Αργύρεος -ους, -έη -η, -εον -ουν, and Αργνρικος, -η, -bv, (fr. άργυρος silver) of silver, silvery, silver; bright, shining, resplendent, αργυρεης, d. pi. Ion. for αργυρέαις. Αργυρίδιον, -ου, το, (dim. fr. άργυ- pov silver) small silver, small mo- ney, change. Αργύρων, -ον,το, (fr. same) apiece of silver, coined silver, money. Αργυρις, -ίδος, ή, (fr. same) a silver cup, or similar vessel. Αργυρόδϊνης, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and δίνη an eddy) silver-wind- ing, silver-eddied, silver-stream- ed ; bright, limpid, clear. Αργνρόηλος, -ov, b, r), (fr. άργυρος silver, and 'ήλος a nail) set with silver studs, studded with silver. Αργνροκόπος, -ου, b, (fr. same, and κόπος work, th. κόπτω to labour) a silversmith, worker in silver, coiner of silver. Αργνρολογέω -ω, (fr. same, and λέγω to collect) to collect money, demand atribute. Αργνρόμοιβος, same is αργνράμοι- βυς. Αργνρόπεζος, -ου, b, and -ζα, -ης, η, (fr. άργυρος silver, and πεζά the ankle ; a fringe) silver-footed, having fair, handsome feet, or ankles. Or, wearing fringe, or lace about the ankles, or on the lower edge of the clothes. Or, with silver rings round the ankles. Αργυρόπονς, -οδός, b, >/, (fr. next, and πους a foot) silver-footed. Άργυρος, -ov, b, (fr. αργός white) silver. Αργνρότοξ', Apos. for αργνρότοζε, v. sin. of Αργνρότοξος, -ov, b, (fr. άργνρος silver, andr<5£oi> a bow) carrying a silver bow; an epithet of Apollo, silver-archer. Αργυρού, Αργύρουν, Αργύρους, &c. see αργύρεος. Αργνροχόος, -ov, b, (fr. άργυρος silver, and χέω to pour) a silver- smith, caster of silver. Αργνρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, (fr. same) to work, cast, or form in silver; to cover with silver; to present with money. Αργυρο), d. sin. of άργυρος — Αργυ ρω, same cont. of αργύρεος. Αργυρώματα, -ων, τα, (fr. άργυρος silver) vessels, ornaments, or furniture of silver ; plate. Αργυρώνητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and ωνέομαι to buy) purchased with silver ; a slave. Αργύφεος, Άργυφος, -ου, and Ap- γυφής, -εος -ους, b, t% (fr. αργός white, and 'ύφος texture, th. υψάω to weave) of a white* or bright (86) APE texture, or manufacture ; glossy, sparkling, bright, glittering. Αργώ, -όος -ους, ή, (fr. Άργος, Ar- gos, a town of Thessaly ) the ship Argo, a constellation of the same. Αργώς, (fr. αργός idle) idly, lazily, indolently ; fruitlessly, to no pur- pose ; rashly, hastily, inconsider- ately. Άρδα, (fr. αίρω to take away) filth, ordure ; defilement, pollution. Αρδαλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. last) foul, filthy, obscene. Αρδαλόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. same) to befoul, dirty ; to defile, blemish, disgrace ; to pollute, contaminate. Αρδεία, -ας, %, same as αρδμός. Αρδεύω, f. -ευσω, ρ.-ευκα, Ion. and Poet, for άρδω. Αρδηθμος. -ου, b, same as αρδμός. Άρδην, (fr. αίρω to take away) aloft, on high, above ; totally, ut- terly, entirely, completely. Άρδις, -ιος, ή, (perhaps fr. same) the point, or head of a weapon; spike, barb. Αρδμος, -ου, b, (fr. άρδω to water) irrigation^ watering, giving wa- ter, or drink; drink; a watering place, well, fountain, pool. Άρδοντι, Dor. for άρδουσι, 3 pi. pres. of Άρδω, f. -σω, to water, wet, moist- en ; to give water, or drink, par. pres. mid. αρδόμενος. Αρέθοισα, Dor. for Αρέθουαα, -ας, η, Arethusa, a fountain in Sicily. Αρεια, -5s, t), (fr. αρά a curse) α threat, menace ; a curse. Αρειμάνιος, -ου, and Αρειμάνής, -έος -ους, b, ί), (fr. Άρης Mars, and μαίνομαι to rage) terrible in fight, furious in battle, warlike. Αρειοπαγίτης, or Αρεοπαγίτης, -ov, b, (fr. next) an Areopagite, a judge of the Areopagus. Αρειόπάγος, or Αρείος πάγος, -ου, b, the Areopagus, a court of su- preme criminal jurisdiction ai Athens. Άρειο<•, and Αρήϊος, comp. Αρειότε- ooz and Αρείων, (fr. Άρης Mars) of Mars, or Mars' ; relating to Mars, or war, warlike, brave, valiant. Αρέΐται, 3 sin. of αρονμαι, 2 f. mid. of αίρω. Άρεος, g. of Άρης. Αρέσαι, 1 a. int. act. — Αρέσας, -ασα, -αν, g. sin. fern, -σά'νς, par. 1 a. act. — Αρεσαίμαν, Dor. for αρεσαίμην, 1 a. opt. mid. — Αρέσαντο, Ion. for ηρέσαντο, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. — Αρέοεια, -ας, -ε, JEol. for. αρέσαιμι, -αις, -αι, 1 a. opt. act. — Αρέσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. — Αρέσω, ης, -τ), 1 a. sub. act. οι αρέσκω. Αρέσθαι, 2 a. inf. mid. οι αίρω. Αρέσκεια, -ας, η, (fr. αρέσκω, to please) a sentence, determination, degree, resolution ; gracefulness, elegance, politeness, wit, raillery, repartee. Αρεσκόντως, (fr. same) gratefully, agreeably, pleasingly. Άρεσκος, -η, •βν, (fr. same) gleafr ΑΡΗ mg, kind, courteous ; charming, igreeable. Αρέσκω, f. αρέσω, p. ήρεκα, (fr, άρω to suit) to please, gain the approbation, or affection ; to ap- pease, calm, propitiate, concili- ate; to reconcile, compose differ ences, settle amicably ; to ac- quiesce, agree in, be pleased with* Αρέσκομαι, to please one's self, indulge in. 1 a. act. ind. ήρεσα• inf. αρέσαΓ par. αρέσας. 1 f. mid. αρέσομαι. 1 a. mid. ηρεσάμνν' Ion. αρεσάμην par. αρεσάμενος' Poet, αρεσσάμενος. Αρεσσόμεθα, Poet, for αρεσόμεθα, 1 pi. 1 f. mid. of last. Αρεστά, -ων, τα, (fr. next) a sen- tence, decree, verdict, judgment. Αρεστός, -ή*, -ov, (fr. αρέσκω to please) pleasing, agreeable ; suit- able, fit, proper; right, just, equitable. Αρεστως, (fr. last) pleasingly, agreeably ; fitly, properly. Άρετ, for άρετο, Ion. for ηρετο, imp. or 2 a. mid. of αίρω- Άρεται, 3 sin. pres. mid. of άρω. Αρεταν, Dor. for αρετών, g. pi. of αρετή. Αρετάς, -ov, b,Aretas, aman'sname. Αρετή, -ης, η, (fr. αρέσκω to please, or rather fr. Άρης Mars) valour, prowess, courage, fortitude, reso- lution ; worth, merit, virtue ; ex- cellency, perfection ; force, ener- gy, power, faculty. Αρετίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. same) to please, appease, conciliate ; to re- ceive into favour. Άρενς, Dor. for Άρονς, g. cont. of Άρης. Αρέων, Ion. for αρων, g. pi. of αρά. Άρη', for Άρηα, a. of Άρης. Άρηαι, Ion. for άρη,2 sin. of άρω- μαι, 2 a. sub. mid. of αίρω. Αρνγέμεν, Ion. for αρήγειν, pres. inf. act. — Άρηγεν, Ion. for ήρη- γεν, 3 sin. imp. ind. — Αρήγοι- σα, Dor. for αρήγουσα, fern. par. pres. act. of Αρήγω, f. -ζω, (fr. Άρης Mars) to aid, help, succour, assist, relieve, defend, protect. Αρηγων, -όνος, b, ή, (fr. last) a de- fender, protector, preserver; an assistant, helper, supporter. Apt'/'ia, neut. pi. of Αρήϊος, same as Άρειος. Αρηϊθοος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. Άρης Mars, and S -ους swift) active in war, warlike, brave, courageous ; Ar- elthoos, a man's name. Αρη~ιφατος, and Αρείφάτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and φάω to kill) slain in battle. Αρηίφ'ΐλος, -ov, b, >7, (fr. same, and φίλος dear) dear to Mars, or fond of war ; warlike, b'ave, coura- geous. Αρημένος, (Ion. for ηρημένος, par. per. pass, of αιρέω to take) cut off, destroyed, blighted, blasted. Άρην, for Άρηα, a. of Άρης, as if -ov, b. Αρήν, apvbsybyfij (fr. ops a lamb) a lamb. ΑΡΘ Ap>?v, Ion. for αράν, a. sin. of αρά. Αρήξαι, la. inf. act. — Αρήξειν, 1 f. inf. act. of αρήγω. Άρηρα, Αρήρειν, Αρηρώς, by Att. redupl. for ήρα, per. mid. ήρειν, pper. mid. and ηρώς, par. per. mid. of άρω. But Άρηρα, with t subscribed, by same for ήρα per. mid. of αίρω. Αρηροτως, (fr. αρηρώς for ηρώς, per, par. mid. of άρω to fit) fitly, apt- ly, conveniently; firmly, com- pactly. Άρης, -εος -ονς, -εως, -ηος, -ητος, -ov, b, Mars, war, battle ; the fury or rage of battle ; a wound, scar ; the desire or love of war ; steel, Άρης, -ov, Ion. -εω, b, most usually signifies steel, iron. Αοής, Ion. for αράς, g. sin. of αρά. Άρης, 2 sin. and — ' Αρη, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of αίρω. Αρησόμεθα, for αρασόμεθα, 1 pi. 1 f. mid. of αράομαι. Άρηται,Ζ sin. 2 a. sub. mid. ofa /ρω. Αρήτειρα, -ας, f), (fr. next) a priest- ess. Αρητήρ, -ήρος, δ, (fr. αρά prayer) a priest. Αρητιάδης, -ov, b, a patronymic name ; the son of Ar etas. Αρητος, -ή, -bv, for άρρητος, (fr. a neg. and ρέω to speak, or fr. αράομαι to curse) inexpressible, unutterable ; miserable, sad, wretched; cursed, execrable, im- pious. Αρηφαίνων, -οντος, b, (fr. 'Ap^s Mars, and φαίνω to display) bringing battle before him, deal- ing slaughter round him ; fierce, warlike. Αρθείς, -είσα, -εν, par. of ήρθην, 1 a. pass, of αίρω. Άρθεν, by Sync, and Ion. for ήρ- θησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. pass, of άρω. Άρθην, -ης, -η, Ion. for ήρθην, 1 a. pass. ind. — Άρθητι, -ήτω, impr. — Αρθήναι, inf. — Αρθεί?, par. — Αρθ?/σεται, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. pass, οι αίρω. Αρθμέω -ω, f. -ήσω, ρ. -ηκα, (fr. αρθμος friendship) to love, be fond of, attached to, feel affection for ; to make up, be reconciled. Αρθμία, -ας, //, (fr. same) love, tender attachment, friendship. Άρθμιος, -ov, b, (fr. same) a lover, friend, companion. Αρθμος, -ου, b, (fr. άρω to join, and &νμος the mind) union, agree- ment, love, friendship, attach- ment, concord. Αρθρ'ϊκος, and Αρθριτικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. next) arthritic, relating to the joints, having pains in the joints ; gouty. Αρθρϊτις, -Κος, η, (fr. next) pains in the joints, gout. Άρθρον, -ov, το, (perhaps fr. άρω to fit) a joint ; a small member or part ; the privities ; the socket of the eye ; a muscle, sinew ; an article in grammar. Αρθρόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, ρ.-ωκα, (fr. last) to join, joint ; to adapt, fit, regu- late; to articulate,speak distinctly. (87) API Αρθρώσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Άρθρω» σαι, 3 sin. 1 a. opt. att. or 1 a. impr. mid. of last. Αρθώ, -ής, -fj, 1 a. sub. pass, of αίρω, in 3 pi. Λρθωσι. Άρι, a particle prefixed, in com- position, to words chiefly by the poets, to increase or heighten the signification ; much, very, greatly. Αριάδνη, -ής, η, Ariadne, the daughter of Minos. Αριγνώς, -ώτος, and Αρίγνωτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. άρι intens. and γι- νώσκω to know) well known, cele- brated, famous ; very clear, evi- dent, distinct. Αριδάκρυος, -ου, and Αριδάκρνς, -νος, δ, ι/, (fr. same, and δάκρυ a tear) very melancholy, mourn- ful, tearful; weeping much, much inclined to tears. Αριδείκετ for αριδείκετε, v. sin. of Αριδείκετος, -ου, b,h, (fr. άρι intens. and δεικετος for δεικτος, fr. δείκ- νυμι to show) splendid, brilliant ; renowned, famous, celebrated. Αρίδηλος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and δήλος clear) very clear, distinct, evident, quite plain, manifest. Αρίζηλος, and Αριζήλωτος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and ζήλος emula- tion) worthy of imitation, much to be emulated or copied; excel- lent, superior, illustrious ; bright, clear, distinct. Αριζήλως, (fr. last) emulously, stu- diously, anxiously; clearly, dis- tinctly, evidently, manifestly. Άριζος, and Άρριζος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. α neg. and ρίζα a root) without root. Αριθμευνται, Dor. for αριθμουνταΐι 3 pi. cont. pres. pass. — Αριθ- μενντι, Dor. for αριθμουσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. act. of Αριθμίω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ηρίθμηκα, (fr. αριθμός number) to number, reckon, count, tell over ; to class among, consider, deem, suppose. 1 a. act. ιτϊά.ηρίθμησα- inf. αριθ- μήσαι. per. pass, ηρίθμημαι' par. ■ηριθμημένος. 1 a. pass, ηριθμή- θην. 1 f. pass, αριθμηθήσομαι. Αριθμηθήμεναι, Poet, for αριθμη θήναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of last. Αρ'ιθμημα, -άτος, το, (fr. αριθμέω to count) a number, sum total, whole, amount. Αριθμήσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of same. Αρίθμησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. αριθμέω to count) an enumera- tion, reckoning, counting over ; a muster, survey. Αριθμητική, -ής, η, viz. τέχνη, (fem. of next) arithmetic. Αριθμητικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. αριθμέω to count) arithmetical, relating to numbers, numeral, skilled in ac- counts or numbers. Αριθμητός, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) to be reckoned, that may be numbered; few in number. Αριθμός, -ου, b, (fr. apθμbς union) number; a number, multitude; a sum, amoun,. ; a muster, levy. API Αριμαθαία, -ας, ή, Arithmatho?a, a city of the Holy land. Αριμασποι, -ων, οι, Arimaspians, Lat., Arimaspi, a people of * Scythia, who were said to have but one eye. Αρίμοι, -ων, ol, name of a place, d. pi. Αριμοίσιν. Άριζ, see Κρράος. Αρωβαρζάνιος, -ου, b, ή, relating to or named after Ariobarzanes Αριπρίιτεια, -ας, ή, (fr. αριπρεπής fit) propriety, correctness, good conduct; gracefulness, elegance. Αριπρεπέως, and Αριπρέπως, (fr. next) properly, becomingly; gracefully. Αριπρεπής, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. άρι intens. and -πρέπω to become) very proper, fit, right, becoming ; splendid; conspicuous. Άρις, or Άριν, and Άρ'ρις, or Άρ- ριν, -ινος, b, η, (fr. a neg. and ρις or plv the nose) wanting the nose ; simple, unintelligent, dull, stupid. Αρίς, -ίδος, η, a fie, rasp, scraper. Also the name of an unknown herb called also αρίσαρον. Αρίσαμος, Dor. for Αρίσημος, -ov, b, η, (fr. άρι intens. and σήμα 3. mark) famous, il- lustrious ; celebrated in war, courageous, brave. Αρισθάρμάτος, -ου, b, (fr. άριστος best, and άρμα a chariot) that has the finest chariot; the best driver. Άριστα, (fr. άριστος best) very well, excellently. Αρισταγορης, -ου, b, Arislagoras, a man's name. ΑρισταΧος, -ου, b, Aristceus, a man's name. Αρισταρχέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. άρισ- τος best, and αρχή rule) to com- mand, rule, or govern best; to take the lead in the state ; to dis- charge any office with credit. Αρίσταρχος, -ου, b, Arislarchus, a man's name. Αριστάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ηρίστηκα, (fr. άριστον dinner) to dine, eat a meal at noon. 1 a. act. ηρίστη- ca' impr. αρίστησον, -άτω. Αριστείδης, -ου, Ό, Aristides, a man's name. ΑριστεΊον, -ου, το, (fr. άριστος best) a reward properly of valour, meed, recompense; a monu- ment. Αριστερά, -ας, η", viz. χειρ, (fr. αρισ- ίερος left) the left hand. Αριστερενω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same) to be left handed, to use the left, hand. Αριστερός, -a, -bv, (fr. άριστος best. 'The Greeks thought to amend, or at least reconcile awkward things, by giving them favoura- ble names, and thence they thus named the weaker hand, foot, side, &c.) left, the left hand, foot, eye, side, &c. ac- cording to the substantive un- derstood ; sinister, unlucky, ominous; inferior, small, insig- API nificant. — Αριστερά, -ων, τά, the left side, left parts; the viest ; misfortunes, ill luck. Αριστεύεσκε, imp. ind. Ion. of Αριστευέσκω, for αριστεύω. Αριστεύοισα, Dor. for αριστεύουσα, fern. par. pres. act. — Αριστεύ- σασα, fern. part. 1 a. act. of αρισ- τεύω. Αριστεύς, - ίος, Att. -ίως, b, (fr. άριστος best) a chief, head, lead- er, general, prince. — Αριστέες, the great, the nobility. Αριστεύω, f. -ευσω, p. ηρίστευκα, (fr. last) to fight bravely, be- have gallantly, be among the fore- most ; to excel, surpass. Αριστηες, Αριστήεσσι, Ion. for αρισ- τέες, η. and αριστεύσι, d. pi. of αριστεύς. Αριστήσατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. — Αριστήση,3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of αριστάω. Αριστίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. άριστον din- ner) to give, or provide dinner ; to invite, or entertain at dinner. Αριστίνδην, (fr. άριστος best) each best, every bravest ; the best, or stoutest, as picked out ; for merit, as a reward. Αριστόβουλος, -ου, b, Anstobulus, a man's name. Αριστογείτων, -όνος, b, Aristogiton, a man's name. Αριστογύνος, -ου, b, η, (fr. άριστος best, and γόνος offspring) the chief, father, or parent of a good race, or noble progeny ; produc- ing the best ; noble, high bred. Αριστόδημος, -ου, b, Aristodemus, a man's name. Άριστοι, -ων, οι, (pi. of άριστος best) the chiefs, leaders, nobles, those distinguished by conduct, bravery, or spirit. Αριστοκράτεια, and Αριστοκρατία, ας, η, (fr. άριστοι the nobles, and κρατίω to govern) an aristocra- cy, a government by the rich and great; the great, the no- bility. Αριστοκρατίω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. last) to rule supreme ; to govern best ; to form, or compose an aristocra- cy. — Αριστοκρατέομαι -ουμαι, to live under, acquiesce in an aris- tocracy. Αριστοκράτης, -έος, b, Aristocrates, a man's name. Αριστοκρατικός, -η,-όν, (fr. αριστο- κράτεια an aristocracy) aristo- cratical, inclined to the aristo- cracy. Κριστοκρατίκως, (fr. la£t) aristocra- tically. Αριστόμάχος, -ov, b, η, (fr. άριστος best, and μάχη a fight) foremost in fight, bravest in battle, excel- ling in courage, valorous. Άριστον, -ου, το, (fr. αόριστος un- determined. Or fr. jjf)i early. Or fr. άριστος principal) dinner. Αριστόνοος, -ov, b, η", (fr. άριστος best, and νόος mind) well-mind- ed, well-intentioned, benevolent, kind, humane; brave, valiant. Αοιστοπόνος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, (88) APK and πόνος labour) laborious, dili- gent, assiduous, active. Άριστος, -η, -ov, (fr. Άρης Mars j but attributed as a superlative to αγαθός good) best, bravest, wor- thiest; excellent; chief, princi- pal, noble. Αριστοτέλης, -εος -ους, b, Aristotle, a man's name. Αριστοτόκεια, -ας, t), used as the fern, of Αριστοτόκος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. άριστος best, and τίκτω to breed) thepa- rcnt of a fine family, of a noble race; best bred, best of children ; nobly born. Αριστοφάνενς, Dor. for Αριστοφά- νους, g. of Αριστοφάνης, -εος -ους, and -ου, b, Aristophanes, a Greek comic poet. Αριστόχειρ, -ειρος, b, η, (fr. άρισ- τος best, and χειρ the hand) very brave, gallant ; strenuous, active, ready, handy, Αριστωτός, -ου, b, (fr. άριστον din- ner) dinner-time. Αρισφάλής, -εος -οΐίς, b, ή, (fr. apt intens. and οφάλλω to trip) smooth, slippery, steep, precipi- tous ; deceitful, false, erroneous; doubtful, hesitating, dubious ; simple, credulous. Αριφραδέως, (fr. next) very clear- ly, evidently, plainly. Αριφράδης, -έος -ους, b, ι), (fr. apt intens. and φραδης cautious) dis- tinguished, remurkable ; distinct, clear, evident ; shining, bright. Άρίχος, see άρριχος. Αρίων, -όνος, b, Arion, a man's name. Αρκαδία, -ας, and Αρκαδίη, -ης, ή, Arcadia, the name of a country. Αρκάδιος, -ου, b, (fr. last) an Ar- cadian. Αρκεί, impers. (fr. αρκέω to suffice) it suffices, it is enough, it will do. ΑρκεΊσθε, 2 pi. cont. pres. impr. mid. — Αρκέση, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of αρκέω. Αρκεόντως, Ion. for Αρκούντως, (fr. same) sufficiently, enough. Αρκέσει, 3 sin. 1 f. act. — Αρκζσθη- σόμεθα, 1 pi. of Αρκεσθήσομαι, 1 f. pass, of same. Αρκεσίλάος, -ου, b, Arcesilaus, a man's name. Αρκεσίλας, -a, b, Dor. for last. Άρκεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η", (fr. αρ- κέω to suffice) sufficiency, com- petency ; capability ; benefit, use- fulness, advantage; help, aid, assistance, relief. Αρκετόν, viz. εστί, (neut. of next) enough, it is *^ /u^li, same as αρκεΊ. Αρκετός, -η, -tP, (fr. αρκέω to suf- fice) sufficient, enough. Αρκετώς, (fr. last) sufficiently. Αρκεύθίνος, -η, -ov, (fr. next) juni- per, of the juniper. Άρκενθος, -ov, ?/, the juniper tree. Αρκέω -ω, f. -έσω, p. -ήρκεκα, to suffice, be sufficient, satisfy, con- tent ; to avert, repel, turn away % ΑΡΜ drive off"; to relieve, aid, sue cour, give assistance, help suffi- ciently. Αρκευμαι -ονμαι, to be satisjied, or contented ; to acqui- esce, agree. 1 a. act. ήρκεσα, Ion. άρκεσα, per. pass, ήρκεσμαι, 1 a. pass, ηρκέσθην. 1 f. pass. αρκεσθήσομαι. Άρκίος, -ov, δ, »'/, Poet, for αρκε- • τΰς, (fr. last) sufficient, capable, able ; assistant, helping, useful, beneficial ; averting, repelling ; lucky, see also αρκτικός. ΑρκτεΊος, -a, -ov, (fr. άρκτος a bear) like a bear. Αρκτέος, -a, -ov, (fr. άρχω to be gin) it must, or is to be begun. Αρκτικός, -η, -ov, and Άρκιος, -ov b, )), (fr. άρκτος the greater bear, or the plough) arctic, northern respecting the constellation of the bear. Αρκτομύς, -νος, b, (fr. άρκτος a bear, and μΐίς a mouse) some species of mouse. Άρκτος, -ου, δ, and f), a bear ; the constellation of the bear ; the north. Αρκτουρος, -ov, b, {fr. άρκτος the bear, and ουρά the tail) Arctu rus ; a star in the constellation of the Great Bear. Αρκτοφνλαξ,-ακος^, (fr. same, and φυλάσσω to guard) the guardian of the north, the constellation of Bootes, or the ploughman. Αρκτώος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) arctic, northern. Αρκνς, -υος, '/, a net, toils; a net, cap, or covering for the hair ; a fillet, headband, garland. Αρκώς, same as αρκετως. Άρμα, -άτος, το, ("fr. άρω to join) a chariot, cart, carriage, vehicle. Αρμαγεδδών, Heb. indecl. Arma- geddon, the mountain of Me- giddo. ΆρμαΧιά, -ας, and Ion. -λί>7, -ης, η, (fr. άρω to firm, and μίΧη the limbs) food, maintenance, allow- ance , a pittance, small quantity. a. sin. Ion. άρμαΧιήν. Αρμάμαξα, -ας, η, (fr. άρμα a car- nage, and άμαξα a wagon) a carriage, vehicle, properly for the use of women ; a covered car- riage. Αρμάτειος, and ΆρμάτιΌς, -a,-ov, (fr. άρμα a carriage) belonging to a chariot, relating to carriages, like, or in the style of a chariot ; curricle. ΑρματηΧασία, -ας, $, (fr. άρμα a carriage, and εΧαννω to drive) charioteering, driving a carriage ; a chariot race. Άρματηλάτας, -a, b, Dor. for Άρ- ματηΧάτης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a charioteer, driver of a chariot. Άρματίκη, and Dor. -κα, -ης, fj, (fr. same, and νίκη victory) the victory in a chariot race. Άρμάτιον, -ov, το, (dim. of same) a small chariot or carriage. * αρματοδρομία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and δρόμος a race) a chariot race. Μ APN Άρματόκτΰπος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and τντχτω to strike) chariot rat- tling. Άρματοηηγός, -ov, b, (fr. same, and ττήγννμι to frame) a maker 'of chariots, coachmaker. Αρμενία, -ας, η, Armenia ; an Ar- menian woman. Αρμένιος, -ov, Ό, η, (fr. last) Arme- nian. Άρμενον, -ov, το, (fr. next) a tool, instrument ; furniture, tackle, rigging, &c. Άρμενος, -η, -ov, (Sync, (or α ρό μέ- νος, par. pres. pass, ο(άρωΐοήΐ) adapted, fit, proper, convenient. Αρμόδιος, -a, -ov, (lr. αρμόζω to adapt) ft, proper, suitable, agreeable ; familiar, intimate. Αρμόδιος, -ου, b, a man's name, Harmodius. Άρμόζοισα, Dor. for άρμόζονοα, lem. par. pres. act. of Αρμόζω, or -ττω, f. -σω, p. ηρμοκα, (fr. αρμός a joint) to adjust, adapt, apply, accommodate ; to tune, harmonize ; to ft, suil, agree j to espouse, betroth, con- tract. Αρμοί, (fr. same) fitly, convenient- ly, agreeably, aptly. Αρμοί, (fr. same) lately, just now. Αρμονία, -ας, and Ion. -ίη, -ης, η, (fr. same) a joining, filing; closeness, compactness ; con- cord, concert, agreement ; a com- pact, covenant, bargain ; har- mony. Άρμονίδης, -ov, and Ion. -εω, δ, a man's name, Harmonides. Αρμονικός, -η, -ov, (fr. αρμονία a joining) filing, answering, agree- ing to; suitable, adapted; har- rnordcal, musical. Αρμόδιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same)co?z-| gruous, filing ; harmonious. Αρμός, -ου, δ, (fr. άρω to fit). α joint; a joining, closure, seam a limb, member ; a hinge, bolt, latch. "Αρμοσται, Ion. for ηρμοσται, 3 sin. per. pass, of αρμόζω. Αρμοστή, -ης, η, (fern, of next) a bride. Άρμοστός, -η, -ov, (fr. αρμόζω ίο fit) convenient, suitable, agreeable. Άρμόττοιμι, in 3 pi. άρμόττοιεν, pres. opt. act. of Άρμόττω, same as αρμόζω. Αρναίος, -ov, b, a man's name, Arncsus. Αρνακις, -ίδος, η, (fr. άρς a lamb) a sheep 's, or lamb's skin. Άρνας, a. pi. of αρην, or άρς. Αρνεϊον, -ου, το, (fr. next) a place where lamb, or mutton is sold, market, shambles. Αρνειός, -ου, δ, (fr. άρς a Iamb) a grown lamb, ram, hoggerel. Άρνείος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) of a lamb, like a lamb. Αρνέΐσθαι, pres. inf. mid. cont. of Αρνέομαι -ουμαι, f. -ησομαι, p. ήρνη- μαι, (fr. a neg. and άρς a lamb slain when a treaty is made) io quarrel irreconcileably ; to deny, (89) APO disown, renounce withhold. to refuse, a. mid. ind. ηρνησά- μην sub. αρνήσωμαι' inf. αρνή- σασθαι' par. αρνηοάμενος. Αρνευτηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. άρς a lamb, because they leap head fore- most as lambs butt) a diver, fish- erfor pearls. Ά (5i7/i -ης, η, name of a city, also of Neptune's nurse, Arne. Αρνησάμενος, -η, -ov, par. — A[)v>y- σασθαΐ, inf. 1 a. mid. — Αρντ/σ^- ται, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. mid. — Ao- ν>)σομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. θί αρνέομαι. Άρνησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. αρ- νέομαι to deny) a denial, disavow* al; rejusul. Αρνηται, 3 sin. cont. pres. sub. of αρνίομαι. Αρνητικός, -η, -ov, (fr. same) that denieSj or refuses, negative. Αρνητικώς, (fr. last) negatively. Αρνίον,-ου, τό, (dim. ofapialamb) ayoung lamb, lambkin, kid. Αριός, g. sin. of άρς, also, Άρνυς, -ov, b, same as άρς. Αρνούμεθα, 1 and Αρνούνται, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. pass. — Αρνού- μενος, -η } -ov, par. pres. pass, cont. of αρνέομαι. Άρννμαι, ( perhaps fr. άρς a lamb, an original means of barter) to lake, get, receive, have ; to procure, acquire, purchase ; to change, barter; io reach, attain lp, arrive at ; to seek, claim ; to assert, vindicate, par. pres. pass. αρννμενος, η. du. αρννμενω. imp. ind. ηρννμην, -συ, -το. Αρνών, g. pi. of άρς. Αρξάμενος, 1 a. m. par. — Άρζασ θαι, 1 a. inf. mid. of άρχω. Αρξευμαι, Dor. for αρξουμαι, which 2Eol. for Άρζυμαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. of same. Αρξώμαι, -η, -ηται, 2 and 3 pi. -ξηνθε, -ξωνται, 1 a. sub. mid. of same. Αρόης, -οΊς, 2 sin. pres. sub. of αρόω. Αροίμαν, Dor. for Αροίμην, -οιο, -οιτο, in 1 pi. αροίμε* θα, 2 a. opt. mid. of αίρω. Αρόμμεναι, Poet, for Αρόμεναι, which Dor. for Αρόειν, pres. inf. act. of αρόω. Άρον, -ov, το, the herb ramp, or wakerobin. Άρον, 1 a. iropr. act. of αίρω. Άροντο, Ion. for ήροντο, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. mid. of same. Αρόσαι, 1 a. inf. act. ■— Αρόσω, -jtf, -η, 1 a. sub. act. of αρόω. Αρόσιμος, -ov, δ, η, (fr. αρόω to plough) arable, ft for tillage; ploughed, cultivated, tilled. Άροσις, Αρόωσις, and Αροτρίασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, fj, (fr. same) ploughing, tillage, cultivation^ farming ; agriculture, land in tillage ; a corn field. Αρόσσω, same as αρόω. pres. inf. act. αρόσσειν. Αρόται, η. pi. of Αρότης, -ov, and Α^οτηρ, -ηρος, δ, (fr. αρόω to plough) aploughman ΑΡΠ tiller, husbandman ; a cultivator, practitioner, student ; an epithet of oxen. Αρύτοιο, Ion. for αρότον, g. sin. of Άροτος, -ου, δ, (fr. αρ<5ω to plough) ploughing; the season for plough- ing ; procreation. Αροτός, -ή, -bt>, (fr. same) plough- ed ; arable, Jit for tillage. Άροτρα, pi. oi άροτρον. Αροτρεύς, -ίος, Att. -έως, δ, Poet, for αρότης. Αροτρίασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, see αροσί?. Aporptau) -ω, and Αροτριάζω, f. -ασω, p. ηροτρίακα, (fr. άροτρον a plough) Zo plough, till, or pre- pare land; to labour, cultivate the earth. Αροτριων, η. and Λροτριώντα, a. sin. cont. par. pres. act. of last. Αροτρίωσις, -ιος, Att. -εωί, >;, same as άροοις. Αροτροειδής, -ίος -ους, δ, ^, (fr. next, and είδος figure) like, or re- sembling a plough. Άροτρον, -ου, το, (fr. αρόω to plough) a plough. Αρυτρόπους, -οδός, b, (fr. last, and 7rot5y a foot) the foot, or sock of the plough, the ploughshare. Αρουν, cont. for αρόειν, pres. inf. act. of αρόω. Apovpa, -ας, and Ion. Αρούρη, -ης,, ι), (fr. αρόω to plough) arable, ot ploughed land, afield, farm ; a square measure of 100 cubits, about the third of an Irish acre ; ground, land ; the earth. Αρονρηος. -a,-ov, (fr. last) arable, fit for, or relating to tillage ; ru- ral, rustic, wild. Αρούρίον, -ου, το, (dim. of same) a small field, paddock, a little farm. Αρουσι, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of αίρω. Αρόω -ω, f. αρόσω, p. ήροκα, to plough, till, cultivate ; per. pass. ήρομαι, -σαι, -ται. Αρόωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, same as άρασις. Αρπάγδην, (fr. αρπάζω to seize) in haste, hastily, eagerly, swiftly, by snatches; rapaciously, rave- nously, forcibly. ΑρπαγεΙς, -είσα, -εν, a. sin. -γίντα^ par. 2 a. pass, of same. Αρπάγη, -ης, η, (fr. αρπάζω to rob) rapine, robbery, pillage, taking by force ; a hook, drag, grapple, used for fishing up things fallen into a well. Άρπαγησόμεθα, 1 pi. 2 f. ind. m. of same. Άρπαγμα, and" Αρπασμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) spoils, plunder, booty ; pillage ; rapidity. Άρπαγμος, -ου, b, (fr. same) rob- bery, plunder, pillage. 'Αρπάζει, 3 sin. Άρπάζονσιν, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Άρπάζειν, pres. inf. act. — Αρπάζοντες, η. pi. par. pres. act. of Αρπάζω, f. -σω, and Dor. -ζω, p. 'ήρπακα, and ηρπαχα, to rob, plunder, pillage, spoil ; to snatch, seize, take forcibly, carry off ; to worry, tear, devour. 1 a. act. 'ήρ- APP πάσα. 2 a. act. ind. ηρπαγον' sub. αρπαγω. per. pass, ηρπασμαι, and ηρπαγμαι. 1 a. pass, τ)ρπάσ• θην' and ηρπάχθην. 2 a. pass, ηρπ'Ίγην, and ηρπάδην. per. ind. mid. ήρπαγα, and ηρπαδα. Άρπακτήρ, -ηρος, and Poet. Άρ- ' πακτης, -ου, b, (fr. last) a robber, plunderer, spoiler, ravisher. Αρπακτικός, -r), -bv, (fr. same) pil- laging, plundering; rapacious, covetous. Άρπακτικώς, (fr. last) violently; rapaciously, eagerly. Άρπακτος, -ή, -bv, (fr. αρπάζω to seize) plundered, robbed ; seized, wrested, extorted. Ά ιπάλίος,-α,-ον (fr. same) rapid, violent, ravenous ; swift, eager, furious. Άρπάλίως, (fr. last) rapidly, vora- ciously, violently ; by snatches. Άρπαλίζω, (fr. same) to seiz grasp, lay hold upon ; to catch an opportunity. "Αρπαξ, -άγος, b, η~, (fr. αρπάζω to rob) rapacious, ravening, de- vouring ; subs, a ravisher, plun- derer. Άρπάξαις, JEoL for Άρπάζας, -άσα, -αν, 1 a. par. of same. "Αρπας, a. pi. of ΐίρπη. Άρπάσας, 1 a. par. act. οΐΰρπάζω. Άρπάω -ω, f. -άσω, (fr. άρπη a sickle) to plunder, rob, steal. Αρπεδης, -ίος -ους, b, η, (fr. πίδον the ground) on a level with the ground, on the groundfioor. Άρπεδόνη, -ης, η, and Άρπεδών, -όνος, b, (fr. αρπάζω to seize) a rope, cord ; a halter, noose, snare, trap. Άρπεζα, -ας, η, (fr. πεζά the sole of the foot) the bottom, root, or foot of a mountain ; a fence, or wall of loose stones. "Αρπη, -ης, η, (fr. αρπάζω to seize) a sickle, reaping hook ; a crooked sword, hanger, scimitar ; a vul- ure, bird of prey. Άρπυ'ια, -ας, η, (fr. same) aharpy, a fabulous winged fiend ; a storm, whirlwind. Αρραβών,-ωνος, b, earnest, handsel ; a pledge, pawn, token, security. : a. sin. αρραβώνα. .■Αρραγής, -ίος -ους, b, η, (fr. a neg. and ρήσσω to break) unbroken, entire, sound, whole ; firm, strong, durable, lasting. Άρραξεν, Ion. for ήρραξεν, which Poet, for ήραξεν, 1 a. act. of αράσσω. Άρράφος, -ov, δ, η, (fr. α neg. and ραφή a seam) without seam, woven throughout, of one piece. Άρρενα, a. sin. — Άρρενες, η. pi. — Αρρίνων, ζ. pi. of άρρην. Αρμένικος, and Αρσενικός, -η, -bv, (fr. άρρην or άρσην male) mascu- line, manlike ; robust, strong. Αρρενογόνος,-ον^,η, (fr. same, and γίνομαι to be) bearing males, producing a manly offspring. Αρρενωδώς, (fr. same) in a manly manner, stoutly, bravely. (90) APP Αρρενωπός, and Αρρηνωπός, -ov, δ, >% (fr. same, and ώψ the face) of a manly countenance, of a noble mien, or air. Αρρεπης, -ίος -ους, and Άρρεπος, -ου, b, η, (fr. α neg. and ρίπω to incline) not leaning, inclining, or bending ; upright, erect; straight, direct ; impartial, unbiassed ; insignificant, of no consequence, weak, feeble. Αρρεψία, -ας, η, (fr. last) impar- tiality, indifference ; equitable ness. Αρρήκτοισι, d. pi. of Άρρηκτος, -ov, b, f), not to be broken. feee αρραγής. Άρρην, or Άρσην, -ενός, b, a male of any kind. Adj. masculine, manlike, manly ; strong, stout, brave, valiant. Αρρηνίω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. last) to play the man; to bully, rail, scold. Αρρηνης, -ίος -ους, b, η, (fr. same) male, masculine, strong ; harsh, stern ; severe, rigid, fierce, rough. Αρ'ρηνόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. same) to t ike a husband, many. Αρρηνόο- jjai -ουμαι, to act the man, be- have masculine ; to desire the male. par. per. pass, ηρρηνωμί- νος. Αρ'ρητοποιία, -ας, η, (fr. άρρητος in- expressible, and ποιίω to do) im- piety ; wickedness, villany ; in- famy, obscenity. Αρρητοποώς, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) abominable, detestable ; obscene, infamous ; a villain, profligate. Άρρητος, -oV,b, η. (fr. a neg. and ρίω to speak) unutterable, inex- pressible ; not before spoken, mentioned, or talked of, unuttcred; not to be named, or repeated, abominable, impious ; obscene, enigmatical, mysterious. Αρρήτως, (fr. last) secretly, obscure- ly, mysteriously. Άρρίζος, see άριζος. Αρριχασθαι, to crawl, or scramble up on the hands and feet; to mount, climb. Άρρίχος, Άρ'ίχος, Άρισκος, -ov, b, and Αρρίχη, -ης, },, a basket, pan- nier, or other wicker vessel. Άρρυθμος, -ου, b, (fr. a neg. and ρυθμυς rhythm) inharmonious, unmusical ; irregular, not me thodical, loose, wild ; immode rate. Αρρνθμως, (fr. last) inharmonious- ly, irregularly. Άρρυπος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. a neg. and ρύπος filth) clean, neat ; pure, chaste; upright. Αρρύσονται, for αναρΰσονται, 3 pi. I f. mid. of αναρύω, fr. ανά up, and αρνω, which see. Αρρωδίω, Αρρωδ'ια, Ion. for ορρω- δίω, and -δια. Αρρωστίω -<2,f. -ήσω, ρ •ηκα, (fr. α neg. and ρώνννμι to be strong) to be sick, infirm, labour under ill health. Αρρώστημα, -ατος,τό, (fr. last) sick- APT APT ness. weakness, infirmity, ill•, a trencher-friend; one of Ho- health. mer's mice. Αρ^ωοτία, -ας, A, (fr. same) sick- Αρτέω -ώ, and Αρτέομαι -ουμαι, see nm, disease, infirmity. Άρί)ωστος,-ου, b, >' h (fr. same) in- jir/n, u>ea/c, languid, sick; an invalid. Άρς, αρνός, b, Α., (perhaps fr. αρά a prayer, a lamb being a fre- quent sacrifice) a lamb. d. pi. αρνάσι. Αρσάμενος, iEol. for αράμενος, 1 a. per. mid. — Άρσας, A£o\. for άρας, 1 a. par. act. of άρω. Άρσεν, neut. sin. — Άρσενα, a. sin. — Άρσενε, η. or a. du. οΐάρσην, same as άρρην. Αρσενικός, -η, -ov, (fr. άρσην male) mascuZine. Αρσενοκο'ιτης, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and κοίτη a bed) a sodomite. Άρσην, -ενός, b, η, see άρρην. Άρσις, -ως, Att. -εως, η, (fr. αίρω to raise) exaltation, elevation, raising, lifting up ; a carrying, or taking away, deprivation ; a bur- den, load; tax, tribute. Άρσικος, -ου, b, see άρ'ριχος. Άρσον, 1 a. impr. act. — Άρσω, 1 f. ind. act. iEol. of άρω. Αρτάβαζος, -ov, b, Artabazus, a man's name. Αρτάβανος, -ου, Ό, Arlabanus, a man's name. Αρτάβη, -ης, f], a Persian measure for grain. Άρταμις, -ιδος, η, Dor. for Άρτε- μις. Άρταμος, -ου, b, (fr. άρτος bread, and τέμνω to cut) a butcher, cook, butler. Αρτάνη, -ης, η, (fr. αρτάω to hang up) a halter, noose, collar; a rope, strap, belt, support. Αρταξέρξης, -ου, b, Artaxerxes, a man's name. Αρτάω -ώ, and Ion. Αρτέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, to hang up, sus- pend; to attach, or fasten to; to support by. Αρτάομαι, and Ion. Αρτέομαι, to hang, be sus- pended from, or supported by ; to depend upon, rely, trust to; to prepare, provide, make ready ; to conciliate, ingratiate. Αρτεμας, -a, δ, Artemas, a man's name. Αρτεμέα, a. sin. and neut. pi. of Αρτεμης, -έος,-ους b, j, (perhaps fr άρτιος whole, or fr. a neg. and τέμνω to divide) whole, entire ; safe, sound ; even, not odd ; ft, proper, suitable. Άρτεμις, -toj, and-Woj, A,, Diana, Αρτεμισία, -ας, η, the herb mug- worth or motherworth ; Artemi- sia, a woman's name. Αρτεμίσιον, -ου, το, (fr. Άρτεμις Diana) a festival, temple, statue, or other thing dedicated to Diana. Αρτεμών, -όνος, b, (fr. αρτάω to hang up) the mainsail, foresail, topsail ; a sailyard, yard, or yard- arm, a. sin. αρτεμόνα. Αρτεμών, -όνος, b, a man's name. Αρτεπίβουλος, -ου, δ, (fr. άρτος bread, and επίβουλος awaylayer) Άρτημα, -άτος, τό, (fr. αρτάω to hang up) any thing suspended, hung up, or attached to, an ap- pendage ; a belt ; a pendant, ear- ring. Αρτηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. same) a sus- pender, or support of a burden, any contrivance to bear a load ; the shoulders, back; a strap, thong, rope, belt ; a case, sheath, scabbard ; a kind of shoe. Αρτηρία, -ας, η, (perhaps fr. αηρ air, and τηρέω to keep) an artery ; the pulse; the windpipe. Αρτηριακός, -η, -ov, (fr. last) arte- rial. Αρτηριοτομ,ία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and τέμνω to cut) a cutting, wound- ing, or separation of an artery ; or of the throat. Αρτηριώδης, -εος -ους, b, ή, (fr. same, and είδος a likeness) arte- rial ; resembling, or relating to an artery. Άρτι, now, at present, already, lately, just now; απ άρτι, or απάοτι, henceforth, henceforward, from this time; 'έως άρτι until now, till this time. In compos, it implies newness ; or, for άρτιος, whole, perfection. Αρτιάκις, (fr. άρτιος equal) equal- ly, evenly, of equal number. Αρτιάζω, f. -άσω, p. -ακα, (fr. same) to play at odd and even; to ft, make even, or equal ; to prepare, provide, furnish. Αρτιασμός, -ov, b, (fr. same) odd and even; playing at it. Αρτιβλαστης, -έος -ους, and Αρτί- βλαστος, -ov, b, ?/, (fr. άρτι late- ly, and β\αστάνω to bud) lately budding ; but now shooting ; sprouting, fresh. Αρτιβρεφης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. άρτι lately, and βρέφος an infant) lately born, infant, young. Αρτίγάμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and γάμος marriage) new married. ΑρτιγένεθΧος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and γενέθ\η a birth-day) same as Αρτιγενης, -έος -ους, b,rj, Poet, for Αρτιγέννητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and γίνομαι to be born) new born, lately, or just born ; very young. Αρτιδάκρυς, -νος, h, η, (fr. same, and δάκρυ a tear) lately weep- ing, mourning just now; in- clined to weep. Αρτιέπειος,-α, -ov, same as Αρτιεπης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. άρτιος perfect, and έπω to speak) talka- tive ; articulate, distinct, clear ; specious, insinuating, artful ; true, speaking truth, genuine. Αρτίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. same) to fit, frame ; to compose, settle ; to finish, complete ; to execute, per- form. ^ ΑρτιθαΧης, -έος -ους, ο, fj, (fr. same, and θάλλω to bloom) fresh blooming, just flourishing. (91) APT Αρτίκο\\ος, -ου, b, >'/, (fr. άρτι late- ly, or άρτιος perfect, and κολλάω to glue) sticking firmly, strong; wdl joined, compact ; lately made, new. Άρτιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. άρω to suit) even, equal ; whole, entire ; per- fect, complete, sound ; apt, fit, agreeable, proper. Αρτιπος, -ου, b, A,, Poet, for Αρτίπους, -οδυς, b, η, (fr. άρτιος sound, and -πους a foot) surefoot- ed, sound in the feet, firm, steady, strong, healthy. Άρτισις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. αρ- τίζω to form) finishing, perfec- tion, culture, care; ornament, embellishment, decoration. Αρτίτοκος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. άρτι lately, and τίκτω to produce) new born, very young ; that has lately borne, just delivered, Αρτίτροττος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and τρέπω to turn, οι τρέφω to rear) just reared, or arrived at maturi- ty, young. Αρτίφάτος, -ου, b, Α., (fr. same, and φάω to kill) lately dead, just kill- ed. Αρτίφρων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. άρτιος perfect, and ψρονέω to think, th. φρην the mind) sane, sound in mind. Αρτίως, (fr. same) perfectly, whol- ly, entirely; soundly, sensibly t truly. Αρτους, (fr- άρτι lately) just now, recently, lately ; evenly, fitly. Αρτοκο-ιάκός, -ου, b, η, (fr. άρτος bread, and κοπίαω to toil) well baked ; bread well wrought; a crust, or piece of bread. Αρτοκό-ος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and κόπτω to knead) a baker. Αρτοξέρξης, same as Αρταξέρξης. Αρτοποιός, -ου, b, η, (fr. άρτο? bread, and ττο: £ω to make) a baker. Άρτος, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. αίρω to raise) bread, a loaf; food. Αρτοφάγος, -oυ,b, (fr. άρτος bread, and φάγω to eat) loaf-nibbler, one of Homer's mice. Αρτνθήσεται, 3 sin. 1 f. pass. — Ap- τύσετε, 2 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of ap- τύω. Άρτϋμα, -άτος, το, (fr. αρτύω to pickle) sauce, seasoning ; pickle t brine. Άρτυσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) seasoning, relish, sauce. Αρτύω, or Αρτννω, f. αρτνσω, p. ήρ• τνκα, (fr. άρω to fit) to fit, suit, accommodate ; to contrive, feign ; to provide, furnish, equip; to season, salt, pickle. 1 a. act. ήρ- τυσα. par. pres. pass, αρτυδμενος. per. pass, ήρτυμαι' par. ηρτνμέ* νος. 1 a. ind. pass, ηρτνθην. 1 f. pass, αρτυθήσομαι. Αρνσάμενος, par. 1 a. mid. of αρύω. Αρυστηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. αρύω to draw) a measure ; a glass-full % gill ; a bucket and wheel, or such like machine for a well. Αρυτηρ, -^pos,//,(fr. same) abuck- et, pump, or other mstwmeiti t draw water. ΑΡΧ Αρύω, and Αρύτω, ί.Λρύσω, p. ήρυ- κα, <ο draw, raise from below ; to lift. Αρφαξάδ, indecl. Arphaxad, a man'» name. Αρχάγγελος, -ου, b, (fr. αρχή head, and άγγελος an angel) an arch- angel, chief angel, prince of angels. Αρχαγέτας, -α, b, Dor. for αρχηγέ- της, -ου, b, and Αρχάγός, Dor. for αρχηγός, -ov, b, (fr. same, and ηγέομαι to lead) a head, leader, captain, chief, ruler. Αρχάθεν, Dor. for αοχηθεν, (fr. same) ^/rom oW ; of old, former- ly, anciently, long ago. Αρχαϊ, -ων, at, (pi. of same) first- fruits, first offerings. Αρχαΐζω, f. -ίσω, p. -ικα, (fr. αρ- χαίος ancient) to imitate the an- cients ; to adopt old customs ; to restore to its undent state. Αρχαϊκός, and Αρχαιϊκός, -η, -όν, (fr. same) antiquated, old, old fashioned. Αρχαϊκώς, (fr. last) old fashioned- ly ; anciently. Αρχαίοι, -ων, ot, (pi. of αρχαίος an- cient) the ancients; ancestors, forefathers. Αρχαων, -ου, το, (neut. of same) a loan, debt, principal sum ; usance, usurious profit ; inter- est, return, income. Αρχαίος, -a, -ov, and Ion. -η, -ov, cotnp. -ότερυς, sup. -ότατος, (fr. αρχή the beginning) ancient, old, of former times ; old fashioned, antique, out of date. Αρχαιότης, -ητος, $, (fr. last) anti- quity, the men, or times of old ; ancientness, oldness. Αρχαιρεσία, -ας, η, (fr. αρχή rule, and α'ιρέω to elect) an election, creation of magistrates. Αρχαιρεσιάζω, f. -άσω, fr. last) to assemble for, or hold an election ; to elect, vote, choose ; to canvass, solicit votes, or interest. Αρχαϊσμός, -ου, b, (fr. αρχαίος an- cient) imitation of the ancients affectation of antiquated style; aniarchaism, or ancient phrase, or mode of expression. Αρχαίως, (fr. same) anciently, for- merly, of old. Άρχαμος, -ου, b, (fr. αρχή govern- ment) a prince, chief, ruler. Αρχέδημος, -ου, b, a man's name. Αρχιδίκης, -ου, b, (fr. αρχή rule, and δίκη justice) a just ruler, equitable magistrate, impartial judge. Αρχίζωσις, -εως, i% the white vine. 'Αρχει, 3 sin. pres. ind. — Άρχειν, pres. inf. act. — ΆρχεσΘαι,ρ^β. inf. pass — Άρχεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass, of άρχω. ΑρχεΊον, -ου, το, (neut. of next) the palace, court, or residence of the prince, or magistrates ; a council chamber, courts of justice, public hall. ΑρχεΊος, -a, -ov, same as αρχαΧος. Αγχέχ$κος, «/, (fr. same) sooty, smutty, dirty. m) ΑΣΗ Ασδρούβαλ, indecl. Asdrubal, man's name. Ασέβεια, -ας, η, (fr. άσεβης imp ous) impiety, profanation, un godliness ; wickedness, sin. Ασεβίω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. ησίβηκα, (fr. same) to act impiously, be un- godly, sin. 1 a. inf. act. ασεβή- σαι. Ασεβή, a. sin. and neut. pi. cont. of ασεβής. Ασεβη aa, -ατός, rb, (fr. next) im- piety, profanation, wickedness ; a sin, crime ; an expiation, atone- ment. Ασεβής, -εος -ους, δ, η, (fr. α neg. and σ'εβω to respect) impious, ungodly ; wicked, sinful, pro- fane. Aσείpωτoς,-oυ,b,ϊ|, (fr. α neg. and σειρά a chain) not fastened to, unattached, unharnessed, ungo- vernable, wild. Ασελγαίνω, f. -άνω, (fr. ασελγής wanton) same as ασελγέω. Ασέλγεια, -ας, i h (fr. same) wan- tonness, lasciviousness, lewdness; immodesty ; impudence, inso- lence ; insult. Ασελγέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. same) to wanton, play lasciviously, act ob- scenely, behave indecently. It is construed actively in the passive like a deponent. Ασελγέω ς, (fr. same) wantonly, lewdly ; insolently. Ασελγής, -έος -ους, b, //, (fr. α neg. or intens. and Σέλγη a place, according to some, of remarka- bly good manners ; according to others, of notorious infamy) pe- tulant, impudent, insolent ; wan- ton, debauched, lewd, lascivious ; impure, shameless. Ασελγώς, same as ασελγέως. Ασέληνος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. α neg. and σελήνη the moon) dark, without light ; dim, gloomy, shady. Άσεμνος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and σεμνός honourable) dishonoura- ble ; dishonest ; irreverend ; base, mean, undignified. Άσετττος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same, and σέβω to revere) same as ασεβής. Ασετής, -ίος -ους, Ό, ή, (Gen. xviii. 25. ) impious, ungodly, wicked. Άιτενμαι, Dor. for άσομαι, 1 f. mid. of άδω. Άση, -ης, %, (fr. άδω to satiate) nausea, loathing ; disgust, dis- like, aversion ; trouble, uneasi- ness, anxiety. Ασή, 2 sin. 1 f. mid. — Ασϋείς, par. 1 a. pass, of άδω. Ασηθείην, opt. — Ασηθώ, sub. of ησήθην, 1 a. pass, of ασάω. Ασήμαντος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. α neg. ano σημαίνω to mark) not markea or branded, unmarked; unob* served, unattended, unguarded, unprotected, neglected. Άσημον,-ου,τό, (neut. of next) wn- slamped, uncoined, or unwrought silver ; plate. Άσημος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. a neg. and σήμα a mark ) without any mark, or note of distinction ; mean^ w»< ΑΣΙ significant ; humble, lowly, mo- dest ; obscure, inconsiderable ; indistinct, confused. Ασήμως, (fr. last) obscurely, mean- s iy> Άσηπτος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. a neg. and σήπω to rot) sound, whole, heal- thy ; lasting, durable, incorrupt i ble. Ασήρ, Heb. indecl. Aser, a man's name. Ασήσω, -τ/ς, -;/, 1 a. sub. act. of ασάω. Ασθένεια, and Ασθενία, -ας, fj, (fr. α neg. and σθένος strength) weak- ness, infirmity, bad health ; want, poverty ; cowardice, pusillani- mity. Ασθενές, neut. sin. — Ασθενή, -νε7ς, -νους, -νών, cases of ασθενής. Ασθενέω -ω, f. -ήσω, ρ. ησθένηκα, (fr. a neg. and σθένος strength) to be sick, weak, or infirm; to lan- guish, pine, decay ; to be im- poverished, reduced, or destitute ; to be in doubt, waver, par. pres. act. ασθενέων -ων, -έονσα -ονσα, iov -ουν. imp. ind. act. ησθένεον -ουν. 1 a. act. ησθένησα' par. ασθενήσας, -ασα, -αν. Ασθένημα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) weakness, infirmity of body or mind ; prejudice ; sickness, dis- ease, pi. ασθενήματα. Ασθενής, -έος -ους, δ, η, comp. ασθε- νέστερος, sup. -τατος, (fr. same) infirm, weak, feeble, impotent ; sick, ill; poor, destitute, indi- gent ; simple, ignorant, silly. Ασθενικός, -η,-ον, (fr. ασθενής sick) weak, sickly, delicate ; poor, in- digent. Ασθενουμεν, 1 pL cont. pres. ind. act. — Ασθενουντα, -τας, -των, -νουσαν, -νοϋσι, cont. cases par. pres. act. of same. Ασθενώ?, (fr. ασθενής sick) weakly, feebly ; poorly. Άσθη, Ion. for ήσθη, 1 a. ind. pass. of άω, to hurt. Ασθμα, -ατός, το, (fr. άω to breathe) shortyiess of breath, dif- ficulty of breathing; panting, palpitation ; asthma. Ασθμαίνοντα, a. sin. or neut. pi. par. pres. of Ασθμαίνω, f. -άνω, p. ήσθμαγκα,η.πά Ασθμάζω, (fr. άσθμα panting) to breathe with difficulty ; to gasp, pant, palpitate. Ασθματικός, -η, -dv, (fr. same) breathing with difficulty, asthma- tic ; panting, gasping. Ασία, -ας, fj, Asia, the name of a country. Ασιάνός, • ή, -bv, (fr. last) relating to Asia, Asiatic. Ασιάρχης, -ov, b, (fr. same, and αρχή rule) a prince, ruler, or governor of Asia ; an Asiarch, religious officer, presiding over the public games in the Asiatic - provinces. Ασίας, -αδος, η, Asia. Ασιδα, ii.decl. the stork. Ασίδηρος, -ου, δ, >/, (fr. a neg. and σίδηρος iron) without iron, with• ΑΣΚ out a rword or weapon, unarm ed. Ασίη, -ης, fi, Ion. for «σία, fern, of ασίος. Άσιμος, -ov, δ, silver. Ασίνη, -ης, {], the name of an herb, and of a city. Ασίνης, -έυς -ους, δ, fj, (fr. α η and σίνω to hurt) unhurt^ free from harm, safe, sound ; harm- less, innocent. Ασίος,'-α, -ov, (fr. άσις dirt) muddy, miry ; boggy, marshy. Ασίρακος, -ov, b, a kind of locust. 'Ασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, and Άση, -VS, »% (perhaps fr. άζω to dry) mud, slime, mire ; filth, dirt, sweepings. Ασιτέω -u>, f. -ήσω, (fr. a neg. and σΧτος food) to fast. ΑσιτΊ, (fr. same) fasting. Ασιτία, and Ασιτεία, -ας, fj, (fr. same) fasting, abstinence from, or neglect of food; hunger, want of food. Ασιτίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. same) to fast, ΆσΊτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) unfed, fasting, hungry, starving. Ασκάλάβος, and Ασκαλαβώτης, -ov, b, an eft, newt, lizard. Ασκάλάφος, -ov, b, a kind of bird ; also, a man's name. Άσκαλος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and σκάλλω to dig) undug, untitled, uncultivated; neglected, vjaste, barren. Ασκαλώπας, -ov, b, a woodcock. Ασκάντης, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. a neg. and σκηνή a curtain) a couch or pallet ; a small, or poor bed ; a footstool. Ασκαρδέμνκτι, (fr. same, Άπάσκαρ- δαμνσσω to wink) without wink- ing, steadily, steadfastly. Ασκαρϊς, -Υδος, »/, a kind of worm. Ασκιθής, Ασχεθής, and Ασκηθής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. α. neg. ana σχέθω to hinder) unhurt, safe, sound ; unimpeded, unhindered, free.^ Ασκελέως, (fr. next) harshly, hard- ly, severely, heavily ; incessantly, continually. Ασκεπής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. a in- tens. and σκέλλω to parch, or a priv. and σκέλος a leg) soft, ten- der, not yet firm, immature; wanting legs, imperfect, defect- ive ; immoveable, fired ; con- stant, continual, incessant ; hard- ened, driedup,very hard, Mlous. Ασκεπτος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. a neg. and σκέπτομαι to survey) unseen; hasty, rash, inconsiderate. Ασκέπτως, (fr. same) hastily, in- considerately, rashly. Ασκενής,-έος-ους,Β.ηάΆσκενος,-ον, δ, fj, (fr. same, and σκεύος furni- ture) unprovided, unprepared. Ασκέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ήσκηκα, (fr. ασκός the body) to practise, ex- ercise ; to toil, work, labour; to teach, instruct ; to provide, fur- nish, adorn. 1 a. ind. act. ήσκη- σα' par. ασκήσας. Άσκησις, -ως, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) practice, exercise* employ-, (94) Α2Π ment ; study, pursuit, diligence ; custom, habit; regimen, diet, training. Ασκητέος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) to be practised, tried, &c. Ασκητήριον, -ov, το, (fr. same) a school, hall, or public place for study or exercise ; a monastery, convent. Ασκητής, -ου, b, (fr. same) a teach- er, master; an ascetic, hermit. Ασκητος, -ή, -ov, (fr. same) exer- cised, practiced ; usual, custom- ary ; elaborate, complete, perfect ; ascetic, austere. Άσκιος, -a, -ov, (fr. a intens. and σκία a shade) shady, dusky, dark, gloomy. Or, (fr. a neg.) without shade, exposed, open, glaring, desolate. Ασκλάπώς, Dor. for Ασκληπιός, -ov, b,uEsculapius, the god of medicine. Ασκληπιάδης, -ov, B, the son oj JEsculapius. Άσκοπος, -ου, b, fj, same as άσκεπ- τος. Ασκόπως, same as ασκέπτως. Ασκός, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. a re- dund. and σγ/ω to contain) α leathern bottle, skin sewed up tt hold liquor ; the human body liv- ing, or a corpse. Ασκούμεν, 1 pi. pres. cont. ind. of ασκέω. Άσκρα, -ας, and Ion. Άσκρη, -ης^ η, name of a town. Ασκώ, 1 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of α σκι ω. Άσμα, -ατός, το, (fr. $δω to sing) a song, poem, verse. Ασμάτιον, -ov, to, (dim. of last) a ballad, ditty. Ασμάχ, or Ασχαμ, indecl. a man's name, or an eastern title of an officer immediately attending the king. Άσμενος, -η, -ov, (fr. ήσμενος par. per. pass. οΠ';<5ω to delight) glad, willing, pleased, delighted, comp. -έστερος, sup. -έστατος. Ασμένως, (fr. last) gladly, joyfully. Ασμος, -ov, b, same as άσμα. Ασοφία, -ας, η", (fr. α neg. and σο- φία wisdom) folly, indiscretion, silliness; ignorance, inexperience. Άσοφος, -ov, b, η, (fr, same, and σόφος wise) foolish, silly, indis- creet ; ignorant, simple, un- taught. Ασόφως, (fr. last) foolishly, indis- creetly ; ignorantly. Ασπάζομαι, f. -άσομαι,ρ. ήσπασμαι, (fr. α intens. and σπάω to draw) to embrace ; to treat kind- ly, entertain, welcome ; to greet, salute ; to send wishes, compli- ments, or respects, imp. ind. ησ- παζόμην. 1 a. mid. ind. ησπασά μην' imp. άσπάσαι' sub. ασπάσω- μαι' inf. ασπάσασθαι' par. ασπα- σάμενρς. Ασπα'ιρω, f. -άρω, and Ασπαιρίζω, (fr. a intens. and σταίρω to gasp) to* sob, sigh ; to tremble, throb, beat, palpitate ; to gasp, be in agony of death, ΑΣΠ Ασπάλαθος, -ου, δ, the white thorn, or rose of Jerusalem. Ασπάλαξ, -ακος, δ, (perhaps fr. σπάω to draw) a mole. Ασπαλιευς, -έος, Att. -εως, δ, (fr. next, or fr. σπάω to draw, and «Aj the sea) a fisherman. Άσπαλος -ov, δ, a fish. Ασπάράγος, or Att. Ασφάρύγος,-αν, δ, asparagus ; brocoli, cabbage, and such esculent vegetables. Άσπαρτος, -ου, δ, ^, (fr. α neg. and σπείρω to sow) ηοί sown, wn- sor/m ; uncultivated. Ασπάρτως, (fr. last) without sow- ing. Άσπασαι, 2 sin. and -σασθε, 2 pi. impr. — Ασπάσασθαι, inf. — Ασπασάμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. of ασπάζομαι. Ασπάσησθε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. mid. of same. Ασπάσίος, -a, -ov, and -ου, δ, ^, (fr. ασπάζομαι to embrace) pleasing, acceptable, agreeable, delightful; welcome. Ασπασίως, (fr. same) willingly, readily, agreeably. Ασπασμός, -ου, δ, (fr. same) an em- brace, caress; salutation, greet- ing; welcome ; wishes, compli- ments, respects. Ασπαστός, -ri,-ov,SZXi\e as ασπάσιος. Ασπαστως, same as ασπασίως. Άσπερμος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. a neg. and σπέρμα seed) without seed, or offspring ; barren, unfruitful. Ασπερχες, (fr. α intens. and σπέρ- χω to hasten) diligently, care fully, faithfully ; earnestly, vehe- mently ; incessantly, persevering- ly x continually. Άσπετος,-ον^,ή, (fr. a neg. and εσπω for επω to overtake) -unat- tainable ; great, huge, immense ; boundless. Ασπϊδής, -έος -ους, δ, ή, (fr. ασπίς a shield) round, like a shield. Ασπιδίσκη, -ης, η, (dim. of same) a small shield ; an escutcheon or ornament like a shield ; the bezel, or mounting of a ring, &c. Ασ-ιδιώτας, -a, b, Dor. for Ασπιδιώτης, -ov, δ, (fr. αοΊτϊς a shield) carrying a shield, a lar- geteer ; a warrior, soldier. Ασπιδόδονπος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and δούπος a sound) sounding like a shield when struck ; ring- ing, clanging. Ασπιδοειδης, -έος -ους, δ, f], (fr. same, and είδος shape) shield- shaped, like a shield ; carrying a shield, or buckler. Ασπιδοφόρος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and φέρω to carry) using a buckler, carrying a shield; an esquire, shield- bearer. Ασπίδων, g. pi. of ασπίς. Ασπίζω, f. -ίσω, p. -ικα, (fr. same) to shield, guard, defend ; to use, or manage the shield. 'Ασπιλος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. a neg. and σπΐλος a speck) spotless, untaint- ed; immaculate, pure. Ανπϊς, -'ίδος, ή, a shield, buckler, target; an asp, a kind of small ΑΣΤ serpent. Επ' ασπίδα, to the shield, or left side, ol ασπίδες, the shields men. Ασπιστάων, 2E.o\. for ασπιστων, g pi. of Ασπιστής, -ου, b, (fr. last) a soldier equipped with a buckler, tar- geteer ; a warrior. ' Ασπλαγχνος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg, and σπλάγχνον the bowels) heart- less, spiritless ; timid, cowardly ; merciless, pitiless, cruel, inhu- man. Άσπληνον, -ov, το, (neut. of next) an herb, and medicine good for diseases of the spleen. Άσπληνος, -ov,b, ή, (fr. α neg. and σπλην the spleen) wanting the spleen ; well- tempered, good-na- natured, kind. Ασπονδεΐ (fr. άσπονδος irreconcile- able) implacably, irreconcileably. Ασπονδίω,-ώ, (fr. same) to hate ; to have no intercourse ; to decline connexion ; to break an alliance. or treaty. Άσπονδος, -ov, b, η, (fr. α neg. and σπονδή a libation, th. σπένδω to pour) implacable, irreconcilea ble ; faithless, perfidious, treache- rous. Άσπορος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and σπόρος sowing) not sown, unsown uncultivated ; without seed ; not having offspring. Ασπονδαστος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and σπουδάζω to hasten) not worth pursuit, unworthy ; forbidden ; neglected, disregarded, slighted. Ασπονδε}, (fr. same, and σπονδή care) carelessly, negligently, in- differently ; without trouble, or pains. "Ασσα, Att. Άττα, (fr. a which, what, and σα in the Megarean dialect equivalent to τίνα some, what) for απερ, and ατινα, neut. pi. of 'όσπερ, and 'όστις, which see. Ασσάριον, -ov, το, (fr. Lat. assari- us, same as as, a pound) half an as, a Roman coin equal to about three farthings ; a penny. Ασσον, (fr. άσσων, irreg. comp. of εγγύς near) nearer ; next, nigh, near, close. Άσσος, -ov, >/,the name of a city. Ασσότερος, comp. Ασσότατος, sup. (fr. άσσον near) nearer ; next. Ασσοτέρω, Ασσοτάτω, (fr. last) nearer, next. Ασσνρία, -ας, ή, Assyria, the name of a country ; it was also called Babylonia, and Chaldoea. Ασσντερον, 2f£ol. for ασσότερον, see ασσότερος. Άσσων, το άσσον, (an irreg. comp. of εγγύς near) nearer. Αστακός, -ου, b, a lobster, crab. Αστάνδης, -ου, δ, Persian, a mes- senger, despatch ; an express, post. Αστάρτη, -ης, η, Astarte, or Ashta- roth ; an idol of the Philistines, supposed to represent Venus or the moon. Αστατέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ηστάτηκα, (95) ΑΣΤ (fr. next) to be unsettled, with- out a fixed residence ; to wander ; to waver, vary, be fickle, or in- constant ; to totter, stagger. Άστατος, -ου, b, η, (fr. α neg. and στάτος firm, th. 'ίστημι to set) unsteady, tottering; inconstant, fickle ; unsettled, wandering ; careless, negligent, indifferent. Αστάτως, (fr. last) loosely, unstea- dily. Άσταφις, -ιδος, ft, fr. aredund. and σταφϊς which see. Άστάχυς, -υος, b, (fr. a redutid. and στάχνς an ear of corn) « head, or ear of corn ; the beard of grain ; the straw ; the whole stalk. Άστεγος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and στέγω to cover) houseless, with- out house, or home, a stranger ; an exile, wanderer; not Jit to be received, or housed, insuffer- able, bad, vile; babbling, open- mouthed, not secret. ΑστεΊος, -a, -ov, (fr. άστν the city) an inhabitant of a city, citizen, townsman ; well-bred, polite ; ci- vil, courteous, kind; agreeable, pleasing ; handsome, comely, beautiful ; comical, droll. Άστειπτος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. a neg. and οτείβω to tread upon) untrod- den. Αστείως, (fr. αστείος polite) polite- ly, gracefully ; courteously, civil- ly, agreeably, pleasantly, cheer- fully.^ Αστεμφης, and Αστεμβης, -έος -ονς, b, η, (fr. α neg. and στέμβω to shake) fixed, firm, immoveable, steady ; brave, resolute. Αστέρα, -ρας, -ρες, -ρος, -ρων, cases of αστήρ. Αστεργης, -έος -ονς, δ, ή, (fr. α neg. and στέργω to love) unamiable, disagreeable, odious, hateful. Αστερίη, -ης, η, a woman's name. Αστερίσκος, and Αστερισμός, -ov, b, (dim. of αστήρ a star) a little star; a maik in printing ; a constellation ; the name of a plant. Αστερόεις, ~εσ<τα, -εν, (fr. same) starry, studded, or set with stars ; starlike ; bright, resplendent. Αστερόενθ', a. sin. mas. for άστε ρόεντα, before an aspirate. Αστερο -r), -ης, η, Poet, for αστραπή. Αού εροπητης, -ου, δ, (fr. last) an epithet of Jupiter, the lightner, the prince of lightning ; an au gur, or diviner of lightning. Αστη, -ης, η, fern, of αστός. Αστήρ, -έρος, b, (fr. αίθω to blaze) a star ; a planet ; a bright hea- venly body ; a meteor ; a comet. Αστήρικτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and στηρίζω to fix) unsettled, unsta- ble, unsteady, fickle, wavering. Αστίβής, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. same, and στείβω to tramp) untrod- den ; new, fresh ; desert, lonely, solitary. Αστικός, and Αστνκος, -i), -ov, (fr. άστυ the town) native in, o« belonging to a town ; polite, well ΑΣΤ bred, facetious, witty ; sensible, shrewd, prudent, clever; a towns- man, citizen. Αστΐκύς, (fr. last) politely, shrewd- ly, cleverly, ingeniously. Αστυίσι, d. pi. of αστός. Άστονος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a intens. and στίνω to groan) groaning, sigh ing. Or, (fr. α neg. and same) vnlhoul groans. Άστοργος, -ου, b, η, (fr. α neg. and στοργή affection) void of natural affection, unfeeling, unnatural. Αστός, -οΐ>, b, and fern. Αστη, -ης, η, (fr. άστυ the city) a citizen, native of a city, particularly of Athens ; a helpmate, comrade, friend. Αστοχίω -ω, f. -ησω, p. ηστόχηκα, (fr. a neg. and στοχάζομαι to aim) to miss, fly wide, not to hit; to err, deviate ; to fail, mistake, miscarry. 1 a. ind. act. ηστό- χησα. Αστοχήσαντες, η. pi. mas. par. 1 a. act. of last. Άστοχος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and στοχάζομαι to aim) that fails, errs, or mistakes. Άστρα, η. a. v. pi. of άστρβν. Αστράβη, -ης, η a saddle, pair of panniers, pillion; an ass, beast of burden. Αστραβης, -έος -ονς, b, η, (fr. α neg. and στρίψω to turn) straight, even, regular, not crooked, or distorted. Αστραγάλειος, and Αστραγάλεος, -ου, b, η, (fr. αστράγαλος a joint) like, or relating to dice, diced, or chequered ; concerning the an- kles, down to the ankles. Αστραγαλίζω, f. -ίσω, p. -ικα, (fr. next) to play at dice. Αστράγαλος, -ου, b, a joint of the back, any joint ; the ankle ; a knuckle, finger, claw ; a cube, die. Also, neat, fair, well made. Αστραγαλωτος, -if, -bv, (fr. last) knotted, plaited with knobs, or lumps. Αστραΐος,-ου, b, Astrasus, a man'.» name. Αστραπή, -ης, η., (fr. next) light- ning ; a flash, glare ; bright- ness, lustre. Αστράτϊτω, f. -ip(j>, p. ηστραφα, (perhaps fr. άστρον a star, and ιάπτω to fling) to lighten ; to flash, shine, gleam. 2 a. act. ήσ- τραπον. per. mid. ήστραπα. Αστρατεία, -ας, η, (fr. α neg. and στρατεία war) exemption from service, leave of absence ; deser- tion, forsaking, or quitting the duties of war. Αστράτευτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and στρατεύω to serve in war) exempt, or free from war-service ; unused to war. Άστρεπτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. α intens. and στρέφω to turn) turning, changing, altering either mind or position. Or, (fr. a neg.) immoveable, fixed; determined, inflexible; indelible; not looking back* AST Αστροθίτημα, -ατός, το, (fr. άστρον a star, and τίθημι to dispose) a constellation. Αστρολογία, -ας, η, (fr. άστρον a star, and λόγος a discourse) as- trology, divination by the stars. Αστρολογικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) as- trological. Αστρολόγος, -ου, b, (fr. same) an- ciently one who studied the mo- tions of the celestial bodies, an astronomer; but latterly one who attempted to conjecture fu- turity from their supposed in- fluences ; an astrologer. Αστρομαντεία, -ας, and Αστρομαντι- *>)> "»7ίι >/» ν ' ζ • τ ίχ ν ν, (fr. same, and μάντις a prophet) divination by the stars ; skilled in such di- vination ; astrology. Άστρον, -ου, το, (fr. αστήρ a star) a constellation, celestial sign; a star, heavenly body, the sun or moon. Αστρονομία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and νόμος a law) astronomy. Αστρονομικός, -οϋ, b, η, and -η, -bv, (fr. same) astronomical, relat- ing to the celestial bodies ; skilled in the knowledge of them ; an astronomer. Αστρονόμος, -ου, b, (fr. same) an astronomer. Άστυ, -εος, Att. -εως, also -χ>ος, το, (perhaps fr. a intens. and στάω for "στη μι to stand) a city, par- ticularly Athens ; a town ; the polite part of a city ; the refine- ment, and shrewdne» of a city, politeness, urbanity. Αστύαναζ, -ακτος, b, Astyanax, the son of Hector Αστυβοώτης, -ου, b, (fr. άστυ the city, and βοά jj to cry) an epithet of a crier, who proclaims through the toivn, town crier. Αστυγειτονίκος, -η, -bv, and Αστυ- γείτων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. same, and γείτων a neighbour) adjoining, or about the city, in the suburbs ; neighbouring, bordering, close, near. Αστυορομεω -ω, (fr. same, and τρέ- χω to run) to run through the city; to plunder, pillage. Αστυκος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) living in a city ; a citizen, townsman : refined, polite, courteous ; shrewd, knowing, cunning. Αστυνόμος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and νέμω to regulate) refined, polite, courteous ; relating to a city, or to its affairs ; inferior magis- trates for the police of a city. Αστννοος, -ου, b, Astynous, a man's name. Αστύφελος, -η, -ov, and -ου, b, r>, (fr. a neg. and στυφελbς harsh) soft, tender, delicate ; smooth, even, level. Ασνγγραφος, -η, -ov, (fr. same, and συγγραφή a deed) without deed, or security ; an epithet of mo- ney, iohich require no farther voucher, ΑσύνκρΈτος -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and συγκρίκω to compare) incompara- \96) A2X Me, excellent, matchless ; unlike f different; unsocial, solitary, re- tired, secluded. Also a man's name. Ασΰλεΐ, (fr. same, and <τύλτ7 plun- der) safety, in security. Ασύλητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and συλάω to rob) inviolate, unin- jured, safe, secure ; firm, sound, strong ; inviolable, not to be pro- faned. Ασυλία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and σύλη spoil) the right of sanctuary at altars, or in» temples ; safety, protection ; immunity, privilege ; sanctity, inviolability. Ασυλλόγιστος, -συ, b, η, (fr. game, and συλλογίζομαι to reason) irre- gular in argument, reasoning falsely ; inconclusive, irrelevant ; unreasonable, stupid, silly, igno- rant. Ασνλλογιστως, (fr. last) inconclu- sively ; ignorantly. Άσϋλον, -ου, το, (neut. of next) u holy, or privileged place, sanc- tuary, asylum, refuge. Άσΰλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and σύλ,η spoil) inviolable, sacred, safe ; unspoiled, not plundered. Ασύμβυλος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same, and σύμβολον a share) free, exempt, scotfree ; who subscribes nothing ; not subscribed to, private; use- less, worthless, insignificant. Ασύμβονλος, -ov, b, ff, (fr. same, and συμβουλή counsel) unad- vised, rash, foolish, indiscreet ; not concurring, disagreeing. Ασυμμετρία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and συμμετρία proportion) dispropor- tion, want of symmetry ; un- suitableness ; a chord in geome- try. Ασύμμετρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and σύμμετρος proportionable) disproportioned, irregular; un- suitable, unfit, improper, exces- sive, intemperate ; incommensu- rate. Ασυμπάθης,-έος -ους, b,f], (fr. same, and σνμπαΟίω to sympathize) pitiless, unfeeling, cruel ; harsh, severe, rigid. Ασνμπαθως, (fr. last) unfeelingly ; cruelly, harshly. Ασύμφορος, -ου, δ,//, (fr. a neg. and σνμφερω to conduce) inexpedient, inconvenient ; useless, unpro- ductive, unprofitable ; hurtful, injurious. Ασνμφωνία,-ας, ff, (fr. same, and συμφωνία harmony) discord, op- position, contrariety ; variance, difference. Ασύμφωνος, -ov, i, η, (fr. same, and συμφωνίω to harmonize) discord- ant, jarring ; disagreeing in sound, or speech; different, con•^ trary. Ασύνδετον, -ου, το, (neut. of next) a syndeton, a grammatical figure. Ασύνδετος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. α neg. and συνδέω to connect) unbound, un- tied, loose ; parted, separate, un- connected, without order,. Α2Φ Ασννεσία, -ας, and Ασννεσις, -ιος, AU. -εως,ή, (fr.sanie, Άϊϊάσυνίη- μι to understand) folly, foolish ness, silliness ; stupidity ; igno- rance. Ασυνετέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. same) to dote, be silly, want sense. Ασύνετος, -ου, Ό, ή, (fr. same) fool- ish, silly ; simple, ignorant ; stu- pid, dull. Ασυνήθης, -εος-ονς, b,f/, (fr. α neg. and συνήθης familiar) unaccus- tomed, unacquainted ; unusual, strange ; irksome, troublesome. Ασνιηθία, -ας, η, (fr. last) disiise, strangeness. Ασννθεσία, -ας, η, (fr. ασννθετος treacherous) breach of faith, treachery, perfidy. Ασννθετέω -ώ, i. -ήσω, p. ησννθέτη- κα, (fr. next) to disagree, reject, disapprove ; to transgress, in- fringe, break through ; to break faith, violate a promise. Ασύνθετος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and σνντίθημι to arrange) uncom- pounded, simple, unmixed ; false, faithless ; treacherous, perfidious. Ασύντακτος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and συντάσσω to array) irregular, confused, disorderly ; not en- rolled, or taxed, exempt, free. Ασνντέλεστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and σνντελέω to finish) unfinish- ed, incomplete, imperfect; unat- tainable, out of reach. Ασνντελής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. a neg. civ with, and τέλος the end) im- perfect, defective. Ασνρής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. a intens. and σύρω to trail) wicked, rash, intemperate. Ασύστάτος, and Att. Αζνστατος,-ον, b, η, (fr. a neg. and σννίστημι to consist) incoherent, unconnected ; inconsistent, absurd, impossibh, that cannot be ; incomparable, matchless. Ασνφηλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. άτω to hurt, and ψήλος a cheat. Or, fr. a neg. and σοφός wise) vile, worth- less ; mean, foolish, silly, stu- pid. Άσνχα, Dor. for 'ήσυχα, same as ησνχή, or ήσνχως. Άσνχία, ' Άσνγίμος, Άσΐιχιος,Όοτ. for ησυχία, &c. Ασφάλαξ, -άκος, b, same as ασ~ά- λαξ. Ασφάλεια, -ας, η, (fr. ασφαλής safe) security, safety ; firmness, steadi- ness ; certainty, truth. Ασφαλές, neut. sin. — Ασφαλείς, η. or a. pi. mas. cont. — Ασφαλή, neut. pi. cont. of same. Ασφαλέως, (fr. next) see ασφαλώς. Ασφαλής, -έος -ους, b, η, comp. -έσ- τερος, sup. -έστατος, (fr. a neg. and σφάλλω to slip) firm, steady, permanent ; safe, secure ; sure, certain, unerring. Αία impr. ασφάλισαι, -άσθω, 2 pi. -ασθε. Ασφαλτίτης, -ου, and Ασψαλτϊτϊς, -ίος, and -ίδος, b, η, (fr. next) producing bitumen, bituminous. Άσφαλτος, -ov, b, bitumen. Ασψαλτόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to daub, or smear with bitumen. Ασφαλώς, (fr. ασφαλής safe) safely, securely ; certainly, assuredly, firmly. Ασφαραγέω -ω, (fr. next) to rattle, ring, clang ; to mutter, murmur ; to guggle, make a sound in the throat. Ασφάράγος, -ov, b, (fr. a redund. and σφάοαγος the throat) the throat, gullet; a guggling, or rattling noise in the throat ; as- paragus. Ασψόδελος, -ov, b, the plant aspho- del, or daffodil; a place set with it. Ασφοδελώδης, -εος -ονς, Ό, ή, (fr. last) like, or full of the asphodel, or daffodil. Ασχαλάα, Poet, for ασχαλα, 3 sin. pies. ind. of Ασχαλάω -ω, f. -^σω,ρ. -ηκα, same as Ασχάλλω, (perhaps fr. άχος grief, ATA fiigately, intemperately ; irreco- verably, uderly. Άταισι, Ion. for άταις, d. pi. of άτη. Ατακτέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ητάκτηκα, (fr. next) to misbehave, act ir- regularly, or disorderly, disobey. pies. inf. act. ατακτέειν -εΐν par. ατακτέων -ων, -έουσα -ούσα, -έον -ονν. 1 a. ind. act. ητάκτησα. Άτακτος, -ου, 6, η, (fr. α neg. and τάσσω to order) irregular, disor- derly, riotous, unruly ; vicious, lewd. Ατάκτως, (fr. last) irregularly, dis- orderly, riotously. Αταλαίτωρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. α neg. and ταλαί-ωρος wretched) easy, at ease, quiet, undisturbed ; in- dolent, lazy. Or, (fr. a intens. ) troublesome, inconvenient. Αταλάντη, -ης, ή, ultalanta, a wo- man's name. Ατάλαντος, -ov,b, ή, (fr. a coll. and τάλαντον a scale) of the same weight, equal, even ; a match ; » like, similar. Αταλάφρων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. αταλος tender, and φρήν the mind) young, childish, puerile ; delicate, tender. f. αλις plenty, and έχω to have) to, Ατάλλω, or Αττάλλω, f. -άλω, (ft grieve, fret, repine ; to be angry pres. impr. άσχαλλε. Ασχετος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. α neg. and σχέω for έχω to restrain) intole- rable, severe, violent ; incontrol- lable, not to be restrained. Ασχημονέω -ω, f. -ήσω ? p. ησχημό- νηκα, (fr. άσχημων indecent) to misbehave, act indecently, be- have unbecomingly. 1 a. act. ind. ησχημόνησα' inf. ασχημονή- σαι. Ασχημόνως, (fr. same) indecently, unbecomingly. Ασχημοσννη, -ης, η, (fr. next) in- decency, obscenity ; nakedness, shame ; the privities. Ασχημων, -όνος, b,rj, (fr. α neg. and σχήμα figure) indecent, obscene ; unbecoming, uncomely . Ασχολέω -ώ, ί. -ήσω, ρ. ησχόληκα, (fr. same, and σχολή leisure) to exercise, use, practise, employ. Ασχολέομαι, to employ one 1 s self , or be employed, be engaged, or busy. Ασχολία, -ας, f), (fr. same) busi- ness, occupation, engagement, employment. Άσχολος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same) busy, employed, occupied. Άσω, Dor. for άσω, 1 f. of άδω. Άσω, contr. for ασάον, pres. impr. mid. of ασάω. Ασώματος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and σώμα body) incorporeal, imma- terial, unbodied. Ασωτία, -ας, η, (fr. next) luxury, intemperance ; debauchery, dis- sipation Ασφαλίζω, f. -ίσω, p. ησφάλικα, (fr. i Άσωτος, -ov, b, //, (fr. a neg. and last) to fortify, fence, secure ; to strengthen, confirm, establish. per. pass, ησώάλισααι. 1 a. pass, ind. ησψαλίσθην inf. ασφαλισθή- ναι. 1 a. mid. ino. ησφαλισάμην' Ν ζω to preserve) lost, abandon- ed, reprobate ; ruinous, deadly, destructive ; profligate, riotous, debauched. Ασώτως, (fr. last) riotously, pro• (97) next) to grow, advance in age or stature, thrive, improve; to rear, nurse, fatten, take care of, cherish ; to sport, play, gambol ; to exult, rejoice. Ατάλος, -ή, -ov, (perhaps from a neg. and ταλάω to endure) ten- der, delicate ; soft; young. Αταξία, -ας, ή, (fr. same, ai?d τάσ- σω to order) disorder, confusion, irregularity; tumult, riot; in- temperance, dissipation. Ατάρ, sometimes Αντ-άρ, Poet, but, yet, however ; for; truly, indeed; beside. Ατάραχος, -ov, b, η (fr. a neg. and ταράσσω to disturb) fined, clear- ed, settled, subsided ; quiet, calm, undisturbed ; fearless, secure. Άτηράχως, (fr. last) calmly, quiet, ly, securely. Ατάρβατος, Dor. for Ατάρβητος, -ov, and Αταρβής, -έος -ους, b, ff, (fr. a neg. and ταρβέω to fear) fearless, intrepid, un- daunted, stotii, bold. Ατάρμνκτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and ταρμνσσω to daunt. Or, fr. ατερ without, and μύω to wink) who does not wink, fearless, dauntless, bold. Άταρον,-ον,το, (fr. same, and τεί* ρω to rub) the iron box in the nave of a wheel. ΑταρπΈτος, and Αταρπος , see ατρα • τιός. Αταρτηρος, -ου, b, »/, and -a, -bv, for ατηρός, by Pleonasm, Ατάρχντος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and ταρχέα funeral honours) unburi- ed, unhonoured. Ατασθαλία, -ας, ή, (fr. ατάσθαλος wicked) perseverance in wicked' ness, infatuation ; lewdness, li centiousness ; folly, madness; in solence, wantonness, petulance. ATE Ατασθάλλω, f. -αλώ, and Ατασθα- λία -ω, f. -//σω. (fr. same) to per- sist in folly or wickedness, be stubborn in crime ; to act impi- ously ; behave with insolence or wantonness. Ατάσθαλος, -ου, b, ι), (perhaps fr. άτη mischief, and &άλλω to bud) mischievous, pernicious, destruc- tive ; wicked, impious ; lewd, wanton; the author of ail or mischief. Αταφος, -ov, h, η, (fr. a neg. and τάφος a tomb) unburied ; tomb- less, without a monument. τ Ατάχος, Dor. for rj τάχος, very quickly. Ατάω -ω, and Ατεω -ω, f. -ήσω^ p. ητηκα, to hurt, harm; injure, wrong ; insult, violate ; annoy, incommode, offend,troublc, grieve, afflict. Ατε, (neut. pi. of οστε) as, as I being, inasmuch as ; for, because ; as if, as it were. Άτε, Dor. for bre, but Ύ Ατε, Dor. tor fire. ' Ατεας, -ov, b, Ateas, a man's name. Άτεγκτος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. α neg. and τέγγω to wet) which cannot be wet or moistened, dry, hard ; rigid, unrelenting. Ατίειν, pres. inf. act. of ατίω, same as ατάω. Ατειρης, -έος -ονς, b, fi, (fr. α neg. and τείρω to wear) irresistible, invincible, violent, forcible, pene- trating ; durable, lasting. Ατείχιστος, -ov, b, t), (fr. same, and τειχίζω to fortify) unwalled, un- fortified ; open, exposed. Ατέκμαρτος, -ου, b, i), (fr. same, and τεκμαίρω to conjecture )y*ai7- ing in its purpose, abortive, fruit- less ; beyond conjecture, undis- coverable, obscure, secret, hidden, impenetrable. Ατεκμάρτως, (fr. last) indistinctly ,_ obscurely, doubtfully. Ατεκνία, -ας, ι), (fr. next) being without children, barrenness. Άτεκνος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and τίκνον a child} childless ; bar- ren; bereaved. Ατεκνόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to bereave, deprive of children ; Ατεκνόομαι -ονμαι, to be childless in any manner. Ατεκνωσις, -ιος, Att. -εωί, ή, same as ατεκνία. Ατέλεια, -ας, and Ion. Ατελίη, -ης, ί), (fr. a neg. and τέλος the end, or a tax) incompleteness, imper- fection ; deficiency ; immunity, privilege, exemption. Ατέλεστα, (fr. next) in vain, to no purpose. Ατίλεστο', -ov, b, t), (fr. a neg. and τελεω to finish) incomplete, im- perfect, unfinished ; fruitless, vain; not initiated, entered, or introduced. Ατελεσφόρητος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. a neg. τέλος the end, and φέρω to bring) not arrived at full growth or perfection ; immature, unripe imperfect. ΑΤΗ Ατελεύτητο?, -ov, b, >%(fr. same, and τελεντάω to finish) unproductive, abortive, ineffective, vain, fruit- less ; Jailing, disappointed, de- luded. Ατεληϊη, Ion. for ατέλεια. Ατελής, -έος -οΐις, b, ή, (fr. a neg. and τέλος the end, or a tax) imperfect, unproductive, ineffect- ual ; empty, vain, frivolous ; silly, unintelligent; free, privi- leged, exempt. Ατέμβω, f. -ψω, p. -φα, (perhaps fr. άτη misfortune, and εμβα'ινω to fall into) to sadden, grieve, afflict ; to deprive, strip, bereave ; to beguile, deceive. Ατενης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. α intens. and τείνω to stretch) attentive, steady, fixed ; determined, obsti- nate, inflexible. Ατενίζο), f. -ϊσω, p. ητένικα, (fr. last) to stare, gaze, look earnest- ly, regard with attention, fix the eyes upon. 1 a. act. inf. ατενίσαι' par. ατενίσας. Άτερ, ΆτερΟε, and 'Ατερθεν, with- out, not tcith ; independently of; away from, separately, apart, asunder. Ατέραμνος, -ov, and Ατεράμων, -όνος, b, {), (fr. a neg. and τέραμ- νος or τεράμων tender) tough, not easily boiled; stiff, hard; dif- ficult, laborious, stubborn. Ατεραμνότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) toughness; hardness; difficulty. Ατεράμνω, Dor. for ατεράμνον, g. sin. of ατέραμνος. Άτερθα, .33 ol. for άτερθεν, -see άτερ. 'Ατέρμων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. a neg. and τέρμα bound) infinite, endless, interminable, boundless; round, circular. "Ατερος, g. $ατερον, η. pi. ατεροι, Att. for b 'έτερος, του 'έτερον, oi 'έτεροι, see 'έτερος. Ατερ-η, a. sin. and neut. pi. cont. of Ατερπης, -έος -ονς, and Άτερττος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and τέρπω to delight) cheerless, dreary; un- pleasant, disagreeable, trouble- some, grievous, vexatious. Ατερψία,-ας, and -ψίη, -ης, η, (fr. same) trouble, uneasiness, dis- quiet; unpleasantness, offensive- ness ; vexation. Ατεχνης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. α neg. and τέχνη art) artless, innocent, guileless; plain, simple. Ατεχνία, -ας, η, (fr. same) simpli- city, plainness ; ignorance, un- skilfulness ; weakness, silliness. Άτεχνος,-ον, b,fi, (fr. same) inarti- ficial, unworkmanlike ; awkward, simple, silly ; artless, guileless. Ατέχνως, (fr. last) sincerely, tru- ly ; absolutely, really, artlessly, roughly, rudely. Ατέω -ω, same as ατάω. 'Ατη•, -ης, ι), (fr. ατάω to hurt) malice, envy, hatred ; folly, in- fatuation, error, sin, guilt; hurt, harm ; death, misfortune, mis- chief, injury ; damage, loss, detri- ment; night, darkness, gloom ; the (98) ATI deity of mischief and misfortune, Ατημελεία, and Ατημελία, -ας, f/ t (fr. ατημελης negligent) negli- gence, carelessness, inattention. Ατημελέω -ω, f. -ησω, p. -ηκα, (fr. same) to neglect, omit, pass by, leave undone. Ατημελέως, Ατημελως, and Ατημε- λήτως, (fr. same) negligently, carelessly, indifferently. Ατημελής, -έος -ονς, b, η, (fr. a neg. and τημελης careful, th. μέλει there is care) heedless, negli- gent, inattentive, careless ; ne- glected, undressed, slovenly. Ατημέλΐ)τος, -ov, b, t), (fr. ατημελέω to neglect) neglected, not heed- ed or attended to ; undressed, not set off, unadorned. Ατημελήτως, (fr. last) heedlessly, carelessly ; slovenly* Ατηρυς, -a, -ov, and Ατηρης, -έος -ους, b, t), (fr. άτη hurt) injurious, treacherous, hurtful, destructive ; contemptuous, haughty ; inso- lent, contumelious, abusive; un- ruly, unmanageable., ungovern- able. λτθϊς, -ίδος, >% Atthaia, a woman's name. Ατίει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of ατίω. Ατίζω, same as ατίω. ΑτιΟίίσσεντος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. a neg. and τιθασσενω to tame) untame- able, untractable ; untamed, fierce, savage, wild. Ατίθασσος, -ov, b, //, (fr. same, and τίθασσος tame) untamed, fierce, wild, savage ; rough, uncouth. Ατιμάγέλας,-ω,Όοτ. for art μ αγέ- λης, -ov, b, (fr. ατιμάω to slight, and αγέλη a herd) who separates from the herd, a straggler. Ατιμαγελέω -ω, (fr. last) to sepa- rate from the herd, stray, straggle. par. pres. act. ατιμαγελέων η. pi. mas. ατιμαγελοϋντες, Dor. ατιμαγελευντες. Ατιμάζεσκε, Ion. and Poet, for ητί- μαζε, 3 sin. imp. ind. of Ατιμάζω, f. -άσω, p. ητίμακα, same as ατιμάω. per. pass, ητίμασ- μαι. 1 a. pass. ind. ητιμάσθην. Ατιμάσαντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. act. — Ατιμασθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass of last. Ατιμασμος, -ου, ύ, (fr. last) same as ατιμία. Ατιμαστέος,-α, -ov, (fr. last) to be slighted, ought to be disregarded, must be despised. Ατιμάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. a neg. and τιμάω to honour) to dishonour, disgrace, disparage; to affront, offend ; to despise, disregard, slight, contemn; to blame, rebuke, censure. Ατίμητος, -ov, b,fj, (fr. last) dis- regarded, neglected, slighted ; passed over, omitted, overlook- ed; worthless, insignificant. Or, (with a intens.) inestimable, valuable, precious. Ατιμία, -ας, η, (fr. a. neg. and τιμή honour) dishonour, disgrace, shame, ignominy; contempt^ slight. ΑΤΟ Ατιμ'ίς, ΊοΌς, //, same as ατμις or ατμός. Άτιμος, -ου, b, >/, (fr. a neg. and τιμή honour) dishonourable, dis- graceful ; infamous ; not valued, worthless, ignoble, comp. -ότερος, sup. •ότατος. Ατιμόω -ίϋ, f. -ώσω, p. ητίμωκα, same as ατιμάω, per. pass, ητί- μωμαΐ' par. ητιμωμένος. Ατιμώρητος, -ου, δ, ί), (fr. a neg. and τιμωρέω to avenge) ?ιοί avenged, atoned, or expiated; unpunished, quit, free. ■ Α,τιμωρήτως, and Ατιμωρητί, (tr. last) without punishment, fear, or danger; quit, clear, free. Ατίμως, (fr. «rt^oi vile) disgrace- fully ; vilely. Ατιν, for απνα, a. sin. and neut. pi. of 'όστις. Ατις, Dor. for 'ήτις, η. fern, of same. Ατίταλλ', Ion. for ητίταλλε, impf. ind. — Ατιταλλέμεναι, Dor. for ατιτάλλειν, pres. inf. act. of Ατιτάλλω, same as ατάλλω. ΆτΓτοί, -ου, δ, η, (fr. next) una- venged, unexpiated ; unpunish- ed ; disgraced, dishonoured. Ατίω, and Ατίξω, f. -ίσω, p. ήτικα, (fr. α neg. and τίω to honour) to slight, overlook, disesleem, dis- regard ; to contemn, despise ; to disgrace, punish. Ατλαγενέων, g. pi. of Ατλαγενής, -ίος -ους, δ, η, (fr. 'Ατ- λας Atlas, and γίνομαι to be) bom of, or descended from Atlas. 'Ατλαντίς, -ιδος, η, a daughter of Atlas, Atlantis. Άτλας, -ντος, δ, Atlas, the name of a man, and of a mountain in Africa. Άτλάτος, -ω, b, η, Dor. for άτλήτος. Άτλητα, neut. pi. of άτλητος. Ατλητέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. next) to take ill, dislike ; to refuse to bear. Άτλητος, and Dor. Άτλάτος, -ov, b, η, {fr. a neg. and ταλάω to en- dure) intolerable, insufferable, past endurance. Άτμενος, -ου, b, and Ατμήν, -ενός, a servant, domestic. Ατμή, -ης, η, vapour, fume, steam. Ατμίζω, f. -ίσω, p. -ικα, (fr. last) to smoke, fume, steam ; to exhale, evaporate. Ατμ'ώα, a. sin. of ΑτμΧς, -Έδος, >/, and Ατμός, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. άω to breathe) smoke, vapour ; a cloud, mist ; odour, perfume. Ατόλμάτος, Dor. for Ατόλμητος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and τολμάω to dare) not to be attempted, or ven- tured ; dangerous, perilous. Άτομον, -ου, το, (neut. of next) an atom, mote, the smallest imagina- ble quantity ; an indivisible point of time, moment, instant. Άτομος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and τέμνω to cut) indivisible ; indi- vidual, single; uncut, untouch- ed, uninjured, untainted. Arcvftu -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. same, and -όνος tone) to be weak, ATP or ill; to faint, fail, decay; to sink, be depressed. Ατονία, -ας, ή, (fr. same) want of tone; weakness, debility, infirmity. Ατονος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) not stretched, relaxed ; infirm, weak, Άτοζος, and Ατόξευτος, -ου, b, ή,- (fr. a neg. and τόξον a bow) without a bow, unarmed ; unskill- ed in the bow. Ατοπία, -ας, η, (fr. next) strange- ness, improbability; absurdity, incoherence, silliness ; obscurity, confusion ; insolence. Άτονος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and τόπος place) out of place, or time; inconvenient, unsuitable, impro- per, wrong ; prejudicial, injuri- ous ; absurd, unreasonable ; un- usual, strange. Ατόπως, (fr. last) unfiily, impro- perly ; absurdly; strangely. Άτος, -ov, b, η, by Cras. for άατος. Ατραγωδός, -ου, b, η, (fr. α neg. and τράγωδος a tragedian) unlike a tragedian, unfit for tragedy ; un- dignified, without pomp. Άτρακτος, -ου, b, η, a distaff", rock, spindle ; a shaft, arrow. Ατρακτυλϊς, and -τυλλις, -Έδος, η, (fr. last) a kind of thorn. Ατραπός, or Αταρπδς, also Ατραπι- τος, and Αταρπιτος, -ου, η, (fr. α redund. and τραπίω to tread. Or, fr. a neg. and τρέπω to turn) a road, highway ; a path, track ; a train, course, series. Ατράφαξις, -ιος, Alt. -εως, and Ατράφαξυς, -νος, η, the herb orach or orage. Ατρεάδαι, Dor. for ΑτρεΊδαι, η. pi. — Ατρείδα, du. — Ατρείδησ',Ιοη. for ΑτρειδαΊς, d. pi. of Ατρείδης, -ου, b, the son of Atreus ; Agamemnon, or Menelaus. Ατρείων, -ωνος, δ, same as last. Ατρέκεια,-ας, and Ion. Ατρεκίη,-ης, ή, (fr. next) clearness, bright- ness ; truth, verily,. certainty. Ατρεκής, -ίος -ους, δ, r;, (perhaps fr. a neg. and τρέω to tremble) true, real ; certain, sure, absolute. Comp. ατρεκέστερος, sup. -έκτα- τος. Ατρεκως, and Ion. Ατρεκεως, (fr. last) truly, certainly. Ατρέμα, and Ατρέμας,^ (fr. άτρομος fearless) stilly, quietly, gently, calmly. Άτρεμέεσθαι, pres. inf. pass. — Ατρεμέωσι, 3 pi. pres. sub. act. of Ατρεμεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ητρίμηκα, and Ατρεμίζω, (fr. a neg. and τρέω to tremble) to stand firm, remain steady, be unmoved; be at ease, or in peace ; to secure, confirm, establish. Ατρεμία, -ας, η, (fr. same) still- ness, quietness ; steadiness, firm- ness, resolution. Άτρεπτος,-ου, δ, η, (fr. a neg. and τρέπω to turn) unchangeable, im- mutable ; immoveable ; unchang- ed; firm, determined; upright, correct. Ατρέπτως, (fr. last) unchangeably ; uprightly, justly. (99) ATT Άτρεστος, -ov, b, f,, (fr. a neg. and τρέω to tremble) fearless, intre- pid, unmoved, undaunted. Ατρεύς, -ίος, and -έως, δ, Atreus, a man's name. Ατρ'ιβης, -ίος -ους, b,f), (fr. a neg. and τρίβω to wear) not rubbed, or worn ; unused, unfrequented ; unpractised, unexercised, unskill- ed; awkward, rude. Άτριπτος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) same as last, also, unbroken, un- tamed ; not worked, or inured to labour. Άτριχος, -ου, b, {>, (fr. a neg. and 3-ρϊξ the hair) without hair, bald ; peeled. Ατρομεω -ω, (fr. next) to be fear- kss,firm, or resolute. Άτρομος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. a neg. and τρέμω to tremble) intrepid, fear- less, undaunted; not moving, still, calm. Άτροπος, -oυ,b, η, (fr. a neg. and τρέπω to turn) immutable, un- changeable; irreversible; inflexi- ble, stern, rigid, severe. One of the Parcae, Atropos. Ατροφέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. same, and τροφή food) not to re- ceive the usual benefit from food ; to decay, waste, pine, fall away. Ατροφία, -ας, η, (fr. same) want, or failure of nourishment ; atro phy ; decay, consumption. Άτροφος,-ου, b, η, (fr. same) un- fed, starving; decaying, wast- ing, falling away. Ατρύγετος, -ov, and Ion. -oio, b, {j, (fr. a neg. and τρνγή a crop) fruitless, barren, steril, unpro- ductive. Άτρνγος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and τρνξ new wine) free from dregs, clear ; pure, unsullied. Ατονμων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. same, and τρνω to rub away) unbroken, unsubdued. Άτρντος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and τρνω to waste) inexhaustible, in- defatigable ; great, huge, im- mense. Ατρντώνη, -ης, η, (fr. last) the invin- cible. An epithet of Minerva. Άτρωτος, -ov,b, η, (fr. a neg. and τιτρωσκω to wound) without a wound, unhurt, uninjured ; safe, sound, whole. Άττα, Att. for ασσα, which see. Or for άτινα, neut. pi. of 'όστις. Άττα, a term of respect from the younger to the aged. Sir, father. Αττά, for ποτέ. Αττάγήν, -ηνος, δ, and Att. Ατταγας, a woodcock, snipe, rail or quail. Αττάκης, or Αττακος, -ου, b, (per- haps fr. άττω to strip) the bald locust. Αττάλεια, -ας, ή, the name of a country. Αττάλλω, see ατάλλω. Αττανίτης, and Ατανίστης, -ov, b, and Άττανον, -ov, το, a pudding fried in a pan, pancake. Αττάραγοι, -ων, ο'ι, blisters which rise on bread while baking, and afterwards chip off. ΑΤΓ Arriratj hah ! how now ! strange ! alas I Αττέλαβος, or Αττέλεβος, -ov, b, a kind of locust. Αττική, -ής, ή, viz. γή, land, (fern. of Αττικό' Attic) Attica, the country belonging to Athens. Αττικίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. Αττικός Athenian) to take part with, or imitate the Athenians, atticize. Αττικισμός, -ov, b, (fr. same) an Atticism ; the Athenian manner of speaking, the Attic dialect. Αττικός, -η, -ov, Attic, Athenian ; refined, elegant. Άττον, Att. for ασσον. Άττω, (perhaps fr. αΐ'σσω to rush) to bound, leap, spring, skip. Ατύζω,ΐ. -ύξω,ρ.-χα, (perhaps fr. άτη hurt) to suffocate, choke ; to astonish, stupify ; to scare, af- fright; to confound confuse, perplex. Ατύξομαι, to/ear, dread. par. pres. pass, ατυξόμενος. Άτυκτος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. a neg. and τ εν χω to work) unfinished, im- perfect, incomplete ; rude, rough. Άτνμβος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and τύμβος a tomb) tombless. Ατυμνιάδης, -ου, b, Atymniades, a man's name. Ατυχέω-ω,(ΐν. ατυχής unfortunate) to miss, fail, be disappointed. Ατύχημα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) cala- mity, misfortune ; disappoint- ment, loss, failure. Ατυχης, -έος-ους, b, ή, comp. -εστε- ρος, sup. -*ίστατος, (fr. aneg. and τύχη fortune) unfortunate, un- successful, disappointed. Ατυχία, -ας, ή", (fr. last) adversity, affliction, calamity, misfortune. Ατυχούσα, par. pres.-act. fem. cont. Of ατνχέω. Άτω, f. affcc, same as ατάω. Αν, Αύθις, and Αυτέ, again, a se- cond time ; back again } in turn; but, on the contrary ; then, more- over ; especially ; afterwards, hereafter, henceforth. Av, is used by the Cretans for the syllable αλ. Αναίνω, (fr. αύω to dry) to dry, exhale, lose moisture, be parched, wither. Αυαίνομαι, to pine &woaj, languish. Αυάλέος, -a, -ov, same as αυος. Αυάνθην, Ion. for ηνάνθην, 1 a. ind. pass. — Αυανθεις, par. of αναίνω. Ανανσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. αναί- νω to dry) dryness, drought, want of sap, .decay, or old age in plants. Ανάτα, -ας, η, Dor. and i£ol. for άτη. Ανγάζω, f. -άσω, p. ηύγακα, (fr. αυγή splendour) to irradiate, beam, sliine forth ; to enlighten, illuminate ; to see, behold, look upon. 1 a. act. ηύγασα. ρ r. pass, ηύγασμαι. Αυγάααι, 1 a. inf. act. of last. Αυγάσδεο, Dor. for αυγάζεο, which Ion. for αυγάζον, pres. impr. mid. — Αυγάσεαι, Ion. for αυγά- ση, 2 sin. 1 f. mid. of same. Αύγασμα, -ατός, τυ, and Αυγασμός, ΑΤΘ -ου, b, fr. same) a beam, ray ; splendour, brightness. Αυγέω.-ω, (fr. next) to shine, glit- ter, beam. Or, for αυχέω -ώ, to boast, brag, vaunt. Αυγή, -ής, t), (perhaps fr. αύω to burn) brightness, light, splendour; gloss, brilliancy ; a ray, beam, blaze ; the dawn, daybreak, day- spring ; a mirror. Αυγά), the eyes. Αυγονστβς, -ου, b, (fr. Lat.) Au- gustus, the surname of Caesar Octavianus. Αυδάζω, same as αυδάω. Αυδάξασθαι, Ion. for ανδήσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Αυδάσομαι, Dor, for αυδήσομαι, 1 f. mid. — Av- δάσας, Dor. for αυδή σας, 1 a, par. act. of Ανδάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ηύδηκα, (fr. αυδή voice) to speak, talk, con- verse ; to speak to, address j to call, cry out. Αυδή, -ής, η, (perhaps fr. αύω to shout) voice, sound ; talk, dis- course, speech, language ; a ru- mour, report ; a message, neuis, tidings. Αυδήσασγ*, for ανδήσασκε, which Poet, for ηύδησε, 3 sin. 1 a. act. of αυδάω. Αύην, a. sin. fem. of αυος. Αύθ , Att. Αύτ', Ion. for άνθι, or αύθις, see αΰ. Αυθάδεια, and Ανθαδ^α, -ας, ή, (fr. next) arrogance, haughtiness, pride ; presumption, self-conceit, self-sufficiency ; obstinacy ; mo- roseness, peevishness. Αυθάδης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. αυτός self, and άδέω to please) selfish ; self willed, positive ; haughty, proud, supercilious, obstinate, stubborn, surly, cruel, neut. pi. cont. αυθαδή. η. or, a. pi. cont. αυθαδεΊς. Αυθαδιάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. same) to make stubborn or obstinate, harden. Ανθαδιάζομαι, to resist, oppose obstinately ; to behave haughtily, be proud, conceited, arrogant. Αυθαδίζομαι,8&ηιοα.8ανθαδιάζομαι. Αυθαίρετος, -ου, b, η, (fr. αντός self, and α'ιρεω to choose) voluntary, spontaneous ; willing, complying, consenting. Ανθαιρετως, (fr. last) spontaneous- ly, of itself. Ανθεκαστος, -ου, b, η, (ft. αυτός self, and έκαστος each) ahoays the same, even, equable ; just, up- right, honest ; exact, strict. Αυθεντέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. ηνθίντηκα, (fr; next) to usurp power, exer- cise authority ; to domineer, ty- rannize. Αυθέντης, -εος -ους, b, ή, (fr. αυτός self, and εϊί, g. εντός par. οΐ'ίημι to send) self-commissioned, self- authorized, acting of, or for him- self; a suicide; an author, cause, or beginner; a master, lord, ruler. Αυθεντικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. last) au- thentic, genuine, original; au- t/ioritative. (100) ATA ΑνθεντΈκως, (fr.last) with authority Αυθημερόν, (fr. next) to-day, on the same day. Αυθήμερος, -a, -ov, (fr. αυτός same, and ήμερα day) of the same day. Αύθι, by Sync, for αυτόθι, there, in that place ; here, hither ; imme- diately, directly ; then, thence. Αυθ'ϊγενής, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. άνθι here, and γίνομαι to be born) a native, original inhabitant; pe- culiar. Ανθις, Ion. αυτις, Αϋθι, Αντε, see αυ. Αυ'ίαχος, -ov, b, >/, (fr. αυ a parti- cle of sound, and ιάχω to shout) clamorous, loud, shrill ; shout- ing ; barking. Αυλαία, -ας, ι), (fr. αυλή a hall) hangings, tapestry; a curtain; the tabernacle; a porch, vesti- bule, front-hall. Αυλαΐος, -a,-ov, (fr. same) courtly; belonging to a court or hall ; of the hall. Αυλακίζω, f. -"ίσω, (fr. ανλαξ a fur- row) to cut furrows, plough. Αυλαν, Dor. ibr αυλών, g. of αυλός, or αυλ>7. Αυλαξ, -άκος, η, a furrow; a mark, scar, wound ; the ivomb. αύλακ', a. for αύλακα. Αυλάρχης, -ου, b, (fr. αυλή a hall, and αρχή rule) a ruler of a palace, chamberlain, steward. Αυλεία^ -ας, ή, (fr. αυλή a court) the gate of a palace. Αύλειον, -ου, rb, (fr. same) a hall t antichamber, vestibule. Αύλειος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) of a hall or chamber ; of the porch or courtyard. Αυλεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ηύληκα, (fr. αυλός a pipe) to play on the pipe, flute, &c. Αυλή, -ής, §, an open space sur- rounded by buildings, courtyard, area; a hall, court, palace, tem- ple ; a sheepfold, pen ; a stable, stall; a circus or race course. Αυλησευνται, Dor. for αν λ ή σον σι, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. — Ανλησον, 1 a. impr. act. of ανλέω. Αυλητής, -ov, and Ανλητήρ, -ήρος, b, Α.νλητρίς, and Αυλ^τίί, -ϊδος, ή, (fr. αυλός a pipe) a player on the pipe, performer on the flute ; a musician. Ανλητϊκή, -ής, ?;, viz. τέχνη, (fem. of next) the art of playing on wind instruments ; music. Ανλητϊκος,-ή, -ov, (fr. αυλός apipe) belonging to the pipe or flute ; or to a performer on them ; musical; a musician. Ανλίξω, f. -ίσω, p. ηνλικα, (fr• av- λή a rsheepfold) to fold, pen, shut up cattle. Ανλίξομαι, to set up for the night, pass the night, lodge, so- journ ; to encamp, mount guard. imp. pass, ηνλιζόμην. per. pass. ηύλισμαι. 1 a. pass, ηνλίσθην. Αυλικός, -ov, b, f>, or -ός, -ή, -bv, (fr. ανλή a court) belonging or attached to the court. Subs, α courtier, any officer of state. Or, (fr. ανλός a flute) of, or ΑΤΟ ufcoui wind instruments, fit for Ihefiute ; musical. Subs, a mu- Αύλιον, -ου, τό, (dim. of same) a little fold, hut, cot. Αύλις, -ιδος, η, (fr. same) a camp ; a tent, pavilion; a haunt, resi- dence. Also, a small country in Thrace, Aulis. Ανλίσκος, -ov, b, (dim. of ανλός a pipe) a small pipe. d. pi. Ion. ανλ'ισκοισι. Δνλομανέω -ώ, (fr. next, and μανία madness) to be music-mad. Αυλό?, -ου, δ, (perhaps fr. αύω, or άω to blow) a pipe, flute; any long, strait, and narrow tube ; a socket, ferule, ring ; a stream, rivulet ; a discharge of blood ; a kind of shell-fish. Αυλός, -ου, b, f), (fr. a neg. anduX?7 timber) incorporeal, immaterial ; not of the nature of matter, or substance. Ανλούμενος, par. pres. pass. cont. of ανλέω. Αυλών, -ώνος, b, a valley, vale ; a channel, strait ; a level, plain ; a meadow. Ανλωνοειδής, -εος -ους, δ, ή, (fr. last, and είδος likeness) like a val- ley, hollow, low. Αυλώπις, -ιδος, η, (fr. next) a hel- met, headpiece, casque. Αυλωττός, -ου, b, η, (fr. αυλός a pipe, and ώψ appearance) like a pipe, or flageolet, trumpet shaped; ob- long, conical. Αυξάνει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Αυξάνειν, pres. inf. act. — Αυξά- νετε, 2 pi. pres. impr. act. — Αυξανόμενος, par. pres. pass. — Αυξάνων, -ούσα, -ov, a. sin. or neut. pi. -νοντα, par. pres. act. of Αυξάνω, Αυξεω, and Αύξω, f. αυξή- σω, p. ηύξηκα. to augment, en- large ; to exalt, aggrandize ; ad- vance, prefer, promote. Αύξομαι, to increase, grow ; multiply, ex- tend, flourish, prosper. 3 sin. pres. ind. αύξει. pres. impr. αύξε. 1 a. act. ind. ηύξησα' ΊηΓ.ανξή- σαι. 2a. act. ηύξανον. pres. pass. αύξομαι, 3 sin. αύξεται' par. αυξό- μενος. per. pass, ηύξημαι. 1 a. pass. ind. ηυξήθην' Sub. αυξηθώ' inf. αυξηθηναι• par. αυξηθείς, a. sin. αυξηθέντα. Αύξησις, Λ ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) increase, addition ; growth, en- largement ; promotion, advance- ment. Αυξήσεσι, d. pi. — Αύξησιν, a sin. of last. Αόξηται, Ion. for ηύξηται, 3 sin. per. pass, of αυξάνω. Αυξητικός, -ου, b, η, (fr. αύξω to in- crease) increasing, enlarging, growing, exalting. Also, in- creased, grown, &c. Αύξω, see αυξάνω. Χυόνη, -ης, f u (fr. ανω to shout, or to dry) a shout, loud calling; outcry, clamour. Also, drought, dryness. A&oj, -a, -ov, (fr. ανω to dry) dry, ATT parched ; withered, dusty, comp -τερος. Άν-νος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. α neg. and 'ύπνος sleep) sleepless, waking, watching. Αύρα, -ας, η, (fr. αύω to blow) a gale, breath, air, breeze ; pain, spasm ; inspiration. Αύρων, (perhaps fr. αύω to shine) to-morrow, the morrow ; soon, next in time. Αυρδί, -ά, -ov, rich, wealthy, opu- lent. Άνσε, and Άνσαν, Ion. and by Dial, for ηύσε, 3 sin. and ηύσαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. — Αύσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of ανω. Ανστάλέος, -a, -ov, same as αύος. Αυστηρία, -ας, η, (fr. next) rough- ness, austerity; moroseness, se- verity, strictness; sullenness, re- serve. Αυστηρός, -a, -bv, (fr. ανω to dry) rough, bitterish; austere, harsh, severe ; reserved, close. Αυτ, for άντε, see αυ. Αυτά, Dor. for αυτή. — Αυτά, Dor. for αυτή fem. of αυτός. Αυτά, -ταΊς, -τάς, cases of same. Αυτάγγελος, -ου, b, (fr. αυτός self, and άγγελος a messenger) his own messenger, who brings news of himself; a voluntary messen- ger, harbinger. Αυτάγητος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and αγάω to admire) a self-admirer ; vain, conceited, fond of himself. Αυτάγρετα, -ων, τά, (neut. pi. of next) a freewill offering, bene- volence, contribution. Αυτάγρετος, -ov, b, η, (fr. αυτός self, and αγείρω to collect) self-col- lected, confluent ; contributed, given voluntarily. Αύται, η. pi. fem. of ούτος. Αυτάν, Dor. for αυτήν, a. ski. fem. of αντύς. Αύτάνδρος,-ου, b,fi, (fr. αντός same, and ανήρ a man) his, or their own selves, with the same, with themselves, with the men. Αντάρ, Poet, for ατάρ. Αντάρκεια, -ας, η, (fr. αυτάρκης suf- ficient) sufficiency, enough, com- petence ; contentment, satisfac- tion ; self-sufficiency, independ- ence. Ανταρκίω -ω, (fr. same) to satisfy, content, suffice. Αυτάρκης, -εος-ους, b, η, (fr. αυτός self, and αρκεω to suffice) suffi- cient, enough ; complete, ade- quate, fit; contented, satisfied. Αυταρκώς (fr. last) enough, suffi- ciently. Αυτάς, Αυτάων, Dor. for αυτής, and αυτών, see αυτός. Αντί; see αΐι. Αυτεη, Ion. for αυτή, η. fem. of αυτός. Αυτεξούσιος, -ου, b, f), (fr. αντος self, and εξουσία power) free, inde- pendent, his own master. Αυτεξουσιύτης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) freedom, indejtendence. Αυτεπάγγελτος, -ου, b, ?/, (fr. αυτός self, and επαγχίλλω to announce) ATT self-declared ; spontaneous, vo- luntary ; freely, unasked; un- provoked, not called for. Αύτευν, Dor. for ηύτουν,Ζ pi. impf. ind. of Αϋτέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. ηΰτηκα, (fr. αυτή the shout of battle) to shout, cry out, exclaim ; to holloo, cheer. Αντίων, Ion. for αυτών, g. pi. of αυτός. Αυτή, -τη, -τήν, -της, cases of same. Αύτη, -τήν, τής, cases of αϋτος. Αυτή, -ής, η, (fr. αύω to shout) cla- mour, shout, confused cry, din of battle; a fight, battle; charge, onset. Αυτήγε, fem. of αυτός, which see, with γε, the enclitic. Αυτήκοος, -ov, δ, η, (fr. αντός self, and ακούω to hear) who hears for himself, or with his ovm ears ; an eye-witness ; independent, un- controlled. Αντήμαρ-, (of same, and ημαρ a day) to-day, this day, now. Αυτής, g. fem. sin. — Αυτής, Ion. for ανταΊς, d. pi. fem. of αυτός. Αυτί, for αυτόθι. Αντίκ, and Αυτίχ', for Αυτίκα, (fr. αντός the same) imme- diately, quickly, this moment ; directly, to the point; for in- stance, example. Ό αντίκα, pre- sent, immediate, instant, sad- den. To αυτίκα, for the present. Αυτίκα νυκτός, at nightfall, dusk. 'Ω,ς αυτίκα, as quickly as possible. Αυτίκα δή, Αυτίκα γέτοι, in the first place, first of all. Αυτίκα μάλα, very shortly, by and by. Αύτις, Dor. for αύθις, see αυ. Αϋτμή, -ής, ή, and Αυτμήν, -ενός, δ, (perhaps fr. αύω to burn) α breath, an air; fume, vapour, steam ; smell, stench, exhala- tion. Αυτό, (neut. of αυτός self) self, same, itself. Έις το αυτό, Κατά το αυτό, together, along with, at the same time. Επί τό αντό, to the same thing, place, or pur- pose. Αντό μόνον, this only , that alone, only. Και αντό δή τούτο, that is it, the very thing, it is just so. Αυτοβοάω -ώ, (fr. αυτός self, and βοάω to exclaim) to praise one's self, boast, vaunt, pres. inf. αυτοβοψν. Αυτοβοεΐ, (fr. same, and βοή a shout) at the first shout, suddenly, immediately, at once. Αυτοβορεας, -ου, δ, (fr. αυτός self, and Βοριάς the north wind) a very Boreas, Boreas himself. Αυτόβουλος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same, and βουλή will) self-willed. Αυτόγα, Dor. for αυτόγε, (fr. same) to the same place, here indeed. Αυτογενεθλος, Αυτογενής, Αυτογε- νητος, Αυτογόνος, (fr. sa.ne, and γίνομαι to be born) scli- self -created, self-produced ; eter- nal ; innate, nutive, natural; in ccstuous. Αυτόγραφος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same, ATT and γράφω to write) original, written with one's own hand, signed. Αυτόγϊ<ον, -ου, τό, (fr. same, and yva or γνία a field) the head, or stock of the plough, which lies in the furrow, and upon which the sock or ploughshare is fixed. Αντοδάϊκτος, -ου, δ, ft, (fr. αυτοί self, and δαίζω to wound) self-slain. Αυτ6δ}}λος, -ου, δ, ft, (fr. same, and δήλος manifest) self-evident. Αυτοδιακονία, -ας, ft, (fr. next) self- service, attendance on one's self. Αυτοδιάκονος, -ου, δ, ft, (fr. same, and διάκονος an atttendant) self- attended, who does all his own work. Αυτοδίδακτος, -ου, δ, ft, (fr. same, and διδάσκω to teach) self- taught. Αντύεντης, -ου, δ, (fr. same, and εω or 'ίημι to inflict) a suicide, murderer, assassin. Αυι-οετεί, (fr. same, and έτος a year) this, or that year, the same year. Αντόθε, Αυτόθεν, (fr. same) from that place or time ; hence, hence- forth ; there, in that place ; then, at that time; thenceforth, forth- with, directly. Αυτόθι, (fr. same) there, then, therein; at that time; in that place. Αυτοω, Ion. for αυτόν, g. of αυτός. Αυτοκασιγνήτη, -ης, ft, (fr. next) a full sister. Αυτοκασίγνητος, -ου, δ, (fr. αυτός self, κάσις kin, and γίνομαι to be born) a full brother ; of the whole blood. Αυτοκατάκρϊτος, -ου, δ, ft, (fr. same, and κατακρίνω to con- demn) self-condemned, self-con- victed. Αυτοκέλευστος, -ου, δ, ft, (fr. same, and κελεύω to exhort) unbidden, ready, willing, voluntary. Αυτοκελής, -ίος -ους, δ, ft, (fr. same, and κελω to exhort) same as last. Αυτοκρατορικός, -ft, -dv, (fr. next) of free will, mere motion ; sove- reign, absolute. Αυτοκράτωρ, -ορός, δ, (fr. αυτός self, and κράτος power) one's own master, independent ; self-de- pendent ; self- emanating or pro- ceeding ; supreme, sovereign, ab- solute ; plenipotentiary. Αντόκτονος, -ου, δ, ft, (fr. same, and κτείνω to kill) self-killing, mur- derous ; a suicide. Αυτολεξεϊ, (fr. same, and λέξις a word) to a word, verbatim, by rote. Αυτόλυκος, -ου, δ, Autolycus, a man's name. Α.υτόμάτος, -η, -ov, or -ου, δ, ft, (fr. same, and μάω to desire) spon- tanems, of its own accord, volun- tary ; natural, unassisted by art. In neut. an automaton, a self- moving machine. Αυτομάτως, (fr. last) spontaneous- ly, naturally, of itself. ATT Αυτομέδων, -οντος, δ, Automedon a man's name. Αυτομήτωρ, -ορός, δ, ft, (fr. αυτός same, and μήτηρ mother) like, resembling the ?no(her ; of the same mother ; the very mother. Αυτομολίω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. next) to come from, or go to the other side, or party, desert, fall off from. Αυτόμολος, -ου, δ, ft, (fr. αυτός self, and μολέω to go) a deserter, trai- tor, recreant, apostate. Αυτονόη, -ης, ft, Autonol•, a wo- man's name. Αυτονομέομιι -ουμαι, f. -ήσομαι, (fr. αυτόνομος self-directed) to direct one's self, follow one's own will. Αυτόνομη, -ης, ft, (fern, of next) Aidonoml, a woman's name. Αυτόνομος, -ου, δ, ft, (fr. aurdyself, and νόμος law) self-directed; in- dependent ; wilful, headstrong. Αυτονυχει, and -χί, (fr. same, and νύξ night) to-night, this night ; the same night, that night. Αυτοπαγης, -έος-ους,8, ft, (fr. same, and πήγνυμι to compact) self- made ; cohering together, bind- ing, cohesive, compact, firm. Αυτόπιστος, -ου, δ, ft, (fr. same, and πιστός credible) self-evident; convincing, persuasive ; appa- rent, evident. Αυτοπόνητος, -ου, δ, ft, (fr. same, and πονέω to work) self-wrought, self-made, self-effected. Αντόπονς, -οδός, δ, ft, (fr. same, and πους a foot) on one's own feet. Αυτοπρόσωπος, -ου, δ, ft, (fr. same, and πρόσωπον the face) of the natural countenance, in one's own person. Αυτόπτης, -ου, δ, (fr. same, and όπτομαι to behold) an eye-wit- ness ; a spectator, beholder, looker on. n. pi. αύτοπται. Αυτόρμυτος, -ου, δ, ft, (fr. same, and ρέω to flow) flowing of itself, springing naturally, gushing, bubbling. Αυτός, -ft, -ό, (perhaps fr. αυ again, and τός obs. for δ he) he, she, it ; himself, herself, itself; mere, very; spontaneous, of himself, &c. ; same, the same. sup. αυ- τότατος. Α'ΰτος, -η, -ο, used for ούτος, or εαυτού, which see. Αυτοστάδία, -ας, ft, (fr. last, and στάδιος firm, th. "ιστημι to stand) a standing, or remaining fixed in one place ; a standing fight. Αυτόστολος, -ου, δ, ft, (fr. same, and στέλλω to equip) who is ship, convoy, or guide to himself in his own vessel ; escorting per- sonally; a swimmer. Αυτόστονος, -ου, δ, ft, (fr. same, and στένω to groan) groaning under his own sorrows, suffering under woes of his own making. Αυτοσχέδια, -ας, Ion. -δίη, -ης, ft, (fr. αυτοσχέδιος sudden) a fight hand to hand, close combat, close quarters ; hurry, precipitation, haste, confusion, tumult. (102) ATT Αυτοσχεδιάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. same) to hurry, hasten, act with preci- pitation, or rashly ; to disorder^ embroil, confuse, confound, dis- turb. Αυτοσχεδίασμα, -άτος, το, (fr. last) a thing done in a hurry ; haste t rashness, precipitation. Αυτοσχεδιαστικός, -ft, -ov, (fr. αυ- τοσχέδιος sudden) hurried, tu- multuous, rash, hasty ; unpre- meditated. Αυτοσχεδίη, -ης, ft, (fr. same) hur- ry, precipitation, haste; rash- ness ; tumult, confusion. Αυτοσχέδιος, -a, -ov, and -ου, b, ft, (fr. αυτός same, and σχέδιος near) sudden, extemporaneous f done at the moment ; hasty, pre- cipitate, rash ; unpremeditated^ not prepared ; rough, clownish^ uncouth ; tumultuous, confused, disorderly; fighting at close quarters. Αυτοσχεδίως, (fr. last) spontane- ously ; suddenly, hastily, precipi- tately ; tumultuously ; close, hand to hand. Αυτοσχεδόν,-δάοτ-δίην, (fr. same) nigh, close, hand to hand. Αντότατος, sup. of αυτός. Αυτοτελής, -έος-ονς, δ, ft, (fr. αυτός self, and τέλος the end, or a tax) perfecting, effective, perfect, finished, complete ; sufficient, ca- pable, answerable ; independent^ living, or acting at his own ex- pense. Αυτού, viz. χώρου, (g. sin. of αυτός) for αυτόθι. Αυτόν, Αυτω, Αυτόν, for ίαυτα% -τω, -τόν. Αυτουργέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. next) to act of, from, or by one's self; to labour, work with the hands. Αυτουργός, -ov, δ, ft, (fr. αυτός self, and έργον work) self-acting; spontaneous, native, natural ; a workman, labourer, mechanic. Αυτόφλοιος, -ου, δ, ft, (fr. same, and φλοιόν the bark) with the bark, covered with the bark ; rough, unshapen. Αυτοφυής, -έος -ους, and Αυτόφϋτος, -ου, δ, ft, (fr. same, and φύω to grow) self -born, self-produced; native, natural, spontaneous. Αυτόφωρον, -ου, τό, (fr. same, and φωρ a thief) the very fact, the act itself; afoul deed, crime, offence, επαυτοφώρψ for επ' αυτοφώρω^ in the very fact. Αυιόχειρ, -ρος, δ, ft, (fr. same, and χε)ρ the hand) with one's own hand, the very person, the imme- diate perpetrator ; a suicide, n. pi. αυτόχειρες. ΑντοχειρΊ, and -ρία, (fr. last) with the hand, personally. Αυτόχθων, -όνος, b, ft, (fr. αυτός same, and χθων land) native, in- digenous, original. Αυτοχόωνος, and Αντόχωνος, -ου, δ, ft, (fr. same, and χώνος a smelt- ing furnace) shapeless, rough, un- finished, as it came from the furnace ; solid 3 massy ; huge^ ΑΦΑ large ; bursting or pouring forth as from a furnace ; babbling, blabbing, that cannot keep secret. Αυτόχρημα, (fr. same, and χρήμα a matter) the thing itself, the very matter; in reality, truly, really ; clearly, plainly, evidently. Αυτόχύτος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and χέω to pour) bursting, shed or poured out of itself. Αντοψει, (fr. next) at the very sight; by sight. Αυτοψία, -ας, and -<1ίη, -ης, η, (fr. αυτός self, and όψις sight) the sight, view, ocular demonstration, eye-sight. Αυτψ, -τω, -των, cases of αυτός. Αυτώ, Dor. for αν του, or αυ~6θΐϊ Αυτψ, -των, cases of αϋτος. Αΰτως, or Αύτως, (fr. αυτός same) so, thus ; likewise, in like manner or state ; merely, only ; without cause or reason, rashly, giddily ; in vain, idly ; freely, gratis. .Αυφένα, -ZEol. for αυχένα, and Αυχέν', ϊοτ αυχένα, a. sin. of αυχήν. Αυχένιος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. ανχην the neck) of the neck ; about the shoulders. Αυχέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ηύχηκα, (per- haps fr. same) to boast, brag, vaunt, glory. Αύχη, -ης, and Αύχησις, ~ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) bragging, boast- ing, vaunting ; triumph, exulta- tion. Αυχην, -ένος, b, the neck, back of the neck, nape, shoulder ; a pass, defile, strait, isthmus. Αυχμάω, and Ανχμέω -ω, (fr. αυχ- μος drought) to be parched with drought; to be dusty, dirty, squalid, foul ; to be shabby, or ragged ; to mourn, wear mourn- ing, which the ancients express- ed by foul and worn clothes. Αυχμηρός, -a, -bv, (fr. same) dry, withered, arid, desert ; foul, filthy, squalid ; dull, dark, dusky. Αυχμόομαι, (fr. same) see αυχμάω Αυχμός, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. αύω to dry) drouglxt arising from heat, dryness, aridity; foulness, slo- venliness. Αυχμώδης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. last) hot, parching ; dry, and ; foul dirty, squalid ; slovenly. Αύω, and sometimes αύω, and by Dyal. αΰω, f. αύσω, p. ηύκα, (fr. άω to blow) to dry, parch, scorch ; to light up, kindle, in- flame, set on fire ; to shout, cry out, exclaim ; to roar ; to resound, ring, echo ; to sparkle, shine, glitter; to blow, breathe; to touch; to sleep. 1 a. ind. act. ηύξα, as if fr. αύζω Dor. for αύσω. Αφ', for avb, before an aspirate. Αφαγνίζω, (fr. a~b intens. and αχ- νίζω to purify) to consecrate, hallow, devote, set apart, sanc- ttfy S to P ur tfy, cleanse, expiate, atone. Αφαδανω, and Αφαδανων, Heb. in- decl. a royal tent, pavilion. Αφαιρεθείς, -εΊσα, -iv, par. 1 a. pass. =— Αφαιρεθήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ΑΦΑ ind. pass. — Αφαιρεΐν, pres. inf. cont. — Αφαιρείται, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. pass. — Αφαιρώ, 3 sin. cont. pres. sub. pass. — Αφαιρή- σω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of αφαιρέω. Αφαίρεμα, or -ημα, -ατός, το, (fr. αφαιρέω to take away) a taking away, carrying off ; a withdraw- ing, separation, distinction ; that which is withdrawn or separated, the part of the victim offered, an offering, oblation. Αφαίρεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) a taking away, depriva- tion, separation ; an offering, sacrifice ; aphceresis, a gramma- ticaljigure. Αφαιρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. αφήρηκα, (fr. α -ofrom, and α\ρέω to take) to take away, carry off, spoil, plunder, bereave, strip, deprive ; to rescue, free, or deliver from ; to distinguish, separate ; to re- move, reject, expel ; to suppress, stop, prohibit, discontinue; to amputate, prune, pare ; to era- dicate, deface, destroy ; to de- prive, divest ; to conceal, hide. Αφαιρέομαι -ουμαι, to be stripped, deprived, lose. 1 a. ind. act. αφηρησα. 2 a. ind. act. αφεΧλον. per. pass, αφήρημαι, or αφήρεμαι. 1 a. pass, αφ^ρέθην. 1 f. pass. αφαιρεθήσομαι. 1 f. mid. ind. αφαιρήσομαι' inf. αφαιρήσεσθαι. 2 a. mid. ind. αφειλόμην sub. αόε- λωμαι' inf. αφελέσθαι. Άφαιστος, -ω, or -οιο, b, Dor. for "ϊίφαιστος. Αφάκη, -ης, η, a kind of pulse, a town in Libya. ' Αφαλός, -ου, b, ή, (fr. a neg. and φαλος a crest) wanting the crest, unplumed. ΑφάΧΧομαι, (fr. a~b from, and αλ- Χομαι to leap) to leap down or off; to bound or spring away; to flee, escape. Αφαμαρτάνω, £ -ήσω, p. αφημάρτη- κα, (fr. same, and άμαρτάνω to err) to miss, fail, mistake, mis- carry ; to be disappointed, be be- reft, deprived or destitute of. 2 a. αφήμαοτον par. αφαμαρτών. Αφαμαρτοέττης, -εος -ους, b, ή, (fr. last, and έπος a word) rambling in language, verbose, tedious; diffuse in style, diffusive, inco- herent. Αφάμαρτον, -ες, -ε, Ion. for αφήμαρ- τον, 2 a. ind. of αόαμαρτάνω. Αφάνεια, -ας, η, (fr. next) dark- ness, obscurity, indistinctness ; uncertainty, doubt. Αφανής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. α neg. and φαίνι-' to appear) dark, ob- scure, indistinct ; unseen, not clear, hidden ; evanescent, vanish- ed ; ignoble, mean, low. Αφανίζει, 3 sin. and Αφανίζονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act Αφανίσθητε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. pass. — Αφανιζό- μενος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of Αφανίζω, f. -ίσω, p. ηφάνικα, (fr. last) to hide, conceal, darken ; to destroy, abolish ; to torrupt, (103) ΑΦΑ spoil, deform, disfigure; to da* charge, dismiss. Αφανίζομαι, to disappear, vanish ; to perish. per. pass, ηφάνισμαι. 1 a. pass. ηφανίσθην. 1 f. αφανιοθήσομαι. Αφανισμός, -ov, b, and Αφάνισις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. last) a dis- appearance, vanishing ; depart- ure ; death, decease ; extinction, ruin, destruction ; an abolition, doing away, annulling. Άφαντος, -ου, b, ^, (fr. same) dis- appearing, vanishing, evanes- cent ; unseen, invisible, hidden ; obscure, humble, lovdy. Αφάντως, and Άφαντον, (fr. last) obscurely, darkly ; secretly, pri- vily, privately, unheeded, unob- served. Αφανως, (fr. αφανής obscure) same as last. Αφά-τω, f. -άψω, p. α-ηφα, (fr. από from, and α'τω to hang) to hang to or upon, append, affix, fasten to, tie, bind to ; to touch, approach, come near to. per. pass. ind. άφημμαι' par. αφημ- μένος, Ion. ά-αμμαι, and απαμ- μένος. Άψάρ, and Ion. αφαρεϊ, (perhaps fr. άφη the touch) immediately, quickly, suddenly, comp. αφάρ- τερος. Αφαρευς, -έος, -ηος, and -έως, b, Aphareus, a man's name. Αφαρητίδαι, Poet, for Αφαρειδαι, -ων, οι, the sons of Aphareus. Αφάρκη, -ης, η, at ι evergreen tree. Αφάρμακτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and φάρμακον a drug) unadul- terated, uitmixed. Αφ αρπάζω, f. -άσω, and -άςω, (fr. a~b from, and αρπάζω to rob) to plunder, carry away, despoil, rob ; to steal, snatch, pick up. Αφάρτερος, -a, -ov, (comp. of αφάρ quickly) quicker, speedier, soon- er ; more sudden. Αφασία, -ας, Ion. and Poet, αμφα σ'ιη, -ης, η, (fr• α neg. and φημί or φάω to speak) silence, dumb- ness, inability to speak ; astonish- ment, fear. Άφατος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) inex- pressible, surprising, unuttera- ble ; not to be repeated, spoken, or mentioned, obscure, of no re- port, mean, low. Αφάτως, (fr. last) inexpressibly, surprisingly ; without number, enough, sufficiently, plentifully, abundantly. Αφανρος, -a, -bv, (fr. a intens. and φανρος, Dor. for φαύλος worth- less ; or πανρος few) weak, faint, feeble; lazy , slothful ; cowardly; vile, worthless ; dull, dim. comp. αφανρότερος, sub. -ότατος. Αφανω, f. -αύσω, (fr. αττο intens. and αύω to dry) to dry up, with» er, decay, fade ; to starve, fa- mish. Άφάω -ω, f. -άσω, (fr. άφη a touch) to touch, handle ; to stroke* sooth, caress, αφόωντα, Poet, for άφωντα, a. sinl mas. cont. pa. pres. act. ΑΦΕ ΑΦΗ Αφεγγής, -έος -ους, δ, ή, (fr. a neg. [Αφελόμην, Ion. for αφειλδμην, 2 a and φέγγος brightness) without light, obscure, dark; blind; im- perceptible, gentle. Άφεδρος, -ου, b, (fr. next) the cata- menia, menses. ■ Αφέδρω, (fr. αφεδρών a privy) to choke, suffocate, stifle. Άφεδρν, 2 sin. pres. sub. pass. Αφεδρών, -ώνος, b, (fr. από apart, and 'έδρα a seat) a privy ; a sewer, drain ; perhaps, the rec- tum, or lowermost gut. a. sin. αφεδρώνα. Αφέητε, Ion. for αφητε, 2 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of αφίημι. Αφεθείς, Αφέθην, -ήθην, or -εϊθην, Αφεθείην, Αφεθηναι, Αφε&ήσομαι, see same. Αφειδέω-ω,ΐ. -ήσω, (fr. αφειδής un- sparing) to give without stint ; to lavish, squander ; to despise, ex- pose ; to spare one's self, decline, shun, αφειδήσαντα, a. sin. mas. of αφειδήσας, 1 a. par. act. Αφειδέως, Ion. for Αφειδώς, (fr. same) liberally, unsparingly ; without mercy, severely. Αφειδης, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. α neg. and φείδομαι to spare) liberal, bountiful, unsparing ; profuse, prodigal, frequent, often. Αφειδία, -ας, η, (fr. last) profuseness, prodigality, no sparing; severity, cruelty ; austerity, mortification. Αφέθησαν,Ζ pi. ind. — Αφεθώ, -jj s , -f), sub. 1 a. pass. — Αφεθήσο- μαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. act. — Αφεϊς, -εισα, -εν, η. pi. Αφέντες, par. 2 a. act. of αφίημι. Αφείθην, and Αφέθην, Αφεΐμαι, Αφειμένος, see αφίημι. Αφεΐλον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. act. ind. ; impr. Αφέλε• opt. ΑφελοΊμι' sub. Αφελώ,-ης, • ?/ * inf. ΑφελεΊν par. Αφελών. — Αφέλωμαι, -η, -ηται, 2 a. sub. mid. of αφαιρέω. Αφειλόμην, -ου, -ετο, 2 a. mid. ind. ; imp.A^Aov" ογΧ.ΑφελοΊμην' sub. Αφελώμαι, -η, -ηται' inf. Αφελέσ- θαι' par. Αφελόμενος, of same. ΑφεΊμεν, for αφέμεν, 1 pi. of αφην, 2 a. ind. act, Or, by Sync, for αφείημεν, 1 pi. 2 a. opt. act. Or Ion. and Poet, for αφείναι. 2 a. inf. act. of αφίημχ.- Αφείναι, Αφεις, see same. Αφεκτέος, -a, -ov, (fr. απέχω to with- hold) to be withheld or abstain- ed ; to be avoided or shunned. Αφελγύνω, (perhaps, fr. αφέλειν to take away, γόνυ the knee) to hurt, injure, abuse. Αφέλεια, -ας, η, (fr. αφελής simple) simplicity, sincerity, purity of thought, goodness of intention. Αφέλεσθε, 2 pi. impr. Or, Ion. for αφείλεσθε, 2 pi. 2 a. ind. m. — Αφέλης, 2 sin. 2 a. sub. act. of αφαιρέω. Αφελής, -έος -ους, b, η, simple, sin- cere, honest, single-hearted ; sin- gle, unmixed ; small, slender, slight. Αφέλκω,ΐ. -|ω, (fr. απο from, and έ'λ- mu to draw) to draw or takeaway; separate, divide, tear asunder. ind. mid. of αφαιρέω Αφελότης, -ητος, η, same as αφέ- λεια, d. sin. αφελότητι. Αφελουμαι, -η, -ειται, 2 f. mid. — Αφελώμαι, 2 a. sub. mid. — Αφε- λών, 2 a. par. act of αφαιρέω. Αφελώς, (fr. αφελής simple) simply, sincerely, without art ; singly, barely, merely ; clearly, dis- tinctly. Άφεμα, -ατός, rb, (fr. αφίημι to send away) a discharge, dismis- sion, sending away ; deliverance, liberty ; remission, forgiveness ; the person or thing discharged. Αφέμενος, 2 a. par. mid. of αφίημι. 'Αφενός, by Sync. Άφνος, -ου, b, or -εος -ους, το, (perhaps fr. αφ' ενός, viz. ένου of one year) in- come, revenue, profit ; wealth, riches ; plenty, abundance. Αφέντι, d. sin. of αφ εις, 2 a. par, act. of αφίημι. Αφέξω, 1 f. act. of απέχω. Αφέρπω, f. αφέρψω, (fr. απο intens. and 'έρπω to creep) to creep, crawl, move like a serpent or worm ; to creep or sneak away. Άφες, -έτω, 2 γΛ.Άφετε, 2 a. impr. act. of αφίημι. Άφεσιν, a. sin Αφέσει, d. sin. cont. Att. of Άφεσις, -ως, Att. . -εως, ή, (fr. αφίημι to send away) a dismis- sal, discharge; release, deliver- ance; remission, forgiveness, par- don ; a starting post ; speed, impetuosity. Αφεσταίην, -ης, -η, pres. opt. Αφέστατε, Αφεστασι, 2 and 3 pi. pres. ind. of αφέστημι for αφίσ- τημι. Or the two latter are by Sync, for αφεστήκατε, and αφεσ- τήκασι, 2 and 3 pi. per. act. of αφίστημι. Αφέστημι, same as αφίστημι. Αφέται, -ων, at, the name of a place, some say a city of Mag- nesia. Άφετε, 2 pi. 2 a. ind. or impr. of αφίημι. Αφετέος, -a, -ov, (fr. αφίημι to dis- miss) to be dismissed, sec. posi- tively with any of the significa- tions of αφίημι. Αφέτης, -ov, b, (fr.same) a shooter, sling er, worker of warlike ma- chines, engineer ; a freed slave, freed man. Άφετος, -ov, b, >% (fr. same) dis- missed, discharged, loosed, set free ; set apart, separated ; con- secrated, holy ; rejected, refused ; opposite, contrary. Αφίψω, and Αφεψέω -ώ, f. αφεψή- σω, (fr. από intens. and έ'ψω to boil) to boil away, evaporate. Αφέωκα, Att. for αφείχα, per. act. — Αφέωνται, Att. for ' αφεΊνται, 3 pi. per. pass, of αφίημι. Αφεώρα, Att. for αφώρα, 3 sin. impf. ind. οι αφοράω. Άφη-, -ης, η, (fr. απτω to touch) a joint ; touching, close meeting ; the touch, feeling ; a touch, stroke, blow. (104) ΑΦΘ Αφηγέομαι -ονμαι, f. -ήσομαι, p. -ημαι, (fr. από intens. and ήγέο μαι to lead) to conduct, guide, lead; to command, rule, govern; to tell, relate, report, recount. Αφήγημα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) a re- latioji, narration, history, story, account. Αφήγησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) a narrative, the recollec- tion, memory, or rehearsal of any thing ; the tale or story itself. Αφηγούμενος, -ου, b, (par. pres. m. of same) a leader, captain, chief, general, commander. Αφηκα, -κας,-κε, or -κεν, before a vowel, 1 a. ind. act. — Άφην, -ης, -η, ind. — Αφώ,-τ\ς, -fj, sub. 2 a. act. — Αφήσω; -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. οΐαφίημι. Αφηλάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of αφάλλομαι. Αφηλιξ, -ίκος, b, ?), (fr. a neg. or απο from, and ηλιξ a pompanion) destitute, forlorn, forsaken. Αφήμαρτον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of αώαμαρτάνω. Αφημμένος, par. of Αφημμαι, per. pass, of αφάπτω. Αφηνιάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. απο from, and ηνία a bridle) to refuse the rein, not to bear the bridle ; to be stubborn or obstinate ; to dis- obey, resist. Αφηρεόμην -ονμην, -έου -ου, -έετο -εΐτο, impf. ind. mid. — Αφηρέ- θην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of αφαιρέω. Αφήτωρ, -ορός, b, (fr. a<2>t>7/iitosend forth) an epithet ot Apollo, the utterer, pronouncer of oracles ; the darter of light ; the archer. "Αφθαι, -ων, al, the thrush, a dis- ease in the mouth. Αφθαρσία, -ας, η, (fr. a neg. and φθείρω to destroy) incorruptibili- ty, incorruption ; immortality. Άφθαρτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) in• rrruptible, immortal, eternal. ΆώθεΙς, par. of " Αφθην, -ης, -η, Dor. or Ion. ΐοχ'ήφθην, 1 a. pass, of απτω. Αφθϊτος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. α neg. and φθέω to corrupt) see άφθαρτος. Αφθόγγοισι, d. pi. Ion. of Άφθογγος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and φθόγγος voice, th. φθέγγομαι to speak) speechless, dumb; mute, silent. Αφθόνάτος, Dor. for Αφθόνητος, -ου, b,fj, (fr. same, Άηά'φθόνος envy) exempt from envy, unenvied. Αφθονέστερος, Poet, for αφθονώτε- ρος, comp. of άφθονος. Αφθονία, -ας, η, (fr. α neg. and φθόνος stint) abundance, plenty, no stint ; exemption from envy, malice, or grudge. Άφθονος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) ex- empt from envy, unassailed by malice ; plentiful, abundant, co- pious, unstinted, given without grudge, liberal. Αφθόνως, (fr. last) plentifully, co- piously ; without ent~y or stint, liberally. Άφθορος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. a neg. and ΑΦΪ φθείρω to corrupt) uncorrupted, untainted, untouched ; young, tender. Αφία, -ας, ή, a plant. Αφιάσι, and Ion. αώιίασι for αφιεΊσι, 3 pi. pres. of αφίημι. ΑφΤγμαι, -ξαι, -κται, per. pass. — Αψίγμην, -ξο, -κτο, pper. pass. of αφικνίομαι. Αφίδρυμα, -ατός, το, (fr. next) a statue, image, idol ; a temple, sanctuary. Αφιδρύω, and Αφιδρύνω, f. -ίσω, (fr. απδ intens. and ιδρύω uO fix) to set, place ; to erect, set up ; to offer, present, dedicate. Αφίεθι, Αφίεναι, ΑψιεΙς, see αφίημι. Αφίει, 3 sin. impf. of αφιέω. Αφίεμεν, 1 pi. ind. — Αφίετε, 2 pi. ind. or impr. — Αφιίτω, 3 sin. impr. pres. act. — Αφίεναι, pres. inf. act. — Αφίεται, 3 sin. and Αφίενται, 3 pi. pres. ind. pass, of αφίημι. Αφιέω, same as next. Impf. αφίεον, and ηφίεον -uvv, -Ίεες -Ίεις, -ίεϊ -ίει. 2 a. ind. act. f /φιον, -ες, -ε. 2 f ind. act. Αφιω, -εις, -εΤ. Αφίημι, f. αφήσω, ρ. άφεικα, (fr. απδ from, and 'ίημι to send) to dis- miss, discharge, send, or put away ; to divorce ; to -part with, let go ; to loose ship, weigh an- chor, set sail ; to forsake, leave, abandon, quit, desert ; to leave after; to leave, let alone.; to leave, omit, neglect ; to permit, suffer, let, allow; to remit, for- give, pardon, absolve, release ; to emit, discharge, hurl, shoot, send forth ; to vent, wreak ; to yield, give up the ghost, die. 2 pi. pres. impr. αφίετε' opt. αφιείην sub. αφιω' inf. αφίεναι' par. αώιείς. 2 a. act. ind. αφην, -ης, -η' impr. άφες, -έτω, 2 pi. άφετε' opt. αφείην sub. αφω, -ΐ/ς, -η' inf. αφεΊναι' par. αψείς. 1 a. act. αφηκα. pres. pass, αφίεμαι, -σαι, -ται. per. pass, αψέΐμαι, 3 pi. αφεινται" Att. αφίωνται• par. αφειμίνος. 1 a. pass. ind. αφή- θην, αφείθην, and αφίθην' impr. αφίθητι' opt. αψεθείην' sub. αφε- θώ, -ης, -η' inf. αφεθηναι' par. αφεθείς. 1 f. pass, αφεθήσομαι. Αφίησι, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of last. Αφικάνω, fr. απδ intens. and Ίκάνω to meet, see next. Αφικνίομαι -ουμαι, f. -ίζομαι, p. -ϊγμαι, (fr. από from, and Ίκνίο- μαι to come) to come or go from one place to another, arrive; to reach, attain to; to happen, be- fall, chance, pres. itif. αφικνεΊσ- θαΐ' par. αφικνούμενος. 2 a. mid. ind. αφικόμην, -ov, -ετο' sub. αφίκωμαι' inf. αφικίσθαΐ' par. αφικόμενος. Αφίκομαι, (fr. απδ intens. and ΐκω to come) same as last. Αφικόμην, 1 sin. ; Αφίκου, Dor. Αφίκευ, 2 sin. ; Αφίκετο, 3 sin. ; Αφ'ικεσθε,Ί pi. 2 a. ind.'mid. — Αφίκευ, also Dor. for αφίκου, 2 a. imor. mid Αφικνεΰ, Dor. ΑΦΛ and ^Eol. for αφικνου, pres. impr. mid. — Αφίκηαι, Ion. for αφίκη, 2 sin. 2 a. sub. mid. of αφικνίο- μαι. Αφιλάγάθος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. φίλος fond, and αγαθός good) no lover of good men, no friend to goodness ; ill disposed, evil-mind- ed. Αφιλανθρωπία, -ας, η, (fr. next) in- humanity, unkindness; cruelty, barbarity. Αφιλάνθξν»πος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. a neg. φίλος fond, and άνθρωπος a man) inhuman, cruel, savage, barba- rous. Αφιλανθρώζως, (fr. last) inhuman- ly, cruelly. Αφιλάργύρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. φίλος fond, and άργυρος silver) not avaricious ; generous, liberal. Άφιλος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. a neg. and φίλος a friend) unfriendly, un- kind; friendless, destitute; not having, or wanting friends. ΑφιλότΊμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and τιμή honour) unambitious, unas- suming, modest, diffident ; mean, low. Άφιξις,-ιος, Att. -εως,ίι, (fr. αφικ- νίομαι to arrive) a coming, ar- rival; a departure, setting out; an excursion, journey ; an in- cursion, invasion, inroad, a. sin. άφιξιν. Αφΐζομαι, 1 f. mid. of αφικνίομαι. Αφιπ.πεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. απδ from, and ιππεύω to ride) to ride away go off, depart. Αφίπτημι, f. -ήσω, and Αφίπτάμαι, f. -ήσομαι, (fr. απδ from, and ϊπτημι to fly) to fly away ; to pass away, disappear, vanish ; to move swiftly. 2 a. act. ind. απίπ- την. inf. αποπτηναί' par. αποκ- τάς. 2 a. mid. ind. απεπτάμην, and -όμην inf. αποπτάσθαι' par. αποπτάμενος. Αφίστανται, 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. — ,, Αφίστατο, 3 sin. impf. mid. — , Αφίστασο, pres. impr. mid. of Αφ'ιστημι, f. αποστήσο), p. αφίστηκα, (fr. απο from, and "ιστημι to set) to separate, sever, disjoin, divide, disunite ; to put away, place at a distance ; to turn away, draw off, detach, seduce; to stop, make to cease; to cut short, break (ff, in- terrupt. Αφίστάμαι, to withdraw, depart, remove, shun, avoid, ab- dicate, retire; to turn from, ab- hor, loathe; to abstain, refrain, withhold from ; to revolt, rebel, fall off or away, apostatize ; to fail, be deficient ; to be absent, away, or far off; to gather, draw to a head, suppurate. 2 a. act. ind. απίστην impr. απόστηθι, -ήτω. 2 pi. απόστητε' sub. αποσ- τω, -ης, -η' inf. αποστηναι' par. απυστάς. pres. pass, αφίστάμαι, -σαι, -ται, in 3 pi. αφίστανται' impr. αφίστασο, 1 f. mid. αποσ- τήσομαι. Αφίχθαι, inf. of αφϊγμαι, per. pass, of αφικνίομαι. Άφλαστον, -ου, rb, (fr. a neg. and U05> ΑΦΟ φλάω, same as &λαω to break) the highest part of a ship, tht quarter, poop. Αφλογιστία,-ας, η, (fr. next) inca- pa ility of being burned. Αφλό\ ιστός, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. an Ι φλογίζω to burn) not parch- ed scorclied, or blistered; un- bu rned ; not inflammable or easi- ly set on fire. Αφλοισμος, -ου, b, same as αφρός. Αφνειω, Dor. for αφνειοΰ,ξ. οΐαφ- νειύς. Αφνεος, and Poet. Αφνειος, -ου, b, ί), (fr. άφενος wealth) rich, wealthy, opulent ; abundant, plen- tiful ; munificent, liberal. Αφνω, (by Sync, and Apoc. fr. αφανως invisibly) suddenly, una- wares, unexpectedly ; direcUy, forthwith. Αφόβητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and φρβίω to fear) fearless, undaunt- ed. Αφοβία, -ας, η, (fr. next) security, confidence, boldness. Άφοβος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and φόβος fear) fearless, intrepid, un- daunted; bold, courageous. Αφόβως, (fr. last) intrepidly, bold- ly, without fear ; impudently, insolently. Αφόδευμα, -άτος, το, (fr. αφοδεύω to go to stool) excrement. Αφοδευτήριον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a close-stool, privy. Αφοδεύω, f. -εύσω, p. αφόδευκα, (fr. απδ from, and οδεύω to go) to go aside, ease nature, empty the bowels, purge. Αφόδιον, -ου, το, (fr. next) excre- ment. Άφοδος, Ion. άποδος, -ου, η, (fr. απο from, and bδbς a road) a de- parture, going away ; retirement, vjilhdrawing ; return, coming back ; a privy ; dung, excrement. Αφομοιόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. αφωμοίω- κα, (fr. απο intens. and ομοιόω to liken) to assimilate, make like, liken, per. pass, αφωμοίωμαι' par. αφωμοιωμένος. Αφοπλίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. απδ from, and Ιπλίζω to arm) to disarm^ strip, despoil of arms or armour. k Αφοπλίζομαι, to strip, put off ar mour, lay aside arms. Αφοράω -ω, f. -άσω, p. αφώρακα, and Att. αφεώρακα, (fr. aπb in- tens. and bpάω to look) to look from, turn away the eyes ; to look steadfastly, gaze, behold; to look up to, revere, respect; to view, take a view of. Αφύρδιον, -ov,rb, Poet, for αφ ίδιον. Αφόρητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. α neg. and φορίω to bear) intolerable. Αφορία, -ας, η, (fr. same) unfruit- fulness, sterility. Αφορίζει, 3 sin. ind. act. — Αφοριώ, -εΊς, -εΊ, Att. lor αφορίσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of Αφορίζω, t. -ίσω, p. -ικα, (fr. απί, from, and bpίζω to define) to sever, separate, divide; to pirk out, choose, cull, select; ίο din tingtiish, designate, mark, ••-' , ΑΦΡ to take away, carry off, banish, excommunicate. 1 f. Att. αφοριώ 1 a. act. ind. αφώρισα• impr αφόρισον, -άτω. per. pass. αφώ• ρισμαι' par. αφωρισμένος. ίοη αφορισμένος. 1 a. pass, αφωρίυ- θην' impr. αφορίσθητι' 2 pi. ιφο• ρίσθητε. Αφόρισμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) any thing separated or set apart ; an - offering, vow. Αφορισμός, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a dis- tinction, diversion, separation, excommunication ; an aphorism, proverb, adage, pithy sentence. Αφοομάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. αφώρμηκα, (fr. από from, and ϊρμάω to rush) to set out, go off; to arrive at, invade, attack. Αφορμή, -ης, §, (fr. από from, and 8ρμη tendency) an onset, attack, assault ; a refuge, help ; an oc- casion, opportunity ; pretence, motive, cause; materials, means, provision, subsistence ; money, capital, stock. ΑώορμηθεΊεν, Sync, for -θείησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. opt. pass, of αφορμάω. Αφορολόγητος, -ov, δ, η, (fr. a neg. and φορολογέω to collect a tax) exempt, not subject to tribute. Άφορος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and φέρω to bear) that does not bear, barren, unproductive. Αφορώντες, η. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of αφοράω. Αφσσιόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, (fr. απο from, and 'όσιος holy) to lake away, sever, set apart ; to conse- crate, dedicate, devote ; to atone for, expiate ; to reject, abominate, put away ; to discharge formal ceremonies, act as of course, per- form slightly ; to beg against, deprecate, refuse, decline. Αφοσ'ιωμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. last) a sa- crifice of atonement, offering of expiation. Αφοσ'ιωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) an atonement, expiation. Αφ 1 ού τότε, from that time, from thence. Αφού, for άφεσο, impr. of αφ ε μην, 2 a. mid. of αφίημι. Αφού, stand off, away, begone. Άφόωντα, Poet, for άφώντα, a. sin. mid. cont. par. pres.' act. οΐάφάω.. Αφραδέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. αφραδής rash) ίο act sillily, play the fool; to speak rashly, talk in- considerately, blab, babble, prate. Αφραδέων -ων, d. sin. Αφραδέοντι, par. pres. of last. Αφραδέως, (fr. αφραδης foolish) rashly, inconsiderately, hastily. Αφραδης, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. α neg. and φράζω to think) thoughtless, rash, inconsiderate*, inadvertent; foolish, infatuated. Αφραδία, -ας, and Ion. -δίη, -ης, η, (fr. last) rashness, hastiness ; thoughtlessness, inadvertence ; sil- liness, folly. Αφραίνω f. -άνω, (fr. a neg. and φρη -y the mind) to dote ; to rave, r inf. act. of αφύω. Αφννσω,ΐ. -ξω, (fr. αφύω to drain) to draw, take out of, empty; ίο pour upon, water; to acquire, collect, get together. 1 f. inf. ac*. αφύξειν. Αφυστερέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. απδ from, and ύστερος deficient) to vnthdraw, withhold, keep back; to cheat, defraud, cozen; to fall behind, lag. Αφύω, f. -νσω, (perhaps fr. από intens. and νω to rain) to draw, take from, or out of; to empty, drain, exhaust. A0'_ ώ, and A0' ώτ\, Dor. for αφ' ού, viz. xpovov,fiom which time, from whence. Αφώ, -ης, -r h 1 pi. -ωμεν, 2 a. sub. act. of αφίημι. Αφωμοιωμένος, -η, ov, par. per. pass, of αφομοιόω. Άφωνος, and Poet. Αφώνητος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and φωνή voice) speechless, dumb, silent, mute ; inarticul tie ; unuttered, not spoken. Αφώριζον, -ες, -ε, or -εν, before a vowel, impf. act. — Αφώρισα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — Αφωρισ- μένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of αφορίζω. Αφώσι, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of αφίημι. λ-χαζ, b, Achaz, indecl. a man's name. Αχαΐα, -ας, and Αχάϊς, -ίδος, η, the name of a country com- monly called Greece, Lat. Achaia. Αχά'ίδα, a. sin. oflast. Αχαϊκός, -ή, -όν, (fr. Αχαΐα) Achaian, Greek, Grecian. Also Achaicus, a man's name. Αχαΐας, -άδος, a proper name. Αχαάδες, η. pi. of Αχαιΐς, -ίδος, fj, (fr. Αχαΐα) a wo- man of Achaia, or Greece. Αχαιοί, -ών, ol, (fr. same) Achai- ans ; Greeks, Grecians. Axaivat, -ων, οι, αϊ, stags, deer ; or rather an epithet of them from the city of Achainea. ΑχάλΊνος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and χαλινός a bridle) unbridled, li- centious, unrestrained; violent, headstrong, rash. Αχαλκος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and ΑΧΘ . χαλκός brass) without brass ; un- armed, unprotected ; without mo- ney, pennyless, poor. Αχάνη, -ης, η, a Persian measure of grain ; a baker'' s trough. Αχανής, -ίος -ους, b, ή, (fr. α intens. and χαίνω to gape) wide, gaping, yawning; fixed or wrapped in amazement; huge, vast; im mense, boundless ; deep, bottom less. "Αχαρις, -Έτος, b, >), (fr. α neg. and χάρις thanks) unpleasant, dis- agreeable, troublesome, offensive ; insipid ; worthless ; thankless, ungrateful, ungracious. Αχαριστέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. αχάρισ- τος disagreeable) to offend, dis- gust, shock, cause a dislike ; to be ungrateful ; to experience in- gratitude. Αχαριστία, -ας, ή, (fr. same) un- thankfulness, ingratitude. Αχάριστος, -ov, £>,//, (fr. α neg. and χάρις thanks) thankless, ungrate ful ; disagreeable, offensive. Αχαρίστως, (fr. last) ungratefully ; unkindly. Αχάτης, -ov, b, Achates, the friend of ^Eneas ; an agate. Άχει, Dor. for ήχει, 3 sin. pres. orimpf. ind. of ηχέω. 'Αχει, and 'Αχι , indecl. a greenfiag. Αχεϊμ, indecl. a man's name. Αχειρής,-έος -ους, b, η, (fr. α neg. and χε\ρ the hand) without hands, wanting a hand or hands , maimed. Αχειροποίητος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same and ποιέω to make) not made by hands ; not made by man ; na tural, not artificial. Αχελώϊος, and Αχελώος, -ov, b, the river Achelous. Αχίοισα, Dor. for αχέονσα, for which also Αχέονσ'', fern, par pres. of αχέω. Άχερδος, -ov, ί, the black thorn, or sloe tree. Αχερωΐς, -ίδος, i), (fr. next) the white poplar which Hercules was said to have brought from Acheron. Αχέρων, -οντος, b, (fr. άχος grief, arid ρέω to flow) there were several rivers of this name. One of the rivers of the Hell of the Poets, Hell, Acheron. Αχεΰσι, JEol. and Dor. for ηχουσι, a. pi. par. pres. or 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of ηχεω. Αχενω, same as Αχέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. άχος grief) to pain, ache; to grieve, fret, re- pine ; to be angry, par. pres. αχίων. Αχέω, Dor. for ηχεω. Δχην, -ενός, b, η, (fr. a neg. and έχω to have. Or, fr. a intens. and χαίνω to gape) poor, indi- gent ; beggarly, mean ; gaping for food. Αχηνία, -ας, η, (fr. last) poverty, want, indigence. Α-χθεΙς, 1 a. par. pass, of άγω. Δχθίσει, Att. (οταχθέση,2 sin. 1 f. mid. οΐάχθομαι. AXP Αχθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass. — Ανθήσεσ- θε, 2 pi. 1 f. ind. pass, of άγω. Άχθομαι, f. -ήσομαι, and τέσομαι, p. ήχθημαι, and ήχθεσμαι, (fr. next) to be oppressed, overburden- ed ; to grudge, be loath, or un- willing; to refuse, take ill, dislike; to moan, bemoan, grieve, fret. pres. 1 pi. αχθόμεθα• 3 pi. άχ- θονται. 1 a. ind. pass, ηχθέσθην. Άχθος, -εος -ονς, το, a weight, load, burden; truss, pack, baggage; a charge, impost, imposition ; pressure, affliction ; grief, sor- row, wo, calamity. Αχθοφορέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. last, and φέρω to carry) to bear burdens, carry a load, be a porter. Αχθοφόρος, -ov, b, ^, (fr. same) that carries loads or bears burdens ; a porter, beast of burden. Αχϊ, easily, freely, readily. Άχι, Dor. for ηχι. A^iXtwfjPoet. for Αχιλλέως, g. and Αχιλήα, Poet, for Αχιλλέα, a. of Αχιλλενς, -έος, Att. -ήος, and -εως, b, Achilles, a man's name. Αχιλληίος, relating to Achilles, like Achilles. Αχίτων -όνος, b, η, (fr. a neg. and χιτων a coat) without a coat, in a waistcoat or jacket; ill-dressed, poor. Άχλαινος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and χλαίνα a cloak) without a cloak, in his waistcoat. Αχλύόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. next) dark, obscure; .misty, foggy, gloomy, dreary. Αχλνς, -νος, η, darkness, obscurity ; ο cloud, mist, fog ; weakness or dimness of sight; sadness, sor- row, grief, wo. Αχλΰω, f. -ύσω, (fr. last) to darken, obscure, sully; to shade, shadow, overshadow ; to hide, screen, con- ceal ; to grovj dark ; to become blind. Άχνα, or Άχνη, -ης, η, (fr. α neg. and έχω to cohere) chaff, husks ; down, motes, straws, &c. froth, foam; smoke, soot. Άχννμαι, f. -νσομαι, p. -ήχννσμαι, (fr. άχος grief) to grieve, repine, fret, take ill. par. pres. αχνύμε- νος. Αχοί, Dor. for ηχοΊ, ά. sin. of ηχώ. Άχολος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a neg. and χολή bile) without the gall, free from bile ; mild, gentle ; good against bile ; allaying anger. Αχόρεντος, -ov, b, ή (fr. same, and χορύς a chorus) without a chorus ; without dances, devoid of mirth, cheerless. Άχος, -εος -ονς, τό, pain, ache ; grief, sorrow, wo ; emotion, dis- quiet, perturbation ; confusion, disorder, calamity, misfortune. ' Α,χηαντος, -ov, b, η, (fr. a ne, the straw thrown from the flail; chaff. Αχώ, αχώς, a, Dor. for ηχώ. Άχω, same as ακαχέω. Αχώρ, -ώρος, b, a running sore on the head ; foulness, dandriff. Άψ, back, backwards, behind; af- ter, subsequently ; in succession ; again ; on the contrary ; imme- diately, directly. "Αψαίο, 2 sin. 1 a. opt. mid. "Aipao, Ion. for αψω, and this Dor. for ήψω, 2 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. — Άψάμενος, -η, -ov, par. — Ά\ρασθαι, inf. 1 a. mid. of ατττω. Άψαυστος, -ov, b,f/, (fr. a neg. and xl /ανω to touch) untouched, un- tasted, untainted, undefiled,pure. Άψε /cro?, -ov, and Αψεγής, -έος -ους, b,?i, (fr. same, Άηάιρέγω to blame) unreproved ; unblame• able, blameless. Αψενδέο), and Α^'-πτέω -ώ, (fr. next) to speak truly, tell truth; to shun deceit. Α,ψενδής, -έος -ους, and Άψευδοι, -ov, b, η, (fr a neg. and ψευδές ΑΩΡ false) incapable of falsehood, true, faithful ; real, genuine, right, just. Αψευίώί, Ion. Αψευδέως, (fr. last) truly, verily, really. Αψευστος, -ου, b, b, (fr. a neg. and ψεύδωίο lie) true, faithful, ho- nest, just. Άψΐδες,η. pi. of όψίς. Αψίκορος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. άψ again, and κόρος satiety) fastidious, squeamish, delicate, nice. ' Άψίν, a. sin. of αψις. Αψίνθ'ϊον, -ου, το, and Άψινθος, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. a neg. and πίνω to drink) wormwood. Άψΐς, and Αψις, -ίδος, η, (fr. απ- τω to join) a joining, fitting, knotting ; a joint, knot ; a bond, hand, tie ; a fishing net, mesh ; a vault, arch, groin ; a military testudo, or covered approach ; the felloes, or wooden circumfer- ence of a wheel ; a circle, ring. Άψις, -ιος, Att. -εωί, η, (fr. same) the touch, feeling ; a touching, handling ; intercourse, connex- ion. Αψορρος, and Αψόρροος, -ου, b, η, (fr. άψ backward, and ρόος a stream) flowing back, ebbing, re- turning, retrograde ; reciprocal, mutual. Αψος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. άπτ.ω to join) a joint, articulation ; a limb, member ; bonds, fetters. Αψοφητι, (fr. a neg. and ψόφος a crash) without noise, stilly, qui- etly. Αψυχος, -ου, Ό, ή, (fr. α neg. and ψυχή life) lifeless, dead, inani- mate ; spiritless, pusillanimous. Αψωμαι, -τ/, -ηται, 3 pi. -ψωνται, 1 a. sub. mid. of απτω. Αω, Αάω, AfO), 'At /μι, f. αήσω, to blow ; to breathe, draw breath ; to breathe gently; to sleep, par. pres. αείς. 1 a. inf. act. at' ; aai, and αέσαι. Αω, or Αάω, same as ατάω, which see, par. 1 a. m;d. ασάμενος, 1 a. ind. pass, ήσθην, Ion. άσθην, -ης, -η. Άω, f. άσω, for άδω, which see. Αώθεν, Dor. ΐοτηωθεν. Αών, αόνος, a, Dor. for r /ων, which for η ϊών. Αωρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, ρ. ηώρηκα, (fr. άωρος unseasonable) to neglect, overlook, pass by, omit. Αο>ρϊ, (fr. same) untimely, 'unsea- sonably, out of time. Αωρία, -ας, t/, (fr. same) unreason- ableness, unfitness, immaturity ; bad weather, inclemency. Αωρόλειος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and λείος smooth) beardless in age. long without having a beard. ''Αωρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. a neg. and ωρα time, care. Or, fr. same, and ονρος a guard) unseasonable . unfit, improper, unbecoming . immature, untimely ; negligent, careless, indiflerent ; requiring much care, hard to be guarded, or preserved. Άωρτο, by Sync, and Ion. for BAA t /ώρετο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of αιω- ρέω. Or Poet, for fjpro, 3 sin. pper. pass, of αίρω. ' Αώς, αόος αούς, a, Dor. for ηώς, a. sin. cont. αω. Αωτέω -ω, ί. -ήσω, and Αωτεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. next) to cull, gather, pluck flowers ; to enjoy, delight in, take the benefit of, indulge. Αωτός, -ου, b, and Άωτον, -ου, το, a flower ; produce, or profit ; wool; the flower, bloom, pride, excellence. Άωτος, -ου, b, t), (fr. a neg. and ους the ear) without ears, want- ing ears, having no lugs. Β Β, β, S, the second of the Greek letters, called beta. As a nu- meral mark, it signifies two ; or with a dot underneath, 6, two thousand. Β a, a particle implying ridicule or derision. Ba, by Apoc. for βάθι, Dor. for βηθι, impr. of έβην, 2 a. of βημι, or βαίνω. Βάαλ, indecl. pi. βάαλιμ, Baal, Bal, or Bel ; a ruler, lord. Βαάρας, a root, to which some wonderful properties were at- tributed. Βάβα, an unmeaning word used by infants. Βαβάζω, f. -άσω, and άξω, (fr. last) to speak inarticulately, lisp; to cry like an infant. Βάβαϊ, Ο Strang's ! wonderful! astonishing ! bless me ! Βαβάκτης, -ου, b, (fr. βαβάζω to prate) a vain-talker, haranguer, speech-maker. See also βάβαξ. Βαβάλιον, -ου, το, (fr. βάβα) a cradle. Βαβαλιστήρια, -ων, τα. (fr. same) a cradle. Βάβαλον, -ου, το, an opening, pas- sage, aperture ; the female parts. Βάβαξ, -ακος, b, η, (fr. βάζω to speak) prating, babbling, talka- tive ; idle, foolish, silly ; trouble- some, impudent. Βαβράζω, to cry loudly, or shrilly ; to chirp. Βάβριξ, -ικος, η, the gum, or gums. Βαβΰλών, -ωνος, η, Babylon, a fa- mous city. d. -ωνι. Βαδδϊν, linen clothes. Βάδην, (fr. βαίνω to walk) step by step, by degrees, by little and little, gradually ; slowly, softly. Βαδίζω, f. -'ϊσω, p. βεβάδικα, (fr. same) to walk, go, move, pro- ceed ; to go to, frequent. 1 f. act. Att. βαδιω' mid. βαδιοϋμαι. Βαδίξω, Dor, for βαδίσω, 1 f. act. of last. ΒάδΈσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. βα- δίζω to walk) a walking, walk ; an entrance, entering, going in. (108) ΒΑΘ Βάδισμα, -ατός, rd, and Βαδισμός, -ου, b, (fr. same) a step, pace ; gait, walk, march. Βαδιστέος,-α,-ον, (fr. same) must go, to be walked, &c. according to the verb, Βαδιστης, -ov,b, (fr. same) awalk- er, runner ; a post, messenger. Βαδιστικός, -η, -bv, or -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) that walks or runs ; am- bling, pacing, toalking ; expedi- tious, active. Βάδος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a walk, journey ; way, road ; a coming, concourse, collection. Βάζω, f. -σω, and -ξω,γι. βέβαχα, Poet, (as if βοάζω fr. βοάω to cry out) to speak, say, tell; to utter, pronounce, prophecy; to blab, prate. Βαθέην, Ion. for βαθεΐαν, a. sin. fern. Βαθε?, ΒαθεΊα, and ion. Βαθε7η, d. sin. Βαθύ, neut. sin. of βαθύς. Βάθειος, -ου, b, {/, and -a, -ov, same as βαθύς. Βαθέως, (fr. βαθύς deep) deeply, profoundly ; heavily. Βάθη, pi. cont. of βάθος. Βάθιστος, Βαθιών, see βαθύς. Βαθμηδόν, (fr. βαθμός a step) step by step ; gradually, orderly. Βαθμϊς, -ίδος, t), (fr. same) an en- trance, threshold ; a step ; a base, foot, foundation. Βαθμός, -ου, b, (fr. βαίνω to go) a step, or stair ; rise, gradation, order ; degree, rank, preferment, dignity. Βάθος, -εος -ους, το, depth, deep- ness ; a deep ; the deep, ocean ; extremity, lowest degree, distress ; greatness, immensity, extent ; profoundness, inscrutability, αδ- struseness. Βάθρον, -ov, το, (fr. βαίνω to go) α step, stair ; a base, pedestal ; a footstool; a bench; a row of benches, or seats in the theatre ; seat, site, foundation. Βαθύ, neut. of βαθύς. Βαθύγλωσσος, -ου, b, η, (fr. βαθύς deep, and γλωσσά the tongue) deep-mouthed, sonorous ; elo- quent, fluent. Βαθύδίνης, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and δίνη an eddy) deep-flowing, mak- ing eddies or whirlpools. Βαθύδοξος, -ου, Ό, >;, (fr. same, and δόξα fame) glorious, celebrated, renowned, far-famed. Βαθύζυνος,-ον, b, η, (fr. same, and ζώνη a girdle) wearing the girdle low, longwaisted; noble, of high rank ; fair, beautiful. Βαθύκητης, -εος -ους, b, »/, (fr. βα- θύς deep, and κήτος a whale) of immense depth, very deep, fa- thomless. Βαθύκληρος, -ου, b, t), (fr. same, and κληοος an inheritance) of exten- sive property, rich, wealthy, opu- lent. Βαθύκολπος,-ου, Ό,η, (fr. same, and κόλπος a gulf) with deep bays,, seated on a deep bay, or gulf ; with deep valleys, rich, fertile, ΒΑΘ long-waisted, with a low breast or bosom. Βαθύ κρημνός, -ov, b, h, (fr. same, and κρημνός a precipice) with deep precipices or high cliffs; steep, craggy. Βαθνκρηπϊς, -Έδος, η, (fr. same, and κρηπις a foundation) deep seated; with strong foundations; firm, fixed. Βαθύλειμος, -ου, and Βαθυλείμων, -όνος, δ, ι?, (fr. same, and λειμών a meadow) with extensive meadows, or pastures ; fertile, luxuriant. Βαθύμαλλος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and μάλλος a fleece) with long wool, thick fleeces, fleecy, woolly. Βαθυμητα, iEol. ΐοτβαθυμήτης, -ου, b, (fr. same, and μητις thought) of deep counsel, wise, sage, saga- cious, intelligent, sensible. Βάθννος, -ου, b, (fr. βαθύς deep) a hole, pit, pitfall ; a- den, cave. Βάθυνσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. next) an excavation } hollow, ca- vity. Βαθϋνω, f. -ΰνΰ, p. -υγκα, (fr. βαθύς deep) to deepen, excavate, hollow, sink. per. pass, βεβάθυμ- μαι, and Att. βεβάθυσμαι. Βαθυπέδιος, -a, -ov, (fr. same, and πεδίον a plain) with extensive plains, level; low, encompassed with hills. Βαθυπλούσιος, and Βαθύπλουτο?, -ου, b, ι), (fr. same, and πλούσιος rich) very wealthy, opulent. Βαθυπόλεμος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. same, and πόλεμος war) deeply engaged, in war, causing great war, tur- bulent, tumultuous. Βαθύπρωρος, -ου, δ, j?,(fr. same, and πρώρα the prow) with deep or lofty prows ; large, stately, lofty. Βαθυπώγων, -ωνος, b, (fr. same, and πώγων a beard) long-beard- ed. Βαθυρ'ρεΙτης, -ου, and iEol. -ao, and Βαθύρροος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and ρέω to flow) deep flowing, deep rolling, deep heaving. Βαθυοριζία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and ρίζα a root) depth of root. Βαθυρ'ρίζος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) deep-rooted. Βάθος, -εΐι, -ύ, (fr. βάθος depth) deep ; high, lofty ; early ; broad, extensive; thick, close, dense; violent, overwhelming ; hidden, concealed, mysterious, profound, penetrating, sagacious ; comp. βαθύτερος, βαθίων, and βάσσων, sup. βαθύτατος and βάθιστος. Βαθύσκιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. last, and σκία a shade) deep-shaded, shel- tered; shady. Βαθύστερνος, -ου, b, h, (fr. same, I and a -ίρνον the breast) deep- chested, broad-breasted; ample, wide, extensive. Βαθύστρωτος, -ου, δ, fj, (fr. same, and στρώννυμι to strew) deep- strewn, covered or spread deeply ; soft. Βαθύσχοινος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and σχοΧνος a bulrush) with trdl rushes; skinted with ruslies. BAK Βαθΰτης, -ητος, η, (fr. same) depth, deepness; profundity. Βαθύφρων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. same, and φρην the mind) deep-think- ing, thoughtful ; circumspect, prudent; inscrutable. Βαθύφωνος, -ου, δ, »/, (fr. same, and φωνή voice) deep-toned, grave, sonorous; using an unknown language or an obscure style. Βαθυχαίτης, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and χαίτη the hair) long haired, with thick hair. Βαθύχειλος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same, and χείλος the hp) using wise and profound, or strange and obscure language. Βαθύχθων, -όνος, δ, 17, (fr. same, and χθων the ground) having a deep soil, fertile. Bauv, Sync, for βαίησαν, 3 pi. 2 a. Opt. of βημί. Βαιθ, a bath, a Hebrew measure of liquids. Βαίνε, Ion. for εβαίνε, 3 sin. impf. ind. οι βαίνω. Βά'ίνη, -ης, η, (fem. of next) viz. χλαίνα, a robe embroidered with palm leaves ; a scarlet robe. Βάίνος, -t], -ov, or -ου, b, >;, (fr. βα'ίς an olive branch) made of palm branches ; of or about the palm tree. Βαίνω, or βημι, f. mid. βήσομαι, p. βέβηκα, to go, walk ; to move, march ; to step, stride, stalk ; to enter upon, begin; to proceed, advance, hold on, continue; to go about, live, move, have being. per. mid. βέβαα, 3 pi. βεβάασι• par. βεβαώς. Or βίβαα, &c. is by Sync, and Ion. for βεβηκα, per. ind. act. 2 a. act. ind. ίβην impr. βηθι' for which also βάθι, and βά\ opt. βαίην par. βάς. per. p*ss. βέβημαι, βέβαμαι, and βέβασμαι. Batov, see βαις. Βαών, (neut. of next) a little v)hile ; for a while ; little, but little. Βαώς, -a, -bv, small, little ; brief, concise ; few ; one, but one. Βαΐς, η, and βαίον, -ου, το, a branch, properly of the palm tree. Βαΐτα, or Βιίτη, -ης, η, a Doric word, a jacket of leather or skins, worn by shepherds ; a bag, scrip ; skin or parchment. Βαϊφόρος, -ου, b, (fr. βαΐς a palm branch, and φέρω to carry) the ceremony or procession of olive or palm branches. Βαίών, -όνος, δ, (perhaps fr. βαώς small) a fish like a gudgeon ; a measure used at Alexandria. Βάκανον, -ου, τδ, radish or cabbage seed. Βάκηλος, -ου, b, a lubber, drone, stupid fellow; a wencher; a eunuch. Βάκκαρις, or Βάκχαρις, -ιος, Att. -rojc, η, ,a fragrant herb, lady'' s glove, wild spikenard. Βακτηρία, -ας, η, Βακτήριον, and Βάκτρον, -ov, το, a staff, stick, crutch, walking staff, cane; a sceptre, rod. (100) BAA Βακχάω -ω, see Βακχεύω. ΒακχεΊον, -ου, τό, (fr. Βάκχος Bac- chus) the temple of Bacchus. Βάκχειος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) of oi like Bacchus, bacchanalian, jr an- tic. Also subs, -ου, δ, α bacchic, foot in prosody. Βακχεύματα, -ων, τα, (fr. next) the feast of Bacchus; orgies, drunken revels. Βακχεύω, f. -εύσω, and Βακχέω,,-ω, f. -ησω, (fr. Βάκχος Bacchus) to celebrate the feast of Bacchus; to revel, riot. Βακχεύομαι, to rage, rave, be transported. Βακχία, -ας, η, (fr. same) revelling, rioting, debauchery, intoxication ; rapture, transport, extravagance Βάκχος, -ου, δ, Bacchus, the hea then god of wine. Βάκχος, -ου, b, η, and fem. Βάκχη, -ης, η, (fr. last) a priest, priestess or votary of Bacchus, bacchanal ; bacchanalian, frantic, riotous ; enraptured, transported ; a kind of wreath or garland. Βαλάαμ, indecl. Balaam, a man's name. Βαλάκ, indecl. Balak, a man's name. Βαλανάγρα, -ας, and Ion. -γρη, -ης, η, (fr. βάλανος a bolt, and άγρα a hold) a key ; also ο bar, bolt. ΒαλανεΊον, -ου, rb, a bath, bagnio. Βαλάνευς, -έος, Att. -έως, Βαλανεώ- της, and Βαλανείτης, -ου, b, (fr. last) a keeper or master of, or a servant attending in a bath; a busy-body ; curious, inquisitive. Βαλανηφάγος, -ου, υ, η, (fr. βάλανος an acorn, and φάγω, to eat) that eats or lives on acorns or mast. Βαλανί/φόρος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and φέρω to bear) bearing mast or acorns, glandiferous. Βαλανίζω, f. -<σω, p. -ικα, (fr. same) to shake or gather acorns. Βαλανίς, -ίδος, and Βαλανίσσα, -ης, η, (fr. βαλανεΐον a bath) a wo- man that keeps or attends a bath. Βάλανος, -ov, h, acorn or mast ; a bolt, bar, latch ; a peg, pin ; a kind of tree and of fish; the male glans ; a form of medicine. Βαλάντιον, and Βαλλάντιον, -ου, τδ, (perhaps fr. βάλλω to throw, and εντός within) apurse, bag, haversack; a sack, Βαλαντιοτομέω, -ω, f. -ησω, (fr. last, and τέμνω to cut) to cut a purse, pick the pocket ; to filch, steal. Βαλαντιοτόμος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a cutpurse, pickpocket ; a trea- surer, bursar. Βαλανώτη, -ης, >% (fr• βάλανος an acorn) an oak wood, forest. Βαλαύστιον, -ου, τό, the flower of the wild pomegranate. Βαλβϊς, -ίδος, h\, a rail, bar, stilt- ing post; a goal or post at radng ; the beginning, com- mencement, outset. Βάλε and Βάλεν, Ion. f >r έβαλε, 3 sin. 2 a. act. also Βαλε, -έτω, 2 pU -ετε, pres. impr. act. — Ba- λεειν, Ion. and Poet, for ΒαλεΊν 2 a. inf. act. — ΒαλέσΟαι, 2 a. BAM inf. mid. — Βάλει-', Ion. for εβάλετο, 3 sin. 2 a. mid. — Βα- λε την, Ion. for εβαλέτην, 2 du. 2 a. ind. act. — Βαλευ, Dor. for βαλοΐί, 2 a. impr. mid. — Βάλ?7- ται, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. mid. — Βά- λω, -ης, j), 2 and 3 pi. -ητε, -ωσι, 2 a. sub. act. — Βαλών, -ούσα, -bv, g. pi. -όντων, d. pi. -ουσι, par. 2 a. act. of βάλλω. Βαλώς, -a, bv, (fr. βάλλω to throw) swift, fleet, nimble; speckled, dappled, pyeballed ; also blind, wanting sight. Βάλλ', and Βάλλε, Ion. for έβάλλε, 3 sin. impf. ind. act. — Βάλλεαι, for βάλλη, 2 sin. pres. sub. pass. — -Βάλλει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Βάλλεο, Ion. for βάλλον, pres. impr. pass. — Βαλλεσκετο, Ion. and Poet, and Βάλλετο, Ion. for εβάλλετο, 3 sin. impf. ind. mid. — Βάλλεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass. — Βάλλη, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. — Βάλλων, -ούσα, -ov, par. pres. act. of βάλλω. Βάλλησα, Ion. for εβάλλησα, 1 a. ind. act. of βαλλέω, Poet, for βάλλω. Βαλλίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. βάλλω to throw) to fling the legs, dance, caper, frisk. Βαλλισμδς, -ov, b, (fr. last) a dance, dancing; leaping; mov- ing to time. Βάλλομεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. — Βαλλόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. — Βάλλοντα?, -λοντες, -λόν- των, Βάλλονσαν, cases of par. pres. act. — Βάλλουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Βάλλω, f. βάλω, p. βέβληκα, to cast, throw, pelt, fling, hurl, aim, shoot, dart ; to pass beyond, ex- cel, surpass, exceed; to butt, push, thrust, dash, strike, hit, wound; to cast, drop, shed; to reach, arrive at, attain to; to throw, or draw over, cover ; to induce, suggest, persuade ; to lay by, hoard, treasure up. Βάλλομαι , to be cast down, to throw one's self down, to lie, lean, recline ; to cast in mind, ponder, meditate. impf. έβαλλον. 2 a. act. ind. έβαλον' impr. βάλε' sub. βάλω. per. pass, βέβλημαι. pper. pass. εβεβλήμην, 1 a. pass. ind. εβλ/)- θην impr. βλήθητι' inf. βληθή- ναι. per. mid. βέβολα. Βαλλώτη,-ης,η, the herb horehound. Βαλοίμι, -ots, -οι, act. — Βαλοίμην, -οιο, -οιτο, mid. 2 a. opt. of βάλλω. Βαλοισαι, Dor. for βαλουσαι, η. pi. fem. par. 2 a. a. of same. Βάλσάμον, -ου, το, balsam, balm.. Βάλω, 1 f. act. — Βάλωμαι, 2 a. sub. mid. — Βάλωμ'εν, 1 pi. 2 a. sub. act. — Βάλων, 2 a. par. act. of βάλλω. Βάμα, Dor. for βήμα. Βάμβα, Dor. for βάμμα. Βαμβαίνω, to stammer, hesitate ; to lisp; to babble, prate; to chat- ter with the teeth through fear, quake, tremble. BAP Βαμβακεύω, (fr. βάμμα pickle) to sophisticate, adulterate; to set off, make look well, particularly meat, or food. Βαμβαλίζω, f. -ίσω, p. -ικα^ to trem- ble, shake, quake; quiver with the lips, chatter with the teeth. Βαμεν, Βαμες, Dor. for βωμεν, 1 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of βημι for βαίνω. Βάμμα, -άτος, το, (fr. βάπτω to dip) a dye, stain, colour, hue; vine- gar, brine, pickle; salted, or pickled meat. Βαν, by Sync, and Ion. for έβησαν, 3 pi. 2 a. act. of βημι for βαίνω. Βανανσία, -ας, η, (fr. βάναυσος a mechanic) a mechanic art, craft, labour, hahdywork ; want of manners, ignorance, awkward ness, rudeness, vulgarity. Βαναυσικος, -ή, -bv, (fr. next) me chanical ; mean, low, servile. Βάναυσος, -ου, δ, (fr. βαννος a fur nace, and αύω to kindle) one who works in a forge, a mechanic, artist, workman ; Adj. mean, low, servile, vulgar, common. Βάντες, η. pi. mid. of βάς, -άσα, -άν, par. 2 a. of βημι for βαίνω. Βάξις,-ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. βάζω to talk) fame, report, rumour; talk, discourse, conversation; a response, oracle. Βαπτίζω, f. -ίσω, p. βεβάπτικα, (fr. βάπτω to dip) to dip, immerse, immerge, plunge; to wash, cleanse, purify ; to baptize ; to depress, humble, overwhelm. Βαπ- τίζομαι, to wash one's self, to bathe ; to sink, faint, be dejected. 1 a. act. εβάπτισα. impf. pass. εβαπτιζόμην. per. pass, βεβάπ- τισμαι. 1 a. pass, εβαπτίσθην. 1 a. mid. ind. εβαπτισάαην. Βάπτισμα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) α washing, ablution ; purification ; baptism; the christian doctrine; depth of affliction or distress, g. sin. βαπτίσματος, d. -μάτι. Βαπτισμος, -ου, δ,, (fr. same) im- . mersion in water, washing ; cere- monial purification. Βαπτιστήοιον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a vessel for bathing or for ablu- tions ; a baptistery, font. Βαπτιστής, -ου, δ, (fr. same) abap- tizer ; a baptist. Βαπτος, -η, cv, (fr. next) dipped; tinged, stained ; deep. Βάπτω, f. -ψω, p. βέβαφα, to dip, plunge, immerse ; to wash ; to wet, moisten, sprinkle; to steep, imbue ; to dye, stain, colour. Bag, indecl. a son, the son of. Βαραββάς, -a, b, Barabbas, a man's name. Βαράθρου, -ου, τδ. Att. Βέρεθρον, α Ι deep hole at Athens into which criminals were thrown, a deep pit, .ditch, trench; a chasm, , ■ gulf, cleft ; a shore, drain ; I extravagance, waste, ruin. Βαραθρώδης, -εος -ους, Att. -εωί, δ, η, (fr. last) deep, yawning, like a gulf. Βαραγίας, -ου, δ Baraehias, a man's name. (110) BAP Βαρβαρίζω, f: -(σα, p. -ικα, (fr. βάρβαρος foreign) to live, act or speak as a foreigner or stranger , to be any other than Greek or Ro• man; to speak corruptly. Βαρβαρικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) bar barian, foreign. Βαρβαρικως, (fr. last) like a fo reigner, strangely. Βαρβαρισμός, -ov, b, (fr. βάρβαρος foreign) α state of barbarity; rudeness, want of manners; a foreign air; impropriety of speech, barbarism. Βαρβαριστϊ, (fr. next) barbarously, savagely ; rudely, wildly ; like a foreigner. Βάρβαρος, -ov, b, }), barbarous, sa- vage ; wild; rude, unpolished; foreign, outlandish, st ange ; not Greek or Roman. Βαρβαρόφωνος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. last, and φωνή voice) using a foreign language or dialect, speaking bad language. Βαρβαρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. ωκα, (fr. same) to make savage or brutal, to deprave, corrupt ; to bring un- der a foreign yoke. Βαρβαρόομαι -ονμαι, to grow savage, degene- rate ; to become wild, outrageous. Βαβάρως, (fr. same) barbarously, inhumanely, brutally, savagely ; without civilization, i/noranily, rudely. Βαρβιτίζω, f. -ίσω, p. -iKa v (fr. next) to play on or sing to the harp. Βάρβίτος, -ου, δ, and Βάρβιτον, -ου, το, a harp, lyre. Βάρδιστος, Poet, for βράδιστος, see βραδύς. Βαρέα, (neut. pi. of βαρύ? heavy) heavily, weightily, sorely, griev- ously, or Ion. for βαρεία. Βάρει, ά. sin. cont. — Βάρη, pi. cont. of βάρος. Βαρεία, η. fem. — ΒαρεΊαι, η. pi. fem. — ΒαρεΧαν, a. fem. or Dor. for βαρειών, g. pi. fem. — ΒαρεΤί, η. pi. mas. cont. of βαρύς. Βαρείσθω, pres. impr. pass. cont. of Βαρέω -ω, f.' -ήσω, p. βεβάρηκα, (fr. βάρος weight) to burden, load, weigh down; to oppress, over' whelm, overcome; to lay on, impose, charge. Βαρέομαι -ονμαι, to sink under, be oppressed, over- come. 1 a. act. εβάρησα. per. pass, βεβάρημαι' par. βεβαρημέ- νος. 1 a. \>&§5.εβαρήθην. Βαρέως, (fr. βαρύς heavy) heavily, weightily, severely, grievously. Βαρέως, Att. for βαρέος, g. of βαρύς. Βαρθολομαίος, -ου, δ, Bartholomew, a man's name. Βαριησους, -ου, b, Barjesus, a man's name. Βάοιί, -ιος, or -ιδος, fj aship,yacht; a tower, castle, castellated house, palace, structure, building. Βαριωνάς, -α, δ, Barjonas, a man's name. Βαρκηνειμ, and Βορκοννεϊμ, Heb. indecl. a thorn, briar. Βαρνάβας, -a, b, Barnabas, a man's name. BAP 6 ipoj, -εος -ονς, rb, weight, heavi- ness ; a load, burden ; baggage ; a quantity, large portion; la- bour, toil; a charge, task, injunc- tion; an encumbrance ; infirmity, weakness, fault ; disease, pain. Βαρούμενος, par. pres. pass. *cont. of βαρέω. Βαρσαβάς, -a, b, Barsabas, a man's name. Βαρτίμαιος, -ου, b, Bartimarus, a man's name. Βαρύβρομος, -ου, b, 7), (fr. βαρύς neavy, and βρόμος a crash) re- sounding, re-echoing, deep-toned, deep-roaring. Βαρύγδουπος, -ου, and Ion. -010, b, η, (fr. same, and δούπος a Bound) deep-sounding, hollow, roaring. Βαρύγλωσσος, or -ωττος, -ου, b, η. (fr. same, and γλωσσά the tongue) of a difficult or un known language; harsh; foul- mouthed, slanderous, malicious, Βαρυγούνατος, and Βαρύγουνος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and γόνυ the knee) with heavy or weak knees, infirm, feeble, tardy, slow. Βαρύδακρυς, -υος, and Βαρυδάκρυος, -ου, b, 17, (fr• same, and δάκρυ a tear) tearful, lamentable, melan- choly, sad, mournful, weeping, bathed in tears. Βαρυδότειρα, -ας, η, (fr. same, and δίδωμι to give) causing wo, af- flictive, distressing. Βαρνηχης, -έος, -ους, and Βαρυη- χbς, -οϋ, b, η, (fr. same, and ήχος a sound) deep-sounding, deep-toned. Βαρνθυμέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα (fr. same, and §υμος anger) to be angry or indignant ; to be sad ; to fret, pine. Βαρνθυμία, -ας, η, (fr. same) bitter- ness of soul, vexation; sorrow, grief, affliction, heaviness of heart. Βαρύθυμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) an- gry, indignant ; heavy at heart, oppressed, afflicted. ΒαρυΟύμως, (fr. last) with a heavy heart, sorrowfully; in anger, spitefully. Βαρύθω, f. -ύσω, (fr. βαρύς heavy) • to feel heavy, be dejected, pine. 3 sin. pres. ind. act. βαρύθει. Βαρνκάρδιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. βαρύς heavy, and κάρδια the heart) heavy or dud hearted, obstinate, stiff-necked ; foolish, insensible. Βαρύκομπος, -ov, b, r), (fr. same, and κόμπος a crash) sounding heavily, deep, hollow. Βαρύκτυπος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and κτυπέω to rattle) loud rat- tling, pealing, roaring, bellowing. Βαρυλόγος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and λόγος discourse) ill spoken, evil speaking, malicious, calumnious. Βαρυμάνιος, -ω, Dor. for βαρνμή- νιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and μανία rage, and μηνις anger) an 5Ty> violent, boisterous; re- taining anger, vindictive. Βάρυνθεν, Boeot. for εβαρύνθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass. — Βάρννοντσ, BA2 Ion. for εβαρύνοντο, 3 pi. impf. ind. pass, of Βαρύνω, f. -ΰνω, p. βεβάρυγκα, (fr. βαρύς heavy) to weigh down, sink, depress; to overload, over- charge; to distress, oppress, impf. βαρύνον, -ες, -ε, Ion. for εβάρυνον, 1 a. pass. ind. εβαρύνθην sub. βαρννθω, 3 pi. -θωσι. Βαρυόπας, -ω, b, Dor. for βαρυόπης, -ου, b, (fr. same, and bxp the voice) an epithet of Jupiter, heavy sounding, deep-toned, re- sounding, reverberating. Βαρυό-τομαι, and Βαρυωπέω, -ω, (fr. same, and άπτομαι to see) to see dimly ; to be almost blind. 2 a. εβαρνώπην. * Βαρνπνείων, -ούσα, -ov, (fr. same, and πνείω, Poet, for πνέω to breathe) blowing strong, violent, boisterous. Βαρύς, -εια, -ν, (fr. βάρος weight) heavy, weighty, ponderous ; im portant, momentous; authorita- tive, severe, rigid ; grievous, af- flicting, oppressive, comp. βαρ τερος, sup. -ύτατος. Βαρνστενάχω, f. -ζω, p. -χα, (fr. last, and στενάχω to groan) to sigh heavily ; to groan ; to moan, bemoan, lament. Βαρυστόνος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and στένω to groan) groaning deeply, bemoaning, lamenting ; unfor~ tunate, lamentable. Βαρυσύμφορός, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and συμφορά a misfortune) un- successful, unfortunate; unhap- py, miserable. Βαρυσφάραγος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and σφάραγος noise in the throat) deep-sounrling, hollow; rattling, grumbling, murmuring. Βαρύτερος, comp. of βαρύς. Βαρντης, -ητος, ή, (fr. same) weight, heaviness, gravity, ponderosity. Βαρύτιμος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and τιμή price) of great price, precious, valuable, Β&ρυτονέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. same, and τόνος lone) to utter with expression, speak in a deep tone, mouth, rant. Βαρύτονος, -ου, b, t) m (fr. same) having a grave accent, barytone; expressive, grave, deep. Βαρυτόνως, (fr. last) with deep ac- centuation ; gravely, solemnly. Βαρύφθογγος, -ov, b, η, (fr. βαρύς grave, and φθέγγομαι to speak) gravely uttered, solemnly pro- nounced ; deep-toned, hollow, re- sounding. Βαρύφορτος, -ου, b, t), (fr. same, and φόρτος a load) heavy, weigh- ty, cumbrous ; deep laden, over- loaded. Βαρυωπέω-ώ, same as βαρυόπτομαι. Βάς, -άσα, -αν, 2 a. par. of βήμι for βαίνω. η. pi. mas. βάντες. Βάσαν, a. fern. sin. of last. Βασανεύω,ΐ.-εύσω, p.-£v#ca,sameas Βασανίζω, f. -ίσω, p. βεβασάνικα, (fr. βάσανος a touchstone) to examine, try, prove; to search, sift, probe, sound ; to rack, tor- (111) BA2 ture; to vex, torment, excru•» date; to toss, agitate, harass. 1 a. act. ind. εβασάνισα. per. pass, βεβασάνισααι. 1 a. pass. εβασανίσθην. Βασανίσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Βασάνι- σες, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. act. — Ba- σανισθήσεται, 3 sin. and -θήσον- ται, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. pass. — Βασα- νισθώ σι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. pass, of last. Βασανισμός, -ου, b, (fr. same) ex- amination, trial, proof; torment, torture, rack. Βασανιστής, -ου, δ, (fr. same) an examiner, inquirer, searcher; a tormentor, torturer, executioner. Βάσανος, -ου, b, a touchstone ; atest, criterion, proof; a trial, inquiry ; examination by torture, the rack; torment, pain, anguish. ΒασεΊς, η. pi. cont. of βάσις. Βασευμαι, 3 pi. Βασευνται, Dor. and JEol. for βήσομαι, βήσονται, 1 f. mid. of βήμι for βαίνω. Βασιλέα, ~λεί, -λεΐς, -λεύ, -λέων, -λέως, cases of βασιλεύς. Βασιλεία, -ας, η, (fr. βασιλεύς a king) a kingdom; royalty, dig- nity, power, reign, rule, sove- reignty, dominion. Βασίλειον, -ου, το, (neut. of next) viz. δώμα, a palace, royal resi- dence, castle. Βασίλειος, -ου, b, η, (fr. βασιλεύς a king) royal, kingly, regal, sove- reign ; august, grand, magnifi- cent. Βασίλευε, pres. impr. — Βασιλεύε- μεν, Ion. for βασιλεύειν, pres. inf. act. — Βασιλεύει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of Βασίλεύω. Βασιλεύς, -έος, Att. -έως, Foet. and Ion. -ηος, b, (perhaps fr. βάσις a support, and λεώί the people) a king, monarch, sovereign, prince, chieftain. Adj. royal, august. comp. βασιλεύτερος, «up. -ευτατος. Βασιλεύω, f. -εύσω, p. -ευκα, (fr. last) to be a king, &c. to reign, rule, govern; to prevail, tri- umph, conquer. 1 a. act. ind. εβασΐλευσα' inf. βασίλευσαι. Βασιληα, Βασιλήϊ, Βασιλήος, Ion. and Poet, for βασιλέα, a. βα- σιλέϊ,ά. βασιλέος, g. of βασιλεύς, Βασιλήϊον, -ου, το, Ion.for βασίλειον. Βασιλήϊος, -υυ, δ, η, Ion. for βασι- λέως, d. pi. βασιλη'ιοισι. Βασιληϊς, -~ιδος, η, (fr. βασιλεύς a king) a palace, court, royal resi- dence. Adj. royal, regal, su- preme, sovereign. Βασιλίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. same) to love the king, be of the royal party. Βασιλίζομαι, f. -ίσομαι, to act like a king ; to affect royalty, aim at sovereignty. Βασιλικός, -r), -bv, (fr. same) regal, royal, kingly; august, grand, courtly, elegant. Subs, a cour- tier ; a minister, attendant, or servant on a king. comp. βασιλι- κώτερος, sup. -ώτατοί. Βασιλικώς, comp. κώτερον, sup. κώτατα, (fr. lastj royally, like a BAT king, with royal state, augustly, grandly. ΒασιΧίς, -ίδος, and Βασίλισσα, -ης, ή, (fr. βασιλεύς a king) α queen ; a royal consort, princess. Βασιλίσκος, -ου, b, (dim. of same) a petty king, chief, lord ; a serpent, basilisk, cockatrice; a wren. Βάσιμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. next) open, exposed, clear ; pervious, passa- ble ; accessible ; approached, ar- rived at, attained to; stable, steady, fixed, firm. Βάσις, -ως, Att. -εω?, ή, (fr. βαίνω to go) a gait, movement, walk; a step, footstep, track, trace ; the sole, the foot ; a foundation, basis ; the base, foot, or lower member of a pillar ; a pedestal ; a prop, shore, buttress, sup- port. Βάσκ, for βάσκε, pres. impr. of βάσκω for βαίνω. Βασκαίνω, f. -άνω, p. -αγκα, and Βασκανίζω, f. -ίσω, Att. -ιώ, (perhaps fr. φάσκω to say, and αίνος dreadful. Or, fr. φάσις a look or an expression, and καίνω to kill) to bewitch, fascinate, charm, enchant; to envy, grudge; to accuse, charge, blame. 1 a. ind. εβάσκηνα. 2 a. act. εβάσ- κανον. Βασκανία, -ας, η, (fr. last) fasci- nation, witchcraft, a charm ; envy, grudge; malice, slander, calumny. Βάσκανος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) be- witching, using charms ; envious, spiteful; malicious, slanderous. Βασκάνως, (fr. last) enviously, spitefully, maliciously. Βάσκω, Poet, for βαίνω, to hasten, speed, despatch. Βασοϋμαι, in 3 pi. Βασοννται, -<33ol. for βήσομαι, 1 f. mid. of βημι for βαίνω. Βάσσα, -ας, η, Dor. for βήσσα. Βασσάρα, -ας, and Βασσάρη, -ης, η, α kind of shoe ; a ha; lot ; a vixen, fox. Βάσταγμα, •~ατος, το, (fr. next) a load, burden. Βαστάζω, f. -σω, and Dor. -ξω, p. βεβάστακα, (perhaps from βάω to go, and στάω to be firm) to bear a weight, to carry a bur- den ; to balance, poise, sustain, support; to weigh, examine, scru- tinize ; to suffer, endure ; to take up, carry ; to take up, lift, raise ; to carry clear off", destroy, deface ; to bury, inter. 1 a. act. ind. εβάστασα. Βάσωμεν, Dor. for βήσωμεν, 1 pi. 1 a. sub. of βάω for βαίνω. ΒαταΧίζομαι, (fr. next) to behave like Balalos ; to act indecorously ; to be effeminate, delicate. Βάταλος, -ου, b, Balalos, a de- bauched musician of Ephesus ; womanish, delicate, effeminate ; a catamite. Βατάνιον, -ου, rb, (iEol. for πατά- νιον, dim. of ττατάνη a plate) a deep ώ*Λ, saucer, plate. BAT Βάτε, Dor. for βητε, 2 pi. 2 a. impr. act. of βημι for βαίνω. Βατεύω, f. -εύσω to copulate, engen- der. Spoken of the male, βα• τεύομαι of the female. 3 pi, pres. ind. mid. βατευνται, Sync, for βατεύονται. Also, Βατ/ω, -ώ, f. -ήσω, same as last, pres. inf. act. cont. βατεΊν, pass, βατεΐσθαι. Βάτην, Dor. and Ion. for εβήτην, 3 du. 2 a. act. of βημι for βαίνω. Βατήρ, -ηοος, b, (fr. βαίνω to go) a goer, walker ; a post or goal at races ; the threshold, entrance. Βατήριος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) scale- able, accessible. Βατία, -ας, η, same as βάτος. Βατιάκη, -ης, η, a kind of drinking vessel, cup, goblet. Βάτος, -ου, η, (perhaps fr. βία vio- lence, and άτω to hurt) a bush, thorn, bramble. Βάτος, -ου, b, a bath; a Hebrew measure of liquids, the tenth of a homer, equal to an ephah, about seven gallons and a half. Βατδς, -t), -ov, (fr. βαίνω to go) pervious, passable, accessible. Βατραχομυομαχία, -ας, η, (fr. βά- τραχος a frog, μυς a mouse, and μάχη a battle) the war of the frogs and the mice ; a mock he- roic poem by Homer. Βάτραχος, -ου, b, ( perhaps fr. βοάω to cry, and τραχείς hoarsely) a frog ; a disease in the lower part of the tongue. Βατταρίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. Βάττος Battus) to lisp, stammer, hesi- tate ; to talk nonsense, babble, prate. Βαττολογ'ω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. βεβατο- λόγηκα, (fr. same, and λόγος discourse) to stammer, stutter; to speak foolishly, prate, babble ; to blab ; to repeat idly, use vain repetitions. 1 a. act. ind. εβατ- τολόγησα' sub. βαττολογήσω' 2 pi. βαττο\ογήσητε. Βαττολογία, -ας, ή, (fr. same) vain repetition, tautology; hesitation, stammering. Βάττος, -ου, b, Battus, a prince of the Cyrenians who stammered ; also a silly Poet ; a stammerer, stutterer; an idle talker, chat- terer, babbler. ΒατύΧη, -ης, fj, a dwarf, a small woman. Βάτω, 3 sin. of βάθι for βήθι, 2 a. impr. act. of βημι for βαίνω. Βαυβάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. next) to sleep, doze; to put to sleep, quiet, hush, lull. Βαυβώ, -6ος -ους, η, Baubo, the nurse of Ceres. Βαύζω, f. -ξω, p. -χα. Onomat. to bark, bay ; to lament, cry over. Βαυκαλάω -ω, (fr. βανκος pleasant or βαυβάω to doze) to sing to sleep, sooth, lull; to tickle, please. Βαυκαλία, -ας, η, a dunking vessel, cup, goblet. Βαυκά\ιον, -ου, το, a narrow- mouthed vessel, bottle. 012) BEB 'Βαυκαλεί, and Βανκός, -j), -iv pleasant, agreeable ; humorous^ jocose; neat, fine, delicate. Βαυνος, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. βία violence, and αύω to burn) a furnace, forge, a stove, hearth* chimney. Βαύσδειν, Dor. for βαύζειν, pres. inf. of βαύξω. Βαφεύς, -έος, Att. -έως, b, (fr. βάπ τω to dip) a dyer. Βαφή, -ής, }% (""• same) dipping, immersion; tempering; dying; a colour, tinge, hue. Βα'ψα?, par. — Βα'ψω, -$ς, -ι?, 1 α. sub. act. of same. Βάω, obs. from whence βημι for βαίνω. Βδάλλω, and Βδέλλω, f. -λώ, p. έβ- δα\κα, to milk ; to suck, imbibe. Βδέλλα, -ας, η, (fr. last) r . ( a leech, horseleech ; a bloodsucker. Βδέλλεων, Ion. for βδέ\\ων, g. pi. of last. Βδέλλιον, -ου, το, and Βδέλλα, -ας, η, Bdellium, a tree of Arabia, also the gum from it ; according to others a pearl. Βδέλυγμα, -ατός, το, and Βδελυγ- μος, -ου, b, (fr. βδελύσσομαι to abominate) an abomination un- clean thing ; impurity, defile- ment ; foulness, filth ; stink, stench. Βδελυκτος, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) abo- minable, vile, impure, unclean; foul, defiling. Βδελυρός, -pa, -pbv, (fr. same) impure, foul, filthy ; wicked, vicious, bad; impudent, sliame- less. Βδελύσσομαι, and -ύττομαι, f. -ξο- μαι, p. -εβδέλυγμαι, (fr. βδίω to break wind) to abominate, exe- crate ; to hate, detest, abhor; to loathe, nauseate; to defile one's self, be impure ; to stink, befoul. 1 a mid. εβδελνξάμην. par. per. pass, εβδελνγμένος. Βδελυσσόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of last. Βδεω -ω, f. -ήσω, and -έσω, to break wind. Βδύλος, -ου, b, (fr. last) a discharge of wind from the body ; a crack, crash, clap ; stink, smell. Bt, a particle denoting privatioiv, or separation. Βέβαα, in 3 pi. Βεβάασι, per. mid. — Βεβάως, par. of βημι, for βαίνω. Βέβαιος, -ου, b, η, (perhaps fr. βάω or βήμι, for βαίνω to go) firm, steadfast, steady, fixed; sure, trusty, faithful; constant, last- ing, durable ; strong, able ; hard % solid, comp. βεβαιότερος, sup. -ότατος. Βεβαιότης, -ητος, >/, (fr. last) firm- ness, steadiness, stability ; sound- ness,strength, solidity; constan- cy, continuance, durability. Βεβαιούμενος, cont. par. — Βε- βαιουσθαι, cont. pres. inf. pass. of Βεβαιόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. βεβαίωκα, (fr. same) to strengthen, fortify, secure ; to confirm, establish, keep % maintain; to verify, affirm* BEB α. act. εβεβαίωσα. pres. inf. pass. βεβαιόεσθαι -ιιϋσθαι. per.pass./?c- βεβαίωμαι. 1 a. pass, εβεβαιώθην. Βεβαίως, (fr. sa,n\e) firmly, strong- ly ; safely, securely ; with due search, upon examination. Βεβαίωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. βέβαιος firm) a strengthening ; confirmation, corroboration ; firmness, steadiness ; certainty, security. Βέβακα, Βεβακώς, Dor. for βέβη- κα, per. act. and βεβηκώς par. — Βίβαμεν, Sync, and Ion. for βεβήκαμεν, 1 pi. per. act. or for βεβαέναι, per. inf. mid. — Ef- βασαν, Sync, for βεβάεισαν. Ion. for εβεβακεϊσαν, 3 pi. pper. act. — Βεβαώς, par. per. mid. or Ion. for βε^κώς, par. of βέβηκιχ, per. act. — Βεβήκειν, -εις, -ει, pper. act. of βημι for βαίνω. Βέβάλος, Dor. for βέβηλος. Βεβαμιχένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass. of ράτττω. Βεβαρημένος, par. per. pass. — Βεβαρηώς, Ion. for βεβαρηκώς, par. per. act. of βαρέω. Βέβαφα, per. act. of 'βάτττω. Βέβηλος, -ov, b, η, (fr. βι priv. and βηλος the threshold) excluded, excommunicated ; profane, un- hallowed, common, vulgar ; im- pious, irreligious, wicked, bad. Βεβηλόω -ω, f. -ωσω, p. βεβεβή- λωκα, (fr. last) to profane, pol- lute, contaminate, pervert to bad use. 1 a. act. εβεβήλωσα. Βεβήλωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) profanation, contamina- tion, pollution, abuse of holy ϋ angs. Βιβιασμένως, (fr. βεβιασμένος, par. per. pass, of βιάζω to force) by force or compulsion, unwillingly. Βεβίηκα, per. act. — Βεβιημένος, par. per. pass, of βιάω. Βίβίωμαι, -σαι, -ται, per. — Βε- βιωμένος, par. pass, of βιόω. Βέβλάβα, per. mid. — Βέβλαμμαι, per. pass. — Βέβλαφα, per. act. of βλάπτω. ΒεβΧάστηκα, per. ind. act. of βλασ- τάνω. Βέβληαι, Ion. for βέβλησαι, 2 sin. and Βεβλήαται, Ion. for βέβλην- ται, 3 pi. per. pass. — Βεβλήατο, Ion. for εβέβληντο, 3 pi. pper. pass. — Βέβλ?>κα,-ας,-ε,ρ€τ. act. — Βέβληκει, Icn. for εβέβληκει, 3 sin. pper. act. — Βεβληκότος, g. sin. par. per. act. — Βέβλημαι, -σαι, -ται, per. pass. — Βεβλημέ- νος, -η, -ov, per. par. pass. — Βε- βλήσθαι, per. inf. pass, of βάλλω. Βεβοήαται, Ion. for βεβόηνται, 3 pi. per. pass, of βοάω. Βεβολήαται, Ion. for βεβόληνται, 3 pi. per. pass. — Βεβολήατο, Ion. for εβεβόληντο, 3 pi. pper. pass. — Βεβυλημένος, par. per. pass, of βολέω, for βάλλο>. Βέβονλα, per. mid. of βονλομαι. Βεβούλενμαι, ind Βεβονλευσθαι, inf. per. pass, of βονλενω. Βεβρίις, and Βεμβράς, Att. for μεμ- βράς. ΒΕΛ Βέβρεγμαι, per. pass. — Ήεβρεγμί- νος, par. per. pass, of βρέχω. Βεβρέμηκα, per. act. of βρέμω. Βέβρηκες, -ων, o\, the parts within the jaws, the inside of the mouth. ΒέβρΊθα, per. mid. Βεβριθώς, -vta, -ος, par. — Βεβρισμένυς, par. per. pass, of βρίθω. Βέβροχα, Att. for βέβρεχα, per. act. — Βέβροκα, per. mid. of βρέχω. Βέβρνχα, per. act. of βρνχω. Βεβρώθοις, 2 sin. pres. opt. act. of βεβρώθω, Poet, same as βρώσκω. Βίβρωκα, per. act. — Βεβρώκειν, Ion. for εβεβρώκειν, pper. act. — Βεβρωκώς, by Sync. Βεβρώς, par. per. act. of βρώσκω. Βέβωκα, per. act. of βόω, same as βόσκω. Βεβωμένος, Ion. and Dor. for βε- βαημένος, par. per. pass, of βοάω. Βεβώς, -ώτος, by Cras. for βεβαως, par. of βέβαα, per. mid. of βημι for βαίνω. Or, Att. for βεβηκώς, par. per. act. of same. Βεδεκ, Heb. indecl. a breach. Bioi;, a Phrygian word, water. Βεελζεβονλ. indecl. Beelzebul, (the king of dung) as the Jews con- temptuously changed the termi- nation of Beelzebub, (the king of flies) the idol of the Phi- listines. A name of Satan, the devil. Βεελφεγώρ, Heb. indecl. Beelphc- gor or Baalpeor, an idol of the Moabites. Bf 77 Ion. for βη, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. of βημι for βαίνω. Βείομαι, pres. ind. mid. — Βείομεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. — Βείσομαι, 1 f. ind. mid. of Βίίω, f. mid. βείσομαι, (Poet, for βέω, which Ion. for βώ con- tracted from βάω obs. from whence βημι for βαίνω) to go about, walk, move ; to live, have being, be. Βέκκες, Βεκκος, and Βέκος, a Phry- gian word, bread. Βεκκεσεληνος, -ov, b, η, (fr. βέκκος foolish, and σελήνη the moon) moonstruck, lunatic ; doting, silly, stupid, senseless. Βεκκος or Βέκος, -ov, b, bread, in the language of the Phrygians ; distracted, raving ; doting, silly, foolish. Βέλεα, η. a. v. pi.— Βελέεσσι, and Βελεεσσίν, Ion. and Poet, for βέλεσσι, d. pi. of βέλος. Βέλεμνον, -ov, το, same as βέλος. Βελιάλ, Heb. indecl. Belial. Βέλλερα, -ων, τΐϊ, apples, fruit, delicacies. Βελλεροφόντης, -ov, Dor. Βελλερο- φόντας, -a, b, Bellerophon, a man's name Βελόνη, -ης, fj, (dim. of next) a needle, bodkin, hair-pin ; a kind offish. Βέλος, -εος -ονς, artd Att. -εως, τδ, (perhaps fr. βάλλω to throw) a missive weapon, dart, javelin, arrow; a thunderbolt; a stroke, (12S> ΒΗΘ blow, wound ; pain, anguish ; pangs of childbirth. Βελύστάσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last, and στάσις a station) a place of arms, guardhouse ; an armory ; a place for practising arms ; a rampart, breastwork ; a machine for throwing darts, halista. Βέλτερυς, -pa, -pov, and Βελτίων, -όνος, b, η, irreg. comp. — Εελ- τιστος, irreg. sup. of αγαθός. Βέλτιον, (neut. of βελτίων better) well enough, pretty well, very well. Βελτιόω -ω, ί. -ώσω, ρ. -ωκα, (fr. βελτίων better) to make better, ameliorate, amend, correct, im- prove, reform. Βέλτιστα, (fr. βέλτιστος best) very well, excellently, extremely well. Βελτίω, cont. fr. βελτίονα -oa -ω, . a. sin. mas. and n. a. v. neut. pi. of Βελτίων, -όνος, Ό,' η, comp. — βέλτιστος, sup. see βέλτερος. Βελφεγώο, same as Βεελφεγώρ. Βεμβηκίξω, f. -ίσω, (fr. next) to turn round like a top, revolve, whirl. Βέμβηζ, -ηκος, and Βέμβιξ, -ικος, {,, a top, gig, whirligig. Βένθεα, η. a. v. pi. of Βένθος, -εος -ονς, το, (fr. βάθος depth) depth, deepness, the bot- tom ; a recess, retreat, retirement. Βενιαμίν, Heb. indecl. Ber^imin, a man' name. Βέντιστος, Dor. for βέλτιστος. Βέομαι, same as βείομαι. Βέρβερι, τδ, (Indian) the shell in v.hich pearls are found, mother of pearl. Βέρεθρον, by Sync. Βέρθρον, Att. for βάραθρον. Βερνίκη, by Sync, for Βερονίκη, -ης, η, Bemice or Beronice, a woman's name. Βεροία, -ας, r% Bercea, the name of a city. ΒεροιαΊος, -a, -ov, (fr. last) of Be- rcea ; a Beroean. Βερόνικα or Βέρε νίκα, -ας, a, Dor. for Βερονίκτ? or Βερενίκη, -ης, η, and this is Macedonian for φερενίκη, (fr. φέρω to bring, and νίκη victory) Beronice or Bere- nice, a woman's name. Βερσεκαθαν or Βερσεχθαν, Heb. corrupted, in a coffer. Βέτιον, -ov, το, the herb beet or dittany. Βενϊος, -εος -ονς, το, a kind of dress; a scarlet, variegated, or embroidered mantle or cloak. Βέω, βέης, βέη, Ion. for βώ, 2 a. sub. of βημι, for βαίνω. Βη, baa, the voice of sheep. Βη, see βην. Βήζω, (fr. βη baa) to cry like sheep, bleat ; to whine, blubber. Βηθαβαρα, -ας, f), a Hebrew town, Bethabara, i. e. the house of the passage. Βηθανία, -ας, fi, a Hebrew town. Eng. Bethany, L e. the haute of mourning. ΒΙΑ Βηθεαδά, ίι, Heb. a pool near Jeru- salem, Bethesda, i. e. the house of mercy. Βηθι, 2 a. impr. οι βημι. Dor. βάθι, by Apoc. βά. Βπθλεψ, indecl. a Hebrew town, Eng. Bethlehem, i. e. the house of bread. Ε ./Οσα/ ία j and Βηθσα'ίδάν, indecl. a Hebiew city, Eng. Bethsaida, i. e. the abode of the fishermen. Βηθφάγη, -ης, η, a Hebrew town, Bethphage, i. e. the place of the early figs. Βηκα, and Βηκία, -ων, τα, (fr. βή baa) sheep, the bleating flock. Βηλος, -ου, b, name of a man ; and of a river. Βηλος, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. βημι to pass, and λίαν very, much) the threshold, and sometimes the lin- tel of a door ; a door, passage, entrance; a house, temple, resi- dence ; a palace, court. Βήμα, -ατός, το, (fr. βημι to go) a step, stair ; a footstep, track, ves- tige ; footing, room to stand ; a tribunal, judgment-seat, bench, throne, d. sin. βήματι, Βήμεναι, Dor. and Poet, for βηναι, 2 a. inf. of Βημι, (fr. βάω obs. to go) same as βαίνω, which takes some of its parts from it. Βην, βης, βη, Ion. for ίβην, 2 a. ind. — Βηναι, 2 a. inf. of last. Βήξ, βηχρς, >/, α cough, coughing. Βήρ, -ηρος, το, Ion. for έαρ. Βηρος, a mantle; a soldiers cloak ; a priest'' s robe. Βήρνλλος, -ov, b, and -λλιον, -ου, το, a beryl, precious stone. Βησάμενος, par. of εβησάμην, 1 a. mid. — Βησα, -ας, -ε, Ion. for έβησα, 1 a. act. — Β//σεσθαί, inf. of Βήσομαι, 1 f. mid. — Br /σω, -εις, -ει, 1 pi. βήσομεν, 1 f. act. of βάω or βημι for βαίνω. Βησαν, Ion. for εβησαν, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. act. of βαίνω. Βήσομαι, 1 f. mid. οι βημι or βαίνω. It is used Poet, as a present tense ; impf. εβησόμην, and Ion. Βησόμην, -ov, -ετο, see last. Βησος, -εος, -ονς, το, (fr. next) α valley, glen. Βησσα, -ης, η, (fr. βαίνω to go) a hollow, glen, valley; a haunt, cover for beasts ; a wilderness, woodland, waste; a plain, lawn, sheep walk. d. pi. βήσσης, Ion. for βήσσαις. Βησσήεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. last) woody, wild, waste ; hollow. Βήσσω or -ττω, f. -ζω, (fr. βηξ a cough) to cough. Βηταρμος, -ov,b, (fr. βημι to go, and άρω to adapt) dancing; dance in regular steps ; the Pyr- rhic dance. Βητάρμο)ν, -όνος, δ, (fr. last) a dancer. Βήτην, Ion. for εβήτην, see βην. Βία, -ας, η, force, strength, power ; vigour, vehemence ; efficacy, energy; bravery, courage; vio- lence. Βία, d. sin. against BIB the will of, in spite of, unwill- ingly. Βιάζεο, Ion. Βιάζεν, Dor. for βιά- £ou,pres. impr. mid. — Βιάζεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. mid. of Βιάζω, and Βιάω, f. -άσω, p. βεβία- κα, (fr. βία strength) to compel, force, urge; to endeavour, la- bour, strive ; to assault, offer vio- lence, ravish; to take forcibly ; to fall upon, depress, dispirit; to op- press, crush, overwhelm ; to en- slave, subdue. 1 a. mid. εβιασάμην. Βίαιος, -a, -ov, and -ου, δ, >/, (fr. same) violent, urgent, vehement ; injurious, wrongful ; forced, strained, compelled, comp. βιαι- ότερος, sup. -ότατος. Βιαίως, (fr. last) violently ; wrong- fully ; by force. Βιάον -ω, βιαέσθω -άσθω, pres. impr. mid. — Βιάεσθαι -άσθαι, pres. inf. mid. or pass, οϊ βιάω, same as βιάζω. Βίαρχος, -ov, b, (fr. βίος life, and άρχος chief) a butler, steward. Βιαστής, -ov, b, (fr. βία force) α violator, abuser, ravisher ; an as- sailant, invader ; one who forci- bly presses or thrusis. Βιατάς, Dor. for Βιατης, -ου, b, same as last. Βιάω, f. -άσω, and -ήσω, p. βε- βίακα, and -ηκα, same as βιάζω. per. pass. irid. βεβίημαι• par. βεβιημένος. Βιβάζω, f. -άσω, p. -ακα, (fr. βαίνω to go) to set on, make to mount ; to go up, ascend; to cause to come or go, bring, take, intro- duce ; to admit, let in. Βιβάς, -ασα, -ϊν, pres. par. of βί- βημι, in βιβάω. Βιβάσθω, same as, Βιβάω -ω, and Βίβημι, f. βιβάσω, and in compos, by Sync, and Cras. βιβω, to go, walk, stride, stalk; to mount, ascend, par. pres. act. cont. βιβων, and βι- βάς. 1 a. ind. act. εβίβασα. 1 a. ind. pass, εβιβάσθην. 1. f. ind. mid. βιβάσομαι. 1 a. ind. mid. εβιβασάμην. Βιβλαρίδιον, and Βιβλάριον, -ov, - το, (dim. of βιβλίον a book) a trifling worthless book, ballad. Βιβλία, -ων, τά, (neut. of same) the books, Holy Scriptures, Bible. Βιβλίδιον, -ov, το, (dim. of same) a little book, small volume. ΒίβΧίνυς, -η, -ov, (fr. βίβλος the papyrus) made of, like, or con- cei-ning the papyrus ; like or about a sheet or book. Also, Bi- βλινος, viz. οίνος, wine made of the Thracian grape called βιβλία. Βιβλιογραφία, -ας, η, (fr. βιβλίον a book, and γράφω to write) the writing of books, composition, compilation. Βιβλωγράφος, -ov, b, (fr. same) a writer of books, author ; a co- pier, bookseller, librarian. Βιβλιοθήκη, -ης, /% (fr. same, and τίθημι to lay uo\ α library, study. Βιβλίον, -ου, το, (fr. βίβλος paper) α book, roll, volume . (114) sheety BIT scroll, bill, billet ; deed, writing , account, schedule. Βιβλιο-ώλης, -ου, Ό, (fr. last, and ττωλέω to sell) a bookseller. Βιβλιοφόρος, -ου, δ, (fr. same, and φέρω to carry) a letter-carrier ; a hawker of books, bookseller ; a messenger, delegate. Βιβλιαφυλάκιον, -ου, το, (fr. same, and φυλάσσω to keep) a library, bookcase. Βίβλος, and Βύβλος, -ov, $, the Egyptian reed papyrus, inner bark of certain trees; a volume, book; a catalogue, account, re- gister, history. Βιβρώσκω, same as βρώσκω. Βιενντες, Dor. for βιονντες, η. pi. m. of. βιόων -ων, par. pres. act. of βιύω. Βίη, -ης, η, Ion. for βία. Βίνφι Poet, for βίη, d. sin. Βιησάμην, -ω, -ατο, Ion for εβιησά- μην, la. mid. of βιάω. Βιθυνία, -ας, >% Bithynia, a coun- try in Asia Minor. Βικίον, -ου, το, the herb vetch, vetches, tares. Βικίον, and Βικίδιον, -ου, τδ, (dim. of next) a little pitcher, jug. Βίκος, -ου b, a water-can, pitcher* pot with handles, jar. Βινεω -ω, f. -^σω, p. βεβίνηκα, to come or go in, enter; to come or go together, meet ; to couple ; to commit fornication. Βινεομαι -ov- μαι, to prostitute. Bto7, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. or opt. of βιόω. Βιολογέω -ω, f. -^σω, p. -ηκα, (fr. next, and λόγος an account) to write the life of; to record, cele- brate, par. pres. pass, βιολόγου- μένος. Βίος, -ov, b, (fr. βία strength) life, existence ; mode of life, con- duct in life; subnstence, liveli- hood, food ; property, substance, goods ; mankind, the human race, the world. Βώς, -ov, b, (fr. same) a bow, bow- string. Βιοτενω, f. -ενσω, (fr. βίος life) to live, lead life. Βιοτενσης, 2 sin. I a. sub. act. Βιοτη, ης, -^, and Βιότης, -ητος, f). same as βίος. Βιοτικός, -η, -bv, same as βιωτικός, Βίοτος, -ov, δ, Poet, for βίος. Βιονν, act. — Βιονσθαι, pass. pres. inf. cont. of βιόω. Βιονς, -ούσα, -bv, par. of εβίων, 2 a. act. of βίωμι for βιόω. Βιοφθόρος, -ov, b, ft, (fr. βίος life, and φθείρω to corrupt) injurious to life; baneful^ destructive. Βιόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. βεβίωκα, (fr. βίος Me) to live, exist, lead a life. 1 a. act. ind. εβίωσα• inf. βιω- σαι. per. pass, βεβίωμαι. 1 f. mid. βιώσομαι. 1 a. mid. εβιω- σάμην. It forms other tenses from βίωμι, which see. Βισκος, -ov, b, JEol. for ιξός. Βί'σων, or Βίστων, -όνος, δ, the bi- son, a kind of wild ox. Βιτίνα, -ης, ξ, same as βίκος* ΒΛΑ Β»ώ»?ν, Att. for βιοίην, 2 a. opt. of βίωμι for βιόω. Βίωμι, obs. but many of its tenses are attached to βιόω. 2 a. act. ind. εβίων' impr. βίωθι, -ώτω' opt. βιοίην, Att. βιώην inf. βιώ- ναι' par. βίου?. Β/ων, -ωνος, δ, Bion, a man's name. Βιώναί, see βίωμ — Βιωσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of βιόω. Βιώσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. mid. of βιόω. Βιώσιμος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. βίος life) vital, living, likely to live, long- lived. Βίωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως,η, (fr. same) life, living ; the 'past time of life ; the continuance of life ; manner of life. a. sin. βίωσιν. Βιωτικος, ~ή, -bv, (fr. same) living, natural ; vital, relating to or sus- taining life; secular, worldly, pertaining to this life, temporal; retired, private. Βιωτον, (neut. of next) must live. Βιωτός, -η, -bv, (fr. βιόω to live) living, natural, alive; vital, ne- cessary to life. Βιώτω, Βίωθι, Βιώναι, &c. see βίωμι. Βιωφελης, -έος -ους, ο, η, (fr. βίος life, andox^Aiw to assist) useful to life ; wholesome, healthy. Βλαβεις, -ε~ισα,-εν, 2 a. par. pass. of βλάπτω. Βλαβερός, -a, -bv, (fr. βλάπτω to hurt) hurtful, mischievous, inju- rious, pernicious. Βλαβερώς, (fr. last) injuriously, perniciously ; corruptly, falsely ; rashly, unadvisedly. Βλάβη, -ης, η, (fr. βλάπτω to hurt) hurt, harm, injury; loss, damage ; hindrance, prejudice, disadvan- tage. Βλαβηναι, 2 a. inf. pass. — βλαβή- σομαι, 1 f. mid. of same. Βλάβος,-εος-ους,το, same as βλάβη. Βλαβω, 2 a. sub. act. οί βλάπτω. Βλάβω is also an obsolete verb of the same signification, from which βλάπτω takes the 2 a. έβλαβον. Βλάζω, same as βλαστάνω. Βλάζω. (ft. βλάξ worthless) to play the fool, be silly. Βλαισός, and Poet, βλaισσbς, -η, -bv, bow-legged, bandy; distorted. Βλακεία, -ας, η, (ft. βλάξ worth- less) indolence laziness, listless- ness, idleness, cowardice. Βλακεύω, f. -εύσω, p. -ενκα, (ft. same) to be stupid, dull, lazy ; to faint, fail, languish, ΒλακΫκόί, ->), -bv, (ft. same) lazy, idle, indolent ; dull, stupid, worthless, good for nothing. Βλακικως, (ft. last) lazily, slowly, didli/, stupidly. Βλάνος, -ου, b, η, blear-eyed, dim, or short-sighted ; worthless, lazy. Βλαζ, -άκος, Ό, (perhaps fr. βάλλω to throw away) a small fi*h. Adj. worthless, good for nothing, insignificant; idL•, lazy; dull, stupid; impious. wicked, ΐλάπτη, 3 sin. pres. eub. act. — ΒΛΕ Βλάπτονσ\ for βλάπτονσα, fern sin. par. pres. act. of Βλάπτω, {. -ψω, p. βέβλαφα, to en- tangle; to impede, hinder, ob- struct ; to hurt, injure ; to grieve offend ; to punish ; to defeat, sub- due. 1 a. act. έβλαψα. 2 a. act έβλαβον. 2 f. act. βλαβω. per pass, βέβλαμμαι. 1 a. pass, εβλάφθην. 2 a. pass. ind. εβλά- βην -'mf. βλαβηναι' par. βλαβείς, 2 f. pass, βλαβήσομαι. per. mid, βέβλαβα. Βλαστάνω, and Βλαστέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. βεβλάστηκα, to bud, shoot sprout, germinate ; to bloom, blos- som ; to rise, spring, be born ; to produce, cause to be. 2 a. έβλασ- τον. Βλάστε, Ion. for έβλαστε, 3 sin. 2 a. act. — Βλαστήσασα, η. fem. par. 1 a. act. — Βλαστησάτω, 3 sin. 1 a. impr. act. of βλαστάνω. Βλάστημα, -άτος, το, and βλαστη- μος,-ου, b,(ft. same) abud, shoot, sprout, blossom; bloom, vigour. Βλαστός, -ου, Ό, (ft. βλαστάνω to bud) a bud, shoot, branch, blos- som. Blastus, a man's name. Βλασφημέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (ft. βλάσφημος slanderous) to hurt the reputation, injure by false re- ports, calumniate, impute wrong- fully, accuse falsely ; to slander, speak ill of, rail, revile ; to speak disrespectfully of God, blaspheme. impf. ind. εβλασφήμεον -οϋν. pres. pass, βλασφημέομαι -οΐιμαι. per. pass, βεβλασφήμημαι. 1 f. pass, βλασφημηθήσομαι. Βλασφημία, -ας, η, (ft. next) ca- lumny, slander, detraction, scan- dal ; false accusation or imputa- tion ; impious language, blas- phemy. Βλάσφημος, -ου, h, η, (ft. βλάπτω to hurt, φήμη the reputation. Or fr. βλάξ impious, and φημι to speak) calumnious, scandalous, slanderous ; derogatory, blas- phemous ; malicious, malignant, envious. Βλασφημούμαι, 1 sin. and -ούμεθα, 1 pi. cont. pres. ind. pass. — Βλασφημούμενος, par. pres. pass. cont. αϊ βλασφημέω. Βλασφήμως, (ft. βλάσφημος slan- derous) slanderously, falsely ; blasphemously ; maliciously ; shamefully. Βλάττιον, -ου, το, the shell of the purple fish; a part of that shell; a box made of it ; the onyx, an Indian shell, or pebble. Βλαυται, -ων, α'ι, a sort of shoes, sli/tjjcrs. Βλαφθηναι, inf. — Βλαφθεϊς, par. 1 a. pass, of βλάπτω. Βλαψίψοων, -όνος, b,>), (ft. βλάπτω to hurt, and φρην the miml) hurt in mind, insane, mad, inj'atu- ated, Βλείμην, -ειο,-ειτο,Ί a. opt. mi I. — Βλε'ις, 2 a. par. act. of βλημι. Or by Sync, for βληθύς, 1 a. par. pass, of βάλλω. Βλεμεαίνω, f. -ανω, p. -αγκα, (ft. (Π5) ΒΛΗ next) to look fiercely, survey sternly ; to threaten, menace. Βλέμμα, -άτος, το, (ft. βλέπω to look) the eyes, sight, countenance, appearance ; a look, glance. Βλέννα, -ας, η, snot, phlegm. Βλεννός, -r), -bv, (ft. last) worthless, insignificant ; lazy, idle. Βλεννώδης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. same) snotty, drivelling. Β A επεοαιμων, -όνος, 0, η. (ft. βλέ to look, and δαίμων a fury) looking like a fury, scowling, horrific; squinting, goggle-eyed ; amazed, confounded, aghast. Βλέποισα, Dor. for βλέπουσα, fem. par. pres. of βλέπω. Βλέπτος, -ου, Ό, η, (ft. next) to be seen, that may be looked at, to be beheld ; seen, viewed, looked at, beheld. Βλέπω, f. -ψω, p. βέβλεφα, also Βλέπτω, and ^Eol. Βλέσσω, (perhaps fr. βάλλω to cast, ώψ the eye) to look at, behold, see; to perceive, understand; to look up to, esteem, honour, approve, mind, regard; to look to, take care of; to tend, incline, lean to- wards ; to look like, resemble ; to live. 1 a. act. έβλεφα. per. pass. βέβλεμμαι. Βλέτυγες, and Βλέκυγες, -ων, a\, trifles, toys. Βλεφαρίζω, f. -Ίσω, (ft. βλέφάρον the eyelid) to wink, twinkle with the eyiS. Βλεφάρίς, -ίδος, η, more usually the pi. Βλεφαρίδες, -ων, αί, (fr. same) tlie eyelashes, hairs on the eyelids ; the eyelids. Βλέφάρον, -ου, το, (perhaps fr. βλέ- πω to see, and φάρος a veil) the eyelid. Βλέφις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (ft. same) a sight, view, examina- tion, inquiry, looking into. Βλέω -ω, obs. from which βάλλω borrows its perfect βέβληκα, and the tenses derived from thence. Βλήθητι, 1 a. impr. pass. — Βλ^0ω, sub. — Βληθήναι, inf. — Βλη- θεϊς, -εΊσα, -εν d. sin. fem. -Θε7- ση, par. of βάλλω. Βλημένος, Βλησθαι, by Sync, for βεβλη μένος, par. and βεβλήσθαι, inf. per. pass, of βάλλω. Βλήμι, (ft. βλέω) same as βάλλω. Βλητέος, -a, -ov, (ft. βάλλω to throw) to be cast, or put. Neut. it must be cast, must be put. Βλήτο, Poet, and Sync, for εβέβλη το, pper. pass, of same. Βλήτροισι, Ion. for βλήτροις, d. pi. of Βλητρον, -ου, Tb, (ft. βάλλω to shoot) an iron nail, or spike, stud ; a bolt, bar ; a clasp. Βληχάομαι -ώμαι, f. -ήσομαι, p. -ημαι, to Ideal, cry as a child. ΒλήχεσΟαι, Poet, for βληχησθαι, pres. inf. cont. of last Βληχϊι, -ής,η, an. Ι Μλ'χημα, -ατός, το. (ft. same) bleativg ; crying. Bλη■χobς, -a, -bv, weak, fain/,ficc- bu ," cowardly, t'unofous.; timid, gentle ; mild, calm, tranquil. ΒΟΗ Βλί£, continually, constantly, in- cessantly. Βλίτον, -ου, το, blite, or blites ; an insipid kind of greens. ΒλίΓτω, f. βλ'.σω, to press, express, squeeze out. ΒλοσυροΊο, Ion. g. of Βλοσυρό?, -ά, -e*>, (perhaps fr. βλέμμα the brow, and σύρω to contract) fierce, grim, stern; cruel, savage, barbarous. Βλοσυρωιτις, -ιδος, ή, and Βλοσυρω- ■πος, -η, -bv, (fr. last, and ώψ the eye) having fierce eyes, terrible of aspect, furious. Βλύζω, and Βλύω, f. -ύσω, to trickle, drop; to stream, gush, flow ; to shed, pour abroad. Βλωθρος, -α, -bv, (fr. βλώσκω to mount) high, lofty, towering; flourishing, vigorous, green ; ten- der, piiant. Βλωμος, -ου, b, a morsel, mouthful, crust; a fragment, piece. Βλωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. next) approach, arrival. 7*λά•τκω, f. -ώσω. to come, approach, . arrive ; to mount, ascend, go up ; to grow, increase. Bop, 3. sin. pres. ind. act. cont. — Βοάα, Poet, for same — Βοάασ- κον, impf. ind. Ion. of βοάω. Βοάγριον, -ov, το, (fr. βους an ox, and άγριος wild) a shield made of the hide of a wild ox or buffa- lo; a leathern target. Βοάγριος, -ου, δ, Boagrius, a river of Locris. Βοαθόοί, Dor. Βοηθόος, Poet, for βοηθός. Βοανεργες, Syr. indecl. Boanerges, i. e. sons of thunder. Βόαξ, Βόηξ, and Βώζ, -/cos, some kind of fish. Βόας, a. pi. of βους. Βοασαι, Dor. for βοάη, 2 sin. : pres. ind. mid. — Βοάσας, Dor. for βοήσας, 1 a. par. act. — βοάσι, Dor. for βοώσι, 3 pi. pre,?, ind. act. cont. of βοάω. Βοαΰλίον, -ου, το, (fr. βους an οχ, and αυλή a stall) an ox-stall. Βοάω -ώ, f. -^σω, βεβόηκα, to low, bellow, roar ; to ring, re-echo; to cry, call, shout ; to beg, importune clamour , ΒΟΛ Βοηδρομιών, -ωνος, δ, (fr. last) the third month of the Athenian year, answering nearly to our September. Βοήθεια, -ας,}), (fr. next) help, as- sistance, aid, ι elief, succour. Βοηθέω -ω, f. ->5σω, p. βεβοήθηκα, (fr. βοή a cry, and S -έω to run) to run to a cry, or with a shout; to help, bring help, assist, suc- cour, relieve, pres. impr. βοήθεε -ει. 1 a. act. ind. εβοήθησα' impr. βοήθησον. Βοήθημα, -άτος, τδ, (fr. last) assist- ance, relief, aid, succour, sup- port ; a prop, buttress; a reme- dy, cure. Βοηθητικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) auxiliary, assistant, relieving. Βοηθός, and Poet, βοήθοος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) a helper, assistant, auxiliary, one who relieves, suc- cours ; ready, active, quick. Βοηλασία, -ας, η, (fr. βους an ox, and ελαΰνω to drive) a driving of cattle; pillage, spoil, plunder, booty. Βοηλατέω -ω, f. -?/σω, p. -ηκα, (fr. same) to drive, take, or carry off cattle; to pillage, plunder ; to lend, or herd cattle. Βοηλάτης, -ου, δ, and Βοηλάτϊς, -ίδος, ι), (fr. same) a cowherd, he or she who attends cattle ; one who drives or carries off cattle; a spoiler, pillager, robber. Βοήν, Dor. for βοαν, pres. inf. act. cont. — Βοής, Dor. for βοάς, pres. sub. act. cont. — Βόησον, 1 a. impr. act. of βοάω. Βοηνόμος, -ου, δ, (fr. βους an οχ, and νέμω to pasture) a cowherd, keeper of cattle. Βοητύς, -ύος, η, same as βοή. Βόθρων, -ου, το, (dim. of next) a hole, trench, furrow, Βόθρος, -ου, δ, (perhaps fr. βάθος depth) a ditch, pit, excavation; a pitfall; a den, cave; a well, cistern. Βόθϋνος, -ου, δ, (perhaps fr. βαθύ- νω to deepen) same as last, but more elegant. Βο'/<5άρίον, or BotStov, (dim. of βονς ox) a heifer, young cow, to cry up, celebrate, . Β οϊκο ς, -ή, -bv, of, concerning, praise, impf. ind. εβόαον -ων. 1 a act. ind. εβόησα' impr. βοήσον. Βοεία, -ας, ή, viz. δορά, (fem. of next) an ox-hide ; a rope made of it; a bowstring; a strap. Βόειος, and Βόεο?, -α, -ov, (fr. βους an ox) of, concerning, or like an ox or cow. Βόες, η. pi. of βους. Βοη, -ης, >), (fr. βοάω to shout) a cry, shout, outcry, uproar, din of battle; a battle, fight; vocifera- tion, bawling, clamour ; the sound of an instrument. Borj, Dor. for βοα, 3 sin. pres. ind. or sub. οι βοάω. Βοηδρομέω -ώ, (fr. βοη a cry, and δρόμος a race) to run to a cry, run to help, assist, relieve. •βοηδρόμια, -ων, ra., (fr. same) a festival osi Athena. like α heifer. Βοιωτία, -ας, η, Boeotia, a part of Greece. Βοιωτδ?, -ου, δ, (fr. last) Boeotian, a Boeotian. Βο\άων, iEol. for βολών, g. pi. of βολή. Βόλβιτον, and Βόλιτον, -ου, το, (fr. βάλλω to throw) filth; dung, manure. Βολί'ω -ώ, obs. same as βλήμι, or βάλλω. Βολή, -ης, h, (fr• βάλλω to throw) a cast, throw, discharge, shot ; a stroke, blow, wound, cut; any missile, arrow, dart, &c. a ray, beam, glance. Βολίζω, f. -ίσω, p. βεβόλικα, (fr. next) to sound, try the depth, heave the lead. BoXiji -ίδόί-,ί» (fr. βολέχύ ίοί βάλλφ (Πθ) ΒΟΣ to cast) ο dart, javelin, arrow; a plummet, sounding line. d. sin. βολίδι. Βολίσαντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. act. of βολίζω. Βόλος, -ου, δ, (fr. βάλλω to cast) a cast, throw, shot; a drop or dropping ; the place where any thing is dropped, as a furrow for seed ; a sprouting or shooting, teething ; a dart, arrow ; a blow, wound ; a sling ; a sweep-net, seine, drag. Βομβεϋντι, Dor. for βομβουσι, d. pi. — Βομβεϋσα, Dor. and iEol. for βομβουσα, fem. par. pres. act. of Βομβέω -ώ, f. -^σω, p. -ηκα, (fr. βόμβος a hum) to buzz, hum, murmur; to sound, resound; to whisper, mutter; make any soft noise. ησις, -μς, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. same) a hum, buzz ; a hive or swarm of bees; a crowd, multi- tude. Βόμβος, -ου, δ, the hum, buzz, mur- mur of bees, or water ; sound, noise ; a tune, air. Βομβύλη, -ης, η, ( fr. last) a kind of bee; any buzzing insect. Βομβΰλιος,-ου, δ, (fr. same) a bee, gnat, fly; a drinking vessel, cup. Βόμβυξ, -υκος, δ, (fr. same) the silk-worm ; a worm, maggot. Βόνασος, and Βο'νασσο?, -ου, δ, the bonasus, or bison; a wild spe- cies of cow. Βοοζ, Heb. indecl. Booz, a man's name. Βοοζύγιον, -ου, τύ, (fr. βους an ox, and ζυγός a yoke) a pair, yoke or team of oxen. Βορά, -άς, η, (perhaps fr. βόω for βόσκω to feed) food, fodder, pro- vender ; voracity, ravenousness. Βόραθρον, -ου, το, apit, trench, hol- low, excavation. . Βορβοροκοίτης, -ου, δ, (fr. next, and κοίτη a bed) Her in the mud, name of a frog. Βόρβορος, -ου, δ, mud; ordure, dung. Βορβορόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to daub, smear, dirty ; to defile, pollute. Βορβορύζω, f. -ΰσω, to creak; to grumble as the bowels. Βορέαο, ^Eol. and Βορέω, Ion. for Βορέου, g. sin. of Βαρέας or Βορράς, and Ion. Βορέης or Βορρης, -οΰ, δ, (perhaps fr. βοάω to roar, and ρέω to pour) Boreas, northwind, north. Βορέηθεν, and Βόρραθεν, (fr. last) from the north. Βόρειος, and Poet. Bop^i'oj, -ου, δ, (fr. same) Boreal, northern. Bopfiv, Ion. for βοράν, a. sin. of βορά. Βόρμαξ, and Βνρμαζ, iEol. for μύρ- μνξ• Βορος, -a, -bv, (fr. βορά food) greedy ; a glutton. Βόσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, >% (fr. βόω or βόσκω to feed) pasture, grazing, prnvmderifood) proviamm^ meat. ΒΟΤ Βόσκε, impr. — Βόσκειν, inf. pres. act. of βόσκω. Β^σκημα, -ατός, το, (fr. βόσκω to feed) a beast, cow, sheep; pi. cattle : pasture, pasturage. Βοσκησεΐσθε, Dor. for βυσκήσεσθε, 2 pi. 1 f. mid. of βοσκέω. Βόσκηνις, -ιος, Att. -εωί, η, (fr. same) a feeding, pasturing, browsing. Βόσκοντι, Dor. for βόσκονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Βόσκω or Βοσκέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. βεβόσκηκα, (fr. /?όω, obs. to feed) to feed, pasture, graze ; to tend, herd. 1 f. βόσω, and βώσω. 1 a. έβοσα, and έβωσα, per. βεβοκα, and βεβωκα, (fr. 0<5ω, obs. ) 1 a. act. εβόσκησα, per. pass, βεβόσ- κημαι. 1 f. pass, βοσκηθήσομαι. Βόσττορον, -ov, το, an Indian plant and fruit. Βόστρυχο?, -ου, ΒηθΒσ*στ()υξ,-υχο?, δ, (perhaps fr. βό*ψνς a cluster) α cwrZ, ringlet, lock of hair; the hair. Βοσώρ, Heb. indecl. Bosor, the name of a man who was also called Βεώρ, Beor, Eng. Peor. Βοτά, -ων, τα, (pi. of βοτον a herd) cattle, kine. Βοτάνη, -ης, $, (fr. βοτος food) grass, herbage, pasture, feeding for cattle ; the study of herbs, bo- tany. Βοτανικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. last) relating to herbs, botanical ; subs, a bota- nist. Βοτάνων, -ov, rb, (dim. of same) a small herb. Βοτηρ, -ηρος, and Βοτης, -ov, δ, (fr. βόω to feed) a shepherd, herds- man. Βοτις, -ίδος, »;, (fr. same) a shep- herdess. Borbv, -ov, rb, (fr. same) ajlock, herd ; cattle, sheep, kine. Βοτυς, -ου, b, (fr. same) provender, fodder; food, meat; support, nourishment, aliment. Βοτρνδιον, -ov, το, (dim. of βότρνς a cluster) a little bunch. BoTpu&bv, (fr. same) by clusters, in bunches, heaps. Βοτρνόεις, -εασα, -εν, (fr. same) clustering, in bunches, that bears fruit in clusters. Βοτρνόπαις, -αιδος, δ, η, (fr. same, and παϊς a child) the parent stock, father of clusters ; the vine. Βότρνς, -νος, b, (perhaps fr. νότος drink, and μίω to flow) a bunch, cluster ; grapes, ivy berries, in pi. βύτρνες, βότρνας are contracted into βότρνς. Βου, an intensive particle. Βου, Poet, for βοος, g. sin. of βους. Βούβαλος, -cv, b, and Βονβαλις, -ιδος, fj, (fr. βους an ox) a wild bull or wild cow ; a buffalo. Βαυβότας, -a, Dor. for βονβότης, -ov, b, (fr. san».e) a cowherd. Βοχ'βρωσις or Βονβρωστις, -ιος, Att. -ιως, η, (fr. βου intens. and βρωσις food) hunger; famine, dearth BOX Βονβων, -ωνος, b, the groin; a tu- mour in the groin ; such a one in any part. Βονγάϊος, -ov, b, η, (fr. βου intens. and γαία earth, or γα'ιω to boast) large, gross, unwieldy, sluggish ; turgid, swollen; boastful, vain- glorious, ostentatious. Βονγλωσσον, -ov, το, and Βού^λωσ- σος, -ov, b, (fr. βονς an ox, and γλωσσά a tongue) an herb, bo- rage, bugloss ; the sole fish. Βούδορος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and δίρω to excoriate) galling to oxen, tormenting, irritating. Βονθνσία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and&5w to sacrifice) an offering of oxen ; sacrifice of black cattle. Βονκαίος, Βουκος, and Dor. Βώκος, -ov, b, (fr. same) a herdsman, shepherd, reaper, labourer, rus- tic. Βονκεντρον, -ov, το, (fr. same, and κέντρον a point) an ox-goad. Βονκερως -ω, and -ωτος, b, ή, (fr. same, and κέρας a horn) with the horns of an ox, horned. Βονκολέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and κόλον food) to feed or tend cattle; to graze, pasture, rear, herd; to milk, make profit of, gain a livelihood by cattle; to soothe, fatter, decoy ; to like, pur- sue, attend to any object, par. pres. act. βονκολέων, d. sin. βον- κολέοντι. Βονκολία, -ας, %, (fr. last) a herd of cattle ; care of or attendance on cattle. Βονκολιάζω, and Dor. Βωκολιάζω, or Βωκολιάσδω, f. -άσω, or -άξω, (fr. last) to compose, play or sing pastorals; to lead a shepherd's life. Βονκολιασμος, -ov, b, (fr. same) pastoral music or composition; the singing and dancing of shep- herds or rustics. Βονκολιαστης, -ov, b, (fr. same) a composer of pastorals, rural poet, rustic musician. Βουκολικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) re- lating to the care of cattle ; pasto- ral, rustic. Βονκόλιον, -ov, το, and -ος, -ov, b, (fr. same) a herd of cattle, fiock. Βονκολισ\ώς, -ov, b, (fr. same) a shepherd's song, pastoral, bucolic, eclogue. Βονκύλος, and Dor. Βωκύλος, -ov, b, (fr. same) a cowherd, shep- herd ; a clown, rustic. Βονλαφόρος, -ω, b, Dor. for βονλη- φόρος. Βονλάω -ω, (fr. βου intens. and λάω to desire) obs. see βούλιψαι, which borrows some parts from it. Βουλεηί, Ion. from the ancient βον- λεσαι, and Βοΰλε<, Att. for βονλη, 2 sin. pres. ind. mid. — Βοΰλεο, Ion. for βονλον, pres. impr. mid. — Βούλετ, Ion. for εβηύλετο, 3 sin. inipf. ind. — Βονλεΰμενος, Ion. and Poet, for βονλόμενος, par. pres. mid. of βονλομαι. BouXct)wOa,bY Parag.for/JovXsOnj, (117) ΒΟΎ 2 sin. pres. sub. act. of βον- λενω. Βούλενμα, -ατός, τδ, (fr. βονλενω to consult) deliberation ; counsel, advice ; a design, purpose, inten- tion. Ββνλενσαι, 1 a. impr. mid. — Βου- λενσάντι, ά. sin. and Βοιιλευσαν- τε, η. du. par. 1. a. act. — Βού- λευσεν, Ion. for εβονλενσε, 3 sin. ind. and Βονλεύσιι, 3 sin. sub. 1 a. act. οι βονλενω. Βονλεησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. βονλεύω to consult) consultation, deliberation, meditation; a plot. Βονλεντήριον, -ov, το, (fr. same) a court, hall, senate-house. Βονλεντης, -ου, 6, fr. same) a coun sellor, senator, adviser. Βονλενπκος,-ή, -bv, (fr. same) se- natorial, relating to a senate or council; consulted, usked or ap- plied to for advice ; prudent, wise, sage; subs, a counsellor, patron. Βονλεντος, -ov, Ό, η, (fr. same) con- sulted, deliberatfd, weighed; de- creed, enacted. Βονλενω, f. -ενσω, p. βεβονλενκα, (fr. βονλη design) to deliberate, consult ; to meditate, ponder, re- volve; to ask advice; to devise, plot, plan; to determine, pur- pose, decree. I a. act. εβονλενσα. 1 a. mid. εβονλενσάμην. Βονλεων, Ion. for βυνλών, g. pi. of Βονλη, -ης, -f/, 'he will, determina- tion, design, purpose, decree, counsel; a council, senate; a council-chamber, court. Βονληαι,Ιοη. for βονλη Att. βονλει, 2 sin. pres. ind. mid. — Βουλ»;- θείην, 1 a. opt. pass. — Βουλω- θεί?, par. 1 a. pass. — Βονληθω, -ης, -f>, 1 a. sub. pass. — Βοΰλτ;- ται, 3 sin. pres. sub. pass, of βονλομαι. Βονλημα, -ατός, το, (fr. βονλομαι to will) will, pleasure, choice; de- termination, decree, judgment; purpose, design, d. sin. βυνλτίι- ματι. Βονλησιν, and Βονλΐ/σι, Ion. for βονλαΊς, d. pi. of βονλη. Βονλησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, same as βούλημα. Βονλητικος,-η,-ον, (fr. βονλη will) willing, voluntary ; purposely, intentional, designed. Βονλητος, -oij,b,t e i, (fr. same) veil- ed, determined, decreed ; design- ed, purposed, consulted, advised. Βονληψόρος,-ον, δ,ί/, (fr. same, and φέρω to bring) advising, direct- ing ; subs, a counsellor. Βονλιμιάω -£, f. -άσω, p. -ακα, (fr. βου intens. and λίμος hunger) to starve, suffer great hunger, perish with want. ΒοχΊλιμος, -ov, b, and Βουλιμία, -ας, η, (fr. same) violent hunger, starvation ; famine, dearth. Βοΰλοιτο, 3 sin. pres. opt. mid. — Βονλόμενος, par. pres. mid. of Βονλομαι, f. -ίσομαι, p. βεβοι'λημηι, (fr. βονλη counsel) to wish, will, ptoose } 6o design, ddcrmim, do- ΒΟΩ &ree; to desire, prefer; to fa- vour, befriend, espouse. 2 sin. pres. βούλει, Att. βούληαι, Poet. £ούλεαι, Ion. for βούλη. ores, opt. mid. βονλοίμην. impf. ind. ζβονλόμην, and ηβονλόμην, Att. 1 a. pass, εβονλήθην, and ηβον- λ^θ>?ν, Att. per. mid. βέβονλα. 1 f. ind. mid. βουλήσομαι. per. ind. pass, βεβούλημαι. Βουλος, -ov, δ, guis, puddings used to make sausages. Βονλντος, -ου, δ, (fr. /?o?j an ox, and λύω to loose) loosing-time, evening. Bow, a. sin. οι β ους. Βούνεβρος, -ου, δ, and Βούνεβρ -ου, το, (fr. /JoCintens. and νεβρος a fawn) a large fawn or hind. Βουνίζω, f. -Ίσω, p. βεβούνικα, (fr. βουνδς a hill) ίο raise, gather, heap up. Βουνοειδης, -έος-ούς, δ, '?, (fr. last, and είδος likeness) hilly, moun- tainous, steep, craggy. Βούνομος, -ου, δ, '/, (fr. βούς an ox, and νέμω to pasture) pastured, fed or grazed by cattle ; pastura- ble, rich, fertile, pasturing., graz- ing, browsing. Βοννος, -ου, δ, a hill, hillock, rising ground, high place ; a heap ; slope, ascent; declivity. Βοννώδης, -εος -ους, δ, >/, (fr. last) see βουνοειδής. Βούπαις, -αιδος, δ, (fr. βου intens. and -παΊς a boy) a grown boy, stripling ; an overgrown or fat young man ; an awkward boy. Βούτταλος, -ου, δ, (fr. same, and ■πάλη wrestling) a great wrestler ; an ass, an epithet of an ass. Adj. obstinate, stubborn. Βονπλήξ, -ηγος, >'/, (fr. βους an ox, and πλάσσω to strike) a goad or whip to drive cattle. Βουπόρος, -ov, b, //, (fr. same, and ■πείρα to pierce) that would pierce an ox ; large, strong. Βούρασσος or Βόρασσος, -ου, δ, the fruit of the palm or date tree, dates. Βούς,βοος, h, ?/, a bull, cow, ox, beeve ; an ox hide; a shield made of it. a. sin. βούν. in pi. βόες, βόας, are cont. into βους. d. pi. βονσΧ, Ion. βάεσσι. Βούσιρις, -ιος, δ, Busiris, a man's name. Βούσταθμον, -ου, το, (fr. βους an ox, and σταθμός a stall) an ox-stall. Βουτάς, -α, δ, Dor. for βούτης, same as βότης and βοτήρ. Βούτομος, -ου, δ, and Βούτομον, -ου, το, (fr. βους an οχ, and τέμνω to cut) the flowering rush or water gladiole. Βούτυρον, -ου, rb, (fr. same, and τυρός cheese) butter. Βουφονέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. same, and φένω to kill) to slaugh- ter cattle, sacrifice. Βουφύνος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same) who. slays cattle, a butcher ; a priest sacrificing. Βόω -ω, obs. see Βόσκω, which borrows its tenses'from it. BPA Βοφην, -ης, -η, Att. for βοάοιμι -ωμι, pres. opt. act. — Βοώμενος, cont. of βοαόμενος, par. pres.mid. — Βόων, Ion. for εβόων, 3 pi. impf. ind. act. — Βοωσης, Βοων- τες, -ωντος, -ώντων, cont. cases of Βοάων -ων, par. pres. act. — Βοών™, is also Dor. for βοωσι, 3 pi. or d. pi. par. pres, act. of βοάω. Βοών, g. pi. of βους. Βοω-πις, -ιδος, η, (fr. βους an οχ, and ώψ the eye) with eyes like a cow, ox-eyed; with full, round, dark eyes. Βοωτέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα^ (fr. same, and ωθέω to drive) to drive oxen as in a plough, plough, till, labour, cultivate, pres. inf. act.. βοωτέΐν, cont. Βοώτης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a cow- herd, herdsman, ploughman ; the constellation called Bootes, Arc- tophylax, and the Ploughman. Βραβεία, -ας, f), (fr. βραβεύς an um- pire) the management, conduct, regulation of public games ; the decision or awarding of the prizes; an arrangement, reconci- liation. Βραβΐίον, -ου, το, (fr. same) ι prize, honorary reward. Βραβευς, -εος and-fw?, and Βραβευ- τώ, -ου, δ, (perhaps fr. ράβδος wand) the president or steward at public games; an arbitrator or umpire to determine the prizes ; a judge ; commander, enjoiner. Βραβεύω, f. -ενσω, p. βεβράβενκα, (fr. last) to manage, conduct or preside at public games ; to de- cide, award the prizes ; to regu- late, rule, direct, command, pres. impr. βράβευε, -έτω. 1 a. ind. act. εβράβευσα. Βραβύλα, -ας, η, a Damascene plum, damson. Βραγχιάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. next) to grow or be hoarse. Βράγχος, -ου, δ, and -εος, το, hoarseness, roughness of the voice. Βραδέως, (fr. βραδύς slow) slowly, late; slothfully, lazily, comp. βραδύτερον and βράδιον, sup. βραδύτατα and βράδιστον. Βραδινός, -η, -bv, JEo\. for ραδινός. Βραδύγλωσσος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. βραδύς slow, and γλωσσά the tongue) slow of speech, not eloquent. Βραδννούσαις, d. pi. fem. par. pres. act. of )αδύνω,ΐ. -ννω, (fr. βραδύς slow) to stop, stay, delay, loiter, tarry ; to hesitate, demur, scruple. Βραδνττειθης, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. βραδύς slow, and -πείθω to per- suade) hard to be persuaded; ob- stinate; dull. Βραδυπλοέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. βεβρα- δνπλόηκα, (fr. same, and πλοέω, Jon. for -πλέω to sail) to sail slowly, be long at sea, be detain- ed by bad weather, par. pres. n. pi. βραδυττλοούντες. Βραδύς, -εΧα, -ύ, (perhaps fr. βάρος a burden, and δύω to go under) slow ; dull, stupid ; lazy, indo- % ΒΡΕ lent. n. pi. cont. βραδεις. comp. βραδύτερος, βραδιών or βράσσων 9 sup. βραδύτατος, βράδιστος. Βραδύτης, -ητος, ij, (fr. last) slow- ness, tardiness ; dulness, stupidi- ty ; indolence, laziness, a., sin» βραδύτητα. Βράζω and Βράσσω, f. -άσω, to boil, bubble; to work, froth, fer- ment ; to be hot; to rage, fret, fume. Βράθν, -νος, το, the herb savin. Βράκάνον, -ov, το, wild kale or cole- wort. , Βράκος, -εος -ους, το, and Βράκα, -ας, f}, a covering for the naked- ness, breeches, trowsers. Βρασθεϊς, par. of εβράσθην, 1 a. pass, of βράζω or βράσσω. Βράσμα, -ατός, το, and Βρασμό"?, -ov, δ, (fr. βράζω to boil) a boil- ing, bubbling ; fermentation ; heat, warmth; rage, vehemence. Βράχε, Ion. for έβραχε, impf. act. of βράχω. Βραχέα, -ων, τα, (neut. οί βραχύς short) shallows, shoals. Βραχέη, Ion. for βραχεία, fem. of βραχύς. Βραχείς, -ε~Ίσα, -εν, par. 2 a. pass. of βρέχω. Βραχέως, (fr. βραχύς short) short- ly, briefly, in a few words» Βραχίων, -όνος, δ, (comp. of next) the shorter or upper part of the arm, arm; strength, power, might, d. sin. βραχίονι. Βραχύς, ε~ια, -ύ, short, brief; small, little; few. g. pi. βραχέων. comp. βραχύτερος, and Βραχίων, sup. βραχύτατος and βράχιστος. Βραχνσίδαρος, Dor. for βραχν σίδη- ρος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. last, and σίδη- ρος iron) short pointed. Βραχύτης, -ητος, f/, (fr. same) shortness; brevity, conciseness; fewness, paucity. Βραχντράχηλος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and τράχηλος the neck) short necked. Βράχω, f. -ζω, p. -χα, to make the noise of a wand or rod when shaken smartly, to quaver, whirr ; rustle. Or of things breaking, to crack, crash, clatter ; to sound, resound, ring, peal. Βρέγμα, -άτος, rb, and Βρεγμός,-ον, b, (fr. βρέχω to wet) the fore- head, the front half of the head. Βρεκεκεξ, a word invented to ex- press the noise of frogs. Βρέμεσθαι, pass, or mid. — Bpf- μειν, act. pres. inf. of Βρέμω, f. -μώ, to grumble, murmur, make any hollow noise ; to roar, bellow, resound, peal. per. mid. βέβρομα. Βρένδον, a stag,by theMessapians. Βρένθις, -ιδος, and Βρένθιξ, -ικος, ^, lettuce. Βρένθος, -ov, δ, some bird unknown, of a slow gait and muttering note ; haughtiness, pride, arro- gance, pomposity, conceit; an ointment or perfume made by the Lydians. ΒΡΙ ΙΙρενθύομαι, (fr. last) to stalk, and mutter like a brenthos; to as- sume consequence, take airs, be conceited; to growl, grumble, mutter, par. pres. mid. βρενθυό- μενος. Βρέντιον, -ov, τδ, (fr. βρένδον, which see) a stag's head, the antlers. Βρέξαι, 1 a. inf. act. of βρέχω. Βρέτας, το, a figure, likeness, image, statue, idol; a spectre, appari- tion. Βρέφος, -εος -ους, το, an infant, child, babe ; an embryo ; a young- ling, pi. βρέφεα -η. Βρεφύλλιον, -ov, το, (dim. of last) a little child; a youngster. Βρέχμα, and Βρεχμος, see βρέγμα. Βρέχω, f. -ξω, p. -χα, to wet, mois- ten, bedew ; to sleep, drench ; to rain, drop ; to soak, suck, im- bibe. 1 a. act. έβρεξα. 2 a. act. έβραχον. per. pass, βέβρζγμαι. 1 f. pass, βρεχθήσομαι. 2 a. pass, ind. εβράχην inf. βραχηναι. 2 f. pass, βραχήσομαι. per. mid. βέ- βροκα. Βρήσσω, f. -ξω, p. -χα, to cough up, expectorate, spit. ΒρΊ, an intensive particle prefixed to words, implying, very much. Βριάει, 3 sin. pres. ind. of βριάω. Βριάρεος, -ου, Att. Βριάρεως, -ω, δ, (fr. βρΊ intens. and Άρης Mars) Briareus, the name of a giant. Βριαρός, -a, -dv, (fr. next) strong, stout, robust, hardy. Βριάω -ω, f. -άσω, (perhaps fr. βρΧ very) to strengthen, make strong ; to extol, magnify ; to be or grow strong or powerful ; to swell, grow large, increase. Bpt£w, f. -?σω, and -ίξω, to feel op pressed after meat ; to be drowsy ; to nap, doze ; to loiter, be indo- lent, neglect. Βριήττυος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. βρϊ intens. and ηττύω for απύω to shout) shouting loudly. An epithet of M;irs. Βρίθος, -εος -ους, τδ, and Βριθοσύ- νη, -ης, hi (fr• βρίθω to press) weight, pressure, heaviness; a burden, load. Βριθύς, -εια, -υ, and -έος -ους, b, fj, (fr. same) heavy, weighty, pon- derous. Βρίθω, to weigh heavily, be heavy to weigh down, depress; to be loaded, bear a burden; to in- -line, bend forwards, lean down, overhang ; to impress, prevail, excel, per. mid. βέβριθα. par. βεβριθώς. Βρίμη, -ης, >/, (fr. βριάω to strength- en) strength, power, might ; in- fluence, power ; magic. Βριμόομαι -ουμαι, and Βριμάομαι •ωμαι, (perhaps fr. βρέμω to growl, or fr. next) to grumble, growl, mutter; to roar, bellow; to grind or gnash the teeth ; to rage, burn with anger. Βριμύ, -6ος -ους, η, a name of He- cate or Proserpine ; a fiend. Βρίσάρματος, -ov, ό, η, (fr. βρίθω to BPT weigh down, and άρμα a cha- riot) too heavy for the chariot, weighty on the axle-tree ; or, who drives over his adversary, Βρισεύς, -έος, Ion. -ηος, b, Briseus, a man's name. Βρισηϊς,-ϊοος, rj,Bnseis, a woman's name. Βρίσ<τος, -ov, b, a sea-urchin. Βρόγχος, and Βρόχθος, -ου, b, (per- haps fr. βρόχω obs. to swallow) the throat, gullet. Βρόίον, -ov, το, ~JEo\. for ρόδον. Βρομώς, -a, -ov, (fr. next) sound- ing, resounding ; ringing, echo- ing ; shouting, roaring, bellow- ing; crashing, creaking, peal- ing. Also Bromius, an epithet of Bacchus. Βρόμος, -ου, δ, (fr. βρέμω to rnur-) mur) a crack, peal, volley ; a roar, bellowing ; a reed, pipe. Βροντάω -ω, ΐ. -ήσω, ρ. -ηκα, (fr, next) to thunder; to peal, roar. Βροντή, -ης, ή, thunder; a crash, - peal, roar. Βρότεος or Βρότειος, -ου, δ, ή, same as βροτυς. Βροτήσιος, -ου, δ, η, Poet, same as βροτός. Βροτοβήμων, -όνος, δ, η, (fr. βροτος human, and βήμα a step) a spurner of mankind, trampler or human rights ; a tyrant, despot usurper. Βροτόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. βρότος gore) bloody, bloodstained, gory. Βροτο\οιγος, -ου, δ, (fr. βροτος hu• man, and λοιγυς destruction) a manslayer, murderer. Adj. mur- derous, bloody, cruel. Βροτος, -ου, b, man, a mortal. Adj human, mortal; frail, fleeting, perishable, d. pi. with ν added βροτοίσιν. Βρότος, -ου, δ, blood, gore. Βροτόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to stain with blood, defile with gore ; to imbrue, sprinkle with blood. (Or fr. βροτος human) to make, form or fashion man ; Βροτόομαι, to become man. 1 a. inf. pass. βροτωθηναι. Βρουκος or Βροΰχος, -ov, b, a kind of locust. Βροχέως, JE>o\. for βραχέως. Βροχή, -ης, η, (fr. βρέχω to wet) a shower ; heavy rain. Βρόχθος, same as βρόγχος. Βροχθώδης, -εος -ους, δ, ή, (fr. βρό- χω to soak) arid, dry, parched, without moisture. Βρόχος, -υυ, δ, a cord, rope; snare, gin. Βρόχω, to soak, obs. but found in composition. Βροχώτης, (fr. βρόχος a rope) bou ud with ropes, tied ; twisted. Βρόω, obs. its tenses are borrowed by βρώσκω. Βρνγμα, -ατός, το, (fr. βρύκω to bite) a bile. Βρυγμος, -ου, b, (fr. βρύχω to gnash) gnashing or grinding of the teeth ; a crash ; noise, ihout ; roaring. ("9) BTK Βρύκω, f. -ξω, p. -χα, to bite, gnaw; to devour, swallow up. Βρυν, an infantile expression for drink. Βρυον, -ου, το, moss, weeds; sea- weed ; an herb so called. Βρΰτον, -ov, το, and Βρντός, -ου, δ, (perhaps fr. βρύω to spring) malt-liquor. Βρνχάω -ω, and Βρύχω, f. -ξω, p. βέβρυχα, to grind the teeth, gnash, cranch, champ; to echo, ring, sound, resound; to roar, low, bellow; to shriek, groan, moan. Βρύχομαι, to rage, fret, be distracted with anger, grief, pain, &c. per. pass, βέβρυγμαι. Βρύω, f. -ύσω, p. βέβρυχα, to bud, shoot, germinate, sprout, blos- som ; to grow, increase; to teem, abound, overflow ; to spring, gush, burst out, issue forth ; to send forth, pour, shed, diffuse, spread, scatter. 3 sin. pres. βρύει. ΒρωθεΙς, 1 a. par. pass, of βρώσκω. Βρωμά, -άτος, το, (fr. same) food, meat, victuals. Βρώμασι, or. -σιν, Βρωματα, -τι, -τος, -των, cases of last. Βρωμέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. next) to stink, smell ill. Βρώμος, -ov, b, a slink, rank smell ; carrion. Βρωμώδης, -εος -ονς, δ, ?/, (fr. last) fetid, rank, putrid. Βρώσει, -σεως,-σιν, cases of βρώσις» *Βρώσίμον, -ου, τα, (neut. of next) meat, food, an eatable. Βρώσιμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. βρώσκω to feed) eatable. Βρώσις, -ιος, and -εος, Att. -εως, fi, (fr. same) meat, food; eating; a canker ; corrosion, virulence. Βρώσκω, f. βρώσω, p. βέβρωκα, (fr. βρόω obs. to eat) to eat, feed; to pasture, graze ; to gnaw, con- sume, corrode, canker, per. pass. βέβρωμαι. 1 a. pass. ind. εβρώ- θην• par. βρωθείς Βρωτος, -η, -bv, (fr. last) eatable, esculent. Βρώτνς, -νος, ι), (fr. same) food, meat, victuals. Βύας, -ov, b, an owl. Βυβλος, -ov, η, see βίβ\ος. Έύζην, (fr. next) thickly, closely, crowded. Βύζω, f. -ύσω, (fr. βύω to stuff) to fill up, cram, crowd. Also, (fr. βύας an owl) to cry like an in- fant ; to hoot, croak. Βυθίζω, f. -ίσω, p. βεβνθικα, (fr. βυθός the bottom) to plunge, dip, immerge ; to sink, drown. 1 a. act. εβύθισα. Βύθιος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) deep, down to the bottom. Βνθύς, -ου, b, a bottom ; the deep, sea, ocean ; depth. Βυκάνη, -ης, ή, a horn, trumpet. Βυκανίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. last) towind a horn, sound a trumpet. Βνκανιστης, -ου, δ, (fr. samr) a trumpeter. Βύκτης, -ov, b, (fr. βύζω to fill) an epithet of the wind ; sound- ΒΩΣ tng, whistling ; breathing, blow- ing. Βνλλός, -od, δ, η, (fr. βύω to stuff) thick, close, crowded, full. Βύνη. -ης, η, soaked barley, malt. Βυτττέω -ω, f. -ήσω, iEol. for βά~- τω. Βύρσα, 'ης, ή, a skin, hide. Βνρσευς, -έος, Att. -έως, δ, (fr. last) a tanner, d. sin. cont. βυρσεΊ. Βνρσοδέύης, -ου, b, (fr. same, and cf'-yti) to skin) a skinner, currier, tanner, worker in leather. Βύσμα, -ατός, το, (fr. βύωΐο stuff) a stopple or stopper, cork ; a dam, bank ; a sluice. Βύσσίνος, -η, -ov, (fr. βύσσος flax) flaxen, linen, made of fine flax or cotton ; fine, elegant, orna- mental. Βυσσοδομεύω, f. -ει'σω, (fr. βνσσος depth, and δομεύω for δομέω to build) to lay deep foundations ; to found, fix, establish ; to think deeply, meditate ; to contrive, plot, plan, devise. Βνσσόθεν, (fr. next) from the bot- tom, from below, from the deep. Βυσσός, -ου, b, Ion. for βυθός. Βύσσος, -ov, η, the cotton plant ; cotton; cotton-cloth, calico. Al- so, fine flax or linen. Βύω, f. βύσω, p. βίβνκα, to stop up, shut up, close; to cram, stuff, fill up ; to cover, hide, conceal. Βώ, βης, βή, Ion. βέω, and Poet. βείω, 2 a. sub. of βήμι for βαίνω. Βωθείν, Ion. for βοηθεϊν, pres. inf. cont. of βοηθέω. Βωκολιαξείς, Dor. for βονκολιάσεις, 2 sin. 1 f. act. — Βωκολιάσδεν, Dor. 2 sin. pres. impr. mid. of Βωκολιάσδω, Dor. for βουκολιάζω. Βωκυλιαστάς, Βωκολίκος, Βωκόλος, Βώκος, Dor. for βουκολιαστής, βουκολικός, βονκόλος, and βονκος same as βουκαίος. Βωλά, Dor. for βουλή. Βώλαξ, -ακος, η, Poet, for β&λος. αωλίτης, -ov, b, (fr. next) α mush- room, truffle. ΒωΚος, -ου, η, earth, ground, land, soil; a clod, sod, mass, lump piece; a mouthful, bit; a dose. Βωλώδης, -εος -ους, Ό, η, (fr. last) full of clods; cloddy ; tough, hard. Βωμός, -ov, b, a base, foundation ; a pedestal, prop ; an altar j a tem- ple. Βων, Dor. and Ion. for βονν, a. of βνυς. Βώξ, -οκδς, b, cont. for βόαξ or βόηξ. Βώρος, -ου. b, Bonis, name of a man, and of a city. Βως, Dor. and Ion. for βονς — Βώ- ei, d. pi. for βουσι. Βώσαί, Dor. for βοήσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Βώσα?, for βοήσας, 1 a. par. act. — Βώσομαι, for βοήσο- μαι, 1 f. ind. — Βώσεσθαι, for βοήσεσθαι, 1 f. inf. mid. of βοάω. "Βωστρίομες, Dor. and Poet, for βωστρέομεν, 1 pi. pres. — Βωσ- τρήσωμες, for βωστρήσωμεν, 1 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of ΓΑΙ ΓΑΛ Βωστρέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, a Doric verb, I Ta7a, -ας, Poet, and Ion. Ταίη, -ης, same as βοάω. η. see γη. b, Dor. Βωτ*ί?, -ίδος, ή, same as βοτής, and βοτίς. Βωτιάνειρος, -ου, b, >/, (fr. βωττϊς or βωτης a shepherd, and ανήρ a man) rearing men; populous, thickly inhabited. Βώτωρ, -ορός, b } same as βοτήρ. Βώ-ης,-ου, b, Ion. and Βώτας, -a,\ Γαίηθεν, (fr. last) from the earth, from the ground. Γαιήϊος, Γήινος, Γ/'ϊος, -ου, and Γαι- ώδης, -εος -ονς, Ό, η, (fr. same)ier- restrial, earthly ; earthy, dayey. Γαιήο-χος, Γαιάογος, and cont. Γαι- οΐχυς, Γαυνχος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and έχω to confine) earth- girding, encompassing or sur- rounding the land ; an epithet of Neptune, or the sea. Ταίμω, Τάμω, Γείμω, and Γήμω, all obs. see γαμέω• Γαισος, -ol•, b, a Gaulish dart or javelin. Ταίω, f. γαίσω, to glory, vaunt ; to boast, brag ; exult, rejoice, par. pres. γαίων. Γάλα, -ακτος, το, milk. Γαλαθηνος, -η, -bv, (fr. last, and &άω to nurse) unweaned, any creature still sucking, a suckling. Also, yielding milk, tender, deli- cate, balmy ; milky, succulent. Γαλακτικός or -τίνος, -η, -bv, and Γαλατώδης, -εος -ους, δ, η, (fr. same) milky ; delicate, soft, ten- der. Γαλακτοττότης, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πίνω to drink) sucking ; living on milk. Γαλανά, -ας, a, Dor. for γαλήνη. Ταλαξαύρη, -ης, η, a woman's name. Γαλατία?, -ου, b, (fr. γάλα milk) milky, white; the milky way ; a kind of stone. Γαλάτης, -ov,b, Γαλατικος, -η, -bv, (fr. next) aGalatian, of Galatia. Γαλατία, -ας, -η, Galatia, called also GaUogrceaa. Γαλέαγρα, -ας, η, (fr. next, and άγρα a trap) an iron cage; a chain, fetters ; a snare, trap. Γαλέη, and in prose, Γαλή, -ης, η, a weasel ; a cat. Γαλεδί, -ov, b, (fr. last) a he-wea- scl, also a kind offish. Γαλερός, and Γαληρος, -a, -bv, (fr. γαλήνη a calm) tranquil, quiet, calm; cheerful, joyous, lively. Γαλευς, -έος, b, (fr. γαλή a weasel) a young weasel ; a kitten. Γαλεώτης, -ου, b, (dim. of γαλέη a weasel) an eft or newt. Γαλή, -ής, η, see γαλέη, Γαλην' for γαληνά, neut. pi. of γα- ληνός. Γαληναία, Poet, for Γαλήνη, -ης, η, (fr. γελάω to smile) serenity ; tranquillity, quietness ; a calm. Also a woman's name. .Γαληνιάω -ώ, f. -άσω, p. -κα, (fr. last) to be calm ; to rest, subside. Γαλήνιος, and Γαληνός, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) calm, still, quiet; tranquil, serene. Γαληνιώσαν, a. sin. cont, par. pres. of γαληνιάω. Γαλιλαία, -ας, η, Galilee, a part of Palestine. Γαλιλαίο?, -a, -ov, (fr. last) of Go- like, Galilean. Γαλίοψις, -ιος, Att. -εωί, η, the herb water-betony or d*ad njci tie. Γ, γ, f, the third letter in Greek, called gamma. As a numeral mark it signifies three, and with a dot underneath, γ, three thou- sand. Γ', for γέ. Γά, Dor. for γέ. — Γα, Dor. for γή. Γαββαθά, Heb. indecl. Gabbatha. Γαβϊν, Heb. indecl. husbandmen. Γαβίς, Heb. indecl. a large pearl. Γαβριήλ, Heb. indecl. Gabriel. Γαγάτης, -ov, b, (fr. Γάγης a river of Lycia) an agate. Γαγγαλίζω, f. -ίσω, p. -ικα, (per- haps fr. γάω to cause, Άϊΐάγε'Χάω to laugh. Or fr. γόνος joy) to tickle, excite agreeably ; to Je- lighi, make glad. Γαγγάμη, -ης, η, a net, draw-net, seine. Γαγγ7τις or Γαγγίτης, -ου, b, a pre- cious stone, an agate. Γαγγλών, -ου, το, a ganglion, tu- bercle, hard gathering. Γάγγραινα, -ας, >/, (fr. γράω or γραίνω to corrode) a gangrene, mortification. Γάδ, Heb. indecl. Gad, a man's name. Γάδαρα, a city of Caelo-Syria ; Gadara. Γαδαρενς, -έος, Att. -έως, and Γα- δαρηνδς, -ov, b, (fr. last) a Ga- darene, of Gadara. Γαδάτ.ας, -ου, b, Gadatas, a man's name. Γάδομαι, to rejoice, delight, be glad. Γάζα, -ης, η, (Persian) wealth, riches ; treasure, public money ; a treasury. Γαζαρήνοι, (Chaldee) soothsayers, magicians. Γαζοφυλάκειον, and -κιον, -ου, το, (fr. γάζα wealth) α treasury; re- cord office. Γαξοώυλακέω -ω, (fr. same, and φυλάσσω to guard) to treasure, hoard ; to keep tiie public money. Γαζοώύλαξ, -ακος, b, (fr. same) a treasurer. Γάθ' and Γα'θε, for αγαθέ, v. sin of αγαθός. Γαθιϊν, Dor. for γηθε'ιν, pres. inf. act. — Γάθησεν, Dor. and Ion, for εγηθησε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act of γηθέω. Γαϊ, Heb. indecl. a valley. Γαΐ\ for next. ΓΑΜ Γαλλίων, -ωνος, δ, Gallio, a man's name. Γάλλος -ου, δ, α eunuch. Γαλουχίω -ώ, (fr. j -α'λα milk, and (vj to have) to suckle; to im- press, inculcate. Γαλονχέομαι -οΰ- μαι, to suck, take milk; to im- bibe. Γάλως, -ω, or -ωος , and Γαλύως -6ω, η, a husband's sister, brother's vnfe, sister-in-law. Γαμαι, Dor. for γημαι, see γαμίω. Γαμαλιηλ, Heb. indecl. Gamaliel, a man's name. Γαμβρενω, f. -ει'σω, p. -ενκα, (fr. next) to marry, wed; to get marriage relations. Ταμβρός, -oT', -b, (fr. γαμίω to wed) a relation by marriage ; a father, son, or brotlier, in law, d. pi. γαμβροΐσι, Ion. Γαι/εΓν, 2 a. inf. act. — Γαμείτωσαν, 3 pi. cont. pres. impr. act. — Γαμίσσεται, Poet, for γαμίσεται, 1 f. mid. of γαμίω. Γαμεν, Dor. and Ion. for ίγημε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. see in γα- μίω. Γαμετίος, -α, -ov. (fr. same) must wed, must be married. Γαμέτη, -ης, and Γαμετις, -ίδος, η, (fr. same) a wife. Ταμίτης, -ov, δ, (fr. same) a hus- band. Γαμίω, -ώ, f. -ήσω and -ίσω, p. γεγάμηκα, and -εκα, (perhaps ΓΑΣ riage feast, nuptials; matrimo- y ny, wedlock. Γαμοστυλίω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. next) to prepare for a wedding. Γαμοστόλος, -ov, b, >), (fr. γάμος a wedding, and στέλλω to furnish) preparatory to or providing for a [ weddirg; nuptial, bndal. Γαμονμενος, par. pres. pass. cont. υ!" γαμεω . Γαμψηλαϊ, -ων, a], (fr. next) ίΛβ cheeks, jaws, jaw-bones. Γαμψός, -η, -bv, (same as κάμπος, fr. κάμπτω to bend) crooked, bowed, bended, curved, hooked. Γαμψώνυξ, -νχος, and ΓαμΧγώννκος, -ου, -b, η, (fr. last, and όννξ a claw) having hooked claws or talons; rapacious, ravenous. Γάμω, obs. for which see γαμίω. Γάνος, -εος, -ους, το, joy, mirth ; delight, pleasure ; splendour, brightness. Γανόω-ώ, f. -ώσω, ρ.-ωκα, (fr. last) to delight, rejoice, cause plea- sure, exhilarate, enliven ; to siune, sparkle, glitter. Γάνυμαι, Γάννυμαι, and Γανννομαι, f. -νσομαι, p. -νμαι, (fr. same) to rejoice, be glad, exult. Γάννμήίης, -εος, b, Ganymede, a man's name. Γάνωμα, -άτος, rb, and Γάνωσις, -ιος, Att. -εωξ-, η, (fr. γανόω to delight) delight, joy ; mirth, en- joyment; brightness, lustre. fr. γάω to produce, or γαίω to Γάρ, for, since; wherefore, there- rejoice, to take a wife, viarry,\ fore, then; truly; pray; why? wed. Pass, to be married. 1 a, act. εγάμησα, and (fr. γάμω obs.) ε γη μα - sub. y»//u inf. γημαι' par. γήμας. 1 a. pass, εγαμήθην. 1 a. mid. εγημάμην. Γαμηθη, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass. — Γαμηθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass. — Γα- μησαι, 1 a. inf. act. of last. Γαμήλιον, -ov, το, (neut. of next) a nuptial present, wedding gift. Γαμήλιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. γαμίω to wed) nuptial, bridal; conjugal, connubial. Γαμήλιων, -ωνος, ό, (fr. same) one Γαργαρεών, -ωνος, δ, the throat, of the Athenian months ; accord- swallow, gullet. ing to some October, to others Γαργαρίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. last) to Γαργαίρω, and Γαργάρω, f. -άρω, to shine, sparkle, glitter, dazzle; to vibrate, quiver; to palpitate, beat, throb ; to repeat often, multiply, increase; to abound, be full. Γαργαλίζω, f. -ίσω, same as γαγγα- λίζω. Γαργαλισμος, and Γάργάλος, -ov, b, (fr. last) a tickling, slight excite- ment, gentle irritation. Γάργαρα, -ων, τα, crowds, a multi- tude, abundance. Γαργάρα, -ης, η, a city of Troas. gle, wash the throat; to guggle or warble in the throat. Γάρον, -ov, το, pickle or brine in which fish is preserved; sauce made of pickled fish . Γαρύω, Dor. for γηρνα , which see. January. Γαμησείω, (fr. same) to wish to take a wife, desire to wed, be in haste to marry. Γαμίζω, and Γαμίσκω, f. -ίσω, p. γεγάμικα, (fr. same) to give in marriage: to promise, engage, betroth; Γαμίζομαι, to be givenin marriage; to be betrothed. Γαμικος, -η, -bv, and Γάμιος, -a -ov, (fr. same) nuptial, bridal. Γάμοιο, Ion. for γάμον, g. sin. of γάμος Γαμοΐτο, pres. opt. pass. cont. of Γαστηρ, γαστρος, η, the belly ; the γαμίω. j stomach ; a ventricle ; the womb ; Γαμοκλοτζίω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. ; all the lower part of the body : γάμος a wedding, and κλί-τω to] gluttony. steal) to marry privately ; to de -Γάστοη, -ης, and Γάστρα, -ας, η, bauch or carry off another's'', (fr! last) the body, belly or bot- unfe. | torn of a jug or pitcher ; the hold Γάμόρος, Dor. for γημόρος. j of a ship. Γάμος, -υν, Ό, or Γάμοι, -ων, οι, (fr. ΤαστρΙ, d. sin. οι γ αστή p. γαμίω to wed) a wedding, mar- ,Γαστ ήδονλος, -ov, δ, ^,'(fr. γασττιρ Q (121) Hence Γαρνίμεν, and Γαονεν, for γηρύειν, pres. inf. act. — Γαρνετον, for γηρύετον, du. pres. ind. act. — Γαρνομαι, Γαρνσομαι, for γη- ρνομαι, pres. and γηρνσομαι, 1 f. mid. — Γαρνσαιντο, ΐοτγηρνσαιν- το, 1 a. opt. mid. of γηονω ΓΕΓ the belly, and δούλος a slave) a slave to appetite, epicure, glutton* Γαστρίζω, f. -ίσω, p. -ικα, (lr.same) to fill the belly, satisfy, glut, fat- ten ; to strike on the belly. Γαστρίμαργος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and μάργος foolish) gluttonous, voracious. Γάστρις, -ιος, Γάστριος, -ου, and Γαστρών, -ωνος, b, (fr. same) α glutton, epicure; big-bellied. Γαστροκνήμιον, -ov, to, (fr. same, and κνήμη the leg) the calf of the leg. Γανλό?, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. γάλα milk) a milk pail, bwket. Γαυλος, -ov, b, a kind of boat ; a well, drain. Γανλώς, Dor. for γανλοϋς, a. pi. of γανλός. Γανρίαμα, -άτος, το, (fr. next) α glorying, boasting; exultation; prancing. Γανριάω -ω, f. -άσω, p. -ακα, (fr. γαύρος haughty) to be proud, to glory ; to brag, vaunt, boast ; to exult, triumph, overbear ; to prance. Γανριόωντες, Poet, for γανριωντες, η. pi. masc. par. pros. act. eont. of last. Γαϊρος, -a, -ov, (perhaps fr. γαίω to exult) haughty, proud, arro- gant ; scornful, disdainful, in- solent; violent, impetuous, over- bearing, imperious. ΓανΜυ, 2 sin. cont. pres. impr. mid. of Γανρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, same as γανριάω, par. pres. mid. γαυ- ροόμενος -ονμενος. Γανσος, -i), -bv, curved, crooked, bent; wreathed, winding, tortuous. Γανσόω, -ώ, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, (fr. last) to curve, bend, twist. Γάω, f.. ήσω, obs. p. mid. γίγαα, is boirowed by γίνομαι, to be born; to generate, beget; to pro- duce, procure, provide, get; to hold, contain; to rejoice, exult, delight in. Γε, Dor. γά, a particle which con- fines the purport of the sen- tence to some particular. In- deed, truly, surely, at least; yet, however ; as far, inasmuch as, so far. Γ ία, and cont. IV γίας γης, η, see γη. Γεάοχος, Γεηοχος, and Γεονχος, -ov, δ, see γαιήοχος. Γίγαα, per. mid. or for γίγηκα, per. act. of γάω for γίνομαι. — Γεγάασσι. Poet, for γεγάασι. 3 pi. of γίγαα — Γεγάμεν, Poet, for Γεγαίμεν, Dor. for γεγαίναι, inf. mid. — Γεγαως, -via, -ος, g. -ωτος, par. per. mid. of same. Γεγάθως, Dor. for γεγηθώς, see γηθίω. Γεγαμηκόσι, d. pi. par. per. act. of γαμίω. Γεγαννμίνος, par. per. pass, of γα- ννομαι. Γίγειος, -ov, b, t), (perhaps fr. για the earth, and γάω to be born) as old as the hills, anHent, antique ΓΕΪ Υεγιναμένος, Dor. for γεγενημένος, par. per. pass, οι γίνομαι. Γεγένημαι, per. ind. pass, in 2 pi. Γεγένησθε, — Γεγενημένος, par. per. pass, of same. Γεγέννηκα. per. ind. act. — Γεγέν- νημ:ιι, -σαι, -ται, in 1 pi. -μεβα, per. κκΐ. pass. — Γε^ενντψέ'νοί, par. per. piss, of γεννάω. Γεγινοίμην, -οιο, -jit;;, Poet, and Ir.i. f»r γενο'.μην, 2 a. opt. mid. of γίνομ u. Γέγη).ι, ϊεγηϊος, see γηθίω. Γεγηρηκχ, or -ukj., see γηράω ο γηρ-.ίσκω. Γέγο'νι, in 3 pi. Γ;)/9ΐ/<ισ£, per. mi 1 — [\y m )', -£ij : -υ, io.i. for εγε- γίνειν, pper. raid. — Γϊ/^^ώί, -u?jl, -y;, par.per.raii. oiyivju ι.. Γεγρ ιμμίνος, ρ -Γ. par. pass. — 1\- yiapum, ρ jr. inf. ρ iss. — Γί,γρα- oh;, par. per. act. ofyroiiu. Γεγομν ισιαογ js, -in t, -όί, pir.per. ac:t. ο; γυμνασίαρχέω* Γεγυμνασμένο;, par. per. pass, o: γυμνά'ια. Viyjuvj., by Metaih. for yfyyuja, per. mid. of yvi5u>, obs. From whence γεγ&νέω, which see. Γε/<«)ΐ'///εΐ',ΐ)->Γ. forycyumTv, pres. inf. act. — Γέγώνευν, "Dor. and Ion. for ε/ε/ώι>ουν, impf. ind. act. cont. of Γεγωνέω -ω, f. -^τω, p. -tj/cj, to call loudly ; to declare, proclaim; to shout, roar, cry out ; to cry up, extol. Γεγωνητέος, -a, -cv, (fr. last) must be extolled, ought to be praised. Γεγωνος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) declar- ed ahud, published, proclaimed ; audible, loud,. Γεγως, cont. fr. γεγαώς, par. per. mid. of γάω, for γίνομαι. Γεδδεϊμ Heb. indecl. testimonies or proofs of virginity. Γεδδούρ, or Γεδδούδ, Heb. indecl. a troop. Γε<5εών, Heb. indecl. Gideon, a man's name. Γεεννα, -ης, η, (fr. Heb. the valley of Hinnom) Hell, hell-fire, tor- ments of hell ; Eng. Gehenna. Τεθσι/μανη, or Γεθσημανεϊ, Heb. in- decl. Gethsemane. Υεινάμην, Ion. for εγεινάμην, 1 a. ind. mid. — Γείνασβαι, inf. — Τει- νάμενος, par. of same. — Γε^εθ', and Γεινόμεθ\ Ion. for εγείνετο, 3 sin. and εγεινόμεθα, 1 pi. impf. ind. — Γείνε .«, Ion. for Τείνη, 2 sin. pres. ind. of Γείνομαι, Poet, same as γίνομαι, 1 a. ind. — εγεινά^ην, frequent in prose ; is said of the father, mo- ther, or offspring, to beget, bear ; to be born. inf. γείνασθαι, par. γεινάμενος. Γείσον, or Γείσσον, -ου, and Τείσος, -εος -ους, το, (perhaps fr. γη, and σείω, because it throws the rain to tbe ground) the eaves ; a shed, penthouse ; a coping, ridge ; chapiter of a pillar ; a battlement, turret. Γείσωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) build- ing ivith eaves, or with a dripping ΓΕΆ roof; a slanting projection, shed. Τειτνία, -ας, and Γείτνίασις,-ιος, Att. εως, fj, (fr. γείτων a neigh- bour) neiglibourhood, vicinity. Τειτνιάω -ω, and Γειτνιάζω, f. -άσω, p. -ακα, (fr. same) to neighbour, adjoin, border upon. Τειτονέω ω, f -ήσω, same as last, par. pres. act. γειτονιών -ων. Γε^τόνημα, -ατός, τΖ, Γειτόνησις, -ιος, Att. -εωί, and Γειτονία, -α? 7 η, v tr. same) same as γειτνία. Γα.-ων, -ϊνος, Ό, ή, (perhaps fr. yea the land) neighbouring, ai- jui ling, borltring upon, contigu- ous. Subs, a nn^hhour. Γειώρας, and Γηώρις, -ου, b, ifo- r^ig.ier, stranger, sojourner. Γέλα, sunshine, brightness, radiance of the sin. Γίλα, 3 sin. pres. ind. — ΓελαΊν, Γε- λ .?j, iEol. tor γελάν, preSi inf. act. and γελάς, 2 sin. pres. ind. — Γελάν, Dor. for γελων, par. pres. cont. but Γελρν, pres. inf. ^)nt. of γελάω. Γελάνής, -έος, -ους, b, ίι, Poet. (fr. γελάω to laugh) merry, cheerful, gay, lively, pleasant, jovial. Γελάζω, Dor. for γελάσω, 1 f. act. — Γελάοισα, Dor. for γελάουσα, fern. par. pres. of γελάω. Γελαοιάζω, Γελαοιασμος, Γελαοιασ- της, see γελοιάζω, &c. Γελάσετε 2 pi. 1 f. ind. act. ofyελάω. Γελάσ'ίμος, -ου, b, η, and Γελαστό?, -η, -bv, (fr. same) laughable, ri- diculous. Γελαστής, -οϋ, b, (fr.same) alaugh- er ; mocker. Γελάσωμεν; 1 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of Γελάω -ω, f. -άσω, p. γεγίλακα, to laugh, smile; to laugh at, ridi- cule, mock. 1 a. act. εγέλασα. per. pass, γεγέλασμαι. 1 a. pass εγελάσθην. 1. f. mid. γελάσομαι. Γέλγη, -ης, η, wares, merchandise, goods; colour, shade, hue. Γελγϊς, -ίος, and -Ίδος, η, a root or head of garlic. Γέλγω, f. -ξω, p. -χα, (fr. γέλγη a dye) to dye, shade, colour, tinge. Γελενσα, Dor. for γελούσα, fem. par. pres. of γελέω, see next. Γελε'ω -ώ, (perhaps fr. γέλα lustre) to shine. Also Ion. for γελάω. Γελης, Dor. {or γελ^ίς, 2 sin. pres. ind. or sub. of γελάω. Γελοιάζω, and Γελοιάω -ώ, f. -άσω, (fr. γελοως jesting) to jest, joke ; to mock, deride, ridicule. Γελοιασμος, -ου, b, (fr. last) a gibe, taunt; derision, contempt. Γελοιαστής,-ου, b, (fr. same) a jest- er, laugher ; a mocker, scorner. ΓελοΊον,-ου,το, (neut.ofnext) ajest. ΓελαΤοί, and Poet. ΓελοίΐΌί, -a, -ov, (fr. γέλως laughter) merry, gay, pleasant ; facetious, humorous, laughable; ridiculous. Γελοίωντες, and Γελυωντε?. Poet. for γελώντες, η. pi. mas. cont. οιιΓει>εί«?, TEN Γελώντε?, η. pi. cont. par. pres. act. οΐγελάω. Γέλως, -ωτος, and Γέλως, -ω, b, (fr. γελάω to laugh) laughter, mirth, gaytty ; a joke, derision ; a culm, stillness. Γέμει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. οΐγεμω. Γεμίζεσθαι, pres. inf. pass. — Γεμί- σαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Γεμίσας, par. 1 a. act. — Γεμίσατε, 2 pi. impr. .1 a. act. — Γε/χισθ?;, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass, of Γεμίζω, f. ί'σω, p. γεγεμικα, (fr. γfμω to be full) to Jill, load 1 a. act. ind. εγέμισα' impr. γέ μισόν. per. pass, γεγέμισμαι. I a. pass. ind. εγεμίσθην' sub. γεμισ- θω, -?,ς, -rj. Γέμομεν, -οϋσι, 1 and 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Γεμονσας, -ασα, -αν, d. pi. -ούσαις, par. 1 a. act. of Γίμω, to be full, abound, have in plenty ; to be loaded or freighted. par. pres. γίμων. per. mid. y/yo~ μα. Γενεά, -άς, and Ion. Γενεη, -ης, η", (fr. γίνομαι to be) α generation, descent, succession; birth, pa- rentage ; a race, breed, kind, sort, species; an age, meaning the time from the birth of a man till he has a son, about thirty years. Γενεαλο^εω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. γεγενεα- λόγηκα, (fr. last, and λύγος an account) to reckon a genealogy, count a descent; to trace a pedi- gree; to include in a family. par. pres. pass, γενεαλόγου μένος. Γεν.εαλυγία, -ας, ί), (fr. same) a genealogy, pedigree. Γενεαλόγος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a ge- nealogist. Γενίηφιν, by Parag. for γενέη, d. Ion. οΐγενεά. Γενέθλη, -ης, η, (fr. ^ενεά a genera- tion) a family, race, kindred; lineage, descent, pedigree ;-■ off- spring, breed; a birth-place, na- tive land.- Γενέθλια, -ων, τα, (fr. last) birth- day, nativity; a birth-day feast or present. Γενεθλιάκος, -i), -bv, (fr. same) na- tal, of nativities, foretelling from the birth. Subs, one who calcu- lates nativities, an astrologer. Γενέθλιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) re lating to the birth or nativity, nm. tal; procreative, prolific. Subs. a parent, cause. Γένει, d. sin. — Γε'νΐ7, η. a. v. pi. — Γένους, g. sin. cont. of γένος. Γενειάζω, f. -άσω, and Γενειάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. γένειον a beard) to begin to have a beard; to be bearded, have a beard ; to grow up, approach to manhood, par. 1 a. act. γενειάσας, and γενειήσας. Γενειηίν, pres. inf. act. cont. of γενειάω. Γελάων -ων, d. sin. Γελών -rt, par, pres. — Γελόωσί, Poet. for^tD- σι, 3 pi. pres. ind. of γελάω. Γελοίως, (fr. γελοίος merry) laugh- ably, ridiculously, absurdly. (122) η, (fr. γένυς the chin) the chin, beard ; the cheek, down on the cheek, whisker. Γενειάσδων, Dor. for γενειάζων, par. pres. ofy^ta^u». \Γενειάτης,-ουβ,{βιη.Γενειάτις,-ι6οςι i ΓΕΝ % bearded, having a heard ; grown up. Γενειήτας, -ου, δ, Por. for γενειήτης, winch for hist. Ttvuov, -ου, rb, (fr. ytvvi the chin) the chin ; the beard ; the jaw ; any sharp projection, the edge of a weapon. Γένιο, Γενετ', Ion. for εγένου, and εγίνετο, 2 and 3 sin. 2 a. mid. — Γενέσθω, 3 sin. and Γενεσθε, 2 pi. impr. — Γενε'σθαί, inf. 2 a. mid. of γίνομαι. Γενέσχα,-ων, τα, (fr. γίνομαι to be) nativity, birth-day ; feasts, pre- sents, or other ceremonies on that day. Γενεσιάρχης, -ου, δ, (fr. γένεσις birth, and αρχή beginning) head of a family ; an author, origin, cause. Γενεσιουργός, -ου, δ, (fr. same, and έργον work) a maker, former, in- ventor. Τίνεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, >;, (fr. γίνο- μαι tobe) extraction, production ; generation, birth, nativity; de- scent, pedigree ; . family, race, kin- dred ; being, life. Γενέτειρα, -ας, η, (fr. γενετηρ a fa- ther) a mother, dam. Γενετή, -ης, ή, (fr. γίνομαι to be born) nativity, birth. Γενετηρ, -ήρος, Γενέτωρ, -ωρος, and Γενετής, -ου, δ, a Poetic word. (fr. same) a father, parent, sire. Γένεν, Poet, and Dor. for εγένου, 2 sin. 2. a. ind. — Γίνου, -έσθω, impr. — Γενοίμην, -οίο, -οίτο, opt. — Γένωμαι, -η, -ηται, sin. -ησθε, -ωνται, 2 and 3 pi. sub. — Γενέσ- θαι — Γενόμενος, -η, -ον, par. 2a. mid. οΐγίνομαι. Γενηθήτω,.3 sin. ind. — Γενηθηναι, inf. — ΓενηθεΙς,-εΊσα,-εν,ροχ. 1 a. pass. — Γ'ενήσομαι, -η, -εται, 2 pi. -ήσεσθε, 1 f. ind. mid. οΐγίνομαι. Γενικός,, -η, -ον, (fr. γένος a kind) generative, producing; general, universal,, comprehensive, γενική ■χτωσις, tye genitive case. Γεννάδας, -ον, δ, (fr. γεννάω to pro- duce) bold, daring, brave; cle- ver, active, strenuous. Γενναΐος^α, -ον, (fr. same) innate, natural, inbred; allied, related; hereditary ; noble, high-born ; generous, high-spirited, liberal, ingenuous, free ; strong, able, vi- gorous. Γενναιότης,-ητος, η, (fr. last) gene~ rosity, manliness, magnanimity. Γενναίως, (fr. same) nobly, bravely, generously, liberally. Γεννάται, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. pass, οι γεννάω. Γέννατο, JEo\. for εγείνατο, 1 a. mid. of γείνομαι. Or by Sync, for εγευνήσατο, same of. Γεννάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. γεγέννηκα, (fr. γένος a sort, or γίνομαι to be) to get, beget* give birth or rise to ; to generate, produce, bring forth ; to effect, cause. 1 a. act. εγέννη- σα. per. pass, γεγέννημαι. 1 a. pass, εγεννήθην. rcwji0«s t -ei.ro, -f v s par. 1 & pass. FEP — Γεννηθη,Ζ sin. 1 a. sub. pass — Γεννηθήναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of last. Γέννημα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) a ge- neration, offspring, brood; pro- duce, effect, pi. γεννήματα. Γεννηματίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. last) to germinate, bud, shoot; to pro- duce, bear fruit. Γεννήσαι,Λ a. inf. act. — Γεννήσαν- τα, a. sin. par. la. act. — Γεν- νήσει^ sin. 1 f. act. — Γέννηση, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. — Γεννησύμε- νος, par. 1 f. mid. οι γεννάω. ΓεννησαρΙτ, Heb. indecl. Gennesa- ret, a part of Galilee. Γέννησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. γί- νομαι to be) generation, produc- tion; birth, nativity, d. sin. γεν- νήσει. Γεννήτειρα, -ας, η, Γεννητης, -ου, Ό, Γεννήτωρ, -ωρος, δ, (fr. γεννάω to produce) see γενέτειρα, γενετηρ, and γενέτωρ. Γεννητύς,-ή,-ον, (fr. same) sprung, born, descended, derived; mor- tal, human. Γεννικός, -i), -bv, (fr. same) heredi- tary ; noble, generous. Γεννικώς, (fr. last) nobly, bravely, generously. Γεννώμενος, par. pres. pass. cont. — Γεννώσα, η. fern. cont. par. pres. act. — Γεννώσ{,3 pi. cont. pres, ind. act. of γεννάω. Γενοίάτο,Ιοη. for γένοιντο, 3 pi. and Γέιοιθ' , far γένοιτο,3 s'm. 2a. opt. mid Γενοί'μαν, Dor. for• γενοί- μην, -οιυ,-οιτο, 2 a. opt. mid. — Γενάμην, Ion. for εγενύμην, ind. and Γενόμενος, par. 2 a. mid. of γίνομαι. Γένος, -εος, -ονς, το, (fr. γίνομαι to be) a kind, sort, species; sex; offspring, descendants; family, kindred; a race, birth, lineage ; a nation, country. Γενου, γενέσθω, 2 a. impr. mid. of γίνομαι. Γέντα, -ων, τα, flesh ; the bowels, entrails. Γεντιάνη, -ης, η, the herb gentian. Γέντο, Ion. and Sync, for εγενΰετο, 3 sin. impf. mid. of γενύομαι, which see. Or Dor. for Lro, which for ΐ\ετο, Ion. for είλετο, 3 sin. 2 a. mid. of α'ιρέω. Or Poet, for εγένετο, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. mid. οι γίνομαι. Γενύομαι, obs. (fr. next) to bite, seize with the jaws ; to catch, take hold of, hold. impf. εγενυόμην, 3 sin. εγενΰετο, Ion. and by Sync. γέντο. Γίννς,-νος, >'/, the chin; the jaw ; the nipple, teat; the edge of a weapon. Γένω, or Γείνω, obs. see γείνομαι, Γένωμαι, -η, -εται, sin. -ησθε, -ων- ται, 2 and 3 pi. 1 a. sub. mid. of γίνομαι . Γεράεσσι, Ion. and Poet, for γέρα- σι, d. pi. of γέρας. Γεραια, -ας, η, '(fem. of next) a matron, dame, old woman. Γεραώς, -a, -bv, (fi*. γέρων an old man) old ι venerable, comp. ye- (i2a> ^ I LI ραιότερος and γεραίτερος, sup -αιότατος and -αίτοτος. Γεραίρω, f. -άρω, (fr. γέρας a re. war J) to reward, recompense : to honour, exalt, prefer ; to re- spect, esteem, venerate; to cele- brate, praise, pres. impr. γί- ραιρε' inf. γεραίρειν, Dor. γεραί- ρεν. Γερανών, -ου, ro, (dim. of next) a crane; the herb cranesbill or storkbill. Γέράνος, -ου, b, a crane.. Γεράραι, 1 a. inf. act. of γεραίρω. Γεοάρός, -a, -bv, (fr. next) honour- able, venerable, august ; revered, esteemed, valuable, comps γέρα- ρώτερος, sup. -ώτατος. Γέρας, -ατός -αος -ως, rb, a prize, reward, premium ; an honour ; a gift, boon, favour ; dignity, rank, privilege. Γεράσίμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. last) ho- noured, respected, esteemed ; ho- nourable, venerable ; creditable, to one's honour ; old, elderly, se- nior. Γεράων, cont. fr. γεράτων, g. pi. of γέρας. Γεργεσηνυς, -ου, δ, >/, a Gergesene. Γεργηθες, a Milesian word ; the po- pulace, commonalty. Γέρδης, Γέρδος, and Γέρδιος, -ου, b, and fem. Γερδία, -ας, >/, a weaver. Γέρεα, Ιοα. for γέραα, cont. of γέ- ρατα, η. a. v. pi. of γέρας. Γερήνιος, -ου, Ό Ύ an epithet of Nes- tor, honourable ; or of Gerina, where he was educated. Γε'ρον, v. sin. Γεροϋσι, d. pi. of χε- ρών. Γερονταγωγέω -ώ, to nurse, take care of in old age ; to lead or teach the old, reform, new-model. ΓερονταΊος, Poet, for Γερύντειος, -α, -ον, same as Γεροντικός, -η, -bv, (fr. γέρων an old man) old, elderly, senior; an- cient. Γερόντων, -ου, rb, (dim. of same) a little old man, decrepit, worn out oil person. Γέρουσι,ά. pi. of same. Γερουσία, -ας, η, (fr. same) an as- sembly of elders, council, senate. Γερούσιος, -a, -ov, or -ου, b, η, (fr. same) relating to the elders, chiefs or senate, senatorial ; grave, reverend, venerable, honourable ; elderly, old. Γέρ^ον, -ον, to, a Persian target, wicker, buckler or shield. Γερροφόρος,-ον,ο,(ΪΓ. last, and φέοω to carry) a soldier equipped with a wicker buckler, targeleer, Γερσαίος, see χερσαίος . Γέρϋνος, a small kind of frog. Γέρων, -οντος, b, (perhaps fr. γη the earth, and Όράω to look at, or εοάω to like) an old man; an elder, senator. Γενθμος, -οΐι, Ό, and Γεύμα, -άτος, rb, (fr. γευω to taste) the taste, tast- ing ; a relisL• flavour ; a taste, morsel. Γεν μέθα, Ion. and Dor. for γεγοί» ftefti, 1 pi. per. pass, of γών* ΓΕΩ Τενσάμενος, par. 1 a. mid Τεύοο- μαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. — Γεύσηται, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. mid. of same. Γενσις, -ιος, AtV. -εως, %, (fr. γίνω to taste) a tasting ; taste. Γευστικός, -t), -bv, (fr. same) tast- ing ; subs, a taster. Τενστός, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) to be tasted, that may be tasted. Γευω, f. γεύσω, p. γέγευκα, to give — a taste, season, give a relish; to taste, try with the mouth ; to eat ; to taste, experience, prove, try. 1 a. act. ind. έγευσα' inf. γευσαι. per. pass, γέγευμαι. 1 a. mid. ind. εγευσαμην' sub. γενσωμαι, 3 pi. γενσωνται' inf. γεύσασθαι par. γενσάμενος. Γέφυρα, -ας, η, (perhaps fr. γή the land, and φέρω to carry to) a bridge ; a bank, mound, dam ; a passage, opening, space. Γεφνρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, (fr. last) to join by a bridge, build a bridge, make passable ; to block, stop up; to dam, choke, pres. inf. cont. γεφνρουν, 1 a. ind. pass, εγεφυρώθην. Γεωγραφέω -ω, f. -ήσω, ψ. -ηκα, (fr. γέα the earth, and γράφω to de- scribe) to describe the earth. Γεωγραφία, -ας, η, (fr. same) geo- graphy. Γεωδαισία, -ας, ή, (fr. γέα the land, and δαίω to divide) division, distribution of the parts of the earth ; measuring of surfaces, surveying. I Γεώδης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. γέα the earth) earthy, earthly, terrestrial. Γεώλοφος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and λόφος a ridge) hilly; subs, a hil- lock, hill, ridge; a dolt, block- head. Γεωμετρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and μέτρον measure) to measure the earth or land, survey. Γεωμέτρης, -ov, b, (fr. same) a geo- metrician, measurer of land, sur- veyor. Γεωμετρία, -ας, fj, (fr. same) geo- metry, the measuring of surfaces, surveying. Γεωμετρικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) geo- metrical, skilled in surveying. Γεωμόρος,-ον, b (fr. same, Άΐχά,μεί- ρω to divide) a husbandman, agriculturist. Adj. tilling. Γεω7zείvης,-ov,b, (fr. same, and πε- νία want) poor in land, of no estate ; poor, indigent, hungry, starved. Γεωπονία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and πόνος labour) agriculture, hus- bandry, tillage. Γεώπους, -οδός, b, (fr. same, and πους the foot) a husbandman, far- mer, labourer. ΓεωργεΊται, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. pass, of Γεωργέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. γεώργηκα, (fr. same, and έργον work) to till or cultivate the land. Γεωργησίμος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) arable, Jit for tiliage. Γεωργία^ *.&5j fa (fr. same) agrioul* ΓΗΡ ture, husbandry, tillage; culti- vated land. Γεώργιος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) rustic, rural, agricultural. Γεώργιον,-ον,^, (fr. same) afarm; ploughed or tilled land. Γεωργός, -οϋ, b, (fr. same) a farmer, husbandman; a vine-dresser; a swain, labourer. Γεωρύχέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and ορύσσω to dig) to dig the ground. Γ^, -ης, ή, (cont. fr. γέα obs.) in Poetry γαία, Ion. γα7η, land, ground, earth, clay, soil; a re- gion, tract, district, nation ; coun- try, native land ; the globe of the earth. Γηγενής, -έος -ους, b, η, and Γηγενέ- της, -ου, δ, (fr. γή the earth, and γένος a race) earth-born, sprung from the ground; native, origi- nal, indigenous. Subs, a giant. Γήδιον,-ον,τυ, (dim. of γή land) a small tract, field, little farm. Γήθεν, (fr. same) from the ground or foundation ; utterly, totally. Γηθέω -ω, Γηθεύω, and Γήθω, f. -ήσω, p. γεγήθηκα, to rejoice, be glad. impf. ind. εγήθεον. Ion. γή- θεον. 1 a: act. ind. εγήθησα, 3 sin. Ion. γήθησεν. opt. ^Eol. γη- θήσεια, -ας, -ε' par γηθήσας. 1 a. pass. ind. εγήθην, 3 pi. Ion. γή- θησαν. per. mid. ind. γέγηθα• par. γεγηθώς. Γήθος, -εος -ους, rb, and Γηθοσννη, -Vii fa (fr• last) joy, delight; gladness, mirth. Γηθόσΰνος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) joy- ful, glad, cheerful, merry. Γήθνον and Γήτειον, -ov, το, a kind of onion. Γήινος and Γήϊος, (fr. γή the earth) earthly, terrestrial; earthy; on land, by land. Γή\οφος, same as γεωλοφος. Γήμε, Ion. for έγημε, 3 sin. ind. — Γήμω, -ης, -η, sub. — Γήμαι, inf. — Γήμας , par. 1 a. act. οΐγάμω, obs. see γαμέω. Γημόρος, -ου, δ, (fr. γή land, and μείρω to divide) a husbandman, farmer; a native. Γηοχέω -ω, (fr. γή the land, and έχω to possess) to inhabit, pos- sess ; or to encompass, surround the land ; said of Neptune. See his epithets γαιήο-χος and γεά• οχος. Γήρα, d. sin. by Sync, and Cras. of γήρας. Γηραιός, and Poet. Γηρα\έος,-α,-ον, (fr. γήρας old age) old, aged; decayed, broken down, worn out ; ancient, old-fashioned, antique. Γηράντεσσι, Poet. Ion. and Sync. ΐονγηράσασι,ά. pi. 1 a. par. act. οΐγηράω. Γήρας, -ατός -αος -ω?, rb, old age. Γηράσνς, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. act. — IV ράσκον, neut. par. pres. act. of Γηράσκω and Γηράω -ω,ϊ. -άσω, p. γεγήρακα, (fr. last) to be old; to grow old, decay, wear out, fail. 1 a. act. ind. εγήρασα' sub. γη' oa&toi-pu -p' inf. ^fXatftti' pur. ΓΙΓ γηράσας, and by Sync, γήρας, a pL par. pres. act. γηράσκοντας* per. par. act. γεγηρακώς. Γήρημι, same as last. Γηροβοσκέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and βόσκω to feed) to nurse, take care of or tend in old age. Γηροβοσκία, -ας, fa (fr. same) the, care or maintenance in old age. Γηροβοσώς, -ου, δ, (fr. same) the guardian, protector, assistant of the old, or of their parents. Γηροκόμος,-ου, b, (fr. γήρας old age, and κομέω to take care of) ο guardian, protector of old men. g. Ion. γηροκόμοιο. Γηροτροφέω -ω, ι. -ήσυ;, (fr. same, and τρέφω to support) to main- tain, relieve or assist in old age. Γηροτρόφος, -ου, δ, fa (fr. same) a defender, supporter of the old. Γηρύετ for γηρύεται, 3 sin. pres. mid. of γηρύω. Γηρυόνα and Γαρυόνα, -ας, a, Dor. for γηρυόνη, -η', fa (fr. γήρνς voice) a talker, babbler; warb- ling, purling. Γηρυόνας, -a, b, Dor. for Γηρυόνης , -ου, b, Geryones, a man's name. Γηρυονεύς , -έος, δ, Geryon, a fabled giant, a. Γηρνονήα, Poet, for Γηρυονέα. Γήρνς, -νος, fa voice, speech, sound, noise. Γηρύω, f. -νσω, p. γεγήρυκα, (fr. last) to speak, talk; to divulge, babble ; to declare ; to make a sound, warble, purl, murmur ; to complain, bewail. Γήρως, g. cont. of γήρας, -ατός -αος -ως. Γησασαρίμ, or rather Γηχαρασιν, Heb. artificers. Γήτης, -ov, δ, (fr. γή the land) a husbandman, farmer, rustic, clown. Γηώρας, see γειώρας. ΓιγανταΧος and Γιγαντεως, -a, -ov, (fr. γίγας a giant) gigantic. Γίγαντες, η. Γιγάντων, g. pi. of γί~ γας. Γιγαντιάω - w (fr. γίγας a giant) to behave like the giants, be gigantic or monstrous. Γιγαντο\έτωρ, -ορός, δ, (fr. same, and ό\\υμι to destroy) a destroyer of giants, giant-killer. Γιγαντομαχία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and μάχη a fight) the war of the giants. Γίγαρτον, -ου, το, the kernel of the grape ; the refuse of grapes after pressing. Γιγαρτώδης, -εος -ους, Att. -εως, δ, fa (fr. last) belonging to the grape, or rather to the kernel, or refuse after pressing, Γίγας, -αντος, δ, (perhaps fr. γή the earth, and γάω to be born) . a son of the earth, earth-born ; a giant. Γιγγίδιον, -ου, το, the wild carrot. Γιγγλισμbς, ου, δ, a tickling, gentle excitement. Γιγγ\υμ6ς,-ου, h, a hinge, joint. Γίγγράς, -συ, b\ a email pipe f jife ΓΛΑ Vtyvouat, pres. inipr. γίγνον, see γίνομαι. Γιγνώσκω, pres. par. γιγνώσκων, see γινώσκω. Πνεσθαι, inf. — TivcaOt, 2 pi. ind. or impr. — Τίνεται, 3 sin. and Γίνονται, 3 pi. ind. pres. and Tivcr, Ion. for εγίνετο, impf. ind. of Γίνομαι or γίγνομαι, 1 f. mid. j /ε- νήσομαι, p. pass, γεγένημαι, to be, become, be made, created; to arise, grow, be born, produced; to happen, occur, come to pass, be fulfilled, accomplished; to be celebrated. 1 a. pass, εγενήθην. 1 f. pass, γενεθήσομαι. 1 a. mid. ιγενησάμην, and εγεινάμην, (fr. γείνομαι, obs.) 2 a. mid. ind. εγενόμην'ινηρτ. γένον,-έσθω'ΟΌΐ. γενοίμην, -οιο, -οιτο. sub. γένω- μαι,-η, -ηται' inf. γενέσθαι' par. γενόμενος, per. mid. (fr. γαίνω obs.) yf'j /ονα• inf. yryovf'vai• par. γεγονός, pper. mid. εχεχονείν. Also (fr. γάω obs.) per. mid. γέ- γαα' inf. ytyafvat• par. γεγαώς. Γίνου, -έσθω, impr. — Γινόμενος, par. pres. act. cf last. Γίνωμαι, in 1 pi. -ώμεθα, pres. sub. of same. Γίνώσκεν, Dor. for γινώσκειν, pres. inf. Γίνώσκοντί, Dor. for χίνώσ- κουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. and Γινώσκεται, 3 sin. ind. — Γίνωσκο'- μενος, par. pres. pass, of Γινώσκω or Γιγνώσκω, Γνόω or Γνώ- μι, f. γνώσω, p. έγνωκα, to know perceive, feel ; to understand comprehend; to be aware of; to discern, distinguish, recognise, be acquainted icith ; to know car- nally ; to ackowledge, approve ; to think, reflect ; to determine, re- solve. 1 a. act. έγνωσα, pper. act. εγνώκειν. 2 a. act. ind. έγ- νων, 3 pi. έγνωσαν' impr. γνώθι, -ώτω. opt. γνοίην Sub. γνΰ, -ως -ω, inf. γνω ναι • par. γνούς, -ούσα, -όν. per. pass, έγνωσμαι. 1 a. pass, εγνώσθην. 1 f. pass, γνωσ- θήσομαι. per. mid. ind. of γέ- γωνα. par. γεγωνώς, by Metath. for yf'yi /ωα, and χεχνωώ?, (fr. γ'νώω obs.) Γλα/ο?, -to? -ου?, tb, Poet, for χα- λά. Γλάζω, f. -σω, to expand, clap the wings; to spread one's self flat on the ground ; to call, cry md. 2 a. έγλάδον. Γλακτόφάγος, -ου, δ, fa by Sync, for γαλακτόφαγος, (fr. γάλα milk, and φάγω to eat) living on milk. Γλαμάω and Γλημάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. next) ίο have weak or sore eyes, have rheum in the eyes ; to peer. Γλάμη, -ης, fa and Γλάμα, -ας, ά, Dor. for γλύμη, rheum or run- ning from the eyes, weakness or soreness of the eyes ; foulness. Γλάνις, -Λος, fa a kind offish. Γλά£, (fr. γάλα rrn^k) an herb good to increase milk. Τλαρϊς, -ίοος, fa (perhaps fr. γλάφω to boHow) α fjtm&wtta/a tool. ΓΛΙ ΓΛΤ a. sin. and chisel, rasp tools. Γλανκ' and Γλαυκά?, pi. of γλαύξ. Γλαυκή, -ης, fa (fern, of γλαυκός) a woman's name ; blue-eyed. Γλαυκιάω -ώ, (fr. γλαυκός gray- Γλαρίδες, masons'] toughness, pliability ; stinginee», meanness. Γλισχρώδης, -εος -ους, b, fa (fr. same) clammy, sticky, viscous. Γλίσχρως, (fr. same) toughly, clummily ; sparingly, stingily ; in a slippery manner. eyed) ίο look fiercely, eye ter -',Γλίχομαι, f. -ίξομαι, p. γέγλιγμ ribly ; to pierce or flash with the eyes. Γλαυκιόων, Poet, {or γλαυκιων, par. pres. act. cont. of last. Γλαυκονόμη, -ης, fa Glauconomi, a woman's name. Γλαυκός, -ή, -bv, ( perhaps fr. χλαΰσ- σω to shine) azure, blue, light- blue, sky-coloured, gray; gray- eyed. Also subs. Glaucu&, a man's name. Γλαυκό - ^?, -ητος, η, (fr. last) blue- ness, grayness. Γλανκόχροος -ους, -6ov -ov, b, fa (fr. same, and χρως the skin, or χρόα colour) azure or sea-green coloured. Γλαύκωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) a disease of the eye, pearl on the eye. ^ Γλαυκώπης, -ου, and Γλαυκώψ, -ωπος, b, ή, (fr. same, and ώψ the eye) having light-blue or gray eyes. Γλανκώπις, -Υδος, fa (fr. same) blue- eyed, an epithet of Minerva. Γλαύ£, -κος, fa (fr. same) an owl. Γλαύσσω, to shine, glitter, glare ; to see, look at, gaze upon, stare at. Γλάφυ, -εος -ους, tg, (fr. γλάφω to hollow) α grotto, cavern, cave, den. Γλαφυρής and Γλαφυρ^σι, Ion. for γλαφυραΐς, d. pi. of Γλαφυρός, -a, -ov, (fr. γλάφω to hol- low) hollow, cavernous, spongy ; polished, finished ; neat, fine, elegant, comely, graceful; rich, sumptuous, costly ; compact, fit- ting ; proper, suitable, convenient. Γλάφω, f. -φω, p. -φα, to hollow, scoop; to dig, delve, mine ; to engrave, carve ; to polish smooth. Γλάχων, -ωνος, ά, Dor. for γλήχων. Γλεύκος, -έος -ους, το, (fr. γλυκύς sweet) the fresh juice of the grape, must, new wine ; mead. Γλέφαρον, -ov, to, Dor. for βλέφα- pov. Γλήμη, -τις, fa same as λύιμη. Γλήνη, -ης, fa (perhaps fr. αιγλήνη brightness, or γαλήνη calmness) the ball, apple or pupil of the eye ; the eye ; a pet name for a child. Γληνός, -εος -ους, rb, (fr. last) a star ; brightness, radiance, light ; pi. rarities, curiosities, trinkets, ornaments. Γλΐχων, -ωνος, b, also Dor. βλάχων and γλάχων, pennyroyal. Γλία, -ας, fa glue, paste. Γλίνος or γλεΐνος, -ov, b, wild maple. Γλίσχρος, -a, -ov, and -ου, δ, fa tough, clammy, sticking, glutin- ous ; slimy, slippery ; niggardly, sparing, sordid, miserable, mean. Γλισχράτης, -ητος, fa (fr. last) clcrmmtnete, stickiness* viscidity; cm to desire earnestly, covet, wish, long for; to affect, aim at, pur~ sue. Γλοιός, -ου, δ, fa weak; worthless, mean, insignificant ; dirty, foul. Subs, lees of oil; scour ings, re- fuse. Γλοιώδης, -εος -ους, b, fa (fr. last) dreggy, feculent ; foul, greasy. Γλουτός, -ου, δ, the buttock, rump, haunch, hip. Γλυκάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. γλυκύς sweet) to grow sweet. Γλυκαίνω, f. -ανω, (fr. same) to make sweet, sweeten. Γλύκασμα, -άτος, τό, and Γλυκασ- μός, -ου, δ, (fr. same) sweet- ness. Γλυκειών, and γλύσσων, comp. of same. Γλυκεροί, -ά, -ov, Poet, for γλυκός, g. Ion. γλνκεροΊο. Γλνκύ, -έος -ους, τό, (neut. of γλυ- κύς sweet) the sweet fresh juice of the grape, unfermented wine. Γλυκΰκαρπος, -ov, b, fa (fr. γλνκνς sweet, and καρπός fruit) bearing sweets,fragrant, winy. * An epi- thet of the vine. Γλνκνπικρος, -ov, Ό, fa (fr. same, and ττικρός bitter) sweetly hitter, dearly false, deceiving. Γλυκύς, -εΐα, -υ, sv;eet ; agreeable, grateful or pleasing to any of the senses; soft, mild, gentle; balmy, soothing, comp. γλυκύτε- ρος, γλυκίων, and γλύσσων, sup. γλυκύτατος, γλύκιστος, and γλύσ- τος. Γλνκϋτης, -ητος, fa (fr. same) sweet- ness, lusciousness ; pleasantness. Γλυκυφωνία, -ας, fa (fr. same, and $ωνή voice) sweetness or mellow- ness of voice. Γλύμμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. γλύφω to engrave) a hollowing, scooping, sinking ; engraving, carving. Γλντττης, -ου, b, (fr. same) an en- graver, carver, sculptor. Γλυπτοί, -fa -δν, (fr. same) fit for engraving or curving ; engraved, graven, rut, carved, embossed, chased. Γλυφάνος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) relat- ing to sculpture, about engrav- ing, g. Ion. γλνφανοΐο. ΓλνφεΊον, -ov, τό, (fr. same) a graver, engraving tool. Γλυφή, -τ)ς, -fa (fr. same) sculp- ture, statuary, carving, engrav- ing; an engraving; a seal, signet. ΓλνφΙς, -too?, fa (fr. same) a slit, cleft, cut, gash ; the nctch in the ends of the bow for the string or in the arrow to catch the string ; an arrow, shaft; a line on the hand, &c. Γλύφω, f. -ψω, to hollow out,sa ape; to engrave) carve. ΓΝΟ Γλωσσά, and Att. Γλώττα, -ης, i% the tongue ; a tongue, language, speech, converse; the tongue in the mouth piece of wind instruments Γλ λγία, -ας, η, (fr. last, and ωσσαΛγια άλγος pain) disease or pain in the tongue ; grief caused by the tongue or by ill language. Γλωσσάριον, -ov, το, (dim. of same) a little tongue ; the tip or point ; a tenon ; a latch, latchet. Γλώσση, -ης, η, for γλώσσα, d. pi. γλώσσησι, for γλώσσαις. Τλωσσόκομον, -ov, το, (fr. γλωσσά a tongue, and κομέω to keep) a case for the tongues of wind in- struments ; a box, purse, pouch. Γλωσσότμητος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and τέμνω to cut) having the tongue cut off, having lost the tongue. Γλωσσοτομέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. γλωσ- σοτέτμηκα, (fr. same) to cut out the tongue. Γλωσσοχαριτουντες, -ων, o\, η. pi. pres. par. of Τλωσσοχαριτόω -ω, (fr. same, and χαρίτοω to sooth) to flatter, de- ceive, delude with fair words, speak smoothly. Γλωσσώδης, -εος-ονς, b, η, (fr. same) having the tongue well hung; talk- ative, loquacious; like a tongue. Γ\ωττίκος, -η, -ov, (fr. γλώττα Att. for same) tongued, having a tongue, like or concerning the tongue. Τλώχες, υϊ, ears or heads of corn, Γλωχϊς or Γλωχιν,-7νος,η, the point, edge, barb ; a corner, angle. Τνάθος, -ov, η, and Γναθμος, -ου, b (perhaps fr. γνάμτω to bend) the jaw, jaw or cheek hone ; the teeth ; the inside of the cheek ; a gnawing, bite. Γναθόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to strike on the check or jaw. Γνάθων, ->ωνος, b, (fr. same) apara- site, spunger, smell-feast ; a flat- terer, led-captain. Also a name for such characters, Gnatho. Γναμτντυς, -η, -bv, (fr. next) curv- ed, bent, crooked ; flexible, sup- ple, pliant. Γνάμπτω, f. -ψω> Ρ• -φα, to bow, bend, crook ; to incline, persuade, turn, alter, change. Τνάπτω, Κναπτω or Γνάφω, f. -ψω, p. ίγναφα, to full, cleanse, dress or comb cloth ; to tear, lacerate ; to depress, crush, reduce, subdue. Τναφενς, -έος, b, (fr. last) a fuller, wool-comber. Τνήσιος, -a, -ov, (fr. γίνομαι to be) legitimate, lawfully born; genu- ine, true; akin, of fall blood. comp. γνησιώτερος. Γνησίως, (fr. last) legitimately, ge- nuinely, truly, sincerely. Γνοίην, 2 a. opt. act. — Τνονς, η. pi. Γνόντες, Γνόντα, par. 2 a. act. of γινώσκω. Γνοφερος, -a, -bv, (fr. next) cloudy. dark; stormy, tempestuous. Τνδφος, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. νίώος a cloud) a thick dark c\owa\ dark- ness, dimness, ΓΝΩ Γνοφδω -ω, f. -ώσω, and Γνοφίω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. last) to cloud, overcloud, darken, overcast. Γνοφώδης, -εος -ονς, b, fj, (fr. same) cloudy, dark, gloomy. Γνόω -ω, and Τνώμι, f. -ώσω, p. έγνωκα, obs. see γινώσκω. Γννξ, (fr. γόνν the knee) on the knees, kneeling. Γνώ, Ion. for ίγνω, 3 sin. ind. or Γι ώ, γνως, γνώ, pi. -ώτε, -ώσι, sub. Τνώθι, -ώτω, impr. — Γνώναι, inf. 2 a. act. — Τνώσομαι, -η, -εται, ρΐ. -σεσθε, -σονται, 1 f. ind. mid. of γινώσκω. Γνώμα, -ας, a, Dor. for γνώμη. Γνώμα, -ατός, το, (fr. γινώσκω to know) knowledge ; acquaintance ; experience, proof, trial. Γνώμεναι, Dor. and Att. for γνώ- ναι. see γινώσκω. Γνώμη, -ης, η", (fr. γινώσκω to know) an opinion, sentiment, sentence, judgment ; purpose, will, design, mind; the under- standing ; a proverb, maxim, saying, d. pi. Ion. γνώμησι. Γνώμι, see γνόω, and γινώσκω. Γνωμ'ίκος, -η, -dv, (fr. same) senten- tious, pithy, expressive, energetic, proverbial. Γνωμολογικώς, (fr. γνώμη an opi- nion, and λέγω to speak) ex- pressively, pithily, proverbially, briefly. Γνώμων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. γινώσκω to know) discerning, judicious ; instructive, subs, an examiner, inquirer ; a discoverer, inform- er ; a proof, test ; the style of a dial, the index of any instrument. Γνωναι, see γινώσκω. Γνωρίζω, f. -"ϊσω, p. εγνώρικα, (fr. same) to make known, explain, show, declare, discover, disclose; to know, distinguish, recognise, acknowledge, have acquaintance with; to become known, grow into acquaintance, become plain, appear. 1 a. act. ind. εγνώρισα' inf. γνωρίσαι' par. γνωρίσας. pres. pass. ind. γνωρίζομαι' impr. γνωρίζον, 3 sin. γνωρι- ζέσθω. per. pass, εγνώρισμαι. 1 a. pass. ind. εγνωρίσθην' sub. γνωρισθώ. Γνώριμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. last) known, familiar, intimate, acquainted. comp. γνωρι'μώτερος, sup. -ώτα- τος. Γνώρισμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) a note, notice; a mark, sign, to- ken; a discovery, disclosure, in- formation,. Γνωριώ, -εΐς, -ει, Att. for γνωρίσω, 1 f. act. of same. Γνώσεαι, Ion. for Γνώση, 2 sin. of Γνώσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. mid. of γινώσκίό. Γνωσθήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind pass. — Γνώσθ?7Τί, -θήτω, 1 a. impr. pass. — ΓνωσθεΙς, par. 1 a. pass, of same. Γνωσιμα-χέω -ω, (fr. γνώσις know- ledge, and μάχομαι to fight) to change opinion of one's powers, acknowledge weakness, became (12Θ) ΓΟΜ conscious of insufficiency ; to ac- quiesce, submit ; to waver, doubt. pres. inf. cont. γνωσιμαχεΊν. Γνώσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, {), (fr. γι- νώσκω to know) knowledge,learn- ing, information ; judgment, discernment. Γνωστέος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) to be known,must be acknowledged, &c. Γνώστη, -ov, b, (fr. same) know- ing, skilful, clever, expert, com- petent. Subs, a judge, witness ; a seer, soothsayer. Γνωστός, •η, -bv, (fr. same) known, acquainted; to be known. Γνωτος, -ov, b, (fr. same) an ac- quaintance, friend, companion; akin, related; a cousin, brother. Γνώτω, 3 sin. 2 a. impr. — Γνώωσι, Poet, for γνώσι, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. of γινώσκω, which see. Γνώω, (obs. from which γινώσκω borrows some tenses) to know; to call so as to be known or heard ; to shout clearly. Γοάοντι Dor. for γοάονσι -ώσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. of Γοάω -ώ, f. -ασω, also Γοαίνω, Poet. to groan, bemoan, lament, mourn, bewail; to shriek, twitter, par. 1 a. pass, γοηθείς. Γόγγρος, -ov, Ί, a conger, kind of fish. Γογγύζω, f. -υσω, p. γεγόγγνκα, to murmur, buzz, purl ; to mutter ; to grumble, repine. 1 a. act. εγόγ- γνσα. per. pass, γεγόγγνσμαι. Γογγύλη, -ης, and Γογγνλις, -ίδος, fl, (fr. nexl ) a turnip ; a cake. Γογγνλος, -η, -ov, and Γογγύ\ιος, -ov, b, η, round, globidar. Γoγγvσμbς, -ov, b, (fr. γογγύζω to murmur) a murmuring, buzzing; a grumbling, repining ; discontent. Γογγνστης, -ου, b, (fr. same) α murmurer, grumbler. Γοερός, -a, -bv, (fr. γοάω to groan) grievous, dismal, gloomy; wretch- ed, miserable, distressed. Γόη, -ης, η, same as γοητεία. Γύημι, same as γοάω or γοαίνω, pres. inf. γοηναι, Dor. γοήμεναι. Γόης, -ητος, b, an enchanter, magi- cian, sorcerer ; a hypocrite, im- postor, cheat ; a juggler, conjurer. Γοητεία, -ας, ι), (fr. last) imposture, imposition, hypocrisy ; a charm, sorcery. Γοήτενμα, -αΥος, rb, (fr. same) a cheat, imposture; a charm, in- cantation. Γοητεύω, f. -εύσω, p. -ενκα, (fr. same) to enchant, charm, fasci- nate, bewitch ; to juggle, cheat, impose. Γοητΐκυς, -η, -bv, (fr. same) decep- tive, fraudulent, imposing ; ma- gical, relating to charms. Γολγοθά, indecl. Golgotha. Γόμορρα, -ας, η, Syriac, Gomorrha. Γόμος, -ov, b, (fr. γέμω to be full) a freight, load, burden; mer chandise, wares, goods. Γομφιάζω, -ασω, (fr. γόμφος a wedge) to have the teeth set on edge, make the teeth tingle. Γ^μφιασμύζ, -c#j b, (fr. san*..* * ΓΟΡ crashing, breaking; a tingling or edging of the teeth. Γομφίος,-ον, 6, (fr. same) a grind- er, double or back tooth. Γόμφος, -ov, δ, a nail, spike ; a wedge, peg ; a jaw-tooth j a bolt, bar. d. pi. Ion. γόμφοισι. Γομφόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to nail, fasten with nails or pegs. Γόμφωσις, -ιος, Att. -εω? ? >'/,•£* cer- tain kind of artictdation of the bones; a joint. Γονενς , -έος, Att. -ίως, δ, (fr. γίνο- μαι to be) a father, sire, parent ; a progenitor, ancestor, n. pi. γο- νής -εις, g. γονιών, d. γονεύσι, a. γονέας -εις, and yov>;a?. Γονή, -ης, η, (fr. same) <Λβ privi- ties; generation, conception, pro- pagation ; birth, origin; seed, offspring ; a child. Γόνιμος, -υν, δ, η, (fr. same) breed- ing, prolific ; fruitful, fertile. Subs, a fertile spot, productive land. Γονόρροια, or Γονορρνα, -ας, >;, (ft γονή the privities, and ρέω to flow) a running in the loins gonorrhoea. Γονορρνέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same) to run at the loins. Γονορρ~ύης, and Γονόρροιος, -ov, b, ή (fr. same) afflicted with a gonor- rhoea. Γόνος, -ov, δ, same as γονή. Γόνος, and Poet, γοννός, -ov, b, r) same as γόνιμος, comp. γονώτε• ρος, sup. -ώτατος. Γόνν, γόννος, γόνατος, γούνος, and γοννατος, το, the knee; d. pi. γόνασι, γοννασι, and γοννασσι. Γοννπετέω -ω, f. -ήσω, ρ. γεγονν- ■πέτηκα, (fr. last, and^rra; to fall) to kneel, fall on the knees ; to fall prostrate ; to supplicate. 1 a. act. εγοννιτέτησα. Γόος, -ov, b, (fr. γοάω to groan) grief, sorrow, wo; mourning, lamentation for the dead, a dirge. Γόργειος, and Γοργόνιος, -a, -ov, (fr. Γοργών Gorgon) like a Gor- gon ; horrible, frightful, terrific. Γοργενω, f. -ενσω, (fr. same) to hasten, speed, move swiftly ; to vibrate, quiver, flash ; to scare, terrify, frighten. Γοργόνες, -ων, αϊ, (pi. of Γοργών) me Gorgons ; furies. Γοργός, -η, -ov, swift, quick; dart- ing, flashing ; terrifying, fright- ful, terrible, fierce. Γοργούς, a. pi. of last. Also g. sin. of Γοργώ. Γοργνρα, -ας, η, (fr. γη the earth, and ορνσσω to dig) an under- ground passage for water, tun- nel, sewer, drain; a pit, dun- geon. Γοργώ, -όος -ους, ή, Gorgo, a wo- man's name. Γοργώ\, -όνος, b, an imaginary monster of Africa ; a hag, fiend, fury. Also, (fr. γοργός nimble) swiftness, activity. Γοργώψ, -ώπος, b, η, (fr. last, and ώψ the face) Gorgon-visaged, ΓΡΑ like a Gorgon ; terrible^frighiful. Γόρδιας, -ov, b Gordias, a man's name. g. Ion. Γορδίεω. Γουν, (fr. γε yet, and οϋν however) truly, indeed, certainly, surely; t)ien,for, since, therefore, there- upon ; hence, accordingly ; how- ever, at least, even ; for instance, as for example. Γοννάζομαι, f. -άσομαι, and Γοννόο- μαι -ουμαι, f. -ώσομαι, (fr. γόνν the knee) to kneel, fall on the knees; to embrace the knees in supplication ; to pray, beg, en- treat. 1 a. mid. εγοννασάμην. par. pres. mid. cont. γοννονμενος. Γονναθ\ for γοννατα, or γόνατα, η. a. v. pi. — Γοννασι, d. pi. of γόνν. ΓοννοΊσι, Ion. for γοννοΊς, d. pi. of γοννος, for γόνος. Γοννοπαχής, -έος -ους, h, η, (fr, same, and παχύς thick) thick at the knees, having large knees. Γοννός, -ή, -bv, Poet, for γονός. Γουνών or γοννωι; g. pi. of γόνν. Γοώσα, par. pres. fern. cont. of γοάω. Τράβιον, -ov, το, a pointed stake ; a torch, brand. Γραΐα, -ας, η, (perhaps fr. γεραιός old) an old woman, wife. Γραί'διον, -ov, το, (dim. of last) a little or decrepit old woman. Γραικός, -η, -bv, and Γρήϊκος, -ov b, »/, (fr. same) old, elderly. Γραικός, -η, -bv, Greek, Grecian. Γραίνω, see γράω. Γράμμα, -άτος, To, (fr. γράφω to write) a letter of the alphabet ; handurriting ; a written work book; an account, journal; c deed, bill, bond ; an act, law. Γράμματα, -ων, τα, (pi. of last) α letter, epistle ; writings, a book ; literature, learning ; writings, the scriptures. Γραμματεία, -ας, η, (fr. same) lite- rature, learning, knowledgefrom booL•. Γραμματεύς, -έος, b, (fr. same) a scribe, secretary ; an interpreter of law; a town clerk, recorder. Γραμματενω, f. -ενσω, (fr. last) to act as secretary. Γραμματική, -ης, η, (fem. of next) viz. τέχνη, grammar. Τραμματι^ς, -η, -bv, (fr. γράφω to write) grammatical ; literary. Subs, a teacher, grammarian. Γραμματιστης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a teacher of grammar, schoolmas- ter ; a pedant ; a clerk ; a book- seller, stationer. Γραμματοδιδάσκαλος, -»y, b, (fr. same, and διδάσκω to teach) a schoolmaster, preceptor. Γραμματοεισαγωγενς, -έος, b, (fr. same, and εισάγω to introduce) a teacher, instructer ; a magis- trate. Γραμμή, -ης, η, (fr. same) a line, mark, division, separation ; the starting place at races, marked by a line drawn on the ground ; a line on a chess board ; the last stake. (127) ΓΡΙ Γραμμικές, -ή, -bv, (fr. last) lineal•, in lines. Γράττις,-ιδυς, r), old age; the slough of a serpent. Γραπτέος, -a, -ov, (fr. γράφω to write) must write, ought to be written. Γραπτός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) written, composed ; inscribed, engraven. Γράσος, -ov, δ, also Τράσσυς, Γράος, and Γράς, the dirt, scourings or refuse of wool ; the smell of tl\e armpits. Γράσσος,-ον,η, (perhaps fr. γηρνςΒ. voice) the shout of soldiers charg- ing, a war-song, cry of battle. Γράστις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. γράω to feed) grass, lierbage, hay. Γρους, γράος, ή, Ion. Γρηϋς, and by Dialys. Γρήνς, an old woman. ΓραφεΊον, -ov, το, (fr. γράφω to write) an iron pointed instrument with which the ancients wrote on their waxed tablets, a stylus, pen- cil ; an iron pen, engraving tool. Γραφενς,-έος,Αη.-έως^,^ΐ. same) a painter, engraver ; a librarian. Γραφίω -ώ, Att. for γράφω. Γραφή, -ης, η, (fr. same) a writing, writings; the scriptures; a pic- ture, drawing; an indictment, accusation. Γράφηθι, 2 sin. — Γραφήτωσαν, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. pass. — Γράφεις, par. 2 a. pass, οι γράφω. Γραφικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) like writing, graphical, well drawn or described; quick at writing, ready at the pen. Γραφικώς, (fr. last) expressively;. naturally, to the life. Γραφίον, -ov, rb, see γραφεΊον, and ΓραφΊς, -ίδος, η, (fr. next) an iron pen or stylus; the drawing of lines. Γράφω, f. -ψω, p. γέγραφα, origi- nally to grave, engrave or scrape lines or figures on some flat surface ; to write, inscribe ; to describe, represent, draw, paint ; to compose, write a book; to en- act, decree ; to accuse, indict ; to direct, prescribe, instruct, teach; to graze. 1 a. act. ind. έγραψα• sub. γράψω, -ης, -η. per. pass, γέγραμμαι. 1. a. pass. ind. εγράφθην impr. γράφθητι' par. γραφθείς. Γράω, and Γραίνω, f. -σω, to eat, eat up, corrode, consume, devour. Γραώδης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. γρανς an old woman) of or like an old woman; aged, doting; silly, fa- bulous. Τρηγορέω -ώ, by Aphaer. for εγρη- γορέω, f. -ήσω, p. εγρηγόρηκα, (fr. εγείρω to rouse) to watch, lie awake, be awake, be vigilant; to live, be alive. For tenses see εγρηγορέω. Γρηγόρησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, fi, (fr. last) lying awake ; watchfulness, vigilance. Υρηγορώς, for εγρηγορώς, par. per. mid. of γρηγορέω or εγρηγορέω. Γρΐττενς, -έος, Att. -έως, δ, (fr. γρι ■πος a net) a fisherman. ΓΧ1 Τριπίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. same) to fish. Τρίπισμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) a take, catch, capture; profit, gain. Τρίπος, -ου, b, and Γρίφος, -ου ? δ, and also -εος -ους, το, a net, seine, drag ; a riddle, puzzling question. Τριφάομαι, (fr. γράφω to write) to write. Τρομφάς, -άδος, η, an old sow. Γρομφεϊς, -ίων, ol, painters. Γρόσφος, -ου, δ, a javelin, dart; the spike in the foot of a spear. Γρυ, any thing very small, mite, mote, chip, splinter, the black of the nail. Τρύζω, f. -ξω, p. -χα, (fr. last) to mutter, growl, grumble, grunt. Τρυλλίζω, f. -ίσω, to grunt. Τρύλλη, -ης, ή, and Γρυλλισμός, -ου, b, (fr. last) a grunt, grunting. Τρυμαία, -ας, ή, (fr. γρύ a mote) a bag, wallet, pouch; any thing insignificant. Γρυπός, -ή, -bv, (fr. γρυψ a griffin) hooked, crooked ; bowed, bended ; hook-nosed, aquiline ; with a hooked beak. Γρυσμος, -ου, δ, (fr. γρύζω to grunt) a grunting, grunt. Γρύτη, -ης, η, and Γρυτάρια, -ων, -τα, (fr. γρύ a mite) poor furni- ture, lumber; old clothes, frippery. Γρυτοπώλης, -ου, b, (fr. last, and πωλεω to sell) a seller of old clothes or lumber ; a broker. Γρύψ, -ϋπος, b, a griffin, an ima- ginary winged monster ; a kind of eagle, the ossifrage. Γρώνη, -ης, η, (perhaps fr. γράω to corrode) a hollow rock, cave, cavern. Γρώνος, -η, -ov, (fr. last) hollow, cavernous; deep. Tva or Γύη, Ion. and Γυία, -ας, ή, ground, land ; a field, an acre ; ploughed or fallow land. Γυάλαι, -ων, at, (fr. next) a Me- garean word, drinking cups. Γύαλον, -ov, το, a cavity, hollow ; the palm or hollow of the hand ; a valley, glen, dale ; a cave, den ; a trench, fosse, (fr. last) g. Ion. γυαΚοιο. Γυαλος, -η, -bv, (fr. last) handy, of a size to be handled. Γυαρκής, -εος -ους, δ, η, (fr. γνϊον a limu, and αρκίω to suffice) in- vigorating, strengthening ; fresh, lively , lusty, vigorous; who be- gets lusty limbs. Γίγη, -ης, f/, a woman's, and Γύ- γης, -ου, δ, a man's name, Gyge, and. Gyges. Γύης, -vo, b, (fr. γύη ploughed land) the plough-head on which the sock is fixed. Γυιοδάμας, -a, b, Dor. and Poet, (fr. γυων a limb, and δαμάω to subdue) who masters the limbs ; able, lusty ; epithet of a wrestler. Γυιοκόρος, -ου, δ, ι;, (fr. same, and κορεω to satisfy) working or wearying the limbs, fatiguing, toilsome, laborious. ΓυΊον, -ου, rb, a limb, member, par- ticularly a hand or foot; any larger part of tlie frame. ΓΤΜ Γνώς, ~<ϊ, -bv, (fr. last) wanting a limb, maimed, lame, halt, crip pled ; deficient in any part. Γυιόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. same) to break a limb ; to lame, maim, cripple; to render weak, impo- tent or defective. Γυιοπέδη, -ης, ή, (fr. same, and πέδη a fetter) fetters, chains; a shackle. Γυιόχαλκυς, -ου, b, 7% (fr. same, and χαλκός brass) with limbs of brass, very strong, most robust. Γυιωθεϊς, par. 1 a. pass, of γυιόω Γυλώς, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. γυαλός hollow) a soldier's canteen. Γυμνάζω, f. -άσω, p. γεγύμνακα, (fr. γυμνός naked) to exercise naked, practise for the public games; to exerc'se, employ, engage, train. pres. impr. act. γύμναζε. Γυμνάσια, -ας, ή, and Γύμνασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, and Γύμνασμα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) practice, training, exercise. Γυμνασιαρχεω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. last, and αρχή the chief) to regulate gymnastic exercises, preside over a school. Γυμνασιάρχης or -χος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a teacher of gymnastic exercises, schoolmaster. Γυμνασιαρχία, -ας, η, (fr. same) the regulation or direction of a gymnasium. Γυμνάσιον, -ου, b, (fr. γυμνός naked) a place of exercise, school for training for public games; practice, exercise. Γυμναστεος, -a, -ov, (fr. γυμνάζω to train) must exercise, to be practised or trained. Γυμναστής, -ου, b, (fr. same) a master or teacher of public exer- cises. Γυμναστικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) be- longing to public exercises, con- cerning the practice of or train- ing for them. Γνμναστικώς, (fr. last) with exer- cise, by practice, in training. Γυμνής, -ητος, η, or Γυμνήτης, -ov, b, (fr. γυμνός naked) a light armed soldier. Γυμνητεύω, f. -εύσω, p. γεγυμνή- τευκ'α, (fr. last) to be naked or ill clad ; to wear light armour, serve as a light armed soldier ; to skir- mish. Γυμνικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. γυμνάζω to exercise) gymnastic, about pub- lic sports or games. Γυμνοτταιδία, -ας, η, (fr. γυμνός naked, and παΐς a boy) the exer- cise or sports of naked boys ; a Spartan dance. Γυμνός, -η, -bv, (fr. γυϊον a limb, and μόνος only) naked, bare, un- covered ; unarmed, light armed ; uncased, unsheathed ; bare, mere, only; open, exposed, manifest; devoid, destitute. Γυμνοσοφισταϊ, -ων, οι, (fr. last, and σοφιστής a wise man) the Gym- nosophists or naked philosophers of India ; a fakir or dervis. Γυμνότης, -ητος, ή, (fr. same) no- (128) ΓΤΝ kedness, nudity, d. sin. γυμνό- τητι. Γνμνόω -ω, f. -ώσω, ρ. -ωκα, (fr. same) to strip, uncover; to pil- lage, rob, plunder ; to expose, discover, show. 1 a. act. inf. γυμνώσαι' par. γυμνώσας. 1 a. pass. ind. εγυμνώθην' inf. γυμ- νωθήναι' par. γυμνωθείς, a. sin. γυμνωθεντα. Γύμνωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f), (fr. last) nakedness, bareness, desti- tution. Γυνά, Dor. for Γύναι, v. sin. of γυνή. Γνναικάριον, -ov, rb, (dim. of γυνή a woman) a weak, silly, vain woman. Γυναίκας -κα, -κες, -κι, -κος, -κων, cases οΐ γυνή. Γυναικεία, -ων, τα, (neut. pi. of next) circumstances incident to women. Γυναικείος, -a, -ov, (fr. γυνή a wo- man) feminine, female ; wo- ma?iish, effeminate, delicate. Γυ- ναικεΊον, viz. δώμα, the women's apartments. Γυναικήϊος, Ion. for γυναικείος. Γυναικίας, -ου, b, (fr. γυνή a wo- man) a ivomunish or effeminate person. Γυναικιασμος, -ού, b, (fr. same) fe- male delights or endearments ; courtship, compliments, flattery. Γυναικοκρατίομαι -ουμαι, f. -ήσομαι, p. -ημαι, (fr. same, and κρατεω to rule) to submit to or be di- rected by women, be governed by a wife; to gratify, indulge a wife. par. pres. pass. cont. γυ- ναικοκρατού μένος. Γυναικοκρατία, -ας, η, (fr. same) subjection to women, female go- vernment. Γυναικομάνής, -εος -ους, b, fj, (fr. same, and μαίνομαι to dote) fool- ishly fond of women ; lascivious. Γυναικός, g. Γυναικί, d. sin. of γυνή. Γυναικοφίλας, -a, b, Dor. for Γυναικοφ'ιλης, -ου, δ, (fr. γυνή a woman, and φίλος fond)/ond oj women ; effeminate, delicate ; las- civious ; libidinous. Γνναικώδης, -εος -ους, ο, $, (fr. same) woman-like, becoming a woman; feminine, tender, deli- cate; womanish, like a woman, effeminate. Γυναικών, -ώνος, b, Γυναικωνίτης, -ου, b, and Γνναικωνϊτις, -ιδος, η, (fr same) the ivomen's apart- ments; an inner chamber; a house for women. Γυναιμανής, same as γυναικομανής. Γύναιον, -ου, το, (dim. of γυνή a woman) a little woman, silly woman. Γύναιξιν, for γυναιξί, d. pi. of Γυνή, -αικός, fi, (perhaps fr. γονή birth) a woman, wife. v. sin. γύναι, madam, ma'am, d. γυναι- κί' a. γυναίκα, and Dor. γννήν d. pi. γυναιξί. Γύννις, -ιδος, b, Poet, ΐοτγύνις, (fr. last) womanish, effeminate, de» licate, tender. ΔΑΓ Γύτ«νο5, -η, -ον, (fr. γύψ a vulture) vulturine, of or like a vulture. Γυπδί, high, tall, lofty ; long. Τύργάθος, -ου, δ, a bas'-et ; a coffer, case, &c. made of twigs. Τύρις, -ως, Att. -εως, jj, fine flour ; the dust of a mill. Yvpbs, -a, -bv, curved, bent, crook- ed ; round, circular. Subs, a ditch, furrow, hole for a tree ; a round cake. Τύρος, -ου, b, a circuit, compass, circle. Τυρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to curve, bend, make round; to gather into a heap, crowd, clus- ter ; to lay up, hide, bury. Τνρωμα, -ατός, rb, and Τύρωσις, -ιας, Alt. -εως, η, (fr. same) α whirl or whirling, quick circular motion ; a piling, heaping, ga- thering into a heap ; a circle, ring, circus. Γύψ, γϋπος, b, (perhaps fr. κόπτω to bend) a vulture. Τν^ος, -ον, η, (perhaps fr. γη earth, and 'έψω to bake) gypsum, ala- baster ; white clay. Τυψόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to plaster with gypsum., whiten. Γώ, by Aphaer. for εγώ. Γώ, cont. of γάω. Also for χάω. Τψ, for εαντω, ιδίω, and σίο, see εαυτού, ίδιος, and σός. Τώγ, Heb. indecl. Gog, the name of a king and a nation. Γωλεα, -ων, τά, the caves, dens, and haunts, of beasts. Των, Ion. for γονν. Τώνατα, Dor. for γόνατα, η. a. V. pi. of γόνυ. Τωνία, -ας, η, an angle, corner ; a nook, hiding place ; an extremi- ty, verge, Τωνιάΐος, -a, -ov, and Τωνιώδης, -εος -ους, b, fj, (fr. last) angular, with corners ; of the corner. Τωνίδιον, -ου, τδ, (dim. of same) a little corner, nook, hiding-place. Τωριάω, -ω, a Laconian word, to laugh at, taunt, scorn. Υωρϋτδς, -ου, b, (fr. χωρέω to con- tain, and ρυτος drawn) a quiver. Δ, δ, the fourth of the Greek let- ters, called delta; as a nume- ral mark it signifies four ; with a dot .underneath, δ, four thou- sand. Δ', for δε. Δα, an intensive particle. Δα, and δάς, Dor. for γη, γης. Δα/3είρ, and ΔαβΙρ, Heb. indecl. an oracle ; the inner or most holy part of the temple. Δαβίδ, Heb. indecl. David, a man's name. Δ,άγυς, -ϋδος, η, crystal; ice; a necklace or image hung to it. ΔΑΙ Δαδεχω, (fr. δας a torch, and έχω to hold) to hold or carry a torch. Δ«<5ι(, -ικος, fi, a measure. Δαδίον, -ου, το, (dim. of δ$ς a torch) a small torch, light, can- dle. Δαδουχέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and εχω to hold) to carry a torch, hold a liglit ; to light, give or show light to. Δαδουχία, -ας, η, (fr. same) the currying a torch or light. Δάδων, g. pi. of δας, cont. fr. δαΐς. Ααεις, par, 2 a. act. — Ααείης, 2 sin. pres. opt. act. of δάημι, for δαεω. Ααείω, for <5αίω. Ααερός, -a, -bv, (fr. δαίω to burn) black, dark, dusky, swarthy. Δάέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. δεδάηκα, (fr. δαίω to learn) to learn, receive in- struction, acquire information ; to know, know how, be skilful. per. pass. ind. δεδάημαι' inf. δεδαήσθαι' par. δεδαημένος. 2 a. act. (fr. δάημι) ind. εδάην' inf. δαήναι, Dor. δαήμεναι' par. δαείς. 1 f. mid. δαήσομαι, 2 sin. Ion. δαήσεαι. for δαήση. per. mid. δέ- δηα, and δέδαα' par. δεδαώς. pper. mid. εδεδήειν. . Αάξω, or rather Αάζομαι, f. δάσο- μαι, p. δεδασμαι, -σαι, -σται, fr. δαίω to share, which see. Αάη, -ης, { Ί , (fr. same) a fight, battle ; a light, torch, brand. Ααήμεναι, Ααήσεαι, see δαεω. Αώψι, obs. -its tenses are used by δαεω, and δαίω. Δαήμων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. δαίω to teach) learned, wise; knowing, skilled, experienced; expert, in- genious, subtle, comp. δαημονέσ- τερος, sup. -έστατος. Ααήρ, -ερος, b, (fr. δαίω to bum ; because they carried the torches at their brother's marriage) a husband's brother ; a brother-in- law ; a bridesman. Ααηρος, -ά., -bv, (fr. same) light, bright, clear. Aal, for δε. Δαΐ, by Apoc. for δαΐδι, d. sin. of δαΐς. Δαιδαλέος, -a, -ov, or -ου, and Ion. -oio, b, η, (fr. Δαίδαλος Daeda- lus} artful, ingenious, expert, skilful; artificial, curious; di- versified, variegated, ornamental. Δαιδά\\ω, f. -αλώ, and ΔαιδαΧύω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. iame) to work in- geniously ; to ornament, adorn, Δαίδαλμα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) a piece of nice workmanship, cu- riosity, rarity, ornament ; a sta- tue, image. Δαΐδων, g. pi. of δαΐς. Ααίε, and Ααίεν, Ion. for έδαιε, 3 sin. impf. ind. act. — Ααίετο, Ion. for εδαίετο, impf. ind. pass, of δαίω. Ααΐζω, f. -ΐξω, (fr. δαίω to divide, for which it is used Poet.) to divide, share, distribute; to tear off, pull, pluck ; to cut, wound ; to slay, kill. 1 a. act. εδάϊζα. (129) ΔΑΙ pres. pass, δαΐζομαι' per. pass. δεδάϊγμαι' par. δεδαϊγμένος. Ααικτηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. last) divide ing, rending, piercing. Ααιμονάω -ω, f. -ήσω, same as δαι μονιάω. Ααίμονες, — Ααίμονος — Δαιμόνων) cases of δαίμων. Δαιμόνι' for δαιμόνιε, V. sin. of δαι- μόνιος. Ααιμονιαώς, -ή, -bv, (fr. δαίμων a deity) inspired ; possessed by an evil spirit. Subs, a demoniac. Ααιμονιάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. same) to be inspired ; to be pos- sessed by an evil spirit ; to rage, rave. Δαιμονίζομαι, f. -ίσομαι, p. δεδαι- μύνισμαι, (fr. same) to be pos- sessed by an evil spirit, 3 sin. pres. δαιμονίζεται. Ααιμονιζόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of last. Ααιμονίη, Δαμονίησι, Ion. for δαι- μόνια, η. sin. and δαιμονίαις, d. pi. fem. of δαιμόνιος. Ααιμόνιον, -ου, rb, (dim. of δαίμων a. deity) α divinity, spirit, genius ; α spectre, ghost, phantom ; des- <ιη 3Λ fate, fortune, lot, state of life ; misfortune, adversity ; a demon, evil spirit, fallen angel, devil. Δαιμόνιος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) in- fatuated, possessed ; fatal, un- fortunate ; wicked ; mad, fran- tic ; divine ; supernatural ; au- gust, grand, admirable; fortu- nate, happy. Δαιμονισθείς, -εΊσα, -cv, par. 1 a» pass, of δαιμονίζομαι. Δαιμονιώδης, -εος -ους, δ, jj, (fr. same) like a spirit or demon, demoniacal. Δαιμονίων, par. pres. act. cont. of δαιμονιάω. Δαίμων, -όνος, δ, #, (fr. δαίω to know) a deity, cause, author, creator; a demon, intelligence, spirit, genius; fortune, fate, destiny, lot ; an evil spirit, fallen angel, devil. Δαίνν, by Apoc. for δαίνΰθι, pres. impr. act. — Δαίνυνθ' and Δαί- vvvt, Ion. for εδαίνυντο, 3 pi. impf. mid. — Δαίνυσθ\ for δαί- νυσθαι, pres. inf. mid. of Δαίνυμι, to entertain, treat, receive. Δα'νυμαι, to feast, banquet, eat, dine with. Δαΐξαι, 1 a. inf. act. of δαΐζω. Δαίομαι, f. -σομαι. see δαίω. Δάϊος, -a, -ov, (fr. δαίω to divide) wise, knowing, sensible. Δαίος, -a, -ov, (fr. δαΐς a fight) destructive, injurious, hostile. Δαΐοι, pi. enemies. Δα'ίόΦρων, -όνος, δ, η, (fr. δαίω to divide, or δαΐς a fight) wise, sen- sible, intelligent; warlike, va- liant,. courageous. Δαίρω, f. -άρω, to scourge, flog, lash 9 cut. Δαις, -αιτος, fj, and Poet. Δαίτη, -ης, η, (fr. δαίω to share) afeast % entertainment ; good cheer ,dait\ ties. ΔΑΚ Ααϊς, -ίδος, η, (fr. same) a light, torch, taver ; a fight, battle. Ααίσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Δαϊσάμενος, 1 a. par. mid. — Δαίση, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. mid. of δαίω or δαΐω. Ααΐτα, a. sin. — ΑαΊτας, a. pi. of δαίς. Δαίτηθεν, (fr. (Wr;; Poet, for δαϊς a feast) /rom. or after the feast, out of the entertainment. Δαπρεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. next) to cut up, carve. Δαιτρόν, (a. sin. of next, viz. κατά) separately, severally, by turns, in shares. Ααιτρός, -ου, b, (fr. δαίω to divide) a cook. Δαιτΰμών, -όνος, b, (fr. next) a steward or president of a feast ; a cook, carver ; a guest. Ααιτυς, -ϋος, η, same as δαίς. Δαιφρων, -όνος, b, ή, (fr. δαΐς bat- tle, and φρήν understanding) wary in fight, sagacious in war, warlike, brave, daring. Δαϊχθεις, 1 a. par. pass, of δαίζω. Δαίω, f. δαίσω, and δαίσω, p. δέδαι- κα, to divide, part, rend, ; to con- sume, burn, lay waste, depopu- late ; to kindle, glow, burst or break out; to carve, distribute, entertain, feast; to celebrate, solemnize; to share, partake of a feast, eat; to impart, teach instruct, inform, acquaint ; to participate, acquire, learn, know. per. mid. δέδηα. pper. mid. εδεδτ/ειν. See δαίω. Δάκαρ, a kind of cassia. Αάκε, Ion. for έδακε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. — Δακέειν, Ion. for δα- κέΐν, 2 a. inf. act. of δήκω, obs. for δάκνω. Αακέθϋμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. δάκνω to gnaw, and 3νμος the mind) heart-rending, oppressive, over- whelming, aistressing, gnevouSj melancholy. Αακνάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. next) to bite, snap, catch with the teeth. Δάκνω, f. δήξω, p. δέδηχα, (fr. δήκω obs. to bite, whence its tenses are derived) to bite, gnaw, champ ; to pinch, sting ; to gall, molest, tease, vex; to backbite, slander ; to fight, quarrel, dis- pute. 1 a. act. έδηξα. 2 a. act. ind. ίδακον' inf. δακείν. 2 f. act. δακω. per. pass, δέδηγμαι. 1 a. pass. ind. εδήχθην par. δηχθείς. 2 a. pass, εδάκην. 1 f. mid. δήζομαι. 1 a. mid. εδηξάμην. 2 a. mid. εδακόμην. Αακόντος, δακονσης, g. sin. par. 2 a. act. of last. Δάκος, -εος -ους, το, Poet. (fr. same) a bite, properly of a beast on a man ; a sting ; a beast or venomous creature ; slander, ca- lumny. Δάκρυ, -υος, Δάκρυμα, -ατός, and Δάκρΰον, -ου, το, (fr. same) α tear. pi. δάκρυ', for δάκρυα. Δακρύσεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. last) weeping, in tears; tearful, me- lancholy. Αακρύοεν, (fr. last) in tears, with ΔΑΜ bursting tears; sadly, mourn fully. ^ Δακρυροίω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. δάκρν a tear, and ρέω to flow) to weep, shed tears. Δακρύσας, 1 a. par. act. of δακρύω Δάκρυσι, d. — Δακρύων, g. pi. of δάκρυ. Δακρυχέω -ω, f. -εύσω, (fr. δάκρυ a tear, αηάχέω to pour) to weep, pour forth or shed tears, par. pres. δακρνχέωΐ'. Δακρύω, f. -ΰσω, p. -υκα, (fr. same) to weep, lament with tears, be- wail, deplore. Δακρύομαι, to have tears shed on one, be wet with tears ; to be pitied, compassioned. Δακρυώδης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. ■same) like tears ; tearful; tear- falling, tender, melancholy. Δακτύλιος, -ου, b, (fr. next) aring, link, mtsh. Δάκτυλος, -ου, b, a finger, toe; a dactyl ; a date. Δάκω, 2 f. act. — Δακύν, 2 a. par. act. of δάκνω. Δαλεΐτο, Dor. and Ion. for εδηλεΐ- to, 3 sin. impf. ind. mid. — Δαλήσατο, same for ΐδηλήσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. mid. of δηλ*ω. Δόλιος, Dor. for Αήλιος Δαλμανουθά, -indecl. Dalmanutha, a district of Judea. Δαλματία, -ας, ή, Dabnatia, a country on the Adriatic sea. Δαλός, and JEol. Δαυλός, -ου, b, (fr. δαίω to burn) a light, lamp ; a firebrand, torch; a flash, bright- ness. Δαλος, v. Δαλε, Dor. for Δήλος and Δήλε. Δαμςί, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. of δαμάω. Δαμάζεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass, of Δαμάζω, see δαμάω. pres. par. pass, δαμαζόμενος. per. pass. δεδάμασμαι. ΔαμαιΌς, -ου, b, a/, Poet, for δαμασ- τΈκός, -η, -bv, or δαμάζων, (fr. last) taming, subduing, over- powering, overwhelming. Subs. a conqueror, master. Δαμάλη, Dor. for δάμαλις. Δαμαλήβατος, -ου, b, η, (fr. δαμάλη a heifer, and βαίνω to walk) frequented or resorted to by cat- tle ; grazed, pastured. Δαμαλήβοτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and βόσκω to feed) grazed or pastured by cattle. Δαμαλίζω, Poet, for δαμάζω, (fr. next) Δαμαλίζομαι, to gambol, frolic like a young heifer. Δάμαλις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. δα- μάω to tame) a heifer, tyoung cow. Δάμαρ, and Δάμαρς, -άρτος, η, (fr. same, or perhaps for γάμαρ, fr. γάμος marriage) a wife, lady, dame. Δαμαρέτιον, -ου, το, a Sicilian coin, so called fr. Δαμάρης, the wife of Gelo, king of Syracuse. Δάμάρις, -ιδος, >), same as δάμαρ. Also Damans, a woman's name. (130) ΔΑΝ Δαμάσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Δάμασί, Ion. for εδάμασε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Δάμασον, 1 a. impr. act. — Δάμασσα, Δαμάσσατο, and Δαμασσάμενος, Ion. and Poet, for εδάμασα, 1 a. act. εδαμάσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. and δαμα- σάμενος, 1 a. par. mid. of δα- μάω. Δαμάσδειν, Dor. for δαμάζειν, pres. inf. act. of δαμάζω. Δαμασίβροτος, -ου, b, >/, (fr. δαμάω to tame, and βροτός mortal) the tamer or subduer of mortals, vic- torious. Δαμασίφρων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. same, and φρήν the understanding) the tamer of the mind, the subduer of the will. Δαμασκός, -ου, ή, Damascus, a city in Syria. Δαμασκηνός, -η, -bv, (fr. last) of Damascus. Hence ,come dam- son and damask. Δαμασώνιον, -ου, το, (perhaps fr. same) a certain herb. Δαμάτηρ, Dor. for Αημήτηρ. Δαμάω, -ω, and Δαμάζω, f. -ασω, p. -ακα, to break, tame; to van- quish, overcome; to afflict, bring down, prostrate, overthrow, over- whelm ; to kill, slay. Δαμάομαι -ωμαι, to be conquered; to sub- mit, yield, obey. 2 a. act. έδα- μον. 2 f. ind. act. δάμω. 2 a. pass. ind. εδάμην, 3 pi. εδάμησαν., Poet and Bceot. δάμεν' opt. δα- μεϊην' inf. δαμηναι, and Dor. δαμήμεναι' par. δαμεϊς, in du. δάμεντε. Δαμναίμαν, Dor. for δαμναίμην, pres. opt. pass. — Δάμνησι, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of δάμνημι, same as last. Δαμνάω, -ω, f. ήσω, and Δάμνημ", for Δάμνημι, (fr. δαμνάω) same as δαμάω. Δαμοίτας, -a, b, Dor. for Δημοίτης, -ου, b, Damcetus, a man's name. Δάμος, -ω, b, Dor. for δήμος. Δαμότας and Δαμότης, Dor. for δη- μότης. Δαμότις -ιδος, a, Dor. for δημύ- τις. Δάμων, -όνος, b, Damon, a man's name. Δαμωσώμεθα, Dor. for δημωσώμεθα, 1 pi. 1 a. sub. mid. of δημόο- μαι. Δάν, same as Z&v or Ζήν. Δανάας, g. Dor. of Δανάη, -ης, {), a kind of laurel. Also Danae, a woman's name. Δαναίδαι, -ων, αϊ, the daughters of Δάναος. Δαναίδης, -ov, b, %, a descendant of Δαναός, an Argive. Δανακη, -ης, ή, a barbaric com/i Charon's fare. Δαναός, -oi), b, Danauf, a king of Argos. Δανείζετε, 2 pi. pres. impr. act. — Δανείζητε, 2 pi. pres. sub, act. — Δανείζονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. «— Δανείσασθαι, 1 a inf. mid. of Δανείζω, ΐ.δανείσο,, and Att.5avet3 ΔΑΡ ρ. δώάνεικα, (fr. δάνος a loan) to lend ; to practise usury, lend at interest; to extort. Δανείζομαι., to borrow ; submit to usury, be oppressed by usury. 1 a. act. εδάνεισα. 1 a. mid. ind. εδανει- σάμην. Δάνειον, -ov, το, (fr. same) interest, usury ; a loan ; a debt. Λάνεισμα, -ατός, to, (fr. δανείζω to lend) money lent or borrowed on usury; usury, extortion; in- terest, recompense. Δανεισμός, -ου, δ, (fr. same) usury ; a borrowing, loan. Δανειστής, -οϋ, h, (fr. same) a usurer, money -broker ; a lender, creditor. Δανιήλ, Heb. indecl. the prophet Daniel. Δάνος, -εος -ους, το, a gift, present ; a loan, debt; a light, torch, brand. Δάνος, -η, -bv, (fr. δαίω to burn) dry, parchedyarid ; subs, wood fit for torches ; a link, brand* Δαπανών, pres. inf. act. -of Δαπανάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. δεδαπάνηκα, (fr. δάπτω to devour) to defray, expend, lay out, pay a share ; to consume, spend, waste, lavish, squander. L a. act. ind. εδαπά- νησα' impr. δαπάνησον opt. δα- πανήσαιμι• sub. δαπανήσω, 3 pi. δαπανησωσι. Δαπάνη, -ης, ή, (fr. last) cost, ex- pense, charge ; costliness, waste- fulness. Δαπανηθείς, -εϊσα, -iv, 1 a. par. pass, of same. Δαπάνημα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) a laying out r expenditure, cost, charge. Δαπανηρός, -a, -bv, (fr. same) ex- pensive, costly, prodigal, waste- ful. Δάπάνος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) waste- ful,.expensive, extravagant; subs. a prodigal, spendthrift. Δάπεδον,- -ου, rb, (fr. δα intens. and πέδον the ground) a floor, pavement; the bottom, ground, soil. Δάπτω, f. -ψω, p. -φα, (perhaps fr. δαίω to divide) to devour, eat up; to rend, tear, mangle; to wound. Δαοδανιάων, JEdl. for Ααρδανιων, g. pL of Δαρδάνιος. Δαρδανίδαο, Ion. for Ααρδανίδαν, g. of Δαρδανίδης γ -ov, δ,, (patron, fr. Δάρδανος) Priam, the son of Dardanus* Δαρδάνιος, -ov, b, §, (fr. next) a descendant of Dardanus ; a Dar daman, Trojan. Δάρδάνος, -ov, b, Dardanus, the founder of Troy. Δαρδάπτω, f. -ψω, intensive for θάπτω. Δάρεικος, -ov, b, a golden coin of Persia, so called from Δάρεως, one of their kings, worth twen- ty Attic drachms, or the thir- tieth part of a talent ; a da- rie. ΔΑΣ Δαρείος, -ov, b, Darius, a. Persian king. Δάρης, -ητος, b, Dares, a man's name. Δαρήσομαι, -η, -εται, in 2 pi. δαρή- σεσθε, 3 pi. δαρήσονται, 2f. pass, of δίρω. ΔαρΟάνω, 1 f. mid. δαρθήσομαι, p. act. δεδάρθηκα, to sleep, fall or go asleep, rest. par. per. δεδαρ- Οηκώς. 2 a. act. ind. ίδαρθον, by Metath. έδραθον' inf. δαρθεϊν par. δαρθων. 2 f. δαρθά, by Me- tath. δραθώ, the tenses are bor- rowed from Δαρθεω -ω, (fr. δέρμα or δίοας a skin) to sleep or lie upon s'icins. Aapbv and Αάρός, Dor. for δηpbv and δηρδς. Δαρτός^ and by Metath. Δρα^ς, -η, -ov, (fr. δίρω to flay) exco- riated, fiayed : scourged,fiogged ; subs, the bag which contains the testicles. Δας, -αδός, /% cont. for δάις. Δάσαντο, Ion. for εδάσαντο, 3 pi. 1 a. mid Δασαίμεθα, 1 pi. 1 a. opt. mid. — Δάσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Δασάσκετο, Poet, and Ion. for εδάσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. mid. — ΔασεΊ^αι, Dor. for δάσεται, 1 f. mid. of δάζω. Δάσας, Dor. for δήσας, 1 a. par. act. of δέω. Δασάσκετο, Ion. and Poet, for εδά- σατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of δάζω, same as δαίω. Δασεία, -ας, f), (fem. of δασύς rough) a mark of aspiration ('" Δασέ ως, (fr. same) harshly, rough- ly ; with aspiration. Δάσκιλλος, -ου, b, (perhaps fr, next) a fish that lives in the mud. Δάσκιος, -ου, b, >), (fr. δα intens. and σκία a shade, or by Sync, for δαασνσκιος, fr. δασύς thick, and same) shady, umbrageous, yielding shade. Δασμολογέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. δασμός tribute, and λίγω to collect) to levy, raise tribute, collect taxes. Δασμολογέυμαι -ούμαι, to be taxed, pay tribute. Δασμολόγια, -ας, η, (fr. same) the collection of tribute. Δασμολόγος* -ov* b, (fr. same) a collector of tribute, tax-gatherer. Δασμός* -ου, b, (fr. δάζω to divide) a division, sharing; a portion, share, lot; a proportion, rate; a tribute, tax. Δασμοφόρος, -ου, b, η,, (fr. last, and φέρω to bring) a tributary, sti- pendiary ; paying tax or duty. Δάσος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. δασύς thick) a thicket, wood, underwood* Δασπλής, -ητος, and Δασπλητις, -ιος, Att. -εως, b, η, (fr. δας a fire- brand, and πλήσσω to strike) striking with a brand, smiting with a torch , terrible* fierce, fu- rious, dreadful. Or, (fr. δά in- tens. and πλήμι to fill) replete with misfortune, brimful of wo, miserable, wretched. Or, (fr. δνς ill, and πελάζω to approach) (131) ΔΑΘ difficult of accest, dangerous to approach, liazardous, perilous. Δάσσαντο, Δάσσασθαι, and Δασσά μένος, Ion. and Poet, for εδά- σαντο, 3 pi. 1 a. mid. ind. δά σασθαι, inf. and δασάμενος, par. of δάζω. Δασϋκερκος, -ου, b, 1), (fir. δασύς shaggy, and κίρκος a tail) long- tailed, hairy-tailed. Δασύνω, f. -ϋνώ, (fr. same) to thicken, set thick or close; to cover with hair, make hairy ; to aspirate, pronounce roughly. Δασύπονς, -οδός, b, (fr. same, and πονς the foot) hairy-foot; a rab bit or coney ; a hare. Δασύς, -tia, -ύ, thick, close, hairy , rough, prickly, shaggy ; closely set, planted or grown ; aspirated^ pronounced roughly. Δασνστερνος, -ov, b, η, (fr. last, and στερνον the breast) with a hairy breast; strong, athletic. Δασύτης, -ητος, η, (fr. same) thick- ness, closeness; hairiness, shag- giness, roughness ; aspiration or rough pronunciation. Δατέομαι -ούμαι, ϊ.-ήσομαι, p.-t /μαι, (fr. δαίω to divide) to divide, share, allot, apportion, distribute ; to consume, waste, spend ; to eat up, devour. Δατεασθαι for δα- τέεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. — Ao- τέοντο, Ion. for εδατίοντο, 3 pi. impf. ind Δατεύντο, Dor. for εδατούντο, same cont. — Δατεώ» μέθα, 1 pi. pres. sub. mid. Δατήριος, -ov, b, (fr. δαίω to divide) a distributer, divider. Δάτις, -Έδος, b, Datis, a Persian governor. Δατισμος, -ού, b, (fr. last) a parasi- tical imitation of Datis, a Per- sian nobleman ; particularly of his corrupt manner of speaking Greek ; a solecism, barbarism. Δατνσσω, (fr. δαίω to entertain) to gormandize, gluttonize, devour. Δανκος, -ου, b, η, bold, confident, daring, resolute. Δαύκος, -ου, η, and Δαύκον, -ου, rd» an herb growing in Crete. Δαυλός, -η, -bv, (fr. δά intens. and υ\η a wood) thick, close, imper- vious; dark, enigmatical. ΔαφναΊος, -ου, b, (fr. next) an epi- thet of Apollo. Δάφνη, -ης, η, the laurel or bay tree. Also Daphne, a woman's name. Δαφνήεις -ης, -ήεσαα -ησσα, -ήεν -ην, (fr. last) laurel, of or like laurel or bay.. Δαφνηφαγος, -ου, b, >% (fr. same, and φάγω to feed) an epithet of poets ; living on laurel ; delight- ing in Isurel; inspired, enrap- tured, wrapt. Δαφνηφορέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and φέρω to carry) to bear lau- rel, be crowned with laurel, gain the prize. Δαφνηφόρος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) laurelled, crowned with laurel* carrying laurel branches. Δαφνίακος, Δαφνϊώς and Δα.φν(ν&ί ΔΕΔ •ί» '°ν, (fr. same) laurel, of or like taurel or bay ; adorned viith laurel. Ααφοίνεος, -ov, b, η, and Ααώοινος, -ή, -bv, (fr. δα intens. and φόνος gore) bloodstained, gory ; blood- thirsty ; red, ruddy ; red-streak- ed, speckled with red. Ααψίλεια, -as, η, (fr. δαψι\ής abun- dant) plenty, abundance; riches, wealth ; splendour, grandeur, pomp ; liberality, munificence, bounty. Ααψιλενω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same) to furnish, provide, supply ; to be liberal, bestow, enrich. Aaipi- λεύομαι, to be fully provided ; to abound, have in plenty ; to em- ploy one's self, be anxious, busy about. ΑαψιΚης, -έος -ους, b, η, plentiful, abundant, rich, wealthy ; splen- did, costly, stately ; liberal, free, bountiful. ΑαψιΚως and Ααψιλέως, (fr. last) abundantly, plentifully ; splen- didly ; liberally, bountifully. Αάωμεν, 1 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of δαίω. But Ααωμεν, 1 pi. of 2 a. sub. pass, of same, or 1 pi. pres. sub. cont. of δαέω. Δί , but, for, and, truly, indeed ; yet, however, nevertheless, not- withstanding ; then, therefore ; certainly, surely, verily; more- over, furthermore, beside ; for- sooth ; nay, but, pray, pray now. As an enclitic it is intensive, and sometimes signifies to, to- wards. Αέάται for δεδέαται, Ion. for δέδεν ται, 3 pi. per. pass, of δέω. Αέγμενος, iEol. for δεδεγμένος, par per. pass, of δέχομαι. Or for δεχόμενος, par. pres. pass, of Αίδαα, per. mid. and Αεδαώς, par and Αεδάηκα, per. act. — Αεδαήσω, 1 f. act. — Αεδάημαι, per. pass, and δεδαημένος, par. of δαεω or δάημι, same as δαίω. Αεδαίαται and Αεδαίατο, Ion. for δίδαινται, 3 pi. per. and εδέδαιν- to, 3 pi. pper. pass, of δαίω. Αεδαϊγμένος, par. per. pass, of δαίζω. Αεδάμασμαι, -σαι, -σται, per. pass. of δαμάζω. Αέδαον, Poet, for ίδαον, 2 a. act. of δαίω or δαεω. Αέδαρκα, per. act. — Αέδαρμαι, per. pass, of δέρω. Αέδασμαι, -σαι, -σται, per. pass, of δάζω, same as δαίοι. Αέδεγμαι, -ζαι, -κται, per. pass, of δέχομαι. Αεδέημαι, per. pass, of δέω or δέομαι. Αεδείπναμεν, Ion. for δείττναμεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. of δείπνημι, or 1 pi. per. mid. of δειπνέω. Αεδεΐσαι, Ion. for δεΐσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of δείδω. Αεδειχα, and Ion. Αέδεχα, per. act. of δεΊκννμι. Αεδεκάτωκε, act. Αεδεκάτωται, pass. Ssin. per. ind. of δίκατόω. ΔΕΔ Α&εκται, 3 sin. per. pass. — Al- δεκτο, for εδέδεκτο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of δέχομαι. Αεδεκως, par. per. act. — Αέδεμαι, -σαι, -ται, and Αέδεσθαι, inf. Αεδεμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of δέω. Αεδέμηκα, and by Sync. δέδμηκα Χ per. act. of δέμω. Αεδέμην, Αέδετο, Αέδεντο, Ion. for εδεδέμην, 1 sin. εδέδετο, 3 sifl , and εδέδοντο, 3 pi. pper. pass, of δέω. Αεδέξομαι, -η, -εται, ppfut. — Αέ- δεξο, -per. impr. pass, of δέχομαι. Αεδέχάται, Αεδέχάτο, Ion. for δε- δεγμένοι είσι, 3 pi. per. and δε- δεγμένοι ήσαν, 3 pi. pper. pass, of δέχομαι. Αέδηα, -ας, -ε, per. mid. — Αεδϊ)ειν, Ion. for εδεδτιειν, pper. mid. of δαίω. Αέδηγμαι, ~ζαι, -κται, per. pass, of δάκνω. ΑεδήΧωκα, per. act. in 1 pi. Αεδη- λώκαμεν, of δηλόω. Αεδημιονργημαι, -σαι, -ται, per. pass. Αεδημιονργημένος, par. per. pass, of δημιονργέω. Αέδησθε, same as δεδημένοι είητε, 2 pi. per. opt. pass Αεδήσομαι, ppfut. of δέω. Αέδηχα, per. act. of δάκνω. Αεδί/ωμαι, md. and Αεδτβωμένος, par. per. pass, of δρόω. Αέδι' for δέδια, in 1 pi. δεδίαμεν, per. ind. mid. of δείδω. Αεδιδαγμένος, par.' per. pass, of διδάσκω. Αεδιηκόνηκα, per. ind. act. of δια- κονέω. Αεδιί/τηκα for δεδιαίτηκα, per. ind. act. of διάιτάω. Αέδ'ΐθι, and Poet. Αείδιθι, pres. impr. of δέδιμι, same as δείδω. Αεδικαίωμαι, -σαι, -ται, ind. — Δε- δικαιωμένος, par. per. pass, of δικαιόω. ΑέδΥμεν, Αέδίτε, 1 and 2 pi. pres. ind. οι δέδιμι, same as δείδω• or by Sync, for δεδίαμεν, δεδίατε, 1 and 2 pi. per. mid. of δείδω. Αέδιμι, obs. (fr. δίω to fear) same as δείδω. Αεδίττω or -σσω, and Αειδίττω or -σσω, also Αεδίττομαι, &c. f. -ίξω, p. -ιχα, (fr. δείδω to fear) to affright, frighten, terrify, scare ; to fear, dread, apprehend ; to tremble, quake, shudder. Αεδιωγμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass. of διώκω. Αεδιωκί,μαι, -σαι, -ται, for διωκημαι, per. pass, of διοικέω. Αέδμανθ\ Dor. for δέδμηνται, 3 pi. per. pass, of δέμω. Αεδμήατο. Ion. for εδέδμηντο, 3 pi. pper. pass. — Αεδμήμεσθα, Ion. and iEol. for δεδεμήμεθα, 1 pi. per. pass. — Αεδμήσεσθαι for δε- δεμήσεσθαι, ppfut. inf. pass, of δέμω or δμάω, for δαμάω ; or of δέμω, to build,. Αέδμηκα, Αέδμημαι, by Sync, for δεδέμηκα, per. act. and δεδέμημαι, per. pass, of δέμω. Αέδμημαι, by Sync, for δεδέμημαι, (132) ΔΕΕ per. pass. — Αεδμημένος, by Sync, for δεδεμημένος, par. per. pass. — Αεδμήμην, in 3 sin. Αέδμητο, by Sync, and Ion. for εδεδεμήμην $ in 3 sin. εδεδέμητο, pper. pass, of δέμω or δμάω for δαμάω. Αέδογμαι, -ξαι,-κται, per. pass, of δοκέω. Αέδοιγμεν for δεδοίκαμεν — Αεδοίκα- μες, Dor. for same, 1 pi. of δέ- δοικα, by Apos. δέδοικ , per. mid. of δείδω. Αεδοίκω, per. sub. mid. of δείδω, used Poet, for same. Αεδόκημαι, per. pass, and Αεδοκη- μένος, par. per. pass, of δοκέω. Αεδόκηται or δέδοκται, 3 sin. per. pass, of δοκέω. Αεδοκίμασμαι, in 1 pi. Αεδοκιμάσ- μεθα, per. pass. — Αεδοκιμασμέ- νος, par. per. pass, of δοκιμάζω. Αεδοκιμασμένως, (fr. last) as might be expected, according to expecta- tion. Αέδοκται, 3 sin. per. pass, of δο- κέω. Αεδομένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass. — Αέδοται, 3 sin. per. ind. pass, of δίδω μι. Αεδόνάτο, Ion. and Dor. for εδεδό- νητο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of δονέω. Αεδόξασμαι, -σαι, -rat, ind. Δε- δοξασμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of δοξάζω. Αέδορκα, per. mid Αεδοοκως, par. per. mid. of δέρκω. Αέδορκε, 3 sin. per. mid. of δέρκω, used impersonally. It appears, it seems, it is clear or evident. Αέδοται, 3 sin. per. pass, of δίδω- μι. Αεδονλενκα, 1 pi. -Χεύκαμεν, per. act. of δουλεύω. Αεδούλωμαι, -σαι, -ται, ind. — Δε- δονλωμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of δου\όω. Αεδονπως, -via, -ος, par. per. mid. of δουπέω. Αέδρακα, per. act. — Αεδρακως, par. per. act. — Αέδραμαι, per. pass. — Αεδραμένος, par. per. pass, of δράω. Αεδράμηκα, per. act. — Αέδρομα, per. mid. οι τρέχω. Αέδραται, by Metath. for δέδαρται, 3 sin. per. pass, of if ρω. Αέδροκα, by Metath. for δέδορκα, per. act. of δέρκω. Αεδροσωμένος, par. per. pass, of δροσόω. Αέδυκα, per. act. — Αεδνκει, Ion. for εδεδνκει, 3 sin. pper. act. of δννω. Αεδνκω, Poet, for δννω to enter, which see. Αεδύνημαι, per. pass, of δνναμαι. Αεδνστύχηκα, per. act. of δνστυ- χέω. Αέδωκα, -ας, -ε, or -εν, 3 pi. -κασι, per. ind. act. — Αεδώκει, and Αεδώκεισαν, Att. for εδεδώκει, 3 sin. and -κεισαν, 3 pi. pper. ind. act. of δίδωμι. Αεδώρηται, 3 sin. per. pass. — — At- δορημένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of δωρέομαι. Αέε\ος, Poet, for δήλος» ΔΕΙ Al», 3 sin. pres. sub. — Αεησαν, 1 a. par. neut. — Δεήσει, 1 f. ind.— Αεησον, 1 f. par. neut. of δεΤ. &iti, 2 sin. pres. ind. or sub. Αεή- θητι, in 2 pi. Αεήθητε, 1 a. impr. pass. — Αεήσομαι, 1 f. mid. of δέομαι. Αέη, 3 sin. pres. sub. — Δεϊν, pres. inf. of δε?, impers. Αεήσει, -σεις, -σεσι, -σεως, -σιν, cases of Αέησις, -ιος, Att. -εωί,ή, (fr. δέομαι to entreat) deprecation, prayer against evils; or /or good, supplication, entreaty ; wani, need, άεητϊκος, -η, -δν, (fr. same) sup- plicatory, suppliant, entreating; humble, prostrate. ΔεΤ, f. δεήσει, p. δεδέηκε, (impers. fr. δε'ω to bind) there is need, necessity or want, it is needful, it ought, it becomes, it behoves. pres. sub. δέη' inf. δεϊν' par. δέον. impf. εδεΐ". 1 a. εδέησε. Δείγμα, ςατος, το, (fr. δείκνυμι to show) an example, specimen ; a pattern, model ; a copy, draught, plan; a warning, lesson. Αειγματίζω, f. -ϊσω, p. δεδειγμάτι- κα, (fr. last) to make an exam- ple of; to show publicly, expose, make a show of, exhibit. 1 a. act. εδειγμάτισα. Αείδεκτ' or Αείδεκτο, Ion. and Poet, for ε§έδεκτο, 3 sin. pper. pass. — Αείδεχθαι, same for δέδεχθ per. inf. pass. — Αειδέχαται, and Αειδέχατο, same for δεδεγ- μένοι εισϊ, 3 pi. per. pass, and δεδεγμένοι ήσαν, 3 pi. pper. pass of δέχομαι. Αείδημων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. δείδω to fear) fearful, timid, cowardly, dastardly, base, mean. Αείδία, Poet, for δέδια, per. mid. of δείδω. Αειδίζω, (fr. δείδω to fear) same as δεδίττω. Αείδίθι, Αείδίμεν, Poet, for δέδιθι, pres. impr. and δέδψεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. of δέδιμι. Αειδίζεται, 3 sin. 1 f. mid. of δει- δίσσομαι. Αειδιότες, η. pi. mas. of δειδιώς, Poet, for δεδιώς, par. per. mid. of δείδω. Αειδίσκω, or -ομαι, and Αεδίσκο- μαι, (fr. δείδω to fear) to fear, dread, apprehend ; to receive hospitably, entertain; to minis- ter to, yield, afford. Αειδίσσομαι, or -ίττομαι, Poet, for δεδίττω, which see. Αείδοικα, Poet, for δέδοικα, per. mid. of Δείδω, f. δείσω, p. δέδεικα, to fear, dread, apprehend; to tremble, quake, pant; to respect, revere. pres. ind. 1 and 2 pi. δέδιμεν, δέδιτε, and Poet, δείδιμεν, δείδιτε' also pres. impr. δέδιθι, and Poet. δείδιθι, (fr. δέδιμι obs.) impf. ind. ίδιον, (fr. δίω obs.) 1 a. act. ind. έδεισα, and Poet, έδδεισα' inf. δει- σαι. pres. pass. sub. δίωμαι, (fr. ΔΕΙ δίω obs.) ; inf. δεδεΤσθαι, and by Aphrer. δεΊσθαι. (asiffr. δέομαι) 1 f. mid. δείσομαι. 1 a. mid. ind. εδεισάμην sub. δείσωμαι. per. mid. δε'δοικα, and Poet, δείδοικα, instead of δέδοιδα, for sound's sake ; also δέδεια, δέδια, and Poet, δείδια, (fr. δίω obs.) per- inf. δεδιέναι' par. δεδιώς, and Po,et. δειδιώς. pper. mid. εδεδοί- κειν, εδεδίειν, and Poet, εδειδίειν. Δειελιεω-ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. δείλ»; even- ing) to sleep in the afternoon, nap; to dine or sup ; to tarry, stay late. 1 a. par. act. δειελιήσας. Αειελίνος, -η, -bv, Poet, for δειλινοί, (fr. same) afternoon, evening, late. Αείελον, -ου, rb, (fr. same) a col- lation, repast; supper ; evening twilight. Αείελος, -ου, b, r„ (fr. same) in the evening or afternoon, late. Αεικαναέσκω, Poet. impf. Ion. δε κανάεσκον, same as Αεικανάω -ω, to show, point out, sig- nify, express. Αεικανάομαι-ώμαι, to receive, entertain ; to drink to, pledge, impf. act. εδεικάναον -ων pass, εδεικαναόμην -ώμην. Αεικανόωντο, Poet, and Ion. for εδεικανώντο, 3 pi. impf. act. of last. Αείκνυ, by Apoc. for Αείκννσι, 3 sin. pres. or for δείκνυθι, pres. impr. or Ion. for έδεικνν, 3 sin. impf. of δείκννμι• Αεικνύεις, -ει, 2 and 3 sin. pres. ind. — Αεικνύειν, pres. inf. act. — Αεικνυόντος, g. sin. par. pres. act. of δεικνύω. Αεικνύμενος, par. pres. mid. of last, or Ion. for δεχνύμενος, par. pres. of δέ-χννμαι, same as δέχομαι. Αείκνϋμι, or Αεικννω, f. δείξω, p. δέδεικα, (fr. δείκω to show, obs. but its tenses are borrowed by this) to show, exhibit, cause to be seen; to teach, declare, an- nounce; to prove, demonstrate, evince ; to point out, make clear, manifest. Αείκννμαι, to enter- tain, receive hospitably, pres. act. impr. δείκννθι' inf. δεικνυναι' par. ΰεικννς, in pi. δεικνύντες. 1 a. act. ind. έδειξα' impr. δεΐζον sub. δεί£ω• inf. δεϊξαι' par. δείξας, per. pass, δέδειγμαι. 1 a. pass εδείχθην' par. δειχθείς. 1 f. pass δειχθήσομαι. See δείξαις. Αείκτης, -ov, b, (fr. last) one who shows, a declarer, relater. Αεικτίκος, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) de- monstrative, showing, declaring proving. Αείκω, f. -ζω, p. -κα, obs. See δείκνυμι. Δειλ' for δειλά, neut. pi. for δει\ός. Αείλαιος, -a, -ov, (fr. δειλός fear- ful) timid, timorous; miserable Αειλαίνω, f. -ανω, and Αειλαίνομαι, 1 f. mid. δειλανουμαι, (fr.same) to fear, shrink, shrug ; to feel dread, Δείλαν, Dor. for δείλην, (a. sin. of next) viz. κατά, in the evening late. Αείλη, .ης, jj, the cool of the day (133) ΔΕΙ morning or evening ; but gene- rally the afternoon ; twuight f dusk. Αείλης, (g. sin. of last) in the even- ing, late. Αειλία, -ας, η, (fr. δειλός fearful) timidity, cowardice ; servility, meanness. Αειλιάζω, f. -ασω, p. -ακα, same as δειλιάω. Αειλιαίνω, f. -ανω, (fr. δειλός fear- ful) to frighten, terrify, scare. Αειλίασις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, ή, (fr. same) fear, terror, dread, con- sternation. Αειλιάω -ω, f. -ασω, p. δεδειλίακα^ (fr. same) to shrink for fear; to dread, apprehend, pres. impr. δειλίαε -α, δελιαίτω -άτω. 1 a. act. ind. εδειλίασα* par. δεί- λιασα?. Αειλίνον, -ου, το, (neut. of next) a luncheon, collation, repast ; the evening. Δειλινός, -η, -bv, (fr. δείλτ? evening) afternoon, towards evening. Αειλόομαι -οΰμαι, f. -ώσομαι, (fr. next) to be afraid, fear, dread, be terr'ifiedA a. par. pass, δειλω- θεί?. Δειλδί, -η, -bv, (fr. δείδω to fear) shrinking for fear ; timorous, cowardly ; poor, wretched, un- happy ; feeble ; wicked, vicious ; subs, a coward, comp. δειλότε- ρο?, sup. -ότατος. ΑεΊμα, -ατός, το, and Δει/ιδ?, -ου, b, (fr. same) fear, terror, appre- hension ; an object of fear. Αειμαίνω, f. -ανω, p. -γκα, (fr. last) to fear, dread. Αειμάλεος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) timorous, cowardly, fearful ; frightful, dreadful, terrible. Αείμας, 1 a. par. act. — Αείμε or Αείμεν, Ion. for έδειμε, 1 a. ind. act. — Αείμασθαι, 1 a. mid. inf. — Αειμάμενος, par. οϊδέμω. Αειματόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. δεϊμα fear) to terrify, frighten, affright. impf. εδειμάτοον -ουν, -οες -ους, -οε -ου. Αείμομεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. of δείμω, Poet, for δέμω. Αειμος, -ου, b, same as δεΊμα. Also, JDeimus, a man's name. Αείν, pres. inf. of δει. ΑεΖνα, b, '/, το, g. δεΊνος, and δείνα- τος, d. δεΊνι, a. δείνα, alsoindecl. a certain person or thing, one, ■ such a one. Αεινά, (neut. pi. of δεινό? terrible) same as δεινώς. Αεινάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. same) to take ill, dislike ; to be angry ; to scorn ; to fret, chafe. Αεινοθέτας, Dor. for Αεινοθέτης, -ου, b, (fr. same, and τίθημι to lay on) severe, unjust, unreasonable ; violent, cruel, ma- levolent. Αεινοΐο, g. and ΑεινοΧσι, d. pi. Ion of δεινός. Αεινολογέομαι -ουμαι, f. -ήσοματ, (fr. δεινός severe, and λέγω to speak) to complain bitterly, la- ment grievously, bewail severely ΔΕΙ Δεινολογίοι, -ας, %, (fr. same) vehe- mence ; expressiveness ; amplifi- cation^ exaggeration. Δεινοπάθεια, -ας, ή, (fr. δεινός se• vere, and πάθος feeling) severe complaint, bitter lamentation ; mourning, sorrow. Δεινοπαθέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same) to feel deeply, be severely af- flicted; to take ill, be indignant or angry. Δεινοπάθής, -έος, -ους, b, >/, (fr. same) severely afflicted, op- pressed, injured; depressed, de- jected; angry, indignant. Δεινοποιέω -ω, (fr. same, and ποιέω to make) to make large, bad, or severe ; to increase, heap together ; to amplify, set off; to aggravate, heighten. Δεινόπονς, -οδός, b, {), (fr. same and πους the foot) swift, speedy, fleet; sudden, unexpected; hor- rible, terrible, frightful ; un- lucky, unfortunate. Δεινός, -η, -bv, awful, dreadful, terrible ; grievous, severe, hard ; extraordinary, wonderful, as- tonishing ; vehement, violent ; stern, grave ; reverend, respect- ed, honourable, venerable; skil- ful, knowing, intelligent. Δεινότης, -ντος, η, (fr. last) vio- lence, vehemence ; power, ability, skill; impressiveness, eloquence; seventy, sternness ; gravity, con- sequence, dignity, respect; hei- nousness, atrocity, wickedness. Δεινόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. same) to make terrible; to aggrandize, exaggerate, amplify. Also, (fr. δίνη a whirlpool) to roll, whirl; to gather into a circle or ball. Δεινψ, d. sin. Αεινώ, η. du. of δεινός. Δεινωπος, -ου, and Δεινώψ, -ώπος, b, fj, (fr. same, and ώψίηβ face) stern-visaged, severe, awfid, ter- rible. Δεινως, also Δείνα, and Δεινον, (fr. same) very, extremely; ve- hemently, violently, grievously; dreadfully, fearfully, awfully. Δείνωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) gravity, weight, authori- ty ; sternness, severity; height- ening, exaggeration, aggrava- tion; amplification, enlarging. Δείξαις, 2 sin. 1 a. opt. act. — Αεΐξαι, 1 a. inf. — Δείξας, 1 a. par. — ΔεΊξε or Αεΐξεν, Ion. for έδειξε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Αείζον, -άτω, 1 a. impr. — Δείξω, -ys,-n, } a. sub. — Δείξω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of δε(κννμι. Δε'ιξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. δείκνν- μι to show) a show, display ; os- tentation ; a showing, proof, ar- gument ; a kind of dance. Δεΐος, -εος -ους, το, Poet, for δίος. Δειπνεΰντες, Ion. iEol. and Dor. for δειπνουντες, η. ph cont. pres. par. of Δειπνέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. δεδείπνηκα, (fr. δείπνον supper) to sup, eat supper or dinner ; to eat, feast. 1 a. act. ind. εδείπνησα' inf. δειπνησαι' par. δειπνήσας. ΔΕΚ Αεικνητΐκο'ς, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) of or about supper ; tasteful in lay- ing out entertainments, sump- tuous, delicate. ΑεΙπνητος, and Δειπνηστος, -ov, b (fr. same) supper-time. Δειπνίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. same) to sup, give supper, entertain. Δειπνολόχης, g. sin. fern, of next. Δειπνολόχος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and 'λόχος ambush) a parasite, dinner hunter. Αεΐπνον, -ov, το, originally break- fast, but latterly supper ; a meal ; food, meat, victuals. Αειπνοποιέομαι -ονμαι, f. -ήσομαι, (fr. last, and ποιέω to make) to prepare supper; set out an en- tertainment; to make or take a meal, sup. Δειπνοϋντα, a. sin. cont. par. pres. of δειπνέω. Αείπννμι, same as δειπνέω. Δείρας, in η. pi. Δείραντες, par. 1 a. act. — Δείρειν, Ion. for δέρειν, pres. inf. of δέρω. Αειοάς, -αδος, ή, (fr. δειρη for δερή the neck) the top or ridge of a mountain, summit, cliff, Δειρή, -ης, η, for δερή. Also, a city of Ethiopia. Αειριάω-ω, a Laconian word, (fr. δέρω to excoriate) to revile, abuse, vilify, insult, reproach. Αειρος, -ου, b, (fr. δειρη for δερη the neck) a hill, ridge. Αειροτομέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. same, and τέμνω to cut) to cut off the head, behead; cut the throat. Δείσα, or Δεΐσσα, -ης, and Δεισα- λία, -ας, ι), moisture, humour, excrement, ordure, stink, stench; aswamp i marsh. Αε'ισαντε, η. du. of δείσας, par. 1 a. act. «— Δεϊσε, Ion. for έδεισε, 3 sin. 1 a. act. of δείδω. ΑεΊσθαι, pres. inf. mid. cont. of δέομαι, or same of δείδω, by Apha^r. for δέδεισθαι. Δεισιδαίμων, -όνος, b, fi, (fr. δείδω to fear, and δαίμων a deity) su- perstitious, erroneous in religious veneration; fearful of imagi- nary objects ; religious, devout. comp. δεισιδαιμονέστερος, sup. -έστατος. Αεισιδαιμωνία, -ας, η, (fr. same) superstition, false religion, mis- placed awe or reverence; wor- ship, religion. Δειχθέντα, a. sin. par. 1 a. pass, of δείκνυμι, or -κω. Αέκα, indecl. (perhaps fr. δέχομαι to comprehend) ten. ΑεκαβοΊον, -ov, το, (fr. same, and βους an ox) a coin, piece of money, originally and properly worth ten oxen ; a sacrifice, properly often head of cattle. Αεκαγονία, -ας, f>, (fr. same, and γονή generation) a descent of ten, the tenth degree. Δεκάδα, a. of δεκάς. Δεκαδάρχης, -ov, b, (fr. δέκα ten, and αρχή command) an officer over ten ; a corporal. (134) ΔΕΚ ΑεκαδαρχΙα, -ας, ή, (fr. same) a company of ten. Αεκαδνω, also δνωκαίδεκα, and δώ- δεκα, (fr. δέκα ten, and δύω, Att. for δύο two) twelve. Αεκάδ*ρος, -ov, Ό, η, (fr. same, and δώρον a palm) of twelve palms, twelve palms long, broad, &c. Δεκαεξ, indecl. (fr. same, and εξ six) sixteen. Δεκαεπτά, indecl. (fr. same, and επτά seven) seventeen. Δεκαετής, -έος, -οϋς, b, η, (fr. same, and έτος a year) of ten years, ten years old. Δεκαετία, -ας, η, (fr. same) the length or space of ten years. Δεκάζω, f. -άσω, p. -ακα, (fr. δέκα ten) to give or pay the tenth; to decimate ; to bribe, corrupt, seduce. Δεκάκις, (fr. same) ten times. Δεκακνμία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and κύμα a wave) a tenth wave, huge wave, billow. Δεκάλογος, -ov, b, (fr. same, and λόγος speech) the decalogue, the ten commandments, the two ta- bles of the commandments. Δεκάμηνος, -ov, b, ή, and Δεκαμη- ναΐος, -a, -ov, (fr. same, and μήν a month) of ten months, ten months old. Δεκαναΐα, -ας, r), (fr. same, and νάυς a ship) a fleet of ten ships; a squadron. Δεκανάομαι -ώμαι, same as δεικα- νάομαι. Δεκαοκτώ, indecl. (fr. δέκα ten, and :τώ eight) eighteen. Δεκαπέντε, indecl. (fr. same, and πέντε, five) fifteen. Δεκάπηχνς, -εος, b, ή, (fr. same, and πήχνς a cubit) often cubits, ten cubits long. Δεκαπλασιάζω, i. -άσω, p. -ακα, (fr. δεκαπλους tenfold) to repeat ten times, do any thing ten times over, multiply by ten. Δεκαπλάσιος, -ov, b, ?), and Δεκαπ- λασίων, -όνος, b, ή, (fr. same) tenfold. Δεκάπλεθρος, -ov, b, fi, (fr. δέκα ten, and πλέθρον an acre) often acres. Δεκαπλους, -οΰ, b, f), (fr. same, and -πλόος a termination answering to the English fold) tenfold. Δεκάπολις, -εως, t), (fr. same, and πόλις a town) JDecapolis, a dis- trict of Judea. Δεκάρχης, and Δεκαρχία, same as δεκαδάρχης, and δεκαδαρχία. Δεκαρχικος, -ή, -bv, (fr. last) of, or about a company, or officer of ten. Δεκάς, -άδος, ή, (fr. δέκα ten) the number ten ; a decade ; a com- pany of ten. Δεκασμος, -ου, b, (fr. δεκάζω to de- cimate) a decimation, tithing, payment of the tenth; bribery, corruption, seduction. Δέκαται, -ων, al, pi. of δεκάτη. Δεκατάλαντος, -ov, b, f>, (fr. same, and τάλαντον a talent) of ten talents weight, or worth ten ία- lents. ΔΕΛ Δεκατέσσαρες, -ων, ol, ai, (fr. same, and τέσσαρες four) fourteen. Δεκατεντής, -ου, b, (fr. δέκατος tenth) a tithe-gatherer. Δεκατεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same) to exact the tenth, demand tithes; to pay tithes. Δεκάτη, -ης, η, (fem. of next) viz. μοΐρα, the tenth part, tithe. Δέκατος, -η, -ov, (fr. δέκα ten) the tenth. Λεκατόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, (fr. last) to tithe, take or demand tithes. Δεκατόομαι -ουμαι, to be tithed, pay tithes. Δεκατρείς, -τριών, ol, ai, -τρία, τά, (fr. δέκα ten, and τρεις three) thirteen. Δεκάχαλκον, -ου, το, (fr. same, and χαλκός brass) a coin worth ten asses, called in Greek χάλ κοί. equivalent to the Roman denarius; Id. %. ΔεκάχΊλοι, Poet, for -χίλιοι, -ων, oi, ai, (fr. same, and χίλιοι a thousand) ten thousand. Δεκάχορδος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and χορδή gut) of ten strings, ten-stringed. Δεκελέη, -ης, Ion. for Δεκελία, or -λεία, -ας, η, a city of Greece near Euboea ; also a village of the tribe of Hippothoon in Atti- ca. Δέκευ, Dor. for δέκου, pres. impr. — Δεκόμεθα, 1 pi. pres. of Δέκομαι, Ion. for δέχομαι Δεκτίκδς, -η, -bv, (fr. δέχομαι to contain) holding, containing ; capacious, large, big, wide. Δέκτο, by Sync, and Ion. for εδέδεκτο, 3 sin. of εδεδέγμην, pper. of δέχομαι. Δεκτός, -ή, -bv, (fr. δέχομαι to re- ceive) accepted, acceptable, a- greeable. Δελεαζόμενος, par. pres. pass. — Δελεάζοντες, η. pi. par. pres. act. — Δελεάζουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Δελεάζω, f. -άσω, p. δεδελέακα, (fr. next) to take vdth a bait, catch ; to entice, allure, ensnare. 1 a. εδελέασα. Δέλεαρ, -ατός, τδ, a bait, decoy; allurement. Δελεάρτταξ, -άγος, b, η, (fr. last, and αρπαξ ravenous) easily caught ; greedy, rapacious. Δελέασμα, -ατός, το, and Δελεασ- μbς, -οι), b, (fr. same) allurement, enticement, temptation ; a charm, attraction. Δέλετρον, -ov, τδ, a lantern; a light, flambeau, link. Δελλίδες, or Δελλίθες, -ων, ai, a wasp's comb. Δέλτα, indecl. the fourth Greek letter; a part of Egypt; the female privities. Δέλτος, -ov, η, (because often in the shape of Δ) writing tables, or tablets; a sheet, book, letter, will or testament; a packet, par- cel. Δέλφαξ, -ακος, b, ή, a young pig; a sow, properly. ΔΕΗ Δίλφιν, and ΔελφΊς, -7νος, b, a dolphin ; a heavy iron mass. Δελφbς, -ου, b, a native of Delphi. Δελφυς, and JKo\. Έελφυς, -ύος, η, the womb. Δέλω, f. -λώ, to bait, lay bait, catch, take. Δέμας, το, indecl. (perhaps fr. δέμω to frame, or δέμα a bond) a body, properly alive ; person, figure, shape. Δέμας, viz. κατά, as, like, like as, such as. Δέμειν, pres. inf. act. of δέμω. Δέμνιον, -ου, το, (perhaps fr. δέμας the body, and νεύω to incline) a bed, nest ; a couch, seat. Δέμω, f. -μώ, p. δεδέμηκα, and δέδμηκα, to build, erect, frame, construct ; to found, establish. 1 a. act. ind. έδει μα' par. δεί- μας. 1 a. mid. εδειμάμην. per. mid. δέδομα. Δέμω, or Δάμνω, f. -//ω, per. δέδ- μηκα, by Sync, for δεδέμηκα. obs. see δαμάω. Δενδαλίδες, -ων, ai, (fr. τένδω to eat) cakes, confectionary ; bread, loaves. Δενδίλλω, f. -Υλώ, (fr. δινέω to move, and ίλλος the eye) to move the eyes quickly; to glance; to twinkle, wink; to observe, look round about ; to aim ; to warn, or hint by glances, or gestures; also ίο bind, constrain, confine, restrain. Δένδρεον, -ov, το, Poet, for δένδρον. Δενδρήεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. δένδρον a tree) woody, wooded, covered with trees. Δένδρων, -ov, τδ, (dim. of same) a small tree, shrub, bush. Δένδρον, -ov, and Δένδρος, -εος -ους, το, a tree; the stock, or trunk; timber. Δενδρώδης, -εος -ους, b, >/, (fr. last) like a tree, branchy, spreading; woody. Δεννάζω, f. -άσω, p. -ακα, (fr. next) to revile, rail at, reproach ; to taunt, provoke, affront. Δέννος, -ov, b, a reproach ; scurrili- ty, railing, abuse. Δέξαι, 1 a. impr. mid. of δέχομαι. Or Ion. for δεΐξαι, 1 a. inf. act. of δείκννμι. Δεξαμενή, -ης, >/, (fr. next) a recep- tacle generally for water ; a cis- tern, reservoir, trough; a lake, pool. Δεξάμενος, par. — Δέξασθαι, inf. 1 a. mid. — Δέξασθε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. mid. — Δέξατο, Ion. for εδέξατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of δέχομαι. Δέξηται, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. mid. of same. Δεξιά, -ας, η, (fem. of δεξώς right- handed) and Poet, δεξιτερά, viz. χειρ, the right hand; a pledge of honour, faith, fidelity ; a bargain, agreement, covenant, promise. Δεξιόγνιος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and γνΧον a limb) active, nimble, agile, alert. Δεξιόλάβος, -ου, b, (fr. δεξιά the (135) ΔΕΡ right hand, and λαμβάνω to take) a soldier, spearman, lifeguard. Δεξιόομαι -ουμαι, f. -ώσομαι, p. -ω- μαι, (fr. same) to give the right hand, join, shake hands ; to wel- come, receive kindly, entertain ; to bid farewell, take leave; to canvass, solicit. Δεξιός, -ά,-ον, (fr. δέχομαι to take) right-handed, right, on the right side, not left; favourable, aus- picious, propitious, kind; pros- perous, lucky ; dexterous, inge- nuous, handy; polite, well-bred. comp. δεξιώτερος, sup. -ώτατος. Δεξιότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) dex- terity, ingenuity, cleverness, han diness. Δεξιόωντο, Ion. and Poet, for εδε- ξιουντο, 3 pi. impf. cont. of δε• ξιόομαι. Δεξιτερά., -άς, Poet, and Δεξιτερη, -*is, η, Ion. (fem. of next) vw χειρ, for δεξιά. Δεξιτερυς, -ά, -bv, Poet, for δεξιός. Δεξίωμα, -ατός, τδ, (fr. same) α present, gift, boon; a welcome, reception. Δεξιώς, (fr. same) favourably, aus- piciously, prosperously ; ingeni- ously, dexterously, cleverly. Δεξίωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η", (fr. same) a taking by the right hand, shaking hands; welcome, con- gratulation ; a pledging health. Δεξιώτερον,ΆΏά Δεξιώτατα,{ίτ. next) to the right, on the right hand, or side ; favourably, convenient- ly, aptly. Δεξιώτερος, -a, -ov comp. : -ώτα- τος, -η, -ov sup. of δεξιός. Δέξομαι, 1 f. mid Δέξωμαι, 1 a. sub. mid. of δέχομαι. Δέξωνται, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. mid. of same. Δέομαι, f. δεήσομαι, p. δεδέημαι, as if fr. δεέομαι, (mid. of δέω to want) to want, need, require; to beg, pray, beseech, entreat, supplicate, implore, par. pres. δεόμενος. impf. ind. εδεόμην. 1 a. pass. ind. εδεήθην impr. δεήθητι? in 2 pi. δεήθητε. Δέον, Ion. for έδεον, impf. of δέω. Δέον,-οντος, τδ, (neut. of δέων par. pres. of δέω to require) it being necessary, fit, right, or proper. Subs, fitness, aptness, conveni- ence ; propriety, decency, deco- rum ; justness, rectitude, correct- ness. Also, deficiency, failure, want; necessity. pi. δέοντα * -ων, τά. Δεόντως, (fr. last) fitly, aptly, con- veniently ; properly. Δέος, and Poet. ΔεΊος, -εος -ονς, τδ* (fr. δείδω to fear) terror, alarm, dread, fear, apprehension. Δεττάεσσι, Ion. for δίτ'Λσι, d. pi. oi δέπας. Δεπάζω, f. -άσω, p. -ακα, (fr. next) to drink, sit drinking. Δίττας, -ατός, and -αος, τδ, (perha r fr. δένω to moisten, and τόσι.', drink) a cup, goblety glass, drink ing vessel. Δέρα, -ας, η~, Dor. for δέρη. ΔΕΣ Λίρας, -ατος,^, properly, a tanned hide, leather ; a skin, fleece. Αερβαΐος, -ου, b, a native of Αέρβη, -ης, η, Derbe, the name of a city. Αέργμα, -ατός, rb, (fr. δέρκω to look) an aspect, look, appear- ance; a sight, view, prospect. Αίρεις, 2 sin. pres. ind. act. — Δ£- ρων, -ούσα, -ov, η. pi. -οντες, par. pres. act. of δέρω. Αέρη, and Αειρη, -ης, ή, the neck, shoulders ; a ridge, peak, or summit of a mountain. Αέρθρον, -ου, το, (perhaps fr. δέρω to flay) the beak, or bill of a bird. Αερκέσκω, same as δέρκω, also Αερκιάομαι -ώμαι, 3 pi. pres. cont. δερκίωνται, and Poet, δερκιόων- ται, see δέρκω. Αερκομενάων, JEloI. for δερκομενών g. pi. — Αερκομένοιο, Ion. for δε• κομένου, g. sin. par. pres. mid. of Δέρκω, f. -ζω, p. -χα, and Αέρκομαι, to see, look, behold ; to dart, glance. 2 a. act. ind. έδαρκον, by Metafh. έδρακον inf. δαρκεΐν, and δρακεΊν. 2 f. δαρκω, and δρακω. per. mid. δέδορκα, and δέδροκα. per. pass, δέδεργυ,αι. 1 a. pass. ind. εδέρ^Βην^τ. δερχθείς, Αέγ/α, -ατός, το, (fr. δέρω to flay) a hide, skin. Αερματΐνος, -ή, -bv, (fr. last) of a hide, made of leather, leathern. Δερμύλλω, f. -ϋλώ, (fr. same) to flay, skin ; to strip, uncover, ex- pose. Αέρος, -εος -ους, το, Ion. for δέρας. Αέρ'ρις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, η, (fr. same) a skin or hide with the hair on, fur ; hair cloth. Αέρτρον, -ου, rb, (fr. same) amem- brane, thin skin ; the caul of the boweh. Also, same as δέρθρον, a beak, bill. Αερχθεϊς, par. of εδέρχθην, 1 a. pass, of δέρκω. Αέρω, f. δερώ, p. δέδερκα, (fr. δέρας a hide) to flay, take off" the skin; to peel, strip; to excoriate; to whip, scourge, flog. 1 a. act. έδειρα. 2 a. act. έδαρον. 2 f. δαρω. per. pass, δέδαρμαι, by Metath. δέδραμαι. 2 a. pass. εδαρην. 2 f. pass, δαρήσομαι. Αίσιος, -ου, b, the month June, by the Macedonians. Αέσις, -ως, Att. -εως, η, (fr. δέω to bind) a binding, tying, fasten- ing ; a knot; a joint, joining. Αέσμα, -ατής, rb, and Αεσυύς, -ου, b, (fr. same) a chain, bond, band ; imprisonment, confinement ; a string, ligament ; a fillet, tur- ban; a halter, collar, rope; a nailj fastening. ΑεσμοΊ, o\, and Αεσμα, τα, fetters. Δεσμεύω, f. -εύσω, ρΓ-ευκα, (fr. last) to chain, fetter, confine; to bind, tie ; to collect, wrap, tie up. 1 a. εδέσμευσα, Αεσμεύων, par. — Αεσμεύουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of last. Αεσμέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. δεδέσμηκα, (fr. δεσμά a chain) same as δεσ- ΔΕΤ μένω. impf. ind. pass, εδεσμεό- μην -ούμην, -ίου -ου, -έετο -εϊτο. Αεσμη, -ης, η, (fr. same) a bundle, parcel, packet. Αέσμίος, -ου, b,fj, (fr. same) bound, fettered, confined ; a prisoner. Aεσμbς, -ου, b, and δεσμον, -ου, το, see δέσμα. ΑεσμοφύΧαξ, -ακος, b, (fr. δέσμιος a prisoner, and φυλάσσω to guard) a jailor, d. sin. δεσμοφύλακι. Αεσμόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, (fr. δεσμός a chain) to impnson, con- fine ; to bind, tie, chain, fasten. per. pass, δεδέσμωμαι. Αεσμωτήριον, -ου, το, (fr. same) α prison, jail. Αεσμώτης, -ου, b, and Αεσμώτις, -Ί,δος, η, (fr. same) a prisoner, captive. Adj. captive, confined. Αεσπόζω, f. -ώσω, (fr. δέω to tie, and πους the foot) to govern, rule ; to domineer, tyrannize, lord it, usurp. Αέσποινα, -ας, »/, (fr. last) a mis- tress, lady, queen. Αεσποσυνη, -ης, t), (fem. of next) a young lady ; the master's daughter; dominion, rule, power, sway. Αεσπόσυνος, -η, -ov, (fr. δεσπόζω to rule) of a master or mistress, the master's; lordly, imperious. Subs, the young lord, the mas- ter's son. Αεσποτεία, -ας, η, (fr. next) despo- tism, tyranny; dominion, rule, power, empire, government. Αεσπότης, -ου, b, (fr. δεσπόζω to rule) a lord, master ; an owner, proprietor ; a ruler, sovereign ; a despot. Κώμου δεσπότης, the lord of the feast, to whom or in whose honour it was given. Αεσποτΐκος, -η, -bv, (fr. last) of a lord, master, or ruler ; power- ful, despotic; lordly, imperious, haughty, proud. Αεσποτικώς, (fr. last) like a lord or master; despotically. Αεσπότις, -ιδος, η, same as δέσποινα. Αέτα, -ας, a, Dor. for Αέτη, -ης, η, (fem. of next) apipe, flageolet, Pan's reed; a bundle of torches ; a torch, light. Αετός, -η, -bv, (fr. δέω to tie) bound, tied; wrapped, tied up. Αεύε, Ion. for έδευε, 3 sin. impf. ind. of δεύω. Αευέσθην, Ion. for εδενέσθην, 3 du. impf. of δεύομαι. Αευέσκω, Poet, for δεύω, impf. εδεύεσκον, Ion. δεύεσκον. Αευήσομαι, 1 f. mid. of δεύομαι, iEol. for δέομαι. Αευκαλέων, -όνος or Δευκαλίων, -ωνος, Deucalion, a man's name. Αευκος, -εος -ους, το, an jEolian word ; sweetness ; new or un- fermented wine ; must, wort. Αευοίάτο, Ion. for δεύοιντο, pres. opt. mid. — Αευόμενος, par. pres. mid. of Αεύομαι, f. δευήσομαι, Poet, and iEol. for δέομαι. Αεύομαι, f. -σομαι. par. pres. δευό• μένος, see δεύω. (136) ΔΕΤ Αεύοντο, Ion. for εδεύοντο, 3 pi• impf. ind. mid. of last. Αεΰρ\ Att. δενρϊ, also δευρω, for Αευρο, here, hither, come here; till now, heretofore, hitherto. Αεύση, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of δεύω. Αευσοποιος, -ου, b, (fr. δεύω to dye, and ποιέω to make) a dyer, stain- er ; Adj. well dyed, deeply tinged, indelible. Αεύτατος, -η, -ov, (sup. fr. δεύτερος second) last, latest, hindermost, farthermost, utmost. Αευτε, and before an aspirate Αευθ% here, hither, come, come here. Αεύτερα, (neut. pi. of δεύτερος se- cond) for δευτέρως. ΑευτεραΊος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) on the second day, the day after, Αεντερεΐα, -ων, τα, (fr. same) α second part, place, rank or prize ; an inferior state. Αευτερεύω, (fr. same) to be second, next or inferior; to follow, suc- l, come next in order. Αευτερόγονος, -ου, b, {j, (fr. same, and γόνος produce) second born; of a second growth. Αευτεροδεκάτη, -ης, η, (fr. same, and δέκατη tithe) the second tithing or tenth of the tithes re- ceived by the Levites, to be offered for the use of the priests. Numb, xviii. 26. Αευτερολογέω -5,(fr.same,andXfyu> to speak) to repeat,say over again; to speak next or secondly. Αευτορολογ'ια, -ας, η, (fr. same) a repetition, rehearsal; a speaking or pleading secondly or after the first. Αεύτερον, (neut. of same) see δευ- τίρως, Αευτερονόμιον, -ου, rb, (fr. same, and νόμος the law) a repetition or recapitulation of the law, Deu- teronomy . Αευτερόνομος, -μ, b, (fr. same) a second, next or succeeding law ; a secondary or explanatory law. Αευτερόπρωτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πρώτος first) the first sab- bath after the second day of un- leavened bread, called the second prime. Αεύτερος, -a, -ov, (anirr. comp. fr. δύο two. Or rather fr. δεύω to fall short) second, next, latter ; following, succeeding ; one of two, the other. Αευτερόω -δ, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to repeat, reiterate, duplicate ; to make or do over again. Αευτέρωμα, -ατος,^, (fr. last) ite- ration, repetition, rehearsal; mak- ing, doing or saying, over again. Αευτέρως, Αεύτερον and Αεύτερα, (fr. δεύτερος second) secondly, in the second place. Αευτέρωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. δευτερόω to repeat) a repetition, rehearsal'; the second place, or- der or rank. Δεύω, f. δεύσω, p. δέδευκα, to wet, water, moisten, bedew, spnnkle ; to tinge, dye, colour; to soak, soften; Also, for δέω, to want, ΔΗΘ fail, be deficient ; to lack, be without. Αέφω, f. -ψω,ρ. -φα, to rub, chafe; to excoriate, skin, flay ; to soften. see δεψέω. Αίχαται, lor., for δεδέχαται, which Αέχεται, 3 sin. -χονται, 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. — Αέχεσθε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. raid, of δέ χομαι. Αεχηλεύω, f. -εύσω, more properly διχηλέω, which see. Αέχθαι, Ion. for δίδεχθαι, per. inf. pass. — Αεχθεις, 1 a. par. pass. — Αέχμενος by Sync, for δεχό- μενος, par. pres. mid. of δέχο- μαι. Αέχννμαι, same as Αέχομαι, f. δίξομαι, p. δέδεγμαι, to take, receive, accept; to hold, contain; to receive, meet, sustain an attack ; to take upon, under- take; to approve of, credit, be lieve, embrace; to hear, perceive, apprehend, comprehend ; to suffer, admit of, permit, allow, bear with ; to entertain, treat, harbour, shel- ter ; to welcome, salute ; to pledge, drink to ; to expect, look for, await. 1 a. mid. ind. εδεξά- μην' impr. δέξαι• sub. δέξωμαι, in pi. δεξώμεθα, -ησθε, -ωνται' inf. δίξασθαι' par. δεζάμενος. 1 a. pass. ind. εδέχθην par. δεχθείς, per. mid. δέδοκα. Αεχόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. — Αέχωνται, 3 pi. pres. sub. mid. of last. Δίψα, -ας, fj, (fr. δέφω to flay) a skin, fur. Δεψεω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same) to dress or curry leather ; to knead, work, rub ; to soften, make ten- der. 1 a. act. ind. έδεψα' par. δίψα?. Δί'ω, f. δήσω, p. δέδεκα,ίο bind, tie. fasten, knot; to wrap, tie up; to gird, hoop ; to chain, fetter, confine ; to oblige, compel, force, make necessary. 1 a. act. ind. έδησα' impr. δήσον, -άτω, in 2 pi. δήσατε' sub. δήσω' par. δήσας. per. pass, δέδεμαι• inf. δέδεσθαι par. δεδεμένος. 1 f. pass, ind ίδέθην' inf. δεθηναι. 1 f. pass δεϋήσομαι. Δεω, to want, need, require ; to lack, be wanting, fall short, see δέομαι and <5ε?. Αη, now, already; truly, indeed, in truth, by all means ; then therefore, for ; however, in fine in short ; forsooth, very well , why ? wherefore ? Aji, cont. for δέη, pres. sub. of δεΊ. Αηάλωτος, (frr δαϊς a fight, and άλίσκω to take) see δηϊάλωτος. Αήγμα, -ατός, rb, and Αηγμός, -ου, b, (fr. δήκω to bite) a bite; a gripe, grasp ; a sli?ig. Αηγόω -ω, f. -ώσω, to Jill. Αήετε, 2 pi. pres. ind. of δηω. Δ>70' for Αηθα, same as δήν, which see. - Αηθάγορος,-ου,ο, η, (fr. ^Oalong, and αγορεύω to speak) verbose, prolix, tedious, long-winded. ΔΗΛ Αηθάκις, (fr. same) often, fre- quently, ofttimes. Αήθεν, (fr. δη truly) to wit, that is, that is to say, videlicet. Αηθΰνω, (fr. δηθά long) to stop, stay, tarry, wait, delay, linger ; to hinder, detain. par. pres. δηθύνων, in a. sin. δηθύνοντα. Αηϊάλωτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. δαΐς a fight, and άλίσκω to take) taken in. war, captured, captive Αηϊάω, Αηϊόω, and Αηΐζω, (fr. δα'ιω to burn) to burn up, consume; to waste, lay waste, destroy, ra- vage ; to cut, rend, tear or break up ; to kill, slay. Αηϊκόων, -ωντος, b, Ocicodn, man's name, a. Αηϊκόωντα. Αήϊος, -a, -ov or -ου, δ, η, Ion. for Αάϊος, -a, -ov, (fr. δα'ιω to waste) hostile*, furious, fiery, fierce raging, burning, wasting. Subs. an enemy, foe. Αηϊοτής, -ητος, η, (fr. last) a fight, battle ; war, hostility. Αηϊόω, by Sync, δηόω, which see, lso δη'ίάω. Αηΐπυλος and Αη'ιιτνρος, -ου, b, Detpylus and Deipyrus, the names of men. Αηί'ων, g. pi. of δ//ϊος. Αήκοκτος, -η, -ov, (fr. Lat. decoc- tus) boiled, warm, hot. Αηκτήριος, -ου, δ, >), and Αηκτ'ίκος, -η, -όν, (fr. δήκω to bite) biting, stinging, cutting, sharp ; taunt- ing, envious, spiteful, malicious, backbiting. Αηκτης, -οΰ, δ, (fr. same) a back- biter, calumniator, slanderer. Αηκτος, -η, -δν, (fr. δήκω to bite) bitten; biting, taunting. Αήκω, f. -ξω, p. δέδηχα, obs. see δάκνω, which borrows from it. Αήκωσις or Αήκοσις, a corruption of δόκωσις. Αηλαδή, (perhaps fr. δήλος clear, and δή truly) clearly, certainly, undoubtedly, no doubt. Αηλεύμενος, Dor. for δηλούμενος, par. pres. pass. cont. of Αηλέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. δεδήληκ (perhaps fr. δήϊος hostile, and λάω to look. Or, δ αλός a fire- brand) to destroy, waste, lay waste; to injure, hurt, offend; to corrupt, violate, debauch ; to trick, deceive, beguile. Αηλή, -ής η, wish, will, desire, in- clination. Αήλημα, -ατός, rb, (fr. δΐ]λέω to destroy) injury, hurt, harm, de- struction ; mischief, offence. Αηλήμων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. same) hurtful, pernicious, destructive; a destroyer, ravager. Αΐιλησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) the infliction of hurt, in- jury ; destruction, ruin. Αηλητήρ, -ήρος, δ, (fr. same) a de- svroyer, fiend; deleterious, hurt- ful, destructive. Αηλητήριον, -ον,το, (neut. of next) poison, venom. Αηλητήριος, -a, -ov, (fr. δηλέω to destroy) deleterious, destructive ; poisonous, mortal, deadly. Π37) ΔΗΜ Αήλια, -ων, τα, (fr. the island of Αήλος) a festival of Apollo. Αήλιον, -ov, το, a city of Bceotia. Αήλιος, -a, -ov, (fr. Αήλος) De~ lian, of Dclos, an epithet of Apollo. ΑηλοΊ, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. — Αηλονντες, η. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of δηλόω. Αΐ)λομαι, (fr. δηλή the will) same as θέλω or εΟέλω. Αιιλονότι, (fr. δήλος clear, and 'ότι that) to wit, that is to say ; cer tainly, surely ; wholly, entirely altogether ; truly, indeed. Αήλος, -η, -ov, (perhaps fr. δήω Ιο find) visible, plain, manifest, clear, evident, apparent ; per- spicuous, notorious, well known ; certain, sure, undoubted ; trans- parent, pellucid ; shining, bright. Αήλυς, -ov, //, (fr. last) Delos, a celebrated island. Δτ?λόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, (fr. same) to manifest, make appear, show, exhibit ; to declare, signify, express, make known ; to reveal, discover, impf. εδΐ/λοον -ovv, -οες -ονς, -οε -ov. 1 a. ind. pass. εδηλώθην. Αήλωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) a sign, token, mark, symptom. Αήλως, '(fr. same) visibly, clearly ; manifestly, plainly. Αηλώσας, par. 1 a. act. — Ανλώσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of δηλόω. Αήλωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. <5?5λοί plain) a manifestation, de- claration, revelation, discovery ; brightness, brilliancy, transpa- rency. In the LXX. it is used for the Urim and Thummim. Αημαγωγέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. δήμος the people, and άγω to lead) to lead or mislead the people; to pursue or catch popular ap- plause ; to speak to or harangue the people, make a public ora- tion ; to allure, seduce; to in- fluence, affect ; to gain friends, procure favour ; to oblige, en- dear. Αημαγωγία, -ας, η, (fr. same) po- pularity, power over the people, public influence or authority ; the administration of the state; a public assembly ; a speech made there, harangue, oration. Αημαγωγος, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a de- magogue, popular leader, pa- triot ; a ringleader of the mob. Adj. popular ; factious. Αημαρχία, -ας, η, (fr. δήμος the people, and αρχή rule) the tri- bunate or tribuneship of the com mons. Αημαρχός, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a tri- bune of the commons. Αημας, -a, b, Demos, a man's name. . Λήμευσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f), (fr. next) a publication, confiscation, sequestration ; proscription, de- nunciation ; outlawry, banish- ment, Αημεύω, f. -εΰσω, (fr. δήμος the commons) to seize, confiscate^ ΔΗΜ Sequester; to denounce, proscribe, banish. Δημηγορέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. δεδημηγό- ρηκα, (fr. same, and αγορέω to harangue) to harangue, make a speech to the commons, make a public oxation. impf. εδημηγόρεον -ovv. Δημηγορία, -ας, ή, (fr. same) a council or public assembly; a harangue, speech, oration; deli- beration, debate. Δημηγορίκός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) re- lating to public affairs, concern- ing the state ; haranguing, de- bating, declamatory* Δημηγόρος, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a pub- lic speaker, orator; haranguer, demagogue. Δημήτηρ, -ερος, and -τρος, η, (fr. γη the earth, or δήμος people, and μήτηρ mother. Or fr. δήω to find. Or δαίω to light up) Demeter, Lat. Ceres. Δήμητρα, -ας, >/, same. Δημήτρια, -ων, τα, (fr. Δημήτηρ) the feast of Ceres. Δημητριακός, -η, -dv, and Δημή- τριος, -ου, δ, f), Ceres's, of or about Ceres. Δημήτριος, -ου, b, Demetrius, a man's name. Δημητρυών, -ώνος, b, (fr. Δημήτηρ Ceres) April, when the festival of Ceres was celebrated. Δήμια, -ων, τα, (neut. pi. of όήμιος public) public offerings. Δήμια, (same) publicly, openly ; by the people, at the public expense. Δημΐδιον, -ου, τό, (dim. of same) the poor people, rabble, mob, po- pulace. Δήμιος, -a,-ov or -ου, b, η, (fr. δήμος the commonalty) of the people ; plebeian, low, mean ; public, ge- neral. Subs, an executioner. Δημιουργεων, -ου, τό, (fr. δημιουρ- γός an artist) a workshop, manu- factory, warehouse. Δημιουργέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. same) to work as a mechanic ; to make, forge, frame, form, fashion ; to build. Δημιούργημα, -ατός, το, and Δη- μιουργία, -ας, η, (fr. last) a mak- ing, doing or building; work- manship ; a piece of work, fa- bric, edifice. Δημιουργός, -ου, b, (fr. δήμιος pub- lic, and έργον work) an architect, engineer, public inspector ; an overseer, magistrate ; God, the creator and architect of the uni- verse, the builder and maker of the Christian Church ; an artifi- cer, inventor, deviser. Δημοβόρος, -ου, δ, (fr. δήμος the people, and βορά food) devourer of the people ; a tyrant, despot. Δημογέρων, -οντος, b, (fr. same, and γέρων an elder) a senator, counsellor, statesman. Δημόθεν, (fr. same) from the peo- ple, from among the commonalty, plebeian. Δημοκατάρατος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and καταράομαι to curse) hated ΔΗΜ by the people, publicly execrated generally detested. Δημόκλεις, Democles, a man's name. Δημοκρατέομαι -ουμαι, f. -ήσομαι (fr. next) to live in a common- wealth or free state. Δημοκρατία, -ας, η, (fr. δήμος peo- ple, and κράτος power) a popu- lar state, democracy, republic, com- monwealth; mob-government. Δημόκριτος, -ου, δ, Democritus, a man's name. Δημόλευστος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. δήμος the people, and λεύω to stone) stoned by the mob. Δημόνϊκος, -o«, b, Demonicus, a man's name. Δημόομαι -ουμαι, (fr. δήμος the people) to treat the populace with shows, &c. ; to make mer- ry, indulge, feast. Δημόπρακτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πράσσω to do) done, enacted or decreed by the people. ΔημορρΈφής, -έος -<%, δ, >/, (fr. same, and ρίπτω to fling) current among the people, general, popular, fa- shionable. Δήμος, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. δέω to connect) a community, people, state ; the people, populace ; the vulgar^ rabble, mob ; a tribe or ward in Athens. Adj. plebeian, vulgar, mean. Δημός, -ου, δ, (perhaps fr. δαίω to burn) fatness, plumpness ; fat, suet. Δημοσθένης, -εος -ους, δ, Demos- thenes, a man's name. Δημοσθενίκός, -η, -όν, of Ot like Demosthenes. Δημοσία, (dat. fem. of δημόσιος public) publicly, in public. Δημοσιεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. next) to publish, divulge ; to confiscate ; to engage in public affairs, act in the state. Δημόσιος, -a,-ov, (fr. δήμος the peo- ple) public, common. Sub's, a public officer, notary, secretary. Δημοσιώνης, -ου, b, (dim. of last) plebeian, low, vile, mean, vulgar. Δημοσίως, (fr. same) publicly, com- monly, vulgarly. Δημότης, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a ple- beian, citizen; a tribesman, one of the same ward. Δημοτικός, -ή, -όν, (fr. same) po- pular, common, vulgar, low. comp. δημοτικώτερος, sup. -ώτα- τος. Δημοτίκως, (fr. last) commonly, ordinarily, vulgarly. Δημονχος, -ου, b, (fr. δήμος the people, and έχω to hold) a ma- gistrate among the Thespians. Δημοφάγβς, -ov, b, (fr. same, and φάγω to eat) devouring the peo- ple ; a tyrant, despot. Δημόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. δήμος the people) to publish, divulge. Δημώδης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. same) popular, vulgar, common, ordi- nary. Δημώναζ, -ακτος, δ, Demonax, a man's name. (138) ΔΗΣ Δημωφελής, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. irfftot the people, and ωφεΧέω to aid) useful to the state, public spirit- ed. Δήν, same as Ζήν. Δήν, long, a long time, of long con- tinuance ; some time or other, at length. Δηναιός, -a, -bv, (fr. last) lasting, long, continuing, of long con» tinuance, long-lived ; ancient, old, former, of old times. Δηνάριον, -ου, τό, (fr. Lat. dena- rius) the Roman denarius, a silver coin worth about 7$a*. Δήνε', for Δήνεα, pi. of Δήνος, -εος -ους, τό, (perhaps fr. δήν long) counsel, advice; de- liberation, debate ; a plot, artifice. Δήξ, -κός, ή, (fr. δήκω to gnaw) α worm that cats timber. Δήξις, -ιος, Att. -εως,ή, (fr. same) a bite, sting ; an eating, wasting, gnawing, consuming. Δήξω., 1 f. of δήκω,ο\>$. borrowed by δάκνω. Δρουν, Ion. for εδήουν, 3 pi. impf. ind. Δηουν, pres. inf. act. of Δηόω, f. -ώσω, p. δεδήωκα, by Sync, for δηϊόω, same as δη'ίάω, which see ; also, to burn, ravage, lay waste, spoil ; to rend, tear; to kill, slay. per. pass, δεδρωμαι. par. 1 a. pass, δηωθείς. Δήττειτα, for δή έπειτα, but then, then* Δήπερ, (fr. δή truly, and περ though) at least, however, even, yet. Δήποθεν, (fr. same, and πόθεν whence) from wherever. Δήποτε, (fr. same, and ποτέ ever) soever, sometimes, at length, ever, why ? pray 1 Δήπου, Δήπουθεν, (fr. same, and που where) any how, in any way, any where ; surely, certainly, truly, verily, indeed. Δηριάω -ώ, Δηρίζω, and Δηρίσσω, (fr. δήρις a quarrel) to strive, quarrel,wr angle, debate, dispute; a fight. Αηρινθήτην, Ion. for εδηρινθήτην, 3 du. 1 a. pass, of Δηρίνω, same as δηριάω. ' ήρις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (perhaps fr. δά intens. and έρις a dispute. Or fr. δαίρω to scourge) a con- tention, quarrel, vorangle, dis- pute ; a fight, battle, skirmish, affray. Δηρισάντοιν, g. and d. du. 1 a. par. act. of δηρίζω, same as δηριάω. Δηρίω, and Δηρίομαι, f. -ίσομαι, (fr. δήρις a quarrel) to strive, con- tend, bicker ; to quarrel, fight. Δηρόβιος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. next, and βίος life) long-lived. Δηρόν, (neut. of next) long, of long continuance ; long ago, of old. Δηρός, -ά, -όν, (fr. δήν long) con- tinual, incessant; long, lasting ; of a long life, long-lived; old, ancient. Δησάσκετο, Ion. for εδήσάσκετο, 3 sin. impf. ind. mid. of Δησάσκω, Poet, for δέω. Δήσε, Δήσαν, Ion. for έδησε, 3 sin, ΔΙΑ and fir /σαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. — Δήσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Δήσατε, 2 pi. of Δήσον, 1 a. impr. act. — Δήσαντες, η. pi. of Δήσιχς, -ασα, -αν, 1 a. par. act. — Δήσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Δήσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. — Δήσω, -ης, -η, in 2 pi. Δήσητε, 1 a. sub. act. — Δήσον- σι, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of οίω. άητα, (fr. δή truly) therefore, then ; truly, forsooth ; pray ? Δητός, -ή, -ov, last, final, extreme ; farthest, utmost. Δηχθεϊς, 1 a. par. pass, of δήκω, obs. see δάκνι*. Δήω, to find, meet with, hit upon, discover. It is generally trans- lated future t or like the pres. sub. Δηύ, -6ος -ους, η, Poet, for Δημή- τηρ, or Ceres. Δηώσειν, 1 f. inf. act. of δηόω. Δι", for Δία, a. of Ζενς, b, g. Ζηνδς or Διός, d. Ζηνϊ or Δά, a. Ζήνα or Δία, v. Ζεΰ, Jupiter* Δι\ also for δια, prep. Δΐα, and Ion. Δΐη, fern, of <5tOj. Δια, a preposition governing the g. case, and the a. with the Poets, through, by means of; across, by, through ; amidst, among, through, throughout ; at, before; in, into; from; after, at intervals, in the course of, dur- ing ; for, on account of, because of / Διαβαίνω, 1 f. mid. διαβήσομαι, p. act. διαβίβηκα, (fr. δια through, and βαίνω to go) to go, pass through, pass over ; to pervade ; to stalk, walk with legs wide asunder. 2 a. act. ind. διέβην. Διαβάλλω, f. -αλω, p. διαβέβληκα, (fr. same, and βάλλω to throw) to transplant, transport, transfer ; to pass, carry over or through ; to strike, pierce or dart through; to accuse, impeach ; to calumniate, slander, traduce, belie ; to- cajole, deceive. 2 a. act. διέβαλον. 1 a. ind. pass, διεβλήθην. per. mid. διαβέβολα. Διαβάς, par. — Διαβήναι, inf. 2 a. of διαβαίνω. Διάβασις, -ινς, Att. -εως, fj,_ (fr. same) change of place, removal; a passage, ford, bridge. Διαβαστάζω, f. -άσω, fr. δια in- tens. and βαστάζω, which see. Διαβατός, -η, -dv, (fr. διαβαίνω to pass over) passable, that may or can be passed or crossed over. Διαβεβαιοΰνται, 3 pi. cont. ind Δΐαβεβαιουσθαι, inf. pres. pass, cont. of Διαβεβαιόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. δια in- tens. and βεβαιόω to strengthen) to establish, secure, confirm; to strengthen. Διαβεβαιόομαι -οΰμαι, to avouch, affirm, assure, as- sert. Διαβεβλη μένος, par. per. pass, of διαβάλλω. Διαβή, 3 sin. 2 a., sub. of δια- βαίνω. Διάβημα, -ατός, τό, (fr. διαβαίνω to pass over) a passage, transit, ΔΙΑ crossing over ; step, gait, move- ment. Διαβιάζω, (fr. δια intens. and βιά- ζω to force) to compel, oblige, constrain. Διαβιβάζω, f. -ασω, p. -axa, (fr. δια over, and βιβάζω to make pass) to carry, take or conduct over; to go over, perambulate, sur- vey. Διαβιάω -ώ-, f. -ώσω, and Διαβιόο- μαι -ουμαι, f. -ώσομαι, (fr. δια through, and βιόω to live) to lead the whole life, to pass or spend the life through; to live, reside, abide. Διαβλέπω, f. -ψω, p. διαβέβλεφα, (fr. same, and βλέπω to see) to see clearly, discern, distinguish ; to overlook, despise, slight. 1 f. act. 2 sin. διαβλέψεις. Διαβληθεϊς, par. of Διεβλήθην, 1 a. pass, of διαβάλλω. Διαβοάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. δια throughout, and βοάω to cry) to divulge, publish, proclaim; to celebrate, cry up, extoL par. per pass, διαβεβοημένος. par. 1 a pass, διαβοηθείς. Διαβόητος, -ov, b, η, (fr. last) cele- brated, cried up, extolled; fa- mous, notable,, remarkable. Also infamous, notorious. Διαβολή, -ής, and Διαβολιά, -ας, Ion. Διαβολίη,-ης,η, (fr. διαβάλ- λω to traduce) calumny, slan- der ; false accusation. Διαβολικός, -ή, -ov, (fr. same) slanderous, false,, malicious ; di- abolical, devilish. Διάβολος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a slan- derer, calumniator, traducer, backbiter ; an informer, spy ; the devil, Satan. Διάβορος, -ov, b, η, (fr. δια through, and βορά eating) eaten up, con- sumed ; eaten into, perforated, hollow, decayed ; also eating, gnawing, consuming, rusting. Διαβουλεύομαι, f. -εύσομαι, (fr. δια intens. and βονλεύω- to consult) to deliberate, debate ; determine, resolve, decree, decide* Διαβούλια, -ας, η, and Διαβούλιον, -ov, τόγ (fr. last) counsel, ad- vice ; deliberation, debate, consi- deration^ Διαβννέομαι or Διαβύνομαι, a very unusual verb : to pass or cross over ; to carry across, convey over. pres. inf. διαβννέεσθαι -εϊσ- θαι, or διαβύνεσθαι. Διαβώ, -ής,-ή, 2 a. sub. act. οι δια- βαίνω. Διαγγέλλω, f. -ελώ, ρ. διήγγελκα Υ (fr. δια among, and αγγέλλω to tell) to deliver a message, bring or tell news ; to declare, an- nounce, publish, divulge. 1 a. ind. act. διήγγειλα. Διάγγελμα, -άτος, το, (fr. last) α message, Order ; a publication, declaration. Διάγγελος, -ov, &, (fr. same) a messenger between parties. Διάγε, Dor. for διήγε, 3 sin. of διήνον. 2 a. act. of διάγω. (139) ΔΙΑ Διαγελάω -ω, f. -ασω, (fr. δια in- tens. and γελάΛ to laugh) to laugh at, deride, mock ; to smile upon, gratify. Διαγενόμενος, -η, -ov, par. 2 a. mid. of Διαγίνομαι, f. διαγενήσομαι, p. δια- γεγένημαι, (fr. δια through, and γίνομαι to be) to be present, at, with or among; to abide, last, continue, endure. Also to pass over, off or away, come to an end, be finished, concluded. 2 a. mid. ind. διεγενόμην par. διάγε' νόμενος. Διαγινώσκω, f. -γνώσω, p. διέγνω- κα, (fr. δια. intens. and γινώσκω to know) to know fully ; to dis- cern, distinguish, observe ; to dis- cuss, examine ; to determine, de- cide, decree, resolve. 2 a. act. διέγνων. per. pass. διέγνωσμαι. 1 f. mid. διαγνώσομαι. Διαγκνλέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. δια through, and αγκύλη the strap for throwing the dart) to take hold of the strap, prepare to dart. Διαγλύφω, f. -ψω, (fr. δια intens. and γλύφω to carve) to engrave. Διαγνωρίζω, f. -ϊσω, p. διεγνώρικα, (fr. same, and γνωρίζω to in- form) to make known, divulge, publish. Διάγνωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, r}, (fr. διαγινώσκω to discern) a trial, hearing, discussion, examination; a sentence, decision, decree ; dis- tinction, judgment* Διαγνώσομαι, 1 f. mid. of same. Διαγογγύζω*. f. -υσω, p. διεγόγγν- κα, (fr. δια intens. and γογγνζω to murmur) to murmur loudly, complain much ; to roar at. 1 a. act. διεγόγγνσα. Διαγορεύω, f. -€ύσω, (fr. same, and αγορεύω to declaim) to speak in public, harangue ; to vote, enact, decree ; to intercede, forbid ; to inveigh against. Διάγραμμα, -άτος, τό, (fr. διαγρά- φω to write out) a title, inscrip- tion; art abridgment, epitome, summary ; an act, decree ; a drawing, representation; a figure, diagram ; a proposition, theorem; a cancelling or discharge. Διαγραφή, -ής, η, (fr. same) a draught, plan, representation ; a picture. Διαγράφω, f. -ψω, p. -φα, (fr. δια through, and γράφω to write) to write out, copy over; to deli- neate, describe, represent, draw, paint ; to enlist, levy, write in a roll ; to choose, select ; to cancel, blot out, deface; to annul, abo- lish, repeal; to abandon a suit ai law, decline to prosecute. Διαγρά-ψομεν, 1 pi. 1 f. act. of last. Διαγρηγορέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. διεγρη- γόρηκα, (fr. δια intens. and γρη- γορέω to watch) to be broadawake: to watch vigilantly to be very circumspect. 1 a. act. διεγρηγό* ρησα. Διαγρηγορήσαντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. act. of last. ΔΙΑ Αιαγρνιτνέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and αγρνιτνέω to wake) to lie awake, like the last. Διάγω, f. -ξω, p. δίηχα, (fr. δια through, and άγω to lead) to bring, lead or conduct over; to pass or spend time ; to lead life, live, dwell. 2 a. act. διήγον, Att. διήγάγον. Διαγωγή, -ης, fj, (fr. same) a lead- ing, conducting, conveyance, es- cort; a station, post, guard; a course, mode or habit of life; pastime, amusement. Αιάγωμεν, 1 pi. pres. sub. act. — Διάγοντες, η. pi. par. pres. act. of διάγω. Διαγωνιάω -ω, (fr. δια intens. and αγωνία agony) to be in agony, suffer great pain or anxiety. Διαγωνίζομαι, f. -ίσομαι, (fr. same, and αγωνίζω to contend) to strive obstinately, contend, struggle. Διαδάζομαι, f. -άσομαι, (fr. same, and δάζομαι to share) to divide, allot, apportion. 1 a. inf. mid. διαδάσασθαι. Διαδειγματίζω, (fr. same, and δειγ- ματίζω to expose) to treat with ignominy, stigmatize, make an example of Διαδείκνϋμι, f. -δείξω, (fr. same, and δείκνυμι to show) to exhibit, display ; to prove, give proofs, specimens or examples. Διαδεξάμενος, par. 1 a. mid. of δια- δέχομαι. Διαδέξιος, -ov, b, f), (fr. δια intens. and δεξιός right-handed) right, on the right hand or side ; lucky, favourable, propitious. Διαδέρκω, f. -ξω, p. -γα, (fr. same, and δέρκω to see) to see clearly, see through, comprehend, under- stand. 2 a. διέδράκον. Διαδέχομαι, f. -ξομαι, p. διαδέδεγ- μαι, (fr. δια through, and δ~έχομαι to receive) to receive by succession or through another; to succeed, follow, come after, come into the place of; to change, relieve, take the place of, come in turn. 1 a. mid. Ίπά.διεδεξάμην' par. διαδεξάμενος. Διαδεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. δια about, and δέω to bind) to crown, adorn the head ; to bind found, gird, encircle; to connect, knit, tie. fasten together; to interweave, entwine. Διάδηλος, -η, -ov, (fr. δια intens. and δήλος clear) manifest, plain, evident, apparent ; open, conspi- cuous ; well known. Διάδημα, -ατός, το, (fr. διαδεω to encircle) a diadem or white fillet round the head; a crown, gar- land, chaplet. Διαδιδράσκω, f. -άσω, p. -ακα, (fr. δια intens. and διδράσκω to flee) to fly or run avmy ; to shun, avoid, decline; to escape, slip away. For tenses see διάδρημι. ΔιαδΥδωμι, f. -δώσω, p. διαδέδωκα, (fr. δια through, and δ'ιδωμι to give) to distribute, divide, share, apportion ; to deliver, hand over, transmit. 2 a. act. ind. διεδων ΔΙΑ impr. δίαδος. impf. ind. pass. διεδιδόμην. Αιαδίδωσιν, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. sfa± Διαδώσονσι, 3 pi. 1 £ ind. act. of last. Αιαδικαζόμενος, -η, -ov, (par. pres. mid. or pass, of next) the plain- tiff or defendant. Διαδικάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. same, and δικάζω to judge) to judge, deter mine, decide, give a verdict, make a decree, pronounce sentence. Δι κάζομαι, to go to law, sue, bring an action. Διαδικασία, -ας, ?/, and Διαδικασ- μδς, -ov, b, (fr. last) atrial, hear- ing ; argument, pleading, debate Διαδοκεω -ώ, f. δόξω, fr. δια intens and δοκέω to seem, which see. Διαδορατίζομαι, f. -ίσομαι, (fr. δια with, and δόρυ a spear) to^fight with spears, join battle, combat. Δίαδος, 2 a. impr. act. of δι αδί δωμι. Διαδουναι,2Ά. inf. act. of διαδίδωμι. Διαδοχή, -ης, ή, (fr. διαδέχομαι to succeed) successio?i, vicissitude, change, revolution; a relief of guard. Διάδοχος, -ov, b, (fr. same) a sue• cessor ; a lieutenant, deputy; a change of guard, relief. Διαδράκοι, 2 a. opt. act. of διαδέρ- κω, see in δέρκω. ΔιαδράμεΊν, 2 a. inf. — Διαδραμον- σα, fern. — Διαδραμόντες, pi. mas. of Διαδραμών, par. 2 a. act. of διατρέχω. Διαδράναι, Dor. for διαδρήναι, 2 a. inf. of διάδρημι. Διαδράω, f. -ασω, (fr. δια intens. and δράω to flee) and Διάδρημι, same as διαδιδράσκω, 2 a. act. ind. διέδρην, and Dor. διέδραν' opt. διαδραίην' inf. δια- δρήναι' par. διαδράς, -άσα, -άν. Διαδρήσηται, Ion. for διαδράσηται, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. mid. of last. Διαδρομή, -ης, η, (fr. διατρέχω to run about) a running up and down ; hurry, precipitation, con- tusion. Διάδϋνω, Διαδνω or Διαδύομαι, f. -ύ-σομαι, (fr. δια through, and δννω or δύω to enter) to enter, go under or into; to go or pass through ; to penetrate. Διαδΰμι, same as last, 2 a. ind. διέδνν' par. διαδνς, -ύσα, -ύν. Διάδω, f. -άσω, (fr. δια from, and φδω to sing) to discord, jar. Διαειμένος for διειμένος, par. per. pass, of διί'ημι. Αιαείδω, f. διαείσομαι for διείδω. Αιαζάω, f. -ήσω, of δια intens. and ξάω, which see. Διάζεται, (impers. fr. διάζομαι to weave) it is regulated, ordered, settled ; they begin, enter upon. Διαζενγνύω or -νμι, f. -ξω, (fr. δια from, and ζευγνύω to join) to disjoin, part, sever, separate ; to abstract, withdraw; to reject, cast off, divorce. Διαζευκτικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. last) dis- junctive, opposite, dissimilar. ' Διάζενξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) separation, division. (WO) ΔΙΑ Διάζομαι, (fr. δια and εζω to set) to set or begin to work ; to warp yarn, set a web, add to the warp ; to weave ; to arrange, set, place, regulate. Διαζύγια, -ας, η, (fr. διαζεύγνυμι to separate) separation, disunion Διαζνγιον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a di- vorce. Διάζωμα, -άτος, το, (fr. next) a girdle, girth, sash; breeches or trowsers ; the midriff; a supply or magazine. Διαζώννυμι, f. -ζώσω, p. διέζωκα, (fr. δια about, and ζώννυμι to gird) to encircle, begird, sur- round, fortify ; to tie or tuck up. 1 a. act. διέζωσα. per. pass, διέ- ζωσμαι. 1 a. mid. διεζωσάμην. Διάημι, (fr. δια through, and άημι to blow) to breathe over ; to blow over or upon ; to blow violently. 3 sin. pres. διάησι. Διάησει, Poet, for διήσει, 3 sin. 1 f. act. of διίημι. Διαθεμένος, -η, -ov, par. 2 a. mid. of διατίθημι. Διαθερμαίνω, f. -άνω, p. διατεθέρ- μαγκα, (fr. δια intens. and θερ- μαίνω to warm) to heat, warm, make hot; to boil, make to boil. Αιαθερμος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. last) very hot, glowing, boiling. Διάθεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. δια- τίθημι to arrange) disposition, arrangement, order ; affection of the body or mind, passion, ail- ment. Διαθέτης, -ου, b, (ft\ same) a dis- poser, arranger, creator ; a stew- ard, manager ; an . almoner ; α seller ; an interpreter. Διαθέω -ώ, (fr. δια through, and $έω to run) to run about, run over or through. Διαθήκη, -ης, ή, (fr. διατίθημι to dispose) a league, treaty ; a co- venant, bargain, agreement; a disposition, disposal, settlement; a will, testament ; an institution, appointment, dispensation ; the covenant of grace. Διαθγις, 2 sin. — Διαθώμεν, 1 pi. 2 a. sub. act. — Διαθήσομαι, -ι/, -εται, in 1 pi. θησόμεθα, 1 f. mid. of διατίθημι. Διαβρέχομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. mid. of διατρέφω. Διαθρυλλέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. δια in- tens. and &ρυλλέω to buzz) to whisper, mutter, speak softly ; to raise a report, circulate a story ; to divulge, publish. Διαθρύιχτω, f. -ψω, (fr. same, and $ρνπτω to break) to break through ; to crush, break in pieces ; to weaken, waste, wear out ; to indulge in ease and luxu- ry. Αιαθρύιττομαι, to prepare to sing ; to make affected prepara- tions for singing. Διαιθύσσω, fr. δια intens. and ai- θύσσω to warm, which see. Διαίνω, f. -άνω, (fr. Δία Jupiter or the air) to moisten, water, wety sprinkle, bedew. Διαιρεεαι, Ion. for διαιρερ, 2 sin. ΔΙΑ pres. ind. mid. — Αιαιρίειν -ε?*, pres. inf. act. of διαιρέω. Αιαίρεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, //, (fr. next) separation, division ; selec- tion, choice ; a distinction, diver- sity, difference. Αίαιρέω -ώ, f• -ήσω, p. διηρηκα, (fr. δια from, and αϊρέω to take) to divide, split ; to distribute, cut, carve; to destroy, demolish; to open, dig, plough; to decide, distinguish, mark, note. Mid. to discourse, treat of, explain, ex- pound, elucidate. Pass, to be divided, sit apart, selected, cho- sen, par. pres. mid. διαιρέων -ων, -ίονσα -ούσα, -ίον -ουν. Αιαίρω, f. -αρώ, ρ. διηρκα, (fr. δια intens. and αίρω to lift) to lift, raise up, erect ; to exalt, elevate ; to convey away, carry off; to open the mouth, gape, mutter } to set off, adorn. Αιαΐσσω, f. -ξω, (fr. δια through and αίσσω to rush) to run, rush, or dart through; to go over or pass through hastily. Aiaira, -ης, >/, manner, habit or mode of life ; livelihood, subsist• ence ; diet, regimen ; an abode, residence; a choice, preference; a sentence, award. Αιαίτασεν, Poet, and Dor. for διή- •π]σεν, 3 sin. 1 a. act. of next. Αιαιτάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. δεδιαίτηκα, and δεδιητηκα, (fr. δίαιτα diet) to nurse, tend the sick, put under a • medical regimen ; to direct, regu- late, order, manage ; to arbitrate, award, determine, adjudge. Διαι- τάομαι -ωμαι, to live, dwell, abide ; be on a regimen, per. pass, δε- διήτημαι. 1 a. act. εδιαίτησα, and εδιήτησα. Αιαίτημα,-ατος,το, (fr. διαιτάω to direct) manner or habit of life ; diet, regimen. Αίαιτη-ηις, -ου, b, (fr. same) an ar- bitrator, judge, umpire. Διαιτητική, -ης, ή, viz. τέχνη, (fr. same) dietetic, that part of medi- cine relating to diet. Αίαιτιάομαι -ωμαι, (fr. δια intens. and αιτιάομαι to blame, th. αιτία blame) to accuse, charge, crimi- nate. Αιαιτωμενη, fem. par. pres. pass, cont. of διαιτάω. Αιαιωνίζω, f. -ίσω, fr. δια intens. and αιωνίζω, which see. Διαιωνιΰ,-ε'ίς, -ε~ι, Att. for διαιωνί- σω, 1 f. act. of last. Αιακαθαρ'ιζω, f. ^ΐσω, p. διακεκα- θάρικα, (fr. δια intens. and καθα- ρίζω to purify) to clean perfectly, cleanse thoroughly, scour ; to se- parate, vnnnow. 1 a. διεκαθάρισα. Διακαθαριω, -ε7ς, -ε7, Att. for διακα- θαρίσω, 1 f. act. of last. Διακαρτερέω -ω, fr. δια intens. and καρτερέω, whieh see. Διακατελέγχβμαι, f. -ξομαι, p. δια- κατήλεγμαι, (fr. δια intens. κατά against, and ελέγχω to prove) to confute thoroughly, convince forcibly, convict clearly. Διακατέχω, f. διακαθέξω, and Δια- ΔΙΑ X same, and έχω to hold) to de tain, seize, take possession of; to occupy, possess. Αιακείμαι, f. -είσομαι, p. -κέκειμαι, (fr. δια intens. and κεΊμαι to lie) to incline, tend, be disposed; to dispose, settle, constitute, appoint; to lie by, be laid up. pres. impr, διάκεισο. Αιακείρω, f. -ερω, j?Eol. -έρσω, (fr same, and κείρω to clip) to shave clean ; to strip, rob ; to cut asun- der, cleave, rive; to rend, tear in pieces. 1 a. inf. διακείραι, -Έ ol. διακέρσαι. Διακελενομαι, f. -εύσομαι, p. -ευμαι, (fr. same, and κελεύω to order) to exhort, encourage, cheer; to command, charge, enjoin. Διακενής, and Αιακένως, (fr. next) superfluously, without cause ; fruitlessly, in vain, to no end, to no purpose. Αιάκενος, -ov, b, >;, (fr. δια intens • and κενός empty) empty, hollow, void, vacant ; vain, light, trifling. Αιακέρσαι, iEol. for διακείραι, 1 a. inf. act. of διακείρω. Αιακεχωρισμένος, par. per. pass, of διαχωρίζω. Διακεχωρισμένως,(ίτ. last) severally, separately, in pieces, piecemeal. Διακινδυνεύω, f. -ευσω, (fr. δια through, and κινδυνεύω to risk, th. κίνδυνος danger) to hazard, venture, endanger ; to try, prove, essay. Αιακινέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and κινέω to move) to excite, disturb, put into commotion ; to shake, sift. Διακλάσσας, Poet, for διακλάσας, 1 a. par. act. of Διακλάω -δ, f. -άσω, (fr. δια intens. and κλάω to break) to break in pieces, cut through, snap. Διακλέπτια, f. -ψω, (fr. same, and κλέπτω to steal) to steal privately, filch, pilfer, purloin, embezzle; to steal away, withdraw privately. Αιακληρονομέω -ω, (fr. δια. through- out, and κληρονομέω to inherit) to inherit, share a property ; to divide among, allot, apportion, give each his share, par. pres. mid. διακληρονομεόμενος-ον μένος. Αιακληρόω -ω, f. ώσω,(ΐτ. same, and κληρόω to allot) to settle by lot; to give or leave to be divided, set out, apportion, distribute among. Διακληρόομαι -ουμαι, to share, take a share, get apart or portion. Διακναίω, f. -αίσω, (fr. δια intens. and κνα'ιω to scratch) to gnaw away,. corrode; to spoil, corrupt, injure, waste; to grieve, afflict, fret. Αιαχναίομαΐι to be sad, mourn, be afflicted. Διακοιρανέω,-ω,?. -ήσω, (fr. same, and κοιρανέω to rule) to command in chief; to marshal, arrange, array. Διακολυμβάω *ω, (fr. δια through, and κολυμβάω to swim) to swim out of or through. Αιακολυμβώντων, g. pi. par. pres. act. cont. of last. (141) ΔΙΑ Αιακοαίζω, f. -ΐσω, (fr. δια through, and κομίζω to carry) to carry over, transport ; to convey or bring through. Αιακονέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. διηκόνηκα^ and δεδιηκόνηκα, (fr. δια intens. and κονέω to hasten) to attend, wait upon ; to minister unto, re- lieve, assist ; to be a deacon. Αιακονέομαι -οΐψαι, to have atten- dants or suite, be waited on. impf. ind. διηκόνεον -ουν. 1 a. act. διηκόνησα' per. pass, διη- κόνημαι. 1 a. pass. ind. διηκονή• θην par. διακονηθεί ς, -εϊσα, -έν. Διακονία, -ας, ή, (fr. last) attend- ance, service, wailing ; an office, duty, employment ; a ministering unto, relief, assistance, distribu- tion ; ministry or administration in the church. Διάκονος, -ου, b, or fi, (fr. same) α servant, attendant ; an officer, minister, agent ; a deason or dea- coness. Adj. ready, prompt ; quick, expeditious, comp. διακο- νέστερος. Διακοντίζω, (fr. δια intens. and ακοντίζω to throw the javelin) to dart, fling, hurl, shoot. Διακοπή, -ης, f,, (fr. next) a cut; cutting off, breach, separation. Διακόπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. δια intens. and κόπτω to cut) to cut through , cut up or in pieces,cleave asunder; to cut off, destroy ; to lop, prune ; to cut short, interrupt, frustrate. Διάκορος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and κορέω to satisfy) satiated, satis- fied, glutted, filled. Διακόσιοι, -αι,-α, (fr. «Sm twice, and εκατόν a hundred) two hundred. Διακοσιοστος, -ή, -bv, (fr. last) the two hundredth. Διακοσμέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. δια in- tens. and κοσμέω to adorn) to distribute, divide, dispose ; to set- tle, set, place ; to arrange, order, array, draw up ; to prepare, fur~ nish, equip, provide, accoutre, rig out ; to adorn, bedeck, set off. Διακοσμηθεΐμεν, by Sync, for δια- κοσμηθείημεν, 1 pi. 1 a. opt. pass, of last. Διακόσμησις, -ιος, Att. -εως,η, (fr. same) order, arrangement. Διακονώ, f. -ονσω, p. διήκουκα, (fr. δια intens. and ακούω to hear) to hearken, listen, attend ; to hear perfectly, understand, com- prehend. 1 £ mid. διακονσομαι. Διακρανόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. δια through, and καοηνον the head) to lay open the head, brain, thoughts; to discover, disclose, reveal, participate, pres. inf. cont. διακρανουν. Διακρατέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. δια in- tens. and κρατέω to prevail) to keep obstinately, hold pertina- ciously ; to keep, preserve, guard; to keep under, subdue. Διακριβόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. same, and ακριβόω ίο examine) ίο scru- tinize, sift, scan, search into ; to discuss, investigate. Αιακρϊδύν, (fr. διζκρίνω to discern) ΔΙΑ Separately, distinctly, orderly, clearly ; choicely, excellently. Διακριθείτε, by Poet. Sync, for δια- κριθείητε, 2 pi. 1 a. opt. pass* *— Διακριθήμεναι, Dor. for διακρι- θηναι, 1 a. inf. pass. — Διακριθη, 3 sin. Διακριθητε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. pass Διακριθέντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. pass, of διακρίνω. ΔιακρΊναι, 1 a.inf.act. — Διακρινέει, Ion. for διακρίνει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act.— Διακρίνει v,pres. inf. act — Διακρινθήμεναι, -θέντες, Poet, and Dor. for διακριθηναι, inf. and -θίντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. pass. — Διακρινέτωσαν, 3 pi. pres. impr. act. — Διακρινδμενος,-η,-ον, pass. Aia*:ptvwv,act.par. pres.of same. Διακρίνω, f. -νω, p. διακέκρικα, (fr. διά intens. and κρίνω to judge) to separate, divide ; to discern, discriminate, distinguish ; to se- lect, choose ; to litigate, contend; to judge, determine; to finish, conclude, put an end to. Διακρί- νομαι, to be divided in opinion, doubt, hesitate, impf. διέκρινον. 1 a. act. διέκρινα, pres. pass, ind. διακρίνομαι• sub. διακρίνω- μαι, in 1 pi. διακρινώμεθα. impf. pass, διεκρινόμην. per. pass, δια- κέκριμαι. 1 a. pass. ind. διεκρί- θην' sub. διακριθώ' par. δια- κριθείς. Αιάκρίσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) a distance, interval ; dis- tinction, difference, discrimina- tion ; litigation, dispute, conten- tion ; examination, determina- tion, sentence. Λιακριτίκος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) apprehensive, sagacious, ready, shrewd, intelligent; distinguish- ing, penetrating. Διακριτός, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same) di- vided, distinguished ; parted, se- vered ; different, unlike; choice, select, superior, excellent. Διακρούσονται, 3 pi. 1 f. mid. of Διακρούω, f. -σω, (fr. διά intens. and κρούω to strike) to expel, thrust or drive away ; to inter- rupt, disturb, hinder, prevent. Διακτορία,-ας,ή, (fr. imKrujpames- senger) a message; agency, in- terference, acting between parties. Διάκτορος, -ov, and Διάκτωρ, -ορός, b, (fr. διάγω to convey) a mes- senger, agent, envoy. Διακυβερνάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. δια through, and κυβερνάω to steer) to direct, guide, manage, or conduct throughout, continue to govern. Διακ ψαίνω, f. -άνω, (fr. same, and κυμαίνω to swell, th. κύμα a wave) to raise the waves, excite a swell, disturb the sea. Διακυ- μαίνομαι, to rage and swell. Αιακύπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. same, and κύπτω to stoop) to lean down to see ; to look through ; look out of. Διακωλύω, f. -ΰσω, p. -υκα, (fr. δια intens. and κωλύω to hinder) to hinder earnestly, prevent abso- lutely, forbid, impf. διεκώλυον. I a. art. διεκώΧνσα. ΔΙΑ Δίαλαγχάνω, 1 f. mid. διαλήξομαι, (fr. same, and λαγχάνω to get by lot) to cast or draw lots; to get or take by lot ; to allot, appor- tion. 2 a. act. διέλαχον* Διαλακτίζω, f. -Ίσω, (fr. same, and λακτίζω to kick) to drive by McL•, kick out. Διαλαλίω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. same, and λαλέω to speak) to publish, divulge, spread abroad ; to converse, commune, impf. act. διελάλεον -ovv' pass, διελαλεόμην -ούμην. Διαλαμβάνω, f. mid. -λή^ιομαι, p. -λέληφα, (fr. διά among, and λαμβάνω to take) to take singly, get in shares, receive severally ; to intercept, surprise, take una- wares ; to divide, distribute; to distinguish, discern, make a dif- ference ; to take up, apprehend, comprehend, understand ; to treat of, discourse on, reason, discuss. For tenses see λαμβάνω. Διαλάμπω,ΐ. -ψω, (fr. διά through, and λάμπω to shine) to shine through or among; to excel, surpass, be conspicuous. Διαλανθάνω, f. -λησω, p. mid. διαλέληθα, (fr. διά intens. and λανθάνω to hide) to be quite con- cealed ; to skulk, lurk, shelter; to escape notice, elude. ΔιαλάχεΤν, inf. — Διαλάχών, par. 2 a. act. of διαλαγχάνω. Διαλέγεται, 3 sin. Διαλεγόμενος, -ν, -ov, par. pres. pass, of Διαλέγω, f. -ζω, p. -χα, (fr. διά intens. and λέγω to speak) to observe, heed, mind, attend to ; to discern, judge, discriminate ; to choose, select. Διαλέγομαι, to discourse, converse, talk ; to rea- son, dispute, argue, impf. διελε- γόμην, per. pass, διαλέλεγμαι, 1 a. pass, διελέχθην. Διαλείπω, f. -xj /ω, p. -φα, (fr. διά among, and λείπω to leave) to intermit, forbear for a time, cease at intervals ; to leave space between, be distant; to discon- tinue. 2 a. act. διεΚίπον. Διαλεκτική, -ης, η, viz. τέχνη, (fern, of next) dialectics, logic, the art of reasoning. Διαλεκτικός, -η, -ov, (fr. διαλέγω to discourse) of or about logic; logical, acute, shrewd. Subs, a logician, disputant.. Διάλεκτος, -ov, η, (fr. same) a dia- lect, idiom, peculiarity of expres- sion ; a style; a tongue, lan- guage. Διαλελαμμένος, Ion. for διαλελημμέ- νος, par.per. pass.of διαλαμβάνω. Διαλεχθηναι, inf. 1 a. pass, of δια- λέγω. - Διαλήση, 2 sin. 1 f. mid. of διαλαν- θάνω. Διάληψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f), (fr. διαλαμβάνω to intercept) a pre- vention, anticipation, getting be- forehand; a surprise ; a purpose, meaning, intention, resolution, plan, design ; a dispute, debate, argument. (142) ΔΙΑ Διαλιμπάνω, same as διαλείπω. ΔιαλϊπεΊν, inf. — Διαλίπω, -ης, -]j 9 sub. 2 a. act. of same. Δ.ιάλλάγη, -ης, fj, (fr. διαλάσσω to differ) a difference, distinction, unlikeness, disproportion; a re- conciliation, making up. Διαλλάγΐ]θι, 2 a. impr. pass, of same. Διαλλακτης, -ov, b, and Διαλλακτή- ριος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same) a recon- ciler, peacemaker, mediator. Διαλλάσσω, and Att. -ττω, f. -άζω, p. διήλλαχα, (fr. διά intens. and αλλάσσω to change) to reconcile, make up, mediate; to change, alter ; to exchange, barter ; to differ, vary; to dissent, disa- gree. 1 a. act. διήλλαξα. 2 a. act. διί)λλάγον. per. pass, διήλ- λαγμαι. 1 a. pass, διηλλάχθην. 2 a. pass. ind. διηλλάγην impr. διαλλάγηθι. Διάλλόμαι, 1 f. mid. διαλουμαι, (fr. διά through, and αλλομαι to leap) to leap over or through; to leap or burst asunder, shiver, split, break, crack. Διαλοάω -ω, f. -άσω or -ήσω, (fr. same, and αλοάω to thresh) to beat, rub, tread or thresh grain ; to strike, beat, flog. Διαλογή, -ης, ή, (fr. διαλέγω to converse) same as διαλογισμός. Διαλογίζεσθαι, pres. inf. pass. — Διαλογίζεσθε, -ζονται, 2 and 3 pi. pres. ind. pass. — Διαλογιζόμε- νος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of Διαλογίζομαι, f. -ίσομαι, p. διαλελό- γισμαι, (fr. διά intens. and λο- γίζομαι to converse) to discourse on; argue., reason, debate; to consider, think, muse, ponder, revolve, impf. mid. διελογιζόμην. 1 a. mid. διελογισάμην. Διαλογισμός, -ov, b, (fr. last) rea- soning, ratiocination, thought ; doubt, suspense; discourse, dis- pute, argument. Διάλογος, -ου, b, (fr. διαλέγομαι to converse) a dialogue ; discourse, talk, conversation. Διαλοιδορέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. διά intens. and λοιδορέω to revile) to revile grossly ; to slander, ca- lumniate. Διαλοιδόρησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) slander, backbiting; a taunt, sarcasm ; scurrility, gross abuse. Διαλνμαίνω, (fr. same, and λυμαίνω to spoil) to pollute, dishonour ; to hurt, injure, deface, spoil, waste, destroy; to tear, rend, mangle. Διάλυσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. next) a dissolving, dissolution, dismissal, breaking up ; an end, conclusion ; a decision, settlement, adjustment ; pacification, cove- nant, league, treaty ; a recon- ciliation ; the division of a diph» thong. Διαλύω, f. -ΰσω, p. διαλέλυκα, (fr. διά intens. and λύω to loosen} to loose, untie ; to dissolve, break in pieces; to disperse, rout, dissi~ ΔΪΑ pate; to break off, interrupt; to break up, dismiss; to refute, disprove; to cancel, annul; to conclude, finish, put an end to ; to compose, settle, adjust, make up, reconcile. 1 a. act. διέλυσα. per. pass, διαλέλυμαι. 1 a. pass διελύθην. Διαμαρτάνω, f. -ήσω, p. διημάρτη- κα, fr. same, and άμαρτάνω, which see. 2 a. act. διήμαρτον. Διαμαρτυρόμενος, par. -τυράσθαι inf. 1 a. mid. — Διαμαρτύρηται 3 sin. pres. sub. pass. — Διαμαρ- τυρόμενος, par. pres. pass, of δια- μαρτύρομαι. Διαμαρτυρέομαι -ουμαι, same as διαμαρτύρομαι. Διαμαρτυρία, -ας, η, (fr. next) a hearing, trial; evidence, testi- mony ; earnest entreaty ; an in- junction, order. Διαμαρτύρομαι, f. -ουμαι, (fr. δια intens. and μαρτύρομαι to testify) to prove, support by evidence, at- test; to affirm, avow, aver; to protest or declare against; to en- treat, supplicate, beseech, conjure ; to charge, enjoin. 1 a. mid. ind. διεμαρτυράμην' sub. διαμαρτύρω- μαι' inf. διαμαρτΰρασθαι' par. διαμαρτυρόμενος. Διαμάσάομαι, or Διαμασσάομαι -ωμαι, f. -ήσομαι, (fr. same, and μάσαομαι to chew) to champ, chew ; eat up, devour. Διαμαχετέος, -a, -ov, (fr. διαμάχο- μαι to fight) must fight, must be fought, have to contend, to be struggled. Διαμάχη, -ης, #, (fr. next) a fight, skirmish, battle ; an assault, on- set, charge ; a siege ; opposition, resistance. Διαμάχομαι, f. -ήσομαι, p. διαμεμά- νημαι, (fr. δια intens. and μά- χομαι to fight) to fight it out, dispute it to the last, contend ob- stinately, impf. διεμαχόμην. Διαμάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and αμάω to reap) to mow, reap or cut dovm ; to cut off, put an end to; to cut through, penetrate, pierce. Διαμείβομαι, f. -εί Ύ ομαι, p. διή- μειμμαι, (fr. same, and αμείβω to change) to change, alter; to exchange, give one for another, barter; to pass through, cross over ; to spend or pass life. 1 f. mid. 1 pi. διαμειψόμεθα. Διαμείνη, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. — Διαμένει, pres. ind. act. of δια- μένω. ΔιάμειχΡις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. δια intens. and αμείβω to change) exchange, barter, interchange of wares or words ; intercourse. ΔιαμελεϊστΊ,. (fr. 6ta among, and μέλος a limb) limb by limb, in pieces, piecemeal, Διαμέλλω, or -έω, f. -ήσω, (fr. δια mtens. and μέλλω to delay) to defer, put off, procrastinate; to linger, delay. Διαμεαενηκότες, η. pi. par. per. act. of διαμένω. ΔΙΑ Διαμεμερισμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass Διαμερίσατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. — ΔιαμερισθεΊσα, η. fem. par. 1 a. pass. — Διαμερισ- θήσεται, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. pass, of διαμερίζω. Διαμέμφομαι, f. -ψομαι, p. διαμέ- μεμμαι, (fr. δια intens. and μέμ- φομαι to blame) to accuse, charge, blame; to find fault with, com- plain of Διαμένω, f. -μένω, p. διαμεμένηκα, (fr. same, and μένω to wait) to remain, continue, abide; to en- dure, last; to persevere, persist, continue firm. impf. διέμενον. 1 a. act. ind. διέμεινα' sub. δια- μείνω. Διαμερίζω, f. -ϊσω, p. διαμεμέρικα, (fr. same, and μερίζω to divide) to cut through, part asunder ; to divide, share, deal out, allot; to differ, disagree. 1 a. act. ind. διεμέρίσα' impr. διαμέρισον, -άτω. per. pass, διαμεμέρισμαι. 1 a. pass, διεμερίσθην. 1 f. pass, δια- μερισθησομαι. 1 a. mid. διεμερι- σάμην. Διαμερισμός, -ου, h, (fr. last) a di- vision, distribution; a parting, separation ; disagreement, differ- ence, variance, dissension, schism. Διαμετρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. διαμεμέ- τρηκα, (fr. δια intens. and μετρέω to measure) to measure out. 1 a. mid. ind. διεμετρησάμην' inf. διαμετρήσασθαι. Διαμέτρησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) a measuring or measure- ment ; a dimension, size, length or breadth. Διαμετρητος, .-»)> bv, (fr. same) measured, surveyed, Διάμετρος, -ov, η, (fr. same) the diameter. Διαμιλλάομαι -ωμαι, f. -ήσομαι, (fr. δια intens. and άμιλλάομαι to contend, th. άμιλλα a fight) to contend eagerly, contest ; to strive, vie, emulate. Διαμιννρομαι, f. -ουμαι, and Διαμι- νυρίζομαι, fr. δια intens. and μι- νύρομαι, which see. Διαμνάομαι -ωμαι, f. -ήσ;μαι, (fr. same, and μνάομαι to remember) to remember well, recollect, call to mind. Διαμνημονεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same, and μνημονεύω to remember) to suggest, remind; to recount, mention, speak of commemorate. Αιαμνημονενομαι, to call to mind, remember, recollect. Διαμοιράομαι -ωμαι, f. -ήσομαι, (fr. same, and μοιράω to share) to distribute, deal out, divide among, allot, apportion ; to tear in pieces. Διαμοιρηδά, (fr. last) at the time of the division, at the sharing, in the distribution. Διαμονή, -ης, η, (fr. διαμένω to per- severe) perseverance, constancy, endurance, steadiness ; firmness, stability ; stay, continuance. Διαμορφόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. δια from, and μορφδω to shape) to disfigure, deform, mar, mangle. (143) ΔΙΑ Διάμπαξ, (fr. δια intens. and πα% all) thoroughly, entirely, wholly, totally ; through and through, on both sides. Διαμπερές, and Διαμπερέως, (fr. διά through, ανά intens. and πείρω to pierce) entirely, quite, wholly; throughout, from end to end, through and through ; ceaseless- ly, perpetually, continually. Διαμπραθέειν, JEol. and Poet, for διαναπραθεΊν, 2 a. inf. act. of δια- νατέρθω. Διαμυλλαίνω, f. -ανω, p. -αγκα, (fr. διά intens. and μνλλός crooked) to distort the mouth by laughing or grinning; to sneer, make contemptuous grimaces; to cele- brate on the reed or in pastoral strains. Διαμυστίλλω, (fr. Same, and μνσ- τίλλω to hash) to chop, mince, cut into small pieces, pres. inf. διαμυστίλλειν. Διαμφισβητεΐται, (3 sin. cont. pres. ind. pass, of next) it is ques- tioned; is a matter of doubt, is disputed. Διαμφισβητέω -ω, (fr. διά through, and αμφισβητέω to doubt) to question, controvert, dispute. Διαμφισβήτησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η*, (fr. same) doubt, indecision, con- troversy, dispute, litigation. Δ7αν, a. fem. sin. of δΐος. Διάναι, 1 a. inf. act. οΐδιαίνω. Διαναπαύο), f. -αυσω, (fr. διά after, and αναττανω to let rest) to give rest at intervals ; to rest, refresh, relieve ; to console, comfort. Διαναπέρθω, f. -σω, (fr. <5ίά and ανά, both intens. and πέρθω to lay waste) to destroy utterly, over- turn, raze, overthrow, subvert. Διαναυμαχέω -ω, fr. διά intens. and ναυμαχέω to fight at sea, which see. pres. inf. διαναυμα- χέειν -ειν. ΔιάνδΊχα, (fr. same, and άνδιχα twofold) in two ways, in two parts, doubly, twofold. Διανέειν, pres. inf. act. οΐδιανέω. Διανεϊμαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Διανεμη- θώ, -τ}ς, -η, 1 a. sub. pass. — Δίανενέμημαι, per. pass, of Διανέμω, f. -μω, p. διανενέμηκα, (fr. διά intens. and νέμω to distri- bute) to divide, share, attribute, assign, allot, give eojch his due; to measure, survey ; to arrange, order, regulate, put each in his place; to govern, rule, direct. Διανέμομαι, to spread abroad, be- come diffused, be divulged, pub- lished, per. pass, διανενέμημαι, 1 a. pass. ind. διενεμήθην sub. δια- νεμηθώ. Διανεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same, and νενω to nod) to signify with the head ; to nod assent ; to intimate, hint. 1 a. act. διένενσα. par. pres. act. διανεύων. Διανέω -ω, f. -εύσω, (fr. διά through, and νέω to swim) to swim through or out of; to get away, get off \. to avoid or escape danger, troubU or difficulty. ΔΙΑ &ιανήχρμαι, f. -ξομαι, (fr. same, and νήχομαι to swim) to swim over or across ; to evade, escape ; to pass by, over or beyond ; to go through. Διανθίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. δια intens. and ανθίζω to bloom) to make to bloom ; to adorn, garnish with flowers. Διανίστημι, f. -στήσω, p. λιανίστη- κα, (fr. same, and ανίστημι to raise) to stir, raise, rouse, incite, spur, hasten ; to start, put up ; to make revolt, separate, cause to rebel; to rise up, rise against, attack, assault ; to rise up to, pay respect. Διανοέομαι -ουμαι, f. -f /σομαι, (fr. same, and νοέω to think) to rea- son, consider, revolve, think, re- flect ; to design, determine; to feel, perceive, know, διανοήσθε, 2 pi. pres. sub. cont. διανοίγεις, par. 1 a. pass. Διανόημα, -ατός, τδ, and Αιανόησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, §, (fr. last) α thought, sentiment, notion, opi- nion ; thinking, musing ; imagi- nation, fancy ; intention, design. pi. διανοήματα. Διανοητικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) in- tellectual, thinking, cogitative. Διάνοια, -ας, η, (fr. same) the exer- cise or act of the mind ; thought, understanding, intellect; sense, meaning ; a device, imagination. Διανοίγω, f. -ζω, p. διανέωγα, (fr. δια intens. and ανοίγω to open) to open wide; to lay open, disclose, discover ; to open, explain, impf. ίιήνοιγον. 1 a. act. διήνοιζα. 1 a. pass. ind. διηνοίχθην, in 3 pi. διηνοίχθησαν' impr. διανοίχθητι. Διανοίγων, -ούσα, -ov, par. pres. act. — Διανοίχθητι, 1 a. impr. pass, of last. Διανομή, -ης, f), (fr. διανέμω to di- vide) a distribution, division, al- lotment ; a largess, donation. Διανοούμενος, par. pres. cont. of διανοέομαι. ΔιανταΊος, -ov, b, 17, (fr. δια through, and αντίος agai nst ) direct through, direct against, opposite. Διανυκτερεύω, f. -εύσω, p. διανευκ- τέρευκα, (fr. δια intens. and νύκ- τερος nightly) to pasz ne night. 1 a. act. διενυκτέρευσα. par. pres. act. διανυκτερεύων. Διανύσαντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. act. of διανύω. Διάνυσμα, -ατός, το, (fr. next) α completion ; a thing finished ; a journey, day's journey. Διανύτω, same as Διανύω, f. -νσω, p. διήνυκα, (fr. δια intens. and ανύω to complete) to finish, end or complete a jour- ney, properly ; to perfect, con- clude ; to effect, accomplish, bring about. 1 a. act. διήννσα. Διάξεις, 2 sin, 1 f. act. of διάγω. Δίαξύσματα, -ων, τα, (fr. δια in- tens. and ξύω same as ζέω to carve) channels, furrows, gutters; flutings on a pillar. Αιαπανννχισμος, -ου, δ, (fr. δια ΔΙΑ through, πας all, and νυξ the night) a staying all night, pass- ing the night. Αιαπαντος, (fr. δια through, and πας all) always, continually. Αιαπαρεϊς, -εϊσα, -εν, par. ο^διεπά- ρην, 2 a. ind. pass, of διαπείρω. Διαπαρθενεύο), (fr. same, and παρ- θέvoςa.vΊxgm)lodefloυ)er 1 debauch. Αιάπασμα, -ατός, το, (fr. next) a medicine to be sprinkled over the part, or infused in drink ; paint, colour. Διαπάσσω, Att. -ττω, f. -ασω, fr. δια through, and πάσσω, wh. see. Διαπαύομαι, f. -σομαι, (fr. δια in- tens. and παύω to stop) to make cease, stop, arrest ; . to relieve, give rest. Διαπαύομαι, to cease, desist, leave off, give over, end. Αιαπειλέω -ω, f. -^σω, (fr. same, and απειλέω to threaten) to threaten severely, menace. Διάπειρα, -ας, η, (fr. same, and πείρα an attempt) a trial, essay ; an experiment, proof ; practice. Διαπειράω -ω, and Αιαπειράζω, f. -ασω, (fr. same, and πειράω or -άζω to try) to attempt, essay, prove ; to sound, try, examine ; to search, inquire. Διαπείρω, f. -ερω, p. -κα, (fr. δια through, and πεφω to pierce) to transfix, pierce or thrust through. 1 a. act. ind. διέπειρα' par. δια- πείρας, •ασα, -αν. 2 a. pass. ind. διεπάρην' par. διαπαρείς. Αιαπίμπω, f. -ψω, (fr. same, and πέμπω to send) to dismiss, dis- band, send off or away ; to send about or on business ; to send over, past or beyond. Αιαχεραίνω, f. -άνω, (fr. same, and περαίνω to conclude) to bring to a close, finish ; to effect, fulfil, accomplish 1 a. inf. act. διαπε- ράναι. Διαπέρασαν roi, g. sin. -σαντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. act. of Αιαπεράω -ω, f. -ασω, and -^σω, p. -ana, by Sync. Αιαπράω -ω, which see, (fr. δια through, and περάω to pass) to carry, convey, sail or pass over; to cross over, pass by or through ; to pass through or spend life ; to proceed on a journey or voyage. 1 a. act. ind. διεπέρασα• par. διαπεράσας. Αιαπερδικίζω, f. -7σω, (fr. δια from, and πέρδιζ a partridge) same as εκπερδικίζω, which see. Διαπέρθω, f. -ίρσω, fr. δια intens. and πέρθω, which see, 2 a. act. διέπράθον. Αιαπερονάω -ω, fr. same, and περο- νάω, which see. Αιαπερσομεν, 1 pi. 1 f. act. of δια- πίρθω. Αιαπερων, η. neut. sin. cont. par. pres. act. — Αιαπερωσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of διαπεράω. ΑιαπεσεΊσθαι,Ζΐ. inf. mid. — Aia- πεσείν, 2 a. inf. act. of διαπίπτω. Αιαπετάζω, Αιαπετάω -ω or Αιαπε- τάννϋμι, f. -άσω, (fr. <5ίά intens. and πετάζω, &c. to spread) to ex- (144) ΔΙΑ pand, extend, unfold, spread out / to lay open, discover, disclose^ show ; to expand the wings, fly away, vanish, disappear. Αιαπίτομαι, and Αιαπέταμαι, f. -ήσομαι,{ίν. same, and πέτομαι or πέταμαι to fly) to fly about, fly through ; to hasten*, post, travel speedily. 2 a. ind. mid. διεπτάμην inf. διάπτασθαι, (fr. ϊπτάμαι.) Αιάπηγα, -ων, τα, (fr. διαπήγννμι to fix between) intercolumnia- tions ; the spaces between pillars or smallpillars set in these spaces. Αιαπηγνύω or Αιαπήγνϋμι, f. -ζω, (fr. δια intens. and πήγνυμι to fix) to fasten together, make up, construct, put together, par. 1 a. mid. διαπηξάμενος. Αιάπικρος. -a, -ov, (fr. same, and πικρός bitter) very bitter, spite- ful or malicious. Διαπίπτω, f. -πεσοΰμαι, (fr. same, and πίπτω to fall) to perish ut- terly ; to decay, wear away, be lost ; to dissolve, waste, fall away 2 a. ind. act. διίπεσον. Διαπιστεύω, f. -εύσω,(Π\ same, and πιστεύω to trust) to trust, credit, believe ; to confide, intrust. Αιαπιστέω -ω, f. -?/σω, (fr. same, and απιστέω to disbelieve, th, πείθω to persuade) to disbelieve totally, distrust, mistrust; to despair. Αιάπλασμα, -άτος, το, (fr.next) an anointing; an ointment ; a fo- mentation, poultice; a bathings steeping. Also, Αιαπλασμός, -ου, b, a making, formation. Διαπλάσσω or -ττω, f. -aVa»,(fr. δια intens. and πλάσσω to feign) to form, shape, mould, fashion ; to make, frame ; to anoint, spread upon. Αιαπλατύνω, f. -υνω, fr. same, and πλατύνω, which see. Διαπλέκω, f. -ζω, p. -χα, (fr. same, and πλέκω to fold) to interweave, tie or twine together ; to entwine, infold. Αιαπλέζαισα, JEo\. for δια-χλέζασα, fern. 1 a. par. act. of last. Αιαπλεύσας, -ασα, -αν, pi. -σαντες, par. 1 a. act. of Αιαπλέω, f. -εύσω, p. διαπεπλευκα, (fr. δια through, and πλέω to sail) to sail through or over ; to pass or spend life. Αιαπληκτίζω or -ζομαι, f. -ίσομαι, (fr. δια intens. and νληκτίζομαι to come to blows) to contend, dispute ; to fight ; to fight it out ; to strike as a signal. Διαπλώω,ί.-ώσω,ΡοβΙ. for ίιαπλέω. Διαπνέω -ω, and Poet. Αιαπνείω, (fr. δια through, and πνέω to blow) to blow violently over, through or upon ; to blow away, scatter ; to breathe through *or upon ; to refresh, revive ; to re- spire, draw breath; to vanish into air. Αιαποικίλος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and ποικίλος variegated) in or of various colours, in a party coloured dress. ΔΙΑ Αιαπολιμέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. δια In- tens. and πολεμέω to war) to be at war with ; to vanquish, subdue. Αιαπολιτεύομαι, f. -ενσομαι, (fr. same, and πολιτένω to manage the state) to engage in public affairs; to manage, guide, in- fluence, direct. Αιαπομπενω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same, and πομπεύω to send) to continue in a procession ; to proceed, go on in state ; to escort, attend. Αιαπονέω -ώ, f. -ήσω or -έσω, and Αιαπονίομαι -ουμαι, f. -ήσομαι or -έσομαι, (fr. same, and πονέω to toil, th. πόνος labour) to labour or toil through; to finish, accom- plish ; to till, cultivate ; to train, exercise or. practice by labour; to labour, work hard ; to grieve, despond, be weaned out. 1 a. pass. ind. διεπονήθην. Αιαπονηθεϊς, par. 1 a. pass. — Aia- πονούμενος, par* pres. cont. pass. of last. Αιαπόντιος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. δια be- yond, and πόντος the sea) travel- ling beyond sea, a voyager; trans- marine; marine, maritime. Αιαπορενεσθαι, inf. -ρευόμενος, -η, •ov, par. pres. pass, of διαπο- ρεύομαι. Αιαπόρενμα, -ατός, το, (fr. next) α passage, going or crossing over, transit ; a road, way, pass. Αιαπορεύομαι, f. -ενσομαι, p. δια- πεπόρενμαι, (fr. δια through, and πορεύω to pass) to go or pass by, over or through; to travel over or through, perambulate ; to de- part, set out, go on a journey or voyage, impf. διεπορενόμην. 1 a pass, διεπορεύθην. Αιαπορέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. διαπεπόρη κα, (fr. δια through, and απορέω to doubt) to find no passage, be perplexed ; to hesitate, doubt ; to ask, seek, inquire. Αιαπόρησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, #, (fr last) hesitation, doubt; puzzle, loss, conjecture ; difficulty, per- plexity. Αιαπορθέω -ω, f. -ήσω, fr. δια in- tens. and πορθέω, which see. Αιαπορθμενω, f. -εύσω, (fr. δια. through, and πορθμεύω to ferry) to ferry, carry, convey over. Αιαποστέλλω, f. -ελώ, (fr. same and αποστέλλω to send away) to send off by different ways, des- patch in all directions. Αιαποφωνέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. δια intens. απδ from, and ψωνέω to speak) to dissent, disagree, differ. Διαπραγματεύομαι, f. -ενσομαι, (fr. δια intens. and πραγματεύομαι to trade) to traffic, negotiate, pursue any business, gain by trade. 1 a. mid. διεπραγματενσά- μην. Αιαπραθέειν, Ion. for διαπραθειν, 2 a. inf. act. — Αιαπράθομεν, 1 pi 2 a. ind. act. of διαπέρθω. Αιαπραξάμενος, par. 1 a. mid. of διαπράσσω. Αιάπρΰσις, -ιος, Att. -εωί, η, (fr, next) a selling, sale, auction. Τ ΔΙΑ Αιαπράσσω, Att. -ττω, (fr. δια in- tens. and πράσσω to do) to do completely, perform, finish, complete ; to execute, accom- plish, effect, obtain ; to despatch, kill. Αιαπράω -ω, by Sync, for διαπεράω, ΐ.διαπρήσω, and Poet, διαπρήσσω. Αιαπρεπεία, -ας, η, (fr. next) excel- lence; magnificence, grandeur, ornament, decoration. Αιαπρεπής, -ίος -οΐις, b, ή, (fr. next) choice, excellent, superior, illus- trious, distinguished. Αιαπρέπω, f. -ψω, (fr. <5ίά intens. and πρίπω to become) to excel, surpass, exceed ; to be distin- guished, Αιαπρεπώς, (fr. διαπρεπής excel- lent) gracefully, becomingly; ex- tremely, excellently, grandly. Αιαπρήζασθαι, Ion. for διαπράξασ- θαι, 1 a. inf. mid. of διαπράσσω Αιαπρήσσω, also Ion. for διαπράσσω Αιαπρήσσω, same as διαπεράω. Αιαπρήσσων, -ονσα, -ov, par. If. — Αιαπρήσσονσι, 3 pi. οϊδιαπρήσσω, Poet, for διαπρήσω, 1 f. act. of διαπράω, by Sync, for διαπεράω. Or it is 3 pi. pres. ind. of last. Αιαπρηστενω, to make a discovery, give information, inform against, accuse. Αιαπρίω, f. -ίσω, p. διαπίπρικα, (fr. δια through, and πρίω to saw) to saw through, divide with a saw; to cut to the heart. Aia- πρίομαι, to gnnd or gnash the teeth, impf. διεπριόμην. 1 a. pass. διεπρίσθην. Αιαπρο, (fr. δια through, and προ forth) through and through, quite through ; deeply, inwardly ; totally, wholly, entirely, altoge- ther. Αιαπρνσιον, (neut. of next) audibly, clearly, loudly. Αιαπρνσιος, -ov, b, f), or -ως, -a, -ov, (fr. διαπορεύω to pass through) penetrable, permeable, pervious to sound; penetrating, clear, loud. Αιαπταίω, f. -αίσω, (fr. δια intens. and πταίω to stumble) to stam- mer, stutter, hesitate. Αιαπτάσθαι, 2 a. inf. mid. of δια- πέτομαι or διαπέταμαι. Αιάπτωμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. διαπίπτω to decay) a slip, fall ; a defeat, failure ; an error, mistake. Αιάπτωσις, Ίος, Att. -εω?, η, (fr. same) downfall, ruin; defeat of expectation, disappointment, mis- fortune, calamity ; loss of life, death. Αιαπννθάνομαι, (fr. δια intens. and πννθάνομαι to inquire) to know well, be well acquainted with; to comprehend, understand ; to examine, search into; to ask strict- ly, inquire, demand. 2 a. inf. mid. διαπνθέσθαι. Αιάπνστος, -ov, b, >/, (fr. last) heard, understood, known. Αιαριστεύω,ί.-εύσω, (fr. ota among, and άριστος the best) to be among (U5\ Δ1Α the bravest, be foremost ; disput• the prize, fight valiantly. Αιαρκέω -ω, f. -εσω, p. -εκα, (fr. διά intens. and αρκίω to suffice) to have enough ; to be sufficient for or capable of, be able; to last, endure, hold out. Αιαρκΐ]ς, 2 sin. pres. sub. cont. of last. Αιαρκής, -έος -ους, b, >', (fr. same J able, sufficient, competent, capa- ble ; lasting, enduring ; constant, persevering. Αιαρκως, (fr. last) sufficiently , ful- ly ; firmly, strongly, sup. διαρ- κίστατα, most sufficiently. Αιαρμόζω, f. -σω, (fr. <3(ά from, and αρμόζω to fit) to disjoint, dis- unite, dispart, take asunder ; to separate, scatter, disperse. Also, (fr. διά intens. ) to compose, tune ; arrange, adjust. Αιαρπαγή, -ής, η, (fr. διά intens. and αρπαγή robbery) rapine, rob- bery, pillage, plunder, waste. Αιαρπάζω, f. -άσω, p. διήρπακα, (fr. same, and αρπάζω to rob) to spoil, despoil, ransack, pillage, plunder ; to ravage, waste ; to shatter, break in pieces, tear asun- der. 1 a. inf. act. διαρπάσαι. Αιαρ'ραγε'ιην, -ης, -η, 2 a. opt. pass, of διαρρήγνυμι. Αιαρραίνω, (fr. διά intens. and ραίνω to bedew) to spnnkle plen- tifully, shed. Αιαρραίνομαι, to flow out, spread into streams. Αιαρραίω, f. -αίσω, (fr. same, and ραίω to spoil) to destroy, over- throw, ravage, waste ; to shatter , break in pieces. Αίαρρίω -ώ, f. -εύσω, (fr. same, and ρέω to flow) to leak, run out ; to overflow, overrun, run off; to flow or run away, vanish. Αιαρρήγνϋμι, Αιαρρηγννω, or Αιαρ- ρήσσω, f. -ζω, p. διέρρηχα-, (fr. same, and ρήγννμι, &c. to break) to split y cleave, break or burst asunder; to break through; to rend, tear. 1 a. act. ind. διήρ- ρηζα. impf. pass, διερρηγνύμην, -νσο, -ντο. Αιαρρήξας, tt. pi. -ρήζαντες, par. 1 a. act. — ■ Αιαρρήσσων, par. pres, act. of 'last. Αιαρρίπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. same, and ρίπτω to throw) to fling or cast dovm, throw away ; to scatter, dissipate, disperse. Αιάρροια, -ας, fj, (fr. διαρρέω to leak) a flowing, running, dis- charge ;flux, looseness, diarrhoea. Αιαρρνθμέω -ω, f. -ήσω^ (fr. διά with, and ρνθμύς harmony) to put together, frame,fjix ; to make, form; to arrange, settle, regu~ late, order, digest. Αιαρρύω, f. -ύσω, (fr. διά through, and ρύω to flow) same as διαρ- ρέω. Αίαρσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η~, (fr. διαί- ρω to raise up) a raising on high, elevation, exultation ; a re- moval, taking away; a cutting off, extermination. Αιαρτάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. διά intens ΔΙΑ and αρτάω to hang up) to raise or lift up, remove, take away ; to hang up, suspend; to keep in suspense ; to sever, divide , sepa- rate, draw asunder ; to break off, interrupt, cut short; to de- ceive, delude ; to reconcile, con- ciliate. Διαρτίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. same, and αρτίζω to fit) to reform, renew, repair, make better ; to make, mould, form ; to finish, execute, perform. Διασαλεύω, f. -ευσω, (fr. same, and σαλεύω to agitate) to shake vio- lently ; to roll, toss, tumble ; to wave, agitate. Διασαφέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. διασισά- φηκα, (fr. same, and σαφής plain) to warn; to signify, in- timate, express ; to declare open- ly, publish, divulge. 1 a. act. διεσάφησα. Διασάφησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. last) a translation, explanation ; a declaration, publication ; a dis- closure, discovery, revelation. Δίασείω, f. -είσω, p. διασέσεικα, (fr. δια intens. and σείω to shake) to shake, agitate, make tremble; to insult, injure, treat violently ; to extort, wrest, wring from ; to move, wag. Δίασεύω, (fr. same, and σεύω to drive) see διασύω. Δίασημαίνω, f. -άνω, (fr. same, and σημαίνω to signify) to point out; to show by signs, express by sign or motion. Διάσημος, -ου, δ, >/, (fr. same, and σήμα a mark) remarkable, noted ; celebrated, famous, illustrious. Διάσια,-ων, τα, (fr. Δώς g. ofZriJf, Jupiter) the festival of Jupiter. Διασιγάσομαι, Dor. for διασιγήσο- μαι, 1 f. mid. of διασιγάω -ω, fr. δια mtens. and σιγάω to be si- lent, which see. Διασκεδάννϋμι, Διασκεδάω -ω, or Διασκεδάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. same, and σκεδάννϋμι, &c. to scatter) to disperse, rout, break up; to dissipate, frustrate ; to efface, obliterate. Διασκεδασμδς, -ου, 6, (fr. last) a dispersion, breaking up, scatter- ing. Διασκέπτομαι, f. -ψομαι, (fr. same, and σκέπτομαι to look about) to consider, think of, deliberate. Διασκευάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. same, and σκευάζω to prepare) to prepare, provide, furnish, equip, make ready. Διασκευάζομαι, to get ready, prepare one's self, pack up, prepare for a march or jour- ney. Διασκευή, -ης, },, (fr. last.) prepara- tion, provision ; furniture, har- ness, armour, accoutrements ; equipage. Διάσκεψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. δια intens. and σκίψις consider- ation) consultation, deliberation, debate, discussion. Διασκηνίπτω, same as διασκορπίζω. Διασκιδνάσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. of ΔΙΑ Διασκίδνημι,ΐ. -ήσω, p. διεσκίδνηκα, (fr. δια intens. and σκίδνημι to scatter) to disperse, disorder, drive away ; to dissolve, discuss, dissipate ; to spread abroad, pub- lish. Διασκιρτάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and σκιρτάω to slap) to leap about, frisk, start ; to spring out ; to exult, bound, rejoice ; to excite, move. Διασκορπίζω, f. -ΐσω, p. διεσκδρπι- κα, (fr. same, and σκορπίζω to scatter) to scatter abroad, strew, spread ; to disperse, waste, dissi- pate ; to rout, defeat, per. pass. διεσκόρπισμαι, 1 a. pass, διεσκορ- πίσΟην. 1 f. pass, διασκορπισθή- σομαι. Διασκώπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. same, and σκώπτω to taunt) to scoff, mock ; to jest, joke. Δίασμα, -άτος, το, (fr. διάζομαι to warp yarn) the woof or warp ; a web or piece. Διασμάω -ώ, (fr. δια. intens. and σμάω to wipe) to rub in ; to wipe clean, cleanse thoroughly, pres. inf. cont. διασμςίν. Διασπαρίντες, η. pi. 2 a. par. pass. Διασπαρηναι, 2 a. inf. pass, of διασπείρω. Διασπασθώ, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass, of Αιαστοφάζω, (fr. δια intens. and διασπαω. Διάσπάσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, Διά- σπασμα, -ατός, το, and Διασπασ- μος, -ου, δ, (fr. next) a pulling, tearing or rending in pieces ; dis- sipation, scattering, waste; in- terruption, avocation. Διασπάω, f. -άσω, p. διέσπακα, (fr. διά intens. and σπάω to draw) to pull or draw asunder, tear or rend in pieces; to separate, di- vide, break off ; to take away forcibly ; to loose, undo, dissolve, break up. Διασπάομαι -ωμαι, Ιο be distracted, perplexed. 1 a. act. διέσπασα, per. pass. ind. διέσπασμαι' inf. διεσπάσθαι. la. pass. ind. διεσπάσθην' sub. δια- σπασθώ, -ης, -fj. Διασπείρω, f. -άρω, p. διέσπαρκα, (fr. διά through, and σπείρω to sow) to scatter or strew like seed ; to disseminate, spread abroad, publish ; to scatter, disperse. 1 a. act. διέσπειρα. 2 a. act. διέσπά- pov. 2 f. act. διασπαρω. 2 a. pass, ind. διεσπάρην par. διασπαρείς. per. mid. διέσπορα. Διασπορά, -ας, >/, (fr. last) disper- sion ; a scattering, dissipation ; the thing scattered. Διασταλήσονται, 3 pi. 2 f. pass, of διαστέλλω. Διάσταλσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. διαστέλλω to charge) distinctness, clearness ; a clear sound ; ex- planation, enlargement, expan- sion ; superiority, excellence ; a covenant, contract, treaty, recon- ciliation. Διαστάς, -ασα, -αν, g. fern, -στά- σης, par. 2 a. act. of διί'στημι. Διάστασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. δΰστημι to separate) distance, (146) ΔΙΑ space between ; a difference, dia• agreement, dispute. Διάστειλον, 1 a. impr. act. of Sia~ στέλλω. Διαστείχω, f. -ζω, p. διέστειγα, (fr. διά from, and στείγω to go) to de• part, go away. Διαστέλλω, f. -ελώ, p. διέσταλκα, (fr. διά intens. and στέλλω to send) to charge, order, command; to intrust, send on business ; to enjoin, warn, proclaim; to ex- pand, dilate, enlarge; to sepa- rate, divide ; to distinguish, mark, define. 2 a. act. διέστα- λον. impf. pass, διεστελλόμην. 1 a. mid. διεστειλάμην. per. mid. λιέστολα. Διάστημα, -άτος, τδ, (fr. δΰστημι to separate) interval, space be- tween, distance ; intervention, in- terference. Διαστηρίζω, f. -ϊσω, p. διεστήρικα, (fr. διά intens. and στηρίζω to fix) to prop, support ; to sustain, maintain, uphold; to establish, confirm. ΔιαστΤισαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Διαστή- σας, η. pi. -στήσαντες, par. 1 a. act. — Διαστήτην, Ion. for διεσ- τήτην, 3 du. 2 a. ind. act. of διΐστημι. στοιβάζω to stuff) to cram close, ram, cement ; to crowd, throng. Διαστολή, -ης, η, (fr. διαστέλλω to divide) a distinction, diversity, difference ; dilation^ extension, - expansion ; a dividing, separa- tion. Διαστρατοπεδεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. διά about, and στρατοπεδεύω to en- camp) to besiege closely, belea- guer, encompass, environ. Διαστράπτω, f. -ψω,(Α\οιά through, and αστράπτω to flash) to light- en or fiash through. Διαστρέφω, f. -ψω, p. διέσιρεφα, (ft. διά about, and στρέψω to turn) lo turn upside down, overturn ; to turn out of the way, mislead ; to go out of the way or off the road ; to bait or lodge ; to turn to a bad use, pervert ; to distort, set awry, wrest. 1 a. act. md. διέστρεψα' inf. διαστρέψαι. per. pass. ind. διέστραμμαι'ρΆΐ. διεσ- τραμμένος, per. mid. διέστροφα. Διαστρέφων, -ούσα, -ov, neut. pi. -φόντα, par. pres. act. — Διασ- τρέψαι, 1 a. mf. act. of last. Διαστροφή, -ης, ή, (fr. διαστρέφω to pervert) corruption, perversion or turning to worse ; a wresting or straining, distortion ; per verseness. Διάστροφος, -ov, b, f), (fr. same) distorted, strained ; perverted ; perverse, infatuated ; averse, un- willing. Διαστρώννϋμί or -ννυω, f. -στρώσω, (fr. διά throughout, and στο>άν- νυμι to strew) to spread, strew, cover, lay ; to order, get ready, prepare ; to make a bed, set seats. Διaσυpιγμbς, -ου, δ, (fr. next) ahis- ΔΙΑ sing, contemptuous rejection, his- sing qff the stage. Διασυρίζω, fl -ίξω (fr. διά intens, and συρίζω to hiss) to hiss off, hoot, reject disgracefully, ex- plode. Διασυρμός, -ου, b, (fr. next) distor- tion ; detraction, disparagement, injurious comparison; slander; diasyrmus, a rhetorical figure. Διασύρω, f. -ρω, p. διασέσυρκα, (fr. δια intens. and σύρω to draw) to pull or draw asunder, tear, lacerate; to take from, lessen, abate; to detract, disparage, ca- lumniate, per. pass, διασέσνρ μαι. Δ'<ασνω, (fr. <5ίά through, and σύω for σεύω to drive) to go, pass or rush through ; to penetrate ; to pierce, transfix, per. pass, δια σέσνμαι, and by Metath. διέσσν μαι. Διασφαγη, -ης, ή, (fr. same, and σφάζω to cut the throat) a g»sh, cut, wound; a gap, breach. Διάσφας, -άγος, fj, (fr. same, and σφάζω to divide) distance, space, interval ; a turning or division of α road; an opening, gap; a canal, trench* Διασχίζω, f. -ΐσω, p. διέσχικα, and εδιέσχικα, (fr. same, and σχίζω to split) to cleave, rive, split asunder, rend in pieces ; to separate, break off; to cut up or open. Διασχολέω, -ω, f. ήσω, (fr. same, and ασχολέω to be busy) to fix or appoint for business, engage, occupy ; to exercise, pursue ; to be very busy, fully employed. Διασχαν, par. 2 a. act. of διέχω. Διασώζω, f. -σω, p. διασίσωκα, (fr. δια intens. and σώζω to save) to keep, preserve; to defend, save, protect ; to carry, convey, convoy safely ; to deliver, rescue, re- lieve; to heal, cure. Διασώζομαι, to deliver one's self, escape. Διασωθείς, -ε7σα, -εν, η. pi. mas. -θέντες, neut. -θέντα, 1 a. par. pass. — Διασωθηναι, 1 a. opa, -ας, η, (fr. last) corrup tion, dissolution, death; the grave ; a debauching, rape ; a seduction, depraving, bribing ; bane, mischief; destruction, ruin, decay. Διαφθορεύς, -έος, Att. -έως, b, (fr. same) a tempter, seducer, de- baucher, misleader, perverter ; a destroyer, despoiler. Διαφθορέω -ω, Ion. for διαφθείρω. pres. inf. διαφθορέειν. Διαφοβεω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. διά in- tens. and φοβέω to terrify) to frighten very much, affright, scare, drive away through ter- ror. Διαφόβημα, -άτος, το, (fr. last) fear, terror, dread, fright; a terror, cause of fear. Διαφοιτάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. διά through, and φοιτάω to come and go) to wander about, ram- ble, rove; to travel through. Διαφορά, -ας, r), (fr. διαφέρω to dif- fer) a difference, variation, dis similitude ; a disagreement, quar rel ; excellence, superiority. Διαφορέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. διά in- tens. and φορέω to carry) same as διαφέρω, also to tear asunder ; to shatter, scatter, dissipate; to plunder, ravage. 1 a. inf. act. διαφορησαι. par. pres. pass. cont. διάφορου μένος. Διαφύρημα, -ατός. το, (fr. last) a spoil, plunder, booty. Διαφόρησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) difference, variation; plunder, booty. Διαώορητίκος, -η, -ovj (fr. same) dissipating, scattering, dispers- ing, that tends to break up, dis- cuss or dissolve. Διάφορον, -ου, το, (neut. of next) a price, reward, premium ; money. Διάφορος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. διαφέρω to differ) diverse, different, varying, unlike, dissimilar ; various, sun- dry ; differing, dissenting, dis- agreeing; surpassing, excelling, superior, excellent, comp. διαφο- ρώτερος. Διαφόρως, (fr. last) differently, ), (fr. same, and φύω to grow) the space between the limbs or joints; a cleft, slit, chink, crack, fissure ; a seam, joint. Αια<ρύγοιμι, -οις, -οι, opt. of διέφϋ- γον, 2 a. act. of διαφεύγω. Αιαφυλάζαι, 1 a. inf. act. of Διαφυλάσσω or -ττω, f. -άξω, (fr. δια intens. and φυλάσσω to guard) to preserve carefully, keep iqfely ; to protect, defend, take charge of. Δ,ΐφφύω, f. -ΰσω, (fr. δια intens. and αφύω to pour) to empty quite, drain ; to tear, cut or gash through. Αιαφύω or Διάφυμι, (.fr. δια. be- tween, and φύω or φϋμι to grow) to lie or be between; to inter- vene, occur, happen ; to grow or arise among or out of, accrue from. Αιαφωνέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. δια through, and φωνέω to speak) to differ, disagree, dissent ; to dis- cord, jar ; to be silent ; to faint, fail, perish, die. Αιαφώσκω, (fr. same, and φώσκω to shine) to break forth with light, dawn, shine forth. Αιαφωτίζω, f. ϊσω, (fr. same, and φωτίζω to enlighten) to shine upon, enlighten clearly, illumi- nate ; to show, discover, bring to light. Αιαχαλάω, same as χαλάω. Αιαχέαι, 1 a. inf. act. of διαχέω. Αιαχειρίζω, f. -Έσω, p. διακεχείρικα, (fr. διά intens. and χειρίζω to handle) to take in hand, have upon hands; to manage, con- duct, direct, rule, regulate. Aia- χειρίσομαι, to lay hands upon, do violence to, kill, slay, despatch. 1 a. act. διεχείρισα. 1 a. mid. ind. διεχειρισάμην. inf. διεχει- ρισάσθαι. Αιαχειρόομαι -ουμαι, (fr. same, and χειρόω to subdue, th. χειρ the hand) same as last ; also to conquer, subdue, vanquish. Αιαχειροτονίω -ω, (fr. δια intens. and χειροτονέω to stretch forth the hand) to vote or elect by show of hands; to give sentence or judgment ; to enact, pass an act or decree. Αιαχειροτονία, -ας, ή, (fr. last) a vote, suffrage ; a voting or elec- tion by show of hands ; a divi- sion on a debate ; determination sentence, judgment; an enact ment, decree. Αιαχίω, f. -έσω and εύσω, (fr. δια through, and χέω to pour) to ΔΙΒ pour out; to diffuse, spread abroad; to dissipate, efface. Αιαχράομαι -ωμαι, f. -ήσομαι, p. διακίχρησμαι, (fr. διά intens. and χράομαι to use) to make use of, take the benefit of, live accord- ing to, comply with ; to despatch, kill, slay; lay violent hands upon. pres. inf. cont. διαχράσ- θαι. 1 f. mid. διαχρήσομαι, in 3 sin. διαχρήσεται, Dor. διαχρη- σείται. Αιαχράω -ω, or Αιάχρημι, (fr. - same, and χράω to lend) to apply to ; to manage, conduct ; to explain, state clearly, pres. inf. cont. διαχραίν, also διαχρηναι. Διαχρησθαι, Dor. for διαχρασθαι, pres. inf. of διαχράομαι. Αιάχρϋσος, -ου, ο, η, (fr. διά through, and χρυσός gold) gold- en; gilt, covered, adorned with or ■ dressed in gold. Αιάχυσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. διαχέω to pour out) a spilling, sheading ; diffusion, spreading abroad; relaxation, amusement, sport. Αιαχύω f. -ύσω, same as διαχέω. Αιαχωρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. διά through, and χωρέω to go) to go over, travel through; to pass through or away, escape ; to discharge, evacuate; to expand, overspread, pervade. Αιαχωρίζω, f. -('σω, p. διακεχώρικα, (fr. διά intens. and χωρίζω to divide) to sever, separate, part; to diyoin, disunite. Διαχωρίζο- μαι, to depart, go away. 1 a. act. διεχώρισα. pres. inf. pass. διαχωρίζεσθαι. 1 a. impr. pass. διαχωρίσθητι. Διάχωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. διά intens. and χόω to heap up) an embanking or confining of water ; an embankment, mound, dam. Διάψαλμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same, and ψάλλω to sing) a variation of the melody in singing or mu- sic; a mark of a louder strain or of a chorus ; a new part or division; a pause, stop, rest. Διαψεύδω, f. -εύσω, p. διέψευκα, (fr. same, and ψεύδω to feign) to deceive, beguile, cheat. Διαψεύ- δομαι, to lie; to be disappointed, miss, fail; to mistake. Διαψηφίζομαι, f. -ίσομαι, (fr. same, and ψηφίζω to calculate) to bal- lot ; to vote or elect with pebbles or beans; to collect the votes, give judgment, make a decree, enact. Διαψήώισις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. last) a balloting or voting ; an election. Διαψιθυρίζω, f. -"ΐσω, (fr. διά through, and ύ/ιΒνρίζω to whis- per) to ca' j.iiL- ite by whispers or insinuf- aons, sla ier privately, backbite, malign. Διαψύχω, f. -ξω, p. διέψυχα, (fr διά intens. and ψύχω to cool) to air, dry ; to clean ; to rest, re- fresh, cool. ■ Δίβαφος, -ου, b, η, (fr. δις twice, (149) Δ1Δ and βάιττω to dye) twice dyed, double-dyed. Αίβαφος, -ου, η, (fr. same) a scar- let robe. Δίγαμμα, (fr. δις twice, and Γ) digamma, an ^Eolic letter, like anF. Δίγληνος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and γλήνη the pupil of the eye) hav- ing two pupils. Διγλήνους ωπας, both eyes. Δίγλωσσος, -ου, b, {], (fr. same, and γλωσσά the tongue) double- tongued, knowing two languages. Δίδαγμα, -άτος, τό, (fr. διδάσκω to teach) an example; a proof ; a lesson, warning. Διδακτικός, -η, -όν, (fr. same) teachable, docile, tractable; di- dactic, fit or useful for teaching or learning ; docile. Διδακτός, -η, -όν, (fr. same) taught, learned ; that may be taught. Δίδακτρον, -ου, τό, (fr. same - } en- trance-money paid to a teacher; a fee, salary for tuition. Διδάξαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Δίδαξε, Ion. for εδίδαξε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Διδάξω, -ης, -η, 3 pi. -ωσι, 1 a. sub. act. — Διδάξω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. act. — Δίδαξον, 1 a. impr. act. of διδάσκω. Δίδαξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. δι- δάσκω to teach) doctrine; in- struction, teaching ; learning, erudition ; tradition. Δίδασκ' for δίδασκε, pres. impr. of same. Διδασκαλεία, -ων, τά, (fr. same) lessons, things taught; instruc- tion, tuition ; entrance fee, sa- lary. Διδασκαλεΐον, -ου, τό, (fr. same) α school. Διδασκαλία, -ας, η, (fr. same) teach- ing, instruction, education. Διδάσκαλος, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a master, teacher, preceptor, tutor. Διδάσκεις, -ει, 2 and 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Διδάσκειν, pres. inf. act. — Διδασκέμεν, Ion. and Ai- δασκέμεναι, Dor. for διδάσκειν, pres. inf. — Διδάσκευ, Dor. for διδάσκου, pres. impr. pass. — Διδάσκη, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. of διδάσκω. Διδασκέω -ω, f. --ήσω, 1 a. inf. δι- δασκησαι, Att. for Διδάσκω, f. -ξω, p. δεδίδαχα, (per- haps fr. δι an intens. redupl. and δάσκω or δαίω to share) to teach, instruct, inform; to im- press, inculcate; to shoio, tell, make known. Διδάσκομαι, to be taught, learn, acquire, receive in- struction, impf. εδίδασκον. 1 a. act. ind. εδίδαξα' impr. δίδαξον' sub. διδάξω• inf. διδάξαι. per. pass, δεδίδαγμαι. 1 a. pass. εδιδάχθην, in 2 pi. εδιδάχθητε. Διδάσκων, -ovca, -ov, g. -οντος, d. -οντι, n. pi. -οντε?, par. pres. act. of last. Διδαχή, -ης, η, (fr. same) doctrine; teaching, instruction. Διδαχθης, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. pass, of same. Δ1Δ άιδείάσι, Poet, for διδίάσι or ίι- δεΊσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. of Αίδημι, same as δέω, to bind. — Δίδη, Ion. and Poet, for εδίδη, 3 sin. impf. ind. Αιδόαμεν, Αιδόασι, Att. and Ion. for δίδομεν, 1 pi. and δίδουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. of δίδωμι. ΑιδοΊ, 3 sin. — ΑιδοΊσθα, JEol. for διδοΊς, 2 sin. pres. of διδόω. Αίδοι is also Dor. for δίδου, pres. impr. act. cont. of same. Αιδόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. — Αιδόμεν, Ion. for διδόναι, pres. inf. act. of δίδωμι. Αιδότω, 3 sin. and Αίδοτε, 2 pi. pres. impr. of δίδωμι. Αίδου, Ion. for εδίδου, 3 sin. impf. of διδόω. Or, for δίδοσο, pres. impr. pass, of δίδωμι. Αιδουν, pres. inf. cont. of διδόω — Αιδουναι, Poet, for διδόναι, pres. inf. act. — Αίδοται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass. — Αίδοτε, 2 pi. ind. or impr. act. — Αιδούς, -οϋσα, -dv, g. -όντος, d. -όντι, a. -όντα, η. pi. -ovrej, par. pres. act. — Αίδωσι, 3 sin. and Α'ιδονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of same. Αιδόω -ω, f. -ώσω, same as δίδωμι. Αιδράσκω, f. δράσω, p. δέδρακα, (fr. δράω to flee) ίο flee or ./??/, r^n away, escape ; to shun, avoid. 2 a. act. ind. έδρην, -ης, -η, and έδραν, -ας, -a' opt. δραίην, and δράην, -ης, -η' inf. <5pavar par. δρας. all Dor. fr. δρήμι, obs. Αι5ράχμη, -ης, ή, (fr. <5ϊί twice, and δραχμή a drachm) or Αίδραχμον, -ου, το, (neut. of next) viz. νόμισμα, a didrachmon or double drachm, equal to two Ro- man denarii, or about fifteen pence English. Αίδραχμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. δ\ς twice, and δραχμή a drachm) worth or eo/7 /αΖ /, (fr. last, and χρόα colour) twin- coloured, of two colours, parti- coloured, pyed. Αιδώ,-ως, -ω, pres. sub. — Αίδωθι, JEo\. for δίδοθι pres. impr. of &ίδ.<•)μι, f. δώσω, p. δέδωκα, (fr. δόω obs. to give) to give, grant, be- stow ; to present, offer ; to con- cede, yield; to permit, intrust, give up, deliver into or over ; to propose, offer, promise; to en~ ΔΙΕ join, appoint, constitute, ordain to put, place, lay ; to attribute, ascribe ; to inflict, lay upon ; to pay, pay for, suffer, impf. εδί- δων, also εδίδοον -ουν, (fr. διδόω.) 1 a. act. ind. ίδωκα' but in sub. δώσω. pper. εδεδώκειν, and δεδώ- κειν. 2 a. act. ind. έδων impr. <5όί, in 2 pi. δότε' opt. δοίην and Att. δωην sub. δω, -ως, -ω* inf. δούναι' par. δούς. per. pass, δίδο- μαι. 1 a. pass. ind. εδόθην opt. δοθείην sub. δοθώ• inf. δοθηναι' par. δοθείς. 1 f. pass, δοθήσομαι. Αιδών, Dor. for δίδουν, Ion. for διδόναι, pres. inf. act. of last. Δ/ε, Ion. for ίδιε, 3 sin. impf. of δίω. Or, 2 a. of δείω, for δείδω. Αιέβαινον,-ες,-ε, impf. — Αιέβησαν, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. act. οι διαβαίνω. Αιεβίβάσα, 1 a. ind. act. of διαβι- βάζω. Αιεβλήθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of διαβάλλω. Αιεγγυάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. δια Λ- tens. and εγγυάω. to pledge) to redeem, release, replevy a pledge ; to pledge, pawn, mortgage. Αιεγ- γυάομαι -ώμαι, to promise, en- gage, undertake, take upon; to bind one's self, give security or bail. Αιεγείρω, f. -ερώ, p. διήγερκα, (fr. same, and εγείρω to rouse) to raise, excite; to encourage, ex- hort, provoke ; to stir up, rouse, start ; to call from sleep, awaken. Διεγείρομαι, to be raised, rise, swell. 1 a. act. δυ)γειρα. impf. pass, διηγειρόμην. 1 a. pass, ind. διηγέρθην. Αιεγερθεις, -εΐσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass, of last. Αιέγερσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) excitement, encourage- ment, exhortation, cheering; a- wakening. Αιεγνωκα, per. ind. act. — Αιεγνων, 2 a. ind. of διαγινώσκω. \ιεγνώοισαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of διαγνωρίζω. Αιεγόγγυζον, 3 pi. impf. act. of διαγογγύζω. Αιεδάσσατο, Poet, for διεδάσατο, 3 sin. — Αιεδάσσαο, Ion. and Poet, for διεδάσω, 2 sin. 1 a. mid. of διαδάζομαι. Αιέδεξε, and — Αιέδεξαν, Ion. for διέδειξε, 3 sin. ana όιέδειξαν, 3 pi. .1 a. ind. act. of διαδείκνυμι. Αιέδην,Χίτ. διίημι to pass through) to the end, totally, entirely, tho- roughly. Αιεδιδόμην, -δοσο,-δοτο, impf. pass, of διαδίδωμι. Αιέδοζα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of διαδοκεω. Αιέδραν, -ας, -a, Dor. for διεδρην, 2 a. act. of διάδ"~?•ι. Αιεδωκα, -ας, -ί ± a. . xl. act. of διαδίδωμι. Αιέζωσα, -ας,-ε,Άθί. — Αιεζωσάμην, -ω,-ατο, mid. 1 a. ind. — Αιε- ζωσμένος, par. per. pass, of δια- ζώννυμι. Αιεθέμην, -σο, -το, 2 a. mid. — Αιέ• θηκα, 1 a. act. of διατίθημι» (150) ΔΙΕ Αίει, 3 sin. impf. of διέω> same as διίημι. — Or, pres. impr. of δίειμι. — Or, 3 sin. pres. ind. of δίω, for δείδω. Αιειδης, -έος -ους, Att. -έως, b, »% (fr. διά through, and είδω to see) conspicuous, clear ; plain, mani- fest, evident. Αιείδω, and Αιαείδω, (fr. same) to see through, discover plainly, discern, distinguish; to under- stand fully. Αιείδομαι, to eluci- date, clear up, explain ; to make manifest, show. Αιείλον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of διαιρέω. Αιειλημμενος, Att. for διαλελημμέ- νος, par. per. pass, and Αιείληφα, Att. for διαλέληφα, per. ind. act. of διαλαμβάνω. Αίειμι, (fr. διά through, and εΊμι to go) to go through or over, pass through; to run through, penetrate, pierce•; to treat, dis- course of, harangue, make a speech; to go over, repeat, re- late, tell. Αίειμι, (fr. διά among, and ειμί to be) to be at, with, or among; to be always, continue, abide, endure. Αιείρεο, Ion. for διείρον, pres. impr. of Αιείρομαι, (fr. διά intens. and είρω to say) to inquire, ask, demand ; to examine, search, scrutinize. ΑιεκβάΧλω,ΐ. -αλώ,ρ. διεκβέβληκα, (fr. same, and εκβάΧΧω to throw out) to turn out from among, expel, drive out; to fling, throw out; to carry, lead, conduct over or away. Αιεκβολη, -ης, h, (fr. last) a pas- sage, defile, narrow pass; a pass- ing over or through ; a breaking forth, irruption, invasion; an eruption, bursting out ; end, issue, event. Αιέκειτο, impf. of διάκειμαι. Αιεκκύπτω, (fr. διά through, and εκκύπτω to look out) to look out through ; to see through,discover, perceive. Αιεκόπην, 2 a. ind. pass, of δια- κόπτω. Αιεκπλέω, f. -ευσω, (fr. διά through, and εκπλεω to sail out of) to sail by; to sail through, break the enemy's line; to finish a voyage, arrive, land. ΑιέκπΧοος -ους, -όου -od,b, (fr. last) a passage, crossing over ; a breach through the enemy's line ; a voy- age ; the end of a voyage, arri- val; an escape. Αιεκπλώω,ΐ. -ώσω, (fr. διά through, and εκπλώω) same as διεκπλίω. Αιέκριθεν, for οι εκρίθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of διακρίνω. ' Αιέκροος -ους, -όου -ου, b, (fr. διά through, and εκροή a stream) a pipe, spout, channel ; a discharge, overflow or stream of water. Αιεκώλυον, -ες, -ε, impf. of διακω- λυω. Αιελάθον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of διαλανθάνω. Αιελαλεΐτο, 3 sin. cont. imp£ pass. ΔΪΕ — Διελάλονν, impf. ind. act. cont. of διαλαλέω. Διελαύνω, f. -λάσω, p. διήλακα, (fr. διά through, and ελαύνω to drive) to run armed, invade ; to drive or ride through, penetrate ; to run through, pierce. Διελεγόμην, -ου, -ετο, impf. ind. mid. of διαλέγω. Διελέγχω, f. -ξω, p. διήλεγχα, (fr. <5ta intens. and ελέγχω to prove) in refute totally, convince per- fectly ; to disprove, show to be wrong ; to reprove, blame, cen- sure ; to accuse, charge ; to prove against, convict, expose. Διελέγχρμαι, to plead, per. pass. ind. διήλεγμαι' par. διηλεγμένος. ΔιελεΊν, inf. — Au\wv,par.2&. act. — Διέλω,-ιχ, -ji, 2 a. sub. act. of διαιρέω. Διελεύθω,^τ. δια through, andEXsu- θω obs. to come} see διέρχομαι. Αιελεύσομαι, in 1 pi. Αιελευσόμεθα, 1 f. mid. of same. Διελέχθην, -θης,-θη,ιη3γΛ. Αιελέχ- θησαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of διαλέγω. Διελι/λύθα, per. mid. — Αιεληλνθώς, -νΊα, -ός, a. Αιεληλύθοτα, par. per. mid. of διέρχομαι. ΑιελθεΊν, 2 a. inf. act. — Διέλ&ύ, -ης, -η, 2 a. sub. act. of same. Διέλιπον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of διαλείπω. Διέλκω, f. -έλξω, (fr. διά through, and έλκω to draw) to draw, pull or tear asunder ; to rend, sepa- rate, part, divide. Διελογίζετο, 3 sin. — Αιελογίζεσθε, -ζοντο, 2 and 3 pi. impf. pass. of διαλογίζομαι. Διελοιδορουντϋ, 3 pi. impf. ind. of διαλοιδορέω. Διέλοντο, ion. for διείλοντο, 3 pi. 2 a. mid. of διαιρέω. Διελύθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of διαλύω. Διίλω, (fr. διά intens. and ελω, obs. to take) see διαιρέω. Διεμαρτνράμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 pi. -ρά- μεθα, 1 a. ind. mid. — Διεμαρτύ- ρετο, 3 sin. impf. pass, of δια- μαρτύρομαι. Διεμαχόμην, -ov, -ετο, impf. ind. mid. of διαμάχομαι. Διεμβάλλω, f. -αλω, (fr. διά in- tens. εν in, and βάλλω to throw) to cast, lay, throw in or upon ; to instil, inspire, impress, inculcate; to set on, suborn. Διίμενον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of δια- μένω. Διεμέριζον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. — Διεμερίσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of διαμερίζω. Αιεμπιμπλάω,Αιεμπίμπλημι ΟΓΑιεμ- νιπλάω -ω, f. -πλήσω, (fr. διά in- tens. εν in, and πψ-ηλάω, &c. to fill) to fill up ; to stuff, cram. Αιεμπολάω -ω, (fr. διά intens. and εμπολάω to trade, th. πωλέω to sell) to sell, dispose of; to trade, traffic. 3 sin. pres. Ίηά.διεμπολα. Αίενεγκας, par. la Αιενεγκώ'ν, par. 2 a. act. of διαφέρω. Διενέγκω, (fr. διά through, and ενέγκω obs.) see διαφέρω. ΔΪΕ Διενίγκω, -ης, -η, 1 or 2 a. sub. act. of last, see same. Διενε<κα<, Poet, for διενίγκαι, 1 a. inf. act. of same. Διενενωντο, Ion. for διενενδηντο, 3 pi. pper. pass, of διανοέομαι. Αιενήνοχα, Att. for διήνοχα, per. mid. of διαφέρω. Διενιαυτ'ιζω, f. -io-w,(fr. διά through, and ενιαντός a year) to last the year, continue for a year ; to be, wo'h, do, &c. the year round, Αιενυήθην, -ης, -η, I a. ind. p; of διανοέομαι. Διεξάγω, f. -ξω, p. -χα, (fr. διά intens. εξ from, and άγω to lead) to lead, carry, bring or convey away through ; to pass out through ; to transact, ma nage, conduct ; to conclude, finish, settle, make up a suit. Διεξαγωγή, -ής, η, (fr. last) a ca) rying, taking, conducting transaction, business, affair ; an adjustment, composition, settle- ment ; issue, event. Αιεξαισσω, f. -ξω, (fr. <5ίά intens. εξ from, and αίσσω to rush) to rush out or pass through violent- ly ; to break out, burst forth. 1 a. ind. act. διεξήϊξα, and Dor. διεξάϊξα, -ας, -ε. Διέξειμι, (fr. διά through, εξ from, and εΊμι to go) to pass, go through or over ; to relate, recite, repeat, harangue ; to ponder, weigh, consider, revolve. 3 sin. pres. ind. διέξεισι. Αιεξελάω -ω, f. -ασω, Poet. i'or διε- ξελαύνω. pres. inf. cont. διεξεληίν. Αιεξελεύσομαι, 1 f. mid. in pi. Αιεξε- λενσόμεθα — Αιεξελήλνθα, -ας, -ε, per. mid. — Διεξελθειν, 2 a. inf. act. of διεξέρχομαι. Διεξελίσσω, f. -ξω, p. διεξείλικα, (fr. διά intens; εξ from, and ελίσσω to roll up) to unfold, unfurl, ex- pand ; to unravel, disentangle. Διεξέρχομαι, f. -ελεύσομαι, (fr. same, and έρχομαι to come) to come or go out through, arrive; to pass by or through; to go through undergo, endure; to depart, go away; to go over, relate, tell, recite, repeat ; to look over, read slightly. 3 pi. pres. ind. mid διεξέρχονται. par. pres. mid. διε• ξερχόμενος. Αιεξιέμεναι, Dor. for Αιεξιέναι, pres. inf. of διέξειμι or διεξίημι. Διέξοδος, -ov, ή", (fr. διά through, εξ from, and ί>δος a road) a cross way, thoroughfare ; an outlet, issue, course, passage; agoing out, departure, digression; the course of the sun, a day. Αιεπέρασα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of διαπεράω. Διέπεσον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of διαπ'ιπτω. Διεπέφράδε, Poet, for διεφραδε, 3 sin. 2 a. act. of διαφράζω. Διέποντι, Dor. for διέπονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. of διέπω. Διεπορεύετο, 3 sin. impf. pass, of διαπορεύομαι. (151) ΔΙΕ Διεπραγματεύσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of διαπραγματεύομαι. Διέπραθον, -ες, -ε, in 1 pi. Διεπρά- θομεν, 2 a. act. ind. of διαπέρθω. Αιέπρησσον, -ες, -ε, impf. of δια- πρήσσω, Ion. for διαπράσσω. Or, same of διαπρήσσω for διαπεράω Αιεπρίοντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of διαπρϊω. Διέπω, (fr. διά intens. and 'ίπω to follow) to follow up, pursue ; to work, act, do, be employed ; to rule, govern, command, direct ; to manage, conduct, guide, take care of, look or see to ; to order, regulate, lay out, dispense, deal out ; to administer, attend to holy things, sacrifice. Αιεργάζομαι, f. -ασομαι, (fr. same, and εργάζομαι to work) to work through, despatch ; to finish, put an end to ; to kill. Διερεθίζω, f. -<σω, fr. same, and ερεθίζω to provoke, which see, or rather ερέθω. Αιερέθισμα, -άτος, τδ, (fr. last) an incitement, provocative ; provo- cation. Αιερείδω, f. -είσω, (fr. διά intens. and ερείδω to support) to fasten, fix ir^or upon. Διερείδομαι, to lean or rest upon ; to support, contend for. Αιερίσσω or -ττω, f. -ξω, (fr. διά through, and ερέσσω to row) to row through, cross, pass or ferry over. 1 a. act. ind. διήρεξα, and διήρεσα. Διερευνάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. διηρεννη- κα, (fr. διά intens. and εοευνάω to trace) to seek, search out, in- quire ; to trace, pursue, investi- gate, par. pres. cont. διερευνων. Διερμηνευτής, -ov, b, (fr. next) an interpreter, translator; an ex- plainer, expounder ; a sootlisay- er, diviner. Διερμηνεύω, f. -εύσω,\>.διηρμήνευκα, (fr. διά intens. and ερμηνεύω to interpret) to interpret, translate, decipher; to explain, expound^ solve, impf. διηρμήνενον, -ες, -ε. pres. impr. διερμήνευε, -έτω. Διερος, -ά, -bv, (fr. διά through, and epa the ground) moist, wet; soft, yielding; fertile, quicken- ing, enlivening. Διερρηγννμην, -vco, -ντο, impf. pass. — Διέρρηξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of διαρρήγννμι. Διέρριχ1•α, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of διαρμπτω. Διέρχεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. .mid. — Αιέρχεσθαι, ini.and Διερχόμε- νος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. of Διέρχομαι, f. διελεύσομαι, p. mid. διελήλνθα, (fr. διά through, and έρχομαι to go) to go or pass through or over, traverse ; to go forth, proceed, advance ; to walk about, survey ; to penetrate, enter into «■ to run through, pierce, transfix; to go over, repeat, re- late, tell ; to spread abroad, be known. Αιερωτάω -w,f. -ήσω, p. διηρώτηκα, (fr. δια intens. and ερωτάω to ΔΙΕ ask) to ask strictly, inquire, de- mand • of ; to question, examine, interrogate ; to sift, scan, scruti- nize. 1 a. act. ind. διηρώτησα' par. διερωτήσας, η. pi. -τήσαντες. Αιεσάφησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of διασαφέω. Αίεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. διίημι to transmit) a division, part ; time or a note in music. Or, (fr. δίημι to wet) a wetting, sprin- kling, bathing. Αιεσκέδασα, -ας, -ε, or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of διασκεδάω. Αιεσκόρπισα, -ας, -ε, or -εν, act. — Αιεσκορπίσθην, -ης, -η, pass. 1 a. ind. — Αιεσκορπισμένος, -η, -ον, par. per. pass, διασκορπίζω. Αιεσπάραζα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of διασπαράσσω, fr. δια intens. and σπαράσσω, which see. Αιεσπαρην, in 3 pi. Αιεσπάρησαν, 2 a. ind. pass. — Αιέσπαρον, 2 a. ind. act. — Αιέσπειρα, la. ind. act. of διασπείρω. Αιεσπάσθαι, per. inf. and — Αιεσ- πάσθην, 1 a. ind. pass, of δια- σπάω. Αιέσσυτο, for διεσίσντο, pper. pass, of διασύω. Αιεστάλην, in 3 pi. Αιεστά\ησαν, 2 a. ind. pass. — Αιεστειλάμην, -ω, -ατο, in 1 pi. Αιεστειλάμεθα, 1 a. ind. mid. — Αιέσταλον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of διαστέλλω. Αιεσταώς -ώς, -αυϊα -ωσα, -αος -ως, by Cras. for διεστηκώς, -υΊα, -ός, g. -6τος, &c. par. per. act. of διίστημι. Αιέστειχον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of διαστείχω. Αιέστην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. act. — Αιέστηκα, per. act. — Αιίστησα, 1 a. ind. act. of διίστημι. Αιεστραμμένος, par. per. pass. — Αιεστράφην, 2 a. ind. pass, of διαστρέφω. Αιεστραμμένως, (fr. last) perverse- ly, erroneously ; crookedly, in a crooked manner. Αιεστώς, see διεσταώς. Αιέσχον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of διέχω. Αιεσώθην, -ης, -η, in 3 pi. Αιεσώθη- σαν, 1 a. ind. pass. — Αιασωθείην, opt. — Αιέσωσά, 1 a. ind. act. of διασώζω. Αιέταξα, -ας, -ε or -εν, act. — Αιετα- ζάμην, -ω, -ατο, mid. 1 a. ind. of διατάσσω. Αιεταράχθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of διαταράσσω. Αιετεκμηράμην, -ω, -ατο, in 3 pi. διετεκμήραντο, 1 a. ind. mid. of διετεκμαίρω, fr. δια intens. and . τεκμαίρω, which see. Αιετέλεον -οχιν, -εες -εις, -εε -ει, impf. act. of διατελέω. Αιετετάχάτο, Ion. for διατεταγμένοι ήσαν, 3 pi. pper. pass, of δια- τάσσω. Αιετήρεον -ουν, -εες -εις, -εε • impf. of διατηρέω. Αιετηρις, -Έδος, η, (fr. next) same as. διετία. Αιετης, -έος -οΐίς, b, ι), (fr. δις twice, and έτος a year) of two yean, ΔΙΖ two years old, for two years, every two years. Αιετία, -ας, {], (fr. last) the space of two years. Αιέτμάγεν, for διετμάγησαν, 3 pi. of διετμάγην, 2 a. pass, of διατ- μήγω or διατμήσσω. Αιέτμαξεν, Dor. for διέτμηξεν, 3 sin. 1 a. of same. Αιετονς, g. sin. cont. of διετής. Αιέτρΐβον, -ες, -ε, or -εν, impf. — Αιέτριψα,-ας, -ε,\ &ηά3Ό\.-αμεν, -αν, 1 a. ind. act. of διατρίβω. Αιενκρινέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. δια in- tens. and ευκρινής clear) to clear, justify ; to decide, determine. See also διακρίνω. Αιευκρίνησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last ) a sifting, separation ; exa- mination, inquiry, trial ; a deci- sion, determination, sentence, judgment. Αιενλαβέομαι -Όυμαι, (fr. δια intens. and ευλαβής wary) to fear, ap- prehend, suspect, be cautious. Αιέφαυσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. act. fr. δια- φαύσκω or -φαύω. Αιεφέρετο, 3 sin. impf. pass, of δια- φέρω. Αιεφήμισαν, 3 pi. act. Αιεφημίσθη, 3 sin. pass. 1 a. ind. of διαφη- μίζω, Αιεφθαρην, 2 a. pass. — Αιέφθαρκα, per. act. — Αιέφθαρμαι,Ίηά. Αιεφ- θοφ μένος, -η, -ον, par. per. pass. — Αιέφθειρα, 1 a. act. — Αιέφ- θορα, per. mid of διαφθείρω. Αιεχειρισάμην, -ω, -ατο, in 2 pi. -σασθε, 1 a. ind. mid. of διαχει- ρίζω. Αιεχης, -έος -ονς, b, η, (fr. διέχω to separate) separated, divided, parted, severed ; alienated ; un- like, different. Αιεχρησάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of διαχράομαι. Αιέχω, f- διέξω, or διασχήσω, p. διέσχηκα, (fr. δια from, and έχω to have) to depart, go away ; to go or pass through, penetrate, pierce ; to be away, far off or at a distance. 2 a. ind. act. διέσχον. Αιέψευσμαι, -σαι, -σται, per. pass, of διαψεύδω. Αιέω, (fr. δια through, and έ'ω for "ημι to send) same as διίημι. Αίζεο, Ion. for δίζου or δίζεσο, pres. impr. mid. — Αίζεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. — Αίζηαι, Poet, for δίζεαι, which Ion. for δίζη, 2 sin. pres. ind. mid. of Αίζημι, ind. mid. Αίζεμαι, or Αίζη- μαι, 1 f. mid. διδήζομαι, (fr. δίζω to seek) to ask for, seek, inquire ; to look for, search ; to trace, pur- sue, pres. ind. 1 pi. δίζήμεθα. par. pres. mid. διζή μένος. Αίζοος -ονς, -6ου -ου, b, f), (fr. δϊς twice, and ζάω to live) of two lives, with two means of living, amphibious ; double, two-fold. Αίζνγος, -ου, and Αίζυξ, -νγος, b, ?% (fr. same, and ζυγός a yoke) yoked, harnessed or working in pairs ; drawn by two horses, two abreast ; double, twofold, twice as much. (152) ΔΙΗ Δίζω, (perhaps fr. δις twice) to seek, search, inquire. ΑΊζων, Dor. for δίζοον, neut. of . δίζοος» Αίζωος, -ov, and Αίζως, -ω, b, ij, same as δίζοος. ΔΤ>7, Ion. for δια, fem. of δΐος. Αιήγειρα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. Αιέγειραν — Αιηγείρετο, 3 sin. impf. pass. — Αιήγερκα, per. act. Αιήγερμαι^ per. pass. — Αιηγέρθην, 1 a. pass, of διεγείρω. Αιηγέομαι -οΰμαι, f. -ήσομαι, p. διή- γημαι, (fr. δια through, and ηγέομαι to lead) to lead through, guide, conduct ; to declare fully, recount, relate. Αιήγημα, -ατός, rb, and Αιήγησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f), (fr. last) a his- tory, narrative, - tlation, account. a. sin. διήγησιν. Αιηγήσατο, -σαντο, 3 sin. and pi. 1 a. ind. mid. — Αιηγήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. mid. — Αιγήσωνται, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. mid. — Αιηγοΰ, pres. impr. mid. cont. — Αιηγονμενος, par. pres. mid. cont. of διηγέο- μαι. Αιήειν, -εις, -ει, in 3 pi. Αιήεσαν^ -εισαν, pper. Att. of δίειμι. Αιηέριος or Αιαέριος,-α,-ον, (fr. δια through, and αηρ the air) in or through the air, aerial, airy, high ; flying, swift. Αιηθέω, f. διηθήσω, or Αιήθω, f. διή- σω, (fr. same, and >/0o> to strain) to strain through, sift, ctear, pu- rify, rack. Αιηκόνεον -ουν, -εες -εις, -εε -ει, 3 ρΐ. -εον -ονν, impf. act. — Αιηκό- νησα, -ας, -ε, 1 ρΐ. -αμεν, 1 a. ind. act. of διακονέω. Αιηκονέω, Αιήκονος, Ion. for διακο- νέω, διάκονος. Αιηκόσιοι, -αι, -a, Ion. for διακόσιοι. Αιήκω, f. -ξω, ρ. διήκα, (fr. διά through, and ηκω to come) to come or go through, penetrate; to pervade, pass through. Αιήκο μα ι, to extend, reach to. Αιηλθον, -ες, -ε or -εν, 2 a. ind. act. of διέρχομαι. Αιήλλαττον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of διαλλάττω or -σσω. Αιημάρτηκα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. -act, per. act. of διαμαρτάνω. Αίημι, f. -ήσω, to moisten, wet, sprinkle, bedew; to sweat, per- spire. Αίημι, (fr. δια, through, and (ημι to go) to go over, pass through. Αιήνεγκα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. act. — Αιή- νεγκον, -ες^-ε, 2 a. act. of δια- φέρω. Αιηνεκέεσσι, Poet, for διηνέκεσι, d. pi. of διηνεκής. Αιηνεκίς, (neut. of nex^) continu- ally, for a continuance. Αιηνεκης, -έος -ους, b, f), (fr. ύιά through, and ηνεκης extensive) continual, constant, perpetual ; lasting, durable ; vontinued, ex- tended. Αιηνεκώς, and Αιηνεκέως, (fr. last) perpetually, continually, constant- ly ; without intermission. Αιήνεμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. δια through, Δίί and άνεμος the wind) exposed to the wind, airy, lofty; carried away by the wind, light; Jickle, vain ; swift as the wind, quick, nimble. Αιηνίχθην, -ης, «η, 1 a. pass. Of διαφέρω. Αιήνοιγε or -γεν, 3 sin. impf. act. — Αιήνοιζα, -ας, -ε or -εν, act. — Αιηνοίχθην, -ης, -η, 3 pi. -θησαν, pass. 1 a. of διανοίγω. &ιηξε, Ion. for διήϊξε, 3 sin. 1 a. act. of διαίσσω. Αιηπόρεον -ουν, -εες -εις, -εε -ει, impf. ind. — Αιηπόρηκα, per. act. — Αιήπορα,^ϊ. mid. οΐδιαπορέω. Αιήρεσα, 1 a. ind. act. irreg. of διερέσσω. Atf /ρημαι, -σαι, -τακ, per. pass Αιηρημίνος, par. per. pass, of διαιρέω. Αιήρης,-εος-ους,ϋ,η, (fr. it? twice, and ερέσσω to row) a ship with two tiers of oars ; a biremis, Lat. Αιηρμήνενον, -ες, -ε, impf. ind. — Αιηρμήνενκα, per. act. of διερμη- νεύω. Αιήρπάσα, 1 a. ind. act. of διαρ- πάζω. Αιήρχθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of διείργω, fr. δια intens. and είργω, which see. Αιηρχόμην, -ου, -ετο, 3 pi. -χοντο, impf. mid. of διέρχομαι. Aiyaav, and διήϊσαν, Poet, for διει- σαν, 3 pi. 1 a. οι δια μι. Α'ιηται, 3 sin. sub. pres. mid. of δίω. Αιητατο, 3 sin. cont. impf. ind. mid. — Αιητησα, for εδιαίτησα, 1 a. ind. act. of διαιτάω. Αιηχέω -ώ, (fr. δια through, and ηχέω to sound) to resound, re- echo, reverberate, Αιθάλασσος, -ου, b, η, (fr. δις twice, and d -άλασσα the sea) between two seas, washed on each side by the sea, where two seas or cur- rents meet. Αιθυραμβοποιέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. δι- θύραμβος dithyrambic, and ποιέω to make) to compose dithyrambics or odes in honour of Bacchus. Αιθυραμβοποιητϊκη, -ης, ΐ), VIZ. τέχνη, (fr. last) the art of or ta- lent for composing dithyrambics. Αιθυραμβοποάα, -ας, η, (fr. same) the composition of dithyrambics ; the dithyrambic style. Αιθύραμβος, -ου, h, (fr. δίθυρος twice opening, and εμβαίνω to enter) an epithet of Bacchus ; a kind of verse used in his praise. Δίί', d. of Ζευς. Ada, 3 sin. pres. or impf. ind. of διϊέω, same as Αιίημι, f. διήσω, p. δίεικα, (fr. δια through, and ϊημι to send) to send through or over, transmit, transfer ; to stretch out, extend ; to dismiss, send away ; to lower, let down. par. 2 a. act. διείς. par. per. pass, διειμένος. For lenses see ϊημι. Αιϊκνέομαι -ουμαι, f. -ιξομαι, p. -ϊγμαι, (fr. same, and ικνέομαι to come) to come to, get through, ΔΪΚ arrive at ; to go through, pierce, penetrate; to go over, repeat, ex- plain ; to extend, reach to, stretch along. 2 a. mid. διϊκόμην. par. pres. mid. διϊκνεόμενος -ούμενος. Αιϊπετής, -ίος -ους, b, η, (fr. Αιος g. of Ζευς Jupiter, and πίπτω to fall) fallen from Jvpiter or the sky ; deluged, flooded, overflow- ed. Αιίπτημι, (fr. δια through, and ϊπ- τημι to fly) to fly through, pierce, penetrate. Αιϊστάναι, pres. inf. act. of διιστη- μΐ. Αιϊστάνω, (fr. next) to break off, interrupt, put an end to ; to di- vide, part, separate. Αιίστημι, f. διαστήσω, p. διέστηκα, (fr. δια apart, and 'ίστημι to stand) to distinguish, mark se- parately, put apart, part, dis- join ; to put between, cause dis- sention ; to withdraw, separate, remove ; to stand off, be at a dis- tance; to differ, quarrel, disa- gree. 1 a. act. ind. δι έστησα• par. διαστήσας. 2 a. ind. διέσ- την. Αιϊσχυρέζομαι, (fr. δια intens. and ισχυρίζομαι to corroborate) to affirm confidently, assert firmly, maintain, impf. διϊσχνριζόμην, -ου, -ετο. Αιίχθαι, per. inf. pass, of δι'ίκνέο- μαι. Αίκα, -ας, a, Dor. for δίκη. Αικαζέμεν, Ion. and — Αικαζέμεναι, JEo\. for δικάζειν, pres. inf. act. — Αικάξεσθαι, pres. inf. pass, of Αικάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. δίκη justice) to try, judge ; to determine, de cree, sentence; to litigate, go to law. par. pres. act. δικάζων' pass, δικαζόμενος. A'lKaC, for δίκαια, see δίκαιος. Αικαία, -ας, η. Poet, for δίκη. Αικαιεϋμαι, Dor. for δικαιούμαι. pres. ind. mid. cont. of Si- καιόω. Αικαιοδοσία, -ας, r), (fr. δ injustice and δίδωμι to give) the distribu- tion of justice; legal authority, extent of power, jurisdiction Αικαιοδότης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a dispenser of justice, magistrate, judge; a lawyer. Αικαιόεσθε -ουσθε, pres. mid. ind or impr. of δικαιύω. ΑικαιοΊ, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. or opt. act. of same. Αικαιοκρισία, -ας, η, (fr. δίκαιος up• right, and κρίνω to judge) a just sentence, righteous judgment. Αικαιοκρίτης, -ov, b, (fr. same) an upright judge. Αικαιολογέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and \έγω to speak) to plead a cause, litigate, contend at law ; to reason, argue; to accuse, charge ; to defend, maintain. Αικαιο\ογία, -ας, η, (fr. same) pleading, litigation, going to law; a chat ge ; an allegation, plea, defence. Αίκαιον, -ου, τδ, (neut. of δίκαιος just) justice, what is jusL (153) ΔΙΚ Αικαι6πο\ις, -ιος, Att. -εας, b, r)> (fr. δίκαιος just, and πο\ίω to practise, or πόλις a city) prac- tising justice, dealing equitably ; the city of justice, a just state. Αίκαιος, -a, -ov r (fr. δίκη justice) just, upright, righteous ; inno- cent, harmless, guileless ; worthy, meritorious, deserving ; even, equal, fair ; competent, capable. comp. δικαιότερος, sup. -ότατος. Αικαιοσύνη, -ης, η, (fr. last) justice^ equity ; righteousness, correct- ness, upright dealing. Αικαιόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. δεδικαίωκα^ (fr. same) to justify, declare in- nocent, absolve, acquit ; to make just, esteem righteous, acknow- ledge pure, pronounce holy, ac- cept as innocent ; to judge, con- demn, sentence, punish. Αικαιόο- μαι -ουμαι, to justify one's self, vindicate his own conduct, a?.- sert Ms own innocence; to be mulcted, fined or punished ; to be acquitted or discharged, pres. inf. δικαιόειν -ovv' par. δικαιόων -ων. impf. εδικαίοον -ουν. pres. pass. inf. δικαιόεσθαι -ονσθαι. per. pass. ind. δεδικαίωμαι' par. δεδικαιωμένος, 1 a. pass. ind. εδικαιώθην' impr. δικαιώθητι" sub. δικαιωθώ. 1 f. pass. ind. δικαιωθήσομαι. Αικαιωθήτω, impr. 3 sin. — Αικαιω- θω, -f /ς, -η, 1 pi. -ωμεν, sub. — Αικαιωθηναι, inf. — Αικαιωθέν- τες, η. pi. par. 1 a. pass, of last. Αικαίωμα,-άτος,το, (fr. same) jus^ tiflcation, acknowledgment of in- nocence ; a sentence, judgment of acquittal or condemnation ; righteous judgment or appoint- ment; law, precepts, ordinances; justice, equity, impartiality ; righteousness, uprightness ; a claim, pi. η. δικπώματα, d. δι- καιώμασι. Αικαίως, (fr. δίκαιος just) justly, equitably, impartially; upright- ly, correctly ; honestly, fairly ; of right, with reason. Αικαίωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η", (fr. δικαιόω to justify) justification, righteousness, uprightness ; law, judgment, sentence, a. sin. δι καίωσιν. Αικανίκος, -η, -bv, (fr. δίκη justice) relating to law, justice or their forms, forensic, judicial ; lawyer- like, tedious. Αικανος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a plead- er, advocate. Αικάρηνος, -ου, b, η, (fr. δϊς twice, and κάρηνον a head) double- topped, having two heads or sum- mits. Αίκας, a. pi. of δίκη. Αικάσης, -η, 2 and 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. — Αικάσσαι, —— Αικάσσει, Poet, for δικάσαι, 1 a. inf. act. and δικάσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of δικάζω. Αικασία,-ας, η, (fr. δίκη a law-suit) a law-suit, litigation, law, con- tention. Αικάσπολος, -ου, b, (fr. δίκη law, ΔΙΛ and πολέ ω to practise) one con- versant in the law ; a judge, magistrate, king, prince. Δικαστήριον, -ου, τό, (fr. same) a law-court, justice-seat, bench, tribunal, judgment-seat. Δικαστής, -ου, δ, (fr. δικάζω to judge) a judge, arbitrator, um- pire ; an avenger, punisher. Δικαστικός, -η, -όν, (fr. same) ju- dicial, legal, forensic. Δικάω -ώ, (fr. δίκη justice) same as δικάζω. Δίκελλα, -ης, >/, (perhaps fr. 61 intens. and κέλλω to move) < spade, shovel, mattock. Δικελλίτης, -ου, δ, (fr. last) a la bourer, digger. Δικέραος, -ου, δ, η, also Δικέρως, -ω, b, Δ'ικερος, Δικέραιος, Δί• κραιος, Δίκραιρος, Δίκροος, Δί• κρους, -ον, δ, η, (fr. δϊς twice, and κέρας a horn) with two horns or prongs ; forked. Δικέφαλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and κεφαλή tne head) double-headed, having two heads. Δίκη, -ης, ή, justice, rectitude, equity ; law ; an indictment ; an action, suit, cause ; a judgment, sentence; punishment; retribu- tion, avengement, vengeance; t right, privilege; custom, way, ntanner ; lot, condition, δίκην δι δόναι, to suffer punishment, δίκην λαβείν, to inflict punishment. Δίκην, (a. sin, of last) viz. κατά, in the usual manner, according to custom, usually. Δίκησις, -ιος Att. -εωί, η, (fr. same) punishment, vengeance. Δικλις, -'ιδος. η, (fr. δις twice, and κλείω to shut) a double or fold- ing door. Δικογραφία, -ας, η, (fr. δίκη a law- suit, and γράφω to write) an account of lawsuits ; a case, re- port. Δικόρυμβος and Δικδρυφος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. <5ϊί twice, and κόρυμβος or κορυφή a summit) double-topped, with two peaks or summits. Δ'ικρανος, -ου, b, (fr. δϊς twice, and κράνον a head) double-headed, having two heads ; a fork. Δίκταμνον and Δίκταμον, -ου, το, and Δίκταμος, -ου, η, (fr. next) the herb dittander, dittany or garden-ginger. Δίκτη, -ης, η, Dicte, a mountain of Crete. Δίκτυον, -ου, τό, (fr. δίκω to cast) a net, seine. Δικτυόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to fish with a net ; to entangle, en- trap, ensnare ; to make net-work, fretted work or lattice. Δίκω, to cast, fling, throw; to throw or cast down. Δικωπία, -ας, η, (fr. δΙς twice, and κωπη an oar) a pair of oars; rowing with two oars. Δίλημμα, -άτος, τό, (fr. δϊς twice, and λήμμα a hold) an argument equally conclusive on contrary suppositions, a dilemma ; a diffi- culty, perplexity. ΔΙΟ Διλογέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and λέγω to speak) to say the same thing twice, repeat, reiterate. ΔίλoγJς, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and λόγος discourse) speaking two languages; double-tongued, de- ceitful. Δίλοφος, •ου, Ό, η, (fr. same, and λόφος a crest) having a double crest or plume ; having two crests. Διμάχαιροι, -ων, οϊ, (fr. same, and μάχαιρα a sword) with two sioords apiece. Διμερής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and μέρος a share) in two parts, composed of two parts ; having some parts double. Διμερώς, (fr. last) in two parts, double ; in two waps. Δίμετρον, -ου, τό \fr. δϊς twice, and μέτρον a measure) the quan- tity of two measures, double mea- sure. Δψηλαίνω, f. -άνω, (fr. δια by, and μήλα the cheeks) to signify, make signs ivith the lips, to make grimaces, distort the face. Δίμιτρον, -ου, τό, (fr. δϊς twice, and μίτρα a headband) a double tur- ban, fillet ; a double bandage or belt. Διμνέως, Ion. (fr. same, and μνάα a mina) for or worth two minee. Διμοιρία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and μοί- ρα a share) a double portion, twice as much. Αίνάσε, Ion. and Dor. for εδίνησε, 3 sin. 1 a. act. — Αινέμεν, Ion. and — Δινέμεναι, JEol. for δι- νεΐν, pres. inf. cont. of δινέω• Δινευεσκ, Ion. and Apos. for εδι- νεύεσκε, impf. of δινευέσκω, same as Δίνεύω, (iEol. for next) to wander about, stray, ramble. Δινέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. δεδίνηκα, (fr next) to move circularly, turn round, wheel, whirl; to roll toss, tumble, wallow; to shake, wag, brandish ; to go round about, survey. Δίνη, -ης, >/, a whirlpool, eddy, vio- lent stream, rolling torrent ; rage of the sea, a gulf; a whirl or eddy of wind, whirlwind; a storm. Δινήεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. last) whirl- ing, eddying; surgy, billowy, raging, foaming ; winding, turn- ing ; shifting, fickle, changea- ble. Δινητός, -η, -bv, (ft•, same) turn- ing, whirling; rolling, gliding. Διvbς, -η, -bv, and Δινώδης, -εος -ους, b,fj, (fr. same) full of ed- dies, whirling, rolling, foaming. Δινόω -ω, f- -ώσω, and Δίνω, f. -νω, to whirl, roll, revolve; to turn, work at a wheel or lathe. Αινωτυς, -?), -bv, (fr. last) turned in a wheel or lathe, round ; ver- satile, that, may be turned or rolled, rolling. Διξός, -η, -όν, Ion. for δισσός. Διό, (fr. δια for, and ος which) (154) ΔΙΟ for which, wherefore, therefore, for that reason or cause, there- upon. Διογένης, -έος -ους, δ, Diogenes, a man's name. Διογένης, -έος -ους, δ, η, and ΔιΑγ- νητος, -ου, δ, fj, (fr. Διός, g. of Ζευς Jupiter, and γίνομαι to be) Jove-descended, born of Jupiter ; noble, generous ; of high rank, of ancient family. Διοδεύσαντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. act. of Διοδεύω, f. -ιΰσω, p. διώδευκα, (fr. διά through, and bδεύω to travel, th. bδός a road) to take a jour- ney ; to travel or pass through ; to go along with, travel in com- pany with. impf. διώδενον. 1 a. act. διώδευσα. Διοδοιπορέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. next, and πείρω to pass through) to travel, journey ; to pass over or through. Δίοδος, -ου, η, (fr. δια through, and bδός a road) a passing, removal ; a passage, pass, road, ferry ; a passport. Λιόθεν, (f. Διός, g. of Ζευς Jupiter) from Jove. Διοίγω, f. -ξω, (fr. δια intens. and οίγω to open) to unclose, set open, throw open, open wide. Διοιδαίνω, f. -άνω, and Διοιδέω -ω, (fr. same, and οιδαίνω or οιδέω to swell) to swell out, rise up; to break out. Διοικέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. διωκηκα, and δεδιώκηκα, (fr. same, and οικέω to dwell) to direct, rule, govern; to arrange, regulate, order; to manage, administer, conduct, provide for ; to live apart, reside separately, pres. impr. act. cont. διοίκει. 1 a. inf. act. διοι- κήσαι. 3 sin. pres. pass. cont. διοικείται. 1 f. mid. διοικήσο- μαι. Διοίκησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) rule, government; manage- ment, housekeeping ; a jurisdic- tion, province. Διοικητής, -οΰ, δ, (fr. same) a ruler, governor; a superintend- ant, overseer, steward; a ma- nager, housekeeper. Διοικίξω, f. -ίσω, p. διώκικα, (fr. διά throughout, and οικίξω to built } to break up or dissolve an establishment, separate, divide a settlement, disperse the mem- bers, setue them at distant inter- vals ; to disfranchise. Διοικοϋντας, a. pi. cont. par. pres. act. οι διοικέω. Αιοιστρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. διά in- tens. and οιστρέω to suffer the sting of a gadfly, th. οίστρος the gadfly) to distract, set mad, agi- tate, harass, as by a gadfly; to possess, deprive of sense. Διοίσω, 1 f. act. οι διαφέρω. Διοκλευς, -ηος, b, Diocleus, a man's name, a. Διοκληα; Διοκλης, -έος -ους, δ, Diodes, a man's name, a. Διοκλέα. Διολισθαίνω, and Διολ ισθέω -ώ, f. ΔΙΟ -ήσω, (fr. δια through, and ο\ισ• βίω to slip) to slip through or by ; to steal away, go off private- ly ; to escape, fly, shun, avoid. Αιόλου, (fr. δια through, and 'όλος the whole) wholly, totally, en- tirely, throughout. Διόλλΰμι^ or Διολλυω, f. διολέσω, (fr. δια intens. and όλλϋμι to perish) to destroy, ruin; to give up, abandon, forego. Διόλλυμαι, to perish utterly, be totally un- done; to decay, fall to pieces. per. ind. mid. διύλωλα. 2 a. ind. mid. διωλόμην. Διομήδη, -ης, η, Diomedd, a wo- man's name. Διομήδης, -εος -ους, b, Diomedes, a man's name. Διόμνΰμι, f. διομώσω, or mid. Δί- όμννμαι, f. διομουμαι, (fr. δια in- tens. and όμνύμι to swear) to take an oath solemnly, swear po- sitively. Δίον, Δίε, Ion. for έδιον, 1 sin. and ίδιε, 3 sin. impf. of δίω. ΔΊον, a. sin. mas. of δΤος, -a, -ov. Διονύσια, -ων, τα, (fr. Διόνυσος Bacchus) the festival of Bacchus. Διονύσιον, -ου, το, (fr. same) the temple of Bacchus. Διονύσιος, -ου, δ, Dionysius, a man's name. Διόνυσος, -ου, b, (fr. Διός g. of Ζευς Jupiter, and Ίϋύσση a mountain, city, or nurse of Bacchus) Bacchus. Διόπερ, (fr. δια for, and 'όσπερ which) for which, wherefore, therefore; by all means, espe- cially. Διοπετης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. Διός, g. of Ζευς Jupiter, and πίπτω to fall) fallen from Jupiter, come down from heaven. To διοπετες viz. άγαλμα, the statue which came down from Jupiter. Διοπτεύω, f. -εύσω, and Διόπτομ• f. -ψομαι, (fr. δια intens. and άπτομαι to see) to see, discover or perceive fully ; to view, observe, consider; to look after, attend to ; to examine, search, try. Διόπτρα, -ας, η, (fr. same) an in- strument for taking distances and heights; the eye-glass or sight of an instrument; a tele- scope. Διοράω -ω, f. -ασω, (fr. δια, through, and bpάω to see) to look out, see through. Διορθοϋμαι, pres.cont. mid. or pass. of Διορθόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. διώρθωκα, (fr. δια intens. and ορθόω to erect-, th. ορθός straight) to straighten, set aright ; to direct ; to correct, amend, improve, re- form, par. pres. act. διορθόων -ων. per. pass, διώρθωμαι. Διόρθωσις, -ως, Att. -εως, f,, (fr. last) a straightening, setting right, direction; correction, im- provement, amendment. Διορθωτής, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a director, guide ; a corrector, amender, improver. ΔΙΠ Διορίζω, f. -ίσω, p. διώρικα, (fr. δια intens. and ίρίζω to bound) to separate, divide; to define, de- scribe; to mark out, limit, cir- cumscribe; to determine, settle, decide. Διόρισμα, -ατός, το, and Διορισμός, -ου, b, (fr. last) a distinction, difference, diversity ; a mark, note ; a definition, description ; bounds, limit, boundary. Διόροφον, see διώροφον. Διορϋγή, -ης, η, (fr. διορύσσω to dig through) a ditch, trench, breach ; a digging, excavation ; a digging through ; breaking into. Διορυγηναι, 2 a. inf. pass, of διο- ρύσσω. Διόρυγμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) α ditch, trench, pit ; an excavation ; a perforation, opening, breach ; a window. Διορύσσουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. of Διορύσσω or -ττω, f. -ξω, p. διώρυ- χα, (fr. δια through, and ορύσσω. to dig) to dig or break through ; to excavate, perforate; to make a passage, dig a canal through ; to examine, scrutinize. 1 a. act. διώρυξα. 2 a. act. διώρυγον. per. pass, διώρυγμαι. 2 a. pass. ind. διωρυγην' inf. διορυγηναι. Διός, g. of Ζιϋς, d. Δίί", a. Δία. Δΐος, -a, -ov, (fr. last) descended or derived from Jupiter, of Jove; divine, heavenly ; excellent, su- perior ; noble, of high birth. Διόσδωτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and δίδω μι to give) given by Jupiter ; granted by heaven ; celestial, awful. Διοσημία, -ων, τα, (fr. Διός of Ju- piter, and σήμα a token) omens from Jupiter ; signs in the heavens. Διοσκόρινθιου, g. of Ζευσκορ'ινθιος. Διόσκουροι or Διόσκοροι, -ων, οι, (fr. Διός of Jupiter, and κούρος or κόρος a child) sons of Jupiter, Castor and Pollux. Διότι, (fr. διά for, and 'όστις what) wherejore, therefore, for, because for what 1 why ? Δι,οτρεφέεσσι, Poet, for διοτρέφεσι, d. pi. of Διοτρεφης, -έος -ους, b, >/, (fr. Διός of Jupiter, and τρέφω to rear) instructed, reared, raised, exalted by Jupiter ; heaven-protected ; noble, renowned. Διουρητικός, -η, -ov, (fr. δι a. through, and ουρίω to make water) caus- ing urine, diuretic. Διπάλαιστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. δις twice, and παλαιστή a palm) of two palms, of two hand'' s breadth. Δίπαλτος, -ow, b, η, (fr. same, and παλτόν a javelin, th. πάλλω to brandish) armed with two ja- velins, twice brandished, with double force, violent. Διπηχυαΐος, -a, -ov, and Δίπηχυς, -εο;, b, η, (fr. same, and πηχυς a cubit) of two cubits, two cubits long, high, &c. Δίπλα, -ττλης, -πλουν, cont. cases of διπλόος. (15δ) ΔΙΣ Διπλάξω, f. -ασω, ρ. -ακα, (fr. next) to be double, consist of two parts; to double, fold. Δίπλαξ, -ακος, b, η, (fr. δις twice, and πλάξ a crust) double, two* fold, consisting of two parts, con- tained in two crusts, shells, &c. ; a cloak, either thicker or larger than that usually worn. Διπλασιάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. last) to double ; to fold ; to do again, repeat, reiterate. Διπλασίασμα, -ατός, το, andΔl7rλα- σιασμός, -ου, b, (fr. last) a dou- bling ; a folding ; a repetition. Διπλάσιος, -ου, and Διπλασίων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. δίπλαξ double) double, twofold, twice over, twice greater. Διπλρ, (fr. διπλόος double) doubly , twice as much. Διπλήσιος, Ion. for διπλάσιος. Διπλο'ις, -ιδος, t), (fr. next) a dou- ble woollen coat; a dress either thicker or larger than usually worn.; a priest's vestment; a waistcoat, doublet, inside coat ; a cloak, robe. Διπλόος -ους, -6η -η. -όον -ουν, (fr. δις twice) double^ twofold, twice as much. Διπλότερον, (fr. last) doubly, twice more. Διπλόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. δεδίπλω*•α, (fr. same) to double, repeat, do twice, make twice as large; to increase, enlarge ; to fold. 1 a. impr. act. δίπλωσον, in 2 pi. διπ- λώσατε, per. pass, δεδίπλωμαι. Δίπλωμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. same) α charter, edict, letters patent, tes- timonial, public deed; a large pot or vessel ; a kind of still oi Διπους, -οδός*, b, ή, (fr. δις twice, and πους a foot) two-footed, bi- ped. Διπρόσωπος^ -ov, b, f), (fr. same, and πρόσω- ov the face) having two faces or heads, double-faced, two-fronted. Δίπτυξ, -ΰχος, b, f), (fr. same, and πτύσσω to fold ) double. Δίπτυχα, (fr. same) doubly, twice ,* for two reasons. Δίπτυχος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) dou- ble, twofold; twins, matches, fellows. Δίρκα, -ας, a, Dor., for Δίρκη, -ης, η, a fountain, spring, well. Διρκαία or Κιρκαία, -ας, η, the name of an herb. Δις, (by Sync. fr. δυάκις, fr. δύο two) twice, two times, again. "Απαξ καΐ δϊς•> once and again, repeatedly. Δις, η. obs. Διός του, see Ζευς. Also, the air, space. Δίσδηααι, Dor. for δίζημαι, pres. mid. οϊδίζημί. Δίσευνος, -ου, b, (fr. δ\ς twice, and ευνη a bed) having two wives, twice married. Δισκευς, -έος, Att. έως, b, (fr. δίσ- κος a quoit) a comet, so called in a certain state of its appear* ance. ΔΙΦ Αισκενω, f. -εύσω, and Αισκίω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same) to play at quoits, pitch a quoit; to fling, throw. Αισκήσαις,2 sin. 1 a. opt. act. of last, also used iEol. for δισκήσας, 1 a. par. of δισκέω. Αίσκιος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. δις "ntens. and σκιά shade) very shady, sheltered, thick, close. Αισκοβολία, -ας, η, (fr. δίσκος a quoit, and βάλλω to throw) the game of quoits, playing at quoits. Δισκοβόλος, -ov, b, (fr. same) a player at quoits. Δίσκο?, -ου, δ, a quoit, of stone, brass, iron, &c. ; the disk or face of a heavenly body ; a dish, plate. Αίσκουρος, -a, -ov, (fr. last, and ούρος Ion. for 'όρος a limit) at or by a quoins throw. Ές δίσκουρα, by the throw of a quoit. Αισμύριοι, -at, -a, (fr. δις twice, and μύριοι ten thousand) twenty thousand, two myriads. Αισσος, Att. Αιττος, Ion. Αιξός, -η, -ov, (fr. <5άσω or -άξω, p. δεδί- στακα, (fr. δ'ις twice, and στάω for ϊστημι to stand) to doubt, mis- trust ; to waver, hesitate ; to be perplexed, feel embarrassed. Αίστίχος, and Αίστοιχος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. δϊς twice, and στοίχος a row) in two rows, in double ranL•, con- sisting of two verses or lines. Subs, a distich, couplet. Αίστομος, -ου, δ, (fr. same, and στόμα a mouth) ivilh two mouths, outlets or passages ; two-edged, cutting both ways. Αισχίλιοι, -at, -a, (fr. δις twice, and χίλιοι a thousand) two thou- sand. Αιτάλαντον, -ου, rd, (fr. δις twieg, and τάλαντον a talent) a double talent. Αιτάλαντος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) weighing or worth two talents. Αιττος, Att. for δισσός. Αίτύλος, -η, -ov, or -ου, δ, i^, (fr. <5is twice, and τύλος a wen) having two humps, wens or bosses. ^ίυγρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. δις twice, and υγρός wet) wetted, soaked, drenched, overwhelmed. Αιϋλ'ιζω, f. -ίσω, p. -ικα, (fr. οίά through, and υλίζω to strain, th. υλη dregs) to filter, strain refine, purify ; to sift. par. pres n. pi, διϋλίζοντες. Αιϋφαίνω, f. -άνω, p. δεδιυφαγκα, (fr. same, and υφαίνω to weave) to interweave, weave into, da- mask; to embroider, work into; to weave out the whole ; to finish. Αιφάσιος, -a, -ov, Ion. same as δισσός. Αιφάω -ω, f. -ασω, (perhaps fr. δίω to follow, and άφή the touch) ΔΙΧ to handle, feel ; to seek, search, look for, inquire. Αιφθέρα, -ας, ή, (perhaps fr. δέφω to skin) a hide, skin ; a cast skin, slough ; a leathern jacket ; parch- ment. Αιφθερίας, -ου, δ, (fr. last) wearing a leathern jacket ; a rustic, la- bourer. Αιφθέρωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) a roll, composed of fine skin or parchment. Αίφθογγος, -ου, b, and fj, (fr. δϊς twice, and φθόγγος a sound) ο diphthong. Αίφραξ, -ακος, Αίφρας, -αδος, fj, (perhaps fr. δϊς double, and φράσσω to enclose) a seat, chair; a chariot. Αιφρεύω, (fr. δίφρος a chariot) to sit ; to ride in a chariot. Αιφρηλασία, -ας, η, (fr. δίφρος a chariot, and ελαννω to drive) driving, charioteering, coach- manship. Αιφρηλάτας, -a, b, Dor. for Αιφρηλατης, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a driver, charioteer. Α'ιφρος, -ου, and Ion. -oio, b, (per- haps fr. δις two, and φέρω to carry) the seat in a chariot; a chariot, war-car; a two-horse carriage ; a seat. Αιφροφορέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. last, and φέρω to carry) to carry in a chariot, convey, set down; to drive or ride in a carriage. Αίφνης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. δις twice, and φυή nature) of two natures ; two, double ; unnatural, monstrous. Αιφωσα, η. fern. cont. par. pres. of διφάω. Αίχ for Αίχα, (fr. δϊς twice) dou- bly, twofold, in two parts; se- verally, apart, separately ; with- out. Αιχάζω and Αιχάω -ω, f. -ασω, p. δεδίχακα, (fr. last) to divide, se- parate, set at variance, make to disagree, set against, put be- tween. 1 a. inf. act. διχάσαι. Αιχασμος, -ου, δ, (fr. same) divi- sion, dissension, variance, disa- greement. Αιχηλεύω and Αιχηλέω -ω, (fr. δις twice, and χηλή a claw) to di- vide the hoof, be cloven-footed. Δίχθα, Poet, for δίχα. Αιχθάδιος, -a, -ov, and -ov, b, η, Αιχθάς, -αδος, b, f), (fr. same) same as δισσός. Αιχύβουλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. δίχα dou- bly, and βουλή design) discord- ant, differing, disagreeing, at variance. Αιχόθεν, (fr. same) on both sides, on either side, doubly. Αιχομηνία, -ας, ή, and Αιχόμηνις, -Έδος, η, Poet. (fr. same, and μην a month) the full moon ; half a month. Αιχόμηνος, -ου, b, (fr. same) divid- ing the month ; the full moon. Or as some say, the half moon. Αιχόμυθος,-ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and μύθος a word) ambiguous : pre- (156) ΔΙΩ varicating, equivocating, quib- bling. Αιχοστασία, -ας, and Ion. Αιχο στασίη, -ης, η, (fr. same, and στάσις sedition) discord, dissen- sion, variance, strife ; a division, separation, faction ; tumult, se- dition, mutiny, rebellion. Αιχοστατέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same) to disagree, quarrel; to revolt, rebel; to excite discontent or se- dition ; to doubt. Αιχοτομέω -ω. f. -ήσω, p. δεδιχο- τόμηκα, (fr. δίχα double, and τέμνω to cut) to halve, divide into two parts ; *n be full moon ; to cut up, carve, dissect; to split, rend, separate, cleave asunder; to scourge, cut in pieces. 1 a. act. εδιχοτόμησα. Αιγοτόμημα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) a fragment, shred, cutting, piece ; a carcass, corpse. Αιχοτομία, -ας, η, (fr. same) divi- sion into halves ; a cutting, carv- ing, dissection ; a piece cut off, division, portion, part. Αιχόφρων, -όνος, δ, >/, (fr. δίχα se- parately, and φρήν the mind) disagreeing, discordant. Διψρ, 3 sin. cont. ind. or sub. of διψάω. Αίψα, -ης, ή, thirst, drought; ar~ dent desire, wish, longing. Αιψαλέος, -a, -ov, (fr. last) thirsty; dry, parched. Αιψάς, -άδος, t), (fr. same) dry, barren land; a kind of viper, whose bite was said to cause excessive thirst. Αιψάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same) to thirst, be dry, want drink or moisture ; to desire ardently, long for ; to crave, remain un- satisfied. 1 a. act. ind. εδίψησα. sub. διψήσω, -ης, -η. Αιψης, Αιψη, Dor. for δίψας, διψ$, 2 and 3 sin. pres. ind. act. cont. — Aixptjv, Dor. or Att. for διψαν, pres. inf. act. cont. — Αιψήσω, -εις, -ει, 3 pi. -ουσι, 1 f. ind. act. — Αιψήσω, -ης, -η, 1 a. sub. act. of διψάω. Α'ιψιος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) excit- ing drought, thirsty ; dry, parch- ed, barren. Αίψος, -εος -ους, το, same as Αίψα. Αίψυχος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. δις twice, and ψνχη the soul) double- minded, with a divided heart; hypocritical, deceitful. Αιψωμεν, 1 pi. cont. pres. ind. or sub. act. — Αιψΰντες, -τα, -τι, oont. cases par. pres. act. of διψάω. Αίω, f. -σω, p. -κα, to chase, hunt; to expel, drive away, turn out, banish ; to persecute, banish ; to fear, dread; to run, fly, escape. Αιώβολον and Αιωβύλιον, -ου, τδ, (fr. δϊς twice, and οβολος a penny) a double obolos, two obo- loi, twopence. Αιωγμος, -ov, b, (fr. διώκω to pur- sue) pursuit, rout, din, tumult, uproar; persecution. Αιώδευον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. — Δίώ- ΔΙΩ έευσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of διοδεύω. *.ιωθίω -ώ, f. -ωθήσω, and Αιώθω, f. -ώσω, (fr. διά intens. and ωθεω to drive) to pursue, rout; to dispel, drive away, scatter; to repel, put to flight ; to disprove, refute ; to thrust or force through. pres. inf. act. διωθέειν-εΊνρ&δς. διωθέεσθαι -εϊσϋαι. λίωκε, 2 sin. — Αιώκ ,τε, 2 pi. pres. impr. act. — Αιώκι,ις,Ζ sin. pres. ind. act. — Διώκει , Dor. — Διω- κέμεν, Ion. — Ai flight, expel, banish; to perse- cute, oppress; to prosecute, ac- cuse, charge with ; to rail at, revile ; to strike, hit, smite, fell ; to run or follow after, desire, cam at, endeavour; to frequent, haunt; to write or discourse of, discuss, describe, celebrate. 1 a. act. ind. εδίωξα• impr. δίωξον sub. διώζω, in 2 pi. διώξητε. pres. pass, διώκομαι, per. pass. δεδίωγμαι. 1 a. pass, εδιώγθην. 1 f. pass. διω•χθήσομαι. Αιώκων, -ονσα, -ov, η. pi. -κόντες, par. pres. act. — Αιώκωμεν, -κωσι, 1 and 3 pi. pres. sub. act. of last. Αιω\νγιος, -ov, b, f), great, large; vehement, violent, strong ; ex- tensive. Αιώμοτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. δια intens. and όμννμι to swear) under an oath, sworn. Δίων, -όνος, b, Dion, a man's name. Αιώνα, -ας, a, Dor. for Αιώνη, -ης, §, a heathen idol ; the mother of Venus. Αιωνομασμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of διονομάζω, fr. δια intens. and ονομάζω, which see. Αιώννσσος, -ov, b, for Αιόννσος. Αιωξάτω, 3 sin. 1 a. impr. mid. — Αιώξετε, -ονσι, 2 and 3 pi. 1 f ind. act. — Αιώξητε, -ωσι, 2 and 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of διώκω. Αιώξιππος, -ov, b, (fr. διώκω to drive, and Ίππος a horse) a horse- man, rider ; a charioteer, driver Adj. equestrian, clever in horse- manship. Αιώξι.ς, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. διώκω to pursue) pursuit; persecution Αιωρία, -ας, η, (fr. δια within, ^nd ορός a limit) a delay, stop ; a deferring, procrastination ; an interval, space between, distance. Αιώροφος, or Αιάροφος, -ov, b, (fr. ΔΟΓ δ\ς twice, and ερέώω to cover) double-roofed ; with the roof di- vided into two parts; with two roofs or stories ; with two tops or summits. Αιώρνξ, -νγος, b, (fr. διορνσσω to dig through) a ditch, trench, cut, canal, aqueduct. Αιώρνχα, -ας, -ε, per. act. of same. Αιωσάμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. of διώθω. Αιωστηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. same) a sur- gical instrument for protruding or pushing out substances from wounds, probe; a bolt, bar; a pole on which any thing is car- ried. Αιωχθήσονται, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. pass, of διώκω. Αμαθεν, Dor. for Αμηθεν, which Boeot. for εδμήθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. pass, of Αμάω -ώ, f. δμήσω, p. δίδμηκα, by Sync, for δαμάω. per. pass. ind. δέδμημαι' par. δεδμημένος. 1 a. pass. ind. εδμήθην impr. δμή- θητι, -τω' par. δμηθείς. Αμησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. last) a subduing; subjection, con- quest. Αμήτειρα, -ας, η, (fr. same) a mis- tress, female conqueror, &c. Αμητηρ,-ηρος, b, (fr. same) a van- quisher, subduer, conqueror, mas- ter ; a taming, breaking. Αμητος, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) tamed; subdued, conquered, vanquished. Αμώας, a. pi. of δμώς, or of Αμωη, -ης, and Δ/<ωί'ί, -ΐδος, ή, (fr. δμάω to subdue) a female slave, woman-servant, waiting-woman, handmaid. Αμωος, -ου, and Αμώς, -ώος, b, (fr. same) a slave, man-servant. Αμωσι, d. pi. οι δμώς. Ανοπα\ίζω, f. -ϊσω, and -ίζω, (per- haps fr. δονέω to shake, and πάλλω to vibrate. Or fr. δονέω, and παλάμη the hand) to shake, brandish, quiver, vibrate; to strike, dash against; to hit, wound; to shake out clothes, dress, put on. Ανοφερησι, Ion. for δνοφεραΤς, d. pi. of Ανοφερος, -5, -bv, and. Ανοφδεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. next) dusky, dark; shady, gloomy, obscure; black, funereal. Ανόφος, -ου, δ, (perhaps fr. νέφος a cloud) darkness, obscurity, dim- ness ; a fog, mist, thick cloud ; distress, misery. Αοάσσεται, Αοάσατο, for δοιάσεται, 3 sin. 1 f. mid. and εδοιάσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. mid. of δοιάζω. Or for 1 f. mid. and 1 a. mid. of ξάσεται, 3 sin. εδοξάσατο, 3 sin δοξάζω. Αόγμα, -ατός, το, (fr. δοκέω to think) a decree, ordinance, act, law ; a judgment, sentence maxim, dogma; arite, ceremony, institution, custom, tradition. Αογματίζω, f. ϊσω, p. δεδογμάτικα, (fr. last) to decree, ordain, en- act ; to impose a rite, enjoin a (157) ΔΟΚ ceremony, introduce a custom, assert an opinion, dogmatize ; to consult, debate, deliberate, give an opinion, pass a sentence. Aoy- ματίζομαι, to submit to ceremo- nies, be burdened with rites. 1 a. act. εδογμάτισα. 2 pi. pres. ind. pass, δογματίζεσθε. Αογματϊκος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) ax. thoritative, magisterial; dogma- tical, positive ; wedded to a sys- tem, averse to innovation. Αόδρα, -ας, η, (fr. Lat. dodrans, nine twelfths) a medical potion composed of nine ingredients* diet-drink. ΑοθεΙην, -ης, -η, 1 a. opt. pass. — Αοθεϊς, -είσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass. — Aodjj, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass. — Αοθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass. — Αοθή- σεται, 3 sin. 1 f. pass, of δίδω μι. Αοθιην, -ηνος, η, a bile or boil; a felon or whitlow. Αοιά, neut. and Aoiai, fern. pi. — Δοίώ, du. of δοιοί. Αοιάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. δοιοί two) to doubt, hesitate, waver; to con- sider, revolve, deliberate, debate. Αοιδύξ,-ϋκος, b, a pestle, pounder ; a spoon, ladle. ' Αοιή, -ης, η, (fr. δοιοϊ two) doubt, hesitation, uncertainty. Αο'ιην. -ης, -η, in 3 pi. Δο7εν, BoBOt. and JEol. for δοίησαν, opt. of έδων, 2 a. act. of δίδωμι. Aotoi, -at, -a, and in du. Αοιω, Poet, for δύω. Αοκάζω, f. -ασω, p. δεδόκακα, to observe, attend to ; to watch, look after ; to esteem, honour, respect ; to look for, wait for, expect, hope or fear an event ; to think, be of opinion; to sentence, award. Αοκάσεις, 2 sin. 1 f. of last. Or Dor. for δοκήσεις, same of δοκέω. Αοκάω -ώ, f.' -ήσω, p. -ηκα, same as δοκάζω. ΑοκεΊ, impers. (fr. δοκέω to seem) it appears, it seems good, fit or right; it pleases. Αοκεϊν, pres. inf. act. cont. — Δο- κείς, -κεΐ, -κεϊτε, -κονμεν, -κονσι 1 cont. persons pres. ind. act. — Αόκη, 3 sin. cont. pres. sub. act. — Αοκών, par. pres. act. of δοκέω. Αοκενω, f. -ευσω, (fr. δοκέω to think) to observe, watch, respect; to expect or wait for an oppor- tunity, lay wait, deceive, par. pres. δοκενων. Αοκέω -ω, f. δόξω, and sometimes δοκήσω, p. δέδοχα, and δεδόκηκα, both unusual, to seem, appear ; to be in estimation, be thought, reputed, be approved, be really ; to esteem, rate, value, account, deem ; to approve, like, allow, choose; to think, suppose, ima- gine, conjecture ; to hope, expect ; to judge, be of opinion, think proper, determine, resolve, impf. εδόκεον -ovv. 1 a. act. ind. έδοξα' sub. δόξω. per. pass, δεδόκημα^ and δέδογμαι, -ζαι, -κται. Αοκήκω, for δόκω, cont. for last. Αόκησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f/, (fr• ΔΟΛ game) opinion, judgment, belief; imagination, fancy ; a phan- tasm, vision ; hope, expectation ; supposition, guess, conjecture : fame, report, rumour; esteem, credit, reputation. Δοκιμάζω, f. -ασω, p. δεδοκίμακα, (fr. δόκιμος approved) to try, prove, essay or assay, examine; to prove, feel, experience ; to think, suppose, be of opinion ; to discern, distinguish ; to approve, choose, allow, pres. impr. pass. 3 pi. δοκιμαζέσθωσαν. per. pass. δεδοκίμασμαι. Δοκιμάσαι, 1 a. inf. — Δοκιμάσει, 3 sin. If. — Αοκιμάσητε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of last. Δοκιμασία, -ας, >/, (fr. last) proof, trial, examination, experiment. Δοκιμαστής, -ου, b, (fr. same) a trier, examiner, censor, judge, critic. Δοκΐμή, -ης, ή, (fr. δόκιμος approv- ed) proof, trial, experiment; ex- perience, practice. Δοκίμων, -ov, τδ, (fr. same) a proof, criterion, test ; a probe ; a refi- ner's crucible; a trial, experi- ment. Δόκϊμος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. δοκέω to ap- pear) approved, proved, tried, accepted. Δοκιμόω -ω, (fr. last) to try, prove. Δοκϊς, -Έδος, ή, (dim. of next) α small beam, joist, &c. Δοκός, -ου, ή, (fr. δέχομαι to re- ceive) a beam, rafter; a shaft, spear, lance. Δόκος, -ov, b, Poet, for δόκησις. Δοκόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. δοκός a beam) to lay beams, rafters or joists ; to floor. Δόκωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. same) laying the rafters, roof- ing, flooring ; a building. Δολερυς, -a, -ov, (fr. δόλος deceit) cunning, crafty ; deceitful, frau- dulent, treacherous; artful, in- sidious. Δολερώς, (fr. last) artfully, deceit- fully, treacherously. Δο\Ίαισι, d. pi. fem. with t added of Δόλιος, -a, -ov, same as δολερός. a. sin. Ion. δολίην. Δολιόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. δελολίωκα, (fi•. last) to use deceit, practise fraud, deceive, beguile, betray. εδολίουσαν, Bceot. for εδολίονν, 3 pi. cont. impf. act. Δολίχ\ for δοΧίχά, neut. pi. of δόλιχος. Αολιχήρετμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. δόλιχος long, and ερετμος an oar) having or using long oars ; hardy sea- men. Δολιχόδειρος or Αονλιχόδειρος, for the measure, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and δειρή the neck) long-necked. Δολιχον, (neut. of next) long, far, afar ; for a long time. Δόλιχος, -ή, -by, long either in ex- tension or time ; lengthy ; te- dious, prolix. Subs, the long race or course, of twelve furlongs, and when run back again, of ΔΟΛ twenty-four furlongs ; a cha- riot; career. Δολιχόσκϊος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. last, and σκία a shadow) casting a long shadow, long-shadowed ; long, of great length. Or, (fr. same, and κ/ω to go) far-flying. Δολίως, (fr. δόλιος deceitful) treach- erously, artfully. Αολόεις, -εσσα,-εν, same ^δολερός• Δολομάχάνος, -ov, b, Poet, and Dor. tor δολομήχανος. Αολομήτα, v. sin. of Αολομήτης, -ov, b, and Αολόμητις, -ιος, b, rj, (fr. δόλος fraud, and μήτις counsel) crafty, cunning, artful ; deceitful, treacherous, insidious. Αολομήχανος, -ov, b, (fr. δόλος de- ceit, and μηχανή a contrivance) a plotter, contriver ; an inven- tor of frauds ; deceitful, artful, treacherous. Αόλοπες, οϊ, a people of Thessaly. Αολόπεσσι, Poet, and Ion. for A6- λοχμι, d. pi. of Δόλοψ. Αολοπίων, -όνος, b, Dolopion, a man's name. Δολοπλοκία, -ας, ή, (fr. δόλος de- ceit, and πλέκω to knot) an ar- tifice, stratagem, trick ; fraud, deceit, treachery, falsehood. Αολοπλόκος, -ov, b, ή~, (fr. same) inventive in artifice, artful, in- triguing ; deceitful, false, treach- erous. Αολορραφής, -εος -ους, b, f/, (fr. same, and ράπτω to sew) plot• ting, artful, intriguing, cunning, designing, deceitful. Αολορραφία, -ας, and Ion -φίη, -ης, ή, (fr. same) craftf subtilty, cunning, artifice, fraud, deceit. Δόλος, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. δέω to tie, or δε'λω to ensnare, or δηλεω to deceive) a trick, artifice, de- ception, cheat ; treachery, fraud, falsehood, deceit. Αολουντες, η. pi. cont. par. pres. act. — Αολουν, pres. inf. act. cont. of δολόω. Αολοφράδής, -ίος -ους, b, ή", (fr. δόλος deceit, and φράζω to think) deceitful, artful, intriguing, treacherous. Αολοφρονέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and φρονέω to think) to plot, scheme, contrive mischief. Αόλοψ, -οπός, b, (fr. same, and 6ψ the face) a spy, scout, sen- tinel, vidette ; a Her in vjait, as- sassin. Αολόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. δεδόλωκα, (fr. same) to act deceitfully or treacherously ; to ensnare, se- duce; to deceive, beguile, flatter ; to deprave, corrupt, adulterate, falsify ; to circumvent, overreach, cheat. Αόλω, d. sin. — Αύλονς, a. pi. of δόλος. Δολωθείς, -εϊσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pas of δολόω. Δόλων, -όνος, b, (fr. δόλ ος fraud) dagger, poniard ; the name of the smallest sail in a ship, top- sail. (158) Δθ£ Δόλων, -όνος, b, JDofon, a man • name. Δόλων, par. pres. cont. of ΐολίω» Or, g. pi. of δόλος. Δόλωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. δό- λος fraud) a deceiving, imposi- tion, deception; a cheat, fraud y artifice, plot. Aftua -ατός, το, (fr. δίδωμι to give) a gift, present; a reward; a bribe, pi. δόματα. Δοματ'ιζω, f» -ϊσω, (fr. same) to present, give, bestow, confer. Αόμεν, Ion. — Αόμεναι. Dor. for δούναι, 2 a. inf. of δίδωμι. Αομεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, and Δο«Γ:'ω, f• -εύσω, (fr. next) to build, erect, raise a fabric. Δομή, -ης, ή, (fr. δεμω to build) α building, edifice, structure; a wall, bulwark, fortification; the form or structure of the body. Αόμνος, -ov, b, and Δόμνα, -ας, fj, (fr. Lat. dominus, domina) a lord, lady; master, mistress; sovereign, ruler, prince, princess. Αομόνδε, (fr. next) homeward, to the house. Δόμος, -ov, b, (fr. δίμω to build) a house, home; dwelling, man- sion, residence, abode ; a fold, cote, stable. ΑοναθεΊσα, Dor. for δονηθεϋσα, fem. par. 1 a. pass, of δονέω. Αονακενς, -έος, Att. -εως, b, if, (fr. next)/u/Z of reeds, rushy, sedgy. a. sin. Αονακήα, Ion. for -εβ. Αόναξ. -άκος, b, (perhaps fr. Soveo) to shake) a reed, cane ; a shaft, arrow ; a pen ; a pipe; the bridge of a lyre. Αονατρόφος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. last, and τρέφω to breed) bearing reeds, overgrown with rushes, bordered with sedge. Αονέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, and Αονενω, f. -εύσω, to shake, move, agitate, brandish, quiver ; to dis- turb, trouble, disorder; to pro- voke, irritate ; to drive along. Αόνημα, -άτος, τδ, (fr. last) disturb- ance , trouble , tumult; a whirl- ing, quick rotation. Αόνησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, jj, (fr. same) agitation, disturbance ; vibration, quivering; motion. Δόντες, η. pi. of δοχις, par. 2 a. act. of δίδωμι. Δόξα, -ας, ή\, (fr. δοκεω to think) esteem, credit, value, account, reputation ; sentiment, expecta- tion, opinion, judgment, belief; a guess, conjecture; fame, re- nown, celebrity ; rank, prefer ment ; glory, honour, praise; splendour, brightness, irradiation. Απδ δόξης εΐναι, to be contrary to opinion, disappoint. Αοξάζω, f. -ασω, p. δεδόξακα, (fr. last) to praise, commend , honour, magnify, extol, glorify ; to ad- vance, promote, exalt, prefer ; to judge, suppose, deem, think, guess, imagine, impf. ε δόξα- ζαν. 1 a. act. ind. εδόξασα* impr. δόξασον sub. δοξάσω' inf. δοξάσαί* per. pass, δεδόξασμαι*. ΔΟΡ 1 a. pass. ind. εδοξάσθην sub. δοξασθω, -ης, -fj, in 3 pi. δοξασ- θώσι. ί+όξας,^ -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. ot δοκέω. Αοξάσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Δοξάσει, 3 sin. 1 f. act. — Δοξασθω, -ι/ς, -τ), 3 pi. -θωσι, 1 a. sub. pass, -i- Δόξασαν, 2 pi. -σατε, 1 a. impr. act. — Δοξάσω, -ης, -η, 3 pi. -σωσι, 1 a. sub. act. οΐδοξάζω. Δόξασμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) opi- nion, sentiment or judgment of what is to be done ; glory. Αιξαστος, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) ima- ginary, fanciful, conjectural ; glorious, praised, celebrated. Δόξητε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of δο- κέω. Δοξϊκός, -η, -bv, (fr. δόξα glory) glorious, resplendent. Αόξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f), (fr. δοκέω to appear) a vision, supernatural appearance ; a supposition, ima- gination. Αοξολογέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. δόξα praise, and λέγω to speak) to praise, celebrate, glorify; extol, commend. Δοξολογία, -ας, »% (fr. same) praise, celebration, thanksgiving, daxo- hgy ; commendation. Αοξόω -ω, same as δοκέω. pres. inf. pass. cont. δοξοΰσ&Μ. 1 a. pass. εδοξώθην. Αόξω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act Δόξω, -ης, -η, 2 pi. -ξητε, 1 a. sub. act. of δοκέω. Δορά, -ας, >), (fr. δίοω to flay) a skin or fresh hide; a bag, wallet made of it ; excoriation, flaying, skinning. Δόρας, -ατός, το, Ion. and Poet, for δορά or δέρας. Also, for δόρυ or δουρας. Αοράτων, -ov, rb, (dim. of δόρν a spear) a small spear, dart, jave- lin. Δόρατος, Δόρυος, Δονρος and Poet. Δορος, g. sin. Δόρατα, pi. of δόρυ. Αορίκτητος, -ov, b, §, (fr. δόρυ a spear, and κτάομαι to get) won by the spear, got in war, captive, taken. Αορίκτυπος, -ov,b, fj, (fr. same, and κτνπέω to crash) famous in war, warlike, fierce in battle. Αορίμαργος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and μάργος mad) furious in battle, courageous. Αορίπονος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and πόνος labour) warlike, hostile, Αορις, -Έδος, η, (perhaps fr. Ί flaying) a butcher's knife. Δορκάδιον, -ov, το, (dim. of next) a small or young deer, fawn. Αορκάς, -άδος, η, same as δόρξ. Also, Dorcas, a woman's name. Αόρκος, -ov, b, and Δόρκων, -όνος, b, (fr. next) a buck, deer; a kid. Abpξ, -κδί, ^, (perhaps fr. δέρκω to see) a doe; a roe, deer, gazelle; a wild goat. Αορόδοκος, -ov, b, (fr. δόκος a beam) a timber, beam, joist. Aopbs, -ου, δ, (fr. δέρας a bide) a ΔΟΥ sack, bag, scrip ; a leathernbag ; a skin sewed up. Δopbς, g. Poet, of δόρυ. Δόρπα, pi. of δόρπον. Δορπέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. δόρπον sup- per) to sup. Δορπίη, -ης, ή, Ion. for δόρπος ,ΔΟΤ Aovλaγωγbς, -Jv, b, (fr. same) a chief captain or overseer of slaves. Δουλάριον, -ov, rb, (dim. of δοΰλος a slave) a little slave. Δουλεία, -ας, η, (fr. same) servi• tude, service, slavery, bondage. Α,όρπιστον, -ov, το, also Δόρπιστβς, Δούλειος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same) ser- and Δόρπηστος, -ov, δ, (fr. next) supper-time, supper. Δόρπον, -ov, το, and Δόρπος, -ov, b, supper. Δόρν, το, g. δόρατος, δόρνος, δονρος, and Ppet. δορος, a spear, lance, javelin ; a shaft, handle ; wood, timber; a tree; a beam, plank ; a vessel, bark. Δορυάλωτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. last, and άλίσκω to take) taken in war, got by the spear, captive ; a pri- soner, slave. Δορύξενος, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same, and ξένος a stranger) contracting friendship during vmr ; an am- bassador sent for redeeming cap- tives ; a hospitable friend. Δορνσσόος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. δόρν a spear, and σείω to brandish) fighting with a spear, warlike, fierce, furious. Δορύσσω, f. -ξω, (fr. δόρυ a spear) to fight with a spear ; to fight. Δορντίνακτος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and τινάσσω to brandish) struck with the spear, quivering, vibrat- ing. Δορνφορίω -ω, f. ήσω, (fr. same, and φέρω to carry) to carry or use a spear ; to attend, guard. Δορνφορία, -ας, η, (fr. last) a guard, train; attendance, guard. Δορνφορϊκον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a body-guard, life-guards, pr;, (fr. same, and ανένω to endure) intolerable, insuffera- ble, not to be endured; grievous, severe. ΑνσαντεΊ, d. sin. of Αυσαντης, -έος -ους, and Αυσάντη- τος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and αν- τάω to meet) ill to be met, un- lucky, unfortunate ; untoward, awkward ; distressing, difficult, arduous, dangerous ; violent, fierce, cruel. Αυσαπιστέω -c5,(fr. same, and απισ- τέω to disbelieve) to discredit, disbelieve, impf. δυσηπίστεον -ουν. Αυσαποσπάστως, (fr.same, από from, and σπάω to draw) stiffly, firmly, tenaciously. Αυσαρεστέω -ώ, f. ήσω, (fr. δυσάρεσ- τος, sullen) to dislike, disapprove, loathe ; ιο be harsh, morose. Αυσάρεστον, -ου, το, (neut. ofnext) moroseness, sullenness. Αυσάρεστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. δϋς ill,and αρέσκω to please) hard to please ; ΔΤΣ morose, peevish, sullen, disa greeable. Ανσαριστοκεία, -ας, η, (fr. same, άριστος best, and τίκτω to bear) unfortunate in a generous off- spring ; bearing brave, but un- fortunate children. Αυσάσχετος, ~ov, b, η, same as δυ- σανάσχετος. Ανσανχής, -έβς -ους, b, ή, (fr. <5ujill ; and ανχή boasting) fiercely boasting, overbearing, imperious. Ανσαώαίρετος, -ov, δ, fj, (fr. same, and αφαιρέω to carry away) hard to be earned off, difficult to be removed, immoveable, fixed, firm. Ανσβάστακτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and βαστάζω to carry) hard to be lifted or carried, weighty, pon- derous. Αναβατός, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same,and βαίνω to go) inaccessible, not to be readied, unapproachable. Ανσβοήθητος, -ου, b, f], (fr. same, and βοηθέω to bring help) past relief, incapable of being assisted. Αυσβουλία, -ας, [ή, (fr. same, and βουλή counsel) bad counsel, un- fortunate advice. Ανσγένεια, -ας, ή, (fr. :9.ame, and γένος birth) loumess of birth, meanness of extraction, obscurity. Ανσγενης, -έος-οϋς, b,fi, (fr. same) low-born, mean, base. Ανσδάκρντος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and δακρύω to weep) sad, melan- choly, mournful, tearful. Ανσδιάβατος, -ου, b, %, (fr. same, δια through, and βαίνω to go) impassable, impervious, impene- trable. ΑνσδιάκρΥτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and διακρίνω to distinguish) in- distinct, indiscernible, obscure. Αυσδιεζίτητος, -ov, b, η, (fr same, and διέξειμι to go through) hard to be gone over or treated of; impassable. Ανσδιέξοδος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and διέξοδος a passage) imper- vious, impassable, impenetrable. Ανσδιήγητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and διηγέομαι to relate) not to be told, inexpressible. Αύσεαι, Ion. for δύση, 2 sin. 1 f. ίΑνσεύρετος, -ov, b, η, (fr. δνς ill, and mid. of δ ύ νω. ευρίσκω to find) hard to be found, Αυσβιδης, -έος -ους, b,ij, (fr. δυς ill, ι scarce; indiscoverable, hard to be and είδος shape) deformed, ugly, J explored, misshapen; disgusting. ,Ανσέφικτος, -ov, b,f], (fr. same, and Ανσείσβολος, -ου, b, >],{&. same,,andj εφικνέομαι to arrive at) unat- εισβολη an entrance) not to be 1 tainable, not to be reached, inac- entered, impervious ; inaccessible. cessible ΔΤ2 έντενξις a meeting) a forbidding manner, incivility, haughtiness. Ανσεξάλειπτος, -ου, b, Jj, (fr* same, and εξαλείφω to obliterate) hard to be effaced, indelible. Ανσεξήνυτος, -ov, b, {], (fr. same, and εξανύω to perform) difficult, indissoluble chain. Ανσεξίτηλος, and -τητος, -ου, b, j, (fr. same, *ξ out of, and ε7μι to go) impassable, impervious; that can hardly escape, unable to get away. Αυσέξΐτος, -ου, b, f), (fr. same, and έξειμι to go out of) impassable, having no exit. Ανσεπανόρθωτος,-ον, b, ή, (fr. same, and επανορθόω to correct) incor- rigible, past amendment, deprav- ed ; spoiled. Αυσεπίβατος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and επιβαίνω to ascend) inacces- sible. Αυσεπίτευκτος, -ov, b,Ji, (fr. same, and επιτυγχάνω to attain) not to be got, unattainable ; irreconcile- able,averse,contrary ; disappoint- ed, frustrated, unfortunate. Ανσεργος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and έργον work) unfit for working ; incapable of being wrought ; dif- ficult ; slothful , lazy ; stupid, in- active. Ανσερεύνητος, -ου, b,n, (fr. same, and ερευνάω to search) unsearch- able, inscrutable, past finding out. Αύσερις, -'ιδος, Ό, η, (fr. same, and έρις strife) quarrelsome, conten- tious, choleric, petulant ; peevish^ cross, testy ; humour some ; ob- stinate, stubborn. ΑυσερμιΊνευτος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. same, and ερμηνεύω to interpret) hard to be explained, abstruse, difficult. Α\>σέρως, -ωτος, b, η, (fr. same, and έρως love) unfortunate in love; deceived ; desperately in love, lovelorn. Ανσεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. — Αύσετο, Ion. and — Αύσσετο, Poet, and Ion. for εδύσετο, 3 sin. impf. ind. of δύσομαι. Ανσεννήτωρ -ορός, b, (fr. δύίίΐΐ^ and ευνη a bed) unlucky partner of a bed. Ανσεκπέρατος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, εκ from, and περάω to pass) dif- ficult to be passed. Or (fr. πέρας an end) of a miserable end, wretched, horrid. Ανσέλπιστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and ελπίς hope) unexpected, un- hoped ; hopeless. Ανσεντερία, -ας, ή, (fr. δνς ill, and έντερον the intestines) illness of the bowels, dysentery. Ανσεντε(>ίκδς,-ή, -ov, (fr. last) af- flicted with dysentery. Ανσεντχνζία, -ας, ή, (fr. δυς'ύΐ, and Αυσεφοδέστατος, sup. of Αυσέφοδος, -ου, b, η, (fr. δνς ill, and έφοδος an approach) unapproach- able, inaccessible. Αύσηβος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and 'ήβη youth) of age, full grown; unhappy, unfortunate. Αυσήκοος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and ακούω to hear) deaf deafish; in- attentive, disobedient. Αυσηλεγης, -έος -ους, b,fj, (fr. same, and αλέγω to regard) trouble- some, offensive ; grievous, severe, harsh; sad, dismal. (162} ΑΎΣ Ανσημερέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. same, and ήμερα a day) to fail, miss ; be unfortunate, be disap- pointed. Ανσημερία,-ας,η, (fr. last) adver- sity, misfortune, affliction; ill luck, mischance. Αυσηπίστουν, impf. cont. of δνσα πιστέω. Αυσηχής, -έος -ους, b, f), (fr. δυς ill, and ήχος a sound) harsh sound- ing, hoarse; loud sounding, roaring. Αυσθαλπης,-έος-ονς^,η, (fr. same, and θ-αλπω to warm) cold, chilly, frigid; hard to be warmed. Ανσθανατέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and θάνατος death) to dread death, be impatient of dying ; to linger, die painfully. Αννθυμέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and §υμος the mind) to despond, lose hope, despair. Ανσθνμία, -ας, η, (fr. last) dejec- tion, sadness, grief. ΑύσΟϋμος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same) sad, melancholy, dejected ; despond- ing, dispirited; remiss, slothful, indifferent. Aval, d. pi. of δύο. Ανσίατος, -ου, b,'f), (fr. δν ς ill, and ιάομαι to heal) difficult to cure, unwilling to heal, incurable ; hard to be appeased, implaca- ble. Ανσίμερος, -ου, b, tj, (fr. same, and Ίμερος desire) hardly to be desired or wished for ; disagreeable, hate- ful, odious. Αύσις,-ιος, Att. -εως,η, (fr. δννω to go down) a going down, setting, sunset ; the west. Ανσκατάληπτος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. dv^ill, and καταλαμβάνω to compre- hend) incomprehensible, unin- telligible ; difficult, abstruse.. Ανσκαταμάθητος,-ου, b, fj, (fr.same, and καταμανθάνω to learn) diffi- cult to learn, abstruse, unintelli- gible. Αυσκαταμαθήτως, (fr. last) unin- telligibly. Αυσκαταμάχητος, (fr. δνς ill, and καταμάχομαι to fight against) hard to be opposed; not to bt subdued; impregnable. Αυσκατανόητος, -ov, b, f], (fr. same, and κατανοέω to perceive) im- perceptible, unobservable ; ab- struse, unintelligible. Ανσκατάπανστος, -ου, b, i7,(fr. same, and καταπαύω to still) not to be assuaged, violent, furious, im- placable. ΑυσκαΤαπολέμητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, κατά against, and π<5λε- μος war) invincible; impregna- ble. Αυσκατάπρακτος,-ου , b, fj, (fr• same, and καταπράσσω to effect) hardly to be done, scarcely possible, dif- fiexdt ; not to be subdued or tamed, wild. Αυσκατάσβεστος, -ov, b, ζ, (fr. same, and κατασβεννύω to extinguish) not to be extinguished. Αυσκέλώδος. -«*<, b, η, (fr.same, and Δ'ΓΣ κίλαδος sound) ill sounding, hoarse, harsh, doleful. Αύσκεν, Ion. for έδυσκεν, 3 sin. impf. οΐδύσκώ. Δυσκίνητος, -ου,, b, >% (fr. δύς ill, and κινέω to move) dull, slow, sluggish, lazy, slothful ; inflexi- ble, obstinate. Δυακλεής, Τ έος -ους, ο, η, (fr. same, and κλέος fame) inglorious, mean, obscure, private; dis- graced, ignominious. Δυσκλεία,-ας, η, (fr. last) disgrace, shame, dishonour. Δύσκλύτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. δύς ill, and κλύω to hear) unheard of, in- glorious, mean, private, ob- scure. Δνσκολαίνω, f. -άνω, p. -αγκα, (fr. δύσκολος squeamish) to be dis- pleased, morose, discontented, to fret, be angry ; to scorn, be in- dignant. Δυσκολία, -ας, η, (fr. next) fretful- ness, discontent ; moroseness } crossness, ill temper. Δύσκολος, -ου, b, >/, (fr. δύς ill, and κόλον food) indigestible ; squeam- ish, delicate ; peevish, fretful ; disagreeable, morose, cross; dif- ficult, troublesome. Δυσκόλως, (fr. last) with difficulty, hardly. Δύσκρατος, -ου, b, η, (fr. δυς ill, and κεράννυμι to mix) ill mixed. Δύσκρπος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and κρίνω to judge) scarcely distin- guishable, indistinct, obscure. . Δύσκω, Poet, for δύνω. Δύσκωφος,-ου, b, ή, (fr. δύς hardly, and κωφός deaf) somewhat deaf; deaf and dumb. Δύσλοφος, -ου, b, η, (fr. δύς ill, and λόφος the shoulders) galling to the shoulders or neck; burden some, heavy. Δύσλϋτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and λύω to loose) intricate, difficult, obscure ; indissoluble ; implaca- ble. Δνσμάθής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same and μανθάνω to learn) hard to be learned or known; heavy, dull, slow of apprehension; indocile, untractable. ΑΎΣ hand) hard to be managed, dif- ficult, arduous ; unwieldy, awk- ward ; indocile, obstinate. Δυσμη, -ης, η, (fr. δύνω to go down) setting, sunset, the west. Δυσμήτηρ, and Dor. Δυσμάτηρ, -ερ^ς, η, (fr. δύς ill, and μήτηρ a mother) a cruel, unnatural mo- ther. Δυσμνημόνευτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and μνημονεύω to remember) hard to be remembered. Δύσμορος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and μόρος fate) ill-fated, ill-starred, luckless, unhappy ; calamitous, unfortunate. Δυσμορφία, -ας, and Ion. Δνσμορ- φίη, -ης, η, (fr. same, and μορφή shape) deformity. Δύσμορφος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. same) misshapen, deformed. Δυσνόητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and νοέω to understand) ill-conceived, misunderstood; hardly compre- hended, difficult, obscure. Δυσνομία, -ας, and Ion. Δυσνομίη, -ης, η, (fr. same, and νόμος law) laxity of the laws, disorder, ir- regularity ; licentiousness, anar- chy. Δνσξύμβολος, -ου, b, >/, (fr. same, and συμβάλλω to confer) not to be treated with, faithless, peifi• dious. Δύσοδος, -ου, b, f), (fr. same, and bδ^ς a road) impassable, imper• vious, pathless, wild. Subs, a bad road. Δύσοκνος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. same, and όκνος laziness) slow, slothful, dull, lazy, listless; heavy, inac- tive, indolent. Δνσόκνως, (fr. last) slowly, lazily, indolently. Δύσομαι, 1 f. mid. of δνμι see δύνω, used Poet, as another verb. 3 sin. pres. δύσεται, Poet, δύσσε- ται. impf. εδυσόμην, -ου, -ετο, Ion. δύσετο, and Poet, δύσσετο. Δνσόνειρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. δύς ill, and όνειρος a dream) interrupted by dreams; sleepless, restless. Δυσόράτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and bpάω to see) scarcely visible, in- distinct, obscure Δυσμαρης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same,|Aucropyoi, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and and μάρη the hand) difficult, hard, awkward, inconvenient. Δυσμάχητος, and Δνσμάχος, -ov, b, 17, (fr. same, and μάχομαι to fight) violent, fierce, furious; invincible, unconquerable, im- pregnable. Δυσμένεια, -ας, η, (fr. δυσμενής hos- tile) enmity, hostility r war ; ha- ired, grudge, malice; ill-will, malevolence. Δυσμενέεσσι, Ion. and Poet, for δνσμενέσι, d. pi. of Δυσμενής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. δύς ill, and μένος anger) hostile, deadly, feudal. Subs, an enemy ) foe. Δυσμενώς, (fr. last) like an enemy. hostilely, maliciously. . Δνσμεταχείριστος, -ου, b, fi, (fr. δύς ill, ana μεταχ^ειρίζω to take in οργή anger) angry, passionate, hasty, irascible. Ανσόριστος, -ov, b, /;, (fr. same, and ορίζω to define) undefined, inde- finite ; hard to be traced oimark ed out. Δύσορνις, -ιθος, b, η, (fr. same, and όρνις a bird) ill-omened, unlucky. Δυσοσμία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and οσμή odour) an ill smell. Αύσουρος, -ov, b,. fj, (fr. same, and ουρος a guard) hard to be watched or guarded Ανσπαίπάλος,-ον, b, ^,(fr. same, and παίπαλα precipices) steep, preci pitous, rugged^ insurmountable. Αυσπάλής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and πάλη wrestling) invincible at wrestling, matchless ; diffi- cult, severe, arduous. Δνστταοακολούθηΐος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. il63) ΔΤΣ same, -παρά along, and ακόλουθε* to follow) hard to be followed, traced or understood ; incompre- hensible, unintelligible. Δνσπαράπλους, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and παραπλέω to sail past) to be passed with difficulty, innaviga- ble, dangerous. Δύσπάρις, -ϊδος, b, (fr. same, and Πάρις an effeminate epithet of Alexander the son of Priam) unfortunate, silly Paris ; effemi- nate, delicate. Αυσπειθής,-έος -ους, b,f), (fr. same, and πείθω to persuade) hard to be persuaded or convinced, obsti- nate ; disobedient. Δύσπειστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) in- credulous, disbelieving ; incredi- ble, not to be believed. Δνσπελάγιος,-α,-ον, (fr. same, and πέλαγος the sea) exposed to the sea ; unsafe, dangerous ; stormy, boisterous. Δυσπέμφελος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πέμπω to send) dangerou* to pass^ impassable, boisterous. Αυσπέρατος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and περάω to pass) difficult to pass. Δυσπερίληπτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and περιλαμβάνω to comprehend) unintelligible, incomprehensible. Δυσπέτημα, -άτος, το, (fr. same t and πίπτω to fall out) an acci dent, misfortune ; adversity. Αυσπετής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same) unfortunate, calamitous ; dis- tressed, unhappy. Δύσπιστος, -ov, b, η, (fr. δύς ill, and πείθω to persuade) incredulous, sceptical, doubting ; incredible. Δνσπνοέω-ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and πνοή breath) to breathe hard, re- spire with difficulty, pant. Δύσπνοια, -ας, η, (fr. last) diffi- culty -of breathing, shortness of breath ; a sigh. Δνσπνοϊκος, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) breathing short, panting ; asth• matical ; sighing, sobbing. Αν&πολέμητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. δΛς ill, and πόλεμος war) fierce in war, not easily conquered; vaiiant, brave. Δυσπολιόρκητος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. same, and πολιορκέω to besiege) im- pregnable. Ανσπόρεντος, and Δύσπορος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and πορεύω to pass through) impassable, pathless, trackless ; inaccessible. Δυσπόριστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πορίζω to provide) hard to be procured, scarce. Δύσποτμος,-ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and πότμος fate) ill-fated, ill-starred, unlucky, disastrous. Δνσπραγέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. same, and πράσσω to do} to miss, fail, not succeed, be disappoint- ed. Δυσπραγία, and Δυσπραζία, -ας, ff, (fr. last) want of success, fail- ure, disappointment; adversity ', calamity. Δυσπρόσιτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. δνς v\ and πρόσεψι to approach) and ΔΤΣ Δνσπρόσοδος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same, προς to, and b5bg a road) inac- cessible; difficult of access, for- bidding, distant, reserved. Ανσπροσόρμιστος, -ου, δ, η, (fr.same, and προσορμίζω to harbour) in- accessible, dangerous to approach, unsafe for ships, ΑύσρΤγος,--ου, b, η, (fr. same, and ρίγος cold) not able to bear cold; very cold, stiff". Αυσσέβεια, -ας, η, (fr. δυσσεβης im- pious) impiety, irreligion. Αυσσεβέω -ω, (fr. same) to be ι pious ; to blaspheme, scoff. Αυσσέβημα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) impiety, ungodliness. Αυσσεβης, -έος, -ους, ο,%, (fr. δύς ill and σέβω to revere) impious', ungodly, irreligious. Αύσσεο, Poet, for Αύσεο, Ion. for (Wou,pres. impr. — Αυσσομενά ων, Poet, and iEol. for δυσομέ- νων, g. pi. par. pres. mid. of <5υσο μαι. Αύσσοος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. δύς ill, and σόος safe, or σόω to put to flight) hardly saved, just escaped; aban- doned, forsaken ; hardly beat off or driven away ; not to be over- taken, clear off. Αύστανος, Dor. for δύστηνος. Ανστέκμαρτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. δύς hardly, and τεκμαίρω to conjec- ture) not to be guesstd, past con- jecture. Αύστηνος, -ou, h, η, (fr. same, and στένω to groan, or "ιστημι to stand ) sighing, groaning, lament- ing ; miserable, unhappy, ivretch- ed, unfortunate, Ανστήρητος,-ον, b,f-,,(fr. same, and τηρέω to watch) scarcely obser- vable, imperceptible ; hard to be watched or preserved. Αυστίβεντος,-ου,ο,η, (fr. same, and στιβεύω to tread) not to be traced, lost, undiscovered. Ανστοκέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, and -έσ\Λ, (fr. δνς hardly, and τίκτω to bring forth) to bring forth with diffi- culty, have dangerous labot-r-; to have bad offspring. Ανστοκήσας, -ασα, .",αν, par. 1 a. act. of last. Αύστρος, -ov, b, one of the months, called also Έ,λαφηβολιών, an- swering nearly to our September. Αυστνχέστατος, sup. of δυστυχής. Αυστνχέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. δύς ill, and τύχη fortune) to be unfortunate or unsuccessful, meet with misfortunes ; to fail, err, miss. 1 a. par. act. δν^τνχή- σας. I a. par. pass, δνζτνχη- θείς, inneut. pi. δνστνχηθίντα. Αυστύχημα, -ατός, το, and Ανστυ- χία, -ας, η, (fr. last) a misfor- tune, accident, ill-luck ; a defeat, slaughter ; adversity, afiiction, trouble, sorrow. Ανστυχης, -έος -ους, b, ή, (ft same) unfortunate, wretched, nisera- ble, afflicted, cruel, unfeeling. comp. δυστυχέστερος, s^p. -τα- τος. Αυστυχουνταζ) a• pi. cont- pr v. pres. ΔΤΣ act. — Αυστυχούσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of δνστνχεω. Αυσυπάστατος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. δύς hardly, and υφίσταμαι to await) scarcely to be withstood, hardly to be borne, impetuous, furious. Αύσφαμον, -ου, το, (Dor. for δύσφη- μον, neut. of δύσφημος slander- ous) disgrace, dishonour, shame. Αυσφημέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. same) to calumniate, slander ; to reproach, revile ; to blaspheme ; to foretell evil, forebode ill. Αυσφημία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a re- proach, taunt ; calumny, slan- der ; a disgrace, shame, scandal, infamy, evil report. Αυσφήμοιο, Ion. for δυσφήμου, g. of Αύσφημος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. δύς ill, and φήμη a. report) reviling, reproach- ful ; slanderous, calumnious ; ominous, foreboding evil. Αυσφορέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. δύς ill, and φέρω to bear) to be hardly able, scarcely to bear; to take ill; to fret, grieve, be angry or indignant. Ανσφορής, -έος -ους, Ανσφόρητος, and Αύσφορος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) hard to be borne, not to be endured; offensive, trouble- seme ; severe, grievous ; heavy, ivcighty, Αυσφόρως, (fr. last) beyond endur- ing, grievously, severely. Αύσφρονα, -ων, τα, (fr. next) cares, anxieties, vexations. Ανσφρονέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. δύς ill, and φρονέω to think, th. φρην the mind) to lose spirits, sink, faint, despond ; to grieve, fret, take ill. par. pres. act. δνσφρο- νέων -ων. Ανσώροσυνάων, g. pi. JEiol. of Άνσφροσυνη, -ης, η, (fr. δυσφρονέω to despond) anxiety, care, vexa- tion ; grief, sorrow. Αύσφρων, -όνος, δ, η, (fr. same) ' anxious, sad. Άυσφύλακτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. δνς ill, arid φυλάσσω to guard) hard to be avoided, unavoidable, inevitable. Ανσφωνία,^ -ας, η, (fr. next) dis- cord, discordance ; harshness or ' roughness of voice or sound. Ανσφωνος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. &)?ill, and φωvηvoice)dissonant,discordant, jarring ; rough, harsh, grating. Ανσχείμερος, and Ανσχειμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and χέΐμα winter) wintry, cold, chilly ; rough, tem- pestuous ; inhospitable, barren, uninhabited. Αυσχειρης, -έος -ους, and Αυσχείρω- τος,-ου,Ό, η, (fr. same, and χειρ the hand) hard to be managed or taken in hand; difficult to be tamed or subdued, comp. δυσ- χειρώτερος, sup. -ώτατος. Ανσχεραίνω, f. -ανω, (fr. δυσχερής harsh) to take or bear ill; to dislike to do, refuse, reject scorn- fully ; to scorn, disdain ; to fret, be displeased, vexed or angry. 3 pi. pres. ind. δυσχεραίνονσι. pres. par. a. pi. δυσχεραίνον- τας. Π64Ϊ ΔΤΩ Δυσχέρεια, -ας, f), (fr. next) diffi• culty, distress. Ανσχερης, -έος -ους, δ, 17, (fr. δύς ill, and χεϊρ the hand) difficult., hard, inconvenient; troublesome, disagreeable, distressing, comp. δυσχερέστερος, sup. -έστατος. Αυσχερώς , (fr. last) with difficulty hardly ; grievously. Ανσχιμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. δύς ill, and χυμός juice) noxious, venomous. Ανσχρηστέομαι -ούμαι, f. -ήσομαι, (ft% δύσχρηστος useless) to loathe, be disgusted, dislike, be tired of; to act unwillingly or disagreeably ; to be embarrassed, entangled, per- plexed. Αυσχρήστημα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) and Ανσχρηστία, -ας, η, (fr. next) inconvenience, annoyance, embar- rassment ; difficulty, trouble, grievance, vexation ; disaster, loss. Ανσχρηστος, -ov, b, η, (fr. δνς ill, and χρηστός useful) inconve- nient, awkward, useless; unfit, unseasonable. Αυσχωρία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and χώρος place) roughness or rug- gedness of country ; difficulty of ground. Ανσώδης, -εος -ονς, δ, η, (fr. same v and όζω to smell) ill-flavoured-, fetid, stinking, rank. Ανσωδία, -ας, η, (fr. same) an i& smell. Ανσώνύμος,-ου,Ό,η, (fr. δύς ill, and όνομα a name) of an unlucky name; ominous, inauspicious, foreboding evil ; unfortunate ; sad, dismal ; hateful, detestable. Αυσωπέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, anc ώψ the countenance) to shame , to shame out of, extort through shame, get by entreaty ; ώ per- suade, prevail upon. Αυσωπέομαι -ονμαι, to blush, be ashamed, yield through shame or importu- nity ; to be diffident or 5%. Αυσωττία, -ας, η, (fr. same) bash fulness, modesty, timidity. Αυσωρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. δύς ill, anc ούρος a guard) to keep, watch or ...guard with difficulty ; to dread, be alarmed. Αύτης, -ov, b, (fr. δύνω to enter) a diver. Αυτός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) entering, penetrative, piercing; to be en- tered, open, passable. Αύω, f. δύσω, see δύνω. Δύω, Att. for δύο. Ανώδεκα, Ανωκαίδεκα, and Αώδεκα, indecl. (fr. δύω two, and δέκα ten) twelve; a dozen. Ανωδεκάδρομος, -oυ,b, (fr. last, and δρόμος a race) running twelve times, of twelve heats. Αυωδεκάμηνος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and μην a month) of twelve months, annual, yearly. ΑυωδεκαταΊος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) every twelfth day or year, by in- tervals of tvielve, in the twelfth place ; for or during twelve days, ■months, &c. Αυωδέκατος. •η, -ov, (fr. same) twelfth. ΔΩΡ Δυων, Att.or Ion. for ) a tribe) the twelve tribes ; the Jewish people. Δωδωναίος, -a, -ov, (fr. Δω<5ών>;) of Dodona, Dodonean. Δωδώνασθεν, Dor. for Δωδώνησ- θεν, from Δωδώνη, -ης, >/, Dodona, a city and forest in Epirus. Δωην, -ης, -η, Att. for δοίην, 2 a. opt. act. — Δώ^σί,Ιοη. for δώη, 3 sin. of δωην. But Δώησι is Ion. for δώη, which for δω, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. act. — Δώκ or Δώκε, Δώκαν, Ion. for έδωκ or έδωκε, 3 sin. and ε<5ωκαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of δίδωμι. Δώλος, Dor. for δούλος. Δώμα, -ατός, το, (fr. δομέω to build) a building, edifice, structure; a house, residence, dwelling, abode, habitation. Δώμασι, d. pi. of last. Δωμάτιον, -ου, το, (dim. of same) a small house, lodge, cottage, cabin ; a lodging, residence ; a chamber, room. Δωμάω, -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. δώμα a house) to build, raise, erect, con- struct. Δώναξ, -ακος, b, Dor. and Poet, for δόναζ. • Δώομεν, by Syst. for δώωμεν, which Poet, for δώμεν, 1 pi. 2 a. sub. act. οι δίδωμι. Δώρ' for δώρα, pi. of δώρον. Δωρεά, -ας, η, (fr. δώρον a gift) a gift, present ; a donation, dona- tive, largess ; a favour, boon. Δωρεάν, viz. κατά, (a. of last) as a free gift, freely, gratis; unde- servedly, without cause ; in vain, to no purpose. Δωρέομαι -οϋμαι, and Poet. Δωρέω -ώ, f. -ήσομαι, p. δεδώρημαι, (fr. δώρον a gift) to give, present, con- fer ; to bestow, grant ; to lavish, give profusely ; to bribe, corrupt. 1 a. mid. εδωρησάμην. Δωρητος, -η, -bv, (fr. last) recon- ciled or conciliated by gifts ; brib- ed, corrupted, seduced; receiv- ing present* ; gifted, rewarded; given, presented, bestowed. ψωριάζω, Poet, for Δωρίζω, f. -ίσω, fr. Δώριος Doric) to speak Doric. ΔΩΤ Δωριείς, -έος, Att. -έως, b, (fr. Δω- ρις) a Dorian. Δωριΐ,ς, Att. for Δωριείς, pi. cont. of Δωριενς. Δώριος, -a, -ov, Poet, for Δωρικός, -η, -bv, (fr. next) Doric. Δωρις, -Χδος, η, Doris, a country of Greece ; a woman of Doris ; the name of a nymph. Δορίσδεν, Dor. for δωρίζειν, pres. inf. of δωρίζω. Δωριστι, (fr. Δωρϊς) in the Doric dialect, Doric. Δωροδοκίω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. δώρον a gift, and δοκέω to expect) to ex- pect gifts, receive presents, take bribes, be corrupt ; to bribe, cor- rupt, seduce by gifts, a. pi. par. pres. cont. δωροδοκουντας. Δωροδόκημί, -ίίτος, το, (fr. last) a present, ( ift for a bad purpose, bribe. Δωροδοκία, -ας, η (fr. same) the giving or taking of gifts, bribery corruption ; meanness, sordid- ness. Δωροδόκος, -ov, b, η, (fr. δώρον a «lift, and δέχομαι to take) expect- ing gifts, taking bribes, corrupt. Subs, a traitor. Δωροκοττέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and κό-τω to cut) to bribe, cor- rupt by presents, seduce by gifts ; to withhold or retract gifts, lessen offerings. Δωροκο-ία, -ας, η, (fr. last) a dimi- nution or withholding of gifts or offerings. Αωρολή-της, -ου, b, (fr. δώρον a gift, and λαμβάνω to take) an ac- ceptor of gifts or bribes. Δώρον, -ου, το, (perhaps fr. δίδωμι to give) a gift, present ; an of- fering ; a portion or fortune ; the lesser palm or span. Δωροφάγος, -ov, b, η, (fr. last, and φάγω to eat) a devourer of gifts ; avaricious, corrupt. Δωροφόρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and φέρω to carry) a gift-bearer ; an intercessor. Δωρύττομαι, Dor. for δωρέομαι. Δως, η, Poet, indecl. (fr.' δίδωμι to give) a gift, present; a share, portion, fortune. Δωσέμεναι, Dor. for δώσειν, 1 f. inf. act. — Δώση, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of έδωσα, Poet. reg. for έδωκα, irreg. 1 a. ind. act. — Δώσι, Ion. for δω, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. act. but Δώσι, 3 pi. same tense. - — Δωσουντι, Dor. and Δώσουσ\ by Apos. for δώσουσι, 3 pi. of Δώσω, -εις, -ει, 3 pi. -ova,, 1 f. act. of δίδωμι. Δώτη, d. of δώτης. Δωτήρ, -ηρος, and Δώτης, -ov, b, Poet, for δοτηρ and δήτης. Δωτηρες, η. pi. of last. Δωτινάζω, (fr. δωτίνη a contribu- tion) to collect or receive pre- sents. Δωτίνα, -ας, A, Dor. for Δωτίνη, -ης, η, (fr. δίδωμι to give) a gift, present, contribution, pro- perly of necessaries, as meat, wine, clothes. (165) ΕΑΝ Δωτίνησι, Ion. for δωτίναις, ά. pi. of last. Δώτορες, η. pi. οι δώτωρ. Δωτώ, -όος -ους, η, Doto, a wo- man's name. Δώτωρ, -ορός, b, same as δωτηρ or δοτήρ. Δώχ', by Apos. and following as- pirate for δώκε, which Ion. for έδωκε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of δί- δωμι. Δώωσ' for δώωσι, which by Epenth. Ion. and Poet, for δώσι, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of same. Ε Ε, ε, the fifth of the Greek let ters, called epsilon, that is, the small or short e. As a nume- ral mark it signifies five ; with a dot underneath, ε, five thou- sand. Έ, a particle expressing grief or pain, ah ! ha ! eh ! f E,a. of ου. Έα, an adverb of complaint, ah ! ha ! or of admiration, lo ! see there ! bravely ! Έα, Ion. for ην, 1 or 3 sin. impf. of ειμί, to be. f E«, neut. pi. of ίος, Poet, for 'ός, η, ov. Έα, 2 sin. cont. pres. impr. but Ε a, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of εαω. Εάα, Poet, for last. 'Έ,άγα, -ας, -ε, Att. for ηγα, per. mid. — Εαγώς, par. per. mid. — Έ.αγην, -ης,-η, Att. for ήγην, 2 a. pass. ind. - — Έ,αγηναι, inf. — Έ,αγεϊς, par. — Έαξα, Att for ηξα, 1 a. ind. act. of άγω οι άγννμι. "Εαδα — Έαδώς, in a. Έαδότα. — "Εαδον, Att. for ηδα, per. mid. ηδώς, in a. ί,δότα, par. per. mid. and?7, (fern, of next) the spring. Εαρινός, and Ειαρινος, -η, -bv, (fr. έαρ spring) of the spring, vernal; rich, blooming. Εαρότροφος, -ov, and -τροφής, -έος -ους, b, fj, (fr. same, and τρέφω to rear) reared, bred or growing in spring, vernal ; vigorous, luxuri- ant, blooming. Εας, 2 sin. pres. ind. act. cont. — Έασ', Ion. for είασε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Εάσαντε?, η. pi. par. 1 a. act. — Εάσατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. — Εάσεί, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of εάω. Έασα, Att. for jjaa, 1 a. ind. act. of άνδάνω. Εάσαμεν, Ion. for ειάσαμεν, 1 pi. 1 a. ind. act. — Εάσαιμεν, 1 pi. 1 a. opt. act. — Εάσαί, 1 a. inf. act. — Εάσω, in 2 pi. Εάσετε, 1 f. ind. act. — Εάσω, -ης, -η, 1 a. sub. act. of εάω. Έασι, Ion. and Έασσι, Poet, for tiai, 3 pi. pres. of ειμί, to be. Έασκον,-ες, -ε, Ion. for είαον, impf. — Εάσομεν, 1 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of εάω. Έασσα, Dor. for ούσα, fem. par. pres. of ειμί, to be. Έάται and "Εατο, Ion. for ηνται, and ηντο, 3 pi. of ημαι, and its impf. ιψην. Έατε, lon^, for ητε, 2 pi. impf. of ειμί, to be. Εατε, 2 pi. cont. pres. impf. act. of εάω. Εατέος, -a, -ov, (fr. εάω to allow) to be allowed, permitted, &c. 'Εαυτόν, -ης, -ου, (fr. 'ίο for ov his nwij ind αναος self) oj himself, herself, itself. In sin it is sometimes applied to 1he se- cond person, yourself; and in the pi. to all the three, our- selves, yourselves, themselves ; home, one's home ; one another, each other. Έάφθην, Att. for ηφθην, 1 a. ind. pass, of απτω. Or Ion. for ε'ίφ- θην, same of 'έπομαι. Εάω -ω, f. εάσυ , ρ. είακα, (fr. εω to send) to let, suffer, permit, al- low ; to let go, let fall ; to leave, let alone, pass by, omit, neglect ; to cease, stop, leave off. impf. ind. είαον -ων, -αες -ας, -at -a. 1 a. act. ind. είασα• impr. έασον par. εάσας. EBE Έάων, Mo\. for iS>v y g. pi. of ids for ος, rj, bv. Εάων, iEol. for εέων, cont. εών, g. pi. of εν ς. Έβα, Dor. for έβη, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of βημι or βαίνω. Έβα, Lacon. for έα, pres. impr. act. cont. of εάω. Εβάδισα, -as, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of βαδίζω. Εβάθυνον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of βα- θύνω. Έβαινον,-ες,-ε, impf. act. οι βαίνω. Έβαλλον, -ες, -ε or -εν, 2 a. ind. act. — Έβαλον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of βάλλω. Έβαν, by Sync. Dor. and Poet. for έβησαν, 3 pi. of έβην, 2 a. ind. act. of βημι or βαίνω. Εβάπτιζεν, 3 sin. impf. act. — E- βάπτισα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. • ad. act. — Εβαπτίσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of βαπτίζω. Εβαπτόμην, -ου, -ετο, impf. ind. pass, of βάπτω. ΕβαρήΟημεν, 1 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of βαρέω. Εβαρνώπησαν, 3 pi. 2 a. pass, of βαρνόπτομαι, or rather of βαρνω- πέω. Εβασίλευσα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of βασιλεύω. Εβάσκαινε, 3 sin. impf. act. of βασ- καίνω. Έβασον, Laconic and Syracusan for έασον, 1 a. impr. act. of εάω. See έβα. Εβάστάσα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. -τασαν, 1 a. ind. act. of βαστάζω. Εβάφην, pass. — Έβαφον, act. 2 a. ind. οι βάπτω. Εβδελυγμένος, -η,-ον, par. per. pass. — ΕβΙελυζάμην, in 1 pi. -άμεθα, 1 a. ind. mid. of βδελύσσομαι. Έβδομαγέτης, -ου, b, (fr. 'έβδομος the seventh, and άγω to lead) the seventh leader. Epithet of Apollo, born on the seventh day of the month. ΈβδομαΤος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) every seventh day, weekly. Έβδομάς, -άδος, ^, (fr. επτά seven) one seven, the number seven; a week, seven days ; the Sabbath, the seventh day ; every seven days. Έβδομάτη and Έβδομη, -ης, η. (fem. of next) viz. ημέρα, the se- venth day. Έβδόμάτος, -η,-ον, same as εβδο μος. Έβδομήκοντα, indecl. (fr. επτά se ven) seventy. Έβδομηκονταεξ, indecl. (fr. same, and εζ six) seventy-six. Έβδομηκοντάκις, (fr. same) seventy times. Εβδομηκοστός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) seventieth. Έβδομος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) the seventh. Εβεβάεισαν, 3 pi. of εβεβάειν, pper. fr. βέβαα, by Ion. Sync, for βέ- βηκα, per. ind. act. of βαίνω. Εβεβαίωσα, -ας, -ε, act. — Εβεβαι- ώθη, pass. 3 sin. 1 a. ind. of βε- βαιόω. (166) EBP Εβεβλήμην, -ησο, -ητο, pper. pass. of βάλλω. Έβελος or Έβενος, -ου, fj, ebony. Εβερ or Έβέρ, indecl. Heber, a man's name. Έβην;-ης,-η, 2 a. ind. act. — Έβη- σα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. Έβησαν, 1 a.' ind. act. — Εβησάμην, -ω, -aro t 1 a. ind. mid. of βημι or βαίνω, ϊήσετο, 3 sin. impf. of βησομαι, Poet, for βαίνω. Εβιησατο and Εβίάσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. mid. of βίάω or βιάζω. Εβίου, 3 sin. impf. act. of β ι6ω. Έβ^ίσκος, -ου, f], see ίβίσκος. Εβίων, 2 a. ind. act. cont. of βίωμι or βιόω. Έβλάβον, act. — Εβλάβην, pass. 2 a. ind. of βλάπτω. Εβλάκευμαι, Att. for βεβλάκευμαι, per. pass, of βλακενω. Έβλαμμαι, Att. for βέβλαμμαι, per. pass, of βλάπτω. Εβλαστηκώς, -υΧα, -ος, Att. for βε- β\αστηκως, per. par. act. — Εβλάστησα, -ας, -ε, or -εν,* 1 a. ind. act. — Έβλαστον, 2 a. ind. act. οίβλαστάνω or βλαστέω. Εβλασφήμησα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. ~φή- μησαν, 1 a. ind. act. — Εβλασφή- μονν, 3 pi. cont. impf. act. of βλασφημέω. Έβλαψα, -ας,-ε, in 3 pi. Έβλαψαν, 1 a. ind. act. of βλάπτω. Εβλεπον, -ες, -ε, impf. — Έβλεψα, 1 a. ind. act. of βλέπω. Έβλήθην, -ης, -η, in 3 pi. -θησαν, 1 a. ind. pass. — Έβλητο, Sync. for εβέβλητο, 3 sin. pper. pass. of βάλλω. Εβόα, 3 sin. impf. ind. cont. of βοάω. ΕβοήΟησα,-ας,-ε, act. — Εβοηθησά μην, -ω, -ατο, mid. 1 a. ind. of βοηθέω. Έβοσκον, impf. of βόσκω. Εβουλέάτο, and Εβούλευντο, Ion. for εβοΰλοντο, 3 sin. impf. ind. mid. — . Εβουλήθην, 1 a. ind. pass. — Εβουλόμην, -ου, -ετο impf. mid. of βούλομαι. Εβονλενκα, Att. for βεβούλευκα, per. act. — Εβουλευοντο, 3 pi. impf. mid. — Εβούλευσα, act. — Εβουλευσάμην, mid. 1 a. ind. of βονλεύω. Έβραίζω, f. -ισω, to imitate, live or speak like the Hebrews. Εβραϊκός, -η, -bv, Hebrew, concern- ing the Hebrews. Έβράΐος, -a, -ov, a Hebrew, native Jew. Έβραΐς, -ιδος, η, Hebrew, the He- brew language. Έβραϊστϊ, (fr. last.) in the Hebrew tongue. Εβράσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. of βράζω or βράσσω. Έβραχ, and Έβραχε, 3 sin. of Έβραχον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of βρα- χώ. — Or, 2 a. ind. act. and — Εβράχην, 2 a. ind. pass. — Έβρεξα, -ας, -ε or εν, 1 a. ind. act. of βρέχω. Εβρόντησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of βροντάω. Εβρύχατο, impf. mid. af βρυχάω. ΕΓΓ Ήβρων, -ως, -ω, 2 a. ind. act. of βρώμι or βρώσκω. Έβωσα, -α?, -ε, — Εβωσάμην, -ω, -aro, and — Εβώσθην, -ης, -η. Dor. for εβόησα, εβοησάμην, and εβοήθην, 1 a. ind. act. mid. and pass, of βοάω. Εγανώθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of γανόω, Έγγαγγις, -ιδος, ι), (fr. εν in, and rayy??s the Ganges) same as γαγγίτης, an agate. Εγγαστρίμαντις, -ιος, Att. -εως, &ηάΕγγαστρίμϋθος,-ου, b,}j, (fr. εν in, γαστηρ the belly, and μάν- τις a diviner, or μύθος a word) a ventriloquist; one possessed or pretending to be possessed with a spirit of divination ; a magician, diviner, soothsayer. Εγγέγάα, -αας, -αε, du. -άατον, and -ατον, pi. -άαμεν, and -αμεν, -άατε, -ασι, per. ind. mid. — Ey- γεγαώς, par. per. mid. of εγγί- νομαι. εγγεγραμμένος, -η, -ον, par. per. pass, of εγγράψω. Εγγεγνηκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. of εγγυάω. Εγγεγνμνασ μένος, -η, -ον, par. per. pass, of εγγ υ μ ν άζομαι. Εγγείβάτον, -ον, το, (perhaps fr. έγγιον nearer, and βαίνω to go) a hydraulic machine, called by Vitruvius engibata. Έγγειος, and Έγγαιος, -ον, b, ή, (fr. εν in, and γη land) of the land or country, native ; landed, funded. Εγγείτνιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and γείτων a neighbour) a neigh- bour, neighbouring, adjoining, near, nigh. Εγγελάω -ω, f. -άσω, (fr. same, and γελάω to laugh) to laugh at, ri- dicule, mock. Εγγενής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and γίνομαι to be) native, bornin the land; natural, inbred, in- nate; tender, feeling; related, connected; a cousin, relation. Εγγένωμαι, -η, -ηται, sub. — Ey- γενόμενος, par. 2 a. mid. of εγγί- νομαι. Εγγίζει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Εγγίζειν, pres. inf. act. — Eyyt- ζων, -ονσα, -ον, par. pres. act. of Εγγίζω, f. -ϊσω, Att. -ιω, p. ήγ- γικα, (fr. εγγύς near) to come nigh, draw near, approach; to be at hand, impend, hang over, urge, press, impf. ι'ιγγιζον. 1 a. act. ind. ήγγισα' par. εγγίσας. Εγγίνεσθαι, pres. inf. of next. Used Ion. in the sense of εξεΧναι, see εζεστί. Εγγίνομαι, or -ίγνομαι, (fr. εν in, and γίνομαι to be) to be in, be- long to, be natural to; to grow in or with, be innate or implant- ed; to be present, at or along with, attend upon ; to elapse, in- tervene ; to happen, befall, turn out; to be allowable, right, lawful. 'Eyyiov, comp. of εγγύς. Εγγίσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Εγγίσατε, σάτωσαν, 2 and 3 pi. "• a. impr. ΕΓΓ act. — Εγγίσας, par. 1 a. act. of εγγίζω. Έγγιστα, adv. — Έγγιστος, adj. sup. of εyyt5f. Εγγίσωμα, -ατός, το, a wound or rupture of the brain. Εγγλνκάζω, Εγγλυκαίνω, and Ey- γλύσσω, (fr. εν in, and γλυκύς sweet) to sweeten; to cause or produce sweetness. Εγγλύφω, f. -ψω, (fr. same, and γλύφω to carve) to engrave, carve ; to inscribe, imprint. Εγγόνατον, -ου, rd, (fr. same, and γόνυ the knee) a kind of clock or dial. Εγγόνη, -ης, fi, a granddaughter. Also, 'Εγγονός, -ου, b, a grand- son, and Έγγονον, -ου, το, (fr. εν in, and γόνος offspring) a family, de- scendants, seed, generation. Έγγραπτος, -ον, b } r), (fr. εγγράφω to inscribe) inscribed, entitled, written down, enrolled, recorded, Εγγραφη, -ης, η, (fr. εγγράφω to inscribe) an inscription, title. Έγγραφος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) written upon, filled with writing. Εγγράφω, f. -ψω, p. εγγέγραφα, (fr. εν in, and γράφω to write) to engrave ; to write in or upon ; to inscribe, entitle; to enrol, re- cord. 1 a. ind. act. ενέγραψα. per. pass. ind. εγγέγραμμαι par. εγγεγραμμένος. Εγγυαλίζω, f. -πτω, and -ίξω, (fr, same, and γναλον the palm) to put into the hand ; to stretch out offer, deliver, hand over, trans- mit ; to insert, put, thrust in ; to trust, give on credit. Εγγνάλιζα, Ion. for ενεγνάλιξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. act. ind. — Eyyua- Χίξαι, 1 a. inf. of last. Εγγυάσομαι, Dor. for εγγνήσομαι, 1 f. mid. of Εγγυάω -ω, f.. -ήσω, (fr. next) to promise, undertake, engage, as- sure; to give into the hand; to give in marriage, betroth; to pledge, give or take security. Εγγυη, -ης, ή, (perhaps fr. εν in, and γυΐον a hand) a pledge, se- curity ; a promise, undertaking, engagement; bail, suretiship. Εγγύησα, Ion. for ηγγύησα, 1 a. ind. act. of εγγυάω. Εγγύησις,-ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. εγ- γυη a pledge) bail, security; suretiship ; a recognisance, ac- knowledgment, obligation. Εγγυητή, -ης, η", (fern, of εγγνητός) a bride, betrothed woman. Εγγυητής, -ου, b, (fr. εγγυη a pledge) a sponsor, surety, se- curity. Εγγυητος, -η, -bv, (fr. εγγυάω to pledge) pledged, promised, en- gaged, betrothed. Εγγΰθεν, and Εγγυθι, Poet, for εγγύς. Εγγυμνάζομαι, (fr. εν in, and γυμ- νάζω to exercise) to exercise or train one^s self; to practise, par. pres. εγγυμναζόμενος. par. 1 a. mid. εγγυμνασάμενος. (167) ΕΓΕ ΈγγνΌς, -ου, b, ή, (fr. εγγνη a pledge) a surety, bail. Εγγύς, near, nigh, at hand, close, next. comp. άσσων, εγγίων, and εγγύτερος' sup. έγγιστος, and εγγύτατος. Εγγυτάτω, Εγγύτατα, and 'Ey- γιστα, sup. of εγγύς. Εγγύτερον, Εγγυτέρω, and 'Ey- γιον, comp. of same. Eyεyόvεt, 3 sin. pper. mid. of γί- νομαι. Εγεγραφήκειν, pper. act. of γρα- φέω, Att. for γράφω. Εγείναο, Ion. for εγείνω, 2 sin. of εγεινάμην, 1 a. mid. — Εγενόμην, 2 a. ind. mid. of γένω, obs. for which is used γίνομαι, which see. Εγείραι, 1 a. inf. act. — Έγειραι, 1 a. impr. mid. — Έγείρας, -ασα, -αν, g. -ραντος, a. -ραντα } par. 1 a. act. — 'Εγειρε, -έτω, in 2 pi. -ρετε, pres. impr. act. Or Έγειρε, Ion. for ήγειρε, 3 sin. impf. act. — Eyiifm, 3 sin. ind. ; Εγείρειν, inf. pres. act. — Εγείρη, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. — Εγείρομαι, -η, -εται, pres. ind. pass. — Εγειρό- μενος, -η, -ον, d. -ομένω, par. pres. mid. but du. -ομένω, or Dor. for -ομένον, g. jsin. par. pres. mid. — Eyεφoυ, in 2 pi. -ρεσθε, pres. impr. pass, of Εγείρω, f. εyεj3ώ, p. ήγερκα, Att. εγήγερκα, to raise, lift up ; to move, stir, rouse, excite, start, encourage, exhort, set on ; to quicken, spur, hasten ; to awake, raise from sleep ; to raise aflame, set on fire, light up, kindle; to raise the strain, celebrate ; to erect t build, heap, pile up; to raise from the dead, quicken, bring to life. Εγείρομαι, to raise one , s self, rise ; to awake, rise from sleep; to wake, watch; to come to life. 1 a. act. ind. ήγειρα' impr. έγειρον' sub. εγείρω' inf. εyείpαt• par. εγείρας. per. pass. ήγερμαι, and Att. εγήγερμαι. 1 a. pass. ind. ηγέρθην' impr. εγέρ- θητι'ϊτιΐ. εγερθηναι' par. εγερθείς. 1 f. pass, εγερθήσομαι. per. mid. ήγορα, Att. εγήγορα, and by Epenth. εγρήγορα' par. εγρηγο- ρως. Εγέλαξα, Dor. and — Εγέλασσα, Poet, for εγέλασα, 1 a. ind. act. of γελάω. Εγεμίσθη, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. pass. — Εγέμισα, 1 a. ind. act. of γεμίζω. Έγεμον, impf. act. οΐγέμω. Εγένεο, anciently εyfvεσo, for εyf« vov, 2 sin. 2 a. mid. οι γίνομαι. Εγένην, -ης, -η, pass. — Έγενον, -ες, -ε, act. 1 a. ind. of γείνω, obs. see γίνομαι. Εγεννήθην, -ης, -η, pi. -θημεν, -ητε, -ήσαν, 1 a. ind. pass. — Eyiv- νησα, -ας, -ε or -εν, in 3 pi. -ήσαν, 1 a. ind. act of γεννάω. Εγενόμην, εγένου, εγένετο^ and by Sync. Έγεντο, pi. εγενόμεθα, -νεσθε, -νοντο, 2 a. ind. mid. of γίνομαι. Εγερθείς, -εΧσα, -εν, d. -θέντι, par. 1 a. pass, of εγείρω. ΕΓΚ Εγίρθην, Ion. for ηγέρθην, 1 a. ind. pass, hence Έγερθεν, Dor. and Ion. for ηγέρθησαν, 3 pi. of same. — Εγέρθητι, -θήτω, in 2 pi. -θητε, 1 a. impr. pass. — Εγερ- θώ, -jjs t -rj, sub. — Εγερθηναι, inf. — Έγερθήσομαι, -η, -εται, in 3 pi. -θήσονται, 1 f. pass, of εγείρω. Εγέρσϊμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. εγείρω to rouse) that raises or cheers ; re- freshing, reviving. Έγερσις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, ^, (fr. same) α raising or rising up; exhortation, encouragement, pro- vocation ; an elevation, erection, building ; ιμι, for γεράω or γηράσκω Or, 3 sin. impf. cont. of γεράω Εγίνωσκον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of γινώσκω. Εγκάειν, Ion. and Att. for εγκαίειν, pres. inf. act. of εγκαίω. Εγκάθετος, -ov, b, η, (fr. εν in, and καθίημι to set on) insidious, treacherous ; suborned, hired /οί- α bad purpose. Subs, an assas- sin, way-layer ; a spy, listener, eaves-dropper ; an informer. Εγκαθηβάω -ω, (fr. εν in, κατά in- tens, and ηβάω to be young) to spend youth ; to be in youth. Εγκάθημαι, (fr. εν in, and κάθημαι to sit) to sit down upon ; to crouch, stoop down ; to watch, lie in ambush, lay wait. Εγκαθίζω, (fr. same, and καθίζω to sit) to sit down upon ; to wait for, beset, lay wait; to station, set, place. Εγκαθίστημι, (fr. same,• and καθι- στή μι to dispose) to set, put, place., settle, arrange, dispose; to put in, mix ; to be in, at or among, par. per. act. εγκαθεσ- ■ τώς, by Sync, for εγκαθεστηκώς. Εγκαίνια, -ων, τα, (fr. same, and Kaivb; new) ancient feasts in memory of the founding of cities, consecration of. temples, &c. Among the Jews the feast of the dedication of the temple and of its 'purification from the heathen idolatries of the Ro- mans. An anniversary, conse- cration, dedication. ΕΓΚ Εγκαιν'ιζω, f. -ίσω, p. εγκεκαίνικα, (fr. same) to innovate, change, alter ; to renew, confirm ; to handsel ; to dedicate, consecrate. 1 a. act. ενεκα'ινισα. per. pass. εγκεκάνισμαι. Εγκα'ινισις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, and Εγκαινισμος, -οΰ, b, (fr. same) an innovation, alteration; a re- newal, revival; a confirmation, celebration; a dedication, conse cration. Έγκαιρος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. εν in, and κα'ιρος opportunity) fit, conve- nient, commodious ; seasonable, opportune, timely. Εγκαίρως, (fr. last) seasonably, op- portunely. Εγκαίω, (fr. εν in, and καίω to burn) to burn in, brand; to light up, kindle ; to enamel. Εγκακέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and κακός evil) to disdain, scorn"; to dislike, loathe, be averse to. Εγκαλέω -ω, f. -ίσω, p. εγκέκληκα, (fr. same, and καλέω to call) to summon, sue ; to charge, im plead, indict, accuse, impf. ενε κάλεον -ovv. 1 a. ind. act. ενεκά λεσα. par, pres. pass. cont. εγ καλούμενος. Εγκαλοσκελης,-έος -ους, b, η, (fr. εν in, καλόν timber, and σκέλος ί leg) one in the stocks, a vagabond Εγκαλούμαι, ind. — Εγκαλούμενος, par. pres. pass. cont. of εγκα• λέω. Εγκάλνμμα, -άτος, το, (fr. next) a covering ; a veil, wrapper, man- tle, cloak. Εγ καλύπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. εν in, and καλύπτω to cover) to cover up, wrap up ; to veil, conceal, hide, bury. Εγκάλνψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) a ivrapping up, conceal- ment, hiding. Εγκαναχάομαι -ωμαι, (fr. next) to burst out laughing ; to rustle among, rattle; to sound a horn, &c. Εγκαναχέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. εν in, and καναχέω to sound, th. ήχος sound) to gurgle, pour with a noise ; to rattle, resound. 1 a. impr. act. εγκάναξον. 1 a. inf. mid. εγκαναχη Ίσασθαι Εγκαρ, -άρος, το, (fr. same, and κάρ for κάρα the head) the brain ; a louse ; a mote, atom, trifle. But the meaning of this word is very doubtful. Έγκαρος, -ov, b, (fr. same) the brain. Εγκαρττος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and καρπός fruit) bearing fruit, pro- ducing seed, fruitful, prolific; teeming, pregnant. Εγκάρσια, -ας, ή, (fr. next) obli- quity, obliqueness, a slope, slant. Εγκάρσιος, -ov, b, η", (fr. εν intens. and κάρσιος oblique) oblique, not perpendicular, leaning, sloping, slanting, crooked. Εγκαρσίχολος, -ov, b, t), (fr. last, or fr. εν in, κάρα the head, and χολή anger) hot headed, choleric, Λ (168) ΕΓΚ angry ; taunting, spiteful, bitiefy severe. . Εγκάς, deeply, to a great depth; within, inside. Έγκατ\ for Έγκατα, -ων, τα, (pi. neut. of έγκατος inside) the in- wards, entrails, bowels, intes- tines ; the flesh, dat. pi. εγκάτοις, and εγκασι. Εγκαταβα'ινω, (fr. εν in, and κατα- βαίνω to descend) to go down into, descend, enter. Εγκαταβιόω -ω, f. -ώσν, (ft. same, and καταβίοω to pass Λίβ) to spend life in ; to pass or employ time in ; to dwell, abide at. Εγκαταθω, -ης, -fj, 2 a. sub. act. of εγκατατ'ιθημι. Εγκατάκειμαι, f. -ε'ισομαι, (fr. εν on, and κατακεϊμαι to lie down) to sit doion upon, be seated; to lie or sit down at meat ; to lean or depend on, be attached or devoted to. pres. inf. εγκατα- κεισθαι. Εγκαταλέγω, f. -|ω, (fr. same, and καταλέγω to choose) to enrol among, register. Εγκατάλειμμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) remains, relics; a monument, memorial. Εγκαταλειπόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. — Εγκαταλείποντες, η. pi. par. pres. act. — Εγκατα- λείψω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of Εγκαταλείπω, ΐ. -ψω, p. εγκατα- λέλειφα, (fr. εν in, and καταλείπω to forsake) to desert, abandon, quit in distress; to leave over, have remaining, reserve. 2 a. act. ind. εγκατέΧΐπον sub. εγκα- ταλίπω. Εγκαταλιμπάνω, same as last. Εγκαταλίπω, -ης, -η, 2 a. sub. act. of same. Εγκαταλογίζω, f. -"ϊσω, (fr. εν in, and καταλογίζω to count) to dis- tribute, arrange. Εγκαταμιγνύω,ΐ. -μίξω,ρ. -χα, (fr. same, and καταμίγννμι to mix up) to intermingle, intermix, confuse, insert, put in among. Εγκαταπαίζω, f. -σω, and -ξω, (fr. εν intens. and καταπαίζω to mock) to deride, ridicule, jibe ; to cajole, deceive. Εγκαταπήγννμι, f. -ττήζω, (fr. εν in, and καταπήγννμι to fasten down) to stick, drive or fix in, fasten in. Εγκατασκενάζω,ί. -άσω, (fr. same, and κατασκενάζω to equip) to fit out, provide, furnish, finish completely. Εγκατασκήπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. εν in- tens. and κατασκή π τω to urge) to apply earnestly ; to lean, press upon ; to assail, set upon ; to fling, throw. Εγκατασπείρω, f. -ερω, (fr. εν in, and κατασπείρω to sow) to soUt abroad, disseminate, implant, in culcate. Εγκατατ'ιθημι, (fr. same, and κατα- τίθημι) to put or place in or among, lay, set or put together, conceive, comprehend. Εγκατέβα, Poet, and Dor. for ΕΓΚ %γκατίβη, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of εγκατάβημι or -βαίνω. ΕγκατέΧίπον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of εγκαταλείπω. Έγκάτθετο^ Sync, for εγκατέθετο, 3 sin. 2. a. ind. mid. of εγκατα- τίθημι. Εγκατίζεσθαι, Ion. for εγκαθίζεσ- θαΐ, pres. inf. mid. of εγκαθίζω. Έγκατοικέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. εγκατώ- κηκα, (fr. εν in, and καταικέω to dwell) ίο dtueM in, inhabit, abide at. par. pres. act. εγκατοικέων -ων. Έγκάτος, -ου, δ, η (fr. fy/caj within. Or εν in, and κείμαι to lie) inward, inner, interior, in- ternal. 'Έγκαυμα, -ατός, το, (εγκαίω to burn in) a burn, brand. Έγκαυχάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. ει/ in, and αυχέω to boast) ίο boast of, exult in, brag, be vain of. Έγκάφος, -ου, b, (fr. same, and κάπτω to devour) a mouthful, morsel, dose. Έγκειμαι, (fr. same, and κεΐμαι to lie) ίο Zie or be in, inhere, belong to, cleave or cling to; to lean towards, befriend; to set upon, invade, assail, attack, seize; to press, urge, be instant. Εγκείρω, (fr. same, and κείρω to shave) to shave closely, par. pres. pass, εγκειρόμενος. 1 f. mid. εγκειρουμαι. Εγκεκαίνισμαι, -σαι, -ναι, per. pass, of εγκαινίζω. Εγ κεκαλυμμένος, -η, -ον, par. per. pass, of εγκαλύπτω. Εγκέλαδα, -ων, τα, (neut. pi. of next) minute insects. Εγκέλάδος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. εν in, and κέλαδος noise) noisy, buzzing, rattling. Subs. Enceladus, the name of a giant. Εγκελευστός, -ου, Ό, ή, (fr. next) exhorted, encouraged; bid, or- dered, commanded. Εγκελενω, f. -εύσω, (fr. εν intens. and κελεύω to order) to exhort, encourage; to cheer, set on; to urge, hasten. Εγκεντρίζω,?• -ϊσω, \).εγκεκέντρικα, (fr. εν in, and κεντρίζω to prick) to insert, put or thrust in ; to in- graft. 1 a. act. ind. ενεκέν- τρισα. ΕγκεντρΊς, -Έδος, η, (fr. same, and κεντίω to prick) a sting ; a prickle, thorn ; a spur ; a style for writ- ing. Εγκεντρίσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Έγκεν- τρισθήσονται, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. pass. — Εγκεντρισΰω, 1 a. sub. pass. of εγκεντρίζω. Εγκεράω -ω, or Εγκεράννυμι, (fr. same, and κεράννυμι, which see) pres. inf. act. εγκεράειν -pv. Εγκεφαλον, -ου, το, (neut. ofnext) the. brain. Εγκέφαλος, -ου, ο,η, (fr. εν in, and κεφάλι, the head) within the head. Subs, -ου, δ, viz. μυελbς, the brain. Εγκέχοδα, -ας, -ε, per. mid. of ΕΓΚ Εγκεχρημένος, par. per. pass, of εγχράομαι Έγκεχυρασ μένος, par. per. pass, of εγχυράζω. Εγκισσάω, -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. εν in, and κίσσα green-sickness) to de- sire the male ; to copulate ; to conceive, breed. 1 a. act. sub. εγκισσήσω' inf. εγκισσήσαι. Έγκισσενω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same, and κισσός ivy) to entwine, clasp, wreath, encircle. Έγκισσήσωσι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of εγκισσάω. Εγκλείω, f. -είσω, p. -εικα, (fr. εν in, and κλείω to shut) to shut up or in, confine, per. pass. ind. εγκέκλεισμαι' inf. εγκεκλεΐσθαι' par. εγκεκλεισμένος. Έγκλημα, -άτος, το, (fr. εγκαλέω to accuse) an accusation, charge; a crime ; guilt. Εγκληματικός, -ή, -ov, (fr. last) li- tigious, fond of law ; accusing. Έγκλητός, see εκκλητός. Εγκλιδόν, (fr. next) in order to avoid, slantingly, obliquely. Εγκλίνω, f. Ανω, (fr. εν in, and κλίνω to lean) to incline, bend, bow down; to recoil, bend back, shrink; to turn, fly. Έγκλισις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) an inclination, leaning, bending declivity; a mood or mode. Εγκλιτικός, -η, -όν, (fr. same) lean- ing, foiling or resting upon Subs, an enclitic. Εγκλοιόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. κλοιός a neck yoke) to chain, fetter ; to bind, confine; to enclose, clasp, encircle. Εγκοίλια,-ων, τα, {neut. of next) the bowels, intestines. Εγκοίλιος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. εν in, and κοΊλος the belly) inward, intes- tine. Εγκοιλός, -ου, δ, η, (fr. εν intens and κοίλος hollow) hollow, exca- vated, not solid ; crooked, bowed, bended. Έγκόλαμμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. εγκολάπ• τω to engrave) engraving, sculp- ture. Εγκολαπτός, -η, -όν, (fr. next) en- graven, carved ; cut, hollowed, Εγκολάπτω, f. -ψω, p. εγκεκόλαφα, (fr. εν in, and κολάπτω to beat) to engrave, carve ; to cut in, sink, hollow out. Έγκολλάω -ω, (fr. same, and κολ λάω to glue, th. κόλλ^ glue) to glue together, join, cement, fas- ten. Εγκομβόομαι -ουμαι, f. -ώσομαι, (fr εν in, and κόμβος a knot in dress) ΕΓΚ hasten, accelerate, 'quicken; to bustle, be inahurry. par. pres. act. εγκονέων -ών,&Γα.ρ1.εγκονέουσαι. ΕγκονιτΙ, (fr. εν in, and κόνις dust) with dust, laboriously, diligently. Έγκοπενς, -έος, δ, (fr. same, and κόπτω to cut) a chisel, punchy engraving tool, graver. Έγκοπή, -ης, η, (fr. same) an ob- stacle, hinderance, stumbling- block, impediment ; offence, cause of disgust, scandal ; a cut, wound t incision. Έγκοπος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and κόπος toil) marked, indented ; la- borious, tiresome, fatiguing, toil- some, wearisome. Εγκόπτεσθαι, pres. inf. pass, of Εγκύπτω, f. -ψω, p. εγκέκοφα, (fr. εν in, and κόπτω to cut) ίο cut in or upon; to cut short, cut off, make an end of; to interrupt, embarrass, disturb, hinder; to drive into, fix or fasten in. 1 a. ind. act. ενέκοψα. impf. ind. pass, ενεκοπτόμην. per. mid. εγκέκοπα. Εγκοσμίω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and κόσμος order) to regulate, arrange, prepare, put in order, • array. Έγκοτέω -ω, fr. εν intens. and κο- τέω, which see. Εγκότημα,-άτος, ro,and Εγκότησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. last) α grudge, spite, malice, hatred. Έγκοτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) an- gry, spiteful, malevolent. Subs. anger, old grudge, hatred. Εγκράζω, f. -ξω, (fr. εν in, and κράξω to shout) to bawl, cry aloud ; to cry out upon, accuse. Εγκρασίχολος, -ου, δ, (fr. εν in, κρας the head, and χολή gall) a small fish, sprat, &c. Εγκράτεια, -ας, η, (fr. εγκρατής temperate) self-government, self- control, moderation, temperance, continence. ΕγκρατεΊς, η. a. v. pi. — Εγκρατή, a. sin. cont. of same. Εγκρατεύομαι, f. -εύσομαι, p. εγκε- κράτενμαι, (fr. same) to refrain, withhold; to contain or restrain one's self, be temperate, continent or moderate. Εγκρατέως, (fr. next) temperately, continently, -moderately. Εγκρατής, -έος -ους, δ, ;;, (fr. εν in, and κράτος power) having power er or influence over; superior, able ; master of one's self, tem- perate, moderate, abstinent, con- tinent. Εγκρίνω, f. -tv<2, p. εγκέκρικα, (fr. εν intens. and κοίνω to distin- to dress, clothe; to gather into a\ guish) to admit, allow ; to adopt, knot ; to wear one's clothes grace- j assume, take, choose ; to a*so- fully, adorn, bedeck, display, I date, reckon or ranft along with, set one's self off, appear to ad-\ 1 a. inf. act. εγκρ'ιναι. vantage. 1 a. mid. ind. ενεκομ- Εγκρϊς, -Υδος, η, pastry, confection- ωσάμην impr. εγκόμβωσαι, in 2 pi. εγκομβώσασθε. par. 1 a. pass. εγκομβωσθείς. Εγκονέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. εν intens. and κονέω to hasten, th. κόνις dust) to raise dust ; to -make haste, (159) ary, sweet cakes. Εγκρυτέοισαι, Dor. for εγκροτίουσαι -ουσαι, η. pi. fern. par. pres. act. of Έγκροτίω -£5,fr. εν intens. ana κρο τέω, which see. ΕΓΚ Τ&γκρούω, f. -σω, ρ. εγκέκρουκα, (fr. same, and κρούω to knock) to knock or drive in ; to thrust, push, force forward; to beat time ; to dance, march or move to time. Εγκρύπτω, f. -ψω, p. εγκέκρυφα, (fr. εν in, and κρύπτω to hide) to lay up, put by, conceal, cover up, hide. Εγκρυφίας, -ου, b, viz. άρτος, (fr. last) hidden or covered over with embers ; bread baked in the em- bers or ashes. Έγκτησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. εν intens. and κτάομαι to possets) right, property, possession; an acquisition, acquirement, advan- tage. Έγκτητος, -ov, b, >), (fr. same) acquired, got, procured. Εγκτίζω, f. -κτω, (fr. εν in, and κτίζω to frame) to build on, rear, raise, erect. Εγκνθήκη, -ης, η, (fr. εν in, and κεύθω to hide) rather perhap Εγκειθήκη, (fr. έγκειμαι to lie upon, Άτιάθίκη a case) a salver, tray, sideboard, stand; a sup- . porter, prop. Εγκύκλιος, and Έγκυκλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. εν in, 'and κύκλο? a circle) circular, round ; vulgar, common, ordinary, usual. Εγκυκλοπαίδεια, -ας, ^,(fr. last, and παιδεία learning) the circle of the sciences, the course of human knowledge, erudition, learning. Εγκυκλόω -w,fr. εν intens. Άηάκνκ- λόω, which see. Εγκύκλωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, !;, (fr. έγ κύκλος circular) a circle, the circumference ; an encircling, surrounding. Εγκυλίω, f. -ίσω, p. -ικα, (fr. εν in, and κυλίω to roll) to roll, wrap or fold up; to clasp, entwine, en- tangle. Εγκνμων, -όνος, b, f}, (fr. same, and κύω to breed) great with child, pregnant, big with young ; hea- vy, weighty ; full, swollen, big, large. Έγκυος, -ου, fi, (fr. same) preg- nant, with young Εγκύπτω, (fr. εν ill, and κύπτω to stoop) to stoop to look at, look closely into, examine. Εγκυρίω -ω, f. -ήί ω, (fr. εν in, and κυρέω to meet with) same as εγκύρω. Έγκνρσας,-ασα, αν, par. — Εγκνρ- σαι, inf. — Εγκύρση, 3 sin. sub. act. 1 a. of Εγκύρω, f. - <ρσω, (fr. εν in, and κύρω to meet with) to fall in with, happen upon, meet with, hit upon; to befall, chance. 1 a. ind. act. ενέκυρσα. ΕΓΧ Εγκωμιαστής, -οΰ, b, (fr. same) a praiser, encomiast. Εγκωμιαστικός, -ή, -όν, and Poet. Εγκώμιος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) commendatory, praising, pane- gyrical. Εγκώμιον, -ου, rd, praise, com- mendation, panegyric, eulogy, encomium. Εγλνκάνθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of γλυκαίνω. Έγμεν, by Sync, for εχέμεν, Ion. for έχειν, pres. inf. of έχω. Έγνωκα, -ας, -ε or -εν, per. ind. act. — Εγνώκειτε, 2 pi. pper. act. — Εγνώσθην, -ης, -η^ 1 a. ind. pass. — Έγνων, -ως, -ω, 3 pi. -ωσάν, 2 a. ind. act. — Εγνωκώς, -v7a, -ός, η. pi. -νωκότες, par. per. act. of γνώμι or γινώσκω. Έγνωκαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. ir- reg. of same. Εγνωριζύμη'ν, -ου, -ετο, impf. pass. — Εγνώρισα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of γνωρίζω. Έγνωσαν, and Poet, έγνων, 3 pi. 2 a. act. and Έγνωσμαι, -σαι, -σται, per. pass, of γνώμι, for γινώσκω. Εγράφησαν, 3 pi. of Εγραφην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. pass. — Έγράφον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. — Έγραψα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of γράφω. Έγρεο, Ion. for 4γρου, pres. impr. mid. οΐέγρομαι. Εγρήγορα, -ας, -ε, ind. and εγρηγο- ρώς, par. per. mid. — Εγρηγόρη- σεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. ot γρη- γορεω, by Aphaer. for Εγρηγορεω -ω, f. «>;σω, p. -ηκα (fr. εγείρω to rouse) to watch wake, lie awake, be vigilant. Εγρήγορθαι, Poet, for εγρηγορέναι, per. inf. mid. — Εγρνγορθε, and Εγρηγόρθάσι, for εγρηγόρατε, 2 pi. and εγρηγόρασι, 3 pi. per. ind. mid. of γρηγορεω. Εγρήγορος, -ου, b, η, (fr. γρηγορεω to watch) wakeful, watchful, vi- gilant. Εγρηγορτϊ and -τως, (fr. same) vi- gilantly, attentively. Εγρήσσω, Poet, same as εγρηγορεω. Έγρομαι, by Att. Sync, for εγείρο- μαι, which see. pres. mid. impr. έγρου' par. εγρόμενος. impf. ind. mid. εγρδμην, -ov, -ετο. Εγύμναζον, -ες, -ε, impf. — Εγύμ- Att. for γεγυμνασμαι, -σαι, -σται, per.- ind. pass, of γυμνάζω. Εγυμνώθην,-ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. οίγυμνδω. Εγχαράσσω, οι -ττω, (fr. εν in, and χαράσσω to hollow) to carve on, engrave, inscribe, write upon. Έγχε for έγχεα, pi. of έγχος. Εγχέζω, f. - έσω,ρβτ. mid. εγκέχοδα, (fr. ενίη, and^f^o/toeasenature) Εγκωμιάζω, f. -άσω, p. εγκεκωμία- to go to stool; to dirty, befoul κα, (fr. εγκώμιον praise) to ρταιεβ,Έγχεία, -ας, and Ion. Εγχε'ιη, -ης, commend, celebrate, extol, par. \ η, (fr. ίγχος a spear) a spear, pres. pass, εγκωμιαζόμενος. par.' dart, javelin ; skill in these wea- 1 a. pass, εγκωμιασθείς Έγκωμιαστεος, -a, -ov, (fr. last) ought to be praised, must be com- mended, &c. pons. g. pi. ., to rage. ΕΙΔ ΕΙΔ Έθύσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of ΐΕιδάλ'ίμος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. είδος ap- Έθω, per. mid. είθα, but more usually the Att. είωθα, and some- times ηθα, (fr. ffloj usage) to be wont or accustomed, be habitual ed; to use to do, practise; to fre- quent, haunt. Εθών, g. pi. cont. of έθος. Έθώσι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. of or εθην εΊθην, 1 a. ind. pass, of Ίημι. Ει, if; though, although; whether since. Ει μη, if not, unless, ex- cept, but. Ει δι μη, bid if not, otherwise. Ει δη μήγε, but if not indeed, otherwise truly. Ε ι άρα, if perhaps, perhaps. Et γαρ or είθε yap, oh ! if; would that. Είγε, Ειιτερ, Et δη, if yet, if how- ever, if only. Είγονν, if at least, if soever. Et b" άγε, ho ! come, come on. Et και, though, even though. Ει μεν, Et δη, if yet, if indeed, but if. Et τις, any one, whoever. Εί τον, V)hosoever, of whomsoever. Et τω, to any one, for whoever, whomsoever. ET, 2 sin. pres. of ειμί, to be. Et, 2 sin. pres. or 3 sin. impf. or, for ίθι, pres. impr. of εΊμι, to go- Eta, adv. of encouragement, ho ! holla ! come, come on. Eta, -ας, -ε, per. mid. of εΊμι, to go. Eta, 3 sin. — Είων, 3 pi. cont. impf. act. of εάω. Eta, -ας, ή, grass, herbage ; the sward, turf, sod. Ειαμενη, -ης, ή, (fern, of next) a moor, marsh; a moist field, meadow ; a wet, swampy thick- et. Ειαμενος, -η, -bv, (fr. εία herbage) grassy ; moist, moorish, swampy. Ε'.ανος, -η, -bv, Poet, for εανός. Ε'ίαντο, Poet, for ϊαντο, Ion. for ηντο, impf. of ημαι. Είαον -ων, impf. act. of εάω. Είαρ, -ρος, το, Poet, for έαο, d. sin. είαρι. Ειαρ'ϊνος, -η, -bv, Poet, for εαρι- νός. Εία?, 2 sin. cont. impf. — Ειασε or -σεν, and Poet. 3 sin. — Είασαν, 8 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of εάω. Είασκ, and before an aspirate Είασχ' for είασκε, 3 sin. impf. act. of εάσκω, Ion. for εάω. Etarat, ΕΊατο, Poet, for έ'αται and εατο, which see. Είβω, Ion. and Poet, for λείβω. pres. inf. act. είβειν. pres. ind. mid. είβομαι,-η, -εται. par. pres. mid. ειβόμενος. Είγε, (fr. ει if, and the particle γε) if indeed, if yet, but if ; since truly, seeing that. ΕΊγμα, -ατός, rb, (fr. είκω to re- semble) a resemblance, represent- ation ; a picture, image, statue. Et<5' for είίε, adv. of exhorting, come ! holla ! quick ! Είδαίνομαι and Ειδάλλομαι, (fr. next) to be like, resemble, look like ; to appear, seem. pearance) sightly, goodly, fair, handsome, beautiful, charming. ΕΊδας, -ατός, rb, Poet, for έδαρ. Εΐδε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of είδω. Also, 2 sin. 2 a. impr. act. of ειδίω. Or, by Sync, for είδηκε, 3 sin. per. ind. act. of same. See also εί<5'. Ειδέα or Ιδέα, -ας, ή, (fr. είδω to see) an appearance, form, shape ; countenance, aspect ; likeness ; a resemblance, similitude ; an idea, notion. Ειδείην, -ης, -η, pres. opt. act. — Ειδέναι, p r es. inf. act. or by Sync, for ειδηκέναι, per. inf. act. of είδη μι or ειδίω. ΕΊδεν, 3 sin. of είδον or ίδον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. — Είδεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. — Είδεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. mid. of είδω. Ειδέναι, see in ειδείην. Ειδέχθεια, -ας, η, (fr. next) deform- ity, ugliness, loathsomeness. Ειδεχθής, -έος -ους, b, >/, (fr. είδος appearance, and έχθος dislike) ugly, deformed ; offensive, dis- gusting, loathsome. Ειδέω or Είδημι, f. ειδήσω, p. είδη- κα, (fr. είδω to see) to know, be acquainted with ; to understand, perceive; to acknowledge, con- fess, own. per. act. ind. by Sync. εΊδα, Ion. ηδέα, -ας, -ε, and cont. ήδη, -ης, -η' inf. ειδηκέναι, by Sync, ειδέναι' par. ειδηκώς, by Sync, ειδώς, -via, -ύς. pper. ειδήκειν, by Sync, είδειν, Att. ηδειν, -εις, -ει, in 3 pi. ήδεισαν. 1 a. inf. act. ειδήσαι. per. mid. οΊδα. Also, pres. act. ind. είδημι' opt. ειδείην' sub. είδω' inf. ειδέναι. per. ind. pass, είσμαι, είσαι, είσται. Είδη, together, at once, at the same time. ΕΊδημαι, -σαι, ται, par. pass, of ειδέω. Είδημι, same as ειδέω, which see. Ειδήμων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. είδημι or ειδέω to know) knowing, intelli- gent, sensible ; clever, skilful, ex- pert, dexterous. Είδης, 2 sin. — Είδητε, 2 pi. pres. sub. act. of ειδέω. Είδησις,-ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. ειδέω or είδημι to know) knowledge, science, skill. Ειδήσω, -εις, -ει, in 3 pi. -σονσι, ind. Ειδήσειν, inf. 1 f. act. of ειδέω. Ειδόθ\ before an aspirate, for ειδό- τα, a. sin. of ειδώς, by Sync, for ειδηκώς, par. per. act. of ειδέω. ΕιδοΊ, -ων, αί, (fr. Lat. idus) the Roman ides. Είδομαι,'ιηά. — Ειδόμενος, and Poet. Εειδόμενος, par. pres. pass. — Είδομες, Dor. for Είδομεν, 1 pi. of ΕΊδον, -ες, -ε or εν, pi. -ομεν, -ετε, 2 a. ind. act. of είδω. Ειδοποιέω -ω, Ζ -ήσω, (fr. εΊδος like- ness, and ποιέω to make) to re- present, exhibit, give the appear- ance or likeness of; to resemble, imitate, counterfeit. Enhxoita, -as, $, (fr- same) a re- (174) EIH presentation, exhibition or ; blance of; imitation. Ειδοιτοώς, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) re- presenting, showing; resembling^ like; imitating, counterfeit. Είδος, -εος -ους, rd, (fr. είδω to ap- pear) seeing, sight ; a sight, ap- pearance, form, figure; sort, kind. Είδοσαν, Bceot. for εΊδον, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. act. of είδω. Ειδόσι, -6τα, -ότας,-ότε,-δτες, -ότι, cases of ειδώς. ΕιδυΊα, η. sin. fem. — Ειδυία, Ion. Είδυιρ, d. sin. fem. — Ειδνίησι, Ion. for ειδυίαις, d. pi. fem. of ειδώς. Ειδύλλιον, -ov, rb, (fr. εΊδος a re semblance) a little poem, copy of verses, pastoral. Είδω, f. είσω, and ίσω, to see, look, behold ; to observe, consider ; to esteem, regard ; to know, under- stand, perceive ; to feel, experi- ence ; to converse, be acquainted or intimate with ; to know how, be competent ; to acknowledge, own. Είδομαι, to seem, appear; to resemble, be like ; to assimilate one^s self, counterfeit, imitate. 1 a. ind. act. είσα, Poet. ,ΐ,σα. 2 a. act. ind. είδον, and Poet, ίδον' impr. ίδε• opt. ίδοιμι' sub. ίδω' inf. ιδεΊν' par. ιδών. 1 f. ind. mid. είσομαι, and Poet, ίσομαι. per. mid. ind. ίδα' par. ιδώς, -via, -δς. 1 a. mid. ind. εισάμην and εεισάμην' opt. εισαίμην' inf. είσασθαι' par. εισάμενος. 2 a. mid. ind. ειδόμην impr. ιδοΰ sub. ίδωμαι' inf. ιδέσθαι. Ειδώ, -ρς, -fj, pi. -ωμεν, -ητε, pres. sub. act. — Ειδείην, pres. opt. act. — Ειδέναι, pres. inf. act. of είδημι, same as ειδέω. Or, Είδω ΆπάΕιδέναι, by Sync, for ειδήκω, per. sub. act. and ειδηκέναι, per. inf. act. of ειδέω. ΕιδωλεΊον, -ου, rb, (fr. είδωλον an idol) a temple, shrine. Ειδωλόθυτος, -ου, b, f/, (fr. same, and θύω to sacrifice) sacrificed or offered to an idol. Ειδωλολατρεία, -ας, η, (fr. είδωλον an image, and λατρεία worship.) idolatry, heathenism. Ειδωλολάτρης, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) an idolater, heathen. Είδωλον, -ου, το, (fr. εΊδος likeness) a representation, resemblance, likeness; an apparition, shade^ phantom, ghost ; an image, sta- tue ; an idol, false god. Ειδωλοττοιία, -ας, η, (fr. last, and ποιε'ω to make) the making or ex- citing an image ; or, α thought, imagery, fanciful representa- tion. Ειδώς, -υΊα, -δ?, by Sync, for ειδη< κώς, par. per. act. of ειδέω. ΕΊεν, by Sync, for είησαν, 3 pi. pres. opt. of ειμί, to be. ΕΊεν, but come, come now ; be it so, granted, supposed Ε'ίην, -ης, -η, 2 a. opt. act. of 'ίημι. Είην, είης,είη, in ρΐ.βύβιεν, βί^τί, tit)- ETK σαν, and by &γηο.ε7μεν, είτε, εϊεν,Ι pres.. opt. of ειμί, to be. E70' before an aspirate, for etra, or for είτε. Εϊθαρ, a Poet, word, then, imme- diately, directly. Είθε, (fr. ει if) oh that ! woidd that ! were it so. ΕΊΟην or εθην, 1 a. pass. ind. of ΐημι ; but Έθην, 2 a. ind. act. of τίϋημί. Είθικα, per. ind. act. — Ειθϊκώ?, par. — Είδισα, 1 a. ind. act. — Είθισμαι, per. pass. — Ειθισμέ- νος, par. of εθίζω. Είκ for είκε, είκεν, (fr. ει if, with the particle κε or κεν) if so, for as much as, for. Εΐκα, and Alt. έοικα, per. mid. of είκω. Εϊκα, per. ind. act. of ΐημι. Εικαδι, d. sin. of εικάς. Εικάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. είκω to resem- ble) to assimilate, make like, counterfeit ; to compare ; to con- jecture, guess. Εικάθω, (fr. είκω to yield) to sub- mit, yield; to retire, withdraw, give ground. Εικαϊ, (fr. ει if, and καΐ also) even if, although, though. Εικαΐος, -a, -ov, (fr. εική rashly) rash, fool-hardy, indiscreet, gid- dy ; causeless, without reason or motive. Εικ,Ις, -αδος, ή, (fr. είκοσι twenty) one twenty, a twentieth, the number twenty. Εΐκΰσι, 3 pi. per. ind. act. of 'ίημι, but Είκασι, 3 pi. per. mid. of είκω. # Είκασμα, ατός, το, and Εικασμός, -ου, b, (fr. εικάζω to liken) a sta- tue, image ; a figure, represen- tation, picture, likeness ; a phan- tom, ghost; a trace, mark; con- jecture, guess. Εικάσσαις, Poet, for εικάσαις, 2 sin. 1 a. opt. act. — Εικάσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of εικάζω. ΕΤκατι, Dor. for είκοσι. Ε7κε, 2 sin. — Είκετε, 2 pi. pres. impr. act. of είκω. Είκειν, and Att. τ}κειν, pper. οΐεΐμι, to go. Είκελος, -ov, b, jj, (fr. είκω to re- semble) like, resembling. Εική, rashly, heedlessly, giddily, precipitately, at random ; in vain, to no purpose, fruitlessly ; acci- dentally, by chance ; without rea- son or motive. Εικόνα, -όνι, -όνος, cases of εικών. Εικονίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. εικών an image) to assimilate, liken; to represent, picture, portray, ex- press. Εικόνιον, -ov, rd, (dim. of είκων a statue) a little image, statue or figure. Εικός, τότος, rb, (neut. of εικώ?, per. par. of είκω to resemble) likeli- hood, appearance, probability ; reasonableness. Εικοσαετής, -έας -ους, b,f), (fr. είκοσι twenty, and έτος a year) twenty years old. ΕΙΛ Εικοαακις, (fr. same) twenty times. Είκοσι, and Poet, εείκοσι, indecl. twenty. Εικοσίκλΐνος, -η, -ov, (fr. last, and κλίνη a couch) with twenty couch- es ; having seats for or accommo- dating twenty. Εικοσίμετοος -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and μίτοον a measure) of twenty measures, containing twenty mea- sures. Εικοσινήρϊτος, -η, -ov, (fr. same, and ερίζω to dispute) sought, courted or fought for by twenty. Εικοσίπηχνς, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr, same, and ττήχνς a cubit) of twen- ty cubits, twenty cubits long. Εικοστός, (fr. same) the twentieth. Εικότως, (fr. εικώ?, par. per. of είκω to resemble) naturally ; proba bly, likely ; with reason, no won- der, deservedly, justly ; to appear- ance. Είκονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of είκω. Είκτην, by Sync, and Dial, for εικέτην, 3 du. impf. act. ; or, for εικείτην, 3 du. pper. act. — Είκ- to, by same, for ειΥέτο, 3 sin impf. pass. ; or, by Dial, for είκτο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of είκω. Εικυΐαν, a. fern. sin. of εικώς, par per. act. of είκω. Είκω, f. είξω, p. είχα, to assimilate, liken, make like; to yield, sub- mit, give way ; indulge, concede, humour. Είκομαι, pass, to be like, resemble, mid. to assimi- late or make one's self like, pre- tend, counterfeit, imitate ; to be- come, beseem, befit, suit, agree per. mid. οΊκα, Att. έοικα and έωκα. whence pper. mid. εω- κειν. Εικώ, -όος -ους, ι), Poet, for εικών. Είκων, -ονσα, -ov, par. pres. act. of είκω. Εικών, -όνος, ή, (fr. είκω to resem- ble) a likeness, resemblance, pic- ture, statue, image. Εικώ?, -νια, -ος, (fr. εοικως, par. per. of είκω to resemble) likely, probable. Ειλαμις, •'ΐδος, η, (fr. ειλε'ω to wrap up) the membrane enclosing the brain. Ειλαττινάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. ελαπίνη a banquet) to treat, entertain; to feast, revel. Ει\α-ιναστης, -ου, b, (fr. same) < guest. Ειλα-ίνη, -ης, η, (fr. είλ^ an as semblage, and ττίνω to drink) a? entertainment, feast, banquet ; a drinking bout. Ε7λαρ and ΕΤλαρ, -άοος,το,{ΐτ.ει\ίω to enclose) a fort, castle, for- tress ; bulwarks, fortification. Ειλάτίνος, Poet, for ελάτΐνος. Εΐλε, act. — Εΐλετ' for εΐλετο, mid. 3 sin. 2 a. ind. — Εί'λευ, Dor. for εΐλον, 2 sin. of Εϊλόμην, 2 a. ind. mid. of αιρέω. Είλεγμαι, Att. for λέλεγμαι, per. pass, of λέγω. Ειλείθυια, -ας, η, (fr. ελενθω obs. to eome) an epithet of Juno, as (175) ΕΙΛ presiding over childbirth, Ιλι cina; labour, travail, childbirth. Ειλείπζι, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. pass, of ειλεω. Ειλεοί, -ου, b, (fr. ειλε'ω to strain) ihc small guts; the twisting of the bowels; a vine; β serpent's nest ; a den. Ειλέσιον, -ov, rd, a town of Boeo- tia^ Ε'ίλεσις,-ιος, Att. -εακ, h, (f f - "Xtf brightness) heat, summer's heat, the violence of the mn. Εΐλετ for ε'ίλετο, se« ειλε. Ε'ιλευντυ, Dor. for εΐλέοντο-ουντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of ειλε'ω. Είλεχα, Att. for λΛεχα, per. act. of λέγω. Ειλε'ω -ω, (properly the same with the next) to gather, assemble, collect; to stra*t*n, press toge- ther, shut up, tnclose, confine, hem in. Ειλε'ω -ώ, f. -ησω p. -ηκα, to roll, toss, tumble; io roll together , wrap up, fold in ; to envelope, clothe, shroud, cover, hide, con- ceal; to turn round, whirl, wheel, wind about ; to bend, crook, Ε'ιλ εομαι, to turn, stir. move, ivalk or go about. Είλη, -ης, η, (fr. ειλεω to gather) properly a troop of sixty-four horsemen ; a throng, crowd, mul- titude ; a flock, flight, herd. Ε'ίλη, -ης, η, for 'έλη. Ειληθεϊς, -εΊσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass, of ειλεω. Ειληθερης, -έος -ους, b, ι), (fr. εΐλη radiance, and &έρω to warm) heated by the sun, warm, hot, scorching. Ειλήλονθα, Poet, for ελήλνθα, Att. for //λνθα, per. mid. — Ειλήλου- θειν, -εις, -ει, pper. in same man- ner Ειλήλουθμεν, by Sync. for ειληλούθαμεν, 1 pi. of same, for έρχομαι. Είλημμαι, Είληπται, Att. for λέλημ- μαι, 1 sin. and λέλη-πται, 3 sin. per. pass. — Ειλημμένος, Att. for λελημμένος, par. per. pass, of λαμβάνω. Εΐλημα, -άτος, rb, (fr. ειλεω to roll up) α roll of a book, volume ; a wrapper, cover. Είληφα, -ας, -ε, and Ειληφως, Att. for λέληφα, per. act. and λελη- φώς, par. per. act. of λαμβάνω. Είληχα, Att. for λέληχα, per. act. of λαγχάνω. Ειλιγγος or Ε'ιλιγμος, -ov, b, and Ε'ίλιγμα, -ατός, το, (fr. είλίσσω to whirl) a vortex, vjhirhcind, whirlpool ; a circuit, compass ; a curling, spiral ; a covering, wrap- ping up. Εΐλιγμαι, Ειλιγμένος, see είλίσσω. Ειλικρίνεια, -ας, η, (fr. next) since- rity, simplicity, purity, inno- cence ; clearness, perspicuity. Ειλικρινής, -έος -»νς, b, η, (fr. ε'ίλη sunshine, and κρίνω to judge) sincere, pure, innocent; suuul, faultless; clear, perspicuous. Ειλικρινή, a. sin. — Ειλικρινείς pi. cont. ΕΙΜ Έι\ικρινως, (fr. last) sincerely, in- nocently, clearly. Et'Xi£or "Ελι£,'-ίΚ0ί,ή, (fr. είλίσσω to whirl) a rolling, whirling; a revolution, circuit, , compass ; a cover, wrapper, case ; a bracelet ; a sort of ivy. Also, adj. rolled, wreathed, twisted, curled, entwi- ned, entangled; bent, bowed, curved, crooked ; black. Είλίποο"αί, a. pi. Έλιπόδεσσι, Ion. for είλίποσι, d. pi. of ΕΣλπτουί, -οδός, b, η, (fr. είλεω to bend, and -πους the foot) crook- footed, round-footed ; or walking crookedly, moving awkwardly, shambling. Ε'ίλισσόμενος, par. pres. pass, of Είλίσσω or 'Ελίσσω, -τπω,ϊ.-ίζω, p. ε'ιΧιχα, (fr. tiXf'utoroll) to whirl, roll, revolve, turn round ; to roll, fold or wrap up. per. ind. pass. ε'ίλιγμαι' par. εϊλιγμένος. par. pres. pass, εϊλισσόμενος -η, -ov. Εϊλίχάτο, Ion. for ε'ίλιγμένοι ήσαν, 3 pi. pper. pass, of είλίσσω. Έ'ίλκον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of έλκω. Έ'ίλκνσα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. Ειλκυσαν, 1 a. ind. act. — Έ,'ίλκνον, impf. act. of ελκύω. Έΐλόμενος, par. of Ε'ίλομαι, pres. pass, of ειλω, same as είλέω. Έΐλύμην, -ov, -ετο, mid. — Εί'λον, act. 2 a. ind. of αίρέω. Έΐλόπεδον, -ov, to, (fr. εΐλη for ε\η sunshine, and πίδον ground) a place exposed to the sun, a dry- ing ground. Ε'ίλοχα, and Χέλοχα, Att. for λελε- χα, per. act. of λε'/ω. Είλύάται, Ion. for εϊλϋμένοι -εισί, 3 pi. per. pass. — Κ'ίλντο, 3 sin. impf. pass, of είλΰω or ε'ίλνμΐ. Έ,ιλνθμος, and Ειλυόί οηλυό?, -ov, b, (fr. ειλΰω to roll up) aburrow, cover, den, cavern, cave. Ειλυ?, -νος, η, see ιλύς. Ειλυ^αζω, and Έι\νφάω-ω,ΐ.-ασω, (fr. ειλύω to whirl, and φάω to shine) to revolve, turn round, roll; to whirl or fling about; to sparkle, glitter, shine, impf. of first, ειΚνφαζον, -ες, -ε. par. pres. act. of latter, ει\νφάων -ων. Έι^νφόωντες, Poet, for ει\νφωντες, η. pi. mas. cont. par. pres. act. of last. Είλύω, or Είλυαι, and sometimes aspirated, f. -υσω, same as ειλέω, or είλεω, impf. pass. ει\νμην, -vco, -ντο. Είλω or ε'ίλω, same as Ε ίλεω or είλεω, pass. ε'ί\ομαι. Είλω?) -ωτος, and Έιλώτης, -ov, b, a Helot, a slave among the La- cedaemonians. Ειλωτεία, -ας, η, (fr. last) slavery, bondage. Είλωτεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same) to serve, be a slave. Είλωτί?, -too?, >% (fr. same) a wo- man slave, bondmaid. Ει//' for ειμί. Είρα, and 2Άο\. "Έμμα, -ατός, το, (fr. εω or 'ένννμι to clothe) dress t clothing ; a coat, any garment. EI# Είμαι, per. pass, of ΐημι. Or of εω, for ενννμι. Ε'ίμαρμαι, -σαι, -ται' Είμαρμένος, Att. for μέμαρμαι, per. pass, and μεμαρμένος, par. per. pass. — Έ'ίμαρτο, 3 sin. pper. pass. Att. of με'ιρω. Ειμαρμένη, -ης, fj, (fem. of είμαρ- μένος in last) providence, the course of nature ; fate, destiny ; fortune, chance. ΕΊμεν, Poet. Dor. and 2Eol. for εσμ'εν, 1 pi. pres. ind. Or, by Sync, for είημεν, 1 pi. opt. pres. of ειμί, to be. Είμεναι, Poet, and Dor. — Εμεναι, Att. — Έμμεναι, JEol. for είναι, pres. inf. of same. Ειμες, Dor. — Ειμεν, Poet, for εσ- μεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. of same. Et μη, if not, unless, except, but. Ειμί, f. έσομαι, (fr. εω obs. to be) to be, subsist, exist ; to happen, occur; to be reckoned, esteemed, reputed. Πλέον είναι, to avail, effect, do. impf. ην, η? and iEol. ησθα, η and Att. ην. pper. ή μην, ησω, ητο. f. έσομαι, -η,-εται by Sync, έσται. pres. impr. έσθι, ίσθι or έσο, έστω, and Att. ήτω. pres. opt. είην. -ης, -η' pres. sub. ω, ης, η, in pi. ώμεν, ητε, ωσι. pres. inf. είναι, and Poet, and Dor. είμεναι, Att. έμεναι, iEol έμμεναι. f. inf. έσεσθαι, par. pres ων. par. f. εσόμενος. Ε7μι, f. είσομαι, p. είκα, (fr. ε ω to go, obs.) to go, come, move; to enter, penetrate, pierce; to go with violence, rush, dart. pres. ind. du. ίτον, 3 pi. εΊσι. impr, ίθι, ίτω•ϊη£ ίναι, είναι, and ιέναι in compos, impf. εΐν, du. ίτον, -ην, 3 pi. ίσαν. 2 a. ind. Ίον, -ες, -ε' impr. ίε. opt. ίοιμι' sub. ίω• inf. ίειν par. ίων. per. mid. έΐα, Att. fja, and ήϊα. pper. ήειν, 3 pi. f /εισαν, Att. ήεσαν. ΕΊν, impf. of last. Or Poet, for ην, impf. of ειμϊ, to be. Eiv, Poet, for εν. Εινάετες, Poet, for εννάετες. Εΐναι, pres. inf. of either έΐμι or ειμί. Ε?ναι,2 a. inf. οϊϊημϊ. ΕιναΚίος, -a, -ov, Poet, for ενάλιος. Εινάννχες, for εννεάννχες. Ε ίνα?, -δος, ή, for εννάί. Εινάτειρ or -τηρ, -ηρος, η, (perhaps for εννάτηρ, fr. εννάζω to coha- bit) a brother's wife, sister-in-law. Είνατος, -η, -ov, for έννατος. Εινείκαντο, 3 pi. of εινεικάμην, Poet, and Ion. for ηνεγκάμην, 1 a. mid. of φέρω. Ε'ίνεκα, ΕΊνεκεν, Voet.iox εν εκα,-κεν. Εινόδιος, -ov, δ, η, Poet, for ενόδιος. Εινοσίφνλλος, -ον, δ, ?/, (fr. είνοσις, Poet, for ένοσις motion, and 0ύλ- λον a leaf) leaf-quivering ; sha- dy, lofty, tall. Εινται, ΕΪντο, 3 pi. per. and pper. of εω, obs. same as ημαι. ΕΧζα, -ας, -ε, pi. Είζαμεν, -ατε, -αν, 1 a. ind. act. — Είξα?, par. 1 act Ειξάμην, 1 a, ind. mid. of είκω. (176) EIP ETo, Poet, for ov, himself. ΕΤπα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. Είπαν, ind. — • Ειπδν, -άτω, pi. -πάτε, and before an aspirate -παθ' -πάτωσαν,ύηρΓ. — Enrai, inf. 1 a. act. — ΕΓπον, -ες,-εοτ -εν, ind. — Είπε, -πετε, 2 sin. and pi. impr.- — Είποιαι, -οις, -οι, opt Είπω,-ης, -η, pi. -ωμεν, -ητε, -ωσι or -σιν, sub. — Ειπείν, inf. — Ειπών, -ούσα, -bv, g. -ύντος, a. -dvra, pi. η. -όντες. These two aorists carry the augment throughout. Είπερ, (fr. ει if, and περ though) although, though, yet, since; if indeed, if only, if truly ; how- ever, -soever, -ever. Είπεσκε, Ion. for είπε. 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of έπω. Είπη, (fr. ει if, and πη for πω? how) if any where, wherever ; if any how, any wise. Είττησθα. JEol. for είπης , 2 sin. and Είττησι, Ion. for είπη, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. of επω. Είποθεί', (fr^iif,and πόθεν whence) if any where, wherever, from wherever. Ειποϊ, (fr. ει if, and ποϊ whither) if any where. Είποι, 3 sin. 2 a. opt. of ε πω. Ε'ιπόμην, -ov, -ετο, in 3 pi. ε'ίποντο, impf. mid. of 'έπομαι. Ειποσαν, for είπαν, 1 a. or εΐπον, 2 a. 3 pi. ind. act. of επω. Είποτε, (fr. ει if, and πότε when) if ever, whenever. Είποι; (fr. same, and πον where) if any where, wherever; when- ever. Είπω, Ειπών, see επω. Είπω?, (fr. ει if, and πως how) if by any means, if any how, if by chance, perhaps. Εϊρ, a storm, tempest ; lightning. Εϊρ, Heb. indecl. a wmtcher, senti- nel. Ειράνα, -ας, a,Dor. for ειρήνη. Ειραφιώτης, -ov, b, (fr. ράπτω to sew) an epithet of Bacchus, because stitched up in Jupiter's thigh. Ειργάθω, (fr. είργω to restrain) to hinder, prevent, debar; to keep asunder, separate, divide; to cut off. impf. act. είργαθον, Poet. εέργαθον. Ειργασάμην, -ω, -ατο, pi. -άμεθα, -αντο, 1 a. ind. mid. — Eipya|o- μην,-ον, -ετο, impf. ind. — Ειρ- γάσθην, 1 a. ind. pass. Είργασ- μαι, -σαι, -ται, per. pass. — Ειρ- γασμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of' εργάζομαι. Είργει, 3 sin. Eipyotw, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Eipyti>v,-ovaa,-ov,par. pres. act. — Eipyot;, pres. impr. pass. — Είργεσθαι, pres. inf. pass. — Ε7ργμαι, per. ind. pass. — Ειργμένος, par. per. pass, of είργω. Or if aspirated, of είργω. Ειργμ^ς, -ου, δ, (fr. είργω to con- fine) confinement, imprisonment ; an enclosure, fortress. Eipyvt)ui,same as είργω. Είργον, -ov, rb, for έργον. Χίργω, and Είρ/ω, f. -£ω, p. -χα, ΕΙΡ with, or without the asper, this verb signifies, to fortify, strength- en, secure ; to force, compel ; to hinder, debar. But, ΕΊργω, to include, enclose, hold in, contain; to shut up, confine, imjjris'jn ; to restrain, curb, stop, keep in, bind. And Είργω, to exclude, shut or turn out, drive away, thrust or push aside, remove, keep off, put away ; to part, di- vide, separate. Ε'ίργομαι or Eip- γομαι, to take one's self away be removed; to set out, go off, depart, retire, keep out of the way , to shun, avoid. Ειρία, -ας, Ion. Ειρέη, -ης, η, (fr, είρω to connect) an assembly, meeting. Είρεαι, Ion. for είρη, 2 sin. pres. mid. of είρω. Ειρέάται, Ion. for είρηνται, Att. for έρμηνται,^ pi. per. pass, of ρέω. Ειρέεσθαι -εΊσθαι, Ion. and Poet, for έρζσθαι, pres. inf. pass, of ίρομαι. Είρεο, Ion. for είρου, pres. impr. mid. of είρω. Or, 2 sin. impf. pass, of ίρομαι. Είρερος, -ov, b, (fr. είρω to connect) captivity, bondage, imprisonment, slavery. Είρεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. of είρω. Ειρεσία, -ας, ι), (fr. ερέσσω to row) rowing, the motion of oars, clap- ping or flapping of wings. Ειρεσιώνη,-ης, ή, (fr. εΊρος wool) an olive branch stuck over with wool, which the Greeks hung over their doors as a charm against famine. Είρετο or ήρετο, 3 sin. impf, mid. of ίρομαι. Ειρευσαι, Dor. for ειρουσαι, fern, pi par. pres. act. of Ειρέω, Poet, for ερε'ω. Είρηκα, Ειρηκώς, Είρημαι, Ειρημέ• ΕΙΣ ΕΙΣ ποίηκα, (fr. same, and- ποιέω to f wards, against ; as to, in respect make) to make peace, reconcile ; of, concerning; through, ' Att. for ερρηκα, per. act, ερρηκώς, par. per. act. έρρημαι, per. pass, and ερρημένος, par. per. pass, of ρέω. Or Είρηκα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 3 pi. -ασι, per. ind. act. — Ειρηκότος, g. sin. par. per. act. — Ειοημένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of ερεω. Είρηκαν, for ειοήκασι, 3 pi. of last. Ειρην, -ήνος, Ό, (fr. είρω to speak) a boy, youth ; a speaker, monitor. Ειρηναίος, -a,-ov, (fr. ειρήνη peace) peaceful, peaceable; quiet, se- cure. Ειρηνάρχης, -ου, δ, (fr. same, and άρχω to rule) a magistrate, peace- officer. Ειρηνεύετε, 2 pi. pres. impr. act. — Ειρηνενοντες, η. pi. par. pres. act. of Ειρηνεύω, f. -εύσω, p. -ευκα, (fr. same) to keep the peace,be peacea- ble ; to be at or in peace. Ειρήνη, -ης, ή, (perhaps fr. είρω to unite, εις εν together) peace, tranquillity, quietness; concord, harmony. Ειρηνικός, -η, -bv, (fr. last) peace- ful, quiet, tranquil; mild, gentle. Ειρηνοποιίω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. ειρηνο- to pacify, appease, tranquillize, calm. 1 a. par. act. ειρηνοποιήσας. Ειρηνοποιός, -ου, δ, η, (fr. last) peaceable, pacific, appeasing, re- conciling. Subs, a peace-maker, mediator, intercessor. Ειρινεος, -ου, b, η, (fr. εΊρος wool) ivoolly, woollen, fleecy. Είριον, and Έριον, -ου, τδ, same as εΊρος. Ειρκτη, -ης, η, (fr. είργω to confine) a prison, gaol. Ειροκόμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. είρο? wool, and κομέω to dress) carding, combing or teasing wool. Subs, a carder or spinner. Είρομαι, pres. mid. or pass, of είρω. Ειρόμην, impf. mid. of same. Or impf. mid. of έρομαι, which has also ηρόμην. Ειροπόκος, -ου, b, η, (fr. εΊρος wool, and πόκος a fleece) woolly, flee- cy. ΕΊρος, -εος -ους, το, also Είριον, and Έριον, -ου, το, (perhaps fr. είρω to hold together) wool, fleece. Εΐρττομες, Dor. for ε'ίρττομεν, 1 pi. impf. of ερ7τω. Ειρνάται, Ειρύατο, Ion.for είρυνται, 3 pi. per. ind. pass, and είρυντο or ειρυμένοι ζσαν,3ρ1. pper. pass, of ερύω. Είρυκα, per. of same. Ειρύμεναι, Dor. for ειρύειν, pres. inf. act. of ειρύω. Ειρύσασθαι, Poet, for ερύσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Ειούσσαιτο, 3 sin. 1 a. opt. mid. of ειρύω. Είρύτο, 3 sin. Είρυντο, 3 pi. pper. pass, of ερύω. Or, impf. pass of έρυμαι, by S)'nc. for ερύομαι mid. of same. ιρύω, Poet, for ερύω. Εϊρχαται, Ε'ίρχάτο, Ion. for ε'ιργμέ- νοι εισϊ, 3 pi. per. pass, and^tpy μένοι ήσαν, 3 pi. pper. pass, of είργω E'ipipa, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. οι έρπω. Είρω, or Ερε'ω, and Poet. Ειρέω, f. ερω,ρ. είρηκα,(Ά5 ϊτ.ερέω,)ΐο con- nect, join, bind, link, unite ; to speak, say, utter; to tell, an- nounce; to command, order; to ask, question, inquire, interrogate, examine. per. pass, είρημαι. ppfut. ειρήσομαι- pres. mid. είρομαι, ει for, for to, in order to, to the end that, so that. ΕΊς, Poet, for ης, 2 sin. impf. of ιιμι, to be. ΕΊς or ε?, 2 sin. pres. or impf. ot ε απ, to go. Είς, ε'ίσα, εν, par. fr. ην, 2 a. act. of Ίημι. Εις, μία, εν, one; one only; some one, a certain one. ΕΊσα, -ας, -ε, Poet, jjaa, act. — Εισάμην, mid. 1 a. of εΊμι, to go. also from είδω. Εΐσα, -ας, -ε, and εσσα, 1 a. ind. act. οί'έω οτ'έννυμι. Εισάγαγε, impr. — Ε ισαγαγεΊν, inf. — Εισαγάγω, -ης, -η, sub. 2 a. act. Att. of εισάγω. Εισαγγελεία, -ας, η, '(fr. next) in- formation, news ; an accusation, charge, impeachment. Εισαγγέλλω, f. -ελώ, p. -ελκα, (fr. εις unto, and αγγέλλω to tell) to report, relate, tell, acquaint, in- form ; to impute, charge, accuse, impeach. Εισάγε, pres. or 2 a. impr. act. — Ει'σάγεσθαι, pres. inf. pass, of Εισάγω, f. -ξω, p. εισηχα,{ίτ. εις\χι, and άγω to Lead) to bnng or lead in, introduce ; to begin with, enter, initiate. 2 a. act. ind. ειση- γον, Att. εισήγάγον' impr. εισά- γαγε •sub. εισαγάγω inf. ει σαγα- ρεομαι, and ερομαι. 1 f. mid, ερήσομαι, 1 a. ind. mid. ειρησά- μην, and ηράμην. 2 a. ind. mid. ερόμην, and Poet, ειρόμην. Είρων, -ωνος, δ, η, (fr. last) a talk- er; a dissembler; dissembling, speaking feignedly. Ειρωνεία, -ας, fj, (fr. last) dissimu- lation ; irony; mockery; a jibe, taunt. Ειρωτα, 3 sin. ind. and Ειρωταν, inf. pres. cont. of Ειρωτάω -ω, Poet. for ερωτάω, impf. act. ηρώταον -ων. Εις, or Εί, a preposition governing the a. case, in, into; to, unto, until; among, at, before, in presence of; at, on, upon : to- (177) γεΐν. par. pres. pass, εισαγόμενος. Εισαγωγή, -ης, η, (fr. last)an in- troduction, initiation, beginning. Εισαγωγικός, -η,-όν, (fr. same) in- troductory, previous ; initiatory, beginning. Εισαγώγιμος, -αυ, δ, η, (fr. same) brought or carried in, imported. Εισαεϊ, (fr. εις for, and αεί ever) for ever, always. EtraS', before an aspirate for εϊσα- to, 3 sin. 1 a. mid. of εζω. Είσαι, 2 sin. per. ind. pass of εω, fof εννυμι' or of Ίημι. Εισαίμην, -αιο, -αιτο, 1 a opt. mid. of είδω. Εισακούετ, for εισακούετε, 2 pl.pres. impr. — Εισακουσθείς, par. 1 a pass. — Εισακουσθήσονται, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. pass. — Εισακούσονται, 3 pi. 1 f. mid. of Εισακούω, f. -οΰσω, p. εισήκουκα, (β\ε<ϊ unto, and ακούω to hear) to let words sink into the ears; to hearken, listen, attend, hear at- tentively ; to obey, respect, re- gard. 1 a. pass. ind. εισηκούσθην' par. εισακουσθείς. 1 f. pass, εισα- κουσθήσομαι. Εισάλλομαι or Εσάλλομαι, f. -ου- μαι, (fr. εις or ες into, and άλλο- μ α ι to leap) to leap in or upon; to assault, attack. Εισαμείβω, (fr. εις into, and αμεί- βομαι to pass) to enter, pass in. Ε'ισάμενος, Ion. for Ισάμενος, par. 1 a. mid. of έ'ω or εζω. Εισάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of είίω. Or οΐεΊμι, to go. Εισαν, 3 pi. of εισα, Poet, εσσα, I a. ind. act. of έ'ω or 'έζω. ΕΙΣ Εισαναβαίνω, f. -ήσω, ρ. -βέβηκα,' (fr. εις into, and αναβαίνω to mount) to go up into or upon a horse, carnage or ship ; to em- bark; to ride ; to climb up, scale ; to land, go ashore. 2 a. act. ind. εισανέβην opt. εισαναβαίην' par. εισαναβάς, -άσα, -άν. Εισαναγκάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. same, and αναγκάζω to force) ίο com- pel, force or drive together ; ίο iirg-e, necessitate. Εισάνειμι, (fr. same, and άνειμι to go up) ίο go up into, mount, scale, climb, par. 2 a. είσαι^ων. Είσαπα£, (fr. same, and άπαξ once) at once, once for all. Εισαριθμέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and αριθμέω to count) ίο count or c/ass among others, include; to enumerate, recount, reckon over. Είσαί, a. pi. fern, είσης, g. sin. fern. of εΐσο?. Είσατο, see εισάμην. Εισαττω, (fr. ει? upon, and άττω to spring) to leap upon, assault, rush upon or into. Εισαΐιθις, οχιάΕισαυτις, (fr. εις to and αυθίί or -τις again) from henceforth, hereafter. Εισαΰρων, (fr. same, and avpiov to-morrow) the next day. Εισαφικάνω, (fr. εις to, απο from, and ικάνω to come) to come, draw near, approach ; to return come back. impf. εισαφίκανον -ες, -ε. Εισαφίκηαι, Ion. for εκταφίκν, 2 sin 2 a. sub. mid. of Έισαφικνέομαι -ονμαι,{(τ. ει? to, and αφικνίομαι to arrive) to come to, approach, arrive at. Έισβαίνω, f. -ήσω, p. -βέβηκα, (fr. same, and βαίνω to go) ic enier, come or go in; ίο send i>i : ; put on board, embark, stow. Εισβάλλυ), f. -άλω, p. .-^έβληκα, (fr.same, and βάλλω to throw) to throw, fling, cast or put in; to enter ; to invade ; to flow or run into. Εισβιάζομαι, (fr. same, and βιάζω to force) to rush or break in, enter forcibly, invade ; to force in, intrude. Εισβολή, -ης, η, (fr. εισβάλλω to in- vade) an introduction, entrance ; an inroad, incursion, invasion. Εισδέχομαι,ί. -ξομαι, p. -δέδεγμαι, (fr. εις in, and δέχομαι to re- ceive) to admit, allow to enter, receive into. 1 a. pass, εισεδέχθην. Εισδραμουσα^βτη. par. 2 a. act. of ειστρέχω. . Εισδννω, f. -ιίσω, (fr. εις in, and Ηνω to enter) to go in under- hand, steal in ; to penetrate, sink into ; to rvalk, go or enter into. Ε «σε, see εισα. Είσεαι, Ion. for είση, 2 sin. of εύχο- μαι, which see. Εισέδράμον, -ες, -ε, ind. — Κισδρα- μών, -ox σα, -bv, par. 2 a. act. of ειστρέχω. Εισεδυν, -νς, -ν, 2 a. ind. act. ίίσδυμι or εισδννω. ΕΙΣ Εισείοω, (fr. εις at, and είδω to see) to look at, look upon, behold. Είσειμι or -ίημι, (fr. εις in, and εΐμι to go) to go in, enter ; to invade ; to encounter, occur. 3 pi. pres. εισίάσι, Ion. for εισεΐσι. Εισεΐσι, 3 pi. oflast. Or for εισίεισι, Ion. εισιέάσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of εισίημι, same as είσειμι. Έ,ισελαννω, f. -ασω, p. -ακα, (fr. εις into, and ελαννω to drive) to drive, rush or break into; to drive forward ; to invade ; to ride, sail or march into. Εισελεύϋω, 1 f. ind. mid. είσελεΰσο- μαι, (fr. same, and ελενθω obs. to come) see εισέρχομαι. Εισελεύσεσθαι, 1 f. inf. mid. — Έισελεύσεται, -σονται, 3 sin. and pi. 1 f. ind. mid. oflast. Είσελθε, -έτω, in 2 pi. -θέτε, impr. — Εισελθείν, inf. — Έ,ισέλθω, -ης, -J), pi. -θωμεν, -ρτε, -ωσι, sub. 2 a. act. — Είσελ0ωμεί, Dor. for εισέλθωμεν, 1 pi. 2 a. sub. act. — Εισελθών, -ούσα, -bv, par. 2 a. act. of εισέρχομαι. Ε ίσεν, 3 sin. of εισα, which see. Εισενέγκω, -ης, -η, in 3 pi. -κωσι, 2 a. sub. act. of εισφέρω. Εισεπέρησα, 1 a. ind. act. οΐεισπε- ράω. Εισεττήδησα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. -δη- σαν, 1 a. ind. act. of εισπηδάω. Εισεπορενετο, 3 sin. impf. of εισπο- ρενομαι. Εισέρχεσθε, ind. — Έ,ισέρχησθε, sub. 2 pi. pres. mid. — Εισερχέσ- θωσαν, 3 pi. impr. mid. — Είσερ- χόμενος,-η,-ον, par. pres. mid. of Εισέρχομαι, f. εισελενσομαι, p. Att. εισελήλνθα,{ΐί. εις into, and έρχο- μαι to come) to come in, enter, approach ; to go, fall into ; to happen, come to pass ; to occur,, come into the mind. 2 a. ind. εισηλθον' impr. είσελθε. Εισεσπασάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of εισσπάω. Είσεται, and Ε'ίσεται, see είσομαι. Εισενπορέω -ω, (fr. εις unto, and ενπορέω to have means) to sup- ply, provide with, lend or ad- vance to. Εισήγαγαν, -ες, -ε or -εν, Att. for εισηγον, 2 a. ind. act. of εισάγω. Εισηγείται, 3 sin. pres. ind. cont. of Εισηγέομαι -ονμαι, f. -ήσομαι, p. -ημαι, (fr. εις into, and ήγέομαι to lead) to lead to or in, introduce; " to induce, persuade, prevail on. Εισήγησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) an entrance, introduction; inducement, persuasion, influ- ence; sentiment, opinion, judg ment, award. Εισηγητέος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) must be prevailed on ; to be per- suaded. Εισηγητής, -ov, l•, (fr. same) a counsellor, adviser, monitor, in- structer ; a leader, guide. Εισήει, 3 sin. of εισήειν, pper. of είσειμι, to enter. of Εισηκούσθην,-ης,-η, 1 a. ind. pass, of εισακούω. (178) ΕΙΣ Έισηλάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of εισάλλομαι. Εισηλθον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of εισέρχομαι. Εισήνεγκα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -καν, 1 a. ind. act. — Εισηνεγκάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. — Εισήνεγ- νον,-ες,-ε,2Ά. ind. aet. οι εισφέρω. Ε'ισης, g. sin. fern, of είσος. Είσθα, JEol. for εΊς, 2 sin. pres. of εΐμι, to go. Εισθαι, per. inf. pass, οΐ'ίημι. ΕΊσι, 3 sin. pres. of εϊμι, to go. But ει σι, 3 pi. pres. of ειμί, to be. Εισίάσι, Ion. for εισεΐσι, 3 pi. pres. — Έισίεναι, pres. inf. — Εισίων, par. 2 a. of είσειμι. Εισκαλέω -ώ, f. -έσω, p. εισκέκλη- κα, (fr. εις into, and καλέω to call) to call in, invite, send for, summon. 1 a. mid. ind. εισεκαλε- -σάμην' par. εισκαλεσάμενος. Εισκατατ'ιθημι, (fr. εις to, κατά along, and τίθημι to put) to put up together ; to lay by or up ; to build, found, establish. Εισκεκλημένος, par. per. pass, of εισκαλέω. Εισκομϊδή, -ης, η, (fr. next) impor- tation, carrying or bringing in. Έισκομίζω, f. -ισω, (fr. εις in, and κομίζω to carry) to carry, bring or convey in ; to introduce, par. 1 a. pass, εισκομισθείς. Εισκνκλέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. εισκεκν- κληκα, (fr. same, and κνκλέω to roll ) to roll up, include, compre- hend ; to surround. Εί'σκω, and είσκω, Poet, for ίσκω Λ (fr. είκω to resemble) to liken f compare. Είσμαι, είσσαι, είσται, per. ind. pass, of ε'ιδω to know. Εισόδια, -ας, ή, (fr. εις in, and οδύς a road) an income, revenue, rent; cost, charge, expense. Εισοδιάζομαι, (fr. last) to return, come in ; to be brought in. Είσοδος, -ov, η, (fr. εις in, and οδός a road) a coming, arrival, ap- proach; an entrance, entry t porch, hall, vestibule ; beginning^ the rudiments; study, instruc- tion, initiation. Έ,ισοικίζω, (fr. same, and οίκος a house) to take home, bring in t domesticate; to plant, colonize. Εισοίσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. act. of εισ- φέρω. Εισόκεν, and Dor. Εισόκα, (fr. εις unto, and οκεν or οκα, Dor. for οτε when) until , so long as ; how long ? till when ? Είσομαι, f. mid. of ε'ιδω. ΟτοίεΊμι^ to go. Ε'ίσομ&ι, f. mid. of ε'ίω for εω same as έ'£ω. Εισοράω -ω, f. -ασω, p. -εώρακα, (fr. ε«5 into, and οράω to look) to look at, upon or into ; to be- hold, view, gaze at. Εισορόων, Poet, for είσορών,ίη fern, pi. Ε<σορ<5ωσαί, par. pres. act. cont. oflast. Είσοί or Εΐσος ,-η, -ov.same as ~σο<,. Εισπέμπω, f. -ψω, (fr. εις in, and πέμπω to send) to send, carry or ΕΙΣ convey in, import ; to set on instigate, suborn. Εισπεράω -ώ, (fr. εις into, and περάω to cross over) to cross or pass over into. Εισπηδάω-ώ,ΐ.-ήσω,ν.εισπεπνδηκα, (fr. same, and πηδάω to leap) to leap into or upon ; to break, spring or rush into ; to invade. 1 a. act. ind. εισεπήδησα' par. εισπηδήσας, -ασα,.-αν, g. -αντος. Εισπιπτέω -ω, f. -ήσω, Ion. for Είσπίττω, (fr. same, and πίπτω to fall) to fall into, on or upon; to rush, break into ; to enter hastily. Εισπλέω, f. -ενσω, (fr; same, and πλέω to sail) to sail to or into, arrive at. Είσπλοος-ους, -δον -ου, δ, (fr. same) a coming to, arrival, landing at. Εισπνέω^ f. -ενσω, p. εισπέπνενκα, (fr. εις into, and πνέω to breathe) to breathe into or upon y inspire ; to blow upon; to breathe, draw breath, respire ; to draw to, entice, allure. Εισπνήλης, Είσπνηλος, and Είσπνι- λος, -qv, δ, Laconic, (fr. last) a lover, wooer, suitor ; a friend, favourite. Ειστζοιέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. εις unto, and ποιέω to make) to take to, associate, ally, adopt; to intro- duce, adojjt. Εισποίησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. last) adoption. Εισπορεύεται,.-ονται, 3 sin. and pi. ind. of Εισπορεΰομαι, f. -εύσομαι,ρ. εισπεπό- ρενμαι, (fr. εις in, and πορεύω to pass) to go in, enter, walk into. impf. εισπορευόμην, -ον,-ετο. par. pres. mid. εισπορενόμενος, -η,-ον. Είσπραξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, j% (fr. next) the raising or levying of taxes ; exaction, extortion. Εισπράσσω,-ττω, f. -ξω, p. -χα, (fr. εις intens. and πράσσω to act) to demand, collect, raise taxes; to exact, extort. Εισρέω or Εσρέω -ω, Τ. -ενσω, (fr. εις into, and ρέω to flow) to flow or run into. Εισσπάω -ω, (fr. same, and σπάω to draw) to draw in or towards, attract, allure. Εισται, and Είστο, 3 sin. per. and pper. of είδω. Or for έΐται, per. and είτο, pper. pass, of ενννμι or fee. or οΐΊημι. Ειστέος,-α,-ον, (verbal fr. είοω to know) i< 7n ws< 6e known, it is to be understood, &c. according to the verb. ΕΊστηκα, and Είστήκειν, -εις, -ει, in 3 pi. Εϊστήκεισαν, Att. for εστη- κα, per. and ίστήκειν, pper. act. of 'ίστημι. Είστία, 3 sin. impf. cont. of εστιάω. Ειστρέχω, f. εισθρε'ξω, p. είσ<5ε5ρά- μ?7κ:α, (fr. εις in, and τρε'χω to run) to run in, enter hastily ; to enter, sail, march into. 2 a. act. ind. εισέδραμον par. εισδραμών. Έ,ισφέρεις, 2 sin. pres. ind. act. — Εισφέρεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass. of EK Εισφέρω, f. -ο'ισω, p. -ήνεγκα, (fr. εις in, and φέρω to carry) to bring, carry or take in, introduce ; to import; 'to throw tog-ether, heap up, cast in or upon; to contri- bute. 2 a. act. ind. εισήνεγκον sub. ασενέγκω' inf. εισενεγκείν par. εισενεγκών. Εισφορά, -ας, η, (fr. last) α co/iec- tion, gathering in ; an assess- ment, import, tax, subsidy, tri bute ; an offering, oblation. Εισφράσσω, -ττω, f. -ζω, (fr. εις in and φράσσω to hedge) to shut up in, block up, barricade ; to stop, impede, dam up. Εισψρέω -ω, f.. -ήσω, by Metath. for εισφέρω. Εισχειρίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. εις into, and χειρ the hand) to put into the hand, hand over, entrust, commit. Είσω, 1 f. act. of είδω. Είσω, Poet, for εις. Also, adv. to, in, within. Εισωπος, -ου, δ, >}, (fr. εις in, and dixp the eye) facing, in front ; viewing, considering, observing. Είτα and E?r', then, afterwards, subsequently ; thence, consequent-- ly ; what then ? whether ? Είτε, and before an aspirate είθ', (fr. ει if, and τε and) if, and if, or whether. Εΐτε, by Sync, for είητε, 2 pi. pres. opt. of ειμί, to be. Ehi, (neut. of next) ichether, whe- ther or no. Έίτις, είτινος, b, η, (fr. ει if, and τις who) whoever, any one. Είτω, 3 sin. pres. impr. of είω, same as εψι to go. pres. impr. έει εΤ, εεΥω είτω. Etf'i before an aspirate, for εΐπε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of έπω. Ειχέναι, per. inf. act. of είκω. Είχεο, Ion. for είχον, 2 sin. impf. mid. — Εϊχον, -ες, -ε, 2 pi. Εί- χετε, impf. act. of έχω. Είω and Είω, f. είσω, p. ε7κα, Poet, for εΊμι, to go, move, march, pro- ceed ; to enter, penetrate, pres. impr. «t ει, εέτω είτω. impf. εϊον, τ,ον and ήϊον. pper. είκειν and ήκειν. 1 f. mid. είσομαι, 1 a. mid. εισάμην. per. mid. εΤα, jja and Tj J ia. pper. mid. είειν and f /ει v. Είω, -ης, -j], Poet, for ώ, pres. sub. οΐειμϊ, to be. ΕΊω, -ης, -η, Poet, for ώ, 2 a. sub. of 'in μι. Είω, Ion. for ου, of himself. Είωθα, by Epenth. for εΐθα, per. ind. mid. pi. ειώθαμεν, -ατε, -ασί' inf. ειωθέναι' par. ειωθώς, -via, -ος, g.' -οτος, η. pi. είωθόΥε?, of εθω. Ειώθει, 3 sin. pper. mid. of same. ίων, cont. fr. είαον, impf. act. — Είώσι, Poet, for εωσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. or sub. οι εάω. Ε'ίως, Poet, for 'έως. Εκ or Εξ before a vowel, a prepo- govermng the of, from, but of, from within, without, outside; off, away from, above, beyond ; after, since, ever since ; by, with ; for, at ; in. (179) EKA 'Εκάβη, -ης, f), Hecuba, the wift of Priam. Εκάδενον, Dor. for εκήδενον, impf. of κηδεύω. Εκαέργος, -ov, b, (fr. ίκάς far, and είργω to drive )far-darling, beam- ing, radiant. Εκαην, pass. — Έκαον, act. 2 a. ind. act. of καίω. Εκαθάρισα, -ας, -ε, act. — Εκαθα- ■ ρίσθην, -ης, -η, 3 ρΐ. -ρίσθηοαν, pass. 1 a. ind. of καθαρίζω. Εκαθεζόμην, impf. mid. of καθέ- ν £ ω • Έκαθεν, (fr. εκάς far) from afar, from a distance, afar. Εκάθενδον, -ες, -ε, impf. of καθεύ- δω. Εκαθήμην, -ησο, -r?r^,impf. of κάθη- μαι. Εκάθηρα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act, of καθαίρω. Εκάθιξον, -ες, -ε, impf. — Εκάθισα, -ας, -ε, Dor. Εκάθιξα, 1 a. ind. aet. of καθίζω. Εκαίννντο, 3 pi. impf. mid. of καί- ννμαι. Εκάκωσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of κακόω. Εκάλεον -οτχν, -εες-εις,-εε -εί,ήηρΠ act. — Εκάλεσα, -ας, -ε, and Poet. Εκάλεσσα, 1 a. act. — Εκαλήμην, jEoI. for εκαλονμην, impf. pass. cont. of καλέω. Εκαλλωπισάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of καλλωπίζω. "Ε κάλος, Dor. for εκηλος. Εκάλνβον,-&ς, -ε, 2 a. — Εκάλνψα, -ας, -ε, ia 3 ρΐ. εκάλυψαν, 1 a. ind. act. of καλύπτω. Εκάμμνΰν,, 2 a. — Εκάμμνσα, 1 a. ind. act. of καμμύω. Έκά'μον, -ες,, -ε, act. — Εκαμόμην, ον, -ετο, mid. 2 a. of κάμνω. Έκάνον, -ες, -ε, % a. ind. act. of καίνω. 'Εκάον, 2 a. ind. act. οι καίω. Εκάπνσσε, Poet, for εκάπυσε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of καπύω. Έκάρον, -ες,-ε, act. — Εκαρην,-ης, -η, pass. — Εκαρόμην, -ου, -ετο, mid. 1 a. ind. οί κείρω. Εκαρτυνάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of καρτύνω. Εκάς, far, far off, far from, aloof, at a distance, comp. ικαστίρω, sup. εκαατατω. Έκασταχη, (fr. 'έκαστος each) every where. Έκασταχοθεν, (fr. same) on all ndes, from every where. Εκασταχοθϊ, (fr. same) every where, all over, here and there. Εκαστάχου, (fr. same) every where, wheresoever. Έκαστος, -η, -ov, (fr. ίκάς at a dis- tance) each, every one. Ό or οί καθ' εκαστον, each individually. To or τα καθ' 'έκαστα, each thing separately. Καθ 1 εκαστον, singly, one by one. Καθ' εκαστην, viz* ημέραν, daily, every day. Εκάστοτε and 'Εκάστοσε, (fr. lastj every where, wherever; always, ever and anon. Έκαατοτέρω, Poet, for ίκαστέρω, see εκάς. EKA Έκάστω, (d. sin. of έκαστος) for εκάς. Έκαταβόλος, Poet, and Dor. for εκατηβόλος. ΈκαταΊος, (fr. εκατόν an hundred) the hundredth ; the or et> ery hun- dredth day. Εκατέάτο, Ion. for εκάθηντο, 3 pi. impf. of κάθημαι. Έκάτερθεν, Poet, for εκατέρωθεν. Έκάτερος, -a, -ov, eiZ/ier, the one or oi/ier, one of two ; both. 'Εκατέρωθεν, Έκατέρωθι, Έκατέ- ρωσε, (fr. last) on both sides, on each side, on either side. Έκατέρως, (fr. same) on either side, every way. Έκάτ>), -ης, ή, (fem. of εκατος far distant) Hecate, an epithet of the moon. Έκατηβελετάο, g. Ion. or iEol. of ' Ε κατή β ελ έτη ς, Έκατηβολέτης and 'Εκατηβόλος, -ου, δ, (fr. εκάς far. and βάλλω to dart) shooting from afar, far-darting, beaming, radiant, piercing. Εκατηγόρησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of κατηγορέω. "Εκάτι, Dor. for εκητι. Έκάτΐνος, -η, -ov, of or relating to Hecate or her rites ; magical, viz. στρόβαλος or στρόβιλος, a wheel or globe, a magical i)i- strumcnt, charm or talisman used in the rites of Hecate. Έκατογκεφάλας, -a, b, Dor. for Έκατογκέφαλος,-ον,ί,{ΐΐ.'εκατον an hundred, and κεφαλή• ahead) hundred-headed, having an hun- dred heads. Έκατόγχειρ, -ειρος, and Έκατόγ- χειρος,-ου, b, (fr. εκατόν an hun- dred, and χεϊρ the hand) hundred- handed, with an hundred hands. Έκάτοιο, Ion. for εκάτου, g. of εκα- τος. Έκατομβαιων, -ωνος, b, (fr. next) one of the Athenian months, an- swering nearly to our July. 'Εκατόμβη, -ης, η, (fr. εκατόν an hundred, and βους an ox) a sa- crifice of an hundred head of cattle, a hecatomb ; a solemn sa- crifice. Έκατόμβοιος, ~ov, b, ή, (fr. same) worth a hundred beasts ; or, an hundred pieces of money stamped with a cow. Έκατόμποδος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and πους a foot) of an hundred feet; broad, extensive. Έκατόμπολις, -ιος, Att. ^εως, η, (fr. same, and πόλίς a city) of an hundred cities. An epithet of Cr ete. Έκα^μπϋλος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and πύλη a gate) with an hun- dred gates, great, extensive. An epithet of Thebes in Egypt. 'Εκατόν, indecl. (perhaps fr. εκάς " far) an hundred. Έκατονδάς or Έκατοντάς, -αδος, η, (fr. last) a century. 'Εκατόνζνγος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and ζνγον a transom) having an hundred oars. ΈκατοντλασΙων or Έκατομπλασί- EKB ων, Έκατονπλασίως, see εκατον- ταπλασίων, &C. 'Εκατονταετής, -ov, and -εος -ονς, b, η, (fr. εκατόν an hundred, and έτος a year) of an hundred years, an hundred years old, every hun- dredth year, &c. Έκατοντακάρηνος, also Poet, and Dor. -κάράνος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and κάρηνον the head) with an hundred heads. Έκατοντάκις, (fr. same) an hun- dred times. Έκατονταπλάσιος, -ov, Έκατοντα- πλασίων, -όνος, b, >;, (fr. same, and -πλάσιος or -πλασίων, an- swering to -fold) an hundred- fold, a. sin. εκατονταπλασίονα. Έκατονταπλασίως, (fr. last) an hundred-fold,in an hundred ways. Έκατοιτάρχης and Έκατόνταρχος, -ov, b, (fr. εκατόν an hundred, and άρχος an officer) a centurion, captain of an hundred ; an offi- cer, governor, chief Έκατονταρχία, -ας, η, (fr. last) a centurion's commission, place or employment. "Εκατος, -ov, b, (fr. εκάς far) most distant ; far-darting, penetrat- ing, piercing. An epithet of Apollo. Έκατοστενω, f. -ευσω, (fr. εκατόν an hundred) to repeat or double an hundred times; to yield an hundred-fold. Εκατοστός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) the hundredth. Έκατοστύς, -υος, η, (fr. same) a century ; an hundred together. Εκαύθην, -ης, -η, pass. — Έκανσα and έκηα, act. 1 a. ind. of καίω. Εκβαίνω, f. mid. εκβήσομαι, (fr. εκ out of, and βαίνω to go) to come or go out of, depart ; to cause to go out, lead forth ; to land, dis- embark ; to break out, escape ; to infringe, transgress; to come forth, proceed, issue ; to come to pass, fall out, happen. Εκβακχεύομαι, (fr. εκ intens. and βακχενω to keep the feast of Bacchus) to revel } riot ; to rave, be transported. Έκβαλε, Ion. for εξέβαλε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. or Έκβαλί, -έτω, 2 pi. -λέτε, impr ΕκβαλεΊν,Ίηΐ. — Εκβάλω, -ης, -η, 3 pi. -λωσι, sub Εκβαλών, -οϋσα, -bv, par. 2 a. act. of Εκβάλλω, f. εκβάλω, p. εκβέβληκα, (fr. εκ out of, and βάλλω to throw) to cast, turn or drive out, expel ; to send off, dismiss ; to bring out, produce, pper. εξεβε- βλήκειν and εκβεβλήκειν. 2 a. act. ind. εξέβάλον' impr. έκβαλε• sub. εκβάλω' par. εκβαλών,-ουσα, -όν. per. pass, εκβέβλημαι. 1 a. pass. εξεβλήθην. 1 f. pass, εκβληθήσο- μαι. per. mid. εκβέβολα. Εκβαρβαρόω -ω, (fr. εκ intens. and βάρβαρος savage) io make savage or wild. Έκβασις, -ιος, Att. -εωί, η, (fr. εκ- βαίνω to escape) a passage or (180) ΕΚΓ way out ; an issue, end, event , an escape, flight, a. sin. έκ- βασιν. Εκβατηρία, -ας, -η, (fr. same) a descent. Εκβατηρίον, -ov, το, (fr. same) an offering after a safe voyage. Εκβέβληκα, -ας, -ε, per. — Εκβε- βλήκειν, -εις,-ει, for εζεβεβλήκειν, pper. act. of εκβάλλω. Εκβεβοημένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of εκβοάω. Εκβήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. mid. of εκβαίνω. Εκβιάζομαι, (fr. εκ out of, and βιά- ζω to force) to commit violence ; to compel, constrain, force, drive, repulse ; to violate, defile; to contend, strain, exert, endea- vour. Εκβλαστάνω and Εκβλαστέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. εκβεβλάστηκα, (fr. εκ forth, and βλαστάνω or -τέω to bud) to blow., blossom, flower, bloom. Εκβληθεντος, g. par. 1 a. pass. — . Εκβληθήσομαι, in 3 pi. -θήσονται, 1 f. pass, of εκβάλλω. Έκβλητος, -ov, b, η. (fr. εκβάλλω to turn out) cast off, thrown away, rejected; loathsome, disgusting; dropped untimely. Εκβλύζω, f. -ϋσω, (fr. εκ from, and βλνζω to trickle) to stream out, gush, overflow^ run abroad. Εκβοάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. εκβεβόηκα, (fr. same, and βοάω to low) to cry out ; to proclaim, publish abroad ; to cry up, celebrate, extol, per. pass, εκβεβόημαι' par. εκβεβοημένος. Εκβοηθέω -ω, (fr. same, Άτιάβοηθέω to help) to go to assist, relieve, succour ; to go as an ally. Εκβολή, -ης, η, (fr. εκβάλλω to throw out) a casting out, re- jection ; a discharge, volley ; a sprouting, growth ; a throwing overboard to lighten a ship in distress ; the mouth or entrance of a river, &c. Εκβολος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) cast out, rejected, discharged ; an outcast. Εκβράζω or Εκβράσσω, (fr. εκ forth, and βράζω to boil) to boil, bubble up, boil over ; to work, ferment ; to rage, foam, froth ; to cast up, throw off. Εκβρασμος, -ου, b, (fr. last) a boil- ing ; fermentation ; rage, fury ; sedition, tumult, riot. Εκγαμίζω, f. -ισω, p. εκγεγάμικα, (fr. εκ intens. and γαμίζω to be- troth) to give in marriage, marry, impf. εξεγάμιζον. 1 a. ind. act. εζεγάμισα. Εκγαμίσκω, same as last. 3 pi. pres. ind. pass, εκγαμίσκονται. Εκγαυρόομαι -ουμαι, (fr. γαύρος proud) to be proud, haughty or insolent ; to boast ; to exaggerate. Εκγεγάμεν, Poet, for εκγεγαέμεν, Dor. for εκγεγαέναι, inf. of εκ- γέγαα, per. mid. of $χγίνομαι, fr t εκγάω, obs. Εκγεγαώς,-νια, -ύς-, g. *6τος, -νΐας ί ΕΚΔ ' *>δτος, par. of εκγέγαα, which see in last. ΈκγεΧάω -ώ, f. -ασω, (fr. εκ intens. and γελάω to laugh) to laugh out, burst into laughter; to de- ride. Εκγενέτης, -ου, b, >), (fr. εκγίνομαι to be born of) born of, sprung from, originating, descended; Subs, offspring. Έκγενόμεθα, Ion. for εξεγενόμεβα, 1 pi. 2 a. ind. mid. — Εκγενέσ- θω, 3 sin. 2 a. impr. mid. — Εκ- γενέσθαι, inf. 2 a. mid. — Εκγί- νεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. of Εκγίνομαι or -ίγνομαι, 2 f. εκγενή- σομαι, p. mid. εκγέγονα, (fr. εκ out of, and γίνομαι to be) to grow or spring out of, arise or proceed from; to be born of; to origi- nate in, be descended from ; to be lawful for, allowable or per- mitted; to happen, occur. 1 a. ind. mid. εξεγεινάμην. 2 a. ind. mid. εζεγενόμην. Έκγονον, -ου, το, (neut. of next) offspring, posterity, descendants. Έκγονος, -ov, h, η, (fr. εκ from, and γονή a progeny) born of, descended or derived from. Subs. a son, grandchild. Εκδανείζω, f. -είσω, fr. εκ intens. and δανείζω, which see. Εκδαπανηθήσομαι, 1 f. ind. pass, of Κκδαπανάω -ώ, f. -new, (fr. εκ from, and δαπανάω to expend) to spend, waste, lavish, squander. Εκδεδαρμένος, par. per. pass, of εκδέρω. Εκδεδίκημαι, -σαι,-ται, per. pass, of εκδικέω. Εκδεδωριεΰνται, 3 pi. per. pass Dor. of εκδωριεύω. Εκδειματόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. εκ in• tens, and δειματόω to terrify) to strike with terror, frighten, amaze, astonish. Εκδεκατεύω, f. -ενσω, fr, same, and δεκατεύω, which see. . Εκδέκεσδαι, Ion. for εκδέχεσθαι, pres. inf. οι εκδίδομαι. Εκδέρω, f. -ερω, p. εκδέδαρκα, (fr. εκ from, and δέρω to flay) to ex- coriate, flay totally ; to scourge. Εκδέχεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. — Εκ- δέχεσθε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. — Εκδεχόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. of Εκδέχομαι, f. -ξομαι,τρ. εκδέδεγμαι, (fr. εκ from, and δέχομαι to re- ceive) to look for, await, hope, expect; to receive, entertain; to succeed, come after or in turn., relieve; to undertake, engage, take upon. impf. εξεδεχόμην. Εκδέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and δίω to tie) to tie or fasten to, suspend, hang up ; to untie, loosen. ' Έκδηλος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. εκ intens. and δήλος clear) manifest, evi- dent, apparent, sensible, obvious. Εκδηλόω -ω, (fr. same, and δηλόω, which see. Εκδημεω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. εκδεδήμηκα, (fr. εκ out of, and δήμος the people) to travel, go abroad ; to ΕΚΔ reside abroad, remain from home, be absent, live among strangers. Έ,κδημησαι, 1 a. inf. act — Εκδη- μουμεν, 1 pi. cont. pres. ind. — Εκδημουντες, η. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of last. Εκδημία,-ας,ϊ/, (fr. same) journey, travel or residence abroad, living among strangers. Έκδημος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) abroad, foreign, residing from home ; distant, remote. Έκδιαιτάομαι -ώμαι, f. -ήσομαι, (fr. εκ from, and διαιτάω to regulate) to live by rule, be on a regimen ; not tq use the ordinary customs, be particular. Εκδιδάσκω, f. -άξω, (fr. εκ intens. and διδάσκω to teach) to give previous instruction, prepare for learning ; to teach thoroughly ; impress, inculcate, Εκδίδουν, Ion. and Poet, for εκδι- δόναι, pres. inf. act. of εκδί- δωμι. Εκδιδρήσκειν, Ion. for εκδιδράσκειν, pres. inf. act. of εκδιδ'ράσκω. Εκδίδωμι, f. εκδώσω, p. εκ<5ε<5ωκα, (fr. εκ from, and δίδωμι to give) to give or put forth, produce, bear; to send out, publish; to give out, deliver ; to give in mar- riage; to hire out, let, set, farm; to unburden, unload, discharge ; to give up, yield, surrender. 1 f. mid. εκδώσομαι. 2 a. mid. εξεδό- μην, -σο, -το. Εκδιηγεομαι -ουμαι, (fr. εκ intens. and διηγίομαι to relate) to re- count, repeat, rehearse, relate 'particularly. Εκδιηγηται, 3 sin. cont. pres. sub, mid. — Εκδιηγου μένος, -η, -ov par. pres. pass. cont. of last. Εκδικάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. εκ intens and δικάζω to judge) and Εκδικέω -ω, f. -?']σω, p. εκδεδίκηκα (fr, same, and δίκη justice) to try, judge, administer justice; to assert^ support or maintain right ; to sentence, condemn, avenge, punish. 1 a. act. ind. εζεάίκησα' impr. εκδίκησον inf. εκδικησαι. Εκδίκησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) a vindication, assertion, maintaining ; condemnation, sen- tence, punishment; vengeance, revenge, a. sin. εκδίκησιν. Εκδικητής and Έκδίκος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a judge ; an assertor, avenger, protector. Έκδϊκος, -ov, b, η, (fr. εκ from, and δίκη justice) unjust, wrongful, injurious. Εκδινευντι, Dor. and iEol, for εκδινουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. of εκ- δινέω, fr. εκ intens. and δινέω, which see." Εκδιώκω, f. -ώξω, (fr. εκ from, and διώκω to drive) to expel, chase, drive, turn out, banish. 1 a. act, ind. εζεδίωξα, par. εκδιώξας. Εκδιωξάντων, g. pL. par. 1 a. act. — Εκδιώξονσι or -σιν, S pL 1 £ ind. act. of last, (181) EKE Εκδοξάζω, fr. εκ intens. and δοξά ζω, which see. Έκδοσις, -ιος, >), (fr. εκδίδωμι to give up) α giving up, yielding, submission ; publication ; a hir- ing ; exposure to beasts. Έκδοτος, -ov, Ό,η, (fr. same) given up, betrayed, yielded, submit- ted. Εκδούς, -ούσα, -bv, par. 2 a. act. ot same. Εκδοχή, -ης, η, (fr. εκδέχομαι to expect) expectation, hope; re- ception, entertainment, rzfuge ; an undertaking, engagement. Εκδράμων, -ούσα, -bv, par. 2 a. act. of εκτρέχω. Εκδραν, pres. inf. act. cont. of εκδράω. Εκδράναι, Dor. for Εκ- δρηναι, pres. inf. act. of έκδρημι, both same as εκδιδράσκω, fr. εκ from, and διδράσκω, which see. Εκδϋναι, 2 a. inf. act. of έκδυμι, see next. Εκδύνω, Εκδνω or Έκδνμι, f. εκδύ- σω, p. εκδέδυκα, (fr. εκ from, and δννω, &c. to enter) to emerge, rise up, issue from ; to swim, float upon; to put off, divest, unclothe, strip. 1 a. ind. act. εξέ- δνσα. 2 a. act. ind. έξεδυν impr. έκδυθι' inf. εκδυναι' par. εκδύς< par. pres. pass, εκδυόμενος. Εκδύσαντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. act. — Εκδνσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. of last. Έκδνσις, -toj, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) an outlet, issue, egress, passage Εκδωριεύω, (fr. εκ intens. and Δω• ριεν-ς a Dorian) to become a Do* rian, to adopt Dorian manners, &c. Εκδώσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. of εκδίδωμι. Εκέδασσε, Poet, for εκέδασε, 3 sin. 1 a. act. of κεδάω. Εκεί, (fr. εκείνος he) there, thither. Εκε'ίθεν, (fr. same) from thence, thence. Εκειθι, (fr. same) thither, that way, there. Εκείμην, -σο, -το, impf. of κε7μαι. ΕκεΤν-, Poet, for εικεΤν, pres. inf. act. of είκω. Εκείνα, Dor. for Εκείνη, fern. sin. or neut. pi. and Εκεινέων, Ion. for εκείνων, g. pi. of Εκείνος, -η, -ο, he, she, it; they, them; that, those, that there. Poet, κείνος. Dor. τηνος. Εκείνως, (fr. last) in that manner, in that way. ΕκεΤσε, (fr. last) there, thither, that way. Εκεκάσμην, -σο, -στο, pper. pass, of κάζω. Εκέκλετο, 3 sin. impf. pass, of κέκλομαι, Poet, for κέλομαι. Εκεκλέφειν, -εις, -ει, pper. act. of κλέπτω. Εκέκλιμην, -ισο, -ιτο, pper. pass, of κλίνω. Εκεκοσμέάτο, Ion. for εκεκόσμηντο^ 3 pi. pper. pass, of κοσμέω. Εκεκράγειν, -εις, -ει, in 2 pi. -είτε-, pper. mid. of κράζω* ΕΚΘ Έ,κίκτήμην, -ησο, -ητο, in 3 pi. -ηντο, pper. pass, of κτάομαι. Εκέλευ, Dor. for εκέλου, 2 sin. impf. pass, of κε'λω. Εκελεύθ"•ν, -ης, -η, in 1 pi. -ημεν, pass. — Εκελευσα, -ας, -ε, act. 1 a. ind. — Εκέλευον, -ε?, -ε, impf. act. of κελεύω. Εκένωσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of κενόω. Εκέρδάνον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. — Εκε'ρόν σα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of κερ- δαίνω. Έκερσα, iEol. for έκειρα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of κείρω. Εκεφαλαίωσαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of κεφαλαιόω. Εκεχειρία, -ας, η", (fr. εχω to re- strain, and χεΧρ a hand) a truce, armistice, cessation of hostilities or of business. Εκεχήνη, Att. for εκεχήνειν, 1 sin. or εκεχήνει, 3 sin. pper. mid. of χαίνω. Έκζέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. εκ out, and ζέω to boil) to bubble up, boil over, be full, tumid or teem- ing. Εκζητέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. εξεζήτηκα, (fr. same, and ζητίω to seek) ίο seek out, search for diligently inquire ; to pray for, request earnestly ; to require, demand exact. 1 a. act. ind. εξεζήτησα• sub. εκζητήσω. per. pass, εξεζή- τημαι. 1 a. ind. pass, εξεζητή- θην' sub. εκζητηθω, -?ις, -fj. Έκζητητης -ου, b, (fr. same) an in- quisitor, examiner, searcher, col- lector ; a discoverer, informer. E/cjJo, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of καίω. ΈκηβοΥια, -ας, η, (fr. εκάς far, and βάλλω to throw) skill with the bow or dart, archery, darting, Έκηβολος, -ου, b, (fr. same) skilled in archery or with the dart. An epithet of Apollo, far-shooting, darting from ajar, piercing, pe- netrating. Έκηδον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of κήδω Εκήκιον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of κηκίω. Έκηλος, -ov, b, 17, (perhaps fr. είκω to yield) quiet, calm, still; se- cure, fearless, unconcerned ; gen- tle, easy, kind, gracious; peace- ful, peaceable, conciliatory. Εκήρυξα, -ας, -ε, act. — Εκηρνξά- μην, -ω, -ατο, mid. — Εκηρύχθην, -ης, -η, pass. 1 a. ind. — Εκήρυσ- σον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of κηρύσσω. Έκητι, Poet, for ίκόντι, (d. sin. of εκών,) on account of, by reason of, for, because ; willingly, vo- luntarily. ΕκθαμβεΊσθαι, inf. cont. — Εκθαμ- βέΐσθε, impr. 2 pi. pres. pass. cont. of Εκθαμβέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. εκ mtens. aniS -αμβέω to amaze) to astonish, amaze, confound. Εκθαμβέομαι -ουμαι, to fear, dread. ] a. ind. pass, εξεθαμβήθη Έκθαμβος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) astonished, amazed, terrified, con founded, afraid. EKI Εκθαμνάζω, (fr. εκ from, and $αμ νος a shrub) to extirpate, de~- mohsh. Εκθειάζω, f. ασω, (fr. same, and $ε7ος divine) to dedicate, conse- crate, devote ; to hallow, vene- rate, esteem holy. Έκθεμα, -ατός, rb, (fr. εκτίθημι to expose) a sign, placard, declara- tion, publication ; an edict. K Εκθέμεν, Dor. for εκθείν, pres. inf. act. cont. of εκθέω. Or, for εκ- θείν αι, 2 a. inf. act. of εκτίθημι Εκθεραπενω, f. -εύσω, (fr. εκ intens and θεραπεύω to tend) to deserve from ; to oblige, endear, con- ciliate ; to heal, cure, restore to health. Εκθερίζω, f. -?σω, (fr. same, and αερίζω to reap) to cut down, mow, reap; to harvest, gather, collect. Εκθερμαίνω, f. -άνω, (fr. same, and θερμαίνω, which see. Εκθερμάνας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. of last. Εκθέσθαι, inf. — Εκθεμένος, par. 2 a. mid. of εκτίθημι. Έκθεσις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, η, (fr. εκ- τίθημι to set forth) an exposure, disclosure, discovery ; an expo- sure to beasts. Εκθέσφάτον, -ov, το, (fr. εκ from, θεός God, and φημι to speak) providence, the will of heaven; an oracle ; a prophecy. Εκθετικός, -η, -bv, (fr. εκτίθημι to set forth) explanatory. Έκθετος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) ex- posed, cast out, abandoned. Εκθέω, f. -εύσω, (fr. εκ out, and θε'ω to run) to run out, go out hastily, hasten, rush. Also, an obsolete verb, for which see εκ- £KK Εκθηλάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. same, and θηλάζω to milk) to suck out, empty, drain. Εκθηλύνω, fr. same, and ^ηλύνω, which see. Εκθλίβω, f. -ψω, p. εκτέθΧιφα, (fr. same, and θ-λί'βω to press) to strain, wring, press, squeeze out ; to castrate ; to oppress, afflict. par. per. pass, εκτεθλιμμένος. Έκθ\ιψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. last) a squeezing, pressure; a breaking or cutting off; violence, oppression, grievance; affliction distress. A figure in gram- mar. Εκθορέω -ω, (fr. εκ from, and^opa . or $6ρω to leap) to leap out ; to start or spring up. ΕκΟύω, f. -υσω, (fr. εκ intens. and •3-ύω to burn incense) to purify by sacrifice, expiate, atone. Εκθΰμως, (fr. εκ from, and νυμός the mind) actively, earnestly, zealously, eagerly. Εκίδνατο, impf. pass, of κίδνημι Εκινδύνενον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of κινδυνεύω. Εκινήθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass of κινέω. Εκίνησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of κινέω. (182) Έκιον, -ε?, -ε, impf. act. of κ/ω. ' Εκίρνη, Dor. for εκίρνα, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. of κιρνάω. Κκίχάνον, -ες, -ε, impf. — Έκιχον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of κιχάνω. Εκκαθαίρω, f. -άρω, (fr-, εκ out, and καθαιρώ to cleanse) to clean out, empty ; to purge ; to purify, ex- piate ; to clear, vindicate, justify. 1 a. act. ind. εζεκάθάρα. impr. εκκάθαρον sub. εκκαθάρω, -ης, -η. Εκκαθάρατε, 2 pi. impr. — Εκκα- θάρη, 3 sin. sub. 1 a. act. of last. Εκκαιω, f. εκκαύσω, p. εκκέκαυκα, (fr. £K intens. and καίω to bum) to consume entirely, burn out, burn away ; to flame, burst out into flames ; to inflame, irritate, provoke. 1 a. ind. act. εξέκαν- σα and εξέκηα. per. pass, εκκέ- καυμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, εζεκαν- θην. Εκκακείν, pres. inf. act. cont. — Εκκακήσητε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. act. — Εκκακουμεν, ind. — Εκκακω- μεν, sub. 1 pi. cont. pres. act. of Εκκακέω -ω, f. -ήοω, p. εκκεκάκηκα, (fr. εκ intens. and κακός ill) to sink under, be discouraged, want spirit, faint, fail, yield. 1 a. act. ind. εξεκάκησα' sub. εκκα- κήσω, -ης, -η, in 2 pi. εκκακή- σητε. Εκκαλέσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. of Εκκαλε'ω -ω, f. -εσω, p. εκκέκληκα, (fr. εκ out, and καλέω to call) to call out, bid come forth, sum- mon, cite; to call to mind, re- collect ; to invite, allure, entice ; to provoke, challenge, dare. Εκ- καλέομαι -ουμαι, to remove a suit from one court to ano- ther. Εκκαλύπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. εκ from, and καλύπτω to cover) to unveil; to uncover, expose ; to disclose, discover. Εκκάρσιος, -ov, b, ή, fr *κ intens. and κάρσιος, which see. Εκκατείδω, (fr. εκ from, κατά down- wards, and είδω to see) to look down from; to observe, regard. 2 a. par. εκκατϊδών. Έκκανμα, -άτος, το, (fr. εκκαίω to burn) fuel, coal, tinder ; a brand ; inflammation, burning heat. Έκκειμαι, f. -είσομαι, (fr. εκ out, and κείμαι to lie) to lie open, be exposed or liable to ; to be, exist ; to lie upon, oblige. Εκκενοΰν, pres. inf. act. cont. of Εκκενόω-ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. εκ out, and κενός empty) to empty, dis- charge, evacuate, exhaust ; to ex- pel, drive out. Εκκεντέω or -άω -ω, and Εκκεντίζω, (fr. εκ intens. and κεντεω to prick) to run through, stab, pierce. Εκκέχυται, 3 sin. per. pass, o! εκχύω. Εκκήρυκτος, -ov, b, §, (fr. next) ejected, put or turned out; ba• rushed, outlawed. ΕΚΚ Εκκηούσσω, -ττω, f. -ξω, (fr. εκ out of,' and κηρύσσω to proclaim) to put, turn out or expel by pro- clamation ; to banish, outlaw publicly. Έκκινεω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and κινέω to move) to disturb, re- move, transplant ; to excite, raise; to deviate, swerve, start. Έκκλάω, f. -άσω, p. εκκέκλακα, (fr. same, and κλάω to break) to break out or off; to break in pieces, break down, crush, en- feeble, per. pass, εκκέκλασμαι. 1 a. pass. εξεκλάσθην. Έ,κκλεΐσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of Εκκλείω, f. -είσω, p. εκκίκλεικα, (fr. same, and κλείω to shut) to shut out, exclude, reject, debar, keep out or from. 1 a. act. ind. εξίκλεισα' inf. εκκλεΐσαι. per. pass, εκκέκλεισμαι. 1 a. ind. pass. εζεκλείσθην. Έκκλεπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. same, and κλέπτω to steal) to steal privately, pilfer ; to withdraw secretly, steal away. ΤΖκκληϊζεσθαι, Ion. for εκκλείεσθαι, pres. inf. pass, of εκκλείω. Εκκλησία, -ας, η, (fr. εκκαλέω to summon) an assembly lawfully convened or ordered by law; a congregation, meeting ; the church ; the place of assem- bly. Εκκλησιάζω, (fr. last) to hold, call or summon an assembly, meet- ing or congregation; to speak there, harangue, make an ora- tion. Εκκλησιαστής, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a member of a public assembly, common-council man, orator, de- magogue ; a preacher. Εκκλησιαστικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) relating to a public assembly; of the church, ecclesiastic; ha- ranguing, debating, argumenta- tive. Έκκλητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. εκκαλέω to call forth) called forth, called upon ; a person appealed ; se- lect, chosen. Subs, a senator; a certain officer at Sparta. Έκκλίμα, -ατός, το, (fr. next) a turn, inclination ; a turn to flight, flight, rout. Εκκλινάτω, 3 sin. — Εκκλίνατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. of Έ,κκλίνω, f. -ινώ, p. εκκέκλικα, (fr. εκ from, and κλίνω to lean) to turn or lean from, decline ; to de- flect, deviate, go out of the way ; to shun, avoid, fly from; to cause to deviate, avoid, &c. 1 a. act. ind. εζέκλινα' impr. έκκλι- vov. 1 a. ind. pass, εζεκλίθην and -λίνθην. Έκκλισις, -ως, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. last) a turning aside, deviation ; a shunning, avoiding. Έκκλύζω, f. -υσω, (fr. εκ from, and κλύζω to wash) to wash away, wash out ; to purify. Έκκναΐσεω -ω, (fr. εκ intens. and κναίω to grate) to scream, shriek. 3 pi. pres. ind. act. cont. εκναι- EKK σουσι, -52ο1. and Dor. εκναισευν- EKA Έκκρούω, f. -σω, (fr. εκ out οζ Εκκναω -ω, (fr. same, and κνάω to scrape) to scrape off, scratch out ; to erase, put out. pres. inf. act. cont. εκκνςίν. Εκκολάπτω, f. -ψω, p. εκκεκόλαφα, (fr. εκ out "of, and κολάπτω to hammer) to hammer to pieces, deface, erase; to cut out, carve, engrave. Εκκολυμβάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. εκκεκο- λύμβηκα, (fr. same, and κολυμ- βάω to swim) to swim out of, escape by swimming ; to extricate, disengage. 1 a. act. ind. εξεκο- λύμβησα' par. εκκολύμβησας. ΕκκομΎδή, -ης, η, (fr. next) a car- rying out, exportation ; a burial, funeral. Έκκομίζω, f. -"σω, p. εκκεκόμικα, (fr. εκ out, arid κομίζω to carry) to carry out, export ; to convoy, conduct, extricate, rescue ; to bury. 1 a. ind. act. εξεκόμισα. impf. pass, εξεκομιζόμην. 1 a. ind. mid. εξεκομισάμην impr. εκκομίσαι. Εκκοπή, -ης, ή, (fr. next) a cutting out, off or down; destruction, ruin. Εκκόπτω, f. -ψω, p. εκκέκοφα, (fr. εκ out of, and κόπτω to cut) to cut out, off or down, destroy, sack, extirpate, abolish; to hin- der, prevent, stop. 1 a. act. ind. εξέκοψα' impr. έκκοψον sub. εκ- κόψω. 2 a. ind. act. εζέκοπον. per. pass, εκκέκομμαι. 2 a. ind. pass, εξεκόπην. 2 f. pass, εκκο- πήσομαι. per. mid. εκκέκοπα. Εκκορνφόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. same, and κορυφή the head) to give the heads of, state briefly, sum up, recapitulate. Έκκοψον, 1 a. impr. act. — Εκ- κόψω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of εκκόπτω. Εκκραιπαλάω -ω, fr. εκ intens. and κραιπαλάω, which see. Εκκρεμάω -ώ, -αννύω, and -άνννμι, (fr. εκ from, and κρεμάω, &c. to suspend) to make hang upon or suspend from. Εκκρεμάομαι -ωμαι, Εκκρεμάνννμαι or Εκκρέ- upon or be sus- μαμαι, ιο pended from, dangle ; to de- pend upon ; to regard, attend earnestly, impf. εξεκρημάμην, -ασο, -ατο. Εκκρεμής, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. last) suspended, hanging from, dang- ling, pendulous. Εκκρίνω, f. -tv&, (fr. εκ out of, and κρίνω to sift) to sift out, examine; to select, cull, pick, choose; to except, take out, separate; to re- ject, cast off; to displace, dis- turb ; to exclude judicially, eject. Έκκρίσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) a choice, selection ; a cast- ing ffi rejection ; a bursting, breaking out. Έκκρ'ιτος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same) select, choice, excellent. Εκκρονστος, ου, δ, η, (fr. next) rais- ed, thrust out, embossed. (183) and κρούω to beat) to knock, beat or drive out, expel thrust out; to shake off; to prolong, pro- tract. Εκκυλίνδω or Εκκυλϊω, f. -ίσω, p. εκκεκύλικα, (fr. same, and κυ- λήσω or κυλίω to roll) to roll or tumble down; to wind off; to roll or turn over, unfold. 1 a. ind. act. εξεκύλισα. per. pass. εκκεκύλισμαι. Εκκυμαίνω, f. -άνω, (fr. εκ out, and κυμαίνω to foam, th. κύμα a wave) to break out, overflow ; to break forth, rush out. Εκκύπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. same, and κύπτω to bend) to stoop down to see, look out ; to appear, show ; to come out, go forth, proceed^ advance. Εκκωώόω -ώ, (fr. εκ intens. and κωφός deaf) to deafen. Εκκωφόο- μαι, to be very deaf. Έκλαγξα, -ας, -ε, la. — Έκλά- γον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of κλάζω. Εκλαθύμενος, par. 2 a. mid. of εκ- λανθάνω. Έκλαιον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of κλαίω. Εκλαλεω -ώ, f. -ήσω, ρ. εκλελάληκα, (fr. εκ out, and λαλέω to speak) to tell, utter; to talk idly; to prate, babbie, blab. 1 a. act. ind. εζελάλησα' inf. εκλαλησαι. Εκλαμβάνω, f. mid. εκλή^/ομαι, (fr. same, and λαμβάνω to take) to take out, seize ; to catch, take up ; to appropriate ; to perceive, understand, apprehend. Εκλαμπρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. next) bright, shining, splendid, reful- gent. Εκλάμπω, f. -ψω, (fr. εκ from, and λάμπω to shine) to shine forth, glitter, flash, be respltn- dent, appear glorious. 1 a. ind. act. εζέλαμιμα. Έκλαμψις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, }], (fr. last) brightness, splendour, ra- diance, refulgence. Εκλάμψονσι, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of same. Εκλανθάνω, f. -λήσω,Τ). mid. εκλέ- ληθα, (fr. εκ intens. and λαν- θάνω to escape notice) to cause oblivion, make forget ; to slip from or escape the memory. Εκλανθάνομαι, to forget totally, lose the recollection of. 1 f. mid. εκλήσομαι. per. pass, εκλέ- λησμαι. Εκλαξεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. εκ from, and λαξεύω to polish) to cut y hew, chip ; to smooth, polish. Εκλαπάζω, (fr. εκ from, and λα- ττάζω to empty) to empty, eva- cuate ; to plunder. Εκλάπην, -ης, -η, pass. — Έκλα- •πον, -ες, -ε, act. 2 a. ind. of κλέπτω. Έκλασα, -ας, -ε, act. — Εκλάσ- θην, -ης, -η, pass. 1 a. ind. of κλάω. Εκλατομεω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. εκ out, and λατομέω to cut stone, which ΕΚΛ fr. λάς a stone, and τέμνω ίο cut) to cut out, square, prepare stones to lay stones, build ; to dig, quar ry, mine. Έκλαυσα, -α, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of κλαίω. Εκλέγω, f. -ξω, p. -χα, (fr. εκ from, andAf'yu) to choose) to choose out Jrom among, make a choice, se- lect, prefer. 1 f. mid. εκλέζομαι. 1 a. ind. mid. εξελεξάμην, -ω, -ατο. per. mid. εκλέλογα. impf. pass, εξελεγόμην. per. pass, εκ- λέλεγμαι. Εκλειπτικά, -ων, τα, viz. μέρη^ (neut. pi. of next) the Ecliptic, the limits of eclipses. Εκλειπτ~ίκός, -η, -bv, (fr. next) de- fective, deficient, relating to eclipses. Εκλείπω, f. -xpa, p. εκλέλειφα, (fr. εκ from, and λείπω to leave) to leave totally, quit, desert, aban don, forsake ; to fail, be defi- cient, fall short ; to be eclipsed to decay, cease, come to an end, die. Εκλεισα, -ας, -ε, act. — Εκλείσθην, -ης, -η, 3 pi. -θησαν, pass. 1 a. ind. of κλείω. Εκλείχω, (fr. εκ out of, and λείχω to lick) to lick out or up. Έκλειψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. εκλείπω to fail) a failing, failure, want, deficiency ; feebleness, weakness ; a swoon, faint ; an eclipse. Εκλεκτός, -ου, b, η, (fr. εκλέγω to select) chosen, elected; selected, picked out, accepted, approved, excellent. Εκλεκτως, (fr. last) excellently. Εκλέλάθον, Εκλελαθών, Poet, for εξέλαθον, ind. and εκλαθών, par. 2 a. act. — Εκλέλησμαι, 2 pi. Εκλέλησθε, per. ind. pass, of εκλανθάνω. Εκλελοχισμένος, par. per. pass, of εκλοχίζω. Εκλελυμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of εκλύω. Εκλελνμένως, (fr. last) freely, at liberty ; loosely, negligently. Εκλεξάμενος, -η, -ov, par. — Εκλέ- ζασθαι, inf. 1 a. mid. of εκλέγω. Έκλενκος, -ου, b, η, (fr. εκ intens. and λευκός white) very white, bright, shining. Εκλευ-χαίνω, f. -άνω, (fr. same) to whiten, make very white, brighten, polish. Έκλεψα, -α?, 3 sin. Έκλεψα, for έκλεψε, 1 a. act. of κλέπτω. Εκλήθην, -ης, -η, 2 pi. -θητε,Ι a. ind. pass, of καλέω. Εκλήθω, obs. same as εκλανθάνω. Εκλήϊσαν, Ion. for έκλεισαν, 3 pi. 1 a. act. of κλείω. Εκληρώθημεν, 1 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of κληρόω. Εκλικμάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. εκ in- tens. and λικμάω to fan) to win- now, fan, blow upon, air; to blow away, scatter, dissipate. Τ 4 κλιμία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and λί- μος hunger) great hunger, crav- ing ; famine, dearth. ΕΚΛ Έκλ'ινα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. Έκλιναν, 1 a. ind. act. — Εκλίνθημες, Dor. for εκλίνθημεν, 1 pi. of Εκλίνθην, Poet, for εκλίθην, 1 a. ind. pass, of κλίνω. Εκλπ'ε'ω -ώ, (fr. εκ from, and λίνον flax) to escape from the net. Εκλιπαρέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. εκ in- tens. and λιπαρέω to persist) to beg, pray, entreat, conjure, be- seech, implore ; to protest. Εκλιπης,-έος -ους, b, η, (fr. εκλείπω to fail) failing, deficient, defect- ive] omitted, neglected. Εκλίπω, -ης, -η, 2 pi. Εκλίπητε, sub. — ΕκλΙπεΤν, inf. — Εκλι- πών, par. of εξέλ'ιπον, 2 a. ind. act. of εκλείπω. Εκλυγέομαι -ουμαι, (fr. εκλέγω to select) to excuse, extenuate, apo- logize. Εκλογή, -ης, η, (fr. same) a choos- ing out, choice, preference, selec- tion, election ; collection of taxes ; an eclogue. Εκλογίζομαι, (fr. εκ intens. and λο- γίζομαι to reckon) to number, count ; to consider, revolve, weigh, deliberate ; to esteem highly, prize, value. For tenses see λογίζομαι. Εκλογισμος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. last) a computation, account, reckoning, casting up, sum, total; estima- tion, opinion, value. Εκλογιστης, -ου, b, (fr. same) an accountant ; a collector, trea surer, steward. Εκλογιστία, -ας, η, (fr. same) ac- counts, reckoning, computa- tion. Εκλονέοντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of κλονέω. Εκλοποφόρησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act of κλοποφορέω. Εκλοχίζομαι, f. -ίσομαι, p. εκλελό- χισ ιαι, (fr. εκ out, and λοχίζω to arrange in companies, th. λόχος a troop) to arrange; to select, choose, pick out. Εκλνζόμην, -ου, -ετο, impf. pass, of κλύζω. Εκλυθήσονται, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. pass! — Εκλυθώσι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. pass. — Εκλυόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass Εκλύου,ρι -es. impr. pass. — Εκλύσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. of εκλύω. Έκλυον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of κλύω. Έκλυσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. εκ- λύω to loosen) a clearing off, riddance, deliverance; weakness, imbecility, dissolution ; failure, dismay, consternation. Εκλυτήριος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) re- lieving, relaxing, loosening, dis- solving. Έκλυτος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. same) loose, relaxed; weak, faint, feeble, κλύτρωσις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, ή, (fr. εκ from, and λυτρόω to redeem) redemption, ransom, release, de- liverance. Εκλύω, f. -υσω, p. εκλέλυκα, (fr. same, and λύω to loose) ίο un- bind, loose, untie ; to free, rid, disengage, release, discharge, res- (184) ERM cue ; to mitigate, alleviate ; ft» weaken, enervate ; to dissolve, melt; to scatter, dissipate, dis- perse ; to pay, perform, julfil ; to break off, interrupt, put an end to ; to drive off, send away, dismiss ; to depart, quit, go off. Εκλύομαι, to fail, faint, languish, grow xoeak. per. pass! εκλέλυ μαι. 1 a. ind. pass, εξελύθην. I f. pass, εκλυθήσομαι. Έκμάζω, same as εκμάσσω. Εκμαίνω, f. -άνω, (fr. εκ intens. and μαίνομαι to rage) to distract, set mad. Εκμαίνομαι, to dote, rave, rage, be mad. pres. inf. act. εκμαίνειν. 2 a. pass. sub. εκμανω' inf. εκμανηναι. f. mid. εκμανουμαι. Εκμανθάνω, 1 f. mid. εκμα&ήσομαι, p. εκμεμάθηκα, (fr. same, and μανθάνω to learn) to learn quite, acquire thoroughly, know well; to discern, distinguish, discover. 2 a. ind. εξέμάθον. Εκμάξας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. — Εκμάοσειν, pres. inf. act. of εκμάσσω. Εκμαρτυρέω -ω, (fr. εκ from, and μαρτυρέω to testify) to send a witness or evidence ; to bear wit- ness, testify, attest. Εκμαρτνρία, -ας, η, (fr. same) written or secondary evidence; testimony, deposition, proof. Εκμαρτύριον, -ου, το, (fr. same) deposition, evidence. Εκμάσσω or -ττω, f. -ξω, (fr. εκ from, and μάσσω to wipe) to wipe off, wipe dry or clean, cleanse ; to efface, erase ; to press, wring, strain out, squeeze. impf. act. εξέμασσον. 1 a. act. ind. εξέμαξα' par. εκμάξας. Ε κ μελέτα, pres. impr. act. cont. of Εκμελετάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. εκμεμελέ- τηκα, (fr. εκ intens. and μελετάω to meditate) to study, apply to, practise, exercise ; to consider, muse, think upon. Εκμεμύθημαι, -σαι,-ται, per. pass, of εκμνθέομαι. Εκμετρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. εκ from, and μετρέω to measure) to mea- sure, take measure of, Εκμιαίνω, fr. εκ intens. and μιαίνω, which see. Εκμιμέομαι t -ονμαι, f. -ήσομαι } (fr. same, and μιμέομαι to mimic) to imitate, counterfeit, copy, forge. Έκμολε, Ion. for εξέμολε, 3 sin. impf. act. of Εκμύλω, or -ε'ω -ω, (fr. εκ from, and μολέω to go) to set or mar en out, go out or away, depart, leave, quit. Εκμυζάω, or -ζέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and μυζάω to suck) to suck out, extract. Εκμυθέομαι -ουμαι, f. -ήσομαι, (fr. same, and μυθέομαι to speak) to tell, utter, declare, publish. Εκμυκτηρίζω, f. -ίσω, Att. -ιω, p. εκμεμυκτήρικα, (fr. εκ intens. and μυκτηρίζω to mock) to sneer at mock, scoff, ridicule, deride* ΕΚΟ Εκνευρίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. εκ from, and νεμρον a nerve) to enervate, vieaken, enfeeble, debilitate. Εκνενσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of εκνέω. Έκνευσις, -ιος, Att. -εως , η, (fr. εκ- νέω or -ευω to swim out) α tfew- atio7i, variation, turning off; a shift, evasion, escape. Εκνεύω, f. -ευσω, (fr. εκ intens. and νενω to nod) to nod to, hint, in- timate, desire by signs ; to hang down, depend, droop ; to dis- sent, disagree ; to shun, decline, avoid. Εκνέω or Εκνεύω, f. -εύσω, p. εκνε- • νενκα, (fr. εκ out of, and νέω to swim) to swirn out of; to escape, extricate, disengage ; to slip away, get off, withdraw, depart; to turn aside, deviate. 1 a. act. ind. εζένενσα. Εκνήφω, f. -ψω, p. εκνένηφα, (fr. εκ from, and νήφω to wake) to become sober, sleep off drink, awake sober ; to watch, wake, remain awake. 1 a. act. ind. εξένηψα. Εκνήχομαι, (fr. same, and νήχομαι to swim) to swim off or away, escape. Έκνηψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. εκ- νήφω to keep sober) watchful- ness, waking, absence of sleep ; rest, remission, cessation. Έκνηψον, -άτω, 2 pi. εκνήψατε, 1 a. impr. act. of εκνήφω. Εκνικάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. εκ intens. and νικάω to conquer) to vanquish, subdue, master ; to prevail, outreach, surpass, sur- mount. Έκνιζε, Dor. for έκνισε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Εκνίσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of κνίζω. Εκνίπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. εκ from, and νίπτω to wash) to wash out, rinse, cleanse, wipe off ; to purify. Εκνόμιος, and Έκνομος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and νόμος usage) un- usual, strange, unaccustomed, unused. Εκνομίως, (fr. last) unusually, strangely. Εκνοστέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. εκ from, and νοστέω to return) to return out of, come back from. par. 1 a. act. εκνοστήσας, η. du. εκνοσ- τήσαντε. Έκοίλάνα, 3 pi. Έ,κοΐλαναν, 1 a. ind. act. of κοιλαίνω. Εκοιμήθην, -ης, -η, 3 pi. -θησαν, pass. — Εκοιμησάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of κοιμάω. Εκοίμισα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of κοιμίζω. Εκοινώνησα, -ας, -ε or tv, 1 a. ind. act. of κοινών έω. Εκόλαζον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. — Εκ- λασα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of κολάζω. Εκολάφισα, -ας, -ε, 3 ρΐ. -σαν, 1 a. ind. act. of κόλα φίζω. Εκολοβώθην, -ης, -η, pass. — > Ε κο- λόβωσα, -ας, -ε, act. 1 a. ind. of κολοβόω. Εκόλωα, 3 sin. impf. act. cont. of κολωάω. Aa ΕΚΠ Εκόμιζον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. — Εκο- μιζόμ>ΐν,-ον, -ετο, impf. pass. — Εκόμιξαν, Dor. for εκόμισαν, 3 pi. I a. ind. act. — Εκόμισσεν, Poet, for εκόμισε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Εκομισάμην, -ω, -ατο, 3 pi. -αντο, 1 a. ind. mid. — Εκομίσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of κομίζω. Εκόμπασα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of κομπάζω. Έκονα, and κέκονα, Poet, for έκτο- va, per. ind. mid. of κτείνω. Εκόνισσεν, Poet, for εκόνισε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of κονίζω. Έκοντί and Έκόντην, (fr. εκών willing) of himself, freely, will- ingly, voluntarily, naturally ; for the sake of, on account of. Εκόπασα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of κοπάζω. Εκόπην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. pass. — Έκοπταν, in 3 sin. by Apos. Έκοπτ, impf. act. of κόπτω. Εκοπίασα, -ας, -ε or εν, 1 a. ind. act. of κοπιάω. Έκοπτον,-ες, -ε, act. — Εκόπτοντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of κόπτω. Εκοπώθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of κοπόω. Εκορέσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. — Εκορέσσατο, Poet, for εκορέ- σατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of κόρε ω . Εκόρνσσον, -ες, -ε or εν, impf. act. of κορύσσω. Εκόσμηθεν, Bosot. for εκοσμήθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass. — Εκόσμησα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -σαν, 1 a. ind. act. — Εκόσμονν, 1 sin. or 3 pi. cont. impf. act. of κοσμέω. Έκουσα, fern, of εκών. Έκονσιάζομαι, (fr. εκούσιος sponta- neous) to act, do or obey readily ; to offer or sacrifice willingly. Έκουσιασμος, -ov, b, (fr. same) a free-will offering. Εκούσιος, -ov, h, η, (fr. εκών (will- ing) spontaneous, natural, of it- self, willing , ready, voluntary, το εκούσιον, free-will, κατ 1 εκού- σιον, willingly. 'Εκουσίως, (fr. last) freely, readily, willingly. ΈκπαγΧ 1 for έκπαγλα or έκπαγλον, same as εκπάγλως. Εκπαγλεομαι -ονμαι, (fr. next) an Ion. and Poet, verb, same as εκπλήσσομαι, see εκπλήσσω. Έκπαγλος, -ου, b, ή, (by Metath. fr. εκπλήσσω to terrify) horrible, terrible, dreadful, frightful ; awful, stupendous ; vehement, violent, fierce, comp. εκπαγλότε- ρος, sup. -ότατος. Εκπαγλότατ for εκπαγλδτατε, V. sin. sup. of last. Εκπάγλως, (fr. same) horribly, terribly, dreadfully, frightfully ; exceedingly, extremely. Εκπαθης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. εκ from, and πάθος feeling) unhurt, uninjured, unaffected ; sound, whole, entire. Or (fr. εκ intens and same) easily or much af- fected, moved or touched; in censed, irritated. (185) ΕΚΠ Εκπαιδεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. εκ intens. and παιδεύω to educate) to edu- cate entirely, bring up, rear, train, instruct; to inculcate, in- form, impress. Εκπαιώάσσω, (fr. same, and παι- φάσσω to roll the eyes) to rave, rage, be furious ; to rush, run headlong, attack furiously. Έκπάλαι, (fr. same, and πάλαι for- merly) of old, long ago, in an- cient times, long since. Εκπαύω, f. -σω, (fr. same, and παύω to stop) to hinder ; to put an end to, finish. Εκπαύομαι, to cease, give over, leave (iff, desist ; to be quiet, rest, repose. Εκπειράζω and Εκπειράω -ώ, f. -ασω, p. εκπεπείρακα, (fr. same, and πειράζω or -άω to try) to at- tempt, essay, endeavour, try ; to prove, experience. 1 a. ind. act. εζεπείρασα. Εκπέμπω, f. - τ ω, (fr. εκ from, and πέμπω to send) to send off ex out, despatch; to convoy, conduct. 1 a. ind. act. εξέπεμψα, per. pass. εκπέπεμμαι, - τ αι, -πται. 1 a. pass. ind. εξεπέμφθην. Εκπεμφθεϊς, -ε?σα, -εν, η. pi. -β/». τες, par. 1 a. pass, of last. Εκπεπλήρωκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. of εκπληρόω. Εκπεπλήχθαι, per. inf. pass, of εκ- πλήσσω. Εκπεπόρνευκα, per. ind. act. of εκ- πορνεύω. Εκπεπότάσαι,Τ>θΥ. for εκπεπότησαι, 2 sin. per. ind. pass, of εκπο• τάομαι. Εκπεπταμένως, (fr. εκπεπταμένος, par. per. pass, of εκπέτομαι to fly abroad) loosely, disorderly, irregularly ; prodigally, profuse- ly, immoderately. Εκπέπτωκα, -ας, -ε or -εν, per. ind. act. — ΕκπεσεΤν, 2 a. inf. act Εκπέσητε, -σωσι, 2 and 3 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of εκπίπτω. Εκπεραιόω -5>, (fr. εκ from, and περαιόω to pass over) to lead, conduct or carry over, convey ; to go, pass or cross over. Εκπεράω -ω, f. -άσω, (fr. same, and περάω to pass over) to send or make pass over ; to convey or carry out or over; to go out, depart. ΕκπερΙικίζω, (fr. εκ intens. and πέροιξ a partridge) to entrap, de- ceive r beguile; to 'talk, disap- point, slip from, escape wilily. Εκ.πίψ6ω, f. εκπέρσω, (fr. same, and πέρθω to waste) to subvert, over- turn, ovei throw, destroy ; to lay waste, plunder. 1 f. ind. 3 pi. by Apos. εκπερσονσ'. 1 a. act. ind. εξέπερσα• sub. εκπέρσω, 3 pi. by Apos. εκπέρσω σ\ 2 a. ind. act. εξέπαρθον, by Metath. εξέ- πραθον. 2 f. ind. act. εκ.-*αρθω, by Metath. εκπραδώ. per. ind. mid. εκπέπορα. Εκπερ'ίρχομαι, f. -ελενσομαι, (ϊΛ same, περί about, and έρχομαι to go) to go round about, enmitm^ encompass. ΕΚΠ Τ^κπεριπορευομαι, f. -εύσομαι, (fr. same, and πορεύω to go) to pass over from, come from thence; to pass or come out through; to surround, go round about, sur- vey. Εκπερισσος, -η, -bv, (fr. same, and ■περισσός superfluous) quite su- perfluous, very abundant, exu- berant. Έκπέρσαι, 1 a. act, inf. — Εκπέρ- σαντ, for επέρσαντι, d. sin. or for εκπέρσαντα, a. sin. or neut. pi. of εκπέρσας, par. 1 a. act. of arrive, impf. act. εζέ-λεον -ovv, εκπέρθω "Έκπεσε, Ion. for ε£ε'πεσε, 5 sin. 2 a. act. ind. — Εκπέσω, 3 pi. E/c πέσωσι, sub. — Εκπεσεΐν, inf. — Έ,κπεσών, par. of εκπίπτω. Εκπενάνννμι, Εκπετάω -ω ονΕκπε- τάζω, f. εκπετάσω, (fr. εκ out, and πετάννυμι to spread) to pand, spread or stretch out, open ■wide, dilate, extend. Έ,κπέτομαι, (fr. same, and πέτομαι to fly) to fiy out or from, fly away. Έκπέτω, obs. see εκπίπτω. ΕκπέΦρασμαι, -σαι, -σται, per. ind. pass, οι εκφράζω. Έκπεώνκα, Lad. — Εκπεώυκώς, par. per. act. — Εκπέφυα, ind Εκ- πεφυώς, par. per. mid. in n. pi. fern. ΕκπεψννΙαε, οΐεκώνω. Εκπη'ϊάω -ώ, {fr. εκ from, and πη- δάω to spring) to leap, spring or start up or out of; to rush, go out hastily. 1 a. act. ind. εξεπή- δησα' par. εκπηδήσας. ΈκπηνιεΤται, Att. for εκπηνίσεται, 3 sin. 1 f. mid. of Εκπηνίζω, f. -ί'σω, (fr. εκ from, and πηνος a warp) to spin out; to extract, elicit, unravet 1 f. Att. εκπηνιω, -εΐς, -ε?. Εκπιέζω, f. -ίσω, ρ. εκπεπίεκα, (fr. same, and πιέζω to press) to squeeze or press out, express, ex- tract ; to bear, thrust or weigh, down ; to oppress. Έκπικραίνω, f. -ανω, p. εκπεπίκραγ» κα, fr. εκ intens. and πικραίνω, which see. Έκπίνω, f. -πώσω, p. εκπέπωκα, (fr. same, and πίνω to drink) /o drink up, swallow, drain; to drink to excess ; to soak, im- bibe. Εκπίπτει, 3 sin. — Εκπίπτοντες, η. pi. par. pres. act. of Εκπίπτω, f. -πτώσω, p. εκπέπτωκα, (fr. εκ from, and πίπτω to fall) to fall off, from or out of; to miss, lose, be thrust out or banished, be hurled, thrown or precipitated from ; to degenerate, fall off, grow worse, fail, fall avjay, cease, be abolished; to turn aside, be driven out of course ; to forget, drop, let slip; to escape, break out, burst forth, be uttered. 2 a. act. ind. εξέπεσον sub. εκπέσω, ης, -η, in 3 pi. εκπέσωσι. Εκπλαγείς, -εΊσα, -εν, par. 2 a. pass, of εκπλήσσω. Έκπλέθρον, -ου, rb, (fr. εκ intens. ΕΚΠ and more, above an acre. Adj. exceeding, exorbitant, excessive. Εκπλεθρίζω, (fr. last) to run the πλέθρον ; to exceed, surpass, go beyond bounds. Εκπλείον, Poet, for εκπλεου, g. of Έκπλεος, -a, -ov, (fr. εκ intens. and πλέος full) quite full, abun- dant, complete. Εκπλευσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of Εκπλε'ω, f. -εΰσω, (fr. εκ from, and πλέω to sail) to sail out or from ; to sail through, finish a voyage, -εες -εις, -εει -ει. 1 a. act. ind. εζεπλενσα' inf. εκπλευσαι. Έκπλεως, -ω, δ, ϊ], Att. for έκ- πλεος. Εκπληκτικός, -η, -bv, (fr. εκπλήσσω to terrify) striking, affecting, surprising; awful, severe; hor- rible, terrible, dreadful. Εκπληκτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) struck, amazed, astonished. Έκπληξις, -ιος, Att. -εωί, /;, (fr. same) astonishment, amazement, dread, consternation; fear, ter- ror, fright. Εκπληρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, (fr. εκ intens. and πληρόω to fill) to Jill up ; to fulfil, complete, accom- plish. 1 a. act. ind. εξεπλήρωσα. per. pass, εκπεπλήρωμαι. Εκπλ-'ρωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) a filling up ; completion, fulfilment, accomplishment, a. εκπλήρωσιν. Εκπλί : σσεο, Ion. for εκπλήσσου, pres. impr. pass, of Εκπλήσσω or -ττω, f. -ήζω, p. εκ- πίπληκα, (fr. εκ intens. and πλ ;σσω to strike) to beat or drive out, force out by blows, extract as it were by force ; to affect or move strongly, strike with sur- prise, astonish; to terrify, af- fright, scare, daunt, frighten. Εκπλήσσομαι, to wonder ; to fear, dread ; to be struck with sur- prise, &c. par. pres. pass, εκ- πλησσόμενος. Εκπλήττεσθαι, pres. inf. pass, of last. Έκπλοος -ους, -δον -ου, b, η, (fr. εκπλέω to sail out) an expedition ; setting out, proceeding on a voy- age, setting sail, weighing an- chor ; an encounter, charge in a sea fight. :πλύνω, f. -υνω, (fr. εκ from, and πλύνω to wash) to wash out, wash thoroughly. Εκπλώω, f. -ώσω, (fr. same, and πλω ω to sail) to sail forth, set sail, go abroad; to wander in mind, rave. 1 a. par. act. εκπλώ- σας. Έκπνενσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. next) a breath, breathing forth ; decease, death. Εκπνέω, f. -εΰσω, p. -ενκα, (fr. εκ forth, and πνέω to breathe) to breathe out, respire; to expire, die. Εκποδών, (fr. εκ from, and πους the foot)/ar, afar, far off. and πλίθρον an acre) an ααΈιΈ,κποιέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. εκ intens. (186) ΕΚΠ and ποιέω to make) to effect, complete; to suffice, be able or capable. Or, (fr. εκ from) to put out, from or away ? to alie- nate, transfer, make ove~ or give up to another ; to withdraw, re- move, convey away. Εκποίησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) a discharge, vent, emis- sion ; a transfer, alienation, re- moval. Εκποίητος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same* transferred, alienated, made over, adopted. Εκπολεμέω -ω, f. -ήσω, and Εκπο λεμόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. εκ intens. and πόλεμος war) to wage, pro voke or excite war; to conquer, vanquish, subdue ; to take by storm, cany by assault. Εκπολιορκέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same,' and πολιορκέω to besiege) to take by siege; to storm, carry by assault. Εκπονέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and πονέω to toil) to effect by di- ligence, bring anout, work out; to labour, take pains, endeavour ; to cultivate, practise, exercise, study ; to train or rear in hard- ship ; to endure, bear, suffei; undergo. Εκπορεύεται, -ονται, 3 sin. and pi. pres. ind. mid. of Εκπορεύω, f. -εΰσω, p. -ενκα, (fr. εκ from, and πορεύω to pass) to go firth with, bring, convey or conduct over. Εκπορεύομαι, to go from or away, depart, set out ; to go out of, land, disembark, pres. impr. mid. εκπορεύου, -έσθω. Εκπορθέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. εκ intens. and πορθέω to waste) to destroy, lay waste, ravage ; to pillage, plunder ; to take prisoner, carry away captive. Εκπορίζω, f. -ίσω, p. -ικα, (fr. same, and πορίζω to provide) to find out, invent, devise, discover ; to purchase, procure, gain, get, prepare, provide ; to supply, af- ford, yield. Εκπυρνεύσασαι, η. pi. fem. par. 1 a. act. of Εκπορνεύΐύ, f. -εύσω, p. -ενκα, (fr. same, and πορνεύω to fornicate) to commit gross lewdness, forni- cate habitually, prostitute. 1 a. act. ind. εξεπόρνενσα. Εκποτέομαι or Εκποτάομαι, (fr. εκ from, and. πέτομαι to fly) same as εκπέτομαι. Εκπράκτης, -ov, b, (fr. next) an exacter, tax gatherer, collector. Εκπράσσω or -ττω, f. -ξω, (fr. εκ intens. and πράσσω to do) to perfect, finish, complete; to ef- fect, gain, prevail ; to extort, de- mand ; to collect taxes. Εκπρεπης, -έος -ους, b, f/, (fr. same, an πρέπω to become) graceful, elegant ; excellent, remarkabh, conspicuous. Also, (fr. εκ from/ indecorous, unseemly, unbecom- ing. Εκπρίαμαι, (fr. εκ out, and πρίαμαι to buy) to buy out, purchase t £KP discharge ; to bribe, corrupt, pres. inf. mid. εκπρίασβαι. Εκπριόω -ω, (fr. same) to buy out, redeem. ; to buy off, bribe. Εκπρολείπω, f. -ψω, (fr. εκ from, jrpd before, and λίίπω lo leave) to leave totally, quit, forsake, abandon; to leave off" entirely. 2 a. act. ind. εκπροέλϊπον opt. ικπροΧίποιμι, -οις, -or par. εκ- προλιπών, η. pi. εκπρολιπύντες. Εκπροχέω, f. -εύσω, (fr. εκ from, and προχέω to pour forth) to pour out, empty, spill, shed ; to disembogue, discharge. Εκπτάω -ώ, (fr. same, and πτύω to fly) to fiy off, from or away ; to flu by, pass off quickly ; to es- cape. Εκπτοέω -ω, f. -ήσω, fr. εκ intens. and πτοέω, which see. Εκπτάω, (fr. same, and πτόω obs.) see εκπίπτω. Εκπτύω, f. -ύσω, p. εκπέπτνκα, (fr. εκ from, and πτύω to spit) to spit out; to jet, spout out; lo reject, refuse, slight ; to dislike, loathe, abhor. 1 a. act. ind. εξέπ- τνσα. Έκπτωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr εκπτόω, for εκπίπτω to fail) a falling off, failure, deem• , ca- lamity, misfortune, trouble, ad- versity, distress; expulsion, ba- nishment. Έκπτωτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) fallen, failed, decayed. Εκπυνθάνομαι, fr. εκ intens. and πυνθάνομαι, which see. Εκπυοόω -ω, ΐ.-ώσω, (fr. same, and πυρόω to burn) to set on fire, kindle, light up ; to inflame, ir~ r'it ue ; to bum out, burn awxy totally. Έκτιυστος, -ου, h, η, (fr. εκπυνθά- vouat to hear) heard, known; listened or attended to, regarded. Έκτ,ωμα^ -ατός, το, (fr. εκπίνω to dr. nk out of) a cup, bowl, glass or other drinking vessel. Εκρά.ινθεν, Boeot. for εκραάνθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. pass, of κραιαίνω. Έκράγα, per. ind. mid. — Έκραξα, 1 a. ind. act., of κράξω. Εκραγηναι, inf. — Εκραγείς, par. 2 a. pass, οίεκρήγνυμι • or of κράζω. Έκραζίν> impf. — Έκραξα, 1 a. ind. act. οϊκράζιΐ- Εκράηνα, Dor. K.V Ζίοήηνα, 1 a ind. act. of Kpuciv^ Εκράθην, by Sync, for εκεράϋηι 1 a. ind. pass, of κεράνυμι. Εκραίαινον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. — Εκραάνθην, -ης, -η, 1 a* ind. pass, of κραιαίνω. Εκραταιοντο, 3 sin. cont. impf. pass, of κραταιόω. K/Cj. ίτησα, 1 a. ind. act. — Εκρα- τουντο, 3 pi. cont. impf. pass, of κρατίω. Εκραύγασα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -σαν, 1 a. ind. act. of κραυγάζω. Εκρέμαδον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act, of κρεμάζω, same as κρεμάω. Εκρεμάμην, 2 sin. Έ,κρέμασο, Ion. Εκρέμαο and Att. Εκρέμω, impf. pasa» — Εκρψάσΰην, 1 a* ind. ΕΚΣ pass, of κρίμαμαι, same a» κρε- μάω, which see. Εκρέω, f. -εύσω, (fr. εκ out, and ρέω to flow) to run out, leak overflow ; to slip or slide away . to fall away, decay. Έκρηγμα, -άτος, το, (fr. next) a precipice, cliff crag ; a rut an obstacle, difficulty; a break- ing out or bursting Jorlh of wa- ter. Εκρήγνυμι, f. -ρήξω, (fr. εκ out, and ρήγνυμι to break) to break out, make a breach or opening; to break loose, escape ; to burst, fall asunder. Έ,κρήηνα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act- of κραιαίνω. Έκρηνα, Att. for ίκρανα, 1 a. ind. act. of κραίνω. Έκριγον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of κρϊζω. Εκριζόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. εξερρίζωκα (fr. εκ out, and ρίζα a root) to pluck up by the root, root out ; to eradicate, utterly destroy. 1 a. act. ind. εξερρίζωσα' impr. εκρί- ζωσον' sub. εκριζώσω. 1 a., pass, ind. εξερριζώθην. Εκριζώθητι, I a. impr. — Κκριζω- θήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. pass. — Εκριζωθέντα, neut. pi., par. 1 a. pass. — Εκριζώσητε, 2 pi. la.. sub. act. of last. Εκρίθην απο, Poet, for απεκρίθην, 1 a. ind. pass, of αποκρίνομαι. Εκρίθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass. — Έκρινα, 1 a. ind. act. — Εκρί- νατ', for εκρίνατο, 3 sin. of Εκρι- νάμην, 1 a. ind. mid. — Έκρι- ναν, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of κράω. Εκρίνοσαν, LXX. for έκριναν, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. act. of same. Εκοίπτω, f. - τ ω, (fr. εκ from, and ρίπτω to throw) to throw or fling away ; to abandon, cast off, turn out, ba?iish ; to reject. Έκριψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last ) a throwing out ; casting off, abandonment ; rejection. Εκροή, -ης, η, and Έκροος, -ου, b, (fr. εκρέω to leak) a discharge; a flowing or streaming out, leak. Εκρονσθην, pass. — Εκρουσάμην, 2 sin. Εκροΰσω, 1 a. ind. mid. of κρούω. Εκρύβην,-ης, -η, pass. — Έκρυβον, -ες, -ε, act. 2 a. ind. — Έκρυπ- τον, -ες, -ε, impf. ac& — Έκρυψα; Att. for κέκρυφα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. — Έκρυψα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of κρύπτω. Εκρυέω -ώ, f. -ρυήσω, ρ. εξερρύηκα, (fr. εκ out, and ρυέω to flow) to flow, run or stream out, leak; to flow away, escape. Έκρυσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, »/, (fr. same) a discharge, efflux, flow- ing or running out. Έκρυψα, 1 a. ind. act. of κρύπτω. Εκσαρκίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. εκ from, and σαρκίζω to strip the; flesh) to cut or tear off the flesh ; to cut in pieces, mangle ; to quar- ter. Εκσείω, (fr. same, and σείω to (167) EKT shake) to shake off, cast, off, re jeet, disdain, drive away. Εκσιφονίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. same, and σίψων a syphon) to empty by a syphon, pipe or cock ; to druin, exhaust. Εκσκέλλω, f. -ελώ, p. εξέσκληκα, (fr. same, and σκελλω to dry) to dry up, parch, scorch. Εκσκευάζω, f. -άαω, p. εξεσκεύακα, (fr. same, and σκευάζω to pre- pare) to pack up or prepare to go abroad; to export, carry out, con- vey away. Εκομάω -ώ, (fr. same, and σμάω to wipe) to wipe out, wash off, clean, purify. Εκσοβέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and συβέω to drve) to remove, turn or drive out, expel. Εκαπάω -ω, f. -άσω, (fr. same, and σπάω to draw) to draw, pluck, pull or root out ; to deli- ver, rescue. Εκσπερματίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. same, and σπιρματίζω to sow) to throw forth, bear or produce seed Εκσπονδος, -ου, b, ij, (fr. εκ from, and σπονδή a libation) not allied, unconnected, not united by treaty; faithless, treacherous, not to be bound by treaties; a stranger ; an enemy. Έκστάδιος,-ου, b, η, (fr. εξ six, and στάδιον a furlong) of six furlongs. Εκστασις, -ιος, Alt. -εω£, //, (fr. εξ- ίστημι to astonish) an testacy , rapture, distraction of mind ; wonder, admiration, astonish- ment, amazement, horror; a deep sleep, trance, d. εκστάσει. Εκστατικός, -η, -bv, (fr. last) amazed, astonished ; entranced, enraptured, inspired ; ecstatic, furious, distracted. Εκοτερεύω -ω, (fr. εκ intens. and ■jn -ερεόω to strengthen) to make very strong; to establish, con• flrm. Εκστέφω, f. -ψω, (fr. εκ intens. and στέψω, to crown) to put on a crown or garland, to crown. Or, (fr. εκ from) to strip or de- prive of a crown; to empiy^ ex.. haust, drain Εκστραγ -f ίζω, f. -'ϊσω, fr. same, and στραγγίζω, which see. Εκστρατεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same, and στρατεύω to serve in war) to go out to battle or on an expedi- tion ; to invade. Εκστρατοπεδεύω, ϊ.-εύσω, fr. same, and στρατοπεδεύω, which see. Εκστρέφω, f. -ψω, p. εξέστρεφα, (fr same, and στρέφω to turn) to turn inside out or upside down, invert; to overturn, overthrow, subvert ; to pervert, corruvt ; to change, alter, per. pass, εξέ- στραμμαι, -ψ at, -πται. Εκσυρίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. εκ out, and συρίξω to hiss) to hiss out or qff t explode. Εκσώζω, f. -σω, (fr. εκ intens. and σώ£ω to save) to preserve, rescue, deliver, release. Έκτα, Dor. for έκτη, S sin. of EKT Ύ.κτην, •ης, -η, 2 a. ind. act. of κτημι, same as κτείνω. Or, by Apoc. for έκτανε, 3 sin. of έκτά- νον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of κτείνω. Εκταγκα, Poet, for έκτακα, per. act. of same. Εκταδην, and Εκταοο ν, (fr. next) at length, stretched put. Εκτάδιος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. εκτείνω to stretch) stretched out, extended,. laid at length ; extensive, large. ΕκταθεΧς, -εισα, -εν, par. — Εκτα- θήναι, inf. 1 a. pass, of εκτείνω. Έκταθεν, and Έκτανθεν, Bceot. for εκτάθησαν, and εκτάνθησαν, 3 pi. of Εκτάθην or Εκτάνθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. — Έκτάκα, per. ind. act. — Έκταμαι or -αμμαι, per. ind. pass. — Εκτάνθαι, per. inf. pass. — Εκταμένος, and Poet. κταμένος, per. par. pass. — Έκ- τανον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of κτείνω. Εκτάμην, 2 a. ind. mid. of κτημι, same as κτείνω. Εκτάμησι, by Ion. Parag. for εκτά- μη, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. act. οΐεκτέμ- νω. Εκτάμνησι, by same, for εκτάμνη, 3 sin. pres. sub. of εκτάμνω, Dor. for εκτέμνω' or Poet, for εκτάμησι, see last. Εκταν, Bceot. for έκτασαν, Dor. for έκτησαν, 3 pi. οΐέκτην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. act. of κτημι, same as κτείνω. Or it is by Sync, for ίκτειναν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of same. Εκτανύω, and -νμι, f. -ύσω, same as εκτείνω. Έκταζις, -ως, Att. -εως, η, (fr. εκ- τάσσω to array) array, order of battle ; regularity, method, order. Εκτάραζις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. next) disturbance, trouble, dis- order, confusion. Εκταράσσω Οΐ-ττω, ί. -ζω, ρ. εκτε- τάραχα, (fr. εκ intens. and τα- ράσσω to disturb) to confuse, dis- order ; . to confound, distract, perplex. 1 a. ind. act. εζετάραζα. Έκτας, by Sync, for εκτείνας, par. 1 a. act. of κτείνω' or par. of έκτην, 2 a. act. of κτΤιμι, for same. Έκτασις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, η", '(fr. εκτείνω to stretch) erosion, length ; a lengthening, stretch- ing; a staff or rod. Εκτάσσω or -ττω, f. -ζω, (fr. εκ in- tens. and τάσσω to dispose) ίο array, marshal, set in order of battle; to enrol, levy; to regu- late, order, arrange ; to draw or line out. Εκτάμην, -ασο, -ατο, pper. pass, of κτείνω. Εκτάσω, Dor. for εκτήσω, 2 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of κτάομαι. Εκτεάται, and Εκτεατο, Ion. for έκτηνται, and έκτηντο, 3 pi. of ίκτημαι, and εκτήμην, Ion. or Att. for κίκτημαι, per. ind pass, and εκεκτήμην, pper. pass of κτάομαι. Εατώέίζ^ -»Satty -ΐν> a* sin. and EKT neut. pi. Εκτεθέντα, par. 1 a. pass, of εκτίθημι. Εκτεβ ραμμένος, par. per. pass, of εκτρέφω. Εκτείνας, -ασα, -αν, par. — Έκτει- νον, -άτω, impr. ί a. act. of εκτείνω. Εκτείνας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. — Έκτεινον, -ες, -ε, impf. — Εκ- τείνειν, inf. — Εκτείνει?, ind. pres. 2 sin. of εκτείνω. Εκτείνω, f. -ενώ, ρ. εκτέτακα, (fr. εκ from, and τείνω to stretch) to extend, stretch out, continue, lengthen, enlarge ; to draw forth, produce. Εκτελέοιτ ', for εκτελέοιτε, 2 pi. pres. opt. act. — Εκτέλεσα»?, JEo\. for εκτελήσας, par. 1 a. act. of εκτελέω. Εκτελευτάσει, Dor. for εκτελευτή- σει, 3 sin. 1 f. act. of Εκτελευτάω -ω, f. -ήσω, fr. εκ in- tens. and τελευτάω, which see. Εκτελε'ω -ώ, f. -εσω, p. εκτετέλεκα, (fr. same, and τελε'ω to finish) to complete, perfect, end, finish, bring to a conclusion ; to accom- plish, fulfil ; to draw out, spend or pass time. 1 a. act. ind. εζε- τέλεσα• sub. εκτελέσω' inf. εκτε- λέσαι. Εκτελί)?, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and τέλος the end) perfect, finish- ed, ended, complete ; ripe ; full- grown. Εκτέμνω, f. -εμώ, p. εκτέτμηκα, (fr. εκ out, and τέμνω to cut) to cut out or off, prune, lop ; to ampu- tate, maim, castrate. 2 a. ind. act. εζέτάμον. Εκτενεία, -ας, η, (fr. εκτείνω to ex- tend) perpetuity, continuance, duration. Εκτενέστερον, (neut.* of comp. of next) more intensely, more ear- nestly, more diligently. Εκτενής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same) intense, intent, attentive, assidu- ous, diligent, industrious; care- ful, watchful, awake; constant, continual, perpetual, perennial. a. sin. cont. εκτενή. Comp, εκτενέστερος, sup. -έστατυς. Εκτενω, -εϊς, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of εκτείνω. Εκτενώς, (fr. εκτενής, intense) greatly, exceedingly ; vehement• ly, earnestly , eagerly , attentively diligently ; largely, liberally; in full, prolixly, tediously. Εκτέος, -a, -ov, (fr. έχω to have) to be held, kept, must be retained, must hold. "Εκτη, fern, of 'έκτος. Εκτήκω, f. -ζω, (fr. εκ intens. and τήκω to melt) to melt away, waste, consume, pine. Έκτημαι, -σαι, -ται, Εκτησθαι, Εκ- τημένος, Ion. or Att. for κέκτημαι, ind. κεκτησθαι, inf. and κεκτημέ- νος, par. per. pass, οι κτάομαι. Έκτην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. act. of κτημι, same as κτείνω. Or, 2 a. ind. pass, οι κτάομαι. Εκτησάμην, -ω, -ατο, 3 pi. εκτή- travro, 1 a. ind. mid. of κτάομαι. (188) EKT Εκτίθημι, f. εκθήσω, p. εκτέθεικα, (fr. εκ out, and τίθημι to put) ta put out, expose, abandon ; to set forth, show, declare, expound, ex- plain. Έκτίκη, -ης, η, (fem. of next) a hectic fever. Έκτϊκος, -ή, -bv, (fr. έχω to have) habitual, constitutional; custom- ary } usual; subject to a hectic fe- ver. Εκτίκτω, 1 f. mid. -τέζομαι, (fr. εκ forth, and τίκτω to produce) to bear, breed, bring forth; to produce, put forth, utter, pub- lish. Εκτίλλω,ί. -ίλω, p. εκτέτιλκα, (fr. same, and τίλλω to pluck) to pluck up or out ; to root out, eradicate. Εκτιμάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. εκ intens. and τιμάω to honour) to honour or esteem highly ; to respect, re- vere, worship. 'Εκτ'ιμος, -ov, Ό, η", (fr. εκ from, and τψη honour) unhonoured, not esteemed, little valued, indif- ferent. Εκτιναγμος, -ου, b, (fr. next) α shaking off or out, evacuation. Εκτιναζάμενος, -η, -ov, par. — Εκ- τίναξα - 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. of Εκτινάσσω, f. -ζω, (fr. εκ from, and τινάσσω to shake) to shake from or off, brush away ; to dash or strike out. 1 a. act. ind. εζετί- ναζα' impr. εκτίναζον, -άτω, 2 pi. εκτίνά^ατε. 1 a. mid. ind. εζετι- ναζάμην. ΕκτΓννύω and -νννμι, (fr. εκ intens. and τιννύω to pay for) same as Εκτίνω, (fr. same, and τίνω to pu- nish) to pay, fulfil, discharge; to suffer, pay for, expiate, atone. Έκτισα, -ας, -ε or -εν, act. — Εκ- τίσθην, -ης, -?7,pass. 1 a. ind. — Έκτισμαι, -σαι, -σται, per. ind. pass, of κτίζω. Έκτισις, -ιος, Att. -εως, if, (fr. εκ- τίω to punish) a discharge, pay- ment ; expiation, atonement, fine, penalty. Έκτισμα, -άτος, το, (fr. same) α fine, mulct, sentence, decree. Εκτιτρώσκω,ΐ. εκτρώσω, p. εκτέτρω- κα, (fr. εκ out, and τιτρώσκω to wound) to miscarry, have an abortion ; to cause abortion, per. ind. pass, εκτέτρωμαι. Εκτίω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. εκ intens. and τίω to punish) to punish severe- ly, chastise ; to pay for, suffer, expiate, atone; to compensate, recompense ; to pay up, pay in full, discharge. Έκτοθεν, Έκτοΰι, for έκτοσθεν and έκτοσθι. Εκτοκίζω, f. -Υσω, Att. -ιώ, (fr. ε* from, and τόκος interest) to lend on interest, practise usury. Εκτολμάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. εκ in- tens. and τολμάω, which see) 1 a. par. act. εκτολμήσας. Εκτολυτιεύω,ί. -εΰσω,(ίτ. same, and τΌλνιτΐύω to wind into a ball) to ΕΚΤ flnish, complete, crown, wind up, bring to a conclusion. 1 a. par. act. εκτοΧνπεύσας. Έκτομη, -ης, ft, (fr. εκτέμνω to cut out) a cutting out; ruin, de- struction, waste. Έκτομίας, Ion. Έκτομίης and Έκτο- μος, -ου, b, >), (fr. same) cut out or. off, amputated, maimed, cas- trated. Εκτομϊς, -ίδος, η, (fr. same) a cut, piece, part ; a divider, sharer or carver. Adj. keen, cutting. Έκτονα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of κτείνω. Εκτοξεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. εκ from, and τοξεύω to shoot) to shoot away, empty the quiver ; to ex- haust, drain ; to bolt or dart out. Εκτοπίζω, f. -Έσω, (fr. fame, and τόπος place) to put out of the place, remove; to change place, travel, go abroad. Έκτόπ'ίος, -ov, b, ft, (fr• last) α foreigner, stranger, alien ) ex- tern. Έκτοπος, -ov, b, ft, (fr. same) out of place, strange, unusual, extra- ordinary. Έκτόπως, (fr. last) extravagantly, wildly, strangely. Έκτορ" 1 for Έκτορα, a. of Έκτωρ. Έκτορίδης, -ov, b, (fr. same) the son of Hector. Έκτορνενω, f. -εύσω, (fr. εκ intens. and τορνεύω to turn) to turn in a lathe ; to form, shape, mould. Έκτος, -η, -ov, (fr. εξ six) the sixth. Έκτος, (fr. εκ from) outwardly, without; beside, except. To έκ- τος, the outside. Έκτος, ει μη, ex- cept that, unless. Έκτοσθε and Έκτοσθεν and -θι, (fr. last) outside, outwardly, with- out. Έκτοτε or Έκτοσε, (fr. same) with- out, outside. Έκτοτε, (fr. εκ from, and τότε then) from that time, from thence. Έκτράπεζος, -ov, b, ft, (fr. εκ from, and τράπεζα a table) put away or turned from the table, unfit ox- forbidden to be eaten. ΈκτραπέΎοισι, d. pi. Ion. of Έκτράπελος, -ov, b, η, (fr. εκ from, and τρέπω to turn) awkward, uncouth, ugly; hateful, odious, unlucky, ill-omened. Εκτραπώ, η}ς χ -Γ/, 2 a. sub. pass. — Εκτραπήσομαι, -η, -εται, 3 pi. -σονται, 2 f. ind. pass, of εκτρέ- πω. Εκτραχηλίζω, f. -"σω, (fr. εκ from, and τραγηλίζω to fling by the neck) to fling or throw off, un- horse ; to break or dislocate the neck. Εκτρέπω, f. -ψ ω , (fr. same, and τρέπω to turn) to turn, wrest, pervert ; to mislead, seduce. Εκ- τρέπομαι, to turn from, avoid., shun; to turn off, aside or out of the way; to digress, par. pres. pass, εκτρϊπόμενος, 2 a. ind. ΕΚΪ act. εξέτραπον' pass, εξετράπην. 2 f. ind. pass, εκτραπήσομαι. Εκτρέφει, S sin. ind. — Έκτρέφετε,2 pi. impr. pres. act. of Εκτρέφω, f. -ψω, (fr. εκ intens. and τρέφω to rear) to nourish, main- tain, support ; to bring up, rear, educate. Εκτρέχω, f. εκθρέξω, (fr. εκ from, and τρέχω to run) to run out, rush, sally forth. 2 a. act. ind. εξέδραμον inf. εκδραμεϊν. Εκτρίβω, f. -ψω, (fr. εκ intens. and τρίβω to rub) to chafe, fret or wear away; to sharpen, whet; to wear out, waste, spend mise- rably ; to erase, obliterate ; to strike out, excite. 1 a. inf. act. εκτρίψαι• 2 f. ind. pass, εκτριβή- σομαι. Έκτριψις, -ως, Att. -εω?, ft, (fr. last) erasure, obliteration, de- struction; wear, waste; misery, affliction. Εκτροπή, -ης, η, (fr. εκτρέπω to turn aside) a departure, digression ; a turning off, by-path, lane. Έκτροπος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) turned aside, perverted, depraved, immoral, ill conducted ; disa- greeing, different, discordant. Εκτροφή, -ης, η, (fr. εκτρέφω to rear) yiourishment, maintenance, education. Έκτρνγάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. εκ in- tens. and τρνγάω to harvest) to gather fruits, grain, &c. ; to bring in harvest or' vintage. Εκτρνφάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and τρνφάω to pamper) to in- dulge, riot, live luxuriously. Εκτρώγω, f. mid. -ξομαι, (fr. same, and τρώγω to gnaw) to eat away, consume, corrode. Έκτρωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. εκτιτρώσ- κω to miscarry) an abortion, mis- carriage, d. εκτρώματι. Έκτρωμι, same as εκτιτρώσκω. Έκτυπον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of κτνπέω. Έκτνπος, -ov, b, η, (fr. next) im- pressed, stamped ; express, ex- actly like, resembling, copied. Εκτνπόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. εκ from, and τνπόω to stamp) to imprint, impress, stamp, express ; to copy, represent, portray ; to make, form, fashion, moidd, shape. Εκτύπωμα, -άτος, το, and Εκτύπω- σις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) a stamp, impression, copy ; a re- semblance, likeness; a carving, sculpture. Έκτνφλόω -ω, f. -ώσω, fr. εκ intens. and τνφλόω, which see ΕκτύφΧωσις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, η, (fr. last) a blinding, deprivation of sight ; blindness. "Εκτωρ, -ορός, ο, Hector, the son of Priam. Έκνδάσσαω, Ion. and Poet, for εκνδάσω, 2 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of κνδάζω. ΈκύκΧωσα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -σαν, 1 a. ind. act. of κνκλόω. Εκυλίετο, 3 sin. impf. pass, of κυλίω. Έκνόα,-ας, andlon. 'Ekvoyj, -ης, (1S9) ΕΚΦ a husband's mother, mother-in* law. "Εκυρος, -ov, b, a husband's father y father-in-law. Εκνρσα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. έκνρσαν, 1 a. ind. act. of κνρω. Έκνρώθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, οι κνρόω. Εκνψα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of κύπτω. Εκφαίνω, f. -άνω, ρ. εκπέφαγκα, (fr. εκ out, and φαίνω to snow) to produce, put forth,' spin out, make manifest; to publish, de- clare, divulge. Έκφα'ινομαι, to show or declare one's self, ap- pear clearly. Έκφανεν, Poet, and Bosot. for εξε- φάνησαν, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. pass, of last. Εκφανης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same) very clear, bright, evident, mani- fest. Εκφανλίζω and Εκφανρίζω, f. -Υσω, (fr. εκ intens. and φαυλίζω to disesteem, th. φαύλος vile) to con- temn, slight, disregard, despise, reject ; to debase, undervalue, un- derrate. Εκφερέμεν, Ion. for Έκφέρειν, pres. inf. act. — Εκφερουσα, fern. par. pres. act. of Εκφέρω, f. εξοίσω, (fr. εκ out, and φέρω to carry) to bring, take or carry out or forth ; to utter, ex- press, publish, declare; to blab, divulge ; to run away with, carry off; to transport, ravish, delight ; to exceed, run out of bounds ; to bury, inter. 1 a. act. ind. εξή- νεγκα' impr. εξένεγκον par. εξε- νέγκας. 2 a. act. ind. εξήνεγκον' inf. εξενεγκέϊν. Εκφεύγω, f. -ξω, (fr. same, and φεύγω to fly) to fly ox flee away, escape; to shun, avoid; to flow on, pass by or away ; to fall or drop from. 2 a. act. ind. εξέφν- γον sub. εκφύγω. 1 f. mid. εκφεν- ξομαι,-η, -εται, in 1 pi. εκφενξό- μεθα' and εκφενξονμαι, -ή,-είται. per. mid. εκπέφνγα. Εκφοβέω -ω, f. -ήσω, ρ. εκπεφόβη- κα, (fr. εκ intens. and φοβέω to terrify) to put in great fear, af- fright, frighten, scare, intimi- date. Έκφοβέομαι -ονμαι,Ιο fear, dread, shun. 1 a. ind. act. εξε- φόβησα. Έκφοβος, -ov, b, η, (fr. last) terri- fied, frightened, affrighted; alarmed., troubled, astonished. Εκφορά, -ας, ft, (fr. εκφορέω to carry out) a carrying out, exportation; transportation; a burial; publi- cation, declaration ; speed, impe- tuosity. Εκφορέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. εκ out, and φ ορέ ω to carry) to carry out, ex- port ; to throw or cast out; to bury. Έκφόριον,-ον, το, (fr. last) product, produce, fruits, grain. Έκφορος, -ov, Ό, ft, (fr. same) ex- ported, carried out, put forth ; published, divulged, -proclaimed ; struck, smitten, moved, carried or hurried away, frantic. ΕΚΧ %κφράζω, f. -σω, ρ. -κα, (fr. εκ in tens, and φράζω to speak) to speak out, declare plainly; to deliver , speak eloquently ; to nar- rate, relate at length; to repeat, rehearse, discourse, par. pres. act. εκφράζων. 2 a. hid. act. ε£ε'- φράδον. par. pres. pass, εκφραζό- μενος, per. mid. εκπέφραδα. Έκφρασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ι), (fr. last) a speaking out, declara- tion, acknowledgment ; a descrip- tion. Έκφραστεος, -a, -or, (fr. same) to be declared, ought to be ac- knowledged, &c. Εκφρείω, Ion. for εκφέρω. Εκφροντίζω, f. -Ίσω, (fr. εκ intens. and φροντίζω to care) to ponder, revolve, consider, think seriously , Or, (fr. εκ from) to disregard, slight, neglect. Έκφύγε, Ion. for εζέφνγε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. — Εκφυγεΐν, inf. — Εκφύγωσι, 3 pi. sub. 2 a. act. of εκφεύγω. Εκφνρω, to befoul, defile, pollute, debauch. Έκφνσάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. εκ out, and φυσάω to blow) to blow up, fili with air; to puff, pant, breathe heavily, snore, pres. inf. act. εκφϋσάειν -αν. Έκφνω, -ης, -η, pres. sub. act. of Εκφύω or -νμι, f. -νσω, p. εκττέφυ- κα, (fr. εκ out, and φύω or φΰμι to grow) to grow up, from or out of, be born of or descended from ; to shoot, bud; to bear, produce, put or bring forth. 2 a. ind. act. εζέφνν,-νς, -υ. Εκφωνέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and φωνέω to utter) to exclaim, cry out; to call upon, call forth; to pronounce, letter, declare, ex- press. ΈχφΑνησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. last) an exclamation, outcry, calling upon, invocation ; pro- nunciation, utterance, delivery ; a sentence; an oracuhr re- sponse. Εκχαίνω, f. -άνω, (fr. εκ intens. and χαίνω to gape) to gape at or upon. Κκχίω, f. -εύσω, (fr. εκ from, and χέω to pour) to pour out, empty, drain; to spill, shed. 1 a. act. ind. εζίχενσα, εξέχεναΆπάεξέχεα. impr. έκχεον, -άτω, in 2 pi. εκ- χέατε' inf. εκχέαι. £ f. act. εκ- χεώ. impf. pass, εξεχεό/^ν -ού- μην, -ίου -ου,-έετο -εϊτο. Εκχλενάζω, f. -άσω, fr. εκ intens. and χλευάζω, which see. Εκχράω -ω, Ι. -ήσω, (fr. same, and χράω to lend) to suffice, supply, satisfy, answer, serve, be useful for. 1 f. 3 sin. εκχρήσει' pres. inf. act. εκχράειν-αν. Έκχννόμενος, •η, -ov, par. pres. pass. — Εκχυθήσεται, 3 sm. 1 f. pass. — Έκχυντο, Ion. fot ε^εκε- χυντο, 3 pi. pper. pass, of εκχύω. Εκχυσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ι), (fr. next) effusion, pouring out, waste, spitting) skeddmg. ΕΛΑ Έ,κχνω and Εκχύνω,ΐ. -νσω, p. εκ- κέχνκα, (fr. εκ out, and χνω to pour) to pour out or upon; to spill, shed; to gush out, run or rush violently. 1 a. ind. act. εξέ- χυσα. pres. ind. pass, εκχύνομαι. per. pass, εκκίχυμαι. pper. εξε- κεχύμην. 1 a. pass. ind. εξεχν- θην par. εκχυθεί?. 1 f. pass. εκχυθήσομαι. Εκχωρείτωσαν, 3 pi. cont. pres. impr. act. of Εκχωρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. εκκεχώρη- κα, (fr. εκ from, and χωρέω to go) ίο withdraw, depart, go away, quit, leave ; to give place, yield, retire. 1 a. ind. act. εξεχώρησα. Εκχωρίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. same, and χωρίζω to separate) to separate from, divide, sever ; to depart, go away from. Εκφύχω, f. -ξω, p. εξέψνχα, (fr. same, and ψύχω to breathe) to breathe forth, expire, die; to cool. 1 a. ind. act. εξέψνξα. Εκώλϋσα, -ας, -ε or -εν, pi. -σαμεν, -σατε, 1 a. ind. act. of κωλύω. 'Εκών, -ούσα, -bv, willing, volunta- ry, spontaneous. Έκων, Dor. for είκων, par. pres. act. οϊείκω. Ελάα, -ας, η, (fr. ελαία the olive tree) the olive fruit. Ελάα, Poet, for ελρ, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. — Ελάαν, Poet, for ελαν, pres. inf. act. cont. of ελάω. Ελάασκον, -ες, -ε, Poet, for ήλασ- κον, impf. of ελάσκω. Έλάβον, -ες, -ε, 2 ρΐ. -βετε, 2 a, ind. act. of λαμβάνω. Ελάβοσαν, Bosot. for έλαβον, 3 pi of last. Ελαθεϊί, par. of ηλάθην, 1 a. pass of ελαύνω. Έλάθον, -ες, -ε, act. — Ελαθόμην mid. 2 a. ind. of λανθάνω. Ελαια, -ας, η, the olive-tree and fruit. Ελάϊνος, and Poet. Ελαινεος, -ov b, ή, (fr. last) olive, of olive. Ελαιολογέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same and λέγω to gather) to gather olives. Ελαίον. -ov,rb, (fr. same) olive-oil, oil. Ελαίων, -ωνος, b, (fr. same) c p-.antation of olives, an olive- yard. Elaion, a mountain near Jerusalem where there were olive gardens ; sometimes called Olivet, from the Lat. olivetum, an olive-yard. Ελάκησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — Έλάκον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of λακέω. Ελάλει, 3 sin. cont. impf. — Ελά- λησα, -ας, -ε or εν, 3 pi. -σαν, 1 a. ind. act. of λαλέω. ΕλαμΊτης, -ου, b, Heb. an Elamite, one of Elam. Έλαμψα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of λάμπω. Έλάνη, -ης, -η, (fr. 'έλη brightness) a brand, torch. Ελασ, for ε'λασε, Ion. for ήλασε, 3 sin. — Έλασαν, Ιση, for ήλαχταν, (190) ΕΛΑ 3 pi. 1 a. act. ind. ; opt. Ελώ• σαιμι, and -/, (perhaps fr. έλος a marsh) a bird frequenting marshy places. ΕλεγεΊον, -ου, το, (fr. έλεγος la- mentation) an elegy ; a funeral song, dirge. Ελεγκτικός, -η, -dv, (fr. ελέγχω to reprove) blaming, censuring, censorious,• reproving ; shrewd, acute, convincing. Ελεγκτός, -η, -υν, (fr. same) re- prehensible, blameable, culpable, faulty. Ελεγμός, -ov, b, (fr. same) blame, censure, reproof ; argument, con viction, confutation, detection. Έλεγξον, -άτω, in 3 pi. ελεγξάτω- σαν, 1 a. impr. act. — - Ελέγξω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. — Ελέγξω, -ης, -η 1 a. sub. act. of ελέγχω. Έλεγξις, -ως, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) argument, proof, demon- stration; confutation, refutation, conviction, detection, a. έλεγξιν. Έλεγον, -ες, -ε, 2 pi. -γετε, 2 a. ind. act. of λέγω. Ελεγοποίος, -ου, b, (fr. next, and ποιέω to make) a composer of elegies, on elegiac poet. Έλεγος, -υν, b, (perhaps fr. ελεεω to pity) lamentation, wailing, grief, sorrow, mourning; an elegy. Ελεγχε, -χετε, 2 sin. and pi. impr. — Ελέγχει, 3 sin. ind. — Ελέγ- χειν, inf. pres. act. — Ελέγχεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass. — Ελεγ- χθώ, -ης, -fj, 1 a. sub. pass. — Ελεγχόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of ελέγχω. Ελεγχείη, -ης, η, (fr. ελέγχω to re- prove) a disgrace, shameful or dishonest act ; contumely, re- proach, shame. Ελεγχης, -έος -ονς, b, η, (fr. same) blameable, reprehensible, culpable, faulty ; shameful, disgraceful. Sup. ελέγχιστος. Ελεγχος, -εος -ονς, το, (fr. ελέγχω to reprove) a disgrace, shame, scandal; a wicked action, crime; meanness, baseness, depravity ; rebuke, blame. Ελεγχος, -ου, b, (fr. same) argu- ment, demonstration ; refutation, conviction; a proof , test. Ελέγχω, f. -ξω, ρ.'τ}λεγχα, ioprove, demonstrate, convince; to re- fute, disprove, convict; to dis- cover, expose, show, make ap- pear ; to reprove, rebuke; to charge, accuse ; to slight, under- value. 1 a. act. ind. ήλεγξα• impr. ίλεγξον, -άτω, per. pass. ήλεγμαι. 1 a. pass. ind. ηλέγχ- θην sub. ελεγχθώ. (191) ΕΛΕ Ελεδέμνας, (fr. ελω for αίρίω to take, and δέμνιον a bed) rousing from bed, terrrible, dreadful. Ελεδώνη, -ης, η, a species of the polypus fish. Ελεε?, 3 sin. — Ελεείτε, 2 pi. cont. pres. ind. — ΕλεεΓν, pres. inf. cont. act. ind. of ελεε'ω. 'Ελεεί ν, Ion. for i^tV,2a. inf. act. of α'ιρέω. Ελεεινός, -η, -bv, (fr. έλεος pity) pitiable, piteous ; miserable, ur>-eiched, lamentable. Comp. ελεεινότερος. Ελεε'ω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ηλέηκα, (fr. same) to have or take pity on, compassionate, commiserate ; to show mercy, be merciful. Ελεέο- μαι -ονμαι, to obtain pity or mer- cy, find favour, i a. act. ind. ηλέησα' impr. ελέησαν sub. ελεή- σω - inf. ελεησαί. per. pass, ind. ηλέημαι' par. ηλεημένος. 1 a., pass. ind. ηλεήθην sub. ελεηθώ , par. ελεηθείς. 1 f. pass, ελεηθή σομαι. Ελεήμων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. last) mer- ciful, pitiful, compassionate, n. pi. ελεήμονες. Ελεημοσύνη, -ης, η, (fr. last) pity^ compassion ; charity, alms. Ελέησε, Ion. for ηλέησε, 3 sin. of ηλέησα. — Ελεησαι, inf. — Ελέη- σον, impr. — Ελεήσω, -ης, -ρ sub. 1 a. act. of ελεέω. Ελεητικός, -rj, -ov, (fr. ελεεω to pity ι pitiful, compassiona e, merciful. Ελεητνς, -νος,η, Poet. (fr. same) commiseration, pity, compassion, mercy. Ελείθυια, -ας, ^same as Ειλείθνια. ΈλεΊν, inf. of εϊλον, 2 a. act. of al- ρέω. Έλειος, -ov y b, (fr. 'έλος a swamp) a dormouse ; a squirrel ; a kind of hawk. Also b, η, marshy. Ελεί•φασκον, Ion. for έλειψα, 1 a. ind. act. of λείττω. Έλεκτο, Poet, for ελέλεκτο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of λέγω. Ελελεΐι, a war shout. ΕλελίΊθεε, Ion. for ελελήθει, 3 sin. pper. mid. — Ελελ^θεσαν, Att. for ελελήθεισαν, 3 pi. pper. mid. of λανθάνω. Ελέλιζεν, impf. Ion. of Ελελίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. είλεω to turn) same as ελελίσσω,ίο writhe, twist ; to turn, roll, tumble ; to shake, shatter, beat, drive off. Also Ελελί^ω, to cry ελελευ, shout, howl; to groan, mourn, bewail. Ελίλικτο, Ion. for ηλέλικτο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of last. Or for ελήλικτο, Att. for ηλικτο, S sin. pper. pass, of ελίσσω. Ελελίξαις, iEol. for ελελίξας, par. 1 .. act. of ελελίζω. Ελε'λίξεί', Ion. for ηλίλιξεν or ειλί- λιξεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of Ελελίσσω or -ττω, f. -ξω, p. -χα, (fr. ίλίσσω to roll) to roll about, coil, entwine ; to whirl, brandish , to shake, quiver ; to wheel, turn ) face about. Ελελίχθεν, Bceot. for ελελίχθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of last. ΕΛΕ Ελελόγχειν, -εις, -ει, pper. mid. of λαγχάνω. Ελελοίπεσαν, Att. for ελελοίπεισαν, 3 pi. pper. mid. of λείπω. Έλεν, Ion. for εΐλεν, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of αιρέω. Ελένη, -ης, Dor. Έλένα, -α?, ^, Helene, a woman's name, Eng. Helen; a vessel of any kind. Ελένη or Ελάνη, -ης, ι), a lamp, light, torch, brand. Έλένιον, -ου, το, (fr. Έλε'ν?? Helen) a festival in remembrance of Helen ; an herb feigned to have sprung from her tears. Έλεξάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of λέγω. Ελεόθρεπτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. 'έλος a marsh, and τρέφω to rear) rear• ed, bred or inhabiting marshes. ΕλεοΤσί, Ion. for ελεοΊς, d. pi. of ελεός. Ελεδν, (by Sync, ΐοΐελεεινον, neut, of ελεεινοί wretched) sadly, mise- rably, wretchedly. Έλεος, -ου, b, and -έεος -ους, το pity, commiseration, compassion, fellow-feeling ; mercy ; grief, sorrow, d. sin. cont. ελεεΤ. Ελεδ?, -ov, b, and Ελεδν, -ου, το, a cook's table, kitchen table ; a ta- ble, counter or board, tray. Έλεοϋντος, g. cont. par. pres. act. of ελεέω. ΕλέπΈνα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of λεπί^ω. Έλε7τολίί, and Έλέπτολις, -ιος, η, (fr. έ'λω obs. to take, Άηάπόλις a citv) a machine for assaulting a town, battering ram, &c. ; a sub- duer of cities. Έλέσθαι, inf. — Έλεσθε, 2 pi. and Έλε'σθω, 3 sin. impr. 2 a. mid. of αιρέω. Έλέτην, Ion. for εϊλέτην, 2 du. 2 a. ind. act. — "Ελετο, Ion. for εί'λε- to, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. mid. (fr. ελω obs.) of α'ιρέω. Έλετος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) that may be taken. "Ελευ, Dor. for ελου, 2 a. impr. mid. of αιρέω. Ελευθερία, -ας, η, (fr. ελεύθερος free) liberty, freedom, indepen- dence ; a free state or government; boldness, frankness. Κλευθεριάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. last) to take liberties, be free with, act with freedom. Ελευθέριος, and ΕλευθεραΊος, -ου, b, (fr. same) the deliverer, an epithet of Jupiter. Ελευθέριος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) libe- ral, ingenuous, genteel, well-bred. Ελευθερωτής, -ητος, η, (fr. same) liberality, ingenuousness, can- dour ; generosity ; gentility, ele- gance, gracefulness, ease, free- dom. Ελεύθερος, -αυ, b, η, (fr. ελευθω, obs. to go) free, independent; freeborn, not a slave, liberal, in- genuous. Ελεύθερος, -ου, b, a freeman, citizen. Ελευθέρα, -ας, ή . a freewoman. Κλευθεροΰντας, a. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of ΕΛΗ Ελευθερόω -δ, f. -ώσω, p. ηλευθέρω- κα, (fr. ελεύθερος free) to loose, set free, deliver, release, ransom ; to givefreedom, enfranchise, free. 1 a. act. ind. ηλευθέρωσα• sub. ελευθερώσω, per. pass. ?}λευθέρω- μαι. 1 a. pass. ind. ηλευθερώθην. Ελευθερωθήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. pass. — Ελευθερωθεί?, -εϊσα, -εν, η. pi. -θεντες, par. la. pass. — Ελευθερώσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. a. sub. act. but -οώ ρωσω, -ης, -η, of last. Ελευθέρω?, and Ελ-ευθερίω?, (fr. same) freely, frankly, ingenu- ously, genteelly, liberally. Ελευθέρωσις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, η, (fr. same) deliverance, release, re- demption. Ελευθερωτής, -ου, Ό, (fr. same) a deliverer, redeemer, preserver. Ελευθηρος or Ελευθηρ, -ηρος, η, a city of Boeotia. Ελευθω, f. -σω, to come, go. obs. but some of its tenses are used by έρχομαι, which see. Ελευθω, -όος -ους, η, Ijucina, an epithet of Juno and Diana, see Ειλείθυια. Έλευσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. ελευθω, obs. to come) a coming, arrival, approach, advent; a town in Attica. Ελεύσομαι, -η, -εται, ind. — Ελευ- σόμενος, par. 1 f. mid. of ελευθω, see έρχομαι. Ελεφαίρω, to catch, entrap ; to de- ceive, beguile ; to wrong, injure, hurt. impf. mid. 3 sin. ελεφ αι- ρετό. Ελεφαντάρχης, -ου, b, (fr. ελέφας an elephant, and άρχω to com- mand) the captain of those who fought on elephants, commander of the elephants. Ελεφάντειος, -oυ,b,η, ΕλεφαντΥκος and Ελεφαντίνος, -η, bv, (fr, same) of, about or like an ele- phant ; of ivory. Ελεφαντίάσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, >/, (fr, same) a kind of leprosy. Ελεφαντόμαχος, -ου, δ,//, (fr. same, and μάχομαι to fight) a gladia- tor who fights with or hunter who catches elephants, Ελέφας, -αντος, b,an elephant; the tusk, ivory Ελέχθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of λέγω Έλεψα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of Ελιθοβόλεον -ουν, impf. — Ελιθο- λέπω Ελεώ, 2 f. or pres. ind. act. cont. — Ελεών, par. pres. act. cont. of ελεεω. Ελ>7, -ης, η, splendour, brightness, sunbeam, sunshine, radiance. Ελη, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. act. or 2 sin. 2 a. sub. mid. of α'ιρέω. Έληα, by Sync. Poet, for έλησα, 1 a. ind. act. of λάω, same as &έλω. "Εληαι, Ion. for 'έλη, 2 sin. 2 a. sub. mid. of α'ιρέω. Ελήθετο, Ion. for ελάθετο, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. mid. of λανθάνω. Ελήλακα,Εληλάκεσαν, Εληλακδτες, Att. for ήλακα, per. ind. act. (192) ΕΛΙ ηλάκεισαν, 3 pi. pper. act. and ηλακότες, η. pi. par. per. act. of ελαύνω. Ελήλάμαι, -σαι, -ται. Εληλαμηι^ -σο, -το,Εληλαμένος, Att. ΐονήλα- μαι,-σαι,-ται, per. ind. pass, ηλά μην, -σο, -το, pper. pass, and ηλα- μένος, par. per. pass, of ελαύνω. Ελήλεγμαι, -ξαι, -κται, Att. for ήλεγμαι, -ζαι, -κται, per. pass. ind. of ελέγχω. Εληλέόάται, Att. and Ion. for ήλανται or ηλασμένοι, εισι, 3 pi. per. ind. pass, of ελαύνω. Ελι'/λουθα, and Ελ>?λΰθα, -ας, -ε or -εν, Att. for ήλϋθα, per. ind. mid. — Εληλύθειν, -εις, -ει, 3 pi. -εισαν, Att. for ηλύθειν, pper. mid Εληλουθώς, Mol. and Εληλυθώς, -υΊα, -υς^ a. -θότα, -Θυ7αν, Att. for ηλυθώς, per. par. mid. of έρχομαι. Έληξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of λ^ω. Ελήφθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of λαμβάνω. Έλθε, impr. — Έλθοιμι, -οις, -οι, opt. — Έλθω, -τ??, -η, sub Ελθεϊν, Ion. Ελθέμεν', ϋοΓ.Έλ- θέμεναι, Ελθεν, and Ελθην, inf. — Ελθών, par. 2 a. act. ofελε^ί- θω, obs. see έρχομαι. Έλθησ, and Έλθησι, by Ion. Pa- rag, for ίλθιι, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. of same. Ελθο'ιμην,-οιο, -το, mid. — Έλθο- μι, act. 2 a. opt. of same. Ελθον, neut. sin. — Ελθόντ-', for ελθόντα, a, sin. or ελθόντε, η. du. — Ελθόντεσσι, Ion. for ελθουσι^ d. pi. — Ελθοΰσ', for ελθουσα, η. sin. fern, of ελθών, -ούσα, -bv, par. 2 a. act. of same. Έλθοσαν, Bceot. for ηλθον, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. act. — Έλθο ι σαν, for ελ- θοΊεν, 3 pi. 2 a. opt. act. of same. Έλθω, -ης,-η, sub. — Ελθών, -ού- σα, -bv, par. 2 a. act. of same. Έλιγήσομαι, 2 f. ind. pass, of ελίσσω. Ελιγμός, -ου, ό, (fr. ελίσσω to in- volve) a whirl, whirling, rota- tion ; a coil, roll ; a maze ; an eddy, whirlpool, whirlwind; a preamble, circumlocution, shift, prevarication, evasion. Ελιέξερ, Heb. indecl. Eliezer. Ελιθάσθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass. οϊλιθάζω. βόλησα, 3 pi. -λησαν, 1 a. ind. act. of λιθοβολέω. "Ελικας, a. pi. — Έλίκεσσι, Ion. for ελιξι d. pi. of ελιξ. Ελίκη, -ης, fj, (fr. ελίσσω to turn round) a coil, roll or turn; tne constellation of the greater bear; a willow, withy or osier ; Helici, a city of Achaia destroyed by an earthquake. Ελικοβλέφαρος, -ου, δ, >/, (fr. ίλ(σ σω to roll, and βλέ^αρον the eye- * lid )having quick, lively, animated eyelids. An epithet of Venus. ΕλΊκος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) curling, eddying, rolling ; piercing ; darkf black-eyed. ΕΛΙ Έλικτηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. ελίσσω to entwine) a bracelet, armlet; an ear-ring, pendant, drop. Έλικτος,-η, -bv, (fr. same) twined, wreathed, twisted, tortuous, curl- ed ; bent, crooked, curved, wind- ing ; folded, rolled up. Ελίκων, -ωνος, b, (perhaps fr. same, on account of its winding paths) Helicon, a mountain ol Bceotia. Έλικωνιάδες, in d. pi. ελικωνιά- δεσσι, Ion. and Ελικώνιαι,-ων, al, (fr. last) an epithet of the Muses. Έλικώπιδα, a. sin. ; Ελικώπιδες η. pi. of Έλικώπις, -ιδος, b, η, (fr. ελίσσω to roll, and ώψ the eye) having lively, bright, sparkling, animated eyes; black-eyed ; attractive. Or, (fr. same, and κώπη an oar) good at the oar, active in rowing, expert at sea. Έλίκωψ, -ωπος, b, ή, (fr. ελικος rolling, and ώψ the eye) having lively, bright, sparkling or dark, black or round full eyes. Ελιννυς, -υος, b, ή, idle, vacant; se- date, calm, tranquil; secure, careless, unconcerned. Ελιννύω, and Έλινύω, (fr. last) ίο rest, repose, be still or quiet ; to idle, be inactive; to still, calm, allay. Ελινος, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. εϊλεω to bend) a branch, bough; a vine. Ελιξοτ Εϊλιξ, -'ίκος, η, (fr. ελίσσω to roll) a turn, twist, roll, fold ; a circuit, compass, circle ; a wreath, garland, chaplet ; a ring- let, curl, lock ; a tendril, creeper, clasper ; a bracelet, armlet, ring, fetter; a wrapper, cover, case, envelope ; a curled or forked flash; a kind of ivy. Also Adj. wreathed, twisted, entwined, curl- ed ; bent, crooked, curved; roll- ed, wound; folded, wrapped up; voluble, railing, gliding. Ελίζω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. act. of ελίσ- σω. Έλιονδ, Heb. indecl. Eliud, man's name. Ελίπάνα, ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of λιπαίν . Έλιπον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of λείπω. Ελισάβετ, Heb. indecl. Elizabeth, a woman's name. Έλίσσ' for έλισσε, pres. impr. act. of ελίσσω. Ελισσαΐος, -ov, b, the prophet Eli- jah. Έλισσέμεν, Ion. — Έλισσεμεναι, Dor. for ελισσεΊν, pres. inf. act. — Έλισσόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of ελίσσω, Ελισσόμην, -ου, -ετο, in 3 pi. ελίσ- σονθ\ by Apos. for ελίσσοντο, impf. pass, οΐλίσσομαι. Ελίσσω or -ττω, and Είλίσσω or -ττω, f. -ζω, p. είλι-χα, (fr. είλεω to wind) to roll, turn, revolve; to wheel or face about ; to wind, ΕΛΚ or wrap up. per. ind. pass λιγμαι, -ζαι, -κται. Έλιφθεν, Bceot. or.ZEol. Sync, for ελείφθησαν, 3 pi. I a. ind. pass. of λείπω. Έλίχρΰσος or Έλειόχρϋσος, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. ελίσσω to enwrap, or έλος a marsh, and χρυσός gold) the plant Helichryse or Eng. orpiment, which bears bright yellow berries. "Ελκε, Ion. for είλκε 3 sin. impf. act. — "Ελκεο, Ion. for ελκου, pres. impr. mid. — Έλκέμεν, Ion. for ΐλχειν, pres. inf. acl. — "Ελκετο, Ion. for ε'ίλκετο, 3 sin. impf. pass, of έλκω. "Ελκεί., d. sin. cont. of έλκος, or 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of έλκω. Έλκεσίπεπλος, -ov, b, η, (fr. έλκω to trail, and πέπλος a woman's gown) wearing a long train, haidng a flowing dress, with trains that sweep the ground. Έλκεχίτων, -ωνος, b, η, (fr. same, and χιτών a coat) wearing a loose open coat, having long skirts. Έλκεο> -ω, f. -ήσω, (same as έλκω, which see) also, to rend, tear in pieces, draw asunder ; to abuse, force, violate. Έλκη δον, (fr. έλκω to draw) at length, in full ; continually, with- out intermission ; by dint of, by force or straining. Έλκηθμυς, -οϋ, b, (fr. same) a strain, effort ; a carrying off, ab- duction, rape. Ελκίζω, f. -Υσω, same as έλκω. Έλκοποώς, -ου, b, η, (fr. next, and ποιέω to make) causing wounds "Ελκοί, -εος -ους, το, (fr. έλκω to draw) a wound; an ulcer, sore. g. pi. ελκών, η. a. v. pi. cont. ίλκη. "Ελκονοι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of same. Έλκόω -ώ, f, -ώσω, p. ηλκωκα, (fr, same) to ulcerate, make or grow sore. per. pass. ind. ηλκωμαι• par. f /λκωμενος. 'Ελκτικός, and Έλκτος, -η,-ον, (fr. 'έλκω to draw) drawing, lifting, raising; attractive, inviting, se- ducing; ductile, malleable, pliant. Έλκύσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — 'Ελκύ- σω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. act. — 'Ελκύσω, -ης, •ν, 1 a sub. act. of ελκύω. "Ελκυσις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, ή, and 'Ελ- κυσμό?, -ου, o,(fr. s'd.me)druught, drew in a . pulling; a carrying off. Έλκυσ,τάΙω,ί. -σαι, (fr. same) to dnxj; away, carry off forcibly, hurry away. 'Ελκυστικός, -iy, -bv, (fr. same) drawing, pulling ; attractive, persuasive, seducing. Ελκύω, f. -ίϊσω, p. ε'ίλκνκα, (fr. next) to draw, pull, drag ; to persuade, induce. 1 a. act. ind. εΐ'λκυσβ. "Ελκω, f. -ξω, p. ε'ίλχα to draw, drag, pull; to spend or pass time, live with. impf. είλκον. 'Ελκώδης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. έλκος twist, wreath; to encompass, en-\ a sore) ulcerous, sore, circle, entwine, embrace; to β)Ιά\Έλκωμα, -ατός, τδ, (fr. same) an Β b (193) ΕΛΛ ulcer, sore ; a breaking out, erup- tion. Έλκωματίκός, η, -bv, (fr. same) ulcerating, irritating, causing a sore. "Ελκωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) ulceration, soreness, crup- tion, breaking out. Έλλαβε, Poet, for έλαβε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of λαμβάνω. 'Ελλάδος, g. sin. of 'Ελλάς. Ελλαμβανόμενος,ρΆΤ. pres. pass, of Ελλαμβάνω, for εκλαμβάνω. Ελλάμπω, for εκλάμπω, 1 f. inf. mid. ελλάμψεσθαι. Έλλαν, -άνος, b, Έλλάνίος, Dor. for "Ελλ»?ν, and Έλλήνιος. Έλλανο&ίκας, -a, Dor. for Έλλ»?- νοδΥκης, 'Ελλάς, -άδος, η, (fr. Έλλην, Hellen) Greece Also Adj. Greek, Grecian Ελλάσαι, Poet, for ελασαι, 1 a. inf. act. of ελαννω. Έλλάσποντος, -ω, δ, Dor. for Έλ- λήσποντος. Έλλάχον, Poet, for έλαχον, 2 a. ind. act. of λαγγάνω. Έλλέβορος, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. έλω. obs. to kill, and βορά eating) hellebore. ΕλλεδανοΊσι, d. pi. Ion. of Ελλεδανος, -ου, b, (fr. έλλω to bind) a sheaf-band ; a rope, halter. Έλλεψα, -ατός, το, (fr. ελλείπω to fail) a want, failure, deficiency. Ελλ&νής, -εος -ους, Ό, η, (fr. same) imperfect, deficient, defective ; failing, indigent, needy. Ελλείπω, for εκλείπω. Έλλεψις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, f], (fr. same) a forsaking, desertion; an omission, leaving out; a defi- ciency, defect, want; ellipsis a grammatical figure. Έλλερα, -ων, τα, evils, misfor- tunes ; injury, wrong. Έλλεσχος, -ου, b, f/, (fr. εν in, and λέσχη talk) published, divulged, public, notorious. "Ελλην, -ηνος, b, Hellen the son of Deucalion, from whom Γραι- κοί, (Eng. the Greeks or Gre- cians) were called "Ελληνες, -ων, ol. Also a Gentile, not a Jev), a ' Jewish proselyte, descended from Grecian or Gentile pa- rents. Έλληνας, -νες, -νι, -νων, -σι, cases. Έλληνίζω, f. -"σω, p. ηλλήνικα, (fr. last) to speak, act, talk like or imitate the Greeks, adopt Gre- cian fashions or customs, per. pass, ηλλήνισμαι. 1 a. pass, ^λ- ληνίσθην. 'Ελληνικός, and ΈλλήνΈος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) Greek, Grecian. Έλληνικως, (fr. last) in the Gre- cian manner, like the Greeks. Έλληνϊς, -Έδος, rj, (fr. "Ελλην Hel- len) a Grecian woman, g. pi. Έλλ^ΐ'ίο'ωί'. Ελληνισμός, -ov, Ό, (fr. same) a Grecism, an imitation of the Greek language or fashions. Ελληνιστής, -ου, b, (fr. same) a Greek, Grecian. ΕΛΟ ΈΧΧηνισή, (fr. last) in Greek. Ελληνοδικης, -ου, b, (fr. "Έ.\λην a Greek, and δίκη justice) an um- pire, arbitrator, judge or steward at the public games in Greece, called also αγωνοθέτης. Έλληξα, Poet, for έληξα, 1 a. ind. act. of λ; ΐγω. Ελλήσποντος, -ov, δ, (fr. "Ελλ>7 Helle, and -πόντος a sea) the Hellespont, now called the straits of the Dardanelles. Ελλιπαίνω, f. -άνω, fr. εν intens. and λιπαίνω, which see. Ελλίσσετο, impf. mid. of Ελλίσσομαι, fr. εν intens. and λίσ- σομαι, which see. ΕλΧίπής, -έος -ους, b, ή, same as ελλειπής. Ελλόβιον, -ου, το, (fr. εν in, and λο- βός the ear) an ear-ring, ear-drop. Ελλόγει, 2 sin. cont. pres. impr. act. — Ελλογείται, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. pass, of Ελλογέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. εν in, and , λόγος an account) to take into the account, reckon ; to impute, charge. 1 a. ind. act. ενελόγησα. Ελλόγ'ίμος, -η, -ov, (fr. εν intens. and λόγιμος estimable) worthy, excellent ; noble, celebrated, fa- mous, illustrious. Έλλογος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and λόγος reason) endued with rea- son, rational, reasoning. Έλλοπας, a. pi. of ε'λλοψ. Ελλοπεύω, (fr. same) to fish. Ελλος, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. ελ&ω to confine) a fawn. AIsg Adj. mute, dumb. Ελλονλϊμ, Heb. indecl. merriment, jollity, retellings, dancing with singing and music. Έλλοψ, -οπός, b, η, (fr. ελλείπω to want, and δψ voice) mute, dumb, silent. Subs, a fish, stur- geon. "Ελλω, (perhaps fr. ε'ιλεω to con- fine) to restrain, coerce, confine, keep in, repress. Έλλώτια, -ων, τά, holydays, a fes- tival, celebration. "Ελμινς, -νθος, b, a worm of the earth or in the body, a grub, moth-worm, that eats clothes. Ελμωδαμ, Heb. indecl. Elmodam. Έλζίνη, -ης, fj, the herb parietary or pellitory of the wall. "Ελξις, -ιος, Art. -εως, η, (fr. έλκω to drag) draught, drawing, pulling. Ελογίζοντο, 3 pL impf. — Ελογίσ- θην, -ης, -η, 1 pi. -θημεν, 1 a. ind. pass, of λογίζω. Ελόευν, Dor. for ελόονν, impf. ind. act. cont. of λοέω. Ελοιδόρεον -ουν, -εες -ες, -εε -ει, impf. ind. act. — Ελοιδόοησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. οΐλοιδορέω. Έλοίμην, -οιο, -οιτο, mid. — "Ελο£- μι, -οις, -οι, act. 2 a. opt. — ΈλοΊσα, Dor. for έλουσα, η. fem. par. 2 a. act. — Έλόμενος, -η, -ov, par. 2 a. mid. — Έλόμην, "Ελον, Ion. for ε'ιλόμην, mid. and ε"λον, act. 2 a. ind. — "Ελοντ' for ελοντε, du. — "Ελοντα, a. sin. par. 2 a. act. — "Ελοντο, Ion. EAT for εΐλοντο, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. mid. of α'ιρέω. "Ελος, -εος, το, a marsh, swamp, ; a pool. Έλου, 2 a. impr. mid. — Έλουν- τες, η. pi. par. 2 f. act. — Έλουα', for έλουσα, η. fem. sin. par. 2 a. act. οίαίρέω. Ελουμεν, Sync, for ελονομεν, 1 pi. . impf. — Έλονσεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of λούω. Ελοχενθην, -ης, -η, pass. — Ελό- χενσα, -ας, -ε, act. 1 a. ind. of λοχενω. Ελόωσι, Poet, for ελώσί, cont. of j ελάουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of J ελάω. Ελπεαι, Ion. for έλπη, 2 sin. pres. ind. mid. — Έλπεο, Ion. for Α- που, pres. impr. mid. ; or for !7λπου, 2. sin. impf. mid. — Έλ- πεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. of ε'λπω. Ελπίζεί, 3 sin. — Ελπίζετε, 2 pi. pres. ind. act. — Ελπιζύμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. — Ελ- πίδων, η. pi. fem. -ζονσαι, par. pres. act. — Ελπίσατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. of Ελπίζω, f. -ϊσω, Art. -ιω, p. αλπι- κά, (fr. ελπϊς hope) to hope, trust, confide-; to hope in, trust upon, wait for ; to expect, desire ; to think, suppose, believe, par. per. act. ηλπικώς. 1 a. ind. act. ήλ- πισα' par. ελπίσας. 1 a. par. pass, ελπισθείς. Ελπιοϋσι, Art. for ελπίσονσι, 3 pi. 1 f. act. of last. Έλπίς, -Έδος, η, (perhaps fr. έλδω to desire, and πάω to get) hope, expectation, desire, trust, confi- dence, d. sin. ελπίδι' a. ελπίδα. Ελπίσας, Ελπισθεις, Ελπιώ, see ελ- πίζω. Ελπιστεον, (verbal fr. same) must hope, it is to be expected, &c. ac- cording to the verb. Έλπω, to give hope, encourage. Έλπομαί, used Poet, for ελπίζω, which see. par. pres. mid. ελ- πόμενος• per. ind. mid. ί^λπα. Art. or Ion. έολπα. It often sig- nifies like the present. ' ζλσαι,Έλσας, bySync. for ελάσαί inf. and ελάσας, par. — Έλσαν, Sync, and Ion. for ήλασαν, 3 pi. θήλασα, 1 a. act. of ελαύνω. "Ελσαι, Sync, for έλκνσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of ελκύω• "Ελϋμα, and "Ελκϋμα, -ατός, τδ, (fr. εΣλε'ω to turn) the plough-tail or handle ; the beam ; the coulter ; a cover, wrapper. Ελύμας, -a, b, a magician, sorcerer, conjurer; Elymas, a man's name. Ελνμηνάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of λυμαίνω. Έλυμος, -ov, b, (fr. ελΰω to cover) a case for a lyre ; a flute or pipe ; a bow. Also Έλυμος, -ov, b, (fr. 'έλος a marsh) a kind of grain like millet, per- haps rye. Ελύπεον -ovv, -εες -εις, -εε -ει, impf. act. — Ελνπησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — Ελυπ>?0?7ν, -ης, -η, 3 pi. -θήσαν, 1 a. ind. pass, οίλυπέω. (194) ΕΜΒ Ελυσα, -ας, -t or -εν, act. — Ελύ- θην, -ης, -η, pass. — Ελνσάμην, mid. 1 a. ind. of λύω. 'Ελντρον, -ου, το, (fr. ελνω to wrap Up) a case, cover, wrapper ; a bed or channel of a river ; a bot- tom or hollow place that might contain water. Ελντρόω, (fr. last) to wrap up, co- ver, case. Ελυτρώσω, 2 sin. 1 a. ind.. mid. of λντρόω. Ελΰω, and Έλύω, -f. -ί/σω, (fr. εΐ- λέω to roll up) to wrap up, fold in, cover, case ; to enfold, clasp ; to roll, tumble or fall down. par. 1 a. pass, ελυσθεί?. Έλφος, butter, by the Cyprians. Έλω, -ης, -η, act. — Έλώμαι, -j) -ηται, mid. 2 a. sub. of αίρε'ω. Ελώδης , -εος -ονς, b, ^, (fr. έλος a swamp) marshy, swampy, bog- gy, miry. Ελωϊ, Heb. my God I 'Ελών, -ονσα, -bv, par. 2 a. act. of α'ιρέω. Ελωρ, -ωρος, and Έλώριον, -ov, τδ, (fr. ελω obs. same as αιρίω to take) spoil, booty, plunder, prey ; pillage. "Ελωρος, -ov, b, a river of Sicily. Eu' for εμε, a. sin. of εγώ. Εμαθήτενσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of μαθητεύω. 'Εμαθον, -ες, -ε or -εν, in 2 pi. εμά- θετε, in 3 pi. εμάθοσαν, Bceot. for έμαθον, 2 a. ind. act. of μαν- θάνω. Εμαίμασσε, Poet, for εμαίμασε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of μα ιμάω. Εμακάρισα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of μακαρίζω. Εμαλάχθην,-ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of μαλάσσω. Εμαλο^όρει, Dor. for εμηλοφόρει, 3 sin. impf. act. of μηλοφορέω. E/iavTjv, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. pass, of μαίνω. Έμαξα, -ας, -ε, act. — Εμαξάμην, -ω, -ατο, mid. 1 a. ind. of μάσσω. Εμάράνα, -ας, -ε, act. — Εμαράν- 6>;ν, -ης, -η, in 3 pi. εμαράνθησαν, pass. 1 a. ind. ο? μαραίνω. Εμαργηνάμην, -ω, -ατο, m 3 pi. εμαργήναντο, 1 a. ind. mid. of μαργαίνω. Εμαρνάμην, -ασο or -ω, -ατο, in 3 du. εμαρνάσθην, impf. of μάρναμαι. Εμαρτνρήθη, 3 sin. -θησαν, 3 pi. pass. — Εμαρτύρησα, -ας, -ε or -εν, act. 1 a. ind. — Εμαρτυρονν, 1 sin. or 3 pi. impf. act. of μαρ- τνρέω. Εμάς, a. fem. pi. οι εμάς. Εμασσωντο, 3 pi. cont. impf. mid. of μασσάομαι. Εμαστίγωσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. θ{μαστιγόω. Εματαιώθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of ματαιόω. Εμαυτοϋ, -ης, -ου, (fr. εμού, g. of εγώ I, and αντος self) of myself. Εμαχεσάμην, -ω, -ατο, mid. — Εμα χήθην, -ης, -η, pass. 1 a. ind. — Εμαχόμην, in 3 pi. εμάχοντο, impf. mid. of μάχομαι- Έμβα,ΐοτ έμβηθι, impr. οΐενίβην, 2 EMB a. ind. act. of εμβημι or εμβαί- νω. Εμβαδόν, (fr. εμβαίνω to go) on foot, by land. Εμβάθϋνος, -ov, b, η, (fr. next) pro- found, deep-studied, sage, wise, grave ; musing, meditative. Εμβαθύνω, (fr. εν in, and βαθύνω to sink) to sink or go deep down, dig out, excavate ; to penetrate. Έμβαινον, Ion. for ενέβαινον, impf. act. of Έμβαίνω, 1 f. niid. εμβησομαι, p. εμβέβηκα, (fr. εν in, and βαίνω to go) to go or enter into; to go on board, embark; to go on, proceed, advance ; to rest, lean upon ; to urge, press, insist ; to set up, place. 2 a. act. ind. ενέ- βην' impr. έμβηθι• inf. εμβηναι' par. εμβάς. (fr. βημι obs.) Εμβάλε"ιν, 2 a. inf. act. — Έμβαλ- λε, pres. impr. or Ion. for ενέ- βαλλε, 3 sin. impf. act. — Εμ- βάλλεο, Ion. for εμβάλλου, pres. impr. pass. — Εμβάλοιμι, -οις, -οι, 2 a. opt. act. — Εμβάλον, -ες, -ε, Ion. for ενέβαλον, 2 a. ind. act. — Εμβαλων, -ούσα, -ov, par. 2 a. act. of Εμβάλλω, f. -άλω, p. εμβέβληκα, (fr. εν in, and βάλλω to throw) to cast, lay, throw, put, bring in or upon ; to thrust, push, drive forward, row ; to enter, go in ; to break or nish in ; to shoot, dart, drive against or among ; to assault, attack, invade, make an inroad; to engraft; to infuse, pour in, mix; to involve, im- plicate. 2 a. act. ind. ενέβαλον' inf. εμβαλεΐν. Έμβαμμα, -ατός, το, (fr. εμβάπτω to dip into) sauce ; seasoning. Εμβαπτίζω, f. -ισω, fr. εν in, and βαπτίζω, which see. Εμβάπτω, f. -ψω, p. εμβίβαφα, (fr. εν in, and βάπτω to dip) to dip or plunge into, immerse ; to stain, dye or colour ; to sprinkle on ; to use as sauce, par. pres. pass, εμβαπτόμενος. Εμβάς -άσα, -αν, g. -βάντος' d. -βάντι' a, -βάντα, η. pi. -βάν- τες• g. -βάντων, par. 2 a. act. of εμβαίνω. Εμβασίλενον, Ion. for ενεβασίλευον, impf. act. of Εμβασιλεύω, f. -εύσω, p. εμβεβασί- λενκα, (fr. εν in, and βασιλεύω to reign) to reign over, govern. 1 a. ind. act. ενεβασίλευσα. Έμβασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. εμβαίνω to enter) a going or coming in, entrance; a bath, basin ; shoes, boots, &c. Εμβασίχυτρος, -ου, δ, (fr. εμβαίνω to creep in, and χύτρον a pot) a name for a mouse. Εμβατεύω, f. -εύσω, p. εμβεβάτεν- κα, (fr. .εν in, and βατενω to en- ter) ίο s'/, (fr. last) mad,raging,furious; infatuated. Εμμανουήλ, Heb. indecl. Emma- nuel or Immanuel, an epithet of our Saviour. Εμμαούς, Heb. indecl. Emmaus, the name of a place. Εμμαΐϊέως, (perhaps fr. αμα toge- ther, and έπος a word) in a word, at the word, immediately, direct- ly, instantly. Εμματέω -ώ, (perhaps fr. εν in- tens. and μάσσω to wipe) to touch, handle ; to stroke, pat, soothe, caress. Εμμάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. εμμέμηκα, (fr. εν intens. and μάω to desire) to desire eagerly. Εμμεΐναι, 1 a. inf. act. of εμμένω. Εμμελετάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. εν in, and μελετάω to study) to medi- by ; to persevere, persist. 1 a. ind. act. ενέμεινα. Εμμενώς, and Poet. Εμμενεως, (fr. last) durably ; constantly, perse- veringly ; firmly, resolutely. Έμμεσος, -ov, b, η, (fr. εν in, and a. ind. act. of. μέσος middle) in the middle, in- termediate, between others, mid- dlemost. Έμμετρος, -ov, b, f), (fr. same, and μέτρον measure) within bounds, moderate, temperate. Εμμέτρως, (fr. last) in metre, in verse. Έμμηνα and-ta, -ων, τά, (neut. of next) the monthly affections of women. Έμμηνος and Εμμήνιος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. εν in, and μην a month; monthly, every month. ΕμμΊ, Dor. and JEo\. for ειμϊ, to be. Εμμορ, Heb. indecl. Emmor, a man's name. Έμμορα, by Metath. for μέμορα % per. mid. of μείρω. Εμμύλων, -ovos, Ό, (fr. εν intens. and μύλων a mill) a mill. Εμνάσατο, Έμνασεν, Dor. for εμνή- σατο, mid. and έμνησεν, act. 3 sin. 1 a. ind. of μνάώ. Εμνήμυκα, by Att. Pleon. for ήμν- κα, per. act. of ημύω. Έμνησα, act. — Εμνησάμην, mid. — Εμνήσθην, -ης, -η, 3 pi. -θη- σαν, pass. 1 a. ind. of μιμνήσκω, μνάω or μνάομαι. Εμνώοντο, Poet, for εμνώντο, 3 pi. cont. impf. of μνάομαι. Εμόγησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of μογέω. Έμοιγε, Att. for εμοϊ d.' — ΕμοΤο, Ion. for εμού, g. of εγώ. Εμυλον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of tate, muse; to exercise, practise,] μολέω or μόλω study, Εμμελετέος, -a, -ov, (fr. last) it is to be studied, must meditate, &c. according to the verb. Εμμελέτημα, -ατός, τό, (fr. same) meditation, study, practice, em- ployment; a work of study. Εμμελής, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. εν in, and μελό? melody) harmonious; harmonizing^ adapted, ft, suita- ble, apt, convenient. Εμμελως, (fr. last) harmoniously ; aptly, fitly, properly. Εμμεμαώς, -υΊα, -υς, Ion. Sync, for εμμεμηκώς, par. per. act. of εμ- μάω. Εμεμαωτος, Εμεμαωτα, Poet. Ectas. for -ότος, g. and -ότα, a. sin. Εμμέμηνα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of εμμαίνομαι. Έμμεν, Έμμεναι and Έμεναι, Poet. JEo\. and Dor. for εΊναι, pres. inf. of ειμί, to be. Εμμενες, -έος -ους, το, (neut. of next) perseverance, constancy, firmness, resolution, fortitude, μμενης, -έος -ους, δ, //, (fr. next) persevering, constant, firm ; per- manent, durable, lasting. Εμμένω, f. -ενώ, p. εμμεμένηκα, (fr. εν in, and μένω to remain) to continue, endure, last ; to abide (196) Ε/Μόλυνα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -vav, 1 a. ind. act. — Εμολύνθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of μολύνω. Εμος,-η, -ov, (fr. εμού g. of εγώ I) my, mine, my own. Εμόχθεον -ουν, -εες -εις, -εε -ει, 1 ρΐ. Έμοχθέομεν -ουμεν, impf. act. of μοχϋέω. Έμπα, same as έμπας. Εμπαγεις, -ε?σα, -εν, par. 2 a. pass, of εμπήγνυμι. Εμπαγέντων, g. pi. of last, may be Att. for εμπαγήτωσαν, 3 pi. 2 a. impr. pass, of same. Εμπάζεαι, Ion. for εμπάζη, 2 sin. pres. of Εμπάζομαι, f. -άσομαι, (perhaps fr. έμπας entirely) to take care, see or look to, care for ; to re- gard, esteem,, respect, revere. Εμπαθής, -έος -ους, δ, ή, (fr. εν in, and πάθος feeling) easily affect- ed, moved or excited, sensible, feeling ; weak, delicate. Έμπαιγμα, -άτος,το, (fr. εμπαίζω to mock) a mocking, mockery, derision, taunt, jest. Εμπαιγμόνη, -ης, η, (fr. same) a mocking, scoffing, derision. Εμπαιγμός, -ου, b, (fr. same) α laughing-stock, object ofderision t butt ; mockery, derision. ΕΜΠ Υατταίζειν, pres. inf. act. — Εμ- παίζοντες, η. pi. par. pres. act. of %μπαίζω, f. -ξω, p. εμπέπαιχα, (fr. εν intens. and παίζω to sport) to sport or play with ; to play upon, mock, deride, ridicule ; to taunt, scorn; to illude, deceive, impf. act. ενέπαιζον. 1 a. act. ind. ενεπαιξα. per. pass, εμπεπαιγμαι. 1 a. pass. ind. ενεπαίχθην. 1 f. pass, εμπαιχθήσομαι. Εμπαίκτης,-ου, b, (fr. last) a mock- er, scorner ; a deceiver, n. pi. εμ- παίκται. Εμπαίξαι, inf. — Ε μ πα ίξ ας, par. 1 a. act. — Εμπαίξω, -εις, -ει, 1 ρΐ. -ξομεν, 1 f. ind. act. — Εμπ -at^- θήσεται, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. pass, of εμπαίζω. Έμπαλιν, (fr. εν in, and πάλίν again) behind, back, backward; back again, over again ; against, contrary to, opposite ; on the con- trary. Εμπαλλάσσω or Εμπαλάσσω, an Ion. verb, same as εμπλέκω, (fr. εν intens. and παλάσσω to shake up lots) to implicate, entangle, involve; to ensnare, entrap, de- ceive. Εμπαραγίνομαι, (fr. εν on, παρά by, and γίνομαι to be) to come upon, surprise, take unawares. Εμπαροινέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. εν in, παρά by, and οίνος wine) to do any thing in drink; to abuse, insult in drink or as if in drink : to drink to excess. Εμπας, Ion. Έμπης, Att. or Dor. Έμπα and Έμπαν, (fr. εν in, and πάς all) totally, entirely, altoge- ther ; at all; yet, however, not- withstanding, in spite of. Εμπάσσω, f. -ασω, (fr. εν in, and πάσσω to sprinkle) to scatter, spread over or through ; to weave in, work in, embroider. 1 a. ind. act. ενέπασα, -ας, -ε. Έμπεδα, same as έμπεδον. Εμπεδάω or -έω, (fr. εν in. and 77ε- δάω cr -ίω to fetter) to tie the feet, fetter, chain, shackle, bind. Εμπεόέως, Poet, for εμπέδως. Εμπεδόμοχθος, -ου, ό, η, (fr. έμπε- οος firm, and μόχθος toil) con- stant in labour, laborious, pains- taking ; toilsome, wearisome, fa- tiguing ; wretched, miserable. Εμπεδον and Εμπεδως, (fr. έμπεδος firm) firmly, strongly, steadily ; surely, safely, securely ; perpetu- ally, constantly, continually. Εμπεδορκέω -ω, (fr. same, and 'όρκος an oath) to regard an oath, keep a covenant, preserve a treaty ; to fulfil, ratify. Εμπεδος, -ov, b, η, (fr. εν in, and πέδον the ground) firm, steady, fixed, fast ; strong, lasting, du- rable ; sure, certain. Εμπεδοσθενης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. ast, and σθένος strength) strong, able,masculine,muscular, healthy, vigorous. Υ,μπεδόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. same) to fix, fasten, make firm, establish; ΕΜΪΙ to keep, take care of, preserve ; to watch, observe. Εμπέδως, see έμπεδον. Εμπείραμος or Εμπίραμος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. εν in, and πείρα a trial) skil- ful, skilled, knowing, expert, ex- perienced. Εμπείρας, -ασα, -αν, η. pi. mas. Εμπειράντες, par. 1 a. act. of εμπ-είρω. Εμπειρία, -ας, f;, (fr. έμπειρος skil- ful) knowledge, skill, experience; atrial, attempt, practice ; a science. Εμπειρίκος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a phy- sician from experience only, em- piric, quack ; a pretender. Εμπειρικως, (fr. last) like an em- piric or quack ; ignorantly, pre- sumingly. Έμπειρον, -ου, rb, (neut. of next) skill, experience, practice. Έμπειρος, -ου, b, η, ('fr. εν in, and πείρα atrial) skilful, skilled, qua- lified, capable, clever ; experi- enced ; knowing, intelligent. Εμπείρω, f. -ερω, p. εμπέπαρκα, (fr. εν in, and πείρω to pierce) to pierce or run through, transfix; to fasten, or fix upon ; to pass through or over. 1 a. act. ind. ενέπειρα• par. εμπείρας. per. ind. pass, εμπέπαρμαι. Εμπείρως, (fr. έμπειρος skilful) skil- fully, ingeniously, cleverly ; wise- ly, sensibly , prudently ; fitly, suit- ably, properly, pertinently. Εμπέλα, 3 sin. cont. pres. impr. act. of εμπελάω, see εμπελάζω. Εμπελαδον and -αδην, (fr. next) near, nigh, hard by, close to. Εμπελάζω and -άω -ω, fr. εν to, and πελάζω, which see. 1 a. act. par. εμπελάσας, η. pi. mas. εμπελα- σάντες. Εμπέμπω, f. -ψω, (fr. εν in, and πέμπω to send) to send in. Εμπεπαρμένος, -η, ov, par. per. pass, of εμπείρω. Εμπεπιστευ μένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of εμπιστεύω. Εμπεπλησμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of εμπλήθω. Εμπέπραμαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass. — Εμπεπρασμένος, par. per. pass, of εμπιπράσκω. Εμπέραμος, see εμπείραμος. Εμπεριέχω, f. -έξω, (fr. εν in, and περιέχω to contain) to compre- hend, comprise, include. Εμπεριπατέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and περιπατέω to walk about) to walk about, in or among, pe- rambulate. Εμπερόνάμα, Dor. for Εμπερόνημα, -ατός, τδ, (fr. εν Hi, and περόνη a button) a dress fastened ivith but- tons, buckles, clasps, &c. a man- tle, robe. Έμπεσε, Ion. for ενέπεσε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. — Εμπεσείται, 3 sin. 2 f. ind. mid. — Εμπέση, 3 sin. — Εμπέσωσι, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. act. — ΕμπεσεΊν, inf. — Εμπεσόντος, g. sin. par. 2 a. act. of εμπίπτω. Εμπεταννύω, f. -υσω, (fr. εν in, and πεταννύω to expand) to stretch out. spread wide, extend. Π97) ΕΜΠ Έμπετες, by Sync, and Dor. for ενέπεσες, 2 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of εμπίπτω. Or Ion. for ενίπετες, 2 sin. impf. act. of εμπέτω, fr. εν in, and πέτω, obs. for πίπτω. Εμπεφυκώς, -υ7α, -ος, par. per. act. — Εμπεφυως, fern. ΕμπεφυνΊα, by Sync. ΕμπεφυΊα, and by Cras. Εμπεφύα, neut. -ος, par. per. mid. — Εμπεφύη, for ενεφύη, 3 sin. 2 a. pass, or it is 3 sin. of Εμπεφύω, -νς, -η, per. sub. mid. of εμφύω or έμφνμι. Εμπήγνυμι, (fr. εν in, and πήγνυμι to fix) to fix in, fasten, stick in; to set, plant, make grow. Εμ- πήγνυμαι, to be fixed in ; to grow up, increase. Εμπηδάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and πηδάω to leap) to leap or spring- in or upon ; to rush in or upon, assault, attack. 1 a. ind. act. ενεπήδησα. Έμπης, Ion. for έμπας. Εμ-ίμπλανται, 3 pi. pres. ind. pass. — Εμπίμπλασθαι, pres. inf. pass, of Εμπιμπλάω -ω or -η'μϊ, and Εμπι- πλάω -ω or -ημι, f. -ήσω, p. εμπέ- πληκα, (fr. εν in, and πιμπλάω, &c. to fill) to fill up ; to satisfy , please, content; to satiate, cloy, glut. Εμπίμπρημι, f. -ήσω, p. εμπέπρηκα, (fr. εν in, and πίμπρημι or πιμ- πράω to _ burn) to set on fire, burn; to infiame, irritate, tease; to provoke, excite. Εμπίμπραμαι, to burn with anger, rage, be vio- lent. Εμπίπλη, Att. for εμπίπληθι or εμ- πίπλαθι, pres. impr. act. of εμ- πίπλημι, see εμπιμπλάω. Εμπιπράσκω, fr. εν intens. and πι- πράκσω, which see. par. pres. pass, εμπιπρασκόμενος. per. pass. εμπέπραμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, ενε- πράθην. Εμπίπτουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Εμπίπτω, f. εμπτώσω,Γ). εμπίπτωκα^ (fr. εν in, and πίπτω to fall) to fall or sink into, strike against ; to touch on or at ; to fall into or among, meet with, light upon, be thrown among; to fall upon, at- tack, assault, assail, invade ; to rush or plunge into ; 1 a. ind. act. ενέπεσα. 2 a. act. ind. ενέ- πεσον par. εμπεσών. 2 f. mid. εμπεσοΐιμαι. Εμπϊς , -Υδος, η, (perhaps fr. εμπίνω to suck) a gnat. Εμπιστενω, f. -εΰσω, (fr. εν in, and πιστεύω to believe) to believe in, trust, credit; to intrust, charge, commit to. Εμπιστεύομαι, to be intrusted, to, be safe, secure. Εμπλακείς, -εΤσα, -εν, η. pi. -κεντες, par. 2 a. pass, of εμπλέκω. Εμπλάσσω or -ττω, f. -σω, (fr. εν intens. and πλάσσω to shape) to shape out, form ; to reduce into a mass; to spread over, daub, besmear, plaster, lay, fasten or fix upon ; to stop or close up. Εμπλάσσομαι, to adhe r e, cling to. Εμπλαστός&ηάΕμπλαστΐκδς,-ϊι,-ον ΕΜΠ (fr. last) like a plaster, sticky, adhesive, viscous. *Εμπλαστρος, -ου, h, and Έμπλαο•- rpov, -ov, rb, (fr. same) aplaster, ointment, salve, cerate. Εμπλάω, -ω, or Εμπλάζω, by Sync, for εμπελάω or -άζω. Εμπλείη, η. fern. Ion. of έμπλειος. Εμπλέίμην, -ειο, -ειτο, 2 a. Opt. mid. of εμπίμπλημι or εμπίπλημι, see εμπιμπλάω. Έμπλειος and Έμπλεος, fr. εν in- tens. and πλείος or πλέος, which see. Εμπλέκεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass, of Εμπλέκω, f. -ζω, p. εμπέπλεχα (fr. εν in, and πλέκω to fold) to wrap, fold in; to entwine, clasp, in- fold, interlace, mingle; to inter- weave, embroider; to implicate, embarrass, entangle, ensnare. 1 a. ind. act. ενέπλεζα. 2 a. ind. act. ενέπλακον. pres. pass, εμ- πλέκομαι, per. pass, εμπέπλεγμαι. 2 a. pass. ind. ενεπλάκη ν par. εμπλακείς, per. mid. εμπέπλοκα. Έμπλεω, f. -ένσω, (fr. same, and πλέω to sail) to sail, swim, or float in or upon; to sail along with. Έμπλήζην, (fr. next) fully, quite, largely, at large; in great num- bers; close, crowded. Εμπλήθω, f. -σω, p. εμπέπληκα, (fr. cv intens. and πλήθω to fill) to Jill up, satisfy, satiate, please, content ; to fulfil, accomplish, finish. 1 a. ind. act. ενέπλησα. per. pass, εμπέπλησμαι. 1 a. pass. ind. ενεπλήσθην. Έμπληκτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. εμπλήσσω to amaze) struck, astonished, amazed ; senseless, insensible ; mad, frantic, distracted. Εμπλήμενος, by Syne, for εμπλησά- μενος, par. 1 a. mid. of <εμπίμ- πλημι. Or according to some par. pres. mid. of same. See εμπιμπλάω. Έμπλην (fr. εμπλάω to approach) near, nigh, hard by. Έμπληξις, -ως, Att. -εως, η, (fr. εμπλήσσω to amaze) admiration, wonder, amazement, surprise. Εμπλήσατο, Ion. for ενεπλήσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. mid. — Εμπλησθήναι, 1 a. inf. pass. — Εμπλησθεϊς, par. 1 a. pass, of εμπλήθω. Εμπλήσσω or -ττω, f. -ζω, (fr. εν on, and πλάσσω to strike) to strike violently, rush ov fall upon, attack, assault, assail, invade ; to strike with terror, surprise, admiration, &c. amaze, astonish, confound. Εμπλοκή, -ής, η, (fr. εμπλέκω to tie) a knot ; a knotting, tying, twin- ing, twisting, plaiting, braidin, Εμπλοκία, -ων, τα, (fr. same) a kind of women's head-dress; a braid, curls, lock of hair ; an Athenian festival. Εμπλοκών, -ov, το, (fr. same) net- work, plaiting, braiding. Εμπνενσαις, ^Eol. for εμπνεύσας, 1 a. par. act. of εμπνέω. Έμπνευσις, -ως, Att. -εως, η, (fr. ΕΜΠ εμπνέω to inspire) breathing, drawing the breath; inspiration, divine impulse, Εμπνευστός, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) inspired. Εμπνέω -ω, and Poet. Εμπνείω, f. -εύσω, p. εμπέπνευκα (fr. εν in, and πνέω to breathe) to respire, draw in the breath, breathe, live; to breathe upon, favour, inspire ; to blow upon or over. 1 a. ind. act. ενέπνευσα. Έμπνοος -ονς, -6ου -ov, b, ή, (fr. tast) breathing, living, alive. Εμπνύθη, for ενεπνύθη, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. pass, of Έμπννμι ΟΐΈμπνυμαι,ύβΟ εμπνύω, fr. εν in, and πνυμι, which see. Εμποδίζω, f. -"σω, (fr. εν in, and ποδίζω to entangle) to fetter ; to catch or trip the feet ; to impede, hinder, defeat Εμπόδων, -ου, rb, (fr. aame, and πους the foot) a hinderance, im- pediment, obstacle, stop, bar, stumbling-block. Εμπόδισμα, -ατός, το, Β,ηάΕμποδισ- μος, -ov, b, same as last. Εμποδοστατέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. εμπε- ποδοστάτηκα, (fr. next) to be a hinderance or stumbling-block; to hinder, impede, embarrass, stop. Εμποδοστατης, -ov, b, (fr. εμπόδων a hinderance, and ΐστημι to set up) one ivho hinders, impedes or resists, an opposer, opponent, an- tagonist, rival. Εμπόδων (fr. εν at, and πονς the foot) at the foot, about the feet, in the way, impeding, hindering. Ό εμποδών, near, meeting, ap- proaching. Τά εμπόδων, the pre- sent circumstances, business, &c. Έμποθεν, Dor. for έμπροσθεν. Εμποιέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. εν in, and ποίεω to make) to effect ox pro- duce in, cause within; to pro- cure, get, cause to be ; to put in, insert, ingraft, implant ; to bring in, introduce, intrude, thrust in. Εμ-οίησαν, Ion. for ενεποίησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of last. Εμπολα, -ας, a, Dor. for εμπολή. Εμπολάω, and -έω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fi εν in, and 7τωλεω to sell) to hold, a market, keep a shop ; to sell, trade, barter ; to get by trade, procure, provide: Εμπολέμως, Εμπόλεμος, -ov, b, η, and Εμπολεμίκος, -ή, -bv, (fr. εν in, and πόλεμος war) warlike, fit for war, military, martial. Εμπολή, -ης, η, (fr. εμπολάω to trade) merchandise; trade, com merce, traffic, buying and sell- ing. Εμπόλημα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) mer- chandise, wares, goods, commo- dities, gain, profit. Εμπολιτεύω, f. -ευσω, (fr. εν in, and πολιτεία state affairs, th. πό- λις the city) to engage or be en- gaged in the business of the' state ; to manage, conduct, direct the government; to reside in or be• long to a city; to converse, be employed, exercise, engage in C198) ΕΜΠ Εμπολδωντο, Ion. and Poet, fb» ενεπολωντο, 3 pi. cont. impf. pass, of εμπ~ολάω. Εμπορενέσθωσαν, 3 pL pres. impr. pass, of Εμπορεύομαι, f. -εύσομαι, (fr. εν in- tens. and πορεύομαι to travel) to trade, traffic, buy and sell, travel as a trader ; to set off or praise falsely ; to make profit, gain, earn. 1 a. ind. mid. ενεπορευσά- μην. Εμπορευσόμεθα, 1 pi. -σονται, 3 pi. 1 f. mid. of last. Εμπορία, -ας, ι), (fr. έμπορος a mer- chant) merchandise, trade, traf- fic, commerce, bunness. Εμπορικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) trad- ing, dealing, commercial; mer- chantable, saleable. Εμπόρων, -ov, το, (fr. same) α mart, market, port. Έμπορος, -ου, b, (fr. εν in, and πό- ρος a passage) a passenger, tra- veller by sea ; a merchant, trader, carrier. Εμπορπάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. εμπεπόρπη- κα, (fr. εν intens. and πορπάω to button) to button up, buckle; to fasten, join, unite. Έμπουσα, -ας, >/, (fr. εν on, and πονς the foot) a hobgoblin, a sprite upon one leg, spectre, ghost. Έμπρακτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. εν in, and πράσσω to do) to be done, that can or may be done, practicable, possible, feasible ; forcible, effica- cious. Εμπρέπω, (fr. εν among, and πρέπω to become) to be in estimation, gain respect; to excel, surpass, be distinguished, pres. inf. act. εμπρεπεΊν. Εμπρήθω, f. -^σω,ρ. εμπέπρηκα, (fr. εν intens. and πρήθω to burn) to set on fire, kindle ; to burn, con- sume, destroy ; to blow up, in- flate, swell. 1 a. ind. act. ενέπρη- σα. per. pass, εμπέπρησμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, ενεπρήσθην. Εμπρήσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Εμπρή- σω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. — Εμ- πρησθεϊς, 1 a. par. pass, of last. Έμπρησις, -ως, Att. -εω?, ή, and Eμπpησμbς, -ov, b, (fr. same) a kindling, burning ; a fire, con- fiagration. Εμπρηστής, -ov, b, (fr. same) an incendiary, one who sets on fire. Εμπρίω, f. -ίσω, p. εμπέπρικα, (fr. εν intens. and πρίω to saw) to saw or cut through; to grind, gnash the teeth. 1 a. pass. ind. ενεπρίσθην par. εμπρισθείς. Έμπροσθεν (fr. same, and πρόσθεν before) before, in presence, front- ing, facing, in sight of; before, hitherto. Εμπρ6(*\ος,-ον, b, η, (ir.la.st) fac- ing, fi-onting, opposite; prior, former, anterior. Εμπτίσςομαι, (fr. εν m, and πτίσσω to pound) to stamp, bruise, beat; to knead, bake. Εμπτνσμα, -ατός, το, (fr. εμπτύω to spit at) spit, spittle. ΕΜΦ Ku -ιττύειν, pres. inf. act. — - Εμπτύ- σαντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. act. — Εμπτύσασι, 3 pi. 1 f. act. — Εμπ- τνσθήσεται,3 sin. 1 f. ind. pass, of Εμπτυω, f. -υσω,ρ. εμπέπτυκα, (fr. εν on, and πτύω to spit) to spit at or upon ; to despise. Έμπυος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. εν in, and πύον matter) having a running sore; putrid. Εμπυρίζω, -ρόω -ω, and -ρεύω, f. -σω, (fr. έμπυρος burning) to set on fire, light up, kindle ; to burn, consume. Εμπυρισμος, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a burning ; afire, conflagration. Έμπυρον,-ου, το, (neut. of next) α burnt-offering. Έμπυρος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. εν on, and πυρ fire) heated, warm, inflamed, fiery ; kindled, lighted ; burning, blazing, flaming. Εμυθολόγησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. οΐμυθοΧογέω. Έμυκον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of μυκάω. Εμφάγω, (fr. εν intens. and φάγω to eat) to eat voraciously, de- vour, cram, stuff". Εμφαίνω, f. -άνω, p. εμττέφαγκα, (fr. εν in, and φαίνω to show) to represent, set forth, show, mani- fest ; to explain, clear up, en- lighten ; to display, set forth. Εμφαίνομαι, to appear, show or betray one's self. 1 a. ind. act. ενέφηνα. 2 a. ind. act. ενέφανον. per. mid. εμττέφανα. Εμφανέστατα, (sup. neut. pi. of next) most clearly, distinctly or plainly ; excellently, very or ex- tremely well. Εμφανής, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. εμ- φαίνω to represent) visible, appa- rent ; manifest, plain, clear; open, public ; conspicuous, emi- nent, distinguished, a. sin. cont. εμφανή. Εμφανίζω, f. -"σω, (fr. last) to show, make appear, expose to view, set before the eyes. Εμφανίζομαι, to appear, be in sight, show one's self, become conspicuous. 1 a. act. ind. ενεφάνισα' impr. εμφάνισαν, -άτω, in 2 pi. εμφανίσατε. 1 a. pass. ind. ενεφανίσθην inf. εμ- φανισθηναι. Εμφανισμός, -ου, δ, (fr. last) an appearance, sign, indication ; a mark, token ; proof. Εμφανώς and Ion. Εμφανέως, (fr. εμφανής clear) visibly, clearly, plainly; conspicuously, eminently. Έμφασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. εμ- φαίνω to represent) a representa- tion, appearance, show; a pre- tence; an image, likeness, figure, similitude, resemblance ; an imi tation, copying ; emphasis. Εμφατικός, and -αντίκος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) significant, expressive, emphatical. comp. Εμφατικότε- ρος or-ai/riKO)T€pof,sup. -ώτατος Εμφερης, -εος -ους, δ, '/, (fr. next) relative, respecting, relating or appertaining to ; like, similar, re• sembling. EN Εμφίρω, f. ενοίσω, 1 a. act. ενήνεγ- κα, (fr. εν in, and φέρω to carry) to bring upon ; to spread abroad, disseminate. Εμφέρομαι, to be carried or go round, through or about; to be carried, or rise to excess ; to rush or fall upon ; to resemble, be like. ΕμφιΧονεικώς, fr. εν intens. and φι- Χονεικώς, which see. Έμφοβος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. εν in, and φόβος fear) fearful, timorous, ti- mid; terrified, frightened, scared. Εμφορέω -ω, f. -ήσω and -έσω, p. εμπεφόρηκα and -εκα, (fr. εν upon, and φορέω to bear) to introduce, bring in or upon ; to lay upon, inflict. Εμφορέυμαι-ονμαι,ϊ. -ι'/σο- μαι, p. εμπεφόρημαι, to set, rush, dart or fall upon; to gorge, stuff, satiate ; to enjoy, .take the benefit or reap the fruits of. Εμφράσσω or -ττω, f. -ζω, p. -χα, (fr. εν in, and ώράσσω to hedge) to fence, enclose; to shut or stop up, barricade, bar ; to fill, dam up, stuff. Εμφρουρος,-ου, Ό, η, (fr. εν in, and φρουρά a guard) guarded, pro- tected, defended; under restraint, as a minor, prisoner ; also guarding, preserving, screening. Subs, a guard, keeper. Έμφρων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. same, and φ'ρην the understanding) pru- dent, discreet ; sagacious, intelli- gent, sensible, wise. Εμφύης, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. same, and φύω to grow) natural, con- stitutional '; innate, inborn, in- bred. Εμφνς, -υσα, -ύν, par. of ενέφυν, 2 a. ind. act. of έμφνμι, see εμ- φύω. Εμφυσάω -ω,ΐ. -ήσω, (fr. εν in, and φυσάω to blow) to blow or breathe upon ; to swell, puff up, inflate ; to kindle with the breath. 1 a. ind. act. ενέφυσα. Εμφύσημα, -άτος, το, (fr. last) a blast, breath of air; inflation, swelling or puffing up with air ; a bubble. Εμφυσιόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. εν intens, and φυσιόω to pant) to breathe strongly ; to inflate, swell up. Έμφυτος, -ου, δ, »% (fr. next) im- planted, engrafted ; adopted rooted, settled, fixed ; inherent, natural, innate. Εμφύω or Έμφυμι, f. -υσω, p. εμ ■κέφυκα, (fr. εν in, and φύω or φυμι to grow) to engender, beget, implant ; to grow in or along with ; to be in, adhere or be natu- ral to ; to grow to, cling, clasp entwine. 2 a. act. ενέφυν, -υς, -ν par. εμφύς, -υσα, -ύν. per. mid εμπέφυα' par. εμπεφυώς. Έμψυχος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same, and ψυχή the soul) animated, living, breathing; vital. Εμων, g. pi. of εγώ or of εμός. Εν, and Poet, ενϊ and ειν, a prepo- sition governing the d. case ; in, within, inside, among; on, upon ; against ; at, near ; dur• (199) ΕΝΑ ing, while, whilst ; by way of t by ; with, by means of, through, by ; into, to, towards, unto ; for, on account of, by reason of; as, according to. Ev, Ion. for επί. Εν for ένθα. Έν for ένι, which for ένεστι im- pers. ; or for ένεισι, 3 pi. pres. ind. of ένειμι, to be with. Έν, also Poet, for ενην, 3 sin. or ένησαν, 3 pi. impf. of ένειμι, to be among. Έν, neut. of ει?, μία, εν. Εναμείβοντι, (d. sin. par. pres. act. of αμείβω to reply) in turn, by turns, alternately. Ένα, -ας, a, Dor. for ενη. Also a. sin. mas. of εΊς. Ενάγης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. εν in, and άγος reverence) holy, sa- cred, consecrated, devoted, bound by a vow ; polluted, defiled, exe- crable, vile, wicked, impure; in a state of uncleanness. Εναγίζω, (fr. last) to discharge or fulfil a vow, perform a holy rite, expiate, atone; to celebrate fune • ral obsequies, appease, avenge. Ενάγισμα, -άτος, το, and Εναγισ- μός, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a celebra- tion or performance of a vow, bu- rial or other rite ; a memorial ; an expiation, atonement, offering for the dead. Εναγκαλίζομαι, f. -ίσομαι, (fr. εν in, and αγκάληύιβ fold of the arms) to take in the arms, embrace, clasp, hug ; to fondle, nurse. 1 a. mid. ind. ενηγκαλισάμην. ΕναγκαΧισάμενος, par. 1 a. mid. of last. ΕναγκυΧόω -ω, (fr. same, and αγ- κύλη a thong) to shoot, dart, or fling missile weapons, by means of a strap or thong, par. pres. act. cont. n. pi. εναγκυλοϋντες. Εναγκωνίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. εν on, and αγκων the elbow) to lean jr rest upon the elbow, recline or sit at meat ; to incline, bend, stoop. Εναγκωνιώ, -έΐς, -εΤ, Att. for εναγ- κωνίσω, 1 f. act. of last. Έναγχος, (fr. εν in, and άγχι near) lately, just now. Ενάγω, f. -£ω, p. -χα, (fr. same, and άγω to lead) to lead or bring in, introduce; to induce, persuade, encourage, exhort, in- cite. Εναγωνίζομαι, (fr. εν against, and αγωνίζομαι to contend, th. άγων a fight) to strive against, oppose, resist, pres. inf. mid. εναγωνίζεσ- θαι. Εναγώνιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. εν in, and αγών a public game) about the games, engaged in or fond of the public sports; dramatic, active, vehement. Εναθλέω -ω, (fr. εν intens. and αθλέω to contend) to exercise often, practise much. Έναιον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of ναίω. Εναίριος, -ου, δ, ft, (fr. εν in, and ΕΝΑ αηρ the air) aerial, airy, living in ΕΝΑ the air ; high, lofty, Ειαίρω, f. -άρω, (fr. εν intens. and αίρω to carry off) to take off, cut off, kill, slay; to destroy, con- sume, ruin ; to pillage, plunder, spoil. 1 a. ind. act. ένιιρα. 1 a. ind. mid. ενηράμην, -ω, -ατο. Έναίσιμον and Κναισίμως,(ίτ.Ώ,βχί) fitly, agreeably, suitably, conve- niently, orderly. Εναίσ'ίμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. εν in, and αίσα fate) fatal, destined, prede- termined, necessary, inevitable; portentous, ominous, foreboding, adapted, fit, proper, becoming, agreeable, useful ; reasonable, just. Εναλίγκΐος, -ov, b, η, (fr. εν intens. and αλίγκιος like) very like, re- sembling, similar. Ενάλιος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. εν in, and αλς the sea) of the sea, in the sea, marine, maritime. Εναλίσκω or Ενάλωμί, f. -ώσω, p. ενήλωκα, (fr. same, and άλίσκω to take) to seize, take, lay hold of. See άλίσκω. Εναλλαγή, -ης, η, (fr. εναλλάττω to alter) a change, alteration ; ex- change, transfer. Ενάλλαγμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) change, exchange, barter, traffic ; price, equivalent. Εναλλάξ, (fr. same) by vjay of change, in an altered manner ; alternately, by turns. Εναλλάττω, f. -ζω, p. -χα, (fr. εν intens. and αλλάσσω or -ττω to change) to change, alter, shift, vary ; to exchange, traffic, buy or sell ; to alternate, act by turns. Ενάλλομαι, (fr. εν on, and αλλομαι to leap) to leap upon ; to tread upon, trample ; to insult ; to ex- ult, rejoice. 1 f. inf. mid. εναλεΐσ- θαι. Εναλλος, -ov, b, η, (fr. εν in, and άλλος another) changeable, changing, mutable; fickle, in- constant; changed, contrary. Εναλόντες, η. pi. mas. of Εναλοΰς, -ονσα, -ov, par. 2 a. act. of ενά- λωμι, obs. see εναλίσκω. Ενάμιλλος, -ov, b, (fr. εν in, and άμιλλα a contest) an antagonist, opponent, rival ; a match, equal. Έναμμα, -άτος, το, (fr. εν to, and άπτω to fasten to) a chain, fetter, band, rope, strap ; the thong used to throw the javelin. Ενανθέω -ω, fr. εν intens. and av- θέω, which see. per. ind. mid. ενήνοθα. Έναντα and Έναντι, (fr. εν in, and αντί against) over against, oppo- site, before, in presence of. Εναντία, -ας, η, viz. χώρα, (fern, of ενάντιος opposite) the front, forepart, that part facing or op- posite. Εναντίβιον, (neut. of next) oppo- sitely, facing ; adversely. Εναντίβιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. εν in, αντί against, and βία strength) ad- verse, hostile, opposite; contrary, contradictory. Subs, an adversa- ry, opponent, antagonist. Εναντιεν μένος, Dor. for -ονμενος, par. pres. mid. cont. of εναν- τιόω. Εναντίον, (neut. of ενάντιος con- trary) same as έναντι. Εναντιοπραγέω -ω, (fr. έναντι against, and πράσσω to act) to be of the other party, favour the op- positefaction, deal with the enemy. Ενάντιος, -a, -ov, (fr. έναντι over against) fronting, facing, face to face, meeting, opposite ; con- trary, contradictory ; adverse, hostile. Εναντιότης, -ητος, ή, (fr. last) con trariety, opposition, disagree- ment. Εναντιόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. εν intens, and αντιόω or -όομαι to oppose) to be against or contrary to, op- pose, resist, cross, thwart. Εναντίωμα, -άτος, το, (fr. last) op- position, resistance, repugnance an impediment, obstacle. Εναντίως, (fr. ενάντιος opposite) on the contrary, in opposition to. Εναντίωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) resistance, opposition. Έναξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of νάσσω. Εναττεδεικννάτο, Ion. for εναπεδείκ- ννντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of ενα- ποδείκννμι. Ενατ: ερείδομαι, f. -είσομαι, ρ. εναπή- ρεισμαι, (fr. εν on, από from, and ερείδω to prop) to be fastened or fixed in ; to lean, rest or stand upon ; to fix upon, brand. Εναποδείκννμι,ΐ. -δείξω, (fr. same, and δείκννμι to show) to point out, show, exhibit; to demonstrate, prove, explain. Εναποθνήσκω, f. -ξομαι, fr. same, and $νήσκω, which see. Εναττοκνβενω, f. -ενσω, (fr. same, and κνβενω to play at dice) to be addicted to dice, game, gam- ble. Εναΐϊολαμβάνω, f. -λι'ιψομαι, (fr. same, and λαμβάνω to take) to cut off, intercept; catch, take unawares, surprise. Εναποπνέω, f. -ενσω, (fr. same, and πνέω to breathe) to breathe or blow upon ; to breathe his last, breathe forth ; to linger in death, expire in torture, be worn out by calamities. Εναποτίθημι, f. -θήσω, (fr. same, and τίθημι to place) to put by or aside r put away, lay down ; to resign, give up, give over, leave off Ενάπτω, f. -ψω, p. ένηφα, (fr. same, and α-κτω to touch) to tie to, bind, fix, fasten, annex, join; to kindle, light up. Εν άπτομαι, to dress, clothe one's self, wear, have on. par. per. pass, ενημμέ- νος. Έναρα, -ων, τα, (fr. εναίρω to cut off, or εν in, and άρης battle) spoil, plunder, pillage. Ενάργει, Dor. for ενήργει, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. οΐενεργέω. (200) ΕΝΑ Εναργέως, (fr. next) plainly clear ly, distinctly ; openly, publicly. Εναργής, -έος -ονς, b, ή, (fr. ev in, and αργός white) evident, mani- fest, plain, clear, distinct; open t public. Ενάρετος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. same, and αρετή virtue) virtuous, good, correct, pure, innocent, up- right. Ενάρης, -έος -ονς, b, f], (fr. same, and άρω to fit) firm, compact. Ενάρης, -έος -ονς, b, >;, (fr. same, and' αρά a curse) under a curst y stain or pollution, unclean, im- pure ; bad, wicked, vile, exe- crable, abominable, hateful, odi- ous. Ενάριες for εναρέες, η. pi. mas. of last. Εναρίξω, f. -ίξω, p. -ιχα, (fr. εναί- ρω to cut off, or εν in, and άρης war) to kill, slay, slaughter ; to spoil, strip, plunder, pillage, sack. Εναριθμέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. εν in, and αριθμέω to count) to reckon among, count up with ; to com- pute, calculate. Εναρίθμητος, (fr. last) counted up, enumerated, reckoned. Or, for αναρίθμητος. Εναρίθμιος and Ενάριθμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) reckoned among, counted upon, esteemed. Εναρίμβροτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. εναίρω to cut off, and βροτός human) savage, murderous. Subs, a man- slayer, homicide. Ενάριξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — Εναρίξοιμι,-οις, -οι, 1 a. opt. act. of εναρίζω. Ενάρκεσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of ναρκέω. Εναρμόζω, f. -ώσω, p. ενήρμωκα, (fr. εν in, and αρμόζω to fit) to apply, put to, join, adapt ; to set, compose; to sing. Εναρμόνιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and άρμόνιος agreeing) nicely- fitting, well adapted, suitable; musical, harmonious. Εναρμόξαι, Dor. for εναρμόσαι, I a. inf. act. of εναρμι'ξω. Εναρξάμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. of ενάρχομαι. 'Ενάρον for ένηρον or ήναρον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of εναίρω. Εναρφόρος or Εναρηφόρος, -ov, δ, (fr. έναρα spoils, and φέρω to carry) a spoiler, plunderer, rob- ber of the dead. Ενάρχομαι, f. -ξομαι, (fr. εν intens. and άρχομαι to begin) to make ο beginning, commence, set out; to attempt, undertake, take upon. 1 a. mid. ind. ενηρξάμην par. εναρξάμενος. Ενάσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. — Ένασσα, Ενασσάμην, Poet, for ένασα, act. and ενασάμην, mid. 1 a. ind. οΐνάω ίόΐναίω. Ενατος, -η, -ov, Poet, for έννατος. Ενανδης, -έος -ονς, b, η\ (fr. εν in, and ανδη voice) having voice t vocal, articulate; living, breath- ing. ΕΝΔ ΕΝΔ Ενανλίζομαι, f. -Ισομαι, (fr. εν ίη,[Ενο"είκτ>κ, -ου, δ, (fr. last) an and ανλίξομαι to lodge) to resort to, visit; to lodge at, sojourn, reside for a white ; to rest, stop, stay, wait. par. 1 a. mid. εναυ- λισάμενος. Εναυλοί, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and αυλός a pipe) playing or sound- ing on a pipe or flageolet, musi- cal, singing ; reechoing, reverbe- rating, resounding, murmuring, roaring; ringing in the ears, Also subs, a ditch, drain, trench. a bed, channel : a stream, tor- rent, Έναυλος, -ου, b, (fr. same, and αυλήΆΪο\ά) a stable, fold, cote; a residence, home; a haunt, re- sort. Έ,ναυζάνω, f. -αυξήσω, p. -ηύξηκα, (fr. εν intens. and αυξάνω to aug- ment) to enlarge much, increase in ; to breed up or educate in. Έναυσμα, -ατός, τδ, (fr. next) a spark, embers; fuel, coal. Έναύω, f. -αύσω, (fr. εν intens. and αύω to dry) to light up, kindle, inflame, excite. Έναφίημι, f. -είσω, p. -εικα, (fr, εν in, από from, and 'ίημι to send) to put or thrust in, insert ; to in- termix, intermingle, put among ; to send away to. Ένδαΐς, Dor. for Ενδηΐς, -'ΐδος, ή, Endeis, a woman's name. Ένδακρνς, -υος, δ, η, (fr. εν in, and δάκρυ a tear) in tears, weeping. Ένδατέομαι -ουμαι, f. -ήσομαι, (fr. εν among, and δατέομαι to share) to divide among, share, allot; to explain, interpret ; to cut with re- proaches, upbraid; to scatter, disperse. Κνδεδνμένος, -η, -ov, par. of Ενδέδν- μαι, per. pass. — Ενδέδυκα, per. ind. act. of ενδύνω or ενδύω. Ένδίει -εΊ, f. ενδεήσει. 1 a. ενεδέησε, (impers. fr. ενδίω to be wanting) it is necessary, it is needful, there wants, it ought Ενδεής, -ίος -ους, δ, η, (fr. ενδίω to be wanting) indigent, poor, needy, distressed; wanting, de- ficient, fallen short, inferior. Comp. ενδεέστερος, sup. -έστα- τος. Ένδεια, «ς, f/, (fr. last) need, want, poverty, penury, indigence ; lack, failure, defiaency. Ένδειγμα, -ατός, το, and Ένδειξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. next) α show, display, exhibition; proof, evidence, demonstration ; an im- peachment. Ένδείκνυμι or Ενδεικνύω, (fr. εν in- tens. and δείκνυμι or -ύω to show) to show, poinVout, demonstrate ; to display, exhibit, show out, set off; to denounce, accuse. Ev- δείκνυμαι, to exhibit or display one's self, uct, do, perform, pres. pass. ind. 3 pi. ενδείκνυνται- inf. ενδείκνυσθαι. per. pass, ενδέδειγ- μαι. 1 f. mid. ενδείξομαι. 1 a. mid. ind. ενεδειξάμην, -ω, -ατο' impr. ενδείξαι, -άσθω' sub. εν- δειξωμαι, -η, -ηται. Cc former, discoverer, accuser. Ένδεικτο, by Sync, for ενεδέδεικτο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of same. Ενδείξασθαι, inf. — Ενδείξασθε, 2 pi. impr. — Ενδείξωμαι, -η, -ηται, sub. 1 a. mid. of ενδείκνυ- μι. Ένδειξις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, η, a. έν- δειξιν, see ένδειγμα. "Ενδεκα, indecl. (fr. εν one, and δέκα ten) eleven. Ένδεκάκις, (fr. last) eleven times. 'Ενδέκατος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) the eleventh. Ενδέκεσθαι, Ion. for ενδέχεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. of ενδέχομαι. Ενδελέχεια, -ας, ?/, (fr. next) per- fection, fulness, completeness ; constancy, assiduity, continuance. Ενδελεχέω -ώ, (fr. next) to use dili- gence, be constant, persevere, persist ; to employ much, use frequently. Ενδελεχής, -έος -ους, b, η, Att. for εντελεχής, (fr. εν in, τέλος the end, and έχω to have) perfect, complete, finished ; active, dili- gent ; constant. Ενδελεχίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. same) to perpetuate, persist, persevere, con- tinue at, with or in. Ενδελεχισμός, -ου, δ, η, (fr. last) diligence, assiduity, constancy, perseverance, continuance. Ενδελεχώς, (fr. ενδελεχής diligent) diligently, constantly, persever- ingly. Ενδέξια, (neut. pi. of next) dex- terously, successfully ; conveni- ently, aptly, filly ; luckily, for- tunately. Ενδέξιος, -a, -ov, (fr. εν on, and δέξιος right-handed) on the right hand, to the right side; lucky, fortunate, happy ; successful, fa- vourable, prosperous, νδέομαι,ϊ. -ήσομαι, see ενδέω. Ένδεσμα, -ατός, το, (fr. ενδέω to tie up) α band, bond, fastening, rope, chain, fetters, &c. confine- ment, imprisonment. Ενδεσμέω -ω, f. -ήσω, and Ενδεσ- μεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same) to bind in, tie up, wrap together, infold; to entangle, embarrass, implicate. Ένδεσμος, -ου, δ, '/, (fr. εν intens. and δεσμός a chain) a lying, binding, fastening; a band, chain, fetter, knot; a bundle, parcel, package, purse, scrip ; a chest ; a prison, chamber. Ενδέχεται, (impers. of next) it is lawful, allowable or possible, it may be, it admits. Ενδέχομαι, f. -ξομαι, p. ενδέδεγμαι, (fr. εν in, and δέχομαι to take) to take in, take upon, undertake ; to admit, allow, permit. 3 sin. pres. ind. ενδέχεται. Ενδεχόμενος, -η, -ov, (par. pres. of last) allowable, lawful; probable, possible. Ενδεχομένως, (fr. last) probably; as much as possible. Ενδέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. εν in, and δίω to bind) to bind in, tie up, (201) ΕΝΔ wrap or fold in; to tie, bind fasten, confine, straiten. Ενδέω -ώ, i. -ήσω, fr. εν intens. and δέω, to want, which see. Ενδημέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. ενδεδέμηκα, (fr. εν among, and δήμος people) to be at home, dwell, live at, inht. - bit, abide, reside. Ενδήμιος, -ου, δ, ;/, (fr. same) en- demic, endemical or endemial, peculiar to certain ranks of people. Ένδημος, -ov, b. η, (fr. same) at home, in one s own country ; domestic, private. Ενδιάασκον, Ion. for ενδίαον, impf. act. of ενδιάω. Ενδιαβάλλω, f. -άλω, p. ενδιαβέβ- ληκα, (fr. εν intens. and διαβάλλο) to slander) to calumniate ; to ac- cuse, impeach; to oppose, thwart, resist. ΕνδιάΟετος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. εν in, and διατ'ώημι to dispose) internal, inward, inside. Ενδιαθρνπτω, (fr. εν intens. and διαθρύπτω to pamper) to abuse wantonly or by vicious indul- gence ; to use for gratification. Ενδιαθρύτττομαι, to affront ; to scorn, disdain, pres. inf. pass. ενδιαθρύΐϊτεσθαι. Ενδιαιτάομαι -ώμαι, (fr. εν in, and διαιτάομαι to dwell) tostay, dwell, reside at, live in ; to delay, lai-ry, continue at. Ενδια-ρέπω, f. -ψω, (fr. εν intens, and διαπρέπω to excel) to prac- tise, exercise, fit, prepare, train. Ενδιατρίβω, f. -ψω, (fr. same, and διατρίβω to remain) to remain in ; to dwell upon, spend much time about. Ενδιάω -ω, (fr. ένδιος noontide) to rist, retire or sleep at noon, with- draw into the shade, shun the heat ; to delay, wait, stay, pass or spend time. νδιδάσκω, f. -ζω, p. ενδεδίδαχα, (fr. εν intens. and διδάσκω to teach) to instruct, inform, im- prove ; to inculcate, impress. Ενί ώόναί, pres. inf. act. οΐενδίδωμι. Ενδιδύσκω, (frequent, fr. ενδύω to enter) to put on, dress, clothe. Ενδιδύσκομαι, tobe dressed, clothe one's self; to assume, take upon. impf. mid. ενεδιδυσκόμην. Ενδίδωμι, f. -δώσω, (fr. εν in, and δίδωμι to give) to deliver to, charge, intust, put into the hands; to supply, minister to, afford; to give in, yield, submit, give up, give way to, let loose. Ενδίεσαν, 3 pi. impf. act. of ενδίη- μι. Or 3 pi. 2 a. ind. act. of εν- δι'ίημί. Ενδίημι, same as ενδίαω. Or per- haps fr. εν intens. and δίω, which see. Ενδι'ίημι, f. -διήσω, p. ενδίεικα, (fr. εν in, δια through, and Ίημι to send) to send off or away, dis- miss, discharge; to let off, let out, let go; to set on as dogs, animate, instigate, excite. Ένδίκος, -ου, δ, $, used Poet, for ΕΝΔ δίκαιος, (fr. same, and Μκρ jus- tice) just, honest, upright, "good, sincere. Ενδϊνα, -ων, τα, (fr. ένδον within) the intestines, bowels, all beneath the skin, the flesh. Ενδιον, -ου, to, (neut. of next) a stop, rest, delay, pause. Ενδιος, -α, -ov, at noon, noontide, midday, meridian. Ενδογενής, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. ένδον "within, and γίνομαι to be) in- nate, natural, inbred, inherent; born in or at, home-born, home- bred. "Ενδοθεν, and Poet. Έ,νδοθι, (fr. same )yrom within, from the in- side ; inwardly, internally. Ενδοϊ, Dor. for ένδον. Ενδοιάζω, f. -ασω, fr. εν intens. and δοιάζω, which see. Ένδοιασιμός and Ενδοιαστος, -ου, δ, fj, (fr. next) doubtful, dubious, uncertain ; wavering, variable, fickle. Ενδοιασμός, -ov, δ, and Ε,νδοίασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, fj, (fr. ένδοιάζω to doubt) doubt, hesitation ; un- certainty, suspense ; perplexity ; mistrust, suspicion, apprehen- sion. Ενδομαχας, Dor. for Ενδομαχής -ου, δ, (fr. ένδον within, and μάχομαι to fight) quarrel- some or contentious at home. Ένδομενία, -ων, τα, (fr. same, ssxd μένω to remain, or fr. εν in, a&d Έδμος a house) furniture, house- hold stuff, moveables. Ενδόμησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. εν in, and δομέω to build) a build- ing, structure, edifice; a pile, mound, buttress, prop. Ένδομυχέω -ω, (fr. ένδον within, and μυχός a recess) to lur\, lie hid, be concealed within. Ενδόμυχος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) in- ward, inside ; retired, hidden, sheltered, concealed. Ένδον, (fr. εν in) in, inside, within, inwardly. Τα ένδον, the in- side. Ένδοξάζω, f. -ασω, p. ενδεδόξακα, (fr. εν intens. and δόξα prafse) to glorify, celebrate, praise, extol. per. pass, ενδεδόξασμαι. 1 a. pass. ind. ενεδόξάσθην. Ενδοξασθηναι, inf. — Έ,νδοξασθω, -^ίί -/?> sub. 1 a. pass, of last. Ένδοξος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. εν in, and δόξα fame) noted, remarkable, well-known, famous, illustrious, renowned ; glorious, honourable, splendid ; generous, high spirited noble ; principal, chief. Ένδόξως, (fr. last) gloriously, fa- mously, splendidly ; nobly, ge- nerously. Ένδοσθία, -ων, τα, (fr. ένδον within) the intestines, entrails, bowels Ενδόσίμον, -ου, το, (neut. of next) an exordium, preface ; a begin. ning, outset ; encouragement, incentive; an occasion, cause, source. Ένδόσιμος, -ου, δ, »/, (fr. ενδίδω μι to remit) gratuitous, free, volun- ΕΝΔ. tary ; causing, moving, instigat- ing. Ένδοσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) remission, abatement, re- laxation, cessation, interval; a transmission, delivery, charge. Ενδότερος, -a, -ov, comp. Κνδότα- τος, -η, -ov, sup. (fr. ένδον with- in) inner, interior; innermost. Ενδοτέρως, comp. Κνδοτάτως, sup. (fr. last) more inwardly, inter- nally, deeply, thoroughly. Ένδρυον, -ου, το, (fr. εν in, and δρυς an oak) the pith. Ένδρυον, -ου, το, and Ένδρυος, -ου, δ, (fr. same) the beam of a plough; a plough; thepole,yoke, cross trees of a cart, &c. Ενδρυώδης, -εος -ους, δ, η, (fr. same) planted with oaks, woody. Ενδυκίως, Poet, readily, willingly ; carefully, diligently, attentively ; humanely, kindly. Ένδυμα, -ατός, το, (fr. ενδύω to put on) raiment, apparel, dress, clothing ; a garment, coat. d. pi. ενδύμασι. Ένδϋμι, same as ενδύνω, 2 a. ind. act. ενέδυν, -υς, -υ. Ενδύμιος, corrupted for ενθνμιος. Ενδυναμόω -ω,ΐ. -ώσω, ρ. ενόεδννά- μωκα, (fr. εν intens. andovva^ou> to strengthen) to corroborate, strengthen, confirm, establish. Ενδυναμόομαι -ονμαι, to grow strong, gain strength, be able ; to prevail, overcome. 1 a. ind. act. ενεδυνάμωσα. impf. pass, ενεδυνα- μοόμην -ούμην, -όου -ου, -όετο -ον- το. 1 a. ind. pass, ενεδυναμώθην. ' Ενδύνοντες, η. pi. par. pres. act. of ενδύνω. Ενδύντες, η. pi. of Ενδύς, -υσα, -iiv,\ par. pres. or 2 a. act. of ένδυμι, same as Ενδύνω, Ενδύω, and Ενδύομαι or Ένδϋμι, f. -ύσω, p. ενδέδυκα, (fr. εν intens. and δύνω, &c. to enter) to go in, enter into, penetrate ; to creep or steal in ; to put on, clothe, dress, be clad ; to invest, endue, confer. 1 a. act. ind. ενέ- δυσα' impr. ένδυσον. 2 a. act. ind. ενέδυν, -υς, -υ' par. ενδύς, -υσα, -ύν. per. pass. ind. ενδέδυμαι• par. ενδεδυμένος. 1 a. mid. ind. ενεδυσάμην impr. ενδύσαι' sub. ενδύσω μαι, in 2 pi. ενδύσησθε' inf. ενδύσασθαι' par. ενδυσάμενος. Ένδύο, (fr. εν in, and δύο two) in two minutes, immediately, quick- ly, speedily, hastily. Ενδύουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of ενδύω. Ενδύς, -υσα, -ύν, Ενδυσάμενος, -η, -ov, see ενδύνω. Ενδύσασθαι, inf. — Ενδυσάμενος, -η, -ov, par. — Ενδύσασθε, 2 ρΐ. impr. 1 a. mid. — Ενδύσατε, same act. — Ενδύσωμαι, -η, -ηται, pi. -σώμεΟα, -σησθε, 1 a. sub. mid. of ενδύνω or ενδύω. Ένδυσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f], (fr. ενδύνω to put on) clothing, dress, habiliment; the wearing of clothes. Ενδύω, see ενδύνω. (202) ENE Ενέβάλον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. iad. aU oi εμβάλλω. Ενέβην, -ης, -η, 3 pi. -βηβαν, 2 a. ind. act. of εμβαίνω. Ενεβίβασα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εμβιβάζω. Ενέβλεττον, impf. — Ενεβλεψα, 1 a. ind. act. of εμβλέπω. Ενεβριμησάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ίηφ mid. — Ενεβριμωντο, 3 pi. cont. impf. pass, of εμβριμάομαι. Ενεγγυάω -ω, fr. εν intens. and εγ- γνάω, which see. Ενεγγύησα, Ion. for ενηγγύησα, 1 a. ind. act. of last. Ένεγγυς, fr. εν intens. and εγγυς ί which see. Ενέγκαντο, Ion. for ^viyKavro, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. — Ένεγκον, Ion. for ήνεγκον, 2 a. ind. act. of Ενέγκω, obs. see φέρω. 1 a. act. ind. ήνεγκα, in 3 pi. ήνεγκαν impr. ένεγκον, -άτω' inf. ενέγκαι' par. ενεγκάς. 2 a. act. ind. ήνεγ- κον' inf. ενεγκείν par. ενεγκών. 1 a. mid. ind. ηνεγκάμην, -ω, -ατο* inf. ενεγκάσθαι. Ενεδείξατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of ενδείκνυμι. Ενεδϊδου, 3 sin. impf. act. of ενδί- δω μ ι' as if from ενδιδόω. Ενεδιδύσκετο, 3 sin. impf. pass, of ενδιδύσκω. Ενέδρα, -ας, %, and Ένεδρον, -ου, τό, (fr. εν in, and έδρα a seat) an ambush, ambuscaae t lying in wait ; treachery. Ενεδρεύω, f. -εύσω, p. ενήδρευκα, (fr. same) to lie in wait, set an am- bush; to ensnare, deceive, be- tray, pres. ind. act. 3 pi. tvt- δρεύουσι. par. pres. act. ενεδ^εύ- ων, η. pi. -οντες, 1 a. act. ind. ενήδρευσα' impr. ενέδρευσον. Ένεδρος, -ου, δ, fj, (fr. same) hid- den, retired. Εδέδυν, -υς, -ν, 2 a. ind. act Ενε'δυσα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. ενέδυ- σαν, 1 a. ind. act. — Ενεδύσασθε, 2 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. of ενδύνω. Ενεδυνααουτο, 3 sin. cont. impf. pass. — Ενεδυναμώθη, 3 sin. -μώ- θησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass. — Ενεδυνάμωσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of ενδυναμόω. Ενέεικα, for ένεικα, see ενε/*«. Ενέηκεν, Poet, and Ion. for ένεκεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of ενίημι. Ενεην, Ion. for ενην, impf. οΐίνειμι, to be in. Ενεθεϊς, -εΊσα, -εν, par. — Ενεθη- ναι, inf. 1 a. pass, of ενίημι. Ενέθηκα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εντίθημι. Ενεθίζω, f. -Υσω, (fr. εν intens. and εθίζω to accustom) to inure, ha- bituate, accustom ; to practise^ train. Ενίθρεψα, act. Ενεθρεψάμην, mid. 1 a. ind. of εντρέφω. Ενεθυμήθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. of ενθυμέομαι. Ενείδω, f. -σομαι, \fr. εν on, and είδω to see) to look at, upon or into, behold, pry into ; to examine survey, observe, view, consider > 2 a. ind. act. ίνειδον or ivifov ENE Εν tin*, -ης, -η, pres. ορϊ.. Of ένει /it to be in. Or, 2 a. opt. act. of ενίημι- Ένεκα, Poet, for ένεκα. Ένεικα, -aj, -ε, per. ind. act. of ενίημι. See also next. Ενε/κω, Poet, for ενίγκω, obs. 1 a. act. ind. ήνεικα, in 3 pi. ήνεικαν, but Ion. ένεικα, and ένεικαν ■ opt. ενε'ικαιμι, -αις, -αι, and JEol. ενείκεια, -ειας, -ειε' sub. ενείκω, -ης, -η' inf. ενεΓκαι* par. ενείκα?. See φέρω. Ενείλέω -ώ, f. ->5σω, ρ. ενείληκα, (fr. εν in, and ειλέω or είλέω to roll) ίο ro#, torop or fold up ; to en- velop, cover, hide ; to entangle, involve. 1 a. ind. act. ενειλη- σα, -ας, -ε. Ένειμα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. Ένειμαν, 1 a ind. act. of νέμω. Ένειμεν, Poet, for ένεσμεν, 1 pi pres. of Ένειμι, f. -έσομαι, (fr. εν in, and ειμί to be) to be in, within, at or among; to tenant, inhabit, dwell in. Ένεση, Ενόντα, see in their places. Ένειμι, f. -είσομαι, p. -ει/ία, (fr. same, and ε7μι to go) to go in, enter. 2 a. ind. ένιον. Ενεϊί, -εϊσα, -εν, par. 2 a. act. — Κνεΐσθαι, per. inf. pass, οΐενίημι. Ένεισι, 3 pi. pres. ind. of ένειμι, to be in. Ενείχεε, Ion. for ενείχε or -χεν, 3 sin. impf. act. of ενέχω. Ενείχθην, -ης, -η, Ion. for ηνέχθην, 1 a. ind. pass. — Ενεχθεϊς, par. 1 a. pass, οΐενέγκω obs. See φέρω. ϋνεκα, and "Ενεκεν, and Poet, εί'νε- κα, and -κεν, for the sake of, on account of, because of, by reason of, with respect to, in regard of, as far as relates to or con- cerns. Ενεκαίνισα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of εγκαινίζω. Ενεκάλουν, 1 sin. or 3 pi. impf. act. of εγκαλέω. Ενέκειτο, 3 sin. impf. of έγκει- μαι. ΕνεκεκόΧαπτο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of εγκοΧάπτω. Ενεκεντρίσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. οι εγ κεντρίζω. Ενεκίσσαον -ων, impf. act. of εγ- κισσάω. Ενεκοπτόμην, -ου,-ετο, impf. pass. — Ενέκοψα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of εγκόπτω. Ενεκύτει, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. of εγκοτέω. Ενέκρνψα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of εγ κρύπτω. Ενεκτέος, -a, -ov, (fr. ενέγκω to carry) it must be borne ; ought to be told ; should be referred ; &c. according to the verb φέρω. Ενέκυρσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. -i33ol. of εγκνρω. Or by Sync. for ενεκύρησα, same of εγκυρέω. ΕνεΧαίνω, fr. εν in, and εΧαύνω, which see. Ενελίπανα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εΧΧιχαίνω. Κνεμόμην,-ου, -ero, 3 pi. Ενέμοντο ENE impf. ratid. — Ενεμαν, -ης, -η, 1 a. md. pass, of νέμω. Ενεμφύω, fr. εν intens. ατιάεμφύω, which see. pres. inf. pass, εν- εμφύεσθαι. Ενενήκοντα, for εννενήκοντα. Ενενήτο, Ion. for ενεν<5ί?το, 3 sin. pper. pass of νοέω. Ενένιπεν, Ion. and Ενένιπτε, Att. for ήνιπτε, 3 sin. impf. act. of ε ν/πτω. Ενενοουμεν, 1 pi. cont. impf. act, Ενενώκάσί, Ion. for ενενοήκασι, 3 pi. per. ind. act. — Ενενώντο, for ενενόηντο, 3 pi. pper. pass, of εν- νοέω. Ενεξουσιάζομαι, f. -ασομαι. p. ενεξ- ουσίασμαι, (fr. εν in, and εξουσία power) Mid. to assume power, arrogate, usurp. Pass, to be brought under, subdued, subju- gated. Ενεος, -a, -bv, mute, dumb ; deaf; stupid, dull ; astonished, amazed. Ενεοττοποιησάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of νεοττοποιέομαι. Ενέοχμεν, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of νεοχμέω. Ενεπαγην, -ης, -η, 3 pi. Ενεπαγησαν, 2 a. ind. pass, of εμπήγνυμι. Ενέπαιζον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. — Ενέ- παιξα, -ας, -ε, 3 ρΐ. -παιξαν, 1 a. ind. act. — Ενεπαίχθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of εμτταίζω. Ενέπαξεν, Dor. for ενέπηξεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of εμπήγνυμι. Ενεπεπορπέατο, Ion. for ενεπεπόρπ- ηντο, 3pl. pper. pass. of εμπορπάω. Ενέπεσον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of εμπίπτω. Ενεπετάννυον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of εμπεταννυω. Κνεπηγόμην, -ου, -ετο, 2 a. ind.mid. of εμπήγνυμι* ΕνέπΧησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — Ενεπλήσθην, -ης, -η, 3 ρΐ. Ενε- πΧήσθησαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of εμπΧήθω. Ενέπνευσα, -ας, -ε, 3 ρΐ. Ενέπνευσαν, 1 a. ind. act. of εμπνέω. Εμπνύθην, -ης, -η, I a. ind. pass, of έμπνυμι ENE to effect or work in ; to produce or cause to be in ; to engender, generate, beget. Ενέργεια, -ας, ή, (fr. ενεργής power- ful) force, power, efficacy, virtue, energy, effectual working or ope- ration. Ενεργέω -ω, f. ->7σω, p. ενήργηκα, (fr. same) to operate, act, work, be employed in ; to effect, perform, fulfil, accomplish; to act inter- nally, produce in, cause to arise in. 1 a. ind. act. ενήργησα. impf. pass, ενηργεόμην -ούμην, -έου -ου, -έετο -είτο. per. pass, ind. ενήργημαι. Ενεργή, a. sin. mas. or neut. pi. cont. of ενεργής. Ενέργημα, -ατός, το, (fr. ενεργέω to operate) an operation, effect, product; action, agency, cause, means ; an affection, disposition, passion, pi. η. ενεργήματα, g. -μάτων. Ενεργής, -έος -ους, h, f), (fr. εν in, and έργον work) active, working; powerful energetic, efficacious ; moving, affecting, disposing, in- clining. Ενεργητικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. last.) ener- getic, active, efficacious, power- ful, able. Ενεργός, -ου, b, ή, (fr. εν in, and έργον work) active, working, re- lating or appropriated to work ; effectual, able. Subs, an opera- tor, artist, mechanic. Ενεργώς, (fr. last or ενεργής effec- tual) actively; effectually, com- pletely ; powerfully, ably. Ένερθε, andΈvεpθεv, (fr. εν in, and έρα the ground) in the earth, beneath^ below. Ένερος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) low, sunk y deep ; in the earth, under- ground, infernal. Ένεροι, -ων, ol, the shades, ghosts, departed souls, the fictitious beings of the lower regions. Ενέρτερος, -a, -ov, by Sync, for εμποδίζω. Ενεποιησάμην, -ω, -ατο, 3 pi. Ενε- ποιήσαντο, 1 a. ind. mid. of εμ- ποιέω. Ενέποισι, Dor. for ενέπουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of ενέπω. Ενέπρηθον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. — Ενέ- πρησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εμπρήθω. Ενέπτνον,-ες,-ε, impf. act. — Ενέπ- τυσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — Εν- επτύσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of εμπτύω. Ενέπω, and Poet. Εννέπω, (fr. εν intens. and έπω to say) to ad- dress, speak to ; to charge, en- join ; to chide, rebuke, threaten ; to speak, say, tell ; to repeat, sing, celebrate; to abuse, calumniate^ slander. Or (fr. έ'πω to follow) to follow, go after, pursue, par. pres. act. ενέπων. Ενεργάζομαι, (fr. εν in, and εργάζο- μαι to work, th. ioyov a work) (203) ενεράτερος, (comp. of last) lower, inferior, nether. Ενεπόδιζον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of Ενέρχομαι, Poet, for εσέρχομαι or εισέρχομαι, which last see. pres. inf. mid. ενέρχεσθαι. Ένεσαν, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. act. οι ενίη- Or by Syst. for ένησαν, 3 μι. pi» impf. of ένειμι, to be in. Ενεσία, -ας, η, (fr. next) counsel, advice, deliberation ; a hint, sug- gestion. Ένεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως,η, (fr. ενίημι to send in) an introduction, send- ing or putting in ; a suggestion, hint, intimation. Ενεστάγμην, -ζο, -κτο, pper. pass, of ενστάζω. Ενέσται, by Sync, for ενέσεται, 3 sin. f. ind. of ένειμι, to be in, or of ένεση. Ενεστεώπο?, Ion. for ενεστωτος, g. of ενεστώς , by Cras. for ενεστάως, mid. or by Sync, for ενεστηκως, act. par. per. of ενίστημι. Ενέστηκα, -ας, -ε or -εν, per. ind. act. — Ενεστ^σονταί. 3 pi. 1 C ind. mid. of ενίστημι. ENE ΕνεοΓηκώς,-υ'ία, -dj,' a • sin. Ενεστη- κότα, par. per. act. of same. See ενεστώς. Ένεση, (impers. of ένειμι to be in) it is possible, it may be. Ενεστώς, -υ7α, -ός, (cont. fr. ενεστη κώς, par. per. act. of ενίστημι to impend) impending, instant, ur- gent, present, at hand, near. Ενεστώτα, Ενεστώτος, Ενεστώσαν, cases of last. Ενετειλάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid, of εντέλλομαι. Ενέτη,-ης, η, (fr. ενίημι to put in) a button, buckle, clasp. Ενετία, -ας, >% Henetia,now Venice. 'Ενετός, -ου, b, η, a Venetian, Ve- netian, Venetian blue, Ενετύγχανον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of εντυγχάνω. Ενετυλιξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εντυλίττω. Ενέτυχον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of εντνγχάνω. Ενεκεν, Dor. for ενεύδειν, ores. inf. aci. v*f Ζϊίΰΰια. Ενευδοκιμέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. εν in- tens. and ευδοκιμέω to celebrate) to get great credit, gain reputa- tion, becomefamous, be celebrated. Evεύ<5ω,f.-εu<5>7σω,(fr.εvin,andε^ί<5ω to sleep) to sleep at or in, to lodge. Ενευλογέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ενενλόγν- κα, (fr. εν intens. and ευλογέω to bless) to bless in or by, bring a blessing upon, cause happiness to, make prosperous. 1. f. pass. 3 pi. ενενλογηθήσονται. Ένενσα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. Έρευσαν, 1 a. ind. act. of νεω to swim, or νενω to nod. Ενευφραίνομαι,(ίτ. εν in, and ευφραί- νομαι to exhilarate) to rejoice in, take delight in, enjoy. Ενεφάνισα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -νισαν, act. — Ενεφανίσθη», -ης, -77, 3 pi. Ενε- φανίσθησαν, pass. 1 a. ind. οι εμ- φανίζω. Ενεφορεόμην -ούμην, -ίου -ου, -έετο -εΊτο, impf. pass, of εμφορίω. Ενέφραξα, -ας, -ε, 3 ρΐ. Ενέφραξαν, 1 a. ind. act. of εμφράσσω. Ενέφυν, -υς, -υ, 2 a. ind. act. /, (fr. εν in, and $υμός the mind) thought upon, considered, minded, remember- ed ; longed for ; dear, desired. Ένθϋμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) at- tentive, ready, quick, prompt, quick-witted; spirited, lively, ani- mated. Ενθνμόω -ω, (fr. same) to provoke, excite to anger. Ενθυσιάζω, f. -ασω, p. εντεθυσίακα, fr. εν intens. and θυσιάζω, which see. ΈνΟω, Έ,νθών, &c. Dor. for έλθω, sub. ελθών, par. 2 a. act. of έρ- χομαι. Ενθωράκιος, -ου, δ, },, (fr. εν in, and $ώραξ a breastplate) armed ENI with a breastplate or coat of mail, in armour, mailed. 'Evi, (for ένεστι, 3 sin. or ένεισι, 3 pi. pres. ind. of ένειμι, to be in. Or for εστί or εισϊ, 3 pi. of ειμί, to be. ) there is. Evi, Poet, for εν. e Evi, d. of εις. Ενιαύσια, (fr. ενιαυτός a year) an- nually. ΕνιαυσιαΊος, -a, -w, (fr. same) of one year's age, growth, &c. Ενιαύσιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) year ly, annual, done every year, anni- versary. Ενιαυτίζω, (fr. same) to spend the year, pass a year. Ενιαυτός, -ου, b, η, (fr. ενι Poet, for εν in, and αυτός same) a year. Ενιαχη, Ενιαχοϋ, (fr. ένιος some) somewhere, anywhere. Ενίδεϊν, inf. — Ενιδών, par. 2 a. act. of ενε'ώω. Ένιδρυς, -υος, fi, perhaps rather ένυδρις, (fr. εν in, and ϋδωρ water) an otter. Ένιεν, 3 sin. &f Ένιον, -ες, -ε, 2 a of ένειμι, to go in. Ενιεναι, pres. inf. act. — Ενίετε, 2 pi. pres. impr. act. of ενίημι. Ενίεον -ουν, -εες -εις, -εε -ει, impf. act. of ενίημι, as if from ενιέω. Ενίημι, f. -έσω, p. -εικα, (fr. εν in, and "η μι to send) to send, throw or put in; to insert, thrust in, put among; to pour in, infuse, mix, dilute ; to cause, incite, urge. impf. εν'ιην, and ενίεον -ουν, as if fr. ενιέω. 2 a. ind. act. ενην. Ενϊκα, Ζ sin. — Ενικών, 3 pi. cont. impf. act. of νικάω. Ενικάτθεο, Poet. for. εγκατάθεσο or εγκατάθου, 2 a. impr. raid, of εγκατατίθημι. Ενίκησεν, 3 sin. — Ενίκησαν, 3 pi 1 a. ind. act. of νικάω. Ενικ\άω (fr. ει/? Poet, for εν in, and κλάω to break) to break in pieces, break down, quell; to cross, thwart, oppose. Ένικμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. εν in, and ικμας moisture) moist, wet, damp, juicy. Ενικνέομαι -ουμαι, f. -ίξομαι, (fr. εν in, and Ίκνέομαι to come) to en- ter, come in; to pierce, pene- trate, insinuate. Ένϊκός, -η, -ov, (fr. εις one) sole, single, singular. 'Ενικώς, (fr. same) singly, several- ly, one by one. Ένιοι, -ai, -a, (perhaps fr. ένι there, o'l who) some. Ενίοτε, (fr. last, and οτε when) sometimes, now and then. Ενιπα, -ας, a, Dor. for Ενιπη, -ης, η, (fr. ενίπτω to up- braid) blame, rebuke, chiding. Ένιπρήθω, Poet, for εμπρήθω. Ενίτττω, f. -ψ ω, (fr• εν against, and έπω to speak) to say, tell, de- clare ; to chide, rebuke, blame, reprove, per. ind. mid. ήνιπα, and Poet, ηνίπαπα. Ενισκήπτω, Poet, for ενσκήπτω. Ενί&ττω or Ενισπέω, (fr. εν intens. and ίσπω for έπω to say) same as (205) ENN ενίπω or ενίπτω. pres. inf. eviar- πείν. 2 a. ind. ένισπον, -ες, -ε. Ενισσέμεν, Ion. for ενίσσειν, pres. inf. act. of Ενίσσω, (fr. ενίπτω to chide) to ter- rify, frighten ; to chide, rebuke, blame ; to revile, abuse, provoke, affront. Ενιστάνται, 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. of Ενίστημι, f. ενστήσω, p. ενέστηκα, (fr. εν on, and "ιστημι to place) to standby, be present,near at hand; to urge, press, persist, persevere ; to hang over, impend, threaten , to establish, institute, par. per, act. ενεστηκώς , by Cras. ενεστώς, -ωσα, -6ς. 2 a. ind. act. ενέστην. 1 f. mid. ενστήσομαι. Ενίσχρμαι, see ενίσχω. Εν ισχυρίζομαι, f. -ίσομαι, ρ. ενισ- χύρισμαι, (fr. εν on, and ισχυρός strong) to urge, press, lean hard upon ; to persist, persevere ; to rest, rely, depend upon, trust to. Ενίσχυσα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. — Ενισχύων, par. pres. act. of Ενισχύω, f. -υσω, p. ενίσχυκα, (fr. εν intens. and ισχύς strength) to strengthen^ corroborate, confirm, establish. Ενίσχω, (fr. εν intens. and ίσχω to hold) to check, stop, stay, hin- der ; to resist, withstand. Ενίσ- χομαι, to cling, adhere to. It is used by the Ionics in the senses of κατέχω, which see. Ένιψεν, 3 sin. act. — Ενι-ψάμην, -ω, -ατο, mid. 1 a. ind. of νίπτω. Εννάετες, and Poet. Εινάετες, (fr. εννέα nine, and έτος a year) for nine years ; every ninth year. Ενναέτηρος, -ου, b, r), (fr. same) of nine years, continuing nine years. Ενναετης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same) of or for nine years, nine years old, long, &c. Ενναίρειν, Poet, for εναίρειν, pres. inf. act. of εν αίρω. Ενναίω, (fr. εν in, and ναίω to dwell) to live in, inhabit. Εννακοσιαστός, -η, -ov, (fr. next) the nine hundredth. Εννακόσιοι, -ai, -a, (fr. εννέα nine, and -κοσίοι the termination of hundreds) nine hundru,. Εννάς, -άδος, {/, (fr. εννέα nine) the number nine ; a 7 or "Έννη, see ένη. Εννημαρ, (fr. εννέα nine, and ί'ψαρ a day) for nine days. Έννηψιν, (fr. έννη late, by Poet. Parag. ) the day after to-morrow. Εννοέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. εννενό^κα, (fr. εν in, and νους the mind) to think upon, revolve, reflect, con- sider ; to perceive, observe, re- mark; to recollec' Εννόημα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) a thought, purpose, design, inten- tion; a notion, idea, conception. Εννόησα, Poet, for ενόησα, la. ind. act. of νοέω. 'Έννοια, -ας, §, (fr. εννοέω to con- sider) thought, thinking, mus- ing, reflection, consideration ; a thought, sentiment. Έννομα, (fr. next) legally, lawful- ly, legitimately. Έννομος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. εν in, and νόμος law) lawful, legal, legiti- mate; obedient, amenable, sub- missive. Έννοος -ους, -6ου -οΐί, ο, fj, (fr. same, and νους the mind) intel- ligent, knowing, sagacious ; wise, dtscreet % prudent, sensible. ENO Έννος or Έννος, -ι/, -ov, see ivog. Έννοσέμεν, Poet, and Ion. for εν<5- σαι, 1 a. inf. act. of ενόθω. Έννοσίγαισς, -ου, δ, (fr. ενόω to move, and γαία the earth) earth- shaking, earth-quaking, an epi- thet of Neptune. Έ,ννοσ'ώας, -a, b, Poet, and Dor. (fr. same, and 6n, Dor. for γη the earth) same as last. Εννοσσευω, f. -ευσω, p. εννενόσσευ- κα, (fr. εν in, and νοσσεύω to nestle, th. νεοσσός a young bird) to build a nest, hatch, breed, Ένννμι, Έννυω or "Εω, f. εσω, p. ε'ίκα, to put on, clothe, dress, cover, wrap ; to sit ; to seat, set, lay, place, set up, erect. 1 a. ind. act. εϊσα, in 3 pi. εϊσαν. 1 a. mid. ind. εϊσαμην, -ω, -ατο• par. ε'ισάμενος. per. pass, είμαι. pper. pass. εΊμην. Έννύμην, -υσο, -ντ , impf. pass, or mid. of εννυμι. Έηνχον, and Εννύχων, (fr. next) by night, in the night; in dark night. Έννυχος,-η, -ov,andEvv('^tof,-otj, δ. >/, (fr. εν in, and νυξ the night) nocturnal, nightly, by night. Εννυχώτερον, (comp. of last) far advanced in the night, towards morning, early. Έννυω, see έννϋμι. Εννυώ, -ύος -ους, η, Poet, for Ενΰω. Κννώσας, Ion. for εννοήσας, par. 1 a. act. of εννοέω. Ενόδιος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. εν in, amU^o? a road) by the road's side, dwell- ing near the road ; on the road, by the way, coming, meeting. Ενόησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of νοέω. Ενό&ω, fr. εν intens. and όθω, which see. Ενοικειόω -ω, (fr. same, and οικειόω to familiarize) to make familiar, familiarize, habituate; to instil, insinuate, impress, inculcate. pres. inf. act. ενοικειόειν -ovv. 1 a. inf. act. ενοικειώσαι. Ενοικείτω, 3 sin. cont. pres. impr. act. of Ενοίκεω -ω,ΐ. -ησω, p. ενώκηκα, (fr. εν in, and οικέω to dwell) to in- habit, live in or at, dwell in, lodge, par. pres. act. ενοικέων -ων, -έουσα -ούσα, -έον -υνν. 1 a. ind. act. ενώκησα. Ένοίκησις, -ιυς, Att. -εω?, η, (fr. last) an inhabiting, living in, dwelling at, residence. Ένοικίξω, f. -W, (fr. εν in, and οικίζω to build) to settle, place, fix in a residence; to domesti- cate; to take in, receive, enter- tain. 1 a. act. ind. ενωκισα' impr. ενούασον. Ένοικος, -ov, δ, η, (fr. same, and όΐκος a house) a native, inhabit- ant ; an inmate, domestic ; a lodger, sojourner. Ενόμιζον, -ες, -ε, act. — Ενο^ίζΌ'- μην, -ου, -ετο, 3 pi. -ζοντο, impf. pass. — Ένόμισαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. οι νομίζω. Ενοΐίίλεω -ω,ΐ. -ήσω, (fr.±v among,; (206) and bμιλίω to converse with) to keep company or be intimate with, converse, haunt, frequent. 1 a. ind. act. ενομίλησα, -ας, -ε• Ένον, -οντος, το, (neut. of ών pair, pres. of ειμί to be) that which is in or contained; what there is power over, own, belonging; what is allowable, permitled T lawful , right. Ένοουσαν, for ενοονν, 3 pi. cont. impf. act. of νοέω. Ενοπη, -ης, ή, (fr. ενέπω to say) noise, clamour, confused sound. Also Enope, a woman's name. Ενοπλίζω, f. -ϊσω, fr. εν in, and δ7τλί£ω, which see. Ενόπλως, and Ένοπλος, -ov, b, >/, (fr. same, and δπλον arms) arm- ed, in arms. Subs, an armed man, soldier. Ενοπλισθω, -ης, -jj, 1 pi. Ενοπλίσ- θωμεν, 1 a. sub. pass, of ενοπλίζω. Ενορα'ω -ώ, f. -ασω, p. ενώράκα, (fr. εν on, and δράω to look) to look or have a look ; to look upon % inspect, examine. ; to observe, at- tend to, consider, pres. inf. act. ενοράειν -αν. Ενόρκων, -ου, το, (fr. same, and όρκων an oath) an oath ; a com- pact, solemn engagement. Ενόρκως, Poet, for Ένορκος, -ov, δ, η, (fr. εν in, and 'όρκος an oath) sworn, attested, asserted or prov- ed by an oath ; bound by an oath ; sanctioned, authorized, Ενόρχας, -a, b, Dor. for Ενόρχης, -εος, Ένορχος, -ου, and Ένορχις, -ως, δ, (fr. εν in, and όρχις a testicle) having testicles^ not castrated, male. g. pi. ενοο- χέων -ων. Ένύρχως, (fr. ενόρκως sworn) by or with an oath. Ev<5pa>,f. -ωρω, andjEol. -<5ρσω, p. -ώρκα, (fr. same, and 6ρω to rouse) to raise, excite, stir up, animate. Ένόρομαι, to be excited^ arise; to rush on, attack. 1 a. ind. act. ένωρσα. pper. pass. ενώρμην. Ένος, g. of είς. Ένος, and "Evo?, also Έννος, and "Εννο?, -ου, δ, a year. Ένος, and "Evoj, -η, -ov, (fr. last) annual, yearly, every year; a year past, old, out of date ; pass- ing, changing, transient. Ένη και νέα, viz. ημέρα, the last day of the lunar month, when the old and new month were blend- ed together. Ένύσεον -ουν, -εες -εις, -εε -ει, impf. act. of νοσέω. Ένοσις, -ως, Att. -εως, ^, (fr. ενόω or ενόθω to move) motion, mov- ing, movement; a quivering, shaking. Ένοσίφυλλος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. ενόω to move, and φνλλον a leaf) leaf- shaking, leafy, shady. Ένοσίγβων, -όνος, δ, (fr. same, and χθων the land) earth-shaking, earth-quaking. An epithet of Neptune. Ένοσψίσθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass* ENT « Ενοσφίσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. mid. of νοσφίζω. Ενάτης, -ητος, η, (fr. hbg g. of εις one) unity, a. sin. ενότητα. Ενοχλέω -ώ, f. ->7σω, p. ενώχληκα, (fr. εν in, and όχλο? a crowd) to disturb, disorder, confuse, con- found ; to embroil, trouble, be troublesome. 3 pi. pres. ind. act. Ενοχλέουσι -ουσι. 3 sin. cont. pres. sub. act. ενοχλη. Ένοχος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. ενέχομαι to be bound) bound, obliged, en- gaged; obnoxious, liable; sub- ject to prosecution or punishment, criminal, guilty. Ενόω -ω, to move, shake, quiver, tremble ; to brandish. Ένόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, p. ηνωκα, (fr. ενός, g. of εις one) to unite, make or become one, join together. Ένσείω, f. -είσω, p. ενσέσεικα, (fr. εν in, and σείω to shake) to shake at or upon ; to strike into, at or upon ; to worry, harass. Ενσημαίνω, f. -άνω, (fr. εν intens. and σημαίνω to mark out) to ex- press, signify, intimate, advertise, warn ; to declare, publish, make known; to imprint, mark, impress. Ενσϊτέω -ω, (fr. same, and σίτος bread) to feed ; to entertain, treat ; to decoy, take with a bait. Ενσκήπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. εν on, and σκήπτω to dart forth) to fall, dart, rush upon, strike; to set or send upon, visit, inflict. Ενσκολενομαι, and Ενσκολιεύομαι, (fr. εν in, and σκώλον a pitfall). to catch, entrap with a noose. Ενστά^ω, (fr. same, and στάζω to drop) to drop upon, fall by drops, put in by little, instil. Ένστάσις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, fj, (fr. ενίστημι to persist) a beginning, commencement, setting out; an txordium, preface, proem, pre- amble ; a statement, exposition ; a statute, order, decree, sentence ; earnestness, urgency, importuni- ty ; an obstacle, impediment. Ενστάτης, -ου, δ, (fr. same) an ad- versary, opponent, rival. Ενστατίκος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) ur- gent, earnest, pressing, importu- nate, eager, cogent. Ενστέλλω, f. -ελώ, p. ενέσταλκα, (fr. ev intens. and στέλλω to equip) to dress, clothe, furnish, provide. Ειατρέφομαι, f. -ψομαι, (fr. εν in, and στρέφω to turn) to be invert- ed, turned inside out ; to change, be altered. Ενσχερω, fr. εν intens. and σχερω, which see. Εντακε'ις, par. 2 a. pass, of εντήκω. Ενταλθεϊς, -εΧσα, -ev, 1 a, par. pass. of εντέλλω. Ένταλμα, -ατός, r <), (fr. εντέλλω to command) a commandment, precept, rule, ordinance, pi. εν- τάλματα. Εντανύω, (fr. εν intens. and τανύω, same as τείνω to stretch) see εν- τείνω. Έντασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. έν- τυνα to stretch) a stretching out, ENT Εντεσιέργος, -ου, δ, ή, (perhaps fr. έντεα furniture, and εΊργω to con- tain) used to harness, laborious, servile. An epithet of mules. Εντεσίουργος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and έργον work) a manufacturer of arms or armour, a maker of weapons, an armourer. Εντέταλμαι, -σαι, -rat, per. ind. pass, οι εντέλλομαι. Εντέτάμαι,-σαι,-ται, ind. «Ε ντετα- μένος, par. per. pass, of εντείνω. Εντεταμένως, (fr. εντεταμένος in last) attentively, diligently, ear- nestly, vehemently, violently. Εντετυλιγμένυς, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of εντυλίσσω. Εντετυπωμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of εντυπόω. Εντετύχηκα, per. ind. act. of εντυγ- χάνω. Εντεύθεν, (fr. ένθα here, and -θεν from) hence, from hence; when repeated, on this side and that, on each side. Έντευξις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, ή, (fr. εν- τυγχάνω to approach) an inter- ruption, interference ; access, approach, address; intercesnon, prayer, pi. cont. εντεύξεις. Έντεχνος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. εν in, and τέχνη art) ingenious, skilful, ex- pert ; well-finished, well-done, workmanlike. Εντήκω, f. -ξω, (fr. εν intens. and τήκω to melt) to melt away, dissolve ; to pour in by drops, instil, distil ; to impress, im- print. Evtj, Dor. for εστί, 3 sin. or εισι, ',ντειχίδιος, ΆηάΕντείχιος,-ου^,ή, | 3 pi. pres. οι ειμί, to be. (fr. εν in, andra'^oi a wall) wall -ΐΕντ'ϊθημι, f. -ήσω, p. εντέθεικα, (fr. ENT lengthening ; a straining, exer- tion; eagerness, vehemency, con- tention. Εντατικός, -η, -ov,(fr. same) strain- ing, stretching, exerting, produc- ing. Εντατος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) strain- ed, stretched; exerted. Ενταύθα, and Εντανθοι, (fr. ένθα here) here, hither ; there, thither ; then. Εντάφεις, -είσα, -εν, par. 2 a. pass, of ενθάπτω. Ενταφιάζω, f. -άσω, p. εντεταφίακα, (fr. εν in, and ταφή a funeral) to perform the funeral ceremony or rites, embalm, bury, inter. 1 a. inf. act. ενταφιάσαι. per. pass. εντεταφίασμαι. Ενταφιασμός, -ου, b, (fr. same) em- balming, funeral, burial. Ενταφιαστής, -ου, b, (fr. same) an embalmer. Εντάφιον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a dress for the dead, winding-sheet, shroud ; funeral,obsequies, burial. Εντάφιος, -ου, b, >y, (fr. same) se- pulchral, funereal, mourning, mournful. Έντε', for Έντεα -η, -εων -ων, τα, arms, wea- pons ; armour ; vessels ; imple- ments, utensils ; furniture. Εντειλάμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. — Εντελεΐται, 3 sin. 2 f. ind. mid. of εντέλλομαι. Εντείνω, f. -ενώ, p. εντέτάκα, (fr. εν intens. and τείνω to stretch) to bend, stretch, strain ; to inflict, scourge, flog. ed, inclosed, confined, castellated, moated ; within walls, shut up. Εντελέχεια, -ας, η, (fr. εν in, τέλος an end, and έ^ω to have) per- fection, completion, fulness, com- pleteness ; action, execution, exer- tion, diligence, assiduity. Εντελεχης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same) perfect, complete, finished ; ac- tive, assiduous, diligent. Εντελής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. εν in, and τέ\ος the end) complete, per- fect, finished, consummate. Εντέλλομαι, f. mid. εντελουμαι, p. pass, εντέταλμαι, (fr. εν intens. and τέλλω to order) to com- mand, order, charge, enjoin ; to εν in, and τίθημι to put) to put, lay or place in, set upon ; to add, annex, join to ; to insert, inter- mix ; to hide, lay up, store, hoard ; to conceive, imagine, suppose. 2 a. ind. mid. ενεθέμην, -εσο or -ov, -ετο• impr. ένθεσο or ένθου, Ion. ένθεο. Έντιμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and τιμή honour) precious, valuable, dear, estimable; honoured, es- teemed. Comp. εντιμότερος, sup. -ότατος. Εντϊμως, (fr. last) in honour or es- timation ; honourably, creditably, Worthily. Εντμήσσω, (fr. εν intens. παάτμήσ- ive in charge, commit to the\ σω to cut) same as εντέμνω care of, intrust. 1 a. ind. mid. ενετειλάμην, -ω, -ατο. per. mid. εντέτολα. Εντελουμαι, -rj, -είται, 1 or 2 f. mid. oflast. Εντέμνω, (fr. εν intens. and τέμνω to cut) to cut through, cut off. Εντενης, -έος -ους, δ, >), (fr. εντείνω to stretch) stretched, strained; ex- erted; attentive,intent, fixed upon. Εντενίζω, (fr. same) to strain the sight, fix the eyes upon, examine, consider. Έντερον, -ου, το, (neut. of έντερο? a comp. of εντδ? within) an intes- tine, gut, the inwards, bowels. Έντεσι, d. pi. of έντεα. (207) "Εντο, 3 pi. οΐ'έμην, 2 a. ind. mid. of 'ίημί. Εντολή, -ης, η, (fr. εντέλλομαι to command) a command, order, in- junction ; a commission, charge. Έντομα, -ων, τα, (neut. pi. of έντο- μο? cut) the first cuts, incisions, made on opening a vietim sa- crificed ; a treaty when sacrifi- ces were generally made ; an offering, victim ; insects, animal- cules. Εντομή, -ης, fj, (fr. εν in, and τέμνω to cut) a cut, incision ; an open- ing, cleft ,• a pass, defile, strait. Εντομϊς, -"ou?, η, (fr. same) an in cision, cut, opening. ENT 'Έννομος, -ου, b, *}, (fr. same) cut, cut open ; cut out, castrated. Έντονος, -ov, b, η, (fr. εντείνω to strain) stretched, strained; in- tense, attentive; active, eager, hasty, violent. Εντόπιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. εν in, and τόπος a place) an inhabitant, na- tive. Εντορνεύω, and -ρεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same, and τορνεύω or -ρεύω to carve, th. τόρνος a lathe) to carve, engrave ; to round, turn in a lathe or on a wheel. Εντός, (fr. εν in) within, inside, in- ward. Έντοσθε and Έντοσθι, (fr. last) within, from icithin. Εντοαπείην, -ης, -η, 2 a. opt. pass, of εντρέπω. Εντράπελος, -η, -ov, (fr. εν against, and τραπελός changeable) to be shunned or avoided, objection- able, despicable ; illiberal, mean, base, vile, shameful, disgraceful, Εντράπηθι, 2 a. impr. pass. ; Ev- τραπήσομαι, in 3 pi. -πησονται, 2 f. pass. — Εντραπω, -j/j, -fj, 2 a. sub. pass, of εντρέπω. Έντρεπε, pres. impr. act. — Εντρε- πόμεθα, 1 pi. pres. ind. pass. — Εντρεπόμενος, pass. — Εντρέπων, act. par. pres. of Εντρέπω, f. -ψω, p. εντέτρεώα, (fr. εν in, and τρέπω to turn) to turn or send back, make return; to make one turn in upon himself or reflect ; to shame, fill with shame, cause to blush. Εντρέπο- μαι, to return, come back ; to change, be altered; to blush, be ashamed or sorry, repent ; to re- vere, respect, regard, stand in awe. 2 a. ind. act. ενέτραπον. impf. pass, ενετρεπύμην. 2 a. pass. ind. ενετραπην' sub. εντραπω, -ης, -Sjf. 2f. pass, εντραπήσομαι. 1 f. mid. -τρέπομαι, per. ind. mid. εντέ- τροπα. 2 a. mid. ενετράπόμην. Εντρέφω,ϊ. ενθρέψω, p. εντέτρεφα, (fr. εν intens. and τρέφω to nou- rish) to nourish in or with, sup- port, maintain, strengthen, im- prove ; to rear, bring up, educate ; to implant, ingraft, par. pres. pass, εντρεφόμενος. 2 a. ind. act. ενέτραπον. 1 a. mid. ind. ενεθρε- ψάμην inf. ενθρέψασθαι. per. mid. -τέτροφα. Εντρέχεια, -ας, >/, (fr. next) α run- ning about, activity ; diligence, industry, assiduity, care, atten- tion. Εντρεχης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. next) versatile, active, busy, diligent, attentive, careful. Εντρέχω,ϊ. ενθρέξω,-ρ.ενδεδράμηκα, (fr. εν in, and τρέχω to run) to run into, incur, meet with; to agree, suit, fit, answer, be adapted; to adhere, stick to. 2 a. ind. act. ενέδράμον. per. mid. ενδέδρομα. ΕντρΥβω, f. -ψω, p. εντέτριφα, (fr. same, and τρίβω to rub) to rub into or upon ; ω colour, dye ; to wear into, rub away, waste, de- ENT stroy ; to strike, smite, inflict ; to dash against, break doivn. Έντρίτος, -η, -ov, (fr. εν intens and τρίτος thirds triple, threefold: ΈντρΥτος,-ον, b, (fr. same) a third person ; an umpire, mediator ; a solicitor, agent ; a pimp, procurer. Έντρομος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. εν intens. and τρέμω to tremble) trembling, quaking; terrified, frightened. Εντροπαλίζω, (fr. same, and τροπα- λίζω or τροπαλέω, same as τρέπω to turn) to turn about while walking, turn and look back, look behind. Εντροπη, -ης, ή, (fr. εντρέπω to turn in upon) shame, sorrow upon re- flection ; respect ; compliance, submission. Έντροφος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. εντρέφω to rear) nourished, fed, supported ; reared, bred or brought up along with; inured, accustomed to. Εντρυφάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. εντετρύφη- κα, (fr. εν in, and τρυφη delicacy) to indulge, live luxuriously, feast, revel ; to behave or treat insolently, mock, affront ; to baf- fle, deceive. Εντρύφημα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) a delicacy ; a delight, pleasure, gratification, indulgence, revelry. Εντρνφώντες, η. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of εντρυφάω. Εντυγχάνει, 3 sin. ind. — Εντνγ- χάνειν, inf. pres. act. of Εντυγχάνω, f. mid. -ενξομαι, p. εν- τέτυχα, (fr. εν in, and τυγχάνω to be) to meet with, light upon ; to get, obtain, reach, arrive at ; to come in between, interrupt ; to confer, converse ; to deal, be con• versant with; to apply to, ad• dress, entreat ; to interfere, inter• cede, mediate. 2 a. ind. act ενέτυχον. Έντυε, Ion. for ήντΜ, 3 sin. impf. act. of εντύω. Εντυλίττω, f. -ίζω, p. ενπτύ\ιχα, (fr. same, and τυ\ίττω to wrap) to wrap up, fold in, envelop. 1 ind. act. ενετύ\ιζα. per. ind. pass, εντετνλιγμαι. Εντύνασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Έν- τυνον, 1 a. impr. act. or Ion. for ήντυνον, impf. act. of Εντΰνω, f. -υνω, (fr. έντεα arms) to equip, arm, harness, provide, fur- nish; to prepare, begin. Εντυπα?, (fr. next) in the very shape, expressly, closely, entirely, quite ; stretched or lying on the ground. Έντυπος, -ου, b, η, (fr, εν in, and τύπος a stamp) impressed, stamp- ed, marked, resembling. Εντυπόω-ώ,ΐ. -ώσω, p. εντετύπωκα, (fr. same) to impress, stamp, mark ; to trace, delineate ; to form, shape, mould ; to engrave, carve, cut out. per. ind. pass. εντετύπωμαι. Εντύω, same as εντΰνω. impf. ήν- τυον, Ion. έντυον. ^ Ενϋά\ιος,-ου, b, (fr. Ένυώ Bellona) of or like Bellona, martial, war- like, terrible, furious; Mars. ΕΝΩ Ενυβρίζω, f. -?σω, p. ενύβρικα, (fr. εν intens. and ύβρις an affront) to behave insolently, treat con- temptuously, offend, affront, in- sult, outrage. 1 a. act. ind. tvi- βρισα' par. ενυβρίσας. Ενύβρισμα, -άτος, το, (fr. last) an insult, affront, outrage ; a taun{ sarcasm; mockery, scorn, deri- sion. Ενυγροθηρεντης, -ου, b, (fr. εν in, 'ύδωρ water, and θηρευτής a hun- ter, th. $ήρ a wild beast) a fisher- man, an angler. Ένυγρος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. εν in, and ύδωρ water) watery, wet ; moist, damp. Ενύδριος and Ένυδρος, -ου, b, %, (fr. same) aquatic ; watery, wet, marshy, swampy ; watered. Ενυεύς, -ηος, b, Enyeus, a man's name. Ενυμφοκόμησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of νυμφοκομέω. Ένυξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of νύσσω. Ενυπνιάζω, f. -άσω, p. εννπνίακα^ (fr. ενύπνιον a dream) to dream. Ενυπνιάζομαι, to receive a vision, be in a trance. Εννπνιασθήσονται, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. pass, of last. Ενυπνιαστης, -ov, b, (fr. same) α dreamer. Εννπνίζω, same as ενυπνιάζω. Ενύπνιον, -ov, rb, (fr. εν in, and ύπνος sleep) a dream, vision. Also adv. in or during sleep. Ενύσταξα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -ξαν, 1 a. ind. act. of νυστάζω. Ενύστρον, -ov, το, one of the intes- tines, the rectum. Ενυφαίνω, (fr. εν in, and υφαίνω to weave) to weave in, embroider, work* Εννφαντος, -ου, b, η, (fr. last) woven in, embroidered, worked; inter- woven, intwined. Ενύφασμα, -άτος, rb, (fr. same) embroidery ; a piece of embroid- ered work. Εννχερψ, Poet, for σχερψ οτχερψ. Ενϋώ, -όος -ους, »'/, Enyo or Bellona. Εννω, to destroy, ruin, deface ; kill, slay. Ένω, by Aphser. for φένω, same as last. Ενώκησε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of ενοικέω. Ενώ/χα, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. o. νωμάω. Ενώμοτος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. εν in, and όμνυμι to swear) sworn, under an oath. Ενωπη, (d. of next) openly, plainly, clearly, before the face. Ενωπη, -ης, η, (fr. εν in, and ώψ the eye) the presence, front ; aspect % look, appearance ; sight, view. Ενώπια, -ων, τά, (fr. last) the inside wall opposite the door facing the entrance. Ενωπιδίως, (fr. ενώπιος facing) m the face, in front, openly. Ενώπιον, (neut. of next) face in face, before, at, in presence of. Ενώπιος, -ov, b, (fr. ενωπη the pre*» EXA &oe) fronting, facing, opposite, in presence of. Ενωρσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — Ενώρτο, 3 sin. of ενώρμην, pper. pass, of ενίρω. Ενώ?, Hcb. iridecl. Enos, a man's name. Ενωσα'μην, by Cras. for ενοησάμην 1 a. ind. act. of roft). Ενώσι, 3 pi. pres. sub. of ένειμι, to be in. "Ενωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. ενόι to unite) α 'joining or unitin together; unity, union ; concord, agreement ; a unit. Ενώτη, -ης, η, same as ενώπον. Ενωτίζομαι, f. -ίσομαι, andAtt. -ιοΤ>- μιι, (fr. ev in, and ους the ear) to listen, learn by the ear; to mind, attend to. Ενωτικός, -ή, -oi', (fr. ενόω to unite) uniting, joining, connecting, rinsing to stick, adhere or grow together. Ενώτιον, -ου, το, (fr. εν in^ and ους the ear) an ear-ring, ornament for the ear. Ενώτισαι, -άσθω, 2 pi. Ενωτίσασθε, 1 a. impr. mid. of ενωτίζομαι. Ει•ώχ, Heb. indecl. Enoch, a man's name. Ενωχλήθην, -ης, η, 1 a. ind. pass. of ενοχλέω. Ένωχρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. εν intens. and ωχοος, pale) wan, pale; white of look, whitish; dim, faint. Εξ, before a vowel for εκ, which see. "Εξ, indecl. sir. Έξαγ' for έξαγε, pres. impr. act. or Dor. and Ion. for εξήγε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind." act. — Εξάγάγε, -έτω, 3 pi. -γέτωσαν, 2 a. impr. act. — Εξαγάγεΐν, 2 a. inf. act. — Εξαγαγών, g. sin. -γόντος, 2 a. par. act. Att. for έξαγε, &c. EXA ir. £i;), (fr next) a showing, discovery; t confession, declaration, acknow- ledgment, avowal ; publication, pr omul gal'ion. Εξαγοοενω, f. -ενσω, (fr. i£out, and αγορεύω to harangue) to reveal, discover, divulge, disclose ; to re- lite, tell ; to speak out, declare, coal "ess. Εξάγω, f. -ξω, p. εξήχα, (fr. same, and άγω to lead) to bring, take, carry or draw out ; to lead forth or abroad; -to expel, drive out, banisli ; to draw or mark out ; to go out, deput i ; to die. 2 a. act. ind. εξήγον inf. εξαγεΊν' par. εξαγών,ΑίΙ. εξήγάγον, εξαγάγείν εξαγαγών. Εξαγωγεύς, -έος, Ό, (fr. last) a lead- er, captain. Εξαγωγή, -ής, ;/, {fr. same) a lead- ing away, withdrawing ; expor- tation, carriage ; education, train- ing ; publication. Εξαγώγϊμα, -ων, τα, (neut. of next) wares for exportation, goods, merchandise. Εξαγώγιμος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. εξάγω to carry out) carried out, con- veyed, exported ; collected, as- sembled. Έξαγώνιος and 'Εξάγωνος, -ον,ό,ή, (fr. εξ six, and γωνία a corner) six-cornered, having six angles. Εξάδελφος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. εξ from, and αδελφός a brother) born of a brother or sister ; a nephew or niece. ^fe Εξάδιος, -ov, b^Exadius, a man's name. \Εξ<ιδυνάτίω, (fr. εξ intens. and αδννατέω to be weak, th. δύνομαι. to be able) to languish, droop,, pine, faint ; to decay, fail. 'Εξαετής, -έος and -ου, b, fj, (fr. εξ six, and έτος a year) six years old, of six years. Έξαετϊς, -Ίδος, η, same as last. Εξαθϋμέω -ώ, (fr. έξ intens. and αθ-νμέω to despond, th. $νμος courage) ίο despair, despond, faint, be discouraged. Έξαιμος, -ov,b, η, (fr. εξ from, and αίμα blood) bloodless^ pale, life- less. Εξαίννμαι, (fr. same, and αίννμαι to take) to take out or away, carry off ; to take from among. 3 sin. impf. pass. Ion. εξαίνυτο. Εξαιρέθησαν, Ion. for εξηρέθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass. — Εξαιρείσθαι, pies. inf. pass. cont. — Εξαιρεί- ται, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. pass, of εξαιρέω. Εξαίρετον, (neut. of next) excel- lently ; peculiarly, especially ; chiefly, exceedingly, greatly. Εξαίρετος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. εξαιρέω to (209) EXA select) taken out from among selected, exempt; select, clwice t peculiar ; excellent, very good. Εξαιρέτως, see εξαίρετον. Εξαιρενμην, Ion. and Dor. for εξη ρονμην, 1 sin. cont. impf. pass, of Εξαιρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. εξήρι/κα, (fr. εξ out of, and αίρέω to take) to take or draw out, take away, re- move ; to take out, unload, dis- charge ; to carry out, bury ; to select, prefer, choose, pick out; to di liver, rescue ; to take by force, plunder, ravage ; to pluck, root or tear up; to overthrow, abolish, destroy. 2 a. act. ind. εξείλον' impr. έξελε. 2 a. mid. ind. εξειλόμην sub. εξέλωμαι' inf. . εξελέσθαι. Εξαιοούμενος, par. pres. pass. cont. of'last. Εξαίρω, f. -άοω, p. εξτ,ρκα, (fr. εξ out of, and αίρω to lift) to lift out of, take away, carry off ; to carry forth or out, bury. 2 a. ind. act. εξήρον. 2 f. ind. act. εξαρώ, 2 pi. εξαρειτε. per. pass. εξήρμαι. I a. pass. ind. εξήρθην" sub', εξαρθώ. Εξαίσιος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. εξ from, and αϊσα a lot) unjust, unrea- sonable ; improbable, unexpect- ed, wonderful ; unusual, unpre- cedented ; huge, enormous ; vio- lent, sudden, raging. Εξαιτέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. εξ intens. and αιτέω to ask) to demand, re- quire, exact ; to desire, pray, en- treat; to call for to punishment. 1 a. ind. mid. εξτ/τησάμην. Εξαίτησι^ -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. \a.st^Bmemand ; an accusation, charg^J a demand for inquiry or examination, or for punish- ment ; an apology, plea, de- fence. Έξαιτος, -ov, o,j/,sameas εξαίρετος. Εξαίφνας, Dor. for Εξαίφνης, (fr. εξ intens. and αίφνης, same as άφνω suddenly) on a sudden, suddenly, unexpectedly. Εξαιφνίνιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. last) sudden, unexpected, unlooked for, unawares. Εξαχέω -ώ, f. -ήσω and -έσω, p. -ηκα_, and Εξακέομαι, (fr. εξ in- tens. and ακέομαι to cure) to heal thoroughly, cure quite ; to remedy, amend ; to satisfy, gra- tify, appease, par. 1 a. act. εξα• κέσας. 'Έξάκις, (fr. εξ six) six times. Έξακισμύριοι, -αι, -a, (fr. last, and μύριοι ten thousand) sixty thou- sand, six myriads. Έξακισχίλιοι, -αι, -a, (ft. same, and χίλι οι a thousand) six thou- sand. Εξακολονθέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. εξηκο- λούθηκα, (fr. εξ out of, and ακο- λονθέω to follow) to follow perse- veringly ; pursue by another road ; to obey, yield to. Εξακολονθήσαντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. act. — Εξακολονθήσονσι, 3 pi. I f. act. of last. EXA Εξακονάω and -εω -ω, (fr. εξ in- tens. and ακονάω to whet, th. ακδνη a whetstone) to sharpen or whet thoroughly, 'Εξακόσιοι, -αι,-α, (fr. εξ six, with the centesimal termination) six hundred. Έξακοσιοστδς, -ου, b, η, (fr. last) six hundredth. Εξάκουστος, -ov, b, >), (fr. next) au- dible, articulate. Έξακούω, f. -σω, (fr. εξ intens. and ακούω to hear) to overhear, hear distinctly, perceive clearly ; to regard, listen to. Εξακοίζετ for εξακρίζετε, 2 pi. pres. ind. act. of Εξακρίζω, f. -Υσω, (fr. εξ from, and άκρος high) to mount heights, traverse mountains, surmount ; to clip, cut off extremities. Εξαλαόω -ω, f. -ώσω, fr. εξ intens. and αλαόω, which see. 1 a. ind. act. εξηλάωσα, -ας, -ε. Εξαλαπάζω, f. -ξω, (fr. same, and αλαπάζω, same as λαπάζω to waste) to strip, plunder, spoil ; to ravage, waste, destroy. 1 a. inf. act. εξαλαπάξαι. Εξάλατο, Dor. for εξήλατο, 3 sin. 1 a. mid. of εξάλλομαι. Εξαλέασθαι, by Sync, for εξ«λει>- σασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. of εξαλεύω. Εξάλειπτρον, -ov, το, (fr. next) a box or pot for holding ointment ; a tov:el, cloth for wiping. Εξαλειφθήναι, 1 a. inf. pass. — Εξ- αλείφας, par. 1 a. act. — Εξα- λείψω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of Εξαλείφω, f. -ψω, p. εξήλειφα, (fr. εξ from, and αλείφω to anoint) to wipe away ointment, cktm where it has been used ; to Λρ Γ #/ to obliterate, erase, blot out: Also (fr. εξ intens.) to anoint. 1 a opt. act. εξαλείψαιμι, JEo\. εξα- λείψίια, -ας, -ε. 1 a. ind. pass. εξηλείφθην. Εξάλειψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr last) a wiping off, clearing away obliteration, erasure. Εξαλεύω, fr. εξ intens. and αλεύω, which see. Εξάλλαξεν, Dor. for εξήλλαξεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of Εξαλλάσσω or -ττω, (fr. εξ intens. and αλλάσσω to change) to alter, change, become different ; to vary, differ, be unlike. Εξάλλομαι, f. εξαλονμαι, (fr. εξ from, and αλλομαι lo leap) to leap up, spring out ; go out has- tily, depart quickly, par. pres. mid. εξαλλόμενος, 1 a. ind. mid. εξηλάμην. Εξαλλος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and άλλος other) different from others; excellent, superior ; famous, re- nowned, brave, gallant. Εξαλλοτριόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. εξηλλο- τρίωκα, (fr. same, and αλλοτριόω to alienate) to estrange, alien- ate ; to transfer, convey over ; to sell, dispose of ; to become an- other's. Εξαμαρτανω, (fr. same, and άμαρ- τάνω to err) to sin } transgress, EXA offend ; to make to sin. 2 a. ind. act. εξήμαρτον. Εξαμείβω, f. -ψω, or ΕξαμεΙβομαι, (fr. εξ intens. and αμείβω to change) to exchange, put one in place of another ; to interchange, alternate ; to requite, repay ; to shift place, remove, go out of. Εξαμελέω -ώ, fr. same, αηάαμελεω, which see. Έξάμετρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. εξ six, and μέτρον a measure) of six feet or measures, hexameter. Εξάμηνος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and μην a month) of six months, every six months, six months old. Εξαμϋνομαι, f. -οϋμαι, (fr. εξ from, and αμύνω to avert) to repel, drive off ; to protect, guard, de- fend. Εξαναδύς, par. 2 a. act. οΐεξανάδυ- μι, same as Εξαναδύω, f. -υσω, (fr. εξ out of, ανά upwards, and δύω to enter) to come up out of, rise up, emerge, issue, appear, show itself; to go out of, walk forth ; to refuse, shun, decline, disoim. Εξαναλίσκω, fr. εξ intens. and ανα- λίσκω, which see. 1 a. par. pass. εξαναλωΟείς. Εξαναστάς, par. — Εξαναστηναι, inf. 2 a. act. — Εξαναστήση, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. — Εξαναστη- σαι, 1 a. inf. act. of εξανίστημι. Εξανάστάσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. εξανίστημι to rise up again) a rising again, resurrection; an insurrection, rebellion. Εξανατέλλω, f. -τελώ, (fr. εξ out of, ανά upwards, and τέλλω to rise) to rise up out of, spring up, grow out of the ground ; to cause to spring up. Εξανδραποδίζομαι^ -Ίσομαί, (fr. εξ from, ανηρ a n1%, and ποδίζω to tie by the foot, th. πους the foot) to enslave, take into captivity ; to raze, destroy ; lo alienate, sell as a slave. Εξανδραποδιούμενος, Ion. and Att, for εξανδραποδισόμενος, par. 1 f. mid. of last. Εξανδραπόδίσις, -ιβς, Att. -εως, η, (fr. εξανδραποδίζομαι to enslave) slavery, servitude ; a leading into captivity. Εξαν έδυσαν, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. act. of εξανάδνμι or -δύω. Εξανέρχομαι, (fr. εξ out of, ανά up wards, and έρχομαι to come) to ascend, mount or come up out Εξανέστην, -ης, -η, in 3 pi. -στησαν 2 a. ind. act. of εξανίστημι. Εξανέτειλα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εξανατέλλω. Εξανέχω, (fr. εξ out of, ανά up• wards, and έχω to have) Zo rise up out of, emerge, pop up; to rise or grow up. Εξανίημι, (fr. same, and Ίημι to send) to send up out of, send forth, discharge, produce, bear; to relax, remit. Εξανθέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. εξ intens. (210) EXA and ανθέω to flower, th. άνθος a flower) to blow, flower, bloom ; to bud, shoot, spring, sprout ; to flourish greatly, be copious. Or, (fr. εξ from) to cast its flowers, wither, decay, fade. Εξάνθημα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) α bursting forth, breaking out, eruption, efflorescence, pustule. Εξανθίζω, f. -Υσω, (fr. same) to adorn with blooming or bright colours, emblazon. Εξανθρωπίω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. εξ in- tens. and άνθρωπος a man) to humanize, civilize, improve, cul- tivate ; to surpass, excel. Εξανιστάναι, pres. inf. act. — Εξα- νίστασο, -άσθω, pres. impr. pass. — Εξανιστάς, par. pres. act. of Εξανίστημι, f. εξαναστήσω, (fr. εξ in- tens. and ανίστημι to rise up) to cause to rise, rouse, excite, raise up; to expel, drive out; to rise up from among, depart, arise, get up ; to overturn, over- throw, ruin, destroy. 1 a. ind. act. εξανέστησα. 2 a. ind. act. εξανέστην. Εξάντης, h, fj, (perhaps fr. εξ from, and άτη hurt) without loss, harm- less, safe; whole, entire, sound. Εξαντλέω -ω, (fr. εξίτοηη, and αντ- λέω to pump) to pump or drau out, pour out, exhaust, empty, drain. - Εξανύω, fr. εξ intens. and αννω to despatch, which see. Εξάξω, 1 find. act. οίεξα^ω. Εξαπαλλάττομαι, (fr. εξ out of, απδ from, and αλλάσσω to change) to remove, be changed, be let go, be released, be delivered. Εξαπάτάειν -q.v, pres. inf. act. o! εξαπατάω. Εξατψ,τας, a. pi. of εξαπάτη. But Ε ξαπατας, cont. for εξαπατάεις, 2 sin. pres. ind. act. and Εξαπατάτω, 3 sin. cont. pres. impr. act. — Εξαπάτηση, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. — Εξαπατωσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of Εξαπατάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. εξηπάτη- κα, (fr. εξ intens. and απατάω to deceive) to lead out of the right way, seduce, deceive, beguile ; to disappoint, frustrate, balk. Εξαπάτη, -ης, η, (fr*. same) deceit, deception, artifice, fraud ; en- ticement, allurement, compliment, flattery. Εξαπατήσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Εξαπά- τησε, Ion. for εξηπάτησε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Εξαπατήσειν, 1 f. inf. act. of εξαπατάω. Εξαπατίσκω, Poet, for same, par. pres. εξαπατίσχ&ν. Εξαπατωντι, Dor. for εξαπατωσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. of εξαπατάω. Εξαπάφάω -ω, Poet, for εξαπατάω. Εξαπαφοίμην, -οιο, -οιτο, pres. opt. pass, of εξαπάφω, same as last. Εξαπέστειλα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εξα7ΓοσΓίλλω. Εξάπίνα, and Εξαπύ^ί, Poet, for εξαίφνης. Εξαπίναιος, -cv, b,fj, (fr. last) sud~ EHA E£A den, unexpected, unforeseen; un-\ out, count down; to enumerate, looked for, unhoped. recount ; to reckon upon ; to Ε^αττιναίω?, (fr. last) suddenly, vn- serve, ansiver for, supply. 1 a awares. Κξαπίνας, Dor. for Εξαπ"νης, see εξάπινα. Εξαττλήσιος, -a, -ov, Ion. for εξα- πλάσιος, (fr. εξ six, and -νΚάσιος -fold) sixfold, six times, six times as much. Ε|απλ<5ω -ώ, f. -ώσω,ρ. εξήπλωκα, (fr. εξ from, and 07τλόω to un- fold) to smooth, plane, level; to unfold, open, unravel; to ex- plain, expound; to spread, lay flat. Εξαποδίομαι, (fr. εξ out of, από from, and δίω to chase) to drive out, expel, banish. Εξαττόλλΰμι, f. εξαπολεσω, p. εξατζώ- Χεκα, (fr. εξ intens. and απόλλυμι to abolish) to ruin utterly, de- stroy totally , abolish. Εξαπόλλϋ- μαι, to perish entirely, vanish, disappear, be ruined, undone, be blotted out ; to die. 2 a. ind mid. εξαττωλόμην. Εξαττολοίατο, Ion. and by Apos for εξαπόΧοιντο, 3 pi. 2 a. opt. — Ε^απολωλε, Att. for εξάνωΧε, 3 sin. per. ind. mid. of last. Εξαπονίζω, (fr. εξ out of, από from, and νίζω to wash) to wash out. Εξαττορεω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. εξ intens. and αττορέω to forsake) to leave destitute, abandon, desert; to empoverish, reduce, make poor, Εξαπορεομαι -ουμαι, to be reduced to distress, be in great want, fa forlorn ; to be totally at a loss, he sitale, doubt, be in perplexity. If. mid. εξαττορήσομαι. 1 a. pass, ind εξη-ορήθην" sub. εξαπορηθώ. Έξα-ορηθηναι,Ι a. inf. pass, oflast. Ε,ξαποστεΧΧω,ί". -εΧω, p. εξαττεσταΧ κα, (fr. εξ from, and α-οστεΧΧω to send away) to send out of the way ; to send forth ; to send off, dismiss, discharge. 1 a. ind. act. εξαπεστειΧα. Εξά-τω, (fr. εξ intens. and απτω to fit) to bind to, connect with, join ; to hang upon, suspend ; to kindle, light up. ΈξάπωΧος, -ου,ο,ι), (fr. ?£six, and -ωΧος a colt) drawn by six horses. Εξαραίρημαι, -σαι, -ται' Εξαραιρη- μένος, Ion. and Att. for εξήρημαι, ind. and εξηρημενος, par. per. pass, of εξαιρεω. Εξάρατο, Dor. for εξι'/ρατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of εξαίρω. Εξαργϋρίζομαι, (fr. εξ intens. and άργυρος silver) to turn into mo- ney, sell, exchange ; strip of mo- ney, rob. par. 1 a. mid. εξαργυ- ρισάμενος. Εξαογνρόω -ώ, (fr. same) to turn into motley,, make into money, coin; to value, appraise, esti- mate, pres. inf. act. εξαργνρόειν -ουν. par. mid. εξαριθμησάμενος Εξαρκεω -ώ, (fr. same, and αρκεω to suffice) to satisfy, content ; to be competent, sufficient or enough; to serve, assist, relieve, succour, aid. Εξαρκούντως, (fr. εξαρκεων,-ουντος, par. pres. of last) sufficiently, enough. Εξαρνεομαι, fr. εξ intens. and αρνέυ- μαι, which see. par. 1 a. mid εξαρνησάμενος. Εξαρνος, -ου, b, η, (fr. last) who refuses or contradicts, a denier. Εξαρπάζω, f. -ασω, p. εξήρπακα, (fr. εξ from, and αρπάξω to rob, th. ίίρ-αξ rapacious) to snatch, tear, pluck, take by violence ; to res- cue ; to plunder, spoil, pillage ; to carry off. Έξαρσις, -ιος, Att. -εωί, {/, (fr. εξαίρω to carry off) a lifting or taking up ; robbery, plunder ; a taking or sitting off, extirpa- tion. Εξαρτάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. εξ from, and αρτάω to suspend) to affix to, join together, fasten, unite ; to suspend, sling or hang upon ; to lift, raise up. Εξαρτάομαι, to be suspended or attached to, hang from, cling to. Εξαρτίζω, f. -Χσω, p. εξήρτικα, (fr. same, and άρτιος complete) to complete, perfect, finish; to fur- nish, equip, fit out ; to prepare, make ready, provide. 1 a. act. ind. εξήρτισα. per. pass, εξήρτισ- μαι' par. εξηρτισμένος. ΕξαρτΊσαι, 1 a. inf. act. oflast. Εξαρτυμένος, Ion. for εξηρτυμενος, par. per. pass, of Εξαρτνω, fr. εξ intens. and αρτΰω, which see. Εξαρχής, for εξ αρχής, from the be- ginning, at first ; anew, afresh, over again, again. Έξαρχος, -ου, b, (fr. next) a be- ginner, cause, original; a chief, ruler, prince; a precentor ex. first chanter, Εξάρχω, {ft -..εξ intens. and άρχω to begin) to make a beginning , commence ; to lead, take the lead move, propose. Έξας, -άδος, η, (fr. £|six) the num- ber six ; a Sicilian brass coin. Εξασθενεω -ω, f. -ήσω (fr. ε £ from and ασθενίω to languish, th σθενω to be able) to grow weak, be feeble, pine away, decay Εξασθενίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. εξ from, a neg. and σθένος strength) to re- duce, weaken, enfeeble. Εξασκεω -5, f. -ήσω, (fr. εξ intens, and ασκεω to practise) to exer- cise, use, practise; to instruct, train ; to embellish, adorn, fur- nish ; to polish, smooth, brighten EW?r £ ,2pl.2f.ind. act— Εξαρ-\Εξαστϊ'ς, -ίος, Att. -εως, ή, (ir. εξ ijj, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass, of ! στημι to stand up) nap, down P^s. εξαίρω. Έ,ξαριθμέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. εξ out, and αριθμίω to count) to reckon στημ a torn or ragged edge. Εξαστράπτω,ΐ. -ψω, p. εξήστραφα, (fr. εξ out, and αστοάπτω to EHE lighten) to flash, emit sparks t shine, glitter, dazzle. Εξατϊμάζω, ΜϊάΕξατιμάω, f. -ασω, fr. εξ intens. and ατιμάζω or -άω, which see. Εξατιμόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. same, α neg. and τίω to honour) to de- spise, slight. Εξαναίνω, fr. same, and αυαίνω, which see. Εξαύδαε-α, 2 sin. pres. impr. act. uf Εξανδάω -ω,ί. -ήσω, (fr. εξουΧ, and ανδάω to speak) to speak out } declare, deliver; to harangue, discourse. Εξαντής, (fr. εξ from, and αντης, viz. ώρας that same hour) at thaiinstant, immediately, directly. Εξαυτις, (fr. εξ intens. and αϋτις, for αύθις again) over again, anew % afresh, a second time. Εξαφέΐται for εξαψίεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. mid. of Εξαφίημι, (fr. εξ out of, από from, and 'ίημι to send) to send away out, dismiss, discharge; to dart, fling, hurl; to omit, leave out, put away, lay aside ; to let pass, permit, suffer, allow. Εξαφνω, (fr. εξ from, and αφύω to draw) to draw out of, drain, exhaust, pour out. ΕξεβαΧον, -ες, -ε, 1 pi. -\ομεν, 2 a. ind. act. of εκβάΧΧω. Εξεβαν, by Sync, for εξέβησαν, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. act. of εκβημι or εκ- βαίνο). Εξεβιαζόμην, in 3 pi. Εξεβιάζοντο, impf. οι εκβιάζομαι. Εξεβλήθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of εκβάΧΧω. Εξεγαμ&ρντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of εκγαμί'ζω. Εξεγείρω, f. -ερω, p. εξήγιρκα, (fr. εξ from, and εγείρω to rouse) to excite, stir up, animate, quicken, exhort, provoke ; to awake, rouse ; to raise, set up. Εξεγείρομαι, to rise up, awake. 1 a. ind. act. εξήγειρα. Εξεγενόμην, -ου, -ετο, in 3 pi. -ov- to, 2 a. ind. mid. of εκγίνομαι. Εξεγερω, -ε7ς, -ει, 1 f. act. of εξεγεί- ρω. Εξέγρομαι, by Att. Sync, for εξε- γείρομαι, see εξεγείρω* Εξίγροντο, Ion. for εξήγροντο, 3 pi. impf. oflast. Or Ion. and by Sync, for εξηγείροντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of εξεγείρω. Εξεδεχόμην, -ου, -ετο, impf. of εκδί- χομαι. Εξεδίκησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εκδικεω. Εξεδύμην, -οσο or -ου, -οτο, 2 a. ind. mid. of εκδίοωμι. Εξέδρα, -ας, ή, (fr. εξ from, and έδρα a seat) a projecting seat, window ; a porch, hall, gallery ; a sewer, drain. Έξεδρος, -ου, b, //, (fr. same) dis- placed, removed, discharged; turned out, expelled, banished. Εξεδυσα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. Εξεδυσαν, 1 a. ind. act. — Εξεδυσάμην 1 a. ind. mid. of εκδνω or -vvia, ' ΈΒΕ Ε£&ω, (fr. εξ intens. and'/iw to eat) to gnaw, corrode; to waste, consume ; to eat up, devour. Εξεζήτησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of εκζητέω. Έξεεν, 3 sin. with ν added impf. act. of ξέω. Εξεθαμβήθην, -ης, -η, in 3 pi. -βήθη- σαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of εκθαμβέω. Εξεθάμβησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of same. Εξεθέμην, -σο, -το, in 3 pL Εξέθεν- το, 2 a. ind. mid. of εκτίθημι. Εξέθλιψα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εκθλίβω. Εξέθορον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of εκθορέω. Εξέθρεψ', for εξέθρεψε, 3 sin. of Εξέθρεψα, act. — Εξεθρεψάμην, -ω, ~ατο, mid. 1 a. ind. of εκτρέφω. Έξει, pres. impr. of εξέω, obs. for έξιθι, pres. impr. of έξειμι. "Εξει, 3 sin. ind. — "Εξειν, inf. 1 f. act. of έχω. see εξω. Έξειν, cont. fr. εξέεν, 3 sin. with ν added impf. act. of ξέω. Εξείης, Poet, for ίξης. Εξεικάζω, (fr. εξ from, and εικάζω to liken) to make like, liken, imi- tate, counterfeit. Εξεικάσμην, -σο, -στο, pper." pass of last. Εξεικονίζω, f. -Υσω, fr. εξ from, and εικονίζω, which see. Ε£ε?λε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act of εξαιρέω. Εξειλέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. εξ from, and είλέω to roll up) to unrol unfold, unfurl, spread open, roll out. Εξείλκνσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εξελκύω. Εξειλόμην, -ου, -ετο, mid. — ΕξεΊ- λον, -ες, -ε, act. 2 a. ind. of εξαιρέω. Εξειμι, (fr. εξ" from, and εΐμι to go) to go out, go forth ; to issue, discharge, flow forth, pres. inf. εξιέναι. 2 a. ind. έξιον par. εξιών. 1 a. act. έξεισα, Att. εξήεσα. Εξε'ινισα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of ξεινίζω, for ξενίζω. Εξεΐπα, -ας, -ε, ind. — Εξείττω, sub. 1 a. act. — ΕξεΊπον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of ε£ε'7τω. Εξειργασμένος, par. per. pass, of εξεργάζομαι. Εξείργεσθαι, pres. inf. pass, of Εξείργω,ΐ. -ξω, p. -χα, (fr. ε^π -om, and είργω to hinder) to restrain, check, curb ; to shut out, exclude, debar, prevent, hinder from. Εξείρομαι, see εξερέομαι. Εξειρύσαι, Ion. and Poet, for εξερν- σαι, 1 a. inf. act. of εξεούω. Εξε'ιρω, f. -ερω, (fr. εξ from, and είρω to join) to thrust out, show ; to draw or pull out; to disen- gage, loosen. Εξεις, -εΐσα, -εν, par. of έξην, 2 a. ind. act. of εξίημι. "Εξεις, 2 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of έχω. Έξεισι, 3 sin. pres. ind. of έξειμι, to go out. Εξεκανθην, -ης, -η, in 3 pi. Εξεκαν- θησαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of εκκαίω. Εξεκέντησα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. -τη- eav, 1 a. incL act, of εκκεντέω. EHE Εξεκένωσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εκκενδω. Εξεκκλησιάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. εξ in- tens. and εκκλησιάζω to assem- ble, th. καλέω to call) to call an assembly, summon a meeting; to assemble, gather, collect. Εξεκλάσθην, -ης•, -η, in 3 pi. Εξ- εκλάσθησαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of εκ- κλάω. Εξεκλείσθην, -ης, -η, pass. — Εξέ- κλεισα, -ας, -ε, act. 1 a. ind. of εκκλείω. Εξέκλεύ/α, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εκκλέπτω. Εξέκλινα,-ας,-ε, in pi. Εξεκλίνατε -vav, 1 a. ind. act. of εκκλίνω. Εξεκόλαψα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act of εκκολάπττω. Εξεκομίζετο, 3 sin. impf. pass, of εκκομίζω. Εξεκόττην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. pass, of εκκόπτω. Εξεκρέματο, 3 sin. impf. mid. of εκκρέμαμαι. Εξελάαν, Poet, for εξελαν,•ρχζ$. inf. act. cont. of εξελάω. Εξέλάθον, and Poet, εκλέλαθον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of εκλανθάνω. Εξελάλησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εκλαλέ"ω. Εξελάμβανον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of εκλαμβάνω. Εξελάονσι -ωσι,Β pi. pres. ind. act, of εξελάω. Ε^ελάσαί, inf. — Εξελάσας, -ασα -αν, par. of εξι'/λασα, 1 a. ind. act. of εξελαννω. Εξελασία, -ας, η, (fr. εξελαννω to expel) a setting out, journey, voy age; an expedition, invasion. Εξέλάσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) a driving or turning out, expulsion, banishment ; a depar- ture, setting oxit. Εξέλασσεν, Poet, and Ion. for εξή λασεν, 3 sin. I a. ind. act. of εξελαννω. Εξελατόμησας, 2 sin. 1 a. ind. act of εκλατομέω. Εξελαννω, f. -ελάσω, p. εξήλακα, (fr. εξ out of, and ελαννω to drive) to ride or drive out ; to set out. go on a military expedition, in- vade ; to drive away, expel, thrust out, turn away ; to forge -melt, found, cast, mould; to compound, compose, form, m.ake Εξελάω -ω, f. -ασω, p. εξήλακα, and Att. εξελήλακα, Poet, for last. Έξελε, 2 a. impr. act. of εξαιρέω. Or Ion. for εξεΊλε, 3 sin. of εξεΐ- λον, 2 a. ind. ; inf. Ε^ελεΓν par. εξελών. — Εξίληται, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. mid. of same. Εξελέγοντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of εκ- λέγω. Εξελέγχομεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. — Εξελεγχέσθω, 3 sin. pres. impr. pass, of Εξελέγχω, f. -/ξω, p. εξήλεγχα, (fr. εξ intens. and ελέγχω to prove) to convince, prove clear- ly ; to confute, disprove; to blame, reprove, convict. 1 a. act. ind. εξήλεγξα• inf. εξελέγξαι. Εξέλεθ\ Ion. and by Apos. before (212) E#E an aspirate, for εξείλετο, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. mid. — Εξελέσθαι, 2 a. inf. mid. of εξαιρέω. Εξελεξάμην, -ω, -ατο, 2 and 3 pi. -ξασθε, -ξαντο, 1 a. ind. mid. of εκλέγω. Εξελενθερόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. εξ in- tens. and ελευθερία) to set free) to give liberty, make free, enfran- chise. Εξελενσομαι, 1 f. ind. mid. of εξέρ- χομαι. Εξεληλάκεσαν, Ion. and Att. for εξηλάκεισαν, 3 pi. pper. act. of εξελαννω. Εξελ>ιλνθα,-ας,-εοτ-εν,ν[ΐ\Α. -θατε, -(Wtjper. — Εξεληλνθει, 3 sin. pper. ind. — Εξεληλνθέναι, inf. — Εξεληλυθώς, par. per. mid. Att. (οτεξέλνθα, &c. of εξέρχομαι. ΕξελθεΊν, 2 a. inf. act Εξελθόν, neut. par. 2 a. act. — Εξέλθω, -ης,-η, 2 a. sub. act Εξελθών, -οΐισα, -bv, par. 2 a. act. of same. Εξελίμιτανον, impf. act. of εκ and λιμπάνω, same as λείπω. Εξέλΐίπον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of εκλείπω. Ε^ελκΰω, f. -νσω, and Ε^ελκω, f. εξέλξω,(&. εξ from, and έλκω to draw) to draw out, away or from, extract ; to extricate, deliver ; to mislead, seduce, impf. act. εξεϊλ- κον. par. pres. pass, εξελκό- μενος, • ' Ε^ελκωσί?, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) a dragging, tearing, scrap- ing, scratching. Εξελόμην,Άηά Έξελον,Ιοη. for εξει- λόμην, mid. ; and εξε7λον, act. 2 _ a. ind. — Ε^ελώ, 2 f. act. — Εξέ- λωμαι, 2 a. sub. mid. of εξαιρέω. Εξελωσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. Att. for εξελάσονσι, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act• of εξελάω, for εξελαννω. Εξέμαξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — Εξέμασσον, -ε?, -ε, impf. act. of εκμάσσω. Εξέμεν, Ion. — Εξέμεναι, Dor. for εξεΊναι, pree. inf. of έξειμι. Or 2 a. inf. act. of εξίημι. Έξέμεν, Ion. for εξειν, 1 f. inf. act. of έχω. Εξεμέσεια, -ας, -ε, iEol. for εξεμέ- σαιμι, 1 a. opt. act. of Εξεμέω, -ώ, f. -έσω, (fr. εξ from, and εμέω to vomit) to vomit forth, throw up, disgorge. Εξέμην, -εσο, -εο and -ov, -ετο % 2 a. ind. mid. of εξίημι. Εξεμπωλέομαι -ονμαι, (fr. εξ from, εν intens. and πωλέω to sell) to sell, set to sale, dispose of. Εξεμττωλη μένος, Ion. for εξεμπεττω• λημένος,ρ&ΐ. per. pass, of last. Εξεμνκτήρισα, 1 a. ind. act. of εκ- μνκτηρίζω. Εξεναίρω, f. -άρω, fr. εξ intens. and εΐ'«('ρω, which see. Εξεναντίας, and Εξ εναντίας, (fr. εξ from, and ενάντιος opposite) on the contrary, on the othsr side, opposite, against. Εξεναρίζω, f. -ίξω, fr. ε£ιηίβη8. and εναρίζω, which Εξεναρίξα, -ας, last. 1 a. ind. act. o ( EHE Κξένεγκον, -ci™,in 2pl. Εξενέγκατε impr. — Εξενέγκω, sub. — Εξενέγ- «at, inf. — Εξενέγκας, -ασα, -αν, η. ρΐ. -καντες, par. 1 a. act. — Εξενεγκειν, inf. 2 a. act. οι εκφέρω Εξενεϊκηι, Εξενείκης, Poet., for εξε νέγκαι, and εξενέγκας, see last. E£f ιτυσα, -α?, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εκνεύω or εκνέω. Εξενεχθεϊς, and Ion. Ε^ενειχθεί?, -εΓσα, -«/, 1 a. par. pass. — Ε|ε- νεχθήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. pass, of εκφέρω. Εξενεχυράζω, and Εξεχυριάζω, fr. εξ" intens. and ενεχυράζω, which see. Εξενηνειγμένος, Ion. and Att. for εξηνεγμένος, par. per. pass, and Εξενήνοχα, -ας, -ε, in 1 pi. εξενηνό- χαμεν, Att. for εξήνοχα, per. ind. mid. οι εκφέρω. Εξένη-ψα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εκνήφω. Εξένθοις, Dor. for εξέλθοις, 2 sin. 2 a. opt. act. Ε|εΐ'0ών, fem. Εξεν- Οοΐσα, Dor. for εξελθων, -ούσα, par. 2 a. act. of εξέρχομαι. Εξένισα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. οί ξενίζω-. Εξέντο, 3 pi. of εξέμην, 2 a. ind. mid. of εξ'ιημι. Εξέπαρθον, -ες, -ε, and by Metath. εξέπραθον, 1 pi. εξεπραθομεν, 2a. ind. act. of εκπέρθω. Εξέπεμψαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of εκπέμπω. Εξέπεσα, -ας, -ε, in 2 pi. Εξεπέσατε, 1 a. — Εξεττεσοι/, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. — Εξέπιπτον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of εκπίπτω. Εξεπέτάσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εκπετάννυμι. Εξεπίστάμαι, f. -ήσομαι, (fr. cf in- tens. and επίσταμαι to know how) to know well, understand, he experienced in or acquainted with, be expert or skilful. Εξεπίστη, Att. — Ε^ετπστεαί,Ιοη. for εξεπίστασαι, 2 sin. pres. of last. Εξεπίτηδες, (fr. εξ intens. and επι- τηδης hi) fitly, properly, rightly ; purposely, designedly ; studious- ly, earnestly. Έξεπλάγην,-ης, -η, 3 pi. Εζεπλάγη- σαν, 2 a. ind. pass, of εκπλήσσω. Εξέπλεον -ovv, -εες -εις, -εε -ει impf. act. of εκπλέω. Εξεπλενσαμεν^ 1 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of same. Εξεπλησσόμην, -ου, -ετο, 3 pi. Εξε- πλήσσοντο, impf. pass, of εκ- πλήσσω. Εξέπνευσε or -σεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of εκπνέω, Εξεπόνάσα, Dor. for εξεπόνησα, 1 a. ind. act. of εκπονέω." Εξεπορεύετο, 3 sin. impf. pass, of εκπορεύω. Εξεπραθομεν, see εξέπαρθον. Εξέπτην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. act. of εξίπτημι. Εξεπτύσατε, 2 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of εκπτΰω. Εξέπω, (fr. εξ forth, and «τω to say) to publish, declare, utter, say, tell. 1 a. act. ind. βφττα'βιΛ. εξείπω. 2 a. act. ind. εξεΐπυν inf. εξειϊτετν. EHE Εξέραμα, -ατός, rd, (fr. εξεράω to vomit) matter vomited, a vomit ; evacuation, discharge. Εξεράω, f. -άσω, p. εξήρακα, (fr. εξ from, and εράω to empty) to empty ; to pour out, spill. Εξεργάζομαι,ΐ. -ασομαι,Ό. εξειργασ- μαι, (fr. same, and εργάζομαι to work) to work out, accomplish, finish; to do, act, perform; to bring to an end, despatch, kill, de- stroy, overthrow. 1 a. ind. mid. εξ- ειργασάμην. 1 a. pass. ind. εξειρ- γάσθην' par. εξεργασθεϊς, -είσα, -έν. Εξεργασία, -ας, ή, (fr. last.) exact- ness, care, diligence ; a finish- ing, completion, end. Εξεργασμένος,Ιοη. for εξειργασμένος, par. per. pass, of εξεργάζομαι. Εξεργαστίκος, -ov, ό, >/, (fr. same) finished, elaborate, elegant, com- plete ; conclusive, endmg, finish- ing. ΕξέργεσΘαι,ΐοΐ εξείργεσθηι, wh. see. Εξερέεινον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of Ε^ερεει'νω, (fr. εξ from, and εηεείνω to ask) to speak out, declare, ut- ter ; to inquire, examine, ask, in- terrogate. Εξερείπω, (fr. εξ intens. and ερείπω to overthrow) to ODerttirA r east, strike or throw down, overthrow ; to break, dislocate, wrench ; to fall off or down, be overturned. 1 a. ind. act. εξέρειψα,-ας, -ε. Εξερέ>μαι, Εξέρομηι, and ίυη. Εξεί- ρομαι, (fr. same, and ερέω to speak) to ask, interrogate ', to inquire, examine, demand. Εξερεόμην, in 3 pi. Εξερέοντο, impf. mid. of last. Εξερεύγω, f. -ξω, (fr. εξ from, and ερεύγω to belch) to belch forth, vomit, throw yp. Εξερευνάω -ω,ΐ. -ήσω,Ό. εξηρεννηκα, (fr. εξ from, and ερευνάω to'search ) to search thoroughly, seek dili- gently, examine carefully, sift, scan. 1 a. ind. act. εξηρεύνησα. Έξερέω -ω, (fr. εξ out, and ερέω to say) to speak out, declare, say, tell. Εξερέομαι, see above. Έξερημόω -ω, fr. εξ intens. and ερημόω, which see. Εξεριπών, -ούσα, -ov, par. of εξήρι- πον, 2 a. ind. act. of, εξερείπω. Εξερμηνεύω, f. -εύσω, fr. εξ intens. and ερμηνεύω, which see. Εξέρομπι, see εξερέομαι. Εξέρπω, f. -ψω, p. έξηρφα, (fr. εξ out, and 'έρπω to creep ) to creep or crawl out, get out with diffi- culty ; to come out gently, steal forth ; to put out, make creep out. Εξερί)άγην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. pass, of εκρήγνυμι or εκρήσσω. Εξέρυσ', for εξείρνσε,3 sin. 1 a. ind. act Εξερνσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Εξερύσας, par. 1 a. act. of Εξερνω, f. -ϋσω, p. εξείρυκα, (fr. εξ from, and ερνω to draw) to draw, drag, pluck or pull out, extract. Εξέρχεται, 3 sin. -χεσθε, -χονται, 2 and 3 pi. pres. ind. — Εξέρχεσθε, 2 pi. impr. — Εξέρχεσθαι, pres. EHE inf. — Εξερχόμενος, -η, -ην, par. pres. of Εξέρχομαι, f. εξελεύσομαι, p. εξήλυ- Oa, and Att. εξελήλυθα, (fr. εξ from, and έρχομαι to come) to go or come out, step forth ; to go from, retire, withdraw, depart ; to arise or proceed from, originate, sprout, spring forth ; to go away or off, vanish, disappear, end, cease, expire, impf. mid. εξερχό- μην, -ov, -ετο, 2 a. act. ind. εξήλ- θον, -ες, -ε• impr. έξελθε, -έτω sub. εξέλθω, -ης, -η, inf. εξελθείν' par. εξελθών, -ούσα, -όν. pper. ind. mid. Att. εξεληλύθειν. Εξεοωέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and ερωέω to flow away) to pass sivifily, move violently, rush; to retire hastily, start back. Έξεσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of ξέω. Εξεσάωσεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of εκσαώζω, Poet, for εκσώζω. Ι Ε^εσί'α, -ας, and Ion. Έ,ξεσίη, -ης, η, (fr. εξίημι to send forth) an em- bassy, public message. Έξεσις, -ιος, η, (fr. έξειμι to go out) departure, going away ; expul- sion, banishment ; divorce, sepa- ration. Εξέσκληκα, per. ind. act. of εκ- σκλέω, same as εκσκέλλω, which see. Εξέσμων, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of εκσμάω. Εξέσπασα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εκσπάω. Εξέσ-αι, Sync, for εξέσεται, 1 f. of έξεστι. Εξεστακέναι, for -στηκέναι, per. inf. act. and Εξεστηκώς, -υΐα, -ος, par. per. act. Εξέστην, -ης, -η, in 1 and 3 pi. -στη μεν, -στησαν, 2 a. ind. act. of εξίστημι. Έξεστι or -ιν, (impers. fr. εξ from, and ε ι ρ to be) it is lawful, al- lowable ; it is free, possible, per- mitted ; I, we, you, &c. may, it may be. fut. εξέσεται, and by Sync, εξέσται. pres. inf. εξεΊναι. par. pres. neut. εξόν. Εξέστραμμαι, -ψαι,-πται, per. ind. pass, of εκσ τρέφω. Εξεστοατοπεδευσάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of εκστρατοπεδενω. Εξετάζω, f. -άσω, and -άξω, p. εξήτακα, (fr. εξ intens. άπΑ ετάζω to inquire) to examine, investi- gate, try, search, explore ; to compare, discuss, debate', consi- der ; to rehearse, repeat, recount, reckon up. 1 a. act. ind. εξή• τασα' impr. εξέτασον. inf. εξετα- σαι. Εξέταμον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. οί εκτέμνω. Εξεταννσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of εκτανύω. Εξετάσαι, inf. — Εξετάσατε, 2 pi. impr. 1 a. act. of εξετάζω. Εξέτασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. ε£ε* τάζω to inquire) inquiry, exami- nation, investigation, discussion ; an inspection ; trial, proof. Εξετασμδς, -αν, b, (fr/ same) * EHE search, inquiry, examination ; on inspection, review. Εξεταστέος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) to be inquired, is to be examined, &c. according to the verb. Εξέτεινα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εκτείνω. Εξετέλειον, Poet, for εξετέλεον, 1 sin. or 3 pi. impf. act. — Έ,ξετε- λεόμην -ούμην, -έου -ου, -έετο εΐτο, impf. mid. and Έξετελέσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. — Εξετελεσσ' Poet, and Apos. for εξετέλεσε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of εκτελέω. Έξέτης, -εος -ονς, b, η, for εξαετής. Εξ έπι του, viz. χρόνου, from thtnce, from that time. Εξετίθετο, 3 sin. impf. pass, of εκ- τίθημι. ; Έ,ξετμήθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of εκτέμνω. Εξέτράπην, -ης, -η, 3 pi. Εξετράπη- σαν, 2 a. ind. pass, of εκτρέπω. Έξίτρων, -ως, -ω, impf. act. of έκ- τρωμι. Έξέτρωσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of same, or εκτιτρώσκω. Εξετύφλοον -ουν, -οες -ους, -οε -ου, impf. act. of εκτυφλόω. Εξευρεϊν, inf. of Εξευρον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of εξευρίσκω. Έξενρεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. εξ- ευρίσκω to discover) a discover)/, invention ; gain, profit. Εξευρηκότων, g. pi. of Εξευρηκώς, -υ7α, -ος, par. per. act. of same. Εξεύρημα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) an invention, discovery, the thing invented ; an acquirement, gain, profit, advantage. Εξευρίσκω, f. -ευρήσ-*, p. -ενρηκα, (fr. εξ out, an-' 3 ευρίσκω to find) to find out, invent, discover, de- vise ; to find, meet with. 2 a. act. ind. εξευρον' sub. ερεύρω• inf. εξευρεΐν par. εξευρών. Εξευρόντες, η. pi. mas. par. 2 a. act. of last. Εξεφαάνθην, by Epenth. for εξε- φάνθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of εκφαίνω. Εξέφαναν, Sync, for εξεφάνησαν, 3 pi. of Εξεώάνην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. pass, of same. Εξέφερον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of εκ- φέρω. Εξεφρείομεν, Ion. for εξεφέρομεν, 1 pi. of last. Εξέφ^γον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of εκφεύγω. Εξέφυν, -υς, -υ, impf. or 2 a. ind. act. of έκφυμι, same-as εκφύω. Εξέχεε, 3 sin. of Κξέχεον -ουν, impf. act. — or of Εξέχεα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. Εξέχεαν, for Εξέχευσα, or Ef- ίχευα, 1 a. act. ind• — Εξεχεό- μην -ου μην, -χέου -χου, -χέετο -χείτο, impf. pass, of εκχέω. Εξέχρησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εκχράω. Εξεχυθ' for εξέχυτο, which fnr Εξε- κέχντο, 3 sin. pper. pass. Εξεχύ- θην, -ης, -η, in 3 pi. Εξεχύθήσαν, 1 a. ind. pass, οΐεκχύω, ονεκχύνω. Εξέχω, f. εξέξω,ρ. εξέσχηκα, (fr. εξ from, and έχω to ho'.d) to stand Ε3Ή forth, up or out of, spring up, arise, appear above, outtop ; to exalt, surpass, be eminent. Εξέψυξα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of εκψύχω.^ Εξέψω, f. εξειμήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. εξ forth, and έ'ψω to boil) to boil up ; to boil, bake, cook or dress victuals ; to dissipate, evaporate. Εξέωσαν, Att. for έξωσαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of εξωθέω. Έξη, -ης, η, (fr. έχω to hold) con- sequence; order, succession. Έξ- ης, or καθ' έξης, in order } suc- cessively, immediately. Εξήγάγον, -ες, -ε or -εν, Att. for εξηγυν, 2 a. ind. act. of εξάγω. Εξήγγειλα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εξαγγέλλω. Εξήγειρα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εξεγείρω. ΕξηγεΊτο, 3 sin. cont. impf. pass. — Εξηγήσατο, 3 sin. Εξηγησάμε- νος,-η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. — Εξη- γούμενος, -η, -ov,par. pres. pass. cont Εξηγοΐιντο, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. pass, of Εξηγέομαι -ουμαι, f. -ήσομαι, (fr. εξ forth, and ήγέομαι to lead) to lead or draw forth in order ; to set forth, tell at length, show, de- clare, repeat, recite ; to take the lead, be first, guide, ride., govern; to think, suppose, judge of. 3 pi. pres. ind. εξηγέονται -ουνται. par. pres. εξηγεόμενος -ούμενος. Εξηγέρθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. of εξεγείρω. Εξήγημα, -ατός, το, (fr. εξηγέομαι to relate) a relation, narration ; narrative, tale, story. Εξήγησις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, % (fr. same) a relation, history, story, tale ; an exposition, explanation. Εξηγητής, -ου, b, (fr. same) an ex- plainer, expounder, critic, scho liast ; a translator, interpreter ; a soothsayer, diviner. Εξηγητικά, -ων, τα, (neut. pi. of next) the priests' books or re- cords of superstitious obser- vances. Εξηγητΐκος, -ή,-ον, (fr. εξηγέομαιίο relate) narrative; explanatory. Εξηγόρασα, ~α?, -ε, 1 a. md. act. of εξαγοράζω. Εξηγυρία, -ας, η, (fr. εξ from, and αγορά the court) a declaration, statement ; accusation, charge ; an excuse, plea. Εξηγρόμην, -ου, -ετο, impf. pass, of εζέγρομαι, same as εξεγείρομαι. Εξήεσαν, 3 pi. of εξήεσα, 1 a. Att of έξειμι,Ιο go out. Έξήκοντα, (fr. ££six) sixty. Έξηκονταετης, -ου, b, (fr. last, and έτος a year) of sixty, sixty years old. Έξηκοντάκλινος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and κλίνη a couch) of sixty couches or seats. Εξήκω, f. -ξω, p. -χα, (fr. εξ from, and ηκω to come) to come or go out, come from ; to come to an end, finish; to elapse, pass away, come to pass. Εξήλασα, 1 a. ind. act. of εξελαύνω, (214) E&H Εξηλάμνν -ω, 3 sin. εξήλατο, and Sync, εξάλτο, 1 a. ind. mid. oi εξάλλομαι. Εξήλατος, -η, -ov, (fr. εξελαύνω to draw out) drawn out, extended, stretched ; spread over, covered^ plated. Εξηλείφθην, -ης, -η, in 3 pi. -ήσαν, 1 a. ind. pass. — Εξήλειφα, -ας, •ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εξαλείφω. Εξηλθον, -ες, -ε or -εν, pi. -θομεν, -θέτε, Sync, for εξήλυθον, 2 a. ind. act. of εξέρχομαι. Εξήλθοσαν, Alexandrian for εξηλ- θον. Εξηλιάξω, f. -άσω, (fr. εξ out, and 'ήλιος the sun) to expose to the air, dry by the sun ; to crucify. 1 a. ind. act. εξηλίασα. Εξηλλαγμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of εναλλάσσω. Εξήλυσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. εξ out, and ελύθω, obs. same as rp- χομαι to go) a going forth, de- parture, emigration ; an open- ing, mouth of a river. Εξήμεσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. oi εξεμέω. Εξήν, 3 sin. impf. of έξεστι. Εξήνεγκα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. — Εξήνεγκον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of εκφέρω. Εξήνυτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. εξ intens. and ανύω to accomplish) to be done or accomplished, possible. Εξη-άτησα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of εξαπατάω. Εξηττάφω and Εξηπαφίσκω, Poet. same as εξαπατάω. Εξηπεροπεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. εξ in- tens. and ηπεροπενω to .deceive, th. Cbxp the voice) to deceive out of something, impose on by false pretences, beguile, clieat ; to sooth, flatter. Εξήπλωτο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of εξ- απλόω. Εξήρα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εξ- αίρω. Εξήραμμαι or Εξήρασμαι, per. ind. pass. — Εξήρανα, -ες, -ε, 1 a. ind. act.— Εξηράνθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of ξηραίνω. Εξηρεύνησα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. -νησαν, 1 a. ind. act. of εξερευνάω. Εξηρενξάμην,-ω,-ατο, 1 a. ind. act. of εξερεύγω. Εξηρόμην, -ου, -ετο, impf. mid. of εξέρομαι. Εξΐιρον,-ες, -ε,ΐηιρί. act. of εξαίρω. Εξηρτισμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of εξαρτίζω. Εξηρτυμένος, -η,-ον, par. per. pass. of εξαρτύω. Εξήρχετο, -χοντο, 3 sin. and pi. impf. mid. of εξέρχομαι. Εξηρχον,-ες,-ε,\τινρίΐί.&.ο£εξάρχω. Εξηρώησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εξερωέω. Έξης, and Poet. Έξείης, (g. οϊ Ιξ% , order) then, thence, thenceforth ; in order, in succession, conse- quently ; immediately, directly. Ό εξής, the next, the following. Ή εξής, viz. ημέρα, to-morrow, the next day. Εξηταξα, Dor. for εξήταο^ I ft. ind. act. of εξετάζω. ■ Εξρτησατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of εζαιτέω. Εξνχέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. εξ out, and ηχέω to sound, th. ήχος sound) to echo, resound; to celebrate, praise, spread the fame of. Εξήχηται, 3 sin. per. ind. pass, of last. Εξίειν, Ion. for εξιέναι, pres. inf. of έξειμι, to go out. Εξιεϊν, pres. inf. cont. of εξιέω, obs. same as- Εξίημι, f. -ήσω, p. -εικα, (fr. efout and ΐημι to send) to send forth or away, dismiss; to turn out, banish ; to spread out, open wide, expand. Εξικέσθαν, Dor. for εξικέσθην,Ζ du. — Εξίκετ'' for εξίκετο, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. mid. of εξικνέομαι. Εξικμάζω, (fr. εξ from, and Ικμάζω to sprinkle, th. ϊκμάς a drop) to drip, drain, drop out ; _ to bedew, moisten. Εξικνέομαι, f. εξίξομαι, p. εξΊγμαι, (fr. ε£ from, and ίκνέομαι to come) to come through, arrive at, reach ; to attain to, get, pro- cure, obtain ; to expedite, for ward, contribute towards ; to hit. pres. inf. mid. εξικνέεσι -εΐσθαι. 2 a. ind. mid. εξικόμην, which it derives from Εξίκομαι, (fr. same, and Τκω to come) same as last. Εξιλάομαι -ώμαι, and Εξιλάσκομ f. -άσομαι, (fr. εξ intens. and ίλάω to favour) to appease, con- ciliate, reconcile ; to expiate, atone. Εξίλάσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, fj, (fr. last) expiation, atonement, recon- ciliation. Εξίλασμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) a propitiatioii, atonement. Έ,ξιλασμύς, -ου, b, (fr. same) pro- pitiation, the making an atone- ment ; an appeasing, soothing. Εξίμεναι, Dor. for εξιέναι, pres. inf. οι έξειμι, to go out. Εξιόντων, g. pi. of εξιών, -ούσα, -bv, par. 2 a. of same. Εξιππεύομαι, (fr. εξ forth, and \π πενω to ride) to ride out, take a ride, exercise; to wander, ram- ble, stray. Έ,ξ'ιπτημι, (fr. εξ from, and Ίτττημ to fly) to fly out, off or away escape. Εξίττταμαι, to pursue, haunt, flutter about. Εξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ι), (fr. έχω to have) habit, use, custom, fashion, practice, manner ; appearance, feature, mien; state, constitu- tion, frame, temper of body or mind. Εξισάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. εξ intens. and (σος equal) to equalize, make even with ; to match, set against, compare. Εξισόω -ω, (fr. same, and ισδω to equal, th. ίσος equal) to equalize, make equal, pres. inf. mid. εξι σόεσθαι -οΰσθαι. Εξιστάμην, -ασο or -ω, -ατο, in 3 pi. Εξίσταντο, impf. — Εξίστασ- 0at, inf. pres. mid. of EgO Εξίστημι and Εξιστάω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα or -ακα (fr. εξ from, and ΐστημι to set) to throw down, overturn, overthrow; to remove from its place or state, change, alter ; to alienate, disgust, cause to revolt; to spoil, corrupt, de- prave ; to amaze, strike, con- found, terrify. Εξίσταμαι, to shun, avoid ; to withdraw, sepa- rate, revolt ; to degenerate ; to lie prostrate, be thrown down, over- whelmed, amazed, transported ; to be out of the wits, or beside o?ie's self, distracted. Εξιστοοέω -ω, fr. same, and Ιστό ρέω, which see. Εξιστών, par. pres» act. cont. of εξιστάω, for εξίσττ/μι. Εξισχύσητε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. of Εξισχύω, f. -ύσω, (fr. εξ intens. and ισχύω to be able) to be very able or strong, quite capable or competent. Εξίτηλσς,-ον, b, f], {fr. έξειμι to go out) evanescent, disappearing, failing, decaying, perishable ; frail, vain, weak. Εξιτον, (verbal fr. same) may go out, must depart, &c. according to the verb. Εξιχνεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. εξ intens. and ιχνεύω to trace, th. ίχνος a track) to pursue by the track, trace ; to inquire, investigate, ex- amine. Εξιχνιάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. same, and ίχνος a track) same as last. Εξιχνιασμος, -ου, b, (fr. last) anin- vestigation, examination ; in- quiry, search. Έξκαίδεκα, (fr. εξ six, and δέκα ten) sixteen. Εξογκόω -ω, (fr. όγκος a swelling) to swell ; to be swollen, puffed up, elated. Εξοδεύω, f. -εύσω, p. εξώδενκα, (fr. εξ from, and bδεvω to tra v el, th. bSbi a road) to go or set out, tra- vel abroad ; to go off or away ; to depart, die. Εξοδία and Εξοδεία, -ας, ή, (fr. εξ from, and bδbς the road) a set- ting out, departure ; an expedi- tion, march, invasion. Εξοδιάξω, (fr. last) to send out, send on a journey ; to expend, lay out, par. 1 a. pass, εξοδιασθείς. Εξόδων, -ου, το, (fr. same) a setting out, departure ; an exit, end, con- clusion; an interlude, farce. Έξοδος, -ου, ή, (fr. εξ from, and 'οδός the way) a going out, de- parture, exit ; a passage out, egress ; anend,conclusion ; death. Εξόζω, (fr. εξ intens. and όζω to smell) to smell of, scent, per- fume ; to stink. Εξοιδέω, f. -ήσω, p. εξώδηκα, fr. same, and οιδέω, which see. Εξοικέω -ω. f. -ήσω, (fr. εξ out, and όΐκος a house) to emigrate, re- move, Εξοικίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. same, and οικίζω to build) to unhouse, turn out, eject. Εξοικίζομαι, to leave tlie house, remove. EMO Εξοίκος, -ov, b, JJ, (fr. εξ from, and οΊκος a house) houseless ; a . stranger, exile, wanderer. Εξοιμώζω, (fr. εξ intens. and οιμώ- ζω to bewail) to shriek out, wail aloud, scream, deplore, lament. Εξοίσω, -εις, -ει, pi. -ομεν, -ετε, -ονσι, If. ind. act. of εκφέρω. Εξοιχνευσι, Dor. for εξοιχνοϋσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Εξοιχνέω -ω, (fr. εξ from, and οιχνέω to depart) same as Εξοίχομαι, f. -ήσομαι, p. εξωχημαι, . (fr. same, and οίχομαι to go off) to go away, depart, leave, retire from ; to vanish, disappear* Εξοκέλλω, f. -ελω, (fr. εξ intens, and οκέλλω to approach) to fall, slip, stumble; to strike, hit or dash against ; to betray , plunge into ruin. 1 a. ind. act. εξό- κειλα. Εξολέσεια, -ας, -ε, iEol. for εξολέ- σαιμι, -αις, -αι, 1 a. opt. act. — Ε^ολεσω, --ης, -η, 1 a. sub. act. of εξολλύω οι -νμι. Εξολισθαίνω, f. -άνω, ρ. εξωλίσθαγ- κα or -θέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. εξ in» tens, and ολισθαίνω to slip) to slip away, escape from, avoid ; to elude, disappoint ; to fall off, out or from. Εξολλύω or -υμχ, f. -ολέσω, (fr. same, and όλλνμι to lose) to ruin, destroy, exterminate. Εξολόθρευμα, -άτος,το, and Εξο\ό> θρευσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (f/. next) ruin, destruction, externv.* nalion, waste. Εξολοθρεύω, f. -εύσω, p. εξωλόθρεν- κα, (fr. εξ intens. and ολοθρεύω to destroy) to exterminate, annihi* late, totally destroy, ruin ; to ra* vage, lay waste. Εξολοθρεύομαι, to perish, die; to be lost, come to nothing, per. pass, εξωλόθρενμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, εξωλοθρενθιιν. 1 f. ind. pass, εξολοθρενθήσομαι. Εξολολύζω, (fr. same, and ολολύζω to howl) to howl aloud, shriek, cry out. 1 o,. ind. act. εξωλό- λυξα. Εξολόλυξα, Ion. for εξωλόλνξα, 1 a. md. act. of last. Εξομβρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. εξώμβρηκα, (fr. εξ from, and όμβρος rain) to rain or shower down ; to pour upon, overwhelm ; to trickle, drop, distil; to cause to rain, pour, &c. "Εξομεν, 1 pL 1 f. ind. act. of έχω. Εξομϊ), 2 sin. 2 f. mid. of Εξόμνϋμι, f. -ομώσω, p. εξώμωκα, also Εξόμνυμαι, (fr. εξ intens. and όμνυμι to swear) to deny upon oath, abjure, disclaim ; to swear against. Εξομοιόω -ω, f. -ώσω,ρ. εξωμοίωκα, (fr. same, and bμoιόω to liken) to compare, liken, make like or in the likeness of; to express, re- present. Εξομοιόομαι -ουμαι, tc be like, resemble, conform to. Εξομολογέομαι-οΰμαι,ί-ήσομαι,(/ι\ εξ intens. and bμoλoγέω to con- fess) to acknowledge, nyjn. grant E£0 αΙΙοιυ ; to declare, profess; to thank, praise, celebrate, glorify. 1 a. ind. mid. εξωμολογησάμην. Εξομολόγησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) an acknowledgment, con- fession ; a declaration, profes- sion; praise, thanksgiving. Εξόν, (par. pres. neut. of ίξεσπ) being allowed or lawful. Εξονομάζω, (fr. c£from, and ονομά- ζω to name) to call by name, ad- dress, accost ; to invoke, call up- on ; to speak. ■■ Εξονομαίνω, f. -ανώ, (fr. same, and ονομαίνω to name) to give a name to, call by name, denominate; to recount, reckon, call over. Εξύ-ίθεν, Poet, for Εξόττισθεν, (fr. εξ from, and όπισθεν behind) from behind, behind; for the future, for the time to. come ; afar, far off, from afar. Εξοπίσω, (fr. same, and ο-ίσω be- hind) back, backward; for the future, htrcafler. Εξοπλίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. εξ intens. and b -Χίζω to arm) to arm com- pletely, accoutre, equip, capari- son ; to furnish, provide, per. pass, εξώπΧισμαι. Εξοπτάω -ω, (fr. same, and οπτάω to roast) to boil thoroughly, slew ; to roast, pres. inf. act. εξο-τάειν -αν. Εξοργίζω, (fr. same, and οργίζω to anger) to enrage, provoke, irri- tate. Εξορία, -ας, η, (fr. εξ from, and ορός a limit) expulsion, banish- ment, exile. Εξορίζω, f. -<σω, p. εξώρικα, (fr. same, and Βρίζω to define) to expel, banish, drive out. Εξορκίζω, f. -ϊσω, and Att. -to», p. εξώρκικα, (fr. εξ intens. and ορ- κίζω to adjure) to demand the assurance of an oath, entreat by an oath, invoke solemnly, adjure, prevail on to swear. 1 a. ind. act. εξώρκισα. per. pass, εξώρκισ- μαι. Εξορκισμός, -ου, δ, (fr. last) the pro- posing an oath, causing to swear ; an adjuration, invocation, so- lemn entreaty. Εξορκιστής, -ου, δ, (fr. same) an exorcist, one who pretends to the power of commanding spirits ; a magician, conjurer. Εξορκιω, 1 f. Att. of same. Έξορκος, -ov, δ, (fr. εξ intens. and όρκος an oath) an oath t a solemn assertion ; an oath in justif ca- tion or proof of innocence. Εξορκόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) same as εξορκίζω. Εξόρκωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. same) an oath ; swearing, a put- ting to or proposing an oath, ad- juration. Εξορμάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. εξ from, and bpμάω to rush) to excite, urge, instigate ; to break forth, rush, sally out ; to drive, impel ; to make an inroad, invade. Or, (fr. 'όρμος the mooring) to un- ££0 moor t weigh anchor; to depart, set out. Εξόρμνσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ι), (fr. last) a bursting forth, breaking forth, eruption; a sally, inroad, invasion. Εξορμίζω and Εξορμίω, f. -ΐσω, ρ εξώρμικα, same as εξορμάω. Εξορούω, (fr. εξ from, and ορούω to dart) to leap, spring or dart forth ; to sally out. Έξόροφος, -ov, b,f/ 7 (fr. εξ six, and όροφος a roof, Hi. ερεφω to cover) of six floors or stories. Εξόρπαξ, -ακος, Dor. for Εξόρπηξ, -ηκος, δ, (fr. cfoutof, and 'όρπηξ a branch) an offset, shoot bra?ich. Εξορνξαντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. act. of εξορύσσω. Εξόρυξις, -ως, Att. -εως, η, (fr» next) a digging or rooting up, extirpa- tion; a plucking or cutting out, excision, extermination. Εξορύσσω or -ττω, f. -ξω, p. εξώρυ ΕΞΎ ία, (fr. εξ from, and ορύσσω to ig) to dig up, root out, eradicate, force up, pluck or pull out ; to dig through, break open or into, I a. act. ind. εξώρυξα• par. εξορν- J** Εξορχέομαι, (fr. εξ intens. and op- χέυμαι to dance) to celebrate with dancing and songs, commemo- rate. Εξάρω, fr. same, and 6ρω to rouse which see. Εξόσδείς, Dor. for εξόζεις, 2 sin pres. ind. act. of εξύζω. Εξοστρακίζω, Εξοστρακισμός, fr. εξ out, and οστρακίζω and οστρακισ- μος, which see. Εξότε, (fr. εξ' from, and ore when) and Εξότον, (fr. same, and 'ότου for του that) from which time, from when, whence. Εξονδενέω -tD,same as εξονδενόω -ω. Εξουδένησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) see εξουδένωαα. Εξουδενητης, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a de- spiser, contemner, scorner, scof- fer. Εξονδενόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. εξονδένω- κα, (fr. εξ intens. and ονδεις nought) to despise, contemn, slight, scorn, set at nought, treat ivilh contempt, scoff at, per. ind. pass, εξονδενωμαι. la. pass. ind. εξουδενώθην' sub. εξονδενωθώ• par. εξονδ ενωθείς. Εξουδένωμα, -ατός, το, and Εξονδέ- νωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ?/, (fr. last) contempt, disdain, scorn, deri- sion; a scoff, taunt; meanness, lowness, servility ; poorness of spirit, despondency. Εξουθενε7ς, 2 sin. cont. pres. ind. — Εξουθενείτω, 3 sin. -νείτε, 2 pi. cont. pres. impr. act. — Εξονθε- νημένος,-η, -ov, par. per. pass. — Εξονθενηθεϊς, -είσα, -εν, pass. Εξουθενήσας, -ασα, -αν, act. par. la. — Εξονθενήσατε, 2 pi. 1 a. ind. act. — Εξουθενήση, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. — Εξονθενουντας, a. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of (216) Εξονθενέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. εξ intens. and ονθεΐς same as ου— δεις none) same as εξονδενόω. I a. act. ind. εξονθενησα' sub. εξ- ονθενήσω. per. pass. ind. εξονθέ- νημαι ' par. εξονθενημένος. Εξονθενημα, -άτος, το, (fr. last) same as εξουδένωμα. Εξουθενίζω, f. -ίσω, same as εξονθε> νέω or εξουδενύω. Εξονθένω, Dor. for εξονδίνω, see εξονδενόω. Εξουσία, -ας, ή, (fr. εξεστι it is al lowable) license, liberty, leave permission., scope, indulgence '; pouter, right, title, jurisdiction, privilege ; government, authority, control, dominion ; dignity, honour, nobility ; a post, com- mand, qffi.ee ; an officer, magis- trate ; the emblem of honourable dependance, in Ν. T. a woman's veil. Εξουσιάζω, f. -ασω, p. -ακα, (fr. last) to have a right, enjoy power, exercise authority, op- press, domineer, tyrannize. Εξ- ουσιάζομαι, to serve, be subject to, be enslaved. 1 f. pass, εξονσιασ- θήσομαι. Εξουσιαστής, -ου, δ, (fr. same) α lord, ruler, prince, potentate. Εξουσιαστικός, -ου, δ, ^, (fr. same) havi?ig power, bearing sway, in- vested with dominion, powerful. Εξουσιαστικως, (fr. last) haughtily, arrogantly. Έξοχ\ for Έξοχα, also Εξόχως, see Έξοχον. Εξοχη, -ης, η, (fr. εξέχω to outtop) eminence, rank, reputation, note ; excellence, superiority. Κατ εξο- χήν, in pre-eminence, excellently. Έξοχον and Έξοχα, (fr. same) excellently, superiorly, pre-emi- nently. Έξοχος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) excel- lent, superior, eminent, noted. Comp. εξοχώτερος, sup. -ώτατος.' Εξυβρίζω, fr. ε£ intens. andi>/?p£oj, which see. ΕξνΧωμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass. of ξνΧόω. Εξνμνεω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. εξ" intens. and νμνεω to sing hymns) to ce- lebrate with songs, chant hymns, praise; to solemnize, commemo- rate. Εξννηκα, by Metath. for ξννεηκα, which Att. and Ion. for σννηκα, 1 a. ind. act. οΐσννίημι. Εξυττανίστην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. act. ο Εξνττανίστημι, f. -ήσω, (fr. εξ from, vrro under, ανώ up, and 'ίστημι to place) to rise, be raised up, stand out, swell up. Εξνττνίζω, f. -Υσω, p. -ικα, (fr. εξ from, and ϋπνος sleep) to awake out of sleep, rouse, raise, call up. 1 a. act. ind. εξνπνισα'δ^. εξνπ- νίσω. Έξνπνος, -ov, δ, η, (fr. same) awake, roused from sleep ; sleep- less, watchful, waking. Εξντττιάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. same, and νπτιος backward) to toss or throw back the head ; to bridle, diava ΕΗΩ ΕΟΡ one's self up ; to turn up and cut Έξωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η", (fr. εξώ open a victim ; to augur. Έξυράμην, -ω, -ατο, by Sync, for εξιρησάμην. -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. θω to turn out) α turning or iZrii'• ΐη£ oui, expulsion, banishment a departure, emigration. In i(j. — Εξΰρημαι, ind. — Εξυρ^-ιΈξωσμα, -aroj, το, (fr. same) car• μένος, -n, -ov, par. per. pass. — Εξνρησα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. Εξνρη- σαν, 1 a. ind. act. οΐξυράω or -εω. Εξυφαίνω, f. -ανύ, (fr. εξ intens. and υφαίνω to weave) ίο weave out, finish the web ; to compose. 1 a. ind. act. εξϋφηνα. Εξυψόω -ω, f. -ώσω, fr. same, and νψόω, which see. Έξω, (fr. εξ out) out, outward, outside, abroad, without doors ; beyond ; beside, independently of, except. Ό έξω, the outward, external. Εξω, -εις, -ει, pi. -ομεν, -ετε, -ουσι, 1 f. ind. act. of έχω. Εξώδηκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. of εξοιδέω. Έξωθεν, (fr. έξω without) from without, without, outwardly. Ό, η, το έξωθεν, the outward, outside, external. Εξωθέω -ω, f. -ήσω, and Εξώθω, f. -ώσω, p. -ώκα, (fr. εξ from, and ωθε'ω or ώθω to push) to expel, turn out, drive away, thrust out , to drive, shove, pitsh, thrust aside ; to run ashore. 1 a. act. ind. εξωσα, Att. εξέωσα' inf. εξώ• σαι. Εξωκΐσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εξοικίζω. Έξωλέκειν, -εις, -ει, pper. act. of εξόλλνμι. Εξώλης, -εος -ους, h, fj, (fr. εξόλλνμι to destroy) lost, reduced, spent, despaired of, past hope ; wretch- ed, miserable, desolate; wicked, debauched, dissolute, profuse, prodigal ; destructive, mis- chievous, hurtful. Εξώλισθον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of εξολισθαίνω. Εξωλόθρενσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εξολοθρεύω. Εξωμοιωμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of εξομοιόω. Εξωμολόγησε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of εξομολογέω. Έξωμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. εξ from, and ύμννμι to swear) foresworn, ab- jured, renounced ; discharged, disengaged, rid of, freed from. Εξώπιος., -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and ώψ the sight) out of or beyond sight ; absent, gone. Εξώπλισα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εξοπλίζω. Εξώργιομαι, -σαι, -σται, per. pass, of εξοργίζω. Εξώρκιζον,-ες,-ε, impf. οι εξορκίζω. Εξωρμήθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of εξορμάω. Εξώρμην, -σο, -το, pper. pass, of εξάρω. Έξωρος, -ου, δ, ^, (fr. εξ out of, and &ρα season) unseasonable, un timely, ill-timed; stale, obsolete, cut of use. Εξωσα. ind. — Έξωσον, impr. — Εξώσαι, inf. — Εξωσα?, par. 1 a act. οϊ εξωθέω or εξώθω. Ee pulsion, banishment ; a turning or driving out. Εξώστης, -ου, b, (fr. same) an ex- peller, one who drives out ; an intruder. Εξωστρακισμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of εξοστρακίζω. Εξώτατος, (sup. fr. έξω outside) outermost, utmost, utter. Εξωτάτω (sup. of same) outwardly, utterly, farthest off. Εξωτερικός, -η, -bv, (fr. next) out- ward, external, extrinsic, uncon- nected with ; common, vulgar, ordinary, trivial, trifling. Εξώτερος, -a, -ov, (comp. fr. έξω without) outer, exterior. Εξωτέρω, (comp. of same) more outwardly, outside, externally. Εξωτικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) exotic, foreign, strange, alien. Εξωχόμην, -ov, -ετο, in 3 pi. Εξώ- χοντο, impf. mid. of εξοίχομαι. Έζωχρος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. εξ intens. and ωχρός pale) very pale, pallid, white. "Eo, Ion. for ου, g. οι, d. same as αυτόν. ΈοΓ, Poet, for ol, see last, same as αυτω. Έοι, 3 sin. of έοιμι, έυις, έοι, Poet, for είην, -ης, -η, pres. opt. of ειμί, to be. Εοιγμεν, by Sync, for εοίκαμεν, 1 pi. of Έοικα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of είκω. Έοικε, (3 sin. of last impersonal ly) it is fit, right. Εο'ικεσαν, Att. for εοίκεισαν, 3 pi pper. mid. of είκω. Εοικότα, a. sin. or neut. pi. of εοικώς. Εοικότως, (fr. next) in like manner likewise. Εοικώς, -νΐα, -ος, (par. per. mid. of είκω to resemble) like, similar, re- sembling ; fit, proper, becoming Έοιμι, -οις,-οι, Poet, for είην, pres opt. of ειμί, to be ; but see έον. Έοιμι, -οις, -οι, Poet, for ίείην, pres. or είην, 2 a. opt. of Ίημι ΈοΓο, Ion. for iov, g. sin. — Έο7ς and ΈοΊσι, d. pi. of εος, εή, ibv, Poet, for ος, η, ov. Έοις, Poet, for είης, see έοιμι and έον. ΕοΊσα, Dor. for εονσα, η. sin. fern of εών, Ion. for ών, par. pres. of ειμί, to be. Έολπα, Att. for ηλπα, -ας, -ε, perf. ind. mid. of ελπω. Έον, Poet, for ην, impf. of ειμί, to be. Or rather perhaps 2 a. ind. Poet, of same, whence opt. έοιμι' sub. έω. Ebv, neut. sin. — Εόντος, g. sin. — Εδντι, d. sin. — Ε6νθ\ for εόντα, a. sin. or neut. pi. — Εόντε, η. a. v. du. — Εόντες, η. pi. of εών, Ion. for Έοργα, ων, par. pres, of. Att. and (217J ειμί to be. by Metath. ΕΠΑ for έρογα, per. ind. mid. οι ρέζν as ii fr. έργω. Έοργαν, for εόργάσι, 3 pi. of last. Εόργεε, Ion. and Poet, for εώργει, 3 sin. of εώργειν, pper. mid. Att. of ρέζω. Εόργη, -ης, η, (fr. οργάω to desire) a pestle, pounder ; a spoon, la- dle. Εοργώς, -υ7α, -ος, par. of έοργα, which see. 'Εορτάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. ίορτη a fes- tival) to feast, keep a festival, ce- lebrate. 1 pi. pres. sub. εορτάζω- μεν. Εορτάσιμος, -ου, δ, η, and Εορτασ- τικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) sclemn, anniversary, annual, appointed; festival, festive, joyous. Έόρτασμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) a feast ; a celebration. Έορτη, -ης, )'], a feast, festival, an- niversary, commemoration, cele- bration. Έος, id, ibv, Poet, for τεbς, -a, -bv, or usually σbς, ση, σόν. Έος, in, εον, Poet, for ό'ί, η, 8ν. Εονσα, η. sin. fern. — Έουσι, d. pi. of εών, Ion. for ών, par. pres. of ειμί, to be. E-', for επί. Επάβολος, Dor. for ε-ηβολος, which Poet, for επίβολος. Επαγάγεϊν^ Att. for επαγείν, inf. — Επάγαγες, Dor. and Att. for επή- γες, 2 sin. 2 a. ind. — Ενάγον- τες, η. pi. par. pres. act. of επάγω. Επαγάλλεο, Ion. for επαγάλλον, pres. impr. of Επαγάλλομαι, (fr. επί intens. and αγάλλω to boast) to leap for joy, rejoice, exult, be transported ; to boast, brag, vaunt. Επάγάμαι, (fr. same, and άγαμαι to admire) to desire, imitate, pur- sue, affect, aim at, pretend to. Επαγανακτέω -ω, (fr. same, and αγανακτέω to be angry) to be very angry, enraged, wroth. Επαγγειλάμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. of ετταγγέλλω. Επαγγελία, -ας, >/, (fr. επαγγέλλω to declare) a promise, under- taking, the thing promised ; a denunciation, threat ; a declara- tion, blessing. Επαγγέλλεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass. — Επαγγελλόμενος, par. pres. pass. — Επαγγέλλοντι, d. sin. par. pres. act. used Dor. for Επαγγέλλουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind» act. and Επαγγελλόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. — Επαγγειλάμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. of Επαγγέλλω, f. -ελώ, p. επηγγελκα, (fr. ε-£ intens. and αγγέλλω to announce) to denounce, tell, de- clare, publish, proclaim. Επαγ- γέλλομαι, to promise, engage, co- venant, agree; to profess, un- dertake. 1 a. ind. act. απήγ- γειλα. per. pass, απήγγελμαι. 1 a. ind. mid. απηγγειλάμην. Επάγγελμα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) α promise, engagement. ΕΠΑ Επαγείν, pros, or 2 a. inf. act. of επάγω. Εταγείρω, f. -ερω, p. επηγερκα, (fr. επί at, and αγείρω to collect) to assemble, collect, meet together. Επάγερσις, -ιος, At?, -εως, fj, (fr. last) an assembling, meeting ; α Zeiry. Επάγεσθαι, pres. inf. pass. οΓςπά- Επάγην, -ης, -η, pass. — 'Επείγον,- -ες, -ε, act. 2 a. ind. of πήγνυμι. Επαγινεειν, Ion. and Poet, for επα- γείν. ΕπαγλαΐεΊ, 3 sin. of επαγϊαϊω, Att. for επανλαί'σω, 1 f. act. of ErayXai'A»), f. -ισω, (fr. επί intens. and αγλαίζ(ύ to glitter) ίο sig- nalize ; to display, celebrate, so- lemnize ; to make a festival, keep holy day. Επαγλαιζομαι, to ex- ult, rejoice. Επαγμενος, Ion. for επηγμένος, par. per. pass. ; or Sync, for επα- γόμενος, par. pres. pass, of επά- γω. Έπαγον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of πήγνυμι. Or Ion. for επηγον, 2 a. ind. act. of επάγω. Επαγορεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. επί upon, and αγορεύω to harangue, th. αγορά the forum) to enlarge, ex- patiate, use many words. Επαγρώς, -ου, b, η, (fr. επϊ intens. and άγριος wild) very wild, fierce ; rustic, clownish, rough, uncouth. Έπαγριόω -ω, (fr. same) to make wild, render savage, rusticate; to enrage, provoke. Επαγρυπνέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. επϊ intens. and αγρνπνέω to lie awake) to be quite awake, watch diligently, watch over. Επάγω, f. -ζω, p. επήχα, (fr. επϊ in, and άγω to lead) to lead or bring in, upon or against ; to drive or set on, urge, impel ; to bring or lake with one, lead to, introduce, usher in; to lead on, prevail on, persuade, entice, allure. Επά- γομαι, to produce an authority, give the author. 1 a. act. ind. έπηξα- par. επάξας. 2 a. ind. act. επηγον, Att. επήγάγον' whence inf. επαγαγεΐν. Επαγωγή, -ης, η, (fr. last) an en- trance, ingress ; introduction ; importation ; persuasion, induce^ mcnt ; a bringing upon, inflic- tion, visitation ; incantation, sor- cery. Επαγωγός, -η, -bv, (fr. same)flat- tering, enticing, seducing, per- suasive. Sup. επαγωγότατος. Επαγωνίζομαι, f. -"ϊσομαι, p. επηγώ- νισμαι, (fr. επϊ intens. and αγω- νίζομαι to contend) to strive ear- nestly, contend, dispute, pres. inf. mid. επαγωνίζεσθαι. Επάδω, f. -άσω, (fr. επϊ to, and άδω to sing) to chant, repeat in sing- ing ; to enchant, use incantation, charm ; to sing up, inculcate, impress. Επαείδειν, Poet, for επάδειν, pres. inf. act. of last. ΕΠΑ Επαείρας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. of επαείρω. Επαε'ιροντι, d. sin. par. pres. Dor. for επαείρουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Επαείρω, (fr. επϊ intens. and αείρω to raise) to raise or set up, place upon ; to extol, praise ; to excite, stir, impel, induce, tempt, seduce. Έπαθλον, -ου, το, (fr. επϊ intens. and άθλον a prize) a reward,pre- is~um, prize. 'Επάθον, -ες, -ε or -εν, 2 pi. -θέτε, 2 a. ind. act. of πάσχω. Επαθρεω -ω, fr. same, and αθρέω, which see. Επαθροίζω, f. -ο'ισω, p. επήθροικα, fr. same, and αθροίζω, which see. par. pres. pass, επαθροιζό- μενος, -η, -ov. Επαιάζω, (fr. same, and αιάζω to lament, th. αϊ") to weep, wail, grieve, lament. Επαίγδην, (fr. επαίσσω to rush) with force, forcibly, violently ; hastily, slightly, superficially. Επαιγίζω, f. -ισω, (fr. επϊ upon, and αιγϊς a storm) to rush, run violently, dart furiously, fall upon ; to bloiv violently, rage. Επαιδεομαι -ουμαι, (fr. επϊ intens. and αιδέομαι to respect) to blush, be ashamed or confused; to re- spect, revere, par. 1 a. pass. επαιοεσθει'ί• Επαιδεύθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of παιδεύω. Επαίκλια, and Επαίκνια, -ων, τα, (fr. επϊ after, and αΊκλον or άϊκνον supper) things served up after a meal, a remove, dessert. Επαινεί, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. Επαι- νέοντι, d. sin. par. pres. used Dor. for επαινεουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Επαινεσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Επαινεσεια, -ας, -ε, and in 3 sin. Poet. Επαινεσσειε, JEol. for επαινέσαιμι, -αις, -αι, 1 a. opt. — Επαινέσσω, Poet, for -εσω, -ης, -η, 1 a. sub. act. of επαινεω. Επαινετεος, -a, -ov, (fr. επαινεω to praise) to be praised, that must or ought to be praised. Επαινετής, -ου, b, (fr. same) a praiser, commender, approver, panegyrist. Επαινετικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) praising, applauding, approving, commending. Επαινετός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) praise-worthy, commendable, laudable. Επαινετός, -ου, b, Epcenetus, a man's name. Επαινεω -ω, f. -εσω, p. -επηνεκα, and Poet, -ήσω, -ηκα, (fr. επϊ in- tens. and αινεω to praise) to com- mend, praise, applaud; to like, approve of; to assent, agree, impf. act. επηνεον -ουν, -εες, -εις,-εε-ει. 1 a. act. ind. επήνησα' impr. επα- ίνησον. 1 a. ind. pass, επηνεθην. Επαινη, fern, of έπαινος, -ή, -bv. Επαινήσαις, 2 sin. 1 a opt. act. used iEol. for επαινήσας, par. 1 a. act. — Επαινηται, 3 sin. cont. (218) ΕΠΑ pres. sub. pass. — Επαινέσατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. — Επαινέσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. — Επαινήσω, -ης, -η, 1 a. sub. act. of επαινεω. Έπαινος, -ου, b, (fr. επί intens. and αίνος praise) praise, laud, com- mendation ; approbation, estima tion ; reputation, credit, renown ; a fable, parable. Επαινος, -ή, -bv, (fr. same, and αί- νο ς grave) severe, stern, harsh ; awful, grand, terrible ; fearful, horrible. Επαινοΰμεν, 1 pi. Επ-αινοΐίσι, 3 ρί. cont. pres. ind. act. — Επαινού- μενος, par. pres. pass. cont. of επαινεω. Επαίξαι, inf. Επαιξα?, par. 1 a. act. of επαίσσω. Επαίρεται, 3 sin. — Επαίρονται, 3 pi. pres. ind. — Έπαιρόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of Επαίρω, f. -άρω, p. επηρκα, (fr. επί upon, and αίρω to raise) to take or lift up and carry away, take or carry out ; to raise, elevate, hoise or hoist ; to erect, build ; to set up, exalt ; to set off, com- mend, extol, praise ; to exact, ex- tort, enhance, aggravate. Επαί- ρομαι, to set one's self up, behave proudly, be conceited. 1 a. act. ind. επήρα• impr. έπαρον par. επάρας. 1 a. ind. pass, επίιρ- θην. Έπαισα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of παίω. Επαισθάνομαι, fr. επϊ intens. and αισθάνομαι, which see. 2 a. ind. mid. επησθόμην. Επαίσθημα, -άτος, rb, (fr. same) feeling, sense ; perception. Επαϊσσόντα, a. sin. par. pres. act. of Επαίσσω, (fr. επϊ upon, and αίσσω to rush) to rush into or against, dart upon, assault, attack, charge ; to run up to, accost or address hastily ; to run after, pursue, chase ; to command, rule, govern, tyrannize ; to strike, smite, fell, beat down, overthrow violently ; to invade, seize forci- bly ; to rise up against, resist, oppose, rebel. Επάϊστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. επϊ intens. and αί'ω to hear) heard of, no- table, famous, renownted } cele- brated. Επαισχυνομαι, (fr. same, and aia- •χυνω to shame) to be ashamed, blush ; to be ashamed of ; to re- spect, revere. 1 a. ind. pass. επησχύνθην. 1 f. ind. pass, επα- ισχυνθήσομαι. Επαιτέω -ω, f. -^σω, ρ. επητηκα, (fr. επϊ intens. and αιτέω to ask) to pray, beseech ; beg, ask alms. pres. inf. act. cont. επαιτέϊν. Επαίτησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, fj, (fir. last) begging. Επαιτιάομαι -ωμαι, fr. επί intens. and αιτιάομαι, which see. Επαίτιος, -ου, b, >', (fr. επϊ in, and αιτία fault) blameable, culpable t faulty, in fault ; causing, giving reason. ΕΠΑ Επαίχθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. of παίζω. Επαίω, (fr. επί intens. and αίω to hear) to hearken, listen, attend ; to hear clearly, overhear ; to per- ceive, appreliend, understand. pres. inf. act. επαίειν. Επαιωρέω -ω, (fr. επί on, and αιω- ρεω to lift) to raise or lift up, exalt, elevate. Επαιωρίομαι -οϋ- μαι, to be raised up, float- above, hover over or about ; to fluctuate, doubt ; .to be elated, act proudly. par. pres. pass, επαιρεόμενος -ούμενος. Επακήκοα, see επακούω. Επακμάζω, fr. επί intens. and ακ- μάζω, which see. Επακολο»θεω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. επηκο- λονθηκα, (fr. επί upon, and ακο- λονθέω to follow) to come away or along with, accompany, at- tend ; to follow close, pursue after; to follow, ensue, come after ; to urge, press ; to prose- cute, continue, carry on. 1 a. act. md. επηκολούθησα. Επακολουθήσητε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. act. — Επακολουθούντων g. -θοϋσιν ά. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of last. Έ,ττακο\ονθησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. same) a consequence, result ; deduction, conclusion. Επάκοος, -ου, b, ή, Dor. for επ//- κοος. Επάκονστ^ς, -ov, b, ή, (fr. next) to be heard, audible, loud, distinct. Επακούω, f. -ούσω, p. επήκονκα, (fr. επί intens. and ακούω to hear) to hear plainly ; to overhear; to listen, hearken, attend to, com- ply with, obey* pres. impr. act. επάκουε. I a. act. ind. επήκονσα' impr. επάκονσον' sub. επακονσω' inf. επακούσαι. per. pass, επ^- κονσμαι. per. mid. επήκοα, and Att. επακήκοα. Επακρ'ιβόομαι -ουμαι,ΐ. -ωσομαι (fr. same, and ακριβόω to examine) to be accurate or exact ; to take care of, attend to, see or look to, observe, remark. Επακροάομαι -ώμαι, (fr. same, and ακροάομαι to hear) to hearken, listen; to attend to, regard, mind. impf. επηκροαόμην -ώ- μην. Επακρόάσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. last) a hearkening to, listening, attention. Επακταίος, -a, -ov, (fr. επί upon, and ακτή the shore) upon the shore, by the sea, maritime. Επακτηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. επάγω to set on) α dog-leader, hunter, hunts- man. Επακτϊκος, -ή,-δν, (fr. same) allur- ing, seducing, tempting. Subs. an outlaw ; a stranger, foreigner. Επακτ'ϊκως, (fr. last) by conse- quence, of course, conclusively ; persuasively, temptingly. Επάκτιος, -ου, Ό, η, same as επακ- ταΐος. Επακτδς, -η, -bv, (fr. επάγω to bring in) supplemental, addition- al foreign, extrinsic; forced, ΕΠΑ driven; hired; driving, violent, impetuous. Επακτρενς, -έος, b, (fr. επάγω to drive) a hunter, huntsman. Επακτρϊς, -"ίδος, η, and Έπάκτρον, -ov, το, (fr. same) aboat,flsHing boat, skiff" ; a pirate. Επάλαιον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of πα- λαίω. Επαλαλάζω, f. -άζω, p. -άχα, (fr. επί intens. and αλαλάξω to shout) to si?ig the war song ; to shout for joy, cheer, huzza. Επαλάομαι, fr. same, and αλάομαι, which see. Ε-αλαστέω, -ω, (fr. same, and αλαστίω to afflict) to suffer se- verely, be sorely afflicted ; to feel for, compassionate, pity. 1 a. par. act. επαλαστήσας, -ασα, -αν. Επαλείφω, (fr. επί upon, and αλεί- φω to anoint) to spread all over, smear upon, bedaub with. Επαλεξέω, and Επαλε^ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. επί intens. and αλεξέω, or -ξω torepel)fo aid, assist, refreue,par. 1 f. act. επαλεξήσων, -ούσα, -ov. Επαλλάγη, -ης, η, (fr. next) α change, alteration; exchange. Επαλλάττω, f. -ξω, (fr. επί intens. and αλλάσσω or -ττω to change) to change, alter ; to exchange, barter, give or take for, put in place of; to apportion, divide, allot, give equally. Επάλλετο, 3 sin. impf. pass, of πάλλω. Or for εφήλλετο, 3 sin. impf. of εφάλλομαι. Επάλληλος, -ov, b, >), (fr. επί on, and αλλήλων each other) one upon another, upon each other ; mu- tual, alternate, reciprocal, in turns, by course. Επάλμενος, by Sync, and iEol. for εφαλλό'μενος, par. pres. mid. of εφάλλομαι. Έπαλξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. επί upon, and αλκή strength) a breastwork, parapet ; a bulwark, rampart, fort, fortress. Έπαλπνος, -ov, b, η, (perhaps for επίθαλπνος, fr. επί intens. and θ-άλπω to cherish) cherished, hoped for, welcome. Or, (for έφαλπνος, fr. επί upon, αλς the sea, and πνέω to blow) favoura- ble; fair; speaking of the wind. Έπαλτο, by Sync. 2Eol. for εώάλ- λετο, impf. mid. Or for εφ^λτο^ pper. pass, of εφάλλομαι. Επαμανρόω -ώ, (fr. επί intens. and αμαυρος dark) to darken, obscure, cover with darkness. Επαμάω -ω, (fr. επί upon, and αμάω to mow) to heap, amass, collect, pile or throw together ; to stack corn, &c. ; to overwhelm, bury, cover up. pres. inf. act. επαμάειν -αν' pass, επαμάεσθαι -άσθαι. Επαμείβω, f. -ψω, ρ. επήμειφα, and Επαμείβομαι, f. -ψομαι, (fr. επί intens. and αμείβω to alternate) to exchange, put in place of, give or take for ; to alternate, act in turns, 219 ΕΠΑ Επαμεινώνδας, -ου, b, Epaminoru das, a man's name. Επάμειπτο, Ion. for επήμειπτο, 3 sin. pper. pass, οι επαμείβω. Επάμεοος, -ov, b, η, Poet. JEol. and Ion. for εφήμερος. Επαμησάμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. of επαμάω. Επαμμένος, -η, -ov, Dor. for εώημ- μένος, par. per. pass, of εφάπτο- μαι. Επαμοιβάδϊς,&ΐΐάΕπαμοιβαδδν, (fr επαμείβω to exchange) in turns, alternately, mutually, recipro- cally. Επαμοιβος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) al- ternate, by turns, mutual, recipro- cal ; answering, corresponding. Επαμϋνω, f. -υνω, (fr. επί intens. and αμννω to aid) to help, assist, succour; to guard, protect, de- fend. 1 a. act. ind. επήμϋνα' impr. επάμννον' inf. επαμυναι. Επαμφοτερίζω, f. -Υσω, (fr. επί to- wards, and αμφότερος, comp. of άμφω both) to fluctuate, waver, be uncertain or irresolute ; to temporize, trim, flatter both sides; to be ambiguous, use doubtful language. Ε πάν, (fr. επεί after, and av -so- ever) if; after that, since, when. Επαναβαίνω, (fr. επί upon, ανά up, and βαίνω to go) to go up into, mount upon ; to ascend, climb, get up ; to rise, be promoted. Επαναβάλλω, (fr. same, and βάλλω to throw) to defer, delay, put off. pres. inf. mid. επαναβάλλεσ- θαι. Επαναβληδδν, (fr. last) thrown over, overspread, bestrewed. Επαναβοάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. επί upon, ανά up, and βοάω to cry out) -ίο cry out against, call out upon, shout out, call to. Επαναγάγείν, see επανάγω. Επαναγινώσκω, f. -ώσω, (fr. επί in- tens. and αναγινώσκω to read) to read over, peruse carefully, study. Επαναγκάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. same, and αναγκάζω to force) to com- pel, oblige, constrain; to urge, press, induce, persuade. Επάναγκες, (fr. επί upon, and ανά)- - κη necessity) necessarily, of ne- cessity, indispensably, τα επά- ναγκες, necessaries. Επανάγω, f. -άζω, (fr. επί on, ανά up, and άγω to lead) to lead up back again, bring or take back ; to return, come back ; to move, excite, disturb, trouble, disquiet. 2 a. act. ind. επάνηγον, Att. επα- νήγαγον' -impr. επανάγαγε' sub. επαναγαγω • inf. εΐ επαναγαγειν. Επαναδίπλωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f}, (fr. επί intens. and αναδίπλωοις a repetition) a repetition, redu~ plication. Επαναζεύγνϋμι, f. -ξω, (fr. επί to, ανά back, and ζεύγννμι to yoke) to pack up in order to return, to set out home, return, come back. Εταναίρεσις. -ιος } Att. -εω^ η, (fr• ΕΠΑ next) a taking or cutting off; death, destruction, ruin; mur- der, slaughter. Επαναιρέω -ώ, (fr. επί upon, and αίρέω to take) to takeupon, under- take; to take away, cut off, kill. Επαναίρω, f. -άρω, (fr. επί intens. and αναίρω to raise) to raise or lift up, elevate. Επανακαινίζω, fr. same, and ανα- καινίζω, which see. Επανάκειμαι, (fr. επί in, ανά up, and κεΐμαι to lie) to be laid up, put by, reserved or stored up ; to hang over, impend, threaten. Επανάκλησις, -ιος, Att. -εωί, %, (fr. επί to, ανά back, and καλέω to call) a calling back; a restitution, restoration, return to a former state. Επανακλίνω, (fr. επί upon, and ανακλίνω to recline) to lean upon, lie down upon, rest, recline. Επαναλαμβάνω, (fr. επί to, and ανα- λαμβάνω to take up) to take up again, resume, begin over again. Επανάλη-ψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f/, (fr. last) a taking up or going over again, repetition, rehearsal. Επαναλογέω -ω, (fr. επί up, ανά again, andXf'yoj to say) to repeat over again, go back over a sub- ject, explain or expound more fully. Επαναμένω, fr. επί intens. and ανα- μένω, which see. Επαναμιμνήσκω, f. -ήσω, p. επανα- αέμνηκα, (fr. same, ανά again, and μιμνήσκω, same as th. μνάο- μαι to remember) to remind, put in mind, advise, admonish, warn. Επανανεόω -ω, f. -ώσω, fr. same, . and ανανεόω, which see. Επαναπαύομαι, f. -αύσομαι, p. επα- ναπίπανμαι, (fr. επί upon, ανά again, and παύω to rest) to rest, stay or remain upon ; to be at ease, feel satisfied, rely, depend upon ; to acquiesce, agree, assent. 1 a. ind. mid. επανεπαυσάμην. Επαναπλέω f. -εΰσω, (fr. επί upon, ανά back, and πλέω to sail) to sail often, navigate to and from, sail back again. ( pres. inf. act. επαναπλέειν -είν. Επανάστάσις, -ιος, A.tt.— εως, η, (fr. επί against, and ανάσταση aris- ing, th. 'ίστημι to stand) a rebel- lion, revolt, insurrection,sedition, mutiny. Επαναστέλλω, (fr. επί intens. and αναστέλλω to contract) to hinder, restrain, check, confine. Επανάστημα, -ατός, rb, (fr. next) a protuberance, prominence, swell- ing ; a promontory. Επανάστημαι, f. -ήσομαι, (fr. επί against, ανά up, and 'ίστημι to stand) to rise up or make head against, resist, oppose ; to rebel, revolt. Επαναστρεφω, (fr. επί upon, ανά back, and στρέφω to turn) to cc'Xie back again, return, re- visit; to face about, return to the charge. ΕΠΛ Επαναστροφή, -ης, η, (fr. last) a coming back, return ; a bending, turn, distortion, reflection. Επανατείνω, (fr. επί against, ανά upwards, and τείνω to stretch) to lift or raise a weapon against, menace, threaten ; to stretch out, extend. Επανατέλλω, (fr. επί intens. ανά up, and τέλλω to raise) to cause to rise, raise, lift up, elevate ; to rise, get upwards, mount; to spring up, sally forth. Επανατίθημι, (fr. επί on, ανά up, and τίθημι to put) to set, put, lay or place over, above or upon; to allow or acknowledge a pay- ment, set down as received, make one's self debtor, pres. inf. mid. επανατίθεσΒαι. Επανατρέπω, fr. same, and ανατρέ- πω, which see. Επανατρυγάομαι -ωμαι, (fr. επί in- tens. ανά along, and τρυγάω to gather) to glean a vineyard. Επαναφέρω, f. -οίσω, 1 a. -ήνεγκα, (fr. same, and φέρω to bring) to repeat, do over again, reiter- ate ; to bring back an answer ; to impute, charge, blame ; to re- tort, throw back an accusation, charge the accuser ; to go off, disappear, vanish ; to rise, mount. Επαναφορά, -άς, η, (fr. last) a re- petition ; a charge. Επανεθήσομαι, I f. ind. pass, of επανίημι. Επάνειμι, (fr. επί upon, ανά back, and εΐμι to go) to go up, go back again, return. Επανεϊς, -είσα, -εν, par. of επάνην, 2 a. ind. act. of επανίημι. Επανελεύθω, obs. see επανέρχομαι. Επανελθειν, 2 a. inf. act. — Επα- νελθών, -ούσα, -bv, par* 2 a. act. — Επανέρχεσθαι, pres. inf. pass, of επανέρχομαι. Επανέρομαι, (fr. επί intens. ανά again, and έραμαι to ask) to ask particularly, inquire, examine, interrogate; to demand strictly, insist upon. Επανέρχομαι, f. επανελενσομαι, (fr. επί intens. ανά back, and έρχομαι to go) to come up, come back again, return ; to recur to, tah up again, resume ; to approach draw near, come to. 2 a. ind. act! επανήλνθον, by Sync, επανήλθον, fr. ελεύθω, obs. Επανερωτάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, ανά again, and ερωτάω to ask) to inquire, examine, interrogate. Επανερωτήσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of last. Επανέστην, -ης, -η, 3 pi. επανέστη- σαν, 2 a. ind. act. οΐεπανίστημι. Επανέχω, f. -έξω, (fr. επί upon, and ανέχω to bear) to lean, rest or bear upon ; to endure, bear up against ; to excel, surpass ; to surmount, outtop. Επανήκω, f. -ζω, (fr. επί up, ανά back, and ηχω to come) to come back again, return. Επανήρετο, 3 sin. impf. of επανέρο- μαι. ΕΠΑ Επανθέω -ω, f. -ήσω, ρ. επήνθηκα, and Επανθίξω, (fr. επί upon, and ανθέω to flower, th. άνθος a flow- er) to bloom, flower, flourish ; to grow upon or out of, spring from. per. mid. έπηνθα, by Epenth. επήνοθα, and Att. επε- νήνοθα. Επανιάσι, Att. and Επανιέασι, Ion. for επανίεισι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Επανίημι, (fr. επί up, ανά back, and "ημι to send) to send back or away, dismiss; to return, go or come back again. Επανισταίάτο, Ion. for επανίσταιν- to, 3 pi. pres. opt. pass. — Επα- νιστέάται, Ion. for επανίστανται, 3 pi. pres. ind. pass. — Επανίσ- τέατο, Ion. for επανίσταντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of Επανίστημι, f. -στήσω, p. επανέστη- κα, (fr. επί against, ανά up, and ίστημι to stand) to set or raise up, erect ; to rouse, set on ; to rise up, rise up together, break up ; to rise up against, mutiny, rebel, revolt. 2 a. ind. act. επα- νέστην, in 3 pi. επανέστησαν. Επανιτέος, -a, -ov, (fr. επάνειμι t® return) must go back, return, &c. according to the verb. Επανιων, -ούσα, -bv, par. 2 a. act. of same. Επάνοδος, -ov, η, (fr. επί to, ανά up, and Ιδυς a way) a return, coming back again. Επανορθόω -ω, (fr. επί intens. and ανορθόω to correct, th. op9bg straight) to set up what has fallen, set right, replace, restore; to correct, amend,, improve, recti- fy, reform, pass. inf. pres. επα- νορθόεσθαι -ουσθαι' par. επανορ- θοόμενος -ονμενος. Επανόρθωμα, -άτος, το, and Επα- νόρθωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) a correction, amendment, im- provement; reparation, amends. a. sin. επανόρθωσιν. Επανορθωτέος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) to be amended, corrected, improv- ed. Επανορθωτής, -ου, b (fr. same) a corrector, improver, reformer, re- storer. ΕπανταΊος, -ου,ο, η, (fr. next) meet- ing, succouring, assisting, reliev- ing, amusing, condoling. Επαν ταϊος ωδή, a song or tune usea by those grinding, drawing water or other incessant work. Επαντάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. επήντηκα, (fr. επί intens. and αντάω to .meet, th. αντί against) to meet, run. to meet, come to ; to oppose, resist, stop. 1 a. ind. act. επήν- τησα. Επαντέλλω, by Sync, for επανατέλ- λω, par. pres. act. επαντέλλων, -ούσα, -ov. Επάντησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. επαντάω to meet) ameeting, com- ing together, concourse. Επαντλέω -&, (fr. επί upon, and αντλέω to pump) to pump into or upon, pour in or upon. ΕΠΑ Ειται/ύω, fr. επϊ intens. and ανύω, which see. Επάνω, (fr. επί upon, and άνω above) upon, over, above, more than, beyond. Επάξαι, inf. — Επάέα?, par. 1 a. act. — Επάξω, ind. — Επάξείν, inf. 1 f. act. of επάγω. Έπαξε, Dor. for έπηξε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of πήγνυμι. Επάξιος, -ου, b, Γ;, (fr. επί intens. and άξιος worthy) worth, deserv- ing ; valuable; equivalent, equal to. Επαξόνιος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. επί upon, and άξων an axletree) upon the axle ; rolling, running smooth. Επάξω, Dor. for επήξω, 2 sin. 1 a. md. mid. of πήγνυμι. Or 1 f. ind. act. of επάγω. Επαοιδή, -ης, f], Ion. for επωδή. Also Επαοιδία. Επαοιδος, -ου, b, Ion. for επωδός. Έπάον, -ες, -ε, act. — Επάην, -ης, -η, pass. 2 a. ind. of παύω. Εναπαλαύω, (fr. επί intens. and απαλός delicate) to indulge, gra- tify, pamper ; to revel, live luxu- riously. Επαπειλέω -οί, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, fr. επϊ intens. and απειλέω, which see. Επαποδύω, (fr. επϊ upon, and απο- δύω to strip*) to provide, instruct, suborn. Επαποδύομαι, to enter into ; to enter upon, undertake, take upon. Επαπορέω -ώ, fr. επϊ intens. and απορέω, which see. Επαπόρημα, -άτος, το, (fr. last) a doubt, hesitation ; debate, ques- tion, inquiry. Επαπορωμεν, 1 pi. cont. pres. sub. act. of same. Επαποστ-ελλω, (fr. επϊ upon, and αποστέλλω to send away) to send away upon, send off directly, despatch forthwith. Επάπτηνα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of παπταίνω. Επα. ρά, -άς, η, (fr. επϊ against, and αρά a prayer) an imprecation, curse, malediction. Επαράομαι -ωμαι, f. -άσομαι, and -ήσομαι, (fr. same) to wish evil, pray agai?ist, imprecate, curse. Επαράσίμος, -ου, b, //, (fr. επϊ against, and αρά prayer) ac- cursed, devoted ; execrable, abo- minable ; horrid, dreadful, dire- ful, terrible. Επαράσσω, (fr. same, and αράσσω to hew) to rush, dart, fall upon ; to dash or strike against ; to clash, clap ; to close or block up. Επάρατε, 2 'pi. 1 a. impr. act. — Επάραι, 1 a. inf. act. — Ε πάρα?, -ασα, -αν, η. pi. -ράντες, par. 1 a. act. of επαιρίι Επάρατος, -ου, b, η, (fr. επαράομαι to curse) accursed, devoted, im- pious, abominable, vile, detest- able. Επάργυρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. εητ \ upon, and άρ /upo? silver) covered vjith silver, silvered, plated, ΕΠΑ Επάρτι, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of επαίρω. Επσρη, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. pass, of πείρω. Επαρήγω, f. -ξω, ρ. -ηχα, fr. επϊ in- tens. and αρήγω, which see, Επαρ?5ρείν, -εί?, -ει, pper. ind. mid. of επάρω. Επαρησάμενος, Ion. for επαρασάμε- νος, par. 1 a. mid. of επαράομαι. Επαρθεις, -εΐσα, -εν, par. — Επαρ- θητι, impr. 1 a. pass, of επαίρω. Επάρθην, 3 pi. Επάρθησαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of πείρω. Έπαρθον, and by Metath. Έπρά- θον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of πέρ- Θω. Επάρκεια, -ας, η, (fr. next) a sup- ply, succour, assistance, aid, re- lief. Επαρκείτω, 3 sin. cont. pres. impr. act. — Επαρκέση, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. of Επαρκεω -ω, f. -έσω, p. επήρκεκα, (fr. επϊ intens. and αρκέω tc avert) to assist, relieve, help; to supply, afford, minister ; to avert, drive away from, repel, protect. 1 a. ind. act. επήρκεσα, -ας, -ε. Έπαρμα, -άτος, το, and Έπαρσις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, η, (fr. επαίρω to raise up) a lifting up, raising, elevation, exaltation ; a swelling . elation, spirits ; pride, haughti- ness, insolence. Επάρμενος, by Sync, for επαρόμενος, par. pres. pass, of επάρω. Επαρξάμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. of επ άρχομαι. Επαρόντες, η. pi. par. 2 a. act. of επαίρω. Έπαρσις, see έπαρμα. Επάρσω, iEoI. for επάρω, 1 f. of επάρω. Επαρτάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. επϊ upon, and αρτάω to suspend) to hang over, impend. Επαρυστήρ, -ήρος, b, η, and Επαρυσ- τρις, -ϊδος, η, (fr. επϊ into, and αρύω to draw) a ladle, cock, si- phon, pipe ; tongs, snuffers. Επαρχία, -ας, η, (fr. επάρχω to go- vern) a government, province, district, jurisdiction. Έπαρχος, -ου, b, (fr. next) a go- vernor, viceroy, deputy, Επάρχω, f. -ξω, p. -ηρχα, (fr. επϊ upon, and άρχω to rule) to go- vern, rule over, have dominion. Επάρχομαι, to begin, commence ; to make a libation. Επάρω, f. -άρω, p. επήρκα, (fr. επϊ intens. and άρω to fit) to adapt, suit, ft, become, agree, answer to. 1 a. ind. act. 2&o\. επήρσα. per. ind.• mid. επήρα, and Att. επάρηρα, whence pper. mid. επα- ρήρειν. par. pres. pass, επαρόμε- νος, by Sync, επάρμενος. Επαρωγος, -ου, b, (fr. επαρήγω to help) a helper, assistant, sup- porter, protector, guardian. Επασαί, 1 a. inf. act. of επάδω. Επάσαντο, and Poet, επάσσαντο, 3 pi. 1 a, ind. mid. of πάω. Επασκεω -ω, (fr. επϊ intens. and ασκέω to practise) to dress out, (221) ΕΠΑ adorn; to equip, furnish, pro- vide. Επασσύτεροι, -αι, -a, (fr. same, and άσσον near) continued,, connect- ed, following in order ; frequent, often ; thick, close, crowded. Έπασχον,-ες, -ε, impf. act. οΐπάσ- Χ ω • Επάταξα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of πατάσσω. Επατήθην,-ης,-η,\>Ά53. — Ε πάτησα, -ας, -ε, act. 1 a. ind. of πατέω. Επαυλέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, ρ. -ηκα, (fr. επϊ intens. and αυλέω to pipe, th. αυλός a pipe) to sing to, play for ; to play the pipe or flute. Επαυλίζομαι, (fr. επϊ in, and αυλί- ζομαι to herd, th. αυλή a fold) to associate, herd together ; to dwell, live, abide. Έπαυλις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, >% (fr. same) an abode, residence, dwell- ing, habitation ; a haunt, re- sort ; a farm-house ; a fold, stable. Επαυξάνω andEπαύ£ω,f. επαυξήσω, p. επηύξηκα, (fn επϊ intens. and αυξάνω or αύξω to increase) to amplify, enlarge, increase, aug- ment ; to heighten, aggravate. Επαύξησις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, η, (fr. last) increase, addition, augmen- tation. Επαύοντο, 3 pi. impf. — Επαυσάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of παύω. Επαυρέΐ, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. — Έ,παυρέμεν, Ion. — Επαυρέμε- ναι, Dor. for επαυρεΊν, pres. inf. act. cont. — Επαΰρεο, Ion. or Dor. for επηύρου, 2 sin. 2 a. ind. or 2 sin. impf. mid. of Επαυρεω -ώ, f. -ήσω, also Επαυρίσ- κω and Επαύρομαι, (fr. επ-ί intens. and αύρα a breeze) to enjoy, ar- rive at, attain to, win, purchase, procure, obtain ; to take profit from, make use of, get the benefit of, reap the fruits of, good or evil ; to suffer by or far, pay for, be the worse of ; to endure, un- dergo. Επανρηαι, Ion. for επαύρη, 2 sin. pres. sub. mid. of επαύρομαι. Επαύριον, (fr. επϊ intens. and αύρων to-morrow) to-morrow. Ή επαύ- ριον, viz. ήμερα, to-morrow, thi next day. Επαυρίσκουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of επαυρίσκω, see επαυρέω. Έ,παυροίμην, -οιο, ' -οιτο, 2 a. opt. mid. — Επακρον, Dor. for επ^ϊί- pov, 2 a. ind. act. — ΕπαυρεΤν, 2 a. inf. act. — Έπαύρωνται, 2 a. sub. mid. of Επαυρέω. 'Επαυσα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. Έπαυσαν, act. — Έ,παυσάμην, -ω, -ατο, mid. 1 a. ind. of παύω. Έπαυσον, -άτω, 1 a. impr. act. of επαύω. Επαυσω, 2 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of παύω. Επαϋτέϊν, pres. inf. act. cont. — Επαΰτεον, Ion. for επηυτεον, 3 pi. impf. act. of Επαΰτεω -ω, fr. επί intens. and αϋ» τί ω, which see. ΕΠΕ Έπαντοφώρω, (fr. επί in, αντος self, and φωρά a theft) in the very act or theft. Επανχένιος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. επί upon and ανχήν the neck) upon the neck or shoulders ; mounted, raised, carried. Επαυ^εω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. επί in- tens. and ανχέω to boast) to brag or 5oas* of, iio?;y in. Επαύω, (fr. same, and ανω to shout) to en/ out in triumph, shout, huzza ; to proclaim ; to shriek, scream. Επαφάομαι -ωμαι, fr. same, and αφάω, which see. Έπαψαν άνθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of Έπαφαναίνω, (fr. επί intens. από from, and αναιρώ to dry up) to dry thoroughly, parch, shrivel; to wither, fade, decay. Επαφή, -ης, η, (fr. επί intens. and αφή the touch) a touch, handling, patting ; an impulse, motive ; rebuke, blame. Επάφησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of Επαφίημι, f. επαφήσω, p. επάφεικα, (fr. επί unto, από from, and 'ίημι to send) to send μι&Λ α message or commission ; to send upon or against, visit, inflict. 1 a. ind act. επάφησα and επαφήκα, which is also sometimes called the perfect, 2 a. act. ind. επάφην sub. επαφω. Έπαφράς, -α, δ, Epaphras, a man's name. Επαφρίζω, f. -ϊσω, p. επήφρικα, (fr. επί upon, and a^jjos froth) to y*ro/, (fr. επί in tens, and Αφροδίτη Venus) beau• tiful. Also Epaphroditus, a man's name. Επαφω, 2 a. sub. act. of επαφίημι. Επαχθής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. επί in- tens. and άχθος a load) heavy, weighty ;' grievous, troublesome, offensive ; uneasy, restless. Επάχθομαι, f. επαχθήσομαι, and -έσυμαι, p. επήχθημαι, (fr. same, and άχθομαι to endure) to en- dure severely, suffer under, be overloaden, oppressed with a bur- den ; to groan, grieve, bemoan. 1 a nd. pass, επηχθέσθην. par. per. pass, επηχθημένος. Ετάχνωσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of παχνόω. Επαχύνϋην,-ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of παχύνω. Έπε' for έπεα, η. a. v. pi. of έπος. Επεαν, Ion. for επάν, afterwards. Επέβα, Dor. for επέβη, 3 sin. — Επέβαν, Sync, for επέβησαν, 3 pi. of επέβην, 2 a. ind. act. of επί- βηαι. Έπέβαινον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of επι- βαίνω. Επέβαλλαν, -ες, -ε, impf. — Επέβά- λον, -ες, -ε or -εν, 2 a. ind. act. of επιβάλλω. βπέβασε, Dor. for επίβησε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. οι επβαίνω. Or, ΕΠΕ Poet, for επεβίβασε, same of επι- βιβάζω. Επέβην, -ης, -η, 1 pi. -βημεν, 2 a. ind. act. οΐεπίβημι. Επέβησα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. Επέβησαν, act. — Επεβησάμην, -ω, -ατο, mid. 1 a. ind. of επιβαίνω. Επεβίων, -ως, -ω, 2 a. ind. act. of επιβίωμι. Επέβλεψα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of επιβλέπω. Επεβούλενσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of επιβονλενω. Επεγγελάω -ώ, f. -ασω, ρ. -ακα, fr. επί intens. and εγγελάω, which Επεγέγραπτο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of επιγράφω. Επέγειρε, pres. impr. act. — Επε• γειρόντες, η. pi. par. pres. act of Επεγείρω, f. -ερω, p. επήγερκα, (fr επί intens. and εγείρω to rouse) to encourage, set on, cheer ; to stimulate, excite against ; to urge, impel, hasten, hurry ; to wake,, awake or awaken. 1 a. ind. act. επήγειρα. Επέγεντο, by Sync, for επεγένετο 3 sin. of επεγενόμην, 2 a. ind, mid. of επιγίνομαι. Επεγίνωσκον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. — Επε^νωκί'ναι, per. inf. act. of επιγινώσκω. Επεγκολάπτω, f. -ψω, p. -αφα, (fr. επί upon, and εγκολάπτω to en- grave ) to engrave upon, inscribe ; to carve out. Επεγνωκόσι, d. pi. of Επεγνωκως, par. per. act. — Επεγνώσθην, 1 a. ind. pass. — Επέγνωτε, 2 pi. of Επέγνων, 2 a. ind. act. of επ'ιγνωμι or επιγινώσκω. Επέγρετο, by Sync, and Poet, for επηγείρετο, impf. pass, of επε- γείρω. Έπεγχαίνω, f. -ανω, (fr. επί upon, εν at, and χαίνω to gape) to gape upon, after or at, desire earnest- ly. 2 a. act. ind. επενέχανον' inf. επεγχάνεΊν. Επέδειξα, -ας, -ε or -εν, act. — Επε- δειζάμην, -ω, -ατο, mid. 1 a. ind. of επιδείκννμι. Επεδέχετο, 3 sin. impf. or 2 a. ind. mid. of επιδέχομαι. Επέδησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of πεδάω or -εω. Επεδίδοον -ovv, -οες -ονς, -οε -ου, as if fr. επιδιδόω ΐοτεπεδίδων, -ως, -ω, impf. act. — Επεδόθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. — Επέδωκαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of επιδίδωμι. Επέδράμον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of επιτρέχω. Επέδρη, -ης, η, Ion. for εφεύρα. Επέδνν,. -νς, -υ, 2 a. ind. act. of επίδυμί or επιδνω. Επέδωκα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of επιδίδωμι. Επέεσσι, Ion. and Poet, for ε'πεσί, d. pi. of έπος. Επεζάρησαν, Ion. for επεβάρησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of επιβαρέω. Επέζησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of επιζάω. Επεζήτεον -ovv, -εις -&ις % ~iu -εΐγ (222) ΕΠΕ impf. act. — Επεζήτησα, -ας, -s or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of επιζητέω. Επεθέμην, -εσο, -ετο, 3 pi. ΕίΓεθεν- το, 2 a. ind. mid. — Επέθηκα, 'ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of επι- τίθημι. Επεθνμει, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. — Επεθύμησα, -ας, -ε, 3pl. Επεθνμη- σαν,Ι a. ind. act. of επιθνμέω. Επεϊ and Επειδή, (fr. επί upon, ει if, and δή truly) when, after that ; since, for, because ; for then, for else, for otherwise. Επεϊ δε, then, from thenceforth, afterward. Επειδή τε, otherwise, else. Επει τάχιστα, as soon as, as soon as ever, whenever, directly. Επείγεαι, Ion. and Dor. for επείγρ, 2 sin. pres. ind. pass Επεί- γετο, Ion. for ηπείγετο, 3 sin. impf. pass. — Επειγομένοιο, Ion. for επειγομένον, g. sin. par. pres. pass, of Επείγω, f. -ξω, p. ήπειχα, to thrust, push, drive forward, urge, press, hasten, hurry ; to enforce, im- press. Επειδάν for επειδή αν, after that, af- terwards ; when, whensoever. Επειδή, see επεί. Επειδήπερ, (fr. last, and περ though) since, seeing that. Επείδοιμι, -οις, -οι, opt. — Επε?<5ον. -ες, -ε, ind. 2 a. act. of Επείδω, f. act. -είσω,ηη^. -είσομαι, (fr. επί upon, and είδω to see) to look at, look upon, behold ; to re- gard, favour ; to look up to, re- spect, revere; to call to witness conjure. 2 a. act. ind. επεΊδον, impr. έπιδε• sub. επ/<5ω. Έπειθ' before an aspirate, for έπει- τα. Επειθόμην, -ov, -ετο, 3 pi. -θοντο pass. — Έπειθον, -ες, -ε, acA. impf. of πείθω. Επείκα, Dor. and Poet, for επείκε, same as επεί αν, when, when- ever. Επείκτης, -ov, δ, (fr. επείγω to hasten) an instigator, urger, en- courager, promoter, stickler. Επείκω, (fr. επί intens. and εί'κω to resemble) to agree, Jit, suit, an- swer to, be convenient. Επειλημμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of επιλαμβάνω. 'Επειμι, (fr. επί upon, and εΐμι to go) to come upon, march or go against, invade, attack; to come up, succeed, follow ; to urge, press. 2 a. ind. έπων par. επίων. 'Επειμι, (fr. same, and ειμί to be) to remain, survive, be over and above ; to be near at hand or in- stant, impend, hang over, threat- en ; to surprise, come una- wares. Επεϋναι, Ion. for εφεΊναι, 2 a. inf. act. of εφίημι. Ε πε/νασα, -•£, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind- act. of πεινάω. Επείννμι or Επεινύω, Ion. for εφίν νυμι or -ύω. „ Επείννσθαι,ρτββ. inf. pass, of last. 'Έπειξις,-ιος, Att. -εως,^, (fir. ειτε/χω ΕΠΕ to hasten) haste, speed ; hurry precipitation. Επε/περ, (fr. επεί when, and περ though) although; since, where- as. Επειπεΐν, inf. — Επαιτών, par. of Έπειπον, 2 a. ind. of επέπω. Έπειρα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. Έπειραν, 1 a. ind. act. of πείρω. Έ,πείραζον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of πει- ράζω. Έ,πειράθην, -ης, -η, in 1 pi. Έ,πει- ράθημεν, 1 a. ind. pass. — Επεί- ρασάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. — Επειραόμην -ώμην, -άου -ω, -άετο -ατο, impf. mid. of πειράω. Κπεφασα, -ας, -ε or -εν, act. — Έ,πειράσθην, ρΐ. -θητε, -Βησαν, pass. 1 a. ind. of πειράζω. Επείρεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. of επεί- ρω. Επείρη, Ion. for επείρα, 3 sin. impf. act. cont. of πειράω. Έπειρύω, Poet, for Επερύω. pres. inf. pass, επειρύεσθαι. Επείρω, f. -ερώ, more usually Επεί- ρομαι, (fr. επί upon, and ε'ιρω to connect) same as επέρομαι. pres. inf. mid. επείρεσθαι. Έπειρώάτο, Ion. for Επειρώντο, 3 pi. impf. mid. cont. of πειράω. Επειρωτάειν -φν, pres. inf. act. — Κπειρώτεον, Ion. for Επειρώταον -ων, impf. act. of Επειρωτάω -ω, Ion. for επερωτάω. Επειρώτησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, Ion. for επερώτησις. Έπεισα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. of ίπειμι, to enter. Or, ] a. ind. act. of πεί- θω. Επεισαγω, f. -ζω, p. -ηχα, (fr. επί upon, and εισάγω to introduce) to introduce one thing after ano- ther, superinduce, add more- over ; to apply, have recourse to. Επεισαγωγη, -ης, η, (fr. επί upon, εις into, and άγω to lead) a su- perinduction, bringing one thing after another, introduction, ad- dition. Έπείσακτος, -ου, δ, r/, (fr. same) in- troduced, admitted, taken in; foreign, additional, extrinsic. Έπεισαν, act. — Επείσθησαν, pass. 3 pi. 1 a. ind. of πείθω. Εττεισέρχομαι, (fr. επί upon, and εισέρχομαι to come in) to come i?i upon, enter upon. Έπεισηγέομαι -ουμαι, (fr. same, and εισηγεομαι to introduce) to bring in beside, introduce. Έ,πείσθην, 1 a. ind. pass, of πείθω. Έπεισιν, 3 sin. pres. ind. with ν added of ίπειμι, to go in. Επείσιον,-ου,το, (neut. of επεισίων, par. 2 a. of επείσειμι to go into) a hog's trough or vessel for hold- ing refuse ; the stomach, paunch, draught ; lower part of the belly, the privities. Επεισκνκλέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. επί upon, εις into, and κυκλέω to roll) to roll in upon ; to introduce, in- vite, summon. Επεισκωμάζω, (fr. επί upon, ευ into, and κωμάξο) to revel, th. κώμος ΕΠΕ a revelling) to intrude rudely, ΕΠΕ come uninvited, force into com pany, behave as in drink. Επεισόδιον, -ov, to, (fr. same, and bδ^ς a road) an episode, inciden- tal narrative, digression, a secon- dary subject introduced into a poem or tale. Επε<σύι5ίθί, -or, and Έπεισοδιώδης -εος -ους, δ, η, (fr. same) adven- titious, additional, external, fo- reign Επεισπηδάω -u),f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. επί upon, and εισπηδάω to leap into) to leap in upon, leap upon. Επεισφέρω, f. -οίσω, p. -ήνεγκα, (fr. same, and εισφέρω to introduce) to bring to, bring into, bring in upon, inflict. Έπειτ, for Έπειτα, (fr. επεί after, and εΊτα then) then, afterwards, in the. next place, thereupon; however, at length ; thenceforth ; moreover, besides. Έπειτοι, (fr. επεί when, and the enclit. τοι) since. Επείχθην, -ης, ->7, Ion. ind. — Ειτείχ θητι, impr. 1 a. pass, of επείρω ΕπεΊχον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of επέχω Επεκάθισα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. Επεκά- θισαν, 1 a. ind. act. of επικαθίζω ΕπικαλεΊτο, 3 sin. cont. of Επικα- λεόμην -ονμην, -ίου -ο5, -έετο -είτο, impf. pass, of επικαλεω Επεκαλύφθην, -ης, -η, in 3 pi. Ε" καλύφθησαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of επικαλύπτω. Επεκέάτο, Ion. for επέκειντο, 3 pi impf. mid. of επίκειμαι. Επεκείμην, -εισο, -ειτο, in 3 pi. Επε- κειντο, impf. mid. of επίκειμαι. Επίκεινα, (for επί εκείνα, viz. χωρίι or μέρη to those parts) over, be• yond, on the other side. Επεκέκλετ, for Επεκέκλετο or Επε• κέκλητο, 3 sin. pper. pass. — Επεκλήθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of επικαλεω. Επεκλωσάμην, -ω, -ατο, in. 3 pi. Επεκλώσαντο, 1 a. ind. mid. of επικλώθω. Επεκραίαινε, 3 sin. impf. of επικραι- αίνω, Poet, for επικραίνω. Επεκράτει, 3 sin. impf. act. cont of επικρατέω. Ετεκρέμασα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of επικρεμαω. Επέκρινε, 3 sin. impf. act. of επ: κρίνω. Επεκτάσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ?/, (fr next) extension; a stretching, straining; aim, endeavour; in- tention^ design. Επεκτείνω, f. -εΐ'ώ, fr. επί intens. and εκτείνω, which see. Εκτεί- νομαι, to stretch at, strive for, aim, endeavour, press forward, to. 1 f. mid. επεκτενονμαι. 1 a. ind. mid. επεκτεινάμην. par. pres. pass, επεκτεινόμενος. Επεκτησάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of επικτάομαι. Επελαβόμην, -ου, -ετο, mid. — Επέλάβον, -ες, -ε, act. 2 a. ind. of επιλαμβάνω. Επελαθόμην, -ου, -ετο, 3ρ1. -θοντο, (223) mid. — Επέλάθον, -ες, -ε, act. 2 a. ind. of επιλανθάνομαι. Επέλασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. next) a charge, attack; an in- road, invasion. Επελαύνω, f. -ασω, (fr. επί against, and ελαύνω to drive) to ride, sail or march against, invade, attack, charge ; to draw over. Επελεύσεται, 3 sin. 1 f. mid. — Επέλθη, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. — Επελ- θών, -ούσα, -bv, g. -ύντος, par. 2 a. act. of επέρχομαι. Επέλενσις, -ιος, Alt. -εως, η", (fr. επί upon, and ελεύθω obs. to come) an invasion, inroad, incursion ; an assault, attack, onset, charge. ΕπελθεΊν, Επελθών, by Sync, for επελυθεϊν, inf. Άηάεπελυθών, par. 2 a. act. of επέρχομαι. Ε π ελπίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. επί intens. and ελπίζω to hope) to excite or inspire hope, give courage, raise confidence, animate, excite; to hope for, expect. Επελύθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. — Επελυον, -ες, -ε, impf. or 2 a. ind. act. ofεπ£λυω. Επεμαίετ, by Apos. for επεμαίετο, 3 sin. impf. mid. of επιμαίομαι. Επεμαζάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of επιμάσσομαι. Επεμβαίνω, (fr. επί upon, εν in, and βαίνω to go) to go into, ivalkinto, enter ; to mount, ride, go on horseback; to embark, go abroad; to land, go ashore. 1 f. mid. επεμβήσομαι. Επέμβάλον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of Επεμβάλλω, f. -άλω, p. -βέβληκα, (fr. επί upon, εν in, and βάλλω to throw) to insert among, put or thrust in ; to mingle, inter- mix ; to lay on, set upon ; to superinduce, bring in addition, add to. pres. inf. pass, επελβάλ- λεσθαι. Επεμβάτης, -ου, δ, (fr. επεμβαίνω to mount) a sitter ; a rider, horse- man, driver ; a sailor, passenger. Επεμβεβαώς, -uta, -ος, Ion. for επεμβεβηκώς, par. per. act. of επεμβαίνω. Επέμεινα, -α?; -ε, 1 pi. -ναμεν, act. — Επεμεινάμην, -ω, -ατο, mid. 1 a. ind. — Επέμενον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of επιμένω. Επεμελήθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. of επιμελέομαι. Επεμεμφόμην, -ον, -ετο, impf. mid. of επιμέμύ -uai. Επεμηνάμην. s, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of επιμαίνομαι. Έπεμπον, -ες, -ε, impf. — Έπεμψα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of πέμπω. Επέμυξα, -ας, -ε, 3 ρΐ. Επέμυξαν, 1 a. ind. act. of επιμύσσω. Επενάχετο, Dor. for επενήχετο, 3 sin. impf. mid. of επινήχομαι. Επενδύτης, -ου, Ό, (fr. next) anup~ per garment, outside coat, cloak t robe. Επενδύω, f. -υσω,ρ. επενδέδυκα, (fr. επί upon, εν in, and δύω . to clothe) to clothe up ; to put on over other dress ; to endue, en~ dow, invest; to add, lay on t ΕΠΕ superinduce, peiv.pass. επενδέδυ- μαι' par. επενδεδυ μένος. 1 a. mid. ind. επενεδυσάμην inf.- επενδΰσασ• Θαι. _ \ Επενε/κεϊν, 2 a. inf. act. —-'Επενέγ- κω, -ης, -η, 1 or 2 a. sut>. act. — Επενεγκων, -υυσα, -bv, par. 2 a. act. of Έπενέγκω, (fr. επί upon, and ενέγ- κω, same as φέρω) see επιφέρω 1 a. act. ind. επήνεγκα' sub. έπε- νέγκω. 2 a. act. ind. επήνεγκον opt. επενέγκοιμι' sub. έπενέγκω' inf. επενε^κεΐν par. επενεγκών. Επενείκω, fr. same, and ενείκω, which see. Poet, for last. 1 a. act, ind. επήνεικα, and Ion. επέ- νεικα' par. επενείκας, η. pi. επενεί- καντες. Επένειμα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — Επενεμόμην, -ου, -ετο, impf. ind. pass, of επινέμω. Επένευσα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of επινενω. Επενήνεον -ονν, impf. act. of επινη- νέω, same as επινέω. Επενΐ/νοθα, -ας, -ε, by Epenth. and Att. for επηνθα, per. ind. mid. Επενήνοθον,\>γ same, for επ^νθον, 2 a. ind. act. of επανθέω. Επενηχόμην, -ov, -ετο, impf. of επι- νήχομαι. Επένθει, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. — Έπενθήσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of πενθέω. Επενθών, Dor. for επελθών, 2 a. par. of επέρχομαι. Επεντύω, fr. επί upon, and εντνω or εντύνω, which see. impf. Ion. επέντυον, -ες, -ε. Επέξειμι, (fr. επί upon, εξ out, and εΐμι to go) to go out against, break out upon, sally forth, attack, invade; to break forth, burst out; to exclaim, utter, give vent to ; to charge, accuse, prosecute,r.onvict ; to treat of; to declaim, go over, repeat ; to strive, exert, execute. Επεξελενσομαι, .-η, -εται, m 1 pi. Επε^ελευσόμεθα, 1 f. ind. mid. — ΕπεζελθεΊν, 2 a. ind. act. of επέ- ρχομαι. Επεξεργάζομαι, (fr. επί upon, εξοΜί, and εργάζομαι to work) to work out, effect, bring about ; to en- deavour, use pains ; to work at, labour, toil. Επεξέρχομαι, (fr. same, and έρχο- μαι to go) to come forth against, go our upon, come up, come up- on ; tu come after, succeed ; to approach, advance, go on, march forward, charge, attack^ set upon; to go over, traverse, cross, pass through. Επεξευρίσκω, (fr. same, and ευρίσ- κω to find) to find out, discover ; to invent, contrive, devise. 2 a. ind. act. επέξενρον, 1 pi. επεξεύρομεν. Επεξης, Ion. for εφεξής. Επεξιακχάζω, same as ιάχω. Επεξιέναι, pres. inf. — Επέξιθι, pres. impr. of επέξειμι. Επέοικα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of επει'κω. Επεπείθεθ', for επεπείθετο, 3 sin. impf. pass. — Επεπείθεσαν, Syst. ΕΠΕ for επεπείθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of επιπείθω. Επέπειν, Ιοί. for εφέπειν, pres. inf. act. of εφέπω. Επεπειρέάτο, Ion. for επεπείρηντο, 3 pi.' pper. pass, of πειράω. Επέπεσον, -ες., -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of επιπίπτω. Επεπήγειν, -εις, -ει, pper. mid. of πήγννμι. Επέπιθμεν, Sync, for επεπείθομεν, 1 pi. 2 a. ind. act. of επιπείθω. Or, for επεποίθειμεν, 1 pi. pper. mid. of πείθω. Επεπλαί, for επίπλων, which for επιπλώσας, 1 a. par. act. of επι- πλώω. Επε'πλεον, 1 sin. or 3 pi. impf. act. of επιπλέω. Επέπληγον, by redupl. for έπλη• γον, 2 a. ind. act. of πλάσσω. Or, 2 a. ind. act. of επιπλήσσω. — 1 a. ind. act. οϊΈπέπληξα, -ας, -ε. Επέπλων, -ως, -ω, 2 a. ind. act. of επίπλωμι. Επέπνιξαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of επιπνίγω. Επεποίθειν, -εις, -ει, pper. mid. of πείθω. Επεποίθεσαν, Att. and Ion. for επε- ποίθεισαν, 3 pi. of last. Επεπόνθη, Att. or Ion. for επεπόν θειν or εί, 1 or 3 sin. pper. mid of πάσχω. Like ήδη for 0ειν, fr. είδημι. Επεπράγεσαν, Att. or Ion. for επε- πράγεισαν, 3 pi. of Επεπράγειν, pper. mid. of πράσσω. Επεπτάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of εφίπτημι. Επέπτάρον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of επιπταίρω. Επεπτώκειν, -εις, -ει, pper. act. of πίπτω. Επεπύσμην, -σο, -στο, pper. pass, of πννθάνομαι. Επέπω, (fr. επί upon, and έπω to say ) to put in a word, say in ad dition, add, comment upon ; to repeat, say again. 1 a. ind. act. επείπα. 2 a. ind. act. επεΓπον inf. επειπεΊν par. επειπών. Επέπω, (fr. same, and επω or έπο- μαι to follow) to follow up, pur- sue, aim at, strive to reach. Επεραιώθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of περαιόω. Επέραστος, -ου, Ό, //, (fr. επί intens. and εράω to love) beloved, very lovely. Επεργάζομαι, f. -άσομαι, p. -ασμαι, (fr. επί intens. and εργάζομαι to work) to work at or upon, ex- ercise, practise, labour ; to till, cultivate, plough ; to break up, reclaim, improve. Επερείδω, f. -είσω, (fr. same, and ερείδω to prop) to stick fast into, thrust into ; to fix, fasten, make firm; to prop, stay, support. 1 a. ind. act. επήρεισα. Επέρεισε, Ion. for επήρεισε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of last. Επέρεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. of επέρο- μαι. Επερήρεισμαφγ Att. redupl.for επε- ρεισμαι, per. ind. pass.of επερείδω. (224) ΕΠΕ Επεισα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of περάω. Επερίσσευον, impf. — Επερισσευσε or -σεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of περισσεύω. Επέρομαι, (fr. επϊ intens. and έρο- μαι to ask) to inquire, demand; to solicit, canvass, put to the vote. Επερράγην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. pass, of επιρρήγνυμι. ΕπερρΊφην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. pass. of επιρ'ρίφω, same as επιρρίπτω. Επέρρωσα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. Επέρ'ρω- σαν, act. — Επερρωσάμην, -ω, -ατο, in 3 pi. Επερρώσαντο, mid. — Επερρώσθην, -ης, -η, pass. 1 a. ind. of επιρ'ρώννυμι. Επερΰω, f. -ϋσω, (fr. επί intens. and ερύω to drag) to draw upon, draw over; to watch, guard, keep, pre- serve. Επέρχομαι, f. επελεύσομαί,ρ. επελυ- θα, Att. επελήλϋθα, (fr. επί upon, and έρχομαι to come) to come upon, happen, befall; to occur to, come into the mind or head ; to approach, come or go to, in- vade, attack ; to arrive, be com- ing or likely to come. 2 a. ind. act. επήλνθον, by Sync. επηλ- θον. Επερχόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. ind. mid. of last. Επέρχοντ , for επέρχονται, 3 pi pres. ind. mid. of same. Επερωταν, pres. inf. act. cont. — Επερωτάτωσαν, 3 pi. cont. pres. impr. act. — Επερωτηθεί?, par. 1 a. pass. — Επερώτ^σον, impr. 1 a. act. of Επερωτάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. επερώτη- κα, (fr. επί intens. and ερωτάω to ask) to inquire, consult ; to ask, demand, question, examine, scru- tinize ; to answer a demand, sti- pulate, engage, promise, under- take, impf. act. επηρώταον -ων, -αες-ας,-αε-α. 1 a. act. ind. επ>7- pwrj?aa"impr. επερώτ?7σον, -άτω. Επερώτημα, -άτος, το, (fr. last) α question, inquiry ; a requisition, demand ; an answer or reply agreeing ιο the demand ; an en- gagement, undertaking. Επερωτήσας, -ασα, -αν, 1 a. par. act. of same. Επερώτ^σι?, -ιος, Att. -εω?, ή, (fr. same) an asking, interrogation, inquiry ; a question, demand. Επίσαξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of επίσάττω. ΕπεσβοΥια, -ας, ζ, (fr. next) re- proach, abuse, a taunt, calumny, slander; talk. Επέσβολος, -ov, b, η, (fr. επί upon, ες for εις into, and βάλλω to throw) railing, reviling, abusive, slanderous, calumniating. Subs. a babbler. "Επεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. Έπέσθω 3 sin. Έπέσθων, 3 du. pres. impr. mid. of 'έπομαι. Επεσθα), (fr. επί upon, and εσθίω to eat) to eat more or beside, eai one thing on another. Έπεσι, and Poet. Έπεσσι,ά. pi. of έπος. ΕΠΕ Επέσκαζον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of επί σκάζω. Επέσκετον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of επι σκέπω. Επεσκεψάμην, -ω, -ατο, 2 ρΐ. Έπε νκέψασθε, 1 a. ind. mid. of επι σκέπτομαι. Επεσκίασα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of • επισκιάζω. Επεσκί'οτασα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of επι σκιρτάω. Έπχσκότησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of επισκοτέω. Έπεσον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of πίπτω. Επέσπεαθαι, Ion. for εφίπεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. of εφέπω. Έπεσπον, ind. — ΕπισπεΤν, inf. — Eπισπώv,par. 2 a. act. οίεπισπεω. Επέσσεται, Poet, for επέσεται, 3 sin. of επίσομαι, 1 f. of έπειμι, to be with. Επεσσεύοντο, by Metath. for Επε- σεσεύοντο, 3 pi. pper. pass, of επισείω. Επέσσνται, Metath. for επισέσνται, 3 sin. per. pass. — Επεσσυτο, for επισέσντο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of επισύω. Επέσταλμαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass. — Έ,πέστειλα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — Επεστεΐλάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of επιστε'λλω. Επεστενάχιζον, -ες, -ε, impf. of επι- στεναχίζω. Επέστενον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of επι - στένω. Επεστεψάμην, -ω, -ατο, in 3 pi. -αντο, 1 a. ind. mid. of επιστέφω. Επεστεώς, Ion. for εφεσταώς, which by Cras. for εφεστηκώς, par. per. act. — Έπέστην,-ιις, -η, 3 pi. Επε'- στησαν, 2 a. ind. act. of εφίστημι. Επεστήρικτο, 3 sin. pper. pass Επεστήριξα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -ξαν, 1 a. ind. act. of επιστηρίζω. Έπεστι, (impers. fr. έπειμι to im- pend )itis lawful, allowable, it may. Επεστονάχιζον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of επι στο ναχίζω. Επεστραμμένος, -η, -ον, par. per. pass. — Επεστράφην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. pass. — Επέστρεψα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of επιστρέφω. Επεστυφέλιζον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of επιστνφελίζω. Έπεσχον, -ες, -ε, act. — Επεσχδ- μην, -ου, -ετο, mid. 2 a. ind. of επέχω. "Επεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. of 'έπομαι. Επέταζα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of επιτάσσω. Έπέτας, -a, b, Dor. for επέτης. Έπετάσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. of πετάνννμι, or πετάξω. Επέτειλα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of επιτέΧΧω. Επέτειος, -ου, b, η, (fr. επί upon, and έτος a year) yearly, annual, anniversary. Επέτελλε, act. — Επετελλετ' for επετέ\\ετο, pass. 3 sin. impf. ind. of επιτέΧΧω. Επετερπόμην, -ου, -ετο, impf. pass. EttE Έπέτης, -ον, δ, ζηά'Επετις,-ίδος,ή, (fr. 'έπομαι to follow) a follower, attendant, companion ; a servant. Έπετήσιος, -a, -ov, and -ov, b, >), (fr. επί intens. and έτος a year) yearly, for the year, during the whole year. Έπετίθουν, 1 sin. or 3 pi. cont. impf. act. οΐεπιτίθημι, as if fr. επιτιθέω. Επετίμαον -ων,-αες-ας, -αε-α, impf. act. — Επετίμησα, 1 a. ind. act. of επιτιμάω. of επιτερπω. Επετήδενσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act, • of επιτηδεύω. Ft &πετοσσα, -ας, -ε, Poet, for επέτοσα, or επέτωσα, 1 a. ind. act. of πετάω. Έπετράπην, -ης, -η, pass. 2 a. — Επέ- τρεψα, -άς, -ε, act. Επετρεψάμην, -w,-aro r mid. 1 a. ind. of επιτρέπω. Έπέτνχον, -ες, -ε or -εν, 2 a. ind. act. of επιτυγχάνω. Επεύάδον, -ες, -ε, ^Εοΐ. for επέάδον, which Ion. for εφηδον, 2 a. ind. act. of εφαδέω, same as άδέω. Επενθόμην, -ου, -ετο, in 1 pi. Επευ- θόμεθα, impf. mid. of πεύθομαι. Επενθΰμέω -ω, f. -ησω, fr. επί in- tens. and ευθυμέω, which see. Επευκτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. επεύχομαι to pray for) to be wished for, de- sirable, eligible. Επενξάμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. of επεύχομαι. Επευφημέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. επι in- tens. and ευφημέω to praise) to commend, extol, applaud, cele- brate; to approve, assent, agree; to bless. 1 a. ind. act. επευφήμη- σα, 3 pi. επευφήμησαν. Επεύχεο, Ion. for επεύχου, pres. impr. of Επεύχομαι, f. -εύξσμαι,Ό. -ενγμαι, (fr. επϊ upon, and εύχομαι to pray) to pray over or for ; to boast or exult over ; to thank, re- turn thanks ; to pray to, address with prayer ; to vow. Επενωνίζω, f. -ισω, (fr. επι intens. ευ well, and ωνέομαι to buy) to un- dervalue, underrate, depreciate; to cheapen, buy at a low rate. Έπεφάνην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. pass. — Επε^αντο, Poet, for πεφασμένοι ήσαν. 3 pi. pper. pass, of φαίνω. Ε πέφερο ν, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of επι- φέρω. Έπεφνον, -ες, -ε, impf. or 2 a. ind. act. of πέφνω, which by Sync, for πεφένω, which by redupl. for φένω. Or, fr. φένω thus, 2 a. έφενον, by Syrac. redupl. επε'ςδε^ vov, which by Sync, έπεφνον. Or, by Sync, for επέφονον, 2 a ind. act. of επιφονέω. Επέφραδον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of επιφράξω. Or, by Syrac. re- dupl. for έφραδον, 2 a. ind. act. of φράζω. Or, impf. of πεφρά- δω, (fr. πέφραδα, per. mid. of φράζω.) Επεφράσατ' by Apos. — Επεφράσ- σατο, Poet, for επεφράσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of επιφράζω. Επέφϋκον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of πε- φύκ'ω, same as φύω. Έπεφυόμην, -ου, -ετο, impf. pass, of επιφύομαι. Έπεφώνει, 3 sin. -νουν, 3 pi. cont. impf. act. of επιφωνέω. (225) ΕΠΗ Επέφωσκε, 3 sin. impf. act. of «πι- φώσκω. Έπεχε, impr. — Επέχειν, inf. pree. act. of επέχω. Επεχείρησα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -αν, 1 a. ind. act. — Επεχείρεον -ουν, -εες -εις,-εε-ει, impf. act. οίεπιχειρέω. Επεχεόμην -ούμην, -έου -οϋ, έετο -είτο, impf. pass. — Επέχεον -ουν, -εες -ει ς, -εε -ει ,impf. act. of επιχέω . Επέχθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of π-εκω, same as πείκω. Επέχραον-ων, impf. act. of επιχράω. Επέχρισα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of επιχρίω. Επέχω, f. εφέξω or επισχήσω, p. επέσχηκα, (fr. επί upon, and έχω to hold) to hold in, keep back, check, stop, restrain; to hinder, prevent, forbid ; to withhold, pause, suspend, forbear ; to de- lay, tarry, stay, wait; to apply , fix, advert, attend, rega\ d, listen to; to aim at, direct against; to supply, provide, furnish ; to occupy, possess, enjoy ; to con- strain, press hard upon, urge. impf. act. επεΧχον. 2 a. ind. act. επέσχον. Επέχων, pi. -χοντες, par. pres. act. of last. Έπεψα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of πέπτω. Ε πεών, g. pi. — Έπη, for ίπεα, η. a. v. pi. of έπος. Επί?, 3 sin. pres. sub. of έπειμι, to be in. Επήβολος, -ov, b, η, Poet, for επί- βολος. Επήγάγον, -ες, -ε, Att. for επηγον, act. — Επηγαγόμην, -ου, -ετο, Alt. for επηγόμην, mid. 2 a. ind. of επάγω. Έπήγγειλα, -ας, -ε, act. — Επήγ- γειλάμην, -ω, -ατο, mid. 1 a. ind. — Έπήγγελμαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind 1 .. pass, of επαγγέλλω. Επήγειρα, -ας, -ε, 3 ρΐ. -ραν, 1 a. ind.. act. of επεγείρω. Κπηγκεπίδες, -ων, al, (perhaps fr. επί upon, εν on, and κενδς empty. Or,, perhaps fr. επενέγκω to stretch along) the deck of a ship ; the hatches. Επηγορεύω, f. -εύσω, and Επηγορέω -ω, (fr. same, and αγορεύω or -ρέω to harangue, th. αγορά a court) to speak against, accuse, charge, blame. Επήειν, -εις, -ει, pper. of έπειμι, to go to. Επηεν, for επ^ν, impf. of έπειμι, to be in. Επηετάνος, -ή, -bv, (fr. επί in, and έτος a year) yearly, annual. Έπηθρηκώς, -νΊα, -ος, par. per. act. of επαθρέω. Έπηκα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. Επηκαν, Ion. for εφηκα, 1 a. ind. act. of εφίημι. Επηκσλούθησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of επακολουθέω. Επήκοος, -ov, b, f), (fr. επακούϋ) to listen) audible; hearing, listen- ing, attentive ; a hearer, witness ; favourable, propitious, kind. Επήκονσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of επακούω. ΕΠΗ Επηκροαδμην -ώαην, -άου -ω, -άετο -ατο, 3 •ρ1. Επηκροάοντο -ωντο, impf. pass, of επακροάομαι. Έπηλα, -ας, -ε, 3 ρΐ. -αν, 1 a. ind. act. of πάλλω. Επηλθον, -ες, -ε, by Sync, for επή- λυθον. 2 a. act. of επέρχομαι-' Επηλυγάζω or -ίζω, (fr. επί upon, and ηλυγάζω to shade, th. ηλύγη darkness) to overshadow, shade, cover, darken ; to disguise. Επήλύδες, η. pi. of έπηλυς. Επήλυθον, -ες, -ε, and by Sync. επηλθον, .2 a. ind. act. of επέρχο- μαι. 'Επηλυς, -υδος, δ, ^, (fr. επί to, and ελεύθω, obs. to come) a stranger, new- comer ; a foreigner. Επηλυσία, -ας, Ion. Επηλυσίη, -ης, ή, (fr. same) a coming, approach, arrival, appearance; a charm, philtre ; incantation, witchcraft. Επηλντης, and Επήλυτος, -ου, b, /;, (fr. same) a stranger, foreigner. Επημηνα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of πημαίνω. Επημοιβος, -r), -bv, fr. εττϊ intens. and αμοιβυς, which see. Επην, 1 or 3 sin. impf. of έπειμι, to be in. Επην, Ion. for επάν. Επήνεον -ovv, -εες-εις, -εε -ει, impf. act. — Επήνεσσαν, Poet, for επή- νεσαν, 3 pi. of Επήνεσα, also Επή- νησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of επαινέω. Έπηνθα, -ας, -ε, and by Att Epenth. επενι)νοθα, per. mid. of επανθέω. Επήντησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of επαντάω. Επηννθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of επανύω. Έπηξα, -ας, -ε or -εν, act. — Επηξά- μην, -ω, -ατο, mid. 1 a. ind. of πήγννμι. Επηπείλησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of επαπειλέω. Επήρα, -ας, -ε, act. — Επηράμην, -ω, -aro, mid. 1 a. ind. of επαίρω. Επήράτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. επί intens. and εράω to love) lovely, amia- ble, pleasing, agreeable, gratify- ing, desirable. Επηρεαζόντες, η. pi. par. pres. act. of Επηρεάζω, f. -άσω, p. ηπηρέακα, (perhaps fr. επί against, and Άρης Mars or war) to injure, hurt ; to trouble, vex, harass, in- sult, treat cruelly or wantonly ; to slander : to arraign, accuse. Επηρεασμός, -ου, b, η, (fr. last) in- jury, wrong ; vexation, trouble, insult, contumely; ill-will, ma- lice, malignity. Επηρεαστίκος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) injurious, wrongful ; insolent, vexatious, troublesome ; mali- cious, spiteful. Επήρε or -ρεν, 3 sin. Επήραν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act Επήρθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. — Επηρκα, per. ind. act, of επαίρω. Επήρεια, -ας, ή, (fr. επηρεάζω to in- jure) injury, harm ; mischief, wrong, insult; -malice, hatred; slander, calumny. ΕΠΙ Επήρετμος, -ου, h, >/, (fr. επί upon, and ερετμος an oar) rowing, that can be rowed, made for rowing, equipped, provided or furnished with oars. Επήρετο, 3 sin. impf. mid. of επέ- ρομαι, but Επήρετο,% sin. impf. pass, of επαίρω. Επηρεφης, -ίος -ους, b, ή, (fr. επ'ι upon, and ερέφω to roof) roof- ed, covered; hidden, concealed; shady, overshadowed. Επήρθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of επαίρω. Επήρια, -ας, η, same as επήρεια. Επήρκεον -ουν, -εες -εις^ -εε -ει, impf. act. — Επήρκεσα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. -αν, 1 a. ind. act. of επαρκέω. Επηρμένος, -η, -ον, par. per. pass, of επαίρω. Επήρσα, -ας, -ε, 2Eol. for επήρα, 1 a. ind. act. of επάρω. Επηρτημένος, -η, -ον, par. per. pass, of επαρτάω. Επηρώτα, 3 sin. Επηρώτων, 3 pi. cont. of Επηρώταον -ων, impf. act. — Επηρώτησα, -ας, -ε ον-εν, 3 pi. -τησαν, 1 a. ind. act. of επε- ρωτάω. Επησαν, 3 pi. impf. of ίπειμι, to be over. Or 3 pi. 1 a. of έπειμι, to go to. Επησθε'ίεν, Ion. for εφησθείεν, which by Sync, for εφησθείησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. opt. pass, of εφήδομαι. Επησθόμην, -ου, -ςτο, 2 a. ind. mid. of επαισθάνομαι. Επησκησάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of επασκέω. "Επηται, 3 sin. pres. sub. mid. of έπομαι. Επήτης, -ου or -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. έπω to speak) articulate, speak- ing ; eloquent, fluent ; sensible, prudent. Επήτρίμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. επί intens. and -ήτριον a warp) thick, close together, crowded, full. Επηχέω -ώ> (fr. same, and ηχέω to sound) to make a noise against, drown, overpower, stun, confound; to rattle, resound ; to sound, play upon. Επηχθεσμένος, and -ημένος, -η, -ον, par. per. pass, of επάχθομαι. Επί, a preposition governing the g. d. a. cases, on, upon, over, above ; in, to, at, unto, into ; in, by, near, at, before, in pre- sence of, among ; during, at, when, in the time of; of, about, concerning ; according or agree- ably to ; for, on account of, for the sake of; over and above, be- sides ; towards, against; in the power of, under. Ό επϊ κοιτωνος, a chamberlain. Επϊ Ελίσσαίου, in the days of JElisha. Επ' Αβιά- θαρ του αρχιερέως, in the time of Ahiathar. Επ' αληθείας, with or in truth. Επ? δε τούτων, mean- while. Επί μαρτύρων or μαρτύσι, by witnesses. Επϊ ησυχία, quiet- ly. Επ' ισχύϊ, with force. Επ'' εξαγωγή, for being carried away. Εφ' οΤς ίασιν, on which account they went. Επϊ πάσι δε τούτοις, (226) ΕΠΙ beside all these. Επϊ το7ς άρτοις, after or in consequence of the mi- racle of the loaves. Επϊ τίνε πηγή, by a certain fountain. Τ^ευτ^ν επϊ παίσι, to die leaving children, επϊ πόλλαις βίβλιοις, after writ- ing many books. Επϊ τούτοις πα- ράγαγε, bring up after these. Εφ' ωτε, upon that condition. Επϊ το7ς σώμασι, with their bodies; upon their personal security. Επί χρόνον, after a while; in some time. Άγειν επϊ τάς άρχας, to bring before magistrates. Επϊ δεξίαν, to the right. Επϊ ηνιαν or ηνιάς, to the left; to the reins or bridle hand. Επϊ μάλλον, themore. Έπι, for έπεστι, 3 sin. ; or for έπεισι, 3 pi. pres. of έπειμι, to be in or among. Επιάλλω, (fr. επϊ upon, and ιάλλω to send) to send forth, utter; to dart or cast forth ; to instigate, set upon ; to set forward, pro- mote ;£> lay hands upon ; to aim. at, des9e. Επιάλμενος, by Sync, for επιαλλό- μενος, par. pres. mid. of last. Or Poet, for εφαλλόμενος, par. pres. mid. of εφάλλομαι. Επιανδάνω, Poet, or Ion. for εφαν- δάνω, fr. επϊ intens. and άνδάνω, which see. Επιασα, -ας, -ε, pi. -σατε,-σαν, 1 a. ind. act. — Επιασαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of πιάζω. Επιαύω, f. -σω, p. επίαυκα, (fr. επί in, and ιαύω to abide) to sleep at or with, lodge in. Επιάχω, (fr. επί upon, and ιάχω to shout) to cry out or call to ; to call upon, exhort, impf. act.• επίαχον. Επίβα, by Poet. Aphser. for επίβη- Οι, 2 a. impr. act. of επίβημι or επιβαίνω. Επίβαθρα, -ας, η, (fr. επιβαίνω to mount) a ladder, stairs, steps; ascent. Επίβαθρον, -ου, το, (fr. same)/er- ry -money, fare. Επιβαίην, -ης, η, 2 a. opt. act. of επίβημι or -βαίνω. Επιβαινέμεν, Ion. for επιβαίνειν, pres. inf. act. of Επιβαίνω, f. mid. -ήσομαι, p. επι- βέβηκα, (fr. επί upon, and βαίνω to go) to walk upon; to enter into, go on board, embark; to step upon, get on land; to mount, go up, get upon ; to come or go into; to go over, pass through, travel over ; to make mount, set or put upon ; to bring upon, in- flict ; to load ; to raise, lift up ; to exalt, extol, magnify. 2 a. act. ind. επέβην' impr. επίβηθι' par. επιβάς, (as fr. επίβημι.) Επιβάλλευ, Dor. for επιβάλλον, pres. impr. mid. — Επιβάλλει, & sin. pres. ind. act. — Επιβάλλον, neut. par. pres. act. — Επιβα- λουσι, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. — Επι- βάλω, -ης, -ρ, sub. βαλεΊν, inf. βαλων, par. 2. a. act. of Επιβάλλω f. -άλω, p. επιβέβληκα, (fr. επϊ upon, and βάλλω to ΕΠΙ throw) to cast, throw, lay, put upon or into ; to put over, cover, clothe, dress ; to inufjle, wrap up ; to put to, add; to come to, fait to, as a share or lot ; to beat or burst into, rush, force ; to think on, attend, apply; to set the mind upon, desire, wish, long for ; to impose upon, deceive ; to appoint, enjoin, impf. act. t-i- βαλλον. 2 a. act. ind. επεβάλον, par. επιβαλών. per. pass, ind επιβέβλημαι. Επιβαλοϋσα, fern. par. 2 a. act. — Επιβαλουσι, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. — Επιβαλών, par. 2 a. act. of last. Επιβάρεω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. επί upon, and βαρίω to load, th. βάρος a weight) to burden, be chargea- ble to; to overburden, overload, overcharge ; to oppress, crush, overiohehn. 1 a. act. ind. επε- βάρησα. Επιβαρησαι, la, inf. act. — Επί- βαρώ, pres. sub. act. cont. of last. Επιβάς, -άσα, -αν, η. pi. -βάντες, par. 2 a. act. of επιβαίνω. Επίβάσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. επιβαίνω to mount) a mounting, ascending, going up ; an ascent, rising ; an entering into, inva- sion, inroad ; a vehicle, carriage ; a foundation, foot, base, pedestal. Επιβάσκεμεν, Ion. for επιβάσκειν, pres. inf. act. of Επιβάσκω, Poet, for επιβαίνω. Επιβατεύω, (fr. επί upon, and βα- τενω to mount, th. βαίνω to go) to step upon, mount ; to enter into or upon ; to seize, possess, usurp. α^πιβατήρια, -ων, τά, (neut. pi. of next) niachines for storming ivalls, scaling ladders. Έπιβατήριος, -ου, υ, //, (fr. επι- βαίνω to mount) that mounts or rises; that enables to mount or scale ; rising, towering. Επιβάτης, -ov, b, (fr. same) one that mounts or is carried ; a sail- or, passenger, rider, horseman, charioteer. Επιβατος, -η,-ον,{ίτ. same) acces- sible. Επίβδα, and Επίβδης, an Athenian festival ; the fourth day of any Athenian festival ; the day after a wedding, or the second day of a marriage feast. Έ,πιβεβηκως, -υΊα, -ος, par. per, act Επιβήμεναι, JEol. or Dor. for επιβήναι, 2 a. inf. act. of επιβαίνω. Επίβημι, same as επιβαίνω, and from which it borrows the 2 a. Επιβησεμεν, Ion. for επιβήσειν, 1 f. inf. act. — Επιβήσεο, Ion. for επιβήσου, an imperative formed irregularly from επιβήσομαι, 1 f. mid. — Επιβησόμενο'ς, par. 1 f. mid. of same. Επιβιβάζω, f. -άσω, \>.;επιβεβίβσ.- κα, (fr. επί upon, and βιβάξω to set) to put,- set or place upon ; to mount, set on, make ride or drive ; to ship, put on board ; to Set up again, restore, replace, ΕΠ1 reinstate. 1 a. ind. act. επεβί- βασα. Επιβιόω, or Επιβίωμι, (fr. επί in- tens. and βιόω to live) to survive, outlive, live beyond. 2 a. ind. act. επεβίων, -ως, -ω. > Επιβλέπω, f. -ψω, ρ. επιβέβλεώα, (fr. επί upon, and βλέπω to look) to look upon, regard, favour ; to look up to, respect, revere. Επ,ιβλέψεια, -ας, -ε, iEol. for επι- βλέψαιμι,-αις, -αι, 1 a. opt. act. — Επιβλεψητε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. — Επίβλεφον, impr. 1 a. act. of last.. Επιβλη, -ης, η, (fr. επιβάλλω to put in) α buckle. Επίβλημα, -άτος, το, (fr. same) a piece or thing put on or added ; a patch; an addition ; an upper garment; an ornament; a lid, cover. Επιβλης, -ητος, η, (fr. same) a bolt, bar, latch; a pin, peg. Επιβοάω -ω, f. -??σω,ρ. επιβεβόηκα, (fr. επι upon, and βοάω to cry) to cry aloud, roar out, exclaim ; to invoke, call upon, implore. Επιβόητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. last) cried up, extolled ; celebrated, famous ; notorious, infamous. Επιβόλαιον, -ου, το, (fr. επιβάλλω to put on) a veil, dress, outside garment. See επίβλημα. Επιβολή, -ης, η, (fr. same) a laying on, imposition, putting together ; an impression, stamp; a tax, tribute; a seizure, laying hold of; a building, edifice, fabric; an assault, invasion, inroad, in- cursion ; a beginning, attempt, undertaking, enterprise ; appli- cation, attention, study ; a view or glance- of the mind ; scope, range, extent, comprehension. Επίβολος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. same) that has got, attained or arrived at; master of, competent, fit, equal to ; a partaker, sharer. Επιβόσκω, f. -ήσω, (fr. επί intens. and βόσκω to graze) to graze upon, feed ; to pasture, herd, tend, Επιβονκόλιον, -ου, το, same as βουκόλιον. Επιβονκόλος, -ov, b, same as βου- κόλος. Επιβούλευμα, -άτος, το, (fr. next) same as επιβουλή. Επιβονλενω, f. -εύσω, (fr. next) to conspire, intrigue, plot, consult against, lie in wait, lay snares for ; to deliberate, consider, me- ditate, revolve in mind. Επίβουλη, -ης, y, (fr. επί against, and βουλή a design) a design against, ambush; a conspiracy, plot, intrigue; an attempt, exer- tion, effort. Επίβουλος, -ου, b, ^, (fr. same) insidious, treacherous. Subs, a conspirator, traitor. Επιβοώ ντες, η. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of επιβοάωί Επιβραδύνω, fr. επί intens. and βραδύνω, which see. Επιβράχν, (fr. same, and βραχύς (227 ) ΕΠΙ short) for a short time, for a while; in a short time, shortly, soon. Επιβρεμω, fr. επϊ intens. and βρε- μω, which see. Επι βρέχω, (fr. επϊ upon, and βρέ- χω to moisten) to rain upon, sprinkle, bedew, wet. Επιβρίθω, f. -σω, (fr. same, and βρίθω to be heavy) to bear hard upon, oppress, overwhelm ; to invade, attack, assail, come upon suddenly. ' Επιβρόντητος, -ov, b, η, (fr. επί upon, and βροντή thunder) thun- derstruck ; astonished, amazed, confounded ; distracted, mad ; wrapt, enraptured. Επιβύω, fr. επί intens. and βύω, which see. Επιβώμια, -ων, τά, (fr. επί upon, and βωμός an altar) a sacrifice, victim, offering. Επιβώσασθαι, Επιβωσόμεθα, Επι- βώσωνται, Ion. and Poet, for επιβοήσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. επ£- βοησόμεθα, 1 pi. 1 f. ind. mid. and επιβοήσωνται,3 pi. 1 a. sub. mid. of επιβοάω. Επιβωστρίω -ώ, (fr. επί intens. and βωστρεω, which see) a Doric word, same as επιβοάω. Επιβώτωρ,-αφος, b, fr. same, and βώτωρ or Ιοτηο, see either. Επίγαιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. επί upon, and γαία, Poet, for γη the earth) upon the earth, creeping, crawl- ing. Επιγαμβρενω, f. -εύσω, p. επιγε- γάμβρ'ενκα, (fr. επί upon, and γαμβρεύυ) to wed) to make con- nexions by- marriage, espouse, become a son-in-law, contract af- finity ; to marry a woman, par- ticularly a brother's widow, by reason of affinity. Επιγαμία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and γάμος wedlock) marriage, con- nexion ; the marriage-vow, ma- trimonial rights. Επίγαμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) mar- riageable. Επιγάστριον, -ov, το, (fr. επί at, and γαστηρ the belly) the outer part of the belly ; hence epigastrium. Επιγεγονώς, -νια, -ος, par. per. mid. of επιγίνομαι. Επιγεγραμμένος, -η, -ov, par. pen pass, οι επιγράφω. Επίγεια, -ων, τά, (fr. επί towards, and για γη the earth) a cable, hawser or rope holding a vessel to the land, an end on shore. Επίγειον, -ov, το, (fr. same) the position of a heavenly body when nearest the earth, its approach to the earth ; hence epigee. Επίγειος, and Επίγαιος, -ου, b, ?/, (fr. same) of the earth, earthly, terrestrial, mundane ; earthy, like clay. Επιγελάω -ω, f. -άσω, (fr. επί against, and γελάω to laugh) to laugh at, ridicule, mock, deride ; to taunt ; to insult. Επιγεμίξω, (fr. επϊ intens. and γε- μίζω to load) to overload. ΕΠΙ Επιγενόμενος, -η, -ov, par. 2a. mid. of επιγίνομαι. Επίγια, -ων, τα, same as επίγεια. Επιγίγνομαι, same as επιγίνομαι, par. pres. επιγιγνόμενος. Επιγίνομαι^ f. επιγενήσομαι, p. επι- γέγονα, (fr. επί upon, and γίνομαι to be) ίο come q/i!er or wpon, suc- ceed, follow ; to be born after or from, he descendedfrom ; to sprout or spring up, arise, grow on ; to go on, be protracted; to come upon, surprise. 2 a. ind. mid. επεγενόμην. Επιγινόμενοι, -ων, οί, (pi. mas. par. pres. of last) posterity, de- scendants. Επιγινώσκω, f. mid. επιγνώσομαι, p. επέγνωκα, (fr. επί intens. and γινώσκω to know) to know or perceive clearly, understand ; to be acquainted with; to be inform- ed, come to know, know again, recollect; to recognise, acknow- ledge. 1 a. ind. act. επέγνωσα. 2 a. act. ind. (fr. γνωμι) επέγνων' impr. επίγνωθι' opt. επιγνοίην' Sub. επιγνω' inf. επιγνωναι' par. επιγνούς. per. pass, επέγνωσμαι. 1 a. pass. ind. επεγνώσθην. Επιγλωσσίς or -ωττίς, -ίδος, >/, (fr. επί over, and γλωσσά the tongue) a little tongue; the epiglottis, a fleshy substance attached to the palate ; a tip, point, end, te- non, &c. Επιγνάμπτω, f. -ψω, p. -/, (fr. επί ΕΠΙ upon, and γδνυ the knee) upon the knees or lap. Επιγουνις, -ίδος, η, (fr. same) the thigh, ham, hough; cap of the knee. Επιγράβδην, (fr. επιγράφω to graze) lightly, slightly, superficially. Επίγραμμα, -ατός, το, (fr. επιγρά- φω to write upon) an epigram ; superscription, title, writing. Επιγραφενς, -έος, Att. -έως, b, (fr. same) a writer, accountant;' a treasurer, collector. Επιγραφή, -ης, ?/, (fr. same) an inscription, superscription, title, writing, bill, notice; a registry, enrolment, account. Επιγράφω, f. -ψω, p. επιγέγράφα, (fr. επί upon, and γράφω to write) to write upon, inscribe, engrave ; to entitle, superscribe; to write out, describe ; to write under, subscribe, sign; to enrol, regis- ter ; to impute, set down to, charge, give credit for; to graze, ruffle, strike lightly. 1 a. ind. act. επέγραψα. per. pass. ind. επιγε- γραμμαι. pper. pass, επεγεγράμ- μην. Επώαίσιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. επί intens. and δαίω to share) common, ge- neral, public, belonging to many. Επιδάκνω, (fr. επί upon, and δάκνω to bite) to bite at, snap, snarl; to backbite, slander, abuse; to fight about, wrangle, quarrel. Επιδανείζομαι, (fr. same, and δα- νείζω to lend on interest) to pledge or pawn again, raise mo- ney again on the same security ; to mortgage. Επιδαψιλεύω, and -εύομαι, (fr. επί intens. and δαψιλής copious) to indulge, feast, entertain liberal- ly, supply abundantly; to en- rich, fatten ; to strengthen. Έπιδε, 2 a. impr. act. of επείδω. Επιδεδωκώς, -νΊα, -ος, a. mas. Επι- δεδωκότα, par. per. act. of επι- δίδωμι. Επιδεης, -έος -ους, δ, >/, (fr. επιδέο- μαι to want) needy, poor, indi- gent ; failing, wanting, deficient. Επίδειγμα, -άτος, το, (fr. επιδείκνυ- μι to show) a sign, token, mark, symptom ; a proof, demonstra- tion ; an example, specimen, model. Επιδείελα, (neut. pi. of next) per- haps more properly επί δείελα, in the afternoon^ towards even- ing, late. Έ,πιδείελος, -ου, b, η~, (fr. επί at, and ο"είλ>7 evening) in the afternoon, towards evening, late. Επιδείκνυμι or Επιδεικνύω, f. επί- δείξω, p. επιδέδειχα, (fr. επί in- tens. and δείκνυμι to show) to show plainly, exhibit, hold forth to view, display; to make ap- pear, demonstrate, prove ; to point out. par. pres. act. επιδεικνύς, -υσα, -ύν. 1 a. act. ind. επέδειξα' impr. επίδειξον, 2 pi. επιδείξατε• inf. επιδέϊξαι. par. pres. pass. επιδεικνύ μένος. Επιδεικτικός, -η, -bv, (fr.last) show- ΕΠΙ ing, displaying, demonstrative, showy, ostentatious, splendid. Επίδειξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, if, (fr» same) a showing, show, display, exhibition ; proof, demonstration a specimen, example. Επιδέκάτος, -η, -ov, (fr. επί intens. and δέκα ten) tenth. Επιδέξια or Επιδέξια χειρός, (fr next) on ilie right. Επιδέξιος, -a, -ov, (fr. επί upon, and δέξιος the right) right-handed, right, on the right side; right, true, just; sincere, honest ; neat, elegant, curious. Επιδέομαι, (fr. επί intens. and δέω to need) to want, need, require, to be deficient, fail, fall short of, be inferior. Επιδέρκεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. mid. of Επιδέρκω, (fr. επί upon, and δέρκω to iook) to look upon, behold ; to look into, examine, view, consi- der, survey. Επιδεύεαι, Ion. for επιδεύη, 2 sin. pres. sub. mid. of επιδενω. Επιδεύης, 2 sin. pres. sub. act. of same. Επιδευης, -έος -ους, b, >}, (fr. επί- δεΰω to want) see επιδεής. Επιδεύω or Επιδεύομαι, (fr. επί in- tens. and δεύω to want) same as επιδέομαι. par. pres. pass, επι- δευόμενος. Επιδέχεται, 3 sin. of Επιδέχομαι, f. -ξομαι, p. επιδέδεγ- μαι, (fr. επί intens. and δέχομαι to take) to take in, receive, enter- tain, welcome; to undertake, take upon. impf. mid. επεδεχδμην, -ου, -ετο. Επιδέω -ω, f. -έσω, and -ήσω, (fr. επί upon, and δέω to tie) to tie upon, fasten, fix, had, saddle ; to bind, wrap up. Επίδη\ος, -ου, b, η, (fr. επί intens. and δήλος clear) plain, evident, very clear, manifest, conspicuous. Επιδημεύω, Poet, for Επιδημέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. επιδεδήμη- κα, (fr. επίδημος popular) to visit, sojourn, lodge, reside, abide; to return, come home from abroad ; to stay or be at home; be in town, in the city ; to go out, ap- pear in public. 1 a. act. ind. επε- δήμησα' par. επιδημήσας. Επιδημία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a com- ing, arrival, approach, return ; a staying at home, privacy. Επίδημος, and Επιδήμιος, -ου, b, //, (fr. επί among, and δήμος peo- ple) popular, vulgar; civil, in- testine ; public, epidemic ; among one'speople,at home, domestic; fo- reign, strange, come from abroad. Επιδημονντες, η. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of επιδημέω. Επιδιαιρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. επιδιή- ρηκα, (fr. same, and διαιρέω to divide) to divide or share among, allot, apportion, distribute. 2 a. ind. mid. επιδιειλόμην par. επι- διελδμενος. Επιδιατάσσομαι, f. -ξομαι, {ίχ. επί intens. and διατάσσω to arrange) ΕΠΙ to appoint besides, command moreover, entrust farther ; to su- peradd; to alter, change. 1 a. ind. mid. επιδιεταξάμην. Επιδιατρϊβω, f. -ψω, p. -φα, fr. same, and διατρίβω, which see. Επιδίδωμι, f. επιδώσω, p. επίίείω- κα, (fr. same, and δίδωμι to give) to give into, hand over, deliver; to give up, give over, resign; to give or lay out in addition, su- peradd ; to improve, grow, in- crease, impf. act. επεδίδων, -ως, -ω, also επεδίδοον -ουν, -οες -ους, -ot -ου, (as if fr. επιδιδόω.) 1 a. ind. act. επέδωκα. 2 a. ind. act. επέδων. 1 a. ind. pass, επεδό- θην. ΕπιδιεΧδμενος, -η, -ον, par. 2 a. mid. of επιδιαιρέω. Επιδιετης, -έος -ους, b, ι), (fr. επί during, δις twice, and έτος a year) for or during two years, of ■ two years, two years old. Επιδίζεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. of Επιδίξω, (fr. επι intens. and δίζω to search) to inquire, examine, investigate, search, try. Επιδικάζω, (fr. same, and δικάζω to judge) to adjudge, pass sen- tence. Επιδικάζομαι, to go to law. dispute, claim ; to be adjudged, succeed at law, gain a suit, re- cover a right. Επιδικασιμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. last) judicial, argumentative, lawyer- like. Επίδικος, -ου, b, η", (fr. same, and δίκη law) litigious, quarrelsome, wrangling; doubtful, disputed, controverted. Επιδινέω -ω, fr. same, and δινέω, which see. Επιδινήσας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. of last. Επιδιορθόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. επιδιώρ• θωκα, (fr. επϊ intens. and διορ• θόω to correct) to proceed in cor- recting, amend, improve, reform ; to continue setting in order, ar- range, adjust. 1 a. act. ind. επι- διώρθωσα, Επιδιόρθωση, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of last. Επιδιπλασιάζω, fr. επϊ intens. and διπλασιάζω, which see. Επιίίπλόω -ω; fr. same, and διπ- λ<5ω, which see. Επιδιφριάς, -αδος, ?'/, (fr. επί upon, and δίφρος a chariot-seat) a part of the ancient war chariot not clearly ascertained, the upper edge, rim or circumference upon the sides and front, either end of which, .projecting backward, formed a hook or handle on each side of the open part behind, upon which the reins were hung, to be taken up by the charioteer as he mounted. Επιδίφριος, -ου, b, f\, (fr. same) carried, being, sitting or driving in a chariot; a charioteer ; deli- cate, effeminate, indolent. ΕπΊδίχα, fr. same, and δίχα, which see. Επιδιώκω, (fr. επί intens. and διώκω ΕΠΙ to drive) to drive at or upon, run after.pursue. Επιδίωξον, 1 a. impr. act. of last. Επιδόντες, η. pi. mas. of επιδονς par. 2 a. act. of επιδίδωμι• or of επιδών, par. 2 a. act. of επείδω. Επίδοξος, -ου, b, f), (fr. επϊ upon, and δόξα opinion) probable, like- ly, expected, ; celebrated, renown- ed, famous. Επιδόξως, (fr. last) splendidly, fa- mously, gloriously. Επιδορπίς, -ίδος, η, (fr. επϊ upon, and δόρπον supper) a second supper, addition to the supper, second course. Επιδόρπνιος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) about supper, at supper, for sup- per. Έπιδος. -6τω, 2 a. impr. act. of επιδίδωμι. Επίδοσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. επι δίδωμι to increase) an addition, increase, improvement; growth, size. Επιδουναι, inf. — Επιδους, par. 2 a. act. of επιδίδωμι. Επιδραμόντος, g. sin. — Επιδρά- μούσα, η. fem. of Επιδρομών, -ούσα, -bv, par. 2 a. act. of επι- τρέχω. Επιδρομή, -ης, η, (fr. επιτρέχω to run upon) a charge, shock, as- sault, onset ; an inroad, incur sion ; a thought, impulse. Επίδρομος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) ac- cessible, liable to storm, exposed to assault, open ; ft for running on, smooth, level, plain. Subs. a runner, rope or other contriv- ance that passes through or is passed upon. Επιδύω, Επιδύνω or Επίδυμι, f. -ύσω, (fr. επϊ upon, and δύω to enter) to set, go down upon; to enter into, burst forth, arise, pres. impr. act. επίδυε, -έτω. 2 a. ind. act. επέδυν, -υς, -υ. Επιδώ, -ως, -ω, 1 ρΐ. Επιδώμεν, 2 a. sub. act. of επιδίδωμι.. Επίδω, -ης, -η, 1 ρΐ. Επίδωμεν, 2 a, sub. act. — Ε πι ίων, 2 a. par, act. — Επίδωμαι, in 1 pi. Επιδώ- μέθα, 2 a. sub. mid. of επείδω. Επιδώσω, -εις, •ει, 1 f. ind. act. of επιδίδωμι. Επιεικαιως, same as επιεικώς. Επιείκεια, -ας, η, (fr. επιεικής just) equity, justice, evenness, impar- tiality ; moderation, forbearance, calmness ; kindness, mildness, gentleness, affability; clemency, pity, compassion, lenity. Επιείκελος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. επϊ intens. and είκελος like) like, resembling, similar. Επιεικεύω, f. -ενσω, (fr. next) to relent, slacken, remit; to grow mild or gentle, become gracious. Επιεικής, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. επϊ in- tens. and είκω to yield) just, im- partial; lenient, indulgent, yield- ing ; mild, gentle, patient; de- cent, fit, becoming, meet, agree- able, proper, neut. sin. επιει- κές' a. sin. επεικη' pi. η. ιπιει- κεΐς' d. επιεικέσι. (229) ΕΠΙ Επιεικτός, »η, -bv, (fr. same) to be endured, or borne, tolerable ; pa- tient, that endures ; yielding, le- nient, mild, gentle. Επιεικώς, (fr. same) justly, equita- bly, reasonably ; gently, mildly, kindly ; moderately ; sufficient- ly, fitly, enough. Επιειμένος, -η, -ov, Ion. for εφειμέ- νος, par. per. pass, of εφέννυμι. Επίειν, inf. of επιον, 2 a, of έπειμι, to go to. Or, Ion. for εφίειν, pres. inf. cont. οί εφιέω. Or, for εφιέναι, pres. inf. act. of εφίημι. Επιέλπεο, Ion. for επιέλπου, pres. impr. mid. of ΕπιέΧπομαι, (fr. επϊ intens. and Α- πω to hope) to expect, hope for, desire. Επιέναι, pres. inf. of έπειμι, to go to. Or, Ion. for εφιέναι, pres. inf. act. of εφίημι. Επιέννυμι,Επιεννύω οτΕπιέω, Ion. for εφέννυμι, &c. Επιέσσασθαι, Επιεσσάμενος, Poet, for επιέσασθαι, inf. and επιεσά- μενος, par. 1 a. mid. of last; or, for εφέσασθαι and εφεσάμενος, same of εφέννυμι. Επίεσται for επιεισται, 3 sin. per. pass, of Eiritw, (same as επιέννυμι, Ion. for εφέννυμι) 1 f. act. επιέσω. 1 a. ind. act. επίεϊσα. per. pass. επιεΊ- μαι and επιεΐσμαι. Επιζα-ρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, same as επί- βαρέω. ΕπιζάφεΧος, -ου, and Επιζαφελης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. intens. and ζαφε\ης rough) violent, foaming, raging, fierce, forcible ; eager, earnest. Επιζαφελώς, (fr. last) severely, harshly, violently, fiercely. Επιζάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. επϊ intens. and ζάω to live) to survive, out- live- Επιζεύγνυμι or -νΰω, f. -ξω, (fr. επϊ upon, and ζεύγνυμι to join) to yoke together, unite; to bind upon, gird, brace. Επίζευξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, if, (fr. last) a joining or mixing to- gether, connexion, conjunction, union; Epizeuxis, a figure in poetry. Επιζήμιος, -ου, b, η, (fr, επϊ intens. and ζημία hurt) hurtful, inju- rious, prejudicial, pernicious, de- structive, ruinous. Επιζηυ, Dor. for επιζαν, pres. inf. act. cont. — Επιζησαι, 1 a. inf. act. of επιζάω. Επιζητέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. επεζήτηκα, (fr. επϊ intens. and ζητέω to seek) to look for, search, seek; to hunt, trace, course ; to require, ask, demand; to inquire into, examine, debate. 1 a. ind. act. επεζήτησα. Επίη, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. of έπειμι, to come upon. ' Or, Ion. for εφίη, 3 sin. pres. sub. of εφίημι• but εφίη may also be 2 a. sub. of εφιέω, same as εφίημι. ΕπίηΧα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of επί'αλλω. ΕΠΙ Εττίηρα, -ων, τά, (neui. pi. of εττίη- ρος, by Sync, for next) gratifi- cation, pleasure. Εττιήράνος, -ov, b, η, (fr. επϊ intens. and εράω to love) lovely, agree- able, pleasant, grateful, desira- ble. Επιησθέντες, Ion. for εφησθέντες, η. pi. par. 1. a. pass, of εφήδο- μαι. Επιθαλάμιον, -ov, το, (neut. of next) a marriage song, epithala- mium. Επιθαλάμιος, -ov, b, ?/, (fr. επϊ in, and θάλαμος a bed-chamber) nuptial, bridal. Επιθανάτιος and Επίθάνατος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and θάνατος death) appointed to death, destin- ed to die ; mortal. ΕπιθεΊναι, inf. — Επιθεϊς, -ε?σα, -εν, g. -θίντος, par. — ΕπιθεΊτε, Sync, for -foiV^ 2 pi. opt, — Επί- Οες, impr. 2 a. act. — Ε~ιΟι)σω, -εις, -ει, 3 pi. -θήσονσι, act. — Επιθήσομαι, -J], -εται, mid. 1 f.. ind. of εττιτίθημι. Επίθεμα, -ατός, το, (fr. εττιτίθημι to put on) an addition, accession, increase, any thing added. Επιθεσία, -ας, and Επίθεσις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, hi (fr• same) a put- ting, setting, placing or laying on, imposition ; an uprising ; onset, charge. Επίθετον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a name, epithet, adjective. Επίθετος, -ov, b, ?'/, (fr. same) add- ed, additional; adventitious, ac- cessory ; put or laid on ; set over Επιθέω -ω, (fr. επϊ upon, and &έω to run) to run at, upon or against. rush against, attack ; to invade, Επίθη, S' sin. of επιθω, 2 a. sub, act. of επιτίθημι. Επιθήκη,-ης, ή, (fr- εττιτίθημι to put upon) an accession, addition, in• crease. Επίθημα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) any thing laid on; a lid, stopper, cover, covering ; a chapiter, ca- pital. Επιθήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f.. ind. mid. of επιτίθημι. Έπιθι, pres. impr. of έπειμι, to come upon. Επιθμεν, by Sync, for επίθομεν, 1 pi. of Έπιθον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act — Επιθόμην, ov, -ετο, in 3 pi. Επίθοντο, 2 a. ind. mid. of πεί- θω. Επιθρασύνω, (fr. επϊ intens. and θράσος, for Ταρσός boldness) ίο embolden, encourage. Επιθρέξας, par. 1 a. ind. act. used also Ion. for επέθρεξας, 2 sin, of same, fr. επιτρέχω. Ετ.ιθρώσκω, (fr. επϊ upon, and S -ρώσκω to leap) to leap upon, enter into, board ; to bound, ship, jump. par. pres. act. επιθρώσ- ~κων, -ονσα, -ov. Επιθνμέω -ω, f. -ήσω, ρ. επιτεθό- μηκα, (fr. εττϊ upon, and $νμος the mind) to set the mind upon, haven mind for, long for, wish ΕΠΙ for, covet, desire, tust after ; to esteem highly, set a value upon ; to delight or take pleasure in. impf. επεθύμεον -ovv, -εες-εις, -εε -ει. 1 a. act. ind. επεθύμησα. inf. επιθυμησαι. Επιθύμημα, -ατός, το, Επιθύμησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, and Επιθυμία, -ας, ι), (fr. last) earnestness, eagerness ; propensity, desire, ap- petite, a longing, craving ; lust ; covetousness. Επιθυμητής, -ου, b, (fr. same) one who longs or desires, an admir- er. Adj. eager, covetous. Επιθνω, f. -ύσω, p. -νκα, (fr. επϊ upon, and θ-υω to rush) to rush or dart upon, assail, assault, at- tack ,• to sacrifice, slay. Επιθώ, -ης, -η, 2 a. sub. act. — Επίθωμαι, in 3 pi. Επίθωνται, 2 a. sub. mid. of επιτίθημι. Επικάθημαι, (fr. επί upon, and κά• θημαι to sit) to sit down upon, be seated; to ride. Επικαθίζω, f. -<σω, p. επικεκάθικα, (fr. same, and καθίζω to seat) to set or place upon ; to make ride or seat in, a carriage ; to fix, settle; to sit down at, besiege. 1 a. act. ind. επεκάθισα' par. επι- καθίσας, g. -σαντος.. Επικαινίζω, (fr. επί intens. and και- νός new) to renew, repair. Επικαίριος and Επίκαιρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. επϊ upon, and καιρός oppor- tunity) seasonable, timely, op- portune; convenient, fit, proper for, comp. επικαιριώτερος, sup. -ώτατος. Επικαλενμενος, -η, -ov, (Dor. for επικαλούμενος, par. pres. pass, cont. of next) demanded, claim- ed, litigated. Επικαλέω -ω, f. -ήσω and -έσω, p. -κέκληκα, (fr. επί against, and καλέω to call) to call; to name, term, entitle, sirname, denomi- nate, nickname. Επικαλέομαι -οΰ- μαι, to'call upon, invoke, implore, beg help ; to appeal ; to profess, declare one's self ; to call down upon, imprecate ; to commend, recommend ; to plead for, advo- cate, per. pass, επικέκλημαι. pper. pass. επεκεκλήμην. 1 a. pass. ind. επεκλήθην' par. επι- κληθείς. 1 a. mid. ind. επεκαλε- σάμην' sub. επικαλέσωμαι. Επικάλυμμα, -ατός, το, (fr. next) a ved, covering, garment, cloak; a pretence. Επικαλύπτω, f. -ψω, p. -φα, (fr. επί intens. and καλύπτω to cover) to cover up or over, wrap up, cloak, hide, conceal ; to shut up, confine ; to darken, obscure, veil ; to drown, as one noise by a greater. Επικάμπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. same, and κάμπτω to bend) see επιγνάμπ- Επικάρσιος, -a, -ov, fr. same, and κάρσιος, which see. Επικατακλύζω, fr. επί intens. and κατακλύζω, which see. 1 a. inf. act. επικατακλύσαι. (230) ΕΠΙ Επικαταλαμβάνω, (fr. same, and καταλαμβάνω to catch) to come upon suddenly, surprise, take unawares ; to impend, hang over threaten. Επικαταπλέω, (fr. same, and κατα- πλέω to sail over) to sail up to % arrive at. Επικαταράομαι -ωμαι,ΐΐ. same, and καταρ άομ α ι, which see. Επικατάρατος, fr. same, and κατά- ρατος, which see. Επίκαντος, -ov, b, η, (fr. επϊ upon, and καίω to burn) burned at the end or point ; seared, scorch- ed. Επίκειμαι, f. επικείσομαι, (fr. same, and κεΊμαι to lie) to lean, rest, lie or be placed upon ; to adjoin, be at or near; to mind, apply or attend to, be instant or ear- nest, persist in, persevere; to urge, press, pursue, force, con- strain ; to be situated, set ox placed on, sit or ride upon. Pass. to be leaned, pressed or rested upon, lie under or be laid under, bear, support, carry, pres. ind. 3 pi. επίκεινται' impr. επίκεισο, -σθω. impf. επεκείμην, -σο, -το. Επίκειται, 3 sin. ind. — Επικεϊσθαι, inf. — Επικείμενο?, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of last. Επικέκλημαι, -σαι, -ται, ind. — Επικεκλημένος, par. per. pass, of επ,ικαλέω. Επικεράνννμι; Επικεράω, f. -άσω, (fr. επϊ intens. and κεράνννμι to mix) to mingle, intermingle, mix with ; to meddle, inter- fere. Επικερδής, -έος -ους, δ,?';, (fr. same, and κέρδος gain) profitable, lucra- tive ; studious of gain, ava- ricious. Επικερτομέοισα, Dor. for επικερτο*> μέονσα, η. fern. par. pres. act. of Επικερτομέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. επϊ intens. κηρ the heart, and τέμνω to cut) to taunt, re- vile, scoff, reproach, insult. Επικενθω, f. επικεύσω, fr. επϊ in tens, and κεύθω, which see. Επικήδιον, -ov, το, (fr. επϊ upon, and κηδος burial) a funeral song, dirge, elegy. Επικήδειος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) mourning, funereal. Επικηρνκενομαι, (fr. επϊ intens. and κήρυξ a. crier) to employ α crier or herald, send a flag of truce, negotiate. Επικηρύσσω or -ττω, f. -ζω, p. επε- κήρυχα, (fr. same, and κηρύσσω to proclaim) to make procla- mation, proclaim, publish by au- thority ; to summon, cite ; to denounce, advertise, offer a re- wardfor, set a price upon. Επικίδναται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass, of Επικίδνημι, f. -ήσω, (fr. επϊ up on, ' and κίδνημι to spread) to overspread, diffuse, dilate, ex pand. Επικίνδυνος, -ov i i>, {fr. same ΕΠΙ and κίνδυνος danger) dangerous, perilous, hazardous. Επικϊνέω -δ, f. ->/σω, p. -ηκα, (fr. same, and κινέω to move) to remove ; to shake at ; to dis- turb, disquiet ; to excite, af- fect. Επικιρνασθαι, pres. inf. pass, of Επικιρνάω -ω, or Επικίρνημι, fr. επί intens. and κιρνάω or κίρνημι, which see. Επικλείω, f. -σω, (fr. same, and κλείω to shut) to applaud,. shout applause, extol ; to shut up, close, fold up. Επικλέπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. same, and κλέπτω to steal) to rob, steal, filch, pilfer. ΕπικληθεΙς, -εϊσα, -εν, a. sin. -θέν- τα, par. 1 a. pass, of επικαλέω. Επίκληρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. επί upon, and κλήρος an estate) a sole heir, heir ; rich, vicaltliy. Επικλησαι, Επικλήσας, Sync, for επικαλησαι, inf. and επικαλήσας, par. 1 a. act. of επικαλέω. Επίκλησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. επικαλέω to call upon) a calling upon, invocation ; a name,. sur- name ; an imputation, charge. Επίκλητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) called upon, summoned, invited, sent for ; cried up, celebrated ; blameable, in fault. Επίκλϊνον, 1 a. impr. act. of επι- κλίνω, see κλίνω. Επίκλοπος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. επί intens. and κλοπή theft ) thievish, roguish ; sly, cunning, deceitful. Επικλύζω, f. -σω, p. -κα, (fr. same, and κλύζω to wash) i° wash, drench ; to inundate, overflow ; to drown, overwhelm. 1 a. ind. act. επέκλυσα. Επίκλυστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. last) in- undated, overflowed ; washed, watered ; watery, wet. Επικλύσασα, fem. par. 1 a. act. of επικλύζω. Επικλώθω, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, (fr. επϊ intens. and κλώθω to spin) to spin ; to attach or fix the thread of fate, weave the web of destiny ; to doom, destine, ordain, devote. Επικοιμάομαι -ωμαι, f. -ήσομαι, (fr. same, and κοιμάω to lull) to lie down, recline, rest; to fall asleep. Επίκοινον, (neut. of next) general- ly, commonly. Επίκοινος, -ου, b, η", (fr. επί intens. and κοινός common) general, universal, common ; in common, promiscuous. Subs, a partaker, partner. Επικοινωνέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same) to communicate, impart, share, partake of; to put to vulgar use, pollute ; to be in common. Επίκοπον, -ου, -b, (fr. επί upon, and κόπτω to cut) a chopping-block. Επικοσμέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. επι upon, and κοσμέω to adorn) to add ornaments, adorn, deco- rate ; to arrange, set in order. Επίκοτος, -ου, 6, η, (fr. same, and κδτος anger) enraged, angry. ΕΠΙ Επικβύρειοι, -ων, οϊ, Epicureans, a sect of heathen philosophers, so called from Επίκουρος, which see. Επικουρέω -c5,f. -ήσω, (fr. επίκουρος a helper) to aid, help, succour, assist, relieve ; to ward, off, avert. 1 a. act. ind. επεκούρησα' inf. επικού ρη σαι' par. επικουρήσας, a. sin. επικουρήσαντα. Επικουρία, -ας, η, (fr. same) help, assistance; relief, remedy, cure. Επίκουρος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. επι to, and κούρος a youth) giving aid, com- ing to help, assisting, relieving, auxiliary ; Subs, an auxiliary, ally, properly of those who are attacked ; a reliever, assistant, helper. Επίκουρος, -ου, b, the founder of Epicureans. Epicurus. Επικουφίζω, f. -"σω, p. επικεκουφι- κα, (fr. επι intens. and κουφίζω to lighten, th. κουφός light) to lighten, ease, alleviate, assuage, mitigate ; to help, relieve. Επικράθην, Poet, for επικράνθην. Επικραίνω, f. -ανω, (fr. επϊ intens. and κραίνω to ratify) to perfect, finish, complete, execute ; to ra- tify, confirm, sanction ; to nod assent, agree to, fulfil. 1 a. ind. act. επεκρί/να. Επικράναι, for επικρηναι, 1 a. inf. act. — ΕπικρανεΊς, 2 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of last. Επικράνθην, -ης, -η, 3 pi. -θησαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of πικραίνω. Επίκρασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. επϊ intens. and κεράννυμι to mix) mixture, admixture. Επικραταιόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. same, and κραταιόω to strengthen, th: κράτος strength) to confirm, strengthen, fortify; to encou- rage ; to gain strength, grow strong, prevail over, overpower. 1 a. ind. pass, επεκραταιώθην. Επικράτεια, -ας, f), (fr. επικρατέω to restrain) power, sovereignty, rule, authority ; restraint, con- straint, strictness ; continence, temperance, sobriety ; abstinence, forbearance. Επικρατίοντα, a. sin. par. pres. of Επικρατέω -ω, f. -^σω,ρ. επικεκρά τηκα, (fr. επϊ intens. and κρατέω to command) to prevail, get the better, be strong; to be better, excel, exceed, surpass ; to possess, gel, seize, gain ; to master, rule, conquer, command ; to confine, restrain, curb, check. Επικρατέως, Poet. : for επικρατως, (fr. same) strongly, powerfully, mightily. Επικρατήσεια, -ας, -ε, iEol. for επί- κρατήσαιμι, -αις, -αι, 1 a. opt. act. of επικρατέω. Επικρατίδες, -ων, αι, (fr. επϊ upon, and κράς the head) a handker- chief or napkin for wiping the head. Επικρέμαμαι, see next. Επικρεμάω -ω, f. -ασω, (fr. επί upon, and κρεμάω to suspend) to hang | up, hang upon, suspend. Mid. (231) ΕΠΙ Επικρέμαμαι, as if, (fr. επικρί» μημι) to be hung up or suspend- ed ; to impend, hang over ; to threaten. 1 a. ind. act. επεκρέ- μασα. par. pres. mid. επικρεμά- μενος. 1 a. pass. ind. επεκρεμάσ- θην sub. επίκρεμασθώ* par. επι- κρεμασθείς• Επικρήηνον, -hy Epenth. for επικρή- νον, 1 a. impr. act. — Επικρή- νω, -τ/ς, -η, in 1 pi. -ωμεν, 1 a. sub. act. of επικραίνω. Επικρησαι, Ion. for επικεράσαι, 1 a. impr. mid. or inf. act. of επίκε- ράννυμι. Επικρίνω, f. -ίΐώ, (fr. επί intens. ancl κρίνω to judge) to order, de- termine, decree, adjudge; to ap- prove, confirm, ratify, sanction. Επικροτέω -ω, f. -^σω, p. επικεκρδ- τηκα, (fr. same, and κροτέω to clap) to crack, rattle, resound ; to clap hands, applaud, praise. Επικρδτησις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, η, (fr. last) a noise, crack, explosion ; clapping of hands, applause. Επικρούω, f. -ούσω, p. επικέρκονκα^ (fr. επί upon, and κρούω to strike) to dash, strike or knock against ; to clap, applaud. Επικρύπτω, f. -ψω, fr. επί intens. and κρύπτω, which see. Επίκρυφος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) Poet, for κρύφιος and κρυπτός. Επικτάοιιαι, f. -ήσομαι, p. επικέκτη- μαι, (fr. επί upon, and κτάομαι to get) to get moreover, possess beside, gain, acquire. 1 a. ind. mid. επεκτησάμην, -ω, -ατο. Επίκτητος, -ov, b, η, -{fr. last) gain- ed, procured, acquired, possess- ed. Επικυέω -ω, andEπtκυ'^σκω,f. -ήσω, (fr. επί intens. and κυέω to con- ceive) to superfetate, conceive after conception. Επικυλινδέω -ω, (fr. επί upon, and κυλίνδω to roll) to roll upon ; heap or pile up ; to roll over. Επικυλισμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. next) a rolling over or upon ; a roiling or returning upon itself, circuit, revolution, winding. Επικυλίω, f. -ίσω, (fr. επί upon, and κυλίω to roll) to roll over or upon. Ε-ικνπτω, (fr. επί upon, and κνπτω to stoop) to bend, lean or stoop over or towards. Επικύρσαι, inf. — Επικύρσας, par. — Επικνρσαιεν, 3 pi. opt. 1 a. act. iEol. of επικύρω. Επικνρτόοντε,Ώ. du. par. pres. act. of Επικυρτόω -ω, (fr. επί up, and κυρ» τόω to bend) to curl, bend, wreath or twine upwards ; to roll or fold up. Επικύρω, f. iEol. επικύρσω, (fr. επϊ intens. and κύρω to hit upon) to fall upon, meet vnih ; to hap» pen, befall. Επικώμιον,-ου, το, (neut. of next) Poet, for εγκώμιον. Επικώμιος, -a, -ov, Poet, for εγκώ μιος or εγκωμιαστικός. Επιλαβέσθαι, inf. — Επιλαβδμενος 9 ΕΠΙ par. — Επιλαβου, impr. — Εικ- λάβωνται, 3 pi. sub. 2 a. mid. of επιλαμβάνομαι. Επιλαθίσθαι, inf. — Έπιλάθηται, 3 sin. sub. 2 a. mid. — Επιλανθά- νεσθε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. mid. — Επιλανθανόμενος, par. pres. mid. of επιλανθανομαι. Επιλάλέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. -jj/ca, (fr. επί intens. and λαλεω to talk) to talk of, speak about ; to speak against ; to talk much ; to voci- ferate, cry out, bawl. Επιλαμβάνεται, 3 sin. of Επιλαμβάνω, f. mid. -λήψομαι, per. -λέληφα, Att. -είληφα, (fr. επί upon, and λαμβάνω to take) to take beside, get moreover, receive in addition ; to catch, hold, snatch, seize ; to occupy, possess. Επιλαμβάνομαι, to take, lay or catch hold on ; to take upon, assume, undertake ; to hold, con- tain; to obtain, get, reach at, attain to ; to succeed, follow ; to rebuke, reprove, check, blame. 2 a. ind. act. επίλαβον. 2 a. mid. ind. επελαβυμην impr. επιλαβου• sub. επιλάβωμαι' inf. επιλαβέσ- θαι• par. επιλαβόμενος. Επίλαμπος, -ov, b, η, (fr. next) bright, resplendent ; clear, plain, manifest; detected, caught. Επιλάμπω, f. -ψω, (fr. επί intens. and λάμπω to shine) to shine out or upon ; to glitter, be gay or splendid. 1 a. act. ind. επέ- λαμψα' par. επιλάμψας. Επιλανθάνον, -ίσθω, pres. impr. pass, of Επιλανθανομαι, f. επιλήσομαι, p. επιλίλησμαι, (fr. επί intens. and λανθάνω to escape notice) to for- get, not remember ; not to at- tend, neglect. 2 a. mid. ind. επελάθόμην' inf. επιλαθίσθαι. Επίλάσις, Dor. for επίλησις. Επιλεαίνω, (fr. επί intens. and λεα'ι- νω for λειαίνω to smooth, th. λεί- ος smooth) to polish, brighten ; to smooth, plane. Επιλέγω, f. -ζω, p. -χα, (fr. same, and λέγω to speak) to speak up- on ; to add, subjoin ; to rehearse, repeat ; to conclude, finish, sum up ; to count, reckon ; to con- sider, reason, argue ; to call, name. Επιλέγομαι, to associate, keep company with ; to select, choose ; to read. par. pres. pass. επιλεγόμενος. 1 f. mid. επιλέγο- μαι. 1 a. ind. mid. επελεζάμην. Επιλείπω, f. -ψω, p. επιλέλειφα, (fr. same, and λείπω to leave) to quit, desert, forsake. Επιλείπο- μαι, to fail totally, decay en- tirely, come to an end. 3 pi. pres. ind. επιλείπουσι. 2 a. ind. act. επέλΊπον. per. ind. mid. επιλέλοιπα. Επίλεκτος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. επιλέγω to choose) chosen, choice, select. Επιλέλάθα, Dor. for επιλέληθα, per ind. mid. and Επιλελ^σθαι, inf. — Επιλελησμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of επι- λανθάνομαι. ΕΠΙ Επιλεξάμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. of επιλέγω. Επιλεύσσω, (fr. επί upon, and λεύσ- . σω to look) to look upon ; to look round about, view, survey. Επιλήθεο, Ion. for επιλήθου, pres. impr. mid. of Επιλήθω, f. -σω, (fr. επί intens. and λήθω to lie hid) to cause to for- get, obliterate or efface from the memory. Επιλήθομαι, to forget, like επιλανθανομαι. Επιλημοσννη, -ης, η, (fr. last) for- getfulness, oblivion. Επιλήι^ίος, -ov, b, η, (fr. επί upon, and ληνός a winepress) of the winepress, about the vintage. Επιληπτενομαι, (fr. επίληπτος epi- leptic) to be seized with epilepsy ; to rage, be mad or distracted. Επιληπτίζω and Επιλήπτομαι, (fr. next) to be afflicted with epilepsy. Επιληπτικός, -ή,-ον,ΆϊΐάΕπίληπτος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. επιλαμβάνω to seize) epileptic ; mad, distracted. Επίλησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. επι- λανθάνομαι to forget) forgetful- ness, oblivion ; negligence, inat- tention. Επιλήσομαι, -rj, -εται, 1 f. mid. of επιλήθομαι, but more generally derived from επιλανθανομαι. Επιληψία, -ας, η, (fr. επιλαμβάνω to seize) the epilepsy or falling sickness ; censure, blame. Επιλίγδην, (fr. επί intens. andXiy- δην slightly, th. λείχω to lick) very slightly, grazingly, lightly. Επιλλίζω, f. -ΐσω, (fr. same, and ίλλος the eye) to wink, beckon with the eye, signify by a glance. Επίλογος, -ου, b, (fr. επί upon, and λόγος a discourse) a conclusion, end, summing up ; an epilogue. Adj. commendatory, in praise, of. Επίλοιπος, -ου, b, η, (fr. επιλείπω to fail) remaining, left ; Subs, the rest, remainder. Επιλνθήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. pass, of επιλύω. Επιλνπως, (fr. επί intens. andλΰπ?? grief) very sadly, sorrowfully, mournfully. Επίλυσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η", (fr. next) an unloosing, explanation, solution, interpretation, exposi- tion ; deliverance, redemption. Επιλύω, f. -υσω, p. επιλέλυκα, (fr, επί intens. and λύω to loose) to loose, unbind ; to release, libe- rate ; to solve, explain ; to deter- mine, decide. 1 a. ind. act. επέ- λυσα. 2 a. ind. act. επέλυον. per. ind. pass, επιλέλυμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, επελνθην. 1 f. ind. pass. επιλυθήσομαι. Επιμαίνομαι, f. -ονμαι, (fr. same, and μαίνομαι to rage) to rave be mad or distracted ; to be mad after, love madly or to distraction. 1 a. ind. mid. επεμανάμην, Att. επεμηνάμην. Επιμαίομαι, (fr. same, and μα'ιομαι to desire) to covet, desire, wish for ; to inquire,search out. lookfor; to stroke, caress, sooth ; to move, urge, encourage ; to dnve, force. (232) ΕΠΙ Επιμάρτνρ, -νρος, b, fr. same, and μάρτνρ, which see. Επιμαρτνρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. επιμε- μαρτνρηκα, (fr. last) to testify earnestly, vnlness clearly, prove positively. Επιμάρτυρος, -ου, b, η, same as επι μάρτυρ. Επιμάσσασθ u, Επιμασσαμένη, lor επιμάσασθαι, inf. and επιμασαμί νη, fem. par. 1 a. mid. of . Επιμάσσαμαι,ΐ. -άζομαι, and -άσο• μαι, (fr. επί upon, and μάσσω to rub) to touch, feel, try ; to rub, wipe. Επιμαστίδιος, -ου, b,t), (fr. επί upon, and μαζος a breast) on the breast. Επίμαχος, -ου, b, f), (fr. επί against, and μάχομαι to fight) exposed to assault, liable or easy to be taken, unguarded, defenceless. sup. επιμαχώτατος. Επιμεθευς, -έος, b, Epimetheus, a man's name. Επιμειδάω or -μειδιάω -ω, f. -ήσω (fr. επί upon, and μειδάω to smile) to smile at or upon. par. 1 a. ind. act. επιμειδήσας. Επιμείλια, -ων, τα, (fr. επιμειλίσσω to sooth) a present, bribe or gift, to conciliate favour or interest ; a wife's fortune or portion. Επιμειναι, 1 a. inf. act. — Επιμεί- νης, 2 sin. -νωσι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of επιμένω. Επιμελήθητι, 1 a. impr. pass, of επιμελεο^ιαί. Επιμέλεια, -ας, ίι, (fr. επιμελής careful) care, diligence, assidui- ty, attention ; a charge, trust ; study, a pursuit, object; solici- tude, anxiety, concern. Επιμελέομαι -ονμαι, f. -ήσομαι, p. επιμεμέλημαι, (fr. same) to at- tend to, superintend, take care of, order, provide ; to dres?,tend, look after. 1 a. pass. ind. επεμε- λήθην impr. επιμελήθητι. Επιμελές, -έος -ους, το, (neut. of επιμελής) diligence, attention, care; a care, delight, object of concern or regard. Επιμελέστατα, (neut. pi. sup. of next) most carefully, very atten- tively. Επιμελής, -έος -ους, b, fj, (fr. επί intens. and μέλει it concerns) careful, diligent, attentive, heed- ful, sedulous, studious, indus- trious, anxious. Επιμελήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. of επιμελέομαι. Επιμελητέος, -a, -ov, (fr. επιμελέο- μαι to attend to) to be attended, ought to be regarded, &c. accord- ing to the verb. Επιμελητής, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) α care-taker, supervisor, overseer, bailiff, steward ; a trustee, guar- dian. Επιμελίη, -ης, §, Ion. for επιμέ- λεια. Επιμέλομαι, same as επιμελέομαι. Επιμελου, 2 sin. cont. ind. or impr. mid. of επιμελέομαι. Επιμελώς, (fr. επιμελή careful)car« ΕΠΙ fully, diligently, sedulously, stu- diously, anxiously. Επίμεμπτα, neut. pi. of Επίμεμπτος, -ov, b,fj, (fr. επιμέμφο- μαι to blame) blameable, culpa- ble, faulty ; chargeable, liable to accusation, criminal. Επιμέμφεαι, Ion. for επιμέμφη, 2 sin. pres. ind. or sub. of Επιμέμφομαι, f. -ψο/χα(, p. επιμέ- μεμμαι, (fr. επϊ upon, amd μέμφο- μαι to complain) to complain of, find fault with, blame, accuse, reprove, rebuke* Επιμένω, f. -ενώ, p. επιμεμίνηκα, (fr. same, and μένω to remain) to abide, stay, remain ; to last, con- tinue ; to persevere, persist ; to expect, await, impf. επέμενον. 1 a. ind. επέμεινα' impr. ιιχίμεινον sub. επιμείνω' inf. επιμεΐναι. Επιμερισμός, -ου, δ, (fr. επϊ intefts. and μερισμός a division) a divi- sion, subdivision sharing, allot- ment, partition. Επιμετρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. επιμεμέ- τρηκα, (fr. επϊ upon, and μετρέω to measure) to measure over or above ; to add, give in addition ; to fill or make up the measure ; to measure out, give or lend by measure. Επίμετρον, -ov, τό (fr. same, and μέτρον measure) an overplus, ad- dition, increase. Επιμήθεια, -ας, fj, (fr. same, and μηδος consideration) after- thought. Ε,πιμηθεύς, -έος, δ, fj, (fr. same) wise too late, inconsiderate, un- thinking, thoughtless. Also Epi- metheus, a man's name. Ζπιμηθης, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. επί in- tens. and μηδος consideration) wise, prudent, sage, thoughtful, considerate. Επιμήκης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. same } and μήκος length) long, at length, extended, stretched, out. comp. επιμηκίων, sup. -χιστος. Επιμήνια, *ων, τα, (neut. pi. of next) monthly ceremonies. Επιμήνίος, -ov, δ, jy, (fr. επί upon, and//>)v a month) monthly, every month, for a month. Επιμίγνυμι, f. -ξω, p. επιμέμιχα, (fr. επϊ intens. and μίγνυμι to mix) to intermix, mingle, unite, run together. Επιμίγννμαι, to he mixed, converse or associate with. Επίμικτος, -ου, δ, /% (fr. last) mix- ed, mingled ; promiscuous, con- fused, undistinguished. Επιμιμνήσκομαι, (fr. επϊ intens. and μιμνήσκω to remind) to keep in mind, remember, mind, re- cord. Επιμϊξ, (fr. επιμίγνυμι to intermix) in confusion, promiscuously, con- fusedly, indiscriminately. Επιμιξία, -ας, ή, (fr. same) inter- mixture, intercourse, acquaint- ance ; commerce, enchange. Επιμίξαις, JEol. for επιμίξας, 1 a. par. act. of same. Επίμφς, -ιος, Att. -εως,Ί,, (fr. G g ΕΠΙ same) an intermixture ; a resort, meeting, assemblage, company. Επιμίσγεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of Επιμίσγομαι, (fr. επϊ intens. and μίγ- νυμι to mix) to consort, associate, resort to ; to meet wita, happen upon ; to mix, unite, run together. Επιμνάομαι, f. -ήσομαι, p. επιμέμνη- μαι, (fr. επϊ intens. and μνάομαό to remember) to remember, re- collect, bear or keep in mind ; to mention, make mention of, re- cord, notice. 1 a. ind. pass. επεμνήσθην. Επιμνησθεις, par. 1 a. pass, of last. Επιμοιράομαι -ώμαι, (fr. επϊ intens. and μοιράω to share) to impart, communicate, share with ; to participate, partake, share in. pres. inf. mid. επιμοιράεσθαι -ασ- θαι. Επίμολος, -ου, δ, >/, (fr. επϊ upon, ο,ϊΐάμολέω to go) approaching. Επιμομφά, -ας, a, Poet, and Dor. for Επιμομφη, -ης, £, (fr. επιμέμφομαι to blame) blame, censure ; a re- buke, chiding. Επίμονος, -ov, Ό, η, (fr. επιμένω to persist) permanent, lasting ; persevering ; ceaseless, inces- sant. Επίμογθος, -ov, b,fj, (fr. επϊ intens. and μόχθος toil) laborious, toil- some, tiresome, painful ; assidu- ous, diligent, industrious. Επιμπλέετο, Ion. for επιμπΧάετο -ατο, which for επιμπλατο, 3 sin. impf. pass, and ΕπίμπΧω, cont. for επίμπ\αο, which Ion. for επίμπλασο, 2 sin. impf. ind. pass, of πίμπλημι. Επίμπρα, 3 sin. cont. impf. ind. act. of πιμπράω. Επίμπρη, 3 sin. impf. ind. act. of πίμπρημι. Επιμύζω, f. -υσω, p. -κα, (fr. επϊ intens. and μύζω to murmur) to breathe softly ; murmur, buzz, grumble. Επιμνθιον, -ov, το, (fr. επϊ upon, and μύθος a fable) the application or moral of a fable. ΕπιμύΧιον, -ov, τό, (neut. of next) the upper millstone.' ΕπιμύΧιος, -ov, b, ^, (fr. επϊ upon, and μν"λη a mill) at the mill, about a mill. Επιμνλιος ωδη, a song or tune used by those work ing at a mill or other incessant labour. Επιμνσσω or -ττω, f. -ξω, p. -χα, (fr. επϊ intens. and μνσσω to wipe) to mock, ridicule. Επιμωμητός, -η, -όν, (fr. same, and μώμος disgrace) blameable, cul- pable, reprehensible, faulty, odi- ous. Επ'ινειον, -ov, τό, (fr. επϊ upon, and ναυς a ship) a naval mart, com- mercial port, maritime market, emporium, place of trade ; a harbour, dock-yard. Επινέμεσθαι, pres. inf. "mid. of Επινέμω, f. -μώ, p. επινενέμηκα, (fr. επϊ intens. and νέμω to bestow) (233) ΕΠΙ to divide, share, allot, apportion; to graze, pasture, feed ; to feed, upon, consume ; to invade, seize upon. 1 a. ind. act. επένειμα. Επινενησμένος, -η, -ov, par. per., pass, of επινήθω. Επινενόηκα, per. ind. act. of επί- νοέω. Επινενω, f. -σω, p. επινένενκα, (fr. επϊ to, and νενω to nod) to nod or drop the head forward; to nod to, beckon ; to assent, con- si nt. Επινεφης, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. επϊ upon, and νέφος a cloud) cloudy, overcast ; dark, shady. Επινεφρίδιος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same, and νεφρός the kidney) upon or about the kidneys or loins. Επινέω -ω, (fr. επϊ intens. and νέω to wind up into a ball) to spin, wind up, destine ; to gather, col- lect, make into heaps. Επινήθω, f. -σω, p. επινένηκα, (fr. επϊ upon, and νήθω to spin) to spin the thread of fate, attach the fatal threads ; to fate, des- tine, allot. Επινησθεϊς, par. 1 a. pass, of last. Επινήχομαι, f. -ξομαι, (fr. επϊ upon, and νήχω to swim) to flow or run into ; to swim or float upon* Επινήω, Επινηέω, Επινηνέω -ω, f. -ήσω, ρ. επινένηκα, fr. επϊ upon, and νήω or νηέω, same as νέω to wind up. See επινέω. Επινικάω -ω, f. -ήσω, fr. επϊ intens. and νικάω, which see. Επινϊκιον, -ov, to, (fieut. of next) a hymn or song- of victory; a festival or celebration of victory; a prize, reward. ΕτηϊΗΚίος, -ov, b,fj, (fr. επινικάω to eonquer) about victory, relating to a victory. Επινίσσομαι, (fr. επϊ to, and νίσσο- μαι to go) to come to, approach, arrive at ; to frequent. Επινοέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. επϊ upon, and νοέω to think) to think upon, mind, observe, notice ; to muse, meditate, contemplate, consider* think of; to recollect, call to mind ; to devise, invent, imagine, contrive ; to design, purpose, in- tend. Επίνοια, -ας, η, (fr. same) a thought; an invention; device, contrivance ; ingenuity, thought, consideration, reflection ; a de- sign, purpose, intention. Επίνομες, Dor. for επίνομεν, 1 pi. impf. act. of πίνω. Εττίνομος, -ου, δ, »'/, (fr. επϊ upon, and νόμος a division) of the same region, tract or country ; pas- turing together or along with ; an associate, comrade, consort ; an heir, inheritor. ΈπΊνον -ες, -ε or -εν, impf. — Έπί- ov, -ες, -ε or -εν, 2 a. ind act. of πίνω. Επιννσσον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of πι νύσσω. Επιννσσω,ΐ. -ξω,\). επινίνυχα, (fr. επϊ upon, and νύσσω to prick\ ΕΠΙ to stab, pierce ; to drive, thrust push, jog ; to move to. Επινυστάζω, f. -ξω, p. -χα, (fr. επί intens. and νυστάξω to nap) to nod, slumber, sleep ; to lean, in- cline, lie down. Επινωμάω -ώ, (fr. επί to, and νέμω to distribute) to divide, distri- bute; to move to, adminis- ter. Επί ξένης, viz. γης, or Έπιξίνης, (fr. επί upon, and ξένος foreign) abroad, in a foreign land. Επιξενόομαι -ουμαι, (fr. επί intens. and ξενόομαι to entertain) to be a stranger, sojourn, lodge; to travel, go abroad. Επιξένωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) hopitality, entertainment, intimacy acquired by it. Επίξϋνος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. επί intens. and ξννος common) general, uni- versal, promiscuous. Επιοίνιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and οίνος wine ) fond of wine, drunk- en. Έπιον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. of έπειμι, to come upon. Or, Ion. for έφιον, 2 a. ind. act. of εφιέω, same as εφίημι. Or, 2 a. ind. act. of πίνω. Επών, neut. sin. Επιόντα., a. sin. or neut. pi. of επιών, par. 2 a. of έπειμι to come upon. See επιών. Επίοσαν, for έπων, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. act. of πίνω. Επιόπτομαι, f. -χρίομαι, p. επιώμμαι, (fr. επί upon, and άπτομαι to look.) SSe επόπτομαι. Επιορκήσεις, 2 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of Επιορκέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, ρ. επιώρκηκα, (fr. επι against, and όρκος an oath) to swear upon, swear of- ten ; to perjure, forswear, swear falsely ; to break an oath. pres. inf. act. επιορκέειν -εΊν par. pres. &οί.επιορκέων, inn. pi. cont. επι- ορκονντες. 1 a. act. ind. επιώρκη- σα' sub. επιορκήσω, -ης, -η. par. pres. pass. cont. επιορκούμενος. Επιορκία,-ας, r% (fr. same) perjury, a false oath, the breach of an oath. Επίορκον, -ov, to, (fr. same) apcr- jury. Επίορκον, (viz. κατά or neut. of next) perjuredly, false-: ly. Επίορκος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) per- jured, forsworn, false. Επιόρκως, (fr. last) perjuredly, falsely. Επίονρα, -ων, τα, (Ion. for επ'ωρα, fr. επί upon, and 'όρος a border) spaces, distances, intervals ; rid- ges, furrows ; ahead-ridge. Επίονρος, -ov, δ, (fr. επί intens. and ονρος a guard) a keeper, overseer ; a guard, watch. Επιούσα, η. Επιόυση, d. fern. sin. of επιών, which see. par. 2 a. of έπειμι, to approach. Επιούσιος, -ov, b, »/, (fr. last) suffi- cient, competent, convenient, fit, suitable. Επιόψομαι, 1 f. ind. mid. of επιόπ- τομαι. Ε-ζχάνχυ, (fr. επί intens. and ΕΠΙ πάγχν entirely) altogether, total• ly, entirely, quite. Ε πίπα v, (fr. same, and πας all) for the most part, generally ; entire- ly, altogether, quite. Επιπαραοκενάζω,ϊ. -άσω, (fr. same, and παρασκευάζω, which see) 1 a. opt. mid. επιπαρασκευασαίμην. Επίπας, -ασα, -αν, fr. same, and πας, which see. Επιπάσσω, f. -ασω, (fr. επί upon, and πάσσω to spread) to spread over, anoint, lay upon, sprinkle upon. Επιπείθεο, Ion. for επιπείθον, pres. impr. pass. — Επιπείθηται, 3 sin. pres. sub. pass. — Επιπειθόμε- .νος, par. pres. pass, of Επιπείθω, f. -σω, (fr. επί intens. and πείθω to persuade) to pre- vail upon, , persuade, induce. Επιπείθομαι, f. -είσομαι, to per- suade one's self, be confident ; to obey, comply, yield ; to think, consider, suppose; to credit, be- lieve, trust. Επιπέλομαι, (fr. same, and πένομαι to be) to exist, be ίο revolve, flow on, continue, subsist ; to come upon. Επίπεμπτος, (fr. same and πέμπτος fifth) the fifth. Επιπέμπω, f. -ψω, (fr. επί upon, and πέμπω to send) to send or put in more, add, increase ; to] set on, send upon. Επι-πεπτωκώς, -via, -ος, par. per. act, — Επιπεσων,-ουσα,-ον,η. pi. -σόντες, par. 2 a. act. of επιπίπτω. Επιπετόω -ω, fr. επί upon, and πε- τάω to meet with, and Επιπέτω, (fr. same, and πέτω obs. to fall) same as επιπίπτω. Επιπέφνκα, per. ind. act. of επιλύω or -ΰμι. Έπιπι/δάω -ω, Γ. -ήσω, (fr. επί upon, and πηδάω to leap) to leap or spring upon or into ; to fall upon ; to surprise, interrupt, disturb. Επιπίλναμαι, (fr. same, and πίλνη- μι to approach) to approach, draw near ; to fill up, overflow. Επιπίπτω,?: επιπτώσω, p. επιπέπτω- κα, (fr. same, and πίπτω to fall) io fall upon, in or into ; to press -or lean upon, embrace ; to meet with ; to rush into or upon, run violently. 2 a. act. ind. επέ- πεσον' par. επιπεσών. 2 f. mid. επιπεσονμαι. Έπιπλα, -ων, τα, (fr. επιπλέω to sail upon) moveables, goods, furni- ture, implements, stores, tackle. Επίπλαστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. επί intens. and πλάσσω to form) feigned, pretended ; fictitious, false. Επι-κλείον, (fr. same, and πλε'ιον, neut. comp. of πολύς much) more, still more, more fully, more amply. Επιπλειστον, (fr. same, and πλείσ- τον, neut. sup. of πολύς much) most, mostly, very much, exceed- ingly ; very often, constantly. Επιπλέκω,ΐ. -ξω, p. επιπέπλεχα, (fr. same, and πλέκω to tie) to tie or (234> ΕΠΙ fasten to; to interweave, inter- mix ; to confuse, confound. 1 a. ind. act. επετλε|α. Επιπλε'ον, same as επιπλεΤον. Επιπλέοντα, a. sin. par. pres. act. of επιπλέω. Επίπλεος, -a, -ov, (fr. επί intens. and πλέος full) quite full, filled, full ; abundant, plentiful. Επιπλέω -ω, f. -ενσω, (fr. επί upon, and πλέω to sail) to swim or sail in ; to swim, sail or float upon; to sail against or attack by sea. Επιπληξαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Επι- πληξάσης, g. sin. fem. par. 1 a. act. — Επιπλέω, -7)ς, -η, 1 a. sub. act. of επιπλήσσω. Επίπληξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. επιπλήσσω to chide) reproof, re- buke, blame, check ; a chiding, reproving. Επιπλήσσεο, Ion. for επιπλήσσου, pres. impr. pass, of Επιπλήσσω or -ττω, f. -ζω, p. επιπέ- πληχα, (fr. επί upon, and πλ?/σσω to strike) to strike upon, hit, inflict ; to chastise, correct ; to reprove, rebuke, blame, chide. 1 a. act. ind. επέπληξα• sub. επι- πλήξω• inf. επιπληξαι' par. επ*- πλήξας. Επίπλοα, Ion. for έπιπλα. Επιπλοκή, -ης, ή, (fr. επιπλέκω to tie to) a tying on or fastening to. Επιπλομένοιο, Ion. for -μένον, g. of Επιπλόμενος, -η, -ov, for επιπελόμε- νος, par. pres. mid. of επιπέλομαι. Έπιπλον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of ■ πιπλάω, for πιμπλάω. Επίπλοος -ονς, -6ov -ov,b, (fr. επι- πλέω to sail against) an invasion by sea ; a sea-jight, engage- ment. Επιπλώοντι, Dor. for επιπλώουσι, Poet, for επιπλέονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of επιπλέω. Επιπλώς, by Sync, for Επίπλωσα?, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. of επι- πλώω. Or, by Aphaer. and Sync, for επιπεπλεώς, par. of επι- πέπλεα, per. mid. of επιπλέω. Επιπλώω or Επίπλωμι, Poet, for επιπλέω. Επίπνεί'ει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Επιπνείων, -ονσα, -ov, par. pres. act. of Επιπνείω, Poet, for Επιπνεω -ώ, f. -εύσω, (fr. επίυροΠ) and πνέω to breathe) to blow upon, over or against ; to breathe on or into, inspire, infuse. Επιπνϊγω, f. -ξω, p. επιπέπνιχα, (fr. επί intens. and πνίγω to choke) to suffocate, stifle; to strangle, choke. Επίπνοια, -ας, η, (fr. επιπνέω to in- spire) a breath, breathing upon / inspiration, divine impulse. Επιποθέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. επιπεπόθη κα, (fr. επί intens. and ποθέω to desire) to desire earnestly, covet, long for, wish for much ; to be fond of, love dearly. 1 a. ind. act. επεπόθησα. Επιπόθησις, -ιος, Att. -εω$•, ή, (fr. last) vehement desire, longing, ΕΠΙ wish, eagerness; love, affection. a. sin. επιπόθησιν. Επιπόθητος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) desired, wished, longed for. Επιποθία, -ας, η, (fr. same) -desire, wish, longing, want. Επιποθω, 1 sin. pres. ind. cont. — Επιποθων % pi. norm -θουντες, g, -θούντων, par. pres. act. cont. of επιποθέω. Επιπολάζω, f. -ασω, p. -ακα, (fr. επιπολης superficially) to float, swim, he upon the surface, over- spread. Επιπόλαιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) superficial, on the surface, shal- low, external. Επιπόλαιος κτησις, chattels, moveables. Επιπολαίως, (fr. last) superficially, externally, outwardly. Επιπολέω -ω, (fr. επϊ intens. and πολέω to turn) to walk about, through or among ; to survey, traverse, go the circuit or rounds. Επιπολης, (perhaps fr. επϊ upon, and πέλομαι to be) superficially, on the surface, externally, out- wardly. To επιπολης, the sur- face. Επϊ πολλω, greatly, highly, at a great rate. Επί πολύ or Επιπολύ, very much, in a great part, greatly, much. 'Ω,ς επιπολν,β)τ the most part, mostly generally. Επιπομπεύω, f. -εύσω, p. -κα, (fr, επϊ intens. and πομπεύω to escort. th. πέμπο> to send) to march in procession, proceed in order; to celebrate, solemnize ; lo triumph, go in state. Επίπονος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and v6voi\zhowc)laborious,fatiguing, wearisome, painful, wretched ; toilsome, diligent, assiduous. £.πιπόνως, (fr. last) laboriously ; diligently, Επιπορενομαι, f. -εύσομαι, p. επι- πεπόρευμαι, (fr. επϊ to, and πο- ρεύω to set out) to come to, ar- rive at ; to resort to, frequent ; to set out, go to ; to traverse, travel over ; to run over, read slightly. par. pres. mid. επιπορενόμενος. Επιπορπόω -ω, (fr. επϊ intens. and πόρπη a buckle) to buckle, clasp } fasten. Επίπρασκον,ιη\ΌΪ. act. οϊπιπράσκω. Επιπρα'ύνω, fr. επϊ intens.. and πρα'ύνω, which see. Επιπρεπεια, -ας, ή, (fr. next) pro- priety, fitness ; grace, elegance, neatness. Επιπρεπης, -ίος -ους, b, ?% (fr. επϊ intens. and πρίπω to become) be- coming, ft, proper, neat, ele- gant, handsome. Έπιπρεπω, (fr. same) to become, be- fit, beseem ; to fit, suit, answer. Επιπροέηκεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. Att. — Επιπροέμεν, Ion. for επι- προεΐναι, 2 a. inf. act. of επι- προίιημι. Επιπρυϊάλλω, f. -αλω, p. -κα, (fr. επϊ into, rod forth, and ίάλλω to send) to stretch out, extend, put forth] to expose, set out, offer ΕΠΙ present ; to send forth, turn out ; to produce, bring out. 1 a. ind. act. επιπροίηλα. Επιπροΐίημι,ϊ. -έσω, p. -εικα, (fr. επϊ intens. and προίημι to send forth) to send, out beside ; to escort, send along with ; to hurl, fling, dart, 1 a. ind. act. επιπρόηκα, and Att επιπροέηκα. 2 a. act. ind. επι- πρόην inf. επιπροεΐναι. Επίπροικ'ΐς, -ov, Ό,η, (Α".επϊ to, and προϊξ a gift) entitled to a part of a property; a joint-tenant ; por- tioned. Επίπροσθεν, fr. επϊ intens. and πρόσθεν, which see. Επιπταίρω, f. -άρω, fr. same, and πταίρω, which see. Επιπτέσθαι, 2 a. inf. mid. of εφίπ- τημι* Έπιπτον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of πίπτω. Επιπτυχη, -ης, η, (fr. επϊ upon, and πτύσσω to fold) a folding ; a fold, plait, double. E-i πωλεομαι -ουμ υααι, Poet, for ε𣕠πολέω Επιρραίνω, f. -άνω, ρ. επέρραγκα, and Επιρραντίζω, (fr. επϊ upon, and ραίνω or ραντίζω to sprinkle) to sprinkle upon, besprinkle, be- dew. Επιρράπτω, f. -ψω, p. επέρραφα (fr. same, and ράπτω to sew) to sew upon or to ; lo join to ; to sew in, stitch. Έπιρράσσω, f. -ξω, p. επέρραχα, (fr same, and ράσσω to dash) to dash against, throw down, over- turn ; to rush upon, drive against ; to bar, block up. Επιρραψωδέω -ω, fr. επϊ intens. and ραψωδεω, which see. Επιρρεπής, -έος -οΐς, b, η, (fr. next) hanging down, dangling ; prone, inclined to, kind towards. Επιρρέπω, f. -ψω, p. επέρρεφα, (fr. επϊ intens. and ρέπω to incline) to bend, lean, incline; to over- hang ; to verge, tend. Επιρρέω -ω, f. -εύσω, (fr. επϊ upon, and ρέω to flow ) to flow over, in or upon, run into ; to flock, run or crowd together; also, (fr. ρέω to speak) to speak against, say moreover, pres. inf. act. επιρρέειν. Επιρρήγνυμι, f. -ρήξω, (fr. επϊ in- tens. and ρήγνυμι to break) to break in pieces, bruise, dash, break open. Επιρρήσεσκε, Ion. for επέρρασσε, 3 sin. impf. act. of έπιρράσσω or επαράσσω. Or Ion. for επέρρησσε, same of επιρ'ρησσω or επιρρηγνυ μι. ΕπίρρΊνον, -ου, το, (fr. επϊ in, and ρϊν the nose) a nose-jewel, nose- drop ; a frontlet, forestall. Επιρρίπτω, f. -ψω, p. επέρρΊφα, (fr. επϊ upon, and ρίπτω to throw) to throw in, cast upon, fling to- gether; to put or lay upon. 1 a. act. ind. επέρριψα' par. επιρ'ρί- ψας, η. pi. -ψαντες. Επιρρίψω, same as last. Επιρροή, -ης, η, (fr. επιο'ρέω to flow in) α running, pouring or flout- ing in, an influx. '(235) , ΕΠΙ Επίρροθος, -ov, b, η, (fr. επϊ inteng, and μύθος the dashing of water) a helper, assistant, favourer ; one who makes great exertions to assist ; useful, beneficial, advan- tageous. Επιρ'ρώννϋμι, and Επιρρωννύω, £ -ρώσω, p. επέρ'ρωκα, (fr. same, and ρώννυμι to strengthen) to cor- roborate, confirm, strengthen; to encourage, cheer ; to persuade, incite, enforce, drive on. Επιρρωσθεϊς, -είσα, -εν, 1 a. par. pass, of last. Επίσαγμα, -ατός, rh, (fr. next) horse cloth or trappings ; a bur- den, weight, load; a saddle. Επισάττω, f. -ξω, (fr. επϊ upon, and σάττω to load) to cover, spread; to saddle, harness, load. Επισείω, f. -σω, p. -κα, (fr. same, and σείω to strike) to shake at, threaten, quiver, brandish ; to strike, smite, hit or dash upon. Επισεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. επϊ intens. and σεύω to shake) to move, rouse, excite. Επισεύομαι, to be moved, rouse one^s self; to rush, crowd, press, hurry. Επισημαινόμεθα, 1 pi. pres. ind. pass, of Επισημαίνω, f. -ανω, p. -αγκα, (fr. επϊ intens. and σημαίνω to sign, th. σήμα a sign) to point out, show r signify, intimate ; to dis- cover, disclose, exhibit, display. Επίσημον, -ου, το, (neut. of next) an ensign, flag, colours; mark, badge. Επίσημος, -ου, b, η, (fr. επϊ intens. and σήμα a mark) notable, re- markable, notorious; illustrious, noble, renowned, excellent; stamp- ed, coined, marked. Επισήμως,, (fr. last) remarkably, eminently. Επίσης,, (fr. same, and ίσος equal) equally alike, just as, accord- ingly;. Επισιτιεύμενος, Ion. for επισιτιον- μενος, Att; for επισιτισόμενος, par. 1 f. mid. of Επισιτίζω, f. -ίσω, p. επισεσίτικα, (fr. επϊ intens. and σιτίζω to feed, th. σίτος bread) to board, find in meat, drink, &c. provide ; to feed, maintain, keep. Επισιτίζο- μαι, to be fed; to provide, lay in provisions, per. ind. pass, επισε- σίτισμαι. Επισιτισμός, -ot>, b, (fr. last)/eec?- ing, food, victuals, provisions, board, diet. Επισκάζω, f. -ασω, p. επέσκακα, fr. επϊ intens. and σκάζω, which see. Επισκέπτομαι, f. -ψομαι, p. επέσκεμ- μαι, (fr. επί upon, and σκέπτομαι to consider) to think upon, con- sider ; to behold, view; lo visit, go to see, relieve ; to look upon, favour, regard; to inspect, sur- vey, count ; to choose, select, pick out. 2 a. ind. pass, επεσκό- πην. 1 a. mid. ind. επεσκε\Ράμην' impr. επίσκεψαι, in 2 pi. «r# ΕΠΙ σκίψασθε' sub. επισκέψωμαι, -η, -ηται. Επισκεπω, fr. επί upon, and σκέπω, which see. Επισκευάζω, f. -άσω, ρ. -ακα, (fr. same, and σκευάζω to furnish, th. σκεύος furniture) to repair, mend ; to renew, restore ; to pack up, load, harness ; to prepare for, make ready, furnish, provide. Επισκευαστή, -ου, δ, (fr. last) a re- newer, restorer ; a purveyor, pro- vider. Επισκευή, -ης, η, (fr. same) a re- pairing, mending, repairs; re- storation ; solemnization, cele- bration ; preparation, furniture, equipage, harness. Ε πισκεψασθαι, inf. — Επισκεψασθε, 2 pi. impr. — Επισκεψώμεθα, 1 pi. 1 a. sub. mid. of επισκέπτομαι. Επίσκεψις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, η, (fr. επισκέπτομαι to visit) inspection, examination, superintendance ; custody, charge, care, trust ; a visit. Έπισκηνόω -ώ, f. -ώσω,ρ. επεσκήνω- κα, (fr. επί in, and σκηνόω to pitch a tent, fr. σκηνή a tent) to live in tents ; to enter into, possess, abide, dwell. 1 a. act. ind. επεσκήνωσα' sub. επισκηνώσω, -ης, -η. Έ,πισκήπτω, (fr. επί against, and σκήπτω to dash) to rush, strike or dash against ; to glance, fly off ; to accuse, charge ; to call to witness; to conjure, beseech; to give a charge, order, di- rect. Επισκιάζω, (fr. επϊ upon, and σκιά a shadow) to overshadow, shade. par. pres. act. fern, επισκιάζου.- σα. Επισκιάσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. — Επι- σκιάσω, -νς, -η, 1 a. sub. act. of επισκιάζω. Ε τίσκιο?, -ου, δ, f), (fr. επϊ upon, and σκιά a shadow) oversha- dowed, shady ; obscure, in the shade. Επισκφτάω -ώ, (fr. same, and σκιρτάω to skip) to leap upon, bound, skip ; to insult. Έπισκόπα, (fr. επϊ upon, and σκο- πός a butt) effectually, effica- ciously, successfully. Επισκοπεί, pres. impr. act. cont. of Επισκοπεω -ώ, f. -^σω, p. επεσκόπη- κα, and Επισκοπεύω, (fr. επϊ in- tens. and σκοπέω or σκοπεύω to survey) to visit ; to inspect, over- see, superintend, look to, take care of, watch, observe ; to weigh, consider, examine. Επισκοπή, -ης, »/, (fr. same) charge, trust, custody ; inspection, su- perintendance, a bishoprick ; a visitation, infliction, punishment, vengeance. Επίσκοπος, -ου, δ, (fr. same) an overseer, inspector, supervisor, su- perintendant ; a bishop ; a pre- sident, governor, ruler ; a scout, «py, sentinel. Έπισκοπουντες, η. pi. cont. par, pres. act. of επισκοπέω. Επισκοτέω -ω, (fr. επί upon, and ΕΠΙ ΕΠΙ σκότος darkness) to overshadow, ι δακα, (fr. επϊ intens. and σπου shade, darken. δάζω to hasten) to hurry, press t Επισκΰζομαι, (fr. επϊ intens. and hasten, make speed, despatch, σκύζω to whine like a dog) to ΐΕπισπουδαστης, -ου, δ, (fr. last) a growl, snarl, be angry, take ill. hasiener, instigator, qmckener, en Επισκύζωνται, 3 pi. pres. sub. mid. of last. Επισκυθι'ζω, (fr. επϊ intens. and Έκύθης a Scythian) to drink like a Scythiaii, be drunk, pres. inf. act. επισκυθίζειν. 1 a. impr. act. επισκύθισον inf. επισκυθίσαι. Επισκύνιον, -ου, το, (fr. επϊ upon, and σκύνιον the eyelid) the eye- brow, the brow. Επισκώπτω, f. -χρω, p. -φα, (fr. επϊ intens. and σκώπτω to deride) to taunt, scoff, sneer, ridicule. Επισμάω -ω, fr. same, and σμάω, which see. Επισμη, Ion. for επισμα, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of last. Επισμύγερη, -ης, η, (fr. επϊ intens. and σμΰγω to waste) wretched, miserable. Επισοβέω -ω, fr. same, and σοβέω, which see. Έπισος, -ου, δ, '/, (fr. same, and ίσος equal) equal, even, alike. Επισπάσθω, 3 sin. cont. pres. impr. pass, of επισπάω. Επισπαστηρ, -ηρος, δ, (fr. επισττάω to draw to) a hinge. Επίσπαστρον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a cord, rope, string to draw or pull ; a covering, lent, hangings, curtain, veil. Επισπάω -ω, f. -άσω, p. -κα, (fr. επϊ upon, and σπάω to draw) to draw to, attract ; to assume, take upon ; to draw in, soak up ; to draw over or upon; to draw the foreskin over the glans, be- come uncircumcised. pres. impr. pass, επισπάου -ώ, -αέσθω -άσθω. per. pass, επέσπασμαι. 1 f. mid. επισπάσομαι. 1 a. ind. mid. επεσ- πάσάμην, -ω, -ατο. Επίσπεισις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, η, (fr. next) a libation, an offering of liquids ; a truce. Επισπεύδω, f. επισπείσω, (fr. επϊ upon, and σπένδω to pour out) to pour upon ; to pour out, make a libation or offering of liquids ; to Offer. Επισπερχης, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. επϊ intens. and σπέρχω to hasten) quick, hasty, cpeedy. Επισπέρχω, (fr. same) to hasten, hurry, urge, press. Επισπεύδω, f. -σω, p. επέσπευκα, (fr. same, and σπεΰοω to hasten) to urge, press, enforce, hurry, hasten, make speed, despatch. Επισπέω -ω, (fr. επϊ upon, and σπώ, Poet, for έ'πω to follow) to go to, meet ; to follow, overtake ; to accompany, attend, obey ; to fa- vour, assist, support. 2 f. ind. act. επισπώ. 2 a. act. ind. έπι- σπον' sub. επισπώ, -ης, -η. Επισποίμην, -οίο, -οιτο, 2 a. opt. mid. of last. Επισπορίη, -ης, -η, (fr. επί upon, and σπείρω to sow) a second sowing. Επιαπουδάζω, f. -άσω, p. επεστόύ- hcer, seducer. Επισπώ, cont. for επισπέω, or 2 a. sub. act. of same. Επισπώ/ιενο?, par. pres. pass, cont, of επισπάω. Επισσυτο?, -ου,δ, ^, (fr. next) rush' ing upon, sudden, violent. Επισσύω or -εύω, (fr. επϊ intens. and σύω, same as σεύω to drive) to rouse, excite; to rush upon attack, charge ; to pursue. Επίσσωτρον, -ου, το, (fr. επί upon, and σώτρον the felloe of a wheel) the iron shoeing or strakes of a wheel. Επίστα, Poet, and Dor. for επίστα- σαι, 2 sin. pres. ind. mid. ot επίσταμαι. ΕπισταθεΙς, -εΐσα, -εν, par. 1 a, pass, of εφίστημι. Επισταθμεία, -ας, η, (fr. επί in, and σταθμός a standing) a residence, lodging , dwelling, abode, quarters. Επισταθμεύω, f. -εΰσω, (fr. same) to lodge, abide, dwell, reside, set up, keep quarters. Επίσταθμος, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a regulator of lodging ; a host, en- tertainer. Επίσταμαι, f. επιστήσομαι, (fr. επί intens. and ίσημι to know) to know how, be expert or skilful, be acquainted with; to under- stand ; to heed, mind, mark, ob- serve, notice, advert to. 1 pi. pres. ind. επιστάμεθα• par. επισταμέ- νος, impf. mid. επιστάμην, and ■ηπιστάμην. Επίσταμαι, also Ion. for εφίσταμαι, pass, or mid. of εφίστημι, from, whence Επισταμένο?, Επίστασ- θαι, &e. Ion. for εφιστάμενος• par. εφίστασθαι, inf. pres. mid. of εφίστημι. Επισταμένος, -η, -ov, (par. pres. mid. of επίσταμαι) knowing, skil- ful, expert ; intelligent, sensible. Επισταμένως, (fr. last) knowingly, skilfully, expertly. Επιστάς, -άσα, -αν, η. pi. -στάντες, par. 2 a. act. of εφίστημι. Επίστάσαι, 2 sin. pres. ind. mid. of επίσταμαι. Επίστασθαι, Επισταμένος, see επίσ- ταμαι. Επιστασία, -ας, η, and Επίστασις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, η", (fr. εφίστημι to set over) inspection, superintend- ance, management, care ; office, charge, government ; attention, caution, consideration ; a coming on or upon, force, attack. Επίσταται, 3 sin. — Επίστασθε, -τανται, 2 and 3 pi. — Επισταμέ- νος, par. pres. mid. of επίσταμαι. Επιστατέω -ω, f. -;•7σω, p. -ηκα, (fr. next) to preside, rule, oversee, superintend, direct ; to be or act as επιστάτης. Επιστάτης, -ου, δ, fj, (fr. εφίστημι to stand over) a master, governor, ruler ; a president, overseer^ su- ΕΠΙ perintendant. Or, (fr. επίσταμαι to be expert) expert, skilful. Επίστατο, 3 sin. impf. of επίσταμαι. Επίστατον, -ου,τυ, (fr. εφίστημι to stand upon) the stand, foot or shank of a cup or goblet. Επιο τατοϋντες, η. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of επιστατέω. Επιστέάται, Ion. for επίστανται, 3 pi. pres. ind. of επίσταμαι. Επιστεϊλαι, 1 a. inf. act. of Επιστέλλω, ί.-στελω, p. επέσταλκα, (fr. επϊ to, and στέλλω to send) to send to, send a message, write a letter ; to adorn ; to equip, fur- nish, provide. 1 a. ind. act. επέσ- τειλα. per. ind. mid. επέστολα. Επιστενάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. επί intens. and στενάζω to groan) «ind Επιστεναχίζω, f. -σω, (fr. επϊ in- tens. and στεναχιζω to groan) ίο sigh or groan over, mourn for, bewail, lament, deplore. Επιστεύετε, 2 pi. impf. act. — Επισ- τενόμην, -ου, -ετο, impf. pass. — Επίστευσα,-ας, -εον-εν, pi. -σατε, -σαν, act Είτιστεύθ^ν, -ης,-η, pass. 1 a. ind. of πιστεύω. Επίστεψης, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. επι upon, and στέφω to crown) crowned, adorned with garlands, flowers, ribands, &c, filled to the brim. ; Επιστέφω, f. -ψω, p. επίστεφα, (fr. same) see στέφω. Επιστέωνται, Ion. for επίστανται, 3 pi. pres. ind. of Επίσταμαι. Επίστρ, Att. for επίστασαι, 2 sin. pres. ind. of same. Επίστηθι, -ήτω, 2 a. impr. act. of εφίστ-'/μι. Επιστηθίζομαι, f. -'ΐσομαι, (fr. επϊ upon, and στηθο? the breast) ίο recline, lean or resi upon, another's Επιστήμαις, d. pi. of Επιστήμη, -ης, η, (fr. επίσταμαι to know) knowledge, science ; skill, ingenuity, art. Επιστημόομαι, (fr. next) ίο become wise or learned; to be improved or instructed. Επιστήμων, -όνος, δ, ^, (fr. επίστα- μαι to know) knowing, intelli- gent ; scientific ; skilful, inge- nious, artful. Επιστηναι,^Ά. inf. act. οΐεφίστημι. Επιστηοίζω, f. -£'|ω, and Att. -tc3, p. επεστήριχα, (fr. επί upon, and στηρίζω to fix) ίο strengthen, fix, fasten; to rest, lean, set the hand upon. par. pres. act. επιστηρί- ζων, η. pi. -ζοντες. 1 a. ind. act. επεστήριζα. Επιστήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. of επίσταμαι. Επίστιον, Ion. for εφίστιον. Επίστιος, Ion. for εφέστιος. Επιστοβέεσκον, Ion. for επιστόβεον -ovv, impf. act. of Επιστοβίω -ω, for επιστομεω. Επισ-οίβάξω, fr. επί upon, and στοιβάζω, which see. Επιστόλαδην, (fr. επιστέλλω to adorn) in stale, grandly ; grace- /uZfy, elegantly, neatly. Επιστολάζω^, f. -ασω,ρ.εττεστόλακα, ΕΠΙ (fr. same) ίο collect, put toge- ther ; to lay upon, heap, pile up, accumulate. Επιστολή, -ης, η, (fr. same) an epistle, letter, message ; an order, command, mandate. Επιστολικός, -η, -bv, (fr. last) epis- tolary, like a letter. Επιστομεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. επεστό- μηκα, and Επιστομίζω, f. -Υσω, p. επεστόμικα, (fr. επϊ upon, and στόμα the mouth) to stop the mouth, muz- zle ; to repress, check; to taunt; to deride, affront, reproach; to throw on the face. Επιστόμιον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a cock, lap, spig got, valve ; a slop in a musical instrument. Επιστοναχίζω, f. -σω, same as επι- σεναχίζω. Επιστρατεία, -ας, η, (fr. next) an expedition, inroad, invasion. Επιστοατεύω, f. -ευσω, p. -κα, (fr. επϊ against, and στρατεύω to serve in war) to march against, invade, make an inroad, under- take an expedition. Επιστρατηίη, -ης, ι), Ion. for επισ- τρατεία. Επιστραφείς, -έϊσα, -εν, par. — Ε7Γ£- στραφι'ιτω, 3 sin. -φητε, 2 ρΐ. impr. — Επιστραφωσι, 3 pi. sub. 2 a. pass. — Επιστρέφε, pres. impr. act. — Επιστρέφεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass, οι επιστρέφω. Επιστρεφέως, Ion. and Poet, for Επιστρεφως, (fr. next) cautious- ly, warily ; cunningly, artfully ; fraudulently, deceitfully. Επιστρεφης, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. next) diligent, careful, industri- ous ; artful, ingenious ; perverse, mischievous, injurious. Επιστρέφω, f. -ψω, p. επέστρεφα, (fr. επϊ upon, and στρέφω to turn) to make turn, convert, bring back, change, alter ; to turn back or towards, return ; to pervert, corrupt ; to twist, writhe, distort ; to torture. Mid. to take care of, turn to, apply, attend to. 1 a. act. ind. επέστρεψα• impr. επί- στρεψον. 2 a. ind. act. επέστρά- φον. 2 a. pass. ind. επεστραφην. per. ind. mid. επέστροφα. Επιστρέύιαι, inf. — Επιστρέψας, -ασα, -αν, par. — Επιστρεψάτω, 3 sin. -ψατε, 3 pi. impr. — Εττ£- στρέ ψω, -ης, -tj, 3 ρΐ. -ψωσι, sub. 1 a. act. — Επιστρέύιω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of last. Επίστρεψις, -ιος, Att. -εο)ς, η, (fr. επιστρέφω to turn) a turning, conversion, change, alteration. Επιστοοφαδνν, (fr. same) on all sides, every way ; bravely, stout- ly, valiantly. Επιστροφή, -ης, η, (fr. same) a turning, conversion, change ; an eddy, whirl ; an overturning, tumult, confusion, a crowd ; ap- plication, care, attention; pu- nishment, chastisement; an event, turn, circumstance. Επίστροφος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) conversant with, employed among, (237) ΕΠΙ acquainted, familiar ; attentive, courteous, hospitable ; frequented, resorted to ; crooked, winding, tortuous, wreathed. Επιστρωννύω, f. -στρώσω, p. επε- στρωκα, (fr. επι upon, and στρων- νύω to spread) to strew or spread upon ; to lay smooth ; to prostrate, fall. 1 a. ind. act. επέστρωκα. Επιστυφελίζω, f. -ζω, (fr. επϊ in- tens. and στυφελίζω to shatter) to lash, slash, beat, batter, bruise, fiog, strike, dash against. Επίστω, cont. for επίσταο, which Ion. for επίστασο, 2 sin. impf. of επίσταμαι. Επιστώθης, 2 sin. 1 a. ind. pass, of πιστόω. Επιστώσαντο, 3 pi. of Επιστωσά- μην, 1 a. ind. mid. of πιστόω. ΕπισυναγάγεΊν,Ζ a. inf. act. Att. of Επισυνάγω, f. -ζω, p. επισυνηχα, (fr. εττί upon, συν together, and άγω to lead) to gather together, collect, assemble. 1 a. act. ind. επισυνηζα' inf. επισννάζαι. 2 a. act. ind. επισυνηγον, but more usually the Att. επισυνήγάγον' inf. επισυναγαγειν. ind. επισννηγμαι' par. επισυνηγ- μένος. 1 a. pass. ind. επισυν/,χ- θην' par. επισνναχθείς. Επισυναγωγη, -ης, η, (fr. last) α meeting, coming together ; an as- semblage, collection, congregation. Επισυνάπτω, f. -ψω, p. επισυνηφα, (fr. same, and ίίπτω- to join) to join together, cement; to unite, connect ; to yoke, couple ; to im- pute, lay upon. Επισυναχθεΐσα,η. fem. sin, — Επι- συναχθείσων, g. fem. pi. of επ£- συναχθεϊς, 1 a. par. pass, of επι- συνάγω. Επισυνέχω, (fr. επϊ upon, συν With, and έχω to have) to hold fast upon, take to one's self, provide, procure; to keep together ; to fit, join, adapt. Επισυνηγμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of επισυνάγω. - Επισυνίστημι, f. επισυστήσω, p. επι- συνέστηκα, (fr. εττί against, σύν together, and 'ίστημι to set) to set or place together upon ; to raise or set up against ; to excite sedi- tion. Επισυνίστάμαι, to rise up against, conspire, plot, rebel ; to coexist, be in or along with. Επισυντρέχω, 1. -θρέζω, (fr. same, and τρέχω to run) to run toge- ther upon, assemble at, meet to- gether. 2 a. ind. act. επισννέδρά- μον. Επισύρω, (fr. επϊ intens. and σύρω to draw) to trail or drag after, draw along; to protract, spi7i out ; to entangle, embarrass, per- plex, involve. Επισύστασις, -ιος, Att. -εως,η, (fr. επισυνίστημι to set up against) a shock, charge, onset; an army, line of battle; an assemblage, collection, crowd ; a conspiracy, concourse, tumult, insurrection; an engagement, business, occu» pation. ΕΠΙ Έ,πιαυστρέφω, f. -ψω, (fr. επί a- gainst, συν together, and στρέφω to turn) to turn against together, conspire, concert ; to collect, run together. Ε,πισύσχεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same, and ίχω to hold) a fwld ing together, constancy, perseve- rance ; restraint, restriction. Επισύω (fr. επϊ against, and σύω for σείω to shake) to excite, rouse, επισύομαι to rush up, charge, pursue. Επισφαγήσεται, 3 sin. 1 f. mid. of Επισφάζω or -σφάττω, f. -ζω, (fr. επί upon, and σφάζω to kill) to slay upon, sacrifice over ; to kill, slaughter, butcher; to slay one upon another. Επισφαλής, -έος -ους, b, >/i (fr• επϊ intens. and σφάλλω to trip) slip- pery, smooth ; dangerous, ha- zardous. Έπισφάλώς, (fr. last) dangerously, slippery. Επισφραγίζω, f. -Υσω, p. επεσφρά- γικα, (fr. επί upon, and σφραγίζω to seal, th. σφραγ'ις a seal) to put a seal on, stamp, mark ; to rati- fy, confirm. Έ,πισφΰριον, -ου, το, (fr. επί upon, and σφυρον the ancle) the clasp or buckle of the greaves. Επισχε, impr. — Επισχκϊν, inf. — Εκισχών, par. 2 a. act. oC επέχω, or same, pres. of επίσ^ω. Επίσ^εε and Επισχεεη', Ion. for έπισχε and επίσ^εΐν, see last, as if fr. επισχέω. Επίσχεο, Ion. for επίσχου, impr. — Επισχόμενος, par. 2 a. mid. of επέχω, or same, pres. of επίσ- χω. Έ,πισχερω, (perhaps fr. επίσχω to withhold) successively, in order, thence ; then, afterwards. Επίσχεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, > f /, (fr. επίσχω, same as επέχω to re- strain) a withholding, prohibi- tion; restraint, restriction. Έ,πισχυω, f. -υσω, ρ• επίσχυκα, (fr. επϊ intens. and ισχύω to prevail, th. ισχνί strength) to grow strong, increase in power, pre- vail ; to persist, force, urge, be- come violent. 1 a bid. act. of επίσχυσα. Επίσχω, same as επέχω. Επισωρενσονσι, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of Επισωρεύω, f. -εύσω, p. επισεσώρευ- κα, (fr. επϊ intens. and σωρεύω to heap, th. σωρό? a heap) to heap up, coiled, amass. Επιταγή, -ής, ή, (fr. επιτάσσω to order) a command, order, in- junction ; a charge, appointment ; authority, jurisdiction. Επίταγμα, -ιίτος, το, (ft. same) same as last ; also an additional regiment, extra battalion. Επίταδες, Ion. for επίτηδες. Επιτακτήρ, -ήρος, b, (fr. επιτάσσω to order) a commander, regulator, taskmaster, overseer. Επιτακτος,-ον, ί,η, (fr. same) com- manded, ordered, appointed, re- gulated, arranged. ΕΠΙ Επιτάμνειν, Ion. for επιτέμνειν pres. inf. act. of επιτέμνω. Επίταξη, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of επιτάσσω. Επίταξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. επί• τάσσω to order) a command, or• der, injunction, appointment, re- gulation. Επιταράσσω or -ττω, f. -ζω, p. -χα, (fr. επϊ intens. and ταράσσω to disturb) to hinder, interrupt, dis- turb. Επιτάρμεθυς, -ov, b, η, same as επίρμοθος. Επίτασις, *ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. επι- τείνω to stretch) extension, in- crease, growth ; attention, in- tenseness, earnestness, vehe- mence. Επιτάσσω or -ττω, f. -ξω, p. επιτί- ταχα, (fr. επϊ intens. and τάσσω to arrange) to place behind or -after ; to set in order, arrange, dispose, regulate ; to order, com- mand, enjoin, appoint. 1 a. ind. act. ετέταξα. per. ind. mid. επί- τέταγα. Επιτάφια, -ων, τα, (neut. pi. of next ) grave-clothes, funeral gar- ments, a winding-sheet. Επιτάφιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. επϊ upon, and τάφος a tomb) funereal, sepulchral; mournful, mourn- ing. Επιταχύνω, fr. επϊ intens. and τα- χύνω, which see. Επιτεθώ, -ης, -jj, 1 a. sub. pass, of επιτίθημι. Επίτειλον, impr. — ΕπίτεΤλαι, inf. — Επίτείλα?, par. 1 a. act. of επιτέλλω. Επιτείνω, f. επιτενω, p. επιτέτακα, (fr. επί intens. and τείνω to stretch) to stretch out, spread over, extend; to increase, aug- ment ; to strain, exert, apply, strive, endeavour ; to aim, intend, design ; to stretch or hang over, impend. Επιτειχίζω, f. -ίσω, p. -ικα, (fr. επϊ against, and τειχίζω to wall, th. τείχος a wall) to surround with a wall or circumvallation, build a wall against, attack by raising a rampart or mound ; to build up, erect. Επιτείχισμα, -άτος, το, (fr. last) a rampart, mound or circumval- lation raised against ; a fortress, castle. Επιτέκα, a. sin. of επίτεξ. Επιτελέσατε, 2 pi. impr. — Ετίτε- λεσ>7, 3 sin. sub. — Επιτελέσαι, inf. 1 a. act. — Επιτελεσθείς, a. sin. -θέντα, par. 1 a. pass. — Επιτελουντες, η. pi. cont. par. pres. act. — Επιτετέλεσμαι,-σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass, of Επίτελεω -ω, f. -έσω, p. -εκα, (fr. επί intens. and τελέω to finish) to perform, execute, complete, finish, accomplish, end. 1 a. ind. act. επετέλεσα. Επιτελής, -έυς -ους, b, η~, (fr. same) complete, perfect, finished, end- ed, fulfilled, executed, perform- ed. (238) ΕΠΙ ΕπίΓίλλεο,Ιοη. for επιτε'λλου, pres, impr. of Επιτέλλομαι, (fr. επϊ intens. and τέλλω obs. to rise) to arise, rise up, spring up. Επιτέλλομαι, to enforce, command, order. Επιτελλυμενάων, JEo\. for επιτελ- λομένων, g. pi. par. pres. mid. ot last. Επιτέμνω, f. -τεμώ, p. επιτετέμηκα, (fr. επί intens. and τέμνω to cut) to cut short, shorten; to cut up, cut open, cut in pieces, dissect. Επίτεξ, -εκος, ή, (fr. επί at, and τίκ- τω to bring forth) near birth, near labour, in travail. Επιτερπέστερον, (neut. comp. of next) more agreeably, pleasantly or delightfully. Επιτερπής, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. επϊ intens. andr /ρπω to delight) de- lightful, agreeable, pleasant. comp. επιτερπέστερυς, sup. -πί- στατος. Επιτέρπω, f. -ψω, p. -φα, (fr. same) to delight, please, entertain, gra- tify ; to attract, allure. Επιτέτραπται, 3 sin. — Επιτετρά- φάται, Ion. for επιτετραμμένοι εισϊ, 3 pi. of Επιτέτραμμαι, per. pass. ind. of επιτρέπω. Επίτ>/ίεια, and Ion. Επ£τ;/<5εα, -ων, τά, (neut. pi. of next) necessa- ries. Επιτήδειος, -ου, b, η, (fr. επιτηδής fit) convenient, proper, adapted, fit ; commodious, opportune ; friendly, zealous ; necessary, needful, requisite. Επίτηδες, (neut. of same) fitly, properly ; necessarily ; purpose- ly, intentionally. Επιτήδευμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) a practice, study, pursuit, pro- fession, employment ; a habi*, mode of life ; a design, intent, purpose; a rule, order, custom, institution. Επιτηδεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same) to practise, study, profess, cultivate ; to labour at, pursue earnestly ; to follow, imitate. 1 a. ind. act. επετήδευσα. Επιτηδέως, Ion. for επιτηδείως, (fr. επιτήδειος fit) fitly, properly; correctly, strictly, conveniently. Επιτηδής, -έος -ους, b, ή, (perhaps fr. επί upon, το δέον what is ne- cessary. Or, επϊ to, and ηδύς a.greea.b\e)fit,proper,convenient; agreeable, accommodated, apt, commodious, sufficient. Επιτήκω, f. -ξω, (fr. επϊ upon, and τήκω to melt) to melt upon, pour in liquid ; to dissolve. ' Επιτηρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. επί in- tens. and τηρέω to watch) to save, preserve, guard, protect, de- fend ; to watch, wait for. 1 a. par. act. επιτηρήσας. Επιτιθέάσι, Ion. for επιτιθείσι 3 pi. pres. ind act. — Επιτίθεσθαι, pres. inf. pass. — Επιτίθησιν, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of επιτίθημι. Επιτίθει, Ion. for επιτίθετι, pres.' impr. act. of same, as if fir επιτιθέιύ. ΕΠΙ Β,ητίθημι, f. επιϋήσω, ρ. επιτέθεικα, (fr. επϊ upon, and τίθημι to put) to put, set, place or lay upon, apply ; to shut, close ; to put in or on board, lade; to cover, spread over ; to put to, apply, add; to impose, inflict. Επιτίθε- μαι, to propose to one's self, pur- pose, intend; to set about, un- dertake ; to assault, set or fall upon. 1 a. ind. act. επέθηκα. 2 a. act. ind. επέθην impr. επιθές. jnf. επιθεΊναι. 1 a. pass. ind. επετέθην' sub. επιτεθώ. 1 f. mid. *πιθήσομαι. 2 a. mid. επεθέμην, -ίσο, -ετο. 9αητιθτ}ς, -fj, 2 and 3 sin. pres. sub. act. of last. Επιτιμάει -a, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Επιτιμάρς, 2 sin. pres. sub. act. — Έπίτιμαν, pres. inf. act. cont. — E7rtri/zu3i>,par. pres. act. cont. of Επιτιμάω ω, f. •ήσω, p. επιτετίμη- κα, (fr. cxi intens. and τιμάω to honour) to increase the value, advance the price, enhance, ag- gravate; to raise in esteem, ho- nour, respect ; to charge, enjoin ; to upbraid, reproach ; to chide, blame, reprove, impf. act. επε- τ'ιμαον -ων. 1 a. act. ind. επετί- μησα' impr. επιτίμησαν opt. επι- τιμήσαιμι' inf. επιτιμήσαι. ΕνιτιμαΊος, -ον, b, (fr. last) a cen- surer, reprover, railer, caviller. Adj. captious, morose, peevish. Επιτιμήσαιμι, -αις, -αι, 1 pi. Επιτι- μήσαιμεν, 1 a. opt. act. of επιτι- μάω. Επιτιμήσεσι, d. pi. of Επιτίμησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. επιτιμάω to blame) blamv, cen- sure, reproof ; reproach ; in- crease of price, enhancement, Επιτιμητικός, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) censorious, given to find fault, severe. Επιτιμία, -ας, %, (fr. same) same as επιτίμησις. Επιτίμιον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a fine, penalty ; the reward or ef- fect of wickedness, punishment ; a sin, fault. ΕπίτΊμος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) ho- nourable, respectable ; honest, sin- cere, just. Επιτψωνται, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. — Επιτιμώντας, a. pi. mas. cont. par. pres. act. of same. Επιτίτθιος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. επϊ upon, and τίτθος the teat) taking milk, on the breast, sucking. Subs. a suckling, nursling. Επιτοαυτο, (fr. επϊ το, and αυτό upon the same) together, at the same time or place ; for the same purpose ; in union or concord. Επίτοκος, -ου, b, rj, (fr. επϊ at, and τίκτω to bring forth) near birth, near labour, in travail. Επιτολη, -ης, )'/, (fr. επί upon, and τέλλω to command) Ion. for εν- τολή. Επιτολμάειν -αν, pres. inf. act. of Επιτολμάω -ω, fr. επί intens. and τολμάω, which see. ΕΠΙ Επίτομη, -ης, >'/, (fr. επιτέμνω to cut short) a cutting off, lopping, pruning ; amputation ; a short cut ; an epitome, abridgment, contraction, summary. Επίτομος, -ov, b, %, (fr. same) compendious, short, summary ; abridged, contracted. Επιτοξάζομαι, f. -άσομαι, (fr. επί at, and τύζον a bow) to aim at, shoot at. Επιτοπίζω, (fr. επϊ in, and τόπος a plaoe) to meet with, fall upon, light upon ; to get. Επιτοπολυ, (fr. επϊ intens. το the, and πολύς much) for the most part, genercdly, usually. Επιτόσσαις, JRol. with double σ, and by Sync, for επιπετόσας, par. 1 a. act. of επιπετδω. Or in same manner for επιτοπίσας, par. 1 a. act. of επιτοπίζω. Επιτρεπτέος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) to be allowed, permitted, &c. ac- cording to the verb. Επιτρέπω, f. -ψω, p. επιτέτρεφα, (fr. επϊ towards, and τρέπω to turn) to permit, suffer, allow ; to yield, submit, comply ; to commit, in- trust, deliver to. 1 a. ind. act. επέτρεψα, per. pass. ind. επιτέ- τραμμαι. 2 a. ind. pass, επετρά- πην, per. mid. επιτέτροπα. Επιτρέχω, f. -θρέξω, p. επιδεδρά- μηκα, (fr. επϊ upon, and τρέχω to run) to run to, run up to ; to run in, upon or against ; to over- run, attack, invade ; to run or fly past. Mid. to overspread, per- vade, prevail. 2 a. ind. act. επέ- δραμον. per. ind. mid. επιδέ- δρομα. Επίτρεψον, -άτω, 1 a. impr. act. — Επιτρέψοντι, Dor. for επιτρέψου- σι, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. οι επιτρέπω. Επιτρΐβω, f. -ψω, p. -φα, (fr. επϊ intens. and τρίβω to rub) to rub against, wear av;ay or out, chafe ; to pound, beat ; to break, bruise, trample ; to afflict, weaken, re- duce, bring down ; to stun, con- found, plague, worry. Επίτριπτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. last) worthless, vile ; hardened, impu- dent, shameless. ΕπίτρΥτος -ov, b, η, (fr. επϊ upon, and τρίτος third) as much and a third, more by a third ; every third ; the third. Ειτίτριψις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, η, (fr. επιτρίβω to wear away) friction; wear, a breaking or dashing ; that which strikes against, a wave. Επιτρόπαιος, -a, -ov, (fr. επιτρέπω to intrust) committed, intrusted, given in charge. Επιτροπενω, f. -εύσω, p. -κα, (fr. επίτροπος a steward) to do busi- ness for another, take charge or care of, administer, manage, su- perintend, transact ; to rear, edu- cate. Επιτροπή, -ης, ?/, (fr. same) pro- curation, provision ; administra- tion, office, charge, commission, trust, guardianship ; a steward- (239) ΕΠΙ ship, management, supertnierl4• once. Επίτροπος, -ου, i, η, (fr. επιττρίχω to intrust) a protector, governor; a treasurer, purveyor; a guar- dian, tutor ; a manager, solicitor; a steward, superintendent. Επιτροχάδην, (fr. τροχάζω to hast- en) briefly, compendiously, short' ly ; quickly, hastily. Επίτροχος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) ra- pid, fluent, voluble. Επιτυγχάνω, f. mid. -τεύζομαι, p. επιτέτευχα, (fr. επϊ at, and τυγ- χάνω to be) to meet or come up with; to encounter, surprise; to attain to, arrive at, succeed. 2 a. ind. act. επέτυχον. Επιτυμβίδιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. επϊ upon, and τύμβος a hillock) crested, tufted. Επιτυχείν, 2 a. inf. act. of επιτυγ- χάνω. Επιτυχία, -ας, η, (fr. επιτυγχάνω to arrive at) attainment, acqui- sition ; success. Επιτυχών, -ονσα, -ov, (par. 2 a. act. of same) accidental, casual, fortuitous ; any one, whoever. Επιφαινόντων, g. pi. par. pres. act. Επιφαίνω, f. -άνω, p. -πέφαγκα, (fr. επϊ intens. and φαίνω to appear) to show, make appear; to shine upon, give light to, illumine. Επιφαίνομαι, to show one's self, appear, be manifested or dis- played, pres. impr. act. επίφαινε, -έτω. 1 a. ind. ict. επέφτ\να. per. ind. pass, επιπίφαμμαι, and Alt. επιπέφασμαι. 2 a. ind. pass, επε- φάνην. Επιφάναι, 1 a. inf. act. — Επιφα- νείς, -εΧσα, -εν, par. 2 a. pass, of last. Επιφάνεια, -ας, f/, (fr. same) an appearance, show, display; splen- dour, grandeur; the Epiphany * or manifestation of Christ ; the outside, surface. Επιφανής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same) light, lightsome, clear, bright, resplendent ; apparent, manifest / illustrious, glorious. Επιφαύσει, 3 sin. 1 f. act. of Επιφαύσκω or Επιφαύω, f. -αύσω, κηάΕπιφαύυμαι, (fr. επ?υροη^η(ί φανσκω, φαύω or φάω to shine) to shine upon, shine out ; to dawn. Επιφέρειν, act. — Επιφέρεσθαι, pass. inf. pres. — Επιφέροισα, Dor. for επιφέρουσα, fern, of Επί- φέρων, par. pres. act. of Επιφέρω, f. εποίσω, 1 a. επήνεγκα, (fr. επϊ upon, and φέρω to bring) to bring to, carry in, take to; to bring or put upon, inflict, im- pose ; to add, superadd, put to ; to carry in, import, introduce; to bring against, charge, accuse ; to oppose, object to. Επιφέρομαι, to fall on, begin violently ; to inveigh against, reproach; to fall upon, attack, rush, dart, run hastily. 2 a. act. ind. επήνεγκον inf. επενεγκεϊν. Επιφεμίζω, (fr. επϊ against, and y ΕΠΙ μίζ ύ to publish, th. φάω to speak) to ascribe, attribute, impute ; to bo le ill, forebode, portend ; to de- nounce, declare, pronounce upon. Επιφθάς, -ασα, -αν, 2 a. par. act. of Επιφθήμι, fr. επί intens. and φθήμι, same as φθάνω, see either. Επίφθονος, -ου, b, 17, (fr. επϊ upon, and φθόνος envy) envious, mali- cious, spiteful; hateful, odious; enviable, distinguished. Επιφθόνως, (fr. last) enviously, ma- liciously. Επιφθύζω, (fr. επί upon, and φθύζω same as πτύω to spit) to spit upon ; to spit at through ill- will ; to bewitch, give ill luck. Επιφθύσδοισα,Όον. for επιφθύζουσα, η. fern. par. pres. act. of last. Επιφλέγω,(ΰτ. επί intens. and φ\έγω to burn) to set on fire, inflame, kindle ; to enligliten, illumine, illustrate. Em-popa, -ας, η, (fr. επιφέρω to at- tack) violence, force, impetuosity ; impression, operation, influence ; an attack, charge, assault. Επιφορίω -ώ,Ιοη. same as επιφέρω. Επιφορήμάτα, -ων, τα, (fr. επιφέρω to bring in) delicacies introduced between the courses ; removes, a dessert. Έπίφορος,-ου, b, f/, (fr. same) com- modious, convenient, fit, season- able, opportune; inclined, prone, apt ; pregnant, with young. Επιφράζω, f. -άσω, p. επιπέφρακα, (fr. επϊ intens. and φράζω to say) to denounce, proclaim, pub- lish, declare ; to remind, admo- nish^ warn, advise, counsel; to suggest, prompt, hint ; to dis course, treat of. Επιφράζομαι, t* understand, perceive, know ; to consider, think of, regard, pon- der; to invent, devise. 2 a. ind. act. επέφραδον. Επιφροσυνη, -ης, η, (fr. επϊ upon, and φρην the understanding) wisdom, prudence, discretion ; foresight, intelligence, d. pi. επι- φροσύνησι, Ion. for -συναις. Επίφρων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. same) prudent, wise, discreet ; intelli- gent, sensible. Επιφυάς, -αδος, η, (fr. επιφύω to grow up) a cut down vine. Επιφυέσθω, 3 sin. pres. impr. mid. of same. Επιφυλάσσω, ΟΓ-ττω, fr. επϊ intens. and φυλάσσω, which see. Επιφυ\\ίζω, f. -ίσω, and Att. -ιώ, (fr. επί at, and φύλλον a leaf) to gather grapes ; to glean. Επ*φυλ\ϊς, -ίδος, η, (fr. same) a sr»all or poor cluster not worth guMering ; the leavings or glean- ings of grapes ; a silly writer, paltry poet. Επιφνς, -ϋσα, -ΐιν, par. 2 a. act. of επίφυμι, same as Επιφνω Λ f, -υσω, p. επιπέφϋκα, (fr. επϊ upon, and φύω to grow) to grow to or upon ; to stick, adhere, cling ; to grow large, increase. Επιφωνέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. επιπεφώνη- κα, (fr. επϊ intens. and φωνέω to ΕΠΙ sound) to shout, cry out ; ex- claim, cry out against, impf. act. επεφώνεον -ουν, -εες -εις, -εε -ει. per. ind. pass, επιπεφώνημαι. Επιφώνημα, -άτος,το, ΆϊΐάΕπιφώνη- σις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ;;, (fr. last) α crying out, exclamation, outcry ; acclamation, shouting, huzzaing. Επιφώσκω, (fr. επϊ on, and φώσκω to dawn) to shine upon ; to begin to be day, dawn. impf. act. επε- φωσκον. Επιχαίνω,ΐ.-άνώ,γ.επικέχαγκα,(ΐν. same, and χαίνω to gape) to gape at or upon ; to desire, long for. Επιχαίρω, f. -αρώ, p. επικέχαρκα, (fr. same, and χαίρω to rejoice) to delight, be glad, rejoice, exult ; to insult, triumph over. 1 f. mid. επιχαρήσομαι. 2 a. ind. pass, επε- χάρην. Επιχαλάζω, f. -σω, p. -κα, (fr. same, and χάλαζα hail) to hail upon ; to shower or pour like huil, pelt. Επιχάλάω -ω, fr. same, and χα- λάω, which see. Επίχαλκος, -ου, b, η, (fr. επϊ upon and χαλκός brass) brazen, made of brass, covered rvith brass. Επιχαράττω, f. -ζω, p. επικεκάραχα (fr. same, and χαράσσω or -ττω to engrave) to engrave upon carve in, imprint. Επίχαρμα, -άτος, rb, (fr. same, and χάρμα joy, th. χαίρω to rejoice) derision, mocking, scoffing ; a mockery, jest, scorn, sport. Επίχειρα, -ων, τα, (fr. επϊ in, and χειρ the hand) handsel; hire, re compense, wages. Επιχείρεε -ει, pres. impr. act. of Επιχειρέω -ώ, f. -λ}σω, p. επικεχεί £ηκα, (fr. same, and χε"ιρ the and) to take in hand, set or go about, attempt, endeavour, try to lay hands on, set upon, attack, assail, impf. act. επεχείρεον -ουν 1 a. ind. act. επεχείρησα. Επιχείρημα, -άτος, τό, (fr. last) an attempt, exertion, effort; an en- terprise, undertaking. Επιχείρησις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, ή, (fr, same) an undertaking, attempt, enterprise ; an assault, onset, at- tack ; a conspiracy, plot. Επιχειροτονέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. επί towards, χειρ the hand, and τείνω to stretch) to vote by show of hands ; to decree, pass, enact, ordain, determine, judge, sentence. Επιχέω, f. -ευσω, p. -ευκα, (fr. επί upon, and χέω to pour) to pour into or upon ; to infuse, instil ; to shower, shed, strew. For tenses see εκχίω. Επιχθονίησι. Επιχθονίοισι, d. pi. Ion. of Επιχθόνιος, -ου, b, t), (fr. επί upon, and χθων the earth) earthly, terrestrial ; upon the earth, living. Επίχολος, -ου, b, η, (fr. επϊ intens. Άΐιάχολη gall) bitter; sharp, cruel, severe ; choleric, angry, irascible. comp. επιχολώτερος, sup. -ώτατος. Επι-νορηγέω -<3,f. -ήσω, p. επικεχο- (240) ΕΠΙ ρήγηκα,{&: επι towards , and χορύς the chorus, and άγω to lead) to supply, furnish, afford, provide as the manager of a theatre ; to add to, aid, strengthen, nourish. Επιχυρηγηθησομαι, -y, -εται, 1 f. ind. pass. — Επιχορηγήσατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. — Επιχορηγων, act. — Επιχορηγούμενος, -η, -ovi pass. par. pres. cont. of last. Επιχορηγία, -ας, r), (fr. same) α supply, provision ; relief, ran forcement. Επιχράω, f. ->;σω, p. -ηκα, (fr. επϊ intens. and χράω to use) to de- sire, long for, covet ; to assault violently, attack. Επιχράομαι -ώμαι, to seize, appropriate, usurp ; to abuse, misuse ; to use, be intimate, relate or belong to, be connected. Επιχρεώμενος,-η, -ov, (Ion. {or επι- χρώμενος, par. pres. pass. cont. of last) used, borrowed ; fami- liar, intimate ; confederate ; con- nected, related. Επίχριστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. next) anointed, besmeared, laid on, varnished, painted. Επιχρίω, f. -ϊσω, p. επικέχρικα, (fr. επί upon, and χρίω to anoint) to spread upon, anoint ; to daub, smear. 1 a. ind. act. επέχρισα. Επίχρυσος, -ου, b, //, (fr. same, and χρυσός gold) gilt. Επιχύνω, and Επιχύω, f. -υσω, p. επικέχυκα, (fr. same, and χύνω or χύω to pour) to pour into or upon. Επίχυσις, -ιος, Att. -εωί, η, (fr. last) a pouring upon, infusion ; a libation, offering, Επιχωρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. επικε- χώρηκα, (fr. επϊ intens. and χωρέω to give place, th. χώρος a place) to yield, retire, withdraw ; to give up, resign ; to concede, grant, permit, allow, suffer. Επιχώρησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) a retreat ; a concession, permission, leave, allowance. Επιχωριάζω, f. -σω, p. -κα, (fr. επϊ intens. and χωριάζω to retire) to frequent, visit often, resort or repair to. Επιχώριος, -ου, b, η, (fr. επϊ in, and χώρος the place) native, indi- genous, of the place ; familiar, intimate, connected ; private, pe- culiar. Επιψάλλω, f. -αλώ, p. επέψαλκα, (fr. επϊ intens. and ψάλλω to sing) to sing to, play upon. Επιψαύω, fr. same, and ψαύω, which see. Επιψεκάζω, f. -ασω,ρ. -ακα, (fr. επϊ upon, and ψεκάζω to sprinkle» th. ψεκάς dew) to besprinkle, be- dew, moisten; to drop upon or into, instil. Επιψηφίζω, f. -Ισω, p. -ικα, (fr. επί intens. and ψηφίζω to calculate, th. ψήφος a pebble) to vote for ; to vote, decree, enact, establish. Επίψογος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. same, and ψόγος blame; blamcable, faulty, culpable. Επίω,-ης, -??,2 a. sub. of έπειμι, to ΕΠΟ come upon. Or of εφιέω, same as εφίημι. Επών, -ούσα, -dv, (par. 2 a. of • ίπειμι to come upon) coming, following, succeeding, future. Έπλαγην, -ης, -η, 2 a. intl. pass, of πλάσσω. Επλάγχθην or Επλάχθτ?ν, -ης, -η 1 a. ind. pass, of πλάζω. Επλαναόμην -ώμην, -άον -ω, -άετο -ατο, impf. — Ε πλάνεσα, -mj, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — Επλαν^θ^σαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of πλανάω. Επλαξε, Dor. for /πλάσε, winch by Apos. Έπλασ', 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Επλάσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of πλάσσω or -ττω. Επλεε, 3 sin. impf. of πλέω. Επλεν, by Sync, for / πελεν, 3 sin. impf. act. ο(πίλω. Επλεο, Ion. and Έπλευ, Dor. and by Sync, for έπελον, 2 sin. — Έπλετ, Sync, and Apos. 3 sin. impf. pass, of π/λω. Επλεομεν, 1 pi. impf. act. of πλέω. ίπλεόϊάσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of πλεονάζω. Ε πλεονέκτησα, -ας, -ε, 1 pi. -σαμεν, 1 a. ind. act. of πλεονεκτίω. Έπλευ, see επλεο. Επλεύσαμεν, 1 pi. 1 a. ind. act. — Επλενσάμην, 1 a. ind. mid. of πλέω. ί,πλήγην, -τις, -η, 2 a. ind. pass, of πλ>/σσω or -ττω. ίνλήθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of ιτίμπλημι. $,•>?\ηθύνετο, -θύνοντο, 3 sin. and pi. impf. pass. — Επληθύνθην, -ης -π, 1 a. ind. pass, of πληθύνω. 'IitVc^'i see έπλητ*. *;ϊπλ.^ ν Ί, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of πλ^ιτσΌ or -ττω. y&ir\rio7pώ0?7,pass. 3 sin. 1 a. ind. of πλ^ρόω. Επλησα, -as, -ε, 3 pi. 'Επλασαν, 1 a. ind. oct. — Επλήσθην, -ης, -η, 3 pi. -Οησαν, 1 a. ind. pass. of πλ>/0ω. Έπλητ, Ένλιντ', by Apos. and Sync, for εηεπλ»/Γ0, 3 sin. and επέπληντο, 3 pi. pper. pass, of πίμπλημι. Or, impf. pass, uf πλημι for πλάα, same as πελάω. Επ\ούτησα, -ας, -ε, 3 (.1. -σαν, 1 a. ind. act. of πλοντεω. Επλοντίσθητε, 2 pi. 1 a. ind. pass. of πλουτίζω. Έπλυναν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of πλύνω. Έπνενσα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -σαν, 1 a. ind. act. of πνέω. Ετνίγην, -ης, -η, pass.— Έπν;γον, -ες, -ε, act. — Επνιγαν, 3 |Λ. -γοντο, mid. 2 a. ir.d it τ;ί)•ω. Επννθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. mi. pas>.s. ot πνι)ω or πνυμι, same us π. -ft ^. , Επογμεύω, fr. επί upon, and oy-\ μένω, which see. j Έπόγμιος, -ου, η, (fr. same, nn4 όγμος a furrow, an epithei nlj Ceres) ploughing, making fur rows, tilling, cultivating. ΕπόΙια, -ων, τα, Ion. {or εφόδια, see £0O"o"lOV. Ετοδιάζω, Ion. for εψοόιάζω, which see. Hh ΕΠΟ Εποδϋοομαι, fr. επί intens. ando<5i ρομαι, which see. Επόζω, f. ->;σω and -εσω, (fr. same, and όζω to smell) to smell strong stink; to putrefy, rot. ΕπόΟησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of Εποίγω, f. -ζω, p. επάΐνσ, (fr. επί intens. and οίγω, which see) per. pass, έπωγμαι• pper. pass. επωγμην, -ξο, -κτο. Εποίίον -ουν, -εες -εις, -ιε -ει, impf. and Εποίησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of ποιίω. Εποίκιον, -ου, το, (dim. fr. επ? in- tens. and οίκος a house) a villa, cottage, cabin, hut. Εποικοδομεί, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of Εποικοδομέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. επωκο- δόμηκα, (fr. επί upon, and οικοδο- μίω to build, th. οίκος a house) to build upon, build in addition, enlarge a building, repair, build vp ; to edify, improve. 1 a. pass ind. επωκοδομήθην. Εποικοδυμηθεις, -είσα, -εν, η. pi. Εποικοδομηθέντες, par. 1 a. pass — Εποικο<5ομ»)σαί, 1 a. inf. act — Εποικοδομονμενοι, pass. Εποι- κοδομουντες, acf. η. pi. cont. par pres. of last. Έποικος, -ου, δ, ?/, (fr. επί towards and οίκος a house) a stranger visiter, lodger; the master, land- lord, host, householder. Εποίμανα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of ποιμαίνω. Εποιονσαν for Εποιουν, 3 pi. impf. act. — Εποίησα, -ας, -ε or -εν, pi. -ήσατε, -ήσαν, act. — Εποιη- σάμην, 3 pi. -σαντο, mid. 1 a. ind. οΓποίεω. ΕποΤσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Επο/σω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. — Εποισ- θήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. pass, of the obs. εποίώ, see επιφέρω. Εποιστέος, -a, -ov, (fr. επιφέρω to bring upon) it must or is to be brought upon, carried in, in- flicted, attacked, &c. according to the significations of επιφέρω, which see. Εποίχεο, Ion. for εποίχον, pres. "mpr. mid. of Εποίχομαι, f. -ήσομαι, p. επωχημαι Ύ from the obs. οιχίομαι, (fr. επί upon, and οίχομαι to go off) to go, march or proceed against, invade ; to run violently, rush in or upon ; to traverse, cross, thwart ; to go to,- go up to, ap- proach; to run over, transact quickly, recount cursorily ; to be employed or engaged at, work at. par. pres. mid. εποιχόμενος. \&ποκέλλω, f. -ελώ, p. επώκελκα, (fr. επ? against, and οκέλλω same as κελλω to apply) to strike, dash, run or beat against; to run aground, strand ; to drive, drift. 1 a. ind. act. επώκειλα' par. βκοκείλας. Άνοκίξατο, Dor. for επβκίσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of ποκίζω. Έ•'>λέμησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of ν*>λεμέω. (241) ΕΠΟ Επολίτευό/^ν, -ου, -ετο, in 3 pi. -οντο. impf. ind. mid. of πολι τεύω. "Επομαι, f. ΐψομαι, impf. or 2 a. mid. ε'ιπόμην. par. pres. mid. επόμενος. See ί'πω. Επουβρία, -ας, η, (fr. επι intens. and όμβρος a shower) violent rain. Επόμνϋμι, f. επομόσω, p. επώμοκα^ (fr. επί upon, and όμνναι or ομνύω to swear) to swear jurther, add an oath, confirm an oath, sw>ear to it ; to adjure, conjure, oblige another to swear, pres. impr. επόμνυθι. 1 a. act. ind. επώμοσα^ sub. επομόσω' inf. επομόσαι. 1 a. mid. ind. επωμοαάμην. Επομόσση, Poet, for -όση, 1 a. sub. act. of last. Επομφάλιος, -ου, Ό,η, (fr. επί upon, and ομφαλός the navel) at, near, above or about the navel. Επόμφάλον, -ου, τό, (fr. same) the boss of a buckler ; the knob, spike or projection in the middle of a shield. Επόνάσαν, Dor. for εποίησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. — Επόνεον -ovv, -ιε% -εις, -εε -ει, impf. act. of πονεω. Επονε»όί'ξω, f. -ϊσω, p. επωνείδικα, (fr. επί against, and ονειδίζω to reproach, th. όνειδος a reproach) to upbraid, reproach, cast up to, charge with, taunt, stigmatize, brand. Επονειδιστίκός, -cv, b, η, (fr. same) opprobrious, slanderous, calum- nious ; scandalous, disgraceful^ infamous. Επονίβην, -ης, -η, I a. ind. pass, of πονεω. Επονηρενόμην, -ov, -ετο, 3 pi. -οντο, impf. mid. of πον>/ρεύω. Επονομάζω, f. -σω, p. επωνόμακα, (fr. επί upon, and ονομάζω to name, th. όνομα a name) to name, call, style, entitle ; to address by or give a name of honour ; to dedicate, consecrate, deify. Επόνονν, impf. act. cont. of πονεω. "Επονται, 3 pi. of έπομαι, mid. of επω. Επο^ϋνω, f. -ννω, p. επώζυγκα, (fr. επί intens. and οξύνω to sharpen, th. οξύς sharp) to whet, sharp- en; to quicken, rouse, excite^ hasten, accelerate. Εποπτεύσαντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. act. of Εποττεύω, f. -ευσω, p. επώπτενκα ί ('fr. επί upon, and άπτομαι to look) to look into, examine; to look tcpon, behold, witness ; to favour , regard. I a. ind. act. επώπτενσα. Έπύπτης, -ov, and Εποπι -rjp, -ηρος, δ, (fr. same) an inspector, over- seer, superintend ant, monitor, president; a beholder, eye-wit- ness. Επύπτομαι, f. -ψομαι, p. επωμμαι, (fr. same) to look upon, contem- plate, behold; tolookinto,examine f inspect; to select, choose, pick out. Εποραν, Ion. for εφόρων, pres. inf. act. cont. of εφοράω. Εποργίξομαι, f. -σομαι, (fr. επί ΕΠΟ against, and οργίζω to provoke, th. οργή anger) to be angry at, incensed against. Επορέγομαι,ΐ. -ξομαι,ρ. επώρεγμαι, (fr. επί towards, and ορεγω to \•-- v-.i 'vmwi.icj UI1U \JUCV\U stretch) to stretch forth, out ΕΠΤ th. έχω to hold) restraint, re- striction ; hindrance, stop, delay ; retention, withholding of asse it '; an epoch, period, revolution of the heavenly bodies. ΕΠΤ towards; to catch, seize, lay hands on. 1 a. mid. ind. επωρεξά- μην' par. επορεξάμενος. Επορέγω, f. -ξω, p. επώρεχα, fr. επί intens. and ορίγω, which see. per. act. Att. επορώρεχα, from whence per. pass, επορώρεγμαι, and pper. επορωρέγμην, -ξο, -κτο, in 3 pi. επορωρεγμίιοι ήσαν, and Ion. επορωρέχάτο, and επωρυρέ- χάτο. Επορευόμην, -ου, -ετο, 1 ρΐ. -όμεθα, 3 -οντο, impf. ind. mid Επο- ρ εύθην, -ης, -η, 3 ρΐ. -θησαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of πορεύομαι. Επόρθεον -ονν, -εες -εις, -εε -ει, impf. ind. act. of πορθέω. Επορισάμην, -ω, -ατο, 3 ρΐ. -αντο, 1 a. md. mid. of πορίζω. Επορμέειν -εΐν. Ion. for εφορμέειν -είν, pres. inf. act. of εφορμέω, same as εψοομάω. Επύρνενσαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of πορνεύω. Ετύρννμαι, (fr. επί against, and 6p- νυμι or ορννω to excite) to be pro- voked, incited, exasperate! ; to rise up against, attack, invade. par. pres. mid. επορνύμενος. Επορούω, f. -σω, p. επώρ'ουκα, (fi same, and ορούω io rush, th. όρω ίο incite) io rush upon or into, assail, attack; to leap or spring upon, mount ; to set nit itpo:i. 1 a. ind. act. επώρουσα^-ας, -ε. Ένόρω, f. -ορώ, JEol. -όρσω, p. ίπώρκα, (fr. same.. Β&ά όρω to incite) io stir up, animate, spur, urge, set upon. 1 ίι. ind. ίπωρσα' impr. έπορσον. Επορωρέχάτο, see ε-κορέγω. Επος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. επω to say) a word, expression. ; a saying, sentence, speech, proverb; an oracle, response, prediction, pro- phecy ; a line, verse ; a song, poem ; matter, subject, purpose. Εποταόμην -ώμην, -άου -ω, -άετο -ατο, impf. ind. mid. οΐποτάιμαι. Επότιζεν, 3 sin. impf. — Επύτισα, -ας, -ε or -εν, ρΐ. -σαμεν, -σατε, act. — Εποτίσθημεν, pass. 1 pi. 1 a. ind. of ποτίζω. Εποτρϋνω, f. -υνώ, ρ. επώτρυγκα, (fr. επϊ intens. and οτρύνω to in- cite) to impel, hasten, hurry, de- spatch; to rouse, instigate, set on. Επουράνια, -ων, τα, (neut. pi. of next) heaven, the heavens. Επουράνιος, -ου, ο,η, if»•, επϊ upon, and ουρανός heaven) heavenly, celestial. Εποφείλω, f. -ήσω, p. επωφείληκα, (fr. επϊ intens. and οφείλω to owe) to owe, owe beside, be more- over indebted, pres. ind. act. 1 pi. οφείλομεν. Εποχέομαι, (fr. έποχος riding, th. όχος a carriage) to be carried or mounted, ride ; to rise aloft, soar. Εποχή, -ης, η, (fr. επέχω to restrain, or Έποχον, -ου, το, (neut. of next) horse furniture, a saddle, trap- pings, housings. Έποχος, -ου, b, fi, (fr. επϊ upon, and όχος a carriage) able to ride, silting well; mounted, carried, riding. Εποχυρόω -ω, fr. επϊ intens. and οχυρόω, which see. Έποψ, -οπός, το, the bird hoopoo or perhaps lapwing. Επάξιος, -ου, Ό, >}, (fr. επϊ upon, and άπτομαι to look) notable, con- siderable, remarkable ; reprehen- sible, blameable. Έποψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) a sight, prospect, view ;■ aspect, look, appearance. Επράδειν, Ion. tor επεπόρδειν, -εις, -ει, pper. ind. mid. of πέρδω. Επράθην, -ης, - η , 1 a. ind. pass, of πράσσω or of πινράσκω. Έπραθον,-ες,-ε,ΜοΙαίΗ.ΐοτίπαρθον act. — Επρνθόμην, -ου, -ετο, for επηρθόμην, mid. 2a. ind. of περθω. Έπραξα, and Ion. Έπρηξα, -ας, - or-tv, pi. -ξαμεν, -ξατε, act. — Επράχθην, -ης, -η, pass. 1 a. ind. of πράσσω, to effect. Έπρεσα, for έπρησα, -ας, -ε, act. — Επρήσθην, -ης, -η, pass. 1 a. ind. of πρήθω. Επρησσόμην, Ion. for Επρασσόμην, -ου, -ετο, impf. mid. — Επρήχ- Οην, Ion. for Επράχθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of πράσσω, to effect, βπριαμην, -ασο, -ατο, impf. or by Sync. for Επρισάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of πρίαμαι. Επρίσθην, -ης, -η, 3 pi. Επρίσθησαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of πρίζω or πρίω. Επρίω, by Cras. for επρίαο, which Ion. for επρίασο, 2 sin. of επριά- μην, above. Εποωσεν, by Sync, for ιπεράτωσεν, 3 sin. i a. act. οΐπερατόω. Επτά, indecl. seven. This num- ber used to be considered an emblem of sufficiency or per- fection, and thence it is used by the Poets, in composi- tion, to express greatness and strength. Έπταβόειος,-ου,ο, η, (fr. last, and βονς a cow) made of seven cov)- hides ; strong, impenetrable. Έπτάγ\οσσος; -ου, h, η, (fr. same, and γλώσσα a tongue) with seven tongues, seven-voiced or toned. An epithet of the lyre which had seven strings. 'Επταετής and Έπτάτης, -εος, δ, η, (fr. same, and έτος a year) of seven years, seven years old. Έπταισαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of πταίω. Έπτακαίδεκα, (fr. επτά seven, και and, and δέκα ten) seventeen. Έπτακαιδέκάτος, -ου, δ, fj, (fr. last) seventeenth. Έπτάκις, (fr. επτά seven) seven times, sevenfold. (242) Επτακισχίλιοι, -αι, -a, (fr. last, and χίλιοι a thousand) seven thou- sand. 'Επτακόσιοι, -αι, -a, (fr. επτά seven, and -κόσιοι the termina- tion of hundreds) seven hundred. Έπτάτυπος, -ου, δ,//, (fr. same, and τύπτω to strike) of seven tones or sounds; an epithet of the lyre which had semi notes. Επτάμην, -ασο, -ατο, 2 a. ind. mid. of 'ίπταμαι. Or, by Sync, for επτησάμην, 1 a. ind. mid. of same. Or, impf. pass, of πτ-?;- , μι ' Επτάμηνον,-ον, το, (neut. of next, viz. εμβρυον) a seven-month's birth. Επτάμηνος, -ου, δ, j), and Έπταμη- ναΊος, -a, -ον, (fr. επτά seven, and μήν a month) of or for seven months. Έπταξαν, Dor. for έπτηξαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of πτήσσω. Έπταπλάσιος, -ου, and Επταπλασί- ωΐ', -όνος, δ, ή, (fr. επτά seven, and -πλάσιος a termination an- swering to -fold) sevenfold, re- peated or doubled seven times. Έπταπλασίως, (fr. same) sevenfold. Έπταπόδην, (fr. επτά seven, and πους a foot) of seven feet, seven feet long, broad, &c. Έπτάπορος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and πόρος a passage) with seven streams or outlets; roads or ways. Έπτάπυλος,-ου, δ, f], (fr. same, and πύλη agate) with seven gates ; an epithet of a city, particularly Thebes. Έπταρον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of πταίρω. Έιττάχα, and •χή, (fr. επτά seven) sevenfold. Επτερνηκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. of πτερνάω. Επτεύυ^ν, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. pass, of πτηρύσσομαι. Έπτέτης, same as επταετής. Επτην, -ης, -η, 3 pi. Έπτησαν, 2 a. ind. act. of πτημι or 'ίπτημι. Επτοάθην for επτοήθην, 1 a. ind. pass. — Επτοημένος, par. per. pass, of πτοέω. Επτοίηται, 3 sin. per. ind. pass, of πτοιέω, Poet, for πτοεω. Επτόμην, for επτάμην, which see. Or, by Sync, for επετόμην, impf. mid. of πέτομαι. Έπτόροφος, -ου, δ, fj, (fr. επτά seven, and όροφος aroof,th. ερέ- φω to cover) with or under seven roofs, containing seven houses, chambers or apartments ; of seven floors. Επτωκώς, Ion. for πεπτωκώς, -υΐα, -of, par. per. act. of πίπτω. Επτώχευσε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of πτωχεύω. Έπυδρος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. επϊ intens. and 'ύδωρ water) wet, moist damp, watery, marshy. Επυθανόμην, -ου, -ετο, 3 pi. -ovro y 2 a. ind. mid. — Επυνθανό- μην, -ου, -ετο, impf. ind. mid. of πυνθάνομαι. ΕΡΛ ίΖπνργώσας, -ασα, -αν, par Olirvpy a. act. πνργόω. £rru>, to say, speak, utter ; to tell, declare, inform ; to cull ; to com- mand, order, direct. — In the impr. to salute, greet, bid good morrow, fan well. 1 f. ind. act. ii /,ω may be traced in derivatives. 1 a. ind. εϊπα, Pott, tti-a, 3 pi. t'utoaav' impr. tliror, -«τω, 3 pi. ιιπάτωσαν. 2 a. ind. εΤττοι• impr. ειπέ' opt. είποιμι' sub. ε'ιπω' inf. £<7τεΓν par. ειττών, -ονσα, -όν. Έπω, to work, act ; to take care of, be employed about, be engaged in. Έπομαι, f. -ψομαι, to fol- low, accompany, attend; to ad- here, belong to, inhere, consist with; to press, touch, adjoin. 2 a. ind. mid. ειπόμην. Επωάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. επ\ upon, and ώον an egg) to hatch, brood, sit upon eggs. Επωασ^ός, -ov, b, (fr. same) a hatching, incubation. Επωόή, -ής, η, Poet, for επαοιοί) and -cia, (fr. same, and ωδή a song) an epode, part of a poem ; a poem, song ; a cliarm, incanta- tion, spell. Επώίιον, -ov, το, (fr. same) a short poem; a verse, stanza; an ad- ditional or concluding line. Επωΐος, and ΐοη. Έπαοιδος, -ov, b, (ifr. same) an enchanter, magi- cian. Επώκειλα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -κειλαν, I a. ind. act. of εποκε'λλω. Επώλεον -ovv, -εες -εις, -εε -ει, in 3 pi. -εον -ovv, impf. ind. act. — Ε-ώλ^σε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of πωλέω. Επωμ}ς, -ίδος, fj. (fr. ε-ί upon,, and ώμος the shoulder) the part of the neck close above the shoulders ; the upper arm, nape, poll ; a gar- ment. Επωνύμασα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. θΐ επονομάζω. Εποιηόμ'ια, -ας, η, (fr. επί upon, and όνομα a name) a surname, bye name, nickname ; a title, appel- Επώινμος,-ον, ο,ή, (fr. same) sur- namedy called from, named af- ter ; titled, named, called. Επώρα, Ion. for εώώρα, 3 sin. impf. act. of ε^ωράω. Επωρορέχατο, Ion. for επορωρεγμέ- νοι ήσαν, see επορέγω. Επώασα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. -σαν, 1 a. ind. act. iEol. of επόρω. Επωρώθη, 3 sin. -ρώθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of πωρόω. Επωφελής, -έος -ονς, δ, 17, (fr. επϊ in- tens. and ωώελέω to help) pro- fitable, useful, advantageous, be- neficial. Επωφελίμοισι, d. pi. Ion. of Επωφέ)ψος, -ov, b, if, fr. εττϊ in- tens. and ωφέλιμος, which see. Επώχάτο, Ion. for επφγμένοι ήσαν, \ 3 pi. pper. pass, of εποίγω. Επωχόμην, -ov, -ετο, impf. or 2 a. | ind. mid. of εποίχομαι. j Έοα, -ας, -η, the earth, ground. Έραζ' for 'Εραζε, (fr. last, and -ζε\ ΕΓΓ a termination implying towards) to the earth, on the ground. Εοαίμαν, Dor. for εραΐμην, pres. opt. act. of έριιμαι. ΕραίσΟην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of ραίω. Έραμαι, -σαι, -ται, Poet, for εράω, w hich see. Epiiv, cont. fr. εράειν, pres. inf. act. of same. Ερανίζω,ΐ. -σω, p. -κα, (fr. ίρανος a collection) to contribute, sub- scribe, pay a share, pay tax or tribute. Εοανίζομαι, to receive pay, hire, wages or tax ; to as- sess, levy ; to collect, receive, take as due. Εραννος, -ή, -δν, (fr. εράω to love) loi>ly, desirable ; pleasant, sweet, agreeMe. Έρανος, -ov, b, an entertainment provided at common expense; a club, reckoning, shot ; a collection, contribution, joint chargt ■ assessment, impost, subsidy ; a grace, favour, benevolence, alms. Έρααδε, Dor. for ίραζε. Εριίσθαι, pres. inf.' pass. cont. — Εράσθην, Ion. for ηράσθην, -ης -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of εράω. Εοασ'ιμολπος, -ov, δ, η, (fr. εράω to love, and μολπή song, th. μέλ- πω to sing) fond of music, ?7iu sical. Εράσϊμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. εράω to love) lovely, amiable. Ερασιπλόκάμος, -ov, b. >/, (fr. same, and πλόκαμος a curl, th. πλέκω to twine) nice about the hair, fond of dressing the hair. Εοάσμιος, -ov, b, η, same as εράσι- μος. Έοασσαι, Poet, for έρασαι, 2 sin. pres. ind. mid. of ίραμαι. Εράσσατο, Ερασσάμενος, Poet, for ηράσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid and ερασάμενος, par. 1 a. mid. of cultivated, fertile ; cultivateu, improved ; working. εραω. Εραστής, -οΐ>, δ, (fr. εράω to love) a lover, admirer. Εραστοϊ, -ov, b, >/, (fr. same) be- loved ; lovely, amiable. Also JErastus, a man's name. Ερατεινό?, -ή, -ov, (fr. same) love- ly, amiable, desirable. Εράτη, -ής, η, (fr. same) a mis- tress, sweetheart. Ερατίζω, f. -Yew, (fr. same) to love, be in love with, take de- light in ; to desire, wish or long for. Εοάτδς, -ή, -ov, (fr. same) loved, beloved. Subs, a lover. Ερατώ, -όος' -ους, ή, (fr. same) Erato, one of the muses ; a wo-, man's name. Εράτών, g. pi. of ερατός or ερατή. Εράω, f. -άσω, p. ήράκα, to love, be in love with, enamoured of ; to delight in, enjoy ; to desire, covet, wish or long for. Εράω, f. -άσω, to exhaust, empty, drain, evacuate^ pour out. 'Epy' for έργα, η. a. v. pi. of έργον. Έργα, Bceot. for εργάση, 2 sin. 1 f. mid. of εργάζομαι. Εργάβ, H'eb. sometimes trans- • (.243) ΕΡΓ lated α stone, sometimes the south. 1 Sum. xx. 19. Ερνά^εσΟαι, pres. inf. mid. — Εργά- ζεσθε, 2 pi. pres. impr. mid. — Εργάζεται, -ζονται, 3 sin. and pi. pris. ind. mid. — Εργαζόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. — Epya- ζώμεθα, 1 pi. pres. sub. mid. of εργάζομαι. Εργάζεν, Dor. for εργάζον, pres. impr. pass, of Εργάζομαι, f. -σομαι, p. είργασμαι, (fr. έργον work) to work, labour, toil, endeavour ; to do, act, per- form, operate ; to make, frame, famtj to cause, effect ; to prac- tise, be concerned, employed or engaged in or about ; to cam, gain, get or procure by labour, (rude, traffic ; to till, cultivate. pres. opt. pass, εργαζοίμην, -οιο, -όχτο. impf. ειργιιζύμην,-υν,-ετο. 1 a. ind. mid. ειργασάμην. Έργαθεν, Poet, for εί'ρ^αθεν,3είη. impf. act. of Epy -άθω, same asεί'pyω. ΕργαλεΊον, -ον,τδ, (fr. /pyovwork) a tool, instrument ; a vessel, uten- sil. ΕργαλήΊον, Ion. for last. Εργαξη, Dor. for εργάση, 2 sin. 1 f. n;id. — Εργασαίμην, -uio, -αιτο, 1 a. ojrt. mid. — Εο/κσθώ, -ής, -τ}, 1 a. sub. pass, of εργάζομαι. Εργασία, -ας, and Ion. Εργασίη, -ns, hi (fr• έργον work) work, labour, toil ; endeavour, atten- tion, pams, diligence, care ; a task, service ; workmanship, ma- nufacture ; husbandry, tillage, cultivation ; a practice, employ- ment, trade, occupation ; lucre, gain, profit, earnings, emolu- ment. Εργάσιμος,— yv, b, η, (fr. same) that may be urought, laboured or Έργασμαι' Εργασμένος, Ion. for είργασμαι, per» ind. pass, and ειργασμίιος, par. per. pass, of εργάζομαι. Εργάσομαι, -ρ, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. of same. Ερ/αστ^ρίάκόί, -»7,-oy, (fr. next, th, fpyov work) laborious, manufac* turing ; working. Subs, a work- man, labourer, mechanic. Εργαστήριον, -ov, το, (fr. έργον work) 'α workshop, manufactory^ forge ; a shop % office ; a work- house, jail, prison. Εβγαστίκος, -ή, -bx\ (fr. same)^ for work, adapted to labour, strong, robust ; laborious, toil- some, assiduous. Εργατενομαι, f. -ενσομαι, (fr. next, th. ipyovwork) to execute, finish; to work out, effect, bring about, effectuate^ Εργάτης, -ov, h, (fr. fpyov work) a labourer, workman, mechanic, artificer ; a worker, practiser, doer. Εργατικός, -ή, -δν, (fr. έργον work) wen-kmanltke ; clever, mgeni* (TLA, EPE ΈργατΈνης, -ου, δ, fa Poet, for εργά- της. Εργάτις, -Υδος, fa (fr. έργον work) same as εργάτης in the feminine ; a workwoman, &c. Εργάω -ω, (fr. same) same as ερ- γάζομαι. Έργει, 3 sin.pres. ind. act. of έργω Έργμα, -ατός, το, (fr. έργω to work) a work, action, act, deed, achievement. "Εργμα, -άτος, το, (fr. έργω or εΊργω to confine) a fence, fortress, en- closure ; confinement, restraint. "Εργνυμι, same as έργω or εΊργω. Εργοδιωκτέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. έργον work, and διώκω to drive.) to exact labour, urge work ; to ex- tort, oppress, Εργοδιώκτης, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a taskmaster, overseer. Εργοδιωκτουντες, (η. pi. mas. par. pres. act. of εργοδιωκτέω used substantively) taskmasters, over- seers. Εργολαβέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. έργον work, and λαμβάνω to take) to undertake or engage for work ; to contract, bargain ; to trade, earn, gain, acquire by labour. Εργολαβία, -ας, fa (fr. same) an engagement, undertaking ox con• trad for ivork, &c. ; labour work, performance, execution , hire, wages, recompense ; allow- ance, condition, consideration. Εργόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass of έργω. Εργομωκία,-ας, fa (fr. έργον work and μωκενω to wheedle, th. μω- κος a mocker) flattery, sycophan- cy ; fraud, deception. Εργδμωκος -ου, δ, fa (fr. same) a wheedler, deceiver, seducer ; a flatterer, sycophant, parasite. Εργον, -ου, το, (fr. έοργα per. mid. of ρέζω to do) work, labour, toil; agriculture, tillage, husbandry; a deed, exploit, crime, action, conflict ; a task, difficulty ; mat- ter, affair ; office, business ; a work, piece of workmanship ; the tvhole, bulk, mass ; fact, reality ; treatment, usage ; need, occa-i sion ; part, duly ; in pi. accom- plishments, acquirements ; trou- bles, sorrows ; lands, property. Εργω, Poet, εέργω, same as ερδω οτρέζω,ΐ. ρ έξω, by Metath. έρξω, p. mid. έοργα, Att-Jtiapya., by Me- tath. έρογα,ίο do, act, work, cause to be; to perform, achieve. Also for είργω or ε'ίργω, to enclose, sur- round, besiege ; to confine, impri- son; to fence, keep off, shut out ; to repel, drive aviay. pper. ind. mid. εώργειν, -εις, -ci. Ερδειν, pres. inf. act. — "Ερδεσκον, and Έρδον, Ion. foi ηρδον, -ες, -ε, impf. ind. act. of "Ερδω, same as έργω or ρέζω. "Ερδων, -ούσα, -ov d. sin. Έρδον- τι' a. pi. ερδοντας, par. pres. act. of last. ΰρεβεννος, -η, -bv, (fr. έρεβος hell) dark, gloomy, dismal, obscure; infernal, tdriarmn. EPE Ερέβευσφιν,ΐθΐΕρέβουσφιν,ογΡοΒί. Parag. for Ερέβους, g. of Έρεβος, from Erebus, from the shades. Ερεβίνθϊνος, -η, -ov, (fr. next) like pulse, of the nature of beans, pease or vetches. ' Ερέβινθος, -ου, δ, vetches. Έρεβος, -εος -ους, το, Erebus, one of the names of the Hell of the poets, the subterranean abode, grave. Ερεείνω, (fr. ερέω or είρω to say) to ask, question, interrogate, in- quire, impf. act. ερέεινον, -ες, -ε. Ερέθησι, Ion. for ερέθη, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. of ερέθω. Ερέθιζε, -θίζετε, 2 sin. and pi. pres. impr. act. — Ερέθιξεν,&ηάΕρεθίσ- δειν, Dor. for ερεθίζειν, pres. inf. act. — Ερέθιζαν, -ες, -ε, Ion, for ηρέθιζον, impf. act, of Ερεθίζω, f. -Υσω, same as ερέθω. Ερέθισμα, -άτος, το, and Ερεθισμός, -ου, δ, (."τ. ερεθίζω, same as ερέθω to provoke) provocation, exas- peration, excitement, irritation. Ερεθιστης, -ου, δ, (fr. same) an in- solent provoker. Ερέθω, (perhaps fr. έρις conten- tion) to provoke, excite ; to sti- mulate, urge ; to irritate, tease, ex- asperate, anger, affront, enrage; to disturb, trouble, vex, harass. ΕρεΓ, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of ερέω. Also, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of είρω, f. ερώ. Ερείδω, f. ερείσω, p. ήρεικα, and Att. ερήρεικα, to stick in, adhere, lean upon; to lie flat, be prostrate ; to crowd, press, throng ; to apply earnestly, study, pursue diligent- ly ; to set, place, fix, fasten, make firm, strengthen ; to support, sustain, prop ; to struggle, strive, contend ; to dash or strike against, drive through. 1 a. ind. act. ήρει- σα' par. ερείσας. 1 a. ind. mid. ηρεισάμην par. ερεισάμενος. per. ind. pass, ήρεισμαι, and Att. ερήρεισμαι, 3 pi. ερηρέδάται, Ion. for ερηρεισμένοι εϊσι• par. ερηρεισ- μένος. pper. pass, ηρείσμην, -σο, -στο, and Att. ερήρειστο. per. ind. mid. ήρειδα, Att. ερήρειδα. Ερεικτος, Ερικτος, and Ερηκτος, -ου, δ, fa (fr. next) broken, bruised, pounded, shattered ; split, rent, torn. Ερείκω, and Ερίκω, f. -ξω, to break, shatter, demolish ; to bruise, bat- ter ; to cut, hack, gash. Έρειο, Ion. and Poet, for έρου, pres. impr. mid. of έρομαι. Ερείομεν, Poet, for ερέομεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. οι ερέω. Ερειος, -ου, b, fa Dor. for εριστικός. Έρειος, -ου, δ, fa (fr. έριον wool) woollen, woolly. Ερείπιον, -ου, το, (fr. next) ruins, rubbish. Ερε/πω, f. -ψω, ρ. -φα, to overturn, overthrow ; to destroy, break or pull down, ruin, efface ; to totter, slip ; to fail, decay, be destroyed; to fall, die, be killed. 2 a. ind. act. j;p(7roi/*par. ερίπων. par. pres, pass. εΰειπομενος. ρρ (244) * Or. pads. EPE ηρείμμην, in 3 sin. ήρειπτο, Att. ερήριτττο, and also ερέριπτο. but this last seems to belong to ρίπ- τω, which see. Ερε~ις, ΕρεΊ, 2 and 3 sin. 1 f. act. of είρω. Ερείσας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a< act. — Ερείσατο, and Έρεισε, Ion. for ηρείσατο, mid. and ήρεισε, act. 3 sin. 1 a. ind. of ερείδω. Έρεισμα, -άτος, το, (fr. ερείδω to support) a prop, buttress ; foun- dation, ground, stay, support; confirmation, proof, authenti- city. Ερείτω, 3 sin. pres. impr. act. of ερέω. Ερειψίτοιχος, -ου, δ, fa (fr. ερείπω to pull down, and τοίχος a wall) ιοαΙΙ -dtstroying, overturning, de- molishing. Ερεμνδς, -ή, -bv, for ερεβεννδς. Έρεξα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. -αν, 1 a. ind. act. of ρέζω. Ερέοντο, Ion. for ήροντο, 3 pi. impf. mid. of έρομαι. Ερέουσα, -ov, par. pres. act. of ερέω. Or, par. of ερέω, by Dial, for ερω, 1 f. act. of είρω. Ερεπτόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. of ~>έπτω, f. -xp -ω, p. νρεφα, to feed, pasture, graze, browse. Also Poet, to cover, dress, equip; to ornament, adorn, grace, embel- lish. Ερέριπτο, Att. for έρριπτο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of ρίπτω. Ερέσια, -ας, fa (fr. ερέσσω to row) rowing, clapping of wings. Ερεσσέμεναι, Dor. for ερέσσειν, pres. inf. act. of Ερέσσω or -ττω, f. -ξω, p. -γα, to row ; to impel, drive, push, force forward ; to return, depart. Ερεσχελέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. ερέω to speak, and χείλος the lips) to cavil, dispute ; to brawl t scold, quarrel, clamour. Ερέτης, -ου, δ, (fr. ερέσσω to row) a rower, sailor, seaman, mariner. a. pi. έρετας. Epετμbς, -ου, δ, (fr. same) an oar. Ερέττω, see ερέσσω. Ερευγμος, and Ερυγμος, -ου, δ, (fr. next) a belch ; incoherent utter- ance. Ερεύγω, f. -ξω, p. ήρευχα, to belch ; to throw up, vomit, disgorge ; to bellow, low, roar; to vent, utter, throw out, rhapsodize. 2 a. ind. act. ήρυγον. 1 f. mid. ερεύξομαι. per. pass, ήρευγμαι. Ερεύθος, -εος -ους, το, redness, rud- diness ; complexion ; a blush. Ερεύθω, f. -εύσω, p. ήρευκα, (fr. last) to redden, make or become red ; to blush. Ερεύμενος, by Sync, for ερευγόμε- νος, par. pres. pass, ο/ ερεύγω. Or, for ερευόμενος, same of ερεύω. Or, for εροϋμενος, cont. of ερεό- μενος, same of ερέω. Έρευνα, -ας, η, (fr. ερευνάω to search) inquiry, search, examina* tion, scrutiny, investigation, trial. Epswf, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. EPH — Ερευνάτε, 2 pi. cont. pres impr. act. — Ερευν^σ^ν, 1 a impr. act. — Ερευνών, η. pi -νΰντες, par. pres. act. cont. of Ερευνάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. ηρεύνηκα (fr. ερε'ω to say) to seek, search inquire, examine, investigate ; to trace, track, pursue by scent oi sight. 1 a. act. ind. ηρεννησα impr. ερεΰνησον, -άτω. par. pres act. ερευνάων -ων. Ερευνη, Dor. for έρευνα cont. of ερευνάει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of last. — Ερεύνα, -ης, η, same as έρευνα. Ερεύξομαι, 1 f. ind. mid. of ερεύγω. Ερεΰω, same as εοεύνω. Ερέφω, f. -ψω, p. ήρεφα, to roof, cover, enclose ; to hide, conceal ; to protect, defend ; to crown or cover with garlands, deck, adorn. 1 a. ind. act. ήρεψα. Ερεχθεύς, -έος, and Ion. -ηος, b, Erechtheus, a man's name. Ερέχθω οτΕρέχω, to cut, rend, tear, shatter, break ; to harass, worry, persecute ; to molest, trouble ; to distract, afflict, par. pres. pass. ερεχθόμενος. 'Ερεψα, Ion. for ήρεψα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of ερέφω. Έρεψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. ερέ- φω to roof) a roof; a covering, cover; enclosure. Ερέω -ω, f. ερήσω and ερώ, but this more properly belongs to εφω, p. είρηκα, (fr. εφω to connect, or ρέω to flow) to say, speak, utter, pronounce; to call; to ask, in- quire; to tell, declare, bring news ; to promise, impf. act. είρεον -ovv. 1 f. mid. ερήσομαι. per. ind. pass, είρημαι, -σαι, -ται. Ερη, Dor. for ερα, cont. of εράει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of εράω. Ερημάζεσκον, Ion. for ηρήμαζον, impf. act. of Ερημάζιο, f. -ασω, (fr. έρημος de- sert) to wander in a desert, roam forsaken, rove, ramble, stray. Εοημαϊος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) Poet, for έρημος. Έρημη, -ης, η, (fern, of έρημος for- saken, viz. δίκη a lawsuit) a cause given up, nolle prosequi. Ερημιά, -ας, η, (fr. same) a desert, wilderness, wild; solitude, lone- liness ; viant, poverty. Ερημιάς and Ερημάς, -άδος, η, (fr. same) same as ερημίτης in the feminine. Ερημικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) soli- tary, lonely. Ερημίτης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a soli- tary, recluse, hermit. Έρημος, -ου, ο, η, (perhaps fr. έρα the earth, and μόνος only) desert, wild, solitary ; lonely, retired. Έρημος, -ου, f), viz. χώρα, (same as last) a desert, wilderness, soli- tude. Ερημουται, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. pass, of Ερημ.6ω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. ηρήμωκα, (fr. έρημος a desert) to waste, lay waste? bring to desolation, de- stroy; to spoil, ravage, plunder ; EPI to desert, forsake, pres. pass, ind. ερημόομαι -οϋμαι, in 3 pi. ερημόονται -ουνται' inf. ερημόεσ- θαι ονσθαι• per. pass. ind. ηρή- μωμαι' par. ηρημωμένος. 1 a. pass. ind. ηρημώθην, -ης, -η. Ερήμωσις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, η, (fr. same) waste, desolation, destruc- tion ; destitution, desertion, aban- donment. Ερημώτης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a ra- vages, spoiler, plunderer. Ερηρέδάται, Ερήρειδα, Ερήρεικα, Ερ>'/ρεισμαι, Ερηρεισμένος, Ερή- ρειστο, see ερε'ιδω. Ερήρίκα, Att. for έρικα, per. ind act. οι ερίζω. Ερήριμμαι, Ερηρίμμην, Att. for ήρειμμαι, per. ind. pass, and ηρείμμην, pper. ind. pass, of ερείπιο. Ερήριφα, Att. for ήριφα, per. ind. act. of same. Ερηοώτηκα, Att. for ηρώτηκα, per, ind. act. of ερωτάω. Ερήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. mid. of έρομαι or ερέω. Ερητεύω and Ερ^τύω, f. -σω, ρ, ηοήτευκα and -τυκα, to hinder, restrain, check, prevent, slop ; to hold, seize, possess, occupy. Ερήτυθεν, Bceot. for ερητνΟησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of last. Ερητυύμην, -ου, -ετο, impf. pass, of same. Ερητνσασκε, Ion. for ηρήτυσε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of same. Ερ^τυσεια, -ας, -ε, JEol. for ερητύ σαιμι, -αις, —αι, 1 a. opt. act. of same. Ερ^τύω, f. -νσω, p. ηρήτυκα, same as ερ?7τεύω. Έρι, an intensive particle set at the beginning of words to heighten their signification • very, much. Έρια, pi. of eptov. Εριαύχην, -ενός, b, η, (fr. fpt very, and αυχην the neck) carrying a high head, haughty, proud, dis• dainful ; stiffnecked, stubborn. Ερίβος, -ου, b, >;, (fr. same, and βοάω to shout) loud, noisy, cla- morous, vociferous; echoing. Εριβρεμεταν, Dor. for εριβρεμετων, g. pi. of Εριβρεμέτης, -ου, b, (fr. έρι much, and βρέμω to roar) loud-roaring, resounding, deep-murmuring, bellowing. Ερίβρομος, -ου, b, (fr. same) same. Εριβρϋχέω, Ion. for εριβρυχοΰ, g. sin. of Εριβρϋχης, -ου, b, {}, (fr. έρι much, and βρύχω to roar) loud-hellow- ing, deep-roaring, howling. Εριβώλακα, a. sin. of Εριβώλαξ, -ακος, and Έρίβωλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. έρι much, and βώ- λαξ a sod) full of clods, fertile, rich, productive, luxuriant. Εριγάστιβρ, -οοος, b, η, (fr. same, and γαστηο the belly) big-bellied; gluttonous. Εριγδούποιο, Ion. for εριγδούττου, g. sin. of Ερίγδουπος, -ου, b, η, (fr. έρι much, and δοΰπος a crash) loud-sound- (245) EPI ing, crashing, rattling, thunder ing. Εριγένεια, for ηριγένεια. Εριδαίνετον, 2 or 3 du. pres. ind. act. of Ερί<5αί'νω, f. -άνώ, (fr. έρις discord) to dispute, debate, contest, quar- rel, strive, contend; to provoke, enrage, irritate, excite to anger. 1 a. ind. act. ηρίδηνα. Εριδδέω or Εριδέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ηρίδδηκα or ηρίδηκα, Poet, for ερίζω. Εριδδήσασθαι and Εριδήσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. of last. Ερίδηνα, Ion. for ηρίδηνα, 1 a. ind. act. of εριδαίνω. Έριδι, d. sin. οι έρις. Εριδμαίνοντι, Dor. for εριδμαίνουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Εριδμα'ινω, Poet, for εριδαίνω. Έριξε, pres. impr. act. Or, Ion. for ήριζε, 3 sin. impf. ind. act. — Εριζέμεν and Εριζέμεναι, Dor. for ερίζειν, pres. inf. act. — Epi- ζοντι, Dor. for ερίζουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Εριζούσαι, pi. fern. par. pres. act. — Ερίσαντε, du. mas. of Ερίσας, par. 1 a. act. of Ερίζω, f. -Υσω, p. tjpiKa, (fr. έρις dis- cord) to dispute, quarrel, contend, to litigate ; to exasperate, irritate. Ερίηρ, -ηρος, b, η, η. pi. Ερ'ιηρες, a. pi. Ερίηρας, Ion. for Ερίηρος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. fpt much, and εράω to love, or άρω to fit) live- ly, pleasant, agreeable, desirable ; loving, dear, intimate, familiar ; congenial; connected, attached j prized, valued, cherished; tune- ful, harmonious. Εριθάκη, -ης, η, bees' meat, red matter found in honeycombs. Ερίθεία, -ας, η, (fr. έρις strife) dis- cord, disagreement, variance, strife, contention, animosity ; love of strife. Εριθεύω or rather Εριθεύομαι, 1. -ενσομαι, (as if εριδεύω fr. έρις strife) tc dispute, disagree, con- tend. Or (fr. εϊρος wool) to work or manufacture wool ; to labour, toil ; to serve, be a slave. Εριθη\έων, g. pi. of Εριθηλης, -έος -ους, δ, $, (fr. fpt much, and θύλλω to bloom) blooming, verdant ; luxuriant ; youthful, vigorous. ΈρΤθος, -ου, b, η, (fr. εΐρος wool ; or ερα the ground ; or έρι much, and S -ής a labourer) a worker in wool ; a weaver ; a servant, do- mestic; a labourer, reaper; a husbandman, farmer. Ερικλάγκτας, -a, b, Dor. for Ερικλάγκτης, -ου, b, ή, (fr. fpt much, and κΚάγγω to clang) loud, noisy, resounding, re-echoing. Ερίκτνττος, -ου, 5, η, (fr. same, and κτύπος a clap, th. κτυπέω to rat- tle) clapping ; noisy, resounding. Ερικϋδης, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. same, and κΰδος glory) very glorious, far-famed, celebrated. Ερίκω and Ερικτος, same as ερώαο^ and εφικτός, EPI ΈρΙμΰκος, -ου, δ, f), (fr. έρι much, and μυκάω to low) lowing ; bel- lowing, roaring. ΈρΊνεός or Ερινος, -ου, b, a wild fig- tree. Εριννυς, -ύος, ή, Erinnys, a being who was supposed to torture sinners in the fableu hell of the Greeks and Romans ; a fury ; an avenger, punisher ; a reveng- er^ persecutor, oppressor. Εριννϋω, (fr. last) to play the fury, rage, be angry ; to persecute, op- press. Ερινος see ερινεός. Έριον or Eiptov, -ου, rb, same as εΐρος. Εριούνης and Κριοννιος, -ov, δ, η, (fr. ίρι much, and όνημι to help) assistant, aiding, helping, very useful ; an epithet of Mercury. Έριουργέω -ω, (fr. ipiov wool, and έργον work) to work in or manu- facture wool, spiji, card, weave wool. Έριπ\ by Apos. for έρΥπε, which Ion. for ήρίπε, 3 sin. ind. — Ept- πεΐν, inf. — Έ,ριπών, -ούσα, -bv, par. 2 a. act. of ερείπω. Έρίπνη, -ης, η, (fr. έρι much, and πνέω to blow) a top, summit, peak, ridge, rock, cliff'. Έριπόω, same as ερείπω. "Ερις, -ιδος, η, discord, strife, con- tention ; a quarrel, dispute, con- flict ; litigation, a. sin. έριδα, and έριν. Έρίσαντε, η. du. mas. par. 1 a. act. of ερίζω. Ερίσδειν, Ερίσδων, for ερίζειν, inf. and ερ'ιζων, par. pres. act. of same. Ερισθενης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. ερι very, and σθένος strength) very strong, able, mighty, powerful; a man's name. Έρισμα, -ατός, το, (fr. ερίζω to quarrel) a contest, conflict, quar- rel ; contention, debate, dispute; a lawsuit. Έρισμαράγοιο, g. Ion. of Ερισμάραχος, -ου, b, η, (fr. ερι much, and σμαραγίω to resound) deep-thundering, loud- sounding, roaring, rattling, pealing. Έ,ρισσαράδοιο, g. Ion. of Ερισσάραδος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same and άραδος palpitation) panting; groaning, deep-sounding, roar- ing. Εριστάφυλος, -ου, δ, fj, (fr. ερι much, and σταφυλή a cluster) fruitful in grapes ; clustering Εριστης. -ου, δ, (fr. έρις strife) a wrangler, contentious or litigious person. Εριστικός, -η, -or. (fr. same) liti gious, quarrelsome, contentious. Ερισύβη, see ερυσίβη. Έ.ρίσχη'Χος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. έρι much, and χείλος the lip) foulmoulhed, scurrilous, opprobrious; clamo- rous, vociferous, noisy ; rude, unmannerly. Έρίτΐμος, -ου, δ, ^, (fr. έρι much, and. τιμή price) precious, valu- able, oostty, dear ; honoured, es• EPM teemed; honourable, g. Ion. ερι- τίμοιο. Ερίφιον, -ου, το, (dim. of next) α young or little kid. Έριφος, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. έαρ the spring, and φαίνομαι to appear. Or fr. έρι very, and πους the foot) α kid, young goat, goat, also, early, fresh, new, young, a. pi. Dor. ερίφως. Εριχθόνιος, -ου, δ, (fr. έρι very, and χθων the earth) Erichtho- nius, a man's name ; the son of Vulcan and Minerva ; a king of Athens. Έρκάνη, -ης, η, (fr. ε'ίργω to en- close) a machine of war used in besieging cities ; a moving tower. Ερκιον, -ου, το, dim. of "Ερκος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. ε'ίργω to confine) a fence, hedge, mound, rampart; a bulwark, fortress; fortification, enclosure. Έρκτη, -ης, η, Ion. for ε'ιρκτή. "Ερμα, -ατός, το, (fr. ε'ίργω to con- fine. Or, by Sync, for έρεισμα fr. ερείδω to prop) a prop, support, stay, post, buttress; ballast; a rock, ridge, reef; an ear-ring. Έρμάγορας, -ου, δ, Hermagoras, a man's name. Έρμάζω, f. -ασω, (fir. έρμα a prop) to support, prop, slay; to bal- last, make steady. Έρμαια, -ων, τα, (neut. pi. of'Ep- μαΊος) the feast of Mercury. "Ερμαιον, -ου, το, (neut. of next) unexpected gain, unhoped profit ; prey, booty. Έρμαίος, -ου, δ, η, and -a, -ov, also "Ερμανος, and Έρμάϊκος, (fr. Έρμης Mercury) of, belonging to or like Mercury, mercurial, lively, witty, sprightly. Έρμας, -a, b, a man's name. Dor. for Έρμης, Hermes. Έρμάς, -αδος or -ακος, η, (fr. 'έρμα a prop) a sunk rock. Έρματίζω, f. -πχω, same as ερμάζω. Έρμάων, -ωνος, Ερμείας, and Έρ- μας, -ου, δ, Poet, for Έρμης. Έρμιίην, Ion. for Έρμαίαν, a. sin. fern, of ΈρμαΊος. Έρμη, d. sin. of Έρμης. Ερμηνεία, -ας, η, (fr. Έρμης Mer- cury) interpretation, explana- tion; translation; eloquence. Έρμηνενς, -έος, Att. -έως, δ, (fr. same) an interpreter, translator. Έρμηνευσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of ερμη- νεύω. Ερμηνευτής, -ου, δ, same as έρμη- νεύς. Ερμηνεύω, f. -εύσω, ρ. ηρμηνευκα, (fr. Έρμης Mercury) to interpret, translate; to expound, explain, illustrate ; to comment upon. Έρμης, -ου, b, and Poet. Έρμέας, and Ερμείας, (perhaps from είρω or ερέω to say) Hermes, Lat. Mercurius, Eng. Mercury. Έρμϊν or Έρμ"ις, -ίδος, η, (fr. 'έρμα a prop) the foot, stock or frame of ram EPP scent) Hermogenes, a man's name. Έρμυγλυφικη, -ης, f/, (fem. of next viz. τέχνη) the art of carving , statuary. ΈρμογλυφΧκός, -η, -bv, (fr. Έρμης Mercury, and γλύφω to carve) of statuary, relating to sculpture, carved. Έρμόγλνφος, -ου, and Έρμογλν φεύς, -έος, Att. -έως, δ, (fr. same) a statuary. Έρνος, -εος -ους, το, (perhaps fr. έρα the ground) a plant, herb ; shoot, sucker, bud; branch, bough. Έρξαν, Ion. for είρξαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. — Έρξον, impr. — Έρξω, -ης, -η, sub. — Έρξαι, inf. — Έρξας, par. of έρδω for }>έζω. Έρξω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of same. Έρογα, by Metath. for έοργα, per. ind. mid. of έργω, έρδω or ρέζω. Ερόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. εράω to love) lovely, amiable, desirable. Εροίην, -ης, -η, Att. for εροΊμι, cont. of ερέοιμι, pres. opt. act. of ερέω. Έρομαι, (fr. ερέω or είρω to say) to ask, question, demand, pres. impr. /ρου, Ion. ερείου. impf. or 2 a. mid. ειρόμην or ηρόμην. Έρος, -ου, δ, λΈοΙ. for έρως. Ερουμεν, 1 ρΐ. — Ερουσί, 3 pi. of ερώ, 1 f. ind. act. of είρω. Έρπετον, -ου, το, (neut. of next) α creeping thing; acreeper ; areptile. Έρπεις, -ου, b, η, (fr. 'έρπω to creep) creeping, crawling. "Ερπην, Dor. for ερττειν, pres. inf. act. of same. Έρπης, -ητος, δ, (fr. same) the herpes ; St. Anthony 1 s fire. Έρπηστης, -ου, δ, (fr. same) α creeper, crawler, climber. Έρπηστΐκος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) creeping, crawling, climbing. Έρπις, an Egyptian word signify- ing wine. 'EpTn^Gtfjand'EpTnJoijjSameasZpTrcd. "Ερπυλλοί, -ου, δ, or "Ερπνλλον, -ου, το, wild thyme. Έρπω, f. -ψω, to creep, climb; to go, move, proceed, impf. act. ε('ρ7τον. 1 a. ind. act. tTpxpa. Έρπωμες, Dor. for ερπωμεν, pres. sub. of last. Ερραβδίσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. of ραβδίζω. Ερραγην, -ης, -η, in 3 pi. -ήσαν, pass. — Έρραγον, -ες, -ε, act. 2 a. ind. οΐρήγνυμι or }>ήσσω. Ερράδαται, Ion. for ερρασμένοι εισϊ, 3 pi. per. ind. pass. — Ερράδα- to, Ion. for ερρασμένοι ήσαν, 3 pi. pper. ind. pass, of ράζω, same as ραίνω. Έρραμμαι, per. ind. — Ερρ'αμμέ• νος, par. pass, οι ράπτω. Ερράντισα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. — Ερραντισμένος, par. per. pass, οι ραντίζω. ς, -ου, b, Ερράς, and Άριζ, β or couch ; a bedstead, bed- post. Ερμογένης, -εο? -ους, b, (fr. Έρ- μης Mercury, and γένος de- (24β) Ερράπισα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -σαν, 1 a, ind. act. of ραπίζω. Ερ'ράσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of ράζω, same as ρΌίνίΛ. EPP %ρΙ>άφην, -ης, -η, pass 'Epfraxpa, act. 1 a. ind. of ράπτω. Έρρε, -frui,pres. impr. act. of ερρω. Έρβεε, 3 sin. impf. act. of ρ"ίω. Ερρίθην or Ερρήθην, -ης, -η, 3 pi. -θησαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of same. "Ερρ"εξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of ρίζω. Έρρευν, 3 pi. Dot\ and Ion. for ίρρεον, which see. Ερρήθην, -ης, -η, 3 pi. -θησαν, more usually ερρίθην, which see. Έρρηξα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of ρήγννμι. Έρ'ρϊγα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of ρΊγίω. Ερ'ρίγησι, Ion. for ερρίγη,3 sin. sub. of ippiya above. Or, pres. sub. act. as also — Ερρίγων, -ονσα, -ov, d. sin. -ovrt, par. pres. act. of ΕρρΊγω, same as ριγίω. Ερρίζωμαι, ind. — Ερριζωμίνος, -η, ov, par. per. pass — Ερ'ριζώθην, 1 a. ind. pass, of ριζόω. Έρριμμαι, -ψαι, -πται, ind. — Ερ- ριμμίνος, par. per. pass, of ρίπτω . Έρρϊνον, -ov, το, (fr. εν in, and plv the nostril) a medicine taken by the nose. "Ερ'ριπτον, impf. ind. act. — Ερρίφ- θην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. — Ep- ρίφθον, -0ων, 2 and 3 du. per. impr. pass. — Έρριψα, -ας, -ε, pi. -ψαμεν, -xpav, 1 a. ind. act. — ΈρρΊψο, -φθω, per. impr. pass, of ρίπτω. Ερ'ρογα, -ας, -ε, by Metath. έοργα, • and Att. ίωργα, per. ind. mid. of ρέζω. Ερρνηκα, per. ind. act. — Ερρνην, 2 a. ind. pass, whence inf. ρυή- yai, and par. ρνείς, of ρνίω. Ερρνπηνα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of ρυπαίνω. Ερρνσάμην, -ω, -ατο, mid. — Ερρύβ- θην, -ης, -η, pass. 1 a. ind. of ρύω, 'Ερρω, f• ερσω, (fr. έρα the ground and ρέω to flow. Or, JEol for είρω or φθίρρω, the same as φθείρω to decay) to waste away, disappear, as liquids spilled on the ground ; to perish, come to nothing, be annihilated ; to pine, languish ; to go about despond- ing or forlorn, grieve, -mourn, be afflicted. In the impr. be gone, away with you. Έρ'ρωγα, -ας, -ε, Att. for ίρρηγα, per. ind. mid. of ρήγννμι. Έρρωμαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass, of ρώνννμι. Ερρωμενος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of same. But Adj. resolute, firm, brave, valiant, stout ; strong, compact, comp. ερρωμενίστερος, sup. ερρωμενίστατος. Ερρωμίνως, (fr. last) resolutely, bravely, stoutly, strongly, comp. -εστέρως, sup. -εστάτως. Έρμων, par. pres. act. of ερρω. Ερρώοντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of ρώω or ρώομαι. Or, Poet, for έρρων- το, 3 pi. pper. pass, of ρώνννμι. Ερρωος, -ου, b, (fr. έρι very, and ρώω to be strong) a boar ; a ram ; or rather an epithet of them. Ερρωσα,-ας,-ε,Ά,οΧ Ερρ~ωσάμην, ΕΡΤ -ω, -ατο, 3 pi. -σαντο, mid. — Ερρώσθην, -ης, -η, pass. 1 a. ind. ot ρώνννμι. Έρ'ρωσο, -ώσθω, and in 2 pi. Έρ- ρωσθε, per. impr. pass, of same, farewell, adieu. Έρσα, Ion. for είρσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of ερρω. Ερσαίος, -a, -ov, same as ερσήεις. "Ερση, and "Ερσ^, and Ion. Εε'ρσ?7,• -ης, η, dew ; a new-born lamb. Ερσήεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. last) dewy, dew-besprinkled. Έρσην, Ion. for άρσην. Έρσω, 1 f. ind. act. JEol. of ερρω. Ερϋ>'ε7ν, 2 a. or 2 f. inf. act. of ερενγω. Ερύγηλος, (fr. ερενγω to belch) and ΕρνγμηΧος, -ov, b, η (fr. same, and μήλον cattle) casting, draw- ing or throwing up. It seems to be an epithet of kine from their drawing up their food from the stomach in chewing the cud. Also, lowing, bellowing. Ερνγμος, -ου, b, same as ερενγμός. Ερνεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. of ερύω. Ερνθαίνω, f. -ανώ, (fr. ίρενθος red- ness) to grow red, blush, redden; to be red. 1 a. ind. act. ηρνθηνα. Ερνθεια, -ας, and Ion. -είη, -ης, ή, Erythea ; an island so called ; name of a place. Ερύθημα, -ατός, rb, (fr. ίρενθος redness) a root yielding α red colour which women used ; red dye or paint; redness, ruddi- ness; blush, glow; modesty. Ερνθήνας, -ασα, -αν, 1 a. par. act. of ερνθαίνω. Ερυθιάω, see ερνθαίνω. par. pres. act. ερνθιάων -ων, -άονσα -ώσα, -άον -ων. Ερνθιόωσαν, Poet, for εουθίώσον, a. sin. fem. cont. par. pres. act. of last. Ερυθρά, -ας, ή, and Ερυθρά?, -ων at, (fr. ίρνθρος red) the name of several towns. Ερυθραίνω, (fr. next, th. ίρενθος redness) see ερνθαίνω. Ερνθραίος, -a, -ov, (fr. ίρενθος red ness) of, from or relating to the Arabian sea, which lies at, and between, the mouths of the Red sea and the Persian gulf ; Erythraean ; red, ruddy. Ερνθραίος -ov, b, η, a native ofEov θρά. g. pi. Ερυθραίων, perhaps more properly Ερυθρε'ων, Ion. for Ερυθρών, g. pi. of Ερυθροί. Epu0ptau),same asεpυθ£αω,seeεpυ θαίνω' par. pres. act. ερνθριάων -ών, in a. sin. fem. ερνθριώσαν par. 1 a. act. ερνθριάσας. Ερνθροδανόομαι, (fr. next) to grow red ; to be made or dyed red. Ερνθρος, -a, -bv, (fr. ίρενθος red• ness) red, ruddy. Ερνκακίειν -εΐν, pres. inf. act. of Ερυκακέω -ω, and Ερνκακάω -ω, and Ερνκάκω, same as ερνκω. Ερυκίμεν, and Ερυκίμεναι, Dor. for ερνκειν, pres. inf. act. — Ερνκοι- μι, -οις, -οι, pres. opt. act. of Ερύκω, f. -ξω, p. -χα, to restrain, confine, stay, hold, curb, check ; (247) EPT to hinder, prevent, impede ; to embarrass, perplex, hamper; to protect, defend, guard, preserve ; to draw, drag, trail. Έρνμ for Έρνμα, -άτος, το, (fr. ερύω to draw forth) protection, defence ; guard, garrison ; a fortress, castle. Έρνμαι, by Sync, for ερυο^αι,ρΓββ. ind. pass, of ερνω. Ερνμνός, -ή, -bv, (fr. ερύω to draw forth) safe, secure ; fortified ; guarded, protected. Ερνμνότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last, th. ερύω to draw forth) a fort, cas- tle, fortification; defence, pro- tection. Ερνομεν, by Sys. for ερύωμεν, 1 pi. pres. sub. act. of ερύω. Ερύσαί, 1 a. inf. act. — Ερνσαίμην, -αιο, -αιτο, 1 a. opt. mid. — Ερύ- σαις, -Έοΐ. for Εονσας, par. 1 a. act. — Έρνσαν, Ion. for είρυσαν, act. — Ερύσαντο,Ιοη. ϊοτειρνσαν- το, mid. 3 pi. 1 a. ind. of ερύω. Ερνσαίατο, Ion. for ερνσαιτο, see last. Ερνσαμαρτας, a. pi. of Ερνσαμάρ- της, -ov, b, η. Or, for ερνσαμάρ- τονς, a. pi. of Ερνσάμάρτος, and -μαρτης, -ov, b, η, (fr. ερύω to draw, and άρμα a chariot) that draw the chariot, draft. Ερύσασ', for ερνσασα, η. fem. sin. par. 1 a. act. — Ερύσω, -ης, -rj, 1 a. sub. act. of ερύω. Έρνσθαι, pres. inf. mid. of έρνμαι, for έρνεσθαι, and ερνομαι. Ερνσ'ιβη, -ης, η, (fr. ίρενθος red ness) rust ; blight, mildew, blast. Ερύσιμον, -ov, το, the name of an herb unknown. Ερυσίπτολίί, -ιος, b, η, (fr. ερύω to defend or to drag, and πτόλις Poet, for πόλις a city) the guar- dian of the city, the hope, defence or father of the city. Or, α de- stroyer, ravager of cities, &c. an epithet of Pallas. Ερυσσαμενοί, Poet, for ερυσάμενος, par. ] a. mid. of ερνω. 'Ερνσσαν, Ion. and Poet; for εφυ- σαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. of same. Ερνσσομεν, Poet, for ερύσομ εν, 1 pi. of Ερύσω, 1 f. ind. act. of same. Or by Syst. for ερνσωμεν, 1 pi 1 a. sub. act. of same. 'Ερντ, for ipvro, which Ion. for είρυτο, 3 sin. impf. ind. mid. of ίρνμαι, same as ερύομαι. Or it may be Sync, for ερύσατο, Ion. for ειρύσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of same. Ερυω, and Poet. Ειρύω, f. -νσω, p. είρνκα, to draw, drag, pull along ; to bring, lead, take to ; to catch, seize; to hinder, prevent, check, detain; to tear, lacerate, pull in pieces; to guard, keep, protect; to extricate, deliver, rescue. 1 a. ind. act. είρνσα. per. ind. pass. είρνμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, ειρνθην. 1 a. mid. ind. ειρνσάμην inf. ερύσασθαι' and Poet, tipvoae* Bat. ΕΡΩ ΕΣΑ ΕΣΕ Ερφ\ for έ'ρπε, 3 sin. impf. act. of 'έρπω. Έρ^ος, -ov, 6, (fr. ερίφια to cover) skin, hide. Έρχάται,Έρχατο, Ion. fbr8tpy/ui- νοι εισϊ, per. and for ειργμενοι ήσαν, pper. 3 pi. ind. pass, ot" είρ- γω or είργννμι. Έρχατος, -ov, b, (fr. είργω to con- fine) a hedge, fence, mound, bank, rampart ; an enclosure. Ερχατόω -ώ, (fr. same) to hedge, fence, enclose; to hinder, re- strain, stop ; to fortify. Ερχατόωντο, Ion. and Poet, for ηρχατόοντο -ουντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of last. Ερχεαι, Ion. for ερχη, 2 sin. — 'Ερχεται, 3 sin. pies. ind. mid. — Έρχεο, Ion. — Έρχεν, Dor. for Έρχον, du. -εσθον, -εσθων, 2 pi. -εσθε, pres. impr. — Έρχεσ- θαι, pres. inf. mid. — Ερχόμεθα, -χονται, 1 and 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. — Ερχόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. — Έρχωμαι,-η,-ηται, pres. sub. mid. of έρχομαι. Έρχομ\ for Έρχομαι, f. ελεύσομαι, p. ήλΐ'θα, Alt. ελήλνθα, and ειλήλονθα, fr. ελεύβω, obs. . Ερωμανίεσσι, d. pi. Ion. and Poet. — Ερωμανίων -ων, g. pi. of Ερωμανής, -ίος -ους, ο, >/, (fr. ίρως love, and μαίνομαι to rave) amo- rous, warm ; fond, enamoured ; lovely, enchanting, maddening. Ερών, -ώντος, in η. pi. Ερώντες, cont. of εράων, εράοντος, g. sin. and εράοντες, η. pi. mas. par. pres. act. of εράω. Ερωνη, -ης, ή, same as ερωή. Έρως, -ωτος, ό, love, ptxssion, de- sire ; affection, kindness. Eros, the Greek being similar to Cu- pido of the Latins. Cupid. Ερωτρ, 3 sin. ind, — Ερωτών, inf. pres. act. cont. — Ερωτώντων, g. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of Ερωτάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. ηρώτηκα, to ask, inquire ; to propose a ques- tion ; to discuss, reason, argue ; to request, beg. 1 a. ind. act. ηρώτησα' per. ind. pass, ηρώτη- μαι. ΕρωτεΊν, Ion. for ερωτάειν -αν, pres. inf. act. of last. Ερωτηθείς, -εΊσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass — Ερωτήσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Ερωτήσας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a act. — Ερωτήσω, -εις, -ει, 2 pi -σετε, 1 f. ind. act. — Ερωτήσω -ης, -η, 3 pi. -σωσι, 1 a 1 , sub. act — Ερωτώ, 1 sin. -τώμεν, 1 pi cont. pres. ind. act. of same. Ερώτημα, -άτος, το, and Ερώτησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) α?ι inquiry, question. Ερωτιματΐκος, -η, -bv, (fr. last, th. ερωτάω to ask) questioning, in- quiring, inquisitive. Ερωτιματΐκώς, (fr. last) inquisitive- ly ; in the form of a question. Ερωτίδής, -εος -ους, b, ή, (fr. έρως love) young love, infant Cupid ; love's offspring. Ερωτικός, -η, -ov, (fr. same) amo- rous, enamoured, fond, loving ; amatory. Ερωτικώς, (fr. last) lovingly. Ερωτϊς, -toOj, ι), (fr. έρως love) a mistress ; a courtezan. Ερωτόκος, -ov, b, η", (fr. same, and τίκτω to produce) causing or producing love. Ερωτνλος, -ov, b, f), (dim. of same) a little lover ; amorous, loving, dear. Ερωτών, -ώντος, in pi. Ερωτώντες, -uv, cont. fr. Ερωτάων -ών, -άον- τος -ώντος, &c. par. pres. act. of ερωτάω. Ερωτώο, 2 sin. cont. of Ερωταοί- μην ώμην, -άοιο -ώο, pres. opt. pass, of same. Ές, 'ίτω, 2 a. impr. act. of "ιημι. Ες, Poet, and Att. ΐοτ εις. Εσαγγελενς, -εος, Att. -έως, (fr. ες to, and αγγίλλω to send word) a messenger between two par- ties, envoy. Εσαείρω, f. -ερώ, (fr. ες to, and αείρω same as th. αίρω to raise) to raise up, elevate, exalt, par. pres. pass, εσαειρόμενος. 1 a. ind. act. -ήειρα' mid. -ηειράμην par. -ηειράμενος. Εσαθρέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. εσήθρηκα, (fr. είϊηίο, and αθρίω to look) to look at, view, consider ; to gaze upon ; to look to, observe ; to see. Εσαθρήσεια, -ας, -ε, 2Eo\. for εσα- θρήσαιμι, -αις, -αι, 1 a. opt. act. of last. Εσακοντίζω, f. -ΐσω, p. -ικα, (fr. ες to, and ακοντίζω to dart, th. άκων a dart) to dart at; to throw, fling, shoot against. Εσακονω, f. -ούσω, p. εσήκονκα, (fr. same, and ακούω to hear) to hearken to, listen, attend ; to obey ; to humour, indulge, com- ply with. pres. inf. act. εσα- κούειν. (248) Εσαλεύθην, -ης, -η,' 1 a. ind. pass. of σαλεύω. Εσάλλομαι, f. -ουμαι, (fr. same, and αλλομαι to leap) to leap up on. I a. ind. mid. εσηλάμην. Εσάλπιζον, impf. — Εσάλπισα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of σαλπίζω. Εσαλτυ, Dor. for εσηλτο. 3 sin. pper. pass.• Or, by Sync, for εσήλετο, 3 sin. impf. pass. Or, for εσήλατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of εσάλλομαι. Έσαν, by Poet. Sys. for ήσαν, 3 pi. impf. of etui, to be. "Εσαν, 3 pi. of ην, 2 a. ind. act. of 'ίημι. Έσανον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of σαίνω. "Εσαντο, Ion. for ε'ίσαντο, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. of ενννμι or έ'ω. Έσάπον, and Έσηπον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of σήπω. Εσαράσσω, (fr. ες upon, and οράσσω to dash against) to beat or dash against, force into; to impress. pres. inf. act. εσαράσσειν. Εσάωθεν, Besot. Sync, for εσαώθη- σαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of σαώ- ζω. — Εσάωσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of same. Εσ βαίνω, same as εισβαίνω. Εσβάλλω, f. -αλώ, p. εσβίβληκα, (fr. ες into, and βάλλω to throw) to cast, throw, put or place in ; to dart, rush, force or break in ; to enter, strike into a road ; to in- vade, make an inroad, pres. inf. act. εσβάλλειν. Εσβάντες, for εισβάντες, par. 2 a. act. of εισβαίνω. Έσβεσα, -ας, -ε, act. — Εσβίσθην, -ης, -η, pass. 1 a. ind. of σβίννν- μι. Έσβην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. act. ot σβΐ,μι, same as σβίνννμι. Εσβιβάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. ες in, and βιβάζω to mount, th. βαίνω to go) to let or bring in, introduce ; to set upon, make mount. Εσβολή, -ης, f h (fr. same, and βάλ- λω to throw) ingress, entrance, admission ; an invasion, in- road. Εσδίχομαι, f. -ξομαι, f. εσδίδεγμαι, (fr. ες into, and δέχομαι to receive) to admit, receive into. Εσδ'ίδοΰν, Ion. and Poet, for εσδιδό- ναι. It is cont. fr. εσδιδόειν, pres. inf. act. of εσδιδόι», same as Εσδίδωμι, f. -σω, (fr. ες into, and δίδω μι to give) to give ; put or pour into. Εσδομαι, Dor. for εζομαι. Έσδόμενος, -η, -ov, Dor. for εζόμε- νος, par. pres. mid. — Έσδωμαι, -η, -ηται, 1 pi. Έσδώμεθα, Do>*. for εζωμαι, &c. 1 a. sub. mid. of εζομαι. Εσεαι, Ion. for ίση, 2 sin. 1 f. of ειμϊ, to be. Εσεβάσθην, -ης, -η, in 3 pi. Εσε- βάσθησαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of σε- βάζομαι. Εσει, Att. for ίση, 2 sin. 1 f. of ειμΧ, to be. Εσείδω, see εισύδω• ΕΣΘ Έσειμι, (fr. ες into, andε?/^i to go) to go in, enter. Ένεισάμην, -ω, -ατο, mid. — Εσείσ- θ>,ν, -ης, -η, 3 |»1. -θησαν, pass. 1 a. ind. of σείω. ΕσεΊται, Dor. and ΕσσεΤται, Poet, for ίσεται, 3 sin. of ίσομαι, f. of £/νείχα, (fr. ε? into, and ενείκω Ion. for ενεγκω, obs. to carry) sec εσ^ε' ρω, or rather εισψίρω. per. pass, ind. εσήνειγμαι, Att. εσενηνειγ- μαι• inf. εσεν^νεΓχθαί. Εσενειγθείί, -ε?σα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass. — ΕσενηνεΊχθαι, per. inf. pass, of last. Εσεπτάμην, -ω, -ατο, fr. ες to, and επτά μην, which see. Εσε'ρ)/νΐ'^ί, (fr. εs into, and εργννμι, same as fpycj or. είργω to confine) to enclose, shut in. pres. inf. act. Εσεργνύναι ΕΣΚ Εσερ-νω, f. -υσω, p. -υκα, (fr. ε? into, and ερπνω to creep) to creep into. Εσερχομαι, f. εσε\ενσομαι, p. εσ>/λυ- 0α, (fr. ε? into, and έρχομαι to come) to covie or g-o j/i, enter ; to come into the mind, occur, strike. 2 a. act. ind. εσηλθον inf. εσε\θε7ν. Εσεσάχάτο, Ion. for εσεσακτο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of σάττω. Εσεσήρειν, -εις, -ει, pper. mid. of σαίρω. Έσεσθαι, pres. inf. — ΕσεαΟε, 2 pi. of ίσομαι, f. of ειμί, to be. Έσετος, -εος -ονς, το, (fr. ες to, and έτος a year) next year, another year, εσέτονς, until the following year. Έσευα, -ας, -ε, for εσευσα, 1 a. ind. act. of σενω. Εσεΰμαι, and Εσόυμαι, Dor. for ίσομαι, f. of ε£//ί, to be. Εσεφθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of σεβω. Εσεχνντο, Ion. for εσεκεχνντο, 3 pi. pper. pass, of εσγεω. Εσεχω, (fr. ε* in, and έχω to hold) to hold on, reach or extend to ; to ,/fou; or pass from due into ano- ther; to rush forth, go out ; to en- ter, go in. pres. inf. act. εσέχειν. Έση, and Att. εσεί, 2 sin. of ίσο- μαι, f. of ειμί, to be. Εσήκασθεν, Bosot. for εσηκάσθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of σηκόζω. Εσηκε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of εσίη- μι. Εσηλάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of εσά\Χομαι. Εσήμάνα, and Εσήμ^να, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of σημαίνω. Έσηπον, -ες, -ε, see εσάπον. Εσβ', before an aspirate, for εστί, 3 sin. pres. of ειμί, to be. "Εσθαι, 2 a. inf. mid. of ϊημι. Έσθάς, Dor. for ίσθής. Εσθεομαι, f. -ήσομαΊ, (fr. εσθης a dress) to dress, clothe, put on. Εσθημενος, for 'Καθήμενος, par. per. pass, of last. Έσθης, -ητος, η, (fr. εω to pat on) cloth s, wardrobe, dress, attire, raiment ; a coat, robe, garment. d. sin. έσθητι, α. εσθητα. "Εαθησις, -ιος, Att. -«if, //, (fr. last) clothing, dress} a gannent. Εσθίει, 3 sin. pi. -ετε,-ονσ•., ind. — Εσθίειν, inf. — Εσθιετω, 3 sin impr. pres. act. — Εσθίη, 3 sin pi. -ίητε, -ίωσι, pres. sub. act. — Εσθίων, -ούσα, -ov, a. -υντα, pi. η. -οντες, g. -όντων, a. -υντας, par. [ires. act. of Εσθίω, f. -tew, p. ήσθικα, (fr. εσθω to eat) to eat,, feed, graze; to consume, waste ; to destroy, cor- rode, rust. pres. act. impr. έσθιε. impf. act. ήσθιον. For other tenses attributed to it see εδω. Εσθλοισι, d. pi. Ion. of Εσθλός, Dor. Εσ\ός, -η, -or, brave, valiant; skilful, ingenious ; pow- erful, able, strong ; distinguished, famous, renowned, noble ; excel- lent, good ; useful, valuable, pro- fitable. Εσθλότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) bra- very, courage ; skill, ingenuity ; strength; dignity; worth, value, excellence, goodness. Έσθορε, Ion. for εσεθορε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of Εσθορεω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα,(Γτ. ες upon, and $ορεω to leap) toltap rush or spring upon. Έσθοτε, for εστί υτε, it is uhen — . whenever, whensoever, when, at what time. Εσθω, same as εσθίω, which see, and also εδω. "Εσθω, 3 sin. 2 a. impr. mid. of ημι. Εσιγάθη, Dor. for εσιγήθη, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. pass. — Εσίγησα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -γησαν, 1 a. ind. act. of σιγάω. Εσίδον, -ες, -ε, ind. — Εσίδω, -ης, -η, sub. — ΕσιδεΙν, inf. — Εσ«- ίών, par. 2 a. act. of εσείδω, same as εισείδω. Εσίεναι, pres. inf. act. of Εσίημι, (fr. ες into, and "ημι to send) to send, put or thrust in, insert ; to send forth ; to enter, go in. Εσινάμην, -ω, -ατο, 3 pi. Εσίναντο, 1 a. ind. mid. of σίνω. "Εσις, •ιος, Att. -εωί, η, (fr. "εμαι to desire) desire, longing, wish, inclination ; appetite, sensuality. Εσιτήρια or Εισιτήρια, -ων, τα, (fr. είσειμι to enter upon) an Athe- nian festival when magistrates were elected ; sacrifices on that occasion. Εσιώπα, 3 sin. — Εσιώπων, 1 sin. or 3 pi. cont. impf.•» act. of σιω- πάω. Έσκαμμαι, -\pai, -πται, per. ind. pass, of σκάπτω. Εσκανδαλίζοντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of σκανδαλίζω. Εσκάτθετο, Ion. for εσκατεθετο, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. mid. of εσκατατί- θημι, for εισκατατίθημι, which see. Έσκαφα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — (249) E20 Εσκάφην, -ης, -η, pass. — Έσ- καψον, -ες, -ε, act. 2 a. ind. — Έσκαψα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of σκάπτω. Ea*7cW, for εσκεδασε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of σκεδάω. Έσκεμμαι, -ψαι, -πται, per. ind. pass, of σκέπτομαι. Εσκεμμίνως, (fr. εσκεμμένος, par. per. pass, of σκέπτομαι to con- sider) considerately, circumspect- ly, warily, cautwusly. Εσκενάιάται, Ion. for εσκενασμενοι εισ"ι, 3 pi. per. ind. pass. — Εσ κενάδάτο, Ion. for εσκενασμενοι ήσαν, 3 pi. pper. pass. — Εσκεν- ασμενος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of σκευάζω. Εσκενώρημαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass, of σκενωρεω. Εοκήνωσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of σκηνόω. Εσκίδναιτο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of σκίίνημ t . Εσκίρταον -ων, -αες -ας, •αε -α, 3 pi. cont. εσκίρτων, impf. — Εσ- κίρτησα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. οίσκιρτάω. ΈσκΧην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. act. οί σκ\ ημι. ΕσκΚηρννοντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of σκληρύνω. Εσκομίζω, (fr. ες into, and κομίζω to carry) same as εισκομίζω. 1 a. inf. act. εσκομίσαι. Έσκον, -ες, -ε, Ion. for ην, impf. of ειμί, to be. Or for εον, έες, εε, impf. of ίω, obs. same as ειμί, to be. Εσκορόδισα, -ας, -ε. 1 a. ind. act. of σκοροδίζω. Εσκόρπισα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind» act. of σκορπίζω. Εσκότικα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — . Εσκότισμαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass. —Εσκοτίσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, cf σκοτίζω. Εσκύπτω, (fr. ες into, and κνπτω to bend) to bend or stretch over; to stretch to look into, survey. Έσκωπτον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of σκώπτω. Εσλί, Heb. Esli, a man's name* Εαλόί, -η, -bv, Dor. for εσλός. Εσλώς, Dor. for εσλονς, a. pi. of las\. Εσμαράγησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of σμαραγεω. Εσμάσσω or -ττω, f. -ζω, and -σω, p. -χα, (fr. ες upon, and μάσσω to press) to impress, stamp % mark ; to touch, strike ; to touch inwardly, affect, afflict, hurt. 1 a. ind. mid. εσεμασσάμην, -ω, -ατο. Εσμεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. of ειμί, to be. Έσμηγμαι, per. ind. pass, of σμύ Χ ω • Έσμος, -ov, b, (fr. εω or 'ίημι to send) a swarm. Εσο, έστω, pres. impr. of ειμ'ί, tobe. "Εσο, εσθω, 2 a. impr. mid. of 'ίημι. Έσοδος or Είσοδος, -ov, η, (fr. ες or είί into, and οδός arjad) an en- trance, approach, arrival : cm income, revenue. ΕΣΠ Εσοικίζω, (fr. same, and όΐκος a house) see εισοικίζω. Εσοίμην, -οιο, -οιτο, 2 and 3 pi. Έσοισθε, Έσοιντο, pres. opt. of ειμί, to be. Έσομαι, -ρ,-εται, 1 pi. Έσόμεθα — Έσοντ, for Έσονται, 3 pi. f. ind. — Έσόιχενος, -η, -ov, par. of same. Εσόπτομαι, f. -ψομαι, p. εσωμμαι, (fr. ες into, and άπτομαι to look) ίο Zoo/c iraio, examine, inspect ; to view, observe ; to look at, behold. Έσοπτρον, -ου, τό, (ft", last) α ZooA;- ing-glass, mirror. Εσοράειν -^v, pjres. inf. act. of Εσοράω, (fr. ες into, and δράω to see) same as εισοράω. Εσορΐ,ς, Eaopjj, Εσορητε, Dor. for εσοράεις -ας, 2 sin. εσοράει -a, 3 sin. and εσοράετε -ατε, 2 pi. pres. ind. act. of last. Εσοραψες, Dor. for εσοράομεν-ωμεν, 1 pi. — Εσορώσι or -σιν, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. — Εσορών, Εσορωντες, Εσορώσ*, cont. cases par. pres. act. of εισοράω. Εσοΰμαι, -η, -εΊται, Dor. for ίσομαι. Εσυφισάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. οΐσοψίζω. Εσόψομαι, 1 f. ind. mid. of εσόπ- τομαι. Εσπάθαον -ων, impf. ind. act. — Εσπάθημαι, ind. — Εσπαθημέ- νος, par. per. pass, of σπαθάω. Έσπάκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. of σπάω. Εσπάραζα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -ζαν, 1 a. ind. act. οι σπαράσσω. Έσπαρμαι, -σαι, ται, ind. — Ε-σ- πάρθαι, inf. — Εσπαρμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of σπείρω. Έσπασάμην, -ω, -ατο, and -ατ, 1 a. ind. mid — Έσπον, -ες, -ε, 2 ind. act. of σπάω. Εσπατα\ήσατε, 2 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of σπαταλάω. Έσπειρα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of σπείρω. Έσπεισα, -ας, -ε, act. — Εσπείσ- θην, -ης, -η, pass. 1 a. ind. — Έσπεισμαι, -σαι, -σται, per. ind. pass, of σπένδω. 'Εσπέρα, -ας, η, (fr. "Εσπερος Hes- perus) the evening ; the west. 'Εσπέρας, (g. of last) in the even- ing, late. 'Εσπερίδες, -ων, a\, (fr. same) the Hesperides, the daughters of Hesperus ; the western isles. Έσπέριος, -ου, b, η, and 'Εσπερινός, -η, -ov, (fr. same) in the even- i n £i °f or about evening, late ; west, western. Εσπερος, -ov, b, (fr. εσπομαι to ad- join, namely, the sun) the even- ing star, Hesperus, said to be the son of Jupiter. Or, (per- haps fr. έως the day, and πέρας the end) evening, the west. Εσπεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. — "Εσπε- to, Poet, for ε'ίσπετο, 3 sin. impf. ind. mid. of εσπομαι. Έσπετε, 2 pi. pres. impr. act. of έσπω. "Εσπευδον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of σπεύδω. ΈΣΣ Εσπίλωκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — Εσπιλώμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. cont. οίσπίλόω. ΕσπΧάγχνισμαι, -σαι, -σται, per. ind. pass. — ΕσπλαγχνΊσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, οΐσπλαγ^νίζω. Εσπλέω -ω, (fr. ες to, and πλε'ω to sail) same as εισπλέω. Εσττ&ίεω -ώ. same as εισποιέω. Εσπομαι, Poet, for ε έπομαι, which see under έ'πω. pres. opt. mid. εσπο'ιμην' par. ίσπόμενος. This verb often drops the ε, as σποϋ, and Ion. σπεΐο, for εσπου, pres. impr. Έσπόμεθ*, for εσπόμεθα, 1 pi. pres. ind.• of last. Έσπον, -ες, -ε, act. — Εσπδμην, -ov, -ετο, mid. 2 a. ind. of σπάω. Έσπονδα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. — Εσπού<5ασα, -ας, -ε, 1 pi. -σαμεν, 1 a. ind. act. of σπουδάζω. Έσπω, Poet, for ε'πω• pres. impr. 2 pi. έσπετε. Έσπω, and εσπομαι, Poet, for επω, which see. Εσρε'ω -ώ, (fr. ες in, and ρέω to flow) same as εισρέω. Έσσα,-ας,-ε,Έσσαι,'Έσσας,Ροβί. for ε«σα, ind. ; εσαι, inf. and εσάς, par. 1 a. act. of εω or εννυμι. But "Εσσαι, may be Poet, for είσαι, 2 sin. of εϊμαι, per. ind. pass, of same. Or for ησσαι, 2 sin. as if the per. pass, had been ησμαι. Έσσάμενος, -η, -ov, Poet, for ε'σά- μενος, par. 1 a. mid. — "Εσσαν- to, Poet, for ϊσαντο, which Ion. ι for ε'ίσαντο, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. . — "Εσσασθαι, Poet, for εσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — "Εσσεαί, Poet, and Ion. for εϊσαι, 2 sin. per. ind. pass, of εω or εννυμι. "Εσσας, "Εσσε, see "Εσσα. Έσσεαι, Poet, and Ion. for i, -ηνος, b, a king, prince, chiefly applied to what is now called the queen among bees. Εσσί, Poet, for εΤς or ε7, 2 sin pres. ind. — Έσσο, Poet, for ίσο, 2 sin. pres. impr. of ειμί to be. "Εσσο, Poet, for Ισο, which Ion, for εΓσο, 2 sin. of ε" μην, pper. ind. pass, of εω or εννυμι. Εσσόμενος, -η, -ov, Poet, for εσόμε- νος, (par. f. of ειμί to be) fu- ture, about to be, in time to come. Εσσόμενοι, -ων, ol, posterity. Εσ- σόμενα, -ων, τα, futurity. Έσσον, Poet, for 'ίσον, 1 a. impr. act. of εω or εννυμι. (250) ΕΣΤ Εσσδομαι, Ion. for ησσωμαι, cont. fr. ησσάομαι. Έσσονν, Ion. for ησσονν, pres. inf. act. as if of ησσόω' but ήσσφν, cont. fr. ησσάειν, pres. inf. of ησσάω, the active form of the more usual ησσάομαι. Έσσυθεν, Poet, and Boeot. for εσύ- θησαν, 3 pi. of εσνθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of σύω. Έσσυμαι, -σαι, -ται — Εσσυμένος, -η; -ov, by Poet. Metath. for σέσυμαι, ind. and σεσνμένος, par. per. pass, of σύω. Εσσνμένως, (fr. εσσυμένος, par. in last) hastily, quickly; eagerly, ardently, zealously. Έσσυο, Poet, for εσνον, 2 sin. impf. pass Έσσυτ' for έσσυ- ται, which by Metath. for σέσν ται, 3 sin. per. ind. pass. — Έσσυτο for σέσντο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of σύω. "Εσσω, Poet, for εσω, 1 f. ind. act. of εω or ε£ω. "~,σσωμαι, Ion. for ησσωμαι, cont. of ησσάομαι. "Εσσων, Ion. for ησσων. Έστ for ες τε, until. Ε στ for εστί, 3 sin. pres. ind. c4 ειμί, to be. "Εσταα, Ion. Sync, for εστηκα, per. ind. act. of "ιστημι. Έσταζον,-ες,-ε,'πηρΐ. act. of στάζω. Έσταθεν, Boeot. Sync, for εστάλη- σαν, 3 pi. of Εστάθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of "στη μι. Έσται, by Sync, for έσεται, 3 sin. f. of ειμί, to be. Έσταίην, opt. — "Ε στα θι, impr. — Έστάναι, inf. — 'Εστας, par. pres. act. οΐεστημι for "στημι. Έστακα for έστηκα, per. ind. act. of "ιστημι. Έστακτο, 3 sin. of εστάγμην, pper. pass, of στάξω. Έστακώς, by Sync. Έστως, and that Ion. εσταώς and ίστεώς, par. per. act. οι Ιστημι. Εσταλάδατο,\)γΙοη. Pleon.for εστά- λατο, which for εσταλμένοι ήσαν, 3 pi. pper. ind. pass, of στε'λλω. Εστάλατ' for εστάλαται, which Ion. for εστα\μένοι εισί, 3 pi. per. ind. pass, of same. Εστάλατο, see in εσταλάδατο. Εσταλην, -ης, -η, pass. — Έστα- \ον, -ες, -ε, act. 2 a. ind. — Εστάλθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. — Έσταλκα, act. — Έσταλμαι, pass. per. ind. of στέλλω. "Εστάμεν, "Εστατε, 1 and 2 pi. pres. ind. — "Εσταναί, pres. inf. act. of εστημι for Ιστημι. Or they may be by Sync, for ίστήκαμεν* εστήκατε, 1 and 2 pi. per. and εστηκέναι,οβΐ. inf. act. of "στημι. Έστάμεν is also Ion. for έστάναι, pres. inf. of εστημι. Έστάμεναι, η. fern. pi. of ιστάμε- νος, which is either the par. per. pass, of "στημι, or pres. par. pass, of εστημι for "ιστημι. Or it is put Dor. for έστάναι. Έσταν, Boet.)Sync. for έστησαν^ pi. 2 a. ind. act. ο€"στημι. EST Εοταναι, eee above in εστάμεν. Έσταότ for εσταότα, a. sin. — Έσ- ταότε, η. du. — Έσταότες, η. pi. of εσταώς, which by Sync, for εστακώς, par. of εστακα, which see. Έ,στασάμην, in 3 sin. Εστάσατο, and in 3 pi. Εστάσαντο, Dor. for εσ- τησάμην, &c. 1 a. ind. mid. of "στη μι. Έστασαν, (smooth) Dor. for έστη- σαν, 3 pi. 2 or perhaps 1 a. ind. act. of ΐστημι' for the aorists of this verb are not aspirated. But, "Εστασαν, (aspirated) is by Sync, for εστήκεισαν, 3 pi. pper. act. of ΐστημι' or impf. act. of ϊστημι. Εστάσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Ϊστημι. Or, by Sync, for ίστή- κασι, 3 pi. per. ind. act. of ΐστημι. Έστάτω, 3 sin. of ϊσταθι, pres. impr. act. of ϊστημι. Εστανρώθην,-ης,-η, pass. — Εσταυ- ρώσατε, -σαν, 2 and 3 pi. act. 1 a. ind. — Εστανρωμέ νος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of σταυρόω. Εσταώς -ως, -ανϊα -ώσα, -αος -ως, by Sync, for εστακώς, par. of εσ- τακα, which see. Εστέ, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. of ειμί, to be. Έστε, (fr. εΐί or ες to, and τε) un- til, while, whilst, as long as. Έστειλα, -ας, -ε, act. — Εστειλά- μην, -ω, -ατο, mid. 1 a. ind. of στέλλω. Έστειχα, -ας, -ε, per. — Έστειχον, -ες, -ε, impf. ind. act. of στεί- Έστίναϊα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of στενάζω. Έστενον, -ες, -ε and -εν, with ν added, impf. act. of στενό.». Εστερεοΰντο, 3 pi. cont. impf. pass. — Εστερεώθ^ν, -ης, -η, 3 pi. -θη- σιν, pass. — Εστερέωσα, -ας, -ε, act. 1 a. ind. of στερεόω. Εστερήθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. — Εστερ»?- μαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass. of στερεω. Εστεφάνιζα, Dor. for εστεφάνισα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of στεφανί- ξω. Εστεφανοόμην -ονμην, -όον -ου, -όετο -ουτο, impf. pass. — Εστε- φάνωσα,-ας,-ε, act. — Εστε0ανω- σάμην, -ω, -ατο, mid. 1 a. ind. ■ — Εστεφάνωμαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass, of στεφανόω. Εστεφον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of στέ- φω. Έστεώς, Ion. for. εσταώς, by Cras. for εστακως or εστηκως, par. per. act. of ΐστημι. Εστηκ" for "Εστεκα, 1 sin. or Έσ- τηκε, 3 sin. per. ind. act. of same, 2 pi. Έστήκατε, 3 pi. Έσ- τήκασι. Έστήκαντι, Dor. for εστήκάσι, 3 pi. of last. Έστήκεσαν, Att. for εστήκεισαν, 3 pi. pper. act. of ΐστημι. Έστήκω, f. -ξ ω , (fr. ϊστηκα, per. act. of Ίστημι, by the Syracusan dialect) same as ϊστημι. per. ind. ΕΣΎ act. ε'ίστηκα, pper. είστήκειν, in 3 pi. ε'ιστήκεισαν. Έστηκώς, -via, -ος, pi. η. -κότες, g. -κότων, par. per. act. of ϊστημι. By Sync, εστώς, and that Ion. εοτεώς. "Εστ'ημι for ϊστημι. Έστην, -ης, -η, 3 pi. Έστησαν, 2 a. ind. act. of same. The aorists of this verb are not aspirated. Έστήξω, -εις, -ει, act. — Έστήξο- μαι, -η, -εται, mid. 1 f. ind. of εστήκω, same as ϊστημι. Εστήριγμαι, -ζαι, -κται, per. ind. pass. — Εστηριγμενυς, par. per. pass. — Εστηρίγμην, -ζο, -κτο, pper. pass. — Εστήριξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of στηρίζω. Έστησα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. Έστησαν, ■ 1 a. ind. act. — Εστησάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of ϊστημι. Έστηώς, by Sync, for εστηκως, par. per. act. of same. Εστί or Εστίν, 3 sin. pres. ind. of ειμί. Also Έστι for έξεστι, which see. 'Εστία, -ας, η, a hearth, fireplace, fireside ; a house, home, abode ; Vesta. Έστιάθην, Ion. for ειστιάθην, 1 a. ind. pass, of εστιάω. Έστιάς, -άδος, η, (fr. εστία a hearth) a vestal. Έστίάσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. same) a dinner, supper, repast, meal. Έστιάσων, -ούσα, -ov, par. 1 f. act. of εστιάω. Εστιατόρια, -ας, η, (fr. εστία the hearth) food, feasting, cheer, good living. 'Εστιατόρων, -ov, το, (fr. same) a dining room. Έστιάω -ω, f. -σω, p. ε'ιστίακα, (fr. same) to entertain, receive hos- pitably. Έστιβον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of στειβω. Εστιχέτην, 3 du. of έστιχον, 2 a. ind. act. of στείχω. Εστιχόωντο, Poet, for εστιχώντο, 3 pi. cont. impf. act. of στιχάω. "Εστο, Ion. for εΊστο, 3 sin. of εΐ- μην, pper. pass, of ϊω or ϊνννμι. Εστόβεον -ουν, impf. act. of στοβέω, JRo\. for στομέω or στομόω. Εστομώθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. of στομόω. Έστον, 2 and 3 du. pres. ind. or 2 du. pres. impr. of ειμί, to be. It is sometimes used for ητον, 2 du. impf. of same. Εστονά^ίςον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of στοναχίζω. Έστοργα, -ας, -ε, ind. — Εστορ^ώ?, -via, -ος, par. per. mid. of στερ- γω. Εστόρεσα,-ας, -ε, act. — Εστορε'σ- θην, -ης, -η, pass. 1 a. ind. of στο ρέω. Εστυρεται, Dor. for εστόρεσται, 3 sin. per. ind. pass, of same. Or it may be for έστρωται, per. ind. pass, of σΓρωννύω, same as στο- ρέω. Έστραμμαι, -ψαι, -πται, per. ind. pass, of στρέφω. (251) Ε2Φ Εστρατοπέδενσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. md. act. of στρατοπεδεύω. Εστρατόωντο, Poet, for εστρατωντο, cont. fr. εστρατάοντο, impf. mid. of στρατάομαι. Εστράφάτο, Ion. for εστραμμένοι ήσαν, 3 pi. pper. pass, of στρέφω. Έστράφον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. — Εστραφην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. pass. — Εστρέφθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. — Έστρεφον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. — Έστρεψα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of στρέφω. Εστρηνιάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. στρηνος profligacy) to riot, revel. Εστρηνίασα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of στρηνιάω or -άζω. Έστροφα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of στρέφω. Έστρωμαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass. — Εστρωμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass Εστρώμην,-σο,-τθ) pper. pass. — Έστρωσα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -σαν, 1 a. ind. — Εστρών- vvov, impf. act. of στρώνννμι οι στρωνννω. Έστυγον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of στνγέω or στνγω. Εστνφέλιξα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind» act. of στνφελίζω. Έστω, 3 sin. — Έστων, 3 du. — « Έστωσαν, 3 pi. pres. impr. of ειμί, to be. ΕστωμνΧάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of στωμύλλω. "Εστωρ, -ορός, h, (fr. ϊω to drive) perhaps better "Εκτωρ, -ορός, δ, (fr. έχω to hold) the cross bar at the end of the pole, which rested on the horses' backs ; α ring-bolt. Έστώς, -ωσα, -ως, g. -ωτος, a, -ωτα, pi. η. -ωτες, g. -ώτων, a. -ωτας, -ωτα, by Cras. fr. εσταώς, which by Sync. fr. εστακώς, par. of εστακα for ϊστηκα, per. act. of ΐστημι. Έστωσαν, 3 pi. pres. impr. of εί /zf, to be. Έστώτες, η. pi. mas. of εστώς. Εσύθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of σνω. Εσύλαον -ων, -αες -ας,-αε-α, impf! act. of συλαω. Εσύ λ ευ ο ν, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of συ- λεύω. Εσννηκα, -ας, -ε, Att. for σννηχα, 1 a. ind. act. of σννιημι. Εσνστερον, (fr. ες to, and ύστερος latter) hereafter, henceforth, of- terwards. Έσφαγα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. — Εσφαγην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. pass. — Έσφαγον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. — "Εσ^α^/μαί, -ζαι, -Krai t ind. — Εσφαγμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass. — Έσφαζον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. — Έσφαξα, -ας, -ε or -εν, I a. ind. act. of σφάζω or σφάττω. Εσφαίρωτο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of σφαιρόω. Έσφαλον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. — Εσφάλην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. pass. — Έσφαλκα, -ας, -ε, act. — Έσ- φα\μαι, -σαι, -raiy pass* per. ind. cf σφάλλω. ΕΣΧ Έσφαξα, -ας, -ε,3ρ1. Έσφαξαν, 1 a. ind. act. of σφάζω. Εσφαράγιζο», -ες, -ε, "impf. act. of σφαραγίζω. Εσφέρω, f. εσοίσω, 1 a. εσήνεγκα, (fr. ες into, and φέρω to carry) see εισφέρω. Έσφηκώντο, Dor. and JEo\. for εσφηκοΰντο, 3 pi. cont. impf. pass, οΐσφηκόω. ΈσφηΧα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of σφάλλω. Εσφιγγον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. — Έσφιγξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of σφίγγω. Εσφράγικα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. ■ — Εσψράγισα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. — Εσψραγίσθην, -ης, -η, 2 pi. Εφραγίσθητε, 1 a. ind. pass. — Εσφραγισμένος, -η, -ον, par. per. pass, of σφραγίζω. Εσχάρα, -ας, η, a hearth, jire, fire- place ; an altar, house, the fa- mily ; a scar, scab. Εσχαρεών, -ωνος, η, same as last, Poet. Εσχαρϊς, -*ίδος, η, (fr. εσχάρα a hearth) a fireplace ; a gridiron. Εσχαρίτης, -ου, b, (fr. εσχαρίς a gridiron) roasted or broiled meat, meat dressed on a gridiron. Εσχάροφιν, Poet. d. sin. of εσχά- ρα. Εσχατάω -ω, (fr. έσχατος last) to be last or hindmost, linger, de- lay ; to he on the extremity or verge, to bound, limit, par. pres. act. εσχατάων-ών, -άουσα -ωσα, -άον -ων. Εσχατιά, -ας, and Ion. Εσχατίη, -ης, η, (fr. same) the extremity, end, edge ; border, limit, boun- dary, marches, outskirts, waste; a lonely spot ; a farm. Εσχατίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. same) to 'be last. 1 a. ind. act. ησχάτιαα. Εσχατογήρως, -ω, δ, '/, (fr. έσχα- τος extreme, and γήρας old age) very old, decrepit, worn out with age. Εσχατδεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. έσχατος extreme) on the borders or edges, bordering, extreme ; ex- ternal, outward. Έσχατον, -ου, το, (neut. of next) the extremity, edge, border. Εσχατος, -η, -ov, (fr. έχω or rather σχέω, obs. to confine) extreme, utmost; last; bordering. Εσχατόωσα, for εσχατωσα, cont. fr. εσχατάωσα, η. sin. fern, of εσχα- τάων -ων, par. pres. act. of εσχα- τάω. Or ; for εσχατόεσσα, fern, of εσχατόεις. Εσχάτως, (fr. έσχατος last) at last, finally, at the extremity ; on the outside, outwardly, on the edge. Έσχε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of έχω. Εσχέθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of same. Εσχέω, f. -ενσω, p. -ενκα, (fr. ες into, and χέω to pour) to pour in, fill. Εσχηκα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 pi. -χαμεν, act. — Έσχημαι, pass. per. ind. of σχέω, attributed to έχω, wh. aete. ETA Εσχηματίζετο, 3 sin. impf. mid. of σχηματίζω. Έσχικα, act. — Έσχισμαι, per. ind. pass. — Εσχίσθην, -ης, -η, 3 pi. Εσχίσθησαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of σχίζω. Εσχόμην, -ου, -ετο, mid. — Έσ- χον, -ες, -ε, act. 2 a. ind. of έχω. Εσ^ύω, same as εσχέω. "Εσω, 1 f. act. of εζω. Έσω, (fr. ες or εις in) within, in- side, inward. Έσωθεν, (fr. last) inwardly, with- in, inside, from within. Εσώθην, -ης, -η, 1 pi. -θημεν, pass. — Έσωσα, -ας, -ε or -εν, act. 1 a. ind. of σώζω. Εσώτερος, -a, -ov, comp. — Εσώτα- τος, sap. (fr. έσω within) inte- rior, inmost; inner, most in- ward. Εσωψρονίσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of σωφρονίζω. Ετ, for έτι. Έτάγον,-ες,-ε, 2 a. ind. act. Poet. τέτάγον, whence the par. τετα- γών Εταγην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. pass, of τάζω, or of τάσσω. Ετάζω, f. -σω, and Dor. -ξω, (fr. έτος true) to examine, try ; to search, inquire; to number; to rebuke, reprove, chastise. Ετάθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of τείνω. Έται, η. pi. of έτης. 'Εταίρα, -ας, η, (fern, οι εταίρος a companion) a female friend; a mistress; a harlot, concu- bine. 'Εταιρεία, and -ρία, -ας, η, (fr. same) friendship, intimacy ; company, society, conversation ; cohabitation. Έταιρεως, -ου, Ό, (fr. same) pro- tector of friendship, guardian of intimacy ; an epithet of Jupi- ter. Έταιρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same) to prostitute, expose. Έταιρηϊη, -ης, η, Ion. for εταιρεία. Έταιρήϊος, Ion. for ίταιρέϊος. Έταίρησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. εταίρα a harlot) immodesty; un- chasieness, lewdness. Έταιρίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. same) to associate, converse or cohabit with ; to play the harlot ; to be- friend, favour. 'Εταιρικός, -oT>, b, η, (fr. same) in- timate, familiar, friendly ; like a harlot, lewd. Έταιρις, -'ϊδος, η, (fr. next) a fe- male companion, mistress; a harlot. 'Εταίρος, -ου, b, a companion, as- sociate, friend, comrade ; a sharer, partaker, accomplice ; an as- sistant. Ετάκου, Dor. for ετήκου, 2 sin. impf. mid. — Ετακην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. pass, of τήκω. ΕταΧάνιζον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of ταλανίζω. Έτάμον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of τέμνω. Ετανύσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. paw. of τανΰώ. (252) ETE Έταξα, -ας, -ε, pi. -ξατε, -ξαν, act. — Εταξάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of τάσσω. Εταπείνωσεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of ταπεινόω. Ετάραξα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 3 pi. -ξαν, 1 a. ind. act. — Εταραξάμην, -ω -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. — Ετάρασ- σον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. — Ετα- ράχθην, -ης, -η, in 3 pi. Εταράχ- θησαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of ταράσσω. Έταρίζω, Poet, for έταιρίζω. Έταρίσσατο, Poet, for ίταρίσατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of last. Έταρος, and its derivatives Poet. for εταίρος, &c. Έτασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, and Ετασμος, -ου, b, (fr. ετάζω to examine) examination, inquiry, trial; torture; a whip, scourge. Έτασον, -άτω, 1 a. impr. act. of same. Ετάφην, -ης, -η, pass. — Έτάφιν, -ες, -ε, act. 2 a. ind. of θάπτω. Or, of $ήπω. Ετάχΰυον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of τα- χύ.νω. Έτεα, η. a. v. pi. of έτος. Ετεθήλειν, -εις, -ει, pper. mid. of θ-άλλω. Ετέθην, -ης,-η, 3 pi. -θησαν, 2 a. ind. pass, οΐτίθημι. Ετέθηπε, Ion. for ετέθηπει, 3 sin. pper. mid. of θάπτω or $ήπω, Ετεθνήκειν, -εις, -ει, pper. act. of §νήσκω. Έτη, d. sin. cont. — Έτεσί, pi. of έτος. Έτει\α, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of τελλω. Έτεινα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of τείνω. Έτειος, -a, -ov, (fr. έτος a year) yearly, annual. Έτειρα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — • Έτειρον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. — Ετειρόμην, -ου, -ετο, impf. pass. of τείρω. Έτεκ, for έτεκε, 3 sin. of Έτεκον, -ες, -εθΓ-ει>,2 a. ind. act. of τίκτω. Ετεκνοποιησάμην,-ω,-ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of τεκνοποιέω. Ετεκνοτρόφησεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of τεκνοτροφέω. ΕτέκνωΟεν, Boeot. Sync, for ετεκνώ- θησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of τεκνόω. ΕτεΧείετο, Ion. and Poet, for ετε- Χέετο, 3 sin. impf. pass. — Ετέ- Χειον, same for ετέλεον, 3 pi. impf. act. of τεΧέω. ΕτεΧείωσα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -σαν, 1 a. ind. act. of τεΧειόω. ΕτέΧεσα, and Poet. Ετε'λεσσα, -a? f -ε, act. — Ετελε σθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of τεΧέω. ΕτέΧευσα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. — Ετελεύταον -ων, -αες -ας, -αε -a, impf. act. of τεΧευτάω. ΈτεΧΧον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of τελλω. Έτεμον, for έτάμον, 2 a. ind. act. of τέμνω. ΙτεόκΧειος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. next) of, belonging or relating to Eteocles, Eteoclean. ΕτεοκΧης', -έος -ους, b, Eteocles, a man's name. ETE Ετών, (neut. of next) truly, in truth, verily, indeed. Ετεος, -a, b-v, Poet, for ετϊς ) true, real. 'Ertpq, (fr. έτερος other) otherwise, in another way, else. Έτεραλκης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. έτε- ρος other, and «λ /cjf strength) doubtful, changeable ; an epithet of victory. Έτερηφι, Poet, for έτερα. Έτερόγλωσσος, -ου, b, η, (fr. έτερος other, and γλωσσά a tongue) of another tongue, of a different language, strange, foreign ; un- civilized, barbarian. ΕτεροδιδασκαλεΊ, 3 sin. cont. ind -καλεΐν, inf. pres. cont. of Ετεροδιδασκαλέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and διδάσκω to teach) to teach other or different doctrine , to mislead, misinform. Έτεροδοξεω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and δόξα an opinion) to t/dnk otherwise or differently, differ in opinion, dissent, disagree with received notions or doctrines. Έτεροδοζία, -ας, η, (fr. same) dis- agreement in opinion, heterodoxy schism. Έτερόδοξος, -ov, b, ^, (fr. same) of another opinion, of different sen- timents, faith or doctrine, hetero- dox, sectarian, schis?nalic. Ετεροζήλως, (fr. έτερος other, and ζήλος zeal) with mistaken zeal, erroneously, wrongly. Έτεροζυγέω -ω, (fr. same, and ζεύ- γος a collar) to draw the other side ; to be harnessed or joined in the same team ; to be unequally matched; to draw unevenly or to one side. Ετερόζυγος, -ου, b, ι), (fr. same) unequally yoked or harnessed; drawn with cattle of different kinds ; on the other side of the balance, in the other scale ; different, unlike, of another sort. Ετεροζνγουντες, η. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of ετεροζυγέ ω. Ετεροΐος, -a, -ov, (fr. έτερος ano- ther) of another kind or nature ; other, unlike. Ετεροιόω, f. -ώσω,ρ. ήτεροίωκα, (fr. same) to change, alter, vary. 1 a. inf. pass, ετεροιωθηναι. Ετεροκωφέω, rather εθελοκωφέω, which see. Ετερόπλοος -ους, -6ου -ου, b,rj, (fr. same, and πλέω to sail) at the other port, after the voyage, at the risk of the voyage, on arrival in port. Έτερος, -a, -ov, other, another, the other ; one or the one, the former ; diverse, different, altered; fo- reign, strange, unnatural; left, the left. Εν ετέρω, viz. τόπω, in another place, elsewhere. 'Έτερα λαβείν, viz. χείρι, to do with the left hand, take no trouble about. Ετερότης, ιτος, ^, (fr. last) diver- sity, difference, disagreement, contrariety^ unUkenese. ΕΤΙ Ετερόω, f. -ώσω, (fr. same) to alter change. Έτερπον, -ε?,-ε,ίηιρ£ act. of τέρπω. Έτερσα, -ας,-ε,Ι a. ind. act. y£ol of τεί'ρω. Or, same of τέρσω. Έτέρω, (d. sin. of έτερος) viz. τό• πω, el ewhere, in another place part or situation. Έτέρωθε Άϊΐά-θεν, (fr. 'έτερος other) from the other side, from different quarter ; on the other side. 'Ετέρωθι, (fr. same) elsewhere, i another place, part or quarter. Έτέρως, (fr. same) otherwise, dij ferently, in another way. Έτέρωσ*, for Έτέρωσε, (fr. same) in a different or opposite direction; on one side ; on the other side. Έτέρωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr 'έτερος other) alteration, change ; diversity, disagreement. Ετετάγμην, ~ξο, -κτο, pper. pass of τάσσω. Ετετάλμην, -σο, -το, pper. pass, of τέλλω. Ετεταπεινώμην,'ιη 3 pi. -ωντο, pper. pass, of τα πεινάω. Ετετάχάτο, Ion. for τεταγμένοι ήσαν, 3 pi. pper. pass, of τάσσω. Έτετενχάτο, Ion. for τετευγμένοι ήσαν, 3 pi. pper. pass, of τεύχω. Έτετμεν, 3 sin. ν added, impf. act. of τετμω. Ετετρήχειν, -εις, -ει', pper. act. of τρήχω. Ετετνγμην, -ξο, -κτο, pper. pass; of τύχω, Poet, for τεύχω. Ετετνφεα, -ας, -ε, Ion. for ετετύφειν, pper. act. of τύπτω. Ετετύχοντο, Ion. for ετύχοντο, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. mid. of τυγχάνω. Έτεχ', for ίτεκε, before an aspi- rate, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. — Ετέχ- θην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of τίκτω. Ετη, m a. v. pL cont. of έτος. Ετηκόμην, -ου, -ετο, impf. mid. of τήκω. Ετηρεΐτο, 3 sin. cont. impf. pass. — Ετήρεον -ουν, -εες -εις, -εε -ει, 3 ρΐ. -εον -ουν, impf. act. — Ετή- ρησα,-ας,-ε, 1 a. ind. act. οϊτηρέω. Έτης, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. έθος cus- tom. Or έτος a year. Or ετεος true) a friend, companion; a confederate, associate, v. έτα, for which ετάν and ω 'τάν. Ετήσιος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. έτος Ά year) yearly, annual. Έτητόμακα or Έτητοίμακα, Att. for ητοίμακα, per. ind. act. of ετοιμάζω. Err/Tu//o?andE-n;TiY, p. ευηγγέλικα, (fr. εΰ good, and αγγέλλω to bring news) to bring good news, tell glad tidings, re- port joyful intelligence ; to preach the Gospel, instruct in or teach ETA Ευαδίκητος, b, η, (fr. έΰ well, and αδικέω to injure, th. δίκη justice) fit for injury, that may be oppressed, exposed or liable to wrong. Ευαεϊ,άϊ sin. of Ευάης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. ευ good,, and άω to blow) healthy, fa- vourable, softly breathing, gently blowing; exposed to the air. the doctrines of the Gospel, evan- blown upon, swept by the wind gelize. 1 a. act. ind. ευηγγέλισα' inf. ευαγγελίσαι. impf. pass, ενηγγελιζόμην, -ου,-ετο. per. ind pass, ευηγγέλισμαι. 1 a. pass, ind. ενηγγελίσθην par. ευαγγε- λισθείς. 1 f. ind. mid. ευαγγελίσο- μαι. 1 a. mid. ind. ευηγγελισά- μην, -ω, -ατο' inf. ευαγγελίσασ- θαι. Ευαγγελικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) about good news, relating to the Gospel, evangelical. Ευαγγέλιον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a good message, glad tidings, joy- ful news ; the Gospel ; rejoic- ings, sacrifices or thanksgivings for good news. Ευαγγελίσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Ευαγ- γελισάμενος, -η,-ον, par. — Ευαγ- γελίσασθαι, inf. 1 a. mid. — Ευ- αγγελισθεΐς,-εΐσα, -εν, η. pi. -θέν- τες, par. 1 a. pass, ofευαyyελί£ω. Ευαγγελιστής, -ου, b, (fr. same) an evangelist, preacher of the Gospel. Ευάγγελος, -ου, b, ^, (fr. same) a messenger of good news, bringe\ of good tidings. Ευάγέω -ω, (fr. next) to be inno- cent, holy or pure ; to act well, behave devoutly. Ευαγής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. ευ good, and άγος reverence) holy, sacred ; religious, pious, chaste, innocent; upright, honest. Also (fr. άγω to act) active, lively, nimble, quick. Ευάγητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. ευ good, and άγω to act) moveable, por- table ; moving, active, lively, Or (fr. αγάω to admire) much admired, splendid. Ευαγόρα, -ας, η, Euagora or Eva- gora, a woman's name. Εύαγος, -ου, b, η, (fr. ευ well, and άγω to lead) well instructed, reared or educated. Ευαγρία, and Ευαγρησ'ια, -ας, η, (fr. ευ good, and άγρα the chase) good sport; adraught, game, prey, booty, capture; afine catch or take. Εναγωγία, -α?, η, (fr. ευ well, and άγω to lead) good education, rearing, instruction, discipline. Ευάγωγος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) easy to be led, manageable, tract- able, compliant. Ευάγων, -ovv.,, b, η, (fr. ευ good, and άγων a contest) who combats well, able, clever ; well earned, hard fought, famous, splendid. Also it may be g. pi. of εύαγος. Εύαδα, Poet, for εαδα or ηδα, per. ind. mid. of άδέω. Εύαδεν, for Εύα<5ε, 3 sin. of last, Or for 3 sin. of ϊαδον for ηδον, i a. ind. act. of same. (264) Ευαιμονίδης, -ου, b, Eucemonides, a man's name. Ευαίνητος, -ov, b, η,(ίτ. ευ well, and αινέω to praise) well praised, celebrated, extolled. Ευαίρετος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and α'ιρέω to take) eanly caught, readily taken, easy, accessible. Ευαισθησία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and αισθάνομαι, to feel) a sound un- derstanding, vigour of mind, enjoyment of faculties. Ευαίων, -ωνος, b, f), (fr. same, and αιών being) happy, fortunate, prosperous, beatific. Ευαλάκάτος, -ου, b, η, Dor. for εν- ηλάκάτος, (fr. same, and ηλακά- τη a distaff) having a handsome or good distaff; good at spin- ning. Ευάλιος for ευήλιος. Ευάλωτος, -ου, b, >y, (fr. ευ well, and άλί'σκω to catch) easily caught, readily taken. Ευαμερία, -ας, η, Dor. for βυηαί- ρία. Ευανδρία, -ας, f), (fr. ευ well, and ανδρεία manliness, th. avrjp a man) manliness, bravery, stout- ness, fortitude, courage ; plenty of the valiant. Ευάνεμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and άνεμος wind) with a fair wind ; blown upon, agitated by the wind. Subs, a favouring gale. Ευάνθεμος,-ου, Β,ή, (fr. next) flow- ery, florid ; fresh, blooming. Ευανθης,-έος-ους, b, η, (fr. same, and άνθος a flower) flowery ; blooming, flourishing. Ευανορία, -ας, >/, Dor. for Ion. ευηνορία, (fr. same, and ανηρ a man) manliness, bravery, cou- rage, spirit. Ευάνωρ, -ορός, b, η, Dor. for Ion. ευήνωρ, (fr. same) manly, brave, courageous. Ευαπάντητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and απαντάω to meet, th. αντί against) well met; polite, com- plaisant, obliging, civil, affable. Ευαπάτητος, -ου, b, 17, (fr. same, and απατάω to deceive) easily deceived, readily imposed on, credulous, simple. Ευαπήγητος, -ου, b, f), (fr. same, aud αφηγέοααι to relate, th. ηγέομαι to conduct) easy to be told, well related or explained. Ευαρεστε7ται,3 sin. cont. pres. ind. pass. — Ευαρεστ);σαί, 1 a. inf. act. of Ευαρεστεω -o3,f. -ήσω, p. ευ ηρέστηκα, (fr. ευ well, and αρέσκω to please) to please well, be very agreeable, give great satisfaction. Evapcc ΕΤΔ τέομαι, to delight or lake delight in be well pleased or gratified with. 1 a. act. ind. ευηρέστεσα' inf. ευαρεστησαι. Ευάρεστος, -ου, δ, f), (fr• last ) wel1 pleasing, pleasant, acceptable, agreeable, delightful, gratify- ing. Ευαρέστως, (fr. last) pleasantly, agreeably, acceptably; at will, at pleasure. Ευάρματος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. ευ well, and Άρμα a chariot) famed for chariots ; having a good cha- riot, clever in driving. Ενάρμοστος,-ον,ο,ϊ>„ (fr. same, and αρμόζω to fit) well fitting, adapt- ed, proper ; well timed, harmo- nious. Εύαρχος, -ου, δ, $, (fr. same, and αρχή a beginning) beginning or setting out well ; prosperous, for- tunate, successful, victorious ; obedient, submissive, compliant, obsequious. Ευαχής, -έος -ους, b, η, Dor. and Poet, for ευηχής. Εύβοια, -ας, η, (perhaps fr. εν good, and βόω to. pasture) Eubcea, the name of an island. Εύβοτος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same)/er;,-ov,par. per. pass. — Ένηγγελίσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of εναγγελίζω. Ενηγενής, -έυς -ους, b, ι'/, by Pleon. for ευγενής. Ενήθεια, -ας, η, (fr. ευ well, and ήθος manners) goodness, inno- cence, artlessness ; simplicity, weakness, folly. Ευήθι/ς, -εος -ους, b, >/, (fr. same) simple, plain, single-hearted ; silly, foolish, stupid. Ευήθως, (fr. last) soberly, discreetly, simply ; sillily, foolishly. Ενήκης, -εος -ους, b, ι), (fr. ευ well, ΕΤΘ and ακή edge) very sharp, keen, acute. Ευηκοία, -ας, ή, (fr. same, and ακούω to hear) distinctness or clearness of hearing or of being heard, attention. Ευήκοος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) atten- tive, heedful ; obedient, submis- sive, compliant ; also, who is well attended to or obeyed. Ευήκτεον -ουν, -εες -εις, -εε -ει, impf. act. of ενεκτέω. Ευήλιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. ευ well, and ήλιος the sun) sunny, open or ex- posed to the sun. Ενημερέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and ι'/μέρα a day) to live happily, see happy days, prosper, be fortu- nate ; to gain credit, receive praise, be applauded. Ενημέρημα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) the day's success, the glory of a day ; success, prosperity. Ευημερία, -ας, η, (fr. same) sereni- ty of weather, calmness ; tran- quillity of life, prosperity, happi- ness. Ευηνίνη, -ης, rj, the daughter of Eve• nus, a woman's name. Εύηνον, -ov, το, the name ofa river. Ευήρατος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. ευ well, and εράω to love) well beloved, dear, welcome ; very lovely, amiable. Ευηρεστηκέναι,ρβι: inf. act. — Ευ>7- ρέστησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of ευαρεστέω. Ευήρης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. ευ well, and άρω to fit) fitting, handy, convenient. Ευήχης, -εος -ους, and Εύηχος, -ου, b,fi, (fr. same, and ηγος a noise) clear, distinct, loud, shrill ; mu- sical, harmonious, melodious. Ευθαλής, -έος -ους, b, >'/, (fr. same, and θαλλω to bloom) flourish- ing, luxuriant, green, fresh, blooming. Ευθανασία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and θάνατος death, th. §νήσκω to die) an easy or honourable death, happy departure. Ευθαρσής, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. same, and §άρσος boldness) of good courage, confident, bold, reso- lute ; daring, adventurous. Ευθαρσώς, (fr. last) boldly, confi- dently, daringly. Ενθείη, Ion. for ευθεία, d. sin. fern. of ευθύ?. Ευθενέω -ω, see ενθηνέω. Ενθεράπεντος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. ευ well, and θεραπεύω to cure) easily cured, healed or repaired ; cheaply gained or earned; easily served. Ευθες, neut. οι ευθής. Ευθετέω -ω, (fr. ευ well, and τίθη- μι to place) same as Ενθετίζω, f. -Υσω, (fr. same) to ar- range, dispose in order ; to fit, adapt, par. 1 a. act. ευθετίσας. Εύθετος, -ου, δ, >% (fr• same, and 3-ετος disposed, th. τίθημι to place) disposed, arranged, set in order ; fit, proper, answerable, agreeable. Ενθεώοητος, -ov, h, f/, (fr. same, and 1256) ΕΤΘ §εωρίω to examine) easy to be seen, open to view, perceivablej observable. Ευθέως, (fr. ευθύς straight) imme- diately, directly, forthwith, upon the spot, straightway. Εύθηλος, -ου, b,f/, (fr. εΐί well, and $ηλή a nipple) having large or extended udders. Ευθημοσύνη, -ης, ή, (fr. next) dis- position, arrangement, method ; fitness, aptitude. Ευθήμων, -όνος, δ, >;, (fr. ευ well, and τίθημι to place) orderly, regular, arranged, settled ; neat y graceful, elegant. Ευθηνέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and §ήν a heap) to accumulate, ga- ther wealth ; to abound ; to pros- per, succeed, be fortunate, have good luck, par, pres. act. ευθη- νέων -ων. Ενθηνία, -ας,}], (fr. last) prosperi- ty, success, happiness ; abun- dance, wealth. Ενθηνοΰντα, a. sin. cont. par. pres. act. of ενθηνέω. Ευθ>)ί, -έος -ους, b, ή, pleasing, agreeable. Εύθικτος, -ου, δ, t), (fr. ευ easy, and $ίγω to touch) easy to be touch- ed, affected or moved ; facetious^ witty, humorous, merry, talka- tive. Ευθικτως, (fr. last) fitly, agreeably. Εύθραυστος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. ευ easy, and $ραύω to break) easily broken or bruised ; brittle, fra- gile, crumbling. Εύθρονος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same, and θρόνος a seat, th. $ράω to sit) having a fair seat or throne, seat- ed on high. Ευθύ, (fr. ευθύς straight) straight- way, directly, immediately ; straight towards, right against ; from the first, from the begin- ning. Ενθύγλωσσος, -ov, h, η, (fr. ενθνς right, and γλώσσα the tongue] true, sincere, honest ; frank, bold, ingenuous. Ευθυδρομέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ενθυδε- δρόμηκα, (fr. same, and δρέμω same as τρέχω to run) to go di- rect, proceed straight, make for. Ενθυδρομήσαμεν, 1 pi. ind. — Ενθν- δρομησάντες, n. pi. par. 1 a. act. of last. Ευθύδρομος, -ov, b, η 1 , (fr. same) in a direct course. Ενθνμάχας, -a, b, Dor. for Ενθυμαχης, -ov, b, (fr. ενθνς direct» and μάχομαι to fight) ready for the fight, foremost in battle, brave % valiant. ΕνθνμεΊ, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. — Ενθυμείτε, 2 pi. cont. pres. ind. orimpr. act. — ΕνθνμεΊν, pres. inf. act. cont. of Ενθνμέω -ω, ϊ. -ήσω, ρ. ευθύμηκα, (fr. ευ well, and $υμος the mind) to cheer up, take courage, be of good courage ; to be cheerful. 1 a. ind. act. ενθύμησα. Ενθνμία, -ας, and Ευθυμοσυνη, -tff» }/, (fr. same) joy \gladness i chee> ETK julness ; alacrity, activity, brisk- ness ; promptitude, courage. Εύθΰμος,-ου, δ,//, (fr. same) lively, animated, cheerful, gay ; active, spirited, courageous, comp. ευθυ- μότερος, sup. -μότατος. Ευθύμως, (fr. '.ast) cheerfully, ac- tivity ; with spirit, comp. ευΟυ- μότερον. Ευθύνατε, 2 pi. 1 a. irnpr. act. — Ευθύνοντος, g. sin. par. pres. act. of ευθύνω. Ευθύνη, -ης, ή, (fr. ευθύς straight) a straightening, correction, amend- ment ; search, inquiry, exami- nation, inquest ; impeachment, charge ; punishment, penally, Jine ; account, explanation. Ευθύνομος, -υυ, b, η, (fr. same, and νόμος distribution) straight, right along, direct. Ευθϋνος, -ου, Ευθυντηρ, -ηρος, and Ευθυντης, -ου, δ, (fr. next) a guide, conductor ; a director, su- perintendant. Ευθύνω, f. -ονώ, p. εύθυγκα, (fr. ευ- θύς straight) to straighten, make straight; to smooth, make level or even ; to erect, set upnght ; to direct, guide ; to steer ; to level, aim.; to order, administer, dispense; also, to be straight, even, smooth or level. 1 a. act. ind. εύθυνα• impr. εύθυνον, -άτω. 1 a. ind. pass, ηυθύνθην. Att. for ευθύνθην. Ευθύπνβος -ους, -όον -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and πνέω to blow) blowing fair, favourable, g. Ion. ευθύπνοιο. Ευθύπομπος, -ov, b, $, (fr. same, and πέμπω to conduct) conducive, directly tending or leading to. unerring. Ευθνπορεύομαι, and Ευθυπορίω -ω (fr. next, and πόρος a passage) to guide, lead, conduct ; to proceed, advance, go straightforward ; to journey, travel. Ευθύς, -εΊα, -υ, (fr. ευ well, and &ύω to rush) straight, not crook- ed, direct ; right, correct, just, upright. Ευθύς, for ευθύ. Ευθύτερος, -a, -ov, comp. of ευθύς. Ευθύτ^ς,-ητος,'/, (fr. ευθύς straight) straightness, evenness ; rectitude, righteousness, equity. Ευθύτονος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. same., and τείνω to stretch) stretched out. straight; tight, strained. Ενϊλατεύω, Ι. -εύσω, p. -ευκα, (fr, ευ well, and Σλάω to conciliate) to propitiate, reconcile, conciliate ; to compassionate, pity, commise- rate. Ευΐλα-ος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) pro- pitious, favourable, kind, gentle, tender, appeased. Ευϊχθύς, (fr. ευ much, and ιχθύς a fish) Jishy. Ευκαιρεω -ω, f. -ήσω,γ. ηυκαίρηκα, (fr. ευ good, and καιρός oppor- tunity) to have a convenient op- portunity, find a fit time or place ; to have or be at leisure, employ leisure time. 1 a, ind. act. ηυκαίβησα. Kk ETK Ευκαιρία, -ας, i h (fr.same) oppor- tunity, occasion ; leisure. Εύκαιρος, -ου, δ,//, (fr. same) time- ly, seasonable, convenient. Ευκαίρουν, 1 sin. or 3 pi. cont. impf. act. of ευκαιρεω. Ευκαίρως, (fr. εύκαιρος timely) op- portunely, seasonably, conveni- ently. Ευκαμ-ης, -ίος -ους, b, η, (fr. ευ well, and κάμπτω to bend) fine- ly bent, well turned; elastic, flexible. Ευκάρδιος, and Poet. Ευκράδιος, -ου, δ,//, (fr. ευ well, and καρδία the heart) magnanimous, of a great soul ; good for or agreeing with the stomach. Εύκαρπος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and καρπός fruit) fruitful, productive, abundant. Ευκαταγώνιστος, -ου, δ, ζ, (fr. εο easy, and καταγωνίζω to over- throw, th. άγων a contest) easy to be stormed, taken or vanquish- ed ; weak, defenceless. Ευκαταφρόνητος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and καταφρονεω to de- spise, th. φρην the mind) despica- ble, contemptible. Ευκέατος, -ου, δ, η, Poet, for ευκεασ τος, (fr. same, and κεάζω to split) that may be split or cleft, fissile. Ευκηλήτειρος, -α, -ov, (fr. same, and κηλίω to soothe) soothing, balmy, pacifying, calming. Εύκη\ος, -ου, δ, η, JEo\. for εκ^λος, (perhaps fr. same as las ) sooth- ing, pacifying ; calm, gentle, quiet, mild. Ευκινησία, -ας, ή, (fr. ευ easy, and κίνησις motion, th. κινέω to move) easy motion, a slide ■ swiftness, velocity. Ευκίνητος, -ου, δ, '/, (fr. same) easi- ly moved,moveable ; active, lively Ευκινήτως, (fr. last) of easy mo- tion, gently, smoothly. Ενκλεα, Poet, for ενκλέη, cont. fr. ευκλεεα,Ά. sin. — Ευκλέϊ, Poet, for ευκλει, cont. fr. ευκλεεϊ, d. sin. of Ενκλεης, -εος -ους, b, ή, (fr. εί good, and κλέος glory) glorious, celebrated, renowned. Ευκλειά, -ας, ι), (fr. same) fame, character, a great name or repu- tation ; renown, glory, celebrity. Ευκλείη, -ης, //, Ion. for last. Ευκλείξαι, Dor. for ευκλείσαι, 1 a- inf. act. of Ευκλείω, (fr. ευ intens. and κλείω to celebrate) to celebrate, glorify, praise, extol. Ευκληματέω -ω, (fr. ευ well, and κλήμα a shoot) to be well branch- ed, well furnished ; to flourish, prosper. Ενκλήρημα, -ατός, το, (fr. ευ good, and κλήρος lot) a happy lot, good fortune, prosperity. Ενκνημις, -Ίδος, b, (ι, (fr. same, and κνήμις greaves, th. κνήμη the shin) well booted, well armed, warlike. Ευκολία, -ας, η, (fr. next) ease of digestion; easiness of manners, (257) ETK gentleness, affability ; facility, ι ess. Εύκολος, -ου, ό,η, (fr. ευ well, and κόλον food) indifferent about food, easy, of good digestion ; simple, plain, honest, sincere ; affable, courteous ; easy, ready. Ευκόλως, (fr. last) plainly, simply ; actively, readily, quickly. Ευκομίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. εύ well, and κομίζω to care for) to take good care of, save, preserve, lay by, store up. 1 a. inf. mid. ευκομί- σασθαι. Εύκομος, and Ήύκομος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same, and κόμη the hair) with long hair, having fine hair, handsome; with fine wool,fine- fieeced. Ευκοπία, -ας, η, (fr. next) easiness, facility, readiness. Εύκοπος, -ov, b, η, (fr. ευ well, and κόπος toil, th. κότιτω to cut) easy, not difficult, feasible, withoui trouble, ready, comp. ενκοπώτε- ρος, sup. -ώτατος. Ευκοσμεω-ώ, (fr. ε ύκοσμ ο ς orderly) to behave, conduct one's self with propriety, he orderly, act discreet- ly ; to discharge a duty fully, execute an office or business ho- nestly ; to adorn richly, orna- ment. Ευκοσμία, -ας, η, (fr. next) decen- cy, propriety, modesty, decorum ; good manners ; regularity, or- der, method. Εύκοσμος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. ευ well, and κόσμος order) orderly, regular, sober, discreet ; modest, decorous ; civil, polite ; neat, fine, elegant. comp. ενκοσμότερος, sup. -ότατος. Ευκοσμότατα, (neut. pi. sup. ot last) very orderly ; with great propriety, most elegantly. Ενκύσμως., (fr. same) regularly, soberly, discreetly ; modestly ; civilly, politely, elegantly. Ευκράδιος, Poet, for ευκάρδιος. Ευκραέος, g. of Ευκραης, and Εύκρατες, -εος -ους, δ, ή, (fr. ευ well, and κεράννυμ*. to mix) temperate, moderate. Ευκρασία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a good mixture, temperature, happy me- dium. Εύκρατη, -ης, η, Eucrate, a wo-' man's name. Ευκρίνέες, η. pi. of Ευκρινές, -έος-ούς, b, ^, (fr. ευ well, and κρίνω to distinguish) well arranged, orderly, methodical ; regular, uniform; pure, clear, fair, fine ; soft, serene, gentle, balmy. Ευκρότητος, -ου, b,f], (fr. same, and κροτέω to beat) well hammered ; much applauded. Ευκταίος, -a, -ov, (fr. εύχομαι to pray) desirable ; prayed for, in- voked. Ευκτίζω, f. -ϊσω, p. -ικα, (fr. tZ well, and κτίζω to create) to create, make, cause ; to build ; to found, establish, par. per. pass, ενκτισμένος, and Poet, ev*• τιμίνος. ΕΤΛ ΕυκτΥκδ?, -τ), -bv, (fr. εύχομαι to pray) optative, that which wishes ; desiring, longing. Ευκτικώς, (fr. last) eagerly, vehe- mently, ardently. Ευ*~φένος, -η, -ov, and Poet. Ένκ- τιμένος, Ion. for ευκτισμένος, par. per. pass, or by Sync, for ευκ- τιζόμενος, par. pres. pass, of ενκ- τίζω. Or ευκτιμένος may be jEol. for εκτισμένος, par. per. pass, of κτίζω, well built, well founded, established. Εύκτίτος, -η, -ov, (fr. ευκτίζω to found) well built. Ευκτος, -i), -ov, (fr. εύχομαι to pray) to be desired, eligible, pre ferable ; prayed ; vowed, devoted, consecrated. Εύκνκλος, -ου, b, >% (fr. ευ quite, and κύκλος a circle) round, cir- cular ; bent, curved. Ευλάβεια, -ας, η, and Ion. Ευλαβίη, -ης, η, (fr. ευ well, and λαμβάνω to take) fear, dread, awe, re- spect, reverence; care, concern, anxiety for ; circumspection, watchfulness, caution, wariness, prudence. Ευλαβέομαι -ουμαι, f. -ήσομαι, p. ευλάβημαι, (fr. same) to fear, dread, stand in awe, respect, re- vere ; to guard against, beware, suspect ; to shun, avoid, impf. Att. ηυλαβεόμην -ούμην, -ίου -υιί, -έετο -εϊτο. 1 a. ind. pass, ευλα- βήθην, and Att. ηυλαβήθην par. ενλαβηθείς. Ευλαβής, -ίος -ους, δ, §, (fr. same) easy to be caught, taken or laid hold of ; circumspect, cautious, careful, wary ; timid, timorous, fearful, diffident, respectful ; re- ligious, pious, devout, pi. cont. ευλαβεΤς. Ευλαβητέος, -a,-ov, (fr. ευλαβέομαι to revere) caution must be used, respect must be shown, &c. ac- cording to the verb. Ευλαβίης, g. of ευλαβίη, see ευλά- βεια. E«Aa/5/, ( perhaps fr. ευ well, and λαχαίνω to dig ; or fr. αυ- λαξ a furrow) a ploughshare ; a fork ; a hoe ; a spade. Εύλάλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. ευ well, and λαλέω to speak.) well spoken, elo- quent, fluent ; softly-speaking. Ευλη, -ης, η, a worm, maggot. Εύληπτος, -ου-, h, η, (fr. ευ easy, and λαμβάνω to take) easy to be taken or held, handy, ready, convenient. Ευληπτότατα, (neut. pi. sup. of last) most readily, most easily, most handily, most conveniently. Εύληοα, -ων, τα, reins, straps, thongs ; a bridle. Ευλιμένη, -ης, η, (fern, of next) Eulimene, a woman's name. Ευλιμένος,-η, -ov, (fr. ευ good, and Χίμήν a port) with a fair haven. ΕυλογεΊν, pres. inf. cont. — Ευλο- γιΊτε, 2 pi. cont. pres. ind. or ETM impr. act. — Ευλογουμεν, 1 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. — Ευλο^εΓ- ται, 3 sin. -γοννται, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. pass, of ',υλογέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ενλόγηκα, (fr. ευ well, and λόγος a word) to bless, wish well to ; to speak well of, commend ; to praise, magni- fy, celebrate ; to pray a blessing, give thanks, pray over. 1 a. ind. act. Att. ηυλόγησα. per. ind. pass, ευλύγημαι' par. ευλογημέ- νος. 1 f. ind. mid. ευλογήσομαι 3 pi. ευλογήσονται. Ευλογητος, -η, -bv, (fr. last) bless- ed, holy, divine. Ευλογία, -ας, η, (fr. ευ well, and λόγος a word, th. λέγω to speak) a blessing; praise,flaitery ; grace, thanksgiving, acknoivledgment ; a favour, kindness ; beneficence, bounty. Εύλογος, -ου, δ, f), (fr. same) rea- sonable, sensible, rational. Also subs, kind language, fair speech, flattery. Ευλόγων, a. sin. -γουντα, η. pi. -γοΰντες, par. pres. act. cont. of ευλογίω. Ευλόγως, (fr. εύλογος reasonable) fairly, speciously. ΕυλυΥως, (fr. ευ easy, and λύω to loosen) easily, readily, of easy solution. Ενμαθης, -έος -ους, δ, >}, (fr. same, and μανΟάνω to learn) docile, tractable ; intelligent, sensible, quick, ingenious ; easily learned, intelligible, plain. Ευμαθΰς, (fr. last) with docility, tractably ; learnedly, skilfully. Ευμάκης, -εος -ους, b, η, Dor. for ενμήκης. Εύμάλος, Dor. for εύμηλος. Ευμάρεια, -ας, >/, (fr. next) easi- ness, facility, readiness. Ευμαρής, -ίος -ους, b,ij, (fr. ευ well, and μάρη the hand) handy ; tradable, tame, gentle. Ευμαρίη, -ης, ί), (fr. last) a con- veniency, commode, necessary house. Ευμαρως, and -ρέως, (fr. same) handily, gently, patiently. Ευμεγέθης, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. ευ much, and μέγεθος size) very large, great, huge. Ευμεθόδως, and Ενμεθοδίκως, (fr. same, and μέθοδος method, wh. fr. /i^Tawith, and bδbς the road) briefly, shortly, summarily, com- pendiously. Ευμελης, -έος -ους, δ, ή, (fr. same, and μέλος melody) melodious, harmonious, tuneful, musical. Ευμελίας, and Ion. Ευμελίης, -βυ,δ, η, (fr. same, and μελία an ash tree) handling the ash, skilled in the spear, warlike. Ευμένεια, -ας, η, (fr. ευμενής bene- volent) benevolence, good-will, kindness, charity. Ευμενεστέρως, (fr. same) more kindly, more benevolently. Ευμενέω -ω, (fr. next) to be kind or benevolent, to compassionate, show mercy. (258) ETN Ευμενής, -εος -ους, δ, η", (fr. ευ kind, and μένος mind) benevolent, kind, well disposed, g-acious, favoui- able, courteous, good-natured. comp. ευμενέστερες, sup. -έστα- τος. Ευμενίδες, -ων, αί, (by Antiphrasis, fr. last) the furies, hags. Ευμενώς, and Ευμενέως, (fr. same) kindly, gently, benevolently, good- naturedly. Ευμετάβλητος, -ου, δ, >/, and Ευμετάβολος, -ου, b, η, (fr. ευ easy, μετά change, and th. βάλλω to throw) changeable, fickle, incon- stant. Ευμετάδοτος, for ευ μεταδοτικός, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, μετά among, and th. δίδωμι to give) ready to im- part or share, willing to distri- bute. Ευμήκεις, η. or a. pi. mas. cont. of Ευμήκης, -εος -ους, δ, η, (fr. ε? well, and μήκος length) very long, stretched out ; tall. Εύμηλος, -ου, δ, fj, (fr. same, and μήλον a sheep) abundant in sheep, fit for sheep, plentiful in cattle, fertile. Ευμμελίω, Poet, for ευμελίοιο, wh. Ion. for ευμελίου. g.* of ευμελίας or ευμελίης. Ευμνημόνευτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. ευ well, and μνημονεύω, same as th. μνάομαι to remember) easy to be remembered, memorable, not to be forgotten. Ευμοιρία, -ας, if, (fr. same, and μοί- ρα a share, .th. μείρω to divide) a happy lot, happiness, prosperity ; a good share, large portion; harmony. Εύμολπος, -ov, b, (fr. same, and μέλπω to sing) musical, fond of song ; also a man's name. Ευμορφία, -ας, f/, (fr. same, and μορφή shape) beauty of person, elegance of figure, symmetry ; beauty, comeliness. Εύαορφος, -ου, b, f), (fr. same) beautiful, handsome, elegant, well proportioned. Εύναζε, pres. impr. act. — Ευνάζη, 2 sin. pres. ind. or sub. pass, of Εννάζω, and Ευνάω -ω, f. -ασω, p. εύνακα, (fr. εννη a bed) to put to sleep, lull, set to rest. ; to sleep, go to sleep, go to bed. Ευναϊ, η. pi. of εννή. Ευναιόμενος, -η, -ov, (fr. ευ well, and ναιόμενος, par. pres. pass. of. ναίω to inhabit) well inhabited, populous. Ευναως, -ου, b, η, (fr. ευντ) a bed) in bed. Ευνάτειρα, -ας, a, Dor. for εννή τειρα• Ευνείκη, -ης, >;, Eunica, a woman's name. Ευνη, -ης, fj, a bed; a den, nest, lair ; cohabitation, wedlock ; a residence, abode, shelter ; a tent ; a tomb, sepulchre ; an anchor. Εννηθε~ις, -εΊσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass. of ευνάω, see ευνάξω. ΕΥ*? ΐυνήτης, -ου, δ, (fr. ευνή a bed; a husband. Ευνιίστερος, Ion. for ευνουστερο-τ, comp. of εύνοος. ΕυνΊκη, -ης, ή, and Dor. Ευνίκα, Eunica, a woman's name. Εΰ»<<;, -ιος, Att. -εως, δ, // ? (fr. ε<ί one) bereft, destitute, forsaken, forlorn, lonely. Εννις, -Ιδος, ή, (fr. ευνή a bed) a wife, spouse. Ευιοίω -ώ, f. -t /σω, p. εννύηκα, (fr. ευ well, and νοίω to lliink, th. ΕΤΠ Εύ^εσ i,-ov,b,)'i, (fr. ευ well, and ξίω to scrape) u> ll 'scraped, rasp ed or filed ; polished, smooth ; highly finished; fine, elegant. Εύξι„ 2 sin. of Εύξωμαι, -ν, -ι/ται 1 a. sub. mid. of εύχομαι. Εύξοος, same as εύξεστος. Ενοδίω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ενώδηκα same as ενοδόω. Ευοδία,-ας, η, (fr. ευ well, and Ιδός the road) a good or prosperous journey ; prosperity, success Euoelia, a woman's name ΕΤΠ νόος the mind) to think kindly, Εύοδμος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and feel eiffectionattly, be ue 11 minded, affected or inclined, be friends with. Εννοια, -ας, f), (fr. same) benevo- lence, good-will, kindness ; affec- tion, tenderness, cordiality. Ευνοϊκοί, -ή, -ov, (fr. last) benevo- lent, kind, affectionate. Ευνοϊκως, (fr. last) with good -will, kindly, comp. ευνοϊκωτίρως, sup. -ωτάτως. Ευνομίω -ώ, (fr. ευ well, and νόμος law) to establish good laws, re- gulate, institute, civilize. Mid. to enjoy good laws, be well re- gulated, pres. inf. act. ευνομίειν -ε?ν. pres. inf. pass, εννομίεσθαι -εΐσθαι. 1 a. ind. pass, εννομήθην, 3 pi. εννομήθησαν. Ευνομία, -ας, and Ευνομ'ιη, -ης, η, (fr. same) order, regularity, good government. Also a wo- man's name. Εννομος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) hav- ing good laws, well regulated; fertile, good for grazing. Εύνοος -ους, -6ov -ου, δ, η, (fr. εν kind, and νόος the mind) benevo- lent, kind, affectionate, attached, friendly. Εννούστερος, -a, -ov, comp. -τατος, sup. of same. Εννονχίας, -ov, δ,. (see ευνούχος) a eunuch. Εννονχίζω, f. -ίσω, p. εννουχικα,(ίτ. next) to make a eunuch ; to curb or mortify the natural desire. per. ind. pass, ευνουχισμοί. 1 a. ind. pass, εννονχίσθην . 1 f. pass, ind. εννονχισθήσομαι' par. εννον- χισθησόμενυς. Εννουχος, -ου, δ, (fr. εννη a bed, and ίχω to guard. Or fr. ευνις destitute, and οχεία cohabitation) a eunuch ; a chamberlain, keep- er of the bed ; aprince, governor, lord-lieutenant. Ευ νουν, -οΰσα, -ov, (par. pres. cont. of εννοίω to be kind) kind, conciliatory, reconciled. οδμη Dor. for οσμή odour) same as εύοσμος. Εύοδυς, -ov, b, η, (fr.same, and υ('ός the road) with a good road, per- vious, pagsahh ; allowing a good or prosjjerous journey ; success- ful, fortunate. Ευοοοω -ώ, f. -ώσω, p. ενώδωκα, (fr. same) to give or afford a good or prosperous journey, help on, assist on the road. Mid. to have a good journey, make a success- ful trip ; to prosper, succeed. pres. ind. pass. ευυδύομαι-ονμαι. per. ind. pass, ευώδωμαι. 1 a. ind. pass. ευωδώθι/ν. — Ενοδονσ- 0at,inf. — Ενοδουται, 3 sin. cont. ind. pres. mid. — Ευο<3ω0>;σο//α(, 1 f. ind. pass. Ευόδωκα, Ion. for ευώδ~ωκα, per. act. of last. Ευόδως,(ίτ.εύοδος prosperous) pros- perously, successfully, fortunately. Ευόδωσον, 1 a. impr. act of ενοδόω. ΕυοΊ, a Bacchanalian exclamation. Ευοίώνίστον, -ου, rb, (fr. ευ well, and th. οιωνός a bird) a good omen or prognostic, Ενόμενος, -η,-ον, par. pres. pass, of ευω. Ενοπλος, -ov, b, η, (fr. ευ well, and οπλον arms) well armed, equip- ped, accoutred ; successful in arms, victorious, comp. ευοπλό- τερος, sup. ευοπλύτατος. Εΰοπτοί, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and άπτομαι to see) cleur to be seen, conspicuous, apparent. Ευορκίω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. ευώρκηκα, (fr. same, and όρκος an oath) to swear solemnly, keep inviolably. pres. inf. ενορκίειν -είν. Ευορκία, -ας, η, (fr. same) the fide- lity of an oath, faithfulness. Ενορκος, -ov, b, r), (fr. same) who sicears and keeps his oath ; faith- ful, true. Εύορμος,-ου, b, ?/,(fr. ευ well, and όρ- μο? a port) with a good port or safe harbour ; safe, secure, still, calm Ευνο'ω?, (fr. εύνοος kind) kindly, Εύοσμος, -ov, b, ?/, (fr. same, and favourably. οσμος odour, th. όζω to smell) sweet smelling, odorous, odorife- rous, fragrant. Ευπαγής, -ίος -ους, δ, j/, (fr. same, and πήγννμι to fasten) well put together, compact, firm, strong. Ευπάθεια and -θία, -ας• also Ion. Ευπαθείη and -ΘΊη, -ης, ?;, (fr. same, and πάθος feeling, th. Ευντα, Dor. for εόντα, which Ion for όντα, a. sin. of ών, par. pres. of ειμί, to be. Ενξάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. — Eu/, (fr. ευ kind, and ξένος a stranger) hospitable, kind to strangers. Ενξένως,(ίΐ\αΣί)Ηο?ρϊίΜυφΊ€ΤΐάΙν . πάσχω to suffer) good nature, feeling, sensibility, tenderness ; pleasure, indulgence graljfica- (25S) tion, luxury, ease, comfort ; a favour, kindness. Ενπαθίω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. same) to fii I for otkt rs, be kindly disposed ; to acknowledge^ be grateful; to enjoy, indulge, gratify one's self, live luxuriously. Ενπάθημα, -ατός, τό, (fr. same) high feeling, se?ise of honour, spirit ; dignity, stale, rank. Ευπαθής, -ίος -ους, b, !), (fr. same) feeling, sensible, tender, indul- gent ; exposed, liable, subject to; congenial, akin. Ευπαιδία, -ας, η, (fr. εν well, and -α?ί a child) the bkssing oj good children, dutiful affliction. Εύπαις, -αιδος, b, ij, (fr. same) hav- ing children, blessed with off- spring ; haupy in good children. Ei'7r«Kroi, Dor. for εύπηκτος. Ενπαρακολονθητος, -ου, b,fj, (fr. ευ Well, and παροκολονθίω to attend upon, th. ακόλουθος an attend- ant) consecutive, following by consequence ; intelligible, plain, clear, perspicuous ; intelligent, quick, sensible, under standing. Ενπάράος, Dor. and Poet, for Ενπάρειος, -ου, δ, f/ y (fr. ευ well, and πάρεια the cheek) well com- plcxioned, handsome, beautiful. Ευπάρνψος, -ου, δ, ι/, (fr. same, παρά intens. and υφαίωίο weave) woven throughout, will woven; well dressed, finely clothed. Ενπατίρειος, -a, -ov, same as Ευπα'τυρ, --ερος, and Ενπάτωρ, -ορός, b, η, (fr. ευ well, and τα- τηρ a father) of a noblt father, of high descent ; noble, illustri ous, of rank, patrician. Ενπατόριον, or rather "Άπατόριον, (fr. ήπαρ the liver) the herb agri- mony or liverwort. Ενπατρϊδης, -ov, b, (ft*, ευ well, and πατήρ a father) of noble blood, a nobleman, patrician. Ενπειθίω -ώ, (fr. same, and πείθω to persuade) toobeij, submit; ac- quiesce, agree, pres. inf. act. . ενπειθίειν -είν. Ευπειθής, -ίος -ους, δ, fj, (fr. same) easily persuaded, entreated or prevailed on ; obedient, submis- sive. υπειθως, (fr. last) obediently. Εύπειστος, (fr. ευ well, and πείθω to persuade) easy to be believed, credible, probable ; obedient, com- pliant, tractable. Εύπεπλος and Εύπεπλος, -ου, b, η, (fr same, and πίπλον a gown) wearing long gowns, with flowing robes, with trains that sweep the ground. Ενπερίστατος, -ov, Ό, ή, (fr. same, and περίστατος begirt, which fr. περί around, and 'ίστημι to stand) easy to be surrounded, accessible on all sides ; surrounding, encir- cling, environing ; besetting, im- portunate. Ενπίτεια, -ας, Ion. Ευπετεί>7, -ης,ι'ι, (fr. next) easiness, convenience ; plenty, abundance. Ενπετής, -ίος -ους, δ, »/, (fr. ευ well, ΕΤΠ and πίπτω to fall) easy; ready, at hand, prompt, convenient, comp. ενπετίστερος. Ένπετώς and -τέως, (fir. last) easi- ly, readily, at hand. comp. ευπε- τεστέρως, more readily. Ενπηκτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. ευ well, and πήγνυμι to join) well joined or framed; well built, firm, strong. Εύπηχνς, -εος, b, ή, (fr. ευ well, and π^υί an arm) having beautiful arms, ευπήχεις χείρες, hands joined to beautiful arms. Ευπλεκέων, g. pi. of Ενπλεκής, -έος -ους, and Έ.ύ-'λεκτος, -ov, δ, J7, (fr. same, and πλέκω to plait) well plaited, twined or twisted ; knit, tied or knotted to- gether ; flexible, pliant, supple. Ενπλέω -ώ, f. -εύσω, and Ευπλοεω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and πλε'ω or πλοέω to sail) to sail well, make a good voyage, arrive safely. Ευπλοεω -ώ, same as last. Εύπλοία, -ας, and Ion. Ευπλοίη, -ης, η, (fr. same) a prosperous voy- age, safe sailing ; a calm, fair weather. Ευπλοκαμις, -Υδος, {), Poet. Εϋπλο- καμις, and Ευπλόκαμος, -ου, Ό, η, and Poet. Εϋπλόκαμος, (fr. ευ well, and πλόκαμις or πλόκαμος a ringlet, th. πλέκω to twist) with long hair, having curled hair, with handsome hair or beautiful ring- lets, adorned with flowing locks ; comely, fair. Ευπλυνης, -έος -ους, Ι, η, (fr. same, and πλύνω to wash) well washed, clean, neat. Εύπνοος -ους, 6ου -ου, δ, ϊ/, (fr. same, and πνέω to breathe) breathing with ease, easy to breathe, breath- ing ; blown upon, swept by the gale, exposed to the breeze. Ευπυιε7, 3 sin. pres. ind. of Ευποιέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. ευ well, and ποιέω to do) to do good to, serve, benefit, assist ; to act well, do rightly. Ενποίητος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same) served, benefited, favoured, as- sisted, relieved ; well done, made or wrought ; finished, complete ; neat, elegant. Ενποιΐα, -ας, η, (fr. same) well- doing, doing good; beneficence, kindness, charity, mercy. Εύπολις, -ιος, Att. -εως, δ, Eupo- lis, a man's name. Ενπόμπη, -ης, η, Eupompo, a wo- man's name. Εύπομπος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. ευ well, and πέμπω to send) escorting safely, favourable, prosperous. Ενπορέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. ευπόρηκα, (fr. same, and πόρος a passage, th. πείρω to pass through) to be well provided or furnished, abound with, be able to afford, be in easy circumstances ; have the means ; to be able, capable, have the power ; to attain to, reach, find obtain, impf. pass. Att. ηυπορεό- μην -ούμην, -έου -ου, -έετο -εϊτο. Ενπορία, -α?, η, (fr. same) means s ΕΤΠ power, capability, opportunity; income, substance, livelihood ; plenty, abundance. Εύπορος, -ου, δ, >% (fr. same) ca- pable, able, sufficient for, having the means; provided, supplied, ready, prepared, easily got. Ευποτμία, -ας, η, (fr. εΰ well, and πότμυς fate) good fortune ; a happy lot. Ευπραγία and Ευπραξία, -ας, η, (fr. ευ well, and πράσσω to do) pros- perity, success, good fortune ; an exploit, enterprise, feat. Ευπρέπεια, -ας, η, (fr. ευ well, and πρέπω to become) beauty , grace- fulness, comeliness, grace ; dress, attire ; ornament, embellishment. Ευπρεπής, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. same) becoming, proper for; comely, handsome ; grand, splendid ; specious, showy, plausible. Ευπρεπως, (fr. last) properly ; gracefully ; grandly. Ευπρηξίη,-ης, >;,Ion. for ευπραξία. Ευπρόσδεκτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. ευ well, προς to, and th. δέχομαι to take) well r echoed, acceptable, agree- able. Ευπρόσειρος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and προσεδρος diligent, th. 'έδρα a seat) sealed at a business, con- stantly attending, diligent, assi- duous. Also subs, a commis- sioner, assessor. Ευπροσηγορία, -ας, η, (fr.same, and προσηγορέω to address, th. αγορά the public place) affability, courtesy, politeness, condescen- sion, easiness of address. Ευπροσήγορος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) affable, courteous, condescending. Ευπρόσιτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and πρόσειμι to approach, th. εΊμι to go) accessible, easily approached. Ευπρόσοδος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, προς to, and th. bδbς a way) ac- cessible. Ευπρόσοιστος, -ου, δ, ;/, (fr. same, and φέρω to bear) easy to be borne ; accessible, passable. Ευπροσόρμιστος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and προσορμίζομαι to arrive in port, th. όρμος a harbour) easy or safe to be approached, open, secure. Ευπρόσφορος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, . and προσφέρω to utter, th. φέρω to bring) eloquent, expressive. Ευπ-ροσωττέώ -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and; πρόσωπο ν the face, th. άπτο- μαι "to see) to look well, appear handsome ; make a fair show or appearance. 1 a. inf. act. ευ προ σ- ωπησαι. Ευπρόσωπος, -ου, δ, //, (fr. same) well to look at, appearing well, showy, plausible ; fair, hand- some, comely. Εύπρυμνος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. ευ well, and πρύμνα the poop) with a fine poop, with the quarter or stern ornamented. Εύπυργος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and πύργος a tower) well-towered, fair-turreted, fortified. Εύπωλος, -ov, b, f/, (fr. same, and (260) EXP πώλος a foal) breeding horsex t famed for horses. Ενραι, -ων, at, (fr. ενρυς broad) plates on the under side of a wooden axle-tree, to prevent its being worn by the wheel. Ευράμην, by Sync, for ενρνσάμην. 1 a. ind. mid. of ενρίσκω, par. ενράμενος. Ευράζ, (perhaps fr. εύρος breadth ; or, by Aphaer. for πλευρά£, fr. πλευρά the side) obliquely, onone side. Εύρε, 2 a. impr. or 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of ευρίσκω. Ευρέα, Ion. for ευρεΓα, see ευρύς. Ευρεθεί?, -εΊσα,-ϊν, par. — Ενρέθην, -ης, -η, pi. -θημεν, -θητε, -θησαν. ind. — Ευρεθηναι, inf. — Ευρεθώ, -ης, -η, ρΐ. -θώμεν, -Οητε, -θωσι, sub. ί a. pass Ευρεθι/σομεθα, 1 pi. 1 f. ind. pass. — ΕυρεΊν, 2 a. inf. act. — Εΰρετο, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. mid. of ευρίσκω. ΕυρεΓα, fern. sin. of ευρύ?. Ευρεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, »/, (fr. εν- ρίσκω to find) an invention, dis- covery. Ενρετής, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a dis- coverer, inventor. Ευρετϊς, -Έδος, ή, (fr.same) same in the feminine. Εύρε'τρία, -as, ή, (fr. same) same as ευρετίς. Εύρεω, obs. Ευρίσκω borrows its tenses. Εΰρ?7κα, 1 pi. -καμεν, ind. — Ευρη- κέναι, inf. per. act. — Εύρλ/σω, -εις, -ει, pi. -σομεν, -σετε, -σονσι, 1 f. ind. act. — Εύρ//σω, -σης, -ση, 1 a. sub. act. — Εύρ?7τε, 2 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of ευρίσκω. Εύρημα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) an invention, discovery ; a desii e, . object, aim; a thing found, prey, booty. Ευρην, Dor. for ευρειν, 2 a. inf. act. of same. Ενρήσεις, 2 sin. — Ευρ^σετε, 2 ρϊ. 1 f. ind. act. of ευρίσκω. Ευρησιεπης, -έος, δ, η", (Poet, for ευρεσιεπης, fr. same, and έπος a word, th. επω to speak) an in- ventor or coiner of words, who uses nev) phrases ; fluent. Εύριξος, -ov, b, >'/, (fr. ευ well, and ρίζα a root) well or deep-rooted ; firm, fixed, established. Ενριν, -ϊνος, b, >/, (fr. same, and piv the nose) sagaaous, sage, shrewd, subtile, acute, ingeni- ous. Ενρ'ιπος, -ου, δ, the strait between Eubcea and Boeotia ; any strait, gulf, bay or inlet. Εύριπος, -ου, δ, >'/, (the last used proverbially) inconstant, fickle, changeable. Ευρίσκει, 3 sin. md. act. — Εύρίσ- κετο, 3 sin. — Ευρισκόμεθα, 1 pi. impf. pass. — Ευρίσκον, impf. act. — Ευρισκόντες, η. pi. par. pres. act. of Ευρίσκω, f. ενρήσω, p. ενρηκα, to get, discover, obtain ; to perceive, j learn ; to find, meet with, light I upon ; to find out, iniJent, knew ΕΤΡ /ίου-, be able ; to save, preserve Ευρίσκομαι, to be found to be, turn out, become. 1 a. ind. act. εΰρησα. 2 a. act. ind. ενρον impr. ενρέ' opt. ε'ύρυιμι• sub. if ρω' inf. ευρείν par. ενρών. per. ind. pass. εΚρημαι. 1 a. ind. pass. ενρίΟην. 1 f. ind. p;iss. ε'υ- ρεθήσομαι. 1 a. ind. mid. εΰρησά- μην, and by Sync, ευράμην. Ενροια, -ας, η, (fr. ευ well, and ρέω to flow) fluidity, an easy cur- rent, gentle flow ; prosperity, happiness ; affluence, wealth, abundance. Ενροίμην, -oto, -oiTo, mid. ECpot- μι, -οις, -οι, act. 2 a. opt. — Εύ- ροΓσα, Dor. for ενρουσα, fein. par. 2 a. act. of ευρίσκω. Ευροκλυίων, -ωνος, ο, (fr. ευρύς broad, or εύρος an easterly wind, and κλύίων a billow, th. κλύζω to wash) Euroclydon, an eastern tempest, stormy wind, well known in the eastern part of the Mediterranean. Εΰρομες, Dor. for εΰρομεν, 1 pi. of Kvpov, -ες, -ε, ind. Εύροιεν, 3 pi. opt. Ενρών, -ούσα, -ov, par. 2 a. act. of ευρίσκω. Εύρος, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. εως the east, and ρέω to flow) the east wind, any easterly wind. Εΐφος, -εος-ους,τό, (fr. ευρύ? broad) breadth, latitude, extent, width, largeness. Ευροσαν, LXX. for ευρον, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. act. of ευρίσκω. Ενρουσα, see in ενρομες. Εύορειος for ιΰρρεος, g. sin. of ε'νρ- ρυς. Εϋρύείτάο, 2E,o\. for ενρρείτου, g. of Ενρρείτης, -ov, b, jjj, (fr. ευ well, and ρέω to flow) fair-flowing, softly flowing, gliding ; fertilizing. ΕύρΙ>οος -ονς, and Ενρ^νς, -εια, -ν, same as last. Ευρυάγνιος, -a, -ov, (fr. ενρνς broad, and αγνιά a street) with broad streets, spacious. Ευρυαλη, -ης, ϊ), EuryaU, one of the Gorgons, a woman's name. Ευρυάλωί, -ωος, b, >/, (fr. ενρνς broad, and άλως a floor) broad, wide, spacious, extensive. Ευρυβατης, -ov, b, Eurybates, a man's name. Ενρνβίης, Ion. for Ενρνβίας, -ov, b, (fr. ευρύς broad, and βία force) widely reigning, far-ruling, pow- erful. Ευρυδαμας, -ov, b, Eurydamas, a man's name. Εύρυθμος, -ov, b, )/, (fr. ευ well, and ρυθμός rhyme) in numbers, ryth- mical, poetical ; harmonical, har- monious, tuneful, musical; re- gular, well-proportioned. Ευρνθμως, (fr. last) harmoniously, poetically ; neatly, regularly. Ευρυκρείων, -οντος, Ό, η, (fr. ενρνς wide, and κρείων a king, th. κραίνω to rule) widely ruling, powerful, potent, mighty. ΕνρνΧείμων, -οίος, b, η, (fr. same, and Χεφών a meadow) meadowy, ETP spread out in plains or downs; extensive, wide, spacious. Ευρύμέτωπος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and μέτωπον the forehead) wide- fronted, broad browed. Εΰρϋνα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. Εύρυναν, 1 a. ind. act. — Ενρύνοντι, Dor. for Ευρύνουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of ενρννω. Ενρννόμη, -ης, η, Eurynomi, a wo- man's name. Ενρύνω,ΐ. -ννω, (fr. ενρυς broad) to widen, extend, dilate, expand, Kti < tch out. Ενρυοδείης, g. fern. Ion. of Ευρυ<5<5ειοί, -a, -ov' and -ov, δ-, »';, (fr. ευρύς broad, and bυΌς a road) with wide streets or broad roads, roomy, spacious. Ευρύοπα, a. sin. of ευρύωψ. Or, v. sin. of Ενρυόττης, -ου, b, η, (fr. ευρύς wide, and ίιψ voice) far-sounding, loud, heard afar. Or, (fr. ώψ the eye, th. άπτομαι to sec) all- seeing. Ευρύττυλοί, -ov, b, Eurypylus, a man's name. Ευρύί,-εΓα, -ύ, wide, broad; ample, spacious, extensive, comp. ευρύ- τερος, sup. -τατος, and ενρίων, -ιστός. Ευρυσθενής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. last, and σθεΐ'όί strength) widely rul- ing, of extensive sway, potent, mighty. Ευρυσθεύς, -έος, Att. -έως, b, Eu- rysthcus, a man's name. a. Ευ- ρυσθέα, Poet. -θήα. Ενρύστερνος, -ου, b, η, (fr. ενρνς wide, and στέρνυν the breast) broad-breasted, wide-bosomed. Ευρυτιων, -ωνος, b, Eurytion, a man's name. Ευ'ρυτοί, -ov, b, η, (fr. ευ well, and 'ρέω to flow) fair -flowing. Ενρνχαίτης, -ov, Dor. -χαίτας, -a, o, (fr. ευρύς broad, and χαίτη hair) with flowing, or thick or bushy hair. Ευρύχορος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and χορός a choir) where there are large assemblies or numerous meetings, populous ; roomy, spa- cious, g. Ion. ενρνχόροιο. Ενρύχωρος, -ov,b,y, (fr. same, and χώρος place) "broad, wide, roomy, ample, spacious, extensive. Ευρύωψ, -ωπος, and -οττος, b, η, (fr. same, and ώψ the eye) large eyed ; seeing far, far-sighted, quick- sighted ; seen from afar, perspicuous, distinct. Ευρω, in 1 pi. Εϋρωμεν, sub. — Έίιρών, par. 2 a. act. of ευρίσκω. Ευρώοης, -εος, Att. -εως, b, ή, (fr. ευρώί mouldiness) W20w/(%, mwsty, rusty ; moxddering, rotten, pu- trid, ; squalid, dirty, nasty. Ενρώεις, -εσσα, -εν, same as last ; also dark, gloomy, shady, ob- scure. And (perhaps fr. ευρύς wide) ample, broad, spacious, roomy, extensive. Ευρωιζεύς, -έος, and Ευρωπαίος, -ov, b, η, (fr. next) European, of Eu- rope. (26Π ΕΎ2 Ευρώπη, -ης, η, Europa, a woman's name ; also Europe, so called from her. Ενρώς, -ώτος, b, mould, mouldiness mustiness ; rust, canker ; rot tenness, putridity ; flllliiness, dirt, naatincss, fllth ; a moth & canker worm. Εύρωστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. ευ well, and ρώννυμι to be strong) stout, strong, able, robust ; hale, healthy. Ευρώστως, (fr. last) stoutly, ably robustly. Ευρώτας, -ov, b, Eurotas, the name of a river. Ευρωτιαω -ω, f. -άσο), (fr. ενρώς mouldiness) to be mouldy, co- vered with mouldiness or musti- ness ; to rust, canker, decay, soil, fade, rot, be rotten or putrid. Εϋς } εέος and Hfif, ηέος, b, i/, good, virtuous ; brave, courageous, va- liant ; fair, handsome, beautiful, flne. Ευσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of {ΰω or εΰω. Εΰσα, Dor. or iEol. for εουσα or ούσα, fern, of ών, par. pres. of ειμί, to be. Ενσέβει, 2 sin. pres. impr. cont. — Ευσεβεΐτε, 2 pi. cont. pres. ind. or impr. — Ευσεβεΐν, pres. inf. act. cont. of ευσεβέω. Ευσέβεια, -ας, η, (fr. ευ much, and σέβω to revere) piety, devotion, godliness, religion; natural af- fection, love, duty. Ευσεβές, -έος, το, (the neut. of ευ- σεβή pious) same as last. Ευσεβέω -ώ, f. -τ^σω, p. ενσέβηκα, (fr. ευ much, and σέβω to revere) to be pious, exercise piety, prac- tise religion, worship, adore, re- vere ; to make pious, educate re- ligiously, teach, instruct in reli- gion. 1 a. ind. act. ευσέβησα. Ευσεβής, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. same) pious, devout, religious, godly ; affectionate, dutiful, a. ευσεβή, pi. ευσεβείς, cont. Ενσεβώς and -βέως, (fr. last) pi- ously, religiously, devoutly. Ενσελμος, -ου, b, η, Poet. Ευσελμος and Εύσσελμος, (fr. ευ well, and σέλμα a transom, th. σελ /j the space between decks) wiihmany benches, of many oars, rowing or sailing fast, swift ; well decked, large. Εύσημος, -ov, Ό, fj, (fr. same, and σήμα a sign) well marked, dis- tinct ; remarkable, significant, intelligible ; easily understood. Ευσθένεια, -ας, η, (fr. same, and σθένος strength) soundness, health ; strength, validity. Ενσθενέω -ώ, f. -^σω, p. ευσθένηκα, (fr. same) to be strong or able. Ευσθενής,-έος -oΰς,b, η, (fr. same) strong, robust, able, capable. Ενσκαρθμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. ευ much, and σκαρθμος a bound, th. σκαίρω to skip) bounding, skipping ; ac- tive, quick, nimfle. ΕΤΣ EXT Κύσκιος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. ευ much, and I may be conjectured or supposed, σκία shade) shady, dusky, dark;] discoverable by guess, overshadorving, darken the shade, shaded. Εϋσκοπος, -ov, b, f/, by Dial, for ενσκοπος, (fr. same, and σκοπός an aim, th. σκέπτ*ιιαι to con- sider) well aimed, sure, that at- tains its object ; pertinent, apt, fit, opportune ; provident, saga- cious, foreseeing, circumspect, cautious. Εύσοος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and σόος safe) quite safe, sound, whole. Εύσπλαγχνος, (fr. same, and σπλάγχνον the bowels) having bowels of mercy, compassionate, merciful, pitiful, tender-hearted ; spirited, animated, brave. Εύσσελμος, see εύσελμος. Ευστάθεια, -ας,ί), (fr. εΐι well, and ΐστημι to stand) stability, steadi- ness, firmness ; a prop, sup- port. Ενσταθέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same) to consist, be firm, continue, lust; to make firm, establish, settle, fix. Ευσταθής, -έυς -ους, δ,/"/, (fr. same) firm, steadfast, steady ; fixed, es- tablished, sure ; of good weight. Ευσταθώς, (fr. last) durably, firm- ly, pertinaciously, obstinately, Ενστάλής, -έυς -ους, b, η, (fr. εν well, and στέλλω to equip) light, unincumbered; well-dressed, de cent, neat. Ευστάλώς, (fr. last) lightly, quick ly, free from incumbrance. Ευστέφάνος, -ου, b, η, (fr. ευ well, and στίφανυς a crown, th. στέψω to crown) well crowned, highly ornamented, finished ; wellforti fied. Εύστομος, -ου, b, >% (fr. same, and στόμα the mouth) with a fair or handsome mouth ; fluent, eloquent, fair-spoken ; respect- ful. Ευστοχέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (tr. same, and στοχάζομαι to aim) to aim well ; to conjecture or guess shrewdly. Ευστοχία, -ας, '/, (fr. same) clever- ness or dexterity at shooting, a good aim ; shrewdness in con- jecture, ingenuity in guessing. Ε'>ητοχος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) cle- ver at the dart, dexterous in shoot- ing, a good shot ; shrewd, inge- nious, inventive. Ευστοχίας, (fr. last) with a good aim ; cautiously, dexterously, in- geniously. Ενστρεψής, and Poet. Ενστρεφής, -ευς -ους, b, η, (fr. ευ wd\, and στρέφω to turn) well turned, twisted, twined or wreathed ; pli- ant, bending, winding. Ευστροφία, -ας, 'ι, (fr. same) flexi- bility, pliancy ; activity, agility. Εύστροφος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) ea- sily moved or turned ; swift. • Ενσύμβλητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. ευ well, and συμβάλλω to conjecture, th. βάλλω to throw) obvimi*, that Ευσυναλλάκτως, (fr. same, and συναλλάττω to bargain, th. αλ- λάσσω to exchange) of a peace- able disposition, peaceably, conci- liatory. Εΰσφυρος, -ου, b, ft, (fr. same, and σφνρον the ankle) with a hand- some leg or ankle, well limbed, well shaped. Ευσφύρω, Dor. for ευσφύρου, g. of last. Ενσχημόνως, (fr. ευσχήμων becom- ing) comely, gracefully, decent- ly, excellently, honourably. Ευσχημοσυνη, -ης, ή, (fr. next) comeliness, propriety, decorum ; grace, elegance. Ευσχήμων, -όνος, b, //, (fr. ευ well, and σχήμα behaviour) elegant comely, becoming, decorous ; re- spectable, reputable, decent ; ho- nourable, excellent, pi. g. ευσχη μόνων, a. ευσχήμονας, neut. ευσ χήμονα. Εύσωτρος or Εύσωτρος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. ευ well, and σώτρον the fel- loe of a wheel) with strong fel- loes, well made, strong. Ευ r' for εΰ>ε. Ευτακτέω -ω, (fr. same, and τάσσω to arrange) to keep order, be or- derly, practise regularity, stip- port discipline. Εύτακτος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. same) or- derly, regular, methodical. Ευτάκτως, (fr. last) in order, me- thodically, regularly. Ευταξία, -ας, η, (fr. ευ well, and τάσσω to arrange) order, regu- larity, method ; rule, discipline ; moderation, temperance. Εντε, Ion. and Poet, τ^ύτε, when ; since, seeing that, whereas; as, just as, as ever ; so, even so. Ευτείχεα -η, a. sin. of ευτείχης. Ευτείχεος, -ου, and Ευτείχης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. ευ well, and τείχος a wall) high walled, well forti- fied, secure. Ευτικνία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and τέκνον a child, th. τίκτω to breed) the blessing of children, happi- ness of offspring. Εύτεκνος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) hap- py in a family, blessed with off- spring ; prolific, fruitf id. Ευτελέστατα, sup. neut. pi. of Ευτελής, -εος -ους, b,f], (fr. ευ well, and τέλος income) frugal, thrifty, economical ; cheap, vile, little worth; slender, contemptible,mean. Εντελώς, (fr. last) slenderly, slight- ly, insignificantly. Ευτέρπη, -ης, η, JEuterpe, one of the muses. Ευτέρπης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. ευ well, and τέρπω to delight) delightful, pleasant, agreeable, charming. Εύτηκτος, -ου, b, η", (fr. ευ well, and τήκω to melt) soluble, easily melted. Ευτμητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and τέμνω to cut) well cut ov cut out ; prepared, provided. Εννοκία, »<ις, t), (fr. same, and τόκος (362) ETT produce, th. τίκτω to breed) an easy birth ; fruitfulness. Εύτοκος, -ου, b, >/, (fr. same) with a fair offspring or fine children. Ευτολμία, -ας, rj, (fr. ευ well, ana τολμάω to dare, th. τόλμα bold- ness) boldness, courage, intrepi- dity, resolution. Εύτολμος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) bold, resolute, intrepid. Ευτονία, -ας, ;/, (fr. next) intense- ness, perseverance ; firmness, re- solution. Εύτονος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. ευ well, and τόνος stretching, th. τείνω to strain) well stretched, well braced ; strong, firm, resolute, persevering, intense. Ευτόνως, (fr. last) intensely, vehe mently ; strenuously ; firmly, re- solutely. Ευταξία, -ας, >% (fr. ευ well, and τόξον a bow) archery, skill at the bow. Ευτραπελενομαι, (fr. ευτράπελος humorous, which see) to joke, jest, indulge in wit or humour ; to make fun, talk loosely. Ευτραπελία, -ας, ή, (fr. next) wit, humour, pleasantry, facetious- ness ; merriment ; buffoonery, scurrility, satirical or obscene jesting. Ευτράπελος, -ου, b, t), (fr. ευ well, and τρέπομαι to accommodate one's self) witty, facetious, agree- able, pleasant ; humorous, mer- ry, droll ; scurrilous, satirical, obscene. Subs, a buffoon, para- site, flatterer. Ευτρεπής,-έος -ους, b, >/, (fr. ευ well, and τρέπω to turn) ready, pre- pared, in order ; fit, adapted ; compliant, obsequious ; easy, mild, temperate, impartial, just, patient. Ευτρεπίζω, (fr. last) to prepare, make ready ; to conciliate, at- tach. Εύτρητος, and Poet. Εύτρητος,-ου, b, η", (fr. ευ well, and τιτράω to bore) well bored, pierced with many holes, wrought in open v>ork or fretwork ; open, gaping, wide, expanded. Ευτρίαιναν, a. Dor. of Ευτριαίνης, -ου, b, (fr. ευ well, and τρίαινα a trident) famed for the trident, ruling with the trident. Ευτρόχάλος, -ου, b, η, (fl•. same, and τρέχω to run) round, circu- lar ; smooth, level, plain; well run, trodden or tramped upon ; rolling, fluttering, active. Εύτροχος, and Poet. Εύτροχος,-ου, b, η", (fr. same) running smooth- ly, moving freely, gliding, roll' ing ; active, nimble, agile. Εύτυκος, -ου, b, η, for Εύτυκτος, -ου, b, >/, (fr. same, and τεύχω to form) well formed, finished, complete, perfect. Ευτυχέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ευτύχηκα, (fr. same, and τύχη chance) to be happy, successful, prosper, be in easy circumstances ; to succeed, turn out well. ΕΤΦ Ευτυχίως , Ion. and Poet, for ευτυ- χώς. Ευτύχημα, -άτυς, τδ, (fr. εΰ well, and τύχη fortune) happiness j u, prosperity j a happy lot, good fortune. Ευτυχής, -ίος -οΰς, δ, ι;, (fr. same) fortunate, lucky, prosperous, suc- cessful ; homy. Ευτυχήσαις, 2 sin. 1 a. opt. act. used ΛλΛ. for Ευτνχήσας, par. 1 a. act. of ευτυχίω. Ευτυχία, -ας, η, (fr. ευ well, and τύχη fortune) good fortune, hap- piness, prosperity, success. Εντυχος, -ου, b, (fr. same) fortu- nate. Eutychus, u man's name* Ευτυχώ?, (fr. ευτυχής fortunate) happily, fortunately, prosperous ly, successfully. Εύϋορος, -ου, b, η, (fr. ευ well, and Ζδωρ water) watery, moist, wet ; marshy. Ευφάμία, -ας, η, Ευφάμως, Dor. for ευφημία and ευψήμως. Ευφαρετρας, -ου, and Dor. -α, δ, (fr. ευ well, and φαρέτρα a qu ver) quivered, equipped with a quiver, the archer, bowman; an epithet of Apollo. Ευφημέω -ω, f. -ησω, (fr. same, and φήμη report, th. φάω to speak) to abstain from unlucky words, use fair words ; to report well, speak well of, recommend ; to ce- lebrate, praise, commend ; to con- gratulate, rejoice with, wish joy ; pray blessings on ; show favour or honour, either by suitable language, or by respectful si- lence. 1 a. act. md. ευφήμησα, m 3 pi. ευφήμησαν inf. ευφημησαι. Ευφημία, -ας, j$, (fr. same) care to avoid ominous or unlucky expres- sions, respectful silence ; good re- port, fame, credit, renown, cele- bration, praise, commendation ; applause, acclamation, shouts ; a good omen, favourable presage. Ευφημίζω, (fr. same) to hail, re- ceive with acclamation. See also ευφημίω. Ευφήμιος and Εύφημος, -ου, b, >% (fr. same) fair-spoken, respect- ful; of good report, reputable, praised, celebrated, commended; praising, congratulating ; fa- vourable, auspicious. Ευφημοσυνη, also Dor. and Poet. -σύνα, -ης, η, (fr. same) good counsel, advice, warning ; in- struction, command, orders; an injunction. Ευφήμως, (fr. εύφημος reputable) with good report, kindly, favour- ably ; respectfully. Εύφθογγος, -ου, b, η, (fr. εΰ well, and φθόγγος a sound, th. φθεγ- γομαι to utter) sounding truly, emitting a right tone, vocal, har- monious. Ευφορεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ευφόρηκα, (fr. εύφορος fertile) to abound, produce plentifully, bear abun- dantly, be fruitful or productive. 1 a. ind. act. ευφόρησα, -ας, -ε or -εν. ETX Ενφόρητος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. last) port- able, that jiiuy be curried; sup- pnrtubte, to be endured. Εύφορος, -ου, b, η, (fr. εΰ well, and φίρω to bear) fertile, fruitful, productive ; easily borne or en- dured, tolerable ; agreealde, pleas- ing ; easy of carnage, light. Ευφραίνεσθαι,ιηΐ. — Ευφραινόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pies. pass. — Ευ- φραίνοντο, 3 pi. iinpf. pass. — Ευφραίνου, -νεσθε, 2 sin. and pi. impr. pass. — Ευψραίνων, par. pres. act. of Ευφραίνω, f. -αΐώ, p. εΰφραγκα, (fr. εΰ well, and φρην the mind) to cheer, enliven, exhilarate ; to delight, amuse, divert, entertain. Ευφραίνομαι, to be delighted, re- joice ; to enjoy, indulge one's self. 1 a. ind. act. εύφρανα, 1 f. ind. mid. ευφρανουμαι, -y, -εΊται. Ευφρανέαι, Ion. for ευφρανΐ), 2 sin. 1 f. ind. mid. of last. Ευ«/ιρανε'είΐ', Ion. for ευφράνείν, 1 f. inf. act. of same. Ευφράνθην, -ης, -η, and Att. »;υ- φράνθην, ind. — Ευφράνθητι, -θητε, 2 sin. and pi. impr. — Ευ- φρανθείην, 3 pi. -θείησαν, opt. — Ευφρανθώ, -θώμεν, 1 sin. and pi. sub. — ΕυφρανΟηναι, inf. 1 a. pass. — ΕυφρανΟήσομαι, 1 f. ind. pass, of ευφραίνω. Ευφρήνω, -ης, -η, 1 a. sub. act. ot same. Εύφρονα, a. sin. of εύφρων. Ευφρονεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. next) to be wise, have seme, be intelligent, act prudently ; to know, understand, perceive, dis- cern ; to be kind, serve, oblige. Ευφρύνη, -ης, η, (fr. εΰ well, and φρονέω to think, th. φρην the mind) night, evening, or rather an epithet of them j the season of χειρ the hand) ease, easiness, contemplation. Ευφροσύνη, and Dor. -συνα, -ης, η, (fr. same) mirth, gayety, cheer- fulness, joy, gladness. Euphro- syne, one of the Graces. Εύφρων, -όνος, b, f), (fr. same) sen- sible, wise, prudent ; intelligent, knowing ; cheering, exhilarating, enlivening; cheerful, gay, mer- ry, lively ; joyful, glad. Ευφυής, -έος -ους, b, r), (fr. εΰ well, and φύω to grow) well formed ; strong, vigorous, able, robust; active ; dexterous, ingenious ; well disposed, of good disposition, ingenuous ; ft, suitable, a. sin. ευφυία -η. du. ευφυέε. Ευφυΐα, -ας, η, (fr. same) a good disposition, docility, ingenuous- ness ; good abilities, capacity; convenience, fitness. Ευφύως, (fr. ευφυής ingenious) in-, geniously, cleverly ; fitly, suita- bly, properly. Ευφωνία,-ας, ή, (fr. next) sweetness of voice ; agreeableness of sound, harmony, tone, cadence, euphony. Ίφωνος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. εΰ well, and φωνή voice) in tune, tuneful, harmonious; clear, distinct. Ευχαίτης, -ου, b, η, (fr. εΰ well, and (263) ETX χαίτη the mane) with afionunr mn ne ; with fine hair. Ευχαριστεί, -τεϊς, &c. see in ευχα- ριστηθι}. Ευχαριστίω -ώ, f. -ήσω, ρ. ευχα- ρίστησα, (fr. εΰ well, and χάρις thanks) to thank, give thanks, acknowledge a favour. 1 a. ind. act. ευχαρίστησα, pres. ind. pott. ευχαριστίομαι -ουμαι. 1 a. pass, ind. ευχαριστήθην sub. ευχαρισ- τηθώ. Ευχαρ<στ*70;7, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass. — Ευχαρ<στ>;σ«ί, g. -σαιτοί, par. 1 a. act. — Ευχαριστεί»/, pres. inf. act. cont. — Ευχαριστώ, -ε?ί, -ε?, pi. -ουμεν, pres. ind. act. cont. — Ευχαριστείτε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. — Ευχαρ<σ- τώΐ', η. pi. -τυυντες, par. pres. act. cont. of last. Ευχαριστία, -ας, η, (fr. same) ac- knowledgment, gratitude, thank- fulness, thanksgiving. Ευχάριστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) tli'tnkful, grateful ; acceptable, agreeable; beneficent, bountious. Ευχαρίστως, (fr. last) with grati- tude, thankfully ; gratefully, ac- ceptably ; agreeably, kindly. Ευχάς, a. pi. of ευχή. Ενχεαι, by Apos. Ευ'χε', Ion. for εύχη, 2 sin. pres. ind. of εύχο- μαι. Εΰχε*ρ, -ρος, b, //, (fr. εΰ well, and χειρ the hand) handy, dexterous ; capable, able, strong, active, brave. Ευχειρία, -ας, η, (fr. same) inge- nuity, invention, dexterity, arti- fice, stratagem, subtlety. Εύχεο, Ion. for ευχου, 2 sin. impf. or pres. impr.' — Ευχε'σθω, 3 sin. pres. impr. of εύχομαι. Ευχέρεια, -ας, η, (fr. εΰ well ? and readiness, convenience. Ευχερϊ/ς, -εος -ους, b, ή, (fr. same) easy, ready, convenient; rash, hasty. Ευχερώς, (fr. last) easily, readily, conveniently. Εύχεσθε, 2 pi. pres. impr. mid. of εύχομαι. Ευχετάασθαι, Poet, for ευχετασ- θαι, pres. inf. mid. cont. of Ευχετάομαι -ωμαι, (fr. εύχομαι to pray) to pour forth prayers, ut- ter vows; to pray, supplicate, entreat ; to boast. Ευχετοώμην, Poet, for ευχετφμην, pres. opt. mid. cont. — Ευχε- τοώνται, Poet, for ευχετωνται, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. mid. of last. Ευχή, -ης, η, (fr. εύχομαι to pray) a prayer, petition, entreaty, sup- plication ; a curse, imprecation ; a vow, solemn promise, devotion; a wish. Εύχθω, 3 sin. of εύξω, per. impr. pass, of Εύχομαι, f. -ξομαι, p. ενγμαι, to glory, boast, vaunt, brag ; to say declare, pronounce ;. to pray, beseech, beg, supplicate, entreat; to wish, desire, crave, impf. ΕΤΩ mid. ευχόμην, and Att. ηνχόμην, -ου, -ετο. 1 a. ind. mid. ενξάμην opt. ενζαΐμην. Ενχόμεθα, 1 pi. pres. ind. mid. of kist. Etryoj, -εος -ονς, το, (fr. same) glory, boast, pride ; honour, cre- dit, reputation. Ευχρηστέομαι -ονμαι, (fr. next) to be used, treated or made use of; to serve, be of use, conduce. Εύχρηστος, -ov, b, >'/, (fr. ευ well, and χρηστός useful, th. χράω to lend) useful, serviceable, bene• ficial, conducive; good, commo- dious, advantageous. Εύχροος -ονς, -όον -ου, b, η, (fr, same, and χρόα colour) well coloured, high coloured. Ευχωλη, -ης, f/, Poet, for ευχή, (fr. εύχομαι to pray) a prayer, sup- plication, entreaty ; a vow, de- dication ; glory, boast, exulta- tion. ΕυχωλιμαΊος, -ου, b, η, (fr. last) bound by a vow ; seeking to ex- piate or fulfil a vow ; a devo- tee. Ενψυχέω -ω, f. -ήσω,ρ. ευψύχηκα, (fr. ευ well, and ψυχή the mind) to be in spirits, be of good cou- rage ; to feel comfort or satisfac- tion. Ενψνχής, -ίος -ους, b, >}, (fr. same) in spirits, lively, animated. Or (fr. ψύχος cold) braced, vigor- ous, active, refreshed, Εν^νγία, -ας, η, (fr. same) joy, gladness, exhilaration ; spirit, magnanimity ; presence of mind. Εύψϋχος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. same) glad, joyful, animated, lively; high- spirited, noble, great, brave. Ενψνχω, pres. sub. act. cont. of evxjtvyita. Ενφϋχως, (fr. εύψυχος cheerful) gladly, joyfully ; with spirit, no- bly, bravely. Ενω or Ευω, f. -σω, p. εύκα, to parch, burn, scorch ; to roast, toast, broil ; to blister. Ευώδη. a. sin. cont. of Ευώδης, -εος -ονς, b, η, (fr. ευ well, and th. όξω to smell) sweet smell- ing, fragrant, perfumed. Ενωδία, -ας, η, (fr. same) ο sweet smell, fragrance, odour. Ευωοιάξω, (fr. same) to smell sweet- ly, be fragrant, yield an odour or perfume. Ένωνος, -ov, b, η, (fr. ευ well or easily, and ωνέομαι to buy) of high price, valuable, estimable, dear. Or, easily bought, offered for little, cheap. Ευώνυμος, -ov, o, >;, (fr. same, and όνομα a name) of a good name, of a lucky or fortunate token ; lucky, fortunate, propitious ; splendid, renowned, celebrated, famous; left, on the left hand. The left was the unlucky side among the Greeks ; but, through superstitious fear, they gave good names to omens coming from that quarter. ΕνΛπις, -ιδος, fi, (fr. same, and ΕΦΑ ώψ the face, th. όπτομαι to see) fair-faced, bright-eyed, hand- some, beautiful. Ευωχέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ενώχηκα, (fr. ευ well, and οχη cheer) to re- ceive hospitably, entertain, make merry, feast, keep good cheer, banquet. Ευωχέων, (par. pres. of last) mer- ry, jovial, cheerful, jolly. Ευωχία, -ας, fj, (fr. same) a feast, entertainment, banquet; revelry, good cheer, jollity. Εφ\ for επί, before an aspirate. 'Εφ', for έφη, 3 sin. 2 a. of φημί. Έφα, Dor. for ίφη, same as last. Εφαάνθην, Poet, for εφάν$ην, 1 a. ind. pass, of φαίνω. Εφαβικός, Dor. for εφηβικός. Έφαγον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. of φάγω. Εφάγοσαν, LXX. for έφαγον, 3 pi of Inst. Εφαδάνω, see αφαδάνω. Εφαδέω or Εφάόω, fr. επί intens, and αδίω -ω, which see. Εφαίνεο, Ion. for εφαίνου, 2 sin. iuipf. pass. — Έφαινον, impf. act Εφαίνοσαν, 3 pi. LXX. impf. act. of φαίνω. Εφάλλομαι,ί -\οΐ<μαι, (fr. επί upon, and «λλο /iot to leap) to leap in, on or upon; to assault, attack, rush upon. par. pres. mid. εφαλ- λόμενος. impf. εφηλλόμην. 1 a. ind. mid. εφηλάμην. ΈφάΧος, -ov, b, η, (fr. επί at, and 'ά\ς the sea) on the sea shore,• maritime, on the coast, by the sea. Εφάλών, Dor. for εφηλών, par. pres. act. cont. of εφηλόω. Έφαμαν, Dor. for εφάμην. 2 a. ind. mid. of φημί. Εφαμαρτάνω, f. -ήσω, (fr. επί to and άμαρτάνω to sin) to seduce to sin, entice to crime, lead astray, beguile. Έφομεν, 1 pi. impf. or 2 a. ind. act. — Εφ'ίμην, -ασο, -ατο, 2 a. ind. mid. οι φημί. Εφαμίριος, -a, -ov, Dor. for εφημέ- ριος. Εφάμιλλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. εττϊ in, and άμιλλα a contest) emulous, rivalling; an adversary, rival, opponent, competitor ; a match, equal. Έφαν, Boeot. Sync, for έφασαν, 3 pi. impf. ; or Dor. for έφην, 1 sin. 2 a. ind. οι φημί. Εφανδάνω, fr. επί intens. and άνδά- νω, to please, which see. Εφανερώθην,-ης, -η, pass. — Εφα- νέρωσα, -ας, -ε or -εν, act. 1 a. ind. of φανερόω. Εφάνην, -ης, -η, pass. — Έφανον, -ες, -ε, act. 2 a. ind Εφάν- θην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of φαίνω. Εφανίσθην, -ης, -η, in 3 pi. Εφανίσ- θησαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of φαν'ιζω. Εφάπαξ, (fr. επί at, and άπαξ once) once, at once, once for all. Εφάπτω, f. -ψ«, p. -ηφα, (fr. επί upon, and άπτω to tie) to join, attach to, connect with; to ap-\ proach, reach at ; to inflict, bring\ (264) ΕΦΕ upon, cause to happen to. Εφάπ- τομαι, to touch upon, treat of; to set about, undertake; to em- brace; to be attached or belong to ; to befall ; to impend, hang over. Εφαρμόζω, or Εφαρμόττω, f. -σω, p. εφήρμοκα, (fr. επί on, and αρ- μόζω to fit, th. άρω to adapt) to accominodate, adjust, adapt, ap- ply ; to suit, answer, fit, agree oi square with. Εφαρμόσδω, Dor. for last. Εφάρξαντο, Metath. for εφράξαντο 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. of φράσσω. Έφασαν, 3 pi. impf. ; or Dor. foi εφησαν, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. act. — Έφατ, for έφατο, 3 sin. of εφά- μην, 2 a. ind. mid. of φημί. Έφασκον, -ες, -ε, impf. of φάσκω tor φημί. Εφαύλισα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. ol φανλίζω. Εφαψάμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. — Εφάψατο, Dor. for εφήψατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of εφάπτω. Εφεβόμην, -ov, -ετο, impf. of φέβο- μαι. Εφεδρα, -ας, ή, (fr. επί upon, and 'έδρα a seat, th. εζομαι to sit) a seat; a waiting, delay, stay, stop; a lying in wait, ambush; ί(ί)ί, (fr. - J t . r ) - . μ/,γ or .«, 1 f. ind. act. of ι , inf. of (■• I ICO V, lOO. ι.: ii Ίημι to send) a command, MMJT, Ί "I. . - . Br. next) an <"- Εφευρίσκω, f. -π «ι/σοι, p. - intena. and i Ι ρ/σι β, which Ε(/>ε<|ι.ί • !. •Γ i<*>//yiuh'ro, 3 pi. «"in. impf. o) III //αι/, /' Mpor o r y , W /or η (MM ; daily, • or mj Εφ'ψΙΟς, -β», HlO(. ί• ' < '/ι -'Ν', '/, (t'r. ί(Υ; join) '/"", Mijunc- -■ ., -,,, impf. -ω, -er , η . I ι - ,, -f, impi. . imp£ act. to. ind. -τω. ι. , 3 sin. impf. or 2 a. of φ^ , -α{, -t, 1 a. ind. ι Εφηβία, - . Τ «Ι, ι - , -ύ, (neat (Λ<• youth, WWMJ I. - . - . Κψ /rw, and Ε'/χ'τοραι, (fr. on, and i -u> to follow) I tip, ptttlUt / i* » ' < v on, £0 Manage. hamUe, dtr, rub, . I '.rough ; t) <>!>, v, tomphf ι >. ι-, act. — Κ .3 pi. impf. — - tf, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. ! :i. impr. act. of εφίημι. Έφεσι^ »5ι ν (fr. £<'£- ^,,,ι to deeire) ιοαηί, miring, lorn;• haUenge, su.ui/iohs, - ι tl. I '.„, (t'r. next) Ephesian ; a , -«, -oro | of ερα< -, tin in. - tropo ι - . - - . impf. nn I. of . and Εψίσ-ομαι, Poet, for MV/i Κφεσσάμην, Έφεσσαι, Εφεσσάμε- νος, Poet, for εφεισάμη ν, I a. mid. ind. ; έφεσαι, impr. ; and ε0ε- roj, par. 1 a. mid. — Εεσ- σεσθαι, Poet, for εφεσεσΟαι, 1 f. if. mid. of εώέζω. , 3 pi. — 'Κ . ■ -' ■ ■ ..r impf. act. . 1 f. of |. Sync, ibr εφησθείη- . 1 a.' Ι ο μι l of f(^/;- ι, 1 f. ind. mid. . >r "t ι ρ δομαι. . - ■ ■ fouth) a yjuth, stripling, i men. [ ,, (fr. nrj inteae. and η&ο- -nrc in, I "t. . - ις, -ι, 1 a. ind. act. of ind. mill. , ,nd-nf,v, (fr. same • caus- ed by tbe sun. . -ινος, »/, (fr. ε-τι into, and η\ος a nail, th. ϊ>;μι to send) a buckle, clasp, Initio . Εφη\ος,-ου, υ,//, ("*• same) nailed, fastened with nails; set with nails ι led ; spotted, 'Med. Ε6/στ.ΐ(Τ<ιι , 3 pi. impf. act. of εφίσ- Εόνλόω, f. -ώσω, (fr. same) to nail, ΕφθΙσθτιν, -ης - '.ή ω. ! . .-..-•.:.>. Έφί),, -- Κ - θαρμαι, per. ind. μ ■ ■-...', pl. 'Εφ- . 1 a. ind. Γι•', of μην, -οι•, -ττο, in. 3 [Ί. Εφ- θέγγυντο, impf. mid. — Εφθεγ- ι Ε ! , -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of ΈφΟιιρι, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 pi. (M- μει; 1 a. ind. act. of φΟείοω. Έφθψ, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. act. of ., same as 0ύϋ. ίττημι- Or, by Sync, for εφεστάκεισαν, 3 pi. pper. act. of εφίστημι. Έφίστάσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of fasten vith nails ; t a. ind. pass. Studs ; to be spotUd, speckled or freckhd. Εφημαι, (fr. ε-ϊ upon, and ημαι to εφίστημι. Or, by Sync, for εφεσ-\ sit) ίο sit upon, be seated, rest Έφθυοα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of τήκάσι,'ΖρΙ perf. of εφίστημι. \ upon y recline, par. pres. mid.; φθείρω. Εφίστηκα, and Εφίστακα, -α?, -ε, £0J7//, (fr. εττί to, and th. L I εφίημι. ΕφιεΧις, -ϊ"ίος, η, a little cup, bud, rose or some such ornament. Εφίεμαι, pres. ind. mid. — Εφύ~ μεν, and Εφιεμειαι, Dor. for εφιέναι, pres. inf. act. — Εφίε- v, 3 pi. impf. act. of εφίημι nal ; an almanack, calendar, Εφιζανω, f. -ι';σω, (fr. ειτι upon, and ephemeris ; a name now given to Ιζάνω same as ί'£ω to sit) to sit some insects which live but a day. Εφήμερος, -ov, o, ^, (fr. same) of a (265) down to, be seated at ; to settle at or upon ; to fix, institute, es• tablish. ΕΦΙ Εφίξοισα, Dor. for εφίζονσα, fern, par. pres. of Εφϊζω, (fr. επί upon, and "ζω to sit, tli. tw) same as αφιζάνω. Εφίημι, f. (.ψήσω, p. ίφεικα, (fr. επί to, and ϊημι to send) ίο send upon, to or against ; to impose or y/.c upon, inflict, visit with ; to set on, instigate, suborn ; to enjoin, command ; to permit, allow, suffer ; to remit, dispense with, relax, loosen, slack ; to ap- peal, summon. Εφίεμαι, to set the mind upon, desire, wish for ; to aim at, pursue, seek after. impf. act. εφίην, also εφίεον -ow, -εες -εις, -εε -ει, (as if from εφιίω) 2 a. act. ind. εφην. par. pres. mid. εφιεμενος. impf. mid. εφιίμην. Εφίοσι, and Dor. Εφίητι, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Εφίησι, Ion. for Εφίη, 3 sin. pres. sub. of εφ ίη μι. Εψικεσθαι, 2 a. inf. mid. of Εφικνεομαι -οιψαι, f. -ίζομαι, p. 7γ- μαι, (fr. επί at, and Ίκνεομαι to come) to come to, arrive at, reach to ; to come upon, sur- prise, overtake ; to attack, assail. Εφικόμην, -ov, in 3 sin. ΐ,φίκετο, in 3 pi. Κφίκοντο, ind. — Εφ'ικωμαι, -n, -ηται, sub. — ΕφικεσΟ,α, inf. — Εφικόμενυς, par. 2 a. mid. — Εφικνον μένος, par. pres. pass, cont. of last. Εφικτός, -oo, b, η, (fr. εφικνεομαι to arrive at) accessible, that /nay be reached or approached ; com- prehensible, inti 111 able. Εφίλάθεν, Dor. for εφίληθεν. Εφθασα, -ας, -r, in 3 pi. Εφίλασαν, D >r. for εψίλησα, &c. 1 a. ind. act. of ίλεω. Εφίλατο, 3 sin. of Εφιλάμην, by Sync, for εφιλησάμην, 3 sin. εφι- λήσατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of φιλεω. Εφίλει, 3 sin. cunt. impf. act. of φιλέω. Εφίλετο, 3 sin. of Εφιλόμην, impf. mid. of ώίλημι, for φιλέω. Εφίλενν, Dor. for Εφίλουν, 1 sin. or 3 pi. cont. impf. act. of φιλεω. Εφίληθεν, Sync, for Εφιλήθησαν, 3 pi. of Εφιλτ,θην, pass. Εφίλη- σα, -ας, -ε, act. — Εφιλησάμην, -ω, -ατο, mid. 1 a. ind. of same. Εφιλονείκεον -ow, impf. act. of φι- λονεικεω. Εφιλοσόφησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of φιλοσοφέω. Εφιμείρω, fr. επί intens. ΆπάΊμείρω, which see. Εφϊμερος,-ου, δ, ι;, (fr. same) hve- ly, amiable, desirable. Εφιμώθην, -ης, -η, pass. — - Εφίμω- σα, -ας, -ε, act. 1 a. ind. οΐφιμόω. Έφιον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of εφιεω, for εφίημι. Εφί^^ος, -ον, b, f), (fr. επϊ upon, and ί'ππόί a horse) on horseback, riding ; a rider, horseman. Εφινποτο^ότης, -ov, b, (fr. same, and τόξον a bow) a cavalry arch- er, mounted bowman. ΕφΊτττημι, and mid. Εφίπταμαι, (fr. επί to, and "πτημι to fly) to fly to, at or into ; to hasten ; to fly ΕΦΟ at, pounce upon, attack. 2 a. ind. act. επεπτην mid. επεπτϋμην. Εφίσδει, Dor. for εφίζει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of εφίξω. Εφιστάται, 3 sin. pres. ind. mid. — Εφίστη, 3 sin. impf. act. — Or for εφιστά, which by Apoc. for εφίσταθι, pres. impr. act. of Εφίστη μι, t. επιστήσω, p. εφίστη κα, (fr. επί upon, and 'ίστημι to seti to set, put, place at or near ; w set over, appoint as master, ruler, &c. (or in pass, to be set over, be ruler, master, governor, &c.) to apply the mind, be at- tentive ; to stop, check, restrain ; to stand, stop, stay ; to stand over or upon ; to urge, press, hasten ; to stand by, at or near ; to come in, be present at or near ; to hang over, impend ; to come upon unawares, surprise, par. per. act. εφεστηκώς, and by Cras. εφεστώς. 2 a. act. ind. επέστην' impr. επίστηθι, -ήτω' sub. επίσ- τώ• par. επιστάς, -ασα, -άν. Εφιώσι, 3 pi. pres. sub. act. of εφίημι, Έφλαδον,-ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of ψλάζω. Έφλεξα, -ας, -ε, act Εφλεχβην, pass. 1 a. ind. of φλίγω. ΕφόβηΟεν, Bceot. Sync, for εφοβή- θησαν, 3 pi. of Εφοβι',θην, -ης, -η, pass Εφόβησα, -ας, -ε, act. 1 a. ind. — Εφοβούμην, 1 sin. Εφοβ ιϋντο, 3 pi. cont. impf. pass, of φοβεω. Γης, -ου, δ, (fr. next) a tra- veller ; a spy. Εφοδεύω,ΐ.-εύσω, (fr. επί upon, and οδός the road) to travel, take the road ; to explore, spy, lie in wait. Εφοδιάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. next) to sup- ply with food, give provisions, victual ; to furnish, provide, equip. Εφόδιον, -ου, rb, (fr. επί upon, and bδ^ς the road) provision for a journey ; supplies, necessaries. Έφοδος, -ov, f/, (fr. same) a way, road, passage; means, manner, mode ; provision, supplies, equi- page, furniture ; access, approach, arrival ; an attack, inroad, in- vasion ; course, progress, pro- cess ; inspection, visiting, rounds. Έφοδος, -ov, b, (fr. same) an in- spector, surveyor. Εφοίτα, Dor. Εφοίτη, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. of φοιτάω. Εφόνενσα, -ας, -ε, 2 pi. -σατε, 1 a. ind. act. of φονεύω. Εφοπλίζω,?, -ισω,ρ. εφώπλικα, (fr. επί upon, and οπλίζω to arm, th. δπλον arms) to arm, accoutre, equip ; to prepare, provide, make ready. 1 a. act. ind. 'εφώπλισα' inf. εφοπλίσαι. 1 f. ind. mid. εφο- πλίσομαι, in 1 pi. εφοπλισόμεθα. Εφοράω -ω, f. -άσω, p. εφεώράκα, (fr. same, and bpάω to look) to look upon, behold, contemplate ; to observe, remark ; to look after, inspect, oversee ; to go to see, visit. Εφορεία, -ας, % (ί* Γ • last) inspection, (266) ΕΦΤ oversight, superintendance, sur vey ; the magistracy or office of the Ephori at Sparta. Εφύρεις, 2 sin. cont. impf. act. — Εψόρευν, Dor. for Εφόρουν, 1 sin. or 3 pi. cont. impf. act. — Εφό- ρεσα, -ας, -ε, 1 pi. σαμεν, 1 a. ind. act. of φορεω. Εφορμάθεις, -ε~ισα, -εν, Dor. for Εφορμηθεις, par. 1 a. pass. — Εφορμήσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. of Εφορμάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. εφώρμηκα, (fr. επί upon, and δρμάω to rush, th. bpμη an attack) to run, rush or dart at or upon; to charge, encounter, attack ; to impel, force, incite, drive against; to propose, offer; to purpose, de- sign, intend ; (fr. bpμbς an an- chorage) to arrive in port, an- chor, come to anchor, be moored. 1 a. ind. act. εφώρμησα' mid. εφωρμησάμην. Έφορος, -ου, δ, (fr. εφοράω to in- spect, th. bpάωto\ook) an inspect- or, overseer, supervisor ; a pat- ron, president, governor. Έφοροι, Ephori, Spartan magistrates. Έφοσυν, for εφ' 'όσον, for as much as, in as much as, so far, so far as. Έφράδον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of φράζω. ΈφραΟα, indecl. Heb. Ephrala, the name of a city. Εφραιμ, indecl. Heb. Ephrairn, the name of a man and of a town. Έφραξα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -ξαν, 1 a. ind. act. of φράσσω. Εφράσαθ\ for Εφράσατο, 3 sin. — Εφράσσαντο, roet. for εφράσαντο, 3 pi. of Εφρασάμην, 1 a. ind. mid. — Έφυασα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of φράζω. ΕφρονεΊτε, Εφρόνουν, 2 and 3 pi. cont. impf. act. of φρονεω. Εφρονρει, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. — ΕψρουρονμεΟα, 1 pi. cont. impf. pass, of φρονρεω. Εφρναξα, 3 pi. -ξαν, 1 a. ind. act. — Εφρυαττόμην, -ov, -ετο, impf. mid. of φρυάσσω. Έφρνξα,-ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of φρύγω or φρνσσω. Έφυ, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of φυμι. Εφνβρίζω, f. -"ίσω, p. εφύβρικα, (fr. επί intens. and υβρίζω to affront, th. 'ύβρις insolence) to insult, affront, offend purposely ; to wrong, injure ; to deride, mock. Εφύβριστος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) reproachful, contumelious, abu- sive-; injurious, opprobrious, slanderous. Έφϋγον, -ες, -ε or -εν, 2 a. ind. act. of φεύγω. Εφύγοσαν, by Dor. Epen. or LXX. for 3 pi. of last. Εφύην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. pass, of φύω. Εφύλαξα, -ας, -ε, 2 pi. -ξατε, act. — Εφυλαξάμην, -ω, -ατο, mid. 1 a. ind. of φυλάσσω. Εφυμνεω -ω, (fr. επί intens. and Ιμνέω to praise) to sing often, chant ; to repeat often ; to sing of, celebrate, praise, extol, ΕΧΕ ΐ,φνν, 1 sin. or by Sync for ίφν-\ σαν, 3 |>l. impf. act. of φϋμι. Εφυ-ιρϋε or -0εν, (fr. t-i upon, bitty] ever, and -■■'. or -On- from a place) from Έφνρον, -is, -c, ""l' 1 • act. of^pw. Έφνσα, 3 sin. COnt. imp!. φνσάω. Or ills 1 a. bad. act. of ψίω or φνμι. Εφνσ ώ()ηι, -r,•, ->/, in 3 pi. Εψυ- σιώθησαν, 1 λ. ind. pass, of φν- σιόω. Έψύσαη, Dor. for εφνσσα, 3 sin. cont. mipf. act. of ώνσσά*), same as φυσάω. Έφντε, 2 pi. of ίφυν. Εφί'τενσ\ for Εψύτευσε, 3 sin. of Ε^ύτευσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. Of (jiVTtVU). ΕφφαΟα, Syriac indccl. efatha, be thou opened. Εψώνεεν, ν added, 3 sin. impf. — Εφωνησα, 3 pi. -σαν, 1 a. ind. art. of φωιέω. Εφώτισα, -ας, -ε, act. — Εφωτίσθην, -ης, -η, pass. 1 a. ind. of φωτίζω. Εχ', for έχε, prcs. impr. act. of έχω. 'Eyaie, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of «- . f ι -, -tj, -ε or -εν, impf. act. — Εχάρην, -ης, -η, \>\.-ρ>ιμεν,-ρητε -ρησαι, 2 a. ind. pass, oi χαίρω Εχα^άσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass of χαλάω. Εχιιϊίπηνα, -ας, -f, 1 a. ind. act of χα\ε-αίνω. Έχαιον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of yah ω. Εχαράκου, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. of χαρακόω. Εχάρασσον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of χαρα'σσω. Εχάρην, •ης, -η, in 3 ρΐ. Εχάρησα pass. — Έχαρον, -ες, -s, act. 2 ΕΧΘ bitter, acrid j miserable, severe, calamitous ; fatal, mortal^ deadly. Έχεσκον,-ες, -ε, impf. act. of ΕχΙακω, Ion. for έχν- i, ό, ;/, (fr. ε'χω to have, and arovos a groan,th. pi. prea. ind. Εχθαφω, f. -άρω, (fr. (χθβς hatred) to hold us an enemy j to hate, abhor, detest, abominate, be an eni my. Εχθάνομαι, f. εχθήσομαι, same as ε-χΟαίρω or έχθω. Έχθει, 3 sin. pres. ind. of ε'χθω. Εχθίς, (same as χθίί) yesterday. Εχθήρεια, -ας, -ε, Jt.o\. for μι, -αις, -at, 1 a. opt. act. — Ε γ- θηρω, -ης, -η, 1 a. sub. act. of εχθαίρω. Εχθήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. of εχθάνομαι. Έχθιστος, -η, -ov, sup. fr. έ\θος hatred, but used with εχθρός. Εχθίων, -όνος, Ό, η, comp. of εχθρός . Εχθον~ύ~έω -ω, f. ->;σω, (fr. neit) to be at enmity or variance, to dis- pute, qunriel ; to hate, be a foe or em my. Εχθο£ο-ος, -ν, -bv, and -ov, b, η, (fr. έχθος hatred, and bxp voice. Or fr. same, and Sov -ιτος clamour) clamorous, bravding, loud in an- ger ; hostile, inimical ; hateful, odious. Έχθος , -εος -ονς, το, hatred, dislike, aversion, grudge, ill will, spite ; variance, strife, animosity : en- mity, hostility, hence comp. εχ- θίων, more hateful, &c. sup. έχ- θιστος, most hateful, &c. Έχ0ρα, -ας, ή, (fr. last) enmity, hatred, animosity ; a pique, grudge ; a dislike or cause of enmity. Εχθοαίνΐύ, (fr. same) to hate, carry (267) EXP a grudge, pursue uith hatred, Εχθρενω, f. -εΰσω, (fr. same) to hale, ι ■ thow aversion, οι / u Uh ι amity. Εχθρό(ειοί, -υν, b, ^,(fr. next, and ξένος a Btrai table. Εχθρός, -ά, -ύ!, (lr. iyfl , odiou.-., deiesiabu ; hated, r< jectei . at on mated ; α» ι foe; spiteful, malicious, talent. It borrows from έχθος, the comp. εχθίων, and blip. έχθιστος. Εχθρότατος, -η, -ov, the regular of last, used Poet, for έχθ ιστός. Έχθω, same as εχθαιρω, εχθραΐ- νω, 8tC , -ας, η, (fr. έχις the male viper) α female vtper, snake, adder ; Echidna, a woman's Dame. ., -ov, τυ, (dim. of last) a little or young njur. Εχϊνος, -ov, η, n si a urchin, the shell of it ; « hedgehog ; a brush ; the middle paunch in ruminat- ing animals ; a kind of pot or ,• a dust or cat iir. Έχις, -ως, Att. -εω?, b, a viper, snake, serpent. Εχλιίαζοψ, 1 sin. or 3 pi. impf. act. of χλευάζια. Έχμα, -ατός, το, (fr. ε'χω to 1 old) ahold, gripe, grasp; a fustiri- im r , Hay; a prop, buttress; a joint, jt.wing, juncture. Έχαιεν, 3 pi. οίΈχοιμι, -οις, -οι, pies. opt. act. — Εχο:σι, D. r. for έχυνσα, fern. par. pri — 'Εχοαει, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. — Εχόμενος, -η, -ov, a. pi. ftm. -μενας, par. pres. pass, of ε'χω. Εχύλωίτα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of χολόω» Εχυμένη, (fern, of next) viz. ημέρα, the day after to-morrow, next day but one. Εχόμειος, -η, -ov, (par. pres. mid. of ε'χω to have) contiguous, ad- joining, adjacent; nixt, nearer I ; last, latest ; of yesterday, yester- day's. Εχομένως, (fr. last) consequently, necessarily, of course; very near- ly, closely. Έχον, neut. par. pres. or Ion. for εΊχον, impf. act. — Έχ3ν9', for έχοντα, a. sin. or neut. pi. par. pres. act. — Έχοντι, Dor. for έχονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Εχόντων, Att. for εχίτωσαν, 3 pi. pres. impr. — Έχοι•σ, for έχονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of ε'χω. Εχορτάσθην, -ης, -η, pi. -θητε, -θη- σαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of χορτάσω. Έχραον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. 'act. of χααύω. Or, impf. act. of χρα'ω. Εχοηματίσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of χρ->ιματίζω. ΕΧΩ Έχρην, impf. of χρη, impers. or by Apoc. for χρηναι, pres. inf. act. of same,4h. χρημι, obs. to owe. Έχρησα, -ας, -ε, act. — Εχρησά- μην, -ω, -ατο, 1 pi. Εχρησάμεθα, mid. — Εχρήσθην, -ης, -η, pass. 1 a. ind. — Εχρητο, Ion. for εχρατο, 3 sm. cont. impf. mid. of χράω. Έχριεν, ν added, 3 sin. impf. — 'Εχρισα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of χρίω. Εχρόωντο, Poet, for Εχρωντο, 3 pi. cont. impf. mid. of χράω. Εχνην, -ης, -η, 2 a. — Εχύνθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. — Εχν- Ϊην, -σο, -το, in 3 pi. έχυντο, on. for εκεχνμην, and εκέχυντο, pper. pass, of χνω. Έχυρος, -ά, -bv, fortified, fenced, defended ; firm, strong ; safe, sure, secure. Εχνρόω -ω, (fr. last) to fortify, de- fend, fence, guard ; to strength- en, fasten, fix, make firm. Εχυρως, (fr. same) strongly, firm- ly ; safe, securely. Έχω, f. 'έξω and σχήσω, p. έσχηκα, to have, hold, possess; to keep, contain, retain, keep or hold to- gether ; to restrain, check, de- tain, seize ; to bear, wear or carry ; to obtain, get, accom- plish ; to guard, keep, protect ; to support, maintain, keep up ; to esteem, account, consider ; to actuate, influence, impel ; to ad- minister, conduct, order, direct, manage ; to have in one's power, be able, effect, may or can ; to feel, be disposed, inclined, affect- ed ; to be, be in any certain state or habit ; to practise, be employed, engaged or conver- sant in. Έχομαι, to adhere, cling, be holden, joined or con- nected with ; to belong, pertain to ; to adjoin, be next ; to follow, come next after. Καλώ ς έχειν, to rejoice. Τον <$' ατιμώσας έχει, he affronts him. Εϊχεν 'ήσυχος, he was silent or quiet. Εχόμενα σω- τηρίας, the things connected with safety. Τίαρονσίαν εχειν, to make his appearance. Έχω επιμέλειαν, to take care of. Ήσυχίαν έχω, to rest, be quiet. Έυγγνώμην έχω, to forgive. Αγανάκτησιν έχω, to be angry or indignant. Κατάμεμ- ψιν εχω, to blame. Έχω δέος, to fear. Έχω δρόμον, to run. impf. act. εΊχον. 2 a. act. ind. έσχον impr. σχες, as if fr. σχημι' sub. σχω, -ης, -τ), per. ind. pass. εσχημαι. 1 f. ind. pass, σχεθήσο- μαι. Έχωντι, Dor. for έχωσι, 3 pi. pres. sub. act. of last. Εχώρει, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. of χωρέω. Εχωρίσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. of χωρίζω. Εχωσάμην, -α.-, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of χωω. Κχώσθην, -ης, ->/, 1 a, ind. pass, of χόω, obs. See χωνϋύω or «υ μι. ΕΩΗ ΕψαΟαΧάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of ψαθάλλω. Εψάλάται, Ion. for εψαλμένοι ε7σι, 3 pi. per. ind. pass, of ψάλλω. Έχράμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. act. — "Εψεαί, Ion. for εψτ), 2 sin. 1 f. mid. of'fVw. Έψειν, pres. inf. act. of έ'ψω. Εψευδόμην, -ου, -ετο, impf. mid. — Έψευσα, -ας, -ε, act. — Εψευσά- μην, -ω, -ατο, mid. — Εψεύσσην, -ης, -η, in 3 pi. -ήσαν, pass. 1 a. ind. of ψεύδω. Εψηλάφησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of ψηλαφάω. Έψημα, -άτος, το, (fr. έ'ψω to cook) dressed victuals, stewed meat, pottage. Έψησις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, η, (fr. last) cookery, boiling, dressing of meat. Έψητηζ, -ου, b, (fr. same) a cook. Έψητος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) boiled, cooked, dressed. Also subs, a certain small flsh. Εψ/α, -ας, η, (fr. έπω to speak) a conference, parley ; discourse. talk, conversation. Ε-ψιάασθαι, Poet, for εψιάσθαι, pres. inf. act. cont. of Εψιάω-ώ, (fr. ίψω, f. of έπω to speak) to say, speak. Εψιάομαι -ωμαι,ΐο scoff, rail, jest ; to feast, revel, eat, drink, and be merry. ΕψιΟυρίσδομεν, Dor. for ϊψιθνρίζο- μεν, 1 pi. impf. act. of ψιθυρίζω. Εψιόωντο, Poet, for ηψιωντο, 3 pi. cont. impf. mid. of εψιάω. Έψομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. of εττω. ' Εψυχαγώγεον -ουν, -εες -εις, -εε -ει impf. act. of ψυχαγωγέω. Έψυχον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of ψύχω. "Εψω, f. εψήσω, ρ. -ηκα, to boil, seeth, stew, bake, cook, dress victuals. "Εω, f. εσω, p. εϊκα, obs. to dress, clothe, put on. fr. which comes εννυμι. "Εω, to set, place, lay ; same as 'ίζω. "Εω, to send; fr. which comes 'ίημί. 'Εω, to be ; fr. which comes ειμί. Έω, to go ; fr. which comes είμι. "Εω,.εης, εη, Poet, for ώ, ϊ-,ς, f>, 2 a sub. of "ιημι. Or, for ω, βς, fj, pres. sub. of ειμί, to be. "Εω, a. sin. of εω?. Έω, ά. sin. of ίος, -η, -bv, Poet for ος, η, 'όν. Εω, cont. for εάω, f. εάσω. Έωα, -ας, ?/, viz. χώρα, and Έωα -ων, τα, (fern. sin. and neut, pi. of έωος eastern, th, 'έως the east) the eastern region or parts, the east. Έωγα, -ας, -ε, mid. — Έωγμαι, -ξαι, -αται, pass. per. ind. — Εωγμένος, par. per. pass. Att. for ψγα, ωγμαι, ωγμένος of οίγω. ΕωγυΊα, fern, of Εφγώς, -υΐα, -ος, par. per. mid. of same. Εώην, -ης, -η, Att. for εάοιμι -ωμι, -ά,οις -ως, ~άοι -Ά, pres. opL act. of εάω. (268) ΕΩΣ Έωθα, JEo\. and Ion. for είωθα -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of έθω. "Εωθεν, (fr. 'έως the morning, ana -θεν from) in the morning, early, at daybreak ; soon, betimes ; from morn. Έωθίνος, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) of or in the morning, early. Ε^ίωθι νου, from morn. Εώθουν, Att. for ώθουν, impf. ind. act. cont. of ωθέω. Εώκειν, -εις, -ει, pper. ind. mid. Poet, and Att. of είκω. "Εωλο?, -ov, h, r), (perhaps fr. 'έως the morning, and ολλυω to lose) of or from yesterday, yesterday's ; stale, tainted ; dead, flat, insipid"; dull, frigid, obsolete. ' Εώλπειν, Poet, and Att. for η6\- πειν, -εις, -ει, pper. ind. mid. of έλπω. Έωμεν and Εώμεν, Poet, for ωμεν and ωμεν, see εω and έω. Εω//ι, cont. for εάοιμι -ωμι, pres. opt. act. of εάω. Εών, εουσα, εον, Poet, for ων, oil•• σα, bv, par. pres. of ειμί, to be. Έων, cont. for έάον, Ion. for είαον -ων, impf. ind. act. of εάω. Εωνήθην, Εώνημαι, Att. for ωνή~ θην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, and ώνημαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass. of ωνεομαι. Εωνούμην, Εωνουντο, Att. for ωνού- μην, 1 sin. and ωνουντο, 3 pi. cont. impf. mid. of same. Εψνοχόουν, Εωνοχόει, Att. forawo- χόουν, 1 sin. or 3 pi. and ωνο- χόει, 3 sin. cont. impf mid. of οινοχοέω. Έωξα, Att. for ωξα, -ας, -ε, I a. ind. act. of οίγω. Έωος, -a, -ov, (fr. 'έως the morn- ing) morning, early ; eastern, oriental. Εώρα, -ας, >/, for αιώρα, which see. Έώρα, Att. for ωρα, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. — Έώράκα, Έωράκα- μεν, Έωρακέναι, Έωρακώς, Att. for ώράκα, 1 sin. and ώράκαμεν, 1 pi. per. ind. ώρακέναι, per. inf. and ωρακώς , par. per. act. of οράω. Εώργειν, pper. mid. formed έοργα, Metath. for έρογα, per. mid. of έργω, ρέζω or έρδω. Έώρταζον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of εορτάζω. Έώρων, Att. for ωρών, impf. act. cont. of bpάω. "Εως, and Poet, ε'ίως, same as ως, until ; while, whilst, dunng ; un- to, even unto, as far as ; up to, as much as, so much as ; as, like ; when; that. Έως, -ω, >*), used in prose, Ήώς by the poets ; morning, dawn ; forenoon ; the east ; Aurora. a. sin. εω. Εώσα, cont. fr. εαουσα, fem. par. pres. act. of εάω. Έωσα, Εωσάμ^!-, Εώσαντο, Att. for ώσα, -ας, -ε, act. ωσάμην, -ω, -ατο, in 3 pi. ώσαντο, mid. 1 a. ind. of ωθέω or ώθω. Εώσθην,Έωσμαι ΔΧίΛοΎίααβην,-ης, ΖΑΚ ■9, 1 a. ind. and ωσμαι, -σαι, -σται, per. ind. pass, of same. Έωσ« and Έωσιν, ν added, Ion. for ύσι, 3 pi. pres. sub. of ειμί, to be. 'Έ,ωσται, Att. for ωσται, see in εώσ- θην above. "Εωστε, (fr. 'έως as, and τε the enclitic) so as, just as, like as. Έωσψέρος, -ου, δ, (fr. εω$ the morn- ing, and φέρω to bring) Lucifer, the morning star, bright har- binger of morn, the planet Ve- nus, while to the west of the sun. 'EawroD, ΈωϋΓ?5, Έωίτω, Ion. for εαυτόν, εαυτρ, εαυτψ' or for σεαυ- τοϋ, σεαυτρ, σεαυτψ. Ζ, ζ, ζ, the sixth of the Greek letters, called zeta. As a nu- meral mark, it signifies seven ; the character ς-, placed between ε and ζ, expressing six. With an t subscribed, it stands for seven thousand, ξ. By the Doric dialect it is in many words changed -into σδ, as με- λίσοομαι for μελίξομαι. Za, a particle set at the begin- ning of words, heightening the signification, as ζάπλουτος very rich ; very, much, highly. Za, iEol. in composition for δια, as ζαβάλλω for διαβάλλω. Zp,3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of ζάω. Ζαβαρεΐον, -ov, το, (fr. next) an ar- mory, repository, storehouse. Ζάβη,-ης, η, a coat of mail, breast- 'plate. Ζαβός, -ου, δ, ή, crooked, curved, bent ; twisted, wreathe 7. Ζαβουλων, Heb. Zabulon, a man's name. Ζάγκλη, -ης,ή, and Ζάγκλον,-ον, το, a Sicilian word, (fr. ζά very, and αγκύλος crooked) a sickle, reaping-hook. Ζαεϊς, -εϊσα, -εν, par. pres. act. of Ζάημ,ι, (fr. ζά intens. and άημι to blow) to blow fresh ; to breathe, breathe strong. Ζαης, -έος, b, ή, (fr. same) blow- ing strong; vehement, forcible; povjerful, mighty. Ζαθέοιν, g. and d. du. of Ζάθεος, -ου, δ, ή, and sometimes -ος, η, -ov, (fr. ζα intens. and S -εος a deity) very divine, godlike; famous, celebrated. Zauv, Sync, for ζαίησαν, 3 pi. of Ζαίην, -ης, -η, pres. opt. act. of ξημι for ζάω. Ζακελτίδες, Ζεκέλτίδες and Ζεκννθί- b*tt) -iuv, at, rape^ gourds or «wns ΖΑΦ such vegetables, imported from the island Ζάκυνθος, Zacyn- thus. Ζάκοτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. ξα intens. and κύτος a grudge) very angry, indignant, provoked ; raging, fu- rious, frantic ΖακχαΊος, -ου, Ό, Zacchceus, a man's name. Ζακχαρίας, -ου, δ, Zacharias, a man's name. Ζάκχον, -ου, το, and Ζάκχος, -ου, b, Heb. a treasury. Ζάλεια,-ας,ί], the zalia or laurel of Alexandria. Ζαλευ, Dor. for ξηλοϋ, pres. impr. mid. of ζηλύω. Ζάλη, -ης, η, (fr. ζα intens. and άελλα a storm, or ζέω to foam) a whirlwind, storm, tempest, hurricane. Ζάλος, -ου, b, (fr. same, or per- haps fr. ξα much, and 'άλς the sea) the sea in a storm, the troubled ocean, foam, break- ers. Ζαλόω, Dor. for ζηλόω. Ζαλωτος, Dor. for ζηλωτδς. Ζαμβακίλαιον, -ου, τυ, (th. ελαία the olive) olive oil. Ζάμενέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. ξα much, and μένος anger) to behave vio- lently, chafe with anger, rage ; to use strength, exert, strain, apply. Ζαμενήζ, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same) vehement, impetuous, violent ; strong, able, powerful, mighty ; spirited, high-minded, magnani- mous ; indignant, angry. Ζαμένησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of ζαμενέω. Ζάν, Ζανος, (fr. ζάω to live) Dor. for Ζήν. Ζανώ, -όος, -ους, η, (fr. last) Juno, the queen of heaven. Ζάπλουτος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. ξα intens. and πλούτος wealth) very rich, wealthy, abundant. Ζάρα, Heb. indecl. Zara, a man's name. Ζαργάνη, see σαργάνη. Ζαροβοτάνη, -ης, η, some military engine. Ζατευσα, Dor. for ξητουσα, fern, par. pres. act. οΐξητέω. Ζατέω -ω, Dor. for ξητέω. Ζατρεύω, (&..ζα intens. and τρέω to dread, or τείρω to rub) to work or grind in a mill or work- house. Ζατρεφης, -έος, -ους, δ, ';, (fr. same, and τρέψω to rear) very fat, fat- tened, fed; strong, lusty. Ζατρικίζω, to play at chess. Ζατρίκιον, -ου, το, some game, per- haps chess. Ζαφελης, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. same, and αφελής simple) plain, home- ly, mean ; rustic, clownish, blunt; rough, violent, fierce, unruly, angry. Ζαφελως,{$ν. last) simply ; roughly, violently ; angrily. Ζαφλεγης, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. ξα in- tens. and φλέγω to burn) flam- ing, burning, scorching ; burst* LW9) ZET ing forth, flourishing, exube- rant ; bright, shining, splen- did. Ζαχρειης and Ζαχρηης, -έος -ους, δ, ή, (fr. same, and χρεία necessity, or χράω to fall upon) useful, profitable, convenient, expedient, necessary ; vehement, earnest, eager, violent, impetuous, furi- ous, fierce. ΖαχρεΧος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. ζα intens. and χρεία want) needy, poor, indigent. Ζάχρΰσος, -ου, δ, f], (fr. same, and χρυσός gold) rich, wealthy, plen- tiful in gold. Za\p, (perhaps fr. ξέω to foam) the sea, ocean. Ζάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. έξηκα, to live, have life, lead life; to thrive, grow, bloom ; to enjoy, live hap- pily ; to revive, recover, come to life ; to enliven, reanimate, cause to live. impf. act. έξαον -ων. par. pres. act. ζάων -ων, -άουσα -ώσα, -άον -ων 1 a. act. ind. έξησα' sub. ξήσω' par. ξήσας. 1 f. mid. ζήσομαι. Ζέα or Ζειά, -ας, η, a kind of grain, barley, spelt. ΖεβεδαΧος, -ου, b, Zebedee, a man's name. Ζεγέριες, a Libyan word, signify- ing hills, knolls, or downs. Also, an animal of the rat kind there. Ζείδωρος, -ου, δ, fj, (fr. ξειά barley, or ζάω to live, and οώρον a gift, th. δίδω μ ι to give) corn-yield- ing, fertile, fruitful, abundant ; .enlivening, nourishing, life-giv- ing. Ζείονσα, Ion. and Poet, for ζέουσα, fern. par. pres. act. of ξέω. Ζειρά, -ας, and Ion. Ζειρη, -ης, η, a kind of dress, coat, robe. Also for σειρά, a chain. Ζειρέω -ω, (perhaps fr. next) to make perfumes, compound arc- matics. Ζειρός, -ά, -bv, (perhaps fr. ξα much, and εφω to join) sundry, various, divers, mixed. Ζείω for ζέω. Ζέλκια, -ων, τά, a Phrygian word, pot herbs, eatable vegetables. Ζέλλω, to throw, cast,fiing. Ζεμά or Ζεμμά, Heb. a wicked imagination or device. Ζέμα, -ατός, rb, (fr. ζέω to boil) a decoction, broth, &c. ; a boiling, stewing. Ζέοντες, η. pi. mas. of ζέων. Ζέσε, Ion. for έξεσε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — ΖεσθεΧς, -εϊσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass, of ξέ ω. Ζέσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. ξέω to boil) heat, warmth ; a boiling or stewing. Ζεστός, -η, -bv,{ir. same) hot, warm, scorching, boiling. Ζεύγη, pi. cont. of ζεύγος. Ζευγηλάτης, -ου, b, (fr. ζεύγος a pair, and ελαύνω to drve) driving a pair or a team of oxen ; a driv- er ; a ploughman. Ζινγίππαι, -ων, at, (fr. ξενγνύω to ΖΗΘ yoke, and 'ίππος a horse) a war chariot. 7.ενγίτης, -ov,b, ((ΐ.ζευγνύω to yoke) drawn or carrieain a cart ; har- nessed, yoked in pairs, paired, coupled. Ζεύγλη, -ης, ή, (fr. same) a collar, yoke. Ζεϋγμα, -ατός, τδ, (fr. same) a Joining, uniting, union; a junc- ture, joint, seam ; a bridge ; fet- ters ; Zeugma, a grammatical figure. Ζευγνύασι, Ion. and Ζεύγνντι, Dor. for ζενγνΐισι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Ζενγνύμεναι, for ζενγννναι, pres. inf. act. οΐζενγννμι. Ζευγννω, or Ζενγννμι, f. ζεύξω, p. έζευχα, to join, conjoin, unite, connect ; to yoke, harness toge- ther ; to pair, couple, per. ind. pass, έζενγμαι. Ζεύγος, -εος, τό, (fr. last) a set, yoke, team; a pair, couple; a cha- riot, carriage, vehicle ; the cross- bar of a lyre to which the strings were fastened. Ζεύγω, obs. see ζευγννω. Ζενκτηρία, -ας, η, and Ζενκτηρίον, -ου, ro,(fr. same) a chain, fetters; a band, bond. Ζευκτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same^'omed, united, connected ; harnessed, yoked together ; coupled, pair- ed. "Σενξαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Ζευζάμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. of ζεύγ- νυμι. Ζεύξις, -to?, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) a joining, connexion, union, con- junction. Ζεύξω, -εις,-ει,Ι f. ind. act. οΐξεύγ- νυμι, as if fr. ζεύγω. Ζευζώ, -όος -ους, ι), a woman's name. Ζεύομαι, Dor. for γεύομαι, see γεύω. 1 a. inf. mid. ζεύασθαι. Ζευς, Ζηνος, and Αιος, δ, (fr. ζέω to be hot, or ζάω to animate) Ju- piter, the supreme divinity of the Greeks and Romans ; the heavens ; the air or upper re- gion of it, the csther. Ζεφυρίη, -ης, η (fern, of next) same as ζέφυρος. Ζεφυρίος, -a and Ion. -η, -ov, (fr. next) of the zephyr ; western. Ζέφυρος, -ου and Ion. -οιο, b, (fr. ζωη life, and φέρω to bring) the zephyr or west wind. Ζέω -ω, f. ζέσω, p. έζεκα, to be hot ; to boil, seethe, stew; to work, ferment, bubble up, burst out, spring. 1 a. ind. act. έζεσα. 1 a. pass. ind. εζέσθην par. ζεσθείς. Ζέων, -ούσα, -ov, (par. pres. act. of last) warm, fervent, zealous, n. pi. mas. ζέοντες. Zrj, Dor. for ζά, cont. fr. ξάε, 2 sin. pres. impr. — but Zrj, Dor. for ζα, cont. fr. ζάει, 3 sin. pres. md. act. of ζάω. Or for έζη, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of ζημι. Ζηθι,-τω, (pres. impr. act. οΐζημι) may you live, long life to you. Ζϊίβός) same as ty&as*. ΖΗΝ Ζηλήμων, -όνος, η, η, (fr. ζηλόιύ to emulate) envious, jealous. Ζηλοΐ, cont. fr. ζηλόει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of ζηλόω. Ζήλος, -ov, δ, (perhaps fr. ζέω to be warm) warmth, heat ; a fervent mind ; emulation, rivalry ; spite, envy, jealousy ; anger, indigna- tion ; zeal, ardency ; devotion, eager service, worship, adora- tion. Ζηλοτυπέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. last, and τύπτω to strike) to be zealous, serve ardently, worship devoutly ; to be jealous, envy, grudge, bear ill will. Ζηλοτυπία, -ας, ή, (fr. same) jea- lousy ; emulation, rivalry, com- petition. Ζηλότυπος, -ου, ο,η~, (fr. same} jea- lous, suspicious ; envious. Ζηλόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. εζήλωκα, (fr. ζήλος zeal) to imitate, strive to excel, emulate, rival; to envy, hate, grudge; to canvass, seek favour or interest ; to desire ea- gerly, covet, long for ; to put to a test, try, prove ; to perish, die. Ζηλω,λ sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of last; but — Ζήλω, d. sin. of ζήλος. Ζηλώσαντες, η. pl< par. 1 a. act. - Ζήλωσον, 1 a. impr. act. — Σ^λώ• σονσιν, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of ζηλόω. Ζήλωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) emulation, rivalry, com- petition ; jealousy, suspicion, en- vy. Ζηλωτέος, -a, -ov, (fr. ζηλόω to en- vy) we should emulate ; it is to be envied, &c. according to the verb. Ζηλωτής, -ου, δ, (fr. ζήλος emula- tion) a zealot, stickler, partisan, violent adherent ; an emulator, imitator. Ζηλωτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) en- viable, imitable, worthy of imi- tation. Ζημι, same as ζάω. pres. impr. ζηθι, -τω, 2 a. act. ind. έζην, -ης, -η' opt. ζαίην, in 3 pi. ζαίησαν, and ζαίεν. Ζημία, -ας, η, hurt, injury, damage, loss ; a fine, mulct, punish- ment. Ζημιόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. εζημίωκα, (fr. last) to injure, damage, impair ; to amerce, fine, punish by a pe- nalty or loss. 1 a. ind. pass. εζημιώθην. Ζημιωθώ, -ης, -η, 2 pi. Ζημιωθητε, 1 a. sub. pass. — Ζημιωθήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. pass, of last. Ζημίωμα, -άτος, το, (fr. same) a penalty, mulct, fine; damage loss, injury. Ζημιωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr same) injury, the infliction of loss ; a fining or levying a pe- nalty. Ζην, Dor. for ζαν, pres. inf. act. cont. of ζάω. Ζην, Ζηνος, Jupiter. See Ζευς. Ζηνας, -α, δ, a man's name. (270) ΖΟΡ Ζης, Dor. for ζας, 2 sin. pres. ind. act. cont. — Ζήσαι, I a. in£ act. — Ζήσασα, π. fem. par. 1 a. act. — Ζήσομαι,-η,-εται,ρ\.-σομε θα, -σεσθε, -σονται, 1 f. ind, mid. — Ζήσομεν, 1 pi. 1 f. ind. act. — • Ζήσω, 1 pi. -σωμεν, 1 a. sub. act.— Ζητε, 2 pi. cont. pres. sub. act. of ζάω. Ζήτας, -a, b, Dor. for Ζήτης, Zeles, a son of Boreas. Ζήτεε-ει, pres. irapr. act. of ζητέω. Ζητείν, pres. inf. cont. — Ζητείς, -εΓ, 2 and 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. — Ζητείτε, 2 pi. cont. pres. ind. or impr. — Ζητείτω, 3 sin. cont. pres. impr. act. — Ζητείται, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. pass, of ζητέω. Ζητεύης, 2 sin. pres. sub. act. of Ζητεύω, Poet, for Ζητέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. εζήτηκα, to seek, look for, search, inquire ; to argue, discuss, debate, ques- tion, examine ; to desire, want, need, miss ; to pursue, prosecute, endeavour after, impf. act. εζή τεον -ουν. pres. ind. pass, ζητέο- μαι -ουμαι. impf. pass, εζητεόμην -ούμην. Ζήτημα, -άτος, το, (fr. last) a question, doubt, object of inquiry ; a debate, dispute, controversy, pi. ζητήματα' g. ζητημάτων. Ζητήση, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. act. — Ζη- τησαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Ζήτησον, -άτω, 1 a. impr. act. — Ζητήσετε, -σουσι, 2 and 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. — Ζητήσωμεν, 1 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of same. Ζήτησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. same) a search, inquiry, investi- gation ; disputation, discussion, debate, controversy, pi. cont. ζητησεΊς. Ζητητικος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) cu- rious, inquisitive, prying; con- troversial. Ζητουσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. or d. pi. cont. par. pres. act Ζητούν, neut. sin. — Ζητουντι, d. # sin. — Ζητουντες, η. and Ζητούν- των, g. pi. cont. of ζητέω. Ζητρειον, -ου, το, (fr. ζα much, and τρέω to fear) a work-house or jail for refractory servants. Ζήτω, 3 sin. of ζηθι, pres. impr. act. of ζημι. Or Dor. for ζάτω, 3 sin. cont. pres. impr. act. οίζάω. Ζητώ, pres. ind. act. cont. — Ζητώ- μεν, 1 pi. cont. pres. sub. act. — Ζητών, par. prea. act. cont. of ζητέω. Ζιβύνη,Σιβύνη or Συ βήνη, a hunting spear ; a lance, javelin, dart, all of iron. Ζιγγίβερις, -ιος, Att. -εως, fj, ginger. Ζίγγος, -ου, δ, the murmur of bees; a buzz, drone, hum or a?iy such sound. Ζιζάνιον, -ov, το, zizane, darnel, tares. Ζΐω, to seek, look for ; to inquire, ask ; to examine. Ζοη, -ης, η, Ion. for ξωή. Ζορκάς, -άδος, η, Ion. for Ιορκάξ. Ζοροβάβελ, Heb. indecl. Ζστώα» £ra?,aman's name. ΖΩΑ Ζούσθω, 3 sin. cont. pres. impr. pass, οίζόω. ΖοφεροΤο, Ion. for ζοφερού, g. of Ζοφερός, -a,-ov, {ft. ζόφος darkness) dark, dusky, gloomy, misty, dim, obscure. Ζοφόεις,-εσσα,-εν, (fr. same) sha- dy, dark, gloomy. Ζόφος, -ου, δ, (fr. ζα much, and νίφος a cloud) darkness, obscu- rity, gloominess, shade ; dark- ness visible, blackness ; hell, the infernal regions ; the west. Ζοφόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to be dark or shady ; to darken, shade, overshadow. Ζοφώίης, -εος -ους, b, η, same as ζοφερός, and ζοφύεις. Ζόφωσις,-ιος,Αχϊ. -εως,η, (fr. ζόφος darkness) α darkening, obscura- tion; darkness, gloominess, shade, obscurity. Ζόω, f. -ώσω, obs. see ζωννύω. Ζύγαστρον, and -τρων, -ου, το, a c °/fcr, chest, box, case, desk. Ζυγεϊς, -εΐσα, -εν, η. pi. Ζνγεντες, par. 2 a.^pass. of ζεύγνυμι. Ζνγηλάτης, ου, δ, same as ζευγηλά- της. Ζυγίη,-ης, η, (fern. Ion. of next) wedlock, marriage. Ζύγιος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. next) yoked, harnessed ; of a yoke, about har- ness ; pertaining to wedlock, marriageable. Ζυγός, -ου, b, and Ζυγον, ου, τό,(ίτ. ζευγνύω to join) a yoke, collar, harness ; bondage, slavery, sub- jection ; a balance, scales; the cross Bar of a lyre or harp, to which the strings are fastened ; a bench, transom ; a line of troops. Ζυγόω -ώ,ΐ. -ώσω, (fr. last) to yoke, harness, put in draught ; to en- slave, subdue, conquer ; to join, frame, put together ; to fix the cross bar to a lyre. Ζύγωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) a band, cramp, fastening, brace. Ζύθος, -ου, δ, or -εο? -ους, το, (per- haps fr. ζέω to boil, and αιθός heat) drink made of barley, beer, ale. Ζύμη, -ης, η, (perhaps fr. ζίω to ferment) yest, barm, leav- en. \ ΖυμοΊ, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of Ζυμ<5ω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. εζύμωκα, (fr. Ζύμη barm) to work, ferment; to leaven, cause to ferment. Ζύμωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) any thing leavened, as bread, ale, &c. ; leaven, yest, barm. Ζύμωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. same) working, fermentation. Ζυμωτός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) leaven- ed. Ζωαγράφω, and Ζωαγραφίω, (fr. ζωος alive, and γράφω to write)£o paint to the life, delineate, por- tray, express. Ζω, 1 sin. — Ζώμεν, 1 pi. cont. pres. ind. or sub. of ζάω. Ζωαγραψάμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. of ζωαγράφω. ΖΩΝ Ζωάγοιον, -ου, rb, (fr. ζωος alive, ι and άγρα a catch) ransom. Ζωγραφεω -ώ,ί".-ήσω,Ό.εζωγράφηκα,\ 1 a. md. act. εξωγράφησα. per. ind. pass, εζωγράφημαι, same as ζωαγράφω, or -φίω. Ζωγραφιά -ας, η, (fr. ζωός alive, an J γράφω to write) a painting, picture, delineation, portrait. Ζωγράφος, -ου, b,((r. SdLme)apaint- er, limner. Ζώγρεε -ει, pres. impr. act. of Ζωγρίω -ω, ί.-ήσω, p. εζώγρηκα,{{χ. ζωος alive, and άγρα prey) to take alive, spare life, give quar- ter, take prisoner; to animate, enliven, vivify ; to grow, vege- tate, per. ind. pass, εζώγρημαι. Ζωγρία, and Ζωγρεία, -ας, η, see ζωγρίη. Ζωγρ'ιας,-ου, δ, (fr. ζωγρίω, which see) taken alive, living. Ζωγρίη, -ης, η, (fr. ζωος alive, and άγρα a prey) a living prey, live booty ; a captive, prisoner, sur- viver ; a taking alive, quarter. Ζωγρών, par. pres. act. cont. of ζωγρίω. Ζωδιακός, -ου, δ, (fr. next) the Zo- diac. Ζώδιον, -ου, τό, (dim. of ζώον a liv- ing creature) a small animal or creature ; a constellation or heavenly sign. Ζωε, Ion. for ίζωε, 3 sin. impf. act. Ζώειν, pres. inf. act. of ζώω, Poet, for ζάω. Ζώεσκον, Ion. and Poet, for ίζωον impf. of ζώω, for ζάω. Ζωη, -ης, η, (fr. ζάω to live) life, existence ; condition, lot ; con- duct, behaviour ; livelihood, sub- sistence, means, properly. Ζώη, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. of ζώω. Ζώην, -ης, -η, Att. for ζάοιμι -ώμι, -άοις -ως, -άοι -ω, pres. opt. act. of ζάω. Ζωησι, Ion. for ζωαΊς, d. pi. of ζωή. Ζωθάλμιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. ζωη life, and θ-αλπω to cherish) cherish- ing, nurturing, kind, fond; live- ly, animated, brisk. Ζω'ία, -ας, η, for ζωή. Ζωικός, -ου, δ, η, (fr. ζώον a crea- ture) having life, living, sensi- ble ; animal, corporeal. Ζώμα, -άτι\;, τό, (fr. ζωννύω to gird) a coat of mail ; a belt, sash, gir- dle ; a waistcoat. Ζώμεν, cont. fr. ζάομεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. of ζάω. Ζωμήρνσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, fr. ζωμός sauce, and αρύω to draw) a ladle. Ζωμίδιον, -ov, τό, (dim. of next) sauce, &c. see next. Ζωμός, -ου, b, sauce ; broth, soup, pottage, minced meat. Ζών, cont. fr. ζάων or ζάον, η. — Ζώντος, g. — Ζώνη, d.— Ζώντα, a. sin. or neut. pi. — Ζώντες, η. pi. — Ζώντων, g. — Ζώντας, a. all cont. par. pres. act. of ζάω. Ζώνη, -ης, η, (fr. ζωννύω to gird) ο girdle, sash, belt; a pocket, purse ; a zone. (271) ΖΩΠ Ζώννυμι, same as ζωννύω. Ζωννυσκόμην, -ου, -ετο, impf. pass, of ζωννύσκω, Ion. for Ζωννύω, Ζώννυμι, and Ζωννύσκω, f. ζώσω, p. ίζωκα, to bind round, tie about, gird, harness, gird on; to environ, encircle, impf. ιζών νυον. per. ind. pass, ίζωσμαι. 1 a. ind. mid. εζωσάμην,-ω, -ατο, 1 a. pass. ind. εζώσθην par. ζωσθείς. Ζώνταον, and Ζώντων, -ου, τό, (fr. ζάω to live, or fr. ζία barley) α mill, millstone, quern. ΖωογονεΊσθαι, pres. inf. pass. cont. — Ζωογονήσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of Ζωογονίω -£>,f. -ήσω,ρ. εζωογόνηκα^ (fr. next) to give life to, gene- rate, procreate, produce young ; to save or preserve alive ; to vivi- fy, animate; to have life, be alive. Ζωογόνος, -ov, b, η, (fr. {ωός alive, and γόνος offspring) giving life, producing, bringing forth, pro- creating ; vital, living, alive. Ζωογραφίω, Ζωογραφία, Ζωογρά φος, see Ζωγραφεω, &c. Ζώοιμι, pres. opt. act. οι ζώω, for ζάω. Ζώοισι, ά. pi. Ion. of ζώον or ζωός. Ζώον, -ου, τό, (neut. of ζωός alive) a live thing, living creature, ani- mal. Ζώοντε, du. Ζώοντε?, η. pi. par. pres. act. οϊ ζώω. Ζώοντι, d. sin. of same, also Dor. for ζώουσι, d. pi. or 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of same. Ζωοποιίω -ώ, f. -;;σω, p. εζωοποίηκα^ (fr. ζωυς alive,and ποιίω to make) to make alive, give life to, quick- en, vivify, animate, enliven. 1 a. pass. ind. εζωοποιήθην. par. ζωο- νοιηθείς. Ζωο-οίησι, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) an enlivening or giving life to, production, procreation ; animation. Ζωός, -η, -ov, (fr. ζώω to live) liv- ing, alive. Ζωότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) that whereby we live and breathe ; animation, life, spirit. Ζωοτοκίω -ώ, (fr. ζωός alive, and τίκτω to bear) to beget, bear, produce, bring forth alive. Ζωοτοκία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a pro- ducing or bringing forth alive. Ζωοτόκος, -ου, δ, η, fr. same) pro- ducing its young alive ; vivipa- rous. Ζωόφυτα, -ων,τά, (neut. pi. of next) animal plants, zoophytes. Ζωόφυτος, -ου, δ, (fr. ζωδς alive, and φύω to grow) fertile, productive ; living, alive ; planted, rooted, in the ground. Ζωόω -ώ, (fr. ζωός alive) same as ζάω. Ζωττυρίω -ώ, f. ->/σω, (fr. same, and πυρ fire) to light up, kindle ; to inflame, animate, excite ; to a- wake ; to restore, refresh, revive ; to increase, enlarge. Ζώττνρον, -ov, to, (fr. same) a spark, embers ; hot cinders, live cooZ, Η fuel ; a remainder, remnant, race ; that which ignites, inflames or omws up ; a pair of bellows, fan. Ζωρος, -ά,-ον, (perhaps fr. ζέω to ferment) mere, plain, ahne, by itself ; pure, neat, unmixed, un- adulterated ; strong, not diluted ; powerful, effectual, capable; in- temperate, violent, comp. ζωρότε- ρος, sup. -τατος. Ζώς, cont. fr. ζωός. Ζώσα Λ Ζώσαν, Ζώσας, fem. cases cont. par. pres. act. of ζάω. Ζώσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Ζωσάμην Ion. for εζωσάμην, 1 a. ind. mid. — Ζώσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Ζώσει, 3 sin. 1 f. act. — Ζώσεσθαι, 1 f. inf. mid. — Ζωσθεις,-εΊσα,-εν. par. — Ζωσθήναι, inf. 1 a. pass, of ζωννύω. Ζώσι, cont. fr. ζάωσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. ; or d. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of ζάω. Ζώσιμος,-ου,Ό,ή, (fr. ζάω to live) likely to live, lively. Ζώσις,-ιος, Att. -εως,ή, (fr. ζωννύω to gird) a binding, tying, gird- ing or girding on. Ζωστηο, -ηρος, ή, (fr. same) a belt, girdle, sash. Ζώστρον, -ου, to, (fr. same) a girdle, binder, bandage ; a waistcoat, corset. Ζώσω, 1 f. ind. act. of ζωννύω' or of ζώω. Ζωτικός, -ή, -ov, (fr. ζώω Poet, for ζάω to live) enlivening, giving life, animating ; living, alive, having life ; vegetative, vegetat ing, vegetable. Ζώω, Poet, for ζάω. Ζωώ, d. sin. of Ρωός. Η Η, η, called Eta. The seventh letter of the more modern Greek alphabet, but the eighth of the ancient, whence, as a numeral character, η is still used for eight ; and with a dot underneath, η, for eight thou- sand. Originally it appears to have been the mark of a strong breathing, like the English Η ; but the latter Greeks made it to represent a long E, and re- tained the old Ε, ε, when pro- nounced short. *H, surely, certainly, indeed, tru- ly, really, verily ; ivhat ? why ? whether ? "Ή, Poet, ηε, or, either, else ; than, rather than, more than ; save, except, but, unless. *H, η, forbidding or preventing, ha, ha. ~H, by Aphaer. for φη, which for έφη, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of φημί fc H, $ sin. impf. of ειμί, to be. ΗΓΑ ~H, 3 sin. pres. sub. of same. "H, n. sin. fem. of 8, η, το, or of ος, η, ο. T H, (d. sin. fem. of 8s, rj, d, viz όδω) where, in what place ? ii which or what way ? how ? in which manner ? by what means ? Ήα, ηες, ηε, Poet, for ία, which Ion. for ην, impf. of ειμί, to be. "Ha, fjag, ηε, Att. for εϊα, per. ind. mid. οίέΐμι, to go. 'Ha, (perhaps fr. aCos dry) haulm, the dry stalks of peas, &c. ; straw. "Haro, Ion. far ήντο, 3 pi. of ήμην, impf. οί'ήμαι. "Ηβα, Dor. for 'ήβη. Ηβαιον, (neut. of next) a little, but little, very little. Ονδ' ηβαών, nut the least, not in the least, not at all. Ηβαιος,-ά, -bv, (perhaps fr. η sure- ly, and βαώς small) little, small, diminutive ; few. Ήβάω -ω, or Ήβάσκω,ΐ. ήβήσω, p. ήβηκα, (fr. next) to grow up, arrive at maturity or puberty ; to thrive, flourish, bloom. "Ηβη, -ης, η, youth, puberty ; Hebe, the goddess of youth ; the youth or young people ; vigour, fresh- ness, bloom. Ήβηδον, (fr. last) youthfully, lusti ty i by youths, every man, man by man, young and old, univer- sally. Ήβηκώς,-υΐα, -ος, par. per. act. - Ήβήσας, -ασα, -αν, in du. ήβη σαντε, par. 1 a. act Ήβήσεια, -ας, -ε, iEol. for ήβήσαιμι, 1 a, opt. act. οϊήβάω. Ήβητήριον, -ov, τδ, (fr. 'ήβη youth and τηρεω to pass time) a semi- nary, school ; a retreat, place of retirement. Ηβουλήθην, Ηβουλόμην, Att. for εβουλήθην κ 1 a. ind. pass, and εβουλόμην,\ηιηΐ.ΌΆ88. of βονλομαι. Ήβώην, Att. for ήβωμι, cont. fr. ήβάοιμι, pres. opt. act. of ήβάω. f H/3t5ot/n,pres.opt.act. — Ήβώωσα, Poet.for ήβώσα, fem. par. pres. act. of Ήβώω, Poet, for ήβάω. "Ήγ\ for ηγε, 3 sin. 2 a. or impf. ind. act Ηγάγετ , for ηγάγετο, 3 sin. of Έίγαγόμην, -ov, -ετο, mid. — Ήγαγον, -ες, -ε, 2 pi. -ετε, act. for ηγόμην, 2 a. ind. mid. and ηγον, 2 a. ind. act. of άγω. Ηγάγοσαν, LXX. for ήγάγον, 3 pi. see last. ϊίγαθέη, Ion. for αγαθέη, d. sin. of αγάθεος. Ήγαλλίασα, -ας, -ε, act — Ή,γαλλια- σάμην, -ω, -aro, mid. 1 a. ind. of αγαλλιάω. Ηγάμην, -ασο or -ω, -ατο, impf. mid. of άγάμαι. Αγανάκτησα, -ας, -ε, 3 ρΐ. -ήσαν, 1 a. ind. act. of αγανακτέω. Ηγάπα, cont. for ηγάτταε, 3 sin. impf. act. — Ηγάττησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of αγαπάω. Ηγάπενν, Dor. and iEol. for ηγά- πονν, 3 pi. cont. impf. act. as if fr. αγαπέω, for αγαπάω. (272) ΗΓΕ Ηγασάμην -ω, -ατο, mid. — Ηγάα- θην, -ης, -η, pass. 1 a. ind. of άγάμαι or αγάζομαι. Ηγάσσατο, Poet, for ηγάσατο, 3 sin of ήγασάμην. Ηγγάρενκα,-ας, -ε, per. — Ηγγάρευ σα, -as, -ε, 3 pi. -ευσαν, 1 a. ind. act. of αγγαρεύω. Ήγγειλα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — Ηγγειλάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid — Ηγγέλην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. pass. — Ηγγέλθην,-ης,-η,Ι a. ind. pass. — Ηγγέλκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — Ηγγελλόμην,-ου, -ετο, impf. pass. — Ήγγελμαι, -σαι, ται, per. ind. pass. — Ήγγελον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of αγγίλλω 'Hyyt^,3sin.impf. act. — Ήγγίκα, -ας, -ε, per. — ΉγγΊ,σα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. -σαν, 1 a. ind. act. of εγ- γίζω. Ηγγυάτο, 3 sin. cont. impf. mid. of εγγυάω. Ήγε, Att. ήγαγε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of άγω. Ήγειρα, -ας, -ε or -εν, in 3 pi. -pav•, 1 a. ind. act. — Ηγειρόμην, -ου, -ετο, impf. mid. of εγείρω. Ήγεΐσθαι, pres. inf. mid. cont. — Ή/ε?σ0ε, -σθωσαν, 2 and 3 pi. cont. pres. impr. mid. — ΉγεΊται, cont. 3 sin. pres. ind. mid. — Ήγείτο, cont. 3 sin. impf. mid. of ήγέομαι. Ηγεμόνα, -όνας, -όνι, -όνος, -όσι, cases of ήγεμών. Ηγεμονεύοντος, g. par. pres. act. of ηγεμονεύω. Ήγεμονεύς, -έος, Att. -έως, and Ion. -ηος, b, (fr. ήγέομαι to lead) a guide, conductor, leader; cap tain, chief, general. Ηγεμονεύω, f. -εΰσω, p. -ενκα, (fr. ήγεμών a leader, th. ήγέομαι to lead) to lead, guide, rule, govern^ command, impf. ήγεμόνεναν. Ηγεμονέω -ω, (fr. same) to have the command or supremacy ; to ride, govern. ΈΙγεμονηα, a. Ion. οι ήγεμονεύς. Ηγεμονία, -ας, ή, (fr. ήγεμών a lead- er) lead, rule, command, supre- macy, government, reign. Ηγεμονίδης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a leader, head, chief; governor, ruler, prince. Ηγεμονίη, -ης, ή, Ion. for ηγεμονία. Ηγεμονίκον,-ον,το, (neut. of next) the lead ; pre-eminence, excellen- cy, superiority. Ηγεμονικός, -ου, b, ή, (fr. ήγεμών a leader) ruling, governing, lead- ing, chief, principal, head; prince- ly, noble. Ηγεμών, -όνος, b, ή, (fr. next) α leader, guide, director ; a presi- dent; a head, chief, ruler, go- vernor, prince, g. pi. ηγεμόνων d. ήγέμοσι, and Poet, ήγεμόνεσι or -εσσί. Ηγέομαι-οΰμαι, f. -ήσομαι, p. -ημαι, (fr. άγω to lead) to lead, guide f conduct, direct; to teach, in- struct ; to preside, rule, govern^ reign; to think, deem, esteem, value, impf. mid. ήγεόμην-ούμην, 1 a. ind. mid. ήγησάμην. ΗΓΟ Ηγερέθοντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of αγερέθω. Hy£p0£v,Bo3ot. andjEol. forHyf'p- θησαν, 3 pi. of αγέρθην,-ης,-η, 1 a. ind. pass. — Ήγερκα, -ας, -ε, per. iod. act. of αγείρω or εγείρω. "Ηγεσθε, 2 pi. Ήγετο, 3 sin. and "Άγοντο, 3 pi. of ηγόμην, impf. pass, of άγω, Ήγετης, -ου, b, same as ηγεμών.. Ηγηγέρκειν, Att. for ήγερκειν, pper act. of ε^ει^ω. Ήγηλάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. ηγέομαι to lead, and ελάω, for ελαύι>ω to drive) to lead, guide, conduct, go before, lead the way ; to herd, collect or assemble together. "Ηγημα, -ατός, rd, (fr. ηγέομαι to lead) guidance, direction, rule; counsel, advice ; design, plan, course ; inclination, will. "Ήγημαι, per. ind. pass — 'αγησά- μην, -ω, -aro, 2 pi. -σασθε, ind. — Ήγησάμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. of same. Ήγην, -ης, -η, and Att. εάγην, 2 a. ind. pass, of άγω or άγνΰμι. "Ηγησαι, -άσθω, 1 a. impr. mid. — 'ϋγησάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of ηγέομαι. 'Ήγησίας, -ου, b, Hegesias, a man's name. "Ηγησις, -to?, Att. -εως,η, (fr. ηγέο- μαι to lead) the lead, head, rule. government, reign. Ήγητ, for ηγηται, 3 sin. cont. pres. sub. mid. of ηγέομαι*. Ηγητέος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) to be thoughty esteemed, supposed. Ηγητηρ, -ηρος, and Ήγήτωρ, -ορός, b, same as ηγεμών. Ήγίασα, -ας, -ε, act. — Ήγιάσθην, -ης, -η, 2 ρΐ. -θητε, pass. 1 a. ind. — 'Ή,γιασμένος, -η, -ov, par. — Ήγίασται, 3 sin. ind. per. pass, of αγιάζω. Ήγκυλωμένας, -η, -ov, paE. per. pass, of αγκυλόω. "ϊίγμαι,-ξαι, -κται, ind. — -Ταγμένος , -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of άγω. "Ηγνικα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — 'Ή,γνικώς,-υΐα, -δς, par. per. act — Ήγνισμένος, -η, -ov, par. per pass, of άγνίζω. Έίγνόηκα, per αγνόησα, 1 a. ind. act. — Ηγνοίησε, Poet, and Dor. for ηγνόησε, 3 sin. of ηγνόησα. — ΚγόΌυν, 1 sin. or 3 pi. cont. impf. act. of αγνοέω. "Άγξα, -ας, -ε, act Ήγξάμην, -ω, ατο, mid. 1 a. ind. of άγνω. "Ηγον, and Att. ήγαγον, -ες, -ε, 1 pi. -ομεν. 2 a. ind. act. — Ή,γό- μην, -ου, -ετο, 3 ρΐ. -γοντο, impf. pass, of άγω. "Ηγορα 7 -ας, -ε, and Att. εγήγορα, per. md. mid. of εγείρω. αγόρασα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. αγόρασαν, 1 a. ind. act — αγοράσθην, -ης, -η, in 2 and 3 pi. -θητε, -θησαν, 1 a. ind. pass. — αγορασμένος, ->7,-ov,par. per. pass.of αγοράζω. Ηγορεύθην,-ης,-η,ϊηΖρΙ.αγορεύθη- σαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of αγορεύω. Ήγορόωντο, Poet, for ηγορωντο, cont. tr. ηγοράοντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of αγοράω Mm ΗΔ1 'αγουμαι, -ουνται, I sin. and 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. mid. of ηγέομαι. 'αγούμενος, -η, -ov, (par. pres. mid. cont. of same) foremost, chief ; choice, select, esteemed ; Subs, a leader, chief, head, captain, com- mander. 'Ογουν, (fr. ή surely, and γονν however) or, whether ; yes, surely, truly ; that is to say, videlicet, 'αγρετο, Poet. Sync, for εγείρετο, 3 sin. impf. pass, of εγείρω, αγρεύθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. — 'αγρευκα,-ας, -ε, per. ind. act 'αγρευσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of αγρεύω. αγρίωκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — άγρίωμαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass. — αγρίωσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act αγριωσθαι, per. inf. pass. cont. of αγριόω. αγροικησάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of αγροικέω. 'αγχα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act., of άγ-χω. αγωνιζόμην, -ου, -ετο,.3 pi. -ζοντο. impf. pass. — αγώνισμαι, -σαι, -σται, per. ind. pass. — αγωνισ μένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of αγωνίζω. αδ',ίοΐηδε. "Ηδα, -ας, -ε, Att. or Ion. εαδα, per. ind. mid. of άδέω. αδάφωμαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass, of εδαφόω. αδε, Poet, and, also, both, "αδε, (fr. η fern, and the enclitic δε) she, it ; this, that, "αδεα, -ας, -ε, Ion. for ήδειν, -εις, -ει. 'αδέα, (neut. pi. of ηδύς) same as ηδέως. 'αδεία, η. fern. sin. of ηδύς.. Ο,δειν, -εις, -ει, pi. -ειμεν, -ειτε,-ει-. σαν, Att. for είδειν, which by Sync, for ειδήκειν, pper. ind. act. of ειδέο) or είδη μι. "αδεισθα, Mo\. for ηδείς, 2 sin. of ήδειν, see last. 'αδεκα, Att. for ηκα, per. ind. act. of έδω. 'αδέος, g. sin. οΐήδύς* "αδεσαν, Att. for ήδεισαν.. αδέσθην^ -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of αιδέσμαί. "αδεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. mid. — "άδετο, 3 sin. impf. ind. mid. of ηδομαι. 'αδέως, (fr. ί]δύς sweet) sweetly, dearly, agreeably, pleasantly ; gladly ; willingly, readily, comp. ηδιον, sup. 'ήδιστα. 'αδη, now, already ; presently, shortly, immediately, directly, forthwith; since, ago, 'αδη εκ πολλού, long ago, long since, 'αδη δε και, but now also, but more- over, 'αδη ποτέ, now then, now at length, 'αδη, Att. for ήδεα, which Ion. for ήδειν. αδίκησα, -ας, -ε, -σαμεν, -σατε, -σαν, 1 a. ind. act. of αδικέω. αδιον, (neut. sin. of ηδίων) comp. — "Οδιστα, sup. of ηδέως. αδίων, -όνος, δ, η, comp. — "αδισ- τος % -η, -ov. sup. of ηδύς. C273) ΗΔΤ "αδομαι, f. ήσομαι, ρ 'ήσμαι, (fr. ηδύς sweet) to be delighted, de- light in, enjoy, be pleased or gra- tified ; to rejoice, be glad. par. pres. mid. ηδύμενος, -η, -ov, d. pi. -οις or -όισι. αδομένα, Dor. for 'αδομένη, fern, par. pres. mid. of last. ~αδον, and Dor. "Αδον, -ες, -ε, impf. or 2 a. ind. act! of άδω. "αδον, -ες, -ε,2 a. ind. act. of άδέω. 'αδονη, -ης, ή, (fr. ηδύς sweet) sweetness ; pleasure, delight, en- joyment ; gratification, indul- gence ; lust, sensuality. τ αδος, -εος, -ους, το, (fr. same) sweetness. ~αδος, -εος -ους, rd, vinegar, acidity, sourness. "αδρΆσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — "αδρασμαι, -σαι, -σται, per. ind. pass, of εδράζω. 'αδρηκώς, -υΐα, -σς, par. per. act. of αδρέω. 'αδρύνθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of αδρύνω. 'αδύ, (neut. of ηδύς sweet) same as ηδέως. 'αδυεπείαι, fern. pi. as if fr. ηδυε- πυς, -εια, -υ, for 'αδυεπης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. {)δϋς sweet, and έπος a word, th. έπω to speak) sweetly speaking, eloquent, persuasive, "αδυμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) sweet; pleasant, agreeable, grateful ; deep, sound, balmy, αδύναιτο, Ion. for δύναιτο, 3 sin. pres. opt. mid. — αδυνάμην, -ω, -ατο, 2 pi. -σθε, Att. for εδυνά- μην, impf. mid. of δύναμαι. αδυνάσθην, 1 a. ind. pass. Att. of δυνάζω. αδυνέάτο, Ion. and Att. for εδύ- ναντο, 3 pi. impf. mid. — αδννή- θην, -ης, -η, pi. -θη μεν, -θητε, -θη- σαν, Att. for εδυνήθην, 1 a. ind. pass, of δύναμαι. "αδυνται, 3 sin. per. pass, of 'αδύνω, f. -υνω, (fr. ηδύς sweet) to sweeten ; to sooth, calm, mollify, pacify, per. ind. pass, ηδυμμαι. 'αδυοσμός, -,ον, b, >), (fr. same, and οσμή a smell) sweet-smelling, fragrant. Subs, mint, cinna- mon, 'αδυπάθεια,-ας, ή, (fr. same, and πάσ'χω to endure) voluptuous- ness, indulgence, pleasure, lux- ury. 'αδύπνοος -ους, -δον, -ού, b, η, (fr. ηδύς sweet, and πνέω to breathe) sweetly breathing, odoriferous, 'αδύς, -εία and Ion. -είη, -ύ, sweet, luscious ; pleasant, agreeable, grateful, delightful ; glad, cheer- ful, joyful, comp. ηδίων or ηδύτε- ρος, sup. 'ήδιστος or ηδύτατος. "αδυσμα, -ατός, rd, and "αδνσμος -ου, Ό, (fr. last) sroeelness, lus- ciousness ; a sweetmeat, pre- serves ; seasoning, spicery ; alle- viation, relief, amusement, pas- time ; harmony, melody, αδυφωνία, -ας, ^, (fr. same, and φωνή voice) sweetness of voice, melodiousness of tone, harmony ΗΘΑ Ή£ω, f. ησω, (fr. same) to delight. please, gratify, amuse. 1 a. ind. act. ήσα. αδώ, Heb. indecl. his light ; the rainbow. Hi, Poet, for ή, than ; or, either , whether. Ήε, 3 sin. of ήα, Poet, for ia which Ion. for ην, impf. of ειμί to be. Ηε, 3 sin. of fja, Att. for εΐα, per mid. of εΐμι, to go. 'Ηεα, -ας, -ε, Ion. for ήειν, -εις, -ει, pper. mid. of εΐμι, to go. "Ο,ει, 3 sin. of ήειν, see last. Ήείδειν,-εις, -ει, byPleon. for είδειν' or by Att. Epen. for ήδειν, which also Att. for same είδειν, which by Sync, for ειδήκειν, pper. ind. act. of ειδέω or είδημι. Ηείδης, by Pleon. or by Att. Epen. for ήδης, 2 sin. Att. of είδειν, which by Sync, for ειδηκειν, pper. act. of ειδέω or είδημι. 'αειν, -εις, -ει, pper. mid. of εΐμι, to go. Ήεφα, by Pleon. for είρα 1 a. ind. act. of είρω. Or it is 1 a. ind. act. of αείρω. αέλιος, -ου, b, Poet, for ήλιος, g. Ion. ηελίοιο. "Ηεν, ηε with ν added, which see. "Ηεν, ηε with ν added, which see. αέξευ', Dor. for ηέξον, 2 sin. impf. mid. of αέξω. αέος, g. of ηϋς, Poet, ΐοτεύς. Ήίπερ, Poet, for ήπερ. αέρα, Poet, for αέρα, a. of αήρ. αερέθομαι, for αερέθομαι, 3 pi. Ηερε'- θονται. Ήερέθοντο, 3 pi. impf. pass. — αέρ- θην, -ης, -η, in 3 pi. Ή,έρθησαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of αερέθομαι. Ήέρι, Poet, for αέρι, d. sin. of αήρ. Κερίβοια, -ας, η, a woman's name. ϊίίριος, -a, and Ion. -η } -ov, (fr. ηηρ Poet, for αήρ the air) same as αέριος. Ήερκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — 'Άερμαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass. — αέρμην, -σο, -το, pper. ind. pass, of αείρω. Ήεροειδής, -έος -ους, b, ?', (fr. ηήρ^ Poet, for αήρ the air, and εΐδος shape) dusky, misty, dark, ob- scure ; also airy, clear, bright. Ήερόεις, -εισα, -εν, (fr. ηήρ Poet. for αήρ the air) same as αερόεις. Ή.ερόώοιτις,-ιδος,η,ΆηάΗερό<ροιτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and φοιτάω to frequent) wandering in dark ness ; towering or passing through the air, skimming the air, flying ; aerial, lofty. 'Κερτο, 3 sin. οϊηέρμην, see in ήερκα. 'Ηεσαν, Att. for ήεισαν, 3 pi. of ήειν. Ηετίων, -ωνος, b, Eetion, a man's name. Ηζάνθην,-ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of αζαίνω. "Άην, Att. and Poet, έην, for ήν, impf. of ειμί, to be. αήρ, ηέρος, b, and ^, Poet, for αήρ 'ΐίθα, Att. for εΐθα or ε'ιωθα, per ind. mirl. of έθω. ΊΙΘάδα, a. sin. of ηθάς. αθαΐος, -ου, b, η, (perhaps Poet HIE for ηθεΊος respected) familiar, intimate; Subs, a comrade, com- panion. ΐίθάνιον, -ου, το, some kind of drink- ing vessel, a cup. . Ήθάς, -άδος, b, η, (fr. ήθος habit) familiar, intimate ; accustomed, usual ; tame, domesticated. '~Άθε, ίοτήθεα, η. a. v. pi. of ήθος. Ηθεί', for ΗθεΓε, v. of ηθεΐος. αθεΐν, pres. inf. act. of ήθω. αθεΐος, -a,-ov, (by Prosth. for S -εΐος divine, th. $ίος god) respected, revered, honoured, esteemed ; in- timate, familiar, dear. Address- ing or speaking to, sir, madam, brother, cousin, friend, my dear. Ηθέλησα, -ας, -ε or -εν, pi. -σαμεν, -σατε, -σαν, la. — 'Άθελον,-ες, -ε or -εν, impf. ind. act. of εθέλω. αθέτησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of αθετέω. αθέω, same as ήθω. 'αθη, cont. fr. ήθεα,γ>\. οι ήθος. αθηκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — αθημένος, par. per. pass, of ήθω. αθικος, -ή, -ov, (fr. ήθος manner) ethic, relating to precepts of mo- rality, moral, insti~uctive ; ho- nest, orderly, well conducted; usual, habitual, popular. αθικος, -ή, -bv, (fr. ήθω to strain) strained, purified, cleared. αθικώς, (fr. ηθικός moral) morally, honestly, soberly, discreetly. αθμος, -ov, b, (fr. ήθω to strain) a sieve, strainer. αθοποιέω -ω, (fr. ήθος manner, and ποιέω to make) to form the man- ners, educate, discipline, in- struct ; to accustom, habituate, give a bias ; to imitate or repre- sent a character. αθοποίία, -ας, ή, (fr. same) the forming of manners, education, instruction, discipline ; expres- sion of the passions, habit or character ; imitation, confor- mity. Ηθοποιό?, -ου, b, %, (fr. same) that forms the manners or gives a habit ; moral, instructive, im- proving, imitative, conformable. "αθος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. έθω to ac- custom) a haunt, place much fre- quented ; abode, residence, dwell- ing, lodging, habitation, home, native place ; custom, habit, usage ; familiarity, intimacy, ac- quaintance ; disposition, genius, turn of mind ; manners, morals, conduct. αθύμουν, impf. act. cont. of αθυ- μέω. Or, Att. for εθύμονν, same of θυμέω. Ήθω or αθέω, f r /σω, p. -ηκα, to strain, sift, purge, refine. 'Hi', for ήϊε, and ή'ίεν with ν added, 3 sin. of 'Hia, -ας, -ε, Ion. for ήα, which Att. for εΐα, per. mid. of εΐμι, to go. 'α'ιγμαι, -ξαι,-κται, per. and Ht'y- μην, -ξο, -κτο, pper. pass, of αίσσω. or for είγμαι, per. and είγμην, pper. pass, of είκω. Οιειν, ηϊεις, η'ιει, Ion. for ήειν, which (274) ' HKE A.tt. for είειν, pper. mid. of t^t to go. αίθεος, and 'άθεος, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. αίθω to glow, or αισσω to rush) a young man, youth; a bachelor, single, unmarried, 'α'ίκτο, 3 sin. of ηΐγμ,ην, see ήϊγμαι. 'αϊμεν, for ί,μεν, which by Sync. for ήειμεν, 1 pi. of foiv, pper. mid. of ειμί, to go. Ή((α, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. 'αίξαν, 1 a. ind. act. of αίσσω. 'αϊξαι, 2 sin. of ήϊγμαι, which see. αϊόεις, -εσσα, -εν, by Sync, for ηϊονόεις, (fr. ηϊών the shore) beachy, confined in banks, with high banks, with a steep beach, 'αϊον,-ου, το, (fr. έω or ε7μι to go) provisions, victuals, food, meat; chaff, 'αϊον, -ες, -ε, impf. or 2 a. of ε/ω, or είω. Hr Ύ ακα, quietly, calmly, gently softly ; gradually, by degrees ; humbly, submissively ; little, but little. ~ακα, -ας, -ε, per. act. of έδω' of έθω' or of ήθω. "ακα, -ας, -ε, per. act. of <$δω. Ύ άκα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of Ϊημι. Or, per. act. of <ηδω' or per. mid. of ήκω. 'ακαζον, impf. Att. of εικάζω, ακαιρεϊσθε, 2 pi. cont. impf. mid. of ακαιρέομαι. ακαλος, -ου, b, f), (fr. ηκα gently) quiet, still, calm, tranquil ; gen- tle, humble, submissive, 'ακαχον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of ακαχέω. "ακε, 3 sin. of ηκα, 1 a. ind. act. of Ιημι• Or of ηκον, impf. or ηκα, per• mid. of^m. "ακει, 3 sin "ακουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of 'ήκω. 'ακειν, -εις, -ει, Att. for είκειν $ which is pper. ind. act. of είκω, or of εΐμι, to go. 'ακεν, (fr. ή or, and κέν an en- clitic termination) or, if, either^ ΗΛΑ whether; surely, certainly, tru- Β,κεσάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of ακεομαι. Ήκεστος, -η, -cv, (fr. η for a neg. and κεντίω to goad) not submis- sive to the goad ; wild, ungovern- able ; untamed, unbroken. ϋκηκόειν, -its, -ει, for ακηκόειν, Att. for ηκόειν, pper. ind. mid. of ακούω. Ήκηκόεσαν, Att. for ηκηκόεισαν, 3 pi. of last. 'Ηκίκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — Ήκισάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. — Ηκισμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass. Οι αικίζω. Ήκιστα, (fr. next) least of all little, by no means, not at all. Ίΐκιστος, -η, -ov, (sup. irreg. fr, ηκα gently) least, smallest. "Άκμασαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of ακμάζω. "Άκοα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of ακούω' Att. ακήκοα. Ήκολούθειβ sin. — Ή,κολούθον ν, 3 pi. cont. impf. act. — Ήκολούθηκα, -ας, -ε, per. — ϋκολούθησα, -ας -ε or -εν, pi. -σαμεν, -σατε, -σαν, 1 a. ind. act. of ακολονθέω. Ή,κομεν, 1 pi. pres. or impf. or 2 a. ind. act. of ήκω. Hkov, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of same. "Άκόνημαι,-σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass. of ακονάω. "Ήκον, Ion. for ηπον. Ήκονκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — Ήκουσ' for Ίίκονσα, -ας, -ε or -εν pi. -σαμεν, -σατε, -σαν, 1 a. ind, act. — Ή,κούσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a, ind. pass, of same. Άκρίβωκα, -αί,-ε,ρβΓ. — Κκρίβωσα -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of ακριβόω, "Άκριβωμενος, -η, -ov, (par. per, pass, of same) exact, particular , finished, completed. ~Άκριβωμενως,(ϊτ. last) exactly, par- ticularly, nicely ; completely, per- fectly. Ήκροασάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid, of ακροάομαι. ϊίκται, 3 sin. per. ind. pass. — "Κκτο, 3 sin. pper. ind. pass, ο άγω. "Ακύρωσα, -ας, -ε, 2 pi. -σατε, 1 a. ind. act. of ακνρόω. Ηκω, f. ηξω, p. mid. ηκα, to come, approach, reach, arrive at ; to ad- vance, proceed, make a proficien- cy, improve; to belong, pertain to ; to come to pass, happen, impf. ηκον. 1 a. act. ind. ηξα' sub. ηζω, in 3 pi. ηξωσι. "Άλάθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of ελαύνω. ϋλαίνομαι, (ft. ή\εος stupid) to be- come foolish, dote ; to rave. 'Άλακα, -u;, -ε, per. ind. act. of ελαύνω. Ηλακάτη,-ης,ή, (perhaps ft. ελαύνω to drive, or ηλάσκω to wander) α distaff, spindle ; a dart } fishing rod ; reed ; a rod used m ships to which a riband was hung, now called the dog-vane staff. In pi. Ίΐλάκατα, -ων, τα, yarn upon the bobbin or spool ; HAb yarn ready for the loom ; a warp. Ηλακατην, -ηνος, b, (ft. last) a kind offish. Αλάλαξα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. Ηλάλαξαν, 1 a. ind. act. of αλαλάζω. Ήλαμαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass, of ελάω or ελαύνω. Att. ελήλαμαι. Ήλάμεσθα, Dor. for ήλάμεθα, 1 pi. of Ήλάμην, -ω, -ατο, in 3 pi. Ηλαντο, 1 a. ind. mid. of αλλομαι. Ήλασ', for 'ΐίλασα, 1, or Ήλασε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of ελαύνω. Ηλάσκω, and ϊΐλασκάζω, (perhaps fr. άλη a wandering, or ελάω to drive) to go wandering about, rove, roam ; to stray ; to shun, avoid, elude, evade, decline. Ηλάστεον -ovv, -εες -εις, -εε -ει, impf. act. of αλαστεω. Ηλάστρεον -ovv, -εε? -εις, -εε -ει, impf. act. of ελαστρεω. "ΙΙλατο, 3 sin. — "Ηλαντο, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. of αλλομαι. Ηλατο, cont. fr. ηλάετο, 3 sin. impf. mid. of αλάομαι. Ή,λαττονεόμην -ούμην, -εον -ου, -εετο -εΤτο,ίη 3 pi. ϊίλαττονέοντο -ονντο. impf. pass. — Ή,λαττόνησα, -ας -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of ελαττυνεω. Ή,λάττωκα, -ας, -ε, per. — Ηλάττω- σα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — Ηλατ- τωμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of ελαττόω. Ηλαννετο, 3 sin. impf. pass, of ελαύνω. Ήλγηκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — Κλγηκως, par. per. ind. act. — 'Ή.λγησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — 'HXyouv, impf. act. cont. of αλ- γέω. "Άλεγξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of ελέγχω. Κλεήθην, -ης, -η, pi. -θημεν,-θητε, 1 a. ind. pass Ή,λεημένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass. — Άλέησα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of ελεέω. 'Ή,λειμμαι, -ψαι, -τ.ται, per. ind. pass. — "Άλειφα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — 'Άλειφον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. — 'Άλειψα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — Άλειψάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. οι αλείφω. Άλεκάτη, -ης, §, same as ηλακάτη. Άλέκτρη, -ης, η, Electra, a woman's name. "Άλεκτρος, -ov, b, and "Άλεκτρον, -ov, το, (ft. ηλέκτωρ the sun) am- ber; a composition of gold and silver, burnished gold. Άλεκτροφαής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. last, and φάω to shine) shining like amber, brilliant. Άλεκτρύων,-ωνος, b, Electryon, the ΗΛί ing, raving ; foolish, unwise, simple, silly ; stupid, dull, sense• less ; insipid, tasteless. Ήλευο, Άλενάμην, Poet. andiEol. for ήλενσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. and ηλενσάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of αλεύω, same as αλε'ω. Ηλευθε'ρωσα, -as, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of ελευθερόω. Ηλ>/λατο, Poet, for ελήλατο, 3 sin. of ελτιλάμην, see ελήλαμαι. Or by Att. redupl. for ηλάτο, which see. Άληλίμμην, for αληλίμμην, pper. pass. Att. of αλείφω. "Άλθ\ for ήλθε, 3 sin. of ~Ηλθον, Sync, for ήλνθον, 2 a. ind. act. of έρχομαι. Έλθοσαν, LXX. for JjXflov, 3 pi. of last. Ηλί, Heb. indecl. Eli, my God. "Άλιάζομαι, (fr. 'ήλιος the sun) to expose to the sun, bask ; to sit judicially in the open air, hold the court 'Άλιαία' to plead or sue in that court. 'Άλιαία, -ας, η, (fr. same) Heliasa, a court held at Athens in the open air. Ηλίας, -ov, b, Elias or Elijah the prophet. "Ηλίάω -ω, (fr. 'ήλιος the sun) to be like or resemble the sun ; to shine, beam, radiate, be bright. ' Ηλίάων -ών, -άονσα -ώσα, -άον -ων, in η. pi. fern. cont. ηλιωσαι, par. pres. act. of last, bright, shining, radiant ; golden, yellow. Άλίβάτος, -ov, and Ion. -oio, b, η", (ft. 'ήλιος the sun, or αλιτέω to wander, and βαίνω to go) to be reached only by the sun's beams, inaccessible ; rugged, craggy, precipitous; straying away , wan- dering past discovery. 'Άλίενον, -ες, -ε, impf. of αλιεύω. 'Άλιθα, (fr. ηλίθιος silly) in vain, to no purpose ; foolishly, simply. Or, (fr. άλ;, Electryoni, a woman's name. Ηλέκτωρ, -ορός, b, (fr. a neg. and λέκτρον abed) the sun. Ή,λέματος, -η, -ov, (fr. ^λεό? foolish, and μάταιος vain) vain, fruit- less ; silly, stupid ; false. Ηλεό?, -ά, -δν, (fr. άλη error) wan- dering, roving; by chance, at random ; fickle, changeable ; dot- C275i - son of Perseus, and king of ness, vigour ; a particular time or period. 'Ή,λικιώτης, -ov, b, and Dor. ηλικιώ- τας, (fr. last) a companion, comrade, friend; of the same time or age. Ήλικιώτις, -ιδος, η, same as last in the feminine. 'Ήλίκος, -η, -ov, how great, how much, how large, "ϊίλικος, g. of ηλιζ. Ηλίνο^αί,ρβΓ.ΐηί^ββ.οίαλίνοίο» ΗΛΤ Ήλιξ, -ικ)ς, δ, ή, (fr. ηλικία size) of the same age., time or stature ; a companion, comrade, fellow, friend. Ηλιόκαυστος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. ^Xiojthe sun, and καίω to burn) sun- burnt, scorched or dried in the sun. "Ηλιος, -ου, δ, (fr. 'έλη brightne or αλς the sea) the sun ; sun- shine, light. Ήλιούπολις, -ιος, ή, (fr. last, and πόλις a city) Heliopolis, the city of the sun. Ήλιουσθαι, cont. fr. ήλιόεσθαι pres. inf. mid. of Ήλκίω -ώ, (fr. 'ήλιος the sun) to lie exposed to the sun, to bask ; to enlighten ; to bake, parch or dry in the sun. Ήλισκόμην, -ου, -ετο, in'3 pi. ^λίσ- κοντο, impf. pass, of άλίσκω. Ιίλιτόμηνος, and Α,λιτόμηνος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. αλιτέω to mistake, and μην a month) bom before the time, untimely, premature. Ήλιτον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of αλιτέω. Ήλιψ, -ιπος,ή, ashoe. Ήλιωθεϊς, -είσα, -εν, par. of Ήλίώ- θην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of ήλιόω. Ήλιώσαι, η. pi. fem. οΐήλιάων. τ ϊΙλκον, Dor. for εϊλκον. Ηλκωμένος, -η,-ον, par. per. jiass. of ελκόω. Ηλλάγην, -ης, -η, in 3 pi. Ηλλίάγη- σαν, 2 a. ind. pass. — Ήλλαγ- μαι, -ζαι, -κται, per. ind. pass. — αλλαγμένος, -η, -ov,par. per. pass. — "Άλλαγον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. — Ήλλαξα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -ζαν, 1 a. ind. act. — Ηλλάχ- θαι, per. inf pass, of αλλάσσω. Ηλλοίωμαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass, of αλλοιόω. Άλλοτρίωμαι, -σαι, -ται, in 3 pi. Ήλλοτρίωνται,ρβΐ. ind. pass, of αλλοτριόω. Ηλοήθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of αλοάω. ΈΙλοίησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of αλοιάω. Ηλος, by Sync, for ηλεός. Ήλος, -ου, b, (fr. εω or 'ίημι to drive) a nail, spike; a stud, boss; a callosity, swelling, tu- mour. Ήλόω -ω, (fr. last) to nail, fasten with nails. Ήλπιζε, 3 sin. Ηλπιζα μεν, 1 pi. impf. act. — Ήλπικα, -as., -ε, or -εν, pi. -καμεν, -κατε, per. ind. act. — Ηλπικέναι, per. inf. act. — Ηλπικότες, η. pi. of Ηλ- πικώς, -υ?α, -ος, par. per. act. — Ηλπίσα, -ας, -ε, 1 pi. -σαμεν, 1 a. ind. act. of ελπίζω. Ήλτο, by Sync, for ήλατο, 3 sin. 1 a. mid. of ίίλλομαι. Ηλυγάζω or -ίζω, (fr. next) to darken, shade, overshadow. Ηλυγη, -ης, ή, (fr. λνγη darkness) darkness, obscurity ; a shade, shadow- Ήλυθ',ϊοΓήλυθε, 3 sin. οΐΉλυθον, by Synco ηλθον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. HME act. — Ήλυθα, -ας, -ε, 1 pi. Ηλύθαμεν, Att. ελτ)λυθα, and Poet, ειλήλουθα, per. ind. mid. of έρχομαι. Ήλυξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of αλύσκω. Ηλύσιο ν, -ου, το, Elysium, the re- treat of the virtuous dead among the heathens. Ήλφον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of άλψω or αλφάνω. "Ηλωκα, Att. έάλωκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. of άλίσκω. Ηλώμην, impf. pass. cont. οΐαλάο- μαι. "Ηλων, and Att. εάλων, -ως, -ω, in 3 pi. ηλωσαν, 2 a. ind. act. of άλίσκω. Ήμα, -ατός, το, (fr. 'ίημι to send) a ?nissive weapon, dart, shot ; a cast, throw. Ημάθρνεν, 3 sin. ν added, 1 a. ind. act. of α μαθαίνω. Ημαθία, -ας, ή, Emathia, a name of Macedonia. Ήμαθίων, -όνος, b, a king of same, Emathion. Ημαθόεχς, -εσσα, -εν, Ion. for αμα- θόεις. Ήμαι, -σαι, -ται, (fr. εω to set) to sit, be seated. Ήμαρ, -ατός, rb, (fr. ήμερα the same) a day. pi. ήματα. Ημάρτηκα, -ας, -ε, 1 pi. -καμεν, per. ind. act. — Ήμαρτηκώς, in a. Ήμαρτηκδτα, par. per. act. — Ήμαρτον,-ες, -ε or -εν before a vowel, 2 a. ind. act. of αμαρ- τάνω. Ήμάρτοσαν, 3 pi. LXX. for ημαρ- τον, see in last. Ήμας, a. pi. of εγώ. Ήμάτιβς, -a, -ov, (fr. 'ήμαρ the day) daily, diurnal, every day, all day long. Ήμάτωμαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass, of αίματόω. Ήμβλακον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of αμβλαχέω. Ημβλύθζισαν, 3 pi. J a. ind. pass. of αμβλύω or αμβλύνω. Ήμβροτον, -ες, -ε, 2 "a. ind. act. of αμβροτέω. Ύ Ημε, for ή με, that I, so as I, for me. Ήμέας, Ion. for ημάς, a. pi. οΐεγώ. 'ϊϊμεδαπος, -ή, -ov, (fr. ήμεΊς we, and δάπεδον soil) of our country, party or side ; a countryman. Ήμέες, Ion. for ήμεΊς, η. pi. of εγώ. Ή'μεθα, 1 pi. G? ήμην, impf. of ειμί, to be. Ημειβόμην, -ον,-ετο, impf. mid. of αμείβω. Ημείδηκα,-ας,-ε, per. act. of αμει- δάω. Ημειδηκώς, •υΐα, •δς, par. per. act. of last, grave, serious; dull, spiritless. Ήμε7ς, η. pi. of εγώ. Ήμείων, Ion. for ημών, g. pi. of same. Ημεκτέω -ώ, (perhaps fr. εμέω to vomit, and ε^ω to have) to take ill, scorn, disdain ; to loathe, ab- hor, (276) HME Ημέληκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — Ημελημένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass. — Ημέλουν, impf. act. cont. of αμελέω. Ήμελλ', for ήμελλε, 3 sin. impf. Att. of μέλλω. Ημεν, (fr, η surely, and μεν m deed) surely indeed, verily truly ; and, both. Ήμεν, 1 pi. of ήν, impf. of ειμϊ, to be. Or, Dor. for είναι, pres. inf. of same. Ήμεν, by Sync, for ήειμεν, 1 ρ'. pper. mid. of ει /it, to go. "Ημενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. of ήμαι. Ήμερα, -ας, and Ion. Ήμερη, -ης, ή, (fr. ίμείρω to desire, or ήμερος tractable, or fr. αμα together, εω? the east, and ρέω to flow) a day ; the day, daylight. In pi. days, a time or period. Εκείνη ή ημέρα, that day, the day of judgment. Ήμερα Κυριακή, the Lord's day, Sunday. Παρ' ?)μέ- pav, day about, every other day. Μεθ' ήμέραν, by day. Ημερεύω, £. -σω, (fr. last) to pass the day. Ήμερέων, g. pi, Ion. of ημέρα. Ημερήσιος, -a, -ov, and -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) of a day, lasting but a day; like day, bright, splen- did. Ήμερινος, -ή, -bv, and Ήμέριος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) daily, every day, during day. ΉμερΙς, -ίδυς, ή, (fr. ήμερος tame) tame, domestic, cultivated ; mild, gentle. A kind of oak ; and, a kind of vine. Ημερόβιος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. ημέρα a day, and βίος life) living by the day or from day to day ; a beg- gar ; living but a day, whose life is but a day. Ήμεροδανειστής, -on, b, (fr. same, and δάνειον usury) interest paid by the day. Ήμεροδρομέω -ω, (fr. next) to act as footman, run on messages. Ήμεροδρόμος,-ου^,(&. fyufpaaday, and δέδρομα, per. mid.ofr^'xtoto run) α daily courier, messenger. Ήμερόκοιτος, -ου, b, h., (fr• same, and κοίτη a bed) icho sleeps or lies in bed all day ; a sluggard. Ημερολογέω -ω, (fr. same, and λε- γω to reckon) to count the days. Ήμερόομαι, see ήμερόω. 'Ήμερος, -ου, b, t), tame, domestic, not wild ; reclaimed, cultivated ; meek, mild, gentle. Ήμεράσκοπος, -ου, b, (fr. ήμερα a day, and σκοπέω to observe) a daily observer, spy or watchman during day. Ήμερόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα (fr. ήμερος tame) to tame, reclaim, make gentle. Ήμερόομαι -ουμαι, to become tame, grow docile, be tractable. Ήμες, Dor. for είναι pres. inf. and for ήμεν, 1 pi. impf. ind. of ει ui, to be. Ημέτερος, -a, -ov, (fr. ήμεΐς we) our, ours ; on our tide. ΗΜΙ Ήμέων, Ion. for ημών. Ημηαενυς, -η, -ον, par. per. pass. ΟΙ αμάω. "Άμην or "Ή μήν, surely, indeed, truly, certainly, venly. "Άμην, ήσο, ήτο, pper. pass, or nnpf. or 2 a. mid. of ειμί, to be. Ήμην, τ,σο, ητο, impf. mid. of ημαι. Ήμησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of αμάω. Ημι, by Att. Aph&r. for φημί. Ήμι, used in composition for ήμι- συς, the half. Ήμίανδρος, -ου, δ, (fr. ημι half, and ανήρ a man) a half man ; a eunuch. Ημιάνθρωπος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and άνθρωπος a man) half a man; half man, half human. Ήμιάρρην, -ενός, δ, >/, (fr. same, and' apfav male) half male, cas- trated. Ήμίβρωτος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same, and βρώσκω to feed) half eaten, gnawed. Ήμιγένεως, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and γενεών the beard) half bearded, with little beard, young. Ημίγυμνος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and γυμνός naked) half naked. Ήμιίφθος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same, and εψω to cook) half boiled or dressed. Ήμιθανής, -έος -οΰς, δ, η, (fr. same, and έθανον, 2 a. ind. act. of $νήσκω to die) half dead. Ημίθεος, -ου, δ, (fr. same, and θ-εό? a god) a demigod. Ήμιθνης, -ήτος, and "Άμίθνητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and $νήσκω to die) half mortal, half human; half dead. a. sin. cont. ήμιθανή. Ήμίκοοος, -ου, δ, (fr. same, and κόρος a homer) half a homer or cor. Ήμικράνων,-ου, το, (fr. same, and κράνίον the skull) half the head ; a half skull or half head. Ιίμιμάνης, -εος-ους, δ, ή, (fr. same, and μαίνομαι to rave) half mad, doting. "Ή,μΧν, d. pi. of εγώ. Ήμίνα, -ης, τ), (fr. same, and μνα a pound) a Roman measure of capacity, for dry things and liquids, of about half a pint. ΆμιοΧία, -ας, η, (fem. of next) usury when half the principal was paid for interest, fifty per cent. Ήμιόλως, -ου, δ, η, (fr. ημι half, and 'όλος the whole) the entire and half, one and a half, ϊίμίονος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and 6νος an ass) a mule. ΈΙμιπέλεκον, and Poet, 'αμιττέλεκ- κον, -ου, rb, (fr. ημι half, and ττέ- λεκνς an axe) a hatchet, small axe. Ήμίπλεθρον, -ου, το, (fr. same, and ιζλέθρον an a.cre)halfan acre. Ήμι-ιτλίνθιον, -ου, το, (fr. same, and πλίνθο? a brick) a half brick; a brick of half the usual size. ΉμΙννσος -ββ£ 3 ~όον hj5, δ, η, (fr. ΗΜΦ same, and πνέω to breathe) hardly alive, scarcely breathing, half dead. Ημίσεια, and Ion. 'Ημίσεα, -ας, η, and Ήμίσευμα, -ατός, το, (fr. ήμισυς half) the half, moiety. Ήμισενω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same) to halve, divide equally, cut in two. Ήμίση, cont. fr. ημίσεα, η. a. v. pi. — Ήμίσυυς, cont. fr. ήμίσεος, g. sin. of 'ήμισυς. 'αμιστίχιον, -ου, το, (fr. ημι half, and στίχος a line, th. στείχω to go) a hemistich, half line in poe- try. "Ή,μισυ, -εος -ους, rb, (neut. of next) the half, a half. pi. ήμίση. "Ήμισυς, -εια,-υ, half. Ήμιτάλαντον, -ου, τό, (fr. ημι half, and τάλαντον a talent) a half ta- lent, half a talent. Ήμιτέλεια, -ας, ή, (fr. same, and τέλος the end) the half. Ημιτελής, -έος-οΐις, δ, ή, (fr. same) half finished, half done, imper- fect, unfinished. '■Ήμίτομον, -ου, το, (neut. of next) a half, half share. Ήμίτομος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. ήμι half, and τέμνω to cut) halved, divided equally, cut in two. Ήμίφλεκτος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same, and φλέγω to burn) half burned, scorched, singed. 'Ημιώρων, -ου, το, (fr. same, and ώρα an hour) half an hour. Ύ Β.μμαι, per. ind. pass. — Ήμμέ- νος, par. per. pass, of άτχτω. "Άμοιβα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of αμείβω. Κμοιρηκώς, -υΊα, -ος, par. per. act. of αμοιρέω. "Ή,μος, when, at such a time, at such time as. ~Ημος, as, is answered by τήμος, as, so. Ημπειχόμην, -ου, -ετο, 2 a. ind. mid. of αμ-ττέχω• w : th two argu- ments ; ει belonging to έχω, and the a of αμφϊ changed into the temporal η. ΈΙμιτεσχόμην, and ϋμττισχδμην, -ου, -ετο, 2 a. ind. mid. of αμνέ- νω. See the last. Έίμ-όλησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εμιτολέω. "Άμυν\ for ήμυνε, 3 sin. impf. or 2 a. ind. act. of αμύνω. Ήμυνάμην, -ω. -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of" same. Ήμυσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of Η/χύω, f. -υσω, p. ήμνκα, to press upon, make incline, bend; to in- cline, lean, totter ; to fall, tumble down. Ήμφαγνόουν, impf. act. of αμφαγ- νοέω. Κμφειμένος, -η, -ον, par. per. pass, of αμφιέννϋμΐ. Ήμφίβαλλον, -ες, -ε, impf. ind. act. of αμφιβάλλω. Ημφίγνουν, impf. act. cont. — H/x- φιγνόησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of αμφιγνοέω, ΐίμφιεννυμην, -νσο, -υτο, impf. pass, of αμφιέννϋμι. Ή,μφίεσα, -ας, -ε, for αμφαισα 3 1 a, ind. act. of same. &1Ί) HNE Ημφίεσμαι, -σαι, -rat, per. ind. pass. — "Άμφιεσμένυς, -η, -ον, par. per. pass, of same. It has also m the perfect, ημφίειμαι, and ήμφειμαι. "Αμφισβητούν, impf. act. cont. of αμφισβητέω. "Ήμων, -όνος, h, ή, (fr. Ίημι to send) a darter, shooter, arclicr. Ημών, g. pi. of εγώ. "Άν, (cont. fr. εάν if) if, though, whether. "Ην μή, if not, unless, except. Hv, or ηνι, which see. 'Ήν, a. fem. of ΰς, rj, '6. "Hv, 1 or 3 sin. impf. of ειμί, to be. Also for ήσαν, 3 pi. impf. of same. Or for εξήν, impf. of εξεστί. ~Ητ, ης, ή, Att. for φή ν , φής, φή which for έφην, 2 a. ind. act. of φημί. ~Hv, ης, 9j or ήν, impf. of ειμί. T Hv, ης, η, 2 a. ind. act. οίΐημι. ΙΙνάγκαζον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. — Ήνάγκασα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — Ο,ναγκάσθην, -ης, -η, 1. a. ind. pass. — ανάγκασμαι, -σαι^ -ται, per. ind. pass. — αναγκασ- μένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of αναγκάζω. αναιδηκώς, -υ7α, -ος, in η. pi. Ηναί- δηκότες,ρΆΓ. per. act. ofavai<5fw. impudent, shameless; importu-, note, troublesome. ανάλωκα, for ανήλωκα, per. ind. act. — Ηνάλωσα, for ανήλωσα, 1 a. ind. act. of αναλίσκω. Ηναντιώθην, -ης, -η, 1 a ind. pass. — αναντίωμαι, -σαι, -ται, per ind. pass. — αναντιωμένος, par per. pass, of εναντιόω. 'Hvafa, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of ανάσσω. 'avapa, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εν αίρω. 'ανασσον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. οί ανάσσω. "ανδανον,-ες, -ε, impf. of άνδάνω. ανδραγαθηκέναι, per. inf. act. ol ανδραγαθέω. ανδρώθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass of α νδρόω. 'ανεγκα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. 'ανεγκαν 1 a. ind. act. — ανεγκάμην, -ω -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. — 'ανεγκον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. — ανεγκά- μην, -ου, -ετο, 2 a. ind. mid. — 'ανεγμαι, -ζαι, -κται, per. ind pass. — αν εγ μένος, -η, -ον, par. per. pass. — ανέχθην, -ης, -η 1 a. ind. pass, of φέρω. Ο,νέθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. — "Ονημαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass, of αινέω. 'ανεικα, -ας, -ε, 3 ρΐ. -αν, Ion. for ήνεγκα. — Ηνείκαντο, Ion. for ηνέγκαντο, 3. pi. of ηνεγκάμην. 1 a. ind. mid. of φέρω. ΗνεΤττε, for ανεϊ-ε, 3 sin. 1 or 2 a. act. of ανέ-ω. ανείχθην, Ion. for ννέχθην, 1 a. ind. pass, of φέρω. ανειχόμην, -ου, -ετο, pi. -χεσθε, -χοντο, for ανειχόμην, impf. mid. of ανέχω. Enw* -έος -ους, δ, *> lying done % ΗΝΙ stretched out.j extended; close, adjoining, connected, continued; continual, constant, lasting, un- interrupted. ΙΙνεμόεις, -εσσα, ~εν, Poet, for ανε- μόεις. Ήνεπον, -ες, -ε, impf. or 2 a. of ενίπω. Ήνεσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of αινέω. ΙΙνεσχέθην, for ανεσχέθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. — ϊΐνεσχόμην, for ανεσχόμην, -ου, -ετο, 2 a. ind. mid. of ανέχω. Ήνέχθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of φέρω. Ήνέωγα, for ανέωγα, which Att. for άνωγα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. — in like manner Ή,νέωγ- μαι, per. pass. Att. — Ή,νεώχ- θην, -ης, -η, 3 pi. Ήνεωχθησαν, 1 a. ind. pass. — Ή,νεωγμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of ανοίγω. Ήνήλωμαι, for ανηλωμαι, per. ind. pass. — ΉνηΧωμένος, for ανηλω- μένος, par. per. pass. — Ή,νηλώ- θην, for ανηλώθην, 1 a. ind. pass. — Ή,νήλωσα, for ανηλωσα, 1 a. ind. act. of αναλίσκω. Ή.ν?/νάμην, -ω, -ατο, in 3 pi. Hv?J- ναντο, 1 a. ind. mid. οΐαναίνομαι. Ήνθισμαι, -σαι, -σται, ind. — αν- θισμένος, par.per.pas'J.of'tti'fli^a). Ήνθον, -ες, -ε, in 1 pi. Ό,νθομες, Dor. for ηλθον, -ες, -ε, ήλθομεν, 2 a. ind. act. of έρχομαι. Hvt and Ιΐνιδε, lo, see, behold, there, but see there. Ηνία, -ας, η, (perhaps fr. ενόω to shake) a bridle, reins ; a thong, strap. E0' ηνίαν, to the left hand. ΐΐνιάζω,ΐ. -άσω, (fr. last) to bridle. "Άνιγμαι, ind. — Πνιγμένος, par. per. pass. — Ή,νιζάμην, 1 a. ind. mid. of αινίττομαι. Ήνιδε, (fr. ηνϊ lo, and δε but) but h, see, behold, there now. ΐίνίημαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass. of ανιάω. Ήνίκ, by Apoc. for Ήνίκα, (per- haps fr. r)v for εάν when, and "κω to come) when. "Ηνιον, -ov, το, same as ηνία. 'Κνιοποιέω -ω, (fr. ηνία, a bridle, and ποιέω to make) to direct, guide, regulate, rule, govern ; to moderate, check. Ήνιόχεια, -ας, η, (fr. ηνίοχος a driver) a driving, guiding ; go- vernment, direction. Ήνιοχενς, -έος, Att. -έως, δ, same as ηνίοχος. 'ϊίνιοχεύω, same as ηνιοχέω. Ήνιοχέω -ω, (fr. ηνία reins, and έχω to hold) to hold the reins, drive a carriage. 'Ήνιόχη, -ης, η, a woman's name. 'ΐίνιοχηες, η. pi. Ion. of ^νιοχενς. 'Ηνίοχος, -ον,Ό, (fr. ηνία, reins, and έχω to hold) a driver, charioteer. Ή,νίπαπε, by Poet. Pleon. for 'ΐίνπτε, with ν added "Άνιττεν, 3 sin. per. ind. mid. of ενίπτω. Ηνις, -ιος, η, (fr. ένος a year) a fe- male of this year, this year's, one year old. a. pi. ήνιας -ις. Κνισσάμην, -ω, -ατο, for ηνιξάμην, ΗΗΩ 1 a. ind. mid. —ΙΆνισσόμην, *ον, -ετο, impf. mid. of αινίσσομαι. ΐίνισσάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. οΐενίσσω. Ίίνίχθω, 3 sin. per, impr. pass, of αινίσσομαι. "Άνοθα, for ήνθα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of ανθέω. Ηνοίγην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. pass. — • Ήνοιξα, -ας, -ε or -εν before a vowel, 1 a. ind. act. — Ήνοίχ- θην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of ανοίγω. Ηνοίσται, 3 sin. per. ind. pass, of αναφέρω, fr. οίω, obs. ~"Άνον, impf. act. of άνω, Poet, for αννω' or by Sync, for ήννον, impf. act. of αννω. Ηνορέα, -ας, and Ion. ηνορέη, -ης, {/, (fr. ανηρ a man) manliness, man- hood ; bravery, courage, valour, fortitude, spirit. "Άνοχα, and Att. ενήνοχα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of φέρω. Ήνο-ψ, -οπός, δ, fy, (fr. οψ the voice) loud, resounding, sono- rous, clear ; bright, shining, re- splendent. "Ή,νται, 3 pi. pres. ind. οΐημαι. "Άντεον, -ovv, impf. act. of αντάω. "Άντησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. of αντάω. Ηντιβόλεον -ovv, impf. act. of av- τιβο\έω. Ή,ντιδίκεον -ovv, impf. act. of αντι- δικέω. '"Άντιν\ for Ήνηνα, a. fem. sin. of 'όστις. ϋντιώθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of αντιόομαι. Κντ\ηκότες, η. pi. par. per. act. of αντλέω. 7 Hvto, 3 pi. impf. pass, οΐημαι. ϊίντόμην, -ov, -ετο, impf. mid. of άντομαι. Ηννθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. — Ήννσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — 'ΐίννον,-ες,-ε, impf. act. οι αννω. "Άννστρον, -ov, το, the second sto- mach of animals that chew the cud ; the crop, stomach ; entrails. "Άνωγα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. — "Άνωγειν, pper. ind. mid. — Ήνωγον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. — "Άνωξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of ανώγω. Ή,νωγοϋν, impf. ind. act. cont. of ανωγέω, same as ανώγω. "Ηνωμαι, -σαι, -ται, ind. — Ήνω- μένος, par. per. pass, of ενόω. Κνώρθεον -ovv, impf. act. — Ηνώρ- θωσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of ανορθόω. ΥίνώχΚεον -ovv, impf. act. — Ηνώ- χ\ηκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — ~Άνώχ\ησα, -ας , -ε, 1 a. ind. act. οΐενοχλέω. "αξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of ηκω. Ήξα,-ας, -ε. 1 a. ind. act. of άγω. ~Ήξα, and. Att. έαξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of άγω or άγνϋμι. ""Άξα, for ήϊξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of αίσσω. Κξίοον -ovv, impf. act. — Ήξιώθην, -ης, -η, pass. — Η^ϊωσα, -ας, -ε, act. 1 a. ind. — Ή,ξίωμαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass, of αξιόω. "ϋξω, -ε7ς, -ε?, 3 pi. Ήξουσί, 1 f. (278) Him ind. act. — "ΊΛξωσι, 3 pi. 1 «. sub. act. of ^κω. Hot", ηοΐ, d. sin. of ηώς. 'Hoioa,-as,-£,per.ind. mid. of αει<5ω. HoToj, -a, -ov, (fr. ηώς the dawn) eastern, oriental ; in the morning , early, at dawn. ~Hoj>, -ες, -ε, 1 pi. -ομεν, Att. for ' ώλ, ίες, ίε, 2 a. ind. of εΊμι, to go, Έ£6να, a. sin. of ηών. "Ατονημένος, par. per. pass. — Kovt'i- σας, par. 1 a. act. of αιονάω. ΐΐονς, g. sin. cont. of ηώς. Ήπαλύνθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. of απαλύνω. Ηπανία, -ας, η, (perhaps fr. από from, and ανίημι to remit) want, indigence, poverty. Ίίπανέω -ώ, (perhaps fr. same) to want, need. 3 sin. pres. ind. act. ηπανεΐ. τ Κπαρ, -άτος, το, (perhaps fr. επια to work, and έαρ the blood) the liver, pi. τα 'ήπατα. Ήπατήθην,-ης, -η,Ι a. ind. pass, of απατάω. Ήπατοσκοπέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. ήπαρ the liver, and σκοπέω to inspect) to examine the liver, consult the entrails, seek omens. 1 a. inf. mid. ι)πατοσκοπήσασθαι. Ήπατοσκοπία, -ας, -t), (fr. same) inspection of the liver or entrails s divination. 'Ήπατοσκόπος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a diviner, soothsayer, augur, 'ΐίπατονργος, -ου, b, (fr. ήπαρ the liver, and έργον work) a cutting^ dissection or opening of the liver ; what gnaws or tears the liver. Ήπάφον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of απαφάω. Ή,πάω -ώ, (perhaps fr. οπη an ori- fice) to bore, pierce, penetrate ; to patch, mend. Ή,πεδάνος, -ή, -bv, for απεδανδς. Ή,πείγετο, 3 sin. impf. pass. — Ήπειγμαι, -ζαι, -κται, ind. — Ή,πειγμένος, par. per. pass, of επείγω. Ήπείθησα^ -ας, -ε, 2 and 3 pi. -θή- σατε, -θησαν, 1 a. ind. act. — Ήπειθουν, impf. act. cont. of απειθέω. Ητταλεΐ, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. — Ή,πείλησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of απειλέω. Ήπείροιο,ξ. Ion. of Ήπειρο?, -ου, η, (perhaps fr. a neg. and πέρας an end) a continent, country undivided by sea; Epi- rus, a part of Greece. Ηπειρώτη, -ov, b, η, (fr. last) a native of the continent, inhabit- ant ofEpirus. g. pi. Ηπειρωτών. ΊΙπειτα, Dor. for έπειτα. Ήπερ, (fr. η or, and περ though) whether, or ; than ; as. Κπεροπεύσας, par. 1 a. act. of ^πε- ροπενω. Ιϊπεροπεντης, -ου, b, (fr. next) a deceiver, impostor, cheat, ΐίπεροπεύω, f. -εΰσω, (perhaps fr- ήμερος gentle, or άπειρος bound- less, and όψ a voice) to deceive^ impose on, beguile, delude, cozen t cheat ; to flatter, cajole* ΗΡΑ Ήπέχθανον, impf. act. οϊαττεχθάνω. Ηπήσαοθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. of ηπάω. Ηπητής, -ου, I, (fr. ηπάω to patch) α mender, repairer H cobbler, patcher. ϋπίαλος, -ov, h, (perhaps fr. a in- tciis. ;iinl Γα'λλω to shake) a fever, ague. Ήπιάω, f. -άσω, and -ήσω, (fr. ήπιος mild) to mitigate, assuage ; to calm, paeify t a }>pease,reconcile. 1 a. ind. pass, ηπιήθην. "Άπιόδωρος,-ου, b, η, (fr. same, and ίώρον a gift) gifted with gentle- ness, muo, meat, gentle; miti- gating, assuaging, allaying ; kind, affable, courteous. Ήπ'ίος, -a, -ov, meek, mild, gentle, kind; courteous, affable; com- passionate, pitiful, indulgent ; benign, propitious, favourable. Ήπιότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) mild- ness, gentleness ; lenity, easiness, indulgence. ϋπίστατο, Ion. and Att. for επίστα- to, 3 sin. impf. mid. of επίστα- μαι, mid. of επίσημι. Ηπιστίάτο, Ion. for επίσταντο, 3 pi. of same. Ήπίστεον -ουν, impf. act. — Ηπίσ- τησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of απιστεω. Άπιστήθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, — Ηπίστηκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind act. — Ηπίστησα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi, Ηπίστησαν, 1 a. ind. act. of απιστεω. Ηπιστήθην, may also be Att. for επιστήθην, 1 a. ind. pass, of επί- σταμαι, mid. of επίσημι. Ηπίως, (fr. ήπιος mild) mildly, gently, calmly; patiently, kindly, affably. Ήπόμην, and Έΐπόμην, -ου, -ετο, impf. mid. of Ιπω. Ηπορεόμην -ούμην, -ίου -ου, -ίετο -είτο, impf. mid. — Ήπόρεον-ονν -εες -εις, -εε -ει, impf. act. of απορέω. Ηποϋ, (fr. ή, or, and που where) or, if, either, whether ; certainly, surely, truly, indeed. Ηπται, 3 sin. per. ind. pass. — "Ηπτοντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of απτω. Ήπυον, impf. act. of α~ΰω οτηπύω. Ηπύτα, η. Boeot. or v. sin. of Ηπύτης, -ov, 6, (fr. ^πύω to shout) one that shouts a crier. Adj. vociferous, loud, noisy ; clear, distinct, vocal, sonorous. Ή,πνω, same as απνω. Ήρ\ for Ήρα, (fr. η or, and the enclitic pa) whether ? or, if. "Up, ηρος, το, cont. fr. έαρ, the spring; morning. τ Ηρα, -ας, and Ion. Ήρη, -ης, η, (perhaps by Metath. fr. αηρ the air) the divinity whom the R mans called Juno ; the heathen queen of heaven. Ηρα, -ας, -ε or -εν before a vowel 2 and 3 pi. 'Ηρατε, Ήραν, 1 a ind. act. of αίρω. Ηρα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of άρω, but άρηρα, Att. is more common. ΗΡΕ Ήρα, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. of εράω. Ηραθ\ before an aspirated vowel for Ηρατο, 3 sin. cont. impf. mid. of apaopat. Ήρακλέης, and 'Ηρακλή, -ίος, Ion. -ηος, (fr. ήρως a hero, or "Ηρα Juno, and κλέος glory) Her- cules. 'Ηρακλείδης, -ου, b, (fr. last) a de- scendant of Hercules ; Heracli- des, a man's name. Ηράκλεια, -ων, τα, (fr. same) the β stival of Hercules. Ήρακλήειος, -a and Ion. -η, -ov, (fr. same) of or like Hercules, Herexdian. Ηρακλής, (fr. same) by Hercules, Ο Hercules ! Ήραμαι, -σαι, -ret, per. ind. pass. of ερα'ω. Ηράμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of αίρω. Ήραν, 3 pi. of fjpa, 1 a. ind. act. of same. Ήρανο?, -ου, h, (fr. εράω to love) a king, ruler; protector, guar- dian ; shepherd, keeper. "Άραρα, -ας, -ε, for άρηρα, Att. for ήρα per. ind. mid. of άρω. Ήράρον, -ες, -ε, Att. for ήρον, 2 a. ind. act. of άρω. Ήρας, 2 sin. cont. impf. act. of εράω. Ήρας, g. sin. of "Ηρα. Ηρασάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid of αράομαι, or of εράω. ΙΙράσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of εράω. Ηράσσαο, Poet, and Dor. for ηρά σω. 2 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of -same. Ηρατο 3 sin. cont. impf. pass, or by Sync, for ηράσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of αράομαι, or of εράω. 'Ηρατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of αίρω. Ηργαζόμην, Dor. for ειργαζόμην, impf. mid. of εργάζομαι. Ηργάνθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. of α ργαίνω. Ήργμαι, -ξαι, -κται, per. ind. pass. — Ηργμένος, par. per. pass. Ήρχα,-ας, -ε, per. ind. act. of ind. mid. of αίρέω. άρχω, 'Ήρεαι, Ion. for ίρη, 2 sin. pres, mid. of έρομαι. Ήρέθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of α'ιρεω. Ηρέθισα, -α?, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of ερεθίζω. Ήρεθον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of ερέθω. "Ηρει, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. of α'ιρέω. Ήρεικα, -ας, -ε, per. — Ηρείκειν, -εις, -ει, pper. ind. act. — Ηρεί- σάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of ερείδω. Ήρεικον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of ερείκω. ΉρεΊτο, 3 sin. cont. impf. pass, of α'ιρέω. Ήρειψα, -ας, -ε, act. — Ηρειύ/ά- μην, -ω, -ατο, mid. 1 a. ind. of ερείπω. Κρέμα, (neut. pi. of ήρεμος quiet) (279) HPI gently, quietly, calmly ; silently stilly; gruduully, by little, by d( sreee. Ηρεμάζω, (fr. same) to indulge in solitude, be lonely, solitary; to be idle, inactive or still ; to grieve^ fret, mourn. ΗρεμαΊος,-α, -ov, (fr. ήρεμος quiet) <;ιιίιΙ,Ιιιΐι-, still ; isoiilt, placid. Ηρεμαίως, (fr. last) same as ηρέμα. Ηρεμέω -ω, (fr. ήρεμος quiet) to rest, be still, stay quiet. Ηρεμία, -ας, >}, (fr. same) rest, quietness, tranquillity. Ήρεμος, -η, -ov, (by Metath. fr. έρημος desert, or 'ήμερος tame) quiit, undisturbed, at rest, tran- quil, composed ; calm, still, smooth; placid, gentle, meek, mild. Ήοεν, 3 sin. with ν added, of fjpa, 1 a. ind. act. of αίρω. "Ηρεον -ovv, -εες -εις, -εε -ει, impf. act. of α'ιρέω. Ήρεπται, 3 sin. of ήρεμμαι, per. pass. ind. of ερέφω. Ήρεσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — Ήρεσκον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of αρέσκω. Ήρέτισα, -ας, -ε, act. — Ήρετισά- μην, -ω, -ατο, mid. 1 a. ind. of α'ιρετίζω. Ήρετο, and Ion. είρετο, 3 sin. 2 a. or impf. mid. of έρομαι. Ηρετο, 3 sin. οίηρόμην. impf. pass. of αίρω. "Ηρευν, Dor. for γρουν, impf. act. cont. of αίρεω. Ηρεΰν^σα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of έρευνα». Ή(•η, -ης, η, Ion. for "Ηρα. "Ηρημαι, per. ind. pass. — Ήρ>?- ' μένος, par. per. pass. — "Ηρημεν, by Sync, for ί,ρήκαμεν, 1 pi. per. act. "of α'ιρέω. Ηρημώθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. — Ηρημωμένος, par. per. pass. of ερημόω. Ηρήρειν, pper. fr. άρηρα, Att. for ήρα, per. ind. mid. of άρω. Ηρήρειστο, for ερήρειστο, Att. for έρειστο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of ερείδω. Ήρήσαντο, 3 pi. of ηρησάμην, 1 a. Ηρήσαντο, for ηράσαντο, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. of αράομαι. Ήρθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. — "Ηρκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. or αίρω. Ήρθρωσας, 2 sin. 1 a. ind. act. Oi αρθρ<5ω. "Hpt, (d. of rjp, cont. fr. έαρ the spring) early, in the morning; in spring. Ηριγένεια, -ας, k (fr. last, and γίνο- μαι to be born) daughter of the dawn, Aurora, the morning. Ηριγενης, -έος -ους, h, η, (fr. same) born of the dawn, early in spring or in the morning. Ηριδάνδς, -ου, and Ion. -o7o, δ, Eri- danus, a river now called the Po. Ήριζον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of ερί- ζω. Ηριθμημένος, η, -ov, par. per= pass» h 0j ΗΡΠ - Ήρίθμηνται, 3 pi. per. ind pass, of αριθμέω. Ηρίκειν,-εις, -ει,ρρβΓ. act.ofcpi^w' Ήρΐκον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of ερείκω. Ηρ'ινεος, -α, -ον, for ειρίνεος. Κρίνος, -ή, -ον, (fr. ηρ cont. for tap the spring) in spring, ver- nal ; early, in the morning. Ηρ'ιον, -ου, τδ, (perhaps fr. ipa the earth) a monument, tomb, se- pulchre, grave. Ηρϊπον, -ες, -ε, act. — Ηριττόμην, -ου, -ετο, mid. 2 a. ind. of ερείπω. Ηριπώθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. of εριπόω. Ήρισα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of ερίζω. Ηρίστησα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -σαν, 1 a ind. act. of αριστάω. 'Ηρκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. of αίρω. Ήρκει, act. — ΗρκεΤτο, pass. 3 sin. cont. impf. — Ήρκεσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of αρκέω. "Ηρκται, 3 sin. of ήργμαι, per. ind. pass, of άρχω. Ηρκώς, -υϊα, -ός, par. per. act. — Ήρμαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass, of αίρω. Ήρμοζον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. — "Hp- μοσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — Ήρμοσάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of αρμόζω. Ηρμοσμένως, (fr. αρμοσμένος par. per. pass, of αρμόζω to fit) aptly, fitly, conveniently, agree- ably. Ηρνεόμην -ούμην, -έου -ου, -έετο -εΐτο, impf. pass. — Ηρνησάμην, -ω, -ατο, 3 ρΐ. -σαντο, 1 a. ind. mid. — Ήρνημαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass. — Ηρνημένος, -η, -ον, par. per. pass, of αρνέομαι. Ήρνυντο, 3 pi. impf. mid. of άρνυ- μαι. Ήρξα, -ας, -ε, 3 sin. with ν added 'ίίρξεν, 1 a. ind. act. — Ηρξάμην, -ω, -ατο, 3 pi. 'ϊίρξαντο, 1 a. ind. mid. of άρχω. Ηρόδοτος, -ου, b, the oldest Grecian historian. Ήρομαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass. of αρόω. Ηρόμην, and Ιοτι.Έ,ιρόμην, -ου, -ετο, impf. mid. of έρομαι. Ηρόμην, -ου, -ετο, impf. pass, of ΗΣ Ήρπάσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of αρπάζω. "Ηρσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. iEol. of άρω. "Ηρσα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. ~Ηρσαν, 1 a. ind. act. of άρδω. "Ηρται, 3 sin. of γρμαι, per. — "Άρ- μην, -σο, -το, pper. ind. pass, of αίρω. Ήρτημαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass. of αρτάω. Έίρτυμένος, -η, -ον, par. per. pass. of α ρτυω. Ήρος, -a, -ον, (fr. εράω to love) lovely; beloved, dear; pleasant, agreeable, delightful. Ήροσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of αρόω. 'Ηροσαν, LXX for fjpov, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. act. of aipi> Ήρου, 2 sin. impf. mid. of ερο- μαι. 'Ηρου, 2 sin. impf. pass, of αίρω. "Ί$.ρου, 2 sin. cont. — Ήρονντο, 3 pi. cont. impf. pass, of αϊρέω. Ήροϋς, g. sin. cont. of "Ηρω?, a man's name ; or of 'Ηρώ, a wo- man's name. Ηρουτο, 3 sin. cont. impf. pass, of αρόω. Ηρπάγην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. pass. Ήρπασα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. Ηρύγγιον, -ου, τδ, eryngium, sea holly, an herb. Ήρυγγος, -ου, δ, the beard of a goat. "Άρύγον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. aet. of ερεύγω. Ηρύκάκον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of ερυ- κάκω. Ήρυκον,-ες,-ε, impf. act. οίερύκω. Ήρυτο, 3 sin. of i7pfy?7i/,pper. pass. or by Sync, for ηρύσατο, 3 sin. 1 S. ind. mid. of ερύω. "Ηρχ',ίοΓ ~Ηρχε, 3 sin. οί"Ηρχον, impf. act. — Ήρχθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of άρχω. Ήρχάτο, Ion. for ηργμένοι ήσαν, 3 pi. pper. pass, of ε ργω, for είργω or of άρχω. Ηρχόμην, -ου, -ετο, 3 pi. -χοντο, impf. mid. of άρχω, or of έρχο- μαι. 'Ηρω, 2 sin. οΐηράμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of αίρω. "Ηρφ, "Ηρω, cont. for ηρωϊ, d. and 'ήρωα, a. sin. of ήρως. Ηρώ, and Ήρώ, -6ος -ους, ι), Ero, and Hero, women's names. "Ηρωα?, a. and "Ηρω ε?, η. pi. of ήρως. Ηρώδης, -ου, b, Herod, a man's name. ΉρωδιανοΙ, -ων, ol, (fr. last) Hero- dians, followers or supporters of Herod the great ; a branch of the Sadducees. Ήρωδιάς, -άδος, η", Herodias, a wo- man's name. Γ Ηρω<5ίων, -ωνος, b, Herodion, a man's name. Ηρώησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of ερωέω. ΉρωΈκος, -η, -bv, and Ήρώιος, -a, -ον, (fr. ηρως a hero) heroic, of or about heroes ; heroical, like a hero, brave, gallant. Ηρωίνη, -ης, τ), (fr. same) a he- roine, female hero. Ηρών, impf. act. cont. of εράω. "Ηρωον, -ου, τδ, (fr. >7ρωί a hero) a statue. Ήρως, -οος -ους, δ, Eros, a man's name. Ήρως,-ωος, b, a hero, demigod; a brave man, leader, chief; an eminent person, a. sin. 'ήρωα, cont. ηρω. Ηρώτα, 3 sin. cont Ηρώτων, 1 sin. or 3 pi. cont. impf. act. — Ηρώτησα, -ας, -ε or -εν, pi. -σατε, -σαν, 1 a. ind. act. of ερωτάω. γ Ης, g. sin. fern, of 8s, η, 8, or $ς, >7> Hi and 7 Κσιν, for αϊς, d. pi. fern. ' of same. (280) Η2Θ ~Hf, 2 sin. impf. also Dor. for 9} t 3 sin. impf. — "Ης, 2 sin. pres. sub. of ει/π, to be. "Ης, 2 sin. impf. of ημί for φημί* Or, by Aphasr. for φής, which for έφης, 2 sin. impf. of φημί. Ύ Ησα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. τ Ησαν, 1 a. ind. act. of ήδω. "Ησα, -ας, -ε, in 3. pi. "Ήσαν, 1 a. ind. act. of άδω for αείοω. Ύ Ησαι, 2 sin. of ημαι. Ησαΐας, -ου, b, Esaias or Isaiah, the great prophet. ~Ησαν, 3 pi. impf. of ειμί, to be. "Ησαν, Alt. for εΊσαν, 3 pi. of έΐσα, ' 1 a. ind. of εΊμι or ε/ω, to go ; or by Synser. for ηεισαν or ηεσαν, 3 ρί. pper. of same. 'Ησαν for ήδεισαν, 3 pi. of ηδειν, ' -εις, -ει,Άη. and Sync, for ειδή- κειν, pper. act. of είό"εω or είδημι. Ήσάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of ήδω. Ησάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of αδω for αείδω. Ησαυ, Heb. indecl. Esau, the bro- ther of Jacob. Ησίβησα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -σαν, 1 a. ind. act. of ασεβεω. "Ησει, 3 sin. of ήσω, which see. ΗσεΧγηκα, act. — Ήσέλγημαι, pass. per. ind. of ασελγέω. Ησέλγηνα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of ασελγαίνω. ~Ησεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of Ζω or εζω. Ον,οΐ'ήδω. "Ησεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. aet. of άδω for αείδω. "Ησθα, by ^Eol. Parag. for ης, 2 sin. impf. of ειμί, to be. "Ησθα, by JEol. Parag. for ης, 2 sin. pres. sub. of same. Or, by Sync, for ήδεισθα, which by iEol. Parag. for ήδεις, 2 sin. of ήδειν, -εις, -ει, Att. and Sync, for ειδήκειν, pper. act. of ειδέω or είδημι. τ Ησθαι, pres. inf. pass, οϊημαι. Ήσθείην, -ης, -η, 1 a. opt. pass, of ήδω or ήδομαι. Ήσθεις, -έΐσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass. of same ; joyful, glad. Ησθένηκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — Ησθένεί, 3^in. cont. impf. act. — Ησθένησα, -ας, -ε, act. — Ησθενησάμην, -ω, -ατο, mid. 1 a. ind. of ασθενέω. 'Ησθετο, 3 sin. οΐησθόμην. 2 a. ind. mid. οι αισθάνομαι. Ησθην, -ης, -η, ind. — Ήσθηναι, inf. 1 a. pass, of ήδω. Ησθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of ά<5ω. "Ησθημαι,-σαι,-ται, ind. — Ησθήσ- ' θαι, inf. per. pass. — Ησθήμην, -σο, -το, pper. pass. - '$.σθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. • Ησθη- σάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. Ησθήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. — Ησθόμην, -ου, -ετο, 2 a. ind. mid. of αισθάνομαι. "Ησθητο, 3 sin. pper. pass. — Ήσ• θημίνος, par. per. pass, οΐεσθίο- "Ησθητο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of αισ- θάνομαι. .Ήσθίον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of εσΡίω. HST Ήσθμηνα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of ασθμαίνω. "Hat or ~Ησιν, Ion. for rj, 3 sin. ' pros. sub. of ειμϊ, to be. Ησί, by Apoc. for φησι, 3 sin. pres. ind. of φημί. Or, it is 3 sin. of ημϊ for ψημί. Ύ Ησιν, Ion. for αίς, d. pi. fem. of 8f , »?, 8, or of δ?, >?, ov. Ησίοδος, -ov, b, (fr. ήσις delight, and 86ος a road) Hesiod, an an- cient Greek poet. τ Ησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, >/, (fr. 5;<5ω to delight) pleasure, enjoy- ment, indulgence, gratification, delight. Ήσ'ιτονν, impf. act. cont. of ασιτίω. Ήσκειν, 3 sin. impf. act. cont. with ν added. — Κσκήθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. — Ήσκηκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. Ήσκη- μαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass, — Ήσκησα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. ήσκησαν, 1 a. ind. act. — Ήσ- κεον, -ovv, -εες -εις, -εε -ει, impf. act. οΐασκίω. Ήσκεται, for ήσκηται, 3 sin. per. ind. pass, of same. Ήσμαι, per. ind. pass, of άδω. Ήσμαι, per. ind. pass, of ήδω or ηδομαι' or of εζω. Ήσμεν, Sync, for ήδειμεν, 1 pi. of ήόειν, Att. and by Sync, for ε£- δήκειν, pper. ind. act. of ειδέω or είδημι. Ήσο, 2 sin. of ήμην, pper. pass, or rather impf. mid. of ειμί, to be. τ Ησο, 2 sin. of ημην, impf. orimpr. pres. of ημαι. ϊίσπάζετ' for ησττάζετο, 3 sin. — Ηστά^οντ' for ησπάζοντο, 3 pi. impf. pass. — Ήσνασάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of ασπάζο- μαι. Ήσπ'ΐκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. of αστιίζω. τ Ησσα or r Hrra, -ης, ή, (6c. ησσων or 'ήττων less) inferiority, lower state or rank, the worse side of a business ; ruin, slaughter, de- struction, loss, defeat. Ήσσσομαι or Ήττάομαι, which see. ""Άσσε for ήσε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. ofa&d. Ίίσσήθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of ί/ττάω. τ Ησσον, neut. of ησσων. "Ησσω or "Ηττω, by Sync, and Cras. for ήσσονα and ήττονα, neut. pi. of "Ησσων or "Ηττων, -ονχ>ς, Ό, f/, less, smaller ; inferior, worse. Ήσται, 3 sin. per. pass, οΐημαι. ~Ησταν, see under ήστην. ΙΙστατονν, impf. act. cont. of ασ- τατέω . Ήστην for ηδείτην, 3 du. — 'Ηστε for {,δειτε, 2 pi. — 'Ησταν for ήδεισαν, 3 pi. of ήδειν,' Att. and by Sync, for ειδήκειν, pper. act. of ειδεω or είδημι. Ήστην, Poet, for .ήτην, 3 du. "Ηστε for ήτε, 2 pi. impf. of ειμί, to be. Ήστην for ήσθην, 3 du. of ημην, impf. of ή~μαι. Nn HTH 'Ή,στινοσουν, (fr. ήστινος, g. fem. of 'όστις who, what, and οΰν -so- ever) whosesoever, of whatever, of which sort soever. τ Ηστο, Poet, for ητο, 3 sin. impf. mid. οίημαι. "Ηστον, Ήστην, Poet, for ήτον, ήτην, 2 and 3 du. impf. of ειμί, to be. Αστόχησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of αστοχίω. Ήστρατττον, -ε?, -ε, impf. act. of αστράπτω. ϋσννθέτηκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. of ασννθετίω. 'Ησυχάζω, f. -ασω, p. ήσνχακα, (fr. ήσνχος quiet) to rest, cease from work; to be silent, cease from speaking ; to acquiesce, agree ; to be quiet, tranquil, at peace ; to cease from war, tumult or sedition, pres. inf. act. ήσνχά- ζειν. ΉσυχαϊΌ?, -ov, b, η, same as ήσν- Ήσνχάσαμεν, 1 pi. — 'Ησύχασαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of ησυχάζω. Ήσΰχί?, (fr. ήσυχος quiet) quietly, calmly ; peacefully ; silently, stilly, in silence. 'Ησυχία, -ας, and Ion. -ίη, -ης, η, (fr. same) quietness, quiet, tran- quillity, peace ; leisure, ease, rest; silence, stillness. "Ησυχο?, 'Ησύχιο? and Ήσύχιμο?, -ov, b, /% (perhaps fr. ησις ease, and εχω to have) quiet, calm, tranquil ; peaceable, peaceful ; at rest, at ease ; silent, still. Ήσΰχω?, same as ήσνχή. Ασφάλισα μην, -ω, -ατο, in 3 pi. -αντο, 1 a. ind. mid. of ασφα- λίζω. Ήσχαλλον, -ε?, -ε, impf. act. of ασχάλλω. ϊίσχολήθην, -ης, -η, in 3 pi. Ησχο- Χήθησαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of ασχο- λέω. Ήσχυμμαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass. — Ησχυν<5μ?7ν, -ov, -ετο, in 3 pi. Ησχύνοντο, impf. mid. of αισγννω. "Ησω, -ει?,-ε£, 1 f. ind. act. οϊ'ίημι' or of ήδω. Ήσω, -ε£?, -ε£, 1 f. ind. act. of εΊμι or εω, to go. Ήτακτήσαμεν, 1 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of ατακτέω. "Ητε, 2 pi. impf. ind. or pres. sub. of ειμί. "Ητε, fem. of δ?, who,or of b, he, it, and τε, and. "Ητε, (fr. η surely, and τε and) and surely, truly, certainly, namely, indeed. Ήτεε, and before a vowel 'Ητεεν, ' 3 sin. of 'Ητεον -ovv, impf. act. of αιτίω. Ήτεκνώθην, -ης, -η, in 3 pi. Ητε /c- νώθησαν, pass. — Ητέκνωσα, -ά?, -ε, act. 1 a. ind. of ατε>α'<5ω. 'Ητ^κα, -ας, -ε, 1 pi. -καμεν, per. ind. act. ■ — Ητ^κε£ν, -ε£?, -ει, pper. act. 'of αιτέω. Ήτην, 3 du. impf. of ειμί, to be. Ήτησα, -ας,-ε, 1 a. ind. act. Ηττ?- σάμνν, -ω, -ατο, pi. ητήσασθε, (281) ΗΤΔ -σαντο, 1 a. ind. mid. of at τέω. Ή τι, (fr. ή surely, and τι what) truly, surely, indeed. ~Ηπ κε. and surely, certainly. Ητιαόμην -ώμην, -άον -ω, -άετο -ατο, impf. mid. of αιτιάομαι. ΙΙτιμάσατε, 2 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of ατιμάζω. Κτίμησ' for ητίμησε, 3 sin. of Ητ£- μησα, -ας, -ε, act. — Ήτιμησά- μην, -ω, -ατο, mid. 1 a. ind. — ΐίτιμωμένος, par. per. pass. cont. of ατιμάω. Ήτοι, (fr. η or, and the enclitic τοι) or, if, either ; whether, whe- ther truly, whether indeed; sure- ly, certainly, indeed ; then, there- fore ; however. Ήτοίμαζον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. — Ήτοίμασα,-ας, -ε or -εν, in 3 pi. Ήτοίμασαν, 1 a. ind. act. — Ήτοίμακα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. Ήτοίμασμαι, -σαι, -σται, per. ind. pass. — Ήτοιμασμίνος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of ίτοιμά- "Ητον, 2 u. impf. of ειμϊ, to be. Ήτορ,-ορος, το, perhaps indecl. the heart, mind, spint. Htovvto, 3 pi. impf. ind. pass, cont. of αιτίω. ΗτραΊος, -a, -ov, (fr. ήτρον, the lower belly) of the belly, of the lower parts. Ήτριον, -ov, το, the warp ; a warp or web, piece of weaving; the liver. "Ητρον,-ου, το, tlie belly, lower part below the navel. Ήττα, -ας, η, see ησσα. Ήττάω or Ήσσάω -io r f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. ησσων or ήττων less) to overcome, defeat, conquer, over- throw. Ήττάομαι -ωμαι, to be weaker or inferior, come off worse ; to fail, sink, yield, fall under, pres. inf. pass, ήττάεσ- θαι -ασθαι. Ήττημα, -άτος, το, (fr. next, th. ?7σσων less) loss, diminution, damage ; defeat, overthrow ; fail- ure, fault. Ήττημαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass. — Ήττήθητε, 2 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of ηττάω. τ Ηττον -όνος, το, (neut. of next) less, the less ; damage, loss, hurt. Εις το ήττον, for the worse, icith loss. "Ήττων, -όνος, b, η, see ησσων* Ηττώνται, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. pass, of ήττάω. Ητίίχεί, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. of ατνχέω. Ήτω for έστω, 3 sin. impr. pres. of ειμί, to be. It is properly put by Cras. for εέτω, 3 sin. pres. impr. of έω, obs. from whence ειμί. ~Άνγει, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. of ανγεω. HOyiwo?, -ov, b, ή, (fr. ην for ευ well, and γένειον the beard) bearded, with a long beard, hairy. ϊίνδα and Ηΰοα, 3 sin. cont. of ΗΦΑ ηύδαον -ων, impf. act. — Ηυ- δηκώς, -υΐα, -ος, par. per. act. of αυδάω. \ίνδάξαντο, Ion. for ηνδάσαντο, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. of ανδάζω' or this is Dor. for ηυδησαντο, same 01 αυίάω. Ηνδόκησα, Att. for ευδόκησα, 1 a. ind. act. of ευδοκέω. Ηυδον, impf. or 2 a. ind. act. Att. of εϋδω. Huyva, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of αυαίνω. ΐΐυθύνθην, Att. for ευθύνθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of ενθύνω. Ηυκαίρεον -ουν, impf. ind. act. of ευκαιρέω. Ηϋκόμοιο, g. Ion. of. ^~~ Ίίϋκομος, -ου, b, ή, Poet, for ενκο- μος. Άύλεον -ουν, -εες -εις, -εε -ει, impf. ind. act. of αυλέω. Ηύλ^σα, ~ας, -ε, 1 ρ!, -σαμεν, act. — ΐίυλησάμην, -ω, -ατο, mid. 1 a. ind. of same. Ή.υ'Χίζετο, 3 sin. impf. mid. — Hi>- λίσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass ΉύΧισμαι, -σαι, -σται, per. iad. pass, of ανλίζω. Ήυλόγεον, -ουν, -εες -εις, -εε -ει, impf. act. of ευλογώ. Hvv, a. sin. of ηύς. Ήϋξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. as if fr. αϋξω, Dor. for αϋσω, I f. of αύω, or αύω. "Αύξαναν, -ες, -ε or -εν, impf. act. of αυξάνω. Έ.ύξετο, 3 sin. impf. pass, οΐ^αύξω, for αυξάνω. Ήυξήθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. — Ήυξημαι, -σαι, -rai, per. ind. pass. — "Άυξησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of αυξάνω. Ήυπορεόμην -ούμην, -έου -ον, -ίετο -εΊτο, impf. pass. Att. of ευπορέω. Ήυράμην, -ω, -ατο, by Sync. Att. andiEol. for ευρησάμην, 1 a. ind. mid. — Ή,υρησθαι, Att. for ευ- ρησθαι, per. inf. pass. — Ηνρω, 2 sin. 1 a. mid. of ευρίσκω. Hi»?, ηίος, and by Metath. εηος, Poet, for εύς. Ήύσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of αύω. Ήύτ, for Ηϋτε, Ion. and Poet, for εντε. Ή,ύφρανα, -ας, -ε, Att. for εύφρανα, 1 a. ind. act. — Κυφράνθην, -ης, -η, Att. for ευφράνθην, 1 a. ind. pass, οΐενφραίνω. ίίυχόμην, 3 pi. -χοντο, Att. impf. pass, of εύχομαι. Ήφα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — Ύ Ή.φον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. — Ηφθην, -ης, -η, la. ind. pass. of απτω. Ηφαίστεια, -ων, τα, (fr. 'Ήφαιστος Vulcan) the feast of Vulcan. 'ΊΙφαιστεΊον, -ον, rb, (fr. same) the temple of Vulcan. "Ηφαίστειος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) of Vulcan, Vulcan's. Ήφαιστος, -ov, b, (fr. απτω to kin- dle, and αϊστόω to desolate) Vulcan ; fire, ϊίφαιστόπονος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. last, and x πόνος labour, th. πένομαι. ΗΧΩ to make) wrought by fire, forged. Ήφανίσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. — ΐίφάνισμαι, -σαι, -σται, per. ind. pass, of αφανίζω. "ΈΙφασα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of άφάω. ϋφειδήκεισαν, 3 pi. pper. act. of αφειδέω. ϊίφείθην, for αφείθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of αφίημι. Κφηνιακώ.ς, for αφηνιακώς, -υ7α, -ος, par. per. act. οΐαφηνιάζω. "Ή,φθα, Dor. for ηφθη, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. pass. — "Ηφθαι, per. inf. pass, of απτω. Ήφίεον -ουν, -εες -εις, -εε -ει, impf. act. — Ήφιον, -ες, -ε or εν, 2 a. ind. act. οί'αφιέω. Άφυσάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of αφύσσω or αφύω. Ηφωρίοθαι, per. inf. pass, of αφο- ρίζω. ~Ηχα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. of άγω, to lead. Or of άγω or άγνυμι, to break. "Άχεον -ουν, -εες -εις, -εε -ει, impf. act. οΐηχέω. Β,χέτα, for ηχήτα, v. of ηχητης. Άχέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. ήχος a sound) to sound, resound, make or emit a noise ; to roar as the sea. Η ΛΛ -§ϊ> '/> same as ^X ?• Κχήεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. τ)χος a sound) sounding, resounding, echoing, loud, shrill. H^Trtt,-olj,b, (fr. same) one who makes a sound or signal, a trum- peter; echoing, resounding; loud, shrill. Ή,χθέσθην, is 3 du. impf. raid, used for 1 a. ind. pass, of άχθομαι. Ήχθημαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass, of άχθομαι ' or of εχθάνο- μαι. Ήχθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. bad. pass, of άγω. "Άχθηρα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of εχθαίρω. Ηχθόμην, -ov, -ετο, 2 a. ind. mid. of εχθάνομαι. Or impf. ind. mid. of άχθομαι. τ ϊίχι, Poet, for rj, haw, in what manner ; where. "Άχ\υσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of αχλύω. Ή,χμαΧώτενμαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass. — Τίχμαλώτευσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of αιχμαλωτεύω. "ϊίχον, Dor. for εϊχον, impf. act. of έχω. ΐίχόπους, -οδός, b, >), (fr. ήχος a sound, and πους the foot) an epithet of a horse ; trampling, prancing ; a courser, steed, pal- fiey- "Ήχος, -ου, b, sound, noise, report ; rumour, fame ; din, clamour, shout. Ηχούσης, g. sin. fem. cont. par. ρ res. act. οΐηχέω, see ήχων. Ηχρειώθην, -ης, -η, in 3 pi. Ή,χρει- ώθησαν, 1 a. ind. pass. — ~Άχρεί- ωκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. of αχρειόω. ΙΙχώ, -6ος -ους, η, (fr. ήχος sound) (282) ΘΑΑ echo, reflected sound, reverbera- tion. Ή.χώύης,~εος, b, η, (fr. same) echo- ing, reverberating, sounding, re- sounding •; loud, clear, shrill. ΐίχων, {par. pres. cont. αίηχέω to resound) sou?iding, roaring. 'ΐίψάμην, -ω, -ατο, 3 pi. -αντο, 1 a. ind. mid. of άπτω. "Ηψειν, Ion. and Poet, for εψειν, pres. inf. act. — 'Ήψησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of έψω. Ho50',for ηώ, a. of ηώς, and the en- clitic τε. Ήώθεν, and Ή,ώθι, (fr. ηώς the dawn) early, in the morning, at dawn, by daybreak. Ή,ών, -όνος, η, same as ηϊών. Ή.ων'ίκειν, -εις, -ει, pper. act. of αιωνίζω. Κώος, -a, -ον, (fr. ηώς morning) early, in the morning ; eastern. Ίίωρεόμην -ούμην, -έου -ου, -ίετο -εΊτο, impf. pass. — Ηώρεον -ουν•, -εες -εις, -εε-ει, impf. act. of αϊ ω ρέω. Ηώί, -6ος -ους, 7), Poet, in prose Έώς, (perhaps fr. αύω to shine) Aurora, the dawn, daybreak, morning, daylight ; day ; the forenoon ; the east.; the sun. Θ θ, θ, S, called theta, the eighth letter of the latter, but the ninth of the ancient Greek alphabet ; whence, in nume- rals it still signifies nine, and with a dot underneath, Θ, nine thousand. θ', for re before an aspirated vowel. θάασσεν, 3 sin. imp. ind. Ion. of θαάσσω, same as $οάζω. Qayrj, 2 sin. of ξταγοΰμαι, 1 fut. ind. mid. of $άσσω. θαδδαΐος, -ου, b, Thaddceus, one of the Apostles. θαεΐτο, Dor. for $ηε7το, which Ion. for εθέατο, 3 sin. impf. ind. mid. of d -εάομαι, Ion. $ηέομαι. θάεο, Ion. for $άου, pres. impr. mid. of $αόμαι for &εάομαι. θάημα, Dor. for $έάμα. θαητος, -ου, b, η, Dor. for θεατός. θαίβω, used for ελαύνω to drive, impel, thrust, push or urge for- ward. θαιρος, -ου, b, (fr. θ-εω to run, or $ύρα a door) a hinge, pivot ; axletree. θακέω -ω, f. •ήσω, and θακεύω, f -εύσω, (fr. next) to sit, be seated ; to rest, reside. θάκος, -ου, b, a seat, place to sit on, stool, bench ; a desk, stand, stall, shop, office, temple ; a sitting, assembly. θαλαμεύομαι, (fr. θάλαμος a cham ΘΛΛ ber) to chamber ; be retired, stay at home, remain private, θαλάμη, -ης, η, (fr. same) a bed- chamber, closet ; a cabin, shelter, retreat, den; a bed, rest, cavity for any thing to lie on ; a resort of fish, fishpond or breeding place for fish, θαλαμήϊος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same) of a chamber, fit for or belonging to a room, θαλαμηπόλος, -ου, b, (fr. same, and πολίω, to be about) a chamber- lain, θαλάμια, -ας, and Ion. θαλαμίη, -ης, ή, (fr. same) the port or aperture for thrusting the oar out of the side of the ship, θαλάμοισι, d. pi. Ion. of θάλαμος, -ου, b, a bedchamber, room ; a nest, lair, form, &c. ; a residence, abode, house; a bridechamber ; the wedding day, nuptials, a wedding ; wedlock, marriage ; a storeroom, treasury ; the holy place or inner part of a temple ; the temples or part of the head about the eyes ; the hold of a ship, θάλασσα or -ττα, -ης, fj, (fr. ταράσ- σω to disturb. Or, fr. 'άλς the deep ; or σαλός the salt sea) the sea ; a sea or lake ; a lover or bath, θαλασσευς, -ft*, Att. -ίως, b, (fr. last) a seaman ; a fisherman, θαλασσεΰω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same) to live at sea, gain a livelihood by sea, be engaged in sea of airs ; to be weather beaten, tossed at sea. θαλάσσιος, -ου, b^ ή, (fr. same) of the sea, sea, marine, θαλασσοβίωτος, (fr. same, and βίος life) living or gaining a livelihood by or from the sea. θαλασσοειδης, -4ος -ους, b, f), (fr. same, and είδος likeness) like or resembling the sea, sea-colour- ed, θαλασσοκρατέω -ώ, (fr. same, and κρατεω to rule) to rule the sea, have the empire or command of the sea. θαλασσοκρατωρ, -ορός, b, η, (fr. same) lord of the ocean, ruling over or commanding at sea. θαλασσόιτλαγκτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πλάζω to wander) wave-wandering, sea-beaten. . θαλασσοπόρος, -ov, b, §, (fr. same, and πόρος a passage, th. πείρω to pass through) crossing the sea. θαλάττιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. $άλαττα the sea) see θαλάσσιος, θαλεει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of θαλίθων, -ούσα, -ov, par. pres. act. of §αλέθω, for S -άλλω. Θάλεια, -ας, η, (fr. &άλλω to bloom) Thalia, one of the muses. θαλεία, -ας 1 >;, see 3-αλία. θάλειος, -α, -ov, and θαλερός, -ο, -bv, (fr. £άλλω to bloom) green, fresh, moist; blooming, fiowery ; florid, flou- rishing ; copious, redundant, plentiful ; fluent, voluble; youth- ΘΑΛ ful; young, tender ; joyful, fes- tive ; prolific, fruitful, θαλέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (Poet, for θάλ- λω, which see also) to be orna- mental or decorative, be set off, appear handsome; to bloom, flourish. Θαλής, -ov, and -ητος, b, Thales, a man's name. θαλία, -ας, and Ion. θαλίη, -ης, η, (fr. §άλλω to bloom) a solemn feast, festival; a holy day, anni- versary, celebration; a banquet, entertainment ; plenty, abun- dance, affluence; an olive branch; a wreath or garland of olive. Also Thalia, a woman's name. θαλιάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. last) to cele- brate, keep or observe a festival with banquets ; to feast or revel adorned with green garlands ; to bedeck or ornament with wreatlis of olive. θαλλία or θαλία, -ας, η, (fr. 3άλ- λω to bloom) a green branch or bough ; a bud, shoot, twig. θάλλοισα, Dor. for S -άλλουσα, fem par. pres. act. of &άλλο). θαλλος,-ον, Ό, (fr. $άλλω to bloom) a branch, bough or twig of olive any green branch. θαλλοφορέω-ώ, (fr. last, and φορεω to carry, th. φέρω to carry) to carry about olive boughs, bear olive branches in celebration. θάλλω, f. -άλω, p. τέθαλκα, to be green or fresh ; to vegetate, bud, flower ; to bloom, flourish ; to be young or youthful, approach ma- turity ; to abound, exuberate. θάλος, -εος -ovs, ro, (fr. last) a bud, shoot, germ, twig, branch ; off- spring, progeny; a son, child; bloom, vigour; honour, fame, excellence. θάλπεαι, Ion. for &άλπη, 2 sin. pres. ind. pass, of $άλπω. θάλπει, ind. — θάλπη, sub. 3 sin. pres. of $άλπω. θαλπιάω -ω, (fr. $άλπω to warm) to become hot, grow warm, glow. θάλπιος,-ον,^ (fr. last) Thalpius, a man's name. θαλπιόων, Poet, for S -αλπιων, cont. fr. $αλπιάων, par. pres. act. of same. θαλπιώθ, Heb. an armory; a tower, fortress ; a retreat, re-^ fuge. θαλπνος, -η, -bv, and θαλπρος, -a, -bv, (fr. S -άλπω to be warm) hot, warm, scedding, burning, scorch- ing ;' glowing, bright, shining. θάλπος, -εος -ονς, rb, (fr. same) heat, warmth ; a burning, scorch- ing. θάλπω, f. -ψω, (fr. $άλλω to bloom, and ποιέω to make) to heat, make hot, keep warm ; to brood, incu- bate; to foster, cherish, fondle, endear; nourish, maintain, fa- vour ; to burn, set on fire, kin- dle. θαλπωρή, -ης, η, (fr. last) natural heat, genial warmth; alternation of ,puin, fomentation, stupe ; * (2S3) ΘΑΝ comfort, consolation ; encourage- ment, hope. θαλϋσια, -ων, τα, (fr. $άλλω to bloom) a festival after harvest, harvest-home, offering of first fruits. θαλνσιος, -a, -ov, (fr. last) fresh, new, of this year. θαλφθεις, -ε7σα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass. — θαλφθώ, -ης, -jj, 1 a. sub. pass, of S -άλπω. θάλψις, -ως, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) warmth, heat, warmness ; a fomtntation or stuping. θάλωμεν, 1 pi. 1 a. sub. act. ol §άλλω. θάμα, (perhaps fr. άμα together) often, oftentimes, frequently ; numerously, ■ in a crowded man- ner. Θάμαρ, Heb. indecl. Thamar, a woman's name. θάμβεε, 3 sin. impf. act. Ion. of θαμβίω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. τεθάμβηκα, (fr. θάμβος amazement) to as- tonish, confound, daunt, terrify, astound, stun; to amaze, sur- prise, confuse, θαμβεομαι-ονμαΐι to dread, fear greatly ; to won- der, be amazed or perplexed. impf. mid. εθαμβεόμην -ούμην, in 3 pi. εθαμβέοντο -οϋντο. 1 a. ind. pass, εθαμβήθην, -ης, -η. θάμβησεν, Ion. for εθάμβησεν, with ν added, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of last. θάμβησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, and θάμβος, -εος -ouj, τδ, (fr. $αμβέω to amaze) astonishment, amaze- ment; fear, dread, terror ; sur- prise, wonder, admiration. θαμβών, par. pres. act. cont. of $αμβέω. θαμίες, n. θαμίας, a. pi. of &αμής. θαμειος, -a, -bv, and θαμης, -ίος -ονς, b, η, (fr. $αμά often) fre- quent, often repeated; thick, close, numerous. θαμίζω, (fr. last) to do often, re- peat ; to frequent, resort, haunt ; to crowd, collect together ; to hap- pen often, recur. θαμιμασάδης, Neptune was SO called by the Scythians. θαμώνα, (Poet. fr. next, th. &αμά often) frequently, often, repeat- edly. θαμα'ος, -r), -ov, (fr. $αμά often) frequent, often repeated; thick, close, crowded, numerous, θάμνος, -ου, b, (fr. last) a grove, wood, thicket; a brier, shrub, underwood, θαμνώδης, -εος -ονς, b, //, (fr. last) ' xvoody, thick with briers or un- derwood. Θάμυρις, (fr. &αμά numerously) a solemn meeting, festival, celebra- tion, θανάσιμος, -ου, b, ?/, (fr. &νήσκω to die) deadly, mortal, fatal, θανατάω -ώ, (fr. θάνατος death, th. $νήσκω to die) to desire death, wish to die ; to commit suicide. θανατηφόρος, -ov, b, (fr. same, and φέρω' to bring) causing death, deadly, mortal. ΘΑΡ θανάτοια, g. Ion. of θάνατος, -ου, δ, (fr. θνήσκω to die) death; imminent danger; a plague, pestilence, θανάτω πό- ρειν, to give up to death. θανάτούμεθα, 1 pi. cont. pres. ind. pass. — θάνατον μένος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. cont. — θανα- τουν, pres. inf. act. cont. — θα- νατοΰτε, 2. pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of θανατόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. τεθανάτωκα, (fr. θάνατος death, th. θνήσκω to die) to kill, slay, put to death, inflict death ; to mortify, quench, subdue, humble, θανατόομαί -ου- μαι, to be dead or as it were dead. 1 a. act. ind. εθανάτωσα' sub. θανατώσω' inf. θανατωσαι. 1 a. pass. ind. εθανατώθην par. θα- νατωθείς. θανατώοης, -εος, b, ή, (fr. same) deadly, mortal. θανατωθείς, -εϊσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass, of same. θανατωσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — θανά- τωσαν σι, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. — θανατώσωσι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of same. θανάτωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, fj, (fr* sa.me)akilling, slaughter ,murder . θανέειν, Ion. and θανέμεν, Dor. for θανεΊν, 2 a. inf. act. or θνήσκω. θavvεϊμ,Ή.eb. indecl. large serpents, dragons, crocodiles. θάνοιμι, -οις, -οι, 2 a. opt. act. — - θανοίσας, Dor. for θανούσης, g. sin. fem. par. 2 a. act. — θά- νοντ, by Apos. for θανόντα, a. sin. mas. par. 2 a. act. — θα~ νοϋμαι, -fj, -εΊται, 2 f. ind. mid. of θνήσκω. θάνω, formed by Metath. fr. θνάω, the origin of θνήσκω, an obsolete verb, whence 2 a. ind. act. έθά- vov, 2 f. ind. act. θανώ, and 2 f. ind. mid. θανονμαι, attributed to θνήσκω. θάομαι, for θεάομαι. — θάοντα, a. sin. par. pres. act. of θάω or θάομαι. θάπτεν, Ion. for έθαπτεν, 3 sin. impf. of θάπτω, f. -φω, p. τέταφα, to bury, inter, burn, perform obsequies, celebrate a funeral, θάπτομαι, to be buried in grief, &c. sunk in amazement, overwhelmed with admiration. 1. a. ind. act. έθαφα. 2 a. ind. act. έτάφον. 2 f. ind. act. τάφω. 2 a. pass. ind. ετάφην' inf. ταφηναι. 2 f. pass, ταφήσο- μαι. per. ind. mid. τέθηπα. θαρά, Heb. indecl. Thara, a man's name. Θαργηλία, -ων, τα, (perhaps fr. θέρω to warm, and γη the earth) a festival of Apollo and Diana, when first fruits were offered to them. Θαργηλίων, -ώνος, b, (fr. last) the eleventh month of the Athenians, when the Θαργηλία were held ; it answered nearly to April. Θαρραλέος, -a, -ov, and θαρ'ραλέως, see θαρσαλέος and θαρσαλέως. θαρρεΐν, pres. inf. act. of ΘΑΤ θαρσέω -ω, (fr. θάρρος, for θάρσος confidence) f. -ήσω, p. τεθάρηκα. 1 a. ind. act. εθάρρησα. See θαρσέω. θαρρησαι, 1 a. inf. act. of last. θαρρητίκος, -η, -bv, (fr. last) con- fident, bold, daring, spirited. θάρρος, -εος -ονς, το, see θάρσος. θαρρονμεν, 1 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. — θαρρουντες, η. -ρουντας, a. pi. par. pres. act. οϊθαρρέω. θαρρύνω, (fr. θάρρος, for θάρσος confidence) to inspire with confi- dence, encourage, animate. θαρσαλέος, -a, -ov, (fr. θάρσος cou- rage) bold, confident, resolute, sturdy, hardy ; daring, courage- ous, valiant, comp. θαρσαλεώτε- ρος, Sup. -ώτατος. θαρσαλέως, (fr. last) boldly, coura- geously, intrepidly. θάρσει, 2 sin. — θαρσεΊτε, 2 pi. pres. impr. act. cont. of θαρ- σέω. θαρσεύς, -έος, Att. -έως, b, a man of Tharsos. θαρσεΐισα, Dor. for θαρσούσα, η. fem. par. pres. act. cont. of θαρσέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. θάρσος courage) to trust, confide, rely or depend on; to expect, hope, have assurance; to dare, venture, be bold, act spiritedly; to take courage, cheer up, feel se- cure, be at ease., use freedom or authority, par. pres. act. θαρ- σέων -ών. 1 a. act. ind. εθάρσησα' par. θαρσήσας . θάρσος, and by Metath. θράσος, -εος -ονς, rb, (fr. θέρω to be warm) self consciousness, confi- dence ; boldness, courage, forti- tude ; impudence, assurance. θάρσος, -ου, η, Tarsus, a city of Cilicia. The ocean, sea. θαρσυνέσκω, impf. εθαρσύνεσκον, Poet, for θαρσννω, f. -υνω, (fr. θάρσος bold- ness) to give confidence, encou- rage, embolden. θαρσύς, -εϊα, -ν, (fr. same) confi- dent, assured, collected; bold, daring, venturesome ; courage- ous, valiant. θάσαι, Dor. for θέασαι, 1 a. impr. mid. οίθεάομαι, Poet, θάομαι. θασευς, Dor. for θησεύς. θάσομα,ι, Dor. for θήσομαι, 1 f. ind. mid. οΐτίθημι. θασόμενος, Dor. for θεασάμενος, par. 1 f. mid. of θεάομαι, Poet. θάομαι. Θάσος, -ov, δ, Thasos, an -island in the ^Egean sea. θάσσον, (neut. of θάττων) more quickly, sooner. θάσσω, cont. for θαάσσω, same as θοάζω. θάσσων or θάττων, (fr. θάσσω to move quickly) a comparative attributed to ταχύς, which see. θάτερος, -a, -ov, (fr. τος, for δ, and . 'έτερος other) either, one or other, one or either of. two, the other, θατέρου, θάτεραι, for τον ετέρου, a\ 'έτεροι. Επί θάτερα, to or on the other side. (284) ΘΑΨ θάττων, £ee θάσσων. θαΰ, Heb. indecl. a chamber, room. θαύμα, -άτος, το, (fr. θαυμάζω to wonder) wonder, astonishment, amazement; admiration; a won- der, prodigy. θανμάζομεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. — θανμασόμεθα, 1 pi. 1 f. ind. mid. of θανμάζω. θανμάζειν, pres. inf. act. — θαυ- μάζετε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. act. — θανμάσητε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. act. — θαυμάζων, pi. η. -ζοντες, g. -ζόντων, par. pres. act. of θαυμάζω, f. -σω, p. τεθαύμακα, to wonder, marvel, admire; to re- vere, respect, honour, look up to ; to court, regard, favour ; to won- der at, be surprised ; to be struck with amazement, with admira- tion, with awe or with indigna- tion, per. ind. pass, τεθαύμασμαι. 1 a. pass. ind. εθαυμάσθην inf. θαυμασθηναι. 1 f. ind. mid. θαυ- μάσομαι. θαυμαίνω, same as last. θανμανέοντες, Ion. for θανμανουτες, η. pi. par. 2f. act. of last. θανμας, -αντος, b, Thomas, a man's name. θαυμάσιος, -a, -ov, (fr. θαυμάζω to wonder) wonderful, marvellous, admirable, surprising, astonish- ing, strange. θαυμασμός, -ου, δ, (fr. same) won- der, admiration, surprise. θαυμαστής, -ov, b, (fr. same) an admirer, praiser, commender ; a flatterer, sycophant. θαυμαστός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) to be admired, wonderful, marvellous. θαυμαστόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. same) to cause wonder, excite admira- tion, make surprising, appear strange. θανμαστως, (fr. θαυμαστός won- derful) wonderfully, surprising- ly ; wisely, sensibly, prudent- ly. θανματίζομαι, f. -ίσομαι, (fr. θαυ- μάζω to wonder) to be struck with admiration, be confounded with surprise ; to wonder, marvel, ad- mire. θαυματοποιός, -ov, b, fj, (fr. θαύμα a wonder, and ποιέω to make) ivonder-working, marvellous; a juggler, dealer in miracles. θανματουργέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. θαν- μάζω to wonder, and έργον work) to do wonderful things, work miracles ; to practise im- postures, effect delusions, use ma- gic. θαυματουργός, -ου, b, (fr. same) a worker of miracles ; a pretender to miracles, impostor; a sor- cerer, magician, wizzard ; a juggler. θαφθεις, -έΐσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass, of θάπτω. θάφαι, 1 a. inf. act. — θαφάντων, g. pi. par. 1 a. act. of θάπτω. θαφία, -ας, '/, an herb so called from θάφος, -ου, η, Thapsus, an island ; ΘΕΑ a town in Africa ; a town and riyer in Scythia ; a kind of mood, herb used for dyeing, brought from some of those places. θάω, cont. fr. θχάω, same as Γεύο- μαι. Θάω -ώ, to suckle, give milk to ; ίο nourish, cherish, feed, maintain. θάομαι, to feed, receive nourish- ment, suck ; to dine, sup, feast, banquet θε. a particle added to words ; it implies motion from a place. θεά, -ας, η, (fr. $εος a god) a god- dess, idol. θέα, -ας, f), (fr. &εάομαι to behold) a spectacle, sight, show, pageant, display ; a prospect, view, scaf- fold, gallery, tower from whence to see. θέα, pres. impr. act. cont. of ■&εάω. θεαθήναι, 1 a. ind. pass, οΐ^εάομ θέαινα, -ας, η, same as •$εά. θέαμα, -ατός, το, (fr. Γεύομαι to look at) α sight, spectacle, show pageant. θεάν, Dor. for $εων, g. pi. of $εά or a. sin. of same. Θεανώ, -6ος -ους, η, Theano, a woman's name. θεάομαι, f. -άσομαι, p. τεθέαμαι, to behold, look upon, view, contem- plate ; to consider, observe, re- gard, look up to ; to gaze upon, admire ; to go to see, visit. 1 a. pass. ind. εθεάθην' inf. S -εαθήναι. 1 a. mid. ind. εθεασάμην inf. &εάσασθαι' par. $εασάμενος. θεάριον, -ου, το, (fr. θ-εδ? a god) a holy place, temple. θεαρχία, -ας, %, (fr. same, and αρχή rule) the divinity, divine original; providence, divine care. θεασάμενος, -η, -ov, par. — θεάσασ- θαι, inf. I a. mid. of θεάομαι. θεατής, -ου, b, (fr. S -εάομαι to be- hold) a spectator, viewer, be- holder, looker on. θεατός, -ή, -δν, (fr. same) to be seen, visible, conspicuous, clear, plain; eminent, considerable, notable, remarkable, worth at- tention; worthy, goodly, grace- ful ; wonderful, strange, marvel- bus, amazing, surprising, admi- rable. θεατρίζω, f. -ισω, p. τεθεάτρικα,(ϋτ. $έατρον a playhouse, th. S -εάομαι to behold) to make a public spectacle, produce on the stage; to act dramatically, perform. par. pres. pass, δεατριζόμενος, -η, -ov. per. ind. pass, τεθεάτρισμαι. θεατροειδής, -έος -ους, Ό, η, (fr. same, and είδος a likeness) like a •playhouse, resembling a theatre, theatrical. θέατρον, -ου, το, (fr. θεάομαι to look on) a building for the exhi- bition of public games or shows, theatrical, political, divine, &c. ; a playhouse, theatre; an exhibi- tion, show, spectacle. θβάω, the active of θεάομαι, which see. ΘΕ) θεαων, jEoI. for θ-εών, g. pi. of Sea. θεε, Ion. for έθεε, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. υϊ$έω. θεε, Heb. indecl. a chamber, room, hall, court, vestibule ; the ground. θέειον, neut. of θέειος, Poet, for ■StTov, and &είος. θεειόω -ώ, (fr. θέειον, Ion. for S -είον sulphur) to fumigate with sul- phur, smoke with brimstone. θέεσκον, Ion. for έθεον, impf. act. of gf* θβεΰμενος, Ion. for &εώμενος, par. pres. mid. cont. of θεάομαι. θεήίος, Poet, for $ίειος, which for &είος. θεης, Ion. for $εαΐς, d. pi. of Sea. θεήσασθαι, Ion. for $εάσασθαι, 1 a inf. mid. — θεήσεαι, Ion. for §εάση, 2 sin. 1 £ mid. of θεάο- μαι. θεητος, -ή, -bv, Ion. for θεατός. θεΐα, -ας, ή, (fern, of $είος divine) Theia, a woman's name. θείει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — θείειν, pres. inf. act. of -S -ίίω, Poet, for &έω, to run. θείη, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. of S -είω, Poet, for S -έω, to set. Or, Poet, for S-fi, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. of τίθημι. θείην, -ης, -η, 2 a. opt. aet. of τί- θημι. θείην, Ion. for $είαν, a. sin. fern, of $είος. θειλοττεδεύω, (fr. next) to expose to the sun, parch, dry; to warm, bask. θειλόπεδον, -ov, το, (for το ε'ιλόπεδον) a sunny place, place exposed to the sun, drying ground. θεϊναι, 2 a. inf. act. of τίθημι. θεινόμενος, -η, -ov, par.pres.pass.of θείνω, f. d -ενώ, (a Poet, verb) to strike, hit, smite; to lash, flog, beat, chastise ; to fell, kill, mur- der, slay. θείοαεν, by Syst. for $είωμεν, 1 pi. of $είω, Poet, for -S -ώ, 2 a. sub. act. of τίθημι. θείον, -ov, τό, (neut. οΓ&εΓβ? divine) sulphur, brimstone. θείον, -ου, το, (same) the divine be- ing ; the divinity. θείος, and Poet, θεήίος, and θε'ειο?, -a, -ov, (fr. θεός God) relating to God, divine, heavenly; holy, sacred, consecrated, blessed ; very great, beyond human, monstrous, prodigious ; prophetic, presaging, foreboding, comp. Νεώτερος, sup. -ότατος. _. - θεΤος, -ov, b, an uncle. θειότερον, and θειοτέρως, (fr. Πιό- τερος comp. of ,ΐ-είο? drvine) di- vinely, from God, from heaven. θειότης, -ητος, η, (fr. &είος divine, th. θεός God) the divinity, the divine nature, the Godhead, the providence of God. θειόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. $είος divine, th. θεό? God) to hallow, conse- crate, dedicate. θεΐτε, by Sync, for Μήτε, 2 pi. 2 a. opt. act. of τίθημι. θείω, Poet, for Sew, to run. Also Poet, for $-ω, 2 a. sub. act. of τίθημι. (285) ΘΕΜ θειώδης, -εος -ους, b. f/, (fr. 3ΐΐο» sulphur, and είδος likeness) sul- ■ phureous, like sulphur or brim- stone. θείωσα, Ion. for εθείωσα, 1 a. ind. act. of S -ειόω. θε'λ', for θε'λε, pres. impr. act. of θέλγητρον, -ov, το, (fr. $έ\γω to sooth) a soother, balm, refresh- ment ; a charm. θελγϊν, -ίνος, b, (fr. same) a sor- cerer,, enchanter, magician. θίλγω, f. -ξω, (perhaps fr. $ίλω to Λνίεη, and άγω to lead) to sooth, flatter, comfort, console; to please, gratify ; to allure, seduce, mislead, corrupt; to cajole, de- ceive, beguile, cheat; to bewitch, charm, par. pres. pass. $ελγό- μενος. θέλεις, -ει, 2 and 3 sin.; pi. -ο/*εν, -ετε, -ουσι, pres. ind. act. — θε- λης, λη, 2 and 3 sin. -λ»7Γε, -λω- σι, 2 and 3 pi. pres. sub. -act. — $έλοι, 3. sin. pres. opt. act. of θ-ε'λω or εθέ\ω. θέλεμρον, -ov, το, (fr. $έμηλον a foundation, th. θέω, to place) a foundation, groundwork, basis. θέλημα, -άτος, το, Βΐιάθέλησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. &έλω to wish) will, volition, wish; desire, incli- nation, pleasure, d. sin. $ελήμα- τι• pi. θελήματα. θελήσαντας, a. pi. par. 1 a. act. — θελήσω, -ης, -η, 3 pi. -σωσι, 1 a. sub. act. of $έλω. θελητής, -ου, b,(fr. same) a wisher ; desirous, eager, willing. θελητος, -ή, -ov, (fr. same) desired y coveted, wished or longed for, prayed, sought; decreed, deter- mined. θελκτήρ, -ήρος, b, (fr. &ελγω to se- duce) a flatterer, soother ; sedu-> cer, deceiver. θελκτήριον, -ov, τδ, (fr. last, th. &έλγω to sooth) enticement, al- lurement, blandishment, attrac- tion, captivation, charm ; a balm, consolation, soothing strain ; se- duction, deception. θελξίνοος -ους, -6ου -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and νόος the mind) sooth- ing, calming, balmy, grateful. θέλοισα, Dor. for -Γελούσα, η. fern. — θέλοντι, Dor. for $έ\ουσι, d. pi. — θελουσα, η. fem. par. pres. act. of $ε'λω. θέλοντας, g. — θέλοντι, d. — θέ- λοντα, a. — θέλοντες, η. pi. of &έλων, -ουνα, -ov, par. pres. act. of same. θίλυμνον, -ου, το, same Άβ&εμέλιον, θέλω or εθέλω, which see. θέμα, -άτος, το, (fr. τίθημι to place) any thing set, placed, laid, put or imposed on another ; an erec- tion, building, tomb, monument ; a subject for writing upon, text, theme; the origin or original; an army or regiment quartered on a country ; the district so cir~ cumstanced; an impost, tax, subsidy ; money laid down, a de- posite, pledge, stake; a match, ΘΕΜ game or contest for a wager; treasure laid up; the coffer or chest in which it is kept ; a habit, manner, fashion; circumstance, situation, place. Θεματικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. last) set, placed, laid down, decided ; posi- tive, absolute, decisive; provin- cial, external, foreign ; primitive, original; done for a wager, bet or stake, as θεματικοί αγώνες, sweepstake games. θεμέθλον, -ov, rb, same Ά8$εμέλιον. θεμείλιον, -ov, το, Poet, for θεμέλιον, -ov, rb, and θεμέλιος, -ov, b, ^ο^έμεΒλον, §εμειλιον,§έλνμ- vov, and S -ήμελον, (fr. τίθημι, to place) a foundation, ground- work, basis; any thing firm, an al- tar, temple, palace, fortress ; bal- last; a deposite, treasure laid up. θεμελιόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. τεθεμελίω- κα, (fr. last) to lay a foundation ; to found, settle, establish, confirm. per. ind. pass. τεθεμελίωμαι. pper. ind. pass, ετεθεμελιώμην, 3 sin. Ion. τεθεμελίωτο. θεμελιώσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of last. θεμελίωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f], (fr. same) the laying a foundation; a groundwork, basis. θέμεν, Ion. and θέμεναι, Dor. for 3-ε7ναι, 2 a. inf. act. — θέμενος, par. 2 a. mid. οϊτ'ιθημι. θεμερος, -a, -bv, (fr. &έμις law) grave, serious, important, weigh- ty, solemn; revered, reverend, venerable. θέμεσθλον, -ov, το, Poet, same as $έμεθλον, or θέμηλον, -ov, το, see θεμέλιον. θεμίπλεκτος, -ου, b,f), (fr. θέμις the patroness of right, and πλέκω to bind) woven by Themis; hgal, lawful; just, right, right- ful. θέμις, -ιστός and -"ΐδος, η, Themis, the patroness of law ; law, equi- ty, right, justice ; morality, reli- gion; positive law. θέμιστες, taxes, tributes due of right ; oracles, responses. θεμισκέρων, -οντος, b, η, (fr. $έμις law, and κέρω, cont. of κεράω or κεράννυμι to mix) zealous for the law; regarding or keeping the law ; who practises justice, does right ; ruling with equity. θεμισκόπος, -ov h, ή, (fr. same, and σκέπτομαι to observe) a guardian oj the law, supporter of right; a president, ruler, governor. θεμίσσω, f. mid. -ίσομαι, (fr. same) to dispense law, judge, decide, do justice ; to rule, govern, pre- side. 1 a. ind. mid. Poet, εθε- μισσάμην. θέμιστα, a. sin. — θέμιστες, η. pi. of &έμις. θεμιστεϊος, -a, -ov, (fr. $έμις law) lawful, legal ; just, right, equita- ble. θεμιστέων, Ion. for θ-ψίστωι-, g. pi. of Γεμιστός. θεμιστοκλέης, -έεος, and Θεμιστοκ- λής, -ηος, b, Themislocks, a man's name. ΘΕΟ θεμιστδνη, -ης, ^ Themistoni, a woman's name. θεμιστος, -ή, -bv, and θεμιτός, -ου, b, η", (fr. $έμις law) according or agreeable to law, legal; allow- able, lawful; enacted, ratified, established, ordained; holy, re- verend, solemn. θεμιστώ, -6ος -ους, η, Themisto, a woman's name. θεμbς, -ου, b, (fr. τίθημι to place) arrangement, regulation, dispo- sal, order, method, distribution; admonition, warning, sugges- tion, command, law. θεμόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to bring near, make approach, put together; to settle, enforce, en- act. θεν, same as $έ. θέναρ, -άρος, το, the hollow of the hand or foot ; the palm of the hand ; the sole of the foot. θένω, f. -ενώ, same as δείνω, 2 a. ind. act. έθανον. θεοβλαβεια, -ας, ή, (fr. $εος god, and βλάβη hurt, th. βλάπτω to injure) impiety, ungodliness; insensibility, stupidity, folly. θεοβλαβης, -έος ους, b, >7,(fr. same) impious, irreligious, ungodly ; senseless, stupid, devoid of rea- son. θέογνις, -ιδος, b, Theognis, a man's name. θεοδίδακτος, -ου, b, η", (fr. $εbς god, and διδάσκω to teach) taught by god, inspired. θεόδμάτος, -ου, b, η", Dor. for θεόδμητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. $εό? god, and δέμω to build) built by the gods, divinely established, con- firmed by heaven. θεόδοτος, -ου, Ό, fy, (fr. same, and δι δω μι to give) given by god, imparted by heaven; richly en- dowed. Θεόδωρος, -ου, b, Theodorus, a man's name. θεοειδης, -έος -ους, b, t), (fr. same, and είδος shape) like a god, god- like, divine. θεοείκελ' for $εοείκελε. v. of θεοείκελος, -ου, b, f), (fr. same, and ε'ικελος like, th. είκω to resemble) resembling a god, like a divinity, divine; superior, noble, digni- fied. εόθεν, (fr. same, and θεν a par- ticle implying from) from god, from heaven, divinely. θεοίμην, §οίμην' θέοιο, θ-οΓο' θέοιτο, Solro, &c. Poet, for $είμην, &εΊο, $εΐτο, 2 a. opt. mid. of τίθημι. θεοΊο, Ion. for &εοϋ, g. of $εός. θέοισα, Dor. for δέουσα, η. fem. par. pres. act. of $έω, to run. θεοκλυτέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. ξτεος god, and κλνω to hear) to make god hear, call upon him, invoke, implore ; to obey god, respect, re- gard. θεόκλντος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) heard by the gods ; invoking the gods, suppliant. Θεόκριτος, -ov, b, ft, (fr. same, and κρίνω to judge) selected or chosen ΘΕΟ by god, set apart by divine com• mand; chosen as a judge by the divinities, alluding to Paris. Al- so a man's name. θεόκτιστος, -ov, b, i), (fr. same, and κτίζω to create) created or made by god. θεολογία, -ας, f), (fr. same, and λόγος a word) an account of the divine nature, essay on god, di- vinity, theology. θεολόγος, -ov, b, f), (fr. same) an expounder of the divine word y commentator on the word of God, divine, theologian ; an epi- thet of St. John the Evangel- ist. θεομάνης. -ίος -ους, b, rj, (fr. same, and μαίνομαι to be mad) infatu- ated, afflicted with madness, out- rageous. θεομαχέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. &εος god, and μάχομαι to fight) to fight against god, oppose his will, resist his inspiration. θεομαχία, -ας, f/, (fr. same) the war of the gods. θεομάχος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) who fights against or resists god. θεομαχώιιεν, 1 pi. cont. pres. sub. act. of d -εομαχέω. θέομεν, Poet, for $ωμεν, 1 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of τίθημι. θεομέρης, -εος, -ους, and θεόμερος, -ου, b, η", (fr. §εος god, and μείρω to allot) see$£(5//o(/>oi. θεομϊσης, -έος -ους, b, η", (fr. same, and μίσος hatred) hated by god, cast off by heaven ; hating god, impious. θεόμοιρος and θεόμορος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same, and μοίρα a share) given by god, granted by heaven, allotted by providence ; who has a share in god, chosen by heaven, blessed, divine ; excellent, superi- or, eminent, virtuous. θεόντων, g. pi. of §έων, par. pres. act. of §{'ω, to run. θεόπνενστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. $εbς god, and πνέω to breathe) inspired by god. θεόπομπος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and πέμπω to send) Theopompus, a man's name. θεοπρεπες, -έος, rb, (neut. of next) the divinity or majesty of god / divine honour. θεοπρεπης, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. $εbς god, and πρέπω to become) be- coming or suitable to the divine nature, divine, holy, sacred; god- like, majestic, dignified. θεοπροπέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. $εος god, and πρέπω to become, or προείπω to foretell) to pro- phesy, foretell, forebode, pre- sage. θεοπροπία, -ας, t), (fr. same) apro- phesying, prophetic inspiration; divination, soothsaying. τρόπων, -ου, το, (fr. same) a prophecy, prediction, denuncia- tion ; the will of heaven; an oracle. θεοπρόπος, -ov, b, ^, (fr. same) a prophet, foreteller, soothsayer, ΘΕΡ diviner; an enchanter, magi- cian; one who consults an oracle. θεόπτυστος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same, and πτύω to spit out) haled by the gods. θέορτος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same, and 6ρω to excite) stirred up by ood, impelled by heaven, in- spired. θεός, -οΰ, δ, sometimes ή, (fr. θέω to arrange) God, the Deity ; a god, goddess, deity, divinity, idol. θεόσδοτος, -ου, δ, ι), (fr. last, and δίδωμι to give) given by God, bestowed by heaven, divinely granted, θεοσέβεια, -ας, ή, (fr. same, and σέβω to revere) the worship of θεραπευτικός, -ή, -όν, (fr. same) God, religion, piety, godliness, devotion. θεοσεβης, -έος -ους, b, f), (fr. same) pious, religious, godly, devout. θεοσεβώς, (fr. last) piously, reli- giously, devoutly θεοσέπτωρ, -ορός, δ, (fr. same) a regarder of God, pious, θεοστυγης, -έος -οΰς, υ, η, (fr. θεός God, and στυγέω to hate) ι hater of God, impious, irreligious profane, pi. cont. θεοστνγεϊς. θεόταυρος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same, and ταύρος a bull) the bull-god, an epithet of Jupiter. θεότης, -ητος, ή, (fr. same) god- ship, godhead, deity, divinity, divine nature. θεότϊμος, -ου, δ, f/, (fr. same, and τιμή honour) honoured by God, regarded by heaven; Theotimus, a man's name. θεουδης, -έος -οΰς, δ, η, (fr. same, and εΐδος likeness) godlike, di- vine; godly, good, righteous. θεοφάνίη, -ης, η, (fr. same, and φαίνω to appear) a divine ap- pearance ; the festival when the idols or images of the gods were displayed. Θεόφιλε, v. of Θεόφιλος. θεοφιλής, -έος -οΰς, δ, '/, (fr. θεός God, and φιλέω to love) a lover of God, pious ; beloved by God, favoured of heaven. Θεόφιλος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same) same as last ; Theophilus, a man's name. θεδφιν, (fr. θεοί God) from God, from heaven, divinely. ' Also, Poet, for θεο'ις, d. pi. of θεός. Θεόφραστος, -ου, δ, Theophrastus, a man's name. Οεόφρων, -όνος, δ, ή, (fr. θεοί God, and φρην the mind) inspired, wise as a god ; a prophet, sooth- sayer. θεοφύλακτος, -ου, δ, ft, (fr. same, and φυλάσσω to guard) protected by God, guarded by heaven, in the divine care. θεράπαινα, -ας, and θεραπαινις, -ϊ"δος, η, (fr. θεράπων a servant, th. θέρω to provide) a woman- servant, attendant. θεραπεία, -ας, f), (fr. same) ser- vice, attendance ; a train, suite; ΘΕΡ family, household; courtesy, re- spect, attention; worship; cul- ture, care; cure, healing, re- medy. θεραπευθείση,ά. sin. fern, οι θερα- πευθείς, par. 1 a. pass, of θερα- πεύω. θεραπενθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass. — θεραπεΰσαι, inf. — θεράπευσον, impr. 1 a. act. — θεραπεύσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of same. θεραπεύσεια, -ας, -ε, JE,o\. for θε- ραπεύσαιμι, -αις, -αι, 1 a. opt. act. of same. θεραπευτής, -ου, δ, (fr. θεράπων a servant, th. θέρω to provide) an attendant, minister, assistant, agent ; a servant, follower ; a physician obedient, obsequious, attentive^ courteous ; serviceable, useful, convenient ; healing, curing, me- dicinal. θεράπευτος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same) that may be cured, to be healed. θεραπεύω, f. -ενσω, p. τεθεράπευκα, (fr. same) to serve, attend, wait upon ; to court ; to win, concili- ate ; to obey, be subservient, sub- mit, be useful ; to look after, at- tend, provide; to cure, heal; to till, cultivate; to study, endea- vour, pursue; to worship. 1 a. act. ind. εθεράπευσα• impr. θε- ράπευσον, -άτω. impf. pass, εθε- ραπευόμην, -ου, -ετο. per. ind. pass, τεθεράπευμαι' par. τεθερα- πευμένος. 1 a. ind. pass, εθερα- πεύθην. θεραπηΐη, -ης, }/, Ion. for θερα- πεία. θεράπνα, -ας, Dor. for Θεράπνη, -ης, η, the name of a city. θεράπνα, -ας, η, for θεράπαινα. θεραπνίδιον, -ου, το, (dim. of last, th. θεράπων a servant) a servant girl, little servant. θεράποντα, a. sin. -πόντε, η. du. -πούσι, d. pi. of θεράπων, -οντος, δ, a household- servant, servant, attendant, fol- lower ; an agent, minister, as- sistant. θεραφεΊν, Heb. indecl. Teraphim, idols, images. θερεία, -ας, and Ion. θερείη, -ης, η, same as θέρος. θέρειος, -a, -ov, (fr. last) of sum- mer, in summer; hot, warm., genial, comp. θερειότερος, sup. -ότατος. θερειτάτη, Sync, for θερειοτάτη, fem. n. sup. of last. θέρευς, Dor. for θέρους, g. of θέρος. θερέω, same as θέρω. θερίζειν, inf. — θερίζεις, -ζει, 2 and 3 sin. — θερίζουσι, 3 pi. ind. pres. act. of θερίζω, f. -ίσω, p. τεθέρικα, (fr. θέ- ρος summer) to have summer, spend the summer, keep harvest ; to reap, gather in, mow, cut down ; to incur, suffer. 1 a. act. ind. εθέρισα' par. θερίσας. per. ind. pass, τεθέρισμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, εθερίσθην. (287) ΘΕ2 θερίζων, -οντος, δ, (par. pres. acL of last) a reaper, θερϊνυς, -η, -όν, (fr. θέρος summer) of summer, in summer or harvest. θερΊσαι,• inf. — θερισάντων, g. pi. par. — θέρισον, impr. 1 a. act. — θερίσει^ 3 sin. — θερίσομεν, 1 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of θερίζω. θερίσδειν, Dor. θερίζειν, pres. inf. act. of θερίζω, θερισμός, -υΰ, δ, (fr. θέρος summer, th. θέρω to be warm) harvest; • crop, θεριστήριον, -ου, το, (fr. same) α reaping hook, sickle, θεριστής, -ου, δ, (fr. same) α reaper, mower, θέριστρον or θερίστριον, -ου, τό, (fr. same) a summer dress, θερμά, pi. neut. of θερμός, θερμαϊ, -ων, α'ι, (fem. pi. of θερμός, th. θέρω to be hot) warm baths, hot baths, θερμαίνεσθε, 2 pi. pres. impr. mid. — θερμαινόμενος, -η, -jv, par. pres. mid. of θερμαίνω, f. -άνω, p. τεθέρμαγκα, (fr. θέρω to be hot) to make hot, heat, warm, θερμαίνομαι, to be warmed or warm one's self. per. ind. pass, τεθέρμαμμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, εθερμάνθην. θέρμετο, Ion. for εθέρμετο, 3 sin. impf. of θέρμομαι. θέρμη, -ης, η, (fr. θέρω to be warm) heat, warmth; violence, impetu- osity, eagerness, θέρμαι, warm baths. θερμολουτέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. θερμός hot, and λούω to wash) to use a hot bath, bathe in warm wa- ter. θέρμομαι, Poet, for θερμαίνομαι. θερμοπύλαι, -ων, al, (fr. same, and πύλη a gate) Thermopyltz; the pass of the hot baths, a p'ace in Greece. Θέρμος, -ov, b, a lupine, a kind oi pulse. θερμός, -η, -bv and -ου, δ, fj, (fr. θέρω to warm) hot, warm ; fiery, fervid, fervent; eager, violent, precipitate, comp. θερμότερος, sup. -ότατος. θερμότης, -ητος, ft, (fr. last) heat, warmth. θέρμουργος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and έργον work) ardent, boid, sanguine; violent, impetuous. θέρμω, Poet, for θέρω or θερ- μαίνω. θέρος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. θέρω to warm) summer, heat, hot wea- ther ; harvest time. θερσϊτης, -ου, δ, Thersites, a man's name. θέρσος, -εος, το, ^Eol. for θάρσος. θέρσω, iEol. for θερω, 1 f. ind. act. — θερσομενοί, par. 1 f. mid. jEol. of θέρω, f. θερω, 2Eol. θέρσω, to warm, heat ; to burn, parch, scorch; to cherish, nurse, cure^ heal. θες, -έτω, 2 a. impr. act. of τι θημι. θέσαν, Ion. for έθεσαν, S pi. 2 a. ΘΕ2 ind. act. — θέσθαι, 2 a. inf. mid. — θέσθω, 3 sin. 2 a. impr. mid. of τίθημι. θίσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. τίθημι to place) disposition, designa- tion, appointment; disposal, ar- rangement, composition ; legisla- ture, the making of laws ; state, habit; a position, place, situa- tion; an argument, proposition, question, thesis; a pledge, pawn, deposit ; a stock, bank, fund, store. θίσκελος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. θεοί God, and εικελός like, th. είκω to re- semble) like a divinity, godlike, divine ; admirable, wonderful, fine. θίσμιος, -a, -ov, (fr. $ίσμος law, th. τίθημι to place) lawful, le- gal. θεσμοθέτης, -ov, b, (fr. last, and τίθημι to place) a lawgiver, law- maker, legislator, senator. θίσμος, -ov, b, (fr. τίθημι to place) a law, act, decree, statute. ; a rite, institution ; a pile of timber, heap of stones, &c. θεσμοφορεϊον, -ου, το, (fr. next) an offering or sacrifice to Ceres; the festival of Ceres. θεσμοφόρος, -ov, fj, (fr. $ίσμος law, and φορίω to bring) an epithet of Ceres, the lawgiver ; a legis- lator, senator. Qiao, §ίσθω, 2 a. impr. mid. of τίθημι. θεσπέσια, and Ion. θεσπεσίη, (viz. γνωιιη, d. sin. fern, ot next) front God, from heaven, by the divine will. θεσπέσιος, -a,-ov, (fr. &έσπις a pro- phet, wh. fr. θεός God, and έσπω, Poet, for ίπω to speak. Or fr. θεός God, and πίσω, obs. for πίπτω to fall) divine, heaven- ly ; prophetic, presaging, fore- boding ; wonderful, miraculous, admirable. θεσπΈδαής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and δαίω to burn, or δάημι to know) lighted from heaven, di- vinely inflamed, burning with heavenly fire. θεσπίζασα, Dor. for $εσπίσασα, η. fem. par. 1 a. act. of θεσπίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. next) to pro- phesy, foretell, presage ; to guess, divine. θέσπις, -ιος, Att. -εως, b, //, (fr. θεοί God, and ίπω to speak) a prophet, interpreter ; divinely in- spired, a poet; divine, admira- ble, wonderful. θίσπισμα, -ατός, το, (fr. θεσπίζω to divine) an oracle, response, pro phecy, divination. θεσπιωδίω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. &ίσπι inspired, and ωδη a song) to deliver oracles, prophesy, fore- tell. θεσσαλονικεύς, -ίος, Att. -εως, b, g pi. -λονικίων, a man of θεσσαλονίκη, -ης, η, Thessalonica, a town of Macedonia, previously Therma, now Salonichi. θέ*<ταν, Poet, for 3-ίσαν, wh. Ion. ΘΕΩ for έθεσαν, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. act. of τίθημι. θεστίης, -ov, b, Thesties, a man's name. θεστορίδης, -ov, b, a son of θίστωρ, -ορός, b, Thestor, a man's name. θίσφατον, -ov, το, (neut. of next) an oracle, divine response, pro- phetic answer, prophecy. θίσφατος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. θεό? God, and φημϊ to speak) divinely ut- tered, pronounced by heaven, ora- cular, prophetic; fatal, fated, destined, that is to be. θετίος, -a, -ov, (fr. τίθημι to place) to be placed or set, that must be put or arranged, &c. according to the verb. θετίκός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) positive, absolute, true; laid down, ad- mitted. θετικώς, (fr. last) positively, affir- matively, absolutely. θέτις, -ιδος, ή, Thetis, a female name. θέτο, Ion. for έθετο, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. mid. οι τίθημι. θετός, -η, -bv, (fr. τίθημι to set) set, placed, laid ; assumed, taken, adopted. θετταλία, -ας, η, Thessaly ; a coun- try in the north of Greece. θετταλοι, -ων, οι, natives of the last. θευ, Dor. for Sou, cont. fr. $έσο, 2 a. impr. mid. of τίθημι. θενγενϊς, -ίδος, %, by Cras. for θεο- γενϊς, (fr. θεός God, and γίνομαι to be born) born of a god. θεύγεσθαι, Cretan for $ίλγεσθαι, pres. inf. pass. ο($ίλγω. θενδας, -a, b, Dor. Theudas, a man's name. θενμερ$, Dor. and θενμερη, Att, for $ενμερε7, d. sin. of θενμερης, -ίος -ους, and θενμορος, -ov, ο, )'/, Dor. for $εομερής, and &εόμορος. θενσεαι, Ion. for $ενση, 2 sin. 1 f. mid. — θεύσεσθαι, 1 f. inf. mid. — θενσούμενος, Dor. for $ευσό- μενος, par. 1 f. mid. — θενσω, 1 f. ind. act. of $ίω, to run. θενχαρίλα, Dor. for θεοχαρίλα, -ας, >/, a woman's name. θεχέΐμ, Heb. indecl. peacocks. θίω, f. $εύσω, p. τίθενκα, to run, run about ; to race, strive in run- ning ; to succeed, follow in or- der ; to be set, ranged or placed in order. θέω, f. $ήσω, obs. whence τίθη- μι. θέωμεν, Ion. for 5-ωμεν, 1 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of τίθημι. θεώντων, g. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of θ•ε«ω. θεωρεία, and θεωρία, -ας, //, (fr. θεωρός a spectator) a look, sur- vey, observation; theory, specu- lation, meditation, study ; exa- mination, consideration ; a sight, spectacle. θεωρέΐν, inf. cont. — θεωρέ??, -ρεί, 2 and 3 sin. ind. — θεωρεΊτε, by Apos. -ρεϊτ', 2 pi. ind. or impr. ΘΗΕ — θεωροϋσι, 3 pi. ind. pres. act* cont. of θεωρίω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. τεθεώρηκα, (fr. θεωρός a spectator) to go to see, look on or at ; to behold, gaze % view with attention, contemplate ; to inspect, weigh, consider J to experience, perceive, feel. θεωρϊ, 3 sin. — θεωρητε, -ρωσι, 2 and 3 pi. cont: pres. sub. act. — θεωρησαι, 1 a. inf. act. — θεώρηση, 3 sin. -ρήσωσι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of last. θεώρημα, -ατός, το, (fr. same, th. θεωρός a spectator) a proposition, position, matter of speculation, theorem ; a rule, precept. θεωρητικός,• -η, -όν, (fr. last) spe- culative, contemplative; theoreti- cal. θεώρητος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) seen, beheld ; conspicuous^ remark- able. θεωρίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. θεωρός a spectator) to view, look on, be- hold, look at. θεωρικόν, -ου, το, (neut. of next) the theatrical fund, distributed among the citizens at Athens to go to see plays. θεωρ'ϊκός, -ου, b, fj, (fr. $εωρίζω to view) relating to the public sights or spectacles ; or to the fund for supporting them, at Athens; a spectator, actor or contributor to them. θεωρϊς, -ίδος, ή, (fr. same) a ship, sent annually with' commis- sioners from Athens to Delos ; a ship, vessel. θεωρός, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. $ίω to run, and bpάω to see) a specta- tor, looker on; an observer, be- holder, viewer; an inspector, commissioner, deputy. θιωρουντας, -ονντες, -ουντι, -ovv των, -ονσαι, cont. cases of θ-εω- ρίων -ρων, par. pres. act. ot θεωρίω. Θήβα, Dor. θήβη, d. sin. of θήβη. θηβαγενής,-ίος-ους, b, f), (fr. θήβη Thebes, and γίνομαι to be born) a Theban, coming or deriving from Thebes. θήβαζε, (fr. same, and -ζε to- wards) to Thebes. Θηβαίος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) The- ban. θήβη, -ης, η, Thebo, Eng. Thebes; the name of several ancient cities. θήβηθεν, (fr. same, and -θεν from) from Thebes. θήγανη, -ης, -η, (fr. 5-ήγω to whet) a whetstone; an incentive, mo- tive. θήγω, f. -ζω, p. τίθηχα, (perhaps fr. $οός swift, and άγω to drive) to sharpen, whet ; to provoke, move, instigate, abet, incite, ani- mate, actuate. 1 a. ind. act. ίθηξα. 1 a. mid. impr. $ήξαι, -άσθω. θηεΊσθαι, pres. inf. pass. cont. — θηέίτο, Ion. for εθηειτο, 3 sin. cont. impf. pass, of θηίομαι, Ion. for Γεύομαι. θηενμενος, Ion. and Dor. for θεώ• ΘΗΛ μένος, par. pres. pass. cont. — θηευντο, Dor. for εθεωντο, 3 pi. cont. impf. pass, of $εάομαι. θηήσαντο, Ion. fur εθηήσαντο, 3 pi. ] a. ind. mid. ΘηήσασΟαι, 1 a. inf. mid. θ($ηίομαι. Οηητός, -r), -bv, (fr. $ηέομαι, Ion. for &εάομαι to behold) same as &εατός. θήϊον,-ου, το, Ion. for^tov. θηκαΊος, -a, -ov, (fr. S -ήκη a case) intended for a case, encased, co- vered, enshrined ; used as a case, chest or repository, θηκάμενος, -η, -ov, par. of εθηκάμην, 1 a. ind. mid. οϊτίθημι. θήκαν, Ion. for έθηκαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. — θήκατο, Ion. for εθή- κατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. — θηκε, Ion. for έθηκε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of τίθημι. θήκη, -ης, f), (fr. τίθημι to place) a chest, case ; sheath, scabbard ; receptacle, repository; a grave, tomb, θήκιον, -ov, το, (dim. of last) a receptacle, repository, store; a sepulchre, tomb, grave, θηκτος, -η, -bv, (fr. S /,γω to whet) whetted, sharpened, θηλαζόντων, g. — θηλαζονσαις, d. fem. pi. par. pres. act. of θηλάζω, f. -άσω, p. τεθήλακα, (fr $ηλη the nipple) to milk, give or yield milk ; to suckle, nurse on the breast ; to suck, draw milk, θηλαίνω, f. -άνω, p. τεθτ}λαγκα (fr. same) to give the breast, suckle, give milk to. θηλαμώυ, -όνος, b, ή, (fr. same) a nurse ; a fosterer, breeder, sup- porter, guardian ; an attendant, θηλάσαντα, a. sin. ] a. par. act. of θηλάζω, or Dor. for $ηλήσαντα same of $ηλέω. θηλάσεια, -ας, -ε, 1 a. opt. JEol. of θηλάζω. θηλέα, and θηλέη, Ion. for $ήλεια, fem. of S -ήλνς. θηλέω, Ion. for S -αλέω. θήλεως, Att. for $ήλεος, g. sin. of $ηλνς. θηλή, -ης, >/, a nipple, teat; the ■breast; an excrescence, exube- rance; small rising or eminence, θηλητηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. last) a breed- er, rearer, feeder, keeper, θήλυ, -εος -ους, το, (neut. οΐ$ήλνς) woman, the female sex ; woman- ish disposition, female nature, habits of a woman ; the female part of the creation, θηλυγονία, -ας, »% (fr. $ηλυς fe- male, and γονή a generation) the maternal side, a female branch, θηλνδρίας, -ου, b, %, (fr. same, and δράω to act, or perhaps έδρα a seat) effeminate, delicate, femi- nine, womanish; sedentary, θηλϋώς, -η, -bv, (fr. same)/e?m*. nine, female, θηλυμάνης,-έος-ους, b, fi, (fr. same, and μαίνομαι to rave) mad with love for woman, θηλύνω, (fr. same) to grow effemi- nate, be delicate, play the wo- ,0 ο ΘΗΡ mar. ; to soften, melt into tueak- ntss, pre.-;, inf. mid. Ζηλννεσ- θαι. θηλνττονς, -οδός, b, ή, (fr. same, and πους a foot) delicate, effeminate. θηλυπρεπής, -ίος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and πρέπω to become) wo- manish, becoming women, femi- nine, fit or proper for women. θηλνς, -εια, -ν, or -εος -ους, b, fj, ('fr. &ηλή a nipple, or fr. $άλλω to bloom) female, feminine ; de- licate, soft, effeminate ; vegeta- tive, productive ; cherishing, fos- tering, rearing. Comp. δηλύτε- ρος. θηλντεραι, D. pi. fem. — θηλυτε- ράων, JRolSor $7]λντέρων,ν. pi. ol Οηλύτερος, -a,-ov, comp. Offcast. Οηλντόκος, -ου, b, η, (fr. &'ηλνς fe- male, and τίκτω to breed) pro- ducing females. θηλώ, -όος -ους, ή, (fr. same) a 7Lurse, fosterer, mother, dam. θήμελον, -ου, rb, same as §εμέλιον. θημών, -ωνος, b, (fr. τίθημι to place) aheap, accumulation; a hoards store ; a pile, mass, collec- tion. θημων'ια, -ας, fj, (fr. last) a heap, pile, mass, collection ; a hill, hillock ; a lump, knob. θην, -νος, b, same as $ft>. θην-, indeed, surely, truly. θήνιον, (fr. $άω to nourish) milk, or rather an epithet of it, nour- ishing, rearing, that strengthens. θηξάσθω, 3 sin. 1 a. impr. mid. of $ήγω. θηξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. $ήγω to whet) a point, dot ; a moment, instant; speed, swiftness, cele- rity, activity ; the cure of a wound by stitching. θηοΊο, 2 sin. pres. opt. pass, of 3-ηεομαι. θηττω, to wonder, be struck with amazement, wrapped in asto- nishment; to admire, gaze upon. θηρ, -ρος, b, _Έο1. Φ1)ρ, (perhaps fr. φθείρω to destroy. Or fr. $έω to run, paov with ease) a beast, wild animal, a beast of chase, game; a venomous crea -ι θηριόμαγος, -ου, b, f], (fr. same) ture ; a lion ; a centaur, monster. Adj. fierce, wild, savage, g. pi. $ηρων, d. &ηρσί. θήρα, -ας, >}, (fiv.last) the chase, hunting, sport; a snare, trap, pitfall; game, quarry. θήρα, -ας, η, the island Thera. θηράγονντες, -ων, ol, (fr. S -ήρα a beast, and άγω to lead) conduct- ors or keepers of beasts. θήραιον, -ου, το, viz. έπος, (neut. of θήραιος of the isle of Thera) an oracle or prophecy uttered there. θήραμα, -ατός, το, (fr. &ηράω to hunt th. S -ήρα game) a hunting, the chase; a catching, taking; game ; prey, booty ; a captive. θηραν, pres. inf. act. cont. — θ»?- ράομαι, pass, or mid. of $η- ράω. θηρατης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a hunt- er, huntsman ; a follower, imi- tator. (289) 01 ί Ρ ΟηρατΥκος, -η, -bv, (fr.saine) wild, of chase; hunting. θηράω -ω, f. -άσω, (fr. $ηρ a beast) to hunt, chase, pursue; to court, follow, imitate ; to ensnare, tre- pan, deceive; to grope. θήρευν, -ου, το, (fr. $ηρ a beast. Or fr. θήρα the island) a cloth or cloak spotted like a beast or ma- nufactured in Thera. θήρευε, pres. impr. act. — θηρεύειν, pics. inf. iict. Ion. θηρενίμεν. — θηρεύσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of θηρεύω. θήρενμα, -ατός, το, (fr. St /ρεύω to hunt, th. $ήρ a beast) same as $/,ραμ(>. θηρευτής, -ου, b, and θηρευτήρ, -ήρυς, b, (fr. same) see $ηρατής. θηρίυτϊκή, -ης, η, viz. τέχνη, (fem. of next) the chase, hunting, sport: the art of taking or destroying sewage beasts. θηρευτϊ^ς, -η, -bv, (fr.next) hunt- ing, sporting, belonging to the chase. θηρεύω, f. -ενσω, p. τεθήρευκα, (fr. $ήρ a wild beast) to hunt, chase, pursue vnld animals ; to follow after, aim at, desire; to lie in wait, ensnare, entrap ; to deceive, seduce. θήρη, -ης, η, Ion. for &ήρα. θηρητηρ, -ηρος, and θηρητώρ,-6ρος, Ό, (fr. &ηρ a wild beast) see ■&»;- ρατής. θηρίακά,-ων, τα, viz. φάρμακα, (fr. same) medicines to cure the bite of wild or poisonous creatures. θηριάκή, -ής, η, viz. αντ'ιδοτος, (fr. same) treacle, a medicine to counteract poisons, antidote. θηριάλωτος,-ου, b, fj, (fr. same, and άλίοκω to catch) taken, caught or destroyed by wild beasts. θηριόβρωτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and βρώσκω to eat) devoured by wild beasts. θηριομάχεω -ω, (fr. same, and μά- χομαι to fight) to fight with beasts, be a gladiator; to have to coiilend with violent or cruel men. 1 a. ind. act. εθηριομάχησα. one who fights with wild beasts, a gladiator. θηρίον, -ου, rb, dim. of θτ)ρ a wild beast, which see. θήριος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) vnld, savage, of the chase; untamed, unreclaimed. θηριόω -ω, (fr. last) to turn into a wild state, brutalize, become sa- vage ; to enrage, provoke, irritate. θηριωδέστατος, sup. of θηριώδης, -εος -ους, b, ή, (fr. $ηρίον a wild beast) wild, savage, fierce; desert, frequented by wild crea- tures ; not tame, for the chase. θηριωδώς, (fr. last) wildly, savage- ly, fiercely, like a beast. θηροφόνη, -ης, fj, (fr. $ηρ a beast, and ώένω to kill) a slaughter of beasts, hunting match, chase. θηρώμ'ενος,-η, -ov, pass. — θηρων^ act. par. pres. of $ηράω. θήρωον, for το ηρωον. . ΘΙΑ Bftsi -ντδς, b, a hired servant, la- bourer, hireling, domestic, θησαι, 1 a. inf. act. — θήσατο, Ion. for εθήσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of $άω. Or by Sync, for &ηλάσαι and $ηλάσατο, same of θηλάζω. θησαίατο, Ion. for §εάσαιντο, 3 pi. 1 a. opt. mid. of Γεύομαι. θησαυρίζειν, pres. inf. act. — θη-„ σανρίζεις, 2 sin. pres. ind. act. — θησαυρίζετε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. act. — θησαυρίζων, par. pres. act. of θησαυρίζω, f. -Υσω, p. τεΟησαύρικα, (fr. θησαυρός treasure) to lay up treasures, amass wealth ; to trea- sure, store ; to reserve, lay by ; to collect, accumulate, per. pass. τεθησαύρισμαι. θησαύρισμα, -ατός, το, fr. and same as next. θησαυρός, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. τ'ι θημι to lay by, εις αυριον foi- io-morrow) a repository, store- house, treasury; a chest, box, cabinet; treasure, store, riches laid up. θησαυροφύλαξ, -ακος, δ, fj, (fr. last, and φυλάσσω to keep) a trea- surer, storekeeper. Θησέα, a. sin. of θησεύς, -ίος, δ, a man's name. θήσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. — θή- σειν, and Dor. θησίμεν, 1 f. inf. act. — θησεύμεσθα, Dor. and JEol. ΐοτδησόμεθα, 1 pi. If. ind. mid. οΐτίθημι. θησθαι, Ion. for δάσθαι, pres. inf. mid. cont. of-9 -άω. Or by Sync. for δηλάζεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. of θηλάζω. θήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. — θήσοντι, Dor. for δήσουσι, 3 pi. If. ind. act. οΐτίθημι. θησσα and θηττα, -ης, 'ι, (fern, of $ής a hireling) a hired woman servant. θήσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of τί- θημί. θητα, a. sin. οΐ&ής. θητεία, -ας, #, (fr. S -ης a labourer) service, servitude; labour, work for Jdre. θητεύω, f. -εύσω, {fr. same) to serve, work for hire. θητϊκός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) mer- cenary, done for hire; working for wages, laborious. θιαγών, -όνος, b, a kind of bread prepared as an offering. θιάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. next) to lead the dance, dance. θίασος, -ου, b, (fr. S -εΊος divine, and άδω to sing. Or fr. $εάς Cret and iEol. for δέος a god) a com- pany or troop of dancers, as- sembly for idolatrous purposes ; a choir of bacchanals, frantic crew a revel rout, riotous celebration a group, party, company, assem blage, club. ©Υασωται, -ων, ol, (fr. last) dancers and singers, bacchanals; per- sons assembled for idolatrous celebration ; boon companions, jolly fellows, bonvivans, ΘΝΑ θίβη, -ης, ή, a little basket or box of twigs. θιβρος, a, -bv, roasted in the ashes ; soft, tender, delicate ; venerable, awful, revered. θιγεΐν, pres. inf. act. — θιγέμεν, Ion. for same — θίγης, -γη, 2 and 3 sin. pres. sub. act. — θί- γοισα, Dor. for Ριγούσα, fem. sin. par. pres. act. — θίγον,Όοι: for S -ίγε, pres. impr. act. of θίγω or θιγγάνω f. 9ίξω, p. τέθικα, to touch, handle; to touch at, come to, arrive at ; to strike, hurt. 1 a. ind. act. έθιξα' 2 a. ind. act. έθΥγον. θίξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) a touch ; the touch, feeling. θιν or θϊί, -ινος, Ό or >/, a pile or heap of grain; any heap ; a hil- lock, hill; banks, shore, beach, strand. 1v, Apos. ϊοχ^ΐνα, a. sin. of last. ΘΊος, -ου, δ, Cretan for δεός. Θιττόβρωτος, -ου, δ, η, (as if for δρι- πόβρωτος, fr. δρΐψ a worm, and βρώσκω to eat) worm-eaten, de- cayed, bad, worthless, vile. θισπόω -ω, (perhaps fr. δέσττις a diviner) to conjecture, divine, guess, judge. θλαδίας and θλασίας, -ου, b, (fr. δλάω to bruise) a eunuch ; pro- perly one whose testicles have been compressed or bruised, not castrated. θλάσμα, -άτος, το, (fr. -S -λάω to bruise) a crack, breaking; a breach, fracture, rent ; a bruise, dash, collision, striking together. θλάσπι, -ιος, το, an herb, wild senna. θλάσσε, Poet, and Ion. for έθλασε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of θλάω, f. -ασω, p. -ακα, to break, crack, rend, tear ; to dash, strike together ; to bruise, pound. θλιβίας, -ου, b, (fr. next) same as δλαδίας. θλιβόμεθα, 1 pi. pres. ind. pass. — θλιβόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. — θλιβοϋσι, d. pi. par. pres. act. of θλίβω, f. -ψω, p. τέθλιφα, iEol. Φλίγω, to press, sink, weighdown, crush ; to oppress, weaken, bring doion ; to grieve, afflict, trouble ; to bruise, pound, stamp ; to strike, hit, dash, knock; to squeeze, throng, crowd; to straiten, con- fine, per. pass. ind. τέθλιμμαι• par. τεθλιμμένος. θλίβωσιν, 3 pi. pres. sub. act. of last. θλίμμος, -ου, b, (fr. same) same as δλίψις. θλίψει, d. — θλίψεις, pi. — θλίψε- σι or -σιν, d. pi. — θλίψεων, g. pi. — θλίψεως, g. sin. of θλίψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, fj, (fr. θ-λί- βω to press) oppression, persecu- tion, cruelty, severity ; trouble, sorrow, grief, adversity, affliction ; tribulation ; anguish, distress, anxiety, a. sin. δλίψιν. θνάσκω, θνάσκομεν, Dor. for S -νήσ- κω, δνήσκομεν. (290) ΘΟΛ θνατα, neut. pi. of $νατ6ς, Dor. for θνητός. θνάω, obs. whence τέθνημι, and some tenses of δνήσκω. θνήξομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. of δνήσκω. θνησιμαΊον,-ου, το, (neut. of next) a dead thing, corpse, carcass, carrion. θνησιμαΊος, -α, -ov, (fr. δντ/σκω to die) dead; deadly. θνήσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) death, mortality. θνήσκον, -ες, -ε, in 1 pi. δνήσκομεν, Poet, for έθνησκον, impf. act. — θνήσκοντες, η. pi. par. pres. act. of θνήσκω, f. §νήζω, p. τέθνηκα, to die, fall, perish, expire, pper. act. ετεθνήκειν. 2 a. ind. act-, έθάνον, (as if fr. δείνω to strike) 1 f. mid. δνήξομαι. 2 f. mid. Savov- μαι. per. mid. ind. τέθναα' inf. - τεθναναι, cont. for τεθναέναι. θνητογαμία, -ας, η, (fr. θνητός mor- tal, and γάμος a wedding) the marriage of a mortal with a di- vinity, a human wedding with a deity. θνητοΐο, g. Ion. • — θητοΊσι, d. pi. Poet. — θνητών, g. pi. of θνητός. θνητον, -ου, το, (neut. of next) mortality. θνητός, -η, -bv, (fr. δνήσκω to die) dyi?ig, perishable ; mortal, hu- man, subject to death. θοάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. $οος quick) to move quickly or with activity ; to spring into a seat, mount ; to sit } . be seated. θοησι, Ion. for δοαΐς, d. pi. fem. of $οός. θοιμάτιον, Att. for το Ιμάτιον, wh. see. θοίμην, -οίο, -οΐτο, Poet, for δε'ιμην, -έϊο, -εΧτο, 2 a. opt. mid of τί- θημι. θοινάω -ω, f. -ήσω, ρ. -ηκα, (fr. next) to feast, revel, banquet ; to feed, eat up, devour. θοίνη, -ης, ή, (perhaps fr. δύω to sacrifice, and οΊνος wine) a sa- crifice, solemn feast ; a meal ; food, victuals. θυινητΈκος and θοινητος, -η, -bv, (fr. last) feasting, revelling, re- galing ; attendant or belonging to entertainments. θοινίζω, (fr. same) to entertain, treat, receive hospitably. θοΤτο, 3 sin. ο($οίμην. θολάω -ω, f. -ασω and -ήσω, same as 3-ολόω. θολερος, -ά, -δν ? (fr. 5-ολος dirt) dirty, filthy, miry ; foul, impure, sordid ; turbid, muddy. θολερως, (fr. last) foully, dirtily muddily ; irregularly,, awkward- ly• θολία, -ας, η, (fr. δόλος a dome) a pointed cap, high-crowned hat ; a bonnet, shade. θολός, -ου, δ, dirt, filth, foulness^ nastiness ; ordure ; lees, dregs, sediment ; the juice of the cuttle fish, ink ; an out-house, scullery. θολός, -ή, -bv, (the last adjective» ΘΟΩ ly) dirty, foul, soiled ; muddy, turbid. Βόλος, -ου, b, and η, the centre or keystone of a vaulted roof or dome ; such a roof., dome, cu- pola ; a roof, pointed co venng. QoXovvra, a. sin. par. pres. act. cont. of Qo\6b) -ω, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, (fr. &ολος dirt) to make turbid or muddy by disturbing the sedi- ment or mud ; to soil, foul, dirty; to disorder, agitate, con- found, embroil, θούς, -a, -bv, (perhaps fr. &έω to run) swift, speedy, feet, quick, rapid; nimble; active, vigor- ous. Οδρε, Ion. for έθορε, 2. sin. 2 a. ind. act. of θορέω -ω, or §6ρω, which see. θορή, -ης, >;, see $ορός. θορνύω, and θόρνϋμι, (fr. &ορή sperm, and ορνύω to excite) to feel the sexual desire, copulate, θόρον, -ες, -ε τ Ion. for έθορον, 2 a. ind. act. of $όρω. θόρος, -ου, b, and θορη, -ης, ' h (fr. $όρω to spring) sperm, seed ; co- pulation. ?θορυβεΊσθε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. mid. — θορυβούμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, cont θο- ρυβευσι, Dor. for %ρυβοΰσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. cont. of θορυβέω -ώ, f. ->;σω,ρ. τεθορύβη, (fr. θόρυβος a tumult) to make a tumult, cause an uproar, dis- turb, confuse, embroil ; to muti ny, rebel ; to bewail, make noisy lamentations; to vociferate; to distract; interrupt, impf. act εθορύβεον -ovv. θορυβήσω, -ης, -η, la. sub. act. of last, θόρυβος, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. &ροος a din, and βοή a shout) uproar, noise, tumult, confusion, dis- turbance ; riot, mutiny, sedition ; a tumultuous crowd, rabble, mob ; a noisy assemblage lamenting the dead, θορυβουντες, η. pi. mas. cont. par. pres. act. of θορυβέω. θόρω or θορέω, (perhaps fr. $έω to run, pqov quickly) to leap, jump, spring ; to dart forth, rush. par. pres. act. 3-όρων, 2 a. ind. act. έθορον, and Ion. 3-όρον. θο~ι or $έσο, &έσθω, 2 a. impr. mid. of τίθημι. Θουκυδίδης, -ου, b, Thucydides, a man's name. θοΐρις, -ίδος, %, it is used for the fern, of Λούρος, θουρος, and θούριος, -ου, b, η, (fr. &6ρω to leap) impetuous, violent, furious, fierce; valiant, brave, courageous. Subs, an assailant, θονρος, -ου, b, Thurus, a man's name. θόωκος, -ου, b, Poet, for $ΰκος, same as $άκος. θόων, -ωνος, b, Thoon, a man's same. a. θόωνα. θοως, (fr. $ ος quick) swiftly, speedily; nimbly, actively. : ΘΡΑ θοώτης, -ητος, b, Thootes, a man's name. Θράκη, -ης, η, Lat. Thracia, Eng. Thrace, a country of Greece. θράκιος, θραίκιος, and Ion. θρηί- κιος, -a, -ov, (fr. θραξ a Thra- cian) Thracian, of Thrace θράκιστι, (fr. same) like a Thra- cian. θράμις, a ram θράνος, -ου, b, (fr. $ράω to sit) a seat, bench, chair. θραξ, -ακος, and Poet, θριιξ, -ηκυς, in fern, θρήϊσσα, a Thracian. θρασέΐα, fem. of %?ρασύς. θρασέως, (fr. $ρασύς bold) boldly, undauntedly, resolutely, courage- ously, valiantly, θράσος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. same) Metath. for $άρσος. θράσσα or -ττα, see θρήϊσσα. ~ >άσσω, (used Poet, for ταράσσω) to disturb, agitate ; to perplex, disquiet; to break, bruise, θρασυγνιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. S -ρασυς stout, and γυΊον a limb) well- limbed, stout-made, lusty. <ασυκάρδιος, -ου, b,f;, (fr. same, and καρδία the heart) bold-heart- ed, courageous, magnanimous, generous. θρασυμάχαν,Όοτ. for θρασνμαχων, g. pi. of §ρασνμάχος. θρασυμάχάνος, -ου, b, f], Poet, and Dor. for §ρασνμήχανος, θρασυμάχης, -εος -ους, b, ^, (fr. &ρασνς bold, and μάχομαι to fight) bold in fight, daring in the field, valiant, θρασύμάχος, - ov, b, η, same as last. Also, Thrasymachus, a man's name. θρασυμέμνονα, a. sin. of θρασυμέμνων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. &ρασυς bold, and μίμνω or μένω to wait. Or fr. same, and μέμνωφ mind- ful) standing stoutly, intrepid, valiant, θρασνμήδεα, a, sin. of θρασυμήδης, -εος -ονς, b, Thrasy- medes, a man's name. θρασυμήχανος, -ου, b, >/, (fr. $ρασυς bold, and μηχανή an invention) a bold contriver, inventor of stratagems, daring in plots, sub- tle, θρασύνω, (fr. same) to embolden, encourage, a?dmate, incite, θρα- σύνομαι, to take courage, be con- fident ; to speak boldly, θρασύπονος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πόνος toil) hardy, laborious, θράσύς, -εΐα, -ν, bold, resolute; confident, presumptuous ; dar- ing, venturous, courageous ; har- dy. θρασυστομέω -ω, (fr. next) to speak boldly ΘΡΗ θρασύστομος, -ου, b, η, {fr.'S -ρασνς bold, and στόμα the mouth) bold in speech, audacious, boast- ing. θρασύτης, -ητος, η, (fr. $ρασνς bold) boldness, confidence; presump- tion, audacity. θρανσις,-ιος, Att. -εως,ή, (fr. 3ρανω to break) a breach, breaking, (29!) fracture; a plague, ruin, de- struction, θραύσμα, -ατός, rb, (fr. same) same as last. θραυστος, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) brittle, frail, fragile ; broken, θραύω, f. -αύσω, p. τέΟραυκα, to break , snap, crack; to bruise, crush; to strike, hit, smite, wound. 1 a. ind. act. έθραυσα. per. pass, τέθραυσμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, εθραύσθην. 1 f. ind. pass. $ραυσθήσομαι. θράω -ώ, f. -ήσω, to sit, be seated, θρέϊσσα, Dor. for θρήϊσσα, fem. of θρήϊξ. Also, θρανσα, and θρατ- τα. θρέμμα, -άτος, το, (fr. τρέφω to rear) cattle, beasts of pasture, brood ; offspring, progeny, pi. ■θρέμματα, θρεμματροφέω -ω, (fr. last, and τρέ- φω to rear) to breed cattle; to rear, tend or keep beasts of pas- ture, θρέξασκον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of θρεξάσκω, (Ion. or Poet, for τρέ- χω) to run about, run up and down ; to dance, skip. >έξω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of same. θρεοκάρδιος, -ov, b, (fr. $ρέω to falter, and- καρδία the heart) trembling at heart, fearful, heart- less, despairing. θρέτττα, and θρέπτρα, -ων, τα, Sync, for $ρεπτήρια. ιε-τήρια, -ων, τα, (fr. same) a return for the care of education, the reward of rearing, wages of nursing. θρετττος, -ή, -bv, (fr. τρέφω to rear) fattened, fed, stalled; reared, bred, nursed, educated. θρέπτρια, -ας, ή, (fr. same) anurse* θρέφθη, Ion. for εθρέφθη, 3 sin. of εθρέφθην, which for ετρέφθην, 1 a. ind. pass, of τρέφω. θρέψαι, 1 a. inf. act θρεψαΐμην, -αιο, -αιτο, 1 a. opt. mid. — θι,ε- ψάμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. — θρέψας, -άσα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. — θρέψε, Ion. for έθρεψε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — θρέψον, -άτω, 1 a. impr. act. — θρέψω, -ης, -τ), 1 a. sub. act. οι τρέφω. θρέω or θρέομαι, to speak boisterous- ly, shoul^ clamour ; to falter, stammer, hesitate; to bewail, mourn clamorously ; to cry out, shriek. θρηίκιος, -a, -ov, Ion. for θραίκιος or θράκιος. θρήϊξ, -ϊκος, Ion. and θριιξ, -ηώς. Poet, for θράξ. θρήϊσσα, -ας, η, the fem, of θρήϊξ, a Thracian woman. θρήκη, -ης, ί„ same as Θράκη, Thrace, a region of Greece. θρήκηθεν, (fr. last, and θεν from a place) from Thrace. θρηκων, g. pi. οϊθρηξ or θρήϊξ, for 'θρό*. θρήνει, 3 sin. pres. ind. or 2 sin. pres. impr. act. — θρηνήσετε, 2 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of θρηνέω -ω, f. -^σα-,ρ. τεθρήνηκα,(&. ΘΡΙ &ρηνος a dirge) to wail, bewail, lament audibly, sing dirges, ut- ter cries for the dead. impf. act. j εθρήνεον -ουν. 1 a. act. ind. εθρή- νησα' impr. δρήνησον, -άτω. per, pass. ind. τεθρήνημαι. 1 f. pass. &ρηνηθήσομαι. 1 a. ind. mid εΟρηνησάμην. θρήνος, -ου, b, (fr. d -ρίω to shriek Or perhaps fr. $ραύω to break, and νόος the mind or heart) mourning, wailing, lamentation ; clapping of hands, beating the breast; a dirge, cry for the dead, θρηνουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of $ρηνέω. θρήννς, -ϋος, b, (fr. 3-ράω to sit) α footstool, stool ; the steersman or pilot's station, θρηνώδης, -εος -ονς, ό,η, (fr. &ρηνος lamentation, and ωδη a song) inclined to grieve, plaintive, querulous ; mournful, lamenta- ble, sad. θρησκεία, -ας, ^, (fr. $ρησκεύω to 'worship) religion, worship, di- vine service; superstition, false religion, θρησκεύω, f. -εύσω, (perhaps fr, &εbς god, and αρέσκω to please, Or fr. θρϊ)ξ the Thracian Or- pheus) to worship superstitiously, adore, revere, venerate, θρήσκος, -ου, b, f), (fr. last) super- stitious, scrupulous in divine ser- vice ; religious, pious, devout ; t worshipper, θρήττανον,-ου, rb, thebody of acart, &c. where the load is packed. Qpial, -ων, α'ι, pebbles, counters or dice, used to throw into a pitch- er to tell fortunes. θριαμβενοντι, d. sin. par. pres. act. — θριαμβενσας, par. la. act. of θριαμβεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. θρίαμβος a triumph) to triumph, rejoice, exult ; to lead in triumph ; make to triumph, θριαμβικός, -η, -ov, (fr. same) tri- umphal, triumphant, θρίαμβος, -ου, b, (fr. $piov a fig- branch, and εμβαίνω to walk. But more probably from the Latin, triumphus, a triumph) a triumph, celebration of vic- tory, θριγκος or θριγχος, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. $ρϊξ the hair) a battlement, pinnacle; the eaves; a coping, cornice; a rampart, bulwark, mound; a fence, enclosure; a building, edifice, temple, θρίδαξ, -ακος, η, lettuce, θριμμος, -ου, b, (from the sound) a murmur, buzz, sound, noise, roaring of the sea, whistling of the wind, &c. θρίναξ or Τρίναξ, -ακος, b, the hop- per of a mill ; a fan to winnow grain ; a three pronged fork, θρϊζ, τρίχος, η, a hair, the hair ; the beard; a bristle; wool, nap, down. d. pi. 3-ριξΙ or -ξίν. θρίον, -ου, το, a fig-leaf, branch of a fig-tree. Ορίος -ov, b, a. sable, haher, spring ΘΤΑ on a cable, when waiting for a wind or sudden orders. \ο\ι, -ιπος, //, (fr. τρίβω to gnaw) a worm which breeds in, and consumes timber. θροείσθε, 2 pi. cont. pres. ind. or impr. of θροέω -ω, f. -ήσω, ρ. τεθρόηκα, (fr. &ρόος clamour) to cry tumultu- ously, shout, clamour ; to put into confusion, disturb, agitate, terrify ; to exclaim, utter, θροηθηναι, inf. — θροηθέις, -εισα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass, of last. θρομβόομαι -ουμαι, (fr. next) to swell, rise in bumps ; to clot, co- agutktf. pres. inf. mid. &ρομβό- εσθαι -ουσθαι, par. 1 a. pass. $ρομβωθεις, -είσα, -εν. θρόμβος, -ου, b, (fr. τρέψω to feed) a bump, swelling; a clot of blood ; a coagulation, gathering, θρονίζω, f. -"ϊσω, (fr. θρόνος a throne) to enthrone, θρονίζομαι, to sit on a throne, be enthroned, θρδνον, -ου, rb, a flower, blossom, bloom; paint, rouge, artificial complexion ; a rose, θρόνος, -ου, b, a throne, chair of state, seat of judgment ; dignity, majesty, royalty, θρόος §ρους, -όου -ου, b, (fr. &ρέω to shriek) clamour, din, tumult ; rumour, report, fame ; an excla- mation, voice, sound, θρυαλλιδίον, -ου, rb, (dim. of next) a little wick, snuff" of a candle, θρυαλλις, -"ϊδος, ή, a wick ; an herb of which wicks were made. θρυγανάω -ω, to rub, chafe ; to scrape, scrub, scratch; to rap, knock. θ,ουλί'ω, and θρυλλέω -ω, same as &ρυλλίζω. θρύλλημα, -ατός, το, (fr. θρυλλέω to murmur) a murmur, soft noise, whisper, θρυλλίξω, and θρυλλίσσω, (fr. θ-ρύλλοϊ a murmur) to murmur, buzz, mutter, whisper ; to bruise, break, crush ; to disturb, make confusion, θρύλλος, -ov, b, murmur, hum of voices, confused sound; a whis- per ; tumultuous noise, clamour, din. mutinous cry, vociferation ; a rumour, report, θρύμμα, -ατός, rb, (fr. §ρύπτω to break) a piece, fragment, scrap. wov. -ov, rb, a rush, bulrush, flag, reed ; the herb white mul- lein. •υπτύμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of θρνπτω, f. -ψω, p. τέθρνφα, to break, snap ; to bruise, crush ; to crum- ble, grind, pound, powder; to weaken, enfeeble, relax, enervate, effeminate, indulge. 2 f. act. τρύφω. per. pass. τέΟρυμμαι. θρώσκω, to leap, bound, leap upon ; to spring, rise up. θρωσμος, -ου, b, (fr. last) a rising ground, hill, eminence, θύα, ~ας, η, (fr. 5υω to perfume) an odoriferous tree. ; the wild cy- press. (292) ΘΧΗ θυάζω, (fr. $νάς a bacchanal) to celebrate orgies, revel, riot, θυαϊ, -ων, οι, (fr. &νω to sacrifice) diviners, who conjectured from victims. θνάπαξ, -άγος, b, (as Ίΐ$νάρπαζ, fr. θ-ύω to dedicate, and αρπάζω to plunder) a robber of holy things. Adj. sacrilegious, θύαρος, -ov, b, darnel, tares, θϋάς, θυιάς, and θυϊάί, -άδος, %, (perhaps fr. $ύω to sacrifice) a bacchanal, mad devotee. Also adj. solemn, awful, θύασος, for θίασος, θυάτειρα, -α, ή, Thyatira, name of a city. θυάω -ω, (fr. $ύω to rush) to come or go into, enter, θνγατερ, v. sin. — θνγατέρα, -τέρας, -τέρες, -τέρων, other cases of θυγατηρ, -ερος, Poet. ; but -arpbg always in prose, fj, a daugh- ter, θυγατρί, A. — θνγατρος, g. by Sync, of last. θνγατρίδεος -ους, -ίου -ov, b, (fr. same) a maternal grandson, grandson by the mother's side, daughter's son. θνγατρίον,-ου, το, (dim. of same) a dear little daughter, θύε, Ion. for έθυε, 3 sin. impf. act. — θύει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — θνειν, act. — θύεσθαι, pass. pres. inf. of &νω. θυεεσσι, Poet, for $ύεσι, d. pi. of S -ύος. θυεία, -ας, η, a mortar, pestle, θύελλα, -ης, η, (fr. &νω to rage, and ε'ιλέω to gather. Or fr. same, and άελλα a storm) a whirl- wind, storm, tempest, hurricane, tornado, θνελλοφορεω -ω, (fr. last, and φορέω to carry) to carry with violence, sweep all away, drive all before it. θνελλοφορέομαι -ουμαι, to rush violently, pass like a whilwind. θνεσσι, Poet, for $νεσι, d. pi. of $νος. θύεστ Apos. for θύεστα, which Poet, for θνέστης, -ov, b, Thy- estes, a man's name. θνέτω, 3 sin. pres. impr. act. of •S -ύω. θνήεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. $νος incense) aromatic, odorous, fragrant, per- fumed ; holy, consecrated, θυηκόος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and κέω to burn) burning incense, sacrificing; religious, devout, θυηλά or θυηλη, -ης, ή, (fr. θ-ύω to sacrifice) soothsaying, a divina- tion, omen ; the first offering, a libation, θνηπολεω -ω, f. "ήσω, (fr. $ύος an offering, and πολέω to be em- ployed) to make an offering, sa- crifice, θνηπόλος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) offer- ing, sacrificing, employed about the aliar ; Subs, a priest, sooth- sayer, diviner, θνηφαγος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and φάγω to eat) devouring the sacri- fice, consuming the victim. ΘΤΜ Qvias, -άδος, ή, Thyias, a priestess of Bacchus, θύϊνος, -η, -ov, (fr. Sva the wild cypress) of cypress. θνΐσκη, -ης, ή, (fr. $νω to burn in- cense) a censer, pan to burn in- cense ; a mortar. θυκυς, -οΰ, δ, (fr. same) a vessel, pan, dish. θυλάκων, -ου, tu, θυλακίσκος, θν• λάκος, -ου, δ, and θνλαξ, -ακος, δ a bag, sack, scrip ; a husk, pod, shell, hull, peel; dress for the legs, trousers. θυλακυτρώξ, -ωγος. b, (fr. last, and τρώγω to gnaw) sack-eater, mouse, locust, or other creature that gnaws things. θύλαξ, -ακος, b, see $νλάκιον θύλημα, -ατός, τδ, (fr. $φ> to sa- crifice) the first offering of flow sprinkled with wine and oil. θύμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. $ύω to sacri- fice) incense, perfume; an offer- ing, sacrifice, victim. θνμαίνω, f. -άνω, (fr. &υμος anger) to be angry, resent; to rage, be violent. 1 a. act. ind. εθύμηνα par. $υμήνας. θυμαλγέα, a. sin. or neut. pi. of θνμαλγης, -έος-ους, b, 17, (fr. §νμδς the mind, and αλγέω to grieve) heart rending, afflicting, corrod- ing, grievous. θνμάλωψ, -ωττος, b, (fr. τύφω to burn) a torch, firebrand. θυμάρια, a. sin. or neut. pi. of §υμαρής. θυμαρέω -ω, f. -ήσΐύ, (fr. 3νμος the mind, and άρω to fit) to please, gratify, indulge, conciliate. θυμαρης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same) agreeable, grateful, pleasing, con- ciliating. θύμβρα, -ας, η, (perhaps fr. S -ύω to perfume) the herb savory. θυμβρεάς,-ου, b, !/, (fr. next) of the Tiber, Tiberine, Roman. θύμβρις,-'ίδος,η, Lat. Tibris, Eng. Tiber, a river in Italy. θυμβροφάγος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. &νμβρα savory, and φάγω to eat) living on herbs, feeding on vegetables ; abstemious, sparing, frugal. θυμέλη, -ης, η, (fr. •&ΰω to sacrifice) an altar ; the altar of Bacchus in the front of the Grecian stage ; the meal or cake offered : a pulpit, stand, scene, stage ; a theatre. θυμεΧϊκος, -η, -bv, (fr. last) belong- ing to the stage, pertaining to the theatre; playing, representing. θυμέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. $υμος anger) to make angry, provoke, enrage, irritate, θυμέομαι -ονμαι, to be angry, rage, fret. impf. act. εθύμεον -ουν. 1 f. Γαιά.&υμήσομαί. θνμηγερεω -ω, (fr. same, and αγιί- ρω to collect) to recollect, recover, gain spirit, take resolution. θυμηδέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and ηδομαι to delight) to be cheerful, joyful, be glad, rejoice. θυμηδης,-έος -ους, ό,η,(ιΐ. same) agreeable to the mind, plea-sing, gratifying. ΘΤΜ θύμημα, -ατός, τό, (fr. $νμέω to provoke, th. $νμος anger) emo- tion, passion, rage, anger; thought, fancy, fiction. θνμήνας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. of Κυμαίνω. θυμήρης, -εος -ους, b, η, same as $υμαρής. θυμιάζω, f. -άσω, ρ. τεθυμίακα same as $υμιάω. per. ind. pass τεθυμίαμαι. θυμίαμα, and θνμίασμα } -ατός, τό, (fr. &νμιάω to burn mcense, th. $ύμα mcense) incense, odorous matters burned, perfume, aroma- tics ; fumigation, scent raised by fire. pi. θυμιάματα, g. $νμιαμά των. θυμιατήριον, -ου, το, (fr. last, and τηρεω to keep) a censer, pan to burn aromatics, perfume, fumi galion; an altar, altar for in cense. θνμιασαι, 1 a. inf. act. of θυμιάω -ω, (fr. $ύμα incense) to burn incense, cause a perfume by burning aromatics, fumi- gate. θνμιηται, Ion. for $νμιάται, 3 sin, pres. ind. mid. cont. of last. θνμοβορέω -ω, (fr. §υμος the mind and βορά- food) to consume or prey upon the mind ; to grieve, fret, gnaw ; to mourn. θυμοβδρος, -ov, b, η, (fr.same) heart- wounding, preying on the mind, corroding, distressing, vexatious. θυμοδακης, -εος -ους, b, ^,(fr. same, and δάκνω to gnaw) gnawing the mind, fretting, corroding, grievous, vexatious. θνμοειδης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and εϊδος likeness) angry, irrita- ble, passionate, violent, furious. θνμοειδως,(&. last) violently, fierce- ly, furiously. θνμολέων, -όντως, b, η, (fr. S -νμος spirit, and λέων a lion) lion- hearted, magnanimous, generous, brave, a. sin. 3-νμολέοντα. θνμομαχέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. τεθνμο- μάχηκα, (fr. same, and μάχομαι to fight) to fight with all the mind, oppose with all the heart ; be highly displeased, violently in- censed ; to be obstinately bent on war. par. pres. act. §υμομαχέων -ων. θυμοξάλμη,-ης, ;% (fr. $νμος thyme, and οξάλμη pickle) aviixlure of thyme bruised in vinegar with salt, aromatic pickle. υμόπλη&ης, -εος -ους , δ, '/, (fr. •$«- μσς the mind, and ττλήθω to fill) filling the mind, violent, vehe- ment. θυμοραιστης, and Pcet. -ραϊστης, also θνμορραιστης, -ov, Ό, ft, (fr. same, and ραίω to destroy) de- stroying, destructive, heart break- ing, overwhelming. θυμός, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. θύω to move violently) breath, soul, mind, heart, life; movement, im- pulse, inclination, appetite ; af- fection, disposition; emotion, pas- ston, anger, vrath ; cox^rasc^ £293') ΘΤΓ spirit, determination, resolution; poison, philtre, love-dose. θύμος, b, and θύμον, -ου, τό, (fr. &ύω to perfume) thyme; a wild onion. θνμούμενος, par. pres. pass. cont. of νυμόω. θυμοφθόρος, -ου, b,i h (fr. $νμδς the mind, and φθείρω to spoil) dis- heartening, dispiriting ; ener- vating, weakening; destructive, deadly. θυμόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. τεθύμωκα, (fr. same) to provoke to anger, en- rage, irritate; to rouse, move, excite, θυμόομαι -ονμαι, to be angry, rage, burn with fury. par. pres. pass. §υμοόμενος -ού- μενος. per. ind. pass, τεθύμωμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, εθνμώθην. 1 f. ind. pass. $υμωθήσομαι. θνμώδης, -εος -ους, b, }j, (fr. same) irritable, irascible, inclined to an- ger, passionate, impetuous; spi- rited, courageous. θυμώθη, Ion. for εθυμώθη, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. pass. — θυμωθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass. — θνμωθεις, -εΐσα, -iv, par. 1 a. pass, of $υμόω. θύνε, Ion. for έΟυνε, 3 gin. impf. act. Or, it may be 2 sin. impr. act. of §ϋνω, same as £υω. θύννος, -ου, b, also θνννάς, -άδος, θνννα, θύννη, and θύνή, -ης, ή, the tunny fish. θνννώδης, -εος, b, ή, (fr. last) like a tunny, stupid, foolish, silly. θννοντ, Apos. for §ύνοντά, a. sin. par. pres. act. of θύνω, same, as &ύω. θνόεις, -εσσα, -εν,(&.$ύος perfume) odorous, fragrant, sweet smelling. θύοισα, Dor. for §ύονσα, fern. — θνον, neut. par. pres. act. — θύοντι, Dor. for $ύουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of $ύω. θνος, -εος -ους, τό, (fr. $υω to sa- crifice) incense, perfumes or aro- matics burned; an offering, vic- tim, sacrifice; odour, perfume, savour. θυοσκόος, -ου, b, (fr. &ύος an offer- ing, and κοέω, Ion. for νοέω to understand ; or καίω to burn) and θνοσκό-ος, -ov, b, (fr. same, and σκέπτομαι to consider) an augur who divines from the inspec- tion of burnt offerings, sooth- sayer. θυόω, f. -ώσω, p. τεθύωκα τ (fr. $νσς incense) to perfume, sprinkle with odours; to compound aro- matics ; to smell, be fragrant, yield an odour, par. per. pass, cont. τεθνωμένος. θύρα, -ας, f], (perhaps fr. &νω to rush) a door, gate ; entrance, mouth, passage. ΑΪ &ύραι, a court, hall, palace. θνραζε, (fr. last) without doors, out, abroad. Οι$ίιραζε, those abroad, foreigners, strangers. θνραΊος, -a,-ov, (fr. same) strange, foreign, another's. ; θυραν, Dor. for $υρων, g. ph of same. ΘΎΣ Θνράσσω, (fr. same) to turn out of doors. Ονραυλέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, s and αυλή a fold) to lie out, lodge without doors, pass the night at the door; to sere- nade. θυραυλία, -ας, η, (fr. same) lying or passing the night out of doors ; a serenade. θυράων, JEo\. for θυρών, g. pi. of &ύρα. θνργανάω, to try causes, judge, de- termine. θυρεός, -ου, b, (fr. Svpa a door) a shield, oblong like a door ; a great stone serving as α cover or stopper for a cave. θυρεοφόρος, -ου, b, (fr. same, and φορεία to carry) a shield-bearer, armed with a long shield. θύρετρον, -ου, το, Poet. (fr. same) a door, gate, wicket; entrance, mouth, passage. θυρίων, Ion. for θυρών, g. pi. of same. θυρήσσω, (fr. S -υρεός a shield) to provide with a shield; to arm, equip, appoint. θύργιφι, d. Ion. of $ύρα, with -φι Poet, or adv. out of doors, abroad, from home. θυρίδος, g. of-8 -ιφί? in next. θύριον, -ου, το, and θυρίς, -ίδος, η, (dim. of θύρα a door) a little door or gate, wicket ; a window, aperture, opening. θυρόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. same) to furnish with doors, shut up with a gate ; to close, lock up. θύρσος, -ου, b, in pi. θύρσα, -ων, τα, Poet, (perhaps fr. θύω to dart) a thyrsus, wand or spear en- twined with leaves, Bacchus'' s staff"; a branch, bough ; a gar- land or wreath worn at wed- dings. θυρσόω -ω, (fr. last) to make a thyrsus, entwine or encircle ivitH leaves. θύρωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. θύρα a door) a gate, one half or side of a gate or large door ; a plank, board ; a doorcase or frame. θυρωρός, -ου, b, and '/, (fr. same, and ουρος a guard, th. ώρα care) a doorkeeper, guard, watch. θύσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of θύω. θυσανόεις, and θνσσαι(>εις, -εσ.σα, -εν, (fr. next) fringed, flounced, bordered. θύσανοι, -ων, ο'ι, (fr. θύσσω to shake, th. θύω to rush) a fringe, flounce, border ; a hem, welt. θύσατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. of θύω. θύσειν, 1 f. inf. act. — Θύσ??, 3 sin 1 a. sub. act. of same. θυσθλα, -ων, τά, (fr. θύω to sacri- fice) the rites of Bacchus ; cakes, offerings; branches, boughs; Viands entwined with leaves, thyrsus, θυσία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a sacrifice, victim, offering. ΘΩΜ θυσιάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. last) to sacri- fice, make an offering, immolate. θυσίασμα, -ατός, το, (fr. last, th. θυσία an offering) sacrifice, of- fering. θυσιαστήριον, -ου, το, (fr. same) an altar, particularly for burned offerings. θϋσιάων, JEidi. for θυσίών, g. pi. of θυσία. θύσκη, -ης, ή, (fr. θύω to sacrifice) a tray or dish to receive offer- ings. θύσον, 2 pi. -σατε, 1 a. impr. act. of S -ύω. θυσσανόεις, and θύσσανοι, see θυ- σανόεις, θύσανοι. θύσσω, (fr. θύω to rush) to agi- tate, shake, wag, move, quiver, wave. θυστάς, -άδος, >';, (fr. θύω to sacri- fice) sacrificial, connected with sacrifice; a priestess, female at- tendant on the altar. θυστάς βοή, a shout uttered at the time of sacrifice. θύτης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a priest, minister, sacriflcer y attendant on the altar. θυτΐκός, -ή, -όν, (fr. same) sacri- ficial, about or relating to the altar or sacrifice. θύω, f. -ύσω, p. τέθυκα, to move impetuously, rush, dart with vio- lence ; to rage, storm, be fran- tic, go mad; to be transported with passion or enthusiasm. ; to boil, swell ; to burn incense, raise a perfume by burning aromatics, cause an odour or sweet savour ; to make offerings, offer oblations^ give honour, worship by religious ceremonies, sacrifice, solemnize holy rites ; to throw into the fire a small piece before beginning a meal as an offering; to kill for food. θΰομαι,Ιο examine the en- trails of beasts offered, inspect the sacrifice or offering, look for omens. 1 a. impr. act. θύσον, -άτω. per. ind. pass, τίθυμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, εθύθην. θύων, -ούσα, -ov,par. pres. act. of last. θυώνα,-ας, a, Dor. for θυώνη, -ης, η, same as Semele. θυωρός, -ov, b, η, (fr. θύω to sacri- fice, and ώρα care) sacrificial, pertaining to or used at sacrifices. Subs, a table, particularly for them. θώ, 1 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of θέω, to run; or of θ/ω, to set ; or of θα'ω, to suckle. θώ, $ης, $$, 2 a. sub. act. of τίθημι* θωή, -ής, η, a fine, penalty, dama- ges. θώκος, -ου, b, same as $>ίκος. Θωμάς, -cu, b, Thomas, a man's name. Θωμάς, -ου, δ, an abyss, gulf bot tomless pit. θώμεν, 1 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of τίθη μι. (294) ΘΩΤ θώμιγξ, -γος, b, a small rope, cord, twine. θωμίξω or θωμίσσω, (fr. last) to cord, bind with cords; to lash, scourge. θώμισσος, -ου, b, hire, wages, pay y payment. θώμίσυ, Att. for το- 'ήμισυ, see ήμισυς. θωμός, -ου, b, a heap, pile, hoard; accumulation, collection. θωπεία, -ας, ή, (fr. θωπείω to flat- ter) flattery, adulation; assent f compliance, acquiescence, sub- mission. θωττεύοντες, η. pi. mas. par. pres. act. of θωπεύω, to fawn ; to flatter, soothe; to assent r comply, acquiesce, sub- mit. θώπτω, to flatter, fawn ; to court, humour, comply with, assent to ; to jest, banter; to taunt, ridi- cule. θώρακα, sin. — θώρακα?, pi. a. of θώρ«ς> θωρακίζω, (fr. S -ώραξ a breastplate) to provide with a breastplate ; to arm, equip. θωράκων, -ου, το, (dim. of same) a coat of mail, breastplate, cuirass ; a parapet, breastwork; a fort t redoubt ; a guard, defence, pro- tection ; the poop of a ship built like a turret from whence soldiers flung darts, &c. a part of the mast, cradle. θωρακιτής, -ου, b, (fr. same) a sol- dier armed properly with a breastplate ; a cuirassier. θώραξ, -ακος, δ, the breast, chest; a coat of mail, breastplate, cui- rass; covering for the breast, waistcoat, stomacher. θωοηκοφόρος, Ion. for θωρακοφόρος, -ου, b, (fr. last, and φορίω to car- ry) armed, provided or equipped with a breastplate, a cuirassier; an armed soldier. θώρηξ, -ηκος, b, Ion. for $ώραξ. θωρήξας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. — θωρήσσετο, Ion. for εθωρήσσε- το, 3 sin. impf. mid. of θωρήσσω, f. -ξω, p. τεθώρηκα, (fr» $ώραξ a breastplate) to furnish or be provided with a breastplate . or cuirass ; to arm, equip, accou- tre, par. 1 a. pass. &ωρηχθεϊς, -εΊσα, -tv inf. $ωρηχθήναι. θώς, θωδί, δ, (fr. $υός swift) a wild beast like a wolf, lynx per- haps. θώτερον, Att. for το έτερον, see 'έτε- ρος. θώϋμα, θωνμάζω, θωϋμασιος, θωϋ- μαστής, θωϋμαστός, Ion. for θαί/- μα, S -αυμάζο), &C. θωύσσω, f. -ξω, (fr. S -οός swift, or θύσσω to quiver) to bawl } ex- claim; to shout, halloo, whoop; to rush violently, dart savagely. θωντός, -ή, -όν, (fr. 3-ώϋμα, Ion. for $αΐ>μα a wonder) wonder- ful, admirable, extraordinary, strange. ΪΑΜ Ι, ι, called iota, the ninth letter of the latter, but the tenth of the ancient Greek alphabet ; whence in numerals it signifies ten, and with a dot underneath, ι, ten thousand. It is the least of the Greek letters ; thence its name, iota, signifies any thing very small, a jot. Ία, -ας, and Ion. Ί>7, -ης, η, (per- haps fr. αύω to shout) a voice, cry, sound. Ία, -α?, η, (fr. ϊς strength) force, power, strength, might. Ία, fem. of ίος for οίος. Ία, a name of God among the Jews, Jah. ΙαβοΊ and Κιβοϊ, an exclamation of grief, alas ! wo is me! Ιάειρος, -ου, δ, Jairus, a man's name. Ιαθύς, g. -Θέντος, par. 1 a. pass, of ιάομαι. ϊάθη, 3 sin. — • Ιάθητε, 2 pi. 1 a. ind. pass. — laQrj, -θητε, same sub. — Ιαθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass. — ϊαθήσομαι, ->7, -εται, 1 f. ind. pass, of same. Ιαίνομαι, -r„ -εται, pres. ind. pass, of Ιαίνω, (fr. ία strength) to warm, heat; to melt, dissolve; to re• joice, overwhelm with joy, en- liven, exilarate ; to flower, flou rish, bloom. 1 a. ind. pass ιάνθην. Ιακος, -η, -bv, (fr. Ίων Ion.) Io- nian. Ίακχος -ov, b, Bacchus. Ιακχάζω, (fr. last) to shout, revel, riot; to be drunk, play the bac- chanal. Ιακώβ, Heb. indecl. Jacob, a man's name. Ιάλεμος, -ov, b, a wedding song, dirge, ballad ; a writer of such things, paltry poet. Adj. silly, insipid, absurd, worthless. Ιάλλω, f. -άλω, to send, send forth, discharge ; to fly ; to desire, covet, wish for; to confine, bind. impf. act. ίαλλον, -ες, -ε 1 a. ind. act. ίηλα, -ας, -ε. ΙάΧμενος -ov, b, a man's name. Ίάμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. ιάομαι to heal) a healing, cure, remedy; medi- cine, physic, g. pi. ιαμάτων Ιαμβίζω, (fr. ίαμβος an iambic) to ■ celebrate in iambics ; to satirize, lash ; to defame, inveigh against, abuse. Ιαμβεΐον, -ov, το, (fr. next) an iam- bic verse or poem. Ίαμβος, -ου, b, an iambic, metrical mea-ture ; a kind of verse. Ιαμβοι -ου, 6, Jambres, a man's name. ΙαμεΊν, Heb. indecl. mules. Ιαμενή and Ιαμνός, same as εια- μενή. ΙΑΤ Ιαμιδίων, Ion. for Ιαμεδων, g. pi. of Ιαμ'ιοαι, -ων, o\, Iamidas, a pro- phetic family among the Greeks, the descendants of Iamos, the son of Apollo. Ιάνθη, -ης, ή, lunthe, a woman's name. Ιάνθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of αίνω. Ιάνθϊνος, -η, -ov, (fr. next) violet, purple, blue. Ιανθον, -ov, rb, (fr. iov a violet) some purple flower, a violet; purple colour, lavva, indecl. Janna, a man's name. Ιαννης, -ου, b, Jannes, a man's name. Ιαολκδί, and by Cras. Ιωλκος, -ov, η, Iolcus, a city of Thessaly. Ιάομαι -ώμαι, f. -σομαι, p. ίαμαι, (perhaps fr. ία power) to heal, cure, restore to health; to re- medy, amend, correct, impf. pass. ιαόμην-ώμην, ιάον -ω, ιάετο -άτο. 1 a. ind. pass, ιάθην. 1 f. pass. ϊαθήσομαι. 1 a. mid. ind. ιασά- μην' sub. ιάσωμαι. Ιαπετιονίδης, -ου, b, the son of Ιαττε- τό?, which see. ΙαπετοΊο, Ion. for Ιαπετου, g. of la -ετος, -ου, b, Japetus, a man's name, supposed to be Japhet. Ιά-τω, f. -ψω, to send, send upon, hurl, throw, fling, pelt ; to in- flict, smite, lash ; to goad, sting ; to fall, sink under blows, per. ind. pass, ιάμμαι. 1 a. ind. pass. ιάφθην. inf. ιαφθηναι. Ιάττυξ, -~υγος, b, a wind blowing from Apulia, called also Iapy- gia, towards Greece, the west wind ; Iapyx, a man's name. ίαδράνιος, -a Ion. -η, -ov, of Jar- danus, the father of Omphale. laplo, Heb. indecl. Jared, a man's name. Ιάσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Ιαση, 2 sin. 1 f. mid. — Ιάσθαι, pres. inf. mid. cont. — Ιάσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. - — Ιάσωμαι, -η, -ηται, 1 a. sub. mid. of ιάο- μαι. Ίάσι, Ion. for /σι, .3 pi. pres. ind. of εΊμι, to go. Ιασι, Att. cont. for Ίέασι, and this Ion. Ιεϊσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of 'ίημι. Ιάσιμος, -ου, δ, fj, (fr. ιάομαι to heal) curable. Ίάσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ft, (fr. same) a curing, healing; a cure. a. sin. ίασιν, pi. cont. ιάσεις. Ιάσιος, -ov, b, Jasius, a man's name. Ιασίων, -ωνος, b, Jasion, a man's name. Ιασιώνη, -ης, ή, withwind or con- volvulus, or wild colewort. Ίασττις, -Έδος, η, ajasper. d. ιάστιδι. Ιασώ, -6ος -οΰς^η, (fr. ίασις a cure) Iaso, the goddess of healing. Ιάσων, -όνος, b, Jason, a man's name. Ιάται, pres. — Ιάτο, impf. ind. mid. 3 sin. cont. of ιάομαι. (295) IBH Ιιτίυς, -a, -ov, (fr. same) to be cured, must be healed, &c. ac- cording to the verb. Ιάτήρ, and Ion. Ιητήο, -ηρος, δ, (fr. same) a physician, doctor. Ιατρεία, -ας, η, (fr. same) medi- cine, healing, a cure. ΙατρεΊον, -ov, το, (fr. same) a phy- sician's fee ; apothecary'' s sh#p r laboratory, hospital. Ιατρεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same") toheal, cure ; to practise medicine. Ιατρική, -ης, η, (fem. of next, viz. τέχνη) the healing art, medicine, surgery. Ιατρικός, -η, -bv, (fr. ιάομαι to heal) medicinal, surgical, heal- ing, able to cure, skilful in medi- cine. Ιατρός, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a physi- cian, doctor. Ιατταται and Ιατταταιάζ, an excla- mation of sorrow, alas ! lav, an exclamation of anger, shame ! fle ! Ιαυθμος, -ου, b, (fr. ιανω to lodge) a retirement, fold, resting place ; a bed-room, bed, couch; sleep , rest. Ιανω, (fr. iov the ground) to abide, lodge, stay, tarry, dwell; to spend or pass time; to sleep, repose, rest. impf. act. iavov, -ες, -ε. Ιαφέτης, -ov, δ, (fr. ώς an arrow, and αφίημι to discharge) an ar- cher, bowman. Ιαφθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of ιάπτω. ΙαχαΊσι, d. pi. with ι added, of , t^' Ίάχε, see ίαχον. Ιαχή, -ης, η, (fr. ιάχω to shout) a shout, roar, cry ; outcry, uproar, tumultuous noise ; a twang, crack; a roaring, bellowing, murmuring, distant sound. Ιάχημα, -άτος, το, (fr. same) voci- feration, bawling, shouting ; cla- mour, outcry; exclamation, in- vective ; cry of any brute. Ίαχον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. — Ιαχώς, -via, -ος, par. per. act. of Ιάχω and Ιαχέω, f. -ξω, p. -χα, (perhaps fr, ία a voice, and χέω to pour) to shout, roar, cry, scream ; to vociferate, cry out, exclaim, inveigh; to sound, re- sound ; to roar, bellow, murmur ; to twang ; to hiss. Ιαωλκος, -ου, η, the name of a city, see Ιαολκός. Ιάων, -όνος, b, Poet, for Ίων, a man's name, which see. Ιβανατρίς, -ϊό"ο?, ή, (fr. next) α well-rope. Ιβανέω -ω, (perhaps fr. Ίμάω to draw by a rope, th. Ίμάς& rope) to draw as liquids, take up, bring or fetch up. Ίβδης, -ου, b, a plug or peg in the bottom of a ship, by drawing out which the bilge-water ran out. Ίβηρ, -ηρος, δ, an Iberian, native of Iberia. Ιβηρία, -ας, η, Iberia; eastern, near Persia ; western Spain. ΙΔΙ Ίβηρις, -ιδος, η, wild cresses. Ίβις, -ιδος, ή, a stork, the ibis. Ιβίσκος, -ου, b, mallows, marsh- mallows. Ίβυ, an Ion. adv. very, much, greatly. Ιβύω, (fr. last) to hsh, whip, scourge ; to cry out, exclaim. Ίγδη, -ης, ή, (perhaps fr. άγω to break) a mortar; a pestle. Ίγμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of Ικνέομαι. Ιγνύα, -ας, ζ, (fr. ίς strength, and γόνν the knee) the groin; the ham, hough, hip. I/, (fr. ιδρεία caution) forecasting, cau- tious, provident ; skilful, expert. Ίδρόω -ω, and Poet. Ιδρώω, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, (fr. Ίδρώς sweat) to sweat, perspire. Ίδρυμα, -άτος, τδ, (fr. Ιδρύω to seat) foundation, ground, base, seat ; an altar, temple ; an image, statue. Ιδρυμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of Ιδρύω. Ίδρνμι or Ίδρύνω, same as Ιδρύω. Ίδρννθεις, -εΊσα, -εν, par. — Ίδρυν- θήναι, inf. 1 a. pass. ofi. "Ιδρνσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. ιδρύω to settle) a foundation, base, pedestal, seat ; a thing seat- ed or placed, statue; appoint- ment, constitution, establishment; settlement, arrangement. Ιδρύω, Ίδρνμι or Ίδρύνω, f. -ύσω, (fr. ΐζω or εζω to seat) to seat f set, place, lay; to quiet, still, calm; to settle, fix, establish, found. Ίδρύνομαι, to stay quiet, be at rest, sit, be seated. Ίδρω, by Apoc. for ϊδρωτι, d. and ίδρωτα, a. of Ίδρώς, -ώτος, b, (fr. ίδος sweat, and ρέω to flow) sweat, perspira- tion. Ίδρώω, Att. or Poet, for Ίδρόω. Ιδυΐα, fem. of ιδώς, per. par. mid. of είδω. Ίδωμαι, 2 a. sub. mid. — Ιδών, -ονσα, -ov, par. 2 a, act. — Ιδω, -?/ί> -V, Ρ*• -ωμεν, -ητε, -ωσι, 2 a. sub. act. — Ιδώς, -υΊα, -ος, par. of ίδα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of είδω. Ίε, impr. of tov, 2 a. ind. of εΤμι, to go. Ιεζαβηλ, indecl. Syr. Eng. Jesa- bel, a woman's name. Ιεθι, ϊέτω, pres. impr. act Ίείην, -ης, -η, pres. opt. act. — Ίεϊς Ίεϊσα, ιέν, η. pi. fem. ΊεΤσαι, par. pres. act. — Ίείσι, and Ion. Ίεά- σι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. οΐϊημι. Ίεις. Ίει, 2 and 3 sin. cont. impf. act- of ίει» for ιτ,μι. Ίειία^, (mid. of "η μι to send) to be set upon, desire covet, wish for. Ίεμαι, mid. of ir\ui, obs. for ειμί, to g°- ■'■; , Ίέμεν, Ion. — Ίέμεναι } Att. and Dor. for ϊέναι, pres. inf. act. — Ίέμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. of Ίημι. Ιέμεν, Ion. — Ιέμεναι, Att. and Dor. for ιέναι, pres. inf. of bipi % obs. for εΤμι, to go. I£P Ίεν, Boeot. Sync, for Ίεσαν, 3 pi. impf. of 'ίημί. Ίεν, 3 sin. ν added 2 a. ind. οίεΐμι, to go. Ίέναι, pres. inf. act. of Ίημι. Ifvui, pres. inf. act. οίεΐμι-, to go. Ίενται, 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. — "Ιεντες, η. pi. par. pres. act. — "Ιεντυ, 3 pi. impf. mid. of Ίημι. Ιεον -ovv, Ίεες -εις, 'ίεε -ει, 3 pi. 'ίεον -υνν, the impf. as if of ίε'ω, used for Ίην, -ης, -η, 3 pi. "ιην, impf of ϊν μι. Ιερά, -ων, τα, (neut. pi. of ιερός holy) holy things, sacred offices, rites, ceremonies ; sacrifices, offer- ings. Ιερά, -ας, >), (fern. sin. of same) the composition of medicines, medicine, pharviacy ; the name of a kind of serpent ; the sheet- anclior. 'Ιερά νόσος, the epilepsy, falling sickness. Ιεραν, by Cras. for Ιεράων, Dor. for Ιερών, g. pi. of ιερός. ίερίίξ, -ακος, b, (fr. Ιερός sacred. Or, fr. ϊεμαι to rush, and ραδίως easily) a hawk, falcon. Ιεράομαι -ώμαι, f. -άσομαι, (fr. same) to be a priest, officiate as priest, discharge a priest's duties. Ιεράπολις, -ιος, Att. -εως, »'/, (fr. same, and πόλις a city) tiiera- polis, a city. d. Ίεραπόλει. Ιεραται, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. mid. of ίεράομαι. ιερατεία, -ας, fj, (fr. ιερός holy) priesthood, the office or duty of a priest. Ιεράτευαα, -ατός, το, (fr. next, th. ιερός holy) a priesthood, assem- bly, society or college of priests ; a succession of priests. Ιερατενω,ί. -εύσω, p. Ίεράτενκα, (fr. Ιερός holy) to be a priest, perform the priest's office, officiate as priest, per. ind. pass. Ιεράτενμαι. Ιερατικός, -η, -όν, (fr. same) priest- ly, sacerdotal. Ίεράων, Dor. for Ιερών, g. pi. of Ιερός. 'Ιερέα, Ιερέ?, Ίερεΐς, ' ' Ιερέων, Ίερευ- σι, cases of ιερεύς. Ιέρεια, -ας, and Ion. Ίερείη, -ης, -η, (fr. ιερός holy) a priestess ; a sa- crifice, victim. Ίερεων, -ον, τό, (fr. same) a sacri- fice, victim, offering. 'Ιερεμίας, -ov, b, Jeremiah, and Je- remy, a man's name. Ίεοεϋς, -έος, Att. -έως, b, (fr. ιερός holy) apriest. d. pi. Ίερευσι. Ίερεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same) to sa- crifice, slay or offer victims; to dedicate, consecrate. Ιερή, Ion. for Ιερά, fern, οι Ιερός. Ίερήϊον, -ov, τό, Ion. for ΊερεΧον. Ίερις, -ίδος, η, (fr. Ιερός holy) α priestess. 'Ιεριχώ, -6ος -ους, η, Hiericho, Eng. Jericho, name of a city. 'Ιερογλυφικά, -ων, τα, (neut. of next) sacred engravings, repre- sentations of holy things engraven on stone by the Egyptians, hiero- glyphics. 'Ιερογλυφικός, -η, -όν, (fr. ιερός holy, IEP and γλύψω to engrave) hierogly phic, symbolical, mystical, cm blematical. Ίερυόονλος, -ov, δ, ή, (fr. same, and δούλος a blave) a servant in holy things, attendant on the priest or the temple. ΊεροΊσιν, Ion. for ΊεροΊς, d. pi. of ιερός. Ίερυκαντόω -ώ, (fr. Ίεοός holy, and καίω to burn) to bum incense, offer burned sacrifices ; to burn the entire offering. Ίερομηνία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and μην a month) the holy month, a festival of a month, the month in v;hich the Ncmcan games were celebrated ; the first day of thai mcixih ; new-year's-day. 'Ιερόν, -ου, τό, (neut. of same, viz. δώμα) a temple, church, house for religious use; a sacrifice, holy service; a victim, offering. T« ιερά, the entrails of ihe victim from which omens were con- jectured. 'Ιερονίκης, -ov, b, (fr. same, and νίκη victory) a conqueror in the Grecian games. Ίεροποιέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and ποιέω to make) to make holy, consecrate, dedicate ; to do holy offices, sacrifice, make offerings. Ιεροπρεπής, -έος-ΰΐ•ς 7 b, η, (fr. same, and πρέπω to become) becoming holy persons or things, venerable, respectable, pi. cont. 'Ιεροπρεπείς. Ιερός, -ά, -όν, sacred, holy ; conse- crated, dedicated; devoted, ac- cursed ; excellent, very good or great, extraordinary. Ιεροσόλυμα, -ων , τα, also -ης, η, but seldom. Hierosolyma, Eng. Je- rusalem, the capital of Judea. Ιεροσολνμϊτης, -ου, b, (fr. Ίεοοσό- λυμα Jerusalem) a native of Je- rusalem. Ιεροστατής, -ov, b, (fr. ιερός holy, and 'ίστημι to set) a governor of ihe temple, president over holy affairs, chief priest. ΙεροσυλεΊς, 2 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of Ιεροσΰλέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. Ίεροσύλη- κα, (fr. ιερός holy, and συλάω to rob) to commit sacrilege, rob or otherwise convert to private use\ holy things, plunder temples. Ιεροσνλησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. | Ιερός holy, and συλάω to rob) sacrilege. Ιεροσυλία, -ας, η, (fr. same) sacri- lege. f Ιερόσυλος, -ov, b, >?,(fr. same) sa- crilegious, a robber, of holy things. Ιερουργέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. ίερονργη- κα, (fr. Ιερός holy, and έργον work) to officiate in religious things, be employed in holy offices, be engaged in sacred business. Ιερουργία, -ας, η, (fr. same) holy service, sacred duty, a sacrifice. Ιερουσαλήμ, Heb. indecl. same as 'Ιεροσόλυμα. Ίεοοώαντέω -ώ, f. -ήσω., (fr. ιερός holy, and φαίνω to show) to be chief priest, preside over holy (297) IHM things; to teach holy mysteries, instruct in religion. Ίεροψάντης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a chief priest, president or instructer of sacred mysteries, hierophanl. Ίεοοφαντ'ϊκός, -ή, -όν, (fr. same^ sa- cerdotal, priestly, belonging to the priest's office. Ίεροφύλαξ, -άκος, b, (fr. same, and φυλάσσω to guard) the guardian of holy things, chief priest, presi- dent of mysteries. 'Ιεροψάλτης, -ου, b, (fr. same, and ψάλλω to sing)• a singer of sacred songs, chorister. Ίερόω -ώ, (fr. ιερός holy) to make holy, hallow, appoint to religious use, consecrate, dedicate. Ίέρωμα,-άτος, τό, (fr. last) a thing consecrated ; a dedication, offer- ing, sacrifice. Ίερωσυνη, -ης, η, (fr. ιερός holy) priesthood, priest's office. Ιεσυν, 3 pi. ol "i'^impf. act. οί'ίημι. "ΙεσΘυν, -σθην, 2 and 3 du "Ιεσ- θε, 2 pi. impf. mid. οί'ίημι. Ίεσσα\, Heb. indecl. Jesse, a man's name. "Ιετο, 3 sin. impf. pass, οί'ίημι. Ίέττα, (perhaps fr. αττά sir) a term of respect or endearment, sh; father, papa ; a wild buck- goat. Ιεϋ, an adverb of ridicule, pah ! folly! Ιεψθάς, Heb. indecl. Jephtha, a man's name. Ιεχονίας, -ov, b, Heb. Jeconiah, a man's name. Γ Ιέω, (fr. ϊω, obs. whence Ίημι to send) impf. act. Ίεον -ovv, Ίεΐς ^εις, Ίεε -ει, used for Ίην, Ίης, 7<, impf, act. οί'ίημι, to send. ίε'ω and ίημι, Ion. for εΊμι, to go. 2 a. ind. iov impr. iV opt. ίοιμι.'" sub. ίω' inf. ίειν par. ίων. Ίζάνω, f. -ήσω, forms its tensed from Ίζέω, obs. See 'ίξω: "ΐζε, pres. impr. act. of Ίζω. '"ΐζεο, Ion. — "ΐ£ευ, Do r. for Ίζου ί pres. impr. mid. ofsa me. "ίζημα, -ατός, τό, (fr. Ίζω to seat) n "eat. bench, chair ; a valley^ hollow, glen. Ιζησας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. of Ίζάνω. "Ιζοισα, Dor. for Ίζονσα, fern, par- pres. act. of Ίζω. "Ιζυν, ±έ£, -ε, impf. act. of "\ζω, f. ί'σω, to seat, place on seats r make to sit ; to settle, fix, ar- range ; to hold a sitting, assem- ble, colled ; to sit, be seated ; to subside, sink. Ιή, an adverb of joy ; huzza. Ίη, -νς, ί';,Ιοη. for ('α. Ίη, η. — I?;, d. sin. fem. of Ιος, -a, -ov. Ιήϊυς, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. ιάομαι to cure) the healer ; an epithet of Apollo. Ιήκοπος, -ov, b,fj, (fr. same, and κό- πος toil, th. κόπτω to cut) balmy, soothing, mitigating^ curing, heal• ing. Ιήλα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of ιάλλω. "Ιημι, f. 'ήσω, p. ίίκα, to cause togo % ΙΘΥ «end, discharge; to throw, fling, shoot ; to send forth, emit, utter ; to give over, desist, pres. inf. act. Ίεναι. Ίιηρΐ.ϊην,'ίης, 'ίη• also from ί'εω, obs. 'ίεον -ουν, Ίεες -εις, Ίεε -ει. 1 a. ind. act. ηκα, and Att. εηκα. 2 a. act. ind. ην, ης, η• sub. ώ, ης ι fj, and Poet, εω, εης, εη' inf. είναι. 'Ίεμαι, to send o/jf's self, move, hasten, rush; to be set upon, desire, covet, long for. impf. pass, ϊίμην, -εσο,-ετο. per. pass, είμαι. 1 a. pass. ind. εθην and εί'θ^ν. 1 f. ind. mid. ησομαι.. ~η, -εται. 2 a. mid. ind. εμην and εϊμην,-σο, -το' par. εμε- νος. Ίημι, (same as είμι fr. έω obs.) to go, move, proceed, march. Ιήσασθαι, Ion. for ιάσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Ιήσατο, Ion. for ιάσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of ιάομαι. "Ιησι, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. οΐ'ίημι, to send. Ίησι, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of Ίημι, to go. Ιησι, by Ion. Parag. for ίης, 2 sin. — or Ion. and Poet, for ίη, 3 sin. sub. of iov, 2 a. ind. of εΊμι to go, from ιέω, obs. Ιήσονι, d. of 1ήσΐύΐ>, Ion. for Ιάσων, a man's name. Ιησούς, ~ου, b.- Jesu.s^ the Saviour. Also, Joshve> cr Joshua, d. Ιη- σού, a. Ιησούν, \. Ιησού. Ιηται,-ων, οι, natives of the island Ιος, now Nio. Ιητήρ, Ion. for ιατήρ. Ιθαγενής, -έος -ους, b,f), (fr. ιθύ di- rectly, and γένος birth, th. γίνο- μαι to be) directly deseeded from ; lawfully born, legith ude ; original, native. Ιθάκη, -ης, η, Ithaca, .& Greek island, now Thiaki. Ιθάρ, (fr. ιθύ directly) quickly, swiftly, soon. Ιθέα, Ion. for ιθεΊα, fer/i. of ιθύς. ΙθεΊα, -ας, and Ion. Ιθε'ιη, -η.ς, η, (fern, of ιθύς straight, viz. δίκη justice) rectitude, right, proprie- ty ; justice, equity. ΙθεΊαι, η. pi. fern. — Ιθείησι, Ion. for ΙθειαΊς, d. pi. fern, of Tfl•'- Ιθέως, (ίοη. for ευθέως immediately, or fr. ιθύς straight) straightway, directly, quickly, swiftly, soon. Ίθι, ίτω, 2 and 3 sin. pres. impr. of εΊμι, to go. Ίθμα, -ατός, το, (fr. εΊμι to go) a step, pace; gait, motion, move- ment, d. sin. ίθματι, before an aspirate ίθμαθ\ Ίθορας, (perhaps fr. ίθαρ quickly, or fr. Ίθι go, and ορούω to rush, or άρω to cheer) a term of en- couragement or cheering, for- ward ! on ! cheerly ! *1θρις, -ιος, δ, a eunuch. Ιθύ, (neut. of ιθύς straight) straight- way, forthwith, immediately, di- rectly ; forward, towards; op- posite, facing. Ιθυδίκαισι, d. pi. with ι added of ϊθυδϊκης, -ου, δ, (fr. ιθύς upright, and δίκη justice) a just or up- iKA right judge or arbitrator; Adj. upright, correct. Ιθύθριξ, -Υκος, b, η, (fr. same, and $ριξ the hair) with the hair on end, bristly^ υμαχίη, -ης, η, (fr. same, and μαχή a fight) fair fighting, open war, a pitched battle. Ίθυμβοι, -ων, οι, (perhaps fr. ιθύω to burst out, and βοή shouting) silly verses or noisy dandng, or both together, in honour of Bac- chus ; rilwldry, riot. Ιθύνει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Ίθϋ- νεν, 3 sin. impf. act. of Ιθύνω, f. -υνώ, (fr. ιθύς straight) to direct, guide, order, rule, go- vern ; to steer, drive; to strain, rack. υπτίων, -ωνος, b, η, (fr. same, and ■πέτομαι to rly) flying straight forward; moving in a direct line ; swift as flight, rapid. Ιθύς, -εΊα, -ύ, straight, not crooked, direct; right, upright, true, cor- rect, just. comp. ιθύτερος, sup. -τατος. ύς, -υος, η, (fr. last) straighlness, direct motion; violence, impetu- osity ; disposition,, propensity. Ιθύτερος,-α,-ον,οοΏηρ. of ιθύς. Ιθύω, f. -ύσω, (fr. ιθύς straight) to go, come or move straightfor- ward ; to rush, dart, make a charge, ΐ'ιζω, (fr. ιος rust) to be rusty or cankered. "Ικανέ, -εν, 3 sin. — Ίκάνετον, 2 du„ impf. act. of ϊκάνω. Ικανόομαι -ούμαι, see Ίκανόω. Ίκανόν, -ου, το, (neut. of next) α sufficiency, satisfaction, equiva- lent ; bail, security. Ίκανος, -ή, -bv, (fr. Ίκάνω to reach) fit, apt, adapted, proper for; adequate, equal to, capable of; sufficient, enough, many, great or large enough ; worth, worthy, considerable, of consequence, valuable, comp. Ικανότερος and -ώτερυς, sup. ικανότατος, and -ώτατος. Ικανότης, -ητος, η, (fr.last) aptness, fitness, propriety ; ability, capa- bility, sufficiency. Ίκανούσθω, 3 sin. cont. pres. impr. pass, of Ίκανόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. Ίκάνωκα, (fr. ικανό? fit) to make fit, qualify, capacitate. 'Ικανόομαι -ούμαι, to be proper for or adapted to ; to answer, suit, correspond, fit pres. impr. pass. Ίκανόου -ov, -οέσθω -ούσθω. 1 f. ind. mid. Ικα- νωσυμ^. per. pass, Ίκάνωμαι. Ίκάνω, Poet. (fr. 'ίκω to come) to come or go to, meet, approach ; to arrive at, reach, attain to ; to get, seize, invade, fall upon ; to supplicate, entreat, beseech. Ίκανως, (tr. ικανός enough) suffi- ciently, abundantly, plentifully, very, very much. Ίκάνωσεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Ίκανώσαντι, d. sin. 1 a. par. act. of Ίκανόω. Ίκανώτατος, -η, -ov, SUO. of same. IKN Ίκελος, -η, -or, (fr. εικω to resem- ble) like, resembling. Ικελόω -ώ, (fr. last) to liken, com- pare. Ικεν, 3 sin. ν added, impf. act. of .'ίκω.•. Ικεο, Ion. for 'ίκου, 2 sin. pres. ind. or impr. mid. of 'ίκω' or 2 sin. 2 a. ind. or impf. mid. of ικνέομαι. Ίκέσθαι, inf. — Ίκέσθην, 3 du. 2 a. ind. mid. of Ικνέομαι. Ικεσία, -ας, ή, (fern, of next, viz. αρά) supplication, prayer, en treaty. Ίκέσιος,.-α, -ov, (by Sync, for Ίκε τήσιος, fr. ικέτης a suppliant) suppliant, entreating, prayings who receives or grants prayers that may be entreated, merciful i an epithet of Jupiter. Ικετ, for "Ικετο, 3 sin. 2 a. ind, mid. of Ικνέομαι. Ίκέτας, -α, δ, Dor. for Ικέτης. Ίκέτευμα, -ατός, το, (fr. ικετεύω tf entreat, th. Ικέτης a suppliant) a prayer, entreaty, supplication, petition. Ίκέτενον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. — Ίκέ- τευσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of 'Ικετεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. Ικέτης a supi pliant) to come as a suppliant beg the rights of hospitality ; to pray, entreat, beseech, supplicate. Ικετηρία, -ας, η, (fr. same) α branch of olive carried by supplu ants ; a supplication, humble and earnest prayer. Ίκέτηρις, -'ίδος, η, (fr. same) a fe male suppliant or petitioner. Ικέτης, -ου, δ, (fr. Ικνέομαι to come to. Or fr. Ίκω to come, and εστία the hearth) a comer, stran- ger who begs hospitality; one 'who comes to pray, a suppliant, supplicant, petitioner. Ίκετήσιος, .-a, -ov, (fr. last) see Ίκέσιος. An epithet of Jupiter. "Ικηαι, Ion. for Ίκη, 2 sin. — Ίκη- ται, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. mid. of ικνέομαι. Ίκμάζω,ΐ. -σω, (fr. Ικμας moisture) to wet, moisten, water, bedew, sprinkle ; to soften ; to drop out, drain, par. 1 a. pass. Ik- μασθείς. Ίκμαίνω, (fr. same) same as Ικ- μάζω. ΊκμαΊος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) wet, moist, damp, dewy. Ίκμας and Ικμάς, -αδος, η, humour, moisture, exudation ; vapour, ex- halation. Ίκμενος, ->/, -ov, (fr. last) moist, damp, exuding, sweating. Ίκμενος, -η, -ov, (perhaps by Sync, for ϊκόμενος, par. pres. mid. of "κω, or par. 2 a. mid. of Ικνέο- μαι to come) coming, blowing fair, favourable. Ικνέομαι, f. Ίζομαι, p. Ίγμαι, bor- rows tenses fr. "κω, to come, approach ; to come to pray, «up- plicate, entreat ; to come to, get at, arrive at, reach, attain to ; to come upon, assail, assault^ attack, invade; to, belong or re ΙΛΑ late io, become, befit, suit. 2 a mid. ind. Ικόμην sub. Ίκωμαι,-η, and Ion. -ηαι. Ικνεόμενον, -ου, το, (neut. par. pres. pasii of last, used Ion. for το ΐκανον) a sufficiency, satisfac- tion ; propriety, what is right or becoming. Ίκνεομίνως or Ίκνουμίνως, cont. (fr. par. pres. mid. of ικνίομαι to come) becomingly, rightly, properly, fitly. Ίκνενμενος, Ion. for Ίκνούμενος, par. pres. cont. — Ίκνεννται, Ion. for Ικνοννται,Ζ pi. pres. ind. cont. of Ικνίομαι. Ικνούμενος, -η, -ov, (par. pres. mid. cont. of 'ικνίομαι, to come) coming, approaching, future ; becoming, fit, right, proper, con- venient. Ίκο'ψαν, Dor. for Ίκοίμην, 2 a. opt. — ' Ικόμην, -ου, -ετο, 2 a. ind. mid. οΐΊκνίομα:. Ίκοιμι, -οις, -οι, pres. opt. act. — Ίκομαι, mid. or pass, of Ίκω. Ικανών, -ου, το, same as εικόνων. Also Iconium, a city. Ίκοντο, 3 pi., of ικόμην. Ίκου, and Ion. Ίκεο, 2 sin. pres. ind. or irapr. mid. of Ίκω. Or rather, 2 sin. ind. or impr. of Ικόμην, 2 a. mid. of Ικνίομαι. ϊκρίον, -ου, το, (perhaps fr. άκρον the top) a plank, board ; a floor, story, deck. Ικριόφιν, (fr. last) off or from the deck. Ικτάρ, near, nigh, soon, quickly, speedily, immediately. Ικτερικός, -η, -ov, (fr. next) afflict- ed with the jaundice.. Ίκτερος, sometimes Ίκτερος, -ου, b, and >), the jaundice; sallowness, paleness ; a small yellow bird. Ίκτηρ, -ηρος, δ, η, (fr. 'ίκω to come) a suppliant, petitioner ; see also Ίκίτης. Ίκη'ιρως. -ov, δ, f), (Sync, for ικε- τήριος) suppliant. Ικτίδεος, -ου, b, η, (fr. ικτις a wea- sel) like a weasel or ferret, made of their skin. Ικτιν, -ϊνος, or Ικτίνος, -ov, b, a kite or glead. Ικτίς, -Ίδος, >), a weasel or. ferret. Ίκτο, 3 sin. of 'ίγμην, pper. pass, or by Sync, for Ίκετο, 3 sin. of Ικόμην, 2 a. ind. mid. of Ικνίομαι. Ίκω, f. Ίζω, io go or come to, reach, arrive at ; to come upon, attack, assail, invade, urge ; to ap- proach humbly, supplicate; beg hospitality. 1 a. ind. act. Ίξα. Ίκωμαι, -η, -ηται, 2 a. sub. mid. — Ίκωντι, Dor. for Ίκωσι, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of Ίκω. Ίκωντι, Dor. for Ίκωσι, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of Ίκω. ΪΧαοον, (fr. ίλη for ε'ιλη a troop, th. ι\\ίω to gather) in crowds, in troops, in throngs. Ίλαθι, and by Poet. Ectas. Ίληθι, pres. impr. act. of Ίλημι, same as ίλάω. Or, perhaps by Sync. for ΐλάσθητι, la. impr. pass, of ϊλάσκω or ίλάω. ΙΛΗ Ιλαοί, -ου, and Att•. Ίλεως, -ω, b, η, (fr. ίλάω to conciliate, th. ίλη brightness) favourable, kind, merciful, tender, gentle; cheer- ful, lively, pleasant. Ιλαρός, -a, -ov, (fr. same) cheer- ful, gay, lively, blithesome. Ίλαρότης, -ητος, 17, (fr. same) cheerfulness, liveliness, mirth, d. sin. Ίλαρότητι Ίλα ροω f. -d and Ίλα ρυνω, f. -ϋνώ, p. Ίλάρυγκα, (fr. same) to enliven, exhilarate, make mer- ry; to deliglu, rejoice, make glad. Ίλαρως, (fr. Ιλαρός cheerful) cheer- fully, gaily. Ίλας, Dor. and by Sync, for Ιόλας, -ου, b, Iolas, a man's name. "Ιλας, -ασα, -αν, par. pres. act. of Ίλημι. Ίλάσθητι, -ήτω, 1 a. impr. pass. — Ίλάσκεσθαι, pres. inf. pass. — Ίλάσκοντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of Ίλάσκω, f. -άσω, and rarely -άξω, p. Ίλακα, (borrows tenses from ίλάω) to propitiate, conciliate, re-, concile, appease. Ίλάσκομαι, to be propitious or merciful, favour, befriend; to atone, make atone- ment for, expiate, pres. inf. pass. Ίλάσκεσθαι. 1 Τ. mid. ΐλάσομαι, and -ξομαι. per. ind. pass. Ίλασ- μαι. la. impr. pass. Ίλάσθητι. Ίλασμός, -ου, δ, (fr. ίλάω to propi- tiate) a propitiation, atonement, reconciliation; a sacrifice, sin- offering,. Ίλάσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. Ίλασσάμενος, Poet, for Ίλασάμε- νος, 1 a. par. mid. — Ίλάσσεαι, Poet, and Ion. for Ίλάση, 2 sin. la. sub. mid. — ΊΧασσώμεθα, Poet, for Ίλασώμεθα, 1 pi. 1 a. sub. mid. of ίλάσκω. ΊλαστιΊρων, -ου, τό, (neut. of next, viz. επίθημα a lid) a propitiatory thing; a propitiation, atone-, ment, expiation; the lid or co-. vering of the ark, the mercy-,, seat. Ίλαστήρως, -a, -ov, (fr. ίλάω to re- concile) propitiatory, atoning, expiating, conciliating. Ίλαστης, -ου, δ, (fr. same) apeace- maker, conciliator, mediator,• in- tercessor. Ίλάω -ώ, f. -σω, p. -κα, same as ίλάσκω. Ιλεό?, -ου, δ, (fr. ειλίω to gather) a hole of a serpent, fox, &c. ; α den, cave, lair; the small gut or guts ; twisting of the guts, in- flammation of the boivels ; a hairy worm that gnaws vines ; convolvulus. Ίλεόω -ω, (fr. next) same as ίλάω or ίλάσκω. "Ιλεω?, -ω, δ, η, Att. for Ίλαος. Ίληθι, -ήτω, 2 a. impr. act. or by Poet. Ectas. for Ίλαθι, pres. impr. act. of Ίλημι, same as ίλάω or ίλάσκω. Ίλήκησι, Ion. and Parag. for ίλ;;- κη, 3 sin. per. sub. act. of last. (£99) IMA Ιλιάδας, by Aphaer. for Ο'ίλιαδας -a, b, Dor. for Οϊλιαδης, -ου, δ, the son of Oileus, Ajax. Ιλίάί, -άδος, η, (fr. Ιλίον Ilium, Troy) the Iliad, a poem by Ho- mer ; a kind of thrush. Adj. Ilian, Trojan. Ιλιγγιάω -ω, (fr. next) to be giddy, be afflicted with a vertigo or swimming of the head; to be distracted r doubt. Ίλιγξ, -γος, η, (fr. είλιγγος a whirlpool, th. ε'ιλίω to whirl) a turnpole, whirlpool; a whirl- wind; a turning, whirling; giddiness, dizziness. Ιλίον, -ου, το, (fr. Ίλος the son of Tros) Ilium, Troy. Ιλιοραϊστάς, -a, b, Dor. (fr. Ιλί'ο» Troy, and ρα'ίω to destroy] the destroyer or conqueror of TTOy \ Ιλλάς, -άδος, η, (fr. ίλλω to twist) a twisted band or thong. Ίλλος, -ου, δ, (pernaps fr. ειλίω to roll) the eye, an eye. Adj. -ος, -η, -ov, squinting ; goggle-eyed. "ίλλω, (fr. last) to wink; to ogle, glance, turn or roll the eyes ; to roll, revolve; iobind, lie, con- fine. Ιλλυρΐκόν, -ου, τυ, Jllyricum, My- ria, a country. Ιλλυριοί, -ων, οι, the natives of the last. Ιλύί, -νος, ή, slime, clay, mire, mud, dirt. Ιλνω, (fr. last) to dirty, daub, be- mire, bespatter. Ίμαως, -a, -ov, (fr. Ίμάς a strap) of or about a mill or well ; haul- ing, pulling, drawing. Ίμαων ΐ?.σμα, a song, tune or drone used by those working at a mill or other incessant la- bour. Ίμαλία, -ας, η, (fern, cf next) a heaped measure of meal. Ίμάλιος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) abun- dant, plentiful, plenteous. Ίμαλϊς, -ίδος, η, a name of Ceres. Ιμάντα, a. sin. οϊΊμάς. Ίμάντωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f/, (fr. Ίμάω to bind up, th. Ίμάς a thong) the tying of a shoe ; a wrinkle; a binding with thongs or straps ; a band or brace, strap ; traces ; a bundle, par- cel. Ίμασ* for Ίμασε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. of Ίμάσσω. Ίμάς+ -άντος, b, a strap, thong, cord ; a rope made of thongs or stripes of a hide ; a belt, girdle. Ίμάσθλη, -ης, η, (fr. last) a vjhip, scourge of thongs. Ίμάσι, d, pi. of Ίμάς. Ίμάσσας, Poet, for Ίμάσας, 1 a. par. act. of Ίμάσσω, f. -άσω, (fr. Ίμάς, a thong) to flog with a thong or whip, ^scourge, lash, beat. Ίματίζω, f. -Υσω, p. Ίμάτικα, (fr. εϊμα clothes, th. εω to put on) to clothe, dress, per. pass. ird. Ίμάτισμαι. Ίμάτίον, -ov, rb, (fr. same) dress , INE clothes, a coat, garment, robe vest, shroud, mantle. Ίματιοφυλαζ, -ακης, δ and η, (fr last, and φυλάσσω to keep) a keeper of the wardrobe, chamber- lain. Ίματισμενος, -η, -ov, par. per pass, of Ίματίζω. Ιματισμός, -ου, b, (fr. Ίματίζω to dress) raiment, clothes, dress, apparel. Ίμάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. Ίμάς a fhong) to draw er drag with a strap or rope made of thongs ; to fetch or bring up, raise, lift, as water from a well, &c. Ίμείρω, (fr. 'ίεμαι to desire, and εράω to love ; or, fr. ϊημι to send, and έρως love) to desire long for, love afi'ectionoXely ; to covet, wish for, prefer, par. pres mid. Ίμειρόμενος, -η, -ov. Ίμεν, ίτε, 1 and 2 pi. pres. or impf. οΐεΊμι, to go. "Ιμεν, Ion. and Ίμεναι, Dor. for εΐναι or ίναι, pres. inf. οΐεΊμι, to go; or for ιέναι, pres. inf. of Ιημι, to go. Ίμέρά, -ας, η, and Ίμερας, -α, δ, a river of Sicily. 'Ίμερόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. ίμείρω to . desire) desirable, lovely, pleas- ing, delightful. "ίμερος, -ov, b, (fr. same) desire, love, affection; a wish, longing or craving for. Ίμίρό'φωνος, -ου, δ, 37, ( fr. 'last, and φωνή voice) sweet-voiced, softly- speaking, tuneful, harmonious, melodious. lutf-U, -η, -bv, (fr. Ιμείρω to de- sire) same as Ίμερόεις. Ίμπτω, (fr. εν in, and Ίπτω to hurt) to hurt, injure, harm ; to prick, Sting, goad; to fright* a, terrify. Τίτ?, /He», -indeel. on. a man's name. "Ιξομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. of Ίκνεομαι. "ΐζον, -ες, -ε, Bceot. for "κον, impf. act. of "κω. Or, it is the impf. act. of ϊξω, same as "κω. Ίζος, -ου, δ, JE61. Βισκυς, birdlime; a birdcatcher s rod smeared with it; a trap, snare for small birds ; a disease formed on a vein, an aneurism ; a kite. ΐξος, -ου, δ, t% (fr. last) tenacious, retentive, sticky ; stingy, spar- ing, penurious. Ιξύς, -νος, t), (perhaps fr. ισχύς strength) the loins, flank ; the back. "\ζω, 1 f. ind. act. of "κω, but some- times used as an original present tense., -impf. 'ίξον. Ιξώδης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. ιξος bird- lime) smeared with birdlime ; sticky, tenacious, glutinous. Ιοβόλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. ιος a dart, venom, and βάλλω to cast) cast- ing, throwing, shooting, discharg- ing, squirting ; venomous, poi- sonous ; an archer. ϊοδνεφης, -f«~ -ow$, δ, η, (fr. ίον a violet, and δί/άψος darkness) -pttr-\ pie., violrt coheir, drtrk. (300) IOT ϊοδοκη, -ης, η, (fem. of next) a quiver. Ιοδόκος, -ov, b, η, (fr. ώς an arrow, and δέχομαι to contain) keep ing, holding orXfull of at rows. Ιοειδης, -εος -αΰς, δ, η, (fr. ιος rust or ίυν a violet, and είδος likeness) rusty, soiled, foul, black, dark, iron-coloured ; violet-coloured, purple. . Ιόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. same) fit for arrows ; rusty, foul, black, dark, brown, tawny. Ίοιμι, ίοις, ίοι, 2 a. opt. — Ιοίσα, Dor. for ιουσα, fem. par. 2 a. of εϊμι, to go. Ιόλαος, -ου, δ, Iolaus, a man's name. Ίομεν, 1 pi. 2 a. ind. — or by Syst. for ίωμεν, 1 pi. 2 a. sub. of εϊμι, to go. Ιόμωρος, -ου, δ, ι/, (fr. ίον a violet, and μωρός silly) pale, cowardly, worthless, foolish, stupid. Or, (fr. ώς a dart, and μόρυς fate,, th. μείρω to allot) good at the. bow; an archer. Or fit only to be shot at, good only for a butt! Ίον, -ου, rb, a violet. Also neut. of ίος, -a, -ov. Or, 2 a. ind. Or neut. of ιών, par. 2 a. of εϊμι, to go. Ιόνθ', before an aspirate for ιόντα, a. sin. of ιών in last. Ιονθάς, -άδος, Ό, η, (fr. ίονθος down) downy, mossy, like cotton, soft, hairy, woolly ; pimpled, freckled, speckled. Ίονθος, -ου, δ, (perhaps fr. ιος an eruption, and άνθος a blos- som) down, young hair, cotton, fur; a spot, pimple; a speck, freckles. Ιόντα, see ιόνθ\ Ιοπλόκάμος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. ίον a vio- let, and πλόκαμος a lock of hair) dark-haired. Ιόππη, -ης, η, Joppa, the name of a town. Ιορδάνης, -ov, b, Jordan, a river. Ίορκος, -ου, δ, same as δόρκος. Ιος, -ου, δ, (perhaps fr. "ιημι to send) any thing thrown, shot or discharged, a missile, dart, jave- lin, arrow, bullet ; poison ejected by bite or sting, venom ; rust, verdigrise, canker ; dirt, foul- ness; carking care, anxiety, so- licitude. Ίος, -a, -ov, sole, alone, only, one, the same. Ιοστίφανος, -ov, b, η, (fr. ίον a vio- let, and στέφανος a garland, th. στίφω to crown) crowned with violets. Ίότης, -ητος, η, (fr. "ιημι to send) design, purpose, intent, inten- tion ; will, disposition, inclina- tion, favour ; counsel, advice. Ιου, oh ! ah ! alas ! Ιουδαία, -ας, ή, (fem. of ΙουδαΊος a Jew) a Jewess. Ιονδαϊξω, f. -ίσω, p. ιουδαϊκά, (fr. Ιουδαίος a Jew, th. Ιούδας Judas or Judah) to imitate or act like τππ a Jet»; to become a Jew. pres. inf. ιουδαίζειν. Ιουδαϊκός, -η^-ον, (fr. same) Jew ish, like the Jens. Ιονδαϊκως, (fr. last) Jewishly, like the Jews. ΊονδαΤος, -ov, δ,- (fr. Ιούδας Judas or Judah) a Jev: ; Jeuish, of, or like the Jews. Ιουδαϊσμός, -ov, b, (fr. same) a Ju- daism or Hebraism ; a Jewish phrase or custom; the Jewish religion. ΙονδαϊστΙ, (fr. same) in the Jewish manner or language. Ιούδας, -ου, b, Judas, Judah or Jude. Ιουλίας or Ιούλιος, -ov, o, Julius, a man's name. Ίουλος, -ov, b, (fr. ούλος soft) down, young hair or feathers. 'low, impf. ind. cont. from Ίέω for "η μι. Ιονσα, η. fern. sin. — ■ Ιούσας, a. fern. pi. of ϊώι; par. 2 a. of εΐμι, to go. Ιοϋστος, -ov, b, (fr. the Lat. Jus- tus, honest) Justus, a man's name. ίοχέαιρα, -ας, η, (fr. ιός an arrcw, and χαίρω to rejoice) delightiiig in archery. An epithet ofi Diana. Ίπνός, -ου, b, an oven, hearth, fire- place, kitchen ; a lanthom ; a dunghill, dung ; a closestool. Ίιτος, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. ίπτω or ίπω to squeeze) pressure, a squeeze, crushing ; a mousetrap. ΙίΓδω -ω, (fr. last, th. ίπτω to hurt) to press, squeeze, crush; to op- press, overpower, afflict, par. pres. cont. ιπσύμενος. Ίππαγωγός, -ου, b, η, (fr. Ίππος a horse, and άγω to conduct) car- rying cavalry or horses. Ίππάζω, or rather Ίππάζομαι, (fr. same) to ride, go on horse- back. Ίππαιχμος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and αιχμή a spear) that fights with a spear on horseback; a lan- cer. Ίππαλίδας, -a, b, Dor. for Ίππαλί- δης, -ου, b, same as ιππενς. Ίππαρχεω -ω, (fr. ίππος a horse, and αρχή command) to command cavalry. Ίππάοχης, and "Ιππαρχος, -ov, b, (fr. same) the ruler of a horse, a horseman, rider ; a comm.and.er of cavalry. Hipparchus, a man's name ; an epithet of Nep- tune. Ίππας, -άδος, η, (fr. same) for Ιππική,' fem. of ιππικός, eques- trian. Ιππασία, -ας, η, (fr. same) horse- manship, riding ; cavalry, the horse ; an equipage, suite. \ππάσίμος,-ου, Ό, η, (fr. sa.me) pass- able on horseback, fit for horses, open, level, plain. "Ιππειος, -α, -ov, (fr. same) eques- trian, riding. ΊππεΊς, η. or a. pi. cont. of ' ψ ππενς, -έος, Att. -έως, b, (fr. Ίππο; ΙΠΠ 1 a horse) a horseman, rider : a | horse-soldier "LvneoTfiQ, -ov, b, (fr. same) eques- trian, horsemaiilike, skilful in the use of a horse. 'Ιππεύω, f. -ενσω, p. Ίππενκα, (fr. same) to nde, go on horse- back. Ίππηδόν, (fr. same) in the manner of horses. Ίππήεσσι, Ion. for Ίππενσι, d. pi. of ιππενς.^ 'ϊππ-ηλασία, -ας, η, (fem. of next) viz. οίος. a road, highway, horse- road, bridle-road ; a driving or riding ; a plunder or booty of horses. 'Ιππηλάσιος, -a and Ion. -η, -o; (fr. 'ίππος a horse, and ελαύν to drive) driving, riding ; that may be ridden or travelled horseback, fit for horses. Ίππηλάτα, V. of Ίππηλατης, -ov, b, (fr. same) rider, horseman ; a driver, cha- rioteer. Ίππήλατος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) easy for riding, that may be tra- velled by horses ; smooth, level ; open, spacious. Ίππίκόν, -ου, rb, (neut. of next) viz. τάγμα a troop, cavalry, the horse, a cavalcade. Ίππίκος, -τ), -δ:', (fr. ίππος a horse) equestrian, riding, horsemanlike ; fit for or belonging to horses: Ίππιοχαίτης, -ov, b, (fr. same, and χαίτη horse hair) horse-haired, adorned with horse hair. Ίπποβότοιο, g. Ion. of Ίππόβοτος, -ov, Ό, η, (fr. same, and βόσκω to feed) breeding or rear- ing horses, famous for its breed of horses. Ίπποδάμοιο, g. Ion. of Ίππύδαμος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. same, and δαμάω to tame) a breaker or manager of horses, horseman, rider ; charioteer, driver. Ίππόδάσνί, -εια, -ν, (fr. same, and δασνς thick set) set, mounted or adorned with horse hair, close- covered with horse hair, rough, hairy. Ίπποδιώκτας, -a, Dor. for Ίππ^δι- ώκτης, -ov, b, (fr. same, andciw- κω to drive) a driver, charioteer : a horseman, rider. Ίπποίοομία, -ας, ή, (fr. same, and δρόμος a race, th. δέδρομα fr. πρίχω to run) a liorse race, cha- riot race. I— V-Vcoc, -ov, b, (fr. same) the patron of horse-racing. An epi- thet of Neptune. Ίππύίοομος -ov, b, (fr. sa#ne) a race for horse or chariot races ; a high road. Ίπποθύη, -ης, fj, a woman's name. ;-- ..:, Poet, for 'ίπποιν, g. or d. du. — "Ιπποισι, Ion. for Ίπποις. d. pi. of 'ίππος. Ίπποκεντανρος, -ov, b, (fr. Ίππος a horse, and κένταυρος a centaur) same as κένταυρος, a hippocen- taur, centaur, an imaginary monster of Thessalv. (301) ΙΙΓΠ 'ϊππόκομος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and κόμη hair) horse-haired, adorned or flowing with horse hair. Ίπποκορυστης, -ov, b, (fr. same, and κορύσσω to arm, th. κόρυς a hel- met) helmctcd, plumed, wearing a headpiece crested uath horse hair ; a soldier on horseback or in a chariot, warrior; arm- ed, equipped; warlike, mili- tary. Ίππόκροτος,-ου, b, η, (fr. same, and κρότος noise, th. κροτέω to clap) a snorting, neighing, clattering steed; beaten or travelled by horses, level, plain. Subs, a race course. "Ιππολύτη, -ης, η, Poet, for 'Ιππο λύτεια, the daughter of Uippoly tus. Ίππομάνες, -εος -οΐ<ς, rb, (neut. of Ιππομανης) an herb poisonous to horses ; a discliarge from mares at certain seasons ; their natural desire. Ίππομανίω -ω, (fr. next) to desire violently, be lascivious. Ίππομανης, -έως -ονς, b, η, (fr. Ίπ- πος a mare, and μαίνομαι rage) very fond of horses ; violently affected by desire, lascivious, laid; mad, distracted, outrage- ous. Ίππομαχία, -ας, η, (fr. Ίππος a ' horse, and μάχομαι to fight) α fight on horseback, battle of ca- valry, cavalry engagement. Ί-πύμητις, -ιος, r, η, (fr. same, and μητις skill) clever in horseman- ship, skilled in horses, a jockey, horseman. Λππόνϊκος, -ov, b, (fr. same, and νίκη victory) ±£ipponicus y a man's name. r I-r-rc; όη, -ης, η, (fr. same, and νοίω to understand) Uipponoe, a wo- man's name. Ιππονώμας, -a, (tr. same, and τω- μάω to move) driving his horses ; epith. of the sun. Ίπποπείρος, -ov, b, f), (fr. same, and πείρα experience) intelligent in horses, experienced in horseman- ship ; a horseman. "Ιππος, -ου, b and η, (perhaps fr. Ίπτημι to fly, and πονς the foot) a horse or mare, one of the horse kind. "Ι~τ, •αν, η, cavalry, horse sol- diery. "Ιππος, -ου, η, substance, goods, chattels, "ίππο•,, Dor. for Ίππους, a. pi. of 'ίππος. Ίπποσία, -ας, η, (fr. Ίππος a horse, and σενω to drive) a horse-wo- man, woman riding or driving. Ίπποσόας -a, Poet. 2nd Dor. for Ίπποσόης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a rider, horseman ; a driver, cha- rioteer. ΊππΌσννάων,ζ. pi. iEol. of Ιπποσύνη, -ης, η, (fr. Ίππος a. horse) horsemanship, the art of riding and driving ; management of horse*. ΪΡί *ί**6τ#ί v. or η. Bceot. of Ιππότης, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a horse- man, horse soldier, a knight ; a soldier fighting in a chariot. Ίπποτοξότης, -ov, b, (fr. same, and τόξον a bow) a mounted archer, horse bowman. Ίπποτροφέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and τρέφω to rear) to rear, breed f>t keep horses. Ίπποτροφία, -ας, {], (fr. same) the rearing, breeding or keeping of horses. Ίπποτρόφος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a keeper or breeder of horses, jockey, groom. Ίπποκρήνη, -ης, η, (fr. same, and κρήνη a spring) Hippocrene, a fountain in Bosotia. "Ιππουρις, -'ίδος, f), (fr. same, and ουρά a tail) horse-tailed, adorned with horse hair, with a crest of horse hair. Ίπποφόρβιον,-ου, rb, (fr. same, and φέρβω to graze) a horse pasture ; a herd of horses. Ίπποφορβος, -ου, b, (fr. same) one who breeds, feeds or grazes horses. Ίπποχάρμας, -a, Dor. for Ίπποχάρ- μης, -ου, b, (fr. same, and χαίρω to delight) delighting in horses. Ίππωνίω -ω, (fr. same, and ωνέο- μαι to buy) to buy, sell or deal in horses. Ίππωνία,-ας, //, (fr. same) a pur- chase or sale of horses, dealing in horses. "Ιπταμαι, pres. mid. of Ιπτημι, or πτήμι,ΐ. πτήσω, p. πέπ- τηκα, (fr. πτύω obs. to fly) to fly, go through the air. 2 a. ind. act. ίπτην'Ίτιί. πτήναι' par. πτάς. pres. ind. mid. ϊπτάμαι' inf. ΐπτασθαι' par. Ιπτάμενος. 2 a. mid. ind. επτάμην, and επτόμην inf. πτάσθαι' par. πτάμενος. Ιπτήσομαι,-η, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. of last. Ιπτω, cont. for 'ίπτασο, 2 sin. impf. mid. of same. Ίπτω, or Ίπω, to hurt, injure, harm, damage, wrong, annoy; to wound, draw blood. Ίρά, -ας, Ion. Ίρή, -ης, ή, and Ίρον, -οϋ, το, (fr. ιρος, Ion. for Ιερός holy. Or, without the as- per, perhaps fr. είρω to speak) a place, court, market ; a temple, Ίράομαι-ωμαι, Ion. for Ίεράομαι. Ίράται, 3 sin. pres. ind. mid. Ίρασθαι, pres. inf. mid. — Ίρά- rco,pres. impr. act. of last. Ίρευς, Ion. for Ιερεύς. Ιρέω, Ion. for ειρέω. 'If>>7j -ης, h, the name of a town Ίρή, Ion. for Ιερά, fern, of ιερός. 'lpr /ϊαι, Ion. for Ίέρειαι, η. pi. of ιέρεια. Ίρήϊον, Ion. for ΊερεΊον. "Ιρηξ, Ion. for 'ίεραξ. Ίρ-.γγες, -ων, al, arteries, blood- vessels. Ίρις, -Έδος, ι), (fr. είρω to tell) the rainbow. Iris, the heathen messenger of their gods ; an aromatic herb, cassia. Ίρισσι, Poet, for ίρισι, d.. pi., of last. Ίρος, -ή, -ov, Ion. for Ιερός, -ά, -όν. Ιρος, -οΐί, b, Irus, a man's name. Ίρουργιαϊ, -ων,αΐ, (fr. ίρός for Ίερος holy, and έργον work) sacred ceremonies, rites, sacrifices. Ίροφάντης, Ίρόφυλαξ, Ion. for Ίερο- φάντης, Ίερόφυλαξ. Ιρων, g. pi. of Ίρος, Ion. for Ιερός. ϊρωσϋνη, Ion. for ιερωσυνη. Ις, ϊνος, >'], a fibre, filament, nerve, muscle, sinew; strength, firm- ness, ability, power. Ισ', for~Iaa, (fr. Ίσος equal) equal- ly, alike, as well, so. Ισαάκ, Heb. -indecl. Isaac, a man's name. Ισάγγελος, -ου, b, η, (fr. Ίσος equal, and άγγελος an angel) equal to or like the angels, angelic. Ίσάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. same) to equal- ize, make equal to or even with, put on a level ; to compare, as- similate, esteem equally. Ισα'ιας, same as Ή,σαιας, a man's name. Ισαίος, -ου, b, Isaeus, a man's name. Ισαίί, d. fein. pi. οϊΊσος. Ισαλη, -ης, I], (perhaps fr. ίξαλος wanton) a goatskin jacket. Ισαμεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. of Ίσημι. By Sync, it is made ίσμεν, and Dor. ίδμεν. Ισάμι, Dor. for ίσημι. Ίσαν, 3 pi. impf. of εΊμι, to go. Ισαν, by Sync, for Ίσασαν, 3 pi. of ίσην, impf. act. — Ίσαντι, Dor. for ίσασι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of ίσημι. Ισάνεμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. "ϊσος equal, and άνεμος the wind) fleet as the wind. Ισάριθμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. Ίσος equal, and αριθμός number) equal in number, of the same number. Ίσασ', for ίσασι, 3 pi. pres. ind, act. — Ίσας, -ασα, -αν, par. pres. act. — Ίσάσαι, or ίση, 2 sin. pres. ind. mid. — Ίσασι, and Ίσάσιν, 3 pi. or Dor. for ίσησι, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of ίσημι. Ισάτις, -ιδος, f), the herb woad. Ισαυδής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. Ίσος same, and αυδή voice) of the same name. Ίση, 3 sin. impf. act. οι ίσημι. Ίση, Att. for ίσασαι, 2 sin. of ίσα- μαι, pres. ind. mid. of same. Ίση, d. sin. fern, οι ίσος. Ισηγορέω -ώ, and Ισηγορέομαι -ου- μαι, (fr. Ίσος equal, and αγορεύω to speak) ίο speak freely as to an equal, talk familiarly. Ισηγορία, -ας, η, (fr. same) familiar conversation ; frankness, can- dour ; equality, level. Ιση-μερία, -ας, ?/, (fr. Ίσος equal, and ϊιμέρα a day) equality of days, the equinox. Ισημερινός, -ή, -bv, (fr.- same) equi- noctial, when the days and nights are equal. Ίσημι, (perhaps fr. είσω, 1 f. of είδω to know) to know, under- (302) ΙΣΟ stand ; to perceive, comprehend* pres. ind. act. Ίσημι, ίσης, ίσησι. Dor. ίσάσι, pi. ισαμεν, by Sync. ίσμεν, Dor. ίδμεν, ίσατε, by Sync. ίστε, ίσασι, Dor. ίσαντι. impf. act. ίσην, ίσης, ίση, 3 pi. ίσασαν, by Sync. ίσαν. pres. impr. act. ίσαθι, and ίσθι' ισάτω, and ίστω' ίσατον, and Ίστον' ισάτων, and ισ- τών' ίσατε, and ίστε' ισάτωσαν, ίσ- τωσαν, and ίστων. pres. inf. act. ισάναι. par. pres. act. ίσας, -ασα, -αν. pres» ind. mid. ίσαμαι, and ίσταμαι, -σαι or -ση' impf. mid. ισάμην, and ιστάμην. pres. inf. mid. ίσασθαι. par. pres. mid. ισάμενος. Ισήρης, -εος -ους, b, ή, (fr. ίσος equal, and άρω to fit) equal, alike, even, a match or fellow, fitting, adapted. Ίσθι, Sync, for ίσάθι, pres. impr. act. οι ίσημι. Ισθί, έσθι or έσο, έστω, pres. impr,. of ειμί, to be. Ισθλή, -ης, Ί), corruptly for ιξάλη. Ίσθμια,-ων, τά, (neut. pi. οΐΊσθ- μιος Isthmian) viz. Ιερά sacrifi- ces, the Isthmian sacrifices and games, in honour of Neptune, at the Isthmus of Corinth, Ισθμιακός, -ου, b, ή, and Ισθμϊάς, -άδος, η, (fr. ισθμός a neck of land) Isthmian, at the Isthmus. Ίσθμ'ίον, -ου, rb, (fr. same) any thing about the jaws or neck ; a necklace, collar. Ίσθμϊος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) living at the Isthmus, Isthmian, a native of it. ΙσθμοΊ, (fr. same) at or on the isthmus. lσθμbς, -ου, η, a neck of land, an isthmus ; the neck, jaws, throat ; the neck or narrow part of any thing, as of an hour-glass. Ίσι, and Ion. ίασι, for εισι, 3 pi. pres. of εΊμι to go. Ίσικος, -ου, ο, and ϊσίκιον, -ου, τό, sausage, black pudding. Ίσις, -ιδος, >/, Isis, an Egyptian divinity. Ισκαριώτης, -ου, b, Iscariot, the na- tive of Charioth or Kerioth. Ίσκον, -ες, -ε, impf. of Ίσκω, (fr. είδω to know, or ε'ικω to resemble) to know, think, consi- der, apprehend, suppose ; to de- vise, invent, contrive, feign, coun- terfeit, make like ; to assimilate, liken, compare. Ίσμεν, by Sync, for ίσαμεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. of ίσημι. Ισμήνιος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) Isme- nian, Theban. Ίσμηνος, -ου, b, a river of JBoeotia near Thebes.. Ισοδυναμέω -ω, (fr. Ίσος equal, and δύναμαι to be able) to be as powerful, have the same force, be equivalent. Ιαόθεος, -ov, b, ^, (fr. same, and $εος a deity) equal to God, god- like, divine. Ισοκράτης, -έος -ους, b, fj, (fr. same, and κράτος strength) of equal strength, power Qr efficacy. ΙΣΟ equivalent; Isocrates, a man's name. Ιαοκρατίη, -ης, fi, Ion. for -τία, -ας, fl, (fr. same) equality of power, strength, or efficacy ; sameness of import or signification. Ισολογία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and λόγος account) equality of esti- mation, and of speech, freedom of language. Ιβομάτωρ, Dor. for ισομήτωρ, -ορός, b, fi, (fr. same, and μήτηρ a mo- ther) equal to the mother. Ιβομιλήσιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and Μιλήσιος Milesian) equal to Milesian ; fine, soft, delicate. Ισομοιρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and μοίρα lot, th. μείρω to divide) to share alike, divide equally, take or get as much. Ισόμοιρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) shar- ing alike, of equal lot or portion. "Ισον, (fr. Ίσος equal) equally, alike, evenly. Ίσον, -ov, το, (neut. of same) equality, a like share. Ισόπεδον, -ov, τδ, (neut. of next) level ground, a plain. Ισόπεδος, -ov, b, f/, (fr. Ίσος equal, and πέδον a plain) level, smooth, plain, champaign. Ισόπετρος, -a Ion. -η, -ov, (fr. same, "and πέτρα a rock) hard as a rock, flinty, stony. Ισδπλενρος, -ov, b, i), (fr. same, and πλευρά the side) equal-sided, equilateral. Ισοπληθης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same and πλήθω to fill) equally full, as full as. Ισοπολίτης, -ου, b, (fr. same, and πολίτης a citizen, th. πόλις a city) equal in citizenship, on- a level in civil rights, as much a citizen as another. Ισόπρεσβυς, -εος, Att. -εω?, δ, 17, (fr, same, and πρέσβυς aged) as old as, equally old or feeble ; like old age, weak. Ισορροπία, -ας, %, (fr. same, and ρέπω to incline) an equilibrium, equipoise, equality of weight, ba lance. Ισόρροπος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) ba- lancing, of the same weight, equal, even. Ίσος and "Ισος, -η, -ov, equal, on a level, alike, like, even ; equal to, sufficient, equivalent ; impartial, just. Ίσοστάσιος, rov, b, f), (fr. last, and Ίστημι to weigh) of equal weight, as heavy as. Ισότης, -ητος, ή, (fr. ίσος equal) equality, likeness, parity ; a like condition, equal portion ; equity, impartiality, justice, a. sin. ισό- τητα, ισοτιμία, -ας, fj, (fr. same, and τιμή honour) equality of rank, honour or esteem. Ισότιμος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) alike esteemed, equally honoured ; equally precious, of equal value, ϊσοϋσθαι, cont. for ισόεσθαι, pres. inf. pass, of ισόω. Ισοφαρίζω, (fr. Ίσος equal, and 1ST φάρο, a mantle, or φέρω to bear) to equalize, make even ; to as- similate, compare ; to be in equal situation or even circumstances, be alike, on a level. Ισοφαρίσδεν, Dor. for ισοφαρίζειν, pres. inf. of last. Ισόφορος, -ου, b, η, (fr. Ίσυς equal, and φέρω to bear) bearing alike, equally able or fit ; drawing or working evenly ; a match or fellow ; balancing, ofequalweight. Ισόψηφος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and χμηφος a pebble) ivhose vole is equal to anothers, of like right power or influence, equal or on a level in the state ; a certain kind of verses so called. Ισόχρΰχος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and ψνχη mind) like minded, of the same disposition, with one con- sent, unanimous. Ισόω, -ω, f. -ώσω, same as ισάζω. 1 f. ind. pass, ισωθήσομαι. 1 a. inf. mid. ισώσασθαι. Ίσπω, to say, speak, tell; to de- clare, pronounce ; to upbraid, re- proach. Ισραήλ, Heb. indecl. Israel, the name given by God to Jacob. Ισραηλίτης, -ov, b, and Ισραηλϊτις, -ιδος, η, (fr. last) an Israelite, descendant of Jacob. Ισσάχαρ, Heb. indecl. Issachar, a man's name. Ίστα, by Apoc. for "σταθι, or cont. for Ίσταε, which see. Ίστα, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. of ίσ- τημι. "Ισταε -a, 2 sin. impr. act. ; or 3 sin. impf. act. of ίστάω, for 'ίσ- τημι. "ϊσταθι, 2 sin. pres. impr. act. of ίστημι. Ί σταμαι, pres. ind. pass, of same. Ίσταμαι, for Ίσαμαι, pres. ind. mid. οι ίση μι, particularly in compo- sition. Ίστ ίαενος, -η, -ov, g. -ov, and Ion. -010, (par. pres. mid. of Ίστημι to stand) beginning, commenc- ing ; particularly for the first ten days, or decade of the At- tic month. Ίστάντι, Oor. for Σστάσ£»3ρ1. pres. ind. act. of Ίστημι. Ίστάνω, for 'ίστημι. "Ισταο, Ion. for ΐστασο, 2 sin. impf. mid. ; or 2 sin. pres. impr. mid. — "Ιστατο, 3 sin. impf. mid. of same. Ίστε, by Sync, for ίσατε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. act. of ίση- μι. Ιστέος, -a, -ov, for ειστέος, (fr. είδω to know) must be \nown, is to be understood, &c. ; according to the verb. "ϊστη, Att. for "στα, which see. Ίστη, for Ίστα, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. ; or for "ιστασαι, 2 sin. pres. ind. mid. of "Ιστημι, f. στήσω, per. εστηκα, and εστάκα, to set, place, pitch, plant, station; to erect, set upright, 'raise; to appoint, or dam, insti- tute, confirm ; to covenant, bar- (303) I2T gain, agree ; to weigh ; to let old on interest; to impute, charge; to restrain, curb, confine, cheeky stop, keep, detain ; to stand, be upright, be set erect ; to stop, stay, tarry, viait, halt, moor, come to an anchor; to remain, abide, continue, lie, be situated ; to hang by or depend upon. pres. impr. act. 'ίσταθι. impf. act. "στην, -ης, -η, also 'ίσταον -ων, -αες -ας, -αε-α, (as if fr. Ιστάω) 2 a. act. ind. έστην, -ης, -η, impr. στήθι. per. act. inf. εστηκέναι, and εστακέναι, by Sync, ίστάναι, par. ίστηκώς, and ίστακως, by Sync, Ισταως, andbyCras.iaTcof. pres. ind. mid. Ίσταμαι, -ασαι or -17, -αται. per. ind. pass, 'ίσταμαι, -σαι, -ται. 1 a. pass. ind. εστά» θην inf. σταθηναι• par. σταθείς. 1 f. ind. pass, σταθήσομαι. "Ιστησιν, 3 sin. with ν added pres. ind. act. of last. Ίστίη, -ης, η, Ion. for εστία• Ίστιατόριόν, -ov, το, Ion. for ίστια- τόριον. Ίστίον, -ov, το, (fr. Ιστός a mast, th. 'ίστημι to stand) a sail; a veil; a curtain, hangings; a standard, ensign. Ιστοβοεύς, -έος, Att. -εω?, δ, (fr. 'ίστος a beam, and βοϋς an ox) a pole, draught-tree, yoke; the plough-tail or handle ; a plough. ΊστοβοηΊ, Ion. for Ίστοβόεϊ, d. sin. of last. Ίστοδόκη, -ης, η, (fr. ιστός the mast, and δέχομαι to receive) the place provided for the mast, >n the Grecian ships, to lie or > est in when let down, the mast-bi th. "Ιστορα, a. sin. of "ιστωρ. Ίστορέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. Ίστωρ knowing, th. ίσημι to know) to inquire, search, ex- amine; to survey, view, visit, observe; to Imow, learn, gain information; to transmit, write history, record. 1 a. inf. act. Ίσ- τορησαι. Ιστορία, -ας, ή, (fr. same) inquiry, research, examination; an ob- servation, survey, view; a rela- tion of events, narration, ac- count ; a narrative, history. Ιστορικός, -η,-όν, (fr. same) narra- tive, historical ; an historian. Ίστορον μένος, par. pres. pass. cont. - •<— Ίστορονσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of Ίστορέω. Ίστος, -ου, δ, (fr. 'ίστημι to set) α mast; a pole, beam; a weaver's beam, loom; a web or piece" of cloth in the loom ; a shaft, dart t arrow. Ίστρος, -ov, b, Ister now the Da- nube. Ίστω, Sync, for ισατω, 3 sin. pres. impr. act. of ίσημι. Ίστω, Cras. for Ίσταο, which by Ion. Sync, for "στασο, 2 sin. impf. pass, or 2 sin. pres. impr. mid. οί Ίστημι. Ίστωμεν, 1 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. — Ίστων, 1 sin. or 3 pi. cont. impf. act. of Ίστάω, for same, I2X Ιστών, by Sync, for ισάτων, which again by Sync, for ισάτωσαν, 3 pi. pres. impr. act. of ίσημι. "Ιστωρ, -ορός, b, ή, (perhaps fr. ίσημι to know) knowing, intelli- gent, sensible ; dexterous, skilful ; a witness, evidence, judge, arbi- trator. Ίσχ', by Apos. for Ίσχε, pres. impr. or 3 sin. impf. act. of ίσχω. Ισχαίμων, -όνος, b, ή, (fr. ίσχω to stop, and αίμα blood) styptic, stanching, stopping the blood. Ισχανάα, Poet, for ισχανα, 3 sin cont. pres. ind. act. of Ισχάνάω -ω, (fr. ίσχω for έχω to hold) to desire, covet, long for ; to keep, hold, detain; to check, restrain. Ισχάνει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of ισχάνω. Ισχανόωσα, Poet, for ισχανωσα, η. fem. cont. par. pres. act. — Ισχανόωσι, Poet, for ισχανώσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of ισ- χανάω. Ισχάνω, to confine, curb, restrain, check, repress ; to hold, keep, de- tain, stop. Ισχάς, -άδος, ή, a dried fig. Ίσχει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Ίσ- χειν, pres. inf. act. for which Ισχίμεν, Ion. and Ισχέμεναι, Dor. — Ίσχεο, Ion. and Ίσχευ, Dor. for ίτχου, pres. impr. mid. of «σχίι-, for ίχω. Ισχίον, -ου, το, (fr. next) the hip, haunch ; buttock, rump. Ισχις, -ιος, Att. -εως, >% (perhaps fr. ισχύς strength, or ίσχω to support) the loin, flank; the loins, reins. Ισχνός, -η,-ον, lean, meager, poor ; lank, thin, small ; slim, slender, taper ; delicate, tender, fine. Ισχνότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) lean- ness, thinness, poverty ; slender- ness, slightness; delicacy, fine- ness. Ισχνόφωνος, ~ov, b, η, (fr. same, and φωνή voice) shrill, squeak- ing, tremulous, weak-voiced. Ισχονται, 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. of ίσχω. Ισχύει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Ισ- χύειν, pres. inf. act. — Ισχύον, -ες, -ε or -εν, impf. act. — Ισχύ- οντες, η. pi. -όντος, g. sin. par. pres. act. οι ισχύω. Ισχυρίζομαι, f. -ίσομαι, (fr. next) to strive, exert or display strength ; to overpower, browbeat ; to feel strong, trust, confide; to strength- en, support; to assert, main- tain. Ισχυρός, -a, -bv, (fr. ισχύς strength) strong, firm; secure, fortified; vigorous, robust, hale ; forcible, violent, vehement, impetuous ; grievous, severe, hard ; powerful, mighty, valiant. Ισχυρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. ισχύρωκα, (fr. same) to strengthen, fortify, secure, fix ; to corroborate, con- firm, impf. act. ισχύροον -ουν, -οες -ους, -ot -ου. ITT Ισχυρώς, (fr. ισχυρός strong) strongly ; povierfully ; violently ; 'earnestly ; exceedingly. Ισχύς, -ϋος, f/, strength, might, power, ability, d. sin. ισχύϊ, a. ισχύν. Ίσχυσα, -ας, -ε or -εν, pi. -σαμεν, -σατε, -σαν, 1 a. ind. act. — Ισ- χύσω, -εις, -ει, 3 ρΐ. -σουσι, 1 f. ind. act. of Ισχύω, f. -ύσω, p. ίσχυκα, (fr. th. ισχύς strength) to be strong, sound or whole ; to grow power- ful, become great or mighty ; -to avail, serve, be of use, be useful or good for ; to be able, can. Ίσχω, (fr. έχω to hold) to retain, hold in, keep back, restrain, go- vern, control, check ; to stop, hinder, stay, delay ; to seize, lay hold on, possess, occupy. Ίσχωσ^, Apos. for ίσχωσι, 3 pi. pres. sub. act. of last. ϊσώνυμος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. Ίσος same, and όνομα name) of the same or like name. Ίσως, (fr. Ίσος equal) equally, even- ly ; equitably, impartially ; alike, all alike, perhaps. Ίσωσι, 3 pi. pres. sub. act. of ίση- μι. or 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of είδω. Ιταλία, -ας, ή, Italy. Ιταλ'ίκος, -η, -bv, (fr. last) Italian, Italic. Ιταλιώτης, -ου, Ό, Ιταλιώτις, -i<5oj, j^, an Italian man or woman. Ιταλός, -ov,b,Italus, a man's name. Ιταλό?, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. ίτης rash) a bull, ox, steer, bullock.. Ιταμία, -ας, η, (fr. ίτης rash) rush- ness, hastiness, temerity, fool-har- diness ; imprudence, indiscretion, inadvertency. Ιταμός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) rash, un- advised, inconsiderate ; ventur- ous, daring ; bold, spirited,, cou- rageous. Ίτε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. of έϊμι, to go. Ιτέα, -ας, and Ιτέη, -ης, η, a willoio, sallow. Ιτέος, Poet, ιτητέος, -a, -ov, and Ίτος, -η, -ov, (verbal from εΐμι to go) must go, to be approached, &c. according to the verb. 'Itj7v, 2 du. impf. of εΊμι, to go. Ίτης, -ου, b, η, (fr. ιτέος must go, th. εΊμι to go) straightforward, right on ; rash, inconsiderate ; venturous, daring ; bold, spirited, courageous. Itov, 2 and 3 du. pres. and 2 du. impf. of εΊμι, to go. Ιτουραίά, -ας, η, Itur&a, a district of Palestine. Ίτρια, -ων, τα, pi. of Ίτοιον, -ου, rb, (fr. ήτριον the bel- ly) the lower part of the belly ; the belly ; paunch, belly or udder of a sow ; a delicacy, dainty ; a kind of cake. Ιτριον, (fr. Lat. iterum again) again, a second time, over again. Ίττω, a vulgarism for Ίστω, by Sync, for ισάτω, 3 sin. impr. act. of ίσημι. (304) IXN Ίτυς, -υος, )% the ?ing, rim or outer part of a wheel, the felloes ; the edge or circumference of any thing round, a. sin. ίτυν. Ίτω, 3 sin. pres. impr. of εΊμι, to go. Ιΰγη, -ης, η, and Ιϋγμυς, -ου^, (fr. ιύζω to howl) a hiss or hissing, whistling, piping ; the music or sound of a pipe or reed; a shriek, outcry, scream, shout, lamenta- tion. Ίϋγξ, -γγος, >;, a wagtail, a bird used in witchcraft ; a philtre, love-charm ; allurement. Ιύζω, (fr. ιού oh !) to hiss ; to play on the pipe or reed ; to cry out, shout, shriek, scream, lament, be- wail ; to howl. Ιϋκτά, for Ιϋκτής, -ου, b, (fr. ιύζω to hiss) α hisser ; a piper. Ίφα,-ας,-ε, per. ind. act. of ί π τω. ΊφθΊμος, -ου, b, η, and -η, -ov, (fr. Ίφι strongly, and $υμος the mind) strong, firm ; stout, har- dy ; brave, spirited, courage- ous. "Ιφ'ί, (fr. ϊς a nerve) strongly, firm- ly ; resolutely, bravely, courage- ously. Ιφιάναοσα, -ης, η, Iphianassa, a woman's name. Ιφικλείδης, -ου, b, and Ιφικλίης, cont. Ιφικλής, (fr. Ίφι strongly, and κλέος fame) names of men. Ίφιος, -ου, b, t), (Cr. same) strong, firm, stout ; hardy, brave, va- liant ; fat, plump, sleek ; exten- sive, spacious; large, great. Ίφις, -ιδος, η, Iphis, a woman's name. Ιχθυάοντες, η. pi. mas. par. pres. act. of ιχθυάω. Ιχθύας, -θύες, -θύων, -θύν, cases of ιχθύς. Ιχθυάω -ω, (fr. ιχθύς a fish) to fish, angle. Ιχθυβόλος, -ου, b, }], (fr. same, and βάλλω to throw) fish-striking, an epithet of Neptune's tri- dent. Ιχθύδιον, -ου, το, (dim. of same) α little fish, fry. Ιχθυηρος, -a, -bv, (fr. same) about fish, fishy ; fit for catching fish, fishing. Ιχθυϊκος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) fishy, fishing, plentiful in fish. Ιχθυόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. same) fishy, full offish. Ιχθύς, -ϋος, b, (fr. "κω to go, and ■S -ύω to rush) a fish, sea-monster ; a fishmarket. Ιχθύω, (fr. last) to dart like a fish. Ίχνεσιν, d. pi. with ν added of ίχνος. Ιχνευμων•) -όνος, ο, (tr. ιχνευω to trace, th. ίχνος a track) the Egyptian rat or weasel ; also ο kind of fish ; and of wasp. Ιχνεύτης,-ου^, (fr. same) a tracer, hunter, pursuer; an inquirer, searcher, examiner. Ιχνεύω, f. -ϋσω, and Ιχνέω -ω, (fr. ίχνος a track) to trace, track, ΙΩΝ folloio hy the marks or footsteps ; to investigate, search, examine. Ιχνη, η. pi. cunt, of same. Ιχνηλατέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr! same, and ελαύνω to drive) in follow on the steps, pursue the track, trace ; to investigate, examine. Ίχνιυν, -ου, το, (dim. of next) α footstep, mark, track, trace. Ίχνος, -εος -ους, rd, (fr. ϊκω to go) the sole of the foot ; a footstep, track, step ; a trace, vestige ; gait. Ιχώρ, -ώρος, b, corrupt blood, gore ; matter, pus ; moisture, humour, watery discharge ; the blood of the heathen gods. 1ψ, ίπος, >), (fr. ίπτω to injure) a worm which eats timber and horn. Ιχμάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of ίπτω. Ίψαο, Ion. for ίψω, 2 sin. of last. Ίψος, the cork-tree, cork. Ιψύί, ivy. Ιώ, adv. of grief or exclamation oh ! alas ! ah ! ha, hollo. Ιώ, d. sin. of ιό?, an arrow, or of ίος, only. Ίώ, -ης, -η, pres. sub. act. οΐϊημι. Ιώ, for εγώ. Ιωάθαμ, Heb. indecl. Joatham. Ιωακείμ, Heb. indecl. Joakim. Ιωάν or Ιωναν, indecl. a man's name. Ιωάννα, -ης , ι), Johanna, a woman's name. Ιωάννα, indecl. or Ιωάννα?, -α, δ, a man's name. Ιωα'νν^ί, -ου, δ, John, a man's name. Ιώ/?, Heb. indecl. Job } a man's- name. fiiya, Poet, for εχώ. ίωγη, -ης, η, a covering, shelter ; an inn, harbour, lodging ; the shore, strand, beach ; a clamour, shout, outcry, noise. Ιωγμός, -ου, b, (for διωγμός fr. διώκω to pursue) pursuit ; the din of war, tumult, uproar ; rout, dis- comfiture, defeat. Ιώδης, -εος -ονς, δ, η, (fr. ίον a vio- let) violet colour, like a violet. . Ιωη, -ης, η, (fr. ΐημι to send) cla- mour, shout, outcry ; uproar, din, tumult ; a voice, sound, cry ; glitter, lustre, brightness ; smoke, fume ; a breath, blast, breeze, wind. Ιωηλ, Heb. indecl. Joel, a man's name. Ιωκα?, a. pi. of Ιωκη, -ης, η, (for διωκη fr. διώκω to pursue) pursuit, chase, rout ; din of war, clamour, uproar, ΚΑΓ Ιών, -ούσα, -ov, par. 2 a. of εΊμι, to go. Ιών, Boeot. for εγώ. Ιωνάς, -α, ό, Heb. Jonah. Ιωνία, -ας, η, (fr. ίον a violet) a bed of violets. Ιωνία, -ας, η (fr. Ίων Ion) Ionia. Ιωνικός, -η, -ov, (fr. last) Ionic, Ionian, ωνικώς, (fr. last) Ionic, like an Ionian ; softly, delicately, ώζ, ιωκυς, b, same as ιωκή. ωραμ, b, Heb. indecl. Joram, a man's name. ωρείμ, b, Heb. indecl. a man's name. Ιωσα^άτ, δ, Heb. indecl. Josaphat, a man's name. Ιωσ?;, δ, Heb. indecl. a man's name. Ιωσ^0, δ, Heb. indecl. Joseph. Ιωσίας, -ου, δ, Heb. Josias, a man's name. Ιώ>α, τδ, indecl. the smallest Greek letter ; any thing very small or trifling, an iota, jot. Ιωχμδ;, -ου, δ, same as ιωγμός. Ίωψ, -οπός, a kind offish. lolkos, a city of outcry, shout, ϊωλκος, -ου, η, Thessaly. Ίωμεν, 1 pi. 2 a. sub. of εΊμι, to go. Ιώμενος, par. pres. pass. cont. of ιά3μαι Ίων, -ωνος, b, Ion, the patriarch of the lonians. 13»», sirae as ίώ, oh ! alas! hollo, Qq Κ Κ, ac, the tenth letter of the more modern Greek alphabet, but the eleventh of the ancient, whence in numerals it denotes the second decade or twenty ; with a dot underneath, κ, twenty thousand. Καβάλης, -ου, δ, a pack-horse, hack, horse, nag. Κάβαλλ\ Κάβαλλε,Κάβαλλεν, Dor. or Poet, for κατέβαλε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. οι κατά βάλλω. Κάββαλεν, ΚαββαλεΊν, Καββάλετ, Dor. or Poet, for κατέβάλεν, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. ; καταβαλέϊν, 2 a. inf. act. ; and κατεβάλετο, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. mid. of κατά- βάλλω. Καββάς, Poet. Sync, for καταβάς, par. 2 a. act. οι καταβαίνω. Κάβη, -ης, η, (perhaps fr. κάπτω to devour) food, victuals, meat. Κάβηζ, -ηκος, δ, see καναζ. Κάβος, -ου, δ, a cab or kab ; a mea sure of grain containing nearly two quarts. Κάγγονν, for κατά γόνν, at, on or in the knee. Κάγκάμον, -ov, το, an Arabian gum resembling myrrh. Κάγκάνος or Κάγχανος , -ου,ο, '„ (fr. καγκαίνω to warm) dry, parch- ed ; withered. Καγχάζω or Καγκάζω, f. -άσω, p. -ακα, to laugh immoderately ; to laugh at, ridicule, deride. Καγχαίνω, to warm, heat; to dry up, parch, scorch. Καγναλάω -ω, to laugh immode- (305) ΚΑΘ rately, burst out laughing; t« tough at. ridicule, scoff ; to re- joice, delight, cjuU. Καγχαλύωσι, Poet, for καγχαλωσΐ, ό \>\. cont. pres. ind. act. of last. Καγχασμός, -οΰ, b, (fr. καγχάζω to laugh violently) a Jit of laugh- ter, loud laughter ; laughter in scorn or derision ; ridicule. Καγχλάζω, f. -άσω, to be sad or melancholy, suffer, be distressed, low or wretched. Καγώ, for και εγώ. Κά(5<5' or Κάδδε, Poet, for κατά if, accordingly, therefore. Κά<5<5' άρα, for κατά δϊ άρα. Καδδίπεσε, Poet, for κατέπεσε δε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. of καταπίπτω. Καδδραθίτην, Dor. and iEol. for κατεδραθέτην, 3 du. 2 a. ind. act. of καταδαρΟάνω. Καδδύνάμιν, for κατά δύναμιν. Καδδϋσαι, for καταδυσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of καταδύω. ΚαδησΊμ, catamites, male prosti- tutes devoted to idols. Καδίον, -ου, το, a bag, satchel, wal- let ; a canteen, small cask. Καδμείος, -a, -ov, (fr. Κάδμος a man's name) of Cadmus, Cad- mean, Theban. Καδμείων, -ωνος, δ, (fr. same) a Cudmean, Theban. Καδιχηϊάν, Dor. for Καδμηίων, g. pi. of. Καδμήϊοί) -ov, b, fj, same as Καδ- μείων. Καδμη'Ί'ς, -ίδος, fj, (fr. Κάό"αο? a name) a female Cadmean, wo- man of Thebes. Κάδμος, -ου, b, Cadmus, a man's name. Κάδας,.-€ος -ους, το, Poet, for κη- δος.. Κάδος and Κάδδος, -ου, δ, α cask, vine vessel ; a bucket ; a jar, urn or box to hold lots or ballots at elections. Καδύτας, -ου, δ, a Syrian herb. Καεί?, -έσσα, -tv, par. 2 a. pass, of καίω. Κάζω, a Poet, verb, to adorn, be- deck ; to furnish, provide, equip. per. ind. pass, κίκασμαι, pper. εκεκάσμην, -σο, -στο. Καη, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. pass. — Καη- ναι, inf. 2 a. pass. — Καήσομαι, 2 f. ind. pass, of καίω. Καθ', for κατά before an aspirate. Κα9ά, (fr. κατά according to, and o? which) as, just as, accord- ingly, according as. Καθ&γίζω, (fr. κατά intens. and αγίζω to consecrate, th. άγος worship) to devote, dedicate, consecrate, hallow ; to celebrate a funeral, perform funeral rites ; make burned offerings, burn in- cense. Καθαγισμος, -ου, δ, (fr. same) con- secration, dedication, appoint- ment to holy purposes ; funeral ceremonies, obsequies, a funeral. Καθαιρεί, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. Oi καθαιρώ. Καθαιρεϊσθαι, pres. inf. pass. cont. ΚΑΘ — Καθαιρουντας, a. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of καθαιρίω. Καθαίρεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. next) demolition, destruction, ruin, subversion, overthrow, a. sin. καθαίρεσιν. Καθαιρίω -ω, f. -ησωτ, p. καθήρηκα, (fr. κατά intens. and αίρέω to take) to take away, or remove to- tally ; to throw or pull down ; to overthrow, subdue, conquer ; to subvert, demolish, ruin, raze ; to dethrone, put out of office ; to bring to an end, finish, complete. 2 a. act. ind. καθέΐλον, par. καθε- λών. 2 f. ind. act. καθελω. Καθαιρώ, f. -αρύ, ρ• κεκάθαρκα, (fr same, and αίρω to remove) to purge, cleanse, clean, clear, prune ; to purify, expiate, atone, make purifications ; to flog, lash, scourge, per. ind. pass, κεκάθαρ- μαι, par. κεκαθαρμίνος. Καθαλίσκω or Καθάλωμι, f. χαθαλώ- σω, ρ. καθήλωκα, (fr. same, and άλίσκω to catch) to take by sur- prise, catch unawares; to dis- cover, find out, come to the knowledge of; to convict of. Καθάλλομαι, (fr. κατά downwards, and αλλομαι to leap) to leap down, qffox from ; to alight. Κάθαμμα, -ατός, το, (fr. κατά to, and ίίπτω to fasten) a tie, chain, knot. Καθάπαξ, (fr. κατά intens. and ίίπαξ once) all at once, alto- gether, entirely. Καθαπερ, (fr. same, and οσπερ which) as, as truly, as indeed, just as, according as. Καθαπτίκ&ς,-ίι, -dv, (fr. next) chid- ing, upbraiding, scolding ; re- proachful, carping ; detractive, cutting, virulent. Καθάπτω, f. -ψω, p. καθηφα, (fr. κατά against, and απτω to tie) to touch, lay upon gently or roughly ; to caress, pat, sooth ; to join, tie, fasten ; to bind, wind about, entwine. Καθάτττο- μαι, to provoke, irritate, tease, vex ;. to gall, chide, reprehend, blame, reproach ; to lay hands upon, seize, lay hold of. 1 a. ind. act. καθήψα. par. pres. pass, καθατχτόμενο,ς.. 1 f. ind. mid. καθάψομαι. Καθάρειος, and Καθάριος, -ου, b, η", (fr. καθαιρώ to purify) purify- ing, cleansing ; clean, neat, de- cent ; fine, delicate. Καθαρεύω, (fr. same) to cleanse, clean, purify ; to be clean or purified. Καθάρθαι, Ion. for κεκαθάρθαι, per. inf. pass. — Καθαρθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of καθαιρώ. Καθαριεΐ, Att. for καθαρίσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of καθαρίζω . Καθαρίζει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Καθαρίζετε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. act. ^- Καθαρίζεται, 3 sin. -ζονται, 3 pi. pres. ind. pass. — Καθαρίζε -c Sat, pres. inf. pass, of Καθαρίζω, f. -ϊσω, p. κεκαθάρικα, (fr. καθαιρώ to purify) to cleanse, ΚΑΘ clean, clear, free from filth or impurity ; to purify from si?i, atone, make innocent. 1 a. act. ind. εκαθάρισα, impr. καθάρισαν, -άτω, sub. καθαρίσω, -ης, -η, inf. καθαρίσαι, par. καθαρίσας. per. ind. pass, κεκαθάρισμαι. 1 a. pass. ind. εκαθαρίσθην, iznpr. κα- θαρίσθητι. Καθαριστής, -ητος, η", (fr. καθαρός pure) cleanness.^ Καθαριόομαι -ουμαι, (fr. same) to be pure or clean ; to cleanse one's self. Καθαρισμός, -ου, b, (fr. καθαρίζω to clean, th. καθαρός pure) a clean, ing, cleaning, washing, scouring; a purification, atonement. Κάθαρμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) off- scouring, dirt cleared away, sweepings, cleansings ; impurity, idolatrous worship, an idol ; a villain, scoundrel, vile wretch ; persons dedicated to the service of idols or offered as expiatory sa- crifices, pi. καθάρματα. Καθαρός, -a, -bv, (fr. καθαιρώ to pu- rify) pure, simple, unmixed, uncontaminatcd ; purifying, that makes pure ; single, plain ; clear, clean, neat, fine, fair, free from dirt ; innocent, guiltless ; good, excellent, perfect ; free from en- cumbrances, ready, prepared. comp. καθαρώτερος, sup. -ώτατος. Καθάροτης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) clean- liness, neatness, cleanness ; puri- ty, innocence, integrity, a. καθα- ρότητα. Καθάρσιον,-ου, το, (neut. of next) a cleansing, cleaning ; purga- tion, purification ; expiation, atonement. Καθάρσιος, -ου, b, ^, (fr. καθαρός pure, th. καθαιρώ to purify) purifying, that makes pure, lus- tral, expiatory, atoning. Ιίάθαρσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. same) a purgation, purification, expiation, atonement. Καθαρτικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) purg- ing, scouring, cleansing ; puri- fying, atoning. Καθαρω, Dor. for καθαρού, g. of καθαρός. It is also 1 f. ind. act. of καθαιρώ. Καθαρώς, (fr. καθαρός pure) purely, cleanly ; innocently ; clearly, evidently, plainly. Καθαρώτερος, -a, -ov, comp. of κα- θαρός. Καθεδοΰμαι, -τ},-ε7ται,2ΐ. ind. mid. of καθίζω. Καθέδρα, -ας, η, (fr. next) a seat, chair, stool ; a raised seat, throne ; a pulpit, desk ; a sitting, session, assembly, meeting; an abode, residence, habitation. Καθεζόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. of Καθίζω, (fr. κατά down, and εζω to seat) to make sit, seat, place, set down. Καθίζομαι, to seat one's self, be seated, sit. 1 a. ind. act. καθείσα. impf. mid. εκαθεζό- μην. 2 f. mid. καθεδονμαι. Καθεικέναι,Τ&τ. inf. act. of καθ ίη μι. (306) ΚΑΘ ΚαθεΊλον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of καθαιρίω, (fr. ελω obs.) Καθείμαρται, Att. for καταμίμαρται, 3 sin. -per. ind. pass, of καταμεί- ρω, (fr. κατά intens. and μείρωι which see) see also εψαρμαι. Καθεψίνος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass. — ΚαθεΊναι, 2 a. inf. act. — Ka- θείμην, -εΊσο, -εΊτο, 3 pi. -εϊντο, pper. pass, οι καθίημι. Καθείργνϋμι, same as Καθείργω, f. -ξω, (fr. κατά intens. and εΐργω to confine) to shut up, enclose, confine, imprison'; to restrain, curb, check, control. Καθείργμαι, -ξαι, -κται, per. and Καθείργμην, -ξο, -κτο, pper. ind. pass, of last. Καθείς, -εϊσα, -εν, par. of κάθην, 2 a. ind. act. οι καθίημι. Καθείς, (fr. κατά according to, and εις one) one by one, each. ΚαθεΤσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. cV καθίζω. Καθειστήκειν, -εις, -ει,3θ\.καθειστή κει σαν, pper. act. of καθίστημι. ΚαθεΊτο, 3 sin ΚαθεΊντο, 3 pi pper. pass, of καθίημι. Καθίκαστον, (neut. of next) seve rally, separately, singly. Καθίκαστος, -η, .-ov, (fr. κατά ao cording to, and έκαστος each) each, one by one, every one. Καθεκούσιος, -ου, b, f], fr. κατά in tens, and εκούσιος willing, whicl see. Καθεκτδς, -η, -bv, (fr. κατέχω t< catch hold of) to be caught \ catching, taking, apt to lay hols of; that may be borne, tolerable, suffer able ; to be checked or re• pressed. Καθελκύω, f. -υσω, (fr. κατά down- wards, and ελκύω same as th. έλκω to draw) to drag away, pull down, draw from, attract; to launch. Καθίλκω, f. -ζω, (fr. same, and έλκω to draw) same as last. Καθελώ, -εΊς, -εΐ, ind ΚαθελεΊν, inf. 2 f. act. — Καθίλω, -ης, -η, 2 a. sub. act. — Καθελών, -ούσα, -bv, η. pi. -λόντες, par. 2 a. act. of καθαιρίω. Κάθεμα, -άτος, το, (fr. καθίημι to let down) a necklace, collar or such ornament, hanging down on the breast. Καθίμενος, -η, -ov, par. οΐΚαθίμην, -σο, -το, 2 a. ind. rnid. of καθίημι. Καθίννϋμι or Καθίω, f. -ίσω, p. -είκα, (fr. κατά intens. and εννύμι or εω to put on) to dress, clothe, put on ; to cover, conceal ; to en- close, surround, shelter, per. pass. ind. κάθειμαι• par. καθει- μίνος, and Poet, καταειμίνος. Καθεξής, (fr. κατά according to, and εξή order, th. ίγω to hold) in order, orderly, in succession, dis- tinctly, particidarly. b, fj or τδ, καθ έξης, the following, succeeding, successive. Καθίξω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of κατέχω. Κάθεο, ίοη. for κάθεσο or κάθον, 2 a. impr. mid. Κάθες, -έτω, 2 a, ΚΑΘ impr. act. ; Κάθεσαν, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. act. of καθίημι. Καθεόρωμεν, for καθόρωμεν, 1 pi. conl. pres. ind. act. of καθοράω. Καθεσσαντο, Ion. and Poet, for κα- θείσαντο, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. of καθίζω. Καθεσταμενος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass. — Καθεστηκα, 3 pi. Καθεσ- τήκασι, per. ind. act. — Καθζσ- τηκώς, -υ?α, -ός, and by Sync. Καθεστώς, -ώσα, -ώί, par. per. act. of καθίστημι. Κάθετος, -ov, 6, /;, (fr. καθίημι to let down) hanging, hung, suspend- ed, let down. Subs, a plumb- line, perpendicular. Κάθενδε, Ion. for εκάθευδε, 3 sin. Impf. — Καθενδεις, -δει, 2 and 3 sin. -δονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Καθεόδετε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. act, — Καθεύδειν, pres. inf. act. — Καθεύδη, 3 sin. -ωμεν, 1 pi. pres. sub. act. — Καθενδων, pi. η. -δοντες, a. -δυντας, par. pres. act. of Καθεύδω, (fr. κατά intens. and ε'υ- δω to sleep) ίο sleep, l>e fast asleep ; to sleep the sleep of death, be dead; to loiter, slumber, waste time. Καθεύρεμα, -ατός, το, (fr. κατά in- tens. and ευρίσκω to find out) an invention, discovery, contrivance ; gain, profit Καθεψεω -ω, (fr. same, and εψω to cook) to boil thoroughly, slew ; to soften, make tender ; to break, crumble, reduce. Καθέψησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, fj, (fr. last) a boiling, stewing, baking, cooking. Καθεψιάομαι -ωμ-αι, (fr. κατά in- tens. andf^/iaw, which see. Καθεώραον -ων, 1 sin. or 3 pi. impf. ind. Att. of καθοράω. Κάθη, Att. Κάθηαι, Ion. for κά$η- σαι, 2 sin. — Κάθηται, 3 sin. pres. ind. mid. — Κα$ήσ3-αι, inf. — Καθήμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. of κάθημαι. Καθηβάω -ω, (fr. κατά intens. and ήβη youth) to be young, bloom. Καθηγεμών, -όνος, b, τ), (fr. next) a guide, leader, conductor; a teacher, instructer ; a counsellor, adviser. Καθηγέομαι -ονμαι, (fr. κατά along, and ηγεομαι to lead) to guide along the road, lead the Wuy, con- duct ; to precede, go before ; to preside, direct. Καθηγητής, -ου, b, (fr. same) α guide, leader, conductor ; a teacher, preceptor, instructer. Καθηδυπαθέω -ω, (fr. κατά intens. ηδύς sweet, and πάσχω to en- dure) to indulge in luxury, give up to gratification, be delicate; to waste in voluptuousness, lose by gratificmtion. Καθήκα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -ήκαν, 1 a. ind. act. οΐκαθίηαι. Κ'-ιθήκει, (impers. fr. καθήκω to become) it is proper, right-, fit, it become», suits, answers. ΧβΦ?κον, -ovros, rdj (neut erf m-. ΚΑΘ θήκων, par. pres. act. of next) decency, propriety, decorum ; fit- ness, suitableness, convenience; duty, engagement, business. Καθήκω, (fr. κατά according to, and ήκω to come) to become, be- fit, beseem, be proper for ; to suit, fit, answer, be convenient ; to be- long, pertain to. Καθήκων, -ονσα, -ov, (par. pres. act. of last) becoming, fit, proper, seemly. Καθηλόω -ω, (fr. κατά by means of, and ήλος a nail) to nail, fast- en with nails, drive a nail ; to fix, fasten together. Καθήλωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) a nailing, fastening with nails ; a joining, putting toge- ther, framing. Κάθημαι, (fr. κατά downwards, and ήμαι to sit) to sit down, sit on the ground ; to sit idle ; to encamp, besiege ; to settle, inham bit, dwell, pres. impr. mid. κά- θησο or κάθον. impf. mid. εκαθή• μην, -σο, -το. Καθήμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid of last, καθήμενον πεδίον, a level plain. Καθημεραν, (fr. κατά according to and ήμερα a day) day by day daily ; every day, constantly. Καθημερινός, -η, -ov, (fr. same) daily, happening every day. Κάθην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. act. of καθίημι. Κάθη ρε, Ion. for εκάθηρε, 3 sin. 1 a ind. act. of καθαιρώ. Καθηρέθην, by Syst. for καβηρήθην 1 a. ind. pass. — Καθηρήμην -σο, -το, pper. ind. pass, of κα• θαιρίω. Καθήσθαι, pres. inf. mid. — Κά• θησο, pres. impr. mid. — Ka- θήσομαι, 1 f. ind. mid. of Κάθη μα ι. Καθήστο, Poet, for Καθήτο, which Ion. for εκαθήτο, 3 sin. impf. mid. of κάθημαι. Or, it is 3 sin. of καθήσμην, pper. pass, of χαθέζω. Καθήκα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of καθάπτω. Καθίασι, 3 pi. Att. pres. ind. act. of καθίημι. Κάθιδοος, -ου, b, η, (fr. κατά ac- cording to, and ίδρως sweat) weary, fatigued, tired ; sweat- ing. Καθιδρυνθεις, -ε~σα, -h, η. pi. -iv- τες, par. 1 a. pass, of Καθιδρύνω or Καθιδρύω, f. -νσω, p. -υκα, (fr. κατά downwaids, and ιδρύω to seat) to set down, cause to sit, seat; to set, place, settle, fix; to set together, construct, build. ΚαθιέμεΛ'ος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. of καθίημι. Καθίεον -ουν, -εες -εις, -εε -ει, impf. act. of καθιεω for καθίημι. Καθιερόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. κατά in- tens. and Ιερόω, to consecrate, th. Ιερός holy) to dedicate, conse- crate, appoint to religious use } to devote, occurse, damn. (307) ΚΑΘ Καθίεσαν, 3 pi. impf. act. of κα- θίημι. Καθιζάνω, (fr. κατά downwards, and Ίζάνω to seat) same as κα- θίζω. Καθίζετε, 2 pi. pres. impr. act. — Καθίζευ, Dor. for καθίξου, pres. impr. mid. — Καθίζων, -οσσα, -ov, in a. fern. Καθίζουσαν, par. pres. act. of Καθίζω, f. -ίσω, p. κεκάθικα, (fr. κατά downwards, and 'ίζω to set) to set down upon, scat, place, lay ; to set in judgment, appoint or choose a judge, put on trial ; to settle, remain, dwell t abide ; to cause or force to do, set, dispose ; as κλαίοντα, καθί- ζειν, to set a weeping. 1 a. act. ind. εκάθισα, impr. κάθισον, -άτω, in 2 pi. καθίσατε' sub. κα- θίσω, -ης, -η' inf. καθίσαι• par. καθίσας. pres. ind. mid. καθίζο- μαι. 1 a. mid. ind. εκαθισάμην' impr. καθίσαι' sub. καθίσωμαι, -η, -ηται, in 2 pi. καθίσησθε. Καθίημι, f. -ήσω, p. -εικα, (fr. same, and 'ίημι to send) to send or let down, let fall or drop ; to have hanging down, suffer to remain hanging down ; to fathom, sound, try the depth ; to explore, try to discover, endeavour to find out ; to set an ambush, lie in wait. 1 a. ind. act. καθήκα. 2 a. ind. act, κάθην. pres. ind. pass, κα- θίεμαι. Καθίκεο, Ion. for καθίκον, 2 sin. 2 a. ind. mid. of καθικνίομαι. Καθικετενον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of Καθικετεύω, fr. κατά intens. and ικετεύω, which see. Καθικμαίνω, (fr. same, and ικμαίνω to sprinkle, th. Ίκμάς a drop) to besprinkle, bedew, moisten; to steep, soak ; to soften. Καθικνίομαι, f. -ίζομαι, p. -ιγμαι, (fr. same, and Ίκνεομαι to come) to come to, arrive at, reach; to touch ; to strike, hit; to bear hard upon, bear down. Καθίξας Dor. for καθΊσας, par. 1 a. act. — Καθίζω, -ης, -η, Dor. for καθίσω, 1 a. sub. act. — Ka- Οίζω,-εις, -ει, Dor. for καθίσω "1 f, ind. act, of καθίζω. Καθιουμαι, Att. for καθίσομαι, 1 f. ind. mid. of same. Καθιππάζω and Καθιππενω, (fr. κα- τά intens. and Ιππεύω to ride, th. 'ίππος a horse) to ride about; to ride up to ; to ride over, overrun, trample upon. Καθίπτημι, f. mid. -τήσομαι, (fr. κατά downwards, and 'ίπτημι to fly) to fly down, fly away or off; to collect or gather into a flight or crowd. Καθίσαι, 1 a. inf act, — Καθίσας, -ασα,-αν, g. -σαντος, η. pi. -σαν- τες, par, 1 a. act. — Καθίσατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. — Καθίσεσθε, 2 pi. 1 f. ind. mid. — Καθίσησθε, 2 pi. 2 a. sub. mid. — Καθίσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. — Καθίσω» •ης, -η, pi. -σωμεν, -στητέ, -(τωσΐ 1 1 a. sub. aot. όί καθίζω. ΚΑΘ Krf0t -ιος, Att. -εως, f], (fr. κα- θίζω to seat) the posture or state of sitting, rest ; a seat. Κάθισμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) a sitting, rest ; a seat. Καθίστα, by Apoc. for καθίστάθι, pres. impr. act. of καθίστημι. Or, it is contracted from καθίσ- ταε, pres. impr. act. of καθισ- τάω. Καθίστάμαι, -τασαι, -ταται, pres. ind. mid. or pass. — Καθιστα- ναι, pres. "inf. act. — Καθίο-την, -ης, -η, impf. act. — Καθίστησιν, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of καθίσ- τημι• Καθιστάω -ω, for next, par. pres. act. Καθιστάων -ων, η. pi. cont. Καθιστωντες. Καθίστημι, f. καταστήσω, p. κα- θέστηκα, (fr. κατά intens. and "στη μι to set) to place, settle, fix, bring to a place, convey, con- duct ; to moor, cast anchor ; to constitute, appoint, ordain, esta- blish, render, cause to be ; to set a going, set up, begin, com- mence ; followed by επί, to set over, give authority to, put into office or command. Καθίστάμαι, to come to pass, happen, be, ex- ist, consist, become ; to set or place one's self, take a station. Καθιστώσα, cont. fr. καθιστάουσα, η. sin. fern. par. pres. act. of καθιστάω for καθίστημι. Καθο, (fr. κατά according to, and 8s which) according to that which, according to what, in as much as, as to this, in this re- spect. Καθοδηγέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. καθωδή- γηκα, (fr. same, bδbς a road, and άγω to lead) to bring into the way, show the road, guide, lead down, conduct back. Κάθοδος, -ov, η, (fr. same) a re- turn, coming back; a return into a lost path ; a descent. Καθο\Έκος, -ή, -bv, (fr. same, and όλος the whole) universal, gene- ral. Καθόλου, (fr. same) altogether, en- tirely, wholly, totally, throughout; at all; on the whole, in gene- ral. Καθομαλίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. same, and bμaλbς smooth) to smooth, plane, level; to polish, civilize, refine, reclaim. Καθομολογέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. κατά intens. and bμo\oγέω to confess, th. λέγω to speak) to acknow- ledge, grant, confess, own; to declare, profess; to covenant, bargain, agree ; to promise, en- gage, betroth. Καθομολογέομα -ονμαι, to pledge one's self, un- dertake, betroth or engage one's self. Καθοπλίζω, f. -Υσω, (fr. same, and ίττλίζω to arm, th. ό'πλον arms) to arm completely, equip tho- roughly, pres. pass. ind. κα- θοπλίζομαΓ inf. καθοπλίζεσθαι. per. pass. ind. καΟώπλισμαι' par. καθωπΧινμένος. ΚΑΘ Καθορίρ, act. — Καθοραται, pass. 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. of Καθοράω -ω, f. -άσω, p. καθώρακα, Att. καθεώρακα, (fr. κατά down- wards, and bpάω to see) to look down, see from above, observe beneath. Or, (κατά intens.) to see clearly, behold, descry, per- ceive; to understand, compre- hend, know clearly. Καθορμίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. κατά in- tens. and ορμίζω to anchor, th. 'όρμος a harbour) to arrive at port, anchor , moor. Καθόρμιον, -ου, το, (fr. same, and όρμος a necklace) a necklace, chain, collar, or any such orna- ment. Κα&οσιόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. same, and οσιόω to sanctify, th. 'όσιος holy) to appoint to a holy pur- pose, sanctify, consecrate ; to dedicate, devote, offer ; to atone, expiate ; to pledge, promise, en- gage solemnly. Καθόσον and Καθ' όσον, (fr. κατά according to, and 'όσος how much) in as much as, as far as, according as, as. Καθότι, (fr. same, and 'ότι that) and that, because. Κα'θου," by Cras. for κάθεο, which by Sync, for κάθεσο, 2 sin. 2 a. impr. mid. of καθ'ιημι. .Κάθου, by Cras. for κάθεο, which by Syst. for κάθηο, which by Sync, for κάθησο, 2 sin. pres. impr. οΐκάθημαι. Καθυβρίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. κατά in- tens. and υβρίζω to insult, th. ϋβρις an affront) to affront, of- fend designedly, insult, treat with insolence; to provoke, irri- tate ; to dishonour, disgrace, treat with indignity or scorn. Κάθυγρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and υγρός wet, th. ύδωρ water) wa- tery, wet, moist, humid, damp. Καθυμνέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and 'ύμνος a hymn, th. υδω to sing of) to sing hymns, praise, celebrate, extol. Καθύπερθε ΟΓ-θεν, (fr. κατά down- ward, and υπέρ over) from above ; above, overhead, on the top. Καθυπνόω -ω, (fr. κατά intens. and υπνόω to sleep, th. ύπνος sleep) to fall asleep, sleep, sleep sound- ly, oversleep. Καθυττοκρίνομαι, fr. same, and υπο- κρίνομαι, which see. Καθυστερεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. καθυσ- τερηκα, (fr. same, Άΐιάυστερέω to be deficient, th. ύστερος latter) to be late, be behind, arrive late, delay ; to fail, fall short, be de ficient. Καθυφαίνω, f. -άνω, p. καθύφαγκα, (fr. same, and υφαίνω, to weave) to weave along with, weave toge- gether. Καθυφεϊς, -είσα, -εν, par. 2 a. act — Καθυφέσθαι, 2 a. inf. mid of Καθυφίημί) f. -ίσω, p. -εικα, (fr κατά intens. frrd under, and (308) ΚΑΙ ϊημι to send) to send privily, suborn, corrupt privately; to submit, yield, give way ; to be• tray a suit, prevaricate, shuffle ; to take from, withdraw, subtract, diminish. Καθωπλισμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of καθοπλίζω. Κ,αθώς, (fr. κατά according to, and ως as) according as, just as, as. Και, and, also, likewise, both ; moreover, farther, beside ; al- though, though, but, yet ; than ; yea, yes, yet, even ; and espe- cially, namely ; as, so as, so also, so, hence, therefore ; or, nor ; then ; when ; that, to the end, tliai, in order that. Και γε, at least however. ΚαΧ δε, moreover, yea also, yes even. . Καιάδας and Καιάτας, -ov, b, a dungeon, vault, prison under ground; a pit, into which at Sparta criminals were put as a punishment, or their bodies were thrown after execution. Καϊάφας, -ov, b, Caiaphas a man's : name. Καί^ε, see in καί. ΚαΊε, Ion. for έκαιε, 3 sin. impf. act. — Καίεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. mid. of καίω. KaiKias, -ου, δ, an east or north- east wind, so called by the Greeks ; by the Latins, Co- das. Καιν, b, Heb. indecl. Cain, a man's name. Καϊνάν, b, Heb. indecl. a man's name. Καινία, a. of Καινευς, -έος, b, Cazneus, a man's name. Καινία, -ας, η, (fr. καίνυμι to con- quer) conquest, victory, tri- umph. Καινίζω, f. -"σω, Att. -ιω, (fr. και- νός new) to renew, restore, revive, repeat. Καινϊς, -ΐδος, fj, (fr. καίνω to kill) death. Καινοπηγης, -έος -ους, h, fj, (fr. καινός new, and νήγνυμι to fast- en) lately made, new. Καινοπήμων, -όνος, b, ?/, (fr. next, and νήμα a loss) lately afflicted, unaccustomed to sorrow. Καινός, -r), -bv, (perhaps fr. καϊ and, and viiv now) neio, fresh, modern; young; strange, un- usual; repaired, refreshed, re- newed; repeated, done again; other, different from the former. comp. καινότερος, sup. -ότατος. Καινότης, -ητος, ή, (fr. last) new- ness, freshness ; novelty, strange- ness ; a new thing or matter, d. καινότητι• Καινοτομεω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and τέμνω to cut) to make new, renew ; to change, alter, inno- vate, introduce new customs. Καινοτομία, -ας, }/, (fr. same) no- velty; alteration, change; inno- vation, revolution. Kairtmpyiw *ώ, (fr. seme, and if ye» ΚΑΙ work) to make new, effect a\ change, alter ; to desire alteration or revolution. Καινουργός, -ου, b, »/, (fr. same) a contriver of novelty, inventor, dis- coverer. Κοινουργόν, το, newness, strangeness, novelty. Καινοφωνία, -ας, >/, (fr. same, and φωνή voice) newness of words or phrases ; the introduction of new expressions. Καίνϋμι, (fr. καίνω to destroy) to conquer, excel, exceed, surpass. 2 a. act. ind. έκάνον inf. κανεΊν, JEo\. κανήν. Καίνω, to destroy, ruin ; to kill. Καιομένησι, Ion. for καιομέναις, d. pi. fern, of Καιόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. act. — Καίοντο, Ion. for εκαίοντο, 3 pi. impf. pass. — Καίονσι,3 pi. pres. ind. act. of καίω. Καίττερ, (fr. καϊ and, and περ though) although, yet, albeit, however. Καίρϊος, -a, -ov, (fr. καιρός oppor- tunity) timely, seasonable, op- portune, well-timed ; commodi ous, ft, convenient, proper ; fa- tal, deadly, mortal. Καιρύεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. καΧρος a warp) woven, well-woven. Καιρός, -ov, b, ( perhaps fr. κύρω to happen) occasion, opportunity, occurrence, juncture ; conveni- ' ence of time or place, seasonable- ness, fitness, propriety, utility; proper time, present circum- stances or convenience ; a time or season; a festival, anniver- sary ; circumstance, situation, state, condition ; emergency, sea- son of distress, extremity, calami- ty ; liability, exposed state ; food, provision, sustenance; modera- tion, forbearance. Έις καιρόν, εν καιρώ, in time, seasonably, oppor- tunely. ΚαΊρος, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. κείρω to clip) a warp, that is the yarn or threads wound on the beam in a loom, a web in the loom. Καιροσέων,\ίγ Metath. for καιροεσ- σών, g. pi. fem. of καιρόεις. Καιροτηρέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. καιρός opportunity, and τηρέω to watch) to attend, be vigilant, watch op- portunity, take time by the fore- lock. Καιρόω -ω, (fr. καΊρός a warp) to warp, set a warp, fix the yarn or threads in a loom ; to weave. Κάΐσαρ, -αρος, b, Cassar, a man's name. Καισαρεία, -ας, >/, Caesarea, the name of a city. Καίτοι, (fr. καϊ and, and τοϊ al- though) and truly, indeed; but, yet, however; though truly, though indeed, although ; there- fore. Καίτοιγε, (fr. same, and γε truly) although, though indeed ; how- ever. Καίω, f. καύσω, p. κέκανκα, to burn, to sacrifice, burn vie- KAK tims ; to kindle, light up, set on fire ; to inflame with desire, burn with emotion, love, be in love. per. ind. pass, κέκαυμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, εκαύθην. 1 f. pass. ind. καυθήσομαι' sub. κανθήσω- μαι, η, -ηται, not common ; 2 a. ind. pass, εκάην. 1 a. ind. act. έκανσα, and έκηα. Κακ, for κακά, neut. pi. ; or Dor. for κακή, fem. sin. of κακός. Κακάγγελος, -ου, b, (fr. κακός bad, and άγγελος a messenger) a bad messenger, messenger of evil. Adj. ill-boding. Κακαγορία, Κακάγορος, Dor. for κα- κηγορία, κακήγορος. Κακανέω -ω, Laconic for ακονάω, to sharpen, whet ; to excite, rouse, instigate. Κακάς, a. pi. fem. also Dor. for κα- κής, g. sin. fem. of κακός. ΚακεΊ, (by Cras. for και and, and εκεί there) and there, there also, even there. Κακείθεν, (by Cras. for και and, and εκείθεν from thence) and thence, from thence. ΚακεΊθι, (fr. same, and εκεί thence) from thence. Κακεϊνος, for καϊ and εκείνος. Κακεΐσε, (by Cras. for καϊ and, and εκέΐσε thither) and thither, and there. KAK Κακκείειν, pres. inf. act. — Κακκεί- οντες, η. pi. mas. par. pres. act. of Κακκείω, by JEo\. Sync, for κατα- καώ, which see. par. pres. act. κακκείων, -ούσα, -ov. Κακκεφάλής,ίοΐ καϊ εκ κεφαλής, see κεφαλή. Κακκήαι, by Sync, for κατακήαι, 1 a. inf. act. of κατακαίω. Κακκόρυθα, for κατά, κόρνθα, see κόρυς. Κακκορ^φην, for κατά κορυφήν, see κορυφή. Κακκρντττων, for κατακρνπτων, par. pres. act. of κατακρύπτω. Κακοδαίμων, -όνος, δ, η, (fr. κακός bad, and δαίμων a genius) ill- fated, ill-starred, unlucky ; un- fortunate, wretched, miserable; infatuated, foolish. Κακοδοζέω -ω, (fr. κακός bad, and δόξα opinion) to think erroneous- ly, form a wrong opinion, be mistaken ; to lie under an ill re- port, bear a bad character ; suf- fer under calumny. Κακόδοξος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) of no estimation, of bad repute; low, mean, base. Κακοεργός, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and έργον work) wicked, mischievous, malicious; a mischief-maker ; an evil-doer, mrdefactor. Κακέφατος, -ov, b, >/, (fr. κακώς ill, ΥΚακοζηλία, -ας, ή, (fr. same, and ζήλος zeal) zeal in a bad cause, mistaken zeal, evil imitation. Κακόζηλος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same) a rival in error, depraved imitator; imitating follies. Κακοζωία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and ζωή life) an unhappy life, wretch- edness, misery. Κακοήθεια, -ας, >>, (fr. same, and ήθος habit) a bad habit, evil man- ners or morals ; a depraved dis- position, malignity, malice. Κακοήθης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same) ill-disposed, evil-inclined, mali- cious, mischievous. Κακοθημοσυνη, -ης, ή, (fr. same, and $ήμων a heap, th. τίθημι to arrange) neglect, negligence ; indolence, laziness, slovenli- ness. Κακοθήμων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. same) negligent, indolent, slothful, slo- venly. Κακοΐλιον, -ov, to, (fr. same, and J l\iov Troy) ill-fated Ilium, wretched Troy. ΚακοΊο, Ion. for κάκου, g. sin. — ΚακοΊσι, Ion. for κακοΊς, d. pi. of κακός. Κακοκέρδεια, -ας, >'/, (fr. κακός bad, and κέρδος gain) ill-gotten gain. Κακοκερδείησι, Ion. for κακοκέρδει αις, d. pi. of last. Κακοκνάμος, -ov, b, η, Dor. for Κακόκνημος, -ov, b, η, (fr. κακάς bad, and κνήμη the leg) weak legged, with small legs. Κακολογέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. κεκακο- λόγηκα, (fr. same, and λέγω to and φημϊ to speak) ill-spoken of low, mean, obscure, vile, worth- less. Κακηγορέυ) -ω, (fr. same, and αγο- ρεύω to discourse, th. αγορά the market) to speak ill of, slander, calumniate; to abuse, revile. Κακηγορία, -ας, >/, (fr. same) abuse, bad language ; slander, calumny. Κακήγορος, -ov, Ό, η, (fr. same) foul-mouthed, abusive; slander- ous, calumnious ; a slanderer. Κακητϊελέω -ω, (fr. same, and πΑω to be) to be ailing, be indisposed, be in bad health. Κακής, Ion. for κακαΊς, d. pi. fem. of κακός. Κακία, -ας, f/, (fr. κακός bad) bad- ness ; faultiness, pravity ; a fault, defect ; evil, wickedness, vice ; malice, mischief; laziness, sloth ; cowardice, timidity £. trouble, af- fliction, calamity ; disgrace, scan dal, ignominy. Κακ'ιζω, f. -Υσω, (fr. κακός bad) to injure, wrong, impair, hurt ; to disparage, defame, malign, slan- der ; to revile, upbraid, reproach Κακίζομαι, to fail, be deficient; to be idle or lazy ; to be worthless or good for nothing ; to behave cowardly. 1 a. inf. act. κακίσαι par. pres. pass, κακιζόμενος . Κάκιον, neut. of κακίων, comp. of κακός. Κακίσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of κακίζω. Κάκιστος, -η, -ov, sup. of κακός. Κακίων, -όνος, b, η, comp. of same. Κακκάβα, -ης, >;, a partridge, Κακκάβη, -ης, η, a pot, kettle ; an earthen pot or crock. (309) speak) to speak evil of, slander % calumniate, backbite; to revile, abuse, reproach, upbraid, taunt. KAK 1 a. act. εκακολόγησα' inf. κακο- λογήσαι. Κακομήχάνος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and μηχανή a machine) mis- chievous, mischief -making ; a contriver of evils, plotter of mis- chief. Κακομιλία, -ας, t% (fr. same, and 8μιλία conversation) bad compa- ny, evi,l communication. Κακόμοχθος, -ov, δ, η, (fr. same, and μόχθος toil) labouring wick- edly, toiling to a bad purpose ; toiling, wretched. Κακόν, -ου, το, (neut. of κακός bad) a bad or evil thing ; mischief, detriment, damage, loss, hurt; affliction, misfortune, evil, ad- versity. Κακόνομος, -ου, b, }/, (fr. same, and νόμος law) having bad laws, ill regulated, badly governed. Κακοπάθεια, -ας, fj, (fr. κακός ill, and πάθος feeling, th. πάσχω to suffer) endurance of evil, suffer- ing under misfortune, vexation, grief, trouble, affliction, wo; endurance of evil, ill treatment, abuse. Κακυπαθέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. κεκακο- πάθηκα, (fr. same) to suffer evil or affliction, be afflicted, undergo misfortune, fall under calamity ; to endure or sustain affliction, bear adversity, support misery. 1 a. act. ind. εκακοιτάθησα' impr. κακο-άθησον, -άτω. Κακοπάθής, -έος -ους, b, f], (fr. same) suffering under affliction, en- during misfortune, unfortunate, miserable, wretched. Κακόπατρις, -ι5ος, b, fi, (fr. same, and πατήρ father, or πατρίς coun- try) base-born, ill-descended, of no family, mean, low ; unfor- tunate in his country, whose country is a disgrace, a. κακό- πατριν. Κακοποία, -ας, ij, (fr. same, and ποιέω to do) wickedness, mischief; vice, sin ; harm, hurt, injury. Κακοποέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. κεκακοποίη- κα, (fr. same) to do ill, act wick- edly ; to do harm, injure, annoy, hurt ; to spoil, lay waste. 1 a. act. ind. εκακοποίησα' inf. κακο- ποίήσαι. Κακοποίησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, fj, (fr. same) an evil deed, wickedness ; mischief, harm, hurt, injury, ill treatment. Κακοποιός, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) mischievous, wicked; ill-disposed, malicious, malignant ; a male- factor, evil-doer. Κακόπονς, -οδός, b, ή, (fr. same, and πους the foot) weak in the feet, gouty ; having bad or mis- shapen feet, club-footed. Εακοπραγέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and πράσσω to do) to be doing badly, straggle with misfortune, be unfortunate. Κακοπραγία, -ας, f,, (fr. same) evil dealing, misconduct, ill behaviour; unhappmess, misfortune, adver- **ty. KAK Κακοπράγμων, -όνος, b, ή, (fr. same) an evil-doer, bad liver; injurious, mischievous, wicked, perfidious. Κακορραφία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and ράπτω to tack together) the con- trivance of mischief, invention of hurt; a wicked device, scheme, plot; a stratagem, snare, am- bush. Κακός, -ή, -bv, (perhaps fr. χάζω to give way in battle) bad in every sense, cowardly, timid, dastardly, pusillanimous ; weak, feeble, infirm ; bad, ill, naught, worthless, vile ; evil, sinful, wick- ed, immoral, depraved ; mis- chievous, hurtful, injurious, per- nicious, afflictive, sore; hostile, adverse; malicious, spiteful; trou- blesome, vexatious, grievous ; ill boding, dire, dismal, ominous, unlucky, unfortunate ; ugly, de- formed ; base, mean, ignoble; lazy, slothful, slovenly, comp. κακώτερος, and κακίων, sup. κά- κιστος. Κακόσπλαγχνος,-ον, b,b, (fr. last, and σπλάγχνον the bowels) timid,fearful. Κακόστομος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same, and στόμα a mouth) evil spoken, malevolent, abusive. Κακότας, -άτος, fj, Dor. for κακότης. Κακοτεχνέω -ω, (fr. same, and τ ίχνη artifice) to contrive mis- chief, plot, intrigue ; to corrupt, seduce, suborn, persuade to evil. Κακοτεχνία, -ας, ή, (fr. same) any bad art or evil practice; mis- chief, injury, wrong, harm; treachery, perfidy. Κακότεχνος, -ov, b, r h (fr• same) mischievous, injurious ; mali- cious, spiteful, striving to hurt ; treacherous, perfidious. Κακότης, -ητος, η, (fr. κακός bad) cowardice, timidity, pusillani- mity ; idleness, sloth, laziness ; badness, worthlessness, vileness ; baseness, meanness ; vice, wick- edness, sin ; mischief, injury, wrong. Κακότητι, d. — Κακότη- τα, a. sin. Κακονργεω -ω, (fr. same, and έργον work) to work evil ; to hurt, in- jure, damage; to cozen, cheat, de- fraud; to beguile, corrupt, seduce. Κακουργία, -ας, η, (fr. same) mis- chief, hurt, damage ; improbity, wickedness ; dishonesty, knavery, fraud. Κακούργος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) wicked, mischievous, malicious ; an evil-doer, malefactor, Κακονχέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. κεκακον- χηκα, (fr. κακής bad, and έχω to hold) to treat ill, evil-entreat, maltreat, harass, oppress, afflict. Κακ-ηιχία, -ας, f;, (fr. same) unjust treatment, injury, mischief; ill health, bad habit. Κακηυχονμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass! cent, of κακονχεω. Κακοφράδής, -έος -βΐ>ς, b, η, (fr. κακός evil, and φράζω to think, th. φρήν the mind) evil-minded', (310) KAlt of a bad heart, ill-disposed, ma* licious, mischievous; unmanner- ly, rude. Κακοφροσυνη, -ης, f/, (fr. same) evil thought, wicked imagination / insanity, madness. Κακόφρων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. same) evil-minded, ill-disposed, mali- cious ; insane, mad. Κακόχαρτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and χαίρω to rejoice) rejoicing in other's misery, malicious, malevo- lent. Κακογοάσμων, -όνος, b, ή", (fr. same, and χράομαι to use) practising ill, doing evil, bad, wicked, lewd, immoral. Κακοχνμία, -ας, »/, (fr. same, and χυμός juice, th. χέω to pour) α redundance of bad humours, un- healthy secretion. Κακόψογος,-ου^,ή, (fr. same, and ψέγω to blame) abusive, slander- ous, reproachful, calumnious. Κακόψυχος, -ov, b, >/, (fr. same, and ψνχή soul) pusillanimous, cowardly. Κακόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. κακός bad) to corrupt, deprave; to injure, hurt, damage, spoil; to waste, ravage, destroy; to afflict, vex, harass, oppress ; to evil-entreat, treat ill, disquiet, molest ; to dis- affect, make ill-affected or dis- contented. 1 a. ind. act. εκά- κωσα. Κακτάμεναι, by Sync, for κατακτά- μεναι, which Dor. for κατακτεί- ναι, 1 a. inf. act. — Κάκτανε, by Dor. Sync, for κατακτάνε, 2 a. impr. act. or for κατέκτανε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. — Κάκ- τεινε by Sync, for κατέκτεινε, 3 sin. impf. or.1 a. ind. act. of κατακτείνω. Κάκτος, -ov, η", a certain thorny plant ; an artichoke ; a thistle. Κακτοντον, Dor. for και εκ τούτου, viz. χρόνον, and from thence, and from that time. Κακϋνω, (fr. κακός bad) to adul- terate, corrupt ; to debase, disho- nour. Κακχενσαι, by Sync, for καταχευ- ?αι, 1 a. inf. act. of καταχέω. Κακώς, (fr. κακός bad) ίΐζ badly, wickedly ; injuriously, wrong- fully, hurtfully ; rudely, con- temptuously \, uncivilly ; amiss, wrong , to no purpose ; with diffi- culty, hardly, scarcely; unhap- pily, unfortunately, wretchedly, miserably. Κακώς ποιίω, to in- jure, treat ill. Κακώς ε'ώημι, not to know, be not aware. Κακωσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Κακώσου- σι, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. — Κακώ- σων, par. 1 f. act. of κακόω. Κάκωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ft, ^fr. κα- κόω to injure, th. κακός bad) ill treatment, oppression, vexation, affliction, a. κάκωσιν. Κακώτερος, -a, -ov, comp. οι κακός. Κακωτίκός, -ή, -όν, (fr. κακΰς evil, th. κακός bad) ill-disposed, spite• ful, malicious; injurious, hwrU fid, noxious. KAA Κ5\α, pi. of καλόν. Καλά, (fr. κάλος fair) well ; in good time, seasonably, oppor- tunely. Καλαβάς, Καλαβάτης, Καλαβώτης, -ου, b, same as ασκάλαβος, an eft, newt or lizard ; a fish like lizard ; a spider. Καλαβρίζω, to turn Calabrian, live like a Calabrian. Κάλαθος, -ου, b, a basket, hamper, pannier ; a work-basket. Κάλαις, b, a kind of stone; a sail. Καλαμαία, -ας, f), and Καλαμαΐον, -ου, το, (fr. καλάμη straw) the smallest of the insects called cicada, grasshopper, froghopper or flea-locust ; a brooch or pin like this insect. Καλάμαιος, -a, -ov, and Καλάμινος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) of straw, or € stubble. Καλαμάομαι -ωμαι, (fr. same) to gather the straw or stubble ; to glean either corn or grapes ; to spoil, plunder, carry all off clean. Καλαμευτάς, -a, b, Dor. for Καλαμευτης, -ου, b, (fr. καλάμη straw) a reaper. Καλαμεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same) to reap. Καλάμη, -ης, and Dor. καλάμα, -ας, η, (fr. κάλαμος a reed) straw, stubble, the stalk of grain ; any thing dry and shrivelled; a person decayed by age ; a corpse, dead body. Καλαμίνθη, -ης, η, calamint, wild pennyroyal, catsmint. Καλαμίνθιος, -ου, b, a kind of small frog. Καλάμΐνος, -η, -ov, (fr. κάλαμος i reed) reedy, like a reed. Καλαμις, -ϊδος, η, (fr. same) afish ing rod ; a case for pens or reeds, inkhorn. Καλαμίσκος, -ου, b, (dim. of nest) α small reed. Κάλαμος, -ου, b, a reed, cane; stalk or stem of vegetables ; straw, stubble ; a pen ; a pipe, flageo- let ; a twig, rod, wand, mea- suring rod or pole; a fishing- rod ; a shaft, arrow. Καλαμοστεφέων, g. pi. of Καλαμοστεφης, -ίος -ους, b, '/, (fr. κάλαμος a reed, and στέφω to crown) crowned, begirt or sur- rounded with reeds. Καλαμώτης, -ου, b, an eft or newt. Καλάσιρις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, a long dress of linen worn by the Per- sians and Egyptians. Καλιιυρΐτις, -ιδος, η, litharge, vitri- fied lead, so called from Calau- ria or Calabria. Καλανροψ, -οπός, η, (fr. καλόν a stick, αυ backward, and ρέπω to bend) a shepherd's crook. Καλέεσκον, -ες, -ε, Poet, for εκάλεσ- κον, impf. of καλέσκω, Ion. for καλέω. ΚαλεΤ, 3 sin. — ΚαλεΤτε, 2 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. — ΚαλεΊν, act. — Καλεΐσθαι, pass. pres. inf. cont. — Καλείται, 3 sin. — Καλούνται, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. pass. — ΚΑΛ Κάλων, fern, -λούσα, η. — Κα- λούντος, g. cont. par. pres. act. — Καλούμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. cont. of καλέω. Καλιίμεναι, Poet, for καλέμεναι, which Dor. for — ΚαλεΤν, pres. inf. act. cont. — Καλεοίμην, pres. opt. pass. — Καλέοισι, Dor. for κάλουσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. — Κάλεον, Ion. for εκάλεον, impf. act. of καλέω. Καλέοντες, -ων, οι, straight sticks which support the web in the loom. Καλέοντι, Dor. for καλέουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of καλέω. Καλέσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Καλέσασ' for καλέσασα, fern, of — Κάλε- σα?, -ασα, -αν, g. -σάντος, a. -σάντα, η. pi. -σαντες, par. 1 a. act. — Κάλεσον, 2 pi. -σατε, 1 a. impr. act. — Καλέσατε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. act. — Καλέσω, -εις, -ει, 3 pi. -σουσι, 1 f. ind. act Καλεσσάμενο?, Poet, for καλεσά- μενος, par. 1 a. mid Καλέσ- σατο, Καλέσσαντο, Ion. and Poet, for εκαλέσατο, 3 sin. and εκαλέ- σαντο, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. of καλέω. Καλενμαι, in 3 pi. Καλευνται, Dor. for καλούμαι, pres. ind. pass, cont. and καλούνται, 3 pi. cont. of same — Καλευντο, Dor. for εκαλοϋντο, 3 pi. impf. pass. cont. of Καλεω -ω, f. -εσω and -ήσοι, p. κέ- κληκα, to call, summon, cite, send for, bid, invite; to name, ad- dress; to acknowledge, own; to call upon, invoke, implore, be- seech ; to proclaim, declare. 1 a. act. ind. εκάλεσα' impr. κάλεσον, -άτω'Ίηΐ. καλέσαι' par. καλέσας. per. ind. pass, κέκλημαι. 1 a. ind. pass, εκλήθην. 1 f. pass κληθήσομαι and κλεθήσομαι. Καλι'μεναι, Dor. and Poet, for κα• ληναι, pres. inf. act. — Καλ?5• μένος, JEol. for. καλούμενος, par, pres. pass. cont. of καλέω. Or it is par. pres. pass, of Κάλημι, same as καλέω. Καλήτωρ, -ορός, b, (fr. καλέω to call) a caller, crier. Adj. clear, loud, sonorous. Καλϊ«, -ας, and Καλιη, -ης, η, a nest, roost; a house, abode, cabin, cot. Κάλια?, -ων, at, a barn, granary. Καλιάς, -άδος, η, (fr. last) a cot- tage, cabin, hut, shed, lodge; a chapel, cell. Καλιης, g. of καλιη, Ion. for καλιά. Καλινδέω -ω, same as κυλίω, which see. Κάλλαιον, -ου, τό, the wattles of a cock. Κάλλεα, η. a. v. pi. of κάλλος. Καλλείπω, f. -ψω, Poet, for κατα- λείπω. • Κάλλια, -ας, η, a woman's name. Καλλιβόας, -ου, b, (fr. καλός fair, and βοη voice) sweet-voiced, me- lodious, harmonious, soft, mellow. Καλλιγΰναιξ, -αικος, b, η, (fr. same, and νύνη a woman) famed for (3Π) KAA fair women, abundant in beauty Καλλιγύναικα, a. sin. • Καλλιέλαια, -ας, η, and Καλλιέλαιος -ου, b, (fr. same, and ελαία an olive-tree) a good or fruitful olive-tree. Καλλιεπέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and ε'7τω to speak) to speak elo- quently, talk fluently, discourse elegantly, harangue. Καλλιεργέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and έργον work) to work well, execute neatly, perform complete- ly ; to act fairly. Καλλιερέω, (fr. same, and ίερός holy) to sacrifice, make offerings, pray for success. Καλλιθέμεθλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and &έμεθλον foundation) well founded, securely established, firm. Καλλίθριζ, -τριχος, b, η, (fr. same, and ξτρίξ hair) fair-haired, with beautiful or long ox fine hair. Καλλίκαρπος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and καρπός fruit) fruitful, fertile, abundant, productive. Καλλικολώνη, -ης, η, (fr. same, and κολωνός a hill) the fair hill, some very beautiful place. Καλλίκομος, -ου, b, {/, (fr. same, and κόμη the hair) fair-haired, with fine or long hair. Καλλψός, -ου, b, η, (fr. th. καλός fair) a Poetic word, same as καλός. Καλλίναος, -ov, δ, η, (fr. same, and νάω to flow) fair-flowing. Καλλίνϊκον, -ου, τό, (neut. of next) the great victory, the splendid triumph ; a kind of verse sung on occasion of a victory ; a song of triumph. Καλλίνικος, -ου, b, η, (fr. καλός fair, and νικάω to conquer) eminently victorious, splendidly triumphant. Subs, a great conqueror. Κάλλιον, (neut. of καλλίων, comp. καλός fair) better; well enough ; very well. Καλλιόπη, -ης, and Dor. Καλλίό- πα, -ας, η, (fr. καλός fine, and δψ voice) Calliope, one of the Muses. Καλλίόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. καλός fair) to beautify, adorn, embel- lish, ornament, set off to advan- tage. Καλλιύομαι -ουμαι, to be handsome, appear beautiful. Καλλι ιρηος, JEol for Καλλιπά- ρειος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and παρειά the cheek) rosy-cheeked, blooming, beautiful. Καλλίπεπλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πέπλος a robe) finely dressed, with flowing robes, with sweep- ing trains, in rich attire. Καλλιπλόκάμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πλόκαμος a lock of hair) with curling locks, with flowing ringlets, fair-haired. Καλλίπλουτος, -ου, b, >'/, (fr. same, and πλούτος wealth) rich, wealthy, adorned with riches, abundant in wealth. Κάλλ?πον, JEol. Sync, for κατίΚί- τον, 2 a. ind. act. of καταλείπω. ΚΑΛ Καλλίπρωρος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. καλός beautiful, and πρώρα a prow) having a beautiful prow, gallant ; beautiful, fair, handsome. Καλλίπωλος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. καλός fine, and πώλος a young horse) with fine horses. Καλ^ιρέεθρος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same, and ρέω to flow) fair-flowing, softly gliding, purling ; pure, clear, liquid, limpid. Καλλιρόη, -ης, η, (fr. same) Calli- rhoe, a woman's name. Καλλιρόηθρος, -ου, -δ, η, (fr. same) fair-flowing, liquid, clear, lim- pid. Καλλίροος and Καλλίρροος -ους, -6ου -ου, b, rj, (fr. same) fair-flowing, gently gliding, purling ; pure, ■ clear, liquid, limpid. Κάλλιστα, Dor. for καλλίστη, fem. of κάλλιστος. Κάλλιστα, (neut. pi. οι κάλλιστος fairest) best, excellently, very well, extremely well, most elegant- ly, most handsomely, bravely. Καλλίστευμα, -άτος το, (fr. next) the prize of beauty; superior beauty, surpassing charms. Καλλιστεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. κάλος fair) to be eminently fair, excel in beauty, be very handsome ; to shine, surpass, succeed, triumph. Κάλλιστος, -η, -ov, sup. of καλός, comp. καλλίων. Καλλίσφϋρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. καλός handsome, and σφύρον the ankle) with neat ankles, well limbed. ΚαλλίτρΥχας,Ά. pi. of καλλίθριξ. Κάλλιφ', before an aspirate for κάλΧίπε, .ZEol. for κατέλιπε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of καταλείπω. Καλλίχορος, -ου, b, η, (fr. καλός fair, and χορός an assembly) holding fine assemblies or meet- ings of rich persons, festive, gay ; graceful in the dance. Καλλίχωρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and χώρα a place) well situated; with a fine country, wide, exten- sive. Καλλονή, -ης, η, (fr. next) beauty. Κάλλος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. καλός fair) beauty, fairness, comeliness; elegance, grace. Κάλλυντρον, -ου, το, (fi\ next) a palm branch carried on festivi- ties ; an ornament ; neatness, cleanliness; a brush, broom, be- som. Καλλύνω,ί -ύνώ, (fr. καλός fair) to adorn, beautify, embellish ; to dress, bedeck, trim. Καλλύνομαι to be fine, make a display, be per- - sonally vain, look becomingly. Καλλωπίζω, (fr. same, and ώψ the eye) to adorn meretriciously, paint the face, colour the eyes. Καλλίύπίζομαι,ίο be vain, set one's self off, display beauty. Καλλώπισμα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) an ornament, embellishment, mere- tncAous dress. Καλλωπιστής, -ov, b, η\, (fr. same) addicted to dress, fond of appear- ance, vain, showy. Καλοδιδασκαλος, -ου, b, (fr. καλός ΚΑΛ fair, and διδάσκω to teach) a teacher of what is good, upright instructer, virtuous preceptor. Καλοκαγαθία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and ay α 6os good) honour and honesty, virtue, rectitude, probity, integri- ty, uprightness. Καλοκάγαθος, -ου, b,f), (fr. same) honest, honourable, upright, just, virtuous, good, worthy. Καλόν, -ου, το, wood, timber ; a stick, twig, rod ; a shaft, handle ; a javelin, dart. Καλόν, (neut. of καλός fair) beauty, grace, elegance; propriety, de- corum, decency ; probity, honour, virtue, goodness ; convenience, fitness. Καλοπέδϊλον, -ov, το, (fr. καλόν wood, and πέδιλον a shoe) the stocks, confinement for the legs. Καλοποιέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. καλός fair, and ποιέω to do) to do good, do a good turn, serve A benefit, be serviceable to ; to act well, do rightly, par. pres. act. καλο- ποιέων -ών, η. pi. cont. καλο- ποιονντες. Καλόπους, -οδός, b, η, (fr. same, and πους a foot) with handsome feet, fair, handsome, well made Or, (fr. καλόν wood) with a wooden leg ; the wooden leg it• self. Κάλος, -ου, and Κάλως, -ω, b, a rope, cable, sheet. Καλός, -ή, -ov, fair, handsome, beautiful, goodly, comely; orna- mented, embellished, adorned ; honourable, generous, noble ; good, proper, right ; decent, be- coming, decorous ; useful, fit- ting, convenient ; honest, virtu- ous, upright ; pleasant, agreeable, gratefid ; sweet, melodious; ac- tive, strenuous, vigorous; brave, valiant. Comp. καλλίων, sup. κάλλιστος, properly from κάλλος. Καλούμαι, pres. ind. pass. cont. — Καλούμενος , par. pres. pass. cont. Καλονμεν, 1 pi. Καλονσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of καλίω. Καλπάζω, (fr. κάλπις a palfrey) to amble, pace ; walk softly on tip- ' toe. Κάλπη, -ης, η, a pitcher, urn; a bucket, water-pot ; a ballot-box. Κάλπις, -ιδος, and -ιος, {/, same as last ; also an ambling nag ; a palfrey ; ambling, pacing ; a runner, racer, courier ; a kind of race. Καλυβη, -ης, η, (fr. καλύπτω to cover) a covering, shelter ; a cabin, cottage, hut ; a cover, lid, hatches. Καλϋδών, -ώνος, f), Calydon, the name of a city. Καλύκων, g. pi. of κάλνζ. Κάλυμμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. καλύπτω to hide) a covering ^vail, curtain. Κάλυξ,-υκος, η, (fr. same) a cup, pot, bowl, goblet; the cup of a flower, bud of a rose ; a flower, knot or such ornament worn by women ; a husk, hull, shell, pod. Καλύπτει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — 1312) KAM Καλνπτίσθαι, pres. inf. pass, ol καλύπτω. Καλνπτηρ, -ηρος, b, and Καλυντή- ριον, -ov f 70, (fr. same) a cover- ing, cover, lid, stopper. Καλύπτρα, -ας, and Ion. -τρη, -ης, η, (fr. same) a covering for the head, vail. Καλύπτρην, a. ol καλύπτρη, see in last. Καλύπτω, f. -ψω, p. κεκάλνφα, to hide, conceal, cover up, envelop ; to cloak, wrap, vail, muffle; to shut up, close ; to abscond, hide one's self. 1 a. act. ind. εκάλυψα• impr. κάλνψον, -άΥω, in 2 pi. καλύύιατε. 2 a. ind. act. εκάλυ- βον. per. pass. ind. κεκάλυμμαι' par. κεκαλυμμένος. Καλύψατε, 2 pi. impr. — Καλύψαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Κάλυψα?, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. — Καλυψάμε- νος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid Κα- λύψω, -ης, -η, 1 a. sub. act. — Καλύψω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of last. ΚαλυψοΤ, d. of Καλυψώ, -6ος -ους, ή, Calypso, a woman's name. Κάλχας, -αντας, b, (perhaps fr. next) Calchas, the name of a priest in the Iliad. Καλχαίνω, (fr. next) to dye with purple or scarlet ; to think deep- ly, revolve, ponder, consider; to forge, form. Κάλχη, -ης, η, a purple or scarlet dye, cochineal. Καλώ, 2 f. act. or Att. for καλέσω 1 f. ind. act. of καλίω. Καλώδιον, -ov, τό, (dim. of next) α rope, coil of rope. Κάλως, -ω or -ωος, b, a cable, rope. Καλώς, (fr. καλός fair) fairly, ho- nourably, bravely, handsomely; well, rightly, properly ; success- fully, happily, be it so ; vyell ! very well ! bravo ! Κάμαξ, -ακος, f], a stake, prop or pole to support vines; a post, pale ; a shaft, pike-staff". Καμάρα, -ας, η, an arch, vault, arched roof, dome ; a tortoise or covered military engine ; a cart, wagon, covered carriage ; a kind of ship ; a part of the ear. Κάμαρας, -ου, b, a kind offish. Καμασΐνες or Καμασηνες, -ων, o\ } a kind of sea fish. Καμάσσω, to move, stir, shake. Καματηρός, -a, -ov, (fr. next) la- borious, toilsome, wearisome, fa- tiguing ; weary r tired, worn out, infirm ; wretched, miserable, af- flicted. Κάματος, -ov, b, (fr. κάμνω to weary) labour, toil, pains ; work done ; fatigue, weariness ; hard- ship, suffering, distress. Καματώδης, -εος -ονς, b, η, (fr. last) heavy, oppressive,weighty, severe; laborious, toilsome, distressing. Καμάτως for καμάτους, a. pi. of κάματος. Καμβαίνω, JEcA. for καταβαίνω. Κάμβάλον, JEo\. for κατέ μβαλον, 2 a. ind. act. of κατεμβάλλω. KAM Εαμβρίξω, iEol. for καταβρίζω. •Καμβύσης, -ov, b, Cambyses. Κα/ιί, by Cras. for και εμέ. Κάμε or κάμεν, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. Ion. — ΚαμεΊται, 3 sin. Καμεϊσθε, 2 pi. of καμουμαι, 2 f. ind. mid. of κάμνω. Καμηλαύκιον or Καμελαύκιον, -ου, το, (fr. κανμα heat, and ελαννω to repel) a hat, cap, bonnet. Καμηλ'ιτης, -ου, b, (fr. κάμηλος a camel) a camel-driver or keep- er. Κα/ιηλθ7Γαρ<5αλί£, -toi, ή, (fr. same, and πάρδαλις a panther) a ca- meleopard. Κάμηλος, -ου, b, a camel. Κάμητε, 2 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of κάμνω. Κάμιλος, -ου, b, a thick rope, cable. Καμιναΐος, -a, -ov, (fr. κάμινος a fireplace) of a furnace, about a fireplace, belonging to a hearth. Καμινεντής, -ov, and Καμινεντήρ, -ήρος, b, (fr. same) working at a furnace, labouring at the fire a refiner ; a smith. Καμινενω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same) to labour at a furnace, work at the fire ; to refine, forge. Κάμ'ινος, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. καίω to burn) a fireplace, hearth, chimney ; a furnace ; fire, heat warmth. Καμ'ινώ, -6ος -ους, η, (fr. last) one covered with ashes or soot, sit- ting by the hearth ; a sooty hag. Καμμάρψαι, fr. καταμάρψαι, 1 a, inf. act. of καταμάρπτω. Καμμέν, for κατά μεν, accordingly indeed, just so ; then, therefore , verily, surely, certainly. Καμμίνειν for καταμένειν, pres. inf. act. of καταμένω. Κάμμες, jEoI. for και ημείς, or κα ημάς. Καμμονίη, -ης, η, by Sync, and JEol. for καταμονία, (fr. κατά intens. and μένω to stay) perse verance, persistance, firmness, constancy, resolution ; victory success, the reward of persever- ance. Κάμμορος, -ου, b, η, (Poet, for κα- κύμορος, fr. κακός bad, and μόρος fate) ill-fated, ill-starred, unfor- tunate, luckless. Καμμϋω, f. -ύσω, p. κεκάμυκα. 1 a ind. act. εκάμυσα, by Sync, for καταμύω. Κάμνε, Ion. for έκαμνε, 3 sin. impf. ind. act. of Κάμνω, f. κάμω, p. κέκμηκα, to la- bour, toil ; to earn, get by work ) to grow weary, be tired, faint fail, falter ; to be at a loss or ir a difficulty ; to ail, be sick, suf- fer illness ; to be worn out, ex- hausted, undergo the last ex- tremity, die. 2 a. act. ind. έκα- μον sub. κάμω. 1 f. ind. mid. καμουμαι. Καμοϊ for καΐ εμοί. Καμον, Ion. for έκαμαν, 2 a. md. act. — Καμόντες, η. pi. Καμου- σα, η. fern. sin. par. 2 a. ind. Rr KAN — Καμουμαι, -η, -ειται, 2 f. ind. mid. of κάμνω. Καμπή, -ής, >/, (fr. κάμπτω to bend) a bend or bending, curve, crook, winding ; a joint, angle, cor- ner ; a caterpillar, palmer- worm. Καμπτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. sa.mc) flexi- ble, easily bent, pliant, pliable. Κάμπτρα, -ας, ή, (fr. same) a bas- ket, hamper ; a case, coffer, box, chest. Κάμπτω, f. -ψω, p. κέκαμφα, to bend, curve ; to bow, stoop, wor- ship ; to rest, repose ; to suffer, bear, endure ; to turn, wind, wheel round, double ; to prevail on, incline, persuade ; to de- cline, shun, avoid. 1 a. ind, act. έκαμψα. 1 a. ind. pass, εκάμφθην. Καμπύλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. last) bent curved, crooked; perverse, stub- born, obstinately wrong ; bend- ing, winding ; pliant, flexible . ■rolling, swift. Καμφιστειλάμενα, by Sync, and Dor. for και αμψιστελλόμενος par. pres. pass, of αμφιστέλλω Κααψα, -ας, η, (fr. κάμπτω to bend) a case, cover ; box, chest, coffer. Καμψάκης, -ov, b, (fr. same) a; oil-cask, jar or vessel ; a cruse. Κάμψει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. — Κάμ ipn, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of κάμπτω. Καμχρίπονς, -οδός, b, η, (fr. κάμπτω to bend, and -ους the foot) swift, active, able to overtake. Καμών, -ούσα, -ov, (par. 2 a. act. of κάμνω) weary, fatigued, worn out, spent, dead. Kqv, (fr. και and, and έαν or άν if) and if, although, though, even though ; yet, at least, if only, if but, even if, Kqv for και εν. Κανά, η, Heb. indecl. Cana, a town of Galilee. Κανά,' cont. for κάνεα, pi. of κα- ν εο v. Καναβίνος, -η, -ov, (fr. next) thin as a rod, lathy, slender^ meager as a skeleton, puny. Κάνάβος, -ου, Ό, (perhaps fr. κάννα a rush) a reed ; a painter'' s wand or rod; a mould, model, skeleton. Adj. slender, puny, thin, meager, lean. Κάναβοι, springs or eddies in a winding stream. Κάναθρον, -ov, το, (fr. κάννα a rush) a rushen or wicker chair. . ΚανανΊτης, -ov, b, (fr. Κανά the city of Cana) a Cananite ; a zealot, enthusias 1 Κάναστρον and Κανιστρον, -ov, to, (fr. κάνης a basket) a basket, flasket or osier vessel, canister. Καναφέρος, Dor. for κανηφόρος. Κανάχέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. next) to ring, resound ; to jingle, crack, rattle ; to creak, jar. Καναχή, -ής, η, (fr. κενός empty, and άχος, Dor. for ήχος a sound) clang, clank, din, noise, clap ; (313) . KAS sound, echo; a clatter, nittle, creaking, rustling. Καναγηδά and -δον, (fr. last) with a crack, noisily, with a report, making a din. Κανάχιζε, Ion. for εκανάχιζε, 3 sin. impf. act. of Κ,αναχίζω, f. -ίσω, same as κανα- χέω. Κανόακη, -ης, η, a queen of Ethio- pia. Κανδαύλης, -ov, b, a man's name. Κανδόκη, -ης, η, a blanket or rug. Κάνδνλος, -ov, b, a pudding. Κάνδνς, -νος, b, a Persian dress, robe, caftan. Κανεΐν, 2 a. inf. act. of καίνω. Κανέοιο, Ion. for κανέον, g. of Καν/ον -ovv, -έον -ου, and ΚανειΌν, -ου, τό, (fr. κάνης a basket) α canister, basket, hamper. Κανήν, Dor. and jEoI. for κανεΐν, 2 a. inf. act. of καίνω. Καν???, -ητος, b, (perhaps fr. κάννη a rush) a basket, hamper, ves- sel made of twigs; a canister, case. Κανηφόρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. last, and φορέω to carry) carrying a basket or canister. Κάνθάρος, -ου, b, a beetle, cockchaf- fer; a cup, mug, jar, pitcher, tcmkard ; a knot in timber; a boat, canoe. Κανθήλια, -ων, τά, (fr. next) pan- niers, pannel, pack-saddle, pad. Κανθήλιος, -ov, b, (fr. κάνθων an ass) an ass. Κανθος,-οΰ, b, the corner of the eye ; a he- goat ; the tire or iron on a wheel. Κάνθων, -ωνος, b, an ass. Κάννα or Κάννη, -ης, η, a reed, rush, cane, sedge ; a mat, pallet, made of those. Καννάβ'ϊνος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) of hemp, hempen. Κάνναβις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, hemp. Καννενσας for κατανενσας, par. 1 a. act. of κατανενω. Κάννη, see κάννα. Κάννομος, -ου, b, η, by Cras. for καΐ έννομος. Κανονικός, -ή, -ov, (fr. κανών a rule) regular, according to rule; ca- nonical. ΚανοΡν, cont. from κανέον, which see. Κάντανθα for και ενταύθα, and here, here also. Καντέχη for και and αντέχη, 2 sin. pres. ind. mid. of αντέχω. Κανυπύδάτος, -ου, Ό, η, by Cras. and Dor. for και ανυπόδητος. Κανών, -όνος, b, a rod, wand, mea- suring rod ; a ruler; the tongue or needle of a pair of scales ; a weaver's reed ; a standard of weight or measure ; a distaff; a handle ; a measure ; a rule, law, regulation ; a boundary. Κάνωπον, -ου, το, the flower of the elder. Καξ, by Dor. Cras. for και εξ. Καξήγειρε, by Dor. and Att. Cra*. for και εξήγειρε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of εξεγείρω. ΚΑΠ Καπανάξ, some part of a chariot. Καπανεύς, -έος, b, a man's name. Καπάνη,-ης, η, (fr. κάπη a manger) a stable, stall, fold ; a crib, man- ger, rack ; a carriage, chariot or some part of it; a headpiece or cav made of hair. Καπανηϊάδης, -ου, b, the son of Κα πανεύς. Καπανηΐος and Καττανήος, Ion. for Καπανείος, which for Καπανέος, g. of same. Κάπειτα for και έπειτα, and then. Καπερναούμ, >/, indecl. Heb. Caper- naum, a city. Κάπετος, -ov, b, by Aphaer. for σκάπετος. Κάπη, -ης, η, (fr. κάπτω to devour) a rack, manger, food, fodder, forage ; food, victuals. Καπηλεία, -ας, >/, (fr. κάπηλος a huckster) innkeeping, victual- ling ; occupation, trade, busi- ness; dealing in small tcares, huckstery, retailing ; knavery , fraud. ΚαπηλεΊνον, -ov, το, (fr. same) a tavern, inn. Καπηλεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same) to keep ' a tavern or inn ; to deal, make profit or gain, retail; to adulterate, mix fraudulently ; to corrupt, vitiate, foist, interpolate ; to seduce artfully, treat deceit- fully ; to detain, make excuse for delay. Κάπηλος, -ου, b, (fr. κάπη victuals ; or, fr. κακύνω to adulterate, and πηλός wine) a keeper of a tavern or inn, host, landlord ; a retailer, dealer in small wares, huckster, pedler. Καπί for και επί, and upon, and at &c. Κάπνη, -ης, η, (fr. καπνός smoke) a chimney, funnel, flue ; a stove, smoking-house. Κάπιαα, -ας, η, (fr. same) soot, clotted smoke, reek. Καπνιζόμενος, par. pres. mid. of Καπνίζω,?. -Υσω, (fr. καπνός smoke) to smoke ; to scent, dry or blacken with smoke ; to raise a smoke ; to light or kindle afire. Καπνοδόχη and -δόκη, -ης, η, (fr. same, and δέχομαι to receive) a chimney, flue, funnel; a smok- ing-house. Καπνός, -ου, b, (fr. καίω to burn, and πνοή breath, th. πνέω to breathe) smoke, vapour, exhala- tion ; afire; vanity, falsehood, deception. Καπνουχος,-ου, b, (fr. last, and έχω to receive) a chimney, funnel, flue. Καπνόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. same) to smoke, blacken with smoke. Καπνώδας, -εος-ους, Ό, >', (fr. same) smoky, reeking; smoked, black. Καποθνήσκω for καί αποθνήσκω. Κάπος, -ου, b, (fr. κάπτω to breathe) a puff", blast; a gale, breeze; breath. Κάπος, -ου, h, Dor. for κήπος. Καππαδοκία, -aij ^, Cappadocia, a country. KAP KAP Κάππάρις, -ιδος, ή, a thorny shrub, [ cresses, and άμωμον ginger) car which bears the buds called ca-\ damum. „ pers \ . _ _ ΙΚάρΜα, -ας, §, (perhaps fr. κέαο Καππανει, by bync. for καταπαύει,] the heart, or fr. κραδαίνω to paf- 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of κατά παύω. Καππεδίον for κατά. πεδίον, along or through the plain. Κάππεσον, -ες, -ε, in 3 du. Καππε- σέτην, by Sync, for κατέπεσα and κατεπεσέτην, 2 a. ind. act. of καταπίπτω. Καπποφόρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. the let ter Κ and φορέω to bear) branded or marked with K, which was the mark of a well-bred horse ; ge- nerous, spirited, high-bred. Καππυρίσασα, by Sync, -for κατα- πυρίσασα, η. fem. 1 a. par. act. of καταπυρίζω. Κάπριος, -ov, b, η., (fr. next) of a pig or boar, hoggish, like a pig, with a pig's snout ; armed with a beak or projecting stem. Κάπρος, -ου, b, a boar-pig, wild boar. Κάπτω, f. -ψω, p. κέκαφα, to eat feed;^ to eat greedily, feed with a noise, mounch, craunch ; to breathe strong, snuff, bloiv, snort : to pant, gasp. Καπναίζω, (fr. next) to roast, scorch, crackle in the fire ; to burst out laughing, laugh out ; to indulge the appetite, revel, live luxuri- ously. Καπΰρός, -a, -ov, (fr. next, or fr. καίω to burn, and πυρόω to scorch) blowing, puffing, panting; hot, dry, parched. Ιίηπύω, f. -σω, (fir. κάπτω to breathe out) to blow, puff, breathe, pant. 1 a. ind. act. εκάπνσα. Καπφάλαρ\ by i£ol. and Poet. Sync, for κατά φάλαρα. Κάπω for κάπτω, to breathe, puff, blow; to pant, gash. Κάπων, -ωνος, b, a capon. Κάρ, -αρός, b, a man, cf Caria, Ca- rian ; a slave, vile, worthless. For Carian slaves bore a bad character. Κάρ, indecl. by. Apoc. for κάρη the head. Also for κηρ death. Κάρα, and Ion. Κάρη, το, indecl. by Apoc. for κάρηνον. Κάράβος] -ου, b, a crab, lobster, cray-fish. Καραδοκέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. κάρα the head, and δοκέω to think) to expect, look out or ivait pitate) the heart, affection, spirit, courage; the mind, understand» ing, will, memory, conscience; the inward parts, stomach, boioels; the middle, core or inside of any thing. Καραδοκία, -ας, η, (fr. same) ex- pectation, longing, desire. ΚαρΊκάλλιον, -ov, τό, a hood., co- vering for the head. Καριτομέω -w,f. -ήσω, (fr. κάρα the head, and τέμνω to cut) to cut »ff the head, behead. Καρβατϊνη, -ης, η, a coarse shoe, sabot. Κάρδαμον, -ου, τό, nasturtium, cresses. Καρδαμύλη, -ης, η, a woman's name. Καρδαμύσσω, for σκαρδαμύσσω. Καρδάμωιιον, -ov, τό, (fr. κάρδαμον (314) Καρδιακός, -η, -όν, (fr. last) relat- ing to the heart or stomach; car- diac, cordial. Καρδιογνώστης, -ου, b, (fr. same, and γνωμι to know) a knower of the heart, reader of the thoughts; discerning, judging, intelligent. v. καρδιογνώστα. Καρδιουλκέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and 'έλκω to draw) to take out the heart ; to look for omens. Καρδιόω -ώ, (fr. same) to feel deep» ly, take to heart; to move or affect the heart; to wound. 1 a. ind. act. εκαρδίωσα. Κάρδοπος,-ου, b, a kneading-trough. Καρδούχιος, -a, -ov, Carduchian. Κάρδουχοι, -ων, ol, the Karduchi or C'arduchians. Κάρη, τό, indecl. see κάρα. Καρη, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. act. or pass. of κείρω. Κάρηαρ, -ήατος, and by Sync. -ητος 9 τό, same as κάρηνον. Καρήατι, d. sin. of last. Καρηκομάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. κάρη the head, and κόμη hair) to wear the hair long, have long hair. Καρηκομόωντες, Poet, for καρηκο» μώντες, η. pi. mas. cont. par. pres. act. of last. Καρηναι, 2 a. inf. pass, οι κείρω. Κάρηνον, -ου, τό, the head, skull; a top, summit, height. Κάρητος, by Sync, for καρήατος, g. of κάρηαρ. Καρικός, -οι), b, (fr. Κάρ a Carian) Carian, like the Carians. Καρίναι, -ων, a\, (fr. Kapia as de- rived from thence) women who made lamentations at funerals. Καρΐς, -Ίδος, ή, (fr. κάρα the head) a kind of fish with a large head; a lobster; the sea onion; a shrimp. Καρκαίρω, to sound, resound; to tremble, vibrate, quiver. Καρκίνος, -ου, b, a crab-fish; the sign cancer; a cancer, eating sore; a snap-trap, snare; nip pers. Καρκινόω -ω, (fr. last) to be like a crab, resemble a crab, move back- ward or sideways like a crab ; to shoot roots spreading round like the claws of a crab. Καρκίνωμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. same) α cancer, eating sore. Κάρμηλος, -ov, b, Carmel, a fruit» fulfield. ΚαρνεΊα, -ων, τά, festivals in honour of Apollo. Κάρος, -ov, b, a sound or dead sleep; heaviness, drowsiness; a trance. Καρός, Dor. for κηρός, g. of κηρ - death ; or for κηρός wax. RAP Καρούχιον, -ου, τό, a carnage, cha- riot. Καρόω -ω,ί. -ώσω, ρ. κεκάρωκα (fr. κάρο? drowsiness) to overcome with sleep, make drowsy, lull, put to sleep. Καρόομαίψούμαι, to be overpowered with heaviness, fall into a trance. 1 a. ind. pass. εκαρώΟην KAP Κάρπωμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. same) pro- duce, fruit ; benefit, advantage, emolument, gain, profit ; a sac- rifice, offering, victim. Κάρπωσις, -ιος, Att. -εωί, ή, (fr. same) a reaping the fruits ; frui- tion, enjoyment, possession, use, benefit, advantage ; an oblation, victim, sacrifice. Καρπαϊ, -ων, al, worms that infest) Καρπωτός, -ή, -ov, (fr. same) dyed olives Καρπαία, -ας, η, a kind of dance in armour. ΚαρπάΧίμος, -ου, δ, η, quick, speedy, swift, immediate, sudden, hasty. ΚαρπαΧίμως, (fr. last) soon, imme- diately, quickly, directly, speedily, hastily. Καρ*πάσίνος, -η, -ov, (fr. next) made offiax, linen. Κάρπάσος, -ου, δ, flax, linen; a dose of poison. Καρπήσιον, -ου, το, a medicinal plant. Καρπίζω, (fr. καρπός fruit) to gather fruit, gather in harvest, reap ; to gain, make profit. Καρπίζομαι, to demand, claim, assert, gain freedom. Κάρπϊμος, -η, -ov, (fr. καρπός fruit) ι fruitful, productive, fertile. Καρπϊς, -ϊδσς, η, an assertion, claim, demand, suoport. defence, Καρπιστής, -ov, b, (fr. last) a sup- porter, patron, advocate, de- fender. Καρπιστία, -ας, ή, (fr. same) a set- ting at liberty, giving freedom, manumission Καρπόβρωτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. καρπός fruit, and βρώσκω to eat) bearing eatable fruit. ΚαρποΊσιν,ά. pi. Ion. of καρπός. Καρπός, -οΰ, δ, ^perhaps fr. κάρφω to dry) fruit, grain, seed ; growth, produce, offspring ; pro- fit, advantage, emolument, re- ward; result, effect, conse- quence ; the wrist, palm. The name of a man. Καρποφορεί, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of Καρποφορίω -ω,ΐ. -ήσω, p. κεκαρπο- φόρηκα, (fr. καρπός fruit, and φορεω same as th. φέρω to bear) to bear fruit, bring forth, produce. Καρποφορήσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Kap- ■ποφορήσωμεν, 1 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of last. Καρποφόρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) bearing fruit, fertile, productive, fruitful. Καρποφορουσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. — Καρποφόρου μένος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. cont. — Καοπο- φοροΰντες, η. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of same. Καρπόω -ω, (fr. καρπό; fruit) to fructify, make fertile. Καρπόο- μαι -ουμαι,Ιο collect, reap, gather the fruits of the earth ; to own, possess ; to derive, take, acquire, enjoy S to* plunder, spoil, drain, waste, consume ; to feel, expe- rience, suffer ; to sacrifice, make offerings. 1 a. act. κόρωνα• mid. εκαρπωσάμην. with fruit, vrought or adorned with representations of fruits, of divers colours; reaching to the wrist or ankle. Kappa, a city of Mesopotamia. Καρρέζειν, Καρρέζονσα, by JEol. Sync, for καταρίζειν, pres. inf. act. and καταρεζουσα, η. fern, par. pres. act. of κα'ταρέζω. Κάρρον, -ov, το, a car, cart, car- riage, chariot. Κάρρων, Dor. for κρείσσων. Κάρρωτος, -ου, δ, name of a man celebrated for his skill in driv- ing. Κάρσιος, -a, -ov, oblique, crooked, sideways, awry. Κάρτα, (fr. κάρτος, for κράτος strength) very , exceedingly j cer- tainly, surely. H % κάρτα, and surely, by all means. ΚάρταΧΧος, -ου, δ, a case or basket narrow at tJie bottom, Κάρτει, d. sin cont. of κάρτος, for κράτος. Καρτεραίχμας, -α, δ, Poet, and Dor. for Καρτεραίχμης, -ου, δ, (fr. καρτερός strong, and αιχμή a spear) brave at the spear, a warrior, hero. Καρτερέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. κεκαρτέρηκα, (fr. καρτερός strong, th. κάρτος, for κράτος strength) to be strong or robust; to persevere, persist, continue constant, hold on; to endure, bear, ^suffer. ] a. act. ind. εκαρτερησα, opt. καρτερήσαι- μι, and -ΈοΙ. καρτερήσεια, -ας, -ε. Καρτερία, -ας, η, (fr. same) endu- rance, patience, sufferance ; for- titude. Καρτερικός, -ή, -όν, (fr. same) pa- tient, enduring. Καρτερόθϋμος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and &υμός the mind) steady, firm, constant, resolute; patient, enduring, hardy ; brave-hearted, courageous. Καρτερόν, neut. adverbially for καρτερως. ΚαρτεροπΧήξ, -ηγος, δ, η, (fr. καρτε- ρός strong, and πλάσσω to strike) dealing hard blows, violent, fierce, strong. Καρτερός, -a, -ov, (fr. κάρτος, for κράτος strength) strong, lusty, able, robust ; powerful, mighty ; master of, commanding, able to manage or direct; prevailing, victorious ; enduring, patient, hardy, persevering ; courageous, valiant, brave, stout ; violent, vehement; harsh, stem, se- vere. Καρτερδφρονα, a. sin. of Καρτεοόφρων, -όνος, Ό, η, (fr. last, and ώβ^ι /the mind) high-minded, (315)' KAP bold-hearted, brave, valiant; n* solute, determined. Καρτερως, (fr. καρτερός strong) strongly, powerfully, ably ; for cibly, effectively ; bravely, stout- ly, valiantly; vehemently, via-' lently. Κάρτιστος, by Metath. for κράτισ τος, a superlative from k»z7os strength, but attributed to αρω- θός, which see. Καρτός, -ή, -ov, or awn out, fine, thin, slender; split, divided, made small, Κάρτος, -εος -ους, το, Metath. for κράτος. Καρτυναι, 1 a. inf. act. of Καρτύνω, by Metath. for κρατννα. Κάρυα, -ας, η, (fr. κάρα ahead) ο walnut. Καρνίνος, -η, -ov, (fr. last) of wal- nut. Καρυίσκος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) like a nut, or almond. Also subs. a nut, almond; a cup, small vessel. Καρύκη, -ης, η, a hash ; sauce, gravy. Κάρυξ, -ϋκος, b,'Oor. for κήρυξ. Καρνξαισα, Dor. and Jtlol. for κηρύξασα, η. fern. par. 1 a. act. — Καούμε, Dor. for κήρυξε, which Ion. for εκήρνξε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of κηρύσσω. Κάρΰον, -ov, το, (fr. καρύα a wal- nut ) a walnut tree. Καρνσσω, Dor. for κηρύσσω. Καρνωτόν, -ού,τό, (fr. καρύ a a wal- nut) a cup or bowl shaped like or made of a nut. ΚαρφαΧέος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) dry, withered; parched, arid, scorch» ed. Κάρφος, -εος -ονς, δ, f), (fr. next) straw, stubble, reed ; chaff, shav- ings, a splinter, mote ; a stalky twig, shoot, scion ; a billet, ticket, note; a nest of straw, leaves, &c. Κάρφω, f. -ψω, p. κεκαρφα, to dry, parch, scorch ; to wither, blight ; to cover with dust, soil, dirty. ΚαρχαΧέος, -a, -ov, found in Ho- mer for καρφαΧέος. Καοχαρόδοντα, a. sin. of Καρχαρόδους, -οντος, δ, ^, (fr. κάρ- χαρος rough, and οδούς a tooth) sharp toothed, rough wuh teeth, fierce, savage. Κάρχαρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. χαράσσω to engrave) uneven, rough, rug- ged.. Καρχάσιον, Dor. for καρχήσιον. ■ρχηδάνιος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) Carthaginian, a Carthaginian. Καρχηδων, -όνος, η, Carthage, the name of a city. Καρχήσίον, -ου, τό, the round top or cross trees on a mast ; a ship ; a sail ; a cup or goblet shaped like the ancient round top, or like a boat. Καρω, Dor. for κηρω, d. sin. of κηρός, Κάρωσις, -ιος, Att. -εωί, η, (fr. κά- ρος a swoon) a deep sleep, drow ainessf lethargy. ΚΑΤ Κασίλβη, -ης, and Κασαλβάς, -άδος, ή, a courtesan, harlot. Κάσας, -ου, b, tapestry, cloth or carpet nappy on each side ; a rid- ing coat; housings. .Κασαύρα, -ας, and Κασωρϊς, -ίδος, η, (fr. κάσσα a harlot, and ώρα beauty) a har<.ot. Κασεληνον, for και ασέληνον. Κασθλοΐσιν, for και εσθλοΐσιν, Ion. for εσθλοΊς, d. pi. of εσθλός. Κασϊα, -ας, η, cassia, cinna- mon. Κασίγνητ, Apos. for κασίγνητε, v. of Κασίγνητος,-ου, and Ion. -oto, (fr. next, and γίνομαι to be) akin, related; mas. a brother; fern. a sister, cousin ; a relation. Κάσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, kindred, relations ; a brother or sister, cousin ; a companion, friend. Κάσσα, -ας, η, (perhaps fr. κάζω to adorn) a harlot. Κασσάνδρη, -ης, >;, Cassandra, a woman's name. ΚασσΊα, -ας, >/, same as κασ'ια. Κασσίτερος, and Att. Καττίτερος, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. κάσσα mere- tricious) tin, as looking like silver. Κασσύω, and Att. Κατή' ω, f. -ϋσω, to sew underneath, fasten up to, fix under ; to sew or stitch to- gether, patch, mend; to contrive, scheme, plot. Κάστανα, -ας, η, Castana. name of a city. ΚασταναΧκυς, -η, -bv, (fr.;last) of Castana. Κασταναιών κάρυον, a chestnut. Κάστάνον, -ου, rb, (fr. same) a chestnut tree. Κχστόρειος, -a, -ov, (fr. Κα'στωρ the brother of Pollux) as Καστό- ρειον μέλος, or Καστόρειος ύμνος, the song of Castor, the war song of the Spartans. Κάστωρ, -ορός, b, ά beaver. Κάσχεθε, by iEol. Sync, for κα τέσχεθε, 3 sin. impf. act. of κα τασχέθω, for κατέχω. Κάσχετο, JEol. Sync, for κατέσχε- to, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. mid. of τέχω. Κατά, with a g. ; down, down- wards ; against ; of, about, con- cerning ; upon, down upon ; by, in the name of; in, among ; in, upon. Rarely with d. and only among the Poets, from, among. With a. according to, like as. in, among, during, whilst; to unto; towards; at, near, oy, hard by; opposite, against, be- fore ; with, at, among, along with; through, for, by reason of, on account of; even to, unto, up to ; separately, severally, each by each ; along, all along ; over, beyond ; as to, as concerning ; by, by means of. It forms a Periphrase like αμφΐ, as ol κατάνόλιν, those of the city, the inhabitants. In composition, down, downwards, against. It is intensive as κατείδωλος, full ΚΑΤ of idols. It is redundant, as καταθνήσκω to die. It gives an ill sense, as καταδυναστεύω to tyrannize; καταμε\έω to neglect. Kara, for και είτα," and then, then, afterwards. Κατάβα, by Apoc. for κατάβηθι or κατάβαθι, 2 a. impr. act. of κα- ταβαίνω. Or it is pres. impr. act. cont. of καταβάω, obs. from which come κατάβημι, which gives the 2 a. attributed to κα- ταβαίνω. Καταβαίνει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Καταβαινέτω, 3 sin. pres. impr. act. — Καταβαίνων, -ούσα, -ov, a. -νοντα, -νονσαν, pi. η. -νοντες, g. -νόντων, a. -νοντας, par. pres. act. of Καταβαίνω, f. mid. -βήσομαι, p. -βέβηκα, (fr. κατά downwards, and βαίνω to go) to come or go down, descend ; to dismount ; to disembark, land ; to come back, return, impf. act. κατέβαινον. 2 a. act. ind. κατέβην impr. κα- τάβηθι or κατάβαθι, and by Apoc. κατάβα, which see ; sub. κατα- βω• inf. καταβηναι• par. κα- ταβάς. Καταβαλλόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of Καταβάλλω, f. -λώ, p. καταβέβλη- κα, (fr. κατά down, and βάλλω to throw) to throw, cast, knock or put down ; to level, fell; to subvert, overturn, overthrow, destroy, beat down; to prostrate, humble; to lower, sink, let down, drop ; to lay down or aside ; to pay down ; to lay a foundation ; to make a beginning, begin, commence ; to throw into, involve, implicate, bring into. pres. ind. pass, κατα- βάλλομαι, per. ind. pass, κατα- βέβλημαι. 1 a. ind. pass, κατε βλήθην. per. ind. mid. καταβέ βαλα. Καταβαπτίζομαι,ΐ.-ίσομαι, p. κατά βεβάπτισμαι, (fr. same, and βαπ- τίζω to plunge, th. βάτττω to dip) to plunge, fall or sink into ; to disembogue, flow into. Καταβαρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. καταβε- βάρηκα, (fr.,samc, and βαρέω to sink, th. βάρος weight) to weigh, press or sink down ; to heap on, overload, burden. 1 a. ind. act. κατεβάρησα. Καταβαρννω, (fr. same) same as last. Καταβάς, -άσα, -αν, ά. -βάντι, pi. η. -βάντες, par. 2 a. act. of κα- ταβαίνω. Καταβάσιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. κατα- βαίνω to go down) descending, falling, moving downwards. Κατάβάσις,. -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) a descent, motion down- wards ; a slope, declivity ; a low- er place or situation, ά. κατα- βάσει. Καταβάτω, 3 sin. of κατάβαθι, same as κατάβηθι, 2 a. impr. of κατα- βαίνω. Or, it is 3 sin. cont. pres, impr. of καταβάω, obs. whence κατάβημι. (316) ΚΑΤ Καταβαιικαλάω-ώ, (fr. κατά intens. and βαυκαλάω, which see. Καταβδελύσσομαι, (fr. same, and βδελύσσομαι to pollute) to con- taminate, put to abominable ser vice ; to hate, abhor. Καταβεβαιόομαι -ονμαι, (fr. same and βέβαιος firm) to affirm, as- sert, maintain avow. Υ~αταβέβηκα,\)£τ. ind. act. — Κατα- βεβηκότες, η. pi. par. per. act. of καταβαίνω, Καταβεβλημένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of καταβάλλω. Καταβέβριθα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of καταβρίθω. Καταβη, 3 sin. 2 a.• sub. act. — Κατάβηθι, impr. — ΚαταβΓ/ναι, inf. 2 a. act. of Κατάβημι, (fr. κατά downwards, and βημι to go.) obs. but lends its tenses to καταβαίνω, which see. Καταβήσεο, Ion. for καταβήσου, 1 f. mid. impr. (which is not usual) of same. Καταβήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. of same, Καταβιάζω, fr. κατά intens. and βιάζω, which see. Καταριβάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. κατά downward, and βιβάζω to force down) to force, drive or thrust down ; to throw, cast, knock o» fling down ; to fell, tumble, de- molish, destroy ; to oppress, hum- blearing down. Καταβιβάζομαι, to sink, yield, give away, submit t be overcome. 1 a. ind. act. κατε- βίβασα. per. ind. pass, καταβε- βίβασμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, κατε- βιβάσθην. Καταβιβασθήσομαι, -η, -εται, pass. — Καταβιβάσομαι, mid. 1 f. ind. of last. Καταβιβρώσκω, same as καταβρώσ- κω. Καταβίου, 2 sin. cont. pres. impr. act. — Καταβιώσας, par. 1 a. act. of Καταβιόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. κατά in- tens. and βιόω or βίωμι to live, th. βί$ς life) to live, lead a life, pass through life, approach the end of life. Καταβίωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ft, (fr. same) life, a course of life; the end or conclusion of life. Καταβλέττω, f. -ψω, p. καταβέβλε- d. act. κατεβράβενσα. Ίίαταβράχύ, (fr• κατά according to, and βραχύς short) by degrees, leisurely, gently; by and by, after a while, shortly. Καταβρέχω, (fr. κατά intens. and βρέγ'-ι +r » «prinkle) to pour all over, wash, bathe; to plunge, sink. Καταβρίχειν σιγτ}, to bury in silence. Καταβρίζω, (fr. same, and βρίζω to nap) to loiter, linger, idle, de- lay. Καταβρίθω, (f. -Ίσω, (fr. same, and βρίθω to be heavy) to weigh, be heavy; to load, heap, lay on, fill up ; to be loaded, abound, have in plenty Καταβροχη, -ης, η, (fr. καταβρέχω to wet) irrigation, watering, sprinkling, moistening. Κατάβρωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. κατα- βρώσκω to devour, th. βρώσκω to eat) any thing eaten, food, meat, victuals. Κατάβρωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) food ; a feeding upon, consumption ; a gnawing, ero- sion, rust, canker. Καταβρώσκω,ΐ. -σω, (fr. κατά in- tens. and βοώσκω to eat) to eat up, devour, swallow up. Καταβυθίζω, f. -Υσω, p. καταβεβν- θικα, (fr. κατά downward, and βυθίζω to sink, th. βυθός a. gulf) to immerge, plunge, sink down, drown. Καταβώσομαι, Ion. for καταβοήσο- μαι, 1 f. ind. mid. of κατα- βοάω. ΚαταγαγεΊν, inf. — Καταγάγης, -γη, 2 and 3 sin. sub. — Καταγαγών, η. pi. Καταγαγόντες, par. 2 a act. by Att. Epenth. for κατά γεΐν, &c. of κατάγω. Κατάγαιος, -ου, ο, ή, (fr. κατά ΚΑΤ Καταγγελιών, par. pree. act. of ιγγελλω. Καταγγέλλεις, -εος, Att. -ίως, b, (fr. next) α proclaimer, publisher, messenger, preacher. Καταγγέλλω, f. -ελώ, p. κατηγ- γελκα, (fr. πάτα intens. and αγ- γίλλω to publish) to announce, declare plainly, set forth, openly, preach aloud, proclaim, publish a. ind. act. κατηγγε λα. 2 a, beneath, and γαία the earth) toward the ground, nearer the earth, inferior, lower ; under- ground, subterraneous. Καταγγέλλειν, pres. inf. act Ka- ταγγίλλεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass — Καταγγέλλομεν,-γέλλετε, ~γε\\ονσι, pi. pres. ind. act. ind. act. κατήγγελον pass, κα- τηγγϊλην. per. ind. mid. κατήγ- γελα. Κατάγειν, pres. inf. act. of κα- τάγω. Καταγελασθήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. pass, of καταγελάω. Καταγίλαστος, -ου, 6, η, (fr. next) ridiculous, laughable content pti- hie. Καταγελάω -ω, f. -«σω, p. καταγε γίλακα, (fr. κατά against, and γελάω to laugh) to laugh «t, scoff', ridicule, deride, impf. act. κατεγίλαον -ων, -αες -ας, -αε -α. 1 a. ind. act. κατεγίλασα. Καταγέλως, -ωτος, b, (fr. last) laughter, ridicule, scoff, derision ; a luughing-stock, butt. Καταγέμω, fr. κατά intens. and γίμω, which see. Καταγηράσκουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Καταγηράσκω, f. -άσω, (fr. κατά intens. and γηράσκω to grow old, th. γήρας old age) to grow old. be stricken in years, become aged. Καταγίζω, Ion. for καθαγίζω. Καταγϊνίειν, Ion. for κατάγειν, pres. inf. of κατάγω. Καταγινώσκη, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. of Καταγινώσκω, f. καταγνώσω, p. κα- τίγνωκα (fr. κατά against, and γινώσκω to know) to form an opinion against, give judgment, determine or decide against, con- demn, blame ; to understand, know, comprehend, per^ ind. pass, κατέγνωσμαι' par. κατεγ- νωσμένος. Καταγνάπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. κατά in- tens. and γνάτττω to card) to card or comb wool ; ' to set it aside, lay it by or in order when carded ; to lay up in mind, pon- der, revolve, 1 a. ind. act. κα- τεγναφα. Καταγνοίην, -ης, -η, opt. — Καταγ- νώ,-ψς, -ω, sub. « — Κατάγνωθι, -ώτω, impr. 2 a. act. of καταγι νώσκω. Κατάγνυμι or Καταγνύω, same ί κατάγω. Κατάγνωσις, -ιος, Att. •εως, η, fr. καταγι νώσκω to condemn) con- demnation, sentence; blame, cen- sure ; a mistake, error. . Καταγογγνζω^, f. -υσω, p. καταγε- γόγγυκα, (fr. κατά against, and γογγύζω to murmur) to murmur against, grumble, complain se- cretly. Καταγοητεύω, (fr. same, and γοη- τεύω to deceive th. γόης an im- postor) to delude, cheat, beguile, (317) ΚΑΤ impose upon, deceive with fahe pretences. Καταγορασμός, -οϋ, b, (fr. κατά in- tens. and αγορά a market) α buying up, forestalling. Καταγόρευσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. next) an accusation, inform a lion ; a discovery, disclosure, pub- lication. Καταγορεύω, f. -εύσο>, (fr. κατά against, and αγορεύω to ha- rangue, th. αγορά the market) to speak against, accuse, im- peach; to expose, disclose, di- vulge. Καταγράώος, -ου, b, η, (fr. next) marked all over, written upon, painted. Καταγράψω, f. -ψω, (fr. κατά in- tens. and γράψω to write) to write down ; io write out, describe fully, particularize ; to enlist, levy, enrol; to nominate, ap- point ; to prescribe, order ; to paint ; to take or tear down. Καταγυμνάζω, fr. same, and γυμ- νάζω, which see. Κατάγω, Κατάγνυμι or Καταγνύω^ f. -άζω, and Att. -εάξω, p. κατέα- χα, (fr. same, and άγω &c. to break) to break or dash to pieces ; to break in any manner, bruise, crush. 1 a. ind. act. κατία^α. 2 a pass. ind. κατεάγην, -ης, -η• sub. κατάγω, -f /ς, -η, in 3 pi. καταγωσι, and κατεαγωσι. per. ind. mid. κατηγα, and κατέαγα. Κατάγω, f. -άξω, p. -ηχα, and Att. κατάγηχα, (fr. κατά along, and άγω to lead) to bring, lead or take down ; to humble, subdue, break; to lead along, guide, conduct ; to entertain, receive, treat hospital y ; to bring a vessel to land, arri ve in port ; to recall, bring buck, restore, reinstate. 2 a. act. Att. ind. κατήγάγον' sub. καταγάγω• inf. καταγαγεΐν par. καταγαγών. Καταγωγή, -ης, η, (fr. last) con- veyance, carriage, conduct ; a bringing back, return, restora- tion, restitution ; an inn, lodg- ing ; a pert, harbour, dock. Καταγωνίζομαι, f, -ίσομαι, p. κατη- γώνισμαι, (fr. κατά against, »nd αγονίζω to fight, th. αγών a bat- tle) to conquer in war, subdue, vanquish. 1 a. ind. mid. κατη- γωνισάμην, -ω, -ατο. Καταδάζομαι, (fr. κατά among, and δάζομαι to divide) to di- vide, allot, share, distribute ; to tear in pieces, rend; to feast, entertain, give a treat; to be en- tertained,, &c. I a. inf. pass. καταδασθηναι. Καταδαίω, (fr. κατά intens. and δαίω to divide) to divide among, share ; to feast upon, eat up, devour ; to learn, know. Καταδάκνω, fr. same, and δάκνω, . which see. Καταδακρύω, fr. same, and δακρύί* to weep, which see. Καταδαμάζω^ and δαμάω -ω, f. ΚΑΤ -ίσια, ρ. καταδεδάμακα, (fr. Same, and δαμάζω to subdue) to vanquish, bring into subjec- tion, conquer wholly, subdue to- tally ; to tame, reclaim, make gentle, per. ind. pass, καταδεδά- μασμαι. ίίαταδαπανάω -ω, (fr. same, and δαπανάω to expend, th. δαπάνη cost) to consume, waste, lay out or spend profusely. Καταδάπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. same, and δάπτω to devour) to tear, rend, mangle. Καταδαρθάνω or Καταδρήθω, f. κατα- δαρθήσω, (fr. same, and δαρθάνω to sleep) to sleep soundly, fall fast asleep. For tenses see δαρ- θάνω. Καταδασθήναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of καταδάζομαι. Καταδεέστερος, -a, -ov, comp. of Καταδεης, -ίος -ovc, b, η, (fr. κατά intens. and δέομαι to want) want- ing, deficient, imperfect, defec- tive ; inferior, worse. Καταδεΐ, fr. same, and δε7, which see. Καταδείκνυμι or -νύω, (fr. same, and δείκνυμι to show) to show forth, invent, discover ; to dis- play, make apparent, exhibit. Καταδειλιάω -ω, f. -ιίσω, (fr. same, and δειλιάω to fear, th. δειλός cowardly) to fear greatly, dread, be frightened, shrink from, avoid. Καταδέξαι, Ion. for καταδεΊξαι, 1 a. inf. mid. of καταδείκνυμι. Καταδέομαι, f. -δεήσομαι, p. -δεδέη- μαι, (fr. κατά intens. and δέομαι or δεέομαι to entreat) to beg or pray earnestly, pray against, de- precate, beg off. 1 a. ind. pass. κατεδεήθην. Καταδέρμη, -ης, ί/, (fr. κατά upon, and δέρμα the skin) the skin of the head, scalp. Καταδεσμεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. κατά in- tens. and δεσμός fetters) to bind down, confine ; to bind, oblige, engage. Καταδισμη, -ης, ή, (fr. same) a bundle, packet, parcel. Καταδεσμός, -ου, b, (fr. same) a binder, bandage, fillet ; a charm, incantation. Καταδενη, 3 sin. pres. suh. act. of Καταδενω, f. -σω, (fr. κατά intens. and δένω to wet) to rain upon, wet, moisten, sprinkle, bedew. 1 a. ind. act. κατέδευσα, -ας, -ε. Καταδέχομαι, f. -ζομαι, (fr. same, and δέχομαι, to take) to receive back, take again, readmit ; to re- ceive or feel an effect, suffer, en- dure, undergo. Καταδέω, f. -)'/σω, p. καταδέδηκα, and -εκα, (fr. same, and δέω to tie) to tie upon, fasten to., secure ; to bind up, bandage ; to confine, restrain, hinder, prevent. 1 a. ind. act. κατέδησα. Κατάδηλος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. same, and δήλος clear) very plain, clear, evident, apparent. Καταδημαγωγέω -ω, fr. same, and δημαγωγέω* which sea. ΚΑΤ Καταδημοβορέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, δήμος the people, and βο- ρά food) to devour the people, prey upon the nation ; to embez- zle or waste public property ; to feed or maintain the people. Καταδιαιρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -κατα- διήρηκα, (fr. κατά intens. διά through, and αϊρέω to take) to divide among, share, apportion, allot. 2 a. ind. act. καταδιεΐλον, -ες, -ε' mid. καταδιειλόμην, -ov, -ετο. Καταδιαιτάω -ω, (fr. κατά against, and διαιτάομαι to lead life, th. δίαιτα, manner of living) to judge, decide or determine against, pass sentence upon, de- cree. Καταδιδοΰν, pres. inf. cont. of κα- ταδιδόω, for Καταδίδωμι, f. -δώσω, p. -δέδωκα, (fr. κατά according to, and δ'ι- δωμι to give) to give among, distribute, divide, share, allot ; to flow or run into, disembogue. Καταδικάζετε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. of Καταδικάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. κατά against, and δικάζω to judge) to determine against, judge, pronounce sentence upon, con- demn. 1 a. ind. pass, κατεδι- κάσΟην. ΚαταδικασΟήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. pass. — Καταδικασθώ, -ής, -ή, 2 pi. -θήτε, 1 a. sub. pass, of last. Καταδ'ΐκη, -ης, ft, (fr. κατά against, and δίκη justice) verdict, sen- tence, condemnation; a fine, penalty, punishment. Καταδιώκω, f. -ξω, (fr. same, and διώκω to pursue) to follow close, pursue, hang upon the rear. 1 a. ind. act. κατεδίωζα. Καταδοκέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. κατά accordingly, and δοκέω to seem) to think, suppose, conjecture, imagine; to deem, repute, es- teem ; to apprehend, suspect ; to expect, hope for. Καταδολεσχέω -5,f. -ήσω, (fr. κατά intenS. and αδολεσχέω to con- verse, which see) to trifle, talk idly, prate; to converse, chat; to meditate, think, muse. Κατάδομαι, see καταείδω. Καταδονλο7, 3 sin. cont. prer. ind. or sub. act. of Καταδουλόω-ώ, f. -ώσω,ρ. -δεδούλω- κα, (fr. κατά intens. and δονλόω to enslave, th. δούλος a slave) to enslave, bring into bondage, reduce to slavery, par. pres. pass, καταδονλοόμενος -ούμενος. 1 a. mid. ind. καταδουλωσάμην' sub. καταδυΐίλώσωμαι, in 3 pi. καταδονλώσωνται. Κατίΐδράω, f. -δράσω, and Καταδί- δράσκω, f. -διδράσω, "(fr. κατά along, and δράω or διδράσκω to run) to run down or along ; to run away or from, shun, avoid. 2 a. ind. act. κατέδραμον, from Καταλρέμω, obs. fr. same, and δόέμ,ω. obs. to run, (318) ΚΑΤ Καταδρίπω, fr. κατά intens. and δρέπω, which see. Καταδρήθω, see καταδαρθάνω. Καταδρομή, -ής, %, (fr. καταδρέμω 9 obs. to run down, th. δρέμω 1 obs. for which is used τρέχω to run) a shock, charge, encounter ; an incursion, invasion; a run- ning down, descent, course. Καταδρνπτω, fr. κατά intens. and δρύπτω, which see. Κατάδνμι, ςβ^καταδύνω. pres. inf. act. καταδόναι* Καταδνναστεία, -ας, ή, (fr. κατά against, and δυναστεία power) tyranny, oppression, slavery. Καταδνναστενόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. — Καταδυναστεύουσιν 1 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Καταδυναστεύω, f. -ενσω, p. -δεδυ- νάστευκα, (fr. κατά against, and δυναστεύω to govern, th. δύναμαι to be able) to reduce to subjec- tion, bring into submission, ty- rannize, oppress, enslave. Καταδύνειν, pres. inf. act. of κα- ταδύνω. Καταδνντα, a. sin. of Καταδύς, par. 2 a. act. of κατάδνμι, or Καταδύνω, -ύω or -υμι, f. -ύσω, p. -δέδνκα, (fr. κατά downwards, and δύνω, &c. to enter) to go down, descend into ; to sink, im- merge, plunge; to enter into, penetrate, sink deeply ; to hide, retire, withdraw ; to shun, avoid t be ashamed, mistrust, not venture; to sink, set ; to dress, put on. 2 a. act. ind. κατέ δνν, -νς, -v. impr. καταδνθι' inf. καταδϋναι' par. καταδνς. Καταδύσεο, Ion. for καταδύσου, 1 f. impr. (not usual) mid. of κα- ταδύνω. Κατάδυσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ί, (fr. same) a descent, letting, sending or going down ; a eave, den ; an idol. Κατάδυτον, -ου, τό, (fr. καταδύνω to set) the setting of the sun, the west. Καταδύω, see καταδύνω. Καταείδω or Κατάδω, (fr. κατά in- tens* and αείδω to sing) to sing as birds, chirp, chatter, make a noise; to enchant, charm. Κα- τάδομαι, to feel the ears ring with singing, have the sound still in the ears. Καταειμένος, -η,-ον, Poet, for καθει- μένος, par. per. pass, of καθέννυ- μι or καθέω. Κατάειμι, for κάτειμι. ΚαταΊννον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of Καταεινυω, Καταείνω or Καταείνϋμι, (fr. κατά intens. and εινύω, &c. to put on) to dress, clothe, put on ; to cover, shroud, hide, con- ceal. Καταεισάμην, -ω, -ατό, 1 a. ind. mid. of κατάειμι. Καταζεύγνυμι, f. -ξω, (fr. κατά in- tens. and ζενγνυμι to yoke) to unite, conjoin ; to encamp. Καταθαμβέω-ώ, and Καταθαμβίομαΐ -ονμαι, (fr. κατά intens. and &αμβεω to admire) to wonder at* ΚΑΤ »how astonishment, express sur- prise, admire greatly* Καταθάπτω, fr. same, and $άπτω, which see. Καταθαρσεω and Καταθαρμίω -ώ, f. -ήσω, fr. same, ana $αρσέω, which see. Καταθείμην, -εΐο, -ε7το, 2 a. opt. mid. — Καταθεΐναι, 2 a. inf. act. of κατατίθημι. Κατάθεμα,Καταθεματίζω, see κατα- νάθεμα and κατ αναθεματίζω. Καταθεσθαι, 2 a. inf. mid. — Κα- τάθησο, Poet, for κατάθεσο or κα- τάθου, 2 a. impr. mid. — Κατά- 0701, Ion. for κατάθτι, 2 sin. 2 a. sub. mid. — ΚαταΟήσειν, 1 f. *■*" j.ct. — Καταθήση, 2 sin. 1. f. ind. mid. of κατατίθημι. Καταθλάω -ω, f. -ασω, (fr. κατά intens. and θλα'ω to break) to break down, demolish; to break into or open ; to break or dash in pieces ; to braise, beat . Καταθλίω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and αθλί'ω to contend, th. άεθλος contest) to practise athletic exer- cises, wrestle, combat, contend; to conquer, win, gain the prize. Καταθνήσκω, fr. same, and §νήσκω, which see. Καταθνητός,-ή, -όν, fr. κατά redund. and θνητός, which see. Καταθοινάω *ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and &οινάω to revel, th. $οίνη a feast) to feast upon, devour ; to consume, waste. Καταθορέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. κατά intens. and $όρω or &ορίω to spring) to spring, dart or rush forth ; to break out, burst forth ; tQ leap down, alight, dismount. Καταθρασύνω, (fr. same, and S-pa- σύνω to encourage, th. $άρσος confidence) to embolden, encou- rage, animate. Καταθρασύνομαι to take courage. Καταθραύσας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a, act. of Καταθρανω, (fr. κατά intens. and ■θραύω to break) to break through, open or down; to break in pieces. Καταθρηνίω -ω, fr. same, and &ρη- νέω, which see. Καταθύμιον, -συ, το, (neut. of next) a desire, wish, longing, inclina- tion, affection, fondness. Καταθϋμιος, -a, -ov, (fr. κατά ac- cording to, and 3-υμός the mind) agreeable to the mind, pleasant ; in the mind, mental. Καταθυμοβορίσω and -ήσω, -ης, -jj, 1 a. sub. act. of Καταθυμοβορέω -ω, fr. κατά redund. and $νμοβορέω, which see. Καταθύω, (δ - , κατά redund. and •θύω to sacrifice) to sacrifice, make burned offerings ; to slaughter, kill ; 'to devote, use magic. 1 a. inf. act. καταθΰ σαι. Καταθώμαι, -τ), -ηται'Ι pi. Κατά θώμεθα, 2 a. sub. mid. of κατατί θημι. Καταιγίζω, Ι. -Ϋσω, ρ. κατήγικα, (fr. next) to rage, storm', blow furiously ; to overwhelm, over- KAT turn. 1 a. inf. act. καταιγίσαι. per. ind. pass, κατήγισμαι. Καταιγ\ς, -Υδος, η, (fr. κατά redund. and αιγ'ις a storm) a tempest, hurricane, storm. Καταιδίω -ώ, f. -εσω, (fr. κατά in- tens. and αιδέομαι to revere, th. αιδώς respect) to shame, put to shame, cause to blush. Καταιδέο- μαι -ουμαι, to reverence, revere, respect ; to fear, stand in awe. Καταιθαλόω -ώ, fr. same, and αιθα- Χόω. Καταιθύσσω, (fr. same, and αιθύσσω to glow) Poet, to shine, radiate, sparkle, glitter, fash. Καταίθω, (fr. same, and αίθω to burn) Poet, to burn up, burn away, consume entirely. Κατοικίζω, fr. same, and αικίζω. Καταινεω -ώ, f. -εσω, p. κατήνεκα, (fr. same, and αινεω to praise, th. αΐιυς praise) to approve, com- mend, extol, cry up ; to allow, grant, assent. Καταιονάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and αιονάω to sprinkle) to wet thoroughly, soak, steep, bathe : impf. act. κατηόναον -ων. 1 a. ind. pass, κατηονήθην. Καταιρεθεϊς, -ε7σα, -ev, par. 1 a. pass. — Καταιρεύμενος -ούμενος, par. pres. pass, of Καταιρέω -ώ, Ion. for καΟαιρίω. Καταίρω^ f. -αρύ, p. κατήρκα, (fr. κατά intens. and αίρω to take away) to arrive, come to land, gain the port ; to finish ; to dis- embark, go ashore ; to light upori, descend, spring down. Καταΐσσω, (fr. κατά downwards, and αΐσσω to rush) to descend quickly, dart or fly down, glide impetuously ; to be carried down, rush. Καταισχύναι, 1 a. inf. act. — Κα- ταίσχυνε, pres. impr. act. — Κα- ταίσχυνε*, 3 sin. -χύνετε, 2 pi. pres. ind. act. — Καταιχύνη, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. — Καταίσ- χυνθήσεται, 3 sin. 1 f. pass. — Καταισχυνθώ, -τ/ς,-ϊ), pi. -θωμεν, -θώσι, 1 a. sub. pass, of Καταισχύνω, f. -ύνω,ρ, καττ;σχνγκα, (fr. κατά redund. and αισχύνω to disgrace, th. αίσχος a scandal) to shame, make ashamed, con- found, abash ; to dishonour, dis- grace. Καταισχύνομαι, to be ashamed, blush, be confounded or disconcerted. 1 a. ind. act. καττ/σχυνα. impf. pass, κατησχυ- νόμην. 1 a. pass. ind. κατησχύνθην impr. καταισχύνθητι' opt. καταισ- χυνθείην' sub. καταισχυνθώ, -fjg, -fj, 1 f. ind. pass, καταισχυνθήσο- μαι. Καταιτιφ, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of Καταιτιάω -ω, f. -άσω, (fr. κατά in- tens. andatTiawtoblame,th.aiTi'a blame) ίο accuse, impeach, charge, criminate; to blame, find fault. Καταΐτυξ, -υγος, ή, (fr. κατώ flat, and τεύχω to make) a head piece without crest or ornament, hel- met, morion. 1319) ΚΑΤ Καταιωρίομαι -ουμαι, (fr. κατί through, and αιωρεω . to raise aloft) to hang, tie suspended ; to doubt, be in suspense, be unset- tled ; to waver, fluctuate ; to wa/ultr or flout through the air. Κατακαείς, -ε7σα, -iv, par. 2 a. pass. — Κατακαύσυμαι, -η, -εται,2 f. ind. pabS. — Κατακαίεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass, of κατακαίω. Κατακαίνω, fr. κατά intens. and καίνω, which see. Κατακαίριος, -οι», δ, η, (fr. κατά ac- cording to, and καιρός occasion) ili adly, fatal, mortal. Κατακαίω, f. -καύσω, p. -κεκαυκα, (fr. κατά intens. and καίω to burn) to burn up, parch ; to burn down, consume entirely. 1 a. act. itid. κατίκανσα and κατίκΐ/α' inf. κατακάυσαι and κα- τακτά*. 2 a. ind. act. κατίκάον. 1 a. ind. pass, κατεκαύθην. 1 £ ind. puss, κατυ,καυθήσομαι. 2 a. Old. pass, κατεκάην. 2 f. ind. pass, κατακαήσομαι. Κατακαλίω -ώ, f. -ήσω and -εσω, p. -κίκληκα, (fr. same, and καλίω to call) to call upon, send for, seek for ; to invoke, implore, beseech ; to imprecate ; to adto- cat», assist, advise. Κατά κάλυμμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. κατα- K::X'J:rrGj to cover up) a veil, co- vering. Κατακαλύπτεσθαι, inf. — Κατακα- λν-Γεσθω, 3 sin. impr. — Κατακα- λύπτίταί, 3 sin. ind. pres. pass, of Κατακαλυπ-τω, f. -d -ω, p. κατακεκά- λυφα, (fr. κατά intens. and κα- λύπτω to cover) to cover up, cover over, wrap up in ; to veil, hide, conceal. 2 a. ind. act. κατεκά- λύβον. Κατακάμΐϊτω, f. -ψω, (fr. KarH against, and κάμπτω to bend) to bend or bow down; to turn aside, warp, change, alter. Κατακάρδιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and κήρ the heart) through the heart. Κατακαρτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. κατά ac- cording to, and καρπός fruit) fruitful, fertile ; rich, wealthy y opulent, abundant. Κατακάρπωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. κατά intens. and κάρπωσις en- joyment) the collection of fruits, the benefit of perquisites ; the residue of a sacrifice, the conn. sumed remains and ashes. Κατακανθήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. pass, οι κατακαίω. Κατάκανμα, -άτος, τό, (fr. κατακαίω to consume) α burning, scorch- ing, parching, roasting ; drought, dearth from heat. Κατακάυσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Κατά- καύσω, -εις, -ει, 3 pi. -σουσι, 1 f. ind. act. of κατακαίω. Κατακαυχάομυι -ωμαι, f. -ήσομαι, (fr. κατά against, and καυχάομαι to boast) to boast or glory against, set up against, dare, defy. Κατακανχασαι, (as if fr. κατακαύ- χαμαι like the verbs in -at) for κατακανχάη -a", 2 sin. — Κατά• ΚΑΤ καυχάται, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. mid. — Κατακαυχω, 2 sin. Ka- τακαυχασθε, 2 pi. cont. pres. impr. mid. oflast. Κατακείμαι, f. -είσομαι, (fr. κατά along, and κεΊμαι to lie) to lie down, be laid down or stretched out, lie sick ; to recline at meals as the ancients, or sit as the moderns ; to be placed or situ- ated ; to lie dead, be slain, impf. mid. κατεκείμην, -σο, -το. Κατακείρω, f. -ερώ, (fr. κατά intens. and κείρω to crop) to eat down, feed upon ; to shear, fleece, clip ; to lop, cut away, carry clean off ; to waste, consume. Κατάκεισ', by Apos. for κατάκεισο, pres. impr. mid. of κατακείμαι. Κατακεΐσθαι, inf. — Κατακείμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. of same. Κατακείω, fr. κατά redund. and κείω, which see. pres. act. inf. κατακείειν, and ^Eol. κακκείειν par. κατακείων, and .ZEol. κακ- κείων. Κατακεκλιμενος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of κατακλίνω. Κατακίκριμαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass, of κατακρίνω. Κατακενόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. κατά intens. and κενόω to empty, th. κενός empty) to empty, spill, pour out. Κατακεντίω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and κεντίω to goad) to prick, stab, wound, pierce. Κατακεντρόω -ω, (fr. same, and κίντρον a spur) to spur, goad; to bore through, pierce. Κατακερτομέω -ω, fr. same, and κερτομεω, which see. Κατακεχναται, Ion. for κατακέχυν- ται, 3 pi. per. ind. pass, of κα- τα•χύω. Κατακηψεν, Ion. for κατακηαι, same as κατακαύσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Κατακήομεν, by Syst. for κατακήωμεν, 1 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of κατακαίω. Κατακηράω ω, (fr. κατά intens. and κηρόω, which see) 1 a. par. act κατακηρώσας, -ασα, -αν. Κατακλασθης, Dor. for κατακλεισ• θης, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. pass, of κα• τακλείω. Κατακλάω -ω, ΐ. -ασω, (fr. κάτι intens. and κλάω to break) to break in pieces, smash, crush. 1 a. ind. act. κατέκλασα. Κατάκλειστος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. next) shut up, confined, imprisoned, locked up. Κατακλείω, f. -είσω, (fr. κατά in- tens. and κλείω to shut) to shut ■ up, enclose, imprison, confine ; to shut against. Κατακληροδοτεω -ω, (fr. κατά ac- cording to, κλήρος a lot, and δίδο>μι to give) to divide or dis- tribute according to lot, allot ac- cording to right; to divide an estate or inheritance, distribute a property. Κατακληρονομίω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr same, and νομέω to share) to inherit, become heir to ; to will } ΚΑΤ devise, bequeath, make an heir, divide a property. Κατακληρόω -ω, (fr. κατά according to, and κληράω to allot, th. κλήρος j an inheritance) to allot, assign, appropriate. Κατακληρόομαι -ου- μαι, to take a share, take by right, possess an estate or iyiheritance ; to become entitled or heir to. Κατακλιθήναι, pass. — ΚατακλΊναι, act. 1 a. inf. — Κατακλίνατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. Κατακλίνω, f. -Υνώ, p. ΚΛτακεκΧικα, (fr. κατά downwards, and κλίνω to lean) to lay down, make re- cline, stretch, lay out. Κατα- κλίνομαι, to lay one's self down, recline at meat, as the ancients, sit as the moderns. 1 a. act. ind. κατεκλινα' impr. κατάκλινον. 1 a. pass. ind. κατεκλίθην sub. κατακλιθώ, -τ;ς, -j}. Κατακλύζω, f. -ϋσω,ρ. κατακέκλνκα, (fr. κατά intens. and κλύζω to wash) to wash away ; to inun- date, deluge, overflow ; to sub- merge, drown, sink. per. ind. pass, κατακέκλνσμαι. 1 a. pass, ind. κατεκλύσθην. Κατακλυσθείς, -είσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass, oflast. Κατακλυσμός, -ου, b, (fr. same) a deluge, inundation, flood. Κατακλώθω, (fr. κατά redund. and κλώθω to spin) to spin, draw out a thread ; to spin the thread of fate. Κατακνίξω, (fr. κατά intens. and κνίζω to scrape) to cut, hack, mangle ; to lash, beat ; to carp at, dispraise, disparage, slander ; to tickle, cause itching ; to itch for, desire. Κατακοιμάω -ω, and Κατακοιμάομαι -ωμαι, fr. same, and κοιμάω, which see. Κατακοιμηθήτω, 3 sin. 1 a. impr. pass, oflast. Κατακοιμίζω, (fr. κατά intens. and κοιμίζω, which see) same as κα- τακοιμάω. Κατακοιμιστης, -ου, b, (fr. last) a chamberlain. Κατακοιρανεω -ω, (fr. κα τά intens. and κοιρανεω to rule, th. κοίρανος a chief) to rule, bear sway, go- vern ; to administer, manage, guide, direct. Κατάκοιτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. κατά ac- cording to, and κοίτη a bed) a bedfellow. Κατακολυνθεω-ω,ΐ.-ήσω, ρ.κατηκο λούθηκα, (fr. same, and ακολου- θίω to follow, th. ακόλουθος an at tendant) to follow after, pursue ; to obey ; to imitate, copy. 1 a act. ind. κατηκολούθησα. Κατακολουθήσασα, sin. -θήσασαι, pi. η. fem. par. 1 a. act. oflast Κατακολούω, fr. κατά redund. and κολούω, which see. Κατακομίζω, f. -'ισω, (fr. κατά. in- tens. and κομίζω to carry) to bring together, carry into one place, collect, convey. Κατακο- μίζομαι, to betake, go away, re- turn home. (320) ΚΑΤ Κατάκομος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. κατ<1 downwards, and κόμη hair) haired, hairy, with long hair. Κατακονδυλίζω, f. -Έσω, (fr. same, and κονδυλίζω to box) to strike with the fist, beat, bruise ; to trample on. Κατακονη, -ης, f), (fr. same, and καίνω to kill) destruction, ruin. Κατακοντίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. same, and κοντός a spear) to pierce or run through wjth a spear, dart, &c. shoot at. Κατακοπείς, -εΧσα, -εν, par. 2 a. pass, of κατά κόπτω. Κατάκοπος, -ου, b, η, (fr. next) mad, furious, frantic, insane ; struck, possessed ; weary, tired, worn out, spent. Κατακόπτω, f. -ψω, p. κατακίκοφα, (fr. κατά intens. and κόπτω to cut) to cut up, cut in pieces, maim, mangle ; to beat, lash t smite, wound ; to slay, murder^ slaughter, massacre. 2 a. ind, pass, κατεκόπην. Κατάκορος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and κόρος satiety) loathsome, disgust- ing, nauseous; loathing; satis- fied, full, sated, glutted, cloyed ; abundant, plentiful ; greedy, in- satiable. Κατακόρως, (fr. last) in abundance, plentifully ; often, frequently. Κατακοσμίω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. κατά intens. and κοσμέω to adorn, th. κόσμος order) to ornament, adorn, decorate ; to furnish or pro- vide with ; to order, regulate, ar' range, array. Κατακονω, f. -σω, (fr. same, and ακούω to hear) to hear distinctly, understand ; to listen, hearken, attend to, mind, observe ; to obey, submit to, comply with. Κατακρατίω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and κρατέω to command, th. κράτος strength) to hold fast, adhere to, keep the possession or mastery ; to prevail, conquer^ overcome. Κατακράτος, (for κατά κράτος) with strength or power, mightily strongly, powerfully. Κατακρεουργίω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. κατά according to, κρέας flesh, and έργον work) to cut up as a butch- er ; to butcher, hack, mangle. Κατακρήθεν, (fr. κατά upon, and κράς the head) headlong, vio- lently ; utterly, totally, entirely. Κατακρημνίζω, f. -Τσω, p. κατακε- κρήμνικα, (fr. κατά along, and κρημνός a precipice) to precipi- tate, throw or drive headlong ; to tumble or fling downwards. 1 a. act. ind. κατεκρήμνισα' inf. κατα- κρημνίσαι. per. ind. pass, κατα- κεκρήμνισμαι. Κατάκρημνος, -ου, b, ^, (fr. same) steep, precipitous ; headlong, head foremost. Κατακρκδεύω, f. -σω, p. -κα, (fr. κατά according to, and ακρις a locust) to stun with talk ; to prate, chatter, babble. Κατακριθήσεται, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. ΚΑΤ pass. — ΚατακριΘώμεν, -θητε, 1 and 2 pi. I a. sub. pass, of κα- τακρίνω. Κατάκριμα, -ατός, rb, (fr. κατά a- gainst, and κρίνω to judge) con- demnation, judgment, sentence. Κατακρίνει, 3 sin. -κρινουσι, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. — Κατακρίνεις, 2 sin. pres. ind. act. of Κατακρίνω, f. -ϊνώ, p. -κεκρικα, (fr. κατά against, and κρίνω to judge) to adjudge; to determine, decide or judge against ; to sentence, condemn; to punish. 1 a ind. act. κατεκρινα. per. ind. pass. κατακέκριμαι. 1 a. pass. ind. /ca- τεκρίθην, -ης, -η' sub. κατακριθώ, -ης, -fj. 1 f. ind. pass, κατακρι- θήσομαι. ΚατάκρΈσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. last) judgment, sentence, con- demnation. Κατακροτέο) -ω, f. -τ)σω, p. -κεκρό- τηκα, (fr. κατά intens. and κρο- τέω to clap, th. κρότος clapping) to applaud by action or gesture, praise much, commend, laud; to extol, celebrate, set forth, cry up ; to sound, cry, utter noises. Κατακρύπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. same, and κρύπτω to hide) to conceal, hide, cover, keep out of sight ; to bury, inter ; to overwhelm ; to disguise, dissemble, feign. 2 a. ind. act, κατέκρϋβον. Κατακρύψαις, 2 sin. 1 a. opt. act of last, used JEoL for — Κατά• κρύψας, -ασα, -αν, 1 a. par. act, of same, in n. pi. mas. Κατα- κρύ ιμάντες. Κατακτάμεναι, Dor. for κατακτεΊ- ναι, 1 a. inf. act. — Κατακτανεεσ- Οαί,Ιοη. for κατακτανεΊσΟαι, inf. of — Κατακτανουμαι, 2 f. ind. mid. of κατά κτείνω. Κατακτάς, -άσα, -άν, par. 2 a. act. of κατάκτημι. Κατακτείνω, f. -ενώ, fr. κατά in- tens. and κτείνω, which see. Κατάκτημι, (fr. same, and κτημι, obs. to kill) same as last. 2 a. ind. act. κατεκτην. Κατακυκλόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. -κεκύ- κλωκα, (fr. same, and κυκλόω to encircle, th. κύκλος a circle) to surround, compass about, envi- ron, ertcircle ; to enclose, hem in, straiten, confine. Κατακυλίω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. κατά down- wards, and κυλίω to roll) to roll down. par. 1 a. act. κατακυλίσας, -ασα, -αν. Κατακύπτονσαν, a. sin. fem. par. pres. act. of Κατακύτττω, f. -ψω, (fr. κατά down- wards, and κύπτω to bend) to bend down, incline, stoop ; to re- cline, lean, lie down. Κατακνριενοντες, η. pi. par. pres. act. — Κατακυριενονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act Κατακυρίευσα*, par. 1 a. act. of Κατακυριεύω, f, -ευσω, p. -κεκν- ρίενκα, fr. κατά intens. and κυ- ριεύω, which see. Καταλαβέσθαι, 2 a. inf. mid. — Καταλάβω, -ης, -ν, 2 pi. -βητε, 2 S 9 ΚΑΤ a. sub. act. — Καταλαβόμενος, mid. — Καταλαβών, -ονσα, -ov, act. par. 2 a. of καταλαμβάνω. Καταλυβίω -ω, for same. Καταλαζυνεύομαι, f. -εύσομαι, (fr. κατά intens. and αλαζονενομαι to boast, th. αλάξων a boaster) to boast, glory, vaunt ; to talk or act arrogantly or self -sufficiently. Καταλαλεΐ, 3 sin. cont. — Καταλα- λοίσί,3 pi. cont. — Καταλαλείτε, 2 pi. cont. — Καταλαλών, cont. par. pres. act. — Καταλαλώσ<,3 pi. cont. pres. sub. act. of Καταλαλεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. καταλε- λάληκα, (fr. κατά intens. and λα- λε'ω to talk) to speak against, ca- lumniate, slander, derogate, speak- ill of; to interrupt, stun or over- 1 whelm with loquacity ; to dis- pute with, oppose, rail at. Καταλαλία, -ας, η, (fr. same) evil- speaking, obloquy, calumny, slander, reproach. Κατάλάλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) ill- tongucd, reproachful, slanderous, abusive ; a gainsayer, detracter. Καταλαμβάνω, f. mid. -ληψομαι, p. κατείληφα, (fr. κατά intens. and λαμβάνω to take) to catch, take unawares or in the fact ; to over take, come upon, surprise; to seize, take, lay hold on ; to re- strain, check ; to invade, attack, assail, possess forcibly, invest, garrison, secure; to anticipate, get beforehand, prevent; to ap- prehend, comprehend or per- ceive ; to discover, find out, come to know; to hit upon, befall, happen, meet with ; to get, reach or arrive at, attain, obtain. Κα- ταλαμβάνομαι, to be inspired, in- fatuated or possessed, per. inf. act. κατειληώεναι. 2 a. act. ind. κατέλάβον. par. καταλαβών, -ούσα, -όν. per. pass. ind. κατεί- λημμαι' par. κατειλημμένος. 1 a. ind. pass. κατειλήφΟην. 2a. mid. ind. κατελαβόμην inf. καταλα- βέσθαι' par. καταλαβόμενος. Καταλαμπτέος, Ion. for καταληπ- τέος, -a, -ov, (fr. last) to be seized, &c. according to the verb. Καταλάμπω, f. -ψω, (fr. κατά in- tens. and λάμπω to shine) to il-. luminate, enlighten, throw light upon ; to brighten, burnish, make shine ; to illustrate, make clear. Καταλεγεσθω, 3 sin. pres. impr. pass, of Καταλέγω, f. -ζω, p. καταλίλεχα, (fr. κατά according to, and λέγω to speak) to choose, cull, pick, select ; to write down, enrol, enlist, register, record ; to deem, con- sider, esteem, look upon, account ; to enumerate, recount, reckon up ; to allege, charge, accuse, impeach. Καταλέγομαι, to lie down, lie in bed, recline or sit at table. Καταλείβω, f. -ψω, (fr. κατά in- tens. and λείβω to pour) to pour out, spill, shed ; to distil, drop ; to run,fiow ; to waste away, de- (321) IvAT cay. 1 f. mid. κατ αλείβομαι, per. ind. pass, καταλέλεμμαι. Κατάλειμμα, -ατός, το, (fr. καταλεί- πω to leave) a remnant, residue, remainder, leavings. Καταλείπει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Κιιταλειψθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass. — Καταλείψαντος, g. sin. par. 1 a. a<•'. — Καταλείψει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of Καταλείπω, f, -\po>, p. καταλελειφα, (fr. κατά intens. and λείπω to leave) to leave off, cease, desist; to relinquish, quit, forsake, depart from ; to leave behind or over, re- serve ; to will, bequeath. 1 a. ind. act. κατελειψα. 2 a. act. ind. κα- τελΐπον. par. καταλιπών. per. pass. ind. καταλέλειμμαι' par. καταλελειμμίνος. per. ind. mid. καταλελοίπα. Καταλεί^ίί, -ιος, Att. -εω?, η, (fr. last) remains, remnant, residue, leavings. Καταλελειμμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass. — Καταλελοιπα, per. ind. mid. of καταλείπω. Καταλίξομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. — Καταλύω, -εις, -ει, 1 £ ind. act. of καταλέγω Καταλεύω, f. -σω, (fr. κατά intens. and λενω to stone, th. λαας a stone) to stone, overwhelm or kill with stones. Καταλεω -ώ, f. -ήσω and -εσω, (fr. same, and αλέω to grind) to grind down. Καταλήβω, (fr. same, and λήβω obs.) an obsolete verb, from which καταλαμβάνω borrows tenses. Καταλϊ^ω, f. -ξω, (fr. same, and λήγω to cease) to end, finish, terminate, conclude; to~ define, bound, limit. Καταληθω, (fr same, and λήθω to hide) to escape notice, remain concealed. Καταλήθομαι, to for- get. Καταλήθοντ for καταλήθονται, 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. of last. Κατάληψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή } (fr. καταλαμβάνω to seize) a seizure, taking, laying hold of; a hold, catch, gripe ; occupation, pos- session ; perception, comprehen- sion. Καταλιθάζω, f. -ασω, p. καταλεΧί- θακα, fr. κατά intens. and λιθά- ζω, which see. Καταλιθα'σει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. oflast. Καταλιθοβολεω -ώ, f. ->/σω, fr. same, and λιθοβολέω, which see. Καταλίμτταΐ'ω, Ion. for καταλείπω. Καταλιπαρέω -ώ, f. -^σω, (fr. κατά intens. and λιπαρεω to persist, th. λιπαρής constant) to beg ear- nestly, crave, entreat, conjure, be- seech ; to tease, importune ; to obtest, pray in the name of. Καταλι"πε7ν, inf. — Καταλί-ποιμι opt. — Καταλίπω, -ης, -η, sub. — Καταλίττών, -ούσα, -ov, η. pi. -■πάντες, act. — Καταλιπόμενος -η, -ov, mid. par. 2 a. of κα- ταλείπω. ΚΑΤ Καταλλαγεϊς, -εΐσα, -εν, η. ρΐ. Κα- ταλλαγέντες, par. — Καταλλά- γηθι, -<)τω, 2 ()1. -γητε, impr. 2 a. pass, of καταλλάσσω. Καταλλαγη, -ης, η, (fr. καταλλάσσω to change) a change, alteration; reconciliation, reconcilement, a- gieement. Καταλλάξαντος, g. par. 1 a. act. — Καταλλάσ-σων, pair. pres. act. of Καταλλάσσω or -ττω, f. ~£ω, p. κά- τ?7λλαχα, (fr. κατά intens. and αλλάσσω to change) to change, alter ; to exchange, commute, substitute, barter ; to reconcile, agree, mike up. la. ind. act. κατήλλαξα' par. καταλλάξας. 2 a. in I. pass, κατή^αγην. Καπιλο ίω -ώ, (fr. same, and αλοάω to thrash) to grind, herd, rub out, pound ; to bruise, break ; to hurt, wound. Καταλογά^ην, (fr. καταλέγω to re- peat, th. λέγω to speak) by choice, in preference ; in succes- sion, in order, regularly ; in ■prose or plain language. Κακολογία, -ας, η, (fr. same) an enumeration, reckoning up; a muster, review, levy ; a genea- logy. Καταλογίζομαι, f. -ίσομαι, (fr. κατά intens. and λογίζ>μαι to con- sider, th. λέγω to speak) to reckon, compute, count; to number, enumerate ; to enrol, register, record; to impute, change. Κατιλιγισμ^ς, -ου, Ό, (fr. same) a computation, account, calcula- tion ; ai enumeration, reckoning up ; a genealogy. Κατάλογος, -ου, b, (fr. καταλέγω to recount, th. λέγω to speak) a ca- talogue, list, roll, muster-roll ; a survey, enumeration. Κατάλοιπος, -ου, b, >), (fr. καταλεί- πω to remain, th. λείπω to leave) the rest, remainder, remain- ing. Καταλοφάίϊα, (fr. κατά about, and λόφος the poll) upon the neck or shoulders. Καταλοχίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. κατά in- tens. and λοχίζω to enrol, th. λόχος a company) to tell off or divide soldiers into companies, subdivisions, &c. ; to arrange in- to ranks, wards, or classes, allot, order, regulate. Κατάλυε, pres. impr. act. — Ka- ταλυθη, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass. — Καταλυθήσεται, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. pass, of καταλύω. Κατάλυμα, -άτος, το, (fr. καταλύω to loose) a loosing or baiting place, inn, lodging, khan, cara- vansera; a guest-chamber, re- ception-room, dining-room, d sin. καταλύματι. Καταλύουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Κατάλυσα:, 1 a. inf. act. Κα- ταλύσω, -είί, -ει, 1 f. ind. act Καταλύσωσί, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. — Καταλύων, par. pres. act. of came. ΚΑΤ Κατάλυση -ιος, Att. -εως, >% (fr. καταλύω to loose) a breaking up, subversion, ruin, destruction; a loosening, relaxation, ease, rest; an inn, khan, caravansera. Καταλύτης, -ου, Ό, (fr. same) a guest, traveller, wayfaring man. Καταλύω, f. -ύσω, (fr. κατά intens. and λύω to loose) to unloose, loosen, break up, dissolve ; to de- molish, destroy, overthrow, over- turn ; to cancel, annul, abrogate ; to refresh, bait, hall, lodge. 1 a. act. ind. κατέλυσα• sub. κατα- λύσω' inf. καταλυσαι. 1 a. pass. ind. κατελύθην' sub. καταλυ- θώ. 1 f. ind. pass, καταλυθήσο- μαι. Καταλωφάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. κατά against, and λόφος a yoke) to lay down a load ; to shake off the yoke ; to get rid of, rest or cease from; to liberate, set free. Καταμαγεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same, ; and μάγος a wise man) to be-\ witch, enchant. Κατάμαθε, 2 sin. — Καταμάθετε, 2J pi. 2 a. impr. of. Καταμανθάνω, f. -ήσω, p. -μεμάθη- κα, (fr. κατά intens. and μαν-\ θάνω to learn) to learn quite, ac-\ quire thoroughly ; to know, un-\ . der stand, be informed of or ac~\ quainted with; to observe, con-\ sider, contemplate. 2 a. act. ind. κατέμάθον' inf. καταμαθεΊν' par. κιταμαθ !>v. Κ,αταμιραίνω, fr. same, and αα- ριίνω. Καταμαρπτέω -ω, or Καταμάρπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. same, and μάρπτω to catch) to take, overtake, seize, lay hold on ; to catch, surprise ; to swallow, gulp down ; to carp or rail at ; to handle, touch. Καταμαρτυρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. κα- ταμεμαρτύρηχα, (fr. κατά against, and μαρτυράω to testify, th. μάρ- τυρ a witness) to testify, witness or give evidence against; to convict. Καταμαρτυροϋσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of last. Κατααάρψαισα, Dor. for ■ κατα- μάρψασα, η. fem. of Κατα- μάρίρας, par. 1 a. act. — Κατα- μάρφαι, and by Sync, καμμάρ- ipai, I a. inf. act. — Κατααάρψω, -ης, -η, 1 a. sub. act. of κατα- μάρπτω. Καταμάω -ω, (fr. κατά intens. and αμάω to mow) to heap up, accu- mulate; to heap on, throw up- on, t a. ind. mid. κατημησά- μην. Καταμεθύω and Καταμεθύσκω, fr. same, and μεθάω or μεθύσκω, which see. Καταμεϊναι, I a. inf. act. of κατα- μένω. Καταμείρω, fr. κατά intens. and μείρω, which see. Ιίαταμελέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. κατά ill, and μέλει it regards) to ne- glect, omit, overlook ; to slight disj egard, despise, disdain. (322) ΚΑΤ Καταμελοΐίσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of last. Καταμέμφομαι, f. -μέμφομαι, p. -μέμεμμαι, (fr. κατά against, and μέμφομαι to complain) to chide, reprimand, scold, reprove rebuke ; to expostulate, remon st r ate ; to blame, censure, ac cuse ; to mistrust, despair of. t a. ind. mid. κατεμεμψάμην. Καταμεμφόμεθα, 1 pi. pres. ind. mid. of last. Καταμένω, f. -ενώ, p. -μεμένηκα, (fr. κατά intens. and μένω to stay) to abide with, sojourn, lodge ; to stop, stay, wait ; to per- sist, persevere, insist. 1 a. act. ind. κατέμεινα' impr. κατάμεινον. Καταμερίζω, f . -ϊσω, (fr. same, and μερίζω to divide, th. μείρω to allot) to divide among, distri- bute, deal out, allot, share, ap- portion. Καταμερίζομαι, to lake or get a share. Καταμετρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and μετρέω to measure) to mea- sure out or among, allot, distri- bute, apportion ; to survey, mea- sure exactly. Καταμήδομαι, f. -ήσομαι, fr. same, and μήουμαι. Καταμησάμην, Ion. for κατημησά- μην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of καταμάω. Καταμιαίνω, fr. same, and μιαίνω, which see. Καταμιάναις, jEoI. for καταμιήνας, par. 1 a. act. of last. Καταμίγνΰμι, f. -μίζω, p. -μέμιχα, (fr. κατά intens. and μίγνϋμι to mix) to mix up with, jumble to- gether, mingle with, intermingle, join with, associate together. Καταμιμνήσκω, f. -μνήσω, p. -μέμ- νηκα, (fr. same, and μιμνήσκω to remind) to call or bring to mind t remind, suggest ; to recollect, re- member. Καταμόνας, (fr. κατά at or in, and μάνας lonely, with χώρας places, understood) apart, alone, in pri- vate, privately, solitarily. Καταμονομαχέω -ω, f. -^σω, (fr. κατά against, μόνος alone, and μάχομαι to fight) to beat single- handed, overcome in single com- bat. Καταμυξάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of καταμύσσω. Καταμύσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of κατα- μύω. Καταμύσσω or -ττω, f. -ζω, (fr. κα- τά intens. anda/^ffo> to tear) to rend, lacerate, mangle, tear in pieces; to irritate, fret, exaspe- rate. Καταμύω, f. -ύσω, p. καταμέμυκα, by Sync, κεκάμυκα, (fr. κατά intens. and /Λύω to move) to wink, close the eyes ; to twinkle. Καταμωκάομαι -ωμ-αι, f. -ήσομαι, (fr. same, and μωκάω to mock) to mock at, deride, ridicule. Καταμώμενος, par. pres. pass. cont. of καταμάω. Καταναγκάζω, f. -ασω, fr. κατά re- dund. and αναγκάζω, which see. ΚΑΤ Κατανάθεμα, -ατός, το, (fr. κατά intens. and ανάθεμα a curse) α great curse, execration, maledic- tion. ; a cursed person or thing. Καταναθεματίζω, f. -ϊσω (fr. κατά against, and αναθεματίζω to de- vote, which fr. ανάθεμα a curse) to curse, execrate, anathematize ; to bind by a curse, subject to a vow, devote, give up to perdi- tion, pres. inf. act. καταναθεμα- τίζειν. ΚαταναλεΙχω, (fr. κατά intens. ανά up, and λείχω to lick) to lick up, devour, consume. Καταναλίσκω, f. καταναλώσω, p. κατανήλωκα and κατηνά\ωκα, (fr. same, ανά away, and άλίσκω to take) to take away totally, de- stroy utterly, consume, waste. per. ind. pass, κατανήλωμαι and κατηνάλωμαι. Καταναρκάω -ω, f. -ησω, (fr. κατά intens, and να ρκαω to be numb- ed, th. νάρκη numbness) to be- numb, stupify, overburden, op- press ; to be benumbed or stupid ; to fail, faint, languish ; to idle, be worthless or unprofitable. Καταναυμαχέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. κατά against, ναυς a ship, and μάχομαι to fight) to overcome at sea, beat in a sea-fight. Κατανάω -ω, f. -ασω, fr. κατά in- tens. and νάω, which see. 1 a. ind. act. κατενασα, and Poet. κατενασσα. Κατανέμω, f. -μω, p. -νεψψμηκα, (fr. same, and νέμω to distribute) to distribute among, divide between, share, allot ; to divide soldiers into companies, tell off into di- visions ; to muster, arrange. Κα- τανέμομαι, to have a share; to occupy, possess. Κατανεΰσαι, 1 a inf. act. — Κατά- νευσον, 1 a. impr. act. of Κατανεύω, f. -σω, p. κατανένενκα, (fr. κατά downwards, and νεϋω to nod) to incline the head, nod, beckon ; to assent, grant, allow. 1 a. ind. act. κατενευσα. Κατανθίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. κατά in- tens. and ανθίζω to flower, th. άνθος a flower) to deck with, adorn or bestrew with flowers. Κατανθρακόω -ω, (fr. κατά intens. and άνθραξ a coal) to reduce to ashes, burn. Κατανίστημι, f. -στήσω, p. κατανεσ- τηκα, (fr. κατά against, ανά up, and 'ίστμι to stand) to rise up against, stand against, with- stand, oppose. 2 a. ind. act. κα- τανεστην. Κατανοεΐν, pres. inf. act. cont. — Κατανοείς, 2 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. — Κατανοησαι, inf. — Κα- τανόησα?, par. — Κατανοήσατε, impr. act. 2 pi. la. — Κατα- νοούν™, d. sin. cont. par. pres. act. — Κατανοώμεν, 1 pi. cont. pres. sub. act. of Κατανοέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. κατανενόη- κα, (fr. κατά intens. and νοέω to think, th. νόος the mind) to mind, ou&rve, regard } advert io ; fc ΚΑΤ consider, think of, remark; to understand, perceive, know, com- prehend ; to discern, distinguish. 1 a. act. ind. κατενόησα• impr. κατανόησαν inf. κατανοησαι' par. κατανοήσας. Κατανόησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) consideration, observation, attention ; thought, meditation, gazing upon, contemplation ; knowledge, understanding, dis- cernment. Καταντά, Poet, for κατάντη, neut. pi. of κατάντης. Also adverbial- ly, downwards, up and down, in jolts or shocks. Καταντά, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of Καταντάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. κατήντη- κα, (fr. κατά towards, and αντάω to meet, th. avri against) to ar- rive at, come to ; to meet with, attain to, obtain ; to sink, descend into ; to befall, happen. Κατάντημα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) ο meeting, coming together, return, revolution; the roof, peak or ridge ofia house; the end, bor- ders, extremity. Κατάντης, -εος -ονς, Ό, fi, (fr. κατά downwards, and αντί against) downward, steep, sloping down. Καταντησαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Καταν- τήσαντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. act. — Καταντήσωμ εν, 1 pi. 1 a. sub. act. — Καταντήσω, 1 a. sub. act. of καταντάω. Κατάντικρυ, (fr. κατά intens. and αντικρύ against) opposite, over against. Καταντίον', Ion. and Καταντίπεραί, and -πέραν, (fr. κατά towards, αντί against, and -πέρας the end) opposite, on the further side. Καταννγης, 2 sin. 2 a. sub. pass. : — Καταν^^σομαι, 2 f. ind. mid. — Κατανί^τε, 2 pi. 2 a. impr. or sub. pass, of κατανύσσω. Κατάνυξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. next) α stitch or pricking pain, ache ; compunction, remorse, con- trition ; sorrow, vexation, grief; a deep sleep, lethargy, insensibili- ty; stupor, amazement, astonish- ment. Καταννσσω or -ττω, f. -ξω, p. -vt- ννχα, (fr. κατά against, and νύσ- σω to prick) to pierce, stab, prick sting ; to vex, torment, fret, grieve, afflict, terrify ; to cause compunction or contrition, ex- cite remorse ; to strike, astonish, amaze, stupify ; to lull, over- come with sleep, cast into a trance. 1 a. ind. act. κατένυξα. 2 a. ind. act. κατενύγον. per. ind. pass, κατανέννγμαι' par. κα- τανενυγμένος. 1 a. pass. ind. κα- τενύχθην' par. κατανυχθείς. 2 a. pass. ind. κατενύγην, in 3 pi. κα- τεννγησα ν' inf. κατάννγηναι. 2 f. ind. pass, κατανυγήσομαι,-ρ,-εται. Καταννχθέντος, g. sin. par. 1 a. pass, of last. Κατανύω, f. -σω, p. κατήννκα, (fr. κατά intens. and ανύω to finish) ο despatch, execute, complete, ΚΑΤ do, perform; to effect, bring about, accomplish; to get, ac- quire, procure. Καταξαίνω, f. -άνω, p. κατεξαγκα^ (fr. same, and ξαίνω to card) to card or comb; to tear, rend, mangle, lacerate ; to pluck, cut, strike, smite; to wear out, im- pair. 2 a. ind. act. κατέξανον. "- Καταξεμεν, Ion. for κατάξειν, 1 f. inf. act. of κατάγω. Καταξεω -ω, f. -έσω, (fr. κατά in- tens. and ξε ω to scrape) to grate, shave, scrape off, plane ; to po- lish, smooth, level. Κατάξηρος, -ου, δ, r), (fr. same, and ξηρός dry) very dry, arid, parch- ed, torrid. Καταξιόω -ω, f. -ώσω,ρ. κατηξίωκα, (fr. κατά redund. and αξιόω to esteem, th. άξιος worthy) to judge worthy, deem fit, esteem, value, rate highly ; to honour, respect, revere; to beg, entreat, crave, implore, beseech; to de- mand, claim, require. 1 a. pass, ind. κατηξιώθην' sub. καταξιω- θώ' inf. καταξιωθηναι' par. κα- ταξιωθείς. Καταξιωθέντες, η. pi. par. — Κατά- ξιωθητε, sub. 2 pi. 1 a. pass, of last. Καταξνω, f. -υσω, (fr. κατά intens. and ξύω to scrape) to scrape away, rasp, grate, shave ; to cut into, engrave ; to cut open, lance, scarify. Καταπαίζω, f. -ξω, ρ.-πέπαιχα, (fr. same,, and παίζω to play, th. παΊς a child) to play upon, mock, ridicuib. Καταπακτής, -η, -bv, (fr. same, and πήγνυμι to fasten) joined, fast- ened, united; compact, close, firm. Καταπαλαίω, f. -αίσω, (fr. κατοί down, and πάλη wrestling) to throw in wrestling, trip ; to de- feat, overthrow. Καταπάομαι, (fr. κατά intens. and παω to taste) to sprinkle upon. Καταπάσσω or -ττω, f. -ξω, p. -τεέ- παχα, (fr. same, and πάσσω to sprinkle) to strew, spread about, scatter ; to sprinkle, bedew, dash. ΚαταπατεΊν, act. — Καταπατΰσθαι, pass. pres. inf. cont. — Καταπα- τήσας, par. — Καταπατ»/σωσί, 3 pi. sub. 1 a. act. of Καταπατέω -ω, f. -^σω, p. -πεπάτη- κα, (fr. same, and πατέω to tread) to tread down, trample upon ; treat tyrannically or con- temptuously. 1 a. act. ind. κατε- πάτησα' par. καταπατήσας. 1 a. ind. pass, κατεπατήθην. Καταπάτημα, -άτος, το, and Κατα- πάτησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) a treading under foot, tread- ing upon ; contempt, scorn. Κατάπαυμα, -άτος, το, and Κατά- παν σι ς, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. next) rest, ease, quiet, leisure; cessation, respite; a dwelling, abode, residence, a. sin. κατά- ναυσιν. Καταπαύω, f. -σω, p. -πέπανκα, (fr. ΚΑΤ κατά intens. and παύω to cease) to quiet, calm, still, give rest, make cease ; to stop, restrain, check ; to rest from, cease, desist ; to sink, settle, subside. 1 a. ind. act. κατίπανσα. 2 a. ind. act. κατέπαον. per. ind. pass, κατα- πίπαυμαι. Καταπειράζω, f. -σω, (fr. κατά in- tens. and πειράζω to attempt, th. πεΊρα an attempt) to try, prove, explore ; to sound ; to at- tempt, endeavour, venture. Καταπειρητηρία, -ας, η, (fr. last) an instrument to try the depth of the sea, sound, plummet. Καταπελματόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. -πε πελμάτωκα, (fr. κατά beneath, and πέλμα a sole) to clout or sole a shoe ; to patch, piece, mend, cobble, per. ind. pass, καταπε- πελμάτωμαι. Καταπέλτης, -ου, b, (fr. κατά a- gainst, and πίλτη a target. Or, κατά intens. and πάλλω to shake) a catapulta, a military engine. Καταπίμπω, f. -ψω, (fr. κατά in- tens. and πέμπω to send) to send down ; to send to, send a mes sage or letter, write to. Καταπενθίω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and πενθεω to grieve, th. πένθος grief) to deplore, bewail, lament, weep for, mourn. Καταπεπτηώς, -via, -ος, by Sync, for καταπεπτηκώς, -υϊα, -ος, par. per. act. of καταπτήσσω. Καταπίπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. κατά in- tens. and πίπτω to boil) to cher- ish, indulge in, enjoy ; to hug, holdfast ; to brood over, smother. 1 a. act. ind. κατίπεψα' sub. κα- ταπίνω, -ης, -η. Κατάπερ, Ion. for καθάπερ. Καταπεσών, -ούσα, -bv, g. pi. -πε- σόντων, par. 2 a. act. of κατα- πίπτω. Καταττετάζω, Καταπετάω, Καταπε- ταννύω or Καταπετάννυμι, f. -ασω, (fr. κατά intens. and πετά- ζω, &c. to spread) to spread out, expand, display ; to open wide, unfold, unfurl ; to extend, stretch out, lengthen, enlarge ; to cover up, hide, conceal, veil ; to fly down or away. Καταπίτασμα, -άτος, το, (fr. last) a curtain, veil. Καταπίτομαι, (fr. κατά intens. and πίτομαι to fly) to fly about ; to fly down ; to fly away. Καταπετροκοπίω -ώ, (fr. κατά a- gainst, πίτρον a rock, and κόπτω to cut) to dash or strike against a rock ; to break with stones, fling stones at. Καταπετω, obs. (fr. κατά intens. and πετώ obs. same as πίπτω to fall) see καταπίπτω, which bor- rows certain tenses from it. Καταπεφεύγάσι, 3 pi. per. ind. mid. of καταφεύγω. Καταπεφεύγω, same as καταφεύγω. Καταπίφνω, fr. κατά intens. and πίφνω, which see. Καταπεφρονηκότως, (fr. καταπεφρο- νηκύς, par. per. act. οΐκαταφρο- ΚΑΤ via to despise) contemptuously, scornfully, disdainfully. Καταπίψη, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of καταπίπτω. Καταπήγνϋμι or -γννω, f. -ζω or -γνύσω, p. καταπεπήγνυκα, (fr. κατά intens. and πήγννμι to fasten ) to fix or fasten down to set, place, plant. Καταπηδάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -πεπήδη κα, (fr. κατά downwards, and πη- δάω to leap) to leap down ; to alight. Καταπημαίνω, fr. κατά intens. and πημαίνω, which see. Καταπημήνεια, -ας, -ε, 1 a. opt. act. Jko\. of last. Καταπήζ, -ηγος, f), (fr. κατά down wards, and πήγνυμι to fasten) a pile, stake or post fixed in the ground. Καταπιαίνω, fr. same, and πιαίνω. Κατάπικρος, -α, -ov, (fr. κατά in tens, and πικρός bitter) very bit ter ; grievous, severe ; embittered, exasperated, aggravated. Καταπίμπρημι, f. καταπρήσω, (fr, same, and πίμπρημι to burn) to set fire to, set on fire, light up. kindle ; to burn away, consume. Κατάπινε, Ion. for κατίπινε, 3 sin. impf. act.— Καταπίη, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. act. — Καταπίνοντες, η. pi. par. pres. act. of Καταπίνω, f. -πώσω, p. -πίπωκα, (fr. κατά downwards, and πίνω to drink) to drink down, swallow up, absorb, engulph. 2 a. act. ind. κατεπιον' sub. καταπιώ, la. pass. ind. κατεπόθην' sub. κατα- ποθώ' inf. καταποθηναι. 2 f. ind, mid. καταπιουμαι. Καταπίομαι, -τ/, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. of last. | Καταπίπτω or Καταπτόω, f. -ώσω, p. -πίπτωκα, (fr. κατά downwards, and πίπτω to fall) to fall or drop down, tumble, be demolished ; to be cast down, be grieved or dis- pirited, faint, fail. pres. inf. act. καταπίπτειν. 2 a. act. ind. κατίπεσον' par. καταπεσών. 2 f. ind. mid. καταπεσονμαι. Καταπιστεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. κατά towards, and πιστεύω to trust, th. πίστις faith) to trust, believe or have faith in ; to commit, in- trust, hand or deliver to. Καταπλαγεϊς, -εΊσα, -εν, 2 a. par. pass, of καταπλήσσω. Καταπλάσσω, and -ττω, f. -άσω, p. -πίπλακα, (fr. κατά intens. and πλάσσω to shape) to form , shape, mould, make ; to spread or ap- ply a plaster, poultice ; to pound, bruise. Καταπλίκω, f. -ζω, p. -πίπλεκα, (fr. same, and πλέκω to fold) to wrap up, fold together ; to unite, join, link, tie ; to finish, end, complete, conclude. Καταπλέω, f. -εύσω, (fr. κατά to- wards, and πλέω to sail) to sail down, sail to, finish a voyage, arrive in port. Καταπληκτικός, -η, -bv, (fr. κατα- πλήσσω to frighten) striking, (324) ΚΑΤ awful, terrible, dreadful, astonish' ing, wonderful, amazing. Καταπλήζ, -ηγος, b, η, (fr. same) struck, surprised, amazed, asto- nished ; alarmed, fearful, timo- rous ; appalled, affrighted, dis- mayed. Καταπλήζαι, 1 a. inf. act. of Καταπλήσσω, ΐ. -ζω, (fr. κατά in- tens. and πλάσσω to strike) to strike down, fell, overthrow, over- turn, destroy ; to hit sorely, smite; to affiict, disquiet, trou- ble, grieve ; to astonish, amaze y daunt, dismay, confound. Κα- ταπλήσσομαι, to be struck with astonishment, admire, wonder. For tenses see πλήσσω. Κατάπλοος -ονς, -όου -ου, b, (fr. same, and πλέω to sail) a voyage downwards ; a trip, passage ; a safe return, arrival. Καταπλοντομαχεω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. κατά against, πλούτος wealth, and μάχομαι to fight) to over- come by force of money, pre- vail by wealth ; to try or vie in wealth. Καταπλώω, Ion. for καταπλέω. Καταπνοά, -ας, Dor. for Καταπνοή, -ης, f), (fr. κατά intens. and πνίω to breathe) a blast, breeze, gale. Καταπόδας, (fr. same, and πους the foot) immediately, directly, out of hand. Καταποθω, -ης, -fj, 1 a. sub. pass, of καταπίνω. Καταπονεω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. -πεπόνη- κα, (fr. κατά intens. and πονεω to toil, th. πίνομαι to work at) to fatigue, weary, tire, wear out t oppress. Καταπονίομαι -ονμαι, to be overcome, fail, faint. Καταπονούμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. cont. of last. Καταποντίζω, f. -ϊσω, p. -πεπόντικα, (fr. κατά down, and ποντίζω to sink, th. πόντος the sea) to throw into the sea, plunge, drown; to overwhelm, pres. inf. mid. κατά ποντίζεσθαι. 1 a. ind. pass, κατε ποντίσθην sub. καταποντισθώ, -θης, -θη. ■ Καταποντίσμος, -οίί, δ, (fr. same) drovjning, immersion; destruc- tion. Καταπορεύομαι, f. -εύσομαι, p. -πε- πόρενμαι, (fr. κατά intens. and πορεύομαι to go) to go or come down or back, return. 1 a. ind. pass, κατεπορεύθην. Καταπορνεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same, and πορνεύω to go after harlots) to prostitute. Κατάποσις, -ιος, Att. -εω$•, η", (fr. καταπίνω to swallow) a devour- ing, swallowing up ; a gulph, whirlpool, abyss. Καταπότιον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a medicine to be swallowed ; a pill. Καταπόω, obs. (fr. κατά intens. and πόω, obs. to drink) from which καταπίνω borrows certain tenses. Καταπραΰνω, (fr. same, and πραύνα to mitigate, th. irppos mild) to ΚΑΤ tame ; to civilize, polish ; to miti- gate, assuage, allay, ease; to pacify, calm, reconcile, appease, sooth, coax ; to restrain, check, bridle, hold. Καταπρήθω, fr. same, and πρήθω, which see. Καταπρηνής, -ίος -ους, b, fj, (fr. same, and -κρήνης steep) prone, headlong ; fiat, with the face downwards. Καταπρησθω, -f /ς, -fj, 1 a. sub. pass, of καταπρήθω. Καταπρίω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. κατά intens. and πρίω to saw) to saw through, cut through. Καταπροδίδωμι, (fr. κατά intens. προ before, and δίδωμι to give) to betray, surrender, deliver up. pres, inf. act. καταπροδιδόναι. Καταπροήσεσθαι, 1 f. inf. mid. of καταπροίημι. Καταπροίζομαι, f. -ίζομαι, (fr. κατά intens. and προίζομαι to get gra- tis, th. προϊξ a gift) to pass un- punished, let escape, pass by, forgive. 1 a. ind. mid. καταπροϊ- ξάμην. Καταπροίημι, (fr. same, προ before, and ϊημι to send) to throw away ; to reject, slight, disregard ; to let slip, miss, fail of. Καταπροΐκομαι, (fr. same, and Ίκο- μαι to come) to go on before proceed forward. Καταπρονομεύω, (fr. same, and προ- νομή plunder) to go to forage or plunder ; to drive away or carry off booty ; seize as prey, carry away captive. Καταπτάς, -άσα, -άν, par. — Καταπ- τήναι, inf. 2 a. act. of καθίπτημι. Κατάπτεσθαι, Ion. for καθάπτεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. of καθάπτω. Καταπτέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. κατέπτη- κα, fr. κατά intens. and πτέω, or πτοέω, which last see. Καταπτήζας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. of καταπτήσσω. Καταπτήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. of καθίπτημι. Καταπτήσσω, f. -ζω, p. κατέπτηγα, (fr. κατά intens. and πτήσσω to fear) to affright, frighten, alarm, terrify; to dread, fear greatly . Καταπτήτην, Ion. for κατεπτήτην, 3 du. 2 a. ind. act. οΐκαθίπτημ Καταπτΰχής, -έος -ονς, b, fj, (fr. κα- τά intens. and πτύσσω to fold) sinuous, with many bends οι folds, crooked, wreathed, folded: Καταπτύω, f. -σω, (fr. same, and πτύω to spit) to spit upon; to spit out, spue ; to reject, cast off, abhor, detest. Κατάπτωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. κατά downwards, and πίπτω to fall) a fall; ruin, decay, destruction. Καταπτώσσω, (fr. κατά intens. and πτώσσω to tremble) to fall with fear, drop with fright ; to tremble, totter ; to dread, fear greatly. Καταπΰγων, -όνος, b, ή, (fr. κατά about, and πνγή the rump) ob- scene, indecent; Subs, a catamite. Καταπυρίζω, f. -Ίσω, (fr. κατά in- tiem and πυρίξω to get on fire, ΚΑΤ th. πυρ fire) to light up, kindle set on fire, inflame. 1 a. par. act, καταπυρίσας, and by Sync. Poet, or Dor. καππυρίσας. Καταπώγων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. same, and πώγων a beard) bearded, with a long beard. Κατάρα, -ας, η, (fr. κατά against and αρά a prayer) a curse, exe- cration. Καταράκτης, -ου, b, (fr. καταράσσω to break through) a cataract, tor- rent, waterfall, cascade; a bolt, bar; a portcullis or falling gate ; a kind of sea fowl, a gull. Καταράομαι -ωμαι, f. -άσομαι, ρ κατήραμαι, (fr. κατά against, and αράομαι to pray, th. αρά a prayer) to curse, imprecate evil upon, execrate, damn, devote to perdi- tion, pres. inf. pass, καταράεσθα -άσθαι. par. per. pass, καταρα- μένος. 1 a. ind. mid. κατηρασά μην, -ω, -ατο. Καταράσθε, 2 pi. cont. pres. impr. — ΚαταρώμεΟα, 1 pi. cont. pres ind. mid. — Καταρωμένος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. cont. of last. Κατάρασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, >/, (fr same) a curse, execration; ι cursing . Καταράσσω or -ττω, and καταρράσ- σω, f. -ζω, (fr. κατά intens. and ράσσω to dash) to break, snap rend, tear ; to bruise, crush ; to tumble, throw down violently, precipitate, dash, confound, de- molish, destroy, raze ; to drive, force along, compel; to burst forth, break or gush out. Κατάράτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. καταράο- μαι to curse) cursed, accursed, devoted to perdition; execrable, vile, abominable. Καταργεί, act. — Καταργείται, pass. 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. of Καταργίω -ω, (fr. κατά intens. and αργός useless) to make useless, render worthless ; to abolish, an- nul, abrogate; to waste, idle, lose time or work. Καταργέομαι -ουμαι, to be rid or quit of, freed from, released ; to wear out, perish, be lost, vanish, disappear. 1 a. ind. act. κατήργησα, per. ind. pass, κατήργημαι. 1 a. ind. pass, κατηργήθην. 1 f. ind. pass. καταργηθήσομαι. Καταργηθώ, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass. — Καταργηθήσομαι, -η, -εται, 3 pi -θήσονται, 1 f. ind. pass. — Ka- ταργΐ,σαι, inf. — Καταργήσας, -ασα, -αν, g. -σαντος, par. — Ko- ταργήστ), 3 sin. sub. 1 a. act. — Καταργήσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of last. Καταργουμεν, 1 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. — Καταργούμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of same. Καταργνρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. κατά intens. and αργυρόω to silver, th. άργυρος silver) to silver over, plate, cover with silver ; to cor- rupt with money, bribe. Καταρέζω, Π -ζω, (fr. same, and ρέζω to act) to sooth, coax, ca~ tes3 ; to pat, stroke with the hand. , b, (fr. same) the sitting or reduction of a bone or joint; a joining or fitting of parts ; reconciliation ; repair, a- mendment ; a finishing, comple- tion, perfection. Καταρτιστηρ, -ηρος, δ, (fr. same) a composer, maker, framer ; an in- tercessor, peace-maker. Κατάρχω, f. -ζω, (fr. κατά intens. and άρχω to begin) to do or act first, take the lead; to guide > rule, regulate ; to govern, com- mand. Κατάρχομαι, to initiate, introduce, teach, par. pres. aet. κατάρχων, -ούσα, -ov. Καταρώμενος, par. pres. mid. cont. — Καταρωνται,3 pi. cont. pres. ind. mid. of καταράομαι. Κατασβεννϋω, or -ϋμι, fr. κατά in- tens. and σβεννύω, or -ϋμι, which see. Κατασείω, f. -σείσω, p. -σέσεικα, (fr. same, and σείω to shake) to shake off, disturb, drive or move away, remove ; to shatter, shake or break in pieces ; to alarm, frighten, startle; to make signs with the hand, beckon. 1 a. act. ind. κατεσεισα' par. κατασείσας. Κατασημαίνω, f. -άνω, (fr. same, and σημαίνω to sign, th. σήμα a mark) to note, mark, observe, remark ; to sign, seal. Κατασήπω, (fr. same, and σήπω to rot) to let rot, leave to decay or ■perish. Κατασήπομαι, to rot a- way, perish. Κατασθμαίνω, (fr. κατά upon, and ασθμαίνω to pant) to pant on; to snort. ΚατασΊγάω-ω, f. -ήσω, ψ.-σεσίγηκα, fr. same, and σιγάω, which see. Κατασιδνρόω -ω, fr. same, and σιδη- ρόω, which see. Κατασιώπατε, 2 pi. cont. ind. or impr. act. of Κατασιωπάω -ω, (fr. κατά intens. and σιωπάω, which see. Κατασκαμμένα, -ων, τά, (fr. next) ruins, remains. Κατασκάπτω, f. -ψω, p. κατεσκαφα, (fr. κατά intens. and σκάπτω to dig) to dig or pull down, break, hatter, overthrow, destroy,- de- molish. 2 a. ind. act. κατεσκα- φον. par. per. pass, κατεσκαμ• μίνος. Κατασκαφη, -ης, f), (fr. same) ruin, demolition, destruction. Κατασκαφης, -ίος -ους, b, η, (fr. same) dug down* undermined, overthroivn* ΚΑΤ Κατασκευάζω or -αννύω, €-ασω,(ϋτ. κατά intens. and σκεδάζω to dis- perse) to scatter upon, spnnklc. Κατασκελετεύω, Κατασκέλίω -ώ, or Κατασκέλλω, (fr. same, and σκε- λετεύω, &c. to dry) to dry up, parch, wither; to reduce, at- tenuate. Κατασκελετεύομαι, &C to decay, waste away, pine. Κατασκέπτομαι, f. -ψομαι, (fr. κα- τά downwards, and σκέπτομαι to consider) to look down upon, observe, consider, contemplate ; to inspect, examine ; to look out, spy, watch ; to search, explore. Κατασκευάζεται, 3 sin. ind. — Κα- τασκευαζόμενο?, -^-o^par. pres. pass, of Κατασκευάζω, f. -άσω, p. κατεσκεύα- κα, (fr. κατά intens. and σκευάζω to prepare, th. σκεύος a utensil) to prepare, provide, made ready ; to furnish, equip ; to make, frame, adjust ; to raise, erect, construct, build ; to work out, finish, complete; to corroborate, strengthen, prove, confirm ; to plot, machinate, devise ; to set on, send out. 1 a. act. ind. κατεσκεύ- ασα' inf. κατασκενάσαι. per. pass, ind. κατεσκεύασμαι' par. κατεσ- κενασμένος. 1 a. ind. pass, κα- τεσκευάσθην. Κατασκεναΐς, d. pi. of κατασκευή. Κατασκενάσας, -ασα,-αν, par. 1 a. act. — Κατασκευάσω, -εις, -^ει, 1 f, ind. act. of κατασκευάζω. Κατασκεύασμα, -άτος, το, (fr. κα- τασκευάζω to prepare) an arti- fice, device, plot ; a building, frame, edifice ; preparation. Κατασκευαστικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) strengthening. Κατασκεύαστος, -ου , b, η, (fr. same) made, wrought, finished. Κατασκευή, -ης, f), (fr. same) pre- paration ; a model, plan, draught, instrument, utensil, furniture ; provision, equipage, equipment, arms ; entertain- ment, treatment, reception ; con- struction, arrangement, institu- tion. Κατασκεω -ω, fr. κατά intens. and ασκεω, which see. Κατασκηνόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. same, and σκηνόω to dwell, th. σκηνή a tent) to dwell in a tent, live, abide, sojourn ; to lodge, har- bour, roost, pres. inf. act. κα- τασκηνόειν -νουν. 1 a. ind. act. κατεσκήνωσα. Κατασκήνωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. same) a nest, roost, shelter, harbour; a lodging, residence; entertainment, reception, pi. cont. κατασκηνώσεις. Κατασκήπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. κατά against, and σκήπτω to hurl) to rush down upon, assail, at- tack ; to invade ; to strike, hit, dash upon ; to urge, press, in- sist. Κατασκιάζω,ΐ. -άσω, p. κατεσκίακα, (fr. κατά intens. and σκιάζω to shade, th. σκιά a shadow) to oVershadow, spread a shade or (326) ΚΑΤ covering over ; to hide, cover up inter, neut. pi. par. pres. act. κατασκιάζοντα. Κατάσκως, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) shady, shaded, dark, umbrage' ous, bushy. Κατασκιρτάω -ω, fr. κατά intens. and σκιρτάω. Κατασκλέω -ω, or Κατασκλόω -ω, and Κατάσκλημι, same as κατα- σκελετεύω. Κατασκοπεύω, and Κατασκοπέω -ω, f. -ήσω, ρ. κατεσκόπηκα, (fr. κατά intens. and σκοπέω, which see) 1 a. inf. act. κατασκοπησαι. Κατάσκοπος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) exploring, searching; a spy t scout. Κατασκορπίζω, f. -ίσω, fr. same. and σκορπίζω. Κατασκώπτω,ίί. same, and σκώπτω. Κατασμικρίζω, and Κατασμικρύνω, f. -υνώ, p. κατεσμίκρυγκα, (fr. κα- τά intens. and σμικρός Att. for μι- κρός small) to diminish, lessen, reduce,impair ; to depress, abase, humble, bring down. Κατάσμυζαι, 3 sin. 1 a. opt. act. — Κατασμύξαι, 1 a. inf. act. of Κατασμϋχω, f. -ζω, (fr. κατά in- tens. and σμύχω to smoulder) to burn away, consume, reduce to ashes ; to stifle, suffocate. Κατασοφίζω, f. -ίσω, p. -σεσόφικα, (ΐτ.κατά against, and σοφός wise) to delude, beguile, impose upon, overreach, ensnare, use subtilty, employ craft, cheat, trick, par. pres. pass, κατασοφιζόμενος. 1 a. mid. ind. κατεσοφισάμην par. κατασο0ίσά/ιενο5• Κατασπαταλάω -ω, fr. κατά intens. and σπαταλάω. Κατασπάω -ώ, f. -άσω, ρ. κατεσπα- κα, (fr. same, and σπάω to draw) to pull, tear or rend asunder; to break, separate by force; to draw down, swallow up; to drag into the water, launch. Κατασπείρω, f. -ερω, (fr. same, and σπείρω to sow ) to sow ; to breed, engender, produce; to scatter, overspread. Κατασπεύδω, f. -σω, fr. same, and σπεύ<5ω, which see. Κατάσπευσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f), (fr. same) haste, speed, despatch, ex- pedition ; hurry, bustle. Κατασποδεω -ω, (fr. κατά down, and σποδός ashes) to throw down in the dust, kill. Κατασνουδάζω, fr. same, and σπου- δάξω, which see. Καταστάξω, f. -ξω, (fr. same, and στάζω to drop) to drop down, trickle, distil, exude; to dis- charge, run. Κατασταθείς, -είσα, -εν, 1 a. par. pass. — Κατασταθήσομαι, -η, -εται, 3 pi, -ταθήσονται, 1 f. ind. pass. — Καταστα?, -ασα, -άν, g. -άντος, par. 2 a. act. of καθίστημι. Καταστασιάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. κατά against, and στασιάζω to muti- ny, which fr. στάσις sedition, th> Ίστημί to se* up) to rebel ΚΑΤ against, mutiny, excite sedition, confuse, confound, Κατάστασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. καθίστημι to constitute) a consti- tution, establishment, order of things ; a state, situation, condi- tion ; authority, government ; a council, senate. Καταστεγάζω, fr. -κατά intens. and στεγάζω, which see. Καταστείλαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Ka- ταστείλας, -ασα, -αν, 1 a. par. act. of Καταστέλλω, f. -ελώ, p. κατέσταλ- κα, (fr. κατά downward, and στέλκω to send) to check, restrain, repress ; to appease, compose, pacify, quiet ; to order, arrange, settle, adjust ; to adorn, orna- ment, dress, clothe ; to equip, furnish, provide. 1 a. act. ind. κατέστειλα' par. καταστε'ιλας. 2 f. ind. act. κατασταλΰ. per. ind. pass, κατίσταλμαι' par. κατε- σταλμένος. per. ind. mid. κατέ- στολα. Καταστενάζω, f. -ξω, p. κατεστένα- κα, fr. κατά intens. and στενάζω. Καταστερίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. κατά among, and αστήρ a star) to speckle or cover with stars ; to fix among the stars. Κατάστημα, -άτος, τδ, (fr. καθίστη- μι to constitute) dress, habit, gai b, apparel ; manner, behavi- our, demeanour, air; state, si- tuation, condition, posture; con- stitution, temper, disposition, d. καταστήματι. Καταστήναι, 2 a. inf. act. — Κα- τάσχεσαι, 1 a. inf. act. οι καθίσ- τημι. Καταστηρ'ιζω, f. -ξω, p. κατεστήρ< κα, (fr. κατά intens. and στηρίζω to fix) to fix firmly, fasten down; to confirm, establish ; to fall or lean upon. Καταστήσω, -εις, -ει, I pi. -αομεν, 1 f. ind. act. — Καταστήσω, -ης, -η, 1 a. sub. act. of καθίστημι Καταστιάζω, (fr. κατά against, and στια a pebble) to stone, pelt with stones. Καταστολή, -ης, η, (fr. καταστέλλω to adorn) a restraint, restriction, hindrance ; a stoppage, cessation ; a letting down, hanging upon; dress, clothes, vesture, apparel; a long robe ; plainness in dress. Καταστολίζω, fr. κατά intens. and στολίζω, which see. Καταστορέω -ω, (fr. same, and στο- ρέω to strew) to scatter on the ground, spread, strew over ; to fall prostrate ; to abate, calm, re- press ; to heap up, build, rear. 1 a. ind. act. κατεστόρεσα. Καταστραγγίζω, f. -ίσω, p. κατεσ- τράγγικα, (Tr. same, and στραγ- γίζω to wring) to wring out, ex- press, force out by drops, squeeze. Καταστρατηγέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. κατά against, and στρατός an army, th. άγω to lead) to out- general, conquer by stratagem ; to overcome by artifice, deceive, cir- ΚΑΤ Καταστρατοπηδεύω, fr. κατά intens. and στρατοπηδεύα. 1 a. ind. mid. κατεστρατοττηδευσάμην, -ω, -ατο. Καταστρέψω, f. -ψω, ρ. κατέστρεφα, (fr. κατά downward, and στρέφω to turn) to overthrow, subvert, overturn; to conquer, subdue; to pervert, abuse ; to revolve, come to the same point, end, con- clude. I a. ind. act. κατέστρεψα. per. ind. mid. κατέστροφα. Καταστρεψάμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. — Καταστρέψασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Καταστρέψοντι, Dor. for καταστρέψουσι, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of last. Καταστρηνιάζω, f. -άσω, p. κατε- στρηνίακα, (fr. κατά intens. and στρηνιάζω to wanton, th. στρή- νος luxury) to play the wanton, become impatient of restraint or licentious through indulgence or plenty. 1 a. sub. act. 3 pi. κα- ταστρηνιάσωσι. Καταστρηνιάσωσι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of last. Καταστροφή, -ης, η, (fr. καταστρέφω to overturn) subversion, ruin, overthrow ; injury, loss, harm ; catastrophe or winding up of a plot, end, event. Κατάστρωμα, -ατός, τδ, (fr. next) a covering, deck. Καταστρώω or -στρώννΰμι, f. -στρώ- σω, p. κατέστρωκα, (fr. κατά downwards, and στρώννΰμι or tl στορέω to strew) to strew down, fell, throw prostrate ; to over• ' throw ; to slay, slaughter. 1 a. ind. pass, κατεστρώθην, -ης, -η. Καταστυγέω -ω, f. -ήσω, and -ξω, (fr. κατά against, and στυγέω to hate) to hate much, abhor, de test, shudder. 2 a. ind. act. κα τέστνγον. Καταστυφελος, -ov, Ό, η, (fr. κατά intens. and στνφελος harsh, th στύφω to astringe) hard, stiff"; rugged, rough ; harsh, sour, Κατασνρω, f. -ρω, p. κατασέσνρκα, (fr. same, and σύρω to draw) to drag along, haul, hale, trail to sweep away, carry along. 3 sin. pres. sub. κατασύρη. Κατασφάζω or -σφάττω, f. -ξω, (fr. same, and σφάζω to slay) to cut the throat, slay, slaughter butcher. 1 a. act. ind. κατέσφαξα' impr. κατάσφαξον. 2 a. ind. act. κατέ- σφαγον pass, κατεσφαγην. Κατασφαλίζω, f. -«σω, p. κατεσφάλι κα, (fr. same, and ασφαλής safe) to make safe, secure ; to fortify strengthen, per. ind. pass, κατε- σφάλισμαι'φ&τ. κατεσφαλισμένος. Κατασφάξατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act of κατά σφάζω. Κατασφρα.γίζω, f. -"ίσω, p. κατε• σφράγικα, (fr. κατά intens. and σφραγις a seal) to seal up, set a seal upon, fasten with a seal, per, pass. ind. κατεσφράγισμαι' par. κατεσφραγισμένος. Κατασχέθητι, -ήτω, 1 a. impr. pass, of κατέχω. Κατασχεθώ, same as κατέχω. Κατασγεϊν, 2 a. inf. act. of same. ΚΑΤ Κατάσχεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f/, (fr* κατά intens. and έχω to have) occupation, detention, restraint; possession, property, d. κάτασχε" σει, a. -χεσιν. Κατασχίζω, (fr. same, and σχίζω to split) to divide, rend or tear asunder, cleave, break open; to interrupt. Κατάσχω, -ης, -η, 1 pi. -σχωμεν, 2 a. sub. act. — Κατασχοίσα, Dor. for κατασχονσα, η. fern, of κα- τασχών, par. 2 a. act. — Ka- τασχόμενος, par. 2 a. mid. — Κατάσχωμεν, 1 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of κατέχω. Κατατάξεις, Dor. for κατατήξεις, 2 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of κατα- τήκω. Κατατάττω, f. -ξω, (fr. κατά in- tens. and τάσσω or -ττω to ar- range) to put in order, arrange, regulate, settle, dispose ; to mus- ter, marshal, array, draw up; to set, place, pitch; to prepare, appoint. Κατατείνω, f. -ενω, (fr. same, and τείνω to stretch) to stretch out, draw forth; to hold, restrain, curb, bind ; to rack, torture ; to enforce, strengthen ; to stretch out, smooth down ; to set out, go on ; to extend to, reach to- wards. Κατατέμνω, f. -εμω, (fr. same, and τέμνω to cut) to maim, mangle, hack, slash ; to kill with many wounds, slay, slaughter ; to cut up or asunder; to cut short, break off, put an end to. Κατατέρπω, fr. same, and τέρκω. Κατατήκετ , for κατατήκεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. mid. of Κατατ^κω, f. -ξω, (fr. κατά intens. and τήκω to melt) to melt down, dissolve, thaw ; to emaciate make or grow lean ; to pine, languish, Κατατίθημι, f. -θήσω, p. -τέθεικα, (fr. same, and τίθημι to place) to lay or put down ; to establish, appoint, constitute ; to settle, ar- range, agree ; to take upon, enter on ; to pay or count down, dis charge, fulfil ; to bestow, confer ," to commit, intrust, deposit; to set, place, lay up, store ; to bury, inter. 1 a. ind. act. κατέβηκα, 2 a. mid. ind. κατεθέμην, -co t to' inf. καταθέσθαι. Κατατιτρώσκω, fr. same, and τι- τρώσκω. Κατατολμάω -ω, f. -ήσω, ρ. -τετόλ- μηκα, (fr. same, and τολμάω to dare, th. τόλμα boldness) to venture upon, attempt, hazard β to brave, dare ; to presume. Κατατομή, -ης, η, (fr. κατατέμνω to maim) a maiming, cutting, but- chery, slaughter ; an incision, cut, gash ; a section, portion, fragment. Κατατοξεύω, f. -εύσω, p. -τετόξευκα, (fr. κατά intens. and τοξεύω to shoot, th. τόξον a bow) to shoot through, hit with a bow; to wound, pierce, run through. 1 • ΚΑΤ f. ind. pass, κατατοξευθήσομαι, -η, -εται. Κατατρέχω, f. -θρέξω, ρ. -δεδράμη- κα, (fr. κατά against, and τρέχω to run) to overrun, outrun ; to run at or towards; to invade, make an inroad, ravage, waste ; to inveigh against, reprehend, censure, blame. Κατατρίβω, f. -ψω, p. -τέτριφα, (fr. κατά intens. and τρίβω to rub) to rub away, wear out ; to break, bruise, pound ; to consume, spend ; to harass, weary ; to waste, ravage, overrun; to pass or spend time. 1 f. ind. act. κα- τατρίψω, -εις, -ει. Κατατρίζω, fr. same, and τρίζω, which see. Κατατρνφάω -ω, (fr. same, and τρυφάω to indulge) to indulge or take delight in, revel, not; to luxuriate ; to exult, taunt. Κατατρύχω, (fr. same, and τρύχω to afflict) to oppress, fatigue, Jiarass, exhaust; to afflict-, vex, grieve, perplex, molest. Κατατρώγω, (fr. same, and τρώγω. ΚΑΤ Καταφεροί, f. κατοίσω, 1 a. κατήνεγ- κα, (fr. κατά downwards, and φίρω to carry) to take, bring, carry or let down; to send, drive or strike down, precipitate; to plunge, immerge, sink; to lull, cast asleep ; to convey, transport, deliver ; to sweep or wash away to inflict, apply force ; to vote, take part against. 1 a. ind. act, κατήνεγκα, Ion. κατήνεικα, 1 a pass. ind. κατηνέχθην, and Ion, κατηνείχθην' par. κατηνεχθείς. 1 ΚΑΤ a. ind. mid. κατηνεγκαμην, and to eat) to eat up } devour sume. Κατατυγχάνω, fr. same, and τυγ- χάνω, which see. Κατατύπτω, f. -ψω, p. -φα, (fr. κα- τά against, and τνπτω to strike) to beat or strike one's self for grief; to bewail, mourn. Καταυγάζω, (fr. same, and ανγάζω to shine) to shine down upon, enlighten, illuminate. ΚαταυΧέω -ω, f. -ήσω, fr. same, and αυΧέω. Καταυτίκα, fr. same, and αντίκα. Κατάφαγε, pres. impr. act. — Κα ταφάγη, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. of Καταφάγω, (fr. κατά intens. and φάγω to eat) to eat up, devour, swallow down; to consume, waste, squander. 2 a. act. ind κατίφάγον' par. καταφαγών. 2 f. άγομαι for κατά Ion. κατηνεικάμην, Καταφεύγω, f. -ζω, (fr. same, and φεύγω to flee) to flee for succour , take refuge, find shelter; to run away, flee from, shun, avoid; to escape. 2 a. act. ind. κατέφνγον par. καταφυγών. 1 f. ind. mid. καταφεύξομαι. per. ind. mid. κα- ταπέφευγα for καταπέφνγα. pper. mid. 3 pi. καταπεφύγεσαν, Ion. for κατεττεφύγεισαν. Κατάφευξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, i t , (fr. last) a refuge, shelter, security ; an escape, flight, n- Κατάφημι, f. -φήσω, (fr. κατά ac- cording to, and φημϊ to say) to say, affirm ; to assent, agree to. Καταφημίζω, f. -ϊσω and -ίξω, (fr. κατά intens. and φημίζω. Καταφθάνω, f. -ασω, p. κατέφθακα, (fr. same, and φθάνω to antici- pate) to come beforehand, anti- cipate, obviate ; to surprise, take unawares ; to preclude, prevent. Καταφθάρσομαι, -η, -εται, 3 pi. -σονται, 2 f. ind. pass, of Καταώθείρω, f. -ερώ, p. κατέφθαρκα, (fr. κατά intens. and φθείρω to corrupt) to mar, spoil, ruin, de- stroy totally ; to deprave, corrupt, vitiate. 1 a. act. ind. κατέφθειρα• ind. mid. κατά φαγουμαι. Καταφαίνω, f. -ανω, p. καταπίφαγ- κα, (fr. same, and φαίνω to show) to show clearly, make appear, dis- play. Καταφαίνομαι, to seem to be, appear, be seen, καταφανώ, -j)f, -η, 2 a. sub. act. Καταφαμίζω and Καταφαμίσδω Dor. for καταφημίζω. Καταφανή, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. act. of καταφαίνω. But without ι sub- scribed it is a. sin. masc. cont. of Καταφανής, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. κατά intens. and φαίνω to show) ap- parent, plain, clear, manifest; open', conspicuous, visible. Comp. καταφανέστερος' sup. -έστατος. Καταφάω, (fr. κατά against, and φάω to speak) to speak against, blame, accuse, reproach. Καταφερης, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. next) descending, sloping, slant- ing, steep ; prone, inclined, dis- posed. Comp. καταφερώτερος' sup. -ώτατος, as if fr. καταφέρω. Καταφερδμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. of inf. καταφθείραι. 2 a κατέφθάρον. per. pass, κατέ φθαρμαι. 1 f. ind. pass, κατά• φθαρθήσομαι. 2 a. ind. pass, κα- τεφθαρην. Καταφθιμένοισιν, d. pi. Ion. par, per. pass, of Καταφθίνω or -θίω, f. -ίσω, p. κα- τέφθικα, (fr. same, and φθίνω or φθίω to waste) to destroy, abolish; to kill, slay ; to waste away, pe- rish, die. per. pass. ind. κατέφθι- μαι'ΐηΐ. κατεφθίσθαι, Ion. καταφ- θίσθαι' par. κατεφθιμένος, Ion. καταώθιμένος. Καταφθορά, -ας, ή, (fr. καταφθείρω to destroy) corruption ; destruc- tion, ruin ; slaughter, death. ΚαταφιΧέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -πεφίΧη- κα, (fr. κατά intens. and φιΧέω to love, th. φίλος a friend) to love dearly ; *o salute, kiss hearti- ly, par. pres. act. καταφιΧέων -ων, -έουσα -ονσα, -έον-ουν. impf. act. κατεφίΧεον -ow>, -εες -εις, -εε-ει, 1 a. ind. act. κατεφίΧησα. ΚαταφιΧουσα, η. fern. par. pres. act. of last. ΚαταφΧέγω, f. -ζω, p. καταπέφΧεχα, ΚατάφΧεξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. same) a burning, conflagration^ great fire. ΚαταφΧογίζω, f. -"σω, (fr. same, and φΧογίζω to inflame) to burn up, consume totally. 1 a. ind. act. κατεφΧόγισα. Καταφοβέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and φοβέω to terrify) to frighten much, terrify greatly, alarm, in- timidate. Κατάφοβος, -ου, h, f/, (fr. same, and φόβος fear) fearful, timo- rous ; superstitious. Καταφοιτάω -ω, and Ion. -ίω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and φοιτάω to go often) to come and go, fre- quent, haunt; to rove, wander^ prowl. Καταφοιτέειν, pres. inf. act. of κα- ταφοιτέω, in last. Καταφονεύω, fr. κατά intens. and φονεύω. Καταφορά, -ας, ?/, (fr. κατά against, and φέρω to bear) afall, descent; a declivity, slope ; a blow, push, stroke, impulse ; invective, re- proach, calumny ; drowsiness y sleepiness. ΚαταφορεΊν, pres. inf. cont. of κα- ταφορέω, Ion. for καταφέρω. Καταφράζεσθε, 2 pi. pres. impr. mid. of Καταφράζομαι, (fr. κατά intens. and φράζω to speak) to consider t think of, regard, view, observe» Κατάφρακτος, -ου, h, η, (fr. next) armed cap a pie, heavy armea t covered; secured, fortified; decked. Καταφράσσω or -ττω, f. -ζω, p. πέφραχα, (fr. κατά intens. and φράσσω to protect) to fortify y fence, mound, secure; to defend, protect, cover; to enclose, shut up, hide, conceal. ind. act. | Καταφρονεί ς , 2 sin. -νεΊτε, 2 pi. cont. ind. — Καταφρονείτω, 3 sin. -νείτωσαν, 3 pi. cont. impr. pres. act. — Καταφρονήσας, 1 a. par. act. — Καταφρονήσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. — Καταφρονήσητε ί 2 pi. 1 a. sub. act. Καταφονέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -πεφρό- νηκα, (fr. κατά against, and φρο- νέω to think, th. φρην the mind) to form an opinion or think against, contemn, slight, despise; to plot against, circumvent; to aim at, affect insidiously, aspire to; to think, deem, suppose. pres. impr. act. καταφρόνεε -ει, in 3 pi. -εέτωσαν -είτωσαν. 1 a. act. ind. κατεφρόνησα' sub. καταφρο- νήσω, -ης, -η' inf. καταφρονήσαι. Καταφρδνησις, -ιος, Att. -εωί, >), and Καταφρόνημα, -ατός, rb, (fr. last) scorn, disdain, contempt, slight. Καταφρονητης, -οΐ), b, (fr. same) a despiser, scorner. Καταφρονονντας, a. pi. mas. cont. par. pres. act. of same. Καταφυγή, -ή»,, ή, (fr. καταφεύγω to flee for refuge) a refuge, retreat % shelter, asylum. (fr. same, and φΧέγω to burn) to ι Καταφυγών, -ονσα, -dv, η. pi. -φυ- burn. up, consume ; to burn alive.l γόντες, par. 2 a. act. of same. ΚαταφΧέζαι, 1 a. inf. act. of last. ΙΚαταφυλΧοροέω or -ώυλλορ^ω -w, fl ΚΑΤ ήβω, (fr. κατά downward, ώΰλ- 1 λον a leaf, and 'poem to flow) to drop the leaves, wither, fade, de- cay. Καταφντεύω, f. -ει'σω, p. -ιτεφύτευ- κα, (fr. κατά intens. and φυτεύω to plant, th. φυτόν a vegetable) to plant, set in the ground. Κατάφυτος, -ου, δ, >/, (fr. last) plant- ed, set. Καταχαίνω, (fr. κατά intens. and άνω to gape) to gape wide ; to ride, mock, scoff. Καταχαίρω, f. -άρω, (fr. κατά against, and χαίρω to rejoice) to rejoice against, mock, deride, taunt. Καταχαλάζω or Καταχαλάω -ω, f. χαίν derio ίζω (fr- and χαλάω to loosen) to let down, lower by a rope, &c7 (or fr. χάΧαζα hail) to shower down, hail, pour down. Κατάχαλκος, -ου, b, η, (fr. κατά intens. and χαλκός brass) bra- zen, made of or covered with brass ; shining, bright ; bronze or brass colour. ΚαταχαΧκΰ"ω -ω, (fr. same) to over- lay or cover with brass ; to point or tip with brass ; to braze ; to arm, equip, pres. inf. act. κατα- χαΧκόειν -ουν. Κατάχαρμα, -άτος, το, (fr. κατά against, and χάρμα joy) a sport, laughingsiock, butt ; mockery, de- rision. Καταχεύετ, Ion. for Κατεχεύετο, 3 sin. impf. mid. of Καταχεύω, same as Καταχεω, f. -εύσω, (fr. κατά down• ward, and χίω to pour) to pour out or downj to cast, shed, drop ; to shower down, scatter ; to melt down, found, cast. Καταχήνω, -ης, -η, 1 a. sub. act. of καταχαίνω Κατάχης, -ίος -ους, b, ι), (fr. κατά intens. and ήχος a sound) loud- sounding, resounding, reechoing, reverberating, Καταχθέντες, η. pi. of Καταχθείς, par. 1 a. pass, of κατάγω. Κατάχθομαι, (fr. κατά intens. and άχθομαι to be burdened) to be overloaded, oppressed or fatigued; to loathe, be disgusted with; to resent, take ill, be angry at ; to grieve, lament. Καταχθόνιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. κατά downward, and χθων the ground) under ground, subterraneous ; in- fernal, down below. Καταχορδεύω, (fr. κατά intens. and χορδή the string of a lyre) to unstring, cut the strings ; to rend, tear, cut up, mangle, wound the intestines. Καταχουν, pres. inf. act. cont. — Καταχώσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of Καταχόω-ώ, Καταχωνννω or Κα- ι αχώννυμι, f. -ώσω, fr. κατά in- tens. and χωννύω, &c. Καταχρφν, pres. mf. act. cont. of Καταχράω -ω, (fr. κατά towards, and χράω t~ lend) to suffice, be Tt ΚΑΤ sufficient or enough, supply, sa- tisfy. Καταχράομαι -ώμαι, to use immoderately or wrongly, abuse, pervert ; to make away with, des- patch, kill, destroy ; to use, make use of. Κατάχρεος, -ου, Att. Κατάχρεως, -ω, b, ι), (fr. κατά according to, and χρίος a debt) indebted, due, owing ; liable, subject. Καταχρησθαι, for καταχράσθαι, pres. inf. pass. cont. — Καταχρή- σασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Κατα- χρησθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of κα- ταχράω. Κατάχρησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. καταχράω to abuse) wrong use, misusage, abuse, perversion, ca- tachresis. Καταχρηστικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) misused, abused, perverted. Καταχρηστικώς, (fr. last) by abuse, in misuse, erroneously. Κατάχρισις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. κατά intens. and χρίω to anoint) an anointing, besmearing, greas- ing. Κατάχρισμα, -άτος, rb, (fr. same) an ointment ; grease. Κατάχριστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) anointed ; greased ; besmeared. Καταχοίω, (fr. same) to anoint ; to rub upon, besmear, grease. Κατάχρϋσος, -ου, b, η, (fr. κατά in- tens. and χρυσός gold) covered with gold, gilt ; golden, made of or embroidered with gold. Καταχρυσόω -ω, (fr. same, and χρυσόω to gild, th. χρνσας gold) to cover with gold, gild ; to adorn with or make of gold ; to embla- zon, celebrate. Καταχρώμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. cont. mid. of καταχράω. Κατάχυσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, >/, (fr. next) a pouring out, flow, cur- rent ; the expanse, air ; a cas- cade, waterfall ; a ewer, jug. Καταχύω, f. -ύσω, (fr. κατά down-, ward, and χύω to pour) to pour out or upon ; to scatter, spread \ dissipate. Καταχωοίζω, (fr. κατά intens. and χωρίζω to separate, th. χωρίς apart) to divide, separate ; to distribute, arrange, set in order. Καταχωρίζομαι, to separate one's self, retire, withdraw. Καταχώσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of κατα- χωννύω. see χωννύω. Καταχτάω -ω, f. -ησω, (fr. κατά intens. and ψάω to pat) to rub down, dry up ; to sooth, pat, stroke, coax by rubbing. Καταψενδομαι, f. -σομαι, p. κατέ- ψευσμαι, (fr. κατά, against, and ψεύδω to lie) to belie, lie against, charge falsely, calumniate ; to lie. hmnnhc. -η», b, (fr. same) a a calumny, false ΚΑΤ ind pass, κατιψή? Καταψενσμός, lie, falsehood charge. Καταψηφίζω, f. -ΐσω, (fr. same, and ψηφίζω to vote, th. ψήφος a peb- ble) to vote against, negative, reject ; to condemn, sentence ; to give an opinion, judge, determine, (329) decree per φισμαι. Καταψύχω, (fr. κατά down, and ψάω to rub) to rub down, smooth, plane ; to pat, sooth. Καταψύξω, -ρς, -τ/, 1 a. sub. act.— Καταψύξον, -άτω, 2 pi. -ατε, 1 a. impr. act. of Καταψύχω, f. -ζω, p. κατέψυχα, (fr. κατά intens. and ψύχω to cool) to refresh, revive; to air, fan ; to moisten, cool ; to sooth, calm. 1 a. act. ind. κατέψυξα' sub. καταψύξω. Κατεαγεϊς,-εΐσα, -εν, par. 2 a. pass. — Κατεαγηναι, inf.of — Κατεάγην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. pass. — Κατεα- γωσι, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. act. — Ka- τεαγώς, -υΐα, -ός, par. per. mid. — Κατέαξαν, Att. for κατήξαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. — Κατεάξω, -ευ, -ει, Att. for κατάξω, 1 f. ind. act. of κατάγω or -άγνυμι. Κατίάται, Ion. for κάθηνται, 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. of κάθημαι. Κατέβα, Dor. for κατίβη, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of καταβαίνω. Κατέβαινον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of καταβαίνω. ΚατεβάΧΧευ, Dor. for κατεβάΧΧον, 2 sin. impf. mid. of καταβάΧ- Χω. Κατεβάρησα, 1 a. ind. act. of κατα- βαοέω. Κατίβην, -ης, -η, 3 pi. -βησαν, 2 a. ind. act. of καταβαίνω. Κατεβιασάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of καταβιάζω. Κατεβληθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of καταβάΧΧω. Κατεγγνάω, f. -ήσω, (fr. κατά in- tens. and εγγυάω to engage, th. εγγνη bail) to give bail, go secu- rity for, promise, engage ; to pledge, deposite, pawn ; to be- troth, promise in marriage. Κατεγέλων, 1 sin. or 3 pi. cont. impf. act. of καταγεΧάω. Κατέγνων, -ως, -ω, in. 3 pi. -ωσάν, 2 a. ind. act. — Κατεγνώσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. — Κατίγνωσμαι, ind. — Κατεγνωσθαι, inf. — Ka- τεγνωσμένος, par. per. pass, of καταγινώσκω. Κατείάην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. pass. — Κιτεδαισάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of καταδαίω. Κατεοαρθον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of καταδαρθάνώ. Κατέδειξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of καταδείκνυμι. Κατεδευσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of καταδεύω. Κατεδήδοκα, — Κατεδηδοκώς , — Κα- τεχόμενο?, Att. for κατήδοκα, per. ind. act. ; κατηδοκώς, par. per. act. and κατηδομένος, par. per. pass, of κατέδω. Κατίδησα, -ας, 1 a. ind. act. of κα- ταδεω. Κατεδικάσατε, 2 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of καταδικάζω. Κατεδιωκόμην, -ου, -ετο, impf. pass. — Κατεόϊω^α, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of καταδιώκω. Κατεδόκεον -ovv, impf. act. of κατά δοκέω. ΚΑΤ ΚατεδουΧοόμην -ούμην, 6ου -ου, -όετο, -ουτο, impf. pass, of κατα- δουλόω. Κατέδράθον, by Metath. for κατέ- δαρθον. Κατέδραμον, -ες, -ε or -εν, 2 a. ind. act. of κατατρέχω. Κατέδυν, -υς, -υ, 2 a. ind. act. — Κατέδυνον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of καταδύνω. Κατέδω, f. κατεδέσω, ρ. κατήδεκα, by Metath. κατέδηκα, by Sync. κάτηκα, obs. and Att. -εδήδεκα' also f. κατεδόσω, p. κατήδοκα, Att. κατεδήδοκα, (fr. κατά in- tens. and εδώ to eat) to eat up, devour / to consume, waste / to gnaw, corrode, fret. Κατεηγώς, Ion. for κατεαγώς, -υία, -ος, par. per. mid. of κατάγω or -άγνυμι. Κατεθάρρησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of καταθαρρέω. Κατεθέμην, -ου, -ετο, 2 a. ind. mid. — Κατέβηκα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of κατατίθημι. Κατείβω, i£ol. and Ion. for κατα- Χείβω. Κατείδον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of Κατείδω, f. -είσω, (fr. κατά down- wards, and είδω to look) to see below, look down upon, view, survey ; to descry, discover ; to perceive, understand, discern ; to eye, look at, stare, look in the face. 2 a. ind. act. κατείδον and κατ'ιδον. Κατείδωλος, -ου, b, ?/, (fr. κατά in- tens. and είδωλον an idol, th. είδος a resemblance) full of idols, idolatrous, superstitious. ΚατεΊεν, 3 sin. of Κατεΐα, -ας, *ε ; per. ind. mid. of κάτειμι, to de•- scend. Κατεικάζω, fr. κατά intens. and εικάζω. Κατειλέω -ω, (fr. same, and ειλεω to roll) to fold together, roll or coil up ; to enclose, wrap up, en- velope, swathe. Κατειλημένος, -η, -ov, par. per, pass, of la st. Κατειλημμένος, -η, •ον, par. per. pass. — Κατείληφα, per. ind. act, — Κατει\ηφέναι, per. inf. act. — Κατειλήφθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind pass, of κατα\αμβάν<ύ. Κατειλίσσω, or -ττω, (fr. κατά in- tens. and ειλίσσω to roll) same as κατειλέω. Κατειλίχάτο, Ion. for κατειλιγμένοι ήσαν, 3 pi. pper. pass, of last. Κατείλοχα, -ας, -ε, Att. for κατα- Χέλεχα, per. ind. act. of κατα- λέγω. Κάτειμι, (fr. κατά downwards, and έΐμι to go) to go or come down, descend ; to penetrate ; to set out, go to, go off; to return, come back ; to come or fall upon befall. Κατειναι, Ion. for καθείναι, 2 a. inf. act. of καθίημι. Κατεΐπαι, 1 a. inf. act ΚατειπεΤν, 2 a. inf. act. — Κατειπών, -ούσα, -bv, par. 2 a. act. of κατέττω. Κατειργασάμ7)ν, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. ΚΑΤ mid. — Κατειργάσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. — Κατείργασμαι, -σαι,-σται, per. ind. pass, of κα- τεργάζομαι. Κατειργνϋμι, (fr. κατά intens. and είργνυμι or είργω, which last see. Κατειργνϋναι, pres. inf. of last. Κατείρεικον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of Κατειρείκω,οτΚατερείκω, which see. Κατείρνσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — Κατειρύσθαι, per. inf. pass, of κατερύω. Κατειρωνεύομαι, (fr. κατά against, and ειρωνεία mockery) to sneer at, mock, speak ironically ; to de- lude, beguile, deceive. Κάτεισι, 3 sin. pres. ind. of κά- τειμι. Κατείχον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. — Κα- τείχετο, 3 sin. Κατειχόμεθα, 1 pi. impf. pass, of κατέχω. Κατέκαιον, impf. act. — Κατεκάην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. pass. — Κατέ- καυσα, and Κατέκηα^ 1 a. ind. act. οί κατακαίω. Κατέκάνον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of κατακα'ινω. Κατεκείμην, -εισο, -ειτο, impf. mid. of κατάκειμαι. Κατέκηα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of κατακαίω- Κατεκηλέω -ω, fr. κατά intens. and κηλέω, which see ; 2 a. ind. act. κατέκηλον, -ες, -ε. Κατεκλάξατο, Dor. for κατεκλείσα- το, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. — Κατε- κλάσθης, Dor. for κατεκλείσθης, 2 sin. 1 a. ind. pass, of κατα- κλείω. Κατέκλασα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of κατακλάω. Κατέκλεισα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of κατακλείω. ΚατεκΧηροδότησα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 .a. ind. act. of κατακληροξμτέω. Κατεκόττην, -ης, -η, 3 pi. -ήσαν, 2 a. ind. pass. — Κατέκοψα, -ας, -ε, 3 ρΐ. -αν, 1 a. ind. act. of κατά- κόπτω. Κατεκρίθην, -ης, -η, pass. — Κατέ• κρίνα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 3 ρΐ. -κριναν, act. 1 a. ind. of κατακρίνω. Κατεκρνβην, -ης, -η, pass. — Κατέ- κρυβον, act. 2 a. ind. of κατα- κρύπτω. Κατέκτα, and Κατέκτάθεν, or Κα- τέκτανθεν see έκτα, έκταθεν, and έκτανθεν. Κατέκτανον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of κατακτείνω. ΚατέΧάβον, -ες, -ε or -εν, 2 a. ind. act. of καταλαμβάνω. Κατελαλεον, -ουν, -εες -εις, impf. act. of καταλαλέω. Κ,ατεΧαύνω, "f. -άσω, (fr. κατά in- tens. and ελαύνω to drive) to drive out, expel ; to smite, af- flict, oppress, crush, overpower ; to seize. 1 a. ind. act. κατέ- λασα. Κατέλεγχε, -«-cypres, impr. act. of Κατελέγχω, f. -ζω, (fr. κατά against, and ελέγχω to prove) to prove against, confute, convince ; to reprove, blame, reprehend, cen- sure ; to shame, expose. (330) ΚΑΤ Κατελεεω -ω, fr. κατά intens. and ελεεω. Κατελείν, Ion. for καθεΧείν, 2 a. inf. act. of καθαιρέω. Κατελείφθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. — ΚατεΧΐλείμην, -\po, *πτο, pper. pass. — ΚατέΧιπον, -ες, -ε, 3 pi. LXX. ΚατεΧίποσαν, 2 a. ind. act. of καταλείπω. Κατέλεκτο, Ion. for κατελέλεκτο, 3 sin. pper. pass. — Κατέλεξα, -ας, -ε, act. — Κατελε£άμ>7ν, -α>3 -ατο, mid. 1 a. ind. of καταλέγω. Κατελήφθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. of καταλαμβάνω. Κάτελθε, 2 a. impr. act. — Κατέλθε- τε»/, Ion. for Κατελθείν, 2 a. inf. act. — Κατέλθω, -ης, -η, 2 a. sub. act. — Κατελθών, -ούσα, -bv, pi. n. -θόντες, g. -θόντων, 2 a. par. act. of κατέρχομαι. Κατελίσσω, same as κατειλίσσω. Κατελόμενος, Κατελοϋσι,Ιοη. ίοΓκα- θελόμενυς, par. 2 a. mid. and καθελουσι,ά. pi. par. 2 a. act. of καθαιρέω. Κατελπίζω, fr. κατά intens. and ελπίζω. ΚατέΧυον, -ες, -ε, impf. — Κατέλυ- σα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — Κα- τελύθην, -ης, -η, 3 ρΐ. -ήσαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of καταλύω. Κατέμάθον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. — Κατεμάν- θανον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of κατα- μανθάνω. Κατέμαρπον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. — Κατί- μαρπτον, -ες, -ε, impf. — Κατε'- μαρψα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. oi καταμάρπτω. Κατεμβάλλω, f. -άλω, ρ. -βέβληκα, (fr. κατά intens. εν in, and βάλ- Χω to throw) to put, lay or place in, at or with ; to entrust, de posite. Κατεμησάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of καταμήδομαι. Κατεμμάτέω, (fr. κατά intens. and εμματέω to handle) to handle or tickle the throat with the finger to cause vomiting. Κατεναίρω, fr. same, and εναίρω. 1 a. ind. act. κατήναρα. Κατενανθέω, f. -ήσω, (fr. κατά in- tens. εν in, and ανθέω to bloom) to spread over, besprinkle, strew. per. ind. mid. κατένηνθα or κα- τενήνοθα. Κατέναντι, Κατεναντία, Κατεναν- τίον or Κατ' εναντίον, (fr. κατά against, and ενάντιος opposite) opposite, over against, facing, 6e- fore, in front ; in view, openly. Κατενάρκησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of καταναρκαω. Κατένασσε, Poet, for κατένασε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of κατά- νάω. Κατένεικα, -ας, -ε, Ion. and Poet. for κατήνεγκα, 1 a. ind. act. of καταφέρω. Κατένευσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of κατανενω. Κατενεχθεϊςι -ε?σα, -iv, par. 1 a. pass, of καταφέρω. Κατενήνεκται-, Att. for κατήνεκταΐί 3 sin. of κατήνεγμαι, per. ind• pass, of same. ΚΑΤ ίατενήνοθα, by Epenth. for κατε- νηνθα, per. md. mid. of κατεναν- θέω. Κατενηράαην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of κατεναίρω. Κατενθέΐν, Dor. for καΐελθεη•) 2 a. inf. act. of κατέ ρ χομαι. Κατενόησα, -ας, -ε, I a. ind. act. — Κατενοοΰν, 1 sin. cont. impf. act. of κατανοέω. Κατεντενκτης, -ου, b, (fr. next) an accuser ; a calumniator, slander- er ; a caviller, interrupter. Κατεντνγχάνω, fr. κατά intens. and εντυγχάνω. Κατένυγον, -ες, -ε, act. — Κατε- νυγην, -ης, -η, in 3 pi. -ήσαν, pass. 2 a. ind. of καταννσσω. Κατένωπα, for Κατενώιτια, and Κα- τενώπιον, (fr. κατά against, εν in, and ώψ the face) in front, be- fore, opposite, face to face. Κατεξουσιάζω, fr. κατά against, and εξουσιάζω. 3 pi. pres. ind. act κατεξουσιάζουσι or -σιν. Κατεπαγγέλλομαι, fr. κατά intens. and επαγγέλλομαι, which see in επαγγέλλω. Κατεπαίρομαι, f. -ουμαι,ο.-έπηρμ (fr. κατά against, επί upon, and αίρω to raise) to rise up against, resist, rebel. 1 a. ind. mid. κα- τεπηράμην. 1 a. ind. pass, κατε- πι'ιρθην. Κατεπάλμενος, JEo\. and by Sync, for κατεψαλλόμενος, par. pres mid. of κατεφάλλυμαι. Κατεπατήθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass — Καταπάτησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of καταπατέω. Κατέπαυσα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 3 pi -παυσαν, 1 a. ind. act. of κατα- παύω. Κατεπείγοντα, -ων, τά, (neut. pi. par. pres. act. of next) business, urgent affairs, emergencies, pressing circumstances. Κατεπείγω, f. -ζω, (fr. κατά intens. and επείγω to urge) to press, urge, hurry, hasten ; to spur on, encourage, instigate ; to harass, pursue, oppress, distress ; to en- force, insist. Κατέπεσον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of καταπίπτω. Κατεπέστην, -ης, -η, 3 pi. -ήσαν, 2 a. ind. act. of κατεφίστημι. Κατέπεφνον, ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of καταπέφνω. See also έπεφ- vov. Κατεπήδησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of καταπηδάω. Κατέπηξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of καταπήγννμι. Κατέπιανθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. of κατά πι αί νω. Κατεπιθυμός, -ου, b, η, (fr. κατά in- tens. επί towards, and §υμος the mind) desirous, eager, long- ing. Κατεπιλαμβάνω, (fr. - same, and λαμβάνω to take) to take to one's self, take hold of, embrace. 2 ind. act. κατεπέλάβον. . Κατέπιον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of καταπίνω. Karem$evyu>, {fh same, and φεύγω ΚΑΤ to flee) to flee for succour, take refuge, have recourse to. Κατέπλευσα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -πλευσαν, 1 a. ind. act. of καταπλέω. Κατέπληγον, -ες, -ε, act. — Κατε- πλήγην, -ης, -η, pass. 2 a., ind. of καταπλήσσω. Κατεπόθην, -ης, -η, 3 ρΐ. -πόθησαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of καταπίνω. Κατεπράϋνα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of καταπραΰνω. Κατεπω, (fr. κατά against, and επω to speak) to speak against, accuse ; to discover of, inform against, denounce. 1 a. ind. act, κατείπα. 2 a. ind. act. κατεί- πον. Κατεράσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of Κατεράω -ω, f. -άσω, (fr. κατά in tens, and εράω to empty) to drain, pour out. Κατεργάζεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. — Κατεργάζεσθε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. mid. — Κατεργάζεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. mid. — Κατεργαζόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. of Κατεργάζομαι, f. -ασοιχαι, (fr. same, and εργάζομαι to work, th. έργον work) to work out, effect, bring about ; to accomplish, perform, execute ; to work up or into, make, frame, form ; to labour, work, toil ; to fend towards, avail, contribute to ; to tire, be weary ; to finish, make an end. of, despatch, kill. 1 a. ind. mid. κατειργασάμην, -ω, -ατο. 1 a. ind. pass, κατειργάσθην, -ης, -π- Κατεργασάμενος, -η, -ov, par. — Κα- τεργάσασθαι, inf. 1 a. mid. of last. Κατεργασία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a finishing, conclusion, completion, execution ; workmanship, manu- facture ; work, service, labour, toil; husbandry, tillage, culture, cultivation ; operation, perform- ance ; digestion. Κατέργασμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) work, labour, toil, cultivation ; performance, execution. Κατεργασμένος, Ion. for κατεργασ- μένος, par. per. pass, of same. Κατέργειν, Ion. for καθείργειν, pres. inf. act. of καθείργω. Κάτεργον, -ου, το, (fr. κατά intens and έργον work) a work, per- formance. Κάτεργος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) finished, wrought ; executed, per- formed, done. Κατερέθω, fr. same, and ερέθω. f. -ξω, (fr. same, and ΚΑΤ accuse ; to reproach, revile , to interrupt ; to speak out, declvre^ express. Κατερήτυον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of Κατερητϋω, (fr. κατά intens. and ερητύω to restrain) to detain, keep, delay ; to hinder, prevent, stop. Κατερρύω or Κατερυω, f. -ΰσω, (fr. same, and ρύω to draw) to draw off, pluck away ; to pull or haul down; to carry away, convey. 1 a. ind. act. κατέρυσα. Κατέρ'ρωγα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. — Κατερρωγως, -via, -ος, par. per. mid. of καταρρήγνυμι. Κατέρυκον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. — Κα- τέρυκε, pres. impr. act. of Κατερι'κω, f. -ξω, fr. κατά intens. and ερυκω. Κατερείκω ερείκω to break) to cut off; to break or cut down ; to break through or into ; to shatter, bat ter, bruise ; to depress, dispi rit. Κατερείπω, f. -ψω, fr. same, and ερείπω. Κατε'ρε^α, -ας, -ε, .1 a. ind. act. of καταρέζω. Κατερέφω, f. -xf /ω, fr. κατά intens and ερέφω. Κατερέω -ω, (fr. κατά against, and εφέϊά to speak) ίο speak agatnat.^ of kara\rr^xhjj Κατέρχομαι, f. κατελεύσομαι, (fr. κατά downwards, and έρχομαι to go) to descend, go or come down ; to return, come home from exile. 2 a. act. ind. κατηλ- θον inf. κατελθειν. Κατερχόμε- νος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. Κατέσβην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. act. of κατασβέννυμι. Κατέσειον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of κα- τασείω. Κατέσεισα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of κατασείω. Κατεσθίει, 3 sin. -θίετε, -θίουσι, 2 and 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Κατεσ- θίοντες, η. pi. par. pres. act. of κατεσθίω. Κατεσθίω, (fr. κατά intens. and εσθία to eat) to eat up, devour, consume, impf. act. κατήσθιον. par. pres. act. κατεσθίων, -ούσα, -ov a. sin. κατεσθίοντα. Κατεσκαμμένα, -ων, τά, (neut. pi. par. per. pass, of κατασκάπτω to dig up) ruins, remains. Κατέσκαψα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -xpav, 1 a. ind. act. of same. Κατεσκεΰασε, act. — Κατεσκευάσθη, pass. 3 sin. 1 a. ind. — Κατεσκεν- ασμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of κατασκευάζω. Κατεσκήνωσα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of κατασκηνόω. Κατέστά θεν,2Ε.ο\. for κατεστάθησαν-, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass. — Κατέστα- σαν, Ion. for κατέστησαν, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. act. — Κατεστεώ^ Ion. for καθεστηκως, par. per. act. — Ka- τεστήκεε, Ion. for καθείστηκει, 3 sin. pper. act. — Κατεστηκέναι. Ion. for καθεστηκέναι, per. inC act. — Κατέστην, -ης, -η, in 3 pi. Κατέστησαν, 2 a. ind. act. — Κα- τέστησα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. οι καθιστή μι. Κατεσταλ μένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of καταστέλλω. Κατεστόρεσα, -ας, -ε, in. 3 pi. κα• τεστόρεσαν, 1 a. ind. act. of κα- ταστορέω. Κατεστράφάτο, Ion. toi κατεστραμ- μένοι ήσαν, 3 pi. pper. pass. — Κατεστρεφόμην, -ου, -ετο, impf. pass — Κατέστρεψα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. οι καταστρέφω. Κατεστρώθησαν, 3pL la. ind, paw. ΚΑΤ Κατέστνγον -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of κατασινγέω. Κατεσφραγισμένος, -η, -ον, par. per. pass, of κατασφραγιζω. Κατέσχεθον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of κατασχεθώ. Κάτεσχον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of κατέχω. Κατέσχοσαν, for κατέσχον, 3 pi. of last. Τίατετάκετο, Dor. for κατετήκετο, 3 sin. impf. mid. of κατατήκω. Κατετόξευσα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. Κατε- τόζευσαν, 1 a. ind. act. of κατα- τοζεύω. Κατέτριβον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of κατατρίβω. Κατέτριζον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of κατατρίζω. Κατέτρωξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of κατατρώγω. Κατετρωσάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of κατατιτρώσκω. Κάτενγμα, -ατός, το, (fr. κατά against, and εύχομαι to pray) a curse, prayer. Κατευδοκιμέω -ω, (fr. κατά intens. and ενδοκιμέω to gain credit, which fr. δόκιμος approved, th. δοκέω to esteem) to have a high reputation, be celebrated, be ap- proved for conduct, manage af- fairs well. Κατευθικτέω -ω, (fr. same, and εύ- θικτος easily hit, th. $ίγω to touch) to have a good aim, hit surely, strike directly. Κατευθυ, (fr. same, and ευθύ direct- ly) straightway, immediately ; opposite ; straight towards, right against. To κατευθύ, in sight, directly before. Κατευθυναι, inf. — Κατενθυναι, opt. 3 sin. 1 a. act. of Κατευθύνω, f. -νω, p. -ενθνγκα, (fr. κατά intens. and ευθύν-ω to straighten, th. ευθύς straight) to set in order, put to rights, regu- late ; to direct, arrange, dispose ; to rule, govern, manage, con- duct ; to establish, appoint, de- cree, constitute ; to punish, fine, inflict. 1 a. act. ind. κατεύθυνα. Κατευλογέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, fr. same, and ευλογέω. Κατευνάζω, (fr. same, and ευνάζω to put to bed, th. ευνη a bed) to put to sleep, set to rest, calm, sooth Κατευνάζομαι, to go to bed, retire to rest, fall asleep. Κατευνάσθεν, JEol. for κατεννάσ- θησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of last ΚατευοδοΊ, 3 sin. cont. pres. opt act. of Κατευοδόω -ω, fr. κατά intens. and ενοδόω. Κατευπορέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same and ευνορέω to be provided) to be well provided, abound, have plenty. Κατευτρεπίζω, (fr. same, and ευτρε- πίζω to adjust, which fr. ευτρεπης ready) to prepare, make ready ; to dress, adorn, trim ; to adjust, settle, rectify. Κστευτυχίω -ώ, fr. same, and ευ- ^χέω. ΚΑΤ Κατεύχομαι, (fr. same, and εύχομαι to pray, th. ευχή a prayer ) to pr ay against, curse, imprecate; to pray earnestly, supplicate, beseech; to pray, beg ; to boast, vaunt. Κατευωχείσθαι, pres. inf. mid. cont. of Κατευωχίομαι -ουμαι, (fr. κατά in- tens. and ευωχέω to entertain, th. οχη good cheer )tofeaslupon, con- sume at a feast; to banquet, revel. Κατέφαγον, -ες, -ε or -εν, 2 a. ind. act. οίκαταφάγω. Κατεφαινόμην, -ου, -ετο, impf. mid. Κατεφάνην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. 3S. of καταφαίνω. Κατεφάμιξεν, Dor. for κατεφήμιξεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of κατά φημίζω. Κατίφθαρκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — Κατέφθαρμαι, per. ind. pass. — Κατεφθαρμένος, par. per. pass. — Κατέφθαρον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. — Κατέφθειρα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of καταφθείρω. Κατεφίλει, 3 sin. Κατεφίλουν, 3 pi. cont. impf. — Κατεφίλησα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of κατα- φιλέω. Κατεώ'ιστημι, f. κατεπιστήσω, p. κα- τεφεστηκα, (fr. κατά against, επί upon, and 'ίστημι to set) to rise or stand up against, make head against, oppose ; to rebel, revolt. 2 a. ind. act. κατεπεστην. Κατεφόνευσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of καταφονεύω. Κατέφύγον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of καταφεύγω. Κατέχεα, Κατέχευα and Κατέχευ- σα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of κα- ταχέω. Κατέχειν, pres. inf. act. — Κατέχο- μεν, -χετε, -χουσι, pi. pres. ind. act. — Κατεχόμενος, -η, -ον, par. pres. pass. — Κάτεχον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. — Κατέβω, -ης, -η, pres. sub. act. — Κατέχων, -ούσα -ον, ρΐ. η. -χοντες, g. -χόντων par. pres. act. of Κατέχω, f. καθίζω, and κατασχή• σω, ρ. κατέσχηκα, (fr. κατά, and έχω to hold ) to hold fast, seize, apprehend ; to keep back, retain ; to cling, come or be added to ; to detain, stay, stop, hinder, pre- vent ; to confine, coerce, restrain, hold in, repress, curb, check ; to subdue, overpower, oppress ; to occupy, seize ; to possess, own, enjoy ; to fill, overspread ; to Ic&t, continue, endure, persist, persevere ; to bear, withstand, oppose, resist ; to hold on, keep a course, steer to, arrive, land at Κατέχομαι, to be engaged with, delight or take pleasure in. Κατήγαγον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of κατάγω. Κατηγγείλαμεν, 1 pi. 1 a. ind. act — ΚατήγγεΧΧον, impf. act. — Κατηγγέλην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of καταγγέλλω. Κατηγεμών, -όνος, b, %, Ion. for κα θηγεμών. Κατηγέομαι -ουμαι, Ion. for καθη- γέομαι. Ι οΐ καταμυσσω. Κατηγορε7ν, act. — Κατηγορεΐσθαι,ΙΚατηναγκασμένως, (fr. κατηναγκασ- ΚΑΤ pass. pres. inf. cont. — Κατηγο- ρείται, pres. Κατηρόρειτο, impf. 3 sin. ind. pass. cont. — Κατηγόρου- μεν, -ρεΊτε, -ρονσι, pi. cont. pres. ind. act. — Κατηγορε'ιτωσαν, 3 pi. cont. pres. impr. act. — Κατή- γορων, pi. η. -ρυνντες, g. -ρούν- των, psr. pres. act. cont. of Κατηγορέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. κατηγόρη- κα, (fr. κατά against, and α γο- ρέω or αγορεύω to discourse) to refuse, deny ; to make a defence, plead ; to reprehend, reprove, blame, rebuke, censure, repri- mand ; to speak against, de- nounce, accuse, charge; to ar- gue, prove, convince ; to say, tell, publish, proclaim, show, de- clare, impf. act. κατηγόρεον -ovv. 1 a. inf. act. κατηγορησαι. Κατηγορηθείς, -εΐσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass, of last. Κατηγόρημα, -άτος χ το, and Κατη- γορία, -ας, ή, (fr. same) an accu- sation, charge ; a category, pre- dicament. Κατηγορήσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. — Κατηγορήσωσι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of same. Κατηγορικός, -ον, δ, f], (fr. same) accusatory, criminatory. Subs. an informer, accuser. Κατήγορος, -ον, b, (fr. same) an accuser, informer. Κατηγορούμενος^ -η, -ον, par. pres. pass. cont. of same. Κατηγωνίσαντο, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. of καταγωνίζομαι. Κατήδεσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of καταιδέω. Κατηθαλωμένος, -η, -ον, par. per. pass, of καταιθαλόω. Κατήϊα, -ας, -ε, Att. for κατεΐα, per. mid. of κάτειμι. Κατή κει, Κατή καν, Ion. for καθήκει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. and καθήκον, neut. par. pres. act. οίκαθήκω. Κατηκιζον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of κα- τά ικ'ιζω. Κατήκοος, -ον, b, η, (fr. κατακούω to obey) obedient, submissive, com- pliant, docile, tractable ; atten- tive, diligent ; subject to, in the power of ; a listener ; a scout, spy. Κατήκω, Ion. for καθήκω. Κατήλασα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of κατελαύνω. Κατηλθον, -ες % -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of κατέρχομαι. Κατήλιιρ, -ΐΐος or -φος, f/, a floor % story ; a scaffold, stage ; a plank, beam, rafter, joist ; a ladder •, stairs. Κατηλλάγην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. pass. — Κατήλλαξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of καταλλάσσω. Κατηλογέω -ω, fr. κατά intens. and αλογέω. Κατηλοκίξω, fr. same, and αυλακί- ζω, which see. per. ind. pass. κατηλόκισμαι, -σαι, -σται. Κατηλωκυ7α, Ion. for καθηλωκνΊα, η. fern. par. per. act. of καθα- λίσκω or καθάλωμι. Κατημύχθην, -ης,-η, 1 a. ind. pass. of/ ΚΑΤ μίνος, par. per. oass. of κατα~ ναγκάζω to compel, th. ανάγκη necessity/ by constraint, force or compulsion ; of necessity, by fate. Κατηναλωμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of καταναλίσκω. Κατήν?ρα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of κατεναίρω. Κατήνεγκα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — Κατήνοχα, Att. Κατενήνοχα, per. ind. mid. of καταφέρω. Κατήντησα, -ας, -ε or -εν, pi. -σαμεν, -σατε, -σαν, 1 a. ind. act. of κα- ταντάω. Κατηξιώθην, -ης, •η, in 3 pi. -θησαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of καταζιόω. Κατηόνων, impf. act. cont. of κα- ταιονάω. Κατηπιάω -ω, f. -ασω and-j /σω, (fr. κατά intens. and ήπιος mild) to mitigate, allay, assuage, ease, re- lieve ; to pacify, appease, quiet, calm. Κατηπιδωντο, Poet, for κατη-ιών- to, 3 pi. cont. impf. pass, of last. Κατηραμ ένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass. — Κατηρασάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mia. — Κατήρατο, 3 sin. impf. mid. of καταράομαι. Karrjpa, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of καταίρω. Κατήργηκα, -ας, -ε, act. — Κατήρ- γημαι, -σαι, -ται, pres. per. ind. —Κατηργήθην, -ης,-η,\Α. -θημεν. -θητε, pass. — Κατήργησα, -ας, -ε act. 1 a. ind. of καταργέω. Κατήρεε, Ion. for καθήρεε, 3 sin, impf. act. of καθαιρέω. Κατηρεθόμην, -ου, -ετο, impf. pass, of κατερέθω. Κατηρεφέ"", for κατηρεφέα, a. sin.— Κατηρεφέεσσι, Ion. for κατηρεφέ- σι, d.'pl. of Κατηρεφης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. κατά ΚΑΤ ness, melancholy ; grief, sorrow, distress ; shame, disgrace. Κατηφέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same) to he downcast or sad ; to feel shame or disgrace, be ashamed ; to grieve, mourn. 1 a. par. act. κατηφήσας. Κατηφής, -ίος -οΐις, b, η, (fr. same) downcast, dejected, sad, gloomy. Κατηφών, -όνος, b, η, (fr. καταφάω to reproach) infumous,disgraced, cowardly, vile. Κατηχεόμενος -ούμενος, (par. per. pass, of next) taught, instruct- ed } a pupil, scholar, learner ; a catechumen , Κατηχέω., f. -ήσω, p. κατήχηκα, (fr. κατά intens. and ήχος a sound) to sound, resound, ring ; to sound instruction in the ears impress, inculcate, teach, in- struct, edify, inform ; to mur- mur, purl. per. ind. pass. κα• τήχημαι, -σαι, -ται. Κατηχέων -ων, g. -ιόντος -ουντος, (par. pres. act. of last) an in- slructer, teacher. Κατηχήθης, 2 sin. -χήθησαν, 3 pi. I a. ind. pass. — Κατήχημαι,-σαι, -ται, 3 pi. -χηνται, ind. — Κατη- χημένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass — Κατηχήσω, 1 a. sub. act. of same. Κατήχησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr same) instruction, teaching, edi- fication, discipline ; a catechism. Κατήχθην, -ης, -η, in I pi. κατήχθη μεν, 1 a. ind. pass, of κατάγω. Κατηχίζω, f. -axu>, (fr. κατηχέω to sound instruction) to impress instruction, inculcate, teach, in- form ; to catechise. Κατηχισμος, -ου, b, (fr. last) a ca• chism, instruction, institution. intens. and ερέφω to roof) cover- ,Κατηχιστής, -ου, b, (fr. same) a ed over, roofed ; arched, vaulted ; \ calechist, insiructer, lecturer. shaded ; overspreading, over- whelming, vast. Κατήρης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and άρω to fit) hung up, hang- ing, suspended, attached; grate- ful, agreeable ; folded, wrapped up. Or (fr. same, and ερέσσω to row) furnished with oars or wings, swift-sailing, winged. Κατή ριθ μη μένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of καταριθμέω. Κατήριττον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of κατερείττω. Κατήρραξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of καταρράσσω. Κατηρτισάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. — Κατήρτισμαι, ind Ka- τηρτίσθαι, inf. — Κατηρτισμένος, par. per. pass. — ΚατηρτΈσω, 2 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of καταρ- τίζω . Κατϊισθιον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of κα- τεσθίω. Κατησχννθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. — Κατήσχυγκα, per. ind. act. •*- Κατήσχυνον, impf. act. — Κα- τ ίσχύνοντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of καταισχύνω. Κατηφεία, -uj, and Ion. Κατηφείη, -17?» h> (fr• κατά downwards, and φάος the eye) dejection, sad- Κατηχονμενος, cont. fr. κατηχεόμε- νος, which see. Κατηωρευντο, Dor. for κατηωρουντο 3 pll impf. pass, of κ'αταιωρέο- μαι. Κάτθαν' and Κάτθάνε, by JEol. Sync, for κατέθάνε, 3 sin. 2 a ind. act. of καταθνήσκω. Κατθέμεν, by JEol. Sync, for κα- ταθέμεν, which Ion. for καταθεί- ναι, 2 a. inf. act. of κατατίθημι. Κάτθεο, by JEo\. Syncrfor κατάθεο, which Ion. for κατάθεσα or κα- τάΰον, 2 a. impr. mid. of same. Κατίάσι,3 pi. pres. ind. of κάτειμι. Or, Ion. for καθιασι, which is Ait. for καθιείσι, 3 pi, pres. ind. act. of καθίημι. Κατίδειν, 2 a. inf. act. — Κατιδών, -ούσα, -bv, η. pi. κατιδόντες, par. 2 a. act. of κατείδω. ,Κατιέναι, pres. inf. of κάτειμι. ι Κατίζειν, Ion. for καθίζειν, pres. inf. act. of καθίζω. ΚατΊθύ, fr. κατά intens. and ιθύ. ΚατΊθϋνω, (fr. same, and ιθύνω to direct) to straighten; to direct, guide ; to go direct, steer. Κατικετενω, Ion. for καθικετεύω, see ικετεύω. Κατικμαίνω^ Ion. for καθικμαίνω. ^333) ΚΑΤ Κατιλλώτττω, (f*. κατά ill, ί\\ος a glance, and ώψ the eye) to eye obliquely, squint at, ogle, view askuunce. Κατιόντα, a. sin. or neut. pi. of κατιών, par. 2 a. of κάτειμι. Κατιόω -ώ, f. -ιίσω, p. κατίωκα, (fr. ώς blight) to blight, canker, rust, corrode ; to corrupt, spoil, per. ind. pass, κατίωμαι. Κατιτϊττάζεσθαι,Ιοη. for καριππάζεσ θαι, pres. inf. mid. of καθι π it ά ζω. Κατιρυυν, Ion. for καθιερουν, pres. inf. act. cont. of καθιερόω. Κατίστασθαι, Ion. for καθίστασθαι, pres. inf. act. — Κατιστέάτο, Ion. for καθίσταντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of καθίστημι. Κατισχέαι, Ion. for κατίσχη, 2 ε : η. pres. sub. mid. — Κατίσχειν, pres. inf. act. of κατίσχω. Κατίσχνον, 1 sin. or 3 pi. impf. act. — Κατισχυσονσι, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of Κατισχύω, f. -υσω, p. κατίσχυκα, (fr. κατά intens. and ισχύω to be strong, th. ισχύς strength) to be or grow strong, be able, pre- vail ; to exceed, excel ; to over- power, oppress, crush. Κατίσχω, fr. κατά intens. and ίσχω or for κατέχω. Κατιών, -ούσα, -bv, par. 2 a. of κά- τειμι. Κατίωται, 3 sin. per. ind. pass, of κατιόω. Κατόδυνος, -ου, b, η, see κατώδυνος. Κατοικείς, -κεΊ, 2 and 3 sin. -κεΊτε, 2 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. — Κατοικεΐν, pres. inf. act. cont. of κατοικέω. Κατοικεσία, -ας, η, (fr. κατά intens. and οίκος a house) a habitation, dwelling, abode, residence. Κατοικέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. κατώκηκα, (fr. same, and οικέω to inhabit, th. οίκος a house) to inhabit, dwell or live in ; to abide, reside, sojourn, lodge. 1 a. act. ind. κα- τωκησα' impr. κατοίκησαν, -άτω' inf. κατοικησαι' par. κατοικήσας. Κατοικην, Dor. for κατοικείν, pres. inf. act. cont. of last. Κατοίκησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. κατά intens. and οίκος a house) an abode, residence, lodging, home. a. sin. κατοίκησιν. Κατοικητήριον, -ου, το, (fr. last, and τηρέω to keep) same as last. Κατο<κί'α, -ας, η, (fr. κατά intens. and οΊκος a house) a dwelling, abode, lodging, residence, haunt. Κατοικίδιος, -a, -cv or -ου, b,fj, (fr. same) domestic, much at home, secluded, retired. Κατοικίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. same, and οικίζω to dwell, th. οίκος a house) to place in a house, send to dwell, give to be occupied ; to found, build, erect ; to settle, plant, colonize. 1 a. ind. act. κατωκισα, -ας, -ε• Κατοικοδομέω -ω, (fr. same, οΊκος a house, and δέμω to build) to build a house, erect a dwelling, make a settlement. Κάτοικοζ, -ov, b, if, (fr. same, and ΚΑΤ βίκος a house} an inhabitant, dweller, occupier, lodger, inmate ; a domestic, servant, porter. Κατοικτείρω, (fr. κατά intens. and οικτείρω to pity, th. οίκτος pity) io commiserate, pity ; to lament, deplore, bewail. Κατοικτίζω, (fr. same, and οικτίζω to compassionate, th. οίκτος pity) to excite pity, call forth compassion, move, affect. Ka- τοικτίζομαι, to feel pity, have com- passion ; to lament, deplore. Κατοίκτίσις, -ιος, Act. -εω?, ^, (ft*, same) pity, compassion, sym- pathy. Κάτοικων, d. sin. -κουντι, pi. n. -κοϋντες, g. -κούντων, a. -κοΰντας, d. -κουσι, par. pres. act. cont. of κατοικέω. Κατοίομαι, ^fr. κατά intens. and οίομαι to think) io think highly or have a good opinion of one^s self ; to feel pain, behave arro- gantly. Κατοίχομαι, (fr. same, and οίχομαι to go) to go off, depart, die. par. pres. pass. κατοιχόμενος> Κατοίω, (fr. κατά downward, and οίω obs. to bear) to bear or bring down, overwhelm, deject, pres ind.• mid. κατοίομαι. 1 f. ind, mid. κατοισομαι, -η, -εται. Κατόκνει, pres. impr. act. cont. of Κατοκνέω -ω, (fr. κατά. intens. and οκνέω to delay) to hesitate, pause doubt ; to grieve, be sorry for , to dislike, apprehend ; to falter, fail. Κατόμννμι, -ομννω or -ομόω,ΐ. -6σω, p. -ώμ,οκα, and Att. -ομώμοκα (fr. κατά against, and όμννμι to swear) to swear solemnly, con- firm by an oath, swear by ; to adjure, exact or impose an oath ; to conspire against, plot. Κατονόω, fr. same, and ονόω or όνημι, which see. Κατοπάξω, f. -άσω, (fr. κατά in• tens. ' and οττάζω to follow) to follow after, pursue close, press hard ; to chase, drive ; to rout defeat, overthrow ; to expel, drive out ; to come in place of, sup. plant, succeed. Κατόπιν, Κατόπι σθε and Κατόπι σθεν f fr. same, and οπίσω backwards) JO* . he future, in time to come; after, afterwards ; behind, close after, at the back, in the rear. Κατοπτενω, same as κατόπτομαι Κατοπτης, -ου, and Κατοπτήρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. next) a looker on, viewer, spectator, observer ; a spy, scout, watch. Κατόπτομαι, f. -όψομαι, p. -ωμμαι, (fr. κατά intens. and άπτομαι to see) to see obviously, perceive clearly, discern ; to spy out, espy, discover, witness ; to mind, remark, observe. Κάτοπτος, -ου, b, f], (fr. same) con- spicuous, apparent, obvious, plain to the view, evident, manifest. Subs, a witness, spy. Or (fr. κατά intens. and οπτάω to roast) duer-raasfed, doorched ; parched. ΚΑΤ Κατοπτρίζω, f. -ίσοβ, p. κατώπτρικα, (fr. κάτοπτρον a looking-glass, th. όπτομαι to see) to view in a looking-glass or as in a looking- glass ; to refect or represent as in a mirror. Κατοπτρίζομαι, to be seen or open io view. par. pres. pass, κατοπτριζόμενος, -η, -ov. Κατοπτρική, -ης, η, (fem. of next, viz. τέχνη) catoptrics, or that part of optics which relates to reflexion. Κατοπτρικός , -η, -bv, (fr. next) clear, bright ; open, that may be seen through, admitting sight, allow- ing a view ; pellucid, transpa- rent ; reflecting, reflective. Κάτοπτρον, -ου, το, (fr. κατά through, and άπτομαι to see) a mirror, looking-glass, reflector. Κατορθοΰσαν, a, sin. fem. cont. par. pres. act. — Κατορθουν, pres. inf. act. cont. — Κατορ- θοϋσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of Κατορθόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. κατώρθω- κα, (fr. κατά intens. and ορθός up- right) to raise or set up, erect; to set right, correct, amend, re- form ; to settle, arrange ; to conduct or manage well, admi- nister -iustly ; to execute, achieve, accomplish prosperously, succeed. Κατόρθωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) a correction, amendment, reforma- tion ; support, establishment, administration ; an exploit, achievement, feat, performance good deed ; prosperity, success victory, g. pi. κατορθωμάτων. Κατόρθωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr same) a happy accomplishment, execution, success ; correction, improvement, reformation ; ma- nagement, conduct, administra- tion ; a feat, exploit. Κατορροδέω -ω, (fr. Kara intens. and ορρωδέω to dread) to fear greatly, dread, show signs of violent apprehension, shudder, quake. Κατόρνξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. next) a burying or hiding in the ground, interment. Κατορύσσω or -ττω, f. -ζω, p. -ώ χα, and Att. -ορώρνχα, (fr. κατά downwards, and ορνσσω to dig) to dig or break through or into ; to bury, inter, hide in the ground ; to store up, treasure, oard. 2 a. ind. act. -ώρϋγον pet inf. pass. κατώρυγμαι, Att. -ορώρυγμαι. Κατορχίυμαι, f. -ήσομαι, (fr. κατά intens. and ορχέομαι to dance) to dance about, take amusement in dancing ; to dance over, tram- ple upon, subdue, oppress. 1 a. ind. mid. κατωρχησάμην. Κατορωρύχθαι, per. inf. pass, of κατορύσσω. Κατογεύω,ϊ. -ενσω,{(τ. κατά intens. and οχεύω to copulate) to admit the male, engender, copulate ; to rave, become frantic, keep orgies, be possessed. Κατοχή, -ης, η, (fr. κατέχω to seize) a detention) stoppage } hindrance. (3&4) ΚΑΤ delay ; a seizure, possession or infatuation from evil spirits. Κατόχίμος and Κάτοχος, -ov, b, #, (fr. same) held, detained ; en- gaged in, occupied by, taken up with ; possessed, infatuated, fran- tic. Κατόψιος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. κατί against, and όπτομαι to see) placed before the eyes, conspicu- ous, overlooking. Καττίτερος, -ov, b, Att. for κασσί- τερος. Κάττυμα, -ατός, τδ, (fr. κασσνω to sew under) the sole of a shoe, sole-leather ; a sandal, shoe. Καττύπτεσθαι, Poet. Sync, for κα- τατύπτεσθαι, pres. inf. pass, of κατατνπτω. Καττω, Dor. for κατά του, against this, according, &c. Κατύπερθε, comp. Κατνπέρτερος, Ion. for καθύπερθε, &c. Κατυπνώσαι, Ion. for καθυπνώσαι, I a. inf. act. of καθυπνόω. Κάτω, (fr. κατά downward) be- neath, underneath, below ; down, downwards ; in the regions be- low, comp. κατωτέρα. Κατώγαιος and Κατώγιος, -ov, b, $» see κατάγαΐ")ς. Κατωδυνάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. κατά intens. and οδύνη pain) to af- flict, pain ; visit with grief or sorrow. Κατώδύνος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) pained, in pain, afflicted with pain or sorrow ; in grief, sorrow- ful, sad, disconsolate. Κάτωθεν, (fr. κάτω below, and-0ev from) from below, from beneath. Κατώκαρα, (fr. same, and κάρα the head) upon the head, headlong. Κατωκεε, 3 sin. impf. act. — Κα- τοίκησα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. — Κατωκονν, 1 sin. or 3 pi. cont. impf. act. of κατοικέω. Κατώκισθιν, Boeot. for κατωκίσθη- σαν, 3 pi. la.ind. act. of κατοικίζω. Κατωκοδομημένος, -η, -ov, par. per» pass, of κατοικοδομέω. Κατωμαδιος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. κατά ac- cording to, and ωμός the shoul- der) from the shoulder, up to or as high as the shoulders. Κατωμαδον, (fr. last) across or on the shoulders. Κατώμννσθαι for κατόμννσθαι, pres. inf. mid. of κατόμννμι. Κατωμοσία, -ας, and Ion. -σίη, -ης, fl, . (fr. κατόμννμι to swear against) an oath taken against; evidence or proof against. Κατωνάκη, -ης, η, and Κατωνακης, -ov, ο, (fr. κάτω below, and νάκος a sheepskin) a slave's dress bordered with sheepskin. Κατώνοντο, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. mid. ol κατονόω. Κατωπος, -η, -bv, (fr. κάτω down- ward, and ώψ the face, th. air* τομαι to see) downcast, bashful^ modest, diffident. Κατώρα, Ion. for καθώρα, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. of καθοράω. Κατώρυξ, -ϋγος, η, (fr. κατορύσσω to bury) ο caves pk t den ; α tre&* ΚΑΤ sure, hoard, store. Adj. buried, hid in the earth; subterranean, underground. Κατώρνξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of κατορύσσω. Κατωρχέοντο, 3 pi. impf. mid. of κατορχέομαι. Κατώτερος, comp. and Κατώτατος, sup. (fr. κάτω below) lower, ne- ther ; lowermost, nethermost. Κατωτέρω, comp. of κάτω, lower, under, beneath. Καύαξ, -ακος, and Κανηξ, also Κά- 0nL -ηκος, δ, a sew-mew, sea-gull. Κανάξαις, JEol. for κατάξαις, 2 sin. 1 a. opt. act. of κατάγω οτ-ννμι. Κανθήσομαι, -η, -εται, ind. — Καυ- θήσωμαι, sub. (not common) 1 f. pass, of καίω. Κανκάλιον, -ον, τδ, (dim. of καυκίον a cup) a small vessel, cup, glass. Κανκάλϊς, -ίδος, ή, the herb wild parsnip or carrot. Κανκίζομαι, to dance dressed τα7ς κανκίσι. Κανκίον, -ον, το, a cup. ΚανκΊς,-ίδος, ^, a kind of shoe. Καυλό?, -ον, δ, the stalk or stem of a plant ; pot herbs, colewort, kail, &c. the shank, as of a spear shaft, which enters the head, of a sword blade, which enters the hilt ; a hilt or handle ; a stake, post, pole; a man's peculiar member. Καΐιμα, -ατός, το, (fr. καίω to burn) a burning heat, fire, scorching flame ; inflammation ; a canker, blight. Κανματίζω, f. -Υσω, (fr. last) to burn up, roast, scorch, parch. 1 a. act. ind. εκανμάτισα' inf. καν- ματίσαι. 1 a. ind. pass, εκανμα- τίσθην. Καννάκη, -ης, ή, (fr. καίω to warm, and νάκος a sheepskin) ο blanket or rug napped on one side; a long dress of nappy cloth. Καϊϊνοί, -ov, b, lot, state ; fate, des- tiny. Καυνος, -η, -ον, ΆηάΚανρος,-ά,-ον, bad, evil, ill, worthless, idle. Κανσία, -ας, η, (fr. next) a cap with a broad leaf a hat; a Macedo- nian helmet of tanned skin. Κανσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. καίω to bum) a burning, scorching; a burn, scorch; afire, destruc- tion by fire. a. sin. κανσιν. Καύσος, -ov, b, (fr. same) heat, in- flamrna lion , fever. Κανσόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. κεκανσωκα, (fr. last) to set on fire, burn, . destroy by fire. pres. ind. pass. κανσόομαι -ονμαι. Κανστειρός, -α, -δν, (fr. καίω to burn) burning, scorching; torrid, feivid, boiling, scalding; hot, fiery ; fierce, raging. Κανστης, and Dor. Κανάτας, -ov, b, (fr. same) a burner, one who burns or fires. Καυστικοί, -η, -δν, (fr. same) caus- tic, burning, scorching. Κανστϊς, -η, -dv, (fr. same) burned, scared, branded; fit for burning, inflammable. KAX Καύσω, -εις, -ει, ind. — Καύσων, -ονσα, -ον, par. 1 f. act. of καίω. Καύσων, -ωνος, b, η, (fr. same) violent heat, scorching wind; a blast, d. κανσωνι, a. καύσωνα. Καντηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. same) a burn- er; a person or thing that burns ; a searing or marking-iron ; a brand, mark, sear. Καντηριάζω, f. -άσω, p. κεκαντη- ρίακα, (fr. next, th. καίω to burn) to cauterize, burn with a hot iron, sear, brand, mark. per. pass, ind. κεκαντήρισμαι' par. κεκαντη- ρισμένος. Καντήριον, -ov, τδ, (fr. καίω to burn) an iron for burning or branding ; a burning applica- tion, cautery. Καυτό?, for και αυτός. Καύχα, -ας, ή, Dor. for καύχη. Κανχάεσαι -άσαι, for κανχάη -α, 2 sin. pres. pass, of Κανχάομαι -ωμαι, f. -ήσομαι, (fr. κανχη a boast) to glory, boast, brag, vaunt, exaggerate vainly, speak proudly ; to exult, rejoice. pres. ind. mid. κανχάομαι -ωμαι, -aij -qi, -άεται -αται, and καν- χάομαι -ωμαι, -άεσαι -άσαι. 1 a. mid. ind. εκανχησάμην,-ω,-ατο' sub. κανχήσωμαι, -ν, -ηται. Κανχάσαι, see last, and κανχάεσαι. Κανχασθαι, inf. — Κανχάσθω, 3 sin. -χασθε, 2 pi. impr. pres. mid. cont. of κανχάομαι. Κανχένα, for και αυχένα, a. sin. of ανχήν. Κανχίομαι -ονμαι, same as κανχάο- μαι. Κανχη, -ης, η, a boast, brag, vaunt; glorying, exultation. Καύχημα, -άτος, το, (fr. last) α matter to boast of, supposed ex- cellence ; a boast, vaunt, exulta- tion. Καύχησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. same) a boasting, bragging, glo- rying, vaunting, exultation, vain pretension, a. καύχησιν. Κανχήσομαι, 1 pi. -σόμεθα, 1 f. ind. act. — Κανχήσωμαι, -η, -ηται, 3 pi. -χήσωνται, 1 a. sub. mid. — Κανχώμαι, 1 pi. -χώμεθα, 3 pi. -χώνται, pres. cont. ind. or sub. mid. — Κανχώμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. cont. of κανχάομαι. Κανών, see χανών. Καφέω -ώ,ϊ. -ήσω, ρ. κεκάφηκα, (fr. κάιττω to blow) to breathe; to blow, puff, pant, gasp ; to breathe forth, expire, par. per. act. κε- καφηκώς, Ion. κεκαφηώς, a. sin. κεκαφηότα. Καφήσιος, Dor. for Κηφήσιος, -ov, b, an epithet from next. Κα^Γσδ?, Dor. for Κηφισός, -ου, δ, Cephisus, a river of Greece. Κάφος, -ov, b, same as κά-πος. Κάφονρα, -ας, η, camphor. Καχάζω, f. -σω, and -ζω, same as καγχάζω. Καχεκτέω -ω, (fr. κακός ill, and έχω to be) to be indisposed, have ill health. Καχέκτης, -ov, b, and Κ^νεκτο?. -ov, δ, fj, (fr. same) a valetudi- <335) ΚΕΔ narian ; in ill health, 'ndisposei, consumptive; cachectic; disaffect- ed, discontented. Καχεξία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a weak state of body, ill health. Καχιταιρεία, -ας, Ion. -ης, η, (fr. κακός bad, and εταίρος a com- panion) bad company. Καχλάζοισα, Dor. for καχΚάζονσα, η. fem. par. pres. act. of Καχλάζω, (fr. next) to ripple, gur- gle ; to rattle, make a noise, cackle, a ack ; to laugh loud or immoderately ; to resound, ring ; to swell, puff; to boil up, foam, bubble, ferment. Κάχληξ, -ηκος, rj,apebble; a coun- ter. Κάχρνς, or Κάγχρνς, -νος, η, (per- haps fr. κάω to burn, and χροα. colour) barley or the seeds of rose- mary toasted; parched barley; pulse, pease, beans, &c. a knotty excrescence growing on somelrees. Κα'^α, -ης, η, (fr. the Lat. capsa a box) and Κα^άκη, -ης, η, (dim. ) a chest, desk, box ; a case, cover ; a satchel, wallet. Καψάκης, see καμψάκης. Κάω, same as καίω. Κε, and before a vowel, Κεν, (a Poetic particle, equivalent to <ϊν in prose) truly, indeed; how- ever, yet, notwithstanding. Κεάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. κέω to split) to slit, split, cleave, rive, chap. Κεάνωθος, -ov, '/, a thorny shrub. Κέαρ, cont. KJjp, κέάτος, το, the heart; the soul; the mind; cou- rage, spirit. Κέασσε, Ion. and Poet, for εκέασε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Κεάσσα?, Poet for κεάσας, par. 1 a. act. of κεάζω. Κέάται, or Κείαται, Ion. for κείνται, 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. — Κεατο, Ion. for ίκειντο, 3 pi. impf. mid. of κεΊμ αι. Κέβλη, -ης, η, Macedon. Sync, for κεφαλή. Κεβλήτνρις, some bird. Κεβριόνης, -ov, b, a kind of bird ; a giant or great man ; the name of a son of Priam. Κεγχρεα'ι, -ών, αί, (perhaps fr. next) Cenchrea, the port of Co- rinth, now Kenkri. Κέγχρος, -ov, b, millet; a serpent, snake, dragon ; a kind of dia- mond ; a bead; an ornament oj dress. Κείάζω, or Κείάω, see σκεδάζω. Κεάασθεϊς,-εΊσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass, of last. Κέομάτα, -ων, τα, pains in the hips and joints. Κεδνός, -η, -δν, (fr. κηοος care) worthy of care, deserving regard, estimable ; respected, revered, ho- noured, esteemed; prudent, care- ful, anxious, faithful ; upright, virtuous, good; modest, chaste, innocent ; moderate, sober, tern* perate ; excellent, noble ; famous, celebrated. Κέδρινος, -η, -ov, (fr. κέδρος ceda ) of cedar. ΚΕΙ KiSpiov, -ου, rb, (fr. same) oil of cedar. Κέδρος, -ου, #, the cedar tree, cedar wood. Κέδρων, Β, Heb. the name of a ri- ver in Judea. Κίδρωστις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ^, the wild or white vine ; briony. Κέεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. mid. Κέηται, 3 sin. pres. sub. mid. of κέομαι, obs. for which is used κεΊμαι. Κείαντες, for κανσαντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. act. — Κειάμενος, for καυσά- μενος, par. 1 a. mid. of καίω. Κείάται, Ion. for κείνται, 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. — ΚείαΥο, Ion. for έκειντο, 3 pi. impf. mid. of κεΊμαι. Κείη, Dor. for κε είη. ΚεΊθεν, Κείθι,Ιοη. for εκεΊθεν,εκεΊθι. ΚεΊμαι, f. κείσομαι, to lie, be stretch- ed out, laid, placed, buried ; to be situated, lie in view ; to remain, stay, continue, exist, be; to lie idle, be unemployed ; to rest, be quiet; tc be appointed, decreed, enacted; to lie by, be treasured, stored ; to be dedicated or conse- crated ; to be liable or subject to ; to doubt, be in suspense, impf. mid. εκείμην, -σο, -το. Κείμεθα, 1 pi. — Κείμενος, -η, -ον, par. — Κείται, 3 sin. pres. mid. of last. Κειμηλιάρχιον, -ov, rb, (fr. κειμή- λιον treasure, and αρχή the chief) a treasury, magazine, storehouse. Κειμήλιον, -ov, το, (fr. κεΊμαι to lie) goods, chattels; household stuff, furniture, moveables ; treasure, valuables ; a memorial, token. Κείνη, Poet, for εκείνη, in that way, by that means, so, thus. ΚεΊνος, -η, -ov, and in all its cases, Poet, or Ion. for εκεΊνος. ' Κείνο?, -η, -bv, Poet, for κενός, Κείνως, Ion. for εκείνως. Κειράδας, a. pi. of κειράς. Κειράμενος, -η, -ov, par. — Κείρασ- θαι, inf. — Κειράσθω, 3 sin. impr. 1 a. mid. οι κείρω. Κειράς, -άδος, b, (fr. κείρω to shave) a person cropped or shaven in derision ; a captive shorn. Κείρε, pres. impr. act. — Κείρεν, Dor. for κείρειν, pres. inf. act. Κείρεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass, of κείρω. Κειρία, -ας, -%, (fr. same) a wreath, fillet, riband,fringe ; a girt, girl- web ; a swathe, band, roller, parti- cularly those used on the dead, scarf, winding-sheet, grave-clothes . Κείρω, f. κερω, p. κίκαρκα, to shear, clip, cut off, crop; to shave; to curtail, bereave, deprive ; to waste, despoil, ravage, pillage, strip, rob ; to devour, eat greedi- ly, swallow ravenously. 1 a. act. ind. έκειρα• inf. κεΊραι. 1 a. mid. ind. εκειράμην, -ω, -ατο• impr. κείραι, -άσθω• inf. κείρασθαι. per. inf. pass, κεκάρθαι. Κείρων. -οντος, b, (par. pres. act. of last) one sheuring, a shearer ; a barber. ΚεΊσε, Poet, for εκεΊσε. KEK ΚεΊσθαι, pres. inf. mid. — Κεισό- μεσθα, Dor. for κεισόμεθα, 1 pi. ind. 1 f. mid. — Κεισοϋμαι, and Κεισευμαι, Dor. for κείσομαι, 1 f. ind. mid. — ΚεΊτ , and ΚεΊτο, Ion. for έκειτο, 3 sin. impf. mid. of κεΊμαι. Κείω, same as κεΊμαι, also, to de- sire to lie down, wish to go to bed, par. 2 a. act. κιων, -ούσα, -όν. Κεκαδήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 pi. Κεκα- δησόμεθα, Poet, for καδήσομαι, which Ion. for χαδήσομαι. 2 f. ind. pass, of χάξω. Or, it is from κεκηδήσομαι, ppfut. of κή- δομαι. Or, it is 1 f. ind. mid reduplicated, of καδέω a verb formed from έκαδον, Ion. for έχαδον, 2 a. of χάζω. Κεκαδμένος, Dor. for κεκασμίνος -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of κάζω, Κέκάδον, Κεκαδών, Ion. for έχαδον, ind. and χαδων, par. 2 a. act. — Κεκάδοντο, Ion. for εχάδοντο, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. mid. of χάζω. Κεκαθαρισμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, οι καθαρίζω. Κεκαθαρμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, οι καθ αίρω. Κεκάθικα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. of καθίζω. Κεκάλυμμαι, -ψαι, -πται, per. ind. pass. — Κεκαλυμμένος, -η, -ον, par. per. pass. — Κεκάλνφα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. of καλύπτω. Κεκαμω, --ης, -η, for κάμω, 2 a. sub. act. οι κάμνω. Κεκάρθαι, per. inf. pass. — Κίκαρ- κα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — Κε- κάρκει, Ion. for εκεκάρκει, 3 sin. pper. act. of κείρω. Κεκαρωμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of καρόω. Κεκάσθαι, inf. of Κέκασμαι, per. ind. pass. — Κεκασμένος, par. per. pass. οΓκάζω. Κεκαύθαι, per. inf. pass. — Κέκαν- κα, per. ind. act. — Κεκαυμένος, par. per. pass, of καίω. Κεκαντηριασμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of καντηι άζω. Κεκανχημαι, per. ind. pass, of καυχάομαι. Κεκαφηότα, a. sin. of Κεκαφηως, Ion. for κεκαφηκώς, par. per. act. οι καφέω. Κεκένωμαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass, of κενόω. Κεκέρακα, per. ind. act. — Κεκε- ρασμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of κεράννν μι. Κέκενθα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of κεύθω. Κέκηα, per. ind. mid. of καίω. Κεκήρνγμαι, -ζαι, -κται, per. ind. pass, of κηρύσσω. Κεκινδυνευμένος, -η, -ov, (par. per. pass, of κινδυνεύω) risked, ven- tured ; hazardous, dangerous, perilous. Κεκινέάται, Ion. for κεκ'ινηνται, 3 pi. per. ind. pass, of κινέω. Κεκλάγζω, Poet, for κΚάγξω, 1 f. ind. act. of κλάζω. Κέκλαμμαι, for κέκλεμμαι, per. ind. pass, of κλέπτω. Κεκλαμμένος, may be the par. of (336) KEK last ; it. is also put for κεκΧασ μένος, -par. per. pass. ο(κλάω. Κέκλαστο, for εκέκλαστο, 3 sin• pper. pass, of same. Κεκλεισμένος, and Κεκλειμένος, -j?, -ov, par. of — Κέκλεισμαι or Kf- κλειμαι, -σαι, -σται, per. ind. pass, of κλείω. Κεκλεμμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of κλέπτω. Κέκλεο, Κέκλετο, Ion. for κίχλου, pres. impr. pass, and εκέκλετο, 3 sin. impf. pass, of κέκλομαι. Κεκλήαται, Κεκλήάτο, Ion. for κέ- κληνται, 3 pi. per. and εκέκληντο, 3 pi. pper. pass, of καλέω. Κέκληγα, -ας, -ε, ind. — Κεκληγως^ -νΊα, -ος, par. per. mid. of κλάζω. Κεκληγόντες, JEol. for κεκληγότες^ η. pi. of last ; or, par. pres. act. of Κεκλήγω, same as κλάζω. Κέκληκα, ind. — Κεκλ^κώ?, par. per. act. — Κέκλημαι, per. ind. pass. — Κεκλημένος, par. per. pass, τ- Κεκλησθαι, per. inf. pass. — Κεκλήσομαι, ppfut. ind. of καλέω. Κεκληρονόμηκα, -ας, -ε or -εν, pe*. ind. act. of κληρονομέω. Κεκλίάται — -Κεκλίατο, Ion. for κε» κλινται, 3 pi. per. ind. pass, and εκέκλιντο, 3 pi. pper. ind. pass. of κλίνω. Or, they are by Syst. for κεκλείαται, and κεκ\είατο 9 which are Ion. for κεκλεΓνιντι, 3 pi. per. and εκεκλεΊντο, 3 pi. pper. pass, of κλείω. Κεκλιμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass. of κλίνω. Or, by Syst. for κε- κλειμένος,τρΆΤ. per. pass, of κλείω. Κέκλομαι, same as κέλομαι, see kc- λω. Κέκλοφα — Κεκλοφως, Att. for κί- κλεφα, -ας, -ε, ind. and κεκλε- φως, -νΊα, -fa, par. per. act. ο. κλέπτω. Κί'κλυ0£, Dor. or Poet, for κλνθι, pres. impr. act. of κλνμι. Κεκλνσμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass. of κλνζω. Κέκλντε, 2 pi. οΐκέκλΰθι above. Κέκλωσμαι, -σαι, -σται, per. ind. pass, of κλώθω. Κεκ^ακώ?, Dor. and Κεκμηως, ά. sin. -ηότι, Ion. for κεκμηκως, par. per. act. of κάμνω. Κέκμηκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. of same. Κέκναισμαι, per. ind. pass, of κναίω.. Κεκοίμηκα, act. — Κεκοίμημαι, -σαι, -ται, pass. per. ind. — Κεκοιμη- μένος, par. per. pass, of κοιμάω. Κεκοίνωκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — Κεκοινωαε'νοί, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of κοινόω. Κεκοινώνηκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. οι καινών εω. Κεκολασθαι, per. inf. pass, of κο- λάζω. Κέκομμαι, -'ψαι, -πται, pass. — Κί- κοφα, -ας, -ε, ind. act. per. of κόπτω. , Κέκονα, Poet. for. ίκτονα, per. indk mid. of κτείνω. ΚΕΚ Αεκοναμένος, -η, -ον, par. per. pus of. Κεκονιμένος, Att. tor Κεκον σμένος, -η, -ον, par. per. puss, of κονίζω. Κεκόπίίκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. of κοιτάζω. Κεκοπανισμένος, -η, -ον, par. per. pass. ο. κοπανίζω. Κεκ^ίακα, -ας, -ε, pi. -άκατε, -άκασι, ind. — Κεκοπιακώς, par, per. act. of κοπιάω. Κεκοπώς, -ma, -ος, par. per. mid, οι κόπτω. Κεκορεσμένος , par. per. pa c s. of*:o- ρένννμι. Κεκορημένος, par. per. pass. — Κε• κοοηώς, Ion. for κεκορηκώς, par per. act. of κορέω. Κεκυρηότε, Sync, for Κεκορηκότε, η. du. par. per. act. of κορέννυμι Κεκορυθμένος,ϋγηο. for κεκορνθημέ- νος, par. per. pass, of κορυθέω, Or, for κεκορνσμένος, par. per pass, of κορύσσω. Κεκοσμημενος, -η, -ον, par. per pass, of κοσμέω. Κεκοτηώς, in a. sin. Κεκοτηότα, Ion. for κεκοτηκύς, par. per. act. of κοτέω. Κεκόφθαι, per. inf. pass, of κόπτω Κεκράαντο, Ion. and Poet, for εκίκραντο, 3 pi. pper. pass, of κραίνω. Κεκράγα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of κράζω. Κεκράγω, f. -ζω, same as κράζω. 1 a. ind. act. εκίκραξα. Κέκρακα — Κίκράμαι — Κεκραμένος — Κριθείς, &c. Sync, for κεκέρα- κα, per. act. κεκέρασμαι, per. pass, κεκερασμένος, par. per. pass, κεράσθεις, par. 1 a. pass. of κεράνννμι. Κεκράζομαι, -η,- εται,^ρ^. of κράζω. Κεκρατηκέναι, per. inf. act. of κρατέω. Κεκράχάται, Ion. for κεκραγμένοι εισι, 3 pi. per. pass. — Κέκραχθι, for κέκραχε, 2 sin. per. impr. — Κέκρηγα, for κέκραγα, per. ind. mid. of κοάζω. Κεκοητο, Ion. for εκέκρατο, by Sync, for εκεκέρατο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of κίραννΰμι. Έ.εκριγώς,-ν7α, -ος, in η. pi. Κεκρι- γότες, -νΊαι, -ότα, par. per. mid. of κρίζω. Κέκρικα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 2 ρΐ. -κατε, per. ind. act. of κρίνω. Κεκριμένος, -η, -ον, (par. per. pass. of κρίνω to distinguish) distinct, separate, divided ; judged. Κεκρίται, 3 sin. per. ind. pass, of same. Κεκροταμενος, Dor. for κεκροτημέ- νος, par. per. pass, of κροτέω. Κίκροψ, -οπός, Ό, same as κέκρωψ, by Metath. for κέρκωψ, which see. Also a king of Athens. Κίκρΰβα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. — Κέκρυμααι, -ψαι, -πται, per. ind. pass. — Κεκρνμμενος, -η, -ον, par. per. pass.— Κέκρνφα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. of κρύπτω. Κεκρνόαλος, -ον, b, (fr. κρύπτω to conceal, and φαλος a croet) a ΚΕΛ net, turban, fillet to hold the hair ; a net, seine ; the throat-band of a bridle. Κεκρύφάται, Ion. for κεκρυμμίνοι εισι, 3 ρ per. ind. pass, of κρύπτω. Κέκρωψ, -οπός, δ, by Metath. for κερκωψ, which see. Κίκτημαι, -σαι, -ται, ind. — Κεκ- τησθαι, inf. per. pass, of κτάο- μαι. Κεκτημένος, -η, -ον, (par. per. pass. of κτάομαι to own) having got, owning, possessing ; mas. a lord, master ; fern, a mistress. Κεκύθωσι, Ion. and Poet, for κύ- θωσι, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of κενθω. Κεκνρωμένος, -η, -ον, par. per. pass, of κνρόω. Κελαδεινδς, -ή, -bv, (fr. κέλαδος clat- ter) loud, shrill, noisy ; sound- ing ; clattering, shouting, cla- morous, tumultuous ; warbling, melodious, tuneful, whispering. Κελαδεννος, Poet, for last — Κελα- δεννάν, g. pi. Dor. Κελαδέοντι, d. sin. par. pres. also Dor. for κελαδέονσι, 3 pi. pres ind. act. of Κελα<5εω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. κέλαδος < clatter) to ring, resound, re-echo to clatter, rattle, creak ; to sound, roar ; to warble, murmur, whis- per, buzz ; to play on ; to sing, celebrate, praise. Κελάδητις, -ιδος, ή, (fr. same) a songstress, warbler. Κελάδοιο, g. Ion. of Κέλαδος, -ον, b, (perhaps fr. κέλω or κέλομαι to cheer, and άδην much) a clatter, rattling noise ; bustle, tumult, din, clamour ; murmur, buzz, whisper ; sound, music, tune, melody, song ; praise, applause. Κελαδων, par. pres. act. cont. of κελαδέω. Κελαινεγχής, -έος-ους, b, t), (fr. κε- λαινος black, and έγχος a spear) bearing a black or deadly spear ; murderous. Κελαινεφης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and νέφος a cloud) cloudy, black-clouded, gathering clouds ; black, dark, dusky. Κελαιντ,, d. sin. fern, of Κελαινος, -η, -ον, (same as μελαινος, from whence the fem. of th. μέλας black) black, dark ; dusky, gloomy. Κελαινότης, -ητος, /;, (fr. last) blackness, darkness. Κελαί'νωψ, -ωπ-ο?, b, η, (fr. same and ωψ the face, th. άπτομαι to see) black-visaged, swarthy ; black-looking, gloomy, fearful, terrifying. Κελαρνζω, f. -σω, p. -κα, (perhaps fr. κέλαδος a murmur, and pea to flow) to flow murmuring purl, ripple ; to clatter, rattle . to creak, croak, v:arble. Κελάονξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr last) a murmuring, buzz, whis- per ; warbling ; a noise, clatter, rattle. (337) ΚΕΛ Κελαρίσδεν, Dor. for κελαρύζει*, pres. inf. of κελαρύζω. Κελεαι, Ion. for κέλρ, 2 sin. pres. ind. of κέλομαι. Κελέβη, and Dor. Κέλεβα, -ης, f), a cup, bowl. Κελεος, -ου, Ό, a kind of swift bird. Κε'λεσ0ε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. mid. of κέλομαι. Κέλεν' or Κε'λευε, 2 sin. pres. impr. or Ion. for εκέλενε, 3 sin. impf. act. — Κελεύει, 2 sin. pres. ind. act. — Κέλευσα?, g. -σαντος, pi. n. -σαντες, par. — - Κελευσον, impr. 1 a. act. of κελεύω. Κε'λευβα, -ων, τα, same as κέλευθοι, pi. of Κέλενθος, -ον, η, (perhaps fr. ελεύ- θω, obs. to come) a way, road, path ; a course, direction ; voy- age, journey ; a style, manner. Κέλευσε, Ion. for εκέλενσε, 3 sin. Γ a. ind. act. of κελεύω. Κέλενσμα, -ατός, το, Κελενσμδς, -ου, δ, and Κελευσί?, -ιος, Att. -εω?, η, (fr. κελεύω to cheer) the song or tone which sailors make in haul- ing or rowing, a boatswain's call ; a command, order; exhortation, encouragement ; a shout. Κελενσμοσίνη, -ης, η, (fr. same) a command, charge, order, injunc- tion, mandate. Κελευστής, -ου, b, (fr. same) an encourager, adviser, cheerer ; a boatswain, pilot. Κελεντίάω, Poet, for Κελενσπαω, same as Κελεύω, f. -εύσω, p. κεκέλενκα, (fr. κέλω to order) to bid, order, command, enjoin, charge ; to advise, counsel ; to exhort, en- courage, cheer, embolden ; to prompt, impel. 1 a. act. ind. εκελευσα'ιπιρΓ. κέλενσον par. κέ- λευσα?. Κέλης, -ητος, b, (fr. κέλλω to agi- tate) a managed horse, racer, led horse ; a light ship, yacht ; a pinnace, wherry, swift boat. Κελήσατο, Ion. for εκελήσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. — Κελήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. of κελέω, obs. see κέλω. Κελητίζω, (fr. κέλης a racehorse) to ride ; manage a horse, ride a race. Κέλλω, f. -λώ, and iEol. -σω, to move, stir ; to shake, vibrate, brandish ; to urge, drive, propel ; to run, race, go swiftly, hasten ; to arrive, come to port, land. 1 a. act. ind. εκειλα, iEol. έκελσα• inf. κεΐλαι. Κελοίμην, -οιο, -οιτο, pres. opt. mid. — Κελόμην, Ion. for εκελόμην, impf. mid. — Κέλονθ', for εκέ- λοντο, 3 pi. impf. mid. of κέλο- μαι. Κέλσαι, 1 a. inf. act. jEoI. of κέλλω. Κελύφη, η. a. v. pi. cont. of Κέλυφος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. καλύπτω to cover) a shell, husk, rind, bark, covering, peel, coat. Κέλω or Κέλομαι, (fr. κελέω obs. to order) to bid, order, command, KEN enjoin, charge ; to advise, coun- sel ; to call or shout to ; lo cheer, encourage. Κεμάς, -άδυς, b, a fawn. Κένδϋλα, -ης, η, an adze. Κενεα, (fr. κενεος empty) idly, in Vmn, to no purpose. Κενεανχτις, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. κενός empty, Άΐιάαυχέω to boast) vain- boasting, bragging, vaunting. Κενεός, Poet, and Dor. for κενός. Κενεόφρων, -όνος, b, ή, Poet, for κε- νόφρων. Κενεών, -ώνος, b, (fr. κενός empty) the belly, groin ; any empty space. Κενεώτερος, comp. of κενεός. Κενοδοξία, -ας, i;, (fr. κενός empty, and δόξα opinion, th. δοκέω to think) self-conceit, vain-glory. Κενόδο£ος, -ov, b,fi, (fr. same) con- ceited, self-sufficient, vain-glori- ous, vain, empty, silly. Κενολογέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. κεκενολό- γηκα, (fr. κενός empty, and λέγω to talk) to talk idly, babble, prate, say silly things. Κενόν, -ου, rb, (neut. of next) emp- tiness ; a void, vacuum, open space. Κενός, -η, -bv, empty, void ; vain, foolish, silly, insignificant, fri- volous ; fruitless, unprofitable, unsubstantial ; false, untrue. Έ,ις κενόν, in vain. Κενοτάφιον, -ου, rb, (fr. last, and τάφος a tomb, th. §άτττω to bury) an empty tomb, honorary sepul- chre ; a cenotaph ; a memorial, monument ; an image, -statue. Κενότης, -ητος, η, (fr. /.ενός empty) emptiness, voidness ς ,vanity, sil- liness, folly. Κενόφρων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. same, and φρονέω to think, th. φρήν the un derstanding) thinking vainly, sil- ly, foolish ; empty-headed, brain- less, dull, stupid. Κενοφωνία, -ας, ή, (fr. same, and φωνή voice) noise about trifles, vain talk, idle babbling, prate. Κενόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. same) to empty, exhaust, drain ; to waste, spoil, make desolate ; to oppress, humble, crush ; to make void, annul, nullify, invalidate ; to spend, consume, squander. 1 a. ind. act. εκένωσα. per. ind. pass. κεκένωμαι. 1 a. pass. ind. εκενώ- θην sub. κενωθώ, -ής, -η. Κένσαι, Sync, for κίντησαι, 1 a. impr. mid. ; or for κίντησαι, 1 a. inf. act. of κεντίω. Or for κεν- τίσαι, same of κεντίζω. Κίντάσε, Ion. and Dor. for εκέν- τησε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of κεν τίω. Κένταυρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. κεντέω to goad, and ταύρος a bull) a cen- taur ; a sign of the zodiac. Κεντέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. Κεκέντηκα, also Κειτόω -ώ, (perhaps fr. κέω to cut, εντός inwardly) to prick sting, goad, spur ; to urge, sti- mulate, instigate. Κέντημα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) t goad, spilie, point; a puncture, wound. KEP Κεντητήριον, -ου, το, (fr. same) an awl. Κεντρηνεκέας, a. pi. of Κεντρηνεκής, -έος -ους, Ό, η, (fr. κέν- τρον a goad, and είκω to yield, or ηνέγκω to bear) yielding to the goad, driven by the whip, car- ried juriously ; spurred, goaded. Κέντρον, -ου, το, (fr. κεντέω to goad ) a goad, spike ; a spur ; a sting ; a puncture, wound ; a centre, dot, point ; a motive, incentive ; a sharp expression. Κέντρων, -ωνος, b, (fr. same) a coat of various colours, embroidered dress ; a jacket of patches ; a quilted mail or armour ; a rogue, vagabond. Κεντυρίων, -ωνος, b, (fr. Lat. cen turio, a captain, th. centum, a hundred) a centurion, a. κεντυ ρ'ιωνα. Κεντων, par. pres. act. cont. of κεν- τέω. Κέντωρ, -ορός, b, (fr. same) a driver, one who uses a goad or spur. Κενωθη, pass. — Κένωση, act. 1 a. sub. o{ κενόω. Κένωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. κενόω to empty) emptiness ; room, space ; a draining, exhaustion. Κενως, (fr. κενός empty) in vain, to no purpose. Κέομαι, pass, or mid. of κέω, for κείμαι. Κέονται, 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. — Κέοντο, Ion. for εκέοντο, 3 pi impf. mid Κέοιτο, 3 sin. pres opt. mid. of last. Κέπφος, -ου, b, a small marine bird, seamew ; a simpleton, trifier, worthless person. Κεττφόομαι -ουμαι, (fr. last) to be have lightly, act foolishly, be ea sily imposed on ; to waver, flue tuate, float, flutter ; to fiy swift- ly, pres. inf. mid. cont. κεπ- φουσθαι. Κεπφωθεις, -εΊσα, -εν, (par. 1 a. pass, of last) vain, conceited, proud; silly, volatile, fickle, wa- vering ; driven about, led away, deceived. Κεραία, -ας, η, (fr. κέρας a horn) a horn,point,tip, extremity ; ayard- arm, sailyard ; a dot, point or flourish over letters ; a jot, parti- cle, insignificant quantity ; apro- jection, pinnacle, battlement. Κεραίζετον, 2 du. impf. act. Ion. of Κεραϊζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. κέρας a horn) to horn, goad or drive with the horns ; to spoil, ravage, waste. Κέραιρε, pres. impr. act. of Κεραίρω, same as κεράννυμι. ΚεραΧς, -Ίδος, η, (fr. κεραιζω to waste, th. κέρας a horn) a worm or maggot infesting the horns ; a ravagcr, destroyer. Κεράμέϊ-εΊ, d. sin. of κεραμενς. Κεραμεία, -ας, fj, viz. τέχνη, (fr. κέραμος potter's earth) pottery, the trade of a potter. Κΐριμεϊον, -ου, τό, (neut. of next) a pottery ; a potter's workhouse. Κεράμειος, -a, -ov, (fr. κέραμος pot • 338) KEP ter's earth) of a pottery, of a potter, made of clay, earUien. Κεράμεύς, -έος, Att. -έως, δ, (fr. same) a potter. Κεραμεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same) to make pottery, work in clay, make earthen ware; to mould, form, Κεραμήϊος, Ion. for κεράμειος. Κεραμικός, -η, -ov, and Κεράμιος, -α, -ov, (fr. κέραμος potter's earth) made of clay, earthen. Also Subs, a place of Athens, the potter's field. Κεράμιον, -ου, τό, (neut. of last) ' an earthen vessel ; pitcher, jar, crock. Κεραμις, -ίδος, η, (fr. κέραμος pot- ter's clay) a tile. Κέραμος, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. κέα for καίω to burn, and έρα earth) potter's clay ; earthen ware ; a tile; a jar, pitcher, earthen ves- sel ; a stone bowl ; a pottery ; a potter's kiln; a jail, prison. Κεράννυμι, Κεραννύω, and Κεραω, f. -ασω, p. κεκέρακα, (fr. κέρας a horn) to mix, mingle or pour into cups of horn ; to dilute, compound, blend, season, relish. par. pres. act. κεραννυς, -υσα^ ύν. 1 a. act. ind. εκέρασα' impr. κέρασον. per. pass. ind. κεκέρασ- μαι, by Sync, κέκραμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, εκεράσθην, by Sync. εκράθην. 1 f. "" -SS. κερασθήσομαι, and κραθήσο^αι. Κεραοξόος, -ου, b, (fr. κέρας a horn, and ξέω to polish) a worker in horn, horn-polisher ; a maker of bows. Κεράός, -ου, b, ή, (fr. next) horned. Κέρας, -ατός -αος -ως, το, a horn ; a bow ; the wing or flank of an army ; a turn, meander, wind- ing course, pi. κέρατα. Κεράσατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. of κεράννυμι. Κεραστής, -ου, b, (fr. last) horned ; a horned serpent ; a worm in- festing figs. Κερασφόρος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and φέρω to wear) having horns, horned. Κεράσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of κεράννυμι. Κερατίζω, f. -'ίσω, p. κεκεράτικα, (fr. κέρας a horn) to horn, push or butt with the horns ; to lay waste. Κεράτινη, -ης, η, (fern, of next) a horn to sound, cornet, bugle. Κεράτινος, -η, -ov, (fr. κέρας a horn) made of horn. Κεράτιον, -ου, τό, (dim. of same) a small horn ; an ornament worn on the helmet ; a horn cup ; a husk, pod, shell. Κερατιοΐιμεν, 1 pi. of κερατιω, Att. -for κερατίσω, 1 f. ind. act. of κε• ρατίζω : Κερατ στης, -ου, ο, (fr. κιοας a norn) a homer, thai strikes oi pushes with the horn. Κερατώδης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. κέρας a horn, and είδος likeness) horn* ed. KEP Κρίτων, g. pi. of κέρας. Κεραύνειος, and Κεραννιος, -ου, δ f h (fr. κεραυνοί lightning) of thunder cr lightning, thunder- ing ; destroyed by thunder, struck by lightning. Κ,εραυνίας,-ου, b, (fr. same) a per- son struck by lightning. Κεραυνόβλητος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and βλητος hit, th. βάλλω to throw) thunderstruck, struck by lightning. Κεραυνός, -ου, δ, (perhaps fr. κείρω to cut, and αύω to parch) light- ning, a thunderbolt, a thunder- clap. Κεραυνοσκυπία, -ας, η, (fr. last, and σκέπτομαι to consider) the ob- servation of lightning and thun- der. Κεραυνδω -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. κεραυνός thunder) to thunder, send light- ning, strike with a thunderbolt ; to overthrow, destroy, blast. Κε- ραυνωθεις, -εϊσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass. Κιράω, see κράννυμι. Κέρβερος, -ου, δ, (fr. κρέας flesh, and βορος devouring) Cerberus, the infernal dog. Κερδαίνω, f. -ανώ, also Κερδανέω -ώ, and Κερδέω -ώ, f. -ι)σω, p. κεκέρδηκα, (fr. κέρδος gain) to gain, win, "irn, get, make profit; to escape a cuss or hurt. par. pres. act. κερδαίνων. 1 a. act. ind. εκέρδησα' inf. κερδησαι. 1 a. ind. pass, εκερδήθην. 1 f. ind. pass. κερδηθήσομαι. 1 f. ind. mid. κερδήσομαι. Κερδαλέη -η, -έης -ης, η, (fr. κερδώ a fox) the skin of a fox. Κερδάλέος,-α, -ov, (fr. κέρδος gain) profitable, gainful, lucrative ; ex- pedient, useful, convenient, ad- vantageous ; artful, cunning crafty, wily ; covetous, avari- cious, rapacious. Κχρδαλεόφρων, -όνος, δ, ^, (fr. last, and φρην the mind) set on gain covetous, greedy, avaricious. Or (fr. κερδώ a fox, λέων a lion, and φρην the mind) of a cunning and ferocious disposition ; artful and rapacious. Κερδαλέως, (fr. κερδαλέος gainful through love of gain, avaricious- ly ; cunningly, craftily. Κερδαλεώτερος, -a, -ov, cbmp. of κερδαλέος. Κερδανέομεν, Ion. for κερίανοΰμεν 1 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of κερδαίνω. Or it is 1 pi. pres. ind. act. of κερδανέω. Κερδηθήσωνται, 3 pi. 1 f. sub. pass, — Κερδησαι, inf. — Κερδήσας par. — Κερδήσω, -τ]ς, -η, 1 pi, -σωμεν, sub. 1 a. act. of κερδαίνω Κέρδιον, neut. of Κεγδίων, -ωνος, ο,η, comp. — Κερ- διστος, -»/, -or, sup. from κέρδος gain, more or most gainful, pro- fitable, lucrative ; more or most artful, cunning, crafty ; " better, best. 'Κέρδος, -εος •ους, το, gain, profit, Ivore; utility, advantage, bene- KEP fit, convenience; art, cunning, craftiness ; fraud, knavery pi. cont. κέρδη. comp. κερδίων. sup. κέρδιστος. Κερδοσϋνη, -ης, η, (fr. la.t) art, cunning, subtilty ; deceit, guile, treachery, artifice ; fraud, knav- ery ; prudence, sagacity, intelli- gence. Κερδώ, -όος -ους, η, (fr. same) a fox, reynard, vixen. Κερδών, -ώνος, b, (fr. same) a low slave, menial. Κερδώος, -ου, b, (fr. same) presid- ing over lucre or gain ; an epi- thet of Mercury. Κέρεα, and Κέρεος, Ion. for Kf paa, and Κέραος, by Sync, for Κέρατα, η. a. pi. and Κε'ρατο?, g. sin. of κέρας. Κερέειν, Poet, or Ion. for κερεϊν, 1 f. inf. act. of κείρω. Κερθείί, -εΤσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass. of κειρω. Κερκηϊς, -'ίδος, η, a woman's name. Κερκις, -ίδος, ι), (fr. κρέκω to rattle) a shuttle. Κερκοπίθηκος, -ου, b, (fr. next, and πίθηκος an ape) a monkey. Κέρκος, -ου, b, a tail; the man's member. Κέρκυρα, -ας, η, Corcyra, the name of an island, now Corfu. Κερκυραίος, -u, -ov, (fr. last) of Corcyra, Corcyrean. Κέρκυρος, -ου, b, a kind of ship used at Corcyra. Κε'ρκω, same as κρέκω. Κέρκωψ, -ωπος, b, (fr. κέρκος a tail) afox; an ape, baboon ; a knave, double-dealer, sharper. Adj. cunning, deceitful, malicious. Κέρμα, -ατός, το, (fr. κείρω to cut) a paring or clipping of money a small coin. Κερματιστης, -ου, b, (fr. last) a banker, money-changer, discount- er, broker. Κέρνος, -ου, b, an earthen vessel • used in offerings, a censer. Κεροίαξ, -άκος, b, (fr. κέρας a tip, and οΐαξ the tiller) the end or point of the sailyard ; the yard- arm. Κερουλκυς, -ου, b,j, (fr. same, and 'έλκω to draw) drawing by the horns ; hornbending, pliant. Κερουχί?, -ίδος, η, Κερούχο?, and Κεραύο^ο?, -ου, δ, /;, (fr. same, and έχω to have) having horns, horned. Κερόωντο, Ion. and Poet, for εκερ- ώντο, 3 pi. cont. impf. act. of κεράω or κεράννυμι. Κέρσαι, 1 a. inf. act. Mo\. — Κε'ρ- σε, Ion. for εκέρσε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. iEol. of κείρω. Κέρτομα, -ων, τα, (neut. pi. of κ/ρ- τομος taunting) a taunt, re- proach. Κερτομέω, f. -ήσω, (fr. κέαρ the heart, and τέμνω to cut) to taunt, reproach, rail at ; inveigh against, use heart-cutting lan- ' guage. Κερτομίοισι, d. pi. Ion. of Κερτόμιος, and K/prouoj, -ov, o t ή, (330) ΚΕΦ (fr. same) hea -t-rending, pier» ing, cutting , sharp ; reproach' ful, taunting, reviling, contume- lious, abusive ; captious, wrang- ling ; jesting, jocular, merry, droll. Κέρχνος, -ου, δ, hoarseness, rough- ness of the throat. Also a cor- ruption of κέγχρος, millet. Κερχνύς, -η, -ov, (fr. next) hard, stiff ; harsh, rough, rugged. Κέρχω, to be rough, hoarse or harsh ; to make rough, ruffle ; to creak, grate. Κερώ, and JEol. κέρσω, 1 f. ind. act. of κείρω. Κερώνται, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. pass, of κεράω or κεράννυμι. Κέσκετο, 3 sin. impf. mid. of κέσ- κομαι, Ion. for κέομαι, same as κέΐμαι. Κεστος, -η, -bv, (fr. κεντέω to punc- ture) embroidered, worked, va- riegated. Subs, the girdle or zone of Venus. Κέστρά, -ας, η, a kind of weapon, dart, javelin hardened at the point in the fire ; a stake, pile ; a mallet, hammer, mall; a kind offish. Κεστρεύς, -έος, b, a mullet. Κέστρον, -ου, το, the herb betony. Κεστρωτός, -η, -ov, (fr. κέστρα a dart) hardened in the fire like the κέστρα. K^0uvw,same as κεύθω, impf. act. εκεύθανον. Κευθε, pres. impr. act. — Κεύθει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of κεύθω. Κεύθεα -η, η. a. pi. — Κεύθεσι, d. pi. of κεΐίθοί. See κευ&μών. Κεύθμασι, d. pi. of Κεΰθμα, -άτος, το, and ΚευΟμδς, -ου, δ, (fr. κε,ύββ) to hide) a covert, shelter, hayait; a den, cave, lair / a retreat, vecess, hiding place. Κευθμών, -ώνος , δ, and Κευθος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. same) a depth, abyss ; a cavern, cave, den, lair; a retreat, lurking or hid- ing place; an inner room; a shrine. Κεύθω, f. -σω, p. κέκενκα, and Κευ- θαίνω, to hide, cover, conceal; to retire, withdraw, abscond, keep close. 2 a. ind. act. εκεύθανον. per. ind. mid. κέκευθα, -ας, -ε. Κεύθω, -ης, -η, pres. sub. act. of last. Κε0άλαιον, -ου, το, (fr. καφαλη the head) the head, chief point, principal part ; the heads of a subject, summary, recapitulation / a sum, total; a principal sum of money, stock. Κεφαλαιόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, p. κεκεφα- λαίωκα, (fr. last) to add up, tot; to sum up, recapitulate, enume- rate shortly, repeat summanly ; to strike or wound on the head, behead. 1 a. ind. act. εκεφα- λαίωσα. Κεφαλαιώδης, -εος -ους, δ, {], (fr. same) capital, chief, principal; summary, short, brief, concise. comp. κεφαλαιωδέστερος. Κεφαλαίωδύζ, (fr. saino) zurnmari- ΚΕΧ ly, concisely, briefly, compen- Κεχόλωμ ΚΗΔ diously, Κεφαλαίωμα, -ατός, to, (fr. same) sum, total, amount, aggregate. Κεφαλή, -ης, hj ta€ head ; a top, summit or ridge ; life, a man, person ; a chief, ruler, minister, one dear or beloved ; the head, chief point, stress; the conclu- sion, upshot; the sum total, amount, aggregate; an engine of war with an iron head. g. pi. κεφαλιών, and d. κεφάλησι, Ion. ΚεφαΚίκώς, (fr. last) chiefly, prin- cipally ; summarily, briefly. Κεφαλϊς, -ίδος, η, (fr. same) the chapiter, head or top of a pillar ; a pillar, column; a roll of a book, volume, ά. κεφαλίδι. Κέφαλος, -ov, b, (fr. same) a fish with a large head. Also Ce- phalus, a man's name. Κεφονρέ, Heb. indeol. a covered vessel, basin or dish with a cover. Κέχαδα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. — Κεχάδοντο, Ion. for εχάδοντο, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. mid. of χάζω. Κεχανδώς, -v7a, -ος, (Poet, for κε- χαδώς, par. per. mid. of χάζω) gaping, wide; holding, contain- ing. Κέχαρα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of χαίρω. Κεχαραγμίνος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of χαράσσω. Κεχάρηκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — Κεχαρηκώς, by Cras. Κεχαρηως, in a. Κεχαρηότα, par. per. act. — Κεχαρημένος, par. per. pass. — Κεχαρησέμεν, Ion. for χαρή- σειν, 1 ι. ini. act. — Κεχάρητο, Ion. for εκεχάρητο-, 3 sin. pper. pass, of χαρέω for χαίρω. Κεχαρηώς, -υ7α, -ος, (see in last) rejoiced, glad. Κεχάρισμαι, -σαι, -σται, per. ind. pass, of χαρίζομαι. Κεχαρισμένος, -η, -ov, (par. per. pass, of χαρίζομαι) dearest, very dear, beloved. Κεχαρισμένως, (fr. last) dearly, agreeably, acceptably, kindly, pleasantly, favourably. Κεχαριτωμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of χάριτόω. Κεχαροίατο, Ion. for χάροιντο γ 2 a. opt. mid. — Κεχαρόμην, Ion. for εχαρόμην, -ου, -ετο, 2 a. ind.. mid. of χαίρω. Κεχείμαγκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — Κεχείμαμμαι, -νσαι, -νται, per. ind. pass, of χειμαίνω. Κεχηνα,-ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of χαίνω. Κεχηνως, -via, -ος, (par. per. mid. of same) gaping, wondering; silly, vacant. Κέχλαδα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. — Κεχλαδών, par. of κέχλαδον, by Anadipl. for έχλαδον, 2 a. ind. act. of χλάζω. Κεχλίαγχα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. of χλιαίνω. Κεχλιδώς, -ν1α,-6ς, (par. per. mid. οΐχλιδάωίο indulge) luxurious, voluptuous ; delicate, tender. Κεχύλωκα^ *ag, -ε, per. ind, act. — it, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass. — Κεχυλώσθαι, per. inf. pass. — Κεχολωμένος, -η, ov, par. per. pass, of χολόω. Κεχολωμένος, -π,-ον, (see in last) angry, irritated. Κεχυλώσομαι, -ρ and Ion. Κεχολώ- σεαι, -εται, ppfut. ind. of χο- λόω. Κέχρηκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — Κέχρημαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind pass. — Κεχρημένος, -η, -ov. par. per. pass, of χράω, or χράο- μαι. Also, Κέχρημαι, -σαι, -ται^ in 2 pi. Κί- χρησθε, per. ind. pass. — Κε- χρί/μένος, -η, - ν, par. per. pass. — Κεχρ(ισομαι, -η, -ετιι, ppfut. οϊχριιζω. Κεχρημάτισμαι, -σαι, -ται, ind. — Κεχρηματισμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of χρηματίζω. Κέχρισμαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass, of χρίω. Κεχρνσωμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of χρνσόω. Κέχνμαι, 1 sin. — Κέχνται, 3 sin. — Κέχυνται, 3 pi. per. ind. pass. — Κέχυντ , and Κέχνντο, Ion. for εκέχνντο, 3 pi. pper. pass, of χνω or χύνω. Κεχωρήκεσαν, Att. for εκεχωρήκει• σαν, 3 pi. pper. act. βΐχωρέω. Κεχωρίδαται., Ion. for κεχωρισμέ- νοι εισ\, 3 pi. of Κεχώρισμαι per. ind. pass. — Κεχωρισμένος -η, -oi>,par. per. pass, of χωρίζω, Κεχωσμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of χόω or χώνννμι. Κέω, obs. from whence Λ«ιβ κείω to split, cleave ; to desire to go to rest; κεΊμαι, to lie down; and κείω, for καίω, to burn. Kfj, Ion. for wfj. Kijai, inf. of έκηα, 1 a. ind. act. — Κήας, par. 1 a. act. — Κήαντο, for εκηαντο, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. — Κηάμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a mid. of καίω. Κήβος, -ov, b, some sort of monkey, Κηγω, and Κηγων, Dor. for/c«/ εγώ, Κηδάρ, Heb. indecl. the name of ε son of Ishmael, and of the place where he lived. Κηδε, for κήδη, cont. from κήδεα, η. a. pi. of κηδος. Κηδε, for έκηδε, 3 sin. impf. act. — Κήδει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Κήδειν, pres. inf. act. of κήδω. Κηδεία, -ας, η, (fr. κηδεύο) to regard, th. κηδος care) care for, regard, esteem ; burial, funeral exe- quies ; affinity •, connexion, rela- tion by marriage, Κήδειος, -a, -ov, (fr. last) dear, be- loved, regarded, esteemed; faith- ful, affectionate, careful, domes- tic; related, connected ; Subs, a friend, guardian. Κιιδεμόνας,Ά. pi. of Κηδεμων, '"όνος, and Κηδεμονενς, -έος, Att. -έως, b, (fr. κηδος care) a care-taker, manager, guardian^ protector ; a patron, benefactor. Κηδεος, same as κήδειος. Κήδεσαι, 1 a. impr. mid. of κηδέω. KitdiaUt, 2 pi. pres-, rod. mid; — *(S4UJ KHA Κήδετο, Ion. for εκήδετο, 3 sin, impf. mid. of κήδω. Κηδεστης, and Κ,ηδεντης, -ου, b, (fr. κηδέω or κηδεύω to regard, th. κηδος, care) a guardian, protec- tor; a friend, relation, kinsman by marriage, son-in-law, father in-law, a wife's father. Κηδεύω, f. -ευσω, (fr. same) to take care of, mind, attend to, ma- nage, conduct ; to perform exe- quies, bury, mourn over; to con- tract affinity, marry among, be- come connected with. Κηδέω -ω, f. -ήσω, and -εσω, (fr. same) to take care of, manage, conduct ; to take trouble, do busi- ness, be anxious fr, pity, re- gard. 1 a. inf. act. κηδέσαι. 2 f. ind. act. καδω. 2 f. ind. mid. καδήσομαι, by Anadipl. κεκαδήσο- μαι, in 1 pi. κεκαδήσομεθα. Κήδιστος, -η, -ov, (sup. fr. κηδος care) most intimate, dear or friendly. Κήδομαι, pass, or mid. οι κήδω. Κηδος, -εος, το, care, concern, anxiety, solicitude; regard, at- tention, love, attachment ; charge, management, conduct ; trouble, distress, labour, toil; grief, sor- row, affliction, wo, mourning; hurt, harm, loss, damage ; death, ruin, desolation, slaughter; exe- quies, funeral, burial ; a tomb, monument; marriage, wedlock, a wedding ; affinity, connexion, alliance. Κήδω, (fr. last) to afflict, fret, an- noy ; to trouble, tease, vex, of- fend, harass; to hurt, injure, wrong. Κήδομαι, to carefor, re- gard, esteem, respect; to take trouble, act for, be busy or anxious about ; to take care of, attend to, administer, manage ; to grieve, be sorry, lament, mourn ; to conduct a funeral or burial. par. pres. act. κήδων, -ονσα, -ov. 2 a. ind. act. έκάδον. 1 f. mid. κηδήσομαι. Κήδωκ', for και έδωκε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. οΐδίδωμι. Κηδωλος, -ή, -bv, (fr. κηδος care) anxious, careful, busy about. Κήδων, -ονσα, -ον,ΌΆΤ. pres. act. of κήδω. Κήθιον, and Κηθάριον, -ου, rb, a ballotting box. Κηκ, Dor. for και εκ. Κήκα, Dor. for και είκε. Κήκιε, Poet, for κέκιε, which Ana- dipl. for έκιε, 3 sin. impf. or 2 a. ind. act. of κίω. It may be the impf. Ion. of κηκίω. Κηκίς, -ίδος, //, (fr. next) odour, flavour, scent, smell; vapour, smoke ; sweat, juice, matter, blood ; a nulgall, oak-apple. Κηκίο), f. -ί'σω, (fr. κίω to go) to ooze out, exude ; to spout, gush, spring up, burst or break out; to start or leap up. Κηλα, pi. of κηλον. Κηλας, a wintry day ; a cloud, mist, fog ; a she-goat ; a fox. Kfaaorpos, -υν, $, (fr. last) any tree ΚΗΡ late in leaves or fruit ; a rustic vessel, pail, noggin, &c. Κήλεος, Κήλειος, and Κάλεος, -ου, ό, ή, (perhaps fr. καίω to burn) warm, hot, burning; bright, shining. Κηλεω, d. sin. oflast. Κτ7λ<ω -ώ, ΐ.-ήσω to stroke, pat, sooth, calm; to charm, delight; to flutter, wheedle, deceive. ULhM, ->7f, >'h ° tumour, swellin, an inflammation ; arupture. Κηλιδόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. next) to spot, soil, stain, dirty ; to pollute, dcflle, disgrace, dishonour. Κηλις, -ϊδος, ή, a spot, stain ; a mole, freckle ; a blotch, ulcer, sore ; a scar, brand, blemish; disgrace, dishonour, shame. Κήλον, -ου, το, (neut. of next) dry wood; a handle, shaft; a stake hardened in the fire ; a dart, javelin, arrow ; tlie male mem- ber. Κηλος, -η, -op, (fr. κέω for καίω to burn) dry, withered, arid, paroh- ed, scorched, burned. ΚηΧόω -ω, f. -ώσω (fr. last) to dry up, scorch, parch ; to burnj con- sume ; to flatter, deceive ; to en- treat, pray, beg, beseech. Κηλώνιον, -ου, το, a rope, pulley and bucket, to draw water from a well. Κήμαυτον, Dor. for και εμαυτόν. Κτ'/με, Dor. for και εμέ. Κημος, -ου, δ, a breaking-bridle, ca- vession ; a rein, bit, curb, snaffle ; an osier case, basket. Kpv, Dor. for και εν. W ήν, Dor. for και ήν. Κήνσος, -ου, δ, (fr. Lat. census a valuation) a registry of property, valuation; a taxation, assess- ment, tax. Κηξ, -ηκος, or Κήϋξ, -ϋκος, a marine bird, seamew, coot. Κ]]ξαπίνης, Dor. for και εξαπίνης, which Ion. for εξαίφνης. Κήπε, Dor. for και είπε. Κήπει, Dor for και επεί. Κήπειτα, Dor. for και έπειτα. Κήτευμα, -ατός, το, (fr. next) a gar- den, shrubbery , retreat; garden- stuff. Κητεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. κήπος a gar- den ) to garden, keep as a gar- den, dress, improve ground; to rear, nurse, preserve. Κηττενς, -εος, KtX. -έως, δ, (fr. same) a gardener. Κήπος, -ου, δ, a garden, orchard, plantation, shrubbery ; a comb, rake, wool-card; fern-ale parts; an ape, monkey. Κηπουρεω -ω, Γ. -ήσω, (fr. last, and ουρος a keeper) to keep, dress or cultivate, a garden. Κηπονρΐκυς, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) of a garden. Κηπουρός, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a gar. dener. Κήρ, -ρις, >% lot, situation, circum- stance ; fate, destiny ; death. Κηρ, cont. fr. κίαρ. Κηρα, a. sin. Κήρις, a. pi. of κήρ. Kffxiivv, (fr. Ktaf tba heart) to re- (fr. same) a honey- KHP volve, ponder, think anxiously. Or, (fr. κηρ fate) to kill, hurt; to die. Κηρίια, -ας, η, (fr. κηρ death) same a.s KCipiu. Κηρεσσ'ίφόρητος, -ου, δ, #, (fr. κηρ fate, and φορεω for φέ ρω to bring) brought, sent or inflicted by the fates ; malevolent, destructive, malicious. Κηρινος, -r), -bv r (fr. κηρος wax) waxen. Κηρίυν, -ου, το. comb. Κηριτρεφίων, g. pi. of Κηριτρεφής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. κηρ fate, and τρέψω to rear) reared by fate, subject to destiny, mor- tul. Κηρύδετος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. κηρος wax, and δέω to tie) joined or cement- ed with wax. Κηροδομέω -ω, (fr. same, and δέμω to build) to form waxen cells, :.take a comb. Κηρόθι, (fr. same) from the heart, heartily, in the heart, at heart. Κηοος, -ου, b, bees 1 wax. Κηρύω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to ιοαχ, cover or smear with wax. Κηρυβία, -ων, τά, beancods. Κήρυγμα, -ατός, το, (fr. κηρύσσω to proclaim, th. κήρυξ a crier) the office or duty of a crier or he- rald ; publication, promulgation; a proclamation, decree, edict, act; doctrine, preaching, in- struction, edification, d. κηούγ- ματι. Κήρυκα, a. sin. — Κήρυκε, η. du. — Κηρυκέσσι, Poet, for κηρΰξι, ά. pi. οι κήρυξ. Κηρύκεια, -ας, and Κηρυκηίη', -ης, η, (fem. of next) the office or du- ty of a crier or herald. Κηρΰκειος, -a, -ov, (fr. κήρυξ a crier) of a crier, belonging to a herald. Κηρύκευμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) a proclamation. Κΐ,ρυς, same as Κήρυξ, -υκος, δ, (perhaps fr. γήρυς voice, or κράξω to cry out) a As- raid, king at arms ; bearer of a truce, envoy, messenger; a trum- peter, crier, beadle; a preacher, teacher. Κηρυξαι, inf. — Κηρύξας, par. — Κήρυξ iv, 2 pi. -ξατε, impr. — Kj;- ρύξω, -ης, -η, sub. 1 a. act. — K^- ρύξω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of Κηρύσσω or -ττω, f. -ξω, p. κεκήρυ- χα, (fr. κήρυξ a herald) to pro- claim, publish, declare, announce; to celebrate, praise,• applaud, set forth ; to preach, teach, instruct. impf. act. εκήρυσσον. 1 a. ind. act. εκήρυξα. per. ind. pass, κε- κήρυγμαι, -ξαι,-κται. 1 a. pass, ind. εκηρύχθην' par. κηρυχθείς. 1 f. ind. pass, κηουχθήσομιι. Κ7ΐρυχθη, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass. — Κηρυχθηναι, I a. inf. pass. • — Κηονχθήσομαι, -t], -εται, 1 f. in Γ. pass, of last. ΚΙΔ wax) waxen, waxed, varnuhed with wax. Κητεία, -ας, η, (fem. of next) α haunt of whales, place wliere they are caught. Κήτειος, -εία, -ειον, (fr. next) of a whale; great, huge. Κήτος, -εος -ους, το, a whale, gram- pus, sea-monster, great flsh. Κητώ, -όος -ους, >/, a woman's name. Κητώδης, -εος -ους, δ, fj, (fr. κήτος a whale) like a whale, of the na- ture of a whale, cetaceous; huge, monstrous. Κητώεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. same) like a whale, large, great, monstrous, huge; abounding in large fishes. KpD, Dor. for και ευ. Κήΰκα, a. of Κήϋξ, -ϋκος, a marine bird ; a coot, seamew. Also Ceyx, a man's name. Κήφ' 'ότι, Dor. for καΐ εΊφ 1 'ότι. ΕΊφ\ lor εΐπε, before an aspirate, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of έπω. Κήφα, Dor. for κα"ι εφη. Κηψας, -a, b, the Hellenistic Syri- ac of the name which Christ gave Simon, Cephas, Peter, a rock. Κηφήν, -ήνος, δ, a drone, wasp. d. pi. κηφήνεσσι, Poet, for κηφήιι. Κήφθη, Dor. Ion. and iEol, for και ηφθη, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. pass, of Κηοώ, Dor. for κ ηρου,ι of Κηαωτδξ) «>), -bv, (fr; κήύσ~ω (341) κηρος. Κηφισσίδι, d. sin. of Κηψισσϊς, -ίδος, η, the lake Cephis~ sis. Κηώδης, -εος -ους, b, η, and Κηώεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. καίω to burn) ex- haling, burning; odorous, fra~ grant. Κίβδηλος, -ου, b,»j, (fr. next) foul, impure, filthy ; mixed with dross, adulterated, alloyed ; counter- feited, disguised, forged ; fake, deceitful, treacherous; of mixed materials. Κίβδης, dross, refuse ; a vile fellow, scoundrel. Κί;3ΐσις, and Κίβύσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f), a bag, pouch, sack, wallet. Κιβώτιον, -ου, το, (dim. of next) Egyptian bean ; a cup, small ves- sel ; a casket, case, trunk ; a b^-i. Κιβωτός, -ου, Ό, a vessel; ark, chesi; wardrobe, cabinet. Κιγκλίζευ, Dor. for κιγκ\ίζου^ pres. impr. pass, of Κιγλίζω, (fr. κίγκλος a wagtail) to agitate, shake, vibrate, quiver ; to flutter about, hanker after; to fluctuate, waver; to twinkle, glimmer. ΚιγκΥις,-ϊδος, f t , (fr. last) alattice, casement; a palisade, railing; trellis; a keyhole, small aper- • ture ; a porch, enclosure. Κίγκλος, and Κίγκαλος, -ου, δ, α wagtail. Κίδαρις, -εος, Att. -εως, η, a tiara i turban, diadem. Κιδάφη, -ης, ή, (fem. of next) a she fox. Κίσαφο$ί end Kiifaipc jj -'«w, δ, oj/bsj». KIN Adj. cunning ; artful, crafty; knavish, fraudulent. ΙίίδνημίοτΚιδνάω,ΒΆΐηβΆΒσκίδνημι. Κ/ε, and Κ/εν, Ion. for ίκιε, 3 sin. impf. act. of κίω. Κιθάρα, -ας, t), a harp, lyre, lute. Κιθάριζεν, 3 sin. impf. act. Ion. of Κιθαρίζω, f. -Ίσω, (fr. κιθάρα a lyre) to play on the lyre, sing to the tyre. 1 a. impr. act. κιθάρισον. par. pres. pass, κιθαριζόμενος, -η, -ov. par. pres. act. κιθαρίζων, -ούσα, -ov, pi. g. -ζόντων. Κίθάρις,-ιος, Att. -εως, ή, same as κιθάρα. Κιθαριστής, ου, υ, (fr. κιθάρα a lyre) a player on the lyre, harper, musician. Κιθαριστνς, -νος £, (fr. same) the art of playing the lyre, skill in music. Κίθαρος, δ, (fr. same) a kind of fish. Κιθαρωδός, -ov, h, (fr. same, and ωδή a song) one who .sings and plays on the lyre; a harper, musician. Κιθάω -ω, (a comic word, fr. same) to make a harper. Κιθων, -ωνος, b, (Ion. for χαιτών) a coat, garment, shirt, dress ; a coating or covering for walls; a wall so coated. Κικέρων, -ωνος, δ, Cicero. Κίκι, -ιος, .Att. -εως, το, tick, the seed of the palma christi. Κίκιννος, -ου, b, a curl, lock, braid or buckle of the hair. Κικκαβαυ, the n^te of an owl. Κικκαβά, and •βή, -ής, η, an owl. Κίκκος, -ου, δ, a cock. Κικ\ήσκουσ\ Poet, for κικλήσκουσα, fem. η. par. pres. act. of Κικλήσκω, Poet, for κα\έω. Κϊκυς, -υος, ?/, strength, power; force, violence. Κιλευτιάω -ω, Poet, for κε\ευτιάω or κελευστιάω. Κιλικία, -ας, ή, Cilicia, now Cara- mania, a country of Asia minor. Κιλίκιον, -ου, το, (fr. next) cloth made of the hair of the Cilician goat; haircloth. KtXif, -(/cos, b, {], Cilician, a Cili cian. KinXa, -ης, ή, a name of several towns, one in iEolia Κι\λιβάντες, -ων, o\, (fr. next, and βαίνω to mount) a triangular rest or stand for the shields; a tripod, horse or frame; the sticks which formed the stand. Κι\\ος, -ου, o,Dor. an ass. Kίλυ(f>oς,-εoς-oυς,τb,bark,rind,peel, ΚιμβίρΊνον, Κψβαρ'ΐκον, and Κιμ- βερ'ίκόν, -οι), το, fine cloth, cambric. Κίμβηξ, -ηκος, and Κίμβιξ, -ικος, b, a kind of bee or wasp ; penuri- ous, stingy, sordid. Κιμμέριοι, -ων, oj, the Cimmerians. Κιμολία, -ας, h (fr. the island Kt- μολή) fuller's earth. Κινάβρα, -ας, η, dogs' meat, car- rion ; the smell of goats ; slink, stonc\ rankvmdl. KIN Κιναβράω -ω, (fr. last) to stink, yield a rank or heavy smell. Κίνάδος, -ου, b, and -εος -ους, το, a fox ; an artful, cunning person, knave, rogue, impostor. Κίναμον, and Κινάμωμον, -ου, το, cinnamon. Κίνδάλος, -ου, δ, a nail, spike, peg ; a stake, pole, post. Κίνδαξ, -ακος, b, fj, (fr. κινίω to move) active, nimble; moving, stirring. Κινδυνεύει, 3 sin. -νεύομεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. of κινδυνεύω. Κινδύνενμα, -ατός, το, (fr. κίνδυνος danger) risk, peril, danger; an attempt^ trial; an adventure, enteiprise. Κινδυνεύω, f. -εύσω, p. κεκινδύνεν- κα τ (fr. last) to venture, risk, en- danger, hazard, explore ; to try, prove, attempt; to stand ac- cused, be arraigned ; to escape narrowly. Κίνδυνος, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. κινίω to excite, and δέος fear, or οδύνη pain) danger, risk, peril ; an ad- venture, attempt, enterprise. Κινδυνώδης, -εος -ους, b, ή, (fr. last) dangerous, hazardous, perilous. Κινεν, JEiol. for Kivov, cont. fr. κινεου -οΐι, -εεσθω -ε'ισθω, pres. impr. pass, of ΚΊνεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. κεκίνηκα, to move, stir, agitate ; to jog ; to excite, rouse, instigate ; to remove, transfer. Κινεομαι, to pass, go, march. 1 a. ind. act. εκίνησα. 1 a. ind. pass, εκινήθην, -ης, -η' par. κινηθείς. Κινέων -ων, -έονσα-ονσα, -εον -ονν, par. pres. act. — Κινηθέ ντος, g. par. 1 a. pass, of last. Κινηθμος, -ov, b, Poet, same as κί- νησις. Κίνημα, -άτος, το, Κ'ινησις,-ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. κινεω to move) a motion, stir, movement ; agita- tion ; a commotion, tumult. Κινήσαι, inf. — Κινήσας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. — Κινήσω, 1 f. ind. act. of κινεω. Κινητήρ, -ήρος, b, (fr. same) a mover, agitator, shaker. Κινητής, -ov, b, (fr. same) a mover, introducer, agitator, disturber. Κινητίκος, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) mov- ing, stirring Mtive ; moveable, not fixed, portable, eomp. κινη- τικώτερος, sup. -ώτατ•;ς. Κίννα, -ης, //, a kind of grain. Κιννάβάρι, -ιος, Alt. -εως, το, cin- nabar, vermilion; a high red colour. Κίνναβος, -ου, δ a pattern, model, plan, sketch. Κιννάμωμον, -ου,τό, cinnamon. Κινονντα, a. sin. — Κινονντες, η. pi. — Κινούσης, g. sin. fem. cont. par. pres. act. of κινεω. Κίννμι, and Κ'ινυμαι, same as κι- νεω, and κινεομαι. Κιννρα, -ας, η, a Syrian instru- ment of a plaintive tone ; a harp. Κιννρετο, Ion. for εκινύρετο, 3 sin. impf. of Κινύρομαι, (fr. κιννρα a harp) U (342) , KI2 sing plaintively; to lament, mourn, bewail. Κιννρος, -a, -bv, (fr. same) plain- tive, querulous, doleful, sad^ mournful. Κίυιμι, -οις, -οι, sin. -οιτον, -οίτην ν du. pres. opt. — κίον, Ion. for έκιον, 1 sin. or 3 pi. impf. act. — Κιουσαι, η. pi. fem. par. pres. act. of κίω. Κίον' for κίονα, a. sin. — Κίοσι or Κίοσιν, d. pi. of κίων. Κιρκαία, -ας, fj, the herb night- shade. Κίρκη, -ης, and Dor. Κίρκα, -ας, #, Circe, a woman's name. Κίρκος, -ov, b, a circle, ring > round t orb, circus ; a kind of hawk. Kipva, Ion. for ίκιρνα, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. of Κιρνάω -ω or K/pv>7/it, f. -ήσω, same as κεράννυ μι. K/pv»?, Ion. for εκίρνη, 3 sin. impf. of κίρνημι. Or, Κίονη and εκίρ- νη may be Dor. for κίρνα, and έκιρνα above. Κίρνων, for εκίρνων, 1 sin. or 3 pi. cont. impf. act. of κιρνάω. Κίρρα, ας, ί), the name of an island, Cirrha. Κίρραθεν, (fr. last)/rowi Cirrha. Κίρ ρις, (fr. next) a kind of hawk of a tawny colour. Κιρρος, •ον, b, f), yellow, tawny, fal- low or fawn cclour ; ruddy , red- dish, bay. Κιρσος,Άπά Κρισσος, -ov, 6,(fr. last) a swelled vein, welt. Κις, -ίος, b, a worm or maggot breeding \r. timber and corn. Κις, b, indecl. Heb. a man's name. Κίσσα or -ττα, -ης, η", a pie, mag- pie ; a talkative person ; loath- ing, disgust of food ; a false ap- petite or desire for improper food ; a qualm or sickness from breeding ; the green sickness. Κισσάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. last) to conceive, breed, feel qualms, long unnaturally; to desire the other sex. Κισσήρης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. κισσός ivy) bound with ivy. ■ Κίσσηρις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. κϊς a worm) pumice stone; a porous stone. Κισσηρώδης and Κισσηρωείδης, -εος -ους, δ, η, (fr. last) like pumice stone, porous, full of small holes. Κισσητος, -ή, -bv, (fr. κισσός ivy) of ivy, like ivy ; bound or adorn- ed with ivy. Κισσός, and Att. Κιττος,-ον, b, ivy. Κισσοφερής, -εος -ους, and Κίσσο- φόρος, -ov, δ, »}, (fr. last, and ώερω to carry) to carry or beur ivy t be croumed or adorned with ivy. Κισσόω or -ττόω, (fr. κισσός ivy) to crown, bind, cover or adorn with ivy. Κισσνβιον, -ου,' rb, (fr. same) a cup made of ivy-wood. Κίστη, -ης, η, a basket; abox, case t chest. Κίστος or Κίσβος, -ου, δ, ihe rock rose. ΚΛΑ Ktrp /α, -ας, h, the citron-tree. Κίτριον, -ον,τδ, (fr. last) the citron- fruit. Κίττα, Κιττάω, see κ'ισσα, κισσάω. Κιττος, same as κισσοί. K«rros, -η, -δ»/, Lacon. good. Κίτών, -ώνος, Dor. for χιτών. Κιτώνα, a. of last, Κιχάνω, same as κιχείω. Κιχείην, -ης, -η, pres. opt. act. — Κίχεϊί, par. pres. act. of κίχημι, see κιχέω. ΚιχεΊμεν, -εΊτε, -εΤσαν, Att. for Kt- χεΐημεν,&ο. pl.of(C(^£t^v,seelast. ,Κιχείω, Poet, for Κί^ε'ω, Κιχάνω θΓΚίχ>?αί,Π->7σω, p. κεκίχηκα, (perhaps fr. κίω to go, and χω for έχω or χεω to hold) to overtake, come up with, reach ; to seize, catch, take ; to find, meet with, hit upon, arrive at, come to ; to gel, acquire, obtain, lay hold of. 2 a. act. ind. έκίχον sub. κίχω, -ης, -η' inf. κιχεϊν . Κιγήμεναι, by Ectas. for κιχέμεναι, Dor. for κιχεϊν, 2 a. inf. act. of last. Κιχϊμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. Οΐ κίχημι. Κιχησάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. — Κιχήσας, par. 1 a. act. — Ki- χήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. — Κιχήτην, by Sync, and Ion. for εκινησάτην, 3 du. 1 a. ind. act. of κιχέω. Κίχλη, and Dor. Κιχήλα, -ης, η, a thrush. Κιχλίζω, (fr. last) to feed on thrushes, live on delicacies, fare well, indulge, revel ; to make merry, laugh heartily. Κίχράω and Κίχρημι, same as χράω and χρημι. Κιχων, •ουσα, -ov, par. 2 a. act. of κιχέω. Κιχώρη,-ης,η, ΆΤΐάΚιχώριον,-ον,το, cichory, succory or wild endive. Κίω, to go, move, proceed, march ; to approach, go or run to. par. pres. act. κιών, -ούσα, -όν. Κϊων, -όνος, δ, η, (fr. last) a co- lumn, pillar. Κλαγγευντι, Dor. and JEo\. for κλαγγονσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of Κλαγγέω -ω, (fr. next) same as κλάζω. Κλαγγη, -ης, »% (fr. κλάζω to clang) a loud shrill noise, sound or cry ; clank, din, creak, twang ; cla- mour, shout, shriek. Κλαγγηδον, (fr. last) with a shout or cry ; with a noise. Κλάγξω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of κλάζω. Κλάδα, and iEol. Κλάβα, -ης, f], a club, baton, truncheon. Κλάδας, Dor. for κλείδας, a. pi. of κ\είς. Κλάδενσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, »/, (fr. κλάδος a bough) a pruning, lop- ping. Κλαδί, seems to be a d. of κλας, same as Κλάδος, -ov, b, and Κλας, -άδος, r), (fr. κλάια to break) a young branch, bough, spray, shoot ΚΛΑ twig ; offspring, generation, pro- geny. Κλάειν, Att. and Dor. for κλαίειν, pres. inf. act. of κλαίω. Κλάζοντε, η. du. par. pres. act. of Κλάζω, f. κλάγζα, p. κέκλαχα, to shout, call, cry, clamour, scream ; to clang, rattle, ring, resound^ twang ; to howl, bark, cackle, creak, &c 2 a. ind. act. έκλάγον. per. ind. mid. κίκληΥα. Κλάζω for κλάω. Κλαί' for κλαΊε, which Ion. for έκλαιε, 3 sin. impf. act. — Κλαίε, 2 sin. Κλαίετε, 2 pi. impr. — Κλαίειν, inf. — Κλαίει, 2 sin. Κλαίετε, Κλαίουσί, 2 and 3 pi. ind. pres. act. of κλαίω. Κλαίεσκον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of κλαιέσκω, Ion. for κλαίω. Κλαίοισθα, by iEol. Parag. for κλαίοις, 2 sin. pres. opt. act. — Κλαίοντα, a. sin. -οντες, pi. n. -οντάς, a. -όντων, g. — Κλαίουσα, -σαι, -σαν, fern, cases of κλαίων, par. pres. act. — Κλαίουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of κλαίω. Κλαΐ'ξ, -'ιδος, Dor. for κλείς. ΚλαΤστρον, -ov, το, Dor. and JE,o\. for κλεΤθρον. Κλαίω, f. κλανσω, p. κέκλανκα, to cry, weep, shed ttars ; to wail, lament, bewail, whine ; to mourn over, grieve for another, condole ; to suffer, be punished, be beaten ; to repent, feel sorrow, express compunction, par. pres. act. κλαίων, -ονσα, -ov. Κλαμβος, -η, -ov, maimed, lame; defective, deficient. Κλάνιον, -ov, το, a bracelet. Κλάξ, -ακυς, η, Dor. a key. Κλάζω or Κλα£ώ, Dor. for κληίσω, 1 f. ind. act. — Κλάξον, Dor. for κλήΐσον, 1 a. impr. act. οίκλ^ίζω ΚλαΌίσα, Dor. for κλαίουσα, η. fern, par. pres. act. of κλαίω. Κλάττεϊς, -είσα, -εν, par. 2 a. pass, of κλέπτω. Κλαρονόμως,Ά.ρΙ.Όοτ.οΐκληοονόμος. Κλαρο?, Dor. for κλήρος. Κλαρο'ω -ω, Dor. for κληρόω — Κλάρωσε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. Dor. and Ion. Κλος, -αδος, η, see κλάδος. Κ,λάσας, -ασα, -αν, par. — Κλασαί, inf. 1 a. act. — Κλασθεϊ?, -εΓσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass, of κλάω. Κλάσίίϊ -Όίι Att. -εως, η, (fr. κλάω to break) a breaking, pruning ; a breach, fracture, d. κλάσει. Κλάσμα, -άτος, το, (fr. same) a fragment, piece ; remnant, re- mainder, pi. κλάσματα, g. -των. Κλάσω, Dor. for κλείσω, 1 f. ind. act. of κλείω. Κλανδη, -ης, if, the name of an island. Κλαυοϊα, -ας, η, a woman's name. Κλανθμος, -ov, δ, (fr. κλαίω to weep) weeping, wailing, lamentation. Κλανθμνρίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. same) to weep, wail, cry, squall; to make weep, mourn or condole with. Κλανθμυρισμος, -ov, b, (fr. same) weeping, crying, squalling like an infant. (343) ΚΛΕ Κλαιθμων, -ωνος, b, weepings mourning, lamentation, condo- lence ; a place of weeping, house of mourning. Κλαύσατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. — Κλαύσετε, 2 pi. 1 f. ind. act. — Κλαόστ/, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of κλαίω. Κλαυσεΐται, 3 sin. of Κλαυσουααι, -fj, -εΐται, Dor. for κλανσομαι, 1 f. ind. mid. — Κλαύσω, -ε<ί, -εί, in 2 pi. Κλαύ- σετε, 1 f. ind. act. of κλαίω. Κλάω, f. -άσω, p. κέκλακα, to break, divide ; to fell, cut down ; to prune, lop ; to bruise, crush, ravage, spoil, desolate ; to wound, maim, mangle. 1 a. act. ind. έκλασα' inf. κλάσαι' par. κλάσας* 2 a. ind. act. έκλάδον. par, pres. pass, κλαόμενος -ώμενος. pef. ind. pass, κέκλασμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, εκλάσθην, -ης, -η. Κλεάριστος, -ov, δ, a man's name. Κλεενιυς, -η, -δν, for κλεινός. Κλεηδών, -όνος, η, for κλ>7<5ών, which see. Κλεθήσομαι, -»/, -εται, 3 pi. -θήσον- ται, 1 f. ind. pass. — Κληθώ, -ΐ]ς, -?;, pi. -θώμεν, -θητε, 1 a. sub. pass, of κα λ (ω. Κλε?α, -ων, τα, (cont. fr. κλέεα ν\, of κλέος fame) feats, exploits, achievements, honours. Κλείδα, a. sin. of κλείς. Κλειδούχος, -ov, δ, (fr. κλεϊς a key, and έχω to have) a door keeper, guard. Κλειδόω -ω, (fr. κλεϊς a key) to shut, lock up. Κλειεί, 3 sin. pres. ind. — Κλείετε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. act. of κλείω. Κλειθρία, -ας, ?/, (fr. κλείω to shut) a chink, cranny, crevice ; a lat- tice ; a keyhole. Κλεϊθρον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a bar, barrier, fence, enclosure ; a gate, door, shutter ; a lock, bolt, latch. Κλεινό?, -»7, -ov, (fr. κλείω to cele- brate) renowned, famous, cele- brated ; noble, great, excellent, illustrious. Κλεΐξαι, Dor. for. κλεΊσαι, 1 a. in£ act. of same. Κλείουσαί, η. pi. fern, of κλείων. Κλείς, κλείδος, η, (fr. κλείω to shut) a key ; a bar, bolt, shutter, a. pi. κλείδας and κλεΐς. ΚλεΓσαί, 1 a. inf. — Κλείσα?, par« — Κλείσε, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. — Κλείσθώ, -ης, -η, 3 pi. -θωσι or -σίν, 1 a. sub. pass, of κλείω. Κλε«στδ?, -η, -ov, (fr. same) shut, closed ; enclosed, confined ; to be shut, that may be closed. Κλείτά?, a. pi. fern. — Κλειτήν, a. sin. fern, of κλειτάς. Κλειτορις, -'ίδος, η, a part of a wo man's generative organs. Κλειτος, -η, -bv, (fr. κλείω to cele- brate) renowned, celebrated, fa- mous ; noble, illustrious. Κλείω, f. -σω, p. κέκλεικα, to shut, shut up, close, fasten, bar, bolt, lock ; to repress, confine, re- strain. Also, to sing of, ecl« ΚΛΗ brate, record, mention. 1 a. act. ind. έκλεισα' sub. κλείσω, -ης, -n' inf. κλ ΰ σαι. per. pass. ind. κέ- κλεισμαι and κίκλειμαι' par. κε- κλεισμένος, -η, -ov. 1 a. pass, ind. εκλιίσθην, -ης, -η' sub. κλε- ισθώ, -ής, -ή. Κλειώ, -όος -ους, η, Clio, one of the muses. Κλείων, -ονσα, -ov, (par. pres. act. of κλείω) celebrated, famous ; il- lustrious. Κλέμμα, -ατός, το, (fr. κλέπτω to steal) theft, robbery, stealth , deceit, fraud, artifice, stratagem ; secret benevolence, g. pi. κλεμ- μάτων. Κλεμμνς, -ύος, b, (fr. same) a tor- toise. Κλέοβις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, a man's name. Κλέομαι, Poet, for κλείομαι, pass. of κλείω. Κλεόπας, -ov, b, a man's name. Κλεοπάτρη, d. Ion. of Κλεοπάτρα, -ας, η, a woman's name. Κλέο; and Κλείος, -εος -ονς, το, (fr. κλείω to celebrate) glory, re- nown, fame, reputation, cele- brity ; greatness, splendour ; ru- mour, report. Κλεπτας, -ου, b, Dor. for κλέπτης. Κλέπτε, -τέτω, pres. impr. act. — Κλέπτειν, pres. inf. act. — Κλί7Γ- τηυσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Κλ έπτων, par. pres. act.of κλέπτω . Κλέπτης, -ov, b, (fr. same) a thief, robber. Κλεπτ'ΐκή, -ης, ή, (fern, of next) thievery, pilfering, robbery. Κλεπτικος, -η, -bv, (fr. κλέπτω to steal ) thievish, pilfering ; deceit- ful, fraudulent ; clandestine, se- cret. Κλέπτοισα, Dor. for κλέντουσα, η. fern. par. pres. act. — Κλεπτό- μενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of κλέπτω. Κλεπτρία, -ας, ij, (fr. same) a thief. Κλέπτω, f. -ψω, p. κέκλεφα,ίο steal, pilfer ; to conceal, secrete, hide, put out of the way ; to act clan- destinely, speak deceitfully, dis- semble ; to deceive, mislead, im- pose on; to overreach, defraud, cozen, cheat. Κλέτας, το, and Κλίτνς, b, (fr. κλίνω to lean) a rock, cliff", ridge, pro- montory. Κλεννΐκος, Dor. for Κλεδνΐκος, -ov, b, a man's name. Κλέψας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. — Κλέψω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. — Κλέψω, -ης,- -η, in 3 pi. Κλε'- \{/ωσι, 1 a. sub. act. of κλέπτω. Κλεψύδρα, -ας, f/, (fr. κλέπτω to steal, and ύδωρ water) a clock or time-piece moved by water ; an hour-glass. Κλέων, -ωνος, b, a man's name. Κλέωνα, -ας, η, elecampane. Κλί/δην, (fr. καλέω to call) by name ; expressly, particularly. Κληδονίζομαι, f. -ίσομαι, (fr. κληδών report, th. κλείω to celebrate) to foretell by birds, augur, fore- ΚΛΗ ΚΛΙ bode, prognosticate, prophesy, di- vine ; to consult, inquire, ask a divination. Κληδόνισμα, -ατός, το, and Κληδο- νισμος, -ου, b, (fr. same) augu- ry, divination ; consultation. Κλήδος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. κλείω to shut) a hedge, fence, enclosure,) Κλήρος, -ου, b, a lot, ballot, pebble mound, ditch. Κληδοΰχος, same as κλειδούχος. Κληδών, and Poet. Κλεηδών, -όνος,• b, (fr. κλείω to celebrate) a good Κληρονομιά, -ας, {], (fr. κλήρος afl estate, and νέμω to divide) an inheritance, patrimony, estate, property. Κληρονόμος, ov, b, (fr. same) an heir, inheritor ; possessor, own- name or report, praise ; repu- tation, celebrity, credit, renown ; a good omen, lucky sign. Κληδών, same as ■χλιδών. Κλήειν, Ion. for κλείειν, pres. inf. act. of κλείω. Κληζω for κληΐζω. Κληθείς, -εΊσα, -εν, g. Κληθέντος, par. 1 a. pass. — Κληθήσομαι, -r/, -εται, 3pl. -θήσονται, 1 f. ind. pass. — Κληθώ, -ης, -fj, pi. -θώ- μεν, -θητε, 1 a. sub. pass, of κα- λέω. Κλήθρα, -ας, and Κλήθρος, -ov, η, an alder-tree. Κληθρον, -ου, το, (fr. κλείω to shut) α bolt, lock; a bar, rail, gate, barrier ; a restraint, hindrance. Κληΐζω, f. -ϊσω, same as κλείω. Κληΐς, -Έδος, >/, (same as κλεϊς, fr. κλείω to shut) a key, lock ; a bar, bolt, latch ; a door, shutter ; a transom or beam in a ship or boat ; m a bench or bank for row- ers. Κληΐσαι, 1 a. inf. act. οι κληΐζω. Κληΐω for κλείω. Κλήμα, -ατός, το, (fr. κλάω to break) a vine-shoot, tendril, twig. pi. κλήματα. Κληματίς, -ίδος, η, and Κλημάτων, -ου, τδ, (dim. of last) a vine- bud or young shoot, tendril, spray ; a twig, sprig, cutting. Κληματόω -ώ, (fr. κλήμα a vine• branch) to shade with vines, overshadow with young trees. Κλήμης, -εντός, b, Clemens, Eng Clement. Κληροδοσία, -ας, ?/, (fr. κλήρος an estate, and δίδωμι to give) the distribution of a property ; divi sion by lot, allotment, apportion- ment. Κληροδοτέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same) to distribute by lot, share, appor- tion, divide ; to make or name an heir, give or bequeath a pro- perty. Κληροδότης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a testator, devisour, who names an heir or bequeaths a property. Κληρονομεί, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. — ΚληρονομεΊν, pres. inf. act. cont. — Κληρονο μουντών, g. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of Κληρονομέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. κεκληρο- Κλιμακτηρ, -ήρος, b, (fr. next) the bean ; a vote ; chance, fortune, accident, uncertainty ; an inhe- ritance, estate, patrimony ; a por- tion, share, allotment ; ground divided or given to settlers ; land, property, possessions ; a charge, trust, office, employment ; α worm infesting honeycombs. ■Κληρονχία, -ας, η, and Κληροΰχος-, -ου, b, f), (fr. κλήρος an estate, and έχω to get) sume as κληρο- νομιά and κληρονόμος. Κληρόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, p. κεκλήρωκα, (fr. κλήρος a lot) to take or get by lot ; obtain of right or in course of law, inherit ; to choose, appoint, elect, vote ; to allot, distribute, p^s. ind. pass, κλη- ρόομαι -ουμαι' 1 a. ind. pass. εκληρώθην. 1 f. ind. mid. κληρώ- σομαι. Κληρωτϊ and Κληρωταΐ, (fr. same) by lot. Κληρωτός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) chosen, elected. Κλήσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, t), (fr. καλέω to call) a calling, inintation, summons; an employment, vo- cation, office, duty. d. κλήσει, a. κλήσιν. Κλήσον, 1 a. impr. act. of κληζω for κληΐζω. Κλήσον, by Sync, for κάλεσον, 1 a. impr. act. of καλέω. Κλητέος, -a, -ov, (fr. καλέω to call) to be called, named, &c. accord- ing to the verb. Κλ?7τεύω, (fr. same) to summon for evidence, call upon, cite. Κλητήρ, -ήρος, and Κλ^τώρ, -όρος, b, {fr. same) a summoner, ap- paritor, serjeant, beadle, crier ; a suppliant, petitioner. ΚλητΙκος, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) call- ing, naming, giving a name, ap- pellative, that is called. Κλητος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) called, named. Κλήτωρ, -ορός, b, see κλητήρ. Κλιβάδιον, -ου, το, the name ο» some herb. ΚλΊβΆνος and Κρ'ιβανος, -ου, h, (fr. κρίθη barlfy, and βαυνος a fur- nace) a stove, kiln, oven. Κλίμα,-ατος, το, (fr. κλίνω to lean) a clime, climate, border, region, tract, space ; declivity, slope, in- clination, descent ; a measure of sixty feet square, pi. κλίματα, d. κλίμασι. νόμηκα, (fr. κλήρος an estate, and νέμω to share) to inherit, come to a property, get .by right or course of law ; to possess, oum, enjoy. 1 a. act. ind. εκληρονόμη- σα' impr. κληρονόμησαν, -άτω, in 2 pi. -μήσατε' sub. κληρονομήσω' inf. κληρονομησαι. ■ (344) step of a ladder ; a step, stair, fight of stairs ; the climacteric or critical year. Κλίμαξ, -ακος, f), (fr. κλίνω to lean) a ladder, staircase, fight of steps, ascent ; a climax. Κλίμα-??, -Yioj, ή, same as κλήμα- τις. ΚΛΟ Κλ/να?, p.ir. 1 a. act. — Κλί'νειν, pres. inf. act. — Κλ/177, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. — Κλινουσων, g. pi. fern. par. pres. act. of κλί- νω. Κλίνη, -ης, and Dor. Κλίνα, -ας, η, (fr. κλίνω to lean) a bed, couch, sofa. Κλινθήτην, Ion. for εκλινθήτην, 3 du. 1 a. ind. pass, of κλίνω. Κλινίδιον and Κλινάριον, -ου, το alsoKA/j/tf, -ιίος,η, (dim. of κλί- νη a couch) a sofa, iittle couch or bed. Κλινικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) attend- ing the sick, nursing; confined to bed, sick, bedridden. Κλίνομεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. — Κλινόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of κλίνω. Κλινοτοιός, -υυ, b, η, (fr. κλίνη a couch, and ποιίω to make) α maker of couches or bedsteads ; an upholsterer. Κλινουμεν, 1 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of κλίνω. Κλιντήρ, -ΐιρος, b, (fr. same) a chair, litter, covered couch, close car- nage. Κλίνω, f. -ινώ, p. κίκΧίκα, to bend, bow down, incline, lean, stoop ; to lean back, rest upon, recline ; to border, ox/join ; to turn back- ward, recoil, shrink ; to turn, beat back, drive off", put to flight, rout. Κλίνομαι, to decline, turn away, fly or flee, give ground. 1 a. ind. act. έκλινα, -ας, -ε. per. ind. pass, κέκλίμαι. Κλισία, -ας, and Ion. Κλ«σ/>7, -ης, il, (fr. last) α lodging, bed-cham- ber ; a sitting or lying down ; a company seated or set at meat ; a tent, pavilion ; a hut, cottage, cabin. Κλισίαδες, -ων, al, (fr. same) dou- ble or folding doors. Κλισίηθεν, (fr. κλισίη Ion. a tent) from the tent. Κλισίηνδε, (fr. same) to the tent. Κλίσιον, -ου, το, (fr. κλισία a tent) a lodging ; a tent ; a hut, cabin; a sheepfold, sheepcot ; a stable, stall. Κλίσις, -ιος, Att. -εωί, ff, (fr. κλίνω to lean) a bending, inclina- tion ; a motion, movement ; a turn or turning ; a side, quar- ter, part. Κλισμός, -ov, b, (fr. same) a couch, sqta. Κλίτος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. same) ο declivity, slope, devexity. inclina- tion ; a side, quarter, extremity, corner. Κλίτυς, -υος, f), (fr. same) the side of a hill, declivity, descent ; a valley, hollow, glen. Κλοιός, -ov, % (fr. κλείω to shut) α collar, necklace ; a neckyoke, chain or log tied to the neck. Κλονέοντο, Ion. for εκλονέοντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of Κλοι•/ω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. κλόνος tu- mult) to disorder, confuse ; to rout, chase, harass. Κλοντσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. I Xx ΚΛΤ same) disturbance, tumult, sedi- tion, mutiny. Κλύνιον, -ov, τδ, (perhaps fr. next) the backbone, spine ; the hip. Κλόνις, -ιος, Att. -εωί, η, the belly. Κλονιστήρ, -ήρος, b, (fr. last) a sword hung to the waist. Κλύνος, -ου, b, a croud, mixed mul- titude; tumult, disturbance, con- fusion ; bustle, din, clamour, noise. Κλοπεύω, f. -ευσω, and Κλοττεω, f. -7/σω, (fr. next) to pilfer, steal, purloin. Κλοπή, -ης, η, (fr. κλέπτω to steal) stealing, thievery, theft ; stealth, secrecy ; subtlety, craft, artifice, fraud, deception, seduction. Κλόπίμος, -η, -ov, (fr. last) thievish, secret, clandestine ; stolen, got by thefl. Κλοπϊμως, (fr. last) clandestinely, by stealth, slyly, fraudulently. Κλοποφυρέω -ω, (fr. κλοπή stealth, and ψερω to carry) to purloin, steal, take by theft. 1 a. ind. act. εκλοποφόρησα. Κλυτοπεύω, f. -ευσω, (fr. κλυτός fine, and όψ a word) to impose upon, wheedle^ deceive; to give fine words, speak fairly, waste time in talking ; to elude, avoid, shun, shuffle. Κλονβον, -ov, το, a seal. Κλνβατις, the herb parietary or pel- lilory of the wall. Κλυδωνίζομαι, f. -'ϊσομαι, (fr. next) to rise in waves, rage, swell, foam ; to toss or agitate like waves, par. pres. pass, κλνδωνι ζόμενος, -η, -ov. Κλύδων, -ωνος, b, (fr. κλνζω to wash) a wave, billoiv, swell ; the tide or rage of the sea ; a torrent, flood, d. κλνδωνι. Κλνδωνίον, -ov, το, (fr. last) a bil- low, wave, surge, foam. Κλνεν, Ion. for έκλνε, 3 sin. impf. act. of κλνω. Κμνζεσκεν, 3 sin. impf. act. of κλυ- ζέσκω, Ion. for κλνζω. Κλνζόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of Κλύζω, to wash, cleanse, rinse, make clean ; to wash out, purge, eva- cuate ; to overflow, inundate ; to swell, rage ; to murmur, roar, bellow like the sea. Κλυθι, pres. impr. act. of κλνμι, same as κλνω. Κλνμενη, -ης, ι), (fern, of next) a woman's name. Κλνμενος, -rj, -ov, (par. pres. pass, of κλΰμι) heard of , famous, re- nowned, celebrated ; noble, illus- trious. Κλνμι, same as κλνω. pres. impr. act. κλνθι. Κλνοιμι,-οις, -οι. pres. opt. act. — Κλνον, Ion. for έκλνον, impf. ind. act. of κλνω. Κλνστήρ, -ήρος, b, (fr. κλνζω to wash) a clyster ; a syringe. Κλυταιμνήστρα, -ας 7 η, Clytcemnes- tra, a woman's name. Κλντόκαρπυς, -ov, b, η, (fr. κλντός famous, and καρπός fruit) no- (34-5) KNA My productive, bringing splindid fruits or glorious rewards. Κλυτόπωλος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. same, and πώλος a young horse) famed for horses. Κλυτός, -ή, -ov, and -ου, b, ή, (fr. κλνω to hear) audible, vocal. pc- sounding, loud ; noisy, uttering any sou?td, as lowing, bleating, &c. ; heard, spoken of, cele- brated ; famous, renowned, me- morable ; noble, illustrious. Κλντοτίχνης, -ου, b, (fr. last, and τέχνη ingenuity) the famous art- ist. Κλντότοξος, -ov, b, (fr. same, and τόξον a bow) good at the bow ; an expert archer. Κλύω, to hear ; to hearken, listen, or attend to, mind, regard, ob- serve ; to obey, comply with, hu mour, indulge ; to discern, per- ceive, understand, know, appre- hend. Κλωβός, -ov, //, a bird-cage, coop. Κλώζω, f. -ξω, to chatter, creak, crow, croak, cluck ; to hiss off, ex- plode. Κλώθω, f. -σω, to spin, twist ; to wind up, roll ; to fate, destine, doom, predesiin ate. Κλωθώ, -όος -ους, η, Clotho, one of the three fates. Κλωμακόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. next) craggy, rugged, rough; steep, precipitous. Κλώμαξ, -ακος, b, ruggedness, a sleep ascent, cliff, ridge ; a heap of stones, cairn. Κλωμεν, 1 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. — Κλώμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. cont. — Κλώντεί, η. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of κλάω. Κλών, -ωνος, b, (fr. κλάω to break) a branch, bough ; a shoot, offset, sucker, twig ; the sole of the foot. a. sin. κλώνα' pi. κλώνας. Κλωνίον, -ov, το, (dim. of last) a twig, sucker, shoot, offset. Κλωπας, -ου, b, a man's name Κλώπες, η. pi. of κλώψ. Κλωττευω, f. -εύσω, (fr. κλώψ a thief) same as κλοπεύω. Κλωποπατωρ, -ορός, b, (fr. same, and πατήρ a father) a son of a thief. Κλύσμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. κλώθω to spinier, thread, yarn. Κλνστήρ, -ϊΊρος, b, (fr. same) a spindle, distaff, spinning-wheel. Κλωστής, -ου, b, (fr. same) a spin- ner. Κλώψ, -ωπος, b, (fr. κλέπτω to steal) a thief, robber. Κμελεθρα, -ων, τα, beams, joists, gi'ders. Κμητός, -ή, -ov, (fr. κάμνω to work) laboured, wrought, finished, ela- borate, perfect. Κναίω, see κναω. Κνακός, Dor. ϊοτ κνηκός. Κνάκων, -όνος, b, (fr. last) a goat, buck-goat. Κνάμα, -ας, a, Dor. for κνήμη. Κνάμπτω, (fr. κάμπτω to bend) to how, bend ; to crush, depress, conquer. Κνάμπτομαι, to fail ΚΝΗ sink under ; to crouch., yield, submit. Κναμώς, Dor. for κνημονς, a. pi. of . κνημός. Κνάπτω, f. -ψω, p. -φα, to card, combfdress, nap or full cloth ; to smooth, polish, finish. Κνασαι, Dor., for κνήσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of κνάω. Κνάφεων, -ου, το, (fr. next) a ful~ lev's shop ; a fulling-mill. Κνάφενς, -έος, Att. -έως, b, (fr. κνάπτω to card) a fuller, dresser of cloth, bleacher. Κνάφος, -ov, b, (fr. same) the herb fuller's thistle or fuller's teazle ; an instrument used in dressing cloth. Κναφήϊον, -ov, rb, Ion. for κνάφειον. Κνάω, Κναίω, Κνέω, and Κνημι, to cut, hack, slash ; to break off, tear, rend, pull in pieces ; to shave, scrape, scratch, grate, rub against ; to cause itching ; to irritate, excite, provoke, per. ind. pass, κέκναισμαι. Κνεφάϊος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) dark, in the dark ; dusky, gloomy, shady, close. Κνεφάος, το, same as Κνέφας, -ατός, and Κνέφος, -εος, το, (fr. νέφος a cloud) darkness, ob- scurity, gloom ; night ; twilight ; dawn, daybreak. Κνίωρον, -ου, το, (perhaps fr. κνέω to scrape) an herb which bites the tongue. Κνή, Ion. for έκνη, 3 sin. impf. of κνημι. Or for εκνα, 3 sin. impf. cont. of κνάω. Κνήθω, f. κνήσω, p. κέκνηκα, (fr. κνάω to scratch) to scrape, rake, pinch, bruise ; to tickle ; to rub, chafe, fret ; to tease, vex, irritate, provoke. Κνήθομαι, to feci ,,an itching, be curious, par. pres. pass, κνηθόμενος, -η, -ov. Κνηκίας, -ου, b, (fr. κνηκδς tawny) a wolf. Κνηκϊς, -ίδος, η, (fr. same) a speck, mole. Κνηκος, -ου, η, a kind of yellow seed ; an herb resembling saf- fron, bastard saffron. Κνηκος, -η, -ov, (fr. last) yellowish, pale yellow, tawny. Κνήμα, -άτυς, το, (fr. κνάω to scrape) a fragment, piece, bit, chip, shavings, raspings, filings itching, itch. Κνήμαργος, -ου, b, η, (fr. κνήμη the leg, and αργός white) white leg- ged. Κνήμη, -ης, !j, the leg, shank, shin- bone ; a spoke of a wheel. Κνήμησι, Ion. κνήααις, d. pi. of last. Κνήμια, -ας, ή, (fr. same) a spoke of a wheel. Κνημϊδας, a. pi. of κνημίς. Κνημιδοφόρος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. κνημϊς leg-armour, and φέρω to carry) equipped with sreaves. Κνημϊς, -Ίδος, η, (fr. κνήμη the shin) covering or armour for the leg ; a boot, greaves, crash. Ίίνημος, -ov, b, (fr. same) that part KNI of a mountain next the foot, the lower part of a mountain. Κνησέρα, -ας, η, (perhaps fr. κνάω to scrape) a strainer. Κνησθείην, -ης, -η, 1 a. opt. pass, of κνήθω. Κνηστήρ, -ήρος, b, (fr. κνάω to scrape) a rake, scraper ; a slay- er, killer, murderer. Κνηστήρϊον, and Κνήστρον, -ov, το, (fr. same) a rake, scraper. ΚνηστΙς, -ίδος, η, (fr. same) a small javelin or dart ; a pipe, reed ; a needle, bodkin. Κνήστις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) a knife, razor ; a scraper, rasp, particularly for cheese. Κνηστος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) shaved, rasped, scraped ; cut, chopped, shred ; torn, rent, mangled. Κνήφη, -ης, η, (perhaps fr. same) the itch ; a nettle. Κνίδειος, -a, -ov, of the wild olive. Κνίδη, -ης, η, (fr. κνίζω to Sling) a nettle. Kv ίδιον, -ov, το, the fruit of the wild olive. Κνίδος, -ov, η, the name of a town, and of a river. Κνιζομένα, Dor. for κνιζομένη, η. fern. par. pres. pass, of Κνίζω, (fr. κνάω to scrape) to cut, divide, rend, tear ; to scrape, scratch, rasp, rake ; to pluck, nibble ; to puncture, prick ; to tickle, sting, exdte itching ; to irritate, torture, afflict ; to de stroy, kill, slay. Κνιττολόγος, and Κνιττολόχος, -ov, b, (fr. Kviip a grub, and λέγω to gather) a bird which lives upon gnats or their grubs ; a gnat eater. Κνιπος, -η, -bv, (fr. κνάω to scrape) parsimonious, sparing, miserly, niggardly. Κνιπότης, -ητος, ή, (fr. same) an itching. Κνίς, κνιδός, (fr. κνίζω to sting) a nettle. Κνισαντι, by Cras. for κνισάεντι Dor. for κνισήεντι, d. sin. of κνι- σήεις or κνισσήεις. Κνίσδειν,Όοτ. for κνίζειν, pres. inf. act. of κνίζω. Κνισμος, -ov, b, (fr. κνίζω to tickle) an itching, tickling, irritation. Κνίσσα or Κνίσα, -ης, η, (fr. same) the smoke or fume of fat bu ing ; the savour, scent or smell arising from it ; fat ; an odour, perfume. Κνίσσαι, Poet, for κνίσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of κνίζω. Κνισσάω, f. -ήσώ, (fr. κνίσσα odour, th. κνίζω to tickle) to perfume, fill or impregnate with a scent or smell ; to send up vapours, emit smells, exhale odours ; to smoke, spoil or infect ivith smoke. Κνισσήεις or Κνισήεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. same) steaming, smoking ; odorous, odoriferous, strong- smelling ; fragrant, perfumed. Κνισσοδιώκτης, (fr. κνίσα a smell, and διώκω to pursue) a smell- feast, parasite. (346) ΚΟΔ Κνισσος, -ου, b, (tr. same) adinner- hunter, smell-feast. Κνϊψ, -ιπος, b, (fr. κνίζω to gnaw) a gnat ; a worm or grub thai eats timber. Κνόος -ονς, -όου -ου, η, (fr. kvoju U oppress) the creaking of a wheel the groaning of an axle-tree. Κνόφος, same as γνόφος and νέφας Κνύ, a jot, iota, something very small. Κννζα, -ης, ^, (fr. κννζω to scratch) scabbiness, itchiness ; scab, itchy mange; a plant also called κ(- ννζα. Κννζάω, and Κννζέω or Κνζέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. κνάω to scrape) to bleat as a goat ; to whine as a dog, cry fawningly ; to whimper \ moan lowly ; to yelp, yell. Κννζευνται, Dor. for κννζουνται, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. mid. of κνυζέω. Κννζω, and Κνύω, (fr. κνάω to scrape) to shave; to scrape, rasp, grate, scratch. Κνώδάλον, -ου, rb, a beast, brute, animal, creature. Κνώδαζ, -άκος, b, a linchpin. Κνώδων or Κνώδονς, -οντος, h, (fr. κνάω to wound, and οδούς a toolh) the point of any weapon, edge of a sword ; a prong or projecting barb, on each side of a hunting-spear. Κνωσσω, (fr. κενός vacant, and 6σ σος the eye) to sleep soundly ; tt snore. Κνώψ, -6-ιτος, b, t), (fr. κενός vacant, and ώψ the eye) blind. Κοάλεμος, -ov, b, £, dull, heavy, . stupid, foolish, silly, simple, half- witted. Κόαξ, the croak or noise of a frog,' a frog. Κοάω, to hear, listen, attend ; to understand, perceive, know, ap- prehend. It is also used for καίω. Καβάλος, -ov, b, η, (perhaps fr. κακός evil, and βουλή counsel) artful, cunning, subtle, insidi- ous ; abusive, reproachful, ca- lumnious, ill-tongued ; talkative,; flippant, babbling ; fawning cringing, servile. Κοβείρος, -ov, b, >), ridiculous, laughable. Κόβϋλις, -ιος, Att. -εως, %, a rasp for cheese. Κόγχη, -ης, η, a shell. Κογχΐτης, -ov, b, (fr. last) a white stone or marble containing shells. Κόγχος, -ov, b, (fr. same) a shell, properly spiral or turbinated ; a boss, stud, knob ; the hollov) of the eye ; the navel. Κογχύλη, -ης, f/, (fr. same) an oyster ; the shell-fish yielding the purple dye ; purple, scarlet. Κογχυλών, -ov, rb, (fr. same) any shell-fish ; that which yields the purple, the juice of that fish ; wool or cloth dyed with it ; pur- ple, scai let. Κόδαλον, -ov, το, a kind of fish, mullet. KOI Κοδομιύω, to fry, parch, toast or roast barley. Κοδράντης, -ου, b, (fr. Lat. qua- drans) the fourth part of the Ro- man as, a farthing. Κοίω -ώ, Ion. for νοεω. Κόθορνος, -ου, δ, a buskin with a high heel used by tragic actors ; a boot, half-boot ; a turncoat, trim- mer. Κυθονρις, (fr. next) a name for a fox. Κοθονρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. κεύθω to hide, and ουρά the tail) hiding or wanting the tail or sting; dull, blunt ; maimed, defective ; a drone, lazy, idle; a thief, sly, insidious. Κοΐ, the noise of a pig, grunt. Κοίη, Ion. for ποία, (d. sin. of κοΊος or ποίος) which way ? whither ? how ? why ? Κοικύλλω, to look round about, roll the eyes. Κοιλάδος, g. sin. of κοιλάς. Κοιλαίνω, f. -ανώ, (fr. κοίλος hol- low) to hollow, scoop, bore; to gut, embowel, draw, paunch ; to draw out, empty. 1 a. ind. act. εκοίλάνα, Att. εκοίληνα. Κοιλάς, -άδος, η, (fr. same) a hol- low, valley ; cave, cavern ; a gulf, abyss, the depth of the sea. Κοίλη, -ης, fi, (fern, of same) the hollow part or hold of a ship. Κοιλήνας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. of κοίλαίνω. Κοίλησι, and Κοίλα?, Ion. for κοί- λαις, d. pi. fem. of κοίλος. Κοιλία, -ας, η, (fr. κοίλος hollow) the belly, paunch ; the womb ; a carcass; a canal, aqueduct, wa- tercourse. Κοιλιακός, -η, -bv, (fr. last) of the belly, afflicted in the bowels, grip ed, laxative. Κοιλιοδαίμων, -όνος, b, ή, (fr. same, and δαίμων a deity) a parasite, smeUfeast, glutton, epicure, whose god is his belly. Κοιλιόδεσμος, -ov, b, (fr. same, and δέω to tie) an apron. Κοιλογάστωρ, -ορός, b, η, (fr. same, and γαστήρ a belly) hollow-bel lied, vast, spacious; empty bet lied, hungry, ravenous. Κοίλον, -ov, το, (neut. of κοίλος hollow) α cavity, hollow, pit ; the palm of the hand, hollow of the foot. Κοΐλα, -ων, -τα, the loins, flank. Κοιλόπεδος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. κοίλος hollow, and πεδον ground) low. hollow, encompassed by hills ; level, plain, flat. Κοίλος, -η, -ov, hollow, empty, void; excavated, perforated, porous ; concave, depressed, sunk, low, deep ; capacious ; undulating, with many valleys. Comp. κοι- λότερος, sup. -τατος. Κοιλοσταθμέω -ω, (fr. last, and σθάθμυς a Standing, th. ΐστημι to stand) to arch, vault ; to board, wainscot ; to ceil. Κοιλάσταθμος^ -ov 3 b, ff } (fr. same) KOI arched, vaulted ; boarded, wains- cotte.d, ceiled. Κοιλοστομία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and στόμα the mouth) a hollow voice, harshness of voice. Κ.οι\άστομος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) with a hollow or rough voice. Κοιλότης, -ητος, η, (fr. κοίλος hol- low) hollowness, porousness, ca• vity, depression. Κοιλόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. same) to hollow, excavate ; to pierce, per- forate ; to sink, depress, deepen. Κοίλωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) α hollow, cavity, pit; a channel, bed of a nver, the ocean, depth of the sea. Κοιμάθ\ Ion. before an aspirate for εκοιματο, 3 sin. cont. impf. pass, of Κοιμάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. κεκοίμηκα, to put to bed, cast asleep, set to rest ; to lull, compose; to allay, mitigate. Κοιμάομαι -ωμαι, to compose one's self; to sleep, fall asleep ; to die, decease, par. pres. pass, κοιμαόμενος -ώμενος. per. ind. pass, κεκοίμημαι. par. κεκοι- μημενος. 1 a. pass. ind. εκοιμή- θην impr. κοιμήθητι, -ήτω' iaf. κοιμηθηναι' par. κοιμηθείς, -είσα, -έν. 1 a. mid. ind. εκοιμησάμην, -ω, -α~ )' impr. κοίμησαι, -άσθω, in 2 pi. κοιμήσασθε. Κοιμηθ^, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass. — Κυιμηθησόμεθα, 1 pi. 1 f. ind. pass. — Κοιμηθέντες, η. — Κοι- μηθέντας, a. pi. par. 1 a. pass. — Κοιμήσαντο, Ion. for εκοιμήσαντο, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. of last. Κοίμησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) sleep, death. Κοιμητήριον, and Κοιμήτριον,. or -τρον, -ov, το, (fr. same) a sleep- ing place, bedchamber, dormi- tory ; a cemetery, sepulchre, ca- tacomb, vault. Κοιμίζω, f. -ίσω, same, as κοιμάω. 1 a. ind. act. εκοίμισα. Κοιμωνται, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. pass. — Κοιμώμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. cont. of κοιμάω. Κοινάομαι -ωμαι, \fr. κοινός com- mon) see κοινόω. Κοινά, -ων, τα, (neut. pi. of same) common games or public meet- ings supported by a number of cities in Asia minor ; the public affairs, public edifices. Κοινάσαντες, Dor. for κοινώσαντες, or κοινήσαντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. act. of κοινόω or κοινίω. Κοινή, (d. sin. fem. of κοινός com- mon) in common, all together, alike, jointly, without exception, collectively ; publicly, commonly, generally, indifferently.. Κοινοί, cont. for κοινόει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. ; and for κοινόοι, 3 sin. pres. opt. act. ; and for κοινόη, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. or 2 sin. pres. ind. or sub. pass, of κοινόω. Κοινολογεομαι, or Κοινηλογεομαι ουμαι, 'and Κοινολογίζομαι, (fr KOI together, confer, commune, dis- course ; to communicate, im- part. Κοινολογία, -ας, η, (fr. same) talk % conversation ; a conference, par- ley, consultation, deliberation, discussion ; a communication, interchange ; a conspiracy, con- federacy, combination. Κοινόμυια, -ας, η, (fr. κοινός CO"•• mon, and μυ7α a fly) α swarm of flies, all sorts of flies. Κοινόν, -ου, το, (neut. sin. of κοινό, common) a community or con- federacy of several states of Asia minor ; the public, community, state, commonwealth. Κοινός, -η, -ov, common, general, universal, ordinary y usual ; pub- lic, vulgar, trite, promiscuous, indiscriminate ; homely, low, mean; base, vile; profane, un- holy, unhallowed ; impure, un- clean ; foul, filthy, dirty ; fami- liar, gentle, courteous, friendly, sociable, social ; impartial, even % fair, just, equitable. Comp. κοι- νότερος' sup. -ότατος. Κοινότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) com- munity, participation, fellowship, partnership ; society, company, intercourse, conversation ; good- nature, gentleness, graciousness, affability, courtesy. Koivov, 2 sin. cont. pres. impr. mid. — Κοινουν, neut. sin. — Κοινουντα, neut. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of Κοινόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. κεκοίνωκα^ (fr. κοινός common) to communi- cate, impart, share, make ac- quainted with ; to confer, dis- course, consult together ; to pol- lute, defile, corrupt, contaminate ; to foul, soil, blemish ; to hold im- pure, call unclean, make com- mon. 1 a. act. ind. εκοίνωσα. Κοινω, d. sin. of κοινός. Κοινών, -ωνος, Poet, same as κοι- νωνός. Κοινωνεί, 3 sin. — Κοινωνείτε, 2 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. — Κοινωνεί- τω, 3 sin. cont. pres. impr. act. — Κοινωνουντα?, a. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of Κοινωνεω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. κεκοΐνώνη- κα, (fr. κοινός common) to im- part, distribute, confer, bestow, contribute; to share, partake of, get part ; to unite with, confede- rate, ally ; be connected with. 1 a. ind. act. εκοινώνησα. Κοινωνήσασι, d. pi. par. 1 a. act. ol last. Κοινωνία, -ας, η, (fr. same) commu- nity, participation, share; society ', intercourse, company ; alliance, connexion ; communication, dis- tribution, liberality, bounty. Κοινωνικοί, -η, -of, (fr. same) so- cial, sociable, courteous, friendly, affable, familiar ; liberal, bounti- ful, disposed to sharf. or im- part ; plain in food, easily satis- fled. κοινός common, and λέγω to j Κοινωνός, -ου, Ό, f/, (fr. same) shar- speak) to speak, talk or oorwer&el ing^ partaking, dwiding } Subs» (347) κοκ a partner, sharer, partaker ; a companion, associate ; abettor, accomplice. Κοινωνουσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. hid. act. of κοινωνέω. Κοινώς, (fr. κοινός common) in com- mon, together, unanimously ; equally, impartially. Κοινωσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of κοινόω. Κοινότερος, -a, -ov, comp. of κοινός. Κοινωφίλεια, -ας, r), (fr. κοινός com- mon, and ωφελέω to help) the public good, common weal. Κοϊί, -ΐκος, δ, a species of the palm tree, a vessel made of its bark. Κοιόλης, and Κοίης, -ov, b, a priest. ΚοΊος, JE.o\. and Ion. for -ποίος. ΚοΊος, -ου, δ, Coeus, one of the Ti- tans. Κοιοφδρος, -ου, >/, (perhaps fr. κνος an embryo, and φέρω to carry) pregnant, breeding. Κοιρανίοντα, a. sin. par. pres. act. — Κοιρανίοντι, Dor. for κορανέ- ουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Κοιρανεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. κεκοιράνη- κα, (fr. next) to rule, govern, command, order, direct ; to mar- shal, array. Κοίρανος, -ου, b, (fr. κύρος power) a prince, chief, king, ruler, lord, governor, commander, general. Also, a man's name. Κοισυρα, -ας, ή, Caesura, an Athe- nian lady, the pattern of luxury and elegance in her day. Κοιτάζω, and Κοιτάω -ω, (fr. κοίτη a bed) to put to bed, set at rest. Κοιτάζομαι, to go to rest, sleep, repose ; to nestle, roost. Κοιτάΐος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) in bed, abed; reposing, resting; lurk- ing, crouching. Κοιτάξατο, Dor. for εκοιτάσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of κοιτάζω. Κοιτασία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a lying with, cohabitation. Κοίτη, -ης, ή, a bed ; the marriage- bsd, wedlock ; cohabitation, for- nication ; lust, wantonness. Κοιτίον, -ov, το, (fr. last) a bed- chamber, sleeping-place. Κοιτις, -'ώος, η, (dim. of κοίτη a bed) a small bed, cot; a chest, wardrobe, press. Κοίτος, -ου, b, (fr. same) & bed ; repose, rest, sleep. Κοιτών, -ωνος, (fr. same) υ, b, a grain, berry or ex- crescence growing on the oak, kermes ; cochineal ; scarlet. Κοκκύαι, and Κοκναι, -ων, o\, al, ancestors, forefathers. Κοκκνζω, (fr. κύκκνξ a cuckoo) to cry like a cuckoo ; to croak, crow. Κοχκύ μήλον, -ov, τδ, (fr. same, and μήλον an apple) a kind of early plum. Κόκκνξ, -ϋγος, b, a cuckoo ; a kind of fish ; a green fig ; a helmet, *(/&, ones* ; a hiii, ctiff, ridge /, ΚΟΛ a certain herb ; the lower ex- tremity of the backbone, called os coccygis. Κοκκύσδω, Dor. for κοκκνζω. Κόκν, quickly, speedily, hastily. Κόλα, -ας, η, the belly. Κόλαβος, -ov, b, (fr. κόλον food) < piece, cut, chop, morsel, mouth- ful ; bread-or a cake baked in the ashes. Κολαβρίζω, to dance wantonly or in- solently, exult ; to insult, mock ; to flespise, scorn, slight ; to ty- rannize, oppress, humble. Κόλαβρος, -ov, b, a little hog, young pig ; an indecent song, obscenity. Κολάζω, f. -σω, p. κεκόλακα, to pu- nish, chastise ; to reprimand, re- prove ; to check, restrain, curb. par. pres. pass, κολαζόμενος, -η, -ov. 1 a. mid. ind. εκολασάμην, -ω, -ατο• per. ind. pass, κεκόλασ- μαι, -σαι, -ται. Κόλακας, a. pi. of κόλαξ. Κολακεία, and Κολακία, -ας, η, (fr. κόλαξ a flatterer) flattery, adula- tion, servility, fawning, compli- ance, submission. Κολάκευαν), -τ/ς, -n, 1 a. sub. act. of κολακεύω. Κολακευτέος, -a, -ov, (fr. κολακεύω to flatter) to be flattered, to be submitted to. Κολακευτικός, -η, -bv, (fr. next) flattering, fawning, adulatory, servile. Κολακεύω, f. -εύσω,ρ. κεκολάκευκα, (fr. κόλαξ a flatterer) to flatter, humour, comply with, assent to ; to fawn, cringe. Κολάκίς, -?ΰΌς, η, (fr. same) a fe- male flatterer, &c. Κολακρίται, Κολακρεται, and Κωλα- κρίται, -ων, ol, collectors of fines and mulcts ; also, of money for sacred expenses. Κόλαξ, -ακος, b, (perhaps fr. κόλ food) a flatterer, parasite. Κολάπται, -ων, al, (fr. κολάτττω to pound) buds, knops or gourds carved or "wrought for orna- ment. Κολατττηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. next) a mallei, axe, adz. Κολάτττω, f. -ψω, (perhaps fr. κοΐλος hollow) to pound, bruise, knock; to peck ; to cut out, hollow, ex- cavate ; to carve, engrave. Κόλάρις, -ιος, Att. -εωΐ, b, a crea- ture hostile to owls, hawks, &c. and is eaten by them. Κόλάσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, //,(fr. κολά- ζω to punish) punishment, chas- tisement ; torture, the rack ; a punishing or infliction of pu- nishment ; a check, restraint, hindrance ; pruning, lopping, a. κόλασιν. Κολασμός, -ου, b, and Κόλασμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same ) punishment, chastisement, torture ; the rack ; a penalty, mulct, fine ; animad- version, reproof, censure. Κολαστήριον, -ov, το, (fr. same) a place of punishment ; a gaol, prison, workhouse ; torture, rack. ΚοΧάσϊομαι, -η, -ηται, in 3 pi. Y348} KOA -σωνται, 1 a. sub. mid. of κο• λάζω. Κολαφίζαν, pres. inf. act. — Ko\a- φίξτ/, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. — Ko- λαφιζόμεθα, 1 pi. pres. ind. pass. — Κολαφίζόμεν ij, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of Κολαφίζω, f. -ί'σω, p. κεκολάφικα, (fr. next) to box, buffet, thump. Κόλαφος, -ov, b, (fr. κολάτττω to pound) a box, buffet, thump. ΚολεοΊιν, Poet, for κολεοΐν, g. du. — Κολεοΐο, Ion. for κολεου, g. sin. of Κολεός, and Ion. Κουλεος, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. κοίλος hollow) a scabbard, sheath ; a sack, bag ; a leathern bottle; a bucket, water- pot. Κολερος, -ά, -bv, smooth, even, level; bare, bald ; with little or short hair or wool. Κολετράω -ω, to tread down, tram- ple upon. Κολία, -ας, η, a kind of dance. Koλίaς,-oυ,b, a fish of those kinds* usually pickled or. salted. Κολιάω -ω, (fr. κολία a dance) to dance. Κόλλα, and Κ<5λλ??, -ης, η, glue, ce- ment. Κόλλάβος, -ου, and Κόλλοιρ, -όνος, b, a peg or pin of a lyre, bj which the strings are strained. Κόλλαβος, -ου, b, a kind of bread. see κόλαβος. Κολλαβρίζω, same as κολαβρίζω. Κολλάσθαι, pres. inf. pass. cont. of Κολλάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. κεκόλληκα, (fr. κόλλα glue) to glue, cement, fasten together ; to weld iron. Κολλάομαι -ωμαι, to adhere, cleave to, associate with. 1 a. pass, ind. εκολλήθην par. κολληθείς. Κολλέψης, -ου, δ, (fr. same, and εψω to boil) a maker of glue, glueboiler. Κόλλ»7ι -»S, hi same as κόλλα. Κολλήεις, -ήεσσα, -ηεν, (fr. last) glued, cemented, gluey, sticky, viscous. Κολληθεντα, a. sin. Κολληθεντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. pass. — Κολλύ,θητι, 1 a. impr. pass, of κολλάω. Κόλλησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. κόλλτ; glue) a gluing, cementing, soldering, fastening together ; the welding or joining of iron; a joint, juncture, union. Κόλληστος, -ου, δ, Egyptian bread. Κολλητής, -οΰ, δ, (fr. κόλλα glue) a gluer, cementer, joiner, framer. Κολλητός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) glued, cemented ; compact, firm, well made. Κόλλιξ, and Κόλιξ, -Έκος, b, a round loaf; a pill, ball. ιόν, -ου, τό, same as Κολλύ- piov. Κόλλοιμ, -οπός, b, the hard tough skin on the neck and back of cattle. Or, κόλλαβος, a pin or peg of a lyre, on which the strings are strained ; the key used to turn them, ind tune the lyre. Κολλυβιστης, -ov, h, (fr. next) a money-changer, banker, dia• counter. ΚΟΛ Κ*λλδ/?οί, -ου, δ, a piece of money stamped with an ox; exchange, discount. ΚυλΛυρα, -ας, η, a small cake, pas- try. Κολλυρίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. last) to bake, make pastry, make small bread, cakes, &c. Κολλύρίον, and Κολλούρίον, -ου, το, {perhaps fr. κωλύω to hinder, and μίω to flow) an ointment or salve for the eyes; a small cake, pastry, dough, paste; a wafer. Κολλυρίων, -όνος, δ. a kind of bird. Κολλώμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. cont. of κολλάω. Κολοβών, -ου, το, (fr. next) a short coat without sleeves^ a waistcoat, cassock. ΚολοΒος, -ου, b, η, (fr. κολούω to curtail) cut short, curtailed; maimed, mutilated ; defective, deficient; broken, blunted. Κ-ολοβόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. κεκολόβω- κα, (fr. last) to maim, cut off, lop ; to shorten, curtail, abbrevi- ate, abridge. 1 a. ind. pass, εκο- λοβώθην. Κολοβωθήσονται,' 3 pi. 1 £ ind. pass, of last. Κολοιάω -ω, (fr. next) to chatter, prate, talk idly, speak foolishly . Κολοώς, -ου,ο, a jackdaw. Κολοκασία, -ας, η, and Κυλοκάσιον, -ov, rb, the root of the Egyptian bean. Κολοκύνθη, or Κολοκύντη^ -ης, η, a gourd. Κολοκννθις, -ίδος, η, colocynth or bit- ter apple. Κόλον, -ου, rb, food, meat, victuals ; apiece, fragment, crust; one of the guts. Κόλα, τα, the intestines. But these are rather κώλον, and κωλα. Κόλος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. κολούω to cur- tail) shortened, curtailed, lessen- ed ; lopped, maimed; broken off, blunted ; defective, deficient. Κολοσσοί, -ων, at, Lat. Colossoe, Eng. Colosse, a city of Asia minor. ΚολοσσοΛος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) like the Colossus, colossian, colossal, gigantic. Κολοσσός, -οΰ, δ, Colossus, a gi- gantic statute once at Rhodes. Κολοσυρτύς, -ου, δ, (fr. κόλον a fragment, and σύρω to drag) the noise of branches trailed along the ground ; a creaking ; crash, noise, dm ; hurry, bustle, confu- sion, tumult ; a crowd, con- course, rabble; the rushing of a torrent or storm. Κόλονροι, -ων, ol, (pi. of next) the colures. Κόλουρος, -ov, b, r/, (fr. κάλος de- fective, and ουρά the tail) want- ing the tail, maimed, cropped. Κολουτεα, -ας, η, colutea, bastard- senna. Κολούω, f. -σω, p. κεκόλουκα, to cut off, pare, prune, lop, break off; to diminish, lessen; to maim, xwiUate, mangle-, disfigure; to KOM punish ; to cut short, take from, deprive of, curtail ; to impair, debilitate, weaken, enfeeble. Κολοψών, -ώνος, δ, a height, sum- mit, top, ridge; an accomplish- ment, completion, close, finish ; conclusion, end. Also, the name of a city, Colophon. Κόλπο?, -ου, δ, (fr. κοΓλοί hollow) the bosom, breast, lap ; the belly, womb; an expansion or swell- ing ; a hollow or fold of the dress ; the bed or course of a river; a bay, gulf, creek; the depth of the sea. Κολπόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to hollow out, form a bosom or bay, embosom; to swell, belly out, expand. Κόλπωμα, -ατός, rb, (fr. same) a hollow, recess, bay ; sinuosity ; a fold or waving of dress. Κόλπωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. same) sinuosity, hollowness ; re- tirement, recess; the waving or folds of dress. Κολυμβάω -ω, f. ->/σω, p. κεκολνμ- βηκα, to swim, float; to dive, ex- ercise or move in water, .pres. inf. act. κολυμβάειν -βαν. Κολυμβήθρα, -ας, η, (fr. last) a pond, pool, tank, cistern; a bath, swim ming-place. Κολυτία, -ας, >), a tree growing on mount Ida. Κολχίκον, -ου, rb, (fr. next) colchi- cum, meadow-saffron. Κολχοϊ, -ων, ol, a people of Asia. Κολωα'ω -ω, (fr. κολωος a tumult) to chatter, prate, babble, talk idly ; to raise a tumult, cause disturb- ance ; to cackle, gabble. Κολωνία, -ας, η, (fr. Lat. colonia) a colony, settlement. Also, the name of several towns, one now called Cologne. Κολωνό?, -oo, δ, and Κολών/7, ->?? 5 η, a hill, mount, hillock, rising ground ; a column, pillar. Κολωδ?, -ου, δ, (fr. κολοιος a ja.ck- daw) a tumult, disturbance, se- dition, mutiny-. Κομα, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of κομάω. Κόμάρος, -ου, δ or η, the a'butus or strawberry-tree. Otherwise, κόμ- μαρος, for κάμαρος, a kind of fish. Κόμάσαι, Dor. for κόμησαι, 2 sin. 1 a. opt. act. of Κομάω -ω, f. ->;σω, p. κεκόμηκα, (fr. κόμη the hair) to have long hair ; to be covered with hair or foliage ; to be adorned with or take pride in hair; to be proud, exult, as- pire to. Κομβεω -ω, to crack, smack, make a smart noise. Κόμβος, -ου, b, a knot in a reed, straw, &c. a knot, knob cr but- ton for ornament ; a pocket, bag, purse. Κομβόα -ω, (fr. last) to knot, lie; to make or ornament with knots or knobs. Κομίεσκον, -ες, -ε, impf. of κομείσ- κω, Iob. for κομέω* KOM ΚομεΊν, pres. inf. act. cont. — Re μείτην, Ion. for εκομείτην, 3 do. impf. act. of Κομίω -ω, f. -//σω, to take or have Lhecareof; to dress, comb, cur- ry ; to nurture, nurse ; to rear, educate, bring up. Κόμη, -ης, and Dor. Κόμα, η, the hair of the head, tresses, locks; foliage, branches. Κόμης, (fr. Lat. comes, an attend- ant) a count: a viceroy, lieu tenant, governor, officer. Κομήτης, -ου, b, (fr. κόμη hair) α comet, star with hair or a tail. Adj. wearing long hair ; covered with hair, hairy ; waving with grass or foliage. Κυ /ufy, (d. sin. of next) withers, carefully ; very much, great- ly, mightily, extremely; entire- ly. Κομ'ώη, -ης, η, (fr. κομίζω to take care of) care, attention, dili- gence ; education, rearing up ; maintenance, livelihood, provi- sion ; carriage, conveyance ; freight, portage, fare; recovery, restoration. ΚομιεΊται, 3 sin. Κομιεισθε, 2 pi. of κομιουμαι, Att. for κομίσομαι, 1 f. ind. mid. — Κομιονμε-'-'ς, -η, -ov, Att. for κομισόμενος, par. of same, fr. κομίζω. Κομιεύμεθα, Ion. and Dor. for κο- μιούμεθα, 1 pi. of Κομιουμαι, Att. for κομίσομαι, 1 f. ind. mid. of Κομίζω, f. -ίσω, Att. κομιω, p. κε- κόμικα, (fr. κομέω to take care of) to care for, regard, cherish, feed, maintain ; to carry, bear, convey ; to lead, conduct, bring to or into, import ; to take care of a funeral, carry out, bury, in- ter. Κομίζομαι, to receive, get, take, obtain ; to betake, set out, go ; to return, arrive. 1 a. ind. act. εκόμισα. par. pres. pass. κομιζόμενος, -η, -ov. impf. pass. εκομιζόμην, -ου, -ετο. 1 f. ind. mid. κομίσομαι, and Att. κο μιουμαι. 1 a. mid. ind. εκομί- σάμην, -ω, -ατο' impr. κόμισαι, -άσθω, Κομίξαι, Κομίξας, Dor. for κόμι- σα ι, inf. and κομίσας, par. 1 a. act. — Κομιουμαι, -η, -είται Att. for κομίσομαι, 1 f, md. mid — Κό»ίσσι, -άσθω, 3 pi. -άσθω σαν, 1 a. impr. mid — Κόμισαν το, Ion. for εκομίσαντο, 3 pi. la ind. mid. — Κομίσασθαι, I a. inf. mid. — Κομίσηται, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. mid. — Κομισθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass. — Κ,-μιω, Att. for κομίσω, 1 f. ind. act. of last. Κ(μίσασα, η. fern. par. 1 a. act. — Κηΐίίσηται, 3 sin. Κομίσησθε, 2 pi. la. sub. mid. of κο- Φ* ' , Κομιστεος, -a, -ov, (fr. κομίζω to carry) to -. carried, &c. accord- ing to the erb. Κόμμα, -ατός, rb, (fr. κότττω to cut) a par% fragment, small piers I KON money , coin ; a member of a sentence, now marked with a comma. Κόμμι, rb, indecl. gum. Κομμύς^-οϋ, b, (perhaps fr. κόσμος . ornament) dress, meretricious ornament, false complexion, paint, rouge ; brokery, artifice in trade, deception in dealing. Or, (fr. κόπτω to cut) wailing , lamentation, sorrow, mourning; a blow,, thump ; a grinder, back- tooth. Κομμόω, f. -ώσω, (fr. κομμός dress) to dress, decorate, bedeck ; to co- lour, paint, varnish; to counter- feit, disguise. Κομμωτής, -ου, b, (fr. same) a dresser, trimmer, tire-man ; a broker who sets off bad goods ; a dealer in boys and slaves who . makes them look to advantage ; a tragic actor. Κομύωντι, Dor. for κομωσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of κο- μάω. Κομτάζω, (fr. κόμπος a crack) to crack, crash, creak ; to brag, boast, vaunt. "Κομπασμός, -ου, b, and Κόμπασμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) boasting, bragging, vaunting ; vanity, haughtiness, insolence. Κομπαστης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a braggart, boaster. Κομπίω, (fr. next) to crack f rattle, resound, sound hollow ; to brag, boast, vaunt. Κόμπος, -ου, b, a clap, crash, crack, creaking, grating, properly of a boar whetting his tusks ; a sound, echo, din, clamour; the noise of dancing or of applause ; a boast- ing, bragging, vaunting, high- sounding words. Κόμψευμα, -ατός, το, (fr. next) plausibility, specious talk; incite- ment, exhortation. Κομψεύω, or rather) Κομψεύομαι, (fr. next) to descant, discourse plausibly, talk boasiingly ; to display, parade; to rally ^ banter. Κομ-ψος, -η, -bv, neat, fine, hand- some, becoming ; polite, elegant ; well, healthy, sound ; clever, in- genious ; facetious, humorous, witty ; talkative ; vain, plausi- ble, ostentatious. Κομψότης,-ητος, η, (fr. last) neat- ness, elegance, grace, politeness ; order, regularity. Κοναβίω -ω, f. -ήσω, and Κοναβίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. κυναβος a clatter) to rattle, ring, sound, resound. Κονάβησε, Ion. for εκονάβψτε, 3 sin 1 a. ind. act. of last. Κόναβος,-ου, b, a sound, noise, peal, clap ; a din, rattle, clang, crash ; a bustle, hurry, tumult. Κύνδυ, -νος, rb, a cup, bowl. Κονδύλη, -ης, η, (fr. κόνδυλος the fist) a wheat, welt, stripe; a stroke, blow, thump. Κονδυλίζω, (fr. same) to strike with the fist or knuckles, thump, box ; to rap, hit smartly. Κονδυλισμοξ, -ov, b, (fr. last) a bhw KON with the fist, box, thump; a stroke with the knuckles, rap ; an affront, insult. Κόνδυλος, -ου, b, a knuckle ; the fist ; a blow, box, thump ; . the elbow, an excrescence on the knuckle or elbow. Κονδύλω, (fr. last) to beat, thump, box, bruise, Κονίω -ω, to hasten^ hurry, make haste, run, go quickly ; to work, exert; to attend, serve, wait on. Κονία, -ας, η, (fr. κόνις dust) dust, powder, sand; ashes, cinders; lime. Κ,ονιάζομαι, (fr. last) to sand, sprinkle or cover with dust. Κονιακος,-η, -bv, (fr. same) sandy, dusty. Κονίαμα, -ατός, το, (fr. th. κόνις dust) whitewash, plaster. Κονιάω -ω, and Κονιάζω, f. -άσω, p. κεκονίακα, (fr. same) to cover or sprinkle with dust ; to whiten, vihilewash. per. pass. ind. κε- κονίαμαι' par. κεκονιαμένος and κεκυνιασμίνος. Κονίζω or Κονίω, f. -ίσω, (fr. κόνις dust) to sprinkle, cover or soil with dust, drag in the dirt ; to raise the dust ; to hasten, hurry, run, gallop; to struggle, fight. Κονίτ/σι, Ion. for κονίαις, d. pi. of κονία. Κονιλη, -ης, η, the herb savory, marjoram, pennyroyal. Κονίοντες, η. pi. par. pres. act. of κονίω. Κονιόπους, -οδός, b, η, (fr. κόνις dust, and πους the foot) with dusty feet. Also subs, a sandal. Κονωρτος,-ου, b, (fr. κόνις dust, and όρω to raise) raised dust, a cloud of dust ; one covered with dust. Κονιορτώδης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. last) dusty, covered with dust, dirty, soiled. Κονίπονς, -οδός, b, f/, same as κονιό- πους. Κόνις, -ιος, ή, Att. -εα>ί, >/, sand, dust, ashes, chalk. Κόνις, -ιδος, r), a nit. Κονίσσαλος, -ου, b, (fr. κόνις dust, and αλλομαι to spring) a whirl or cloud of dust, raised dust. Κονιστηοίον, -ου, το, (fr. same, and τηρίω to keep) a place for keep- ing the sand to sprinkle the prize- fighters. Κονίστρα, -ας, t), (fr. same) the arena or stage where they v>rest- led ; exercise or practice there. Κονίω, see κονίζω. Κονιώδης,-εος -ους, b, ^, (fr. κόνις dust) sandy, dusty, dusted, sprinkled with sand. Κόνναρος, -ου, b, sumach. Κόννις, b, a man's name. Κόννος, -ου, b, the beard; an ear- ring, drop. Κοννοφερών, -όντος, b, (fr. last, and φέρω to carry) bearded, with a large beard. Κοννόφρων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. same, I and *φβήν the mind) ivhnee aense (350) ΚΟΠ lies in his beard, stupid, silly, fooU ish ; vain, conceited, Κοντό?, -ου, b, a pole, boat-hook ; a spear, pike, dart, arrow. Κόνυζα and Κνύζα, -ης, η, an herb used for garlands ; fieabane ; a thorn, brier. Κόνων, -ωνοί, b, Conon, a man'» name. Κοπάζω, f. -ασω, p. κεκόπακα, (fr. κόπος weariness) to be weary^ cease through fatigue, be spent with labour ; to desist, rest, take rest; to be calm, subside. Κοπανίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. next) to thump, pound, bruise, per. pass, ind. κεκοπάνισμαι' par. κεκοπα- νισμένος. Κόπανον, -ου, το, (fr. κόπτω to beat) a pestle, pounder, beetle; a spear, pole-axe. ΚοπεΊν, 2 a. inf. act. — Κοπεϊί, -εΐσα, -fv, par. 2 a. pass, of κόπτω. Κόπεον ονΚόπαιον, -ου, το, (fr. κόπ- τω to cut) a piece, fragment. Κοπετός, -ου, b, (fr. same) a beat- ing of the breast, lamentation, wailing, mourning. Κοπείς, -έος, δ, (fr.same) a chisel, graver, carver. Κοπή, -ης, η, (fr. same) a cut, gash, bruise; a cutting off, slaughter, overthrow ; havoc, massacre, carnage. Κοπηναι, 2 a. inf. pass. of κόπτω. Ko-ta,ind. — Κοπίατω, impr. act. pres. 3 sin. cont. — Κοτπάσαντεί, η. pi. par. 1 a. act. of Κθ7Γίάω -ώ, f. -άσω, p. κεκοπιάκα, (fr. κόπος weariness) to labour, work at, toil ; to fail, faint, be oppressed or weary ; to take ill, be disgusted, loath, dislike, par. per. act. κεκοπιακώς, -υ7α, -6ς. ΚοπΙς, -'ίδος, η, (fr. κόπτω to cut) a sword, sabre; a large knife., carv- er ; an axe ; a coulter ; a Spar- tan festival. Κοπιώ, 1 sin. Κοπιωμεν, 1 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. — Κορώνη, d. — Κθ7τιώντα, a. — Κοπιωντες, pi. n. — Κοπιώντας, a. mas. — Ko- πιώσας, a. fern. pi. par. pres. act. cont. of κοπιάω. Κοπιωντες, η. — Κοπ-ίώντων, g. pi. cont. pa>\ pres. act. of χοπιάω. Κόπος, -oυ,b, (fr. κόπτω to cut) la- bour, toil, work ; business, em- ployment ; difficulty, trouble, dis- tress, uneasiness ; weariness, fa- tigue ; a cut, blow. Κοπόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to weary, fatigue, tire, jade. Ko- πόομαι -οΰμαι, to be fatigued, fail, faint. Κοπρεΰω, f. -ευσω, and Κοπρίω -ΰ, f. -ήσω, (fr. κόπρος dung) ■ to dung, manure. Κοπρία, -ας, ι), and Κοπρίον, -ου, το, (fr. same) dung, manure. Κοπρίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. last) to ma- nure, lay on compost or dung. Κοπρίκος, -ή, -bv, Κόπρειος, and Κόπριος, -a, -ov, (fr. κόπρος dung) of manure or dung ; filthy, vile ; low, mean, plebaxm. Subs, a KOP cleaner of jakes-, nightman, sca- venger. Κόπρίσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, and Κοπρισμος, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a manuring, laying on of dung. Κοπριών, -ώνος, δ, (fr. same) a kind of beetle called tumbledung, be- cause it wraps up its eggs in balls of ordure. Κόπρος, -ου-, η, dung, ordure, filth, manure, a dunghill; a stable, stall; clay, mud. Κοπρύω -ω, (fr. last) same as κο- πρίζω or κοπρενω. Κοπρών, -ωνος, δ, (fr. same) ο dunghill ; a stable. Κοπρώνης, -ου, δ, (fr. last) a vile fellow, scoundrel, blackguard. Κόπτη, -ης, ι'/, (fr. κόπτω to break) a biscuit, hard cake. Κόπτοισα, Dor. for κόπτουσα, η. fern. par. pres. act. — Κοπτό- μενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of Κόπτω, f. -ψω, p. κεκοφα, to beat, knock, pound, strike, thump, bang, balte* ; to bruise, crush, break ; ίο cut off or down ; to lash, cut, chop, hack-, hew ; to wound, maim ; to kill, slaughter, slay ; to ravage, destroy ; to beat and disfigure through grief, mourn, wail, lament; to ham mer out, form, coin, forge ; to tease, stun, weary, importune to excite, rouse ; to throw or shake off. 1 a. ind. mid. εκοψάμην, -ω, -ατο. per. ind. mid. κίκοπα. Κόπωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) weariness, fatigue, lassitude. Κόρα, Dor. for κόρη. Κοράκεσσι, Ion. for κύραξι, d. pi. — Κόρακι, d. sin. of κόραξ. Κορακϊνός, -η, -ov, (fr. κόραξ a raven) of or like a raven. KopaWiov or ΚονράΧιον, -ου, το, coral. Κοράμβλη, -ης, >), cauliflower, cab- bage. Κόραξ, -ίίκος, b, a raven ; name of a constellation ; a grapple or instrument used in ancient war; a crow, bar or sledge to break open ; a cock's bill ; a barrier, rail, holt, bar ; a hook, instrument of punishment, a. pi. κόρακας. Κυράξαι, 1 a. inf. act. of κοράσσω Κοράσιυν, -ου, το, (dim. of κόρος ι young person) a little girl, dam- sel, maid. Κοράσσω or -ττω, f. -ξω, (fr. κόραξ a raven) to croak, tease, stun, importune; to urge, pray, en- treat, crave, extort. Κορβαν, indecl. Heb. a gift, con- tribution, offering. Κορβανάς, -a, b, (fr. last) money laid by for holy uses, sacred trea sure ; a treasury. Κδρ<\ιξ, -ακος, b, a wanton dance. Κορο~ν\η, -ης, f h a club, baton ; the head of a club ; a knob, knot. Κόρ^>υ\ος, -ου, b, a kind offish. Κόρε or Kopii, Ό, indecl. Heb. a man's name. Κορεει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. Or. by Sync, for κορεσει, 3 sin. 1 f. act. of κορεω. KOP KOP 1 sufficiericy, abundance, satiet f insolence, wantonness, saucU ness. Κόρος,-ου, b, a Cor, a Hebrew mea- sure of solids and liquids, con- taining seventy-five gallons, be- ing a mean between a hogshead and a puncheon. Κορίννΰμι, same as κορεω Κορέσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Κόρε• ξεια, -ας, -ε, JRo\. for κορεσαιμι, 4 a. opt. act. — Κορεσθεϊς, η. pi. -θεντες, par. 1 a. pass. — Κορεσ- θηναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of κορεω• Κορεω, Κορεννΰω or Κορεννυμι, f. -ήσω and -εσω, to satisfy,- con- tent ; to satiate, fill, cloy, glut. per. ind. pass. κεκόοισναι. 1 a. ind. pass, εκορέσθην. Κορέω -ω, f. -ήσω, to brush, sweep, scour, clean ; to adorn, bedeck, ornament ; to sweep away, ra- vage. Κόρη, -ης, ι/, a little girl, virgin, damsel ; a female domestic ; a fair maid, beloved object, mis- tress; the apple of the eye, eye- ball ; a doll, puppet. Κόρηθρον, -ου, το, (fr. κορίω to sweep) a broom, besom, brush. Κορθύεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. mid. of κορθύω. Κόρθυνεν, Ion. for εκόρθυνε, 3 sin. impf. of Κορθύνω or Κορθύω, (fr. next) to ipPQ and Κ ορσα. Dor. for Κόρση, Att. Κόρμη, -ης, η, the hair, a lock, tress ; the head ; the tem- ples ; jaw, cheek. Κορυβαντιάω -ω, f. -άσω, (fr. Ko- ρύβας a mad priest) to behave like the Corybanles ; to rave, be frantic. Κορυβαντίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. same) to celebrate, enter or initiate into, the rites of the Corybanles. Κορνβαντισμος,-ου, b, (fr. same) ο rite, ceremony or celebration of the Corybantes ; madness, dis- tinction, fury, Κορνβας, -αντος, b, Corybas, the name of a man who introduc- ed the Κορνβάντες, Corybantes, (thence called after him) into heap up, collect, amass, accumu- 1 Greece ; the priests of Rhea or late ; to raise, pile up. Κύρθυς, -υος, η, a heap, pile, mass ; a bank, mound, hillock. Κορίαννον, Kopiavov and Κόρων, -ου, το, (fr. κόρις St. John's wort) coriander. Κορίζομαι, f. -ίσιψαι, (fr. κόρος a young person) to flatter, sooth, coax, fondle, caress. Κοριναίος, -ου, b, η, (fr. κύρη a maid) born of a supposed maid ; clandestine, secret. Κορίνθιος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) Co- rinthian, of Corinth. Κόρινθος, -ου, η, Corinth, a city of Achaia. Κορίον, -ου, το, (dim. of κόρη a girl) a young girl, damsel; a sacrifice for children. See also κορίαννον. Kopn -ιος, Att. -εως, >/, the herb St. John's wort. Κορκορυγή^ της, η, a creaking or rumbling noise of the bowels, shout, din, clamour. Κορμός, -ov, b, (fr. κείρω to lop) a trunk, stock, slump, block. Κορνήλιος, -ου, b, Cornelius, a man's name. Κορνοπίω, (fr. next) a surname of Hercules from banishing lo- custs. Κόρΐ'ωψ, -οπός, a locust. Κόροιβος, -ου, b, Corcebus, who would marry Cassandra con- trary to her prophetical advice, thence, foolish, obstinate, per- verse. Κόροιο, g. Ion. of κόρος. Κοροπ\αθος,-ου, b, η, (fr. next, and π\άσσω to form) a maker of dolls or babies. Κύρος and Κονρος, -ου, b, η, a child unborn ; an infant, child ; a boy, youth, young man ; a full grown man ; a servant, soldier. Κόρος, -ου, b, (fr. κορεω to sweep) a broom, besom, brush. Kdpcf, -ov, b, (fr. κορεω to content) (351) Ceres. Κορυδαλλϊς, -ίδος, η, fumitory ; a lark. KopufViXo?, KopiaXXojand'Kopj»55f, -υΰ, b, (fr. κόρυς a crest) a lurk. Κύρυζα, -ης, η, (perhaps fr. κάρα the head, and ζίω to boil) α running from the head, rheum, phlegm, ■ snot ; drowsiness, dri- velling, stupidity ; arrogance, pride, disdain. Κορνθαίξ, -ίκος, b, (fr. κόους a hel- met, and αίσσω to shake) with nodding plumes, a warrior. Κορυθαίολος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and αωϊυς varied) with plumes of many colours or with nodding plumes, crest-shaking ; warlike, military. Κορυθεω -ω, (same as κορύσσω) par. per. pass, κεκορυθημίνος by Sync, κεκυρυθμενος. Κόυϋθος, g. sin. of κόρυς, Κόρνκος, -ου, b, see κώρυκος. Κόρυμβος, -ov, h, and Κόρυμβεν, -ov, το, a top, head, summit; the end, extremity, peak ; the prow stem ; a beak, bill, snout, nose ; a tuft, head, hunch, cluster; a branch, bough; a curl, lock Oj hair, tress, braid; a berry, grain or stone in berries. Κορυνη, -ης, η, a club, mace, baton, truncheon. Κορυνήτης, -ου, δ, (fr. last) a club- man, warrior with a mace. Κορννηψύρος, -ου, δ, >/, (fr. same, and φέρω to carry) armed with a club, carrying a mace or blud- geon ; a guard or attendant so armed. Κορνπτιλος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and κτίλος a ram) that butts or strikes with the head or horn. Κορυπτω, (fr. κόρυς a headpiece) to loss the head ; to butt or strike vsith the head or horn. Κύρνς, -νθος, δ, a helmet, casque headpiece : a lark. ΚΟΣ Κορυσσίμεν, Ion. and Dor. for κο- ούσσειν, pres. inf. of Κομύσσω, (fr. κδρνς a casque) to arm with a helmet ; to arm, equip, furnish, accoutre; to raise to a head, heighten, lift up, swell ; to increase, augment. Κορυστης, -ου, b, (fr. last) a man at arms, warrior; an armour bearer. Κορυστος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) arm- ed, equipped, accoutred, increas- ed, enlarged, heightened ; en couraged, inspirited. Κορυφαίος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) of the head; high, chief, supreme, principal. Subs, a leader. Κορυφή, -ης, η, the head, height, top, summit, peak, ridge; the sum, substance, purport. Κορυφόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to erect, set up; to raise, elevate to rise, swell ; to complete, finish, accomplish, make a close, come to a point or head. Κόρχορος and Κόρκορος, -ου, b, chickwced, pimpernel. Κορώνη, -ης, r), a crow or jackdaw ; a bar, sledge to break open; a ring, handle, knob to hold by ; a tip, point, extremity ; a head, peak, summit, ridge ; a lintel ; a cown, coping, cornice; an end, < onclusion. Κορωνιάω -ω, (fr. last) t~ be tipped or horned ; to bend, curve, crrxik ; to lift the head, put forth the horns ; act haughtily, behave in- solently. Κορωνίζω, (fr. κορώνη a jackdaw) to beg icith a jackdaw, like show- men who taught that bird tricks to get money. Κορωνίς, -t(5o?, 17, (fr. κορώνη a point) a ship with a raised head or prow, and certain high orna- mental works on the stern; and thence hollow or sunk in the mid- dle ; beaked, armed ; curved, hollow ; with curling horns ; a height, top, peak; an end, con- clusion. Κορωνόπους and Κορακόπους, -οδός, ο or η, (fr. κορώνη a crow, or κόραξ a raven, and πους a foot) the herb crowfoot. Κορωνος, -ου, b, η, (fr. κορώνη a height) high, lofty, elevated, raised ; raising or tossing the head ; haughty, proud. •κόσιοι, -αι,-α, the centesimal ter- mination of the ordinal nume- rals from one hundred to a thou- sand, as οΊσκόσιοι, -at, -a, two hundred, &c. Κοσκίνηδον, (f". κόσκινου a sieve) like u ntue. Κοσκινόμαντις, -ιος, Alt. -εως, ή, (fr. same, and μάντις a diviner) one who divines with a sieve, who uses a sieve to tell fortunes. Κόσκϊνυν, -ου, το, a sieve. Κοσκινοποώς, -ου, b, η, (fr. last, and ποιίω to make) a sieve-maker. Κοσκυλμάτια, -ων, r«, cuttings or parings of leather, useless scraps ; worthless information, insignifi- cant discourse. ΚΟΣ Κοσμεΐν, inf. — Κοσμείτε, 2 ρΐ. cont. ind. pres. act. — Κοσμώσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. sub. act. of Κοσμίω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. κεκόσμηκα, (fr. κόσμος regularity) to deck, adorn f beautify, dress, grace, honour •; to furnish, accoutre, provide, prepare, equip, rig ; to adjust, arrange, settle, regulate; to distribute, order, dispose, me- thodize ; to marshal, array; to discharge an office, execute duty, govern. 1 a. act. ind. εκόσ- μησα, and Ion» κόσμησα' par κοσμήσας. per. ind. pass, κεκόσ- μημαι. 1 a. md. pass, εκοσμή θην. Κόσμηθεν, Boeot. Sync, for εκοσ- μήθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of last. Κόσμημα, -ατός, το. (fr. same) an ornament, decoration, mark of distinction, badge; dress; equi- page, furniture, accoutrement. Κοσμην, Dor. for κοσμεϊν, pres. inf. act, cont. — Κοσμήσαις, JEol. for Κοσμήσας, η. pi. Κόσμησαν τες, par. 1 a. act. — Κόσμησα, -ας, -ε, Ion. for εκόσμησα, I a. ind. act. of κοσμίω. Κοσμήτειρα, -ας, η, fern, for Κοσμητης, -ου, b, (fr. κοσμίω to adorn) a -dresser, adorner, em- bellisher; a director, regulator guide, ruler, governor, master or mistress. ΚοσμητΧκος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) adorning, embellishing, orna- mental, cosmetic. Κοσμητος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) adorn- ed, embellished, ornamented ; ar- ranged, regulated, adjusted, set- tled; neat, decent, orderly, be- coming. Κοσμήτορε, η. du. of Κοσμήτωρ, -ορός, b, (fr. κοσμίω to array) a prince, ruler, chief, leader, commander, οσμΐκος, -ή, -bv, (fr. κόσμος the ^orld) worldly, temporal, sen- sual. Κόσμων, -ov, το, (neut. of next) decency, propriety, order. See κόσμος. Κόσμιος, -a, -ov, or -ov, b, η, (fr. κοσμίω to regulate) well regu- lated ; orderly, decent, sober, mo- dest, becoming ; fine, neat, ele- gant. Κοσμιότης, -ητος, ^, (fr. last) mo- deration, equanimity, calmness, temperance ; sobriety, modesty, bash fulness ; regularity, order ; neatness, elegance, grace, come- liness, beauty ; decency, pro- priety. ΚοσμΊως, (fr. κόσμιος decent) or- derly, decently, becomingly, pro- perly, fitly ; modestly , soberly. Κοσμοκρατωρ, -ορός, b, (fr. κόσμος the world, and κρατίω to bear sway) the ruler or prince of this world, Satan ; a king, prince, governor, a. pi. κοσμοκράτορας. Κόσμον, -ου, rb, a beast of burden. Κόσμος, -ov, b, order, distribution, arrangement, regularity ; me• (352) KOT thod, plan, constitution; disci- pline, subordination, education ; decorum, propriety, decency , dress, ornament, embellishment; groxe, elegance, neatness; cre- dit, commendation, praise, pride, glory; a chief magistrate among the Cretans ; the world, universe ; this world, mankind; the wick- ed ; the worldly, children of this world ; the inhabited part of the world; the Roman empire; the Jewish territory or people. Κόσμω, (d. of last) in order, or- derly, with propriety. Κόσος, Ion. for πόσος. Κόσσυφος , *and Att. Κύττυφος, -ου, ό, a merle, ouzel, blackbird. Κόστη, same as ακόσ^η. Κόστος, -ov, &,zedoary, an aroma- tic • plant ; cm ointment or per' fume madefiom it. Κόσνμβος,-ου^,ν-οσύμβη, andKc (fr. κόχλος a shell) a spoon, spoonful. Κοχλίας, -ου, b, a spiral or turbi- nated shell ; a snail or pern- winkle ; a screw ; a machine for raising water. Κοχλϊς, -ίδος, η, the shell-flsh from which the purple or scarlet was got ; a perriwinkle. Κόχλος, -ου, b, a shell; a shell-flsh, muscle, cockle, snail. Κόχλω, to whirl, turn, wind, roll, twist, writhe or wreathe. Κόχος, -ου, b, abundant moisture copious dew, violent perspiration sweat. Κοχυδέσκω, and Κοχυίσκω, Ion. for Κοχυδέω -ω, and Κοχύω, (fr. κόχος moisture) to run, trickle, drop ; to flow abundantly ; to run with a noise, murmur, purl. Κοχώνη, -ης, fi, and Κόχωνον, -ου, τό, the hip joint, the hip ; the thigh. Κόψας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. — Koxpev, Ion. for έκοψε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Κόψονται, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. mid. of κόπτω. Κόψιμος, -ου, η, a tree resembling the medlar. Κόψυχος or Κόψικος, -ου, δ, same as κόσσυφος. Κράανον, for κράνον, Att. for κρίνον, 1 a. impr. act. of κραίνω. Κρύας, -ατός, το, the head. Κράατ, Apoc. for κράατα, pi. of last. Κράβάτος or Κράββάτος, -ov, b, a mattress, palias, pallet. Κράγγη, -ης, //, Κράγων or Κράγ- γων, -όνος, Ό, a kind of lobster. Κράγεϊς, -εισα, -εν, par. — Κραγη- ναι, inf. 2 a. pass, of κράζω. Κραγέτης, -ου, δ. (fr. κράζω to (353) KPA fchoiy) a bawler, shouter. Adj clamorous, noisy, chattering. ίράγημι, same as κράζω. pres. impr. act. κράγηθι^ by redupl. κενράγηθι, by Sync, κέκραχθι. ΐ,•ιαδαίνω or Κράδάω -ω, (fr. κράδη 'a fig-branch) to shake, brandish, wave, flourish. Κραδαίνομαι, to vibrate, quiver, tremble, throb, pa-lpitaie. Κράδη, -ης, η, a shoot or branch of the fig-tree ; any leaf, bough ; the wild fig ; a theatrical ma- chine. Κραδηφορία, -ας, η, (fr. last, and φέρω to carry) the carrying of fig-branches ; a festival at Athens. Κραδία, -ας, and Ion. Κραδίη, -ης η, by Metath. for καρδία. Κράδος, -ου, η, same as κράδη. Κράζει, 3 sin. -ζομεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. — Κράζειν, pres. inf. act. — Κράζων,-ουσα,-ον, a. -ζον- τα, pi. η. -ζοντες, g. -ζόντων, a. -ζοντας, par. pres. act. of Κράζω, f. -ξω, p. κέκραχα, to cry, shout, bawl, clamour, vociferate; to exclaim, call upon, invoke ; to call for, demand ; to croak, caw, chatter, roar. impf. act. έκρα- ξον. 1 a. ind. act. έκραξα, and εκέκραξα. 1 f. mid. κράξομαι. per. ind. mid. κέκραγα. ppfut. κε- κράξομαι. Κραθεϊς, -εΐσα, -εν, par. 1 of κεραννυμι. Κραθηναι, by Sync, for κρατηθήναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of κρατέω. Κραίνω-) and Poet. Κραιαίνω, f. -ανω, p. κέκρακα, to perfect, finish, complete ; to effect, ac- complish, fulfil ; to create, make, frame, form ; to command, rule, govern ; to satisfy, content, gra- tify. 1 a. ind. act. έκρανα, Att. έκρηνα' impr. κρηνον, and Roet. κρήηνον. per. ind. pass. κεκραμαι. 1 f. mid. κρανουμαι' inf. κρανεΐσθαΐ' and Poet, κρα- νέεσθαι. Κραιπαλάω, and Κραιπαλέω -ω, £ -ήσω, (fr. next) to be drunk or intoxicated ; to be sick after drinking, have a headach. Κραιπάλη, -ης, η, (perhaps fr. κρας the head, and πάλλω to shake) a surfeit, debauch ; headach, dizziness after drink; revelling, feasting, rioting, drunkenness. Κραιπαλίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. last) to feast, revel, be riotous ; to indulge or exceed in eating or drinking, be drunk or intoxicated. Κραιπνά, and Κραιπνως, (fr. next) swiftly, rapidly ; quickly, soon, speedily. Κραιπνος, -η, -bv, swift, quick, ra- pid ; speedy, nimble, active. Κραΐρα, -ας, η, (perhaps fr. κάρα the head) the head ; the lop, end, extremity ; a yardarm. Κράλης, -ου, b, a king. Κράλαινα % -ας, η, a queen. Κράμα, -άτος, το, (fr. κεραννυμι to mix) a mixture particularly of wine and water ; liquor. ΚΡΑ Κράμβη, -ης, η, coleworts, cabbage, cauliflower. Κράμβος, -η, -ov, dry, clean, neat, delicate. Subs, a disease m vines from drought, blight. Κραμβοφάγος, -ov, b, (fr. κράμβη cabbage, and φάγω to eat) cab- bage-eater, the name of a frog. Κράνα, -ας, Κρανιάδες, -ων, Dor. for κρήνη, and κρηνιάδες. Κραναός, -a, -ov, (fr. κάρηνον the top ) steep, rough, rugged, moun- tainous, ban-en, wild. Κρανέεσθαι, by Poet. Dial, for κρα- νεΊσθαι, 1 f. inf. mid. of κραίνω. Κρανεία, -ας, f/, the corneil tree or wild cherry. Κράνειον, -ου, rb, (fr. κράνον the skull) a headpiece, casque, hel- met. Κρανιάδαν, Dor. for κρανιάδων, g. pi. of Κρανιάδες, -ων, αϊ, see κράνα. Κρανίδες, Dor.* for κρηνίδες, pi. of κρηνίς. Κρανίον, -ov, το, (fr. κάρηνον the head) the skull, head ; a kind of cup. Κρανίων, -όνος, b, (Fr. last) skull, a fictitious name. Κράνον, -ου, τ -b, (fr. κάρηνον the head) the skull. Κράνος, -εος, το, (fr. same) a head- piece, helmet. Κραντηρ, -ηρος,&ΆάΚράντωρ,-οαος, b, (fr. κραίνω to finish) a maker, effecter, worker, finisher, au- thor ; a ruler, prince, chief, governor. Κράζας, -ασα, -αν, pi. η. -ζάντες, par. 1 a. act. — Κράξω, -εις,--ε^, 1 f. ind. act. of κράζω. Κράς, -ατός, cont. for κράας. Κρας, -άτος, cont. for κρέας. Κράσις -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. κεράν- νυμι to mix) a mixture, ming- ling, blending, tempering; the figure Crasis. Κράσπεδον, -ov, τ*>, (fr. κρεμάς • to hang, and πέδον the ground) the border or hem of a dress ; c fringe, flounce ; a lace, tassel, tuft ; an extremity,, edge, mar- gin, verge ; a brink, baiik, bor- der, shore ; the foot of a moun- tain ; a priesfs robe, surplice. Κράσης, -ιος, Att. .~εως, η, same as γράστις. Κράταιγος, -ου, and Κραταιγών. -ωνος, b, the wild service-tree, hawthorn, Κράταιγνάλος, *-ov, b_, η, (fr. κρα- ταιό?, strong, and γναλον the palm) strong- handed, firm, lusty, able, hardy ; bold, valiant, brave ; strengthening. Κραταιϊς, -ίδος, /y, (fr. same, and ις strength) might, strength, greatness, power. Κραταιός, -ά, -bv, (fr. κράτος strength) powerful, mighty, vehement, forcible ; brave, va- liant, bold, hardy ; able, strong, robust. Κραταιότης, -ητος, i t , (fr. last) might, power, force ; strength, hardihood, stoutness ; courage, KPA bravery, fortitude, firmness, re- solution. Κραταιοϋσθε, 2 pi. cont. pres. impr. mid. of Κράταιόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. κεκραταίω- κα, (fr. same) to strengthen, make strong, invigorate ; to cor- roborate, enforce, confirm ; to prevail over, be powerful or brave, pres. impr. mid. κρα- ταιόον -ου. impf. mid. εκραταιοό- μην -ονμην. 1 a. pass. ind. εκρα- ταιώθην. Κραταίπους, -οδός, b,f], (fr. κραταιός strong, and πους a foot) strong- footed, horny-footed, lusty. Κραταιωθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of κράταιόω. Κραταίωμα, -άτος, το, (fr. κραταιός strong) strength, stability, firm- ness ; a fortress, fortification, strong hold ; the firmament. Κράταιως, (fr. same) strongly, firmly, resolutely, bravely ; vehe- mently, earnestly. Κραταίωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, j"j, (fr. same ) strength ; a strengthening, confirmation, corroboration. Κρατέει -εΓ, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Κράτεε -ει, 2 sin. pres. impr. — Κρατείς, 2 sin. Κρατείτε, -τονσι, 2 and 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. — Κρατείν, act. — Κρατεϊσθαι, pass. pres. inf. cont. of κρατίω. Κρατεί -ει, d. sin. of κοάτος. Κρατεράων, iRol. for κρατερών, g, pi. of Κρατερός, -a, -bv, (fr. κράτος strength) same as καρτεράς. Κρατερόφρον ', for -φρονα, a. sin. of Κρατερόώρων, -όνος, b, η, same as καρτερόφρων. Κρατερώνυξ, -ϋχος, b, η, (fr. κρατε- ρές strong, and όννζ a hoof) hav- ing hard, firm or strong claws φ; hoofs, sound-footed. Κρατερως, (fr. same) same as καρ τερως. ΚρατευταΊ, -ων, αϊ, (fr. κράτος strength) spit-racks. Κρατευτάων, g. pi. iEol. of last. Κρατίω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. κεκράτηκα, (fr. same) to have the mastery bear sway, command, rule, go- vern; to conquer, subdue, over- come; to prevail, surmount; to excel, surpass, exceed ; to lay hold on, become master of, take, seize, retain, keep ; to own, pos- sess, enjoy ; to take hold of, em brace ; to confine, restrain, con- strain, repress ; to remember, recollect ; to endure, persevere, persist in. 1 a. act. ind. εκράτη- σα' impr. κράτησαν, -άτω' sub κρατήσω, -ης, -η' inf. κρατησαι par. κρατήσας. per. inf. act. κε- κρατηκίναι. impf. pass, εκρατεό- ' μην -ονμην, in 3 pi. -έοντο -ουντο per. ind. pass, κεκράτημαι, in 3 pi. κεκράτηνται. 1 a. ind. pass. εκρατήθην• par. κρατηθείς. Κρατηρ, and Ion. Κρητηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. κεράνννμι to mix) a bowl, basin, goblet ; a crater, mouth of a volcano, of a ivell or pit. Κρατης, -τη, 2 and 3 sin. -τ^τε, 2 (354) KPE pi. cont. pres. sub. act. — Rpa- τήσας, η. pi. -σαντες, par. 1 a. act. — Καρτήσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. — Κράτησαν, -άτω, 2 pi. -τή- σετε, 1 a. impr. act. — Κρατή- σω σι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of κρα- τίω . Κρατησίμάχος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. κρατίω to prevail, and μάχομαι to fight) victorious. ΚρατήσΥπονς, -οδός, b, t), (fr. same, and πους the foot) swift of foot, conquering at the foot-race. Κρατήσιππος, -ov, b, §, (fr. same, and 'ίππος a horse) victorious with horses, owning horses that won. Κράτησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) power, rule, authority, sway, reign, government, empirej dominion ; retention, restraint. Κρατϊ, d. sin. of κράς. Κράτιστα, (fr. next) most ably, excellently, best. Κράτιστος, -η, -ov, (sup. fr. κράτος strength) most powerful, strong- est, bravest, best, most excellent. Κράτος, -εος -ονς, fb, strength, firm- ness, stability ; courage, resolu- tion, fortitude ; endurance, per- severance ; power, ability, effi- cacy, might ; superiority, sway, authority, dominion, rule, em- pire, reign, command ; glory, fame, renown ; victory, conquest, subjugation ; force, violence ; the wrist, d. κράτεϊ -el. Κράτος, g. of κράς. Κράτος, -η, -ov, (fr. κεράνννμι io mix) mixed, mingled, blended, tempered. Κρατουντεε, -ων, αϊ, (η. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of κρατίω to rule) masters, owners, possessors, lords. Κρατϋνω, (fr. next) to fortify, strengthen, make strong ; to en- force, corroborate, confirm ; to rule, govern, command. Κρατυς-εία, -i,|(fr. κράτος strength) strong, potent, able ; ingenious, crafty, clever. Κρατ&μεν, 1 pi. cont. pres. sub. act. — Κρατών, g. -τουντος, par. pres. act. cont. of κρατίω. Κρανγαζόντων, g. pi. par. pres. act. of Κραυγάζω, ~f. -ασω, p. κεκραύγακα, (fr. κραυγή a shout) to cry out, vociferate, exclaim ; to squall, whine. Κρανγάνω, same as last. Κρανγάσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of κραυγάζω. Κρανγασίδης,-ου, b, (fr. next) croak- er ; the name of a frog. Κρανγη,-ης, η, (fr. κράζω to shout) a cry, shriek, shout ; clamour, din, vociferation ; complaint, out* cry. Κραυρος, -a, -ov, dry, harsh, parch- ed, crusty, hardened. Subs, a wen ; a sore ; a disease in cat- tle. Kpia, cont. from Kpiara, pi. of κρίας. Κρεάγρα, -ας, ?% (fr. κρέας flesh, ΚΡΕ and άγρα a catch) α flesh-hook ; flesh-fork ; a harpoon, grapple. Κρεανομέω -ω, f. -ι/σω, (ft. same, and νέμω to divide) to cut up meat, divide, carve ; to cook, dress victuals ; to eat, feed on. Κρέας, g. κρέατος, Ion. κρέαος, Att. κρέως, rb, meat, flesh, n. a. pi. κρέατα, κρέαα, κρέα. g. κρεάτων, κρεάων and κρέων.. Κρείοισα, Poet, and Dor. for κρέ- ουσα, nu fem. par. pres. act. of κρέω. Subs, a queen. Κρεΐον, -ου, το, (fr. κρέας meat) α flesh-pot, pan, boiler. Κρείοντα, a sin. of κρείων. Κρείος, -ου, b, a man's name. Κρείσσονα, neut. pi. — Κρείσσονες, η. pi. mas. — Κρείσσοσι and Κρε- ίττοσι, d. pi. of κρείσσων. Κρεισσότεκνος, -ου, b, 17, (fr. next, and τέκνον an offspring) better than children. Κρείσσων or -ττων*,- -όνος, b, η, (comp. fr. κράτος strength, but attributed to αγαθός good) more poweiful, superior ; stronger braver, more valiant; more ex- cellent, better, Qi κρείττονες, fhe great ones r gods. Κρείω, Poet, for κρέω. par pres. act. κρείων, -ούσα, -ov, g -οντος. Κρείων, -οντος, b, (par. pres. act of last) a ruler, king, prince. Also, a man's name. Κρείων, Poet, for κρεων, g. pi. cont of κρέας. Κρέκω, f. -ζω, p. -χα, (fr. κερκϊς a shuttle) to strike with the shut- tle or r$ed in weaving ; to hit rap, knock ; to creak, grate. Κρεμάζω, f. -άσω, same as κρεμάω 2 a. ind. act. εκρέμαδον. Κρέμάμαι^ -σαι, -ται, 3 pi. -νται, pass, or mid. according to the form of verbs in -μι, same as κρεμάω, par., pres» pass, κρεμά- μενος. Κρεμάσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Κρε- μάσας, -ασα, -αν, η. pi. -σαντες, par. 1 a. act. — Κρεμασθεϊς,.-ε7σα, εν, g. ρϊ. -σθέντων,φ&ϊ. 1 a. pass. — Κρεμασθτ}. 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass. — Κρεμασθήναι, 1 a., inf. pass, of ^.οεμάω. Κρεμαστηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr.. κρεμάω to hang) that by which any thing is suspended, a belt, girdle,, strap, &c. a muscle, nerve. Κρεμαστήριος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) hanging, suspended, dangling. Κρεμαστός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) hung up, suspended. Κρεμάω -ω, Κρεμαννυω, and Κρε- μάννυμι, f. -άσω, ρ. -ακα, to hang up, suspend, append to ; to im- pend, hang over ; to keep or hold in suspense. Κρεμάομαι -ωμαι, to be hanging, hang ; to depend. 1 a. ind. act. εκρέμασα. 1 a. pass. ind. εκρεμάσθην sub. μασθω' par. κρεμασθείς. Κρέμβα\ον, -ov, rb, a rattle, casta net, timbrel, cymbal. Κρέμυς, -νος, b, some kind of fish. Κρεξ, -*d$, $, and κρέκας, (fr. κρί ψ. ΚΡΗ κω to creak) a game bird omi- nous for weddings ; the hair, Κρέοισα, Dor. for κρέονσα, (η. fem. par. pres. act. of κρέω to reign) a royal lady, queen. Also Cre- usa, a woman's name. Κρεουργέω -ω, (fr. κρεουργος a butcher) to be a butcher, cut up flesh, cook or dress meat. Κρεουργηδον, (fr. same) like a butcher, butcherly, in small pieces, piecemeal. Κρεονργία, -ας, η, (fr. same) butch- ery, cutting up of meat ; a dis- tribution of meat ; mangling, slaughter. Κρεουργος, -ου, b, (fr. κρέας flesh, and έργον work ) a butcher ; an inferior priest or servant who killed the victim. Κρέουσα, -ας, η, see in κρέοισα. Κρέσσονες, η. pi. of Κρέσσων, Dor. for κρείσσων. Κρέω, and Poet. Κρείω, to rule, go vern, command, reign, be 1 king. Κρεωβροτέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. κρέας flesh, and βρώσκω to eat) to eat or live on flesh. Κρέων,-οντος, b, (par. pres. act. of κρέω to reign) a king, prince^ ruler, chief. A man's name. Κρεωπώλης, -ου, b, (fr. κρέας flesh, and ττωλεω to sell) a butcher, dealer in meat. Κρεωπώλιον, -ου, rb, (fr. same) a meat-market, shambles. Κρεωφάγος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and φάγω to eat) eating or living on flesh, carnivorous. Κρήγυος, -ου, b, 17, (fr. κηρ the heart, and ηδύς sweet) good, useful, profitable, beneficial ; pleasant, welcome, grateful ; pleasing, agreeable, dear ; gen- tle, mild, peaceable, kind, favour- able. Κρήδεμνον, -ου, το, (fr. κάρα the head, and δέω to bind) a binder or band for the head, turban fillet, riband, garland ; battle ment, pinnacle ; the cover or stopper of any vessel. Κρίνατε, 2 pi. of — Κρήηνον, 1 a. impr. act. — Κρηηναι, 1 a. inf. act. of κραιαίνω, Poet, for κραί- VO). Κρηθεΐδας, Dor. for Κρηθείδης, -ου, b, the son of Κρηθεύς. Κρηθεν^ (fr.. κράς the head) from over head, from above. Κρηθμον, -ου, το, a kind of herb. Κρηθων, -όνος, b, a man's name Κρήϊον, -ου, το, (fr. κρέας flesh) a cake or pastry containing meat, a meat-pie. Κρημνάω -ω, or Κρήμνημι, (fr. κρι'/μ- νος a precipice) to precipitate, throw headlong, hurl, tumble ; Κρήμναμαι, to lean or hang over, be suspended ; to weigh anchor. pres. impr. act. κρήμνηθι' inf. κρημνάναι' par. κρημνάς, -άσα^ -αν, g. -άντος. impf. act. εκρήμ- νην, -ης, -η. Κρήμνη, by Apoc, for κρήμνηθι, pres. impf. act. Or Ion. for (355) KPI εκρήμνη, 3 sin. impf. act. of last. Κρημνίζω, (fr. next) to cast down headlong, fling over a precipice, throw down, hurl, precipi- tate. Κρημνός, -ov, b, (fr. κρεμάω to bang) an overhanging rock, precipice, steep ridge, bank, shore. Κρημνότης,-ητος,η, (fr. last) steep- ness, abrupt declivity. Κρημνότης, -ov, b, (fr. same) a fountain, spring ; a waterfall. Κρημνώδης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. same) precipitous, abrupt, rug- ged, steep, craggy. Κρηναι, 1 a. inf. act. — Kpjjvov, 1 a. impr. act. of κραίνω. Κρηνάιος, -a, -ov, (fr. κρήνη a spring) of a fountain, springing, bubbling, gushing. Κρηνάων, JEo\. for κρηνών, g. pi. of same. Κρήνη, -ης, ff r a spring, fountain, well, source ; a cistern, reservoir, pond. Κρηνιάδες, -ων, at, Nymphs of the wells. Κρην}ς, -ίδος, η, (dim. of κρήνη a fountain) a little well; a pool. Κρηπϊδόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. κρητϊς a shoe) to shoe, put on shoes ; to found, lay a foundation. Κρηπίδωμα, -άτος,. το, (fr. last) a shoeing ; a - basis, foundation, groundwork'., Κρηπίς, -ίδος, η, a shoe, slipper ; a base, basis, foundation, ground- work. Κρηττίδες, soldiers from wearing this kind of shoe. Κρης, Dor. for κρέας. Κρης, -ητσς, b, and Κρησσα, -ης, $, (fr. Κρήτη Crete) α man or vjo- manof Crete, Cretan. Κρησέρα, -ας, η, a wide sieve, colan- der or basket for straining ; a sifting cloth, wrapper. Κρήσκης, -εντός, b, fr. Crescens, Lat. a man's name. Κρησφύγητογ, -ου, το, (fr. Κρης the Cretan king Minos, and φεύγω to escape) an asylum, refuge, shelter, sanctuary ; a subsidy, contribution. Κρήτη, -ης, ή, Lat. Creta, now Candia. Κρητίφ, Ion. fr. κρατήρ» Κρητίζω, (fr. Κρήτη Crete) to imi- tate, act or behave like the Cre- tans. Kpt, το, by Apoc. from κριθή or κρίμνον. Κριαδέω -ω, (perhaps fr. κηρ the heart, and άδέω to gratify) to laugh, smile. Κρίγε, Ion. for έκρΊ,γε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of κρίζω. Κριγμος, -ov, b, and Κριγη, -ης, //, (fr. next) a creak, harsh noise ; a shriek, squall, scream ; a hiss- ing or whizzing sound. Κρίζω, f. -ξω-, p. κέκρΥχα, to creak, grate, make a harsh noise ; to crack, snap; to shriek, scream, squall ; to gnash, grind the teeth. 2 a. ind. act. έκψιγον, and έ κ pi καν. ΚΡΙ Kp/0sv, Bceot. Sync, for εκρίθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of κρίνω. Κριθή, -ης, h, by Apoc. Κρϊ, barley. Κριθήναι, inf. — Κριθήτε, -θωσι, 2 and 3 pi. 1 a. sub. pass. — Kpi- θήσεσθε, -σονται, 2 and 3 pi. 1 f. ind. pass, ©f κρίνω. Κρίθ'ίνος, -η, -ov, and Κριθώδης,-εος -ους, δ, η, (fr. κριθή barley) of barley. Κριθών, g. pi. of same. Κρίκεν, Ion. for κέκρικε, 3 sin. per. ind. act. of κρίζω or of κρίνω. Or, Ion- and Poet, for έκρι- γε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of κρίζω. Κρίκος, -ου, δ, same as κίρκος. ΚρΈμα, or Κρίμα, -ατός, (fr. κρίνω to judge) judgment, decision, sen- tence, condemnation ; punish- ment, penalty, fine ; a decree, act, statute ; a lawsuit, trial, li- tigation, d. κρίματι. Κρίμνον, -ου, το, meal, coarse flour ; barley. Κρΐναι, 1 a, inf. — Κρίνας, -ασα, -αν, 1 a. par. act. — Κρινάμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. — Kpivavro, Ion. for εκρίναντο, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. — Κρίνε, Ion. for έκρινε, 3 sin. impf. act. — Κρίνετε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. act. — Kpi- νέωσι, Poet, for κρίνωσι, 3 pi. pres. sub. act. of κρίνω. Κρινθέντες, for κριθέντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. pass, of same. Κρίνον, -ου, το, a lily ; a gourd ; a poor person ; a kind of dance. Κοίνον, -ες, -ε, impf. or 2 a. ind. act. Ion. — KpTvov, -άτω, 1 a. impr. act. of κρίνω. Κρίνο?, -εος -ους,'τδ, a lily. Κρίνω, f. -ϊνώ, p. κέκρίκα, to win- now, sift, searce ; to scrutinize, examine ; to separate, distin- guish, discern ; to choose, pick out, cull, select, prefer ; to think, esteem ; to debate, argue, dis- pute, contend, combat ; to judge, award, adjudge, regulate, rule, divide, distribute ; to resolve, de- termine, decide, decree, enact : to sentence, condemn, punish ; to accuse, charge, blame, cen- sure ; to interpret ; to interro- gate, inquire, ask. 1 a. act. ind. έκρινα' impr. κρίνον, -άτω' inf. κρΐναι• par. κρίνας. 2 a. ind. act. έκρινον. per. ind. pass, κέκρίμαι, 1 a. pass. ind. εκρίθην, and εκρίν- θην sub. κριθώ, -ης, -ψ par. κρι- θείς, and κρινθείς. 1 f. ind. pass. κριθήσομαι. Κριοπρόσωπος, -ου, b, t), (fr. next, and πρόσωπον the face) ram- faced, with the head of a ram. Κρϊος, -ου, b, a ram ; a battering- ram ; one of the signs of the zo- diac ; a chief, leader. Κρισίη, -ης, ή, a woman's name. Κρίσιμος, -ου, b, η , (fr. next) judi- cious, exact, scrupulous, critical, "particular ; on which a change or event is expected ; or an opi- nion may be formed ; judicial, with the right of judging. Kpiffif, «to?, Att. -εως, ή, an adyudi- KPO cation, award, determination, de- cision ; an opinion, judgment, sentence ; a decree, act, statute ; condemnation, punishment ; an accusation, charge ; a trial, suit, controversy ; an estimation, va- luation, rate ; a crisis, event, incident, turn, periodical change, alteration, d. κρίσει, a. κρίσιν, pi. cont. κρίσεις. Κρίσκρανα, -ων, τα, a case, desk, press, cabinet. Κρίσπος, -ου, δ, (fr. the Lat. )CVis- pus, a man's name. Κριτήριον, -ου, το, (fr. κρίνω to judge) the right, power or autho- rity of judgment, jurisdiction ; a trial, suit, controversy ; a judg- ment-seat, tribunal, court or bench of judges ; a ticket or note of the opinion or vote ; a criterion, trial, proof Κριτής, -ου, b, (fr. same) a judge, umpire, arbitrator. Κριτικός, -ή, -ov, (fr. same) critical, exact, particular, accurate ; ju- dicious, ingenious, shrewd, in- telligent, judging, judicial, con- troversial, litigious ; periodical, causing or attended by a regu- lar change. Subs, a critic, cen- sor, censurer. Κριτος, -ή, -dv, (fr. same) chosen, culled, select, choice, excellent, eminent, notable, remarkable. Κρίω, η, a woman's name. Κρίωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. κριός a ram) an ornament on the chapiter of a column ; a frontispiece. Κροα'ινω,ΐ. -ϊχνω, p. -αγκα, (perhaps fr. κρούω to beat) to prance, ca- per, toss the head ; to stamp ; to dance wantonly. Κρόβυλος, see κρώβυλος. Κροίσος, -ου, b, Croesus, a man's name. Κρόκα, by Sync, for κροκίδα, a. sin. of κροκίς. ΚροκαΚη, -ης, η, (fr. next) the beach, strand, gravel or sand on the shore. Κρόκη, -ης, >'/, (fr. κρέκω to strike) the woof or weft, that is, the cross thread in weaving ; a thread ; the shore, strand, beach. Κροκΐς, -ίδος, η, (fr. same) the woof or weft. See last. Κροκόοαλο?, -ου, δ, a crocodile. Κροκόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. κρόκος saf- fron) of saffron ; saffron-colour- ed, yellow. Κροκόπεπ\ος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. last, and πέπλον a robe) in a yellow dress, in a robe the colour of the dawn ; saffron-coloured. Κρόκος, -ου, b, Κρόκον, -ου, rb, saf- fron. Κρόμμϋον, and Poet. Κρόμυον, an onion. Κρονίδας, -ου, b, Dor. for Κρονίο^?, -ου, δ, (fr. Κρόνος Saturn) the son of Saturn, the Greek Zeus, the Latin Jupiter. Κρονΐκος,-ή, -bv, (fr. same) of Sa- turn, Salurnian, ancient ; aged, very old, doting, impaired by age. (356} KPO Κρόνιο?, -α, -ov, (fr. same) same at last. Κρονϊων, -ωνος, b, (fr. same) same as Κρονίδης. Κρόνος, -ου, δ, Chronus, or Eng. Saturn; lime, antiquity; a harsh, peevish old person. ΚροσσαΙ, -ων, α'ι, (fr. next) any jagged edge resembling lace or fringe ; the battlements, pinna- cles or merlons of a fort ; a lad der, staircase. Κροσσός, and Κρωσσδ?, -ου, b, the edge of any garment ; a border t hem, selvedge ; a facing or lapel ; lace, fringe, flounce. Κροσσωτος, and Κρωσσωτδ?, -ου, δ, η, bordered, laced, fringed, twist- ed, wreathed. Subs. mas. α laced coat, bordered robe,fringea or flounced dress. Subs. neut. α chain. Κρόσφος, -ου, b, the head of a wea- pon ; the iron point at the foot of a spear ; a dart, javelin, &c. Κροταλίζω, f. -ϊ"σω, (fr. next) to rattle, ' clatter ; to beat, strike in order to make a noise ; to set out with noise, go off rattling or clat- tering. Κρότβλον, -ου, τδ, (fr. κροτέω to beat) a castanet; a rattle, Urn brel, cymbal. Κρόταλο?, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a talk ative person, babbler, rattler. Κρόταφος, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. κρο- τέω to strike, and άφή the touch) the temples. Κροτέω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. κρότος a stroke) to beat, strike, thump, knock ; to lash with noise, clat- ter ; to clap, applaud. Κροτησμος, -ov,b, (fr. κρούω to beat) a beating, striking; noise, cla- mour, din. Κρότος, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. same) a stroke, thump ; a beatings knocking ; clapping, applause. Κρότων, -ωνος, δ, a tick, doglouse / a disease of the lungs. Κροτώνη, -ης, §, (fr. last) a disease in the olive. Κρούειν, pres. inf. act. — Κρούετε, 2 pi. impr. act. — Κρούων, d. -ονπ, par. pres. act. of κρούω. Κρουμα,-ατος,το, (fr. κρούω to beat) a concert, sound of musical in- struments ; a rattle, noise, din. Κρουνήδον, (fr. next) like a foun- tain or spring. Κρουνδ?, -ov, b, a spring, source, fountain ; a torrent, stream. Κρούπαλα, -ων, τα, Κρούπεζαι, -ων, α\, and Κρουπέζια, -ων, τά, wood- en shoes, clogs. Κρούσας, -ασα, -αν, g. -σαντος, par. 1 a. act. of κρούω. Κρούσις, -ιος, ΑΚ.-εω?,»/, (fr. κρούω to strike) a striking, beating, knocking, clashing ; a ringing sound, noise ; a musical note or tone ; an overwhelming or drown- ing of another sound. Κρούω, f. -σω, p. κέκρουκα, to beat, strike, thump, knock, rap, hit ; to dash together, clang, clap ; to strike or play on the lyre ; to KPT row backwards or stern foremost. 1 a. ind. act. έκρουσα. Κρύβδα, Κρύβδην, and Dor. Κρύβ- δαν, (fr. κρύπτω to hide) secretly, privately, privily, unknown to, without the knowledge of. Κρυβεϊς,-εΐσα,-ϊν,\>ΆΤ. 2a. pass.— Κρυβηναι, 2 a. inf. pass. — Kov- βήσομαι, -ν, -εται, 2 f. ind. pass. οι κρύπτω. Κρυβη, (fr. same) same as κρύβδα. Κρυερδς, and Ion. Κρυεροϊυς, -a, -ov, (fr. κρύος cold) cold, chilly, frigid; shivering, benumbing. Κρυόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. next) cold, chilly ; chilling, frightful. Κρύος, -εος -ους, το, and Κρύμδς, -ου, b, cold, frost, ice, chilliness. Κρυπτάδιος, -α, -ov, Poet, for κρυπ- τός. Κρυπτάζω, f. -ασω, ίο cover up, hide, conceal. Κρυπτάσκω, Ion. for κρύπτω. Κρύπτε, Ion. for έκρυπτε, 3 sin. impf. act. of same. Κρυπ-^κδς, -η, -bv, (fr. κρύπτω to hide) secret, clandestine; close, artful. Κρυπτός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) hidden, concealed, private, secret. Κρύπτω, f. -ψω, p. κέκρυφα, to hide cover, conceal; to disguise, dis- semble, counterfeit, pretend; to protect; to bury. 1 a. act. ind. έκρυβα' sub. κρύψω, -ης, -η' par. κρύψας. 2 a. ind. act. έκουβον. per. ind. pass, κέκρυμμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, εκρύφθην. 2 a. pass, ind. εκρύβην inf. κρυβηναι• par. κρύβει?. Κρυφτώ?, (fr. last) privately, in se- cret, secretly, clandestinely. Κρυσταλλίζοντι, ά. sin. par. pres. act. of Κρυσταλλίζω, (fr. κρύσταλλος crys- tal) to shint, glitter or sparkle like crystal ; to crystallize. Κρυστάλλινος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) of or like crystal, crystalline. Κρυσταλλόομαι -οϋμαι, (fr. same) to freeze or be frozen, congeal. Κρύσταλλος, -ου, b, (fr. κρύος, cold, and στέλλω to contract) ice ; crystal. Κρυφά, Dor. for κρυφή. Κρυφαϊος, -a, -ov, same as κρύφιος Κρυφή, and Κρυ0/7<3δν, (fr. next) privately, in secret, secretly. Κρύφιος, -a, -ov, and -ov, b, 17, (fr. κρύπτω to hide) hidden, conceal- ed, secret, private, d. pi. mas. Ion. κρυφίοισι. Κρύφιον, and Κρυφίως, (fr. last) in secret, privately. Κρύφος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a secret place. Κρύφος, -εος -ους, τδ, (fr. same) concealment, privacy. Κρύψαι, 1 a, inf. act. — Κρύψα?, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. — Κρύ- ψατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. — Κρύψε, Ion. for έκρυψε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind act. - Κ ρύψω,- /ί?? ,- Γ /,1 a. sub. act. of κρύπτω. Κρύψις,-ιος, Att. -εω?,>Ί. (fr. same) a hiding, concealment,* pnmcy, retirement. KTE Κρώβύλος, and Κρόβυλος, -ου, b, the hair thrown back or braided up ; a lock, curl, braid. Κρωγμός, -ου, b, (fr. next) a croak- ing, cawing. Κρώζω, f. -ξω, to croak, caw; to speak hoarsely ; to prate idly. Κρώμαξ, -ακος, b, same as κλώμαζ. Κρώπιον, -ου, τδ, a bilhook, prun- ing-knife. Κρωσσος, -ου, b, a water-vessel, pit- cher, bucket, pail. See also κροσ- σός. Κρωσσοτον, -ου, το, same as κροσ- σοτον, in κροσσοτός. Κρωτηριάζω, to cut off the ensigns or ornaments of captured ships. Κτά, Ion. for έκτα, Apoc. for έκτα- νε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of κτείνω. Κτάμεν, Ion. and Κτάμεναι, Dor. for κτεΊναι, 1 a. inf. act. of κτεί- νω. Or they are so for κτάναι, pres. inf. act. of κτημι, same as κτείνω. Κταμένοιο, Ion. for κταμένου, g. sin. of Κτάμενος, -η, -ov, par. of εκτάμην, 2 a. ind. mid. of κτημι, same as κτείνω. Or, by Sync, for κτει- νάμενος, par. of εκτεινάμην, 1 a ind. mid. of κτείνω. Κταν, Ion. for έκταν, which by Sync, for έκτησαν, 3 pi. of έκτην, 2 a. ind. act. of κτημι. Κτάνε, Ion. for έκτανε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of κτείνω. Κτανέεσθαι, by Dial, for κτανεΧσθαι. 2 f. inf. mid. — Κτανέοντες, b) : Dial, for κτανούντες, η. pi. par. 2 f. act. — Κτανέουσι, by Dial. for κτανυύσι, 3 pi. 2 f. ind. act. — Κτάνθεν, by Boeot. Sync, for εκτάνθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass — Κτανουμαι, -fj, -είται, 2 f. ind. mid. of κτείνω. Κτάντας, Dor. for Κτάντης, -ου, b, (fr. κτείνω to kill) a murderer, manslayer, killer. Κτάομαι -ωμαι, f. -κτήσομαι, p. κέκ- τημαι, and also έκτημαι, to ac- quire, get, procure, obtain; to beget ; to purchase, buy ; to pos- sess, have-, enjoy; to conciliate, gain, reconcile, par. per. pass. κεκτημένος, -η, -ov. 1 a. ind. pa5s. εκτήθην, -ης, -η. 1 a. ind. mid. εκτησαμην, -ω, -ατο. Κτασθαι, pres. inf. mid. — Κτάτο, Ion. for έκτατο, 3 sin. cont. impf. mid. of last. Κτασθαι, inf. — Κτάτο, Ion. for εκτάτο, 3 sin. of εκτάμην, 2 a. ind. mid. of κτημι for κτείνω. Κτάω, same as κτημι and κτείνω, which see. Also, for κτάο- μαι. Κτέανον, -ου, το, and Κτέαρ, -ατός, το, (fr. κτάομαι to own) same as κτήμα. Κτεάτεσσι, Ion. and Poet, for κτέα- σι, d. pi. of κτέαρ. Κτεατίζω, f. -"ϊσω, Poet. (fr. κτέαρ a possession) to acquire, get, ob- tain : to possess, own. Κτεατισσε, Ion. and Poet, for εκτεάτισε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of last. (357) KTH ΚτεΧναι, 1 a. inf. act. — Κτεινας» -ασα, -αν, a. sin. κτείναντα, par* 1 a. act. — ΚτεΓνε, 2 sin. pres. impr. act. . — Κτείνετ' for Κτεί- νετε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. act. — Κτεινέμεναι,Όοΐ. for Κτείνειν, pres. inf. act. — Κτείνεσθαι, pres. inf. pass. — Κτεινόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. — Κτε- νω, f. ind. act. of Κτείνω, f. κτενω, p. έκτακα, to kill, slay, put to death. 1 a. ind. act. έκτεινα. 2 a. ind. act. έκτανον, also fr. κτημι, έκτην, -ης, -η, in 3 pi. έκτησαν, and Dor. έκταν, -ας, -a, in 3 pi. έκτασαν, by Sync. έκταν and κτάν, both in 1 sin. and 3 pi. — per. ind. pass, έκτα- μαι. 1 a. ind. pass, εκτάνθην. 1 f. ind. pass, κτανθήσομαι. per. ind. mid. έκτονα, Poet, έκονα and κέκονα. Κτει?, -ενός, b, a comb. Κτενίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. last) to comb. Κτέννω, Κτεννύω and Κτέννϋμι, same as κτείνω. Κτενω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of same. Κτεραί, -ατός, τδ, (fr. κτάομαι to possess) a possession, properly; a gift, present. Κτέρεα, -ων, τα, (perhaps fr. κτάω to kill) a funeral, burial, exe- quies ; a sacrifice for the dead or to the shades; funeral ho- nours. Κτερεϊζω and Κτερίζω, f. -ϊσω, Att. -ίώ and -ί^ω, (fr. last) to perform a funeral, celebrate burial rites, inter, bury. Κτεριουσι, Att. for κτερίσονσι, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of κτερίζω. Κτερίσειαν, 3 pi. 1 a. opt. JEo\. of κτερίζω. Κτέρισμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) the performance of a funeral or other rites for the dead ; exe- quies, burial, interment ; funeral honours. Κτέωμεν, Ion. for κτωμεν, 1 pi. pres. sub. act. οι κτημι. Κτηδών, -όνος, Ό, (fr. κτέις a comb) a comb, any thing like a comb ; veins or sap-vessels in trees; fila- ments in leaxies ; membranes or fibres in the human body. Κτήμα, -ατός, το, (fr. κτάομαι to own) a possession, property, estate, farm ; goods, chattels, substance, wealth; cattle, slaves^ &C pi. κτήματα. Κτημι, f. κτήσω, p. έκτηκα, same as κτάω for κτείνω, to kill ; or, κτάομαι, to possess, which see. 2 a. ind. act. έκτην, Dor. έκταν' par. κτάς. Κτήνη, Κτενών, η. and g. pi. cont. of κτήνος. Κτηνηδδν, (fr. κτήνος cattle) like cattle, like the beasts that perish, promiscuously. Κτηνητρόφος, -ου, b, >'/, (fr. next, and τρέφω to rear) keeping or rearing cattle. Subs, a herd, keep- er of beasts. Κτήνος, -εος -ους, τδ, (fr. κτημι fi» κτάομαι to own, or κτείνω to ΚΤΪ ΚΤΑ ΚΤΒ slay) a beast of burden ; a tame beast, cattle, herds, flocks. Κτηνώδης, -εος -ους, b, >/, (fr. last, and εΊδος likeness) of or about beasts or cattle ; like a beast, brutish, beastly; senseless, irra- tional; stupid, dull. Κτησαίμην, -αιο, -αιτο, 1 a. opt. mid. — Κτήσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Κτήσασθε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. mid. — Κτήσησθε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. mid. of κτάομαι. Κτησίας, -ov, b, Ctesias, a man's name. Κτησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. κτήμι for κτάομαι to own) acquisition, acquirement ; possession, right, interest; an estate, farm, pro- perty ; house, home ; goods, chat- tels, substance, wealth ; state, circumstance. Κτήσομαι, -γ, -εται, sin. 1 f. ind. mid. of κτάομαι. Κτητά, neut. pi. οΐκτητός. Κτητη, -ης, t% (fern, of same) a fe- male slave. Κτητική, -ης, ii, (fem. of next) profit, gain; a trade, calling, occupation. Κτητικός, -η, -bv, (fr. κτάομαι to get) gainful, profitable ; possess- ing, owning. Κτητος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) to be got, that may be acquired, ac- cessible, procurable ; had, pos- sessed, owned, bought, purchas- ed. Κτήτωρ, -ορός, b, (fr. same) a pos- sessor, owner, n. pi. κτήτορες. Κτίδεος, -a Ion. -η, -ov, by Aphaer. for ικτίδεος. Κτίζω, f. -ίσω, p. έκτικα, to build, found ; to create, make, frame, form, fashion, compose; to insti- tute, appoint, establish. 1 a. act. ind. έκτισα' impr. κτίσον' inf. κτίσαι' par. κτίσας. per. ind. pass, έκτισμαι. 1 a. pass. ind. εκτίσθην' par. κτισθείς. ΚτΥλο?, -ου, b, a ram; a chief, leader, ruler, prince, priest. Adj, mild, gentle, tame. Κτιλόω -ω, (fr. last) to tame, do- mesticate ; to sooth, coax, pet caress. Κτιμένος, Poet, for εκτισμένος, par. per. pass, of κτίζω. Κτίς, -ϊδος, >% same as ικτίς. Κτισάσθαν, Ion. and Dor. for εκτι- σάσθην, 3 du. 1 a. ind. mid. of κτίζω. Κτίση, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. — Κτισθείς, a. -σθέντα, pass. — Κτίσας, d. -σαντι, act. par. 1 a. of same. Κτΐσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. κτίζω to create) a making, forming, composition ; formation, struc- ture, fashion, frame, form ; workmanship; a renewal, rege- neration, renovation ; the crea- tion, universe, world; a crea- ture ; mankind, the rational creation; an institution, esta- blishment, appointment; autho- rity, magistracy, office, d. sin. κτίσει. Κτίσμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) the thing created; a creation, pro- duction, creature ; a work, struc- ture, g. pi. κτισμάτων. Κτίσον, -άτω, 1 a. impr. act. of same. Κτιστή, -ου, b, (fr. same) a crea- tor, maker ; a settler, inhabitant, dweller. Κιστος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) created, made, built, founded, establish- ed. Κτιστΐις, -ύος, //, (fr. same) a build- ing, erection ; a settling, plant- ing a colony. Κτυπέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. τύπτω to strike) to sound, crash, thunder, resound, re-echo, rattle, make a noise, murmur, ring ; to inflict, thump, beat. Κτύτημα, -άτος, το, and Κτύπο?, -ου, b, (fr. same) the sound of a blow; a stroke, clap, peal, roar, crash, rattle ; reverberation, echo ; noise. Κτωμαι, 1 sin. cont. fr. κτάομαι. Κύάθος, -ου, b, (fr. <χύω to pour) a measure of about half a pint ; a cup, glass. Κυαμευτής, -ου, b, (fr. κυάμος a bean) a balloter, voter ; a fortune- teller. Κυαμευτος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) elect- ed, ballotted, chosen. Κυαμεύω, (fr. same) to ballot, elect, choose, vote. Κυαμοβόλος, -ου, b, (fr. same, and βάλλω to throw) an elector, voter; a judge, umpire. Κύάμος, -ου, b, a bean; a ballot, pebble, counter ; a vote ; lot, des- tiny, fortune. Κυαμοτρωζ, -ωγος, b, (fr. last, and τρώγω to eat) a liver on beans ; a corrupt judge who lives by bribes; an elector who sells his vote. Κυαναιγϊς, -Ίδος, η", (fr. κυανός a dark colour, and αιγϊς a breast- plate) with the terrible and black shield. Κυανεάν, Dor. for κυανεων, g. pi. — Κυανέη, fem. sin. — Κυανηι- σι, d. pi. Ion. — Κυανεάων, g. pi. ^Eol. of Κυάνεος, -a and Ion. -η, -cv, and Κυάνείος, -a, -ov, (fr. κυανός azure) blue, azure, gray ; ceru- lean, sea-green; dark, gloomy, dusky, black. Κυανόθριξ, -τρΐχος, b, η, (fr. κυανός dark, and &ρϊξ hair) with dark or dusky locks. Κυανόπεζά, -ης, η, (fr. same, and ττέζα a foot) with dark feet. Κυανόττεπλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πέπλον a robe) in a dark dress, sable-robed. Κυανόπρωρος and -πρώρειος, -ου, b, f), (fr. same, and πρώρα the • prow) with a dark head, blue stem or sea-green prow. Κύάνος, -ου, and Κυανό?, -ου, b, azure colour, lazuli, dark blue, cerulean or sea-green colour ; raven-gray, lead colour, dark hue; Blackness. (358) Κυανόφρυς, -ΰος, b, »% (fr. last. and οφρυς the eyebrow) dark browed, with heavy or dark eye brows. Κυανοχαίτης, -ji,, b, η", (fr. same, and χαίτη the mane) with a black mane, with dark locks, azure- haired. Κυανωττις, -'ίδος, ή, (fr. same, and ώψ the eye) blue eyed, cerulean y azure. Κύαρ, κνατος, τδ, the eye of a needle; the inner part of the ear. Κύββα, a cup, small vessel. Κυβδα, (fr. κύπτω to bend) with the head inclined. Κυβεία, -ας, ή, (fr. κύβος a die) playing at dice ; gambling ; fraud, sleight, cheating, knav- ery. Κυβέλη and Κυβήλη, -ης, η, Cybele or Rhea, the mother of the gods. Κυβερνάσις, Κυβερνάτας, Κυβερνα- τϊιρ, Dor. for κυβέρνησις, κυβερ- νήτης, κυβερνητήρ. Κυβερνάω -ω, f. -ήσω, to steer, pilot; to guide, direct, govern, rule. Κυβέρνησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. last) steering, pilotage ; guid- ance, rule, government, pi. cont. κυβερνήσεις. Κυβερνήτειρα, -ας, η, (fr. same) α governess, mistress, queen. Κυβερνητήρ, -ηρος, Poet, and Kw- βερνήτης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a pilot, steersman ; a master, ruler, governor. Κυβερνητική, -ης, η, (fem. of next) viz. τέχνη. The art of conduct- ing a ship, navigation. Κυβερνητικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. κυβερνάω to steer) about steering, ofapilot; on government, about ruling. Κυβερνισμος, -ου, b, (fr. same) di- rection, guidance, rule, govern- ment. Κυβευτής, -ου, b, (fr. κύβος a die) a gambler, gamester. Κυβευτίκος, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) of gaming, about dice; expert at play, clever at the dice. Κυβεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same) to play at dice, gamble; to risk, venture, hazard. Κυβη, -ης, ή, the head; ahead, top, height. Κυβήβη, -ης, >/, same as Κυβέλη. Κυβηλίζω, (fr. next) to strike with an axe, cut with a hatchet, chop. Κύβηλις, -ιδος, ή, an axe, hatchet, « double axe. Κυβικός, -//, -δ ν, (fr. κύβος a cube) cubical, like a die. Κυβιστάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. κύβη the head) to tumble head over ; to plunge, dive; to stand or dance on the head. Κυβίοτημα, -άτος, το, and Κυβίστη- ση, -ιος, Att -εως, //, (fr. last) α standing or dancing on the head, tumbling, diving. Κυβιστηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. same) a tumble) , one who shows feats of activity or antic tricks ; a diver. Κύβιτον, -o'w, ρ>, (fr' κ»*τ0 fobend) ΚΤΔ the arm from the wrist to tlie el- bow ; the elbow ; a cubit. Κύβος, -ου, b, a cube, die; a solid figure of six square sides ; any thing of that shape. Κυγχνϊς, -ίδος, η, a large bowl, ba- sin. Κύγχραμος, -ου, δ, the leader of the quails ; a bird which attends the quails on their arrival in Greece and Italy. Κυδάζω, f. -αιτώ, (fr. κύδος a taunt) to reproach, taunt, revile, abuse, inveigh against. Κυδαίνω, f. -άνω, (fr. κυδος fame) to celebrate, praise, commend, ho- nour, extol ; to exult, rejoice, tri- umph. Κνδάλϊμος, -ου, b, L (fr. same) famed, renowned, glorious, cele- brated. Κύδαρις, a turban, fillet, diadem, head-dress. Κοδάω -ω, (fr. κυδος fame) to glory, take pride in, exult ; to honour, respect, venerate ; to celebrate, adorn. Κνδήεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. same)/a- mous, renowned, celebrated, ; great, excellent. Κυδηθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of κυδάω. Κυδιάνειρος, -ου, b, >/, (fr. κυδος fame, and ανήρ a man) of noble chiefs, famed for heroes ; honour- able, distinguished, eminent. Κνδιάω -ω, (fr. same) to glory, ex- ult, take pride in ; to rejoice, tri- umph. Κύδίμος,.-ου, b,rj, (fr. s&me) famed, illustrious, renowned, noble, great, excellent. Κυδιόων, Poet, for κυδιων, par. pres. act. cont. of κυδιάω. Κυδίων, -όνος, b, η, and Κυδότερος, -a, -ov comp. and Κύδιστος sup. of κυδος fame ; more or most glo- rious, renovmed or illustrious, nobler, noblest, greater, greatest. Κυδνος, -η, -bv, (fr. κυδος fame) ce- lebrated, noble, illustrious, great, grand. Κυδοιδοΐΐάω -ω, (fr. κυδoιμbς a tu- mult, and δουπέω to resound) to bustle, disturb ; make noisy boasts, brag. 3 sin. cont. impf. εκυδοίδοπα. Κυδοιμος, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. κύω to breed, and δείμα terror, or ο7δμα for οίδημα a rising) bustle, tumult, disturbance, confusion ; uproar, din, mutiny, sedition, in- surrection. Κυδος, -εος -ους, το, fame, glory, renown ; an honour, ornament . rank, dignity, elevation, pre-emi- nence ; victory, triumph ; exul- tation, boasting, pride. Κύδος, -ου, b, a reproach, taunt; disgrace, shame. Κυδρδς, -a, -bv, (fr. κυδος fame) fa- mous, renowned, glorious, great, grand, noble. Κύδων, -ωνος, ή, Cydon, the name of a city. Κυδωνιάς, -a, -ov, (fr. last) of Cy don, Cydonian. Κυδώνιον μη \ov> a Cydonian apple, quince. RTK Κύει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Κνεις, par. 2.a, pass, of κύω. Κυέω -ω, same as κύω. Κύημα, -ατός, το, (fr. κύω to breed) a foetus, embryo, a creature in the womb. Κύησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) pregnancy, conception, breeding. Κυθήρεια, -ας, η, (fr. next) Cythe- rea, an epithet of Venus. Κυθήρα, -ας, η, Cythera, a city of Cyprus. Κυθρόγαυλος, -ου, b, see -χυτρόγαυ- λος. Κύϊξ, -ϊκος, ή, a certain bulbous plant. Κύκας, a species of palm. Κυκάω -ω, f. -ήσω, to mix, mingle ; to confuse, trouble, confound, dis- turb ; make turbid. Κυκεία, -ας, η, (fr. last) amingling, mixture ; confusion, disturbance. Κυκεω, and Poet. Κυκειω, by Apoc. for κυκεώνα, a. sin. of Κυκεών, -ώνος, b, (fr. κυκάω to mix) a mixed drink. Κυκηθήτην, Ion. for εκυκηθήτην, 3 du. 1 a. ind. pass, of same. Κύκημα, -ατός, το, and Κύκησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) con- fusion, tumult, disturbance. Κύκλα, -ων, τα, same as κύκλοι, pi. of κύκλος. Κυκλάδες, -ων, at, (pi. of next) Cy- clades, islands in the iEgean sea. Κυκλάς, -άδος, η, (fr. κύκλος a cir- cle) a woman's dress ; a round gown with a long train. Adj. rounded, round, circular. Κυκλεύω, same as κυκλόω. Κυκλέω, (fr. κύκλος a circle) to turn, roll, whirl, circulate, re volve ; to carry or convey on wheels, wheel off, drive away ; to wind, roll up, coil. Κυκληδον, (fr. same) like a circle in a circle, around, on all sides. Κυκλικός, -η, -bv, Κύκλιος, -a, -ov and Κυκλόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr same) circular, round, rounded, in a circle. Κυκλϊς, see κιγκλίς. Κυκλόθεν, (fr. κύκλος a circle) in a circle, round about. Κύκλος, -ου, b, a circle, round, ho circumference ; the ring of a wheel, a wheel; a disk, or any thing round ; an orb, orbit, com- pass ; a circuit, revolution ; an argument in a circle ; a period^ full sentence ; a society, assem- bly, assemblage ; a cluster or ring of persons or of slaves to be sold ; the place where they were sold ; the walls or fortifications of a city. Κύκλοι, the cheeks. Κυκλόσε, (fr. last) like a circle, round about, in a ring. Κνκλοτερης, -εος -ους, δ, τ), (fr. same, and τερέω to turn in a lathe) turn- ed, made round, rounded; cir- cular, bent into a circle. Κυκλούμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. cont. — Κυκλουσ', for κυκ- λουσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of κυκλέω, or of Κυκλόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. κεκύκλωκα, (359) ΚΤΛ (fr. κύκλος a circle) to surround^ environ, draw a circle round, compass about, enclose ; to be» siege, invest ; to tie about, gird; to move or drive in a circle. 1 a. ind. pass, εκυκλώθην, -ης, -η. Κύκλω, (d. sin. of same) in a cir- cle or ring, round about, on at, sides. Κυκλωθείς, neut. pi. -θέντα, pass. — Κύκλωσα?, g. pi. -σάντων, act. par. 1 a. of κυκλόω. Κύκλωμα, -άτος, το, and Κύκλωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) a surrounding, encompassing ; a circuit, round, visitation, survey ; a turn or revolution of a wheel ; a drum. Κυκλωτος, -ή, -bv, (fr. κυκλ<5ω to surround) round, circular, round- ed, made round. Κύκλωώ, -ωπος, b, (fr.• κύκλος a circle, and ώφ the eye) Cyclops, a certain fabulous character ; a giant with one eye. Κύκνος, -ου, b, a swan. Κυκόωντι, Poet, for κυκωντι, d. sin. cont. par. pres. act. of κυκάω. Κύλα, -ων, τα, the hollow of the eye. Κυλιδέω -ω, same as κυλίω. Κυλίνδεται, 3 sin. pres. pass. — Κυλίνδετο, Ion. for εκυλίνδετο, 3 sin. impf. pass. — Κυλινδόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of Κυλινδέω -ω, same as κυλίω. Κύλινδρος, -ου, δ, (fr. next) a cy- linder, roller, rollingstone. Κυλίνδω, same as κυλίω. Κυλίκων, -ου, το, (dim. of next) a small cup. Κύλιξ, -'ίκος, {], a cup, drinking vessel, large or small ; a goblet, bowl, tankard. Κύλισις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, Κύλισμα, -άτος, το, and Κυλισμος, -ου, δ, (fr. κυλίω to roll) a rolling, tumbling, wallowing ; a dusting or sprinkling with sand by the wrestlers; the place for rolling or sprinkling ; a place where beasts lie and tumble. Κυλιστός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) rolled, tumbled, wallowed. Κυλίχνη, -ης, η, and Κύλιγνος, -ου, δ, (fr. κυλιζ a cup) a small cup with a narrow mouth ; a cup- ' ping-glass ; a pot, gallipot. Κυλίχνιον,-ου, το, (dim. of last) a small jar, pot, &c. Κυλίω, f. -ίσω, also Κυλιδέω,Κυλιν- δέω, Κυλίνδω, and Καλινδέω, to roll, trundle ; to tumble, toss, wal- low ; to fall down. Κυλινδόμαι, -δέομαι, &c. to be tumbling, to totter, hang over, impend ; to hurry away, make off, scamper. Κυλλοποδιων, -ωνος, δ, η, (fr. κυλλbς lame, and ποΐίς the foot) bandy, bowlegged, clubfooted, lame. Κυλλος, -η, -bv, (perhaps fr. κολύς maimed) lame, halt, crippled, contracted ; crooked, bent, bow- ed, distorted ; maimed, deficient, defective. Κυλοιδιάω -ω, (fr. κύλα the hollow of the eyes, and ο«5άω to swell) to be afflicted in the eyes, have KTM the eyes swollen with illness, grief, or desire ; to weep for, long for. Κνλοιδιωντες, η. pi. cent. par. pres, act. of last. Κύλων, -ωνος, b, Cylo, a man's name. Κνμα, -άτος, το, a wave, surge, bil- low ; a flood, torrent ; adversity, pestilence, ruin. pi. κύματα, g. κυμάτων. Κνμαίνοντος, g. sin. par. pres. act. of next. Κυμαίνω, f. -άνω, p. κεκύμαγκα, (fr. κνμα a wave) to swell, boil, rage, storm ; to wave, roll, toss on the xoaves ; to foam, fret, be vexed, irritated, transported with any passion ; to expand, open out. Κνματίας, and Ion. Κυματίης, -ov, b, (fr. same) swelling with waves, boisterous, foaming, tem- pestuous. Κυματίη,'-ης,ή, (fr. same) the roll- ing of the sea ; a storm, tem- pest. Κυματίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. same) to raise in waves, disturb, agitate. Κυματίον, -ου, το, (dim. of same) a little wave ; a waved border or moulding ; a ringlet, curl. Κυματοπλήξ, -ηγος, b, η, (fr. κύμα a wave, and πλήσσω to strike) sea-beaten, washed by the waves. Κυματόω -ω, same as κυματίζω. Κυματώγη, -ης, and Κυματωγή, -ης, fl, (fr. κνμα a wave, and άγνυμι to break) the shore, beach, strand ; a rock, reef, crag. Κυματώδης, -εος -ους, b, ή, (fr. same) wavy, billowy, covered with surge, foaming, boisterous. Κυματωθεϊς> -εΊσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass, of κυματόω. Κνμβαλίζω, (fr. next) to beat or play on cymbals. Κύμβάλον, -ου, το, (fr. κύμβος hol- low) a cymbal, tambourine, drum. Κύμβαχος, -ου, b, η, (fr. next) headlong, head foremost, upon the head. Κύμβη, -ης, η, (fern, of κνμβος hol- low) a boat, skiff 1 ; a cup, ves- sel, shell, saltsellar ; the head. Κνμβίον, and Κύμβον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a small vessel, cruet, ewer, drinking cup. Κύμβος, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. κνφος bent) a hollow, depression; the inside ; the bottom. Κύμη, -ης, ή, Cuma, and Cum&, a city of iEolia. Κύμινις, -ιος, Att. -εως, and -ιδος, §, some night-bird ; the horned owl. Κύμϊνον, -ου, τδ, the herb cummin, ai:J its seed. Κυμοδίγμων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. κνμα a wave, and δέχομαι to receive) wave-receiving, wave-beaten. Κυμοδόκη, -ης, η, Cymodoca, a sea nymph. Κυμοθόη, -ης, ij, Cymothod, a sea nymph. Κυμοπόπλεια, -ας, fj, a woman's name. Κνμω, -6ος -ους, η, a sea nymph. KTN Κνναγέτας, -ov, b, Dor. for κυνηγέ• της. Κυνάγχη, -ης, η, (fr. κύων a dog, and άγχος choking) a disease of the throat, the quinsy, inflamma- tion. Κυναγχίκος, -η, -bv, (fr. last) af- flicted with the quinsy. Κυναγώς, Dor. for κυνηγός. Κννάμυια, see κυνόμυια. Κυνάνθρωπος, -ου, b, η, (fr. κύων a dog, and άνθρωπος a man) wily, crafty, double dealing ; shame- less, impudent, barefaced. Κυνάριον, -ου, το, (dim. of κύων a dog) a little dog ; a whelp, pup- py- Κύνας, a. pi. Κύνες, η. pi. of same. Κυνάς, -άδος, fj, (fr. same) bread used to wash the hands and then thrown to the dogs, a washball ; the dog-brier. Adj. of or about a dog, as dog-days, dog-hairs &c. Κυνέη -η, -ίης -ης, f/, (fr. same) a dogskin; a cap, helmet, head- piece, casque, made of or covered with it. Κύνειος, -a, -ov, or -ου, b, fj, and Κύνεος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) canine, of a dog, like a dog ; currish, brutal, brutish; impudent, shame- less. Κυνέουν, Ion. and by Poet. Epenth. for εκύνουν, impf. act. cont. of κυνέω. Κύνεσσι, Poet, or Ion. for κύσι, d. pi. of κύων. Κννεω -ω, (fr. κύω to kiss) to fawn; to kiss, salute ; to flatter, com- pliment, soothe ; to honour, wor- ship, adore. Κυνηγέσιον, -ου, το, (fr. κύων a dog, and άγω to lead) a pack of hounds ; a hunting-pole, spear, toils ; cover, ground for hunt- ing ; game, sport, prey ; hunt- ing, coursing. Κννηγέτης, -ov, b, (fr. same) a dog- leader or keeper, huntsman, sportsman, hunter. Κννηγέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same) to hunt, chase, pursue, course. Κυνηγός, -ου, b, (fr. same) a hunt- er, sportsman. Κυνηδον, (fr. same) like a dog, ra- venously ; shamelessly. Κυνίδιον, -ου, το, (dim. of κύων a dog) a little dog, whelp, puppy. Κυνικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) canine, like a dog ; cynical, currish, snappish ; sour, morose ; impu- dent, shameless. Κυνόδονς, -οντος, b, (fr. same, and οδούς a tooth) the dog-tooth, ca- nine tooth or eye-tooth. Κννοθαρσης, -εος-οΐίς, b, ?/, and Ku- νοθαρσνς, -εϊα, -ν, (fr. same, and Ταρσός boldness) impudent, shameless, barefaced. Κννοκέφαλος, -ov, b, y, (fr. same, and κεφαλή the head) with the head of a dog. Κννόμνια, -ας, f), (fr. same, and μυΊα a fly) α dogfly ; a swarm of flies ; a forward person ; an intruder. (360) ΚΤΠ Κυνοπρόσωπος, -ου, b, ί/, (fr. same, and πρόσωπον the face) with the face or head of a dog ; dog-vi- saged. Κυνόσουρα, -ας, fj, (fr. same, and ουρά the tail) a dog's tail; the cynosure or polar star, in the tail of the little dog or lesser bear. Κύντερος, -a, -ov comp. κύντατος sup. of κύων. Κυνωπα, v. of Κννώπης, -ου, b, (fr. κύων a dog, and ώψ the face) with the J ace or head of a dog. Adj. impudent, insolent, shameless, barefaced,im- modest ; ravenous, greedy. Κυνωπις, -ϊδος, η, fern, for last in the Adj. Κύος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. κύω to con- ceive) a foetus, embryo, creature in the womb, conception. Κνούμενος, par. pres. pass. cont. of κυέω. Κυοφορεω, f. -ήσω, (fr. κύος a con- ception, and φέρω to carry) to be pregnant, conceive, breed. Κνπαρίσσΐνος or -ττίνος, -η, -ov, (fr. next) of cypress ; lasting, dura ble. Κυπάρισσος or -ττος, -ov, η, the cy- press tree. Κύπαρος, -ου, b, a large capacious vessel ; a tub, pail. Κυπάς, -άδος, and Κύπασσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, a coverlet, quilt ; a blanket, bedclothes ; a robe, gown, long cuter garment, cloak. Κύπειρος, -ου, η", and Κύπειρον, -ov, το, cyperis, an Indian water- plant, the root of which resem- bles ginger, and is fragrant j wild galingall. Κύπελλον, -ου, τέ, a cup, goblet, tumbler. Κυπριάρχης, -ου, b, (fr. Κύπρος Cy- prus, and άρχω to govern) the governor of Cyprus. Κύπριδα, and Κύπριν, a. sin. ofKi! πρις. Κυπρίζω, (fr. ' Κύπρις Venus) to bloom, look beautiful ; to sprout, flourish, shoot, bud. Κύπρινον, -ου, τδ, (neut. of next) Cyprian ointment, a perfume from Cyprus. Κνπρΐνος, -η, -ov, (fr. Κύπρος Cy- prus) of Cyprus, Cyprian. Κύπριος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) a Cy- prian. Κύπρις,-ίδος,ίι, (fr. same) Venus, a. sin. Κύπριδα, and Κύπριν. Κύπρισμος, -ου, b, (fr. κυπρίζω to bloom) a budding, shooting, sprouting ; bloom, luxuriance. Κνπρογενεια, -ας, η, (fr. Κύπρος Cyprus, and γίνομαι to be born) born in Cyprus, Cypnan, an epithet of Venus. Κνπρογενης, -εος -ονς, b, i), (fr. same) born in Cyprus. Κύπρος, -ov, η, Cyprus, the name of an island ; also the cypress tree. Κνπτάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. κνπτω to bend) to lean or stoop down, bend KTP over, look down at ; to stay, wait; to delay, loiter , idle. Κνπτός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) bent, leaning; stooping ; suppliant, kneeling-, prostrate. Κύπτω, f. -ψω, to curve, crooken ; to bend, lean, sloop down to look. 1 a. act. ind. έκυψα' par. κύψας ί -ασα, -αν. Κυράνα, -ας, η, Dor. for Κνρήνη. Κνρβάΐος, -a, -ον, (fr. κύρβις a tab- let) high, lofty, set up, posted ; upright, erect ; engraven, indent- ed like a millstone, of or from a millstone, ground. Κνρβασία, -ας, ή, a cocVs comb ; a turban. Κνρβις, -to?, Att. -εως, δ or ή, a triangular tablet on which laws were published ; the law; a slab, plank, lid, cover ; a pettifogger, smatterex in the law ; plans or maps engraven on stones ; a millstone because so indented. Κΰρε, Ion. for έκυρε, 3 sin. impf. act. of κύρω. Κνρεία, -ας, η, (fr. κνρος authority) dominion, rule, sway, authority, sovereignty, lordship. Κυρεω, f. -ήσω, (fr. th. κνρω to hap• pen) to meet with, fall upon ; to reach, obtain, attain, acquire, get ; to happen, occur, come to pass, befall, fall out ; to exist, be Κνρη, -ης, η, a name of Ceres. Κνρηβάω -ω, f. -άσω, to fight with horns ; to horn, butt. Κνρήβια, -ων, τα, the chaff" or husks of barley or of beans ; bran. Κύρημα, and by Sync. Κύρμα, -ατός, τσ, (fr. κνρω to meet with) meeting, rencounter ; quickness, readiness ; any thing found or got unexpectedly ; prey, booty. Κνρήνη, -ης, f], Cyrene, a city of Africa. Κνρήνιος, -ον, b, (fr. the Lat.) Qui rinus. Κυρησαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Κνρήσας -ασα, -αν. par. la. act. of κυρεω Κνρθεϊς, -εΐσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass of κύρω. Κνρία,-ας, ή, (fem. of κνρίος chief) a mistress, lady. Κυριάκος, -η, -ο ν, (fr. same, th. κυ ρος authority) of the Lord, the Lord's. Κυριεύει, 3 sin. -ενομεν, -εύονσι, 1 and 3 pi. pres. ind. act.— Κυριευ- όντων, g. pi. par. pres. act. — Κυ- ρίευσες 3 sin. 1 f. ind. — Κυρίευ- ση, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of Κυριεύω, f. -εύσω, p. κεκυρίευκα, (fr, κυρίος chief) to rule, govern, com- mand, control ; to own, enjoy, possess ; to domineer, tyrannize to subdue, conquer, reduce ; to empower, authorize, give a right, set up a lord. Ευρίζω, and Κυρίσσω, (fr. κέρας a horn) to attack with the horns, horn, butt, gore ; to strike down, KTT ΚΩΘ proper, especial, peculiar ; firm, ] Κύτίσος, -ου, b, the cytisus, tree-tre- fell. Κύριος, -a, -ov, (fr. κνρος authority) ruling, -presiding, 'authoritative, fixed, ratified, confirmed, au thorized, sanctioned. Subs, c prince, ruler, lord, master, sir. Κυριότης, -ητος, f), (fr. same) do- minion, rule, power, authority lordship ; a power, rank or order a. κυριότητα, h. pi. κνριότητες. Κυρίσσω, see κνρίζω. Κνρκανάω -ω, (fr. κυκάω to mix) to disturb, confuse, embroil, make mischief, pres. inf. act. κνρκα- νάειν -αν. Κνρμα, -ατός, rb, see κύρημα. Κύρι/', for Κύρνε, v. of Κύρνος, -ον, ο, a man's name. Κνρος, -εος -ους, rb, authority, in- fluence, credit, reputation ; do- minion, rule, sovereign pouter ; sanction, ratification, confirma- tion ; a decree, act, statute ; a crisis, point or hinge of affairs. Κνρος, -ου, δ, Cyrus, a man's name. Kvpovv, pres. inf. act. cont. — Κυρονσα, η. fem. cont. par. pres act. of κνρόω. Κυρουπαιδε'ια, -ας, η, (fr. Κύρος Cy• rus, and παιδεία education, th. τταΐς a child) the education of Cy rus, the name of a Greek novel. Κνρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. κεκύρωκα, (fr. κνρος sanction) to enact, decree, authorize, sanction, confirm, ra- tify, per. ind. pass, κεκνρωμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, εκνρώθην. 1 f. ind. pass, κνρωθήσομαι. Κύρσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Κύρσας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. — Κυρ σω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. iEol. of κύρω. Κνρτός, and JEidl. Κνρσος, -η, -bv, bent, curved; swelling, raised, convex, gibbous. Κύρτος, -ov,b, also Κύρτη and Κύρ- τις, (fr. last) a net, poke, cage or crib to catch fish, Κυρτόω -ω, (fr. same) to bend, hol- low, curve ; to curl or turn round over ; to distort, make crooked, par. 1 a. pass, κυοτω- θεις, -εΐσα, -εν. Κύρτωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) a hump, bunch, swelling, tumour ; a curvature, bending, winding. Κύρω, f. iEol. κύρσω, to fall come upon, meet with ; to hit upon, strike against ; to reach, attain, get ; to exist, be. par. 1 a. pass, κνρθεις, -εΐσα, -iv. Κνρώσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of κυρδω. Κύσα?, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. — Κϊίσε or Κνσεν, Ion. for ίκυσε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Κνσον, 1 a. impr. act. — Κύσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of κύω. ΚύσΟος. Κύσος, -ου, b, and Κνσος, -ov, b, the buttocks, rump, breech ; the female privities. Κύσί, d. pi. of κύων. Κυσσαμενη, Poet, for κυσαμενη, η. fem. par. 1 a. mid. — Κύσσε, Ion. and Poet, for έκυσε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of κύω. Κύστις, -ως, Att. -εως, r/, the blad- der, a. sin. κύστιν. supreme, chief, principal; ex- Ικύτ'ϊνοι, -ων, ol, the blossom of the cellent, superior, choice, genuine ; \ pomegranate. Ζ ζ (361) foil. Κύτος, -εος -ους, rb, a cavity, hol- low ; a ve^el ; the hold of a ship ; a shell ; a trunk, case ; the belly, body. Κύτραν, Dor. for -χύτρην, a. of -χύ- τρα. Κντταρος,-ου, b, (fr. κύτος a cavi- ty) a partition, division or comb in bees' or wasps' nests. Κνφελλα, -ων, τά, (perhaps fr. κυ- φος bent) a cloud; any hollow or dark cavity. Κνφι, some kind of perfume or odour, incense. Kυψbς, -η, -bv, (fr. κύπτω to bend) bent, curved, crooked ; swelling, convex, tumid, raised. Κϋφων, -ωνος, b, (fr. last) a shed, vaulted roof ; a crooked staff or slick; plough-tail or handle; a neck yoke or collar which bent down the culprit or drew his neck and heels together, a strap- pado ; an article of dress. Κύων' for κύφωνα, a. sin. of last. Κύψας, -ασα, -αν, in η. pi. κύψαν- τες, par. I a. act. — Κύψαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Κύψω, 1 f. ind. act. of κύ-ηηύ. Κνψίλη, -^, fj, a beehive or bees- cap ; a corn measure ; a chest, trunk ; the inner part of the ear ; the foulness which gathers there ear-wax. Κνψελϊς, -πδος, ή, a hollow cavity ; a nest, pigeon-hole ; a trunk, case, chest; the hollow of the ear ; ear- wax. Κύψελος, -ov, b, (fr. last, th. κύπτω to hide) a marten or swallow. Also, Cypselus, a man's name. Κυω, f. κύσω, p. κίκνκα and Κυίω, to conceive, breed, be pregnant ; to teem, hatch ; to kiss, salute, embrace ; to fawn, coax, crouch. Κύων, κυνος, δ or η, a dog or bitch ; a vile person ; a dogfish, sword- fish ; the dogstar ; a Cynic phi- losopher ; any creature of prey, real or imaginary, a vulture, griffin, gorgon-, monster. Adj. morose, surly, captious ; foul, shameless, impure, indecent. Κώας and Κωας, cont. κως, same as κωος. Κωβώς, -ov, b, a gudgeon. Κώδεια and Κωδία, -ας, ή, the head of the poppy ; a ball, globule, round lump. Κώδη, -ης, η, poppy -seed, fruit of the poppy. Κώδιον, -ov, rb, cont. for κωίδιον, (fr. κως a sheepskin) a hide, leather, skin ; a fleece. Κώδων, -ωνος, b, a bell, rattle, clap- per ; the bell of a trumpet, a trumpet ; a noisy person. Κώεα, pi. of κώς. Κώθων, -ωνος, δ, a drinking vessel, jug, jar, canteen ; a drinking- bout, revelling. Κωθωνίζω,ΐ.-'ϊσω, (fr.last) to drink deeply, tipple, boose. Κωθωνιστήριον, -ου, rb, (fr. last) a dining-room, banquetting-hall. ΚΩΜ Κωκαλ'ια, -ων, τα, (fr. κόγχος a shell)' creatures covered with shells ; shellfish. Κωκαλό?, -οι), δ, Cocalus, a man's name. Κώκϋμα, -ατός, το, (fr. κωκύω to wail) weeping, wailing, howling, lamentation. Κωκϋτος, -ου, b, (same as last) Also Cocytus, one of the feigned rivers of hell. Κωκνω, f. -ΰσω, to weep, wail, de- plore, lament; to cry out, howl, shriek. Κωλακρίται, -ων, οι, (fr. κώλον a piece, and αγείρω to collect) re- ceivers of the priests' dues, offi- cers who collected those parts of the sacrifices due to the priest ; public treasurers. Κωλεα, -ας , Κολη, -ης, and Κωλαία, -ας, η, (fr. κώλον a limb) a fore- leg or gammon of bacon, hand of pork ; a bundle or truss of hay. Κώλη-ψ, -ηπος, ή, (fr. same) the ankle ; the pastern ; the calf ; the ham, hamstring. ΚωΧΐκος, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) of the colon or great gut ; colic, affect ing the bowels. Κωλον, -ov, το, a limb, member, leg, arm, but particularly the foot ; the body, carcass ; a division of a sentence ; the colon or large gut. Κωλύει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Κωλύει, pres. inf. act. — Κωλύε- τε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or inipr. act. — Κωλύεσθαί,ρΓεβ. inf. pass. — Κολυσαι, inf. — Κωλύσ?/?, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. act. — Κωλυθείτε?, η, pi. par. 1 a. pass, of κωλύω. Κώλυμα, -ατός, το, and Κωλύμη -ης, η, (fr. κωλύω to hinder) a hindrance, impediment, obstacle; a restraint, prohibition ; stocks pillory. Κώλΰσΐί, -ιος, Att. -εω?, η, same as last. . Κωλϋτηρ, -ηρος, and Κωλντης, -ov, b, (fr. κωλύω to hinder) a hin derer, obstructer, stopper. Κωλύω, f. -ΰσω, p. κεκώλΰκα, to check, hinder, stop, stay, delay ; to impede, obstruct; to prohibit, forbid. 1 a. ind. pass, εκωλύθην. Κωλύων, -ονσα, -ov, a. -οντά, par, pres. act. of last. Κωλώτης, -ου, b, an eft or newt. Κώμα, -ατός, το, (fr. κοιμάω to lull) deep sleep; a lethargy, insensi- bility. Κώμαζον, Ion. for εκώμαζον, impf. act. — Κωμάζοντα, a sin. par. pres. act. of Κωμάζω, (fr. κώμος revelry) to in- stitute a feast, keep a festival, celebrate with songs ; to . feast, revel, riot ; to dance and sing, carouse. Κωμακδν, -ου, τδ, an aromatic fruit ', the clove or clove-tree. Κώμαξ, -ακος, b, (fr. κώμος revelry) a silly trifler, fop, dandy. Κωμάξατε, Dor. for κωμάσατε, 2 pi 1 a. impr. act. of κωμάζω. Κωμάρχης, -ov, b, (fr. κώμη a vil ΚΩΠ lage, and άρχω to rule) a govern- or of a town, mayor, magistrate. Κωμάσδειν, Dor. for κωμάζειν, pres. inf. act. οι κωμάζω. Κωμασία, -ας, ι), (fr. κωμάζω to revel) revelry, feasting, jollity, riotous mirth, carousing. Κωμαστης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a re- veller, f easier, carouser. Κώμη, -ης, η, a town, village; a hamlet, canton, district. Κο)μηδον, (fr. last) in villages, town by town. ΚωμτΊτης, -ov, b, (fr. same) a vil- lager , countryman, peasant, rus- tic ; a neighbour. Κωμόπολις, -ιος, M.t. -εως, ή, (fr. same, and πόλις a city) a little city, country town. pi. cont. κω- μοπόλεις. Κώμος, -ov, b, festivity, feasting, re- velry, riotous mirth ; dance and song ; wantonness, dissoluteness, debauchery ; luxury, indulgence, voluptuousness ; a company of revellers, troop of bacchanals ; any company, society, party ; Comus, the genius of revelry. Κώμον δεσπότης, the lord of the feast, to whom it was given. Κώμω, d. sin. of last. Κωμωδία, -ας, η, (fr. κωμφδος a player) raillery, invective, satire, scurrility ; a comedy, play, inter- lude, farce. Κωμωδιογράφος, -ov, b, (fr. last, and γράφω to write) a writer of plays, comic author. Κωμωδός, -ου, b, (fr. κώμη a village, and άδω to sing) an improvisa- tor, buffoon, singer at enter- tainments ; a comedian, actor, player. Κώνειον, -ov, το, hemlock. Κώνος, -ov, b, a cone, or any thing of that form ; a top, cock of hay, stack of corn ; the nut or mast of pine-trees ; the case or shell of certain fruits ; the crest of a helmet. Κώνωπα, a. sin. — Κώνωπες, η. pi. of κώνωψ. Κωνωπεΐον, -ov, τδ, (fr. κώνωψ a gnat or κώνος a cone) a curtain to» keep off flies ; a canopy, um- brella, pavilion, tent. Κώνωψ, -ωπος, h or f], a gnat, midge, mosquito. Κώος, and cont. Κώί, -εος -ονς, το, a sheepskin, soft skin to lie on or to use as a cover. Κωπίες, η. pi. of Κωπενς, -έος, Att. -έως, b, (fr. κόπτω to cut) a rower, boatman, sailor. Κωπεα v, Ion. for κωπών, g. pi. of Κώπη, -ης, η, (fr. κόπτω to cut) an oar ; hilt, handle. Κωπηλάτης, -ov, b, (fr. last, and ελαννω to drive) a rower. Κωττήρης, -εος -ονς, b, fj, (fr. same, and άρω to fit) having oars, row- ing ; handling the oar. Κωπητηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. same, and τηρεω to keep) a rowlock or rul- lock, to which the oar was fastened, and on which it moved. (362) ΛΑΒ Κωπ'ιον, -ου, τδ, (dim. of same) α little oar, paddle. Κώρα, -ας, ά, Κώρος, -ου, δ, Dor. for κόρη or κούρη, and κόρος or κούρος. Κωροσυνα, -ας, ά, Dor. for κον- ροσννη. Κωρύκιον, -ου, το, (dim. of next) a purse, bag, pocket, scrip ; a pod, husk, hull, peel. Κώρνκος, -ov, b, a sack, pouch, sat- chel, wallet, leathern bag. Κως, -ώος, το, cont. fr. κώος, which see. Κω?, Κοώς, and Κεώς, -ω, fj, an island in the iEgean sea, now Stancora. Κως, Ion. for πώς. Κωσάμ, b, indecl. Heb. a man's name. Κώταλις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η", a pot- stick ; ladle, large spoon. Κωτίλλω, f. -ίλώ, p. -ιλκα, to talk, converse, chat ; to cajole, deceive. par. pres. act. κωτίλλων, -ούσα, -ov a. sin. mas. κωτίλλοντα. Κωτίλδ?, -η, -bv, (fr. last) talkative, flippant, babbling, garrulous ; flattering, soothing, deceitful, false ; artful, evasive, subtle, cunning, crafty. Κωφεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. next) to be deaf and dumb ; be silent, stu- pid or senseless. Or for Κου- ρεύω, (fr. κούφος light) to lighten, relieve, ease, assuage, mitigate; to take ease, repose, rest. Κωφός, -η, -bv, (perhaps fr. κόπτω to cut, and bxp the voice) deaf; heavy, dull, stupid; blunt ; faint, languid, feeble ; soft, quiet, si- lent, still; mute, dumb, senseless, lifeless ; obscure, doubtful, enig- matical ; deafening, stunning, stupifying. Κωφόω, Κωφάω, and Κωφίω -ω, to deafen, stun ; to make dumb. 1 a. ind. pass, εκωφώθην. Κωχεθ', for και ωχετο, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. mid. of θίγομαι. Κωχεύω, to lift, raise up, sui*porL Α, λ, lambda, the eleventh of the more modern Greek letters, but the twelfth of the ancient ; whence, in numbering, λ is used for the third decad, or thirty, with a dot under it, λ, for thirty thousand. Λα, an intens. particle. Αάας, λάαος and Αας, λαός, δ, (fr. λα intens. and άζω to dry) a stone, rock. Αάβα, Dor. for Αάβου, g. of Αάβα% for Αάβης, a man's name. Αάβε, Ion. for έλαβε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. — Λαβε, 2 sin — Αάβετε, 2 pi. 2 a. impr. — Ααβεν, Dor. for Λαβείν, 2 a. inf. act. — Ααβέσ• ΛΑΓ βαι, 2 a. inf. mid. — Αάβοι, 8 sin. ! 2 a. opt. act. of λαμβάνω. Ααβη, -ης, t)i (fr. λαμβάνω to take) | a grasp, gripe, hold; a handle,', hilt, haft ; occasion, pretence, J excuse. Ααβην, Dor. for λαβεΊν, 2 a. inf. I act. — Αάβης, 2 sin. — Αάβησι,^ Ion. Parag. for Αάβη, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. act. of λαμβάνω. Αάβιρος, (Ir. λαμβάνω to catch) a pitfall. Λαβίς, -ίδος, η, (fr. λαβή a hold, th. λαμβάνω to take) a handle, hilt, hafi ; a pair of tongs, pincers ; a buckle, clasp. Αάβοιμεν, 1 pi. of Αάβοιμι, -οις, -οι, 2 a. opt. act. — Ααβοΐσα, Dor. for Ααβουσα, fem. of Λα- βών, -ούσα, -bv, 2 a. par. act. — Ααβόμην,ΐοη. for ελαβόμην, -ου, -ετο, 2 a. ind. mid. — Ααβόμνεος, 2 a. par. mid. — Αάβον, Dor. for Ααβε, 2 a. impr. act. of λαμ- βάνω. Αάβρα, -ας, >/, (fr. λάβρος vora- cious) a pike, sturgeon. Ααβραγόρης, -ov, b, (fr. same, and αγορέω to speak, th. αγορά a market-place) a viohnt speaker, babbler, brawler. Ααβρενομαι, (fr. next) to talk vio- lently or hastily, speak inconsider- ately. Αάβρος, -a, -ov, (fr. λα intens. and βάρος voracious) devouring, vo- racious, rapacious, greedy; im- petuous, violent, vehement, migh- ty, excessive. \.αβρύτης, -ητος, ή, (fr. last) vora- ciousness, rapacity, greediness ; vehemence, impetuosity, violence. Δαβρώνιον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a large cup, capacious bowl. Ααβνρινθος, -ου, δ, alabyrinth,maze Ααβυρινθώδης, -εος -ους, δ, '/, (fr. last) like a labyrinth, mazy, wind- ing ; perplexed, confused, intri- cate. Αάβω, -ης, -η, sub. Ααβών, -ονσα, -bv, par. 2 a. act. of λαμβάνω. Αάγάνον, -ου, το, a kind of thin cake, fritter, pancake. Ααγαρος, -a, -bv, (fr. λαγών the loins) loose, slack, ~ empty, not full ; slight, thin, slender, pliant. Ααγγεύω, to flee, escape, run away. Ααγγ'εω -ω, to languish, be faint, feeble or weak ; to lag or tire. Αάγειος, -ου, b, η, (fr. λαγώς a hare) of a hare, hare's. Ααγέτας, Dor. for Ααγίτης, -ου, δ, (fr. λαός the peo- ple, and ηγέομαι to lead) a leader of the people, chief, head, com- mander. Αάγηνος, -ου, b, or Αάγυνος, akind of cup; a flask, flagon, jar ; a kind of measure, about a pint and a half. Ααγΐδης, -εος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. λα- γωbς a hare) a young hare, leve- ret ; a rabbit, coney. Ααγνεία, -ας, Ion. -ης, ^, (fr. λάγ- νης lascivious) wantonness, Zas- eiviuusness, lechery. Αάγνης or Αάγνος, -ου, b, $, (fr. λα ΛΑΘ intens. and γύνη a woman, or fr. λέχω to lie down) wanton, libidinous, lustful, lecherous, dis- solute. Ααγόνεσσιν, Ion. d. pi. of λαγών. Αάγος, -ου, b, a man's name. Ααγος, -ου, δ, Ion. for λαγώς. Αάγυνος, same as λάγηνος. Ααγχάνω, f. mid. λήζομαι, p. λέλη- χα, or είληκα, to cast or draw lots; to obtain, get, procure by lot; to allot, grant, at appoint, flx ; to bring an action, go to law. per. par. act. λεληχώς and ειληχώς. 2 a. act. ind. έλά- χον sub. λάχω, -ης, -y' par. λαχών, -όντος. per. pass. ind. είληγμαι' par. ειληγμένος. 1 a. inf. mid. λήξασθαι. per. ind. mid. λέλογχα. Ααγώ, a. sin. of λαγώς. Ααγών, -όνος, η, the loins, flank, guts, properly of a hare. Αάγωος, -ου, Att. Ααγώς, -ώ, Ion. Ααγος, -ου, δ, (fr. λα intens. and ους the ear) a hare. Ααγωος, -a, -or, (fr. last) of or be- longing to a hare. Ααγώς, -ω, δ, Att. for λάγωός. Αάδων, -ωνος, δ, a man's name ; the name of a river, a. Λά<5ωνα. Αάίητης, -ov, b, a man's name. Ααερτιάδης, -ου, b, the son of Laer- tes. Ααες, -ων, o\, η. pi. of λα?, same as λάας. Αάζαρ b, Aphaer. for Ελεά- ζαρ, a man's name Αάζεο, Ion. and Ααξεΰ, Dor. for Αάξου, pres. impr. pass. — Λά- ζετο, Ion. for ελάζετο, 3 sin. impf. pass Ααζοίάτο, Ion. for Αάζοιντο, 3 pi. pres. opt. pass, of Αάζομαι and Αάζυμαι, (perhaps fr. λ ά β η a grasp) to grasp, seize, lay hold of, take ; take up, re- sume. Ααζών, for αλαζών. Ααήμεναι, Dor. for λάειν, pres. inf. act. — Λάε, Ion. for έλαε, impf. act. οΐλάω, to speak. Αάθα, -ας, η, Dor. for λήθη. Αάθαργος, and Ααίθαργος, -ου, b,r), (fr. last, and αργός worthless, or έργον a work) clandestine, hidden, secret ; deceitful, trea- cherous j malicious, malignant; invidious, backbiting, calumni- ous. Subs, a fragment, piece, splinter. Αάθε, 2 a. impr. act. or Ion. for έλαθε 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. — Αάθεσθε, 2 pi. 2 a. impr. act. — Ααθέμεν, Ion. and Dor. for Λα- βαν, 2'a. inf. act. — Αάθετο, Ion. for ελάθετο, 3 sin. of ελαθόμην, -ου, -ετο, 2 a., mid. of λανθάνω. Ααθηβης, -ου, ϊ,ή, (fr. λήθη forget- fulness, and 'ήβη youth) forgetful of youth, old. Αάθητε, 2 pi. of λάθω, -ης, -τ,, 2 a. sub. act. of λανθάνω. Ααθϊκηδής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. λήθη forgetfulness, and κηδος care) driving away or drowning care, soothing, calming, pacifying. Ααθίώθόγγοω, g. Ion. of (363) ΛΑΙ Ααθίφθογγας, -ου, b, η, (fr. λήθη forgetfulness, and φθόγγος voice, th. φθέγγομαι to speak) causing dumbness or silence, silent, still, mute. Ααθόμεθα, Dor. for ληθόμεθα, 1 pi. of λάθομαι, Dor. for λήθομαι, pres. ind. pass, of λήθω. Ααθος, -εος -ους, το, Dor. for ληθος, same as λήθη. Αάθρα, (fr. λί}θω to lie hid) private- ly, secretly, without the knowledge of; in oblivion. ΑαθραΊος, -a, -ov, (fr. last) clandes- tine, hidden, secret, private. Ααθρ-Αως, (fr. last) clandestinely, privately, secretly, privily. Αάθρη, Ion. for λάθρα. Ααθριδΐυισιν, d. pi. Ion. of Ααθρίδιος,-α,-ον, (fr. λάθρα secret- ly, th. λ^θω to lie hid) hidden, secret, private, clandestine. Ααθροδάκνος, -ου, and Ααθροδήκ- της, ου, δ, η, (fr. λάθρα secretly, and δάκνω to bite) biting in se- cret ; slanderous, calumnious^ malignant. Ααθυρις, an herb called sea lettuce, wolfs milk. Αάθυρος, -ov, b, a kind of pulse, vetches. Ααθών, 2 a. par. act. of λανθάνω. Aata, fem. of λαιός. Αάϊγξ, -Ίγγος, η, (fr. λαας a stone) α small stone, pebble. Ααιδρος, -a, -bv, shameless, impu- dent, petulant, saucy, bold. Ααίθαργος, see λάθαογος. Ααικαζω, f. -άσω (fr. λα intens. and κάζω to adorn) to seduce f debauch ; to expose, prostitute ; to wench. Ααϊκος, -η, -bv, (fr. λαός the peo- ple) of or belonging to the peo- ple, vulgar, common, profane. Αα'ίκύω -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. λαός the people) to profane, make com- mon. 1 a. ind. act. ελαϊκωσα. Ααιλαττίω -ώ, f. -ήσω, an^ Ααιλα- πίξω, (fr. λαίλαχρ a siorm) to agitate with storms, blow violent- ly, become stormy ; to sweep or carry away by a storm. Ααιλα-ώδης, -εος -ους, b, ^, (fr. next) stormy, tempestuous. Ααίλαψ, -απος, η, (fr. λα intens. and λά-τω to lick up) a hurn- cane, whirlwind, storm, tem- pest. Ααίμαργος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. λαΐ in- tens. and μάργος greedy) vora- cious, ravenous, gluttonous, in- satiable. Ααιμάσσω, (fr. λαιμός the throat) to devour, eat greedily, gormandize. Ααιμοττέδη, -ης, η, (fr. next, and πέδη a fetter) a collar, bracelet; a gin, noose. Ααιμος, -Όν, δ, and Αα'ψα, -arog t το, the throat, gullet ; greediness^ gluttony. Ααιμοτομέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. last, and τέμνω to cut) to cut the throat, slaughter, slay, kilL Ααΐνεος, -a, -ov, and Αάϊνο?, m f) t -ov, (fr. λας a stone) «tony, made of stone. ΛΑΚ Ααΐον, -ον, το (fr. λανω to enjoy) the crop, fruits, harvest. ΑαΊος, -α, -ον, left, left-handed. Ααιοτομέω -ω, (fr. λαΐον the crop, and τέμνω to cut) /, (fr. λάμπω to shine) a royal couch, litter, sedan, palanquin. Ααμπην'ί^ς, -η, -bv, (fr. last) of the royal carriage ; or of a covered wagon. Ααμπόμενοισι,ά. pi. pres. par. pass. of λάμπω. Ααμπριάδα, Dor. g. of Ααμπριάδηίι ov,b, >/, (fr. λαλεω to speak) | -ov, b, a man's name (364) ΛΑΗ Λαμπρός, -«» -δν, (fr. λάμπω to shine) shining, bright, dazzling ; splendid, illustrious, famous ; bountiful, liberal. ; clear, perspi- cuous; violent, strong, comp. λαμπρότερος, sup. -ότατος. Λαμπρότης, -ητος, t% (fr. same) slendour, brig/Uness, clearness ; renown, fame. a. λαμπρότητα. Λαμπροφόρος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, ana ψίρω to carry) wearing a splendid dress. Λαμπρύνω, f. -ϋνώ, (fr. λάμπρος splendid) to brighten, make splendid or clear; to ennoble, dignify, magnify. Λαμπρύνομαι, to display or exhibit one^s self; to act or speak grandly. Λαμπρώς, (fr. same) brightly, splen- didly ; clearly, distinctly ; fa- mously, nobly ; ostentatiously. Λαμπτήρ,-ήρος, b, (fr. next) alight, shining lamp or torch ; a stand, candlestick. Λάμπω, f. λάμψω, p. -φα, (fr. λίαν intens. and φάω to shine) to give light, shine, glitter; to brighten, illuminate. 1 a. act. ind. έλαμψα• impr. λάμψον, -άτω' inf. λάμψαι. Λαμυρία, -ας, η, (fr. next) elo- quence, wit, loquacity; impu- dence, pertness, petulance ; pure- ness, clearness. Λαμΰρος or Λάμνρος, -a, -ov, elo- quent, witty, facetious, waggish ; wanton, impudent, petulant, saucy ; scurrilous, abusive ; sharp, fierce. Λαμφθείην, -ης, -η, Ion. for ληφ- θείην, 1 a. opt. pass Λαμφθή- ναι, Ion. for ληφθήναι, 1 a. inf. pass. — Λαμφθεις, Ion. for ληφ- θείς, 1 a. par. pass, of λαμβάνω. Λάμιμαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Λάμψον, -άτω, 1 a. impr. act. of λάμ- νω. Λάμψακον, name of a town. Λάμψις,-ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. λάμ- πω to shine) splendour, bright- ness. Αάμψομαι, -η, -εται, Ion. — Λαμ- ψοΰμαι, Dor. for λήψομαι, 1 f. mid. of λαμβάνω. Λανθάνει, 3 sin. ind. — Λανθάνειν, inf. — Λανθανέτω, 3 sin. impr. pres. act. of λανθάνω. Λανθάνεμος, -ου, b, η-, (fr. λήθω to lie hid, and άνεμος wind) calm, serene, still, tranquil. Λανθάνω, f. λήσω, (fr. λήθω to lie hid) to lie hid, hide, lurk, ab- scond; to conceal; to elude, es- cape notice, pass unobserved ; to be unknown, remain obscure ; to act unconsciously. Λανθάνομαι, to forget. 2 a. ind. act. έλάθον. per. ind. pass, λέλησμαι. 1 a. md. pass, ελήσθην and ελήθην. per. ind. mid. λέληθα. Λανος, -ω, Dor. for ληνός. Λάξ, with the heels. Λάξασθαι, Dor. for λήξασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. of the obsolete λήγω, for which λαγχάνω. Ααξευτήριον, -ου, τδ, (fr. λαξεύω to «*jt stones) an instrument for ΛΑΠ cutting or polishing stones ; α chisel, axe, saw. Λαξευτής, -ov,b, (fr. same) ahewer of stone, stone-cutler, mason. Λαξευτός, -ή, -bv, (fr. next) hewn out of a rock. Λαξεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. λας a stone, and ξέω to polish) to cut, hew or polish stones. Λαξέωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) the art of polishing stones. Λάξις, -ιος, η, Dor. for λήξις. Λαοδάμας, -a, b, (fr. λαός the peo- ple, and δαμάω to subdue) sub- duing the people ; an epithet of Mars. Also, a man's name. Λαοδίκεια, -ας, η, Laodicea, now Latiki. Λαοδ'ίκευς, -ίος, h, a man of Lao- dicea. Λαοδίκη, -ης, ή, name of a girl. Λαοί, η. pi. of λαό?. Λαοκατάράτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. λαός the people, and καταρατος curs- ed) cursed by the people, hated by the people. Ααομέδεια, -ας, f/, a woman's name. Λαομεδοντιάδης, -ου, b, (fr. next) the son of Laomedon. Λαομέδων, -υντος, b, a man's name. Λάος, -ου, Att. Λεώς, -ω, b, the people, nation, common people, multitude, crowd ; an army. Λαοσεβής, -ίος -ους, b, η, (fr. last, and σέβομαι to revere) revered by the people. Λαοσσόος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and σόω to preserve) a preserver or defender of 'the people. Or, (fr. same, and σείω to shake) a disturber or agitator of the people. Λαοτρόφος, -ου, b, ή, nourishing or supporting the people ; maintain- ing many, populous ; and Λαδτροφος, -ου, b, η, (fr.Aaof the people, and τρέφω to nourish) maintained or nourished by the people. Λαοφθόρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and φθείρω to corrupt) corrupting or destructive to the people. Λαοφδνος, -ου, b, ι), (fr. same, and φένω to kill) destructive, slaugh- tering, killing ; fierce, brave. Λαπάζω or Λαπάσσω or -άττω, f. -ξω, to empty, evacuate, dis- mantle, plunder, sack, destroy; to slacken, loosen, soften. Λάπάθος, -ου, ή, and Αάπαθον, -ου, τό, (fr. last) a ditch, trench, fosse; a furrow. Also a kind of herb, sorrel, dock. Λαπάρα, -ας, η, and Λάπαρον, -ου, το, (fr. next) the part below the ribs, flank. Λαπαρος, -a, -bv, (fr. λαπάζω to empty) empty, void, exhausted, evacuated. Λάπη, -ης, η, phlegm, spittle. Λαπήναι, 2 a. inf. pass, of λά-τω. Λαπίξω, f. -ισω, (fr. λα intens. and έπος a word) to vaunt, boast, brag ; to behave insolently. Λαπιθαων, Dor. for Λαπιθων, g. pi. of ΛΑΤ Λαπίθης, -ου, b, Lapitha, a nation ofThessaly. Λάπισμα, -άτος, rb, (fr. λαπίζω to boast) boasting,bragging, vaunt- ing. Λαπιστής, -ου, b, (fr. same) ο boaster, bragger ; babbler, trifler ; false, lying; thoughtless, incon- siderate, rash ; delicate, effemi- nate, worthless. Λάπτω, f. -ψω, p. -φα, to lick, lick up, lap, swallow; to tipple, quaff; to waste, spend, consume. Λαρινεύομαι, (fr. next) to fatten. Λαρϊνος, -ή, -bv, fatted, crammed, well fed, fat ; full, significant, expressive. Λαρκος, -ου, b, a basket made of osiers. Λαρνακόγυιος, -ου, b, an epithet of Pan. Λάρναξ, -ακος, fj, a chest, box, case, urn, coffin. Λάρος,-ου, b, a voracious bird, gull. Λαρος,-ά,-ον^€^, cheerful; grate- ful, agreeable, pleasant, sweet. Λαρυγγίζω, f. -ϊσω, Att. -ιω, (fr. next) to raise the voice, shout, cry out, vociferate ; to be hoarse with bavAing. Λάρυγξ, -γος, b, the throat, top of the windpipe. Λαρύζω, (fr. last) to shout, bawl, cry out. Λάς, λαός, b, cont. for λάας. Λασαία, -ας, η, the name of a town. Λασάμενος, Dor. for λησάμενος, -η, -ov, 1 a. par. mid. of λανθάνω. Λάσάνον, -ου, το, a vessel, crock, pan, pot ; chamberpot, close stool. Λάσδεο, Dor. for λάζου, pres. impr. of λάζομαι, Dor. λάσδομαι. Λασεύμεθ', Dor. for λησόμεθα, 1 pi. of λήσομαι, Dor. λασοϋμ,αι and \ασευμαι, -y, -ει ται, If. mid. of (365) λανθάνω. Λασθημεν, Dor. for λησθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of λανθάνω. Λάσθη, -ης, f), a sneer, laugh, scoff, taunt, sarcasm, derision, con- tempt. Λασιόκωφος, -ου, b, η, (fr. next, and κωφός deaf) deaf from the hair in the ears. Λάσιος, -ου, b, ή, (perhaps fr. λα much, and σείω to shake) hairy, full of hair, rough, shaggy, brist- ly ; strong, robust; grassy. Λασιόστερνος,-ου, b, ή, (fr. last, and στέρνον the breast) with a hairy breast. Λάσκω, to speak, blab, utter aloud» Λάσταυρος, -ου, b, hairy on the pri- vate parts ; indecent. Λασω, Dor. ΐοτλήσω, 1 f. ind. act. of λανθάνω. Λάταξ, -άγος, >/, liquid of any kind ; wine, water, juice; a splash, dash or noise of any liquid fall- ing ; a kind of animal ; a sport called also κότταβος. Λατίνος, -ου, δ, a man's name. Also adj. of Latium, Latin, Roman. Λατοΐδας, -a, Dor. for Αητοιδης, -ου,δ, (fr. Λητώ Lztona.) the soa of Latona, Apollo* ΛΑΧ Αατομίω -ω, f. -ήσω, ρ. λέλατόμη- κα, (fr. λαας a stone, and τέμνω to cut) to cut or hew stones, cut out of stone, per. pass, ind, λελατόμημαι' par, λελατομημέ- νος, -η, -ov. Λατόμημα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) a cut or hewn stone. Λατομητος, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) cut in stone, cut out of stone ; hewn, polished. Λατόμος, -ov, b, >/, (fr. same) a hewer of stone, stone-cutter, ma- son. Αάτος, -ov, b, a kind of delicate fish. Λατρεία, -ας, ή, (fr. λατρεύω to serve, th. λάτρις a servant) ser- vice, ministry, attendance ; re- ligious service, worship, respect, adoration ; a servant, female at- tendant. Λατρευτής, -ου, b, (fr. same) a ser- vant, worshipper. Λατοευτος,-ή, -ov, (fr. same) servile. Λατρεύω, f. -σω, p. λελάΥρευκα, (fr. λάτρις a servant) to serve, wait upon, attend ; to worship, sacri- fice. 1 a. ind. act. ελάτρευσα. Λάτριν, a. sin. λάτρισι, d. pi. of λάτρις. Λάτριος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) of or about a servant ; servile. Λάτρις, -ιος, b or η, a servant, slave, attendant. Λάτρον, -ov, το, (fr. last) wages, hire, salary, reward. Λάτυμνον, -ov, το, name of a moun- tain. Λαυκανία or Λευκανία, -ας, ή, (fr. λαύω to enjoy) the throat, gullet, palate. Λαύρα, -ας, §, viz. b^,(fr. next) a broad street, road, path or way ; a cell. Λανρος, -a, -ov, large, wide, capa- cious, broad, much, copious. Λαύρως, (fr. last) Widely, largely, copiously, abundantly. Λαύω, (fr. λάω to desire) to enjoy ; to devour. See απολαύω. Λαφυρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. next) to spoil, plunder, rob. Λάφϋρον, -ov, το, (fr. next) spoil, plunder. Λαφύσσω or -ττω, f. -ζω, (perhaps fr. λάπτω to lick up) to devour greedily, guttle, gormandize ; to consume, lavish, waste, squander. Λαχαίνω, f. -ανω, p. -αγκα, to dig for, gather. Λαχανεία, -ας, ή, (fr. last) pot herbs, vegetables, herbage. Λαχανεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. last) to produce or bear pot herbs; to gather herbs or vegetables. Λα- χανεύομαι, to be eaten up like grass ; to feed on vegetables. Λάχανον, -ου, τδ, (fr. λαχαίνω to dig) pot herbs, vegetables ; grass, hfrbage. Λάχειος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) easily dug, grassy. Λάχεια, -ας, ,), name of an island. Λάχε, 2 a. impr. act. — Λαχεϊν, inf. of λαγχάνω. Λάχεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, fj, Lache- sis, one of the Fates ; lot, destiny AEF Αάχη, -ης, ή, same as λάχος. Λαχήνας, 1 a. par. act. of λαχαίνω. Λάχμος, -ov, b, thickness of hair or fleece. Λαχμος, -ov, b, (fr. λαγχάνω to al- lot) a lot, chance, hazard ; guess- ing or divination by means of the fingers. Λαχνάεις, Dor. for λαχνήεις. Λάχνη, -ης, η, (fr. λα intens. and χνους down) down, tender hair. Λαχνήεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. last) hairy, rough, shaggy. Ααχοίην, -ης, -η, Att. for λάχοιμι, -οις, -οι, 2 a. opt. act. of λαγ- χάνω. Λάχος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. λαγχάνω to allot) a lot, chance, hazard; proportion, division, allotment, share. Λαχουσα, η. fem. — Λαχοΰσι, d. pi. of Λαχων, par. — Αάχωμεν, 1 pi. sub. 2 a. act. of λαγχάνω. Λαφανη, -ης, ή, (fr. λάπτω to lick up) Lapsana, a kind of wild cabbage. Λαψενμαι or Λαλούμαι, -η, -εΊται, Dor. for λήψομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. mid. οι λαμβάνω. Aaipjj, Dor. for λήψη, 2 sin. of λήψομαι, in last. Λάω λΰ, ίο see, look at, behold; to wish for, covet, desire; to enjoy ; make use of, reap the fruits of; to speak, say, utter. Λαώδης, -εος -ους, b, ή, (fr. λαός the people) popular, patriotic. Αία, -ας, ϊ), (fr. λας a stone) a stone or weight used inweaving. Λέαινα, -ης, ή, (fr. λίων a lion) a lioness. Λεαίνω, f. -ανω, same as λειαίνω, also to rub, crush, crumble, grind. 1 a. ind. act. ελέάνα, and Att. ελέηνα. Λεάϊ-αι, and Att. Λεήναι, 1 a. inf. act. of last. Λέανδρος, -ov, b, Leander, a man's name. Αεββαϊος, -ου, b, Heb. name of a man. Λεβηρίς, -ϊοΌς, t), (fr. λέπω to skin) a slough, cast off skin. Αέβηθ'' for λέβητα, a. sin. of Αέβης, -ητος, η, (perhaps fr. λείβω to pour out) a caldron, kettle, pot ; a foot-basin. Αεβωνά, name of a town. Λέγειν, act. — Λέγεσθαι, pass, pres. inf. — Λέγεις, -γει, 2 and 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of λέγω. Λεγεών, -ωνος, b, (fr. Lat. legio) a legion, multitude, a. sin. λεγε- ώνα, pi. -ωνας. Λέγνον, -ov, το, or Λέγνη, -ης-, ^, α border, hem, fringe flounce. Αεγόμεθεν, Mo\. for λεγόμεθα, 1 pi. pres. ind. pass. — Λέγομες, Dor. for λέγομεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. — Λέγοντι, Dor. for λέγονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Λέγω, f. λέξω, p. λέλεχα, to set apart, choose, select ; to gather, collect, assemble ; to number, count, recount, enumerate; to talk, speak, say ; speak of, men- tion relate, recite ; to call, name ; (366) ΑΕΙ to read ; to tell, desire, order ; to mean, infer; to cause to lie down, put to bed. Λέγομαι, to lie down T go to bed, retire to rest, go to sleep. 1 a. ind. act. έλεξα. 2 a. ind. act. έλεγον. per. pass. λέλεγμαι. per. mid. λΑο^α. Λεηλασία, -ας, f), (fr. λεία booty, and ελαύνω to drive) a plunder- ing, ravaging, destroying. Λεηλατέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same) to carry or drive away booty, plunder, ravage, depopulate, lay waste. Λεθεκ, Heb. indecl. a measure containing half an omer or cor. Λεία, -ας, ή, booty, plunder, spoil, pillage. Λειαγόρη, -ης, ή, a woman's name. Λειαίνω, f. -ανω, (fr. λείος smooth) to level, smooth, plane, polish ; to soften, reconcile, recommend ; to mow, reap ; to carry off clean, ravage, waste ; to rub, bruise, grind. 1 a. ind. act. ελείηνα. Λείβεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass, of Λείβω, f. -χρω, p. λέλειφα, to run down, drop, flow, trickle; to pour out, shed, make a libation; to water. Λειευμαι, Dor. for λειονμαι, pres. ind. pass, contr. of Χειόω. Λείηναν, Ion. for ελείηναν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. oQetau/uj. Λεικνίζω, (fr. next) to fan, winnow. ΛεΊκνον or Λίκνον, -ov, τδ, a fan, winnovnng machine. Λείμαζ, -άκος, %, same as Χειμών, a meadow. ΛεΊμμα, -ατός, το, (fr. λείπω to leave) a remnant, residue, re- mainder. Λειμων, -ωνος, b, a meadow, mead. Λειμώνιος, -a, -ov, (fr. last) of or about a meadow, verdant, green, grassy. Λειμωνόθε, (fr. same, and S -ε from a place) from the meadow. Λειογένειος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. λεΐος smooth, and γένειον a chin) hav- ing smooth cheeks, smooth-chin- ned; beardless. Λειόγλωσσος, -ov, b, f/, (fr. same, and γλώσσα a tongue) smooth tongued, of flattering speech, de- ceitful. Λεΐος, -a, -ov, even, smooth, level, flat, plain ; slippery, polished ; flnished, complete. Λειότης, -ητος, ή, (fr. last) evenness, smoothness. Λειόω, f. -ώσω, (fr. same) to polish, make smooth, even or level; to make a road. Λείουσιν, Poet, for λέονσι, d. pi. ol λέων. Λείπε, pres. impr. act. or Ion. -for έλειπε,Ζ sin. impf. act. — Λείπει, act. — Λείπεται, pass. 3 sin. pres. ind. — Λείπετο, Ion. for ελείπετο, 3 sin. impf. pass. — Λειπόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. — Λείποντα, a. sin. orneut. pi. par. pres. act. of λείπω. Λειποθϋμία, -ας, ή, (fr. λείπω to fail, and $νμός the mind) a faint, swoon. ΑΕΙ Αείπομαι, -η, -εται, ind. — Λείπό*- μενος, par. pres. pass, of λείπω. Αειπόνεως, -ω, δ, (fr. λείπω to leave, and ναυς a ship) a deserter from a ship. Αειττοστράτία, -ας, η, or -ων, -ου, το, (fr. same, and στρατός the army) desertion. Αειποστρατιος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) a deserter. Αειποψϋχέω -ώ, (fr. λείπω to fail, and ψυχή the soul) to faint, swoon, Αεπτοψυχουντα, a. Bin. pres. par. of last. Αείπω,Π -ψω, p. λέλειφα, to leave, depart; to relinquish, forsake, abandon, quit ; to leave off, de- sist, stop ; to leave to another, devise, bequeath ; to be deficient, wanting ; to fail, come short of, want. Mid. Αείττομαι, to remain, survive; to be left behind, sur- passed. 1 a. ind. act. έλειψα, 2 a. ind. act. ελΐπον. per. ind. pass. Χέλειμμαι. per. ind. ιτ^.λελοιπα. Αείπωσα, Dor. for λείττονσα, fern, of λείπων,-ουσα, -ov, pres. par. act. of last. ΛείptVoί,andΛίp£vo?,->7,-ov,sameas Αειριόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. Χείριον a lily) of a lily, like a lily, sweet, blooming, fresh, tender, d. sin. fern, λειριοέσστ}. Αείριον, and Αίριον, -ου, το, a lily. Αειρος, -a, -bv, slender, thin ; pale, white. Αεϊστος, -ή, -bv, (fr. λεία a booty) that may be plundered ; repara- ble, retrievable. Αειτος, -ή, -bv, (fr. λαός the peo- ple) public, common. Αειτουργέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. λελ«- τονργηκα, (fr. λειτουργός a pub- lic minister) to administer pub- licly, officiate, attend a public of- fice or duty ; to serve the state. 1 a. ind. act. ελειτούργησα ' inf. λειτούργησα t. Αειτούργημα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) service, ministry. Αειτουργία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a public administration, ministry, office ; contribution ; liturgy. Αειτουργίκος, -ή, -bv, (fr. next) per- forming public service, adminis- tering publicly. Αειτουργος, -ov, h, η, (fr. λειτος public, and έργον a work) a pub- lic officer, minister. Αειχήν, -ήνος, δ, a tetter, ringworm; an eruption, scab, ulcer; hard, flesh on horses'' knees; liverwort. Αειχηνιάω -ώ, (fr. last) to be af- flicted with eruptions or ulcers, labour under the erysipelas, be scorbutic. Αειχήνωρ, (fr. λείγω to lick, and ανήρ a man) the name of a mouse. Αειχομύλη, -ης, {/, (fr. same, and μύλη a cornmill) the name of a mouse. Αείγω, f. -ζω, p. -χα, to lick ; to lick up, devour. ΑεΙψαν, Ion. for έλειψαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. aot. of λείπω. ΑΕΛ Λείψαν', for λείψανα, η. pi. of Αείψάνον, -ου, rb, (fr. λείπω to leave) a remnant, residue, re- mainder. Λείψω, 1 f. ind. act. of λείπω. Λείων, Poet, for XL•». Αείωσις,-ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. λείόω to smooth, th. λεΊος smooth) a smoothing, polishing. Αεκανη, -ης, η, a basin, plate, dish. Αεκάνιον, -ου, το, (dim. of last) α little basin, dish, plate. Αεκανϊς, -16ος, η, (fr. same) a bowl, basin, plate, dish. Αέκίθος, -ου, η, the yolk of an egg ; but -ου, δ, a pea, pease ; pudding of bean or pease meal. Αεκις, -ίδος, η, and Αεκίσκος, -ov, δ, (fr. next) same as Αεκος, -ου, δ, or Αέκος, -εος -ους, το, a little dish, plate, saucer. Αεκτίος, -a, -ov, (fr. Χίγω to speak) to be read or said ; to be explained or told, &c. according to the verb. Αεκηκος, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) elo- quent, sup. Χεκτικώτατος. Αέκτο, Poet for ΧέΧεκτο, Ion. for ελέλεκτο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of Χέγω. Αεκτος, -ή, -bv, (fr. Χίγω to speak) spoken, said ; chosen, selected. Αίκτρον, -ov, το, (fr. Χίγομαι to lie down) a bed, couch. Αέκυθος, -ου, δ, same as λέκιθος. Αελαβέσθαι,ΡοβΙ. ίοτλαβέσθαι, 2a. inf. mid. — Αελάβησι, Ion. Ana- dipl. and Parag. for Χάβη, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. act. — Αελαβόμην, Poet, for εΧαβόμην, 2 a. ind. mid. of λαμβάνω). Αέλάθα, Dor. for λέληθα, per. ind. mid. — ΑεΧαθέσθαι, for λαθέσ- θαι, 2 a. inf. mid. — ΑεΧάθη, for λα'0»7, 2 sin. 2 a. sub. mid. — ΑέΧαθον, for έΧαθον, 2 a. ind. act. — ΑεΧαθόμην, for εΧαθόμην, 2 a. ind. mid. of λανθάνω. ΑέΧακα, -ας, -ε, ind. — Αελακώς, -νΐα, -ος, par. per. mid. of λα- κέω or Χηκέω. ΑεΧακυΊα, fern. οΟελακώί, in last; or Sync, for λελαλ^κώί,ρβΓ. par. act. of λαλε'ω. Αελάληκα, -ας, -ε or -εν, act. — Λε- Χάλημαι, -σαι, -ται, pass. per. ind. — ΑεΧαΧημίνος,-η, -ov, par. per. pass, of ΧαΧέω. Αελάμπρυνται, 3 pi. of λελάμπρυμ- μαι, per. ind. pass, of λαμπρύνω. Αέλασμαι, -σαι, -σται, 1 pi. Αελάσ- μεθα, Dor. for ΧέΧησμαι, -σαι, -σται, 1 ρΐ. -σμεθα, per. ind. pass. of λανθάνω. ΑεΧατο μη μένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass. οΐΧατομέω. Αελάχοιμι, for λάχοιμι, 2 a. opt. act. — Αελα'χωσί, Ion. Anadipl. for Χάχωσι, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of λαγχάνω. ΑεΧειμμένος, par. of ΑέΧειμμαι, -xpai, -πται, per. ind. pass, of λείπω. ΑεΧειχότες, η. pk per. par. act. of λείχω. Λελε'χβαί,ρβΓ. inf. pass, of Χέγω. Αέληθα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of λανθάνω. (367) AEH ΑεΧηθότως, (fr. λεληθως, par. pep» mid. of λανθάνω to elude) secretly t hiddenly, privately, clandestinely. ΑέΧηκα, Sync, for λελάλ^κα, per ind. act. — ΑεΧηκώς, Sync, for ΧεΧαΧηκώς, per. par. act. of Χα- Χέω. ΑέΧημμαι, per. ind. pass. — Αε- Χημμένος, per. par. pass, of λαμ- βάνω. ΑεΧησθαι, per. ind. pass, of λ^ί'ζΌ- μαι or Χέζομαι. ΑέΧησμαι, -σαι, -σται, ind. — Αε- λήσθαι, inf. — ΑεΧησμένος, par. per. pass, of Χανθάνω. ΑέΧηφα, per. ind. act. of λαμβάνω. ΑεΧιημένος, -η, -ov, (per. par. pass, of λίλε'ω -ώ to wish for) beloved, dear, longed for ; ready, anxious. ΛεΧίΧημαι, for sake of sound λελί»?- μαι, per. ind. pass, of λιλέω. ΑεΧιμμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of λίπτω. ΑέΧογα, per. ind. mid. of Χέγω. ΛεΧογίσμεθα, 1 pi. per. ind. pass. οι λογίζομαι. Αελογισμένως, (fr. per. par. pass. of λογίζομαι to reason) prudent- ly, sensibly, reasonably; delibe- rately. Αέλογχα,-ας, -ε, ind Αελογγως^ ' par. per. mid. of λαγχάνω. Αέλοι-α, -ας, -ε, ind. — Αελοιπώ?, -υϊα, -ος, par. per. mid. of λείπω. Λελουμένοί, -η, -ov, per. par. pass, of λούω. Αε'λοχα, or Έ,ίλοχα, Att. for λέλεχα % per. ind. act. of λέγω or λέχω. Αελοχώς, -υΊα, -ος, par. of last, or per. par. mid. of λεχω. Αέλυκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. of λύω. Αελύμασμαι, Att. for λελύμαμμαι, per. ind. pass, οϊλυμαίνω. Αελυμασμένος, par. fr. last. Αελυμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass. — Λέλυταί, 3 sin. per. ind. pass. — Αέλυντο, Ion. for ελέλυντο, 3 pi. pper. pass, of λυω. Αελΰπ^κα, -ας, -ε or -εν, per. ind. act. of λυπεω. Αέμβος, -ου, δ, a pinnace, smack, skiff, bark. Αέμμα, -ατός, το, (fr. λϊπω to peel off) the bark, rind. Αέμφος, -ου, Ό, dirt of the nose. Αεμφος, -ή, -dv, slimy, snivelly ; drivelling, foolish, silly. Αέντιον, -ου, το, (fr. Lat. linteum, linen cloth) a linen cloth, towel y napkin. Αέξατο, Ion. for ελέξατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of λέγω. Αέξεο, Ion. for λέξου, pres. impr. pass, of λέξομαι. Αεξίδιον, -ου, το, (dim. of Χέζις a saying, th. λέγω to speak) α little saying, phrase, expression t proverb. Αεξΐών, -ov, Tb, (fr. same) a Lexi- con, dictionary. Αέξις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, t), (fr. λέ^ω to speak) a word, saying; a speech, oration, pleading, elo- quence ; style, expression, diction; a reading, glossary, paraphrase , language. ΛΕΠ Αέξομαι, (fr. \ίγω to lie down) to lie down, go to bed. Αεξουντι, Dor. for Χεξουσι, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of Χέγω. Αεοντα, a. sin. ot λέων. Αεοντέη -η, -βης -ης, η, (fr. λέων a hon) a lion's skin. Αεόντειος, or -τιος, or -τεος, -α, -ov, Αεοντος, -ow, and Αεοντώδης, -εος -ους, b, ίι, (fr. λε'ων a lion) of a lion, like a lion ; brave, valiant. Αεοντηδον, (fr. same) like or in the manner of lions, boldly. Αεπαδνον, -ου, το, (fr. \έπω to skin) a leathern strap fastening the yoke to the horse's neck, a col- lar, headstall, n. pi. Χέπαδνα. Αεπάϊος, -a, -ov, (fr. λέπω to peel) mountainous, rough, rugged. Αίπαργος, -ov, b, η, (fr. Χίπις a scale, and αργός white) white, white-skinned. Αεπας, -αδος, το, (fr. Χεπω to strip) a rock, clijf, promontory. Αέπας, -αδος, η, (fr. last) a shell fish which sticks to rocks, a lim- pet. Αεπαστη, -ης, η, (fr. last) a little pot or cup like a shell. Αεπίδιον, -ου, το, (dim. of Χεπίς a scale) a small scale, shell. Αεπίδωτος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same) scaly, having scales. Αεπίζω, f. -«σω, (fr. Χεπος the bark, th. Χεπω to peel off) to peel off the bark, take off the scales or shell, strip. Αετι?, -t<5o?, η, (fr. Χέπω to peel) a scale, shell; bark, rind, peel; a thin plate, pi. Χεπίδες. Αίπίσμα, -ατός, τδ, (fr. same) peel- ing or taking off the bark, white streaks caused by peeling; that which has been peeled. Αεπος -εος, -ους, το, (fr. same) same as Χεπίς. Αεπρα, -ας, η, (fr. Χεπρος leprous) the leprosy. Αεπράς, -άδος, f}, (fr. Χεπρος rough) rough, craggy ; a rock. Αεπράς, a. pi. of Χε-κρδς. Αεπράω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. Χεττρος le- prous) to become leprous or scabby. Αεπρον, -ου, το, (fr. same) the le- prosy. Αεπρόομαι, (fr. same) tobecome le- prous, par. per. pass. ΧεΧεπρω- μενος. Αεπρος, -α, -bv, leprous, scabby, scaly, rough ; a leper. ΑεπταΧεος, -a, -ov, same as Χετττός. Αε-πττ), d. sin. fern, of λεπτό?. ΑεπτοΧογία, -ας, η, (fr. Χεπτος small, and Χίγω to speak) light discourse, arguments about tri- fles ; a minute discussion. Αεπτον, -ov, το, (fr. next) a small piece of money ; a mite. Αεπτος, -η, -bv, thin, fine ; small, slight, slender ; weak, feeble, faint; acute, subtile, ingenious. Αεπτότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) thin- ness, fineness ; subtilty, minute- ness ; ingenuity, subtlety, cun- ning. Αεπτδφωνος, -ov } b, >}, (fr. same, ΛΕΤ and φωνή voice) shrill-voiced, with a weak voice. Αεπτΰνω, f. -υνω, (fr. Χεπτος thin) to make thin, lessen, diminish ; to break into small pieces. Αεπτύ- νομαι, to grow thin, fall away. Αεπνριον, -ου,το, (dim. of next) a small shell. Αεπΰρον, -ου, το, (fr. Χεπω to peel) the rind, bark, peel, skin, shell, husk, scale. Αεπυρος, -a, -bv, (fr. next) covered with bark, skin, shell, scales or husks. Αέπω, f. -ψω, p. -φα, to take off the bark or rind ; to skin, peel, shell. Αερία, -ας, t), name of an island Αέριοι, the inhabitants of the island Leria. Αερναίος, -a Ion. -η, -ov, (fr. next) of Lerna, Lernccan. Αέρνη, -ης, >% name of a lake. Αεσβίδας, a. pi. of Αεσβίς. Αεσβίζω, and Αεσβιάζω, (fr. Λεσ- βϊς a Lesbian) to imitate the Les- bians ; behave immorally, be dis- solute. Αεσβϊς, -ίδος, δ or >% a Lesbian. Αεσβόθεν, (fr. next, and -9-εν from a place) from Lesbos. Αίσβος, -ov, η, name of an island. Αεσχάζοντες, η. pi. pres. par. act. of Αεσχάζω, (fr. next) to talk, chat, converse. Αίσχη, -ης, η, conversation, talk, chat ; cabal, intrigue ; a place of resort, an hospital, public lodg- ing. Αεσχηνεύω, f. ^εύσω, same as λεσ- χάζω. ΑενγαΧίης, Ion. for ΧένγαΧέαις, d. pi. fem. — ΑευγαΧίοισιν, Ion. for ΧενγαΧίοις, d. pi. mas. of ΑενγαΧέος,-α, -ov, (perhaps fr. Xoi- γος destruction) destructive, per- nicious ; sad, mournful; griev- ous, severe, calamitous, unfor- tunate, wretched ; feeble, weak. Αενΐ, and Αενϊς, b, Heb. Levi, a man's name. g. του Λευί', a. τον Αενΐν. Αενιαθάν,ΤΛ -do. indecl. Leviathan, a kind of serpent, a crocodile, lohale. Αενΐτης, -ov, 0, (fr. Λευί' Levi) ο Levite. Αενϊτίκος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) Levi- tical. Αενκ, for Χευκη, fem. of Χενκός. Αευκαίνω,ΐ. -ανω, (η\λευκδ? white) to whiten; become white. 1 a. ind. act. εΧεύκανα, Alt. εΧεύκη- va' inf. Χενκάναι. 1 a. ind. pass. εΧενκάνθην. Αευκάναι, 1 a. inf. act. — Αενκά- νας, 1 a. par. act. — Λευκανθε??, 1 a. par. pass, of Χενκαίνω. Αευκανθης, -ίας -ους, b, η, (fr. λευ- κος white, and άνθος a flower) having a white flower; hoary, gray, bluish. Αευκανθίζω, (fr. Χενκος white) to grow or become white. Αεύκασπις, -ιδος, b, (fr. Χενκος white, and ασπίς a shield) hav- ing a white shield, splendidly armed, glittering with armour. (368) ΛΕΤ Αεύκη, -ης, !j, (fr. Χενκος white) the white poplar ; also leprosy. Αευκήρετμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and ερετμός an oar, th. ερέσσω to row) having white oars. Αεύκητπος,-ου, b,f], (fr. same, and 'ίππος a horse) having or riding on white horses. Αενκϊτης, -ov r b, (fr. Χενκος white) white, marked with white. Αευκόγειος, -ov, Att. Αευκόγεως., -ω, δ, η, (fr. same* and γη the earth) chalky, of a white soil. Αευκοθέα, -ας, η, the name of a woman. Αενκό'ίον,-ου, το, (fr. λευκδ? white, and iov a violet) the white violet ; snow drop ; white lily. Αενκοίσι,ά. pi. Ion. of Χενκός. ΑευκόΧινον, -ου, το, (fr. Χενκος white, and Χίνον flax) white flax. Αευκομέτωπος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and μίτωπον the forehead) hav- ing a white forehead, white-front•' ed. Αενκοπάρηος, -ov, b, 9, (fr. same, and παρειά a cheek) having white cheeks, fair cheeked. Αενκόπτερος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and πτερον a wing) having white wings. ΑενκόπωΧος, -ου, b,f/, (fr. same, and πώΧος a young horse) riding on or drawn by white horses. Αενκος, -η, -αν, white ; bright, clear fair; pure, limpid; calm, se- rene; joyful, lucky. Comp. Xsv- κότερος, sup. -κότατος. Αευκάστικτος, -ov, δ, »^,(fr. last, and στίζω to mark) marked with v)hite spots ; spotted, variegated. Αενκότης,-ητος,ίι, (fr. Χενκος white) whiteness ; clearness, brightness* Λενκοφαης, -έος-ους, δ, ζ, (fr. same, and φαίνω to show) white. Αενκοφρνς, -υος, δ, f/, (fr* λευκό? white, and οφρΐις a brow) having a white front. Αευκοχ"των, -ωνος, δ, η, (fr. same, and χιτων a coat) having a while coat, clothed in white. Αενκόχροος -ονς, -όον -ov, δ, §, (fr. same, and χρόα colour) of a white colour, white coloured^ white. Αενκόχρως, -ωτος, δ, η, (fr. same, and χρως skin) having a fair skin, fair. Αενκάω, same as Χενκαίνω. Αευκτρα, ^ ων, τα, name of a town. ΑευκώΧενος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. λευκά? white, and ωΧένη an arm) white armed. Αενκωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. λευκέ? white) a white tablet, white speck on the eye. Αενρος, -α, -δν, (fr. λείο? smooth) even, level^flat, smooth. Αεύσσετε, 2 pi. pres. ind. act. of Λεύσσω, to see, look at, behold, view f descry. Αενστηρ, -ηρος, δ, (fr. λευω to throw a stone) one who throws a stone; or a person fit ta be stoned. Αευχειμονέω -ω, (fr. next) to be clothed in white. Αευχείμων, -ονος^ δ, §, (fr. ΧενκΟς ΛΗΘ white, and είμα a dress, th. Ζω to put on) dressed in white Αεύω, f. -ευσω, (fr. λάς a stone) to aim ; to strike or kill with stones, stone to death. Αεχέεσσι, Ion. d. pi. of λέχος Αεχεποίης, -ου, δ, η, (fr. λέχος a bed, and πόα, Ion. ποία grass) producing herbs Jit for beds, grassy, fertile. Αεχθεν, neut. of λεχθε\ς, -εΊσα, -εν, 1 a. par. pass, of "λέγω. Λέχος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. λέγω to lie down) a bed, couch ; a marriage- bed, marriage. Αίχριος, -a, -ov, oblique, across. Αεχώ, -όος-ους, η, (fr. λέχος a bed, th. λέγω to lie down) a woman in childbed. Αέχω or Αέχομαι, (fr. same) to have children, produce young, breed. Αεώδαμας, -αντος, δ, name of a man. Αεωμι, cont. for λεάοιμι, pres. opt. act. of λεάω, for λάω. Αίων, -οντος, b, (perhaps fr. λάω to see) a lion. d. λέοντι. g. pi. λεόν• των. Αεωνέτρα ΟΓΪΛείοπετρα, and Αειωπε τρία, -ας, η, (fr. λείος smooth, and -πέτρα a rock) a smooth rock, Λεωργος, -οϋ, b, (fr. λεώ? the people, and έργον a work) a maker of men ; bold, audacious ; cunning, subtle. Λεώς, -ω, δ, Att. for λαός. Αεωσφέτερος,-ου, δ, ή, (fr. last, and σθέτερος one's own) admitted as a citizen, presented with the free- dom of the state, a citizen, free- man, one of their own. Λεωφόρος, -ov, b, ij, (fr. same, and φέρω to bear) a high road, beaten path. At}, 2 sin. "of λώ, λης, λη, Dor. for θέλω, -ης, -j], pres. sub. act. of ■&ελω or εθε'λω, or pres. sub. of λάω, λάω, λάης, λάη, cont. λώ, λ$ς, λα, and Dor. λώ, λης, λη. Αήβω, obs. for which λα/φάνω. Αηγ\ for λήγε, pres. impr. act. — Αηγέμεναι, Dor. for λήγειν, pres. inf. act. — Αήγοιμεν, 1 pi. pres. opt. act. of ήγω,-εις leave off, cause to cease ; to rest, be quiet ; to fail, decay. Αήδον, -ov, το, a kind of shrub called cistus ; a net. Ληδος, -εος -ους, τδ, a garment made of fine cloth ; a threadbare coat. Αήζομαι, same as λη'ί'ζομαι. ΑηθαΊος, -αία, -άΐον, and Αήθαιος, -a, -ov, (fr. λήθη forgetfulness) Lethaan, oblivious, forgetful ; causing forgetfulness. Αήθαργος, -ov, b, (fr. same, and αργύς lazy, or έργον work) le- thargy, drowsiness, sleepiness. Also adj. for λάθαργος, see λαί- θαργος. Αήθεαι, Ion. for λήθη, 2 sin. pre*, ind. mid. — Λήθει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act Λήθετ, and ΑήΟετο, Ion. for ελήθετο, 3 sin. impf. mid. of λήθω. Αήθη, -ης, η, {ft. λήθωίο lie hid) 3A ΛΗΝ oblivion, forgetfulness ; the river Lethe. Αήθω, Dor. Αάθω, f. λ^σω, per. mid. λέληθα, sams as λανθάνω. Mid. Αήθομαι, same as λανθάνο- μαι. Ληίδ', for ληΐδα, a. sin. of ληίς. Λήίζετ, for ληίζετο, Ion. for ελ»7ί- ζετο, 3 sin. impf. mid. of Ληϊζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. λεία booty) to plunder, ravage, rob, spoil j to carry away, seize, capture $ to obtain, get, procure, per. ind. pass, λελήϊσμαι. Ληίη, -ης, η, Ion. for λεία. Αήϊον, -ου, το, standing corn ; a crop, harvest, field of corn. pi. τα λ>7Ϊα. Αηϊς, -Έδος, i), (fr. λεία booty) plun- der, booty ; a seizure, capture ; abundance of cattle or flocks. Αηΐσσατο, Ion. and Poet, for εληί- σατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. — Αηΐσσεται, Poet, for ληίσεται, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. mid. of ληΐζω. Ληϊστος, -η, -ov, (fr. λεία plunder) seized, captured, plundered. Αηΐστωρ, -ορός, b, (fr. same) a plunderer, robber, spoiler, high- wayman, pirate. Αηΐτις, -Έδος, f/, plundering ; an epithet of Minerva, also a cap- tive. Αήϊτος, Ion. for λειτός. Αήϊτον, -ου, rb, (fr. last) a court, court house ; the commons. Αηκέω, Dor. Αάκέω, f. -ήσω, to make a noise, sound, resound ; to crack, crackle, crash, break with a noise ; to rend, cleave, tear ; to speak, say, tell, talk of. Λήκυθος, -ου, δ, a cruet, phial, jar for oil. Αήλαντος, -ου, b, a proper name. Αημα, -ατός, rb, purpose, design ; bravery, courage, intrepidity ; presence of mind* Αημάλέος, -a, -ov, (fr. λήμη the rheum of the eyes) sore-eyed, blear-eyed. Αημάω -ω, (fr. same) to have sore eyes. Αήμη, -ης, η, the rheum of the eyes, running from the eyes, soreness of the eyes. Λήμμα, -ατός, rb, (fr. λαμβάνω to take) any thing received or as- sumed ; an office, dignity ; a bribe, gift ; profit, gain, emolu- ment ; an argument, proposition, assumption ,- an axiom, lemma ; boldness, confidence. Αήμνιος, -a, -ov, (fr. Λήμνος an island ) of or belonging to Lem- nos, Lemnian. Λημνίσκος, -ου, δ, coloured ribands hanging from a crown or gar- land, a knot, cockade ; lint. Λήμνος, -ου, i], name of an island. ΛηναΊ, -ων, at, or Ληναι, (fr. ληνός a wine tub) Bacchanalians. Ληναως, -ου, δ, (fr. same) an epi- thet of Bacchus. Ληναιών, -ωνος, δ, (fr. next) the month when Bacchanalian rites were performed, January, a. sin. ληναιωνα. (369) ΛΙΑ Ληvbς , -cv, b, a wine press or vat J a swamp, pond, marsh. Ληνός, -εος -υνς, rb, (fr. \ε7ος smooth) wool. Λήξαν, Ion. for έληξαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. — Ληξαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Λήξασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Αή- ξεια, -ας, -ε, ^Eol. for λήξαιμι, -αις,-αι, 1 a. opt. act. of λήγω. Ληξις, -ως, Att. -εω?, τ); (fr. λήγω to cease) a cessation, delay, stop t pause; abode, residence. Δ-ηξις, -ίος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. λήχια, for which λαγχάνω to allot) α lot, portion, share; inheritance, condition, state. Αηρέω -ω, (fr. λα intens. and f>fo to speak) to blab, talk nonsense ; to trifle. Λήρος, -ου, δ, (fr. same) an idle tale, fiction; trifles, silliness, fol- ly, nonsense. Ληρώδης, -εος -ους, b, i), {ft. last) trifling, silly, weak. Λης, Dor. for θέλης, see λη. Λήσεις, 2 sin. 1 f. ind. act. — Αή- σεσθε, 2 pi. 1 f. ind. mid. of λανθάνω. Λησιπαίγμων, -όνος, b, ή, (fr. λήθη forgetfulness, and -παΤγμα a play- thing) forgetful of play ; ceasing or stopping play ; an epithet ot Bacchus. Λησμοσΰνη, -ης, η, (fr. λανθάνομαι to forget) forgetfulness, oblivion. Λήσομαι, 1 f. ind. mid. — Αήσομεν, 1 pi. of Λήσω, 1 f. ind. act. of λανθάνω. Ληστεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. ληστής, a robber) to rob, plunder. Ληστήριον, -ου, rb, (fr. same) α gang or band of robbers, bandit- ti ; robbery. Λη&της, -ου, δ, for ληϊστης, (fr. λεία booty) a robber, thief, plunder er, pirate. Ληστΐκος, and ΑηστρΥώς,-η^ν, (fr last) plundering, robbing, living on plunder, predatory, piratical. Ληστρις, -ίδος, τ), (fr. same) a fe- male robber, pirate vessel. Ληστρων, -όνος, b, (fr. same) a den or hiding-place of robbers. Λησω, Dor. for λήσω, 1 f. ind. act. of λάω, or of λανθάνω. Λητοΐδης, -ου, b, (fr. next) the son of Latona. Λητώ, -όος -ους, r), Latona. a. Δ>7" τ 6a -ω. Ληφθείην, 1 a. opt. pass. — Ληφθείς^ par. 1 a. pass. — Ληφθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass. — Λήφθητι, -τω, 1 a. impr. pass, οΐλσνβάνω. . Λήχω, obs. for which λαγχάνω. Ληψις, -ως, Att. • εως, r), (fr. λαμ- βάνω to take) a receiving, re- ception, taking, acceptance, re- ceipt. Λήψομαι, -η, -εται, pi. -ψδμεθα, -ψεσθε, -ψονται, 1 f. ind. mid. of λαμβάνω. Λία, for λεία. Λιάζω, f. -σω, ρ. ~κα, to agitate, disturb, move, disorder ; to has- ten, make speed. Λιάζομαι, to separate, withdraw, secede, turn aside ; to go from, depart, να» ΑΤΗ nish ; to come or go to, approach, bend, stoop ; to close upon. Alav, and Atav, very, very much, exceedingly, too much, surely. Αιαρος, -a, -bv, for χλιαρό?. Αίβανος, -ου, b, Lat. Libanus, a mountain of Syria ; thefrankin T cense-shrub, frankincense. ΑιβανωτΛς, -ου, b, and Αιβανωτον, -ου, rb, (fr. last) frankincense, an incense-vessel, censer. Αϊβάς, -αδος, ή, (fr. λείβω to trickle) a drop ; dripping, trickling ; a rill, rivulet. Αιβερτϊνος, -ου, b, a Libertine, a sect among the Jews. Αιβόνοτος, -ου, b, (fr. λϊψ the south-west wind, and νότος the south wind) a south-west wind. Αιβυάθεν, Dor. for Αιβυήθεν, (fr. next, and θεν from a place) from Libya. Αιβϋη, -ης, fj, Libya, the name of a country. Αίβυρνις, -ιδος, η, and Αίβυρνον, -ου, το, a kind οι boat, skiff', gal- ley, used by the Liburnians. Αίβυς, -υος, b, a mem of Libya, an 'can. ΐνσσα, -ης, η, a woman of Libya. Αίγα, for Χιγέα. Αιγαίνω, (fr. Χίγυς shrill) to make a shrill, clear or tuneful sound ; to speak clear or distinct, pro- claim. Αίγγω, f. -ξω, (fr. same) to make a shrill noise ; to twang, ring. Αίγδα, (fr. ΧεΊος smooth) a whet stone; dust. Αίγδην, slightly, briefly, by the by. Αίγδος, -ου, b, a mortar ;~ a furnace, foundry, crucible. Αιγέα, neut. pi. — Αιγεαν, Dor. for Χιγειων, g. pi. — Αιγείτ], d. sin. fern, of Χιγύς. Αιγέως, (fr. Χιγύς shrill) loudly, clearly, distinctly, sweetly. Αιγνύς, -ύος, fj, soot, smoke. Αιγνωτος, -ου, δ, ή, raised like fai r protuberant, prominent. Αίγξε, Ion. for έΧιγξε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of Χίγγω. Αιγυρ\ for λιγνρη, d. sin. fern. — Αιγυργισι, d. pi. fem. Ion. of λι- γυρός. Αιγύριον, and Αίγυρον, -ov, το, a ligure, precious stone. Αιγύρΰς, -a, -bv, same as Χιγύς. Αιγυρως, (fr. last) sweetly, melo- diously. Αίγυς, -ύος, b, η, a man or woman of Liguria, Ligurian. Αιγυς, -εϊα, -υ, loud, sonorous, clear-sounding, shrill, whistling ; sweet, harmonious, melodious. Αιγυστίώς, -η, -bv, (fr. Κίγυς a Ligurian) of ox belonging to Li- guria, Ligurian. Αιγνφθόγγοισι, d. pi. Ion. of Αιγΰφθογγος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. Χιγυς sweet, and φθόγγη a voice, th. ώθέγγομαι to speak) sweet-voiced harmonious; lotul-voiced, shrill. Αιγνφωνος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and φωνή a voice) same as last. Αίην, Ion. for Xiav. ΛΙΘ Αιθάζομεν, -ζετε, 1 and 2 pi. pres. ind. act. of Αιθάζω, f. -ασω, p. ΧεΧίθακα, (fr. Χίθος a stone) to stone, pelt or kill with stones, throw stones. 1 a. act. ind. εΧίθασα. per. ind. pass. ΧεΧίθασμαι. 1 a. ind. pass. εΧιθάσθην. Αϊθαξ, -ακος, b, t), (fr. same) stony, rugged, craggy. Subs, a small- stone, pebble, rough stone. Αίθας, -αδος, η, (fr. same) a stone, small stone, pebble ; a shower of stones. Αιθάσαι, inf. — Αιθάσας, -ασα, -αν, η. pi. -θάσαντες, par. 1 a. act. — Αιθασθώσι, pass. — Αιθάσωσι, act. 3 pi. 1 a. sub. of Χιθάζω. Αιθέα, and Αιθία, -ας,ή, (fr. Χίθος a stone) a quarry, heap or collec- tion of stones ; a mass, pile. Αιθεία, -ας, %, (perhaps fr. Xiav much, and θις a heap) luxury, ex- travagance; abundance, plenty. Αιθίδιον, -ov, το, (fr. Χίθος a stone) a small stone, pebble, gravel. Αίθίνος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) made of stone, stony. Λιθοβολεΐσθαί, pres. inf. pass. cont. — Αιθοβοληθήσεται, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. pass. — ΑιθοβοΧησαι• inf. — ΑιθοβοΧήσαντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. act. — ΑιθοβοΧουσα, η. fem. cont. par. pres. act. of ΑιθοβοΧέω, f. -ήσω, p. ΧεΧιθοβόΧη- κα, (fr. same, and βάλλω to throw) to throw stones ; to stone, pelt with stones. 1 a. act. ind. εΧιθοβόΧησα. ΑιθοβοΧία, -a?,i7,(fr.same)a/, (fr. same, and καλάμη a straw) the stalk of flax. hivov, -ov, το, flax, any thing made of it, linen, thread, a string, line, net, sheet, sail. Κινόπτερος, -ov, h, ή, (fr. last, and πτέρον awing) sail-winged, can- vass-winged. ΚΊνος, -ου, b, a man's name. ΑΙξ, oblique. Λίπα, indecl. (fr. λίπος fatness) fat. AtV for λίπε, 2 a. impr. or Ion. for ίλιπε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of λείπω. Λιπαίνω, ΐ. -ανω, (fr. λίττος fatness) to fatten, make fat. la. ind. act. ελίπηνα, and ελίπανα, -ας, -ε. Αιπαράμπυζ, -ϋκος, b, η, (fr. λιπαρός beautiful, and άμπυξ a head- band) on>>/, Dor. for last. a. sin. λιπαρόχρων. Α'ιπασμα, -ατός, το, (fr. λίπος fat- ness) fatness, a fattening, mak- ing fat; an anointing, oint- ment. Αιπάω -ώ, (fr. same) to b&omefat or plump, grow sleek. Δ /w, see λίτ\ opt. act. — Αιποίμην, 2 a. opt. mid. — ΑιποΊσα, Dor. for λι- πουσα, 2 a. par. act. fem. — Λί- ποιεν, 3 pi. 2 a. opt. act. — Λί- πον, Ion. for ελϊπον, 2 a. ind. act. of λείΓω. Λιποναντας, Dor. for λιποναύτης, -ov, b, (fr. λεί-ω to leave, and νανς a ship) a deserter of a ship. Λίπος, -εος -ους, το, fat, grease, oil. Λιποφεγγεα, a. sin. of Λιποφεγγής, -εος -ους, b, ή, (fr. λεί- νω to leave, and f'yyoi the light) deficient in light, dark, blind. Αιπόων, Poet, for λιπών, pres. par act. cont. of λιπάω. Αίπτω, (fr. λάω to wish for) to de- sire, wish for, long for. Λιπών, -ούσα, -όν, par. 2 a. act. of λείπω. Αίριον, -ου, το, for λείριον. Αίρος or Αιρός, -ου, δ, η, (perhaps fr. λίαν much, and bράω to see) impudent, bold Αις, -ιτός, b, very fine thin linen, cambric, lawn ; a light dress. Αΐς, -7ος, b, Poet, a lion. a. sin. Λις, Apoc. for λισση, fem. of λισ- σός. ΛΊσαι, 1 a. impr. mid. οι λίσσομαι. Αίσπη, -ης, ή, a certain slight thin little animal. Λίσπαι, dice. Λίσπος, -η, -ov, (fr. last) worn, rubbed, threadbare; thin, slight. Αίσσεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. — Λισ- σέσκετο, Ion. for ελίσσετο, 3 sin. ΛΟΓ impf. ind. act. — Αιτάνενσε, Ion. for ελιτάνευσε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of Λιτανεύω, f. -εύσω, same as λίσ- σομαι. Αιτάων, JEo\. for λιτών, g. pi. of Αίτί), -ης, η, (fr. λίσσομαι to pray) prayer, supplication, entreaty. Λιτοίμην, pres. opt. of Λίτομαι, same as λίσσομαι. ΛΊτον, -ου, τό, same as λίί. Αϊτός, -η, -όν, simple, bare, slen- der, mean, vile, cheap; rude, uncultivated. Αϊτός, -η, -όν, (fr. λίσσομαι to pray) suppliant, beseeching, humble, submissive. Λίτρα, -ας, η, a pound weight, di- vided into 72 parts. Λιτρισμός, -ου, b, (fr. last) a hun- dred weight. Λίτρον, Att. for νίτρον. Λιφαιτμεω -ώ, (fr. λεί/ταΓ to leave, and αίμα blood) to lose blood, faint, fail. Λιχανός, -ου, b, (fr. λείχω to lick, or fr. λίαν much, and χαίνω to gape from the thumb) the fore finger. Λιχάς, -άδος, η, the space between the thumb and forefinger. Λίχμαζον, Ion. for ελίχμαζον, impf. ind. act. of Λιχμάζω, f. -ξω, and Λιχμάομαι -ωμαι, same as th. λείχω, to lick. Λιχνε'ια, -ας, η, (fr. same) greedi- ness, gluttony. Aixp, λιβός, η, (fr. λείβω to trickle) α rock, cliff". Also, when mas- culine, the south west wind. Αίω, to desire, wish, covet; to be ready, anxious, eager. Λοβός, -ov, b, the lobe or lowest part of the ear ; the liver ; a pod, shell, husk. Λογάς, -αδος, b, ή, (fr. λέγω to choose) chosen, selected, picked. impf. mid. — Αισσέσκεσθαι, lon.j n. pi. οί, λ,ογάδες. Also subs, for Αίσσεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. of the white of the eye. λίσσομαι. y Λογείον, -ου, τό, (fr. λόγος a word, th. λέγω to say) an oracle, reve- lation, word ; a breastplate worn by the chief priest; a pulpit, Λ,ίσσομ' for Λίσσομαι, to pray, supplicate, beg, beseech, entreat, pres. par. mid. λισσόμενος. Λισσός, -i), -όν, (perhaps fr. λιάν much, and ίσος equal) smooth, sleek. Λιστραίνω, and Λιστοεύω, (fr. next) to hoe, scrape, level ; to dig, dress. Λίστρον, -ov, to, a hoe, rake. Λιτά, a. sin. of λις, λιτός, or a. pi. of λ7τον, same as λί?. Λιτάζομαι, (fr. λιτή supplica- tion) to supplicate, beg, pray, entreat. Airat, -ων, -αι, (pi. of λιτή, th. λίσσομαι to pray) prayers, sup- plications, goddesses presiding over prayers. Λϊταίνω, (fr. same) to supplicate, pray, entreat, beg. . Λιταϊσι, d. pi. fem. Ion. «of λιτός. Λιτανεία, -ας, η, (fr. λίσσομαι to pray) supplication, entreaty, prayer ; litany, form of prayer. ΑΛτάνευε, Ion. for ελίτανευε, 3 sin. (371) Λογία, -ας, η, (fr. λέγω to collect) a gathering, collection^ contri- bution. Λογίζεσθαι, inf. Λογιζέσθω, 3 sin. -ξεσθε, 2 pj. impr. pres. mid. — Λογίζη, -εται, 2 and 3 sin. Λογιξόμεθα, 1 pi. pres. ind. mid. — Λογιζόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of Λογίζομαι, f• mid. -ϊσομαι, p. λελό- γισμαι, (fr. λόγος a word, th. λέγω to speak) to compute, reckon, sum up, settle accounts; to cal- culate, estimate ; to deduce, con- clude, infer; to reason, argue; to account, esteem, repute; to think, consider, reflect; to attri- bute, impute; to intend, pur- pose, design. 1 a. ind. pass, ελο- γίσθην. 1 f. ind. pass, λογισθή- σομαι. Λογικός, -η> -6ν, (fr. same) tq. ΑΟΓ tionesl, reasonable ; of or belong- ing to the word or gospel, spi- ritual; eloquent, learned, wise; estimable, worthy. Λογικον, -ου, rb, (neut. of last) rea- son — Λογική, -ης, η, (fem. of last) logic. Λόγψος, -η, -ov, or -ου, b, η, same as λογικός. Λόγιοι, -ων, οι, (nom. pi. of λόγιος) vnse men, orators, historians. Λόγων, -ου, το, (fr. λόγος a word) an Oracle, revelation ; a divine oracle, sacred writing, scripture. Λόγγος, -a,-ov, (fr. same) rational; wise, learned, eloquent, distin- guished. Subs, a prose writer ; a prophet. Λόγισαι, impr. — Αογίσασθαι, inf. — Λογισάμενος, -η, -ov, par. — Αογίσηται, sub. 3 sin. 1 a. mid. — Αογισθείη, 3 sin. opt. — Λο- γισθηναι, inf. 1 a. pass. — Λο- γισθήσεται, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. pass. of λογίζομαι. Αογισμδς, -ου, b, (fr. λόγος a word) reasoning, argument, thought, reflection, reason ; sense, the mind ; computation, reckoning, account ; a syllogism. Λογιστής, -ου, b, (fr. same) a rea- soner ; ingenious person, arti- ficer, artist ; an accountant, comptroller. Λογογραφέω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and γράφω to write) to write or com- pose history or speeches; to ex- pound. Λογογραφος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a writer of speeches or history ; a reasoner, expounder ; a wrangler, pettifogger. Λόγοισι, d. pi. Ion. of λόγος. Λογομάγειρος -ου, b, (fr. λόγος a word, and μάγειρος a cook) or- namenting language, flowery. Λογομαχέω -ω. f. -ήσω, p. λελογο- μάχηκα, (fr. λόγος a word, and μάχομαι to fight) to contend about words, dispute for trifles. pres. inf. act. cont. λογομαχεΐν. Λογομαχία, -ας, η, (fr. same) con- tention about words ; subtile or idle disputation. Λογόμαχος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) disputing about words. Λογοποιέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. λόγος a word, and ποιέω to make) to make, compose or write fables ; to talk, rumour, report; to affirm, assert ; to discowrse, reason. Αογοποώς, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) a writer or composer of fables; a historian. Λόγος, -ου, b, (fr. λέγω to speak) a word, speech, language, elo- quence ; the word, divine Word, Christ ; an oration, discourse ; a saying, proverb; fame, report, rumour, talk ; thought, opinion, conception, reflexion; reason, un- derstanding, sense ; proportion, analogy ; account, cause, reason ; a computation, reckoning ; a mat- ter, affair, point, purpose ; an appearance, show, pretence ; a volume. book f treatise ; a harra- ΛΟΙ tive, story, fable, pi. οί λόγοι, study, literature. Εκ τινός λογού, for which reason. TtVt λόγω, why or for what reason ? Κατά λόγο ν, justly, according to reason. Λόγχαισι, d. pi. Ion. of Λόγχη, -ης, η, (fr. λαγχάνω to al- lot) a lot, portion, share ; a lance, spear, point of a spear, blade. Λογχήρης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. last, and αίρω to raise) a spearman, lancer. Λογχόω, (fr. last) to point, sharpen at the point. Λογχωτός, -η, -ov, (fr. same) point- ed, sharpened, sharp-pointed. A<5yw,Dor.forXo'yoi>,g.sin.ofX<5)/os Λόεσσάμενος, -η, -ov, — Λόεσσαν — Αοέσσαι, Poet, for λοεσάμενος, par. 1 a. mid. ελόεσαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. Ion. λοέσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of λοέω. Λόετρον, -ου, το, for λουτρον. Αοετροχόος -ους, -όου -ου, b, η, (fl•. last, and χέω to pour out) fit for a bath. Λοέω Poet, for λούω. Λοιβη, d. sin. of Λοιβή, -ης, ή, (fr. λείβω to drop) a libation, drink-offering. Λοιγήεις, -εσσα, -εν, same as λοί- γιος. Αοίγια, η. pi. neut. of Λοίγιος,-α, -ov, (fr. next) destruc- tive, ruinous, pernicious, deadly. Λοιγος, -ου, b, (fr. λείχω to devour) pestilence, disease, death, ruin, destruction. ΛοιδορεΊς, 2 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of ' Λοιδορέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. λελοιδόρη- κα, (fr. λοίδορος a reviler) to rail, revile, reproach, abuse ; to chide, reprehend, censure, pres. inf. pass. cont. λοιδορεΐσθαι. pres. par. pass. cont. λοιδορού μένος. 1 a. par. pass, λοιδορηθείς. Λοιδόρημα, -άτος, το, Λοιδόρησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, and Λοιδορία, -ας, η, (fr. next) reproach, ca- lumny, invective; reviling, rail- ing, abuse. Λοίδορος, -ου, b, a reviler, railer, reproacher, calumniator. Λοιδορού μένος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. cont. of λοιδορέω. Λοιμεύομαι, (fr. next) to hurt, de- stroy, corrupt ; to be infected. ΛοιμοΊο, g. sin. Ion. of Λοιμός, -ου, δ, a plague, pestilence, contagion, infection ; a nuisance, pest, scourge. Λοιμώττω, (fr. last) to have the plague, be infected. Λοιπός, -r), -bv, (fr. λείττω to leave) lefi, remaining, the rest, remain- der ; future. Λοισθή'ία, -ων,τά, (Ion. for λοισθεΊα, neut. pi. of λοισθεΐος, same as next) premium -or reward given to the last or hindmost. Λοίσθιος, or -θεΐος, -a, -ov, and Λοίσθος, -η, -ov, (perhaps fr. λείττω to leave) the last, latest ; hindmost. Ύά λοίσθια, finally, lastly, at length. Λοισθότατος, -η, -ov, sup. of λοίσ- θος, a. sin. fem. λοισθοτάτην. (372) ΛΟΦ ΛοκροΧ, -ων, ol, Locri, the name of a people. Λ°ζα, (fr. γοξος oblique) obliquely, ambiguously. Λοξίας, Ion. Λοζίης, -ου, 6, (fr. λοξός oblique) the Loxian, epi- thet of Apollo. Λοξοβάται, η. pi. of Λοξοβάτης, -ου, b, ι), (fr. next, and βαίνω to go) falling or passing obliquely. Λοξός, -η, -bv, oblique, crooked^ bent; dubious, ambiguous, doubt- ful. Λοξότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) obliqui- ty, inclination. Λοπάς^ -αδος, η, a plate, dish, pan t saucer. Λόπίμος, -η, -ov, (fr. λέπω to peel) that can be peeled, skinned or barked. Λοπός, -ου, b, (fr. same) bark,rind, skin, peel. Λόρδος, -ου, b, f), bent, inclinedj hanging down, face downwards ; bending inwards or downwards. Λορδόω -ω, (fr. last) to bend, stoop; to be doubled. Λόρδωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) a bend, stoop, leaning, inclination. Λουδοτρόφος, -ου, b, (fr. λουδος, from the Lat. ludus, play, and τρέφω to encourage) a master of sports, keeper of gladiators ; a swordsman, fencing-master. Λουκάς, -ά, b, Lucas, Eng. Luke, a man's name. Λούκιος, -ου, b, Lucius, a man's name. Λουμαι, Att. Sync, for λούομαι — Έλούμην for ελουόμην, impf. ind. pass. — Λουσθαι, for λούεσθαι^ pres. inf. pass, of λούω. Λουνος, -η, -bv, splendid, bright. Λουσάμενος,-η,-ον, mid — Λούσβ?, d. -σαντι, η. pi. -σαντες, act. par. la. — Λουσευ, Ion. for έλουσε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of λούω. Λουσσον, an excrescence growing on beech trees. Λούσω, Dor. for λούσω, 1 f. ind. act. of λούω. Λουτηρ, -ηρος, δ, (fr. λούω to wash) a basin, vessel for washing ; a lover. Λουτρον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a bath t laver, bathing-place,:, Λουτρον, -ου, το, (fr. same) water which has been used, dirty water. Λουτρω, d. sin. of λουτρον. Λουτρών, -ωνος, b, (fr. λούω to wash) a bath ; a sink, drain, draught house. Λούω, f. -σω, p. λέλουκα, to wash, bathe. 1 a. ind. act. έ λούσα' par. λούσας. per. par. pass, λελουμέ- νος, -η, -ov. 1 a. ind. mid. ελου- σάμην, -ω, -ατο. Λοφιά, -άς, ή, (fr. λόφος the neck) the neck, back; mane; bristle; crest; summit, top; coast, border. Λοφνία, -ας, η, and Λοφνϊς, -ίδβς, f) (fr. λόφος a hill) a torch, brand Λοφόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. next) crest- ed, tufted, hilly. ΛΤΓ Λόφος, -ov, b, the neck, back ; the mane ; a crest ; a hill, eminence, hillock ; a collar t yoke ; bon- dage. Λόφουρα, -ων, τα, (fr. last, and ουρά a tail) all animals having bris- tles on their backs. Λόφυρος, -a, -ov, (fr. λόφος a crest) crested ; distinguished, proud, stately. Λοχαγέτης, -ου, b, (fr. next) a cap- tain, officer of a company. Λοχαγέω -ω, (fr. next) to command a troop, lead a division. Λοχαγός and Λοχαγωγος, -ου, b, (fr. λόχος a division, and άγω to lead) leader of a troop or di- vision, lochagus, captain. Αοχάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. λόχος an ambuscade) to lie in ambush, lie in wait for ; to lay an am- bush ; to make a feint, deceive. ΛοχεοΊο, g. sin. Ion. of Λοχεδς, -οϋ, b, same as λόχος. Λόχευμα, -ατός, τδ, (fr. next) ο oirth, offspring. Λοχεύω, (fr. λoχbς pregnant) to bring forth, have young. Λο- χεύομαι, to be bom; to lie in am- bush, be concealed. Λοχηγετέω -ω, for λοχαγέω. Αοχήσομαι, 1 f. ind. mid. of λο- χάω. Λοχίζω, f. -"σω, (fr. λόχος a troop) to arrange in companies ; to make an ambuscade, he in wait for. Αοχϊτης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a com- mon soldier. Αόχμη, -ης, f), (fr. next) a place covered with shrubs or under- wood ; a covert, brake, thicket ; a place ft for ambuscade. Λόχος, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. λέγω to lie down) a troop, band, divi- sion, company ; snares, ambus- cade. Λόχος, -οΰ, fj, pregnant, breeding in labour. Λύα, Dor. for λύη, -ης, ή, (fr. λύω to dissolve) sedition, revolution, rebellion, battle, fight ; pesti- lence, plague, contagion. Λυγαϊος, -a, -ov, (fr. λνγη dark- ness) dark, obscure, gloomy; mournful. Α.νγγανω, (fr. λύζω to sob) to sob, cry, weep. Λνγγευς, -έος, Ion. -ηος, b, name of a nation. Λύγδίνος, -η, -ov, (fr. next) smooth, polished, bright, white like mar- ble. Αύγδος, -ου, b, white marble, Pari- an marble, alabaster. Αύγτ>, -ης, %, darkness, obscurity, gloom. Λυγίζω, f. -ισω, Dor. -ζω, (fr. λύγος a twig) to bend, twist, turn, twine round, bind with twigs ; to overpower, disable. Λυγίζομαι, to endeavour to escape, elude, shun. Λυγκευς, -έος, Att. -έως, b, Lynce- 11s, a man's name. ΛΤΚ ΛΤΠ Λυκομήδης, -εος -ους, b, Lycomede9 t a man's name. Λύκος, -ου, b, a wolf a. pi. λύκο?, Dor. for λύκους. Λύκος, -ου, b, (fr. λύκη light) the sun, sunbeams. Λυκούργος, -ου, b, Lycurgus, a Λυγξ, λυγκός, b, η, a lynx. Λυγξ, λυγγδς, η, same as λυγμός. Λύγος, -υυ, ι), a willow, oner, twig, rod, stick. Λνγός, -ου, δ, a kind of wine- press. Λνγρή, Ion. for λυγρά, fem. of Λυγρος, -a, -bv, oppressive, trouble- some, severe, hard; miserable, Λυκόφρων, -όνος, b, (fr. λύκος a man's name. wretched ; gloomy, sad, mourn ful ; feeble, weak ; worthless, vile. Λυγρως, (fr. last) severely, sadly, grievously. Λύδδα, -ης, η, name of a town. Λυδία, -ας, η, Lydia, the name of a country, or of a woman. Λϋδοπάθης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. next, and πάθος an affection) living like the Lydians, voluptuous, ef- feminate, delicate. Λϋδος, -ου, b, a man of Lydia. n. pi. Λνδοϊ, Lydians. Λύει, (3 sin. of λύω, used im- pers. ) it conduces, it is of advan- tage. Λύειν, pres. inf. — Λύετε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. act. of λύω. Λύζω, f. -ξω, to have the hiccough; to sob, cry, weep. Λύη, -ης, {/, see λύα. Λύθεν, Boeot. Sync, and Ion. for ελύθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass. — Λύθη, Ion. ίθΓελύ0>7, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. pass. — Λυθη, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass. — Λνθηναι, inf. 1 a. pass Λνθήσεται, 3 sin. Λυθή- σονται, pi. 1 f. ind. pass, of λύω. Λύθρον,-ου,τό, blood, gore. Λυθρόω -ω, (fr. last) to be pollut- ed with gore, sprinkled with blood. Λυθρώδης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. same) full of blood and matter, clotted with blood, gory. Λυκάβας, -αντος, b, (fr. λύκος the sun, and βαίνω to go) the sun's path ; a year. Λυκαίος, -a, -ov, an epithet of Jupi ter. Λνκαονία, -ας, η, Lycaonia, name of a country. Λυκαυγος, -έος -ους, το, (fr. λύκη light, th. λύκος the sun, and αυγή brightness) the morning, dawn, daybreak, twilight. Λυκάων, -όνος, b, Lycaon, a man's name. Λύκειος, -a, -ov, or -ου, δ, η, (fr. λύκος a wolf) of a wolf, wolf's. Also, an epithet of Apollo or the sun. Λύκη, -ης, fj, (fr. λύκος the sun) light. ΛυκίδεΊς, -ων, οι, (fr. λύκος a wolf) wolf's whelps or cubs. Λνκία, -ας, Ion. -η, -ης, η, Lycia, a country. Λυκιεργης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. last, and έργον a work) made in Ly- cia, Lycian. Λυκίηθεν, (fr. same, and 3-εν fr. a place) from Lye' Λυγμός, -ου, b, (fr. λύζω to sob) α\Λύκιοι, -ων, oi, inhabitants of Ly- hiccough t sobbing, crying. ' cia, Lycians. (373) wolf, and φρην the mind) daring bold, intrepid. Λυκόφως, το, (fr. λύκ»; dawn, and φως light) morning, dawn, twi- light. Λύκτος, -ου, η, the name of a town. Λύμα, -ατός, τό, (perhaps fr. λούω to wash) dirty water, dirt, offscouring, filth ; cleansing, pu- rification, purgation. Λνμαίνω, f. -άνω, (fr. last) to wash, cleanse, purify ; make expiation, atonement. Or, (fr. λύμη de- struction) to ravage, waste, make havoc; to ruin, destroy; to in- jure, violate, hurt. 1 a. ind. act. ελύμηνα. pres. ind. pass. λυμαίνομαι. 1 f. ind. mid. λυμα- νουμαι. 1 a. ind. mid. ελυμηνά- μην, -ω, -ατο. Λυμεών, -ωνος, δ, (fr. next) a de- stroyer, ravager. Λύμη, -ης, η, a plague, pestilence, calamity, destruction, ruin; hurt, damage ; decay, decline. Λύμην, λϋο, λϋτο, Poet, and Ion. for λελυμένος είην, pper. opt. pass, of λύω, or 2 a. opt. mid. of λϋμι, same as λύω. Λνμηνάμενος, 1 a. par. mid. of λυ- μαίνω. Λυντο, Ion. and Poet, for ελέλυν- to, 3 pi. pper. ind. pass, of λύω. Λύομαι, pres. ind. pass. — Λύοντες ί η. — Λνόντων, g. par. pres. act. — Λύουσι, d. pi. of same, or 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of λύω. ΛυπεΊσθαι, pres. inf. pass. cont. — ΛυπεΧται, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. pass. — Λυπείτε, 2 pi. cont. pres. ind. or impr. act. — Λν- πώ, cont. for Λϋπέω, f. -ήσω, p. λελύπηκα, (fr. next) to grieve, fret, distress, make sorrowful; to hurt, offend, make angry. 1 a. ind. act. ελύ- πησα. pres. ind. pass, λυπέομαι. 1 a. pass, ελυπήθην, -ης, -η' sub. λυπηθώ, -ης, -fj. inf. λυπηθηναι' par. λυπηθείς, -έντος. Λϋπη, -ης, ή, grief pain, distress, uneasiness, trouble, sorrow. Λνπηθέντες, η. pi. par. — Λυπηθη- ναι, inf. — Λυπηθητε, 2 pi. sub. 1 a. pass Λυπηθήσεσθε, 2 pi. 1 f. ind. pass. — Λυπην, Dor, for ΛυπεΊν, pres. inf. act. cont. — Λύπης, 2 sin. cont. pres. sub. act. — Λυπησθε. 2 pi. pres. srb. pass, of λυπέω. Λυπηρός, -a, -ov, (fr. λύπη grief) grievous, sad, distressing, severe ; troublesome, annoying ; indiffer- ent, sorry, poor. Comp. λυπηρό- τερος, sup. λυπηρότατος. Λυπηρως, (fr. last) grievously, sad» . ly, severely, troublesomely. Αννα?, pres. impr. pass. cont. — ,Αυπούμενος, -η, -ov, pres. par. pass. cont. of λυπίω. Ανιτρος, -a, -δν, same as λνπηρδς ; also, thin, slight, scanty, bare, poor. Αύρα, -ας, Ion. -ης, ^, a lyre, gui- tar. Αυραο^ς, -ου, δ, (fr. ast, and άδω to sing) singing to the lyre. Ανρίζω, f. -?σω, (fr. same) to sound or pfay upon a lyre. Ανρικος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) adapt- ed to the lyre, lyric. Αυριστης, -ov, b, (fr. same) who vlayed on or sung to the lyre, accompanying his voice with the. lyre. Ανροκτνττης, -ου, b, and Ανροκτύ- ττος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and τύπ- τω to strike) a performer on the lyre. Αυσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Αύσασ for λύσασα, fem. of λύσας, -ασα, -σαν, 1 a. par. act. — Αύσαν, Ion. for έλυσαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. — Αύσαιτε, 2 pi. of λύσαιμι, 1 a. opt. act. — Αύσατο, Ion. for ελύσατο, 3 sin. of ελυσάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of λύω. Αύσαις, iEol. for λύσας, 1 a. par. act. of same. Αυσανίας, -ov, b, (fr. λύω to relax, and ανία sadness) relieving, eas- ing pain or sorrow, mitigating, assuaging ; Lysanias, a man's name. Αυσε, Ion. for έλυσε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Αύσεια, -ας, -ε, iEol. for λύσαιμι, -αις, -αι, 1 a. opt. act. of λύω. Ανσει, d. sin. of λύσις. Αυσιάνισσα, -ης, fj, a woman's name. Αύσιας, -ου, b, Lysias, a man's name. Αϋσίζωνος, -ov, b, f), (fr. λύω to untie, and ζώνη a girdle) one . who unties the girdle, a bride- groom. Αϋσίκακος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and κακός evil) dispelling evils, sooth- ing, assuaging, balmy. Ανσιμελης, -έος-ονς, δ,//, (fr. same, and μέλος a limb) relaxing the limbs, refreshing, balmy. Αύσιν, a. sin. of λύσίί. Αύσιος, -a,-ov, or -ου, δ, fj, (fr. λύω to relax) relaxing, soothing, care- assuaging, mitigating. Αυσι-αίγμων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. same, and ταίζω to sport) jocose, mer- ry, jolly ; relaxing in sport ; end- ing the play. Αυσίπονος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πόνος labour, th. πένομαι to la- bour) relieving from labour ; sorrow-ending. Αΰσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. λύω to loose) a loosening, untying, dis- engaging, delivery, release ; dis- solution, breaking up, end. a. λύσίν. Λυσί-ελεΓ, (3 sin. cont. impers. of λυσιτελέω to avail) it is profita- ble, it avails, it is better, is worth while. ΛΤΤ Ανσιτίλεια,-ας,ή, (fr. next) utility, profit, benefit, advantage. Αυσιτελέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. next) to be advantageous, profit, serve, avail, benefit. Αυ<τιτελής, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. λύω to pay, and τέλος tribute) useful, advantageous, profitable, benefi- cial. Comp. λνσιτελέστερος. sup. -λέστατος. Αυσιτελως, (fr. last) usefully, pro- fitably, beneficially. Ανσον, -άτω, 2 pi. -σατε, 1 a. impr. act Αύσονται, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. mid. λυσόμενος, 1 f. par. mid. of λύω. Ανσσα or Αύττα, -ης, η, madness, phrensy, rage ; properly of dogs. Λυσσάω or -ττάω, Poet. Αυσσόω, (fr. last) to go mad, become furi- ous ; to rage, rave. Αύσσημα, -ατός, το, same as λύσσα. Αυσστ,ν, Dor. for λυσσών, pres. inf. act. cont. of λυσσάω. Αυσσητηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. λύσσα ca- nine madness) mad, furious, ra- bid. Αυσσόων, Poet, or Ion. for λυσσών, pres. par. act. cont. of λυσσάω. Ανσσώοης, -εος -ους, b, ή, (fr. λύσσα canine madness) mad, furious, raging, raving, rabid. Αυσσωθείης, 2 sin. 1 a. opt. pass, of λυσσάω, same as λυσσάω. Αυσσωσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. or sub. act. cont. of λυσσάω. Αύστρα, -ας, fj, and -ων, τά, Lystra, name of a town. Αύστρος, -a, -ov, of or belonging to Lystra. Δύσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. — Λύσω, -ης, η, 2 pt. -σητε, 1 a. sub. act. of λύω. Αυτήριον, -ου, τδ, (neut. of next) a remedy, release, ransom, atone- ment. ΑυτιΊριος, -ου, ό, §, (fr. λύω to re- lease) expiatory, atoning, ran- soming ; preserving, saving, de- livering ; that frees or exone- rates. Αύτο, Ion. and Poet, for ελέλυτο, 3 sin. pper. ind. pass, of λύω. Αυτόν, -ov, το, (neut. of next) re- tribution, justice. Αυτός, -η, -bv, (fr. λύω to pay) soluble ; to be paid ; retributive. Αύτρον, -ου, το, (fr. same), a ran- som, redemption, atonement, price of deliverance. Αυτρουσθαι, pres. inf. mid. cont. Αντρόω, f. -ώσω, p. λελύτρωκα, (fr. same) to ransom, redeem, de- liver, per. ind. pass, λελύτροψαι, -σαι, -ται. 1 a. ind. pass, ελυ- τρώθην, -ης, -η. 1 a. ind. mid. ελυτρωσάμην, -ω, -ατο' sub. λυ- τρώσωμαι, -η, -ηται. Αντρώδης, same as λυθρώδης. Αυτρώσηται, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. mid. of λυτρόω. Αύτρωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. λυτρόω to redeem, th. λύω to pay) redemption, ransom, a. λύ- τρωσιν. (374) ΛΩΝ Αντρωτης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a re- deemer, deliverer, saviour. Αυττάω, same as λυσσάω. ΑυχνεΤον and Λύ^νιον, -ου, το, and Αυχνΐα, -ας, η, (fr. λύχνος a lamp) a candlestick, lamp-stand* Αυχνίδιον,-ου,το, (fr. dim. of next) a small candle, taper, lamp. Ανχνϊς, -ίδος, η, (fr. λύχνος a lamp) a plant of which wicks were made, blue-bottle ; a wick, lamp, candle. Αυχνοκαία, -ας, fj, (fr. next, and καίω to burn) the feast of lamps or lanterns. Αύχνος, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. λύνίο dissipate, and νύξ night) a lamp, lantern, candle. Αϋω, f. λΰσω, p. λέλυκα, to loose, unloose, untie, slacken ; to relax, mitigate, assuage ; to weigh an- chor, set sail ; to release, set free, liberate ; to discharge, acquit ; to pardon, forgive ; to pay ; to open ; to break down, subvert, overturn, overthrow ; to dissolve, dilute, melt ; to expiate, atone for ; to dismiss, break up, dis- perse, disband ; to annul, re- scind, abrogate, cancel ; to solve, explain, unravel ; to violate, transgress, put an end to, set- tle. Ανομαι, to redeem, ransom. impf. ind. act. έλνον, -ες, -ε, 1 a. act. ind. έλυσα' sub. λύσω, -ης, η' inf. λυσαι. impf. pass, ελνόμην, -ου, -ετο. per. ind. pass, λελύ- μαι. 1 a. ind. pass, ελύθην, -ης, -η. 1 f. ind. pass, λυθήσομαι. Λώ, see Afj. Αωβάζω, and Αωβάω, same as Αωβάομαι, f. mid. λωβήσομαι, (fr. λώβη injury) to affront, offend, insult ; to injure, wrong ; to spoil, break, mutilate, deform. Αωβάσησθε, Dor. for λωβήσησθε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. mid. — la. ind. pass, ελωβήθην. Αωβεύω, same as last. Αώβη, -ης, η, affront, insult ; in- jury, wrong, hurt ; mutilation, maiming. Αωβηθε\ς,1&. par. pass. — Αωβή- σαιο, 2 sin. 1 a. opt. mid. — Αώβησον, 1 a. impr. act. of λω- βάω. Αωβητης, -ου, Αωβητηρ, -ηρος, Αω- βητώρ, -όρος, δ,(η\ λώβη affront) a scoffer, raider, defamer ; a vile person, pest, disgrace. Αωβητος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) af- fronted, insulted, abused, injured, wronged ; maimed, mutilated ; despicable, vile, worthless. Αωΐς, -ϊδος, fj, a woman's name. Αώϊστος, cont. Αωστος, sup. (fr. λ ω to wish) excellent, best. Λωίτερος, -a, -ov, same as Λωϊ'ων, cont. λωων, -όνος, δ, jj, comp. (fr. λώ to wish) better, su- perior, more preferable. Λωλδ? stupid, silly ; rude, uncivil- ized. Αώμα, -ατός, το, a fringe, border, hem, Αωντι, Dor. for λώσί, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. cont. — Λαών λ«ν, \i^ ΜΑΓ ούσα λωσα, λάον λών, pres. par. act. of λάω. Αώονα, a. pi. of λψων, cont. for λωΐων. Α&ος , or Αώος, -ου, δ, a Macedoni- an month! commencing with mid- summer. Αωπο<5υτεω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. λώττος a garment, and δύω to put on) ίο steal clothes ; to rob. steal, λωποδύτης, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a stealer of clothes at the bath ; a robber, thief. Αώπος, -εος -ους, rb, Αώττη, -ης, Αωπας, -άδος, η, (fr. λοπος bark, th. Λίπ-ω to peel) a garment, light thin coat. Αωστα, pi. neut. of λψστος, cont. for λώΓστοί. Αώτ, δ, Heb. indecl. a man's name. Αωτεϋντα, Dor. — Λωτοϊίντα, Att for λωτόεντα, η, pi. neut. of λω• τόεις. Αωτίζω, (fr. λωτδ? the lotus) ), a woman's name. Μαγδαληνος, -η, -bv, coming from Magdala, a man or woman of Magdala. Μαγδωλον, -ου, το, (Heb.) a tower. Μαγεία, -ας, ή, (fr. μάγος a magi- cian) magic, magic art, incan- tation, witchcraft; a witch, an enchantress. ΜαγειρεΊυν, -ου, το, (fr. μάγειρος a cook) a kitchen. Μαγειρεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same) to cook\ dress victuals. Μαγείρισσα, -ης, η, (fr. same) a fe- male cook. Μάγειρος, -ου, b, a cook, butcher, baker. Μαγεύω, f. -εύσω, p. μεμάγευκα, (fr. μάγος a magician) to charm, enchant, bewitch, practise magic. par. pres. act. μαγεύων. Μαγίκος, -η,-ον, (fr. same) magi- cal. Μάγϊς,-"δος,η',{(τ. μάσσω to knead) a kneading trough, dish ; a cake. Μάγνης, -ητος, η, and Μαγνήτης, -ου, ί'ι, a magnet, loadstone. Also, an inhabitant of Magnesia. Μαγνησία, -ας, η, the country Magnesia. Μάγνητας, a. pi. of μάγνης. Μάγος, -ου, b, a magician, sorcerer, wizard, juggler, impostor; a wise man of the east, mage, phi- Μ Μ, μ, called mu, the twelfth of the more modern Greek letters, but the thirteenth of the ancient whence, in numbering, μ is used for the fourth decade, or forty with a dot under it, μ, for forty thousand. M', for με, a. of εγώ. Μά, an adverb of swearing, by. Μαάθ, δ, Heb. indecl. a man's name. Μάγαδις, -ιος, f), (fr. μαγάς a sound- ing board) a musical instrument ; a lyre, flute. Μαγάξω, f. -άσω, (fr. next) to play on the lyre. Μαγάς, -άδος, »% and Μαγάδιον, -ου, rb, the sounding board or bridge of a lyre. Μαγγανεία, -ας, ή, (fr. next) sor- cery, witchcraft, enchantment; delusion, imposture. Μαγγάνεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. next) to ute charms or enchantments ; to Μαγύδαρις, the root of an herb called masterwort. Μαγώγ, b, Heb. indecl. a proper name. Μαδάρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, (fr. μαδδς bald) to pluck off the hair or feailiers ; to make bald or smooth. Μαδάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same) to be wet or putrid; to lose one's hair, become bald. Μαδιάν, Heb. indecl. the name of a country. Μαδίζω, f. -ίσω, same as μαδάω. Μαδμαρίτις, Μαδβαρ'ιτις, Μαβδα- ρίτιξ, Heb. indecl. a wilderness, desert. Μαδος,-η,-ον,ΆΤΐάΜαδαρος, -ά, -bv, fluid, soft, putrid ; bald, smooth. Μαελεθ, Heb. indecl. a wind in- strument; the beginning of a song ; a symphony, Μάζα, -ης, η, (fr. μάσσω to bake) a cake, pudding, flummery, Μαζος, -ου, δ, the breast, pap of a female ; a nurse Μαξουρώθ, Heb. indecl. a name given to certain stars. Μάθε, -έτω, 2 pi. -θέτε, impr. — Μαθεΐν, inf. 2 a. act. of μανθάνω MAI Μαθεω, obs. from whence μανθάν* borrows its tenses. Μάθημα, -άτος, τό, (fr. μανθάνω tO learn) a lesson; learning, skill; an art, science ; instruction. Td μαθήματα, the mathematical sci- ences. Μαθηματικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. last) be- longing to learning or teaching ; fond of learning, docile ; learn- ed, mathematical. Subs, a ma- thematician. ΜάΟησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, §, (fr. μαν- θάνω to learn) the act or effect of learning ; knowledge, instruc- tion. Μαθήσεαι, Ion. for μαθήση,Ζ sin. of μαθήσομαι, 1 f. mid. of μανθάνω. Μάθατε,* 2 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of same. Μαθητενΰεϊς, par. 1 a. pass. — Μα- θητεύσατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. — Μαθ^τεύσαντεί, η. pi. par. 1 a. act. of Μαθητεύω, f. -εύσω, p. μεμαθήτεν- κα, (fr. next) to teach, instruct make converts or disciples; to learn, become a scholar. Μαθητής, -ου, b, (fr. μανθάνω tO learn) a scholar, disciple. Μαθητιάω -ω, (fr. same) to wish to be a scholar, long for learning, be anxious to be instructed. Μαθήτρια, -ας, η, (fr. same) a fe- male disciple. Μαθοίσα, Dor. for μαθουσα, fem. par. of ίμάθον, 2 a. ind. act. of μανθάνω. Μαθουσάλα, Heb. indecl. the name of Enoch's son. Μάθυια, -ας, #, the cheek or jaw- bone. Μαθών, -όντος, η. pi. μαθόντες, par. ofi/*aeov,2a.ind.act. of μανθάνω. Μαία, -ας, ή, a midwife, nurse, grandmother. Also the name of a heathen goddess. Μαίαν<5ροί,-ου, δ^πνβΓ ofPhrygia. Μααύω, same as μαιόομαΐ. Μαίη, Ion. for μαία. Μαιμάζω,ΐ. -άσω, (fr. μάω to wish for) to desire earnestly, burn with desire, long for ; to pant, throb, breathe short ; be agitated. Μαιμάσσω, f. -άξω, p. -χα, (fr. μάσ- σω to knead) to ferment, be troubled, desire vehemently; to rage, boil with passion. Μαιμάω, f. -ήσω, (fr. μάω to wish for) same as μαιμάζω. Μαίμησε, Ion. for εμαίμησεΒ sin. 1 a. ind. act. of last. Μαιμώουσα, fem. pres. par. act. of Μαίμώω and Μαιμώσσω, Poet, for μαιμαω. and μαιμάσσω. ΜαΓναν, δ, Heb. indecl. a man's name. Μαινας, -άδος, η, (fr. μαίνομαι to be mad) mad, enraged, frantic; or who causes others to be frantic, raging, torturing, pi. μαινάδες, bacchanals. Μαίνη, 2 sin. — Μαίνεται, 3 sin. — Μαίνεσθε, 2 pi. pres. ind. mid. of μαίνομαι. Μαθενμαι, Dor. for μαθουμαι, 2 f. Μαίνόλ?7?, -ov, b, (fr. next) mad• mid. of same. (375) dening ; frantic. UAK Μαίνομαι, f. μανουμαι, p. mid. μί- μηνα, to be m&d or furious, rage, rave, betome frantic, pres. par. μαινόμενος. Μαίομαι, (fr. μάω to wish for) to be eager for, desire, long for, seek, inquire, investigate, pres. par. μαιόμιιος. Μαιόομαι, τ. μαιωθήσομαι, (ft. μαία a midwife) to act as midwife, deli- ver ; to nurse; to be delivered; to be born. Malpa, the dog star ; intense heat. Μαίρω, to shine, glitter, give light. Μαίωτρον, -ov, to, (ft. μαία a mid- wife) a midwife's fee or pay- ment. Μάκαρ, -αρος, b, η, happy, blissful ; fortunate, prosperous, rich; bless- ed, μάκαρες, -ων, o\, the immor- tal gods. d. pi. μάκαρσι, Ion. μα- κάρεσσι. Μακάριος or Μάκαιρος, -a, -ov, same as last. Μακαρίζομεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. of Μακαρ/ςω, f. -<σω, Att. μακαριω, p. μεμακάρικα, (ft. μάκαρ blessed) to call or pronounce happy, bless, hail. per. pass, μεμακάρισμαι. Μακάρια, -ας, η, (ft. same) the place of the blessed after death, heaven, paradise. Μακαρ'ϊος, -a, -ov, same as μάκαρ. Comp. μακαριώτερος. Μακαριότης, -ητος, η, (ft. μάκαρ blessed) blessedness, felicity, happiness. Μακαριουσι, Att. for μακαρίσονσι, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. οι μακαρίζω. Μακαρισμός, -ου, b, (ft. μακαρίζω to bless) a calling happy, a bless- ing ; blessedness, felicity. Μακαριστός, -η, -ov, (ft. same) in a state of felicity, received into bliss ; blessed, happy. Μακαρίτης, -ου, b, and Μακαρϊτις, -ιδος, η, (ft. same) of blessed me- mory, esteemed or respected after death; dead, departed. Μακαριω, Att. for μακαρίσω, 1 f. act. οΐμακαρίζω. Μακάρτατος, -η, -ov, sup. of μάκαρ, comp. μακάρτερος. Μακεδονία, -ας, η, Lat. Macedonia. Μακεδονϊκός, -η, -bv, (ft. next) he- longing to or coming from Ma- cedonia, Macedonian. Μακεδών, -όνος, b, a man of Mace- donia, a Macedonian, pi. Ma- κεδόνες. Μακέλη, Poet, and Ion. for μακίλα or μακίλλα, -ης, η, (ft. μία one, and κέλλω to move) a spade, mattock, hoe. Μάκελλον, -ου, το, a market place for flesh, fish, and all manner of provisions ; shambles, butcher's row. Μάκερ, a bark which comes from India. Μακκοάω -ω, (ft. μη not, and ακούω to hear) not to understand ; to be foolish or silly, pres. inf. act. cont. μακκοαίν. Μίΐκος, Dor. for μήκος, adverbially, in length ; Jar off, at a distance. Νακραγορία, Dor. for μακρηγορία. MAK Μακράν, (a. sin. fern, of μακρύς long, δ<5ό ν a road understood) far off, a long way off, at a dis- tance. Μακρηγορέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (ft. μάκρος long ? and αγορίω to speak, th. αγορά the forum) to speak lo?ig, be prolix or verbose, use many words. Μακρηγορία, -ας, η, (ft. same) long speaking, prolixity, verbosity. Μακρην, Ion. for μακράν, a. sin. fern. — Μακρησι, Ion. for μακ- ραίς, d. pi. fern, of μακρός. Μακρόβιος, -ου, b, >'/, (fr. μάκρος long, and βίος life) long lived, aged, old, stricken in years. Μακροβιότης, -ητος, and Μακροβίω- σις,-ιος, Att. -εως, η, (ft. same) longevity, length of life. Μακροημερευσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. μάκρος long, and ήμερα a day) length of days, longevity, old age. Μακροημερεύω, f. -ενσω, (ft. same) to prolong one's days, grow old. Μακροήμερος, -ου, b, η, (fr. μάκρος long, and ημέρα a day) long lived, old, aged. Μακρόθεν, (ft. μάκρος long, and the enclitic θεν) from far, far off, at a distance. ΜακροθυμεΊ, 3 sin. eont. pres. ind. act. — ΜακροθυμεΊτε, 2 pi. cont. pres. impr. act. — Μακροθυμή- σας, par. — Μακοθυμήσατε, 2 pi. impr. 1 a. act. — Μακροθυμών, par. pres. act. cont. of Μακροθυμεω -ω, f. -^σω,ρ. μεμακρο- θύμηκα, (ft. μακροί long,' and $υμος the mind) to suffer long, bear with, forbear, have patience ; to show compassion, delay pu- nishment. 1 a. ind. εμακροθύμησα' μακροθύμησον, impr. Μακροθυμία, -ας, >/, (ft. same) pa- tience, forbearance, long-suf- fering ; compassion, gentleness, mildness. Μακρόθϋμος, -ου, b, η, (ft. same) long-suffering, forbearing, pa- tient ; compassionate, lenient, mild. Μακροθϋμως, (fr. last) patiently. Μακρολογίω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. μακρός long, and λίγω to speak) to make a long discourse, ha- rangue, speak tediously, be pro- lix, use many words. Μακρυλογία, -ας, η, (ft. same) pro- lixity, verbosity. Μακρολύγος, -ov, b, η, (ft. same) prolix, verbose, tiresome, tedious, long winded. Μακρυπτόλεμος, -ου, b, η, (ft. μακ- ρός long, and πόλεμος war) fighting from a distance, fighting with missile weapons. Μακρόπορος, -ου, b, ή, (ft. μακρός long, and περάω to pass) passing with long steps, bounding. Μακρός, -a, -ov, (fr. μήκος length) long, tall, lofty ; remote, distant, far; deep ; prolix, tedious. Comp. μακρύτερος. Μακρότης, -ητος, η, (ft. last) length, er lent, distance, longitude. (376) MAA Μακροχρονεω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and χρόνος time) to endure a long time ; to live long, grow old. Μακροχρονίζω, f. -ίσω, (ft. same, and χρόνος time) to grow old or obsolete ; to defer, procrastinate. Μακροχρόνιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) of long duration, long lived, aged. Μάκρΰμα, -άτος, το, (fr. next) α space between two things, dis- tance, removal; distance from God, falling off, apostasy, idola- try, abominable worship. Μακρϊϊνω, f. -ΰνώ, p. -κα, (fr. μακ- ρός far) to prolong, extend, lengthen ; to remove to a distance, separate. Μακρυσμός, -οΐι, το, same as μακρύ μα. Μακρω, (d. sin. of μακρός) far qff t at a distance. Μακρώς, (fr. μακρός long) far off, at a distance; tediously, slowly, by degrees. Μακΰνω, Dor. for μηκϋνω. Μακων, -ονσα, -όν, (2 a. par. act. of μηκάι» or μηκέω) moaning^ groaning. Or, (fr. μάκος, Dor. for μήκος length) at lengthy stretched. Μάκων, Dor. for μήκων. Μάλα, very, greatly, very much ; particularly, vehemently, ear- nestly, greedily ; by all means, surely. Comp. μάλλον sup. μά- λιστα. Μάλαγμα, -άτος,τό, (ft. μαλάσσω to mollify) amollifying applica- tion, poultice, cataplasm, ano- dyne, plaster, balm. Μαλαγματίζω, f. -Έσω, (ft. last) to apply somewhat mollifying, as- suage pain, heal or dress a wound. Μαλακαίπους, -οδός, b, t), (ft. μαλα- κός tender, and πους a foot) ten- der footed; soft or silent footed, Μαλακΐ), d. sin. fern. — ΜαλακΤ/σι, Ion. for μαλακαΊς, d. pi. fem! of μαλακός. Μαλακία, -ας, {j, (fr. μαλακός soft) softness, effeminacy, indolence; indisposition, infirmity, sickness t illness. Μαλακίζω, f. -"σω, (fr. same) to soften; to mitigate, sooth, ap- pease; to weaken, make effemi- nate, unman. Μαλακίζομαι, to be feeble, sick ; to be remiss or lan- guid, sink under fatigue. 1 f. μαλακισθήσομαι' per. μεμαλάκισ- μαι. 1 a. εμαλακίσθην' inf. μαλα- κισθηναι» Μαλακός, -η, -όν, (fr. μαλάσσω to soften) soft, downy ; balmy, soothing; gentle, mild, placid; effeminate, weak ; remiss, negli- gent. Subs, an effeminate per- son, catamite. Comp. μαλακότε- ρος' sup. μαλακώτατος. Μαλακότης, -ητος, ι), (fr. last) soft- ness, gentleness, effeminacy ; de- licacy, weakness. Μαλακόχειρ, -ρος, b, t), (fr. same, and χεΊρ a hand) soft-handed; balmy, soothing, oMewaitng» ΜΑΛ Μαλακΰνω, f. -ννω, (fr. μαλαώς soft) to soften ; to moke effemi- nate and weak. Μαλακύνομαι, to be languid. Μαλακώ, Dor. for μαλακού, g. sin. of μαλακός. Μαλάκώς, (fr. μαλακός soft) softly, gently, tenderly, effeminately. Μάλάπερ, (fr. μάλα very) ever so much, although, yet, very. Μαλάσσω -ττω, f. -άξω, p. -χα, to soften, mitigate, assuage, relieve ; to make delicate, effeminate, weaken, enervate. Μαλάσσομαι, to relent, per. pass, μεμάλαγ- μαι. Μαλάχη, -ης, η, (fr. μαλάσσω to soften) mallows. Μαλαφορεω, (fr. μήλον apple, and φέρω to carry) to carry or bear apples, k Μαλαλεηλ, δ, Heb. indecl. a man's name. Μαλερδ?, -a, -bv, (fr. μαλδ? tender) hot, burning, destructive, devour- ing, consuming ; bright, clear. Μάλη, -ης, η, the arm pit. Μάλθα, -ης, η, (fr. μαλάσσω to soft- en) soft wax ; a wax tablet. Μα)θάκδς, -η, -bv, (fr. μαλθάσσω to soften) soft, effeminate ; weak, tender ; languid, faint; liquid, melting, sweet. Μαλθακόφωνος, -ov, b, rj, (fr. μαλ- θακός soft, and φωνή voice) hav- ing a sweet voice, sweet, melodv ous, tender, melting. Μαλθάσσω, f. -ζω, same as μαλάσ σω. Μάλιμνον, -ov, τδ, a name of a place. Μαλίον, -ου, τδ, long hair. Μάλις, -ιδος, and Μαλιη, -ης, ή, a disease in cattle. Μαλϊ?, -ίδος, Dor. for μηλϊς, -ίύος. η, and Μαλία, -ας,, η, an apple ■ tree. Μάλι?, -ίδος, η, the name of a nymph. Μάλιστα, (sap. of μάλα) most most of all ; exceedingly, chiefly especially, in particular, most certainly. "Οτι μάλιστα, ever sol much. Μαλκεω -ω, and Μαλκείω, Ion. and Poet. (fr. next) to be slvrivelled with cold, grow torpid, be be- numbed. Μάλκη, -ης, %, a contraction of the hands or feet caused by cold, numbedness, torpidness. ΜαλλοΊς, d. pi. of μαλλός. Μάλλον, (comp. of μάλα) more, rather, preferably. Μαλλος, -ov, b, a fleece, wool, long wool, down, a lock of hair. Μαλλωτδ?, -η,-ον, (fr. last) woolly, fleecy, downy, hairy, soft. Μάλον, -ω, Dor. for μήλον, -ου, τδ, a sheep ; an apple ; also the cheeks, and the breasts, Μαλοπάρηος, -ov, b, η, (fr. μαλος tender, and παρειά a cheek) ten- der cheeked; soft, delicate. Or, (fr. μαλον, Dor. for μήλον an apple, and same) rosy cheeked ; fresh, blooming. SB MAN Μαλδί, -ή, -bv, (same as αμαλος, or put for μαλλωτος) soft, tender, downy. Μαλοφορί ω, Dot . for μηλοφορεω. Μάλχος, -ov, b, a man's name. Μαμηρά or Μαμιρά, -ας, η, or Μα• μιράς, a kind of drug. Μαμία, -ας, η, (fr. next) a mother, grandmother. Μάμμα, and Μάμμη, -ης, fj, and Μαμμαία, -ας, η, a mamma, mo- ther, grandmother. Μαμμάκονθος, -ου, δ, /;, (fr. μάμμα a mother, and κενθω to hide) foolish, silly, childish. Μαμμάν, a child's word which sig- nifies bread. Μαμαάω -ω, f. -ασω, (fr. last) to ask for bread, cry for the mother, desire the breast. Μαμμωνα, το, indecl. Syriac, and Μαμμώνας, -a, b, Mammon, rich- es, gain, profit. Mav, Dor. for μην, μηνός, b. Mav, for μάννα, Heb. indecl. man- na. Mav, Dor. for μήν. Μαναά, Heb. indecl. an offering, gift- Mavaijv, b, indecl. Syriac, a man's name. Μανασσ>7?, Heb. indecl. Joseph's first born son. Μανδάκη, -ης, ή, a hide, skin ; lea- ther, a strap. Μανδαλωτον, -ov, τδ, a wanton kiss Μάνδρα, -ας, fj, an ox-stall, sheep- fold ; beehive, roost for fowls ; a den, place of refuge, shelter, re- treat. Μανδραγόρας, -ου, b, mandrake, herb causing sleep. Μανδύας, -ου, b, and Μανδύη, -ης, η, a part of the Persian military dress, a cloak, coat. ΜανεΤσα, 2 a. par. pass. fem. of μαίνομαι, maddened, enraged. Μα νθανετω, 3 sin. — Μανθανέτωσαν, 3 pi. impr. — Μανθάνουσι, 3 pi. preSi ind. act. — Μανθάνοντα, a. sin. par. pres. act. of Μανθάνω,ΐ. mid. μαθήσομαι, p. με- μάθηκα, to learn, be informed or instructed ; to understand, know, perceive, observe ; to learn by heart ; to acquire by habit ; to teach, instruct, inform. 2 a. έμα- θον impr. μάθε, -έτω,2 pi. μάθετε' par. μαθών. per. pass, μεμάθημαι. Μανθάνωσι, 3 pi. pres. sub. act. of last. Μανία, -ας, and Ion. Μανίη,-ης,η, (fr. μαίνομαι to be mad) mad- ness, distraction , fury, rage. Μανιακής, -ου, b, (fr. μανίαζ a cir- cle") a collar, chain for the neck, necklace, bracelet. Μανίαζ, -ακος, η, a circle, orbit. Μανίας, -αδος, b, η, το, (fr. μαίνομαι to be mad) maniac, frantic, fu- rious, maddening. Μανις, Dor. for μην (ς, -ιδος, %. Μάννα, το, Heb. indecl. manna. Μάννος or Μάνος, -ου, b, an orna- ment for the neck or hand ; a necklace, bracelet. Mavbς, -η, -bv, thin, rare, subtile ; (377) MAP loose, slack, spongy , porous ; toft, pliant, flexible. Μανότης, -ητος, η~, (fr. last) thin- ness, fineness, rareness, softness. Μανονμαι, I f. mid. of μαίνομαι. Μαντεία, -ας, f), (fr. μαντεύομαι to foretell) prophecy, divination , soothsaying; oracle. Μάντεων, -ου, τδ, (fr. same) pro- phecy, divination, oracle, or the place from whence the oracles were delivered, as the tripod. Μαντείος, -a, -ov, (fr. μάντις a pro- phet) prophetic, oracular, gifted with prophecy ; sacred, holy, di- vine. Μάντεσιν, d. pi. of μάντις. Μάντευμα, -άτος, το, (fr. same) an oracle, response. Μαντεύομαι, f. μαντεύσομαι, (fr. same) topropheey, foretell, divine, deliver oracles ; to conjecture, guess ; to consult an oracle ; to inquire, search for accurately, dive into. pres. inf. μαντεύεσθαι. 1 a. mid. εμαντευσάμην, -ω, -ατο. Μαντευόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of last. Μαντήϊον, -ου, το, and Μαντηιος, -η, -ov, Ion. for μαντεΊον, &c. Μαντική, -ης, η, (fr. μάντις a pro- phet) the art of soothsaying, di- vination. Μαντίλη, -ης, rj, a towel. Μάντις, -ιος, Att. -εως, b, a sooth- sayer, diviner, prophet. Μανηχώρας, -ου, δ, Mantichora, a fabulous beast of India. Μαντοσυνη, -ης, ^, (fr. μάντις a pro- phet) prophecy, divination, sooth- saying. Μάνυε, Ion. and Dor. for εμήνυε^ 3 sin. impf. ind. — Μανύει, Dor. for μηνύει, pres. ind. — Μάνυσον, Dor. for μήνυσον, 1 a. impr. of μηνύω. Μανυτάς, -ά, δ, Dor. for μηνυτής . Μάομαι, f. μήσομαι,ίο think, devise. Μαπέειν, Sync, for μαρπέειν, Poet, and Ion. for μαρπεΊν, 2 a. inf. act. of μάρπτω. Μα' ποθάνω or Μ' αποθάνω, for μη αποθάνω. 2 a. sub. act. of απο- θνήσκω. Μάραγδος, -ου, b, same as σμάραγ- δος. Μάραγνα, -ης, η, a whip, lash scourge, thong, rope. Μάβαθρον, -ου, τδ, an herb called fennel or flnkel. Μαραθων, -ώνος, b, name of a place. Μαραίνω, f. -άνω, p. μεμάραγκα, to cause decay, weaken, fret, cor- rode ; to fade, wither, decay ; to die,, go out, be extinguished ; to pine, languish, per. ind. pass. μεμάραμμαι, -νσαι, -νται, Att. με- μάρασμαι. 1 a. pass, εμαράνθην. 1 f. pass, μαρανθήσομαι. Μαραναθά, a Syriac word, the or our Lord cometh. Μαρανθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass. — Μα- ρανθήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. pass, οι μαραίνω. Μάρανσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f h same as Μαρασμός, -οΰ, δ, (fr. μαραίνν to MAP decay) a decay, consumption, disease, sickness. Μαράσσω, (fr. μαίρω to shine) to shine, glitter, brighten, give light. Μαργαίνω, f. -άνώ, (fr. uapyo? mad) to be mad or furious ; to rave rage ; to bum with desire. Μαργαρίτης, -ov, b, (fr. next) a pearl. Μάργαρον, -ου, το, same as last. Μαργάω, same as μαργαίνω. Μαργέλλη, coral, pimpernel. Μαργίτης, -ov, b, an idiot, fool, dri- veller. Μάργος, -η, -ov, and -ov, b, η, mad, raging, furious ; lecherous, wan- ton ; greedy, gluttonous ; doting, foolish, silly, stupid. Μαργοσυνη, -ης, η, (fr. last) mad- ness, fury, rage ; wantonness, lechery. Μαρδόνιος, -ov, b, a man's name. Μάρη, -ης, η, (fr. μείρω to divide) an obs. word ; the hand. Μάρθα, -ης, rj, a woman's name. Μαρία, -ας, ή, a woman's name. Μαριάμ, η, Heb. indecl. bitter. Μαριανδννοϊ, -ων, οι, a people of Asia ; slaves taken in war were sometimes so called from them. Μαρίλα or Μαρίλη, -ης, ή, the dirt and dust of coals, cinders, sparks of iron which fly off when it is heated or hammered. Μάρις, -to?, Att. -εως, //, a measure containing six pounds or pints. Μάρκος, -ov, b, a man's name. Μαρμαίρω, f. -άρω, (fr. μαίρω to shine) to shine, glitter, sparkle ; to brighten, clear. Μαρμάρεως, -a, -ov, and Μαρμάρεο?, -a, ton. -η, -ov, (fr. μάρμαρος white) made of marble ; shining, white like marble. Μαρμάρινος, -η, -ov, and Μαρμα- ρόεις, -εσσα, -εν, same as last. Μάρμαρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. μαρμαίρω to shine) white, bright, shining. Subs. viz. λίθος a stone, a white stone, marble. Μαρμαρνγη, -ης, η, (fr. μαρμαίρω to shine) brightness, brilliancy, lus- tre, splendour ; a glance, flash. Μάρναμαι, (fr. μη not, and άρνειν to make a league, th. άρς a lamb) to fight, engage in battle ; to box ; to quarrel, wrangle, dispute. Μαρναμένοι'ίν, Ion. for μαρναμενοιν, g. du. of μαρνάμενος, pres. par. mid. — Μάρνανθ\ Ion. for εμάρ- ναντο, 3 pi. impf. ind. mid. — Μάρνασθαι, pres. inf. — Μαρνώ- μεσθ' or μαρνώμεσθα, Ion. for μαρνώμεθα, 1 pi. pres. sub. mid. of μάρναμαι Μάρον, an herb like marjoram, ma- rum. Μαρπέειν, Ion. for μαρ-κεϊν, 2 a. inf. act. of μάρπτω. Μαρπίσση, -ης, η, a woman's name. Μάρπτω, f. -ψω, p. -φα, to catch, seize, lay hold on, grasp ; to get, obtain, procure, reach or arrive at ; to hit the mark. 2 a. εμαρ- rrov. per. mid. μέμαρπα. Μαρσιπεΐον, Μάρσιπων, Μαρσυπι- ov f -ου, rb, and MA2 Μάρσικος and Μάρσιππος, -ου, b, a scrip, purse, bag, wallet. Μάρτνρ, -υρος, δ, ή, a witness, evi- dence ; a martyr. Μαρτνρεω -ώ, f. -ήσω,Ό. μεμαρτνρη- κα, (fr. last) to witness, bear wit- ness, testify ; to prove by evi- dence ; to praise, approve of. Μαρτνρεομαι -ονμαι, to be well re- ported, have a good character ; to implore, beseech, charge, impf. act. εμαρτνρεον -ovv. per. ind. pass, μεμαρτύρημαι. Μαρτνρηθέντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. pass, of last. Μαρτνρημα, -ατός, το, (fr. μάρτνρ a witness) testimony, proof, evi- dence ; a document, voucher. Μαρτνρησαι, inf. — Μαρτυρήσας, g. -σαντος, par. — Μαρτύρησον, impr. — Μαρτνρήσω, -σης, -ση, sub. 1 a. act. of μαρτνρεω. Μαρτνρία, -ας, ί/, Ion. Μαρτνρίη, -ης,}), (fr. μάρτνρ a witness) tes- timony, witness, evidence, attesta- tion, proof, μαρτνρίησι, Ion. for μαρτυρίαις, d. pi. Μαρτύρων, -ov, το, same as last. Μαρτύρομαι, (fr. μάρτνρ a witness) to bear witness, declare ; to call to witness, invoke, appeal to. Μάρτνρος -ov, b, η, same as μάρτνρ. Μαρτνρονμενος,-η,-ον,ΌΆ5ς Μαρ- τύρων, act. pres. par. of μαρτνρεω. Μάρτνς, -νος, δ, ^, same as μάρτνρ. a. μάρτνν, d. pi. μάρτνσι. Μαρύεται, Dor. for μηρνεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass, of μηρνω. Μαρνκαται, Dor. for μηρυκαται, 3 sin. cont. pres. of μηρνκάομαι. Μάριμαις, -^Eol. for μάρψας, 1 a. par. act. — Μάρψης, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of μάρπτω. Μασάομαι or Μασσάομαι -ωμαι, to chew, champ, gnaw, eat, swal- low, devour, impf. εμασαδμην -ώμην, 3 pi. -άοντο -ωντο. Μάσδα, -ας, η, and Μασδος, -ω, δ, Dor. for μάζα and μαζός. Μάσθλη, -ης, L• and Μάσθλης, -ητος, δ, a soft strap, skin, lea- ther ; a weak effeminate person ; dissolute, profligate. Μάσττετα, -ων, τα, the first leaves of the Styrax or benzoin tree. Μασσαγήτις, -ιδος, η, a woman of Massagetia. Μάσσω -ττω, f. -ξω, p. -χα, to bake, knead ; to express, wring or squeeze out; to wipe off", clean, rub. But Μάσσω -ττω, f. -σω, to touch, feel, grope for ; to search, examine. Μάσσων, -ωνος, δ, η, irregular comp. of μακρός. Μάστακ, for μάστακα, a. sin. of Μάσταζ, -άκος, η, (fr. μασάομαι to chew) the mouth, jaws, lip ; meat, food. — Μάστακες, pi. lo- custs. Μαστευτης, -ov, b, (fr. next) an in- quirer, searcher. Μαστεύω, f. -ευσω, (fr. μαστός the breast) to look for the breast as a child ; to search, seek, explore ; to inquire, ask, examine : to de- sire, long for. (378) MAT Μαστηρ, -ηρος, and Μάστωρ, Όρος b, same as μαστευτής. ΜαστιγεΊν, Ion. for μαστιγοΰν, pres. int. of μαστιγόω. Μαστιγενς, -έος, Att. -έως, b, (fr. μάστιξΆ whip) afiogger, scourg- er, whipper, executioner. Μαστιγίας, -ov, b, (fr. same) one that was whipped ; a thief, vaga- bond, rogue, convict. ΜαστιγοΊ, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of μαστιγόω. Μαστιγονσθω, 3 sin. pres. impr. cont. pass, of Μαστιγόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. μεμαστί- γωκα, (fr. μάστιξ a whip) to flog, whip, scourge, lash; to correct^ punish, chastise. 1 a. εμαστίγωσα. 1 a. pass, εμαστιγώθην. 1 f. pass. μαστιγωθήσομαι. per. pass. ind. μεμαστίγωμαι. Μαστιγωσαι, inf. — Μαστίγωσαν- τες, η. pi. par. 1 a. act. of last. Μαστιετην, Ion. for εμαστιετην, 3 du. impf. or 2 a. ind. act. οΐμασ- τίω, Poet, for μαστιγόω. Μαστίζω, f. -ξω, p. μεμάστιχα, same as μαστιγόω, also, to crack a whip. pres. inf. act. μαστίζειν. — Μαστίζοντες, η. pi. par. pres. act. Μάστιξ, -ιγος, ή, a whip, lash, scourge ; a divine scourge, judg- ment, visitation ; a grievous dis- temper, plague, sickness, disease. Μάστιξεν, Ion." for εμάστιξεν, 3 sin. 1 a. act. οί μαστίζω. Μαστιόων, Sync, for μαστιγόων ί pres. par. of μαστιγόω. Μαστίσδειν, Dor. for μαστίζειν, pres. inf. — Μαστίσδοιεν, Dor. for μαστίζοιεν, 3 pi. pres. opt. act. οι μαστίζω. Μαστιχάω, to chew, champ, eat. Μαστίχη, -ης, η, gum mastich. Μαστιχόωντι, Poet, for μαστιχων- τι, d. sin. cont. pres. par. of μα- στιχάω. Μαστίια, Poet, for μαστιγόω. Μαστός, -ου, b, the breast, pap, nip- pie ; the brow of a hill ; a hill, rising ground. Μαστρωττεϊα, -ας, f/, (fr. next) a trimming or timeserving ; vile service, mean compliance, pan- dering, prostitution ; seduction, allurement, attraction. Μαστρωπενώ or -οπεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. next) to pimp, pander, pros- titute ; to gratify, please, indulge* comply with. Μαστρωπης, -ου, δ, and ΜασΓρωπδ^ -ου, b, η, a pimp, pander, bawd, ' strumpet. Also, a provider, as- sistant, helper. Μασχάλη, -ης, ?% and Μασχαλϊς, -ίδος, η, the armpit. Ματαία, fern. η. sin. of μάταιος. Ματαιζω, (fr. μάτην in vain) to act sillily, play the fool ; to boast, brag. Ματαιοβουλία, -ας, f/, (fr. μάταιος vain, and βουλή counsel) vain counsel, useless advice. Ματαωλογία, -ας, $, (fr. same, and λενω to speak) vain talk, bab- bling. MAT MAX ΜΕΓ Ματαιολόγος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) a vain talker, idle babbler. Ματαιοπον'ια, -ας, η, (fr. next, and πόνος ton, th. πένομαι to toil) vain labour. Μάταιος, -a,-ov, and Μάταιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. μάτην in vain) vain, fruitless, unprofitable ; light, fri- volous, silly, foolish ; idly cu- rious, perverse ; false, deceitful. Comp. ματαιότερος, sup. -ότατος. Ματαιότης,-ητος,η, (fr. last) emp- tiness, folly, vanity; pervirse- ness, falsehood, d. ματαιότητι. Ματαιόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, p. μεματαίω- κα, (fr. same) to make useless or unprofitable ; to foil, defeat, frustrate. Ματαιόομαι -ουμαι, to become vain, act foolishly or per- versely, be infatuated. 1 a. pass. εματαιώθην. Μάταν, Dor. for μάτην. Ματάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. μάτην in vain) to act in vain, miss, miscar- ry ; to mistake, fail, err ; to mis- pend time, delay, loiter, trifle; to run astray or wrong, become rest- ive. Ματενω, f. -εΰσω, same as μαστεύω and Ματευτης, -ου, b, same as μαστευτής. Μάτη, -ης, ή, (fr. ματενω to search) a search, inquiry, pursuit. Μάτην, in vain, idly, fruitlessly, without cause or object ; falsely. Μάτηρ, -ερος, η, Dor. for μήτηρ. Ματΐ,ς, i£ol. and Dor. for ματεΊς, 2 sin. pres. ind. of ματέω same as ματενω. Ματήσετον, 3 du. 1 f. of ματάω. Ματθαίος, -ov, b, Matthew, a man : name. Ματθάν, b, Heb. indecl. a man's name. Ματθία?, -ου, b, a man's name. Maria, -ας, Ion. Ματ'ιη, -ης, η, (fr μάτην in vain) vanity, folly, fri- volity, silliness, vain pursuit. Μάτος, (fr. μάω to seek) inquiry, investigation, search. Ματραδελψός, -ου, b, Poet, and Dor. for μητραδελφός. Ματροδόχος, -ov, b, η, Dor. for μη- τροδόχος. Ματρομάτωρ, -ορός, η, Dor. for μη- τρομήτωρ. Ματρόπολις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, Dor. for μητρόπολις. Ματροπόλος, -ov, a, Dor. for μητρο- πόλος. Ματρυλλεΐον, -ου, το, (fr. next) α brothel, bawdy-house, stew. Ματρύλλη,-ης, η, abawd, procuress, strumpet, prostitute. Μάτρωες, -ων, οι, Dor. for μητρώες, η. pi. of μήτρως. Μάτταβος, -ov, b, η, (fr. μάτην in vain, and βοάω to shout ) foolish, silly, simple, giddy. Ματταθά, b, Heb. indecl. a man's name. Ματταθίας, -ου, b, same as last. Ματτνα, -ας, and Ματτνη, -ης, ή, (fr. μάσσω to bake) dainties, de- licacies, sweetmeats ; rich viands. Ζίαττυάζω, (fr. last) to enjoy deli- cacies, indulge in luxury. Μάττω, same as μάσσω. Μαυλίας, -ου, Ό, a sword. Μαυλίζω, (fr. next) to prostitute, expose to infamy, undertake any thing for hire. Μαυλϊς, -ί<5οί, η, a knife ; one who undertakes any thing for hire slave, hireling, mercenary, prosti- tute. Μανρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, by Aphrer. for αμανρόω — Μιιυροϊισι, 3 pi. pres ind. act. — Μανρονσθαι, pres inf. pass. cont. Μάχαι, η. pi. θΐ μάχη. Μάχαιρα, -ας, η, (fr. μάχομαι to fight) a svsord, dagger ; a knife, razor, hatchet; the sword of justice, authority, power. Μαχαιρίδιον,-ον,τό, (dim. of next) a small sword, dagger. Μαχαιρις, -ίδος, η, (fr. μάχομαι to fight) any sharp instrument ; c sword, dagger, knife, razor, hatchet. Μαχανά, -ας, a, Dor. for μηχανή. Μαχατάς, -a, b, Dor. for μαχητής. Μαχβάρ, Heb. indecl. a fine cloth. Μαχειόμενος, pres. par. mid. of Μαχείομαι, Epen. for μαχέομα same as μάχομαι. Μαχέοιτο, 3 sin. — Μαχέοιντο, 3 pi. pres. opt. mid. of Μαχέομαι, Poet, for μάχομαι Μαχεσαίμην, 1 a. opt. — Μαχεσασ- θαι, 1 a. inf. — Μάχεσθαι, pres inf. — Μαχέσθην,Ιοιι. ϊοτεμαχέσ• θην, 3 du. impf. — Μάχεσθε, 2 pi. pres. impr. mid. of μάχομαι. Μαχέσομαι or -ήσομαι, 1 f. of same. Μαχέσσασθαι,ΡοβΙ. for μαχέσασθαι, 1 a. inf. — Μαχεσσαμένω for μα- χεσαμένω, η. du. 1 a. par. ofsame. Μάχη, -ης, η, (fr. μάχομαι to fight) a battle, fight, conflict, engage- ment ; strife, contention, dispute, quarrel. Μαχήμων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. same) warlike,courageous,brave,valiant. Μαχήσομαι, 1 f. ind. — Μαχησόμε- νος, 1 f. par. of μάχομαι. Μαχητής, -ov, b, (fr. same) a war- rior, combatant; brave, valiant, courageous. Μαχητικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) fond of fighting, quarrelsome, valiant, brave, warlike, courageous. Μαχητός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) to be fought, resisted or overcome, not irresistible ; may be taken by as- sault; weak, unfortified, exposed. Μάχιμος, -η, -ov, and -ου, b, fj, (fr. same) fighting, warlike. Μάχλος, -ου, b, η, and Μαχλάς, -άδος, or Μαχλϊς, -ίδος, η, lascivi- ous, wanton, lecherous, immodest. Sup. μαχλότατος. Μαχλοσΰνη, -ης, η, (fr. last) wan- tonness, lasciviousness, lechery, lewdness. Μάχοιτο, 3 sin. pres. opt. of Μάχομαι, f. μαχήσομαι, and -έσο- μαι, p. μεμάχημαι, to fight, war, contend, engage in battle ; strive, dispute, quarrel, wrangle. 2 f. ind. mid. μαχουμαι. impf. εμα- χόμην, -ov, -ετο. 1 a. mid. εμα- χηοαμην, -ω Μαχόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. — Μαχόμεσθα, Poet, for μαχό- μέθα, 1 pi. pres. ind. mid. — Μαχόμην, Ion. for εμαχόαην, impf. mid. of last. Μάχος, -εος, το, Dor. for μηχος. Μαχουμαι, Ζ f. ind. of μάχομαι. Μάψ, in vain, to no purpose, amiss, without cause, inconsiderately, rashly; wrongfully, unjustly. Μαψαυρος, -a, -ov, (fr. μάψ in vain, and avpa a breeze ) gently breathing, sofdy blowing, mur- muring, hollow- sounding. Max/, ίδιος, -a, -ov, (fr. μάψ in vain) empty, vain ; foolish, silly ; use• less, unprofitable. — Μαψιδίως, same as μάψ. Μαψιλάκας or Μαψνλάκας, Dor. for μαψυλάκης, -ου, b, (fr. μάψ in vain, and λακέω, Dor. for ληκέω to make a noise) a use- less talker, babbler, idle prattler. Μάω -ώ, f. -άσω or -ήσω, p. -ηκα, to desire, seek, be anxious, eager ; to burn, aim at, long for ; to rush on, hurry, hasten, par. per. act. μεμακως, -κυΐα, -κός, by Sync, μεμαώς, -υΊα, -ύς. Μαών, indecl. Heb. a dwelling. Μαωσεϊμ, indecl. Heb. strengths or forces, protectors, guardians. Ml, a. of εγώ. Μέγα, either the neut. of μέγας or taken adv. for μεγάλως. Μεγαβρεμέτης, -ου, b, (fr. μέγας great, and βρέμω to roar) hud- sounding, roaring. Μεγαθαρσης, -έος -ους, b, η, {fr. same, and &άρσος courage) cou- rageous, bold, enterprising, dar- ing, spirited, magnanimous. Μεγαθέες, η. pi. of μεγαθής, -έος % b, η, Ion. for μέγας, Μέγαθος, Ion. for μέγεθος. Μεγάθυμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. μέγας great, and δυμός the mind) magnanimous, high-spirited; indignant, fierce. Μέγαιρα, -ας, η, (fr. next) the name of one of the Furies. Μεγαίρω, to envy, grudge ; also to care for, regard, respect. Μεγακήτης, -εος, b, η, (fr. μέγας great, and κήτος a whale) large, huge, immense, big. Μεγάλα, η. pi. neut. of μέγας, adv. much, greatly, mightily, abun- dantly. Μεγάλαν, Dor. for μεγάλων, g. pi. of μέγας. Μεγαλανορία, -ας, η, Dor. for με- γαληνορία. Μεγαλάνωρ, -ορός, b, Dor. for με- γαλήνωρ. ΜεγαλανχεΊ, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of Μεγαλανχέω -ω, (fr. μέγας gC at, and ανχέω to boast) to boast, ' lofty, (379) vaunt, brag ; io exult, high, proud. Μεγαλαυχης, -έος -ους, and Μεγά- λανχος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. same) brag- ging, boasting ; proud, haughty t arrogant ; extolled, celebrated. Μεγαλαυχία, -ας, ή, (fr. same) boasting, exultation, pride. ΜΕΓ Με/αλεϊΌί, -α, -ον, (fr. μέγας great) great, magnificent, glorious, il- lustrious. Τά μεγαλεία, glorious things, mighty works. Μεγαλειότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) greatness, majesty, magnificence, might, power. Μεγαλείωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) same as last. Μεγαλεπίβολος, -ου, δ, >7, (fr. μέγας great, and επιβολή a design) aspiring to greatness. Μεγαληγορέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. μέγας great, and αγορέω to discourse, th. αγορά the forum) to use lofty language, boast, vaunt, exult. Μεγαληγορία, -ας, and Ion. Μεγα- ληγορίη, -ης, η, (fr. same) lofty language, sublimity ; boasting, bombast. Μεγαληγόρος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. same) high sounding, lofty speaking, pompous, boasting, bragging. Μεγαληνορία, -ας, η, (fr. μέγας great, and ανήρ a man) pride, haughtiness; magnificence, gran- deur. Μεγαλήνωρ, -ορός, δ, η, (fr. same) endued with great courage, cou- rageous, manly ; arrogant, proud, haughty. Μεγαλήτορα, a. sin. of Μεγαλήτωρ, -ορός, δ, ή, (fr. μέγας great, and rj -ορ a heart) mag- nanimous, high-minded, spirited, manly. Μεγαλίζεο, Ion. for μεγαλίζου, pres. impr. of Μεγαλίζω,?. -ίσω, (fr. μέγας great) to raise, exalt, aggrandize. Με-• γαλίζομαι, to exult. Μεγαλόδοξος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and δόξα glory) glorious, re- nowned, famous, celebrated. Μεγαλοδωρεά or -ιά, -ας, y, (fr. same, and Ιωρον a gift) liberali- ty, munificence, bounty, genero- sity. Μεγαλόδωρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) liberal, munificent, generous. Μεγαλόθυμος, -ου, b, J, (fr. μέγας great, and S -υμος the mind) same as μεγάθυμος. Μεγάλοιτος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. same, and οΊτος misery) very miserable, wretched, ill-fated, unfortunate. Μεγαλοκευθής, -έος -ους, δ, ή, (fr. same, and κευθος a hiding place) having large caverns or dens, capact&us, wide, spacious. Μεγαλόμισθος, -ου, b, f/, (fr. same, and μισθας reward) hired at a great price, receiving great wages ; enriched, endowed. Μεγαλόμμάτος, -ου, b, >/, (fr. same, and όμμα the eye) large-eyed. Μεγαλόνοια, -ας, η, (fr. same, and νόος the understanding) magna- nimity, elevation of soul, sublimi- ty of thought. Μεγαλόνυμυς, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and όνυμα, JE.o\. for όνομα a name) celebrated, illustrious, far- famed. Μεγαλοπάθεια, -ας, »% (fr. same, and πάθος grief) great sorrov), a."" ΜΕΓ Μεγαλόπετρος^ -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πέτρα a rock) rocky, stony. Μεγαλόπλουτος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same, and πλούτος wealth) very rich, wealthy. Μεγαλοποιέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. μεμεγα- λοποίηκα, (fr. same, and ποιέω to make) to magnify, extol, esteem highly. Μεγαλόπολις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same, and πόλις a city) a great city, metropolis, pi. μεγαλοπόλιες. Μεγαλοπρέπεια, -ας, ή, (fr. next) magnificence, grandeur, splen- dour, excellence, glory. Μεγαλοπρεπής, -έος -ους, δ, >/, (fr. same, and πρέπω to be conspicu- ous) magnificent, glorious, very excellent. Comp. -πέστερος. Μεγαλοπρεπώς, (fr. same) magni- ficently, gloriously, excellently. Μεγαλοπτέρυγος, -ου, b, η, (fr. μέ- γας great, and πτέρυξ a wing) having large wings. Μεγαλορρημονέω -ω, ΐ. -ήσω, p. -■ηκα, (fr. same, and ρέω to speak) to use lofty language, talk of great things, boast, vaunt, brag. Μεγαλορ'ρημοσϋνη,-ης, η, (fr. same) boasting, vaunting, bragging. Μεγαλορρήμων, -όνος, δ, η, (fr. same) using lofty language, high-jlown, boastful, arrogant. Comp. -ρημονέστερος. Μεγαλόσαρκος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. μέγας great, and σαρξ flesh) fleshy, corpulent, lusty. Μεγαλούργια, -ας, ή, (fr. same, and έργον work) difficidty, hardness ; magnificence, grandeur. Μεγάλους, a. pi. of μέγας. Μεγαλοφρόνως, (fr. μέγας great, and φρήν mind) magnanimously, cou- rageously, spiritedly ; haughtily. Μεγαλοφροσύνη, -ης, η, (fr. same) magnanimity, courage, bravery. Μεγαλόφρων,-ονος, b, η, (fr. same) magnanimous, high-minded, spirited, haughty, proud, cou- rageous, brave. Μεγαλοφυής, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. same, and φύσις nature) natural- ly sublime. Μεγαλοφυία, -ας, η, (fr. same) no» tive sublimity, loftiness of thought. Μεγαλόφωνος, -συ, b, η, (fr. μέγας great, and φωνή a voice) having a loud voice, shouting, loud. Μεγαλοψυχία, -ας, ff, (fr. same, and ψυχή the soul) magnani- mity, nobleness of mind, frank- ness, generosity. Μεγαλόψυχος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) magnanimous, high-minded, noble, aspiring, generous, am- bitious. Μεγαλοψύχως (fr. last) generously, nobly, magnificently. Μεγαλννθήτω, 3 sin. 1 a. impr. pass, of Μεγαλύνω, f. -ύνω, p. μεμεγάλυγ- κα, (fr. μέγας great) to enlarge-, make larger; to make great, magnify, extol, celebrate, praise. impf. εμεγάλυνον, -ες, -ε. 1 a. εμεγάλυνα. per. pass, μεμεγάλυμ- (380) ΜΕΔ μαι. 1 a. pass. ind. εμεγαλύνθην' impr. μεγαλύνθητι, -ήτω' inf. με- γαλυνθήναι. 1 f. pass, μεγαλυν θήσομαι. Μεγάλωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. μέγας great) magnificence, grandeur, Μεγάλως, (fr. same) greatly, much, mightily, very, exceedingly. Μεγαλωστϊ, Ion. for last. Μεγαλωσύνη, -ης, ή, (fr. μέγας great) greatness, majesty, subli- mity, magnificence. Μεγάνωρ, -ορός, δ, η, (fr. same, and ανήρ a man) ennobling, making great, adding lustre, magnificent. Μέγαρα, -ων, τά, Megara, the name of a city ; and Μεγάρα % -ας, ή, or a woman. Μεγάρεσσι, Ion. for Μαγάροισιν, d. pi. of last. Μεγαρείς, -έος, b, a man of Mega- ra. pi. Μεγαρείς. Μεγάροισιν, d. pi. Ion. of Μέγαρον, -ου, το, (fr. next) a great house, mansion, palace, house; a spacious apartment, dining hall, chamber. Μέγας, μεγάλη, μέγα, great, large , big, tall; grand, magnificent; supreme, mighty, powerful ; loud, awful ; splendid, hand- some, g. μεγάλου, μεγάλης, μεγά- λου, a. μέγαν, μεγάλην, μέγα. Comp. μείζων or μάσσων, sup. μέγιστος. Μεγασθένης, -έος -ους, δ, >/, (fr. last, and σθένος strength) endued with great strength, powerful, mighty, strong. Μεγαφρονέω or Μεγαλοφρονέω -ώ, (fr. same, and φρήν the mind) to be high-minded, aspire to ; to take courage. Μέγεθος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. μέγας great) greatness, largeness, mag- nitude, vastness ; size, stature ; grandeur, majesty, magnifi- cence ; power, might. Μεγεθόποιος, -a,-ov, (fr. same, and ποιέω to make) making great } powerful, influential. Μεγεθύνω, f. -υνώ, {fr. μέγας great) to make great, magnify. Μεγα- θύνομαι, to be dignified or lofty. Μεγέρα, -ας, η, JEol. for Μεγάρα, a woman's name. Μεγήρατος, -ου, b, η, (fr. μέγα very, ana εράω to love) very much lov- ed, beloved, dear ; lovely, amiable. Μέγης, -ητος, b, Megrs, a man's name. Μεγιστάνες, -ων, -ol, (fr. μέγας great) persons of great rank, great men, noblemen, lords, chief magistrates, d. pi. μεγιστάσι. Μεγιστόπολις, -ιος, Att. -εως, b, ή, (fr. μέγιστος very great, and πό- λις a. city) exalter of cities. Μεγιστότιμος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. next, and τιμή honour) holding or en* joying the greatest honours, high' ly esteemed. Μέγιστος, -η, -ov, sup. of μέγας. Μεδέουσα, pres. par. fern, of αε<5/ω. Μεδέσθω, 3 sin. pres. impr. pass, of μέδω. Μεδέω »ώ, f. -ήσω, to rule, regulate. ΜΕΘ superintend, attend to, mind, take care of, guard, protect. Μεδήσομαι, 1 f. mid. oflast. Μέδιμνος, -ου, 6, a kind of mea- sure, a bushel. Μεδοίατο, Ion. for μέδοιντο, 3 pi. pres. opt. mid. of μέδω. Μέδοισα, -ας, Dor. for Μυούσα, -ης, η", Medusa. Μέδοντες, see μέδων. Μέδουσα, -ης, η, (fem. par. pres. of next) Medusa, a woman's name. Μεδω, same as μεδέω. Μέδων, -ονσα, -ov, (pres. par. act. oflast) Subs, a ruler, counsellor, chief, prince, guardian of the people, mas. a man's name, fem. a woman's. Μέζεα, -ων, τα, (fr. μέσος the mid- dle) the private parts, properly of brutes. Μεζόνως, (fr. next) more largely, more extensively, more capa- ciously. Μέζων — Μέζω, Ion. for μείζων, and μείζω. Μεθ', for μετά, before an aspirate. Μεθαιρέω -ω, (fr. μετά intens. and α'ιρέω to take) to take, receive, seize. Μεθαρμόζω -ττω, f. -σω, (fr. μετά instead of, and αρμόζω to fit, th. άρω to fit) to change, alter, trans- form ; to adjust, suit, adapt, join, fit; to bring from one place to another, transfer, trans- pose ; to reform, correct, a- mend. Μεθάρμοσις,-ιος, Att. -εως, η", (fr. last) alteration, change, trans- position ; correction, amend- ment. Μεθέηκεν, Ion. for μεθήκεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. of μεθίημι. ΜεθεΊλε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of με- θαιρέω. Μεθειμένος, par. — Μέθειμαι, ind. per. pass. — ΜεθεϊΊ/αι, 2 a. inf. act. — Μεθεις, 2 a. par. act. — ΜεθεΊτε, Sync, for μεθείητε, 2 pi. 2 a. opt. act. — Μεθείω, Ion. and Poet, for μεθώ, 2 a. sub. act. θΐ μεθίημι. Μεθελείν, 2 a. inf. act. of μεθαιρέω. Μεθέλκω, (fr. μετά with, and 'έλκω to draw) to draw with or to, at- tract. Μεθέμεν, Ion. for μεθεΐναι, 2 a. inf. act. of μεθίημι. Μεθέξις, -ιος, Att. -εως,η, (fr. μετέ- χω to share, th. έχω to have) participation, distribution, share, communion. Μεθέξομαι, 1 f. mid. οι μετέχω. Μεθέορτος, -ου, δ, (fr. μετά after, and εορτή a feast) a second course, dessert, remove ; an inter- lude, farce. Μέθεπε, Ion. for μέθειπς, 3 sin, impf. ind. of Μεθέπω, (fr. μετά along with, and έπω tj follow) to follow along with, accompany, attend; to drive after or towards; to trace, seek, search; to remove to, trans- fer ; to embrace. ΜΕΘ Μεθερμηνεύεται, 3 sin. ind. — Με- θερμηνευόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of Μεθερμηνεύω, f. -εύσω, p. μεθηρμή- νευκα, (fr. μετά instead of, and ερμηνεύω to explain) to translate, interpret, explain. Μεθερττύζω, (fr. μετά after, and ip- πύζω, same as 'έρπω to creep) to creep after. Μέθες, 2 sin. and Μεθετε, 2 pi. 2 a. impr. act. of μεθίημι. Μεθεστάναι, Sync, for μεθεστακέ- ναι, per. inf. act. — Μεθέστηκα, per. ind. act. — Μεθεστ^κώί, Cras. μεθεστώς, per. par. act. of μεθίστημι. Μέθη, -ης, η, (fr. μέθυ wine) drunk enness, intoxication, revelry. Μεθηκα, 1 a. ind. act. οι μεθίημι. Μεθήκω, (fr. μετά along with, and ηκω to come) to come to or with to bring with, fetch. Μέθημαι, (fr. same, and ημαι to sit) to sit with, keep company with, associate. Μεθημερινος, -η, -bv, (fr. μετά with, and ήμερα a day) day by day, daily, every day. Μεθημοσύνη, -ης, η, (fr. μεθίημι to neglect) negligence, remissness, carelessness. Μεθήμων,-ονος, b, ή, (fr. same) re- miss, negligent, careless. Subs. a coward, sluggard. Μεθηριναν, Dor. for μεθηρινων, g. pi. of Μεθηρινος for μεθημερινός. Μέθης, 2 sin. 2 a. sub. act. — Με- θήσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. — Μεθήσεμεν, Ion. for μεθήσειν, 1 f. inf. act. of μεθίημι. Μεθιδρύομαι, (fr. μετά instead of, and Ιδρύω to sit down) to move or alter one's position ; to change habitation, remove. Μεθίδρυσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr same) change, alteration, remo- val. Μεθίει, for μεθίη, 3 sin. impf. ind act. — Μεθιέμεναι, Dor. for μεθι- έναι, pres. inf. act. — Μεθίεν Boeot. Sync, for μεθίησαν, 3 pi of μεθίην, impf. ind. act. of Μεθίημι, f. -ήσω, (fr. μετά from, and ϊημι to send) to send away, off or forth ; to utter ; to throw, let fly, discharge ; to dismiss, let go ; to abate, slacken ; to neglect, disregard, omit; to decline, shrink from, refuse ; to permit, allow, suffer ; to leave off, desist \ to abandon, give up. Μεθιμέναι, Dor. for μεθεϊναι, 2 a, inf. act. oflast. Μεθιστάνειν, pres. inf. act. of Μεθιστάνω, f. μεταστησω, p. μεθέσ- τηκα, (fr. μετά instead of, and Ίστάνω, same as 'ίστημι to place) same as Μεθίστημι, f. μεταστησω, p. μεθέσ- τηκα, (fr. same, and 'ίστημι to place) to change one for another, substitute, exchange ; to trans- fer, remove, displace; to drive away, expel, banish, send into banishment; to emigrate, (381) ΜΕΘ part; to change, be converted; to go over to the other side, de- sert, pervert, bring over, seduce; to convert, alter. Μεθίσταμαι, to revolt, rebel; to die ; to surren- der, give up. 1 a. ind. μετέστη- σα. 2 a. μετέστην. 1 a. ind. pass. μετεστάθην. Μεθυέεία, -ας, η, (fr. next) impo- sition, trick, deceit, artifice. Μεθοδεύω, f. -εύσω, p. μεθώδευκα, (fr. next) to impose upon, trick, deceive, use artifice, plot against. Μέθοδος, -ου, b, (fr. μετά with, and bδbς away) a regular plan, me- thod, system; a cunning way, skill, craft. Μεθόλκη, -ης, η, (fr. μετά with, and έ'λκω to draw) a drawing asun der, separation. Μεθομΐλεον -ουν, Ion. for μεθωμί- λουν, impf. ind. act. of Μεθομιλέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. μετά along with, and όμιλος a crowd) to be intimate or conversant with ; to associate, keep company with. Μεθόριον, -ου, το, (fr. μετά with, and 'όρος a boundary) confines, border, limit. Μεθόρια, -ων, τά, the confines. Μεθόριος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) bor- dering, bounding, adjacent. Μεθορμάω, f. -ήσω, (fr. μετά a- gainst, and boμάω to rush) to rush or drive against; to attack, charge. 1 a. par. pass, μεθορμηθείς. Μεθορμίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. μετά in- stead of, and 'όρμος a mooring) to change the mooring of ships, send them to other harbours ; to harbour, shelter. Μέθυ, -υος, το, wine. Μεθυδότας, -a, Dor. for μεθυδότης, -ου, b, (fr. last, and δίδωμι to give) a giver of wine, an epithet of Bacchus. Μεθυμναίος,-ου, b,f],of Methymno. Μεθύουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. or d. pi. pres. par. act. — ΜεθυσθεΊς 1 a. par. pass, of μεθύω. Μεθύσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, >/, (fr. μέ- θυ wine) drunkenness, revelling. Μεθύσκεσθαι, pres. inf. pass. — Μεθύσκεσθε, 2 pi. pres. impr. pass. — Μεθυσκόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of Μεθύσκω, f. -ύσω, (fr. μεθύω to make merry, th. μέθυ wine) to make drunk, inebriate, intoxicate. Μεθύσκομαι, to be drunk, drink freely without intoxication. 1 a. ind. act. εμέθυσα. 1 a. pass. ind. εμεθνσθην sub. μεθυσθω, -ης, -η. 1 f. ind. pass, μεθυσθή- σομαι. Μέθυσμα, -ατός, τδ, (fr. last) drunk- enness ; strong drink. Μεθυσοκότταβος, -ov, b, (fr. μίθν σος, drunken, and κότταβος con- vivial sport) a drunkard; too drunk to piny. Μέθυσος, -ου, b, η\, (fr. μέθυ wine) drunken, intoxicated, Μεθύστερος, -a, -ov, (fr. μετά after, and ΰστερο; later) coming after; posterity. MEI Μεθυστιώς, -ή, -bv, (fr. μέθυ wine) fond of drink, tippling. Μεθύω, f. -ύσω, (fr. μετά after, and θ-ύω to sacrifice) to drink after a sacrifice, make merry, be jovial, drinkfreely ; to be drunk, intoxi- cated ; to be filled, plentifully fed. Μειζάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. μεμείδηκα, to smile, laugh. 1 a. ind. εμεί- δησα. Μείδημα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) α smile, laughter. Μείδησα, -ας, -ε, Ion. for εμείδησα, 1 a. ind. — Μειδήσας, -σασα, "σαν. 1 a. par. act. of μειδάω. Μειδιάω -ω, f. -άσω, and Μειδιάω, Poet, to smile, laugh ; to grin, look fierce. Μείζον, neut. of μείζων. Μειζόνως, (fr. μείζων greater) more abundantly, in a greater degree, more fully. Μειζότερος, -a, -ov, a comp. of μέ- γας. Μείζω, cont. fr. μείζονα -ζοα ~ζω, a. sin. or neut. pi. of Μείζων, -όνος, b, η, comp. of μέγας. Μειλανιών, -ώνος, b, a proper name. Μειλιγμα, -ατός, το, (fr. μειλίσσω to sooth) a soothing, balm; alle- viation ; offering for the dead. Μειλικος, -ή, -bv, (/r. μίλι honey) sweet, pleasing, soothing. Μειλινος, -ή, -bv, Poet, for μελινός. Μείλιον, -ov, το, (fr. μέλι honey) a present, gift, dowry ; offering. Μειλισσέμεν, Ion. for μειλίσσειν, pres. inf. act. — Μειλίσσεο, Ion. for μειλίσσον, pres. impr. pass, of Μειλίσσω, f. -ξω, (fr. μέλι honey) to sweeten, please, gratify, charm; to sooth, calm, appease ; recon- cile. Μειλίχια, -ας, ή, (fr. same) gentle- ness, lenity, sweetness, blandish- ment. Μειλι.χίοισιν, Ion. for μειλιχίοις, d. pi. of Μειλίχιος, -ov, h, η, ΆΐιάΜείλιχος, -ov, b, >% (fr. μέλι honey) kind, gentle, courteous; soothing, ap- peasing, conciliatory ; atoning, propitiatory. Μεϊναι, 1 a. inf. act. — Μείνας, 1 a. par. act. n. pi. μείναντες — Μείνον, -άτω, 2 pi. -νατε, 1 a. impr. act Μείνης, -η, 2 and 3 sin. Μείνητε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. act. οΐμένω. Μείονα, a. sin. of μείων. Μειονεκτέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. μείων less, and έχω to have) to have less, be poor, be in want, be in- ferior or deficient ; to be beneath, of low rank, not on a level with. Μειονεξία, -ας, ή, (fr. sa'me) dimi- nution, lessening ; inferiority, poverty ; contempt, scorn; inju- ry, wrong. Μείους, for μείον ες or μείονας, a. pi. of μείων. Μειοϋσθαι, pres. inf. pass, of Μείόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. -κα, (fr. μεί- ων less) to lessen, diminish, im- pair ; undervalue, underrate, de- ΜΕΛ press, despise ; to moderate, re press, restrain, per. pass, μεμεί ωμαι. Μειρακεύομαι, (fr. μείραξ a youth) to be young, show or feel the heat of youth ; to bloom ; to treat as a child, fondle, caress. Μειρακιεύομαι, (fr. next) to play the child, act childishly, behave foolishly. Μειράκιον, -ov, το, (dim. of μείραξ a youth) a child ; a boy, lad. Μειρακίσκος, -ov, b, same as last Μειρακιώδης, -εος -ονς, b, ή, (fr. same) youthful, ardent, vehe- ment ; puerile, childish ; simple, silly, foolish. Μειρακιώδως, (fr. last) youthfully, ardently ; like a young man^ striving to appear young. Μείραξ, -ακος, Ό, η, a boy or girl, child ; weak, delicate ; in second childhood, worn out ; effeminate womanish. Μείρεο, Ion. for μείρον, pres. impr mid. — Μείρεται, 3 sin. pres ind. mid. of μείρω. Μείρεται, Aphaer. for {μείρεται, 3 sin. pres. mid. οΐιμείρω. Μειρόμεναι, η. pi. fern. par ; pres. pass, of Μεφω, f. -ερω, p. μέμαρκα or εί- μαρκα, to divide, share, distribute, dispense, apportion; to allot, fate, destine. Μείρομαι, to get a share of, partake of, obtain, get, en- joy, per. pass, μέμαρμαι, Att είμαρμαι. per. mid. μέμορα, Att. έμμορα. Μεϊς,μείνος^,&οΙ. for μην, -ηvbς,b Μείωμα, -ατός, το, and Μείωσις, -ιο ς, Att. -εω?, η, (fr. next) de- crease, lessening, diminution, loss. Μείων, -όνος, b, η, comp. of μικρός, Μειωτικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. last) de- grading, lessening, undervalu- ing. Μελάγγαιος, and Μελάγγειος, -ov, ana Μελάγγεως, -ω, b, η, (fr. μέ- λας black, and γαία or γή the earth) having black soil, produc- tive, fertile, rich. Μελάγκαρπος, -ov, b, >'/, (fr. same, and καρπός fruit) having black fruit. Μελάγκερος, -ov, b, fo (fr. same, and κέρας a horn) having black horns; mortal, deadly ; disguised. Μελαγκόρνφος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and κορυφή a top) having a black head, black crested. Μελάγκροκος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same and κρόκη cloth) with black sails Μελαγχαίτην, a. sin. of Μελαγχαίτης, -ov, b, f], (fr. μέλας black, and χαίτη hair) black- haired. Μελάγχειμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. μέλας black, and χειμών winter) ground where the snow has melted away ; the haunts of hares. Μελάγχιμος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same) black, dark. Μελαγχ'ΐτων, -ωνος, b, t), (fr. same, and χιτών a coat) in mourning, ' clothed in black, sad, mournful. Μελανγολαω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. next) (382) ΜΕΛ to be melancholy, sad; to be mad, lave ; to be angry or indig- nant at. Μελαγχολία, -ας, η, (fr. μέλας black, and χολή bile) black bile, me- lancholy, madness. Μελάγχολος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) black with gore ; poisoned. Μελαγχρώς, -ωτος, b, ή, (fr. μέλας black, and χρως the skin) dark complexioned, tawny, swarthy. Μέλαθρον, -ου, το, the ridge, ridge- beam ; the roof of a house ; a house, palace ; a cell, cave. Μελαθρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to cover, roof, arch or vault ; to form into cells or chambers. Μέλαινα, η. sin. fem. — Μελαινά- ων, 2Άο\. for μελαίνων, g. pi. — Μελαίι^σί, Ion. for μελαίναις, d. pi. fem. of μέλας. Μελαίνετο, Ion. for εμελαίνετο, 3 sin. impf. ind. mid. of Μελαίνω, f. -άνω, (fr. μέλας black) to blacken, make black. Μελαίνο μαι, to grow black or livid. Μελαμβάθης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. μέ- λας black, and βάθος depth) deep, dark, gloomy. Μελαμπάγής, -έος -ους, b, ^, (fr. same, and -κήγνυμι to fasten) black, clotted, gory. Μελάμπεπλος, -ου, b, »/, (fr. same, and πέπλον a veil) clothed in black, sable-robed. Μελαμπέταλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πέταλον a leaf) black-leaved. Μελαμτϊϋγος, -ου, b, t), (fr. same, and ιτυγή buttocks) black but- tocks, hairy, strong, lusty. Μελαμφαής, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. same, and φάω to shine) shining black, glossy. Μελάμφνλλυς, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and φύλλον a leaf) black-leaved. Μελάμϊΐηφις, -ιδος, b, η, (fr. same, and ψήφος a pebble) having black pebbles. Μελαν, -ανος, το, (neut. of same) ink. ΜελαναιγΙς, -ίδος, η, (fr. same, and αιγις a breastplate) having a black breastplate or shield. Or, (fr. αιγις a storm) exciting black storms ; furious, deadly. Μελανανγής, -έος -οϋς, b, >% (fr. same, and αυγή brightness) black brilliant, glossy ; purpled, gory. Μελάνδετος,-ου^,ί/, (fr. same, and δέω to tie) bound with black, sheathed in black, black hilted. Μελανδίνης, -ov, b,f), (fr. same, and δίνη a whirlpool) having black whirlpools, dark-rolling. Μελάνδοκος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr μελαν ink, and δέχομαι to receive) holding ink. Μελανειμονέω -ω, (fr. μέλας black, and ε'ιμα clothes, th. εω to put on) to dress in black, put on mourning Μελάνθεα, -,ις, fj, (fr. μέλας black, and &εάομαι to see) a disease of the eyes. Μελάν'θησαν, Ion. for εμελάνθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of μεληίνω. Μελάνθιον, -ου, το, (fr. μέλας black* MEA and άνθος a flower) a black pop- py. Μελτνία, -ας, η, (fr. μέλας black) blackness, darkness ; dark clouds. Μελανοδοχεϊον, -ου, το, (fr. μέλαν ink, and δέχομαι to receive) an ink bottle. Μελανοκάρδιος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. μέλας black, and καρδία a heart) black hearted, hollow and dark. Μελανόπτερος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and πτέρυξ a wing) black-wing- ed, frightful, ill-boding. Μελανοσυρματος,-ου,ο,'ή, (fr. same, and σύρμα a stream) black-fli ing, dark-rolling. Μελανουρος, -οΰ, δ, η, (fr. same, and ουρά a tail) black-tailed; evil, bad, corrupt. Μελανόχρως, -ωτος, δ, η, same as μελαγχρώς. Μελανόω -ω, same as μελαίνω. Μελαντειχης, -έος -ους, δ, ή (fr. μέ- λας black, and τείχος a wall) having black walls. Μελαντήρια, -ας, η, (fr. same) blacking ; smut, dirt. Μελάνυδρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and ΰοωρ water) dark-flowing, deep-rolling, deep. Μέλας, -αινα, -αν, μέλανος, -αίνης, -ανος, (fr. μη not, and 'έλη, brightness) black, sable; dark, gloomy ; dismal, deadly. Comp. μελάντερος. Μέλασμα, -ατός, το, and Μελασμος, -ου, δ, (fr. last) darkness, black- ness ; a black spot, mole. Μελδόμενος, pres. par. pass, of Μέλδω οτΜέλδομαι, to soften, melt, dissolve, liquify, melt away, con- sume ; to boil, dress victuals, cook ; to boil or bubble up. Μελεά, δ, indecl. a man's name. Μελεαγρίδες, Guinea-hens, turkeys. Μελέαγρος, -ου, δ, a man's name. Μελεδαίνω, (fr. μέλει it is a care) to regard, take care of, attend to. Μελέδημα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) care, anxiety, solicitude. Μελεδών, -όνος, δ, and Μελέδωνος, ου, b, and Μελεδονεϋς, -έος, δ, (fr. same) a care-taker, guar- dian, steward ; a king, prince, ruler, governor. Μελεδώνη, -ης, >'/, (fr. last) care, anxiety, solicitude. Μελέεσσιν and Με'λεσσιν, Ion. and * Poet, for μέλεσι, d. pi. of μέ- λος. Μέλει, f. μελήσει, p. μεμέληκε, (im- pers. fr. μέλω or μελέω to con- cern) it is a care or concern ; it is an object or matter of care. impf. έμελε, Att. ^μελε. per. mid. μέμηλε. Μελε'ίστϊ, (fr. μέλος a limb) limb from limb, asunder, in pieces, piecemeal. Μελεο-αθης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. μέ- Χεο: unfortunate, and πάθος suf- fering) suffering pain, misera- bly afflicted. Μελεδνονος, -ου, δ, (fr. next, and πόνος labour) causing affliction, distressing, painful. MEA Μελεο?, -a, -ov, (fr. μέλος a limb) fruitless, vain, idle, ineffectual impotent ; unhappy, unfortu- nate, wretched, miserable. Μελεοφρών, -όνος, δ, η, (fr. last, and φρην the mind) distressed in mind, fretting, miserable. Μέλεσι, d. pi. of μέλος. Μελέτα, 2 sin. — Μελετάτε, 2 pi cont. pres. impr. — Μελετάς, 2 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of με- λετάω. Μέλεται, (impers. fr. μέλομαι or μέλω to concern) same as μέλει Μελετάω -ω, f. μελετήσω, p. μεμελέ τηκα, (fr. μελέτη care. th. μέλει it is a care) to take care of, mind, attend to, be intent on ; to medi tate, premeditate, study, cultivate to practise, exercise; to declaim practise speaking. 1 a. ind. act εμελέτησα. Μελέτη, -ης, η, (fr. μέλει it is ί care) care, anxiety ; medita- tion ; discipline, study, practice, exercise. Μελέτημα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) care, solicitude, study ; an institution, establishment. Μελετήριον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a place for study ; a school-room study ; a tool, instrument. Μελετηρός, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) at- tentive, mindful of, anxious careful. Μελετητικός, -η, -bv, (fr.same) con- templative, thoughtful, musing ; murmuring, cooing. Μελέτητος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) well practised, versed in ; to be pro cured by care and attention. Μελετίλ-όί, -η, -bv, same as μελετη- τικός. Μελετώ, 3 sin. pres. impr. — Με- λετωσαι, pres. par. n. pi. fern, of μέλει. Μελέω -ω, ΐ, -ήσω, ρ. μεμέληκα, (more generally used imper- sonally, see μέλει) to be a care or concern; to care for, re- gard. Μέλη, pi. cont. of μέλος. Μελήδων, -όνος, η, (fr. μέλει it con- cerns) solicitude, concern, care, anxiety. Μέλημα, -άτος,το, (fr. same) a ten- derling, object of care, concern, anxiety. Μελ}' } σει, 3 sin. — Μελ^σουσί, 3 pi. 1 f. act. of μέλει or μελέω. Μελήσεται, 3 sin. 1 f. mid. οι μέλει, μέλω or μέλομαι. Μελησίμβροτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. μέλει it concerns, and βροτός mortal) interesting, engaging; renown- ed, celebrated. Μέληται, Poet, for μέλει• or 3 sin. sub. mid. οι μέλομαι. Μέλι, -Έτος, το, honey. Μελία, -ας, η, an ash-tree, spear made of ash, shaft, handle. Μελιαδης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. μέλι honey, and άδω to sing) melodi- ous, harmonious, tuneful. Also, Dor. for μελιηδής. Μελίαι, -ων, a\, nymphs presiding over ash-trees. (383) MEA Μελιαν, Dor. for μελιών, g. pi. of μελία. Μελίβρομος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. μίλι honey, and βρόμος a noise, th. βρέμω to roar) softly whispering, sweetly murmuring, sweet sound- ing. Μελίγάρυς, -υος, δ, //, Dor. ΐοτμελί- γηρυς. Μελίγδουπος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. μέλι honey, and δοΰπος a noise) sweet sounding, harmonious, melodi- ous. Μελιγηθης, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. same, and γηθέω to be glad) sweet- toned\ melodious, harmonious. Μελίγηρυς -υος, b, η, (fr. same, and γηρυς a voice) sweet-voiced, me- lodious, tuneful, harmonious. Μελίγλωσσος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and γλωσσά a tongue) sweet- tongued, mellifluous, tuneful ; eloquent, fluent. Μελιδών, -όνος, δ, Poet, for μελε- δών. Μελίζεμεν, Ion. and Dor. for μελί- ζειν, pres. inf. act. of Μελίζω, f. -Υσω, p. μεμέλικα, (fr. μέλος a song) to sing, play upon; to sing of, praise, celebrate. Or, (fr. μέλος a limb) to tear in pieces, rend limb from limb. Μελίζωρος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. μέλι honey, and ζωρbς pure) pure as honey, unadulterated, sweet, honied. Μελιηγενης, -έος -ους, Ό, η, (fr. μελίη an ash, and γίνομαι to be born) sprung from the ash. Μελιηδέα, a. sin. — Μελιηδέϊ, d. sin. of Μελιηδης, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. μέλι honey, and ηδύς sweet) sweet like honey, pleasant, pleasing, agreeable. Μελίθρεπτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and τρέφω to nourish) fed on honey. Μελίκηρα, -ας, η, ζηάΜελίκηρον or Μελικήριον, -ου, το, (fr. same, and κηρος wax) honeycomb. Μελίκομπος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and κόμπος a noise) sweet-sound- ing, sweet-toned, harmonious, melodious. ελικυς, -η, -bv, and.-ou, b,%, (fr. μέλος a song) harmonious, sweet, tuneful. Μελίκρατον, -ου, το, (fr. μίλι ho ney, and κεράω to mix) mead, honey-water, metheglin. Μελικτης, -οΰ, δ, Dor. Μελικτάς, (fr. μέλος a song) a singer, mu- sician, poet. Μελίλωτον, -ου, το, a species of trefoil, melilote. Μελιναία, -ας, i), (fr. μέλι honey) sweet ; an epithet of Venus. Μελίνη, -ης, η, (fr. same) pannic, a coarse grain. Μέλινος, -η, -ov, (fr. μελία an ash) made of ash, ashen. Μελίπηκτον, -ου, το, (fr. μέλι honey, and πήγω to fix together) a cake made of honey, sweet cake. Μελίττνοος -ους, -6ου -οΰ, δ, η, (fr same, and πνέω to breathe) sweetly breathing. ΜΕΛ Μελίσδεις, Dor. for μελίζεις, 2 sin pres. ind. — Μελίσσεο, Ion. and Dor. for εμελίζον, 2 sin. impf. pass. — Μελίσδεται, Dor. for μέ- λλεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass, of μελίζω. Μέλισμα, -ατός, το, (fr. μερίζω to sing, th. μέλος a song) a song, tune, air. Μελίσπονδος, -ov, b, (fr. μέλι honey, and σπονδή a libation) an offer- ing or libation of honey. Μέλισσα -ττα, -ης, >/, (fr. μέλι ho- ney) a bee ; a priestess of Ceres, any priestess, μελισσάων, JEol. and μελισσαν, Dor for μελισσών, g. pi. Μελισσαίο?, -ου, b, (fr. same) an epithet of Jupiter. Μελισσενς, -έος, Att. -έως, b, (fr. same) a keeper of bees. Μελίσσιος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) be- longing to bees, made by bees. Μελισσόβοτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. μέλισσα a bee, and βόσκω to feed) and Μελισσότροφος, (fr. same, and τρέφω to nourish) fed upon by bees, feeding bees. Μελισσοκόμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and κομέω to take care of) a keeper of bees. Μελισσόνομος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and νέμω to feed) a feeder of bees. Μελισσόρυτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and ρύω to^ flow) flowing with honey, mellifluous. Μελισταγης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and στάζω to drop) melli- fluous, distilling honey. Μελιστης, -ου, b, Poet, same as με- λικτής. Μελίτεια, -ας, η, (fr. μέλισσα a bee) a plant which bees feed on, bo- rage, honey-suckle. Μελίτειον, -ου, το, (fr. μέλι honey) mead, metheglin. Μελιτερπης, -εος -ους, b, ι), (fr. same, and τέρπω to delight) de- lightful, charming, sweet. Μελίτ?/, -ης, η, an island, Malta ; a woman's name. Μελιτόείί, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. μέλι ho- ney) sweet, sweetened with honey; calm, placid, serene. Μελιτόεσσα or Μελίτουττα, -ης, η, (fr. same) a sweet cake. Μελιτοπωλης, -ου, ο, (fr. same, and πολέω to sell) a seller of honey. Μελιτουργε7ον, -ου, το, (fr. same, and έργον a work) a bee-hive. Μελιτονργός, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) a keeper of bees. Μελιτόω -ω, f. -ώσω (fr. μέλι ho- ney) to sweeten with honey, par. per. pass, μεμελιτω μένος. Μελιτωδης, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. same) sweet as honey, honied. Μελίτωμα, -ατός, το (fr. same) cakes, sweetmeats, confectionary. Μελίφθογγος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and φθόγγος a sound) sweet- sounding, well toned, melodious, harmonious, eloquent. Μελίφρονα, a. sin. of Μελίώρων, -Όνος, b, η, (fr. same, and φρην the mind) sweet, consol- ΜΕΛ ing, balmy, refreshing, cheering, exhilarating. Μελίφυρτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and φνρά to mix) mixed or sea- soned with honey. Μελίφωνος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and φωνή a voice) sweet voiced, har- monious, musical Μελίχλωρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and χλωρός green) sallow, yel- low coloured. Mελιχpbς, -a, -bv, (fr. same, and Xpoa colour) honey-colour, yel- low ; very sweet. Μελιχρούς or Μελιτόχρονς, -ov, b, ή, same as last. Με'λκα, -ης, η, milk. Μέλλετ for μέλλετε, 2 pi. pres. — Μελλ^σα, Ion. for εμέλλησα. 1 a. ind. act. of μέλλω. Μέλλησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, and Μέλλημα,-ατος, το, (fr. μέλλω to delay) delay, procrastination. Μελλήσω, 1 f. act. of μέλλω. Μελλητης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a de- layer, loiterer, trifler. Μελλόγάμος, -ου, b, (fr. μέλλω to be about to do, and γάμος mar- riage) Μελλόνυμφος, -ου, b, (fr. same, and νύμφη a bride) one going to be married. Μελλοδείπνικος, -ου, b, §, (fr. same, and δεϊπνον, a supper) going to Slipper, jovial, convivial. Μέλλοντα, -ων, τα, (neut. pi. par. pres. act. of next, with πράγ- ματα understood) futurity, the future. Μέλλω, f. μελλήσω or -σομαι, to be about, on the point of; to design, intend, be bent upon ; to be wont or accustomed; to linger, delay, loiter ; procrastinate, defer ; to hesitate, demur, impf. act. εμελ- λον, Att. ήμελλον. par. pres. act. μέλλων, -ούσα, -ov, η. pi. neut. μέλλοντα. Μελογραφίη, -ης, η, (fr. μέλος a song, and γράφω to write) po- etry, particularly lyric poetry. Μελοκοπία, -ας, η, (fr. μέλος a limb, and κόπτω to cut) the cutting off limbs, amputation, surgery. Μέλομαι, (fr. μέλει it concerns) to take care of, mind, regard. Μελόντων, Att. for μελέτωσαν,3 pi. pres. impr. οι μέλει. Μελοποιέω -ω, (fr. μέλος a song, and ποιέω to make) to make verses or songs ; to compose mu- sic, harmonize. Μελοποιος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a poet, musician. Adj. harmonious, tuneful, melodious. Μέλος, -εος -ους, το, a member, limb or part of the body ; a song, verse, strain, tune. pi. μέλη, g. μέλων, d. μέλεσι. Μέλουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. of μέλει or μελω. Μέλπηθρον, -ου, τδ, (fr. μέλπω to sing) a song, dance, sport,amuse- rnent, festivity. Μελπομεναν, Dor. for μελπομενων pres. par. pass. g. pi. of μέλπω. Μελπομένη, -ης, η, one of the Muses. (384) MEM Μέλποντι, d. sin. pres. par. act. used Dor. for μέλπονσι, 3 pL pres. ind. of Μέλπω, f. -ψω, p. -φα, to sing, sing of, celebrate with songs ; to dance. Μελύδριον, -ov, το, (dim. ol μέλος a song) a ballad. Μέλχι, b, Heb. indecl. a man's name. Μελχισεδέκ, b, Heb. indecl. aman'e name. Με'λω, (fr. μέλος a song) to sing mournfully. Also, same as μέ- λομαι, and μελεω. Μελωδέω -ω, f. ->;σω, (fr. μέλος a tune, and ωδτ) a song) to sing; to play and sing, make melody ; to accompany the voice, harmo- nize. Μελφδητος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) harmonized, arranged in music. Μελωδία, -ας, ή, and Μελώδημα, -ατός, to, (fr. same) music, har- mony, melody, modulation; a tune, air. Μελωδός, -ου, b, (fr. same) a com* poser or arranger of music; a singer, musician. Μελών, g. pi. of μέλος. Μέμαα, Ion. and Sync, for μέμηκα, 1 sin. and Μέμαμεν, Sync, for μεμήκαμεν, 1 pi. μεμάασι, Sync. for μεμηκασι, 3 pi. per. ind. act. of μάω. Μεμάθηκα, ind. — Μεμαθηκως,φΆΤ. per. act. of μανθάνω. Μεμακνΐα, Dor. for μεμηκνία, fem. of μεμηκώς, per. par. mid. of μ?7ΚάΌμαι. Μεμαλώί, Dor. ίοΓμεμ^λώ? — Με- μαλε, Dor. for μέμηλε, which see. Μέμαμεν, Sync, for μεμήκαμεν, per. ind. act. 1 pi. of μάω. Μεμάνημαι, per. ind. pass, of μαί- νομαι. Μεμάποιεν, Poet, redupl. for μά- ποιεν, Sync, for μάρποιεν, 3 pi. 2 a. opt. act. of μάρπτω. Μέμαρμαι, Att. είρμαρμαι, per. pass, of μείρω. Μέμαρπον, Ion. for έμαρπον, 2 a. act. — Μεμαρπώς, -via, -ος, per. par. mid. of μάρπτω. Μεμαρτύρηκα, -ας, -ε or -εν, act. — Μεμαρτνρημαι, -σαι, -ται, pass. per. ind. of μαρτυρέω. Μέμασαν, Sync, and Ion. for εμε- μήκεισαν, 3 pi. pper. ind. act! of μάω. Μεματον, Sync, for μεμήκατον, du. of μέμηκα, per. ind. act. of μάω. Μεμαυ?', for μεμανΊα, fem. of. Μεμαώ? -ως, -αυΓα -ωσα, -abς, -ως 9 g. -άοτος -ωτος, du. μεμαωτε, (par. of μέμαα, which see) eager y anxious, desirous ; ready, pre- pared. Μέμβλεται, for μεμέληται, 3 sin. per. ind. pass. — Μέμβλετο, for εμέμελητο, 3 sin. pper. ind. pass. of μέλομαι. Μέμβλωκα, -ας, -ε, for μεμόληκα, per. ind. act. οίμολε'ω'ΟΓ for με- μέλωκα, per. ind. act. of μελόω» same as μέλομαι. MEM Μεμβράνα, -ης, ft, a membrane, thin skin, parchment, vellum. Μεμβράς, -άδος, το, a kind of loach, smail fish ; anchovy, sprat. Μεμέληκε, 3 sin. per. act. of μέλει. Μίμελετηκοτώς, (fr. par. per. of μελετάω to take care) carefully, anxiously, studiously, cautiously. Μεμελετημένως, (fr. μεμελετη μένος, per. par. pass, of μελετάω to prac- tise) orderly, regularly, skilfully. Μεμένηκα, per. act. — Μεμενήκει- σαν, Ion. for εμεμενήκεισαν, 3 pi. pper. ind. act. of μένω. Μεμερισμένως, (fr. μεμερισμένος, per. par. pasr. of μερίζω to di- vide) in shares. Μεμέρισται, 3 sin. per. ind. pass. of μερίζω. Μεμεστωμένοι, per. par. pass. n. pi. of μεστόω. Μεμετιμένος, Ion. for μεθειμένος, par. per. οΐμεθίεμαι, pass, of με- θίημι. Μεμετρέάται, Ion. for μεμέτρηνται, 3 pi. per. pass, of μετρέω. Μεμετρημένως, (fr. per. par. pass, of μετρέω ) proportionably, in pro- portion to, according to. Μέμηλε or μέμηλεν, per. mid. or by Sync, for μεμέληκε, per. ind. act. — Μέμηλη, 3 sin. per. sub. mid. of μέλει. Μεμηλύς, -via, -ος, (par. per. mid. or Sync, for μεμεληκως, par. per. act. of μελέω or μέλει) careful, anxious, desirous ; well practised, disciplined, trained, instructed in. Μέμηνα, -ας, -ε, per. mid. οΐ μαίνο- μαι. Μεμηχανη μένος, -η, -ov, per. par. pass, of μηχανάω. Μεμηχανημένως, (fr. last) skilful- ly, artfully, cunningly. Μεμίανται, 3 pi. ind. — Μεμιασμένος, ■ -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of μιαίνω. Μέμιγμαι,Ο&Τ. ind. — Μεμιγμένος, per. par. pass, of μίγνυμι. Μεμίμημαι, per. ind. — Μεμιμημέ- νος, per. par. of μιμέομαι. Μεμίζεται, 3 sin. ppfut. of μίγνυμι. Μεμισημένος, -?7,-ov,par. per. pass. — Μεμίσηκε or -κεν, 3 sin. — Μεμι- σήκασι,3 pi. ind. per. act. οϊμισέω. Μεμίσθωμαι,ρβτ. ind. — Μεμισθω- μένος, per. par. pass, of μισθόω. Μεμίχθαι, per. inf. pass, οι μίγνυμι. Μέμναμαι, Dor. for μέμνημαι, per. ind. — Μεμναμέ.νος, Dor. for^s^- νημένος, per. par. pass, of μνάο- μαι. Μέμνανται, Dor. for μέμνη ται, 3 pi. per. pass Μέμνασαι, Dor. for μέμνησαι, 2 sin. per. pass, of μνάομαι. Μεμνέωτο, cont. μεμνωτο, and Dor. μεμναίατο, for μεμνητο, 3 sin. of μεμνημην, -μνηο, -μνητο, per. opt. pass, of μνάομαι. Μέμνη, Att. and Μέμνηαι, orMf/*- νεαι, Ion. for μέμνησαι, 2 sin. per. pass, of μνάομαι. Μέμνηκα, Sync, for μεμένηκα, per. ind. act. of μένω. Μέμνημαι, -σαι, -ται, 2 pi. Μέμνησ- θε, ind. — Μέμνησο, impr. — Μεμνημην, -ηο, -ητο, opt. ' — SO- MEN Μεμνησθαι,Ίηΐ. — Μεμνημένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of μνάομαι. Μέμνησο, μέμνεο, μέμνου, Ion, μέμ- ■ νω, per. impr. of μνάομαι. Μεμνηστευμένος, -η, -ov, per. par. pass, of μνηστεύω. Μέμνομαι, same as μνάομαι. Μέμνονα, a. sin. of Μέμνων, a man's name. Μέμνονες, -ων, al, certain birds supposed to frequent the tomb of Memnon in Troas. Μέμνω, Ion. for μεμνου,δΟβ μέμνησο. Μέμνων, -ονος,ο, a man's name, and Μέμνων, -όνος, b,f), kind, gracious Μεμνωτο, Att. for μεμνητο, 3 sin per. opt. pass, of μνάομαι. Μεμοίραμαι, -σαι, -ται ,ind. — Μεμοι- ραμένος, par. per. pass. of μοιράω. Μέμον', for μέμυνα,Όβΐ.ΐηιά.οΐ μένω. Μεμονωμένος, -η, -ov, par. per, pass, of μονόω. Μέμορα, per. mid Μέμορμαι,-σαι, -ται, -52ol. for μέμαρμαι,- -σαι -ται, per. ind. pass, of μείρω. Μεμπτος, -η, -ov, (fr. μέμφομαι to blame) blameable, culpable, in excusable ; captious, inclined to censure. Μεμύημαι, per. ind. pass, of μυέω Μεμνθολογ>'<κασι, 3 pi. per. act. of μυθολογέω. Μέμυκα, per. mid. of μυκάω. Μέμφεαι, Ion. for μέμφη, 2 sin. — Μέμφεται, 3 sin. ind•. — Μεμφό μένος, par. pies. pass, of Μέμφομαι, f. μέμψομαι, p. μέμεμμαι -ψαι, -πται, to complain of, ex postulate, take to task ; to blame, find fault with, censure ; to re buke, reprove. Μέμφις, -ιος, η, Memphis, now Mimf, a city of Egypt. Μεμφωλη, -ης, η, (fr. μέμφομαι to complain) complaint, remon strance. Μεμψάμενος, 1 a. par. mid. — Μέμ• ψη, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. mid. of μέμ- φομαι. Μεμψιμοιρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. μέμ- χμις complaint, and μοίρα fate) to be discontented, fret, murmur, re- pine. Μεμψίμοιρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) discontented, fretful, peevish^ re•, pining, querulous. Μέμψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. μέμ- φομαι to complain) complaint^ blame, censure. Μεμώς, Sync, for μεμηκως, and Ion. μεμαώς, which see. Μεν, in truth, truly, indeed, cer- tainly, surely. Ό μεν, the one, this, these. Ό δε, the other, that, those. MiV , for μένε, pres. impr. ofplvw. Μένανδρος, -ου, b, a man's name. Μένγαρ, (fr. μεν indeed, and γαρ truly) indeed, certainly. Μένδης, an Egyptian word signify- ing a goat, satyr ; the god Pan. Μενεαινέμεν, Ion. for μενεαίνειν, pres. inf. of Μενεαίνω, f. -άνω, (fr. μένος ardour) to desire, covet, long for : to be anxious, bent upon ; to be en- raged, angry. 1 a. εμενέηνα. (385) MEN Μενεδή'ίος, -ου, b, η", (fr. μένος C0U rage, and δηϊς a battle) courage- ous, brave, intrepid, undaunted, warlike. Μενέηνα, Ion. for εμενέηνα, 1 a. ind. act. of μενεαίνω. Μένειν, inf. — Μένεις, -νει, 2 and 3 sin. — Μένομεν, -ουσι, 1 and 3 pi. ind. — Μενέτω, 3 sin. — Μένετε, _ 2 pl•. impr. pres. act. — Μενειτε, 2 pl. 1 f. ind. act. of μένω. Μενέλας, -a, b, Dor. for Μενέλαος -ου, Ό, a man's name. Μενέμεν, Ion. for μένειν, pres. inf of μένω. Μένεος, g. sin, of μένος. Μενεπτύλεμος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. μένο\ strength, and -πόλεμος war) brave t courageous, undaunted, warlike; firm, resolute. Also, a man's name. Μενέσθην, a. of Μενέσθης, -ου, 6, a man's name. Μενεσθώ, -όος -ους, η", a woman's name. Μένετος, -η, -ov, (fr. μένω to re- main) remaining, lasting, firm ; patient, forbearing. Μειεχάρμης, -ου, b, and Μενεχάρ- μος, -ου, b, η, (fr. μένος conrage, and χάρμη spirit, th. χαίρω to re- joice) courageous, warlike, brave, valiant, intrepid; resolute, firm, bold. Μενέω, Ion. for μένω, 1 f. of μένω. Μένη, 3 sin. pres. or 2 a. sub. of same. Μενίππη, -ης, η, a woman's name. Μενοεικης, -έος-οΰς, b, {], (fr. μένος strength, and είκω to yield) grateful, pleasant, agreeable ; sufficient, abundant, a. sin. με- νοεικέα. Μενοινάω -ω, -άεις -ας, -άει -a, and Μενοινέω -ω, f. -ήσω, and Μενοί- νόω -ω, f. -ώσω τ (fr. μένος strength) to desire, long for, pant after, be anxious or eager for ; to press forward, hasten, hurry ; to contrive, plan, meditate. Μενοινη, -ης, >/, (fr. same) eager• ness, impetuosity, promptness, spirit; courage, bravery. Μενοιτιάδης, -ου, b, the son of Me- ncetias, Patroclus. Μενοίτιος, -ov, b, a man's name, Μένον, neut. sin. — Μένοντος, g. sin. — Μένοντα, a. sin. — Μένον- τε, η. du. pres. par. — Μένοντι, Dor. for μένουσι, 3 pl. pres. ind. act. of μένω. Μένος, -εος -ους, το, the mind ; ar- dour, spirit, courage, valour; constancy, resolution, firmness; might, strength, force ; violence, impetuosity ; rage, fury ; an- ger. Μένουν, (fr. μεν indeed, and οΰν therefore) yes, truly, certainly, indeed. Μενουνγε, (fr. μεν indeed, ουν there fore, and γ ε truly) yea rather, verily, in truth, truly. Μένουσα, η. Μένουσαν, a. fern. par. pres. — Μένουσι, 3 pl. pres. ind. act. of μένω. Μέντοι, (fr. μεν indeed, and rol MEP truly) truly, certainly, yet truly, yet indeed, however, but. Μένω, f• μένω, p. μεμένηκα, to wait, stay, remain ; to abide, dwell, lodge, pass the night; to con- tinue, endure, last, survive ; to persevere, persist ; to desire, wish, long for ; to expect, wait for, be reserved for, be ready ; to stand, stop, halt, delay, linger ; to sus- tain, support, withstand ; to dare, venture, to resolve, intend, pur- pose, impf. ίμενον, -ες, -ε. 1 a. ind. έμεινα, -ας, -ε' impr. μείνον, -άτω• sub. μείνω, -ης, -τ/•' inf. μεΊναι' par. μείνας, -ασα, -αν. pper. εμεμενήκειν. Μεράρχης, -ου, ο, (fr. μέρος a part, and άρχω to command) the com- mander of a division or brigade. Μεραρχία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a body of 2048 soldiers ; a division, bri- gade, column. Μέρδω, f. -σω, to take away, de- prive ; to hurt, injure, harm ; also to behold, see, gaze, stare at. Μέρει, d. — Μέρη, pi. of μέρος. Μερίδα, a. sin, of μερίς. Μεριδάρτταξ, -αγυς, ο, ί/, (fr. μερϊςα part, and αρπαξ ravenous) nib- bling, biting,, gnawing. Μεριδάρχης, -ου, b, (fr. μερϊς a part, and αργή command) a governor, consul, commander, magistrate. Μεριδαρ-χία, -ας-, ?/, (fr. same) a command, lieutenancy, magistra- cy, government. Μερίζεν, Dor. for μερίζειν, pres. inf. — Μέριζεν, Ion. for εμέριζεν, 3 sin. impf. ind. act. of Μερίζω, f. -ίσω, p. μεμέρικα, (fr μείρω to divide) to divide among share, distribute ; to separate ; to rend, tear, plunder. Μερίζομαι, to disagree, differ, dissent. 1 a. ind act. εμέρισα. per. pass, μεμέρισ- μαι. 1 a. ind. pass, εμερίσϋην -ης, -η' par. μερισθείς. 1 a. ind mid. εμερισαμην, -ω, -ατο. Μερικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. μέρος a part) in parts, partial, particular. Μερικώς, (fr. last) part by part, piecemeal, partially, particularly. Μέριμνα, -ης, η, care, anxiety, soli- citude, thoughtfulness, distraction of mind. Μεριμνάς, -να, 2 and 3 sin. -cont. pres. ind. act. — Μεριμνάτε, 2 pi. cont. pres. impr. act. of Μεριμνάω -ω, -ήσω, p. μεμερίμνηκα, (fr. μέριμνα care) to be anxious or solicitous ; to mind, meditate, think deeply. 1 a. ind. εμερίμνη- σα,-ας,-ε' sub. μεριμνήσω, -ης, η.. Μερίμνημα, -ατός, To,(fr.same)care j . anxiety, solicitude, distraction, Μεριμνήσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. Μεριμνήσητε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of μεριμνάω. Μεριμνητής, -ov, Ό, ή, (fr. μέριμνα care) an anxious writer, critic examiner. Μεριμνότοκος, -ov, h, >), (fr. same and τόκος an offspring) care-pro- ducing, distracting, toilsome. Μεριμνοψροντιστή;, -ου, 6,(fr.same, and ψροντις thoughtfulness, th ΜΕΣ /,(η\ same, and ■χλύα grass) half green. Μεσό<,< -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. μέσος the middle) to be in the middle or midst, par. pres. μεσόων -ων, -όουσα -ουσα,-όον -οΰν. Μεσπίλη,-ης, η, and Μίσπίλον, -ου, τυ, the rncspilus or medlar. Μεσσάβ, Heb. indecl. a military station, garrison. λίεσσαι or Μεσσα^;, Heb. indecl. from being demolished. Μεσσάνιος,-ω^,ΌοτΛοτ Μεσσήνιος, -ov, b,ofMessenia, a Messeniun. Μέσσατος for μ έσα τος, same asy7, -oi', full, replenished; crowded, stuffed ; satiated, filled. Μεστύω -ώ, f. -ώσω, p. μεμέστωκα, (fr. last) to fill, rcpknish, load, crowd ; to satiate, pres. pass. μεστόομαι -οϋμαι, per. pass, με- μέστωμαι,ΌΆΓ. μεμεστωμένος, 1 a. ind. pass, εμεστώθην, -ης, -η. Μέσφα, Poet, for μέχοι, until. Μέσως, (fr. μέσος the middle) mo- derately, within bounds, mid- dling. Μετ for Μετά, governing g. d. a. cases with the g. ; with, together or along with; as well as, besides ; among; by, by means of; to, towards; with the d. with, along with; in, among ; with the a. with, among, between ; after; within, during, on; a- gainst, beside. In composition it signifies relation or connexion.; as μετέχω and μεταλαμβάνω, to share, partake ; after, as μετα- μέλομαι, to be concerned after, repent ; change, as μετανοέω, to change the mind, repent ; among, as μέτειμι, to be along with ;; re- dundant, as μετάγγελος, a mes- senger. Μέτα for μέτεστι, 3 sin. of μέτειμι f Μεταβαίνετε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. act. of Μεταβαίνω, f. μεταβήσομαι, ρ.μετα- βέβηκα, (fr. μετά change, and βαίνω to go) to go over, pass from one place, to another, go away, de- part, migrate. 1 a. ind, μετέβην, -ης, -η' impr. μετάβηθι' sub. με- ταβώ, -ης, -η' par. μεταβάς• Μεταβαλλόμενος, -η, r-ov, par. pres. pass, of Μεταβάλλω, f. μεταβάλω, p. μετα- βέβληκα, (fr. μετά change, and βάλλω to throw) to change, alter; to invert, turn vp, plough ; to turn about, towards or against ; to emigrate, migrate, remove, depart ; to digest, soften waste (337) MET away. Μεταβάλλομαι, to waste or pass away, grow worse, de- generate ; to pass over or from, desert; to change the opinion, repent ; to txchange, barter, sell 2 a. ind. μετέβαλον inf. μεταβα* λεΊν. per. mid. μεταβέβολα. Μεταβάπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. μετά change, and βάπτω to dip) to dip, wash, dye, tinge ; to plunge, overwhelm, μεταβαφέντες, η. pi. 1 a. par. pass. Μεταβάς, par. 2 a. act. — Μεταβά- σαι, Dor. for μεταβηααι, 1 a. inf. act. of μεταβαίνω. Μετάβασις, -ιος, Aft. -εω?, >/, (fr. μετά change, and βαίνω to go) a passing from one place to another, departure, emigration, transition. Μεταβατϊκός, -η, -ov, (fr. same) having thepower of moving from one place to another, transitive. Μεταβέβηκα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 pi. -καμεν, per. ind. act. — Μεταβτ}, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. act. — Μετάβηθι, 2 a. impr. act. — Μεταβ^σεταί, 3 sin. 1 f. mid. οι μεταβαίνω. Μεταβιόω -ώ, (fr. μετά after, and βιόω to live, th. βίος life) to live after, outlive, survive. Μεταβλάβης, -ίος -ους, b, η, (fr. με• τά redund. and βλάπτω to hurt) hurtful, injurious, detrimental. Μεταβλέπω, Γ-ψω,(η\μετά change, and βλέπω to look) to look about or round, turn the eyes from one thing to another ; to look stead• fastly. Μεταβληθώσι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. pass, of μεταβάλλω. Μετάβλημα, -άτος, τό, same as με- ταβολή. Μεταβολενς, -έος, Att. -έως, δ, (Fr. μεταβάλλω to change) a dealer in goods, merchant, pedlar : , an interpreter, translator. Μεταβολη,-ης,ή,{^. same) change, exchange, vicissitude ; transition, departure, removal. Μεταβολία, -ας, η, (fr. same) ex- change, trade, traffic: Μετάβολος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) changeable, mutable, inconstant, fickle, varying. Subs, a mer- chant, dealer, pedlar. Μεταβούλευμα, -άτος, τό, (fr. μετά change, and βονλη counsel) α change of design. Μίταβονλενω, or -ομαι, (fr. same) to alter a plan, change design; to alter in opinion. ΜετάγγεΚος, -ου, b, (fr. μετά be- tween, and άγγελος a messen- ger) an agent or messenger be. tween parties. Μεταγειτνιων, -ωνος, δ, the second Athenian month. It answered to the end of August and begin- ning of September. Μεταγενής, -έος -ους, b, f), (fr. μετ& after, and γίνομαι to be) born after \ posterior, later. Μετάγεται, 3 sin. pass. — Μετα- γομεν, 1 pi. act. pres. ind. οίμε- τάγω. Μεταγίνομαι, (fr. μετά after, and. MET /ίνομαι to be) to come after, suc- ceed, follow ; to be carried away or removed. ΜεταγινώσκωοτΜεταγι.γνώσκω,(&. μετά change, and γινώσκω to know) to alter in opinion, change the mind; to repent, regret; to learn too late. Μετάγνωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως,ή, (fr. same) repentance, regret. Μεταγραφή, -ης, η, (fr. next) a copy,jorgery, interpolation. Μεταγράψω, (fr. μετά change, arc! γράφω to write) to transcribe, change writing, correct; to an- nul, nullify ; to forge, interpo- late, foist. Μετάγω, f. μετάξω, (fr. μετά from, and άγω to lead) to take or lead away, remove, transfer ; to ma- nage, direct, conduct, pres. ind. pass, μετ άγομαι, -η, -εται. Μεταδαίννμαι and Μεταδαίομαι, f. -αίσομαι, (fr. μετά with, and δαϊς a feast) to live with, asso- ciate, be intimate with. Μεταδετέος, -a, -ov, (fr. μετά change, and δέω to tie) to be loosed, untied, released. Μεταδήμιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. μετά a- mong, and δήμος people) in one's own country, at home ; vulgar, common, epidemic. Μεταδιαιτάω -ω, (fr. μετά with or change, and δίαιτα mode of liv- ing) to live with, associate; to change the mode of living, con- form to. Μεταδιδάσκω, f. -ζω, (fr. μετά change, and διδάσκω to teach) to unteach, break off a habit, cor- rect. Μεταδιδόναι, inf. — Μεταδιδονς, par. pres. act. of next. Μεταδίδωμι, f. μεταδώσω, p. μετα- δίδωκα, (fr. μετά among v and δί- δωμι to give) to give part,-share among, divide, distribute ;,'io com- municate, impart, tell; to trans- fer, hand over, remove. 2 a. act. ind. μετέδων, -ως , -ω' impr. μέ- ταδος,-ότω' opt. μεταδοίην, -ης, -η' sub. μεταδώ, -ψς, -ω' inf. με- ταδονναι' par. μεταδονς. Μεταδίομαι, (fr. μετά after, - and δίω to drive) to run at or after ; to pursue, follow, attack. Μεταδιώκω, f. -ξω, (fr. same, and διώκω to follow) to follow, pur- sue, run after ; to recollect, re- member. Μεταδοκέω -ω, f. -ξω, (fr. same, and δοκίω to think) to change sentiments, alter tlie mind; to repent. Impers. it repents. Μεταδόρπιον, -ov, τό, (ir. μετά a- mong, and δόρπον a feast) a se- cond course, dessert. Μεταδόρπιος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same) at, in or after a feast, while sup- ping. Μετάδοσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. μετά among, and δίδωμι to give) a division, allotment, partition ; communication, information ; a distribution, donation. Μεταβατικός, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) MET ready to share, liberal, munifi- cent, generous. Μεταδότω, 3 sin. 2 a. impr. act. and Μεταδονν, for Μεταδονναι, 2 a. inf. act. of μεταδίδωμι. Μετάδονπος, -ov, b, r), (fr. μετά among, and δοϋπος a noise) fall- ing with noise, crashing ; falling in with or meeting unexpectedly. Μεταδρυμάδην, (fr. μετά among, and δρόμος a race, th. τρέχω to run) in the chase or pursuit, while pursuing. Μεταδρομή, -ης, η, (fr. same) a pursuit, chase, running after; a pursuer, an incursion, inroad. Μεταδριμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) α pursuer, avenger ; a bloodliound. Μεταδω, -ως, -ω, 2 a. sub. act. of μεταδίδωμι. Μεταείσεσθαι, Poet, for μετείσεσθαι, 1 f. inf. mid. of μέτειμι, io go with. Μεταζενγννμι,(ΐι•. μετά change, and ζενγννμι to yoke) to change the horses from one chariot to ano- ther, unyoke, unharness, pres. inf. μεταζενγννναί. Μεταθεΐν, pres. inf. act. cont. of μεταθεω. Μεταθεΐναι, inf. — Μεταβείς^ par. 2 a. act. of μετατίθημι. Μετάθεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. μετά change, and τίΟημι to put) a change, transposition ; a trans- lation, removal, emancipation; metathesis, a grammatical figure; a. μετάθεσιν. Μεταθετός, -ev, b, η, (fr. same) changeable, mutable, fickle, in- constant. Μεταθεω -ω, (fr. μετά after, and θέω to run) to run after, pursue, chase. Μετα^γδην, (fr. μετά with, and αΐσσω to rush) with violence, for- cibly, impetuously. Μεταΐζω, (fr. same, and 'ίζω to sit down) io sit in company with or together, keep company. Μεταίξας, 1 a. par. act. of με- τά ί'σσω. Μεταίρω, f. -άρω, (fr. μετά from, and αίοω to take) to transfer, remove, depart; to raise or lift up, set up on high ; to change, transform ; to weigh anchor, set sail, put to sea. 1 a. ind. act μίτιιρα, -ας, -ε. 1 a. ind. pass. μετήρθην. Μεταίσσω, f. -ξω, (fr. μετά against and αΐσσω to rush) to rush against, attack, assail. Μεταιτέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. μετά in- tens. and αιτέω to ask) to beg, ask alms; to ask or beg a share. Μεταιτής, -ov, b, (fr. same) α beg- gar, petitioner, asker, suitor. Μεταίτιος, -ov, b,i), (fr. μετά with and αιτία a cause) sharing, par- taking ; Subs, an associate, com panion, accomplice. Μεταίχμιον, -ov, το, (fr. μετά be- tween, and αιχμή a spear) the field of battle, space between two armies, interval. (388) MET Μεταίχμιος, -ov, b, t), (fr. same) coming between, intervening. Μετακαθίζω, (fr. μετά with of change, and καθίζω to sit down) to sit with or in company ; to move to another seat. Μετακαθ οπλίζω, (fr. μετά change, κατά intens. and b -κλίζω to arm, th. δχλον armour) to change the fashion of arms ; to equip, ac- coutre or arm similarly. Μετακαλέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. μετά back, and καλίω to call) to call back, recall; to call for, send for, invite. 1 f. ind. mid. -καλέ- σομαι, -η, -εται' 1 a. mid. ind. μετεκάλεσάμην, -ω, -ατο' impr. μετ-χκάλεσαι. Μετακέρασμα, -άτος, το, (fr. μετά among, and κεράω to mix) α mixture. Μετακεράω, or Μετακιρνάω -ω, (fr. same) to mix together, pour from one. into another. Μετακινεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. μετακεκί- νηκα, (fr. μετά change, and κι- νεω to move) to move about, move away, remove, move asun- der, separate; to set aside, an- nul. 1 a. act. μετεκίνησα. Μετακΐνησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) removal, change; com- motion, division, dissension. Μετακινητέος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) must be removed, to be changed, &c. Μετακίνητος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) lia- ble to be removed or set aside ; mutable, changeable. Μετακινούμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. cont. of μεπακινίω. Μετακιρνάομαι, (fr. μετά intens. and κιρνάω to mix) to mix, tem- per, dilute. Μετακίω, or Μετακιάθω, (fr. μετά change, and κίω to go) to fol- low, come after, succeed. Μετακλαίω, (fr. μετά after, and κλαίω to weep) to lament, weep, bewail, grieve after, regret, de- plore. Μετακλανσεσθαι, 1 f. inf. mid. nf last. Μετακλίνω, (fr. μετά after, and κλί- νω to bend) to bend to or after, decline ; to give way, yield. Μετακομίζω, f. -ί'σω, (fr. μετά change, and κομίζω to carry) to carry away or from, remove, transfer, convey. Μετακοσμίω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and κοσμεω to adorn) to exchange ornaments, transform, alter. Μετακόσμησις, -ιος, Att. -εωί, τ), (fr. same) transfiguration, change of shape. Μετακρονω, f. -οϋσω, (fr. μετά change, and κρούω to strike) to strike or row back; to changt place, shift. Μετακνλινδέω -ω, (fr. μετά change, and κνλινδίω, same as th. κυλίω to roll) to roll about, tumble. Μετακύμιος, -ov, b, >% (fr. μετά among, and κνμα a wave) a- vwng the ivaves, in the midst of | the waters. MET ΜεταλαβεΊν, inf. — Μεταλάβη, sub, 3 sin. — Μεταλαβων, par. 2 a. of μεταλαμβάνω. Μεταλαγχάνω, and Μεταλήχω, f. -ήξω, (fr. μετά among, and λαγ- χάνω to allot) to participate, share, partake, enjoy ; to receive, entertain, associate; to help, re- lieve. Μετάλακτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. μετά in- tens. and αλλάσσω to change) changed, altered ; reconciled, rendered kind. ΜεταΧαμβάνει, 3 sin. ind. — Μετα- Χαμβάνειν, inf. pres. act. of Μεταλαμβάνω, f. μεταλήψομαι, (fr. μετά, with, and Χαμβάνω to take) to share, participate ; to take, receive, obtain, get ; to con- ceive, apprehend, understand ; to change, exchange ; to take upon, undertake ; to succour, assist, help ; to translate, impf. ind. act. μετεΧάμβανον, -ες, -ε. 2 a. ind. act. μετέλάβον, -ες, -ε. Μ,εταΧγεω -ώ,* (fr. μετά with, and άΧγος grief) to regret, grieve for, repent of. Μεταλήγω, f. -ζω, (fr. μετά re- dund. and Χήγω to cease) to cease, leave off, desist. 1 a par. act. μεταλήζας' d. μεταλήζαντι. Μεταληπτος, -η, -bv, and ΜεταΧηπ τικδς, -ου, b, η, (fr. μετά with, and λαμβάνω to take) that which may be shared or distributed ; perceptible, intelligible. Μετάληψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. same) participation, sharing, di- vision; change, exchange; trans- formation ; removal, a. μετά- ληψιν. ΜετάΧΧα, pres. impr. act. — Με- τάΧΧησαν, Ion. for εμετάΧΧησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of μεταΧΧάω. Μεταλλαγή, -ης, ή, and Μετάλλα- ζις, -ιος, Att. ^εως, ή, (fr. μετά intens. and αΧΧάσσω to change) change, alteration ; exchange, commutation ; departure, re• moval. Μεταλλάσοντας, Dor. for μεταλλή- σοντας, a. pi. 1 f. par. act. of μεταΧΧάω. ΜεταΧΧάτος, Dor. for μεταλλητός. Μεταλλάττω -σσω, f. -ζω, p. μετήλ- λάχα, (fr. μετά intens. and αΧ- Χάσσω -ττω to change) to change or exchange for the worse ; de- base, corrupt ; to transform, transfigure ; transpose. 1 a. ind. act. μετήλλαζα, -ας, -ε. ΜεταΧΧάω -ω,ί. -ήσω, (fr. μέταλλον a mine) to seek for, search dili- gently ; scrutinize, examine ac- curately ; search into, explore. Μετάλλησαν, Ion. for εμετάΧΧη- σαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. Μεταλλεία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a mine. ' ΜεταλλεΓον, -ου, τδ, (fr. same) a foundery, mint. Μεταλλευτής, -οϋ, δ, (fr. next) a miner. Μεταλλευτικός, -η, -bv, (fr. next) belonging to metals, metallic. Μετάλλευα), f. -εύσω, (fr. μέταλλον MET metal) to mine, dig for metals ; to search for, examine ; to sap, undermine. Μετάλλητος, -ου, b, -η, (fr. same) must be searched for, difficult to be procured ; may be procured with trouble, accessible, attainable. Μεταλλικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. next) me- tallic. Μίταλλον, -ου, το, a metal, ore, mi- neral, mine ; also a mine in for- tification. Μετάλμενος, Sync, for μεθαλλόμε- νος, pres. par. of μεθάλλομαι. fr. μετά intens. and άλλομαι, which see. Μεταλωφέω -ω, (fr. μετά redund. and λωφέω to rest) to rest from labour, Μεταμάξιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. μετά be- tween, and μαζος the breast) between the breasts. Μεταμαίεσθαι, pres. inf. of μετα- μαίομαι, same as μαίομαι. Μεταμανθάνω, f. -μαθήσω, (fr. μετά after, and μανθάνω to learn) to learn afterwards, unlearn ; to re- pent, reform, amend; to alter, change, pres. par. act. μεταμαν- θάνων. 2 a. ind. act. μετέμάθον. Μεταμείβω, (fr. μετά intens. and αμείβω to change) to change, ex- change, deliver ; to escape, fee, avoid danger. Μεταμέλει, (fr. μετά change, and μέλει it concerns) it repents me, it grieves me, it causes me to re- gret.^ Μεταμέλεια, -ας, fj, (fr. same) re- pentance, sorrow, regret, change of opinion. Μεταμεληθεϊς, -ε7σα, -εν, 1 a par. pass Μεταμεληθήσεται, 3 sin. I f. ind. pass. — Μεταμελησαι, 1 a. inf. act. οι μεταμελίω or -aj&ii Μεταμελητίκος, -η, -ον,^ί&ψετά change, and μέλει it concerns) repentant, contrite. Μεταμελίη, -ης, η, Ion. for μετα- μέλεια. Μεταμέλομαι, and -έομαι -ονμαι, f• -ήσομαι, ρ. μεταμεμέλημαι, (fr. μετά change, and μέλει it concerns) to be sorry for, regret, repent, impf. μετεμελόμην and -εόμην -ονμην. 1 a. pass. ind. μετεμελήθην' par. μεταμεληθε'ις. 1 f. pass, μεταμεληθήσομαι, -η, -εται. Μετάμελος, -ου, δ, same as μετα- μέλεια. Μεταμέλττομαι, (fr. //ετα with, and μέλπω to sing) to sing with or in company, accompany. Μεταμορφούμεθα, 1 pi. cont. ind. — Μεταμορφουσθε, 2 pi. cont. ind. or impr. pres. mid. of Μεταμορφόω -ω, f. -ώσω, μεταμε- μόρφωκα, (fr. μετά change, and μορφή shape) to transform, change the appearance or colour ; to change, reform. 1 a. ind. pass. μετεμορφώθην, -ης, -η. Μεταμόρφωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) a transformation, me- tamorphosis, change. Μεταμφιέννϋμι, (fr. μετά change, (389) MET αμφι about, and εννυμι, same as th. έ'ω to put on) to change clothes, put on another dress, f. mid. μεταμφέσομαι. Μεταμώλιος, -ου, b, ή, Att. for Μεταμών'ίος, -ου, b, η, (fr. μετά with, and άνεμος the wind) use- less, vain, fruitless, visionary. Μεταναιέτης, -ου, b, (fr. μετά with, and να'ιω to inhabit) one who dwells with another ; an inmate, inhabitant. Μετανάστασις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, ,ή, (fr. μετά change, ανά again, and "στη μι to stand) removal, change, departure, emigration. Μεταναστεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. next) to emigrate, depart ; to cause emi- gration. Μετανάστης, -ου, b, and Μετανάσ- τιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. μετά from, and να'ιω to inhabit) a stranger, emigrant, exile, fugitive. Μετανείσσομαι, (fr. μετά change, and νείσσομαι, same as νέομαι to go) to move from one place to another, wander; to pass over, arrive at. Μετανέομαι, (fr. μετά intens. and νέομαι) to return. Μετανεύμενος, Dor. for μετανούμε- νος, par. pres. cont. of last. Μετανύτσεαί, Ion. for μετανίσση, 2 sin. pres. ind. of Μετανίσσομαι, same as μετανείσσο- μαι. Μετανίστημι, (fr. μετά change, ανά, again, and 'ίστημι to stand) to change an abode, remove ; to ex- pel, drive out, banish, cause emi- gration. Μετανοεΐν, inf. — Μετανοείτε, 2 pi. cont. ind. or impr. pres. act. of Μετανοεω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. μετανενόη- κα, (fr. μετά after or change, and νοέω to think) to understand af- terwards, be wise afterwards ; to change the opinion or mind; to repent, regret, reform. 1 a. act. ind. μετενόησα' impr. μετανόη- σαν, -άτω' sub. μετανοήσω, -ης, -η, in 3 pi. μετανοήσωσι. Μετάνοια, -ας, η, (fr. μετά change, and νοέω to think) repentance, sorrow, regret; reformation, a- mendment. Μετανοϋντας, a. pi. cont. pres. par. act. of μετανοέω. Μέταξα, -ας, η, silk, muslin. Μεταξύ, (fr. μετά among) in the midst of, between, in the mean- time, in the interim. With the article δ, η, το, mean, interme- diate, intervening. Μεταζυλογέω -ω, (fr. last, and λε^ω to speak) to speak in the mean- time ; to interrupt. Μεταζυλογία, -ας, η, (fr. same) in- terruption. Μεταπαιδεύω, (fr. μετά change, and ■παιδεύω to instruct) to instruct in a different manner; to cor- rect, improve. Μετατταιφάσσομαι, (fr. μετά redund. and -παιφάσσω to shine) to gleam , fash, shine, glitter. Μεταβάλλομαι, (fr. μετά among MET and ττάλλω to draw lots) to re- ceive a lot, be-assigned or get by lot. Μεταπαύομαι, (fr. μετά between, and παύω to cease) to do any thing at intervals ; to stop, cease or rest between. Μεταπαυσωλη, -ης, η, (fr. same) an interval of rest, cessation, pause, stop. Μεταπείθω, (fr. μετά change, and πείθω to persuade) to induce another to alter an opinion; to persuade, prevail upon. Μεταπειράομαι, (fr. μετά after, and πειράζω to attempt, th. πεΐρα an attempt) to attempt again, make another attempt. Μεταπεμπύμενος, par. pres. pass, of Μεταπέμπω, f. -ψω, or Μεταπέμπο- μαι, (fr. μετά after, and πέμπω to send) to send for, call, go for, fetch. 1 a. mid. ind. μετεπεμψά- μην, -ω, -ατο. 1 a. ind. pass. μετεπέμφθην. Μετάπεμπτος, -ου, δ, 17, (fr. same) sent for, called for or upon, cited. Μεταπεμφθεϊς, par. 1 a. pass, and Μετάπεμψαι, impr. — -Μεταπέμψα- σθαι, inf. — Μεταπέμψηται, 3 sin. sub. 1 a. mid. of μεταπέμπω. Μετάπεμψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) a summons, citation, call- ing for. Μεταπέτομαι, (fr. μετά change, and πέτομαι to fly) to fly from one place to another, fly, fly away. Μεταπηδάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. μετά change, and πηδάω to leap) to leap over, jump from one to ano- ther ; to digress. Μεταπήδησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) a leaping over y jumping ^from one to another. Μεταπίπτω, (fr. μετά change, and πίπτω to fall) to fall off or away, relapse, change for the worse ; to change the mind, alter the opi- nion ; to become, turn out. Μεταπλασμος, -ου, b, (fr. next) transformation, transfiguration ; mttaplasm, a grammatical figure. Μεταπλάσσω, (fr. μετά change, and πλάσσω -ττω to form) to trans- form, change in shape, pres. par. act. μεταπλάσσων. Μεταποιίω, (fr. same, and ποιέω to make) to transform, alter, change. Μεταποιέομαι -ουμαι, to claim, lay claim to. Μεταπρέπει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of μεταπρέπω. Μεταπρεπής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. next) conspicuous, excellent, sur- passing, pre-eminent. Μεταπρεπω, (fr, μετά among, and πρέπω to be conspicuous) to ex- cel, surpass, outshine, impf. ind. act. μετέπρεπον. Μεταπτοιέω -ώ, (fr. μετά intens. and πτοιέω, Poet, for πτοέω to fear) to dread, tremble, shiver, quake. Μεταρίθμος, -ov f b, η, (fr. μετά with, and αριθμός a number) numbered, arranged. MET Μεταρρέω -ω, (fr. μετά change, and ρέω to flow) to ebb and flow. Μεταρρίπτω, (fr. same, and ρίπτω to throw) to throw from one to another, throw ox fling about. Μεταρρυθμίζω, f. -«σω, (fr. μετά change, and ρυθμίζω to adorn) to alter an arrangement, ar- range, adapt, fit ; to amend, cor- rect, reform ; to turn to one's purpose, tame, subdue. Μετάρσιος, -ου, b, η~, (fr. μετά in- tens. and α'ιρίω to raise) on high, sublime, elevated, lofty, high ; stalely, proud. Μεταρσώω -ω, (fr. same) to raise aloft. Μέταρσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) elevation ; removal ; change. Μετασεύομαι, (fr. μετά after, and σεύω to hasten) to fly after, hurry, hasten, rush. Μετασκευάζω, f. -άσω, p. μετεσκεύ- ακα, (fr. μετά change, and σκευά- ζω to prepare, th. σκευή furni- ture) to transform, change. Μετασκευή, -ης, η, (fr. same) change, transformation; beauty of style. Μετασκηνόω -ω, (fr. μετά change, and σκηνος a tent) to pitch a tent in another place. Μετασπάο) -ώ, (fr. μετά change, and σπάω to draw) to draw aside, warp, twist, turn, bias; to draw asunder, rend, tear. Μετάσπω, (fr. μετά after, and σπό- μαι, Poet, for έπομαι to follow) to follow after, chase, pursue. 2 a. act. ind; μέτεσπον. par. με- τάσπων. par. pres. mid. μετασ- πόμενος. Μετασταθω, 1 a. sub. pass. — Με- ταστήσας, par. 1 a. act. of με- ΘΊστημι. Μετάστασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f], (fr. μετά change, and "ιστημι to stand) emigration, departure, removal, banishment ; death. Μεταστάω -ω, (fr. same) to change, migrate, remove, depart. Μεταστίλλω, -ομαι, (fr. same, and στέλλω to send) to send for, call, invite. Μεταστίνω, -ομαι, (fr. μετά with, and στένω to lament) to lament with, condole, sympathize. Μεταστηναι, 2 a. inf. act. — Με- ταστησαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Με- ταστήσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. of μεθίστημι. εταστοιχει, (fr. μετά according to, and στο'ιχος a rank) in ranks, in a row, one after the other. Μεταστοναχίζετο, Ion. for μετεστο- ναχ'ιζετο, 3 sin. impf. mid. of Μεταστοναχίζω, same asju εταστένω. Μεταστρατοπεδεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. μετά change, and στρατοπίδον a camp) to remove the camp, strike the tents. Μεταστραφείς, 2 a. par. pass. — Μεταστραφήσομαι, -η, -εται, 2 f. ind. "pass. — Μεταστραφήτω, 3 sin. 2 a. impr. pass. — Μετα- στρεώαι, 1 a. inf. act. of Γ (390) MET Μεταστρέφω, f. -ψω, p. μετέστρε- φα, (fr. μετά change, and στρέφω to turn) to turn from one side to another; to turn about or over; to change , alter, vary ; to per- vert, distort ; divert, turn away , to subvert, overturn, overthrow. 1 a. μετέστρεχρα. 2 a. ind. act. μετέστράφον. 2 a. pass. ind. μι- τεστράφην, -ης, -η. ■ Μεταστροφή, -ης, η, (fr. same) turning away or from, change, perversion. ΜετασχεΊν, 2 a. inf. act. of μετέχω. Μετασχηματιζόμενος, -η, -ov, par. τ— Μετασχηματίζονται, ind. 3 pi. pres. pass. — Μετασχηματί- σει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of Μετασχηματίζω, f. -ίσω, p. μετε- σχημάτικα, (fr. μετά change, and σχηματίζω to form, th. σχήμα a figure) to transform, transfigure, transfer figuratively. 1 a. ind. act. μετεσχημάτισα. Μετασχηματισμός, -ου, b, (fr. same) transfiguration, change of form or appearance. Μετάσχω, sarrre as μετέχω. Μετατάσσω, (fr. μετά change, and τάσσω to array) to change the position, alter the line of battle ; to change opinion ; to change sides, desert. Μετατιθέμενος, -η, -ov, pass. — Μετατιθέντες, act. n. pi. par. — ΜετατίΟεσθε, ind. pres. 2 pi. pass, of Μετατίθημι, f. μεταθήσω, p. μετα- τέθεικα, (fr. μετά change, and τίθημι to put) to transfer, re- move, convey, translate ; to change, alter, turn, transpose ; to pervert, par. pres. act. μετατι- θείς. 1 a. ind. act. μετέθηκα, irreg. 1 a. ind. pass, μετετέθην. Μετατρέπη, -εται, 2 and 3 sin. pres. ind. pass, of Μετατρε'πω, f. -ψω, (fr. μετά to- wards, and τρέπω to turn) to turn to or towards ; to turn back ; to retract. Μετατρέπομαι, to turn one's self to ; to mind, attend to, regard. Μετατροπαλίζω, (fr. μετά back, and τροπαλίζω, same as τρέπω to turn) to turn about, face; to rally. Μετατροπή, -ης, and Μετατροπία, -ας, >/, (fr. same, and τρέπω to turn) change, conversion, revo- lution, restoration. Μετάτροπο?, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) liable to change, variable, change- able, fickle ; altered, changed, restored. Μεταυδάω, f. -j /σω, (fr. μετά be- tween, and ανδάω to speak) to interrupt ; to address, speak to. Μέταυλος, -ου, b, same as μέσανλος. Μεταύριον, (fr. μετά after, and αύ- ρων the morrow) the day after to-morrow. Μεταυτίκα, (fr. same, and αύτίκα immediately) immediately after. Μεταυτις, Ion. for μετά ταυτά, after these things, afterwards. Μεταφερόμενος, -η, -ov, pres. par» mid. or pass, of MET Μεταφέρω, -εις, -ει, f. μετοίσω, (fr. μετά change, and φίρω to bring) to transfer, remove, carry away, transport; to change, alter; to assign, attribute, refer. Μεταφί- ίομαι, to follow, pursue, chase. a. ind. act. μετήνεγκα. per. inf. pass, μετήνεχθαι, Att. μετε- νηνίχθαι. Μετάφημι, (fr. μετά among, and φημί to speak) to interrupt; to address, speak to, aecost ; to speak after or in turn. Μεταφορά, -άς, //, (fr. μετά change, and φίρω to bring) removal, translation, conveyance ; refer- ence, allusion, metaphor. Μεταφορικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) trunsfered, removed; metaphori- cal, relative, allusive. Μεταφορΐκως, (fr. last) metaphori- cally. Μεταφράζω, (fr. μετά change, and φράζω to speak) to interpret, translate, paraphrase, explain. Μεταφράζομαι, to deliberate, con- sider, hesitate, doubt. Μετάφράσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. same) translation, interpreta- tion, explanation, paraphrase. Μεταφρασόμεσθα, Dor. for μετα- φρασόμχθα, 1 pi. 1 f. mid. of με- ταφράζω. Μεταφραστής, -ου, δ, (fr. μετά change, and φράζω to speak) an interpreter, commentator, ex- pounder. Μεταφραστικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) explained, commented on ; ex- planatory, elucidating. Μετάφρενον, -ου, τδ, (fr. μετά be- hind", and φρην the heart) the back, shoulders. Μεταφυτεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. μετά change, and φυτεύω to plant) to transplant. Μεταφωνέω -ω, (fr. μετά after, and φωνίω to speak) to speak in turn or after; to address, speak to, accost. Μεταχάζομαι, (fr. μετά back, and χάζω to retreat) to retire, give way, recede. Μεταχειρίζω or -ομαι, (fr. μετά among, and χεϊρ the hand) to handle, wield, manage ; to regu- late, conduct, control ; to govern, rule, command ; to actuate, in- fluence. Μεταχρόνιαι, η. pi. fem. of Μεταχρόνιος, -a, -ov, and -ov, b, η, (fr. μετά after, and χρόνος time) subsequent, happening after- wards. Or, (fr. μετά beyond, and χρόνος time) sublime, on high, in the air. Μεταχρόω, (fr. μετά change, and χρως the skin) to change the skin. Μεταχωρέω -ω, (fr. μετά change, and χωρέω to depart) to remove, withdraw, recede, yield. Μετίβαλον, -ες, -t, 2 a. ind. act of μεταβάλλω. Μετίβην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. act. of μεταβαίνω. Μετέειπε, Poet, for μετεΊπε, 3 sin. 1 or 2 a. ind. act. of μετέπω. MET Μετίησι, Ion. and Poet. Parag. for μετή, 3 sin. pres. sub. of μίτειμι. Μετίθηκα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of μετατίθημι. Μέτει, for μίτεση, 2 sin. f. ind. of μίτειμι, to be with, ετείην, -ης, -η, pres. opt. of μί- τειμι. Μετείληφα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. of μεταλαμβάνω. Μίτειμι, (fr. μετά with, and ειμϊ to be) to be present, among or at ; to belong to; to converse, asso- ciate, stay with, accompany ; to share with or in, have a part, be interested ; to intervene, occur, happen, pres. ind. 3 pi. μετίασι, Ion. for μετεισί' inf. μετεΊναι, Poet, μιτίμμεναι' par. μετών, Ion. μετεών f. ind. μετέσομαι, Poet, μετίσσομαι. Μίτειμι, (fr. μετά with or after, and εΊμι to go) to go for ; to go with, accompany ; to go after or afterwards, follow ; to pursue, hunt, chase ; to canvass, solicit ; to follow up, prosecute, avenge, punish; to pass over, desert ; to return, come back. 1 a. μετεΊσα, Att. μετήϊσα, and μετήσα. ΜετεΊναι, pres. inf. Μίτεστι, pres. ind. 3 sin. of μίτειμι, to be with. Μετείς, Ion. for μεθεις, 2 a. par. act. of μεθίημι. Μετείσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. of μίτειμι, to go with. Μετείχες, 2 sin. impf. act. of με- τέ Χ ω • Μετεκαλίσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of μετακαλίω. Μετεκίαθεν, 3 sin. impf. of μετα- κιάθω. Μετεκφίρω, (fr. μετά intens. εκ from, and φίρω to carry) to stand foremost, excel, be conspi- cuous. Μετελάμβάνον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of μεταλαμβάνω. Μίτελθε, impr. — Μετελθων, par. 2 a. act. of μετέρχομαι. Μετεμβαίνω, (fr. μετά change, εν in, and βαίνω to go) to embark. Μετεμελήθητε, 2 pi. of μετεμελήθην, 1 a. ind. pass, of μεταμίλομαι. Μετίμμεναι, Ion. and Dor. for με- τεΊναι, pres. inf. of μίτειμι, to be witp.. Μετεμορφώθη, pass. — Μετεμόρ- φωσε, act. 3. sin. 1 a. ind. of μεταμορφόω. Μετεμψυχόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. μετά again, εν in, and ψυχή the soul) to transfer life or pass from one body to another. Μετεμψύχωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) transmigration of souls, transfer of the soul from one body to another. ΜεΓενδύω,ΐ. -ύσω, (fr. μετά change, and ενδύω to put on) to change dress or appearance. Μετενήνοχα, -ας, -ε, Att. for μετή νοχα, per. ind. mid. οι μεταφέρω Μετενόησαν, 3 pi. -νόησε or -σεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of μετανοίω. Μετεντίθημι, (fr. μετά ehange, εν (391) MET in, and τίθημι to put) to land or remove a cargo. Μετεξαιρίω, f. -ήσω, (fr. μετά change, εκ out, and αιρίω to take) same as μετεντίθημι. Μετεξίτεροι, -αι, -a, (fr. μετά among, εκ from, and έτερος ano» ther) some others. Μετεον, Ion. for μετον, neut. of μετών, -ούσα, -bv, pres. par. of μίτειμι, to be with. Μετίπειτ', and Μ ετίττει τα, (fr. μετά change, επί upon, and εΐτα then) afterwards. Μετεπίμψαντο, 3 sin. — Μετεπίμ- ψασθε, 2 pi. 1 a. ind.. mid. of με- ταπίμ-ω. Μετέπω, (fr. μετά among, and /πω to speak) to speak in public or with others ; to address, ha- rangue. Μετίρχεο, Ion. for μετίρχον, pres. impr. mid. of Μετέρχομαι, (fr. μετά change, and έρχομαι to go) to go for ; to go or come to, approach, be present with ; to pass over or by, return, come back ; to follow after, pur- sue, chase ; to seek, search, in- quire after ; to draw near, sup- plicate, beg, entreat; to address, accost, speak to ; to follow up, prosecute, revenge. 1 f. ind. mid. μετελενσομαι. 2 a. ind. act. με- τήλθαν. Μετεστεώσης, Ion. for μεθεστώσης, g. sin. fem. per. par. act. of με- θίστημι. Μετίστησα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of μεθίστημι. Μίτεστι, 3 sin. pres. ind. of μίτει- μι, to share with. Μίτεσχε, 3 sin. 2 a. — Μετίσχηκα, -ας, -ε or -εν, per. ind. act. of μετέχω. Μετεσχημάτισα, 1 a. ind. act. of μετασχηματίζω. Μετετίθην, -;;?, -η, 3 pi. -τίθησαν, 1 a. ind. pass, οι μετατίθημι. Μετετίθει, 3 sin. impf. ind. act. as iffr. μετατιθίω, for μετατίθημι. Μετίφην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. of μετά- φημι. - Μετεφώνεεν, 3 sin. impf. act. of με- ταφωνέω. Μίτεχε, impr. — Μετίχειν, inf. pres. act. — Μετίχομεν, -χουσι, 1 and 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Μετέχων, par. pres. act. of Μετέχω, f. μεθίξω, p. μετίσχηκα, (fr. μετά with, and ίχω to have) to share, partake, participate, share in, enjoy. 2 a. μίτεσχον, -ες, -ε. Μετεω, Ion. for μίτω, pres. sub. of μίτειμι. Μετίωρα, -ων, τα, (neut. οι μετέω- ρος aerial) meteors. Μετεωρίζω, f. -"σω, (fr. same) to raise aloft, elevate, rear ; to put out to sea; to be agitated, be in suspense, be flattered with false hopes. Μετεωρίζομαι, to be puff- ed up, swell with anxiety or pride. 1 a. ind. pass, μετεωρίσθην. 1 f. pass, μετεωρισθήσομαι. Μετεωρισμός, -υν, Ό, ΆΤιάΜετεώρισις -ιος, &, (fr. same) an elevation^ MET raising on high ; a wave or swell• in the sea ; elation, pride. Μετεωρολογέω -ω, (fr. next, and λέγω to talk) to reason or argue about sublime things, talk above one's self, engage in idle disqui- sition. Μετέωρος, -ov, b,%, (fr. μετά among and άηρ the air) lofty, elevated, on high, above the ground ; sub lime, noble, magnificent ; sus pended, floating in the air, soar- ing ; fluctuating, wavering, wan- dering ; floating or sailing on the sea; agitated with hope ox fear, in suspense, anxious, solicitous. Μετεώρως, (fr. last) in suspense, in doubt. Μετήϊσαν, Ion. for μετεΊσαν, 3 pi. of μετεΐσα, Att. -ρσα, Ion. -ήισα, 1 a. of μέτειμι. Μετήλθε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of μετέρχομαι. Μετήλλαξαν, 3 pi/ 1 a. ind. act. of μεταλλάσσω -ττω. Μετήλϋθεν, 3 sin. of μετήλυθον. Sync, μετηλθον, 2 a. ind. act. of μετέρχομαι. Μετήορος, Poet, for μεταίωρος, same as μετέωρος. Μετηρεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of μεταίρω. Μετήσεσθαι, Ion. for μεθήσεσθαι, 1 f. inf. mid. of μεθίημι. Μετηύδα, 3 sin. cont. impf. ind. act. of μεταυδάω. Μετίειν, Ion. for μεθίειν, for μεθιέ- ναι, pres. inf. of μεθίημι. Μετιέναι, Ion. for μεθιέναι, pres. inf. act. — Μετίεσθαι, Ion. for μεθίεσθαι, pres. inf. pass, of με- θίημι. Μετίημι, Ion. for μεθίημι. Μέτίθι, pres. impr. of μέτειμι, to go after. Μετίσχειν, for μετέχειν, pres. inf. act. of μετέχω. Μετοικεσία, -ας, η, (fr. μετά change, and ο7κος a house) removal, emi- gration, transportation ; exile, captivity, banishment. Μετοικέω -ω, ΐ. -ήσω, (fr. same) to cause emigration, transport, send into banishment; to remove, de- part, migrate. Μετοίκησις, -ως, Att. -εως, jy, same as μετοικεσία. Μετοικία, -ας, η, (fr. μετά change, and όΐκος a house) emigration, exile ; a colony. Μετοικίζω, f. -ίσω, Att. μετοικιω, p. μετωκικα, (fr. same) to cause emigration, transport, banish, send away, remove ; to colonize ; to change residence, migrate, de- part. 1 a. ind. act. μετώκισα. Μετοίκικος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) belonging to strangers, aliens or sojourners. Μετοίκων, -ου, το, (fr. same) a tax on aliens or foreign settlers, their market-place or exchange. Μετοικιστης, -ου, b, (fr. same) an alien, foreigner, emigrant. Μετοικιω, Att. for μετοικίσω, 1 f. md. act. οι μετοικίζω. Μέτοικος, -ου, b, η, (fr. μετά MET ι change, and οίκος a housed a so- journer in the land, settler, fo reigner, emigrant, stranger; an exile, captive. Μετοίχομαι, (fr. μετά with, and οίχομαι to depart) to go with, go to, assail, attack, impf. ind. με- τωχόμην, -ου, -ετο. Μετοκλάζω, (fr. μετά intens. and οκλάζω to kneel) to bend the knees, rest on the knees; to totter, be weak in the knees. Μετονομάζω, -ομαι, (fr. μετά change, and ονομάζω to name, th. όνομα a name) to take ano- ther name, assume a new name, change the name. Μετοπάζω, (fr. μετά after, and οπάζω to follow) to go along with, accompany ; to bring to, send with, give, bestow upon. Μέτοπις, -Έδος, η, same as όπις. Μετόπισθε or -θεν, (fr. μετά intens. and οπίσω backwards) from be- hind, afterwards, hereafter. Μετοπωρϊνον, (neut. of next) in autumn, in harvest. Μετο-ωρινάς, -η, -bv, (fr. next) au- ttimnal. Μετόπωρον, -ου, το, (fr. μετά after, and οπώρα the autumn) the har- vest time. , Μετόρχων, -ου, το, (fr. μετά be- tween, and όρχος a row of trees) the space between the rows; an alley. Μετουσία, -ας, η, (fr. μετά with, and ειμί to be) felloviship, part- nership, communion ; intercourse, access. Μετοχετεύω, (fr. μετά intens. and οχετεύω to make drains, th. οχε- τός a canal) to drain, convey viater, cut drains. Μετοχή, -ης, η, (fr. μετέχω to share) participation, sharing, partaking, agreement, communion. Μετοχλίζω, (fr. μετά change, and οχλεϋς a bar) to wrench or force open, burst through or asunder, move aside. Μέτοχος, -ov, b, η, (fr. μετέχω to share) a partaker, associate, partner. Μέτρα, η. pi. of μέτρον. ΜετρεΊ, 3 sin. μετρεϊτε, 2 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. — ΜετρεΧσθαι, pres. inf. pass. cont. of Μετρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. μεμέτρηκα, (fr. μέτρον a measure) to mea- sure, mete, take the measure of; to value, estimate ; to measure out ; to lend, bestow, return, re- pay. Μετρέομαι -ουμαι, to be mea- sured, receive measure, borrow. 1 a. ind. act. εμέτρησα' impr. μέτρησον, -άτω. per. ind. pass. μεμέτρημαι. 1 a. ind. pass, εμε- τρήθην, -ης, -η. 1 f. ind. pass. μετρηθήσομαι. Μέτρημα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) a measured allowance, salary, re- ward. Μέτρησις, -ως, Att. -εως, β, (fr. same) a measure, dimension. Μετρητής, -ου, b, (fr. same) a mea- surer, surveyor. Also, a mea- '(-392) MEX sure, containing about two gal Ions and a half of dry, or sevea gallons and a half of liquid. Μετρητός, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) mea- sured, given by measure. Μετριάζω, (fr. μέτριος moderate, th. μέτρον a measure) to be mo- derate, content ; to restrain one's self, keep within bounds; to be unassuming, modest. Μετρίκος, -ή, -δι/, (fr. μέτρον a measure) according to measure. Μετριοπάθεια, -ας, η, (fr. μέτριος moderate, and -πάθος an affection of the mind) moderation, equa- nimity, forbearance, indulgence., allowance. Μετριοπαθέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. μεμετρι- οπάθηκα, (fr. same) to moderate anger, forbear, endure, pardon ; to treat mildly, be kindly affected towards ; to condole with, sym- pathize, pres. inf. cont. μετριο- παθεΐν. ετριοπάθης, -έος -ους, b, ί], (fr. same) moderate, forbearing, for- giving ; affectionate, mild, gentle. Μέτριος, -a, -ov or -ου, J>, η, (fr. μέτρον a measure) moderate, not too much, enough, sufficient ; scanty, sparing; gentle, mild, lenient ; temperate, modest ; just, upright, equitable. Μετριότης, -ητος, f}, (fr. last) mo- deration, forbearance ; modesty ; mediocrity. Μετρίως, (fr. μέτριος moderate) moderately, temperately, modest- ly ; but sufficiently, hardly, scan- tily. Μέτρον, -ου, το, a measure; rule, moderation, bound, limit, metre, a poetic measure ; proportion. Μετροποιία, -ας, η, (fr. μέτρον metre, and ποιέω to make) versification. Μετρονντες, η. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of μετρέω. Μετώκισα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. οι μετοικίζω. Μετωνομάζετο, 3 sin. impf. ind. pass, οΐ μετονομάζω. Μετωνυμία, -ας, η, (fr. μετά change, and όνομα a name) a change of name. Metonymia, a figure in rhetoric. Μετωνυμίκος, -η, -bv, (fr. last) by or in the way of metonymy, figur- ative. Μετωννμικως, (fr. last) by metony- my, figuratively. Μετωπηδον, (fr. next) face to face, front to front, prow to prow ; in a row, in line, in one front. Μέτωπον or Μετώπων, -ου, το, (fr. " μετά between, and ώ\μ the eye) the forehead, front, face ; the prow of a ship ; the front of a line of battle. Μετώπω, Dor. for μετώπου, g. sin. Μετωπόσκοπος, -ου, b, ?/, (fr. last, and σκέπτομαι to examine) an examiner of the face, physiogno- mist. Μετώχετο, 3 sin. of μετωχόμην, -ov-, ετο, impf. ind. of μετοίχομαι. Μεϋ, Dor. for μου, g. sin. of εγώ. Μέχρι or Μέχρις^ before a vowel, ΜΗΔ as far as, as long as, until, unlo, while, tvhilst, for some way or time. Μέχρις αν, as long as. Μέ- χρι παντός, for ever. Μη, not, lest, whether. Μήγε, (fr. μή not, and γε indeed) no truly. Μηδαμή, and Dor. Μηδαμγ, never, no where, by no means. Μηδαμηγε, same as last. Μηδαμόθεν, (fr. μηδαμος none, and θχν from a place) from no where, from no part. Μηδαμόθι and Μηδαμόσε, (fr. next) no where. Μηδαμος, -ή, -ov, (fr. μη not, δε truly, and αμός some one) not even one, no one, none. Μηδαμοϋ, (fr. last) no where, in no place. Μηδαμως, (fr. same) by no means, in no wise. Μηδε,Μηδ', (fr. μη not, and δε in- deed) neither, not even, nor. Μήδεα, pi. of μήδος. Μηδεία, -ας, ή, Medea, a woman's name. Μήδειοι, -ων, o\, for Μήδοι, the Medes or Medians. Μήδίίος, -ου, b, Medeus, a man's name. Μηδεϊς, μηδεμία, μηδέν, g. μηδενός, μηδεμίας, μηδενός, (fr. μή not, δε truly, and εΊς one) not one, none, no one. Μηδεμία, -ας, and Ion. -ης, η. and g. fern. — Μηδεμίαν, a. fem. of last. Μηδέν, neut. — Μηδενός, g. — Μη- δενϊ,ά. — Μηδενα, a. of same. Μήδεο, Ion. for μήδου, pres. impr. mid. of μήδομαι. Μηδέποτ and Μηδέποτε, (fr. μηδέ neither, and ποτέ ever) never, not at any time. Μηδέπω, (fr. same, and enclitic πω somewhat) not as yet, by no means. Μηδέτερος, -a, -ov, (fr. μηδέ neither, and 'έτερος another) neither one or other, neither of the. two, nei- ther. Μηδετέρωσε, (fr. last) on neither side, on neither party. Μήδετο, Ion. for εμήδετο, 3 sin. impf. of μήδομαι. Μήδια, -ας, η, the country of the Medes, Media. Μηδικός, -η, -όν, (fr. last) of .or belonging to the Medes, Me- dian. Μηδίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. same) to fa- vour or imitate the Medes. Μήδισμος, -ου, b, partiality to the cause of the Medes. Μηδόλως, (fr. μηδέ neither, and όλως totally) by no means, not at all. Μήδομαι, (fr. μήδοςο&τβ) to lake the care or charge of, be concerned for ; to think, meditate ; to con- sult, deliberate ; to contrive, plan, design. 1 f. mid. μήσομαι, 1 a. mid. εμησάμην, -ω, -ατο. Μηδος, -εος -ους, το, care, regard ; counsel, advice; plan design, scheme. Μηδέα, the privities. 3D ΜΗΛ Μήδος, -ου, b, an inhabitant of Media ; a Mede, or Median. Μηδοτωΰν, (fr. μηδί neither, 'ότι what, and ovv therefore) by no means, in no wise, not in the least. Μήθ' for μήτε, neither. ΜηθεΙς, μηθεμία,μηθεν,Β&ΐηβ 0.S μη- δείς. Μηκάξω, (fr. next) to bleat. Or, (fr. μήκος length) to stretch, ex- tend. Μηκάω, Μηκέω, Μηκάομαι, tobleat; to moan, groan, utter a helpless cry. Μηκάς,-αδος,η, (fr. last) ableater; a goat, kid. Μηκέτι, (fr. μη not, and ετί any longer) no longer. Μήκιστα, (fr. next) at length, at last. Μήκιστος, -ου, b, η, (sup. of μήκος length) longest, tallest; farthest, most distant. Μήκος, -εος -ους, τό, length, extent, distance ; tallness, height, sta- ture. Μηκϋνω,ΐ. -ΰνώ, (fr. last) tolength- en, prolong, delay. 1 a. εμήκΰνα. pres. pass, μηκύνομαι. Μηκύνηται, 3 sin. pres. sub. pass, of last. Μήκων, -ωνος, and Μηκωνίς, -ίδος^ ,/, (fr. μήκος length) apoppy. Μηκώνιον, -ου, τό, (fr. last) the juice of the poppy, laudanum. Μήλα, pi. of μήλον. Μηλάνθη, -ης, >), (fr. μηλία an ap- ple-tree, and άνθος a flower) a kind of beetle which lives on the blossoms of the apple-tree. Μηλάω, (fr. μήλον an apple) to ga-. ther apples. Μήλεα, -ας, η, an apple-tree. Μήλειος or Μήλιος, -a, -ov, (fr. μή- λον sheep) belonging to sheep. Μήλη, -ης, η, a probe. Μήλιδες, -ων, αί, (fr. μήλον an ap- ple) nymphs who preside over apple-trees. Μ^λίΟί, -a, -ov, ofMelos, an island. Also, (fr. μήλον a sheep) belong- ing to or of sheep. Μηλίτης, -ου, b, ή, (fr. μήλον an apple) made of apples or the juice of apples. Μηλόβοσις, -ιος, ί), (fr. μήλον sheep, and βόσκω to feed) a shepherdess. Μηλοβοτέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same) to feed sheep, herd, graze. Μηλοβοτήρ, -ήρος, and Μηλοβοτής, -ου, b, (fr. same) a shepherd. Μηλόβοτος,-ου, b, η, (fr. same)/ed on by sheep, under sheep, pastur- ed, good for pasture ; deserted, wild, forsaken. Μηλοδόχος,-ου^,}), (fr. μήλον sheep, and δέχομαι to receive) lodging sheep, receiving sheep for sacri- fices ; epithet of a temple. Μηλοθύτης, -ου, b, (fr. same, and θ-ύω to sacrifice) a priest. Μήλον, -ου, το, Dor. Μ«λον, an apple, quince or any round fruit ; an apple-tree ; a sheep ; small cattle, property, substance, produce, wealth ; a pet, darling. (393) ΜΗΝ Mf /λα,ρΐ. the cheeks; the breasts, the lips ; glands in the throat / an inflammation or disease in the eyes. Μηλονομευς,-έος,ΑΜ.-ίως,ΆΏάΜη- λονόμος, -ου, b, (fr. μήλον sheep, ' and νέμω to feed) a shepherd. Μηλοπάρηος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. μήλον an apple, and παρειά a cheek) rosy- cheeked, blooming. Μήλος -ου, ή, an island. Μηλόσπορος, -ου, b, η, (fr. μήλον ΆΤΙ apple-tree, and σπείρω to sow) planted with apple-trees. Μηλοτρόφος, -ου, b, η, (fr. μήλον a sheep, and τρέψω to feed) feed- ing sheep. Μηλοφορέω, (fr. μήλον an apple, and φέρω to bear) to bear or pro- duce apples. Μηλόω, (fr. μήλη a probe) to probe, syringe, dress a wound ; to plunge or dip, immerge. Μιιλωτή, -ής, f), (fr. μήλον a sheep) a sheep-skin. Μηλωτρϊς -ίδος, -η, an ear-picker or probe. Μήλωψ, -οπός, b, ή~, (fr. μήλον an apple, and ώψ appearance) co- loured like apples, rosy, ruddy. Μήν, indeed, truly certainly ; how- ever, then } but. Τί μην, what then ? Μην, μηνός, b, (fr. μήνη the moon) a month. Μήνατο, Ion. for εμήνατο, 3 sin. 1 a. mid. of μαίνομαι. Μήνη, -ης, and Dor. Μάνα, -ας, and Μήνας, -αδος, ή, the moon. Μήνι'' for μήνιε, pres. impr. of μη- νίω. Μηνιαίος, -a, -ov, (fr. μην a month) monthly, of a month. Μηνίαμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. μήνις anger) anger, wrath, indignation. Μηνιάω, f. -άσω, (fr. same) to be angry, enraged. Μήνιγζ, -ιγγος, >% a thin skin, the membrane containing the brain ; the dura mater or pia mater ; se- diment of wine. Μηνιθμός, -ov, ή, (fr. μήνις anger) divine wrath, indignation, an- ger. Μ)'/νιμα, -ατός, τό, same as last. Μήνις, -ιος, ή, anger, wrath, indig- nation, a sin. μήνιν. Μηνίσας, -ασα, -αν, 1 a. par. act. of μηνίω. Μήνισκος, -ου, b, (dim. of μήνη the moon) a little moon, half-moon, crescent. Μηνίω, f. -ϊσω, p. -κα, same as μη- νιάω. Μηνοειδής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. μήνη the moon, and εΤδος form) shap- ed like the moon, formed like a half-moon or crescent ; horn- ed. Μηνυθείσης, g. fem. par. pass. — Μηνύσαντα, a. sin. par. act. — Μήνυση, 3 sin. sub. act. 1 a. of μηνύω. Μηνϋσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, Μήνϋ μα, -άτος, τό, (fr. μηνύω to show) a discovery, indication, intima- tion, sign, information. ΜΗΤ Μηητης, ου, b, (fr. same) a dis- coverer, informer, declarer. Μηνύω, f. -ΰσω,ρ. μεμήνυκα, to dis- cover, show, inform, disclose, point out ; to signify, sign, give notice of; to declare, tell, pub- lish. 1 a. act. ind. εμήνυσα' inipr. μήνυσαν, -άτω' sub. μηνύ- σω, -ης, -τ]• par. μηνύσας, -ασα, -αν. 1 a. pass. ind. εμηνύθην par. μηνυθείς, -έϊσα, -έν. Μ//' πι βάλης for^i) επιβάτης, 2 sin. 2 a.-sub. act. of επιβάλλω. Μη' πιτάμης for μη επίτομης, 2 sin. 2 a. sub. act. of επιτεμνω. Μήποτε, (fr. μή lest, and ποτέ ever) lest at any time ; never. Μήπω, (fr. μη not, and πω at all) not yet. Μήπως, (fr. μη not, and -τως at all) lest by any means, peradventure, perhaps. Μηρά, pi. of μηρός. Μηρί' for μηρία, pi. of μηρίον. Μήρινθος or Μ^ρυνθοί, -υν, η, also Σμήρινθος, (fr. μ»7ρύω to wind) α rope, cord, thread, string, line. Μηρίον, -ου, ~b, same as μηρός. Μηριόνης, -ου, Ό, Meriones, a man's name. Μηρός, -ου, b, the thigh, inside of the thigh, pi. μηροί and μηρά. Μερνκισμός, -ου, b, (fr. next) chew- ing the cud. Μηρύκω, Μηρυκάζω and Μηρυκάο- μαι, to ruminate, chew the cud. Μήρΰμα, -ατός, το, (fr. μηρύω to wind round) a small round body ; a ball of thread, coil of rope. Μηρύσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. of Μηρύω, f. -ύσω, p. -κα, to roll up or round, furl ; to twine, twist, spin. Μήσαο, Ion. for εμήσω, 2 sin. of εμησάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. — Μήσεαι, Ion. for μήση, 2 sin. of μήσομαι, 1 f. mid. of μήδο- μαι. Μήστι, Dor. for μη εστί. Μηστο, Ion. for μεμηστο ιΟΪ εμεμησ- to, 3 sin. pper. ind. pass, of μτ/δομαι. ' Μήστωρ, -ωρος, -b, (fr. μηδος coun- sel) a counsellor, adviser; a woo- er, suitor. Μήστωρε, η. du. of last. Μήτ, Μήτε, neither, nor, not even. Μήτηρ, -έρος, Sync, -τρος, η, a mo- ther, dam ; the womb. a. sin. μητέρα, V. μητερ, d. pi. μητρα- σι. Μήτι, what ? whether ? is it not ? much less, much more, at least. Μητιάασθε for μητιασθε, 2 pi. cont. impr. pres. pass, of Μητιάω -ω, (fr. μητις counsel) to consult, deliberate, plan, scheme, design, devise ; to determine, re- solve. Μητίετα, v. sin. of Μητίετης, -ου, b, JEol. Μητίετα, (fr. μητις counsel) a counsellor, . adviser, patron. Adj. provident, prudent, sagacious. *ύητίζομαι and M^ri'ouat, (fr. same) MHX to plan, devise, scheme, plot ; to execute, effect. Μητιν, a. sin. of μητις. Μι/τιόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. μητις counsel) wise in counsel, pru- dent, sage ; ingenious, artful. Μητιόωσι, Poet, for μητιωσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of μητιάω. Μήτις, -Υδος, η, counsel, delibera- tion, advice; prudence, skill, cunning, ingenuity ; plan, device, measure. Μήτρα, -ας, {/, (fr. μήτηρ a mother) a womb, matrix. Μητράδελφος, -ου, b, (fr. same, and αδελφός a brother) a mother's brother, micle. Μητραλοίας, -ου, 'δ, Att. Μητραλώ- ας, -ου, b, (fr. same, and αλοιόω to strike) ο matricide. Μητρι, d. of μήτηρ. Μητρόδοχος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and δέχομαι to receive) one who supports fiis mother ; affectionate, dutiful ; received or acknoidedg- ed by the mother. Μητρόθεν, (fr. same, and enclit. S -έν from -a piace) from the mo- ther, by the mother, on the mo- ther's side. Μητροκτονέω -ώ, (fr. same, and κτείνω to kill) to commit matri- cide, kill a mother. Μητροκτονία, -ας, η, (fr. same) ma- tricide. Μητροκτύνος, -ου, ό, ?/, (fr. same) a matricide. Μητρομήτωρ, -ορός, η, (fr. μήτηρ a mother, and μήτηο a mother) a grandmother, by the mother's side, maternal grandmother. Μητροπατωο, -οοος, b, (fr. same, and πατήρ a father) a grandfather or uncle by the mother ; a maternal grandfather. Μητρόπολις, -ως, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same, and πόλις a city) the me- tropolis, capital city, clueftown. Μητροπολίτης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a citizen, metropolitan. Μητρόπολος, -ου, ξ, (fr. μήτηρ a mother, and πολίω to be conver- sant) a midwife. Μητρόρριπτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. μήτηρ a mother, and ρίπτω to throw away) cast off by a mother. Μητρός, g. of μήτηρ. Μητρυιά, -ας, Ion. Μητρνιη, -ης, η, (fr. μήτηρ a mother) a step- mother ; another country or resi- dence. Μητρυιώδης, -εος-ους", b,f), (fr. last) like a stepmother, jealous, envi- ous. Μητρώος, -a, -ov, (fr. μήτηρ a mo- ther) maternal, of or like a mo- ther. Μήτρως,-ωος, b, (fr. same) a ma- ternal uncle, uncle by the mo- ther's nde, relation by the mother. pi. μητρώες, -ων. Μηχανάαται, Poet, for μηχα vara ι, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass. cont. of μηχανάω. ΜηχανάρΙ>αφος and Μηχανόρραφος, -ου, b, (fr. μηχάνη a plot, and ράπτω to stitch together) a con (394) MIA triver of plots, plotter ; schemer, intriguer. Μηχανάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, but more commonly Μηχανάομαι, f. -ήσο~ μαι, (fr. μηχάνη apian) to plan, invent, contrive, devise, plot against; to ponder, revolve; to provide, procure ; to construct, make, build. Μηχανεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same) to contrive or invent machines ; plan, devise. Μηχάνη, -ης, ι), a machine, engine ; art, contrivance, invention, plan, desigii ; a plot, denouement, ca- tastrophe ; an endeavour, at- tempt ; means, power, ability ; artifice, ingenuity, skill ; a doubt, question; a structure, building. Μηχάνημα, -ατός, rb, (fr. last) α machine, engine ; a plot, contri- vance; trick, artifice, stratagem. Μηχανικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) me- chanical, ingenious, inventive. Μηχανίκως, (fr. last) mechanically, ingeniously. Μηχάνωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. μηχάνη a machine) a machine ; work of art ; a curious girdle. Μηχανώμενος, pres. par. cont. of μηχανάομαι, in μηχανάω. Μήχαρ, -ατός, το, (fr. next) an in. vention, thought, device, artifice $ an endeavour, attempt ; an as- sistance, help ; a remedy. Μηχος, -εος -ους, το, (perhaps fr. μήδομαι to care) a contrivance, invention, scheme, plan; a re- medy. Μηων, -όνος, b, η, Dor. and uEjoL for μείων. Μήων, -ωνος, b, a man's name. Mia, n. — Μιας, g. — Mia, and Ion. Mi/7, d. — Μίαν, a fem. of εϊς. Μιαίνουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Μιαίνω, f. -άνω, p. μεμίαγκα, to stain, dye, colour; to pollute, defile ; to profane, violate. 1 a. ind. act. εμίηνα. per. pass, με- μίαμμαι, Att. μεμίασμαι' par. με- μιασμενος. 1 a. pass. ind. εμιάν θην,-ης,-η' sub. μιανθώ, -ης, -η. Μιαιφονεω -ώ,ΐ. -ήσω, (fr. last, and φόνος slaughter) to pollute with blood, shed blood, murder, slaugh- ter. Μιαιφονία, -ας, §, (fr. same) slaughter, murder. Μιαιφόνος, -ου, b, A, (fr. same) pol- luted with gore, blood-stained ; a homicide, murderer. Μιάνθην, Poet, for εμίανθεν, which Bceot. for εμιάνθησαν, 3 pi. — Or Bosot. and Sync, for εμιαν- θήτην, 3 du. of εμιάνθην, 1 a. ind. pass. — Μιανθωσι 3 pi. 1 a. sub. pass, of μιαίνω. Μίανσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. μιαί- νω to pollute) pollution, defile- ment, blot, stain. Μιανώ, 1 f. ind. act. of μιαίνω. Μιάρος, -a, -bv, (fr. μιαίνω to pol- lute) stained, polluted, defiled; impure, icicked, villanous, infa~ mous ; foul, filthy, obscene. MIK ΌΙίασμα,-ατος, τό, (fr. same) stain, blot, pollution, defilement, con- tagion, infection; an atonement, expiation; wickedness, debauch- ery, rape, violation, incest. Μιασμός, -ου, b, same as last. Μιάστωρ, -ορός, b, (fr. same) de- filer, polluter, violator ; defihd with blood or murder. Μιγάζομαι, (fr. μίγννμι to mix) to mix in company, intrigue with. Μίγας, -αδος, b, η, (fr. same) mix ed, promiscuous, confused. Subs a crowd, mixed multitude. Μίγδα and Μίγδην, (fr. same) pro- miscuously, indiscriminately. Μιγείην, -ης, -η, 2 a. opt. pass. — Μιγεις, μιγέΐσα, μιγεν, g. μιγέν τος, 2 a. par. pass, οι μίγννμι. Μίγεν, Bceot, Sync, for εμίγησαν, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. pass. — Μιγέωσι, Ectas. Ion. for μιγωσι, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. pass. — Μίγη, Ion. for εμίγη, 3 sin. 2 a. pass. ind. — Μιγήμεναι, Att. and Dor. for μιγηναι, 2 a. inf. pass Μιγή- σομαι, 2 f. pass, οι μίγννμι. Μίγμα, -ατός, το, (fr. next) a mix- ture, composition. Μίγνΰμι or Μιγννω, f. -ξω, p. μέμι- χα, to mix, mingle, blend together, unite, join ; to have intercourse or commerce with. 1 a. ind. act. έμιζα. per pass. ind. μέμιγμαι, -ζαι, -κται' par. μεμιγμένβς, -η, -ον. 2 a. pass. ind. εμίγην, -ης, -η' inf. μιγηναι, Dor. μιγήμεναι. 1 a. ind. pass, εμίχθην. ppfut. μεμίξομαι. Μιγνυναι, pres. inf. act. of last. Μίδας, -ου, δ, a creature which de- stroys beans ; a throw on the dice ; a very rich king of Phry- gia. Μιζρακωθ, Heb. indecl. a cup, bowl. ΜΊΘρης, -ov, I , the sun; a Persian idol. Μιθριδάτης, ν, δ, Mithridates, a man's nam). Μικκός, -ά, •όν, Dor. for μικρός. Μικκύλος, dim. of last. Μικραίτως, -ου, b, fj, (fr. μικρός small, and αιτία blame) apt to find fault about trifles, querulous, captious, discontented. Μικρής, Ion. for μικράς, g. fern, of μικρός. Μικροθυμέω -ω (fr. μικρός small, and θυμός the mind) to be nar- row minded, weak or cowardly. Μικροθυμία, -ας, ή, (fr. same) pu- sillanimity, weakness, cowardice. ΝΙικρόθνμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) pusillanimous, weak. ίΛικρολογία, -ας, f), (fr. μικρός small, and λόγος a word, th. λέ- γω to speak) insignificant lan- guage, empty discourse ; minute or trifling disquisition; anxiety for trifles, sordidness. Μικρολόγος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) talking about trifles ; stingy, mean, penurious. Μικροποιέω, . f. -ήσω, (fr. μικρός small, and ποιέω to make) to lessen, degrade, demean. MIM Μικροπρεττής, -έος -ονς, δ, η, (fr. same, and πρεπω to be conspi- cuous) parsimonious, sparing, stingy, mean; illiberal. Μικρός, Att. Σμικρός, -ά, -ov, little, small, short ; mean, insignifi- cant. Comp. μικρότερος, sup. μικρότατος. Μικρόστομος, -ου, b, tj, (fr. last, and στόμα a mouth) small mouth- ed, having a small opening. Μικρότης or Σμικρότης, -ητος, ή, (fr. μικρός little) smallness ; mean- ness, littleness. Μικροψνχία, -ας, f), (fr. next) pu- sillanimity, meanness. Μικρόψυχος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and ψυχή the soul) pusillani mous, weak, cowardly, faint- hearted. Μικροχαρής, -έος -ους, δ, >/, (fr. μικρός little, and χαίρω to re- joice) little pleasing ; studious of trifles or minute beauties. Μικρύνω, (fr. μικρός little) to lessen, diminish. Μικρννομαι, to grow less ; to languish, pine. Μικρώς^ (fr. same) little, but little. Μίκτο, Ion. or Poet, for εμέμικ το, .3 sin. pper. ind. pass, of μίγννμι. Μικτός, -η, -ov, (fr. same) mixed, compounded; exquisite, costly, Μίλαζ, for σμίλαξ, ' -ακος, η, the yew-tree ; bindweed. Μίληδος, -ov, b, an instrument used in the moulding or forming figures of soft substances, a trowel. Μίλητον, -ου, το, and Μίλητος, -ov, η, the name of a town. Μίλιον, -ου, το, (fr. Lat. mille, a thousand) a mile. Μιλτηλιφης, -έος -ους, δ, ?/, (fr. μίλ- τος vermilion, and αλείφω to daub) painted red. Μιλτοταρηος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and -παρειά a cheek) having red cheeks or a red prow. Μίλτος, -ov, b, vermilion, red lead, red ochre ; mildew, blight. Μιλτόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to redden, colour with red. - Μίλφαι, -ων, al, or Μίλφωσις, -ιος, η, the dropping or falling off of the hair of the eyebrows. Μ'ιλω, Dor. for Μί'λωνί, d. of Mi- λωι>, a man's name. Μιμαίκυλον, -ου, τό, the fruit of the arbutus ; a strawberry. Μίμαρκις, -ιος, Att. -εως, or Μίμαρ- κυς, -νος, η, a kind of pudding, made of a hare. Μϊμας, -αντος, δ, a man's name, a. ΜΊμαντα. Μιμεΐσθαι, inf. — ΜιμεΊ,σθε, ind. or mpr. 2 pi.' cont. pres. of Μιμέομαι -ουμαι, f. μιμήσομαι, p. μεμίμημαι, -σαι, -rai, to imitate, copy, follow, resemble. Μιμήσαιντο, 3 pi. 1 a. opt. mid. — Μιμήσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. of last. Μίμηλος, -ν), -ov, (fr. μίμος an imi- tator) imitative, inclined to imi- tate. Μϊμημα, -ατός, τό, (fr. same) an (395) MIN imitation, likeness, copy ; exam- ple, pattern. Μίμησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. same) a copying after, imitation, mimicry ; a resemblance, like- ness. Μιμητής, -ov, b, (fr. same) an imi- tator, copier, follower. Μιμητικός, -η, -ov, (fr. same) imi- tative, inclined to imitate. Μιμητός, -η, -ov, (fr. same) capa- ble of imitation, may be imitated, imitable. Μιμνάζω or Μίμνω, (fr. μένω to re- main) to remain, stop, stay ; to loiter, skulk, delay ; to sustain, support, resist. Μιμνάσκετο, Dor. and Ion. for εμιμνήσκετο, 3 sin. impf. pass, of μιμνήσκω. Μίμνει,.3 sin. pres. ind. οι μίμνω. Μιμνήσκη, 2 sin. ind. — Mipijff- κεσθε, ind. or impr. 2 pi. pres. pass, of Μιμνήσκω, f. μνήσω, p. μέμνηκα* (borrows tenses from μνάομαι to remember) to put in mind, re- mind, bring to remembrance ; to warn, admonish. Μιμνήσκομαι, to remember, recollect, Μίμνον, Ion. for έμιμνον, impf. act. — Μίμνοντι, Dor. for μίμνουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act Μίμνων, d. pi. Μίμνουσι, Ion. Μιμνόντεσ- σι, par. pres. act. of Μίμνω, same as μιμνάζω. Μίμος, -ου, b, an imitator, mimic, buffoon, comic actor. Μίμου, 2 sin. cont. pres. impr. of μιμέομαι. Μιμω, -6ος -ους, η, (fr. μίμος a mimic) an ape. Μίμψδυς,-ου, δ, (fr. same, and φο"ή a song) a singer of vulgar songs, ballad-singer ; a buffoon, jester. Μϊν, Dor. for αυτόν, -ην, το, and for αυτός, -τάς, self, himself, her- self, itself. Μίνθα or -θη, -ης, η, mint. Μίνθος,-ου, Ό, dung, ordure. Μινθόω -ω, (fr. lasfc) to daub with . dung. Μιννάν, Dor. for Μινύων, g. pi. of Μινύα,-ων,τά,ύιβ name of a city. Μινύεισ, -ας, η, same as Μινύα. Μινύθει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Mt- νύθη, 3 sin. pres. sub. of μινύθω. Μίνυνθα, (fr. μινυός small) a little, very little, somewhat, short while. Μινυνθαδι,ος, -ου, b, η, (fr. next) short-lived. Μιννθω, (fr. next) to diminish, lessen, impair, break down; to consume, waste. Μινϋός, -a, -ov, Att. for μικρός. Μιννριξε, pres. impr. act. of Μινυρίξω, (fr. μινυρός little) to sing in a low voice ; to chirp, warble ; to lament, whine, fret, murmur. Μιννρομαι, same as last. Μινυρυς, -ά, -ov, Utile, small; thin, tender, slight ; fretful, whining, plaintive. Μινυώριος, -ου, b, >% (fr. μινυός lit tie, and ωρα time) of short dura tion, short-lived, fleeting. ΜΊνως, -ωος, δ, a man's name. ΜΙΣ Μινώταυρος, -ου, b, (fr. last, and ταύρος a bull) the minolaur, a fa- bled monster of Crete. Μίξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, fj, (fr. μίγ- ννμι to mix) a. mixing or blend- ing together ; allay, mixture, composition ; cohabitation, sexual intercourse. Μιξοβάρβάρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. last, and βάρβαρος barbarian) semi- barburian, uncivilized, half Greek half strangers. Μ\ξό'θροος,-ον, Ό, ή, (fr. same, and ■S -ρόος din) confused, clamorous. Μιζοπάρθενος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and παρθένος a virgin) having the form of a woman and a beast; a Sphmx. Μίζω, 1 f. ind. act. of μίγννμι. Μισάνθρωπος, -ov, b, η, (fr. μισέω to hate, and άνθρωπος a man) a man hater, one who hates society, misanthrope ; morose, gloomy, sullen. Μισαργυρία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and άργνρον money) a hatred or con- tempt of money ; liberality. Μισγάγκεια, -ας, η, (fr. μίσγω or Ϊάγννμι to mix, and άγκος a val- ey) a valley or glen ; a meeting of waters. Μίσγεαι, Ion. for μίσγη, 2 sin. pres. sub. pass. — MiVyav,pres. inf. act. — ΜΊσγετο, Ion. for εμίσγετο, 3 sin. impf. pass. — Μίσγοισαι, Dor. for μίσγονσαι, η. pi. fern, of Μίσχων, pres. par. act. — Μισγόμενος, pres. par. pass, of Μίσγω, f. μίζω, p. μέμιχα, same as μίγννμι.^ Also Μίσγομαι, to have intercourse or connexion with, cohabit with. Μισεΐ, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. cont. — Μίσει, pres. impr. act. of Μισέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. μεμίσηκα, (fr. μίσος hatred) to dislike, hate, de- test, abhor; reject, loathe, impf. ind. εμίσεον -ovv. 1 a. act. ind. εμίσησα' sub. μισήσω, -ης, -η, 3 pi. μισήσωσ *per. pass. ind. με- μίσημαι'ΌΆί μεμισημένος,-η,-ον. 1 a. par. pass, μισηθείς, -εΊσα, -εν. Μίσηθρον, -ου, τό, (fr. same) α charm to produce hatred. ΜΊσημα, -άτος, το, (fr. same) an object of hatred, something odi- ous ; a monster. Μισήσω, -εις, -ει, 3 pi. -σουσι, 1 f. ind. act. — Μισήσωσι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of μισέω. Μισητής, -ου, b, (fr. μισίω to hate) a hater, enemy. Μισητός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) haled, hateful, odious. Μισθαποδοσία, -ας, η, (fr. μισθός hire, and αποδίόωμι to pay) pay- ment of wages, recompense, re- ward, retribution ; penalty, fine. Μισθαποδότης, -ου, b, (fr. same) α paymaster, rewarder. Μισθαρνεω -ω, (fr. μισθός reward, and άρνυμαι to take) to receive wages, earn, hire ; to make gain, obtain profit. Μισθαρνία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a re- ceiving wages., earning, hire. ΜΙΣ Μίσθιος, -a, -ov, or -ov, b, ή, (fr. μισθός reward) hired, engaged for wages. Subs, a hireling, ser- vant. Μισθοδότας, -a, b, Dor. for μισθο- δότης. Μισθοδοτέω -ω, (fr. juia0o£.reward, and δίδωμι to j_ive) to give wages, hire, engage for hire; to reward, remunerate, recompense. Μισθοδοτης, -ov, Ό, (fr. same) a paymaster, rewarder. Μισθός, -ov, b, hire, ivages, salary ; rezvard, recompense, remunera- tion; stipend, pay, fee, bribe. Μισθοφόρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. μισθός reward, and φέρω to take) one who receives pay; a mercenary soldier, stipendiary ; a hireling. Μισθόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. μισθός a reward) to let for hire, set, rent, let. Μισθόομαι -ονμαι, to hire, engage for hire. Μίσθωμα, -άτος, τό, (fr. same) a hired house, lodging, any thing procured for hire ; ivages, price, gain, profit, d. μισθώματι. Μισθώσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. ofpiff- θόω. Μισθωτός, -η, -ov, (fr. same) let for hire, hired ; a hireling, servant. Μίσκελος, -ου, b, (mas. of next, viz. ο7νος) cheap, light v:ine. Μίσκελος, -ov, b, >), (fr. next) mean, ■poor, shabby, despicable ; stingy, sparing ; that piclcs up scraps. ΜΊσκοι, -ων, ο'ι, fragments, scraps of broken meal. Μισόθεος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. μϊσος hatred, and θεός God) a hater of the gods, impious, wicked. Μισολογέω -ω, (fr. same, and λέγω to speak) to hate or despise learn- ing, dislike literary conversation : to be unlearned. Μισολογία, -ας, η, (fr. same) hatred of learning, dislike to literature; idleness, ignorance. Μισολόγος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) a hater of learning ; unlearned, uninstructed, ignorant ; a dunce, blockhead. Μισοζενία, -ας, ή, (fr. μ'ισος hatred, and ξένος a stranger) inhospita- lity, dislike to strangers ; inhu- manity. Μισόξενος, -ov, Ό, ή, (fr. same) in- hospitable, unkind to strangers. Μισόπαις, -oo?, b, η, (fr. μίσος hatred, and πα~ις a child) a hater of children. Μισοποιέω -ω, (fr. μΊσος hatred, and πυιέω to make) to act spite- fully or maliciously, injure, hurt ; to do ichat others dislike. Μισοποώς, -ου, b, fj, (fr. same) spiteful, malicious, ill-disposed, inimical, injurious ; an enemy. Μισοπονηρέο) -ω, (fr. μ7σος hatred, and πονηρός wicked) to hate wickedness. Μισοπονηρία, -ας, η, (fr. same) hatred of wickedness, severity. Μισοπόνηρος, -ου, b, η", (fr. same) hating wickedness, severe to the bad, vindictive. Μισοπονία, -ας, η, (fr. μ7σος hatred, (3S6) MNA and πόνος labour) dislike to la- bour, idleness, slothfulness. Μισόπτωχος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πτωχός a beggar) hating the poor, that shuns the indigent. ΜΊσος, -εος -ους, τό, hatred, dislike, aversion, enmity. Μισούμενος,-η, -ov, par. pres. pass, cont. — Μισυυντες, η. — Μισοϋν- τας, a. — Μσούντων, g. pi. cont. par. pres. act. — Μισονσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of μισέω. Μίστυλλον, -ες, -ε, Ion. for εμίστυλ- λον, impf. ind. act. of Μιστύλλω, to chop into pieces, mince, hash, cut up. Μ/συ, vitriol, sulphate of iron. Μίσχος, -ου, b, foot-stalk, pedicle, by which the fruit and leaves hang. Μίτος, -ov, b, the woof of a web ; a web, thread, string ; tenor. Μιτόω -ΰ, (fr. last) to weave, sHng, use thread. Μίτρα, -ας., Ion. Μίτρη, -ης, f), a mitre, turban, fillet ; bell, girdle, zone ; a piece of armour ; a brass plate or belt, padded with wool, worn next the skin, within the coat of mail, to protect the belly. Μιτροχίτων, -ωνος, ο, η, (fr. last, and χίτων a coat) bound with a girdle, belted, girded. Μιτυλήνη, -ης, η, Mitylene, the name of an island. Μίτυλος , and Μύτιλος, -η, -ov, mu- tilated, maimed,deprived of horns, with the horns cut off. Μίτνς,-υος, η, the refuse of wax. Μιχαήλ, Heb. indecl. 3Iichael, the name of an angel or of a man. Μιχθε κ ις, 1 a. par. pass, οΐμίγνυμι. Μνάα, cont. Μνά, -ας, η, a mina, pound. Μνάα, Poet, for μνςί, 2 sin. pres. ind. mid. of μνάομαι. Μναμήϊον, -ου, τό, Dor. for μνημείον. Μναμονεύθημεν, Dor. for εμνημο- νεύθημεν, 1 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of μνημονεύω. Μναμοσύνα,-ας, Dor. for μνημοσύνη. Μνάομαι, f. μνήσομαι, p. μέμνημαι, (fr. μνάω to remind) to recollect, return, remember, call to mind ; to tell, record, make mention of, mention; to be mindful of, take care of, look to, attend, regard ; to endeavour, exert, make an ef- fort ; to court, solicit, woo, long for. 1 a. ind. mid. εμνησάμην, -ω, -ατο. 1 a. ind. pass, εμνήσ- θην, 1 pi. εμνήσθημεν. Μνάσειεν, Dor. for μνήσειε, which iEol. for μνήσαι, 3 sin. 1 a. opt. act. — Μνάσης, Dor. for μνήσης, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. — Μνασθαι, cont. for μνάεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. of μνάω, or μνάομαι. Μνάστειρα, Dor. for μνήστειρα. Μναστέω, Dor. for μνηστέω, par. 1 a. act. μναστήσας, -ασα, -αν. Μνάστις, -ιος, Dor. for μνηστις, same as μνήμη. Μνάσων,-ωνος, b, a man's name. Μν«ω -ώ, f. -ήσω, to remind, put in mind, suggest, hint. See μνάομαι. ΜΝΗ Μνεεσθαι,Ιοη. for μνάεσθαι, pies, inf. mid. — Μνεώμενος, Ion. for μναόμετος, pres. par. mid. of μνάομαι. Μνεία, -ας, η, (fr. μνάω to remem- ber) mention; memory, recollec tion, remembrance. Μνήμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) a me- morial, token of memory ; a monument, sepulchre, tomb. d. sin. μνήματι, pi. η. μνήματα, d. μνήμασι. ΜνημεΧον, -ου, το, same as last. Μνήμη, -ης, >), (fr. same) memory, remembrance, recollection; men- tion, record. Μνημονεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. μνάω to recollect) to retain, remember, re- collect ; to mention, relate, re- cord.. Μνημονεύομαι, to be remem- bered, celebrated, renowned. Μνημονικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) of powerful memory, retentive; no- table, memorable, celebrated, re- nowned. Μνημοσύνη, -ης, ή, (fr. same) me- mory, recollection; record, men- tion, tradition. Μνημόσυνον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a token of memory, memorial; a monument, tomb. Μνήμων, -όνος, b, ή, (fr. μνάω to re- collect) mindful, remembering; of powerful memory, retentive. Μνησαίάτο, Ion. for μνήσαιντο, 3 pi. 1 a. opt. mid. — Μνήσασα, fem. 1 a. par. act. — Μνησάσκετο, Ion. for εμνήσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. οι μνάω. Μνήσεαι, Ion. for μνήση, 2 sin. 1 f. mid. and Μνησθεϊς, 1 a. par. pass. — Μνησθω, -θης, 1 a. sub. pass. — Μνήσθητι, 2 pi. -θητε, 1 a. impr. pass. — Μνησθήν'αι, 1 a. inf. pass — Μνησ- βήσομαι, 1 f. ind. pass, of μνάω. Μνησικάκεω -ω, (fr. μνάομαι tore- mfember, and κακός evil) to re- member an injury, bear a grudge, resent. Μνησικακία, -ας, {/, (fr. same) a re- membrance of injuries, resent- ment, malice, spite. Μνησίκακος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) mindful of injuries, resentful, malicious. Μνησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. μνάω to recollect) recollection, memo- ry ; record, mention. Μνήσομαι, and in pi. Μνησόμεθ\ΐοι• μνησόμεθα, 1 f. ind. mid. of μνάομαι. Μνήστειρα, -ας, fj, (fr. μνηστηρ a suitor, th. μνάομαι to woo) a bride, bride's maid , female charms, loveliness. Μνηστευθείσης, g. fei» par. 1 a. pass, of Μνηστεύω, f. -εύσω, p. μεμνήστευκα, (fr. μνηστηρ a bridegroom, th. μνάομαι to woo) to court, woo, solicit, ask in marriage, espouse ; to make or bring about a mar- riage ; to conciliate, procure. Μνηστεύομαι, to be betrothed, pro- mised in marriage, per. pass, .nd. μεμι<ντευμαι' par. μεμνησ- ΜΟΘ τευμίνος, -η, -ov, 1 a. par. pass. μνηστευθείς, -είσα, -tv. Μνηστίω -ω, f. -ήσω, same as last. Μν>ιστή, -ης, ft, (fr. μνηστός, be- trothed) a bride, newly married woman. Μνηστηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. μνάομαι to court) a wooer, suitor ; a candi- date. Μνηστις, -ιος, and -εος, ί}, (fr. same) memory, recollection, pre- sence of mind, resource in clanger. Μνηστήσας, 1 a. par. act. of μνησ- τίω. Μνηστος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) betroth- ed, promised in marriage. Μνηστύς, -ύος, η, (fr. same) court- ship. Μνήστωρ, -ορός, same as μνηστηρ. Μνιόεις, -εσσα, -εν, and Μνιαρος, -ά, -bv, ΆηΛΜνιαρώδης, -εος -ους, b, f), (fr. μνίον sea weed) mossy, covered with moss or sea weed ; soft. Μνίον, -ου, το, moss, sea weed. Μνίω or Μίω, to eat. Μνονς, -ου, b, down on the chin ; young hair or feathers. Μνώεο, Ion. for μνώου, pres. impr. pass, of Μνώομαι, Poet, for μνώμαι, con*. for μνάομαι. Μνώοντο, Ion. and Poet, far εμι -Giv- to, 3 pi. impf. of last. Μογγος, -ου, b, hoarse, harsh. Μσγερος, -a, -bv, (fr. μογος labour) laborious, toilsome ; painful, dis- tressing, wretched. Μογευμες, Dor. for μογουμεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. cont. of Μογέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. μογος la- bour) to labour, work, toil, take pains ; to be overcome with la- bour, faint, be weary ; to be wretched, miserable, suffer mis- fortunes ; to grieve, pine. 1 a. par. act. μογήσας, -ασα, -αν. Μογιλαλία, -ας, η, (fr. μόγις with difficulty, and λαλεω to speak) a hesitation in speaking, stammer- ing, stuttering. Μογίλάλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) having an impediment in speech, stammering. Μόγις, andMoAtj, (fr. next) with difficulty, hardly, scarcely. Μογος, -ου, h, labour, toil, hard work ; pain, misery. Μογοστάκος, -ου, b, η, (fr. last, and τίκτω to bring forth) bringing forth with difficulty ; assisting at childbirth. Μόδιος, -ου, b, a bushel. Μόθαξ, -ακος, b, (fr. next) alabour- er, servant, slave ; a domestic servant, reared with the chil- dren. Μάθος, -ου, b, labour, toil; battle, conflict, engagement, war; tu- mult, confusion, terror. ΜόΟων, -ωνος, b, (fr. μόθαξ a slave) a slave, bondman ; a worthless trifler ; a talkative, prating per- son ; saucy, impudent, proud, insolent ; a kind, of dance. Μοθων'ίκος, -η, -bv, (fr. last) inso- lent, saucy, proud. (3.07) ΜΟΛ Mot, d. sin. of εγώ. Μοιμυάω, and Μοιμύλλω, (fr. μύα to sneer at) to shut the lips with contempt, sneer at. ΜοΧρα, -ας, η, (fr. μείρω to divide) a share, part, portion ; a degree or part of a circle ; a subdivision of an army, company, troop; lot, station, slate, condition; ho nour, reward ; an oracle, or any divine warning ; fate, fortune, doom; death. ΜοΧραι, -ων, ai, the Fates. Κατά μοίραν, with rea- son, justly. Ύπερ μοίραν, unna- tural, unexpected. Μοιράω -ω, ΐ. -ήσω, (fr. last) to divide, share, distribute; to re- ceive by lot ; to fate, destine. Μοιρηγενής,-έος -ους, b,ri, (fr. μοίρα fate, and γίνομαι to be born) born under lucky fate, fortunate, happy. Μοιρίδιος, -a, -ov, (fr. μοίρα fate) fatal, decreed by fate, fated, des- tined. Μοιρόκραντος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and κραίνω to effect) brought about by fate, fatal. Μοίσα, -ας, Dor. for Μούσα — Mot - σαν, g. pi. Dor. Μοισαως, -a, -ov, Poet, and Dor. fur μουσαως. Μοιχάγρια, -ων, τά, (fr. μοιχός an adulterer, and άγρα a catching) damages paid by an adulterer or seducer. Μοιχάλϊς, -ίδος, η, (fr. μοιχός an adulterer) an adulteress; adul- tery ; lewdness. Adj. spurious, corrupt, adulterated, d. μοιχα- λίδι, a. μοιχαλίδα, η. pi. μοιχα- λίδες. Μοιχάομαι -ωμαι, f. -ήσομαι, ρ. με- μοίχημαι, (fr. same) to commit adultery ; to debauch, seduce. Μοιχάς, -άδος, ι), (fr. same) an adulteress. Μοιχασθαι, inf. cont. — Μοιχάται, 3 sin. cont. ind. pres. pass, of μοιχάομαι. Μοιχεία, -ας, η, (fr. same) adul- tery. ΜοιχευΟεΐς,-εΊσα, -h•, 1 a. par. pass. Μοιχεύει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of Μοί^ευω, f. -εύσω, p. μεμοίχευκα, (fr. same) to debauch, deflower; to commit adultery. 1 a. i'/id, act. ε μ οίχευσα. Μοιχίδιος,-α, -ov, (fr. same) begot- ten in adultery, illegitimate, spu- rious. Μοιχίκος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) prone to adultery, profligate, licentious. Μοιχός, -ου, b, an adulterer ; a se- ducer. Μολγος, -ου, b, iEoI. Βολγος, a lea- thern bag or bottle ; a simpleton, fool, cully ; an extortioner, pecu- lator. Μολεω or Μόλω, to come, go, ap- proach, hasten, run. 2 a. par. act. μολών. Μολίβδαινα or Μολύβδαινα, -ης, η, (fr. μόλιβδος lead) a ball or mass of lead. Μολίβδεος, -εα, -εον, cont. Μολύβ- δους, and Μολίβδινος or Μολύβ- MON $ινος, ->;, -ov, (fr. same) leaden, made of lead. Μόλιβδος or Μόλυβδος,-ου, δ, (per- haps fr. μολέω to go, and βάθος depth) lead ; a plummet. Μόλιβος or Μόλυβος, -ου, δ, same as last. MdXt?, with difficulty, hardly, scarcely. Μολοβρος,-οΐί, δ, (perhaps ft. μολέω to approach, and βορά food) a beggar, mendicant ; a parasite, trencher-friend. Adj. -ρος, -a, -bi>, greedy, voracious, glutton- ous. Μολόθουρος, -ου, δ, a kind of herb. ΜολοΤσα, Dor. for μολουσα, fern, of μο\ών, 2 a. par. of μολέω. Μόλο?, -ου, δ, labour, toil ; battle, engagement, confusion, tumult, din. Μολοσσός, -ου, δ, a foot in prosody of three long syllables ; a man's name ; an inhabitant of Molos- sus, JSlolossian. Μολοχ, δ, indecl. Heb. an idol. Μολόχη, -ης, hi mallows. Μολπη, -ης, η, (fr. μέλπω to sing) a song, hymn, tune, air. Μολύβδαινα and Μόλυβδος, see Μολίβδαινα and Μόλιβδος. Μολύνεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass, of Μολύνω, f. -ύνώ, p. μεμόλυγκ-τ, to dye, stain, discolour, tinge; to corrupt, defile, pollute, taint, contaminate. 1 a. ind. act. εμό- λυνα. per. pass. μεμόλυμμαι,ΑίΙ. μεμόλυσμαι. 1 a. pass, εμολύν- θην, -ης, -η. Μόλυσις,-ιος, η, and Μολυσμος, -ου, δ, (fr. last) pollution, contami- nation, defilement. Μόλω, same as μολέω. 2 a. par. act. μολών, -ούσα, -όν. Μομφα, -ας, Dor. for Μομφή, -ης, η, (fr. μέμφομαι to blame) blame, complaint, cen- sure. Μονάζω, (fr. μόνος alone) to be soli- . tary, live alone. Μοναμπυκία,-ας, ^, (fr. μόνος alone, and άμ-χυξ a rein) one horse, single rein or horse ; the art of riding with single reins, horse- manship, horse-breaking. Μοναρχέω -ω, (fr. μόνος alone, and άρχω to govern) to rule alone or absolutely, be a monarch, govern, reign. Μονάρχης and -χος, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a sole ruler, monarch, king, governor. Μοναρχία, -ας, η, (fr. same) the government of one, sovereignty, empire; a monarchy, king- dom. Μοναρχικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) mo- narchical, arbitrary, Μοναρχος, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a sole ruler, monarch. Μάνας, -άδος, η, (fr. μόνος alone) unity, one ; a monad. Μονασμος, -ου, δ, (fr. same) solitude, retirement, loneliness. Μ,οναστήριον, -ου, το, (fr. same, and ϊστημι to stand) a monastery. MON Μονάχος, -η, -bv, (fr. μόνος alone) alone, solitary, lonely, sole, sin- gle. Sub. ο monk, hermit. Μονή, -ης, f), and Dor. Μόνα, -ας, (fr. μένω to remain) amansion, house, place of residence. Μόνη, fern, οι μόνος. Μονήρης, -εος -ους, δ, '/, (fr. same) solitary, lonely. Μόνιμος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. μένω to remain) abiding, remaining, permanent, stationary, steady, firm. Μονιος, -ου, δ, (fr. μόνος alone) liv- ing alone, solitary, lonely. Μονοβάμων, -όνος, Dor. for μονοβή- μων, b, η, (fr. same, and βαίνω to go) peculiar in the gait ; awk- ward, halting, hopping. Μονογενής, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. sam , and γίνομαι to be born) only begotten ; an only child ; of the same family. 1 a. sin. cont. μο- νογενή. Μονόδρομος, -ου, δ, ί}, (fr. same, and δρέπω to pluck) having one trunk ; made of one log. Μονοειδης, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. same, and εΐδος shape, th. είδω to see) of the same appearance or shape, uniform. Μονόζωνος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and ζώνη a belt) having one belt, light armed cavalry, ready for war, warlike. Μονόζωος, -ου, δ, 17, (fr. same, and ζάω to live) lonely, solitary. Μονοήμερος, -ου, δ, //, (fr. same, and ημέρα a day) lasting for one day, ephemeral. Μονοκέρως, -ωτος, δ, {], (fr. same, and κέρας a horn) a unicorn. Μονόκλαυτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and κλαίω to weep) where one only laments, lamented by but one. ΜονοκρηπΙς, -ίδος, δ, η, (fr. same, and κρηπϊς a slipper) having one slipper or shoe. Μονόκροτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and κρότος an impulse) having one bench of oars. Μ. νομαχέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and μάχομαι to fight) to fight in single combat. Μονομαχία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a single combat, duel; a fencing match. Μονομάχος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) fighting in single combat ; a gla- diator, champion. Μόνον, (neut. of μόίος) only, sole- ly. Μονονοϋ and Μονονουχί, (fr. μόνος alone, and ου or ουχί not) only not, almost, all but. Μονόρχις, -ιος, Att. -εως, δ, (fr. next, and όρχις a testicle) hav- ing one testicle. Μόνος, -η, -ov, alone, only, sole, single ; solitary, lonely, deserted, forsaken. Μονότης, -ητος,. η, (fr. last) unity. Μονότροπος, -ου, δ, >/, (fr. same, and τρόπος a manner) of one fashion or style, simple, plain, solitary, lonely; austere, harsh, rigid, (398) MOP Μονόφθαλμος, -ου, h, η, (fr. same, and οφθαλμός an eye th. άπτο- μαι to see) one-eyed, blind of one eye. Μονοχϊτων, -ωνος, δ, »/, (fr. same, and χιτων a coat) having one coat,, wearing an inner garment only. Μονόψάφος, Dor. for μονόψηφος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and ψήφος a vote) who gives his vote differ- ent from the rest, independent; discretionary, left to one's own will, acting according to one's own judgment . Μονόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. μεμόνωκα, (fr. μόνος only) to forsake, leave alone, abandon, desert, per. par. pass, μεμονωμένος, -η, -ov. 1 a. ind. pass, εμονώθην. Μονωθείς, -είσα, -εν, 1 a. par. pass. — Μονωθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of last. Μονώνυξ or Μώνυζ,-υχος, δ, ί, (fr. μόνος single, and όνυξ a hoof) single-hoofed, solid hoofed, with the hoof entire. Μονώτατος, -η, -ov, sup. of μό- νος. Μόρα, -ας, η, (fr. με'ιρω to divide) α regiment, battalion Μόργνυμι, same as ομόργνυμι. Μορέα, -ας, >'/, a mulberry -tree ; a sacred olive. Μορέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. μόρος death) to kill, put to death. Μόρϊμος, -ου, δ, ^, same as μόρσΐμος. Μόρων, -ου, rb, (fr. μόρος a portion, th. μείρω to divide) a particle, small part or portion. Τα μόρια, the private parts. Μορμολΰκειον, -ου, το, and Μορμο- λύκη, -ης, ί], (fr. μορμώ a hag) a mask ; a bugbear, Μορμολύσσω or -ττω, (fr. same) to frighten with a bugbear, terrify, affright, scare. Μορμος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) terrify- ing, frightful, dreadful. Subs. vain fear, false apprehension. Μορμύροντα, a. of μορμύρων, pres. par. act. of Μορμύρω, (perhaps fr. μύρωίο flow) to murmur, gurgle, purl, roar as the sea ; to gush, overflow. Μορμώ, -6ος -ους, η, a bugbear, hob- goblin, spright, hag, witch, ghost; a frightful noise. Also used as an interjection, Oh ! shame ! Μόρξαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Μόρξω, 1 f. ind. act. of μοργνύω or μόρ- γνυμι. Μορόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. μόρις fate) fatal, deadly, destructive; made ^with much labour, exquisitely made, wonderfully fine. Μόρον, -ου, rb, a mulberry. Μόρος, -ου, δ, portion, share, lot : destiny, fate, death,. Μόροχθος, -ου, δ, a kind of Egyp- tian stone or earth used tor whi- . tening clothes, such as perhaps pipeclay or fuller 's earth. Μόρσψος, -ου, δ, r% (fr. μόρος fate. fated, destined, doomed; fatal, deadly, causing death; mortaL I subject to death. MOT Μβρύεσω, f. -£», p. -χα, to dirty, foul, bespatter, daub. Μορφά, -ας, Dor. for μορφή. ΧΙορφάεις, Dor. for μορφήεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. next) shapely, comely, fair, handsome. \Λορφή, -ης, η, outward appearance, . form, shape, figure ; beauty. ιΐίορφνοω, Ion. for μορφνοΰ, g. sin. of ΙΛορφνδς, -η,-δν, same as ορφνός. Μορφόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. μεμόρφωκα, (fr. μορφή form) to form, figure, shape ; to take a shape or figure, grow into form. per. pass, με- μόρφωμαι. 1 a. pass. ind. εμορ- φώθην' sub. μορφωθώ, -ής, -τ,. Μόρφωμα, -ατός, το, and Μάρφωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same)/urm, appearance, figure, an image, appearance, vision; delineation, sketch, draught. Μόσσυν, -ϋνος, δ, a wooden tower, fortress, rampart, bulwark. Μοσχάριον, -ου, το, (dim. οι μόσ- χος a calf) a little calf. Μόσχειος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. same) of οι belonging to a calf. Μόσχευμα, -ατός, το, (fr. μοσχεύω to slip, th. μόσχος a scion) a shoot, set, slip, scion, graft, sucker. Μοσχεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. μόσχος a scion) to slip, plant, set, rear plants from slips. Μοσχίον, -ου, το, (dim. of μόσχος a calf) a little calf. Μοσχοποιέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. μεμοσχο- ποίηκα, (fr. same, and ποιίω to make) to make a calf, set up a calf. 1 a. ind. act. εμοσχονοίη- σα. Μόσχος, -ου, δ, //, a calf, heifer, young bullock; a shoot, twig, slip, plant ; a kind of scent, musk. g. Dor. μύσχω, a. pi. Dor. μόσχως. Μόσχος, -ου, b, a proper name. Μοτος, -ου, b,lint. Μοτόω -ω, (fr. last) to apply lint, dress a wound. Μότωσις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, η, (fr. same) the application of lint to a wound, dressing. Μουνάξ, (fr. μουνος for μόνος alone) apart, asunder, separately; one by one, alone, only, solely. Μούναρχος for μόναρχος. Μονναρχία, and Ion. -χίη, for μο- ναρχία.^ Μοννογενης for μονογενής. Μουνόκωλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. μόνος alone, and κώλον a limb) having one story or floor. ΜουνόΧίθος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and λίθος a stone) made of or con- sisting of one stone only. Μουνομαχέω -ω, same as μονομα- χέω. Μοϋνος, Poet, for μόνος, ά. sin. fem. μούνη. η. pi. μουνοι. Μουνοφυης, -εος -ους, δ, η, (fr. last, and φυη nature) of one nature, singular. Μουνυχία, -ας, ή, Munychia, the port of Athens, where there was a temple in honour of Diana. MT Μουνυχίών, -ωνος, δ, (fr. last) the first of the spring months a- mong the Athenians ; it com- prehended part of April and March. Μούσα, -ης, η, a muse ; poetry ; a song, poem, music, g. pi. μου- σών, JEto\. μουσάων, Dor. μου- σαν. Μουσαίος, -a, -ov, and Μβυσειος, -a, -ov, (fr. last) same as μουσι- κός. Μουσεων, -ου, τό, (fr. same) a study, museum, theatre. Μουσίζω, (fr. same) to sing; to try or contend in singing. Μουσική, -ής, ή, music ; versifica- tion. Μουσικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) devot- ed to the muses, inspired by the muses ; fond of literature ; learn- ed, musical, singing, tuneful. Subs, a musician, singer. Μουσικως, (fr. last) musically. Μουσίσδειν, Poet, and Dor. for μουσίζειν, pres. inf. of μουσί- ζω. Μουσόλη-τος, -ου, δ, /;, (fr. μούσα the muse, and λαμβάνω to take) inspired by the muses. Μούστιν, Att. for μου εστίν. Μουσωμήτωρ, -ορός, η, (fr. μούσα & muse, and μήτηρ a mother) the mother of the muses. Μοχθεϋντσς, Dor. for μοχθουντας, a. pi. cont. of μοχθίων -ων, pres. par. act. of Μοχθέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. μόχθος la- bour) to labour, toil ; to be fa- tigued, faint, fail; to labour under, suffer from pain or trouble, pres. inf. act. μοχθέειν •εΊν. Μόχθημα, -ατός, rb, (fr. same) la- bour, toil, hardship. Μοχθηρά, pi. neut. of μοχθηρός. Μοχθηρία, -ας, η, (fr. μοχθηρός grievous, th. μόχθος labour) vexation, trouble; malice, ma- lignity, spite ; wickedness, de- pravity. Μοχθηρόομαι -οΰμαι, (fr. same) to labour under, grieve, be sorrow- ful. Moχθηpbς,-ά, -ov, (fr. μόχθος trou- ble) troublesome,vexatious, griev- ous, sorrowful; wretched, mise- rable ; depraved, wicked. Μοχθήσαντι, d. sin. of μοχθήσας, 1 a. par. act. of μοχθέω. Μοχθίζοντι,Όοτ. for μοχθίζουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Μοχθίξω, same as μοχθέω. Μόχθος, -ου, b, labour, struggle, toil, effort, travail ; trouble, grief, pain, wo. Μοχθόω, same as μοχθέω. Μοχλέω, -εύω, and -όω, (fr. μοχλός a bar) to raise or move vnth a bar or crow ; to effect with labour. Μόχλίον, -ου, το, (dim. of next) a small crow or bar. Μοχλός, -ου, δ, and Μοχλευς, -ίος, Ό, a bar, crow, lever ; pole, spar ; a bolt. Μόψος,-ου, b, a man's name. MD, a mournful cry. (399) ΜΤΘ (fr. μύω to press "ϊ, an Μύαξ, -ακος, δ, upon) a shellfish, limpet. Μύας, a. pi. of μυς. Μυγαλέη or Μυγαλή or Μυογάλη, -ης, η, (fr. μνςΆ mouse, and γα- λίη or γαλή a weasel) a weasel* mouse, shrew-mouse. Μυγμος, -ου, δ, (fr. μύζω to shut the lips) a noise made through the nose when the lips are shut ; a snuff', sneer, snort ; a squeak, squeal. Μυδάζομαι, to abhor, detest, dislike, loath, be averse to. Μυδαίνω, f. -άνω, (fr. μυδάω to grow wet) to moisten, weU Μυδαλέος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) wet, moist ; injured with wet, rotten. Μυδάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -κα, to grow wet or moist; to be injured or spoiled by wet; to rot, become putrid; to drop, drip. Μύδησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, >/, (fr. last) putrefaction from wet, rot. Μνδος, (fr. μύω to shut the lips) mute, dumb. Μϋδος, -ου, δ, (fr. μυδάω to grow wet) matter, corruption, puru- lent running. Μυδόωσαν, Poet, for μυδώσαν, a. sin. fem. cont. pres. par. act. of same. Μυδρίασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ft, defect of the eyes, dimness. Μύδρος, -ου, b, red-hot iron. Μυδών, -ωνος, b, fungous or proud flesh. Μνδων, -ωνος, δ, Mydon, a proper name. Μυελόεί?, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. next) full of marrow, nutritious. Μυελός, -ου, b, marrow; pith; the inside; strength. Μυελόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to fill with marrow, strengthen, fat- ten. Μύες, η. pi. of μυς, V. ω μυ, g. pi. μυών, d. μύεσσιν. Μυέω, f. -ήσω, p. -κα, to bistructin sacred things, initiate. Μυέομαι, to learn the rudiments, make a beginning. Μυζάω or Μυζέω, (fr. μύζω to press) to suck, suck out. Μυξητής, -ου, b, (fr. next) a sucker. Μύζω, f. -ύσω, to press or squeeze, keep pressed ; to mutter, grum- ble, snore; to buzz, hum; to breathe or make a noise through the nose with the lips shut; to suck, suck out. Μύθεαι,Ιοη. for μύθη, 2 sin. pres. sub. mid. — Μυθ είσθε, 2 pi. and Μυθέΐται, 3 sin. pres. ind. — ΜυθεΊσθαι, pres. inf. cont. of Μυθίομαι, (fr. μύθος a saying) to speak, tell of, report, declare, re- late, recount, tell a story. Μυθεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same) to re- late fabulous stones, allegorize, make parables. Μυθησαίμην, 1 a. opt. mid. — Mu- θήσασθαι, 1 a. mil mid. — Μυθή- σατο, Ion. for εμυθήσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of μυθίομαι. Μυθίξοισα, Dor. for μυθίζουσα, fem. pres. par. act. of ΜΤΛ Μυθίζω, (fr. μύθος a word) to utter, declare, tell of wonderful things ; to speak low, mutter, grumble. Μυ&ΐκος, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) fabu- lous, feigned. Μυθόγραφος, -ov, δ, η, (fr. same, and γράφω to write) a writer of fables. Μνθολογεύω, f. -εύσω, and Μνθολο- γέω, ι. -ήσω, (fr. μύθος a fable, and λέγω to speak) to relate sto- ries, amuse toith stories ; to fable, allegorize. Μυθολογία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a nar- ration of fables ; a fabulous his- tory, mythology ; a story, tale. Μνθολύγος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a re- later of fables, story-teller. Μνθοποιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. μύθος a fa- b'e, and ποιέω to make) an in- ventor of fables. Μύθος, -ου, b, a word, speech, say- ing, discourse, conversation ; fa- ble, fiction; persuasion, advice, counsel. Μυθωδέστατος, sup. of Μυθώδης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. μΐιθος a fable) fabulous, feigned. ΜυΊα, -ας, hi (perhaps fr. μύζω to buzz) a fly. g. pi. μυιων, Dor. μυϊάων. Μυκάται, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. pass, of Μυκάω ~ώ, f. -άσω, and -ήσω, to low, bellow, roar ; to ring, grate. 2 a. έμυκον, Ion. μύκον. Μύκε, Ion. for έμυκε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of last. Μυκηθμος, -ου, b, same as next. Μύκημα, -ατός, το, (fr. μυκάω to low) a lowing, roaring, bellow- ing. Μυκήνηθεν,^ΟΜ Myceni. Μύκηρος or Μούκηρος, -ου, b, an al- mond, almond-tree. Μυκης, -ητος or -ου, b, a mushroom; the hilt of a sword. Μύκησις, -ιος, η, same as μύκημα. Μνκητάν,Όοτ. for μυκήτων, g. pi. of Μυκητής, -»υ, Ό, (fr. μυκάω to low) lowing, roaring, bellowing. Μύκλαι, -ων, al, and Μύκλοι, -ων, ol, black marks on the neck and feet of asses. Μύκον, Ion. for έμυκον, 2 a. ind. act. of μυκάω. Μυκτήρ, -ηρος, η, (perhaps fr. μνσ- σω to snuff) the nose, nostril; a sneer, scoff. Μυκτηρίζω, f. -ίσω, p. μεμυκτήρικα, (fr. last) to sneer at, mock, scoff, show contempt or derision. 1 a. ind. εμυκτήρισα. Μυκτηρισμος, -ου, b, (fr. last) sneer, scoffing, derision. Μυκτηριστής, -ου, b, (fr. same) a mocker, scoffer. Μυκτηρόκομπος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and κόμπος a boasting) snorting, foaming. Μϋλαξ, -ακος, b, (fr. next) a mill- stone. Μύλη, -ης, > h a mill, quern ; a mill- stone. Μύλαι, -ων, al, the double teeth, grinders. Μυλιαω'-ώ, (fr. last) to grind or MTP gnash with the teeth; to cheiv with the double teeth. Μνλικος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) belong- ing to a mill. Μνλιόωντες, Poet, for μνλιωντες, η. pi. cont. pres. par. act. of μν- λιάω. Μνλλάς, -άδος, fj, ahatlot. Μυλλδί, -ου, b, ή, crooked, curved, bent, winding. Μύλλος, -ov, I, a kind of fish, mullet. Μύλλω, (fr. μύλη a mill) to grind, bruise with stones ; to have con- nexion with a woman ; to make signs with the lips, hint. Μνλοειδης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and είδος an appearance) like a millstone; heavy, ponderous. Μύλος, -ου, b, same as μύλη. Μύ- λοι, -ων, ol, the double teeth. Μύλων, -ωνος, b, (fr. μύλη a mill) a place to grind in ; a mill, bake- house, workhouse, d. μύλωνι. Μνμα, -άτος, το, food of flesh and blood. Mvv, a. sin. of μυς. Μυνδος, -η, -bv, (perhaps fr. μη not, and αυδάω to speak, or fr. μύω\ο shut the lips) mute, dumb, silent. Μννη, -ης, ή, (fr. αμύνω to avert) a pretext, excuse, apology; a screen, defence, protection. Μύνομαι, (fr. same) to avert, guard, protect; to cover, cloak, pretend. Μύξα, -ης, ή, the dirt of the nose, snivel. Μυξωτηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. last) a nose, nostril, pipe. Μνοκτόνος, -ου, b, §, (fr. μυς a mouse, and κτείνω to kill) a killer of mice. Μύρα, -ων, τά, the name of a town. Μνραινα, -ης, η, (fr. μνρος a lam- prey) a kind offish, lamprey. Μύρετο, Ion. for εμύρετο, 3 sm. impf. οι μύρομαι, in μύρω. Μνρε^κος, -η, -bv, (fr. μύρον per- fumery, and ί'ψω to compound) belonging to perfumery, odori- ferous, scented. Subs, a per- fumer. Μυρεψος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a per- fumer. MvpC, ibr μυρία, pi. neut. οΐμνρίος. Μνριάδες, η. — Μνριάδας, a. — Μυριάσι or -σιν, d. pi. of μνριάς. Μυριάκις, (fr. next) ten thousand times, very often. Μυριάς, -άδος, η, (fr. μύριοι ten thousand) the number ten thou- sand, a myriad; an immense multitude. Μυρίζω, f. -ίσω, p. μεμύρικα, (fr. μύρον perfumery) to anoint, per- fume, scent. 1 a. act. ind. εμνρι- σα' inf. μνρίσαι. ΜύρΊκη, -ης, ή, a kind of shrub, the tamarisk. ΜυρΊκΊνος, -η, -bv, (fr. last) of the tamarisk. Μύριοι, -αι, -a, (pi. of μύριος) ten thousand, a vast number. Μνριοπλάσιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. last) (4C0) ten thousand fold, manifold, greatly multiplied; Μνρίος, -a, -ov, infinite, immense, innumerable, numberless. Μνριότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) a my- riad, ten thousand ; an immense number. Μνρίσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of μν ρίξω. Μυρισμος, -ου, b, (fr. μυρίζω to anoint, th. μύρον perfumery) an anointing. Μύρμαξοτ Βύρμαξ, JEol. and Dor. for μνρμηξ. Μυρμηδων, -ωνος, b, and Μνρμηκία, -ας, η, (fr. μνρμος an ant) a nest of ants, ant hill. Μνρμηκιάω -ω, (fr. μύρμηζ a wart) to be troubled toith warts. Μνρμηκολίων, -ovτoς,b, (fr. μύρμηζ an ant, and λέων a lion) tkt old lion, sire of lions ; the antbear. Μύρμηξ, -ηκος, b, same as μνρμος. Μνρμιδόνεσσιν, Ion. and Poet. ά. of Μυρμϊδων, -όνος, δ, a proper name. Μυρμιδόνες, ol, the Myrmidons, soldiers of Achilles, g. pi. Μυρ- μιδόνων. Μνρμος, -ου, b, an ant, pismire ; a wart, pimple ; a cliff', ridge. Μύρνινος, -η, -ov, and Έμύρνινος, -η, -ov, (fr. μύρρα myrrh) of or belonging to myrrh. Μυροβρεχης,-εος -ους, b, tj, (fr. μύ- ρον ointment, and βρέχω to wet) wet with ointment. Μυρον, Ion. for έμνρον, impf. ind. act. of μύρω. Μύρον, -ov, rb, ointment, perfume- ry, scent. Μύρρα, -ας, hi (fr. μύρον perfume- ry) myrrh, an odoriferous gum. Μυρσενέων, -ωνος, b, (fr. next) α myrtle grove. Μυρσίνη, -ης, η, same as μύρτος. Μύρτον, -ov, το, a myrtle berry. Μνρτος, -ov, f), a myrtle. Μύρω, to flow, drop, trickle down, distil. Μύρομαι, to shed tears, weep, lament, mourn. Μυς, μνος, b, a mouse. Μνσάζω, (fr. μυσος wickedness) to commit wickedness. Μύσαν, Ion. for έμυσαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of μύω. Mυσapbς, -a, -bv, (fr. μυσος wicked- ness) wicked, odious r detestable. Μυσαρχής, -ov, δ, (fr. same, and αρχή government) a detestable governor. Μνσάττομαι, f. -ξομαι, p. μεμύσαγ- μαι, (fr. μνσος wickedness) to abominate, detest, abhor, hate, loath, be disgusted with. Μνσία, -ας, η, Mysia,the name of a country. Μυσος, -εος -ους, rb, an abomina- tion, pollution, crime, wicked- ness. To μύσεα, impurities. Mvσbς, -ov, b, hi detestable, abomi- nable, polluted, base, wicked. Μύσσω, -ττω, to wipe the nose, blow the nose; to snuff, snuffle or blow through the nose. Μύσταξ, -ακος, η, (fr. μύω to press the lips) the upper lip, the han on the upper lip, mustaches* ΜΩΛ Μυστήριοι, -ου, τδ, (fr. next) a mystery, something hidden ; a secret to be revealed. Μύστης, -ου, δ, (fr. μυίω to initiate) aperson initiated in sacred mys- teries ; a novice ; a priest, teach- er. Μυστικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) re- lating to mystery, mystic, mysti- cal, mysterious, awful, wonder- ful. Μυστ'ιλη, ης, ή, a spoon or ladle made of the crust of bread or of shell. Μυσ-πλλω, to cut into small pieces, mince, chop. Μύατις, -Έδος, η, (fr. μυίω Ιο ini- tiate) a female initiated in mys- teries ; a priestess. Μύστρον, -ου, το, (fr. μυστίΧη a spoon) a spoon, ladle. Μύτις, -Ίδος, η, anose, snout, nos- tril of a fish. Μνττος or Μύτης, -ov, b, (fr. μύω to shut the lips) mute, dumb. Μύττω, same as μύσσω. Μυττωτον, -ου, το, a savoury sauce; a pudding, made of gar- lic, cheese, and eggs ; omelet. Μνχατος, -η, -ov, same &s μύχιος, Μυχθίζω, (fr. μύζω to mutter) to sigh, breathe heavily, lament, grieve ; to mock, deride. Μυχθισμος, -ου, δ, (fr. last) a sigh, groan ; mockery, derision. Μύχιος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) inward, within, internal, from within ; concealed, hidden, abstruse. Μυγος, -ου, δ, a recess, the in- most part of any place ; hollow. ; cavity, depth ; a bay, | despicable ΜΩ2 Μωλυω or Μωλύνω, (fr. last) to make dull or blunt. Μωλωπεω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. μώλωψ a wound) to wound by scourging ; to scourge, beat, pound, bruise. ΜωΧωπίζω, (fr. next) toruiseawelt, scourge. Μώλωψ, -ωπος, b, a wound ; welt, stripe, scar. Μωμάομαι or Μωμίομαι, f. μωμή- σομαι, (fr. μώμος disgrace) to blame, find fault with, reproach, censure ; to mock, make derision of, scoff" at. 1 a. mid. ind. εμω- μησάμην' inf. μωμήσασθαι. I a. pass. ind. εμωμήθην. Μωμάσατο, Dor. and Ion. for εμω- μήσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of last. Μωμεύμενος, Dor. for μωμούμενος, pres. par. pass. — Μωμευνται, Dor. for μωμουνται, 3 pi. pres. ind. pass, of μωμίομαι. Μωμεύω, f. -εύσω, same as μωμίο- μαι. Μωμηθώ, -ης, -η, 1 a. sub. pass. — Μωμήσηται, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. mid _ of μωμίομαι. Μώμημα, -ατός, rb, (fr. μωμος blame) a reproof, censure, repre- hension, reproach. Μωμήσαιτο, 3 sin. 1 a. opt. mid.— Μωμήσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Μωμήσωμαι, -η, -ηται, 1 a. sub mid. of μωμίομαι. Μωμητής, -ου, b, (fr. μωμος dis grace) a censurcr, reprover ; t mocker, scoffer. Μωμητος, -ή, -bv, (fr. next) cul- pable, blameable, reprehensible ; ΝΑΙ inf. mid. of μόω, Lacon. for μάω. Μωϋσής, -ου, and Μοναενς, -ίος, b, Moses. gulf, harbour ; a shrine, sane luary. Μύω, f. -σω, to shut, close, shut up, keep closed ; to close the lips, be silent ; to shut the eyes, wink. 1 a. ind. act. ίμυσα. Μυών, -ωνος, b, a muscle ; a mus- cular or fleshy part of the body* Μυωπάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. next) to wink, shut the eyes against the light ; to have had sight or sore eyes. par. pres. act. μυωπάζων. Μνωπίζω, (fr. next) to goad, spur. pass, to be tormented with flies. Μυωχμ, -ωττος, b, η, (fr. μύω to shut, and ώψ the eye) winking, blink- ing, not able to bear the light, tore-eyed, dim-sighted. Subs, a gad-fly; a goad, ά.μύωπι. Μωκα'ω -ώ, f. -ήσω, and Μωκίζω, f. Ασω, (fr. μωκος a mocker) to mock, scoff, deride, ridicule, de- spise. Μώκιον, -ov, το, a cloak. Μωκος, -ov, b, a fool, mocker, scof- fer. ΜωΧίω, (fr. next) to fight. ΜωΧος, -ου, b, abattle, engagement, fight ; carnage, tumult, din of war ; a mole, quay, pier. Μώλυ, -υ,ος, το, name of an herb. Μώλυζα, -ης, η, a head of garlic. ΜωΧυς, -υος, and Μώλυ£, -υκος, b, ignorant, unlearned ; slothful, duU, lazy, inactive ; heavy, lan- guid, remiss ; weak. 3E Μωμος, -ov, b, spot, stain, disgrace, infamy, reproach, censure, re- proof; a mocker, scoffer ; the god Momus. Μων, whether ? Μωνος, -a, -ov, Dor. for μόνος. Μώνυζ, -υχος, δ, η, Sync, for μο-. νώνυζ. Μώνυχας, a. pi. of last. Μωραίνω, f. μωρανώ, ρ. μεμώραγκα,, (fr. μωρός foolish) to become foolish or infatuate^ ; to play the fool, act foolishly ; to become in- sipid, tasteless, lose savour. 1 a. ind. act. εμώράνα, Att. εμώρηνα. per. ind. pass, μεμώ ωραμμαι. 1 a. pass. ind. εμωράνθην, -ης, -η. Μωρανθω, -ης, -η, 1 a. sub. pass, of last. Μωρία, -ας, '>% (fr. μωρός foolish) folly, foolishness. ΜωροΧογία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and Χίγω to speak) foolish talking. ΜωροΧόγος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) a vain talker, babbler. Μωρδν, -ου, το, (neut. of next) folly, foolishness. Μωρός, -a, -bv, tasteless, insipid ; foolish, silly ; abandoned, profli- gate, wicked. Subs, a fool. Μωρως, (fr. last) foolishly, stupid- ly. Μωσα, -ας, Dor. for μονσα. Μωσης, -ov, and Μωσεύ?, -ίος, Att. -ίως, δ, Moses. Μώσθαι, Sync, for μιόσασθαι, 1 a. (401) Ν Ν, ν, called nu, the thirteenth of the modern Greek letters ; but the fourteenth of the ancient. Whence, in numbering, ν is usea for the fifth decade, or fifty ; or with a dot under it, y, for fifty thousand. Ναασών, δ, Heb. indecl. a man's name. Ναβϊν, b, Heb. indecl. a bed cham- ber ; a bed. ΝάβΧα, -ων, τα, and Νάβλα?, -ov, δ, a stringed musical instrument. Ναβλί), -ης, η, a ship. Ναγγαϊ, δ, Heb. indecl. a man's name- Ναγεβ, Heb. indecl. the south. Ν 5ες, Ion. and Dor. for νηες, η. pi. of νανς. Ναίτης- or ΤΧαιίτης, -ου, b, (fr. ναίω to inhabit) an inhabitant, na- tive. ΤΧαζαραΊος, -a, -ov, and Ναζαρηνος, -ή, -bv, and Ναζωραΐος, -ου, δ, f], (fr. next) inhabiting Nazareth ; a Nazarene, Nazarite. Ναζαρεθ or Ναζαρέτ, ι), Heb. in- decl. the name of a town, ΝαζωραΊος, -a, -ov, (fr. last) be- longing to or inhabiting Naza- reth, Nazarene. Nutfai', δ, Heb. indecl. the name of a prophet. Ναθαναήλ, δ, Heb. indecl. a man's name. Nat, yes, yea, verily, indeed, truly, just so, I pray or beseech you. Ναΐίε?, Ναΐαίε?, and Ion. Νηίαδες, -ων, at, (fr. νάω to flow) Naiads, nymphs of the rivers and streams. Φαίδων, -ου, το, (fr. ναδ? a temple, a little temple, chapel, shrine. ΝαΓε, Ion. for ίναιε, 3 sin. impf. ind. act. — Ναίεί, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of να'ιώ. Ναίεσκε, Ion. for εναίεσκε, 3 sin. impf. act. of ναιεσκω, Poet, for ναίω* Ναιετάεσκον, Ion. and Epenth. for εναιίταον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. — Ναιετάουσα, η. fem. pees. par. act. — Νααταουσ', for ναιετάουσι^ 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Ναιεταω, same as ναίω. Ναίεταωσι, Poet, or Ion. for vait- τωσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. cont. ; or Dor. tor ναιετάουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. simple of last. Ναίν, η, indecl. Syriac, the name of a town. Ναί'οισα, Dor. for ναίουσα, η. fem pres. par. — Natotat, Dor. ana #ΑΣ iEol. for ναίουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of ναίω. ΝαΊον, Ion. for ivaiov, impf. act. of ναίω. Να7ρον, -ov, το, a kind of perfume. Naif, -ΐδος, ή, pi. Ναϊδες, wh. see. Ναίω, to dwell, inhabit ; to be situ- ated. Na'/ci;, -ης, η, same as Νάκος, -εος -ους, το, a skin with the fleece on, fleece. Νάμα, -ατός, το, (fr. νάω to flow) a river, stream, fountain ; juice, liquor, d. pi. νάμασι. Nav, Dor. forvavv, a. sin. of νανς. Νάννη, -ης, $, an aunt ; a father or mother^s sister. Νάνος, -ου, b, a dwarf. Νανώδης, -εος -ονς, b, {/, (fr. last) little, small, dwarfish, puny. Ναοί, η. pi. of Ναός, -ov, b, and Att. Νεώς, -ω, b, (fr. ναίω to inhabit) a temple, sacred house ; the house of God. Ναονμ, b, Heb. indecl. a man's name. < ΝαοφύΧαξ, -ακος, b, (fr. ναός a tern pie, and φυλάσσω to gucrd) the keeper of a temple. Νάπη, -ης, η, and Νάνος, -εος -ονς, το, a forest, thicket, grove, plant- ing ; a glen, shaded valley ; wood- land country, downs ; the hollow slope or declivity of a mountain. Νάπυ, -υυς, to, mustard, mustard- seed. Νάρδος, -ov, b, nard, an Indian snrub producing spikenard. Ναρθήκων, -ov, το, (fr. νάρθηξ a cane) a medicine chest, case, box or pot for medicine ; a book on medicine, dispensatory. Ναρθηκοφόρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and φέρω to carry) a cane-bearer, mace-bearer^ beadle. Νάρθηξ, -ηκος, b, a certain plant, reed, cane. Nu^.l'^v, -ου, το, (perhaps fr. νάρδος spikenard, and καίω to NAT ind. mid. — Να'σασ0α<, 1 a. inf. mid. — Νάσθην, -ης, -η, Ion. for ενάσθην, I a. ind. pass. — Νασ σα, Ion. and Poet, for ένασα, 1 a ind. act, of νάω, for ναίω. Νασεβ, Νασϊφ or Νασεφ, Heb. in• decl. a president, ruler, gover- nor. Νασιώτας, -a, b, Dor. for νησιώ- της, Νασμος, -ov, b, (fr. νάω to flow) a stream, rivulet. Νάσος, Dor. for νήσος. Νάσσω, f. νάοω and νάξω, to press, press down, compress, press to- gether ; to stuff] cram ; to pile, heap up. per. par. pass, νενασ- μενος. Ναστδί, -η, -bv, (fr. last) stuffed, full, close, thick ; firm, consist- ent, tough; a cake made of honey, fruit and other ingre- dients. Ναναγεω -ω, f. -ήσω, γ. νεναυάγηκα, (fr. νανς a ship, and άγω to break) to suffer shipwreck, be NAT a fare or price of passage in a ship, freight, ferry-money. ΝανΧοχεω -ω, £ -ήσω, (fr. same, and Χέχος a bed) to come to the mooring, anchor, come into har- bour. ΝανΧοχος, -ov, b, ή, good for moor ing. Subs, a road, station or mooring for ships. Νανμαχεω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. ναΐς a ship, and μάχη a battle) to en gage at sea, fight in ships. Νανμαχία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a sea fight, engagement. Νανμάχος,^ -ου, b, t), (fr. same) fit for sea fighting, naval, engaging in sea fight, fighting on sea. Ναΰν, a. sin. of ναΰς. Ναύπακτος, -υυ, f], the name of a town. Ναυπηγεύμενος, Dor. for ναυπηγού- μενος, pres. par. pass, of Νανπηγεω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. νανς a ship, and πήγνυμι to fasten) to build ships. Ναυπηγησιμος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) wrecked. 1 a. ind. act. εναυάγηΛ fit for ship building. burn) a kind of perfume. Ναρκάω, and -έω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. next) to become torpid or numb, be benumbed, lose the feeling ; to be motionless ; to be dim. Νάρκη, -ης, η, the torpedo, gymno- tus electricus, electric eel ; numb- . ness, torpor, stupefaction ; drow- siness, lethargy. Νάρκημα, -άτος, το, and Νάρκησις, -ιος, Att. f -εως, η, (fr. last) numb- ness, torpor. Νάρκισσος, -ov, b, a man's name ; {], the flower narcissus. Ναρκόω -ω, f. -ώσω, same as vap- κάω. Ναρκώδης,-εος -ovs, b, %, (fr. νάρκη numbness) numbed., stupid, dull; stupifying, narcotic. Νάρκωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, t), (fr. same) numbness, stupefaction, torpor. Ναρκωτΐκδς, -η, -bv, (fr. same) nar- cotic, stupifying. ΝάρταΧος, -ov, b, a kind of vessel. Νάρτη, -ης, η, an odoriferous plant. NaVaro, and Νασσατο, Ion. and Poet, for ενάσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. σα' par. ναυαγ:;σας, -ασα, -αν, -αντος, d. pi. ηιυαγήσασι. Ναναγία, -ας, η, and Ναυάγιον, -ου το, (fr. same) a shipwreck, wreck fragments ; ruin, desolation. Ναυαγός, -ov, b, (fr. same) a ship- wrecked sailor. Ναυαρχίω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. ναυς a ship, and αρχή the command) to command a fleet or ves sel. Ν αναρχία, -ας, >/, (fr. same) the command of a vessel or fleet, Ναύαρχος, -ov, b, (fr. same) the commander of a vessel or fleet ; an admiral, captain, command- er. Ναυάτης, -ov, b, a corruption of Νανβάτης, -ov, b, (fr. ναΰς a ship, and βαίνω to ascend) a sailor, mariner, seaman. ΝααηγεΤν, Ion. for ναναγείν, pres. inf. act. of ναναγεω. Νανηγία, Νανήγιον, Νανηγος, Ion. for νανάγιον, Sac. ΝανκΧηρίω *ώ, (fr. ναύκΧηρος a ship owner) to be master or owner of a ship, superintend the cargo ; to regulate, direct, order. ΝανκΧηρία, -ας, η, (fr. ναυς a ship, and κΧηρος lot) navigation, sea- manship, steering ; merchandise, trade, commerce ; a seafaring life. ΝανΧκηρος, -ov, b, (fr. same) the master or owner of a ship ; a pilot. Νανκραρος, -ov, b, (fr. same, and άρω to equip) an Athenian magistrate in each borough to see the quota of ships pro- vided Ναυκράτης, -εος -ονς, b, rj, (fr. ναυς a ship, and κρατεω to command) powerful at sea, great at sea. Νανκράτωρ, -ορός, Ό, (fr. same) an admiral, captain, commander, pilot. ΝανΧη, same as νάβΧα. ΝαΰΧον, -ov, Tb, (fr. νανς a ship) (402) - Ναυττηγία, -ας, >/, (fr. same) ship building. Νανπηγϊκος, -η,-υν, (fr. same) be- longing or relating to ship build- ing : Subs, a shipwright. Ναντκ'ιγιον, -ov, το, (fr. same) α dock-yard, place for building ships. Νανπηγος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a ship- builder, shipwright. Ναΰς, ναός, η, Ion. Νηυς, νηος, νηϊ (fr. νάω to float) a ship, vessel, bark, boat. Ναυσίθοος, -ου, b, a man's name. Νανσίνοος, -ov, b, a man's name. Ναυσίπορος, -ov, b, f), (fr. ναΰς a ship, and πόρος a way) naviga- ble, frequented by ships. Ναυσίστονος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and στενω to lament) lamentable, dangerous for ships. Νανσιφόρητος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. ναΰς a ship, and φέρω to carry) carried in ships ; seafaring. Νανσταθμον, -ov, το, and Ναύσταθ- μο?, -ov, b, (fr. same, and σταθμδς a station, th. ϊστημι to stand) a station for ships, dock-yard, na- val arsenal, naval stores. ΝανστοΧέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and στίΧΧω to send) to send out slaps, provide or furnish ships for voyage, fit out ; to go a voy- age, travel by sea ; to make way, go with full sails ; to steer, di- rect, navigate. Ναύτης, -ov, b, (fr. νανς a ship) a sailor, mariner, seaman. Ναντία, and Ion. Ναυσί'α, -ας, ^, Ναντίησις, and Ναν<τίασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. same) sea- sickness ; loathing, squeamish- ness. Ναντιάω, and Ναυσίάω -55, (fr. last, to be sea-sick, grow sick, vomit ; to dislike, reject, loath, be disgusted at. ΝαντΊώς, -η, -bv, (fr. νανς a ship) naval, belonging to the sea or sailors. Τύ vavriKbv, naval ur- ΝΕΑ mament, stores and provisions for ships, naval stores. Ναυτιλία, -ας, and Ion. -ης, η, (fr. same) navigation, sailing ; a naval expedition, voyage. Ναντίλλομαι, (fr. next) to navigate, set out on a voyage, set sail. Ναυτίλος, -ου, b, (fr. νανς a ship) asailv, marintr, seaman. Adj belonging to sailors, naval ; α shell-fish, the nautilus. Ναυτιώδης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. same) causing sickness, nause- ous, disgusting, sickening. Νανφιν, Poet, for νηΰν or ιανσϊ, g or d. pi. of νανς. Ναυφρακτος,-η,-ον, (fr. νανς a ship, and φράσσω to fence) fenced or strengthened with ships, naval. Νάφθα,-ης, ή, and Νάφθας, -ov, b., naptha, bitumen. Ν αχάλ, Heb. indecl. a valley ; a torrent. Ναχώρ, Heb. indecl. a man's name. Νάω, to inhabit ; cause to inhabit, colonise, found, settle. 1 a. ind. act. ένασα, Poet, ένασσα. 1 a. ind. pass, ενάσθην. 1 a. ind. mid. ινασάμ>/ν, Poet, ενασσάμην. Νάω, to flow, stream, gush out, flow over ; to float. Ni, in composition, signifies not. Νέα, and Νηα, Ion. and Poet, for vativ, a. sin. of ναυς. Νέα, fem ; of νέας. Νεάζει, 3 sin. pres. ind. of Νεάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. νέος new) to be young or under age ; to grow young ; to glow with the ardour of youth. ΝεαΧης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. νέος . new) fresh, recent, new. Νεάν, -άνος, b, and Νεάνίας,-ον, b, (fr. νέος new) a young man; Adj. bold, daring, valiant, strong, active. Νεανικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) youth- ful, juvenile ; manly, valiant, active ; bold, daring ; ardent, ve- hement, impetuous. Ν~.ανικώς, (fr. last) youthfully, ac- tively, impetuously. Νεανιότης, -ητος, η, (fr. νέος new) youth. Νεανϊς, -ίδος,η, (fr. same) a young woman. Νεανισκενω, (fr. same) to grow to be young. Νεανίσκος, -ov, b, (fr. same) a youth, young man. Νεά-ολις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same, and πόλις a city) Eng. Naples, the name of a town. Νεαρός, -a, -bv, (fr. νέος new) new, recent, strange; youthful, young, inexperienced. Νέας, for νηας, a. pi. Ion. of νανς. Νεάσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. νέος new) newness, novelty, fresh- ness. Νέαται, for νενέάται, Ion. for νένην- ται. 3 pi. per. ind. pass, of νέω to build ; or of νέω, Ion. for νάω, same as ναϊω. φέατος, Ion. Sync, for νεώτατος, SUP. Of VtO<,. Ν EI Νεάτος, -ή, -bv, (fr. next) renewed, refreshed ;j allow, ploughed again, tilled. Subs, the time of plough- ing «field the second time. Νεάω -ω, (fr. νέος new) to renew,, refresh ; to fallow. Νεβάλ, or Νεβέλ, Heb. indecl. a bottle, flagon. Νεβρίζω, (fr. next) to run about in a deer's skin. Νεβρις, -ίδος, η, the skin of a red or fallow deer. Νέβρισσα, -ας, η, a kind of serpent with red spots. Νεβρος, -ου, b, a young hind or fawn, kid. νεβρω, Dor. for νε- βρου• νεβρώς for νεβρούς. Νεβρώδης, (fr. last) an epithet of Bacchus, because the Baccha- nalians wore deer skins. Νεέλασσα, Heb. indecl. leaping, exulting. Νεεμαν, b, Heb. indecl. a man's name. Νεεσσαράν, Heb. indecl. detained. Νέεσθαι, pres. inf. of νέομαι οπέ^, to return. Νέηαι, Ion. for νέη, 2 sin. pres. sub. mid. of same. Νεήκεσσι,ά. pi. Poet, of Νεήκης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. νέος new, ' and αλ.•/) a point) lately sharpen- ed, very sharp. Νεήλατος, -cv, b, //, (fr. same, and αλέω to grind) lately grmnd, newly baked. Νεήλνς, -υδος, Ό, η, (fr. same, and ελεύθο; to come) one lately arriv- ed ; a stranger, a. νεήλνν. Νεηνίας, Νεηνις, Ion. for νεανίας and νιάνις. Νεί, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. cont. of νέω. Νειαίρη, -ης, Ion. for νειαίρα, -ας, η, the lower part of the belly ; the belly. Νειαρος, for Νεαρός. Νείατος, Sync, for νειότατος, sup. of νείος, Ion. for νέος, latest, last; farthest, most remote ; lowest. Νείκε', for νείκεα, a. pi. of νεΊκος. ΝεικεΊ, 3 sin. pres. ind. cont. of νεικέω. Νεικείεσκεν, Ion. Epenth. for ενεί- κειε, 3 sin. impf. ind.. act. — Νεικεηι, and by Ion. Parag. Χεικείησι, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. of Νεικείω, Poet, for νεικέω. Νεικεστηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. next) ο railer, scolder, brawler ; quarrel- ler, wrangler. Νεικέω -ω, f. -ήσω or -έσω, (fr. νεΊκος contention) to rebuke, re- prove, reproach, chide, scold ; to quarrel, bicker, squabble, con- tend. Νείκησεν, and Νείκεσεν, Ion. for ενε'ικησε, and ενείκεσε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of last. Νεϊκος, -εος -ονς, το, strife, conten- tion, dispute, wrangling, alter- cation ; quarrel, fight ; battle, war. ΝείΛομέτρον, -ov, to, (fr. next, and μέτρον a measure) a pillar to measure the rise and fall of the (403) NEK water of the Nile ; the Nito- meter. Νείλος, -ου, b, the river Nile. ΝειλοσκοττεΊον, -ου, το, (fr. last, ana σκέπτομαι to observe) a watch- tower, built near Memphis, for the same use as Νειλομέτρον. Νε7μας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. — Νείματο, Ion. for ενείματο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. — ΝεΊμεν and ΝεΊμε, Ion. for ένειμε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of νέμο). Νειύθεν, Sync, for νειατόθεν, (fr. νείατος, sup. of i^'ojlast, and θεν from a place) from beneath, from below, from the bottom. Νειόθι, Sync. for νειατόθι,(ΐτ. same, and θι in a place) at the bottom, in the depth, in the lowest place. ΝεΊον, -ov, rb, and Νειυς, -ov, δ, Ion. for νέον, and νέος. Νείος, -ά, Ion. -η, -ov, same as νέος' sup. νειότατος. Νείσσεαι, Ion. for νείσση, 2 sin. pres. sub. mid. — Νείσοεο Ion. for νείσσου, pres. impr. mid. of Νείσσομαι, (fr. νέω to go) to go, move, set out, walk. Νείσσονται,'3 pi. pres. ind. of last. Νεΐται,3 sin. cont. pres. kid. mid. of νέομαι. Ί5'είφω, same as νέφω, per. mid. νίνοφα. Νειχθεϊς, 1 a. par. pass, οϊνείσσο* μαι>. Νεκάδεσσι, d. pi. Ion. of Νεκάς, -άδος, η, (fr. νεκρός dead) ο heap of dead bodies ; slaughter, carnage, n. pi. Νεκάδες, the dead, dead bodies, heaps of slain. Νεκραγωγέω -ω, (fr,. νεκρός dead, and άγω to lead) to conduct the dead, lead the ghosts. Νεκρικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) relat- ing to the dead ; mournful, sad. Νεκροδέγμων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. same, and δέχομαι to receive) receiving the dead. Νεκροδοχεϊον, •ον, το, (fr. same, and δέχομαι to receive) a recep- tacle fur the dead, tomb, sepulchre, catacomb. Νεκρομαντεία, -ας, η, and -τεϊον, -ov, το, (fr. νεκρός dead, and μάν- τις a prophet) divination by the dead, necromancy, conjuration, magic. ΝεκροπομίΓος, -ου, b, (fr. same, and πέμπω to send) an escort for or attendant on the dead. Νεκρός, -a, -bv, (perhaps fr. vrj neg, and κηρ the heart ; or same, and χρόα colour) dead, deceased ; a dead person, corpse. Νεκροστολέω -ω, (fr. last, and στέλ- λω to send) to escort the dead, wait on the ghosts. Νεκρού} -ω, f. -ώσω, p. νενέκρωκα, (fr. νεκρός dead) to kill, put to death, deaden, mortify ; to de- stroy, eradicate. 1 a. act. ind, ενέκοωτα' impr. νέκρωσον, -άτω. per. pass. ind. νενέκρωμαι. par. νενεκρωμένος. 1 a. pass. ind. ενε- κρώθην, -ης, -η' par. νεκρωθάς, -έντ'ος. a. fern, νεκρωθέϊσαν» NEM "Νεκρώοατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. of last. Νέκρωσις, -ios, Att. -εως, ι), (fr. same) a killing, putting to death ; death, mortification, deadness. a. sin. νέκρωσιν. Νέκταρ, -αρος, rb, Nectar, the drink of the gods; sweetness, charms. Νεκταρεος, -a Ion. -η, -ov, (fr. last) nectarine, sweet as or sweetened with nectar. Νεκνδαλος, a kind of insect. Νέκυες, η. pi. νεκνεσσι, d. pi. Ion. νεκύων, g. pi. of νέκυς. - ^εκυομαντεία, -ας, ή, and -τεΊον, Ion. -τήϊον, -ov, τό, same as νεκ- ρομαντεία. Νεκυοστόλο?, -ου, δ, »/, (fr. next, and στέλλω to send) carrying, con- veying or transporting the dead. Νέκνς, -νος, b, a dead person, corpse, dead body; Νέκνες, η. pi. the dead, departed; spirits, ghosts. Νεκνσιεύς, -ίος, Att. -έως, b, (fi last) Ghostlander, a fictitious proper name. Νέμεαι, Ion. for νέμη, 2 sin. pres. ind. pass, of νέμω. ΝεμεαΊος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) of or belonging to Nemeea, Nemac Νεμέας, -άδος, t), Poet, for Νεμεαία, Nemaa. Νέμει, 3 sin. pres. ind. — Νέμειν, pres. inf. of νέμω. ΝεμεΊα, -ας, and Ion. Νεμείη, -ης, f), (fr. νέμος a wood) Nemaa, the name of a country. Νέμειος, -a, -ov, (fr. last) of Ne- meea, Nemeean. Νεμέσασαι, Dor. for νεμέσησαι, 3j sin. 1 a. opt. act. of Νεμεσάω -ω, f. ->/σω, \>.νενεμέση<Ί, to be indignant, angry or dis- pleased with ; to envy, grudge ; to dread the indignation of, fear the anger of; to defeat the plans or intention of an enemy, foil, counteract, outdo. 1 a. ind. pass, ενεμεσφην. Νεμεσητίκος, -η, -bv, (fr. last) prone to anger, impatient, hasty, iras- cible. Νεμέσητος, -η, -bv, and Poet. Νε- μεσσητος, (fr. same) worthy of anger, reprehensible, blameable ; indignant, angry. Νέμεσθαι, pres. inf. pass, οι νέμω. Νεμεσίζτι, 2 sin. pres. sub. pass, of Νεμεσίζω, or -ομαι, (fr. νεμεσάω to be angry) to reprehend, rebuke, reprove ; to be angry with, feel indignant ; to stand in awe of, fear. Νέμεσις, -ως, Att. -εως, >% (fr. νε- μεσάω to be angry) indignation, anger, wrath ; vengeance, divine punishment or revenge; repri- mand, censure, blame ; grudge, envy. Nemesis, the goddess of vengeance. Νεμεσσα, Poet, for νεμεσα, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of νεμεσάω. Νεμεσσάτας, Dor. for νεμεσητός. Νεμέσσηθεν, for νεμεσσήβησαν, 3 pi. of νεμεσσήθην, Ion. for ενεμεσή- Οην, 1 a. ind. pass, of νεμεσάω. ΝΕΟ Νεμεσσητδς, -η, -bv, Poet, for νεμε- σητός. Νεμέτωρ, -ορός, δ, (fr. Νέμεσις the goddess of vengeance) an aven- ger. Νεμηθεις, 1 a. par. pass. — Νέμον- ται, 3 pi. pres. ind. pass, οι νέμω. Νέμος, -εος -ονς, το, (fr. next)/eed- mg ground, •pasturage ; a grove, plantation, wood. Νέμω, f. νέμω, p. νενέμηκα, to dis- tribute, share, divide ; to give, grant, bestow, confer ; to tend, pasture, graze ; to feed upon, devour ; to possess, occupy, enjoy, have ; to inhabit, dwell, live in ; to cultivate, practise, exercise, lead, spend ; to esteem, consider, acknowledge ; to govern, rule, regulate, direct. 1 a. ind. act. ένειμα, per. ind. mid. νένομα. Νένασται, Dor. for νένησται, 3 sin. per. ind. pass, of νάω, to flow. Νενέάται, Ion. for νένηνται, 3 pi. per. ind. pass, of νέω, to build; or of νέω, Ion. for να'ιω. Νενεκρωμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of νεκρόω. Νενέμηκα, per. ind. act. of νέμω. Νένηκα, per. ind. act. — Νένημαι, and Νένησμαι, per. pass. — Νε- νημένος, and Νενησμένος, per. par. pass, of νήθω or νέω. Νενίηλος, -ov, b, η, blind, confound- ed, frantic, infatuated ; foolish, silly. Νενίκηκα, 2 pi. -κήκατε, per. ind. act. — Ν. νίκανται, Dor. for νενί- ,κηνται, 3 pi. of Νενίκημαι, per. pass. — Νενικημένος, per. par. pass, of νικάω. ΝΕΟ Νεόδματος, -ω, δ, Dor. for Νεόδμητος, -ov, b, τ), (fr. νέος new and δέμω to build) lately built, new, recent ; or (fr. same, and δαμάω to tame) lately tamed or subdued ; lately married. Νεόδρεπτος, and Νεόδροπος, -ov,b,rj, (fr. same, and ίρίττο to pluck) lately gathered, newly plucked. Νεόζνγος, -ov, and Νεοζνγης, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. same, and ξνγος a yoke, th. ζενγνύω to join) newly yoked ; lately married. Ν.εοθάλης, οτΝεοθηλής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and •&άλλω to bloom) fresh-springing, just budding, fresh, green ; young. Νεόθεν, (fr.vios new) lately, recently. Νεοίη, -ης, τ), (fr. same) youth. Νέοικος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and οίκος a house) lately built or in- habited ; a stranger lately arrived, one who settles in a new city. Νεοκηδης, -έος -ους, b, »% (fr. same, and κηδος care) having fresh grief, afflicting. Νεόκλωστος,-ου, b, η, (fr. same, and κλώθω to spin) newly spun, new- Νέννος, -ου, b, an uncle, father brother. Νεννος, -η, -bv, (fr. νε not, and νους the mind) foolish, silly, stupid. Νενομοθέτηται, 3 sin. per. ind. pass. — Νενομοθέτητο, for ενενομοθέτη- το, 3 sin. pper. pass, of νομοθετέω. Νενόμισμαι, per. ind. pass. — Νε- νομισμένος, -η, -ov, per. par. pass, of νομίζω. Νενοσευμένα, for νενεοσσενμένα, per. par. pass, of νεοσσεύω. Νένοται, Sync, for νενόηται, 3 sin. per. pass, of νοέω. Νένοφα, per. mid. of νείφω. Νενώμεθα, Ion. Synaer. for νενοήμε- Οα,'ν,,&Νένωται., for νενίί^ταί,ΐρΐ. and3sin. per. ind. pass. ofrOioj. Νεοαρδης, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. νέος new, and α'ρ<5ω to wet) lately moistened, fresh- bedewed. Νεόγάμος, -ου, δ, '/, (fr. same, and γαμέω to marry) lately married ; a bride or bridegroom. Νεογενης, Νεογινης, -έσς -ους, and Νεογνος, -ου, δ, >y, (fr. same, and γίνομαι to be born) lately born, as yet an infant, just born, young.. Νεόγραπτος, -ου ? δ, η, (fr. same and γράφω to write) lately writ- ten; newly painted. Νεόγυιος, (fr. same, and γυΊον a limb) young, active, strong. Νεοδ'ιδακτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same. and διδάσκω to teach) newly or just published. (404) ly woven, lately Νεόκοτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and κότος for τόκος birth) of a new kind, new, strange. Νεόκτιστος,-ον, b, η, (fr. same, and κτίζω to make ) lately built, newly founded. Νεύκτονος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and κτείνω to kill) lately killed. Νεολαία, -ας, η, (fr. νέος newj an assembly of youths. Νέομαι, same as νέω. Νεομηνία, cont. Νονμηνία, -ας, fj, (fr. νέος new, and μήνη the moon) a new moon, new month or first day of the month. Νέον, (neut. of νέος new) lately, recently, just now, in fresh suc- cession, for the first time, afresh. Νέον, -ov, το, (fr. νέος new) fal- low land, land just ploughed, lately broken up. Νεόνυμφος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and νύμφη a bride) lately married. Νεοπάθής, -έος -ους, δ, >/, (fr. same, and πάσχω to suffer) lately in pain or grief. Νεόπηκτος;-ον, δ, t), (fr. same, and ■πήγννμι to fasten) lately made, newly fastened. Νέοπλοντος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and πλούτος wealth) suddenly enrich- ed, lately rich. Νεό-λυτος or Νεόπλνντος, -ου, b, »/, (fr. same, and πλύνω to wash) lately washed, clean. Νεόρρντός, -ov, b, η, (fr. νέος new, and ρύω to Sow) fresh-flowing. Νέος, -a, -ov, new, recent, late^ fresh ; novel, strange ; early ; young, inexperienced, tender ; renewed, refreshed. Νέος, -ov, δ, (fr. last) land lately ploughed, newly broken up ; re- freshed, fallow land. Νεοσϊγαλος, -ov,b, >% (fr. same, and σιγάω to be silent with admira- tion) admired for novelty, ruble, elegant. NET Νεόσμηκτος, -ov, δ, //, (fr. same, and σμάω or σμήχω to wipe off) newly cleaned or polished, bright, 'shining. Νεοσσεύω, Att. Νεοττεύω, (fr. νεοσ- ΝΕΦ ΝΗΓ Νεύμεθα, Dor. νεόμεθα, 1 pi. pres.lNf^omi?, -to?, Att. -ε«ο?, i}, (fr, ind. οΐ νέομαι. same) cloudiness, darkness. Nitfoiiv,3pl.pres.opt.act. — Νεύων, Νεχωθα, Heb. indecl. α pounding -ονσα, -ov, par. pres, act. of νεύω Νευρά, -α?, Ion. Νενρη, -ης, η, and σο? a chicken) ίο owiW or make] Poet. Νευρεί»), -?J?, η, and Νευρί?, α 7jesi, nestle, roost. ! -tco?, >/, same as νενρον Νεοσσία, -ας, JJ, (fr. same) α fciYcZ's nest. Νεοσσίον, -ου, το, (dim. of next) a little chicken. Νεοσσός, and Att. Νεοττο?, -ου, δ, a nestling, young bird, chicken ; an egg ; a nest ; a pet, darling. Νε- οσσό?, pi. the young; a brood. Νεοσσούς, Dor. Νεοσσώς, a. pi. Νεότας,-άτος, Dor. for νεότης. Νεοτευχης, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. νέος new, and τεύχω to make) nevily made, nevi. Νεότης, -ητος, η, (fr. νέος new) youth. Νεοτΐ/σιος, -ov, b, >/, (fr. same) youthful, young, active. Νεότμητος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and τέμνω to cut) lately cut, cut off or lopped. Νεοτψιβης, -έος -ους, δ, ή, (fr. same, and τρίβω to rub) fresh rubbed, lately worn. Νεοττία, -ας, η, Att. for νεοσσία, and Νεοττίον, for νεοσσίον. Νεοττοττοιέομαι, f. -ησομαι, (fr. νε- οσσός or -ττος a chicken, and •κοιίω to make) to hatch, produce young from eggs. Νεοττος, -ov, b, Att. for νεοσσός. Νεουρέω -ω, (fr. . νανς a ship, and ονρυς a fair wind) to sail with a favourable wind. Νεοντατος, -ov, b, η, (fr. νέος new and οντάζω to wound) lately wounded, fresh bleeding. Νεόφυτος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same, and φύω to plant) lately planted or received into ; converted. Νεοχμέω -ω, (fr. next) to innovate, alter, reform. Νεοχμος, -ov,'b, η, and -ή, -bv, (fr. νέος new) new, late ; strong, vi- gorous, active, bold, daring ; wicked. Νεύχριστος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and χρίω to daub over) lately painted or plastered. Νεόω -ω, f. -ώσω, ("fr. νέος new) to renew, repair, refresh ; to recall, recollect, repeat; to plough or break up falloiv ground. Νέποδες, -ων, ο'ι, children, grand- children, offspring, progeny. Pic- if, -οδός, b, ?;, (fr. v£ neg. and ττους a foot) without feet, moving as fishes swimming. Νέρθε, and Νέρθεν, for ένερθεν. Νέρτερος, -α, -ov, for ενέρτερος. Νεσσά, Heb. indecl. plumage, fea- thers. Νέστορα, a. of Νέστωρ — Νεστορϊ δης, -ου, b, the son of Νέστωρ, -ορός, b, a man's name. Νεύει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of νεΰω. Νεύμα, -ατός, rb, (fr. νεΰω to nod) a nod, beck, sign, ϋενμαι, Dor. for νέομαι, or Ion. for νεύσομαι, 1 f. ind. mid. see νίω. Νεύρηφιν, Poet, and Ion. for νεύρα, d. sin. of νενρά. Νενροείδης,-εος-υνς, b, η, (fr. same, and είδος form) nerve-like. Νενροκοττέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. νενευρο- κόπηκα, (fr. next, and κόπτω to cut) to cut the sinews ; to ener- vate, weaken, debilitate. 1 a. ind act. ενευροκ<5π77σα, 1 a. ind. pass ενενροκο-ήθην. per. ind. pass. νενενροκό—ημαι. or beating ; spices, aromatic com- position. Νεω or Νέομαι -ονμαι, Dor. -ευμαι, f. mid. νενσομαι, Ion. νεύμαι, to go, come, set out, move, walk ; to return, come back. Νέω, f. νεύσω, to swim, float. Νεω v2, f. ν?7σω, to spin, roll or wind up thread ; to collect, hoard ; to heap up, pile, load, stow. pres. inf. act. νέειν νεΊν. 1 a. ind. act. ένησα, 3 pi. ένησαν' inf. νησαι. per. par. pass, νενημένος. Νεωκόρος, -ου, ?*, (fr. νεως for ναός a temple, and κορίω to sweep) a Νενοον, -ov, το, a nerve, sinew, ten-\ servant or officer of a temple, don ; siring of a bow, or of a like the modern sexton or musical instrument. Τα νενρά, nerve, strength, courage. Νενροσπαδής, -εο? -ους, b, η, (fr. last, and σπάω to draw) drawn together with the siring ; string- extending. Νευρόσπατος, or Νευρόσταστος , -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and σττάω to draw) moved by strings or wires or springs. Subs, an automa- ton, puppet. Νεύσ', and Νεύσε, Ion. for ενευσε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Νει'σαντο?, g. par. 1 a. act. of νευω. Νείσι?, -ιος, Alt. -εως, η, (fr. νεΰω to nod) a nod; inclination, bent. Νενστάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. same) to nod, bow, bend the head. Νενστίκος, -η, -ov, same as Νευστδί, -η, -bv, (fr. next) nodding, bowing, bending ; assenting. Νεΰω, f. -σω, p. νένενκα, to nod, in- cline the head, beckon, make a sign ; to assent, grant, promise ; to bow, lean, stoop ; to bend to- wards, verge. Νέφεα, η. pi. — Νεφέεσσι, d. pi Ion. of νέφος. Νεφέλη, -ης, η, Dor. νεφέλα, same νέφος. Νεώεληγερέτάο, g. iEol. of Νεφεληγερέτης, -ov, b, (fr. νέφος a cloud, and εγείρω to excite, or αγείρω to collect) cloud-collector ; dwelling in darkness. Νεόίλτ,σίν, d. pi. Ion. of νεφέλη. Νεφελών, -ov, τυ, (dim. of νεφέλη a cloud) a little cloud, mist, va- pour. Νεψθαλειμ, Heb. indecl. a man's name. Νεφοειδης, cent, -φωδης, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. next, and εΊδος like- ness) like clouds, fleecy ; cloudy, gloomy. Νέφος, -εος -ονς, το, (perhaps fr. νέ neg. and φάος light) a cloud, mist, fog ; a great midtitude. Νεώρϊτις, -ϊδος, η, (fr. next) a dis- ease of the kidneys. Νεφρός, -ov. η, the reins or kidneys. Νεφροί, the thoughts, desires, af- fections ; the testicles. Νέφω, for νείφω, to snow, same as νίφω or νείφω. Νεφώδης, -εος -ους, ό, η, (fr. νέφος a cloud) cloudy. (405) churchwarden ; a townclerk, de- votee, worshipper. Νεωλκέω -ω, (fr. νεως for νανς a ship, and έλκω '< drag) to haul up a ship on land, to dock a ship. Νέωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. νεόω to plough) a field sown after being fallowed. Νεώμεθ', for νεώμεθα, 1 pi. pres. sub. pass, of νέομαι or νέω, to re- turn. Νεόμενος, -η, -ov, pres. par. pass. cont. οΐνεάω. Νεών, Ion. for ναών, g. pi. of ναός. Νεώνητος, -ov, b, η, (fr. νέος fresh, and ωνέομαι to buy) lately bought, newly purchased, Νεωρης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. νέος new, and άρω to fit) fresh, new, sudden. Νεώριον, -ov, to, (fr. νανς a ship, and άρω to equip ; or ώρα care) a dock, dockyard. Νεωρνχης, -έος -ονς, b, η, (fr. νέος new,~ and ορύσσω to dig) newly dug. Νίω?, (fr. νέος new) lately. Νεώς, -ω, δ, Att. for ναός. Νεώσοικος, -ov, b, (fr. νανς a ship, and οίκος a house) a dockyard. Νεωστί, (fr. νέος new) lately, new- ly ; now, at present. Νέωτα, (an a. as if fr. νέως, always preceded by ε£? or ες) next year. Νεωτερίζεσθαι, pres. inf. pass, of Νεωτερίζω, (fr. νέος new) to inno- vate, alter, change, reform ; to introduce new customs, practices or fashions ; to rebel, mutiny ; to imitate -the manners of young persons. Νεωτερϊκδ?, -ή, -bv, (fr. next^wre- nile, youthful, young; impetu- ous, ardent. Νεώτερος, -a, -ov, comp. Νεώτατο?, Sup. Of JiOf. N>), an adverb of swearing, by ; yes. In compos, not. Νη, for vrja, a. of νηνς, Ion. and Poet, for vat?. N>/at0o?, -ov, b, JVeaethus, the name of a river. Ννγάτεος, -ov, b, η, (fr. νέος new, and γίνομαι to be) new, lately made. Νήγρετος, -ov, h, η, (fr. vi? not, and εγείρω to awaken) unawakened. NHH sound, deep ; from whence there is no waking. Νηδύϊα, -ων, τά, (fr. νηδύς the bel- ly) the intestines, bowels. Νήδυμος, -ov, b, ή, for ηδυμος. Νηδυόφιν, (fr. next, and φιν from a place) from the womb. Νηδΰς, -υος, y), the belly, womb; the vitals, mortal parts. Νήεσσ' for νήεσσι, d. pi. of νηυς, Ion. for ναυς. Νηέω -ω, f. -ήσω, to heap up, pile, load, stow. 1 a par. act. νηήσας. 1 a. inf. mid. νηήσασθαι. 1 a. impr. mid. νήησαι, -άσθω. Νήθει, 3 sin. pies. ind. act. of Νήθω, f. νήσω, p. νίνηκα, same as νέω, to spin. Νηΐ, d. sin. of νηυς, Ion. for ναυς. Νήϊος, -a, -ov, or -ου, δ, η, (fr. νηυς, Ion. for ναυς a ship) naval, of or belonging to ships, for ships. Νηις, -ιδoς,b, η, (fr. vrj not, and είδω to know) ignorant, unskilful, in- experienced ; fearful, timorous. Νηϊς, -ίδος, η, the name of a nymph. Νήκεστον, (fr. vr) not, and ακέομαι to heal) incurably. Νηκουστέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. νη not, and ακούω to hear) to disregard, disobey, neglect. Νηκτός, -η, -ov, (fr. νέω to swim) swimming, floating ; may be swam in. Νηλεγης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. νη not, and αλέγω to take care of) cruel, harsh, severe. Νηλεης and Νηλειης, -έος -ους, b, >% (fr. νη not, and έλεος pity) un- merciful, pitiless, cruel, severe, implacable, d. sin. νηλέεϊ -λεέΐ. Νηλεόποινος, -ου, b, η, (fr. νηλεης pi- tiless, and 7Γοιν»7 punishment) in- flicting grievous punishment, in- exorable, unrelenting. Νηλεστος, for νήλενστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. νη not, and λεύσσω to see) invisible, unseen. Νηλήϊος, -a, -ov, of or relating to JVeleus. Νηλης, -έος -ους, b,r), Sync, for νη- λεής. Νήλιττος, -ου, and Νηλίπους, -οδός, b, {), (fr. νή ηοΐ,ήλιψ a shoe, and πους a foot) bare-footed. Νηλιτης, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. νί) not, and αλιτέω to sin) innocent, in- offensive, harmless, faithful. Νήμα, -ατός, το, (fr. νέω to spin) a thread, yarn. Νημερτής, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. νη not, and άμαρτάνω to err) unerring, certain, true, correct. Subs, a woman's name. Νηνεμία, -ας, Ion. -η, -ης, η, (fr. ν») not, and άνεμος wind) a calm, stillness. Νηνέμιος, -a Ion. -η, -ov, and Νή- νεμος, -ου, b, r), (fr. same) ca?7n, breathless, still, without a breeze, unruffled ; tranquil, serene. Νήξει, d. sin. and Πήζεις, a. pi. cont. of Νήξις, -ιος, Att. -εω$, f), (fr. ν^ω, same as νέω to swim) β swim- ming, flouting. ' NHP Νήξομαι, 1 f. mid. of νήχω. Νηοΐς, Ion. for vaotf, d. pi. — Νηον, Ion. for vaov, a. sin. of ναός. Νηοπόλος, -ου, b, (fr. νηός Ion. for ναός a temple, and πολέω to be about) one who attended in tem- ples, like a modern church-war- den, sexton ; a priest. Νηος, g. of νηυς, Ion. for ναυς, d. pi. νηΰσι. Νηος, Ion. for ναός . Νηπεδάνος, -ή, -ov, (fr. ν?) not, and απεδανος infirm, th. πέδον the ground) firm, strong, stout. Νηπευθης, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. νη not, and πεύθομαι to inquire) ποί ίο oe inquired of or info, unlawful to ask ; inexplicable, inscruta- ble. Νηπιάα, -ας, i), (fr. νήπιος an in- fant) infancy, childhood ; folly foolishness, silliness. Νηπιάζετε, 2 pi. pres. impr. act of N»77rta£co, f. -ασω, p. νενηπίακα, (fr same) to be a child ; to act as a child, imitate a child. 1 a. ενη- πίασα. Νηπιαχεύω, (fr. same, and αχεύω to grieve, th. άχος grief) to behave childishly, cry like a child. Νηπίαχος, -ου, δ, same as νήπιος. Νήπιε, v. sin. of νήπιος. Νηπιέη, -ης, {/, (fr. νήπιος an infant) Ion. for νηπιάα. Νηπιόκτονος, -ου, δ, rj, (fr. same, and κτείνω to kill) infant-kill- ing. Νήπιον, -ov, το, same as Νήπιος, -ου, δ, (fr. νη not, and έπω to speak) an infant, child, babe. Νήπιος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) infan- tile, childish, young; speechless, dumb, mute ; foolish, silly ; stu- pid, ignorant, inexperienced,. Νηττιότης, -ητος, i), (fr. last) infan- cy, childhood ; folly, silliness. Νηττιόφρων,-ονος, δ, ν, (fr. last, and φοην the mind) puerile, silly. Νήπλεκτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. νη not, and πλεκτός a tying) unadorn- ed, untied, dishevelled, loose, flowing. Νήποινος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. vr) not, and ποινή punishment) unpunished, with impunity ; unrevenged. Νηπύτιος, -a, -ov, (fr. νήπιος child- ish) infantile, childish, young ; foolish, silly, inexperienced. Νηρεύς, -έος and -ήος, δ, a man's name. Νηρϊ, h, indecl. Heb. a man's name. Νήριβμος, -ου, b, λ/, (fr. vr) not, and αριθμός a number) innumerable, countless, vast. Νήριον, -ου, το, a kind of shrub growing on the banks of ri- vers. ΝηρΊτης, -ου, b, (fr. νέω to swim) a a kind of shell-fish which swims on the water. Νήρίτος or Ν'ριστος, -ου, δ, η,- (fr. ι>η not, and εοίζα to contend, th. (406) NHX έρις contention) impossible to bt disputed; immense, vast, great. Νηρος, -a, -bv, moist, wet, flowing, with water ; hollow. Νηρος for νεαρός. Νήσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Νήσαντο, Ion. for ενήσαντο, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. of νεω, to heap up. Νησαίη, -ης, η, a woman's name. Νήσων, -ου, το, (fr. next) a small island, islet. Νήσος, -ov, η, (fr. νέω to swim) an island. Νησόφυλαξ, -ακος, b, (fr. last, and φύλαξ a guard) a guardian, pro- tector or watch of an island. Νήσσα, or Att. Νηττα, -ας, ί/, (fr. νέω to swim) a duck or drake. Νηστεία, -ας, -%, (fr. νηστεύω to fast) fasting, hunger ; a fast. Νήστεις, a pi. cont. οΐνηστις. Νηστεύω, f. -εύσω, p. νενήστευκα % (fr. next) to fast, be hungry ; to abstain. 1 a. ind. act. ενήστευ- σα' par. νηστενσας, -ασα, -αν, pi. -σαντες. Νηστις, -ιος, Att. -εως, δ, ή, (per- haps fr. νη not, and εσθίω to eat) hungry, fasting, in want of food, destitute ; causing hunger. Νήσω, //, a woman's name. Νήτην, in vain, fruitless, uselessly t to no purpose. Νητος, -η, -ov, (cont. for νέατος, Ion. Sync, for νεώτατος, sup. of νέος) latest, newest ; last, low- est. Νήτος, -η, -ov, (fr. νέω or νήθω to spin) heaped, piled, thick, close. Νητρεκης, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. vr) in- tens. and ατρεκής true) true, cer- tain ; clear, distinct. Νηΐίς, νηϋν, νηϋσι, Ion. for ναΰς % vavv, ναΰσι, η. a. sin. and d. pi» of ναυς. Νήϋτμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. νη neg. and αϋτμη a breath) destitute of breath, without breath, breath- less, panting. Νηφαίνω, (fr. νήφω to be sober) to be sober, sober minded. Νηφαλεος and Νηφάλιος, -ov, b, r) t (fr. same) sober; sober-mindedy temperate ; vigilant, watchful. Νηφαλιότης,-ητος, f), (fr. same) so- briety, temperance. Νήφε, pres. impr. act. — Νήφον- τες, η. -φονσι, d. pi. par. pres. act. — Νήφονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Ν)?0ω, f. -ψω, p. -φα, (perhaps fr. vr) neg. and πίνω to drink) to be sober or sober-minded ; to be vigilant, watchful, attentive. 1 a. act. ind. ένηχμα' impr. ν^ψον, -άτω ' 2 pi. νή-φατε. Νήφωμεν, 1 pi. pres. sub. act. of last. Νήχετο, Ion. for ενήγετο, 3 sin, impf. ind. pass. — Νήγον, Ion. for ένηχον, impf. ind. act. — Νηχόμενος, pres. par. mid. of νήχω. Νήχυτος, -ov, δ, η, (fr. vr) intens, and χυω or χέω to pour) widelg flowing, widely spreading, float- ing. NIK Νι}χω, f. νήξω, or Νηχομαι, (fr. νέω to swim) to swim, float ; to sail, sail upon. Νίψατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. of vr' /φω. Νήψις, -ιος, η, (fr. νήφω to be so- ber) sobriety, temperance. Νήω, same as νέω, to heap up. Νηών, Ion. for ναών, g. pi. of νανς or of ναός. Νηώς, Dor. and νηους, Ion. for ους, a. pi. of ναός. Νίγερ, b, the name of a pro- phet. Νιγλάρός, -ου, b, boat music, music for rowing to. Νίζω for νίπτω. Νίκα, 3 sin. pres. ind. — Νίκα. pres. impr. — Νικάν, pres. inf. cont. of νικάω. Νικάνωρ, -ορός, b, a man's name. Νικαζω, -εΐς, -εΤ, Dor. for νικάσώ, which for νικήσω, 1 f. ind. act, of νικάω. Νικάσαι, Νικάσας, ΝικασεΊν, Dor, and iEol. for νικήσαι, inf. νική- σας, par. 1 a. and νηκησεΐν, 1 f. inf. act. — Νικάτω, 3 sin. cont. pres. impr. act. of same. Νικαφορία,-ας, ή, Νικαφόρος, -ov, b, ι), Dor. for νικηφορία and νικηφό- ρος. "Νικάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. νεν'ικηκα, (perhaps fr. νή neg. and είκω to yield) to conquer, subdue, over• come, vanquish ; to surpass, ex- cel, surmount, prevail ; to con vince, conqiier by argument. 1 a ind. act. ενίκησα. Νίκη, -ης, 'ι, φ. last) victory, con- quest. Νικγι, Dor. for νίκα, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. — Νικηθε\ς,-ε7σα, -εν, 1 a. par. pass, of same. Νίκημα, -άτος, το, (fr. same) vic- tory. Νίκη μ ι for νικάω. Νικήσαι, inf. — Νικήσας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. — Νικήσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. — Νικήσης, -ση, 2 and 3 sin. 1 a sub. act. of νι- κάω. Νικητήριον, -ov, το, (fr. νικητής a victor, th. νικάω to conquer) the reward of victory, palm, chaplet, crown, prize. Νικητήριος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) be- 1 longing or relating to victory. Νικητής, -ου, b, (fr. νικάω to con- quer) a victor, conqueror. ΝικητΙκος, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) victo- rious, conquering, accustomed to i.->x>2>ier. Νικηφορία, -ας, η, {ΐτ."νίκη victory, and φέρω to bear) the gaining of a victory, victory. Νικηφόρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) that carries away victory, victorious, conquering, triumphant. Νικόδημος, -ov, b, a man's name. Νικοκλής, -εος -ονς, b, a proper name. Νικολάιτης, -ov, b, a Nicofoitan, follower of Nicolas. Νικόλαος, -ov, and Att. Νικόλεως -ω, b, a man's name. NiKotrotfw -ώ, (fr. νίκη victory, an' NOE ιτοιέω to make) to obtain victory ; to cause victory. Νικοποιός, -ου, υ, ή, (fr. same) that causes victory, victorious, trium- phant. Νικόπολις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, the name of a city. Νΐκος, -εος -ονς, το, (fr. νικάω to conquer) victory, conquest ; end. Εις νΊκος, to the end of the world, for ever. Νικώ, pres. ind. act. ; or impr. pass. cont. — N£*, 3 pi. cont. pres. opt. act. — Νικών, d. -κωνη, a. pi. -κώντας, par. pres. act. cont. of νικάω. Νϊν for μ\ν, self, him, her, it, them. ΝινενΙ, Νινενϊ and Νίνος, -ov, ή, Nineveh, the name of a city. Νινενίτης, -ου, b, a Ninevite, inha- bitant of Nineveh, pi. Νινενΐταΐ. Νιόβη, -ης, >), Niobe, a woman's name. Νίπτειν, pres. inf. act. — Νίπτεις, 2 sin. pres. ind. act. of νίπτω. Νιπτήρ, -ήρος, b, (fr. same) a ewer, basin or vessel for washing in. a. sin. νιπτήρα. Νίπτονται, 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. of Νίπτω, f. -ψ-ω, p. νίνιφα, to icash the hands or feet ; to cleanse, rinse. 1 a. act. ind. ένιψα' sub. νίψω, -ης, -η. pres. mid. ν/— τομαι. 1 f. mid. νίψομαι. 1 a. mid. ind. ενιψάμην, -ω, -ατο. impr. νίψαι, -άσθω' sub. νίψωμαι, -η, -ηται' inf. νίψασθαι' par. ννίά- μενος. Νίσσομαι ΟτΝείσσομαι,ΖΆΐϊΐβ as νέω, to go. pres. par. Νισσόμενος, -η, -ov, g. νισσομέιου, -ης, -ov. Νίσσοντ'' for νίσσοντο, Ion. for εν'ισ- σοντο, 3 pi. impf. of last. Νίτρον, -ου, το, nitre, saltpetre. Νίφα, Apoc. for νιφάδα, a. sin. — Νιφάδεσσι, Ion. for νίφασι, d. pi. ef Νιφάς, -άδος, η, (fr. viip snow, or νίφω to snow) snow ; a shower or flakes of snow ; a heavy fall of snow. Νίφετός, ■ ου, b, same as last. Νιφόβολος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and βάλλω to strike) snow-beaten. Νιφόεις,-εσσα,-εν, (fr. w^afsnow) snowy, covered with snow. Νιφοστιβής, -εος -ους, b, >;,(fr. same, and στείβω to tread) tracked with snow, snowy. Νίφω and Νείφω, to snow, wet with snow, cover until snow. Νιψ, νίφος, η, obs. snow. Νίφαι, -άσθω, 1 a. impr. mid. — Νι-ψάμενος, 1 a. par. mid. — Νίψασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Νιψάτωσαν, 3 pi. of νίφον, -άτω, 1 a. impr. act. — Νίψω, -ης, -η, 1 a. sub. act. — Νίφωνται, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. mid. of νίπτω. Νοέη, cont. vojj, 3 sin. pres. sub. — Νόει, pres. impr. act. cont. of νοέω. Νόει, -είτω, 2 and 3 sin. -είτε, 2 pi. cont. pres. impr. act. of νοεω. Νόεις, pres. par. of νόημι for νοεω. Νοεοντι, Dor. for νοέονσι — Νοίουσ' (407) NOM for νοέονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. -=» Νοεονση, d. sin. fern, of νοέων -ων, νοέονσα -ονσα, νοέον -ουν, pres. par. act. of νοέω. Νοερός, -a, -bv, (fr. νοέω to think) thinking, intelligent, knowing, skilful, rational, wise; spiritualy immaterial. Νοευντ<•ς, Dor. for νοουντες, η. pi. pres. par. of Νοέω, f. νοήσω, p. νενόηκα, (fr. νόος the mind) to mind, consider ; to understand, know, compre- hend, conceive ; to think, intend, mean, devise ; to see, perceive, observe, recognise ; to be pru- dent, wise, skilful, pres. impr. νόεε νόει,νοεέτω νοείτω. 1 a. act. ind. ενόησα' sub. νοήσω, -ης, -η' inf. νοήσαι. per. ind. pass, νενόη- μαι. Νοηθείς, -είσα, -εν, 1 a. par. pass, of last. Νόημα, -άτος, τδ, (fr. νοέω to think) thought, intellect, understanding ; sense, notion ; measure, device, plan, expedient ; perception, ob- servation, pi. νοήματα. Νόημι, same as νοέω. Νοήμων, -όνος, b, ή, (fr. νοέω to think) thoughtful, intelligent; wise, prudent. Νόησα, -ας, -ε, Ion. for ενόησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — Νοήσα, 1 a. inf. act. — Νοήσας, 1 a. par. act. — Νοήσωσι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of νοέω. Νόησις, -ιυς, Att. -εως, η, (fr. νοέω to think) thought, cogitation, me- ditation, apprehension, intelli- gence, understanding . Νοητικός, -ή, -ov, (fr. same) percep- tive, intellectual, intelligent, sen- sible, prudent, wise, judicious. Νοητός, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) percep- tihle, intelligible ; intellectual, spiritual ; wise } prudent, judi- cious. Νοητώς, (fr. last) wisely, prudent- ly, skilfully. Νυθεία,-ας, η, (fr. νόθος a bastard) illegitimacy, bastardy. Νοθεύω, (fr. next) to bastardize; to estrange, discard, cut off ; to adulterate, corrupt, spoil, taint ; to deceive, impose upon. Νόθος, -ov, b, a bastard ; illegiti- mate, spurious. Νομάδες, -ων, οί, (pi. of νομάς wan- dering) inhabitants of Numidia, living like the Scythians, Arabs, &c. Νομαδϊκος, -ή, -bv, (fr. νέμω to pas- ture) living on pasture, pastur- ing ; pastoral, belonging to shep- herds. Νομάΐον, -ov, το, (neut. of next) an institution, custom, rite, ordi- nance, statute. Νομαϊος, -a, -ov, (fr. νόμος law, th. νέμω to distribute) customary legal, ordained, instituted. Or, (fr. νόμη pasturage, th. same) pasturing, grazing, feeding, tend- ing ; of or from flocks or herds Νομάρχης, -ov, Ό, (fr. νόμος a dis trict, and αρχή a command) α NOM viceroy, deputy, governor, lord lieutenant. Νομάς, -άδος, δ, η, (fr. νέμω. to pas- ture) feeding on pastures, graz- ing ; roving, wandering, unset- tled. Νομεες -εΊς, ol, the sides, nbs or timbers of ships. Νόμενμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. next) a flock, herd. Νομενς. -εος, Att. -έως, η, (fr. νέμω to distribute) a shepherd ; a giv- er+ beslower. Νομενω, f. -ενσω, fr. same) to feed, tend, pasture, graze. Νομέω -ώ, (fr. same) to distribute, share, divide ; to cut up or in pieces. Νομέομαι -οϋμαι, to take a share, appropriate ; to get, own possess. Νομή, -ης, η, (fr. same) adistribu tion, share, division ; possession pasture, grazing, attendance on a flock. Νομίζει, 3 sin. pres. ind. — Νομί- ζειν, pres. inf. act. of Νομίζω, f. -ισω, p. νενόμικα, (fr. νόμος a law) to establish or intro- duce by law or custom ; to re- ceive or conform to, observe, prac- tise ; to judge, think, deem ; to be in use or current ; to be accus' tomed, be wont ; to perform fune- ral rites, impf. ind. ενόμιζον, -ες -ε. 1 a. act. ind. ενόμισα' sub νομίσω, -ης, -ρ' par. νομίσας. Νομίζων, g. ρί. -ζόντων, par. pres. act. of last. Νομικός, -η, -bv, (fr. νόμος the law) of or concerning the law, law- ful, legal, just. Subs, a lawyer, one skilled in the law. Νόμίμον, -ov, to, (fr. same) a law, institution ; a custom. Νόμιμος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) legal, legitimate, lawful ; equal, fair, just ; agreeable to custom, con- firmed by habit ; skilled, intelli- gent. Νομίμως, (fr. last) lawfully, fairly. Νόμίος, -ov, b, (fr. νομή pasture) living as a shepherd, pastoral. Νομιονμεν, 1 pi. of νομιω, wh. see. Νομίσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Νομίσας, η. pi. -σαντες, 1 a. par. act. — Νομίσητε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of νομίζω. Νόμισμα, -ατός, τό, (fr, νόμος a law) a received custom, usage, rite ; money, coin ; standard measure. Νομιστέος, -a, -ov, (fr. νομίζω to think) it must be considered, to be supposed, be thought. Νομιώ, Att. for νομίσω, 1 f. ind. ΝΟΣ δίδωμι to give) a lawgiver, legis- lator. Νομοθεσία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and τίθημι to place) an appointment or ordaining of the law, legisla- ture, constitution, ordinance. Νομοθετέω -ω, f. -)/σω, p. νενομοθέ- τηκα, (fr. same) to enact laws, legislate ; to promulgate or pub- lish a law ; to ordain or sanction by law ; to instruct in the law. 1 a. ind. act. ενομοθέτησα. per. pass, νενομοθίτημαι. pper. pass. ενενομοθετήμην, -σο, -το. Νομοθέτης, -ov, b, (fr. same) a le- gislator, lawgiver, senator. Νομοθετήσεια, -ας, -ε, JE.61. for vo- μοθετήσαιμι, 1 a, opt. act. οι vo- μοθετέω. Νόμος, -ov, b, (fr. νέμω to distri- bute) a law, rule, institution ; equity, justice; a custom, fa- shion; an ordinance, rite, ceremo- ny ; a song, verse ; harmony, time, measure. Νομός, -ου, b, (fr. νίμω to pasture) a meadow, field, pasture, graz- ing ; a place of residence, abode, habitation, dwelling; a region, district ; government, province. ΝομοφυΧαζ, -άκος, b, ή, (fr. νόμος the law, and ψνλάσσω to guard) a guardian of the laws, an inferi- or magistrate. Νόος νους, *ϋου νου, and Νους, νοος, b, the mind, intellect, understand- ing ; will, design, purpose ; wisdom, prudence, judgment ; thought, opinion ; disposition, sense, purport. Νοος, g. — Νοΐ, d. — Νουν, a. of νους, same as νόος. Νοονμεν, 1 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. — Νοούμενος, par. pres. pass, cont. — Νοουντες, η. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of νοέω. Νοσέοντι, Dor. for νοσοΰσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. of νοσίω. Νοσερος, -a, -bv, (fr. next) diseased, sick, sore ; languid. Νοσίω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. νενόσηκα, (fr. νόσος sickness) to be sick, ill, dis- eased or afflicted ; to be disor- dered in mind, dote, rave, rage, be mad. 1 a. par. act. νοσήσας, -ασα, -αν. Νοσηλεία, -ας, η, (fr. νοσηλεύω to tend the sick) sickness, illness, disease ; infection ; matter, dis- charge ; nurse-tending, care of the sick. Νοσηλεία, -ων, τα, (fr. same) medi- cines and applications used for sick persons. act. of νομίζω. Ι Νοσηλεύω, f. -ενσω, (fr. νόσος sick- Νομογραφέω -ώ, (fr. νήμος the law,j ness) to take care of the sick, ad- and γράψω to write) to write or I minister medicine ; to cure, heal frame laws. Νόσημα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) sick- ness, disease, malady, illness Νομογραφία,-ας, η, (fr. same, an enactment, statute, law. Νομογραφος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) a writer of laws, legislator. Νύμοδιδάσκάλος, -ov, b, (fr. νόμος the law, and διδάσκαλος a mas- ter) a doctor or teacher of the law, lawyer. Νομοδότης, ov, 6, (fr same, and distress, affliction; depravity, vice. d. sin. νοσήματι. Νοσηματϊκος,-ή, -bv, (fr. last) ill sickly, diseased, afflicted. ΝοσοκομεΊον, -ov, το, (fr. νόσος dis- ease, and κομεω to take care of) an infirmary, hospital. Νοσοκομίω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same) to (408) NOT take care of the sick, nurse, tend. Νοσοκόμος, -ov, b, t), (fr. same) a nurse-tender, physician. Νόσος, -ov, η, (fr. νη neg. and σόος sound) sickness, malady, disease; corruption, depravity, vice. Νοσσάς, -άδος, b, η, (fr. νεοσσός a chicken) a youngling; a chicken. Νοσσεύω, f. -ενσω, (fr. νοσσός for νεοσσός a young bird) to build a nest, nestle, roost. Νοσσιά, -ας, η, (fr. same) a nest or brood of young birds. Νοσσίον, -ov, τό, (fr. same) a chick- en, young bird ; a brood. Νοσσοποιέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. next, and ττοίί'ω to make, to make or build a nest. Νοσσός for νεοσσός. Νοστίω -ώ, f. -ήσω, to come, return, come back ; to go, set out. 1 a. par. act. νοστήσας. Νόστίμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. last) that will or may return; desirable, dear, agreeable ; sweet, pleasant. Comp. νοστιμώτερος, -a, -ov. Νόστος, -ov, b, return, coming home ; sweetness, pleasantness. Νόσφϊ, separately, apart, aside ; in private, without witness, in ab- sence of; remote, far ; except. Νοσφιζόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of Νοσψίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. νόσφι apart) to set apart, remove, separate, dis- unite. Νοσφίζομαι, to withdraw, retire, revolt ; to withhold, purloin, steal, embezzle. 1 f. mid. νοσφί- σομαι. 1 a md. mid. ενοαφισά- μην, -ω, -t*ro. 1 a. par. pass. νοσφισθεϊς, -εΐσα, -εν. Νοσφίσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. of last. Νοσών, pres. par. cont. of νοσίω. Νοτερός, -a, -ov, (fr. νοτΐς moisture) wet, moist, humid, dripping. Νοτία, -ας, η, same as νοτίς. Νοτίζω, (fr. νοτις moisture) to wet, moisten ; to drip with wet. Νότιος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) wet, moist, dripping, trickling, dewy. Or (fr. νότος the south) south- ern, towards the south, from the south. Νοτϊς, -ίδος, ή, wet, moisture, rain. Νότοιο, Ion. for νότον, g. of Νότος, -ov, b, the south, southern country ; south wind. Νονβνστϊκός, -η, -ov, (fr. νόος the mind, and βνζω or βνω to fill) full of cunning ; judicious, shrewd, clever. Νουθεσία, -ας, %, (fr. same, and τίθημι to place) admonition, in- struction, reproof, censure. Νονθετέω-ώ,ΐ.-ήσω,ψ.νενουθέτηκα, (fr. νους the mind, and τίθημι to set) to remind, admonish, warn, instruct; to reprove, censure, correct. 1 a. act. ενονθέτηοα. Νονθέτημα, -ατός, τό, and Νουθίτη- σις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, same as νονθεσία. Νονθετ"κός, -η, -όν, (fr. νονθετέω to remind) admonitory, instruct tive. Νουθετώ, 1 sin. cont. pres. ind. NTM act. — Νουθετών, pi. η. -τοΰντες, a. -τυυντας, par. pres. act. cont. of same. Νουμηνία, -ας, η, (fr. νέος new, and μήνη the moon) the new moon ; first day of the month ψ a festival on that day. Νοϋμμος, -ov, b, (JE,o\. for νόμος usage) money, the current or standard coin. Νουν, a. sin. of νόος or of νους. Νουνεχής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. νους the mind, and έχω to have) wise, discreet, prudent, sensible, judi- cious. Νοννεχώς, (fr. last) wisely, sensi~ bly, discreetly. Νους, νοός, b, same as νόος. d. voX, a. vovv. pi. η. νόες, a. νόας. Νούσος, Poet, for νόσος. Νύ, truly, certainly ; then, there- fore ; nay, however. Νυγεκ, 2 a. par. pass, of νύσσω. Νυγμή, -ης, η, Νυγμός, -ου, b, and Νύγμα, -ατός, το, (fr. νύσσω to prick) a puncture, wound from a point. Νύκτ for νύκτα, a. sin. of νύξ. Νύκτα, Νύκτας, Νυκτϊ, Νυκτός, cases of νύξ. Νυκτερεύω, (fr. νύξ the night) to spend the night. Ννκτερίνός, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) noc- turnal, nightly, at night. Νυκτερις, -ίδΌς, η, (fr. same) a bat. Νύκτερος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) noc- turnal, by night, nightly. Νυκτέσσι, Poet, for νυξι, d. pL of νύξ. Νυκτηγορέω -ω, (fr. νύξ night, and αγοράω to proclaim) to proclaim by night. Ννκτικόραξ,-άκος, b, (fr. ννξ night, and κόραξ a crow) an owl. Νυκτιλαμιτής, -έος -ους, b, r), (fr. same, and λάμπω to shine) shin- ing by night. Ννκτίνομος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and νέμω to pasture) feeding by night. Νυκτομαχία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and μάχομαι to fight) a battle at night. Νυκτοπότιον, -ου, το, (fr. same, and ■πίνω to drink) a nightly cup. Ννκτωρ, (fr. νύξ night) by night. Ννμφαγωγος, -ου, b, η, (fr. νύμφη a bride, and άγω to lead) the bride's conductor, a bride's man or maid. ΝνμφαΊος, -a, -ov, (fr. νύμφη a nymph) belonging to the Nymphs. ΝυμφαΊον, -ου, το, a temple or shrine of the Nymphs. Ννμφάων, JEol. for νυμφών, g. pi. Of νύμφη. Ννμφείος, -ου, b, !/, (fr. νύμφη a 1 bride) nuptial, bridal; espoused. Νύμφευσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) a betrothing, promise of V marriage. Κυίίφεντης, -ου, h, (fr. next) a be- t trothtr, wife* 8 father. Νυμφεύω, f. -*ευσω, (fr. next) to be- troth, give in marriage. Νύμφη, -ης, fj, a bride, new mar- ried woman ; a daughter-in-law ; 3F ΝΩΘ a Nymph, g. jd1. νυμφέων, Ion. f for νυμφών. Νυμφίδιος, -a, -ov, (fr. last) nup- j tial, bridal. Νυμφ'ϊκος, -ή, -bv, same as last. Νυμφαίος -ου, b, η, (fr. νύμφη a bride) newly married, espoused, given in marriage. Νυμφοκομέω -ώ, (fr. same, and κο- μίω to adorn) to adorn or bedeck a bride. Νυμφοκόμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) adorning the bride, bridal, g. Ion. νυμφοκόμοιο. Νυμφόλ>]ΐζτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. νύμφη a nymph, and λαμβάνω to take) possessed by a nymph, inspired, frantic, mad. Νυμφοστόλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. νύμφη a bride, and στέλλω to adorn) adorning the bride, bridal; su- perintending the marriage. Νυμφών, -ωνος, b, (fr. νύμφη a bride) the bridal chamber, mar- riage bed. Νυν, Att. Νυνί, now, atpresent, just now ; a moment ago ; presently, in a moment ; νυν, this being so, then, therefore. Oi νυν, these now, the men of this day: Νύξ, νυκτός, η, night, darkness. Νύξ' for νύξε, Ion. for ένυξε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Νύξω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of νύσσω. Νυος, -οΐ•, η, (fr. νέος new) a daugh- ter-in-law ; a bride. Νύσοί, a Syracusan word; lame, halt. Νύσσα, -ης, η, a goal, starting post. Νύσσοντες, η. pi. of νύσσων, pres. par. act. of Νύσσω or -ττω, f. -ξω, p. νέννχα, to prick, pierce, wound, slab ; tear ; to afflict, harass, vex. Ννσταγμα, -ατός, το, and Νυσταγ- μός, -ου, b, (fr. νυστάζω to doze) a slumber, doze, sleep. Νυστάζει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of Νυστάζω, f. -ξω, p. νενύσταχα, (fr. νεύω to nod) ίο doze, slumber, nod ; to loiter, delay, linger. Νύττω same as νύσσω. Νυχα, (fr. νύξ night) by night, at night. Νυχεία, -ας, ή, the name of a Nymph. Νυχθήμερον, (fr. ννξ night, and ίΐμέρα a day) the space of twenty four hours, a day and a night. Νύχιος, -a, -ov, and Νύχυτος, (fr. νύξ night) nocturnal, nightly, at night. Νύχο?, -εος -ους, rb, (fr. same) night, darkness. Νώγάλα, -ων, τα, cakes, sweetmeats, delicacies. Νωδος , -ή, -ov, (fr. νή neg. and οδούς a tooth) toothless. Νωδυνία, -ας, §, (fr. next) absence of pain, ease ; strength, vigour. Νώδννος, -ov, b, η, (fr. νή neg. and οδύνη pain) free from pain or sorrow, at ease, pleasant ; reliev- ing pain, anodyne. Νωε, b, Heb. indecl. Noah, a man's name. Νώθ' for νώτα, η. pi. of νωτος. (409) ΝΩΤ Νωθεία, -ας, and Ion. Νωθείη, -ης, η, (fr. next) slothfulness, inacti- vity, laziness, sluggishness. Νωθής, -έος -ους, δ, ή, (fr. νή neg. and θ/ω to run) inactive, lazy, slow, slothful ; stupid, heavy, dull. Νώθητι, Ion. Synasr. for νοήθητι, 1 a. impr. pass, of νοέω. Νωθροκάρδιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. next, and καρδία a heart) slow of heart, dull, stupid. Νωθρός, -ά, -bv, (fr. νωθής slothful. Or, fr. νή neg. andSopoj to leap) impotent; inactive, slothful, slitg gish, dull, stupid, stow. Νωθρότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) impo tency ; sloth, inactivity, laziness, stupidity, dulness, slowness. Νώϊ νιο, and Νώϊν νων, η. a. and g. d. du. of εγώ. Νωιτερος, -a Ion. -7/, -ov, our, of us two. Νωκαρ, -ρος, to, (fr. νή neg. and σκαίρω to leap) numbness, heavi- ness ; dulness, laziness. Adj. very stupid, very lazy. Νωκήδ, Heb. indecl. a sheep mas- ter, shepherd. Νωλεμέως, (fr. next) incessantly, indefatigably. Νωλεμής, -έος -ους, b,i), (fr. vijneg. and αλε'ιπω to leave) incessant, indefatigable, unwearied, perse- vering. Νωμαν, pres. inf. cont. — Νωμασας, Dor. for νωμ/,σας, 1 a. par. act. — Νωμάσουσι, Dor. for νωμήσον- σι, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of Νωμάω -ώ, f. -^σω, (fr. νέμω to distribute) to distribute, share, divide; to move, shade, vilrate, brandish ; to consider, reflect, think on, observe ; to direct, rule. Νοιμήσας, 1 a. par. act. Νώμησαν., Ion. for ενώμησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of last. Νωμω, pres. cont. of νωμάω, for νέμω. Νώνύμος, and Poet. Νώνυμμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. νή neg. and όννμα, JEol. for όνομα a name) nameless, in- significant, of no name or conse- quence, inglorious. Νώροψ, -οττος, b, η, (fr. νή neg. and όψις sight, th. όιττομαι to see) dazzling, brilliant, shining, glit- tering ; burnished, polished. Νωσαι, Ion. Synser. for νοησαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Νώσατο, Ion. Synssr. for ενοησατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. — Νώσασθαι, Ion Synser. for νοήσασθαι, 1 a. ini mid. of νοέω. Νώτ' for νώτα, η. pi. of νωτος. Νωτάκμονες, η. pi. of Νωτάκμων, -όνος, b, r), (fr. νωτοχ a back, and άκμων an anvil) bearing an anvil on its back, strong or hard-backed. Νωτακοπέω -ώ, (fr. next, and kottu, to cut) to strike the back, cut off the neck. Νωτος, -ov, b, a back, chine, shoul- ders ; a ridge ; a surface. In pi. τα νώτα, g. νώτων, d. Ion. νώ- τοισι. ■ ' HEN Ιίωτοφορέω -ώ, (fr. last, rand φέρω to bear) to carry on the back. Νωτοφόρος, ~ου, b, >), (fr. same) carrying on the back. Νωχελεύομαι, (fr. next) to be slow and lazy at work, loiter. Νω^ίλίί, -έας -ους, b, η, (fr. νή neg. and κέλλω to move) slow, inac- tive, lazy, slothful ; impotent , weak; useless, fruitless. Νωχελία, -ας, fj, (fr. same) sloth- fulness, inactivity, laziness, slow nes3, dulness, stupidity. s Ε, ξ, called xi, the fourteenth of the modern Greek letters, but the fifteenth of the ancient whence, in numbering, ξ is used for the sixth decade or sixty, with a dot under it, ξ. for sixty thousand. Έαίνω, f. ξάνω, p. έξαγκα, to comb or card wool ; to hackle flax ; to tear, lacerate ; to beat, strike. Έάμειψει, for εξάμειψει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of εξαμείβω. Έάνθη, -ης, t), a woman's name. Ξανθησιν, Ion. Tor ξανθαΊς, d. pi. fern, of ξανθός. Έανθίζω, f. -ϊσω, (ft*, ξανθός yellow) to make yellow ; to grow yellow ; to be yellow. Έ,αν&ίκος, -ου, b, (fr. same) the month among the Macedonians answering to our April. Έ,ανθόθριξ, -ϊχος, b, ,/, (fr. same and $ρϊξ hair) yellow-haired. Έανθοκομαν, g. pi. Dor. of Ξανθοκόμης, -ov, and Ξανθόκομο^ -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and κόμη hair) yellow-haired, fair, sandy. Έανθδς, -η, -bv, yellow, tawny ; red- dish-yellow, golden, sandy, fair. Έάνθος, -ov, b, the name of a river ; ard of a horse. Έανθόχροος,-ου, b, >/, (fr. ξανθός yel- low, and χρόος skin) having a yellow skin, yellow coloured. Έανθώ, Dor. for ξανθού, g, of ξαν- θός. Ξάνω, 1 f. act. of ξαίνω. Ξειναττάτης, Poet, for ξεναττάτης. Έεινήϊα, η. pi. of Ξεινήϊον, also Ξε£- νιον, Poet, for ξένιον. Έεινίζω, Ξειν"κος, Ξείνιος, Ξεινοδό- κος or -δόχος, Ξεινοτονέω, Ξέΐνος, Poet, for ξενίζω, &c. Έεναγέτης, -ου, b, (fr. ξένος a stranger, and άγω to lead) an introducer of guests ; a master of the ceremonies. Έεναγέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same) to introduce strangers ; to show the curionties, beauties or wonders of a place ; to receive in hospi- tality, entertain ; to instruct or inform strangers ; to command foreign troops, lead auxiliary or mercenary soldiers. HEN Έεναγωγέω -ω, same as last. Έ,εναγωγός, -ου, b, (fr. same) a com- mander of auxiliary or mercena- ry troops ; a receiver of guests, guide. Έ,εναπατας, -α, b, Dor. for Ξεναττάτης, -ov, b, (fr. ξένος a stranger, and απατάω to de- ceive) a deceiver of strangers, perfidious, treacherous to guests. Ξεναρκης, -έος -ους, b, f), (fr. same, and αρκίω to suffice) just or kind to strangers, hospitable. Ξενηλάτέω -ω, (fr. same, andeXau- νω to drive) to expel strangers. Ξενία, -ας, Ion. -ης, η~, (fr. ξίνος a stranger) an inn, lodging ; en- tertainment ; the being a stranger or alien. Έενίζω, f. -"ίσω, p. εξένικα, (fr. same) to receive strangers, enter- tain, be hospitable ; to be a stran- ger, live in a foreign land, lodge ; to behave like a foreigner, pres. mid. Ξενίζομαι, -η, -εται, to think strange things, wonder, be amaz- ed, astonished. 1 a. ind. act. εξίνισα. 1 a. pass. ind. εξενίσθην sub. ξενισθω. Ξενίζων, -ούσα, -ov, (par. pres. act. of last) foreign, outlandish ; strange, extraordinary, uncom- mon. Ξενικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) foreign, belonging to strangers, public, in common with strangers ; hospi- table, friendly. Ξένιον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a present given to or received from a stran- ger; a token, memorial of friend- ship. Ξένιος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) hospita- ble, kind to strangers, belonging to strangers. An epithet of Ju- piter. Έ,ε νΐσαντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. act. — Έε- νισθεϊς, 1 a. par. pass. — "Ξενισθω- 1 μεν, I pi. 1 a. sub. pass, of ξενίζω. I Ξενισμός, -ou,b, (fr. same, th. ξίνος\ a stranger) hospitality, enter- tainment, reception of strangers, surprise caused by novelty, amazement, astonishment ; a sa- crifice to strange idols. Έ,ενιτεία, -ας, {,, (fr. next) travel- ling through a foreign country, sojourning ; a lodging, inn. Ξενιτενω, f. -εύσω, (fr. ξένος s stranger) to travel through fo- reign countries, go abroad, live in a strange land, sojourn, pres. mid. Ξενιτεύομαι, same, and also, to enlist in foreign service. ζενοδοχεΐον, -ov, το, (fr. same, and δέχομαι to receive) an inn ; an hospital. Ξ,ενοδοχέω -ω, (fr. same) to receive strangers, be hospitable, enter- tain. Ξ,ενοοοχία, -ας, >% (fr. same) hospi- tality, entertainment. ζενοδόχος or -δάκος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same) hospitable, affording en- tertainment ; a host. Also, a guest, stranger, one who receives hospitality. Ιενοκτονέω -ω, (fr. same, and κτείνω (410) to kill) to kill strangers, mutdet guests. Ξενολογέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. εξενοΧό- γηκα, (fr. same, and λέγω to col- lect) to levy foreign forces. Ξενο\6γος+-ου, b, η, (fr. same) one who enlists foreigners, recruiting foreigners. A proper name. Ξένος, and Poet. Ξείνος, -η, -ov,fo- reign, strange ; novel, wonder- ful ; hospitable, kind to stran- gers. Subs, a stranger, foreigner, guest ; a host, entertainer, n. pi. Oi ξένοι, mercenary troops. Ξενόστάσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, {/, (fr. last, and 'ίστημι to place) a hos- pitable retreat, abode for stran- gers. ^ . Ξενοτροφέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and τρέφω to nourish) to support strangers ; to maintain foreign troops. Ξενοφών, -ωντος, b, Xenophon, a man's name. Ξενόω -ω, Ξενύομαι -οΰμαι, same as ξενίζω. Ξένως, (fr. ξένος strange) strangely, in a foreign manner. "Ξέρξης, -ου, b, the name of a king. "Ξερός, -ου, b, and Ξερον, -ου, rb, the solid shore, beach. Ξεσθεϊς, 1 a. par. pass, οι ξέω. Ξέσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. ξέω to polish) a scraping, polishing, burnishing ; carving, engraving, sculpture. Ξέστης, -ου, b, (fr. Lat. sextus, sixth) a measure for liquids about a pint and a half. Ξεστος, -η, -bv, (fr. ξέω to polish) scratched, scraped, rubbed ; po- lished, burnished. Ξεστουργία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and έργον a work) carving, engrav- ing, sculpture. Ξέω, f. ξέσω, to shave ; to scratch, scrape ; to plane, smooth, polish, burnish; to chip, cut, hew. Ξηρά, -ας, η, (fr. ξηρός dry) dry land, land. Ξηραίνεται, 3 sin. pres. .ind. pass, of Ξηραίνω, f. -άνω, p. εξήοαγκα, (fr. same) to dry, dry up, parch ; to wither, decay, waste away ; to be ripe. 1 a. ind. act. εξηρανα. per. pass. ind. εξήραμμαι• par. εξηραμμένος. 1 a. ind. pass, εξη- ράνθην, -ης, -η. 1 f. ind. pass. ξηρανθήσομαι. Ξηρανθεις, 1 a. par. pass. — Ξηραν- θω, 1 a. sub. pass, of last. Ξηρασία, -ας, η, and Ξήράσις, -tog, Att. -εως, >), (fr. ξηpbς dry) dry- ness, drought. Έηρος, -a, -bv, dry, dried, parchea\ withered ; pale, wan, languid, faint ; droughty, thirsty, hungry , empty. Ξηρότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) dryness, drought. Ξίρις or Ξνρις, a certain herb. Ξ'ίφηρης, -έος -ους, b, fj, (fr. ξίφος a sword, and αίρω to raise or άρω to fit) armed with a sword, sword-girt. Β.ιφηφορέω-ω } {ϊτ. same ana p. έξυκα, to scrape, shave, smooth, plane, polish, burnish, per. ind. pass, έξνσ- μαι. Ο, ο, called ormeron, that is, » short, so called to distinguish t from ω, omega. Ο is the fif- teenth of the more modern Greek letters, but the sixteenth of the ancient, whence, in numbering, ο is ufted ft* tfefe sereatW /, τό, the, he, she, it ; this, that ; the one, the other ; who, which, what ; he or she, who ; that which. Ό μεν, the one, this. Ό δε, the other, that. Οϊ περί Kvpov Οϊ αμφι ΤΙρίαμον, Cyrus or Priam and their attendants. Sometimes Cyrus or Priam himself merely. Όα, -ας, ή, (fr. όΐς a sheep) a sheep's skin. Όα, -ας, >;, the service tree. Όαρ, -αρος, ή, a wife, concubine. n. pi. όαρες, cont. ώρες • g. οάρων ώρων'ά. οάρεσσι ώρεσσι,ΡοβΙ. for ωρσι. Οαρίζω, (fr. last) to converse as lovers, caress, woo; converse familiarly. Οαρισιχος, -ου, b, (fr. same) inti- macy, familiarity, courtship. Οαριστης, -ου, b, (fr. same) an inti- mate or familiar friend. -")αριστυς,-ύος, b, (fr. same) iynju- gal intercourse, familiar inti- macy, courtship; converse, ac- quaintance. Όαρος, -ov, b, (fr. όαρ a wife) con- jugal converse ; lovers' talk ; intimacy, acquaintance. Οβελίζω, (fr. οβελός a mark in writing) to set a mark before. Οβελίσκος, -ov, b, (fr. οβελός a spit) an obelisk ; a spit, dart, dagger, blade. ΟβελοΊσι, d. pi. Ion. of Οβελός, -οΰ, b, (perhaps ΐτ. βέλος a dart) a spit, dart, spear, javelin ; an annotation, mark. Οβολός, -ου, b, an obolus, a coin, the sixth part of a drachma ; worth about five farthings and a half. Οβολοστατέω -ω, (fr. last, and Ίστη- μι to weigh) to put to interest, calculate interest ; to weigh the last far thing. Οβολοστατης, -ov, b, (fr. same) a usurer. ΟβολοστατΈκή, -ης, η, (fr. same) usury, interest for money. Όβρια, and Οβρίκαλα, -ων, τα, the whelps or cubs of lions or wolves or other fierce animals. Οβριμοεργός, -ov, b, η, (fr. δβριμος strong, and έργον a work) one who attempts dangerous exploits, furious, daring, bold. Οβριμόθϋμος, -ov, b, *}, (fr. same, and θυμός courage) of strong mind, courageous, bdkl, intrepid Οβριμοπάτρη, -ης, η, (fr. -same, and πατήρ a father) sprung from brave father; an epithet of Minerva. Όβριμος, -ου, b, f), (fr. βριάω to make strong) strong, powerful impetuous, violent, heavy, weigh ty, oppressive. Όβρνζος, -ου, b, η, that stands the test, fine, pure ; perhaps Ophiri siah or of Ophir. Όβρνζον, χρν σίον, unadulterated coin. Ό/, for '6yt. ΟΔΗ Ογδοάς, -αδος, ή, (fr. οκτώ eight) the number eight ; an octave. Ογδοάτη, d. sin. fern, of Ογδόατος, -η, -ov, Poet, for ογδόος. Ογδοήκοντα, indecl. (fr. same) eighty. Ογδοηκοστος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) eightieth. Ογδοος, -η, -ov, (fr. οκτώ eight) the eighth. Ογδώκοντα, Ion. for ογδοήκοντα. Όγε, ηγε, τόγε, intens. for b, η, τό. Όγκα or Όγκη, -ης, η, an epithet of Minerva. Ογκάομαι, to bray. pres. par. ογ- κούμενος -ώμενος, -η, -ov. Ογκηθμός, -ου, b, (fr. last) a bray- ing, roaring. Ογκηρος,-ά, -bv, (fr. όγκος a swell- ing) swollen, puffed up, protube- rant. Όγκησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, same as ογκηθμός. Ογκίον, and Όγκαιον, -ov, τό, (fr. next) a vessel or case to put any thing in ; a box, quiver, &c. Όγκος, -ov, b, a tumour, swelling ; pride, haughtiness, pomp; a weight, load, encumbrance. Ογκόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, p. ώγκωκα, (fr. last) to make swollen ; to swell, puff up ; to extol, elate, magnify. Ογκώδης, -εος -ονς, b, η, (fr. same) swelled, haughty, elated. Ογμενω, f. -εύσω, (fr. next) to draw a furrow, plough ; to mow, reap ; to proceed in order as reapers. Ογμός , -ου, b, a furrow, track ; a rank, row, range. Ογχήστιος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) of or belonging to Onchestus. Ογχηστος, -ov, b, Onchestus, the name of a city. Όγχνη or Όχνη, -ης, η, a pear tree; a pear. "Οδ\ for όδε. Όδαγμος, -ου, b, (fr. οδαξέω to be bitten, th. οδούς a tooth) a bite, sling, severe pain. Όδαως, -a, -ov, (fr. bδbς a road) for sale, to be sold; fit for travel- ling. Οδάξ, (fr. οδονς the tooth) with the teeth, tooth and nail, tenaciously. Οδαξασθαι, pres. inf. mid. cont. of οδαξάω — Οδαξέΐσθαι, pres. inf. mid. cont. of Οδαξέω -ω, and Οδαξάω -ω, (fr. οδάξ tenaciously, th. οδονς a tooth) to suffer from a bite, be bitten ; to feel pain. Όδάω or ' Οδέω (fr. bδbς a road) to furnish or provide with provisions for a journey ; to guide, con- duct, convey ; to hawk, sell, offer for sale. Όδε, ηδε, τάδε, same as b, η, τό. Οδελός, Dor. for οβελός. Όδιύω, f. -εύσω, p. ωδενκα, (fr. bδbς a road) to journey, travel, set out on travels ; to go to, frequent. pres. par. όδεύων, -ονσα, -ov. Όδήγει, pres. impr. act. cont. — ΌδηγεΊν, pres. inf. cont. of Οδηγέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. ωδήγηκα, (fr. (412) ΟΔΤ οδός the road, and άγω to lead) to lead the way, guide, conduct^ instruct. Όδηγητηρ,-ηρος, and ' Οδηγός, -oH b, (fr. same) a guide, conductor, instrucler. Οδίος, -ov, b, a proper name. Όδϊτας, -a, b, Dor. for ΌδΊτης, -ov, b, (fr. bδός the road) a traveller. §μή, -ης, η, (fr. όξω to Smell) smell, scent, odour ; fragrance, perfume. Όδοιπορε'ια,-ας,ίι, same a.sbδoιπo- pia. Όδοιπορέω -ω, (fr. bδός the^road, and πείρω to pass over) to travel, journey ; to pass over or through. Όδοιπορία, -ας, η, (fr. same) α journey, travelling, march. Όδοιπορ'ϊκόν, -ου, τό, viz. ίμάτιον, (fr. same) a travelling dress. 'Οδοιπορικός, -ή, -ov, (fr. same),/?/ or useful for travelling. 'Οδοιπόρος, -ov, b,f), (fr. same) tra- velling, journeying ; a traveller, passenger. ' 'Οδοιπόρου ντων, g. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of bδoιπopέω. Οδόντα, a. sin. of οδούς. Όδοποιέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. bδός a road, and ποιέω to make) to make or repair a road, make a way, open a passage ; to reduce to method, regulate, arrange. Όδοποιός, -ου, b, (fr. same) a road maker, one who clears a passage, a pioneer. 'Οδός, -ov, fi, a road, way, path; direction, route, march, journey, expedition ; an entrance, avenue approach; discipline, institution, doctrine, sect ; conduct, action habit, manner ; method, expe dient ; an ambuscade. Όδουν, pres. inf. act. cont. oΐbδόω. Οδονς, -όντος, b, a tooth, tusk. a. sin. οδόντα, d. pi. οδουσι. ' Οδοφύλαξ, ακος, -b, η, and f Oio- φύλακος, -ου, b, η (fr. bδός a road, and φύλαξ a guard) α guard of a road or pass. Όδόω, (fr. bδός the road)io show or lead the way, guide, instruct. Οδύζομαι, f. -σομαι, (same as οδνσ- σω) 1 a. ind. mid. ωδνσάμην, Ion. and Poet, οδνσσάμην. Οδννάομαι,πϊΐά. οϊ οδννάω. Οδννάρός, Dor. for οδυνηρός. Οδννηί, 2 sin. pres. ind. pass. cont. of οδυνάω. Οδννασαι, 2 sin. pres. ind. pass, of οδύνημι, same as Οδυνάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. οδύνη grief) to afflict with grief, grieve, tor- ture, pain, torment. Οδυνάομαι -ωμαι, to feel pain, suffer. Οδννάων, iEol. for οδύνων, g. pi. of Οδννη, -ης, >/, pain, torture, an- guish, a pang; grief, sorrow, affliction, misery, d. pi. οδύνησι, Ion. Οδννηρός, a, -bv, (fr. last) excru- ciating, torturing, tormenting, painful ; grievous, afflicting ; soriouful, miserable. Οδυνήφατος, -ου, b, ή, (fr.feame, and ΟΘΡ φάω to kill) soothing, mitigating, lenitive. Οδυνώμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. cont. of οδννάω. Οδύρεο. Ion. for οδύρου, pres. impr. of οδύρομαι. Οδυρεώς, -ου, b, Όδυρμα, -ατός, rb, Oδυpμbς, -ου, b, (fr. next) la- mentation, wailing, mourning. Οδύρομαι, f. οδυρουμαι, p. ώδυρμαι, to lament, bewail, mo-urn, weep aver. 3 pi. pres. sub. οδύρωνται. pres. par. mid. οδυρόμενος. Οδυσηϊ, d. sin. Ion. of Οδυσσεύς. Οδυσσάμενος, 1 a. par. mid. — Οδύσσατο, Ion. for ωδύσσατο, 3 sin. of ωδυσσάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of οδύσσω. Οδύσσεια, -ας,»), (fr. Ο δ σσευς Ulys- ses) the Odyssey. Οδυσσεύς, -ίος, Att. -έως, Ion. -ηος, b, Ulysses, a man's name. i£ol. Ύδύσσης. a. sin. Οδυσσέα or -?ja. Οδύσσω, f. οδύσω, to be angry, dis- pleased ; to burn with anger, be enraged. Όδωδα, Att. for ώδα, per, mid. — Οδώδη, Att. and Ion. for οδώδει, 3 sin. pper. mid. of όζω. Οδώδη,. -ης, >), (fr. same) a smell, odour, flavour. Οδώδυσται, Att. for ώδυσται, 3 sin. per. pass, of οδύσσω. Οεσσι, Ion. and i£ol. for ό'ίσι, d. pi. of όϊς. Όζειν, pres. inf. act. of όζω. Όζη, -ης, f h (fr όζω to smell) stench, smell of the feet. Οζήσω, 1 f. ind. act. of same. Οζϊας, b, Heb. indecl. a man's name. Όζος, -ου, b, a knot of a tree ; a branch, shoot, offset; a descen- dant, offspring. Οζόστομος, -ου, b, η, (fr. next, and στόμα a mouth) having an offen- sive mouth. Οζω, f. οζήσω and -έσω, p. ώζηκα, to smell, emit an odour good or bad. per. mid. ώδα, Att. όδωδα. Οζώδης, -εος -ους, b, §, (fr. last) strong smelling, heavy smelling, fetid, rank. Or (fr. όζος a branch) knotty, full of knots ; branchy, spreading. 00' for 'ότε. "Οθεν, (fr. 8 which, and &εν from a place) whence, where ; where- fore, on which account. Όθετ' for όθετο, Ion. for ώθετο, 3 sin. impf. ind. of όθομαι. Όθη, -ης, η, care, regard, atten tion. Όθι, (fr. 8 which, and θϊ at or in) where. ΟθνεΊος, -a, -ov, (fr. 'όθεν whence) foreign, belonging to another na- tion, strange ; external. Όθομαι, see όθω. Οθόνη, -ης, ή, a piece of linen, cloth, sheet, canvass ; a sail. Οθόνιον, -ου, το, (dim. of last) small cloth, sheet, sail, rag. Οθύννα, -ης, η, an herb yielding a juice good for the eyes. Οθριξ, ΒτρΈχρς, b, η, (perhaps by Sync for Όμοιόθριζ, fr. ^μός OIZ alike, and θρϊξ hair) having the same coloured hair. O0f%, -ύος, ι), the name of a moun- tain. Οθω, (fr. όθη regard) to move, af- fect. Όθομαι, to be affected, care for, regard, think of, be concerned for. ΟΊ, oh ! alas ! Ot, n. pi. mas. of b, η, τό. ΟΥ, η. pi. mas. of δί, η, b. Ol, where. 0?i d. sin. of ol. OV for οΐα, η. pi. neut. of οίος. Ο'ία, (fr. same) as, like, where- fore, as being. Οιακίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. οίαξ a helm) to take the helm, steer, pilot, guide ; to direct, regulate. Οιακοστρόφος, -ου, b, η, (fr. next, and στρέφω to turn ) a pilot, helms- man ; a governor. Οίαξ, -ακος, b, (perhaps fr. οΐω to bear or carry) the helm or rud- der of a ship. θίγε, pres. impr. act. — Οιγήσο- μαι, 2 f. pass, of οίγω. Οίγνυμι, same as οίγω. impf. pass. ωγνύμην, 3 pi. Poet, ωΐϊγνυντο. Οίγω, Οιγνυω, or Οίγνϋμι^ f• οίζω, p. ωχα, Att. έωχα, to open ; to discover, disclose ; to expose, show. per. mid. ώγα, Att. έωγα. ΟΓ<5' for οΐδα or οΐδε. Οϊδα, -ας, -ε or -εν, pi. οίδαμεν, -δατε, -δασι, per. mid. of ειδέω or είδη μι. Οιδανω, Οιδαίνω, Οιδαίω, and Οι- δάω, same as οιδέω. Οίδασθά, JEol. Parag. for οίδας, 2 sin. per. mid. of ειδέω, or είδη μι. Οιδέω -ω, f. -ήσω, ρ. ωδηκα, to swell, be swollen, puff out; to rage, be angry. Οίδημα, -ατός, rb, and Οίδησις, -ιος, Att. -εως,'ι, (fr. last) infla- tion, swelling; a flood, surge ; a tumor, lump; pride. Οιδίποδας, -a, b, Dor. for Οιδιπό- δης,-ου, b, (fr. οιδέω to swell, and πους the foot) with swollen or misshapen feet, club-footed. Οιδίπους, -οδός, and Οίδιτζος, -ου, b, same as last ; also CEdipus, a man so called from having swollen feet. Οιδίσκω, same as οιδέω. ΟΓ<5/^α, -ατός, το, Sync, for οίδημα. Οίεαι, Ion. — Οί'εί, Att. for οίη, 2 sin. pres. ind. — Οίεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. — Οιέσθω, 3 sin. pres. impr. mid. οΐοίομαι. Οίεσσι, d. pi. Ion. of όϊς. Οϊέτης,-εος-ονς, δ,?'/, (fr. οίος alike, and έτος a year) of the same age. Οίζυος, -ου, b, η, (fr. οϊζυς misfor- tune) wretched, miserable, un- fortunate, woful. Οϊξυρ??, d. sin. Ion. of ΟΊζυρος, -a, -bv, (fr. next) unhap- py, wretched, unfortunate^ mi- serable, woful. Οϊζύς, -υος, η, (fr. οι alas) a whine, moan; misery, misfortune, wo, sorrow, affliction, a. sin. οϊζύν. (413) OIK Οϊζύω, f. -υσω (fr. last) to nijhr misfortunes, be wretched ; to 6•• wailflament, whine, moan. Οίη, d. sin. fern, of υϊος. Οιηθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of οίομαι Οιηϊον, -ου, rb, (dim. of υίαξ a helm) a helm, rudder. Οίηκες, η. pi. of οίηξ. Οιηκίζειν, Ion. for οιακίζειν, pres inf. act. of οιακίζω. Οίηξ, Ion. for οίαξ, η. pi. οίηκες, the rings through which the reins passed. Οίησις, -ιος, Att. -εωί, >/ (fr. οίομαι to think) thought, opinion, sup- position. Οιήσομαι, 1 f. mid. οί οίομαι. Οίϊδα, a. sin. of ΟΐΊς , οίϊδος , η, (dim. of οϊς a sheep) a little sheep or ewe. ΟΊκα, more frequently Att. έοικα, per. ind. mid. of είκω. Ο/καό' for οίκαδε, and Dor. οίκα- δες, (fr. οΊκος a house, and δε towards) home, homewards. Οικάσι, Att. Εοίκάσι, 3 pi. — Oi- κατε, Att. Εοίκατε, 2 pi. — Οίκε, Att. Έοικε, 3 sin. per. ind. mid. of είκω. Οικεί, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. — ΟικεΊν, pres. inf. act. cont. of οικέω. ΟικεΊος, -a, -ov, (fr. οίκος a house) domestic, one's own ; intimate, familiar ; related, connected, at- tached, friendly, kind. Subs. an inmate; a relation. Comp. οικειότεροί,, sup. -τατος. Οικειότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) house- keeping, management, of domes- tic affairs ; familiarity, intima- cy, friendship ; kindred, rela- tionship. Οικειοφώνως, (fr. οικείος one's own, and φωνή voice) with one's own voice. Οικεώω -ω, (fr. οικείος familiar, th. οίκος a house) to domesticate, make intimate, introduce, fami- liarize ; to appropriate, make one's own, occupy ; to claim, prove one's property. Οικείτωσαν, 3 pi. pres. impr. act. cont. — Οικείων, Poet, for οικέ- ων, pres. par. act. οι οικέω. Οικείως, (fr. οικεΊος domestic) do- mestically, intimately, familiar- ly. Οίκεντι, JEol. for οικε7σι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of οίκημι, for οικέω. Οικέοισι, Dor. and^ol. for οικέου- σι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Οικέοι- to, 3 sin. pres. opt. pass, of οικέω. Οικέτης, -ου, b, (fr. οίκος a house) a domestic, servant. Οικέτις, -ϊδος, η, (fr. same) a fe- male domestic, maid-servant. Οικεύντες, Dor. for οικουντες, pi. pres. par. act. cont. of οικέω. Οικενς, -έος, b, (fr. οίκος a house) a domestic, servant, a. pi. Ion. οικηας. Οικέω' -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ωκηκα, (fr. same) to dwell, inhabit ; to have a house or home ; to live ; to rule. OIK regulate, conduct. 1 a. ind. act. ώκησα. pres. ind. pass, οικέομαι -ονμαι' par. οικεόμενος -ούμενος, fem. οικεομίνη -ονμίνη. Οικηας,Λ. pi. Ion. of οικενς. Οικήία,τά, (neut. pi. of next) do- mestic affairs. Οικήίος, Ion. for οικείος. Οικηϊουσθαι, Ion. for οικειουσθαι, pres. inf. mid. of οικειδω. Οίκημα, -ατός, το, (fr. οίκος a house) a house, dwelling ; build- ing, structure ; chamber, closet, prison, d. sin. οικήματι. Οικημένος, Ion. for ωκημίνος, per. par. pass. — Οικήσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Οίκησον, 1 a. impr. act. of οικίω. Οίκημι, same as οικίω. Οίκησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, >), (fr. οί- κος a house) a place of abode, ha- bitation, settlement. Οικητήριον, -ov, rb, (fr. same) α house, dwelling, habitation, ta- bernacle. Οικητός, -f), -bv, (fr. same) habita- ble, to be inhabited. Οικήτωρ, -ορός, and Οικητης, -ου, δ, (fr. same) an inhabitant. Οικία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a house, dwelling, residence, abode; a household, family. Οικιακός, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) do- mestic. Subs, a domestic, ser- vant. Οικίδιον, -ov, rb, (dim. of οίκος a house) a small house, cahin. Οικίζω,ΐ. -Υσω, (fr. same) to direll, cawe to dwell, stttle ; to build a house, plant a colony, found a city. Οικ'ιον-ον, το, (fr. same) a house, habitation, abode, dwelling. Οικίσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of οικίζω. Οικίσκος, -ov, b, (fr. οίκος a house) a poor house ; a sheep fold ; a den, dungeon. Οικισταϊ, η. pi. of οικιστής. Οικιστηρ,-ηρος, and Οικιστής, -ου, b, (fr. οίκος a house) a builder, founder, leader. Οικογενείς, η. or a. pi. cont. of Οικογενης, -ίος -ους, b, η, (fr. οίκος a house, and γίνομαι to be born) born at home, born in one , s house, native. Οικοδέσποινα, -ης, >% (fr. next) the mistress of a house. Οι*οδεσποτίω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ωκο- οεσπότηκα, (fr. οίκος a house, and δεσπότης a master) to manage the house, regulate household aj- fairs; to rule; have an ascen- dancy. Οικοδεσπότης, -ov, b, (fr. same) the master of a house. Οικοδομέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ωκοδόμη- κα, (fr. οίκος a house, and δ'εμω to build) to build, erect, build up ; to edify, instruct, improve, profit ; to embolden, encourage. 1 a. ind. act. ωκοδύμησα. per. pass, ωκοδόμημαι. pper. pass. ωκοδομήμην, -σο, -το. 1 a. ind. pass, φκοδομήθην, -ης, -η. 1 f. pass, οικοδομηθήσομαι, -η, -εται. Οικοδομή, -ης,ή, (fr. same) ahuild- OIK ing, structure, edifice; edifica- tion, improvement. Οικοδόμημα, -ατός, rb, (fr. οίκος a house, and δίμω to build) a building, edifice, structure. Οικοδομητίκη, -ης, η, (fem. of next, viz. τέχνη) the art of building, architecture. Οικοδομητϊκος, -η, -ov, (fr. οίκος a house, and δέμω to build) of or about building, architectural. Οικοδομία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a building, edifice ; edification, im- provement. Οικοδόμος, -ov, b, (fr. same) a builder. Οίκοθεν, (fr. οίκος a house, andfliv from a place) from home, abroad ; from the family. Οίκοθι, and Οίκοι, (fr. same, and θί at or in a place) at home Οίκοισι, d. pi. Ion. of οίκος. Οικόνδε, (fr. οίκος a house, and δε towards) to one's house, home, homewards. Οικονομέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ωκονόμη- κα, (fr, same, and νέμω to ma- nage) to manage or regulate household affairs, be a steward; to preside over, direct, rule. pres. ind. act. cont. οικονομείν. ΟικονομητΈκύς, -η, -bv, (fr. same) relating to household affairs, fit for managing a family, econo- mical, managing. Οικονομητικώτερος, -a, -ov, comp. of last. Οικονομία, -ας, ή, (fr. οίκος a house, and νέμω to regulate) manage- ment of family affairs, steward- ship ; administration ; a spirit- ual dispensation, management or economy. Οικονόμος, -ov, b, (fr. same) a ?na- nager of household affairs, stew- ard, housekeeper ; an economist, manager, householder. Adj. domestic, intimate. Οικόπεδον, -ov, τδ, (fr. οίκος a house, and πέδον the ground) the ground on which a house stands ; a site. Οικοποιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. next, and τοιέω to make) domestic. Οίκος, -ov, b, a house, mansion, dwelling, abode ; a house of God, temple ; a palace, court ; an apartment; a home; a family, household ; lineage, descent; pro- perty, substance. Οικόσιτος, -ov, b, {), (fr. οίκος a house, and σίτος corn) living on his own properly ; fed, sup- ported or living at home, depen- dant. Οικοτρίβης,-ον, and Οικτρϊψ, -ιπος, h, (fr. same, and τρίβω to spend time) one born in the house; living long in the house, a bond- slave. Οικονμένη, -ης, η, (pres. par. pass, of οικέω) viz. γη, the habitable earth, the vjorld; the Roman empire, the empire. Οικουρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. οίκος a house, and οϋρος a guard) to watch the house, remain at (414) OIM home, keep house ; to He hid at home. Οικονρημα, -ατός, rb, (fr. same) ministry, attendance, service, vi gilance. Οικονριάν, iEol. for οικονρίων, g, pi. of Οικονριος, -a, -ov, (fr. οίκος a house, and ονρος a guard) staying at home, keeping or watching the house ; domestic. Oικovpbς, -ov, Ό, ή, (fr. same) a keeper of the house, stayer at home ; confined to the house, do- mestic, retired, modest. Οικούσα, η. fem. cont. par. pres. act. of οικέω. Οικοψθορέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. οίκος a house, and φθείρω to destroy) to wrxste one's substance, squander / to ruin a house or family con- cerns. Οικοφνλακέω-ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and φυλάσσω to guard) to watch or keep house. Οικτε'ιρας, -αντος, 1 a. par. act. of οικτείρω. Οικτειρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ψκτείρηκα, and Οικτείρω, f. οικτερω, (fr. οίκτος pity) to compassionate, have compassion upon, commi- serate, pity ; to lament, deplore, bewail. 1 a. act. ind. ψκτειραι' impr. οίκτειρον. Οικτείρημα, -ατός, rb, (fr. same) compassion, commiseration, pity. Οικτειρήσω, If. ind. act. of οικτει- ρέω. Οικτίζω, (fr. οίκτος, pity) to excite compassion, move pity ; to la- ment, bewail, mourn over. Οικτιρμυς,-οΰ, b, (fr. same) com- passion, pity, mercy, tender mer- cy, commiseration. Οικτίρμων, -όνος, b, fj, (fr. same) merciful, compassionate, tender. n. pi. οικτίρμονες. Οίκτιστος, -η, -ov, sup. of οικτρός. Οικτιω, Att. for οικτίσω, 1 f. ind. act. οι οικτίζω. Οίκτος, -ov, b, pity, compassion, commiseration ; lamentation. Οικτότερος, Ion. for οικτρότερος, comp. of Oικτpbς, -a, -bv, (fr. οίκτος pity) to be pitied, sad, mournful, lament- able, miserable, piteous. Sup. οίκτιστος, (probably fr. οίκτος, subs. ) Οικτρότατος same as Οίκτιστος. Οικτρως, (fr. οικτρός sad) pitiably, sadly, mournfully. Οικώ, pres. ind. act. cont. — Οικών, par. pres. act. cont. of οικίω. Οικως, -νία, -ος, g. -δτος, and Att. Εοικως, -via, -δ?, per. par. mid. of είκω. Οικωφελης, -έυς -ους, b, ;$, (fr. οίκος a house, and ωφε\ίω to assist) useful to a family, industrious, frugal, economical. Οικωφελία, -ας, Ion. -φε\ίη, -ης, fi, (fr. same) advantage to a fa- mily ; industry, frugality, eco- nomy. Οϊμα, -ατός, το, Sync, for άίμημα, OIN (fr. οιμάω to rush) force, vio- lence, impetuosity, vehemence, fury. Οΐμαι, cont. for οίο μα ι. Οιμάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. οίμη a path) to rush on, attack, charge. ΟιμεΊν, pres. inf. of οιμίω, an Ion. verb, to come, proceed, go. Οίμη, -ης, ι?ι (perhaps fr. οίω to carry) a path, road, way ; a song, shout, outcry. ΟΙμοι, (fr. ot alas, and μοϊ, d. of jyu> I) ah me ! alas ! wo is me ! Ο7μος, -ου, b or η, (fr. οίμη i path) a path, road, way ; ι stripe, streak ; a shoot, sucker twig ; a rank, row, line ; a re- gion or tract of country ; < circle ; the spoke of a wheel. Οιμωγή, -ης, ίι,ΆηάΟίμωγμα,-ατος, το, (fr. next) lamentation, wail- ing, mourning ; a shriek, groan. Οιμώζω, f. -ξω, (fr. ο'ι alas) to wail, shriek, cry, lament ; to repent, suffer for it. Όιμώξας, 1 a. par. act. — Οιμωχ- θεις, 1 a. par. pass, of last. 0?v, a. sin. of οΐς. Οινάνθη, -ης, η, (fr. οίνος, wine, and άνθος a flower) the flower of the vine, vine-blossoms ; a kind of herb ; a certain bird. Οίνάρεον and Οίναρον, -ου, το", and Οιναρ}ς, -ίδος, ι), (fr. οίνος wine) the vine ; a tendril or leaf of a vine ; a vineyard. Οινάρεος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) of or -elating to vines, covered with vine leaves. Οινείδάο, Ion. g. of Οινείδης, -ου, b, the son of Οινευς, -ίος, b, CEneus, a man's name. Οινήων, Ion. for οίνων, g. pi. of Οίνη, -ης, η, (fr. οίνος wine) a vine. Οινηρος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) used for wine, of or belonging to wine, vinous. Οινήφϋσις, -ιος, η, (fr. same, and αρύω to draw) a vessel to draw wine with ; a measure for wine. Οινιείδαι, -ων, οι, (fr. Οινευς) the sons of (Eneus. Οινίζω, (fr. οΐνος wine) to buy wine; to resemble or have the flavour of wine. Οινοβαρης, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. same, and βαοϋς heavy) over- powered with wine, drunk, v. sin. οινοβαρές. Οινοδόκος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and δέχομαι to receive) holding or receiving wine, containing wine. Οινοδότας, -a, b, Dor. for Οινοδότης, -ου, b, (fr. οίνος wine, and δίδωμι to give) a giver of wine; an epithet of Bacchus. Οινόμαος, -ου, b, a man's name. Οίνοπα, a. sin. οίνοπι, d. sin. of oivoxp. Οινοπέδοιο, g. Ion. of Οινόπεδος, -ου, b, τ}, (fr. οΊνος wine, and κι δον the soil) fit for or fruitful in vines, planted with vine». ΟΙΟ Οινοπίδης, -ου, b, a proper name. ΟινοπληΟής, -έος-ους, b,f), (fr. οίνος wine, and 7τλ>/0ω to n\\)full of wine ; abounding with vines. Οινοποιέω -ω, (fr. same, and ποιέω to make) to make wine. Οινοποιία, -ας, η, (fr. same) mak- ing wine ; vintage. Οινοποιός, -οΰ, b, η, (fr. same) a maker of wine. Οινοποσία, -ας, η, (fr. οίνος wine, and πόσις a drink, th. πίνω to drink) a drink of wine ; a drinking bout. Οινοποτάζω, same as Οινοποτίω -ω, (fr. οίνος wine, and πίνω to drink) to drink, quaff, in- dulge in wii'.c. Οινοπότης, -ου, Οινοποτηρ, -ηρος, b, and Οινοποτ\ς,-ίδος, ή, (fr. same) a drinker of wine, wine-bibber ; sottish. Ο7νος, -ου, b, wine. Οινοφλυγέω -ω, (fr. last, and φ\ύζω to boil ) to be heated with wine, be drunk. Οινοφ\υγία, -ας, η, (fr. same) ex- cess of wine, revelry, drunken- ness. Οινόφλυξ, -υγος, b, η, (fr. same) heated with wine, drinking wine, drunken. Οινοφόρος, -ου, b, ι), (fr. οίνος wine, and φέρω to carry) fit for carry- ing or holding wine. Οινοχοεύω, f. -εύσω, and Οινοχοέω ' Χ'" ■U>, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and to pour) to pour out wine, hand wine, be a cup-bearer; to quaff, drink or pledge, drink health. Οινοχόη, -ης, η, (fr. same) a wine vessel, glass, bowl or cup for wine ; a female cupbearer. Οινοχόος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a cup- bearer, butler. Οινοχόων, -οντος, b, (par. pres. act. cont. of οινοχοίω to pour wine) serving or handing wine ; a butler. Οίνο-φ, -οπός, b, »/, (fr. όΐνος wine, and όφις the appearance, th. άπτομαι to see) of the colour of wine ; wine coloured, dark, pur- ple. Οινόω -ω, (fr. οίνος wine) to give wine. Οινόομαι -οϋμαι, to give myself or take wine, be intoxi- cated, get drunk. Οινών, -ώνος, b, (fr. same) a wine cellar. Οινώνη, -ης, ή, the ancient name of the island CEgina. Οίξας, -άσα, -αν, 1 a. par. act. of οίγω. Οίοθεν, (fr. ο7ος alone, and θ-εν from a place) apart, separate; alone, singly. Οίομαι or ΟΊμαι, f. οιήσομαι, p. ώημαι, (fr. οίω to think) to think, be of opinion, suppose,, imagine. 2 sin. pres. ind. mid. Att. οίει. pres. impr. mid. οίου, οιέσθω. 1 a. ind. pass, ωήθην. Οιόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. of last. O7ov, (neut. of ο7ος) alont, only, singly. (415) ΟΪΣ Olov, (fr. οίος such as) as, like as, wherefore, as being, for example, as if, as though. Οιονόμος, -ου, b, η, (as if fr. οίος alone, and νίμω to feed) feeding by itself. Or, (fr. όϊς sheep, and same) feeding sheep; a shep- herd. Οιόποκος, -ου, b, ή, ( fr. όϊς a sheep, and πόκος a fleece) fleecy. Οιοπόλος, -ου, ί, η, (as if fr. οίος alone, and πολέω to be) wander- ing alone, solitary, frequenting lonely places. Or, (fr. όϊς a sheep, and same) attending on sheep, along with sheep; a shejihcrd. Οως, οία, οϊον, such, such as, what, of what kind ; able, adequate, equal to, capable, possible. 07ος, οία or υίη, o7ov, alone, sole, only ; lone, lonely, singly, solita- ry ; apart, separate. 0(o? or ύϊος, g. sin. of ο7ς or 6ις. Οιοχίτων, -ωνος, b, fj, (fr. ο7ος alone, and χιτών a coat) dressed with one coat or jacket ; dressed in a shirt. Or, (fr. όϊς a sheep, and same) dressed with a sheep-skin. Οιύω-ώ, (fr. oToj alone) to make so- litary, lonely or desolate ; to lay waste, ravage, depopulate ; to de- sert, leave, quit. ΟΓ?, οίο? or Όϊς, όϊος, b or ij, a sheep, ram, ewe. Οϊς,-Ίδος, ή, (fr. last) a ewe. Οίσατο and Οίσατο, Poet, for ωήσα- ■to, 3 sin. of ωησάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of οίομαι. Οίσε, pres. impr. of οίσω, same as obs. οίω, for which φίρω to carry. Οίσεσθαι, I f. inf. mid. of ^ρω. Οισεϋμες, Do r . and .<33ol. lor οίσο- μεν, 1 pi. 1 f. ind. act. Οιοή, Dor. for οίση, 2 sin. 1 f. ind. mid. (fr. οίω) of φίρω. 07σθα, Sync, for οίδασθα, JEo\. Parag. for όίδας, 2 sin. of ο7δα, -ας, -e, per. ind. mid. of ειδέω οι είδη μι. Οισθεϊς, 1 a. par. pass, of οίομαι. Οισθήσομαι, 1 f. ind. pass, of φέρω. Οισία, -ας, ή, a willow or sallow tree, osier. Οίσομαι, and Dor. Οισουμαι, 1 pi. οισόμεθα, 1 mid. of φέρω. 07σον, -ου, το, a rope. Οίσουσι, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of φέρω. Οϊσσάμενος, par. of Οΐσσάμην, -ω, -ατο, Poet, for ωησάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of οίομαι. Οιστέος, -a, -ov, (fr. οίω for φίρω to bear) to be borne, be endured, &c. according to the verb. Οΐστεύω, (fr. next) to strike with a dart or arrow, shoot, hit. Οϊστός, -ου, δ, (fr. οίω to carry) α shaft, arrow, dart. Ο7στος, -ου, b, η, (fr. οίω to carry) to be borne, bearable, sufferable, tolerable. Οιστράω and -έω -tb, (fr. ο7στρος a gadfly) to be stung with a gad- fly ; to be furiously agitated, rush violently ; to be mad, rave, rage. om ,ϊ Οιστρήεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. same) V stung, maddened, enraged. Οιστρηθεϊς, 1 a. par. pass, of οισ- τρέω. Οίστρημα, -ατός, το, (fr. οίστρος a gadfly) a sting; a violent im- pulse, fury, madness, rage. Οίστρος, -ov, b, a gadfly, oxfly ; a sting ; passion, desire, excite- ment ; fury, rage, madness. Οισϋα,-ας, η, same as οισία. Οισύϊνος, -η, -ov, (fr. last) of wil- low, made of willow or sallow. Οισϋπη,-ης, η, and Οισύπος, -ου, δ, (perhaps fr. όϊς a sheep, and σήπω to putrefy) the dirt of wool. Οίσω, 1 f. ind. act. — Ο/σων, 1 f. par. act. of ψίρω. OiV for Ο'ίτε, η. pi. of ΰς and Tt. Οίτη, -ης, t), (Eta, name of a moun- tain. Οϊτινες, η. pi. of 'όστις. Οΐτος, -ov, δ, (fr. οί alas) misery, misfortune, wretchedness. Οιτόσυρος, Scythian name for Apollo. Οιφέω -ω, or -<ίω-ώ, to commit for- nication, have connexion with. Οιφϊ or Οιφεϊ indecl. Heb. an ephah, a measure. Οί^ίοιτ*, Dor. for οιχεουσι -ουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of οιχεω for οχεω. Οίχεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. of οίχο- uatm Οίχηνται, Ion. for ώχηνται, 3 pi. pper. pass. — Οι'χήσομαι, 1 f. ind. mid. of οίχομαι. Οιχθεις, par. of ώχθην, 1 a. pass. of οίγω. Οίχνεσκον, Ion. for ώχνεσκον, impf. ind. act. of οιχνέσκω for οιχνεω, same as οίχομαι. Οιχνευσι, Dor. for οιχνουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Οιχνεω, same as οίχομαι. Οιχοίατο, Ion. for οίχοιντο, 3 pi. pres. opt. mid. of Οίχομαι, f. οιχήσομαι, Ό.ωχημαι, to go away, depart, set out ; to de- part, die, gooff; to pass aivay, disappear; to be dispersed, de- stroyed. 1 a. ind. pass, ώχθην. pres. par. mid. οιχόμενος• g. οιχομενον Ion. οιχομένοιο. Οίχω and Οιχεω, f. -ήσω, p. ωχή- κα, same as the last, which is more usual. Οίχωκα for ώχωκα, Att. for ώχηκα, per. ind. act. — Οιχώκεε, Ion. for ωχώκει, Att. for ωχήκει, 3, sin. pper. act Οιχωκώς, -v7a, -ός, Ion. and Att. for ωχηκώς, par. per. act. of last. Ο/ω or Οΐω, f. οίσω, see οίομαι. Οίω, obs. for which ώερω. Οιώθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. Ion. of οιόω. Οίων, g. p. of όΐς. Οιωνίζομαι, f. -Ίσομαι, (fr. οιωνός a bird) to augur, soothsay, foretell, divine by the flight of birds. 1 a. mid. ind. ωωνισάμην opt. οιωνι- σαίμην. Οιώνισμα, -ατός, το, and Οιωνισμος, οκτ -ου δ, (fr. same) an augury, omen, divination. Οιωνιστής,-ου^, (fr. same) an au gur, soothsayer, diviner. Οιωνόβρωτος, -ov, b, >/, (fr. οιωνός a bird, and βρώσκω to eat) eaten by birds. Οιωνοκτόνος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and κτείνω to kill) killing birds. Οιωνοπόλος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and πολέω to ι•** conversant) en augur, soothsayer, diviner. Οιωνός, -οι), b, a bird, bird of prey, properly the vulture ; an omen, augury. Οιωνοσκόπος, -ου, b, (fr. last, and σκόπος a view, th. σκέπτομαι to see) an augur, soothsayer, di- viner by birds. ΟΊως, (fr. οίος such) how, in what manner, like as, even as. . Οκα, Dor. for 'ότε, when. Οκείλαντες, η. pi. of οκείλας, 1 a. par. act. of Οκε'λλω, f. -ελώ, to force, drive or run ashore, dash against. 1 a. ind. act. ωκειλα. Οκκα,Όοτ. for 'ότε, and for όποτε. Όκκος, a Dor. word, the eye. Οκλάζω, f. -ϊίσω, p. ωκλακα, to bend the knee, full down on the knees ; to totter, stumble, fall, Οκναλέως, (fr. όκνος sloth) slowly, dully. Οκνείω same as Οκνεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ώκνηκα, (fr. όκνος sloth) to be slothful, slow, inactive; to hesitate, doubt, shuf- fle ; to fear, dread; to h'ttr, be averse to. 1 a. act. ind. ώκνησα' inf. οκνησαι. Οκνηρία, -ας, η, (fr. same) slothful- ness, inactivity, indolence. Οκνηρός, -α, -όΐ', (fr. same) sloth- ful, lazy, inactive, indolent, slow; diffident, fearful, timid, trouble- some, irksome. Οκνησαι, 1 a. inf. act. of οκνεω. Όκνος, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. ov not, and κινέω to move) indolence, sloth, listlessness, tardiness, de- lay ; reluctance, repugnance, diffidence, fear, dread. Οκνουσι, ,ind. Οκνώσι, sub. 3 pi. pres. cont. of οκνεω. Όκοΐα, Dor. for btrola, fem. of ποίος. Όκριας, a. pi. of όκρις. Οκρίβας, -αντος, b, (fr. όκρις a height, and βάω or βαίνω to mount) a pulpit, stage; aladder, stairs ; a stand, frame. Οκριόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. όκρις a ridge) rugged, steep, precipitous, craggy. Όκρις, -ιος, η, a ridge, summit, rock, cliff", precipice. Οκρυόεις, -εσσα, -εν, Poet, for κονόεις, (fr. κρύος cold) rugged, rough; chilling, petrifying ; ter- rific, dreadful, horrible, g. sin. fem. οκρυοέσσης. Οκτάβλωμος, -ov, b, f/, (fr. οκτώ eight, and βλωμος a piece) in eight pieces ; having eight parts. Οκταήμερος, -ov, b, >'/, (fr. same, and ήμερα a day) on the eighth (416) ΟΛΕ day, eight days old, of the eighin day. Οκτακις, (fr. οκτώ eight) eight times. Οκτακισχίλιοι, -αι, -a, (fr. last, and χίλιοι a thousand) eight thou- sand. Οκτάκνημος, -ου, b, #, (fr. οκτώ eight, and κνήμη a spoke} hav- ing eight spokes, eight-spoked. Οκτακόσιοι, -αι, -a, (fr. οκτώ eight) eight hundred. ΟκταμηνιαΊος, -a, -ov, (fr. same, and μήν a month) spending the eighth month, rising eight months, of eight mo?iths. ■ Οκτάπηχυς, -εος -ονς, b, ή, (fi. same, and πηχνς a cubit) of eight cubits. Οκταπόδης, -ου, and Οκταπονς, -οδός, δ, η, (fr. same, and πους ξ. foot) having eight feet, eight- footed, a. sin. οκταπύδην. Οκτώ, indecl. eight. Οκτωκαιδέκα, (fr. last, και and, and δέκα ten) eighteen. Οκτωκαιδεκαέτης, -εος -ονς, b, ή, (fi. same, δέκα ten, and έτος a year) of eighteen years, eighteen yeai s old. Οκτωκαιδίκατος, -η, -ov, (fr. οκτώ eight, και and, and δίκα ten) eighteenth. "Οκχ* for 'όκκα, Dor. for ότε. Όκχος, -ου, δ, Poet, for ύχος. "Οκως, Dor. for δπωί. Ολβίξω, (fr. όλβος wealth) to be wealthy or happy ; to make hap- py- Ολβιοδαίμων,-ονος, b, η, (fr. same, and δαίμων fate) wealthy, happy, prosperous. Ολβιόδωρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and δίδωμι to give) bounteous, munificent. Όλβιος, -ου,ό,η", (fr. όλβος riches) wealthy, rich ; happy, prosperous Ολβιόώρων, -όνος, δ, η, (fr. last, and φρην the mind) inclining to the rich. Όλβος, -ου, δ, (perhaps fr. ΰλος whole, and βίος life) riches, wealth, opulence; happiness, fe- licity. Ολεεσκον for ύλεσκον Ion. for ώλεσ- κον, impf. of ολεσκω, same as όλλνμι. Ολέθρια, -ας, η", (fr. όλεθρος de- struction) ruin, perdition. Ολέθρως, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same) de- structive, pernicious, ruinous; deadly, fatal. ΟλεθρΥως, (fr. last) destructively, perniciously, deadly. Όλεθρος, -ov, b, (fr. όλλυμι to de- stroy) destruction, ruin; plague, pestilence; death; a wretch, villain. Ολεΐται, 3 sin. of ολοΰμαι, -η, -εΤ- ται,2 f. ind. mid. of όλλυμι. Όλεκον, Ion. for ώλεκον* impf. act. — Ολεκοντα?, a. pi. of όλεκων, pres. par. act. — Ολέκοντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of Ολέκω, same as όλλυμι. Ολεσεια, -ας, -ε, Μο\. for ολίσαιμίι -αις, -αι, 1 a. opt. act. of όλλνμι* ΟΛΙ Ολίσιίνορα?, a. pi. of ΟΧεσήνωρ, -ορός, b, ή", (fr. όλλϋμι to destroy, and ανήρ a man) de- stroying //((/ι, deadly, dtslructive. ΟΧίσης, 2 sin. of ολίσω, -ης, -ρ, 1 a. sub. act. — Ολίσθαι, 2 a. inf. mid. — Όλεσσα, -ας, -ε, Ion. and Poet. Γοτώλεσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind, act. — Ολεσσον, Ολέσσαι, Ολίσ- σας, Ολεσσω, Poet, for ολεσον, impr. ; ολεσαι, inf. ; ολέσας, par, 1 a. act. and ολίσω, 1 f. ind, act. of ύλλυμι. ΟΧετείοα, -ας, η, and ΟΧετήρ, -ήρος, δ, (fr. όΧΧυμι to destroy) a de- stroyer, slayer, killer, murderer. ΟΧεω -ώ, obsolete for wh. όλλϋμι. ΌΧηαι, Ion. for όλρ, 2 sin. 2 a. sub. mid. of όλλϋμι. ΌΧηΧυχνία, -ας, η, (fr. <5Χος whole, and λυχν/'α a lamp) α whole can- dlestick or Za»jp stand. OXiya, pi. neut. and OXi'yai, pi. fern, of οΧίγος. ΟΧιγακις, (fr. same) seldom. ΟΧιγανθρωπία, -ας, ff, (fr. οΧίγος few, and ανθρίοπος a man)/eio- ness or scarcity of men, fewness of inhabitants. ΟΧιγάνθρωπος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) scarce of men, thinly inhabited. ΟΧιγαρκής, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. οΧί- γος few, and αρκεω to suffice) sa- tisfied with little, content. ΟΧιγαρχεω -ώ, (fr. ολίγο,ς few, and αρχή government) to govern along with few, establish an oli- garchy. ΟΧιγαρχεοντες -οΰντες, pres. par. act. n. pi. ΟΧιγαρχία, -ας, τ), (fr. same) go- vernment managed by a few, an oligarchy. ΟΧιγαρχουμενος,-η, -ov,(pres. par. pass, of οΧιγαρχέω) being sub- ject to an oligarchy or the govern- ment of a few. ΟΧιγαχόθεν, (fr. ολίγος few, and 'όθεν from a place) from few places, from here and there. ΟΧιγηπεΧέω, same as ολιγοπεΧέω. ΟΧιγηπεΧία, -ας, ή, Poet. foroAtyo- πεΧία. ΟΧίγιστος, -τη, -ον, sup. of οΧίγος. ΟΧιγόβΊΌς, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. οΧίγος lit- tle, and βίος life) having little life, short-lived. ΟΧιγόγονος, -ov,b,ri, (fr. same, and γίνομαι to be born) producing jew, unfruitful, not prolific. ΟΧιγοίρανέω -ω, (fr. same, and δραίνω to do) to do little ; to lan- guish, faint. Ογιγοδρανής, -εος -ους, b, ^, (fr. same) incapable, ineffectual, weak, imbecile, languid, faint. ΌΧίγοι, -ων, ol, (η. pi. of σλίγος few) the chief men. ΟΧίγον, (neut. of οΧίγος small) lit- tle, within a little, shortly, al- most. ΟΧιγοπελεω and ΟΧιγηπεΧέω -ώ, (fr. οΧίγος little, and ττελω to be) to be little ; tc be weak, infirm ; to faint, sink ui.der fatigue. ΟΧιγοπεΧία, -ας, η, (fr. same)toeafc- ness, imbecility, faintness. ΟΧιγόπιστος, -ου, δ, fj, (fr. οΧίγος ΟΛΚ little, and πίστις faith) of little faith, unbelieving, distrusting. Ολιγοποιέω-ώ, (fr. siU'ie,ar»diroifo> to do) to make few, reduce in number, dimmish. Ολίγος, -η, -ov, few, little, short, brief. Comp. ολίζων, sup. oXi- γιστος. θΧιγοστδς, -ή -bv, (fr. last) very gmcdi, very few ; with few,, al most alone. ΟΧιγότης,-ητος, ή, (fr. same)/eti;- ness, scarcity ; smallness, littleness. Ολίγου, (g. of same) lille, within a little, almost, soon. ΟΧίγου δεϊν, to fall short by little, wanting little, nearly, almost. ΟΧιγοχρόΐ'ίος, -ου, b,fj, (fr. ολίγος little, and χρόνος time) of a short time, short-lived, transient. ΟΧιγοψνχέω -ώ, (fr. same, and ψυχή the soul) to be feeble-mind- ed, faint-hearted ; to faint, fail. ΟΧιγηψϋχία, -ας, η, (fr. same) pusillanimity, faint-heartedness, cowardice, ΟΧιγόχρϋχος, -ου, b, //, (fr. same) feeble-minded, weak-hearted, pu- sillanimous. ΟΧιγόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. ολίγος few) to reduce to a few, diminish ; to fail, faint. 1 a. ind. pass, ωλιγώ θην. 1 f. ind. pass. υΧιγωθήσομαι Ολιγωρεί, pres. impr. act. cont. of ΟΧιγωρ^ω -ώ, (fr. same, and ώρα care) to neglect, despise, disre- gard, slight. ΟΧιγωρία, -ας, ί;, (fr. same) care- lessness, neglect, contempt. Ολίγωρος, -ου, Ό, ή, (fr. same) neg- ligent, heedless, careless. ΟΧιγώρως, (fr. last) carelessly, neg- ligently, contemptuously. Ολίζων, -όνος, b, η, comp. of ολίγος. Όλικος, -ου, b, y, (fr. δ'λο? whole) entire, total, general. ΟΧισθάνει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of Ολισθαίνω or -άνω, ΆπάΟλισθεω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. όλισθος a slip) to slip, totter, stumble ; to fall, tumble ; to fade, decay, pres. cont. or 2 a. inf. act. οΧισθεϊν, 2 a. ind. act. ώλισθον, Ion. όΧισθον, -ες, -ε. ΟΧίσθημα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) a slip, tumble, toss, fall ; a slippery spot, gulf to fall into. Ολισθηρας, g. sin. fern, of ΟΧισθιιρος, -a, -bv, (fr. όΧισθος a slip) slippery, slanting, sloping ; ready to fall, tottering, unsteady. Ολισθήσας, -ασα,-αν, 1 a. par. act. of οΧισθέω. ΌΧισθος, -ου, b,aslip, tumble, toss; fall, ruin, slaughter. Όλκάς, -αδος, fj, (fr. next) a mer- chant vessel, ship of burden. 'Ολκή, -ής, η, (fr. εκλω to draw) a dragging, drawing, pulling; at- traction, inclination, tendency ; weight, a drachma or drachm. "Ολκών, -ου, το, (fr. same) a basin, urn, pitcher. ΟΧκοϊ, -ων, o't, (fr. same) a ma- chine to draw the ships up on land, a windlass, ropes, hawsers. Όλως, -ov, b, (fr. έλκω to draw} a draught, drawing; e> current (417) ΟΛΟ stream, flux, eddy, tide; a fur~ row, track, mark, train ; a trace, rope, tackle, pulley ; an aqueduct, watercourse, a wave t billow ; a mass, weight : the trunk of the body, the body. Όλληαι, Ion. and Poet, for oXp, 2 a. sub. mid. — ΟλΧνμένοιο, g. sin. Ion. of ολλύμενος, par. pres. pass, of Όλλϋμι or Ολλυω, f ολέσω, p. ώλβ- κα, to destroy ; to kill, slaughter. Όλλυμαι, to perish, die, wither, fade. 2 f. ind. act. ολώ. per. ind. mid. ώλα, Att. ύλωΧα. 2 a. mid. ind. ωλόμην inf. ολέσθαι. Όλμεώ'ς, -ου, b, Holmeius, the name of a river. "Ολμος, -ου, b, a cavity ; a mortar ; the oracular tripod or its cover ; the trunk of the human body ; a dolt, blockhead. Adj. stupid, dull. Όλογραφίω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. 'όλος the whole, and γράφω to write) to write the whole or in full. Ολύεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. όλΧνμι to de- stroy) destructive. Ολοή,-ης, η, η. fern. — Ολο^σί, d. pi. fern. Ion. of ολοός. ΟΧοθούριον, -ου, ri, a kind of sea fish. Ολόθρευσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. όλεθρος destruction, th. όΧΧύμι to destroy) destruction, desolation. ΟΧοθρευτής,-ου, b, (fr. same) ade- stroyer. ΟΧοθρεύω, f. -εύσω, ρ.ωΧόθρευκα,({τ όλεθρος destruction, th. όλλϋμι tc destroy) to destroy, waste, ruin, desolate, par. pres. act. ολοθρενων. per. pass, ωλόθρευμαι, -σαι, -ται. ΟΧοίατο, Ion. for όλοιντο, 3 pi. of ολοίμην, -οιο, -οιτο, 2 a. opt. mid. οΐόλΧυμι. Όλοίτροχος, -ου, ίι,ή, (fr. 'όλος the . whole, and τροχός a wheel, th. τρέχω to run) round on all sides. ' Ολοκαρπόω -ω, (fr. όλος the who.o and καρπόω to gather fruits) to make a complete offering ; to burn the entire. ΌΧοκάρπωμα, -ατός, το, and -ττω- σις,-ιος, Att. -εως, ή~, (fr. same) α whole burnt offering, perfect sacrifice. ΌΧόκαυστον, -ov, rb, (fr. οΧος the whole and κανστος burnt, th. καίω to burn) a perfect offering y complete sacrifice. Όλόκαυτος, or Όλόκαυστος, ov, b, ?7, (fr. same) wholly burnt. Subs. a perfect sacrifice. Όλοκαυτύω -ω, or ' Ολοκαυστόι* -5, f. -ώσω, p. ώλοκαύτωκα, (fr. same ) to burn the whole, offer a complete sacrifice. ΌΧοκαύτωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. samej a burnt offering, in which tne whole victim was burnt. PI. n. bλoκaυτώμaτa, g. -τωμάτων. : Ολοκληρία, -ας, η, (fr. 'όΧος the whole, and κλήρος lot) perfect soundness, purity. ΌΧόκΧ7]ρος, -ου, δ,//, (fr. same) sole heir, he who possesses or receives all by lot or fortune ; having all its parts, whole, perfect, sound. ΟΛΟ ΟλοκωνΊτις, -ϊδος, #, 3 certain herb. Ολολϋγή, -ής, ή, and Ολολύγμός, -ου, δ, (fr. next) a shouting, howl- ing, roarmg, crying, lamentation, supplication. Ολολύζω, f. -ζω, p. ωλόλυχα, /, (fr. 'όλος the whole, and ρίζα a root) with the ichole root. Όλος, 'όλη, όλον, whole, entire, sound, complete ; universal, all. Όλος, -ου, b, same as δόλος. Όλοσίδηρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. 'όλος the whole, and σίδηρος iron) entirely of iron. * Ολοσφΰρατος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same and σφύρα a hammer) well ham- mered, well wrought ; solid, close 'Ολοσχερής, -έος -οϊις,'ο, r},(fr. same and χεϊρ the hand) perfect, com- plete, total, general; decisive. 'Ολοσχερώς, (fr. last) perfectly, completely, decisively. Ολοσχοι, -ων, οι, the foot stalL• or pedicles of a fruit. Όλοτελής, -έος -ους, b, >% (fr. 8λος the whole, and τέλος the end) en- tirely finished, complete, perfect. n. or a. pi. cont. bλoτελε7ς. Όλοτελως, (fr. last) completely, perfectly. Ολονμαι, -jj, -εΐται, 2 f. ind. mid. of όλλνμι. Όλοφλυγδων,-όνος, ή', (fr. 'όλος the whole, and φλύζω to boil) a blis- ter, boil, blain ; a pimple. Ολοφυδνός, -η, -bv, (fr. ολοφύρομαι to lament) lamentable, sad, dole- ful, mournful. Ολοφύρατο, Ion. for ωλοφύρατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of Ολοφύρομαι, to mourn over, lament bewail, deplore; to pity, com- OMA passionate, pres. par. mid. ολο- φνρόμενος, -η, -ov. Ολοφυρμός, -ου, b, and Ολόφνρσις, -ιος, Alt. -£o>s,^,(fr.last) mourn- ing, lamentation, wail. Ολοφώϊος, -ov, b, f/, (fr. όλλνμι to destroy, and φως man) dcslruc- ■ tive, pernicious ; deadly, fatal ; cunning, artful, crafty, deceitful. Όλπη,-ης, Dor. Όλπα, and Ολπίς, -ίδος, η, a cruise, vial, pot or jug for oils ; a vessel for oil or wine. Ολνμπας, -ου, b, a man's name. Ολυμπία, -ας, η, Olympia, the name of a town. Ολυμπία, -ων, τα, (fr. Όλυμπο' OJympus) the Olympic games. Ολυμπιάδες, -ων, α'ι, (fr. same) the Muses, who inhabited Olym• pus ; Olympian. Ολυμπιάς, -άδος, ή, (fr. same) an Olympiad, or space of four years between the Olympic games ; the season of those games ; a victory at them ; a woman's name. Adj. Olym- pian. Ολυμπίασι, (d. pi. of last) at or during the Olympic games; at Olympia. Ολυμπ'ίκός, -i),-bv,(h. same) Olym pian, Olympic. ΟλνμπιονΊκας, -a, b, Dor. for Ολυμπιονίκης, -ου, b, (fr. Ολυμπία the Olympic games, and νικάω to conquer) an Olympic con- queror. Ολυμπιόνϊκος, -ου, b, same as last. Ολύμπιος, -ov, b, f/, (fr. next) hea- venly, celestial. Όλυμπος, -ου, δ, (perhaps fr. Ολος entire, and λάμπω to shine) Olympus, the name of a moun- tain ; the heaven, sky. Όλυνθος, -ov, Ό. a green or unripe fig ; an early fig apt to fall; name of a town. Όλΰρα, -ας, ι;, a kind of grain, zea, spelt or rice, beer, barley. ΟλνρΊτης, -ov, b, (fr. last) bread made of spelt, rice or barley ; a barley cake. Ολώϊος, -a, -ov, (fr. όλλϋμι to de- stroy) destructive, pernicious, ruinous; deadly, fatal. Όλωλα, -ας, -ε, Att. for ώλα, per. ind. mid. — Ολώλω, -νς, -η, per. sub. mid. of όλλνμι. "Ολως, (fr. όλος entire) on the whole, in fine, at all, indeed, by all means; altogether. Όμά, pi. neut. ο^μός. Όμάγύρις,-ιος,η, Dor. for bμήγυρις, Όμαδεύω, (fr. bμάς a multitude ) to collect, crowd together. Όμαδέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. next) to clamour, make an uproar, raise disturbance. "Ομάδος, -ov, b, (fr. bμάς a multi- tude) a crowd, throng, press; disturbance, tumult, uproar, cla- mour. Όμαίμιος or "Ομαιμος, -ov, b, 17, and Όμαίμων, -όνος, Ό, fj, (fr. bμbς the same, and αίμα blood) of the same blood, nearly related; brother or sister. (418) OMH Ομαιχμία, -ας, fj, (fr. same, and αιχμή a spear) a confederacy, league, alliance. Ομαλής, -έος -ονς, δ, fj, same as bμ<^λός. Όμα^ίζω,ΐ. -tVu>,(fr. next) to level, plane, smooth ; to make even, re- duce to equality, equalise. Ομαλός, -ή, -ov, plane, fiat, level, 'smooth ; equal, even, alike, like. Ομάρτει, pres. impr. act. cont. of Όμαρτέω -ω, (fr. next) to attend, accompany, go along with, go together. Όμαρτή, (perhaps fr. bμoϋ together, and άρω to fit) along with, to- gether with, in company, evenly, at the same time, one after ano- ther. Όμαρτήσας,-ασα,-αν, 1 a. par. act. of bμapτέω. Όμας,-άδος,ί), (fr. δ//ου together) the whole in general, the com- munity, generality ; a crowd, multitude, throng. "Ομανλος,-ον, b, η, (fr. same, and ανλή a fold) living in the same fold, dwelling together. Or (fr. same, and αυλός a pipe) agree- ing, harmonious. Ομβρέω -ω, (fr. όμβρος a shower) to rain, shower, wet. Όμβρημα, -άτος, τό, (fr. same) a shower ; a heavy fall or storm of rain. Ομβρηνυς, -ή, -bv, or Ομβρηρος, -ά, -ov, (fr. same) threatening rain; rainy, showery, wet. Ομβρήσας, -ασα, -αν, 1 a. par. act. of ομβρέω. Ομβριμόπατρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. next, and πατήρ a father) bom of a mighty father, in fern. Ομβριμο- πάτρη or -τρα. Όμβρψος, -ov, b, f), (fr. όβριμος strong) strong, powerful, vio- lent. Όμβριος, -ov, b, ή~, (fr. next) rainy, showery, wet, causing rain. Subs. rain, a shower. Όμβρος, -ov, b, (fr. bμoυ together, and ρέω to flow) a heavy shower, rain, storm of rain, storm. Ομεΐται, 3sin. of ομούμαι, -f /,-εΊται, 2 f. ind. mid. of όμννμι. Όμεννέτης, -ov, δ, (fr. bμoυ toge- ther, and εννή a bed) a husband. Όμευνέτις, -Κδος, ή~, (fr. same) α wife, concubine. Όμεννος, and Όμενναίος -ov, b, fi, (fr". same) sleeping in the same bed; conjugal. Subs, a hus- band or wife, bedfellow. Όμηγερής, also Poet, and Mol. Όμηγυρής,-έος-ονς, b, 1), (fr. δ//οδ together, and αγείρω to assem- ble) assembled together, collect- ed. Όμήγνρις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. same) an assembly, crowd, mul- titude. Όμηλικία, -ας, Ion. -ης, f,, (fr. $μbς alike, and ηλικία stature) same- ness or equality of age or rank. Όμήλιξ, -Ykos, δ, η, (fr. same) of the same age. Όμήρενμα, -ατός, rb, (fr. Ιμηρίίω to OMN be a hostage) a pledge, pawn, hostage, security. Ομηρεΰσαι, Dor. for 8μηροΰσαι, η. pi. fern. pres. par. act. cont. of Όμηρεύω, (fr. όμηρος a hostage) to be a hostage or pledge ; to re- main abroad. Όμηρίω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. same) to come together, meet, encounter ; to unite, accord, harmonize ; to accompany, attend. ΌμηρίδαΊ, -ων, άϊ, the imitators or reciters of Homer' 1 s poems. Όμηρον, -ου, rb, (fr. next) a pledge, pawn, security, hostage. Ομηρος, -ου, δ, (fr. ομοΐί together, and είρω to fasten) a hostage, pledge, security. Also a man's name, Eng. Homer. Όμίλεε, pres. impr. act. — Όμι- λεΊν, pres. inf. act. cont. of Όμϊλίω -ώ, f. -^σω,ρ. ωμίληκα, (fr. 'όμιλος a crowd) to crowd or throng together ; to meet in com- bat ; to associate, mix with; to be familiar, intimate ; to con- verse, talk with, commune ; to meet with, experience ; to be im- mersed in, devoted or given up to. pres. opt. act., ίμιλίοιμι -οΐμι, -ίοις -ο7ς, ~έοι -οΐ' par. Βμίλίων -ων. 1 a. act. ind. ώμίλησα, -ας, -ε" par. ΒμιΧήσας, -ασα, -αν. Όμιληδυν, (fr. same) in crowds, in troops, in companies. 'Ομιλητής, -ου, δ, (fr. bμιλίω to converse) a companion, associate, intimate. 'Ομιλητικός, -η,-ον, and Όμιλητος, -ή, -ov, (fr. same) conversant, sociable, familiar ; genteel, polite, elegant. Όμϊλ'ϊα, -ας, η, (fr. same) society, company, intercourse, communi- cation ; conversation, discourse; a company, band. Ομιλος, -ου, δ, (perhaps fr. όμου together, and εϊλίω to crowd, or ίλη a body of soldiers) a crowd, assembly, multitude ; a troop, band, company ; a mob, tumult, riot, uproar. Όμϊχίω -ω, (fr. Όμοΰ together, and χίω to pour) to make wa- ter. 'Ομίχλη, Ion. Ομίχλη, -ης, η, a mist, fog ; a cloud, darkness. Όμιχλόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to cover with clouds, darken. 1 f. ind. pass, όμιγλωθήσομαι. Όμμα, -ατός, το, (fr. άπτομαι to see) the eye ; vision, sight ; as- pect, countenance ; a show, specta- cle, n. pi. όμματα, d. pi. όμμασι. Όμματ', for όμματα, pi. of last. ΟμμΧτόω -ώ, (fr. όμμα an eye) to set before the eyes ; to make clear, enlighten. Όμνυ, for όμνυθι, pres. impr. act. 7- Ομνύεις, -ει, 2 and 3 sin. pres. ind. act Ομνύειν, pres. inf. act. — Ομνύετε, 2 pi. pres. impr. act. Ομνύουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of ομνύω. ΌμνΰμίΟτΟμνύω,ΐ.ομόσω,ρ.ώμοκα, and Att. ομώμοκα, to swear, take an datki to confirm ig nath, swear OMO by. 1 a. act. ind. ώμοσα' sub. ομό- σω, -ης, -η' par. ομύσας , -αντυς . Όμογάστριος,-ου, δ, η, (fr. bμoυ to- gether, and γ αστήρ a womb) of the same mother ; an own brother or sister. Όμογενέτωρ, -ορός, b, (fr. same, and γενίτωρ a father, th. γίνομαΓ to be born) a brother. 'Ομογενής, -ίος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and γίνομαι to be born) of the same family, related, connected Subs• a relation. Όμόγλωσσος, -ου, b, η, (fr. όμυς like, and γλωσσά a tongue) of the same language. Όμογνωμονίω-ω, f. -ήσω (fr. same and γνώμη opinion) to be of the same opinion or sentiment ; to assent, agree or take part with. Όμογνώμων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. same) of the same sentiments, unani- mous. Όμογνωμόνως, (fr. last) unani mously. Όμόγονος, -ου, b, η, same as ομο- γενής. Όμόδάμος, -ου, b, η, Dor. for Όμόδημος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. bμbς like, and δήμος a people) of the same rank or people. Όμοδίαιτος, -ου, b,rj, (fr. same, and δίαιτα manner of living) using the same food, living in the same manner ; congenial, similar, agreeable to. Subs, a companion, associate. Όμόδουλος, -ου, b, (fr. bμoυ to- gether, and δούλος a slave) a fellow- slave, fellow-servant. Όμοδρομίω -ω, (fr. same, and δρό- μος a running) to run together or in company with ; to concur, agree. Όμοεθνίω -ω, (fr. bμbς like, and έθνος a nation) to be of Vie same family or nation. 'Ομοεθνής, -ίος -ους, δ,//, (fr. same) of the same family or nation. Όμοείδια, -ας, '/, (fr. bμ^ςlike, and εΐδος form) uniformity. Όμοθάλαμος,-ου, b,)j, (fr. όμου to- gether, and θαλάμη a bed) liv- ing and sleeping together, inti- mate. Subs, a bosom friend. Όμόθεν, same as by.ov. Όμόθρονος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. όμου to- gether, and θρόνος a throne) hav- ing the same throne ; a consort. 'Ομοθυμαδόν, (fr. όμος like, and θυμός mind) with one accord, unanimously, with unanimous affection. 'Ομόθυμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) agreeing in opinion, unanimous. "Ομοια, pi. neut. — Όμοιας, g. sin. fern, of όμοιος. 'Ομοιάζει, 3 sin. pres. Ind. act. of Όμοιάζω, f. -ασω, p. ώμοίακα ( (fr. 'όμοιος like) to be like. Όμοίην, Ion. for bμoίav, a. sin. fern, of όμοιος. Όμοίϊος, Poet, for ϋμοιος. Όμοιοτταθεια, -ας, η, (fr. όμοιος like, and πάθος disposition) sim larity of disposition, conformity of sentiments or feelings. (419) OMO Όμοιοπαθης, -ίος -ους, h, fa ifr. same) subject to the same feeling or the like infirmities, n. a. pL cont. όμοιοπαθεΊς. "Ομοιος, -a, -ov, (fr. όμ^ς like) like, alike, uniform, similar ; corres- ponding, consistent with, appro- priate ; equal, even ; likely, pro- bable. 'Ομοιότητα, a sin. of Όμοιότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) StWU- larity, likeness. Όμοιόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. ωμοίωκα,{ΐΐ. same) to make like, liken, assimi- late, compare. Ομοιόομαι -ουμαι, to be like, correspond, agree with. 1 a. act. ind. ωμυίωσα' sub. bμoι- ώσω, -ης, -η, 1 pi. bμoιώσωμεv. per. ind. pass, ωμοίωμαι. 1 a. pass. ind. ώμοιώθην sub. bμoι- ωθω, -ης, -fj' inf. bμoιωθήvaι^ ip&r. bμoιωθε'tς, -ε~ϊσα, -ίν. Όμοιωθήμεναι, Dor. for Όμοιωθη- ναι, 1 a. inf. pass. — Όμοιωθεϊς, η. pi. -θίντες, par. 1 a. pass. — Όμοιωθήσεται, 3sin. -θησόμεθα, 1 pi. 1 f. ind. pass. — Όμιωθη- τε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. pass, of last. 'Ομοίωμα, -άτος, το, (fr. όμοιος like) similitude, likeness, resemblance, comparison, d. sin. όμοιώματι. η. pi. bμoιώμaτa. 'Ομοίως, (fr. same) likewise, in like manner, alike ; equally, as much as. Όμοίωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, fa (fr. same )likeness, resemblance, com- parison, a. sin. όμοίωσιν. 'Ομοιώσω, -εις, -ει, I f. ind. act. of bμoιόω. Όμόκλάρος, -ου, b, fa Dor. for Όμδ- κληρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. όμου to- gether, and κλήρος a lot) having an equal share, receiving a share. Subs, a partaker, sharer, part- ner ; a coheir, joint-heir. Όμοκλάω -ώ, or -ίω -ώ, (fr. next) to shout, cheer on, stir up, exhort ; to rebuke, reprove; to menace, threaten. Όμοκλη, -ης, fa (fr. bμoΰ together, and κέλομαι to exhort) a shout of exhortation, cheering, war- shout ; a rebuke, chiding; me- nace, threat. Όμοκλήσας, -ασα, -αν, 1 a. par. act. of όμοκλάω. Όμοκλήσασκε, 3 sin. impf. Ion. of bμoκλησάσκω, for bμoκλάω or -ίω. Όμοκλητηρ, -ηρος, b, (ΪΓ.'όμοκλάω to exhort) an exhorter ; a reprover, rebuker ; a menacer, threatener. Όμοκλίνης, -ίος -ους, and Όμόκλι- νος, -ου, b, η, (fr. όμον together, and κλίνη a couch) lying on the same bed, reclining on the same couch ; at the same table ; a partner, companion. Όμολίκτρος, -ου, b, fa (fr. same, and λίκτρον a bed) lying in the same bed, partner. Όμολογίω -o>,f. -ήσω, p. ωμολόγηκα, (fr. Όμος like, and λίγω to speak) to assent, consent, agree, con- cede to ; to acknowledge, confess, declare ; to vow, promise, engage, profess, und&iake ; to /vceive ΟΜΟ term», accept conditions, stipu- late ; to affirm, vouch, bear wit- ness to ; to give bail, go surety ; to resemble, answer, correspond ; to praise, commend ; to return thanks. Ομολογηθεντα, a. sin. of ομολογη- θείς, -ε7σα, -εν, pass. — 'Ομόλογη• σας, -ασα, -αν, η. ρΐ. -σαΐτες, act. 1 a. par. — 'Ομολογήσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. — 'Ομολογήσω -ης, -η, 1 a. sub. act. of last. Ομολόγησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr, 8μολογέω to consent) consent agreement ; confession, acknow- ledgment. Όμολογητίος, -a,-ov, (fr. same) to be confessed, &c. according to the verb. 'Ομολογία, -ας, h, (fr. ομος like, and λέγω to speak) consent, agree- ment, assent ; acknowledgment, confession; profession, engage- ment; an agreement, bargain, composition, terms. Όμολόγος,-ον, b, ή, (fr. same) using the same words, professing the same thing, consenting, agreeing with, concordant, unanimous. 'Ομολογουμένως, (fr. ύμολογέω to confess) confessedly, avowedly, indisputably ; conformably with ; unanimously. Όμολογονντες, η. -γούντων, g. cont. par. pres. act. — Όμολυγονσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. and 'Ομολογώ, ind. — 'Ομολόγων, par. pres. act. cont. of Ιμολογεω. Όμολόγως, (fr. ομόλογος agreeing with) aptly, suitably, agreeably, with common consent ; openly, confessedly, avowedly. Ομομήτριος, -ου, ο,ή, (fr. ομος like, and μήτηο a mother) born of the same mother. Όμον, a. sin. of Βμός. Όμονοίω -ω, (fr. 8μος like, and νοεω to think, th. νους the mind) to consent, agree, accord, be of the same opinion. 'Ομόνοια, -ας, η, (fr. same) unani- mity, concord, agreement, har- mony. 'Ομοούσιος or Όμούσιος, -a, -ov, (fr. same, and ων, pres. par. of ειμί to be) of the same essence, substance or nature, similar. Όμοπάτριος, ana'O μόπατρος,--ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πατήρ a father) sprung from the ~same father. Ομόργνν, Ion. for ωμόργνν, 3 sin. impf. ind. act. of Ομόργνϋμι, and Μόργνΰμι, f. ομόρ- ξω, p. ώμορχα, to wipe, wipe qffOr away ; to impress, mark, stamp, brand ; to imbue, habituate, ac- custom. 1 a. ind. act. ώμορξα. 1 a. ind. mid. ωμορξάμην. Όμορέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. όμορος bor- dering) to border upon, adjoin. Ομόρξω, 1 f. ind. act. of ομόργνϋμι. "Ομορος, -ov,b, η, (fr. 8μός\'Λίβ 7 and όρος a boundary) bordering, ad- joining, neighbouring ; friendly, connected. Subs, a borderer, neighbour. ΟμορΡο&έν-ο*} (fr» same, a.ndp'odos OMO the noise of water) to utter the same sound ; to agree, consent. 'Ομος, -ή, -bv, like, similar; even, uniform ; the same. Ομόσαι, I a. inf. act. of όμνυμι Όμόσε, (fr. ομ^ς like) in the same place, together. "Ομοσε, Ion. for ωμοσε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of bμόω, to unite. Όμοσεχωρέω -<5,(fr. bμόσε together, ζηάχωρέω to proceed ) to advance together, go towards, face, meet. par. 1 a. act. bμoσεχωpήσaς. Ομόσης, 2 sin. of ομόσω, -ης, -η. 1 a. sub. act. of όμνυμι. Όμοσϊτίω -ω, (fr. bμoυ together, and σίτος bread) to eat together, feed at the same table. Όμόσϊτος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) eat- ing together, who eats with ano- ther, a messmate, companion. Όμοσκηνία, -ας, ή, (fr. bμoυ toge- ther, and σκήνη a tent) dwelling in the same tent, a comrade ; a tent or the party living in it. Όμοσκηνύω-ώ, (fr. same) to live or be in the same tent. Ομόσπλαγχνος,-ον,^, fj, (fr. same, and σπλάγχνον an intestine) of the same bowels, related, kindred. Ομόσπονδος, -ov, b, >), (fr. bμoς the same, and σπονδή a libation) α partaker of the same libation or meal ; a confederate. Ομόσπορος, -ov, b, ή, (fr.same, and σπείρω to sow) of the same seed, race or offspring. Ομόσση, Ομόσσας, Ομόσσον, Poet, for ομόση, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. ομόσας, par. and όμοσον, impr. 1 a. act. of όμνυμι Όμοστίχάω -ω, οτ-έω -ω, (fr. bμoυ together, and στείχω to go) to proceed, go or march together ; to accompany, attend. Όμυστοιχος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and στοίχος a rank, th. στείχω to go ) placed in the same rank ; a companion. '•Όμόστολος, -ου, b, ?), (fr. same, and στέλλω to adorn or to send) adorned alike ; or an attend ant. Ομόσω, 1 f. ind. act. of οιχόω or όμνυμι. Όμοτέλευτος, -ου, b, η, for bμoιoτέ- λευτος, (fr. bμbς the same, and τελευτή an end) having the same end. Ομότεχνος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and τέχνη an art) of the same trade. 'Ομότιμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and τιμή honour) of equal honour or rank, on a level with. Subs. a peer. 'Ομοτράπεζος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, ΟΜΩ and τράπεζα a table) at the same table, a messmate, companion. Ομότροπος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and τρόπος turn, th. τρίπω to turn) of the same turn or habit, like in disposition or manner, congenial; unanimous, agreeing. Ομού, (g. of bμbς like) together, along icith ; altogether ; equally, as much, alike ; near, almost, at hand ; at the same time. (420) Ομοΰμαι, 2 f. mid. of όμνυμι. Όμουρίω — "Ομουρος, Ion. for huo ρεω, 'όμορος. Όμόφοιτος, -ου, b, ή~, (fr. bμoυ^ to- gether, and φοιτάω to go) going along with, accompanying. Subs. a companion, attendant, visiter. Όμόφρονα, a. sin. — Όμόφρονας, a. pi. of bμόφpωv. Όμοφρονεω -ω, (fr. fyoj like, and φρήν the mind) to be of the same mind, sentiment or opinion ; to agree, consent, conspire. Όμόφρων, -όνος, b, ή, (fr. same) of like mind, unanimous, concord- ant, agreeing, harmonious, con genial. 'Ομόφυλος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. bμbς same, and φυλή a tribe) of the same tribe, class or kind. Όμοφωνεω -ω, (fr. same, and φωνή a voice) to use the same lan- guage ; to accord, agree. 'Ομόφωνος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same) using the same language ; conso nant, agreeing. Ομοχροΐη, Ion. for Όμοχροία, -ας, η, (fr. ϊμός like, and χρόα co- lour) similarity of colour, likeness of complexion. Όμοχρόος, -ους, -όον -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) alike in colour ; of one colour. Όμόψηφος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and ψήφος a vote) of one mind or voice, voting on the same side ; having the sume right of voting. Όμύω -ω, ^μός like) to join to- gether, unite, coalesce. Ομύω -ώ, same as όμνυμι. Όμφάκες, η. pi. of όμφαζ. Ομφακίας, -ου, b, (fr. όμφαξ a sour grape) sour, tart, acid; unripe, made of unripe fruit. Ομφακίζω, f. -ισω, p. ωμφάκικα, (fr. same) to produce sour grapes; to be sour, acid. Ομ(ράκιον, -ου, rd, (fr. same) the juice of sour grapes. Ομφαλόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. next) having a navel or boss, embossed. Ομφαλός, -ov, b, the navel ; a boss ; the centre of an army, middle of any round body. Όμφαξ, -ακος, ή, (perhaps fr. ωμός raw, and φάγω to eat) sour grapes, unripe fruit. Ομφή, -ής, η, a divine voice, pro- phecy, oracle, response. Όμωθήναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of δ/^ω; or by Sync, for bμoίωθήvaι, 1 a. inf. pass, of bμotόω. Ομώμοκα, Att. for ώμοκα, per. ind. act. of όμνυμι. 'Ομώνυμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. bμbς like, and όνομα a name) having the same name, synonymous. Όμωρόφιος,-ον, b, ή, (fr. same, and opoφbς a roof, th. ερεφω to cover) a tenant of the same roof. Subs. a companion, friend. Όμως, (fr. bμbς like) similarly, alike ; equally, indiscriminately ; evenly, uniformly ; in like man•, ner, just as ; so, also. Or, (fr. bμoϋ altogether) together with? along with ; almost, nearly. ONE 0/**>i» ye*, nevertheless, however, notwithstanding. 'Ov, and ΰντε, a. sin. of 85, who. Ov, neut. of ων, οϋσα, -bv, pres. par. of ειμϊ, to be. Όναγρος, -ου, δ, //, (fr. όνος an ass, and άγριος wild) α unW ass. Όναμαι, pres. ind. mid. — Ονάμε νος, -17, -ov, par. pres. or Sync. •ησάμενος, 1 a. par. mid. of όνημι for Οναίμην, -αιο, -αιτο, Sync, for ονη- σα'ιμην, 1 a. opt. mid. of same, may I enjoy, may I reap the be- nefit of, may I be happy. Οναρ, τό, indeel. a dream. Κατ όναρ, in a dream. Ovaptov, -ov, rb, (dim. of όνος an ass ) a young ass, coll. ΌνάσεΧ, Dor. and ΪΕοΙ. for ονήσει, 3 sin. of ονήσω,-εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. — Όνασθαι, pres. inf. or Sync, for ονήσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Ονάσσης, Dor. and Poet. for ονήσης, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of όνημι. Όνάσις, Dor. for όνησις. Ονεήιθ' for ov είάτα, η. pi. of Όνειαρ, -ατός, rb, (fr. όνημι to help) help, assistance, relief, utility, advantage, profit, pi. ονε'ιατα feasts, food, victuals. Ονείδεα, cont. ονείδη, pi. of όνειδος Ονείδειος or -διος, -a, -ov, (fr. όνει- δος reproach) reproachful, igno minious, disgraceful ; contume- lious, abusive, insolent. Ονειδίζειν, pres. inf. act. — Ονειδι- ζόμεθα, -ζεσθε, 1 and 2 pi. pres ind. pass. — Ονειδιζόντος, sin. -ζόντων, pi. g. par. pres. act. of Ονειδίζω, f. -ϊσω, p. ωνείδικα, (fr. όνειδος reproach) to reproach, up- braid, censure, blame, find fault with, accuse; to vilify, impf. ind. act. ωνείδιζον. 1 a. ind. act. ωνείδισα' sub. ονειδίσω, -ης, -j). pres. ind. pass, ονειδίζομαι. Ονειδίσας, -ασα,-αν, -αντος, 1 a. par. act. — Ονειδίσας, Ion. for ωνείδισας, 2 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Ονείδισον, 1 a. impr. act. — Ονει δίσεις, 2 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of last. Ονείδισμα, -ατός, τδ, and Ονει<$ίσ- μος, -ου, δ, (fr. same) reproach, rebuke, censure, abuse. ΟνειδιστΈ^ς, -η, -bv, (fr. same) reproachful, opprobrious. Ονειδίσωσι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. — Ονειδιω, Att. for ονειδίσω, 1 f. ind. act. of same. Όνειδος, -εος-ονς, το, reproach, re- buke, censure; disgrace, blame, ignominy ; praise, fame, honour. Όνειος, -a, -ov, (fr. όνημι to help) asnsting, helping ; profitable, ad- vantageous. Όνειρας, -ατός, Tb, same as όναρ, not used in the n. Ονείράτα, -ων, τα, (pi. of last) Poet, for όνειρα, η. pi. of 6νει• pov. Ονείρειος, -a, -ov, (fr. όναρ a dream) of sleep ; of or in a dream. Ονειροκρίτας, -a, b, Dor. for Ονειροκριτης, •ον } &, (fr. όνειρον a ΟΝΟ dream, and κρίνω to judge) an interpreter of dreams. Ονειροπόλος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and ιτολίω to be conversant) an in- terpreter of dreams, diviner. Όνειρος, -ου, b, and Όνειρον, -ου, rb, (fr. όναρ a dream) a dream, vision, d. sin. Ονείρω, g. pi. Ονείρων. Ονηθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass. — Όνη~ μαι, same as Όναμαι, pres. ind mid. of όνημι. Ονήμενος, pres. par. pass, of όνη μαι for όναμαι, mid. of Όνημι, and Ονίνημι, f. ονήσω, ρ ώνηκα, to help, aid, assist, suc- cour ; to profit, benefit, do good. pres. mid. όναμαι or ονίναμαι, to reap benefit or advantage, receive the fruits of, enjoy ; to gratify please, delight. 1 a. ind. act ώνησα. 1 f. ind. mid. ονήσομαι. 1 a. mid. ind. ωνησάμην, -ω, -ατο' opt. ονησαίμην, -αιο, -αιτο. cont. οναίμην, -αιο, -αιτο. Όνημι, and Ον<5ω, to blame, censure, find fault with. mid. όναμαι. Όνησα, Ion. for ώνησα, 1 a. ind. act. — Όνησαι, 1 a. impr. mid.— Ονήσεαι, Ion. for ονήση. 2 sin. 1 f. ind. mid Ονήσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of όνημι. Ονήσιμος, -ου, b, }), (fr. όνημι to profit) useful, profitable, advan- tageous. A proper name. Όνησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. όνη- μι to profit) utility, advantage, fruit, benefit, profit; assistance, aid, help. Ονησιφύρος, -ου, b, η", (fr. last, and φέρω to bear) bringing assist- ance, advantageous, profitable, Subs, a proper name. Όνησο, pres. impr. of όνημαι, for όναμαι, pass, of όνημι, to profit, θνητός, -η, -bv, (fr. όνημι to profit or blame) useful, profitable, ad vantageous ; culpable, blameable. Ονήτωρ, -ορός, δ, useful ; a man's name. Ονθηλεύω, or ΟνθνΧενω, (fr. next) to besmear or mix with dung, adulterate ; to manure afield ; to season dishes. Όνθος, -ov, b, dung, ordure, ma nure. ΟιΎκος, -η, -bv, (fr. όνος an ass) of or belonging to an ass, drawn or wrought by an ass. Ονίνησι, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of ονίνημι, same as όνημι. Όνοιτο, 3 sin. pres. opt. of όνομαι, or 2 a. opt. mid. of ονόω, same as όνημι. Ονοκεντανρος, -ου, δ, (fr. όνος an ass, and κένταυρος a centaur) the ass-centaur. Όνομ' for Όνομα, Poet. Οννομα, iEol. Όνν- μα, -ατός, το, a name, title; fame, renown; a character, re- putation ; a pretence ; the name of a thing ; a word, noun. Ονόμαζε, Ion. for ωνόμαζε, 3 sin. impfl act. — Ονομάζειν, pres, inf. I act. — Ονομαζέσθω, 3 sin. pres. impr. pass. — Ονομάζεται, 3 sin. J (421) ONT pres. ind. pass. — Ονομαζόμενη^ par. pres. pass, of Ονομάζω, f. -άσω, p. ωνόμακα, (fr. όνομα a name} to name, call, mention, declare, utter ; to cele- brate, praise, sing of; to call upon, invoke, pres. opt. act. ονομάζοιαι, -οις, -of inf. ονομάζε- ιν. pres. par. pass, ονομαζόμενος. per. ind. pass, ωνόμασμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, ωνομάσθην, -ης, -η. Ονομάζων, par. pres. act. of last. Όνομαι, f. ονύσομαι, (fr. ονόω to blame) to blame, censure, reprove, find fault with. 1 a. ind. mid, ωνοσάμην. Ονομαίνω, f. -άνω, (fr. όνομα a name) to name, call by name. 1 a. act. ind. ωνόμηνα' sub. ovo- μήνω. Ονομάκριτος, -ου, b, a proper name. Ονομασθεί; JEo\. and Bceot. for ωνομάσθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of ονομάζω. Ονόμάσι, d. pi. of όνομα. Ονομάσ'ία, -ας, η, (fr. όνομα a name) nomination, calling, naming ; a name, appellation, Ονομαστΐ, (fr. same) by name. Ονομαστί^ς, -η, -bv, (fr. same) nominative, naming. Ονομαστός, -i},-bv, (fr. same) nanv- ed, called ; famed, celebrated. Ονόματα, -ατι, -ατός, •άτων, cases of όνομα. Ονοματογραφία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and γράφω to write) a writing or catalogue of names. Ονόμηνα -ας, -ε, Ion. for ωνόμηνα, 1 a. ind. — Ονομήνω,-ης, -η. 1 a. sub. act. of ονομαίνω. Όνος, -ov, δ, η, (perhaps fr. όνημι to help) an ass ; an insect sup- posed to be a centipede ; a lo- cust ; the upper mill- stone ; a spindle, axle-tree ; ajar with two ears or handles. Ονόσσεται, Poet, for ονόσεται, 3 sin. 1 f. mid. of ονόω, same as όνημι. Ονοστος, -η, -bv, (fr. όνημι to blame) to be blamed, blameable. Ονοτάζω, same as όνημι or ονόω. Ονοτος, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) blame able, culpable, faulty. Ονοφυρβος,-ον, b, ή, (fr. όνος an ass, and φερβω to feed) feeding asses. Ονόω, see όνημι. Όντα, — Όντας, — Όντες, — Όντι, — Όντος, — Όντων, cases of ων, οϋσα, bv, par. pres. of ειμί. Όντινα, a. sin. of 'όστις. Όντως, (fr. ων, pres. par. of ειμί to be) really, in reality, in truth, truly. Όντων, Att. and Ion. εόντων, for ήσαν, 3 pi. impf. ind. of ειμί, to be. Όννμα,-άτος, το, iEol. for όνομα. Ονόμαζα, -ας, -ε, JEol. and Poet, for ωνόμασα, 1 a. ind. act. — Ονυμάζομαι, JEol. for ονόμάσο- μαι, 1 f. mid. of ονομάζω. Όνυξ, -υχος, δ, a nail, hoof, claw ; a precious stone, onyx ; a kind of spice, onycha. n. pi. fvv%es 9 d. όνΐΐξι^ Ion. ονύ'χίσσι• ostr φνυχΐ£.ο» f. -ίσω, p. ωνύχικα, (fr. last) λ claw, scratch ; to cut the nailt ; u divide the hoof; to mark, note, examine ; to finish finely. Όνύχιον, ov, το, (fr. same) a little nail; an onyx stone. Οννχισμός, -ου, δ, (fr. οννχίζω to split the hoof, th. όνυξ a hoof) the division of the hoof or claw. Ονυχιστηρ, -ηρος, δ, (fr. same) a nail or claw, the division of the hoof. Όνωνις, -ιδος, f), a kind of herb. Οξάλμη, -ης, ή, (fr. οξύς sharp, and άλμη pickle, th. 'άλς salt) an acid pickle. Οξέ'ί, d. sin. of οξνς. Οξεία, η. fern, of οξύς. Οξεία, and Οξέα, (fr. same) acute- ly, sharply, shrilly, loudly. ΟξεΊα, η. fem. — Οξεΐαν, a. fem. but — Οξειαν, Dor. for οξειών, g. pi. fem. — Οξείησι, Ion. for οξεί- αις, d. pi. fem. of same. Οξέως, (fr. οξύς sharp) acutely, sharply, shrilly ; quickly, swiftly, speedily. Όξος, -εος -ους, rb, (fr. same) vine- gar, acid. Οξύ, -ίος, rb, (fr. same) a point, edge, sharpness, keenness ; quick- ness, speed. Οξύ, (fr. same) sharply, acutely, shrilly ; keenly ; quickly, swift- ly, speedily. Οξύ, neut. of same. ΟξυβεΧί^ς, -η, -bv, and Οξυβελης, -ίος -ους, δ, η, (fr. οξύς sharp, and βέλος a dart) sharp pointed ; quickly hurling or darting a ja- velin. Οξύγαρον, -ov, to, (fr. οξύς sharp, and γάρον a pickle) a pickle made of vinegar. Οξύγγιον, -ου, το, (fr. Lat. axun- gia) the grease of a wheel ; fat, tallow. Οξνγράφος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. οξύς quick, and γράφω to write) quickly writing. Οξυδερκής, -ίος -ους, δ, //, (fr. οξύς sharp,• and δερκω to see) sharp- sighted, quick-sighted, penetrat- ing. Οξυηκοία, -ας, η, (fr. οξύς sharp, and ακοή hearing, th. ακούω to hear) quickness of hearing, good hearing. Οξύθυμος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and §υμυς the mind) swift to wrath, irascible, angry, hasty, passion- ate, choleric. Οξυθύμία, -ας, f„ (fr. same) irasci- bility, hastiness, passion, anger. Οξυκάρδιος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and κάρδια the heart) angry, enrag- ed. Οξυκϊνητος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. οξύς quick, and κινέω to move) quickly mov- ing, easily or quickly moved; hasty, precipitate, irascible, pas- sionate. Οξνμόλποζ, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and μολττη a song, th. μέλπω to sing) shrieking, loud wailing. Οξυντηρ, -ηρος, 5, (fr, οξύς sharp) a knife. οπέ Οξύνω, f. -bVw, p. ώξυγκα, (fr. same) to sharpen, whet. Οξνόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. same) sharp, keen, pointed. Οξνρεπης, or Οξυρρεπης, -ίος -ους, δ, f), and Οξύρροπος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and ρέπω to lean) moving quickly, versatile, changeable ; quick, speedy, swift. Οξύς^ -ε?α, -υ, acute, sharp, keen ; acid, sour ; shrill, loud, piercing ; intense, severe ; quick, speedy, nimble, swift, active. Οξύσχοινος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. last, and σχοίνος a bulrush) having sharp rushes. Οξύτερος, -a Ion. -η, -ov,comp. of οξύς. Οξύτης, -ητος, ή, (fr. οξύς sharp) sharpness, acuteness, keenness ; an edge, point ; acidity, sour- ness ; swiftness, speed, celerity, quickness. Οξυτύμος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and τέμνω to cut) sharp cutting, sharp, keen. Οξύτονος, -ου, b, %, (fr. same, and τείνω to stretch) sharp toned, shrill ; whizzing. Οξύφρων, -όνος, b, f), (fr. same, and φρην the mind) quick in thought. Οξύχειρ, -ρος, δ, ij, (fr. same, and χεϊρ the hand) quick handed, ready ; light-fingered, thievish. Οξύχο\ος,-ου. b, fj (fr. same, and χολή anger) choleric, passionate, hasty. "Οου, Poet, for ου, g. of 'ός Όπ' for 6tra, a. sin. of 6ip. "Οπα, Dor. for οπη or όπως. Οπάδέω -ω, (fr. οπάζω to follow) to follow, attend, accompany, go with ; to give assistance, help. Οπαδός, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) a com- panion, attendant, follower, imi- tator. Οπαζόμενος, pres. par. pass, of Οπάζω, f. -άσω, to follow, pursue ; to overtake, come up with, press upon ; to cause to follow, pro- vide an attendant or companion ; to attend, accompany ; to provide, furnish, give, bestow, offer. Οποίον, -ου, το, (fr. οπη a hole) the mouth of a pitcher ; a chimney, flue, funnel. Όπανίκα, Dor. for bπηκίκa. Όπασα, -ας, -ε, Ion. for ώπασα, 1 a. ind. act. — Οπάσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Οπάσας, i£ol. Οπάσαις, 1 a. par. act. — Οπάσσαις, Poet. ΐοτοπάσαις, 2 sin. 1 a. opt. act. — Οπάσσει, Poet, fof οπάσει, 1 f. ind. act. — Οπήσσατο, Ion. and Poet, for ωπάσατο, 3 sin. of ωπα- σάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 u. ind. mid. of οπάζω. "Ο πατρός, -ov, b, ή, Sync, for bμό• πατρός. Οπάων, and Όπάων, -όνος, δ, η, (fr. οπάζω to attend, or έ'πω to fol- low) an attendant, companion, servant. "Οπερ, neut. of οσπερ. Οπεύω, Οπιπενω, and Οπίπτευω, to look at, view, behold ; to look or wait far omens. out Οπεων* -ωνος, b, Ion. for οπάων. Οπη, -ης, ή, (perhaps fr. άπτομαι to see) a hole, aperture, opening. "Οττη, where ; whither, which way / wherever ; in whatever way, how t by what means. Οπηδέω, for οπαδέω — Oπηδbς, -ου, δ, for οπαδός. Όπηνίκα, (fr. οπού where, and^vf- κα when) when, whenever. Οπήτιον, -ου, τδ, (fr. οττη a hole) an awl, bodkin. Οπι, d. sin. of 6\p. Οπιδνος, -η, -bv, (fr. όπις dread) to be feared, dreaded, revered. Οπίξετο, Ion. for ωπίζετο, 3 sin. impf. ind. of Οπίζομαι, (fr. όπις dread) to re- gard, respect, reverence, revere, dread ; to take care of ; to re- venge, punish ; to repay, re- compense, pres. par. οπιζόμε- νος. ■ Όπιθεν, Dor. and Ion. for δπισ θεν. Όπιν, a. sin. of όπις. Όπιον, -ου, τδ, (fr. oirdy juice) the juice of the poppy, opium, lau- danum. Οπιπτεύοντ' for οπιτττεύοντα, a. sin. of οπιπτεύων, pres. par. act. of Οτππτευω and Οπιπεύω, for οπτενω, same as άπτομαι. Όπις, Α'δος, ή, (perhaps fr. έπομαι to follow) divine vengeance, punishment, revenge ; regard, care, consideration ; respect, awe, dread. Οπισαμβώ, (fr. οπίσω back, and βαίνω to go) a going backward. Όπισθεν, (fr. οπίσω back, and •&εν from a place) behind, in the rear, at the back, backwards, back ; after, afterwards ; here- after ; back again. Οπίσθιος, -a, -ov, (fr. last) poste- rior, hinder, coming after or from behind. Οπισθίως, backwards, from behind; after, at the back. Οπισθόδετος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. όπισθεν behind, and δέω to tie) tied be- hind. Οπισθόδομος, -ov, b, (fr. same, and δέμω to build) the rear of a house ; the treasury at Athens, so called because it was at the rear of the temple of Mi- nerva. Οπισθόμβροτος, -ου, Ό, ή, (fr. same, and βρότος a mortal) following mortals, existing after death, sur- viving, eternal. Οπισθόνομος, -ου, δ, r% (fr. same, and νέμω to feed) feeding irre- gularly or scattered ; moving backwards while feeding. Οπισθόπους, -οδός, δ, f/, (fr. same, and πους a foot) following. Subs an attendant, servant. Οπισθότονος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and τείνω to stretch) stretched back. Subs, the rope which fasl• ened the hands behind tfie back. Οπισθοφ&νως, (fr. same, and φαίνα to appear) backwards. Οίίτσω, Poet» for οπίσω. ΟΠΑ Ονίστερος, -α, -ov, comp. Ο-κίστα- τος, sup. of next, later, latest, last ; after. ΌτΛσω, behind, back, backward; after, afterwards, hereafter; back again, again; past, gone by. "Οπλα, pi. of όπλον. Ό πλια, a. sin. of Όπλενς, a man's name. "Οπλεσθαι, pres. inf. of όπλομα Όπλεω -ώ, same as δπλί^ω. Όπλέων, Ion. for δπλών, g. pi. of 'Οπλή, -ης, ή, (fr. όπλον a weapon) a hoof, claw, naiL 'Οπλίζω, f. -?σω, p. Ιόπλικα, (fr. same) to arm, prepare, equip, accoutre, pres. ind. pass, δπλί- ζομαι' inf. όπλίζεσθαι. 1 a. mid ind. ωπλισάμην, -ω, -ατο' impr όπλισαι, -άσθω. Όπλίσασθε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. mid. of last. "Οπλισμα,-άτος, rb. οχιά' Οπλισμός, -ου, b, (fr. last, th. οπλον a wea- pon) an armament. Όπλισόμεθα, 1 pi. 1 f. ind. mid. of οπλίζω. Όπλιστής, -ov, b, (fr. bπλίζω to arm, th. οπλον a weapon) an ar- OlIT ΟΡΑ to bear) to bear arms ; to act as\ of or belonging tothesightf opli- armour-bearer. \ cal, visual. Οπλοφόρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) an armour-bearer. Όποδάπάς, -ov, b, f), (fr. ΰπον where, and δάπεδον soil) of what country ? 'Οπόθεν, and Poet, bππ6θεv i same as πόθεν. "Οποί, same as ποί. 'Οποίος, -a, -ov, (fr. ο'ιος such) what, of what sort or manner, of what kind; such, such as, like as. Οπός, -οΐί, b, the juice of the fig-tree, sap. Όπόσακις, (fr. b -πόσος how many) how many times ? how often ? Όπόσην, a. sin. οί bπόσoς. Όποσονουν, (fr. bπύσoς how much, and οΰν however) somewhat, somehow, some few, a little. Όπόσος, Poet. Όππύσος, -η, -ov, (fr. 'όσος how great) how great ? how large ? how many ? how nu- merous ? as great, as many, as much. 'Οπόταν, (fr. bπότε when, and av -soever) whensoever, whenever; since, once. 'Οπότε, and Poet. Όππότε, (fr. ποτέ mourer, one who provides ar?ns ; when) when, sometimes, once, an armed man, soldier, Όπλιτενν, f. -ενσω, (fr. next) to bear arms ; to serve in the heavy armed infantry ; to command the heavy armed troops. 'Οπλίτης, -ov, δ, (fr. όιτλον a wea- pon) a heavy armed soldier; a warrior. Όπλιτίκος, -ή, -bv, (fr. last) of or belonging to the heavy armed in- fantry, composed of heavy armed soldiers. Οπλοδοτεω -ώ, (fr. οπλον a wea pon, and δίδωμι to give) to dis tribute, give or furnish with arms Οπλοθήκη, -ης, ι/, (fr. same, and τίθημι to place) an armory, mi- litary store. Οπλολογέω -ω, (fr. same, and λί- γω to collect) to collect arms.~^ "Οπλομαι, same as οπλίζω. Όπλομάχέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr, οπλον a weapon, and μάχομαι to fight) to fight with arms, engage in battle. 'Οπλομαχία, -ας, η, (fr. same) an armed combat, engagement, battle. Όπλομαχος, -ov, b, (fr. same) an armed combatant, warrior. Οπλον, -ov, το, an instrument, im- plement ; a weapon of offence or defence ; a shield, piece of ar- mour, mail. Τα όπλα, arms, weapons, accoutrements ; equip- ments, appointments ; tackle, rigging. Οπλοποιεω -ω, (fr. last, and ποιίω to make) to make arms. Οπλοτερύων, JEol. for όπλοτέρων, g. pi. of Οπλότερος, -a, -ov, (comp. fr. δπ- λον a weapon) morefitfor bear- ing arms, more active, stronger, younger. Sup. όπλότατος. Όπλοφορίω -ώ, (fr. same, αηάφέρω since, long ago. Οπότερος, -a, -ov, (fr. πότερος which) which of the two, whether, whichever. "Οπου, (fr. που where) where, when, since; whither; whereas. "Οπονγε, (fr. last) since, seeing that. "Οππα, Dor. for όππη, which for οπόθεν, same as πόθεν. "Οππη, Poet, for όπη and όπον. Όππόκα, Dor. for όππότε. Όππόσε, any where. Όππότ for 'Οππότε, Poet.fo^oVe Όπποτερην, Ion. for -pav, a. sin — Όπποτεροισιν, d. pi. Ion. of Όππότερος, Poet, for bπότεpoς. Οπτάζομαι, (mid, of next) to be seen, appear, seem. Οπτάζω, (fr. άπτομαι to see) to see, view. Οπτάλίος, -a, -ov, (fr. οπτάω to roast) roasted, broiled. Οπτανόμενος, pres. par. pass, of Οπτάνω, same as άπτομαι. Οπτασία, -ας, fj, (fr. οπτάζω to see, th. άπτομαι to see) a vision, ap- parition, sight. Οπτάω, and Οπτεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ώπτηκα, to roast, broil, cook, dress, bake. per. ind. pass, ώπτημαι, -σαι, -ται. Οπτενμενος, Dor. for οπτονμενος, pres. par. pass. cont. of οπτέω, same as οπτάω. Οπτγι, Dor. for οπτα, 3 sin. pres. ind. cont. — Οπτηθεϊς, -εΊσα, -εν, 1 a. par. pass, of οπτάω. Οπτηρ,-ηρος, Ό, (fr. άπτομαι to see) a viewer, observer, eyewitness. Όπτησις, -ιος, Αίί.-εως,ί], (fr. οπ- τάω to roast) a roasting, broil- ing, cookery, Οπτήσωμεν, 1 pi. of οπτήσω, -ης, -η, 1 a. sub. act. of same. Οπτίκος, -η, bv, (fr. άπτομαι to see) (423) Οπτίλοί, -ov, b, (fr. same) the eye. Όπτομαι, f. όψομαι, p. ώμμαι, -ψαι, -πται, to see, behold, view, look ; to see to, look to ; to be seen ; to seem, appear. 1 a. ind. pass. ώφθην,-ης,-η. 1 f. ind. pass, οφ- θήσομαι. 1 a. mid. ωψάμην, -ω, -ατο' sub. όψωμαι. Οπτός, -η, -bv, (fr. οπτάω to roast) roasted, baked. Οπτω, Dor. for οπτον, g. sin. of last. Οπυίω, to cohabit ; to marry or be married, take to wife. impf. ind. ώπνιον, -ες, -ε. pres. ind. pass. οπνίομαι. Όπωπα, Att. for ωπα, per. ind. mid. — Οπώπεε, 3 sin. and Οπώ- πεσαν, 3 pi. Ion. of Οπώπειν, -εις, -εί /Att. for ώπε*ν, pper. ind. mid. of άπτομαι. Οπωπή, -ης, η, (fr. όπτομαι to see) the sight, vision ; a sight, view ; appearance, aspect. Οπωπητηρ, -ηρος, δ, (fr.last) an ob- server, eyevAlness, spectator. Οπώρα, -ας, >/, (fr. οπός the sap, and ώρα the season) autumn, autumnal fruit ; advanced age. Οπωριεΐ, Att. for οπωρίσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. — Οπωρίευντε?, Dor. and JEo\. for οπωριονντες, Att. for οπωρίσοντες, η. pi. 1 f. par. act. of Οπωρίζω, f. -Υσω, Att. -ίώ, (fr. οπώ- ρα autumn) to gather autumnal fruits, bring home harvest ; to eat the autumnal fruits. Οπωρίνος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) au- tumnal. Οπωρισμος, -ov, b, (fr. same) au- tumnal fruits, vintage, harvest. \ Οπωοοφνλάκιον, -ov, το, (fr. same, and φυλάσσω to preserve) aplace for keeping autumnal fruits; a granary ; a shed. Οπως, (fr. πως how) how, by what means, in what manner; as, like, so that, that, to the end that, thus, when. Όπωσονν, (fr. last) howsoever. "Opa, (pres. impr. act. of δράω to see, used adv. ) see, look to it, take heed, beware. "Opa μη, see thou do it not, beware. 'Opa, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. cont. — "Opa, pres. impr. cont. — Όράθ' for άρατε, 2 pi. pres. impr. act. — Ο pav, act. Όρασ- θαι, pass. pres. -inf. cont. of δράω. "Οραμα, -άτος, το, and Οραματισ- μός, -οΰ, b, and'Όpασtί, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. δράω to see) a sight, vision, appearance, d. sin. bpάμaτι. Όραμνος,-ον,ό,{ΪΓ. ράμνος a thorny shrub) a bough, branch, twig. Οράνος, -ω, b, JEoi. for ονρανός. Όράσει,ά. — -'Οράσεις, η. a. v. pi. cont. of δράσι?. Όραται, 3 sin. pres. ind. mid. cont. — Όράτο, Ion. for ώρα- tq, 3 sin. impf. pass. cont. of δράω* ΟΡΕ Ορϋτης, -<Λ, δ, (fr. Ιράω to see) a spectator, observer, eyewitness. Όρατ'ίκός, -η, -ov, (fr. same) see- ing, having sight, quick-sighted ; acute, sagacious. Όράτός, -fj, -dv, (fr. same) visible, conspicuous, remarkable. Όράω, f. -άσω, p. ωρακα, Att. εώρα- Ka,tosee, look, behold; to descry, discern; to perceive, observe, consider; to take care, provide, look to ; to beware, take heed. pres. impr. act. δραε δρα. impf. ind. ΐόραον ωρων,Αίί. εώραον /ω- ρών, per. inf. act. Att. εωρακί ναι. pper. ind. act. Att. ίωρά κειν, -εις, -ει> per. ind. pass. Att. ίώραμαι, -σαι, -ται. Οργά, -ας, ^, Dor. for οργή. Οργάζω, (fr. οργάω to burn with desire) to excite, inflame, insti- gate ; to bruise, knead, soften. Οργάνη, -ης, η, (fr. ίργον work) the artist; an epithet of Miner- va. Οργανικός, -!), -οι>, (fr. next) in- strumental ; used as means. Όργανον, -ου, το, (perhaps fr. ίρ- γον a work ) an instrument, imple- ment, tool ; a machine ; means, instrumentality; an instrument of music, organ. Opyaj, -αδος, >/, rich fertile land, a park, lawn; a sacred place or grove; a wild, desert. Οργάω -ω, (fr. οργή inclination) to burn with desire, desire impa- tiently ; to swell with anger ; to ripen, grow large. Οργή, -ης, fj, (perhaps fr. άρω to excite) anger, rage, wrath, in- dignation ; resentment, revenge ; inclination, desire ; a violent im- pulse or excitement of the mind ; an Ionian word, signifying pitch. Όργια, -ων, τα, (fr. last) the sacred rites of Bacchus, orgies, frantic abominations. Οργιάζω or Οργιάω -ω, (fr. last) to celebrate orgies; to rage furious- ly, roar violently ; to practise abo- minations. Οργίζεσθε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. mid. — Οργιζόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of Οργίζω,ϊ. -ϊσω, p. ώργικα, (fr. οργή anger) to provoke to anger, irri- tate, enrage, exasperate. Οργί- ζομαι, to be angry, pres. inf. pass, οργίζεσθαι. 1 a. pass. ind. ωργίσθην, -ης, -η' par. οργισθείς. 3a, 1 pi. pres. sub. pass, 'of last. Οργίλος, -η, -ov, (fr. οργή anger) prone to anger, irascible, choleric, passionate. Οργιλότης, -ητος, >% (fr. last) an- ger, irascibility. Οργισθης, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. pass, of οργίζω. Οργνιά, -ας,}}, (fr. ορίγω to stretch, and γνίον a foot or hand) the clasp of a man's arms, a fathom, six feet. Ορίγεσθαι, pres. inf. pass. — Ορε- γόμενος, pres. par. pass, of ορεγω. °%'ίί ΟΡΕ Όρεγμα, -Χτος, τό, (fr. ορίγω to stretch) a stretch, effort ; a step. Ορεγνΐις, -ΰσα, -Ov, pres. par. act. of ορεγνυμι. Ορεγω or Ορεγνυμι, f. -ξω, p. ώρε- χα, to extend, the arms or legs ; to hold out, offer, reach ; stretch out; to give, bestow; afford, furnish. Ορέγομαι, to stretch one's self or hands for ; to desire ear- nestly, long for, covet. 1 a. ind. act. ώρεξα. 1 f. mid. ορίζομαι. 1 a. ind. pass, ωρίχθην, -ης, -η. 1 a. ind. mid. ωρεζάμην, -ω,-ατο. Όρει, d. sin. of όρος. Ορειαν, Dor. for ορείων, g. pi. of όρειος. Ορειβάτίω -ω, (fr. όρος a mountain, and βαίνω to go) to walk on or wander over mountains ; to live on hills. Ορειβάτης, -ov, b, (fr. same) anin- habitant of the mountains, moun- taineer. Ορείγάνον or Ορίγάνον, -ov, τό, (fr. όρος a mountain, and γάνος joy) a kind of herb, wild marjo- ram. Ορειδρόμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. όρος a mountain, and δρόμος a course, th. τρίχω to run) running over hills, haunting the mountuins. Όρειος, -ου, b, f], or -a, -ov, and Ορεινός, -η, -ov, (fr. όρος a mountain) mountainous, hilly. Ορεϊται, 3 sin. οϊΌρουμαι, -fj, -εΤται, 1 f. mid. of όρω. Ορείτης, -ου, b, and Ορείτωρ, -ορός, b, (fr. όρος a mountain) an inha- bitant of a mountain. Ορειχάλκοιο, g. sin. Ion. of Ορείχαλκος, -ov, b,((r. όρος a moun- tain, and χαλκός brass) a kind of mountain brass. Adj. made of mountain bi-ass. Ορεκτός, -η, -ov, (fr. ορίγω to stretch) stretched, out- stretched, at length, laidout; desirous, long- ing for ; sought for, anxiously desired, wished for. Ορίξαι, act. — Ορίξασθαι, mid. inf. — Ορεξάμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. — Ορεξάτο, Ion. for ωρεξα- to, 3 sin. of ωρεξάμην, -ω,-ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. — Ορίζω, -ης, -τ/, I a. sub. act. of ορίγω. Όρεξις,-ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. ορέγο- μαι to desire) lust, desire, appe- tite, d. sin. cont. ορίζει. Όρίοντα, Ion. for bpaovra, cont. bp&vra, a. sin. of bράωv -ων, pres. par. act. of δράω. Ορίοντο, Ion. and Poet, for ώροντο, 3 pi. impf. ind. pass, of όρω. Ορεοιτολίω -ω, (fr. όρος a mountain, and -πολεω to be conversant) to be or live in the mountains, wan- der over mountains. Όρεος, g. sin. of όρος. Ορεσκωοισι, d. pi. Poet, of Ορεσκψος , -ov, b, η, (fr. όρος a moun- tain, and κείμαι to lie) living in the mountains, wild. Όρεσσι, Β,ηάΌρεσφι, Poet, ίονόρε- σι, d. pi. οι όρος. Ορεσσΐνομος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. όρος a mountain, and νίμω to pasture) (424) ΟΡΘ feeding on the mountains; liv» ing on the hills. Ορέστης, -ου, b, a man's name ; also same as ορείτης, a. sin. Ορίστην. Ορεστιάς, -αδος, t), (fr. όρος amoun tain) a mountain girl, living on the mountains. Ορεύς, Ion. Ουρεϋς, -εις, b, ή, (fr. same) a mule. Όρευς, Dor. for όρους, a. pi. of όρος. Ορεχθίω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. ορεγω to stretch) to stretch, extend, stretch out; to tumble, wallow, roll; to desire, long for; to snuff, snort, pant, roar, bellow. Όρεω, Ion. for bpάω — Όρεει, for ϊράει, cont. bpa, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of δράω. Ορίων, g. pi. of όρος. Όρη, pi. cont. of same. Όρη, Dor. for δρα, pres. impr. act. of δράω. Όρηαι, Ion. for όρη, 2 sin. of 6ρω- μαι, -η, -ηται, pres. sub. pass, of όρω. Όρρς, Dor. for bp^, 2 sin — Όρη- τε, Dor. for bpa^, 2 pi. pres. ind. act. cont. of δράω. Όρηται, 3 sin. pres. sub. pas», or 2 a. sub. mid. of όρω. Όρθαι, Ion. for ώρθαι, per. inf. pass, of όρω. Ορθαϊ, η. pi. fem. of ορθός. Ορθευν, Dor. or iEol. for ορθονν, pres. inf. act. of ορθόω. Ορθιάν, Dor. for ορθίων, g. pi. of Ορθιος, -a, -ov or -ov, b, {/, (fr. ορθός right) erect, upright, perpendi- cular; steep, high; high-toned, loud. Ορθόβουλος, -ov, b, t), (fr. ορθός right, and βουλή counsel) of good counsel, well-advising, prudent, wise, sensible. Ορθογράφίω -C,(fr. same, and γρά- φω to write) to write correctly. Ορθογραφία, -ας, fi, (fr. same) or- thography ; a correct style of writ- ing ; spelling ; a front or eleva- tion ; a sketch, outline. Ορθογώνιος, -ου, b, η, {fr. ορθός right, and γωνία an angle) rectangular, right-angled. ΟρθοδΊκας, -a, b, Dor. for Ορθοδ'ϊκης, -ου, b, (fr. ορθός right, and δίκη judgment) just, equita- ble, impartial. ΟρθύΟριξ, -τρίχος, b, 17, (fr. same, and θρϊξ hair) having stiff" hair, causing the hair to stand on end. Ορθοκραιράων, g. pi. fem. Dor. of νθόκραιρος, -a,-ov, (fr. same, and κραϊρα the head) carrying the head erect ; having erect horns. Ορθολογίω -ω, (fr. same, and λίγω to speak) to speak correctly or properly ; to impute justly. Ορθόμαντις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, b, $, (fr. same, and μάντις a prophet) α true prophet. Ορθοποδίω -ω, (fr. same, and ιτοδί a foot) to walk uprightly or steadi- ly ; to act or behave correct» ly. OPI Ορθο-κοδουσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. oflast. Ορθόπολις, -ιος, Att. -εως, b, #,_(fr. ορθός upright, and νόλις a city) erecting cities ; governing states with justice ; wisely ruling. Ορθόπονς, -οδός, δ,//, (fr. next, and πους a foot) standing upright or steady, walking steadily. Ορθίς, -ή, -όν, erect, upright, per- pendicular; tall, high; right, straight ; upright, sincere, just ; direct, obvious, plain. Also a proper name. Ορθοτομεω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. last, and τέμνω to cut) to cut aright or straight; to handle aright; to divide, distribute evenly. Ορθοτόμος, -ου, b, h, (fr. same) cut- ting rightly, dividing evenly. Ορθοτομοΰντα, a. sin. cont. par. pres. act. of ορθοτομίω. Ορθοτρίχέω -ώ, (fr. ορθός upright, and θριξ hair) to have the hair standing on end ; to be terrified. Όρθοτριχία, -ας, η, (fr. same) hor- ror, fright, terror. Ορθοϋν, pres. inf. act. cont. of Ορθόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. ορθός right) to raise, lift up, erect ; to set right, rectify, direct, adjust ; to extol, praise. Ορθόομαι -ουμαι, to be successful. Ορθρεύω, (fr. όρθρος the morning) to rise early, awake early in the morning ; to be wakeful. — Oo- θρενοίσα, Dor. for ορθρενονση, d. sin. fern. pres. par. ΟρθρΙζω, f. -ϊσω, p. ώρθρικα, (fr. same) tc rise early, come early in the morning, impf. ind. ώρθρι- ζον. 1 a. act. ind. ώρθρισα• iinpr. όρθρισον. Ορθρινός, -η, -όν, (fr. same) of or belonging to the morning, early, morning. Ορθρως, -a, -ov, (fr. same) of or relating to the morning, early, morning, coming in the morn- ing. Ορθρίσαντες, η. pi. of Ορθρίσας, -ασα, -αν, 1 a. par. act. of ορθρί- ζω. Ορθρισμός, -ου, b, (fr. ορθρίζω to rise early, th. όρθρος the morning) an early search. ΟρθρΧω, Att. for ορθρ'ϊσω 1 f. ind. act. οι ορθρίζω. Ορθρογόη, -ης, η, (fr. όρθρος the morning, and γοάω to lament) a twittering or chattering in the morning. Όρθρος, -ου, b, the daybreak, morn- ing. Όρθω, d. sin. of όοθος. Ορθωθή, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass, of ορθόω. Ορθώς, (fr. ορθός right) rightly, properly, correctly, well; plainly, clearly. Ορθώσαις, JEo\. for Ορθωσης, -ασα, -αν, 1 a. par. acts, of οοθώό Ορθωτήρ, -ήρος, o,(fr. ορθόω to rise, th. ορθός upright) a lifter up,\ raiser, restorer. Οριγνάομαι -ωμαι, (fr. ορεγω to stretch out for) to desire, wish A SH OPK long for ; to grasp, aim at ; to fight, engage, contend, strive. 'Ορίζω, (fr. όρος a boundary) to hound, limit, terminate ; to pre- scribe limits, set bounds to, mark out ; to pass over or through. 'Ορίζομαι, to define, determine, decree, appoint, decide ; to think, suppose, estimate, measure ; to propose as an aim or end. per. pass. ind. ωρισμαι ■ par. ωρισμε- νος, -η, -ου. 1 a. pass. ind. ώρίσ- θην par. bpισθεϊς, -εΤσα, -εν. Ορίκτ(τος,-ου, b, »/, for ορείκτιτος, (fr. bpoς a mountain, and κτίζω to build) built in the mountains or on a hill; nourished or brought up in the mountains. Οριμάλίδες, -ων, at, (fr. same, and μαλον, Dor. for μήλον an apple) mountain apples. Ορίναις, 2 sin. οΐορίναιμι, -αις, -at, 1 a. opt. act. — Ορίνετον, du. pres. ind. act. of οοίνω. Ορινός, same as ορεινός. ΟρΊνω, f. -νύ, (fr. όρω to excite) to excite, rouse, stir up, agitate, dis- turb, pres. inf. act. ορίνειν. Όριοθετεω -ω, (fr. 'όρος a boundary, and τίθημι to place) to set a boundary, fix limits. "Οριον, -ου, τό, (fr. όρος a bounda- ry) a. boundary, limit, confine, coast. Όριος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) bound- ing, bordering, skirting, edging. "Ορισαι, 3 sin. 1 a. opt. act. — Όρί- σαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Όρίσας, par. 1 a. act. — 'Ορισθέντος, g. sin. par. 1 a. pass, of δρί£ω. 'Ορισμός, -ου, δ, (fr. 'ορίζω to de- termine, th. όρος a boundary) a termination ; a decision, decree, determination ; appointment. Όριστής, -ου, ο, (fr. same) an ar- bitrator, umpire or commissioner to settle boundaries. Οριχάομαι, (fr. ορεγω to stretch out for) to desire, wish, long for ; to be anxiously desirous. Όριω, Att. for bpίσω, 1 f. ind act. of ορίζω. 'Ορίων, g. pi. of όοιον. Όρκάνη, -ης, η, same as ερκάνη. Όρκη, -ης, ή, a vessel for oil, jar. Όρκίζομεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. of 'Ορκίζω, f. -ϊσω, p. ωρκικα, (fr. όρ- κος an oath) to adjure, conjure, charge solemnly ; to bind by an oath. 1 a. ind. act. ωοκισα. Όρκων, -ου, ri?,(fr. same)a/eagr/e, covenant or agreement confirmed by oath. Όρκιος, -ου, δ, (fr. same) regard- ing oaths, faithful; an epithet of Jupiter. Όρκος, and Όρκισμός, -ου, b, (fr. είργω to compel) an oath, also the name of an infernal god. Όρκόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, (fr. last) to require, exact or impose an oath. Ορκωμοσία, -ας, ^, (fr. same, and όμνυμι to swear) an oath; the' tender or imposition of an oath. } Ορκωμοτίω -ώ, (fr. next) to swear,] tender an oath. (425) OPM Όρκωμότης, -ου, δ, (fr. next) on* bound by oatfi, sworn. 'Ορκωτής, -ου, b, (fr. δρκόω to de- mand an oath, th. όρκος an oath) one who swears or exacts an oath from another; a magis- trate. Όρμαθός, -οΰ, δ, a row, string, line, chain, series ; a stanza ; a hid' ing-place, retreat, cave, den. Όρμαίνω, f. -άνω, p. ωρμαγκα, (fr. bpμή an impulse) to drive or rush headlong ; to charge, run violently ; to rouse, stir up, ex- cite ; to revolve, ponder, think of Όρμαν, pres. inf. act. of δρ/χαω. Όρμάομαι, same as ορμάω. Όρμασται, Metath. for αομοσται, Ion. for ί'ιρμοσται, 3 sin. of J;p- μοσμαι, -σαι, -σται. per. ind. pass, of αρμόζω. 'Ορμάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. ώρμηκα, (fr. όομη an impulse) to hurry, has- ten, start, set out, commence; to march, proceed; to rush a- gainst, charge, attack ; to quick- en, excite, impel; to stir up, rouse, disturb ; to desire, long for, be anxious ; to turn the mind or attention to. Όρμέάτο, Ion. for ωρμηντο, 3 pi. pper. ind. pass, oflast. Όρμενίδάο, g. iEol. of Όρμενίδης, -ου, b, a man's name. Ορμενος, Sync, for ορόμενος, pres. par. pass, of όρω. Όρμίω -ώ, (fr. όρμος a station for ships) to come to a station, be in harbour ; to anchor, moor. Όρμεώμενος, Ion. for bpμώμεvoς t pres. par. pass. cont. of δρ//άω. Όρμή, -ής, η, movement, impulse ; ardour, fury, impetuosity ; an attack, assaidt, charge ; an ef- fort, attempt, undertaking; a commencement, beginning ; an expedition, march; appetite, in- clination, desire, will. 'Ορμηθείς, 1 a. par. pass. — Όρμη- θήτην, Ion. for ωρμηθήτην, 3 du. 1 a. ind. pass. — Όρμηθήναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of bpμάω. "Ορμημα, -άτος, τό, (fr. bpμάω to rush) impulse, force, violence, d. sin. Όρμήματι. Όρμήσωσι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of same. Όρμητήριον, -ov, to, (fr. bpμά'/, a bird, fowl; an augury, omen. d. pi. Όρνισι. Όρνιχα, a. sin. of όρνιξ, Dor. for όρνις. Ορνιχολόχος, Dor. and Poet, for ορνιθολόχος. Όρνύμαι, mid. of όρνυμι, for ορνύω, same as όρ ω. Ορνύμεν, and Ορνύμεναι, Dor. for ορνυναι, pres. inf. act. — Opi'u- μένοιο, Ion. for -ου, g. sin. of op- νύμενος, pres. par. pass. — Όρ- νυσθε, 2 pi. of Όρνυσο, -ύσθω, pres. impr. act. of Όρνΰμι, and Όρνύω, same as όρω. Όροβος, -ου, b, a kind of pulse like vetches. Όρογραφος,-ου, b, (fr. υρος limit and γράφω to write) who de- scribes the limits and boundaries, a surveyor, geographer. Ορυγυϊα, Ion. for ωρογυΊα, fem. of ωρογώς, -υ?α, -ος, per. par. mid. of ορέγω. Οροδαμνιάδες, (fr. όρος a mountain, and δέμνιον a bed) mountain nymplis ; bees. Οροδαμνϊς, -ίδος, {), same as Ορόδαμνος, -ου, b, a suckw, scion, twig, branch. Όροθεσία, -ας, f/, (fr. 'όρος a bound- ary, and τίθημι to place) a set- ting of a boundary, limitation. Οροθύνω, same as όρω. Όρομαι, see όρω. Ορομάλίδες, same as Οριμάλίδες. Ορόντιον,-ου, rb, (perhaps fr. όρος a mountain) a kind of herb. Ορος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. όρω to raise) a mountain, hill. Όρος, •ου, b, (fr. bpάω to see) a border, boundary, limit, confine ; end, goal, termination ; aim, ten- dency ; definition, rule, standard ; limitation, prescription. Χ ρύς, -ου, b, whey. Οροσάγγαι, a Persian word, ap- plied to men who deserved kindness from their king. Ορότυπος, -ου, b, η, (fr. όρος a mountain, and τύπτω to strike) rushing from the mountains, re- sounding. Όρουσαν, Ion. for ώρυσαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. — Ορουσα, for ορού- t ,*σα, fen*, of ορούσας, 1 a. par. OPT to excite) to hurry, hasten, rush on ; to charge, attack ; to thrust, drive. Οροψη, -ης, ή, (fr. ερέφω to cover) any covering ; a roof, thatch, ceiling, shed. Όροφος, -ου, b, (fr. same) α reed for covering houses, sedge ; thatch, covering, roof. Οροφόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, (fr. same) to cover, thatch, roof. Ορόφωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) α covering, roof, thatch. Όρόων, Poet, for bp&v, n. pi. bpόωv- τες, for bpωvτες, pres. par. act. cont. — ' Ορόο)ντι, Dor. for bpάoυ- σι -ωσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Όρόωτε, Poet, for bpωτε, 2 pi. cont. pres. opt. act. of οράω. Όρπεπον, -ου, το, same as όρνεον. Όρπηκα, a. sin. of "Ορ-ηξ, -ηκος, Dor. Όρπαξ, b, (perhaps fr. 'έρπω to creep) a sucker, twig, switch ; a dart or javelin made of a young shoot ; a goad. "Opp' o'i, Poet, for "Ο ρά αυτω. Ορροπΰγιον, Οροπύγιον or Ουροπύ- γιον, -ου, το, (fr. όρρος the line which divides the scrotum, and πυγή the buttocks) the end of the back bone, tail, rump. Ορρός, -ου, b, same as ορός, whey. Ορρός, -ου, η, the line which divides the scrotum and proceeds to the anus. ΟρρωδέωοτΟρωδέω,{ίτ. last) to put the tail between the legs ; to fear. Ορρωδία, -ας, f], (fr. last) fear, fright, dread. Όρσαι, JEo\. for όραι, 1 a. inf. act. of όρω. Όρσεο, Ion. for όρσου, pres. impr. of όρσομαι, Poet, for όρω. Όρσης, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. act. iEol. of όρω. Ορσίκτϋπος, -ου, b,f/, (fr. όρω to ex- cite, and κτύπος a noise, th. τύ-πτω to beat) noisy, clamorous, loud; roaring, clashing, clang- ing. Ορσιλοχος, -ου, b, a man's name. Ορσινηφης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. όρω to excite, and νέφος a cloud) cloud- exciting or raising, an epi- thet of Jupiter. Opσίπεδoς,-oυ,b, 17, (fr. same, and ττέδον the ground) shaking the ground. Όρσο, Sync, for όρσεο, which Ion. for όρσου, pres. impr. of όρσομαι, Poet, for όρω. Ορσοθϋρα, -ας, Ion. -ρη, -ης, η, (fr. όρω to raise, and θύρα a gate) a lofty large gate or door ; a door high up or at the head of stairs. Ορσοτρ'ιαινα, 2Άο\. and Ορσοτρίαι- νας,-α, b, Dor. for Ορσοτιαίνης, -ου, b, (fr. όρω to shake, and τρίαινα a trident )shak- ing a trident. Όρσω, ΛΕοΙ. for ορώ, 1 f. ind. act. of όρω. Όρσω or Όρσομαι, Poet. (fr. όρω to raise) to arise, get up ; to hurry, hasten, act. of Ορούν, ti -ούσω, p. ώρουκα, (fr. όρω\'Ορτάζω, Ion. for ίορτάζω (426) OPX ΟρταΧίζω, (fr. next) to spread the wings to fly ; to attempt to fly, flutter. Ορταλίς, -Ίδος, ή, a hen, pullet,fowl. ΟρτάΧΐχος, -ου, b, (fr. last) a chick- en, pullet, fowl. Όρτη, -ης, η, Ion. for εορτή. Ορτυγία, -ας, η, Orlygia, the name of an island. Ορτυγομήτρα, -ας, ή, (fr. next, and μήτηρ a mother) the mother of quails ; an epithet of La- tona. Όρτυζ, -υγος, b, (perhaps fr. όρω to excite) a quail. Όρυγμα, -ατός, το, (fr. ορύσσω to dig) a ditch, trench, fosse, moat; a pit, burrow. Όρυζα, -ης, q, rice. Ορυκτός, -η, -bv, (fr. ορύσσω to dig) dug. Ορυμαγδός, -ov, b, tumult, clamour, uproar, noise, din, crash, clang- ing, crashing. Όρυξ, -υγος, b, (fr. ορύσσω to dig) a spade; a mole ; a kind oiwUd goat. Όρυξις,-ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. next) a digging, rooting, burrowing. Ορύσσω or -ττω, f. -ζω, p. ώρυχα, to dig, dig through,perJ orate, pierce, enter. 1 a. ind. act. ώρυξα. 2 a. ind. act. ώρυγον. per. ind. pass ώρυγμαι, -ξαι, -κται. Ορυχη, -ης, η, (fr. last) a digging, burrowing; a pig's snout; a ditch. Ορυχτηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. same) adig- ger, delver. Ορφανεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. ορφανός an orphan) to befriend or take care of orphans. Ορφανία, -ας, f/, (fr. ορφανός an or- phan) the being without children or parents; a destitute state, want ; nonage, minority. Ορψανίζω, (fr. same) to make desti- tute, deprive ; to make childless or ■ fatherless. Ορφανΐκος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) be- longing or relating to an orphan ; destitute. Ορφανός, -η,-bv,{ΐr.opφvbςόbsc\lre) deprived of parents, bereft, desti- tute, forlorn. Subs, an orphan. Ορφευς, -έος, Att. -έως, b, a man's name. Ορφναία or -α'ιη, (fem. of next) for όρφνη. ΟρφναΊος, -α,-υν,Όρφνινος, -η,-ον, and Ορφνος, -η, -bv, (fr. next) dark, obscure, gloomy, black. Όρφνη, -ης, η, Dor. Όρφνα, dark- ness, obscurity, gloom, night. Ορφος, -ου, b, 1% without light,dark; destitute, deprived. Ορφος, -ου, Att. Ορφως, -ω, f), a kind of fish. Όρχαμος, same as αρχαμος, for αρχός. Όρχατος, -ου, b, same as όρχος. Ορχέομαι, -ουμαι, f. -r' /σομαι, to dance. 1 a. ind. mid. ωρχησάμην, -ω, -ατο ' par. ορχησάμενος,-η,-ον. Ορχευνται, Dor. for ορχουνται, 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. of last. Opxv^bv or Ορχειδον, (fr. όρχις a ΟΣΑ testicle) man by man, one after the other, singly, in a row. Ορχηθμος, -ου, b,OpχηQμo'ϊo,gΛy>τ\. and Ορχησις, -ως, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. ορχέυμαι to dance) dancing, a dance. Ορχησάμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. — Ορχήσομαι, 1 f. iiid. mid. of ορχίομαι. Ορχηστήρ, -ηρος, δ, and Ορχηστης, -ου, Ό, (fr. same) a dancer. Ορχηστικός, -ή, -ov, (fr. same) be- longing or relating to dancing, dancing, fond of dancing. Ορχήστρα, -ας, η, (fr. same) the place in the theatre where the dancers were ; the seats of the senators or persons of rank, the orchestra of the Romans ; a scene, stage. Ορχηστύς, -ύος, >;, (fr. same) the or skill of dancing, dancing. Όρχις, -ιος, Att. -εως, δ, a testicle ; a certain plant ; a kind of fish. Ορχομενός, -ου, b, name of a man, and of a town. Ορχος, -ου, b, a range, row of trees or plants, rank of vines, garden, shrubbery, orchard. Όρω, f. ορώ, jEoI. όρσω, p. ώρκα, to raise, rouse, stir up, excite, impel, drive, instigate. Όρομαι, to arise, get up, hasten, hurry ; to rush on, charge, attack, per. mid. υψωρα. Ορω, Όρώμεν, 1 sin. and pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of bράω. Ορωατο, Ion. for δρώντο, 3 pi. cont. pres. opt. mid. — Όρωην, -ης, -η, Att. for βράοιμι -ωμι, -άοις -ως, -άοι -ω, pres. opt. act. — 'Ορώ- μαι, cont. for bpάoμaι, pi. Όρώμε- θα, for bρaάμεθa, pres. ind. pass. — Όρώντες, for bpάovτες, η. pi. pres. par. act. — Όρώμεν, cont. for Όράομεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. of bpάω. Ορών, g. pi. cont. of όρος, a moun- tain. Ορών, cont. for bpauv, pres. par. act. of bpάω. Όρωοα, Att. for ώρα, per. ind. mid. — Ορ'ώρείν or Ω,ρώρειν,-εις, -ει, pper. ind. mid. of όρω. Ορωρεγμένοι -ήσαν, 3 pi. pper. pass, of ορίγω. Ορωρέχατο, Ion. for last. Ορώρι/,3 sin. per. sub. mid. Att. of όρω. Ορώρηκα, Att. for ώρηκα, per. ind. act. — Ορώρημαι, Att. for ώρημαι, per. ind. pass, of ορεω same as όρω, which see. Όρωρον, Att. for ώρον, impf. or 2 a. ind. act. of όρω. Ορώρυχα, Att. for ώρυχα, per. ind. act. of ορνσσω. Όρώσαι, cont. for bpaovaai, n. pi. fern, of bpauv -ών, pres. par. act. of δράω. Of, rj, d, who, which, what ; he, she, that, he or she who ; that which ; some. Ος, η, υν, (fr. ου of himself ) his, hers, its. "Οσα, (neut. pli οΐοσο how much) ΟΣΣ how much,in as much as, as far as. 'Οσάκις or Ό σακί, (fr. same) as often as. Όσαιτ\άσιος, -a, -ov, and Όσαπλα- σίων, -όνος, Ό, η, (fr. same) as many or how many fold. Όσάχοΰ, (fr. same) wheresoever. "Οσγε, 'ήγε, ογε, (fr. ος who, and γε indeed) who, which or what indeed ; he, she or it truly ; that surely. Όσδοντι, Dor. for όζονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act of όζω. Όσημίραι, (fr. 'όσος how many, and ήμερα a day) every day, daily. "Οσια, -ων, τα, (fr. 'όσιος holy) fu- neral rites or ceremonies; holy things ; mercies, kindnesses, bounties. Όσια, -ας, Ion, Όσίη, -ης, η, (fr. same) sanctity, holiness, piety ; propriety, right, justice ; expia- tion, atonement ; funeral rites. Όσίην, Ion. for boiav, a. sin. of "Οσιος, -a, -ov, sacred, holy ; just, pious; abundantly kind, boun- tiful, bounteous. Όσιότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) sancti- ty, holiness ; piety, purity, integ- rity, d. sin. ύσιότητι. 'Οσιόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. same) to sanctify, purify ; to expiate, make atonement. Όσίως, (fr. same) holily, purely ; kindly. "Οσκεν, (fr. ος who, and κεν -so- ever) whosoever. Οσμή, -ης, ή, (fr. όζω to smell) odour, smell, scent, perfume. "Οσον, (neut. of όσος how much) as far as+ in as much as, about, nearly as much as ; how much, so much. Μικρόν 'όσον 'όσον, avery little while. "Οσον μη, only not r almost. Ου<5' or M>/<5' όσον, not even so much, not in the least, not at all. "Οσονπερ, "Οσοντε, and Όσονουν, Ion. baovwv, only so much, about, nearly, as much as, almost. "Οσος, -η, -ov, Poet. "Οσσος, how great, how large, how many, how numerous ; as great, as many ; who, whosoever. "Οσπερ, ηπερ, όπερ* whosoever, whichsoever, whatsoever, icho in- deed or truly, &c. ; who, which, what. Όσπριον, -ov, to, (fr. σπείρω to sow) all kinds of pulse, pease, vetches. Οσττριώξης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. last) leguminous like pulse. Όσσ ίοτ άσσε, which for όσσεε, du. of όσσος, -εος -ους, τό. Όσσ' for 'όσσα, fern, of οσσος, Poet, for 'όσος. Όσσα, -ης, η, (fr. δψ a voice) a voice, sound ; an oracle, omen, vision ; fame, report, rumour ; name of a mountain. "Οσσα, Poet, for οσάκις. "Οσσαι, η. pi. fern, of οσσος, Poet, for Οσος. Όσσε for όσσεε, du. of όσσος, -εος, τό, or by Metaplasm for όσσω, du. of όσσος, -ov. (427) ΟΣΦ Όσσετο, Ion. for ώσσατο, 3 sin• impf. of όσσομαι. Όσση, see Όσσα. Όσσίχον, Dor. lor 'όσον. Όσσοι, II. pi. of 'όσσος, Poet, for 'όσος. Όσσομαι, -ίΈοΙ. for άπτομαι, pres. par. οσσόμενος. Όσσομαι, (fr. όσσα an omen) to augur, foretell, prophesy, divine. "Οσσον and "Οσσοντα, for Οσον. Όσσος, -ov, b, and Όσσος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. όσσομαι, iEol. for άπτομαι to see) the eye. Οστά, η. pi. of οστον — Οστά, cont. for οστέα, η. pi. of οστεον. Οστακος, same as αστακός. Οστάριον, -ov, το, (dim. of οστεον a bone) a little bone. "Οστε, ητε, 'ότε, (fr. ος who) who, which, what. Οστία -rj, pi. of οστεον. Οστεϊνος, -η, -ov, and Όστίνος, -ov, and Οστώίης, -εος -ονς, b, η, (fr. οστεον a bone) of bone, hard a» bone, bony ; strong. Οστεογίνης, -εος -ονς, b, η, (fr. same, and γίνομαι to produce) producing bones. Οστεον -ουν, - ίον-ον, το, a bone, rib g. pi. οστέων -ών. "Οστις, 'ήτις, ότι, (fr. ος who, and τις some) who, which, what, who- soever, whatsoever, of what kind. Όστλιγξ, -γος, η, a spark; a tuft, lock or curl of hair. Οστολογία,-ας,η, (fr. οστεον a bone, and λέγω to collect) a searching for or collection of bones. Οστον, -ου^τδ, a pot, jar, pitcher. ' Οστονν, cont. for οστεον. ΟστοφυεΊς, η. or a. pi. cont. of Οστοφυής, -εος -ους, δ, »/, (fr. οστεον a bone, and tn. φύω to produce) of a bony nature ; hard, strong. Οστρακίζειν, pres. inf. of Οστρακίζω^ (fr. όστρακον a fish's shell ) to- condemn by ostracism ; to banish, expel. Οστράκίνοϊ, -η, -ov, (fr. same) of earthen wave, earthen. Οστρακισμος, -ov, b, (fr. same) h mode of banishing by a private vote written on a sherd or shell, ostracism. Οστρακόδερμος, -ov, b, (fr. Lame, and δέρμα a skin) covered with a shell. Όστρακον, -ov, το, c t earthen ves- sel, pot, jar ; r potsherd, tile ; a fish's shell. Όστρεον or Οστρειον, -ov, το, an oyster ; a shell fish from which α purple or scarlet dye was extract- ed. Όστρενς, -νος, or Οστρύα, -ας, fj, a sort of tree. Οστώδης, -εος -ονς, δ, fj, (fr. οστεον a bone)made of bone, hard, strong. Οσφραίνομαι, f. οσφράνονμαι, per. pass, ώσφραμμαι, same as Οσφράομαι, f. υσφρήσομαι, p. 'jtt- φρημαι, -σαι, -ται, to smell, sjent, snvff; to make a smell, pe' fume . Οσφρασία,-ας, η, (fr. .1st) as?, ' I, scent, odour. Όσφρησης, -ios } Att. cbs, 4- {k ΟΤΩ same) the sense of smelling ; the smell, scent. Οσφρόμενος, Sync, for οσφραινόμε- νος, pres.par.niid. of οσφραίνυμαι. Οσφύς, -νος, ή, the loins, reins, back. a. οσφύν. Όσχος, Όσχεος, -ov, δ, Όσχεον, -ου, το, and Οσχία, -ας, ι), (fr. μόσχος a branch ) a tender branch, shoot, sucker ; a vine branch ; a bough. "Or' or "00', for όΥε. "Oral' or "Or' av, when, whenever, if ever, whilst, since. Ότε, when, since; sometimes; ichile, as long as. Ότεο, Ion. and'Ora', Dor. for ού- τινος, g. sin. — "Οτεοις or brioi- σι, for ο'ίστισι, d. pi. — Ότίω, Ion. for ψηιϊ, d. sin. of όστις. Ότεωδη, Ion. for ωτινιδη, d. sin. of όστις, δη added. Ότεων, for ών τίνων, g. pi. of ός and τις. Ότι, and Poet. "Οττι, that, be- cause, seeing that, since, where- fore, therefore, until, tohilst. If. increases the signification of the sup. degree, as 'ότι τάχιστα, as quick as possible, ότι πλείστοι, as many as possible. Ό, τι, neut. of όστις is always written thus to distinguish it from'Ori, the conj. Ότιονν, (fr. Οτι which, and ovv, so- ever) whatever. Οτλίω, f. -ήσω, ΆΐΐάΟτλενω, f. -εύ- σω, (fr. next) to sustain misfor- tunes, endure; to toil, labour. Ότλος, -ov, Ό, misfortune, misery ; labour, toil, hardship. Ότυβίω and Οττοβέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. next) to make a noise, buzz, rattle, resound. Οτοβος and Όττοβος, -ov, b, (fr. όθω to move, and βοή a shout) tumult, clamour, uproar ; noise, sound, clatter. Ότον, Att. for ούτινος, g. sin. of όστις. Οτράλέως, (fr. οτρννω to instigate) rapidly, quickly, promptly. Οτρηρος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) quick, speedy, prompt, active, diligent. n. du. οτρηρώ. Οτρΐχες, η. pi. of Ζθριξ. Οτρόνομεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. of οτρννω. Οτρνντνς, -νος, ή, (fr. next) andn citement, encouragement, exhort ation, instigation ; an order, com mand. Οτρϋνω, f. -ννω, or Ion. Οτρννέω, to encourage, exhort, advise ; to rouse, stir up, excite, instigate, urge. Ο τρννομαι, to hasten, hurry. Όττα, for όσσα. "Οττι, Poet, for ότι. Όττικεν, Poet, for Οτι κεν, what soever. Όττοβος, Poet, for ότοβος. ΟττοτοΊ, alas ! ah me ! wretch ! Οττοτνζω, (fr. last) to weep, la ment, grieve. Ότω, Att. for φτινι, d. sin. — "Οτων, Att. for ωντίνων, g. pi of 'όστις. ΟΤΘ. Ου, before a soft vowel, Ουκ, be- fore an aspirate, Ονχ or Ονχι, ■not, no. Ου, (g. of ός who) where, whither. Ov, g. of 'ός, η, ov, his, hers, its ; or of ός, η, υ, who, which, what. Ov, g. Οι, d. 'Έ, a. of him, of her, of it, of himself, of herself &c. Ου, Att. for so, Ion. for ίσο, 2 sin. 2 a. ind. or impr. mid. οί'ίημι. Ova, ah, aha, an adv. of mocking. Oval, alas, Ο wretched, wo ! Ονας, -ατός, το, the ear ; an ear or handle, n. pi. ονάτα, d. ονασι. Ονγγία or Ονγκία, -ας, ή, (fr. Lat. uncia) an ounce. Ονδαμή, and Dor. Ονδαμα, (d. sin. fern, of υνδαμος none, viz. χώρα) no where; by no means, on no account ; never. ΟνδαΊος, -a, -ov, (fr. ονδος the ground) terrestrial, earthy ; low, humble, grovelling. Ονδαμινός, -ή, -bv, (fr. next) of no account, contemptible. Ονδάμος, -η, -ov, (fr. ονδΐ not, and αμός one) no one, none. Ονδαμον, (g. of last) not at all, by no means ; no where. Ονδαμώς, (fr. same) by no means, not at all, in no way. Ονδας,-ατος, το, same as οΐ•δος, -εος. Ονδε, (fr. ου not, and δε truly) neither, nor, and not, not even, by no means. Ονδεϊς, ονδεμία, ουδέν' g. Ονδενος, ουδεμίας, ονδενος, (fr. ονδε nei- ther, and εΊς one) not one, not any, none, no. Neut. nothing. Ονδεκοτε, Ion. for ονδεποτε. Ονδεμία, η. — Ονδεμιψ, d. — Ονδ μίαν, a. sin. fern, of ονδείς. Ονδεν, neut. sin. — Ου<5ενόί, g. — Ονδεν}, ά. — Ονδενά, a. sin. of same. Ονδενόσιορος, -ov, b, //, (fr. ουδείς none, and ώρα care) worthy of no care, not to be regarded, to be de- spised, contemptible, despicable. Ονδεποτ' for Ονδεποτε, (fr. ονδε neither, and ποτέ any time) ne- ver, at no time. Ονδεπω, (fr. same, and πω yet) not yet, never yet, by no means, not at all. Ονδεπώποτε, same as ονδεποτε. Ονδέτερος, -a, -ov, (fr. ονδε neither, and έτερος another) neither of the two, neither. Ονδετερωθεν, (fr. last, and &εν from a place) from neither side. Ονδετερως, (fr. ονδετερος neither) by no way, in no manner. Ονδετέρωσε, (fr. same, and σε to- wards) to neither side. Ονδέτι, (fr. ονδε not, and τι any thing) not any, none. Ονδος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. όδος a way) the ground, floor, pavement ; a path, step, threshold. Ουδός, -ov, b, a threshold, step. Ονδος, -ου, ή, Ion. for bδός. Ονδοτιονν, (fr. ουδείς none, and ovv therefore) nothing at all, not at. all, by no means. Ούθ' for οντε. ,Ονθαρ, -ατός, το, a hreasi, teat, ud• (428) ΟΤΛ der ; fertility, richness, faines$ 1 abundance. Ονθεϊς,υνθεμία, ονβεν, for ονδείς. Ονθην, (fr. ου not) not indeed, n« truly, by no means. Ουκ, see ου. Ουκετ, for ονκέτι, (fr. ουκ not, and έτι any longer) no longer, no more, not yet. Ονκϊ, Poet, for ουχί, see ov. Ovkovv, (fr. ovk not, and ovv there- fore) certainly not, not at all, by no means. Ovkovv, (fr. same) whether then ? then, so then, well then, therefore, but however, indeed, truly. Ονκω, Ion. for ονπω. Ονκων, Ion. for ovk, or for ovkovv. Ονκως, Ion. for ονπως. Ονλαϊ, -ών, ai, barley, grain ; a cake used in sacrifices. Ονλΰμος, -ov, b, (fr. ονλος whole, or fr. ομοΐ) together, and είλεω to collect) a crowd, band, troop, battalion. Ονλαφός, (fr. ονλος for ολοος de- structive, and αφή touch) dead. Ουλή, -ης, η, (fr. ούλος whole) the mark of a healed wound, a scar. Ονλϊος, -a, -ov, (fr. ονλος Poet, for όλος whole) entire, perfect, com- plete, full ; bright, plain, clear. Ονλ'ίος -a, -ov, and Ονλίμος, -η, -ov, and Ουλοδί, -ov, b, η, (same as ολοός hurtful) pernicious, hurt- ful, deadly, destructive. Ονλοδέτης, -ov, b, (fr. ονλαι barley, and δεω to tie) a handful of corn, sheaf of barley. Ονλόδετον, -ov, το, (fr. same) the band with which sheaves were tied ; a strap, band ; tying, fast- ening ; a cord, string. Ονλόθριξ, -τριχος, b, η, (fr. ονλος curled, and θριξ hair) having curled hair. Ονλοθντεω -ω, (fr. ονλαϊ a salt cake for sacrifice, and $ύω to sacrifice) to sacrifice, offer. Ονλοκάρηνος, -ov, b, f>, (fr. ονλος curled, and κάρηνον a head) hav- ing a curled head, curly-headed. Ονλομένοιο, Ion. g. of Ονλόμενος, -η,-ον, Poet, for ολόμί νος, (2 a. par. mid. of όλλνμι) destructive, pernicious, noxious ; destroyed. Ονλον, -ov, το, (fr. ονλος tender) the gum. Ονλόπονς, -οδός, b, ή, (fr. next, and πους a foot) sound-footed. Ονλος, Poet. forcAoj. Ονλος, -η, -ov, for ολοός. Ονλος, -η, -ov, (for ίονλος tender) soft, downy, tender; crisped, curled, twisted. Ονλος, -ov, b, a handful, bundle, sheaf. Ονλοχύτας, a. pi. of ΟυλοχυΓτκ, -ου, b, (fr. ουλαι a salt cake, and χέω to pour) a cake or mixture of salt and meal, laid or poured on the head of the vic- tim ; the basket or vessel which held it. Ουλύμπιος, -ου, δ, η, Poet, for ολύμπιος. ΟΤΡ Ούλναπος, -ου, Ion. ουλναποιο, Poet, for ό*λυ//ποί. ΟυλυμποΊ^ε, same as εις Όλυμπον, ίο Olympus. Ουλω, (fr. ούλος whole) to be well, be in health, pres. impr. ούλε, be well, farewell. Ονμίνονν, (fr. ov not, μίν indeed, and ovv however) not indeed, by no means, nevertheless, notwilh- . standing , but yet. Ov μεν a\Xu, but, however, indeed. Ονμός, JEo\. Synser. for δ εμάς. Ovv, (cont. forf'ovneut. οι ίων, Ion. for ών, pres. par. of ειμϊ to be) it being so, there/ore, then, ac- cordingly ; even, truly. Δ' ovv, but however. Οΰνεκα, and Ο'ννεκ', ov ένεκα, on account of which, for which rea- son, wherefore. Όννεσθε, for όνεσθε, 2 pi. pres. ind. pass, of όνομαι, same asovou), or όνημι. Ούνομα, -ατός, το, Poet, for όνομα. Οννομάζω, Poet, for ονομάζω. Οννομαίνειν, Ion. for ονομαίνειν, inf. of ονομαίνω. Οννομάκλντος, -ov, δ, η, (fr. οννομα Poet, for όνομα a name, and κ\ντ6ς celebrated) famous, re- nowned, celebrated. Οννομάρχης, -ov, b, Ion. for δ 'νο- μάρχης. Οννομαστός, Ion. for ονομαστός. ODf, Dor. for δ εξ. Ονπερ, g. sin. of 8ς περ. Ουπερ, where, when. Ονττοτ, for Ούποτε, (fr. ov not, and πότε ever) never, at no time. Ούπω, (fr. same, and πω yet) not yet. Ονρά, -ας, η", (fr. 'όρος an end) α tail of all animals but birds ; the end ; the rear of an army ; the stern of a ship. Ονραγίω -ω, (fr. last, and άγω to lead) to lead or bring up the rear ; to be behind. Ονραγία, -ας, η, (fr. same) com- mand of the rear ; the rear, rear guard. Ονράγός, -ov, h, (fr. same) the lead- er or commander of the rear. Ονραϊος, -a, -ov, (fr. ονρά a tail) having a tail, of a tail ; rearmost, hindermost, last; with the tail towards. Ονρανη, -ης, and Ουρήθρα, -ας, η, (fr. ονρον urine) an inward pas- sage for the urine ; the urethra. Ονρανία, -ας, and Ion. Ονρανίη, -ης, fl, (fr. ονρανός heaven) Urania, one of the Muses. Ουρανίδας, -a, Dor. for Ονρανίδης, -ov, δ, the son of Ccelus or Ura- nus. Ουρανίδης, -ov, b, ^,(fr.oupavofhea- ven) heavenly, celestial ; inhabi- tant of heaven, n. pi. ονρανίδαι. Ονράνίος, -a, -ov, or -ov, b, η, (fr. same) celestial, heavenly, of the heavens, of the sky ; lofty, great, grand. Ουρανίων, -ωνος, b, (fr. same) an inhabitant of heaven ; celestial, heavenly, n. pi. ουρανίων^, g. ονρανιώνων. ΟΤΡ Ονρανόθεν, (fr. same, and θεν from a place) from heaven. Ονρανόθι, (fr. same, and $t in a place) in heaven. Ουρανομήκης, -εος -ονς, δ, 17, (fr. ου- ρανός heaven, and μήκος length) touching the sky, very high, lofty. Ουρανός, and Dor. Ωρανός, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. ορός the end, or bpάω to see) the heaven, sky, air ; the cope of heaven. Ονρανόσε, (fr. last, and σε towards) towards or to heaven. Ουρανοσκόπος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. ουρανός heaven, and σκοπός an object, th. σκέπτομαι to view) a viewer of the heavens, astronomer ; a kind of fish. Ουρανώ, Dor. and JEo\. for ουρα- νού, g. of ουρανός. Ονράς, a. pi. of ουρά. Ονρβάνός, -ου, b, Urbanus, a man's name. Ούρεα, and θυρεών, Ion. for όρεα, and ορίων, η. and g. pi. See ονρεος. Ουρεΐν, pres. inf. act. cont. of ονρίω. Ούρεος, Poet, or Ion. ίοτόρεος, cont όρους, g. sin. of όρος, a moun- tain, n. pi. όρεα -η, g. ορίων -ων. Ουρευ?, -ίος or -ηος, δ, Ion. for ορεύς, Ουρενς, -εος, δ, (fr. ονρος a guard) a guardian protector, watch, guard. Ουρίω, f. -ήσω, (fr. ονρον urine) to make water. Ουρη, Ion. for ονρςί, d. sin. of ονρά Ονρηας, a. pi. of ουρευς. Ουρήθρα, see Ουράνη. Ούρημα, -άτος, το, (fr. ουρίω to make water) urine. Ουρην, Ion. for ουραι•^. sin. of ουρά. Ουρ?7σ7?ί,25Ϊη.1 a. sub. act.of ουρίω. Ονρησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. ονρίω to make water) making water ; urine. Ουρητηρ, -ηρος, δ, (fr. same) the ureter, passage for urine. Ουρητικός, -η, -ov, (fr. same) diu- retic, causing urine. Ονρ'ιας, -ov, b, Urias, a man's name. Ουρίζω, Ion. for δρίξω — Οΰρισμα, for Όρισμα. Ουρίζω, (fr. ονρος a favourable wind) to enjoy a fair wind ; to bring with a fair wind. Ουρία, fern, of Ονρίος, -a, -ov, and Ούριο?, -ου, δ, //, (fr. ουρος a prosperous wind) favourable, prosperous ; windy, full of wind. Ούριος, -ου, δ, a man's name. Ουρον, -ου, το, (fr. ουρά the tail, and ρίω to flow) urine. Ονρον, -ου, το, space, distance, in- terval ; a cast, shot. Ουρος, -ov, b, (fr. ορονω to impel, or fr. ονρά the stern) a fair wind. Οΰρος, -ου, δ, (fr. δράω to see) a guardian, protector ; a guard, watch; inspector, overseer. Ουρος, -ου, b, Ion. for ΰοος, a boun- dary. Ονρος, Ion. for όρος. (429) ΟΦΕ Ουρδί. -oC, δ, a trench, ditch, groov* to naul up or launch ships by ; a dock. Ουρός,-ου, b,(h. ορρός or ορός) whey» Ους, ωτος, τό, (fr. οΰας an ear) an ear. pi. τά ω τα. Ους, a. pi. of ός, η, ο. Or of ο?,?), ov. Ούσα — Ουσαί — Οϋσαν — Ονσρ — Ούσης — Ουσί, cases of ών, ούσα, bv, par. pres. of ειμί. Ουσία, -ας, η, (fr. same) existence^ being ; essence, nature, sub stance; wealth, goods, property. Ουσιωδώς, (fr. last) substantially , essentially. Ούτ, for ούτε. Ουτάζω, f. -άσω, same as th. ουτάω Ουτάμεν, Ion. Ουτάμεναι, Dor. for ουτάναι, pres. inf. of ούτημι 7 same as ουτάω. Ουτάμενος, pres. par. of ούταμαι 1 mid. of ούτημι, or Sync, for ov- τασάμενος, 1 a. par. mid. of ου- τάζω. Ουτασ', for Οΰτασε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. of same. Ουτάω -ω, f. -^σω, p. -ηκα, to wound, pierce, slay. Ούτε, Ούτ or Ούθ', (fr. ov not, and τε and) neither, nor, and not. Οϋτερος, Ion. for δ έτερος. Οντημι, same as οντάω, or οντάζω. Ούτησις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, η, (fr. ον- τάω to wound) a wounding ; a wound. Οντιγε, not oi all, by no means, in no wise ; much less. Ουτιδάνός, -ου, b, η, (fr. ούτις none, and δάνος a gift) of no value t worthless. Ούτιν', for ούτϊνα, a. sin. — Ούτι- νος, g. sin. of ούτις. Ου τίνος, g. sin. of όστις. Ουτίπω, (fr. ούδε neither, and πω yet) by no means, not at all, not yet. Ούτις, b, η, ούτι, τό, g. ούτινος, (fr. ου not, andrij anyone) no,none, not any ; no one, nobody, no• thing. Ούτοι, (fr. ου not, and τοι enclit.) no truly, truly not. Ούτος, αυτή, τοΰτο, g. τούτον, ταύ της, τούτου, (fr. δ this, and αύτος himself) this, that, he, she, it. n. pi. ούτοι, αύται, ταύτα, g. τούτων. Τούτο, μεν, τοντο δε, partly ; some this, some that. Ούτος, adverbial, you sir, ho, at- tend, I say. Οντω, and Οΰτω?, before a vowel, Att. Οΰτωσί, (fr. οντος this) thus, so ; then, so then. Ονχ, and Ουχί, see ov. Ουχί, (fr. ου not) whether ? why not ? no, nay, not so. Οφείλεις, -ει, 2 and 3 sin. ομεν, -ετε, -ουσι, pi. pres. ind. act. of οφείλω. Οφειλέτης, -ov, δ, (fr. οφείλω ίο owe) a debtor, an offender, a. pL οφειλίτας. Οφειλή, -ης, η, and Οφείλημα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) a debt, due y obligation ; offence, pi. οφειλή- ματα. Οφειλόμενος, -η, -ov,par. pres. pas». ΟΦΙ — Οφειλοντι, d. sin. — Οφείλον- τες , η. pi. par. pres. act. of Οφείλω, f. οφειλήσω, p. ωφείληκα, to owe, be in debt, be under an obli- gation, be indebted ; to be fined, condemned, pay a fine, pay ; to wish, desire ; it is meet, fit, pro- per or incumbent, it ought ; oh that, would that ; to exact usury, lend money at inter est. Οφείλομαι, to have due to one, have a claim, demand; to remain due, be in- cumbent, impf. ind. act. ώφειλον. 2 a. ind. act. ώφελον, and όφει- λαν, and όφελον. pres. par. pass. οφειλόμενος, -η, -ov. per. ind. pass, ωφείλημαι. Οφεις, η. a. v. pi. cont. — Όφεσι, d. pi. of όφις. Οφε\ες, 2 sin. of όφελον, which see. Ο^ίλλεν, Poet, for όφελεν, Ion. for ώφελεν, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of οφείλω. Φφέλλω,-εις, -ει,ΐ. οφελω, ρ, ώφελ- κα, to benefit, assist, help, relieve ; to increase, multiply. Also used for οφείλω. 2 a. ind. act. ώφε- λον. Όώέλλωσι, 3 pi. pres. sub. act. of last. Όφελον, -ες, -ε, (Ion. for ώφελον, 2 a. ind. act. of οφείλω to owe) 1, you, he ought, it is incumbent. But it is more generally used adverbially in the first, second, and third persons, Oh that, would that, Oh may. Όφελος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. οφέλλω to benefit) utility, use, advantage, profit, benefit. Οφέων, g. pi. — Όφεως, g. sin. Att. of όφις. Οφθαλμία, -ας, »/, (fr. οφθαλμός an eye, th. ότχτομαι to see) the Oph- thalmia, a disease of the eyes. Οφθαλμιάω -ω, (fr. last) to be af- fiicted with sore eyes. Οφθαλμοδονλεία, -ας, η, (fr. οφθαλ- μός an eye, and δονλία service) eye-s Ace; specious obedience. Οφθαλμόδουλος, -ου, b, η, an eye- servant. Οφθαλμός, -ov, b, (fr. άπτομαι to see) an eye ; a celebrated person- age, counsellor ; a germ, bud. d. pL Ion. οφθαλμοΤσιν, a. pi. οφ- θαλμχ,νς, Dor. οφθαλμός. Οφϋα* οφάνως, (fr. last, and φαίνω to appear) clear to the eyes, plainly, "vtdenily. Οφθεις, -εΐσα, -f*, g. -θέντος, η. pi. -θίντες, 1 a. par. pass Οφ- (ftjvai, 1 a. inf. pass. — Οφθήση, 2 sin. of Οφβήσομαι,' -ji, -εται, 1 f. ind. pads, of όπτομαι. Οφιν. a. sin. of όφις. Οφιόδηκτος, -ου, δ, >/, (fr. όφις a ser- pent, and th. δάκνω to bite) bit- ten by a serpent. Οφιομάχης, -ου, δ, (fr. same, and μάχομαι to fight) a serpent-fight- er ; a kind of locust, Όφιος, g. sin. of όφις, a. sin. όφιν. Οφϊρ, indecl. Ophir, name of a country. Οφις, -ιος, Att. -εως, δ, α serpent, snake; name of -a constellation ; OXH an ornament of the arm, armlet, bracelet. Οφιώδης, -εος -ου?, δ, ή, (fr. last) of or like a snake, abounding with snakes. ΟφλεΊν, Sync, for οφελεΊν, 2 a. inf. act. of οφείλω. Όφλημα, -ατός, τδ, and Όφλησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, >/, (fr. οφείλω to owe) a debt, obligation ; fine, penalty. Οφλήσω, Sync, for οφειλήσω, 1 f. ind. act. of οφείλω. Οφλίσκω and Οφλισκάνω,({τ.οφείλω to owe) to be fined, condemned ; to be judged worthy of fine, pu- nishment, &c. Όφλω or Οφλέω, f. -ήσω, p. ώφλη- κα, same as οφείλω, from which it is formed by Sync. impf. act. ώφλεον -ovv. 2 a. ind. act. ώφλον. φρα, that, so that, in order that ; while, until ; then, when ; as long as. Τόφρα, so long as. ύρύη, -ης, η, same as οφρνς. Οφρυόεις, -6εσσα,-6εν, (fr. οφρύς&τι eyebrow) on a brow, high, ele- vated, lofty; disdainful, scorn- ful, supercilious. Οφρύομαι, (fr. same) to be super- cilious, disdainful ; to be lofty, behave haughtily. Οφρΐις, -υυς, η, the eyebrow ; pride, haughtiness, scorn ; a rising ground, eminence, brow of a hill, bank. d. pi. οφρνσι. '0% for Όχα, pre-eminently, much, fir, very much, surpassing. Οχάνη, -ης, η, and Όχανον, -ου, τδ, (fr. έχω to hold) the handle or strap of a shield ; any handle. Οχεία, -ας, f), (fr. οχεύω to copu- late) copulation. Όχεσκον, Ion. for ώχεον, impf. ind. act. of οχεω. Όχεσφιν and Οχίεσσι, Ion. for όχεσιν, d. pi. of όχος. Οχετηγος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. οχετός a canal, and άγω to lead) guiding or conveying streams. Οχετεύω, f. -εΰσω, (fr. next) to con- vey streams, cut or make ca- nals ; to divide into streams ; to water, irrigate ; to shake, remove, displace. Οχετός, -ου, b, a canal, aqueduct^ water course, river, stream ; a sink, sewer. Οχευς, -έος, b, (fr. έχω to hold) a fastening, stay, hold ; a strap, thong, band ; a clasp ; a bar, bolt. n. pi. οχηες' a. οχέας, Ion. οχηας. Οχεύω, f. -εύσω, p. ώχευκα, to ad- mit the male; to cover, copu late. Οχεω, f. -ήσω, (fr. όχρς a chariot) to carry, convey, transport ; to bear, support. Οχίομαι -ουμαι to be carried, ride, go on horse- back, in a carriage, chariot or any vehicle. Οχη, -ης, »7, (fr. ίχω to sustain) food, sustenance, nourishment. Όχημα, -ατός, τδ, same as όχος Οχή'σιος, -ου, δ, a proper name. OXM Όχησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ^, (fr. o%An to carry) a carnage, vehicle. Οχθάομαι, to groan, sigh heavily. Όχθας, a. pi. — Όχθαις, Ion. Όχθησι, Poet, όχθαισι, d. pi. ο όχθη. Οχθέω, f. -ήσω, to be indignant, en- raged, angry, take ill. Όχθη, -ης, η, (fr. ίχω to restrain) a bank, shore, mound or margin of a trench. Οχθήσας, 1 a. par. act. of οχθίω. Όχθησιν, Ion. for όχθαις, d. pi. of όχθη. Όχθοιβος, -ου, δ, and Όχθοβος, -ov, b, (fr. next) an edge, border, brim ; fringe, lace. Οχθος, -ου, δ, (fr. όχθη a bank) α bank, shore, edge ; a mound, eminence ; a swelling, sore on the lips. Οχλαγωγίω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ωχλα- γώγηκα, (fr. όχλος a multitude, and άγω to lead) to lead the multitude, head a mob, raise a riot. Οχλάζω, (fr. όχλος a tumult) to riot, make a tumult, t Οχλευνται, Dor. for οχλοννται, 3 pi. pres. ind. pass. cont. of οχλέω. Οχλευς, -ίος, Att. -έως, b, (fr. next) a bar, bolt, latch ; fastening, stay ; a hinge. Οχλεύω, f. -εύσω, to move, stir. Οχλέω, f. -ήσω, p. ώχληκα, (fr. όχλος a tumult) to disturb, raise a tumult, agitate, embroil ; to annoy, harass, afflict. Οχλέομαι -ουμαι, to be afflicted; to endure, suffer. Οχληρία, -ας, η, (fr. same) tu- mult, agitation, disturbance, tur- bulence ; annoyance, uneasi- ness. Οχληρος, -a, -bv, (fr. same) turbu- lent, tumultuous ; troublesome, annoying. Όχλησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, same as οχληρία. Οχλίζω, f. -"σω, (fr. οχλευς a bar) to raise or move with a bar or crow, break or burst open. Οχλ'ΐκος, -η, -bv, (fr. όχλος a crowd) turbulent, tumultuous; of the people, plebeian, vulgar. Οχλοποιέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ωχλο- ■ποίηκα, (fr. όχλος a mob, and ■ποιέω to make) to raise a mob, make an uproar. 1 a. ind. act. ωχλοττοίησα' par. n. pi. οχλοττοι- ήσαντες. Όχλος, -ου, δ, a crowd, mob, mul- titude ; the people, public ; trou- ble, annoyance, uneasiness ; com- motion, tumult, disturbance, up- loar. Οχλούμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. cont. of οχλέω. Όχμα, -ατός, τδ, (fr. έχω to hold) a fastening, binding, stay, strap t clasp, band. Οχμάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. last) to hold, grasp, seize, detain. Όχμος, -ov, b, 'fr. έχω to fasten to) a series, order, succetaton } a tower. ΟΨΙ 'Οχν??, ->??> ί> α w ttd P ear • ΟχοΓσα, Dor. for οχοΰσα, fern, cont. of οχεων-ών, -έουσα -οΰσα, -έον -οΰν, pres. par. of οχέω. Όχος, -ου, δ, and Όχος, -εος -ους, τδ, (fr. έχω to hold) α chariot, carriage, car ; a vehicle, vessel ; the waves, or flawing of water. Also, adj. holding , containing, carrying. Οχυρό?, -α,-δν, same as εγυρόί. Οχύρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to fortify, strengthen, defend; to prop, support. Οχύρωμα, -ατός, το, and Οχύρωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, %, (fr. last) ο fortification, castle, fortress; a garrison, g. pi. οχυρωμάτων. Οχυρωμάτιον,-ου, τδ, (dim. oflast) α ZiM/e fortification ; a fort, re- doubt. *Οψ, οπός, »}, (fr. «τω to speak) the voice ; a song, strain. Or, (fr. άπτομαι to see) the eye, sight. Οψαμάτης,-ου, δ, (fr. o^flate, and αμάω to mow) one who mows late. Όψάομαι, (fr. axpov sauce) to use sauce, take as a relish ; ~ to eat any thing with bread; to eat meat. Oxpapiov, -ου, τδ, (fr. same) a little fish. Οψαρότης, -ου, δ, (fr. οψε late, and αρόω to plough) one who ploughs late. Οψε, late, in the evening ; a long time after, at length. Όψεαι or Όψηαι, Ion. and Όψει, Att. for όψη, 2 sin. άψεσθε, 2 pi. of άψομαι, 1 f. ind. mid. of άπτομαι. Οψείω, (fr. άπτομαι to see) to de- sire to see. Όψησθε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. mid. of same. Οψία, -aj, η, (""• oxpe late) even- ing, late. Οψίγονος, -ου, δ, η, (""• same, and γίνομαι to be born) born late ; n. pi. οψίγονοι, posterity. Οψίζω, (fr. οψε late) ίο be late, ar- rive late in the evening. Οψιμαθη, a. sin. cont. of Οψιμάθής, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. οψ late, and μανθάνω to learn) taught at a late period; dull, slow to learn. Όψιμος, -ου, δ, ^, v fr. οψε late) late, in the evening ; latter. Οψϊνοος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and νόΌ? understanding) late in gain- ing sense or acquiring knowledge; wise by experience. Οψίος, -a, -ov, (fr. oxpe late) of or belonging to the evening. Όψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. άπτο- μαι to see) ifte sight; aspect, countenance, face, appearance; a sight, vision, a. όψιν. Οψίση^. 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of οψίζω. Οψιτέλεστος, -ου, b,f), (fr. οψε late, and τελε'ω to finish) fulfilled late ; to be accomplished at a late period; imperfect, unfi- nished. ΠΑΓ ' Οψομαι,-η,-εται, pi. -άμεθα, -εσθε, ' f. ind. mid. of άπτομαι. Όψο ν, -ου, τδ, (fr. έψω to cook) a relish, savour, sauce, pickle; whatever is eaten with bread; fish, meat, victuals, food. Οψοποίημα, -ατός, τδ, (fr. last, and ποιεω to make) same as last. Οψοποιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) α cook, confectioner. Οψοψαγος, -ου, δ, (fr. άψον sauce or fish, and φάγω to e&t)glutton- ous, voracious ; a glutton, fish- eater. Οψώνης, -ου, b, (fr. axpov sauce, and ωνεομαι to buy) a caterer, purveyor. Οψώνιον, -ου, το, (fr. άψον sauce) any thing eaten with bread, fish, meat ; wages, reward, hire. Π Π, ν, vs, called pi, the sixteenth of the modern, but the seven- teenth letter of the ancient Greek alphabet ; whence, as a numeral, it continues to ex- press the eighth decade or eigh- ty, and with a dot underneath, π eight thousand. Πα, an enclitic for πη. Πα, Dor. for πι,. Πα^άν, Dor. for πηγήν, a. 'sin. — Παγάν, Dor. for πηγών, g. pi. of πηγή. Παγάσω, Dor. for Πήγασου, g. sin. of Τίάγασος, Dor. for ΤΙήγασος. Παγγέλοιος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. πας all, and γελοίος ridiculous, th. γελάω to laugh) very absurd, ridicu- lous or laughable. Παγγλωσσία, -ας, η, (fr• πας all, and γλωσσά tongue) talkative- ness, loquacity. Πάγεις, -εΐσα, -εν, 2 a. par. pass. — Παγείην, -ης, -η, 2 a. opt. pass. — Πάγεν, Ion. for έπαλε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of πηγνύω. Παγετός, -ου, b, (fr. πηγνύω to fast- en) ice. Παγετώδης, -εος -ους, δ, η, (fr. last) frozen, icy, cold. Πάγη, Ion. for επάγη, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. pass. — Παγηναι, 2 a. inf. pass, οΐπήγνυμι. Πάγη, -ης, η, (fr. πηγνύω to fasten) a noose, snare, trap, gin. Παγίδα, Παγίδος, cases of παγίς. Παγιδεύσωσιν, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of Παγιδεύω, f. -εύσω,ρ. πεπαγίδεύκα, (fr. παγις a trap) to catch; to ertrap, ensnare, inveigle. Πάγιος, -a, -ov, (fr. πηγνύω to fast- en) fixed, firm, fastened, steady, immoveable. (431) ΠΑΘ ΤίαγΧς, -Ίδος, η, (fr. same) a ncf» noose, trap, snare. Πάγκάκος, -ου, b, η, (fr. πας all, and κακός ill) base, depraved, wholly bad ; wretched, miserable, unfortunate. Πάγκαλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and κάλος fair) very good, amiable, excellent ; most fair, beautiful, handsome. Παγκάλως, (fr. last) most beauti- fully, very handsomely, excel- lently ; most gloriously or ho- nourably. Πάγκαρπος, -ου, b, ft, (fr. πας all, and καρπός fruit) very fertile, most productive, fruitful, abun- dant in all things. Πάγκοινος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and κοινός common) free or common to all, frequented by all ; univer- sal, general. Παγκόνϊτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and κόνις dust) sprinkled with dust. Παγκρατης, -έος -ους, and Πάγκρα- τος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and κρα- τέω to overcome, th. κράτος strength) all-subduing, conquer- ing all, omnipotent, almighty. Παγκράτιον, -ου, τδ, (fr. same) α festival of all games, general practice, celebration of all the athletic exercises. Πάγος, -ου, δ, (fr. πηγνύω to fasten) a hill, eminence, cliff"; a village, town, hamlet ; ice, frost ; salt. Παγχάλκεος, -ου, b, η, (fr. πάς all, and χαλκύς brass) all brass, of entire brass, brazen. ΐΐαγχρΰσιος, -ου, δ, ^, (fr. same, and χρυσός gold) all golden, of entire gold. Παγχυ, Poet, for πάνυ. Παδητε, Dor. for πηδάτε, 2 pi, cont. pres. ind. act. of πη- δάω. Παθα, -ας, a, Dor. for πάθη. Παθαίνομαι, (fr. πάθος an affection) to feel violently, be strongly af- fected; to affect or pretend feel- ing, appear moved, behave ef- feminately ; to suffer mentally. Πάθε, 2 sin. 2 a. impr. act. ; or Ion. for έπαθε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. — Παθέαν, Ion. for ΠαθεΤν, 2 a. inf. act. of πάσχω. Πάθει, d. sin. cont. — Πάθεσι, d. pi. of πάθος. Πάθη, -ης, η, (fr. πάσχω to suffer) suffering, adversity, calamity, distress, misfortune, disaster ; discomfiture, defeat, slaughter, overthrow, ruin; disease, sick- ness, malady, distemper. Πάθη, η. a. v. pi. cont. of πάθος. Πάθη, 2 sin. 2 a. sub. mid. ; or 3 sin. 2 a. sub. act. of πάσχω. Πάθημα, -άτος, τδ, (fr. πάσχω to suffer) passion, feeling, suf- fering, affection ; excitement, rapture, ecstasy, emotion; dis fress of mind, perturbation, an guish; affliction, trouble, sor- row, tribulation ; loss, misfor- tune, calamity, adversity; dis- ease, sickness, malady, infirmi- ty; evil disposition, bad mclina- ΠΑΙ tion, lust, unnatural desire ; ex- ternal circumstance, accident. Παθητικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) pas- sive, suffering, complying, sub- missive; affecting, pathetic, im- passioned. ΥΙαθητος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) to be suffered, endured or borne; sub- ject, liable. Πάθοιμι, -οις,-οι, in 2 pi. ΤΙάθοιτε, 2 a. opt. act. — Πάθον, Ion. for έπαθον, 2 a. ind. act. of πάσχω. Ώαθοπ•αα, -ας, η, (fr. -πάθος pas- sion, and ποιέω to make) a rais- ing of the passions or affections, emotion, ecstasy, rapture. Πάθος, -εος-ους, το, same as πάθημα. Παθών, -ούσα, -bv, (par. 2 a. act. of πάσχω ) having undergone or suffered the last extremity, dead. Τί παθών, what ailing ? how con- strained ? why ? for what ? ΠαΓ, v. sin. of π αΊς. Παιάν,-άνος, b, (fr. παίω to strike) a hymn, properly to Apollo ; a war-song, song of triumph; a poetic measure; a name of Apollo. Παιανευς, (fr. last) of Apollo, dedi cated or devoted to Apollo. Ιίαιανίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. same) to sing hymns, chant, raise the war- song, celebrate a triumph. Παιάνων, g. pi. of παιάν. Παιγμοσυνη, -ης, η, (fr. παίζω to play, th. παΊς a child) play, sport, pastime, recreation. Παίγνια, -ας, and Ion. ΐίαιγνίη, -ης, f], (fr. same) play, sport, pastime ; scorn, derision. ΪΙαιγνιήμων, -όνος, b, ή, (fr. same) playful, sportive, lively, merry, jocose. Παίγνιον,-ου, rb, (fr. same) aplay- thing, toy ; a jest, butt, scorn, derision; play, sport, pastime. Παιδ\ for ΠαΊδα, a. sin. — ΠαΊδας — Παιδος — * Παίδων, cases of παΐς. ΠαιδαγωγεΊον, -ου, rb, (fr. next) a school. Παιδαγωγέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. παΊς a child, and ayojto lead) to school, educate, teach, instruct as a child ; to rear, bring up ; to di- rect, guide, order, regulate. Παιδαγωγός, -ου, b, (fr. same) a schoolmaster, teacher, insiructer, tutor. Τίαιδάριον, -ov, rb, (dim. of παΊς a child) a little child, little boy, servant. Παιδαριώδης, -εος -ους, b, fj, (fr. last) childish, infantile, puerile ; fit or proper for a child. Παιδεία, -ας, η, (fr. παις a child) instruction, information, teach- ing ; discipline, education, cor- rection ; learning, literature, science, erudition ; a fashion,, custom, manner, course or way of life. ΪΙαίδειος,-α,-ον, (fr. same) puerile, childish, of children or boys ; of a pet or favourite. Παιδεραστής, -ου, b, (fr. same, and tpaia to love) a lover of boys. ΠΑΙ Παιδέρως, -ωτος, b, (fr. same, and έρως love) the herb bearsfoot. Παιδεύει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Παιδεύετε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. act. of παιδεύω. Παιδευθώσι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. pass, of same. Παίδευμα, -ατός, rb, (fr. παιδεύω to teach) that which is taught, in- struction, education, discipline; a pupil, nursling. Παιδευόμεθα, 1 pi. pres. ind. pass. — Παιδευόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. — Παιδεύοντα, a. sin. -δεύουσα, η. fern. par. pres. act. of same. Παιδεύσας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. of same. Παίδευσις•, -ιο^ } Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) the art of teaching, tui- tion, instruction ; education, rearing, discipline, correction. Παιδευτης, -ου, b, (fr. same) an in- structer, teacher ; a master, cor- rector, guide, director, guar- dian. Πα£<5εύω, f. -εύσω, p. πεπαίδευκα, (fr. παΊς a child) to teach, in- struct, inform ; to bring up, rear, educate ; to warn, adrnonish, re- prehend, reprove, censure, blame; to chastise, correct, punish. 1 a. | ind. act. επαιδευσα. per. pass ind. πεπαίδευμαι' par. πεπαιδευ μένος. 1 a. pass. ind. επαιδεύθην sub. παιδευθώ, -ης, -η. Παιδιά, -ας, η, (fr. same) play sport, recreation, amusement ; a jest, derision, mockery ; a trifle, worthless thing. Παιδία, -ας, η, (fr. same) child- hood, infancy, boyhood. Παιδϊκος -η, -bv, (fr. same) child- ish, puerile, boyish. In neut. pi. playthings, toys. Παιδιόθεν, (fr. next) from a little child, from infancy or childhood. Παιδίον, -ου, το, (dim. of παιδία childhood) an infant, babe; a little boy or girl. Παιδιότης, -ητος, η, (fr. same or last) childhood, infancy ; boy- hood. Παιδισκαρίον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a girl. Παιδίσκη, -ης, h, (fr• τα?? a child) a maid, girl, wench, woman-ser- vant, female slave. Παιδίσκος, -ου, δ, (fr. same) aboy, youth, servant, slave. Παιδογονία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and γίνομαι to be born) procreation, getting children. Παιδογόνος, -ου, b, ft, (fr. same) be- getting or producing children, breeding. Subs, a father, hus- band ; a mother, wife. Παιδόθεν, (fr. παΊς a child) from a child, from infancy or child- hood. Παιδολέτωρ, -ορός, b, »% andllatio- λετείρα, -ας, η, (fr. same, and 6\- ~Χυμι to destroy) destroying chil- dren. Παιδοποιίω -ώ, (fr. same, and ποιίω to make) to beget, get or bear children, breed. (432) IXAI Παιδοποιητέον, (verbal fr. last) to be bred, &c. according to the verb. Παιδοποι'ία, -ας, fj, (fr. same) pro- creation, having children. Παιδοποώς, -ου, b, //, (fr. same) breeding, getting or bearing chil- dren. Παιδος, g. sin. of παΊς. Παιδοτριβίω -ώ, (fr. παΊς a child, and τρίβω to exercise) to teach t instruct or educate children; to train, exercise or discipline boys. ΠαιδοτρΈβής, -ου, b, (fr. same) α schoolmaster, teacher, instructer. Παιδότριψ, -ιβος, b, (fr. same) α tutor; a servant to look after children. Παίδων, Dor. for παίδων, g. pi. of παΊς. Παίζω, f. -σω, and -ξω, p. πέπαιχα, (fr. παΊς a child) to play about sport, frisk, gambol; to jest, rally, banter, joke ; to mock, ri- dicule, make sport of; to dance. pres. inf. act. παίζειν. 1 a. ind. act. έπαιξα, per. ind. pass, πέ- παιγμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, ετταίχθην» Παιήονα, a. sin. of Παιήων, -όνος, b, same as παιών. Παίονες, -ων, οι, Pceonians or Ma- cedonians. Παιπαλη, -ης, )/, and Παιπάλημα, -άτος,το, (fr. next) fine flour ; dust, powder; finesse, artifice^ subtlety ; a sharper, shrewd fel- low. ΠαιπάΧλω, f. -αλώ, (fr. πάλλω to quiver) to shake,, jog, jolt; to shatter, break. Παιπαλόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. last) abrupt, craggy, steep; rough y rugged, uneven, broken up. Παιπαλοέσσης, Ion. for -έσσαις, d. fern. pi. of last. ΠαίπαΚος, -η, -ov, rugged, craggy ; rough, uneven, jolting. ΠαΊς, παιδος, b, η, a child, boy or girl, son or daughter; a youth; a servant, attendant, slave. Cretan and Laconian, πόΊρ. Παίσας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. — Πα ίσω, -ης, -η, 1 a. sub. act. of παίω. Παίσατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. of παίζω. Παίσδα, Dor. for παΊδα, a. sin. of παΊς. Παίσδω, Dor. for παίζω. pres. sub. 3 sin. παίσδη. Παίσης, see in παίσας. Παισϊ or -σϊν, d. pi. of παΊς. ΠαΊσος, -ου, ή, a town on the Hel- lespont. Παιφάσσω, (perhaps fr. παίω to strike, and φάος the eye) to dart a look, glance quickly, survey J to rush on, attack, charge; to shine, glitter; to throw light up- on, enlighten, show. Παιχθείς, -εΊσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass. of παίζω. Παίω, f. παίσω, and sometimes παιήσω, p. πέπαικα, to chastise, correct ; to strike, hit, smite; to beat off, drive away ; to fall on, eat greedily. ΠΑΛ Παίών, -ώνος, b, an epithet of Apollo; a physician, healer; a hymn, song, ode. ΠακτΙς, -ίοος, ή, Dor. for πηκτίς. Πακτός, Dor. for πηκτός. ΥΙακτόω -ώ, f. -ώσω (fr. last) to join, put together, frame; to shut, bar, lock up, Πακτωλός, -ου, b, Pactolus, a river of Asia minor. Παλάθη, -ης, ή, a cluster or cake of Jigs or dales. Πάλαι, of old, formerly, long ago, anciently. Παλαιγενής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. last, and γίνομαι to be born) old, full of years, aged, born long ago ; withered, decayed. Subs, an old man or woman, an aged per- son. Παλαίγονος, -ου, b, η, same as last ; but Παλαιγόνος, -ov, b, η, who lived long ago, who formerly had children and left descendants, an ancestor, forefather. Παλαίει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of παλαίω. Πάλαι μονέω -ω, Poet, for παλαίω. Παλαίμων, -όνος, b, Paicemon, call- ed also by the Latins Portum- nus, a marine deity. Also, a man's name. Παλαιομώλωψ, -ωπος, b, (fr. πα- λαιός old, and μώλωιμ a welt) a fellow that has been fogged ; a knave, roa,ue. Παλαιάς, -a, -ov, (fr. πάλαι former- ly) old, ancient, former, pristine ; aged, worn out, decayed ; stale., worthless, insignificant, trivial. Comp. παλαιότερος, sup. -ότα- τος. Παλαιότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) an- tiquity, ancientness, oldness, old- fashion, d. παλαιότητι. Παλαιόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. 7τε7Γ<ιλα/ω- κα, (fr. same) to antiquate, annul, abrogate, repeal, atiolish; Παλαι- όομαι -ονμαι, to wear away, de- cay ; to be out of fashion, grow old, become obsolete. 1 f. ind. pass, παλαιωθήσομαι. I a. ind. pass, επαλαιώθην. Πάλαισμα, -ατός, τό, and Παλαισ- μοσυνη, -ης, η, (fr. πάλη wrest- ling) a wrestling, conflict ; a trick, artifice, stratagem. Παλαισμάτεσσι, Ion. for παλαίσμα- σι, d. pi. of last. Π,αλαισμοσϋνη, -ης, η, (fr. πάλη wrestling) the art of or skill in wrestling. Παλαιστή, -ης, η, a palm, hand's breadth, four inches. Παλαιστής, -ου, b, (fr. παλαίω to wrestle) a wrestler, cham- pion. ΠαλαιστιαιΌς,-α,-ον, (fr. παλαιστή a palm) of a palm or hand's breadth. Παλαίστρα, -ας, η", (fr. παλαίω to wrestle) a wrestling school, place for ' en^-cise ; wrestling. Παλαίστωμα, -ατός, το, same as πα- λαιστή. Παλαίτερος, Ion. and Att. for ica- Χαιότεοος, see παλαιός. 31 ΠΑΛ Παλαίφατον, Poet, and Παλαιφά- τως, (fr. next) as said of old. Παλαίφάτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. πάλαι formerly, and φημι to speak) said of old, fabulous, fabled ; famed of old ; ancient, former, of old times, olden. Also, a man's name. Παλαίχβων, -όνος, b, (fr. same, and χθων the earth) an ancient in- habitant or possessor. Παλαίω, f. -αίσω, (fr. πάλη wrest- ling) to vjrestle ; to combat, con- tend for a prize. Παλαιωθήσονται,Β pi. 1 find. pass, of παλαιόω. Παλαίωμα, -ατός, το, and Παλαίω- σις, -ιος, Att. -εως, »/, (fr. πάλαι formerly) ancientness, antiquity, oldness ; inveteracy, long con- 1 tinuance. Πάλαμαις, d. pi. — Παλαμάων, g. ι pi. iEol. of παλάμη. Παλαμάομαι -ώμαι,ΐ. -ήσομαι, (fr. I next) to handle; to act, exe-\ cute, effect ; to contrive, design, I make. ΠΑΛ Παλιλλογεω -ω, (fr. πάλιν again, and λέγω to speak) to say over again, repeat. Παλίλλογυς, -ου, b, η, (fr. same/ recalled, collected again, demand- ed back. Παλίμβάμος Dor. for Παλίμβημος, -ov, b, η, (fr. πάλιν back, and βαίνω to go) moving back and forwards, flying from side to side, alternate. Παλιμπετες, (neut. of next) back- ward, back again. Παλιμπετής, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. πά λιν backward, and πίπτω to fall,, going backwards, retrograde, fall- ing back, relapsing. Παλίμπηγος, -ov, b, t), (fr. πάλιν again, and πήγνυμι to join) unit- ed again, made anew, re-estab- lished. Παλιμπλάζω, f. -γζω, (fr. πάλιν again, and πλάζω to put astray) to set astray or misconduct again. Παλιμπλάζομαι, to retrace wan- derings, wander back or over again, return home; to go astray, deviate, be distracted with er- rors. Π(ΐλάμ77, -m, 4, an d Dor. Παλάμ (perhaps fr. πάλλω to shake) \Παλιμπλαχθεις, -έΐσα, -εν, par. 1 a. the palm ; the hand ; handicraft, J pass, of last. art, skilL Παλαμήδης, -ου Palamcdes, a man's name. Παλάμηφιν,ΡΌΈί. for παλάμη, d. of παλάμη. Παλαξεμεν, fon. or JEo\. for παλά- ξειν, 1 f. inf. act. — Παλάσσετο, Ion. for επαλάσσετο, 3 sin. impf. mid. of Παλάσσω, f. -ζω, p. πεπάλαχα, (fr. πιίλλω to shake, or fr. πιλή wrestling) to sprinkle, powder, dust ; to defile, pollute ; to adul- terate, contaminate ; to shake up lots, draw or cast lots. Παλάτιον, -ου, το, (fr. Lat. pala- tium a palace) a court, castle, royal residence, palace. Παλεύω, f. -σω, to entice, seduce, decoy, entrap, catch in a net. Παλίω -ώ, same as παλαίω. 1- a. opt. act. παλήσαιμι, and xEol. π αλήσεια, -ας, -ε. Πάλη, -ης, }% (fr. πάλλω to shake) wrestling ; a combat or conflict for a prize ; flour, dust, chaff. Πάλι for πάλιν. Παλία, -ας, η, (fr. πάλιν again) α feast the day after a wedding. Παλιγγενεσία, -ας, ή, (fr. same, and γίνομαι to be) a new birth, regeneration, renovation, change for the better ; resurrection, ex- istence after death ; transmigra- tion of souls. Παλίγγλωσσος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. same, and γλώσσα the tongue) of ano- ther tongue or language, fo- reign, differently expressed or styled, false. Παλίγκοτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and κύτος grudge) reviving old quarrels, spiteful, angry, mali- cious. Παλιγκότως, (fr. last) angrily, spitefully, of an old grudge. (433) Πάλιν, back, backwards, back a- gain ; once more, over again, a second time ; on the contrary, on the other hand. Π.ιλινάγρετος^ -ου, b, η, (fr. last, and ayetoto to assemble) revoca- ble,. that may be recalled ; assem- bled or assembling again, meet- ing, collected, called together. WajSavSikio, -ας, ή, (fr. same, and ' δίκη a lawsuit) a rehearing, new trial, revision. Πΐιλχνϊρομέω -ώ, (fr. same, and ευέι ('_>•, obs. to run) to run hack, relu η quickly, pres. inf. act. πιλίίδρομεείν -εΊν. Παλίνδρομος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) running back, returning. Παλίνορσος, -ov,b,f), (fr. same, and όρω to rouse) recoiling, spring- ing back, withdrawing hastily. Πωλιιστομέω -ώ, (fr. πάλιν again, and στόμα a mouth) to continue whining, renew lamentation. ΠαλίΥτίτοί, -ov, b,rj, (fr. same, and " τίω to punish) repaid, retributed, recompensed, requited; to be avenged or punished. Παλίντονος, -ov, b, §, (fr. same, and τείνω to stretch) bending, spring- ing, elastic. Παλιντριβής, -έος -ονς, b, η, (fr. same, and τρίβω to wear) much rubbed or worn ; hardened. Παλινωδέω -ώ, (fr. same, and ωδή a song) to recant, retract, disa- vow, change the language, alter an opinion. Παλινωδία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a re- cantation, disavowal, palinody, alteration of language or opin- ion. Παλιρρόθιος, and -ρόθος, -ov, b, >/, (fr. πάλιν back, and ρόθος the noise of the waves) refluent,flow- ing back, retreating, ebbing. ΠΑΜ Παλίουρος, -ου, b, a thorny shrub. Παλισσυτέω -w,(fr. πάλιν back, and σεύω to rush) to go back, re- treat ; to rebound, spring back. Παλϊωζις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same, and ιωκή pursuit) a ral- lying, repulse of the assailants ; a pursuit after being pursued. Πάλλα, -ης, η, a ball. Παλλάδ\ for Παλλάδα, a. sin. of Πκλλα'ί. Παλλάδιον, -ου, τό^ the Palladium a statue of Pallas or Minerva. Παλλάθη, same as παλάθη. Πσλλάκεύομαι, (fr. next) to live in fornication. Παλλάκη, -ης, η, (fr. πάλλαζ youth ) a concubine to a married man, mistress. Παλλακίοισι, d. pi. Ion. of Παλλάκιον, -ου, τυ, (dim. of παλλα£ a young man) a youth, lad, stripling. Παλλάκϊς, -'ώος, η, same as τταλ- λακή. Πάλλαζ, -οίκος, b, a grown young man ; a youth. Παλλάς, -αδος, »/, Pallas or Miner- va. Πάλλε, Ion. for έπαλλε, act. — Πάλλει, Ion. for επάλλετο, pass. 3 sin. impf. of τταλλω. ΤΙάλλευκος, -ου, b, η, (fr. πας all, and λευκός white) very white. Παλλήνη, -ης, η, Pallene,a. town of Macedon. Παλλόμενος,-η,-ον, par. pres, pass, of Πάλλω, f. -άλω, p. -αλκα, to shake, brandish ; to jog, agitate, toss ; to dance or dandle ; to poise, balance; to hurl, fling, dart, throw ; to batter, dash against ; to drive away, thrust or turn out ; to draw or cast lots ; to throb, pant, beat, tremble, palpi- tale, per. ind. pass, πέπαλμαι, -σαι, -ται. Πάλμα, -ατός, rb, and Παλμός, -ου, b, (fr. last) agitation, jogging, brandishing^ tossing ; palpita- tion, throbbing, pulsation. Παλμώδης,-εος -ους, δ, η", (fr. last) tremblings quivering, palpitat- ing. njftoj, -ου, b, (fr. πάλλω to shake) '"a shaking or casting of lots, a lot. Πάλτον, -ου, rb, (fr. same) aweu? pon, dart, javelin. Πάλτο, Ion. for επέπαλτο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of πάλλω. ΠΑΜ pasture, herbage, the grass of the land. Πάμμα, -ατός, το, (fr. πάω to own) a possession, property. Πίψμεγέθης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. πίϊς all, and μέγεθος greatness, th. μέγας great) great in all respects, very great or large. Παμμίγης, -έος -υΐις, b, η, (fr. same, and μίγνυμι to mix) mixed up, composed of all, promiscuous, mingled. Παμμυϊα, -ας, >/, (fr. same, and μνΊα a fly) all sorts of flies, a swarm of flies. Πάμπαν, (fr. πάς all, repeated) all together, totally, entirely. Παμπειθης,-έος -ους, b, >/,(fr. same, and πείθω to persuade) advising, warning; very persuasive. Παμπήδην, (fr. same, and πάω to seize) utterly, totally, entirely, completely, wholly, altogether. Π(ψπ>7σ£«, -ας, η, (fr. same) full enjoyment, entire possession, a- bund.ance, plenty. Πάμπλειστος, -η, sup. of παμ• πολύς. ΠαμπληθειΆπά Παμηληθές, or Πάμ- πληθες, (fr. next) with the whole, all at once, of one accord ; all together, in a body. Παμπληθης, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. πας all, and πλήθος the multitude) numerous, very many, very much, crowded ; full to the brim, over- flowing ; replete, redundant, co- pious, profuse. Παμποίκϊλος, -ου, b, η~, (fr. same, and ποικίλος variegated) vari- ously painted, diversely coloured, richly embroidered, finely adorn- ed, embellished. Πάμπολλα — Πάμπολλοι — Παμ- πόλλου — Πάμπολλων, cases of Πάμπολυς, -πόλλη, -πολύ, (fr. πάς all, and πολύς many) very many, in great numbers, numerous, considerable. Πάμπολυ, (neut. of last) very much, considerably. Παμπόνηρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. πας all, and πονηρός wretched) very wicked, evil ; very severe, harsh, cruel. Παμπόρφυρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πορφύρα purple) oil purple, entirely purple ; bright, resplen- dent. Πάμπρωτος,-ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πρώτος first) theflrst of all, fore- most, chief. Παλυντη, and^Eol. Πολυντη, -ης,\Παμφαίνησι, Ion. for παμφαίνη, 3 t), (fr. next) pudding, porridge. Παλϋνω, (fr. πάλη flour) to sprinkle with flour, dust ; to whiten. Παμβασιλεία, -ας, f), (fr. next) queen of all. Παμβασίλευς, -έος, Att. -έως, b, (fr. πας all, and (βασιλεύς a king) universal king, king of all. Παμβίας, -ου, b, (fr. same, and βία strength) violent against all, imperious, forcible, irresistible, ungovernable. Παμβότανον, -ov, rb, (fr. same, and βοτάνη herbage, th. βόω to feed) sin. pres. sub. act. of Παμφαίνω, same as Παμφανάω τω, (fr. πα? all, and φαίνω to appear ) to show brightly, shine out, glitter all over, Παμφανόωντα, Παμφανόωσαν, for παμφανωντα, a. sin. masc. ; and παμφανωααν, a. sin. fem. par. pres. act. cont. of last. Παμφάρμακος, -ου, b, »'/, (fr. πας all, and φαρμάκον a drug) acquaint- ed with drugs, skilled in sorcery and the use of poisons ; versed in medicine. (434) ΠΑΝ Παμφυλία, -as,?/, (fr. next) aeon- flux from all nations ; a league, confederacy or union. Also, • Pamphylia, a country of Asia Minor. Πάμφϋλος, -ου, b, η (fr. πας all, and ψύλον a tribe) of all nations, tribes or kindreds ; promiscuous, mixed. Πάμψυρτος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. same, and ψύρω to mingle) mixed of all, of all kinds, of every sort, indiscri minate, promiscuous. Πάν, Πάνος, b, (perhaps fr. πάω to pasture) Pan, the guardian of shepherds. Πάν, παντός, το, (neut. of πάς all) the whole, the total; the mass, the vulgar. Πανάγριος,-ου, b, f), (fr. same, and άγριος wild) very fierce, wild, unlameable. Πάναγρον, -ου, το, (fr. same, and άγρα a prey) a net. Πανάγΰρις, Dor. for πανήγυρις. Πανάθλιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. πάς all, and άθλιος wretched) very miserable, wretched, deplorable, unfortu- nate. Πάναιθος, -ov, b, //, (fr. same, and αίθω to burn) consuming, burn- ing ; resplendent, bright, shin- ing. Παναίολος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and αίολος varied) all varied, varie- gated, coloured, diversified. Πανάκεια, -ας, η, (fr. same, and ακέομαι to cure) a cure for every disease, universal medicine, ge- neral remedy ; alleviation ; the herb wild origany. Also, Pa- nacea, the daughter of ^Escu- lapius. Πανάκης, -έος -ους, b, fj, (fr. same) all-healing, restorative. Πανάπαλος, -η, -ov, (fr. πάς all, and απαλός tender) very delicate, quite tender. Παναπήμων, -όνος, b, fj, (fr. same, and απήμων safe, th. πΐψα da- mage) quite innocent, perfectly harmless, innoxious. Πανάποτμος, -ου, b, η", (fr. same, and άποτμος ill fated, th. πότμος destiny) very unfortunate, most unlucky, ill-starred, miserable. Πανάριστος,-η,-ον, (fr. same, and άριστος best) most excellent, best of all; bravest, most valiant; most renowned, very celebrated. Πάναρχος, -ov, b, >% (fr. same, and αρχή rule) all ruling, imperial. Παναφηλιξ, -ϊκυς, b, ή, (fr. same, and αφηλιξ destitute, wh. fr. a neg. and ηλιξ a companion) quite destitute, forlorn, forsaken. Παναώριος, -ov, b,f/, (fr. same, and άωρος unseasonable, th. ωρα time) very untimely, unsuitable, unseasonable, premature, imma- ture. Πανδαισία, -ας, f/, (fr. same, and δαϊς a feast) a great feast, ban- quet. Πανδάκρυτος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. same, and δάκρυ a tear) weeping much; very lamentable, woful. ΠΑΝ 11ανδαματο>ρ, -ορός, b, r/,~(fr. same, and δαμάω to subdueyinvincible, all-siibdu in*, irresistible. Πάνδάρος, -ov, ο, a man's name. Πάνδεινος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. πα? all, and δεινός terrible) very terrible, most dreadful, severe, awful. Πανδελέτειος,-ου, I, >/, (perhaps fr. same, and δέλεαρ a bait) artful, insidious, deceitful ; infamous, lewd, immoral. Πανδημεϊ, (fr. πάνδημος public) with all the people, in full assembly, publicly. Πανδήμιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. πας all, and δήμος the commonalty) po- pular ; of the same people ; common, ordinary, from among the people; vagabond, vagrant. ΤΙάνδημος,-ον, b, »/, (fr. s&me) pub- lic, common, general ; vulgar, ordinary ; popular, well-known. ΪΙάνδια, -ων, ra,((r. — ας all,andA(o? Jupiter's) a festival of Jupiter. Πανδοκενω, (fr. πανδοχεύς an inn- keeper) to keep an inn, entertain all. Πανδοκέω -ω, (fr. next) to receive all, entertain. Τίάνδοκος or Πανδόκος, -ου, b, {;, (fr. πας all, and δέχομαι to receive) hospitable ; roomy, capacious ; public, general. Πανδοΰρα, -ας, and Πανδουρις, -?δος, fl, a musical instrument ; a ban- dore. Πανδοχε~ιον, -ου, το, (fr. πας all, and δέχομαι to receive) an inn, house of entertainments ΧΙανδοχενς, -έος, Att. -έως, b, (fr. same) an innkeeper, host. d. sin. πανδοχει. Πανδώρα, -ας, r), (fr. same, and δωρον a gift) a woman's name. Also an epithet of the earth, bounteous: Πανέλληνες, -ων, οι, (fr. same, and "Ελλην a Greek) a general name for all the. Greeks. Πανελλήνεσσι, d. Ion. of last. Πανεπίσκοπος, -ου, b, η, (fr. πας all, επϊ upon, and σκέπτομαι to look at) surveying or watching alt things. Πανεπόπτης, -ov, o,r/,(fr. same, and επόπτομαι to look upon) behold ing or viewing all things. ΤΙανέρημος, -ου, δ,»/, (fr. same, and έρημος wild) quite desert, wild or barren. Πανέστιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and εστία the hearth) with the whole house, with all the family. Ώάνετες, (neut. of next) all the year, throughout the year. Τϊανέτης, -εος -ους, b, ή, (fr. τα? all, and έτος a year) perennial, an- nual, the year round. ΤΙανευδαίμων, -όνος, b, ;', (fr. same, and ευδαίμων happy) perfectly happy, most fortunate, felicitous, successful. Ώανέφθος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and hpa to boil) well boiled, sodden ; purified, refineel. ϊίανηγύρει, d. sin. cont. Att. of ψτχνήγυρις. ΠΑΝ Τίανηγνρέω -ώ, and Πανηγυρίζο), f. -Ίσω, (fr. νανήγνρις a festival) to solemnize a festival, feast or games, keep holidays ; io rejoice ; to panegyrize, praise publicly, commend, set forth. Πανηγυρικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) panegyrical, laudatory, encomi- astic, praising publicly, extolling ; thronged, frequented ; festive, joyous ; anniversary, solemn. Πανηγυρικώς, (fr. last) with pane gyric, with solemn slate or fesii vily ; with public praise or acknowledgment ; pompously, grandly. Πιχνηγυρις, -ιος, Att. -εως, and Πα- νηγύρια, -ας, η, (fr. πας all, and άγνρις an assembly) a general assembly, universal meeting, f φ tival, celebration of games, putZ lie spectacle, solemnity ; a pane- gyric, encomium, public praise or thanks. Πανηγυρισμός, -ου, b, (fr. last) the keeping or celebration of a festi- val or holiday ; festivity, state ; public thank3, α panegyric or oration ; an assembly for busi- ness ; a fair or market. Πανημαρ, (fr. τας all, and ημαρ the olay) the whole day, all day long. Πανημέριος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and ημέρα a day) through the day, all day long ; every day, daily. Πάνθ', before an aspirate for πάν- τα, neut. pi. of πας. ΠανΟεία, -ας, η, a woman's name nuiOiip, -ν,ρος, b, a panllier. Πανίσδεται, Dor. for πννίζεται, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. mid. of πηνίζω Πανιώνιον, -ov, το, (fr. πάς all, and Ιων the patriarch of the lonians) the general assembly of the Ioni- an states ; the place v.here it was held. Πάννυχα and Πάνννχον, (neut. of πάννυχος nightly) all night, the night long. Πανννχίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. πας all, and νυξ night) to pass or spend the night; to watch or wake all night ; to work or study by night. ΠανννχιΌς, -a, -ov, and Πάννυχος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) nightly, by or during the night, all night long. ΠανννχΊς, -ίδος, η, (fr. same) night-watch ; a festival kept at night. Πανοικϊ and ΠανοικεΊ, (fr. πας all, and οίκος a house) with the whole house, with all the family. Πανοικία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and οικία a home) all the house, the whole family. Πανοίκιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) with the whole family. Πανόλβιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. πας all, and όλβος felicity) perfectly hap- py, most fortunate, very success- ful, blessed. Πανόλεθρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and όλεθρος ruin) very destructive, ruinous, fatal ; most wretched, miserable. υ, o, (fr. same, md (435) ΠανομφαΧος, ΠΑΝ ομψη an oracle) oracular, pro- phetic ; an epithet of Jupiter. Πανύπη,-ης, η, Panope, one of the Nereids ; a city of Phocis. Πανοπλία, -ας, η, (fr. πας all, and όπλον armour) complete armour j a suit of armour. Πάνοπλος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) in full armour, heavy armed. Πάνος, bread, by the Messapians. Πανούργενμα and Πανονργημα, -ατός, το, (fr. next) ingenuity, skill ; cunning, artifice, deceit ; a trick, stratagem. Πανονργενω,ΐ.-ενσω,ηΧ\ύΠανονργέω -ώ, (!r. πανούργος artful)/o be in- genious cr handy, work skilfully ; to act craftily, deceive, beguile. Πανουργία, -ας, η, (fr. next) in- genuity ; prudence ; cunning, knavery, craft, arlifce. Πανούργος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. πας every, and έργον work) prudent, cir- cumspect ; ingenious, handy, clever ; cunning, artful, sty, subtle ; knavish. Comp. nuvovo- γότιρος, sub. -ότατυς. Πανονργως, (fr. last) ingeniously, ealjuily, cunningly^, deceitfully. Πανάγιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. πάς all., arid άπτομαι to see) seen by all, public, conspicuous. Πανσέληνος, -ου, η, (fr. same, and σελήνη the moon) the full moon ; the lime of full moon. Πάισοφυς, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and σοψός wise) very sensible, mighty wise, made up of wisdom. Πανσπερμία, -ας, ι), (fr. same, and σπέρμα seed) a mixture of seeds, seeds of all sorts ; a medley. Πανστράτι, (fr. next) with the whole army, with all the forces. Πανστρατία, -ας, and Ion. Παν- στρατίη, -ης, η, (frcm πας all, and στρατός the army) the whole army, all the forces. Πανσνδει and Πανσνδϊ, (fr. next) with all speed, in all haste, im- mediately ; v:ith the entire army, with all the troops. Πανσνδία, -ας, and Ion. Πανσυδίη, -~']S, η, (fr. πας all, and σνίην speedily) all expedition, speed, haste ; all the army, the whole force. Πάντ for Πάντα, a. sin. or neut. pi. of πα?. Πάντα, Dor. for παντρ. Παντακή, Ion. for πανταχη. Πάνταπας, -ασα, -αν, (fr. πάς all) all in all, entire, universal, with- out exception. Παντάπάσι, (fr. last) altogether, ut- terly, totally, entirely ; quite, clean. Παντάπάσιν, d. pi. with ν added of πάνταπας. Πανταχη and Πανταχού, (fr. πας all, and ου where) every where, in every direction, on all sides ; in every way, in all manners. Πανταχόθεν, (fr. last, and S -εν from) from every place, from all parts, from all sides ; on every side ; in all -aspects, every way, ΠΑΝ Τΐανταχδσε, (fr. same, and σε to- wards) every way, on all sides, in all directions, from every quar- ter. Παντελής, -έος -ους, b, f), (fr. πας all, and τέλος the end) perfect, com- plete, finished ; happy ; full, en- tire, the whole, universal. Εις το παντελές, f or ever, entirely, total- ly ; at all, in any manner. Παντελώς and Ion. Τίαντελίως, (fr. last) altogether, completely, en- tirely, absolutely. Πάντες, η. pi. — ΤΙάντεσσι, Ion. and Poet, for πάσι, ά. pi. of ■πας. Παντενχία, -ας, r), (fr. πας all, and τεύχος armour) full armour. Πάντη, (fr. πάς all) altogether, to- taly, entirely ; always. THavrfi, (fr. same, and j) where) every where, on all sides, in all directions ; altogether. Πανί-/, d. sin. of πάς. Παντοδάπη, η. sin. fern. — Παντο- ΟαποΊσι, d. pi. of παντοδαπύς. Παντοδαπία, -ας, η, (fr. next) abun- dance of every Unci, all sort of plenty. Παντοδαπος, -η, -bv, (fr. πάς all, and δάπεδον soil) of all kinds, of every sort, of different countries ; various, diversified, mixed, com- plex ; changeable, fickle. Παντοδαπως, (fr. last) mtdtifari- ously, many ways, variously ; from many places. Παντοδύναμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. πάς all, and δύναμαι to be able) om- nipotent, of tmivcrsal power. Πάντυθεν, (fr. same, and θτν from) same as πανταχόθεν. ΐΐαντυίην, Ion for παντοΐαν, a sin. fern, of Παντοίος, -a, -ov, (fr. πάντως alto- gether, th. πάς all) of all sorts, of all kinds, mixed, complex : various, changeable. Παντοίως, (fr. last) in different ways, in many ways, various- ly- "Παντοκράτωρ, -ορός, b, η, (fr. πάς all, and κράτος strength) omni- potent, all-subduing, almighty. Παντορέκτης, -ov, b, (fr. same, and ορέγομαι to desire) deswing all things, eager, covetous, greedy. Παντός, g. sin. of πάς. Πάντοσ' for Πάντοσε, (fr. same) to every place ; on all sides, all around, round about, on all quar- ters. Παντόσυνος, -ov, b, >), (fr. πάς all) various. Πάντοτε, (fr. same,and τότε then) always. Παντοτρόφος, -ov, b, ?/, (fr. same, and τρέφω to rear) nursing, rear- ing or cherishing all things ; bounteous, fertile, productive. Πάντοομος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and τρεω to tremble) all trembling, timid. Παντρόπος, -ov, b, >/, (fr. same, and τρέπω to turn) all routed, totally defeated. Πάντροχας Φ(-νγη, a UtCalrouU ΠΑΠ Πάντων, and Dor. Παντίύν, g. pi. of πάς. Πάντω?, (fr. πάς all) altogether, wholly, entirely ; by all means, surely, most assuredly ; abso- lutely. Πάνυ, (fr. same) altogether, en- tirely, wholly, quite ; by all means, surely, verily, certainly ; thoroughly, perfectly ; very, very much, greatly, exceedingly, egre- giously. Ό πάνν, he of all, that great man. Πάννσσα, -ης, η, a nurse. Πανύστατον and Παννστατα, (neut. of next) last of all, for the last time. Πανύστατος, (fr. πάνν quite, and 'ύστατος last) last of all, the very Πανώδΰνος, -ov, b, η, (fr. πάς all, and οδύνη pain) all-painful, af- flicting, severe, grievous. Πανωλεθρία, -ας, η, (fr. next) utter ruin, total destruction, perdition ; massacre, slaughter. Πανώλεθρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. πάς all, and όλεθρος ruin, th. όλλυμι to destroy) utterly ruined, totally destroyed, wretched, abandoned ; destructive, ruinous, pernicious, fatal. Πανολέθρως, (fr. last) with sweep- ing destruction, with total ruin, utterly ; ruinously, fatally. Πανώλης, -εος -ονς b, r), (fr. 7rajall, and όλλνμι to destroy) perish- ed, ruined, destroyed, undone, ■wretched, forsaken ; destructive, ruinous, pernicious, fatal. Ίίανωπήεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. same, and ώψ the eye, th. άπτομαι to see) seen by all, conspicu- ous. Πάνωρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and ωρα season) of every season, evergreen ; blooming, in season. Ή ά ζ, hush ! hist ! Παξαι, Dor. for πηξαι, I a. inf. act. — Πάξαιμι, -αις, -αι, Dor. for πηξαίμι, 1 a. opt. act. — Πάξε, Dor. and Ion. for έπηζε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Πάξας, Dor. for πήζας,- par. 1 a. act. — Πάξομεν, Dor. for πήξομεν, 1 pi. 1 f. ind. act. — Πάξαιθ\ Dor. before an aspirate, for πήξαιτο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of πήγννμι. Πάομαι -ώμαι, f. mid. -άσομαι, p. πέπάμαι, to taste, sip ; to eat, feed upon; to acquire, get, ob- tain ; to possess, own, enjoy. 1 a. ind. mid. επασάμην, -ω, -ατο, 3 pi. επάσαντο, and Poet, επάσ• σαντο' inf. πάσασθαι, and Poet πάσσασθαι. Παος, -ου, b, (fr. πάομαι to own) a relation or connexion by mar- riage ; a cousin, kinsman. Παπα?, strange ! surprising ! bless me! ΠαπαΤος, a name for Jupiter among the Scythians. Πάποχ\ Dor. before an aspirate, for πήποτε. Hdfhra, V. of rarjras. (436) ΠΑΡ Παππάζουσι, 3 pi. pree. ind. act. of Παππάζω, (fr. πάππας papa) to call papa, coax. Πάππαξ, the. rumbling of the bow els, or other noise occasioned by flatulency. Πάππας, -ου, b, papa, father. Πάππος -ov, b, (fr. last) ο grand- father ; a downy flower. Παπποφόνος, -ου, b, η, (fr. last, and φόνος murder, th. φένω to kill) killing a grandfather. Παππφος, -a, -ov, (fr. πάππος a grandfather) a grandfathers, he- reditary, ancient. Παπταίνοισα, Dor. for παπταίνονσα, fern. par. pres. act. of Παπταίνω, f. -άνω, to look round about, survey ; to look for, seek out ; to glare, glance around, look fiercely ; to look up to, spe- culate on. Παπνρεων, -ωνος, b, (fr. πάπυρος pa- p)'rus) a plantation of papyrus. Παπύρινος, -η,-ον, (fr. same) made of papyrus or paper. Πάπυρος, -ov, b and //, papyrus, the Egyptian plant, whoee bark was used for writing on ; pa- per. Παρ' or Παρ for παρά. Παρά, with a g. of, from ; by ; about, near, beside. With a d. at, with, among ; near, hard by; under, in the pouier of. With an a. nigh, next to ; ex- cept, saving, wanting, beside ; contrary to, against, opposite ; above, in preference to ; on ac- count of, according to ; in com- parison of; above, more. In compos, over, beyond ; beside, at, with ; against, contrary to ; ill, badly. Παραβαίνετε, -νονσι, 2 and 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Παρβαίνων, par. pres. act. of Παραβαίνω and Παράβημι, f. mid. -ήσομαι, p. -βέβηκα, (fr. παρά beyond, and βαίνω or β η μι to go) to pass or go over, go beyond or past ; to mount ; to go aside, evade, escape ; to go beside, de- viate from ; to err, sin. trans- gress, violate, par. pies. act. παραβαίνων, -ονσα, -ov. 2 a. ind. act. παρέβην. per. ind. pass, πα- ραβέβημαι, -σαι, -rat. Παραβάλε7, 3 sin. 1. f. ind. act- — Παραβαλλόμενος, par. pres. mid. of Παραβάλλω, f. -αλώ, p. παραβέβλη κα, (fr. παρά at, and βάλλω to throw) to throw or put aside, lay by ; to throw or fling to ; to give, deliver, hand over, intrust ; to pledge, pawn ; to land, ar- rive, bring to land; to carry, convey, bring, lead, sail or pass over ; to liken, compare ; to at- tack, fight ; to bend, cast, turn from or away. Παραβάλλομαι, to recompense, repay, requite ; to draw near, accede, approach, come in addition, be added to ; to &npd9e on&is delf, venture, ΠΑΡ risk, hazard. 2 a. act. hid. napi- βαλον sub. παραβάλω, -ης, -η. per. ind. mid. παραβέβολα. par. 2 a. mid. παραβαλόμενος. Παράβαπτος, -η, -οι/, (fr. παρά in- tens. and βαπτος dyed, th. βάπ- τω to plunge) deeply dyed, stain- ed, painted. Παραβασιλενω, (fr. -αρά against, and βασιλεύω ίο reign, th. βασι- λεύς a king) to reign ill, abuse power, tyrannize. Παράβασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, and Πα- ραβασία, -ας, η, (fr. παραβαίνω to transgress) transgression, si?i, crime, offence* Παραβάσκω, (fr. -τταρα by, and βασ- κω to go) to go along with, fight by the side of, fight from a cha- riot. Παραβάτης, -ov, L (fr. παραβαίνω to transgress)' α transgressor, sinner. Also, ιυ/ιο fights by the side of another ; a warrior in u chariot. Παραβης, 2 sin. 2 a. sub. act. of παραβαίνω. Παραβιάζομαι, and Παραβιάομαι -ωμαι, f. -ασομαι, (fr. παρά in- tens. and βιάζο) or /jtaw to torce, th. βία violence) to drive, force, compel, press closely ; to wrest, distort, pervert ; to invest, be- siege. 1 a. ind. mid. παρεβιασά- μην. Παραβιβάζω, (fr. same, and βιβά- ζω to make go) to drive away ; to force to mount or go on board, take over, carry away, remove. Παρ-ιβλεπω, (fr. παρά by, and βλέ- πω to look) to wink, squint, glance at ; to overlook, neglect : to slight, despise ; to mistake, be deceived in. Παραβλήδην, (fr. παραβάλλω to compare) indirectly, by insinua- tion, sideways, obliquely ; feign- edly, artfully, satirically ; by comparison. Παράβλημα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) offal, refuse, food thrown to or set before brutes; a shelter, co- vering, defence. Παραβλώψ, -ώπος, δ, ή, (fr. παρα- βλέπω to squint) squinting, look- ing awry. ΐΙαραβολεΰομαι,(ΐϊ.παράβολοςτΆύϊ) to expose one's self, venture, dare, risk, hazard. Παραβολή, -ης, η, (fr. παραβάλλω to compare) a similitude, com- parison, resemblance; a type, figure, example, pattern, em- blem ; a parable, apologue, moral tale; a saying, proverb, ad- age. ΤΙαράβολος, -ov, b, f), (fr. παραβάλ- λω to expose) dangerous, hazard- ous, perilous; rash, inconsider- ate, headstrong, heedless, in- cautious ; counterfeit, fictitious, false. Τίαραβονλενομαι, (fr. παρά ill, and βονλεύω to consult) to consult ill, consider wrong ; to overlook, neglect, disregard. 1 a par. mid. *α(ϊα0άύλ&ί9άμ€$ο$. ΠΑΡ Παράβνστοι, -ov, b, (fr. next) u secret place, corner, nook. Παραβνω, (fr. παρά intens. and βύω to stuff) to crowd or stuff in; to thrust in out of the way. Παραβώμιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. παρά by, and βωμός an altar) at, by or near the altar, attending the altar. ΠαραγάγεΊν, inf. — Παραγαγων, -ούσα, -δ ν, par. 2 a. act. Att. of παράγω. ΤΙαραγγείλας, -ασα,-αν, η. pi. -λαν- τες, par. 1 a. act, — Παράγγει- λες, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of πα- ραγγέλλω. ΤΙαραγγελία, -ας, η, (fr. next) α commission, charge, errand, mes sage ; a command, mandate, ol- der; a threat, denunciation, me- nace ; a canvass, solicitation. Παραγγέλλω, f. -ελω, p. παρήγγελ κα, (fr. πηρά intens. and αγγέλ- λω to tell) to command, charge, order, enjoin, desire, prescribe ; to signify, declare, proclaim; to tell, relate ; to invite, call, bid ; to call upon, solicit votes, can- vass ; to forbid, prohibit ; to take rank among, impf. act. παρήγ- γελλον. 1 a. ind. act. παρήγγειλα. ΐίαράγγελμα, -άτος, το, (fr. last) a command, order, injunction, commandment; an interdiction, prohibition; advice, encourage- ment. ΤΙαράγγελσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) direction, instruction, ad- monition, advice; a command, order, rule. Παραγέγονα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of παραγίνομαι. Παράγει, act. — Παράγεται, pass. 3 sin. pres. ind. of παράγω. Παραγενόμενος, -η, -ov, par. 2 a. mid. — Παραγένωμαι, 3 pi. -γέ- νωνται, 2 a. sub. mid. of παρα- γίνοναι. ■ Παραγενω, (fr. παρά by, and γενώ to taste) to give a taste of, im- press slightly, inculcate briefly. Παραγενομαι, to taste by the way, touch on lightly, snatch clandes- tinely. Παραγήράμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. next) an old man, dotard; dotage, im- becility. Παραγηράω -ω, (fr. παρά at, and γήρας old age) to dote from age become childish. Παραγίνομαι, f. -γενήσομαι, p. -yk- γόνα, (fr. same, and γίνομαι to be) to be at, with or near; to come to, arrive, reach ; to assist, be present with. impf. mid. πάρε- γινόμην, -ov, -ετο. 2 a. mid. ind παρεγενόμην, -ου, -ετο' sub. πα- ραγενωμαι, -η, -ηται' παραγενό- μενος. Παραγινώσκω, (fr. παρά contrary, and γινώσκω to know) to read to or with, repeat ; to feel, judge or think falsely ; to determine or decide erroneously. Παραγκιστράω -ΰτ, (fr. παρά with and άγκιστρον a fishing hook) to hook or barb, fix on a hchk ; (43Ϊ) ΠΑΡ to take with a hook ; to catch, ensnare, inveigle, par. per. pas•. παρηγκιστρωμένος,-η, -ov. Παραγκωνίζομαι, fr. παρά intcna. and αγκωνίζομαι, which see. Παράγοισα, Dor. for παράγουσα, η. fern. par. 2 a. act. of παράγω. ΠαραγορεΊτο, Dor. for παρηγορέΐτο, 3 sin. cont. impf. pass, of παρη- γορέω. Παραγραφή, -ης, ή, (fr. παραγρά- φω to write upon) an exception, plea, demur, law proceeding ; a reservation, proviso, clause; a note, observation, annotation; a title, head, superscription. ΠαραγραφΊς, -ίδος, η, (fr. same) a rasp, scraper, polisher, plane ; a ruler. Παραγράφω, f. -ψω, (fr. παρά by, and γράφω to write) to annex in writing, write by the side or i» the margin; to ?nark as errone-• ous ; to expunge, erase, blot out r obliterate ; to change, pervert,* write falsely ; to join, add to / to write among, enrol, register, re- cord, inscribe; to write out the- heads of a new law, bring in a bill; to demur, except to an ac- tion or law-suit ; to remove, take away ; to absolve, acquit, re- lease, liberate ; to pretend, cloak, colour; to describe, define, ap- point, ordain. Παριγνμνόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. παρά intens. and γνμνόω to strip, th. γνμνος naked) to strip, expose, unveil ; to lay open, disclose, ex- plain, illustrate. Παράγω, f. -άζω, p. -ηχα, (fr. παρά by, and άγω to lead) to produce, extend, draw out ; to lengthen or stretch out the• line of battle ; to put forth, publish, bring for- ward, show ; to carry on, con- duct, lead ov bring away ; to wait upon, attend, accompany; to bring over to a party , persuade, seduce ; to deceive, mislead, be- guile, pervert ; to pass by or away, depart, withdraw, remove, disap$jear ; to pass or cross over ; to beat against a wind, tack. 2 a. act. ind. παρηγον, and Att. πα- ρήγαγαν par. παραγαγων, -ονσα, -όν. per. ind. pass, -πα-ρηγμαι, -ζαι, -κται. Παραγωνΐζω, (fr. same, and γωνία a corner) to form an angle, meet in a point. Παραγωνίσκος, -ov, δ, (fr. same) the forming an angle ; a corner ; a square, used by carpenters. ΠαραδαρΘάνω, (fr. παρά by, and δαρθάνω to sleep) to sleep by, near or with. 2 a. act. ind. παρέ- δαρθον, and by Metath. παρέδρα- θον. 2 f. ind. act. παραδραθώ. Παραδεδωκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — Παρπδεδωμαι, per. sub. pass, of 7Γ ιη-ιδίδωμι. Πηρίδειγμα, -άτος, τδ, (fr. παρα- δείκνυαι to exhibit) an example, patient, model, standard; awarn- ing, lesson, proof, instance. Παρζ^ειγματίζω, f. -ί<τ<ι>,ρ. •δεδειγψ ΠΑΡ μάηκα, \(r. last) to make a pub- lic example, expose, disgrace, stigmatize ; to lead in triumph. Παραδειγματίσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of last. Παραδειγματισμός, -ou,o,(fr. same) exposure to shame ; a public ex- ample, disgrace, infamy. ΠΑΡ Παραδείκνϋμι (fr. παρά intens. and δείκνυμι to show) to manifest, betray, discover ; to show, hold forth, exhibit, display ; to prove, demonstrate; to ascribe, attri- bute, impute; to effect, perform, acccomplish. Παράδεισος, -ου, δ, a garden, park, enclosure, paradise. Παραδέξονται, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. mid of "Παραδέχομαι, f. -δέξομαι, p. -δέ- δεγμαι, (fr. τάρα from, and δέχο- μαι to take) to receive or take from another ; to vjelcome, enter- tain ; to admit, allow, accept of; to keep, observe ; to educate, rear; to embrace, favour, approve, com- mand. ΠαραδιατρΊβή, -ης, >% (fr. παρά ill, and διατριβή employment, th. τρίβω to pass time) ill-applied labour or care, fruitless applica- tion, misspent time, litigious?iess, idle debate, perverse disputation, vain controversy. Παραδεδόμενος, -η, -ov, par. — Πα- ραδέδοται, 3 sin. per. ind. pass. — Παραδεδώκεισαν, 3 pi. Att. pper. act. — ΪΙαραδεδωκόσι, d. pi. par. per. act. of παραδίδωμι. ΤΙαραδιδόναι, act. — Τίαραδίδοσθαι, pass. pres. inf. — Τίαραδίδοται, 3 sin. -διδόμεθα, 1 pi. pres. ind. pass. — Παραδιδονς, -ούσα, -bv, par. pres. act.. — Παραδίδως, -δωσι or -δωσιν, 2 and 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of Παραδίδωμι, f. -δώσω, p. -δέδωκα, (rr. παρά from, and δίδωμι to give) to deliver, give up, hand over, surrender, yield, resign ; to betray ; to devote, lay down life ; to transmit, hand down ; to re- port, inform, communicate; to commit, entrust, consign, com- mend ; to leave, bequeath, impf. act. παρεδίδων, -ως, -ω' and πα- ρεδ'ιδοον -ονν, -οες -ονς, -οε -ου, as if fr. διδόω. f. act. ind. παρα- δώσω' par. παραδώσων. 1 a. act. ind. παρέδωκα, irreg. 2 a. act. ind. παρέδων, -ως, -ω• sub. παρα- δω, -ως, -ψ' inf. παραδουναι' par. παραδους, -ούσα, -όν. 1 a. pass, ind. παρεδόθην, 1 f. ind. pass. παραδοθήσομαι, -ρ, -εται. Παραδοθείς, -είσα, -εν, par. — Πα- ραδοθήναι, inf. 1 a. pass, of last. Παραδόντα, a. sin. mas. or neut. pi. -δόντος, g. sin. par. 2 a. act. of same. Παραδοξάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. παρά against, and δοξάζω to extol, th. δόξα fame) to exhibit, display, make notorious, good or ill; to dishonour, disgrace, disparage ; to defame, slander; to honour highly, celebrate, praise, mm- mend ; to mistake, conceive wrong, persist in error. Παραδοξολογέω -ω, (fr. next, and λέγω to say) to utter absurdities, speak strange things. Παράδοξος, -ου, δ, »% (fr. παρά against, and δόξα opinion) con- trary to opinion or expectation, unthought of, unexpected, sud- den ; strange, wonderful, incre- dible. Παραδόξως, (fr. last) beyond expect- ation, strangely, unexpectedly. Παράδοσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr παραδίδωμι to transmit) a yield- ing, surrender, submission ; suc- cession; tradition; an ancient custom, institution or law. Παραδοτέος, -ov, b, (fr. same) to be delivered up, surrendered, handed over. Παραδουναι, inf. — Παραδούς,-ονσα -ov, par. 2 a. act. of παραδίδωμι Παραδραθέειν, Ion. for παραδραθεΊν by Metath. for παραδαρθεΊ ν, 2 a inf. act. of παραδαρθάνω. Παραδράω, (fr. παρά by, and δράω to act) to attend, wait upon; to assist, administer, act with or for, serve under. Παραδρομή, -ης, ή, (fr. same, and δρέμω to run) a running by ; a passage, course; attendance, a train, suite. Παραδρώωσι, Poet, for παραδρώσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of πα- ραδράω. Παραδΰω, and Παραδϋομαι, (fr. πχ- ρά along, and δύω to enter) to creep or steal in ; to steal upon, surprise, overreach ; to slip past, pass by subtlety, get the start of. Παραδω, -ως, -ω, 2 a. sub. act. — Παραδώσω, -εις, -ει, ind. — Πα- ραδώσων, par. 1 f. act. of παρα- δίδωμι. Παραείδω, (fr. παρά, by, and αείδω to sing) to sing by, to or with. Παραείρω, f. -αερω, p. -ήερκα, (fr. παρά intens. and αείρω, which see. 1 a. pass. ind. παρηέρθην sub. παραερθω. Παραζάω, (fr. παρά against, and ζάω to live) to live ill, misspend life, abuse or pervert life. Παραζενγνϋμι, (fr. παρά with, and ζενγννμι to yoke) to yoke or har- ness together; to associate, join with ; to unite, annex. Παραξηλόω -ω, (fr. same, and ζη- λόιο to emulate) to provoke to jea- lousy, excite to emulation ; to anger, irritate. Παραζηλώσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Πα- ραξηλώσω, 1 f. ind. or 1 a. sub. act. of last. Παραζήλωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) jealousy, rivalry, emu- lation. Παραζώνη, -ης, η, (fr. παρά about, and ζώνη a girdle) a belt, girdle. Παραθαλάσσιος, -ov, b, ?/, (fr. παρά by, and θάλασσα the sea) by the sea, maritime, on the shore. Παραθάλπω, (fr. παρά intens. and θάλπω to warm) to warm ; to cherish, sooth. (438) HAP Παραθαρρϋνω, and Παραθαρσϋνω^ (fr. παρά intens. and θαρρύνω to encourage, th. θάρσος confi- dence) to give confidence, en* courage, embolden, animate^ ex- hort. ΠαραθεΧναι, 2 a. inf. act. of πάρα* τίθημι- Παράθεμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. παρατίθη- μι to lay by) α sieve; an addi- tion, increase ; a repository, store ; a closet, cupboard, press. Παραθεμένος, -η, -oi>,par. 2 a. mid. — Παραθέσθαι, 2 a. inf. mid. of παρατίθημι. Παραθερίζω, f. -σω, (fr. παρά in- tens. and αερίζω to reap, th. θί- ρος summer) to reap, mow, cut down; to prune, lop. Παραθερμαίνω, f. -ανώ, p. -τεθέρ- μαγιαι, (fr. παρά by, and θερμαί- νω to heat) tomvarm at, heat, make warm ; to inflame. Παράθεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. παρατίθημι to put by) an annex- ing or joining to, application, union, proximity; a setting or laying out; a tray, frame or sideboard; a course at meat, collation, entertainment; a trea- sure, store, magazine; plenty, abundance, means laid by ; com- parison ; a quotation, citation ; a direction, precept, rule. Παραθέτης, -ου, b, (fr. sams) a re- gulator, manager, steward, ca- terer. Παραθίω -ω, f. -εύσω, (fr. παρά by, and θέω to run) to run by the side of, attend, follow close; to run past or by, outstrip. Παραθεωρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -τεθεώ- ρηκα, (fr. same, and θεο)ρέω to look at) to look closely at, exa- mine, regard, view; to compare, collate; to overlook, disregard, slight, despise, impf. pass, παρε- θεωρεόμην -ούμην, -έον -ου. Παραθηγω, f. -ξω, fr. παρά intens. and θήγω, which see. Παραθήκη, -ης, η, (fr. παρατίθημι to set by) a pawn, pledge, trust, deposite; an addition, Παραθήσω,-εις, -ει, act. — Παρα- θήσομαι, mid. 1 f. ind. — Παρα- θησόμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 f. mid, θΐ παρατίθημι. Παραθλ'ιβω, f. -ι^ω, p. -τέθλιφα, (fr. πάρα intens. and θλίβω to press) to press against, dash, crush ; to oppress, afflict, harass. Παράθου, 2 a. impr. mid. of παρα- τίθημι. Παραθρασννω, by Metath. for πα- ραθαρσύνω, see παραθαρρϋνω. Παράθυρα, -ας, ι), (fr. παρά by, and θύρα a door) a back door; a side door, wicket. Παραθώσι, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of παρατίθημι. Παρηα, Poet, for παρά. Παριιβάσία, -ας, η, same as παρά- βάσις. Παρ-ηβάτΐ]ς, -ου, b, same as παρα- βάτης. Π,\ραιβατις, -Ίδος, η, (fr, παραβαίνω to go with) a fem>j£ warrior in ΠΑΡ α chariot; a female attendant, servant or hireling. Παραιθνσσω, (fr. παρά intens. and αιθύσσω to heat) to warm, in- flame, heat ; to sparkle, shine, glitter; to excite, affect, rouse; to proceed, emanate or spring from ; to break out, burst forth. Παραίνεσις, -ιος, Att. -εωί, >/, (fr. παρά by, and αινεω to praise, th. αίνος praise) exhortation, persua- sion, encouragement ; earnest advice, counsel, warning ; com- fort, consolation. Παραινετικός, -ή, -ov, (fr. same) en- couraging, cheering, pe suasive ; warning, advising, admonitory ; conciliatory, consoling, comfort- ing. Παραινέω -ω, f. -έσω, and -ήσω, p. -ή,νεκα, (fr. same) to advise ear- nestly, admonish seriously, warn, persuade, exhort. 1 a. ind. act. παρήνεσα. Ήαραινοϋντος, g. sin. cont. and — Παραινουντας, a. pi. mas. cont. par. pres. act. of last. Παραιρέεσθαι -εΊσθαι, pres. inf. act. of Παραιρεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηρηκα, (fr. παρά from, and αιρέω to take) to take away, remove, carry off; to strip, despoil, plunder ; to pur- loin, steal ; to pull down, break up, overthrow, destroy. Ώαραισθάνομαι, (fr. παρά wrong, and αισθάνομαι to perceive) to err in judgment, mistake, think wrong ; to be weak in under- standing or impaired in intel- lect. Also, to perceive, observe, understand, comprehend. 1 a. ind. pass, παρήσθην. Παραίσιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. παρά con- trary, and αίσιος favourable) dire, dismal, horrible, dreadful ; unfortunate, unlucky, unfavour- able, unpropitious. Παραίσσω, f. -ζω, p. παρή'ίχα, (fr. παρά by, and αΐσσω to rush) to pass by quickly, rush past ; to pass close to, brush by. Παραιτίεσθαι -εΊσθαι, pres. inf. pass, of Παραιτεομαι -ουμαι, f. -ήσομαι, p. παρήτημαι, (fr. παρά from, and αιτέω to ask) to pray against, b e S °fft deprecate, ask pardon ; to refuse, deny, decline ; to shun, escape, evade, elude; to excuse, answer, reply, make defence, apo- logize ; to beg, pray, entreat ; to ask, demand, require. 1 a. ind. mid. παρητησάμην par. πα- ραιτησάμενος. par. per. pass, πα- ρητημενος. Παραιτησάμενός, -η, -ov, par. — Παραιτήσησθε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. mid. of last. Ώαραίτησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) prayer, entreaty, petition, supplication, begging pardon; an excuse, defence, plea, apology ; pardon, indulgence, leave, per- mission. Παραιττ/τίος, -a, -ov, (verbal fr.' same) to be deprecated, must be ΠΑΡ avoided, &c. according to the .verb. ΐίαραίτιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. παρά by, and αιτία cause) causing, pro- ducing ; chargeable, liable. Subs. an author, cause. Παραιτου, impr. — Παραιτούμαι, 1 sin. -τούμεθα, 1 pi. cont. pres. ind. mid. of παραιτέομαι. Παραιφάμενος, -η, -ov, Poet, for παραφάμενος, par. 2 a. mid. of παράφημι. Παραίφάσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ι), Poet. (fr. παράφημι to advise) advice, counsel, warning ; notice, inti- mation, suggestion ; encourage- ment, consolation, comfort; gen- tle address, soft persuasion ; im- position, fraud, deception. Παραιφρονεω -ω, Poet, for παραφρο- νίω. Παραιωρέομαι -ουμαι, (fr. παρά by, and αιωρίω to elevate) to be ele- vated or raised high ; to be sus- pended or hang beside ; to float, • wave, move loosely ; to totter, stumble. Ιίαραιωρεύμενος, Ion. for παραιω- ρονμενος, par. pres. pass. cont. of. last. Π,αρακαθενδω, (fr. παρά by, κατά down, and ενδωίο sleep) to sleep beside, repose by, recline near. Παρακάθημαι, (fr. same, and ημαι to sit) to sit beside or near. Παρακαθίζω, f. -'ίσω, p. παρακεκάθι- κα, (fr. same, and ϊζω to seat) to set, seat or place beside ; to sit down by. par. pres. act. παρα- καθίζων, -ονσα, -ov. Παρακαθίσασα, η. fern. par. 1 a. act. of last. Παρακαθίστημι, (fr. παρά by, κατά down, and 'ίστημι to set) to set down by, place beside, lay on either side. Παρακα'ιριος, and -καιρός, -ov, b, >% (fr. παρά against, and καιρός op- portunity) unseasonable, untime- ly, improper, inconvenient. Παρακαίρως, (fr. last) unseasona- bly, inconveniently. Παρακαλάω -ώ, f. -ήσω and -έσω, p. -κέκληκα, (fr. παρά by, and καλεω to call) to call or send for, sum- mon ; to call upon, conjure, in- voke, beg, help ; to invite, call in; to beg, pray, crave, entreat, re- quest, beseech ; to cheer, encou- rage, comfort, console ; to tam- per with, stir up, disturb ; to ex- cite, elicit. Παρακαλίομαι -ουμαι, to be cheered, take courage, take advantage of, enjoy, impf. act. περεκάλεον -ονν,-εες -εις, -εε-ει. I a. ind. act. παρεκάλεσα. 1 a. pass. ΐΏά.παρεκλήθην'ναί.παρακληθηναι. 1 f. ind. pass, παρακληθήσομαι. Παρακαλόυμεν, -λοΰσι, 1 and 3 pi. act. -λονμεθα, I pi. cont. pass, pres. ind. of last. Παρακάλνμμα, -ατός, το, (fr. παρά intens. and κάλνμμα a veil, th. καλύπτω to cover) a veil, cover- ing, screen, curtain; a pretence, pretext, disguise. Παρακαλύπτω, f. -ψω,ρ. -κεκάλυφα, (439) ΠΑΡ (fr. παρά intens. and καλύπτω to cover) to cover over, hide, con- ceal ; to veil, withdraw from sight. per. pass. ind. παρακεκάλνμμαι, -xpai, -πται. Παρακαλώ, ind. — Παρακαλώ»/, par. pres. act. cont. — Παρακαλώνται, 3 pi. cont. pres. sub. pass, of παρακαλεω. Παρακατα βαίνω, (fr. παρά intens. κατά downwards, and βαίνω to go) to descend, dismount, disem- bark, land. Παρακαταθήκη, -ης, η, (fr. παρακα- τατίθημι to pledge) a deposit, pledge, security. Παρακαταλεγομαι, (fr. -παρά beside, κατά down, and λέγω to go to rest) to lie down beside, lie with. ΠαρακατατΈθημι, (fr. same, and τί- θημι to place) to lay down with, pledge, pawn; to intrust, leave with, give to be kept, commit to, deposit with an umpire or arbi- trator. Παρακατατιθώμεθα, 1 pi. pres. sub. mid. of last. Παρακατελεκτο, Sync, for παρακατε- λέλεκτο, 3 sin. pper. pass. ; or for παρακατε λέγετο, 3 sin. impf. mid. of παρακαταλίγομαι. Παρακατεχω, (fr. παρά intens. ano κατέχω to restrain) to retain, keep in, restrain; to delay, de- lain ; to embrace, hold, compre- hend. Παράκειμαι, f. -είσομαι, (fr. παρά by, and κείμαι to he) to lie by, at or near, adjoin ; to be at, near or present with. 3 sin. pres. ind. παράκειται. Παρακείμενος, -η, -ov, (par. pres. pass, of last) adjacent, border- ing, adjoining, lying near, neigh- bouring. Παρακεκαλνμμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of παρακαλνπτω. Παρακεκλημαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass, of παρακαλέω. Παρακεκριμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of τταρακρίνω. ~ Παρακεκρόαται, Ion. for τταρακε- κρονσμενοι εισϊ, 3 pi. per. ind. pass, of παρακρονω. Παρακέλενσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, »% (fr. next) exhortation, encouragement, comfort, consolation ; advice, counsel, persuasion. Παρακελεύω, f. -ενσω, (fr. παρά by, and κελεύω to order) to exhort, encourage; to cheer, comfort^ console ; to counsel, advise ; to order, direct. Παρακίομαι, same as παράκειμαι 1 pres. sub. mid. 1 pi. παρακεώμεθα. Παρακεχειμακότι, d. sin. par. per. act. of παραχειμάζω. Παρακινεω -ω, (fr. παρά intens. and κινέω to move) to shake, agitate; to excite, rouse, irritate; to be angry or enraged ; to move in- decently, use wanton gestures. Παρακλαίοντι, d. sin. par. pres. act. of Παρακλαιω, (fr. παρά by, and κλαίω to wail) to weep, wail or lament without reason or to no purpose dole. ΠΑΡ to bewail with, eon- IIAP ΠΑΡ Παρακλάω -ω, fr. παρά intens. and κλάω, which see. Παρακλείω, (fr. same, and κλειώ to shut) to confine apart, keep sepa- rate ; to shut up, imprison ; to shut out, exclude. Παρακλρειν, Ion. for παρακλείειν, pres. mf. act. of last. Παρακληθείην, -ης, -η, 1 a. opt. pass. — Παρακληθήναι, 1 a. inf. pass. — Παρακληθήσονται, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. pass. — Παρακληθώσι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. pass, of παρακαλεω. Παράκλησις, -ιυς, Att. -εως, η, (fr. παρακαλεω to comfort) exhorta- tion, encouragement ; comfort, consolation ; admonition, warn- ing, counsel, advice ; request, en- treaty, importunity. Παρακλητικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) hortatory, encouraging, cheering; consolatory, comforting, comfort- able. Παράκλητος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same) Adj. like the last. Subs, a pa- tron, protector, advocate, defend- er ; a monitor, instmcter, adviser, counsellor ; the spiritual comfort- er, the Holy Ghost. Παρακλήτωρ, -ορός, b, (fr. same) a comforter. Παρακλών, par. pres. act. cont. of παρακλάω. ΤΙαρακμάζω, f. -ασω, p. παρήκμακα, (fr. παρά beyond, and ακμή bloom) to pass the vigour of life, the age of manhood or the time of bearing, grow old, decay, fade, be out of bloom. Παρακοή, -ης, η, (fr. παρακονω to slight) inattention, disobedience, neglect ; contempt, scorn, slight. Παρακοίτης,-ου, b, (fr. παρά beside, and κοίτη a bed) a bedfellow, husband, lover, gallant. Παράκοιτις, -*ίδος, ί), (fr. same) a bedfellow, wife, mistress. Τίαράκοιτος, -ov, b, {/, (fr. same) lying with ; a bedfellow. ΤΙαρακολονθίω -ώ, f. -ήσα>, p. παρη- κολούθηκα, (fr. παρά beside, and ακολουθεω to follow, which fr, ακόλουθος an attendant) to fol- low closely, accompany, go along with ; to pursue^ trace, investi- gate, examine, search ; to attend, wait upon; to witness, support, corroborate ; to conform to, com- ply with. Παρακολουθηκότί, for παρηκολουθη- κότι, d. sin. par. per. act Πα- ρακολούθησες 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act of last. ΤΙαρακομίζω, f. -*σω, p. παρακεκόμι- κα, (fr. παρά by, and κομίζω to carry) to convey, take with one, lead away ; to gather in, collect ; to transport, carry away or over ; to carry out, bury, attend a funeral ; to attend, accompany ; to lead astray, seduce, prevail on. Παρακονάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. παρά by the way, and ακονάω to whet, th. ακόνη a whetstone) to sharp- en, whet, grind ; to incite or en- Παραλανθανω, fr. same, and λαν courage casually, spur, hasten or urge slightly; to soothe, calm, mollify. Παρακούσας, -ασα,,-αν, par. 1 a. act. — Παράκουση, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of Π,αρακονω, f. -ονσω, p. παρήκονκα, (fr. παρά ill, and ακούω, to hear) to listen negligently, attend care- lessly, pretend not to hear, con- nive at ; to turn a deaf ear^ ne- glect, slight, disregard ; to dis- obey, transgress ; to hear private- ly, listen ; to hear accidentally, learn by the way. 1 a. act. ind. παρήκονσα' sub. παρακούσω, -j /ς, -η. per. ind. mid. πάρήκοα. ΤΙαρακρίνω, (fr. same, and κρίνω to judge) to judge wrongly, mis- take, adjudge falsely ; to com- pare ; to separate, divide, distin- guish ; to arrange, class, put each by itself. Παρακρούω, f. -ούσω, p. -κεκρούκα, (fr. παρά from, and κρούω to strike) to drive or thrust back ; to repel, cast off, reject ; to droivn with noise, lull into se- curity ; to deceive, defraud, give false weight or measure ; to err, mistake ; to dote, rave, go mad ; to loose, shake out or unfurl a sail. Τίαρακτάομαι -Ζμαι, (fr. παρά be side, and κτάομαι to possess) to obtain wrongfully, assume un• justly ; to possess in addition get beside, have moreover ; to own property adjoining. ΤΙαρακύπτω, f. -ψω, p. παρακεκυφα, (fr. same, and κύπτω to bend) to lean over, stoop down to, peep at ; to look into, examine, study ; to touch upon, treat of. 1 a. act. ind. παρίκνψα' inf. παρακύψαι' par. παρακύψας. ΤΙαρακνρόω -ώ, (fr. same, and κνρόω to enact, th. κνρος sanction) to annul, nullify, vacate, make void. Παρακΰψαι,ΐηΓ — Παρακύψας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. of παρακύπτω. Παράκνψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, fj, (fr. same) a place to lean from or look out of, vnndow ; a seeing, prying, examination. Παράλαβε, impr. — Παραλαβεΐν,ϊηί'. — Παραλαβών, -ούσα, -bv, a. sin. -βόντα, η. pi. -βόντες, par. 2 a. act. of Παραλαμβάνω, f. mid. -λήψομαι, p. παρείληφα, (fr. παρά beside, and λαμβάνω to take) to take or re- ceive from another ; to get in addition ; to seize, capture, take io one's self; to inherit, get by descent or will ; to learn or hear by tradition ; to associate with, join, unite to ; to succeed, fol- low; to assume, take upon, un dertake ; to resume, begin again ; to acknowledge, own, confess. 2 a. act. ind. παρελάβον par. πα- ραλαβών. 1 a. ind. pass, πάρε λήφθην. 1 f. ind. pass, παραληφ θήσομαι. (440) θάνω, which see. 2 a. ind. act. παρελαθον. Παραλεγεαθαι, inf. — Παρα\εγ6με- νος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. of Παραλέγομαι, (fr. παρά with, and λέγομαι to lie) to lie with or be- side ; io coast, sail by or along. impf. mid. παρελεγύμην, -ov, -ετο. Παραλειπόμενος, -η, -ov, (par. pres. pass, of next) omitted, left out t passed by. Παραλείπω, f. -ψω, ρ, -λίλειφα, (fr. παρά by, and λείπω to leave) to leave out, omit, pass by ; to ne gleet, overlook. 2 a. ind. act. παρέλϊπον. per. pass. ind. πάρα•• λελειμμαι' inf. παραλελείφθαι' par. παραλελειμμένος. per. ind. mid. παραλέλοιπα. Πίΐραλελν μένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of παραλύω. Παραλύω, (fr. same, and λτ',βω, obs. from which λαμβάνω bor- rows some tenses) see παραλαμ βάνω. Παραληφθήσεται, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. pass. — Παραλήψομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. of παραλαμβάνω. Παραλία, -ας, >;, (fern, of next, viz. χώρα a country) a maritime dis- trict. Παράλιος, -ου, δ, ^, (fr. παρά be- side, and αλς the sea) maritime, the sea-coast, bordering or ad- joining the sea. ΠαραλΥπειν, inf. — Παραλίπω, -τις, -η, sub. 2 a. act. of παραλείπω. Παραλλαγή, -ης, η, (fr. παραλλάσσω to change) a change, alteration ; fickleness, variableness ; succes- sion. Παραλλάξ, (fr. same) in turns, hi~ terchangeably, alternately, indi- rectly. Παράλλαξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. same) a change, alteration, dif- ference, variation, revolution ; variableness, fickleness, mutabi- lity. Παραλλάσσω or -ττω, f. "ζω, (fr. παρά intens. and αλλάσσω to change) to alternate, change, shift ; io differ, vary, be unlike ; to pass by, shun, avoid, decline ; to deviate, miss, err, mistake ; to set aside, annul, make void, sub- vert ; to overthrow, vanquish, overcome, subdue, per. ind. mid. παρήλλάγα. Παράλληλος, -ov, b, >'/, (fr. παρά be- side, and αλλήλων each other) by the side of each other., paral- lel, evenly, equidistant ; mutual, reciprocal. Παραλογίζομαι, f. ^σομαι, p. pass. παρ«λελύ>ΊσΜα£,(β•.παρα against, and λογίζομαι to reckon, th. λί- γω to say) to reason erroneously, argue falsely; to mislead, be- guile; to count wrong, reckon fraudulently, cheat, defraud. 1 a. ind. mid. παρελογισάμην. Πapaλoγισμbς, -ov, 6,(fr. last) false or deceitful argument, sophistry; false reckoning, fraud. [Παραλογιστης, -ου, h, (fr. same) a ΠΑΡ false reasoner, sophist ; ι de- ceive, impostor. Ηαραλογιστϊκος, -η, -bv, (fr. last) expert at false argument, skilled in sophistry, captious, cavilling, insidious, deceitful, fallacious, evasive. Παράλογος, -ου, b, η, (fr. παρά con- trary,, and λύγος reason) unex- pected, unloohedfor, surprising ; unreasonable, absurd, improba- ble ; irrational, senseless, mad, rash. Πάραλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. τταρά be- side, and 'άλς the sea) by the sea side, on the shore, marine, maritime; ready for sea. Λαράλνσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, t), (fr. παραλύω to loosen) loosening, slackening, relaxation; languor; paralysis. Παραλυτικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) relured, enfeebled, paralytic. Παράλυτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) relaxed, weak, feeble, enervated ; broken down, icorn out. Παραλύω, f. -ϋσω, p. -λέλυκα, (fr. τταρά intens. and λύω to loose) to untie, loosen, relax; to open, separate; to dissolve, break up, destroy ; to enfeeble, weaken, enervate, debilitate; to liberate, free, release, acquit, absolve; to dismiss, remove, discharge, dis- engage, per. pass. ind. παραλέ- λυμαι' par. τταραλελυ μένος. Παραμείβηται, 3 sin. pres. sub. pass, of Παραμείβω, f. -ψω, (fr. τταρά in- tens, and αμείβω to change) to exchange, barter ; to change, al- ter ; to pass or cross over ; to run or pass by ; to be carried, go or proceed along ; to outpass, surpass, excel. &αραμείνας, -ασα, -αν, 1 a. par. act. of παραμένω. Παραμείψομαι, -n, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. of -παραμείβω. Παραμελέω, (fr. ιταοά intens. and αμελέω to neglect, which fr. a neg. and μέλει care is taken) to neglect, overlook; to slight, con- temn, despise. Παραμέμβλωκα, see τταραμολέω. Παραμέμιημαι, per. ind. pass, of ■καραμνάομαι. Παραμένω, f. -νω, p. -μεμένηκα, (fr. τταρά beside, and μένω to stay) to stay at, abide with, remain near ; to adhere, stick to ; to as- sist, relieve, support, maintain; to endure, persevere. Παράμερος, -ου, b, ή, Dor. for παρή- μερος. Τϊαραμεύομαι, Poet. (fr. τταρά by, and αμεύω to pass) to pass over, go beyond ; to surpass, excel. Παραμίγνΰμι, (fr. same, and μίγνυ- ul to mix) to blend, mix up to- gether. Παραμίκοαν., (fr. same, and μικρό small) by little, within a little, almost, nearly. ΤΙαραμολέο) -ω, f. -ήσω, p. περαμε- μόληκα, (fr. same, and μολέω to go) to go to, approach; to help, ΠΑΡ succour, assist; to regard, take care of, observe. For the per. act. is used παραμέμβλωκα, and by Sync, τταρμέμβλωκα, as if fr. τταρ-ιμβλόω. Παραμόνιμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and μόνιμος firm, th. μένω to stay) abiding with, attached to, inseparable ; lasting,firm, strong, durable. Παραμυθέομαι, f. -ήσομαι, (fr. same, and μυθέομαι to speak) to com- fort, console, cheer ; to exhort, encourage, advise ; to sooth, calm, assuage, mollify ; to cure, heal ; to remedy, compensate, make amends ; to repair, mend, patch, make up. 1 a. mid. ind. τταρεμυθησάμην, -ω, -ατο• opt. -μυθησαίμην sub. -μυθήσωμαι, in 3 pi. παραμυθήσωνται' inf. -μυθήσασθαι. Παραμυθητικός, -η, -bv, (fr. last) consolatory, comfortable, cheer- ing. Παραμυθία, -ας, η, and Παραμνθιον, -ov, το, (fr. same) comfort, con- solation, solace; encouragement, exhortation, advice. Παραμυθού μένος, -n, -ov, par. pres. pass. cont. — Παραμυθουνται, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. pass, of same. Παραμυκάομαι, fr. παρά intens. and μυκάω, which see. Παραναγινώσκω, (fr. τταρά beside, and αναγιιώσκω to read) to read to or beside; to recite; to lec- ture. Παρανακλίνω, (fr. same, and ava- κλίνω to recline, th. κλίνω to lean) to set down beside; to sit down, lie or recline by ; to bow down beside. Παραναλίσκω, f. τταραναλώσω^ p. παραα^λωκα, (fr. same, and ava-- λίσκω to waste, th. άλίσκω to take) to waste, lavish, consume wrongly ; to use carelessly, spend negligently. Παρανέω -ω, (fr. same, and νέω to swim) to swim beside or along. Παράνοια, -ας, »/, (fr. τταρά ill, and νους the mind) perverseness ; madness. Παρανομέω, f. -ήσω, p. -νενόμηκα, (fr. τταρά against, and νόμος law) to infringe a law, trans- gress, sin ; to enact a contrary law, repeal. Παρανόμημα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) transgression of law, crime. Παρανομία, -ας, /;, (fr. same) ille- gality, unlawfulness ; the breach of a law, covenant or treaty ; transgression, guilt, sin, impiety. Παράνομος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. same) against law, unlawful, illegal; guilty, sinful, impious. Subs, a transgressor, sinner. Παράνομων, par. pres. act. cont. of παρανομέω. Παρανόμως, (fr. last) illegally, un- lawfully ; wrongly, sinfully, im- piously. Παρανοχλέω, fr. τταρά intens. and οχλέω, which see. (441) ΠΑΙ Παράντα for ττάραντη, neut. pi. o» Παραντης, -έος -ιυς, b, η, (fr. τταρά intens. and αντάω to meet) ob- lique, sloping, steep ; rough, rugged. Παραννμώος, -ου, b, (fr. παρά be- side, and νυμφίος a bridegroom} a bride's man. ΠαραξιφΊς, -ίοος, η, (fr. same, and ξίφος a sword) a dirk, poniard, dagger. Παραπαίω, (fr. same) to be mad, dote, rare. Παράπαν, (fr. παρά intens. and πάς all) altogether, totally, entirely, wholly ; at all. Παραπαίω, (fr. same, and τται'ω to cease) to abide by, agree in, ac- quiesce, consent to. Παραπαφάω -ω, fr. same, and απα- φάω, which see. Παραπείθω, f. -σω, (fr. παρά con- trary, and πείθω to persuade) to overpersuade, deceive, delude ; to dissuade earnestly. Παραπειράω -ω, (fr. παρά by, and πειρα'ω to try, th. πείρα an at- tempt) to try, make a trial or slight attempt; to aim at, endea- vour to get. Παραπέμπω, f. -xj. ω, (fr. same, and πέμπω to send) to send by or past ; to convoy, escort, conduct, protect, attend, accompany, fol- low ; to send, off, dismiss, des- patch ; to slight, despise ; to omit, pass over, leave out ; to carry or bring in, import. Παραπεπήχάσι, 3 pi. per. ind. act. of παραπήγνυμι. Παραπεσών, -ονσα, -bv, Π. pi. -σύν- τες, par. 2 a. act. of παραπίπτω. Παραπέτασμα, -ατός, το, (fr. τταρά intens. and πετ-α'ω or τετάζω to expand) a veil, covering, curtain ; a pretence. ΊΤΙαραπετάομαι -ωμαι, (fr. τταρά in- ! tens, and πετάω to expand) to be expanded, stretch out ; to fly past. Παράπηγμα, -ατός, το, (fr. next) a tablet or sheet posted up, pub- lishing some ordinance, law, pro- clamation, &c. ; a proscription ; a draught or plate of the heaven- ly bodies, their aspects, rising and setting, and the state of the weather; a calendar, almanack ; a table of rules and regulations. Παραπήγνυμι, f. -|ω, (fr. παρά in- tens. and πήγνυμι to fasten) to fasten together ; to fix, plant or thrust in by the side of; to command, enjoin, charge ; to harden, petrify, grow stiff a- round. Παραπικραίνω, f. -ανω, (fr. same, and πικραίνω to sour, th. πικρός bitter) to imbitter, provoke, car• asperate ; to resist, rebel. Παραπικρασμος, -οΰ, b, (fr. last) provocation, irritation ; conten- tion, opposition, rebellion. Παραπίπτω, f. -τττώσ«. > , p. -πέπτνκα, (fr. τταοά ill, and πίπτω to fall) to fall' off or away, decline, de- generate ; to err, deviate : to sin, ΠΑΡ transgress, ο fend; to revolt, re- bel; to fall into, meet with, in- cur ; to happen, occur; to fall upon, rush, attack, drive off or beyond. 2 a. act. ind. παρέ-εσον par. παραπεσών. Ώ.ιραπλαγιάζω, (fr. -καρά beside, and πλαγιάζω to deviate, th. πλάγιος oblique) to turn aside, go round, encompass, border, skirt. ΤΙαραπλευσαι, 1 a. inf. act, of πα ραπλέω. ΤΙαράπληκτος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. παρα- πλήσσω to drive astray) inf *- tuated, turned wrong, mad, insane; doting, stupid, sense- less. ΪΙαραπληξία, -ας, η, (fr. same) madness, insanity. ΤΙαραπλήσιον, (fr. παρά by, and πλησίον near) very near, close, nigh to ; nearly, almost, the same as. Παραπλήσιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and πλ-ησίυς near, th. πελάς nigh) very close, adjoining, nearest, next; equal to, like, resembling, similar ; as many us. Παραπλησίως, (fr. last) very closely, side by side ; nearly, likewise, equally. Ώαραπλήσσω, and -ττω, f. -ξω, (fr. παρά from, and πλήσσω to strike) to strike or turn awry ; to strike a false note, untune, make dis- cord; to distract, set mad; to lead astray, seduce, corrupt. Ua- ραπλήσσομαι, to be insane, dote, rave. Ό.αραποιέω -ω, (fr. παρά ill, and ποιέω to make) to give a false appearance, falsify, forge, coun- terfeit ; to adulterate, corrupt. Π,αραπολύ, (fr. παρά intens. and πολύς much) by much, by far ; very much. Παραπομπή, -ης, η, (fr. παραπέμπω to escort) importation, convey- ance; a train, suite, attendance, retinue. Παραπορεύεσθαι, inf. — Παραπορεν^ 6 μένος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of Παραπορεύομαι, f. -ενσοααι, (fr. παρά by, and πορεύομαι to go) to walk beside, accompany, go with; to march along; to pass by, go over or through, impf. pass, παρεπορενόμην, -ov, -ετο. Παραπόρφϋρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. παρά intens. and πορφύρα purple) dressed in purple or scarlet. Παμαπρεσβεία, -ας, η, (fr. παρ,ά ill, and πρεσβεία an embassy) a false overture, faithless embassy ; an embassy mismanaged. Παραπρεσβεύω, (fr. same, and πρεσ- βεύω to be ambassador, th. πρέσ- βυς an elder) to betray, spoil or corrupt an embassy, deal treach- erously in a treaty. Παραπροσκοιέομαι -ονμαι, (fr. παρά ill, and προσποιίομαι to claim) to dissemble, feign, pretend ; to con- ceal , cojift?ie . restrain. Παραπροσποίησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ί}, ΠΑΡ (fr. last) dissimulation, pretence, insincerity. Παράπτωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. παρα- τιίπτω to offend, th. πίπτω to fall) a fall, slip; an error, mis- take; an offence, transgression,, sin. Ιϊαράπτωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) a stumble, slip, fall ; trunsgression, offence ; excess ; distance, remoteness; a calm, stillness. ΤΙαραπύλιον, -ου, το, (fr. παοά by, and πύλη a gate) a small gate, wicket, door. Παραραθυμέω, fr. παρά intens. and ραθυμέω, which see. Πάράρος, -ου, b, η, (if. παρά ill, and άρω to fit) disordered in body, ill ; disturbed in mind, in- sane ; unfit, useless. Παραρρέοντος, g. sin. par. pres. act. of Παραρρέω -ώ, f. -ρεύσω, p. παρέρ- ρευκα, (fr. παρά by, and ρέω to flow) to flow by, past or away ; to fall away, decline, deviate, wan- der, err ; to escape ; to let slip, suffer to escape. Παραρ'ρητος, -η, -bv, (fr. παρά at, and ρέω to speak) affable, acces- sible^ exora'ale ; encouraging, cheering, warning, advising. Παραρρνω and Παραρρνέω -ω, (fr. παρά by, and ρύω or ρυέω to flow") same as παραρρέω. Πα- ραρρύομαι, to let slip, suffer to escape. 2 a. ind. act. παρέρρυον. 2 a. pass. ind. παρερρύην sub. παραρ'ρύω, -ης, -η. Παραρρνωμεν, 1 pi. cont. pres. sub. act. of last. Παραρτάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and αρτάω to suspend) to hang by the side ; to belt, gird, sus- pend ; to equip, acccoutre, pre- pare. Παράρτημα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) any thing hung by the side ; an appendage, addition. Ήαράρνμα, -ατός, το, (fr. παρά by, and ρύω to draw) a rope, cable ; a skin, covering. ΤΙαρασάγγας or -γης, -ov, I, a pa- rasang, a measure of distance of about three miles and a half among the Persians, but double that among the Egyptians. Παρασείω, f. -είσω, (fr. παρά by, and σείω to shake) to shake, move, wave or extend the hands ; to move the arms as in running ; to wring the hands. Τίαρασημαίνω, f. -ανω, (fr. παρά ill, and σημαίνω to point out, th. σήμα a mark) to mark wrong, stamp falsely ; to seal, seal up ; to impress, mark, brand ; to sub- scribe, sign. ΤΙαρασημαίνομαι, to observe, remark, distinguish; to praise, commend. ΤΙαρασημειόομαι -ουμαι, fr. παρά in- tens. and σημειύομαι, which see. Παράσημον, -ov, to, (neut. of next) a note, mark, token ; a sign, sig- nal ; an ensign, standard, flag. Παράσημος, -ov, b, η, (fr. παρά in- (442) ΠΑΡ tens, and σήμα a mark) noted, marked, notorious ; carrying a Jigure or flag ; forged, counter•- feiled, spurious, base. ΙΙαράσϊτος, -ov, b, (fr. παρά at, and σίτος food) a parasite, flatterer. Adj. living or feeding on. Πα- ράσιτοι, certain priests who had a right to eat at the sacrifice. Παρασιωπάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. παρά intens. and σιωπάω to be silent, th. σιωπή silence) to pass by in silence, omit; to keep silence. Παρασιώπησις, -ιος•, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. last) silence, concealment, secrecy. Παρασκευάζονταν, g. pi. par. pres. act. of Παρασκευάζω, f. -ασω, p. παρεσκεν- ακα, (fr. παρά intens. and σκενά- ζω to prepare) to prepare, pro- vide, make ready ; to furnish, equip, accoutre, fit out ; to ar- ray, marshal; to acquire, get; to procure, suborn ; to effect, ren- der, cause ; to adapt, Jit, suit. per. ind. pass, παρεσκεύασμαχ. 1 f. ind. mid. παρασκευάσομαι. Παρασκευάσεται, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. mid. of last. ΙΙαρασκενάσις, -ιος, Att. -εως,ίι, ana Παρασκευή, -ης, j), (fr. same) pre- paration, provision ; equipment, stores, armament, equipage, ac- coutrements ; array, order of bat- tle ; premeditation, instruction beforehand; party, faction, cabal, intrigue, conspiracy. Παρασκήπτω, (fr. παρά by, and σκηπτόμαι to lean upon) to strike against ; to fall obliquely ; to graze, touch slightly. ϊίαρασπείρω, £ -ερώ, p. παρέαταρ- κα, (fr. same, and σπείρω to sow) to sow along with, plant together with or by the side. per. ind. pass, παρέσπαρμαι, -σαι, -ται. Παρασπονοέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, ρ. παρε^ σ-όιίηκα, (fr. παρά against, and σπονίαϊ a treaty, th. σπέν&ω to pour out) to infringe a treaty, break a league. ΠαρασπονοηθεΊσι, d. pi. par. 1 a. pass. — Παρασπον5ονντας, a. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of last. Παραστάοον, (fr. παρά by, and 'ίστημι to stand) by the side, closely, all around. Παρασταθμίξο), (fr. same, and σταθμίζω to weigh, th. σταθμός a balance) to outweigh, prepon- derate, overbalance. Παραστάς, -αίος,ή, (fr. παρά by, and 'ίστημι to stand) a door-post, jamb, pillar ; a portico, vestibule, hall. Παράστασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) attendance, service, suit, train ; an exhibition, show ; re- collection, presence of mind, quickness ; aidour, resolution, intrepidity ; distraction, frenzy, disorder of mind ; sentiment, opinion, mind, thought, judg- ment, deliberation ; proof evi- dence ; exile, banishment, flight ; a lodgment, deposite in a laiv- suii ; trade, traffic, small dealing. ΠΑΡ Τϊαραστατίω -&», f. -ήσω, (fr. same) to stand by, be at, with or pre- sent ; to assist, aid, help, succour. Παραστάτης, -ου, b, (fr. same) an attendant ; an assistant, help- mate ; ally, friend, patron, pro- tector , abettor, supporter ; a tes- ticle. Παοαστάτις, -ιδος, η, (fr. same) a female attendant, assistant, pa- troness. Παράστημα, -ατός, τύ, (fr. same) presence of mind, readiness, quickness; ardour, spirit, intre- pidity; excellence, worth ; help, aid, assistance ; a proof, demon- straiion. Παραστηναι, 2 a. inf. act. — TIapa στησαι, 1 a. inf. act. — ΤΙαραστη σάμενος, 1 a. par. mid. — Hapa* στήσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Παρά- σιτε, 2 pi., of -παραστώ, -ης, -fj, 2 a. sub. act. — Παραστήσομαι, -?/, -εται, 1 pi. -στησόμεθα, 1 f. ind. mid. of παρίστημι. Παραστρέφω, f. -ψω, (fr. παρά in- tens. and στρέφω to turn) to turn aside or out of the ivay ; to distort, twist, wrest ; to pervert, deprave, corrupt, spoil ; to turn inside out. Παρασυμβάλλω, (fr. παρά by, συν together, and βάλλω to throw) to assimilate, compare, liken. Παρασύνθημα, -ατος,^το, (fr. same, and συντίθημι to agree upon) a signal agreed upon, hint, nod. Παρασύρω, f. -υρω, (fr. same, and σύρω to draw) to draw contrary or backwards ; to distort, pervert, wrest ; to deprave, corrupt ; to bear off i carry or sweep away ; to tear off or away. Παρασφαλίζω, fr. παρά intens. and ασφαλίζω, which see. Παρασφάλλω, f. -άλω, p. παρίσφαλ-, κα, (fr. same, and σφάλλω to trip) to set astray, mislead, deceive ; to supplant, frustrate, disap- point. 1 a. ind. act. παοέσφηλα, -ας, -ε. Παρασφραγίζω, (fr. παρά ill, and σφραγίζω to seal, th. σφραγις a seal) to mark falsely, set a wrong stamp; to counterfeit, forge. Παρασχέ&ω, same as παρέχω. ΠαρασχεΊν, 2 a» inf. act. — Παρά- σχοιμι, -οις, -οι, 2 a. opt. act. — Παράσχου, 2 a. impr. mid. — Παράσχων, par» 2 a. act. of παρέχω. Παρασχέω -ω, same as παρέχω, per. inf. pass, παρεσχησθαι. Παρατάνυσμα, -άτος, το, and Παρά- τα νυσμος,-ου, δ, (fr. παρατείνω to stretch out) a tent. "Χιράταξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. παρατάσσω to marshal) battle- array, line of battle ; an army ; war•* fight, engagement ; opposi- tion, contention. Παράτάσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ft, (fr. παρατείνω to stretch) extension, lengthening, drawing out. Παρατατικός, -η, bv, (fr. same) lengthening, prolonging, extend- ing ; protracting^ delaying. Πα- ΠΑΡ ρατατίκύς χρόνος, the imperfect tense. Παρατατϊκώς, (fr. last) extensively, largely ; loosely, remissly, ne- gligently. Παρατάττω or -σσω, (fr. παρά by, and τάσσω to arrange) to mar- shal, array, draw up in. order of battle ; tor arrange, prepare, dis- pose. Παρατείνω, f. -ενω, p. -τέτακα, (fr, same, and τείνω to stretch) to stretch out or forth, extend ; to lengthen, make longer, prolong ; to defer, put off, adjourn ; to detain, stay, stop r hold in sus- pense ; to finish, despatch, kill, slay ; to strain, overreach, dis- tract. Παρατηρίω -ω, f. -ήσο:, p. -τετήρη- κα, (fr. same, and τηρέω to keep) to spy, watch insidiously ; to keep scrupulously, take care of, pre- serve ; to observe, regard. 1 a. act. ind. παρετήρησα. par. παρα- τηρήσας, -ασα, -αι pres. ind. mid. παρατηρέομαι -ουμαι. Παρατήρησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. last) observation, attention, watchfulness ; regard, respect observance. Παρατηρητής, -ου, b, (fr. same) a spy, watch, observer. ΠαρατΥθημι, f. -θήσω, p. -τέθεικα, (fr. παρά by, and τίθημι to put) to set by, put to, place near, add, annex, subjoin; to provide, af- ford, supply, confer, bestow ; to collate, compare ; to set forth, explain, instruct, enjoin; to pro- pose, offer, present, expose, sell ; to commit, intrust, commend. Παρατίθεμαι, to serve up, set be- fore ; to lodge, pledge, intrust, commit; to cite, summon, call witness, allege, prove ; to risk, venture, face danger; to help, assist ;. to lay up or by, store. 1 a. ind. act. παρέθηκα. 2 a. act. ind. παρέθην, -ης, -η' sub. παρα- βώ, -ης, -η' inf. παραθεΊναι. 1 f. ind. mid. παραθήσομαι.. 2 a. mid. ind. παρεθέμην, -σο, το' impr. παραθέσο or -ου. Παρατίλλω, (fr. παρά intens. and τίλλω to pluck) to pluck out the hair, make bald. Παρατίλτρια, -ας, η, (fr. last) a woman, servant who plucked out the hair. Παρατράγωδος,-Όυ,ί,ή,{ΐί%.παράίη- tens. and τράγωδος tragic) rant- ing, bombastic, high-sounding. Παρατρέπω, f. -ψω, (fr. παρά be- side, and τρέπω to turn) to turn aside or out of the way ; to di- vert, digress, deviate ; to over- turn, overthrow. Παρατρέχω, (fr. same, and τρέχω to run) to run by or beside ; to run aside or into ; to run past, outrun, outstrip ; to flow by or past ; to run over. 2 a. ind. act. παρέίράμον. Παρατρίω -ω, ΐ. -έσω, fr. same, and τρέω, which see. 1 a, ind. act. ταρέτ ρεπσ- i44S) ΠΑΡ ΠαρατρΊβω, f. -ψω, p. παρατίτριφαι (fr. same, and τρίβω to rub) to rub against, wear, fret, chafe ; to put out, extiJiguish. Παρατρί- βομαι, to vex, annoy ; to resist, oppose, quarrel with. per. ind. pass, παρατέτριμμαι. Παρατροπη, -ης, η, (fr. παρά beside, and τρέπω to turn) a bend, turn- ing, deflection, twist ; offence, error, digression ; a branch of a river. Παράτροπος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) bent, turned, bowed, tvnsted, sprained ; crooked, curved ; a- verse,- averted, turned from ; per- verse, erroneous, sinful, unlaw- ful ; protecting, guardian, avert- ing evil. Παρατρωπάω -ώ, (fr. same, and τρωπάω, same as τρέπω to turn) to turn aside or out of the way ; to err, fail, mistake; to frus- trate 7 disappoint ; to avert, pro- tect from. Παρατρωπωσ', for παρατρωπωσι, 3 pi. pres. sub. act. of last. Παρατυγχάνω,ΐ.ιηϊά. παρατεύξομαι, Jfr. παρά by, and τυγχάνω to be) to meet, come or go towards; to be at, with or present ; to help, aid ρ assist ; to chance to be near ; to come and go, frequent ; to happen, intervene, occur, come in the way. 2 a. act. ind. παρέ- τνχον' par παρατυχών, -ι>υσα, -bv, a. sin. mas. παρατυχόντα. Πύραυλος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. παρά ill, and αυλός a flute) untuned, harsh, out of tune-. Or, (fr. αυλή a residence) neighbouring^ adjoining. Παραυτίκα, (fr. παρά by, and αυτί- κα, directly) immediately, pre ■ sently ; for the present, momenta rily, Ποφαφέρω, f. παροίσω, 1 a. παρήνεγ" κα, (fr. παρά beside, and φέρω to carry) to set forward, hold forth i show, produce, present, bring to ; to. take here and there ; to carry off, make away with, hurry a~ way,. . transport ; to transfer, re- move, take away, let pass ; to pass or go over, go beyond. 2 a. act. ind. παρήνεγκον impr. παρένεγκε• iaf. παρενεγκέϊν. 1 a. ind. pass, παρηνέχθην. par. 1 a. pass. fr. οίω,παροισθεις, -ε~ισα Παράφευχτος, -ου, b, η., . παρά in- tens. and φεύγω to snun) easy U be escaped or avoided. Παράφημι, (fr. παρά with, and φήμι to speak) to persuade, pre-, vail on; to exhort, encourage cheer, cemfort ; to counsel, ad vise ; to call to, name, address. 2 a. ind. act. παρέφην, -ης, -η. 2 a. ind. mid. π-αρεφάμην. Παραφθαίησι, byParag. for παραφτ- θαίη, 3 sin. 2 a. opt. act. of πα' ράφθημι, see next. Παραφθάνω, Παραφθάω-, or Παράφ• θημι, f• παραφθάσω, (fr. παρά in- tens. and φθάνω to anticipate) to overtake, outrun, ovMrip ; to ΠΑΡ get beforehand, prevent, antici- pate. Παραφθέγγομαι, fr. same, and φθέγγομαι, which see. Παράφορα, -ας, η, (fr. παραφορέω to transport) translation, transfer, removal ; a fraud, cheat, impo- sition, imposture ; error, delu- sion, transport, ecstacy, insani- ty. Παραφορέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. παρά beside, and φέρω to carry) to bring to, offer, present ; to collect, draw together. Παράφορος, -ov, δ, #, (fr. same) car- ried away, hurried ; transported, distracted, mad, insane. Παραφράζω, ΐ. -σω,ρ. -πέφρακα, (fr. same, and φράζω to speak) to paraphrase, comment upon, ex- plain, expound. 2 a. ind. act. παρέφραδον. per. ind. mid. itapa- πέφραδα. Παράφράσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) a paraphrase, comment, ex- planation, illustration. Παραφράσσω or -ττω, fr. παρά in- tens. and φράσσω, which see. "Παραφραστής, -ov, b, (fr. παραφρά- ζω to explain) a commentator, ex- positor, critic. Παραφραστϊκος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) explanatory. Παραφρονέω -ω, f. -ήσω.-, p. -πεφρό- νηκα, (fr. παρά against, »nd φρο- νέω to think, th. φρήν the mind) to dote, be silly or simple ; to rave, rage, be mad ; to faint, be stun- ned. Παραφρόνων, -ονσα, -oSv,(par. pres. act. cont. of last) foolish, silly, simple ; raving, doting. Παραφΰας, -άδος, η, (fr. παρά by, and φνμι to grow) a sucker, lay- er, slip, shoot, branch. Παραφυλακτίος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) must be guarded, is to be watch- ed, care must be taken. See φυ- λάσσω. Παραφνλάσσω or -ττω, fr. παρά in- tens. and φυλάσσω, which see. Παραχαι, -ων, al, tumult, disturb- ance, riot. Παραχαλκενω, fr. παρά intens. and χαλκεύω, which see. Παραχειμάζω, f. -ασω, p. -κεχείμα- κα, (fr. παρά through, and χεΐ- μα winter) to winter, pass or spend the winter. Παραχειμάσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Πα- ραχειμάσω, 1 f. ind. act. of last. Παραχειμασία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a wintering, residence during win- ter ; winter quarters. Παραχορδίζω, f. -σω, (fr. παρά ill, and χορδή a string) to strike a false note or the wrong string ; to jar ; to err, mistake; to differ, dissent, disagree. Τίαραχορδιω, -ε7ς, -ε?, Att. for πα- ίαχορδίσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. act. of ast. Παραχράομαι -ωμαι, f. -ήσομαι, (fr.. καρά against, and χράω to use) to abuse, misuse ; to despise, con- temn, neglect, slight. Ώαραχρημαι (fr. παρά by, and ΠΑΡ χρήμα the matter) immediately, directly, instantly, presently. Παραχντης, -ου, b, (fr. same, and χίω or χνω to pour) a servant at a bath, bather. Παραχωρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and χωρέω to go) to go beside, turn aside, give way, yield ; to concede, grant, allow. Παραχώρησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. same) submission ; a concession, grant, allowance. Παραψνχάομαι -ωμαι, (fr. same, and ψυχή the soul) to console, comfort, cheer. Παρδάκος, -η, -bv, (perhaps fr. άρδω to water ; or fr. παρά in- tens. and δεύ,ω to sprinkle) moist, wet, watery ; marshy, swampy. Παρδάλέη, -ης, η, (fern, of παρδά- λεος, viz. δορά a hide) a leopard's skin. Παρδάλειος, or Παρδάλεος, -α, -ov, (fr. next) of or like a leopard. Πάρδάλις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. next) a female leopard, d. sin. παρδάλει. Πάρδος, -ov, h, a leopard. Παρέάσι, Ion. for πάρεισι, 5 pi. pres. ind. of πάρειμι, to be pre- sent. Παρεβάλομεν, 1 pi. 2 a. ind. act. of παραβάλλω. Παρέβασκον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of παραβάσκο). Παρίβην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. act. .of παραβαίνω. Παρεβιασάμην, -ω, -ατο, in 3 pi. Παρεβιάσαντο,'ϊ a. ind. mid. of παραβιάζομαι. Παρίγγραπτος, and Παρέγγραφος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. παρά ill, εν in, and γράφω to write ) falsely register• ed, clandestinely enrolled. Παρεγγράφω, f. -ψω, (fr. same) to enroll clandestinely, register frau dulently. Παρεγγνάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. παρά intens. and εγγνάω'ίο engage, •th. εγγνη bail) to repeat from -.mouth to mouth, pass an order or 'Watchword; to tell, give word to exhort, encourage, cheer ; to bid, order, command ; to give into the hand, furnish, provide ; to promise, pledge, engage. 1 a ind. act. παρηγγνησα. Παρεγενόμην, -ov, -ετο, 3 pi. -νοντο, ΠΑΡ favourable. Subs, an assessor, coadjutor, associate. Παρέδωκα, -ας, -ε or εν, 2 pi. -δώ- κατε, 3 pi. -δωκαν, 1 a. ind. act. — Παρέδων,-ως, -ω, 2 a. ind. act of παραδίδωμι. Παρέζεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. — Παρέ- ζεο, Ion. for παρέζον, pres. impr. mid. — Παρεζόμην, -ου,-ετο,πηρί*. mid. of Παρεζομαι, (fr. παρά by, and εζομαι to sit) to sit down beside, be seated by. par. pres. mid. παρεζόμενος. Παρεθέμην, -εσο or -ου, -ετο, 3 pi. Πάρε θεντο, 2 a. ind. mid. of πα- ρατΐθημι. ΠαρεθεΙς, -εΊσα, -εν, par. of Παρί- θην or Παρείθην, -ης, -η, ϊ a. ind. pass, of παρίημι. Παρεθεωρουντο, 3 pi. cont. impf. mid. of παραθεωαέω. Παρίθηκα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 3 pi. -θη- καν, 1 a. irreg. ind. act. of πάρα- τίθημι. Παρέθην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. act. of παρατίθημι. Or, 1 a. ind. pass, of παρίημι. Παρέθρισαν, by Sync, for παρεθέ- ρισαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. οι πα- ραθερίζω. Πάρει, 2 sin. pres. ind. or impr. of πάρειμι, to come forth. Πάρει or -εις, 2 sin. — Πάρεισι, 3 pi. pres. ind. of πάρειμι, to be present. Πορεία, and Μιθ\. Παρηϊά, -ας, $, the cheek, cheekbone, jaio ; a vi- sor, mask, beaver. Παρείατο, Ion. for παρείντο, 3 pi. pper. pass, of παρέω, obs. see παρένννμι. Παρείδω, (fr. τ^αρά by, and είδω to look) to overlook, neglect ; to slight, despise; to observe, re- mark, look into. Παρείθην or Παρέθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. — Παρεθεϊς, par. 1 a. pass, of παρίημι. ΠαρεΊκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — Παρεΐμαι, per. ind. pass. — Πα- ρείμην, pper. pass, of παρίημι, or of παρένννμι, fr. παρεω, obs. Παρεικάζοιτ', for παρεικάζυιτο, 3 sin. pres. opt. pass, of Παρεικάζ.ω, πάρα intens. and 2 a. ind. mid. of παραγίνομαι. Παρεγίνοντο, 3 pi. impf. mid. of same. Παρεγκλϊνω, (fr. παρά by, εν in, and κλίνο) to lean) to lean to one side, incline, bend. Παρεδόθην, -ης,-η, 1 a. ind. pass. — Παρεδόσαν, 3 pi. of Παρέδων, -ως, -ω, 2 a. ind. act. of παραδίδωμι. Παρέδράμον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of παρατρέχω. Πσρεδρεύω, (fr. next) to sit down by ; to atterid, wait on ; to lurk, lie in wait or ambush ; to sit down to, work at, be diligent, attend to. Πάρεδρος, -ov, δ, η, (fr. παρά by, and 'έδρα a seat, th. εζομαι to sit) sitting by, assistant, aiding, (444) • εικάζω ι which se Παρείκω, fr. same, and είκω, which see. Παρειλήφατε, 2 pi. of Παρείληφα, ~ας, •ρε, per. ind. act. — Παρειλη- φως, -υΐα, -ος, par. per. act. of παραλαμβάνω. Παρεΐλον, -ες, -ε, act. — Παρειλόμην, -ov, -ετο, mid. 2 a. ind. of πα- ραιρέω. Παρεΐμαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass. — Παρείμην, -σο, -το, pper. pass, of παρίημι or of παρένννμι, fr. έ'ω, obs. Παρειμένος, -η, -ov, (par. per. pass. of παρίημι to send off) sent away, dismissed ; abated, slack- ened, moderate ; remiss, negli- . gent, indolent. Πάρειμι, f. -έσομαι, (fr. παρά at, and ειμί to be) to be at, with % or present; to attend^ wait o», ΠΑΡ be ready ; to come to, approach, appear ; to stay with or by, fa- vour, help ; to be allowable or lawful, pres. inf. παρεϊναι. impf. •ηαοην, -ης, -η Att. -ην. par. pres. παρών, -ούσα, -όν. Πάρειμι, f. -είσομαι, ρ. -εΐκα, (fr. same, and εϊμι to go) to go or come to, approach, arrive ; to go or come forth, appear ; to march, advance, proceed ; to go or pass by. pres. inf. παρίεναι. 2 a. ind. πάρων, -ες, -ε' par. παριών, -ου- ■σα, -όν. Παρεΐναι, pres. inf. of πάρειμι, to be present. Τίαρείπω, -ης, -η, 2 a. sub. act. of παρέπω. ΪΙαρεϊς, -είσα, -εν, par. 2 a. act. of παρίημι. Παρεισάγω, f. -ζω, p. παρεισηχα, (fr. παρά at, ε«? into, and άγω to lead) to bring in privily, in- troduce ; to steal or creep in. per. ind. pass, παρεισηγμαι, -ζαι, -κται. Παρεισαγωγη, -ης, r/,(fr. last) clan- destine entrance ; introduction, bringing in. ΤΙαρείσακτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) brought in privily, introduced underhand ; stealing or creep- ing in ; adventitious, accidental, foreign, extrinsic. ΠαρεΓσαι, 2 sin. of παρεΊμαι. Παρεισάξουσι, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of πάρει σάγω. Ώ,αρεισδύω, f. -ϋσω, (fr. παρά at, εις into, and δύω to enter) to enter in privately, steal or creep in. 1 a. ind. act. παρεισέδυσα Π,αρεισενέγκας, -ασα, -αν, η. pi. Πα- ρεισενίγκαντες, par. 1 a. act. of παρεισώέρω. Π,αρεισέρχομαι, f. -ελεύσομαι, (fr. παρά at, εις into, and έρχομαι to go) to come, go or enter pri- vily, steal or creep in ; come in along with, Παρεισηλθον,-ες,-ε or -εν, 3 pi. -θον, Sync, for παρεισ^/λυθον, 2 a. ind. act. of iast. Ώ,αρείσθω, see πάρεισο. Πάρεισι, 3 sin. of πάρειμι, to come; 3 pi. οι πάρειμι, to be present. Πάρεισο, -είσΟω, 2 and 3 sin. per. impr. mid. of παρίημι. Παρασπίπτω, (fr. παρά at, εις into, and πίπτω to fall) ίο break or fcursi Bttoj <2rts/i or rus/i into. Π,αρεισπορεύομαι, (fr. same, and πο- ρεύω to go) ίο g-ei in privily, en- ter by stealth. Παρειστήκεισαν, 3 pi. pper, act. of παρ'ιστημι. Παρεισφέρω, f. παρεισοίσω, 1 a. act. παρεισήνεγκα,^ΐΐ.παρά at, eifinto, and φέρω to bring) to bring ina- long with, apply, add to; to pro- pose a law, which will repeal ano- ther ; to confer more, contribute to. 1 a. par. act. πιρεισενέγκας. ΐίαρεισφθείρομαι, (fr. same, and φθείρω to corrupt) to corrupt pri- vily, creep in maliciously, steal in J or an evil purpose. Παρεΐχρν, *s$ t *e, 3 $;•ύχάν, impf. ΠΑΡ act. — ΤΙαρείχετο, 3 sin. impf. pass, of παρέχω. ΥΙαρεκ, see παρέξ. Παρεκάθηντο, 3 pi. impf. mid. of παρακάθημαι. ΐίαρεκάλεσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — Πβρεκάλεον -λουν, impf. act. of παρακα\ίω. Παρέκαστα, (fr. παρά .hrough, and 'έκαστος each) every where, throughout. ΙΙαρεκβαίνω, f. mid. -βήσομαι, p. -βέβηκα, (fr. παρά by, εκ from, and βαίνω to go) to go out of place, leave the rank ; to turn aside, digress, depart ; to trans- gress, err ; to pass or go over; to go off or away. Παρέκβάσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. last) a digression. Παρεκελευόμην, -ov, -ετο, impf. mid. of παρακελεύω. Παρεκλείπω, fr. παρά intens. and εκλείπω, which see. ΤΙαρεκλήθην, -ης, -η, pi. -θημεν,-θη- τε, -θησαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of πα- ρακαλάω. Παρεκρίθην,-ης, -η, 3 pi. -ήσαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of παρακρίνω. Παρεκρουσάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of παρακρούω. ΐίαρεκτείνω, f. -κτενω, p. -τέτακα, (fr. παρά intens. εκ from, and τείνω to stretch) to extend beside, stretch along, reach beyond'; to overstretch, strain ; to prolong, lengthen, delay. 1 a. ind. act. παράτεινα. Τίαρεκτίος, -a, -ov, (fr. παρέχω to exhibit) must be shown or dis- played; to be provided, Sec. ac- cording to the verb. ΤΙαρεκτΈκος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) sup- plying, affording, providing. ΐίαρέκτοπος, -ου, b, η, (fr. παρά by, εκ out of, and τόπος place) out of the way, devious, wandering. Τίαρεκτδς, (fr. παρά by, and εκτός without, th. εκ or εξ from) out ward, externally, from without without, save, except, beside. Παρεκυψα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of παρακύπτω. ΐϊαρεκχύω, (fr. παρά throughout εκ from, and χύω to pour) to pour forth, spread over, over- flow ; to stagnate, stand in pools, Παρέλάβον, -ες, -ε, 2 pi. -βετε, 2 a ind. act. of παραλαμβάνω. Παρελαύνω, f. -ελάσω, p. -//λακα : (fr. παρά by, and ελαύνω to drive) to ride by the side ; to drive or ride past, pass by, outrun, out- strip ; to surpass, excel ; to ad- vance against, charge, attack. Παρελέγοντο, 3 pi. impf. mid. of παραλέγομαι. Παρελεγχέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. παρη- λέγχηκα, and Παρελε^χω, f. -£ω, ρ. παρήλεγχα, (fr. παρά intens, and ελέγχω to prove) Ιό pro^e, demonstrate ; to argue, reason, dispute, debate ; to confute, con- tradict, disprove ; to reprove, blame, rebuke, censure. Παρελεξάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a» ind. mid. Of ιταοαλένομαι. (445) ΠΑΡ Παρελευσεαι, Ion. for παρέλευση, 3 sin. — ι Παρελεύσε7-α«, 3 sin. -λεύ σονται, 3 pi. of — Παρελεύσομαί, 1 f. ind. mid. — Ώαρεληλυθίναι, per. inf. mid. — Παρελ^λΰθώί, -via, -ος, a. -θότα, par. per. mid. — Π.αρίλθε,-έτω,2, a. impr. act. — Πάρελθε? ν, 2 a. inf. act. — Παρέλθω, -ης, -η, 3 pi. -θώσι, 2 a. sub. act. — Παρελθών, -ούσα, -ov, a. sin. fem. -θοΰσαν, η. pi. mas. -θόντες, par. 2 a. act. of παρέρχομαι. Παρεληλϋθώς, -υΊα, δ?, (par. per. mid. of παρέρχομαι to pass by) past, gone. Παρέλκων,-ουσα,-ον, par. pres. act. of παρέλκω, a. sin. παρέλκοντα. Παρέλκυσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. παρέλκω to protract) a protrac- tion, lengthening ; slowness, de- lay. Παρελκυστής, -ου, b, (fr. same) a loiterer, delayer, lingerer. ΤΙαρελκύω, f. -ύσω, and Παρέλκω, f. -ξω, (fr. παρά intens. and ελκύω or 'έλκω to draw) to prolong, pro- tract, lengthen; to defer, put off, delay, procrastinate ; to attract, draw to, bring near ; to abound, overflow, be superfluous ; to have leisure. Παρελογίσω, 2 sin. 1 a. ind, mid. of παραλογίζομαι. Παρεμβάλλω, ΐ.-βάλω, p. -βέβληκα, (fr. παρά by, εν in, and βάλλω to throw) to put in along with or beside ; to place, lay or put by Viilh ; to thrust in, mix, insert ; to incite, set on, suborn ; to send in privily, enter clandestinely ; to encamp, pitch tents ; to marshal, array, draw up. 2 a. ind. act. παρενέβάλον. per. ind. mid. πα- ρεμβέβολα. Παρεμβαλωμεν, 1 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of last. Παρεμβεβληκυϊαν, a. sin. fem. of Παρεμβεβληκώς, -υΐα, -Of, par. per. act. of same. Παρεμβλέπω, f. -ψω, (fr. πάρα by, εν in, and βλέπω to see) to look closely into, view nearly ; to ex- amine ; to glance at. Παρέμβλησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, >/, (fr. παρεμβάλλω to encamp) a pitch- ing of tents, encampment. Παρεμβολή, -ης, ι), (fr. same) an interjection, insertion ; a paren- thesis, preamble, preface ; a camp, fort, castle ; an army. Παρεμπίπτω, (fr. παρά by, εν in, and πίπτω to fall ) to fall in with, occur, happen, turn out ; to drop in, meet with. Παρενέβάλον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of παρεμβάλλω. Παρένεγκε, impr. — Παρενε/κεΐν, inf. of παρήνεγκον, 2 a. ind. act. of παραφέρω. ΠαρενθεΊν,Παρένθης,Όοτ.ΐοτπαρελ- θεΊν, 2 a. inf. act. and παρέλθης, 2 sin. 2 a. sub. act. οΐπαρέρχομαι. Παρένθεσις, -ιος, Att. -εω^, if, (fr. παρεντ'ώημι to insert) an inser- tion, mixture ; a thing or piece [put in ; a parenthesis. ΠΑΡ Τίαμνθήκη, -ης, η, (fr• same) an insertion ; the thing inserted, piece put in ; a digression, epi- sode ; an addition. Παρένννμι Οι ίίαρί'ω,ίτ. παρά intens. and 'έννυμι or εω, wh. see. per, bid. pass, παρειά ιι, -σαι, -ται. pper. pass, παρείμην, -εισο, -ειτο. Τίαρενοχλέω -ω, f. -ήσω, ρ. παρε- νώχληκα, (fr. παρά intens. εν in, and οχλέω to disturb, th. όχλος disturbance) to trouble without reason, disturb greatly, disquiet, give uneasiness, pres. inf. cont. παρενοχλεΊν. Παρίνιθημι, (fr. same, and τίθημι to put) to put in between, set along with, insert, place among. Ώαρεξ or Παρέκ, (fr. παρά with and εξ or εκ from) without abroad; except, beside. Π,αρέξει, 3 c in. 1 f. ind. act. used Att. for παρέξτ), 2 sin. 1 f. ind. mid. — Παρίξειν, 1 f. inf. act. of παρέχω. Παρέξειμι, (fr. παρά by, e£out, and εΊμι to go) to pass by, go out be- yond ; to come out indirectly, approach pnvily ; to go out of course, deviate, transgress. Παρεξελαύνω, f. -ελάσω, p. παρεξή- λακα, (fr. παρά beyond, εξ from, and ελαύΐ'ω to drive) to ride or drive out beyond ; to sally or rush forth, charge, attack; to pass, sail or go by. Παρεξεληλάκεε, Ion. for παρεξελη- λάκει. Att. for παρεξηλάκει, 3 sin. pper. act. of last. Π,αρεξήϊα, -ας, -ε, for παρεξεϊα, per. ind. mid. of παρεξειμι. Παρεξηκα,-ας,-ε, 1 a. ind. act. of παρεξίημι. ϊίαρεξ'ιεναι, pres. inf. act. of παρεξ- ειμι. ίίαρεξίημι, f. -έσω, p. -είκα, (fr. παρά by, εξ from, and "ημι to send) to let pass, omit, supersede, leave off; to overstay, outstay, pass, spend. Τίαρεξίστημι, f. παρεκστ?'/σω, p. παρ- εξέστηκα, (fr. παρά by, εξ from, and 'ίστημι to set) to move out of its place, displace, remove ; to degenerate, grow worse, vjastej decay, alter, change; to be be- side one's self, out of the wits, be mad, rave. 2 a. ind. art. παρεξ- έστην, -ης, -η. Ήαρέξομεν, 1 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of παρέχω. ΤΙαρευϊσα, Dor. for παρούσα, η. fern, par. pres. — Παρεόντα, Ion. for παρόντα, a. sin. par. pres. — Tlupic υ σι, Ion. for παροΰσι, d. pi. par.pres.of7rapei/ii,io be present. ΪΙαρέπεισα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of παραπείθω. Παρεπιβοηθεω -ω, (fr. παρά intens. επί to, and βοηθεω to run to help) to bring assistance, help. Παρεπιδείκνΰμι, f. -ξω, p. παρεπιδέ- δειχα^ (fr. same, and δείκνΰμι to show) to hold forth, shorn-, make appear ; to make a vain display, $how ostentatiously. Παρεπίδημος^ -ου, δ, j&, (fr. same, IIAP and δήμος, the people ) a str anger, foreigner ; a pilgrim ; a sojourn- er, lodger, guest. Παρεπικραίνω,ΰτ. παρά intens. and επικραίνω, which see• Παρεπίκράνα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -κραναν 1 a. ind. act. of last. Παρεπινοέω -ώ, fr. παρά intens. and επινοέω, which see. Παρέπλαξαν, Dor. for παρέπληξαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of παραπλήσ• σω. Παρέπομαι, (fr. παρά by, and επομα to follow) to follow closely, at tend; to observe, obey, regard to come up with, arrive at; to attain to, reach to. Ώαρεπορεύοντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of παραπορενομαι. Παρέπτην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. act. of Παρέπω,^Γ. παρά towards, and επω to speak) to speak to, address ; to warn ; to advise wrongly, se- duce, deceive. 1 a. ind. act. πα ρεΊπα• 3 a. act. ind. παρεΊπον sub. παρείπω. Παρεργατης,-ον^,({τ. παρά beyond and έργον work) one who works superfluously, overacts vainly, a trifler. Adj. superfluous, exceed- ing, unnecessary. Πάρεργον, -ov, rb,{fr. same) an ac- cession, addition, increase; an appendage, part; supererogation, extra-work ; any thing done slightly or superficially. Έ,ν πα- ρεργω, by the way, of course. Πάρεργος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) ad- ditional, beside ; superfluous, unnecessary ; of course, by the way, as a matter of form; care- less, indifferent. Παρέογως, (fr. \ast)lightly, slightly ; incidently,by the way, of course. Παρερεθίζω, fr. παρά intens. and ερεθίζω, same as ερέΟω, wh. see. Παρέρπω, (fr. παρά by, and έρπω to creep) to creep in by stealth, enter privily. Παρέρρευκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. of Παρερρέω -ω, f. -ρεύσω, p. παρερρευ- κα, (fr. παρά by, and ρέω to now) to flow, run or pass by. Παρέρχομαι, f. mid. παρελεύσομαι, p. mid. παρελήλύθα, (fr. same, and έρχομαι to go) to go or pass by ; to go over, beyond or past ; to come out or forth, go abroad, march, advance, proceed ; to come to, enter, arrive at ; to sur- pass, excel ; to take the lead of, outwit, get the belter of, deceive, impose on ; to omit, neglect ; to transgress, violate, sin ; to pass away, decay, fail. 2 a. act. ind. παρήλθαν• impr. πάρελθε' sub. παρέλθω, -ης, -η, 3 pi. παρέλθο>σι' inf. παρελθεϊν. par. παρελθών. Πάρες, -έτω, 2 a. impr. act. of παρΊημι. Παρεσημειωσάμεθα, 1 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. of παρασημειόομαι. Πάρεσις, -ιος, Att. -εωί, r), (fr. πα- ρίημι to remit) remission, relax- ation ; indulgence, allowance, forgiveness. (446) ΠΑΓ Τίαρεσιώπα, 3 sin. cont. impf. ind. act. of παρασιωπάω. Π.αρεσκευάδατο,ΙθΏ.{θΓηαρΓσ<ενασ- μένοι ήσαν, 3 pi. pper. pass. — Παρεσκενάζοντο, 3 pi. impf. pass. — Παρεσκενάσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of παρασκευάζω. Παρέσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. of πάρειμι, to be present. Ώαρέσπαρμαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass, of παρασπείρω. Παρέσσομαι, -έσσρ, -έσσεται, Poet. for παρέσομαι, &c. 1 f. of πάρειμι to be present. Πάρεσται, by Sync, for παρέσεται, 3 sin. 1 f. of same. Παρέσταμεν, Ion. for παρεσταναι, pres. inf. act. of παρέστημι. Παρέσταν, by Sync, for παρέστησαν, in next. Παρέστη, 3 sin. — ΠαρίσΓί?σαν,3 pi. 2 a. ind. act. — Παρέστηκεν, 3 sin. per. ind. act. — Παρεστηκότων, g. -τηκόσι, d. pi. par. pres. act. — Παρεστήσατο,ΤΩΐά. — Παρέστησεν , act. 3 sin. 1 a. ind. of παρίστημι. Παρέστημι, same as παρίστημι. Πάρεστι or -τιν, 3 sin. pres. ind. of πάρειμι, to be present. Παρέστιος, -ου. b, η, (fr. παρά by, and εστία trie hearth) standing at the hearth ; intimate. Παρεστώς,-ώσα,-ώς, (cont. fr. πα- ρεστηκώς, pa••, per. act. of παρίσ- τημι to stand by) standing by, near at hand, ready, attending , waiting on. Παρεστώτα, a. sin. or neut. pi. — Παρεστώτε^, η. -τωσιν, d. pi. of last. Παρέσχεθον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of παρασχεθώ. Παρέσχον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of παρέχω. Παρεταξάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of παρατάσσω. Παρέτεινα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of παρατείνω. Παρετηροΰν, 1 sin. or 3 pi. cont. impf. act. of παρατηρέω. Παρέτράπον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of παρατρεπω. Παρετρεσσαν, Poet, for παρέτρεσαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of παρατρέω. Πάpευvoς,-oυ,b,f),(fr. παρά by, and εννη a bed) lying beside. Παρενρίσκω,{ΐγ. παρά by, and ευρίσ- κω to find) to flnd casually, meet with by the way ; to invent, find out, discover ; to feign, pretend, dissemble. Παρεύσας, Dor. for παρούσης, g. fern. sin. par. pres. of πάρειμι, to be present. Παρεχάλκενσα,-ας,-ε, 1 a. ind. act. of παραχαλκεύω. Πάρεχε, -χέτω, 2 and 3 sin. pres. impr. act. — Παρεχέμεν, Ion. for Παρέχειν, pres. inf. act. — Πα- ρέχεστε, 2 pi. pres. ir d. or impr. mid. — Παρέχετε, -χουσι, 2 and 3 pi. pres. ind. act — Παρεχόμε- νος, par. pres. mid. — Παρέχοντι, d. sin. par. pres. act., sometimes used for παρέχουσι — Παρέχον, pres. impr. mid. of Παρέχω^ f. παρέξω, p. παρέσχηκα^ ΠΑΡ (fr. ναρά intens. and /χω to hi, re) to have, hold or keep near; to drive near or by; to appear show one's self; to exhibit, dis- play, offer, present ; to exert, be- have, put forth, bring forward, evince ; to yield, afford, supply , to grant, concede, confer ; to raise, excite ; to make, produce, render, cause to be. Παοέων, -ούσα, -ov, Poet, and Ion. for παρών, par. pres. of πάρειμι, to be present. Tlapj}, 3 sin. pres. sub. of same. Παρηβάω -ω, (fr. πάρα. beyond, and 'ήβη youth) to be past one's youth, advance in years, grow old. par. per. act. παρηβηκώς, -υΧα, -ος, in η. pi. παρηβηκότες. Παρήγγειλα, -ας, -ε, or -εν, ρΐ. 1 -λαμεν, 3 -λαν, 1 a. ind. act. — Παρήγγελκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — Παρήγγελα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid, — Παρήγγελον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of παραγγέλλω, ιίαρηγκιστρω μένος, -η, -ov, (par. per. pass, of παραγκιστρόω to hook) hooked, barbed. Παρηγον, -ες, -ε or -εν, impf. ind. act. οίηαράγω. Παρηγορέατο, Ion. for παρηγόρηντο 3 pi. pper. pass, and Παρηγόρεισκε, Ion. for παρηγορεί, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. of Παρηγορέω -ω, (fr. παρά beside, and αγορέω to harangue) to console comfort, sooth ; to encourage, cheer, exhort; to calm, alleviate, assuage, soften, par. pres. act ■παρηγοριών -ων. impf. act. πα- ρηγόοεον -ovv. 1 pi. παρηγορέομεν ουμεν. per. ind. pass, παρηγόρη- μαι. pper. pass, παρηγορήμην, -ησο, -ητο. Παοηγορία, -ας, η, (fr. last) com- fort, solace, consolation ; encou- ragement ; alleviation, fomenta- tion, mitigation. Παρήγορος, -ου, b, >}, (fr. same) consolatory, cheering, comforta- ble, soothing. Subs, a comforter. Παρηερίθη, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. pass, of παραερέθομαι, fr. πάρα by, and αερεθομαι, which see. Π,αρηέρθη, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. pass, of παραείρω. Παρήϊξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of παραΐσσω. ΠαρηΧς, -Ίδος, η", same as Τίαρήϊον, -ov, το, (fr. παρειά a cheek) a cheek-piece, ornament of the jaw or bit ; the cheek, jaw. Παρήϊος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) of the cheek or jaw. ΤΙαρηκα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of παρ'ιημι. Ώ,αρηκολούθηκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. of παρακολονθέω. Παρήκω, f. -ήζω, (fr. παρά through, and ηκω to come) to reach be- side, extend or stretch along ; to admit of, allow, concede, yield ; to pass by ; to arrive at, come to. Παρηκών, -ούσα, -bv, (par. pres. act. of last) admitting of, allow- ing, Affording, capable of Παρήλθαν, -ες, s or -εν, 2 a. ind. ΠΑΡ act. — Παρήλθοσαν, Boeot. or LXX. for Παρηλθον, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. act. of παρέρχομαι. Παρΐ/λιος, -ου, δ, (fr. παρά beside, and 'ήλιος the sun) a mock sun, a refection or representation of the sun on the clouds. Παρηλλαγμίνως, (fr. παρηλλαγμένος altered, par. per. pass, of πα- ραλλάσσω to change) unusually, in an uncommon manner,strange- ly ; otherwise, diffei ently. Ώάρημαι, (fr. παρά beside, and ημαι to sit) to sit beside, sit down by. par. pres. mid. παρήμενος, -η, -ov. Παρημελήκεε, Ion. for παρημελήκει, 3 sin. pper. act. οΐπαραμελέω. Παρημεν, Dor. for παρεΊναι, pres. inf. οι πάρειμι, to be present. Παρήμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. of πάρη μαι. Παρήνει, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. of παοαινίω. Παρηορία, -ας, ή, (fr. next) a trace strap which joins the horses to the carriage ; a rein, bridle. Παρήορος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. παρά with, and είρω to tie) strictly Subs. an additional horse put to a cha- riot. Adj. stretched along or bi the side, extended, projecting , yoked or joined to ; loose, irre- gular ; light, silly, vague. Παρήπάφον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act of παραπαφάω. Παρηρημένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of παραιρέω. Παρηρτήμην, -συ, το, pper. pass, of παραρτάω. Παρησαν, 3 pi. impf. of πάρειμι, to be present. Παρήσθευ, Dor. for παρήσθου, 2 sin. 2 a. ind. mid. of παραισθάνομαι. Παρήσομαι, 1 f. ind. mid. — Παρή- σωσι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. mid. — Πα- ρήσουσι, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of παρ'ιημι. Παρητημενος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass. — Παρητήσαντο, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. of παραιτέομαι. Παρθεμενος, Poet, or Ion. Sync, for παραθεμένος, par. 2 a. mid. of παρατίθημι. Παρθενεία, -ας, η, see παρθενία. ΠαρθενεΊα, -ων, τά, see παρθένια. Παρθένειος, -ου, b, f), see παρθένιος. Παρθενεύω and Παρθενεύομαι, (fr. παρθένος a maid) tobe a maid, lead a virgin life, keep maidenhood. Παρθενεών, -ωνος, b, Ion. for παρ- θένων. Παρθενία, -ας, ή, (fr. παρθένος a maid) virginity. Παρθένια, -ων, τά, (fr. same) the marks or tokens of virginity. Παρθενικάων, g. iEol. — Παρθενι- κή, d. pi. fern. Ion. of Παρθενικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. παρθένος a maid) in a virgin state, virgin, maiden ; blooming ; pure. Παρθενίων, -ωνος, δ, Ion. for παρ- θένων. ενοπΐπης, -ου, b, (fr. παρθένος a maid, and οπιπεύω to observe) an admirer or lover of virgins ; a gallant. (447) ΠΑΡ Παρθένος, -ov, ή~, a person una» quainted vnth the other sex ; a virgin, maid ; a young woman. Also Adj. -ου, b,'i, virgin, pure, unsullied ; blooming, fair. Παρθενών, -ωνος, b, (fr. last) the virgin's chamber, the young wo~ men's apartments. Πάρθος, -ου, b, Parthian, qfParthia. Παριαύω, (fr. παρά by, and ιαύω to lodge) to sleep beside, spend the night. Παριέναι, pres. inf. act. — Παρίε- σαν, 3 pi. of παρ'ιην, impf. ind. act. of παρ'ιημι. Παρίζω, f. -ίσοι, (fr. παρά by, and Ίζω to set) to set beside, place or lay by : to seat, make sit ; to sit by, be seated near. Παρ'ιημι, f. -ήσω, p. -εΐκα, (fr. same, and 'ίημι to send) to send by or past ; to let pass ; to lay aside, put by or out of use; to omit, pass by, neglect, leave out; to dismiss, send away, discharge ; to admit, allow, permit, dispense with ; to put off, defer; to slack, loosen, relax, weaken ; to let down, lower, drop ; to go over or beyond, pass by ; to enter, go in ; to extend, stretch out, prolong. Παρίεμαι, to grow weak, fail, decay ; to pray, beg, beseech, supplicate, per. pass, ind. παρεΊμαι' par. παρειμένος, 1 a. pass. ind. παρείθην and παρέ- θην par. παρεθε'ις. Πάρίνος, -η, -ov, and Πάριος, -a, -ov, of Par os, Parian. Πάριος, Dor. for Παρίδος, g. of Πάρις, Παριππενω, (fr. παρά by, and ιππεύω to ride, th. 'ίππος a horse) to ride by or past ; along or by the side. Παρίπτημι, (fr. same, and Ίπτημι to fly) to fly beside, by or past. Πάρις, -ιδος, δ, Paris, a man's name. Παρισόω -ω, fr. παρά intens. and ισόω, same as ισάζω, which see. Παριστάνετε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. of Παριστάνω, (fr. παρά by, and ίσ- τάνω for 'ίστημι to place) to set or place near ; to offer, present, expose. Παριστάς, -ασα, -άν, par. pres. act. — Παρίστασο or -ίστω, pres. impr. mid. — Παρ'ισταντι-, 3 pi. impf. mid. of Παρίστημι, f. -στήσω, p. παρ'στ^κα, (fr. παρά by, αηά'ίστημι to place) to set near, place by, pi vnt be- side ; to furnish, provide, afford, deliver, render ; to stand beside, be present or near, attend or wait upon; to defend, favour, ττο- tect ; to commend, recommend; to produce, introduce, present, offer, devote; to prove, demon- strate, inform, acquaint ; to com- pare together ; to stop, check, stay; to reduce, subdue, subju- gate; to excite, rouse, provoke, stimulate ; to 'approach, come to arrive. Παρίστάμαι, to approve, assent ; to occur, happen ; to re- solve, determine, persist ; to ad* ΠΑΡ vtence in years, grow old. par. per. act. παρεστηκώς, and cont. παρεστώς. pper. act. παρεστήκειν. 1 a. act. ind. παρίστησα. irnpr. παράστησαν, in 2 pi. παραστήσα- τε' inf. παραστήσαι. 2 a. act. ind. παρεστην. 1 f. ind. mid. icapa- στήσομαι. Παρίστησι, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of last. Ώαρίσχειν, pres. inf. act. — Παρίσ- χομεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. of Παρίσχώ, fr. παρά intens. and Ίσχω, which} see. Παρίσωσ\ς, -ιος, Att. -εως, $, (fr. παρά intens. and ίσος equal) a rhetorical figure, by which the latter members of a sentence are m^e to bear a certain pro- portion to the former ; a compa- rison , similitude, resemblance, equality. Παριών, -όνσα, -bv, par. of πάριον, 2 a. ind. act. of πάρειμι, to come to. Παρκατελεκτο, Sync, for παρακατε- λελέκτο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of παρακαταΧέγομαι. Παρκείμενος, by Sync, for παρακεί- μενος. Παρκλίνουσι, by Sync, for παρα- κλίνυνσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of παρακλίνω. Παρκύπτοισα, Dor. for πάρακνπτον σα, η. fern. par. pres. act. of παρακύπτω. Παρμεμβλωκε, by Sync, for πάρα μεμβλωκε, which is for παραμε- μόληκε, 3 sin. per. ind. act. of παραμολέω. Παρμενας, -α, δ, Parmenas, a man's name. Παρμονώτερος, -a, -ov, Sync, for παραμονιμώτερος, comp. of πα- ραμόνΊμος. Παρνήσσοιο, g. Ion. — Παρνησσόνδ'' for Τίαρνησσόνδε, toward Parnas- sus, a. sin. of ΤΙάρνησσος, Παρνησος, and Dor. ΐΐάρνάσος, -ov, b, Parnassus, the name of a mountain in Phocis. Πάρνοψ, -οπός, δ, a kind of locust. ΙΙαροδενω, f. -εύσω, (fr. παρά by, and δ<5 ενω to travel, th. ^δος the road) to go along the road, travel along, pass by ; to pierce, pass through. Παροδίτης, -ov, b, (fr. same, and bδbς the road) a traveller, pas- senger. Πάροδος, -ου, h, (fr. same) en- trance, approach, access, in- gress ; a passage along, tho- roughfare, way through; a bye- way. Πάροίθε and -θεν, (fr. πάρος before) before, in front, in presence; formerly, previously. Παροικεσία, -ας, fo (fr. next) a lodging, abode, residence ; a so- journ, pilgrimage. Παοοικέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. παρφκηκα, (fr. παρά by, and οικεω to dwell, th. οΊκσψ~ a. house) to reside by, dwell near, inhabit, live in ; to lodge, sojourn, remain as a guest f' f OT stranger. ΠΑΡ Παροικία, -ας, ij, and Παροικήσις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, η, (fr. last) α temporary residence, lodging. Παροικίζω, f. -ίσω, p. παρωκικα, (fr. same) to remove, emigrate, change residence; to lodge, live as a stranger. Παροικοδομέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. παρω- κοδόμηκα, (fr. παρά beside, and οικυδομέω to build) to erect be- side, build in addition; to en- large the walls, extend the forti- fications, per. ind. pass, παρω- κοδόμημαι. Πάροικος, -ov, b, η, (fr. παρά by, and οΊκος a house) a lodger, so- journer, stranger, pilgnm. Παροιμία, -ας, ή, (fr. same, and οίμη the path) a proverb, adage, bye-word, common saying ; a parable, comparison, similitude, allegory ; an obscure saying, riddle. Παροιμιάζω, f. -άσω, p. παρωμίακα, (fr. last) to use proverbs, speak "" in parables. Παροιμιαστης, ov, b, (fr. same) a speaker or maker of proverbs. Παροιμιώδης, -εος -ονς, b, >/, (fr. same, and εΊδος likeness) pro- verbial, like a proverb. Παροινέω -ώ, (fr. πάροινος a drunk- ard) to speak or act indecently through drunkenness; to insult, violate, abuse in wine. Παροινία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a drunken frolic, misconduct , in- solence or abuse from intoxica- tion. Πάροινος, -ov, b, η, (fr. παρά by, and οίνος wine) addicted to drink, sottish ; drunken ; rude, inso- lent or indecent from drunken- ness ; a drunkard, wine-bibber. Παροινονμενος, par. pres. pass, cont. of παροινέω. Παροισθεϊς, -είσα, -εν, d. sin. πα- ροισθέντι, par. 1 a. pass, of πα- ραφέρω, (fr. οίω obs.) Παροιστρεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. παρώσ- τρηκα, fr. παρά intens. and οισ- τρίω, which see. 1 a. ind. act. παρώστρησα. Παροίτερος, -a, -ov, (fr. πάρος be- fore) prior, sooner, earlier ; an- terior, going or standing before. Παροίχω, f. -χήσω, p. παρωχηκα, or Παροίχομαι, f. -οιγήσομαι, p. -ωχη• μαι, (fr. παρά by, and οίγομαι to go away) to go or pass by, go off, pass away. impf. mid. πα- ρωχόμην, -ov, -ετο. par. per. pass, παρωχημένος. Παροιχομένοισι, d. pi. with t add- ed, par. pres. mid. of last. Παροιχώκεε, Ion. for παρωχώκει, 3 sin. pper. act. of same. Παροίω, (fr. παρά by, and οίω obs. to bear) see παραφέρω. par. 1 a. pass, παροισθείς, -είσα, -εν. Παρυλισθαίνω, fr. παρά intens. and ολισθαίνω, which see. Παρομαρτέω -ω, fr. same, and bμap- τέω, which see. Παρομαρτουντα, a. sin. mas. par. pres. act. of last. Παρομοιάζω, f. -άσω, p. παρωμοία- (448) ΠΑΡ • κα, (fr. next) to resemble^ be tike β to assimilate, compare, liken. 2 pi. pres. ind. act. παρομοιάζετε. Παρόμοιος, -ov, δ, >;, (fr. παρά by and 'όμοιος like) nearly resem- bling, very like, similar. Παρόν, -όΐ'τες, -όντος, cases of πα- ρών, par. pres. of πάρειμι, to be present. Παρονομασία, -ας, f), (fr. παρά be- side, and όνομα a name) a na- ming, calling ; a surname ; change of name, play upon name or word ; a pun. Παροξύναι, 1 a. inf. act. — Παρ- οξύνεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass. — Παροξυνθείς, -ης, -η, 1 a. opt. pass, of Παροξύνω, f. -ννω, p. παρώξνγκα, (fr. παρά intens. and οξύνω to whet, th. οξνς sharp) to sharpen, whet ; to irritate, provoke, enrage, incense, exasperate ; to instigate, urge. impf. pass, παρωξννόμην. per. ind. pass, παρώξνμμαι, and Att. παρώξυσμαι. Παροξνσμός, -ov, δ. (fr. last) irrita- tion, provocation, incitement, in- stigation; a paroxysm or fit; dissension, strife, contention. Παροπτάω -ω, fr. παρά intens. and οπτάω, which see. Παροπτέος, -ov, b, η, (fr. next) t& be neglected, overlooked or slight- ed. Παρόπτομαι, (fr. παρά by, and άπ- τομαι to look) to look aside, over- look, neglect; to connive, wink at ; to despise, disregard, la. ind. pass, παρώφθην. Παρόράσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. next) inattention, neglect, slight, contempt. Παροράω -ώ, f> -άσω, p. Att. -εώ- ράκα, (fr. παρά ill, and bpάω to see) to look aside or askew, glance sideways ; to observe slightly, censure lightly ; ίο pre- tend not to see, overlook, con- nive or wink at ; to neglect, des- pise, slight, contemn ; to see dimly, be short-sighted. Παροργίξετε, 2 pi. pres. impr. act. of Παροργίζω, f. -ίσω, and Att. -Υό>, p. παρώργίκα, fr. παρά intens. and οργίζω, which see. per. ind. pass, παρώργισμαι. Παρόργισμα, -ατός, το, and Παρορ- γισμος, -οΐί, δ, (fr. last) provoca- tion, irritation; anger, wrath. Παροργιώ, Att. for παροργίσω, 1 f. ind. act. of same. Παρορίζω, (fr. παρά ill, and bpίζω to limit) to alter boundaries, change limits; to transfer or force beyond bounds; to remove or put out of the way. Παρορμάω -ώ, (fr. παρά intens. and bpμάω to incite) to exhort strong- ly, encourage much, spirit up, urge vehemently, instigate. Πάρος, Poet, before, before that 3 formerly, previously, hitherto. Παροτρύνω, f. -ννω, p. παρώτρνγκα, (fr. παρά intens. and οτρύνω to excite) to push or urge on, intti» ΠΑΡ gate, stimulate, excite, rouse, en- courage ; to aggravate, exaspe- rate, irritate. Παρούσα, Παρούση, Παρούσης, Πα- ρουσι or -σιν, cases of παρών, par. pres. of πάρειμι, to bepresent. Παρουσία, -ας, >/, (fr. same) a com- ing, arrival, approach ; pre- sence. Παροχέομαι -ονμαι, (fr. παρά be- side, and οχέω to convey) to ride beside, travel in the carriage with. Παροχετεύω, (fr. παρά by, and οχε- τεύω to convey water, ih. οχετός a canal) to change the course, turn a stream ; to intercept. Πάροχος, -ου, δ, (fr. παρίχω to pro- vide) a purveyor, provider, ca- terer. Or, (fr. παρά beside, and όχος a carriage) a companion in a carriage, fellow-traveller; a bride's man. Παροψϊς, -"ίδος, >/, (fr. παρά by, and όφον victuals) a dish, platter for meat ; the meat served. ΠαρπεπιθεΊν, Παρπεπιθών, by Sync, for παραπεπιθεΐν and παραπεπι- θών, which by Anadipl. Ion. for παραπιθείν, inf. and παραπιθών, par. 2 a. act. of παραπείθω. Παρπόδιος, -a, -ov, or -ov, b, ή, (fr. παρά beside, and πους the foot) about or at the feet, before the feet; near at hand, impending, threatening. Παρρησία, -ας, ή, (fr. πας all, and ρέω to speak) freedom of speech, - frankness, openness, boldness, confidence, independence ; pub- licity, notoriety. Παρ'ρησιάζομαι, f. -ασομαι, (fr. last) to speak frankly, use freedom of speech, be bold or independent, behave boldly, act confidently. impf. mid. επαρρησιαζόμην, -ου, -ετο. 1 f. inf. mid. παρρησιάσεσ- θαι. 1 a. ind. mid. επαρρησιασά- μην, -ω, -ατο. Παρρησιασάμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. of last. Παρρησιαστης, -οΰ, b, (fr. same) a free talker, bold speaker; confi- dent, independent. Παρρησιάσωμαι, 1 a. sub. mid. of ναρρησιάζαμαι. ΠαρτιθεΤ, by Sync, for παρατιθεΤ, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of πά- ρα τιθεω for ιρατα Παρτιθετω, by Sync, for παρατιθέ- τω, 3 sin. pres. impr. act. of πα- ρατίθημι. Παρυφαίνω and Παρυφάω, (fr. παρά beside, and υφαίνω or υφάω to weave) to weave to or along ; to border, edge, trim. par. per. \>&$5.•παρυφασ μένος. Παρυφή, -ης, ή, (fr. last) a border, edge, facing ; a dress thus bor- dered. Παρφάμεν, Sync, for παραφάμεν, Ion. for παραφάναι, 2 a. inf. act. — Παρφάμενος, -η, -ov, Sync, for παραφάμενος, -η, -ov, par. 2 a. mid. — Παρφάσθαι, Sync, for παραφάβθαι, 2 a. inf. mid. of πα- ράφημι. 3 L ΠΑ2. Πάρφάσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, Sync, for παραίφασις. Πάρφυκτος, -ου, b, η, Sync, for πα- ράφευκτος. Παρο>δέω, f. -ησω, (fr. παρά beside, and ωδη a song) to apply words otherwise than intended; to pa- rody, burlesque. Παρωθέω -ω, (fr. παρά intens. and ωθίω to drive) to expel, extermi- nate, chase, drive away ; to ba- nish, turn out, discard; to thrust aside, put out of the way ; to neglect, omit ; to delay, defer, put off. Παρωθέομαι -οΐιμαι, to fly, shun, avoid ; to refuse, ab- hor, decline, par. pres. pass, πα- ρωθεόμενος -ούμενος. Παρωθώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. same, and ώθω to drive) same as last. Παρωκεανΐτις, -Ίδος, f}, (fr. παρά ' by, and ωκεανός the ocean) the sea-coast, shore of the ocean. Παρώκησα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of παροικέω. Παρώκισμαι, -σαι, -σται, per. ind. pass, of παροικίζω. Παρωκοδόμημαι, -σαι, -ται, 3 pi. παρωκοδόμηνται, per. ind. pass, of παροικοδομέω* Παρών, -υΰσα, -ov, par. pres. of πάρειμι. Παρώννμος, -ου, b, ?/, (fr. παρά be- side, and όνομα a name) sur- named, called after another. Παραξύνετο, 3 sin. impf. pass, of" παροξύνω. Πάρωος, -ου, b, η", of a colour be- tween ash and red, brown on bay. Παρώπτο, 3 sin. pper. pass., of τταρόπτομαι. Παρωτϊς, -Έδος, ί/, (fr. παρά by, and ους the ear) a swelling if the glands beneath the ear. Παρώτρϋνα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -vav, 1 a. ind. act. of παροτρύνω. Παρώχηκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — Παρωχηκώς, -υ7α, -ος, par. per. act. — Παρωχημένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of παροίχω. Πάς, πάσα, πάν, all, whole, total, entire, universal, every ; any, each, whoever; the greater part, many, much. g. pi. πάντων, πα- σών τ Ion. πασέων. d. pi. πάσι, Ion. πάντεσσι' πάσαις Ion. πά- ση σι. Πάς, a child's word for father. Πάσα, Πάσαι, Πάσαις, Πάσαν, Πά- σας, cases of πάς. Πασάν, Dor. for πασών, g. pi. of πάς. Πάσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. of πάο- μαι. Πάση, Πάσης, Πάσι, cases of τάς. Πάσιθέη and Πασιθόη, -ης, f], names of women. Πάσσακα, a. sin. of πάσσαζ. ΠασσαΥισκος, (dim. of next) a little peg, bolt, bar, &c. Πάσσαλος, and Att. Πάττα\ος, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. πήσσω to fasten) a peg, pin ; a bolt, bar, latch ; a stake, pile, post, pillar. Πασσάμενος, Poet, for πασάμενος, -η-, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. of πάομαι. (449) ΠΑΤ Πάσσαζ, -κος, a bolt, bar ; a pin, peg. Πάσσε, Ion. for επασσε, 3 sin. impf. act. of πάσσω. Πασσνδίη, Πασσυδεΐ, same as irav- σνδίη, π αν συ δεΐ. Πάσσω or -ττω, f. -άσω, ρ. πέπακα^ to sprinkle, scatter, besprinkle, strew, dust ; to lay or spread , over ; to variegate, diversify, co- lour variously, adorn. Πάσσω, Dor. for πήσσω or πήγννμι. Πάστας, -άδος, ή, (fr. πάσσω to sprinkle, or πάομαι to feed) a chamber, bedroom ; a porch, hall, room, parlour. Παστός, -ή,-ον, (fr. πάσσω to sprin- kle) sprinkled, strewed ; spread, laid out. Subs, a bed-chamber. Παστοφόριον, -ου, το, (fr. last, and φέρω to bring) a chamber with a recess or closet for a bed ; a bri- dal chamber, bed-room. Παστόω -ω, (fr. same) to prepare a bed-chamber, receive as an in- mate or guest; to shelter, pro- tect, lodge, harbour. Πάσχα, το, Hcb. indecl. the pas- chal lamb, passover. Πάσχει, 3 sin.• -χομεν, -χετε, 1 and 2 pi. pres. ind. act. — Πασχέμεν, Ion. for Πάσχειν, pres. inf. act. — Πασχέτω, 3 sin. pres. impr. — Πάσχοιτε, 2 pi. pres. opt. act. — Πάσχοντας, a. -χόντες, η. pi. of Πασχών, -ονσα, -ov, par. pres. act. of" Πάσχω, f. mid. πείσομαι, p. act. πεπάθηκα, to suffer, go through, undergo, endure ; to ail, feel, experience, be acted upon, receive or bear, be affected ; to be natu- rally ; to do or have to do, help one's self; to avail, signify. 2 a. act. ind. έπάθον inf. παθεΊν par. παθών. per. ind. mid. πέ- πονθα. Πασών, Λ)η. Πασέων, g. pi. οΐπάς. Πατά, a Scythian word, to kill, slay.^ Παταγέω -ώ, f. -ησω, (fr. next) to rattle, clatter, ring, resound, crack, crash, peal, clap ; to roar, scream. Πάταγος, -ov, b, (fr. πατάσσω to clap) a crack, crash, peal, clap,, rattle, din, clatter ; a roar, scream, shriek ; a chattering, gnashing, grinding. Πάταικοι, images or idols on the prows of Pheracian ships. Πατάνη, -ης, η, (fr. πετάω to ex- pand) a dish, plate, platter, pan, fiat pot. Πατάζαι, inf. — Πατάξας, par. 1 a. act. — Πατάξη, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. — Πατάζω, -εις, -ει, 1 pi. -ξομεν, 1 f. ind. act. of πα τάσσω. Πάτάρα, -ων, τά, Patara, a city of Asia. Πατάσση, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. ol Πατάσσω, f. -ζω, p. νειτάταχα, to make a noise with the feel, iread, trample ; to strike with a sound, slap, clap, pat, dash, hit, smite; to palpitate, beat, throb; to αβ^Ι ΠΑΤ hurt, torment, harass; to kill, slay. Πατέεσθαι seems to come from πα- τέω, but it signifies the same as πάσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. Of πάο- μαι. Πατέοντι, d. sin. par. pres. act. used Dor. for πατεονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind, act. of πατέω. Πάτερ, v. sin Πάτερ', by Apos. for Πατέρα, a. sin. — Πατέρες, η. -τέρων, g. -τέρας, a. pi. of πα- τήρ. Πατέριον, -ov, το, (dim. of same) dear little father, my good fa- ther, ΐΐατίω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. πεπάτηκα, to tread, lualk upon ; to walk about, be among or acquainted with ; to spurn, despise, contemn ; to trample upon, crush, subdue, keep in subjection. 1 a. ind. pass. επατήθην, -ης, -η. Πάτημα, -άτος, το, (fr. last) any thing trampled on ; a trampling or treading upon ; oppression, subjection. Πατήρ, -έρος, and by Sync, -ους, a father ; a progenitor, forefather, ancestor ; a founder, origin, source, author ; a teacher, in- structor, pastor. Πατήσας, -ασα, -αν, 1 a. par. act. — Πατήσω, -εις, -ει, 3 pi. -σουσι, 1 f. ind act. of ιτατέω. Πατητος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) trod or trampled upon. Πάτμος, -ov, t), Patmos, an island in the iEgean sea. Πάτος, -ου, b, (fr. ιτατέω to tread) a beaten track, path, road; in- tercourse, intimacy; dirt, filth. Πατονμενος, -η, -ov, pair. pres. pass. cont. of same. Πάτρα, -ας, and Ion. Πάτρη, -ης, η, (fr. πατήρ a father) country, native land; a family. Πατράδελφος, and Poet. Πατραδέλ- φεος, -ου, b, (fr. same, andaif'X- φος a brother) a father'' s brother ; an uncle. Πάτράθε, (fr. πάτρα a family) of that family, branch or race ; from home. Πατραλοίας, or ΠατραΛωας, -ov, b, (fr. πατήρ a father, and ο\έω or 6\\ν.μι to destroy) a parricide, murderer of his father. Πατρασι, d. pi. of πατήρ. Πάτρη, -ης, η, Ion. for πάτρα. Πατρϊ, d. sin. of πατήρ. Πάτρια, -ας, η, (fr. πατήρ a father) a family, kindred, tribe; a race, progeny; the origin or original of a family. Πατριάρχης, -ov, b, (fr. same, and άρχω to begin) a patriarch, head of a family ; a chief of the fathers. Πατρώα, Πατριδί, cases of πατρίς. Πατρικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. same)/amer- ly, paternal, parental; heredita- ry, patrimonial. Πάτριος, -ου, b, f l} (fr. same) of a father, fatherly, paternal; from a father, hereditary ; of one's country, native. Πατρίς, -ϊδος, η, (fr. same) country ΠΑΤ native land or city. Adj. native, paternal, original. Πατριώτης, -ου, b, (fr. last) a coun- tryman, of the same country, na- tion or people. Πατρίων?, -ιδος, η, (fr. same) a countrywoman. Πατρόβοας, -ου, b, a man's name. Πατροκασίγνητος, -ov, b, (fr. same, and κασίγνητος a brother) a fa- ther's brother, an uncle. Πατροκ\έης -ης, -έεβς -έος -ους, b, and Πάτροκλος, -ov, b, Patroclus, a man's name. Πατροπαράδοτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. πα- τήρ a father, and παραδίδωμι to deliver) delivered from one' 's fa- ther, handed down from our an- cestors, traditional. Πατροπάτωρ, -ορός, b, (fr. same repeated) a father's father, pa- ternal grandfather. Πατρός, g. sin. of πατήρ. Πατροτύπτης, ~ου, b, (fr. same, and τνπτω to strike) a parricide, who strikes his father. Πατρούχος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and έχω to have) inheriting from the father. Subs, an heir or heiress Πατροφονενς, -έος, b, (fr. same, and φονενς a murderer, 1h. φένω to kill) a parricide, killer of his own or another's father. Πατρωξω, (fr. same) to follow his father's example, imitate his fa- ther, walk in his steps. Πατρώϊος, -ου, b, η, and Πατρώος, -a, -ov, (fr. πατήρ a father) of a father, paternal ; descending from a father, hereditary, ances- tral ; native. Πάττά\ος, -ου, b, see πάσσαλος. Πάττω, Att. for πάσσω. Παύε, pres. impr. act. — Παύεταί, 3 sin. — Πανόμεθα, 1 pi. pres. ind. mid. — Πανθη, Ion. for επαύ- Οη, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. pass, of παύω. Παύλα, -ης, >/, (fr. παύω to stop) a cessation, rest, interval. Παύλος, -ου, b, Paul, a man's "name. Πανρίδιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. παΐιρος few, th. παύω to stop) very little, small; very few, but little. Πανρον, (neut. of same) little, but little, too Utile, hardly. Παυρόνπερ, (fr. same) a little, for a little while or a short time. Πανρος, -a and Ion. -η, -ov, (fr παύω to stop) few, little ; small diminutive; short. Comp. παυ• ρότερος. Παϋσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Παυσάμε- νος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. — Παύσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Παύσασθε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. mid. Παύσασαί,η. pi. fern, of — Παύσας, -άσα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. — Παυ- σάτω, 3 sin. 1 a. impr. act. — Παύσε«α, -ας, -ε, I a. opt. ^Eol. act. — Παύσομαι, -η, -εται, 3 pi. -σονται, 1 f. ind. mid. of παύω. Παύσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. παύω to stop) a cessation, interval, rest, pause, intermission^ Πανσωλή, -τ??, η, (fr. same) a ces- (450) ΠΕΔ sation, rest, interval, intermis- sion. Παυσωμεσθα, Poet, foi παυσώμεθα 9 1 pi. 1 a. sub. mid. of Παύω, f. -σω, p. πέπανκα, to make pause or cease, put a stop to ; to restrain, repress, check, hinder ; to allay, assuage, mitigate, calm, pacify ; to loiter, delay, linger. Παύομαι, to stop, cease, pause, rest ; to abstain, withhold, refrain; to rest, subside, abate, intermit - to end, conclude, terminate. 1 a. act. έπαυσα' impr. παύσον, -άτω. 2 a. ind. act. έπάον pass, επάην. impf. pass, επανόμην, -ov, ετο 3 pi. επαύοντο. per. ind. pass. πέπαυμαι. 1 a. ind. mid. επαυσά- μην, -ω, -ατο. Παφλάγών, -όνος, b, a Paphlago- nian. Πάφ\αζεν, Ion. for επάφλαξε, 3 sin. impf. act Παφλάζοιτο, 3 sin. pres. opt. pass, of Παφλάζω, (fr. <ρ\άζω to burst forth) to boil up, bubble, work, ferment ; to rage as the sea ; to fret, storm, bluster. Πάφος, -ου, //, Paphus, a city of Cyprus. Πάχεας, Dor. for πήχεας, a. pi. of πήχνς. Παχεία, η. sin. fern. — Πα^εΤα, and Ion. ΠαχεΊη, d. sin. fern, of παχύς. Παχθή, Dor. for πηχθη, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass, of νήγνυμι. Πάχνη, -r,s, ί], hoarfrost, frozen dew. Παχνήεις,-εσσα, -εν, (fr. last) frosty. Πάχνος, and Πάχος, -εος -ους, rb, (fr. παχύς thick) thickness, big- ness, grossness ; fatness, plump- ness. Παχνόω, -ω, (fr. πάχνη frost) to freeze, congeal, condense ; to thicken, coagulate, curdle ; to thrill, feel horror ; to sadden, grieve, vex, depress. Πάχος, -εος -ους, το, see πάχνος. Παχύδερμος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. παχύς thick, and δέρμα skin) thick- skinned ; hardened,, obdurate ; stupid, dull, clownish, rough, ignorant. Παχυνθε\ς, -εΊσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass, of Παχύνω, f. -υ^ώ, p. πεπάχνγκα, (fr. next) to thicken, make fat or gross, fatten ; to render dull or stupid, stupijy. per. ind. pass. πεπάχνμμαι, 1 a. ind. pass., επα- χύνθην. Παχύς, -εια, -ν, thick, close, com- pact, firm ; strong, robust, stout ; broad, large, wide ; J~at, greasy ; rich, sleek ; gross, plump,, cor- pulent, muscular ; heavy, weigh- ty ; dull, stupid, slow, sluggish ; coarse, rough, rude, ignGrant, clownish. Παχντης, -ητος, >% (fr. ast) thick- ness, grossness ; fatness, corpu- lency ; dulness, stupidity* Πάω -ω, see πάομαι. Πέδα, AucA. for μετά. Πεδάα, Πε<5«αΐ', Ion. Pleon. for ΠΕΖ πεδα, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. and Πεό^ν, pres. inf. act» cont. of πεοάω. Πεδάασκον, 3 pi. impf. act. of πε<5α- άσκω, Ion. for same. Πεδάγρετος, -ου, b, η, (fr. πέδα JEol for μετά after, and αγρέω or αγρεύω to hunt) caught again, seized, taken in flight, overtaken, arrested. Πεδαίρω,.^ΈοΙ. for μεταίρω. Πεδαμείβω, JEol. for μεταμείβω. Πει3ανδί, -η, -bv, (fr. πέδον the ground) firm, strong; solid; on the ground, low ; humble, feeble. Πεδάρσιος, -ου, δ, η, JEol. for με- τμοσιος. Τίί'δας, a. pi. of πέδη. Πεδάσαι — ΐΐίδάσον, Dor. for πεδη- σαι, inf. and πέδησον, irapr. 1 a. act. of ιτεδάω. Πεδάψρων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. πέδη fet- ters, and φρην the mind) enslav- ed in mind,enthrallcd,prejudiced ; weak in understanding; dull, stu- pid, foolish. Or, (fr. πέδα JEol. for μετά after, and same) after- wise, knowing too late. Πεοαω, and Πε<5εω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. πεπέδηκα, (fr. πέδη fetters) to bind with chains, fetter, shackle ; to lie, fasten, entangle, hamper, impede.. Πεδέρχομαι, JEol. for μετέρχομαι. Πε<5εω -ώ, see πεδάω. Πέδη, -ης, η, (perhaps fr. πους the foot) a shackle, fetters, a chain ; a gin, snare, trap. ΙΙέδησεν, Ion. for επέδησε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of πεδάω. ΤΙεδήτης, -ov, b, η, (fr. πέδη fetters) bound, chained, fettered. Subs. a bondsman, slave, captive. Πεδιάς, -άδος, η, (fr. πεδίον the plain) level country, plain. Πέδϊλον, -ου, το, a shoe, slipper, sandal ; winged shoes. Πεδινός and ΙΙεδεινος, -r/, -bv, (fr. πέδον the ground) plain, flat, level, champaign; low. Πεδίον, -ου, Ion. -οιο, το, (fr. same) flat or level ground, a plain ; a piece of ground, field. Πέδιον, -ου, το, ^dim. of πέδη fet- ters) a small chain or shackle. Πεδιονόμος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. πέδον the ground, and νέμω to rule) guard- ing the plains. ΠεδιοπΧόκτυπος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πλήσσω to strike) striking or trampling the plains. Πεδόθεν, (fr. next) from the ground or earth ; from the bottom, from below ; from the soil, native. Γίέδον, -ου, το, ground, soil, earth ; lowland, plain ; a border, bound- ary. ΪΙεδοστιβης, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. last, and στείβι* to trample) trampling the plains. Πίζα, -ης, η, the sole of the foot ; the foot ; a fringe, list, oorder ; the edge, rim, brim ; bank, shore wast. Πεζεύω, (fr. last) to travel on foot march; to go by land, pres inf. act. τεζενειν. ΠΕΙ Πεζή, (d. sin. of same ; or of π. ζ£ς, Viz. bS-7>) Oil foot. ΠεζίκΙν, -oo, to, (neut. of next) th( infantry, foot soldiery. Πεζικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. πέζα the sole of the foot) on foot, pedestrian, of a footman, of infantry. Πεζοβόας, -ov, b, (fr. same, and βοη a battle shout) who fights on foot; a foot warrior or soldier. Πεζομάχας, Dor. for Πεζομάχης, -ov, b, (fr. same, and μάχομαι to fight) a foot soldier or infantry- man ; a landsman. Πεζομάχέω, (fr. same) to fight on foot or on land. Πεζομάχη,-ης, and Πεζομαχία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a battle of infantry, fight on foot, engagement by land. Πέζος, -η, -ov, (fr. πέζα the sole of the foot) on foot, infantry, pe- destrian, performed on foot, on land. Subs, a footman or sol- dier. Πει, Dor. for που. Πεΐθ', Ion. for έπειθε,. 3 sin. impf. act. of πείθω. Πειθαρχείο -ω, f. -ήσω, p. πεπειθάρ- χηκα, (fr. πείθομαι to obey, and άρχων a ruler) to obey a superior, yield obedience, comply, submit. 1 a. ind. act., επειθάρχησα Πειθαρχία, -ας, η, (fr. same) obe- dience, subjection, submission. Πείθεις, 2 sin. -θομεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. — Πειθέμεν, Ion. for πείθειν, pres. inf. act. — Πείθεο, Ion. for πείθου, pres. impr. pass. — Πείθεσθαι, pres. inf. pass. ->- Πείθεσθε, 2 pi. pies. ind. or impr. pass. — Πείθηται, 3 sin. pres. sub. pass, of πείθω. Πειθέω, and Πιθέω -ω, Poet, and Att. for πείθω. Πειθήνιος, -ov, b, %, (fr. πείθομαι to obey, and ηνία a bridle) obedient, submissive, tractable. Πείθομαι, pres. ind. pass, or mid. — Πειθόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. — Πείθοντο, Ion. for επεί- θοντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of πείθω. Πειθος, -ή, -bv, same as πιθανός, only found in 1 Cor. ii. 4. Πείθου, pres. impr. mid. of πείθω. Πειθούς, g. sin. cont. of next. Πείθω, -6ος -ους, η, (fr. πείθω to persuade) the goddess of per- suasion; persuasion, fair speech^ insinuation ; an impression, opi- nion, belief ; obedience, sub-, mission, compliance,, obsequious- ness. Πείθω, f. πείσω, p. πέπεικα, to bind or tie to in order to lead, turn, conduct ; to persuade, convince, prevail on, influence, induce, urge ; to appease, propitiate, re- concile ; to corrupt, seduce, bribe ; to procure, obtain. Πείθομαι, to assent, comply, condescend ; to obey, subwit, yield ; to believe, trust, depend or rely upon. 1 a. ind. act. έπεισα. 2 a. act. ind. επϊθον, Ion. πέπιθον par. πί- θων, Ion. πεπίθώι;. impf. pass. ειτε£θ<5μ?7ν,-ου,-ετο,ρεΓ. pass.ind. (451) TTEI ■-'■• ■ - • "•'.•, πεπεισμένος, 1 α. •|. ; > •,-.' i f. ind. . iter, ini'i. ind. ';«[• par. πε- ποιβώς. ppcr. mid. επε-οίθειν, Ion. επε-οίθεα. ΠειΟώμεθα, 1 [>L pres. sub. pass. — Πείθων, -ούσα, -οι», par. pres. act. of last. Πείκω or Πέκω, f- -ξω, p. πέπεχα, to comb the hair ; to card or dres* wool or flax ; to shear. 1 a. ind. pass, επέχθην. per. ind. mid. πέποκα. Πείνα, and Ion. Πείν?7, -ης, η, hun- ger, want or desire of food ; fa- mine, Πεινςί, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. — Πείνα»', pres. inf. act. cont. of πεινάω. Πειναλέος, -a, -ov, (fr. πείνα hun- ger) hungry, famishing, starved. Πείναντί,ϋοΓ. for πεινωντι, d. sin. cont. par. pres. act. — Πείνα- σαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Πεινάσετε, -σουσι, 2 and 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. — Πείνα'σ,ν, 2 sin. 1 fr ind. mid. of Πεινάω -ω, f. -άσω, and Πεινέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. πείνα hunger) to hun- ger, be hungry, desire food ; to want, be poor; to long or pine for•, covet, wish earnestly. Πείνημι, same as last. Πεινην, Dor. for πεινάν, pres. inf. act. cont. of same. — Πείν>7μεναί, JEol. for πεινάν or, for πεινήναι, pres. inf. act. of πείνημι. ΠεΊρα, -ας, η, endeavour, attempt f effort, trial, experiment ; prac- tice, experience ; fraud, deceit, cunning, artifice. Πείρα, -άς, η, (fr. πείρω Jto pass through) the point or edge of a weapon. Πείραζα, f. -άσω, πεπείρακα, (fr. πείρα an attempt) to endeavour, attempt, exert, make an effort , to try, prove, explore, examine, sift, search out ; to tempt, se- duce. I a. act. ind. επείρασα' inf. πειρασαι. per. ind. pass, πε- πείρασμαι, 1 a. pass. ind. επει- ράσθην' sub. πειρασθώ* inf. πεί- ρα σθή να ι. ΥΙζιράζων, -ούσα, -ον,τι. ρΐ. -ζοντες, par. pres. act. of last. Subs. a tempter ; the devil. Πείραθ\ Apos. for πείρατα, pi. of πείρας. Πειραθείην, -ης, -η, 1 a. opt. pass. — Πειραθώ, -ης,-η, 3 pi. πειραθω- σι, 1 a. sub. pass, of πειράω. Πειραίνω, same as περαίνω. ΠεΊραρ, and ΠεΊρας, -ατός, τδ, see πέρας. Πειρασαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Πείρασαι, 3 sin. 1 a. opt. act. ; or 1 a. impr. mid. — Πείρασ0£ί?, -εΐσα, -εν, par. — Πειρασθηναί, inf. 1 a. pass. — Πειρασθτ,ς, -θητε, 2 sin. and pL 1 a. sub. pass, of πει ράζω. Πείράσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. πει- ράζω to try) α trial, attempt endeavour ; a temptation, solicU lotion,, ΠΕΙ Πειρασμός, -οΐί, δ, (fr. sarr.e) an en deavour, attempt, trial ; a tempta- tion, enticement. Πειραστης, -ου, b, (fr. same) one who tries or attempts; a tempter, seducer. Πειραστίκος, -r), -iv, (fr. same) try- ing, attempting ; vainly endea- vouring, ineffectual ; inconclu- sive. Πεφατ', for πείρατα, pi. of πείρας. Ίίειρατέος,-α, -ov, (fr. πειράω to try, th. πείρα an attempt) must be attempted, is to be tried, &c. ac- cording to the verb. Τίειρατενω, f. -ενσω, (fr. πειρατής a pirate) to be a pirate ; to plun- der, pillage ; to seize, hold. Πειρατήριον,-ον,το, (neut. of next) a nest or haunt of pirates ; a troop of robbers. ΙΙειρατήριος, -ov, b, η, (fr. πειράω to try) trying ; to be tried, submit- ting to proof. Also, piratical, plundering. Πειρατής, -ov, b, (fr. πειράω to at- tempt ; or πε'ιρω to pass through) a rover, adventurer ; a pirate, plunderer, robber. Πειράτω, 3 sin. pres. impr. act. of ΤΙειράω -ώ, f. -άσω, and -ήσω, p. πεπείοακα, (fr. πείρα an attempt) to endeavour, try, attempt, essay, strive, exert ; to explore, examine ; to attack, assuidt, try to take ; to tempt, solicit, seduce ; to prove, experience, impf. pass, επειραό- μην -ώμην, -άον -ω, -άετο -άτο, 3 ρΐ. -άοντο -ωντο. Πειρηθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass. — Πείρη- σαι, 1 a. impr. mid. of last. ϋειρητίζω, (fr. same) to try, en- deavour, attempt ; to tempt, se- duce. Πειρίθοος, -ov,b, Pirithous, a man's name. ΤΙείρινς, -ινθος, η, a basket, hamper or boot attached to a carriage. Πείρω, Γ. -ερώ, p. πίπαρκα, to pass through, go along, cross over ; to pierce, thrust, strike or drive through ; to fix, stick or fasten in or upon. 1 a. ind. act. ίπει- pa. 2 a. ind. act. έπάρον. per. mo* pass, πεπαρμαι, 1 a. ind. pass, έπαρθην. per. ind. mid. πίπορα. Τϊειρώ, 2 sin. cont. pres. impr.- mid. — Πειρψάτο, Ion. for πει- ρψντο, 3 pi. cont. pres.: opt. pass. — Πειρώμεθα, 1 pi. cont. pres. ind. pass. — Πειοώμενος, par. pres. pass. cont. ol πειράω. Πε?σα, -ης, >/, (fr. πείθω to bind) a cable. Πείσαι, for π'ισαι, 1 a. inf. act. of νιπίσκω. Ώ,είσαις, -αισα, JEol. for ΪΙείσας, -ασα, -αν, η. pi. -σαντες, par. 1 a. act. of πείβω. Πεισαχάλΐνος,-ον, b, fj, (fr. πείθω to obey, and χαλινός a bridle) obe- dient to the reins. ΤΙείσεαι, Ion. for πείση, 2 sin. 1 f. ind. mid. — Πείσεις, 2 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Τίεισέμεν, Ion. for itetffsiv, 1 f. inf. act. — Πείσεσθαι, \ ΠΕΛ 1 f. inf. mid.— Πε/σρ, 2 sin. 1 f. ind. mid. — Πεισθεϊς, -εϊσα, -εν, η. pi. πεισθέντες, par. 1 a. pass. — Πεισθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass. — Πεισθης, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. pass. — Πεισθήσομαι, 3 pi. -θήσονται, 1 f. ind. pass, of πείθω. ΤΙεισίστρατος, -ov, δ, Pisistratus, a man's name. Πείσμα, -άτος, rb, (fr. πείθω to per- suade) confidence, trust, bold- ness, assurance ; a persuasion, opinion, belief; a rope used to manage the helm, tiller-rope ; a cable, halser or hawser. Πεισμονή, -ης, η, (fr. same) a per- suasion, opinion, belief Πείσομαι, -y, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. of πάσχω or of πείθω. Πεΐσος, and Πΐσος, -εος -ονς, το, (fr. πιω obs. for which πίνω to wa- ter) α marsh, swamp, savannah, meadow ; a garden. Πειστέος, -a, -ov, (fr. πείθω to per- suade) must be complied, is to be obeyed, &c. according to the verb. Πειστηρ, -ηρος, δ, (fr. πείθω to per- suade) a persuader, adviser ; obe- dient, attentive, submissive ; a cord, rope. Πεκούλιον, -ov, rb, (fr. Lat. pecu- lium, a servant's savings) pri- vate property, one's own share. Πέκω, same as πείκω. Πελάγεσσι, Ion. for πελάγεσι, d. pi. of πέλαγος. Πελαγίζω, (fr. next) to inundate, overflow, stagnate, stand in pools ; to cross the ocean. Πέλαγος, -εος -ονς,τό, (perhaps fr πλοΊον a ship, and άγω to lead) the sea, ocean, great deep. Πελάγων, -όνος, δ, Pelagon, a man's name. Πελάζω, f. -άσω, p. κεπέλακα, (fr. πέλάς near) to draw near, ap- proach, reach, arrive at ; come to land ; to strike or dash a gainst ; to approximate, bring near ; to give, grant, bestow. 1 a. impr. act. πελασον, Poet, πέ- λασσον. Πελάθω, f. -άσω, same as last. Πέλάνος, -ov, b, a cake of meal or bran used in sacrifices ; any cake or hardened lump ; clotted foam. Πελαργδς, -ov, Ό, (perhaps fr. πελος black, and αργός white) a stork; a jug with a long spout. Πέλάς, (perhaps fr. πελω to bring nigh) near, nigh, hard by. comp. πλησίον, sup. πελαστάτω. Όπέ- λας, one near, a neighbour ; ano- ther, some other. Πέλασαν, Ion. for επελασαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. — Πελάσαι, inf. — Πελάσας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. of πελάζω. ~ Πελασγοί, -ων, o\, Pelasgi, an an- cient name of the Greeks. Πελασθεϊς, -εϊσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass. — Πελάσθη, Ion. for επελάσθη, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. pass, — Πελάσσαις, 2£to\. and Poet, for πελάσας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. — Πελασ- (452) ΠΕΛ σον, Poet, for πελασον, f fc. me* •. act. of πελάζω. Πελάτης, -ov, b, (fr. saene* qk* u* approaches or comss >ic<*r y αΛ inhabitant, native, dux^it if"'gb ■ hour; a client, dependant, ser- vant, hireling. Πελάτις, -ΈοΌς, ι), (fr. same) same as last in fern. gen. Πελάω -ώ, same aswtAa£w. Πέλεθος, -ov, b, see ονέλεθος. Πελεθρον, -ov, το, see πλεθρον. Πέλει, (impers. fr. πελω ίο be) V is; it happens, fares, occurs. Πέλεια, -ας, and Πελείάί, -αδος, f/ t a pigeon, dove. Πελειάσι or -σιν, d. pi. of πελει<ίί• Πελεκάν, and Πελεκάς -άνος and -άvτoς,b, (fr. next) a pelican. Πελεκάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. πελεκνς an axe) to cut with an axe, hew, cleave, chop, cut, pare, smooth. Πελέκημα, -άτος, το, (fr. last) hew- ings, chips, shavings which serve for kindling a fire, firewood. Πελεκητός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) hew- ed, cut ; dressed with an axe, smoothed, planed. Πελεκίζω, f. -ίσω, p. πεπελεκικα, (fr. πέλεκνς an axe) to cut with an axe, hew ; to behead, per. pass. ind. πεπελεκισμαι• par. πεπελε- κισμενος. Πελεκίνος, -ov, b, (fr. last) a plant called axe-fitch, hatchet-filch oi axe-wort. Also, a bird of the duck kind, the shoveller. Πελέκκησεν, Ion. or Poet, for επε- λεκησε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of πελεκάω. Πέλεκκον, -ov, rb, (fr. πελεκνς an axe) the haft or handle of an axe ; the axe itself. Πελεκνς, -εος, Att. -εως, b, an axe 7 cleaver, hatchet; a battle-axe, pole-axe. Πελεμίξετ, Ion. for επελεμίζετο, 3 sin. impf. pass, of Πελεμίζω, f. -ξω, p. πεπελεμιχα, (perhaps fr. παλάμη the hand) to shake with the hand, move, stir, wag, make vibrate ; to brandish, toss, fling ; to remove violently, throw down, shatter ; to trouble, disturb, agitate, disquiet. Πελε- μίζομαι, to quake, quiver, tremble. per. ind. pass, πεπελεμιγμαι. 1 a, ind. pass, επολεμίχϋήν. Πελεμίχθη, Ion. for επελεμίχθη, 3 sin. la. ind. pass, of last. Πε'λει>, Ion. for επελε, 3 sin. impf. act. — Πελεσκε, impf. act. of πε- λίσκω, Ion. — Πε'λευ, Dor. for πελον, pres. impr. mid. of πε'λω. Πελιδνός, -η, -bv, (ft. πελόί black) blackish, black and blue, livid, bloodshot. Πελιδνόω -ω, (fr. last) to make livid or black and blue, blacken ; to bruise, thump, beat, buffet. Πελιόομαι -ονμαι, (fr. next) to be- come livid or black and blue, grow blackish or dark. Πελιος, (fr. πελόί black) black and blue, livid, blackish, dark-colour- ed, dusky. Πέλλα, Ion. Πελλ»?, -ης, and HcXAfr, ΠΕΜ Ίδος. η, (perhaps, fr. πλεος full) a pail, milk-vessel; a drinking cup. Πέλλη, -ης,ίι, Pella > a cit y of Ma- cedonia. Πίλλοί, -η, -ov, or Πελλδί, -rf, -bv, same as ιτεΧός. Πέλμα, -ατός, το, the sole of the foot or of a shoe. Πέλομαι, see 7τελω. Πελόμεσθα, Dor. for πελόμεθα, 1 pi. pres, ind. pass, of πέλω. Πέλοντο, Ion. for επέλοντο, 3 pi. impf. mid. of πέλω. Πελοπηίαδαι, Ion. Poet, and Dor. for Πελοπίδαι, η. pi. of Πελοπϊδης, -ου, δ, the son of Πε'λοψ. Πελοποννησιακός, -η, -ov, Pelopon- nesian, and Πελοπυννησιαστι, (fr. next) like a Peloponnesian. Πελοπόννησος, -ου, η, (fr. Πέλοψ Pelops, and νήσος an island) Pc- loponnesus. Πέλοπος, g. of Πέλοψ. Πελυς, -η, -ov, dark, blackish, dus- ky, brown, bay, tawny ; black. Πελτάριον, -ου, το, (dim. of πέλτη a buckler) a small buckler, tar- ! get Πελταστης, -ου, δ, (fr. same) armed with a small shield ; a targeteer Πελταστικον, -ου το, (fr. same) a body of targeteer s. Πελταστικος, -ή, -ov. (fr. same) of or like a target ; armed with a target ; skilled in the use of it. Πέλτη, -ης, η, a buckler, target, smah shield generally in tne shape of a crescent. Πέλυξ, -νκοςη and Πέλυς, -εος, Att. -εως , η, (fr. πέλεκυς an axe) α hate het, axe ; a wooden basin or bow'. Πέλω or Πέλομαι, to be, exist ; to be well or ιϊΐ, /fare; to happen, occur, chance, become ; to turn, change, revolve, recur ; to come, arrive at. draw near; to bring nea r , make approach. Πέλωρ, -ωρος, το, amonster, giant ; a prodigy. Πελώριος, -ου, δ, η, and Πέλωρος, -a, -ov, (fr. last) ominous, por- tentous, ill-boding ; prodigious, huge, gigantic; amazing, won- derful, venerable, awful. Πέμμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. πέπτω to cook) dressed victuals; a cake, pasty, dainty. Πεμπάδαρχβς, -ου, δ, η, see πεπτά- δαρχος. Πεμπάζω or Πεμπάζομαι, f. -ασω, and mid. άσομαι, ρ. πεπέμπακα, (fr. next) to count on the fingers, count by fives ; to number, reck- on; to think, consider. Πεμπάς, -αδος, fj, iEol. for πεπτάς. Πέμπε, iEol. for πέντε. Πέμπε, Ion. for έπεμπε, 3 sin. impf. act. — Πέμπειν, pres. inf. act. of πέμπω. Πέμπελος, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. πέμ- πω to send) an old man. ΙΙέμποισα, Dor. for πέμπουσα, η. fern. par. pres. act. — Πεμπόμε- νος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. — ΠΕΝ Πέμπυν, Ion. for επεμπον, impf. act. — Πέμποντα, a. sin. par. pres. act. of πέμπω. ΠεμπταΊζω, (fr. next) to divide into fives, arrange by fives, put five in a rank. ΠίμπταΊος, -a, -ov, (fr. πέντε five) the fifth in order ; every fifth by fives ; occurring every fifth day ; five days old. Πεμπτάμερος, -ov, b, η, (fr. πέμπε, JE.o\. for πέντε five, and άμέρα, Dor. for ημέρα a day) see πενθή- μερος. Πέμπτος, -η, • -ov, (fr. πέντε five) fifth. Πέμπτος, -η, -bv, (fr. next) sent, dismissed, discharged. Πέμπω, f. -ψω, p. πέπεμφα, to send, send to, off or away ; to march in state, make a procession ; to despatch, send an account, mes- sage or embassy ; to send to, im- part, grant ; to dismiss, discharge disband, discard ; to send from, avert, turn away ; to carry, con- vey, escort, attend, accompany; to send for, sef or have conduct- ed. 1 a. act. ind. έπεμψα• impr. πέμψον, -άτω' sub. πέμψω, -ης, -η• inf. πέμψαι' par. πέμψας, -ασα, -αν. preS. ind. pass, πέμ- πομαι. 1 a. ind. pass, επέμφθην. 1 f. ind. pass, πεμφθήσομαι. per. ind. mid. πέπομπα. Πεμπώβολον, -ov, το, (fr. πέμπε, JEol. for πέντε five, and οβολος a spin a spit with five points or ratuer a five-pronged fork on which the meat was held over the fire. Πεμφθέντες,η. pi. par. 1 a. pass, of πέμπω. Πέμφιξ, and Πέμφιγξ, -ιγος, η, (fr. πέμπω to send) a blast, puff, breeze ; the breath, soul ; a cloud, vapour ; a drop, bubble. Πεμφρηδων,-όνος, η, a kind of wasp. Πέμψαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Πέμψαν- τα, a. sin. of πέμψας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. — Πέμψον, 1 a. impr. act. — Πέμψω, -εις, -ει, 3 pi. -ψουσι, If. ind. act. — Πέμ- ψω, -ης, -η. 1 pi. -ψωμεν, 1 a. sub. act. of πέμπω. Πένεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. of πένο- μαι. Πενέστης, -ου, b, (fr. πένομαι to la- bour) a slave, servant, domestic ; a hireling, labourer. Πένηαι, Ion. for πένη, 2 sin. pres. ind. mid. of πένομαι. Πένης, -ητος, b, ή, (fr. πίνομαι to toil) poor, needy, indigent, des- titute ; a poor person; a labour- er, hireling, d. pi. πένησι or -σιν. Πενθεί, 2 sin*, cont. pres. impr. — Πενθεί ν, pres. inf. act. cont. of πενθέω. Πενθεί -ει, d. sin. οι πένθος. Πενθερά, -ας, η, a mother -in-law. Πενθερος, -ov, b, a father-in-law. Πενθέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. πεπένθηκα, (fr. πένθος grief) to grieve, la- ment, bewail, mourn. 1 a. act. ind. επένθησα' inf. πενθήσαι. Πένθη μεναι, Dor. for πενθηναι, pres. (453) ΠΕΝ inf. act. of πένθημι, or for πεν- βεΊν, pres. inf. act. cont. of last. Πενθήμερος, -ov, b,ff, (fr. πέντε five, and ημέρα, a day) of five days, lasting or continuing five days. Πένθημι, same as πενθέω. Πενθήσατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. — Πενθήσω, -εις, -ει, 2 pi. -θήσετε, 1 f. ind. act. of same. Πενθητήρ, -ηρος, 6,(fr. πένθος grief) a mourner. Πενθητρία, -ας, fj, (fr. same) a mourner particularly at fune- rals. Πενθικος,'-ή, -bv, and Πένθιμος, (fr. next) mournful; grievous, sor- rowful, lamentable. Πένθος, -εος -ους, to, mourning, la- mentation; a funeral, burial; grief, sorrow ; distress, affliction, misery, misfortune ; pain, ache ; a loss, defeat, overthrow, ruin ; death. Πενθουντες, η. pi. cont. par. pres. act. — Πενθουσι, d. pi. cont. of same, or, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of πενθέω. Πενία, -ας, and Ion. Πεν'ιη, -ης, η, (fr. πένομαι, to toil) want, pover- ty, indigence. Πενιχραλεος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) in want, poor, destitute. Πενιχρός, -a, -bv, (fr. next) poor, needy, indigent, destitute. Πένομαι, to toil, labour, work at, be engaged about ; to do, perform, effect, accomplish ; to make, exe- cute ; to provide, manage, con- duct ; to want, be poor, need, be indigent ; to suffer, be afflict- ed or distressed, par. pres. mid. πενόμενος. per. ind. mid. πέπονα. Πένοντο, Ion. for επένοντο, 3 pl• impf. mid. of last. Πεντάδαρχος, -ov, b, (fr. πέντε five, and άρχω to command) an of- ficer over five. Πεντάεθλον, (fr. same, and άεθλος a contest) the five combats or ex- ercises in the Grecian games. Πεντάεθλος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a champion or combatant in the five Grecian games ; a conquer- or in them ; the statue of such a person. Πενταετηρίχος,-η,-ον,{ΐτ. πέντε ΐι\'&. and έτος a year) every five years, quinquennial; purifying, holy. Πενταετηρϊς, -Ίδυς, η, (fr. same) the space of five years ; a purifi- cation or purgation. Also adj. of five years-; quinquennial. Πενταέτηρος, -ov, and Πενταετία, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same) of five- years, every five years, quin- quennial. Πένταθλον,-ον, τδ, and ΠένταθΧος, -ου, b, see πεντάεθλον, and -λος. Πεντάκις, (fr. τέντε five) five times. ΠεντακισχΐΚιοι,-αι, -a,(fr. last,and χίλιοι a thousand 1 ; five thousand. Πεντακόσιοι, -ai, -a, (fr. .πέντε five, and -κόσιοι the centesimal ter- mination) five hundred. Πεντάπηχυς, -νος, b, f], (fr. same, and πηχνς a cubit) of five cubits, fiv cubits hng, &c ΠΕΠ Πενταπλάσιο?, -α, -ov, and Ion. Πενταπλάσιο?, -η,-ον, (fr. same, and -πλάσιος a termination of repetition) fivefold, five times as great. Πενταπλασίως, (fr. last) fivefold, Jive times. ϋενταπλόος -ους, -6ου -ου, δ, η, and -6ος -ους, -δη -η, -όον -ουν, (fr. πέντε five, and -πλοος a termina- tion of repetition) fivefold, five times over. Πεντάπολις, -ίος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same, and πόλις a city) the five cities. Πεντάς, -άδος, ^, (fr. same) a or one five ; the number five. Πένταχα and Πεντάχη, (fr. next) fivefold, in five ways, in five parts. Πέ ντε, indecl. five. Πεντεκαίδεκα, (fr. last, και and, and δέκα ten) fifteen. Πεντεκαιδέκάτος, -η, -ov, (fr. last) fifteenth. Πεντήκοντα, indecl. (fr. πέντε five, and -κοντά the decimal termina- tion) fifty. ^ Πεντηκονταετης, -έος-ου;., δ, η, (fr. last, and έτος a year) of fifty years, fifty years old. "Πεντηκονταετία, -ας, f), (fr. same) the space of fifty years, half a century. Πεντηκοντάλιτρον, -ου, το, (fr. same, and λίτρα a pound) fifty pounds, a Sicilian coin. Πεντηκόνταρχος, -ου, δ, (fr. same, and άρχω to command) a com- mander of fifty. Πεντηκοντόγυος,-ου, b, v, (fr. same, and γνα an acre) of fifty acres, fifty acres large. ίίεντηκοντοκάρηνος , -ov, h, %, (fr. same, and κάρηνον a head) with fifty heads. Πεντηκόντορος, -ov, ή,λ'ϊζ. νανς, (fr. πεντήκοντα fifty) a ship of fifty oars, man of war. Πεντηκοστή, -ης, η, (fern, of next, viz. ημέρα a day) the fiftieth day from the first day of unleavened bread, or the day after the Pass- over was offered, exclusive, the feast of Pentecost, Whitsunday. Also, (viz. μοΤρα a part) a tax of the fiftieth part. Πεντηκοστός^, -η, -ov,(fr. πεντήκοντα fifty) thefiftieth. ΙΙεντόζοιο, g. Ion. of ■ Τίέντοζος, -ου, δ, fj, (fr. πέντε five, and όζος a branch), of five branches, divisions or fingers. Πέξαιτ for πέξαιτο, 3 sin. 1 a. opt. mid. — Πεξω, Dor. for πεξω, 1 f. ind. act. of πέκω or πείκω. ΙΙέος, -εος -ους, τδ, the male's pecu- liar part. Πεπάγάσι, Dor. for πεπήγασι, 3 pi. of πέπηγα, per. ind. mid. of πήγνψι. ΙΙεπαθυ.α, Sync, for πεπαθηκυΊα, η. fern. par. per. act. of πάσχω. Πεπαίδευμαι, -σαι, -ται, in 3 pi. -νται, ind. — "Πεπαιδευμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of παιδεύω. Πεχαίνω, f. -av<3,(fr. πέπτω toboi!) to boil well, digest / to ripen ; ίο ΠΕΠ soften, mellow; to abate, miti- gate, assuage. Πεπαισμένος, -η,-ον, par. per. pass. of παίζω or of παίω, or perhaps from π επαινώ. Πεπαίτερος, -a, -ov, comp. Att. from π έπων. Πεπαλαγμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass. — Πεπάλακτο, Ion. for επεπάλακτο, 3 sin. pper. pass. — Πεπάλαχθε,2ρ\. per. impr. pass. of παλάσσω. Τίεπαλων, Ion. for πάλων, par. 2 a. act. of πάλλω. ΥΙέπαμαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass. of πάομαι. Πεπάναι, 1 a. inf. act. — Πεπανθεις, -εΐσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass, of, πεπαίνω. ΠεπαρεΊν, by Anadipl. for παρείν, 2 a. inf. act. of πείρα;. Πέπαρκα, -ας ε, per. ind. act. — Πέπαρμαι -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass. — ΙΙεπάρθαί,ρβΓ. inf. pass. — Πεπαρμενος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass. — Πί'πορα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of πιίρω. Πεπαρώνηκα, Πεπαρωνη μένος, Att. for παρωνηκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. and παρωνημένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, οί'παρο<νε'ω. Πέπασται, Poet, for πέπατακ, 3 sin. per. ind. pass, of πάομαι. Πέπανμβι, -σαι, -ται, ind. — Πε- πανμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass. — Πε'παυσο, per. impr. pass, of παύω. Πεπείθάται, Ion. for πεπεισμένοι εισϊ, 3 pi. per. ind. pass. — Πεπείθοντο, Ion. for επείθοντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of πείθω Πεπείραμαί, Dor. for πεπείρημαι, per. ind. pass, of πειράω. Ώεπειρασμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of πειράζω. Πέπειρος, -a, -ov, (fr. πεπτω to soft- en) ripe, mature, mellow ; soft, tender. ΠΕΠ 3 pi. 2 a. opt. act. — ■ Πένιθον and — Πεπίθών,Ιοη. for ίχιθον, -ες,-έ, ind. and for πίθων, -οΰσα, -dv, par. 2 a. act. of πείθω. Πεπίστευκα, -ας, -ε or -εν, pi. -κα- μεν, -κατε, per. ind. act. — Πε- ττιστενκεισαν, Att. for επεπιστεύ- κεισαν, 3 pi. pper. act. — Πεπισ- τευκώς, -via, -ος, ρΐ. η. -κότες, g. -κότων, ά. -κόσι, a. -κότας^ par. per. act. — Πεπίστευμαί, ind. — Πεπιστευμίνο?, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of πιστεύω. Πεπιστωμένως, (fr. πεπιστωμένος, par. per. pass, of πιστυω to con fide) faithfully, sincerely. Πεπλανημένος, -η, -ov, par. — Πε- πλάνησθε, 2 pi. per. ind. pass, of πλανάω. Πεπλανημένως, (fr. last) in a wan- dering manner, rovingly, like a vagabond. Πέπλασμαι, -σαι, -σται, per. ind. pass. — Πεπλδσθαί, per. inf. pass. — Πέπλα στενοί, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of πλάσσω. Πεπλασμενωί, (fr. χεπλασμένος in last) feignedly, with dissimula- tion , falsely. Πεπλάτυγκα,-ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — Πεπλάτυγμαι, -ξαι, -κται, 3 pi. πεπλάτυνται, per. ind. pass, of πλατύνω. Πέ-ληγα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. — Πέπληγον, Ion. for έπληγον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of πλάσσω. Πεκληγέμεν, Ion. and — Πεπληγε- μέναι, Dor. for πεπλ^ειν, pres. inf. act. of πεπλ^ω, Ion. for πλάσσω. Πέπληγον, -ες, -ε, Ion. (οτ'έπληγον, 2 a. ind. act. of πλ?;σσω. Πεπλήγω, Ion. for πλήσσω. Πεπλήθυνται, 3 pi. per. ind. pass, of πληθύνω. Πεπλ^θώί,-ύΤα, -δς, (par. per. mid. of πλήθω to fill) filled, full, abun- dant, plentiful. Πεπείσθω, 3 sin. per. impr. pass. ΙΠε'πλ^ντο, Ion. for επεπλί?ντο,3 pi. pper. pass, οΐπίμπλημι. Πεπληροφορημένος, -η,-ον, par. per. pass, of πληροφορέω. Πεπλήρωκα, -ας, -ε or -εν, ind Πεττλ^ρωκε'ναί, inf. per. act. — Πεπλήρωμαι, 3 pi. -ρωνται, ind. — Πεπλ>7ρω/ιενοί, par. per. pass, of πληρόω. Πεπλησιακως, -v7a, -ος, par. per. act. of πλησιάζω. Πέπλος, -ου Ion. -οιο, b, and Πε'π- λον, -ου, το, aveil; a robe, gar- ment. In pi. clothes, dress. Πεπλούτηκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. of πλουτέω. Πέπλυμαι,-σα^,-ται, per. ind. act. — Πεπλύσθα», per. inf. pass, of πλύω. Πε'πλω^α,-ατοί, ro,same as πέπλος. Πέπλως, Ion. for επε'πλωί, 2 sin. 2 a. act, of επίπλωμι. Πέπλως, Dor. for πέπλους, a. pi. of πέπλος. Πέπννμαι,-σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass. — Πεπείσμαι, -σαι, -ται, 1 pi. -μέθα, per. ind. pass. — Πεπεισ- μένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of πείθω. ΥΙεπελεκισμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, οΐτελεκίζω. Πεπέρακα, -ας, -ε, ind. - — Πεπερα- κέναι, inf. per. act. of περαίνω. Πεπέρηκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — Πεπέρημαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind'. pass. — Πεπερημένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of περάω. Πέπερι, -ιος, Att. -εως, το, pepper. Πέπηγα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. — Πεπηγως, -υΐα, -ος, par. per. mid. of πήγνυμι. Πεπηδηκέναι,ρ^Υ. inf. act. of πηδάω. Πεπίεσμαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass. — ΠεπιεσμέΨος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of πιέζω. ΠεπιθεΤν, Ion. for πιθεϊν, 2 a. inf. act. — Πζπιθημένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass. — Πεπίθ?}σω, Ion. for πιθήσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. — Πί7ΐ•£θμεν,8νηο.Κ>ι•πεπίθομεν,*νη. Ion. for επΊθομεν, 1 pi. 2 a. ind. act. — Πεπίθοιμεν — ΪΙεττϊΘβιέν. of τννμι to breathe. Ion. for πίθ'οιμζν, 1 pl.aiu (464) Πεπννμένος,-η, -ο ν, (par. per. pass, of same) wise, sensible, prudent* cvr,::derale,hitelligent,jvjliaoue> ΠΕΠ QfVvfcjo, -σθω, per. impr. pass, of same. Πεποίηκα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. πεποιή- kuci, and Dor. -αντί, per. ind. act. — ΤΙε-χοίημαι -σαι, -ται, 3 pi. -J7i>rai,per. ih-1. pass. — Πεποιησ- 0a£,per. inf. pass. — Πεποιημίνος, -η -ov, par. per. pass, of ποιέω. Πέποιθ', Apos. for πέποιθε, 3 sin. of Ώέποιθα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. — Πεποιθε'ναι, per. inf. mid. — Πεποιθώς, -νια, -ος, η. pi. πεποι- θότες, par. per. mid. — Πεποίθω, -ης, -r}, per. sub. mid. of πείθω. Πεποιθήσει, d. com. Att. — Πεποί- θησιν, a. sin. of Πεποίθησις, -ως, Att. -εωί, ή, (fr. ττειθ'.ο to persuade) a persuasion, belief, trust, confidence, assu- rance. Πε-οίθομεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. of πεποίθω, used by the Sicilians for πείθω. Πεποιθότως, (fr. next) confidently, boldly, in full assurance, safely. Πεποιθώς, -via, -ός, (par. per. mid. of πείθω to persuade) confident bold, relying, assured, trusting, believing, n. pi. πεποιθότες, a, -θότας. ΠεποικιΧ μένος, -η, -ov, par. per, pass, of ποικίλλω. Πεπολίτευμαι, per. ind. pass, of πολίτεΰω. ΤΙίπομαι, per. ind. pass, οι πίνω. Πέπομφα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of πέμπω. Πέπον, v. sin. of πέπων. Πέπονα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of πένομαι. ΤΙεποναμένος, Dor. for ΐίεπονημένος, par. per. pass, of πονέω. Πέπονες, η. or v. pi. of πίπων. Πεπονηρενμένος, -η, -ov, (par. per. pass, of πονηρεύω to be bad) pro- fligate, reprobate,, wicked. ΪΙέ-ονθα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 3 pi. -θασι or -σιν, per. ind. mid. — Πεπον- θώς, -via, -ός, par. per. mid. of πάσχω. Πέπορόα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of πέροω. Πεπορεΐν, Ion. for πορείν, 2 a. inf. act. of πβρέω or πάρω. Πεπόρενσο, -σθω, per. impr. pass. of πορεύομαι. Ώεπάσθαι, per. inf. pass, of πίνω. Πε'ποσθε, by Sync, for πεπόνησθε, 2 pi. per. ind. pass, οϊ πονέω. Or, by Sync, and Pleonasm of σ for πεπόνθατε, 2 pL per. ind. mid of πάσχω. Πεποτήάται, Ion. for Πεπότηνται, 3 pi. per. ind. pass, of ποτάομαι. ΤΙεπότητο, Ion. for επεπότητο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of same Τίεπότικα, -ας, ποτίζω. Πέπραγμαι, -ζαι, -κται, per. ind. pass. — ΙΙεπραγμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of πράσσω. Πέπρακα, by Sync, for πεπέρακα, ας, -ε, per. ind. act. of περάω. Also, ΠΕΡ -η, -ov, par. per. pass, οΐπράω, obs. or π£πράσκω, which see. Πε'πράχα, -ας, -ε, ind. — Πεπροχε ναι, inf. per. act. of πράσσω. Πεπρησθαι, Ion. for πεπρασθαι, ii πέπρακα. ΤΙέπρωμαι, -σαι, ται, by Sync. Πέπρακα, -ας, -ε, Πεποάσθαι, ir for πεπεράτωμαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass. — ΙΙεπρωμένος, by Sync, for πεπερατω μένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass. — Πε'πρωτο, Ion. and by Sync, for επεπεράτωτο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of περατόω. Πέπταμαι, Ώέπτανται, by Sync, for πεπέταμαι, -σαι, ται, 3 pi. πεπε- τανται, per. ind. pass, of πετάξω or πετάω. Πεπταμένος, -η, -ov, (by Sync, for πεπεταμένος per. par. pass, of same) expanded, stretched, ex- tended; open, wide. Πεπτεωταοτ ΐΐεπτεότα, a. sin. mas. or neut. pi. of πεπτεώς , by Pleon. for πεπτώς, which by Sync, for πεπτωκώς, -via, -ος, g. -ώτος or -ότος, par. per. act. οΐπί-τω. ΤΙέπτηα, -ας, -ε, and Τίεπτηώς, -via, -ος, Ion. for πέπτηχα, ind. and πεπτηχως, par. per. act. of πτύσ- σω. Or it is by Ectas. for πεπ- τεώς in last. Πέπτω, f. -ψω, p. πέπεφα, to boil, seeth, stew ; to bake ; to cook, dress victuals ; to digest, soften ; to ripen, mature ; to indulge, nourish, feed, cherish ; to mollify, assuage, heal, cure; to waste, enfeeble, consume ; to knead, work, pound. Πέπτωκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — ΤΙεπτωκως , -via, -ός, a. sin. mas. -τωκότα, Sync, -τωτα, fem. -τω- κνίαν, par. per. act. of πίπτω. Πεπνθοιτο, Πεπνθωνται, Poet, or Ion. Anadipl. for πνθοιντο, 3 pi. 2 a. opt. mid. and πύθωνται, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. mid. of πννθάνομαι. ΤΙεπυκασμένος, -η, -ov, (par. per. pass, of πνκάζω to thicken) close, secret, reserved ; sensible, pru- dent, judicious. Πεπνρωμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of πνράω. Πεπνσθην, Ion. for επεπνσβην, 3 du. pper. pass. — Πεπυσμαί, per. ind. pass. — Πεπυστο, Ion. for ε-έπνστο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of πννθάνομαι. Τίέπωκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. of πίνω. ΤΙέπων, -όνος, ο, η, (fr. πέπτω to boil) ripe, mature, soft, mellow ; delicate, tender, mild, gentle ; soft-hearted, weak, timid, cow- ardly ; dear, beloved. Subs. < pumpkin or pompion. v. "St πέ- πον, my friend, good sir. ε, per. ind. act. of Πεπώρωκα, -ας, -ε or -εν, per. ind act. — Πεπωρωμενο?, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of πωρόω. Π,ερ, joined to a word, -ever, -so ever ; separate, although, how- ever, yet, notwithstanding, truly, indeed, verily ; even, very, at least; fully, as much or as well Der. ind. act . — Πεπραμένος, Πέρα, and Πέραν, on the other side, (455) ΠΕΡ opposite, further, beyond; fur- ther than, over, above; beyond measure, exceedingly. Περάαν, Ion. for πέραν, pres. inf. act. cont. — Περά : ασκε, 3 sin. impf. act. of περαάσκω, Ion. for περάω. ΐίεραία, -ας, and Ion. Περαί>/, -ης, η, (fem. of περαίος farther, viz. γη or χώρα) remote parts, distant lands, a far country ; the east or west, extremity. Περαίνω, f. -άνώ, p. πεπέραγκα, (fr. πέρας the end) to end, conclude, terminate ; to accomplish, exe- cute, do, perform ; to tie, unite, link, join ; to infer, deduce, ar- gue, reason; to prove, say, af- firm, declare. Περαιος, -a, -ov, (fr. πέρα beyond) farther, on the farther side, oppo- site ; more distant, remote. Περαίόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to go to the other or further side, cross or pass over ; to transport, trans- mit, send over ; to finish, end, terminate ; to effect, perform, execute. Περαίτεροί, -a, -ov,comp. of περα?ο?. Περαιτέρω, and Περαίτερον,(η\ last) further, more distant, beyond ; moreover, beside, furthermore. Περαιτης, -ov, b, or Περάτη, which see. Πέραν, see πέρα. Περρν, pres. inf. cont. of περνάω. Πέρας, also ΠεΤραί, and ΠεΤραρ, -άτος, το, the end, extremity, bor- der, boundary ; a goal, barrier ; a termination, conclusion, close f event, issue ; accomplishment, fulfilment ; the end of a rope, used by combatants in certain games ; an instrument, tool. Adverbial- ly, viz. κατά in the end, finally, at length. Πεοάσαις, Λ£ο1. for περάσας, -ασα, -αν, 1 a. par. act. of πεοάω. Πέράσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, and Περασμός, -ου, b, (fr. περάω to pass over) a passage, course, journey ; a boundary, limit ; an. end, termination, conclusion. Πέρατα, -ων, τα, pi. of πέρας. Περάτη, -ης, η, (fr. πέρας the end) an end, boundary, limit ; a close, termination, conclusion ; the ho- rizon, the eastern part of it. Περάτης, -ov, b, (fr. περάω to pass) α passenger, traveller, pilgrim, sojourner. Πέρατος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) passa- ble, open, clear. Subs, one who passes over, a traveller ; a leader, guide. Περατόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, (fr. πέρας the boundary) to end, ter- minate, bound, define ; to con- clude, finish, close, determine ; to destine, fate, allot, appoint. pres. ind. pass. περατόομαι -ου- μαι. per. ind. pass, πεπεράτωμαι, by Sync, πέπρωμαι, whence par. πεπρωμένος. Περάω, f. -άσω and ->/σω, p. πεπέ- ρακα, by Sync, πέπρακα, to pass or cross over, go beyond or to the ΠΕΡ other side; to penetrate, pierce, transfix, to transport, transmit, carry, convey, import ; to sell, trade, traffic; to end, finish, conclude. Τίεργαμία, -ας, ^, Poet, for Πέργα- μος. Πέργαμου, -ov, το, a citadel, castle, jor tress. Πέργαμος, -ου, η, (fr. last) Perga- mus, and Pergama, an ancient city of Asia. Or perhaps only the citadel, or an epithet of it. It was also called Ιλίον, Ilium, and Ύρωία, Truja, Eng. Troy. Also a later city of the same name ; a tower, castle. Περγασίδης, -ov, b, a man's name. Πέογη, -ης, ή, Perga, the name of a city. Πέρδιζ, -Ίκος, b, and ή, a partridge. Adj. artful, "cunning, crafty ; wanton, libidinous. Πέρδω, f. -οω, p. -xa, to break wind. 2 a. ind. act. έπαρδον. 2 f. ind. act, παροώ. per. ind. mid. πέ- πορδα, pper. mid. επεπόρδειν, Ion. επράδειν. 2 f. pass. ind. παοδήσομαι. Πέρην, Ion. for πέραν, same as πέρα. Περησαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Περήσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of περάω. Περητος, -o7o, b, Ion. for πέρατος. Πέρθαι, Ion. Sync, for πεπέρθαι, per. inf. pass, of Πέρθω, f. -σω, p. -κα, to take aivay, deprive, bereave ; to strip, spoil, plunder, waste ; to desolate, pull down, ruin, destroy, overthrow; to consume, burn ; to kill, slay, slaughter. 2 a. ind. act. έπραθον. per. ind. mid. πέπορθα. Περί, a preposition governing the g. d. a. cases, about, round a- bout ; on, upon ; near, at ; throughout, all through, all over, in ; concerning, for, on account of, because of, in defence of, for the sake of, in behalf of ; towards; nearly, almost, of about ; with, by, by means of; against, con- trary, in opposition to; before, beyond, in comparison of; over, above, very, extremely, peculiar- ly. In compos, it signifies gene- rally about or above; it is often intensive, and sometimes redund- ant. It retains the t before a vowel. Ο Ι περϊ Σωκράτην, the S ο- στά*™ philosophers. Oi περί Κΰρον, Cyrus loith his train, or merely Cyrus. Οϊ πεοϊ Παυλον, Pawl and his friends. Td περϊ την εν- θ ο μίαν, desire, eagerness. r H περϊ αυτόν αρετή, his virtue. Περϊ κηρι, at heart, extremely, dearly. Πέρι, for περίεστι, 3 sin. pres. ind. of περίειμι, to excel. Περιαγνίζω, (fr. περϊ around, and, άγνίζω to purify, t-h. άγνος pure) to purify all round or all over, expiate thoroughly. Περιάγω, f. -ξω, (fr. περϊ about, and άγω to lead) to go about or round about; to lead, take or conduct circuitously ; to drive, ΠΕΡ draw or lead away privately ; to pass away insensibly, pres. sub. act. περιάγω, -ης, -η, 3 pi. -ωσι, impf. act. περιηγον. 2 a. ind. act. περιηγον, Att. περιτ/γάγον Περιαγωγη, -ης, η, (fr. last) a turn- ing round or about ; a round- about, circuit, winding, the tack- ing of a ship. ΠεριαιρεΊται, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. pass, of Περιαιρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. περιτιρηκα (fr. περϊ about, and αίρ'έω to take) to cut round about, peel, strip ; to cut off, lop, prune ; to take away wholly, remove, de- molish, destroy ; to abrogate, set aside, annul ; to purify, expiate, correct, amend. 2 a. act. ind. περιεΊλον sub. περιελώ' inf. πε- ριελεΊν. pres. ind. pass, περιαι- ρέομαι -ουμαι. impf. περιηρεόμην -ονμην, -έου -ου, -έετο -είτο. Περιαιρονσα, η. fern. cont. par pres. act. of last. Περίαλλα or Περιάλλως, (fr. next) excellently, choicely ; superiorly ; excessively, beyond measure. Περίαλλος, -ου, b, f), (fr. περϊ be- yond, and άλλος another) supe- rior, excellent, eminent; choice, select. Περιαμαρτέω -ω, (fr. same, and άμαρτέω or αμαρτάνω to sin) to expiate, atone. Περιαμαρτισμος, -ου, h, (fr. last) expiation, atonement. Περιάπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. περϊ about and 'άπτω to tie) to tie or hang to, fasten, suspend ; to bind upon as a charm or amulet ; to get, acquire, procure ; to impose, en- join, Περιάργυρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, anci άργυρος silver) covered with silver, plated, silvered over. Περιαργνρόω -ω, (fr. same) to co- ver with silver, plate. Περιαστράπτω, f. -ψω, p. περυ'ι- στράψα, (fr. περϊ around, and αστράπτω to flash, th. αστραπή lightning)• ίο flash around, shine round about, lighten about. 1 a. act. ind. περιήστραψα" inf. περι- αστράψαι. Περιαυγης, -έος -ους, and Περίαυ- γος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and αυγή brightness) shining around, sparkling about, bright, glitter- ing, resplendent. Περιαντολογέω -ω, (fr. περϊ about, αυτός self, and λέγω to speak) to talk of one's self, boast, vaunt. Περιαντολογία, -ας, η, (fr. same) boasting, bragging, talking of one's self, impertinence. Περιαύω, (fr. περϊ kitens. and ιανω to lodge) to pass the night, sleep ; to stay, abide, lodge, par. pres. act. περιαύω'ν. Περιαύω, (fr. same, and αύω to shout) to cry out, call aloud, shout, exclaim. Περίαχε, Dor. for περίηχε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of περιηχέω. Περιβαίνω, f. mid. -βήσομαι, (fr. whirl or turn about; to with-\ περϊ about, and βαίνω to go) to (456 \ ΠΕΡ round about, encompass, sur- round ; to guard ; to mount, ride. 2 a. act. ind. περιέβην• inf. περιβηναι. Περιβαλέσθαι. 2 a. inf. mid. — Us ριβαλεϊται, b:m. 1 f. ind. mid. - Περιβάλη, 3 sin.-2 a. sub. act. — Περιβάληται, 3 sin. -λώμεθα, 1 pi. 2 a. sub. mid. — Περιβαλον, 2 a. impr. mid. — Περιβαλουσι, 3 ; pi. 1 f. ind. act. — Περιβαλών* par. 2 a. act. of Περιβάλλω, f. -άλω, p. περιβέβλη- κα, (fr. πεοϊ around, and βάλλω to throw) to compass about, envi- ron, enclose; to tie about, gird, belt ; to clothe, dress, put on ; to invest, put into an office or dig- nity ; to court, embrace, caress, woo; to affect, influence, move, incline ; to clasp, grasp ; to se- cure, procure, get,acquire, amass; to drive round ; to dart, shoot or sling about ; to vie, compare, ri- val, surpass. 2 a. ind. act. περι- έβαλον. 2 f. ind. act. περιβάλω, pres. ind. pass, περιβάλλομαι. per. pass. ind. περιβέβλημαι' par. περιβεβλημένος, per. ind. mid. περιβέβολα. 2 a. mid. ind. περιεβάλόμην impr. περιβάλον. 1 f. ind. mid. περιβαλοΐιμαι. Πιρίβάρα, and Περίβαλλα, a kind of shoes. Περιβεβλημένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of περιβάλλω. Περιβηναι, 2 a. inf. act. of περι- βαίνω. Περιβιόω -ω, f. -ώσω,ρ. περιβεβίω- κα, (fr. 7τερί beyond, and βιόω or βίωμι to live) to outlive, survive ; to save alive, preserve in life. Περίβλεπτος, -ου, δ, f), (fr. περιβλέ- πω to look around) looked upon or up to; conspicuous, remark- able • excellent, illustrious. Περιβλέπτως, (fr. last) conspicu- ously, remarkably. Περιβλέπω, f. --φ ω, p. -βέβλεφα, (fr. περϊ around, and βλέπω to look) to look round about, survey, examine, review; to look up to, aim at, affect, desire ; to admire, wonder at, value, esteem. Περιβλεψάμενος, -η, -ov, par. I a. mid. of last. Περίβλημα, -άτος, to, (fr. περιβάλλω to dress) a dress, cloak, garment. Περιβόητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. περϊ about, and βοάω to cry) cried up, celebrated, talked of, noised abroad ; famous, renowned. Περιβόλαιον, -ου, το, (fr. περιβάλ- λω to dress) dress, clothes, rai- ment ; a veil, covering, wrapper. Περιβολή, -ης, fi, (fr. same) clothes, dress, raiment, vesture ; a cover, sheath; a wall, enclosure; cir- cuit, circumference ; an embrace, fondness, caress ; a period, full sentence. Περίβολος, -ου, b, (fr. same) cir- cuit, compass, circumference ; an enclosure, walls, fortifications. Adj. thrown around, encompass- ing, binding. Περιβραχιόνιον, -ov, το, (fr. JTCf. ΠΕΡ about, and βραχιων the arm) an armlet, bracelet. Περιβώμιον, -ου, το, (fr. same, and βωμός an altar) a shrine ; an image, idol. Περίβωτος, -ου, δ, »/, same as περι- βόητος. Περιγίγνομαι or -γίνομαι, (fr. περί above, and γίνομαι to be) to be at, with or present ; to be over and above, remain over, be left after or behind ; to escape, avoid, survive; to surpass, excel, ex- ceed; to conquer, overcome, pre- vail ; to happen, occur ; to get, obtain, reach, arrive at ; to arise, result, spring from ; to be left, omitted or neglected. 2 a. ind. mid. περιεγενόμην inf. περιγενέσ- θαι• par. περιγενύμενος. Ώεριγιγνόμενυς, -η, -ον, (par. pres. mid. of last) surviving, remain- ing over. Περιγλάγης, -έος -ους, ο, ή. (fr. περϊ intens. and γλάγος, Poet, for γάλα milk) abundant in milk, milky. Περιγληνάομαι -ωμαι, (fr. περϊ a- round, and γλήνη the pupil of the eye) to cast the eye around, glance, survey* Περιγληνώμενος, par. pres. pass, cont. of last. Π.ερίγλν(Ι>ος, -ον, b, η, (fr. περϊ a- round, and γλύφω to carve) carved around or all over. Περίγλωσσος, -ον, b, ή, (fr. περϊ in- tens. and γλωσσά the tongue) eloquent, fluent, well spoken. Περιγογγύζω, fr. same, and γογ- γύζω, which see. Περίγρα, -ας, η, (fr. περί about, and γράω to gnaw) a compass* Περιγραφή, -ης, >/, (fr. next) a cir- cuit, circumference ; bounds, en- closure* limit; a draught, de- scription. Περιγράφω, f. -ψω, (fr. περϊ about, and γράφω to write) to circum- scribe, enclose ; to define*, limit, bound; to confine, restrain; to end, finish, conclude ; to trace, sketch ; to expunge, put out, take away. Τίεριγωνία, -ας, η, ΤΙεριγώνιον, -ου, το, and Περιγωνίσκος, -ου, δ, (fr. same, and γωνία an angle) a rule, or perhaps rather a square. Περιδδείσασα, Poet, for περιδείσασα, η. fern. 1 a. par. act. of περί- δείδω. Περιδεης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. περί in- tens. and <5ίΌϊ fear) fearful, ti- mid, cowardly. Υίεριδείδια, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of ΐίεριδείδω, f. -είσω, (fr. περϊ intens. and δείδω to fear) to fear very much, dread. 1 a. act. ind. πε- ριεδεισα• par. πεοιδείσας. per.ind. mid. περιδέδια and περιδείδια. Περιδειπνέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. περϊ about, and δεΐπνον a feast) to eat at a funeral, keep a burial-feast, celebrate obsequies. ΤΙερίδειπνον, -ου, rb, (fr. same) a funeral supper, obsequies. 3M ΠΕΡ Περιδέξιον, -ου, το, (neut. of next) a bracelet. ΙΊεριδίξιος, -ου, b, ?), (fr. περϊ intens. and δεξιά the right hand) using each hand alike, ambidexterous ; very dexterous, clever, ingeni- Περιδέραιον, -ου, το, (neut. of next) a necklace, collar ; a bracelet ; trappings. Περιδέραιος, -ον, δ, η, (fr. περϊ a- bout, and <5ε'ρ?7 the neck) on or about the neck. Περιδέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. περιδέδεκα, (fr. same, and δέω to tie) to tie about, bind upon. pres. ind. pass, περιδεομαι-οϋμαι. per. ind. pass, περιδέδεμαι. pper. pass. περιεδεδεμην, -σο, -το. ΥΙεριδίδομαι, (fr. same, and δίδωμι to give) to lay, bet, wager, con- tend for a prize; to bargain, agree. 2 a. sub. mid. περιδώμαι, in 1 du. περιδώμεθον. Περιδιπλόω-ω, (fr. same, and δι-- λόω to fold, th. διπλόος double) to double up, fold together ; to cover or wrap up. Περιδρέμω, (fr. same, and δρέμω, obs. to run) see περιτρέχω. Περιδραμών, -ούσα, -bv, in η. pi. -όντες, par. 2 a. act. of last. Περιδρομη, -ης, η, (fern, of next) a running round, revolution, course, circuit. Περίδρομος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. περιτρέχω to run round) running round, re- volving; round, circular; open, exposed, round which you may drive; swift, quirk, rapid. Περιδύνω or -δύω, (fr. περϊ about, and δύνω or δύω to enter) to put on, dress in, wrap round; strip, plunder, clothe in the spoils. Περιδώμεθον, 1 du. 2 a. sub. mid. — Περιδώσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. of περιδίδομαι. Περιεβάλετο, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. mid. — Περέβαλον, -ες, -ε, pi. -λομεν, λέτε, 2 a. ind. act. οΐπεριβάλλω. Περιεβλέπετο, 3 sin. impf. mid. of περί βλέπω. Περιε-^ένετο, 3 sin. 2 a. md. mid. of περιγίνομαι. Περιεδέδετο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of περιδέω. Περιέδράμον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of περιτρέχω. Περιεζωσμένος, -η, -ον, par. per. pass, of περιζώννυμι. Περιέθηκα,-ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — Περιέθην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. act. of περιτίθημι. Περιέχω, (fr. περί around, and είδω to see) to look around, survey ; to spy, watch, observe, to consi- der ; to connive at, permit; to overlook, neglect ; to know well, be sagacious, excel in any know- ledge. Περιειλέω -ω, (fr. same, and ε'ιλέω to roll) to wind or roll about, fold or wrap up. par. pres. mid. cont. περιειλούμεΐΌ?. par. 1 a. pass, περιειληθείς. Περιείλημα, -ατός, rb, (fr. last) a 1457) ΠΕΡ wrapper, roller, covering ; α par eel, package, bundle.' Περιείλησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, »', (fir same) a wrapping or rolling up. Περιείληφα, -ας, -ε, in 3 pi. -ασι* Att. for περιλέληφα, per. ind. act. of περιλαμβάνω. Περιείλιξας, -ασα, -αν, η. pi. Πε- ριειλίξαντες, par. 1 a. act. of Περιειλίσσω or -ττω, f. -ζω, same as περειλέω. Περίειμι, (fr. περϊ above, and ειμί to be) to surpass, exceed, excel; to prevail, vanquish, overcome; to be over and above, abound, re- main over ; to survive, outlive. pres. ind. 2 sin. περιεΐ?. 3 sin. περιεστί• 2 pi. περίεστε. pres. inf. περιέϊναι. Περίειμι, (fr. same, and ειμί to go) to move or turn round, re- volve ; to encircle, encompass; to walk about, go round, wan- der about, pres. ind. 3 pi. περίι- σι. Ion. περιίασι. pres. inf. πε- ριίεναι. par. 2 a. περιιών. pper. περι^ειν, -εις, -ει. Περιεΐναι, pres. inf. of περίειμαι, to excel. Περιειχόμην, -ου, -tro, impf. mid. of περιέχω. Περιέκρϋβον, -ες, -ε or -εν, 2 a. ind. act. of περί κρύπτω. Περίελαι, impr. of περιειλάμην, 1 a. ind. mid. of περιέλω, obs. see περιαιρέω. Περιέλαμψα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of περιλάμπω. Περιέλάσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. περϊ around, and ελαύνω to drive) a driving round, course, race ; a race course, race ground. Περιέλειχον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of περιλείχω. Περιελεύθω, obs. see περιέρχομαι. Περιελθόντες, η. pi. par. 2 a. act. of last. Περιέλοιμι^-οις, -οι, 2 a. opt. act. — Περιελεΐν, 2 a. inf. act. — Περιελών, -ούσα, -bv, η. pi. -όν- τες, par. 2 a. act. of περιαιρέω. Περιελω, f.. -ελώ, obs. see περιαι- ρέω, 1 a. ind. act. περιεΐλα. Περιέννυμι,ΐ. -έσω, (fr. περϊ about, and εννυμι to dress) to dress up, cover, wrap up. Περιεπάτεις, τ-ει, 2 and 3 sin. -πα- τούν, 3 pi. cont. impf. act. — Περιεπατ^σα, •*ας, -ε or -εν, pi. -σαμεν, -σατε, 1 Ά. ind. act. of περιπατέω. Περιέπειραν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of περιπείρω. Περιεπεπατήκει, 3 sin. pper. act. of περιπατέω. Περιέπεσον, -ες, -ε or -εν, 2 a. ind. act. of περιπίπτω. Περιεπλεκον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of περιπλέκω. Περιεποιήσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of περιποιέω. Περιέπω, and Περιέπομαι, (fr. περϊ about, and 'έπομαι to act) to he employed at or about, take care of, look after, cherish ; to follow, attend; to observe, regard; to court, solicit ; to treat, use, han ΠΕΡ die. 2 a. ind. act. περιεϋπον, Poet. περίεσπον. 1 a. ind. pass, περι- είφθην par. περιεφθείς. Περιεργάζομαι, ί.-άσομαι, (fr.same, and εργάζομαι to work) to work around, enclose, confine; to em- ploy, make one's self busy, in- termeddle, interfere; to trifle, waste labour, par. pres. mid. περιεργαζόμενος, -η, -ov. Περιέργεια, and -γία, h, (fr. next) unnecessary trouble, mi ■nute labour ; officiousness, in- terference, curiosity ; indecision, hesitation; curious works, ma- gic, witchcraft. Περίεργος, -ου, b, η, (fr. περί be- yond, and έργον work) vainly laborious, idly busy; officious, curious, impertinent, intermed- dling ; ostentatious, vain; ab- surd, false, magical. Περιέρχομαι, (. -ελενσομαι, (fr. περϊ , about, and έρχομαι to go) to go about, wander, stray ; to go through, travel over, survey, view ; to revolve, come round to ; to come about, befal, happen, de- volve upon ; to come upon, a- venge, punish; to circumvent, • deceive, cheat, defraud, sup- plant. Περιερχόμενος, -η, -ov, (par. pres, mid. of last) going or running about in, haunting, frequenting. Περιέσπάκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — Περιεσπατο, 3 sin. cont. impf. pass, of περισπάω. Περίεσπον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. Poet, of περιέπω, or 2 a. ind. act. of περισπάω. Περιεσσάμην, Ion. and Poet, for πε- ριεισάμην, 1 a. ind. mid. — Περι- έσσασθαι, Poet, for περιέσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. οΐπεριέννυμι. ΠεριεσταΧμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of περιστέλλω. Περιέστην, -ry, -η, in 3 pi. -ήσαν, 2 a. ind. act. of περιίστημι. Περίεστιν, 3 sin. pres. ind. of πε- ρίειμι, to excel. Περιέστραψεν, Ion. for περιήστρα- ψεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of πε- ριαστράπτω. Περιεστώτα, a. sin. of Περιεστ&ς, g. -ωτος, by Sync, and Oralis for περιεστηκώς, par. per. act. of περιίστημι. Περιέαχάτος,-η, -ov, fr. περί intens. and έσχατος, which see. Περίεσχον, -ες, -ε or -εν, 2 a. ind. act. of περιέχω. Περιέταμον and Περιέτεμον, -ες, -ε or -εν, 2 a. ind. act. οΐπεριτέμνω. Ήεριέτϋχον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of περιτυγχάνω. Περιέφθησαν, Ion. for περιείφθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass — Περιεφθεις, par. 1 a. pass, of περιέπω. Περιέχει, (3 sin. pres. ind. act. of περιέχω to contain, usedimpers.) it is had or found, there is, it is contained. Περιέχονσαν, a. sin. fem. par. pres. act. of Περιέχω, and Περιέχομαι, (fr. περί about, and f χω to have) to catch, ΠΕΡ seize, take, occupy, pass ; to comprehend, contain, hold; to confine, encircle, encompass, en- close ; to surround, environ, be- siege, invest ; to subdue, oppress, afflict, harass; to excel, exceed, surpass; to clasp, hold in the arms or by the hands ; to em- brace, caress, cherish, love, dole upon ; to protect, defend ; to dwell or fix the mind upon, cling, cleave to. 2 a. ind. act. περίεσχον. Περιεώρα, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. of περιοράω. Π".'ιζωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. next) a bandage, swath, roller ; a sash, girdle, apron. Περιζώνννμι or -νύω, f. -ζώσω, p. περιέζωκα, (fr. περί about, and ζώνννμι to gird) to gird up or a- bout, dress ; to tie round the waist, wear or put on an apron. 1 a, ind. act. περιέξωσα. per. pass ind. περιέζ-ύσμαι' par. περιεζωσ- μένος. 1 a. mid. ind. περιεζωσά μην impr. περίζωσαι, -άσθω' par περιζωσάμενος. Περιζώστρα, -ας, ι), (fr. last) α sash, belt, girdle; a border, fringe. Περιηγέομαι -ονμαι, f. -ήσομαι, (fr. περϊ about, and ηγέομαι to lead) to lead about, guide to see, at- tend to show, escort, wait upon ; to explain, tell, relate. ΠεριηγηματΊκός, -ή, -ov, (fr. last) led about, conducted,' attended, escorted. Περιηγης, -έος -ους, b, >/, (fr. same) laying round about, in a circle, circular. Περιήγησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) a leading round about, escort ; attendance to show, exhi- bition, display ; an explanation. Περιηγον, -ες, -ε or -εν, impf. or 2 a. ind. act. of περιάγω. Περιήδη, Att. and Sync, for περιει- δήκει, 3 sin. pper. mid. of πε- ρί είδ ω. Περιήειν, -εις, -ει, pper. mid. οίπε- ρίειμι, to go about. Περιήκω, (fr. περϊ about, and ηκω to come) to come round to, de- volve upon; to attain to, arrive at, reach. Περιηλθυν, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of περιέρχομαι. Περιηλντεύω, (fr. περϊ about, and ελενθω obs. to go) to go about, wander, rove, roam. Περιημεκτέω -ώ, fr. περϊ intens. and ήμεκτέω, which see. Περιην, -ης, -rj Att. -ην, impf. of περίειμι, to be present. Περιήνεικα, Ion. for περιήνεγκα, 1 a. ind. act. of περιφέρω. Περιηργνρωμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. ΠΕΡ echo around; to clang , ring sound. Περιθάλπω, fr. same, and $άλπω, which see. pass. of περιαργυροω. Περιηρεΐτο, 3 sin. cont. impf. pass, of περιαιρέω. Περιήστραφα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — Περιήστραφα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of περιαστράπτω. Περιηχέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. περί intens. and ηχέω to sound, th. ήχος a noise) to resound, (463) Περιθεϊς, -εΊσα, -εν, η. pi. -θέντες, par. 2 a. act. of περιτίθημι. Περίθεμα, -άτος, το, (fr. περιτίθημι to put about) any thing put on or about ; an ornament, collar, necklace; paint, artificial com- plexion ; plaster, rough cast, whitewash ; a covering. Περίθεσις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, η, (fr. same) a putting on or about; a covering, the thing put on. See last. Περιθέω, f. -εύσω, (fr. περί about, and -Sioj to run) to run about, rove, wander ; to run round, en- circle, encompass. Περιθρηνέω -ω, (fr. same, and $ρη- νε'ω to bewail, th. $ρηνος a dirge) to go about bewailing, lament a- loud. Περιθρηνέομαι, to resound with lamentations. ΠιριΟριγκόω -c5,(fr. περί about, and &ριγκδς a battlement) to sur- roundwith a breastwoik, fortify ; to hedge in, encompass. Περίθϋμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. περϊ intens. and $υμος anger) very angry, incensed, enraged, indignant. Περιϊδέμεναι, and by Sync. Περι'ίδ- μεναι, Dor. and Att. for πεοιϊ- δείν, 2 a. inf. act. οΐπεριείδω. Περιίδω, -ης, -tj, 2 a. sub. act. of same. Περιϊέναι, pres. inf. — Περιϊων, -ούσα, -bv, par. 2 a. of περίειμι, to go about. Περιιζομαι, (fr. περϊ about, and Ίζω to seat) to sit around ; to sur- round, environ, besiege. Περιϊστάμενος, -η, -ov, par. — Πε- ριϊστασο, impr. pres. mid. of Περιίστημι, f. -στήσω, p. -έστηκα-, (fr. περϊ about, and ϊστημι t; stand) to stand around, at o. by ; to check, restrain, repress ; to lay, put, place or set round ; to surround, compass, environ ; to defend, fortify, fence about ; to come to pass, turn out; to change, alter, become different; to decline, avoid, shun, flee. Περικαθαίρω, f. -άρω, (fr. same, and καθαιρώ to cleanse, th. κα- θαρός clean) to cleanse allround, purify thoroughly; to expiate, atone ; to circumcise. ΠερικαθαριεΊ, 3 sin. 1 f. Att. of Περικαθαρίζω,ΐ. -Ίσω, and Att. -ifl, same as περικαθαίρω. Περικάθαρμα, -άτος, τδ, (fr. same) sweepings, offscouring, filth, dirt, an atonement, expiation ; a hu- man sacrifice, pi. περικαθάρματα. Περικάθημα, -άτος, τδ, (fr. next) a blockade, siege. Περικάθημαι, (fr. περϊ around, and κάθημαι to sit down) to sit down about; to besiege, invest, blockade. Περικαθίζω,ΐ. -ίσω, (fr. same, ana καθίζω to sit, th. Ίζω to seat) same as last. Περικαλλέα, a. sin, or neut. pi. of ΠΕΡ Περίκαλλ»)?, -έος -ους, ο, η, ( fr. περϊ infens. and καλϋς fair) very fair, extremely handsome, beau- tiful, n. pi. περί καλλέες -εις. Περικαλύπτω, f. - τ ω, ρ. -κεκάλύφα, (fr. περϊ about, and καλύπτω to cover) to cover all round, hide entirely, conceal totally ; to over- lay, plate; to wrap up, envelope to blindfold, veil closely, pros, inf. act. περικαλύπτειν. 1 a. ind. act. περχεκάλνψα. per. pass. ind. περικεκάλνμμαι' par. περικεκα• λυμμένος. Περικαμπί), -ης, η, (fr. same, and κάμπτω to bend) a bending round about, winding, circuit ; twist, hern. Περικαρφισμος, -ov, b, (fr. περί about, and κάρφος chaff) the manner in which a hen shakes lierself at leaving her nest ; clean- ing, dusting, sweeping. Περικατάληπτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, κατά intens. and λαμβάνω to take) caught, overtaken, sur- prised, surrounded. Περικαταροήγνΰμι, fr. περί intens. and καταρρήγννμι, which see. 1 a. ind. mid. περικατερρηξάμην, -ω, -ατο. Περικάτημαι, Ion. for περικάθημαι, in all its parts ; thus^ pres. inf. mid. περικάτησθαι' par. περικα- τήμενος. Περίκειμαι, -σαι, -Tat, (fr. περί about, and κέΐμαι to lie) to lie round about or upon, be put upon, adhere or be attached to ; to have on, wear, carry, be dress- ed in cr girded with ; to lie by be stored up, remain over, be over and above, par. pres. pass περικείμενος, -η, -ov. Περικείρω, (fr. same, and κείρω to shave) to shave round, clip or crop the hair; to Ιοό, chop, cut off. ΤΙερικεκαλνμμίνος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of περικαλύπ τω. ΪΙερικεντέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. περϊ about, and κεντίω to goad) to pierce, stab or wound on all sides ; to persecute, harass. Περικεφαλαία, -ας, >/, (fr. same, and κεφάλι) the head) a headpiece, helmet, casque. Περικήδεο, Ion. for περίπου, pres. impr. mid. of Περικήδομαι, fr. περϊ intens. and κήδομαι, which see. Περίκηλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and κήλεος warm) hot, dry, parched, scorched, burned ; chapped, cleft, split. Περίκηπος, -ου, b, (fr. same, and κήπος a garden) a garden, shrub- bery, plantation. Περικλασθεϊς, -εΐσα, -εν, g. pi. περικλασθέντων, par. 1 a. pass, of Περικλάω -ω, (fr. περί intens. and κλάω to break) to break entirely, break in pieces, smash, bruise; to pull off, peel, strip, pluck. Περικλείω, and Ion. Περικλήω (fr. same, and κλάω to shut) to shut ΠΕΡ up, enclose, surround, encom pass, environ. Περικλήειν, pres. inf. act. Ion. of last.' Περικλής, -έος -ους, b, Pericles, a man's name. Περικλουβίζω, (fr. περί intens. and κλοΰβον a seal) to seal up, fasten with a seal, fix a seal. Περικλύζω, (fr. same, and κλύζω to wash) to wash all round or all over, dash water, sprinkle over. Περικλύτός, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and κλυτος heard of) very ce- lebrated, illustrious, famous, re- nowned. # Περικλώθω, f. -σω, fr. same, and κλώθω, which see. Περικνημϊς, -ίδος, η, (fr. περί about, and κνήμη the shin) leg-armour, greaves ; a boot. Περικνίδιος, -a,-ov, (fr. περί intens. and κνίζω to sting) very rough, rugged ; prickly, stinging. Περικνίζω, f. -to -ω, (fr. same) to scratch, scrape, grate; to prick, puncture, sting ; to rub so as to excite heat, stimulate. Περικομπέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and κομ-έω to crack, th. κόμπος a crash) to crash, report or sound all round ; to trumpet abroad, display ostentatiously : to scold, rale, rail at, chide with noise. Περικοπή, -ης, η, (fr. next) a cut- ting round, paring, clipping ; an incision, cut, gash; a maiming, mutilation ; an outline, sketch, draught ; dress, ornament, equipage ; wealth, means, sub- stance. Περικόπτω, f. - Ύ ω, (fr. περϊ round, and κόπτω to cut) to cut about, cut down, lop, prune T amputate ; to cut short, curtail, abridge, weaken, impair. Περικοσμέω -ω, f. -ήσω, fr. περϊ in- tens. and κοσμίω, which see. Περικρατής, -έος -ους, ό,ή, (fr. same, and κρατίω to seize) thai has gained his end, sharing, partak- ing, enjoying ; master of, supe- rior, overpowering, predominant. pi. cont. περικρατεΐς. Περικρνπτω, f. -ύω, p. περικέκρυφα, (fr. same, and κρύπτω to hide) to hide all over, disguise ; to con- ceal carefully ; to withdraw, live retired. Περικτίονες, η. pi. of περικτίων. Περικτίτης, -ov, b, (fr. περϊ near, and κτίζω to build) a neighbour. Adj. neighbouring, adjoining, living near. Περικτίων, -όνος, b, (fr. same) a neighbour, borderer. Adj. dwell- ing around, living near, adjoin- ing, neighbouring. Περικτύων, -όνος, b, same as last. n. pi. περικτύονες. Περικνκλόω -ώ,(ίτ. περί around, and κύκλος a circle) to surround on all sides, encircle, encompass ; to invest, environ, besiege. Περικνκλω, (fr. same) in a circle, (459) ΠΕΡ all around, round about, on every side. Περικωνέω -ω, (fr. same, and κώνος a cone) to daub or smear all over, particularly with pitch ; to calk, pitch. Περιλαμβάνω, f." -λί/ψομαι, (fr. same, and λαμβάνω to take) to catch, seize, take ; to overtake, come up with ; to embrace, clasp-, hug, grasp ; to comprehend, comprise, contain; to surround, gird ; to take to one's self, suffer, endure, bear. Περιλάμπω, f. -ψω, (fr. same, and λάμπω to shine) to shine around, cast liglit on all sides, glitter, sparkle, beam. 1 a. act. ind. πε- ριέλαμψα. Πεοιλάμψας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. of'last. Περιλείπω, f. -ψω, p. περιλίλειφα, (fr. περϊ intens. and λείπω to leave) to leave behind or after, leave remaining or over, make a remainder. Περιλείπομαι, to be left after, remain over, survive. par. pres. pass, περιλειπόμενος. per. pass. ind. περιλέλειμμαι' par. περιλελειμμίνος. Πεοιλείχω, (fr. περϊ around, and λείχω to lick) to lick all over or round about. Περιλίπω, f. -ψω, fr. same, and λεπω, which see. Περιλεσχήνευτος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. περί about, and λεσχηνεύω to talk,th. λέσχη conversation) much talked or spoken of, celebrated, cried up, famous. Περίλημμα, -άτος, το, (fr. περιλαμ- βάνω to take) a seizure, laying hold on; an embrace, caress ; the thing caught, prey. Περιληπτος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) that may be taken, tangible, sensible; perceptible, intelligible, conceiv- able. Περιλιχμάζω, and -μάω -ω, same as περιλείχω. Περίλαιπος, -ου, b, η, (fr. περίλείπω to leave over) left after or over, remaining. Subs, the rest, rem- nant. Περιλούω, f. -ούσω, (fr. περϊ intens. and λούω to wash) to wash around or all over, clean or scour out. Περίλυπος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and λί'π»7 grief) very grievous, mourn- ful or sad, exceedingly sorrow- ful. Περιλύιο, (fr. same, and λύω to loose) to loosen all round or en- tirely ; to dissolve, melt. Περιμαίνομαι, (fr. same, and μαίνο- μαι to rage) to rage violently, be outrageous, go mad, wander about furiously. Περιμάχητος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. περϊ about, and μάχομαι to fight) fought for or to be fought Jor, disputed. Περιμένω, -ρς, -η, pres. or 2 a. sub. of Περιμένω, f. -μινω, p. περιμεμένηκα, (fr. περϊ about, and μένω to re» ΠΕΡ main) to stay or wait for, tarry, delay ; to ho\ out for, expect, hope for ; to await, watch for. pres. inf. act. περιμένειν. 1 a. ind. act. περιεμεινα, -ας, -ε. Περίμεστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and μεστός full) very full, crowded all round ; stuffed, crammed ; replenished. Περίμετρον, -ov, το, (neut. of next) a circuit, compass, survey ; cir- cumference, measure round about. Περίμετρος, -ov, b, ?;, (fr. περί about, and μίτρον measure) round, cir- cular ; measured round, of the right measure. Subs, η, (viz. γραμμή a line) the circumfe- rence. Περιμήδεα, a. sin. of Περιμήδης, -εος -ου?, b, a man's name. ΤΙεριμήκεες, η. pi. of Περιμήκης, -εος -ους, b, >;, (fr. περί intens. and μήκος length) very long, high or tall. Περιναίιιάω -ώ, (fr. περί around, and ναιετάω same as th. ναίω to dwell) to dwell round about, live near. Περιναιετάωσι, 3 pi. pres. sub. act. of last. Περιναύτιος, -ου, h, η, (fr. περί in- tens. and ναυτία sea-sickness) very sea-sick ; very squeamish, disordered in the stomach. Περίνεος,-ον, b, and Τίερίναιον, -ου, το, the perineum or space be- tween the genitals and the anus. Ιίερή'εωί, -ω, 6,(fr. περί beyond, and ναυς a ship) a useless person in a ship, live lumber ; a passenger. Ιίερινίσσομαι, (fr. περί about, and νίσσομαι same as th. νέω to go) to go about, wander ; to move round, revolve. Περινισσομενάων, g. pi. iEol. par. pres. pass, of iast. Περινοέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -νενόηκα, (fr. same, and νοέω to think) to know well, be well informed or acquainted; to think upon, con- sider diligently, examine on all sides ; to comprehend, under- stand, conceive ; to contrive, in- vent, design. Περινοία, -ας, η, (fr. last) thought, thoughtfulness, consideration. Περινοστέω -ώ, (fr. περί about, and νοστέω to go) to go about, travel over, wander, rove, ramble, par. 1 a. -act. περινοστήσας, -ασα, -αν. Πέριξ, (fr. περί about) round about, around, all round. Περι£υράω -ώ, (fr. same, and ξνράω to shave) and Περιξνω or Περιξεω -ώ, (fr. same, and ξύω or ξέω to shave) to shave round about ; to scrape, rasp or polish all over. Περιοδεύω, f. -ευσω,ρ. -ώδενκα, (fr. next) to go about, travel over ; to survey, go over, examine, ob- serve ; to move in a course, re- , volve, make a circuit. UtpiocOs,-ov, f], (fr. περί about, and οδός a road) a course, revolution, ΠΕΡ round, circuit, path, orbit ; a penod, complete sentence. E/c περιόδου, in course, by rotation, in turn. Περιοικέω -w,f. -ήσω, p. περιώκηκα, (fr. same, and οικέω to dwell, th. οΊκος a house) to dwell or in- habit round about, live near. Περιοικϊς, -Woj, ή, viz. πόλι? or γώ- pa, (fr. same) the surrounding parts, adjoining country. Adj. neighbouring, bordering, near. Περιοικοδομέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. -ωκο- δύμηκα, (fr. περί about, οίκος a house, and δέμω to build) to build round about ; to enclose, wall up, fortify ;• to confine in a house, shut up at home. ΐίερίοικος, -ου, υ, η, (fr. περί near, and οίκος a house) adjoining, adjacent, neighbouring. Subs. a neighbour. Περιοικοΐίντας, a. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of περιοικέω. Περιοπτέος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) to be despised, neglected or slighted. Περιάπτομαι, (fr. περί around, and άπτομαι to look) to look around, observe, survey ; to neglect, de- spise ; to overlook, connive at, pass by. Περίοπτος, -ov, υ, η, (fr. last) seen all round, conspicuous, remark- able, excellent, eminent ; negli- gent, indolent, inattentive. Περιοραν, pres. inf. act. cont. of Περιοραω -ώ, (fr. περί around, and ορ«ω to see) to look round, ob- serve, survey, remark ; to look over; to overlook, neglect, omit, let pass. Περιόρθριον and -p or , -ου, το, (fr. περί about, and όρθρος the dawn) dawning, daybreak. Περιορίζω, f. -ίοω, (fr. same, and ορίςω to limit, th. 'όρος a bounda- ry) to limit, bound, confine, cir- cumscribe, enclose with bounda ries ; to drive out, banish, ex- terminate. Πιριορισμος, -ου, b, (fr. same) li- mitation, restriction ; a boundary, limit ; exile, banishment. Περιουσία, -ας, η, (fr. περίειμι tosur pass) abundance, plenty, wealth, substance ; excellence, superiori ty_ } pre-eminence. Περιουσιάζω, and -άζομαι, (fr. last) to have enough, be in affluence, abound ; to acquire, grow rich, gain wealth. Περιουσιασμός, -ου, b, (fr. same) wealth, abundance, affluence ; an acquisition, property, pos- session. Περιούσιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. περίειμι to surpass) acquired, gained; pe- culiar, private, one's own ; abundant, plentiful, affluent. Περιοχή, -ης, /j, (fr. -περιέχω to contain) a summary, argument, contents, substance, abstract ; a volume, book ; an enclosure, for- tification, citadel, castle. Περπ>αθως, (fr. περί intens. and πά- θος feeling) with feeling, patheti- cally. (460) ΠΕΡ Περιπαρ?/ναι,ίη£ — Περιπαρεϊς,-είο^ -εν, par. 2 a. pass, of περιπε'ιρω. Περιπατίω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. περιπεπά- τηκα, (fr. περί about, and πατέω to tread) to walk about or up and down, walk abroad, take a walk ; to travel ; to live, lead life, sojourn, abide, reside ; to live like or according to, conform to. Περιπ«Γ)7σαι,ιηΠ — Περιπατήσαντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. act. — < Περιπα- τήσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. — Περιπατήσωμεν, 1 pi. 1 a. suo. act. of last. Περιπάτημα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) ο walk or walking about. Περιπατητικός, -ή, -ov, (fr. same) walking about, vagabond, with- out a residence. Subs, a Peri- patetic philosopher who professed to have no fixed school. Περιπατοίην, -ης, -η, Att. for περι- πατοΊμι, -ο7ς, -οΐ, pres. opt. act. cont. of same. Περίπατο?, -ου, b, (fr. same) a walk; a place for walking, promenade ; a discussion, discourse or debate during a walk ; a school or place of philosophical lectures or argu- ments. - Περίπατων, par. pres. act. cont. of περιπατίω. Περιπίδινος,-η,-ον, (fr. περί around, and πεδινός level) plain all round t open, champaign. Περι-εζία, -ας, fj, (fern, of next) humility, lowness, lowliness. Περιπίξιος, -a, -ov, (fr. περί near, and πίζα the foot) low, near to or on the ground. Περιπε'ιρω, f. -ερω, (fr. περί intens. and πείρω to pierce) to pierce or run through, wound on all sides. 1 a. ind. act. περιέπειρα. Περιπελόμενος, -η, -ov, (par. pres. mid. of next) revolving, turn- ing, changing ; surrounding, encompassing. Περιπελω and -πέλομαι, (fr. περί around, and πελω to be) to re- volve, turn, roll ; to be over, pre- vail. Περιπέπταμαι,\)γ Sync, for περιπε- πεταμαι, per. ind. pass, of περι- πετσζω or -αω. Περιπεπτώκεναι,ρεΓ. inf. act. and Περιπέσω//, -ούσα, -bv, η. pi. -σόντες, par. — Περιπεσείν, inf. 2 a. act. — Περιπέσατε, 2 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of περιπίπτω. Περιπετάζω or -αω, fr. περί around» and πετάξω, which see. Περιπετ))?, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. περι- πίπτω to fall away) falling, drop- ping or slipping into ; fallen, failing, decayed, gone to ruin ; changed, altered, reversed. Περιπετομαι, (fr. περί about, and πετομαι to fly) to fly round or about ; flutter, wave. Περιπέτω, obs. see περιπίπτω. Περιπεφλευσμένος, -η,-ον, par. per. pass, of περιψ'λεύω. Περιπίπτω, f. περιπτώσω, p. περιπέκ- τωκα, (fr. περί intens. and πίπτω to fall) to fall or drop upon ; to ΠΕΡ fall in with or among, meet with, encounter; to experience, incur, happen, chance. 2 a. act. ind. περιέπεσον' inf. περιπεσεΓν. Περίπλεκτος, -ου, δ, >/, (fr. next) connected, joined or linked to- gether ; intwincd, inwreathed, embraced ; intermingled, intri- cate, entangled. Περιπλέκω, f. -ξω, (fr. περί around, and πλέκω to bind) to tie about, roll, intwinc, bind, plait ; to em-r brace, clasp, caress ; Ό involve, render obscure ; to comprise round about, encompass. Περίπλικτος, -ου, δ, f/, (fr. same, and πλισσω to pace) moving, tripping ; dancing ; intwvned, in- tricate. Περιπλόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of Περίπλομαι, by Sync, for περιπέλομαι. Περίπλοος -ονς, -6ου -ου, δ, (fr. περί around, and πλε'ω to sail) a cir- cumnavigation, sailing round, voyage round about. Adj. that may be sailed round, sea-girt. Τίεριπνέω -ω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same, and πνέω to breathe) to breathe or blow around. ΤΙεριπνευμονία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and πνεύμων the lungs) inflammation of the lungs. Τίεριπνϊγης, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. same, and πι Ίγω to choke) suffocated, choked, stifled, strangled. Περιπόθητος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and ποθέω to desire) desirable, longed for, wished. ΤΙεριποιέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. περιπεποί- ηκα, (fr. same, and ποιέω to do) to guard, defend, protect, preserve, secure ; to make more, produce, bring forth, Περιποιέομαι -ουμαι, to get, gain, procure, acquire, purchase ; to claim, challenge, demand ; to pretend, feign. 1 a. ind. mid. περιεποκησάμην. sub. περιποιήσωμαι, in 1 pi. περιποιη- σώμεθα. ΙΙεριποίησις, -ως, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) gain, profit, possession, ac- quisition, property ; a share, par- ticipation ; protection, defence, preservation, salvation. Περιποιούνται, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. mid. of same. Περιπολέω -ω, (fr. περί around, and πολέω to turn) to roll, whirl, wind, revolve ; to go round about, encompass, environ ; to secure on all sides. Περιπόλια, -ων, τά, (fr. same, and πόλις a city) the suburbs ; the adjoining towns. Ηεριπορεύομαι, (fr. same, and πο- ρεύομαι to go) to go round, go through, travel over. Περιπόρφυρον, -ου, rb, (fr. same, and πορψύρα scarlet) a purple or scarlet robe or dress edged with purple. Περιπρδ, (fr. same, and προ before) farther, beyond. Περιπταίω, (fr. same, and πταίω to strike) to hit upon, strike against, stumble upon, meet with. ΠΕΡ Περίπτερο?, -ου, δ, ^,(fr. same, and πτερον a wing) winged around; fluttering, sparkling, glittering ; embattled, fortified; roofed, co- vered. Περιπτύξας, -ασα,-αν, par. 1 a. act. of Περίπτύσσω, f. -ζω, (fr. περί about, and πτύσσω to fold) to fold about, inwrap ; to encircle, enclose ; to infold, clasp, embrace. Περίπτωμα, -ατός, rd, (fr. περιπίπτω to fall among) a slip, fall ; an accident, chance. Περίπυστος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. περί around, and πυνθάνομαι to hear) heard of, reported, noised, cele- brated, cried, famous. Περιρραίνω, f. -ράνω, p. περιέρραγ- κα, and Περιρραντίζω, (fr. same, and ραίνω or ραντίζω to sprinkle) to sprinkle about, besprinkle, scat- ter water; to sprinkle with holy water, purify. Περιρραντήριον,-ου, το, (fr. last) a vessel for holy v:ater, an instru- ment for sprinkling it ; a font ; a watering pot. Περιρραντισμσς, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a sprinkling, aspersion. Περιρράπτω, fr. περί intens. and ράπτω, which see. Περιρρέω, f. -εύσω, (fr. περί about, and ρέω to flow) to flow or run about, overflow, inundate ; to wash, flow by or beat upon ; to abound, be in plenty or afflu- ence. Περιρρΐιγνυμι,ΐ. -ρήζω, p. περιέρρη- χα, (fr. περί intens. and ρήγνυμι to break) to strip or peel round, tear off; to break up, split, rend in pieces ; to burst asunder, break out. Περιρρήξαντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. act. of last. Πεptpρooς,a.ndΠεpίpρΰτoς,-oυ,b,(fr. περί about, and ρέω, ρύω οτρυέω to flow) flowing or running about, streaming, pouring ; washed on all sides, encircled by the sea, sea- girt. Περισεσιαλωμένος, par, per. pass, of Περισιαλόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. περισε- σιάλωκα, (fr. περί about, and σία- λον spittle) to variegate, enamel, make mosaic ivork, inlay, mount, set. Περισιαλον μένος, par. pres. pass, cont. of last. Περισίδηρος, -ου,ο, (fr. περί around, and σίδηρος iron) covered with iron, plated, sheeted. Περισκελης,-έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. περί intens. and σκέλλω to dry) very hard, dry, rough, rugged ; last- ing ; obdurate, stubborn, obsti- nate ; persevering, firm, reso- lute ; harsh, severe, morose ; of- fensive, troublesome, disagreeable, grievous. Also Περισκελης, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. περί about, and σκέλος the leg) en- circling or covering the leg. Πε- ρισκελες, neut. breeches, leggings, hose. ΠερισκΐΧιον, -dv, rbJGc. ssx&e)drss$ (46!) ΠΕΡ for the legs, leggings, breechci trowsers, drawers. Περισκελϊς, -Woj, ή, (fr. same) dress for the legs ; garters, orna• mentsfor the legs or ankles. Περισκεπης, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. περί about, and σκέπω to cover) cover- ed over or all round, shaded. Περισκέπτομαι, (fr. same, ΆΏάσκέπ τομαι to look) to look round cw about, look for ; to survey, o&- serve. Περίσκεπτος, -ου, Ό, {), (fr. last) visible all round, conspicuous ; lofty, eminent. Περισκοπέω -ω, (fr. περί around, and σκοπέω to view) to look about for, seek out ; observe, survey, view around. Περισκυθίζω, (fr. same, and Σκύθης a Scythian) to scalp or cut off" the skin with the hair from the head, like the Scythians. Περισκυλακίζω, (fr. same, and σκύ- Xm£ a whelp, th. υλάω to bark) to purify by drawing a whelp three times round the person. Περί -,κυλάκισμος, -ου, δ,.(ίΚ last)the purification mentioned in last. Περισκυτίζω,ΐ. -ίσω, p. περιεσκύτι- κα, (fr. περί intens. and οκντυς skin) to skin, flay ; to scalp. Περισπασμος, -ου, δ, (fr. next) a se- paration, division, rent, disunion; employment, agitation or hurry of business ; iistr action, confu- sion ; strife, intention, quarrel; war, warfare ; a change of front by countermarch; a circumflex, lengthened tone. Περισπάω -ω, f. -άσω, p. περιέσπα κα, (fr. περί intens. and σπάω to draw) to rJuck, pull or tear away ; strip or peel off; to draw different ways, rend in pieces ; to draw out, unsheath ; to distract, agitate ; to turn the course, change the direction, transfer, re- move ; to change the front by countermarch; to pronounce with a lengthened tone, circumflex. 2 a. ind. act. περίεσπον, -ες, -ε. impf. mid. περιεσπαόμην -ώμην, -άου -ω, -άετο -ατο. Περισπέρχω and Att. or Ion. Περί- σπερχέω -ω, (fr. same, and σπέρ- χω to hurry) to hasten anxiously, hurry, be agitated ; to take ill, resent. Περισπόριον, -υυ, το, (fr. περί about, and σπείρω to scatter) scattered buildings, suburbs. Περισπονδάζω, (fr. same, and σπου- δάζω to hasten) to use diligence, take great pains, exert one's self. Περισπούδαστος, -ου, h, ή, (fr. last) sought after, much desired ; courted, honoured, esteemed, va-- lued ; engaged in, pursued, prac- tised. Περισπωμένη, -ης, η, (viz. προσωδία pronunciation ; fern, of περισπώ• μένος, par. pres. act. cont. of περισπάω to draw out) a length- ened tone or circumflex. Περισσά, (neut. pi. of περισσύς €X= cccding) see ~ερισσως. ΠΕΡ ΧΙερισσε { .α, -ας, η, and "Περίσσευμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same, th. περί be- yond) abundance, plenty, redun- dance, superfluity, remainder ; exuberance, increase, pi. περισ- σεύματα. Περισσεύω, and -ττεν<ο, f. -εύσω, (fr. same) to abound, kave plen- ty, overflow, remain over ; to in- crcase r grow, have or get more ; to excel, exceed, surpass ; to en- large, make greater, amplify, exalt, par. pres. act. περισσεύων, -ονσα, -ov. I a. act. ind. επερίσ- σευσα' opt. περισσενσαιμι' par. περισσεύσας, -ασα, -αν. Περισσεύων, -ούσα, -w, g. -οντος, par. pres. act. of last. Περισσολόχοί, -ov, b, >/, (fr. περί about y and λόγος discourse, th. λέγω to speak) talkative, loqua- cious, wordy, verbose. Περισσοί', -ου, το, (rieut. of next) abundance, plenty ; superfluity, remainder ; excellence, goodness ; superiority ; advantage, privi- lege.^ Περισσός, and Att. -ττδς,-η, -bv, (fr. περϊ beyond) excelling, surpass- ing, excellent, superior, better ; choice, rare, exquisite, fine ; very much, loo much, redundant, re- maining over, superfluous ; a- bundant, plenty, plentiful, am- ple. Comp. περισσότερος. Εκ πε- ρισσού, by mum more. Περισσώς, and Περισσά, (fr. last) choicely, exquisitely, excellently, egregiously, notably ; abundantly, amply, plentifully, plcntiously, copiously, superfluously ; earnest- ly, vehemently, dearly. Comp. περισσοτέρως, and περισσότερον. Ώ.ερισταο'ον, (fr. περιίστημι to sur- round) round about, in a circle, on every side. ΤΙερισταίην, -ης, -η, 2 a. Opt. act. — Περισταιτίζ?, a. pi. mas. of — Πε- ριστάς, -ασα, -αν, par. 2 a. act. of same. Περίστασις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, {/, (fr. same) a circumstance, occur- rence, incident, event ; occasion, opportunity, season; vicissitude, change, turn of affairs ; necessi- ty, urgency, exigency, emergen- cy, hurry or pressure of business ; perplexity, affliction, distress, ca- lamity ; a ring of bystanders, crowd ; an open or surrounding space, area, circuit. Περίστατος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) surrounded, encircled, encom- passed. Subs. 6, a high place, elevated situation, which can be gone round. Πίριστείωσι, Poet, for περιστέωσι, which Ion. for περιστωσι, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of same. Περιστέλλω, f. -ελώ, p. περιέσταλ- κα, (fr. περϊ about, and στέλλω to send) to cover over, wrap up, enclose ; to adorn, dress, adjust, regulate ; to compose, arrange, set ; to observe, regard, respect ; to protect, guard, defend. Περιστένω, Περιστενάζω, Περιστε- ΠΕΡ ναχίζω, and Τίεριστοναχίζω, (fr. περί intens. and στένω, &c. to groan) to groan heavily, moan, lament, bewail ; to resound with lamentation. Περιστερά, -ας, f), (perhaps fr. πε- τομαι to fly, στερρώς strongly j or περισσως exceedingly, and εράω to love ; or same, and τρέω to tremble) a dove, pigeon. Περιστερεών, -ωνος, b, (fr. last) a pigeon-house, dove-cote. Also, the herb vervain. Περιστερίδιον, -ov, το, (dim. of same) a young pigeon. Περιστεροειδης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and εΐδος likeness) like a dove. Περιστεφανόω -ω, (fr. περϊ around, and στέφω to crown) to encom- pass, encircle, surround^ make a ring about. Περιστέφω, f. -ψω, fr. same, and στέφω, which see. pres. ind. pass, περιστέψομαι, -η, -εται. Περιστήθιον, -ου, το, (fr. περί about, and στήθος the breast) a breast-plate. Περιστοιχίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. same, and στοίχος a rank) to surround, en- compass J to enclose with a net or as in a net ; to arrange around, set in ranks. Περιστολή, -ης, η, (fr. περιστέλλω to adorn) clothing, dress, orna- ment. Περιστόμιον, -ov, το, (fr. περί about, and στόμα the mouth) the glottis or orifice at the top of the wind- pipe ; a hole, opening, aperture, slit ; an edge, border, hem, mar- gin ; the mouth of a well, or a head or canopy over it ; fat, fat- ness. Περιστοναχίζω, see περιστένω. Περιστράπτω, for περιαστράπτω. Περιστρέφοντα, a. sin. or neut. pi. par. pres. act. of Περιστρέφω, f. -ψω, (fr. περί about, and στρέφω to turn) to turn round, revolve, move in a circle ; to ivhirl, drive round ; to wind, screw, twist, wrest. Περιστροφή, -ης, η, (fr. last) a turn round, revolution ; conversion, change, alteration. Περίστρωμα, -ατός, τδ, (fr. next) a carpet, carpeting ; a cushion, couch ; tapestry, hangings, cur- tains. Περιστρώνννμι, f. -στρώσω, p. πε- ριέστρωκα, (fr. περϊ around, and στρώνννμι to spread) to prostrate, lay flat, lay along ; to spread or strew over, cover round. Περιστρωφασθαι, Ion. for περιστρέ- φεσθαι, pres. inf. pass, of περισ- τρέφω. Περιστύλιον, Περίστνλον, -ov~, τδ, and ΠερίσΓυλο?, -ov, b, (fr. περί around, and στύλος a pillar) a peristyle, court, portico, place surrounded with pillars. Περισνρω, (fr. same, and σύρω to draw) to draw round, haul or pull about ; to drag or tear asun- der, rend-, break; to strip off, (462) ΠΕΡ pluck away ; to molest, vex, ha* rass, spoil, pillage ; to taunt, re- proach, revile. Περισφίγγω, (fr. same, and σφίγγω to bind) to bind up, tie together or round about. Περισφραγίζω, (fr. same, and σφρα- γίζω to seal, th. σφραγϊς a seal; to seal up together, mark round T tie or bind up, gird. Περισφύριον, -ου, τδ, (fr. same, and σφύρα the ankle) to lace, fringe, border, band or ornament about the ankles. Περίσχεο, Ion. for περίσχον, 2 a, impr. mid. of περιέχω. Περισχίω -ω, same as περιέχω. Περισχίζω, (fr. περϊ around, and σχίζω to split) to split or crack about, cleave T rend asunder ; to• break up, break off, cut short. Περισώζω, (fr. same, and σώζω to save, tn. σόος safe) to secure^ fence around, protect, save, pre- serve. Περιτάμνεμεν, Ion. for περιτάμνειν^ pres. inf. act. of Περιτάμνω, Ion. for περιτέμνω. Περιτέθεικα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. of περιτίθημι. Περιτειχίζω j. -ίσω,(η\περι around, and πειχίζω to wall, th. τείχος a wall) to wall round, fortify ; la surround or encompass with a ivall, invest, blockade, besiege. Περιτείχ^σις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, Πε- ριτείχισμα, -ατός, τδ, and Περι- τειγισμος -ου, b, (fr. same) hav- ing a wall, rampart or lines built round ; a circumvallation, block- ade, siege. Περίτειχος, -εος -ους, τδ, (fr. περί around, and τείχος a wall) a wall around ; a rampart, forti- fication, bulwark ; a line of cir- cumvallation. Περιτέλλω, f. -ελώ, (fr. same, and τέλλω to make) to revolve, per- form, a revolution, finish, com- plete, end. Περιτέλλομαι, to rise, arise, rise up, appear, come into view. Περιτεμείν, 2 a. inf. act. — Περιτέμ- νειν, pres. inf. act. — Περιτέμνεσ- θαι, pres. inf. pass. — Περιτεμνε'σ- θω, 3 sin. pres. impr. pass. — Περιτέμνησθε, 2 pi. pres. sub» pass. — Περιτεμνόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of Περιτέμνω, f. -τεμω, p. περιτέτμηκα, (fr. πεοϊ around, and τέμνω to cut) to ad around, circumcise ; to cut off, amputate, lop, prune ; to cut short, abridge, intercept^ strip or deprive of 2 a. act. ind. περιέτεμον, and περιέταμον inf. περιτεμεΐν. per. pass. ind. περι- τέτμημαι• par. περιτετμημένος. 1 a. ind. pass, περιετμήθην. per. ind. mid. περιτέτομα. Περιτέτμννται, 3 pi. per. ind. pass, of last. Περιτιθέασι, Ion. for περιτιθεΐσι, 3 pi. — Περιτίθεμεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. of Περιτίθημι, f. -0ί;σω,ρ. -τέθεικα,{ΐΐ* τ.εοί around, and τίΟημί to place \ ΠΕΡ to put, lay or place round or about; to clothe, dress, adorn to invest, endow ; to put or lay upon; to impute, charge, ascribe, attribute ; to add, bestow, confer, adjoin, annex. 1 a. ind. act. πε- ριέθηκα. 2 a. act. ind. περιέθην. -ης, -η• par. περιθεϊς, -εΊσα, -εν. Περιτμηθήναι, 1 a. inf. pass Πε- ριτμηθήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. pass, of περιτέμνω. ΙΙερίτμητος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. περιτίμνω to cut off ) circumcised, cut off. Περιτομή, -ης, η, (fr. same) cir- cumcision. Ot εκ περιτομής, those of the circumcision, the circum- cised. Περιτραπεϊς, -εΊσα, -εν, g. fem. sin. — Περιτραπείσης, par. 2 a. pass, ot περιτρέπω. Περιτραχήλιον, -ου, rb, (fr. περί about, and τράχηλος the neck) ο collar, necklace. Περιτρέπω, f. -ψω, p. περιτέτρεφα, (fr. same, and τρέπω to turn) to turn about or round, revolve, wheel ; to reduce to, drive, impel ; to throw down, overturn, over- throw ; to commit or intrust to. 3 sin. pres. ind. act. περιτρέπει. 1 a. ind. act. περιέτρεψα. 2 a. ind. act. περιέτράπον. per. ind. mid. περιτετροπα. Περιτρέφω, (fr. same, and τρίψω to rear) to turn or make sour, thicken, coagulate ; to freeze, congeal. Περιτρέχω, f. -θρέξω, p. -δεδράμη- κα, (fr.same, and τρέχω to run) to riai round or about, hurry, be confused ; to run over or through to sport. 2 ft. act. ind. περιέδρά- μον' par. περιδραμών, -ούσα, -όν Ώεριτροπάω -ω, (fr. same, and ΙΙΕΡ radiant, bright, splendid; con spicuous ; celebrated. Περιφανή, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. pass, of same. Περιφάνως, (fr περιφανής clear) openly, clearly, evidently, bright ly, splendidly, famously, conspi cuously. ΤΙερίφας, -αντος, δ, Periphas, i man's name. Περιφέρεια, -ας, ή, (fr. περιφέρω to surround) a circumference, cir- cuit, orbit ; a border, edge, mar- gin ; roundness, convexity, pro- tuberance ; a going or wander- ing about, error ; insanity. Περιφερής, -ίος -ους, δ, //, (fr. same) circular, round ; carried or mov- ing round. Subs, a guard, at- tendant. Περιφερόμενος, -η,-ον, pass. — Πε- ρί φέροντες, η. pi. act. par. pres. of Περιφέρω, f. -οίσω, (fr. περί about, and φέρω to carry) to carry, lead, take or drive about, have in one's train or suit; to spread or lay ovei' ; to bring or reduce to ; to disturb, disorder, toss about; to set astray, distract, drive out of the senses. Περιφέρομαι, to wan- der about, rove, roam ; to revolve, move periodically ; to concern, relate or belong to. 2 a. bid, act. περιήνεγκον, Περιφενγω, f. -ζω, (fr. περί intens. and φεύγω to flee) to escape safe, survive. Περιφθάνω, fr. same, and φθάνω, which see. ΠΕΡ τροπή a change) to revolve, turn, change. Ιϊεριτροπέωι , Ion. for περιτροπάων, par. pres. act. of last. ϋ,εριτροπή, ί)ς, η, (fr. περί about, ana τροπή a change, th. τρέπο) to turn) vicissitude, change, suc- cession, rotation, revolution. Τ*εριτρώγω, (fr. same, and τρώγω to chew) to gnaw all round, de- vour, eat up. Ώίριττεύω, Περιττός, see περισσεύω, and περισσός. U -ίριτυγχάνω, f. mid. -τεύξομαι, (fr. περί intens. and τυγχάνω to be) to fall in with, light upon, meet with, encounter ; to find, get; to experience, discover. 2 a. ind. act. περιέτυχον. Περιτυχών, -ούσα, -bv, (par. 2 a. act. of last) accidental, casual, fortuitous.- ϊλεριφαίνω, f. -ανω, (fr. περί about, and φαίνω to show) to show around, exhibit clearly. Περιφαί- νομαι, to appear, be conspicuous, be seen all round. Περιφάνεια, -ας, f), (fr. last) a pro- spect, view, sight ; clearness, ■per- spicuity ; brighties; splendour, grandeur ; celebrity, notoriety, fame. Περιφανής, •ίος-οΰς 9 8,)), (fr. sarr?^ Περιφθάς, -ασα, -αν, par. 2 a. act. οί'περίφθημι, obs. for last. Περιφλεύω or -φ\ύω, (fr. περί around, and φλύω to boil up) to boil, bubble up, overflow, run over ; to wrap up, envelop, sur- round; to scald, burn about, singe round ; to taunt, revile ; to trifle, act with levity, talk idly, blab. par. per. pass, περιπεφλευσ- μίνος. Περιφλογισμδς, -ου, δ, (fr. same and φλέγω to burn) a conflagra- tion, great fire or burning. Περιφορά, -ας, ή, (fr. περιφέρω to wander) ο carrying about or with one ; a turning round, whirling, circular motion ; turn, succes- sion; change of meats or dishes, a course, service of messes ; dis- order, confusion, disturbance ; deviation, wandering ; error, mis- take. Περιφορητος, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) wandering, roving, rambling ; moveable, portable ; celebrated, extolled, cried up ; wise, sensible, intelligent, judicious. Περίφραγμα, -ατός, το, (fr. περι- φράσσω to fence round) a fence, enclosure; a rampart, wall, bul- wark, fortification ; a breast- work, bulkhead. Πίριώραδέως, (fr. next) exactly, strictly, carefully ; sensibly, skil- fully, prudently. Π^ριφραδής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. περϊ ^boiit, and φρήν the mind) (463) skilful, ingenious, subtle, cun- ning ; wise, sensible, prudent, intelligent ; marking, expressive. Περιφράζω, f. -σω, (fr. same, and φράζω to speak) to express in many words, periphrase, dilate or enlarge upon; to deliberate, debate, consider, weigh. Περίφρακτος, -ου, b, >/, (fr. περι- φράσσω to fence round) fenced, enclosed ; fortified. Περίφρϋσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. περιφράζω to dilate upon) cir- cumlocution, periphrase, copi- ousness of language. Περιφράσσω or -ττω, f. -ζω, p. -πέφράχα, (fr. περί about, and φράσσω to fence) to fence about, enclose, fortify, wall ; to guard, keep, protect, per. ind. pass, πε- ριπέψραγμαι. Περιφρονείτω, 3 sin. cont. pres. impr. act. of Περιφρονέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -πεφρό- νηκα, (fr. περϊ about, and φρονέω to think, th. φρήν the mind) to think one's self above, and look down upon others, despise; to examine, look or inquire into, think of, contemplate. Περιώρύγω or -φρύσσω, (fr. same, and φρύγω to parch) to dry up, parch or scorch around. Περίφρων, -όνος, δ, η, (fr. same, and φρήν the mind) very wise, sensible, intelligent, prudent, modest ; haughty, contemptuous, scornful. Περιφύω, f. -νσω, p. -πέφυκα, (fr. same, and φύω to grow) to grow round or upon. Περιφύομαι, to grow, cling or adhere to, clasp, embrace, per. ind. pass, πεοιπέ- ψυμαι. 1 f. ind. mid. πεοιφύσομαι. Περιχαίρω, fr. περί intens. and χαί- ρω, which see. Περιχαλκόω -ω, (fr. περϊ about, and χαλκοί brass) to plate or cover with brass. Περιχαρακόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. -κεχα- ράκωκα, (fr. same, and χαρακόω to trench, th. χάραξ a ditch) to entrench, surround with a ditch or rampart, fortify . Περιχαράσσω, (fr. same, and χα- ράσσω to scrape) to engrave round, circumscribe, limit; in- scribe, set a mark upon. Περιχαρής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. περϊ intens. and χαρά joy) very glad, overjoyed, delighted. Περιχέω -ω, Περιχεύω, and Περί- χόω, (fr. περί around, and χέω, &c. to pour) to pour about, spread or extend over ; to overlay or cover over ; to tie round, bind up. Περιχεύομαι,ίοΑαΙΙΑαί,ρτοείΓαΙβ. Περιχορεύω, fr. same, and χορεύω, which see. ΓΙερί^ρΰσο?, b, f,, (fr. same, and χρυσός gold) covered or in- laid with gold, gilt. Περιχρυσόω -ω, (fr. same) to gild, Περιχύω, see περιχέω. Περίχωρος, -ου, δ, >/, (fr. περί about, and χώρα country) neighbour- ing, adjoining, circumjacent. ΠΕΡ Subs. (viz. γτ} land) the country around. Περιψάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. περί in- tens. and ψάω to wipe) to rub hard, thoroughly, rub down. Πεοίψημα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) dirt, filth, sweepings, cleansings, off- scourings ; a vile person, villain ; a human sacrifice. Περίψησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. same) a cleaning, scouring ; wear, attrition, a rubbing away. ΤΙεριψιλόω -ώ, (fr. περί intens. and ψίλόω to strip, th. ψίλό? thin) to strip totally ; to deprive, be- reave, plunder, spoil, waste. Περιψύχω, (fr. περϊ near, and ψυχή the soul) to love dearly, fix the heart upon, embrace affectionate- ly. Or, (fr. ψύχος cold) to cool, refresh. Περιωθέω -ω, (fr. περϊ' intens. and ωθεω to push) to shove or push about ; to repel, repulse, drive away; to beat, abuse, vex, af- flict. Περιωπή, -ης, η, (fr. περί around, and άπτομαι to look) an emi- nence ; an observatory, watch- tower r beacon, signal-post ; a watch, guard ; a view, -prospect. Ιίεριώσιον, (neut. of next) very much, greatly, exceedingly, to excess, beyond measure ; violent- ly, harshly ; loudly, noisily. Περιώσιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. περϊ be- yond, and όσιος holy ; or fr. πε- ριανω to cry out) very holy, sa- cred, awful, venerable, reverend; excellent, superior, eminent, very great ; numerous, many, ample, copious; violent, vehement, eager; loud, noisy, audible. Περκάζω, f. -άσω, p. πεπέρκακα, (fr. next) to grow black, assume a dark colour ; to ripen. Πέρκος or Περκνος, -η, -bv, black, dark-coloured; markedwith black, spotted. Περμησσος, -ου and Ion. -όΐο, δ, Permessus, a river of Bceotia. ΤΙερνα, -ης, ή, (perhaps fr. πτέρνα the heel) a gammon, leg or ham of bacon. Πίρνας, par. pres. act. of πέι in next. ΊΙερνάσκω, Περνάω, and Πέρνημι, (perhaps fr. περάω to transport) to sell, bargain, barter. Περύναμα, Dor. for ΐίερόνημα, -ατός, τδ, (fr. περόνη a needle) needle- work, embroidery ; work, work- manship, manufacture. ΤΙερονατρϊς, -Wo?, η, (fr. same) a cloak, robe, garment made to button or buckle. Περονάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. same) to buckle, button, clasp. Περόνη, -ης, η, a buckle, c'.asp, but- ton; the smaller bone oj the leg ; a needle ; a pin, bodkin ; a neck- lace, collar, or like orname t. Περπερεΰομαί, f. -εύσομαι, (fr. πέρ- περος rash) to act rashly or hard- ly, behave foolishly ; to boast, bra 4 vaunt, be vain or ostentatious. ΠΕΤ Περπερία, -ας, f/, (fr. same) rash- ness, hastiness, temerity, fool- hardiness, thoughtlessness; va- nity, ostentation. Πέρπερος, -ου, b, fj, hasty, rash, thoughtless, inconsiderate; worth- less, foolish, silly ; ostentatious, boastful. Περρεθήκατο, Poet, for περιεθήκατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of περιτίθη- μι. Περρέχειν, Poet. Sync, for περιέ- χειν, pres. inf. act of περιέχω. Πέρροχος, Poet. Sync, for περίο- χος, -ov, b, η, (fr. περιέχω to excel) excellent, surpassing, su- perior ; eminent, notable, remark- able. Πέρσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of περθω. Περσεύς, -έος, Att. -έως, b, Perseus, a man's name. Περσέφασσα, -ης, η, and Περσεφόνεια, -ας, and Περσεφόνη, "'7?) hi (fr• περθω to destroy, and φόνος slaughter) Proserpina, Eng. Proserpine, a heathen di- vinity. Περσεων, Ion. for Περσών, g. pi. of Πε'ρσ?7ί. Περσήϊος, Poet, for ΠερσεϊΌί, -ου, b, (fr. Περσεύί) a son or descend- ant of Perseus. Περσηΐς, -'ίδος, η, a woman's name. Πέρσας, -ου, δ, a Persian, of Persia. Περσϊί, -Ίδος, η, a woman's name. Περυσί, (perhaps fr. περάω to pass) last year, the year past ; a year ago, formerly. Περυσινός, -η, -bv, (fr. last) of last year, last year's. Περώ, -ε"ίς, -εΊ, 1 f. ind. act. of πείρω. Περών, par. pres. act. cont. of περάω. Πέσε or Πεσεν, Ion. for έπεσε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. — Πεσεΐν, Ion. Πεσεμεν, 2 a. inf. act. — ΠεσεΤσ- θαι, Ion. Πεσέεσθαι, 1 f. inf. mid. — Πε'σετε, -τωσαν, 2 and 3 pi. 2 a. impr. act. — Πεσεύμαι, Dor. for πεσουμαι, 1 f. ind. mid. of πίπτω. Πέσρ, Ion. Πέσησι, 3 sin. -σητε, -σωσι, 2 and 3 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of same. Πεσκος,-εος -ους, το, same as πόκος. περνημι^^ίέσον, Ion. for έπεσον, 2 a. ind. act. — 'Πεσόντα, a. sin. -σόντες, η. pi. par. 2 a. act. of πίπτω. Πέσος, -εος -ους, τδ, (fr. πίπτω to fall) a falling on, attack, charge; a corpse, carcass. Πεσουμαι, -η, -εϊται, 3 pi. -ουνται, 2 f. ind. mid. of πίπτω. Πεσσέμεν, Ion. for πέσσειν, pres. inf. act. of πέσσω,-ίΈοΙ. for πεπτω. Πεσσοί or Πεττδί, -ου, b, a die ; a counter; a man or piece at chess, draughts, &c. ; a game at dice, &c. ; a place where such games are played. Πεσσό?, -ου, b, a pessary. Πεσσω, JEo\. and Πε'ττω, Att. for πεπτω. Πεσών, -οϋσα, -bv, par. 2 a. act. of πίπτω. Πετάξω, see πετάω. Πεταλ', Apos. for πέταλα, pi. of (484) ΠΕΤ Πε'ταλον, and Ion. Πέτη\ον, -ou, το, (fr. πετάω to expand) a leaf; a sheet, plate, latten. d. pi. Ion πετάΧοισι. Πέτάλος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. same) a heifer or rather an epithet of cat- tle from their spreading horns. Πέτάμαι, see πίτομαι. Πετάννϋμι, same as πετάω. Πεταιδί, -a, -bv, Dor. for πετεινός Πετάομαι, mid. or pass, of πετάω which then signifies like πίτο- μαι, which see. Πε'τασαν, Ion. and Πετ«σσαν, Poet, for επέτασαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. — Πετασθήσομαι, -y, -εται, 1 f. ind. pass, of πετάω. ■ Πέτασος, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a cap or headpiece with a broad brim ; a hat. Πετάσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of πετάω. Πέτασων, -όνος, b, (perhaps fr. πε- τάω to spread out) a flitch or side of bacon ; also, a gammon, ham, or leg. Πέταυρον, -ου, το, (perhaps fr. πέ- τομαι to fly, and αύρα the air) α perch or pole for fowls, henroost; a trap, pitfall, snare, decoy; a depth, hollow, pit ; a machine used by tumblers, springboard. Πέταχνον or Πέδαχνον, -ου, το, (fr. πετάω to expand) a wide bowl or goblet, formed like a leaf or like expanded leaves. Πετάω -ώ, or -άζω, f. -άσω, p. πε- πέτακα, and Πετάννϋμι or -υω, to spread open, stretch out, unfold, expand ; to hoist, unfurl ; to open, display ; to diffuse, dilate ; to overspread, overshadow, cover over, veil. Πετάομαι -ώμαι, tit fly. See πέτομαι. Πετεεαδί, and Πετεηνος, -ή, -bv Poet, for πετεινός. Πετεινέ, and Πετελ/νδν, -ου, το (neut. of next) a bird, fowl, wing ed creature. Πετεινός, -η, -bv, (fr. πέτομαι to fly) flying, winged; swift, rapid. Πετέσθην, Ion. for επετέσθην, 3 du. 2 a. ind. mid. — Πε'τευ, Dor. for πέτου, pres. impr. mid. of πέτο- μαι. Πέτενρον, -ου, το, also Πέταυρον, which see, (fr. πέτομαι to fly, and αύρα the air) a beam ; a board, plank, slab, lath, shingle ; a tablet; a perch, henroost. Πετεών, -ωνος, η, a Theban town. Πετεώί, -ώ, Att. -ωο, a man's name. Πέτηλον, -ου, τδ, Ion. for πέταΧον. pi. η. πέτηλα, d. πέτηΧοις. Πέτηται, 3 sin. sub. pres. mi. of Πέτομαι, Πέτάμαι, and Πίτάομαι -ωμαι, (fr. πετάω to expand) to spread out wings, fly, go or be carried through the air. par pres. mid. πεταόμενος -ώμενος. 1 a. ind. pass, επετάσθην, -ης -η. Πετόνεσσι, Ion. and Poet, for πε• τουσι, d. pi. par. pres. act. ο πέτω, for πίπτω' or perbap rather of ιατόω. ΠΕΤ Πετούν, pres. inf. act. cont. of Πετόω, f. -ώσω, (fr. πέτω, obs. for πίπτω to fall) to fall vpon, strike or hit against ; to meet with, find ; to get, obtain. Πέτρα, -ας, f/, (fr. πέτρος a stone) ΠΕΦ ΠΗΓ f. ind. mid. — Πενσόμενος, par. 1 1 lit φρ'ικαν, Bceot. for πεφρίχασι, 8 f. mid. of πννθάνομαι. pi. per. act. of same. Πεφρίκω, same as φρίσσω, par. a rock, large stone ; a mass of may be the pres. ind. and inf. stone, reef, ridge, crag, cliff"; a cave in a rock. Πετράεσσα, Dor. for πετρήεσσα, fem. of πετρήεις. ΠετραΧος, -a, -ov, (fr. κίτρος a stone) rocky, living or growing upon or among rocks. Ώετράκης, -εος -ονς, δ, (fr. πέτρα a rock) some kind of precious stone, a gem. ΤΙετρη, -ης, {/, Ion. for πέτρα^ d. pi. πέτρησι. Πετρηδυν, (fr. πέτρα a rock) like rocks or stones. Πετρήεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. same) rocky, stony, rugged, rough ; craggy, precipitous, d. sin. πε- τρηέσση. Πέτρινος, -η, -ov, (fr. πέτρος stone) rocky, stony, of stone, like a stone Πετροβατέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and βαίνω to go) to climb over or go among rocks, Πετροβόλος, -ov, b, (fr.. same, and βάλλω to throw) a slinger. Πέτρης, -ov, b, a stone, piece, of stone, fragment of a rock. Lat Peirus, Eng. Peter, a man's name. Πετροφνης, -εος -ονς, b, η,, (fr. last and φύω to grow) growing upon or sticking to rocks. Πετρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. same) to turn into stone, petrify ; to stone, kill with stones^ cover with stones. Πετρώδης, -εος -ονς, b, η, (fr. same) rocky, stony, neut. sin. πετρώδες, pi. cont. πετρώδη. Πεττος, -ου, Ό, see πεσσός. Πετώμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. cont. of πετάω. Τίέτω, obs. for it is used πίπτω. Πεύθετο, Ion. for επεύθετο, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. mid. of πννθάνομαι. Πενθην, -ηνος, δ,, (fr. πεύθομαι, for πννθάνομαι to hear) afinder, dis- coverer, searcher, examiner, spy. Πενθοίάτο, Ion. for πεύθοιντο, 3 pi. 2 a. opt. mid. of Τίεύθω, Πενθομαι, see πννθάνομαι, 1 f. mid. πενσομαι. 2 a*, ind. mid. επενθόμην. ΠενκάΧίμος, -η, -ov, (fr. πεύκη the pitch or pine tree ; or fr. πνκα or πνκνά closely) bitter, acrid; severe, keen, penetrating ; clever, wise, prudent, sensible. ΤΙενκηδανός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) bit- ter, acrid. ΤΙεύκη, -ης, >', a pitch or pine tree ; the fir tree or larch; fir or larch timber, deal ; a board, table ; a torch, firebrand, link ; bitterness, acrid taste, sharpness, tartness.. Πενκινος, -η, -bv, (fr. last) made of pine, fir or larch. Πενσεΐσθε, Dor. for εύσεσθε, 2 pi. 1 3N Πέφάμαι, -σαι, -ται, 3 pi. -ανται — Πέφασθαι for πέφπμαι, per. ind. pass, and πέφησθ-αι, per. inf. pass, of φάω, to kill; or they pass, οΐπίφημι, the same, Πέφαμμαι, -σαι, -ται, in 3 pi. -αν- ται, per. ind. pass, of φαίνω. Πεφανέρωμαι, -σαι, -ται, 1 pi. -ρώ- μεθα, ind. — Πεφανερωσθαι, inf. per» pass, of φανερόω. Πεφαργμένος, -η, -ov, (by Metath. for πεφραγμενος, par. per. pass, of φράσσω to hedge) obstructed, hindered, stopped, barred, shut up, enclosed. Πέφασμαι,Πεφασμένος, Att. for πέ- φαμμαι, ind. and πεφαμμενας, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of φάω or φημί. Πεψειδήσεαι, Ion. for πεφειδήση, 2 sin. of Πεφειδήσομαι, -η, -εται, ppfut. — Also, ΥΙεφείσομαι,. -»/, -εται, ppfut. — Τίεφεισμένος, par. per. pass, of φείδομαι, wh. see. Πέφενγα, ' -ας, -ε, ind. — Πεφευγέ- ναι, per. inf. mid. — Πεφενγοίην, Att. for πεφεύγοιμι, per. opt. mid. of φεύγω. Τΐίφημι, same as φάω or φένω, to kill. Πέφηνα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of φαίνω. Πεφήσεαι, Ion. for τεφήση, 2 sin. of Πεφήσομαι, -η, -εται, ppfut. of φάω for φένω or for φαίνω. Πεφιδέσθαι, Πεφίδοιτο, Ion. for φ δέσθαι,2 a. inf. mid. and7, -ης, η, Penelope, a wo- man's name. Πήνη, -ης, >/, see πηνος. Πηνήκη or Πηνίκή, -ης, ή, same as φενάκη. Πηνίζω or -ίζομαι, and Dor. Πανίσ- δομαι, (fr. πηνος a web) to spin, draw out and wind up the thread, roll in a ball or web ; to heap up, gather, collect. Πηνίκα, (fr. πη how, and ηνίκα when) when ? what time ? how ? pray? Πηνικάΐστα, same as ΠηνικεΊτα, (fr. πηνίκα when, and (466) ΠΙΑ είτα. then) when, when therefore, wherefore. Πήνιον, -ου, to, (fr. next) a shuttle? or the quill in it which carries the weft or woof; a spindle or distaff* ; the spool or bobbin which gathers the thread or yarn ; the warp ; a web or piece in, the loom; a kind of insect, caterpillar. Πηνος, -ου, δ, and Πήνη, -ης, ή, (perhaps fr. πίνομαι to work) a -web, piece of cloth in the loom ; thread, yarn ; tapestry, hang- ings ; a rock or distaff; a shut- tle. Πηζάμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. — Πήξας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. — Πήξασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Πηξεν, Ion. for ίπηξεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of πήγνυμι. Πήξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, fj, (fr. same) a fixing, fastening, joining, ce- menting ; coagulation, curdling, congelation, hardening. Πήξω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of same. Πηος, -ου, δ, Ion. for παός. Πήποτε, (fr. πή how, and ποτέ ever) sometimes, ever. Πήρα, -ας, and Ion. Πήρη, -ης, ή, a scrip, satchel, wallet, bag. Πηρίδιον, -ου, τί, (dim. of last) a little bag, &c. Ήηρίν, -Ίνος, η, a testicle ; the pn- vilies. Πηpbς, -a, -bv, lame, maimed, mu- tilated, defective, deficient ; dumb, mute ; blind ; stupid, dull. Πηρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to maim, mutilate ; to blind. Πήρωσις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, ή, (fr. same) a maiming, mutilation, lameness ; deficiency, defect ; blindness ; stupidity, dulness. Πησόμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 f. mid. of πήθω, obs. see πάσχω. Πήσσω or -ττω, same as πήγνυμι. Πητύα, -ας, η, (fr. last) rennet or runnet, any thing that curdles ; a cement. ΓΓ)/%εε, η. du. of πηχυς. Πήχθεν, Ion. and Bceot. for επήχ- θησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of πήγνυμι. Πήχισμα, -ατός, το, (fr. ιτηχνς a cubit) a cubit measure, cubit length. Πηχυαίος, and Πηχύϊος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) of a cubit, a cubL long, high, &c. of one cubit. Πηχυς, -εος, Att. -εως, η, (perhaps fr. π-ήγνυμι to join) the elbow; the lower or fore-arm ; the arm ; a measure from the elbow to the end of the fingers, cubit ; φ any short space, a span, hand-breadth; a rule, measure, square ; the neck or handle of a lute, guitar or lyre ; the handle or mid- dle part of a bow. g. pi. πή- χεων -ων. Πιάζω, f. -άσω, p. πεπίακα, to take, seize, lay hold of, catch, appre- hend. 1 a. act. ind. έπιασα, in 2 pi. επιάσατε' sub. πιάσω, -τις^ -jj. ΠΙΘ I a. ind. pass, επιάσθην, -ης, -η. 1 f. ind. pass, πιασθήσομαι. It is also Dor. for νιέζω. Π,ιαίνω, f. -ai/u/,(fr. πίων fat) to fat- ten ; to increase, enlarge, aug- ment ; to impregnate ; to enliven, animate. 1 a. act. ind. επίάνα' impr. πίανον, -άνω' sub. πιάνω, -as, -ν• Πιάξας, Dor. for πιάσας, 1 a. par. act. θΐ πιάζω. Πϊαρ, -άρος, το, (fr. πίων fat) fat, fatness ; richness, luxuriance. Πιάσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — ΤΙιάσας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. — Πίά- σωσί, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of πιάζω. Πιγκέρνης, -ου, δ, (perhaps fr. πίνω to drink, and κιρνάω to mix) a cupbearer, butler. Πιδάκιον, -ου, το, (dim. of πίδαζ a fountain) a little spring, well. Πιδακόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. same) of a spring or well ; gushing, springing, flowing ; with many springs* Πϊδαξ, -ακος, δ or fj, a fountain, spring. ■ ΤΙιδάω, same as πηδάω. Πιδήεσσα, Ώιδηίσσης, η. and g. sin. fem. of Πiό'λ/εts•,-εσσα,-εv,sameasπ(o'ακόει?. Πίε, 3 sin. — Πίετε, 2 pi, 2 a. impr. act. — Πίε or πίεν, Ion. for έπιε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. — Τΐιίειν, Ion. for πιεϊν, 2 a. inf. act. of πίνω. Πιέζευν, Ion. and Dor. for επιέζονν, 3 pi. impf. act. cont. of Πιεζέω -ώ, same as Π,ιέζω, f. -έσω, p. πεπίεκα, and Dor. πιάζω, to press, squeeze, compress, hold fast ; to oppress, afflict, tor lure ; to suppress, repress, keep down ; to press upon, urge, con- vince, per. ind. pass, πεπίεσμαι. ΤΙιεΊν, 2 a. inf. ac f . of πίνω. ΙΙίειρος, -ov, δ, η, and -ρος,-α, -ον, (fr. πίων fat) fat, plump ; . fer- tile ; rich, abundant, plentiful. Πιερία, -ας, and Ion. Πιερίη, -ης,η, Pieria, a. district of Macedon. Τίιερίηθεν, (fr. last, and θεν from) from Pieria. ΠιερΙς, -ίδος, fj, (fr. same) a muse•, nymph; pi. Πιερίδες, -ων, αϊ, the Muses, feigned to, reside in Pieria. Πί'εσαί, 1 a. impr. mid. οίπιεω-ώ, for πίη, 2 sin. 2 a. sub. act. Or, 2 sin. οΐπίομαι, which see. Τίίεσθε, 2 pi. — Πίεταί, 3 sin. of πίομαι, which see. ΤΙιεω -ω, f. -έσω, same as πίνω• 2 a. ind. act. έπων, -ες, -ε. 1 a. mid. ind. επιεσάμην. Πίτι, 3 sin. — Πίησθα, JEol. for ίίίης, 2 sin. — Πίητε, 2 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of πίνω. ΙΙιθάκνη, -ης, η, (fr. πίθος a cask) a little cask, keg ; a drinking vessel. Πιθανολογέω -ω, (fr. πείθω to per- suade, and λόγος a word, th. λέγω to speak) to speak plausi- bly, persuade, convince, prove. Πιθανολογία, ~ας, η, (fr. same) urn plausible language, specious dis- course, sophistry, deception. Πιθανός, -η, -dv, (fr. πείθω to per- suade) persuasive, convincing,, impressive ; probable, likely, cre- dible ; agreeable, acceptable, pre- ferable, pleasing, seductive; plau- sible, specious, shovjy ; ft, pro- per for, becoming ; natural, ex- pressive ; obedient, submissive, compliant. Comp. πιθανώτερος, sup. -ώτατος. Πιθανότης, -ητος, {f, (fr. last) per- suasion ; plausibility, specious- ness ; probability, likeness, likeli- hood ; credibility. Πίθεσθ', for πίθεσθε, 2 pi. — Πίθεσ- θων, 3 du. 2 a. impr. mid. of πείθω. Πιθεών, -ωνος, δ, (fr. πίθο? a cask) a wine-cellar or vault ; a wine or oil-press. Πίθηαι, Ion. for πίθη, 2 sin. 2" a. sub. mid. of πείθω. Πίθηκος, -ου, δ, same as πίθηζ ΤΙιθηκοφαγέω -ώ, (fr. last, and φά•* γω to eat) to eat apes, feed upon monkeys. Πίθηξ, -ηκος, b, an ape, baboon. Πιθήσας, -ασα, -αν, 1 a. par. act. — ΤΙίθηται, 3 sin. οΐΠ,ίθωμαι, -η, ' -ηται, 2 a. sub. mid. of πείθω. ΠΓθί, by.Cras. and Parag. for πίε, 2 a. impr. act. of πίνω. Πιθοίάτο, Ion. for πιθοίντο, 3 pi. of — Πιθοίμην, -οιο, -οιτο, 2 a. opt. mid. of πείθω. Πίθοιο, Ion. for πίθου, g. of πίθο?. Πιθόμην, Πίθιν, Ion. for επιθόμην, 2 a. ind. mid. ; and έπτθον, 2 a. ind. act. of πείθω. Πίθος, -ov, and Ion. -οιο, δ, a cask, barrel, tub. Πίθω, Dor. for πίθου, g. of πίθο?. Πίθωι•,-ωνο?,ό, Poet. same as πίθηξ. Πίθων, -ούσα, -ov, par. 2 a• act. of πείθω. Πικέριον, -ου, το, butter. Πικράζω, f. -άσω, (fr. πικρ&ς bitter) to give a bitter taste, taint- with bitterness, make bitter. Πικραίνεσθε, 2 pi. pres. impr. pass, of Πίκραίνω, f. -ανω, (fr. same}': to make bitter or sour ; to imbitter, afflict ; to irritate, provoke, ex- asperate. Πικραίνομαι, to act with harshness, be bitter or angry ; to fret, be peevish ; to resist, re- bel. 1 a. act. ind. επίκράνα• inf. πικράναι. 1 a. ind. pass, επικράν- θην, -ης, -η. Πικράν, a. sin. fem. of πικρός. " ΠικρανεΊ, 3 sin. 1. f. ind. act. of πίκ- ρα ίνω. Πικρασμος, -ου, δ, (fr. πικρός bitter) bitterness ; irritation, animosity, anger ; grudge, pique, malice. Πικρία, -ας, η, (fr. same) bitter- ness^ acrimony, anger, malice, grudge ; distress, affliction. Πικρϊς, -ίδος, %, (fr. same) some bitter herb, as cichory, lettuce. Πικρόγ\ωσσος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. next, and γ\ώσσα tongue) bitter spoken, severe. Πικρός, -a, -bv, bitter, sour, tart, astringent ; acrimonious, angry, (467) ΠΙΝ malignant; harsh, rigorous, se- vere ; painful, afflicting ; im- bitiered, afflicted, miserable. Comp. πικρότερος, sup. -ότατος. Πικροτάτα, Dor. for -οτάτη, η. fem. sin. sup. of last. Πικρότης, -ητος, η, (fr. same) bitter- ness, tartness; acrimony, ma- lice. Πικρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. same) to make bitter or sour ; to imbitter, afflict, distress ; to irritate, exas- perate, provoke. Πικρως, (fr. same) bitterly, sharp- ly ; harshly , severely ; malicious ly, spitefully. Πιλάτος, -ου, δ, (fr. Lat. pilum, a dart) Pilate, a man's name. Πίλεω -ώ, f. -ήσω, andriiXotu -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. πίλος a cap) to work wool together into felt ; to mat, consolidate, thicken, clot ; to pile, crowd together, straiten, com- press, throng. Πί>?7//α, -άτος, το, (fr. last) wool wrought together, felt, a felt or quilted cap ; a quilt, coverlet ; a cushion or such like, stuffed with wool, Πίλνα, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of πιλνάω, for πίλνημι. Πίλνάμαι, pass, of same. Πίλνατο, Ion. for ετχίλνατο, 3 sin. impf. pass, of same. Πιλνάω -ώ, same as πελάω or πελά•• ζω, which see. Πίλνημι, same as last. Πίλο?, -ου, δ, a cap or hat of wrought wool or felt ; any cap or head- dress ; a quilted covering for the neck and breast ; a quilted or felt breastplate ; hangings, tapes- try, trappings ; a woollen or felt sock; a cushion, pillow ; a hand- ball ; a heap, pile. Πίλόω, see πιλέω. Πιμελέομαι -ουμαι, (fr. next) to grow fat. Πιμελη, -ης, h, foi, fatness, corpu- lency. Πιμελης, -έος -ους, Att. -έως, δ, ή, (fr. last) fat, corpulent, gross, fleshy, plump. Πιμπλάνεται,3 sin. pres. ind. pass. — Πίμπλαντο, Ioa. for επίμπλαν- το, 3 pi. impf. pass, of πιμπλά- νω. Πιμπλάω, Πιμπλάνω, and Πίμττλη- μι, f. πλ^σω, same as πλήθω, 1 a. ind. pass, επλήθην. Πιμπλευσαι, JEol. for πιμπλασαι, η. pi. fem. pass. pres. act. — Πίμπλη, Att. for πίμπλάθι, pres. impr. act. of Πίμπλημι, same as πλήθω. Πιμπράς, -ασα, -αν, par. pres. act. — Πίμπραμαι, ind. — Πίμπρασ- θαΐ, inf. pres. pass, of Πιμπράω -ω, and Πίμ-ηρημι, or Πί- πράω -&, and Πίπρημι, same as ποήθω. Πιμπρήσω,-εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of πίμποημι. Πίν\ for πίνε, pres. impr. act. of πίνω. Πινίκίο'ίον, and Πινάκιον, -ου, rd, • and Πινάκις, -Ctos, h,\ im> °f* ΠΙΝ ναξ a board) a tablet, leaf, page ; a desk. Τΐίναξ, -ακος, η, (perhaps fr. πΐνος the pine tree) a board, slab; a table, desk, chessboard ; a deck, floor ; a tablet, sheet, leaf, page ; a bill, book, writing ; an index, table of contents or reference ; a dish, platter, d. sin. πίνακι. Πιναρος, -ά, -bv, (fr. πίνος dirt) dir- ty, foul, squalid. Π/νε, -έτω, pres. impr. act. — lit- νεθ\ before an aspirate, for πί- νεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass. — tli'ra, 3 sin. Πίνετε, -νουσι, 2 and 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Πινέμεν Ion. and Πινεμέναι, Dor. for Πι- v£ti/,pres. inf. act. — Πίνετο, Ion. for επίνετο, 3 sin. impf. pass, of ■πίνω. Πίνη, 3 sin. — ΐίίνητε, 2 pi. pres sub. act. of same. Πίννα, and Ώίνη, -ης, f), the naker or pearl oyster ; a shell. Πίννινος, and ΐΐίνινος, -η, -ov, (fr. last) of shell, of mother of pearl, of or like pearls ; marine, of the sea. ΠΊνον, -ου, το, (fr. πίνω to drink) mall liquor, ale, beer. Πίνοντ, for πίνοντα, a. sin. — Πί- νοντες, η. pi. par. pres. act. of same. Πίνος, -ου, h, dirt, foulness, filth. ΠΊνος, -ου, ή, a pine tree, fir. Πίνουσ\ for πίνουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of πίνω. Πίννσις, -ως, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. next) prudence, sense, wisdom, judg- ment, intelligence. Πινύσκω, Πίνυσσω and Πινύω, (fr. πνυμι to perceive, th. πνέω to breathe) to admonish, warn ; to reform, bring to reason, re- store to sense. Πινΰτή, -ΐις, η, (fern, of next) sense, discernment, intelligence, under- standing, prudence. ΠΈνΰτός. -η, -bv, (fr. πιννω or πι- νύσσω to warn) sensible, prudent, wise, discerning, discreet, intelli- gent. Πινύτότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) sense, discernment, prudence, under* standing, inttliigence, wisdom. Πινύτώς, (fr. same) wisely, sensi- bly, prudently. Πιννω, see πινύσκω. Πίνω, f. πώσω, p. πέπωκα, to drink ; to imbibe, suck in, soak ; to moist- en, irrigate, bedew ; to water, give drink, impf. act. έπινον. 1 a. inf. act. π είσαι, and πίσαι. 2 a. act. ind. ίπιον, -ες, -ε' impr. πίε and πίθι' sub. πιω, -ης, -η' inf. 7^?vpar. πιών, -ούσα, -όν. 2 f. ind. mid. πιουμαι, -η, -εΊται, and πίομαι, -εσαι, -εται. Πίνων, -ούσα, -ov, par. pres. act. of last. Πίνωσιν, 3 pi. pres. sub. act. of same. Πίνωσις, -ιος, Att. -εωί, f], (fr. same) drinking ; a drink, draught, potion, swallow. Πίνωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. πίννα or χίνη mother of pearl) an or- ΠΙΣ nament of mother of pearl or of shell. Πίομαι, -εσαι or -η, -εται, 2 pi. -εσ- θε, for πιουμαι, -fj, -εΊται, 2 f. ind. mid. of πιω, same as πίνω. Πίονα, a. — Πίονος, g. sin. of πίων. Πίος, -εος -ονς, το, (fr. πίων fat) fat, fatness, grossness, corpulency. Πιότερος, -a, -ov, comp. Πιότατος, sup. fr. same. Πιότης, -ητος, fj, (fr. same) fat, fatness, corpulency. Πιουσα, η. fern. sin. of πιών, par. 2 a. act. of πίνω. Πιπίσκω, f. πίσω, (fr. πιω for πίνι to drink) to give drink ; to wa ter. 1 a. inf. act. πίσαι' for which also πείσαι. Πιπλάω -ω, or Πίπλημι, same as π\ήθω. Πίπος,-ον, b, a kind of sea-bird. Πιππίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. next) to pip like a chicken, chirp or cry as a bird, cluck as a hen. Πίππος, -ov, b, a chick, chicken, young bird, young pigeon. Πιπο ισκόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of Πιπράσκω, f. πράσω, p. πέπράκα,(ΐΐ πράω, obs. to sell, which per- haps fr. περάω to import) to' sell, expose to sale, barter, ex- change, impf. επίπρασκον, -ες, -ε per. pass. ind. πέπράμαι' par, πεπραμένος. 1 a. pass. ind. εκρά- θην inf. πραθηναι' par. πραθεις, -εΐσα, -εν. 1 f. ind. pass, πραθή- σομαι. Πίπρημι, same as πίμπρημι or πιμ- πράω, see πρήΟω. Πίπτε, Ion. for έπιπτε, 3 sin. impf. act. — Πίπτει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Πιπτόντων, g. pi. — Πίπ- τουσαι, η. pi. fern. par. pres. act. of Πίπτω, f. πέσω, and πτώσω, p. πέπ- τωκα, to fall, drop ; to fall down, slip, tumble ; to decay, decline, fail, perish ; to be slain, fall, die ; to fail in, miss, be disap- pointed ; to meet with, befall, happen ; to attack, fall upon, charge ; to yield, submit, fall under, be subject to. impf. act. έπιπτον, -ες, -ε. 1 a. ind. act. έπεσα. 2 a. act. ind. έ πεσόν -impr. πέσε, -έτω, in 2 pi. -ετε' sub. πέσω, -ης, -η• inf. πεσεΊν, par. πεσών, -ούσα, -όν. 1 f. mid. πέσο- μαι, and Dor. πεσυυμαι. Πίπτωσι, 3 pi. pres. sub. act. of last. Πίσαγας, -a, b, (Persian) a leper, leprous. Πίσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of πιπίσκω, or of πίνω. Π/σείε, Ion. for επίσειε, 3 sin. impf. act. of επισείω• Πισΐδαι,-ων, ο'ι, Pisidians, natives of Πισίδία, -ας, ή, Pisidia, a country. Πίσον, -ov, το, a pea, pease. Π7σο?, and ΠεΊσος, -εος -ονς, το, (perhaps fr. πιπίσκω to water) a marsh, fen, swamp ; a garden ; a meadow, low bottom. Πίσσα or Πίττα, -ης, fj, (fr. πίτυς a pine tree) pitch. (468) Π1Σ Πίσση, -ης, {j, the name of a place. Πίσσόω or -ττόω -ω, (fr. πίσσί pitch) to pitch, caulk. Πίστα, pi. of πίστον. Πιστάκία,-ων, τα, pistachio nuts. Πίστει, d. sin. cont. Att. — Πίστεις ί η. or a. pi. cont. of πίστις. Πίστενε, -ετε, 2 sin. and pi. pres. impr. act. — Πιστεύειν, pres. inf. act. — Πιστεύεις, -ει, 2 and 3 sin. -ομεν, -ονσι, 1 and 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Πιστεύεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass, of πιστεύω. Πιστεύητε, 2 pi. pres. sub. act. of same. Πιστευθεϊς, par. — Πιστευθηναι, inf. 1 a. pass, of same. Πιστεύσεια, -ας, -ε, JEdl. for πισ- τεύσαιμι, -αις, -αι, 1 a. opt. act. of same. Πιστευτέος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) to be believed or trusted, credible. Πιστεύω, f. -εύσω, p. πεπίστευκα, (fr. πίστις faith, th. πείθω to per- suade) to believe, credit, trust ; to expect, think, hope ; to confide, commit, intrust ; to venture, ha- zard, par. per. act. πεπιστευκώς, -υΊα, -ός. pper. act. επεπιστεύκειν, and Att. πεπιστεύκειν. 1 a. act. επίστενσα, -ας, -ε' impr. πίστεν- σον, -άτω, 2 pi. πιστεύσατε' sub. πιστεύσω, -ης, -η' inf. πιστεύσαι' par. πιστεύσας, -ασα, -αν. per. pass. ind. πεπίστενμαι, 1 a. ind. pass, επιστεύθην, -ης, -η. Πιστεύων, -ονσα, -ov, par. pres. act. of last. ΠιστΈκος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) faith- ful, trusty ; probable, credible ; true, genuine, pure. Πιστίκος, -η, -rbv, (fr. πιπίσκω to drink) drinkable, potable, li- quid. Π'.στΐκος, -η, -bv, (by Aphier. for οπιστικος, fr. Όπις, -ιστός, fj, a town near Babylon, from which the spikenard came) of Opis ; of or like spikenard ; perfumed, fragrant. Πίστις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ij, (fr. πείθω to persuade) faith, belief, trust, confidence, credit ; fidelity , faith- fulness ; a promise, engagement, covenant, contract ; proof, argu- ment, demonstration, evidence ; a persuasion, assurance ; an article or matter of belief ; the faith, Gospel doctrine, Chris- tianity. Πιστον, -ου, rb, (neut. of next) a pledge, pawn, security ; a token, gift, keepsake ; a bargain, con- tract, covenant, league, treaty, alliance. Πιστός, -η, -bv, (fr. πείθω to per- suade) credible, probable ; faith- ful, trusty, true; trusting, con- fiding, believing ; tried, proved, ascertained. Also, subs, a be- liever, Christian ; pi. Ο Σ πι.στοϊ, the faithful. Πίστόί, -η, -bv, (fr. πιω tf» drink) drinkable, liquid. Comp. πιστό* τερος, sup. -τότατος. Πιστοϋται, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind, pass, of ΠΙΦ ΪΙπτόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, ρ. πεπίστωκα, (fr. πίστις belief, th. πείθω to per- suade) to make credible or wor- thy of belief, confirm, establish, ascertain ; to pledge faith, pro- mise, assure ; to exchange faith, engage, contract, covenant. Πισ- τόομαι -ουμαι, to be persuaded, believe, trust, per. ind. pass, πε- πίστωμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, επιστώ- θην impr. πιστώθητι, 2 du. ττισ- τώθητον' par. πιστωθείς. Πιστώς, (fr. πιστός faithful) faith- fully, truly. Πίστωσις,-ιος,Αίί.-εως,η,{ίτ. same) assurance, confirmation, proof. ΤΙίσυγγος, -ου, b, a shoemaker, cur- rier, tanner. ΤΙίσϋνος, and Πείσυνος, -ov, b, f], (fr. πείθω to persuade) trusting, be- lieving, depending, relying on, confiding. Ιίίσυοες, and Πέσσαρες, 2E>o\. for τέσσαρες. Πίσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. • — Έπισα, 1 a. ind. act. of πίω, or of πιπίσκω. Πίτανα, -ης, η, (fr. Πιτάνη a city of iEolis) a company, troop, band, body ; a tribe, clan. Τίιτανήτης, -ου, b, (fr. last) of Pi- tana. Πίτνα, Ion. for επ'ιτνα, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. of πιτνάω ' or for επίτ- νη, same of πίτνημι — ΤΙίτναν, Ion. and Sync, for επίτνασαν, 3 pi. impf. act. — ΤΙιτνάς, -ασα, -αν, par. pres. act. οι πίτνημι. Πιτνάω -ώ, or Πίτνημι, (fr. πετάω to expand) to spread or stretch out, expand, lay open ; to throw, fling, cast forth ; to shake, shat- ter, dash. Πιτνέω -ω, or Πίτνημι, and Πίτι>ω, (fr. πίπτω to fall) to fall, drop, tumble, roll; to fail, decay, sink, yield; to chance, fall out, hap- pen, occur. Πιττάκιον, -ου, το, (fr. πίττα or πίσσα pitch) a sheet, leaf, table ; a tablet, memorandum or note- book ; a schedule, roll, title, in- scription ; a cerecloth, plaster, lint spread with salve, &c. a patch, piece. Πιττάκος, -οι), δ, Pittacus, a man's name. Πιττόω -ώ, see πισσόω. Πιτύϊνος, -η, -ov, (fr. πίτυς a pine tree) of pine or fir. Πίτύλος, -ου, b, (fr. same) an oar of pine, the blade of an oar ; rowing, the dashing or sound of oars ; a rush, overflow ; clap- ping, acclamation ; uproar, tu-r mult. Πιτυόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. same) piny , full of pines. ΧΙίτνρον, -ου, το, bran. Πίπίς, -ύος, f}, a pine tree ; turpen- tine. Πι-υώδης, -εος-ους^, ή, (fr. last, and εΐοος likeness) like the pine, phvy ; full of pine trees; of pitch, fnlchy. 11<<;•.;σκεηι, Ion. for πιφάσκη, 2 sin. pres. ind. mid, of ΠΛΑ Πιφάσκω, and Πιφάσκομαι, (Poet, for φάω to speak or to shine) to say, speak, tell, announce, re- late, declare; to boast, brag, vaunt ; to show, reveal, discover, throw light upon. Πιφαύσκεο, Ion. for επίφαύσκον, 2 sin. impf. or for πι φαΰσκου, pres. impr. mid. of Πιφαύσκω or -ομαι, same as πι- φάσκω. Πιω, f. πίσω, obs. see πίνω. 1 a. act. ind. έπισα' inf. πίσαι, for which also7T£iVa£. 2 a. ind. act. έπιον' sub. πιω, -ης, -η, in 1 pi. πίωμεν. Πίωμεν, 1 pi. — Πίωσι, 3 pi. sub. - — lit ων, -ούσα, -bv, par. 2 a. act. of πιω or πίνω. Πϊων,-ονος, b, fj, fat, fleshy , corpu- lent, plump, gross ; plentiful, fertile, productive ; rich, great, grand ; dull, heavy, stupid. Πλαγά, -ας, f), Dor. for πληγή. Πλακών, -όνος, b, (fr. πλάσσω to mould) an image, doll, baby of wax or other stuff; a basket, work-bag ; a net for the hair. Πλαγιάζω, ί. -άσω, p. πεπλαγίακα, (fr. πλάγιος crooked) to make wry, bend, crook ; to turn aside, set astray, put out of the way ; to deceive, seduce, beguile, de- lude; to hint, insinuate, impart indirectly ; to inflect, change, vary ; to blow across or oblique- ly. Πλαγιάριος, -ov,b, (fr. same) a de- ceiver, impostor, cheat ; a kid- napper, manslealer ; a fairy that changes or a goblin that steals children. Πλaγίaυλrς, -ου, b, (fr. same, and ανλοςα pipe) acrookedpipe, some bent or curved wind instrument. Also, a player on such instru- ment. Πλάγιον, and Πλαγίως, (fr. next) obliquely, across ; indirectly, darkly, obscurely ; perversely ; artfully, craftily, slily. Πλάγιος, -ου, b, η, and -a, -ov, (fr. πλάζω to set astray) oblique, side- ways, across, transverse; con- trary, opposite; awry, crooked, indirect; perverse; artful, sly, cunning, malicious, treacherous; doubtful, dark, ambiguous ; fear- ful, timorous, afraid. Πλαγιοφϋλαξ,-ακος, 2>,(fr. last, and φνλαξ a guard) a guard on the wing, sentry on the flank, an outpost. Πλαγίως, see πλάγιον. Πλάγχθην, Ion. for επλάγγθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. — Πλαγ- χθεϊς, -είσα, -εν, η. pi. Πλα}/χ- θέντες, par. 1 a. pass, of πλάζω. Πλαδαρόομαι -ουμαι, (fr. next) to be flaccid or flabby, grow weak from wet, fail, decay, waste away. 1 f. ind. pass, πλαδαρωθή- σομαι. Πλαδαρός, -α, -δν, (fr. πλάδον hu- mour) moist, wet, watery ; flac- cid, flabby, spongy. Πλάδ.ίω -ω, and -δόω -ω,(Λ\ same) C469) ΠΑΑ to be wet or spewy, be watery or swampy ; to discharge humour. Πλάδον, -ου, τδ, and Πλάδος, -ου, b, wetness, moisture ; humour, discharge, running. Πλάζω,' f. πλάγζω, p. πέπλαχα,ίο set astray, put wrong, deceive, frustrate; to remove, disturb, drive away, beat off. Πλάζομαι,ίο go astray, err, wander, rove, ram- ble ; to mistake, miss, fail. 1 a. ind. pass.en-Aay^e^v, Άΐιάεπλάχ- θην, -ης, -η. Πλάζω, by Sync, for πελάζω. Πλάθαι, -ων, al, (fr. πλάσσω to shape) statues, images, figures. Πλαθάνη, -ης, >'/, (fr. same) a fry- ing pan. Πλάθανον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a round plate on which bread is made, a girdle. Πλάθω, for πελάθω. Πλαίσιον, -ου, το, (fr. πλάσσω to shape) a mould to form bricks; the shape of a brick; any oblong figure; a brick ; a close column of troops ; joints or marks like those of bricks. Πλάκα, a. sin. — Πλάκες, η. pi. of πλαζ. Πλακεις, -είσα, -εν, par. 2 a. pass. — Πλακηναι, 2 a. inf. pass, of πλέκω. Πλακία, -ας, fj, (fr. πλάζω to frus- trate) error, mistake. Πλακόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. πλαζ a slab) broad and thin; flat, smooth, level. Πλακοϋς, -οϋντος, b, (mas. of last cont. ) a cake, bread baked thin and flat. Πλακτρον, -ov, το, Dor. for πληκ- τρον. Πλακω, -TJ$, -5J, 2 a. sub. pass, of πλέκω. Πλάν, Dor. for πλ?/ν. Πλάνα, 3 sin. cont. ind. or sub. act. — Πλανάσθε, 2 pi. cont. impr. mid. — Πλανάτω, 3 sin. cont. impr. act. of Πλανάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. πεπλάνηκα, (fr. next) to set . astray, put wrong or out of the road ; to de- ceive, mislead, seduce, beguile, delude. Πλανάομαι -ώμaι,towan- der, deviate, go astray, err, mis- take. 1 a. ind. act. επλάνησα. per. pass. ind. πεπλάι/ημαι• par. πε- πλανημένος. 1 a. ind. pass, επλα- νήθην, -ης, -η. _ Πλάνη, -ης, ή, deviation, wandering; error, mistake; deception, im- position; uncertainty, doubt, ir- resolution. Πλανηθη, 3 sin. -νηθ'ήτε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. pass, of πλανάω. Πλάνης, -ητος, ι), (fr. πλάνη error) a wanderer, rover, vagabond, fugitive.^ Πλανησαι, inf. — Πλανήσας, -ασα, ^ -αν, par. 1 a. act. — Πλαντ',στι, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. — Πλανήσονσι, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of πλανάω. Πλάνησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) error, mistake ; deceit^ de- ception, imposition. Πλανήτης, -ου, l•, (fr. same) a uxin- ΠΛΑ derer, straggler, vagabond, fugi- tive; a planet. Πλανητικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) wandering, roving, vagrant, fu- gitive. Πλανήτις, -'ίδος, ή, (fr. same) a fe- male wanderer, rover, vagrant, &c. Πλάνος, -ου, b, (mas. of next) a deceiver, impostor, seducer, trai- tor ; error, mistake ; agitation, perturbation, irresolution. Πλάνος, -η, -ov, (fr. πλάνη mistake) causing to wander, deceitful, false fraudulent ; erroneous, fal- lacious ; enticing, seducing, al- luring. Πλανωμεν, 1 pi. -νωνται, 3 pi. cont. ind. or sub. act. — Πλανώμενος, •η, -ov, par. pres. pass. cont. of πλανάω. Πλάξ, -άκος, f), (fr. πλατύς broad) a slab, fag, board ; a tablet, table ; a fragment, piece ; a plain, level, surface, expanse ; a cake, crust. d. pi. πλαζί. Πλάζεν, Dor. and Ion. for έπληξε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of πλάσσω. Πλάξιππος, -ω, b, η, Dor. for πλή- ζιππος. ΤΙλάσας, -ασα, -αν, d. sin. -αντί, par. 1 a. act. of πλάσσω. Πλασίί, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. πλάσ- σω to form) a making, forma- tion ; a mould, figure, shape. ΤΙλάσμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) work, workmanship ; a- piece of work- manship ; an image, statue, d. sin. πλάσματι. Πλάσσε, Ion. and Poet, for έπλασε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of Πλάσσω or -ττω, f. πλάσω, ρ.πεπλα- κα, to mould, model, fashion, shape, form ; to frame, make, create, invent ; to smear or cover over, paint, daub ; to pretend, feign, dissemble; to forge, fabri- cate, per. ind. pass, πέπλασμαι. Πλάστης, -ου, b, (fr. last) a model- ler, maker, framer, creator ; an inventor, contriver. Πλάστιγζ, -ιγγος, '/, (fr. πλατύς broad ) a dish or basin ; the scale of a balance ; a draught or dice board. Πλάστιγζ-, -ιγγος, /;, Dor. for πλ^σ- •|Χ?.ι Πλαστική, -ης, ή, (fern, of next, viz. τέχνη) the art of modelling or carving, statuary, pottery. ΙΐΛαστϊκυς, -η, -bv, (fr. πλάσσω to mould) modelling, carving, skil- ful at moulding or statuary ; plastic, soft, yielding, taking any form. Πλαστός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) mould- ed, formed, fashioned, framed ; fictitious, artificial ; artful, cun- ning. Πλατάγέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. next) ίο clatter, crackle, rattle; to clap hands. Πλαταγη, -ης, ή, (fr. πλατάσσω to crash) a rattle, timbrel, cymbal, clapper ; a rattling noise, dash- ing of the waves, clash, clap ; a prating fellow, talkaixue person. Πλατάγημα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) a rattling noise, clash, clap, crash, slap, sound, report. Πλαταγίζω, same as πλατάγέω. Πλαταιαϊ, -ων, al, PlatascB or Pla- taea, the name of a town. Πλαταιευς, -έος, Att. -έως, b, aPla- toean, one of Platoea. Πλατάνιστος, -ου, t), same as Πλάτανος, -ου,^, (fr. πλατύς broad) a plane tree. Πλατάσσω, (fr. same) to sound by striking together, crash, dash, slap, clap, clatter, rattle. Πλατε", for Πλατέα, a. sin. or neut. pi. — Τλατέων, g. pi. of πλατύς. ■ Πλατεία, -ας, ή, (fem. of πλατύς broad, viz. bδbς a road) a broad road, highway, street. Πλάτη, -ης, ή, (fr. same) the blade or broad part of an oar, the oar ; sailing, a voyage, course, run. Πλατίον, Dor. for πλησίον. Πλάτος, -εος -ους, rb, (fr. 'πλατύς broad) breadth. Πλάττω, Att. for πλάσσω. Πλατυάζω or Πλατειάζω, Dor. Πλα- τυάσδω or -ειάσ<5ω, (fr. πλατνς broad) to speak broadly, with a long or drawling tone. Πλατυάσδοισαι or Πλατείάσ<5οίσαι, Dor. n. pi. fem. par. pres. act. of last. Πλάτνγζ, -νγγος, or Πλάτ£^£, -ιγ- ?'ος, ή, (fr. πλατνς broad) the lade or broad part of an oar. Πλατνκέρως, -ωτος, b, ή, (fr. same, and κέρας a horn) fiat-horned, broad-horned ; the chamois. Πλατυνθήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. pass. — Πλατύ νθητε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. pass. — Πλατύ vot σι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Πλατύνω, f. -ύνω, p. πεπλάτυγκα, (fr. πλατνς broad) to make broad, widen, enlarge; dilate, expand. 1 a. ind. act. επλάτΰνα. per. ind. pass, πεπλάτυμμαι. la. ind. pass. επλατύνθην impr. πλατυνθήτι, -ήτω. Πλατυνωτος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and νωτος the back) broad-back- ed, flat-backed. Πλατύς, -εΊα, -ύ, broad, wide, large, ample, spacious. Πλατνσμος,-ον, b, (fr. last) h eadth, space, room ; deliverance, liberty, freedom ; joy, gladness, festivity, boasting, ostentation. Πλατύψϋχος, ου, b, η, (fr.same, and ψυχή the soul) high-minded, ar- rogant, ambitious, insatiable. Πλάτων, -ωνος, b, Plato, a man's name. Πλάω, Sync, for πελάω, see πελάζω. Πλε'α?, Πλέε?, by Sync, for πλέονας, a. pi. mas. and πλέονες, η. pi. mas. of πλέων, comp. of πολύς. Πλέγμα, -άτος, rb, (fr. πλέκω to plait) a weaving, plaiting or braiding ; any thing woven or plaited ; wicker work ; a basket, hamper ; a braid, plaited lock, tresses, d. pi; πλέγμασι or -σιν. ΠλεθραΊος, -α, -οι, (fr. next) of an acre, an acre large. Πλέθρον. and Poet. Πέλεθρον, -ov, (470) ΠΛΕ rb, a square measure of 100 feet on each side, or 10,000 square feet ; nearly the eighth of an Irish, and almost the fifth of an English acre ; commonly an acre; space. ΠλεΊ, 2 sin. cont. pres. impr. act. of πλέω. Πλειάς, -άδος, ή, (fr. πλέω to sail) the Pleiades, a constellation. Πλείειν,. Ion. and Poet, for πλέειν, pres. inf. act. — ΠλεΓ0ι, Poet, for πλεΐ, 2 sin. cont. pres. impr. act. of same. Πλεί??, Ion. for πλεία, η. fem. of πλέΐος, Poet, for πλέος. Πλεΐν, pres. inf. act. cont. of πλε'ω. ΠλεΊον, and Poet. Πλέον, neut. sin. — Πλείονος, g. sin. — Πλειόνων, g. pi. — Πλείονα πλε'ιοα πλείω, neut. pi. of πλείων, comp. of πολύς. Πλεΐο?, -a, -ov, Poet, (or πλέος. Πλείοσι, d. pi. of πλείων. Ηλείους, η. or a. pi. mas. cont. of πλείων, comp. of πολύς. Πλείστα, see πλείστον. Πλείστη, η. fem. sin Πλείστα»?, d. pi. fem. of πλεΓστο?. Πλειστηριάζω, (fr. πλείστο? most) to bid highest, offer most, give the greatest price ; to bid, propose. Πλειστηριασμός, -ov, b, (fr. same) the best price, highest offer ; a bidding, proposal. Πλειστόμβροτος, -ov, b, f), (fr.. same, and βροτος a person) most celebrated, most frequented, best attended, crowded ; provided for many, well laid out. Πλείστον, and Πλείστα, (fr. same) most of all, very much, for the most part, generally ; chiefly, especially ; exceedingly, exces- sively. Tb πλείστον, on the whole, entirely, totally. ΠλεΊστος, -η, -ov, sup. of πολύς. Πλείω, Att. and Ion. for πλείονα πλείοα πλείω, a. sin. mas. or n. pi. neut. of πλείων, comp. of πολύς, also, used adverbially, rather, more than, for the most part. Πλείων, -όνος, b, >/, comp. of πολύ?. Πλείων, -ωνος, o,|(perhaps fr. πλεϊος full) a year. Πλεκόω -ω, (fr. πλέκω to plait) to wreathe, entwine, embrace, clasp ; to copulate. Πλεκτάνη, -ης, >% (fr. s«me) aplait, fold, wreath ; a lock or braid of hair, curl ; a rope, cord ; a net, mesh ; intricacy, perplexity ; a volume of smoke or flame. Πλεκτοΐσιν, d. pi. Ion. of Πλεκτοί, -ή, -bv, (fr. next) woven, plaited, twisted, twined, wreathed, interwoven, knit. Πλέκω, f. -ζω, p. πέπλεχα, to fold, plait, entwine, wreath ; to con- nect, join, tie ; to knit, weave ; to build, construct, make, plan, form, devise, contrive ; to en- tangle, per. ind. pass, πέπλεγ- μαι. 1 a. ind. pass. επλέχΟην. per. ind. mid. πέπλοκα. Πλέννα, same as βλέννα. Πλέξαντες-, η. pi. of πλίξας, 1 a. ΠΛΕ par. act. — Πλέξης, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of πλέκω. Πλέον, neut. par. pres. act. of πλέω' declined simply. Πλέον, Poet, for πλεΤον, (neut. of πλείων comp. of πολύς) more, more than, above ; rather. Πλέον ποιεΧν or είναι, to avail, do, ef- fect. Πλέονα for πλείονα, see πλεΊον. Πλεονάζει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Πλεονάζοντα, a. sin. par. pres. act. of Πλεονάζω, £ -ασω, (fr. πολύς much) to be too much, large or great ; to have much or more ; to abound, multiply, increase ; to cause to abound or increase; to be insolent, proud or haughty, 1 a. ind. act. επλεόνασα. Πλεονάκις, (fr. πλεΐον more, th. -πο- λύς many) ofiener, many times. Πλεόνασαι, 3 sin. 1 a. opt. act. — Πλεονάσασα, ή. fern. par. 1 a. act. — Πλεονάση, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of πλεονάζω. Πλεόνασμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. πλεονάζω to abound, th. πολνς many) an overplus, abundance, plenty. Πλεονασμός, -ου, o,(fr. same) abun dance, overplus, plenty ; usury ; pleonasm, a figure of speech. Πλεοναστος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) in creasing, abounding, supeiabun dant. Πλεονεκτεΐν, pres. inf. act. cont. of Πλεονεκτέω -ω, f. -^σω,ρ. πεπλεονέκ τηκα, 'fr. πλέον more, and έχω to havb) to have more; to get, procure or obtain more ; to sur- pass, excel, be superior ; to desi to have more, be avaricious, covet ; to have the advantage of, get the better of; to make a gain or prey of; to defraud, cheat, overreach, 1 a. ind. act. επλεονέκτησα. 1 a, pass. ind. επλεονεκτήθην. Πλεονεκτηθωμεν, 1 pi. οίΠλεονεκτη- θω,-ής,-ή, 1 a. sub. pass, of last Πλεονέκτημα, -άτος, τό, (fr. same) superiority, advantage ; greater power, better condition, state or ability ; a prerogative, privilege; glory, power, victory ; fraud, de- ceit. Πλεονέκτης, -ov, b, (fr. same) a cheat, deceiver, fraudulent per- son; avaricious, covetous, greedy rapacious. Πλεονεξία, -ας, y), (fr. same) advan- tage, superiority ; avarice, co- vetousness ; a great desire fc wealth, praise or honour, inordi- nate lust ; extortion, fraud, en- croachment. Πλέονες,η. pi. — Πλεόνεσσ' for πλε<5 νεσσι, d. pi. Ion. of πλέων, Poet, for πλείων, comp. of πολύς. Πλέοντας, a — Πλεόντων, g. pi. par. pres. act. of πλέω. Πλεόνως, (fr. πλέων, Poet, for πλεί- ων, comp. of πολύς much) more, more than, above, rather; very, greatly, very much, exceedingly fully, totally, entirely. Πλέος, -a, -ov, full, replete, brim' ming, abounding with. ΠΛΗ Πλέουσας, a. pi. fern. par. pres. act. of πλέω. Πλε'το, Ion. for έπλετο, which Sync, for επέλετο, 3 sin. impf. ind. mid. of πέλομαι. Πλεδν, Dor. for πλέον, neut. of πλέων, Poet, for πλείων, comp. of πολύς. Πλεύνα — Πλευνα? — Πλεύνες — Πλευνων, Dor. for πλέονα, &c. cases of πλέων, Poet, for πλεί- ων, comp. of πολύ?. Πλευνωί, Dor. for πλεόνω?. Πλευρά, -ας, >;, the side, flank, ribs. ΠλευρΊτις, -'ίδος, fj, (fr. last) pleurisy . Πλενρόν, -ου, το, same as πλευρά. Πλεύσεαί, 2 sin. Ion. of Πλευσοϋμαι, -fj, -εΊται, Dor. for πλεύσομαι, 1 f. ind. mid. of Πλέω, f. πλεύσω, p. πέπλευκα, !o sail, navigate; to float, swim. Πλέω, Sync, and Cras. for πλέονα -oa -ω, η. or a. pi. neut. of πλέων,. Poet, for πλείων, comp. of πολύ?. Πλέω, d. sin. or Att. for πλέοι, η. pi. of πλέος. Πλέων, Poet, for πλείων, comp. of πολύς. Πλέως, Att. for πλέος. Πληγείς, -είσα, -εν, 2 a par. pass, of πλάσσω. Πληγή, -ης, η, Dor. Πλα^α, (fr πλ^σσω to strike) a stroke, blow stripe, scourge, wound ; a plague, affliction, calamity, visitation ; consternation, amazement. Πληγηναι, 2 a. inf. pass, of πλάσσω. Πληγών, g. pi., of πληγή. Πλήθει, d. sin. of πλήθος. Πληθεν, Bosot. Sync, for επλήθη- σαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass. — Πλ/7- θοντί, d. sin. — Πλήθοντος, g. sin. par. pres. act. of πλήθω. Πλήθος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. πλήθω to fill) a multitude, company, num- ber, quantity ; a concourse, as- sembly, assemblage ; the people rabble; plenty, abundance, su- perfluity, redundance ; fulness, size, bulk, vastness, extent, mag• nitude. Πληθύναι, 1 a. inf. act. — Πληθυν θείη, 3 sin. 1 a. opt. pass. — Πληθυνθήναι, 1 a. inf. pass. — Πλ^θυνο^των, g. pi. par. pres act. of Πληθύνω, f. -ϋνώ, p. πεπλήθνγκα, (fr. πλήθω to fill, th. πλέος full) to multiply, augment, enlarge ; to abound. Πληθύνομαι, to grow, increase. 1 a. ind. act. επλήθυνα, per. ind. pass, πεπλήθυμμαι. 1 a, pass. ind. επληθύνθην opt. πλ?7• θυνθείην. Πληθύς, -ύος, ή, same as πλήθος' a, sin. πληθύν. Πληθύω and Πληθύομαι, (fr. last, th. πλέος full) to be full, overflow, swell ; to be crowded ; to abound, be in plenty. Πλήθω, f. ιτλήσω, p. πέπληκα, (fr. same) to fill, fill up, pile, heap up ; to crowd, stuff, stow ; to satiate, satisfy ; to accomplish, fulfil ; to swell, overflow, over- whelm, pour over, 1 a. ind. •(471) ΠΛΗ • act. ίπλησα, -ας, -ε. 1 a. pass, ind. επλήσθην,-ης,-η• sub. πλησθω, -7,ς, -η' par. πλησθεϊς, -εΊσα, -έν. Πληθώρα, -ας, and Ion. Πληθώρη, -VSi »/> (fr• last) a fulness or redundance of the natural hu- mours ; abundance, satiety, over- flow ; a crowd, multitude. Πλήθωσι, 3 pi. *res. sub. act. 0»' πλήθω. Πληϊάδες, Poet, for πλειάδες, η. pi. of πλειάς. Πλήκτης, -ου, b, (fr. πλάσσω to strike) a striker, smiter, disturb- er ; a reviler, calumniator ; a boxer, pugilist. Adj. quarrSl some, turbulent; impetuous, vio lent ; piercing, penetrating. Πληκτίζομαι, (fr. last) to fight quarrel ; to smite, strike, cut, wound ; to affect, move to pity, strike with compassion; to play wantonly, be lascivious. Πληκτικός, -ή,-όν, (fr. same) strik- ing, piercing, penetrating; vio- lent, driving, forcible; intoxicat- ing, stupifying, confounding. Πλήκτρον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a quill or bow to play on an instrument ; a whip, scourge, goad ; a sound- ing-pole ; a cock's spur ; a bolt, arrow, dart. Πλήμη or Πλήμμη, -ης, η 1 , (fr. πλή- θω to fill, th. πλέος full) the tide, flow of the sea. Πλήμι, same as πλάω, by Sync, for -ελάω, see πελάζω. Πλ?)μί,sameasπ<7^πλ>/Jίu,seeπλ?;0ω. Πλημμέλεια, -ας, η, (fr. πλημμελής discordant) viciousness, faulti- ness ; wickedness, sin ; a fault, transgression ; violence, outrage. Πλημμελέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same) to shock, offend ; to err, trans- gress, sin. Πλημμέλημα, -άτος, το, (fr. next) a transgression, crime ; sin, guilt ; a fine, penalty. Πλημμελής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. πλην without, and μέλος harmony) discordant, jarring, contrary ; unfit, unreasonable, absurd, im- proper, wrong ; vicious, faulty, incorrect, amiss ; immoderate, excessive, violent. Πλημμέλησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή", same as πλημμέλημα. Πλημμύρα, -ας, η, (fr. πλήμη or πλήμμη the tide, and μύρω to flow) the flow of the sea, full tide ; a flood, torrent, inunda- tion. Πλημμυρέω -ω, (fr. same) to flow, swell ; to overflow, inundate ; to boil, foam, rage. Πλημμϋρϊς, -ίδος, η, same as πλημ- μύρα. Πλήμνη, -ης, η, the nave of awheel; also the hole in the nave. Πλημνόδετον, -ov, τό, (fr. last, and δέω to tie) an iron hoop for the nave, shoeing of the wheel. Πλημοχόη, -ης, η, (fr. πλήθω to fill, and χέω to pour) an earthen- ware vessel. Πλην, besides, except, without ; but, but only ; yet, nevertheless, un~ ΠΛΗ less, moreover, rather ; therefore, by all means. Πληντο, Ion. for έπληντο, 3 pi. impf. ind. pass, of πλημι. Πλήξ' and Πληξεν, Ion. for έπληξε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Πλήξας, du. πλήξαντε, 1 a. par. act. of πλήσσω. Πληξανρη, -ης, η, a woman's name. Πλήξιππος, -ov, δ, »/, (fr. πλήσσω to strike, and Ίππος a horse) skilled in horsemansltip, horse- lashing ; ' a horseman, knight. Πληξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. πλήσ- σω to strike) a striking, stroke, blow ; consternation, fright. Ώλήοεις, mas. pi. — Πλήρη, a. sin. cont. of Πλήρης, -εΰς -ους, δ, η, (th. πλέος full) full, abounding with; ful- filled, perfect, accomplished. Πληροίς, -pol, 2 and 3 sin. cont. ind. opt. or sub. act. of πληρόω. Πληρούμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. cont. — Πληρούν, pres. inf. act. cont. — Πληροΰσθε, 2 pi. cont. pres. impr. pass. — Πλ»7- ρονται, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. pass, of same. Πληροφορείσθω, 3 sin. cont. pres. impr. pass, of Πληροψορέω -ω, f. -ήσω,ρ. πεπληρο- φόρηκα, (fr. πλήρης full, and φέρω to carry) to give good measure or weight ; to fill, load, supply ; to make sure or certain ; to sa- tisfy, convince, assure, prove. Πληροφυρέομαι -ουμαι, to receive full measure ; to be certain, know assuredly ; to ripen, ad- vance to maturity or perfection. 1 a. act. ind. επληροφόρησα' impr. πληροφόρησον. per. pass. ind. πε- πληροφόρημαί' par. πεπληροφορη- ιχένος, -η, -ov. 1 a. pass. ind. επληροφορήθην, -ης, -η' par. πλη- ροφορηθείς. Πληροφορία, -ας, ^, (fr. same) full persuasion, conviction, assurance, confidence ; maturity, perfection. Πληρόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, p. πεπλήρωκα, (th. πλέος full) to fill, load, store ; to furnish, equip, appoint ; to make pregnant ; to supply, fill up, complete ; to fulfil, accom- plish, finish ; to pay a debt. 1 a. act. ind. επλήρωσα' opt. πληρώ- σαιμι,-αις, -αι' sub. πληρώσω, -ης, -η. per. ind. pass, πεπλήρωμαι' par. πεπληρωμίνος, -η, -ov. 1 a. pass. ind. επληρώθην, -ης, -η. sub. πληρώ θ ω, -ης, -η, 3 pi. πληρωθωσι. Πληρωθωσι, 3 ρί. 1 a. sub. pass, of last. Πλήρωμα, -ατός, rb, (fr. πληρόω to fill, th. πλίος full) a supply, fill- ing up, supplement, addition ; fulness, abundance; completion, perfection, fulfilment ; a sum, total ; full complement, entire equipment, a crew. d. sin. 7τλ??- ρώματι, pi. πληρώματα. Χίληρωσαι, inf. — Πληρώσας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. — Πλερώσατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. — Πληρώ- σεις, -σει, 2 and 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. — Πλήρωση, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. ΠΛΗ act. — Πληρώσονται, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. mid. Πλήρωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, {), (fr. same ) a filling up, supplement, supply, addition ; fulness, abun- dance, plenitude ; completion, per- fection, fulfilment ; payment. Πλησάμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. — Πλ>;σα£, -ασα, -αν, η. pi. πλή- σαντες, par. 1 a. act. — Πλησ- θεϊς, -εϊσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass. — Πλησθεν, Ion. and JEo\. for επλήσθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass. — Πλησθης, 2 sin. I a. sub. pass. — Πλ^σθί/σεται, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. pass, of πλήθω. Πλησίαζε, pres. impr. act. of Πλησιάζω, f. -άσω, p. πεπλησίακα, (fr. πλησίον near) to be at, by or near ; to come or draw near, approach ; to address, treat fa- miliarly, converse with, intrigue ; to follow after, wait upon, at- tend. ΟΪ πλησιάζovτες,JΌllowers, scholars, par. per. act. πεπλησια- κώς, -via, -ός. Πλησιαίτερος, -α, -ov, comp. Att. of πλησίος. Πλησιαιτίρω, (fr. last) nearer, more nearly. Πλησιεστερον, (fr. next) nearer, more closely. Πλησιέστερος, -a, -ov, comp. of πλησίης, obs. see πλησίος. Πλησίον, (neut. of next) near, at hand. Ό πλησίον, a neighbour. Πλησίος, -a, -ov, (th. πελας near) near, neighbouring, adjoining, next. Πλησιόχωρος, -ov, b, »/, (fr. last, and χώρος a place) neighbouring. Πλησίστιος, -ov, b, jy, (fr. πλήθω to fill, and Ιστίον a sail) filling the sails, favourable. Πλήσμιος, -a, -ov, (fr. πλήθω to fill, th. πλίος full) filling, satisfying, stuffing, cloying ; fastidious, squeamish ; delicate, nice, dainty. To πλήσμιον, satiety, loathsome- ness, nausea. Πλησμονή, -ης, %, (fr. same) ful- ness, satiety, surfeit ; intempe- rance, gluttony ; repletion, sa- tisfying, a. pi. πλησμονάς. Πλήσσω -ττω, f. -ξω, p. πέπληγα, to smite, strike, hit, wound ; to break, overthrow, overturn, bear down ; to frighten, terrify, dis- courage. 1 a. act. ind. έπληξα, -ας, -ε' par. πλήξας. 2 a. ind. act. έπληγον, used when relating to the body ; έπλαγον, when re- lating to the mind. 2 a. ind. pass, επλήγην and επλάγην. per. ind. pass, πέπλαγμαι, -ξαι, -κται. Πλήστιγξ, -ιγγος, »/, (fr. last) a whip, scourge, rod ; a strap, thong. Πλητο, Ion. for έπλητο, 3 sin. impf. ind. pass, of τλημι, same as πλήθω, or Πλητο, Ion. for επεπλητο, 3 sin. pper. ind. pass, of πλάω, Sync, for πελάω. Πλήττει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Πλήττετε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. act. of πλήττω or -σσω. (472) . ΠΛΟ Πλήων, -όνος, b, ή, Dor. for πλε(ύ>ν comp. of πολύς. Πλινθεία, and -ία, -ας, fj, (fr. πλίν- θος a brick) a making of bricks or tiles, brick work; a military column, square or phalanx. Πλινθεΐον and -iov, -ου, το, (fr. same) a small brick; a making of bricks ; a place where bricks are made, brick-kiln, Πλινθενσωμεν, 1 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of Πλινθεύω, ϊ. -εύσω, (fr. πλίνθος a brick) to make bricks; to build with bricks. ΠλίνθΈνος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) of brick, made of bricks. Πλινθίον,-ον, το, (fr. same) a little brick. Πλίνθος, -ου, b, a brick, tile ; a plinth ; an ingot. Πλινθουργϊα, -ας, >/, (fr. last, and έργον work) a making of bricks, brickwork. Πλινθνφης, -έος-ους, b, η, (fr. same, and νφάω to construct) brick- built. Πλϊξ, (fr. next) a step, pace, gait ; space between the thumb and mid- dle finger. ' Πλίσσω or -σσομαι, to trot, amble, go roundly ; to walk in time, march; to tread, stalk, step lei- surely, move gracefully. Πλιχάς, -άδος, η, (fr. last) the part between the groin and the thigh. Πλοιαριον, -ov, το, (dim. of next) a little boat or ship, skiff" bark. Πλόων, -ov, το, (fr. πλέΐι <,o sail) n ship, vessel, bark. Πλοκαμϊς, -ίδος, >/, (fr. πλοκή, a plaiting) hair, a lock, plait or braid of hair. . Πλόκαμον,-ον,τό, (fr. same) a rope, halter. Πλόκαμος, -ov, b, (fr. same) hair, locks, tresses ; braided or plaited hair. Πλοκάς, -άδος, η, same as πλοκα- μίς. Πλοκερος, -α, -ov, (fit. πλέκω to fold) woven, interwoven, plaited, wreathed, entwined. Πλοκή, -ης, η, (fr. same) a twining, knitting, binding, plait, fold, braid ; composition, texture ; in- tricacy, perplexity ; a trick } fraud, prevarication, Πλόκιον, -ov, το, (fr. same) plaited hair ; a lock or curl of hair ; a fillet or riband for tying the hair ; a necklace. Πλόκιος, -a, -ov, {fr. same) knit, tied ; wreathed, plaited, woven ; intricate, perplexing, winding. Πλόκος, -ov, b, (fr. same) a lock or curl of hair, plaited hair. Πλόος -ους, -6ov -ov, and Πλο?/?, -οος, πλοΐ, δ, (th. πλέω to sail) α sailing, voyage, navigation, course of the ship. Πλοΐ!, g. sin. cont. of last. Πλονμάκιον, -ov, m, (fr. Lat. plu- ma, a feather) a feather bed ; a pillow, bolster. Πλονσιάζω, same as πλοντίζω. Πλοί<σινς,-α,-ον,(ϊίι.πλοΰτος wealth) ΠΛΩ rich, wealthy, opulent. Comp. πλοναιώτερος, -α, -ov. Πλονσίως, (fr. last) richly. Πλούτε, v. sin. of πλούτος. Πλοντειν, pres. inf. act. cont. of πλουτέω. Πλοντενντα, Dor. for πλοντονντα, a. sin. pres. par. act. of Πλοντέω -ω, f. -//σω, p. πεπλούτη- κα, (th. πλούτος wealth) ίο oe Γί'οΛ, possess riches, become or ^rou! π>Λ ; /, (fr. πους a ΠΟΔ tie, take by the throat, twist the neck ; to kill ; to boil slowly, stew; to yearn, long or desire towards, impf. act. έπνϊγον. 2 a. ind. act. ετπί^ον. 1 a. ind. act. έπνιξα, impf. pass, επνιγόμην. per. ind. pass, πίπνιγμαι, -ζαι, -κται. 2 a. ind. pass, επιίγην, -m, •η• Πνιγώδης, -εος -ονς, το, (fr. last) stifling, suffocation, choking; hot, glowing, sultry. Πνικτος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) suffo- cated, choked, strangled. Πνίξαντες, η. pi. rnas. par. 1 a. act. of same. Πνο^, -?7f, f h (fr. πνέω to breathe) breath, respiration ; wind, air, breeze, blast, gale. Πνοιάς, a. pi. of Πνοιη, -ης, η, Dor. for πνοή. Πνίγη or Πνύω, (fr. πνέω to breathe) to breathe, respire ; to live, exist. Πνϋμαι, to be inspired, be wise, understand,perceive, comprehend. per. ind. pass, πέ^.ννμαι. Πννξ, -νκος, b, Pnyx, a place at Athens, where public assemblies were held. Πνύτο, Ion. for έπνντο, 3 sin. impf. pass, οΐπνυμι. Πόα, -ας, and Ion. Ποί^, -ης, η", (perhaps fr. πάω to feed) grass, herbage, pasture. Ποία, Πόδας, a. pi. of πονς. Ποδαβρος, -ov, b, η, (ir. πονς the foot, and άβρος tender) tender, weak or delicate in thefei't. Ποδάγρα, -ας, η τ ~ (fr. same, and. άγρα seizure) a gin, trap, snare, pitfall : a hook ; the gout. Ποδαγρικος, -η, -bv, and Ποδαγρο'ς τ -ov, b, η, (fr. last) of the gout r gouty. Ποδάΐος, -a, -ov, (fr. πονς the foot) of a foot, afoot long or square. Ποδανιπτηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. same, ami Ίπτω to wash) a baps»* Ποδάνιτ.τρον or Ποδόνιπτροί. -ov, rb, (fr.'same) a basin a* vessel to wash feet in, water for- washing the feet. bv, (fk ποίος what, πνέω. Πνενστιάω -ω, (fr. πνενμα breath) to pant, palpitate, be out of breath. Πνέω, f. πνενσω, p. πέπνενκα, to blow ; to breathe, respire ; to j foot, and αρκέω to suffice) swift* pant, labour ; to exhale, smell of | footed , fleet, active. yield a flavour. 1 a. act. ind. Ποδεκμάγιον, -ov, rb, (fr. same, Πλώουσα, pres. par. act. fem. of πνίγω. πλώω, same as πλέω Πλωτηο, -ηρος, δ, (fir. πλώω, same as πλέω to sail) a sailor, seaman, waterman, swimmer. Πλωτΐκος, -η, -dv, (fr. same) fitj or 30 ϊπνενσα, -ας, -ε' sub. πνενσω, -ης, η' inf. πνενσαι. per. ind. pass. πέπνενμαι. per. ind. mid. πέπνοα. Πνιγείς, -εϊσα, -εν, par. 2 a. pass. — Πνιγησομαι, 2 f. ind. pass, of Πνιγμός, -ov, b, and Πνίγος, -εος -ονς, το, (fr. next) suffocation, strangling, stifling ; sultry heat. Πνίγω, f. -ζω, p. πέπνιχα, to suffo- cate, stifle, choke, strangle, throi- and εκμάσσω to wipe off, th. μάσσω to wipe) a cloth to wipe the feet ; a towel. Πόδες, η. pi. — Πόδενβι, Ion. for ποσ"ι, d. pi. of που?. ΠοΑεών, -ώνος, b, (fr, r< ; ; ? a foot) the feet hanging to a hide ; any thing small and narrow, as the neck of a bottle ; a foot or ridge of land; a kind of shoe. Ποδηνεκης, -έος -ονς, δ, η, (,fr, same. ΠΟΘ and ηνεκης stretched out) reach- ing to the feet, long. Ποδήνεμος, -ov, b, f), (fr. same, and άνεμος the wind)^ee£ as the wind, swift-footed. Ποδηρης, -εος -ονς, b, ^, (fr. same, and άρω to fit) reaching or flow- ing to the feet ; (viz. εσθής) a garment or robe reaching down to the feet. Ποδίζω, f. -ίσω, Att. -ιώ, (fr. πους a foot) to measure with the foot ; to fetter, tie, confine. Ποδίσκος,-υυ, b, (fr. same) a small foot. Ποδιστηοες, -ων, οί, (fr. same) ves- sels for washing feet in. Adj. hanging to the feet. Ποδιω, Att. for ποδίσω, 1 f. ind. act. of ποδίζω. Ποδυ7ϊν, Ion. for Ποδο7ν, g. and d. du. of πους. Ποδοκάκη, -ης, ή, (fr. πους a foot, and κακός bad) the slocks. Ποδϋκοιλον, -ov, rb, (fr. same, and κοίλος hollow) the hollow or sole of the foot. Ποδόρτιυν, -ov, το, (fr. same, and άρω to fit or όρος a border) a f obe or garment reaching to the feet. ΤΙοδός, g. sin. of που?. Ιίοδοστράβη, -ης, ή, (fr. πους afoot, and στρίψω to turn) an instru- ment of torture ; a surgeon's instrument for setting dislocated joints ; a net, toils. Πο<5όψελον, -ov, τδ, (fr. same, and ψίλλιον a bracelet) an ornament for the feet or ankles. Ώοδόψοφος, -ov, ο, η, (fr. same, and ψόφος a noise) making a noise with the feet, trampling, danc- ing. Χίοδώκεα, a. sin. of j Λοδώκης, -εος -ονς, b, »% (fr. πους a foot, and ωκνς swift) swift-footed, Qeet. jjo 6 Wia or -εια, -ας, Ion. -ίη, -ης, r (fr. same) swiftness of foot, fle, Πόδωι a stc Ποδών, Ποέω, A ind. a> ΪΙοθ' for ΙΙοθέεσκι., V.iipf. a». χΐοθεινδξ -i• - desirable, Πόθεν, (fr. I wW> f r0 ϋοθεβισα 1 ' pL fern. βίοντε, η. ΙΙοθίοντι, p\. pres. i Ποθίριται,ρ or. for προσερπω. Πόθεσαν, Ιο η. for επυθεσαν, 3 pi 1 a. ind. s let. of ποθίω. Ποθεσιτερα, Dor. for προσέσπερα, evening. Ποθεΰντεί, £»or. for ποθουντες, η nl. pres. P ar • act • cont • — n ° ια, -ατός, το, (fr. ποίίς a foot) ige, pulpit. g. pi. of πους. Vtt. for ποίί'ω. 3 sin. pres. "Λ. πόα. ιτοτέ. Ion. for επόθεε -ει, 3 sin. % .t. of ιτσθέω. Vi "bv, (fr• πόθο? desire) to be desired. >β$ν from whence, th. δ? >n whence, whence. Dor, for ποθίουσαι, η. par. pres. act. — Πο- du. pres. par. act. — Dor. for ποθεονσι, 3 nd. act. of ποθίω. §«.tvri, "Dor. for ποθεουσι, 3 pi. nrts. ind: act. of ΠΟΙ Ποθίω -S, f. -ήσω, and -ίσω, (fr. πόθος desire) to desire, wish, long for ; to feel a loss of miss, re- gret ; to love. Ποθή, -ης, j/, (fr. same) desire, longing, regret. ΤΙοθήμεναι, Ectas. for ποθίμεναι, Dor. or Ion. for ποθεΊν, pres. inf. act. cont. of ποθίω. Ποθητός, -η, -bv, (fr. πόθος desire) desired, wished or longed for. Πόθι, (fr. bOi where, th. ος who) where ? in what place ? how ? why 7 ΠοθΙ, (fr. same) somewhere, some place, any where ; some time, ever. Ποθορευσα, Dor. for προσορωσα, pres. par. fem. act. cont. of προ- σοράω- Ποθυρη, Dor. for πρισοργ, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. cont. of same. nc0op?7jUi,Dor. ίοΓπροσόρ^μί, Poet. for same. ΐίοθορησθα, Dor. and JEol. for προσορας, 2 sin. pres. ind. act. cont. and ΤΙοθορώσα, Dor. for προσορωσα, pres. par. fem. cont. act. οϊπρο- σοράω. Πόθος, -ου, b, desire, longing, re- gret, wish for. Ποθοΰμεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. cont. of ποθίω. ΠοΓ, (fr. οΊ whither) whither ? where ? any where, somewhere, how long ? Ποί, (fr. same) some where, in some place, any where, in a cer- tain manner. Ποία, fem. of πο?ο?. Ποια, -ας, ή, (fr. πόα grass) an herb having a cleansing quality used as soap. Ποια, -ας, η, used for πόα, grass ; also, a year. Ποιάεις, -εσσα, -εν, Dor. for ποί^ει?. Ποιε?, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. cont. — Ποίεί, 2 sin. pres. impr. act. — Ποίευ, Dor. for ποιου, pres. impr. pass. cont. — Ποιενντι, Dor. for ποιουντι, d. sin. pres. par. act. cont. — Ποιευντα, Dor. for ποιουντα, a. sin. pres. par. act. cont. — Ποιεΰμην, Dor. and Ion. for εποιούμην, 1 sin. impf. pass. cont. — Ποιεϋμεν, Dor. and Ion. for εποιονμεν, 1 pi. impf. ind. act. cont. of Ποιέω, f. -ήσω, p. πεποίηκα, to do, make, cause, effect, accomplish; to labour, work, toil; to mould, form, fashion, shape, produce; to compose, write ; to get, pro- cure, obtain, acquire ; to use, treat, do with ; to keep, preserve, fulfil ; to enact, appoint ; to put, place, set; to put a case, sup- pose, grant ; to live, abide, tarry, dwell; to avail, signify, be effi- cacious or powerful. Ποιίομαι ι -ουμαι, ίο think, deem, esteem, value ; to adopt ; to reduce, sub- jugate ; to feign, pretend ; to be made, become. 1 a. ind. act εποίησα' par. ποιήσας. per. par act. πεποιηκώς. per. ind. pass (474) ΠΟΙ πεποίημαι. 1 a. ind. mid. vrccirj- σάμην, -ω, -ατο. Ποίη, -ης, η, Ion. for πόα. Ποιήεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. πο/»7, for πόα grass) grassy. Ποιηθείς, -είσα, -εν, 1 a. par. pass. of ποιέω. Ποίημα, -άτος, τδ, (fr. ποιίω to make) a work, workmanship, piece of work ; a poem. d. pi. ποιήμασι. Ποιημένος, Ion. for πεποιημένος, par. per. pass. — Ποίησε, Ion. for εποίησε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Ποιησι, Ion. for ποίη, 3 sin. cont. pres. sub. act. of same. Ποίησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) action, performance, ope- ration ; workmanship, manufac- ture, composition ; arrangement, regulation, provision; observance, attention, duty ; a work, piece of workmanship ; poetry, poesy, verse. Ποιήσομ' for ποιήσομαι, 1 f. ind. mid. — Ποιήσω, -εις, -ει, and Dor. -σώ, -εΊς, -ε?, 1 f. ind. act. of same. IIotr?Tfo?, -a, -ov, (fr. same) must be done, is to be made, &c. ac- cording to the verb. Ποιητής, -οϋ, b, (fr. same) amaker, framer, artist; a founder, build- er ; a doer, performer, actor, player ; an author, composer, poet. Ποιητική, -ης, ή, (fem. of next, viz. τ ίχνη) poetry. Ποιητικός, -η, -bv, (fr. ποιέω to make) making, forming, work- ing; able to compose, skilful in poetry, poetic, poetical. Ποιητικως, (fr. last) poetically, in poetry. Ποιητος,-η, -bv, (fr. ποιέω to make) made, wrought, done, finished, effected ; assumed, adopted ; ar- tificial, fictitious ; supplemental, additional. Ποιήτρια, -ας, η, (fr. same) poetry, verse. Ποιηφαγέω -ω, (fr. ποίη or πόα herbage, and φάγω to eat) to eat grass, live on vegetables. Ποικίλη, -ης, η, (fem. of ποικίλος painted) Pozcili, a picture gal- lery at Athens. Ποικιλήνιος, and Dor. Ποικιλάνιος, -ov, ο, η, (fr. same, and ηνία a bridle) with coloured reins. Ποικιλία, -ας, η, (fr. same) variety, diversity ; colouring, painting, embroidery, tapestry ; ingenuity, expertness, cleverness, skill. Ποικίλλω, f. -Υλώ, (fr. same) to va- riegate, diversify ; to change, al- ter ; to paint, embroider; to• adorn, arrange ; to feign, coun- terfeit, dissemble, deceive, pres. inf. act. ποικίλλειν. par. pres. act. ποικίλλων. Ποίκιλμα, -άτος, rb, (fr. last) va- riety, diversity ; a picture, em- broidery, coloured work, gaudy ornament. Ποικιλόβονλος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. ποικίλος various, »nd βονλη design) art- ΠΟΙ ful, crafty, cunning ; wise, sa- gacious.; versatile, evasive, sub- tle. ΙΙοικιλόγάρνς, Dor. for Ποικιλόγηρυς, -νος, δ, η, (fr. same,, and γήρνς voice) of many tones, musical, harmonious. Ποικιλόδειρος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and δειρή, for δέρη the neck) with a spotted or coloured neck ; va- riegated, speckled ; of many tones, vocal, musical. Ποικιλοδέρμων, -όνος, b, f), (fr. same, and δέρμα skin) spotted, piebald. Ώοικιλομήτης, -ου, and Ποικιλόμη- τις, -ως, b, §, (fr. same, and μή- τις counsel) versatile, evasive, subtle, crafty, double-dealing ; shrewd, judicious, ingenious, sa- gacious, Ποικιλόνωτος, -ου, b, >), (fr. same, and νωτος the back) speckled on the back. Ποικιλόπτερος, -ου, δ, >;, (fr. next, and ιζτέρον a wing) having many coloured wings. "Ποικίλος, -η, -ov, coloured, variegat- ed, diversified, spotted, speckled, artificially wrought or adorned, curiously carved or painted ; various^ divers, different, mani- fold, varied ; wily, cunning, crafty, deceitful ; inconstant, ver- satile. Ποικιλοφόρμιγξ, -γγος, 5,$,(fr.iast, and φόρμιγξ a harp) accompani- ed with a harp or lyre. Ποικιλτής, -ου, δ, (fr. ποικίλος va- rious) a maker of variegated clothes, an embroiderer. Ποικιλτικος, •ή, -ov, (fr. same) skilled in embroidery. Ποικιλτι- κη, viz. τέχνη., the art of weaving cloth with threads of various co- lours ; embroidery. Ποικιλτυς, -q, -ov, (fr. same) varie- gated, of various colours. Ποικίλως, (fr. -ποικίλος various) va- riously, many ways, diversely. Ποιμαίνονθ' for ποιμαίνοντα, a. sin. pres. par. act. — Ποιμαίνοντι, Dor. for ποιμαίνουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of ΤΙοιμαίτω, f. -άνω, (fr. th. ποιμην a shepherd) to feed or tend a flock or herd ; to rule, govern, super intend ; to take care of, mind to teach, instruct. 1 a. act. ind εποίμανα* impr. ποίμανον, -άτω, 2 pi. ποιμάνατε. Ποιμάν, Dor. for ποιμην. Ποιμάνατε, 2 pL 1 a. impr. act. of ποιμαίνω. ΠοιμανεΊ, 3 sin. 1 f. act. of same. Ποιμαντέος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) to be fed, &c. according to the verb. Ποιμαντικός, ΒΧΐάΤίοιμενικος, -ή,-ον, (fr. ποιμην a shepherd) belong- ing to a shepherd, pastoral. Ποιμανω, 1 f. ind. act. of ποιμαίνω. Ποιμένι, d. sin. of Ποιμην, -ένος, b, a shepherd ; a pas- tor, ruler, guardian, conductor. Ποίμνη, -ης, η, (fr. same) a flock, herd. Ώ,οιμνήϊος, -a, -ov, (fr. last) belong- ing or relatx&g to thejUxk. ΠΟΛ Ποίμνιον, -ου, rb, (dim. of same) α littleflock. Ποιμνοτρόφος, and Ποιμνιοτρόφος, -ου, δ, (fr. ποίμνη a flock, and τρέφω to feed) a shepherd. Adj. tending, herding. Ποινάω -ω, (fr. next) to punish, in- flict punishment, avenge. Ποινή, -ής, Dor. Παινα, -ας, ή", punishment, vengeance, revenge ; a ransom, compensation, re- ward, satisfaction, atonement ; a fury, avenger. Ποιοίην, -ης, -η, Att. or iEol. for ΠοιυΊμι, -οΐς, -οΊ, pres. opt. cont. of ποιέω. Ποιολογέουσα, cont. -λογουσα, fern. pres. par. act. of Ποιολογέω -ω, (fr. ποίη, Ion. for πόα grass, and λέγω to gather) to gather ears of corn, glean. ΠοΊος, -a, -ov, (fr. οίος vvhat sort) what ? which ? of what sort or kind ? Ποιότητα, a. sin. of Ποιότης, -ητος, >/, (fr. ποίος what) quality, manner, sort, kind. Ποιυυ, pres. impr. pass. cont. — Ποιοϋμες, Dor. for ποιονμεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. cont. — Ποιούν- των, Att. for ποιείτωσαν, 3 pi. pres. impr. act. of ποιέω. Ποιπννος, -ου, b,r), (fr. next) care- ful, active, diligenL Subs, a servant, attendant. Παιπνύω or Ποιιτνεύο), (fr. ποιέω to do, and πνέω to pant) to hurry, hasten, labour ; to serve, attend; to be very much occupied, busy ; to pant or puff with haste. ΠοιρΊν, -7νος, f), the cod or scrotum, male privities. Ποίτινος,. -ov, b, η, (fr. ποινή a re- ward, and τίνω to pay) areward er, remunerator. Ποίφνγμα, -ατός, το, (fr. φυσάω to blow) a blowing, panting, puff- ing. Ποιάην, Att. for ποιοΐμι, pres. opt. act. οι ποιέω. Πόκα, Dor. for ποτέ. Ποκίξω, (fr. πόκος a fleece) to pull, pluck ; clip, cut, shear, fleece ; to comb. Ποκίξατο, Dor. and Ion. for επο- κίσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid., of last. Ποκοειδής, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. next, and είδος shape) like fleece. Πόκος, -ov, b, (fr. πείκω or πέκω to clip) a fleece. Πόκως, Dor. for πόκονς,Ά. pi. oflast. Πολέας, Poet, for πολλούς, a. pi. of πολύς. Πόλεαί, a. pi. of πόλις. Πολέες, Ion. or Poet, for πολλοϊ, η. ρί. — Πολέεσσ', for πολέεσσι, Poet, and Ion. for πολλοίς, d. pi. of πολύς. Πόλει, d. sin. — Πόλεις, pi. Att. of πόλις. Πολεΐν, pres. inf. act. cont. of πο- λέω. Πολέμαρχος, -ov, b, (fr. πόλεμος the war, and αρχή the chief) the leader in war, chief, general. (475) ΠΟΛ Πολεμέω -δ, f. -ήσω, ρ» πεπολέμηκα, (fr. πόλεμος war) to make, wage, or carry on war, fight ; to op- pose, be repugnant or inconsis- tent. 1 a. hid. act. ε-ιολέμησα. Πόλίμειος, -ov, b, //, (fi. same) war- like, martial, military* Πολεμί;ϊος, Ion. Dial, for last. Πολεμησαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Πολε- μήσει, -σουσι, 3 sin. and pi. of Πολεμήσω, 1 f. ind. act. of πολε- μέω. Πολεμία, -ας, ι), (fem. of πολέμιος, viz. χώρα) a hostile country, enemy'' s country ; seat of war. Πολεμιζίμεν,Ά.τ\άΠολεμιζέμεναι,Ιοτι. and Dor. for τολεμίζειν, pres. inf. act. — Πολέμιζον, Ion. foi επολέμιζον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of Πολεμίζω,ί. -to -ω,ρ. πεπολέμικα,{(τ. πόλεμος war) to make, v;age or carry on war ; to fight, engage. Πολεμικός, -ή, -ov, (fr. same) war- like, martial, military. Πολεμ'ΐκως, (fr. last) in a vmrlike manner, with hostility. Πολέμιος, -a, -ov, (fr. πόλεμοςντΆτ) hostile ; military, warlike, mar- tial. Subs, an enemy. Πολεμιστήριος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. next) fit for war, warlike, martial, mili- tary. Πολεμιστής, -ου, δ,(ίτ. πόλεμος war) a warrior, champion, fighter, combatant. Πολεμοδόκος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and δέχομαι to receive) sustain- ing the baitle, brave. ΠολεμοΊσι,ά. pi. Ion. of πόλεμος. Πολεμόκλονος, -ου, b, η, (fr. πόλεμος war, and κλόνος tumult) tumul- tuous, noisy, dinning. Παλεμόκραντος, -ου, b, >% (fr. same, and κραίνω to perfect) finished by war. Πόλεμο?, -ου, b,. war, warfare, hos- tility ; a battle, fight, engage- ment. Πολεμοτροφέώ -ω, (fr. last, and τρέ- φω to rear); to make, wage, carry on or support- a war. Πολεμόω -ω, (fr. πόλεμος war) to rouse to war.• or battle. Πολέος, Poet, for πολλον, g. sin. — Πόλεων, Poet, for πολλών, g. pi. of πολύς. Πόλεσι, d. pi. Att. of ττόλ«τ. Πολέσκετο, 3 sin. impf. pass, of Πολέσκω or -εέσκω, Ion. for πολέω. Πόλευί, Dor. for πόλιος, g. sin. of πόλις. Πολεύω,ΐ. -εύσω, (fr. next) to turn about, be employed or engaged ; to rear, nourish, support, sup- ply ; to tend, keep, maintain ; to dwell or live at. Πολεω, f. ->7σω,ρ. πεπόληκα, to turn, move round, revolve ; to go about or from place to place, haunt, frequent, dwell or abide in ; to be busy, employed or engaged in, act, execute, do ; to plough, cul- tivate, till ; to pasture, feed, graze. Πόλεως, Att. and Ποληος, Ion. g. Bin. — Πόλεων, Att. and Π*λ^ wi>, Ion. g. pi. of m&ig. ΠΟΑ Πβλίδ, -&s, ή, (fern, of ιτολιδί hoary) hoariness, greyness. Πολιανομέω -ώ, f. -i/tru, (fi*. πόλίί a city, and νέμω to rule) to govern a town.) preside over a city. Πολιανόμος, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a governor of a town, mayor, sove- reign. Πολιάς, -αδας, fi, (fr. πόλις a city) guarding the city, the protector; epithet of Minerva. Πολιάτων, Dor. for πολιήτων, g. pi. of πολιήτης. Παλιέθρον, -ου, τδ, (fr. *6λις a city) α city, foiura. Πολίζω, f. -ϊσω, p. πεττόλίκα, (fr. same) to build or found a city. Πολιήοχος, and by Cras. ΏοΧιοϋ- χος,-ον, δ, ^,(fr. ^Aijacity, and έχω to keep) the keeper of a town, guardian of a city, pro- tecting divinity ; a ruler, gover- nor, mayor. Πολιής, g. sin. fem. of παλιός. Πολιήταις, d. — Πολιήτων, g. pi. of Πολιήτης, -ov, b, Poet, for πολίτης. Πολιήτις,-ιδος, η, (fr. πόλις a city) of or belonging to the town. Πολιοκρότάφος, -ου, δ,/;, (fr. πολιός hoary, and κρόταφος the tem- ples) having hoary temples, hoary headed, gray. Πολιόομαι, (fr. πολώς hoary) to be- come hoary or gray. Πολιορκέω -ω, (fr. πόλις a city, and ερκος a fence, th. ε'ίργω to en- close) to lay siege to, blockade ; to lay waste, plunder, ravage ; to harass, oppress. Πολιορκητής, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a besieger, blockader of cities. Πολιορκία, ~ας, ή, (fr. same) a siege, blockade, besieging. Πολιός, -ή, -ov, hoary, gray ; white, foaming ; bright, polished. Πολιούχος, see πολιήοχος. Πόλις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, a city, town ; a state, community, a. πόλιν. Πόλισμα, -ατός, τδ, (fr. last) a city, town. Πολισμάτιον,-ον,^ -b, (dim. of last) a little town. Πολίσσαμεν, Ion. and Poet, for επολίσαμεν, 1 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of πολίζω. Πολισσουχος, -ov, δ, η, ffr. πόλις a city, and έχω to hold) icitt/ -pro- tecting, guardian. Πολιτάρχης, -ov, δ, (fr. πόλις~& city, and αρχή the chief) the. ruler of a city, governor,, magistrate, sovereign, mayor. Πολιτεία, -ας, Ion. ΐίολυτηίη, -ης, η, (fr. πολιτενω to govern the state, th. πόλις a city) a state, com- munity, commonwealth; apoli- tical society ; right or privilege of a citizen, citizenship ; govern- ment, administration, policy ; a political measure ; a custom, manner or way of living. ΤΙολιτεύεοθαι, pres. inf. pass. — Πολιτενεσθε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. mid. of πολιτενω. ΪΙολίτενμα, -ατός, το, same as πολι- ΠΟΑ Πολιτευτής, -ου, δ, (fr. next) a ma- g istrate. Πολιτεύω, t. -είοω, p. ιτεπολίτενκα, (fr. πύλις a city, state) to ad- minister the laws, rule, govern ; to be a magistrate, ruler. Πολ τεΰομαι, to live in a state or so- ciety according to its laws, con form to its regulations; to dis charge an office, have business in; to conduct one's self, live, behave, per. ind. pass, πεπολί- τενμαι. Πολίτης, -ου, b,{(r. same) a citizen, fellow-citizen, fellow-country man. n. pi. πολΐται' g. πολι των. Πολιτικός, -ή,-ον,((τ. last, th. πόλις a city) political, civil, of or be- longing to the city or state, gen- teel, elegant, polished, polite; agreeable to the people, popular, patriotic. Subs, a statesman. Πολιτικώτερος, -a, -ov, comp. — Πο- λιτικώτατος, -η, -ov, sup. of last. Πολϊτις, -ϊδος, ή, (fr. πόλις a city) a female citizen. Πολιτογραφία, -ας, ή, (fr. same, and γράφω to write) a list or en- listment of citizens. Πολίχνη, -ης, ή, (fr. πόλις a city) a little town, village. Πολλΐΐ, pi. neut. of πολύς, used for πολύ, and sometimes for πολλά- κις. ΠολλαλΤί, and Πολλάκις, (fr. πολύς much) often, many times, fre- quently, repeatedly. Πολλαπλάσιος, -ου, and Πολλαπλα- σίων, -όνος, δ, r'j, (fr. πολύς much, and πλασίος or πλασίων answer- ing to -fold in English) mani- fold, manifold more, more nu- merous, larger, greater, more ample. Πολλαχη, Πολλαχον, and Πολλα- χως, (fr. πολνς much) in many places, every where, in many ways; often, frequently. Πολλή, fem. of πολύς. Πολληπλήσιος,ΙοΏ.ίοτπολλαπλάσιος. Πολλον, neut. of Πολλοί, -ή, -bv, for the cases of this word see πολύς. Πολλοστή μόριον, -ov, το, (fr. next) α very small part, the least part. Πολλοστημόριος, -ου, b,fj, (fr. next, and μείρω to divide) one of many, the vei-y least, smallest. Πολλοστός, -ή, -dw,(fr. πολύς much) one of many, the smallest, least. Πολλού, g. — Πολλω, d. sin. — Πολ- λοίς, d. pi. of πολύς. Πόλος, -ov, b, (fr. πολέω to turn) the pole of the earth 1 's axis ; the system of the universe ; the fir- mament, sky, heaven. Πόλτος, -ov, b, pottage, gruel ; pud- ding made of meal, water, honey , and eggs. Πολύ, (neut, of πολύς) much, very, far, by far. Πολυάϊκος, g. sin. of πολνάϊξ. Πολύαιν 1 , for πολύαινε, v. sin. of Πολύαίνοί,-ου, δ, ^,(fr. πολύς much, and atVos praise) deserving much praise, Very praiseworthy, laud- (476) ΠΟΑ able ; much praised, greatly celebrated. Also a proper name. Πολνάϊξ, -κος, δ, »/, (fr. same, and αίσσω to rush) violent, impetu- ous. Πολυάνδρον or -ριον, το, (fr. same, and ανήρ a man) a burial place, vault, sepulchre, cemetery. Πολύανδρος, -ov, b, (fr. same) α multitude, great concourse. Πολυάνθεμος, -ου, and Πολυανθής, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. πολύς much, and άνθος a flower) flowery, blooming, luxuriant, verdant. Πολνάνθρωπος, -^.v, b, ή, (fr. same, and άνθρωπος a. ma.n) containing many men, crowded, well inha- bited, populous. Πολυάρητος, -ου, δ, ή", (fr. same, and αρά prayer) much prayed for, long wished for or desired, welcome. Πολνάριθμος, -ov, b, >/, (fr. same, and αριθμός a number) innume- rable, infinite. Πολναρκέστατος, -η, -ov, sup. of Πυλναρκής, -έος -ους, δ, ή, (fr. πολύς much, and αρκέω to suffice) com- petent, very sufficient, very able, powerful ; very durable, lasting, strong. Πολύαρς,-ρνος, δ, η, (fr. same, and άρς a lamb) having many lambs, rich in flocks, viealthy. Πολύαρχος, -ov, b, (fr. same, and άρχος the chief, th. αρχή the beginning) a ruler, commander^ governor, chief. Πολνβενθής,-ίος -ου?,δ, ^,(fr. same, and βένθος or βάθος depth) very deep ; of different depths. Πολύβοσκος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. πολύς, much, and βόσκω to feed ) feed- ing many, fertile, fruitful. Πολνβότειρα, -ας, η, (fr. same, and βόω to feed) fruitful, fertile; genial, nourishing. Πολύβοτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) feeding many, rich, fertile. Πολνβοτρνς, -ΰος, δ, ι), (fr. same, and βότρνς a bunch of grapes) having many branche&or clusters; bearing much grapes. Πολύβονλος, -ου, δ, f/, (fr. same, and βουλή advice) very prudent, wise, intelligent. Πολνβούτης, -ov, b, f/, (fr. πολύς much, and βονς an ox) having many oxen ; rich in cattle, n. pi. πολβούται. Πολυβώτω, Dor. for πολυβούτον, g. sin. of last. Πολνγάθής,-έος -ους, δ, ή~, Dor. for Πολυγηθής, -έος -ους, δ, ή, (fr. πο- λύς much, and γηθέω to rejoice) bringing or causing much joy, delightful, pleasing, joyful. Πολύγλωσσος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and γλωσσά a tongue) of many languages or tongues. Πολύγναμπτος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same, and γναμπτοςοβτιί) having many turnings, very winding, curling, tvnsting, bending, pliant. Πολύγνωτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, andyvwrds \αισννη,ύι.γινώσκ<ϋ fc» ΙΙΟΛ know) well known, very cele- brated, renowned, illustrious. Πολνγομφος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and γόμφοζ a nail) having many nails. Πολύγονος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same, and γονός offspring, th. γίνομαι to be) having much offspring, produc- ing much, fruitful, prolific. Πολυδαίδαλος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. same, and Δαίδαλος Daedalus) curious- ly wrought, ingeniously made. ΤΙολύδακρυς, -ύος, b, ή, (fr. same, and δάκρυ a tear) weeping much, sorrowful ; lamentable, mourn- ful, grievous. Πολυδαπανως, (fr. same, and δα- πανάω to expend) very expen- sively, most sumptuously. ϊίολυδειράς, -άδος, b, ή, (fr. πολύς much, and δειράς top of a moun- tain) many topped, having many cliffs. Πυλυ^ένδρεος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and δένδρον a tree) having many trees, wooded. Πολυδερκής, -έος -ους, b, fj, (fr. same, and δέρκω to see) seeing much, all-seeing, beaming, shin- ing. Πολυδεύκης, -ov, b, Pollux, brother of Castor. Πολυδίψιος, -ov, b, η~, (fr. πολύς much, and δίψα thirst) very thirsty, dry, exhausted; much desired, long wished for, dear. ΤΙολυδώρη, -ης, η, Polydora, a wo- man's name. ΊΙολνδωρος, -ov, b, η", (fr. πολύς much, and δώρον a gift) giving much, bringing many gifts ; mu- nificent ; having a great dowry, richly endowed. Πολύδωρος, -ου, b, Polydorus, a man's name. Πολυειδης, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. πολύς much, and εΊδος form) various changeable, having different shapes, multiform. Πολύειδος, -ov, b, a proper name. Πολυελεος, -ου, b, η, (fr. πολύς much, and έλεος pity) very mer- ciful, compassionate. Πολυέραστος, -η, -ov, (fr. same, and εράω to love) greatly loved, very lovely. Πολυεργός or Πολύεργος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and έργον a work) working much, laborious ; hard, difficult. Πολυετής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and έτος a year) of many years, aged, old. Πολύευκτος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and εύχομαι to pray) much wish- ed for, desired, courted. Πολύζΰγος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and ζυγός a bench) having many banks of oars, many-benched, well rigged. Πολυήμερος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. πολύς much, and ημέρα a day) of many days, tedious, long. Πολυήρατος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and εράω to love) much loved, desired or longed for, desirable. Πολυηχής, -έος -ονς h, %, (fr» same, ΠΟΛ and tyot a sound) loud-sound- ing, resounding, a. sin. πολυη• χέα -η. Πολυθρύλλητος,-ου, b, ^, (fr. same and $ρύλλος a whisper) much celebrated, talked of or cried up, renowned, famous. Πολύθΰτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and $ύω to sacrifice) many sacrifices being made on the occasion, con sisting of many victims. Πολύϊδρις, -ιος, Att. -εως, b, ή, (fr same, and ίδρις knowing, th ΠΟΛ ίσημι to know) knowing much, skilled, well informed, learned, a. sin. πολύϊδριν. Πολυ'ιστωρ, -ορός, b, η, (fr. πολύς much, and ίσημι to know) hav- ing extensive knowledge, well- informed, very learned. Πολυκαγκής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and καγχαίνω to parch) very parching, dry, arid. Πολυκάλάμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and κάλαμος a reed) having much reeds. Πολυκάράνος, Dor. for Πολυκάρηνος, -ου, b, η, (fr. πολύς much, and κάρηνον a head) hav- ing many heads, many-headed. Πολυκαρπία, -ας, f], (fr. same, and καρπός fruit) abundance of fruit, plenty. Πολύκαρπος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) fruitful, fertile, plentiful. Comp. πολυκαρπδτερος, sup. -πότατος. Πολυκερδής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. πο- λύς much, and κέρδος gain) very profitable, gainful, lucrative . cunning, crafty, artful. Πολύκεστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same and κέστος embroidered, th. κεν• τέω to prick) much embroidered or ornamented, much wrought. Πολυκήτης, -εος -ους, b, >'/, (fr. same, and κήτος a whale) abounding with fish, fishy. Πολυκλαντοιο, g. sin. Ion. of Πολύκλαυτος or Πολύκλαυστο?, -ου, b, η, (fr. πολύς much, and κλαίω to weep) much lamented, mourn- ed, regretted. Πολύκλειστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and κλείω to shut) well closed, shut, secured. Πολυκλήϊδα, a. sin. of Πολυκλήϊς, -ήϊδος, b, ή, (fr. πολύς much, and κληϊς a seat in a boat) having many banks of oars, many-benched. Or, (fr. same, and κληΐς for κλεϊς a nail) well joined, compact, firm. Πολύκλητος, -ου, h, ή, (fr. same, and καλέω to call) far-called, called from many planes. Πολύκλυστος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and κλύ^ω to wash) much wash- ed, wave-beaten, tossed by the waves ; boisterous, turbulent. Πολύκμητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and κάμνω to labour) much la- boured, well-wrought, finished. Πολύκνημος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same, and κνημος a cliff) having many hills, hilly, mountainous. Πολυκοιρανία, -ας, Ion. -ίη, -ης, ft, (fr. same, and κοίρανος a king) (477) government of many, mob-go- vernment. Πυλυκτέάνος,-ου, and Πολυκτήμων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. same, and κτέα- νυν, same as κτήμα a posses- sion) having many possessions, rich, wealthy, opulent. Πολυκώκϋτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and κωκύω to lament) very sad, mournful, grievous. Πολύλάλος, -ov, b, /;, (fr. same, and λαλέω to lalk) loquacious, talkative. Πολυλήϊος, -ov, b, >% (fr. same, and λήϊον a crop) having much crops, fertile, rich, opulent, wealthy. Πολυλογία, -ας, ή, (fr. πολύς much, and λόγος a word, th. λέγω to speak) much speaking, talkative- ness, loquacity, verboseness. Πυλυλόγος, -ου, b, ;/, (fr. same) talkative, loquacious. Πολυμάθής,-έος -ους, b, >}, (fr. πολύς much, and μανθάνω to learn) much learned, well informed. Πολυμερής, -έος -ους, b, t), (fr. same, and μέρος a part) of many parts, various. Πολυμερως, (fr. last) in many parts, variously, in many ways. Πολνμι/λος, -ου, b, η, (fr. πολύς much, and μήλον a sheep or an apple) having many sheep, feed- ing many flocks, rich ; bearing apples. Πολνμητις, -ιος, δ, η, (fr. same, and μητις counsel) very pru- dent, wise, skilful, cautious, wary. Πολυμήχαν' for Πολυμήχανε, V. sin. of Πολυμήχανος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. πολύς much, and μηχανή contrivance) ingenious, contriving, inventive, crafty, cunning. Πολνμιτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and μίτος a thread) woven with many threads. Πολύμορφος, -ου, δ, >/, (fr. same, and μορφή form) of many forms, manifold, various. Πολύμοχθος, -ου, δ, fj, (fr. same, and μόχθος labour) suffering much, doomed to toil ; wretched, miserable ; laborious, painful. Πολύν, a. of πολύ?. Πολυνεφέλας, -a, b, Dor. for Πολυνεφέλης, -ου, b, η, (fr. πολύς much, and νεφέλη a cloud) hav- ing much clouds, cloudy, dark. Πολυξένα, Dor. for Πολυξένη, fem. of next. Also, Polyxena, a wo- man's name. Πολύξενος or -εινος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. πολύς much, and ξένος a stranger) entertaining many strangers, hos- pitable. Πολνοδία, -ας, 7% (fr. same, and bδbς a way) a great journey. Πολύολβος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and όλβος happiness) very happy, blessed, rich. Πολύορκος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and οοκος an oath) swearing much. Πολυοχλία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and όχλος a multitude) a great mid titude} a riotou» mob. ΠΟΑ βολνπαίδης, -ου, δ, Polypaedas, a proper name. ΤΙολυπάμμων, -όνος, δ, η, (fr. πολύς much, and πάμμα a property, th. πάω to possess) rich, wealthy, opulent. Πολυπειρία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and πείρα experience) much experi- ence, great knowledge. Πολύπειρος, -ov, δ, ή, (fr. same) experienced, skilled, intelligent. Πολυπενθης, -έος -ους, δ, ή, (fr. πο- λύς much, and πένθος grief) very sad, mournful, grieving. Πολυπήμων, -όνος, δ, fj, (fr. same, and πημα a loss) bringing sor- row or misfortune, grievous, pain- ful, calamitous, destructive. ΤΙολυπ'ιδαξ, -ακος, δ, ^, (fr. same, and πίδαζ a fountain) having many fountains, with many springs. Π,ολύπλαγκτος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same, and πλάζω to cause to wander) wandering much, vagrant ; rov- ing, veering, unsteady. Πολυπλανέων, g. pi. of πολνπλανής. ϊ1ο\υπ\ανης, -έος -ους, and Πολυ- πλάνητος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. πολύς much, and πλανάω to wander) much wandering, roving, travel- ling ') f a tt °f error, erroneous, mistaken ; spreading, infectious ; mazy, winding. ΪΙολυπλασιάζω, f. -ασω, p. πεπολυ- πλασίακα, (fr. πολύς much, and πλασιος, answering to -fold ir English) to multiply, increase accumulate. Πολυπλάσιος, -ου, and Πολυπλα- σίων, -όνος, δ, ή, (fr. same) ma- nifold, numerous. Πολύπλεθρος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. πολύς much, and πλέθρον an acre) of many acres, large, extensive rich, affluent. Πολυπλήθεια and -θία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and πλήθος a multitude) a great multitude, crowd ; abun- dance, plenty. Πολυπληθέω -ώ, (fr. same) to in- crease in number, be many. ΪΙολυπληθής, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. same) many, numerous. ΤΙολυπληθϋνω, (fr. πολύς much, and πληθύνω to multiply) to multiply, increase much. Πολυπλήθω, f. •π\ήσω, (fr. same, and πλήθω to fill) to fill abun- dantly, make quite full. Ώυλυπλοκία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and πλέκω to weave) cunning, de- ceit, craftiness. Πολύπλοκος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) in many folds, plaited; perplex- ed, intricate, complicated ; de- ceitful, cunning, crafty. Πολυποίκιλος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. πολύς much, and ποικίλος variegated) greatly diversified, manifold, va- rious, multifarious, ίίολύπονος, -ου, δ, >;, (fr. same, and πόνος labour) laborious, toilsome ; grievous, sad, afflicting. Comp. πολυπονώτερος, sup. -ώτατος. ΠολυΊτου?, Όδος, δ, (fr. same, and πους a foot) having many fe& ; ΠΟΑ a kind of fish called Poly- pus. Πολυποαγμονέω -ω, (fr. πολύς much, and πράγμα business, th. πράσσω to do) to be employed or busy; to meddle in other'' s af- fairs, interfere, be a busy body ; to pry into, search, examine. Πολυπραγμοσύνη, -ης, >), (fr. same) curiosity, inquisitiveness, qffi- ciousness, interference, meddling; inquiry, examination, research; study, learning. ΤΙολνπράγμων, -όνος, δ, η, (fr. same) busy, officious, meddling; curi- ous, inquisitive; studious. Πολυπρόβατος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. πολύς much, and πρόβατον a sheep) abounding in sheep, rich in flocks. Πολυπρόσωπος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and πρόσωπον a face) many- formed, of many shapes, various; numerous, many. Πολύπτυχος, -ov, b, ?% (fr. same, and πτύσσω to fold) having many folds, complicated ; having many valleys. Πολύπτωλις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same, and πόλις a city) of many towns, celebrated in many cities. Πολύπτωτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and πτόω same as πίπτω to fall) having many cases ; a rhetorical figure, polyptot. Πολνρρήμων,-ονος, and Πολύρροθος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and ρήμα a word, th. ρέω to speak) talka- . tive, loquacious, verbose. Πολύρ^ην, -ηνος, δ, ή, (fr. πολύς much, and άρς a lamb) having many lambs, rich in flocks, wealthy, rich. n. pi. πολνρρηνες. Πολύς, πολλή, 7τολύ, and Ion. Πο- λύ?, -έος -ους, δ, η, many, nume- rous; much, copious, redundant, ample, large, great, vast. n. pi. Πολλοί, the many, the multitude, most men, the generality, a. sin! πολύν, πολλην, πολύ. Comp, πλείων, and Poet, πλέων sup. πλείστος. Ύί μοι πολύ ; what advantage to me ? Πολυσαρκία, -ας, η, (fr. last, and σαρξ flesh) corpulency, gross• ness, plumpness, fatness. Πολύσαρκος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) fleshy, brawny, corpulent. Πολύσκαρθμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. πολύς much, and σκαίρω to bound) very active, nimble, fleet, bounding. Πολυσπερέες, η. pi. of Πολυσπερης, -έος -ους, δ, ι), (fr, πολύς much, and σπείρω to sow) far or mwh. scattered, dispersed, far separated; of different na- tions. Πολνσπέρχων, -όνος, δ, Polysper chon, a proper name. Πολύσπλαγχνος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. πο λύς much, and σπλάγχνον th< bowels) abounding in bowels of mercy; very merciful, compas- sionate. Πολύσπορος, -ου, δ, ^, (fr. same, and σπείρω to sow) copiously sown, fertile, fruitful. (478) ΠΟΑ Πολνστάφνλος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and σταφυλή a bunch of grapes, th. σταφις a dried grape) abound- ing in grapes. Πολύστονος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and στένω to groan) groaning much, woful, sad, mournful. Πολύστρεβλος, -η, -ov, (fr. same, and στρεβλός crooked) very per- verse, very cunning, deceitful. Πολυστροφάλιγζ, -ιγγος, δ, ?/, (fr. same, and στροφάλιγξ an eddy, th. στρέφω to turn) full of ed- dies, rolling, boisterous. Πολυσύλλαβος, -ου, δ, τ), (fr. same, and συλλαβή a syllable) of many syllables, polysyllabic, long, high sounding. Πολυσύνδετον, -ου, rb, (fr. same, συν together, and δέω to tie) a figure in rhetoric, by which the copulative is often repeated ; po- lysyndeton. Πολυτεκνία, -ας, fi, (fr. πολύς much, and τέκνον an offspring, th. τίκ- τω to produce) fruitfulness, a large offspring. Πολυτέλεια, -ας, f), (fr. next) mag- nificence, costliness, sumptuous- ness. Πολυτελή, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. πο- λύς much, and τέλος expense) sumptuous, costly, expensive; pre- cious, valuable, dear ; exquisite. Πολυτελώ?, (fr. last) sumptuously, costly, expensively, extravagantly. Πολυτίμητος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. πολύς much, -and τιμή honour) very ho- nourable; very valuable, of great price, precious. ΠολύτΊμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) very precious, valuable, costly, dear, expensive. Πολύτλας, -αντος, and Πολυτλήμων, -όνος, δ, >Ί, (fr. πολύς much, and τλάω to suffer) very patient, en- during, hardy ; daring, bold, brave ; unfortunate, wretched. Πολύτοκος, -ov, b, η, (fr. πολύς much, and τίκτω to produce) producing much, prolific, fruit- fid. Πολυτρήρων, -ωνος, δ, ι;, (fr. same, and τρήρων a pigeon, th. τρέω to tremble) abounding with pigeons. Πολύτρητος, -ου, Ion. -010, b, η, (fr. same, and τιτράω to bore) much perforated, many-celled, porous. Πολυτροπία, -ας, ή, Ion. Πολυτρο- π'ιη, -ης, η, (fr. next) changeable- ness, versatility ; cunning, craft, deceit. Πολύτροπος, -ov, b, f/, (fr. πολύς much, and τρόπος a manner, th. τρέπω to turn) various, of many ways ; versatile, cunning, crafty', deceitful ; conversant, acquainted. Πολυτρόπως, (fr. last) in various ways. Πολυυμνητος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. πολύς much, and 'ύμνος a hymn) much celebrated or sung of, renowned. Πολυϋμνία, -ας, η, (fr. sn*ne) Po- lyhymnia, one of the Muses. Πολυφάρμάκος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. πολνζ much, and φάρμακον a drug) ektUM in drugs or medicine. ΠΟΛ ϋολύφημος, -ου, δ, >% (&• «ame, and φημι to speak) celebrated, renowned, famous ; noisy, ob- streperous, echoing. One of the Cyclops. Πολύφβορος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. πολύς much, and φθείρω to destroy) c?e- structive to many, deadly, mortal. Πολύφιλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and φίλος a friend) having many friends, conciliating. Πολύώιλτρος, -ου, b, ή", (fr. same, ana φίλτρον a love potion) very charming, lovely. Πολυφλοίσβοιο, Ion. g. sin. of Πολύφλησβος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. πολύς much, and φλοίσβος the noise of the sea) resounding, far resound- ing , boisterous, roaring. Πολύφοιτος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. πολύς much, and φοιτάω to frequent) scattered, straggling, wandering ; - much frequented. Πολυφόρβη, fem. of Πολνφορβος, -ου, b, ή, and -ος, -η, -ov, (fr. πολύς much, and φέρβω to pasture ) feeding many, fertile, fruitful, populous. Τίολυφόρος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and φέρω to carry) bearing much, fertile, fruitful. Τίολύφορτος, -ov, b, >), (fr. same) heavy laden. Ώολυφραδέεσι, d. pi. Poet, of Πολυφραδής, -έος -ονς, b, >}, (fr. πολύς much, and φράζω to speak) very wise, prudent, discreet, wary, cunning. Πολνφρόντις, -ιδος, b, ή", (fr, same, and φροντις care) full of care anxious. Πολυφροσύνη, -ης, ή, (fr. same, and φρην the mind) skill, wisdom, prudence, judgment. ΤΙολύφωνος, -ov, b, (fr. same, and φωνή sound) Croaker, one of Homer's frogs. Πολύχαλκος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. πολύς much, and χαλκός brass) having much brass or coin, rich ; brazen, solid, firm. Πολυχορδία, -ας, f], (fr. next) a number of strings, variety of sounds. Πολύχορδος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. πολύς much, and χορδή a string of a lute) having many strings, many- toned, melodious. Πολυχρήματος, -ου, b, ι), (fr. same, and χρήμα wealth, th. χράω to use) rich, wealthy, opulent. ΤΆολυχρονίζω, (fr. next) to delay long, tarry. "Πολυχρόνιος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. πολύς much, and χρόνος time) long- lived, ancient, old ; lasting, dur- able, comp. πολνχρονιώτερος, sup. -ώτατος. Πολύχρυσος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. πολύς much, and χρυσός gold) having much gold, affluent, wealthy, rich. Πολυψηφίς, -Ιδος, b, ή, (fr. same, and ψήφος a pebble) having many pebbles, pebbly, gravelly. Πολυώδΰνος, -ου, b, f), (fr. same, and οδύνη pain) causing much pain, painful. ΠΟΝ ΤΙολνώνν'μος, -ov, b, fi, (fr. same, and όνομα a name) having many names ; celebrated, renowned, famous. Πολυωρίω -ω, -ήσω, (fr. same, and th. ώρα care) to take great care of, watch over, guard, protect. Πόμα or Πώμα, -ατός, τδ, (fr. πίνω to drink) a drink, draught ; a cup. d. pi. πόμασι. Πομπαΐος, -ov, b, η, (fr. πέμπω to send) sending, driving, wafting ; propitious, favourable. Subs, a guide, conductor. Πομπεία, -ας, η, (fr. πομπή a mes- sage, th. πέμπω to send) a mes- sage, mission ; conveyance, es- cort ; bombastic raillery, satire, invective. Πομπεύκειν, Dor. for πομπεύειν, pres. inf. act. of πομπεύω. Πομπεύς, -έος, and ΤΙομπεντής, -ου, b, (fr. πομπή a procession) a leader, conveyer; an escort; an actor in a procession. ΐίομπεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. next) to send over, transmit ; to carry over, convey, conduct, escort ; to march in or lead a procession go in triumph ; to exult, be inso- lent ; to assail with reproaches, insult, offend. Πομπή, -ης, η, (fr. πέμπω to send) a message, mission ; an escort, train, retinue ; the act of escort ing, conveyance ; a pomp, pro cession, pageant, show, sight divine impulse or inspiration. Πομπ'ίκός, -ή, -όι<, (fr. last) relating to or fit for pageants or proces- sions, magnificent, grand, state- ly, pompous, splendid; specious showy, plausible, declamatory. ΠόμπΊμος, -ov, b,f), (fr. same) sent, sent forth ; capahle'of conveying fit for sending. Πομπός, -ου, b, (fr. same) a leader, escort, guide, conveyer. Πομφολνζω, same as πομφολύσσω. Πομφόλνξ, -γος, t' h (fr. πέμφιξ a blast) a bubble, drop; a boss knob ; the scoria or dross of cop- per. Πομφόλνζαν, Ion. for επομφόλνζαν 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of Πομφολνσσω, f. -ξω, (fr. next) to bubble, gush, burst forth. Πομφός, -ου, b, (fr. πέμφιξ a blast) a tumor, lump, boil, morbid swell- ing ; a blister. Ποναθη, Dor. for πονηθή, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass. — ΠονεΓν, pres. inf. act. cont. — ΠονεΧτο, Ion. for ιπονεΐτο, 3 sin. impf. pass, cont. — Πονέοντο, Ion. for επονέ- οντο, 3 pi. impf. mid. of πονέω. Πονεύμενος, Dor. for πονούμενος, pres. par. pass. cont. — Πονευ- μες, Dor. for πονούμεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. cont. — Πονεύντας, Dor. for πονούντας, a. pi. pres. par. act. cont. of Πονέω -ω, f. -ήσω and -Γσω, (fr. πέ- νομαι to labour) to labour, work, toil; to do, act, achieve, finish well, accomplish ; to exert or employ one's self, earn; to be (479) HON weary, fatigued, faint, fail, givt up ; to feel pain or sicknes» ; to give pain, hurt, afflict. Πονηρενομαι, -η, -εται, ind. mid. — Πονηρεύωμαι, sub. pres. mid. of Πονηρεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. πονηρός wicked) to act ill, be wicked, do mischief, act amiss ; to envy, grudge. Πονηρία, -ας, ή~, (fr. next) wretch- edness, misery, calamity ; dis- honesty, vickedness, depravity, villany, malignity, mischief, ma- lice ; penury, want. Πονηρός, -a, -ov, (fr. πόνος labour, th. πένομαι to toil) malicious, mischievous, wicked, depraved, evil, bad, corrupt, worthless ; diseased, disordered. Ό πονηρός, the evil one, the devil. Comp πονηρότερος, -a, -ov, sup. -ρότα- τος, -η, -ov. Πονηρός, -a, -ov, (fr. same) labori- ous, toilsome, painful ; wretcheu, unhappy, miserable, calamitous. Πονηρόφθαλμος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. πονη- ρός evil, and οφθαλμός an eye, th. άπτομαι to see) having an evil eye, envious. Πονηρως, (fr. πονηρός evil) wicked- ly, badly, ill, mischievously ; mi- serably, wretchedly. Πονήσαις, JEol. for πονήσας, act. — Πονησάμενος, mid. 1 a. par. — Πονήσατο, Ion. for επονήσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of πονέω. Πονητέος, -a, -ov, (fr. πονέω to la- bour) to be laboured, &c. ac- cording to the verb. Πονητϊκός, -ή, -ov, (fr. same) toil- some, laborious, painful. Πονικός, -ή, -ov, (fr. same) labori- ous, painful, miserable. Πόνοιο, Ion. g. sin. of Πόνος, τον, b, (fr. πένομαι to labour) labour, toil, exertion ; the fruits of labour ; profit, earnings ; hard- ship, struggle, difficulty; pain, grief, affliction, calamity, distress^ misery. Πονταπορέυω, f. -εύσω, p. πεποντα- πόρευκα, see ποντοπορεύω. Ποντιάν, Dor. ibr ποντίων, g. pi. fem. of πόντιος. Πόντιας, -άδος, η, (fr. πόντος the sea) belonging to the sea, ma- rine. Ποντίζω, (fr. same) to plunge or sink in the sea. Ποντικός, -ή, -ov, (fr. same) of or belonging to the sea, marine / also, qfor belonging to Pontus. Πόντιος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) of or relating to the sea, marine, na- val ; also the name of the Ro- man governor Pontius Pilate. Ποντόβροχος, -ου, b, f), (fr. same, and βρέχω to wet) wet in or with the sea. Ποντόθεν, (fr. same, and $εν from a place) from the sea. Ποντομέδων, -οντος, δ, (fr. πόντος the sea, and μέδω to rule) ruler of the sea. Epithet of Nep- tune. Ποντοπορεύω, f. -εύσω, and Ποντο- πορέω -ω, (fr. same, and πιίρω to ΠΟΡ pass) to pass over the sea, sail over, navigate the main. Ποντοπόροιο, Ion. g. sin. of Ποντοπόρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. πόντος the sea, and πείρω to pass over) sea-passing, seafaring ; sailing, swift. Πόντος, -ου, b, the sea, deep, main, ocean ; also the name of a coun- try. Πύπανον, -ου, τϋ, (fr. πίπτω to cook) a round thin cake. Πόπλιος, -ου, b, (from the Lat.) Publius, a man's name. Ώόποι, Oh gods ! Oh strange ! bless me ! for sliame I Ώοππύζω, f. -ύσω, and Ποππυ\ιά- ζω, f. -άσω, tofiiss, whistle; to sooth, caress, pat. Ίίοττ-ύσ&ειν, and Ποππυλιάσδειν, pres. inf. act. Dor. of last. ΪΙόππυσμα, -ατός, το, and Ποππυσ- μος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a hissing noise from the mouth when sooth- ing a horse ; caress, soothing, patting. ΤΙόροαλις, same as πάρδαλις. Πόρε, 2 a. impr. act. or Ion. for f πόρε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. — Πόροι, 3 sin. 2 a. opt. act. of πόρω, same as πορίζω. Πορεία, -ας, ή, (fr. πορεύω to go over, th. πείρω to pass) a setting out, journey, way, march, expe- dition ; a manner of life. Πορέΐον, -ου, το, (fr. same) any thing useful for travelling carriage, vehicle, travelling pro- visions or expenses ; an engine to launch ships. Πορευθείς, -εϊσα, -εν, a. -θέντα, η. pi. -θίντες, -θεϊσαι, -θέντα, par. — Πορευθηναι, inf. — Πορεύθητι, -θητε, 2 sin. and pi. impr, Πορευθώ, -ης, -jj, pi. -θητε, -θωσι or -σιν, sub. 1 a. pass, and Πορεύομαι , mid. of πορεύω. Πόρενσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. πο ρεύω to pass over, th. πείρω to transport) a way, journey, march, expedition ; a going, motion. Πορεύσομαι,-η,-εται, 3 pi. -σονται, 1 f. ind. mid. — Πορευσώμεθα, 1 pi. 1 a. sub. mid. of πορεύω. Πορευτος, -η, -bv, (fr. next) fit for passing, passable. Πορεύω, f. -εύσω, p. πεπόρευκα, (fr. πείρω to pass through) to cause to go or pass, send, despatch ; to carry, convey, transport ; to make a journey, travel. Πορεύομαι, to go, go away, set out, move, pro- ceed, march, journey, depart ; to ride, be carried ; to be at, with or employed among, pres. inf. mid. πορεύεσθαι. impf. ind. mid. επο- ρευόμην, -ου, -ετο. per. ind. pass. πεπόρευμαι. 1 a. pass. ind. επο- ρεύθην, -rs, -η' impr. πορεύθητι• sub. πορευθώ. ΤΙορεύωμαι, pres. sub. pass, of last. Πορίω or Πόρω, f. πόρσω, (fr. πείρω to pass) to give, grant, bestow; to procure, furnish, supply, af- ford; also for πορίζω, which see. Π,όρθεω, f. -ήσω, p. πεπόρθηκα, (th. πίρθω to depopulate) to lay waste, ΠΟΡ plunder, ravage, pillage, depopw late, destroy, impf. ind. act. επόρ- θεον-ουν, 1 a. act. ind. επόρθησα Πορθήσειν, 1 f. inf. act. — Πορθή• σας, 1 a. par. act. of last. Πόρθησις, - ίβ ς, Att. -εως, η, (fr. πίρθω to lay waste) devastation, waste, ruin, havoc, pillage. ΠόρθμεΊον, -ου, rb, (fr. πορθμός ferry, th. πείρω to pass over) a ferry, strait, frith; a ferry-boat, packet. Πορθμεύς, -έος, Att. -εως, b, (fr. same) a ferryman, waterman. Πορθμεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same) to ferry over; to carry, convey or bring over. Πορθμήϊον, Ion. for πορθμεΊον. Πορθμία, -ων, τά, (fr. next) ferry- money, fare. Πορθμός, -ου, b, (fr. πείρω to pass over) a passage over, ferry ; a strait, channel, frith, sea. Πορθουμένη, η. fem. cont. pres. par. mid. οΐπορθέω. Πορίζεσθαι, pres. inf. pass, of Πορίζω, f. -ίσω, p. πεπόρικα, (fr. πόρος a passage, th. πείρω to pass over) to open a passage, clear a way ; to produce, invent, devise ; to procure, acquire, earn; to sup- ply, furnish; to infer, deduce. per. ind. pass, πεπόρισμαι. Πύριμα, η. pi. neut. of Πόρίμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. πόρος a pas- sage, th. πείρω to pass) passa- ble, penetrable ; passing, going through, penetrating ; making a way, clearing away difficulties; abounding, affluent, productive, beneficial, gainful; easy to be acquired, procured or obtained. Πόρ somewhat, some little. Hot' and ΙΙοθ', for ποτέ. Πόταγε, Dor. for προσάγε, pres. impr. act. of προσάγω. Ποτάγχυμεν, Dor. for προσάγχν- μεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. οΧπρο- σάγχνμι. Ποταείδω, Dor. for προσαεί<5ω. ΤΙοταίνιος, -a, -ov, and Ποταινδς, -r„ -ov, (fr. ποτέ Dor. for. προς to) new, recent, sudden, fresh; 3P dent, primeval, former. Ποταμείβεσθαι, Dor. for προσαμεί- βεσθαι, pres. inf. pass, of προσα- μείβω. Ποταμέλζομαι, -η, -εται, Dor. for προσαμέλξομαι, 1 f. ind. mid. of πρασαμίλγω. Ποτάμειος, and Ποτάμιος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) of or about a river, by a river, like a torrent, rush- ing. Ποταμός, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. ποτός drinkable, th. πίνω to drink) a river, stream, fiood, torrent. Ποταμοφόρητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. last. and φέρω to carry) swept or car- ried away by a river or torrent. Ποταμόχωστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same and χωστός heaped up, from χόω to heap up) covered with sand and mud carried down by a river ; flooded. Ποτάνός, -η, -ov, Dor. for ποτηνός Ποτάομαι, f. mid. ποτήσομαι, ρ πεπότημαι, (fr. πίτομαι to fly) to fly, flutter. 3 pi. per. ind. ρ πεπότηνται, Ion. πεποτήαται Ποταπός, -η, -όι>, (fr. που where, and δάπεδον a soil) of what soil or country? what manner of? of what sort ? how great or large ? Ποταυγάζειν, Dor. pres. inf. act. of προσανγάζω. Ποταύλει, Dor. for προσηνλει, 3 sin. impf. act. of προσαυλίω. Ποταώος, Dor. for προσηώος. Πότε, (fr. οτε when) when ? at what time ? "Εως πότε, until when ? how long ? Ποτέ, (fr. same) at any time, ever, sometimes, once, formerly ; here- after, at some future day, some time or other, at length. Ποτέδράμε, Dor. for προσέδραμε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of προστρέχω. Ποτεκλεπτόμην, Dor. for ποοσεκλεπ- τόμην, impf. ind. pass, of προσ- κλέπτομαι. Ποτεμάξατο, Dor. for προσεμάξατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of προσμάσ- σω. Ποτέομαι, f. mid. ποτήσομαι, same as πέτομαι. Ποτέοντο, Ion. for εποτέοντο, 3 pi. impf. ind. of last. Ποτερίσ<5ειν, Dor. for προσερίζειν, pres. inf. act. of προσερίζω. Ποτέροισι, d. pi. of πότερος. Πότερον, and Ποτέρα, (fr. next) whether ? Πότερον ονχϊ, is it not ? Πότερος, -a, -ov, which of the two ? whether ? each, either. Ποτέρχεν, Dor. and iEol. for ττροσ έμχου, pres. impr. mid. of προσ έρχομαι. Ποτεφύετο, Dor. for προσεφύετο, 3 sin. impf. ind. mid. of προσφύω. Πότεγ', andno^;^, Dor. for πρόσ- εχε, pres. impr. act. of προσέχ< Πότη, -ης, η , (fr. πέτομαι to fly) ο flying, fliglu. Πάτημα, -άτος, το, (fr. πίνω to drink) α drinking, drink ; a po tion, draught. flying, winged. Ποτηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. πίνω to drink) a cup. Πατηρίδιον, -ov, το, (dim. of next) a little cup. Ποτήριον, -ov, to, (fr. ποτίφ a cup, th. πίνω to drink) a drinking cup, cup. Ποτηροθήκη, -ης, η, (fr. same, and τίΟημι to put) a cupboard. Πoτηρoπ\vτης,-ov,b, (fr. same, and πλύνω to wash) a bowl, basin. Πότης, -ου, δ, (fr. πίνω to drink) a drinker, drunkard. Πότης, -ητος, η, (fr. same) α drink- ing. Ποτητ^ϊ, -η, -όν, (fr. πέτομαι to fly) flying, winged. Ποτι, and Ποτίν, Dor. for προς. Ποτιάπτω, (fr. last, and απτω to touch) to bind, tie, fasten to. Ππτίβλεπεν, Dor. for pres. inf. act. of προσ^>\έπω. Ποτίδαια, -ας, η, Potidaa, name of a town. Ποτιδέγμενος, -η, -ov, η. pi. fern. ποτιδεγμέναι, Dor. ίοΐπροσδεχό- μενος, par. pres. mid. or for προσ- δεδεγμένος, par. per. pass, of προσδέχομαί• Ποτιδην, Dor. for προσιδείν, 2 a. inf. act. — Ποτίδοι, Dor. for προ- σίδοι, 3 sin. 2 a. opt. act. — Πο- τίδω, Dor. for ιτροσί<5ω, 2 a. sub. act. of προσείδω. Ποτίδέρκεται, Dor. for προσδέρκε- ται, 3 sin. pres. ind. οι προσδίρ- κο /iat. Ποτιδενομαι, Dor. for προσδέομαι. Πoτιδόpπιoς,-ov,b, fj,J)or. for rpoe* δόρπιος. Πότιζε, impr. — Ποτίζει, 3 sin. pres. ind. — Ποτί^ων, par. pres. act. of Ποτίζω, f. -ίσω, Att. -Υώ, p. πεπό- τικα, (fr. πίνω to drink) to givea drink to ; to lead to water ; to water, moisten, refresh ; to wet thoroughly, pour abundantly ; to infuse, impf. ind. act — επότιζον, -ες, -ε. 1 a. act. ind. επότισα, -ας, -ε• sub. ποτίσω, -ης, -η. 2 a. ind. act. επότιίον,ρΓεε. ind. pass, πο- ■^ίζομαι' par. ποτιζόμενος,-η,-ον. ΐ a. ind. pass, εποτίσθην, -ης, -η. Ποτ,ίθει, Sync, for ποτιτίθει, Dor. for -τψοστίθει, wh. Att. for προσ- τίθετι» pres. impr. of προστίθημι. Ποτικάρδιός, Dor. for προσκάρδιος. Ποτικ,εκΧιμένος, Dor. for προσκεκλι- μένος, per. par. pass, of προσ- κ\ίνω. Ποτίκός, -η, -όν, (fr. πίνω to drink) fond of drinking, drunken. Ποτίκρανον, -ov, το, (fr. ποτι, Dor. for προς to, and χάρηνον the head) a cushion, pillow. Ποτιλέγειν, Dor. for pres. inf. act. of προσλέγω. Ποτιλέζατο, Dor. for ιτροσε\έζατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of same. Ποπμάξατο. Dor. and Ion. for προσεμάξατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of προσμάσσω. Ποτήμεν, Dor. for προσεΊναι, pres. ΙΠότίμος,-ου, δ, η, (fr. πίνω to drink) ι.Οϊπρόσειμι. ! drink able, flt for drinking, (481) ποτ ΠοτιμνθεΧσθαι, Dor. for προσμυ- θεϊσθαι, pres. inf. pass. cont. of προσμνθέομαι. Ιίοτινίσσύμαι, -η, -εται, (fr. ποτ\, Dor. for προς to, and νίσσομαι to go) to go to, approach, carry to, import. Τίοτίολοι, -ων, οι, Puteoli, name of a town. Ποτιόσσομαι, -η, -εται, (fr. ποτ\ Dor. for -προς to, and όσσομ iEol. for άπτομαι to hold, look at. Πυτιρρίπτειν, Dor. and Att. for προσρίπτειν, pres. inf. act. of ΠΡΑ προσριτττω. Τΐύπς , -j/j (fr. ττ/νω to drink) a J em ale drinker. Ώοτίσδειν, Dor. for ποτίζειν, pres inf. act. — Ποτ-ι'σ?/, 3 sin. — Ποτί- σωμεν, 1 pi. 1 a. sub. act. — Πό τισον, 1 a. impr. act. of ποτίζω. Πότισις, -ιο?, Att. -εως, η, (fr. ττινω to drink) a watering, bringing to . water, giving ίο drink, drink. Ποτισμός,-ου, b, (fr. same) a drink watering. Ποτιστάζω, Dor. for προστάζω. Ποτιστύριο:^ -ου, rb, and Ποτίστρα. -ας, ή, (fr. ποτίζω to give drink, th. πίί/ω to drink) a place for watering cattle ; a trough or ves- sel for water, canal. Ώοτίστης, -ov, o, (fr. same) a cup bearer. Ποτίφορος, -ου, b.'fi, Dor. for πρόσ- φορος. Ποτιφωνήεις, -εσο-κ, -εν, (fr. ποτι, Dor. for προς to, and φωνή voice) vocal, endued xoith speech. Ποτιω, 1 pi. ποτιονμεν, Att. for πο- τίσω, 1 f. ind. act. of ποτίζω. Πάτμος, -ov, b,fate, doom, death; lot, fortune, destiny. Ώότνα, Dor. for ποτνία, fern, of πάτνιος. Πότνι', for ιτότνια, fern, of same. Ώοτνιάνακτος, -ου, b, ϊ/, (ίτ.πότνιος venerable, and άναξ a king) venerable for its power. Πότνιος, -a, -ov, (fr. πίτω, or πετο- μαι to fail down to) venerable, revered, honourable, honoured, majestic, august. Ποτοΐο, g. sin. Ion. of ΤΙοτον, -οι), τδ, (fr. πίνω to drink) a drink, draught, water. Πότος, -ov, b, (fr. same) a drinking match, feast ; drinking, drink. Πότος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) fond of drinking, drunk; drinkable. Πότοσδον, pres. par. neut. of ΊΙοτόσδω, Dor. for προσόζω, same as όζω. Ποτον,ξ. sin. οΐποτόν. Ποττάν, Ποττόν, Ώ,οττω, or ποτ 1 τάν, &c. for ποτϊ τάν, &c. Dor. for προς την, τον, τω. Ποτωνται, 3 pi. pres. ind % eont. of ποτάομαι. Που, (fr. 8? who) wAere ? whither ? in what place ? when ? Πού, (fr. same) any where, some- where, at all, perhaps ; about, nearly, almost ; no doubt, surely. Ώουγγά, -ας, f/, and ΤΙουγγίον, -ου, rb } a sack, bag, pouch. ΪΙονγγία, -ων, τά, bands, fillets or ribands used in charms. rioi-oV, -εντός, b, a man's name. Ποί'λυ, Poet, for πολύ, neut. of 7Γθλύ?. Πονλνβοτείρα, -ας, >% (lr. πολύς much, and βόσκω to feed) boun- teous, fertile. Πουλί*?, Poet, for πολύς. Πους, ποδός, b, a foot, talon, claw ; a step, pace; the root, base or ) to be-\ foot of a mountain ; a foot mea- sure ; a foot in poetry ; the rope at the lower corners of a sail called the sheet ; the rudder, til- ler ; ploughtail or handle ; the pole of a carriage ; the cross tree to xohich it was fastened. Ανά πόδα, backwards. Εκ πόδος, and Κατά πόδα, on the footsteps, close- ly, immediately, at hand. Ev ποσΐ, present, common, vulgar. Επι πόδα, retreating, by steps, slowly, gradually. Περί πόδα,βί- ly, properly. Ποχ' a, Dor. for ττοτί η~. ΤΙόω, obs. to drink. Πράγμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. τοάσσω to do) a fact, deed, work, act; a thing, affair, matter, circum- stance ; business, trouble, diffi- culty, lot, stale, condition, situa- tion. Τ α πράγματα, state affairs, administration, government. O't εν πράγματι, those instate, magis- trates, rulers, g. pi. πραγμάτων. Πραγματεία, -ας, ι), (fr. same) stu- dy, attention, care ; a treatise, comment ; business, trade, occu- pation; trouble, distress; an af- fair, matter. Πραγματεύομαι, -η, -εται, pres. ind. — Πραγματεύσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. of Πραγματενω, f. -ευσω, (fr. πράγμα business, th. πράσσω to do) to engage another in an affair or business. Πραγματεύομαι, to be much engaged in business, em- ploy one's self; to trade, traffic, deal ; to study, compose ; to en- deavour, labour, strive ; to seek, procure, get ; to be worked,, made or contrived. 1 f. ind. mid. πραγματεύσομαι. 1 a. in r . mid. επραγματενσάμην, -ω, -ατο ■ impr. πραγμάτενσαι, -άσθω. Πραγματικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) stirring, active, quick; engaged, occupied, busy ; skilled in plead- ing >' forcible, effftual, impor- tant, impressive; tnr*.„ real. Subs. a lawyer, clerk. Πράγος, -εος-ονς, ro,{h πράσσω to do) a poetic word ; an affair ; af- fairs,administration,n(irernment. Πραεΐς, η. pi. cont. — Προίσι,ά Πραεος, g. of πρανς. Πραθεειν, Ion. for πραθεΊν, Metath. for παρθεΊν,2 a. inf. act.of πέρθω. Πραθεϊς, -ε?σα, -εν, par Πραθη- ναι, inf. 1 a. pass, of πιπράσκω. Πράθον, -ες, -ε, Ion. for επραθον, Metath. for έπαρθον, 2 a. ind. act. of π έρθω. Πραιτώριον, -ov, το, (fr. Lat. prae- tor a 'Roman officer) a general's (4B2\ ΠΡΑ tent; the praetor's court, judg- ment hall ; the Roman emperor's palace. Πρακτέος, -a, -ov, (fr. πράσσω to do) to be done, &c. according to the verb. Πρακτηρ, and Ion. Πρηκτηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. same) •m actor, doer, performer; a ax- gatherer ; a merchant, buya,-. Πρακτικός, -η, -nt-, (fr. same) ft for acting, doing or effecting, practical ; effective, able, strenu- ous, active, availing, energetic; effectual, attaining its object ; light armed. Πράκτωρ, -ορός, ο, (it. same) a doer, actor, performer, author ; an of- ficer, bailiff, Serjeant ; a tax- gatherer ; an exactor, oppressor. d. sin. πράκτορι. ΠραμνεΊος or Πράμνιος, -ου, b, ή, (Sync, for ναραμένειος from πα- ραμένω to last) old, generous. Or, (fr. Πράμνη a mountain of Icaria) Pramnean, an epithet of wine. Πράν, Dor. for προ>1ν. Πρανής, -έος -ους, b, j$,same as πρη- νής. Πρανιχθεϊς, 1 a. par. pass, of πρα- νίξω, Dor. for πρηνίζω. Πράξαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Πράξαντες, n. -ξάντων, g. -ζάντας, a. ofnpa- ζας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. — Πράξετε, 2 pi. 1 f. ind. act. — Πράξης, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of πράσσω. Πράξει, -ξεις, -ξεσι, cases of Πράξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. πράσ- σω to do) an act, dcea, action, feat; a matter, affair, business; practice, behaviour , conduct ; of- fice, use ; exaction, tribute ; lot, state, situation, condition ; in pi. exploits, history, a. sin. ποαξιν, η. pi. πράξεις, d. pi. πράξεσι. Πράξωσι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of πράσσα. Πραον, (neut. of next) gently, soft ly, mildly. Πράος or Πράο?, -a, -ov, meek, mild, gentle ; lenient, merciful, com- passionate. Πραότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) meek- ness, mildness, gentleness; cle- mency, lenity. Πραότητα, -τητι, -τητος, cases of last. Πραπίδες, -ων, ai, particular mus- cles of the heart, the heart, breast ; understanding, reason, skill, knowledge, wisdom, prudence, d pi. πραπίδεσι. Πρασιά, -ας, η, (perhaps fr. πράσον a leek) a long range of plants, flower bed ; a company in form of an oblong square; a row, rank. Πρασιαϊ πρασιάϊ, in rows, ranks or companies. Πρασιάομαι, (fr. last) to droop, thirst like a flower bed for rain. Πράσινος, -ov, b, ft, (fr. ιτράσον a 'leek) of leeks, of the colour of leeks, green. Πρασις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, ή, (fr. W- πράακω to sell) a sale, selling, ΠΡΕ ϋράσον, -ου, το, a leek. Πρασσαως, -ου, δ, name of a frog. Πράσσομες, Dor. for πράσσομεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. and Πράσσοντας,-σοντες, -σοντι, -σονσι, cases of Πράσσων, par. pres. act. and Πράσσοντι, Dor. for πράσσονσι, 3 pi. pres. i»d. act. of πράσσω. Ππασσοφάγος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. πράσον a leek, and -φάγω to eat) name of a frog, Leek-eater. Πράσσω and -ττω, f. -ξω, p. -χ«, to do, act, perform, execute, commit, perpetrate; to endea- vour, stnve ; to avail, ζ cause, bring about ; to treat, act towards, deal with ; to manage, take care of, conduct, transact; to do business, treat about, nego- tiate ; to trade, buy and sell, traffic; to obtain, get, procure; to extort, charge, demand; to act secretlv, conspire, plot; to espouse, lake paf or side with; to spend or lead life; to expe- rience, bear, suffer, endure. ΤΙράσσομαι or -ττομαι, to bargain, stipulate, agree ; to ask a price, demand, charge. 1 a. ind. act. έπραξα, per. ind. pass, πέπραγ- μαι. Τϊράσσω, f. πρόσω, same as πιπράσ- κω. 1 a. ind. act. έπρασα. Πράσω, 1 f. of last, or of πιπράσκω. Ώρατήρ, -ηρος, δ, and Πράτης, -ου, δ, (fr. πράσσω to sell) a seller, dealer, merchant. Ιΐρατήρωυ, -ου, rd, (fr. same) a market place. Πράτιστος, Dor. for πρώτιστος, sup. of πρώτος. ΐΐρατος, -a, -ov, Dor. for πρώτος. Ώρατος, -τ), -ov, (fr. πράσσω to sell) saleable, to be sold, for sale. Πράττω, same as πράσσω. Πραυθϋμος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. πρανς same as πράος mild, and ξ-υμός the mind) meek gentle-minded μητις counsel) of meek mind. gentle, placid. Πραΰνω, f. -υνώ, p. πεπράϋγκα, (fr. next) to ease, assuage, mitigate , to appease, calm, still, pacify. tame ; to become tractable, gentle, act mildly. ΤΙραϋς, -tia, -ij, same as πράος, g^ πραέος, η. pi. cont. πραεΧς. Πραυτης, -ητος, ίι, same as πραότης. d. πραυτητι. Πράω, obsolete, for wh. πιπράσκω. Πράως, (fr. πράος mild) meekly, mildly, gently, leniently, merci- fully. Πρεμνίζω, (fr. πρεμνον the stalk) to pull up with the roots, eradicate. Πρέμνοθεν, (fr. next) by the roots, totally, utterly. "Πρεμνον, -ου, το, a trunk, stem, stock. Ώρε-ει and έπρεπε, (3 sin. pres. and impf. of πρέπω to excel, used impersonally) it becomes, it is proper, it behoves, it is ft. Πρεπέμεν, Ion. for πρέπειν, pres. inf, act. of τρέπω. ΠΡΕ ΪΙρέποι, 3 sin. pres. opt. act. — Ώρεπουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Πρέποντος, g. sin. pres. par. act. of π ρέπω. ρέπον, (neu pres. par. act. of πρέπω ) what is ft, proper or be- coming, taken adverbially, de- cently, fitly, properly. Πρεπόντως, (fr. last) in a becoming anner, properly. Πρέπω, to be conspicuous, shine, excel; to become, suit, be fitting ; to be comely, decent, decorous. Πρέπει, it becomes. ϋρέσβα, Sync, for πρεσβεία, fern, of πρέσβνς. Πρεσβεία, -ας, ή, (fr. πρέσβυς ai ambassador) an embassy; beg ging, entrzaly, prayer ; rever encc, honour. ΠρεσβεΊον, -ου, rd, (fr. same) ho- nour or respect due to age ; a re ward of honour ; age, old age. Πρέσβεις, η. or a. pi. cont. of πρέσβυς. Πρεσβεύομεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act of πρεσβεύω. Πρεσβενς, -έος, Att. -έως, δ, same as πρέσβνς. Πρέσβευες, -ου, b, (fr. πρέσβυς an ambassador) an ambassador, de- legate, orator, speaker. Πρεσβευτικός, -ή, -ov, (fr. same) relating to an ambassador or em• bassy. Πρεσβεύω,ϊ. -εύσω, p. πεπρέσβενκα, (fr. same) to be an ambassador, discharge an embassy ; to be an elder; to be respected as an elder ; to respect, revere. Πρεσβεύομαι, to send an embassy; come as an ambassador. Πρεσβηες, Ion. for πρεσβέες -εΊς, η pi. of πρεσβεύς. Ποεσβήϊον, -ου, το, Ion. for πρέσ- βεων. Πρεσβηΐς, -ΐδος, η, (fr. πρέσβυς an elder) an old woman, matron Adj. old, ancient Πραΰμητις, -ιος, b, ή, (fr. same, and Πρέσβις, -ιος, Att. -εως, δ, same as πρέσβυς. Πρέσβιστος and Πρεσβύτατος, sup. of πρέσβνς. Πρεσβυγένεια, -ας, Ion. -ίη, -ης, η, (fr. πρέσβυς old, and γίνομαι to be born) primogeniture, senio- rity, priority of birth. Πρεσβυγενης, -έος -υνς, by ?,, (fr. same) first born, eldest; old. Πρέσβυν, a. sin. of Ποίσβυ?, -εια, -υ, (perhaps fr. πέ- ρας the end, and βίος hfe) old, venerable, revered ; doting. Πρέσβυς, -υος and -εος, Att. -εως, δ, (perhaps fr. same) an old man, an elder ; an ambassador, dele- gate. Πρεσβύτας, a. pi. of πρεσβντης. Πρεσβύτατος, -η, -ov, (sup. of πρέσ- βνς) oldest, aged, very old. Πρεσβυτέρων, -ου, το, (fr. next) an assembly, council or body of elders ; the Jewish SanJiedrim ; presbytery. Πρεσβύτερος, -a, -ov, (comp. of πρέσβυς) older, senior, more an- cient, preferable, more honoura- (488) ΠΡΙ ble. Subs, an elder, presbyta senator, father ; an umbassador. Πρεσβϋτης, -ου, δ, (fr. πρέσβυς ail old man) an old or aged man. Πρεσβυτϊκος, -τ), -bv, (fr. same) old, aged; ancient, antiquated; respected. Πρεσβύτιδα and Πρεσβντιν, sin. — Πρεσβύτιδας, pi. a. of Πρεσβϋτις, -ιδος,η,Ιΐτ. πρέσβυς old) an old woman, elderly lady. Πρεσγνς, j32o1. for πρέσβνς. Πρευμενης, -έος -ους, Ό, η, (fr. πράος mild, and ευμενής benevolent) mild, kind, placid, gentle. Πρέψας, -ασα, -αν, 1 a. par. act of πρέπω. Πρηγμ" for ΠρΐΊγμα, Ion. for πράγ- μα. Πρήγματα έχειν, to have trouble. Πμηγορεων for προηγορεων. Πρηθήναι, Ion. tor πραθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass, οι πιπράσκω. Πρήθω, f. -σω, p. πέπρηκα, to set on fire, burn, inflame ; to blow up, fill, inflate, swell; to sell. Πρηκτηρ, -ηρος, b, Ion. for πρακτηρ, a. sin. πρηκτηρα. Πρημαίνω, (fr. πρήθω to inflate, and μαίνομαι to rage) to inflame with anger, blaze out, rage. Πρηνηδον, (fr. next) down, down- wards. Πρηιης, -έος -ους, b, η, prone, with the face down, falling on the face, steep, headlong. Πρηνίζω, (fr. last) to throw down headlong, precipitate, par. 1 a. pass, πρηνι-χβεις, -εΊσα, -έν. Πρήξαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Πρήξω, -εις, -ει, Ι Γ. ind. act. — Πρήξω, -ης, -n, 1 a. sub. act. of πρήσσω, Ion. for πράσσω. ΠρΤιξς, -ως, Att. -εως, ή, Ion. for πρ-ΐξις, a. sin. -ρηξιν,Ώ.ρ). πρήξεις. Πρηοαι, 1 a. int. act. — Πρ^σε, ion. for έπρησε, 3 sin. Γ a. ind. act. of πϋήθω. Πρησις, Ion. for πρασις. Πρησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. πρή- θω to inflate) α burning, infla- tion, selling, Πρησσε, pres. impr. act. of Ιίρήσσω, Ion. (οτ πράσσω. Πβήσσω, (fr. περάω to cross) tt cross or pass over. Πρηστηρ, -ηρος, δ, (fr. πρήθω to in- flame) any thing thai burns oi inflames; a scorching, burning wind ; a venomous kind of ser pent ; a part of the throat under the jaws. Ποήσω, 1 f. ind. act. of πρήθω, Πρήτην, a lamb, kid. Πρητήριον,-ου,τη,\οχ\.ϊοχπρατήρω\ Πρηύνει, Ion. for πραύνει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of πραύνω. Πρηων, -ωνος, b,(fr. προ before, and ειμί to be) the summit of a moun- tain, cliff"; a mound, heap, bank. Πρίαιτο, 3 sin. pres. opt. pass, of Πρίάμαι, (perhaps fr. περάω to pass to another) to buy, purchase, procure, earn ; to hire. Πριάμενος, par. mid. — ΠρΛσθαι, inf. pres. mid, of last, ΠΡΟ Πριαμϊδης, -ov, 5, (fr. next) the son of Priam. Πρίαμος, -ου, δ, Priam, king of Troy. Πρίάποί, Ion. Πρίηπος,-ον, b,Pria- pus, the guardian of gardens and obscenity ; the male mem- ber. Πρίατο, Ion. for επρίατο, 3 sin. impf. ind. mid. οϊπρίαμαι. Πρίζω, same as πρίω. Πρϊν, before, ere ; formerly, sooner ; before that, previously to, until. ΊΙρίνη, before that, previously to, until, more commonly written irplv ή. Πρίνινος, -η, -ov, (fr. next) of the holm, of oak, oaken ; strong, firm, stout, durable. Πρίνος, -ου, η, the holm or scarlet- oak, the oak. Πρίσας, -ασα, -αν, η. pi. πρίσαντες, par. 1 a. act. — Πρισθείί, -εΐσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass, of πρίω or πρίζω. Πρί'σκας, -ου, "δ, (fr. Lat. Priscus) Priscas, a man's name. ΠρίσκιΧΧα, -ης, ή, (fr. Lat. Pris- cilla, dim. of last) Priscilla, a woman's name. Πριστήρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. πρίω to saw) a saw. Πριστηροειδής,-ίος -ους£,η,(ΐτ. last, and εΐδος form) having the form or appearance of a saw ; toothed. ΪΙρίστης, -ου, b, (fr. πρίω to saw) α sawyer. Πριστος,-η,-ον, (fr. next) cut with a saw, sawed. Πρίω or Πρίζω, f. -<τω, p. πίπρικα, to cut with a saw, saw, cut asunder; to grind or gnash the teeth ; to bind, tie, fasten ; to buy, pur- chase. 1 a. ind. act. ίπρισα. per. ind. pass, πίπρισμαι, -σαι, -σται. 1 a. ind. pass, επρίσθην' par. πρισθείς. Πρίω, Ion. and Att. for επρίασο, 2 sin. impf. ind. mid. Gr Πρίω for πρίασο, pres. impr. mid. of πρίημι for πρίω, to buy. Πρίων, -όνος, b, (fr. πρίω to saw) a saw. Προ, before, in front of, in presence of; previous, antecedently to; for, because of, on account of; in defence of, for sake of; in pre- ference, above, beyond; forth, further, forward. Προαγαγών, par. 2 a. act Att. of ■προάγω. ΠροάγγεΧα, η. pl.neut. of ΤΙροάγγεΧος, -ου, b, η, (fr. πpb be- fore, and άγγελος a messenger) forerunning, foretelling. Subs. a forerunner, harbinger. Προάγει, -γουσι, 3 sin. and pi. pres. ind. act. — Προάγει ν, pres. inf. act. — Προάγρ, 3 sin. pres. sub. a-Ct. — ΤΙροάγοντες, -γουσαι, -γου- σας, -γούσης, cases of Προάγων, -ούσα, -ov, par. 2 a. act. of προ• ay λ. Προαγοράω, see προαγορεύω. Προαγόρευσις, -to?, Att. -εως, f,, (fr. next) a foretelling, prediction warning ; a denouncement, pr&- ΠΡΟ clamation, interdiction, outlaw- ry. Προαγορεύω, f. -εύσω, and Τίροαγ*. ράω, (fr. προ before, and αγόρευα, to harangue) to predict, foretell, forewarn ; to announce, pro- claim, publish, declare ; to testi- fy, bear witness ; to speak for, plead the cause of. Προάγω, f. -άξω, (fr. same, and άγω to lead) to lead the way, precede, go before ; to lead before, lead forward, conduct, bring out or forth; to proceed, advance, go forward ; to bring to, exalt, promote, advance; to provoke, incite, impel, instigate, urge; to seduce, prevail upon, induce ; to shed, emit, discharge ; to excel, surpass; to prefer. Προαγωγεύσης, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of Προαγω^ευω, (fr. πpb forth, and άγω to lead) to lead out ; to pros- titute. Προαγωγή, -ης, ή, (fr. same) ad- vancement, promotion, prefer- ment ; prostitution. Πρ αγωγός, -ου, b, (fr. same) α pimp, procurer. Προαγωνίζομαι, (fr. πpb before, and αγωνίζομαι to contend, th. άγων a contest) to fight before another or beforehand. Προαδικίω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. προηδίκη- κα, (fr. same, and αδίκίω to in- jure) to injure before, wrong first ; to provoke, pass. Προαδικέομαι -ουμαι. per. par. pass, προηδικη- μίνος. Προαιδίομαι, (fr. same, and αιδί μαι to revere, th. αιδώς modesty) to revere, reverence or respect a person before others. Προαιρείται, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind mid. of Προαιρίομαι -ουμαι, see προαιρίω. Προαίρεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. προαιρίω to prefer) a purpose, desig n, plan ; will, choice, desire, preference; a faction, party, sect. Προαιρετίος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) to be preferred,^, according to the verb. Προαιρετικός , -η, -bv, (fr. same) ca- pable of making a choice, deli- berating, consulting; voluntary, free. Προαιρετός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) vo- luntary, of our own choice, free ; preferable. Προαιρίω -ω, (fr. προ^ΟβίοΓβ, and α'ιρίω to take) to draw out or forth, bring out of a store. Προαι- ρίομαι -ουμαι, to take one thing before another, prefer, choose, select ; to determine, resolve, de- cide ; to design, plan. 2 a. ind. mid. προειλόμην, -ου, -ετο. per. ind. mid. προήρημαι, -σαι, -ται. Προαιρουμίνοις, d. pi. pres. par. pass. cont. of last. Προαιτιάομαι -ωμαι, f. -άσομαι, (fr. πρδ before, and αιτιάομαι to ac- cuse, th. αιτία blame) to accuse, or convict before ; to (484) ΠΡΟ prove, show, convince. 1 a. ind. mid. προητιασάμην, -ω, -ατο, in 1 pi. προητιασάμεθα. ΠροακηκουΊα, fern. per. par. mid. Att. of προακούω. Προακοντίζω, (fr. προ forward, and ακοντίζω to dart, th. άκων a dart) to hurl, fling out,' dart forth, shoot. Προακούω, f. -ούσω, p. προήκονκα, (fr. προ before, and ακούω to hear) to hear before, learn already. 1 a. ind. act. προήκουσα. per. ind. mid. προήκοα, Att. προακή- κοα, fr. which par. προακηκοώς, -κουΊα, -κοδς. Προαλης, -ίος, -ους, b, ή, (fr. next) ready, quick, bold, rash, precipi- tate, headlong, steep. ΠροάΧΧομαι, (fr. προ forward, and α,ΧΧομαι to leap) to leap forward. Προαμαρτάνω, f. -αμαρτήσω, p. -ημάρτηκα, (fr. προ before, and άμαρτάνω to err) to sin before, commit a fault previously, per. par. act. προημαρτηκώς, -υ~Ία, -ός. Προαναβαίνω, (fr.same, ανά up, and βαίνω to go) to go up before. ΠροαναΧίσκω, (fr. same, avaintens. and άΧΙσκω to take) to consume, destroy ; to waste, ruin or over- throwfirst. ΠροαναμίΧπω, f. -ψω, p. προαναμέ- μεΧφα, (fr. same, ανά again, and μίΧπω to sing) to sing before, lead in singing. Προανασείω, (fr. same, and σεάο to shake) to shake or stir up be- fore. Προανατάττω or -σσω, (fr. same, and τάττω to order) to rank be- fore, prefer, promote ; to fringe, border, trim. Προανατ/λλω, (fr. same, andrAXco to rise) to rise first or before, spring up before. Προάξω, 1 f. ind. act. of προάγω. ΠοοαπαγγίΧΧω, (fr. προ before, απί 'from, and αγγίΧΧω to bring a message) to tell before, fore- warn ; to tell openly. ΠροαπεΧθεΊν, 2 a. inf. act. of Προαπίρχο/ίαί, (fr. πpb before, aπb from, and έρχομαι to go) to go away sooner, depart, retire, re- treat, go off before another. ΠροαπηΧθον, 2 a. ind. act. of last. Προαποδείκνυμι,({ΐ. προ before, από from, and δείκνυμι to show) to show, demonstrate before. Προαποδειχθίντων, g. pi. 1 a. par. pass, of last. Προαποθνήσκω, (fr. προ before, and αποθνήσκω to die) to die untime- ly, die before another. Προαποκτείνω, f. -ενώ, (fr. same, απδ intens. and κτείνω to kill) to kill or slay before. Προαρπάζω, (fr. same, and αρπάζω to seize) to snatch, take before another. ΠροαποΧαμβάνω, (fr. same, avb from, and Χαμβάνω to take) to receive before. ΠροαπόΧΧνμι, (fr. same, and όΧΧνμι to destroy) to destroy or perish before. ΠΡΟ Ηροασκίω, f. •ήσω, (fr. »ame, and αβκίω to practise) to exercise or practise beforehand ; to instruct preparatorily. Προασπίζω, (fr. -nob before, and ασπίς a shield) to guard with a shield, protect, defend. Προάστειον, also Προαστήΐον, -ου, τό", (fr. πρό before, and άστυ the city) the suburbs. Πρυαύλιον, and Πρόαυλον, -ου, το, (fr. same, and αυλή the hall) a porch, gateway. Προαύλιον, -ου, rb, (fr. same, and αυλό? a pipe) a prelude or over- ture, performed on pipes or flutes. Πρόβα, for τροβήθι, 2 a. impr. act. of προβαίνω. Ώροβαδην, (fr. προβαίνω to go be- fore ) forward, moving on. Πρόβαινε, pres. impr. act. of Προβαίνω, f. mid. -βήσομαι, p. -βέ- βηκα, (fr. προ before, and βαίνω to go) to go forth or forward, ad- vance, proceed, march ; to go before, surpass, excel; to be in authority, have the command; to succeed, prosper, per. par act. προβεβηκώς, -υ?α, -ός,2 a.act ind. προέβην, -ης, -η ■ par. προβάς. Προβάλλω, f. -βάλω, ρ. -βεβληκα, (fr. vpb before, and βάλλω to throw) to throw, fling or cast forth or away ; to send or put forth, produce ; to propound, offer, pro- pose ; to produce, bring forward, exhibit ; to expose. Προβάλλομαι, to throw over or before, screen, cover, spread over ; to defend, protect, fortify ; to offer, present, thrust forward ; to project, jut out ; to cloak, pretend, disguise, feign ; to accuse, impeach, charge ; to hate, dislike, reject ; to canvass, court, solicit ; to be appointed, elected, or created; to interpose, oppose, put in the way or in the front, resist ; to ex- cel, surpass. 2 a. act. ind, προέβαλον' sub. προβάλω, -ης -η, 3 pi. προβάλωσι, pres. par pass, προβαλλόμενος, per. ind mid. προβέβολα. Προβάλοιτο, 3 sin. 2 a. opt. mid — Προβάλόντο, Ion. for προεβά- λοντο χ 3 pi. 2 a. ind. mid. — Προ- βαλόντων, g. pi. 2 a. par. act. — Προβάλωσι, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of last. Προβάς, -άσα, -άν, 2 a. par. act. of προβαίνω. Πρόβάσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. προ- βαίνω to go before, th. βαίνω to go) a going on, progression, ad- vance, increase ; a flock, herd, stock ; profits arising from flocks. Προβασκάνιον, -ου, το, (fr. προ be- fore, and βασκαίνω to fascinate) a charm against fascination, counter charm; a scare-crow. Προβατϊκος, -η, -bv, (fr. next) ofox belonging to sheep. Πρόβατον, -ου, το, (fr. προ before and βαίνω to go) sheep, cattle T>\. η. πρόβατα, d. προβάτοις. β. βίβηκε, 3 sin. per', ind. act. — II PO Προβεβηκώς, -via, -is, n. pi. •βη• κότες, par. per. act. of προβαίνω. Προβεβλημενος, -η, -ov, per. par. pass, of προβάλλω. Προβεβουλα, per. ind. mid. of προ- βούλομαι. Πρόβημι, obs. for which προβαίνω. Ώροβήσεται, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. mid. of προβαίνω. Προβιβάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. πpb before, and βιβάζω to make walk) to produce, bring forward, exhibit ; to incite, urge, instigate ; to ad- vertise, warn or advise before- hand ; to promote, aid, assist, serve ; to improve, advance, prosper, succeed. 1 a. ind. act. προεβίβασα, 1 a. pass. ind. προε- βιβάσθην' par. προβιβασθείς. Προβιόομαι -ουμαι, (fr. same, and βιόω to live) to live before, pre- cede. Προβλέπω, f. -ψω, p. -βεβλεφα, (fr. same, and βλέπω to look) to look forward, foresee ; to provide, guard against, beware of. 1 f. ind. mid. προβλέπομαι. 1 a. mid. ind. προεβλεψάμην, -ω, -ατο. Προβλεψάμενος, -η, •ον, 1 a. par. mid. of last. Πρόβλημα, -άτος, το, (fi -.,πρό before, and βάλλω to throw) a protec- tion, guard, shield, defence, a fortress, rampart, bulwark ; a proposition, question, problem Προβλής, -ητος, and Πρόβλητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) thrust for- ward, drawn out, exposed ; jut- ting, projecting, prominent Προβοηθεω, (fr. προ before, and βυηθεω to assist) to succour be forehand, assist or relieve first. Προβόλαιον, -ου, το, (neut. of next) and Πρόβολος, -ου, δ, (fr. προβάλλω to project) a projec- tion, eminence, promontory, rock; a rampart, bulwark, defence. Προβόλαιος, -a, -ov, and -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) stretched out, extend- ed, jutting out, prominent, ex- posed ; opposed, interposed, set up ; put forward, aimed, directed. Ποοβολί), -ης, η, (fr. same) the act of interposing, defending or aim- ing, interposition, opposition, aim, direction ; a stand, post, position, attitude of preparation for attack or defence, the pre- senting of the shield; a shot, discharge, volley ; the eaves ; a shed, projection, gallery, bal- cony ; a promontory, rock ; ι rampart, bulwark, fortification protection, defence ; a suit, ac- tion ; plea, excuse, pretence. Πρόβολος, -ου, δ, see προβόλαιον. Προβοσκϊς, -ίδος, η, (fr. προ before, and βόσκω to feed) the trunk or proboscis of an elephant. ' Πρόβοσκος; -ου, δ, (fr. same) an under shepherd, hireling. Προβονλενμα, -ατός, το, (fr. next) previous debate, consultation, the heads of a bill, outline of a statute. Προβουλενω, f. -εύσω, (fr. προ be- ΠΡΟ th. βουλή counsel) ft» deUberatt, consult or debate in the senate 6e- fore the commons consider it ; to provide for, foresee, look to, guard against ; to preside, rule. Προβοΰλομαι, p. προβεβουλα. (fr. same, and βούλομαι to will) to wish, prefer, have rather. Πρόβουλος, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a counsellor, senator; a magistrate, chief, ruler, prince. Προγάστωρ, -ορός, δ, r;, (fr. same, and γαστήρ a belly) big-bellied. Προγεγεννημένος, -η, -ov, per. par. pass, of προγεννάω. Προγεγονως, -υια, -ος, g. pi. -γονά- των, per. par. mid. of προγίνομαι. Προγεγραμμενος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of προγράφω. Προγείνω or Προδίνω, same as προγίνομαι. Προγενειος, -ου, b, (fr. ιτρό before, and γενεών a beard) having a long beard. Προγενέστερος, -a, -ov, comp. of next. Προγενης, -εος -ους, δ, η, (fr. πρδ before, and γίνομαι to be) born before, elder, older ; an ancestor, forefather. Προγεννάω, (fr. πpb before, and γεννάω to beget, th. γίνομαι to be born) to create, beget or produce before or previous. Προγενομενων, g. pi. 2 a. par. mid. — Προγενοντ , Προγένυντο, Ion. for προεγενοντο, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. mid. of προγίνομαι. Προγηράω οτΠρογηράσκω, (fr. πpb before, and γηράω or γηράσκω to grow old. th. γήρας old age) to grow old beforehand. Προγίνομαι, f. προγινήσομαι, p. προ γεγενημαι, (fr. προ before, and γίνομαι to be) to be or exist be- fore ; to precede, go before ; to be past or done before. 2 a. mid. ind. προεγενόμην par. προγενόμε- νος. per. ind. mid. προγεγοχα. Προγινώσ κοντές, n. pi. pres. par. act. of Προγινώσκω, If. mid. προγνώσομαι, p. προίγνωκα, (fr. same, and γι- νώσκω to know) to know before, foreknow ; to. predetermine, fore- ordain. 2 a. ind. act. προέγνων, -ως, -ω. per. pass. ind. προίγ- νωσμαι' par. προεγνωσμε^ρς. Πρόγνωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) foreknowledge, foresight, d. Att. cont. προγνώσει, a. πρόγνω- σιν. Προγνώστης, -ου, δ, (fr. same)/ore- knowing ; a prophet. Προγνωστικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) foreknowing, foreseeing, foretell- ing. To προγνωστικον, a prognos- tic. Προγονικός, -η, -bv, (fr. next) be- longing to progenitors, forefathers or parents. Πρόγονοι, -ων, οι, (pi. of next) an- cestors, forefathers, progenitors. Πρόγονος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. προ before, and γίνομαι to be born) born be- fore. Subs, an ancestor, fore- fore, and βουλεύω to deliberate.) father, progeni '-or ; a generation, (485) ΠΡΟ net:. Or, (fr. xpb instead, and same) a stepson. Πρόγραμμα, -ατός, rb, (fr. next) an account posted up of some- thing to be done; the subject of public debate or discussion, a bill, advertisement ; a proclama- tion, edict. Προγράφω, f. -ψω, p. προγέγραφα, (fr. προ before, and γράφω to write )to write before or afore time; to describe or paint openly ; to post up publicly ; to proscribe, outlaw, banish; to enrol. 1 a. ind. act. προέγραψα. 2 a. ind. pass. προεγράφην, -ης, -η. per. pass. προγέγραμμαι' par. προγεγραμ- μίνος, -η, -0V. ΪΙρογύμανασμα, -ατός, rb, (fr. same, and γυμνάζω to exercise, th. γυμνός naked) preparation or exercise previous to wrestling, boxing, &c. discipline training. ΧΙροδαέω, f. -δαήσω, p. -δεδάηκα, (fr. same, and δαέω to know) to know or learn beforehand. 1 f. ΠΡΟ ind. mid. προδαήσομαι. per. ind. mid. προδέδηα, and -δίδαα, -ας, -ε. 2 a. ind. pass, προεδάην inf. προδαή~ναι, Dor. -δαήμεναι. Προδεδαε, 3 sin. per. ind. mid. — Προδαήναι, Dor. Προδαήμεναι, 2 a. inf. pass, of last. Προδεδομένος,-η,-ον, par. per. pass. — Ποοδεδωκέναι, inf. — Προδεδω- κώς, -via, -δς, par. per. act. of προδίδωμι. Προδείελος, -ov, b, η, (fr. προ before and δείλη evening) before even- ing, afternoon. Προδέκτωρ, -ορός, b, (fr. same, and δέχομαι to receive) aproiector guardian, patron. ΤΙροδηλέομαι, (fr. same, and δηλέω to hurt) to injure beforehand, bring on ruin, undo, destroy. Πρόδηλος, -ov, b, f/, (fr. προ intens. and δήλος manifest) obvious, ma- nifest, evident, very clear. Προδήλως, (fr. last) very clearly, evidently, manifestly. Προυιαβάλλω, (fr. προ before, and διαβάλλω to accuse, th. βάλλω to throw) to accuse, calumniate before. Τίροδιαίτησις,-ιος, Ait. -εως, ^, (fr. same, and δίαιτα diet) previous regimen, preparatory diet, train- ing. Τίροδιδάσκω, f. -ζω, (ft. same, and διδάσκω to teach) to instruct previously, inform, forewarn ; to teach. IIpo<$i<5oi)?,-orffa,-di>,pres.par.act. — Προδιδονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act.of Προδ'ϊδωμι, f. -δώσω, p. ζροδέδωκα, (fr. irpb before, and δίδωμι to give) to give befoie another or first, lend ; to give or deliver up, abandon, forsake, betray, disap- point ; to fail, sink under, faint. 1 a. ind. act. ποοέδωκα. 2 a. ind. act. προίοων, ως, -ω. Προδικαστής,-ον, Ό, (fr. προ before or instead of, and δικαστής a judge, th. δίκη judgment) who judge: Προδίωξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, >% (fr. rrpb before, and διώκω to pursue) pursuit. Προδοκάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. προ before, and δοκάζω to observe) to ob- serve, watch; to expect, hope, wail for ; to lie in wait, way- lay. Προδοκή, -ής, 7% fr. last) a place to watch or lie in wait, ambush, snare, decoy, trap, toils. Πράδομος, -ov, b, (fr. προ before, and δόμος a house) a vestibule, porch. Προδοσία, -ας, ^, (fr. προδίδωμι to give up, th. δίδωμι to give) treachery, treason, perfidy. "Προδότης, -ου, ί, (fr. same) a be- trayer, traitor, deserter. Προδοτικώς, (fr. same) treacherous ly, perfidiously. Προδοΐ<ναι,2 a. inf. act. of προδίδωμι Προδραμέω-ω, f. -ήσω, p. προδεδρά- μηκα, (fr. προ before, and δρέμω to run) to run before; to outrun, outstrip. Τίροδραμών, -ούσα, -bv, par. 2 a. act. of Προδρέμω, same as προδραμέω or προτρέχω. Πρόδρομος, -ου, b,f/,(fr. same) run- ning before, preceding, former ; speedy, hasty ; forward, early, ripe. Subs, a scout, advanced guard, skirmisher; an outrider, courier; a lictor, attendant; a herald ; a forerunner, harbinger. Προδνντος, or rather Προ δύντος, g. sin. par. 2 a. act. of δυμι. Προεβίβασαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of προβιβάζω. Προέγκειμαι, (fr. προ before, εν in, and κείμαι to lie) to lie down be- fore, be stretched before. Προίγνω, 3 sin. of προίγνων, -ως, -ω, 2 a. ind. act. — Προεγνωσ- μένος, -η, -ov, per. par. pass, of προγινώσκω. Προεγραώην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. pass. — Προέγραψα, 1 a. ind. act. of προγράφω. Προίδραμον, 2 a. ind. act. of προ- τρέχω. Προεδρεύω, f. -ενσω, (fr. πρόεδρος a president) to preside, be over, act as president. Προεδρία, -ας, Ion. -ρίη, -ης, >'/, (fr next) the first seat ; precedence pre-eminence. Πρόεδρος, -ου, b, (fr. προ before, and έδρα a seat) the name of the five select senators at Athens ; sit- ting in front, foremost ; a presi- dent, chairman, speaker. Προίδωκα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. irreg. of προδίδωμι. Προέηκε, Att. for προήκε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of προ'ιημι. Προεθέμην, -εσο or -ov, -ετο, 2 a. ind. mid. of προτ'ώηιχι. Προειδέναι, Sync, for προειδηκέναι, per. inf. ac of Προειδέω or Πρι,είδημι, (fr. προ be- fore, and ειδέο, or είδημι to know) to perceive or know beforehand, foresee. beforehand, or instead or another, Ποοείδω. f. mid.-i£ao//tohope th. ελπις hope) to hopebefa ΠΡΟ Others, hope early or from the first. Προεμαντεύου, 2 sin. impf. ind. pass, of προμαντεύομαι. Προέμεν, Dor. or Ion. for προείναι, 2 a. inf. act. of τ,ροίημι. Προεμπίπτω, (fr. προ before, εν in, and πίπτω to fall) to fall toge- ther, meet, coincide, close or join together. Προενάρχομαι, 1 f. -ξομαι, (fr.same, and άρχω to begin, th. αρχή the beginning) to begin before, com- mence already. 1 a. ind. mid. προενηρζάμην, -ω, -ατο. Προενεγκείν, inf. act. — Προενεγ- κων, par. 2 a. act. of προφέρω. Προενέχομαι, (fr. vpb before, εν in, and έχω to hold) to be held or confined in, be entangled or in- volved. Προενήρξατο, 3 sin. -ήρξασβί, 2 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. of προενάρχομαι. Προεξαΐσσω,((Ύ. προ before, c^from, and αισσω to rush) to rush out forth. Προεζανίστάμαι, (fr. same, and Ίστημι to stand) to stand up be- fore others, rise or stqrt up too soon or prematurely. Προεξέδρα, -ας, >), (fr. same, and 'έδρα a seat) a conspicuous seat. Προευρτάζω, (fr. προ before, and εορτάζω to celebrate) to celebrate a feast before. Προ επαγγέλλομαι, (fr. same, επϊ upon, and αγγέλλω to tell) to promise or announce beforehand or formerly. ΐΐροέπεμπον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of προπέμπω. Ππυεπηγγειλάμην, -co, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. οι προ ε π αγγέλλω. ΙΙροεπιλαμβάνω, f. -λήψομαι, ρ. προεπιλέληφα, Att. προεπείληφα, (fr. 7rpo before, επί unto, and λαμ- βάνω to take) to take before in addition, get beside, receive as a right or privilege, occupy more- over, per. ind. act. Att. 3 pi. by Cras. προυπειλήφασι. Προέπω, (fr. προ before, and έπω to speak) to speak or tell before ; to foretell, predict; to give notice, warn. Προερέω -ω, (fr. same, and ερέω to tell) to tell, describe or mention before or already, speak or de- clare before, foretell, predict. Ώροέρνσσε,Ιοη. and Poet, for προεί- ρυσε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Προερύσσω, Poet, for προερύσω, 1 a. sub. act. of Ηροερύω, (fr. προ before, and ερύω to draw) to draw forward, draw down, haul, launch. Προέρχομαι, f. προελεύσομαι, (fr. trpb before, and έρχομαι to go) to go or come forward, advance, proceed ; to go out, go abroad ; to go before, precede, arrive first, outstrip, impf. ind. προερχόμην, -ου, -ετο. 2 a. act. ind. προηλθον, -ες, -ε' sub. προέλθω, -ης, -;;* par. προελθών, -ούσα, -όν. Πράες, -έτω, 2 a. impr. act Πρό- sffav, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. — Προ-, eat ίημι ΠΡΟ 2 a. inf. mid. ot προ- Προεσαγω, (fr. irpb before, εις into, and άγω to lead) to import first. 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. Προεσήζαντο, Ion. Προεσάξαντο. Προεσταναι, pres. inf. act. οΐπροέσ- τημι for προιστημι. Πψοεστέάτε. Ion. Sync, for προεστή- κατε, 2 pi. per. ind. act. and Προεστώς, η. pi. ΙΙροεστώτες, Att. Sync, for προεστηκως, per. par. act. οΐπροίστημι. Πρόεσχον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. of προ- Προετοιμάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. προ be- fore, and ετοιμάζω to make rea- dy, th. 'έτοιμος ready) to make ready beforehand, prepare. 1 a. ind. act. προετοίμασα. Προευαγγελίξομαι, <:(fr. same, εν well, and αγγέλλω to bring tid- ings) to preach the gospel before ; to bring good news ; to promise before or previously. Προευηγγελισάηην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a, ind. mid. of last. Προεφήτευον, -ες, -ε, impf. ind. act — Προεφήτενσα,-ας,-ε or -εν, pi. -σαμεν, -σαν, 1 a. ind. act. of προφητεύω. Προέφθασα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of προφανω. Προεχειρ'ισατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of προχειρίζω. Προεχόμεθα, 1 pi. pres. ind. mid. of Προέχω, -ας, -ει, 3 pi. προέχονσι, f. προέξω, (fr. προ before, and έχω to have) to hold or have be- fore ; to hold out, thrust out, throw in the way, oppose ; to drive for- ward ; to pretend, feign ; to of- fer, propose ; to have the advan- tage, surpass, excel, be eminent or superior; to be lofty, tall or higL• Προεχώρησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of προχωρέω. Προεωρακότες, η. pi. par. per. act. Att. of προοράω. Προήγάγον,-ες,-ε,&ηάΠροηγαγΰμην, -ου, -ετο, Att. redupl. for Προ- ηγον, -ες, -ε or -εν, act. and -ρο- ηγόμην, 2 a. ind. mid. οΐπροάγω. Προηγέομαι -ουμαι, f. προηγήσομαι, ρ. προήγημαι, (fr. προ before, and ηγέομαι to lead) to go before, lead on, precede,be the chief; to pre- fer. Προηγορεών, -ωνος, b, craw, crop or maw in birds ; the throat. Προήγορος, -ου, b, (fr. πpb before, and ηγορεύω to harangue, th. - αγορά the market) one who speaks before or first ; a mover, pleader, patron. Προηγούμενος, -η, -ov, (pres. par. mid. cont. of προ7]γέομαι) ante- cedent, previous ; principal, lead- ing, chief, primary; foremost, highest. Προηγουμένως, (fr. last) from the\ preceding, chiefly, principally ; willingly, professedly. Προηδυνθέντας, a. pi. 1 a. par. ΠΡΟ Προηδϋνω, (fr. πpb before, and ηού* νω to rejoice, th. ηδύς sweet) to delight Jirst or at first. Προήειν, -εις, -ει, pper. ind. mid. of πρόειμι, to proceed. Προηκαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. — Προηκατο, 3 sin. I a. ind. mid. of προ ίημι. Προηκούσατε, 2 pi. 1 a ind. act. of προακούω. Προήκω, (fr. vpb before, and ηκω to come) to precede, go before; to proceed, come or go forth, ad- vance, go on ; to exce 1 ?, surpass. Προηλθον, -ες, -ε, Sync, for προή- λυθον,'ΪΆ. ind. act. οΐπροέρχομαι. ΠροηλπΊκύτας, a. pi. mas. of Προηλ- πικώς, -νΐα, -ος, par. per. act. of προελπίζω. Προημαρ, (fr. προ before, and ημέρα a day) before day ; during day, in daytime. Πρεημαρτηκόσι, d. -τηκότων, g. pi. of Πρυημαρτηκως, -υία, -ος, par. per. act. οϊπροαμαρτάνω. Πρόην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. act. of προίημι. Προήνεγκα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of προφέρω. Προηρειτο, 3 sin. cont. impf. pass. of προαιρέω. Προηρόσιος, -a, -ov, (fr. πpb before, and αρόω to plough) before ploughing. Προηρχόμην, -ου, -ετο, impf. rnid. of προέρχομαι. Προησκησάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. c-f προασκέω. Προήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. of προ ίημι. Προητιασάμην, -ω, -ατο, in 1 pi. -άμεθα, 1 a. ind. mid. of προαι- τιάομαι. Προητοίμασεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of προετοιμάζω. Προήχθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. of προάγω. pass, of (497) Προθέλυμνα, (fr. next) by the roots; utterly, totally, entirely, quite. Προθέλυμνος, -ου, h, η, (fr. προ in- tens. and $ίλυμνον, same as -θί- μήλον foundation, th. $έω to place) plucked by the roots, root- ed up, extirpated, subverted, over- thrown ; upon each other, heaped, flung together. Προθέντα, a. sin. of προθείς, -είσα, -εν, 2 a. par. act. of προτίθημι. Προθέονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of προθέω. Προθερίζω, (fr. προ before, and -S-i- ρίζω to reap, fr. $έρος a crop) to reap or gather before. Πρόθεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως,ί/, (fr. προ- τίθημι to propose, th. τ'ιθημ. to put)a setting before, show, exhibi- tion ; predetermination, purpose, resolution ; a proposition, plan. Προθεσμία, -ας, rj, (fern, of next, viz. wpa time) appointed time or day. Προθέσμιος, -a, -ov, (fr. προτίθημι to propose) before appointed, de- termined formerly, constituted be- fore. ■ Προθέω, same as προτίθημι. Προθέω, (fr. προ beforo, and #tw to 1IPO run) 1σομαι, -η, -εται. Προθυμία, -ας, η, (fr. next) readi- ness, promptnesss, willingness, alacrity. Πρόθυμος, -ου, δ, (fr. προ before, and §υμυς the mind) alert, ready, for- ward, eager, desirous, willing. Προθύμως, (fr. last) willingly cheer- fully, readily. Πρόθϋρον,-ου,το,(&. προ before, and θύρα a gate) a porch, vestibule. Προϊάλλω, (fr. same, and ιάλλω to ' send) to send on or before, de- spatch. 1 a. ind. act. προίηλα, -ας, -ε. Προϊάπτω^, f. -ψω, (fr. same, and ιάπτω to send) to send prema- turely ; to send before or far ; to dismiss, drive away or down, cause to descend. 1 a. act. ind. προϊα-ψα, -ας, -ε' inf. προΐαψαι. Προΐαψε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of last. Προϊδέΐν, 2 a. inf. act — Προϊδέσθαι, 2 a. inf. mid. — Προϊδών, -ούσα, -bv, 2 a. par. act. of προείδω. Προΐει, cont. for προίεε, impf. ind. act. of προΐέω, same as προίημι. Προίεμαι, pres. ind. mid. of προίημι. Προϊίμεν, Ion. and Προϊέμεναι,Ώοτ. for προϊίναι, pres. inf. act. — Προϊψενος, par. pres. pass. — Προίεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. mid. — Προϊίναι, pres. inf. act. of προίημι. Προϊέω -ω, same as προίημι. Προίζεσθαι, pres. inf. of Προίξομαι, (fr. προ before, and to set down) to sit down before others ; to take the command, rule Προίξομαι, see προΐσσω. Προίηλε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of προϊάλλω. Προίημι, (fr. προ before, and ΐημι to send) to send before or forward ; to send forth, send upon, com- mission ; to despatch, dismiss, send away, discharge, let go; to utter, say, divulge; to let slip, omit, pass by or over, leave out ; to yield or give up to, permit, alow; to neglect, slight, disre- good; to throw, fling or cast away, reject; to waste, squan- der, lavish ; to expose, abandon, forsake. 2 a. impr. act. πράες, -ίτω. 2 a. ind. mid. προείμην. impr. προέσο' opt. προοίμην inf. προέσθαι. Προίημι, (fr. same, and ίημι to go) ΠΡΟ to proceed, advance. 2 a. ind. act. πρόην, -ης, -η. Προίητι, Dor. for τιροίησι, 3 sin. pres. ind. of προίημι,Ιο send away. ΠροΊκα, (fr. προΐξ a gift) for no- thing, gratis, gratuitously. Προϊκνέομαι, (fr. πpb before, and ϊκνέομαι to come) to come before, arrive. Προίκτης, -ου, δ. (fr. next, or fr. πpb before, and ικέτης suppliant) α beggar, mendicant, suppliant. Προϊξ, and Προϊξ, -κος, fj, (perhaps fr. προ before, and 'ίκω to come) a gift ; a portion, fortune. Προίζεσθαι, 1 f. inf. mid. of προϊκ- νέομαι. Προϊππεύω, (fr. πρδ before, and ιπ- πεύω to ride, th. 'ίππος a hcfrse) to ride before or in the front. Προίσσω, (fr. προίκα gratis, th. προϊζ a gift) to bestow. Προίσσο- μαι, and also Προίζομαι, to re- ceive freely, get gratis ; to ask alms, beg. Προϊστάμενος, -η, -ov, par. — Προίσ- τασθαι, inf. pres. mid of Προίστημι, f. προστήσω, p. προέστη- κα, (fr. πρδ before, and 'ίστημι to stand) to prefer, choose; to set up, place before or in front ; to stand at, by or over ; to suppli- cate, entreat. Προίσταμαι, to set forth, offer, propose ; to cloak, cover, disguise, pretend, feign, excuse ; to appoint, set over, charge, give authority ; to prosti- tute, expose; to manage, con- duct, carry on, attend to. In 2 a. and per. act. and in pass. to excel, surpass ; to preside, rule, govern ; to defend, guard, protect, maintain; to execute, discharge, fill an office. Προίσχω, and Προίσχομαι, (fr. same, and Ίσχω to hold) to stretch forth or out, extend, pre- sent ; to offer, propose ; to pre- tend, feign. Προίωξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f/, (fr. πpb before, and ιωη a shout) pursuit. Πρόκα, (perhaps fr. same, and ωκυς swift) quickly, suddenly, imme- diately, directly. Προκαθεστηκώς,- -υϊα, -ος, par. per. act. οι προ καθ ίστημι. Προκαθηγέομαι -ουμαι, f. -ήσομαι, ρ. προκαθήγημαι, (fr. πρδ before, and ηγέομαι to lead) to lead the way, conduct, go before, guide; to take the lead, direct, rule. Προκάθημαι, (fr. same, and κάθημαι to sit down) to sit before, preside, rule over ; to protect defend. impf. ind. mid. προεκαθημην. Προκαθίζω, (fr. same, and καθίζω to sit down) to sit down, alight, settle ; to preside, protect, de- fend. Προκαθίστημι, (fr. same, κατά ac- cording, and Ίστημι to set) to appoint over, set before. Προκάλέομαι, (fr. same, and καλέω to call) to call out or forth, chal- lenge, provoke, irritate ; to insti- gate, exhort, encourage ; to sum- mon, invite. (488) ΠΡΟ Προκαλίζετο, Ion. for προεκαλίζετο, 3 sin. impf. of Προκαλίζομαι, (fr. πρδ before, and καλέω to call) to call out, chal- lenge, provoke, irritate. Προκαλούμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. cont. of προκάλέομαι. Προκάμνω, (fr. πρδ before, and κάμ- νω to labour) to labour or weary beforehand; to toil for another. 2 a. par. act. προκάμών. Προκάρηνος, -ου, h, η, (fr. same, and κάρηνον the head) head-foremost, headlong, precipitous. Προκαταγγείλαντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. act. of ΠροκαταγγέΧλω, f. -ελω, p. προκα- τήγγελκα, (fr. πρδ before, κατά according, and αγγέλλω to bring a message) to declare or speak beforehand, or formerly ; to have announced. 1 a. ind. act. προ- κατήγγειλα. per. par. pass, προ- κατηγγελμένος. Προκατάγομαι, (fr. πρδ before, and κατάγω to arrive, th. άγω to lead) to make the port or arrive before. 1 f. ind. pass. προκαταχθήσομαι. Προκατακλίνομαι, (fr. πρδ before, κατά down, and κλίνω to recline) to recline or sit down before, be seated above. Προκαταλάβείν, 2 a. inf. act. of Προκαταλαμβάνω, («fr. πρδ before, κατά intens. and λαμβάνω to take) to lay hold on, get or seize before, preoccupy ; to anticipate prevent. Προκαταλΰω, (fr. same, and λύω tc dissolve) to overturn, dissolve oi abolish before; to stop, put an end to, end, prematurely. Προκαταρκτί^ς, -η, -bv, (fr. same,, and αρχή the beginning) pri- mary, first, principal, chief; pre- ceding, previous. Προκαταρτίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. same, and αρτίζω to perfect, th. άρτιος entire) to prepare, make ready or complete beforehand. 1 a. ind. act. προκατήρτισα' sub. προκα- ταρτίσω. Προκαταρτίσωσι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of last. Προκατασκευάζω, (fr. same, and σκευάζω to prepare, th^ σκευή furniture) to prepare, furnish, provide. ΠροκατασκιρΙ>6ομαι, (fr. same, and σκιρρόω to grow callous, th. σκίρρος a hard sore) to grow hard before, become inveterate. Προκατειλημμένη, η. fern. per. par. pass. Att. οι προκαταλαμβάνω. Προκατέρχομαι, (fr. πρδ before, κα- τά down, and έρχομαι to go) to go down or descend before; to go before, precede ; to come before. Προ κατήγγειλα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -ήγ- γείλαν, 1 a. ind. act. — Προ- κατήγγελκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — Προκατηγγελμίνος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of προκαταγ- γέλλω. Προκατήμενος, Ion. for προκαθήμε- νος, pres. par. mid. οϊνροκάθη•> μαι. ΠΡΟ Προκατίζειν, Ion. for προκαθίζειν, pres. inf. act. of προκαθίζω. Προκατόττομαι, (fr. προ before, κα- τά intens. and άπτομαι to see) te go before in order to explore, send to reconnoitre. 1 f. par. mid. ■κροκατοψόμενος. Πρόκειμαι,-σαι,-ται, 1 f• πρακείσο- uai, (fr. προ before, and κείμαι to lie) to lie,' be placed or net before, be proposed or offered to, be set forth or displayed ; to be laid or stretched out; to be present, at hand ; to project, jut out, hang over ; to guard, protect, be op- posed or set against ; to lie out, be exposed or abandoned ; to be situated or lie, be at or near. pres. inf. mid. προκ-είσθαι. ΤΙροκείμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres". mid. — Πρόκειται, -κείνται, 3 sin. and pi. pres. ind. mid. of last. Πρυκεκηρυγμίνος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of -προκηρύσσω. Ώροκεκνρω μένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of προκνρόω. ΙΙροκενύω -ώ, (fr. προ before, and κενόω to empty, th. κενός empty) to empty, drain or exhaust be- fore ; to excavate, hollow. Προκεχειροτονημένος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of ποοκειροτονέω. Προκηρνξαντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. act. of Προκηρύσσω, and Att. -ττω, f. -ζω, p. προκεκήρϋχα, (fr. προ before, and κηρύσσω to proclaim, th. κή- ρυζ a crier) to announce, pro- claim or publish beforehand ; to preach or declare before ; to warn, predict, foretell, foreshow. 1 a. ind. act. προεκήρνζα. per. ind. pass, προκεκήρνγμαι. Προκινδϋνεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same, 'and κινδυνεύω to venture, th. κίνδυνος danger) to be foremost in fight, encounter danger, face the foe; to expose, risk or venture . for ; to protect, guard, maintain. Προκλέης, -έεος -έους, b, Procles, a man's name. Προκληθείς, -εΊσα, -εν, 1 a. par. pass, of προκαλέομαι. ΙΙρόκλησις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, η, (fr. same) provocation, challenge, de- fiance ; a summons, citation ; se- curity, hail ; a condition, terms. Προκλυτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. προ before, and κλύω to hear) heard of, cele- brated, known ; of old, ancient, former „ Προκοπή, -ης, η, (fr. next) progress, proficiency, improvement ; suc- cess ; profit, advantage, increase, addition; promotion; income, revenue. Προκόντω, f. -ψω, p. προκέκοφα,{ΐν. προ" forward, and κόπτω to cut) to make way, gel forward, pro- ceed, advance ; to improve, grow belter, amend ; to succeed, pros- per, impf. act• ποοέκο-τον. 1 a. ind. act. προέκο-φα. per. ind, mid. προκέκοπα. Προκόψουσι, or -σιν, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of last. Πρόκρίμα, -ατός, τδ, (fr. next) pre- 3Q ΠΡΟ ference, election, choice ; preju- dice, prepossession . Προκρίνω, (fr. προ before, and κρίνω to judge) to prefer, judge better, think superior ; to select, choose ; to prejudge, determine before- hand ; to judge openly. Προ- κρίνομαι, to excel, surpass, ex- ceed. ΠρόκρΥσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) preference, choice ; preju- dice, prepossession. Πρόκροσσος, -η, -ov, (fr. προ for, and κροσσός a fringe, or κροσσοί a staircase) in regular succession, one after another, in front of each other ; said of ships formed in line ahead. Προκύπτω, (fr. προ forward, and κύπτω to bend) to stoop, bend or lean forward ; to come out in a stooping posture, creep out ; to burst forth. Προκϋρόω, f. -ώσω, p. προκεκύρωκα, (fr. προ before, and κυρόω to ra- tify, th. κύρος authority) to con- firm, sanction or ratify before. per. par. pass, προκεκυρωμίνος, -η, -ov. Προκνων, -όνος, b, (fr. προ before, and κύων the dog) Lat. Pro- cyon, name of a star which rises before the Dog star ; a hound. Προκώμιον, -ov, rb, (fr. same, and κώμος a song) a prelude, sym- phony. Πρόκωιτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and κόπτω to cut) foremost : ready, prepared. Subs.' a foremost rower, any rower. Προλάλέω, (fr. same, and λαλέω to talk) to talk, prate, chatter. Προλαμβάνω, f. mid. προλήφομαι, p. προλέληφα, Att. προείληφα,{ϊΐ. same, and λαμβάιπχ) to take) to take, get or seize before another ; to do any thing beforehand, an- ticipate ; to overtake, surprise, prevent. 2 a. ind. act. προέλά- βον, -ες, -ε. Προλέγω, (fr. same, and λέγω to speak or choose) to tell before- hand, forewarn, predict, fore- tell ; to publish, proclaim ; to choose beforehand. 2 a. ind. act. προέλεγον. Προλείπω, f. -ψω, (fr. προ before, and λείπω to leave) to leave, abandon, forsake ; to fail, faint. 2 a. ind. act. προέΧίπον, 2 a. ind. mid. προελιπόμην. per. ind. mid. προλέλοιπα. Προλελεγ μένος, -η, -ov, per. par. pass, of προλέγω. Προλελοιπότες, η. pi. par. per. mid. of προλείπω. Προλεσχηνενω, (fr. πρό" before, and λεσχιηνεύω to talk) to talk, chat or converse before. Προλήνιον, -ov, το, (fr. προ before, and ληνός a wine press) a wine press ; cavity or vat to receive the wine from the press. Προληφθώ, -ης, -η, 1 a. sub. pass, of προλαμβάνω. Πρόλ.ηύ,ις, -ιος, Atr. -vjjc, ή (fr. ΠΡΟ προ before, and λαμβάνω to take) anticipation, preconceived opi- nion, supposition, presumption ; a taking or seizing beforehand ; Proltpsis, a figure in oratory. Προλιπόνθ' and Προλιπόντ' for προ- λιπόντα, a. sin. or neut. pi. Or for προλιπόντε, η. dual, of ΠρολΥπών, -οϋσα, -ov, 2 a. par. act. of προλείπω. Πρόλοβος, -ov, b, (fr. προ before, and λαμβάνω to take) the craw or first stomach of birds. Πρόλογος, -ov, b, a man's name. Προμάθεια, -ας, a, Dor. for προμή* θεια. Προμαθείν, 2 a. inf. act. οΐπρομαν- θάνω. Προμάθεύς, Dor. for Προμηθεύς. Πρόμαλος, -ου, η, (fr. προ intens. and μαλός for αμαλος soft) the agnus castus or tamarisk. Προμανθάνω, (fr. same, and μαν- θάνω to learn) to learn before. 2 a; ind. act. ιτροέμαθον. Προμαντεύομαι, fr. same, and μαν- τεύομαι, which see. impf. mid. προεμαντευόμην, -ov, -ετυ. Προμαρτύρομαι, f. -ουμαι, (fr. same, and μαρτύρομαι to testify, th. μάρτνρ a witness) to witness beforehand, declare, denounce, warn. par. pres. mid. προμαρ- τυρόμενος, -η, -ov. 1 a. ind. mid. προεμαρτυράμην, -ω, -ατο. Προμάτωρ, -ορός, ή, (fr. same, and μήτηρ a mother) a grandmother, female ancestor. Προμαχέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. προμεμά- χηκα, (fr. same, and μάχη a battle) _ to fight for, contend, maintain, defend, support. Προμάχεών, -ώνος, b, Ion. for προ- μαχών. Ώρομαχίξω, f. -Ίσω, same as πρό- μαχο μαι. Προμάχοις, and Ion. προμάχοισι, d. pi. οί πρόμαχος. Προμάχομαι, f. -ήσομαι, (fr. πρό" before, and μάχομαι to fight) to fight before or in front ; to fight for, defend, maintain. Πρόμαχος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) in front of the battle, foremost, who fights in front, of the first line, an advanced guard ; a cham- pion, warrior. Προμάχων, g. pi. of last, also Προμαχών, -ώνος, b, (fr. προ before, and μάχομαι to fight) a defence, fortification, bidwark, fortress. Προμελετάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. προμε- μελέτηκα, (fr. same, and /ίελεΓαω to mind, th. μελεί it concerns) to premeditate, think, determine or arrange beforehand, forecast ; to practise, play a prelude or flourish of music, pres. inf. act. προμελετάειν -αν. 1 a. ind. act. προεμελέτησα. Προμεριμνάτε, 2 pi. cont. pres. impr. act, of Προμεριμνάω -ω, t. -ήσω, p. προμς- μερίμνηκα, (fr. πρό" before, and μέριμνα anxiety) to apprehend^ be apprehensive, be anxious of solicitous beforehand. ΠΡΟ Πρόμετρος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and μέτρον measure) tall, lofty, high, Προμετωπίδων, -ου, το, (fr. same, and ~μέτωπον the forehead) an ornament or defence for the forehead of a horse ; a frontal or frontlet ; skin of the forehead. "Προμήθεια, and -θία, -ας, and Ion. ΤΙρομηθείη and -θίη, -ης, η, (fr. πομηθης provident) foresight, forecast ; carefulness, viariness, circumspection, precaution ; pru- dence, discretion, wisdom ; pro- vidnire, guardianship ; care, anxiety ; regard, esteem, consi- deration, respect. ΠρομηΟέομ/ιι -ουμαι, (fr. same) to provide for, take care of, regard, mind. Προμηθεύς, -έος, Att. -έως, b, Pro- metheus, a man's name. Προμηθής, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. προ before, and μήδυς care) provi- dent, careful, prudent, wise, cautious, circumspect. Προμηνύω, f. -ύσω, p. προμεμήνυκα, (fr. same, and μηνύω to signify) to signify beforehand, show,' de- clare, divulge or disclose before. Προμιγηναι, 2 a. inf. pass, of Προμίγνϋμι, (fir. προ before, and μίγνυμι to mix) to mix with, in- trigue or he concerned with be- fore. Προμινήστρια, 'ας, η, (fr. προ for, and μνάομαι to woo) courting for another, matchmaker, pro- curer. ΐΐρομολέω -ω, (fr. προ before, and μολεω to go) to go forth, pro- ceed. ΪΙρομολή, -ης, η, (fr. same) a vesti- bule, porch. Πρόμος,-ου, b, > f /, cont. for πρόμαχος. Προναυμάχέω -w,(fr. προ in defence of, ναϋς a ship, and μάχομαι to fight) to fight for at sea. Πρόνάον, -ου, το, Inn. προνή'ίον, (fr. προ before, and ναός a temple) porch of the temple. Προνέμω, or Προσνέμω, (fr. προ for- ward, and νέμω to pasture) to distribute, give, bestow ; to go forward as in grazing, advance, proceed. ΐΐοονοεϊ, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of Προνοέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. προνενόηκα, and -έομαι -ουμαι, (fr. προ be- fore, and νοέω to think) to see, know or perceive beforehand ; to provide, take thought or care for beforehand ; to study, mind, regard, pres. inf. act. προνοεΧν. pres. inf. pass, προνοέεσθαι -έΐσ- θαι. Προνοή, -ης, η, a woman's name. Προνοήσας, -ασα, -αν, 1 a. par. act. of προνοέω* Προνοητικός, -r„ -ov,- (fr. προνοέω to provide) provident, careful, thoughtful. Πρόνοια, -ας, Ion. -Ιη, -ης, η, (fr. SB.ma) foresight, providence, care, ihoughtfulness ; prudence, dis- cretion, wisdom. Προνο»ι Λ ω, f. -εΰσ&', (fr. next) to ΠΡΟ go out for forage, plunder, take booty, lead away captive. Προνομή, -ης, η, (fr. προ" before, and νέμω to pasture) forage; plun- dering, ravaging; booty, plun- der ; captivity. Προνοούμενος, par. pres. mid. cont. — Προνοούσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. cont. — Προνοουντος, g. sin. pres. par. act. cont. of προνοέο). ΐΐρονουμηνία, -ας, η, (fr. προ be- fore, νέος new, and μήνη the moon) the day before the new moon. Προνώπιον, -ου, το, (fr. same, and ώψ the face) the entrance, porch, vestibule. Προννξ, Poet, for προ νυκτύς, before night. Προξ, προκος, b or η , a fawn ; a doe, hind, roe. Προξειέω-ω,{ΐν. πρόξενος a stranger) to be a public guest ; to enter- tain or be entertained at the pub- lic expense or in the name of the state ; to procure, provide, fur- nish ; to interfere, arbitrate, set- tle or arrange accounts, interest or other disputed matters. Προξενητής, -ου, -b, (fr. same) apub- lic entertainer, an officer to lodge ambassadors, &c. ; a purveyor ; a broker, scrivener-, drawer of contracts ; an accountant, who calculates interest, &c. an um- pire, referee ; a manager, con- ductor, matchmaker. Προξενιά, -ας, η, (fr. same) hospi- tality, public entertainment, re- ception of ambassadors, &c. ; agency, interference, manage- ment, brokerage. Πρόξενος, -ου, b, η, (fr. προ intens. and ξένος a guest) a public en- tertainer, who receives ambassa- dors, &c. ; a foreign minister so entertained, public guest ; a con- sul, agent ; a broker, manager, matchmaker ; a friend, compa- nion, acquaintance. Προοδεύω, (fr. ποδ before, and δίευω to travel, th. οδός the road) to go on, travel or pass before. Προοδηγος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, bδbς the road, and άγω to lead) a leader, guide, conductor, escort. Προοδοιπορέω -ω, (fr. same, and πόρος a passage, th. πείρω to pass through) to clear the viay be- fore. Προοδοποιέω -ω, (fr. same, andffoiiw to make) to prepare the road, go before, make way ; to open, clear, make ready ; to cause., ef- fect, bring about ; to set an ex- ample, be a pattern. Πρόοδος, -ου, η, (fr. same) agoing, marching, progress. Adj. -ου, b, >/, a person sent forward, scout. Πρυυιμιαση, 2 sin. 1 f. mid. of Προοιμιάζω or -άζομαι, Att. Φροι- μιάζω, (fr. next) to make a pre- amble ; preface, premise. Προοίμιον, Att. φροίμίον, -ου, το, (fr. προ before, and οίμη a path) an opening, preface, preamble, in- (490) ΠΡΟ troduction ; a prelude, overture / an authoritative speech, proverb, adage, wise saying ; a promise, profession. Προοίμην, -οΊο, -οιτο, 2 a. opt. mid. of προιημι. Προοπτέος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) to be foreseen. Προόπτομαι, (fr. πpb before, and άπτομαι to see) to foresee. Πρόοπτος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. last) fore- seen ; clear, evident, manifest. Προοράω -ω, (fr. προ before, and bpάω to see) to see before, fore- see ; to provide for. per. act. Att. προεώρακα, par. προεωρακώς, -υΊα, -ός. impf. mid. προωραό' μην -ώμην. Προορίζω, f. -'ϊσω, ρ. προώρικα, (fr. same, and" bρίζω to determine, th. bpbς a boundary) to decree or ordain beforehand, foreordain, appoint, determine. 1 a. act. ind. προώρισα. Πριυρίσας, -ασα, -αν, act. — Προο- ρισθείς, -εΊσα, -εν, η. ρΐ. -θέντες, pass. 1 a. par. of last. Πράου, for πρόεσο πράεο πράου, 2 a. impr. mid. οΐπροϊημι. Προοφειλόμενος, -η, -ov, pres. par. pass, of Προοφείλω, (fr. προ before, and οφείλω to owe) to owe before ; to bring in debt, cause to owe ; to injure, wrong. Προπαθόντες, η. pi. par. 2 a. act. of προπάσχω. Πρόζαν, neut. of πρόπας. Προπάππος, -ου, δ, (fr. προ before, and πάππος a grandfather) α great grandfather, forefather, ancestor. Προπάροιθε, (fr. same, and πάροιθεν in front) before, forwards, in front of; conspicuously. Πρόπας, -ασα, -αν, (fr. πpb before, and πας all) universal, all, whole. Προπάσχω, f. mid. -πείσομαι, p. mid. -πέπονθα, (fr. same, and πάσχω to suffer) to suffer or ex- perience before ; to have been wronged. 2 a. act. ind. προέπά- θον' par. πρυπαθων, -ούσα, -όν. Προπάτωρ, -ορός, δ, (fr. προ before, and πατήρ a father) α grandfa- ther, forefather, ancestor. Πρόπειρα, -ας, η, (fr. same, and πείρα an attempt) a previous at- tempt, trial, experiment. Προπέμπω, f. -ψω, p. προπέπεμφα, (fr. προ before, and πέμπω to send) to send before or forward ; to conduct or bring forward with honour ; to wait on, attend, accompany. 1 a. act. ind. προέ- πεμιμα' impr. πρόπεμ^ον, -άτω' sub. προπέμψω, -ης, -η. 1 a. pass, ind. προεπέμφθην, -ης, -η. Προπεμφθεϊς,-εΊσα,-εν,τι. pi. -θέν- τες, par. — Προπεμφθήναι, inf. 1 a. pass, of last. Προπεπευσμένος or Προπεπυσμένος, '-η, -ov, per. par. pass, of προ- πυνθάνομαι. Προπεπωκως, -υΊα, -b$, per. par» act. of προπίνια• ΠΡΟ ίΐροπεσόντα, a. sin. 2 a. par. act. of προπίπτω. Προπίτεια, -ας, >% (fr. προπετίκ steep) rashness, termtrity, preci- pitance, pertness, sauciness ; pro- pensity, inclination. Προπετίς and Πρυπετώς, (fr. same) rashly, inconsiderately, violently. Προπετη, cont. for -τία, a. sin. of Προπετώί, -ίος -ου;, ό, η, (fr. προ be- fore, and πετώ same as πίττΓω to fall) inclined, leaning down, precipitous, steep, headlong ; pre- cipitate, rash, inconsiderate, has- ty, violent ; forward, bold, petu- lant. Προπετως, (fr. last) precipitately, rashly, hastily. Προπεφραδμενα, Dor. for προπε- φρασμένα, pi. neut. per. par. pass, of προφράζομαι. Προπηδάω -ώ, (fr. προ forward, and ■πηδάω to leap) to leap forward or before. Προπηλακίζω, (fr. προ intens. and πηλακίζω to dirty, th. πη\δς mud) -to daub with dirt ; to insult, re- proach, revile / to abuse, treat ill. 1 a. par. pass, προπηλακισθείς, -εΊσα, -εν. ΠροπΊνω, (fr. προ before, and πίνω to drink) to drink to one, drink health, pledge ; to deliver up, be- tray. Προπίπτοντες, η. pi. pres. par. act. of Προπίπτω* (fr. προ before, and πίπ- τω to fall) to fall or bend forward, fall in front of or before ; fall down before, supplicate. Προποδίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. προ before, and ποδίζω to go, th. πους a foot) to go forward, proceed, advance, step on. Προποιίω -ώ, (fr. same, and ποιίω to do) to do first or before another. Προπολλου, (fr. same, and πολλού g. of πολύς much, viz. χρόνος time) long ago, a long lime past. Πρόπολος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πολίω to be conversant with) a minister, servant, attendant. Προπομπεύω, f. -ενσω, (fr. προ be- fore, and πομπεύω to go in a pro- cession) to go before, lead or con- duct a procession ; to march or carry in procession. Προπομπή, -?,?, η, (fr. same, and πομπή _a procession) escort, at tendance, conveyance ; a retinue, train. Προπομπός, -ου, δ, 7), (fr. same) leading a procession, attending, escorting. Subs, a lictor, attend- ant. Προπορεύομαι, f. -ενσυμαι,φ. προπε- πόρευμαι, (fr. προ before and πο- ρεύω to pass) to precede, march or go before. Προπορεύση, 2 sin. -σονται, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. mid. of last. Προπράττω, (fr. προ before, and πράττω to do) to do, act or per- form beforehand ; to be the first to do, execute or make ; to do or perform for. Όροπρεων, -ωνος, b, η, inclined ΠΡΟ ready, willing, prompt ; kind, benevolent. Προπρηνης, -ίος -ους, b, η, (fr. προ intens. and ποηνης steep) steep, precipitous, inclined, sloping ; leaning forward, prostrate ; wil- ling, ready, prompt ; prone, pre- pense, disposed tc . Προπροκυλίνόομαι, {ft. προ before, re- peated for emphasis, and κυλίν- δω, same as κυλίω to roll) to roll or fall at the feet, embrace the k7iees, supplicate, pray, entreat. Πρόπρνμνος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πρύμνη the stern) before the stern, all before the poop ; total ; ruinous, d: s'ruclioe. Προπτύω, (fr. same, and πτύω to spit) to spit out, spew forth. Πρόπτωσις, -ιος, Alt. -:ως, r% (fr. same, and πτόω for πίπτω to fall) a fall, slip ; a falling down, prostration. Προπύλαιυν and Πρόπύλον, -ου, το, (fr. same, and πύλη acloor) a couri-yard ; an outer gate, porch, portico ; a hall, vestibule. Προπώλης, -ου, b, (fr. same, and πωλε'ω to sell) arnerchant, whole• sale dealer, first seller. Προοίει, 3 sin. cent. pres. ind. act — Υίρορεοιτι, d. sin. cont. par pres. act. of Προρεω or Προρρίω, f. -ευσω,ρ. vpo- ερρευκα, (fr. προ before, and ρε'ω to flow) to run or gush out, sprin tofioio forward, rush ou. Προρρίω, f. -ι',σω, p. προίρρηκα, and" Att. προείρηκα, (fr. same, and ρε'ω to speak) to say before, fore- tell ; to speak out, declare. Πρόρρησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr same) a prophecy, oracle ; a pro- clamation, dtnunciation, warn- ing. Πρόρριζος and Πρόρ'ριξος, -ου, b, j/, (fr. προ "miens, and ρίζα a root) by the roots, wholly, totally, utterly, Προς, a preposition governing the g. d. a. cases, with the g. from out of, by, by means of, because of; at, close by, nigh, near, to- wards ; for, on account of; for, instead of; the part or duty of ; to, at, with ; before, in presence of; by, in the name of; with the d. near, close by, at, to, against ; in, among, with ; be- yond, beside, moreover, in addi- tion to ; with the a. info, to- wards, to, unto, against, in, at, with, along with, between, a- mong ; by means of, on account of, through ; about, of or con- cerning ; on account of, for the sake of, in comparison ; accord- ing to or as, for, instead of. Προς• for προσέτι, more, moreover, beside. Προς τ'ι ; for ivhat ? why 1 wherefore Ί Προς ορθην or ορθάς, strait, direct. Προς καιρόν, sea- sonably. Προς αφοσίωσιν, briefly, slightly, transiently. Προς αφθο- νίαν, to ahundanre, plentifully. Ηροσάββάτον, -ου, rb, (fr. προ be- I lore, and Σάββατον the Sabbath) ] the d.uy ΰψτβ the Sabbath. (431 J ΠΡΟ Προσάγαγε, impr. — Προσαγάγειν, int. — Προαγαγΰντες, η. pi. par. — Προσαγάγω, -τ/ς, -n, sub. 2 a. act. Att. redupi. — Προσάγειν, pres. inf. act. of προσάγω. Προσαγγίλλω, f. -αγγελώ, p. προσ- ήγγελκα,{ϊτ. προς to, and αγγέλλω to tell) to tell or deliver a mes- sage to, announce, declare, in• form ; to denounce a curse. Προσαγορευθε ς, par. 1 a. pass, of προσαγορεύω. Προσαγυρεντίκός, -r), -όν, (fr. next) pertaining to salutation, congra- tulatory. Προσαγορεύω, f. -ει'σω, p. προσηγό- ρενκα, (fr. προς to, and αγορεύω to harangue, th. αγορά the mar- ket) to speak to, address, solute ; to name, call. pass, προσαγορεύο- μαι, -η, -εται, 1 a. ind. pass. ποοσηγορεύθην, -ης, -η. Προσάγω, ί. -ζω, ρ. προσηχα, (fr. προς to, and άγω to lead) to lead, bring or move to; to draw to one's self, attract allure, entice, win, bring over ; to subdue, bring under the power of; to approach to, lake, use. 2 a. act. Att. re- dupi. ind. προσήγάγον sub. προσ- αγάγω, -ης, -τ]' par. προσαγαγών. Προσαγωγή, -ης, η, (fr. last) ap- proach, access, introduction / bringing to, joining to ; allure- ment, persuasion. Προσάγχυμι, (fr. προς to, and άγ- χυμι to approach) to approach, draw near. Προσαείδω, (fr. προς to, and αείδω to sing) to sing to. Προσαιρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and αϊοίω to take) to choose or pick out, select ; to adopt, take to ; to add, increase. 2 a. ind. act. προσείλον, -ες, -ε* inf. προσε- λεΊν. 2 a. ind. mid. προσειλόμην. Προσαιτίω -ω, f. -ήσω, ρ. προσήτη- κα, (fr. προς to, and αιτίω to ask) to ask earnestly, beg ; to ask alms. Προσαίτης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a beg- gar. Προσαιτών, par. pres. act. cont. of προσαιτίω. Προσακτεος, -a, -ov, (fr. προσάγω to lead to) to be led to, &c. accord- ing to the verb, Προσαλείφω, (fr. προς to, and αλεί- φω to anoint) to anoint ever, bedaub, besmear. Προσαμείβομαι, (fr. same, and αμεί- βω to answer) to answer, reply to. Προσαμίλγω, (fr. προς besides, and αμέλγω to milk) to milk also. Προσαμϋνο), (fr. same, and αμύνω to assist) to give assistance, aid, help. Προσαναβαίνω, (fr. ττρδί to, ανά up, and βαίνω to go) to go up to ; to ascend, go up higher. 2 a. ind. act. προσανίβην, -ης, -η' impr. προσανάβηθι, Att. προσανάβαθι, Apoc. προσανάβα. Προσάνάβασις, -ιος, Ait. -εως, η, (fr. same) a going up, an ascent. Προσανάβηθι, 2 a. impr. act. of ποοσανιβαίνω ΠΡΟ ΠΡΟ ΤΙροσαναιρεω -ω, (fr. πρδς to, ανά',Προσάντες, -εος -ους, ο, ή, (fr. προς up, and αίρίω to take) to cut qffi\ to, and avra for αντί against) up also, kill, slaughter ; to take or put away, remove ; to reply fur- ther, explain, enlarge ; to under- take further, take upon beside. 2 a. ind. act. προσανεΐλον Προσαναλέγομαι, (fr. same, and λέγω to say) to repeat, recite relate furtlier, mention again. Προσαναλίσκω, f. προσαναλώσω, ρ προσανήλωκα, (fr. προς to, and αναλίσκω to spend, th. άλι'σκω to take) to lay out, disburse, ex- pend upon, consume entirely. 1 a. ind. act. προσανήλωσα. Προσαναλώσας, -aw, -αν, par. 1 a. act. of last. Προσαναπαύω, f. -σω, p. -πέπαυκα, (fr. προς to, and αναπαύω to give rest, th. παύω to stop) to let rest, make cease, refresh. Προσανα- παύομαι, to take rest, get repose, be refreshed, per. ind. pass. προσαναπεπαυσμαι. Προσαναπίμπλημι, (fr. προς to, ανά up, and πίμπλημι same as πλήβω to fill) to fill up, glut, satiate. Προσαναπληροΐσα, η. fem. cont. par. pres. act. of Ποοσαναπληρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. same, and πληοόω to fill) to fill up, supply, give abundantly. 1 a. ind. act. προσανεπλήρωσα. Τίροσανασπάω -ώ,ΐ. -άσω, (fr. same, and σπάω to draw) to tear or root tip, shatter, break in pieces, convulse, rend asunder. 1 a. ind. pass, προσανεσπάσθην. Προσανατίθημι, (fr. same, and τίθη- μι to place) to lay upon, impose beside. ΤΙροσανατίθεμαι, to im- part, communicate, confer, con- sult with ; to inform, acquaint, give or gain knowledge; to un- dertake, take upon, engage. Ποοσανατρέπω, (fr. same, and τρέπω to turn) to subvert besides, over- turn, overthrow. ΥΙροσαναφίρω, (fr. same, and φέρω ίο bring) to bring again, offer be- side ; to relate, tell moreover. Προσανδραποδίζω, f. -/σω, p. -ηδρα- ττόδικα, (fr. προ; to, and ανδοάπο- δον a slave} to enslave also. Προ σαν εθί μην, 1 sin. -ίθεντο, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. mid. of προσανατίθημι. Προσανεπλήρωσαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of ποοσαναπληρόω. ϊΐροσανερπω, (fr. προς to, α ν a up, and έρπω to creep) to creep up to, steal into, crawl or get through ; to insinuate ; to creep or crawl over. ΪΙροσανεσπάσθην, -ης, -η, m 3 pi. -Οησαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of προσ- ανασπάω. Προσάνης, -εος -ους, δ, ή, Dor. ibr προσηνης. Προσινοίγω, (fr. προς to, and ανοίγω to open) to open to, lay open, hill, steep, rising, ascending ; arduous, difficult ; adverse, op- posed to. Ώροσαπαξ, (fr. same, and άπαξ one) once, once only, once for all. Προσαπείλέω -ω. f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and απειλέω to threaten, th. απειλή a threat) to add threats ; "to threat, menace, threaten vio- lently or repeatedly. 1 f. ind. mid. προσαπειλήσομαι. 1 a. mid. ind. προσηπειλησάμην. ΤΙροσαπειλησάμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. of last. Προσαπέκτεινα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of προσαποκτείνω. Προσαποθνήσκω, (fr. προς to, απδ from, and $νήσκω to die) to die also. Προσαποκτείνω, (fr. same, and κτεί- νω to kill) to slay also, kill too. Προσαπόλλνμι, f. -/σω, p. -απώλε- κα, (fr. προς besides, από intens. and όλλυμι to destroy) to perish along with ; to destroy also, ruin or desolate moreover. Προσαπολών, -οΐσα, -οϋν, in η. pi. -ουντ:ς, par. 2 f. act. of last. Προσαποστίλλω, (fr. ποος beside, «πδ from, and στέλλω' to send) to send also away, put out of the way ; to dismiss or discharge be- side. Προσάπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. προς to, and απτω to fit) to fit on, fasten to to annex, append, affix, attach to ; to touch, land or arrive at to opply, put or lay on ; to as- cribe, attribute, assign. Προσαπωθέω -ω, (fr. προς to, απδ from, and ωθίω to drive away) to drive away also, expel beside. Προσαράττω, (fr. προς to, and αράσ- σω to strike) to dash, strike or hit ageiinst. Προσαρ',οεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. mid. of Προσαρ'ρομαι, fr. προσάρηοα, per. midi Att. of πο'.,σάρωί which see. Προσαρηρύτα, a. sin. or n. pi. neut of — ροσαρηρως, Aft. redupl. for προσηοώς, per. par. mid. of προσ- άρω. Προσαρμόζω, (fr. -ρύς to, and αρμό- ζω to fit) to fit to or on, apply to ; to adapt, suit, accommodate. Προσαρτάω, (fr, same, and αρτάω to suspend) to suspend to, hang upon. Τϊροσαρω, (fr. same, and άρω to fit) to cling, fasten on or join to ; to adapt, suit, accommodate, per. ind. mid. προσηρα, Att. προσάοη- pa' par. προσαρηρώς. Προσαυγάζω, (fr. same, and αυγάζω to shine upon, th. αυγή splen- dour) ίο glance at, eye, beheld, view ; to face, front. Ποοσαυδάω -ώ, (fr. same, and ΠΡΟ Προσαφοδεύω, (fr. same, and αφο* δεύω to empty the bowels) to ease one's self. Προσβαίνω, (fr. same, and βαίνω to go ) to go to, approach, draw near, advance; to ascend, climb up, mount. Προσβάλλω, (fr. same, and βάλλω to throw) to affix, fasten, rivet ; to move or bring to, apply, add, an- nex ; to dash, hit, strike or throw against or on ; to arrive at, draw near, approach ; to rush upon, charge, assail, attack, make a charge or breach ; to engage, fight ; to utter, inveigh against, brand, stigmatize ; to reprove, chide, check, chastise, curb, restrain ; to illuminate, throw light or shed rays on. g. pi. pres. par. act. προσβαλλόντων. Προσβάς, 2 a. par. act. οϊπροσβαίνω. Πρόσβάσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. προσβαίνω to ascend) an ascent, going up, approach, access. Προσβασκάνιον, see προβασκάνιον. Προσβιβάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. προς to, and β ι βάζω to cause to go) to move forward, advance ; to im- pel, drive forward, hurry ; to in- cite, force, persuade. Προσβλέπω, (fr. same, and βλέπω to look) to look at or on, view; to regard ; to look or appear. Προσβλητος, see προβλήτας. Προσβολή, -ής, η, (fir. προσβάλλω to fasten) an adding or putting to or in ; an application, joining, addition ; an embrace ; a cast, throw glance, stroke, infliction ; an arrival, approach ; a charge, attack, assault, battle, engage- meat ; a blockade, siege. Προσβύλωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ι), (fr. same) an attack, charge, shock ; . a crash, grating. Προσγελάω -ω, (fr. προς to, &nd γε- λάω to laugh) to laugh at, smile on. Προσγίνομαι or -γίγνομαι (fr. same, and γίνομαι to be) to be with, join myself to, unite with, in- crease ; to arrive at ; to happen, befall ; to come upon, surprise. Προσδαπάνάω -ω, (fr. προς. more- over, and δαπανάω to spend) to spend besides, lay out moreover 1 a. act. ind. προσεύαπάνησα. Προσδαπανήσω, -ης, -η, 1 a. sub. act. of last. Πρόσδεγμα, -άτος, τδ, (fr. προσδί χομαι to receive) a reception. Προσδεής, -εος -ους, Ό, η, (fr. προς besides, and οεί it is necessary) wanting besides, in want of, needy. ΠροσδεΊ, (fr. same) it is moreover necessary. Ποοσδείκνΰμι, (fr. πρδς besides, and δείκννμι to show) to show more- over. Προσδίχομαι, Ion. for προσδεχομαι. uncover, disclose ; to open wider ΪΙροσανοικοδομίω -ω, (fr. προς to, | δάω to speak) to speak to, address. \Προσδεκτος, -ή, -bv, (fr. προσδεχν ανά up, and οικοδομεω to build, {Προσαυλίω, (fr. same, and ανλεωΐ μαι to receive) accepted, acccpt- wh. fr. ο7κος a house, and δέμω toj to play on the flute, th. αυλός a nble, agreeable, pleasing. found) to build or add to, he>ld\ fiiite) to vhy on the fiufe ; ίο]Προσδεξάμερος,-η-ον,ρ2ϋτ.—ΤΙ(Ηίσ&& up against ; to re?>air } rc';vild s \ piay fir.' ' ί ξαφιι,ΊηΤ. — Π ροσδέζασθε, 2 pi ΠΡΟ impr. — Προσδί ξησθε, 2 pi. sub. 1 a. mid. of προσδέχυμαι. Ιΐροσδέομαι, (fr. προς besides, and δεΙ it is necessary) to want more, stand in need of something else, require in addition, pres. inf. προσδέίσθαι -εΐσθαι' par. προσδεό- μενος. ΥΙροσδέρκομαι, (fr. προς to, and δέρ- κω to look) to look at, view, be- hold. Προσδέχομαι, f. -ζομαι, p. προσδέ- δεγμαι, (fr. προς to, and δέχομαι to receive) to receive, accept; to submit to, admit ; to wait for, ex- pect ; to sustain an attack, pres. impr. raid, προσδέχον. 1 a. mid. ind. προσεδεξαμην, -ω, -ατο. impr. πρόσδεξαι, -άσθω, 2 pi. προσδέζασθε' par. προσδεζάμενος. Ώροσδέω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and δίω to tie) to bind or tie to, fasten on. ΙΙροσδίδωμι, f. -ώσω, (fr. προς be- sides, and δίδωμι to give) to give in addition, impart, add. Ιΐροσδοκςί, 3 sin. -κώμεν, 1 pi. cont. pres. ind. or sub. of Προσδοκάω, Ion. Τίροσδοκέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. προς to, and δοκάζω to look for) to look for, wait for, expect, impf. act. προσεδόκαον -ων. 1 a. ind. act. προσεδόκησα ΤΙροσδοκία, -ας, ή, (fr. προσδοκάω to expect) expectation, waiting or looking for; hope. , Ώ,ροσδόκίμος, -βυ, δ, η, (fr. same) expected, waited or looked for. ΤΙρβσδοκωμεν, 1 pi. cont. ind. or sub. act. — ΥΙροσδοκώμενος, -η -ov, par. pres. pass. cont. — ΤΙροσδοκων, g. -κωντος, pi. n, -κωντες, g. -κώντων, a. -κωντας par. pres. act. cont. of προσδοκάω, ΤΙροσδόρπιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. προς to or for, and δόρπαν a supper) ft for supper. ΤΙρισδοσία, -ας, η, (fr. προσδίδω μι to give up) treason, treachery. ΤΙροσδραμέω -δ, f. -ήσω, p. ττροσοε- δράμηκα, (fr. -π-ρό? to, and ζραμέω or δρέμω, obs. to run) ίο rww ίο. Προσοραμών, 2 a. par, act. of προσ- τρέχω. Ιίρισεάω -ω, f. -άσω, (fr. προς moreover, and εαω to permit)' to permit or suffer moreover, allow. 1 a. ind. act. προσείασα. Υίροσέβαν, for προσέβησαν, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. act. — ΐΐροσεβήσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of προσβαίνω. ΐίροσεγγελάω -ω, (fr. προς to, εν in, and γελάω to laugh) ίο laugh ai, iftfuife on. 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — ΐΐροσεγγέλάουσι -ωσι. Προσεγγίζω, f. -"«σω, p. προσήγγικα, (fr. προ? to, and εγγίζω to ap- proach, th. εγγνς near) ίο ajo- proach, come near to. 1 a. act. ind. προσήγγισα, -ας, -ε. Προσεγγίσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of last. Προσεδαφίζω, (fr. same, and εδαφί- ζω to pave) to makefrm, pave, inlay ; to fling on the ground. Προσεδέχετο, 3 sin. — ΤΙροσεδεγό- μεθα, 1 pi. impf. mid. of προσδέ- χομαι. ΠΡΟ Προσέδωσα, 1 a. ind. act. — Πρσσί- δόκων, 1 sin. or 3 pi. cont. impf. act. of προαοοκαω Προσέδραμον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act, of προστρέχω. Προσεδρενυντες, η. pi. par. pres act. of Τίροσεδρενω, £ -ευσω, (fr. next) to sit by or at ; to attend upon care- fully, take care of; to observe or watch closely ; to besiege, beset, lie in wait. ΤΙρόσεδρος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. προς to, and ε<5ρα a seat, th. εω to set) sitting by, assiduous, diligent, earnest ; a president ; an arbitrator, com- missioner. Προσέειπε, Att. or Pleon. for προσ- είπε, 3 sin. 1 or 2 a. or impf. ind. act. of προσίπω. Τίροσέθηκα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act Προσεθεμην, -εσο, -ετο, 2 a. ind. mid. of προστίθημι. Προσεθίζω, (fr. προς to, and εθίζω to accustom) to inure, habituate, accustom. ΐίροσέθον, 2 sin. of προσεθεμην, προ σέθεσο, Ion. -έθεο, Cras. -έθον, 2 a. ind. mid. of ποοστίθημι. Πρόσει or -εις, 2 sin. pres. ind. of πρόσειμι, to approach. ΤΙροσείδω, f. mid. προσείσομαι, (fr. προς to, and είδω to see) to look at, behold, see, view. ΐίροσεικάζω, (fr. same, and εικάζω to listen, th. είκω to be like) to liken, assimilate, compare. ΐΐροσείκελος, -ov, b, {j, (fr. πρδς in- tens. and είκελος like, th. είκω to be like) very like, resembling. Προσείκω, (fr. same, and είκω to be like) to be like or similar, resem- ble ; to seem, appear to be. ΤΙροσειλέω -ώ, f. -/;σω, (fr. προς to, and ε'ιλέω to roll) to turn towards, drive forward, force, urge on- wards. Ποοσειλήφει, 3 sin. pper. ind. act. Att. of προσλαμβάνω. Πρόσειλος, -ου, υ, η, (fr. προς to, and εΐλη, for έ'λ?7 splendour) facing the sun, in the light of day. Προσε/λου,2 sin. οΐπροσειλόμην, -ov, -ετο, 2 a. ind. mid, of προσαιρέω. ΤΙοόσειμί, (fr. προς to, and έΐμι to go) to come or go to, approach. ΐΐοόσεηχι, (fr. same, and ειμί to be) to be at, in or with; to adhere, dins;, be attached or belong to; to be added, ; to abound, be super- fluous ; to assist, aid, help. Ποοσείναι, pres. inf. of last. ΤΙρβσειπεΊν, 2 a. inf. act. οΐπροσέπ -D. Ποοσείρ)/ασατο,3 3Ϊη. 1 a. 'ind. mid. of προσεργάζω. Πρόσε(σί,3 sin. pres. ind. οι πρόσ ειμί. ΠροσεΊχον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of προσέχω. ΥΙρονεκέάτο, Ion. for προσέκειντο, 3 pi. -^ Τίροσέκειτο, 3 sin. impf. mid. of πψόσκειμαι. ΐΐροσεκκαίω, f. ταύσω, p. -κίκαυκα, fr. προς intens.' und εκκαίω, which see. Th. καίω to burn. Τίροσεκολλήθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pars, of προσκολλάω. (493) ΠΡΟ Προσεκοψα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. -ψαν, 1 a, ind. act. of προσκόπτω. ΐΐροσεκτησάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of προσκτάομαι. Π,ροσεκύλισα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of προσκνλίω. Π,ροσεκΰνει, 3 sin. -κύνβνν, 3 pi. cont.' impf. act. — Προσεκύι»;σ« or -σεν, 3 sin. -νησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of προσκυνίω. Προσεκνρσα,' -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of προσκύρω. Προσεκχέω, f. -ευσω, p. -κέχενκα, (fr. πρ 3? to, εκ from, and χίω to pour) to pour out before or be- side, spill, shed. 1 a. ind. act. προσεζεχενσα. Γίροσελάβετο, -βοντο, 3 sin. and pi. 2 a. ind. mid. of προσλαμ- βάνω. Προσελαννω, f. -ελάσω, (fr. προς to, and ελαννω to drive) to arrive at, come to, approach; to ride, drive or row up to. Προσέλεκτο, Poet. Syne, for προσ- ελέλεκτο, 3 sin. pper. pass Προσελεξάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of προσλέγω. Προσελενθω, (fr. προς to, and ελεύ- θω, obs. but lends tenses to έρ- χομαι) see προσέρχομαι. ΐΐροσέλευσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η τ (fr. same) an approach, access; ar- rival. ΐίροσελενσομαι, -n, -εται, 1 f. mid. ind. οι προσέρχομαι. ΐίροσελήλυθα, 2 pi. -ληλύθατε, Att. for ΤΙροσήλύθα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. — ΐίροσελθών, -οΰσα, -bv, pi. η. -θόντες, -θουσαι, g. -θόν- των, par. 2 a. act. of same. ΓΓοοσελκω, f. -ζω, (fr. προς to, and έ'λκω to draw) to draw, drag or haul to, attract ; to allure, en- tice, seduce, par. pres. mid. ποοσ- ελκόμενος, -η, -ov. ΤΙροσεμβαίνω,ΐ. -βήσομαι, (fr. same, ε ν in," and βαίνω to walk) to walk or enter in ; to tread or trample upon, insult. 2 a. ind. act. προσ- ενέβην. ΐίροσεμβρΊμάομαι -ωμαι, (fr. same, and βριμάομαι to roar, th. Βρίμω Proserpine) to murmur or growl at ; to threaten also, menace ; to charge strictly, enjoin more- over.- Προσέμενον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of προσμένω. ΐΐροσέμιξα, -ας, -ε, la. ind. act. of 7τροσμί)/ΐ'υω. ΐΐροσεμπικραίνω, fr. προς intens. εν in, and πικραίνω, which see. Προσεμ-τΓρ.^θω, (fr. same, and πρήθω to burn) to consume or burn also, set on fire beside. Προσεμφερης, -έος-ους, b, η, fr. προς intens. and εμφερης, which see. ΙϊροσεΊ'άχε, Dor. for προσένηχε, 3 sin. impf. act. of προσνήχω. Προσένεγκε, impr. — ΙΙροσενέγκη, 3 sin. sub. 2 a. act. — Προσενέγ- κας, par. — Προσενέγκον, -άτω, impr. la. act. of προσφέρω. Προσενέγκω, fr. ττρό? to, and εΐ'ε^κω, obs. but lends tenses to φέρω, see νροσφέρ-ω. ΪΓΡΟ ΤΙρόσενεχθεϊς, -έΐσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass, of same. ϋροσενήνοχα, -ας, -ε or -εν, per. ind. mid. Att. of same. Προσενθνμεΐται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass. cont. of Προσενθνμέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. ποοσεί'- τεθύμηκα, (fr. προ? to, εν in, and S -νμος the mind) ίο understand, know, perceive. Ήροσεντείνω, (fr. same, and τείνω to stretch) ίο bend or stretch more; to beat more, inflict more blows. ΠροσεξαποστέΧΧω, (fr. προ? to, ε£ out of, από from, and στέλλω to send) to send out to, send away besides. Προσεξηγέομαι, (fr. προς besides, εξ from, and ηγέομαι to relate) to tell besides, relate moreover. Ιΐροσίοικα, per. ind. mid. — Προσ εοικώς, -υ7α, -δς, a. sin. προσ εοικότα, per. par. mid. of προσ είκω. Προσέπαισε, Att. for προσέπαιξε, 3 'sin. 1 a. ind. act. of προσπαίξω. Προσέπεσον, -ες, -ε or -εν, 2 a. ind. act. of προσπίπτω. Προσεπιδείκνϋμι, (fr. προς to, επί upon, and ύείκνυμι to show) to show moreover, 1 a. opt. act. προσεπιδείξαιμι. Προσεπιμετρίω -ώ, (fr. προς besides, επϊ upon, and μετρίω to measure) to measure out more, superadd. Προσέπιπτεν, 3 sin. impf. act. of προσπίπτω. Προσεπιτϊμάω -ω, (fr. προς more- over, and επιτιμάω to chide) to accuse, upbraid or chide moreover. Προσεπιφυομαι, (fr. same, επί upon, and φύω to grow) to grotv to or upon, cling to, adhere. Πρασεπλάκη, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. pass, of προσπλεκω. ΠροσεποιεΊτο, 3 sin. cont. impf. pass, οΐπροσποιέομαι. Προσέπταισεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of προσπταίω. Προσέπτνκτο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of προσπτύσσω. Προσέπω, (fr. προς to, and ε'πω to speak) to speak to, address, ac- cost, salute. Προσεργάζομαι, f. -ασομαι, p. προσ- είργασμαι, (fr. προς to, and εργά- ζομαι to work, th. έργον a work) to work in addition, do besides, labour more; to gain more in trade. Φ Προσερεί, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. cont. of προσερέω. Προσερείδω, f. -είσω, (fr. προς to, and ερείδω to fix) to fix, fasten, bind or tie to; to scale, besiege. ΤΙροοερε'ώομαι, to lean, depend or rely on ; to prosecute, pursue anxiously. Προσερεύγω, (fr. προς to, and ερεύ- γω to vomit) to belch forth ; to vomit, throw up ; to dash or strike against. Προσερέω -ω, (fr. same, and ερέω to speak) to speak to, address, ac- cost ; to order, direct ; to beseech, pray. Προσερίζω, (fr. same, and ερίζω to ΠΡΟ contend) to contend with; to pro- voke to anger, Προσεριστης, -ov, b, (fr. same) a contentious person. Προσέρπω (fr. προς to, and 'έρπω to creep) to creep to. Προσέρρηξα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of προσρηγννμι. Προσέρχομαι, f. προσελενσβμαι, (fr, προς to, and έρχομαι to come) to approach, come to, draw near, come up to ; to be related or con- nected with ; belong to. impf. προσηρχόμην, -ov, -ετο. 2 a. ind. act. προσηλθον, -ες, -ε* impr. πρόσελθε' par. προσελθών, -ούσα, -όν. per. mid. προσέλνθα, Att. προσελήλυθα. ΏροσέσΟε, 2 pi. 2 a. ind. or impr. of πρυσίημι. Πρόσεστι, (3 sin. of πρόσειμι to be at) there is moreover, there is added. Προσέσχηκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — Προσέσχητε, 2 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of προσέχω. Προσεταιρέομαι -ουμαι, and "Προσ- εταιρίζομαι, (fi . προς to, and εται- ρέω or εταιρίζΆ to associate, th. ίτα'ϊρος a companion) to take as a companion, associate with ; to attach, conciliate, gain over. Προσέταξα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. οΐπροστάσσω. Προσετέθη, -θησαν, 3 sin. and pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of προστίθημι. Προσέτι, (fr. προς to, and ετι still) yet, still, moreover, beside, fur- ther. Προσετίθει, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. of προστιθέω, for προστίθημι. Προσετιθέμην, -ov, -ετο, 3 pi. -θεν- το, impf. pass, of προστίθημι. Προσετ'ίθην, -ης, -η, impf. act. of same. Πρόσενξαι, 2 sin. -άσθωσαν, 3 pi. impr. — Προσενξάμενος, -η, -ov, par. — Προσεύξασθαι, inf. 1 a. mid. — Προσεύζημαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. — Προσενξωμαι, -η, -ηται, 1 pi. -ώμεθα, 1 a. sub. mid. of προσεύχομαι. Προσευχή, -ης, η, (fr. next) a pray- er, petition, supplication, entreaty; a place for prayer, altar ; a house of prayer, synagogue. Προσεύχομαι, f. -ξομαι, (fr. προς to, and εύχομαι to pray) to pray to, supplicate, entreat ; to pray for, intercede, impf. mid. Att. προσ- ηνχόμην, -ov, -ετο. 1 a. mid. ind. προσηνξάμην, -ω, -ατο• impr. πρύσενξαι, -άσθω'Ίηΐ. προσεύξασ- θαι. Προσενχόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. — Προσεύχωμαι, -χη, 2 pi. -χησθε, pres. sub. of last. Προσέφερον, -ες, -ε or -εν, impf. act. of προσφέρω. Προσέφην, -ης, -η, impf. or 2 a. ind. act. of πρόσφημι. Προσεφώνεον -ovv, -εες -εις, -εε -ει, impf. act. — Προσεφώνησε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of προσφωνέω. Πρόσεχε, -χετε, 2 sin. and pi. impr. - Προσέχειν, inf. pres. act. of ροσέχω, I (494) ΪΓΡΟ Προσεχή, -έθς -οΌς, b, f,, (fr. πρδς to, and έχω to hold) clinging, holding, adhering to; near, nigh, adjoining, neighbouring ; atten live, mindful, diligent, solicitous Προσέχοντας, -χοντες, -χοντος, eases of par. pres. act. of προσ έχω. Προσεχόντως, (fr. last) attentively, diligently, carefully. Προσέχω, f. -έξω, p. -έσχηκα, (fr. προς to, and έχω to hold) to ap- S Ptyi V°y attention, advert, heed, mind ; to be disposed or inclined to, believe, assent to, profess; to listen or hearken to, observe, obey, comply with ; to attend, wait up- on ; to persist, persevere ; to bring to, lay together, set near ; to ap- proach, steer to, arrive at, land. Προσέχομαι, to cling to, grew upon, adhere to, stick, be heldfast. pres. inf. act. τροσέχειν. impf. act. προσεΊχον, -ες, -ε. 1 a. sub. act. προσέξω, -ης, -η. Προσεχώς, (fr. προσεχής adjoining) closely, hard by. Προσεωντος, g. sin. cont. par. pres. act. of προσεάω. Προσέοιξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. Att. of προσοίγω. Προση, 3 sin. pres. sub. οΐπρόσειμι, to be present. Πρόσηβος, -ου, b, η, (fr. πρδς to- wards, and ηβη youth) grown up. Subs, a boy. Προσήγγισα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of προσεγγίζω. Προσηγε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of προσάγω. Προσηγόρενκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — Προσηγόρενσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — Προσηγορεύθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of προσαγορεύω. Προσηγορία, -ας, η, (fr. προς to, and αγορεύω to harangue, th. αγορά a market) an addressing, speak- ing to ; encouragement, consola- tion ; a name, address. Προσήγορος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) addressing, speaking to; address- ed, spoken to. προσήγοροι δρύες, prophetic oaks. Προσηεσαν, Att. for προσηεισαν, 3 pi. pper. ind. mid. of πρόσειμι, to go to. Προσήϊκται, 3 sin. of προσή'ίγμαι, -ήϊξαι, -ήϊκται, Ion. for προσεΊγ μαι, -ξαι, -κται, per. ind. pass. of προσεικο). Προσήκατο, 3 sin. 1 a. mid. of πρυσίημι. Προσήκει, (3 sin. pres. ind. of next, sometimes taken impers.) itpc~ tains, it behoves, it becomes, it is fitting. Προσήκω, f. -ήξω, p. προσηκα, (fr. προς to, and 'ήκω to come) to reach or extend towards ; to be- long, pertain, concern ; to suit, become ; to be suitable, appro- priate or becoming; to be con- venient, pertinent or profitable; to be connected or related to. Προσήκων, -ονσα, -ov, (pres. par. of last) suitable, becoming, conve» nicnt, proper; related or belong' ΠΡΟ ing to. Κατά rb προσήκον, accord- ing to propriety. Προσ.^οντα, -ων, τά, offices, duty. Προσήκον- τες, -ων, oi, relations. Προσήλθον, -ες, -ε or -εν, 2 a. md. act. of προσέρχομαι. Προσήλιος, and Πρόσηλος, *ov, i, η, (fr. προς to, and 'ήλιος the sun) exposed to the sun, sunny. Προσηλόω -ώ, f. -ώσ'ο,ρ. προσήλωκα, (fr. προς to, and ί>\όω to nail, th. • ήλος a nail) to nail to or upon ; to crucify ; to cancel, annul. Προσί/λύτευσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, /?,(fr. next) a pilgrimage, sojourning. Προσηλυτεύω, (fr. next) to sojourn, dwell as a stranger. Προσήλϋτος, -ov, 6, 17, (fr. προς to, and ελενθω obs. to come) a stranger, sojourner ; a proselyte, convert. Τίροσηλώσας, par. 1 a. act. of προ- σηλόω. Προσημαίνω, (fr. πρύ before, and σημαίνω to signify) to signify be- forehand, intimate or declare be- forehand. Προσήν, impf. ind. act. of πρόσειμι, to be present. Προσηνδραπόδισθαι, per. inf. pass, of προσανδραποδίζω. ΤΙροσήνεγκα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 2 pi. -κατε, 1 a. ind. act. of προσφέ- ρω. Ποοσήνεπον. -ες, -ε, 2 a. or irnpf. ind. act. of τροσενέπω, same as προσέπω. Προσηνέχθην, -ης, η, 1 a. ind. pass, of προσφέρω. "Προσηνής, -έος -ους, ο, η, (fr. πpbς to, and ηνς good) kind, liberal, benign, mild. Προσην'ια, -ας, η, (fr. last) mildness, gentleness, kindness. Προσηρτημένος, -η, -ov, per. par. pass, of προσαρτάω. Προσήρχρντο, 3 pi. impf. mid. of προσέρχομαι. Προσηνόα, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. of προσανδάω. Προσηυξάμην, -ω, -ατο, pi. -άμεθα, -αντο, 1 a. ind. mid. — Προσην- χετο, 3 sin. impf. mid. of προσεύ- χομαι. Προσήχα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. of προσάγω. Πρόσθε, Poet, for πρόσθεν. Προσθεϊναι, inf. — Προσθάς, -εΊσα, -εν, par. — Πρόσθ'ες, impr. 2 a. act. — ΤΙροσθέμενος, -η, -ov, par. 2 a. mid. of προστίθημι. Πρόσθεμα, -ατός, το, (fr. προς to and τίθημι to place) an addition, appendage ; a deduction, corol- lary. Πρόσθεν, Poet, πρόσθε, (fr. προ be- fore) in front of, before, in sight or presence of; forward, farther, beyond ; formerly < % previous, hitherto ; preferably, than. Πρόσθεσις, - 10 ς, Att. -εως, )/,(fr. προς to, and τίθημι to put) a putting, application or setting to ; an ad- dition, appendage, increase. Προσθετός, -η, -bv, and Πρόσθετος, -ov, 6,17, (fr• same)y?wi or set on, added, additional, artifiaal, fic- ΠΡΟ titious ; given up to creditors, pledged, pawned. Προσθήκη, -ης, ff, (fr. πpbς to, and τίθημι to put) an addition, ap- pendage, increase, accession ; aid, help. Προσθήσομεν, 1 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of προστίθημι. Προσθλϊβω, f. -ψω, p. προστέθλιφα, (fr. προς in tens, and §λίβω to press) to press upon, oppress ; to compress, squeeze ; to afflict, fret, wear out. Προσιζάνω, (fr. προς to, and 'ίζω to seat) to rest or alight near ; to approach, draw near. Προσιέναι, pres. inf. act. of Προσίημι, (fr. προς to, and ίημι to go) to go to, approach, draw near, advance, come to ; to as- sail, attack ; to unite, associate with, have to do or be concerned with ; to wait upon, attend. Προσίημι, f. -ήσω, p. -είκα, (fr same, and Ίημι to send) to send forth ; to admit, allow. Προσίε- μαι, to admit, take, receive, ac- cept ; to desire, approve, like, indulge in ; to take up, compre- hend. 1 a. ind. mid. προσηκάμην. Προσίησαν, Poet, for προσίεσαν, 3 pi. impf. act. of προσίημι, to ap- proach. Πρόσιον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. — Προσιόντι, d. sin. par. 2 a. act. of same. Προσίσταμαι, mid. of προσίστημι. Προσίστη, for προσίστατ 2 sin. cont. pres. impr. act. of προσιστάώ, for Προσίστημι, (fr. προς to, and "στημι to stand) to place, set up, make stand ; to hold in, keep back, stop, hinder ; to put or set to or against ; to hang to, weigh, ba- lance. Προσίσταμαι, to stand by, at or near, be present, at or next to ; to stand against, oppose, resist, face, turn towards ; to of- fend, displease. Προσίσχω, (fr. προς to, and ίσχω or έχω to have) same as προσέχω. Προσιτέος, -a, -ov, (fr. πρόσειμι to approach) to be approached, ad- dressed ; must go up to. Προσιών, -ούσα, -bv, 2 a. par. act. of πρόσειμι, to approach. Προσκαθήκω, f. -ή ζω, p. προσεκάθη- χα, (fr. προς to, κατά according, and 'ή<ω to come) toft, be con- venient, suit; to come to. Πρόσκαιρος, -ov, δ, ?/, (fr. προς a- bout, and καιρός time) temporary, transient, short. Προσκαίρως, (fr. last) for a season, shortly. Προσκαίω, f. -κανσω, (fr. πpbς in- tens. and καίω to burn) to burn at or upon ; to kindle, light at. Προσκαλέω -u>, (fr. προς to, and κα- λέω to call) to call to, name, ad- dress ; to call upon, send for, invite ; to call for help, ask as- sistance ; to summon, cite, go to law with ; to appoint, ordain to. 1 f. ind. mid. προσκαλέσομαι. 1 a. ind. mid. -ροσεκαλεσάμην (495) ΠΡΟ impr. προσκάλεσαι, •άσθω' sub» προσκαλέσωμαι, -η, -ηται> per, ind. pass, προσκέκλημαι. Προσκάρδιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. προς to or at, and καρδία the heart) at the heart. Προσκαρτερέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and καρτερέω to endure, th. κρά- τος strength) to attend constant- ly to, hold fast to, persist, en- dure. 1 a. ind. act. προσεκαρτέ- ρησα. Προσκαρτέρησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, r), (fr. last) perseverance, constancy, patience, d. προσκαρτερήσει. Προσκαταλείπω, (fr. προς moreover, and λείττω to leave) to leave over and above or after ; to leave off, quit, cease. Πρόσκανμα, -άτος,το, (fr. προσκαίω to bum) a burn, burning. Προσκέεται, Ion. for πρόσκειται, 3 sin. of Πρόσκειμαι, (fr. προς to, and κεΐμα). to lie) to be adjacent to, adjoin, lie near ; to be put, added or an- nexed to ; to stand by or at ; to be addicted to, given up to ; to adhere to, favour, take part with ; to press on, pursue ; to urge, press, enforce, pres. par. mid. προσκείμενος, -η, -ov. Προσκέκλημαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass, of προσκαλ.έω. Προσκέλομαι, (fr. προς to, and κέ- λομαι to exhort) to exhort, en- courage to. 1 a. par. mid. προσ- κελησάμενος, -η, -ov. Προσκεφάλαίον, -ov, rb, and Προσ- κεφαλή, -ης, η, (fr. προς to, and κεφαλή the head) a pillow. Προσκηδής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. προς to, and κήδος care or connex- ion) careful, anxious, grieved ; allied, connected, related ; a re- lation. Προσκήνιον, -ov, το, (fr. προ before, and σκήνη a tent) the porch of a tent ; the front of the stage. Προσκηρύττω, (fr. προς to, and κη- ρύττω to proclaim) to publish, proclaim, announce ; to summon, cite. Προσκλέπτομαι, (fr. προς to, and κλέπτω to steal) to steal secretly to another ; to lead privately to another. Προσκληρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. προσκε- κλήρωκα, (Fr. same, and κληρόω to allot, th. κλΐ.ρος a lot) to choose by lot ; to receive or share the lot of another ; to associate or keep company with. Προσκλίνω, (fr. προς to, and *\ίνω to lean) to bend or incline to, ean towards. ΠοόσκΧίσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. same) an inclination or leaning towards; favour, partiality, kind- ness, a. πρόσκλισιν. Προσκολλάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -κεκόλ- ληκα, (fr. προς to, and κολλάω to glue, th. κόλλη glue) to glue, join, annex or attach to. Προσ- κολλάομαι -ωμαι, to Le aV.aciien^ cleave, adhere to. 1 a. ind. pass. πρ^σεκολλήθην, -ης, •η• ΠΡΟ Προσκολληθήσεται, 3 sin. If. ind. pass, of last. Προσκομίζω, (fr. προς to, and κομίζω to carry) ίο 6rmg-, carry to or «ear, convey. Προσκομίζομαι, to betake one's self, flatten. Πρόσκομμα, -a r< f, τό, (fr. προσκόπτω to strike against) α stumbling- block, offence ; a wound, hurt ; a swelling in the foot ; loss, da- mage. Προσκοπεω-ω or -πεύω, (fr. προ be- fore, and σκοπέω to look) to look forward, view, behold ; to fore- see, provide, consider. Προσκοπη, -ης, ft, (fr. προσκόπτω to strike against) an offence, stum- bling-block} cause of error. Προσκύπησις, ιος, Att. -εως, and Προσκοπη, -ης, f), (fr. προσκοπέω to look forward) a looking for- ward, looking about, inspection, examination. Προσκόπτει, -τονσι, 3 sin. and pi. pres. ind. act. of Προσκόπτω, f. -ψω, ρ.-κέκοφα, (fr. προς against, and κόπτω to strike) to strike or dash against, stumble against, fall ; to offend, trans- gress. 1 a. act. ind. προσεκοψα' sub. προσκόψω. per. ind. pass. προσκίκομμαι. per. ind. mid. προσκίκοπα. Προσκόψης, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of 'last. Προσκρουσάσης, g. sin. fern. 1 a. par. pass, of προσκρούω. Πρύσκρουσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. next) a striking or dashing against, collision. Προσκρούω, (fr. προς to, and κρούω to beat) to strike, beat or hit against ; to stumble, fall ; to quarrel with, offend. Προσκτάομαι, (fr. προς besides, and κτάομαι to possess) to possess in addition, acquire, gain. Πρόσκτητος, -ου, b, η, (fr. last) ac- quired, gained. Προσκνλίω, f. -ίσω, p. προσκεκύλικα, (fr. προς to, and κυλίω to roll) to roll to. 1 a. act. ind. προσεκύλι- ca' par. προσκνλίσας. 'ΛροσκυνεΊν, pres. inf. act. cont. — Προσκυνείτε, 2 pi. cont. pres. ind. or impr. act. of Προσκύνεω -ω, -ήσω, p. προσκεκύ- νηκα, (fr. προς to, and κννεω, same as κύω to kiss) to kiss, sa- lute ; to fawn upon, crouch ; to fall prostrate, pay homage, wor- ship, adore. 1 a. ind. act. προσε- κύνησα. Προσκύνημα, -ατός, το, and Προσ- κύνησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) ./aitmin^-; adoration, pros- tration. Προσκυνησαι, inf. -νήσαντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. act. — Προσκύνησον, 2 sin. -σάτωσαν, 3 pi. impr. 1 a. of same. Προσκυνητής, -υυ, b, (fr. same) a worshipper, adorer. Προσκύπτω, (fr. προς to, and κύπτω to bend) to bend down, stoop to, incline towards. Προσκύρω, (fr. πρύς to } -άηάκύρω to ΠΓΟ meet with) to come to, arrive at ; to meet with, happen upon. Πρόσκωπος, -ου, b, η, (fr. προς to, and κώπη an oar) a rower. ΠροσλαβεΊν, 2 a. inf. act. — Προσ- λαβόμενος, -η, -ov, par. — Προσ- λαβοΰ, impr. 2 a. mid. — Προσ- λαβών, -ούσα, -bv, par. 2 a. act. of προσλαμβάνω. Προσλαλεω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. -λελά- ληκα, (fr. προς to, and λαλεω to talk) to speak or talk to, address, converse with. 1 a. ind. act. προ- σελάλησα. Προσλαλησαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Προσ- λαλονντες, η. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of last. Προσλαμβάνω,?, -λήψομαι, (fr. προς to, and λαμβάνω to take) to take, get or receive beside; to admit, associate, adopt ; to entertain, receive hospitably ; to assume, appropriate ; to seize, reduce, subdue ; to take in hanel, under- take ; to relieve, assist, apply a remedy. 2 a. act. ind. προσέλά- βον' inf. προσλαβεΊν. 2 a. ind. mid. προσελαβόμην, -ου, -ετο. impr. προσλαβου, -ίσθω' par. προσλαβόμενος. Προσλεγω, f. -ξω, ρ. -χα, (fr. same, and λέγω to speak) to say more- over, speak beside. Προσλεγομαι, to speak to, addrees, cmswer, re- ply ; to consider think, turn in the mind ; to recline or lie down beside. 1 a. ind. mid. προσελεζά- μην,-ω, -ατο' pper. pass, προσε- λελέγμην, -ζο, -κτο, and Poet. προσέλεκτο. Πρόσλη-φις, -ιος., Att. -εως, ή, (fr. last) a receiving, reception, adop- tion, association ; acknowledg- ment, return, requital. Προσλογίζομαι, (fr. προς to, and λο- γίζω to reckon) to count, reckon or class with or among; to im- pute, ascribe; to reason, refect, consider. Προσλογιστέος, -a, -ov, (fr. last) to be enrolled or classed with ; must be imputed or ascribed, &c. as the verb. Προσμάττω, f. -ξω, p. -χα, (fr. προς to, and μάσσω or -ττω to knead) to knead or work up to- gether ; to make unite or cohere ; to touch, handle ; to wipe, rub against, chafe. 1 a. ind. mid. προσεμαζάμην, -ω, -ατο. 1 a. par. pass, προσμαχ&εις, -εΊσα, -εν. ΠροσμεΊναι, 1 a. inf. act. — Προσ- μείνας, 1 a. par. act. — Πρόσμενε, -ετω, pres. impr. act. of Προσμένω, f. -νώ, (fr. προς to, and μένω to stay) to remain, stay, abide, continue with, adhere to ; to persevere, persist, hold on ; to bear, endure, suffer ; to wait or look for, expect. 1 a. ind. act. προσέμεινα. Προσμηγανάω -ω, (fr. προς to, and μηχανή a contrivance) to work, describe or delineate upon. Προσμίγνυω or -νΰμι, f. -ζω, p. -με- μιχα, (fr. same, and μίγνυμι to mix) to unite, mix, join, or min- (496) ΠΡΟ gle with or be involved hi ; ic e-?2- gage, fight, encounter ; to arrive at, come up to, approach ; to ad- dress, accost ; to enable, cause to reach or obtain. 1 a. inf. act. πρυομίξαι. Προσμυθέομαι -οομαι, (fr. same, and μυθεομαι to relate, th. μύθος a word) to address, speak to, ac' cost; to blend fable with truth, feign beside, pres. inf. mid. cont. προσμυθεΊσθαι. Προσνίμω, f. -μω, p. -νενίμηκα, (fr. same, and ι)ίμω to attribute) to assign, allow, dipense, distribute, share among; to annex, attach, unite, associate with ; to resign , submit to ; to attribute, impute ; to enrol, enlist. Προσνήχω, f. -ξω, (fr. same, and νήχω to swim) to swim up to, float to. Πρόσοδος, -ου, b and >% (fr. same, and δίρς a road) a coming, ar- rival, approach, access ; income, revenue ; profit, gain, fruits of, reward; a coming together, meet- ing, conference. Πρυσοδΰρομαι, (fr. same, and οδύ' ρομαι to lament) to mown, la- ment, grieve for, Προσόζω, (fr. same, and όζω to smell) to smell strong, smell of, stiyik. Προσοίγω, f. -οίξω, per. Att. προσ- εωχα, (fr. same, and οίγω to open) to open to, let in, admit. Προσοίσειν, 1 f. inf. act — Προσοί- σησθε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. mid. of προσφέρω. Προσοίχομαι, (fr. προ? to, and ίχο- μα ι to go) to go to, approach, ad- vance, proceed to. Προσοκείλας, -ασα, -αν, par. I a- act. of Προσοκελλω, (fr. προς to, and οκελ- λω, same as κέλλω to arrive) to arrive at, come to, land ; to drive to, hit against, light on. Προσομαρτέω -ω, (fr. same, and bμapτεω to follow) to follow with, accompany, attend. Προσομαρτη, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. cont. of last. Προσομϊλεω, f. ->/σω, (fr. προς to, and ΰμιλος a crowd) to associate with, converse or be conversant with. pres. impr. act. cont. προσ ομίλει. Προσομολογεω -ω, (fr. προς besides, bμoΰ together, and λέγω to speak) to confess moreover, confess, own, grant ; to promise, undertake ; assent, agree to. Πρυσόμυυρος, -ου, b, f), (fr. 7rpos to, bμoϋ "Ogether, and ορός a boun- dary) near, neighbouring; a neighbour. Προσόν, (neut. of προσων, pres. par. of πρόσειμι to be present) what is over and above, more beside. Προσονομάζω, f. -ασω, p. προσωνό- μακα, (fr. προς to, and ονομάζω to name) to surname, name, call, give a name to. Προσοράω, (fr. same, and bpάω to look) to look at, behold, view. ΠΡΟ Προσορμίζω, (fr. rpd s - to, and Όρμίζω to moor) to bring a ship to her moorings, moor, anchor, land. Προσορμίζομαι, to come into har- bour, arrive, tail into.- 1 f. hid. mid. προσορμίσομαι. per. ind. pass, προσώρμισμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, προσωρμίσθην, -ης, -η. Προσόσσομαι, (fr.same, and όσσομαι to view, th. όσσα an omen) to look upon, behold, view ; to au- gur, foresee, divine, predict. Πρόσου, for πρόσεσο, 2 a. impr. mid. of προσίημι. Προσονίίζω, (fr. προς to, and ουδός the ground) to dash to the ground. ΤΙρόσονρος, •ον, b, ή, (fr. same, and ονο>ς Ion. for 'όρος a boundary) neighbouring, near, bordering, adjoining. Προσουσαν, a. sin. fem, of προσων, pres. par. of πρόσειμι, to be pre- sent. Προσοφείλεις, 2 sin. pres. ind. act. of Ιϊροσοφείλω, f. -ήσω, p. τροσωφείλη- κα, (fr. προς moreover, and οφεί- λω to owe) to owe besides or moreover ; to be also indebted. Προσοχή, -ης, {/, (fr. προσέχω to at- tend) attention, care, considera- tion ; prudence, judgment. Ποοσοχθέω -ω, and Προσοχθίζω, f. -ϊσω, p. προσώχθικα, (fr. προς at, and οχθέω or οχθίζω to be offend- ed) to be grieved or offended at ; to be indignant or angry ; to be disgusted, loathe, abhor. 1 a. ind. act. προσώχθισα, -ας, -ε. Προσόχθισμα, -ατός, το, and Προσ- οχθισμος, -ου, 5, (fr. last) an of- fence; abhorrence, disgust, abo- mination. ΐίροσοχυρόω-ω, (fr. προς moreover, and οχυρόω to fortify) to fortify more. Πρόσοψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. προς to, and όψις the counte- nance, th. άπτομαι to see) the face, countenance ; appearance, aspect, look, colour ; a sight. Προσπαίζω, (fr. same, and παίζω to play) to play or sport with, jest, mock at. Πρόσπαιος, -ου, b, ff, (fr. προς a- gainst, and παίω to strike) sink- ing ; recent, new, sudden, fresh. ΠΡΟ ΠΡΟ Προσπαρακαλί^ (fr. προς be- sides, and παρακαλέω to exhort) to exhort further, encourage. Προσπασσάλενω or -ττατΓαλεύω, (fr. προ ς to, and πάσσαλος a peg) to fasten with pegs, peg or pinto, nail on ; to hang upon a peg or hook, Προσπάσσω, f. -άσω, p. προσπέπακα (fr. προς to, and πάσσω to sprin- kle) to sprinkle on, besprinkle. Πρόσπεινος, -ου, b, η, (fr. προς in- tens. and πεΐνα hunger) very hungry, starving, famished. Προσπελάζω, (fr. προς to, and πελά- ζω to draw near) to draw near to, approach, come to, arrive. Προσπέμπω, f. -ψω, p. προσπέπεμ- φα, (fr. same and πέμπω to send) to send to, send moreover ; to in- spire, instil. 3R Προσπεριβάλλω, (fr. προς besides, per. -πεπόρευμαι, (fr. same, and περί around, and \ βάλλω to throw) πορεύομαι to go, th. πείρω to to encompass more, environ, s'ur- pass) to set out to, go or come to, round. ; to entwine, embrace, en- approach, arrive, tangle; to annex, add, insert. Προσπ^ρεΰονται, 3 pi. pres. ind. Προσπερονάω -ω, (fr. πρδς to, and pass, of last. περόνη a buckle) to jasten with α ΙΙρόσπταισμα, -ατός, το, (fr. πρ&ς buckle, buckle on, clasp. " I against, ^nd πταίσμα a fall, th. Προσδέσω ν, -ούσα, -bv, a. sin. fem. | πταίω to stumble) a stumbling Προσπεσουσαν, 2 a. par. act. of \ block, snare ; a fall, failure, προσπίπτω. ,Προσπταίω, fr. προς intens. and ΐΐροσπέτομαι, (fr. προς to, and πέτο- ! πταίω, which see. μαι to fly) to fiy to. ,Προσπτησαι, 1 a. inf. act. of προσ- Προσπήγω or Προσπήγνϋμι, f. -ήζω, i ίπτημι. p. προσπέπηχα, (fr. προς to, and Tip σ-τνσσω, f. -ζω, (fr. προς to, πήγνΰμι to fasten) to fasten to, and πτύσσω to fold) to fold to, fix or nail to, crucify. 1 a. act. j infold, embrace, clasp, cling to ; ind. προσέπηζα. to gird, bind round, encircle. Προσπήζαντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. act. j Προσπτνσσομαι, to ialute friend- of last. | ly, address or receive kindly. Προσπίλναμαι, (fr. προς to, and πιλ- Προσκύρόω -ώ,(ίτ. προς besides, and άω to approach, th. πέλας near) to draw near to, approach, arrive at. Προσπίπτουσι,3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Προσπίπτω,?, -πτώσω,τρ. -πέπτωκα, (fr. προς to, and πίπτω to fall) ,Προσρέω, (fr. προς to, and ρέω to to fall to, fall or sink upon, speak) to speak to, address, ac- ρόω to inflame, th. πυρ fire) to inflame or incense more. Προσραίνω,ί.-ράνω,γ.προσέρραγκα, (fr. προς to, and ραίνω to sprin- kle) στάττω, see ποοστάσσω. Προστεθείς, -εΊσα, -εν, par. — Προσ- τεθηναι, inf. 1 a. pass. — Προσ- τεθήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. pass, of προστίθημι. Προστεταγμένος, -η, -ον, per. par. pass, οϊ προστάσσω. Προστήκω, f. -ξω, (fr. ^xpbς to, and τί/κω to melt) to melt on, pour upon ; to adhere, stick or cling to, be attached to. Προστΐμ<αι,2 a. inf.act.of7rpo'iO"r>7//£. ripoari0iii,-£?7,(fr. same) a respecter of persons. Προσωποληψία, -ας, η, (fr. same) an accepting of or respect of per- sons, partiality. Πρόσωπον, -ov, το, (fr. προς to, and ώ-ψ the eye, th. άπτομαι to see) face, visage, countenance ; a person, character ; the front. Κατά πρόσωπον, openly, face to face. Προσωποποιΐα, -ας, η, (fr. last, and ποιεω to make) a personification a chang e of things to persons ; a fiction of persons. Προσωρμίσθησαν, 3 pi. I a. ind. pass, of προσορμίζω. Προσώτατα and Προσωτάτω, (fr. next ) farthest, very far. Προσώτατος, -η, -ov, (sup. of πρόσω before) farthest, most distant, foremost. Προσώτεοος, -a, -ov, (comp. of same) farther, more advanced, more forward, before. Προσωτίρω, (fr. last) farther, more distant. Προσωφελημα, -ατός, τδ, (fr. πρδς to, and ωφειλεω to help) addi- tional help. Προσώχθισα, -ας, -ε, I a. ind. act. of προσοχθί ζω. Προταμοίμην, 2 a. opt. mid. — Προ- τομών, -ονσα, -ov, par. 2 a. act. of προτεμνω. Προταοβεω -ω, (fr. προ intens. and ταρβέω to fear, th. τάρβος terror) to dread, fear. Πρότασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, jy, (fr. προτείνω to stretch out) a pro- posal, proposition ; the beginning of a play, opening of the plot ; a design, subject, argument. Προτάσσω or -ττω, f. -ζω, p. προτε- ταχα, (fr. προ before, and τάσσω to array) to place foremost, sta- tion in front ; to determine be- forehand, foreordain, predesti- nate, prescribe, appoint, per. ind. pass, προτίταγμαι. Προτεθεϊς, -ε7α,ι, -εν, par. 1 a. pass. — Προτεθηχα for προτέ θεικα, per. ind. act. οΐπροτίθημι. Προτείνω, f. -ενώ, p. προτίτακα,(ίτ. προ before, and τείνω to stretch) to stretch forth or out, extend, produce ; to strain, constrain, bind, tie : to propose, offer, prof- fer ; to set firth, present to view, expose. 1 a. a/,(fr. πρό- φημι to speak for) a pretence, pretext, cloak, colour ; an excuse, apology, defence, plea. Or (fr. προφαίνω to foreshow) an ap- pearance, show, semblance ; a cause, occasion, opportunity. 'Έ,χειν πρόφασιν, to have the ex- cuse of illness, be ailing. Προφασιστίκος, -η, -bv, (fr. last) ercusing, pretending, pleading, fictitious ; deceitful, false. Προφάτας, -a, Dor. for προφήτης. Πρόφερε, 2 sin. pres. impr. — Προ- φέρει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of προφέρω. Προφερης, -έος -ους, δ, 17, (fr. προφέ- ρω to produce) advanced, carried forward; aged, old; promoted, ex- alted, superior, excellent. Comp. προφερέστερος, sup. -έστατος. Προφέριισι, Ion. for προφέρη, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. of Προφέρω, f. -προοίσω, 1 a. προήνεγ- κα, (fr. προ before, and φέρω to carry) to bring forward, pro- duce, place or set before, show, exhibit, propose ; to bring, draw or take out ; to utter, express, say, declare, publish, proclaim ; to object, accuse, upbraid, re- ΠΡΟ preach ; to excel, surpass, exceed, to advance, promote, conduce ; to give in trust, charge, com- mand, order. Πρόφημι, (fr. same, and φημϊ to say) to say, speak or tell before, predict^ foretell. Προφητεία, -ας, η, (fr. same) pro- phecy ; a prediction, presage, oracle, response. Προφητεύω, f. -ενσω, (fr. same) to prophesy, divine, foretell, predict, presage ; to explain or apply prophecies, impf. act. προεφή- τενον, -ες, -ε, 1 a. act. ind. προε- φήτενσα, -ας, -ε' impf. προφήτευ- συν, -άτω. Προφήτης, -ου, h, (fr. same) a de- clarer, foreteller, prophet, di- viner ; a harbinger, forerunner ; a priest, teacher, instructor, in- terpreter ; a poet, bard. Προφητικός, -η, -bv, (fr. last) pro- phetic ; inspired. Προφήτις, -ιδος, η, (fr. same) a . prophetess, a. προφητιν. ΐΐροφθάνω, f. προφθάσω, p. προέφ- θακα, fr. προ before, and φθάνω, wh. see ; 1 a. ind. act. προέφ- 6ασα. Προφορά, -ας, η, (fr. προφέρω to ut- ter) expression, utterance, pro- ■ nunciation ; a word, voice speech ; ά reproach, taunt. ΠροφορΧκος, -ή, -ov, (fr. iast) ex• pressive, declarative ; shown, de- clared. Προφράζω, (fr. rpb before, and φρά- ζω to tell) to foretell, explain be- fore ; to declare, publish,proclaim Πρόφρασσα, -ης, η, (fr. πρόφρων willing) willing, ready, kind. Προφρόνως, (fr. next) willingly, readily, promptly. Πρόφρων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. προ before, and φρην the mind) prudent, ivise, discreet ; prompt, ready, willing, inclined, kind. ΠροφύγεΧν, 2 a. inf. act. — Προφύ- γόις, 2 sin. 2 a. opt. act. of προ- φεύγω. Προφυλακή, -ης, %, (fr. next) an observation ; a watch, guard, garrison. Προψύλαξ, -ακος, b, (fr. next) a guard, watch, sentinel. Προφυλάσσω or -ττω, f. -ξω, p. προ- πεφύλακα, (fr. προ before, and φυλάσσω to guard) to keep guard or watch for, over or in front of; to guard, preserve, keep ; to guard against, be cautious. Προχέειν, pres. inf. act. of προ- χεω. _ Προχειρίζω, f. -ίσω, and Προορίζο- μαι, f. προχειρίσομαι, (fr. πρδ be- fore, and χειρίζω to handle, th. χεΊρ the hand) to hold in the hand, handle ; to take in hand, begin, prepare, undertake.; to place at hand, make ready ; to determine, appoint, nominate, choose out ; to bring out, produce. 1 a. mid. ind. νροεχειρισάμην, -ω,-ατο. Προχειρίσασθαι, inf.. — Προχειρισά- ηενος, -η -ov, par. 1 a. mid. of last ΠΡΤ Πρόχειρο?, -ου, b, fj, (fr. rpb before, and χε"ιρ the hand) at hand, ready, light, easy , prepared. Προχειροτονίω-ώ, f. -i /σω, p. προκε- χειροτόνηκα, (fr. πρό before, and χειροτονέω to stretch forth the hand, which fr. χε\ρ the hand, and τείνω to stretch) to choose, elect or appoint before ; to choose in preference, vote for. per. pass, ind. προκεχειροτόνημαι' par. προκεχειροτονημένος, -η, -ov. Προχείρως, (fr. πρόχειρος ready) readily, easily, quickly. Προχέοντι, Dor. for προχίουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of προχεω. Πρόχευσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. next) a pouring forth, discharge, stream, flow. Προχεω, f. -ευσω, (fr. rpb before, and χέω to pour) to pour out, discharge. Πρόχνυ, (fr. same, and γόνυ the knee) on the knees ; utterly, to- tally, entirely. Προχοϊ), -ης, η, (fr. προχεω to dis- charge) a flow, discharge, flood, inundation, torrent, stream, wave; the mouth of a river. Πρόχοος, -ους, -όου -ου, η, (fr, same) an ewer, urn, basin. Προχράομαι, (fr. irpb for, and χράο- μαι to use) to use instead of; to use frequently. Προχυτης, -ου, b, (fr. προ before, and χέω to pour) barley and salt which was poured into the victim's ear ; salt cakes. Πρόχωμα, -ατός, rb, (fr. πpb before, and χώμα a heap, th. χόω to heap up) α bulwark, mound. Προχωρέω -ω, f. -ησω, (fr. same, and χωρέω to depart) to go be- fore, proceed, advance, march ; to reach, attain, succeed, pros- per ; to turn out, happen ; to fit. be convenient, suitable. Προχώρημα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) dung, excrement. Πράω, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, by Sync, for περατόω, wh. see. 1 a. ind. act. έπρωσα. per. pass. ind. -έ- πρωμαι' par. πεπρωμένος. Προώμαι οτΠρόωμαι, 1 pi. προώμε- θα, 2 a. sub. mid. of ποο'ίημι. Πρυώρισα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of προορίζω. Ώροωρώμην, impf. rnid. cont. of προοράω. Πρυλέες,-ων, ol, η. of πρύλιςοτπρυ- λης, -έος, b, η, seldom used in the sin. ; foot soldiers, infantry, soldiery ; an assembled multitude. Πρύλίς, -ίος, Att. -εω$•, η, (fr. iast) a dance of soldiers ; the soldiery, an armed body. Πρύμνα, Ion. -η, -ης, η, (fr. πρυμιύς extreme) -the poop or stern of a ship ; the rudder. Πρυμνήσιον, -ου, το, (fr. last) the stern rope, cable. Πρυμνήσι for πρυμνήσια, pi. Πρυμνήσιος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) be- longing to the stern. Πρυμνος, -η, -bv, the extreme, last, ending. Πρυμνΰ, -6ος, η, a woman's name. £501) ΠΡΩ Πρνμνώρΐια, -ας, fj, (fr. νρυμνός the extreme, and όρος a mountain) the bottom or foot of a mountain. Πρυτανεία, -ων, τα, (neut. of next) security or bail for prosecuting a suit or abiding by the decision ; office or duration of α Πρύτανις. Πρυτανείον, -ου, το, (fr. πρύτανις a magistrate) a judgment hall or court ; a magnificent house, pa- lace ; a college or hospital at Athens. Πρυτανεύω, (fr. next) to act as magistrate, rule, direct, govern, regulate, conduct ; to arbitrate, mediate ; to supply, procure. Πρύτάνις, -ιος, Att. -εως, b, the fifty select senators at Athens were so called ; a chief magistrate, ruler, governor ; a dispenser, guardian, protector, n. pi. πρυ- τάνεις, a. sin. πρύτανιν. Πρώαν, Dor. for Πρώ??ν, (fr. πρωί in the morning) lately, a little before, formerly. Πρωθήβης and Πρόθηβος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. πρώτος first, and 'ήβη youth) in youth, young. Πρωθύστερον, -ου, το, (neut. of next) a figure in rhetoric. Πρωθύστερος, -ου, b, /;, (fr. πρώτος first, and 'ύστερος latter) the first last, perverted, preposterous, ab- surd. ΠρωΧ, in the morning, early. "Αμα πρωί', together with the dawn. Πρωία, -ας, η, (fern, of τρώ'ίος early, viz. ώρα time) the morning, dawn. Πρώ'ίζαοχ -ζον, and Προ'ϊζά or -ζον, (fr. πρωΐ early) the day before yesterday, very lately. Πρωΐβεν, (fr. same) in the morning, early. Πρώιμος, -ου, h, (fr. same) early, in the morning, belonging to the morning, at dawn. Πρωϊνος, -η, -bv, and Πρώϊος, -a, -pv, (fr. same) belonging to the morning, dawning, Πρωϊόθεν, (fr. same) early in the morning. Πρωκτός, -ου, b, the posteriors. Πρών, -ωνος, and Πρώων, -όνος, b, for πρηών, η. pi. πρώονες. Πρώξ, -κος, b, (fr. πρωί in the morn- ing) a drop, prop£rly a dew- drop. Πρώρα, -ας, η, (perhaps fr. προ be- fore, and ρέω to flow, or bpάω to see) the prow, bow, head. Πρώράθεν, (fr. last, and $εν from a place) from the prow. Πρωρατεύω, (fr. next) to stand on the prow, keep a look out ; to be boatswain. Πρωράτης, -ου, and Πρωρευς, -έος Att. έως, b, (fr. ποώρα the prow" the master of tlie prow or fore part of the ship, boatswain. Πρώτα, and τα πρώτα, (fr. πρώτος first) at first, first, firstly. Πρωταγωνιστής, -ου, b, η, (fr. πρώ- τος first, and αγών a contest) a principal combatant ; a chief actor. Πρώται, -ων, al, (pi. fera. of τρώτα ΠΡΩ first, viz. πόλεις cities) capitals, ■metropoles. Πρώταρχος, -ov, 6, (fr. same, and αρχή command) a chief govern- or, commander. ΏρωτεΊον, -ου, τδ, (neut. of next) precedence, pre-eminence, supe- riority. Τα πρωτεία, the chief rank; first place or prize. Πρωτείος, -a,'-ov, (fr. πρώτος first) chief, foremost, first, most excel- lent, superior. Πρωτεσίλας, -a, Dor. for Πρωτεσί- λάος, -ου, δ, a man's name. Πρωτεύς, -έος,ί, Proteus, a marine deity. Πρωτεύω, f. -ευσω, p. πεπρώτενκα, (fr. πρώτος first) to be first or chief, take the lead, have the pre- eminence, hold the first place, par pres. act. πρωτεύων. Πρώτη, d sin. fern, of same. Πρωτηρότη, d. sin. of Ώρωτιφότ^ς, -ov, b, (fr. πρώτος first, and αρόω to plough) who first ploughed. Πρώτιστ'ΐοτ Πρώτιστα, ΆηάΠρώτισ- τον, (fr. next) firstly, in the first place, especially, particularly. ΙΙρώτιστος, -η, -ov, (a. sup. fr. ποώ- τος first) first of all, the very first, first, chief foremost. Πρωτοβαθρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. πεπρω- τοβάθρηκα, (fr. same, and βάθρον a ben:h) to set onlhe first bench, place on the foremost row ; to sit or be seated first, impf. act. επρωτοβάθρεον -ουν. 1 a. ind. act. επρωτοβάθρησα. Πρωτοβολέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. πεπρω- τοβόληκα, (fr. same, and βάλλω to shoot) to shoot, produce or put forth first. 1 a. ind. act. επρωτο βόλησα. Πρωτογενής, -έος -ους, b, fj, (fr. same, and γίνομαι tobeborn)7??-si of its kind, primitive, original, first made. Also a man's name. Πρωτογέννημα, -ατός , το, (fr. same) first produce, first offerings, first fruits, Πρωτόγονος, -ov, b, η~, (fr. same) first-born, first-begotten, eldest, first fruit. Πρωτόγονος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. same_ bearing the first time; at the first birth. Πρωτογόνων, g. pi. of either of the two 1 Πρωτοκαθεδρία, -ας, ή, (fr. πρώτος first, and 'καθέδρα a seat, th. έ'ω to sit) the first or uppermost seat, precedency. Πρωτοκλησία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and καλέω to caL) an assembly of chiejs ; a council. • Πρωτοκλισία, -ας,ί], (fr. same, and κλισία a couch, th. κλίνω to re- cline) the first couch, uppermost seat or place ; precedency. Πρωτοκονρία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and κουρά a shearing) the first shear- ing ; the first cutting of the hair. Πρωτολογία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and 1ΪΤΑ ΠΤΗ Πρωτομίδεικα, -ας, ή~, a woman's Πτάτο, Ion. for έπτατο, 3 sin. impt of πτάμαι, mid. of πτήμι. Πτάω, obs. fr. which πτήμι. Πτε, a Poetic particle. Πτελεα, -ας, ή, an elm tree. * Πτερά, pi. of πτερόν. Πτέρις, -ιδος, ή, fern. Πτέρνα, -ης, η, the heel ; the end or extremity of any thing. Πτερνάω, same as name. Πρώτον, τδ, (neut. of πρώτος first) first, at first, in the first place. Πρωτοπάγής -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. πρώ- τος first, and πήγνυμι to fasten) first put together, ?iewly made, new. Πρωτόπειρος, -υν, b, ή", (fr. same, and πέΐρα an attempt) having first attempted. Πρωτοπλάστες, -ov, b, (fr. same, and πλάσσω to form) first form- er, shaper or maker. Πρωτόπλαστος, -ov, b, ή", (fr. same) first formed, first made. Πρώτος, -η,-ον, (sup. οΐπρό, πρότε- ρος, πρότατος, Sync, πρόατος, Cras. πρώτος) first, foremost, be- fore, former, earliest, primaeval ; chief, primary, principal, n. pi. πρώτοι, the chief men,magistrates, rulers. Πρωτοστασία, -ας, t), (fr. last, and στάσις a station) principality, power, rule, pre-eminence. Πρωτοστάτης, -ov,b, (fr. same, and ϊστημι to stand) who stands to the right of the rank ; a captain, leader, chief; a ringleader, a. πρωτοστάτην. Πρωτοτοκε7α, and -κία, -ων, τα, (fr. same, and τόκος a birth, th. τίκ- τω to produce) birthright ; the rights of eldership. Πρωτοτοκεύω, f. -εύσω, p. πεπρωτο τόκενκα, (fr. same) to make or treat as first born. Πρωτοτοκέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. πεπρωτο- τόκηκα, (fr. same) to bring forth for the first time. Πρωτότοκος, -ου, η, (fr. same) bear- ing for the first time. Πρωτότοκος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) first born. Πρωτώ, -ύος -ους, >/, a woman's name. Πρώτως, (fr. πρώτος first) first, at first, in the first place. Πρώων, -όνος, b, a projecting height, promontory, top of a mountain ; a band, mound, Πταίει, 3 sin. -ομεν, 1 pi. οι πταίω. Πταίην, 2 a. opt. act. of πτήμι. Πταίοισα, Dor. for πταίουσα, η. fern. pres. par. act. of πταίω. Πταίρω, and Πτάρω, to sneeze, 2 a. ind. act. έπτάρον. Πταίσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. — Πταίσειν 1 f. inf. act. — Πταίσ^τε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of πταίω. Πταίσμα, -άτος, το, (fr. next) a trip, scumble, fall ; a stumbling- block, cause of falling ; a fault, error ; a failure, reverse t disas- ter, calamity. Πταίω, f. πταίσω, to strike, hit or dash against ; to stumble, trip, slip, totter ; to fail, be disappoint- ed ; to commit a fault, err, fall away, lapse. 1 a. act. έπταισα, -ας, -ε' sub. πταίσω. Πτάμενος, pres. par. mid. of τττά- μαι, mid. of πτήμι. Or, 2 a. par. mid. of "πταμ Πτερνίΐω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. πτέρνα a heel) to strike with the heel, kick ; λόγος a word, th. λέγω to speak) {Πταρμος, -οΰ, b, (fr. πταίρω to a speaking first, first address. ( eneeze) a sneezing. (502) to supplant, trip ; to deceive, in- jure, defraud. Πτερνις, -ίδος, η, (fr. same) the heel; the foot or stand of a basin. Πτερνισμός, -ου, b, (fr. same) a kicking, tripping, supplanting^ deception, fraud, injury. Πτερνογλϋφος, -ου, b, (fr. same, and γλύφω to scrape) the name of a mouse. Πτερνοτρώκτης, -ου, b, (fr. same, and τρώγω to gnaw) the name of a mouse. Πτερνοφάγος, -ου, b, (fr. same, and φάγω to eat) the name of a mouse. Πτερύεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. next) wing- ed, swift, a. sin. πτερόεντα. Πτερον, -οΰ, τδ, a wing ; a feather ; a fin. Πτεροφυέω -ώ, (fr. last, and φύω to produce) to produce or cause wings to grow ; to mount on wings, become winged. Πτερόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. πτερδν a wing) to add wings to, wing, furnish with wings. Πτέρυγας, a. pi. — Πτερυ^ε?, η. pi. — Πτερύγεσσι, Ion. for πτέρυξι, d. pi. — Πτερύγων, g. pi. of πτέρυξ. Πτερύγων, -ου, το, (fr. πτέρυξ same as th. πτερον a wing) a little wing ; a fin ; a battlement, pin- nacle. Πτέρυξ, -υγος, >/, (fr. πτερον a wing) a wing ; a fin ; a feather ; a sail ; any extremity, skirt, edge. Πτερύσσομαι, f. -ύξομαι, (fr. last) to clap the wing, flutter ; to leap or skip for joy. Πτερωτός, -ή, -ov, (fr. πτερον a wing) winged, feathered. Πτέσθαι, for πτάσθαι, inf. of επτά- μην, 2 a. mid. of 'ίπταμαι. Πτήμα, -άτος, τδ, (fr. next) a fly- ing, flight. ■ Πτήμι or "ίπτημι, f. πτήσω, p. 7rfV• τηκα, (fr. obs. πτάω to fly) to fly, spread wings, go through the air ; to flee, escape. 2 a. ind. act. έπτην. Πτηνά, -ων, τά, pi. of πτηνόν. Πτήναι, 2 a. inf. act. of πτήμι or 'ίπτημι. Πτηνον, -ου, τδ, (neut. of next) a fowl, bird. Πτηνος, -ή, -δν, (fr. πτήμι to fly) flying, winged ; swift, flitting. Πτήξαι, 1 a. inf. act. of πτήσσω. Πτήξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, §, (fr. same) terror, fear, fright, consterna- tion, alarm, panic. Πτήσις, -ης, Att. -εως, ι% (fr. πτή- μι or "ίπτημι to fly) a flighty ad of flying. πτχ Πτύσσω, f. -ζω, ρ. πίπτηχα, and Ion. πεττηα, (fr. πτοίω to fright- en) to fear, dread, tremble ; to shrink, cover ; to flee or fly, hide, escape; to frighten, alarm, ap- pal, dismai/; to astonish, as- tound. Πτ>/σω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of πτημι or 'ίπτημι. ΠτϊΆον, -ov, το, (fr. next) a plume, feather, down ; a wing ; an oar. Πτίλος, or ΤΙτίλλος, -η, -ov, soft, smooth, bald; wanting the eye- lashes or eyebrows. ΙΙτίσσω, or -ττω, f. -ίσω, to pound, stamp, bruise, knead ; to beat, thump ; to pat, clap ; to peel, bark, strip. Πτοίω -ω, f. -ήσύ, p. επτόηκα, to terrify, frigliten, alarm, appal, dismay ; to astonish, amaze, con- found ; to inflame, excite. Πτοίο- μαι, to quiver, quake, tremble ; to burn with any desire. 1 a. pass, ind. επτοήθην' sub. τχτοηθΰ>, -fjg, -fj' par. πτοηθείς, -είσα, -εν. Πτοημίνος, Ion. for επτοημίνος, par. per. pass, of last. Πτόησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) fear, terror, consterna- tion; menace, threat. Πτοιίω, Poet, for πτοίω, per. ind. pass, επτοίημαι, -σαι, -ται. Πτοίμην, -οίο, -οΊτο, for πταίμην, -αΤο, -αϊτό, 2 a. opt. mid. of 'ίπ- τημι or πτημι. ΤΙτοιουμαι, pres. ind. mid. cont. of τττοιέω. Πτολεμαΐς, -ίδος,η, Plolemais,name of a city. Πτολεμίζω — Τίτό"λεμος — Πτολιεθ- pov, Poet, for πολεμίζω, &c. ΤΙτολίεσσι, Poet, and Ion. {οτπόλι- σι, d. pi. of πό\ις. Πτολιπόρθιος, and Π.το\ίπορθος,-ου, b, (fr. πτόλις Poet, for πόλις a city, and πίρθω to destroy) α de- stroyer of cities, ravager, warrior. Πτόλις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, Poet, for πόλις. ΤΙτόρθοιο, g. Ion. of Πτόρθος, -ου, b, (fr. ορθδς straight) a branch, bough, slloot. Ώτύγμ', for Ώ'ύγμα, -ατός, το, (fr. πτύσσω to fold) a folding, bending; a fold, plait, wrinkle, hollow. Πτυγξ, -γος, δ, a kind of bird. Ώτύελον, -ου, το, and Πτύελο?, -ου, b, (fr. πτύω to spit) spittle. Πτυκτος, -η, -bv, (fr. πτύσσω to fold) creased, folded, wrapped up. ΙΙτύξ, -υχος, ή, (fr. same) a fold, crease, plait, wrinkle; a plate, leaf; a door or side of folding doors ; a hollow, glen, valley ; a summit, top, ridge. Πτύξας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. of same. Πτύζις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr.same) a folding, bending, doubling ; a fold, pinit. Πτίίον, -ov, rb, (fr. πτύω to spit) a shcvelfor winnowing ; a fan for blowing out the chaff. Πτνόφι, Poet, for χτύον, g. of last. ΠΤΩ Ώτύρημι, same as κτνρω. 2 a. ind. act. επτύρην. Πτνρόμενος, -??, -ov, par. pres. pass, of Πτύοω, f. πτυρώ, p. ίπτυρκα, to ter- rify, frighten, alarm, startle. Πτύρομαι, to start, snort for fear. Πτύσας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. of πτύω. Πτύσμα, -ατός, rd,(fr. πτύω to spit) a spit, spittle. Πτύσσω, f. -ζω, p. πίπτυχα, to dou- ble up, fold, wrap together ; to roll up ; to bend, quiver. 1 a. ind. act. έπτυξα. Πτύχες, -ων, at, (pi. of πτυξ a fold) double or folding doors. Π-τνχή, -fjS>>'i, (fr. πτύσσω to fold) α fold, crease, plait, wrinkle ; clothes, dress ; a plate, leaf, board; a door ; a winding, folding ; a layer, row or course. Hrvyat, double or folding doors. ΠτυχθεΙς, -εϊσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass, of same. Πτύω, f. -ίίσω, to spit, spit out ; to despise, contemn, reject ; to froth, foam, throw up. Πτωκαζεμεν, Ion. or Dor. for πτω- κάζειν, pres. inf. act. of Πτωκάζω, same as πτώσσω. Πτώμα, -ατός, το, (fr. πίπτω to fall) a fall ; ruin, destruction ; a fail- ure, overthrow, defeat ; a corpse, carcass, pi. πτώματα. Ιίτωματίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. last) to throw down, make fall. Πτώξ, -ωκος, b, 17, (fr. πτώσσω to tremble, th. πτοίω to {ear) fear- ful, timorous, timid, afraid. Subs, a hare. Πτώσίμος, -η, -ov, (fr. πίπτω to fall) falling, frail, likely to fall; fallen. ΐίτώσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) a fall ; a stroke, blow ; a failure, defeat, overthrow; ruin, slaughter, destruction ; a case in grammar, a. πτώσιν. Πτώσσ;/ς, 2 sin. pres. sub. act. — Πτώσσοντί,ϋοΓ. for πτώσσουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Πτώσσω, f. πτώξω, (fr. πτοίω to fear) to frighten, terrify, appal, dismay ; to cower, tremble, shrink, skulk ; go about begging. Πτώσω,-ε£5,-εί,1 find. act.ofTri -τω. Πτώχεια, -ας, η, (fr. πτωχός a beg- gar) beggary, poverty, want, in- digence. Πτωχεύω, f. -εύσω, p. πεπτώχενκα, (fr. same) to need, be in want ; to beg, ask alms. 1 a. ind. act. εττ- τώχευσα. ΐΐτωχίζω, f. -Υσω, p. πεπτώχικα, (fr. same) to impoverish, make poor, reduce to want. Πτωχικος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) poor, beggarly, mean. Πτωχό?, <-ή, -bv, (fr. πτώσσω to tremble, th. πτοίω to fear) fear- ful, timid, afraid, trembling; poor, indigent. Subs, a beggar, mendicant, pauper. Πτωχοψανής, -ίος -ους, b, ?% (fr. last, and φαίνω to show) appear- ing poor, feigning want, beggar- ly, mean. (503) ΠΤΘ Πυανέψια, -ας, f) (fr. next, *»J ί'ψω to boil) a certain festive* at Athens, when beans were eaten. Πύανον, also ΤΙύαμον, -ου, τδ, and Ώ,ύαμος, -ov, b, a bean. ΐΐύαρ, thick milk, cream, curd. Πυγαΐα, -ων, τα (fr. next) the but* tocks. Πϋγη, -ης, and Πυξ, πυγυς, ?/, the buttocks, posteriors. Ώυγίζω, (fr. last) to strike the but' tocks. ΐΐύγισμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) a blow on the buttocks. ΠυγμαΊος, -ov, b, (fr. πυγμή a cubit) a little man, pigmy, Lillipu- tian. ΤΙύγματος, same as πύματος. Πυγμαχίω-ώ, (fr. πυγμή a fist, and μάχομαι to fight) to fight with the fists, box. Πυγμαχία, -ας, η, (fr. same) abox, boxing-match. Πυγμάχος, -ov, b, (fr. same) a box- er, pugilist. Πυγμή, -ης, η, (fr. πυξ with fists) the fist ; length from the elbow to the fist; a cubit; d. sin. πυγμή, used adv. often, frequently ; ear- nestly, tenaciously. Πυγοστόλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. πνγη the buttocks, and στέλλω to adorn) ornamenting the buttocks. Πυγών, -όνος, η, (fr. πυξ the fist) length from the elbow to the first knuckle ; a cubit. Πυδαρίξω, (perhaps fr. πηδάω to leap) to leap, bound, dance; to kick, fling. Πύελος, -ου, b or ?;, (perhaps fr. πους the foot, and λούω to wash) a vessel or stool used in the bath ; the passage through which the phlegm passes to the nose ; a box } chest. Πυθαγόρας, -ου, b, Pythagoras, a man's name. Πυθαγόρειος, -ov, b, η, and Πνθαγο- ρικος,-η, -bv, (fr. last) of Pytha- goras, Pythagorean. Πνθαγυριστάς, -a, b, Dor. for Πυ- θαγοριστης, -ου, b, (fr. same) of Pythagoras, Pythagorean. Πϋθεδών, -όνος, η, (fr. πύθω to rot) rottenness, corruption, decay. Πυθέσθαι, 2 a. inf. mid. of πννθά- νομαι. Πύθεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. mid. of πύθω. Πνθεν, Dor. for πύθου, 2 a. impr. mid. of πννθάιομαι. Πύ0?7,3 sin. pres. sub. act. οΐπύθω. Or 2 sin. 2 a. sub. rnid. of πυν- θάνομαι. Πνθηαι, Ion. for ττύθη, 2 sin. 2 a. sub. mid. of πννθάνομαι. Πυθία, -ων, τα, (fr. Πύθίο? Apollo) the Pythian games ; the time of the Pythian games. Πυθίας, -άδος, ^,(fr. same) apriesi- ess of Apollo. Πυθίκος,-η, -bv, (fr. same) of Apol- lo, Pythian. Πνθιονϊκας, -a, b, Dor. for Πνθιονϊκης, -ov, b, (fr. Πυθία the Pythian games,and νικάω to con• ΠΤΛ quer) a victor in the Pythian games. Πύθιος, -α, -ov, Pythian, of Apol- lo ; a name for Apolto Πυθμην, -ένος, b, the bottom, lovjest part of any thing , u shoot, suck- er, stalk, d. sin. νυθμίνι, a. sin. ττυθμενα. Πνθόθεν, (fi -.Πυθώ Pytho, andSev from a place) from Pytho. ΠυθοΊ, d. sin. of Πνθω — Πνθο7δ towards Pytho. Πυθοίάτο, Ion. for πύθοιντο, 3 pi. 2 a. opt. mid. — Ώυθόμενος, 2 a. par. mid. - — Πύθοντο, Ion. for επύθοντο, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. mid. of πννθάνομαι. Πνθώ, -όος -ους, and Πόθων, -ωνός, >/, Pytho and Python, names of a town, called also Delphi. Πύθω, f. πύσω,ίο grow putrid, rot, decay. Πόθων, -ωνος, b, Python, a serpent fabled to have been killed by Apollo ; an evil spirit of divina- tion ; a diviner ; a ventriloquist. ΤΙυθωνόθεν, (fr. Πόθων Pytho, and ■S -εν from a place) from Pytho. Ώυκα, thickly, numerously, fre quently, often ; strongly, firmly, closely ; skilfully, wisely, pru- dently. Ώυκάζω, (fr. last) to thicken, make thick or close, condense, crowd ; to cover, hide, shade ; to strength- en, fortify ; to make ready, pre- pare, ornament, adorn. 1 a. inf. act. πυκάσαι. Πυκάσδεν, Dor. for πυκάζειν, pres. inf. act. — Πυκάσδη, Dor. for πυκάζη, 2 sin. pres. ind. mid. of last. Πύκασμα, τατος, το, (fr. same) any thing close or thick ; a thicket. Πυκινης, g. sin. fern, of Πυκινος, -ή, -dv, (fr. πύκα thickly) thick, condensed, solid ; frequent, numerous, crowded ; strong, well fortified, firm, sure; prudent, wise, discreet; neat, fine, ele- gant. Πυκνά, and Πυκνδν, (fr. next) thickly, frequently, often ; firmly, strongly ; prudently, wisely. Πυκνός, -η, -ov, Sync, for πυκινός. Πυκνότερος, -a, -ov, comp. of last— Πυκνότερον, more frequently. Πυκνότης, -ητος, ^, (fr. πυκνοί thick, th. ττύκα thickly) thickness, den- sity, solidity ; frequency, repeti- tion ; prudence, wisdom, discre- tion. Πνκνώς, same as πυκνά. Πύκτας, -a, Dor. for πύκτης. Πυκτεύω, f. -εύσω, p. πεπύκτευκα, (fr. next) ίο he a boxer, box,fight. Πύκτης, -ov, b, (fr. πυξ with the fist) a boxer, pugilist. Πυκτος, -η, -bv, for πτυκτός. Πνλαγόραι, and Πνλαγόροι,-ων,οΙ, (fr. next, and αγορά an assem- bly) members of the Amphicty- onic council held at Thermo- pylce. Πόλβί, -ων, αι, (η. pi. of πύλη a ΠΤΡ "Πυλαία, -ας, Ion. -αΐη, -ης, ή, (fr, last) the Amphictyonic council held at Thermopylae. Πυλάρτης, -ου, b, (fr. π-ύλ^ a gate, and άρω to fit) having strong and well fitted doors. Πυληωρόί, see πυλουρός. Πυλέων, Ion. for πυλών, g. pi. of Πυλ>7, -ης, t), or Πυλίί, -*ίδος, ι), a gate, door, entrance, passage, strait, defile, ])ass ; the gates of darkness, hell ; a court, council. Πυλ>/σ', and Πύλνσι, d. pi. Ion. of last. Πύλιγγες, hair growing on the but- tocks. Πύλως, -ου, b, (fr. next) a man of Pylus, a Pylian. g. pi. Πυλ/ων. Πύλος, -ov, η, Pylus, the name of a town. Πύλος, -ου, b, same as πύλη. Πυλονρος, Πυλωρό?, and Πυλαωρό?, -ου, b, η, (fr. πόλ>7 a gate, and ονρος a keeper, or ώρα care) a guard or keeper of the gate, por- ter, gate-keeper, warder. Πύλωμα, -άτος, το, (fr. πύλη a gate) a door, gate, entrance; a hall, vestibule. Πυλών, -ωνος, b, (fr. same) a porch, gateway, hall ; a gate, door. Πυλώνα, -νας,-νες, -νος, -νων, -σι, cases of last. Πυλωρό?, -ου, b, see πυλονρός. Πυμάτη, d. sin. fern, of Πυμάτος, -η, -ov, (fr. ττυθμην the bottom) extreme, farthest, last. Πύνδαξ, -άκος, b, the bottom, end, extremity of any thing ; the han- dle or hilt of a sword. Πυνθάνεσθαι, pres. inf. of Πυνθάνομαι, f. mid. πεύσομαι, p. pass, πίπυσμαι, to hear, learn, understand, be informed ; to in- quire, ask; to listen, hearken. pres. par. mid. πυνθανόμενος. 2 a. mid. ind. επύθόμην, -ov, -ετο' inf. πνθέσθαι, par. πυθόμενος. Πυξ, with thefists, in boxing. Πυξ, cont. for πύκα. - Πύξίνος, -η, -ov, (fr. πύξος the box tree) made of box. Πνξίον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a writ- ing table, formerly made of box ; also a little box, casket. Πνξίς, -Wo?, ι/, (fr. same) a box or fes.se/ made of box- wood. Πύξος, -ov, η, the box tree or box- . wood. Πύον, -ov, and Πύος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. πύθω to rot) corruption, pus, bad blood. Πϋος,-ον, and Πυbς, -ου, b,the first milk after birth, beesting. Πύππαξ, an expression attending a slap on the back ; well done, bravo. ΠΤΡ burn) to light a fire, set on fire burn. Πυρ, πυρός, rb, fire, flame; a fever. d. πυρί. Πυρά, -άς, η, (fr. last) a pile of wood set on fire ; a funeral pile; a fire. Πνράγρα, -ας, //, (fr. same, and ίγρα a seizing) a pair of tongs, pincers, gate) passes, gates; straits ; the ΥΠνραίθονσα, pres. par. fern, of straits of Thermopylae. Ι Πυραίθω, (fr. πυρ a fire, and αίθω to (504) ΠυράκκΧος, -a,-ov, (fr. same, and άγω to lead) of a fiery coloui, red. Πυρακτίω, and -τόω -ω, (fr. same) to turn in the fire ; to make red hot. Πυράμη, -ης, η, (fr. πυρός wheat, and άμη a reaping hook) a reap- ing hook, sickle. Πυραμις, -Έδος, η, (fr. πυρ a flame) a pyramid. Πόρ«υνον, -ου, το, (fr. same, and αυω to bum) a chafingdish. Πυργηδον, (fr. πύργος a tower) like a tower. Πνργηρίω -ω, (fr. same) to besiege, blockade. Πυργίον, -ου, rb, (dim. of same) a little tower, turret. Πυργόβαρις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. next, and βάρις a citadel) a tower, fort, fortification ; pa- lace. Πύργος, -ov, b, a tower, turret, cas- tle, citadel ; a turretted wall, for- tification, embattlement, rampart; a fortified town ; a division of an army, solid square, phalanx ; a dice box. Πνργόω -ω, (fr. last) to erect like a tower, raise on high ; to fortify with towers; to exaggerate, heighten. Πύργωμα, -άτος, το, (fr. same) a tower, bulwark, rampart, fort, castle. Πνρεία, -ας, η, (fr. π%ρ fire) a fur- nace, fireplace, hearth, chimney. ΠνρεΊον, and Ion. Πυρήϊον, -ου, το, (fr. same) fuel, tinder; a cen- ser, chafingdish, Πνρίσσονσα, η. -σονσαν, a. sin. fern. par. pres. act. of. Πυρ/σσω or -ττω, f. -ξω, p. πεπύρε- χα, (fr. next) to be ill of a fever be feverish, par. pres. act. πνρίσ- σων. 1 a. ind. act. επύρεξα. Πυρετός, -ου, 6,(fr. πυρ fire) a fever, burning heat. Πυρην, -ηνος, b, a kernel. Πϋρηφόρος, •ον, b, η, same as πϋρο- φόρος. Πνρία, -ας, η, (fr. πυρ fire) a sweat- ing, perspiration; fumigation vapour ; heat ; a stove, sweating- house ; a caldron. Πνριατήριον, -ου, b, (fr. same, and τηρεω to keep) a stove, fumiga- tion-bath, sweating-hous*. Πνριγενέτης, -εος -ονς, b, i), (fr. same, and γίνομαι to be) made by fire, forged, Πυρίεφθος, and Πύρεφθος, -ov, b,fy, (fr. same, and itycato boil) boil- ed with fire, sodden, stewed. Πυρίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. πυρ hre) to set on fire, light up, kindle. 1 a. act. ind. επύρισα' par. πυρίσας ί -ασα, -αν. Πωρίκανστος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and καίω to burn) burned, singed, scorched; hardened 6j( fire. Πυρίνιον, -ου, τό, (fr. same) ο bra• thel. ΠΤΡ ΙΙδρΜί, -ν, "δ"» (&• same) /en/, scorching, hot. Πύρινος, -ου, δ, >/, (fr. πυρό? wheat) of wheat, wlieutcn. Πύρίοι; -ου, το, (fr. πυρ fire) a/iVf- pan, censer ; fuel ; a firebrand, torch. Πυριπνε'ιοντας, a pi. mas. par. pres. act. of ΠυρπτνείωοτΐΙυριιτνίω, (fr. πυρ fire, and πνέω to breathe) to breathe fire. Πυριπνενστοισι, d. pi. of Πυρ/πνευστό?, -ου, δ, η, (fr. πυρ fire, and πνέω to breathe)7?re-/>reaiA- tng", burning. Πυρισφάράγος, -ου, δ, >% (fr. same, and σφάράγος noise in the throat) crackling like fire ; tear- ing and devouring with the noise of fire. Πυρΐτης, -ου, δ, (fr. πυρ fire) a stone emitting fire, fiint. Πυριτρεφης, -έος -ους, δ, f), (fr. same, and τρέφω to nourish) nourished by fire. ΪΙνριφεγγής, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. same, and φέγγος brightness) shining with fire. Πνριφλεγέθης, -εος -ους, δ, /% (fr. same, and φλεγέθω to bum) suffering under a fiery heat, burn- ing with heat. Πυριφλεγέθων,-οντος,ο, (fr. same) burning with fire, blazing ; name of one of the rivers in the Po - etic hell. Πυριφλεγης, -ίος -ους, δ, η, (fr. πυρ fire, and φλέγω to burn) burning with fire, flaming, scorching, Πυρκαια, -ας, f), (fr. same, and καίω to burn) a burning pile ; a funeral pile. Πνρνυ,Ίος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) ripe, eatable. Πΰρνος, -η, -ov, for πύρινος, (fr. πυ- pbg wheat) wheaten, of wheat. Subs, a piece of bread. Πνρόβολον, -ου, το, (fr. πυρ fire, and βάλλω to throw) a fiery mis- sile weapon, fireball, burning ar- row. Πνροειοης, -έος -ους, b,f/, (fr. same, and έΐδος appearance) like fire, flaming. Πυρόει?, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. πυρ fire) fiery, burning, fiaming. Πυρόπνοοί, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and πνέω to breathe) breathing fire. Πύρος, -ου, Ion. -οίο, δ, wheat, grain, corn. ΪΙυροϋμαι, ind. — Πυρουσθαί, inf. — Πυρούμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. cont. of Π,υροφλεγης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. πυρ fire, and φλέγω to burn) burning with fire, blazing, fiaming, burn- ed, scorched. Πυροφόρος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same, and φέρω to bring) fire-bearing. Πΰροφύρος, -ov, h, ή, (fr. πυρός wheat, and φέρω to bear) wheat- bearing, harvest-yielding, fertile, fruitful. Πυρόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, p. πεπύρωκα,{ίτ. πυρ fire) to set on fire, burn, consume or lay waste by fire ; to 3S ΠΤΣ try or explore by fire ; to light up, kindle, inflame ; to boil, roast or otherwise use fire. Πυ- ρόομαι -οΐψαι, to be set on fire, be healed, irritated ; to burn with any passion; to consume, pine, waste aw>ay ; to melt, dis- solve, pres. inf. pass, πυρόεσθαι -ούσθαι. per. pass. ind. πετινρω- μαι' ρΆΓ.πεπυρωμένος,-η, -ov. ΐΐυρπάλάμος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. same, and παλάμη the hand) wrought in the fire ; redhot, fiery, fire- darting. ΤΙύρπνοος -ους, -6ου -ού, b, »/, (fr. same, and πνέω to breathe) breathing fire. ΤΙυρπολέω-ώ, ΆηάΠνρπολέομαι -ου- £αι, (fr. same, and πολέω to be usy) to be employed about or work in the fire ; to kindle, light up, burn ; to waste with fire. Πυρράζει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of Πνρράζω, f. -άσω, p. πεπυρρακα, also, Πυρρίζω, Πυρ'ριάω -ώ, and Πυρρόομαι -ονμαι, (fr. πυρρός red) to redden, grow red; to look or be red. Πυρ'ράκης, -ου, δ, (fr. πυρ fire) fire- coloured, red, reddish ; yellow, flame-coloured. Πνρρίχη, -ης, η, (fern, of Πύρριχος Pyrrhic, viz. όρχησις a d;ince) a Pyrrhic or war-dance, dance in armour. Πυρριχίζω, (fr. last) to perform the Pyrrhic dance, dance in armour. Πυρρίχιος, (fr. same, viz. πους a foot) pyrrhichee, a metrical foot ΙΙΰρριχιστης, -ού, Ό, (fr. same) u Pyrrhic dancer. Πύρρίχος. -η, -οι-, (fr. Πύρ'ρος Pyr- rhus) Pyrrhic. Also Dor. for Πυρρός, -a, -ov, (fr. πυρ fire) fire or flame- coloured, like fire J red, ruddy, reddish. Πνρρος, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. last) Pyrrhus, a man's name. Πυρσεύω, f. -ευσω, p. πεπύρσενκα, (fr. next) to make signals with fire or with a brand. Πυοσεΰο- μαι, to blaze, burn up. Πυρσός, -ού, δ, (fr. πυρ fire) a fire- brand, torch ; a signal by fire, beacon. Πυρφόρος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same, and φέρω to carry) fire-bearing, who carries fire at a sacrifice or pro- cession ; an attendant at such an occasion, priest. Πυρώδης, -εος -ους, δ, §, (fr. same) fiery, flaming ; lighted up, burn- ing. Πυρωθεί?, -εΓσα, -εν, g. pi. Πυρω- θέντων, par. 1 a. pass, of πυρόω. Πύρωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, »/, (fr. πυρ fire) a boiling, roasting or other use of fire; an essay or proof by fire ; a fiery trial or ordeal ; a burning, conflagration ; a blast, blight, d. cont. Att. πυρώσει. Πυρώτης,-ου, b, (fr. same) a work- er at fire ; a purifier, refiner ; a smith. Πυρωτός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) burn- ing, set on fire ; fiery ; red. Πύσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. — Πυσ- (505) ΠΩΜ θεϊς, -εΓσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass, of πι•0ω. Πύσμα, -άτος,τό, (fr. πυνθάνομαι to inquire) a question ; an inquiry t examination. ΠυσματΊκός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) by way of question, inquiring, in- terrogative, inquisitive ; rational, logical, inductive, argumenta- tive. Πύστις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) a hearing, noise ; an account^ report ; an inquiry. Πύσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of πύθω. Πϋτίνη, -ης, η, a bottle cased with wicker-work, flask ; a wine-jar or vessel. Πί>, Dor. for πού, where ? in what place ? how ? in what manner ? Πω, (fr. 'ός who) any how, at all, in any way, by any means, some how ; from some place or other ; ever, at any time, yet. Often used as an enclitic, as μήπω, not at all ; ovirto, not yet. Πω, by Apoc. for πώθι, 2 a. impr. οί πωμι. Πώγων, -ωνος, b, the beard. Πωγωνίας, -ου, b, η, (fr. last•) bearded. Πωγωνοτροφέω -ω, (fr. same, and τρέφω to rear) to encourage or wear the beard. Πωγωνοτροφία, -ας, η, (fr. same) the having or wearing a beard ; length of beard. Πώεα, pi. of πώϋ. Πώλεαι, Ion. for πόλη, 2 sin. cont. pres. sub. act. — ίΐωλε?, act. — Πολεΐται, pass. 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. of πολέω. Πωλε'εσκε,3 sin. impf. act. — Πω- λέσκετο, 3 sin. impf. mid. Ion. of Πωλε'σκω or -εέσκω, Ion. for πωλεω. Πωλεύμην, Ion. and Dor. for επω- λούμπν, impf. ind. pass, of Πωλε'ω, f. -ήσω, p. πεπώληκα, to sell, hawk, trade. Πολέσμαι -ού- μαι, to go round, visit, frequent. Πωλε'ω, Poet, for πολέω. Πωλησαι, inf. — Πωλήσΐις, par. — Πώλ?7σον, -ιίτω, 2 pi. -σατε, impr. 1 a. act. of πολέω. Πωλήσεαι, Ion. for πώληση, 2 sin. 1 f. ind. or 1 a. sub. mid. of πω- λε'ω. ΠωΧίκός, -η, -ov, (fr. next) of colts or young horses ; drawn by colts. Πώλος, -ov, b, r/, a foal, colt, young horse, sometimes of other ani- mals. Πολούμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. cont. — Πωλούντας, -λούν των, -λούσι, cont. cases par. pres. act. of πολέω. Πώλυψ, -νπος, b, (fr. πολύς much, and πους afoot) a polypus. Πωμ\ for Πώμα, -ατός, τδ, a cover, lid, stop- per. Πώμα, -ατός, το, (fr. πίνω to drink) a drink, draught, cup. Πωμάζω, (fr. πώμα a lid) to cove' with a lid, shut up. Πώμαλα, (fr. πω any how, and PAB μάλα very much) by no means, not at all. ΠωμενΈκος, -η, -bv, Dor. for -ποιμενι- κός. Πώμι, same as πίνω, to drink. Πώποτε, (fr. πότε ever) ever, ever yet, at any time. . Πώρος, -ov,b, grief, mourning, sor- row ; a callous hardness uniting broken bones ; any callosity ; a spongy or porous stone, sand- stone. ΤΙωρας, -a, -bv, blind. Τίωρόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, γ.πεπώρωκα, (fr. πώρος callousness) to make cal- lous or hard, harden ; io make insensible, stupify ; to blind. pres. ind. pass, πωρόομαι -ουμαι. per. ind. pass, πεπώρωμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, επωρώθην, -ης, -η. Ήώρωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) hardness, callousness ; in- sensibility ; blindness, d. cont. Att. πωρώσει, a. πώρωση. Πώς, how ? by what means ? in what manner ? in what way ? ΤΙώς, somehow, by any means, by some means, in any or in some way, nearly, almost. Έ,ίπως, if by chance, if at all. Μήνως, lest. Πώσω, 1 f. ind. act. of πίνω. Πωτάομαι, Poet, for ποτάομαι. Πωτήση, 2 sin. 1 f. ind. or 1 a. sub. mid. of last. Πωτώ, Dor. for πετώ. Πώυ,-εος -ονς, το, ( fr. πάω to pos- sess) a flock, herd. Πωύγξ, -γος, ^, or Πώνζ, a seafowl, coot, cormorant. P, p, p, rho, the seventeenth of the more modern Greek letters, but the twentieth of the ancient. As a numeral character, it is the nineteenth in order, and is used for one hundred ; with a dot un- der it p, for one hundred thou- sand. ' 'P', for pa, same as άρα. 'Ρα, or f Pa, for ράδιον, easily. 'Fa, το, indecl. a medicinal root. 'Ραάβ or 'Ραχάβ, $, Heb. indecl. name of a woman. 'Ραβάττω, (fr. pa intens. and βαί- νω to go) io run up and down, run about. ΡαββΙ, Heb. indecl. 'Ραββονι or 'Ραββοννϊ, indecl. Chaldee, rab- bi, master, sir ; my master, teacher. 'Ραβδίζω, f. -ϊσω, p. ερ'ράβδικα, (fr. next) to beat with rods, scourge, whip, flog. pres. ind. act. ραβ- 6'ιζειν. 1 a. ind. act. ερράβδισα. per. ind. pass, ερράβδισμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, ερ'ραβδίσθην, -ης, -η. 'Ράβδιον, -ον, το, (dim. of next) a little rod. 'Ράβδος, -ov, ή,# rod, twig, switch, wand ; a fishing-rod ; a stick, PAZ staff; a sceptre ; a pike, spear ; the Roman fasces or bundle of rods; a vein of ore. Ραβδονχέω -ώ, (fr. last, and εχω to have) to carry the rods or fasces ; to go before as lictors or beadles. 'Ραβδονχεομαι -ονμαι,ίο be attended or preceded by lictors. Ραβδουχία, -ας, »'/, (fr. same) the office of carrying the fasces or rods ; the office of lictor. Ραβδούχος, -ov, b, (fr. same) who carries the fasces, lictor, Serjeant, beadle. Ραβδοφόρος, -ov, h, η, (fr. ράβδος a rod, and φέρω to carry) same as last. Pa'ya, -ης, η, (perhaps fr. paia health) vigour, strength ; force, impetuosity, violence. Ράγας, -αδος, η, (fr. ρήγννμι to break) a rupture, breach. Payau, Heb. indecl. a man's name. Ραγδαίος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) burn- ing, rushing, impetuous, vio- lent. Ράγδην, (fr. ρήσσω to break) ab- ruptly, forcibly, with violence. Ραγεϊς, -εΐσα, -εν, 2 a. par. pass. — 'Ραγήσεσθαι, 2 f. inf. pass, of ρήσσω. Ρα)/ί^ω, (fr. ράξ the stone of a grape ) to pick the stones of grapes, gather grapes. ΡαδάΧος, -η, -ov, (fr. ράδιος easy) tender, soft, delicate. Ραδάμανθυς, -νος, b, a man's name. a. 'Ραδάμανθνν, Dor. -θα. Ράδαμνος, -ov, b, a sprout, tender branch, sucker, sapling. Ραδίαι, -ων, at, (fr. ραδ'ιως easily) slippers, shoes, sandals. Ραδινάκη, -ης, η, Persian for olive oil. 'Ραδινής, Ion. for υαδιναϊς, fern. d. pi. of 'Ραδινός, -η, -bv, (fr. (χίδιος easy, and δινεομαι to turn round, th. δίνη a whirlpool) slight, slender, thin ; tender, delicate ; active, nimble ; moveable. 'Ράδιξ, -ίκος, η, a bough, branch. 'Ράδιος, -a, -ov, or -ov, ο, %, easy, smooth, ready, prompt, unen- cumbered. Comp. ραιων or ράων, sup. ραίστος or ραστος. 'Ραδιονργεω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. ερ'ρα- διονργηκα, (fr. last, and έργον a . work) to be disposed or ready to commit wickedness ; to cheat, de- fraud ; to be idle, negligent. 'Ραδιονργημα, -άτος, τδ, (fr. same) villany, wickedness ; deceit, craft, fraud ; idleness, negligence ; softness, effeminacy. 'Ραδιουργία, -ας, '/, (fr. same) wick- edness, depravity, mischief, craf- tiness. 'Paδιoυpγbς, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) wicked, villanous, mischievous deceitful ; idle, careless. Subs. a knave, impostor. 'Ραδίως, (fr. ράδιος easy) easily. 'Ράζω, same as ραίνω. 'Ράζω, (perhaps fr. ρήσσω to break) to bark, croak. (506) PAN 'Ράθαγος, -ov, b, ή, (perhaps fr. ρόθος the noise of the sea, and άγω to lead) a splash, dash, the sound of water ; a noise, crash. Ράθαμιξ, -γος, b, (perhaps fr. ραί- νω to drop) a drop. Adj. drop- ping, trickling, n. pi. ραθάμιγγες. Ραθμεν, Heb. indecl. the genista or broom, or the juniper. 'Ραθΰμέω -ώ, (fr. ράδιος easy, and &υμος the mind) to be easy minded or remiss, neglect, be in- dolent ; to give up to idleness ; to rest. Ραθυμία, -ας, >/, (fr. same) su- pineness, sloth, indolence, negli- gence. 'Ράθυμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) indo- lent, inactive, slothful, remiss, negligent. Ραθνμοϋντες, η. pi. cont. pres. par. act. of ραθυμέω. 'Ραθϋμώς, (fr. ράθυμος indolent) slothfully, negligently. 'Ραία, -ας, η, (fr. ρώω to be strong) health. 'Ραιβος, -η, -bv i twined, crooked, bandy. 'Ραικάνη, -ης, l/, (fr. ραίω to afflict) a scourge, whip. ■ 'Ραίνω, f. -ανώ, p. ίρραγκα, to sprinkle, besprinkle, dash, bedew, rain upon, wet. 'ΡάΊστα, same as ρ"φστα. 'Ραιστήρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. ραίω to bat- ter) a hammer. 'Ραίτερον, Poet, for paov, neut. of ριίων. 'Ραίω, f. -σω, p. -κα, to dash vio- lently, crush, batter ; to break, wreck, destroy, ruin ; to disperse, scatter, harass, afflict. 'Ρακά, Heb. indecl. a vain, empty, worthless fellow, rascal. 'Ρακίς, -ϊδος, ή, (fr. ρήσσω to break) a Iwig, rod, branch. 'Ρακόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. next) rag- ged, clothed in rags. 'Ράκος, -εος -ονς, το, (fr. ρήσσω to break) a torn garment ; a piece of cloth cut off; a rag ; a wrinkle. 'Ράκτος, -ov, b, (fr. same) a valley, glen, precipice ; a rock, crag, cliff. 'Ρακώδης, -εος -ονς, b, η, (fr. ράκος a rag) torn, worn, ragged ; bro- ken, cracked, chapped. 'Ραμά, ή, Heb. indecl. name of a city. 'Ράμμα, -άτος, το, (fr. ράπτω to sew) a seam ; 'a patch. 'Ράμνος, -ov, η, the white-thorn; hawthorn. 'Ραμνονσία, -ας, '/, an epithet of Nemesis. 'Ράμφος, -εος -ονς, το, a beak, bill. 'Ρανθεϊς, -ε~ισα, -εν, 1 a. par. pass, of ραίνω. 'Ρανθος, -ου, b, (fr. ραίνω to sprin- kle) a sprinkling, watering. 'Ρανϊς, -fiof, η, (fr. same) a drop ; rain. 'Ραντίξονσα, η. sin. fem. par. pres. act. of 'Ραντίζω, f. -"σω, p. ερράντικα, (fr. ραντος _ sprinkle, th. ραίνω to sprinkle) to wit, besprinkle, pu- ΡΑΦ rify. 1 f. ind. Att. ραντιω, -ε7ς, -ε?. 1 a. ind. act. ερράντισα. per. ind. pass, ερράντισμαι• par. ερ- ραντισμένος. 'Ραντισμος,-ον, b, (fr. last) a sprink- ling, purification. 'Ραντος, -ή, -bv, (fr. ραίνω) be- sprinkled, bedewed, wetted. 'Ράξ, -ράγος, ή, (perhaps fr. ρήσσω to break) a stone of a grape; a kernel ; a grape. 'PSov, (neut. of ράων easier) more easily. 'ΡαπάτανΧοξ, -ov, δ, η, and 'Ραπα- τανλης, or 'Ραπτανλης, -ov, b, (fr. ρ"άπτω to put together, and av- \ος a pipe) making or playing on a pipe or flute ; a musical instru- ment maker ; a musician. 'Ραπ'ιζω, f. -Υσω, p. ερράπικα, (fr. next) to beat or strike with a rod or club ; to slap, thump, per. ind. pass, ερράπισμαι. 'Ραιπ?, -*ίδος, η, same as ράβδος. 'Ραπίσας, -ασα, -αν, 1 a. par. act. — 'Ραπίσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of ραπίζω. 'Ράπισμα, -ατός, το, (fr. ραπίς a rod) a slap, box, blow, stroke. 'Ραπιστος, -ή,-ον, (fr. same) struck, beaten, slapped. 'Ράπτης, -ov, b, (fr. ράπτω to sew) a sewer, stitcher, mender, patch- er. 'Ραπτος, -η, -bv, (fr. next) sewed, stitched, patched ; embroidered. 'Ράπτω, f. -ψω, p. έρ'ράφα, to sew, sev; together, stitch ; to patch, mend ; to plan, plot, contrive, forge, per. pass. ind. έρ'ραμμαι' par. ερ'ραμμένος. 'Ράπνς, and 'Ράφνς, -υος, η, rape. Ραριάς, -άδος, η, (fr. ρώω to strengthen) a name for Ce- res. 'Ράριον, -ov, το, an infant, child. 'Ράρος, -ov, b, the belly. Adj. ro- bust, strong. 'Ράσατε, 2 pi. la. impr. act. of ράζω, same as ραίνω. 'Ρασψ, Heb. Indecl. runners, cou- riers ; guards. 'Ράσσω, f. -ξω, d. -χα, to dash against, throw down. 'Ρςίστα, (pi. neut. of next) very easily. 'Ραστος, -η, -ov, cont. for ρά'ίστος, sup. of ράδως. 'Ραστώνη, -ης, η, (fr. ράδιος eas)') ease, facility ; prosperity, afflu- ence ; indolence, security. 'Ράστωρ, -ορός, b, (fr. ράω to moist- en) a cup, bowl. 'Ραφαεψ, Heb. indecl. giants. 'Ράφάνος, -ov, b, and 'Ραφανϊς ,-ϊδος, and 'Ραφάνη, -ης, η, a radish. 'Ραφή, -ης, ή, (fr. ράπτω to sew) α seam, stitch ; a patch. 'Ραφϊδενς, -έος -ους, and 'Ραώιδεν- της, -οϋ, b, (fr. same) a sewer, stitcher, shoemaker. 'Ραφιδεντος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) stitched, sewed, patched ; em- broidered. Ραφίδος, g. sin. of *Ραφ1ς, -ίδος, η\ (fr. same) a needle, awl. ; PEI 'Ραχα"ι, -ων, α'ι, (fr. ρήσσω to break) young shoots or tendrils of vines. 'Ραχήλ, ή, Heb. indecl. a woman's name. 'Ραχθε'ις, 1 a. par. pass, of ράσσω. 'Ραχία, -ας, η, (fr. ρήσσω to break) a rock, crag, cliff; & rocky shore ; a reef, ridge ; a mole ; violence of the sea ; dashing of the waves ; uproar, noise. 'Ραχίζω, f. -Υσω, (fr. next) to cut through the back bone ; to cut in two ; to carve, cut up. '?αχις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. ρήσ- σω to break) the spine of the back; back, chine; the ridge or back of a mountain. 'Ραχίτης, and 'Ραχιστής, -ov, Ό, (fr. ραχίζω to cut though the back bone) a carver, cutter up; a braggcr, boaster ; the muscles of the back. Adj. of the back, spinal, 'Ραψωδέω -ω, (fr. ράπτω to sew, and ωδή a song) to make or re- cite verses, utter rhapsodies ; sing, chant. 'Ραύιρδία, -ας, η, (fr. same) versi- fication, making or reciting poe- try ; a rhapsody, poetical effu- sion. 'Ραψωδός, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) a maker of verses, reciter of poems; a bara. 'Ράω, to moisten, sprinkle, bedew. 'Ράων, comp. οι ράδιος. 'Ρέα, easily. 'Ρεβέκκα, η, Heb. indecl. a wo- man's name. 'Ρέγμα, -άτος, rb,- (fr. ρέζω to do) a work ; an action, deed. - Ρέγχω or 'Ρέγκω, f. -ξω, to snore, snort. 'Ρέδη or 'Ρέδα, -ης, η, a chariot, coach. 'Ρέδω, same as ρίξω. 'Ρέε and 'Ρέεν, Ion. for έρ'ρεεν, 3 sin. impf. ind. act. οι ρέω. Ρέεθρα, pi. of Ρέεθρον or 'ΡεΊθρον, -ov, rb, (fr. ρέω to flow) a river, stream, cur- rent, rivulet; a bed or chan- nel. 'Ρέει ρε~ι, 3 sin. pres. ind. οι ρέω. 'Ρέζεσκε, Ion. for έρρεζε, 3 sin. impf. ind. act. — 'Ρέζουσαν, a. sin. of ρέζων, ~ονσα, -ov, pres. par. act. of 'Ρέζω, f. ρέζω and έρζω, p. -χα, to make, do, perform, act ; to sa- crifice, pres. ind. 3 pi. ρέζονσι. pres. ind. pass, ρέζομαι. per. ind. mid. έρογα, Metath. έοργα. 'Ρέη, 'Ρείη, -ης, and 'Ρέα or 'Ρεία, -ας, η, (fr. ρέω to flow) a liquid, fluid, rain. Also Rhea, the mo- ther of the gods. 'Ρεθομαλίδης, -ov, b, (fr. next, and μαλος tender) soft-skinned, ten- der, delicate. 'Ρέθος, -εος -ονς, το, a limb, any part of the body ; the frame. ΡεΓα, Poet, for ρέα. 'Ρεία,-ας, η, see 'Ρέη. 'Ρείη, 3 sin. pres. sub. of ρείω, Poet, for ρέω. 'ΡεΊθρον, -ov, rb, see ρίεθοον. (-507) ΡΗΓ 'Ρεκτηρ, -ήρος, b, η, (fr. ρέζω to do) strenuous, active, eflicacious. Subs, an agent, doer, performer. 'Ρεμβάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. ρέμβω to whirl) to wander in thought; to rave, be bewildered. 'Ρεμβασμός, -οΐ; b, (fr. same) a driving round, wandering, gid- diness ; inconstancy, fickleness. 'Ρεμβεύω, f. -εύσω, p. ερρέμβενκα, (fr. next) to turn round, whirl; to drive about, wander ; tofluclu ate, waver. 'Ρέμβω, to whirl or drive about in circle ; to spin, turn ; to brandish, flourish; to reel; to rove, wan- der about, stroll. 'Ρεμβώδης, -εος -ονς, b, η, (fr. last) wandering, roving, strolling ; wandering or bewildered in thought; giddy, negligent. 'Ρεμφάν, b, Heb. indecl. name of an idol. 'Ρέξ 1 for ρέξε, Ion. for έρ'ρεξε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — 'Ρέξαι, inf. — 'Ρέξας, par. 1 a. act, — 'Ρέξειε, JEol. for ρέξαι, 3 sin. 1 a. opt. act. — 'Ρέξω, 1 f. ind. act. of ρέζω. 'Ρέον, Ion. for έρρεον, impf. ind. act. — 'Ρέοντε, du. of 'Ρέων, pres. par. act. — 'Ρέοντι, Dor. for ρέονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — 'Ρεονμενοι for ρεύμενοι, η. pi. pres. par. mid. of ρέω. 'Ρέπω, f. -\1ω, to incline, bend, lean, preponderate ; to incline towards, be favourable or kind. 'Ρέρίφα for έρ'ρίφα, per. act. — 'Pi- ριμμαι for έρρϊμμαι, per. ind. pass, of ρίπτω. 'Ρεύμα, -άτος, το, (fr. ρέω to flow) a flux, discharge ; a flow, swell, flood; a stream, river, torrent, current ; a wave ; a course, vi- cissitude, turn. 'Ρενσεται, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. mid. — 'Ρεύσης, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. act. — 'Ρεύσω, 1 sin. 'Ρενσονσι, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. υ* '^έω, to flow. 'Ρεχθεν, neut. of ρεχθεις, -εΊσα,-εν, 1 a. par. pass, of ρέζω. 'Ρέω, f. ρενσω, p. έρρενκα, to flow, roll, heave, swell, inundate ; to cause to flew, pour out ; to be deluged, overflowed ; to flow by, pass away, vanish, dcay ; to melt avmy, dissolve, sink ; to drop or fall off. per. ind. pass. έρρενμαι. 'Ρέω and 'Ρημϊ^ f. ρήσο), p. έρρηκα, Att. είρηκα, to speak, say, utter, tell. per. par. act. Att. ειρηκώς -via, -6ς. pper. ειρήκειν, -εις, -ει. per. pass. Att. ind. είρημαι, -σαι, -ται' par. ειρημένος. 1 a. ind. pass, ερ'ρέθην, and some- times ερ'ρήθην, -ης, -η. par. ρη- θεϊς, -εΐσα, -έν. ϊ f. ind. pass. ρηθήσομαι• 'Ρηγήναι for ρ^αγηναι, 2 a. inf. pass, of ρήσσω. 'Ρήγιον, -ου, το, Rhegium, name of a town. 'Ρήγμα, -ατός, το, (fr. ρήγννμι^ to break) a breaking down, ruin, a rent, tsar, aperture. PHT ΤνγμΙν, •ϊνος, ι% (fr. same) a cleft, rent, aperture ; the seashore ; the surf, breakers, spray. 'Ρήγνυνται, 3 pi. pres. ind. pass. of 'Ρηγνΰω, 'Ρήγνΰμι or 'Ρήσσω, f. ρήξω, p. ίρρηχα, t0 break, sever, snap ; to cut, rend, tear ; to strike, beat ; to dash or knock against ; to break forth, burst out, issue ; to cry out, shout. 'Ρήσσομαι, to burst open, expand, crack. 1 a. act. ind. έρρηξα' impr. ρήξον, -άτω' sub. ρήξω, -ης, -#, % pi. βήξωσι. 2 a. ind. act. έρράγον. pres. ind. pass. ρήγννμαι, -σαι, -ται, in 3 pi. ρήγνννται. per. ind. pass, έρρηγμαι, -ξαι, -κται. per. ind. mid. έρ'ρηγα. 'Ρηγος, -εος -ους, rb, (fr. last) cover of a bed, blanket, quilt, counter- pane, coverlet. 'Ρηθεις, -είσα, εν, 1 a. par. pass. of ρέω, to speak. 'Ρηθέος, -a, -ov, (fr. ρέω to speak) to be spoken, uttered. 'Ρηϊδιος, -a or -η, -ov, Ion. for p\f- διος. 'Ρηϊόίως, (fr. last) easily, readily, promptly. 'Ρήϊστος, -η, -ov, sup. — 'Ρηϊτερος, •a, -ov, comp. of ρηΜιος. 'Ρήμα,-άτος, rb, (fr. ρέω to speak) a word, saying, speech ; a com- mand, order ; a report ; a thing, matter, fact. 'Ρημϊ, se e ρέω. 'Ρήμος, -ov, Ό, a bakers shovel for putting bread into the oven. 'Ρήν, ρηνος, b, a sheep. 'Ρήξαι, inf. — 'Ρήξης, -ασα, -αν, par. — 'Ρήξον, -άτω, impr. 1 a. act. of ρήσσω or ρήγνϋμι. Ρήξε, Ion. for έρ'ρηξε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of same. 'Ρηξήνορα, a. sin. of ρηξήνωρ. 'Ρηξηνορία, -ας, η, (fr. ρήσσω to break, and ανήρ a man) bravery, courage, impetuous valour. 'Ρηξήνωρ, -ορός, b, (fr. same) a breaker of the enemy'' s ranks, warrior, champion ; brave, cou- rageous, valiant. 'Ρήξω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. — 'Ρήξωσι or -σιν, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. οι ρήσσω. 'Ρήπαι, -ων, al, piles, posts, tim- bers laid for a foundation. 'Ρησά, b, indecl. Syr. a man's name. 'Ρήσαντο, Ion. for ερρησαντο, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. of ρέω. 'Ρησείδιον or Ύησίοιον, -ov, το, (fr. next) a short saying, proverb. 'Ρήσις, -ως, Att. -εως, ^, (fr. ρέω to speak) speech, language, a word, saying, expression ; a discourse, oration ; a declaration, man- date ; a history, narration, ac- count ; a quotation. 'Ρήσος, -ου, b, the name of a river. 'Ρήσσεί, 3 sin. pres/ind. act. of 'Ρήσσω, see 'Τηγνϋω. 'Ρητήρ'' for ρητήρα, a. sin. of 'Ρητήρ, -ήρος. b, (fr. ρέω to speak) a srjcal.rr, orator, rhetoncirtr. Ρητίνη, -ης, ζ, (fr. ρέω to how) PIK resin, a gummy substanrt co- ming from trees. Ρητοί, η. pi. οΐ ρητός. Ρητορεία, -ας, r), (fr. ρέω to speak) oratory, eloquence ; amplifica- tion, verbosity. Ρητορεύω, f. -ενσω, (fr. ρ/}τωρ an orator, th. Ιέω to speak) to prac- tise or teach oratory ; to make a speech, harangue ; to extol or praise in a speech ; to talk fool- ishly, prate. 'Ρητορικός, ->), -bv, (fr. same) rhe- torical, oratorical, eloquent. 'ΡηΓορικτ), -ης, τ), (fern, of last, viz. τέχνη art) rhetoric, oratory. 'Ρήτορος, g. sin. — 'Ρήτορσι, d. pi. of ρήτωρ. 'Ρητός, -η, -bv, (fr. ρέω to speak) said, spoken, expressed ; that which may be said, certain, sure, authentic ; celebrated, famous, renowned. 0\ ρητοί, celebrated men. 'Ρήτρα, -ας, η, (fr. same) the power ovaight of speaking ; an oration, speech ; a bargain, agreement, covenant ; a decree, law, the laws of Lycurgus ; an oracle, response. Ρήτωρ, -ορός, b, (fr. same) a speak- er, orator. 'Ρητώς, (fr. ρη^ς spoken, th. ρέω to speak) expressly, surely, posi- tively, certainly. ! Ρηχυς,-ου, b, (fr. ρήσσω to break) a hedge, fence, palisade ; a trench, wall, rampart. 'Ριγεδάνος, -η, -bv, ((r. ρίγος shi- vering, cold) frightful, dreaded, causing horror, hateful, abomina- ble. 'Ριγέω, (fr. same) to shudder, tremble, dread, fear ; to be stunned, amazed, become mo- tionless. 'Ριγηλός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) caus- ing horror, horrible, frightful. 'Ριγήσειν, 1 f. inf. act. οΐ ριγέω. 'Ρίγων, comp. — 'Ρίγιστα, sup. (fr. next) more severe, harsh, cru- el, more to be dreaded. 'Ρίγος, -εος -ους, το, shivering, cold ; stiffness, numbness ; horror, dread. Ριγόω -ω, (fr. last) to shiver ; to be stiff with cold, be frozen. Ρίζα, -ης, η, a root, sucker, d. pi. ρίζαις, Ion. ρίζησι. 'Ριζότομος, -ov, b, (fr. last, and τέμνω to cut) a cutter or gatherer of roots. 'Ριζόω -ώ,ΐ. -ώσω, p. ερρίζωκα, (fr. ρίζα a root) to root, fix with roots, cause to strike root ; to strengthen, make firm. 'Ριζό- ομαι -οΰμαι, to take root, grow ; to become firm. 1 a. ind. act. ερρίζωσα. per. ind. pass, ερρίζω- μαι, -σαι, -ται' par. εοριζωμένος, -η, -ov. 'Ρίζωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) α root ; a source, origin ; a root- ing, taking root. 'Ρικήω -ω, to deceive, impose on. 'Ρικνόομαι, (fr. next) to be ivrin- kled ; to twist, cv.rl, twine ; to be (503) "" PI2 distracted; to use indecent at.lt» tudes. PtKvdi, ->), -bv, wrinkled, twisted^ bent, crooked, turned. Ρικνώσεαι, Ion. for ρικνώση, 2 sin. 1 f. ind. mid. οΐ ρικνόομαι. Ρίμφα, (fr. ρίπτω .to throw) fleet-* ly, nimbly, swiftly, quickly, easu ly, promptly. Ριμφάρματος, -ov, b, η, (fr. μίμφα quickly, and ίίρμα a chariot) swiftly driving, moving rapidly. Ρϊν and 'Ρίς, ρίνος, r), (fr. βέω to flow) the nose, nostnl. Ρινάω -ω, (fr. last) to deceive ; to mistake the scent. Ρινέω -ω, (fr. next) to file, polish with a file ; to reduce, make thin. 'Ρίνη, -ης, ή, a file ; also, a skate or sole fish. 'Ρίνημα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) fil- ings. 'Ρινοκέρως, -ωτος, b, f), (fr. piv the nose, and κέρας a horn) the rhi- noceros. 'Ρινόκονρα, 'Ρινοκόρονρα or 'Ρινοκό- λονρα, -ας, η, a river dividing Egypt from Palestine. 'Ρινοπυλη, -ης, η, (fr. ρινάω to de- ceive, or Ρινός a skm, and πύλη a gate) a private or secret en- trance, back door ; a curtain. 'Ρινός, -οϊ), b or ft, a hide, skin; a shield. 'Ρινότορος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. last, and τερέω to pierce) shield-piercing, destructive, violent, impetuous ; an epithet of Mars. 'Ρινών, g. pi. of piv. 'Ρίον, -ου, το, apeak, top, summit^ promontory. 'Ριπή, -ης, ή, (fr. ρ/πτω to throw) a throw, cast, impulse, force ; a blow, stroke, glance ; a gust, blast ; an incitement. 'Ριπή οφ- θαλμού, twinkling of the eye. 'Ριπιζομένος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of 'Ριπίζω, (fr. next) to fan ; to raise a wind ; to agitate or toss by the wind. 'Ριπϊς, -Ίδυς, η, (fr. ρίπτω to throw) a fan ; a blast, gust. 'Ριπιστος, -ή, -bv, (fr. last) fan- nod, ventilated, opposed to the wind. 'Ρίπος, -εος -ονς, rb, or -ov, b, same as pi\\.. 'Ριπτάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. ρίπτω to throw) to throw, toss, tumble ; to dash, drive headlong. 'Ρίπτει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of ρίπτω — 'ΡιπτεΤ, same cont. of ριπτέω for ρίπτω — 'Ριπτονμαι, pres. ind. pass, of same, or Att. for ρίπτομαι, pres. ind. pass, of ρίπτω. 'Ριπτονντων, g. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of ριπτέω in last. 'Ρίπτω, f. -\po>, or 'Ριπτέω, f. -ήσω, to throw, cast, hurl, toss, fling, cast off, out or down, throw down, tumble ; to throw head- long, precipitate. 'Ρις, see piv. \'Ρίσκος,-ον, h, a bos, trunk, chest. POI Ριφθείς, -εΊσα, -2ν, 1 a. par. pass. 'Ρίψ, ρΐη6ς % δ, α <"«>, rocZ / a bas- ket made of twigs ; a crate, hur- dle. 'Ρίψαι, 1 a. inf. act. — 'Ρίψαις, /Eol. for 'Ρίψας, -ασα, -αν, η. pi. -σαντες, 1 a. par. act. — 'Ρ<ψ•ε, Ion. for ερρι-ψε, 3 sin. 1 a. lind. act. of ρίπτω. 'Ριψοκίνδυνος, -ου, δ, r% (fr. ρίπτω to throw, and κύ'<5υνο£ danger) ιυΛο exposes himself to danger, rash, violent, hasty, impetuous. 'Ρίψοπλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and οπλον armour) throwing away their arms, causing a total rout. 'Ρίψω, -ης, -η, 1 a. sub. act. of ^ίπτω. 'Ροά or 'Ροιά, -ας, fj, a pomegra- nate. 'ΡοαΊσι, d. pi. — 'Ροάς, a. pi. of Ροή. 'Ροβοάμ, δ, indecl. Heb. a man's name. 'Ρόγχος, -ου, b, (fr. ρεγχω to snore) snoring, snorting ; a snort, snuff. 'Ρόδα, η. pi. οι ρόδον. 'Ρόδαμνος, -ου, b, same as ράδαμνος. 'Ροδάνη, -ης, η, the woof, weft; yarn. 'Ροδάνος, -ή, -bv, (fr. ρέω to flow) very rapid. Or, (fr. ρόδον a rose) rosy. Subs, the river Rhone. 'Poδάpbς, -a, -bv, (fr. ρόδον a rose) rosy, sweet, blooming, rosy co- loured. 'Ρόδη, -ης, >/, name of a girl. 'Ρόδιος, -ου, b, the name of a river. 'Ροδοδάκτνλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. ρόδον a rose, and δάκτυλος a finger) rosy -fingered, ruddy. 'Ροδοδάφνη, -ης, η, (fr. same, and δάψνη a laurel) the rose-laurel. 'Ροδοειδής, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and είδος form) rose-like, rosy. 'Ροδόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. ρόδον the rose) rosy, rose-like. 'Ροδόμάλον, Dor. for 'Ροδόμηλον, -ου, rb, (fr. same, and μήλον an apple, in pi. cheeks) a rosy cheek, complexion ; a con- serve of roses and quinces. 'Ρόδον, -ου, το, a rose. 'Ροδόπηχυς, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. last, and πήχυς an arm) rosy-armed. 'Ρόδος, -ου, η, name of an island. 'Ροδόχρονς, -ου, and 'Ροδόχρως, -ωτος, b, >'/, (fr. ρόδον a rose, and χρόα colour) rosy coloured, of high complexion, blooming. 'Ρόζω, or rather 'Ροιζεω -ω, (fr. pot- ζος a rustling noise) to rustle, vmizz, crash; to bark; to snore. 'Ροή, -ης, η, (fr. ρέω to flow) a stream, current, flow, river ; a wave. 'Ρόθιος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) impetu- ous, rolling, dashing, foaming ; noisy, clamorout, ominous. 'Ράθυς , -ου,Ό, the dashing or splash- ing of the waves; the noise of οατβ on the 'Water ; noise, tumult, Lnstle ; a rugged, path. Ρο:}.., -ας., η, see ροά. ΡΟΦ 'Ροιβδεω -ω, (fr. ρΌϊζος a rustling noise) to make a rustling or whizzing noise; to swallow with a noise, suck in, engulph. 'Ροίβδησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. last) a rustling, whistling ; a song. 'Ροίζασχ' for ροίζασκε, 3 sin. impf. ind. act. Ion. of 'Ροιζεω -ώ, (fr. ροΊζος a loud noise) to make a noise, creak, crack ; to whizz, buzz or hum ; to rustle like the wings of a bird ; to bark ; to hiss. 'Ροιζηδον, (fr. same) with a noise or craih, loudly, boisterously ; rustling, whizzing, humming, Ροίζησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) a whizzing, whistling or rustling ; a twang, clang, crash. Ροίζομαι, f. ροίσομαι, same as ροι- ζεω. Ροίζος, -ου, b, (fr. ρέω a flow) a crash,crack, twang, whizz; sound of water flowing, dashing, splash- Ροίη, -ης, η, Ion. for ροιά, same as ροά. Ροικύς, -ή, -ov, (fr. ρικνός crook- ed) bent, crooked, winding. Or, (fr. ρεω to flow) who suffers from a defiuxion, running, flowing. Ρο'ισκος, -ου, b, (dim. of ροιά a pomegranate) a pomegranate or its representation. Ρομάστρα, -ας, η, a spear. Ρόμβος, -ου, b, (fr. ρεμβω to drive about) a whirling, turning, spin- ning ; a top ; a turbot ; a mathe- matical figure. Ρόμυζ, -υκος, b, a worm which de- stroys wood. Ρομφαία, -ας, η, (fr. ρεμβω to brandish) a sword, spear, javelin. Ρομφεΐς, -ων, οι, (fr. same) thongs with which shoes are made. P6ov, a. sin. of Ρόος -ους, -όου -ov, b, (fr. ρεω to flow) a current, stream, flow, swell, tide. YLap ρδον for κατά ρόον, in the chamicl, along the stream. Ροπαία, same as ρομφαία. Ρόπάλον,-ου, το, (fr. ρέπω to bend) a club, stick, staff, rod, sceptre. Ροπαλωτδί,-»7,-δν, (fr. last) shaped like a club. Ροπή. -ής, η, (fr. ρέπω to bend) a bending, inclination, motion to- viards ; a touch, push, impulse ; weight, consequence, importance. 'Ρόπτρον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a club, sword of justice ; also, a peg for toils. 'Ρουβήν, b, Heb. indecl. a man's name. 'Ρουθ, -η, Heb. indecl. a woman's name. 'Ρους, ροος, b, (fr. ρεω to flow) α stream, current, course. 'Ρούσιος, -ου, δ, (th. Lat. russus, flesh coloured) a red paint, red colour. 'Ρουώος, -ου, b, fr. Lat. Rufus, a man's name. 'Ροφεω or -άω -ω, f. -Λσω, p. eppo- ώηκα, to sup or drink up, swallow. (509) ΡΤΠ 'Ροχθίω, f. -ήσω, (ft. next) to \ a noise, roar. 'Ρόχθος, -ov, b, (fr. next, and οχθύς a bank or shore) roaring of the sea, the dashing of the waves; the waves or billows. 'Ρόω, (fr. ρεω to flow) to move, be agitated, dash against. 'Ροών, -ωνος, δ, (fr. ρΌά a pome- granate) a garden of pomegra- nates. 'Ρύαξ, -άκoς,b, (fr. ρ^ύω same as ρεω to flow) a stream, river, flow, tide ; a wave, billow. 'Ρύγχος, -εος -ους, το, a beak, snout; a mouth, jaw. 'Ρυδήν or 'Ρυδον, (fr. ρύω same as ρεω to flow) diffusely, copiously, flowingly, abundantly ; violently, impetuously. 'Ρυεις, 2 a. par. pass, of £ύω. 'Ρύεο, Ion. for ρύου, pres. impr. pass. — 'Ρύεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. mid 'Ρόεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. of ρύομαι. 'Ρυεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ερρ'ύηκα, to flow. 'Ρύζην, same as ρυδήν. 'Ρύηθι, 2 a. impr. pass. — 'Ρυ?/σο- μαι, -η, -εται,.2 f. ind. pass, of ρυεω. 'Ρνθήναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of ρω. 'Ρυθμίζω, f. -Υσω, p. ερρύθμικα, (fr. next) to set to music, harmonize, compose ; to fit, adapt, adjust ; to form according to a rule ; to regulate, conform. 'Ρυθμός, -ου, b, movement in musical time, harmony ; poetic measure, rhyme, flow of verse; conso- nance, fitness, proportion, rule. 'Ρυμα, -ατός, το, for ρεύμα. 'Ρυμα, -ατός, το, (fr. ρύω to draw) a dragging, pulling, hauling ; a rope, cable ; a defence, protection, fortification ; a stream. 'Ρνμαι, Ion. for έρρυμαι, per. ind. pass, of ρύω. ' Ρ ύματα, pi. of ρυμα. 'Ρΰμβος, -ου, b, same as ρόμβος. 'Ρύμη, -ης, η, (fr. ρύω to draw) force, power, draught ; a course, track ; a street or part of a city. 'Ρυμνος, -ή, -οι', (fr. ρυμα a fortifi- cation) fortified, defended. 'Ρϋμος, -ου, b, (fr. ρύω to draw) the pole of a chariot. 'Ρύομαι, f. ρύσομαι, (fr. same) to deliver, rescue, liberate ; to pre- serve, guard, defend. — 'Ρύονται, 3 pi.' pres. ind. — 'Ρύοντο, Ion. for ερρνοντο, 3 pi. impf. ind 'Ρνσόμεθα, 1 pi. 1 f. ind. mid. 'Ρυόμενος, -η, -ov, (par. pres. mid. of last) drawing, taking. Subs. a deliverer. 'Ρυπαίνω, f. -άνω, (fr. ρύπος dirt) dirty, foul, soil ; to disgrace, to scandalize. 1 a. ind. act. ερ'ρύ- πηνα. 'ΡυπάπαΊ, a shout of sailors hauling or working together, cheering. 'Ρυπαρευθήτω, 3 sin. 1 a. impr. pass, of 'Ρνπαρεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. ρύπος filth) to be filthy. 'Ρνπαρία, -ας, >% (fr. same) filihi- ness, dirt, pollution. PTT 'Pwffifpif, -ά } -δν, (fr. same) filthy J dirty ; sordid, mean, avaricious. I Ρυπ-άω -ώ, f. -)?σω, same as ρυπόω. 'Ρύπος,- -ov, δ, ,/ϊίίΛ, dirt, nastiness; meanness, avarice. 'Ρνπόο) -ώ, f. -'ώσω, p. ερρύπωκα, (fr. last), to be filthy, dirty, pres. par. act. ρυπόων -ων. 1 a. act. ind. εορύπωσα' impr. ρύπωσον, -άτω. 'Ρνπτω, (fr. same) to wash away filth, cleanse, purify. 'Ρνσά, -ης, ή,- (fr. ρυσος- wrinkled) old age. 'Ρυσαι, -άσθω, 1 a. impr^ mid. — 'Ρύσ-αιτο, 3 sin.l a. opt. mid. — ' Ρύσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Γ Ρύ- σετοκ*, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. mid. — 'Ρϋσθαι, Ion. for έρ'ρνσθαι, per inf, pass, or Sync, for ρύεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. — 'Ρυσθέντας, a pi. par. 1 a. pass. — 'Ρυσθώ, in pi. ρυσθώμεν, 1 a. sub., pass, of ρύομαι. Ρύσει, d. sin. cont. Att. of ρνσις. Ρνσΐδιφρος, -ου, b, »,, (fr. ρ ν ω to draw, and δίφρος a chariot) driving a chariot ; drawing. Ρνσίμον,-ον,το, rue, an herb. Ρύσιον, -ου, το, (fr. ρύω to draw) ransom ; a pawn, pledge, token ; spoil, plunder, booty•; a sacri- fice on deliverance. Ρυσίπο\ις, -ιος, Att. -εως, (fr. ρύω to prefect, and πύλις the city) city defending, guarding. Ρνσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, jj, (fr. ρύο- μαι to deliver) liberation, deliver- ance, redemption. Ρύσις, -ιος. Att. -εως, ή, (fr. ρέω to flow) a flux, running ; a stream, course. Ρύσκω cr 'Ρύσκομαι, to guard, watch, protect, preserve, defend. Ρνσμος, -ου, b, (fr. ρω to- draw), α tenor, series, course, tide of af- fairs. ΡνσοςΟΐ'Ρνσσος,-η,-ον, (fr. same) ivrinkled, drawn up, contracted. Ρνσϊότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) wrin- kles, roughness, corrugation. Ρνστάζω, f. -ξω, (fr. ρύω to draw) to drag, carry qff\ Ρύστης, -ov, b, (fr. ρύω to deliver) a preserver, deliverer. Pvru, -ων, τίϊ, (fr. ρύω to draw) the reins, bridle Ρνταίνω, (fr. same) to detect, up- braid, reproach. Ρντη, -ης, f], (fr. ρύω t© preserve) a plant called rue. Ρυτήνη, η, gum, resin. Ρυτηρ, -ηρος, b, (ηνρύω to draw) a rein, bridle; a preserver, de- liverer ; an archer, boivman. Ρντιδόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. next) to cause wrinkles ; to wrinkle, rum- ple. Ρυτϊς, -ϊδος, f], (fr. ρύω to draw) a wrinkle, a. sin. ρυτίδα. Ρύτο, Ion. or Poet, for έρρύτο, 3 sin. pper. ind. pass, οι ρύομαι or ρύω. Pvrbv, -ov, το, (fr ( . ρύω to draw) a kind of cup, pitcher, jar ; a bri- dle. See ρυτά. Ρδτόν?, -η, -bv, (fr. same) drawn, dragged, pulled, checked, curbed. ΡΠΨ 'Ρυφος^-η, -bv, (fr. ρέπω to bend) bent, crooked. 'Ρύω, or rather 'Ρύομαι, to draw, drag; to dravi out y extract; to extricate, deliver, rescue ; to guard, protect, defend. 'Ρύω or 'Ρυίω, f. ρυήσω, same as ρε ω, to fioio. ' Ρωβικώτερος,-ου, b, fj,whocan hard- ly pronounce the letter h ; lisping. 'Ρωγαλέος, -a, -ov, (fr. ρώξ a rent) torn, rent, broken. 'Ρωγη and ' Ρωγμή, -vs, ft, (fr, same, th. ρήσσω to break) a cleft, slit, rent ; a chink, opening, fissure. 'Ρώθων, -ωνος, b, more usually 'Ρώ- θωνες, -ων, οι, (fr. ρέω to flow) the nose, nostril. 'Ρωμαϊος, -a, -ov, and 'Ρωμαϊκός, -η, -ov, (fr. 'Ρώμη Rome) Ro- man, Latin. 'Ρωμαϊστϊ, (fr. same) in Roman or Latin. 'Ρωμαλέος, -a, -ov, (fr. ρώμη strength) robust, strong, brave. 'Ρωμαλέως, (fr. last) strongly. 'Ρώμη, -ης, ι), (fr. ρωννύω to strength- en) strength, power, force ; vi- gour; Rome, the name of a city. 'Ρώννϋσ*, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of ρώνννμι. 'Ρωννύω, 'Ρώννϋμι οΐ'Ρώω,ϊ. ρώσω, ρ. έρ'ρωκα, to strengthen, make strong or firm; to restore to health, invigorate ; pass. 'Ρώννϋ μαΐι, -σαι, -τα:, to be in health, be well; to prevail, flourish ; to stand up or be strong, bristle. 1 a. ind act. έρρωσα. per. pass. ind. έρ- ρωμαι, -σαι, -ται' impr. έρ'ρωσο, -σθω, 2 γ>].έρρωσθε• par. ppputye νος. 'Pώξ,ρωγbς,b or ?% (fr. pV /σσω to break) a rock, stone, crag; a sto?ie or kernel of a fruit, berry ; a cleft, crack,fissure, stone steps, stairs. 'Ρώομαι, (fr. ρώω to strengthen) to charge, rush on, attack ; to has- ten, be Quick ; to dance at, fre- quent^ haunt* Ύώοντ, Ion. for ερρώοντο, 3 pL impf. ind. mid. or pass, of last. Ρωπήϊον, -ου, το, (fr. ρώψ a twig, th. ρέπω to bend) a thicket, brake, copse. 'Ρωποπώλης, -ιος -ους, b^r) (fr. next, and πωλέω to sell) a seller of small wares, pedler, hawker. Ρωπος, -ου, b, and 'Ρώπον, -ου, το, (fr. ρώψ small wares) wares, cheap goods, commodities ; trash, stuff, baggage. Ρωρος, -a, -ov, (fr. ρώω to strength- en) strong, active, impetuous, violent, vehement. Ρ ως, Heb. indecl. the head. Ρωσθείς, -εΊσα, -εν, 1 a. par. pass. — Γ Ρώσω, 1 f. ind. act. οΐ^ωνννω. Ρωτάζω, to repeat the letter p. Ρωχμος, -ου, δ, (fr. ρήσσω to break) a deft, crack, opening, fis- sure* Ρώγω, to grind the teeth, gnash with the teeth. Έω-φ, ρωτδ?, δ, (fr. ϊιέπω to bend) (510) a shrub, bush, twig, rod. rtuh; trifles, small wares. 'Ρώω, see ρωννύω or ρ~ώομαι. Σ, σ, ς, sigma, the eighteenth of the more modern Greek letters, but the twenty-first of the ancient. As a numeral cha- racter it is the twentieth in or- der, and is used for two hun- dred ; with a dot underneath, σ, for two hundred thousand. Σ is prefixed to,- or omitted in the beginning of several words with- out altering their signification. The Attic dialect often changes it into ξ or r; the Doric and. jEoI. into δ. Σ' for σε, a. sin. of σύ. Σα, fern, of σός. Σα, cont. for σάα, fern, of σάος. Σαβάζιος, -oVfb, (fr. next) Bacchus. Σαβάζω, (fr. σαβοϊ priests of Bac- chus) to imitate Bacchanalians, riot, indulge indecently. Σάβανον, -ου, το, a towel, napkin, cloth. Σαβαχά Heb. indecl. a small net. Σαβαχθανΐ, Heb. thou hast or hast thou forsaken me. Σαβαώθ or Σαββαώθ, Heb. indecl. hosts, armies ; heavenly bodies. Σάββας,-ατυς,^,ςΆτηε %&σάββατον. Σάββασι, d.Tpl. of last. Σαββατίζω, f. -<σω, Att. -ίΰ, (fr. σάββατον the sabbath day) to keep the sabbath, rest on the seventh day. 1 a. ind. act. εσα/?- βάτισα. Σαββατισμος, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a keeping of a sabbath, holy rest y rest on the sabbath. Σάββατον, -ου, το, the sabbath day, the day of rest, the seventh day. Σαββάτων, g. pi. of σάββας or σάβ- βατον. Σαββαώθ, same as σαβαώθ. Σαβεΐρ, Σαβεϊ, Σαβι, Heb. indecl. glory. Σαβεκ, Heb. indecl. a thicket. Σαβο~ι,, the shout of Bacchanals. Σαβοϊ, -ων, οι, the priests of Bac~ chus, places sacred to Bacchus ; obscene rites. Σάγάρις, -ιος, Att. -εως? ή, a battle- axe ; a sword, scimitar, Persian sword; an axe, hatchet. Σαγγάριος, -ου, b, a man's name. Σαγη, -ης, η, (fr. σάττω to load) a covering, cloak ; armour, har- ness, trappings. Σαγηνεύω, (fr. next) to take with a net, catch ; to carry away. Σαγήνη, -ης, η, (perhaps fr. σάττια to load) a fishing net, net. Σάγμα, -άτος, το, (fr. same) a load or burden for a beast ; a cover•, in g for a hnrsc^ saddle, pad. 2ΑΛ Σάγος, -εος -ους, rb, or -ου, δ, (fr. Lat. sagum, a cloak) a soldier's cloak or cassock ; a military robe. ΣαδαΧ, Σαδδα'ί, Heb. indecl. all sufficient, all bountiful.*, ΣαδδονκαΊος, -ov, b, a Sadducee. Έaδημώθ,ileb. indecl. fields parch- ed or burnt up. Σαδηρώθ, Heb. indecl. ranges or rows of pillars. Σαδώκ, Heb. indecL a man's name. Σαθέριον, -ov, το, a four-footed creature said to feed on marine substances. Σάθη, -ης, ή, the man's member. Σαθρός, -a, -bv, same as σαπρός. Σαθρόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. last, th. σήπω to corrupt) to corrupt, de- stroy ; to make rotten, putrefy. Σαϊν, a. sin. οΪΣαϊς,-'ιος, η, a town of Egypt. Έαίνει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Σαί- νεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. of σαίνω. Σαίνουρος, -ov, ί>,ή, (fr. next, and ovpa a tail) wagging the tail, fawning. Σαίνω, f. -άνω, (fr. σείω to shake) to move, shake, waver; to shake off, remove, thrust away ; to wag the tail, fawn, flatter, coax. Σαί- νομαι, to be moved or affected; to waver, doubt. 1 a. ind. act. ίσρνα. Ταίρω, -άρω, p. σίσαρκα, to clean, sweep, brush ; to gape, open the mouth ; io laugh ; to grin, snarl? gnash the teeth, per. ind. mid. νίσηρα, and σεσαρα' par. σεσηρώς, and σεσαρώς, -via, -ός. Σακαϊ, -ων, oi, a people of Scythia. Σακεσπάλος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. σάκος a shield, and πάλλω to brandish) shield brandishing, brave, va- liant. Σακεσφόρος, -ov, b, (fr. same, and φέρω to bear) a shield bearer, esquire. Σάκενς, Dor. for σάκεος -ονς, g. of σάκος. ΣακΊταν, a. sin. of σακίτας, -a, b, Dor. for σηκίτης. Σακκελίζω, Σακκεύω, Σακκίω, Σακ- κίζω, f. -ίΌ-ω, (fr. next) to pass througha bag, strain^filter, purify. Σάκκος, -ov, b, a sack, sackcloth, haircloth; a strainer, colander. Σάκος, -εος -ονς, το, (fr. σάττω to load) a shield, buckler, target. Σάκος, -ω, b, Dor. for σηκός. Σάκχαρ, -άρος or Σάκχάρον, -ov, rb, sugar. Σάκων, g. pi. of Σακαί. Σαλά, δ, Heb. indecl. a man's name. Σαλαθιηλ, Heb. indeei. a man's name. Σαλαίζω, (fr. σάλάω to move) to lament, bewail. Σαλάκων, -ωνος, b, (fr. σαλεύω to agitate) who apes the rich, boast- ing, bragging. Σαλαμάνδρα, -ας, f), an animal like a lizard, salamander. Σαλάμβη, -ης, f~, (fr. σέλας light, and βαίνω to go) a windoiv, chink 2AM or hole ; a guardian idol hung at the door. Σαλάμϊς, -ϊνος, η", an island, d. Σα- λαμΊνι. Σαλάσσω, -ττω, f. -ξω, and Σαλάω -ώ, ΐ.-ήνω,{ΐΐ. <χαλενω. to agitate) . to shake, shake together, shake down ; tojillup.fill to the brim Σαλεϊμ, το, Heb. indecl. name of a place. Σαλενθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass. — Σαλεν- θήσονται, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. pass. — Σαλενθώ, 1 a. sub. pass, and Σαλενόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. — Σαλεύοιτεί, η. pi. par. pres. act. and Σαλενσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of Σαλεύω, f. -εύσω, p. σεσάλενκα, (fr. σάλος an anchorage) to ride at anchor, toss, float, move on the sea; to totter, be in danger; to doubt, waver, fluctuate ; to shake, move, disturb, agitate. 1 a. ind. act. εσάλενσα. per. pass. ind. σεσάλενμαι' par. σεσαλευμει/ο?. 1 a. pass. Ίηά.εσαλεύθην,-ης,-ηΛ f. ind. pass, σαλενθήσομαι,-η,-εται. Σαλημ, η, Heb. indecl. name of a town. Σαλμών, b, Heb. indecl. name of a man. Σαλμώνη, -ης, η, name of a wo- man. Σάλος, -ov, b, (perhaps fr. αλς the sea) an anchorage, road; the sea, surface of the sea ; a wave ; a tossing, rolling, agitation; he- sitation, doubt; care, anxiety, distress. Σάλπη, -ης, ft, a stockfish. Σάλπιγγα, -γγας, -γγες, -γγι. γγος, cases of σάλπιγξ. Σαλπίγγω, f. -ξω, (fr. σάλπιγξ a trumpet) to sound a trumpet. Σαλπιγκτής, -ov, b, (fr. same) a trumpeter. Σάλπιγξ, -ιγγος, ή, a trumpet, horn, clarion, a. pi. σάλπιγγας. Σαλπίζω, f. -ίσω, Att. -ΐώ, (fr. last) to sound a trumpet, wind a horn. pres. inf. act. σαλπίζειν. 1 a. act. ind. εσάλπισα' sub. σαλπίσω, -ης, -η' par. σαλπίσας. Σαλπίσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. — Σαλπίσης, 2 sin. — Σαλπίσωσι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of last. Σαλπισμος, -ου, b, (fr. σάλπιγξ a trumpet) a blowing or sounding of trumpets. Σαλπιστης, -ov, b, (fr. same) a trumpeter. Σάμα, -άτος, το, Dor. for σήμα. Σαμαίνεται, Dor. for σημαίνεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass, of σημαίνω. Σαμάρεια, -ας, η, Samaria, a coun- try. Σαμαρείτης, -ov, b, (fr. last) a Sa- maritan. Σαμαρείτις, -ιδος, η, (fr. same) a Samaritan woman. Σάμ βάλον,-ον, το, same as σάνδαλον. Σαμβνκη, -ης, η, the sackbut or ser- pent, a kind of musical instru- ment ; also a military engine. Σάμερον, Dor. for σήμερον. Σάμη, -ης, fj, name of an island. Σαμοθράκη,-ης,ίι, name of an island. (511) SAP Σάμος, -ov, η, name of an island and town. Σαμονηλ, δ, Heb. indecl. Samtttl, a man's name. Σαμφύρας, -ov, Ό, (fr. Σ, and φέρω to bear) marked or branded with the letter Σ. Σαμψνχον, -ου, το, an "herb called marjoram. Σαμψών, b, Heb. indecl. a man's name. Σαν, a name of the letter Σ, σ. Σανδάλιον or Σάνδαλον, -ov, rb, a sandal, shoe, slipper. Σανδαρά'χη, -ης, >/, a gum. Σάνδυξ, -υκος, ι/, a red or scarlet colour. Σανίδες, pi. of σανίς. Σανίδιον, -ov, το, (dim. of σανίς a board) a small plank, board; a table. Σανιδωτός, -η, -ov, (fr. same) made or covered with planks or boards, boarded. Σάνϊς, -'ίδος, η, (perhaps fr. τείνω to stretch) a plank, board, door, shelf; a table of laws or regula- tions, a tablet, σανίδες, pi. fold- ing doors. Σανίσι or -σιν, d. pi. of last. Σάννας οτΣάννος,-ον, b,afool,zany. Σάνταλον, -ov, το, a tree called sanders. Σάοι, 3 sin. pres. opt. act. οΐσάω. Σάοί^ιτιβ as σόος.Οοτη\).σαώτερος. Σαούλ, b, Heb. indecl. Saul, a man's name. Σαύφροσι, d. pi. of Σαόφρων, same as σώφρων. Σάπαξ, -ακος, δ, (fr. σ?/7τω to rot) a moth. Σαπεϊς, -εΓσα, -εν, g. σαπέντος, -εί- σης,-ίντος.Ζ a. par. Ϋζςς.οΐσήπω. Σαπέρδης, -ov, δ, a small fish, sprat. Σαπρία, -ας, η, (fr. σ>/7τω to putre- fy) rottenness, corruption, stink, stench. Σαπρίζω, f. -Skfw, ρ• σεσάπρικα, (fr. same) to putrefy, rot, grow rot- ten ; to waste, consume away ; to stink. . Σαπρος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) old, rot- ten, decayed, bad, corrupt; pu- trid, rank, slinking) foul; ob- scene, filthy, smutty. Σαπφεϊρ, Heb. indecl. for Ophir. Σάπφειρα, -ας, η, a woman's name. Σά-φειρος, -ov, η, a sapphire, pre- cious stone. Σαπώ'ΐκος,-η, -bv, (fr. next) Sapphic. Σαπφώ, -6ος -ονς, f], a woman's name. Σαπώώθ, Heb. indecl. basins. Σαπ'ών, -ονσα, -bv, 2 a. par. act. of σήπω. Σάπων, -ονος^, soap. Σαράβαρα, -ων, τα, breeches, trow- sers. Σάραβος, αιδοΊον γνναικεΊον, a fa- mily, offspring, descent. Σαργάνη, -ης, η, a wicker basket, hamper, crate; a strap, thong, band. Σάργος, -ov, h, sarge, a kind offish like a mullet. Σάρδεις, -ων, al, name of a town. Σάρδίνος or Σάρδιος,-ου, b, and Σάρ- ΣΑΤ Siov,-ov, rd,(fr. Σαρδώ Sardinia) a sardine or cornelian stone. Σαρδόννξ, -νχος, b, (fr. last, and όννξ a nail or onyx stone) a sar- donyx. Σαρδώ, Σαρδών, -bvog, η, Sardinia, an island. Σαρεΐ, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of σαίρω. — ΣαροΊ, 3 sin. pres. ind. opt. or sub. act. of σαρόω. Σαρέτττα, ή, Heb. indecl. name of a town. Σάρισσα, -ης, η, a long spear, pike. Σαρκά, Σάρκας, Σαρκ], Σαρκός, Σαρ- κών, cases of σαρξ. Σαρκάζειν or Σαρκίζειν, pres. inf. act. of ΣαρκάζωΟΐ-ίζω, (fr. σαρξ the flesh) to tear away the flesh, mangle, lacerate ; to mock, laugh at, ri- dicule, revile. Σαρκασμός, -ου, b, (fr. last) ridicule, scoffing, sarcasm. Σαρκικός, -η, -bv, (fr. σαρξ flesh) fleshly, carnal, bodily, corporeal, human; weak, frail, imperfect; corrupt, depraved, wicked. Σάρκινος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) fleshly, made of or consisting of flesh ; corpulent, lusty. Σαρκοφαγία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and φάγω to eat) eating flesh, use of flesh or animal food. Σαρκοφάγος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) flesh eating, carnivorous. Subs, a sarcophagus, tomb, sepulchre. Σαρκόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. σαρξ flesh) to make fleshy or corpulent ; to fill up in flesh. Σάρκωσις, -ως, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) corpidency, growing fat, inclination to flesh. Σάρμα, -άτος, το, (fr. σαίρω to sweep) dirt or dust, sweepings ; an opening of the mouth ; a grin, snarl. Σαρξ, -κός, ή, flesh, fatness ; the hu- man body ; the vjeakness, imper- fection, corruption of the flesh ; the law of Moses. ΣαροΊ, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. opt. or sub. of σαρύω. Σάρος, -ου, b, (fr. σαίρω to sweep) a broom, brush, sweeping brush ; a thing of no value ; a worthless person. Σαρονχ, b, Heb. indecl. a man's name. Σαρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, same as σαίρω. per. par. pass, σεσαρωμένος. Σαρπηδών, -όνος, b, a man's name. Σάριτος, -ov, b, a chest ; a shed, hut. Σάρ'ρα, -ας, η, a woman's name. Σαρσερώθ, Heb. indecl. chains. Σάρωθρον, -ov, to, (fr. σαρόω to sweep) a broom , sweeping brush. Σάρων, -ωνος, b, name ofacoun- , try ' * - Σάνων, αιδοΊον, γνναικεΐον' a net, marine divinity. • Σαρωνϊς, -ίδος, f), (fr. σαίρω to gape) ait old oak, hollow oak. Σας, a. pi. fem, of σός. Σίΐτάν, and Σατανά?, -a, b, an ad- versary, Satan, the devil. Τ,άτϊιη,-ης, η, and Σάτίνον, -ov, rb, (fr, σάττω to load) a cart, wa- ΣΑΦ gon, twain, car, vehicle, cha- riot. Σάτον, -ov, το, a seah, a dry mea- sure containing about two gal- lons and a half. Σατραπεία^ and Σατραπηία, -ας, η, Ion. -ΐ»7, -ης, #, (fr. next) α government, province; the office of a satrap. Σατράττης, -ου, b, (Persian) a sa- trap, governor of a province ; a viceroy, lord lieutenant. Σάττω, f. -ξω, p. σέσάχα, to load, fill ; to stuff, cram, compress ; to trample down; to arm, equip. per. ind. pass, σέσαγμαι. Σατνρικον, -οΰ, το, (neut. of next, viz. δράμα) a satire. ΣατνρΥχδς, -ή, -bv, (fr. σάτυρος a sa- tyr) ake a satyr; satirical, se- vere, censorious. Σατνριον, -ov, το, (fr. same) an herb exciting desire. Σάτυρος, -ov,b, a satyr, pi. σατνροϊ, satirical compositions ; a satire. Σαυκος, -ή, -bv, dry, parched, with- ered. Σανλά, (fr. next) slowly, tardily. Σανλος, -η, -bv, soft, delicate, ten- der ; wanton, dissolute, effemi- nate ; at ease, at rest, slow. Σαυλος, -ov, b, a man's name. Σαννιάζω, (fr. next) to strike with a javelin. Σαννίον, -ov, το, (fr. σαίνω to shake) a spear, javelin. Σαννος, -η, -bv, soft, tender, deli- cate. Σαϋρα or Σαύρα, -ας, ι), a kind of lizard. Σαυρίδιον, -ov, το, nasturtium. Σαυρος, -ov, b, a lizard ; a kind of 6sh. Σανρωτηρ, -ηρος, b, an iron lip on the butt of a spear; a ferrule. Σανσαρισμος, -ου, b, a hesitation, stuttering. Σαυσαρος, -οι), b, a whisper. Σαντης, for σεαντής — Σαυτοΐί, for σεαντοϋ — Σαντον, for σεαυτόν. See σεαντου. Σάφα, same as σαφώς. Σαφάνης, -έος -ους, 6, η, Dor. for σαφηνης, same as σαφής. Σαφές, (neut. of σαφής) same as σαφώς. Σαφέστατος, sup. — Σαφέστερος, comp. of σαφής. Σαφέω, see σαφηνίζω. Σαίφέως, and Σαφηνέως, Ion. for σα- φώς. _ Σαφή, a. sin. cont. of σαφής. Σαφήνεια, -ας, η, (fr. σαφής clear) clearness, perspicuity. Σαφηνής, -έος -ους, b, ?/, same as σαφής. Σαφηνίζω, f. -ίσω, Att. -ϊώ, (fr. σαφής clear) to make clear or manifest; to explain, express, declare. Σαφηνιώ, Att. for σαφηνίσω, 1 f. ind. act. of last. Σαφηνώς, same as σαφώς. Σάώης, -έος -ους, b, >;, clear, mani- fest, distinct; open, perspicu- ous, plain, sure, certain, unerr- ing. (512) ΣΕΒ Σαφώθ, Heb. indecl. cheese, milk; potledflesh. Σαφώς, (fr. σαφής clear) clearly, plainly, evidently ; certainly, surely. Σαχθεϊς, 1 a. par. pass, of σάττω. Σαχών, Heb. indecl. learned, pru- dent. Σαώ, -όος -ους, η, a woman's name. SctWjPoet. and Ion. for εσάωσε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. ; or by Apoc for σάωσον, 1 a. impr. act. ; or Ion. and Poet, for εσάωζε, 3 sin. impf. ind. act. ; or for σάωζε, pres. impr. act. of σαώζω. Or Dor. for σάον, pres. impr. pass, of Σάω or Σάομαι, (fr. σάος Poet, for σόος safe) to save, preserve, res- cue, deliver. Σαώ or Σαών, Heb. indecl. tu- mult. Σαώζω, Poet, for σώζω. Σάωσε, Ion. for εσάωσε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Σαώσει, 3 sin. -ώσε- τον, du. -ώσομεν, 1 pi. 1 f. ind. act. — Σαώσμεν, Ion. for σαώσειν, 1 f. inf. act. of last. Σαώτερος, comp. οί'σάος. Σβενννμενάων, iEol. for σβεννν μέ- νων, g. pi. pres. par. pass, of Σβέννΰμι or Σβεννυω, and Σβέω, f. σβέσω, p. ίσβεκα, and -ηκα, to ex- tinguish, quench, put out ; to re- •■ strain, repress, suppress, pres. impr. act. σβένννθι, -ύτω, 2 pi. σβέννντε. 1 a. act. ind. ίσβεσα' inf. σβέσαι. pres. ind. pass, σβέν- νυμαι,-σαι, -ται, 3 pi. σβέννννται, per. ind. pass, έσβεσμαι. 1 a. pass. ind. εσβέσΟην' inf. σβεσθη- ναι. 1 f. ind. pass, σβεσθήσομαι, -η, -εται, 2 f. ind. pass, σβήσομαι Σβίαα, -ας, -ε, Ion. for ίσβεσα, -ας, -ε. 1 a. ind. act. of last. Σβέσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. σβέν- ννμι to extinguish) an extinction, putting out. Σβέσσαι, Poet, for σβέσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of same. Σβεστίκος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) ex- tinguishing, quenching. Σβέσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of same. Σε, a. sin. of συ. Σεαντυυ, -ης, -υυ, cont. σαντοϋ, -ης, -ου, of thyself, thyself; thine own, yourself, your own. Σεβάζομαι, f. -άσομαι, p. σεσέβασ- μαι, -σαι, -ται, (fr. σέβω to wor- ship) to worship, revere, venerate, adore ; to stand in awe of, fear. 1 a. ind. pass, εσεβάσθην. Σέβας, το, indecl. (fr. same) vene- ration, reverence, adoration, wor- ship ; any thing sacred or vene- rable ; shame, remorse, sorrow. Σεβάσθησαν, Ion. for εσεβάσθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of σεβάζομαι. Σέβασμα, -ατός, το, (fr. σέβω to worship) worship, adoration; the object of adoration ; an idol. pi. σεβάσματα. Σεβασμός, -ου, b, (fr. same) venera- tion, adoration, ivorship, religion. Σεβάσμιος, -ov, b, η, or -oc, -a, -ov same as σεβαστός. I ΣΕ1 Σεβάσσατα, Ion. and Poet, for εσεβάσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of σεβάζομαΐ. Σεβαστός, -η, -όν, (fr. σέβω to wor- ship) lentrable, adorable, divine, to be worshipped, august, augtis- tan, belonging to Augustus. Subs. Augustus, fern. Augusta. Σέβε, prcs. impr. act. — Σέβεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. — Σέβεται, 3 sin. -βονται, 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. — Σεβόαενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of σέβΜ. Σεβένιον, -ου, το, the husk or skin of the fruit of the palm. Σεβίζω, same as σεβάζομαι. Σέβυντι, Dor. for σέβυυσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Σέβω,Ιου)θΓ8&ρ, adore, venerate, re- vere ; to pay court to, cultivate, re* sped; to praise, extol. Σέβομαι, to respect one' s self ; to be ashamed, feel shame ; to fear, stand in awe of. pres. impr. mid. σέβου. inf. σέβεσθαι' par. σεβόμενος, -η, -ov- Σέθεν, Sync, for σέοθεν, Poet. Dor. Ion. or 2Eol. for σου, g. sin. of συ. ΣεΓ, for Σέΐο, and Σέο, Ion. for σου, g. sin. of συ. Σειόμενος, pres. par. pass. — Σείον- τες,Ώ. pi. pres. par. act. of σείω. Σείος, Laconic for $ιΐος. Σεϊρ, -ρός, δ, (fr. αε'ιρω to parch) the sun. Σειρά, -ας, η, (fr. είρω to join to- gether) a chain, rope, cord, string ; a net, snare ; a bolt, lock, bar ; a plait or braid of hair ; a bunch or bundle of roots, vegetables, &c. Σειρήν, -ηνος, ι), (fr. last) a syren, songstress; a sea monster; a howling hideous animal ; a dra- gon ; an ostnch ; a beetle, pi Σειρήνες. Σΐΐράω, f. -άσω, (fr. σε'ιρω to parch up) to shine ; to be afflicted with an inflammation on the brain, be sun-struck. Σείριον, -ου, το, and Σείοιος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a star called Sirius or the dog-star. Σειρομάστης, -ου, δ, a spear. Σειρόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, p. σεσε'ιρωκα, to empty, evacuate ; to ungird, loose. Σείρω, to dry up, parch, scorch. Σειρωτός, -ή, -ov, (fr. σειρά a chain) chained. Σεισαχθεία, -ας, η, (fr. σείω to shake, and άχθος a burden) an unload- ing ; rest from a burden. Σεισαμένας, Dor. for σεισαμένης, g sin. fern. 1 a. par. mid. — Σε«σ- θε\ς, 1 a. par. pass, cf σείω. Σείσμα, -ατός, το, Σεισμός, -ου, δ («-.σείω to shake) agitation, shak- ing, commotion ; an earthquake. ΣεΊστρον, -ου, τό, (fr. next) a tim- brel, triangle. Σείω, f. σείσω, p. σέσεικα, to shake stir, move ; to vibrate, brandish quiver ; to agitate, disturb, ha- rass, vex ; to accuse, calumniate, slander. 1 a. ind. act. έσεισα per. ind. pass, σέσεισμαι. 3T ΣΕΜ Σεκουνδος,-ου,ό, fr. Lat. Secundus, a man's name. Σε'λα, cont. for σέλαϊ, which for σέλατι, d. sin. of σέλα?. Σελάγέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. σέλας brightness, and άγω to lead) to shine, glitter ; to lighten, blaze up ; to rage, break forth. Σέλάγος, -ου, δ, a proper name. Σελαναία, -ας, Dor. and Σε\ανα'ιη, -ης, η, Ion. for σελήνη. Σέλάναν, Dor. for σέληνην, a. sin. of same. Σέλας, -ατός, τα, (fr. σείω to shake, and 77X77 brightness) splendour, light, blaze, " brightness, lustre ; lightning, a flash ; a sunbeam, ray. Σέλάχος, -εος -ους, το, a kind of gristly fish. Σελεύκεια, -ας, η, name of a town. Σέλευκε, -ϊδος, f], a kind of cup ; a kind of galley or ship ; a wo- man's dress ; a kind of bird liv- ing on locusts. Σεληναίος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) of the moon, lunar. Σε\ι)νη, -ης, η, (fr. σέλας light) the moon. Σεληνιάζεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass. — Σεληνιαζόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of Σεληνιάζομαι, f. -άσομαι, (fr. σελήνη the moon) to be lunatic, mad. pres. par. mid. σεληνιαζόμενος, -η, -ov. 1 a. ind. mid. εσελτ7ΐια- σάμην, -ω, -aro. Σεϊηνιακός, -η, -ov, (fr. same) of or from the moon, lunar ; lunatic, mad, affected by the moon. Σεληνίς, -Ίδος, τ% (fr. same) a little moon or crescent worn on the shoes ; an amulet in that shape. Σέλΐνον, -ου, το, parsley. Σελις, -'ίδος, 77, the space between lines; a page. Σελισία, η, Heb. indecl. of three years old. Σέλλα, -ης, η, (fr. Lat. sella, a seat) a seat, chair. Σελλάστρωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως,ή, (fr, last, and στρώννυμι to spread) a laying of seats, setting of chairs. Σελλος, -ου, δ, one. who apes the rich or wishes to be esteemed rich, a boaster. Σελλοί, pi. priests of Jupiter at Dodona. Σέλμα, -ατός, το, (fr. σελ?? the space between lines) the seat in a boat for rowers ; a cross bench or transom. ΣεμεΙ, b, Heb. indecl. a man's name. Σεμέλη, -ης, η, a woman's name ; the mother of Bacchus. Σεμιάμιθος, -ov, 0, a small lizard ; tarantula. Σεμ'ιδάλις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, flour, fine flour, a. σεμίδαλιν. Σεμίραμις, -ιδος, ι), a woman's name. Σεμνολογέω -ω, f. -τ5σω, (fr. σεμνός venerable, and λέγω to speak) to speak gravely ; to use pom- pous language ; to boast, brag. Σεμνολόγος, -ου, δ, ?% (fr. same) (513) 2E2 gravely speaking ; pompous, boasting, bragging, ostenta- tious. Σεμνός, -η, -ov, (fr. σέβω to revere) venerable, respectable ; esteemed, prized, estimable ; grave, serious, dignified, grand, solemn, majes- tic, august ; formal, distmt haughty ; ostentatious, pom» pous. comp. σεμνότερος. Σεμνότητα, Σεμνότητι, Σεμνότητας cases of Σεμνότης,-ητος,η, (fr. σεμνός grave) gravity, seriousness, decency ; solemnity, majesty ; reverence, respect. Σεμνόω -ω, (fr. same) to ornament, adorn, beautify ; to extol, praise ; to boast, brag, vaunt. Σεμνόομαι -ουμαι, to solemnize, celebrate. Σεμνϋνω,ΐ. -ΰνω, (fr. same) to make venerable ; to extol, praise, adorn, mid. Σεμνύνομαι, to affect dignity, boast, brag, glory in. Σεμνως, (fr. same) gravely, seri- ously, decently, with dignity ; pompously, ostentatiously. Σένα, -ας, η, senna, a purgative plant. Σε'ο, Ion. or iEol. for σου, g. sin. of συ. Σεοι, Dor. forS -εοί, η. pi. of $εός. Σε-τός, -η, -ov, (fr. σέβω to wor- ship) venerable, honourable ; su- perb, grand. Σερατπαί, -άδος, ij, an herb. Σεραφείμ or Σεραώιμ, Heb. indecl. seraphim, angels. Σέργιος, -ου, α, fr. Lat. Sergius, a man's name. Σέρις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, a kind of cichory or wild endive. Σερίφιον or Σέριφον, -ov, το, a ma- rine plant like wormwood. Σέριφος, -ου, b, η, and -η, -ov, viz. γραυς, an old maid. Σερσερώθ, Heb. indecl. chains. Σέρφος, -ου, δ, a gnat or worm. Σέσαγμαι, -fa«, -κται, per. ind. pass, of σάττω. Σεσαλευμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of σαλεύω. Σεσαρώς, -υΐα, -ός,' per. par. mid. οΓσαίρω. Σεσεϊσθαι, per. inf. pass, of σείω. Σε'σελί, and Σέσελις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, broad cummin, an herb. Σέσ^-κα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. of σήπω. Σίί?/?ρα, ind. — Σεσηρως, par. per. mid. of σαίρω. Σέσθεν, and Σε'θεν, Poet, for σου, g. sin. of συ. Σεσιγαμένος, Dor. for σεσιγημένος, per. par. pass, of σιγάω. Σεσιωτταμένος, Dor. for σεσιωνημέ- νος, (per. par. pass, of σιωπάω) silent, taciturn. Σεσοφισμένος, -η, -ov, (per. par. pass, of σοφίζω) skilled, learned, wise ; artfully contrived. Σεσοφισμένως, (fr. last) skilfully, artfully, cunningly. Σέσωκα, -ας, -ε, act. — Σέσωσμαι, -σαι, -arat,pass. ind. — Σεσωσ- μένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of σώζω. ΣΗΜ Σεσωρευμίνος, -η, -ον, par. per. pass, of σωρεύω. Σευ, Dor. for σου, g. sin. of συ. Σευα, Ion. for *σευα, 1 a. ind. act. — Σείάτο, Ion. for εσενατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. — Σενάμενος, 1 a. par, mid. of σευω. • Σεύβω, Sync, for σευάσθω, 3 sin. of σευαι, -άσθω, 1 a. impr. mid. of same. ΣενΛαΐος, -ov, δ, (fr. next) name of a frog. Σευτλίον, Σευτλον, Τευτλίον, Τεύ- τλου, -ου, το, beet, an herb. Σευω, f. -εύσω, (fr. σείω to shake) to shake, move, stir ; to drive, impel, throw, hurl ; to drive away, put to flight, pursue, chase, press on ; to cause to flow or issue, draw ; mid. Σεύομαι, to hasten, hurry, run, rush, flee, fly away ; to spring or gush forth. Σεφη\α, indecl. Heb. a plain. Σεφθήναι, 1 a. inf. pass. — Σέψασ- θαι, 1 a. inf. mid. of σέβω. Σεωΰτοϋ, Ion. for σεαντον. Σήθ, b, indecl. Heb. a man's name. Σήθω, (fr. σει'ω to shake) to shake, shake out ; to sift, bolt. Σηκάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. σηκος a stall) to put up cattle, stall ; to enclose, hem in, confine. Σήκασθεν, Ion. for εσήκασθεν, \vh. Bosot. Sync, for εσηκάσθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of last 2-ηκϊς, -Woj, {), (fr. σηκός a fold) a maid-servant, Σηκίτης, -or, δ, (fr. next) a lamb fed in the house. Σηκος, -ου, b, an enclosure ; a stall, sheepfold or cole ; a temple, shrine, fane ; a nest or pigeon hole ; a den, cave, sepulchre ; a habitation, house ; the conse crated olive ; a weight, ba lance. Σηκόω -ω, (fr. last) to balance, weigh, counterpoise, Σήκωμα, -ατός, rb, (fr. same) a weight, counterpoise; a balancing or poise ; an enclosure, shrine. Σημ, b, indecl. Heb. a man's name. Σήμ\ for Σήμα, -ατός, rb, a sign, mark, token, signal ; a character, letter ; a standard, banner, device ; an omen, prodigy, portent ; a tomb, monument, sepulchre. Σημαία, -ας, η, (fr. last) a military ensign, flag, standard ; a cohort, company ; an image, statue ; coat of arms or armorial bear- ings. Σήμαιν\ for σήμαινε, pres. impr. act. — Σημαίνοισα, Dor. for ση- μαίνουσα, pres. par. fern, of Σημαίνω, f. -άνω, p. σισήμαγκα,{ΐτ. σήμα a sign) to sign, give a sig- nal, signify, intimate, express ; to command, direct, regulate, rule, have the command of ; to portend, foretell. 1 a. ind. act. εσήμάνα, and εσήμηνα' inf. εσμά- vat. pres. ind. pass, σημαίνομαι per. ind. pass, σεσήμαμμαι, Att. | retreat. 2HP σεσήμασμαι' par. σεσημασμένος, -η,-ον. Σημαίνων, -ονσα, -ον, par. pres. act. — Σηναναι, 1 a. inf. act. — Ση- μανίω, Ion. for σημάνω, 1 f. ind. act. of last. Σημαντέος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) to be signified, &c. according to the verb. Σημαντικός, -η, -bv, (fr. σήμα a sign) capable of giving a sign, significant, expressive. Σημάντωρ, -ορός, b, (fr. same) who gives a signal or command, a commander, general, director ; a trumpeter. Σημασία, -ας, η, (fr. same) are in- timation, the giving of a sign ; a signal. Σήματα,'ϊΐ. pi. of σήμα. Σηματονργος, -ov, b, (fr. σήμα a sign, and έργον a work) a carver, engraver. ΣημεΊον, -ου, το, (fr. σήμα a sign) a sign, mark, token ; a charac- teristic, distinction ; a proof, evi- dence, indication ; a prodigy, omen, miraculous sign ; a ban- ner, standard ; a statue, image ; a seal, impression. Σημειοσκοπέομαι, (fr. same, and σκοπέω to observe) to observe signs ; to divine, forebode. Σημειοσκόπος, -ov, b, (fr. same) an observer of signs ; a diviner. Σημειόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. σήμα a sign) to sign, make a signal; to note, observe, mark, brand, pres. impr. mid. σημειόον -ου, -οέσθω -ούσθω, 2pl. -όεσθε -ουσθε, 1 f. ind. mid. σημειώσομαι. per, pass, σεσημείωμαι. Σημείωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, {/, (fr. same) a marking, noting, obser- vation ; a signal, sign, mark. Σημερινός, -ή, -bv, (fr. next) of to day, to-day's. Σήμερον, Att. Ύήμερον, (fr. ημέρα a day) to-day. Σημή'ίον, Ion. for σημεΐον. Σημήνη, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of σημαίνω. Σημικίνθιον, and Σιμικίνθιον, -ov, το, (fr. Lat. semicinctium, an apron) an apron. Σήν, a. sin. fern, of σός. Σηπεδων, -όνος, %, (fr. σήπω to pu- trefy) rottenness, putridity, pu- trefaction. Σηττία, -ας, $, (fr. same) a cuttlefish. Σηπτικον, -ov, το, (fr. same) a pu- trefying ointment. Σηπτικός, -η, -bv, (fr.• same) putre- fying, causing putrefaction. Σηπτδς, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) putre- fying, causing putrefaction ; pu- trid, rotten. Σήπω, f. -ψω, p. σέσηφα, to make rotten, corrupt ; to rot, decay, putrefy. 2 a. ind. pass, εσάπην, ~Ίί•> -η' P er • i n d. mid. σέσηπα, Dor. σέσαπα. Σήρ, -pbς, b, a silk worm. Σήραγξ, -γγος, f), (fr. σαίρω to gape) a crack or fissure in the ground ; a cavern, cave ; a den, (514) ΣΙΓ Σήρες, -ων, οί, Seres, name of a people. Σηρί^ς, ->), -bv, (fr. σηρ a Silk worm) silken, silk. Σης, -τος, δ, (fr. σήπω to putrefy) a moth. Σης, and Σησι, Ion. for σαΊς, d. pi. of σός. Σησαμη, -ης, f), or Σήσαμον, -ov, το, sesame, a white grain growing in the East. Σηστιάς, -άδος, η, (fr. next) a wo- man or girl of Sestos. Σηστός, -ov, b, name of a town. Σήτες, Att. Τήτες, (fr. έτος a year) this year. Σητινος, -η, -bv, (fr. last) of this year, this year's. Σητόβρωτος,-ον, b,f], (fr. σ^ίamot^, and βρώσκω to eat) moth-eaten. Σητόκοπος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and κόπτω to cut) cut or gnawed by moths, moth or worm-eaten. Σήττα, indecl. Heb. a cedar. Σήψ, -πος, b, »/, (fr. σήπω to putre- fy) a kind of serpent. Σήψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) rottenness, corruption, putrefac* tion. Σθεινώ, -6ος -ους, η, name of a wo- man. Σθεvapbς,-ά,-bv,{fr.σθέvoς strength^ strong, able, powerful, mighty. Σθενελάϊδες, -ων, οί, (fr. next) the sons or descendants of Sthenelus. Σθένελος, -ov, b, a man's name. Σθένος, -εος -ονς, το, (fr. σθένω to be strong) strength, force, might, power ; firmness, constancy ; obstinacy, stubbornness. Σθενόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. εσθένωκα, (fr. same) to strengthen, make strong, confirm. 1 a. act. ind. εσ- θένωσα'οοί. σθενώσαιμι, -αις, -at. Σθένω, to be strong, be able, prevail• Σθενώσαι, 3 sin. 1 a. opt. act. of σθενόω. Σιαγόνων, -ov, το, (dim. of next) a part of the cheek ; the cheek. Σιάγών, -όνος, δ or η, the cheek, jaw. a. σιαγόνα. Σιαίνομαι, to be weary, worn out ; to fail, faint. Σίαλον, -ov, rb, Σίαλος, -ov, b, and Σίελον, -ov, rb, (fr. σείω to move) spittle. Σίαλος, -ov, δ, (perhaps fr. σιτεύω to fatten, and αλις abundantly) a fat pig. σιάλοιο, g. Ion. Σίβυλλα, -ης, ?/, (fr. σεος Dor. for θχδί a god, and βουλή counsel) a sibyl, prophetess. Σιβννη or Συβήνη, -ης, η, (fr. συς a boar) a hunting spear, javelin. Σιγφ, for σιγή. Σίγα, pres. impr. act. cont. of σιγάω. Σιγάλέος, -a, -ov, (fr. σιγάω to bo siknt) silent, thoughtful. Σιγαλόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. same) causing silence from wonder ; wonderful, admirable, splendid, superb, fine. a. sin. σιγαλόεντα. Σιγάλbς, -ή, -bv, Dor for σιγηλός. Σιγαν, pres. inf. act. cont. — Σί- γάτω, 3 sin. Σι γάτωσαν, 3 pi, cont. pres. impr. act. of ΣΙΚ Σιγάω -ω, f. -ήσω, ρ. σεσίγηκα, Ιο be silent, hold the tongue ; to he still, quiet. Σιγείς, -εος -ους, b, a Sigean. Σιγή, -ης, η, (fr. σιγάω to be silent) silence, taciturnity ; stillness. Σιγή, (d. of last) in silence, silent- ly ; stilly, quietly ; secretly. Σιγηθεϊς, -έΐσα, -iv, 1 a. par. pass, of σιγάω. Σιγηλας, -η, -bv, (fr. σιγάω to be silent) silent, taciturn, stilL Σιγη,ν, Dor. for oiyav, pres. inf. act. cont. of σιγάω. Σιγηρος, -ά, -δ ν, (fr. same) silent, still, quiet. Σιγησαι, 1 a. inf. act. οι σιγάω. Σίγλαι, -ων, αί, ear-rings. Σιγλαι, -ων, ai, ciphers, numerical characters; a contraction. Σιγνοφόρος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. σίγνον a standard, and φέρω to bear) ensign, standard-bearer. Σιγΰνης, -ου, δ, an iron dart or ja- velin. Σιγώντι, Dor. for σιγωσι, 3 pL pres, ind. act. cont. of σιγάω. Σιδάρεος, Σιδαρόδετος, Σίδάρος, Dor. for σιδήρεος, &c. Σιδαροχάρμας, -a, b, (fr. σίδηρος iron, and χαίρω to rejoice) re- joicing in arms ; warlike, g. pi. σιδηρογαρμάν, Dor. Σ'ιδη, -ης, η, a pomegranate. Σιδηρεος, -ους, -έη -η, Dor. -ία -ά, -εον -ουν^ and Σιδηρικός, -η, -bv, (fr. σίδηρος iron) made of iron Σιδηρεύω,. f. -εΰσω, (fr. same) to work iron, forge. Σιδήρων, -ου, το, (fr. same) aniron instrument or tool. Σιδηρϊτας, and ΣιδαρΊτας, -α, δ, Dor. for Σιδηρΐτης, -ου, δ, (fr. σί'ηρος iron) belonging to iron, of iron ; also, a loadstone, magnet. Σιδηρϊτις, -ϊδος, η, (fr. same) of or belonging to iron or to a smith, of iron ; viz. γη, an iron mine ; viz. λίθος, a magnet, loadstone. Also, the name of an herb. Σιδηρόδετυς, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. σίδηρος iron, and δέω to tie) iron-bound, fastened with iron. Σιδηρόττληκτος, -ου,, δ, /;, (fr. next, and πλήσσω- to strike) struck with iron, wounded with the sword* Σίδηρος, -ου, a, and Σίδηρον, -ου, το, iron ; any iron instrument, a sword, axe, dart, scythe, razor ; an iron breastplate. Σιδηρίφρων, -όνος, b, η, (fr.last, and φρην the mind) iron-hearted. Σιδηρόω -ω, (fr. σίδηρος iron) to cover, strengthen or defend with l r on ; to plate or tip with iron. Σϊδών, -ίονος, η, name of a town. Σιδώνιος, -α, -ov, (fr. last) Sido- nian, of Sidon. Σίελον, -ου, τδ, see σίαλον. Σίζω, f. σίσω or σίξω, to hiss, make a hissing noise as hot iron in wa- ,er ; to simmer, boil gently. Σικάνοϊ, -ων, οι, Sicanians, a peo- ple of Sicily. SUttffftife, -tto, $i (fir* Lat. sico, a ΣΙΜ dagger) an assassin, murderer, cut-throat, robber. Σικελία, -ας, η, Sicily, a country. Σικελός, -η, -ov, (fr. last) Sicilian. Σικερά, τδ, indecl. Heb. inebriating liquor, strong drink. Σίκιμα, -ων, τα, Sichem, a town ; a portion. Σίκιννις, (fr. σείω to shake, and*i- νεω to move) a military saluta- tion. Σίκλος, and Σίγλος, -ου, b, a shekel. Σικΰα, -ας, t% (fr. σίκνος a cucum- ber) a gourd ; a cupping instru- ment. Σικυήράτον or Σικυήλατον, -ου, τδ, (fr. next, and αρόω to plough) a garden of cucumbers. Σίκυος, -ου, or Σικυος, -ου, δ, α cu- cumber. Σικυωνυθε,^οΜ Sicyon. Σικναίνω, f. -άνω, ρ. σεσίκγαγκα, (fr. σικγος disagreeable) to loathe, be weary or sick of ; to be oppressed, pres. mid. σικγαί- νομαι. Σικχασία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a loath- ing, dislike, disgust. Σίκγτη, cont. fr. σίκ-χεα, -ων, τα, (fr. next) loathsome things, abomina- tions. Σικχος, -η, -bv, disagreeable, un- pleasant, troublesome, irksome, loathsome ; taunting, jibing mocking ; fastidious,, scornful sick, weak. Σίλας, -ου, δ,, a man's name. Σίλιγνις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. Lat siligo, a kind of grain like wheat) buckwheat. Σιλλικύτριον, -ου, rb, a certain plant. Σίλλοι, -ων, ol, (perhaps fr. σείω to move, and ίλλος the eye) jests, drolleries, repartees, witticisms taunts, jibes ; farces. Σίλλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) goggle eyed, squinting ; somewhat bald. Σίλλυβον, -ου, το, a kind of thistle ; an artichoke. Σίλλυβον, -ου, rb,the cover of a book. Σιλουάνος, -οΰ, b, fr. Lat. Silvanus, a man's name. Σίλουρος, -ου, b, a kind of fish, stur- geon, shadfish. Σίλφη, -ης, η, a moth, bookworm. Σιλφιον, -ου, τδ, the herb lazar- wort. Σιλωάμ, b, indecl. Heb. name of a pool or pond. Σίμαι, the upper part of a lyre, open to contain things. Σιμαϊ, η, pi. of σιμή. Σίμβλον, -ου, το, Σίμβλος, •>ου, δ, Σίμβλη, -ης, η, a beehive. Σιμεών or Συμεών, δ, indecl. Heb. a man's name. E.ng. Simeon or Simon. Σιμή, -ης, fj, a bee. η. pi. σιμαί,. Σιμικίνθιον, see σημικίνθιον. Σιμόεις, -εντός, δ, name of a river, and of a man. ΣΤμος, -fj, -bv, flat-nosed, depressed, shrunk ; sloping, steep, n. pi. neut. σιμά, precipitous or steep places. Σιμότης, -ητος, >% (fr. \ast) flatness ; τυιιφηίό&ι unevenneg». ΣΤ2 Σιμουντα, for Σιμόεντα, a. sin. of Σιμόεις. Σίμων, -ωνος, b, a proper name. d. Σίμωνι. a. Σίμωνα. Σιμωνίδης, -ου, b, a man's name. Σινά, rb, indecl. Heb. name of a mountain. Σιναμωρεω -ω, (fr. σίνω to hurt, and μόρον fate, or μωρία folly) to do wanton mischief; to hurl, in- jure, spoil; to debauch, deflow- er. Σινάμωρης, -ov, b, i/, (fr. same) born to do mischief, mischievous, wicked; lecherous, wanton. Σινάπέω -ω, (fr. next) to make faces, twist or distort the face, as from eating mustard. Σύ'ά7Π, see σίνηττι. g. Att. σινάττεως. Σιναρος, -a, -bv, (fr. σίνω to hurt) hurtful, injurious, mischievous ; hurt, injured. Σινδών, -όνος, >), (fr. Σιδών the city Sidon) a linen cloth, fine linen ; a sheet or wrapper of linen, d. σινδύνι, a. σινδόνα. Σίνεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. mid. of σίνω* Σίνηττι and Σίνάπι, -ιος, Att. -εως, rb, mustard. Σινιάζω, f. -άσω, per. σεσινίακα,{ϊΐ. next) to sift, fan, winnow ; to agitate or shake, as in a sieve. 1 a. act. ind. εσινίασα. Σινιάσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of last. Σίνιον, -ου, το, (fr. σείω to shake) a sieve. Σινόπη, -ης, η, a city of Pontus. Σΐνος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. σίνω to hurt) injury, hurt, mischief; destruc- tion, devastation. Σίντης, -ου, b, (fr. rraxt) hurtful, injurious, mischievous. Σϊνω or Σίνομαι^Μ agitate, shake ; to hurt, injure^ spoil, ruin ; ta pbmrter, lay waste. Σινωπίζω, to behave immodestly or indecently Σίον, -ου, Tb % .water-parsley, water- cresses. . Σιος, Dor. Μ,$εός. Σίτταλος, -ου, δ,, deformed, ugly, frightful, hitfjtfua. Σίττταχόρα, name, of a river. Σιπυή, -ης, f/, a chest ; a meal or flour-bin. ' Σιρά, see σειρά. Σίραων, -ου, τδ, vnne newly boiled or mulled. Σιρος or Σειρος, -ου, τδ., a vault, cel- lar for holding corn. Σιρωνες, -ων, ol, Heb. little moons ; an ornament. Σισάμϊς, -ιδος, fj, see σησάμη. Σίσαρον, -ου, το, the white carroty skirret. Σισύη, -ης, η, a lock of hair left un- shaven and consecrated to an idol. Σίσνβας, -ου., b, a bordei, hem, edge ) fringe. Σισυμβριον, -ov, το, wild thyme or water-mint. Σισυρα, -ας, η, a goatskin jacket. Σίσυφος, -ου, b, a man's name. Σίσω ν or Σίων, -ovos, h } « wxail 9&od ffloepairsfaf. ΣΙΤ Σιτάθην, Dor. and Ion. for εσιτή θην, 1 a. ind. pass, of σιτέω. Σ<τανίας, -ov, b, a kind of corn, wheat. Σιταρκία, -ας, >% (fr. σίτος corn, and αρκεω to suffice) provision, food ; an allowance, ration. Σιτίομαι -ονμαι, see σιτέω. Σιτευτός, -ή, -bv, (fr. next) fed, fat- tened, fatted. Σιτεύω, f. -εύσω, p. σεσ'ιτενκα, (fr. σΊτος corn) to fatten, feed ; to take food, grow fat. Σιτίω -ω, (fr. same) to nourish, feed, fatten, supply with food. Έιτίομαι -ονμαι, to feed, eat, live upon. Σιτηγος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and άγω to lead) a corn factor, dealer in grain ; a purveyor, contractor. Σιτηρίσιον, -ου, το, (fr. same, and αϊρέω to take) an allowance of provisions ; a soldier's monthly allowance ; a foraging or pro- viding of corn ; grain, provi- sions, food, victuals. Σίτησις,-ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. σ7τος grain) food, provisions, victuals. Σιτίζω, f. -ισω, p. σεσίτικα, (fr. same) to feed, nourish, main- tain ; to fatten, per. ind. pass. σεσίτισμαι, -σαι, -ται. Σιτίον, -ου, το, (fr. same) food, meat, victuals. Σίτίσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ι), and Σι- τισμος, -οΐ), δ, (fr. same) a provU sion of food, maintenance. Σιτιστος, -η,-όν, (fr. same) fatten- ed, fed, fat. Σιτοβολων, -ώνος, b, and Σιτοβό- λιον, -ου, το, (fr. same, and βάλ- λω to throw) a barn, granary, store-house, a. pi. σιτοβολώνας. Σιτοδεία, -ας, Ion. Σιτοδηΐη, -ης, {/, (fr. same, and if ω to want) a want of corn or provisions ; a famine, dearth. Σιτοδοσία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and δίδωμι to give) a distribution of corn. Σιτομετρεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. σεσιτομε- τρηκα, (fr. same, and μετρίω to measure) to measure corn, sup- ply with corn. Σιτομετρία, -ας, fj, (fr. same) a measure of corn, allowance* Σιτομίτριον or Σιτόμετρον, -ov, το, (fr. same) a measure of corn ; a portion of food, allowance. Σ7τον, -ου, το, (fr. σίτος corn) bread; food, victuals. Σιτονόμος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. last, and νέμω to distribute) distributing food ; a purveyor, provider of food. Σιτοποιείσθαι, pres. inf. mid. cont. of Σιτοποιεω -ω, (fr. σίτος, corn, and ποιίω to make) to make bread, - bake ; to use for baking ; to give food, support, maintain. Σιτο- νοιεομαι -ονμαι, to be employed baking or making bread ; to go foraging ; to use for food ; to earn at procure food. %iT§7C9id's, "&$t (fr. same) a baker. ΣΚΑ Σιτοπώλης, -ου, b, (fr. next, and πωλίω to sell) a seller of corn. Σ7τος, -ου, b, wheat, grain, corn ; bread, food, provision ; alimony, maintenance; a supper, meal, eating, feeding. Σιτοφαγος, -ου, b, ff, (fr. last, and φάγω to eat) eating bread, feed- ing on bread ; a bread-eater ; name of a mouse. Σιτοφόρος, -ου, b, $, (fr. same, and φέρω to bear) productive of corn, fruitful, fertile ; carrying or im- porting corn or bread. Σίττα, a word used by shepherds driving their flocks, or calling beasts to feed. Σιττύβη, -ης, η, a leathern jacket or garment. Σίττύβος, -ου, b, a kind of vessel. Σιτώνης, -ου, b, (fr. σϊ-τος corn, and ωνίομαι to buy) a corn buyer or contractor. Σιφλος, -η, -bv, (fr. σιπα^ς ugly) deformed, ugly ; base, mean ; weak, impotent. Σιφλόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to de- form, disgrace, debase, humble. Σίφνος, -η, -ov, empty. Σίφων, -ωνος, b, a siphon, pipe, tube, funnel. Σιών, το, indecl. Heb. name of a mountain ; a dry place. Σιώπα, 2 sin. cont. pres. impr. act. — Σιωπήσω, -ης, -η, 3 pi. -πήσωσι, 1 a. sub. act. of Σιωπάω, f. -ήσω, p. σεσιώπηκα, to be silent, still, mute, hold one's peace ; to pass in silence, omit, suppress, pres. impr. act. σιώ- παε -a. impf. ind. act. εσιώπαον -ων, -αες -ας, -αε -α. 1 a. act. ind. εσιώπησα. Σιωπή, -ης, η, (fr. last) silence, still- ness, quiet. Σιωπή, (d. of last) in silence, si- lently, stilly. Σιώπησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. σιωπάω to be silent) silence ; hair, locks. Σκάζω, f. -άσω, p. εσκακα, to be lame, limp, halt, hobble ; to fail, be deficient. Σκαώς, -η, -bv, (fr. last) left, on the left hand ; foolish, silly, awk- ward, absurd, stupid ; unlucky, ill-omened ; hard, cruel, inhu- man, malicious, mischievous, wicked; towards the west, west- ern. Σκαιη, d. sin. Ion. Σκαιάς, a. pi. Σκαιοσύνη, -ης, η, and Σκαιδτης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) stupidity, awkwardness, clownishness ; per- verseness, mischievousness. Σκαίρω, f. -άρω, to dance, jump, skip, bound. Σκαιως, (fr. σκαώς unlucky) un- luckily, unfortunately ; awk- wardly-. Σκαλαβώτης, -ου, b, same as ασκά- λαβος. Σκαλενω, f. -εύσω, (fr. σκάλλω to dig) to dig, root out ; to investi- gate, search out diligently ; to stir up. Σ*αλ))νίί, -}, -bv, (fr. σκάζω to (516) SKA limp) uneven, unequal, odd / having unequal legs or sides. Σκαλίζω, same as σκαλεύω. Σκαλϊς, -Έδος, >}, and Σκαλιστήριον, -ov y rb, (fir. next) a spade, hoe, mattock. Σκάλλω, to dig, dig about, hoe ; to split, cleave ; to dry up, cause to shrink ; to investigate, search out diligently. Σκaλμbς, -ov, b, (fr. last) the rest for the oar, rowlock, a range or bench of oars ; a galley, ship. Σκάλο-ψ, -οπός, b, (fr. same)a7noZe. Σκαμάνδριος, -ου, b, (fr. next) Sca- mandrian. Σκάμανδρος, -ov, b, Scamander name of a river. Σκαμβος, -η, -bv, (fr. σκάζω to limp) who walks sideways or obliquely ; wry, crooked ; per- verse. Σκαμμώνια, -ας, f), or Σκαμμώνιον, -ov, rb, a plant called scam- mony. Σκανά, -ας, ή, Dor. for σκηνή. Σκανδαλίζει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Σκανδαλίζεται, 3 sin. -ζονται, 3 pi. pres. ind. pass. — Σκανδα- λίζη, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. of Σκανδαλίζω, f. -ίσω, p. εσκανδάλικα, (fr. σκάνδαλον an obstacle) to trip, cause to stumble, ensnare ; to seduce, mislead ; to shock, scandalize, offend. 1 a. act. ind. εσκανδάλισα' sub. σκανδαλίσω, -ης, -η, I pi. -ωμεν. 1 a. ind. pass, εσκανδαλίσθην, -ης, -η. Σκανδαλισθη, 3 sin. -λισθητε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. pass. — Σκανδαλισθή- σομαι, -η, -εται, 2 and 3 pi. -θήσε-σθε, -θήσονται, 1 f. ind. pass, of last. Σκάνδαλον, -ου, το, (fr. σκάζω to limp) an obstacle, stumbling block ; a snare ; an offence ; a bad example or advice. Σκάνδιξ, -ϊκος, >;, a kind of potherb, wild chervil. Σκανθαρίζω, Σκινθαρίζω or Σκαρίζω, to make a sign with the finger on the nose. Σκάνθης, same as ασκάντης. Σκάνος, an obstacle, impediment, fault, blaine. Σκαπανείς, -ίος, Att. -έως, b, (fr. next) a digger, labourer. Σκαπάνη, -ης, and Dor. -α, -ας, ή, (fr. σκάπτω to dig) a digging ; a spade, hoe. Σκαπεδρα, -ας, τ), a kind of play or sport. Σκάπετος, -ov, b, (fr. σκάπτω to dig) a ditch, dike, trench. Σκαπτηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. same) a dig- ger, ditcher. Σκαπτησύλη, -ης, >% name of a town. Σκάπτοιτο, 3 sin. pres. opt. pass. οΐ σκάπτω. Σκάππρον, -ου, rb, Dor. for σκηπ- τρον. Σκάπτω, f. -ψω, ρ. Ίσκάφα, to dig, dig out, excavate, scoop, pres. inf. act. σκάπτειν. 1 a. act *nd. έσκαψα' sub. σκάψω, -ης, -η~ Σκαύδαμύσπω, -ττω, (fr. σκαίρω to ΣΚΕ leap, and μνω to wink) to vnnk ; to twinkle ; to glance at, ogle. Σκαρθμδς, -ov f b, (fr. σκαίρω to leap) a leap, bound. Σκαρίζω, (fr. same) to jump, leap, bound ; to palpitate ; to bubble ; to agitate, shake, wag. Σκαρΐς, -Έδος, η, same as σκάρος. Σκαριφενω, (fr. next) to mark light- ly, scratch, scarify. Σκάριφος, -ov, b, (fr. κάρφος a reed) a style, pen, pencil. Also a straw, stalk, reed. Σκάρος, -ov, δ, (fr. σκαίρω to leap) a scar fish or char. Σκασμός, -ου, b, (fr. σκάζω to limp) a halting, limping. Σκαυρος, -ov, b, (fr. (.καίρω to leap) having large ankles ; club-fooled. ΣκαφεΧον, -ov, rb, (fr. σκάπτω to dig) a spade, pick-axe. Σκαώεις, -είσα, -εν, 2 a. par. pass, of σκάιττω. Σκάφη, -ης, f), (fr. σκάιττω to dig) a long hollow vessel, a canoe, boat, skiff. Σκάφη, -ης, η, (fr. same) a spade ; a ditch, trench. Σκαφθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of σκάιτ- τω. Σκαφίδιον, -ov, το, (dim. of σκάφος a boat) a little boat. Σκαφ'ιον, -ov, το, (fr. same) a little boat, skiff, canoe ; a trough, ves- sel, pot ; a spade, mattock ; a manner of cutting hair with a razor ; a scull, head ; a fan. ΣκαφΙς, -Wo?, η, (fr. same) a little boat, skiff, canoe ; the hulk of a vessel ; a trough, pail ; a honey pot. Σκάφος, -εος -ονς, το, (fr. same) the hulk or hold of a ship ; a ship, boat, vessel ; a ditch, dike ; a digging ; a spade. Σκάψω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of σκάπτω. Σκεδα Boeot. for σκέδαση, 2 sin. of σκεδάσομαι, σκέδαση σκεδάη by Cras. σκεδα, 1 f. ind. mid. — Σκέδασεν, Ion. for εσκέδασε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Σκεδάσεις,2 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of Σκεδάω or Σκεδάζω, and Σκεδάννϋ- μι, f. -α,σω, p. εσκεδακα, to scatter, dissipate, dispel, disperse, spread; to sprinkle. Σκειθρος, -a, -bv, exquisite, fine ; precise, exact. Σκείρων, -όνος, δ, a west or south- west wind in Greece. Σκελετίων, -ωνος, b, (fr. next) a fictitious name. Σκελετον, -ov, τδ, (neut. of next, viz. σώμα) a dried body, skeleton, dead body. Σκελετός, -η, -bv, (fr. σκέλλω to dry up) dried up, parched, withered, shrivelled ; dead. Subs, a skele- ton. Σκεΐϊεω -ω, same as σκέλλω. Σκέλη, pi. cont. of σκέλος. Σκελιαγες, (neut. of next) a frac- ture of the leg. Χκελιαγής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. σκέλος a. leg, and άγω to break) having thetegbwfotn. ΣΚΕ Σκελ'ιζω, f. -<σω, p. εσκελικα, (fr. σκέλος the leg) to trip ; to sup- plant, overreach ; to catch or entangle by the legs, entrap ; to weaken, break down, overthrow ; to straddle. Σκελ]ς, -Ίδος, η, (fr. same) a ham or gammon of bacon. Σκελλος, -η, -bv, (fr. next) dried up, parched, withered, shrivelled ; distorted, crooked. Σκέλλω, f. -ελώ, to dry up, parch, shrink, shrivel ; to become hard, harden. 1 a. ind. act. έσκηλα. Σκέλος, -εος -ονς, το, the leg, shin ; the leg and thigh ; the foot. Σκέπα, Apoc. for σκεπάσματα, a. pi. of σκέπασμα. Σκεπάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. σκέπω to cover) to cover, hide, conceal; to shelter, protect, shade. Σκέπαρνον, -ov, το, an adz, axe. Σκεπάσας, 1 a. par. act. of σκεπά- &l Σκέπασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η\, (fr. σκέπω to cover) a protection, de- fence, covering, shade. Σκέπασμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) a covering, defence, protection; a shade, veil; clothing, pi. σκε- πάσματα. Σκεπαστής, -ov, δ, (fr. same) a pro- tector, defender. Σκεπαστός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) cover- ed, shaded, veiled ; protected. Σκέπαστρον, -ov, το, cont. for Σκε- παστήριον, (fr. same) a shade, covering, concealment, shelter. Σκεπάω, same as σκεπάζω. Σκεπεινος,-η, -bv, same as σκεπηνός. Σκέπη, -ης, {,, (fr. σκέπω to cover) a covering, shelter, tent ; a pre- text, subterfuge ; a protection, defence. Σκεπηνος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) cover- ed, defended, protected. Σκέπτεο, Ion. for σκέπτον, pres. impr. of σκέπτομαι. Σκεπτέος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) to be considered, &c. according to the verb. Σκέπτομαι, f. -ψομαι, p. έσκεμμαι, -ipai. -ται, to look, behold, look round, survey, explore ; to go to see, visit ; to consider, weigh, ponder, consult, deliberate, pres. par. mid. σκεπτόμενος, per. ind. mid. έσκοπα. Σκέπω, to cover, shade, veil, con- ceal. Σκερβύλος, -ov, b, >/, (fr. κέαρ the heart, or σκωρ dung, and βάλλω to throw) scurrilous, censorious, taunting, reproachful. Σκεναγωγέω -ώ, (fr. σκεύος furni^ ture, and άγω to lead) to carry baggage. Σκεναγωγδς, -ου, δ, fj, (fr. same) who carries or takes care of the baggage ; a sutler, porter ; a sumpter beast. Σκενάζν,ΐ. -ασω, (fr. σκεύος furni- ture) to prepare, make ready ; to pack up ; to furnish, adorn, dress ; to provide. Σκενάς, -α, b } Heb. name of a J priest, (51?) ΣΚΗ Σκενασ'ια, -ας, ή, (fr. σκευάζω to prepare, th. σκεύος furniture) dress, wardrobe, finery ; dress- ing food, seasoning, sauce. Σκεύασμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) ap paralus, dress, furniture ; a dish dressed or seasoned. Σκεναστος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) pre pared, ready, made, dressed. Σκεύει, d. sin. cont. — Σκεύεσι or -σιν, d. pi. — Σκεύη, η. a. v. pi. cont. of σκενος. Σκενη, -ης, f), (fr. last) apparatus, equipment, furniture, baggage ; implements, materials, arms ; or- naments ; a dress, wardrobe finery. Σκεύος, -εος -ονς, το, a vessel, uten sil, instrument ; furniture, bag- gage ; tackle, rigging ; a sail. Σκευοφορέω -ω, (fr. last, and φέρω to bear) to carry baggage or fur- niture. Σκενοφόρος, -ov, b, f), (fr. same) who carries the baggage or furniture , a sutler, porter, carrier. Σκενοφνλαξ, -ίίκος, δ, ή, (fr. σκενος baggage, and φνλαξ a guard) who guards the baggage or fur- niture ; a storekeeper. Σκενωρέω or Σκενωρέομαι, (fr. same, and ώρα care) to take care of the household furniture ; to be busy, bustle ; to search, examine ; to contrive, fabricate, plot, forge ; to trick, deceive, nefraud ; to gain fraudulently, manage de- ceitfully. Σκενωρος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same) who takes care of the vessels or fur- niture ; a steward, housekeep- er. Σχ-ίψασ&ΐί, inf. mid. — Σκεψάμε- νος, par. 1 a. mid. — Σκιχ^όμενος, 1 f. par. mid. of σκέπτομαι. Σκέψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. σκέπ- τομαι to consider) inspection, examination, survey ; contem- plation, thought, meditation ; de- liberation, debate, consideration ; a design, plan, pretence ; a com- ment, treatise, essay. Σκήλεια, -ας, -ε, 1 a. opt. iEol Σκήλω, -ης, -η, 1 a. sub. act. of σκέλλω, or of σκάλλω. Σκηνάω, and Σκηνέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. σκηνή a tent'i to pitch a tent, encamp, live in tents. Σκηνή, -ης, η, a 'enl, tabernacle, booth, curtain ; τ, scene, stage, play ; company or assembly in a tent. Σκηνητης, -ov, b, fj, (fi. last) dwell- ing in tents. Σκην?κδς, -ή, -bv, (fr. s.ame) be- longing to the stage. Σκηνίπτω, (fr. σκηνος the body, and ίπτω to hurt) to afflAct, grieve , to scatter, disperse, dissipate. Σκηνοπηγία, -ας, η, (fr. σκηνος a tent, and πηγννμι to fasten) α pitching of tents, residence in booths or arbours ; the feast of tabernacles. Σκηνοποιέω -ώ, (fr. same, and ποιέω to make) to make tents. ΣκηνΌπίϊία, «as, $, (fr. sime) α ΣΚΙ making of tents ; the feast of tabernacles. Τκηνοποιος, -ου, δ, ι^, (fr. same) a tent maker. Σκήνος, •εος -ους, το, (fr. σκηνή a tent) a tent, tabernacle; the human body ; a kind of vessel ; a female ornament } shade, fan, parasol. Σκηνοϋντες, η. pi. par. pres. act. — Σκηνώσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of Σκηνόω -ω, ΐ. -ώσω, ρ. εσκήνω (fr. σκηνή a tent) to pitch a tent or tabernacle, encamp, dwell in tents. Σκήνωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) a tent, tabernacle ; an abode, resi- dence, d. σκηνώματι. Σκηπάνιον, Ion. Σκηπήνιον, Dor. Σκαπανών, -ου, το, (fr. σκήπτω to lean on) α stick, staff, cane, sceptre* Σκήπτομαι, see σκήπτω. Σκηπτύς, -ου, b, (fr. σκήπτω to hurl) a thunderbolt^ lightning ; a storm, hurricane, whirlwind. Σκηπτουχος, -ου, b, η, (fr. next, and έχω to hold) sceptre bearing, sceptered. Σκήπτρον, -ου, rb, (fr. next) a slick, staff cane ; a sceptre. Σκήπτω, to dash, fling or hurl upon; to strike, hit, fix into ; to bend over, lean upon ; to tumble vio- lently, fall headlong ; Σκήπτομαι, to support one's self, lean or rest upon ; to feign, pretend, excuse one's self, apologize. Σκήπων, -ωνος, δ, (fr. last) a staff, sceptre. Σκηρίπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. same) to prop, support ; to step, tread. Σκη- ρίπτομαι, to prop one's self, lean on ; to strive, struggle, exert one's self. Σκήψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. same) a pretext, excuse ; force, violence. Σκιά, -ας, η, a shade, shadow ; a ghost, spectre ; a guest, com- panion. Σκιαγράφέω -ω, (fr. hist, and γρά- φω to write) to shade ; to sketch, draw, paint. Σκιαγραφία, -ας, ή, (fr. same) the outlines of a picture, sketch, draught, picture ; a shading. Σκιαγράφος or Σκιογράφος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a painter. Σκιάδιον, -cd, το, (dim. of σκιά a shade) a little shadow, shade, parasol. Σκιάζω, f. -ασω, p. εσκ'ιακα, (fr. same) to cover with a shade, overshadow, darken. \κιαμάχέω -ω, (fr. same, and μά- χομαι to fight) to fight with a shadow ; to labour in vain ; to represent a battle. Σκιαμαχία, -ας, »', (fr. same) α battle with a "hade, fighting with a shadow; contention with one who does not resist. Σκιαραν, Dor. for σκιαρών, g. pi. of σκιάρός. ItciuitoKofitsi -b'rj b,4 f (fr» nfext, and ΣΚΙ κόμη foilage) shady -foilaged, um- brageous. Σκιάρος, and Σκιερός, -ά, -δν, (fr. σκιά a shadow) shady. Σκιάς, -αδος, if, (fr. same) a shade, arbour, awning, tent. Σκιατροφίω -ω, (fr. same, and τρέ- φω to nourish) to live in the shade, live retired. Σκιάω -ω, f. -ασω, (fr. σκιά a shade) to shade, overshadow. Σκιγγος, or Σκίγκος, -ου, δ, a kind of small crocodile. Σκιδνάμενος, -η, -ov, pres. par. pass, of Σκίδναμαι, mid. or pass, of Σκίδνημι, or Σκιδνάω -ω, same as σκεδάω. Mid. Σκίδναμαι, to dis- agree among one another ; to scatter, disperse, break up. 3 pi. impf. pass, εσκίδναντο. Σκιερός, see σκιαρός. Σκιη, ά. sin. Ion. of σκιά. ΣκιητροφεΊν, Ion. for σκιατροφείν, pres. inf. act. cont. of σκιατρο- φέω. Σκ'ίλλα, -ης, i], a sea onion, squill. Σκιμαλίζω, to try the hens ; to point at contemptuously, ridicule. Σκιμβος, -ή, -bv, (fr. σκίμπτω to lean on, or fr. σκαμβος distorted) lame, limping. Σκιμπόδιον, -ου, rb, and Σκίμπους, -οδός, b, (fr. σκίμπτω to lean on, and πους the foot) a couch to lie on at meals ; a pallet, mat tress. Σκίμπτω or Σκήμπτω, same as th σκήπτω. 1 a. ind. pass, εσκίμφ• ϋην, -ης, -η. Σκίμφθη, Ion. for εσκίμφθη, see last. Σκίναξ, -ακος, b, i/, rb, (perhaps fr. κινέω to move) active, nimble bounding, leaping. Σκίναρ, -άρος, τό, (perhaps fr. σκιρ- τάω to skip) the young of any animal. Σκινδαλμος, -οΐί, b, same as σχιν- δαλμός. Σκινδαψος, -ου, δ, a plant like ivy growing in India ; also a string- ed instrument. Σκινθος, -ή, -bv, swimming, float- ing, shipwrecked. Subs, a swim- mer, diver. Σκιογράφος, -ου, b, (fr. σκιά a shade, and γράφω to write) a painter. Σκιόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. σκιά a shade) shady, shaded. Σκίουρος, -ου, b, (fr. same, and ου- ρά a tail) a squirrel. Σκιόωντο, Ion. and Poet, for εσκι- ώντο, 3 pi. impf. ind. pass. cont. of σκιάω. Σκιπνιΰος, -a, -ov, (fr. σκήπτω to lean on) leaning on a stick, slov>, lingering. Σκίρον, -ου, το, (fr. σκιά a shade) a shade, screen, parasol. Ύάσκί- pa, a festival at Athens. Σκίρος,-ου, b, a chip of marble, frag- ment; a cement; lime; alabaster. Σκιρτάω or Σκιρρύω -&, (fr. next) to harden into a swelling) grow into U hard lump. (518) ΣΚΟ ΣκίρρΌς, -ου, b, a hard tumor, swell ing. Σκιρτασητε, Dor. for σκικτησατε^ % pi. 1 a. impr. act. of Σκιρτάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. εσκίρτηκατ τ (fr. σκαίρω to leap) to skip, leap, bound, leap for joy, exult ; to bound along or over; to dance. 1 a. act. impr. σκίρτησον inf. σκιρτήσαι. Σκιρτήσατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. of last. Σκιρτητικος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) skipping, dancing. Σκιρτοποιεω -ώ, (fr. same, and ποιέω to make) to make dance, bound or skip. Σκιρτάω -ω, same as σκιρτάω. Σκιρτωσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. cont. of σκιρτάω. Σκίτάλος, -ov, ο, a vile fellow, black•' guard. Σκιώδης, -εος -ους, b, f/, (fr. σκιά a shade) shady, shaded ; dark, gloomy. Σκλέω or Σκλημι, f. σκλήσω, p. έσ- κληκα, Sync, for σκελέω, same as σκέλλω. Σκλήναι, inf. of έσκλην, 2 a. ind. act. of σκλημι. Σκληραγωγέω -ω, (fr. σκληρός hard, and άγω to lead) to manage harshly, treat severely, educate with severity. Σκληρία, -ας, η, (fr. σκληρός hard) hardness, stiffness, rigidity. Σκληροκαρδία, -ας, >/, (fr. same, and καρδία the heart) hardness of heart. Σκληροκάρδιος, -ου, b,ij, (fr. same) hard hearted. Σκληροπρόσωπος, -ου, b, η", (fr. σκληρός hard, and πρόσωπον the countenance) impudent, brazen- faced. Σκληρός, -ά, -bv, (fr. σκέλλω to harden) hard ; harsh, rigid, se- vere, cruel ; difficult, distressing; inclement, furious, violent. Σκληρότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) hard- ness; harshness, severity, a. σκληρότητα. Σκληροτράχηλος, -ου, b, >/, (fr. same, and τράχηλος a neck) stiff necked, perverse, obstinate. Σκληρύνω, f. -ΰνω, (fr. σκληpbς hard, th. σκέλλω to dry) to hard- en, stiffen ; to grow stubborn. 1 a. act. ind. εσκλήρϋνα' sub. σκλη- ρύνω, -ης, -η, impf. ind. pass. εσκληρυνόμην, -ου, -ετο. 1 a. pass. ind. εσκληρύνθην, -ης, -η' sub. σκληρυνθώ, -ης, -fj. Σκληρώ, Dor. for σκληρού, g. sin. of σκληρός. Σκληρώς, (fr. σκληρός hard) hardly, severely, violently ; with diffi- culty. Σκνιπος, -η, -bv, (fr. σ/π/ίψ a gnat) thrifty, penurious, sparing, κνιφος, -ή, -bv, (fr. κνέφας dark- ness) dull of sight, near sighted, purblind. Σκνϊψ, same as κνίψ. Σκοώς, -a, -bv, (fr. σκιά a shade) shaded, shady, thick, dark. Σκολιάζω, (fr. (τκύλ&ί crboketi) to 1 ΣΚΟ be crooked ; to act perversely, be obstinate. Σκολιησι, d. pi. fern. Ion. of Σκόλιος, -ά, -ov, oblique, crooked; twisted ; perverse, stubborn. Σκολιύτης, -ητος, ,',, (fr. last) crook- edness, obliqueness, unevenness, inequality ; perverseness, obsti nary ; depravity. Σκολιύω -ώ, (fr. same) to make crooked, bend, twist. Σκολιώς, (fr. same) crookedly; per- versely. Σκόλλνς, -νος, b, (fr. same) wool, hair. Σκολόπαξ, -ακος, b, a woodcock, snipe, a kind of fish. Σκόλοπας, a. pi. of σκόλοψ. Σκολοπένδρα, -ας, »/, an insect with many feet; an earwig. Σκάλος, -ov, b, a kind of thorn. Σκόλοψ, -οπός, b, a sharp stake, post, palisade ; a cross, gibbet ; a spit ; a splinter, thorn. Σκόλνθρος, -a, -ov, (perhaps fr. σκελλός dry) penurious, sparing, mean, poor. Σκόλνμος, -ov, b, (fr. σκάλος a thorn, or fr. next) a kind of thistle, an artichoke. Σκολνπτω, to tear, scratch; to pull off or up. Σκόλνφρος, -ου, b, ή, (perhaps fr. σκόλιος crooked, and φέρω to bear) rude, rough, rugged; sour, sullen, crabbed. Σκόμβρος, -ου, h, a mackarel. Σκοπαίος, or rather ΣκωπαΊος, -ου, δ, a dwarf. Σκοχάρχης, -ου, b, (fr. σκοπέω to watch, and άρχος a chief) the chief or captain of the watch. Σκοπεί, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. cont. — Σκόπει, pres. impr. act. cont. — ΣκοπεΊν, pres. inf. act. cont. of σκοπέω. Σκόπελον, -ου, το, and Σκόπελος, -ου, b, (fr. σκοπέω to watch) a rock, cliff, eminence, lofty situation. Σκόπευσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) an observing, watching. Σκοπευτής, -ov, b, (fr. same) an ob- server, watchman, sentinel. Σκοπεύω, f. -εΰσω, (fr. next) to look at, watch, explore ; to observe, consider, take heed. Σκοπέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. εσκόπηκα, (fr. σκοπός a mark, th. σκέπτομαι to look round) to see, view, behold ; to look or glance at ; to spy, watch; to contemplate, observe, consider ; to deliberate, judge ; to explore, examine, pres. impr. act. σκόπεε -ει, 2 pi. σκοπέετε -είτε. pres. par. σκοπέων -ων. Σκοπη, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. cont. of last. Σκοπη, -ης, fj, and Σκοπιά, -ας, η, (fr. σκοπέω to watch) a review, survey ; a watch tower, beacon, eminence, observatory. Σκοπιαζίμεν, Ion. or Dor. for σκο- πιάζειν, pres. inf. act. of ΣκοΊΤΐάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. σκοπέω to observe, th. σκέπτομαι to look round) to observe, watch, spy, view. ΣΚΟ Σκοπιτ}, d. sin. Ion. of σκοπιά. Σκοπός, -ου, b, (fr. σκοπέω to ob- serve) a mark, butt, target; a goal, end ; an object, aim, pur- pose ; an example, model, pat- tern ; a watchman, spy ; an over- seer, ruler. Σκοπονντα, a. sin. cont. — Σκο• πούντες, η. pi. cont. of pres. par act. of same. Σκορακίζω, (fr. κόραξ a crow) to send to the crows; to reject an grily, scare, repel, drive away with abuse. Σκορακισμός, -ov, b, (fr. last) a scaring away ; a rebuke, repulse, affront, taunt. Σκορδινάομαι, to stretch and yawn. Σκόρδων, -ου, τό, (fr. σκόροδον gar- lic) the herb wood-sage or ger- mander. Σκορία, see σκωρία. Σκοροδίζω, (fr. next) to feed with garlic. Σκόροδον, -ov, τό, (fr. σκώρ dung, and όζω to smell) garlic. Σκοροδών, -ωνος, b, (fr. last) a plantation or bed of garlic. Σκορπ'ιδιον, -ου, το, (dim. of σκορ πιος a scorpion) a little scorpion an engine of war for shooting arrows. Σκορπίζει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of Σκορπίζω, f. -ϊσω, p. εσκόρπικα, to scatter, dissipate, disperse. 1 a. pass. ind. εσκορπίσθην' sub. σκορπισθώ, -ης, -η. Σκόρπιος, -ου, b, (perhaps fr. last, and ώς poison) a scorpion; a venomous insect ; a kind offish ; a sign of the zodiac; a braid of the hair ; a military engine. Σκορπίσθητε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. pass, of σκορπίζω. Σκορπισμός, -ov, b, (fr. σκορπίζω to scatter) a scattering, dispersion. Σκοτάζω, f. -ασω, p. εσκότακα, (fr. σκότος darkness) to darken, shade, obscure. Σκότει, d. sin. cont. of σκότος. Σκοτεινός, -η, -όν, (fr. same) dark, obscure, dusky, gloomy, dark- some. Σκοτίζω, f. -ισω, p. εσκότικα, (fr. same) to darken, make dark,, ob- scure. Σκοτίζομαι, to grow dark. per. pass. ind. εσκότισμαι' par. εσκοτισμένος, -η, -ov. 1 a. pass, ind. εσκοτίσθην, -ης, -η. 1 f. ind. pass, σκοτισθήσομαι. Σκότϊος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) dark, gloomy, obscure; spurious, ille- gitimate, furtive, clandestine. Σκοτισθη, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass. — Σκοτισθήσεται, S sin. 1 f. ind. pass. — Σκοτισθήτωσαν, 3 pi. 1 a. impr. pass, of σκοτίζω. Σκοτοδινιάσαι, 1 a; inf. act. of Σκοτοδινιάω -ω, (fr. σκότος dark- ness, and δίνη a whirlpool) to lose the sight with giddiness, be af- fected with megrim become dizzy. Σκοτόεις,-εσσα,-εν, (fr. σκότος dark- ness) dark, gloomy, obscure. Σκοτομήνη,-ης,&τιάΣκοτομηνΙα,-ας, t), (fr. same, and μήνη the moon) a d-ark moon, moonless night. (519^ ΣΚΥ Σκοτομήνιος, -ov, 8, η, (fr. same) moonless, dark. Σκότος, -ου, b, or -ιος -ους, το (perhaps fr. σκιά a shade) dark ness, shade, gloom, g. sin. cont» σκότους. Σκοτόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. εσκότωκα, (fr. last) to darken, involve in dark- ness ; to strike with blindness or dizziness. Σκοτόομαι -ονμαι, to become dizzy or blind with giddi- ness ; to faint, per. pass. ind. εσκότωμαι' par. εσκοτωμένος, -η, -ov. Σκότωμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. last) a diz- ziness, megrim. Σκοντάριον, -ου, τό, (perhaps dim. of Lat. scutum, a shield) a little shield, target, buckler. Σκνβαλίζω, f. -ϊσω, p. εσκνβάλικα, (fr. σκνβάλον dung) to reject, de- spise, trample on. pres. ind. pass. σκνβαλίζομαι. 1 a. ind. mid. εσκνβαλισάμην, -ω, -ατο. Σκυβάλισμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. next) refuse. Σκνβάλον, -ov, τό, (fr. κνων a dog, and βάλλω to throw) offal, re- fuse, dung, dirt. Σκνδμαίνω,.(ίχ. σκΰζω to murmur) to fret, be angry, murmur, com" plain. Έκνζάω -ω, (fr. same) to yelp, whine. Σκνζομένω,ά. sin. pres. par. pass, of. Σκνζω or Σκνζομαι, (fr. κνων a dog) to whine as a bitch to her pups ; to purr as a cat ; to call for or desire the other sex; to irritate y provoke, enrage ; to be angry or indignant, resent, take ill. Σκύθα, v. sin. — Σκύθαι, η. pi. of Σκύθης, -ov, b, a Scythian. Σκνθϊκος,-ή, -ov, (fr. last ) Scythian. Σκνθιστι, (fr. same) from Scythia. Σκνθοπολϊται, -ων, οι, (fr. same, and πολίτης a citizen) inhabitants of Scythopolis. Σκνθρός, -ά, -ov, (fr. σκνδμαίνω to be angry at) angiy-countenanced, sullen-faced, moodish, gloomy, stern. Σκνθρωπάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. last, and ώψ a countenance) to look sul- len, be of a gloomy, sour or sor- rowful countenance. Σκυθρωπός, -ο», b, η, or -πός, -η, -ov, (fr. same) sullen, gloomy, sad, sour, morose, stern-looking. Σκνθρωπως, (fr. last) sadly, mo- rosely, sullenly. Σκνλακας, a. pi. — Σκνλάκεσσιν, d. pi. Ion. of σκνλαξ. Σκνλάκιον, -ου, τό, (dim. of next) a little whelp or pup. Σκύλαξ, -ακος, b, η, (fr. ίιλσω to bark) a pup, whelp, cub. Σκυλάω -ω, for σνλάω. Σκυλεία, -ας, >/, (fr. last) a prey, spoil, plunder, booty. Σκυλεΰσαντες, η. pi. 1 a. par. act. of σκυλεύω. Σύλενσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η", (fr. σκυλεύω to plunder) α spoiling, plundering. Σκνλευτης, -ov, b, (fr. next) a rob- ber, plunderer, spoiler. 2ΚΩ Σκί'λευω, same as συλεύω or συΧάω. ΤκυΧηναι, 2 a. inf. pass Σκΰλ- λο.υ, pres. impr. pass, of σκυΧΧω Σκύλλα, -ης, η, Scylla. ΣκύΧΧε, pres. impr. act. — Σκύλ Χεις, 2 sin. pres. ind. act. — ΣκύΧΧου, pres. impr. pass, of Σκύλλω, f. -υλώ, to fatigue, tire; to harass, trouble, vex, worry ; to pull or pluck of, lacerate, tear, devour, pres. ind. pass. σκνΧΧο- μαι. ΣκυΧμαίνω, f. -ανω, same as σκυδ- μαίνω — ΣκυΧμανεΊς , 2 sin. 1 f. ind. act. ΣκυΧμος, -ου, δ, (fr. σκυΧΧω to vex) vexation, trouble ; fatigue. ΣκυΧον, -ου, το, same as σύΧη. Σκύμνος, -ov, b, (fr. κύων a dog) a whelp, cub, cur ; a lion's whelp. Σκύμνως, Dor. for σκύμνους, a. pi. of last. Σκύνιον,-ου, τδ, the edge of the eye- lid, eyelash. Σκυρον, -ου, το, Scyrum, name of a town. Σκυρόω -ω, (fr. σκίοος a chip of stone) to turn into stone, pe- trify. Σκυρωτος, -η, -ov, (fr. last) stony, hard, rough, rugged, rocky. ΣκυταΧη, Dor. ΣκντάΧα, -ης, ή, — ΣκύταΧον, -ov, τδ, and ΣκυταΧις, -ιδος, η, (fr. σκύτος a hide) α thong, scourge, whip ; a staff, truncheon ; a bar, crow, lever ; a kind of secret writing, letter or despatch. Σκντενς, -έος, b, (fr. same) a cob- bler, shoemaker, currier, a. pi. σκντίας. Σκυτεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same) to tan or dress leather ; to work lea- ther, make shoes, &c. Σκύτίνος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) made of skin, leathern. Σκύτος, -εος -ονς, το. (perhaps fr. ξύω to shave) the skin, hide ; a thong, scourge, whip. Σκντοτόμος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. last, and τέμνω to cut) one who cuts up skins, a leather cutter, tanner, shoemaker. Σκύφος, -ov, b, or -εος -ονς, τδ, (fr. κνφος convex, or fr. σκάπτω to dig) a cup, bowl. ΣκωΧηκίασις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, ή, (fr. σκώΧηξ a worm) a breeding of worms. ΣκωΧηκόβρωτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and βρώσκω to eat) eaten by worms. ΣκώΧηξ, -ηκος, η, a worm. ΣκώΧος, -ου, b, and ΣκώΧον, -ov,rb, (perhaps fr. σκάζω to limp) a thorn ; a sharp pointed stick or pole, slake; a stumbling-block, snare ; a hindrance, impedi- ment. ΣκωΧόω -ω, (fr. last) to lay an im- pediment, set a stumbling-block, cause to fall. ΣκωΧόομαι -όυμαι, to be tripped or caught ; fall into a trap, be ensnared, per. ind. pass. εσκώΧωμαι. 1 a. ind. pass. ισκωΧώθην. Υ,κωΧύπτω. Poet, for σκοΧύπτω ΣΜΤ Σκδμμα, -<ίτος, τδ, (fr. σκώπτω to scoff) a scoff, taunt, jibe, rail- lery, wit. Σκώπτης, -ov, b, (fr. next) a scoffer, mocker, railer. Σκώπτω, f. σκώψω, p. ίσκωφα, to sneer at, scoff, jibe, taunt, ridi- cule, jest upon, rally, banter, per. ind. pass, ίσκωμμαι. Σκώρ, g. σκατος, το, dregs, lees, dross ; filth, dirt, ordure, dung. Σκωρία, -ας, η, (fr. last) dregs, se- diment, dross, refuse. Σκώψ, -ωπος, b, (fr. σκιά a shade, and ώψ the eye) an owl. Σμανος, -εος -ους, το, Dor. for σμή- νος. Σμαράγδ'ϊνος,-η,-ον, (fr. σμάραγδος an emerald) emeraldine, of em- erald. Σμάραγδος and Σμαραγδϊτης, -ου, b, an emerald. Σμαραγίω,ϊ. -ήσω, and Σμαραγίζω, f. -Ησω, to sound, resound, re- echo ; to make a noise, roar, howl, bellow. Σμαράγνα, -ης, >/, same as μαράγνα. Σμαράσσω, same as μαράσσω. Σμαρϊς,-ίδος, η, (fr. μαίρω to shine) a small sea fish, an anchovy, pilchard. Σμάω and -ίω -ω, to wipe, clean, rub, cleanse; to clear, rid of, purify ; to ornament, adorn, decorate. ΣμερδαΧία and -εον, (fr. next) frightfully, terribly, horribly. ΣμερδαΧίος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) terri- fic, terrible, dreary, horrible; awful, grand, splendid, dazzling. Σμερδνος, -η, -bv, (fr. next) same as last. Σμέρδνω, (fr. μερδω to gaze on) to look at attentively, stare at, gaze on. Σμηγμα, -ατος,το, (fr. σμήχω same as σμάω to wipe) any thing to wash with, wash ball, soap. Σμήνεσι or Σμήνεσσι, d. pi. Ion. and Poet, of Σμηνος,-εος -ους,το, a swarm of bees, bee hive ; sweetness of language. Σμηξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f), (fr. σμήγω to wipe) a washing, cleansing, cleaning. Σμήρινθος, -ου, η, see μήρινθος. Σμήχω, same as σμάω. Σμικρός, -a, -bv, Att. for μικρός. Σμικρύνω, f. -υνω, p. εσμίκρνγκα, same as μικρύνω. 1 a. ind. pass. εσμικρύνθην. ΣμίΧαξ, -άκος, η, a yew tree ; a garden shrub ; an herb called bindweed. ΣμιΧενω, (fr. next) to pare with a knife. ΣμίΧη, -ης, i), and ΣμΊΧιον, -ου, τδ, dim. a knife ; a graving tool. Σμ'ινθα and Σμίνθος, -ov, b, a mouse, rat. Σμινθευς, -εος -ους, δ, (fr. last) Sminthean, an epithet of Apollo. V. Σμινθευ. Σμυγέις, -εΐσα, -εν, 2 a. par. pass, of σμύγω. Σμυγερος, -a, -bv, (fr. σμύχω to fret) sorrowful:, wretched, miserable. (520) 2DO Σμύξαι, 1 a. infract, of σμύχω*. Σμύρις or Σμίρις, and Σμυρ'ιτης, -ov, δ, a stone used for cutting glass or polishing jewels. Σμύρνα, -ης, η, myrrh. Also, the name of a town,Smyrna. Σμυρναίος, -a, -ov, (fr. last) of Smyrna. Σμυρνίζω, f. -<σω, p. εσμύρνικα, (fr. same) to mix or compound with myrrh ; anoint or impregnate withmyrrh. per. pass. ind. εσμύρ- νισμαι' par. εσμυρνισμίνος. Σμύρνινος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) see μύρνινος, of myrrh. Σμϋχω, f. -ξω, to burn slowly, smoulder, consume, waste away ; to wear, corrode, gnaw, fret. Σμώδιξ, -Ίκος, and Σμώδιγξ, -ιγγος, η, a welt, stripe, wheal. Σμώχω, (fr. σμάω to rub) to chew, eat, consume, gnaw ; to reproach , revile ; to beat, strike. Έοάμ, Heb. indecl. an onyx. Σοβαρον, Poet, for σοβαρώς. Σοβαρός, -a, -bv, (fr. σοβεω to drive away) severe, stern, sullen, grim; haughty, proud ; furious, vio- lent, fierce. Σοβάρώς, (fr. last) furiously, vio- lently, haughtily, scornfully, sternly. Σόβας, -αδος, η, (fr. next) vnsolent y saucy, pert, wanton. Σοβεω -ώ, to expel, drive away ; to hie, hasten, speed; to sweep, brush; to behave insolently, be proud or haughty. Σόβη, -ης, ή, (fr. last) a flap to drive away flies. Σόγχος, -ου, b, a gourd, sowthistle; wild lettuce. Σόδομα, -ων, τά, Sodom, the name of a town. Σόεις σοΊς, σόει σοΊ, 2 and 3 sin. pres. ind. — Σόη σο7, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. of σόω, Poei. for σώζω. Σοϊ, d. sin. of σύ. ΣοΊο, Ion. for σον, g. of συ or of σός. Σο~ισι, Ion. for σοϊς,ά. pi. of σδς. Σοκχώθ, Heb. indecl. tents. ΣοΧοικίζω, f. -*σω, (fr. ΣάΧοικοι in- habitants of Soli) to imitate the Soloed; to speak barbarously or corruptly. ΣοΧοικισμος, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a solecism, barbarism, provincial expression, impropriety of lan- guage. ΣάΧοικοι, -ων, o\, the inhabitants of Soli. ΣοΧομών, -ωντος, h, a man s name. ΣύΧος, -ου, b, a lump of iron ; a mass ; a quoit j a disk. Σομφος, -η, -bv, empty, vain; light, trivial; spongy, like a sponge, fungous. Σόοις, 2 sin. pres. opt. act. — Σόο- μαι -ουμαι, mid. of σόω, Poet. for σώζω. Σόος, -η, -ov, safe, sound ; whole, entire, unhurt; in health, pre- served. Σόος σους, -όου -ου, b, motion up- wards, ascent. ΣΟΩ Σορδισμός, -ου, δ, a solecism, anun- grammatical expression. Σορός, -ου, >/, a coffin, bier ; a vault, sepulchre. Σός, ση, σον, (fr. συ you) yours, your, thy, thine. Σου, g. sin. of συ. Σου, cont. for σόου, pres. impr. pass, of σόω. Σοναρύμ, Heb. indecl. rotten figs. Σονβλίον, -ov, το, an awl ; bodkin. Συυβος, -ov, b, an animal living on fishes. Σουδάριον, -ov, το, (fr. Lat. suda- rium, a handkerchief, th. sudor, sweat) a napkin, handkerchief. Σοΐιμαι, cont, for σόομαι, mid. of σόω. Σούσα, -ων, τα, Susa, name of a city. Σο,υσάννα, -ης, η, Susannah, a wo- man's name. Σουσθω and Σουσθε, 3 sin. and 2 pi. cont. pres. impr. pass, of σόω. Σουσον, -ov, το, (Phoenician) alily. Σοντοϋ for σεαντον. Σονχινα, perhaps for πεύκινα.. Σοφεω, Σοπψεϊρ and Σονφϊρ, Ophir, name of a place. Σοφία, •ας, and Ion. -ης, η, (fr. σο- φός wise) wisdom, science, know- ledge ; artifice, contrivance, de- vice. Σοφιζομίνω, d. sin. pres. par. pass. of Σοφίζω, f. -"σω, p. σεσόφικα, (fr. σοφός wise) to make wise, ttach wisdom, instruct. Σοφίζομαι, to become wise, learn, understand, know ; to devise, plan, invent ; to contrive artfully, cunningly or deceitfully ; to deceive, over- reach, defraud, cheat; to speak smoothly, impose upon by words ; to reason, argue. 1 a. act. ind. εσόφισα. per. pass. ind. σεσόφισ- μαΐ' par. σεσοφισμένος. Σοφίσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of last. Σόφισμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. same) a device, invention, contrivance, ar- tifice ; an improvement, refine- ment; a fraud, deceit; a sophism. Σοφιστενω, (fr. next) to teach philo- sophy or literature ; to philoso- phize, act the sophist. Σοφιστής, -ου, δ, (fr. σοφός wise) < skilful contriver, ingenious art- ist ; a • rhetorician, orator ; ι sage, wise or learned man ; a so- phist, deceiver, impostor ; a dis- putant, arguer. g. pi. σοφιστών. Σοφοκλής, -έος -υνς, 'ο, Sophocles, a man's name. Σοφοκλεΐ, d. sin. cont. Σοφός, -η, -ov, wise, learned ; skil- ful ; sage, prudent, discreet, sa- gacious. Σοφόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. σεσάφωκα, (fr. last) to make wise, instruct, enlighten. Σοφως, (fr. same) wisely, prudent ly, skilfully. Σοφώτερος, -a, -ov, comp. of σοφός wise ; d. sin. Σοφωτερω — Σο- φότατος, sup. Σόω, Poet, for σώζω. 3 pi. pres. sub. act. σόωσι. 3U ΣΠΑ Σόω, (fr. σόος safe, or σείω to shake) to move, stir, rouse ; to put to flight, rout, drive away. Σόομαι σοΐίμαι, to fee, run away ; to hasten, hurry, rush. Σπαδίζω, f. -ϊσω, Dor. -ίξω, (fr. σπάω to draw) to draw off, pluck, strip. Σπαδών, -ωνος and -όντος, b, (fr. στα ω to draw) a eunuch. Σπαδωνίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. last) to make a eunuch, castrate. Σπαθαλάω, same as σπαθάω. Σπαθάρισκος, -ov, b, (fr. σπάω to draw) a veil. Σπαθάω -ω, (fr. σπάθη a part of a loom) to press the weft together, v>eave ; to crowd; pile, heap to- gether; to use more weft than necessary ; to waste, squander, lavish, consume ; to impair, make decay. Σπάθη, -ης, fj, a rod, wand; a stick, ladle ; a sword ; an oar ; the reed in a loom which presses the weft together ; a spatula; the fruit of the palm tree. Σπαθώσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. cont. of σιταθάω. Σπαίρω, same as ασπαίρω. Σπάλαξ, -ακος, b, (fr. σπάω to draw) a mole. Σπαλεις, -35 ol. for σταλείς, 2 a. par. pass, of στέλλω. Σπαλνσσομαι, (perhaps fr. σπαράσ- σω to tear) to be mangled, torn, pulled asunder ; to revel, be riot- ous or disorderly ; to be disturb- ed, agitated, convulsed. Σπανία, -ας, η, same as σπάνις. Σπανία, -ας, η, Spain. Σπανίζω, f. -~ϊσω, ρ. εσπάνικα, (fr. σπανός rare) to want, be in want of; to become rare or scarce; to diminish, fail. per. ind. pass, εσπάνισμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, εσπα- νίσθην. Σπάνιος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) rare precious, scarce; scanty, deficient: Σπάνις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, and Σπα• νιότης,-ητος,η,(ίτ. σπανός scarce) rarity, scarceness, scarcity, want Σπανισθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass, οι σπα- νίζω. Σπανίως, (fr. σπάνιος rare) rarely seldom, scarcely. Σπαι>ός, -ου, b, rare. Σπάζ, σπακός, b, η, (Persian) a dog. Σπάραγμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. σπαράσσω to tear) a piece torn off, frag- ment. Σπαραγμός, -ov, δ, (fr. same) a tearing, rending, mangling ; dis- traction. Σπαράσσω, -ττω, ΐ. -ζω, ρ. -χα, (perhaps fr. σπάω to draw, and αράσσω to cut) to lacerate, iear, mangle, butcher; to convulse, distract, agitate, disturb. 1 a act. ind. εσπάραζα' par. σπαρά ζας, -ασα, -αν. per. ind. pass. εσπάραγμαι. Σπαργανίζω, f. -"σω,ρ. εσπαργάνικα (fr. σπάργανον a swaddling band) to wrap in swaddling clothes. Σπαργανίαας, -ασα, -αν, 1 a. par act. of last. 6521) ΣΠΑ Σπάργανον ,-ov ,τό, a swaddling band, swaddling clothes, a bandage. Σπαργανόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. εσπαργά ■ νωκα, (fr. last) to wrap in swad- dling clothes. 1 a. ind. act. εσπαρ- γάνωσα, per. ind. pass, εσπαργά- νωμαι' par. εσπαργανωμενος. Σπαργάω -ω, to swell, be extended as a breast with milk ; to covet, desire, lust. Σπαργη, -ης, η, (fr. last) the un- easiness of milk in the breast, desire of suckling ; lust, uppetite. Σπαρεδοα, -ας, η, Sparedra, a wo- man's name. Σπαρεϊς, -είσα, -εν, η. pi. -ρεντες, 2 a. par. pass. — Σπαρη, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. pass, of σπείρω. Σπαρίζω, (fr. σπαίρω to gasp) same as ασπαίρω. Σπαρνός,-η,-όν, (fr. σπανός scarce) rare, scarce, few. Σπάρος, -ov, b, a sea fish, gillhead ; a kind of crab. Σπάρτη, -ης, η, Sparta, name of a city. Σπαρτίυν or Σπάρτων, -ov, and Σπάρτον, -ου, τό, and Σπαρτός, -ov, δ, (fr. σπάω to draw, or fr. σπείρω to sow) Spanish broom ; or a kind of rush from which ropes are made, Sparto ; a rope, cord, string. Σπαρτοί, -ών, ot, (fr. σπείρω to sow) an epithet of the Thebans. Σπαρτοπόλιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. σπαρ- ~ίς scattered, and πολιός gray) sprinkled with gray hairs, grow- ing gray, gray- haired. Σκ-Λοτός, -η, -ov, (fr. σπείρω to sow) s&tim, scattered ; sprung from, descended or derived. Σπασάμενος, 1 a. par. mid. —Σπά- σει/, Ion. for εσπασεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of σπάω. Σπάσμα, -άτος, το, and Σπασμός, -ου, b, (fr. σπάω to draw) an un- sheathing, drawing ; a drawn sword; a convulsion, contrac- tion, spasm, sprain ; a r era, frac- ture; a piece, fragment; dis- traction, agitation, Σπάταγγος, -ov, b, a kind of sea- urchin. Σπαταλάω -ω, f, -ήσω, p. εσπατάλη- κα, (fr. next) to live extravagantly, luxuriously or voluptuously; to indulge, riot, pamper, pres. par. act. σπαταλάω ν -ων, 1 a. ind. act. εσπατάλησα. Σπάταλη, -ης, >), (fr. σπαθάω to squander) a bowknot, fringe, flounce; luxury, extravagance; delicacies, delights. Σπαταλώσα, η. sin. fern. cont. par. pres. act. of σπαταλάω. Σπάτειος, -a, -ov, (fr, σπάτος a hide) made of leather, leathern. Σπατϊλη, -ης, η, excrement, ordure ; or (fr. next) the pairings, cuttings or refuse of hides. Σπάτος, -εος -ους, τό, (fr. σπάω to draw) a hide, skin, leather. Σπατόω -ω, (fr. last) to work in leather, manufacture hides. Σπάω -ω, f. σπάσω, p. εσπακα, to draw, drag, pull ; to attract, ΣΙΤΕ draw to ; to contract, shrink ; to extract, draw out, unsheath; to pluck, tear; to suck, imbibe, drink. Σπάομαι -ώμαι, to with- draw, retire ; to join, attach, tie. 1 a. mid. ind. εσπασάμην, -ω, -ατο' par. σπασάμενος. Σπεΐο, Ectas. for σπέο, Ion. for σπον, pres. impr. mid. of σπόμαι, Poet, for έπομαι. Σπέϊος, -εος -ονς, το, Poet, for σπεύς. Σπείοα, -ας, η, a wreath, twist, wind- int or coil of a rope or serpent ; a cable, rope; a wreath, band or twisted lace; cakes, baker's or pastry work twisted ; a cohort, band, troop of soldiers. ΣπεΊραι, inf. — Σπείρας, par. 1 a. act Σπείρειν, pres. inf. act. — Σπείρεις, -ρει, 2 and 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Σπείρεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass. — Σπείρη, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. — Σπειρόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. — Σπείρονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of σπείρω. Σπειρηδον, (fr. σπείρα a band) in troops or companies. Σπέιρον, -ον,το, (fr. same) a wreath, band, fillet, scarf veil ; a torn coal, rags ; a sail ; a coil of rope. Σπείρω, f. σπερω, p. έσπαρκα, to sow, set, plant; to propagate, breed; to scatter, spread, disseminate. 1 a. act. ind. έσπειρα' inf. σπεΊ- οαι' par. σπείρας, -ασα, -αν, 2 a. ind. act. έσπάρον, -ες, -ε. 2 f. ind. act. σπαρω. pres. ind. act. σπεί- ρομαι. per. pass. ind. ίσπαρμαι, -σαι, ται' par. εσπαρμένος, -η, ov. 2 a. pass. ind. χσπάρην, -ης, -η' sub. σπαρω, -ης, -jf• par. σπα- ρείς. per. ind. mid. έσπορα. Σπείρων, -ονσα, -ov, g. -ροντος, d. -ροντι, par. pres. act. of last. Subs, a sovier. ΣχεΤσαι, inf. — Σπε'ισας, -ασα, αν, par. 1 a. act. — Σπείσασθαι, inf. — Σπεισάμενος, par. 1 a. mid. of σπένδω. Σπείσαντ , Ion. for εσπείσαντο, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. — Σπείσασκε, Ion. and Poet, for έσπεισε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act Σπείσω, 1 f. ind. act. of same. Σπειω, -όος -ους, >% Speio, a wo- man's name. ΣπίκΧον, -ου, το, (fr. Lat. specu- lum, a looking glass) a looking glass, mirror. Σπεκλοποιος, -ου, δ, (fr. last, and ποιέω to make) a maker of ■mirrors. πεκ»ν\άτωρ, -ωρος, δ, (fr. Lat. speculator, a spy) a watcher, spy, sentinel, a. σπεκονΚάτωρα. Σπέλεθος and Πέλεθος, -ov, b, ex- crement, ordure, dung. Σπένδεσκε, Ion. for έσπενδε, 3 sin. impf. ind. act. — Σπενδόμενος, pres. par. pass, of Σπένδω, f. σπείσω, to pour out by drops; to make a libation "or drink offering ; to sacrifice, offer. Σπίνδομαι, to give one's self up to, exert, labour, be spent oi ex- hausted for; to make a league, covenant or agreement with, en- 2ΠΙ ter into alliance, ratify a treaty, make peace. 1 a. ind. act. έσπει- σα. per. ind. mid. έσπονδα. Σπεος, -έος -ους, το, a cave, cavern, den. g. sin. Ion. σπηος, d. pi. σπέσι, Ion. and Poet, σπ^εσσι. Σπέραδος, -εος -ονς, το, (fr. σπείρω to sow) seed. Σπέρμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) seed ; offspring, posterity, n. pi. σπέρ- ματα, d. pi. σπέρμασι. Σπερμαίνω, (fr. σπείρω to sow) to produce or raise seed, propagate. Σπέρμασι or -σιν, ά. pi. — Σπέρμα- τι, ά. sin. — Σπέρματος, g. — Σπερμάτων, g. pi. of σπέρμα. Σπερματία, -ας, η, (fr. σπείρω to sow) a sowing, something sown, seed, corn. Σπερματίζω, (fr. same) to yield seed, impregnate. Σπερματίζομαι, to receive seed, breed. Σπερματικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) producing seed, fruitful; sper- matic, of seed, fertilizing . Σπερμολόγος, -ov, δ, η, (fr. σπέρμα seed, and λέγω to collect) pick- ing up seeds ; collecting tales, spreading reports ; an idler, bab- bler, gossip. Σπερχθείς, -ε7σα, -εν, 1 a. par. pass, of σπέρχω. Σπερχνός, -η, -bv, (fr. next) quick, speedy ; hastening, hurrying, rushing ; assiduous, diligent, earnest. Σπέρχω, to wish, long for, desire, expect anxiously ; to hurry, has- ten, urge, drive; to press upon, assail., Σπέρχομαι, tn fee, run away ; to be angry, rage, fret. 1 a. ind. pass, εσπέρχθην. Σπερω, 1 f. ind. act. of σπείρω. Σπες, 2 sin. — Σπέτε, 2 pi. 2 a. impr. act. of σπΤψι. Σπέσθαι, pres. inf. mid. of σπόμαι, Boeot. for 'έπομαι. Σπεύδει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Σπεύδοι, 3 sin. pres. opt. act Σπεύδοντ for Σπεύδοντα, a. sin. — Σπεύδοντες , η. -δοντας, a. pi. pres. par. act. — Σπενδοντι, Dor. for σπεύδονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Σπεύδω, f. σπεύσω, to long for, de- sire, wish ; to urge, press forward, hasten, hurry, make haste, pres. impr. act. σπεύδε, -έτω. impf. ind. act. έσπενδον. 1 a. act. ind. ίσπευσα" impr. σπrΐ;σol',-«rω•par. σπενσας. per. ind. mid. έσπονδα. Σπεύδωμες, Dor. for σπεύδωμεν, 1 pi. pres. sub. act. — Σπεύσας, η. pi. -σαντες, 1 a. par. act. — Σπευσον, 1 a. impr. act. of last. Σπέω or Σπω, f. σπήσω for έσπω, Poet, for έπω, to speak. Σπηϊ or Σπεΐί, d. sin. Ion. of σπεύς. Σπή\aιov,-ov,τb,acave,cavern,den. Σπή\νγζ, -νγγος, δ, same as last. Σπήλωνες, -ων, οι, (fr. σπιλας a stone) stepping stones used in- stead of a bridge. Σπημι, same as σπέω for έπω, to speak. Σπιδης, -έος -ονς, δ, η", (fr. σπίζω to extend) spacious, large, great, extended, spread. 2Π0 Σπιδνός, -?), -bv, (fr. same) thick, solid, close, compact. Σπίζα, -ης, η, (fr. σπίζω to chirp) a little bird like a sparrow. Σπίζω, (perhaps fr. σπάω to draw) to expand, stretch out, extend, lengthen ; also to chirp. Σπιθαμαως, -a, -ov, earne as σ*ι- θάμώδης. Σπιθαμή, -ης, fj, a span. ΣπιθαμιαΊος, -a, -ov, same as Σπιθαμώδης,-εος -ονς, b, f), (fr. σπι θαμη a span) a span long, nine inches long. Σπικονλάτωρ, -ωρος, b, (fr. Lat. speculator) a spearman. Σπιλάδεσσιν, d. pi. Ion. of Σπιλάς, -αδος, ij, (fr. next) a rock, sunk rock ; also a storm, tern• pest. n. pi. σπιλάδες. Σπΐλος, -ov, b, a spot, stain, mark ; a mole, freckle ; the leprosy ; also a rock. Σπιλόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. ισπΐλωκα, (fr. last) to spot, stain, blot, defile. Σπίλωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) a spot, stain, blot. Σπίνδασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f), a scarce and strange bird. Σπίνθαξ or Σπιντράξ, -άκος, b, (fr. σπινθηρ a spark) a spark of fire. n. pi. σπινθράκες. Σπινθαρίδες, -ων, αϊ, (fr. next) sparks of fire. Σπινθηρ, -ηρος, δ, a spark of fire. Σπίνος, -ov, b, (fr. σπίζω to chirp) a sparrmv. Σπλαγχνίζω, (fr. σπλάγχνον the bowels) to sacrifice the entrails ; to distribute, partake or invite to the sacrifice. Σπ\αγχνίζομαι, to be moved with pity or compassion, yearn. 1 a. pass. ind. εσπ\αγ- χνίσθην, -ης, -η. Σπ\αγχνισθε"ις, -εΊσα,-εν, par. 1 a. pass, of last. Σπλαγχνισμος, -ου, δ, (fr. next) a sacrifice or partaking of the en- trails ; pity, compassion. Σπλάγχνον, -ov, το, more usually plural, (fr. σπλάν, Dor. ίοτσπλην the milt or spleen) a bowel, gut or intestine. To σπλάγχνα, the bowels, heart, liver and lungs ; the bowels of compassion, tender af- fection, pity, love, commisera- tion. Σπλαγχνοφάγος, -ov, b, >/, (fr. last, and φάγω to eat) eating entrails. Σπληδος, -ου, δ, same as th. σποδός, Σπλην, σπλήνας, δ, the mill, spleen. Σπόγγος, -ov, δ, and Σπογγία, -ας, {], (perhaps fr. σπάω to draw, and νγρον moisture) a sponge. Σπογγώδης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. last) spongy, porous, like sponge. Σποδεύνας, -a, Dor. for Σποδεννης, -ov, b, (fr. σποδός ashes, and εύνη a bed) who lies and sleeps in ashes. Σποδέω -ω, (fr. σποδός ashes) to overwhelm with hot ashes, sprin- kle with ashes ; to cleanse, puri- fy ; to beat, strike, pound, kill ; to have connexion with a female. Σποδιά, -ας, h-, (»*• same) ashes. Σποδίζω, f. -Υσω, (fr. same) to ΣΠΟ dress with ashes, roast in the ashes ; to burn to ashes ; to in- cline to an ash colour ; to coha- bit. Σποδό είδης, -έος-ους, 6,j$, (fr. same, and είδος likeoess) of or like ashes. Σποδός, -ου, b, ashes, embers, dust, cinders. Σποδόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. εσπόδωκα, (fr. last) to cover, sprinkle with ashes ; to reduce to ashes, pres. ind. pass, σποδόομαι. 1 a. ind. mid. εσποδωσάμην. Σπυλάς, -άδος, ή, a leathern coat or cloak. Σπολή, Dor. for στολή. Σπόλια, -ων, τά, (fr. σπάω to pluck off) wool plucked off sheep's legs. Σπόμαι, Dor. or Poet, for έπομαι, see επω. par. pres. mid. σπό- μενος. Σπονδάς, a. pi. of σπονδή. ΣπονδεΊον, -ου, το, (fr. next) a cup for libations, bowl, pan or censer. Σπονδή, -ης, ή, (fr. σπένδω to make a libation) a drink offering, liba- tion ; α'ι σπονδαι, a truce, treaty, covenant, peace. Σπονδοφάρος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. last, and φέρω to bear) who carries the libation, a priest ; a truce bearer, herald. Σπόνδυλος, -ου, b, a knuckle or joint of the back bone ; a ballot. Σπορά., -ας, ή, (fr. σπείρω to sow) a sowing, seed sown ; seed, off- spring, young, progeny. Σποράς, -άδος, b,f], (fr. same) \sown, scaltered,dispersed, disseminated. Σπορευς, -έος -ους, b, (fr. same) a sower. Σπόρίμος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) that may be or is used to be sown, arable, sown. Σπόριμα, sown places, corn fields* Σπόρος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a sowing ; seed sown y seed. Σπόρω, Dor. for σπόρου, g. of last. Σπον, pres. impr. mid. of σπόμαι, Poet, for 'έπομαι. Σπου, (Scythian) an eye. Σπουδάζοντες, η. pi. par. pres. act. of Σπουδάζω,ί". •>ασω, p. εσπούδακα, (fr. σπουδή haste) to make haste, hurry, hasten ; to strive, take pains, endeavour ; to affect, aim at, desire, pursue, seek after ; to favour, side with, esteem, regard, court, be anxious, eager or zeal- ous for ; to be serious, in earnest, speak or act with gravity. Σπουδαίος, -a,-ov, (fr. same) care- ful, sedulous, diligent ; good, worthy, virtuous ; praiseworthy, commendable ; skilful, active, in- genious ; grave, serious. Comp. σπουδαιότερος, Att. σπουδαιέστε- ρος. r Σπουδαιότατος, -η, -ov, sup. of last. Σπουδαιοτέρως, and Έπουδαιοτέρω, (fr. comp. of σπουδαίος) more diligently, earnestly or hastily. or carpenter's rule ; a rule, plumb Σπουδαίως, (fr. σπουδαίος diligent) rule; a mark, goal. diligently, earnestly, seriously. 'Σταθμίζω, f. -*τω, (fr. t ast) to %ησύδανον, 2 sin. — Σπονδάσατε, 2 measure, weigh, balance. (623) ΣΤΑ pi. 1 a. impr. act. — Σπουδάσω, 1 f. ind. act. — Σπουδάσωμεν, 1 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of σπουδάζω. Σπουδή, -ής, ή, and Dor. Σπονδά, (fr. σπεύδω to hasten) haste, speed; care, diligence, earnest- ness ; anxiety, zeal ; party, fac- tion ; worth, virtue ; gravity, riousness. Σπουδή, (d. of last) quickly, speed- ily ; diligently, carefully, anx- iously, earnestly, zealously ; with difficulty, scarcely ; gravely, se- riously. Σπυραθία, -ας, η, and Σπνραθος, -ου, b or ή, and Σπυράς, -άδος, ή, goat's dung. Σπυρίς, -Έδος, ή, a basket, d. σπυρίδι' pi. g. σπυρίδων a. σπυρίδας. Σπω, Poet, for επω, see σπόμαι. 2 a. ind. act. εσπον. Σταγετός, -ου, b, (fr. στάζω to trie kle) a drop. Στάγιον, -ου, το, the mark j- for six. Σταγών, -όνος, b, (fr. στάζω to trie kle) a drop. Σταδαίος, same as στάδιος. Σταδιαίος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. 'ίστημι to stand) standing, pitched, set. Σταδιοδρομέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. στά διον, a race course, and δρόμος a race) to engage in a race, run a race. Σταδιοΰρόμος, -ου, b,%, (fr. same) a runner, racer. Στάδιον, •ου, το, and Στάδιος, -ου b, (fr. Ίστημι to stand) a race course ; a furlong. Στάδως, -a, -ov, (fr. same) stand- ing fast, firm, steady, compact united ; straight and long. Στάζοντα, a. sin. pres. par. act of Στάζω, f. -ζω, to drop, trickle down, drip ; to moisten, wet, bedew ; to instil, infuse. Σταθείς, -εΊσα, -εν, g, -θέντος,, a. -θέντα, η. pi. -θέντες, 1 a. par. pass, of 'ίστημι. Στάθεν, Bceot. Sync, for εστάθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of same.. Σταθερός, -a, -ov, (fr. στάω Οΐ'ίσηψι to stand) standing firm, steady ; meridian, hot, warm, scorching. Σταθή, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass. — Σταθήναι, 1 a. inf. pass — Σταθή- σομαι, -rj, -εται, ind. Σταθήσεσθαι, inf. 1 f. pass. — Στάθι, Dor. for στήθι, 2 a. impr. act. οΐ'ίστημι. Στάθμα, -ας, a, Dor. for στάθ- μη. Σταθμάω -ω, and Σταθμάομαι -ωμαι, (fr. στάθμη a mason's rule) to work or measure by a rule ; to weigh ; to think, consi- der, deliberate, conjecture ; to es- timate, compute. Σταθμευμένος, Dor. for σταθμούμε- νος, pres. par. cont. of σταθμέο- μαι, for σταθμάομαι. Στάθμη, -ης, η, (fr. Ίστημι to stand) a standard, measure ; a mason's ΣΤΑ Στάθμιον, -ov, τδ, (fr. next) a weight ; a balance, scales. Σταθμός, -ου, b, (fr. 'ίστημι to stand) a stable, stall, fold ; a cot, cabin, cottage ; a station, post, stage / a doorpost, pillar ; a weight ; a balance, pair of scales ; inter- vening space, distance, d. sur. σταθμω, d. pi. Ion. σταθμοίσι. Σταθμοϋχος, -ov, b, (fr. last, and έχω to have) one who keeps a station or inn ; an innkeeper host, entertainer. Σταθος, -εος -ους, ro,Dor. for στήθος Σταΐμεν, σταΧτε, στοΧεν, Att. Sync, for σταίημεν, -ητε, -ήσαν, pi. 2 a. opt. act. of Ίστημι. ΣταΤς, and Σταϊς, -αίτος, το, dough. Σταχτή, -ής, η, (fr. next) a drop ; the juice or gum of a certain tree or shrub ; oil of cinnamon or myrrh ; aloes. Στακτός, -ή, -ov, (fr. στάζω to drop) dropping, distilling, oozing. Στάλα, -ας, a, Dor. for στήλη. Σταλαγμός, -ov, b, (fr. next) a drop- ping, distillation, oozing. Σταλάζω, f. -άξω, and Σταλάω -ω, (fr. στάζω to drop) to drop, drip, trickle down, distil ; to moisten, bedew. Σταλήναι, 2 a. inf. pass, of στέλλω. Στάλιξ, -κος, b, (fr. στάω for Ίστημι to stand ) a hunter's pole or forked stake for supporting the toils ; a peg, pin. Στάμεν, Poet, for στήναι, 2 a. inf. act. of Ίστημι. Σταμϊν, -ϊνος, η, (fr. Ίστημι to stand) απ upright timber support- ing the deck, fool-stocks of a ship. Στάμνος, -ov, b or η, an urn, jar, pot, pitcher. Στάν, Γοη. for έσταν, which Bceot. Sync, for έστησαν, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. act. of 'ίστημι. Στάξενμες, Dor. and iEol. for στά- ξομεν, 1 pi. 1 f. ind. act. — Στα- ξοΊσι, Dor. and JEol. for στά- |ουσ£,3ρ1. 1 f. ind. act. of στά- ζω. Σταότα, Ion. for εσταδτα, pi. neut, of εσταως, -ότος, Ion. Cras. for εστακώς, -ότυς, per. par. act. and Στάς, mas. — Στάσ, for στάσα, fem. — Στάν, neut.-=-g. Στάντος, par. 2 a, act. — Στάστ/, Dor. for στήση, 2 sin. l• a. sub. mid. of Ίστημι. Στάσει, ό. sin, Att. cont. — Στάσε- ως, g. sin. Att. of στάσις. Στασιάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. στάσις an insurrection) to split into parties, disagree ; quarrel, dispute ; to raise sedition, mutiny, rebel, Στασιασμός, -ov,b, (fr. last) an in~ surrection, sedition, disturbance, excitement to rebellion. Στάσιμος, -ov, b, §, (fr. Ίστημι to stand) stationary, set, steady, firm, constant; at rest, quiet f still. Στάσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, >/, (fr. samej the act of standing ; a stand, post, station ; stability, firmness, continuance ; rest, quiet ; state, condition, constitution, tempera• meni ; tumult, riot, soditkm, im> 2TE surrection ; a dam, mound, bank. a. στάσιν. Στασιώδης, -εος -ους, b, ή, (fr. last) seditious, riotous, mutinous, fac- tious. Στασιώτης, -ου, b, (fr. same) one of the same faction, a partizan ; a noter, mutineer. Στσ.σκε,ν Ion. and Poet, for έστη, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. — Στάσομαι, Dor. for στήσομαι, 1 f. ind. mid. — Στάσω, Dor. for στήσω, 1 f. ind. act. of 'ίστημι. τατήρ, -ηρος, b, a stater ; a silver coin equal to about half a crown English money. Also a borrower, debtor, a. sin. στα-" τήρα. Στατός, -ή,-ον, (fr. 'ίστημι to stand) set, placed; standing, stationary ; stalled, stabled ; fir m, established, appointed, consdtuted ; stagnant, calm. Σταύρος, -ου, b, a stake fixed in the ground ; a cross, pale. Σταυροΰνται, pass. — Σταυρουσι, act. 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. of Στανρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. εσταύρωκα, (fr. σταυρός a cross) to crucify, fix or nail to a cross ; to mortify, renounce. 1 a. act. ind. εσταύ- ρωσα' par. στανρώσας, -ασα, -αν. per. pass. ind. εσταύρωμαι, -σαι, -ται' par. εσταυρωμένος, -η, -ον. 1 a. pass. ind. εσταυρώθην, -ης, -η. Σταυρωθη, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass. — Σταυρωθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass. — Σταυρωθήτω, 3 sin. 1 a. impr. pass, of last. Σταυρώσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Σταυρώ- σαντες, η. pi. 1 a. par. act. — Σταύρωσον, 2 sin. -ρώσατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. — Σταυρώσω, -εις } -ει, 2 pi. -σετε, 1 f. ind. act. — Σταυρώσωσι or -σιν, •3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of same. Σταυρώσ'ΐμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) belonging or relating to the cru- cifixion. Σταύρωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως., η, (fr. same) a crucifixion. Σταφϊς, -Ίος, Att. -εως, η, (perhaps fr. στάζω to drop) a dried grape, raisin. Σταφυλή, -ης, η, (fr. last) a grape, bunch of grapes ; the uvula or disease of the uvula. Σταφυλή, -ης, η, (fr. same) a per- pendicular or plumb line ; a line daubed with red or black for marking work ; a carpenter's line. Σταφυλησι, Ion. d. pi. of either of last. ' Σταχανη, -ης, η , (fr. Ίστημι to weigh) a balance. Στάχυας, Στάχυϊ, Στάχυν, cases of Στάχυς, -υος, b, (perhaps fr. στϊξ a rank) an ear of corn ; also, a star in the constellation virgo ; an herb like horehound ; a man's name. Στάω στω, obs. from which comes ϊστημι. Ί,τεάζω, f. -&r, (fr next) to fat- ten. Στεαρ -ατός, rb, fat, suet, tallow ; also dough. Στεατόομαι, -ουμαι, f. mid. -ώσομαι, (fr. last) to grow fat. Στεγάζω, f. -ασω, p. εστέγακα, (fr. στέγω to cover) to cover, close, shut ; to prop, support. Στεγανός and Sync. Στεγνός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) roofed, covered ; covering, sheltering ; compact, close, firm ; staunch, sound, that will not leak ; reserved, secret. Στεγαστρϊς, -ίδος, η, (fr. same) fit for covering, sheltering, shading ; covered. Στέγει, 3 sin. pres. ind. of στέγω. Στέγη, -ης, ή, (fr. στέγω to cover) a covering, shade, roof; a house; a floor or story. Στεγνός, -η, -bv, cont. for στεγανός. Στέγομεν,Ι pi. pres. ind. of στέγω. Στέγος, or Ύέγος, same as στέγη. Στέγω, f. -ξω, p. έστεχα, to cover, hide, conceal ; to shelter, protect, defend ; to contain, hold in, not leak, retain ; to bear, endure, sustain, suffer, per. mid. έστε- γα. Στέγων, -ούσα, -ον, η. ρΐ. -γοντες, par. pres. act. of last. Στείβω, to tread upon, trample ; to thicken. Στείλαντο, Ion. for εστεΐλαντο, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. of στέλλω. Στειλειά, -ας, f), (fr. στέλλω to send) the socket of an axe, into which the handle is driven. Στειλεον, and Poet. Στειλεών, -ου, το, (fr. same) the socket or handle of an axe. Στεινόμενος, -η, -ον, Στείνοντο, Ion. for στενόμενος, pres. par. pass. and εστένοντο, 3 pi. impf. ind. pass, of στενω. Στεινός, -η, -bv, Ion. for στενός. ΣτεΊνος, -εος -ους, τδ, (fr. στενός narrow) a narrow path or pas- sage ; a strait or difficulty ; anxi- ety, trouble, distress. Στεινύω, Στε'ινω, Στεινω^ς, Ion. . for στένοω, &c. Στείομεν, Poet, for στέομεν, Ion. for στωμεν, 1 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of 'ίστημι. Στε7ρα, -ας, Ion. Στείρη,-ης, ^, (fr. στερρός firm) the keel of a ship. Στείρος, -a, -ov, (fr. στερέω to de- prive) barren, sterile ; not hav- ing or bearing children. Στειρόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, p. εστείρωκα, (fr. last) to make barren ; to be or become barren. Στείχησι, Ion. for στείχη, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. — ΣτεΊχον, Ion. for έστειχον, impf. ind. act. of Στείχω, f. -ζω, p. έστειχα, to go, move, advance ; to move in or- der, march ; to walk, step, mount. Στελγϊς, and Στέλεγγις, -ιδος, η, same as στλεγγίς. Στελεον, -ου, το, and Στελεός, -ου, δ, same as στειλεον. Στέλεχος, -εος -ους, το, (perhaps fr. στέλλω to send) a trunk, stem, stock of a tree. ΣτεΧις, ~'ώος, fj. misletoe. (524) 2TE ΣτίλΧίΐ', Dor. for στέλλειν, pres. inf. act. — Στέλλεσθαι, pres. in£ pass. — Στελλόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of Στέλλω, f. στελώ, p. έσταλκα, to send, send out, despatch ; to lead, bring, conduct ; to urge, impel ; to fit out, equip, pro- vide ; to prepare, set in order, marshal, array ; to ornament, adorn, clothe, dress ; to contract, compress, fold up, furl ; to con- fine, restrain, check, curb, slop ; Στέλλομαι, to avoid, withdraw ; to set out, go, come, go upon an expedition ; to shrink, shrivel ; to beware of, guard, provide against ; to hide, conceal, escape notice ; 'to extenuate. 1 a. ind. act. έστειλα. 2 f. ind. act. στάλω. Στελμονία, -ας, η, (fr. last) a collar or covering to defend dogs. Στελώ, 1 f. ind. act. of στίλλω. Στέμβω, to affront, insult, offend, injure. Also for στέμφω. Στέμμα, -ατός, το, (fr. στέφω to crown) a crown, chaplet, gar land ; a veil ; the moss or down growing on trees ; a stem or pe digree. pi. στέμματα. Στέμφυλα, -ων, τα, (fr. σταφϊς a grape) the refuse of pressed grapes or olives. Στέμφω, f. -ψω, (fr. στείβω to trample) to move about, stir. Στέναγμα, -άτος, τό, and Στεναγ- μός, -ου, b, (fr. next) a groaning^ groan, sigh. Στενάζω, f. -άζω, (fr. στενω to groan) to groan, moan, sigh, lament, pres. impr. act. στέναζε, -έτω, 2 pi. στενάζετε. 1 a. ind. act. εστέναζα. Στενακτος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) groaning much ; lamentable, mournful. Στενάχιζε, Ion. for εστενάχιζε, 3 sin. impf. act. of Στεναχίζω, Poet, for Στενάχω and -χέω, same as στενάζω. Στενέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. εστένηκα,(ίτ. στενός narrow) to straiten, nar- row, contract. Στενόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. στένω to groan) groaning, sighing; la- mentable, mournful, a. sin. στε« νόεντα. Στενολεσγέω -ω, (fr. στενός narrow, and λέσχη conversation, th. λέγω to speak) to talk, about trifles. Στενόπορθμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πορθμός a channel) 'having a narrow channel. Στενόττορος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πέρας a boundary) narrow. Στενοπός, -ου, b, (fr. same, and οπη a hole) a narrow passage. Στενός, -η, -bv, narrow, confined, strait, close ; squeezed, compress- ed. Στενόσημον, -ου, rb, (fr. last, and σήμα a sign) a narroiv facing or border ; the angusliclavium of the Romans. Στενότης, -ητος, f}, (fr. arevbs nar- row) narrowness, stateness. ΣΤΕ 2τ«νοχωρεω -ώ, f. -^σω, ρ. εστενο- χώρηκα, (fr. same, and χωρέω to go) to straiten, press together, squeeze ; to oppress, distress. ΣτενοχωρεΊσθε, 2 pi. eont. pres. ind. paes. — Στενόχωρου μενοι, n. pi. cont. par. pres. pass. Στενοχώρια, -ας, r/,(fr. same) a nar- row place, strait ; slraitness, dif- ficulty, anxiety, distress, poverty. Στενόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. στενό? nar- row) to straiten, squeeze, press ; reduce to straits or difficulties, distress. Στέντωρ, -ορός, b, Stentor, a man's name. d. sin. Στίντορι. Στένω, f. -ενώ, (fr. στενός narrow) to groan, sigh ; to lament, be- wail, moan. Στενωπός, -ου, b, Poet, for στενο- πός. Στενώς, (fr. στενός narrow) nar- rowly, closely, straitly, hardly, with difficulty. Στένωσις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, η, (fr. same) narrowness, straitness ; distress, poverty. Στέομεν, Ion. for στώμεν, 1 pi. 2 a. sub. act. οΐ'ίστημι. Στέργηθρον, -ου, το, (fr. στέργω to •love) affection, love. Στέργοισα,Όοτ. for στέργον σα, fem. pres. par. act. of Στέργω, f. -ζω, p. έστερχα, to feel natural affection, love, cherish ; to acquiesce, be content ; to wish, desire ; to entreat, beseech. Στέργωσιν, 3 pi. pres. sub. act. of last. Στερεθεΐσαι, for στερηθεΊσαι, η. pi. fem. 1 a. par. pass, of στερέω. Στερέμνως, -α, -ov, (fr. στέρεος firm) solid, firm, strong, robust. Στερεοκάρδιος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. next, and καρδία a heart) stout heart ed, strong minded. Στέρεος, -a, -ov, (perhaps fr. στάο for "στημι to stand) firm, stable, steady, steadfast ; hard, solid / barren, sterile, rocky. Στερεότης, -ητος, ή, (fir. last) firm- ness, strength, solidity. Στερεόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, p. εστερέωκα, (fr. same) to confirm, strength- en ; to make solid or firm, hard- en, impf. ind. pass, εστερεόμην -ούμεν, 3 pi. εστερέοντο -ονντο. per. ind. pass, εστερέωμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, εστερεώθην, -ης, -η. Στερεσαι, for στερησαι, 1 a. inf. act. of στερέω. Στέρεται,3 sin. οΐστέοομαι, same as στερέομαι, pass, of Στερέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, to de- prive of, bereave. 1 a. ind. pass. εστερήθην. Στερέωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. στερεόω to strengthen) strength, firmness, solidity ; the firmament. Στερεως, (fr. στερευς firm) firmly, steadily, steadfastly, with con- stancy ; strongly, violently, im- petuously. Στερέωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. same) a confirming, strengthen- ing, consolidating, firmness, con atancy. ΣΤΕ Στερήσας, -ασα, -αν, 1 a. par. act. of στερέω. Στέρησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, >/, (fr. same) a deprivation, loss ; a fraud, cheat ; want of children. Στερητικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) de- priving, robbing. Στερθέμεν, Sync, for στερηθήμεν, Ion. or στερηθήμεναι, Dor. for στε- ρηθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of στερέω. Στερίσκονται, 3 pi. pres. ind. pass. of Στερίσκω, same as στερέω. Στέρίφος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. στερρός firm) the breast, chest. Στέριφος, -η, -ov, (fr. στέρεος firm) firm, hard, solid ; sterile, barren. Στέρνον, -ου, το, the breast, chest. Στερνουχος, -ov, b, η", (fr. last, and έχω to hold) holding in its bo- som, embracing ; prolific, fer- tile; hollow. Στέρζαι, 1 a. inf. act. of στέργω. Στέρομαι, same as στερέομαι, pass. or mid. of στερέω. Σ Γεροττη, -ης, Dor. Στεροπά, for ασ- τεροπη, Poet, for αστραπή. Στεροπηγερέτης, -ov, b, (fr. στεροπη lightning, and εγείρω to excite) thunder-causing, thundering, v. στεροπηγερέτα. Στέροψ, -πος, b, same as στεροπή Στερρός, -a, -ov, same as στερεός. Στερρότης, same as στερεότης. Στερρώς, for στερεως. Στέρφος, -εος -ονς, το, (fr. στέφω to cover) a skin. Στερχθεϊς, -εΊσα, -εν, 1 a. par. pass. of στέργω. Στενομαι, to propose, offer, assume, take upon, promise, engage ; to threaten ; to affirm, confirm ; to endeavour, aim at, desire. Στευτ, for στευτο, Ion. and Sync, for εστεύετο, 3 sin. impf. mid. — Στεϋται, Sync, for στενεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. mid. of last. Στεφανάς, -a, b, a man's name. Στεφανή, -ης, η, (fr. στέφω to crown) the top or edge of any thing, brim, summit, ridge ; crown, garland, chaplet, wreath a head-dress ; a helmet ; the rim or hoop of a sieve ; a battlement parapet, breastwork. Στεφανηφορέω -ω, i. -ήσω, p. έστε- φα νηφόρηκα, (fr. last, and φέρω to bear) to wear a crown or gar- land, be crowned. Στεφανηφόρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) wearing a crown or garland, crowned. Στεφανίζω, f. -|ω, (fr. next) to crown. Στέφανος, -ov, b, (fr. στέφω to crown) a crown, garland, wreath ; an ornament, honour, prize, re- ward ; a coin. Also a man's name, Stephen, a. pi. στεφά- νονς, Dor. στεφάνως. Στεφανουται, 3 sin. -νοϋνται, 3 pi. pres. ind. pass. cont. ofστε0αv<5ω. Στεφαιοφορία, -ας, η, (fr. στέφανος a crown, and φέρω to bear) the wearing of a crown. Στεφανοφόρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) wearing a crown, crowned. (525) ΣΤΗ Στεφανόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. εστεφάνωκα, (fr. στέφανος a crown, th. στέφό to crown) to crown ; to adorn, decorate, honour ; to encircle, sur- round, pres. ind. pass, στεφανόο- μαι -ονμαι, -6η -οΊ, -όεται -οϋται.' per. ind. pass, εστεφάνωμαι^ -σαι, -ται' par. εστεφανω μένος. Στεφανώδης,-εος-ονς,"ο, ^,(fr. same) like a crown, fit for crowns. Στεφάνωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) a crown, garland, wreath, orna- ment, decoration ; battlement, parapet, breastwork. Στέφον, Ion. for έστεφαν, impf. ind. act. of στέφω. Στέφος, -εος -ονς, το, (fr. next) α crown, chaplet, wreath. Στέφω, f. -ψω, p. -φα, to crown, encircle, entwine, adorn, orna- ment ; to cover ; to fill up to the brim. Στέψας, -ασα, -αν, 1 a. par. act. of last. Στέωμεν, Ion. for στώμεν, 1 pi. 2 a. sub. act. and Στη, Ion. for έστη, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. — Στη, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. act. and Στηη or "Στήη, and Στήη, Poet, for στε'ιη, which for στέ?7, Ion. for στη, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. act. ; or Στήη, Pleonas. for στη, which Ion. for έστ>7, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. οΐ'ίστημι. Στήθεσσιν, and Στήθεσφιν, Poet. for στήθεσι,ά. pi. of στήθος. Στήθη, η. a. v. pi. cont. of same. Στήθι, 2 a. impr. act. οΐ'ίστημι. Στηθοδεσμϊς, -ίδος, η, (fr. στήθος the breast, and <5έω to tie) a bandage or ornament for the breast, sto- macher. Στηθύδεσμον, ov, to, (fr. same) a breastplate. Στήθος, -εος -ονς, rb, the chest. Στή- θεα -η, τα, sand banks or rocks just appearing on the surface of the sea. Στηθννιον, -ov, το, (dim. of last) a little breast. Στήκει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. Στήκετε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr- act. — Στήκητε, 2 pi. pres. sub. act. of Στήκω, f. -ξω, (fr. εστηκα, per. ind. act. of "ιστημι to stand) to stand firmly, steadily persevere, per- sist ; to stand or be on the feet. Στήλη, -ης, η, (fr. "στημι to set up) a stone erected in memory of some event ; a pillar, column, monu- ment. ΣτηλίδΈον, -ov, το, and Στηλϊς, -cioj, η, (dim. of last) a little pillar, column, monument. Στηλϊτης, -ov, b, (fr. same) an in- famous person, whose name was posted or exposed ; one pilloried ; a bankrupt, insolvent ; an enthusiast or devotee who lived on the top of a column ; Adj. of or like a pillar. Στηλογράφία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and γράφω to write) an inscription on a pillar. ΣτηΧόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. στήλη a pil- 2TI lar) to set up a pillar or statue ; to place, set, fix, establish. Στήλωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) a pillar, column, monument. Στήλωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, {/, (fr. same) a standing, fixing, erec- tion. Στήμα, -ατός, το, (fr. "ιστημι to stand out) fibres or threads in leaves ; thread, warp, yarn. Στήμων, -όνος, b, (fr. ιστημι to stand) the warp; thread, yam ; a net. a. στήμονα. Στήναι, 2 a. inf. act. of "ιστημι. Στηνία, -ας, ?/, a certain feast when persons might revile one another with impunity. Στήνίον,-ον, το, (fr. ιστημι to stand) the breast, chest. Στηνιόω ΆηάΣτηνιάω -ω, (fr. στηνία which see) to calumniate, re- proach, revile, lampoon. 1 a. inf. act. στηνιωσαι. Σττ'/ριγμα, -ατός, το, (fr. στηρίζω to strengthen) a prop, stay, sup- port ; firmness, steadiness, sta bility, steadfastness ; confirma tion. Also, the pole of a cha- riot. ΐτηριγμος,-οΰ, b, (fr. same) a fast- ening, fixing ; firmness. Στηρίζω, f. -ξω, p. εστήρίχα, to fix firmly, fasten, prop, support ; to strengthen, confirm, establish ; to stand, become stationary ; to re- solve, determine. 1 a. act. ind. εστήριξα' impr. στήριξον, -άτω' opt. στήριξαιμι, -αις, -αι. per. pass. ind. εστήριγμαι, -ξαι, -κται. par. εστηριγμίνος, -η, -ον. 1 a. pass. ind. εστηρίχθην. Στήριξε, Ion. for 'εστήριξε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of last. Στηριχθήναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of same. Στης, 2 sin. 2 a. sub. act. — Στησαι, ί a. inf. act. — Στήσαιτο, 3 sin. 1 a. opt. mid. and Στησαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Στήσαντ, Ion. for εστήσαντο, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. — Στήσας, -ασα, -αν, η. pi. -σαντες, par. 1 a. act. — Στήσον- ται, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. mid, — Στήσω, -εις, -ει, 1 pi. -σομεν, 1 f. ind. act. — Στήσω, -ης, -η, 1 a. sub. act. — Στητέ, -τωσαν, 2 and 3 pi. 2 a. impr. act. of 'ιστημι. Στήτη or Στητά, -ης, τ), a female, woman. Στήτην, Ion. for εστήτην, 3 du. 2 a. ind. act. — Στηωσιν, Poet, for στωσι, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of ισ- τημι. Στϊα, and Στεία, -ας, η, and Στίον, -ον, τύ, a little stone, pebble. Στιάζω, (fr. last) to strike or pelt with stones, to stone. Στιβαρδς, -a, -bv, (fr. στείβω to thicken) thick, gross, large, mus- cular, strong, brawny ; firm, stout ; massy, heavy, ponderous. comp. στιβαρώτερος, sup. -τατος. Στιβαρως, (fr. last) heavily, strong- ly, firmly, compactly. Στίβάς, -άδος, >%(fr. στείβω to tram- ple) a bed made of straw, grass or leaves ; a pallet ; a paved way, beaten track. ι 2TI Στίβενω, (fr. same) to tread, tram- ple ; to trace, track, search after, hunt ; to invade, come upon ; to investigate, examine. Στ'ιβη, -ης, ή, (fr. same) hoarfrost; also stibium or antimony, a paint used for blackening the eyes. Στιβίζομαι, (fr. last) to paint or tinge with stibium or antimony. Στίβος, -ον, b, (fr. στείβω to tram- ple) a beaten path ; a way, path, track ; a trace, footstep. Στίγμα, -ατός, το, (fr. στίζω to brand) a mark, spot, brand, pi. στίγματα. Στιγματίας, -ου, b, (fr. last) one who is branded ; a slave ; a rogue. Στιγμή, -ης, η, (fr. same) a point, instant, moment. Στίζω, to prick, mark, brand ; to slander, defame ; to cut, flog, beat. per. ind. pass, ίστιγμαι. Στικτός, -ή, -bv, (fr. last) marked, punctured, imprinted ; spotted, branded. Στιλβη, -ης, ή~, (fr. στίλβω to shine) brightness, brilliancy, splendour, glitter. Στίλβοντα, neut. pi. par. pres. act. of στίλβω. Στιλβος, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) shining, bright, white, brilliant. Στιλβόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. same) to make shine, brighten. ΣτιΚβω, f. στίλψω, p. έστιλφα, J, a flesh-brush, scraper, curry-comb, scrubbing brush ; a head-dress, turban, head-band, fillet. Στοά, -ας, η, a porch, portico, co- lonnade, cloister ; the school of the Stoics ; a storehouse for pro- visions, market house. Στόβος, -ου, b, (fr. στέμβω to af- front) abuse, scurrility. Στοβέω, iEol. for στομέω, same as στομόω. Στοιβάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. στοιβή & heap) to collect, gather, heap up, pile up ; to settle, arrange ; to stow, stuff. Στοίβας, -αδος, η, a bough, branch; a bed made of them. a. pi. στοι- βάδας. ΣτοιβάσΊμος, -ον, b, h„ (fr. στοιβή a heap) crowded, piled up, heap- ed, collected ; stiffed. Στοίβασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, fj, (fr. στοίβας a bough) a soft heap or pile ; a bed of leaves, straw, &c. Στοιβάστης, -ον, b, (fr. next) one who stows goods, a packer ; a body guard, attendant, lictor. Στοιβή, -ής, η, (fr. στείβω to tram- ple) an herb used for stuffing cushions, mattresses, &c. ; α stuffing, filling, crowding ; an expletive or word used for the measure; a heap, pile; compo- sition, construction. ΣτοιχεΊν, pres. inf. act. cont. — Στοιχείς, 2 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. — Στοιχήσουσι, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. — Στοιχουσι, d. pi. cont. par. pres. act. — Στοιχω- μεν, 1 pi. cont. pres. sub. act. of στοιχέω. ΣτοιχεΧον, -ον, το, (fr. στείχω to proceed in order) elements, rudi- ments, principle ; letters of the alphabet ; characters engraved on amulets ; figures on a dial ; a sign of the zodiac. Στοιχειόω -ω, (fr. last) to teach the rudiments of an art or science , to set down, in letters, record, re* ΣΤΟ Ύ,τοιχείωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr same) the formation of the rudi- ments or elements; instruction in the rudiments; arrangement, method. Στοιχέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. εστοίχηκα, (fr. στοίχος a rank, th. στείχω to proceed in order) to go, move, proceed in order, march, walk ; to extend, lay out or arrange in lines. Στοιχηδον, (fr. same) in order, ranL• or lines. Στοιχίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. same) to place in order, set in rows, settle, arrange. Στοίχος, -ov, b, (fr. στείχω to go in order) an order, rank, row, line, file. Στολή, -ης, η, (fr. στέλλω to clothe) a long garment, robe, gown; dress, ornament. Στολητης, -ου, b, (fr. last) the keep- er of a wardrobe, chamber- lain. Στολιδωτος, -η, -bv, (fr. στολϊς a fold) folded, wrinkled, flounced, fringed, bordered. Στολίζω, f. -£(τω,(β\ same) to dress, clothe, adorn. Στολϊς, -<<5of, hi (fr• same) a fold, plait, fringe, flounce, border. Στολίσας, 1 a. par. act. — Στύλι- σον, 1 a. impr. act. of στολίζω. Στολισμός, -oij,b, (fr. στολή a robe) clothing, dress, ornament. Στυλιστης and Στολιστος, -ου, b, same as στολητής. Στόλος, -ου, b, (fr. στέλλω to send) a naval or military expedition ; a fleet, armament ; an expedi- tion, journey ; apparatus, equip- ments, appointments, dress, clothes. Στόμα, -ατός, το, a mouth ; an en- trance, passage, opening, aper- ture ; an extremity, end, point, edge ; the front of an army or battle ; a speech, discourse ; hard- ness or harshness, pi. στόματα, g. στομάτων. Στόμαργος, -ou,6,(fr. last, &τ\άμάρ- γος foolish) ababbler, trifler ; a scold, brawler. Adj. Udkative, scurrilous. Στομάτεσσιν, d. pi. Ion. and Poet, of στόμα. Στόμαχος, -ου, b, (fr. στόμα the mouth) the throat, stomach, belly. Στόμβος, -ου, b, (fr. στέμβω to in- sult) a reviler, insulter, brawler, scold. Στομίζομαι, (fr. στόμα a mouth) to receive or take into the mouth. Στομίον, -ου, rb, (dim. of στόμα a mouth) a mouth, entrance, pas- sage. Στόμος, -ου, b, (fr. same) talka- tiveness, garrulity ; reproach, re- viling, scolding. ίτομόω and Στομέν -Si, (fr. same) to make an opening or mouth, open, lay open; to sharpen, whet, point ; to temper, harden ; to strengthen, confirm, animate ; to make eloquent, inspire. Also, 2TP to shut the mouth ; to draw up an army, array. Στομφάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. στόμβος a brawler) to bawl, roar; to use big words, or a bombastic style of speaking. Στόμωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. στομόω to temper) hardened iron, steel, a sharp edge ; strength. Στόμωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) a sharpening, whetting, tempering ; an edge, point ; strength. Στοναχεΰντι, Dor. and JEol. for στοναχουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. or Dor. for στοναχοϋντι, d. sin. pres. par. act. of Στοναχέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. next) to groan, sigh; to sigh for, beg, en- treat. Στονάχ^, -ης, η,(ίτ. στένω to groan) a groan, sigh, sob. Στοναχίζετο, Ion. for εστοναχίζετο, 3 sin. impf. pass, of Στοναχίζω or -ομαι,ΐ. mid. -ίσομαι, same as στένω. Στονόεις, -εσσα, -εν, g. -εντός, (fr. next) causing groans, mournful, sad, lamentable. Στόνος, -ου, b, (fr. στένω to groan) a groan, moan, sigh; a roar, bellow. Στόνυξ for όνυξ. Στοργή, -ης, > f /, (fr. στέργω to love) natural affection, love, attach- ment. Στορέννΰμι, see στορέω. Στορέσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Στόρεσαν, Ion. for εστόρέσαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. — Στορέσας, -ασα, -αν, 1 a. par. act. — Στορεσευντι, Dor. and .rEol. for στορέσουσι, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of Στορέω -ω, f. -έσω, and Στορεννύω or Στορέννΰμι, and Στρωννϋω or Στρώννΰμι, to spread, strew, lay ; to prostrate, fling to the ground; to allay, assuage, sooth. Στόρθυγξ, -γγος, η, point of a spear, tip of a horn, tusk of a boar; a point, extremity, ridge. Στοχάζομαι,ί. -άσομαι, p. εστόχασ- μαι, to direct, level, aim at ; to conjecture, guess, infer; to ex- plore, search out; to study to please, pay attention to, take heed, respect ; to consult for, pity, spare. Στοχασάμενος, 1 a. par. mid. of last. Στoχaσμbς, -ου, b, (fr. στοχάζομαι to aim at) aiming ; an aim, ob- ject ; a guess, conjecture. Στοχαστής, -ου, b, (fr. same) a good marksman ; a conjecturer, guesser. Adj. sagacious, intelli- gent. Στοχαστικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) aiming, levelling at ; conjectur- ing, guessing ; conjectural, pro- bable. Στοχαστικές, (fr. last) by conjec- ture, probably. Στράβαλος, -ου, b,f), taper, straight, upright. Also, (perhaps fr. next) crooked, twisted, wreathed, winding like a screw. (527-) 2TP Στραβός, -η; -bv, and Στραβών, -ώνος, b, ή, (fr. στρέφω to turn) having crooked eyes, squinting. Στραγγάλη, -ης, η, (fr. στραγγος twisted) a rope, halter ; strangu lation, place of execution. Στραγγαλιά, -ας,η, &nd Στραγγά- λϊς, -ίδος, η, (fr. same) a rope, cord; a noose, halter, knot; a chain, necklace, collar; fraud, guile, deceit. Στραγγαλιώδης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. last) twisted, knotty, wreathed; artful, knavish ; perverse, obsti- nate. Στραγγάλόω,-ω,ΐ.-ώσω,((τ. στραγ γος twisted) to twist; to wring, squeeze, press ; to strangle, choke. Στραγγενω, (fr. στραγγος twisted) to twist, wind, fasten, tie, knot ; to straiten, confine. Στραγγεύο- μαι, to be averse ; to loiter, lin- ger. Also, (fr. στράγξ a drop) to squeeze out by drops ; to press, wring. Στραγγίας, -ου, b, a kind of wheat. Στραγγίζω, (fr. next) same as στραγγενω. Στραγγος, -η, -bv, (perhaps fr. στρέ- φω to turn) twisted, wieathed, winding, crooked ; perverse, stub- born ; shameless, impudent. Στραγγουρία, -ας, η, (fr. στράγξ a drop, and οΰρον urine) the stran- gury, suppression of urine. Στράγξ, -γος, ^, (perhaps fr. στάζω to trickle) a drop. Στράπτω for αστράπτω. Στράτάομαι -ωμαι, (fr. στρατός an army) to place an army ; to en- camp, pitch tents. Στρατάρχης and Στράταρχος, -ου, b, same as στρατηγός. Στρατεία, -ας, η, (fr. στρατός an army) warfare, military ser- vice ; a campaign ; an expedi- tion, armament ; an army, for- ces, troops ; soldiers' pay. Στρατεύεται, 3 sin. -ονται, 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. — Στρατεύομαι, ind. — Στρατευόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. of στρατεύω. Στράτευμα, -άτος, το, (fr. next) an army. pi. στρατεύματα' g. στρα- τευμάτων' d. στρατεύμασι. Στρατεύω, f. -εύσω, p. εστράτευκα, (fr. στρατός an army) to serve in the army, be a soldier ; to lead an army, take the field, wage war, undertake an expedition, invade. 1 a. ind. act. εστράτευσα. mid. στρατεύομαι, same as act. Στρατηγέω -ω, (fr. same, and ήγέομαι to lead) to command or lead an army; to overcome by stratagem. Στρατήγημα, -ατός, rb, (fr. same) a stratagem, manoeuvre, plan, arti- fice, craft. Στρατηγία, -ας, ι), (fr. same) the command of an army, military command, military skill; the lead, pre-eminence. Στρατηγικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same )skill- ed in military affairs, military ; belonging to a general. Στρα- ΣΤΡ τηγικοϊ, οί, the Praetorian sol- diers. Στρατηγών, -ov, το, (fr. same) the general's tent ; the Praetorian band. ΣτρατηγΙς, -ίδος, η, (fr. same) of the emperor, imperatorial, praeto- rian. Στρατηγός, -ou,o,(fr. same) a chief, general, commander, captain, ruler ; a praetor, consul. Στρατηϊη, -ης, Ion. for στρατεία. Στρατηλασία, -ας, η, (fr. στρατοί an army, and ελασία an expedition, th. ελαννω to march) a military expedition, invasion. Στρατηλάτέω -ώ, (fr. same) to com- mand an army, head an expedi- tion. Στρατιά, -ας, f], same as th. στρα- τός. Στρατιώτης, -ου, Dor. Στρατιώτας, -α, b, (fr. στρατός an army) α soldier. Στρατιωτικός, -ή, -ov, (fr. same) skilled in military affairs; mi- litary, warlike, of a soldier. Στρατιωτικως, (fr. last) like a sol- dier, in a military manner, Στρατοκήρνζ, -κος, b, (fr. στρατός an army, and κήρυξ a herald) the herald of an army, proclaimer of war. Στρατολογέω -ω, (fr. same, and λέγω to collect) to collect an army, levy troops, enlist, re- cruit. Στρατολογήσαντι, d. sin. par. 1 a. act. of last. Στρατολογία, -ας, fj, (fr. same) a levying of troops, enlistment. Στρατολόγος, -ου, b, (fr. same) who collects an army, enlisting, re- cruiting. Στρατοπεδάρχης, -ov, b, fj, (fr. στρα- τόττεδον a camp, and αρχή the command) the commander of the camp ; the prafect or command- er of the Praetorian cohorts ; a general. Στρατοπεδεία, -ας, ι), (fr. στρατός an army, and πέδον the ground) measuring the ground for a camp, encamping, encampment a camp ; the disposition of an army. Στρατοπεδεύω, f. -ενσω, p. εστρατο• ■πέδενκα, (fr. same) to measure or lay out the ground for a camp, encamp. Στρατόιτεδον, -ov, το, (fr. same) a camp, encampment ; an army, Στρατός, -ου, b, an army, military forces, by land or sea. Στρατόωντο, Ion. and Poet, for εστρατωντο, 3 pi. impf. mid. of στρατάομαι. Στραφείς -εΊσα, -εν, η. pi. -φέντες, par. 2 a. pass. — Στραφηναι inf. — Στραφητε, sub. 2 pi. 2 a pass. — Στραφθεις, and Στρεφ• θε\ς, par. 1 a. pass, οι στρέφω. Στρέβλενμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. στρεβλό? crooked, th. στρέφω to turn) α machine or engine used in ship building; a ship nail ; perverse- ness, stubbornness. ΣΤΡ Στρεβλή, -ης, §, (fr• same) a ma- chine, engine or cramp, used in shipbuilding ; a wine press; a screw ; a torture, instrument of torture, rack. Στρεβλοκάρδιος, -ου, b, η", (fr. next, and καρδία the heart) of per- verse heart, stubborn disposition. Στρεβλός, -η, -ov, (fr. στρέφω to turn) twisted, winding, crooked, distorted ; perverse stubborn ; cunning, crafty. Στρεβλότης, -ητος, fj, (fr. last) per- verseness, stubbornness. Στρεβλόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. εστρέβλω- κα, (fr. same) to put to the rack, rack, torture ; to wrest, pervert, distort. Στρεβλόομαι -ουμαι, to be froward or perverse ; to op- pose, resist, thwart. Στρεβλωτήριον, -ov, to, (fr. last) α place or instrument of torture ; a rack ; stocks. Στρέμμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. στρέφω to turn) a strain, sprain, disloca- tion ; any thing twisted, thread ; a bakery, baker's work. Στρεπτόν, -ου, τό, and Στρετττός, -ov, Ion. -οίο, b, (fr. same) a necklace, collar, chain. Στρετττός, -η, -όν, (fr. στρέφω to turn) turned, twisted, wreathed; flexible, pliable, supple, pliant ; versatile. Στρετττοφόρος,-ον, b, fj, (fr. στρετττδί a necklace, and φέρω to bear) wearing a necklace or chain. Στρεύγω, (fr. στράγζΆ drop) to af- flict, pain ; to stay, hinder, stop. Στρεύγομαι, to waste away by drops, wither away ; to languish, grieve, pine ; to linger, delay. Στρεφεδ'ινέω -ω, (fr. στρέφω to turn, and δίνη a whirlpool) to whirl or turn round, roll; to become giddy. Στρέφειν,ρτβε. inf. act. — Στρεφθεν, neut. sin. — Στρεφθέντε. η. du — Στρεφθέντι, d. sin. of Στρεφθεϊς, -εΊσα, -εν, 1 a. par. pass. — Στρε- φόμενα, 1 pi. pres. ind. pass, of Στρέφω, f. στρέψω, p. έστρεφα, to turn, twist, writhe, bend; to consider, ponder, revolve; to plan, devise, contrive; to per• plex, torment; to strain, dish cate, torture; to return, turn back, turn away ; to convert, change. Στρέφομαι, to be em- ployed, occupied ; to be with or among ; to tarry, remain, dwell, 1 a. impr. act. στέχ\ιον, -άτω. 2 a. ind. act. έστραφον. per. ind. pass, έστραμμαι. 1 a. ind. pass εστρέφθην' par. στρεφθεϊς, -εΊσα -έν. 2 a. pass, εστραφην, -ης, -η sub. στραφώ, -ης, -fj. per. ind. mid. έστροφα. Στρηνες, (fr• next) roughly, severe- ly, violently, riotously, horribly. Στρηνης, -έος -ονς, b, η, rough, rug- ged; severe, harsh; riotous, tu- multuous, insolent, profligate. Στρηνιάσαντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. act. of Στρηνιάζω or Στρηνιάω-ω, f. -άσω, p. εστρηνίακα, (fr. next) to live (528) 2TP luxuriously, lead an abandoned life ; to indulge, riot, be insolent. Στρηνος, -εος -ους, τό, indulgence, excess, luxury; profligacy, de- bauchery, riot ; insolence, pride ; immorality. Στρίβος, -ου, b, (fr. στρίζω, for τρί- ζω to make a noise) a chirp, squeak, low twitter or whistle. Στριγμός, -ov, b, (fr. same) anoise, crash, creaking, whistling. Στρικτός,-ή,-όν,Ιεαη, lank, meagre. Στρϊξ, a fluting of pillars. Στριφνός, -η, -ov, (fr. στρέφω to twist) lean, thin, lank, meagre, Στροβενς, -έος, Ό, an instrument used by fullers. Στροβέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. στρέφω to turn) to drive round, turn round, roll, turn about, disturb, terrify, harass. ■ρόβϊλος, (fr. same) a tornado, whirlwind, storm ; a spinning or whipping top ; a pine, the cone of a pine ; a kind of teazel ; a conch, shell ; a kind of dance. Στραβός, -ου, b, (fr. same) a whirl- wind, storm ; a whirling, turn- ing, rolling ; a compass, circuit ; that which encircles, a belt, gir- dle. Στρογγνλος, -η, -ov, round, circu- lar, globular, cylindrical; taper- ing, conical; rolling, voluble. Στρογγνλόω -ω, f. -ώσω, ρ» εστρογ- γνλωκα, (fr. last) to make round. Στρογγνλόομαι -ονμαι, to be round. Στρογγνλω'μα,-ατος, τό, (fr. same) rotundity, roundness ; a pillow. Στρογγνλωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, r), (fr. same) rotundity, roundness, circuit ; a line of battle. Στρομβιχίδης, a proper name. Στρύμβος,-ον, b, same as στρόβιλος. Στρονθίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. στρουθός a sparrow)/o chirp, cry as a sparrow. Στρονθιοκάμηλος,&ηά Στρονθοκάμη- λος,-ον, 6,(fr. στρονθός a sparrow, and κάμηλος a camel) an ostrich. Στρονθίον,-ον, τό, (dim. of next) a little sparrow. Στρονθός, -ov, b, a sparrow, small bird ; an ostrich ; a kind of herb. Στ ρους, (cont. fr. last) a sparrow. Στροφάλιγξ, -γος, ή, (fr. next) a turning, whirling, spinning; a vortex, eddy, whirlwind ; a circle, wheel, axis of a wheel ; a round cheese. Στροφαλίζω, (fr. στρέφω to turn) to wind, roll, turn, whirl. Στροφάω -ω, to turn, turn about ; to be at or in, live, abide, con- verse. Στροφενς, -έος, Att. -έως, fj, (fr. στρέφω to turn) a hinge. Στροφή, -ης, τ), (fr. same) a turn- ing, bend, turn ; distortion ; a return, revolution; an artifice, evasion, shift, contrivance; a part of the chorus in plays ; a stanza. Στρόφιγξ, -γγος, b, (fr. same) the turning of a joint ; a hinge ; a turning, bending ; flexibility, pliancy. ΣΤΤ ΣΤΩ Στροφίοιο, Ion. g. of Στρόφιος, -ου,' Στύγημα, -ίτος, rb, (fr. same) δ, a proper name. Στροψϊς, -Ίδος, t), (fr. στρίψω to turn) a turning, fold, roll, coil ; a cock or spiggoi ; a rogue, shuf- fler, slippery fellow. Στροφός, -αν, b, (fr. same) any thing twisted, a rope, cord, band, swathe, f>elt ; a disease or twist- ing of the bowtls. Σ-τροφώαενηι, η. pi. fern. cont. par. pres. pass, of στροφάω. Στροφωτός, -η, -bv, (fr. στρέφω to turn) turning, that may be turned. Στρόω, <>bs. for which στρώννυμι. Στρύμιιργος, violently libidinous. Στρυμών, -όνος, b, name of a river. a. Στρυμόνα. Στρυφνός, -ί), -bv, same as στυφνός. Στρυχνυς, -ου, b, an herb, night- shade. Στρώμα, -ατός, το, (fr. στρώννυμι to strew) a couch, bed, pallet ; a blanket, coverlet, bedclothes ; housing, trappings. Στρωμάτεύς, -έος, Att. -ίως, η, and Στρωμη, -ης, ή, (fr. same) α cushion ; a garment, cloak, coat, Στρωμνη, -ης, //, (fr. next) a bed, 'pallet ; a blanket, coverlet, bed- clothes ; a carpet. Στρώννυμι or Στρωννυω, f. στρώσω. (fr. στορέω to strew) to strew, spread, scatter, make smooth ; to make a bed ; to furnish, prepare, impf. ind. act. εστρώννυον. 1 a, act. ind. έστρωσα• impr. στρώσον -άτω. per. pass. ind. ίστρωμαι -σαι, -ται' par. εστρωμένος, -η -ον. Στρώσις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, η, (fr. last) a strewing, spreading, making a bed ; preparation, laying out. Στρώσον, 1 a. impr. act. — Στρώσω, 1 f. ind. act. of στρώννυμι. Ίίτρωτηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. στρωννυω to strew) one who prepares, spreads or strews any thing ; a bedmaker ; a butler, waiter ; a rafter, joist ; a hurdle. Στρωτός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) strewn, spread; laid, covered. Στρωφάσθαι, pres. inf. pass. cont. of Στρωφάω -ω, same as στροφάω. 1 f. ind. mid. στρωφήσομαι. Στρωφώμενος,φΐβΒ. par. pass. cont. of last. Στρώω, obs. fr. στορέω, see στρών- νυμι. Στυγέει, ind. — Στνγέη, sub. 3 sin. pres. act. of στυγέω. Στυγερή, Ion. for στυγερά, fern, of Στυγερός, -pa, -pbv, (fr. στνγέω to frighten) terrible, horrible, frightful ; sad, mournful, griev- ous, dismal, odious. Στυγερώττης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. last, and ώψ the countenance) hate- ful, odious, hideous, frightful. Στυγερώς, (fr. στυγερός frightful) terribly, frightfully, dismally, sadly. Στυγέω, f. -ήσω, and στύζω, to shud- der at, tremble, quake ; to dread, detest, abhor. 1 a. ind. act. έοτυζα. 2 a. ind. act. έστυγον. 3 X' hatred, aversion, detestation. Στυγητός, -η, -όν, (fr. same) hale- 1 Jul, odious, to be hated. Στυγνάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. στυγνός odi- ous) to be sad, have a sorrowful countenance, look daik, lower ; to be astonished, confounded. 1 a. act. ind. εστύγνασα' par. στνγνάσας, -ασα, -αν. Στυγνάζων, par. pres. act. — Στυγ- νάσας, par. 1 a. act. of last. Στυγνός, -ή, -όν, (fr. στυγέω to hate) odious, hateful; detested, abhorred; sorrowful, sad, gloomy, horrid. Στϋγος, -εος -ους, τό, (fr. same) hatred, aversion. Στύγω, f. -ζω, same as στυγέω. Στύλος, -ου, b, a column, pillar ; a pen, style. Στυλόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to raise a pillar. Στύξ, -υγός, fi, (fr. στυγέω to dread) the rivei Styx. Στύξαιμι, 1 a. opt. act. of στυγέω. Στυπεΐον, -ου, τό, (fr. next) tow, .flax. Στύπη, -ης, £, (fr. στύφω to bind) tow, flax, hemp. Στύπη, -ης, η, (fr. same) a slock, stem ; a rammer. Στύπίνος, -η. -ov, (fr. στύπη tow) made of low, flax or hemp, linen. Στύπος, -εος -ους, τό, a stock, stem, trunk ; a rammer. Στυππείϊνος, same as στύπινος. Στυππείον or Στυππίον, -ου, τό, same as στυπεΐον. Στύππη, -ης, η, same as στύπη. Στυπτηρία, -ας, η, (fr. στύφω to bind) alum. Στυπτικός, -r), -όν, (fr. same) bind- ing, astringent, styptic ; bitter, sour. Στυράκινος, -η, -ov, (fr. next) of the Styrax, of the green poplar. Στύραζ, -οίκος, η, the Styrax, a tree ; whence mas. the shaft, or handle of a spear ; a spear. Στυφελίζω, f. -ζω, (fr. στύφω to bind) to shake, move, stir ; to treat roughly, abuse, disturb, drive away. Στυφελίζαι, 1 a. inf. act. of last Στυφελος, -η, -όν, (fr. στύφω to bind) hard, condensed, firm ; rugged, rough. Στυφνός, -η, -όν, (fr. same) bind- ing, astringent ; stiff, sour, harsh, austere. Στυφρός, -a, -bv, (fr. same) same as στυφελός. Στύφω, f. -if /ω, to bind, be astrin- gent ; to thicken, condense, cur- dle. Στύψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) astringency ; thickening, con- densation. Στύω, f. -νσω, to bind, astringe, tighten ; to stiffen, harden, thick- en ; to desire the female ; to grieve, fret, vex. Στωικός, -ή, -bv, { fr. στοά the porch or school of Stoics) Stoic : a Stoic. (529) ΣΤΓ Στωμύλέω -ω, (fr. ατόμα a mouth) to prate, chatter, talk much. Στωμυλία, -ας, η, (fr. same) loqua- city, talkativeness ; facetiousness, wit ; trifles, nonsense. Στωμύλλω, same as στωμνλέω. Στώμυλμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. last) lo- quacity, talkativeness ; trifles. Στώμυλος, -ov, b, η, (fr. στόμα a mouth) loquacious, talkative, prattling ; petulant, saucy ; fa- cetious, witty. Συ, σου, thou, you. Σύαγρος, -ου, b, (fr. συς a pig, an Άγριος wild) a wild boar. Σύβαρις, -Ίδος or -ιος, η, Sybaris, name of a city. Also, extrava- gance, excess, luxury. ΣυβαρΊτης, -ου, b, (fr. last) an in- habitant of Sybaris. ΣυβαριτΊ^ς, -η, -bv, (fr. same) Sy- baritic ; luxurious, extravagant. ΣνβαρΊπς, -ΥτίοΌς, η, (fr. same) a woman of Sybaris. Συβήνη or Συβίνη,-ης, η, (fr. συς a pig) a sheath, case or bag made of pig's skin ; a hunting spear. Συβόσιον, -ου, rb, (fr. same, and βύω to feed) a herd of swine. Συβώτης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a feeder of swine,' a swine herd. Σύγ* for σύγε, fr. συ, and γε. Συγγεγραφότες, η. pi. of — Σνγγε- γραάώς, -via, -ος, per. par. act. of συγγράφω. Συγγελάω -ω, (fr. συν together with, and γελάω to laugh) to laugh with. Συγγένεια, -ας, ft, (fr. same, and γίνομαι to be born) relationship, kindred, affinity, family con- nexion. Συγγενέσθαι, 2 a. inf. mid. of ory- γίνομαι. Σνγγενέσι or -<7ii',d.pl. — Συγγενείς, Συγγενή, Συγγενών, cont. cases of Συγγενής, -έος -ους, υ, η, (fr. συν to- gether, and γίνομαι to be born) related, connected, of the same parents. Subs, a kinsman or kinswoman, relation. Συγγενώμεθα, 1 pi. 2 a. sub. mid. of σνγγίνομαι. Συγγηράσκω, f. -ασω, (fr. συν to- gether with, and γηράσκω to grow old, th. γήρας old age) U grow old along with. Σνγγίνεσθαι,ρτ&ς. inf. pass, of Σνγγίνομαι, (fr. συν together, ana γίνομαι to be) to be with, live, converse or be. intimate with, keep company with ; to lie with have to do with ; to meet, assem- ble, collect together ; to talk, confer or discourse together ; to be engaged, implicated or in- volved in. Σνγγι νώσκω,(ίτ. same, and γινώσκω to know) to know, acknowledge ; to know of, be conscious of ; to consent, agree, be of one mind ; to find out, discover ; to pardon } forgive, excuse. Συγγνώμη, -ης, η, (fr. same) par- don, forgiveness ; permission^ leave, concession, indulgence. Σνγννω'ίον'ϊκός, -r), -bv, (fr. same) forgiving, mild, indulgent, mer- ciful ; fit to be pardoned, worthy of forgiveness. Συγγνώμων, -όνος, b, fj, (fr. same) mild, forgiving, merciful, indul- gent ; agreeing, of one mind. Συγγν-ύσθήναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of συγγινώσκω. "Συγγνωστός, -ή, -ov, (fr. συν toge- ther, and γινώσκω to know) to be forgiven, pardonable, excusa- ble. Σύγγονος, -ου, ί, $, same as συγ- γενής. Σύγγραμμα, -ατας, το, (fr. συν to- gether with, and γράφω to write) a writing, treatise, com position, book, work, clause. Συγγραφεύς, -fey, 6, (fr. same) a wnfer, anther, historian. Συγγραφή, -ης, η, (fr. same) a writ- ing, treatise, composition, history, Συγγράφω, f. -ψω, (fr. same) to compose, describe, give a written account of, commit to paper, write a history ; to subscribe, consent to. Συγγράφομαι, to bar- gain, agree, covenant, stipulate. Συγγυμνασία, -ας, /;, (fr. συν toge- ther, and γυμνασ',α exercise) a joint or common exercise, inter- course. Συγκαθαγίζω, ΐ.-χσω, (fr. συν with, κατά intens. and άγιος holy) to offer or consecrate along with ; to wash or purify together. Συγκαθαιρέω -ώ, (fr. συν together, κατά down, and αιρέω to take) to assist in demolishing or over- turning ; to help in unloading ; to aid, assist, engage with ; to obtain, gain, conquer^ Συγκαθείργω, (fr. same, and καθε- ίργω to confine) to shut up with, enclose together. Συγκαθέλκω or -ελκύω., (fr. same, and καθέλκω to pull down) to assist in pulling down ; to putt down with ; to rout or overthrow together. Συγκαθεύδησις, -ιος, Att. *-εω?, fj, (fr. same, and καθεύδω to sleep) a sleeping together. Συγκαθεύδω, (fr. same) to sleep to• gether. Συγκαθεψέω, (fr. σύν together, and καθεψέω to boil) to boil along with. Συγκάθημαι, (fr. same, and κάθη- μαι to sit down) to sit with, sit together, par. pres. mid. συγκα θήμενης, -η, -ov. νγκαθίζω, (fr. same, and καθίζω to seat, th. 'έω to set) to set, place or make sit down with ; to sit down with. 1 a. act. ind. συνε- κάΟ'ισα' par. συγκαθίσας. Συγκαθισάντων, g. pi. par. 1 a. act. oflast. Συγκαθυφαίνω, (fr. σϋν together, and καθυφαίνω to weave, th. νφαίιω same) to weave together with, interweave. Συγκαίω, f. -καύσω, p. συγκέκανκα, (fr. same, and καίω to burn) to burn with or together with ; to burn up. 2ΤΓ Συγκακοπαθέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. σνγ• κικακοπάθηκα, (fr. same, κακός evil, and πάθος feeling, th. πάσ- χω to suffer) to suffer evil or affliction with ; to share misfor- tunes, endure for. Συγκακοπάθησον, -άτω, 1 a. impr act. oflast. Συγκακονχέϊσθαι, pres. inf. mid, cont. of Συγκακουχέ ω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. συγκε• κακούχηκα, (fr. σύν together, κα- κός evil, and έχω to have) to af- flict, harass or persecute with. Συγκαχουχέομαι -ονμαι, to suffer ill together, be evil- entreated, en- dure along with. Σνγκαλέω -ω, or -έομαι -οϋμαι, f. -έσω and -ήσω, p. σνγκέκληκα, (fr, same, and καλέω to call) to coil together, convoke, assemble. 1 a. ind. act, συνεκάλησα. 1 a. ind. mid. συνεκαλησάμην, -ω, -ατο. Συγκάλνμμα, -ατός, το, (fr. next) a covering, shade, veil, wing ; shelter, pi otection. Συγκαλύπτω, f. -ψω, p. σνγκεκάλύ- φα, (frf σύν together, and καλύπ- τω to cover) to cover closely, con- ceal, hide, veil ; to overwhelm, bury. per. pass. ind. συγκεκά- λυμμαΐ' par. συγκεκαλυμμένος, -η, -ov. 1 a. ind. pass, συνεκάλυφ- θην, -ης, -η. 2 a. ind. pass, συνε- καλύβήν. Συγκαλύψειεν, JEol. for συγκάλυ- xpai, 3 sin. 1 a. opt. act. oflast. Συγκάμνω, (fr. σύν together, and κάμνω to toil) to join in labour / to help, aid, assist. Συγκάμκτω, f. -ψω, p. συγκέκαμφα, (fr. same, and κάμπτω to bend) to bend or bou) downwards, bow together. 1 a. act. συνέκαμψα. Σύγκαμ-ψον, -άτω, 1 a. impr. act, oflast. Συγκάπτω for συγκάμπτω. 2ΤΓ Σνγκαταθίσθαι, 2 a. inf. mid. of σνγκατατίθημι. Συγκατάθεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, %,{&. same) connexion, consent, agree- ment, concord ; a vote, approba - Hon. Συγκατακαλύπτω, (fr. σύν together, κατά intens. and καλύπτω to cover) to cover together with, hide along with. Συγκατακλείω, (fr. same, and κλείω to shut) to shut up along with f confine with. Συγκατακληρονομέω -ω, (fr. same, and κληρονομέω to inherit) to in- herit along with or jointly. Συγκαταμίγνϋμι, (fr. same, and μίγνυμι to mix) to mix toge- ther with, blend, compound to- gether. Συγκαταρίπτω,- (fr. same, and ρίπ- τω to throw) to throw down along with, fling down together. Συγκατασήπω, (fr. same, and σήπω to putrefy) to putrefy altogether, rot entirely. Συγκατασκάπτης, -ov, b, (fr. same, and σκάπτω to dig) a spoiler, plunderer, destroyer, underminer^ supplanter. Συγκατασκάπτω, (fr. same) to pull down, undermine, destroy. Σνγ κατασκευάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. σύν together, κατά intens. and σκευά- ζω to prepare, th. σκεύος a ves- sel) to assist in preparing, see κατασκευάζω. Συγκατασκευάσας, -ασα, -αν, 1 a. par. act. oflast. Συγκατασκηνόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. συν together, κατά intens. and σκη- νόω to dwell in tents, th. σκηνή a tent) to dwell together intents ; to live in the same tent, put up together. Συγκατασπάω, (fr. same, and σπάω to draw) to pull or draw along with ; to tear away, end in Συγκαταβαίνω, (fr. συν together pieces. with, κατά down, and th. βαίνω Συγκαταστρεψαμένων, g. pi. 1 a. to go) to descend or go down ta-\ par. mid. of gether with, go along with ; to Σνγκαταστρέφω, (fr. συν together, κατά down, and στρέφω to turn) to overturn along with, over- throw or reduce together. Συγ- καταστρέφομαι, to he overthrown, or lay down life together. Συγκατατάττω, (fr. σύν along with, κατά intens. and τάττω to ar- range) to place or station vnth others, set together. Σνγκατατίθημι, {fr.' same, and τί- θημι to put) to put down together with. Συγκατατίθεμαι, to vote with, consent, agree, concur vnth. per. pass. ind. συγκατα- τέθειμαι. Συγκατατεθειμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of last. Συγκαταφαγόντα, a. sin. 2 a. par. act. of Συγκαταφάγω, (fr. σύν together, κατά intens. and φάγω to eat) to eat along with, devour toge- ther. Συγκαταφέρω, (fr. same, κατά downwards, and φίρω to carry) condescend, accommodate, ex- pose or offer one's self; to con- cur, agree with, submit, comply, incline to another , s wish. 2 a. act. ind. συγκατέβην, -ης, -η' par. συγκαταβάς, η. pi. συγκατα- βάντες. Συγκαταγηράω -ω, or -γηράσκω, (ft. σύν together, κατά intens. and γηράω to grow old, th. γήρας old age) to grow old together, decay along with ; to grow blunt. Συγκατάγνυμι, (fr. συν together, and κατάγνυμι to break in pieces, th. άγω to break) to break down, together ; to assist in breaking down or in reducing. Συγκατοίγω, (fr. same, and άγω to lead) to bring back with, re- store or bring back together. Συγκαταζεύγνΰμι, (fr. same, and ζεύγνϋμι to join) to join, yoke or harness together ; to unite. Σνγ- καταζεύγννμαι, to be engaged tvith or implicated in. , (530) ΣΤ1 to take down with, snatch away, carry off. Σνγκαταφέρομαι, to go down along with, descend to- gether. Σνγκαταφλέγω, (fr. same, κατά in- ters, and φλέγω to burn) to con- snme, burn up. Σνγ καταψηφίζω, f. -ϊσω, p. σνγκα- τεψήφΧκα, (fr. same, and ψηφίζω to vote, th. ψήφος a pebble) to condemn along with ; to elect, receive into the number, number with ; to decree, enact, pass. συγκαταψηφίζομαι. Σνγκάτειμι, (fr. συν with, κατά downwards, and ειμί to go) to go down along with, descend with. Σνγκατέλθωμεν, 1 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of σνγ κατ έρχομαι* Σνγκατεργάζομαι, (fr. συν together, κατά intens. and εργάζομαι to work, th. ίργον a work) to co- operate with, assist with, achieve with. Σνγ κατ έρχομαι, (fr. same, κατά down, and έρχομαι to come) to descend; to return together, re- turn home. Συγκατεψηφίσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of σνγκαταψηφίζω. Σνγκατηεσαν for σνγ κατή έΐσαν, 3 pi. pper. mid. of σνγκάτειμι. Σνγκατορνξαι, I a. inf. act. of Σνγκατορνσσω or -ττω, f. -ζω, (fr. σνν together, κατά down, and ορύσσω to dig) to stab along viith ; to dig along with ; to bury to- gether. Σνγκειμαι, (fr. σνν together, and κέϊμαι to lie) to be placed to- gether, lie together ; to be settled, arranged ; to be composed or consist of ; to have an agree- ment with; to agree together, conspire. Συγκείμενον, -ov, το, (neut. pres. par. of last) a thing agreed on f agreement, bargain, contract. Σύγκειται, (3 sin. pres. ind. of same, used impers.) it is cer- tain, it is evident. ΣνγκεκαΧνμμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of σνγκαλύτττω. Σνγκεκλεισμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of σνγκλείω. Σνγκεκομμενος, per. par. pass, of συγκότττω. Σνγκεκραμένος, -η, -ov, Syne, for σνγκεκεραμένος, par. per. pass, of σνγκεράνννμι. Σνχκεντεω, (fr. σνν together, and κεντέω to goad) to pierce or stab together, slay together, mur- der. Σνγκεράνννμι, f. σνγκερασω, p. σνγ- κ'κερακα, (fr. συν together, and κεράνννμι to mix) to mix or com- pound together, attemper, tem- per, coalesce ; to blend, unite. 1 a. ind. act. σννεκέρασα, -ας, -ε. per. pass. ind. by Sync, σνγκέ- κραμμαι. Συγκερατίζω or -ίζομαι, (fr. same, and κέρας a horn) to fight with horns. Συγκεραννόω •£>, (fr. same, and «- 2ΤΓ ραν%ος thunder) to thunder to- gether with. Σνγκεοάω, same as σνγκεράνννμι. Συγκεψαλαιόω -ω, and -όομαι -ου- μαι, (fr. σνν together, and κεφα- λαιόω to sum up, th. κεφαλή the head) to take the heads of, sum up, deliver briefly ; to add up, make the amount. Συγκεχυμένος, -η, -ov,par. — Σνγ- κέχνται, ind. 3 sin. per. pass, of συγχνω. Σνγκεχωρήσθω, 3 sin. per. impr. pass, of σνγχωρέω. Σνγκεχωσμένα, per. par. pass, of σνγχόω. Σνγκϊνέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. σνγκεκ'ινη- Ka t (fr. σνν together, and κινέω to move) to move together, put in motion, stir up. 1 a. ind. act. σννεκίνησα•,-ας, -ε. Σνγκίνησις, -ως, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) commotion, disturbance, agitation. Σνγκλασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, and Σνγκλασμος, -ov, δ, (fr. next) a bruise, contusion. Σνγκλάω -ω, f. -άσω, fr. σνν toge- ther, and κλάω, which see. Σύγκλεισις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, Σύγ- κλεισμα, -ατός, το, and ΣνγκΧεισ- μας, -ov, h, (fr. σνγκλείω to shut up) α meeting or joining toge- ther ; a joint; a shutting up ; a siege; apnson, cell. Σνγκλειστος, -ή, -bv, (fr. next) closed, joined together ; connect- ed by joints. Σνγκλείω, f. -είσω, p. σνγκέκλει (fr. σνν together, and κλείω to shut) to enclose, shut up toge- ther, confine ; to catch ; to in- volve, engage in. 1 a. ind. act. σννέκλεισα. per. pass. ind. σνγ- κέκλεισμαι, -σαι, -ται' par. σνγ- κεκλεισμένος, -η, -ον. Σνγκληρονομέω -ω, f. -ήσω, ρ. σνγ- κεκληρονόμηκα, (fr. next) to inhe- rit along with. Σνγκληρονόμος, -ov, h, fj, (fr. σνν together, κλήρος a lot, and νέμω to distribute) a joint-heir, co- heir ; a colleague, associate, sharer. Σύγκλητος, -ov, b, η, (fr. σνν toge- ther, and καλέω to call) called together, convoked, assembled, convened. Subs. viz. βονλη, an assembly, counct " t senate, parti- cularly the Roman senate. Σνγκλύζω, f. -νσω, p. -νκα, (fr. same, and κλύζω to wash) to inundate, drown, overwhelm. Σύγκλυς, -νϊος, b, η, (fr. σνν toge- ther, and καλέω to call, or per- haps κλνζω to wash) collected, brought together, promiscuous. Subs, a conflux, crowd. Συγκοιμάομαι -ίομαι, f. -ήσομαι ,(fr. same, and κοιμρω to lie down) to lie down together, sleep with. Σνγκοινωνε7τε, 2 pi. cont. pres. ind. or impr. act. — Σνγκοινωνήσαντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. act Συγκοινω- νήσητε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of Σνγκοινωνέω -ώ, f. -;'σω, p. σνγκε- κοινώνηκα, (fr. σνν together^ KOt -ι 031) ~ ΣΤΓ νωνύς a partaker, th. κοινός com- mon) to share with, partake of; to communicate, impart ; to have intercourse or communication with. n. pi. pres. par. act. cont. συγκοινωνουντες. 1 a. ind. act. σννεκοινώνησα. Σνγκοινωιυς, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) a partaker, sharer, participator. Σνγ κοιτάζομαι, (fr. next) to lie with. Σύγκοιτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. σΰν with, and κοίτη a bed) a bedfellow congenial, agreeable, concordant. Σνγκολλάπτω, (fr. same, and κο λάττω to bruise) to bruise or beat tog ether. Συγκολλάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. σνγκεκόλ- ληκα, (fr. same, and κολλάω to glue) to glue, solder or cement together ; to imitate, adopt. Σνγκολνμβάω -ω, f. -ήσω,(ίτ. same, and κολνμβάω to swim) to swim together. 1 f. ind. act. συγκολνμ- βήσω,-εις, -ει. Σνγκομΐόή, -ής, ?), (fr. next) a col- lection, gathering ; harvest. Σνγκομίζω, f. -?σω, p. σνγκεκόμικα, (fr. σνν together, and κομίζω to carry) to carry or bring to- gether, collect, gather; to reap, make harvest ; to Irury. Σνγκο- μίζομαι, to store or treasure up ; to get, gain, acquire ; to claim. 1 a. ind. act. act. συνεκόμισα. Σνγκο-ή, -ής, η, (fr. next) a faint, swoon ; a compression, shorten- ing, contraction ; syncope, a grammatical figure. Ένγκόπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. σνν together, and κό-τω to cut) to break or cut up, cut into pieces, chop ; to beat, bruise, pound together ; to cut off, contract, shorten. Σνγκοσμέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, fr. same, and κοσμέω, which see. 1 f. inf. act. συγκοσμήσειν. Σνγκράσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. συν together, and κεράνννμι to mix) a mixture, intercourse, commerce. Σνγκρατέω -ω, (fr. same, and κρα τέω to prevail) to hold together maintain, support. Σύγκρίιχα, -άτος, το, (fr. σνγκρίι,ω to join together) a joining', ce- ment, concretion, mass ; a com- parison ; a proclamation, decree, edict ; interpretation, opinion^ judgment. ΣνγκρΊναι, 1 a. inf. act. — Σνγκρίνας, -ασα, -αν, 1 a. par. act. — Σνγκοί* νοντες, η. pi. pres. par. act. of ΣνγκρΊνω,ζ. -νω, (fr. σΰν together, and κρίνω to judge) to join, glue together, cement ; to compare, compare with, judge by compari- son ; to contend, strive, dispute ; to unfold, interpret, explain ; to contract, shrink. Σιγκρίνομαι, to coalesce, grow toget her, unite. Σύγκρισις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) analogy, conformity, com- parison, interpretation; custom, manner, rite. Σνγκροτέω, (fr. συν together and κροτέω to strike) to striketogether^ dap ; to applaud ; to cloak cfe» 2ΤΓ ter, rattle ; to weld together ; to compose, settle, arrange ; to pro- pare, make ready, accoutre, equip, furnish ; to collect, assem- ble, raise, levy ; to proclaim, publish; to encourage, animate, cheer. Σύγκρουσ.ς, -ιος, Att. -εως, 17, and Συγκρουσμος, -οΐι, b, (fr. next) a concussion, collision; a grudge, pique, quarrel ; fraud, impos- ture ; conspiracy. Συγκρούω, (fr. συν together, and κρούω to beat) to strike or knock together, dash against each other, clash ; to clap the hands ; to embroil, set by the ears ; to col- lect, assemble ; to pump or draw out secrets, force a confession. Συγκρύπτω, fr. same, and κρύντω, which see. Συγκρύψαι, 1 a. inf. act. Σνγκτίζω, f. -<σω, p. συνεκτικά, (fr. συν together, and κτίζω to build) to create together ; to found, build. Συγκτίστης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a fel- low colonist. Συγκύντω, f. -ψω, p. συγκέκυφα, (fr. same, and κύπτω to bend downwards) to look downward ; to bow or bend together, stoop ; to close together, contract ; to agree, consent ; to conspire. Συγκυρεο) -ω, (fr. same, and κυρεω to meet with) to fall in with, meet, find ; to happen, chance ; to dash, encounter, dash together. Συγκύρημα,-ατος, το, and Συγκυρία, -ας, η, (fr. same) an occurrence, coincidence, chance, accident. Συγκϋρω, f. -κύρσω, (fr. same) to fall in with, meet, happen with ; to encounter, dash together or against each other. Συγκύφιον,. -ου, το, (fr. next) a chance, accident. Συγκύφω, (fr. συν together, and κύπτω to bend) to bend together ; to bend, bow, stoop ; to close to- gether, contract. Συγκωμάζατε, Dor. for συγ,κοιμά- σατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. of Συγκωμάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. συν to- gether, and κωμάζω to revel.) to revel together ; to set up or begin the dance. Συγχαίρει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act — Συγχαίρετε, 2 pi. pres. ind. o: impr. act. of Συγχαίρω, (fr. συν together, and χαίρω to rejoice) to rejoice along with, congratulate, impf. ind. act. συνεχαιρον, -ες, -ε. 2 a. pass. ind. συνεχμρην, -ης ,-j?'impr. συγ- χαρηθι, -ήτω, in pi. συγχάρητε. ΣυγχαρεΊται, 3 sin. 2 f. ind. mid. — Συγχάρητε, 2 pi. 2 a. sub. pass, of last. Σύγχει, pres. impr. act. of Συγχέω -ω, f. -χεύσω, (fr. συν to- gether, and χεω to pour) to pour together; to confuse, disturb, con- found, amaze, alarm. Ίυγχορεύω, f. -ενσω, (fr. same, ant Ι χορεύω to dance, th. yopbs a dance) 6* danoe together. j 2TZ Συγχδω, f. -ώσω, (fr. same, and χόω to heap up) to cover with a mound of earth, bury ; to heap together, pile up. Συγχάομαι -ώμαι, f. -ήσομαι, ρ, συγκέχρημαι, (fr. same, and χράω to lend) to have intercourse; to use in common ; to borrow, ac- cept of. Συγχρονίζω^ f. -"σω, p. συγκεχρδ• νίκα, (fr. same, and χρονίζω to grow old, th. χρόνος time) to de- lay or tarry with ; to be of equal age with. Συγχρώνται, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. mid. of συγχράομαι. Συγχύνω, and Συγχύω, f. -ύσω, p. συγκίχυκα, (fr. συν together, and χύω to pour) to confound, con- fuse, baffle, disturb, alarm. 2 a. or impf. ind. act. συνεχυον, -ες, -e. per. pass. ind. συγκέχύμαι, -σαί-, -ται' par. συγκεχυμένος, -η, -ον. 1 a. ind. pass, συνεχύθην, -»??! -v. Σύγχυσις, ~ιος ,'Att. -εως , >/, (fr. last) confusion, disturbance, uproar. Συγχύω, same as συγχύνω. Συγχωνεύω, (fr. συν together, and χωνεύω to melt, th. χώνη a cru able) to melt in a furnace, melt together. Συγχώννΰμι or Συγχωννύω, (fr same, and χόω to heap) to ford fy with a rampart or mound ; to heap together ; to bury. Συγχωρά, -ας, fj, (fr. same, and χωρά a place) the same country. Συγχωρεω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and χωρεω to yield) to concede, yield, grant, give way to ; to cede, give up, remit ; to pardon, forgive, indulge ; to bargain, stipulate. pres. par. pass. cont. συγχωρού- μενος. Συγχώρησις, -ιος, Att. -εως,, f h (fr. same) concession, grant, per- mission, allowance. Συγχωρητεος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) to l>e conceded or granted. Συγχώσαι, I a. inf. act. of συγχόω. Σύλην, (fr. σύω to rouse, th. σείω to shake) in haste, quickly, speedi- ly, violently, impetuously. Σύες, η. pi. οι σύς. Σνετο, Ion. for εσύετο., 3 sin. impf. ind. pass, or 2 a. ind. mid. of σύω. Συζάω -ω, f. συζήσω, p. συνίζηκα, (fr. συν together, and ζάω to live) to live together, be united with or dependent on ; to be raised to life along with. Συζενγνυω or Συζεύγνϋμι, f. συζεύ- ξω, p. συνεζενκα, (fr. same, and ζευγνυω to join) to yoke or join together, conjoin, couple, unite. 1 a. ind. act. συνέζευξα. per. pass, ind. συνεζευγμαι' par. συνεζευγ- μενος, -η, -ov. Συζην, Dor. for συζάν, pres. inf. act. — Συζήσομεν, 1 pi. f. ind. act. of συζάω. Συζητέΐν, pres. inf. act. cont. — Συζητείτε, 2 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. — Συζητουντας, -τες, -των, cttoti cases par. pres. act. of Cm) 2TK Σνζητεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. συνεζήτηκα, (fr. συν together, and ζητέω to seek) to inquire of one another ; to question, argue, dispute with. impf. ind. act. συνεζήτεον -ovv, -εες -εις, -εε -ει. I a. ind. act. συν έζησα. Σνζήτησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) an inquiry, disputation, argument, a. συζήτησιν. Συζητητής, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a dis- puter, reasoner, philosopher , learned man. Συζυγία, -ας, η, (fr. συν together, and ζεύγνυμι to join) a joining together, union ; marriage ; a yoke, pair; similarity, parallel circumstance; grammatical con- jugation. Συζύγιος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) yoked together, united. Σύζυγος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) join- ed, united., coupled, married ; yoked together, Συζών, -ωντυς, pres. par. act. cont. of συζάω. Συζωννύω, (fr. συν together, and ζεύγνυμι to join) to bind or tie together ; to gird with, encircle. Συζωοποιέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. συνί- ζωοποίηκα, (fr. same, ζώω, Poet for ζάω to live, and ποιεω to make) to make alive with, restore to life together with. Σνκνος, -ή, -ov, (fr. σύ? a pig) hog- gish, brutish, boorish, clownish ; stupid, silly, foolish, dull. Συθείς, 1 a. par. pass. — Σύ0εν,Ιοη. and Boeot. Sync, for εσύθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of σύω. Σϋθι, Sync, for σύθητι, 1 a. impr. pass, of σύω. Or the pres. or 2 ι. impr. act. of σίυμι,ίυτ σν< κα\\ϊς, -ϊδος a fig-pecker, Συκα\\ϊς, -ίδος, η, τυ μι, (fr. a fig) Σνκάμ'ινον, -ου, rb, (fr. next) the fruit cf the sycamine or syca- more tree, mulberry. Συκάμΐνος, -ov, b, a sycamine or sy camore tree. Συκεη -η, ^εης -ης, η, a fig-tree. Συκεών or Συκών, -ωνος, δ, (fr. last) a plantation of fig-trees. Σύκινος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) ef fig- tree ; weak, brittle, slender ; use- less, worthless. Συκομοραία or -ρεα, -ας, and Συκό- μορος, -ου, f), (fr. same, and μό- ρος a mulberry tree) a sycamore tree. Συκον, -ου, το, a fig. Συκοφαντεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. σεσν- κοφάντηκα, (fr. συκον a fig, and φαίνω to show) to inform on those who smuggled figs out of Attica ; to accuse falsely ; to ex- tort. 1 a. ind. act. εσυκοφάντησα. — Συκοφαντήσητε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. act. Συκοφάντης, -ov, b, (fr. same) a false accuser, informer, calumniator, reviler ; a sycophant, flatterer. Συκοφαντία, -ας, η, (fr. same) ca- lumny, false accusation, extor tion. Συκοφαντίας, -η, -bv, (fr. same) ca~ ktrnnnvouSy tnfurixnts % faise s par*- ΣΤΑ &αί, unjust. Comp. συκοφαντι- κότερος. Σύκχοι, -ων., οί, a kind of slippers. Συκών, -ώνος* b, (fr. σύκυν a fig) a place planted with figs. Συλαγωγέω -ω, (fr. σνλη a prey, and άγω to lead) to drive or car. ry away booty ; to spoil, rob, plunder. Συλαγωγών, par. pres. act. cont. of last. Συλάθείς, Dor. for συληθείς. ΣύΧασκε, Ion. for εσύλα, 3 sin. impf. ind, act. cont. of Συλάω or -έω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. σεσν\η~ κα, (fr. συλ>7 plunder) to plun- der, rob, spoil, carry off, take away, strip ; to take out, draw forth. 1 a. ind. act. εσύλησα Συλεύμενος, -η, -ov, Dor. for συλού- μενος, pres. par, mid. cont, of συλεω. 2uX£vw,same as συλάω. Σϋ\η, -ης, ry, prey, plunder, booty spoil ; plundering, carrying away, rapine, Συλι,θεις, -εΊσα,-εν, 1 a. par. pass. — Σηλήσαντες, η. pL 1 a. par. act. of συλάω. ΎυΧλάβεΐν, act. — Συλλαβέσθαι, mid. 2 a. inf. — Συλλαβών, -ούσα, '
  • , pi. η. -βόντες, d. -βούσι, act. — Συλλαβόμενος, -η, -ov, mid. par. 2 a. of συλλαμβάνω. Συλλαβή, -ης, r% (fr. same) a sylla- ble ; a fold, knot. ΣυΧλαγχάνω, (fr. συν together, and λαγχάνω to obtain by lot) to share or receive by lot together, inherit along vnth. Συλλαλέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. συλλελά ληκα, (fr. σύν together, and λα- λέω to speak) to talk, speak with, confer, converse together. 1 a. act. ind. συνελάλ?7σα. ΣυΧΧαλούντες, η. pi. cont. par. pres. act. — ΣυλλαΧήσας, par. 1 a. act, of last. Συλλαμβάνου, pres. impr. mid. of Συλλαμβάνω, f. mid. συλλί/ψομαί,ρ. Att. συνείληφα, (fr. συν together, and λαμβάνω to take) to embrace, salute ; to seize, grasp, catch, lay hold of; to understand, per- ceive ; to comprise, comprehend ; to be conscious of, privy to ; to conjecture, imagine, guess ; to concave, breed ; to co-operate, assist, aid, help. per. par. act. Att. συνειληφώς, -υ7α, -ός. 2 a. ind. act. συνίλάβον. 1 a. ind. pass, συνελήφθην. 2 a. ind. mid. συνελάβόμην, -ου, ~ετο. Συλλέγεται, 3 sin. pres. ind, mid. — Συλλέγοντες, η. pi. — Σνλλί• γουσι, d. pi. par. pres. act. of Συλλέγω, f. συλλέξω, p. συλλέλεχα, Att. συνείλοχα, (fr. συν together, and λέγω to collect) to gather, collect, assemble ; to levy ; to acquire, amass ; to combine ; to conclude, infer. 1 a. act. ind. συνέλεξα' impr. σύλλεξον, -άτω sub. συλλέξω, -ης, -η, 3 pi. συλ• Χέξωσι. ΧΧίξατε^ 2 pi. 1 ft. impr. act. 2 ΧΜ Συλλίξωμεν, 1 pL 1 a. sub. act. of last. Συλλήβδην, (fr. συλλαμβάνω to comprehend) summarily, in a word, to comprehend all. Συλληπτρία, -ας, jj, (fr. same) an assistant, female helper^ help- mate. Συλληφθείς, a. sin. -φθίντσ, par. — Συλλήφθητι, impr ΣυΧΧηφθή- ναι, inf. 1 a, pass, and Σύλληψη, 2 sin. 1 f. ind. pass, of συλλαμβάνω. Σΰλλ>?ψ<ί, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. συν together, and λαμβάνω to take) a grasp, catching, seizure, lay- ing hold, of ; comprehension, conception, understanding ; aid, assistance, help ; Syllepsis, a figure of rhetoric. Συλλογή, -ης, η, (fr. σύν together, and λέγω to collect) a collection, assembly , congregation ; aheap, mass, pile. Συλλογίζω, (fr. same) to collect, assemble ; to levy. Συλλογίζομαι, f. -ίσομαι, Att. -ιούμαι, to reason, argue ; to conclude, infer ; to discourse, deliberate ; to com- pule, reckon, count, per. ind. pass. συλΧελόγισμαι. 1 a. ind. mid. συνελογισάμην, -ω, -ατο. Συλλογισμός, -ου, b, (fr. last) deli- beration, argument, reasoning, inference, syllogism ; an ac- count, computation, reckoning, calculation, number ; a con- trivance, plan, scheme. Σύλλογος, -ου, b, (fr. συν together, and λέγω to collect) an assem-t bly, congregation, meeting, con- ference, council. Συλλοιδορέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. συλλε- λοιδόρηκα, (fr. same, and λοιδορέω to reproach) to revile, reproach, upbraid with. Συλλοχάω -ω, (fr. same, and λόχος a company) to collect or assem- ble forces, levy. Συλλοχϊτης, -ου, b, (fr. same) one of the same company ; a fellow soldier. Συλλυπέομαι -ουμαι, (fr. συν toge- ther, and λύπη grief) to condole with, sympathize ; to be greatly grieved at. Συλλυττού μένος, -η, -ov, par. pres mid. cont. of last. Συλλυω, f. -ϋσω, (fr. συν together, and λύω to unloose) to help to unloose ; to break up or put an end to disputes, decide ; to con- ciliate, reconcile. Συλούμενος, pres. par, pass, cont of συλεω same as συλαω. Συλών, act. — Συλώμενος, pass, pres. par. cont. of συλάω. Συμβαίη, 3 sin. 2 a. opt. act. — Συμβαίνειν, pres. inf. act.— Συμ- βαίνοντος, g. sin. par. pres. act — Συμβάντων, g. pi. of συμβά,ς, par. 2 a. act. of Συμβαίνω, f. mid. συμβήσομαι, ρ, συμβέβηκα, (fr. συν together, and to go) to go or walk toge- 2TM coincide; to treat, transact, six pulale ; to happen, occur, be fall, come to pass. per. par. act. συμβεβηκώς, -υϊα, -ός. 2 a. act. ind. συνέβην, -ης, -η• sub. συμβώ, "?fcj ~V' P ar * αυμβάς, -άσα, -αν. Συμβσΐλεϊν, 2 a. inf. act. — Συμβα- λεόμενυς, Ion. and Att. for συμ- βαλόμενος, par. 2 a. mid. — Συμ- βαλλεόμενος, Ion. and Att. for συμβαλλόμενος, pres. par. mid. — Συμβάλλετον, Ion. for συνεβάλλε- τον, 2 du. impf. act. — Συμβάλ- λουσα, η. fern. par. pres. act. of Συμβάλλω, f. -βάλω, p. -βέβληκα, (fr. συν together, and βάΧΧω to throw) to join, unite, entwine, lay or place together ; to throw or dash together ; to throw back upon, retort ; to maldi, pit ; to compare ; to conjecture, infer ; to confej\ consult with, argue, dis- pute ; to bargain, agree, stipu- late ; to lend money ; to come together, assemble, meet / to come up with, encounter, engage, join battle ; to contrive, invent, feign. Συμβάλλομαι, to calculate, com- pute, reckon ; to contribute, sub- scribe ; to assist, help, aid. 2 a. act. ind. συνέβαλαν inf. συμβα- λειν. 2 a. ind. mid. σννεβάλόμην, -ου, -ετο. per. ind. mid. συμβέ βολα. Σύμβαμα, -ατός, rb, (fr. συμβαίνω to happen) an event, accident. Συμβάμεν, Dor. for συμβηναι, 2 a. inf. act. — Συμβάντα, a sin. of — Συμβάς, -άσα, -άν, 2 a. par. act. of same. Συμβασιλεύσομεν, 1 pi. 1 f. ind. act. λεύσωμεν, 1 pi. 1 a. sub. of Σνμβασιλεύω, f. -εΰσω, p. συμβεβα- σίλευκα, (fr. σύν together, and βασιλεύω to reign, th. βασιλεύς a king) to reign together with. 1 a. act. ind. συνεβασίλενσα' sub. συμβασιλεύσω, -ης, -η. Σύμβασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. συμ- βαίνω to stipulate) a covenant, stipulation, agreement, bargain, compact, treaty ; reconciliation. Συμβαστάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. συν to- gether, and βαστάξω to carry) to carry, lay or place together ; to compare, liken, assimilate. Συμβεβάναι, Ion. for συμβεβηκέναι, inf. of — Συμβέβηκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — Συμβεβηκώς, -υΤα, -ος, d. -βηκότι, g. pi. -βηκότων, par. per. act, and Συμβη, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. act. — Συμ- βήσομαι, 1 f. ind. mid. of συμ- βαίνω. Συμβιβαζόμενος, -η, -ov, pass. — • Συμβιβάζων, -ούσα, -ov, η. pi. -ζοντες, act. par. pres. of Συμβιβάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. σύν to- gether, and βιβάξω to make ascend, th. βαίνω to go) to force together, make compact, unite, knit together ; to conciliate, re- concile ; to teach, instruct J to collate, compare, infer, conclude. 1 a. ind. act. συνεβίβασα. 1 Ραίνω ._ t , ther ; to come together, rneetA ind. pass, σννεβιβάσθην par ΣνΧλέξον'σΐί 3 pi; 1 f. md, act. — en)counier t engage; id agrde^] σνμβι$χϊο&ύς ί *ύα'αι~ϊί> ΣΧΜ Συμβιβάσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. — Συμβιβασθέντων, g. pi. 1 a. par. pass, of last. Συμβιβώ, cont. for -βαώ, Att. for -βάσω, 1 f. ind. act. of same. Συμβιόω, f. -ώσω, (fr. συν together, and βιόω to live, th. βίος life) to live together with, cohabit, con- verse ivith. Συμβίωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) a living together, coha- bitation. Σνμβιωτής, -ov,b, (fr. same) a com- panion, comrade, acquaintance. Σύμβλημα, -ατός, το, and Σύμβλη- σις, -ως, Att. -εως, η, (fr. σον to- gether, and βάλλω to throw) a joint or joining together, cement- ing^ soldering. Συμβλητός, -η, -dv, (fr. συμβάλλω to join together) capable of com- parison, &c. according to the verb. Συμβοηθός, -ov, b, (fr. σΐ>ν together and βοηθός an assistant) a fellow assistant, helper, auxiliary, mi nister. Συμβολαιεύω, same as συμβάλλω. Συμβόλαιον, -ου, το, (fr. συμβάλλω to stipulate) an agreement, cove- nant, bargain ; a treaty, com- pact ; an article of agreement, indenture, deed ; a debt ; a money transaction, commerce, traffic ; a connexion, relationship. Συμβολή, -ης, η, (fr. same) ajoin- ln S, joint, seam ; a meeting, coming together, junction ; a conflict, engagement ; society, contribution, share, club, riot ; a dinner, &c. where each pays. Συμβολικός, -ή, -ov, (fr. same) con- jectural, doubtful ; symbolical, significant, allegorical. Σνμβολίκώς, (fr. last) allegorically, emblematically. Συμβολοκοπέο) -ω, (fr. σύμβολον a sign, and κόπος labour) to be fond of feasting, revel, carouse with others. Συμβολοκόπος, -ου, h, (fr. last) one gi ven to feasting ; a jolly fellow, bon vivant. Σνμβολον, -ου, το, (fr. συν together, and βάλλω to throw) a symbol, sign, token ; an omen ; a ticket, check, docket ; the watch word, pass, countersign ; a compact, bargain, treaty. Συμβόσκω, ( Tr. same, and βόσκω to feed) to feed together with. Συμβουλεύσας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. οι συμβουλεύω. Συμβουλευτής, -ov, b, (fr. συν with, arid βουλή, counsel) a counsellor, adviser, elder, senator. ΣυμβευλευτΈκός, -ή, -ov, (fr. same) giving counsel, advising, per- suasive. Συμβουλεύω, f. -εύσω, p. συμβεβού- λενκα, (fr. same) to counsel, ex- hort earnestly, advise, recom- mend ; to consult with, delibe- rate. Συμβουλεύομαι, to take counsel, be advised. 1 a. ind. act. συνεβούλευσα.' 1 a. ind. mid. συ- ίκβουΧίυσάμην, -«ι -ατσ. \ 2ΧΜ Συμβουλή, -ης, and Συμβούλια, -ας, η, (fr. same) counsel, advice, deliberation, debate, consulta- tion ; persuasion. Συμβούλων, -ov, το, (fr. same) counsel, advice ; a council. Σύμβουλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) an elder, counsellor, adviser. Συμβοαβεύω, (fr. συν together, and βραβεύω to arbitrate, th. βραβεύς an umpire) to act as an arbiter or umpire along with, decide or award with. Συμβράζομαι, (fr. same, and βράζω to bubble) to be expelled or turned out with. Συμεών, b, Simeon or Simon, a man's name. Συμμαθητής, -ου, b, (fr. συν toge- ther, and μανθάνω to learn) ο fellow disciple, fellow student. Συμμανθάνω, (fr. same) to learn to- gether. Συμμαρτυρεΐ, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of Συμμαρτυρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. συμμε- μαρτύρηκα, (fr. συν together, and μάρτυρ a witness) to bear wit- ness also ; to give testimony along with, concur, corroborate. 1 a. ind. act. συνεμαρτύρησα. Συμμαρτυρουμαι, pres. ind. pass. cont. — Συμμαρτυρούσης, g. sin. cont. par. pres. att. of last. Συμμαχέω -ω, (fr. συν with, and μάχομαι to fight) to fight along with, be an ally or companion in battle; to help, assist, protect, defend. Συμμαχία, -ας, Ion. -ης, η, (fr. same) an alliance or association in war ; reinforcement, help, as- sistance, succour. Συμμαχίοα, a. sin. of συμμαχίς. Συμμαχικός, -ή, -όν, ( fr. σύμμαχος a fellow soldier) allied, auxiliary. Συμμάχϊς, -ίδος, η, (fr. same) in alliance, allied, auxiliary. Σνμμάχομαι, (fr. next) to fight along with, assist in fighting, join in alliance. Σύμμαχος, -ου, b, η, (fr. συν toge- ther, and μάχομαι to fight) a fellow soldier ; an ally, auxiliary. Συμμενω, (fr. συν together, and μέ- νω to remain) to remain toge- ther, persist, last, endure. Συμμερίζομαι, (fr. same, and μερί- ζω, same as th. με'ιρω to divide) to share, participate, partake of. 3 pi. συμμερίζονται. Συμμετασχηματίζω, (fr. συν with, μετά change, and σχήμα ap- pearance) to transform, trans- figure, change the shape. ΣυμμετεΊχον, -ες, -ε, impf. ind. act. of Συμμετέχω, (fr. συν together, and μετέχω to share) to partake, share, participate with. Συμμέτοχος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) a partaker, sharer, joint partner. Συμμετρία, -ας, η, (fr. next) sym- metry, due proportion, suitable composition, just measure J a dress. Σύμμετρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. σνν to-j (534) ΣΤΜ gether, and μέτρον a measure) commensurate, adequate ; in symmetry, of just proportion, moderate ; suitable, fit. Συμμέτρως, (fr. last) moderately, fitly, suitably, aptly, sufficiently. Συμμηχανάομαι -ωμαι, (fr. συν to- gether, and μηχανάομαι to plan) to plan or contrive together ; to invent, devise, contrive means. Συμμιαίνω, (fr. same, and μιαίνω to pollute) to defile with. Συμμιγδήν, (fr. next) promiscuous- ly, indiscriminately, in confu- sion. Συμμιγής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. next) mixed together, in confusion, confused, promiscuous. Συμμίγνΰμι, (fr. συν together, and μίγνυμι to mix) to mix together, associate, converse with, com- mune. Σύμμικτος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. same) mixed, promiscuous, confused. Συμμιμητής, -ου, b, (fr. συν toge- ther, and μιμέομαι to imitate) ο joint imitator. Συ μ μίξης, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. — Συμ- μίξαι, 1 a. inf. act. of συμμίγνΰμι. Σύμμιξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, {/, (fr. συν together, and μίγνυμι to mix) a mixture ; intercourse, com- merce. Σύμμισγε, pres. impr. act. of Συμμίσγω, same as συμμίγνΰμι. Συμμισοπονηρέω -ω, (fr. συν toge- ther, and μίσος hatred, and πονη- ρία wickedness) to hate wicked- ness together with, agree in de- testing sin. Συμμιχθΐις, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. pass. of συμμίγνΰμι. Σύμμορφος, -ου, b, η, (fr. συν toge- ther, and μορφή form) conform- able, similar, resembling. Συμμορφούμενος, par. pres. pass, cont. of Συμμορφόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. συμμε- μόρφωκα, (fr. same) to form like, make similar. Σνμμορφόομαι -ονμαι, to become like, assimilate, conform to. Συμπάθεια, -ας, η, (fr. συν with, and πάθος feeling, th. πάσχω to suffer) sympathy, fellow feeling, tenderness. . Συμπάθέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same) to condole with, sympathize ; to agree in opinion, concur, assent. Συμπαθής, -έος -οϋς, Ό, η, (fr. same) sympathizing, compassio?iate, congenial. Συμπαθήσαι, 1 a. inf. of συμπάθέω. Συμπαίζω, f. -ζω, p. συμπεπαιχα, (fr. συν together, and παίζω to play) to play together, sport or dally with. Συμπαίκτωρ and Σνμπαίστωρ, -ορός, b, (fr. συμπαίζω to play together) a playfellow. Συμπαίσδειν, Dor. for — Συμπαίζειν, pres. inf. act. of συμπαίζω. Συμπανηγυρίζω, (fr. same, and πα- νηγυρίζω to celebra f e, wh. fr. πάς all, and άγυρις an assembly) to celebrate along with, keep Αοφ - day together. 2TM Συμπάντων, g. pi. of σύμπας. Σνμπαραγενόμενος,-η, -ov, par. 2 a mid. of Σνμπαραγίνομαι, (fr. σύν together παρά with, and γίνομαι to be) to come together with ; to join, as- sociate or be present with; to stand by, plead for. 1 f. mid. σνμπαραγενήσομαι. 2 a. mid. σνμπαρεγενόμην, -ου, -ετο. Σνμπαράγω, f. -ά£ω,ρ. συμπάρηχα, (fr. same, παρά by, and άγω to lead) to pass by along with, pass over with. Σνμπαρακάλέω -ω, (fr. same, and καλέω to call) to call or invite together ; to encourage, console. Σνμπαρακαλέομαι -ουμαι, to con- sole each other, take comfort to- gether ; to be encouraged. 1 a. ind. pass, συμπαρεκλήθην, -ης, -η. Σνμπαρακληθηναί, 1 a. inf. pass, of last. Σνμπαραλαμβάνω,ΐ. mid. συμπαρα- λήψομαι,- (fr. σύν together, παρά with, and λαμβάνω to take) to take along with ; to receive, take or seize together. 2 a. act. ind. συμπαρέλάβον, -ες, -ε' inf. σνμπα- ραλαβεΐν par. συμπαραλαβών. Συμπαραληφθΐ/ς, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. pass, of last. Συμπαραμένω, f. -νώ, p. σνμπαραμε- μένηκα, (fr. συν together, παρά with, and μένω to remain) to remain or continue with or to- gether, 1 a. ind. act. σνμπαρέ- μεινα. Συμπαραστάτης, -ου, b, (fr. same, and ΐστημι to stand) an assist- ant ; an auxiliary. Συμπαρεγένετο, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. mid. of συμπαραγινομαι. Συμπάρειμι, (fr. σύν with, and ειμί to be) to be present with. Συμπαρείποντο, 3 pi. impf. ind. mid. of σνμπαρέπομαι. Σνμπαρεισέρχομαι, (fr. σύν with, παρά by, εις into, and έρχομαι to go) to pass or slip in along with go in together privately. Σνμπαρέπομαι, (fr. σύν together, παρά with, and έπομαι to follow) to follow along with, accompany ; to succeed to. Σνμπαρε6ντες,~ΡοζΙ. for σνμπαρόντες, η. pi. pres. par. of συμπάρειμι. Σνμπαρέστάσεν, Dor. for — Συμπα- ρέστησεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind• act. of Συμπαρ'ιστημι, (fr. σύν together, irapa by, and Ϊστημι to stand) to stand or place together with ; to bring to aid, assist, help. Συμπαρομαρτέω -ω, (fr. same, and ίμαρτέω to follow) to follow along with ; to accompany, attend. Σύμπας, -άσα, -αν, (fr. σύν together, and πας a\\\all together, the whole collective, the whole. Συμπάσχει, 3 sin. — Συμπάσχρμεν^ 1 pi. pres. ind. act. of Συμπάσχω, (fr. συν with, and πάσ- χω to suffer) to suffer along with ; to sympathize or condole with. 2 a. ind. act. συνέπάθον. per. mid. συμπίπονθα. Σνμτιατέω α ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, 2TM and πατίω to trample) to trample or tread upon together ; to tread out, thrash. Συμπείθω, (fr. same, and πείθω to persuade) to persuade together concur or assist in persuading. Σύμπειρος, -ov, b, f], (fr. same, and πεϊρα an attempt) alike skilled, of equal experience. Συμπίμπω, f. -ψω, (fr. same, and πέμπω to send) to send together with, accompany, convey. Συμπεραίνω, f. -περάνω, p. συμπε- πέραγκα, (fr. same, and περαίνω to end, th. πέρας an end) to finish together, end, terminate, con- clude I to cut off, consume, make an end of. Συμπεριαιρετέος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) to be entirely taken away, remov- ed totally. Συμπεριαιρέω, (fr. σύν together, περί round, and αΊρέω to take away) to take away entirely, remove to- tally. Συμπεριλαβών, par. 2 a. act. of Συμπεριλαμβάνω,?, mid. σνμπεριλή- ψομαι, (fr. σύν with, περί about, and λαμβάνω to take) to fold round together, wrap up ; to embrace at the same time; to understand clearly, comprehend entirely. 2 a. ind. act. σνμπεριέ- λάβον. Σνμπερινοστέω -ω, (fr. same, and νοστέω to return) to go about with. Συμπεριπλέκω, (fr. same, and πλέκω to fold) to fold round or wrap up together. Συμπεριφέρω, (fr. same and φέρω to carry) to carry about with. Συμ- περιφέρομαι, to walk with, accom- pany, attend ; to keep company, live or associate with, converse with ; to humour, please, gratify, comply with, conform to ; to condole with ; to congratulate ; to employ one's self, be engaged along with another. • Σνμπήγννμι, ΣνμπηγνΧιω or Συμ- πήσσω,{ΐτ. σύν together, and πηγ- νύω to fasten) to fasten together, join, unite ; to cement, glue ; to compose, make, put together ; to thicken, curdle. Σύμπηξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f-„ (fr, same ) a joint, joining, firmness, union. Συμπίνω, f. -πώσω, p. συμπέπω (fr. σύν together, and πίνω to drink) to drink together. 2 a. ind. act. συνέπιον, •ες, -ε. Συμπίπτοντα, a. sin. pres. par. act. of Συμπίπτω, (fr. σύν together, and πίπτω to fall) to fall down at once, tumble together ; to fall in or come together, coincide, agree, fit; to fall in with, incur, light on, hit upon; to meet with, be- fall, happen; to become, turn out; to engage, encounter, at- tack, fight with ; to sink, subside, collapse, contract, shrink. Σνμπλακήσομαι, -η, -εται, 2 f. ind. pass, of συμπλέκω. (535) 2TM Σνμπλανάομαι -ωμαι, (fr. σύν toge- ther, and πλανάω to wander) to wander together with, rove; to err, go astray, be misled. Σνμπλάσας, -ασα, -αν, 1 a. par. act. — Συμπλάσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Σύμπλασσε, Ion. and Poet, for συνέπλασε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of Σ υ μ πλάσσω, f. συμπλάσω, (fr. σύν together, and πλάσσω to form) to make, fashion, shape, mould; to invent, devise ; to feign, pre- tend. Σνμπλαταγέω -ω, (fr. same, and πλαταγή a rattle, wh. fr. πλα- τάσσω to slap) to rattle, clap the hands, applaud. Συμπλεκης, •έος -ους, b, η, (fr. σύν together, and πλέκω to We) join• ed, connected, twined, folded. Συμπλεκτός, -η,-ον,(ίτ. same) fold- ed together, connected, joined. Συμπλέκω, f. -ξω, (fr. same) tofold together, connect, join ; to en- tangle, implicate ; to wreath, in- twine; to infold, embrace. Συμ- πλέκομαι, to have to do or deal with ; to engage, combat, con- tend. 2 a. ind. act. συνέπλάκον. 2 f. ind. pass, σνμπλακήσομαι. 2 a. pass. inf. σνμπλακηναι' par. σνμπλακεϊς, -είσα, -έν. Συμπλήγδην, (fr. σύν together, and πλήσσω to strike) dashing or striking at the same time. Σνμπληθύνω, (fr. same, and πληθύ- νω to fill) to increase, augment, fill up, make overflow. Σνμπλημμελέω -ω, (fr. same, and πλημμελέω to transgress) to sin together with. Συμπληρούνται, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. pass. — Σνμπληροϋσθαι, pres. inf. pass. cont. of Σνμπληρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. σνμπε- πλήρωκα, (fr. σύν togethet, and πληρόω to fill) to fill up ; toaccom- plish, fulfil, perfect, pres. ind. pass, σνμπληρόομαι -ουμαι. impf. pass, συνεπληρούμην -ούμην,-όου -ου, -όετο -ούτο, 3 pi. -όοντο -ούν- το. pres. inf. pass, σνμπληρόεσ- θαι -οϋσθαι. Συμπλήρωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) fulfilment, completion, ac- complishment. Σνμπλήττω or -σσω, f. -ζω, (fr. σύν together, and πλ/,σσω to strike) to strike or dash together. Σνμπλοκη, -ης, η, (fr. same, and πλέκω to tie) a fold or crease ; a folding together, connexion; an embrace; a conflict, engagement. Σύμπλοος -ονς, -6ου -οΐ>, b, η, (fr. . σύν together, and πλέω to sail) a fellow sailor, messmate. Συμπνέω-ω, (fr. same, and πνέω to breathe) to breathe together; to consent, agree, conspire, be una- nimous. Συμπνΐγω, f. -ίζω, p. σννπέπνιχα, (fr. same, and πνίγω to suffocate) to choke, strangle, suffocate, smo- ther ; to throng, crowd together. 1 a. act. ind. σννέπνιζα. Σνμπνοια,-ας, i,(fr. same, and π via» 2TM to breathe) consent, agreement, unanimity. Συμποδέω -ώ, and Συμποδίζω, (fr. σύν together, and ποδίζω to letter, th. πους the foot) to tie the feet together, bind; to impede, en- tangle ; to hinder, prohibit. Συμποδίσας, 1 a. par. act. of σνμπο- δίζω. Συμπαθείς, -εϊσα, -εν, 1 a. par. pass, of συμπίνω. Συμποιέω -ω, (fr. συν together, and ποιέω to do) to act in concert, co-operate, assist, help ; to join in alliance. Συμπολεμέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. συμπεπο- λέμηκα, (fr. same, and πόλεμος war) to flght on the same side, take part with, be an ally. Συμπολιτεία, -ας, ?'/, (fr. next) a share in the administration; a common form of government. Συμπολιτεύω or -εύομαι, (fr. σύν to- gether, and πολιτεύω to govern the state, th. πόλις a city) to assist in the administration ; to enjoy or live under the same con- stitution, use the same laws, live together as citizens. Συμπολίτης, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a fel- low citizen. Συμπονέω -ώ, (fr. συν together, and πόνος labour) to labour together, co-operate, work together. Συ μπον <η ρεύομαι, (fr. same, and πο- νηρός wicked) to act wickedly to- gether, combine in crime. Συμπορεύομαι, f. -εύσομαι, (fr. same, and πορεύομαι to go, th. πό- ρος a passage) to go together with, accompany ; to come toge- ther, assemble, meet. impf. mid. σννεπορευόμην, -ου, -ετο. 1 a. pass. hid. σννεπορεύθην, -ης, -η' par. συμπορευθεϊς, -εϊσα, -εν. Συμπορεύονται, 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. of last. Συμπορπάω -ώ. (fr. συν with, and πόρπη a clasp) to button up, clasp together, buckle, per. par. pass. συμπεπορπημένος. Συμπόσια, -ας, η, Poet, for συμπό- σιον. Συμποσιάζω, (fr. συν together, and πίνω to drink) to feast or drink together, carouse, revel. Συμπόσιον, . -ου, το, (fr. same) α feast, banquet ; a drinking toge- ther ; a mess, company, party ] a dining room, parlour. Συμπότης, -ου,δ,(ίτ. same) a drink- ing companion, guest. Συμποτικός, -η, -bv, (fr. sa.me) fond of drinking, jovial, convivial, jolly. Συμπραγματεύομαι, (fr. σύν toge- ther, and πράγμα business) to have business or intercourse with, converse with ; to do business to- gether, assist. Συμπράκτωρ,-ορος, b, (fr. next) an assistant, helper, helpmate. Συμπράσσω or -ττω (fr. σύν toge- ther, and πράσσω to do) to act with, co-operate, help, assist, aid. Συμπρεσβύτερος, -ου, b, (fr. same, and πρίσβυς an elder) an assist- 2TM ing delegate ; a fellow elder, col- league. Συμπρήκτωρ, -ορός, b, Ion. for συμ- πράκτωρ. Συμπρόειμι, ("fr. same, and εΊμι to go) to go on before with, proceed or walk with. Συμπροπεμπω, (fr. same, προ before, and πέμπω to send) to send before with, accompany or escort along with. I a. inf. act. σνμπροπέμ- ipai. Συμπράσειμι, (fr. same, προς to, and ειμϊ to be) to be at or present with ; to adhere to. 1 f. mid. συμπροσέσομαι. impf. ind. συμ- προσην. Συμπροσπηλακεομαι, (fr. same, and πηλός dirt) to harass. Συμπροσπλεκω, (fr. same, and πλέ- κω to fasten) to engage with in close combat, come to blows, grap- ple together. Σύμπτωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. συν toge- ther, and πίπτω to fall) coinci- dence, concurrence, event ; an accident, chance ; a misfortune ; a symptom, sign. Συμφάγω, (fr. same, and φάγω to eat) to eat with. 2 f. ind. mid. συμφαγομαι for -γουμαι. 2 a. ind. act. συνέφάγον. Συμφαίνω, (fr. same, and φαίνω to show) to shine together with. Συμφέρει, (3 sin. pres. ind. of συμ- φέρω impers. ) it is ft, proper or expedient ; it conduces or serves. Συμφέρον, -ου, rb, (fr. σύν together, and φέρω to bear) profit, advan- tage, use, an expedient, g. pi. συμφερόντων. Συμφιρτος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) brought together, collected, crowd- ed ; compact, solid, strong. Συμφερω, f. συνοίσω, (fr. same) to assist in carrying ; to bring or carry together, collect; to con- tribute, conduce, be expedient ; to fit, suit, answer, agree. Συμ- φερο^μαι, to move or go with ; to come together, assemble ; to ac- quiesce, assent, obey, comply ; to meet, encounter, engage, fight ; to happen, chance, occur. 1 a. ind. act. συνήνεγκα' par. συνε- νέγκας, -ασα, -αν. Συμφεύγω, (fr. σύν together, and φεύγω to fly) to flee together with, escape, take refuge together. 1 f. ind. mid. -φεύξομαι. 2 a. ind. act. σννέφύγον. Σύμφημι, (fr. same, and φημϊ to speak) to speak along with, con- firm ; to assent, consent to. 2 a. ind. act. συνέφην, -ης, -η. Συμφλεγω, f. -(ω, (fr. same, and φλέγω to burn) to burn together, burn up, consume, per. ind. mid. συμπέώλογα. Συμφλογίζω,ΐ. -ίσω,ρ. -πεφλόγικα, (fr. same, and φλογίζω to burn, th. φλbζ flame) to flame out, blaze up, consume. Συμφοιτητής, -ου, b, (fr. same, and φοιτάω to go to school) a school- fellow. Συμφορά, -ας, >/, (fr. same, and φέρω (536) 2TM to bring) a collection, contribu- tion ; an event, accident ; a disaster, misfortune, calamity f overthrow. Συμφοράζω, f. -ασω, Συμφοραίνω, and Σνμφοράω -ω, (fr. last) to deplore a calamity, condole, sym- pathize, lament with. Συμφορέω -ω, Ion. for συμφερω, Ώ. pi. 1 a. par. συμφορήσαντες. Σύμφορη, Ion. for συμφορά. Σύμφορος, -ου, δ, ι), (fr. σύν toge- ther, and φέρω to carry) useful, advantageous, flt, beneficial, ex- pedient. Subs, a companion. Συμφόρως, (fr. last) conveniently, usefully, fitly, aptly. Συμφράδμων, -υνος, b, η, (fr. σύν to- gether, and φράζω to speak) an accomplice, associate; a coun- sellor, adviser ; unanimous. Συμφραγίζω, (fr. same, and σφρα- γίζω to seal, th. σφραγϊς a seal) to seal together with. Συμφράζομαι,ί. mid. -{Ισομαι, Poet, -άσσομαι, (fr. same, and φράζω to speak) to consult, deliberate, plan, devise, intrigue, plot. Συμφράσσασθαι, Poet, for σνμφά- σασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Συμφράσ- σατο, Ion. and Poet, for συνεώρά- σατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of last. Συμφράσσω or -ττω, f. -ζω, p. -πέ- φρα-χα,{ΐν. συν together, and φράσ- σω to fimce) to shut up together, shut up, enclose ; to crowd with, obstruct. Συμφοονέω -ω, (fr. same, and^po- νέω to think, th. φρήν the mind) to be of the same opinion, agree, assent ; to deliberate, debate ; to understand, perceive. Συμφρυγμος, -ου, b, (fr. next) a burning, conflagration. Συμφρϋγω,ϊ. -ζω, (fr. σύν together, and φρνγω to scorch) to burn to- gether, burn up, consume; to scorch, parch. ΣυμφυεΊσαι, η. pi. fern, οΐσνμφυεϊς•) -εϊσα, -εν, 2 a. par. pass, of συμ- φύομαι. Συμφϋλέτης, and Σύμφυλος, -ου, b, (fr. σύν together, and φυλή a tribe) of the same tribe ; a fellow citizen, countryman. Σύμφυμι, (fr. σύν together, and φυ- μι to grow) same as συμφύω. Συμφύομαι, mid. 2 a. pass. ind. συνεφύην,-ης, -η' par. συμφυείς, -ε7σα, -εν, of συμφύω. Συμφυομος, -ου, δ, (fr. next) a mix- ture. Συμφϋρω, f. -φύρω, ρ. -πέφυρκα, and Σνμφυράω -ω, (fr. σύν together, and φύρω to mix) to mix together, defile with, pollute, per. ind. pass, σνμπέφυρμαι. Σύμφυτος, -ου, δ,ι$, (fr. next) plant- ed or set together, growing to- gether ; born together or of the same parents ; inbred, innate, native ; congenial, social, simi- lar; set with trees, close, shady. Συμφύω, f. -ϋσω, (fr. συν together, and φύω to grow) to set close, plant thick ; to join together, ce- ment, unite. Συμφύομαι to arise ΣΤΝ from the same stock, be bom of tne same parents ; to grow up to- gether ; to coalesce, adhere, cling together, close up ; to embrace ; to grapple, grasp. ΣυμφωνεΊ, 3 sin. Συμφωνουσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. — Συμφωνή- σας, par. 1 a. act. — Συμφωνήσω- σι. 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of Συμφωνίω-ω, f. -ήσω, p. συμπεφώνη- κα, (fr. συν together, and φωνέω to utter, th. φωνή voice) to join in concert, sing together, harmonize, make melody ; to agree, consent, be of one mind ; to covenant, bar- gain, stipulate together ; to con- spire, plot together ; to fit, suit, match. 1 a. ind. act. συνεφώνη- σα. 1 a. ind. pass, συνεφωνήθην. Συμφωνηθείς, -έϊσα, -εν, 1 a. par. pass, of last. Συμφώνησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, >$, (fr. συν together, and0oivia> to speak) concord, agreement, harmony. Συμφωνία, -ας, η, (fr. same) harmo- ny of sounds, symphony, concert of music ; concord, agreement. Σύμφωνον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a compact, agreement, bargain ; covenant. Σύμφωνος, -ου, δ, f), (fr.same) har- monious, melodious ; consonant, consenting, agreeing ; agreeable, fit, corresponding. Συμψάω -ώ, (fr. συν together, and ψάω to diminish) to take away totally, sweep off ; to rub away deface. 1 a. par. act. συμψήσας. Συμψηφίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. same, and ψηφίζω to calculate, th. ψήφος a pebble) to vote with or for ; to calculate or compute together, cast up, reckon. 1 a. ind. act. συνεψήφισα. Σύμψηφος, -ου, b, rj, (fr. same) vot- ing with or for, concurring, agreeing. Σύμψυχος, -ov, b, η, (fr. συν toge- ther, and ψυχή the soul) of one mind, unanimous. Συν, a preposition governing the d. case, .with, along with, in com- pany with, together with, with the aid of In compos, it is some- times intensive. Συν, a. sin. of συς. ΣυναγαγεΊν, 2 a. inf. act. — Συναγά- γετε, 2 pi. 2 a. impr. act. — Συν- αγάγη, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. act. — Συνάγαγον, Ion. for συνήγαγον, 2 a. ind. act. — Συναγαγών,-ουσα, -6v d. fern, -γαγούση• η. pi. -γα- γόντες, par. 2 a. act. of συνάγω. Συνάγγελος, -ου, δ, f/, (fr. συν toge- ther, and αγγέλλω to send) a fellow messenger or delegate, col- league. Συνάγει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Συνάγεσθε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. mid. of συνάγω. Συναγείρω, (fr. συν together, and αγείρω to collect) to gather toge- ther, collect, amass. Συνάγερθεν, Boeot. for συνηγερθη- σαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of last. Συνάγονται, pass. Σύναγουσι, act. 3 pi. pres. ind. of συνάγω. 3Y ΣΤΝ Σνναγορεύσας, 1 a. par. act. of Συναγυρεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. συν toge- ther, and αγορεύω to harangue, th. αγορά, the market place) to speak with, discourse, confer to assent, consent, agree to ; to advocate, plead, defend, patron- ise, maintain ; to advise, recom- mend. Συναγρόμενος, Sync, for συναγείρο- μένος, pres. par. mid. of συνα- γείρω. Συναγυρμος, -ου, b, (fr. συν toge• ther, and αγυρέω to assemble) a collection. Συνάγυρτος, -ου, δ, £, (fr. same) collected, gathered together. Συνάγχομαι, (fr. συν intens. and άγχω to choke) to be choking or smothering ; to be pressed, thronged. Συνάγω, f. -άξω, p. -ηχα, (fr. συν together, and άγω to lead) to lead or bring together, collect; to re- ceive in hospitality, take in, lead in ; to carry along with, assist ; to concur, agree with ; to unite join or go together ; to contract, compress, shorten. Συνάγομαι, to come together, assemble, meet. 2 a. act. ind. συνηγον, and Att. συνήγαγον, 2 pi. συνηγάγετε' impr. συνάγαγε, 2 pi. συναγάγετε' sub. συναγάγω, -ης., -η' par. συν- αγάγων, -ούσα, -ov. per. pass. ind. συνηγμαι,-ξαι, -κται' par. συνηγ- μένος, -η, -ον. 1 a. pass. ind. συν- ήχθην, -ης, -η• par. συναχθείς. 1 f. ind. pass, συναχθήσομαι' per. ind. mid. συνήγαγα. Συναγωγή, -ης, {/, (fr. last) a con- gregation, assembly, meeting, col- lection ; a school, synagogue. Συνάγων, -ούσα, -ov, par. pres. act. of συνάγω. Συναγωνίζομαι, f. mid. -ίσομαι, p. συνηγώνισμαι, (fr. συν together, and αγωνίζομαι to contend, th. άγων a contest) to contend or strive together ; to work with, assist, co-operate. 1 a. mid. ind. συνηγωνισάμην, -ω, -ατο' inf. συναγωνίσασθαι. Συναγωνιστής, -ου, δ, (fr. same) α second, assistant infigJit. Συνάδελφος, -ου, b, η, (fr. συν toge- ther, and αδελφός a brother) that has brothers or sisters. Συνάδουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. of Συν<ί<5ω, (fr. συν together, and άδω to sing) to sing together or" in concert, harmonize ; to accord, agree. Συναθλέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. συνήθληκα, (fr. same, and άεθλος a contest) to contend or combat along with, strive together for or with. 1 a. ind. act. συνήθλησα, -ας, -ε. Συναθλονντες, η. pi. cont. par. pres. act. ol last. Συναθροίζω, f. -οίσω, p. συνήθροικα, (fr. συν together, and αθροίζω to assemble, th. αθρόος crowded) to collect, bring together ; to crowd, fill up; to amass, heap, pice. Συν- . αθροίζομαι, to assemble, flock to- gether, meet. 1 a. act. ind. συνή- ^.537^ ΣΤΝ θροισα' par. συναθροίσας. per. pass. ind. συνήθροισμαι' par. συνηθροισμενος, -η, -ov. Συναΐίγδην, (fr. same, and άϊσσω to rush) together, at once, in a body. Συναΐκτην, Ion. for συνηίκτην, 3 du. pper. ind. pass, of συναΐσσω. Συναίμοις, d. pi. of Σύναιμος, -ου, b, i], (fr. συν toge- ther, and αίμα blood) related by blood, relative. Συναιρεί, act. — Συναίρεται, pass. 3 sin. pres. ind. — Συναίρειν, pres. inf. act. of συναιρώ. Συναιρεω, (fr. συν with, and αίρίω to take) to overturn, overthrow, rout, discomfit ; to carry off, take away with ; to contract, compress ; to embrace, draw close, wrap up. Συναιρώ, f. συνάρω, p. συνηρκα, (fr. same, and αίρω to raise) to lift along with, assist in lifting, take up ; to account, settle, reckon, Συναίρομαι, to join, combine ; to share with ; to co-operate, issist, aid. 1 a. act. ind. ovvjjpa" inf. συναραι. Συναισθάνομαι, (fr. same, and αισ- θάνομαι to feel) to think with, agree ; to congratulate, συνησθη σόμενος, par. ppfut. Συναΐσσω, f. -ξω, (fr. same, and αΐσσω to rush) to rush together, charge or attack at once. 1 f. ind. mid. συναΐξομαι. per. ind. pass, συνήίγμαι. pper. pass, συν- ηί'γμην, -ξο, -κτο. Συναιχμάλωτος, -ον, δ, η, (fr. same, . and αιχμάλωτος a captive, th. άλίσκω to take) a fellow prisoner or captive. Συνακολουθέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. σ^νη- κολούθηκα, (fr. same, and ακο- λουθέώ. to follow) to follow toge- ther, accompany, attend. Συνακαλουθήσαι, inf. — Συνακολου- θήσασαι, par. η. pi. fern. 1 a. act. of last. Συναλάλαγμα, same as αλάλαγμα. Συνσ^Χγέω, f. -ήσω, p. συνήλγηκα, (fr. συν together, and άλγος grief) to grieve along with, con- dole wiih ; to mourn over. Συναλίζω, f. -ίσω, p. συνήλικα, (fr. same, and άλίζω to collect, th. αλις abundantly) to come toge- ther, meet, assemble, pres. par. mid. συναλιζόμενος, 1 a. par. pass, συναλισθείς. Συναλίσκω, (fr. same, and άλίσκω to take) to consume, waste, ex- pend. Συναλλαγη,-ης, ή, and Συνάλλαγμα, -άτος, το, (fr. same, and αλλάττω to change) a connexion, conver- sation, intercourse, commerce, dealing; a contract; reconcili- ation ; interference, interces- sion. Συναλλάττω, f. -£ω, p. -χα. (fr. same) to bargain, contract ; to have intercourse, converse, deal ; to reconcile, conciliate. Συναλοιάω -ώ, (fr. συν together, and αλοάω to thresh) to grind ir>ge- ΣΤΝ ther, break ίο pieces, shatter at once. Συνάμ\ for Συνάμα, (fr. σύν with, and ίίμα together) together with, along with, in company with ; altogether. Συνάμορος or Συνάαωρο?, -ου, b, η, (fr. συναμωρίω to lay waste) a waster, destroyer, injur er. Συναμφότερος, -a, -ov, (fr. συν toge• ther, and αμφότερος, comp. of έμ$ω both) both together, both at once. "Συναμωρίω -ω, or Σιναμωρίω -ω, (fr. σίνω to hurt, and μόρος fate) to injure, hurt, waste, destroy. Συναναβαίνώ, f. mid. -βήσομαι, (fr. σύν together, ανά up, and βαίνω to go) to go up with, ascend to- gether ; to join in an expedition 2 a. act. ind. συνανίβηυ, -ης, -η par. συνανάβάς, -ασα, -άν. Συναναβάσαι, η. pi. fem. — Συνανα- βάσι or -σιν, d. pi. par. 2 a. act of last. Συναναγκάζω, (fr. συν together, and ανάγκη necessity) to compel along with, force. Συναναίρεω, (fr. σίιν together, and α\ρίω to take) to remove, take away together ; to destroy, cut off. Συνανάκειμαι, (fr. same, and κεΐμαι to lie) to lie down together, re- cline with, sit with at meat. impf. ind. mid. συνανηκείμην, -σο, -το. 3 pi. συνανεκειντο. Συνανακείμενος, -η, -ov, (par. pres. mid. of last) sitting at meat with. Subs, a guest. Συναναμίγνϋμι, f. -μίζω, (fr. συ-.'ίο- gether, ανά up, and μίγννμι to mix) to mix together ; to associ- ate, converse, keep company with, 1 a. ind. act. συνανίμιξα. Συναναμίγνυσθαι, pres. inf. pass, — Συναναμίγνυσθε, 2 pi. pres impr. mid. of last. Συνανάμιξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, }/, (fr. same) a mixing, intercourse, in- timacy, acquaintance. Συναναπαύομαι, f. mid. -αύσομαι, (fr. σύν together, and παύω to rest) to rest together with ; to be refreshed, take repose. Συναναπλίκω, f. -πλέξω, p. -πίπλε- χα, (fr. same, and πλέκω to fold) to fold' up or plait together ; to interweave. Συνανασπάω, (fr. same, ανά up- wards, and σπάω to draw) to help to diaw up ; to lift altoge- ther. Συναναστρίφω, (fr. same, and στρέ- φω to turn) to return along with. Συναναστρέφομαι, to converse with another ; to be conversant or connected with. Συναναστροφή, -ης, ^, (fr. same) a return ; conversation, inter- course. ΣΊναναφίρω, f. συνανοίσω, 1 a. συν- ανήνεγκα (fr. συν together, ανά up, and φέρω to carry) to carry or bring up with ; to offer up to- gether ; to derive, originate ; to tell, repeat; to review or examine together. \ 2TN Συναναφορά, -ας, »% (fr. same) rela- tion, connexion. Συναναφύρομαι, (fr. συν with, ανά down, and φύρω to mix) to mix together with ; to roll, tum- ble. Συνανεκειντο, 3 pi. impf. mid. of συνανάκειμαι. Συνανεστράφην, 2 a. ind. pass, of συναναστρίφω. Συνανίστημι, (fr. σύν together, ανά up, and Ίστημι to stand) to rise or get up along with. Συναντάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. συν to- gether, and αντάω to meet) to meet, meet with ; to occur, hap- pen, befall ; to concur, agree. 1 f. par. act. συναντήσων-, 1 a. act. ind. συνήντησα' par. συναν- τήσας. Συνάντημα,-ατος, το, and Συνάντη- σις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. last) α meeting; occurrence, event, ac- cident, a. συνάντησιν. Συναντήσας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a act. — Συναντήσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. — Συναντήσοντα, neut. pi. par. 1 f. act. of συναντάω. Συναντιλάβηται, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. mid. — Συν αντιλαμβάνεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass, of Συναντιλαμβάνω, (fr. συν with, αντί in turn, and λαμβάνω to take) to take in turns, help, support in turns, assist, aid, relieve. 2 a. ind. mid. συναντελαβόμην, -ου -ετο' sub. συναντιλάβωμαι, -η -ηται. Συνάντομαι, Poet, for συναντάω. Συναντώντων, g. pi. pres. par. act cont. — Συναντωσιν, 3 pi. cont pres. sub. of same. Συνάξω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of συνάγω. Συνάορος, -ου, h, η, (fr. σύν together, and αείρω to raise) joined, unit- ed, allied. Subs, a companion mate. Συναπάγω, f. -ζω, p. συναπήχα, (fr. σύν with, απο from, and άγω to lead) to lead or carry away toge- ther ; to seduce. Συναπάγομαι to withdraw, retire ; to conduct one's self, behave ; to comply with, humour, pres. par. mid. συναπαγόμινος. 1 a. pass, συνα πήχθην, -ης, -η' par. συναπαχ- θείς. Συναπαρτίζω, (fr. same, and απα τίζω to finish) to perfect or finish together: to prepare with. Συναπας, -ασα, -αν, (fr. same, and πάς all) the whole, entire, all. Συναπαχθίντες, η. pi. par. 1 a pass, of συναπάγω. Συναπεθάνομεν, 1 pi. 2 a. ind. act of συναποθνήσκω. Συναπίκουψα, -ας,-ε,Ι a. ind. act of συναποκρύπτω. Συναπίρχομαι, (fr. σύν with, απο from, and έρχομαι to go) to de- part along with. Συναπίστειλα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid of συ ναποστί λλω. Συναπήχθη, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. pass, of συναπάγω. Συ να πιστίάτο, Ion. for συναφίσταν- (538) ΣΤΝ το, 3 pi. impf. mid. or pass, of συναφίστημι. Συναποδράω-ω, (fr. same, and δράω, for which τρίχω to run) to run away or escape along with. ΣυναποθανεΊν, 2 a. inf. act. of Συναποθνήσκω, (fr. σύν together, and αποθνήσκω to die) to die to- gether with, expire along with. 2 a. ind. act. συναπέθανον, -ε?, -ε* inf. συναποθανεΊν. Συναποκρύπτω, (fr. σύν together, απο from, and κρύπτω to hide) to hide together with. Συναπολίστ/ς, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. act. — Συνάπολη, 2 sin. 2 a. sub. mid. of Συναπόλλϋμι, (fr. σύν with, από from, and όλλνμι to destroy) to destroy with, consume altogether. Συναπόλλΰμαιί to perish together with. 2 a. ind. mid. συναπωλό- μην, -ου, -ετο' sub. συναττολωμαι, -η, -ηται. Συναποστίλλω, f. -αποστέλω, ρ. -απίσταλκα, (fr. same, and στέλ- λω to send) to send with, send away together. 1 a. ind. act. συναπίστειλα. Συνάπτω, f. -ψω, p. συνηφα, (fr. σύν together, and απτω to join) to fasten, tie, join together ; to solder, cement, weld ; to con- nect, combine ; to appoint, in- stitute ; to engage, fight ; to contract marriage, cohabit, co- pulate ; to answer, fit, agree with ; to stick or adhere to ; to approach, draw near, come on, be present ; to press, urge, com- pel. Συναπωλετο, 3 sin, 2 a. ind. mid. of συναπόλλυμι. Συνηίραι, act. — Συνάρασϋαι, mid. 1 a. inf. of συναιρώ. Συναράσσω, (fr. σύν together, and αράσσω to bruise) to dash toge- ther, break in pieces, crush. Συναρήρακται, Att. redupl. for συν- ήρακται, 3 sin. per. md. pass, of last. Συναριθμίω, f. ->;σω, p. συνηρίθμη- κα, (fr. σύν with, and αριθμός number) to number or rank toge- ther with ; to compute or reckon along with. Συναρκίομαι, (fr. same, and αρκέο- μαι to content) to suffice, be sufficient ; to bear patiently, en- dure. Συναρμόζω, f. -σω, (fr. same, and αρμόζω, same as th. άρω to fit) to fit together, make ready, fit up ; to adjust, settle, ar- range ; to adapt, suit, answer ; to harmonize with, accord, a- gree. Συναρμολογίω -ώ,ί. -ήσω, p. συνηρ- μολόγηκα, (fr. same, and αρμός a joint, which fr. άρω to fit, and λίγω to collect) to frame fitly together, fit neatly, set toge- ther. Συναρμολογούμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. cont. of last. Συνάρμοξεν, Dor. and Ion. for συνήρμοξεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. ΣΤΝ ■— Συναρμοσθήναι, 1 a. inf. pass. of συναρμόζω. Συναρμοστης, -ου, δ, (fr. συναρμόζω to adjust) a framer, joiner, work- man. Συναρπάγη, -ης, η, (fr. next) a seiz- ing, carrying off, plunder, ra- pine. Συναρπάζω, f. -άσω, p. συνήρπακα, (fr. σύν together, and αρπάζω to • seize) to seize forcibly, catch, lay hold on, take or drag with violence, carry off; to compre- hend, understand. 1 a. act. ind. συνήρπασα• par. συναρπάσας. pper. ind. act. συνηρπάκειν, -εις, -ει. 1 a. pass. ind. σννηρπάσβην, -ης, -η' par. συναρπασθεις, -εΐσα, -ίν. Συναρπάσαντες, act. — Συναρπασ- θέντες, pass. η. pi. par. la. of συναρπάζω. Συνασπίζω, (fr. σύν together, and ασπίς a shield) to fight shield to shield, fight in close combat ; to fight in a testudo ; to join shield to shield, fight together, assist each other. Συνασπισμός, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a military mode of defence un- der shields ; a testudo or tor- toise. Συναυλία, -off, η, (fr. συν together, and αυλή a fold, or αυλός a pipe) a living or dwelling together; a concert ; a clashing, clang, din. Συναυλίζομαι, f. -'ϊσομαι, p. συνηύ- λισμαι, (fr. συν together, and αυλίζομαι to lodge at night, th. αυλή a fold) to live or dwell with, tarry with ; to commune or con- verse with. Συναυξάνω, f. -αυξήσω, p. -ηύξηκα, (fr. same, and αυξάνω to in- crease) to enlarge, augment, exaggerate, amplify. Συ ναυ ξύνο- μαι, to increase or grow together, swell, expand, pres. inf. pass. συναυξάνεσθαι. Συναυξηθή, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass, of last. Συνάφεια, -ας, >% (fr. συν together, and απτω to join) a joining to- gether, connexion, union. Συναχθέντες, η. -θέντων, g. pi. par. 1 a. pass, and Συναχθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass. — Σνν- αχθήσομαι, -η, -εται, 3 pi. -θήσον- ται, 1 f. ind. pass, of συνάγω. Συνάχθομαι, (fr. σύν together, and άχθομαι to grieve, th. άχθος a weight) to grieve with, condole, lament, sympathize. Σύναψις, -ως, Att. -εως, η, (fr. συν together, and απτω to join) a joining together, union, con- nexion, junction. Συνά-ψομεν, 1 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of συνάπτω. Συνδάκνω, (fr. .σύν together, and ίιάκνω to bite) to bile. Συνδεδεμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of συνδέω. Έυνδειπνέω-ω, (fr. σύ ν together, and islirvov a meal) to eat with, sup together. ΣΤΝ Συνδείπνησον, -άτω, 1 a. impr. act. of last. Συνδείπνος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) α guest. Σύνδεσμος, -ου, δ, (fr. συνδέω to bind) a binding, connexion, tie, bond, knot ; a combination, con- spiracy. Συνδεύμενος, Ion. for συνδεόμενος -οΰμενος, pres. par. pass, of Συνδέω, f. -ήσω, p. συνδέδηκα, (fr. συν together, and δέω to tie) to bind together with, tie together, fetter ; to collect, gather up ; to connect, join, cement, unite ; to associate with, be attached to. per. pass. ind. συνδέδεμαι' par. συνδεδεμένος. Συνδιαιτάομαι -ωμαι, or -έομαι -ουμαι, (fr. σύν with, and δίαιτα mode of life) to live along with, dwell together. Συνδιακινδυνεύω, (fr. σύν with, δια through, and κίνδυνος danger) to expose one's self to danger, risk, venture with, share the danger. Συνδιάκτορος, -ου, δ, (fr. σύν with, and διάγω to carry over) a fel- low-messenger or guide, assist- ant, associate. Συνδιαπράττω, (fr. same, and δια- πράττω, to execute) to manage along with, discharge, execute, perform. Συνδιατρίβω, (fr. σύν together, δια through, and τρίβω to spend time) to remain, stay, abide or dwell with or at ; to be intimate or acquainted with, keep com pany with, converse with ; to at tend or wait upon. Συνδιαφέρω, (fr. same, and φέρω to bring) to carry through, waft or bear «way ; to support another, undertake with, assist, help. Συνδιαχειρίζω, f. -ισω, (fr. same, and χειρ a hand) to slay or mur- der along with. Συνδιέτριβον, -ες, -ε, impf. or 2 a. ind. act. of συνδιατρίβω. Συνδηιτατο, 3 sin. cont. impf. ind. mid. of συνδιαιτάομαι. Σύνδικος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. σύν with and δίκη justice) a public orator pleader or accuser ; a witness defender, advocate, patron. Adj. conspiring, conducive. Συνδιώκω or Συνδιωκέω -ω, (fr. σύν with, and διώκω to pursue) to pursue with, accompany in the pursuit ; to prosecute along with Συνδοκέω, (fr. same, and δοκέω to thmk) to concur in opinion, approve of, consent to ; the pres. and 1 a. par. are used absolute- ly in the n. case. Συνδοκοΰν, it being approved of Συνδόξαν, it having been approved of or con- sented to. Συνδοκιμάζω,{ΐτ. same, and δοκιμά- ζω to examine) to examine or ex- plore together, prove along with. Συνδοκιμάσαντας, a. pi. 1 a. par. aet. of last. Συνδοξάζω, f. -άσω, p. συνδεδόξακα, (fir. σύν with, and δοξάζω to glo- (539) ΣΤΝ rify, th. δόξα glory) to glorify together. 1 a. pass. ind. συνεδοξ- άσθην, -ης, -η. Συνδοξασθώμεν, 1 pi. 1 a. sub. pass, of last. Σύνδουλος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and δούλος a servant) a fellow-ser- vant. Συνδράμέω -ω, f. -ήσω, and Συνδρέ- μω, (fr. same, and δραμέω or δρέ- μω obs. for which τρέχω to run) to run together, per. ind. mid. συνδέδρομα. Συνδραμόντων, g. pi. 2 a. par. act. of συντρέχω. Συνδρομάδες, -ων, al, (fr. σύν to- gether, and δρέμω obs. to run) running or striking together , an epithet of the islands called also συμπληγάδες. Συνδρομή, -ης, η, (fr. same) a run- ning together, concourse. Σύνδρομος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) run- ning together or driving toge- ther; encountering ; concurring, agreeing. Συνδυάζω, f. -άσω, ρ, -δεδύακα, (fr. σύν together, and δύω two) to join with, communicate, converse with ; to pair, copulate. Συνδύο, οι, α'ι, τα, (fr. same) two joined together, in pairs. Συνέβαινον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. ot συμβαίνω. Συνέβαλαν, -ες, -ε or -εν, 2 a. ind. act. — Συνεβάλετο, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. mid. οι συμβάλλω. Συνέβη, and Dor. συνέβα, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of συμβαίνω. Συνεβόσκετο, 3 sin. impf. pass, of συμβόσκω. Συνεβούλευον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. — Συνεβουλεύσατο and -λεύσαντο, 3 sin. and pi. 1 a. ind. mid. of συμβουλεύω. Συνεγγίζω, (fr. σύν together, and εγγίζω to approach, th. εγγύς near) to approach, draw near each other, come together. Συνέγειραν, -άτω, 1 a. impr. act. — Συνέγειραν, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of Συνεγείρω, (fr. σύν together, and εγείρω to rouse) to raise or rouse up together. Συνεγείρομαι, to rise,, get up, awaken. Συνέδραήον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act of συντψςχω. Σννεδρι^όντων, g. pi. pres. j»ar. act., of Συνεδ'ρεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. σύν toge ther, and ίδρά a seat) to sit to gether with ; to sit in asssembly ; to consult, debate ; to stick toge- ther, adhere. Συνεδρία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a coun- cil, assembly, meeting ; an a*= semblage, flock. Συνεδριάζω, (fr. same) same as συνεδρεύω. Συνέδρων, -ου, το, (fr. same) an assembly, session or meeting of judges ; a council, senate, san- hedrim. Σύνεδρος, -on, δ, (fr. σύν together, and έδρα a seat) a counsellor, senator, ddegate, one of an as- sembly or senate. ΣΤΝ ΣΤΝ ϊανεεονω, Poet, for βννέργω,Ι pres. inf. συνεΊναι' par. συνών, which for συ,νε'ιργω. Σννεζενγμένος, -η, -ov, per. par. pass, of σννζενγνϋμι. Τίννεζενγμένως, (fr. last) together, jointly, conjointly. Σννεζενξεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of σννζενγνϋμι. Συνεζήτει, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. of συζητίω. Συνεζωοποίησε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of σνζωοποιέω. ΣνΛέηκα, -ας, -ε, Ion. for συνηκα, 1 a. ind. act. οΐσννίημι. Σννεθέμεθα, 1 pi.— Σννέθεντο, 3 pi. , Συνε'θευ, Dor. for σννέθον, cont. fr. συνέδεσα, 2 sin. οΐσννεθέ- μην, 2 a. ind. mid. of σνντίθημι. Σννεθίζω, f. -Υσω, same as εθίζω. Συνεθισθί)ς, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. pass. of last. Συνέθλιβον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of . συνθλίβω. Συνειδέω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. συν with, and ειδέω to know) to be conscious of, be privy to : to be informed of, made acquainted tvith, be apprized of, know ; to see, perceive, consider, pper. act. σννειδήκειν, Sync, σννείδειν, Att. σννήδειν, -εις, -ει. per. ind. pass, σννείδημαι, -σα», -ται. per. mid. σύνοιδα. Σννειδήσει' -δήσεσι or -σιν -δησιν" -δήσεως, cases of Σννείδησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) conscience, judgment of the mind., conviction; conscientious- ness, knowledge of pi. συνειδήσεις. ΣννεΊδον, 2 a. ind. act. of σννείδω. Σννειδνία, η. — ΣννειδυΤας, g. fem. of συνειδώς, -νΊα, -ος, cont. for συνειδηκώς, -νΊα, -ος, per. par. act. of σννειδεω or -είδημι. Έννείδω, (fr. συν together, andsiSw to see) to perceive, see, observe, Know ; ίο be conscious of, privy to. 2 a. act. inf. σννιδεΐν par. σννιδών. Συνειδώς see σννειδυΊα. Συνειλεγμένος, Att. for σνλλελεγμέ νος, per. par. pass, of συλλέγω. Σννειλέω, (fr. συν with, and ε'ιλεω to gather) to roll together, wrap or roll up ; to entwine, bind, tie together ; to gather, collect, as- semble; to drive together, shut up, enclose, confine. Συνείληφα, -ας, -ε, ind. — Συνειλη- φώς, -νΊα, -ος, par. per. act. Att. of σνλλαμβάνω. Σννειλ'/φνΊα, fem. of σννειληφως, see last. Σννείληχα, -ας, -ε, Att. for σνλλέ- ληχα, per. ind. act. of σνλλαγ- %άνω. Σννείλοχα,-ας,-ε, ind. — Σννειλοχέ- ναι, inf. — Σννειλοχώς, -νια, -ός, par. per. act. Att. of συλλέγω Σννειμι, f. mid. -έσομαι, (fr. συν together, and ειμί to be) to be along or together with, be pre- sent with ; to associate, keep company, converse with ; to side or take partwith ; to enjoy, have the benefit or reap the advantage cf; to discuss, argue, dispute. impf. σννην ΣννεΊμι, (fr. same, and εΊμι to go) to go with, accompany, attend; to go together, meet, encounter engage. ΣννειπεΊν, 2 a. inf. act. of συνέπω. Σννείπετο, 3 sin. impf. mid. of σννί- πομαι. Σννείργω, (fr. συν together, and είργω to enclose) to enclose or shut in together ; to collect, as semble together ; to bind, tie to- gether. Σννείρω, (fr. same, and εφω to tie) to connect, string or knit toge- ther ; to continue without inter- ruption ; to harangue, repeat, declaim ; to unite, coalesce, join, cohere. Σννεϊς, -εΐσα, -εν, (2 a. par. act. of σννίημι) conscious, fiavinga know- ledge of, apprized of; knowing, u nder standing, intelligent. Σννεϊσβαίνω, (fr. συν together, εις into, and βαίνω to go) to go in together, embark along with. ΣννεισελθεΊν, 2 a. inf. act. of Σννεισέρχομαι, (fr. συν with, εις into, and έρχομαι to go) to enter to- gether with, go in along wiih. 2 a. ind. act. σννεισηλθον, -ες, -ε. Συνεισέφρησε, Att. Sync, for συνει- σεφόρ7]σε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of σννεισφορέω. Σννεισηλθε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of σννεισέρχομαι. Σννεισφορά, -ας, ή, (fr. συν toge- ther, εις in, and φέρω to bring) a collection ; the bringing in or gathering of corn ; tribute, tax. ιΣυνεισφορέω -ω, (fr. same) to bring in, import, introduce ; to enact ; to bring in or pay tribute ; to subscribe, contribute. ΣννεΊχε, act. — Σννείχετο, pass. 3 sin. impf. — Σννείχοντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of συνέχω. Σννεκάθ'ίσα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind act. of σνγκαθίζω. Σννεκαίετο, 3 sin. impf. ind. pass, of σνγκαίω. Σννεκβοάω (fr. συν together, from, and βοάω to shout) to shout along vnth, cry out toge- ther with Σννεκβράζω, (fr. same, and βράζω to boil) to boil over or out, spew, cast out ; to expel, banish. Σννέ κδημος -ου, δ, 1], (fr. same, and δήμος a people) a fellow-travel- ler, companion in travels. Σννεκέκρατο, Sync, for σννεκεκέρα- to, 3 sin. pper. pass. — Συνεκέ- ρασα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of σνγκεράννυμι. Σννεκίνησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of συγκινέω. Σννεκκεντέω, or -άω -ω, (fr. σΰν to- gether, εκ intens. and κεντέω to prick) to run through together ; to stab along with, pierce, kill. Συν έκλεισα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 3 pi. -κλει- σαν, 1 a. ind. act. of σνγκλείω. Σννέκλεκτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. συν to- gether, εκ from, and λέγω to choose) chosen or elected together. f540) 2TN Συνεκόμισαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of συγκομίζω. Συνεκττολεμέω -ω, (fr. συν together, εκ intens. and πόλεμος war) to make war together with, join in m aking war ; to conquer together. Σννεκιτορενομαι, (fr. same, and πο- ρεύω to go) to go forth together, march out together, depart along with. Σννεκπράσσω, (fr. συν with, and εκ ■κράσσω to extort) to combine in extortion, join in exaction ; to avenge together, unite in taking vengeance ; To ~evenge. Συνεκρότησε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. oi σνγκροτέω. Σννεκτάττω, or -οσω, (fr. συν toge- ther, εκ intens. and τάσσω to ar- ray) to array together, marshal, set in order. Σννεκτίκος, -η, -bv, (fr. σννέχω to restrain) restraining, ruling, governing ; regulating, arrang- ing, disposing, preserving ; com- pact, firm ; immediate, direct, effective. Subs, a governor, ruler. Σννεκτοκίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. σύν toge- ther, εκ from, and τόκος usury) to make productive, cause to bear or bring forth. Σννεκτρέφω, f. -ψω, (fr. same, and τρέφω to nourish) to bring up to- gether, rear along with. Σννεκτρέφω, (fr. same, and τρέχω to run) to run out together, run along with, run down with ; to dart forward, advance ; to help, assist, aid, favour. Σννεκτρϊβω, (fr. same, and τρίβω to rub) to wear out together ; to rub or dash together. Σννέκτροφος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and τρέφω to nourish) brought up or reared together. Συνέλάβον, -ες, •ε or -εν, act. — Συ- νελάβόμην, -ου, -ετο, mid. 2 a. ind. of συλλαμβάνω. Σννελαλονν, impf. act. cont. — Συ- νελάλησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of συλλαλέω. Σννελαννω, f. σννελασω, \ir. σνν together, and ελαννω to drive) to ride or drive along with ; to drive together, hem in ; to collect, ga- ther ; to urge, persuade, force, engage. 1 a. ind. act. συν>,\ασα. Σννέλεξαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. ot σνλλέγω. Σννελενθω, obs. see σννέρχομαι. Σννέλενσις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, f t , (fr. συν together, and ελεύΟω, obs. for έρχομαι to come) a meeting, assembly, congregation. Σννεληλνθότας, a. pi. per. par. mid. Att. of συνέρχομαι. Σννελήφθην, -ης, -η,3 ρ\.σννελήφθη~ σαν, 1 a.ind.pass. of συλλαμβάνω. ΣννελθεΊν, 2 a. inf. act. — Σννέλθη,3 sin. 2 a. sub. act. — Συνελ0<5ντα, -θόντας, -θόντων, -θονσαις, cases of oar. 2 a. act. of συνέρχομαι. Συνελκυω, f. -ϋσω, (fr. συν together, and έλκω to draw) to draiv, drag or bring together, collect. Σννελογίσαντο, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid, of συλλογίζω. 2TN Συνελδντι, d. sin. of σννεΛων, 2 a. par. act. of συναιρέω. Συνεμάχησας, 2 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of συμμαχέω. Σννέμεν, Dor. and -^Eol. for συνεϊ- ναι, 2 a. inf. act. of συνίημι. Συν εμπίπτω, (fr. συν with, εν ill, and νίπτω to fall) to fall in altmg with, drop into with. Συνενείκειεν, Ion. and JEo\. for συ- νενέγκαιεν, 3 pi. 1 a- opt. act. Or with ν added, same for συνε- νέγκαι, 3 sin. 1 a. opt. act. Συ- νενέγκαντες, η. pi. of συνενέγκας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. οίσυμ- φέρω. Συνενείκεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass of συνενείκω, Poet, for συμφέρω. Σννενήνοχα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid of same. Συνεζαιρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. συν to- gether, εκ from, and α'ιρέω to take) to carry away with ; to plunder together ; to assist in plundering or destroying ; to take away, deprive ; to rescue, redeem. Σννεξαμαρτ&νω, (fr. σνν with, εκ in- tens. and άμαρτάνω to err) to err, offend along with, offend alike, pres. ind. 3 pi. συνεξαμαρ- τάνουσι. Σννεξεπρήξαντο, Ion. for συνεξεπρά- ξαντο, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. of συνεκπράσσω. Συνεξέρχομαι,ϊ. -ελεύσομαι, p. -ελ.7- λυθα, (fr. συν together, εκ from, and έρχομαι to come) to go out together, march out with, accom- pany. Συνεξετάζονται, 3 pi. pres. ind. pass, of Συvεfετάζω, (fr. συν with, εκ from, and ετάζω to examine) to ex- amine ; to reckon, number, put among, rank with; to aid, as- sist. Σννέξεταττον, iinpf. ind. act. of συ- νεκτάττω or -σσω. Συνεξοκέλλω, (fr. ;, (fr. σΰν with, επϊ upon, and αίνος praise) ap- proving, praising, commending ; consenting, agreeing to. Συνεπακολουθέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and ακολουθέω to follow) to follow together, accompany, attend. Συνέπαξα, Dor. for συνέπηξα, see συνέπηξεν. Συνεπάψασθαι, Ion. ίοΓσυνε^αψασ- θαι, 1 a. inf. mid. of συνεφάπτο- μαι. Συνεπελαφρΰνω, (fr. συν together, επϊ upon, and ελαφρύνω to light- en, th. ελαφρός light) to lighten together with, help to lighten ; al- leviate, relieve. Συνέπεμύα, -ας, -ε, 1 pi. -ψαμεν, 1 a. ind. act. of συμπέμπω. Συνεπεστην, -ης, -η, 2 a. ind. act. of συνεφίστημι. Συνέπηξεν, 3 sin. I a. ind. act. of συμπήγνυμι. Συνεπιβάτης, -ου, δ, (fr. συν toge- ther, ε-ί upon, and βαίνω to go) a charioteer, driver ; a passenger. Συνεπιθέσθαι, 2 a. inf. mid. of συν- επιτίθημι. Συνεπίθεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. στν with, επϊ upon, and τίθημι to place) imposition, deceit, fraud. Συνεπιμαρτυρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. συνε- πιμεμαρτύρηκα, (fr. same, and μαρτυρέω to testify, th. μάρτνρ a witness) to bear witness along with, afford additional proof,] Συνεργεί 2TN or loading ; to set or put on with others ; to conspire in cheating beguile, deceive, combine against; to impute, ascribe, charge ; to join m attacking, fall upon to- gether, invade at once ; to be along with, be placed among, be ; to take advantage of, use, em- ploy ; to abuse, misuse, waste. Συνεπληρουντο, 3 pi. cont. impf. pass, of συμπληράω. Συνέπνϊγον, impf. ind. act. — Συνέιτ- νιξαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of ■ε, 1 a. ind. act. of confirm, establish ; to assent to Συνεπιμαρτυρουντος, g. sin. cont. par. pres. act. of last. Συνεπιμέλομαι, (fr. συν with, and μέλει it concerns) to take care of along with, assist in minding, superintend. Συνεπίομεν, I pi. 2 a. ind. act. of συμπίνω. Συνεπιττονέω -ω, (fr. συν with, επϊ intens. and πυνέω to labour) to labour with, assist in labour, help, aid, co-operate. Συνεπισκέπτομαι, f. -ψομαι, (fr. same, and σκέπτομαι to consider) to look upon or consider as one of, number together, visit, review along with. pres. inf. pass. (fr. συν with, επϊ to draw) to draw attract ; to bring Συνεπισπασθαι, cont. of Συνεπισπάω -ω, to, and σπάω together vAth, over, induce. Συνεπίσπομαι, (fr. same, and σπό- μαι, Poet, for έπομαι to follow) to follow along with. Συνεπισπόμενος, pres. par. mid. of last. Συνεπίστάμαι, (fr. σνν with, ετί in- tens. and ίσημι to know) to be conscious of, privy to, apprized of. Συνεπισχϋω, f. -ύσ^, p. συνεπ Ίσχν- κα, (fr. same, and ισχύω to be strong, th. ισχύς strength) to join strength with, assist, aid, help. Συνεπιτίθημι, (fr. same, and τίθημι to place) to assist in putting on (541) συμπνιγω. ΣυνεπόδΧσα, -ας, συμποίίζω. Συνέπομαι,(ΐτ. συν together, and επω to follow ) to follow in company with, follow along with, attend. Συνετοοεΰετο, 3 sin. -ρεύοντο, 3 pi. impf. mid. of συμπορεύομαι. Συνεπτώκεε, Ion. for συνεπεπτώκει ί 3 sin. pper. act. of συμπίπτω. Συνέπω, (fr. σίν together, and έπω to speak) to speak along with or in agreement with ; to assent^ agree to ; to plead, defend, pa- tronise. Συνερανίζω, f. -ισω, {fr. σιτ toge- ther, and έρανος a collection) to colled, gather into a bundle ; to contribute, subscribe. Συνερανί- ζομαι , to receive a subscription, be relieved, get. Συνεράω -ω, (fr. same, and εράω to love) to love together with, to have a rival in love ; also to con- tribute, sixbscribe. 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of Συνεργέω -ω,ΐ. -ήσω, p. συνήργηκα, (fr. συν together, and έργον a work) to work together, help in doing, co-operate, contribute, as- sist, impf. ind. act. συνήργεον -ovv, -εες -εις, -εε -ει. Συνεργήσεις, 2 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of last. Συνεργός, -ου, ό, η, (fr. σί•ν with, and έργον a work) a co-operator, coadjutor, assistant, colleague ; α fellow worker or labourer. Συνεργονντος, g. — Σννεργονντι, d. — Συνεργοΰντες, η. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of συνεργέω. Συνερείϊω, f. -είσω,(β". συν together, and ερείίω to fix) to fix in, fasten together, make firm, support to- gether, act with united force. ΣννεοείΙομαι, to attack violently, make an impression. Συνέρϊθος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and έοιθος a spinner) spinning or carding together ; a fellow ser- vant or workman. Σνιέοχεται, 3 sin. -χονται, 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. — Συνέρχεσθε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. mid. — Συ- νερχόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. — Συνέρχησθε, 2 pi. pres. sub. mid. οι συνέρχομαι. Συνέρχομαι,ΐ.συνελεύσομαι,Ό.σννή- λυθα, Att. συνελήλυθα, (fr. same, and έρχομαι to come) to come together* collect, assemble ; to meet, encounter, engage, come inie or agree with ; to live with, 2TN marry ; to happen, occur, befall, come to pass. 2 a. act. ind. συν- ηλθον, -ες, -ε' inf. συνελθεΐν" par. συνελθών, -ούσα, -όν. impf. ind. mid. σννηρχόμην, -ου, -ετο. per. par. mid. σανεληλνθώς, -ν7α,-ός. pper. mid. συνεληλνθειν, -εις, -ει. Σύνες, and Συνετέ, 2 sin. and pi. 2 a. impr. act. of σννίημι. Συνέσει, d. sin. of σύνεσις,ζ. σύνεσιν. Συνεσθίει,3 sin. pres. ind. — Συν- εσθίειν, pres. inf. act. of Συνεσθϊω, (fr.% (fr. σύν with, and ήθος custom) accustomed to, familiar, customary, usual. Συνήθλησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of συναθΧέω. Συνήθους, g. sin. cont. of συνήθης. Συνηθροισμένος, -η, -ov, per. par, pass, of συναθροίζω. Συνήθων, g. pi. of συνήθης. Συνήθως, (fr. συνήθης accustomed) according to custom, familiarly. Σννηκα,-ας,-ε, 2 pi. -ήκατε, 3-ηκαν, 1 a. ind. act. of συνίημι. Συνήλασα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind act. of συνελαυνω. Συνηλθον, -ες, -ε or -εν, 2 a. ind act. of συνέρχομαι. ΣυνηΧικιώτης, -ου, δ, η, (fr. συν to- gether, and ηλικία stature) one of the same age ; an equal, com- panion. ΣυνήΜκος, -ov, h, η, (fr. same) of equal age. Συνηλοίησε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of συναΧοιάω. Συν?7μοσυν»7, -ης, η, (fr. next) fel- lowship, treaty, league. Συνήμων, -όνος, b, (fr. σύν together, and ειμί to be) a companion, as- sociate. Συνηνείχθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. of σνμφέρω. Συνήντησα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of συναντάω. Συνήργει, 3 sin. cont. impf. ind. act. of συνεργέω. Συνηρεφης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. σύν together, and ερέφω to cover) co- vered, shaded, shady ; set, plant- ed, thick. Σννηρχόμην, -ου, -ετο, 3 pi. -χοντο, impf. ind. mid. of συνέρχομαι. Συνησαν, 3 pi. impf. οι σύν ει μι. Συνήσθίον, -ες, -ε or -εν, impf. act. of συνεσθίω. Συνήσονσι, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. — Συνητε, 2 pi. 2. a. sub. act. of συνίημι. Σννήφθην,Ι a. ind. pass. of συνάπτω Συνηχέω ω, (fr. συν with, and ηχέω to sound, th. ήχος sound) to sound or roar together ; echo. Σννήχθην, -ης, -η, 3 pi. σννήχθη- σαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of συνάγω, ΣΤΝ Συνήψα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of συνάπτω. Συνθάπτω,£-ψω,ρ. συντέθαφα,{&. συν together, and θάπτω to bury) to bury with or along with ; help to bury. 2 a. ind. act. συνέτάφον. 2 a. ind. pass, συνετάφην, -ης, -η' par. συνταφείς, -εϊσα,-έν. Συνθέλω, (fr. same, and •&ελω to wish) to wish with, consent, ac- quiesce. Σύνθεμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. σύν toge- ther, and τίθημι to settle) a sign or password ; an agreement, treaty, league, compact. Συνθεμένος, par. — Σύνθεο-ου,ήηρΓ. 2 a. mid. of συντίθημι. Συνθεσία, -ας, fj, (fr. συν together, and τίθημι to place) an agree ment, bargain, compact. Σύνθεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) a putting together, combi- nation, composition ; arrange- ment, disposition, order; synthe- sis, a figure, a. sin. σύνθεσιν. Σύνθετο, Ion. for συνέθετο, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. mid. of same. Σύνθετος or Σύνθετος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. σύν together, and τίθημι to put) put together, compounded, com- posed,, joined, cemented, united ; feigned, counterfeit. Συνθέτως, (fr. last) orderly, regu- larly. Συνθέω -ω, (fr. σύν together, and $εω to run) to run together, run along with. Συνθήκη, -ης, η, (fr. συν together, and τίθημι to place) a putting together, combination, composi- tion; a compact, treaty, league agreement ; consent, assent, η pi. σννθηκαι. Σύνθημα, -άτος, τδ, (fr. same) an agreement, contract, covenant ; watchword, sign, password, Συνθηρεντης, -ου, b, (fr. συν toge- ther, and θηρευτής a hunter, th. $ήρ a wild animal) a fellow hunter, companion in the chase, Συνθήσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of συντίθημι. Συνθλάσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Συνθλασ- θήσεται, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. pass, of Συνθλάω -ώ, f. -ασω, p. -τεθλακα (fr. σύν together, and θλάω to break) to break in pieces, dash together, crush, bruise. 1 a. ind. act. συνέθλασα. per. ind. pass. συντέθ\ασμαι. 1 a. ind. pass. συνεθλάσθην. 1 f. ind. pass, συν- ΘΧασθήσομαι, -η, -εται. Συνθλίβοντα, a. sin. par. pres. act. of Συνθλίβω, f. -ψω, p. συντέθΧιφα, (fr. σύν together, and $\ίβω to press) to crowd upon one ano- ther, throng; to squeeze, press. impf. act. συνέθλϊβον. Συνθνήσκουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Συνθνήσκω, (fr. σύν with, and $νή- σκω to die) to die with. Συνθραύω, (fr. σύν together, and ■&ραύω to break) to break in pieces. Σννθρύιττοντες, η. pi. par. pres. act. of (543) ΣΤΝ Σννθρύπτω, f. -ψω, ρ, -τέθρνφα,({ΐ. συν with, and δρύπτω to break) to effeminate, enfeeble, weaken ; to break, destroy, bruise, crush ; to grieve, afflict. ΣυνΐόεΤν, inf. — Συνιδών, -ούσα, -bv, η. pi. -ιδόντες, par. 2 a. act. of συνείοω. ΣυνιεΧν, pres. inf. cont. of συνιέω for συνίημι. ΣννιεΊς, -εΐσα, -εν, pres. par. act. of συνίημι. Συνίεμαι, pres. ind. mid. — Σννιέ- μεν, Ion. for συνιέναι, pres. inf. act. — Συνιέντος, g. Σννιεντες, η. pi. of σννίεις, par. pres. act. — Συνίετε, 2 pi. pres. impr. act. of συνίημι. Συνιέω, same as συνίημι. Συνίζω or Συν<£άνω, (fr. σύν toge- ther, and "ζω or ϊζάνω to seat) to sink down, subside, settle ; to fall together, collapse ; to shrirJt, shrivel. Συνίημι, f. συν^σω, p. συνέΐκα, (fr. σύν together, and ϊημι to send) to send or put together, combine, join ; to engage, fight, combat ; to understand, know, perceive , to attend, hear, hearken, listen , to be skilful, act wisely ; to taste, eat or drink, pres. ind. 3 pL συνεΧσι' impr. συνίεθι, -έτω, 2 pi. συνίετε' sub. συνιώ, -ης, -τ}, 3 pi. συνιώσι•ΗΗ°. συνιέναι "par. σννιεϊς % -εΊσα, -εν. 3 ρΐ. 1 f. ind. act. συνήσουσι. 1 a. ind. act. συνηκα. 2 a. act. ind. σΰντ?ν, -ης, -η' impr. σύνες, σννετω, 2 pi. σύνετε' sub. συνώ, -ης, -η, 2 ρΐ. συνητε. Σνιίμεν, Dor. and ^Eol. for συνιέ ναι, pres. inf. — Συνιόντες, η. pi. of συνιών, -ούσα, -bv, 2 a. par. of σύνειμι. Συνιόντε?,η. pi. par. 2 a. of σύνειμι. Συνίουν, 3 pi. impf. act. — Σννιονσι, 3 pi. pres, ind. act. of συνιέω obs. see συνίημι. Συνίσαν, 3 ρΙ.οίσυνεΤν,-εΐί,-ει, impf. ind. act. οι σύνειμι, to go together. Συνίσάσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Συνίσημι, (fr. συν intens. and ίσημι to know) to know, feel, be con- scious of. Συνιστάμενος, -η, -ov, pres. par. mid. σννίστασθαι, pres. inf. mid. — Συνίσταται, 3 sin. pres. mid. — Συνιστάντος, g. sin. pres. par. act. of συνίστημι. Συνιστάνειν, inf. — Συνιστάνομεν, ind. pres. 1 pi. — Σννιστανόν- των, g. pi. par. pres. act. of Συνιστάνω or Συνιστάω, (fr. σύν to- gether, and ιστανω to place) to place together with ; to commend, recommend. See also next. Συνίστημι, f. συστήσω, p. συνέστηκα or συνέστάκα, (fr. same, and ί'σ- τημι to set) to set, place or stand together with, station ; to contri- bute, establish, appoint, set up, support ; to order, adjust, settle, compose, arrange, dispose ; to strengthen, confirm, establish, consolidate ; to create, make, form, fashion ; to build, place, erect; to design, meditate, plot, ΣΤΝ combine ; to work together, co- operate ; to commend, recom- mend, extol ; to show, point out demonstrate, prove, teach, in- form, acquaint. Σννίσταμαι, to condense, thicken ; to contract knit, shrink, shrivel ; to consist subsist, be, appear, seem ; to last, endure, continue ; to collect, as- semble, meet together. Συνέστηκα and Σννέστην, have a neuter sig- nification ; 1 a. ind. act. συνέσ- τησα, per. par. act. σννεστακώς or συνεστηκώς, by Sync, συνεσ- τώς, by Epenth. συνεστεώς. Σννίστησι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of last. Συνιστών, in n. pi. Συνιστωντες, pres. par. act. cont. of συνιστάω. Συνίστωρ, -ορός, 6,(fr. συν together, and ίση μι to know) one that knoweth or is privy to ; a wit- ness. Συνισχυριείν, 1 f. inf. act. Att. of Συνισχυρίζω, f. -Υσω and -ϊώ, (fr. συν with, and ισχυρίζω to strengthen, th. ισχύς strength) to strengthen with, reinforce. Συιιών, pres. par. act. cont. — Συνιών, par. 2 a. act. of συνιέω for συνίημι. Συνιωσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. sub. act. of same. Συνκωμάξατε, Dor. for συγκωμά- σατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. of συγκωμάζω. Συνναίεσκε, Ion. for συνέναιε, 3 sin. impf. act. of Συννα/ω, f. -σω, (fr. συν together, and ναίω to dwell) to dwell to- gether, live with. Συννενέαται, Ion. for συνν£ν^νται,3 pi. per. ind. pass, of συννέω. Συννέφεια, -ας, η, (fr. σύν tugether, and νέφος a cloud) a collection or gathering of clouds, gloominess Συννεφέω -ω, (fr. same) to collect clouds, darken, obscure, per. ind mid. συννένοφα' par. συννενυφως -υ?α, -ός. Συννεφης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same) covered with clouds, cloudy, dark, obscure. Συννεχες, (fr. συνεχής continual) constantly, continually, inces- santly. Συννέω or Συνν//ω, (fr. σύν toge- ther, and νε'ω to heap up) to pile, collect, heap up together. 1 a. inf. act. συννησαι. Συννοέω, f. -ήσω, (fr. συν together, and νοέω to think, th. νόος νους the mind) to know of, be privy to ; to think, consider, refect ; to understand, perceive. Σύννοια, -ας, η, (fr. same, and νους the mind) thought, meditation refection, contemplation, con- sideration ; understanding, per- ception, intelligence ; seriousness, gravity. Συννοίη, -ης, η, Ion. for last. Σύννομος, -ου, b, η, (fr. συν together, and νέμω to pasture) grazing or pasturing together, feeding with ; educated or brought up together, living together ; of the same rank ΣΤΝ 2TN Συνοισόμεθα, 1 pi. 1 f. ind. nud. of συμφέρω. Συνολκη, -ης, ή, (fr. συν together, and ε\κω to draw) a drawing to- gether, contraction, compression. Σύνολον, (fr. next) totally, wholly, altogether, all at once. Σύνολος, -ου, b, η, (fr. συν together, and όλος the whole) the whole entire, universal, altogether. Σννολοφΰρομαι, (fr. same, and ολο- φύρομαι to lament) to lament to- gether, condole. Συνόλω?, (fr. σύνολος the whole) entirely, altogether, totally. Συνομάλιξ, -"κος, b, η, Dor. fpr Συνομήλιξ, -"ίκος, b, η, (fr. συν toge- ther, and bμηλιξ of the same age) of the same age. Συνομιλέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. συνωμί- ληκα, (fr. same, and όμιλος a crowd) to talk, converse, keep company with. par. pres. act. συνομιλέων -ων. Συνόμιλος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) a companion, associate, intimate. Συνόμνυμι, (fr. σύν together, and όμνυμι to swear) to swear to- gether, conspire. Συνομολογέομαι -οϋμαι, same as Συνομολογέω -ω, (fr. σύν together, bμ^i alike, and λόγος a word) to assent, consent, agree to, approve of accede to ; to acknowledge^ confess ; to covenant, bargain, settle. Συνομορέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. συνωμόρη κα, (fr. σύν with, ίμου together, and ορός a boundary) to adjoin, be adjoining to ; to be on the borders. Συνομοροϋσα, η. fern. cont. par. pres. act. of last. Συνομοσία, -ας, f/, (fr. σύν together, and όμνυμι to swear) a conspira- cy, confederacy. Συνόντων, g. pi. par. pres. of σύ- νειμι. Συνοπάδός, -ου, b, »/, (fr. σύν toge- ther, and οπάζω to follow) a com- panion, attendant. Συνοράω -ω, f. -άσω, p. συνώρακα, and -εώρακα, (fr. same, and bpάω to see) to see at a view, per cave at once, comprehend, under- stand. Συυούλωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f), (fr. same, and ov\? ; a wound) the contraction of a healed wound or sore ; a scar. Συνουσία, -ας, η, (fr. σύν together, and ειμί to be) intercourse, con- versation, intimacy, society, con- viviality ; sexual intercourse ; a meeting, assembly. Συνουσιάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. same) to be with, converse or associate with. Συνουσιασμος, -ου, b, (fr. same) intercourse, sexual intimacy. Σύνοφρυς, -υος, b, η, (fr. σύν toge- ther, and οφρύς an eyebrow) having the eyebrows joined; stern, severe, sad, grim / super- cilious, haughty. Συνοχή, -ης, t), (fr. συνέχω to con- strain, th. έχω to hold) conti- nuity or cenneonon ; a joining or situation ; joined, allied, con- nected, related ; regular, even, equal ; sharing alike. Subs, a partaker, sharer ; a relation. Σύννους, -ου, b, η, (fr. συν together, and νους the mind) thoughtful, meditative, serious. Συννυμφοκόμος, -ου, b, (fr. same, νύμφη a bride, and κομέω to take care of ) an attendant of a bride ; a bride's man or maid. Σύννυμφος, -ου, ή, (fr. same, and νύμφη a bride) a sister-in-law a brother's wife ; a husband brother's wife. Συνοδεύοντες,η. pi. par. pres. act. of Συνοδεύω, f. -εύσω, p. συνώδευκα, (fr. same, and bδoς a way) to journey together, accompany on a journey. Συνοδία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a com- pany, travelling together, a parly. Συνόδιον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a meet- ing or conjunction of the moon. Συνοδοιπόρος, -ου, b, f), (fr. same, and πε'ιρω to pass) a companion in a journey, fellow traveller. Σύνοδος, -ου, η, (fr. σύν together, and bδbς a way) a meeting, con- vention, assembly, synod ; a join- ing, coming together, union ; c conjunction of the moon ; a con- flict, engagement ; an income, revenue. Συνοδύνάομαι -ωμαι, (fr. συν toge• ther, and οδύνη grief) to grieve with, condole with. Σύνοιδα, -ας, -ε, ind. — Συνοιδέναι inf. per. mid. of συνειδέω. Συνοικέω -ω, (fr. σύν together, and οικέω to dwell) to live or dwell with ; to be intimate with, coha- bit ; to marry, wed. Συνοίκησις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, η, (fr. same, and οΐκος a house) living together, intimacy, fellowship, ac- quaintance, company, marriage. Συνοικητηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. same) v>ho dwells with another, an inmate, associate. Συνοικία, -ας, r), (fr. same) a range of houses ; a house, dwelling, mansion ; an inn, tavern ; living together, cohabitation ; a family. Συνοικίζω, f. -πτω, (fr. same) to cause to live together ; to contract or join in marriage ; to establish a colony. Συνοικιστης, -ου, b, (fr. σύν together, and οικιστής a builder, th. ο7κος a house) who builds with another ; a joint founder or colonist. Συνοίκοδομεΐσθε, 2 pi. cont. pres, ind. pass, of Συνοικοδομέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. συνω- κοδόμηκα, (fr. .συν with, οίκος a house, and δέμω to build) to found or establish along with ; to build or build up together, pres. pass, συνοικοδομέομαι -οϋμαι. Σύνοικος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and οΊκος a house) dwelling in the same house ; an inmate, com- panion, associate, comrade. Συνοικοϋντες, η. pi. cont. par. pres. act. of συνοικέω. j (544) ΣΤΝ seam, union ; a compression, contraction, narrowness, close- ness ; distress, anxiety, grief; a conflict, engagement ; the cir- cumference. Συνοχόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. -ωκα, (fr. last) to contract, draw together, shrivel, par. per. act. συνωχω- κώς. Συνοχωκότε, η. du. of συνοχωκως, Ion. for συνωχωκώς, par. per. act. of last. Σύνοψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ^, (fr. συν together, and όψις a sight, th. όπτομαι to see) a view, sight, sur- vey ; comprehension, capacity ; estimation, rate, opinion ; a com- pendium, synopsis, summary, brief sketch. 'Συνταγή, -ης, f/, (fr. same, and τάσ- σω to arrange) appointment, ar- rangement, an appointed sign or lime. Σύνταγμα, -ατός, rb, (fr. same) α constitution, appointment, de- cree, arrangement, order; com- position ; an army, body of sol- diers, troop, company; a book, volume. Συντάμνω, Ion. for συντέμνω. Συντανύσαις, JEio\. for συντανύσας, 1 a. par. act. of Σνντανύω, f. -ύσω, (fr. συν along with, and τανύω, same as τείνω to stretch) to stretch towards, verge, incline, lean or look to- wards. . Σύνταξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f/, (fr. συντάσσω to arrange) order, ar- rangement, regularity, disposi- tion, method; a class, division, rank, troop, company, band; line of battle ; a covenant, a- greement, treaty ; a book, vo- lume, history ; a list, roll, classi- fication ; a salary } pay, stipend, tax, assessment; a prescribed task ; an ordinance, institution ; construction, syntax, arrange- ment or connection of words in _^ 'anguage. * νταράσσω, f. -άζω, p. σνντετά- Μχα, (fr. σύν together, and τα- ράσσω to disturb) to disturb toge- ther, alarm, trouble greatly, con- fuse, confound. Συντάσσω, -ττω, f. -ζω, p. συντέτα- χα, (fr. συν together and τάσσω to order) to arrange with others, classify, place along with; to draw up an army ; to settle, re- gulate, prescribe, charge, order, command, enjoin ; to appoint, institute, ordain. Συντάσσομαι or -ττομαι, to serve in war, arrange one's self, take side or part with; to engage, join with, combine, conspire; to compose, write ; to behave, act properly, per. inai. pass, συντέταγμαι -ζαι, -κται. Σννταττδμενος, pres. par. mid. or pass, of last. Συνταφέντες, η. pi. par. 2 a. pass, of συνθάπτω. Συνταχΰνω, (fr. σδν intens. and ταχϋνω to hasten, th. ταγυς 3Z * ΣΤΝ quick) to hasten with, hurry along. Συντεθ ραμμένος, per. par. pass, of συντρίψω. Συντείνω, (fr. σύν together, and τεί- νω to stretch) to set out towards, hasten with, proceed, go on; to strain, exert, labour, toil; to en- force, give weight to ; to urge, incite, hurry ; to contract, shrink. Συντελέθειν, Poet, for συντελεΊν, pres. inf. act. cont. of συντελέω. Συντέλεια, ~ας, ή, (fr. συντελής use- ful) a tax, assessment, impost, contribution; a consummation, end; death; impiety, wicked- ness ; a council, assembly. ΣυντελεΊσθαι, pres. inf. pass. cont. — Συντελών, par. pres. act. cont. — Συντελεσθείσων, g. pi. fern. par. 1 a pass. — Συντελέσω, 1 f. ind. act. of συντελέω. Συντέλεσμα, -άτος, το, (fr. next) α consummation, finishing, accom- plishment ; a tax, tribute. Συντελέω -ω, f. -έσω, p. συντετέλε- κα, (fr. σύν together, and τελέω to finish) to finish entirely, accom- plish, perform, fulfil, end, de- termine ; to contribute, ρ ay tri bute ; to celebrate jointly, solem nize together; to rank or be classed with. 1 a. ind. act. συνε τίλ εσα, -ας, -ε. pres. inr. pass συντελέεσθαι -είσθαι. per. ind pass, συντετέλεσμαι. 1 a. pass, ind. συνετελέσθην, -ης, -η' par. συντελεσθεί?, -εΓσα, -ε'ν. Συντελης, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. συν together, and τέλος the end) use- ful, conduave; tributary, de- pendant. Συντελοϋντα, a. sin. pres. par. act cont. of συντελέω. Συντέμνω, f. -εμω, p. συντέτμηκα (fr. συν intens. and τέμνω to cut) to cut short, execute speedily, de- cide, determine; to diminish, lessen, abridge, par. pres. act. συντέμνων, per. pass, συντέταη- μαι. per. mid. συντέτομα. Συντέτακται, 3 sin. per. ind. pass, of συντάσσω. Συντετμημένος, -η, -ov, par. per, pass, οι συντέμνω. Συντετριμμένος,-η^-ον,ρΆτ. — Συντε- τρίώθαι,ΐηΓ. per.pass. οΐσνντρίβω Συντήκω, (fr. συν intens. and τήκω to pine away) to welt or waste away, consume, fade Συντηρεί, 3 sin. act. — Συντηρούν- ται, 3 pi. pass. pres. ind. of Συντηρέω -u>,f. -ήσω, p. συντετήρη κα, (fr. σύν intens. and τηρέω to keep) to preserve safely, keep carefully ; to retain ; to observe, respect, revere, impf. ind. act. συνετήρεον -ουν, -εες-εις, -εε -ει. pres. ind. pass, συντηρέομαι -ου- μαι, 3 pi. cont. -ρουνται. Συντήρησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. same) safekeeping, preservation ; observance, obedience, respect. Συντηρητϊκ6ς, -ή, -dv, and Συντή- ριος,-ου, b, η, (fr. same) preser- vative, preserving. (54 V) ΣΤΝ Συντιθέναι, pres. inf. act. — Συντί- θενται, 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. of Συντίθημι, f. συνΟήσω, p. συντέθει- κα, (fr. σΰν together, and τίθημι to put) to put together, collect, gather, store up ; to join, fasten together, fit, adapt, arrange ; to deposit, deliver, intrust ; to con- sider, deduce, conclude. Συντίθε- μαι, to agree together, settle ; bargain, assent to ; to attend to, reflect on ; to make a league or treaty, enter into an alliance. 2 a. ind. act. συνέθην. per. ind pass, συντέθειμαι pper. pass. συνετεθείμην, -σο, -το. 2 a. mid. συνεθέμην. Συντίμάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. συν in- tens. and τιμάω to honour) to va- lue very much, set a value on ; to enhance, raise the price, pres. mid. συντιμάομαι -ώμαι. Συντίμησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. last) estimation, valuation, price. Σύντομη, -ης, η, (fr. συντέμνω to cut short) brevity, shortness ; a short cut ; a decision, decree. Συντομία, -ας, η, (fr. same) brevity, shortness, conciseness. Σύντομος,-ου, b,t% (fr. same) short, brief, concise, compendious. Συντόμως, (fr. last) briefly, con- cisely. Συντομώτατα, (sup.* of last.) very briefly, shortly, instantly. Σύντονος, -ου, δ, f), (fr. συν togeth- er, and τείνω to stretch) strained^ stretched, drawn ; hurried^ hast- ened ; impetuous, violent. Συντόνως, (fr. last) hastily, violent- ly, impetuously. Σύντρεις, ol, al, (fr. ovv together, and τρεϊς three) in threes, three together ; thrte at once. Συντρέπω, (fr. same, and τρέ-αω to turn) to turn together, conspire. Συντρέφω, f. -θρέ ψω,(η\ same, and Tiffuj to rear) to educate or bring up together ; to maintain, sup- port, per .'md.paiSS. συντέθραμμαι* Συντρεχόντων, g. pi. par. pres. aci t of Συντρέχω, (fr. συν with, and τρέχω to run) to run or meet together y '■ assemble, collect; to run head- long, plunge ; to consent, agree, concur ; to assist, help ; to en- counter, en-gage. 2 a. ind. act. συνέ^ράμον. 1 f. ind. mid. συν- θρέξομαι. p. ind. mid. συνΰέδρομα. Συντρίβεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass. — Σύντριβον, neut. par. 2 a. act. -Τ^ντριβήσεται, 3 sin. 2 f. ind. piss, oi ο^ντρίβω. Συντριβή, -ης, η, (fr. next) a break- ing to pieces, crash- concussion ; wear, use; desolation, destruc* tion. Συντρίβω, f. -ψω, p. συντέτριφα, (fr. συν together, and τρίβω to rub) to rub together, wear out, impair, waste ; to bruise, crush; to break in pieces ; to shake, agU tate ; to afflict, wounds torture, torment, pres. par. act. συντρι- βών, -ούσα, -ov. 1 a. act. ind. συ ν/τριψα* par. συντρίψας, -ασα. 2TN »av. 2 a. ind. act. σννέτρ'ΐβον pres. ind. mid. συντρίβομαι, per. pass. ind. συντέτξίμμαι ' inf. συν- τετρίφθαΐ' par. συντετριμμένος, -η, -υν. 2 a. ind. pass, συνετρί- βην, -ης, -η• 2 f. ind. pass, συν- τριβησομαι, -η, -εται. Σύντριμμα, -άτος, το, and Συντριμ- μος, -ου, δ, (fr. last) a breaking to pieces, wounding, destruction, affliction. Συντρίψαι, inf. — Συντρίψας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. — Συντρίψω, -εις,-ει, 1 find. act. οΐσυντρίβω. Σύντριψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. same) a dashing or striking to- gether, fracture ; destruction, desolation ; affliction. Σύντροφος, -ου, b, η, (fr. συν toge- ther, and τρίψω to rear) reared or brought up together, familiar- ized, inured ; natural, innate ; nourishing, invigorating, enli- vening. Subs, a foster child. Συντροχάζω, (fr. same, and τρομά- ζω, same as th. τρέχω to run) to run together or along with; to wheel, turn about. Σνντυγχάνω, (fr. same, and τυγχά- νω to be) to meet, assemole, resort or be together ; to enouncer, fall in with; to discourse, con- fer, talk with ; to keep company, associate with ; to happen, chance, befalL iccur. 2 a_. act. ind. συνέτυχον, -ες, -ε. Συντυχαν, 2 a. inf. act. of last. Συντύχη, -ης, ή, name of a woman Χυντϋχία, -ας, ή, (fr. συν together, and τυγχάνω to be) a meeting, conference, conversation ; an oc- currence, event, accident. Συντυχίην, a. sin. Ion. of last. Σννυμνέω-ω, (fr. συν together, and Ιμνέω to sing hymns) to sing to- gether, celebrate in songs, sing praises. Συνυπακούεσθαι, pres. inf. pass, of £υννπακούω, (fr. συν together, into" under, and ακούω to hear) to listen privately ; to obey, comply with. Έυννποκρϊνομαι, (fr. same, and κρί- νω to discern) to dissemble, feign, act the hypocrite. 3 pi. 1 a. iad. pass, συνυπεκρίθησαν. Συνυπουργέω -ω, f. -ήσω, ρ- .raw- πούργηκα, (fr. same, and έργον a work) to work along with, help together, assist, co-operate. Συνυπουργούντων, g, pi. cont. par. pres. act. of last. Συνυφαίνω, (fr. σικ together, and υφαίνω to weave) to weave toge- ther ; to plot, concert, scheme. Συνυφη, -ης, fy, (fr. same, and νφη the art of weaving) a web or piece of cloth ; a girdle. Συνυφόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. -ύψωκα, (fr. same, and υψ<5ω to raise, th. υψος height) to lift up or carry off together. Συνωδϊνω, (fr. same, and οο"υν>7 pain) to travail in pain together, suffer distress along with, 3 sin. «υνωδίιει. ν *>νφδος, -ου, δ, >/, (fr. same, and 2TP φδη a song, th. to sing) harmonizing, agreeing, consent- ing. Συνωθέω, (fr. same, and ωθεω to drive) to drive away together, push or force off; to drive toge- ther, collect. Συνωκηκυΐα, per. par. act. fern, of συνοικίω. Συνώμεθα, 1 pi. 2 a. sub. mid, of συνίημι. Συνωμοσία, -ας, η, (fr. συν together, and όμννμι to swear) a con- spiracy, confederacy. Συνωμότης, -ου, b, (fr. same) sworn together, confederate ; a conspi- rator. Συνωνέομαι, (fr. συν together, and ωνεομαι to purchase) to buy to- gether, buy up. Συνωνυμία, -ας, ί 7 , (fr. same, and όνομα a name) sameness of name, similarity of signification. Συνώνυμος, -ου, υ, >/,(fr. same) hav- ing the same name, syjionymous, Συνωρις, -ίδος, fj, (fr. σύν together, and είρω to fasten) a pair of horses or any other animals Μ draught; a set; a chariot and pair ; a male, match, f el- ΣΎΣ Συνώσι, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of συν- ίημι. Συνωώελ/ω -ω, (fr. σύν together, and ωφελέω to assist) to assist together. Συνωχα~ϊν, ({r. same, and έχω to hoi i) in a crowd, close, in great\ numbers ; continually, inces. sanlly. Συος, g. sin. of σ$ς. Σύραι, -ων, at, ragged clothes, rags. Συράκοσσαι, Dor. and Poet, for Συρακουσαι, and Συράκουσαι, -ων, αϊ, Syracuse, the name of a town. Σύρβη, Att. Ύύρβη, -ης, η, perhaps fr. σύω to move) a crowd, mob ; tumult, disturbance, uproar. Σύργαστρος, -ου, ο, (fr. συ? a pig, and εργάζζμαι to work, th. έργον a work) a workman; a swine- herd. Or. (fr. σύρω to draw^ and γαστϊ)ρ the belly) a serpent. Συρέντες, η. pi. 2 a. par. pass, of σύρω. Συρία, -ας, η, a coarse coat, thick cloak ; an herb so called. Συρία, -ας, f), Syria, name of a country. Συριγγών, g. pi. of σύριγξ. Σύριγμα, -ατός, το, and Συριγμός, -ου, δ, (fr. συρίσσω to hiss) a hiss or hissing, whistling, wind- music. Σύριγξ, -γγος, η, (fr. συρίσσω to whistle) a pipe or flute ; any hollow tube; the hole in the nave of a wheel; a vein ; a cave, cavern ; a mine or covered way in fortifications ; a ditch, canal, channel; a place for spears. Συρίζω, f. -"σω, p. σεσύρικα, same as συρίσσω. per. ind. pass, σεσύ- ρισμαι. Συριηγενης, -έος -ους, δ, $, (fr. Συ- ρία Syria, and γίνομαι to be born) a Syriaii by birth. (546) Συρικτάς, -a, Dor. for Συρικτης -οΰ.δ, (fr. σύριγξ a flute) a flute player. Συρίξας, 1 a. par. act. of συρίσσω. Συρίσδειν, and Συρίσοεν, Dor. for συρίζειν, pres. inf. act. of συρίζω» Συρισμός, -ου, δ, (fir. next) a hiss t hissing, whistling, piping. Συρίσσω, -ττω, f. -ξω, to hiss, vMs- tle ; to threaten; to rattle; to play on the flute. Συριστι, (fr. Συρία Syria) in the Syrian manner, in the Syrian language. Σύρμα, -ατός, ro,(fr. σύρω to draw) a train, long dress ; the track of a serpent; the violence or rush' ing of the wind or rain. Συρμαία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a purg- ing dose. Συρμαΐζω, (fr. last) to purge, take a purgative. Συρμός, -ου, b, (fr. σύρω, to draw) a dragging ; a train, tract. Σύροισα, Dor. for σύρουσα, pres. par. act. fern, of σύρω. Συροφοίνισσα, -ης, fj, (fr. Συρία Sy- ria, and Φοίνιξ a Phoenician) α woman of Syrophenicia. Συ ρ ράπτω, (fr. σύν together, and ράπτω to sew) to sew together. Συρράσσω, and Συρύάττω, f. -ξω, p. σννέρραχα, (fr. same, and ράσσω to dash against) to break down, open into one ; to dash to- gether, engage, fight. Συρρέμβομαι, (fr. same, and ρέμβι* to whirl round) to wander , obout or turn round with. Σνμ'-έουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind, act. of Συρρέω, (fr. σύν together, and hit» to flow) to flow together ; to col- lect, crowd, flock together. Συρ'ρήγνΰμι θΓΣυρυηγνύω,(ΐτ.8ίΐτη6, and ρήγνυμι to break) to break down, break in pieces; to burst out, make war ; to engage, fight. Συρτής, -ου, b, (fr. σύρω to draw) a drawer, dragger, puller. Σύρτις, -ιο$, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. same) a quicksand, a. σύρτιν, η. pL σύρτεες -εις.' Σύρφαξ, -άκος, δ, 17, (fr. same) dis- ordered, unsettled. Subs, rab- ble, dregs of the people. Συρφετός, -ov, b, (fr. same) dregs, filth, scum ; the rabble, low people. Σϋρω, f. σύρω, p. σέσυρκα,ΐο draw, drag, trail ; to crawl ; to sweep away, overflow, par. pres. act. σύρων, η. pi. -ροντες. Συς, συος, δ or >/, (fr. νς a boar) α boar, pig, sow; swine, d. pi. συσί. Συσκέπτομαι, (fr. συν together, and σκέπτομαι to consider) to delibe- rate, consult together with. Συσκευάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. same, and σκευάζω to prepare, th. σκεύος a vessel) to prepare together, col- lect, pack up ; to provide, make ready ; to equip ; to plan, devise. Συσκευή, -ης, fj, (fr. same) a fraud, deceit, trick ; a contrivance, in- vention, scheme. Σύσκεψις, -ιος, Att. -f ως, fj, (fr. σύν ΣΎΣ together, and σκέπτομαι to con- sider) deliberation, debate, coun- sel, consultation. Σνσκηνέω -ω, (fr. same, and σκηνέω to live in a tent, th. σκηνή a tent) to pitch tents together, live together or in the same tent, be a companion or comrade ; to dwell near; to feast with. Συσκηνοαν, 3 pi. pres. opt. Συσκήνιος, and Σύσκηνος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) living in the same tent, a comrade, companion. Συσκηνόω -ω, same as σνσκηνέω. Σνσκιάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. aiv intens. and σκιά a shade) to overshadow, shade; to hide, covtr. Συσκιάσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of last. Συσκιασμος, -ov, b, (fr. same) a shade, shady place. Σύσκίος, -ov, b, fa (fr. σνν with, and σκιά a shade) shady, dark, opaque. Σνσκοτάζω, (fr. same, and σκότος darkness) to darken, become ob- scure ; to set; to grow late, be- come dark. Συσκνθριο-άζω, f. -άσω, (fr. same, σκνθρος sad, and ώψ counte- nance) to join in sadness, look sad with, grieve along with, condole. Συσπαράσσω, -ττω, f. -ζω, p. συνεσ- πάραχα, (fr. same, and σπαράσ- σω to tear) to convulse violently ; to tear, lacerate. Συσπάω -ω, (fr. συν together, and σπάω to draw) to draw together, contract, shrivel ; to tear in pieces, lacerate. Συσπεύοω, (fr. σνν intens. and σπεύ- δω to hasten) to be zealous for, wish or act strenuously in favour of Σνσσεισμος, -ov, b, (fr. next) a con- cussion, earthquake, whirlwind, violent storm, tempest. Συσσείω,ΐ. -είσω, p. σνσσέσεικα, (fr. σνν together, and σείω to shake) to shake or move together, agitate, disturb, alarm ; to bring on la- bour, cause abortion, per. ind. pass, σνσσίσεισμαι. Συσσημον, -ov, το, (fr. same, and σηιια a sign) a sign between, token agreed upon ; a signal, ensign. Σνσσημος, -ov, b, fa (fr. same) mak- ing signs together ; signifying the same, having an understand- ing, agreeing. Σύσσϊτος, -ου, b, (fr. σνν together, and σίτος bread) a messmate, companion, d. pi. Ion. συσσί- τοισι. Σνσσνρω, (fr. same, and σύρω to draw) to draw or drag along with ; to handle. Σύσσωμος, -ov, b, fa (fr. same, and σώμα a body) united in the same body, of one body, incorporate. Συστάδες, -ων, al, (fr. same, and Ίστημι to stand) rows, ranks. Σνσταδόν, ζηάΣνσταΰην, (fr. same) close, conipact, in a dense body. Συσταθείς, 1 a. par. pass Σνστά- σαν, a. sin. fern» of στστάς, -άσα, ' ~uv } 2 a. par. act. of συν(οτήμι.\ ΣΊΣ Συστάσεις, η. pi. of σύστάσις. Σνστασιάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. σύστασις an insurrection) to join in a not, excite sedition, cause rebellion, mutiny. Συστιαστης, -ov, b, (fr. last) an ac- complice in sedition or insurrec- tion ; a ringleader, rioter. Σύστάσις, -ως, Att. -εως, fa (fr. συν together, and Ίστημι to stand) a standing together, congregation, assemblage, meeting; a compo- sition, combination, constitution, form ; a joining, joint, union, seam ; thickness, consistence, density, firmness ; substance ; nature, constitution, disposition; original principle, cause, begin- ning ; corroboration, confirma- tion ; reconciliation, harmony, concord, friendship ; alliance, confederacy ; an insurrection, se dition, rebellion, conspiracy, par ty, faction ; a conflict, engage ment, fight ; commendation, re commendation, introduction. Συστασιώτης, -ου, b, (fr. last) one of the same party or faction ; a rioter, ringleader. Συστατικός, -η, -ov, (fr. same) re- commendatory, Σνστανρόω -£>,f. -ώσω, p. σννεσταύ- ρωκα, (fr. σνν together, and σταν- ρόω to crucify, th. σταυρός cross) to crucify along with. per. ind. pass, συνεσταύοωμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, σννεσταυρώθην, -ης, -η' par. σν σταυρωθείς, -είσα, -εν. Συσταυρωθέντες, ή. ρΐ. -θέντος, g sin. par. 1 a. pass. — Συνεσταν ρωμενος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of last. Σνστεγάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. σνν with, and στεγάζω same as στέγω to eover) to cover together. Σνσ-ελλω, f. σνστελω, p. σννέσταλ κα, (fr. same, and στέλλω to send) to contract, abridge, short- en ; to gather in, ford up, furl ; to confine, restrain ; to overcome, deject, depress, humble ; to adorn, dress; to shroud, wrap up b burial clothes. 1 a. ind. act. συν• έστειλα. 2 f. ind. act. σνστάλω. pres. inf. pass, σνστέλλεσθαι. per, par. pass, συνεσταλμένος, -η, -ov. Συστενάζω, f. -ξω, (fr. same, and στενάξω to groan) to groan or sigh together. S ^n. σνστενάζει. Σύστημα, and Σύστεμα, -άτος, το, (fr. same, and 'ίστημι to place) any thing set or placed together ; a composition, system ; a collec- tion, heap ; a congregation, as- sembly, multitude, flock, troop, crowd. Συστηναι, 2 a. inf. act. — Συστήσο- μεν, 1 pi. 1 f. ind. act. οϊσυν'ιστημι. Σνστοιχέω -ω, -ήσω, ρ. σννεστοί- χηκα, (fr. συν together, and στοί- χος a rank) to rank together, place in Oie same rank or row ; to answer, correspond, agree with. 3 sin. corrt. σνστοιχέΐ. Συστοιχία, -ας, fa (fr. same) order, ΣΎΦ Σύστοιχος, -ου, b, fa (fr. same) of the same rank, consonant, fit, agreeing, similar. Συστολή, -ης, η, (fr. συστέλλω to contract) a contraction, shorten- ing ; restraint, confinement; a figure in prosody. Σνστρατιώτης, -ov, b, (fr. criv toge- ther, and στρατιώτιις a soldier, th. στρατό j an army) a fellow soldier. Σύστρεμμα, -άτος, το, (fr. next) α ring, mob ; a tumult, riotous crowd, concourse ; a conspiracy, confederacy. Σνστρέφω, f. -ψω, (fr. συν together, and στρέφω to turn) to bundle up, collect, gather, twist, tie or bind up; to abridge, contract, shorten ; to coagulate, condense, thicken ; to crowd, flock together ; to rebel, raise sedition. Σνστοέ- φομαι, to close up, form a com- pact body ; to face about, rally ; to turn in upon one's self, reflect. 1 a. act. ind. σνιέστρεψα. per. mid. συνέστροφα. Συστρέ τ ας, -ασα, -αν, g. -τ^αντος, par. 1 a. act. of last. Συστροφη, -ης, η, (fr. same) a roll- ing up or gathering into a ball - or parcel ; a tumultuous con- course, uproar, riot, mob ; a con- spiracy ; a tempest, whirlwind; a whirlpool. Συστώ, -ης, -fa 2 a. sub. act. of σννίστημι. Συσφίγγω, f. -ζω, (fr. σνν together, and σφίγγω to constrain) to bind together, gird about, fasten, tie up. Σνσφιγκτηρ, -τ}ρος b, (fr. same) a garment girded round the body r a sash, girdle ;' a clasp. Σνσφιγκτόν, -ov, το, (fr. same) a hook, clasp, buckle. Σύσφιγκτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. samej bound, drawn together, clasped. Σνσφιγμα, -άτος, το, (fr. same) α girdle, sash; a clasp, buckle. Σύσφιγζις χ -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) a fastening, tying; a girdle, belt, chain. Σνσφραγίζω, (fr. σνν together, and σφραγίζω to seal, th. σφραγις a s<&\) to seal together. Σνσχεθέις, -εΊσα,-έν, 1 a. par. pass. Σνσχεθτ,, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass. of σννεχω. arrangement agreement. aptness, fitness, (547) Σνσχηματίζεσθε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. pass. — Συσχηματιξόμε-' νος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of Σνσχηματίζω, f; -ισω, p. σνιεσχη- μάτικα, (fr. σνν together, and σχηματίζω to shape, fr. σχήμα a form) to shape or form alike, model, mould. Συ σχηματίζομαι, to conform, adapt one's self to. Σύτο, Ion. and Sync, for εσέσντο, or εσέσευτο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of σνω or σενω. Σϋφαρ, -άτος, το, the skin or slough of a serpent ; a wrinkled skin ; old age ; an old decrepiiperson. Σνφοοβος, -oij, b, (fr. σΐ•ς a swine, and φορβή pasture) a svnr.eherd. Συφός and Σνφεός, -οϋ^ and Συφιων % ΣΦΑ -ωνος, δ, (fr. σΰς swine) a pig's sty. Σνχάρ, f/, Heb. indecl. name of a city. Σνχεμ, #, Heb. indecl. name of a city. Συχνά and Συχνον, (fr. next) in- cessantly, constantly. Σνχνυς, -ή, -bv, (fr. συνεχή conti- nual) frequent, continual, con- stant, much, many, thick, crowd' ed. Σνχνώς, (fr. last) frequently, in- cessantly, much. Σύω, same as σευω. Συών, g. pi. of συς. Σφ\ for σφε, η. and a. du. of ου. Σφάγάνον, -ου, rb, (fr. σφάζω to kill) a sword. Σφαγείς, -εϊσα, -εν, 2 a. par. pass, of σφάζω. Σφαγεύς, -έος, Att. -εως, b, (fr, σφάζω to kill) a slayer, killer, butcher, murderer, assassin ; a sword. Σφαγή, -ης, >), (fr. same) slaugh ter, killing ; a sacrifice, feast. Σφαγιάζομαι, (fr. next) to kill a victim, offer sacrifice. Σφάγιον, -ου, τι, (fr. σφάζω to kill) α victim, sacrifice ; tlie place of sacrifice ; the vessel receiving the blood. Σφάγια, the inwards. ΣφαγΊς, -ίδος, η, (fr. same) a but cher's knife. Σφαδάζω, f. -σω, to move or shake the feet, kick, fling; to palpitate, struggle in death or agony; to be enraged, stamp with anger. Σφαδασμος, -ου, b, (fr. last) a toss- ing, shaking or flinging of the feet, convulsion, palpitation ; an- ger, rage. Σφαζομέναν, Dor. for σφαζομενην, a. sin. pres. par. pass, of Σφάζω or Σφάττω, f. -άξω, p. -χα, to cut the throat ; to butcher, kill, slay, slaughter ; to sacrifice. 2 a. ind. act. έσφαγον. Σφαίρα, -ας, ή, a sphere, globe, ball. Έφαιρηδόν, (fr. last) like a ball. Σφαιρίζω, f. -Υσω, (fr. same) to play at ball. Σφαιρικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) relat- ing to a sphere, round, spherical. Σφαιρών, and -ίδιον, -ου, το, (aim. of same) a little globe, ball. Σφαίρισις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η~, (fr. same) a game of ball. Σφαιριστήριον, -ου, rb, (fr. same) a tennis court, ball court. Σφαιροειδής,-εος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and έΐδος form) like a ball, round, spherical, globular. Σφαίρόω -ω, (fr. σφαίρα a ball) to make round; to put a knob on the point of a sword, foil or spear. Σφαιρωτηρ, -ηρος, ι), (fr. same) a little ball or globe ; a thong, string or strap rolled up ; a button. Σφακέλίζω, f. -¥σω, p. εσφακελικα, (fr. next) to grow sore, inflame, mortify. Σφάκελος, -ου, b, a gangrene, mor- tification, inflammation; violent pain ; the middle finger. Σφύως, -ου, h, the herb sage. 2ΦΕ Σφακτρία, and -τηρία, -ας, η, (fr σφάζω to kill) a female sacrifi- cer, priestess. Σφαλερυς, -a, -bv, (fr. σφάλλω to trip) stumbling, tottering, slip- ping, unsteady, slippery, dan> gerous ; treacherous, faithless. Σφάλήναι, 2 a. inf. pass. — Σφάλ- λοντι, Dor. for σφάλλουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. pass, of Σφάλλω, f. -αλώ,ρ. εσφαλκα, to trip up, throw down, overturn, over- throw ; to deceive, supplant, cir- cumvent, disappoint, frustrate. Σφάλλομαι, to totter, stumble; to falter, hesitate; to err, mistake, sin ; to miss, fail, be unfortunate or unsuccessful. Σφάλμα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) a slip, fall, error, mistake, fault, misfor- tune, mishap. Σφάξ, Dor. for σφήξ. Σφάξαι, inf. — Σφάξας, -ασα, -αν par. 1 a. act. — Σφάξω σι, 3 pi 1 a. sub. act. of σφάζω. Σφαραγέΐιντο, Ion. and Dor. for εσφαραγουντο, 3 pi. impf. ind. pass, of Σφαραγεω -ω,ί. -ήσω, (fr. σφάραγος the throat) to make a noise in the throat, rattle, gurgle ; to crackle in the fire, crack from swelling. Σφαραγίζω, f. -?σω, (fr. next) to raise with a noise; to rouse cla- morously. Σφάράγος, and Σφάραγγος, -ου, b, the throat ; a noise in the throat ; a gurgling, crackling. Σφάς, a. pi. of ol. Σφάττω, see σφάζω. Σφαυρωτήρ, see σφαιρωτηρ. Σφε, cont. fr. σφωε, η. a. du. of ου. Also Poet, for ε, a. sin. Or UEol. for σφας, a. pi. of same. Σφέας, Ion. for σφάς, a. pi. of ου. Σφεδάνος, -η, -bv, (perhaps fr. σπεύ- δω, to hasten) vehement, impetu- ous, hasty, violent, furious, rapid. Σφεΐς, η. pi. — Σφε'ιων, Ion. and Poet, for σφων, g. pi. of ού. Σφέλας, -άτος, το, (fr. σφάλλω to trip) a footstool; a bench in a galley ; a hollow log. Σφέλμα, -άτος, το, the flower of the .lentisk, or of the holly. ΕφενδάμνΥνος, -η, -ov, (fr. next) made of maple ; hard, firm, strong. Σφενδαμνος, -ου, ft, a maple tree. Σφενδονάω-ω,&ηά-εω-ώ,(ΪΓ. next) to throw from a sling, sling. Σφενδόνη, -ης, η, a sling ; also, an ornament worn by women. Σφενδονίζω, f. -"σω, (fr. last) same as σφενδονάω. Σφενδον'ιτης and Σφενδονήτης, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a slinger. Σφετερ* for σφέτερα, pi. neut. — Σφετεράων, J&o\. for σφετερών, g. pi. — Σφετερην, a. sin. fern. Ion. of σφετερος. Σφετερίζω, (fr. σφετερος one's own) to make one's own, appropriate, usurp. Σφετεpι f σμbς, -ου, h, (fr. same) fraud, peculation. (54S) 2ΦΡ Σφίτερος, -α, -ov, (fr. σφωί σφε, du. of o5 of him) one's ovm; hi» own, her own, its own. Σφίων, Ion. for σφων, g. pi. of ol. Σφήκια, -ας, η~, (fr. σφήξ a wasp) a wasp's nest ; a swarm of wasps. Σφηκόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. σφήξ a wasp) to narrow, straiten, con' tract, confine; to bind, tie up, lace, clasp; to wedge, plug or stop up; to shut, bolt, bar; to prop, support, strengthen, fasten, fix. εσφηκώντο, Dor. and JEioh for εσφηκονντο, 3 pi. impf. ind. pass. cont. Σφήλα for ίσφηλα, 1 a. ind. act. — Σφήλαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Σφήλας, 1 a. par. act. of σφάλλω. Σφηλής, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. σφάλλω to trip) very moveable, loose ; slippery, sloping, slanting ; thick, close. Σφήν, -ηvbς, b, a wedge. Σφηνόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. εσφήνωκα, (fr. last) to split with a wedge ; to wedge, plug, fasten ; to cram, stuff. Σ 0^£> -ηώς, b, a wasp, hornet. Σφήττιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. σφητ^ς one of the tribes at Athens) one of that tribe; active, busy, jmart; knavish; slanderous. Σφϊ and Σφ\ν, Poet, for σφίσι, d. pi. of ol. Σφίγγ* for σφίγγα, 1 sin. οΐσφίγζ. Σφιγγία, -ας, η, (fr. next) parsi- mony, stinginess. Σφίγγω, f. -ξω, to grasp, holdfast, embrace ; to bind, clasp, lace ; to compress, constrain, pinch. Σφίγξ, -γγος, fj, (fr. last) the Sphinx, a monster ; one who deals in riddles, speaks enigma- tically. Σφίγξαι, 1 a. inf. act. of σφίγγω. Σφιν, cont. from σ^ωίν, g. or d. du. ; or for σφίσι, d. pi. of ol. Σφόδρα, (fr. next) vehemently, fu- riously, impetuously ; very, ex- ceedingly, much. Σφοδρός, -a, -bv, vehement, impe- tuous, • violent, furious ; lusty, strong, active ; stern, harsh. Σφοδρότης, -ητος, ή~, (fr. last) ve- hemence, violence, impetuosity ; intenseness. Σφοδρως, (fr. same) vehemently, violently, furiously ; very much. Σφονδΰλη or Σττονδΰλη, -ης, η, (fr. next) a root like benzoin; a kind of moth. Σφόνδυλος, -ου, b, the neck, joint of the neck, joint of the back-bone, the spine ; a pin or peg ; a knob, head or top. Σφος, Dor. for σφετερος. Σφραγίζω, f. -ίσω, p. εσφράγικα, (fr. σφραγις a seal) to seal, mark, set a seal on ; to seal up, treasure tip, keep, secure, close up, con- ceal, hide; to confirm, insure, ratify. 1 a. act. ind. εσφράγισα. impr. σφραγισον, -ατω' sub. σφραγίσω, -ης, -η. per. ind. pass. εσφράγισμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, εσ- φραγίσθην, -ης, -η. 1 a. ind. mid. εσφραγισάμην, -ώ, -ατο. ΣΧΕ Σφραγίζωμεν, 1 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of last. Σφραγίδα•, -γίδας' -γίδων' -γίσι or -civ, cases of Σφραγϊς, -ίδος, if, ο, seal, impression, device, inscription. Σφραγισάμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. — Σφραγίσαντες, η. pi. 1 a. par. act. — Σφράγισες, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. act. — Σφράγισαν, 1 a. impr. act. of σφραγίζω. Σφράγισμα, -άτος, το, (fr. σφραγϊς a seal) α seal, mark, impression. Σφρηγίς, Ion. for σφραγίς. Σφριγάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, to swell out, grow large or turgid; to vege- tate, bloom, luxuriate ; to be strong, healthy, vigorous, grow wanton; to swell with anger, pride, &c. Σφυγμός, -ου, b, (fr. next) pulsa- tion, beating, throbbing, palpita- tion. Σφύζω, f. -νζω, to beat, throb, pal- pitate, pant; to burn toith de- sire. Σφύξις. -ιος, Alt. -εα>ί, η, (fr. last) a pulsation, throbbing, beating, panting. Σφύρα, -ας, η, a hammer, mallet. Σφυρήλατης, -ου, b, ή, (fr. last, and ελανρω to drive) hammered. Σφυροκοπία, -ας, fj, (fr. same, and κόπος labour) an artificer's art, handicraft ; iron works, ham- mering. Σφυροκόπος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a smith, iron worker, hammerer. Σφυρον, -ου, το, (fr. σφυρά a mal- let) the ankle bone; the lowest extremity, base, foot. Σφυρωτηρ, -ηρος, b, same as σφαι- ρωτήρ. Σφύσδειν, Dor. for σφύζειν, pres. inf. act. of σφύζω. Σφώ, cont. from σφωϊ, η. a. du. of σύ. Σφωέ, σώε, η. a. du. of οι. Σφωϊ, η. a. du. — Σφωϊν, g. ά. du. of συ. — Σφωϊν, g. du. of ου. Σφωίτερος, -a, -ov, (fr. σφωϊ, du. of συ thou) thine, yours. Σχαδων, -όνος, b, a grub or chry- salis ; a honeycomb, bee's cell. pi. σχαδόνες. Σχάζω and Σχάω -ω, f. -ασω, to scarify, scratch, pare ; to cut, lay open ; to leave off', desist, in- termit; to stop, repress, make cease ; to loosen, slacken ; to lower, drop, let down ; to remove, transfer'. Σχαλϊς, -ίδος, if, same as στάλιζ. Σχάσαις, JE,ol. for σχάσας, 1 a, par. act. — Σχασθείην, -ης, -η, 1 a. opt. pass, of σχάζω. Σχάω -ώ, see σχάζω. Σχε, 2 a. impr. act. of έχω. Σχίδη, -ης, η, (fr. σχεδόν imme- diately) a sheet or piece of pa- per, parchment. Σχέδην, (fr. έχω to restrain) slow- ly, gently, modestly, orderly, lei- surely. Σχεδία, -ας, η, (fr. σχεδόν immedi- ately) a raft, foot. Σχεδιάζω, fl -^σω, (fr. same) to act 2X1 rashly, trifle with, speak hastily ; to approach, come near. Σχεδίασμα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) a work done for the moment; a temporary work. Σχεδίήν, (fr. σχέδιος near) near, nigh, close. Σχέδιον, -ου, το, (fr. σχίζω to cleave) a lath, board, splinter, shingle. Σχέδιος, -a, -ov, or -ου, δ, η, (fr. σχεδόν almost) near, close, im- mediate, ready, suddenly done. Σχεδόθεν, (fr. next, and -S -εν from a place) from a short distance, near, hard by ; suddenly. Σχεδόν, nearly, almost ; near at hand, closely, hard by. Σχέθε, pres. impr. or Ion. for έσχεθε, 3 sin. impf. act. — Σ^ε- θε"ις, 1 a. par. pass. — Σχεθέμεν, Ion. and Dor. for σχέθειν, pres. inf. act. of Σχέθω, (fr. σχέω for έχω to have) to have, hoid, keep, restrain, de- tain, stop, prevent, retard. Σχελίς, -ίδος, η, a piece or slice of meat. Σχέμεν, Ion. or Dor. for σχε~ιν, 2 a. inf. act. — Σχέο, Ion. for σχου, 2 a: impr. mid. of έχω. Σχερ'ρ, Poet, in order, successively, one ofter the other } near, nigh, at hand. Σχες, 2 a. impr. act. οΐσχημί. Σχέσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, >;, (fr. σχέω for έχω to have) habit, constitu- tion of body ; dress ; style, mode; form, shape; consistency, pro- priety. Σχετλιάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. next) to suffer, be wretched ; to complain, bevmil, lament. Σχέτλιος, -a, -ov, (perhaps fr. σχέω to be, and τάλας wretched) unhappy, miserable, wretched, cruel, severe, hard, obdurate, un- relenting, obstinate; bold, dar- ing, enduring toil, vigorous ; un- just, wrongful ; importunate, craving, clamorous. Σκέτο, Ion. for έσχετο,.3 sin. 2 a. fed. mid. of έχω. Σχέω, f. -ήσω, p. έσχηκα, same as έχω. Σχήμα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) habit, garb; carriage, air, deportment, form, fashion, figure, appear- ance ; state, dignity, rank ; scheme, plan; pretence, excuse. d. σχήματι. Σχηματίζω, (fr. last) to form, figure, shape, fashion, mould. Σχηματίζομαι, to feign, pretend, affect. Σχηματισμός, -ου, b, (fr. last) the use of figure, application of me- taphor, colouring, style, manner ; carriage, air, deportment; ges- ture, action; a pretence, excuse. Σ%>7/< affording salvation, deliver- ing, preserving, salutary. Σώτρον, -ου, το, (fr. σώζω to save) the circumference of a wheel, the felloes. Σωφείρ, Σωφειρα, Σωφιρά, Heb. in- decl. Ophir. Σωφερ or Σωφάρ, Heb. indecl. α trumpet. Σώφρον" for σώφρονα, a. sin. -φρο- νας, a. pi. of σώφρων. Σώφρον εϊν, pres. inf*. act. cont Σωφρονήσατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. of Σωφρονέω -ώ, ΐ. -ήσω, ρ. σεσωφρό- νηκα, (fr. σώφρων prudent) to be of a sound mind, be sober mind- 1 cd ; to be wise, prudent - to be (550) ΤΑΓ modest, chaste, be sober, temper ale. 1 a. act. ind. εσωφρόνησα ' impr. σωφρόνησον, -άτω. Σωφρόνη, -ης, ή, Sophrone, a pro- per name. Σωφρονίζω, f. -ϊσω, p. σεσωφρόνικα, (fr. σώφρων prudent) to make wise, teach, instruct ; to chastise, correct, reprimand, restrain; to refrain, be moderate, pres. sub. 3 pi. σωφρονίζωσι. per. ind. pass. σεσωφρόνισμαι. Σωφρονίκος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) modest, sober, temperate. Σωφρόνισκος, -ου, b, Sophroniscus, a man's name. Σωφρονισμός, -οΰ, b, (fr. σωφρονίζω to instruct, fr. σώφρων prudent) a sound mind, .sense, prudence, sobriety ; chastisement, correction. Σωφρονονμεν, 1 pi. eont. pres. ind. act Σωφρονυυντα, a. sin. cont. par. pres. act. οι σωφρονέω. Σωφρδνως, (fr. σώφρων prudent) temperately, soberly ; prudently, wisely. Σώφροσι, d. pi. οι σώφρων. Σωφροσύνη, -ης, η, (fr. next) sanity, soundness of mind; prudence, discretion ; temperance, sobriety, moderation ; purity, chastity, modesty. Σώφρων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. σόος sound, and φρην the mind) of a sound mind; wise, prudent, discreet; sober-minded, moderate, temper- ate, regular ; chaste, virtuous, modest ; upright, honest, wor- thy. Σώχω, to rub, polish, smooth. Σώω, same as σεύω. Σώω, same as σώζω. Τ, τ, tau, the nineteenth of the more modern Greek letters ; but the twenty-second, and last of the ancient. As a numerical character it is the twenty-first in order, and expresses three hundred ; or with a dot under- neath, T is used for three hun- dred thousand. Τα, neut. pi. of δ, Ύάδ', Τάδε, Ύάγε, same with the enclit. annexed. Τα, Dor. for rk Τα, Dor. for τ?}. — Ύαδε, Dor. for τ?/δε : d. sin. of δ, and ΰδε. Ταβέρνα, -ης, ή, (ft. Lat. taberna, a tavern) a tavern, inn. Ταβιθα, >;, name of a woman. Ύαβιτϊ, a Scythian name for Vesta. Ύάγγη, -ης, η, a strong smell, ran- cidiiy. Τ αγγίζω, (fr. last) to become ran- cid. Taγγbς, -η,-ον, (fr. same) rancid. Ταγεϊς, 2 a. par. pass, of τάσσω. Ύαγεύω, and Ταγέω -ώ, (fr. same) to order, marshal, array ; to command^ lead., head. ΤΑΛ Ταγκίστρω, Att. and Dor. for τψ αγκίστρω. Τάγμα, -άτος, το, (fr. τάσσω to ar- range) order, arrangement, re- gularity, method ; a company or band of men, legion, cohort ; a party, faction, d. τάγματι. Ταγός, -ου, ό, (fr. same) a general, commander, chief. Τάζω, (fr. obs. τάω to take) to stretch, extend; to catch, grasp, tay hold of, seize ; to grope for, seek. 2 a. act. ind. έταγον' par, ταγών, Poet. τεταγων. Ταθεϊς, 1 a. par. pass. — Ύαθωσι 3 pi. 1 a. sub. pass, οι τείνω. Ταϊ, Ion. for α'ι, n. pi. fem. of b or Dor. for a'i, n. pi. fem. of 'ός. — ΤοΓσί, Ion. for τα"Ίς, d. pi. fem. of δ, ή, τό. Ταίνάρος, -ου, b, Tanarus now JMatapan. Ταινία, -ας, η, (fr. τείνω to stretch) a fillet, riband, bandage, gar- land, crown, ornament, border ; a rock extending under the sea ; a sand-bank, bed, shelf or ridge of sand ; a kind of long worm ; a long narrow sea-fish. Τάκεαι, Dor. for τήκεαι, which Ion. for τήκη, 2 sin. pres. ind. pass. — Τακεϊς, -εΊσα, -ev, 2 a. par. pass, of τήκω. Τακερος, -a, -bv, (fr. τήκω to waste away) melted, dissolved, wasted; moist, wet, damp ; tender, deli- cate, effeminate, soft. Τακήσομαι, 2 f. ind. pass, of τήκω. Τακτά, neut. pi. of τακτός. Τακτικός, -η, -bv, (fr. τάσσω to arrange) skilled in military af- fairs, fit or appointed to preside. Neut. pi. Τα τακτικά, tactics, military science. Τακτός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) appoint- ed, set, prescribed; set in order, disposed, drawn up. Ταλαεργος, -ου, b, >% (fr. τάλας wretched, and έργον work) la- borious, pains-taking, toilsome; hardy, patient, enduring. Τάλαθος, -ου, b, Talathus, a pro- per name. Τ άξαινα, fem. of τάλας. Ύαλαϊονίδας, -a, Dor. for Ταλαί'ονί- δης, -ου, b, the son of Talaus, Adrastus. Ταλαίπωρα for ταλαίπωρε, v. of τα- λαίπωρος. Ταλαιπωρίω -ω, (fr. ταλάω to en- dure, and πώρος grief) to suffer, be wretched, miserable, endure distress or hardship ; to distress, afflict. 1 a. par. act. ταλαιπωρή- σας, -ασα, -αν, pres. par. pass, cont. ταλαίπωρου μένος. Ταλαιπωρήσατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. of last. Ταλαιπωρία, -ας, ή, (ft. ταλάω to endure, and πώρος affliction) misery, hardship, distress, ca- lamity. Ταλαιπωρίζω, (fr. same) to make miserable, afflict, distress. Ταλαίπωρος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) wretched, miserable, afflicted, poor, unhappy. ΤΑΜ Ταλαιπωρώ?, (fr. last) miserably, wretchedly. Ταλακάροιος, -ου, b, η, (ft. ταλάω to suffer, and καρ<5ία the heart) stout-hearted, courageous, bold. Τάλαν, v. sin. of τάλας. ΎαλανταΊος, and -ια,Ίος, -a,-ov, (fr. τάλαντον a talent) a talent weight ; worth a talent ; of a talent. Ταλαντεύω, (fr. next) to weigh, ba- lance, hold in a balance ; to deal out, dispense; to keep in sus- pense, hold in doubt. Ταλαντεύο- μαι, to preponderate, weigh down ; to incline towards. Τάλαντον, -ου, το, (fr. ταλάω to bear) a balance, scales; a weight a talent. A Grecian money whose value is supposed to be £193, 15s. Ταλαπείριος, -ου, b, η, (ft. τάλας miserable, and πείρα trial) ac- quainted with misery, unfortu- nate, wretched. Ταλαπενθής, -έος -ους, b, η, (ft. τα- λάω to suffer, and πένθος grief) enduring grief, patient, resigned, calm. Τάλαρος, -ου, b, (fr. ταλάω to sup- port) a basket used for holding the wool, yarn, distaff, &c. a work- basket ; a milk vessel ; a cheese vat. Ύάλας, τάλαινα, τάλαν, g. -άνος, (fr. same) wretched, miserable, unhappy, v. sin. ώ τάλαν. Ύαλασία, -ας, η, (fr. last) spinning, carding or working of wool. Ύαλάσιον, -ου, το (fr. same) wool. Ταλασίφρων,-ονος, b, >/, (fr. ταλάω to suffer, and φρην the mind) patient-minded, firm-hearted ; unfortunate, wretched. Ταλανρινον, (fr. next) boldly, in- trepidly. ΎαλανρΊνος, -ου, 5, fj, (fr. ταλάω to endure, and ρινός the skin) stout, hardy ; bold, courageous, intre- pid, invincible. Ταλάω, to bear, suffer, endure, to- lerate, undergo ; to sustain, sup- port ; to dare, attempt, venture. Ταλθΰβιος, a proper name. Ταλιθά, η, indecl. Syriac, talilha, a damsel. Τάλις, -ιδος, η, α virgin. Τάλλα, for τα. άλλα, pi. neut. of άλλος. Ταμά, for τά εμά, neut. pi. of εμάς. Ταμάλιστα, Ion. same as μάλιστα. Τάματα, Poet. Dor. and Att. for τά ηματα, pi. of ημαρ. Τάμε, Ion. for έταμε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. — Ταμίει, Ion. for τα- μεΐ, 3 sin. 2 f. ind. act Ta- μέειν, Ion. for ταμείν, 2 f. inf. act. of τέμνω. ΤαμεΧον, -ου, το, (fr. ταμίας a stew- ard) a secret place, private cham- ber, closet ; a store house, cellar. Ταμέσθαι, 2 a. inf. mid. of τέμνω. Ταμεσίχρως, -οος -ους, b, η, (fr. τέμνω to cut, and χρόος the skin) cutting the skin, sharp, keen. Ταμία or Ταμίεια, same as ταμίη. Ταμίας, -ov, b, (fr. τάινω to cut) a (551) TAN steward, butler, store-keeper; u dispenser, manager ; a treasurer paymaster; an arbitrator, judge t umpire. ΎαμιεΊον, same as ταμεΐον. Ταμιεύομαι, mid. of next. Ύαμιεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. ταμίας a steward) to be a steward or but- ler ; to act as treasurer ; to store up, lay by ; to confiscate, seques- ter, put into the treasury. Τα- μιεύομαι, to lay up, store, pre- serve, deposite ; to spare one's strength; to husband, manage, make most of; to dispense, give or deal out ; to govern with mo- deration, regulate, moderate, for- bear ; to constitute, appoint, set- tle, define, determine, per. ind. pass, τεταμίευσμαι. Ταμίη, -ης, η, (fr. same) a house- keeper. Ταμίης, -ου, b, Ion. for ταμίας. Τάμίσος, -ου, b, η, (fr. τέμνω to cut) a separation, curdling, coagula- tion ; the thing used to curdle, rennet or afresh goat's skin. Τάμνε, Ion. for έταμνε, 3 sin. impf. of Τάμνω, Dor. for τέμνω. Ταμω, 2 f. ind. act. of τέμνω. Τ αν, (perhaps for or fr. έτα, v. of έτης a companion) friend, sir, my friend. Tav, Dor L for την or ην. Τάν for των or ών. Τανάγρα, -ας, η, a vessel made of brass used for preserving or pickling meat. Also, the name of a town. Ταναήκης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. ταίρια to stretch, and ακή an eagey long-edged, sharp, keen ; long. Ταναντία, for τά εναντία, neut. pi. of ενάντιος. Ταναόδειρος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. next, and δείρη a neck) long necked. Τανάος, -ου, b, η, ονΤαναος, -ή, -bv, (fr. τείνω to stretch) outstretch- ed, extended, spread, long, dis- tant. Τανηλεγης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. last, and λέγω to lay down) causing long sleep, somniferous, ever- sleeping. Ύανίκα, Dor. for τηνίκα. Τανταλόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. next) to tantalize, disappoint, mock. 1 f. ind. pass, τανταλωθήσομαι, 1 a. par. pass, τανταλωθείς. Τάνταλος, -ου, b, name of a king. Τανύγλωσσος, -ου, b, η, (fr. τανύω to extend, and γλωσσά a tongue) long tongued. Τανυγλώχιν, -ϊνος, b, η, (fr. same, and γλωχίν a point) having long points, sharp pointed, long-barb- ed. Τανυέθειρα, -ας, η, (fr. same, and έθειρα hair) having dishevelled hair, with long or flowing hair. Τανυήκης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and ακη an edge) long-edged, Τανύθριξ, -τράγος, b, η, (fr. same, and &ρϊξ the hair) having long loose hair. ΤΑΠ Ταννν, (fr. τά these things, and νυν now) now;, at present. Τανύοντο, Ion. for εταννοντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of τανύ ω. Τανύπεπλος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. τανύω to extend, and πέπλος a robe) ion#- robed, well-dressed ; noble, of rank. ΤανϋπΌυς, -οδός, b, ή, (fr. same, and πους a foot) long-footed; quick, speedy, swift. Τανύπτερος, -ου, b, η, same as τα- νυσίπτερος. Τανυπτερύγεσσι, d. pi. Poet, of Ύανυπτέρυξ, -ϋγος, b, η, (fr. τανύω to extend, and πτέρυξ a wing) wide-winged, with expanded wings. Τανύρριζος, -ου, b, >% (fr. same, and ρίζα a root) with spreading roots, deep rooted. Τανυσθεϊς,-εΐσα,-εν, 1 a. par. pass, of τανύω. Τανυσίπτερος, -ου, b, η, (fr. τανύω to extend, and πτερόν a wing) with extended wings, flying with expanded wings, winged, swift. Τάνυσσαν, Ion. and Poet, for ετά- νυσαν, 3 pi. — Τάνυσσε, Ion. and Poet, for ετάνυσε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of τανύω. Τανυστϋς, -ύος, η, (fr. τανύω to ex- tend) an extension, stretching. Ύανύσφύρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and σφυρόν the ankle) long strid- ing, swift, speedy ; having beauti- ful or well shaped ankles, delicate. Τανύτρίχα, a. sin. of τανύθριξ. Τανύω, f. -ύσω, same as τείνω. Ταζιόω -ω, (fr. next) to arrange, order, rank, place in rank, draw up in array. Τάξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. τάσσω to arrange) order, rank, a row ; situation, place, business, office ; an army, cohort, legion, band; a military position, post ; a line of battle, hollow square, wedge ; regulation, regularity, method, arrangement ; sobriety, modesty, diffidence; an institution, ap- pointment, constitution ; a tri- bu.e, tax. Ταξίωμα, for το αζίωμα. Ταπεινός, -η, -ov, low; lowly, hum- ble, mean, abject, grovelling ; de• spised, brought low, poor. Ύαζπτνύτης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) hum- bleness, humility, lowliness. Ταπεινουσθαι, pres. inf. pass. cont. of ταπεινόω. Ταπεινοφρονέω -ω, (fr. ταπεινός humble, and φρονέω to think, th. φρην the mind) to think humbly. Ταπεινοφροσύνη, -ης, f/, (fr. same) lowliness of mind, humility, meekness, modesty. Ταπεινόώρων, -όνος, b, ή, (fr. same) humble-minded, lowly. Ταπεινόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. τεταπείνω- κα, (fr. ταπεινός humble) to bring or make low, humble, deject, cast down, degrade, abase, distress; to afflict, oppress ; to extenuate, lessen, diminish. 1 a. ind. act. εταπείνωσα. pres. ind. pass, τα- πεινόομαι -οϋμαι. per. ind. pass. TAP τεταττεΐνωμαι, -σαι, -ται. 1 a. ind. pass, εταπεινώθην. 1 f. ind. pass, ταπεινωθήσομαι. Ταπεινωθήσεται, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. pass. — Ταπεινώθητε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. pass. — Ταπεινών, par. pres. act. cont. — Ταπείνωση, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of last. Ταπεινώς, (fr. ταπεινός humble) humbly, with humility ; meanly, abjectly. Ταπείνωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. same) humiliation, low estate, poverty, want; lowliness, humi- lity ; meanness, lowness, degra- dation ; diminution. Τάπης, -ητος, 6, tapestry, hang- ings ; a carpet; a cushion, pil- low, mattress ; a covering, quilt. d. pi. τάπησι or -σιν. Ταπρώτ, for ταπρώτα, as soon as Ταραγμός, -ου, b, (fr. ταράσσω to disturb) a disturbance, tumult riot; coyisternalion, fright, alarm, terror. Ταράκτωρ, -ορός, b, (fr. same) a disturber. Τάραξις,-ιος, Att. -εως, ij, (fr. next) trouble, disorder, disturbance, confusion. Ταράσσω, or -ττω, f. -ζω, p. τετά- ράχα, to shake, disturb, make muddy, stir up ; to trouble, agi- tate, throw into perturbation, alarm, affright, harass, confound; to impede, obstruct, embarrass; to tear or plough up. 1 a. ind. act. ετάραζα, -ας, -ε, 3 ρ!, ετά- ραξαν. pres. impr. pass, ταρόσ- σον, -έσθω. per. ind. pass, τετά- ραγμαι, -ξαι,-κται' par. τεταραγ- μενος, -η, -ον. 1 a. ind. pass. εταράχθην. Ταρασσέσθω, 3 sin. pres. impr. pass. — Ταράσσων, -ούσα, -ον, η. pi. -σοντες. par. pres. act. of last. Ταράττεσθαι, pres. inf. pass, of same. Ταραχή, -ης, ή, and Τάραχος, -ου, b, (fr. ταράσσω to trouble) a troubling, stirring ; commotion, disturbance, trouble, tumult ; alarm, fright, terror. Ταραχθη, 3 sin. -θητε, 2 pi. 1 a. sub. pass, of same. Ταραχώδης, -εος -ους, b, fj, (fr. same) turbid, troubled; turbu- lent, disorderly, full of confusion, frightful, alarming. Ταρβέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. τάρβος terror) to fear, tremble, be scared, daunted, dismayed ; to fear, re- vere, respect; to be confused, confounded. Ύαρβήσαντε, η. du. 1 a. par. act. of last. Τ ίρβος, -εος -ους, τδ, fear, terror, dread, awe ; consternation, fright. Ταρβόσννος, -ου, b, ι), (fr. last) fearful, timid. Ταργαίνω, (fr. ταράσσω to disturb) to disturb, embarrass, confuse, confound; to entangle, impede. Ταργάνη, -ης, f], (fr. last) a bind- ing, tying, fastening, fettering. (552) ΤΑΣ Ταριχεία,-ας, η, (fr. τάρϊχος pickle) brine, pickle, seasoning. Ταριχεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same) to smoke, salt, dry, harden, pickle, preserve. Ταριχοπολέω -ώ, (fr. next, and πο- λέω to sell) to sell pickle, salted meat or fish. Τάρϊχος, -ου, b, or -εος -ους, τδ, pickle, brine, salting offish ; salt meat, flesh cured and dried. Ταρμύσσω, (fr. τάρβος fear) to frighten, alarm, trouble. Ταρός, -a, -ov, swift, speedy, fleet. Ύάρπημεν, Τάρπησαν, Ion. for ετάρ- πημεν, 1 pi. and ετάρπησαν, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. pass, of τέρπω. Τάρροθος,-ου, b, (fr. τιιρρός awing, and θέω to run) an assistant, avenger. Ταρσεϋς -έος, 6, η, (fr. Ταρσός) of Tarsus. Ταρσός, or Ύαρρός, -ου, b, (fr. τερσω to dry) a wicker stand for drying cheese; a hurdle, crate, basket, any thing so entwined ; the palm of the hand ; the sole of the foot ; the long bone in it ; the foot, a shoe ; the broad part or blade of an oar ; the wing of a bird ; a tier of oars ; any row or range. Ταρσός, -ov, b, Tarsus, a city of Cilicia. Τάρτίίρος, -ov, b, Tartarus, the in fernal regions, hell of the poets ; a dark place, prison, dungeon, jail ; the bottomless pit, hell. Ταρταρόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, p. τεταρτά- ρωκα, (fr. last) to send down to Tartarus; to imprison, 1 a. act. ind. εταρτάρωσα. Ύαρταρώσας, 1 a. par. act. of last. Ταρφέα, (neut. pi. of ταρφης) fre- quently, constantly ; quickly, sud- denly, violently. Ταρφέες, η. pi. of ταρφης or rap ■ . φύς. Ταρφειός, -a, -ov, (fr. τάρφος thick- ness) thick, crowded, close ; fre- quent, fast. Τάρφεσιν, d. pi. οϊτάρφος or ταρφής. Ταρφη, -ης, η, name of a town. Ταρφης, -εος -ους, b, ί, (fr. τάρφος thickness) thick, close, crowded; frequent, constant, fast. Ταρφθήμεναι, Dor. for τερφθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass, οι τέρπω. Τάρφος, -εος -ους, το, thickness, closeness ; a thicket, brake, recess, copse. Ταρφύς, -έος, Att. -έως, b, ί, same ταρφής. Ύάρφω, (perhaps fr. τείρω to rub) to dry, wipe, rub. Ύάρχεα, -ων, τα, and Ταρχαϊ, -ων, αϊ, funeral rites or ceremonies, obsequies. Ταρχεύω, Ταρχέω, Ταρχνω, (fr. last) to perform funeral rites, bury, embalm. Τάς, Dor. for της, g. sin. fern, ot b — Ύασδε, Dor. for τησδε, g. sin. fern, of οδε. — Τας for ης, g. sin. fern, of 8ς. Τασσόμενος, -η, -ov, p&r. pres. pass, of Τάσσω, or -ττω, f. -ζω, p. τίταχα, to \ ΤΑΦ order, arrange, settle, draw up in array, rank, station, place ; to constitute, appoint, ordain, de- termine^ destine ; to command, order ; to lay on a tribute, tax. pres. ind. mid. τάσσομαι, per. pass. ind. τέταγμαι, -ζαι, -κται' par. τεταγμένος, ~rj, -ov. 1 a. mid. ind. εταζάμην, -ω, -ατο' par. τα- ξάμενος. ΐάττωμεν, 1 pi. pres. sub. act. of last. Τατώμινος, Dor. for τητώμενος, pres. par. pass. cont. of τητάω. ?αϋγίτη, -ης, η, Taygeta, a wo- man's nanae. Ιανγετον, -ου, το, and Ion. Τη'ύγε τον, Taygetus, a mountain. Τανθ\ for ταύτα, η. pi. neut. of ούτος. ϊ ιύλίον, -ov, το, Att. and Dor. for το ανλιον. t^ -ύρειος or Ύανρεος, -a, -ov, (fr, τ-αΰρος a bull) of a bull, made of bull's skin. Ταα^ηδον, (fr. same) like a bull•, in tfie manner of a bull, fiercely, fu- riously. Τανροκαθα-ψία, -ας, τ), (fr. same, and καθάντομαι to irritate) a bull hund. Τανροκ^τωρ, -ορός, δ, ή, (fr. same, and irjTJ)/) a sire) begotten of a bull. Ταύρος, -ου, δ, a bull, steer, beeve ; Taurus, a sign in the zodiac ; mount 'Taurus, d. pi. ταύροις' a. ταύρους, Dor. τανρως. Ταυροφόνεκ, -ov T b, ή, (fr. last, and φίνω to kill) a bull slayer or slain by a bull, according to the ac- cent. Ύανρδω -ω, (fr. ταύρος a bull) to make abul\ change into a bull; Ταυρδομαι -cipai, to become a bull, be asjifti as a bull. TaTr', for rath i, £. or a. pi. of ov τος. Also, AtV. Ion. and Dor. for δια ταντα. Ταύτα, (neut. p\. of ούτος) more- over, especially, particularly. Ταντοί, Dor. J£o\, end Poet, for τη αντ?/, d. sin. icm — Ύαντά, for τη αντά, neut, pi- qf αυτός. Ίαύταν, Dor. for r«5>\j»», a. sin. fern, of ούτος. Ταύτη, (d. sin. of Gazrse) so, so forth, in this manner* Shis way, thus, on this accouniy for this reason. Ταυτολογία, -ας, 7% (fr. next) use- less repetition, tautology. Ταντολόγος, -ου, b, tj, (fr. ταύτα the same, and Ai'yw to speak) using much repetition. Ταντόματος, -ου, δ, η, same as αυ- τόματος. Τάφε, Ion. for έταφε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. — Ταφεϊς, 2 a. par. pass, of θάπτω. Ταφεθ, ΤοφΙΘ, or Τωφεθ, Heb. in- decl. Tophet. Ταφή, -ης, >/, (fr. θάπτω to bury) burial, interment, obsequies grave. Τάφιοι, -ων, οι, name of a people. Τάφος, -ov, b, (fr. θάπτω to bury^ 4 A TE ' a hill, hillock, mound ; a monu- ment, tomb ; a funeral, burial, funeral rites, obsequies ; a fune- ral feas\ Τάφος, -ov, η, an island. Τάφρος, -ου, ή, (fr. θάπτω to bury) a ditch, trench ; a channel, bed of a river ; a pit, hole ; a grave. Ταφών, -ούσα, -bv, par. 2 a. act. of θά7ττω, or of θλ/πω. Τ αχ, for Ταγα, (fr. ταχύς quick) quickly, speedily, shortly, pre- sently, immediately ; perhaps, it may be. Ταχέες, η. pi. — ΤαχεΊ, d. sin. cont. — ΤαχεΓα, η. sin. fern, of ταχύς. Τάχει, d. sin. cont. of τάχος. Ταχέως, (fr. ταχύς quick) quickly, speedily, hastily. Ταχθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of τάσσω. Τ αχινός, -η, -ov, (fr. ταχύς quick) swift, speedy, quick, shortly to be accomplished. Ταχινως, or Poet. Ύαχίνα, (fr. last) same as ταχέως. Τάχιον, (neat, of ταχίων, comp. of ταχύς quick) more speedily, more quickly. Τάχιστα, (neut. pi. of next) very soon, very quickly. "Οτι τάχιστα, as soon aspossUde. Τάχιστος, -η, -ov, sup. of ταχύς. Τάχος, -εο4 -ους, το, (fr. same) fleetness, speed, velocity, quick- ness ; Jiaste, despatch. Ταχύ, (neut. of ταχύς quick) quick- ly, speedily, rapidly. Ύαχνάλωτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. ταχύς quick, and άσωτος caught, th. άλί'σκω to catch) easily taken, quickly caught, ΤΕΘ Ταχυδρόμος, -ου, b, f), (fr. same, and τρέχω to run) swift running, speedy, feet. ΤαχυνεΊ, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of Ταχύνω, f. -υνώ, (fr. ταχύς swift) to hasten, hurry, accelerate, be quick. Ταχνπειθης, -έος -ους, h, η, (fr. same, and πείθω to persuade) easily persuaded, credulous. Ταχύποτμος, -ov, b, r), (fr. same, and ττότμος death) short lived. Ταχύπω'Χος,-ου, δ,'/, (fr. same,. and πώλος a horse) having swift horses ; skilled in riding. Ταχύρροθος, -ov, δ, >/, (fr. next, and ρέω to flow) quick flovnng, quick spreading. Ταχύς, -εΐα, -ύ, quick, swift, fleet, nimble; hasty, hurrying, comp. ταχύτερος and ταχίων, also θάσ- σων -ττων. sup. ταχύτατος and τάχιστος. Ταχντάς, -άτος, ά, Dor. for Ταχντης, -ητος, or Ταχύτης, -ητος, i } , (fr. ταχύς swift) speed, haste, flee'ness, celerity. Ταχντητ' for ταχύτητα, a. sin. of last. Τάω τω, obs. hence τάζω. Τάων, JEol. for των, g. pi. fern. of δ. α Ταώς, Ταώς, -ω, and Ταών, -ώνος, δ, a peacock. Τ ε, and, also. Τλ Dor. ff«r σέ, a. sin. of σν. Τέγγω, f. -ζω, to moisten, wet, v:a- ter, sprinkle, bedew; to soften, soak, steep, relax ; to tinge, dye stain, colour ; to give a false co- lour or appearance. Ύέγγομαι, to be relaxed, yield, give way. Τέγεα, -ας, η, Tegea, name of a town. Τέγεος, -a, -ov, (fr. τέγος a roof) under one roof, roofed, covered ; near the roof, high, aloft. Τεγκτος,-τ), -bv, (fr. τέγγω to tinge) tinged, coloured, dyed ; moisten- ed, wet, soaked, steeped ; that can be dyed, that will take a colour ; placable, flexible, tracta- ble, affable. Τέγος, -εος -ονς, το, (same as στέ- γος. or στέγη) a covering, roof house, habitation ; a chamber, apartment ; a ridge, summit, hill, mountain^ Τεην, Poet, and Dor. for o)v, a. sin. fern, of σός. ΤεΘαλότα, Dor. for τεθηλότα, a. sin. mas. — ΤεΘαλυΓα, fern, of τεθα- λώς, -υ7α, -ος, per. par. mid. of θάλλω. Τεθάρρηκα, per. ind. act. οί&αρρέω. Τεθαρσήκασι, 3 pi. per. ind. act. of θαρσεω. Τεθάφάται, Ion. for τεθαμμένοι or -αι εισΧ.γ 3 pi. per. ind. pass, of θάπτω. Τεθέάμαι-,-ασαι, -αται, 1 pi. -άμεθα, per. ind. pass, of θεάο««£. ΤεΘεΓεί', Att. Sync, for 'τεθείησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. opt. pass. — Ύέβεικα, 2 pi. Τεθείκατε, ind. — Τεβεικώς, -via, -ος, par. per. act. — Ύέθει- μαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass, of" τίθημι. Τεθεμελίωτο, Att. and Ion. for ετε- θεμελίωτο, 3 sin. pper. ind. pass. — Τεθεμελιωμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of θε//ελ«5ω. Τεθεραπευμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of θεραπεύω. Τεθί}. 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass, of τί- θημι. Τέθηλα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. — Τεθήλει, Ion. for ετεθήλει, 3 sin. pper. ind. mid. of θάλλω. Τεθήναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of τίθημι. Τέθηπα, ind. — Τεθαπώς, -ν7α,-ος, par. per. mid. of θάπτω. Τεθήσατο, Ion. Pleon. for εθήσατυ, 3 sin. I a. ind. mid. of θάομαι. Τεθλασμένος, per. par. pass, of θλάω. Τεθλιμμένος, -η, -ov, (per. par. pass, of θλί'βω) pressed close, narrow, contracted. Τέθμιος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) appoint- ed, ordained, established, solemn. Τεθμος, -od, b, (fr. τίθημι to place) a regulation, law, custom. Τέθναα, per. ind. mid. of §νήσκω. Τέθνάθι, pres. impr. — Τεθνάναι, pres. inf. — ΤεΘνάί, pres. par. act. of τέθνημι. Τεθναίην, pres. opt. act. or Ion. Anadipl. for $ναίην, 2 a. opt. act. of τέθνημι. Τεθναΐμεν, -αΐτε, -αϊεν, Sync, for τεθναίημεν, -αίητε, -αίηεν, pi. of last. TE1 Ύεθνάκαμεν,Τ>θΓ. for τεθνήκαμεν, 1 pi. per. ind. act. — Ύεθνύκώς, Dor. for τεθνηκώς, per. par. act. of $νήσκω. Τεθνάμεν, Ion. for Τεθνάμεναι,Όοτ. for τεθν&ναι, pres. inf. act. of τέθνημι. Τεθνίϊναι, cont. for τεθναέναι, per. inf. mid. — Ύεθνασι cont. for τεθνάασι, 3 pi. per. ind. mid. of $νησκω. Ύεθνατω, 3 sin. of τέθναθι, pres. impr. act. of τέθνημι. Ύέθνεικα, Bceot. for τέθνηκα, per. ind. act. — Ύεθνειώς and Τεθνε- ώς, -ώσα,-ώς, for τεθνεικώς, which BcEot. for τεθνηκώς, per. par. act. of $νήσκω. Ύέθνηκα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 3 pi. Τεθνή- κασι, per. ind. act. — Τεθνηκέτω, 3 sin. per. impr. act. οί'$νήσκω. Τεθνηκότος, g. — Ύεθνηκότα, a. of τεθνηκώς, par. of last. Τεθνήκω, f. -ήζω, Syracusan for $νήσκω\ Τέθνημι, same as $νήσκω. Τεθνήξώ, 1 f. ind. act. of τεθνήκω for S -νήσκω. Τεθνηώς, Poet, for τεθι>εώί, wh. for τεθνηκώς, per. par. act.ofSv^ffKw. Τεθνώς, Sync, for τεθναώ?, per par. mid. of same. Τεθόλωται, 3 sin. per. ind. pass, of $ο\όω. Τεθορεϊν, Ion. Anadipl. for 3-ορεΊν, pres. or 2 a. inf. act. οΐ$6ρω or S -ορέω. Τεθραμμένος, -η, -ov, per. ρ pass, of τρέψω. Τεθρασθαι, Dor. for τετρησθαι, ρ inf. pass, of τιτράω. Τεθρανσ μένος, per. par. pass, of &ράνω. Τεθριπποβατης,-ον, Ό, (fr. next, and βαίνω to mount) driving or drawn by four horses. Ίέθριππον, -ου, rb, (neut. of next) a four horse chariot TEK Τειρεσίας, -ου, δ, Tiresias, name of a prophet. Τείρετο, Ion. for ετείρετο, 3 sin. impf. ind. pass, of τείρω. Τειρέω -ώ, f. τειρήσω, p. τετείρηκα, same as τείρω. Τειρομένοισιν, d. pi. pres. par. pass. — Τείροντι, Dor. for τεί- ρονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Τείρω, f τερώ, to vex, harass, grieve, torture, afflict, torment ; to subdue, overcome, weary ,tire ; to consume, waste, destroy ; to rub, bruise. 1 a. ind. act. έτειρα, 2E*o\. έτερσα. 2 a. irtd. act. έταρον. Τειχεσιπλήτης, -ov, b, (fr. τείχος a wall, and πλήσσω to strike) a shaker of walls, destroyer of cities. Τειχέω for τειχίζω. Τειχέων, g. pi. of τείχος. Τειχήρης, -εος -ονς, b,fj, (fr. τείχος a wall) walled, fortified. Τειχίζω, f. -Υσω, p. τετείχικα, (fr. same) to build, erect ; to wall, surround with a wall, fortify. 1 a. ind. act. ετείχισα. Τειχιόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. same) walled, forced. Τειχίον, -ov, το, (dim. of same) a small wall, fort ; an enclosure, building, house. Τειχίσαι, act. — Τειχισθήναι, pass 1 a. inf. of τειχίζω. Ύείχισμα, -ατός, το, (fr. τείχος ί wall) a wall, fortification. Τειχιστης, -ov, b, (fr. same) a ma- son, builder. Τειχομαχέω -ω, (fr. same, and μά- χομαι to fight) to attack the walls, besiege Τειχομαχία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a siege. Τείχος, -εος -ονς, το, a wall, fortifi- cation, rampart, bulwark, castle, tower, citadel, garrison ; a forti- fied town. Τειχοφν\αξ, -ακος, b, η, (fr. last, Τέθριππος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. τετράς four and φνλαξ a guard) the guard of together, and 'ίππος a horse) having four horses. Τεθριπποτροφέω -ω, (fr. same, and τρέφω to support) to keep a cha- riot and four horses. Τεθνμένος, -η, -ov, per. par. pass. of 3υω. Τεθνμώσθαι, per. inf. pass, of θ-υ- μόω. Τεθνωμενος, -η, -ov,per. par. pass, of $νδω. Τεθώσι or -σιν, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. pass, of τίθημι. Τεϊν and Τιν, Ion. Poet. Dor. for σοι, d. sin. of συ. Τείνας, 1 a. par. act. of Τείνω, f. τενώ, p. τέτακα, to stretch out, extend, spread, distend ; to strain, bend ; to go about, intend, design, purpose ; to set out, pro- ceed, go on, hasten; to augment ■make intense ; to tend, aim, di- rect ; to reach towards, lie in any direction ; to respect, pertain or relate to. 1 a. ind. act. έτεινα. per. ind. mid. τέτονα. Τείρεα, -ων, τα, (fr. τείρω to grieve) . prodigies, wonders, signs, stars the walls ; a besieger. TfV for τέκε, Ion. for έτεκε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. — Τέκε, 2 a. impr. act. — ΤεκεΊν, act. — Τεκέσθαι, mid. 2 a. inf. — Τέκη, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. act. of τίκτω. Τέκεσσι, Ion. for τέκεσι, d. pi. of τέκος. Τέκετ for τέκετο, Ion. for ετέκετο, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. mid. of τίκτω. Τεκμαίρομαι, -η, -εται, mid. of Τεκμαίρω, (fr. next) to declare, show or prove by signs. Τεκμαί- ρομαι, to perfect, accomplish, bring to an end, fulfil ; to ap point, ordain, determine ; to plan, devise, contrive ; to fore- tell, denounce ; to mark, observe watch, look at, consider ; to con- jecture, infer, conclude, suppose imagine. Τέκμαρ, το, indecl. an end, issue event, termination, accomplish- ment ; a sign, prognostic, por- tent, omen ; a mark, token. Τεκμήριον, -ov, rd, (fr. last) an end, object, purpose ; argument, proof. (554) TEA Τέκμωρ, rb, indecl. same as τέκααψ. Also, an end, object, purpose f design, intention ; a testimony , proof, sign, prognostic. Τέκνα,^ τα, pi. of τέκνον. Ύεκνίον, -ov, τδ, (dim. of τέκνον a child) a little child. ΤεκνογονεΊν, pres. inf. act. cont. of Τεκνογονέω -ω, f. -ήσω. p. τετεκνο- γόνηκα, (fr. same, and γίνομαι to be born) to bear children. 1 a. ind. act. ετεκνογόνησα. Τεκνογονία, -ας, η, (fr. same) child•• bearing . Τεκνογόνος, -ov, b, >';, (fr. same) bearing or having children. Τέκνον, -ov, το, (fr. τίκτω to pro- duce) offspring ; a child, son. Τεκνοποιέω -ώ, (fr. last, and ποιέω to make) to beget children ; to adopt a child. Τεκνο-οιηθήσομαι, 1 f. ind. pass. of last. Τεκνοποώς, -ov, b, fj, (fr. τέκνον a child, and ποιέω to make) beget ting children. Ύεκνοτροφέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. τετεκνο- τρόφηκα, (fr. same, and τρέφω to rear) to bring up, rear, educate or maintain children. 1 a. ind. act. ετεκνοτρόφησα. Τεκνοτρόφος, -ov, b, η", (fr. same) rearing or educating children. Ύεκνότροφος, -ου, δ, f), (fr. same) supported or maintained by chil- dren. Τεκνόφι, (Poet, for several cases of τέκνον) by a child, by means of a son, &c. Τεκνοφόνος, -ov, b, //, (fr. same, and φένω to kill) destroying children. Τεκνόω -ώ, (tr. τέκνον a child) to beget or have children, bear chil- dren. Τεκνόομαι, to be born. Ύέκνωσις, -εως, ί), (fr. last) the be- getting of children. Τέκον, -ες, -ε, Ion. for έτεκον, 2 a. ind. act. of τίκτω. Τέκος, -εος -ονς, το, same as τέκνον. Τεκονσα, fern, of τεκών, 2 a. par. act. of τίκτω. Τεκταίνω, f. -ανώ, (fr. τέκτων a workman) to fabricate, contrive, plan, construct, build, make, work ; to practise a handicraft trade. Τεκτήνατο, Ion. and Att. for ετεκ τάνατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of last. Τεκτονικός, -η, -bv, (fr. next) of a woi kman, mechanical, architec- tural. Τέκτων, -όνος, b, (fr. τενχω to build) a workman, artificer, artist, carpenter ; a maker, inventor. Τέκω, obs. for which τίκτω. Τεκών, -οϋσα, -bv, 2 a. par. act. of τίκτω. Τελαμών, -ώνος, b, a man's name. Τελαμών, -ώνος, δ, (fr. ταΧάω to sustain) a strap for carrying the shield ; a thong, belt, girdle, bandage. ΤεΧαμωνίαι, -ων, at, (fr. last) a dog's collar ; an armed collar for dog%. TEA Τελαμών<οί, Telamonian, epithet of Ajax. Τελεεσθαι,ρΓββ. inf. pass. — Τελέης, 2 sm. pres. sub. act. of τε- λέω. Τελέθοντι, Dor. for τελέθουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. ot Τελε'θκ, -ε /j, -ει, and Τελε'0ο//αι,(&. τελλω to be) to be, be present ; to arise, flourish ; τελέθονται, 3 pi. pres. ind. pass, τελέθωσι, 3 pi. pres. sub. act. Γε'λει, d. sin. of τέλος. Τελεί, 3 sin. cont. ind. — Τελείτε, 2 pi. cont. impr. pres. act. of τε- λέω. Τελεία, fem. of τέλειος. Τελείετο, Ion. for ετελείετο, 3 sin. impf. ind. pass, of τεΧείω. Τέλειος, -a, -ov, or -ov, b, η, (fr. τίΧος an end) complete, perfect, entire, sound ; spotless, umble- mished ; mature, adult, full grown, of full age ; firm, strong, finished, comp. τελειότε- ρος, sup. -ότατος. . Τελειότης, -ητος, ή, (fr. last) per- fection, perfectness, completeness, consummation ; soundness, a. τελειότητα, Τελειοϋμαι, -ουται, 1 and 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. pass, of Τελειόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. τετελείωκα, (fr. 'τέλος an end) to perfect, finish, complete, accomplish, ful- fil, consummate, terminate ; to initiate, consecrate, dedicate. 1 a. act. ind. ετελείωσα' sub. τε- λειώσω' inf. τελειώσαι. pres. ind. pass, τελειόομαι-ουμαι, per. pass. ind. τετελείωμαι, -σαι, -ται* par. τετελειωμένος, -η, -ov, 1 a. pass. ind. ετελειώθην, -ης, -η' sub. τε- λειωθώ, -ης, -ij, 3 pi. τελειωθώσι. Τελε'ισθω, 3 sin. cont. pres. impr. pass. — ΤελεΤται, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. pass, of τελε'ω. Τελείω, Poet, for τελέω. Τελειωθείς, par. — Τελειωθη, 3 sin. -θωσι, 3 pi. sub. 1 a. pass. — Τελειώσαι, inf. — Ύελειωσάντων, g. pi. par. — Τελειώσω, sub. 1 a. act. of τελειόω. Τελείωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. τελειόω to perfect, th. τέλος the end) per- fection, consummation, death. . Τελείως, (fr. same) perfectly, com- pletely, absolutely, fully ; alto- gether, entirely, to the end. Τελείωσις, -ως, Att. -εως, ι), (fr same) a completion, accomplish- ment, perfection, consummation fulfilment ; a consecration, dedi- cation. * Τελειωτης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a finisher, performer, a. τελειωτήν Τέλεον, -ου, το, same as τέλος. Ύέλεος, same as τέλειος. Τελείω -ω, same as τελειόω. Τελέσαι, inf. — Ύελέσαιμι, opt. — Τέλεσα?, and JEol. Τελέσαι?, par. 1 a. act. of τελέω. Τέλεσαν, Ion. for ετέλεσαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act Τελεσεια, -ας, -ε, ./Eol. for τελέσαιμι, ~αις, -αι. 1 a. opt. act.— Τε'λεσεν, Ion. for ετέ- \ara>, 8 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Τε- TEA λέσωσι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act of τελέω. Τελεσθη, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass. — Τελεσθ^σεται, 3 sin. If. ind. pass, of τελέω. Τελεσιάδας, -a, b, Dor. for Τελε- σιαδης, a man's name. Τελε'σιο? , -ου, b, η, (fr. τέλος an end) finishing, ending, conclusive, last ; perfect, accomplished. Ύελεσιονργέω -ω, (fr. last, and έρ- γον) to perfect,finith, accomplish; to initiate, introduce. Τελεσιονργος, -ov, b, f/, (fr. same) finishing, concluding, effective; Subs, a finisher, performer, cause. Τέλεσμα, -ατός, rd, (fr. τέλος a tri- bute) a tribute, tax ; erpendt ture, cost; the end, extremity. Τέλεσον, -άτω, impr. 1 a. act. — Tf'- λεσσα, Ion. and Poet, for ετέ- λεσα, 1 a. ind. act. — Τελε'σσ»?, Poet, for τελέσιι, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of τελέω. Τελεσσιγάμοισι, for τελεσιγαμοις, d. pi. of Τελεσσίγαμος, -ου, b, i% (fr. τελέω to finish, and γάμος a marriage) finishing or consummating a marriage. Τελέσσω, Poet, for τελέσω, 1 f. ind. or 1 a. sub. act. of τελέω. Τελεσφορέω -ω, (fr. τέλος an end, and φέρω to bring) to bring to perfection, bear fruit ; to finish, complete ; to pay a tax. Τελεσφόρος, -ov, b, ?/, (fr. same) finishing, ending, conclusive ; perfect, complete, finished ; use- ful, advantageous, profitable, fruitful, productive ; introduced to idolatrous rites, prostituted; Subs, a prostitute, harlot. Τελεσφορονσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of τελεσφορέω. 'Τελετή, -ης, η, (fr. τέλος an end) an end, issue, consummation ; initiation, idolatrous ceremony, charm ; mystery, impure rites of necromancy or witchcraft. ΤελεΰντΓ, and Τελευσι, Dor. for τε λέονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of τελέω. Τελεντά, -ας, a, Dor. for τελευτη Τελεντα, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of τελευτάω. Τελευταίος, -a, -ov, (fr. τελευτη, same as th. τέλο<, the end) final, last, extreme, ultimate; setting] expiring. Τελενταν, pres. inf. act. cont. — Τελευτα'σει, Dor. for τελεντήσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act — Τελευτάσεν, Ion. and Dor. for ετελεντησε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Τελευτα'τω 3 sin. cont. pres. impr. act. of Τελευτάω -ω, f. -ησω, p. τετελεύττ?- κα, (fr. next) to end, finish, ter- minate ; to perfect, complete, ac complish ; to die, decease. Τελευτη, -ης, η, (fr. τέλος an end) an end, issue, termination ; a completion., accomplishment, con- summation ; decease, death. TsXcvrrjicraii 1 a. inf. act.— ΤεΧεντή- (555) TEA σαντος, g. sin. -σασί, d. pi. 1 a. par. act — Τελευτών, par. pres. act. cont. of τελευτάω. Τελέω -ώ, f. -ε'σω, p. τετέλεκα, (fr. τέλος an end) to finish, end, ter- minate ; to perfect, complete, ac- complish, fulfil ; to effect, cause, make, render effectual; to tend or relate to ; to enjoin, add, com- mand ; to sell, pay ; to do, per- form, celebrate ; to initiate in idolatrous mysteries. 1 a. act. ind. ετέλεσα' sub. τελέσω, -ης, -jj. per. pass. ind. τετέλεσμαι. 1 a. pass. ind. ετελέσθην, -ης, -η' sub. τελεσθώ, -ης, -η. 1 f. pass. ind. τελεθήσομαι, -η, -εται. Τελέως, (fr. same) perfectly, com- pletely , fully . Τελέωσις, same as τελείωσις. Τέλη, pi. cont. of τέλος. Τελήεις, εσσα, -εν, (fr. τέλος an end) perfect, complete, sound, en- tire ; spotless, pure, excellent. Τελήεσσας, a. pi. fem. of last. Τελίσκομαι, (fr. τέλος an end) to b« completed, perfected ; to be ini- tiated in idolatrous mysteries, commit prostitution. Τελλίνη, -ης, η, a kind offish, sup posed to be the limpet. Τελλις, the whole, entire. Τέλλω, Poet, and rare, to accom- plish, perform ; to command^ order. Tέλλoμaι,tobe,exist ; to become ; arise, rise. pper. pass. ετετάλμην, -σο, -το. Τέλμα, -ατός, το, a puddle, dike, marsh, swamp. Ύελμϊς, -ΐνος, Ό, (fr. last) mud, mire, puddle. Τέλος, -εoς-oυς,τb,end,termination, extremity ; close, period, expira- tion, death; event, issue, result, consequence ; accomplishment, completion, fulfilment ; a tax, impost, tribute, revenue, custom; expense, charge, cost, sum ; ma- gistracy, office, power, authority ; a division of an army, legion, cohort, troop, band. Τ ά τέλεα -η, mysteries, sacred rites ; mar- riage ; regulations, statutes, de- crees. Έις τέλος completely. Επί τέλος or Τέλος with the prep, understood, finally, at length ; Αιά τέλους, perpetually, constant- ly ; throughout, to the end. Τελούσα, η. fem. cont. par. pres. act. — Τελουσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of τελε'ω. Τε'λσον, -ου, το, (fr. τέλος the end) the end, termination, extremity. Τελχϊν, -ϊνος, b, (perhaps fr. &έλγω to seduce) a wizard, charmer, enchanter ; a seducer, impostor, deceiver. Τελών, pres. par. act. cont. of τε- λέω. Τελωνέω -ώ, (fr. next) to gather taxes ; to farm the public reve- nues. Τελωνέομαι, to pay taxes, be taxed, be tributary. Τελώνης, -ου, b, "(fr. τέλος a tax, and ωνέομαι to buy) a farmer of the public revenue* } Q'taxga* tnerer, publican* TEP Τβλώνιον, -ου, rb, (fr. last) the re- ceipt of custom, custom-house, toll-office. Τεμένει, d. sin. of Τέμενος, -εος -ονς, rb, (fr. τέμνω to cut off) a portion or tract of land set apart, and appropri- ated to a prince or consecrated to divine uses ; a secret place, ground, grove or temple ; a de- Τέμνοισαι, Dor. for Τέμνονσαι, η. pi. fcm. par. pres. act. of Τέμνω, f. τεμω, p. τέτμηκα, to cut, cut off or down, lop, amputate ; to separate, appropriate ; to lay waste, devastate ; to scatter, dis- sipate disperse ; to ratify, sanc- tion. 2 a. ind. act. έτάμ, .*.•. oer. ind. mid. τέτομα. Τψπεα, -η, -ων, τα, Tempe, name of a vale in Thessaly. Τεμω, 1 *". ind. act. of τέμνω. Τέναγος, -εος -ονς, rb, (fr. τέγγω to wet) a wet place, bog, marsh, slough, swamp. Τεναντοκοπέω -ω, or Τενοντοκοπέω -ω, f. -ήσο), (fr. τένων the neck, and κόπτω to cut) to cut off the neck, behead. Τένδει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of Τένδω or Τένθω, to gnaw, bite, eat. Τένεδος, -ov, Ion. Τενέδοιο, b, Te- nedos, name of an island. Τένθης, -ov, b, (fr. τένθω to eat) a glutton. Τενθρηδών, -ωνος, and Τενθρήνη, -ης, η, (fr. same) a stinging in- sect, wasp, bee. Τένοντα, a. sin. — Τένοντε, η. dual, of τινών. Τενοντόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. next) to behead. Τένων, -οντος, 6,(fr. τείνω tostretch) a nerve, tendon, muscle; the neck. Τέζεσθαι, inf. — Τέξομαι, -η, -ετ.αι, 1 f. ind. mid. of τίκτω. Τέοις, and Τέοισι, d. pi. of Τεος, -a, -bv, Dor. for σός. Τέραμνος, -ov, b, (fr. κέραμος a tile) a roof, covering, shade, tent ; a chest. Τέραμνος, -η, -ov, (fr. next) tender, soft, delicate. Τέραμων, -όνος, b,>'i, (fr. τέρην soft) tender, soft, delicate. Τέρας, -ατός, το, a sign, omen, por- tent, miracle, wonder ; a mon- ster, prodigy. Τέρασι, d. pi. of last. Τ ερασκόπος, Sync, for τερατοσκόπος. Τεράστιος, -a, -ov, (fr. τέρας a pro- digy) prodigious, portentous, omi- nous, marvellous, monstrous. Τέρατα, η. a. v. — Τεράτων, g. pi. of same. Τερατεία, -ας, ή, (fr. same) jug- glery, imposture, deception. Τερατενω, and Τερατενομαι, (fr. same) to tell of wonders, relate prodigies; to juggle, play im- posing tricks, practise artful de- ceptions. Τερατοποώς, -ου, b, ft, (fr. same, and ποιέω to make) performing miracles. TeparoeKotrofj -ου, 6, fj, (fr. same, TEP and σκέπτομαι to see) an ob- server of omens, augur, sooth- sayer, diviner, prophet. Τερατώδης, -εος -ονς, b, ή, (fr. τέρας a sign) portentous, prodigious, miraculous, ominous. Τερέβινθος, or Τερέμινθος or Τέρ- μινθος, -ov, η, the turpentine tree. Τέρεινα, and Ion. Τερείνη, η. fern — Τέρενα, a. sin. οι τέρην. Τερεμνον, -Ου, -rb, the roof. Τερετίζω, to sing, chirp, hum; to prate, babble ; to sing lewdly. Τερέτριον, -ov, το, (dim. of next) a small piercer, borer, gimblet. Τέρετρον, -ov, rb, (fr. τερέω to bore) an augur, piercer, gimblet. Τερέω, f. -ήσω, (perhaps fr. τε'ιρω to afflict) to turn in a lathe ; to bore, pierce, wound. Τερηδών, -όνος, b, (fr. last) a ship worm ; any thing lengthened out Τέρην, τέρεινα, τέρεν, (fr. τείρω to rub) soft, tender, delicate ; young. Ύερθρεία, -ας, >% (fr. next) incanta- tion, charm, divination; artifice, subtlety, delusion ; specious lan- guage. Τερθρεύς, -έος, Att. -έως, b, (fr. τέ- ρας a sign) a juggler, diviner, conjurer, impostor ; a boaster, deceiver. Τερθρενω, or -ενομαι, (fr. last) to charm, impose upon, trick, de- ceive, use specious talk. Tέpθpov,-ov,τυ,theropewhichstretch- es the sail on the yard-arm, sheet. Τέρμ\ for Τέρμα, -ατός, rb, a limit, end,boun- dary, term ; a goal ; end of a course. Adverbially, at length. ΤέρμινΟος, see τερέβινθος. Ύερμιόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. τέρμα a boundary) reaching to the end, coming down to the feet, down to the ankles. Τέρμις, and τ έρμων, same as τέρμα. Τέρπει, act. — Τέρπεται, pass. 3 sin. pres. ind. — Τέρπεο, Ion. for τέρπον, pres. impr. pass. — Τερ- πέσθω, 3 sin. pres. impr. pass. — Τέοπετ, Ion. for ετέρπετο, 3 sin. impf. pass, of τέρπω. Ύερπικέραννος, -ov, b, (fr. τέρπω to delight, and κΐpavvbς thunder) delighting in thunder, the thun- derer. Τερπνός, -x/,-ov,(fr. τέρπω to delight) delightful, pleasant, agreeable. comp. τερπνότερος, sup. -νότατος. Τερπνότης, -ητος, f), (fr. same) pleasantness, pleasure, delight. Τερπνως, (fr. τερπνός pleasant) pleasantly, delightfully, agreeably. Τερποίμην, pres. opt. pass. — Τερ- πόμενος, pres. par. pass. — Τε'ρ- ποντο, Ion. for ετέρποντο, 3 pi. impf. pass. — Τέρπον, -έσθω, pres. impr. mid. of Τέρπω, f. -ψω, p. -φα, to divert, amuse, entertain ; to delight, en- liven, cheer ; to refresh, satisfy, satiate. Τέρπομαι, to rejoice, amuse one's self 1 pi. pres. sub. pass, τερπώμεθα. Τερπω\η, -ης, ή, (fr. last) delight, pleasure, amusement. (556) ΤΕΤ Τερσαίνω, same as τέρσω. Τέρσει, 3 sin. — Τίρσετορ, du. I f. JEioi. of τείρω. Τέρσετο, Ion. for ετέρσετο, 3 sm. impf. pass, of τέρσω. Τέρσηνε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of τερσαίνω, same as Τέρσω, to dry up, wipe, staunch. Τέρτιος, -ov, b, fr. Lat. Tertius, a man's name. Τερτυλλο?, -ov, b, a man's name. Τέρνς, -νος, b, f), (fr. τείρω to ha- rass) feeble, weak, worn out ; thin, slender, slight; voracious, greedy. Τερύσκω, same as τείρω. Τερφθη, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass. — Τέρψας, 1 a. par. act. of τέρπω. Τερψίμβροτος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. next, and βροτος a mortal) delightful to men, cheering, animating. Τέρχρις,-ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. τέρπω to delight) delight, joy ; pleasure, gratification, n. pi. Att. cont. τέρψεις. Ύερψιχόρη,-ίϊς,η', one of the Muses. Τέσσαρα, -ων, τα, neut. οι τέσσαρες. Τεσσαράκοντα, indecl. (fr. same) forty. Τεσσαρακονταεπτά, indecl. (fr. last, and επτά seven) forty-seven. Τεσσαρακονταετής, -έος -ονς, Ό, η", (fr. same, and έτος a year) of forty years. Τεσσαρακοντάπεντε, indecl. (fr. same, and πέντε five) forty-five. Τεσσαρακοστός, -η, -bv, (fr. next) fortieth. Τέσσαρες, Att. τέτταρες, -ων, oi, αϊ, four. d. pi. τέσσαρσι, a. τεσσά- ρας, -a. Τεσσαρεσχαίδεκα, indecl. (fr. last, και and, and δέκα ten) fourteen. Ύεσσαρεσκαιδέκατος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) fourteenth. Τέσσερες, Ion. for τέσσαρες. Τεταγμένος, -η, -ov, (per. par. pass. of τάσσω to order) arranged, compact, firm, steady. Τεταγμένως, (fr. last) inorder, regu- larly, orderly ; at a slated time. Τετάγών, -ούσα, -bv, Ion. redupl. for ταγών, 2 a. par. -act. of τάζω. Ύέτακα, per. ind. act. of τείνω. ετακται, 3 sin. per. ind. pass, of τάσσω. Τέτα'Χμαι, per. ind. pass, of τε'λλω. Τετανδ?, -η, -bv, (fr. τείνω to stretch) extended, stretched, lengthened ; smooth, even. Subs. distension, stretch, strain. Τέτανται, 3 pi. per. ind. pass, of τείνω. Τεταπεινωμένος, -η, -ov, per. par. pass, of τα7τείν<5ω. Τετάραγμαι, -ζαι, -κται, ind. — Τε- ταραγμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of ταράσσω. Τεταραγμένως, (fr. per. par. pass. of ταράσσω) disorderly, irregu- larly, in confusion. Τεταρπόμενος, and Τεταρπώμεθα, Ion. redupl. for ταρπόμενος, 2 a. par. mid. and ταρπώμεθα, 1 pi. 2 a. sub. mid. οΐτέριιω. Τεταρταΐος, -α,-ον, (fr. next) on thi ΤΕΤ fourth day, of four days, four days' continuance. Τέταρτος, -ν, -ov, and Poet. Τετρα- τος, -η, -ov, (fr. τέσσαρες four) fourth, d. sin. τετάρτη. Tirarat, 3 sin. of τέτάμαι, -σαι, -ται, per. ind. pass. — Ύέτατο, Ion. for ετέτατο, 3 sin. pper. ind. pass, of τείνω. Τετάχάται, Ion. for τεταγμένοι εισι 3 pT. per. ind. pass, of τάσσω. Τετειχισμένος, -η, -ov, per. par. pass, of τειχίζω. ΤέτεΧα, mid. — Ύετελεκα, act. — Τετέλεσμαι, -σαι, -ται, pass. per. ind. — Τετελεσ/κί'ΐΌί, -η, -ov, per. par. pass, of τελέω. j Τετελείωκα, -ας, -ε or -εν, act. — Τετελείωμαι, -σαι, -ται, pass. per. ind. — Τετελειω /uvos, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of τελεί ο'ω. Ύετενγμένος, for τετνγμένος, per. par. pass, of τυγχάρω. Τέτενχα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — Τετενχάται, Ion. for τετενγμένοι εισι, 3 pi. per. ind. pass. — Τε- τενχάτο, Ion. for τετενγμένοι ήσαν, 3 pi. pper. pass, of τενχω. Τέτευχα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. of τυγχάνω. Τέτηκα, per. ind. and Τεττ/κώς, -υία, -ος, per. par. mid. of τήκω. Τετήρηκα,-ας, -ε, 3 pi. -κασι,ρβτ. ind. act. — Τετήμημαι, -σαι, -ται, ind. — Τετηρημένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, ot τηρέω. Τετιημένε, v. sin. οϊΎετιτημένος, -η, -ov, per. par. pass. — Ύετίησθον, 2 dn. of Ύετίημαι, per. ind. pass. — Τετιηώς, Cras. for τετιηκώς, -νΐα,-ος, per. par. act. οίτιέω. Τετιμένος,-η, -ov, per. par. pass, of τίω, or Sync, for Ύετιμημένος, per. par. pass, of τιμάω. Τετίμηκε, 3 sin. per. ind. act. — Τετιμημένος, per. par. pass. — Ύετιμήμεσβα, Dor. for τετιμήμε- θα, 1 pi. — Ύετιμησθαι, inf. — Ύετίμηται, 3 sin. per. ind. pass, of τιμάω. Τέτλα, Apoc. for τέτλαθι. Τέτλαα, per. ind. mid. or Sync. for τέτληκα. per. ind. act. of τλάω. Τέτλαθ\ for τέτλαθι, pres. impr. act. of τέτλημι, or by Ion. re- dupl. for τλάθι, same of τλήμι. Ύετλάμεν,Ιοη. — ΤετΧάμεναι, Dor. for τετλάναι, pres. inf. act. of τέτΧημι' or by Ion. redupl. of τλήμι. ΤέτΧηκε, 3 sin. per. ind. act. of τΧάω. ΤέτΧημι, same as τΧάω. ΤετΧηώς, Sync, for τετΧηκώς, per. par. a,ct. of τλάω. Τέτμη, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. of τέτμω. Τέτμηκα, act. — Ύέτμημαι, pass. per. ind. — Ύετμημένος, per. par. pass, οι τέμνω. Τέτμω, to cut short, come upon, overtake ; to find, meet with. Τέτοκα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. mid. — Ύετοκως, -via, -ος, g. sin. fern. Ion. Τετοκνΐης,Όβτ. par. mid. of τίκτω. ΤΕΤ ΤετόΧμηκα, ind. — Τ ετοΧμηκέναι, inf. per. act. of τοΧμάω. Τέτομα, per. ind. mid. of τέμνω. Τέ rop\ for τέτορα, neut. of τέτορες, Ion. and Poet, for τέσσαρες. Τέτρα, (fr. τέσσαρες four) in com- pos, four times, fourfold. Τετράγυος, -ov, b, f), (fr. last, and γνη an acre) of four acres. Τετραγωνοπρόσωπος, -ov, b, η, (fr. next,and πρόσωπον aface)sguare- faced, square-fronted, square. Τ 'ετ ράγων %(fr. τετράς four, and γωνία a corner) four-corner- ed, quadrangular, square. Τετράδ', for τετράδα, a. sin. of τε- τράς. Τετράδων, -ov, το, (fr. τετράς, four) a quaternion, party of four. Ύετραδράχμον, -ov, το, (fr. same, and δραχμή a drachm) a piece of money equal to four drachms, about* 2s. Id. Τετράενες, Dor. for τετραενες, neut. of Τετραενής, ΆτιάΤετραετης, -έος -ους, b, 7 r i, (fr. τετράς four, and ένος or έτος a year) of four years, four years old. Τετραετία, -ας, ι% (fr. same) the space of four years, four years. ΤετραθέΧυμνος, -ου, b, τ], (fr. τετράς four, and $έλνμνον a foundation) having four foundations, four- fold. Τετραίνω, same as τιτραίνω. 1 a ind. act. Ion. τέτρτ/να. Τέτρακις, (fr. τέσσαρες, four) four times, fourfold. Τετρακισμΰριοι, -αι, -a, (fr. last, and μνριος ten thousand) forty thousand. Τετρακισχ'ιΧιοι, -αι, -a, (fr. same, and χίλιοι a thousand )four thou- sand. Τετρακνάμος, -ov, b, Dor. for τετρά- κνημος, (fr. same, and κνήμη a spoke in a wheel) having four spokes. Τετρακόσιοι, -αι, -a, (fr. same, and κόσιοι a hundred ) four hundred. Τετρακοσιοστός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) four hundredth. Τετρακτνς, -υος, η, (fr. τέσσαρες four) the number four, a party of four; a quaternion. Τετραμερής, -έος -ους, b, ι), (fr. τε- τράς four, and μέρος a part) divid- edinto or consisting of four parts. Τετράμηνον, -ov, rb, (fr. same, and μην a month) the space of four months. Τετράμηνος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) of four months. Τέτραμμαι, -ψαί, -ττται, per. ind. pass. — Τετραμμένος, -η, -ov, per. par. pass, of τρέπω. Τετραορία, -ας, η, (fr. next) a cha- riot and four horses. Τετράοοος,-ον, δ, η, (fr. τετράς four, and αείρω same as th. είρω to join) four-horsed, drawn by four horses. Τετράπεδος,-ον, o,iy,(fr. same, and πέδον the ground) square, of four feet. ΤιτοαπΧασιάζω, (fr. next) to make\ la. ind. act. of τετραίνω (557) ΤΕΤ fourfold, fold or repeat four times. Τετραπλάσιος, -a, -ov, and Τετρα- πλασίων, -όνος, b, η, and Τετρα- πΧόος -ους, -6η -η, -όον -ουν, (fr. τέσσαρες four) fourfold. Τετραπλή, (d. sin. of τετραπλόος) fourfold. Τετραπλως, (fr. same) fourfold. Τετράποδα' g. -πόδων, pi. of τετρά- πονς. Τετραπόλος, -ov, δ, η, (fr. τετράς four, and πολέω to turn) turned up or ploughed four times. Τετράπονς, -οδός, δ, >/, (fr. same, and πους a foot) four-footed, quad- ruped. Τετράπτερος, -ov, b, q, (fr. same, and πτερον a wing) having four wings. Τετραπτερνλλις, -ίδος, ή, (fr. same) an insect with four wings, locust, grasshopper. Τετράρϋμος, -ov, b, f/,(ir. same, and ρυμος the poole of" a chariot) having four poles. Τετραρχέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. τετράρχη- κα, (fr. next) to be Tetrarch, go- vern a fourth part. Τετράρχης, -ov, b, (fr. τετράς four, and αρχή a command) a te- trarch or governor of a fourth part. Τετραρχία, -ας, τ), (fr. last) apnn- cipality, government of a te- trarch. Τετραρχουντος, g. sin. cont. par. pres. act. of τετραρχέω. Τετράς, -άδος, η, (fr. τέσσαρες four) the number four, a party or body of four, quaternion. Ύέτρασι, d. pi. of last ; or Att. for τέσσαρσι, d. pi. of τέσσαρες. Τετράστιχος, -ου, b, η, (fr. τετράς four, and στίχος a row) arrang- ed in four rows. Ύέτρατος, Metath. for τέταρτος. Τετράτρϋφος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. τετράς four, and Κρύπτω to break) bro- ken or cracked into four parts. Τετρανματισμένος, -η, λ, .pa. . per. pass, of τραυματίζω. Τετραφάληρος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. τετράς four, and φάληρα a military or- nament) having four crests, plumes or cones ; having four studs. Τετραφάλος, -ov, b, f t , (fr. same, and φαλος a crest) having four cones or crests. Τετράφάται, τετράφάτο, Ion.for τε- τραμμένοι εισι, 3 pi. ind. per. and for τετραμμένοι ήσαν, 3 pi. pper. pass, of τρέφω. Τετραχά,-χή or -χω?, and Τετραχ- θά, (fr. τέσσαρες four) in four ways, in four pieces. Τετραχηλισμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of τραχηλίζω. Τετράψομαι, ppfut. ind. of τρέπω. Τετρεμαίνω, (fr. τρέω to tremble) to shudder, tremble. Ύετρηγα, Ύετρήγειν, Ion. for τέτρα- γα, per.jnd. mid. and ετετράγειν^ pper. mid. mid. of ταράσσω. Τέτρηνα, -ας, -ε, Ion. for ετέτρηνα^ ΤΕΤ Τετρηται, 3 sin. per. ind. pass, of τρέω, for τορέω. Τέτρηχα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. — Τετρήχει, Ion. for ετετρήχει, 3 sin. pper. act. — Τετρηχώς, -νΐα, -ος, per. par. act. of τρήχω. Or, Τετρηχώς, may be by Sync, for τεταραχώς, par. per. act. of τα- ράσσω. Τετρίγει, Ion. for ετετρίγει, 3 sin. pper. mid — Τετριγώς,-νΊα,-ος, a. pi. τετριγότας, per. par. mid. of τρίζω. Τέτροφα, per. ind. mid. of τρέφω. Or, Att. for τετρέφα, per. ind. act. of τρέπω. per. ind. mid. τέ- τροπα. Τέτρυμαι, ind. — Τετρυμένος, par. per. pass, of τρύω. Τέτρωκα, act. — Ύέτρωμαι, pass, per. ind. — Ύετρωμένος, -η, -ov, per. par. pass, of τιτρώσκω. Τέτρωρος, see τετράορος. Ύέττα, an expression of honour or respect, sir, good sir, dear sir, my friend. Ύέττα ρες, Att. for τέσσαρες. Ύέττιξ, -ϊγος, η, a grasshopper, η. pi. τέττιγες. Ύέτυγμαι, ind. — Τετυγμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, and Τετύκοντο, Ion. and Poet. Ana- dipl. for ετύχοντο, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. mid. of τεύχω• or for ετύκοντο, same of τύκω. Τίτυκται,3 sin. of Τέτυγμαι, -ξαι, -κται, per. ind. pass. — Τέτνκτο, Ion. for ετέτνκτο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of τεύχω. Τετύφλωκα, -ας, -ε or -εν, per. ind. act. of τνφλόω. Τετυφωμένος, -η,-ον, par. — Τετύ- φωται, ind. 3 sin. per. pass, of τνφόω. Τετύχηκα, per. ind. act. — Τε- τύχησι, Ion. and Poet, for τνχτι, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. act. — Ύετύγ- θαι, per. inf. pass, of τεύχω. Τευ, Dor. for του, which for σου, g. sin. of συ. Ύεϋγμα, -ατός, τδ, (fr. τεύχω to prepare) a structure, building, work, contrivance. Τευθήν, -ήνος, δ, (fr. τάω to seek ; or for πευθήν same) an examin- er, spy. Ύεϋθος, -ου, b, or Τενθϊς, -ίδος, η, a cuttle fish. Τευκτήρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. τεύχω to make) a workman, maker. Τεύκρος, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a work- man. Also the name of a man. Τευξ', Ion. for έτευξε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Ύευξαν, Ion. for έτευξαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. — Τεύξεαι, Ion. for τεύξη, 2 sin. 1 f. ind. mid. -^Τεύξεσθαι, inf. — Ύεύξομαι, ind. — Τευξόμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 f. mid. of τεύχω or of τυγχάνω. Ύεντάζω, f. -ασω, to be busy anxious about ; to act, serve. Ύεϋτλον, -ου, τδ, beet. Τευχάομαι, same as τεύχω. Τεύχε, Ion. for έτευχε, 3 sin. impf. or pres. impr. act. of τεύχω . TEX Τεύχε\ for Τεύχεα, η. pi. — Τεύ- χεσι, d. pi. of τεύχος. Τευχητής, -ου, δ, (fr. τεύχος ar- mour) armed, in arms. Ύεύχοισα, Dor. for τεύχουσα, pres. par. fem. — Ύεύχοντο, Ion. for ετεύχοντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of Τεύχος, -εος -ονς, τδ, (fr. τεύχω to make) a vessel, cask, tub; a case, box, press ; a roll, volume, book; an instrument, tool, im- plement, pi. τα τεύχεα, arms, armour. Τευχοϋ, pres. impr. mid. of Τεύχω, f. -ξω, p. τέτευχα, to form, make, construct, build, frame, prepare ; to cause, produce ; to reach, attain, get, obtain, par- take ; to be, become, happen. 2 a. act. έτνχον. per. pass, τέτενγ- μαι or τέτυγμαι, -ξαι, -κται. 1 a. ind. τρ&ςς.ετεύχθην, Άηάετύχθην. Τίφρα,-ας, Ion. Τέφρη,-ης,ή, ashes. Τεφρός, -ά, -bv, (fr. last) of οχ like ashes, full of ashes, dusty. Ύεφρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. τετέφρωκα, (fr. same) to reduce to ashes, bum. 1 a. ind. act. ετέφρωσα. Τεφρώδης, -εος -ους, δ,»;, (fr. same) like ashes, dusty. Ύεφρώσας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. of τεφρόω, Τεχθεϊς, -εΧσα, -εν, par. — Τεχθη- ναι, inf. 1 a. pass. — Ύεχθήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. of τίκτω. Τεχνάζομαι, f. -άσομαι, same as Τεχνάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. next) to pro- cure or get by artifice ; to work ingeniously, execute; to invent, contrive, devise, manage, plan; to deceive, defraud. Τέχνη, -ης, {/, trade, craft, business, profession; art, skill; artifice, stratagem, trick, fraud, deceit. Τεχνήεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. last) in- genious, artful, deceitful. Τεχνηέντως^ (fr. last) ingeniously, artfully, deceitfully. Τέχνημα, -ατός, τδ, (fr. τέχνη art) an artifice, stratagem, device, in- vention, contrivance. Τεχνήμων, -όνος, b, ;/, (fr. same) ingenious, skilful, clever ; artful, deceitful. Τεχνίζομαι, same as τεχνάζομαι. Τεχνικός, -η, -δι>, (fr. τέχνη art) artificial, technical ; ingenious, clever ; crafty, cunning, deceit- ful. Ύεχνϊκως, (fr. last) artificially, cunningly, craftily, ingeniously. Ύεχνικώτερος,-α, -ov, comp. of τεχ- νικό?. Τεχνϊτης, -ov, b, (fr. τέχνη art) an artist, mechanic, artizan ; artful person, deceiver. Τεχϊτις, -'ίδος, η, (fr. same) a fe- male artist. Τεχνολογέω -ω, (fr. same, and λε- γω to speak) to treat of arts ; to speak with art, discuss accurate• ly, dispute cunningly. Τεχνολογία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a treatise on art. Τεχνολόγος, -ου, b, η, (fr. san treating of art ; speaking art- (558) THA fully, talking plausibly, deceit* ful. Τέω, Ion. for τινϊ, d. sin. οι τις. Ύεω, d. sin. — Τεώ, η. du. of τεδ?, Dor. for σός. Τέως, Ion. for τίνων, g. pi. of τίς. Τέως, (fr. εως until) so long, the while, during the time, in the meantime, until; hitherto, here- tofore. Τη, (d. sin. fem. of δ, η, τδ, viz. bδ{p a way) this way, that way ; in this or that quarter or manner, here, there ; hither, thither; in what direction, whither ; partly, in this respect. Tfj, Dor. for τάε, pres. impr. act. of to\j. Or, Apoc. for τήθι, % a. impr. act. οΐτήμι. Τήβεννα, -ης, and Τήβεννος, -ου, ή, a Roman coat, toga. Τηγανίζω, f. -ϊσω, ρ. τετηγάνικα, (fr. τήγανον a frying pan) to fry. Τηγανιστής, -ov, b, (fr. same) one who fries, a cook. Τήγανον, -ov, τδ, (fr. τήκω to melt) a frying pan. Tf /δε, (d. sin. fem. of οδε, bδψ a way understood) here, hither, there, thither. Τήθη or Τηθν, and Τιθη, -ης, f h (fr. τιτθός the breast) a nurse ; a grandmother, aunt. Τηθύς,-ύος, %, (fr. last) the earth. Τηθυς, -ύος, f], Tethys, a sea deity. Ύηκεδόνι, d. sin. of Τηκεδών, -όνος, η, same as τηξις. Τήκεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. mid. — Τοκετό, Ion. for ετήκετο, 3 sin . impf. mid. of τήκω. Τηκτ?κος,-ή, -bv, (fr. τήκω to melt^ dissolving. Τηκτος, -i), -bv, (fr. next) melted ; apt to melt, dissoluble. Τήκω, f. -ξω, p. τέτηχα, to dissolve, melt, thaw ; to wet, bedew, moist en ; to pine, fret, consume, waste decay. 2 a. ind. pass, ετάκην, -ης, -η. 2 f. ind. pass, τακήσο μα ι. Τηλανγέω -ω, {fr. τηλε at a dis- tance, and ανγη brightness) to shine afar, glitter at a distance. Ύηλαύγημα, -ατός, τδ, (fr. same) a distant brightness or radiance. Τ7/λανγης, -έος -ους, δ, fj, (fr. same) shining afar, very bright, glitter- ing, radiant. Ύηλαύησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f/, (fr. same) a distant brightness, briU liancy, radiance. Τηλανγως, (fr. same) splendidly, brilliantly, conspicuously, dis- tinctly. Τήλε, Ύηλον, and Τηλόθι, at a dis- tance, far, afar, from afar. Ύηλεβοαϊ, -ων, οι, people of iEto- lia, called also Taphians. Τηλεβόλος, -ov, b, η, (fr. τηλί at a distance, and βάλλω to throw) darting or throwing from a- far. Τηλέβολος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same) far hurled, darted or thrown from afar. Τηλεθάοντες, η. pi. pres. par. act. of next» ΤΗΝ Τη\εθάω, fr. τέθηΧα, per. mid. of θα'λλω, which see. Τηλεκλείτοϊο, g. sin. Ion. of Τηλεκλειτός, -οΰ, δ, 17, (fr. τηΧε afar, and κΧείω to celebrate) re- nowned, far-famed, celebrated, famous. Also, a man's name. ΤηΧεκΧητύς, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and καΧέω to call) called or sum- moned from a distance. ΤηΧεκΧϋτός, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same, and κΧύω to hear) far-famed, re- nowned, celebrated, famous. ΤηΧέμάχος, -ου, b, a man's name. ΎηΧέσ<ο-ζος, -ου, δ, 17, (fr. τΐ)Χε afar, and σκέπτομαι to see) seen /roin afar, eminent, conspicuous. ΤηΧεσκόπος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) far surveying, seeing or observ- ing around. ΤηΧέφιον, -ου, rb, an herb called purslain. ΤήΧεφος, -ου, b, a man's name. ΤηΧΊα, -ας, η, a vessel, bucket, tub ; a chest, boa;, zom-chest, bin ; α hoop or rim of α sieve ; tables, game at tables, dice board. ΤηΧικαΰτα, pi. neut. of τηΧικοΰτος. ΤηΧίκος, -η, -ov, (fr. ηΧίκος how much) so much, so great, so many ; so old. of such an age, of the same age. ΤηΧικοΰτος, τηΧικαύτη, τηΧικοΰτο or -οΰτον, (fr. last) so much, so great, so many ; so old, of such an age, of the same age. ΤήΧινος, -η, -ov, (fr. next) made of fenugreek. ΎηΧις, -ως, Att. -εως or -ιδος, τ], an herb called fenugreek. ΤηΧάθεν, ΤηΧάθι, and ΤηΧοΰ, (fr, τηΧε afar) from afar, far, at a distance. ΤηΧουρος, -ου, b, »;, (fr. same, and 'όρος a boundary) having remote boundaries, distant, far. ΤηΧυγέτης, -ου, b, η, and ΤηΧύγε- τος, -η, -ov, Sync, for τηΧηγενέ• της, (fr. same, and γίνομαι to be born) born when a parent is old, child of his old age, youngest, only, dearly loved ; born when the father was abroad ΤηΧωττός, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and ότττομαι to see) seen afar ; far removed, distant ; or (fr. όψ the voice) heard afar, audible, loud, ΤημεΧέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. τάω to take, and /if λ ει it is a matter of care) ίο take care, attend, mind, superintend, τι rashly, hastily ; otherwise, else, if not. ΤήνεβΧα, ή, or -os, b, a song of tri- umph, sound of victory on the lyre. Τηνει, Dor. for εκεί. ΤήνεΧΧα, -ης, j} ; or ΤήνεΧΧος, -ov, b, the sound of victory, song of triumph. Τηνεσμύς, -οΰ, b, (fr. τείνω to stretch) a straining, stretching ; desire of stool. Την'ίκα, Τηνικάδε, and Τηνικαΰτα, (fr. ηνίκα when) then, at that moment, then at length. Ύηνόθι, Dor. for εκεί. Τήνος, τήνα, τηνο, Dor. for εκείνος. Τήνω, g. oflast. Τήξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. τήκω to waste) decay, consumption. Τη-ερ, (Ion. and Poet, for ωσχερ) so as, just as, even so. Also, where, when. Ύήρει, impr. cont. — Τηρε7, 3 sin. cont. ind. pres. act. — ΤηρεΊν, act. — Ύηρείσθαι, pass. pres. inf. cont. — Τηρέοντι, Dor. for τηρέ- ονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Τηρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, ρ. τετήρηκα, to save, preserve, keep, protect, watch, guard ; to lay up, reserve, store ; to regard, observe ; to wait for, await, expect ; to lie in wait, waylay, beset ; to pass or spend time. impf. act. ετήρεον -ουν. 1 a. ind. act. ετήρησα, -ας, -ε' impr. τήρησον, -άτω' 2 pi. τηρήσατε' sub. τηρήσω, -ης, -η' inf. τηρησαι' par. τηρήσας. pres. ind. pass, τηρέομαι -οΰμαι. impf. pass, ετηρεόμην -ούμην -ίου -ου, -έετο -έΐτο. per. ind. pass, τετή- ρημαι, -σαι, -ται, 1 a, ind. pass. ετηρήθην, -ης, -η. Ύηρη, 3 sin. cont. pres. sub. act. — Τηρηθείην, -ης, -η, opt. — Τη- ρηθήναι, inf. 1 a. pass, oflast. Τήρησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. τη- ρέω to watch) a keeping, observa- tion ; custody, hold, prison, d. τηρήσει' a. τήρησιν. Ύηροΰμεν, 1 pi. cont. pres. ind. — "Τηρούμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres pass. cont. — Ύηροΰντες, η. pi. -ρούντων, g. pi. cont. par. pres act. of τηρέω. Τηρώ, 1 sin. cont. pres. ind. or sub. — Ύηρωμεν, 1 pi. cont. pres sub. — Τηρών, par. pres. act cont. of same. Τησι, Ion. for ταΊς, d. pi. fem of δ. ΤημεΧης, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. same)) TV?, 2 sin. pres. ind. mid. cont diligent, attentive, careful. of Τήμερον or -pa, Att. for σήμερον. Τητάω -ω, f. -?/σω, to deprive, take Τημι, same as τάω or τάζω, 2 a. impr. act. τήθι, Apoc. τη. Τήμος, and Τημδσδε, (fr. %μος when) then. Τημοΰτος, for τγμος. Την, a. sin. of δ. Τήν ίε, and Την γε, same, with the enclit. Τ ή να, fem. of τήνος. ΤηνάΧΧως, by the way, briefly, short- ty ," freely, gratis ; in safety, se- curely, safely ; in vain, vainly, fruitlessly-, to no purpose, idly ; away, bereave ; to seek, explore try, examine. Τητάομαι, to want, be destitute. Τητες, Att. for σήτες. Τήτη, -ης, η, (fr. τητάω to deprive) privation, deficiency, want, pe nury. Τηιίσιος, -α, -ov, vain, fruitless, use- less. Τηϋσ'ιως, (fr. last) fruitlessly, in vain, uselessly. Ti, (neut. of τίς) why ? what ? for (558) TI® what ? Τι μαθάν, wherefore why ? Τιάρα, -ας, Ion. -ρη, -ης, ή, a head dress, turban, tiara. Τιβεριάς, -άδος, η, name of a town. Τιβέριος, -ου, δ, Tiberius, name of a man. Τιβην, -ηνος, δ, (perhaps fr. τρεις three, and βάσις a stand) a three legged stool ; a tripod. Τιγράνης, -ου, b, Tigranes, a man's name. Τίγρις, -'ίδος and -ιος, η, a tiger. ΤΊγω, same as th. $ίγω. Τίει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Τίεν, Ion. — Τιεσκε, Ion. and Poet, for έτιε, 3 sin. impf. act. — Τίε- ται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass, of τίω. Τιέω, to punish, same as th. τίω. Τίη, Poet, for τί. Τιθαιβάσσω or Τιθαιβώσσω, (per- , haps fr. ^77 a chest) to lay up, hoard, store. Τιθασσενω, f. -ευσω, (fr. next) to tame, make gentle. Τιθασσος and Τιθάσος, -ov, b, J7, tame, gentle, mild; cultivated. Τίθεαι, Ion. for τίθεσαι, 2 sin. pres. ind. pass. — Ύιθέάσι, Ιοί., for τιθεΊσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Τιθέάται, Ion. for τίθενται, 3 pi. pres. ind. pass. — Τιθέησι, Ion. for τιβγις, 2 sin. of τιθώ, -ης, -fj, Ion. τιθέω, -έης, -έη, pres. sub. act. of τίθημί. Τίθει, Ion. for ετίθει, 3 sin. cont. impf. or pres. impr. act. — Τιθε7, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of τιθέω, same as τίθημι. ΤιθεΊμεν, τιθεΐτε, τιθεΊεν, Sync, for τιθείημεν, -ητε, -ήσαν, pi. οιΤιθεί- νν,-ης, -η, pres. opt. act. — Τιθέ- μεν, Ion. and τιθέμενοι, Dor. for τιθέναι, pres. inf. act. of τίθημι. Τιθεϊς, -εϊσα, -εν, η. pi. -θέντες, par. Τιθέναι, inf. pres. act. — Τίθεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass. — Τιθέτω, 3 sin. pres. impr. act. of same. Τίθεμμι, -5£ol. for τίθημι. ΤΊΘεν, Poet, and Dor. for ετίθησαν^ 3 pi. impf. ind. act. — Τιθέναι, pres. inf. act. of τίθημι. Τιθεύω, (fr. τιθη a nurse) to nurse, suckle. Τιθέω -ΰ, obs. for which τίθημι. Τιθη, -ης, η, (fr. τιτθος a breast) α nurse. Τιθήμεναι and Τιθήμενος, Poet, for πθέμεναι, Dor. for τιθέναι, pres. inf. act. and τιθέμενος, pres. par. pass. — Τίθ??σ( or -σιν, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of Τίθημι, f. Si /σω, p. τέθεικα, to put, lay, place, set, erect ; to set aside or by, store, lay by ; to set or lay before, serve up ; to at- tribute, impute, assign, ascribe ; to propose, offer, present ; to rank or number among ; to sup- pose, make a supposition ; to con- sider, deem, reckon, judge ; to cause, make, render ; to consti- tute, ordain, appoint ; to ar- range, settle, regulate ; to give, grant ; to mortgage, pledge, pawn, deposite ; to enact, pres. TIM impr. τίθετι, -έτω• inf. τιθίναι. par. τιθείς. impf. ind. act. ετίθην, -ης, -η, or Att. ετίθεον -ovv. 1 a ind. act. έθηκα. 2 a. ind. act. έθην, -ης, -η' sub. &ω, $ης, $η par. δεις, -έϊσα, -εν. per. ind pass, τεθειμαι. pper. ετεθείμην, σο, -το. 1 a. pass. ind. ετε'θ^ν,-ίκ, >7" sub. τεθώ, -ης, -η' inf. τεθ??- ναι. 1 a. ind. mid. εθηκάμην, -ω -ατο. 2 a. mid. ind. εθίμην, ίθεσο or ίθου, έθετο. 2 a. impr. mid. $έσο or 3ο5, ^ε'σβω, 2 pi. 3ε'σ0ε. 2 a. par. mid. δεμένος, -η, -ον. Τιθηνίω, (fr. next) to nurse, fondle cherish, nourish, support ; to humour, sooth, indulge ; to till cultivate ; to form, mould, shape, 1 f. mid. τιθηνήσομαι. per. ind, pass, τετιθήνημαι. Τιθήνη, -ης, Dor. Ύιθήνα, η, (fr. τιθη a nurse) a nurse. Τιθηνός, -ov, b or η~, (fr. same) a nurse, nourisher, supporter. ΤΊΘητι, Dor. for τίθησι, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. οΐτίθημι. Τιθωνος, -ου, b, a man's name. Τίκτε, Ion. for έτικτε, 3 sin. impf. act. — Τίκτε», 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Ύίκτης, -τη, 2 and 3 sin. pres. sub. act. of Τίκτω, f. τίξω, p. τίτεχα, to pro- duce, bring forth, beget, create. 2 a. act. ind. ετεκον, •ες, -ε' sub. τέκω, -ης, -η' inf. τεκέΐν. 1 a. pass. ind. ετέχθην, -ης, -η' par. τεχθεϊς, -εΊσα, -εν. 1 f. ind. pass. τεχθήσομαι, -η, -εται. 1 f. ind. mid. τεξομαι, -η, -εται. per. ind. mid. τέτοκα, -ας, -ε' par. τετο- κως, τετοκνια, τετοκός. Τιλαϊ, -ων, al, moles, dust. ΤίΧαι,Ι a. inf. act. — Τίλλον, Ion. for έΥίλλον. impf. ind. act. — Τίλλοισα, Dor. for τί\λοι*τα, pres. par. fern, of Τίλλω, f. -λώ, p. τίτιλκα, to pull, pull off, pluck off, strip. 1 a. act. ind. εΥϊλα. per. pass. ind. Ίετιλμαι' par. τετιλμίνος. Τίχος, -ov, b, dung, ordure. Τψα, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Τίμα, Ion. for ετίμα, 3 sin. impf. act. — also Τίμα, Τιμάτε, 2 sin. and pi. pres. impr. act. cont. of τιμάω. Τιμάγορας, -ov, b, a proper name. Τιμάεις, -εσσα, -εν, Dor. for τι- μήεις. ΤιμαΤς, d. pi. of τιμή. Τίμαιος, -ov, b, Timceus, a proper name. d. sin. Τιμαίω. Τίμαλφέω, f. -ήσω, (fr. next) to raise to honour, aggrandize; to extol, celebrate. Τιμαλφής, -εος-ονς, b, f), (fr. τιμάω to honour, and αλφίω to find) valuable, precious. Τιμάν, Dor. for τιμήν, a. sin. of τιμή. Τ ιμάντα, Dor. for τιμηντα, a. sin. cont. of τιμήεις. Τιμάορος, -ov, b, (fr. τιμή honour or punishment, and αείρω to raise) a celehrater of praises, a praiser, extoller, panegyrist ; a punisher, avenger. TIM Τίμαρχος, -ου, b, a proper name. Ύιμασας, Dor. for τιμήσας, 1 a. par. act. of τιμάω. Τιμασενντι, Dor. and iEol. for τιμήσονσι, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of Τιμάω, f. -ήσω, p. τετίμηκα, to ho- nour, prize, esteem, value ; to re- spect, revere, obey, worship; to raise or advance to power, pro- mote, think worthy of ; to pu- nish, fine. per. ind. pass, τετί- μημαι, -σαι, -ται. 1 a. ind. mid. ετιμησάμην, -ω, -ατο. Τψη, -ης, »% (fr. τίω to honour) honour, reverence, respect, es- teem ; command, authority, of- fice ; price, value ; reward, pay ; retribution, punishment. Τιμήεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. same) ho- noured, respected ; precious, va- luable. Τίμημα, -ατός, τό, (fr. same) esti- mation, valuation, rate, price value ; a fine, penalty. Τιμηντα, Crasis for τιμήεντα, a. sin. οΐτιμήεις. Τιμήορος, same as τιμάορος. Τίμησας, Ion. for ετίμησας, 2 sin, 1 a. ind. act. — Τιμήσατε, 2 pi 1 a. impr. act. — Τίμησης, -η, 2 and 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. — Τιμήσει, -σονσι, 3 sin. and pi. 1 f. ind. act. οΐτιμάω. Τίμησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f/, (fr. τιμή honour) esteem, respect, honour ; damages, a fine, penalty ; a rate assessment, valuation, estimate. Τιμητέος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) ho- nourable, to be respected. Τιμητής, -ου, b, (fr. same) a valu- ator, assessor. Τιμητικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) ho- nouring, respecting, honourable ; of the censor, judicial, condemna- tory. Τίμιος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) honour- able ; dear, precious, valuable ; honoured, esteemed. Τιμιότης, -ητος, η, (fr. same) ho- nour, nobility, wealth, riches, opu- lence ; value, price, estimatiom Τιμιώτερος, comp. — Τιμιώτατος, sup. οι τίμιος. Τιμογράφεω -ω, (fr. τιμή value, and γράφω to write) to fix a value, make an estimate ; impose a tax, levy a fine or penalty. Τιμοδημίδαι, -ων, οί, the ancestors or posterity of Ύιμόδημος. Τιμόθεος, -ov, b, a man's name. Τψω, act. Τιμωμαι, pass. 1 sin. cont. pres. ind. — Τιμών, pres. par. act. cont. — Τιμωσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. or sub. act. of τιμάω. Τίμων, -ωνος, b, a man's name. Τϊμωρεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. τετιμώρηκα, (fr. τι άωρος an avenger) to assist, aid, help ; to avenge; to punish, chastise, correct, torture. 1 a. ind. pass, ετιμωρήθην, -ης, -η' sub. τιμωρηθώ, -ης, -η. Τιμωρηθωσιν, 3 ρΐ. 1 a. sub. pass, of last. Τιμώρημα, -ατός, τό, (fr. τιμωρός an avenger) revenge, vengeance, punishment. (560) TIT Τιμωρήσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. of τϊ- μωρεω. Τιμώρησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, »% (fr. τιμωρός an avenger) revenge, vengeance, punishment. Τιμωρητηρ, -ηρος, b, and Τιμωρητης, -ov, b, (fr. same) an avenger, vindicator ; a punisher. Τιμωρία, -ας, j% (fr. next) ven- geance, revenge ; punishment ; retribution ; aid, help, assistance. Τιμωρός, -ov, b, ή, (fr. τιμή punish- ment, and bpάω to see) an aven- ger, punisher ; an assistant, help- er, supporter, defender. Τιμωρονν, pres. par. act. neut. — Τιμωρών, par. pres. act. cont. of τιμωρεω., Tiv, Dor. for σοϊ, d. sin. of σύ. T«V for τίνα, a. sin. — Τίνας, a. pi. of τις. Τίναγμα, -άτος, τό, (fr. next) α shaking, concussion. Τίνάσσω, f. -ζω, p. -χα, to shake, quiver, tremble ; to cause to shake, brandish; to hurl, scatter, fling. Τίνες,π. pi. οι τις. Ύίνεσθαι, Ion. for τίννυσθαι, pres. inf. mid. οΓτίνννμι. Ύίνεσκε, Ion. for ίτινε, 3 sin. impf. ind. act. of τίνω. Ύινθά\ίος, -a, -ov, hot, warm. Τίνι, d. — Τίνος, g. of τις. Ύινννω, Τιννϋμι and Τίνω, (fr. τίω to punish) to pay, expiate, atone f recompense, discharge ; to pu- nish, revenge, avenge. Τίνων, g. pi. of τις. Ύίον, Ion. for ίτιον, 2 a. ind. act. of τίω. Τίποτε, (fr. τί why ? and πότε at all) why ? wherefore ? Τίπτ' for τίπτε, Sync, for last. Τίρννθ' ΓοτΤιρύνθω, d. sin. of Ύίρννθος, -ov, b, name of a town. Τις, τίνος, b, η, who ? which ? what ? of what kind or sort ? Τις, τίνος, b, f), some body, some one, something; any one, any body, any thing, aught ; one, certain, each, some, who. Τίσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Τισαίατο, Ion. for τίσαιντο, 3 pi. 1 a. opt. mid. — Τίσασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Τισαίμεθα, 1 pi. 1 a. opt. mid. of τίω. Τ ίσε, Ion. for ίτισε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Τίσειαν, iEol. for τίσαιεν, 3 pi. 1 a. opt. act. — Τίσεις, 2 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of same. Τίσι or TiVtv, d. pi. of τις — also Τίσιν, a. sin. of Τ*ίσις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, ή, (fr. τίω to punish) revenge, vengeance, punishment, recompense, remu- neration, atonement, expiation. Τισιφόνη, -ης, h, one of the Furies. Τισον, -άνω, 1 a. impr. act. — Tf- σονσι, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. — Τισώσ' for τίσωσι, S pi. 1 a. sub. act. of τίω. Τίταινεν, Ion. for ετίταινεν, 3 sin. impf. act. — Τιταίνοντας, a. pi. pres. par. act. of Τιταίνω, (fr. τίω to punish) to pu- nish, avenge, revenge. Τιταίνω, (fr. τείνω to stretch) /• ΤΛΗ strain, stretch ; to draw, drag, pull. Τιτάν, -άνος, δ, Titan, a giant; the sun. Ύιτάνη, -ης, η, (fr. last) a queen. ^ Τιτανοκράτωρ, -υρος, δ, (fr. Τιτάν Titan, and κρατίω to conquer) the conqueror of 'Titan, an epi- thet of Jupiter. Τιτανοκτόνος, -ου, δ, (fr. same, and κτείνω to kill) a destroyer of the Titans. Τίτανος, -ου, η, lime, alabaster, gyp- sum ; clay, earth. Ύιτανωδες, (neut. of next) like a Titan. Τιτανώδης, -εος -ους, b,rj, (fr. Τιτάν Titan ) like a Titan ; stem, blus- tering. Τιταρήσιος, -ου, b, the Tilaresius, a river. Τίτθη, -ης, ή, or Τιτθη, -ης, fj, (fr. τιτθbς a breast) a nurse, the breast ; a grandmother. Τιτθίον, -ου, τδ, (dim. of same) a little breast or pap. Ύιτθις, -Έδος, f), (fr. τιτΟος abreast) a nurse ; a grandmother by the mothers side. Τιτθδς, -ου, b, a breast, pap, nipple, teat. Τίτλος, -ου, Ό, (fr. Lat. titutus, a title) a title, inscription, a board with an inscription. Τιτράω, Ύίτρημι, and Τιτραινω, f. τρήσω, to bore, pierce, perforate. per. ind. pass, τέτρημαι. Τιτρώσκω, ί.-τρώσω,Ιο wound, pierce, sting ; to damage, hurt, injure, Τιτύδς, -ου, b, Tityus, name of a giant. Τιτύσκετο, Ion. for ετιτύσκετο, 3 sin. impf. of Τιτύσκομαι, to level at, aim, direct; to pepare, make ready. Τίφη, -ης, ή, a kind of corn. Tt00',fer τίπτε, Poet, for τί-.οτε. Ύΐφος, -εος -ους, τδ, a marsh, lake, swamp. Τίω,(. -τίσω, ρ. τίτικα, to honour, prize, esteem, regard, hold dear ; to value, estimate; to pay, dis- charge; to expiate, atone, suffer for ; to requite, avenge, revenge, punish. Τλαθι, Dor. for τληθ-ι, 2 a. impr. act. of τλημι. Τλάΰΰμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. τλάω to suffer, and $υμος the mind) pa- tient, enduring, bearing. Τλαίην, pres. or 2 a. opt. act. of τλημι. Τλάμων, Dor. for τλήμων. Τλάς, pres. or 2 a. par. act. of τλημι. Τλάω, Sync, for ταλάω. Τλΐ} 1 3 sin. 2 a. sub. act Τλη, Τλήμεν, Ion. for ετλη, 3 sin. and ετλημεν, 1 pi. 2 a. ind. act. of Τλημι, f. τλήσω, p. τέτληκα, (fr. τλάω to suffer) same as ταλάω. 2 a. ind. act. ίτΧην. Ύλνμονες, η. pi. — Τλήμονα, a. sin. Τλαμων, -όνος, b,f h (fr. τλημι to en- dure) patient, enduring, suffer- ing ; bold, daring, brave, coura- 4B TOI geous ; miserable, wretched, v. sin. ώ τλημον, wretch. Ύληναι, 2 a. inf. act. of τλημι. Ύληπόλεμος, -ου, b, a man's name. Τλ>/σ«ί, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. τλημι to suffer) patience, endurance, sufferance ; boldness, audacity, courage. Ύλήσω, 1 f. ind. act. of τλημι or τλάω. Τλητός, -η, -δν, (fr. τλημι to suffer) endurable, suffer able, bearable ; enduring, suffering, patient. Ύμάγεν, Ion. and Besot. Sync, for ετμάγησαν, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. act. of τμήσσω. Τμάω, to cut, see τέμνω or τμήσσω. Τμηγεϊς or Τμαγεϊς, 2 a. par. pass. of τμήσσω. Ύμήδην, (fr. τμάω to cut) cutting, with a gash. ΤμηθεΙς, 1 a. par. pass, οι τμήσσω. Ύμήσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. τμήσ- σω or τέμνω to cut) a cut, gash; a division, separation ; Tmesis a grammatical figure. Τμήσσω, (fr. τέμνω to cut) to cut, gash, wound ; to divide, separate, cut asunder. 2 a. ind. act. έτμά- γον. 2 f. ind. act. τμάγω. 2 &.\Ύ6κος, -ου, b, (fr. τίκτω to bring ind. pass, ετμάγην, *5ρ1. -γησαν'ί forth) parturition, child-birth; par. τμαγεις, and τμηγείς. ' a birth, offspring, produce ; in- Τμήσω, 1 f. ind. act. of τμάω. I ierest, usury. Τμητδς, -ή, -δν, (fr. τμάω to cut) Τόλμα, -ης, η, boldness, intrepidity, cut, hewn. \ courage, confidence. ΤΟΛ * Τοίς, and Ion. ΤοΧσι or Τοίσιν, d. pi. of b, η, τό. ΤυΊσδε, and Ύοίσδεσσι, d. pi. Ion. and Poet, of δδε. Τοίχος, -ου, b, a wall of any sort, α fortification, the side of a ship. Τοιχόω, (fr. last) to build a wall, wall up, fortify. Ύοίω, du. of το ϊος. Τοίως, (fr. τοΧος such) so, thus, in such a manner. Τόκα, Dor. for τότε. Ύοκάς, -άδος, η, (fr. τίκτω to bring forth) a brood animal, female for breed or in young ; breed- ing, bringing forth, yeaning. Τοκεεσσι, Ion. and Poet, for τοκευ- σι, d. pi. of Τοκευς, -εος, Ion. -ηος, b, (fr. τίκτία to beget) a parent, a. pi. Ion. τοκηας. Τοκήϊ, ά. sin. Ion. — Τοκηα, a. sin. Ion. — Τοκήων, g. pi. Ion. of last. Τοκογλυφεω -ω, (fr. τόκος interest, and γλύφω to engrave) to calcu- late interest. Τοκογλύφος, -ου, b, (fr. same) α usurer, money broker. Τμωλος, -ου, b, name of a moun- tain. To, neut.• of δ, (adverbially with a preposition understood) where- fore, on which account, for which reason. ΤοαρχαΊον, (neut. of αρχαίος an- cient) of old, formerly, long ago. Τόγ\ Τόδ\ for τόγε, and τάδε, neut. of δ with the enclitic. Τόγε εμδν, as far as in my power. Τοδεύτερον, (fr. δεύτερος second, th. δύο two) a second time, again. Ύόθι, there, in that place. To/, (fr. τδς obs. for wh. 8? which) a particle annexed and prefix- ed to adverbs and conjunc- tions, indeed- truly, wherefore, though. Tot, Dor. for σοι, d. of σύ. Τοίαυτ' for τοιαύτα, neut. pi. — Τοιαύτην, a. sin, fem. of τοιούτος. Τοιγαρ, Τοιγαρονν, Τοιγαρτοϊ (fr. τοι truly, γαρ for, and ουν there- fore) therefore, wherefore. Τοίγε, Dor. for οΐγε, (fr. δ or. 8? and γε) they ; who, which.. Τοίη, Ion. for τοία, fem. of τοΐος... Τοίνυν, (fr. Tot truly, and νυν now) therefore, wherefore, according- ly. Tolo, Ion. for του, g. sin. of δ, η, τό. Tolov, (neut. of next) so, thus. ΎοΊος, τοία, τοΐον, such, of such kind, of this sort, so great, so re- markable. Τοιόσδε, -άδε Ion. -ήδε, -όνδζ, (fr. last, and δε enclit.) such, &c. Τοιούτος, τοιαύτη,τοιουτο^τ. same, and ούτος this) such, of such sort or kind : of this kind, this. (5G\) Τόλμα, pres. impr. act. cont. — Τολμά, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. cont. — Ύολμαν, pres. inf. act. cont. of τολμάω. Τολμάεις, -εσσα, -εν, Dor. for το\- μήεις. ΤολμασεΊς, Dor. for τολμήσεις, 2 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of Τολμάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. τετόλμηκα, (fr. τόλμα boldness) to dare, venture, attempt, brave ; to have courage, be audacious ; to bear, sustain, endure ; to will, think proper, impf. ind. act. ετόλμαον -ων, -αες -ας. 1 a. ind. act. ετόλ- μησα' inf. τολμησαι' par. τολμή- σας. Τόλμη, -ης, η, boldness, audacity, intrepidity ; rashness. Τολμήεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. τόλμα au- dacity) bold, audacious, coura- geous, intrepid; persisting, en- during. Τόλμημα, -άτος, τδ, (fr. same) a bold action, attempt, enterprise. Τολμηρός, -ά, -δν, (fr. same) bold, audacious, enterprising. Comp. τολμηρότερος, sup. -<5τατο?. Ύολμηρώς, (fr. last) boldly, intre- pidly, rashly, hastily. Τόλμης, Dor. for τολμςίς, 2 sin. pres. ind. act. — Τολμησαι, inf. — Τολμήσας, par. 1 a. act. — Τολμήσω, 1 f. ind. act. of τολ- μάω. Τολμητεος, -a, -ov, (fr. τολμάω to dare) must be ventured, the risk must be run. See the verb. Τολμητης, -ου, b, (fr. τόλμα auda- city) bold, daring ; audacious, presumptuous. Τολμώ, Τολμωμεν, 1 sin. and pi. τοπ cont. pres. ind. act. — Τολμψεν, cont. for τολμάοιεν, 3 pi. pres. opt. act. — Τολμώσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. cont. of τολμάω. Τολύπενω, (fr. next) to spin, wind or roll up into a ball ; to gather up, put together, accumulate, col- lect ; to contrive, plan, design ; to end, finish, perfect, complete; to suffer, be afflicted. Τολϋπη, -ης, ij, carded wool, a ball of wool; a wild gourd. Τομή, -η-ς, »;, and Dor. Ύόμα, (fr. τέμνω to cut) a cutting, i?ici- sion ; a section, piece cut off, trunk. Τομίας, -ου, δ, (fr. sanoe) cut, geld- ed, castrated. Τομϊς, -ίδος, η, (fr. same) a knife. Ύυμός, -η, -uv, (fr. same) penetra- ting, piercing, cutting, sharp. Τόμος, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a piece, slice, cut, section; a volume. Τόμυρις, η, Tomyris, queen of the Scythians. Τομώτερος, -a, -ov, comp. of τομός. Τον, a. sin. of o, or for ov a. sin. of ος. Τονθορύζω, -Τονθορίζω, and Τον- θρύζω, to murmur, mutter, whis- per, hum. Τονθρυστης, -οΰ, δ, (fr. last) a whisperer. Τόνος, -ου, δ, (fr. τείνω to stretch) an extended cord, stretched rope; tension, stretch, pitch, tone ; a tone or note in music, a verse ; vehemence, eagerness; applica- tion, earnest attention ; tone or vigour of mind ov body. To? for τόξα, η. pi. of τόξον. Τοξάζω, (fr. τόξον a bow) tonsethe bow, shoot. Τοξάριον, -ου, το, (dim. of same) a little bow, a bow, contemptuously; Τόξενμα, -ατός, το, (fr. τόξον a bow) an arrow, arrow-shot, bow- ΤΟΣ Το/τάζω, (fr. τόπος a place) to set, settle, place ; to conjecture, guess, suppose, suspect ; to seek, search, investigate. Τοπάλαι, (same as πάλαι) former- ly, lojig ago, of old. Τοπαλαών, (neut. of παλαιός an- cient) anciently, formerly, of old. Ύοπαράπαν, (fr. το the, παρά by, and πας all) at all, entirely, alto- gether, totally. Τυ-αραυτΥκα, immediately, at the time, then. Τοπαρος, and το παρόσπερ, same as TPA χάρος, Poet, for π po shot ; a bow. Ύοξευτης, •οϋ, b, (fr. same) . an archer, bowman. Τοξεύω, (fr. same) to shoot the-bo\ discharge an arrow, wound with an arrow. Τοξικον, -ου, το, (neut. of next) poison used on arrows ; the bow- men or archers. Τοξικός, -η, -ov, (fr. τόξον a bow) skilled in archery, good archers, belonging to or adapted to arch- ery ; bowed, arched. Τοξικώτατοι, η. pi. sup. of τοξικός. Τοξόδαμος, -ου, b, $, (fr. next, and δαμάω to conquer) killing with the bow. Γόξον, -ov, rb, a bow ; a quiver and arrows; archery, in pi. imple- ments of archery, Τοξότας, -a, b, Dor. for Τοξότης, -ov, b, (fr. τόξον a bow) an archer, bowmun. Τοξότις, -Wo?, ij, (fr. same) a fe- male archer. Epithet of Diana. Τοξοφόρος, -ov, b,f), (fr. same, and φέρω to carry) using the bow; a bowman, archer. Τοπάζιος, -ov, b, Ύοπάζιον, -ov, rb, a precious stone, topaz. Τοπάρχης, -ov,b, (fr. τόπος a place, and αρχή the command) a go- vernor of' a district. Τοπαρχία, -ας, η, (fr. same) the government of a district. ΤοπΈπαν, (fr. rb the, επί upon, and πας all) altogether, totally. Τόπος, -ov, b, a place, tract, region, spot, situation, seat; space, room ; an argument, theme, discourse, topic, subject. Τόπριν, formerly, long ago. Τοπρώτον, (neut. of πρώτος first) at first, first. Τορδύλων or Τόρδυλον,-ον, ro,name of an herb, Cretan hartwort. Τόρενμα, -ατός, το, (fr. τορενω to carve ) carving, engraving ; carv- ed or turned work. Τορεντος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) turn- ed, carved, engraved• Τορενω, (fr. τερέω to turn) to turn., carve, engrave; to tune, modulate. Τορίω -ω, (fr. same) to perforate, penetrate, bore, pierce ; to ex- plain, show distinctly; to turn in a lathe ; to smooth, polish. Τ όρμος, -ov, b, or Τόρμη,-ης,η, the nave of a wheel ; a wheel track a goal, starting-post ; a buckle, clasp, hook, nail, stud. Τορνεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. next) to turn in a lathe, round. Τόρνος, -ov, b, (fr. τερεω to turn) a lathe ; a borer, auger. Ύορνόω -ω, (fr. last) to turn in a lathe, make round, round ; to encircle, mark with a circle. Τ όρος, -ov, b, (fr. τερεω to turn) a rope, also same as τόρνος. Ύορος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) penetra- ting, piercing, sharp ; clear, dis- tinct, perspicuous. Τορϋνη, -ης, >'/, (fr. same) a ladle, potstick, fieshfork. Τος, obs. for which b' pi. Toi, for which ol. Toj, Dor. for τονς, a. -pi. of b, ή, τό. Τοσαντη, fem. of τοσούτος. Τόσος, -η Λ -ov, so great, so many ; such ; so long. Τοσούτος, τοσαύτη, τοσούτο, (fr. last, and ούτος this) so great, so many ; so much or many, whe- ther little or much. Ει> τοσούτω, in the mean time. Ύόσσα, neut. ph of τόσσος, Poet, for τόσος. Τοσσηνον, Dor. for τόσον, neut. of τόσος. (562) Τόσσος, Poet, for τόσος. Τύτ, for τότε, then, at that time. Τότε δή, then, at length. Τότε, sometimes. Τοτρίτον, (neut. of τρίτος third) thirdly. Του, g. sin. -of δ — Tovo\ for τούδε* g. sin. of δ, with enclitic. Τονθ\ for τούτο, neut. of ούτος. Τούλασσον, for το έλασσον, neut. of ελάσσων, comp. of μικρός. Ύουμον, for rb εμον, a. sin. neut. of εμός. Ύούμπροσθεν, Att. for τό έμπροσθεν. Τουναντίον, for τό εναντίον, on the contrary. Τούνεκ, for τούνεκα, for του 'ένεκα, on which account, wherefore. Τοόνομα, for rb όνομα' viz. κατά, by name. Ύονργον, for τό έργον. Τονς, a. pi. of δ. Tout', for τούτο, neut. of οντος. Τουτακι, and Τοντακις, then. Τούτερον, for τό 'έτερον, neut. of 'έτερος. Τοντέστι, or Τοϊίτ' έστι, for τοντο εστί, that is. Τουτέων, Ion. for τούτων, g. pi. ol οντος. ΤοντΊ, Dor. and Τούτο?, Att. for τούτο, neut. of same. ToDto, neut. of οντος. Τοντόθεν, Dor. for εντεύθεν. TovTovi, Att. for τούτον, a. sin. mas. of οντος. Τούτω, (d. sin. of same) here, in this place. Τούτω, Dor. for τούτου, g. sin. of same. Τοντώθεν, Dor. for εντεύθεν. Τοφεθ, see Ταφέθ. Ύ'άφρα, (fr. όφρα that) so long t meanwhile. Τραγίκανθα, -ης, i), (fr• τράγος a goat, and άκανθα a thorn) goafs thorn. Τραγάω, Τραγίζω, (fr. τράγος a goat) to resemble a goat ; to be- come wanton ; to arrive at puber- ty ; to ripen, bloom, flourish, shoot, bud. Τραγεία, fem. of τράγειος. ΤραγεΊν, 2 a. inf. act. of τρώγω. Τράγειος, a.ndT ράγεος,-α,-ον, (fr. τράγος a goat) of a goat. Τραγέλαφος, -ου, δ, (fr. same, and έλαφος a stag) a goat-stag. Τραγημα, -άτος, το, (fr. τρώγω to eat) a second course, dessert , sweetmeats ; a treat. Τραγικές, -η, -bv, (fr. next) of tra- gedy, tragic, tragical; miserable, unfortunate. Τραγικώς, (fr. last) tragically, the- atrically, pompously. Τράγος, -ου, δ, (fr. τρώγω to eat ; or fr. τραχύς rough) a he-goat^ goat ; stench ; lewdness. Τραγωδέω, (fr. last, and ωδή a song) to represent or sing a tra- gedy, tragedize, rant, spout; to exclaim., vociferate ; to deplore, weep, bewail ; to exaggerate. Τραγωδία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a tra- gedy. TpaycoSof, -otj,b, ή, (fr. same) atrar Τ PA gedian, tragic actor ; a writer of tragedies.. Τραγή) -ης, Τράμις, -ιδος, η, the orifice of the 'fundament ; the line along the middle of the scrotum, between the testicles. Τράμπις, -ιδος, a vessel, ship, boat, barge. Τράνέω or -6ω -ω, f. -ήσω and -ώσω, (fr. next) to make clear or perspicuous. Tpavbg, -rj, -bv, Τρανής, -εος.-οΰς, b, b~, (fr. τιτραίνω to bore) perfo- rated, open clear, perspicuous, manifest, articulate, distinct, elo- quent. Τ ραπ ε, Ion. for ίτραπε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of τρειτω. Τράπεζα, -ης, fj, (fr. τέτρα four, and πέζα a foot) a table, dinner table ; meat, food, maintenance ; a desk, counter. Τραπεζίτης, -ου, b, (fr. last) a hank- er, money changer. Τραπεζόκορος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and κορίω to satiate) a humble guest, parasite. Τραπεζόφορον, -ου, rb, (fr. same, and φέρω to bear) a side-board. Τράπειν, Ion. for τρέπειν, pres. inf. act. — Τραπείομεν, Ion. and Poet, for τραπώμεν, 1 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of τρέπω. Τραπελος,-ή, -bv, (fr. τρέπω to turn) changeable, mutable. Τράπεν, Ion. for έτραπεν, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. ; or Ion. and Besot. Sync, for ετράπησαν, 3 pi. 2 a ind. pass. — Τραπέντα, a. sin. 2 a. par. pass, of same. Τράπεσδα, Dor. for τράπεζα. Τραπέσθαι, 2 a. inf. mid. of τρέπω Τραπέω, to tread the wine press tramp about. Τράπηζ, -ηκος, b, a spear. Τραπωμαι,.2 a. sub. mid. οι τρέπω Τρασία,-ας, ή, (fr. τέρσω to dry) a drying loft ; a place or basket for drying figs or cheese. Τραυλίζω, (fr. next) to stammer, lisp, stutter, hesitate, drawl. Τραυλός, -η, -bv, stammering, stut- tering, lisping, inarticulate. Τραύμα, -ατός, το, (fr. τιτρώσκω to wound) a wound, bruise, hurt ; slaughter, massacre. Τραυματίας, -ου, &,(fr. last) wound- ed. Τραυματίζω, f. -ίσω, p. τετραυμάτι- κα, (fr. same) to wound, per. pass. ind. τετραυμάτισμαι' par. τετραυματισμένος, -η, -ov. Τραυματίσαντες, η. pi. par. 1 a. act. of last. Τραύξανα, -ων, τα., (fr. τρώγω to eat) tender branches which cat- tle eat ; the leavings of cattle's food. Τράφ', for τράφε, Ion. for έτραφε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. — Τράφειν, Ion. and Dor. for τρέφειν, pres. inf. act. ; or for τραφεΊν, 2 a. inf. act — Τραφείς, 2 a. par. pass Τραφέμεν, Ion. — Τράφεν, Dor. and Mo\. for τραφεΐν, 2 a. inf. act. of τρέφω. Τραφορσς «α> -δι>, (fr• τρίφιύ to nour- ΤΡΕ ish) dry, hard, firm f nourish- ing, nutritious. Τράφη, Ion. for έτραφη, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. pass, of τρέφω. Τράφηξ, -ηκος, b, a Up, opening, passage, properly for the oars in a ship ; a bench, plank, board, table ; a pole, spear. Τραφήσομαι, ind. — Τραφήσεσθαι, inf. 2 f. pass, of τρέφω. Τραφθέντες, Ion. for τρεφθέντες, η. pi. 1 a. par. pass, of τρέπω. Τράφοισα, Dor. and JEol. for τρα- φουσα, fern, of τραφων, 2 a. par. act. of τρέφω. Τραχεία, Τραχείαι, η. fern. sin. and pi. — Τραχείς, η. or a. pi. cont. of τραχύς. Τραχέως, (fr. τραχύς rough) rough- ly, ruggedly ; harshly, hardly. comp. τραχύτερον, sup. τραχΰ- τατα. Τραχηλιάω -ω, f. -άσω, ρ. τετραχη- λίακα, (fr. τράχηλος the neck) to stretch the neck; to behave proud- ly ; to strive against. Τραχηλίζω, f. -ίσω, p. τετραχήλικα (fr. same) to lay hold of or drag by the neck and shoulders ; to fling upon the neck or head ; to twist the neck, choke, strangle ; to turn up or back the head, ex- pose the face ; to manifest, open, display, per. ind. pass, τετραχή- λισμαι. Τραχηλοκοπέω -ω, f. -ήσω,(&. next, and κόπτω to cut) to cut off the neck. Τράχηλος, -ου, b, (fr. τραχύ? rough, and ήλος a stud) the neck; the neck and shoulders, poll, nape. pi. τα τράχηλα. Ύραχΰνω, (fr. next) to makerough; to exasperate, provoke ; to dis- turb, agitate, confuse. Τραχύς, -ε?α, -ϋ, rough, rugged, uneven, craggy ; hard, severe, hairy, shaggy ; disturbed, eon- fused, agitated, tumultuous. Τραχύτης, -ητος, ή, (fr. last) rough TPI Τρέπω, f. -ψω, p. τέτρεφα, to turn, turn back, turn aside ; to put to flight, rout, discomfit ; to change, to turn in mind, revolve, consider, notice, advert to ; to charge, im- pute. Τρέπομαι, to turn towards, betake one's self to; to enter upon, begin ; to incline, verge or look towards. 2 a. ind. act. έτράκον. per. ind. pass, τέτραμ- μαι. per. ind. mid. τέτροπα. Τρέσσαν', Τρέσσε, Ion. and Poet for έτρέσαν, 3 pi. and έτρεσε, sin. 1 a. ind. act. of τρίω* Τ ρέστης, -ου, b, (fr. τρέω to tremble fearful, timid. Τρέφει, act. Τρέφεται, pass. 3 sin. pres. ind. — Ύρέφεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. — Τρέφωσι or -civ, 3 pi. pres. sub. act. of τρέφω. Τρέφοιν, Sync, for τρεφυίην, Att. for τρέφοιμι, pres. opt. act. of Τρέφω, f. &ρέώω,ρ. τέτρεφα,Ιο nour- ish, feed fatten ; to breed, rear, bring up, educate, maintain ; to bear, produce ; to thicken, con- dense, coagulate, curdle. 1 a. act. ind. έθρεψα, per. pass. ind. τέ- βραμμαι, -ψαι, -πται ■ par. τεθραμ- μένος, per. ind. mid. τέτροφα. Τρέχει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Τρέ- χετε, 2 pi. pres. ind. orimpr.act. act. — Ύρέχη,3 sin. pres. sub. act. — Τρέχοντες, -χοντος, -χόντων, cases of τρέχων, par. pres. act.— Ύρέχουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Τρέχωμεν, 1 pi. pres. sub. act. of Τρέχω, f. mid. δραμουμαι, p. δεδρά- μηκα, to run, hurry, hasten. 2 a. ind. act. έδραμον. per. ind. mid. δέδρομα. Τρέψαις, iEol. for τρέψας, 1 a. par. act.— Τρέψειε, iEoi. for τρέψαι, 3 sin. 1 a. opt. act. of τρέπω. Τψέω, ϊ. τρέσω, ρ. τέτρηκα, to trem- ble, dread, fear. 1 a. ind. act. έτρεσα. Τρέω, f. τρήσω, p. τέτρηκα, (fr. τε• ρέωΛο bore) to bore, pierce, perfo- rate. 1 a. ind. act. έτρησα. ness, ruggedness, unevenness ; α [Τρήμα, -άτος, το, (fr. last) a hole, disturbance. orifice. Ύραχωνΐτις, -ιδος, η, Trachonitis, name of a country. Τράω, obs. for which τιτράω. Τρεέτην, Ion. for ετρεέτην, 3 du. act. of τρέω. ΤρεΤν, pres. inf. act. cont. of same. ΤρεΊς, ol, ai, Τρία, τα g. τριων^ d. τρισ\, three. Τρεΐς Ταβέρναι, -ων, α'ι, The Three Taverns, name of a village. Ύρεισκαίδεκα, indecl. (fr. τρέίς three, xraiand, and δέκα ten) thirteen. Τρέμε, Ion. for έτρεμε,, impf. ind. act. οι τρέμω.. Τρέμουσα, fern, οχτρέμων^οηχ. pres. act. — Τρέμουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Τρέμω, f. -μ&, (fr. τρέω to tremble) to shake, tremble, quake ; to dread, fear ; to wave, float, per. ind. mid. τέτρομα. Τρέον, Ion. for έτρεον, impf. ind. act. of τρέω. Τρηματίζω, (perhaps, fr. last) to play with dice. Τρήρων, -ωνος, b, η, (fr. τρέω to tremble) fearful, timid, trem- bling, Subs, a dove, pigeon, d. pi. τρήρωσι. ΤρητοΊο, g. Ion. of Τρητος, -i), -bv, (fr. τρέω to pierce) perforated, bored, pierced ; open, raised. Τρηχιν, Τρηχϊνος, i% a woman' name. Τροχός, -ου, b, a man's name. Tji^Ofj -εΐα, -υ, Ion. for τραχύς. Τρηχώ, -6ος -ους, ή, a rough, rug- ged place. Ύρήχω, f. -ζω, p. τέτρηχα, (Poet. for τραχύνω to make rough) to be rough or rugged ; to jolt. Τρία, neut. of τρεϊς. Τρίαινα, -ης, ί), (fr. τρεις three) a trident; three-pronged fork. Τριάκάς, -άδος, fj, (fr. same) the Τρεπον, neut. οι τρίτων, pres. par. thirtieth day, the number thirty / act. of ' α thsrtteth part, am ΤΡΙ Ύριάκις, (fr. same) three times. Τριάκοντα, indecl. (fr. same) thirty. Τριακόνταεξ, indecl. (fr. last, and c£six) thirty-six. Τριακονταετής, -εος -ους, δ, η, (fr. same, and ίτος a year) of thirty years. Τριακοντάζύγος, -ου, ο,η, (fr. same, and ξυγον a bench for rowers) having thirth benches. Τριακοντάπεντε, (fr. same, and ■πέντε five) thirty -five. Τριακοντατέσσαρες, (fr. same, and ■/τέσσαρες four) tliirty-four. Τριακόσιοι, -at, -a, (fr. τρεΊς three, and -κόσιοι the centesimal ter- mination) three hundred. Τριακοστός, -η, -αν, (fr. τριάκοντα thirty) thirtieth. Τριάς, -αδος, η, (fr. τρεΊς three) the number three, a triad; the Trimly. Τριάσσω, (fr. last) to overcome, conquer, supass, excel; as the champions in the triple con- test. Τριαχθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of last. Τριβάκος,-η, -bv, (fr. τρίβω to wear) worn, hackneyed. Subs, a ve- teran. Ύριβανόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. same) to wear away, grow old. 1 a. ind pass, ετριβανώθην. Ύριβευς, -ίος, δ, (fr. same)aj30U7i- der, bruiser, pestle. Τριβή, -ης, η, (fr. same) a rubbing wear, tear; use. exercise, prac- tice, experience ; occupation, em- ployment ; delay, procrastination evasion. Τρίβολος, -ου, δ, (fr. τρεΊς three, and βολή a point) a thistle; a three-pronged fork ; a cart or roller for rubbing out grain Τριβόμενος, pres. par. pass, of τρίβω. ΤρΊβος, -ου, #, (fr. τρίβω to rub) a way, path, road, beaten path, track; any thing or part worn or rubbed ; an old custom, habit, Τρίβου, pres. impr. pass. — Tpt• βουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Τρίβω, f. -ψω, p. τέτριφα, to rub, grind, crumble, waste, vjear away; to break, bruise, pound, thrash, crush, knead ; to spend or pass time, exercise, labour ; to weary, harass, vex ; to delay, pro- long, protract, per. ind. pass, τί- τριμμαι. per. ind. mid. τίτριβα. Τρίβωμες, Dor. for τρίβωμεν, 1 pi. pres. sub. act. of last. Γρίπων, -ωνος, δ, (fr. τρίβω to wear) a worn out cloak, old coat; also a man toorn out and tired, aveter an. Τρίγαμος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. τρίς three times, and γάμος a . marriage) three times married. Ύριγκος, same as θριγκός. Τρίγλα, -ης, η, a kind of fish,, mul- let. Τρίγληνος, -ov, b, η, (fr. τρεΊς three, TPI TPI Τριγονέω -ω, (fr. same, and γίνο-ΙΤριξέλλας, same as τρώξαλλις μαι to be born) to beget, bear or \Tp ιξος for τρισσύς. produce the third time ; to have a third offspring or descent. Τριγονία, -ας, η, (fr. same) the third generation. Τρίγονος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) with three children, of three children. Τριγχος see $ριγκός. Τρίγωνος, -ου, b, >/, (fr. τρεΊς three, and γωνία an angle) three-cor- nered, triangular. Τριέσπερος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. τρις three- fold, and 'έσπερος the evening) of three evenings, three nights long. Τριετής, -έος -ους, b, f), (fr. same, and έτος a year) of three years. Τριετία, -ας, η, (fr. same) the space of three years, three years. Τριετίζω, (fr. same) to be three years old, be in the third year. Τρίζει, 3 sin. pres. of τρίζω. Ύριζέω, same as Τρίζω and Τρύ£ω, to chirp, squeal; to scream, shriek, to creak, grate, gnash, grind. Τριηκάς, -άδος, % (fr. τρεΊς three) the thirtieth part. Τριήκοντα, Poet, and Ion. for τριά- κοντα. Τριηκονταέτις, -'ίδος, η, (fr. last, and έτος a year) of or for thirty years. Τριηκόντερος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same, and ερέσσω to row) thirty-oared, having thirty oars. Τριηκοσίας, Ion. for τριακοσίας, a. pi. f. of τριακόσι Ύριημερία, -ας, >'/, (fr. τρεΊς three, and ήμερα a day) the space of three days, three days, Τριήρης, -έος -ους, η, (fr. same, and ερέσσω to row) a galley with three banks or tiers of oars ; a ship of war. Τριηρϊτης,-ου, b, (fr. same) rowers or passengers in a ship of war. Τρικάνη, -ης, η, (perhaps fr. τείρω to rub) a small cart or roller for thraslnng or rubbing out grain. Ύρίκάρηνος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. τρεΊς three, and κάρηνον a head) three- headed. Τρικλϊνον, -ου, fb, (fi". same, and κλίνω to recline) a dining room. Τρικυμία, -ας, η, (fr. τρεΊς three, and κύμα a wave) a huge wave, ι billov). Τρίλιστος and Τρίλλίστο?, -ου, δ, (fr. τρϊς three times, and γίσσο μαι to pray) much desired, thrice welcome, often wishedfor. Ύριμερίζω, f. -Υσω, (fr. same, and μέρος a portion) to make three shares or parts. Τρίμηνον, -ov, το, (fr. same, and uriv a month) the space of three months, three months. Τρίμηνος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) of three months, three months old. and νλήνη a pupil) Jiaving threeTp^oipla, -ας, η, (fr. τρις three pupils or eyes; bright, sparkling) fold, and μοίρα a share. th. glittering. μείρω to divide) a triple por- Τριγλώχιν, -Ίνος, b, f], (fr. same,! tion. and γλ&χίν a point) three. bwbod^TpiVaZ, •&«&$, b, s^e &ρίναζ. (5G4) Τριόόοισι, ά. pi. Ion. of Τρίοδος, -ου, η, (fr. τρεΊς three, and bδbς a way) where three ways meet, cross roads, public way. Τριοδούς, -όντος, δ, ή, (fr. same, and οδοΰς a tooth) having three teeth or prongs; a fork or tri- dent. Τρίοπος or Tpio'jrtov, name of a country. Τριόροφον, see τριώροφον. Ύρίπαλτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. τρεΊς three, and πάλλω to brandish) thrice brandished, piercing, violent. Τρίπηχυς, -εος -ους, b, >% (fr. τρεις three, and πηχυς a cubit) three cubits lorug, broad, &c. ; of three cubits. Ύριιτλάσιος, -a, -ov, (fr. same, and πλάσιος -fold) threefold, three times more, thrice as large. Τριπλασίως, (fr. last) trebly, three- fold. Ύρίπλεθρος, -ov, b, i% (fr. τρεΊς three, and πλέθρον an acre) of three acres. Τριιτλτ), (d. sin. fern, of next) trebly, threefold. Ύριπλόος -ους, -6η -η, -δον -ονν, (fr. τρεΊς three) threefold, triple. Ύριπλόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to treble, per. pass, τετρίπλωμαι. TpnrotT for τρίποδα, a. sin. of τρί- ■πονς. Τρίποδης, -ov, δ, (fr. τρεΐς three, and -πους a foot) of three feet. Τριποδοφορέω -ω, (fr. τρίπονς a tri- pod, and φέρω to carry) to carry the tripods. Τριπόθάτος, -ω, ~b, a, Dor. for. Τριπόθητος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. τρεις three, and ποθέω to desire) thrice wished for, thrice desired, longed for. : Τρίπολις, -εος -ους, δ, η, (fr. same, and πόλις a city) having three cities. Τρίπολος, -ου, b, ί), (fr. τρις thrice, and -πολέω to turn) thrice turned or ploughed. Τρίπορθος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and πέρΟω to sack) thrice taken and plundered. Τρίπος, -ov, b, iEol. for Τρίπους, -οδός, η, (fr. τρεΊς three, and πους a foot) any thing with three feet ; a fable, stool, caldron, pot, tripod, trivet. Τρίπτυχος, -ου, b, η, (fr. τρίς thrice, and πτυχή a fold) triple, three- fold, of three folds. Τρις, (fr. τρεΊς three) three times, thrice ; very, very much, exceed- ing 1 !/, greatly. Τρισαλιτήριος, -ov, b, (fr. last, and αλίτης a sinner, fr. αλιτέω to sin) very sinful or ivicked, a re- probate. Τρισεινάδα, a. sin. of Τρισεινάς, -άδος, >}, (fr. τρεΊς three, and εννίαηΐηβ) thetwenty-seventh day of the month. Τρισκαίδεκα, (fr. τρεΊς three, και and, and δέκα ten) thirteen. T< ισκαώεκ.ά-ίηχνς,-νοξ -ot>s,6, §,(fr. ΤΡΙ last, and πηχυς a cubit) of thir- teen cubits. Τρισκαιδέκατος, -η, -ov, (fr. τρεις three, και and, and δεκά ten) thirteenth. Τρισκατάράτος, -ου, b, }], (fr. same, and κατάράτος accursed, th. αρά an imprecation) execrable, most accursed, a cursed wretch. Τρισκελης, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. τρεΊς three, and κέλος a leg) having three legs, three legged. Τρισκοπάνιστος, -ου, b, ^,(fr. same, and κόπανον a pestle, th. κόπ- τω to cut) thrice pounded or ground. Τρισμός,-οΰ^, (fr. τρίζω to creak) a creaking, shrieking. Τρισμΰριοι, -at, -a, (fr. τρ}ς thrice, and μύριοι ten thousand) thirty thousand. Ύρισόλβιος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same, and όλβιος happy, th. όλβος wealth) thrice happy, very fortunate. Tpισoλυμπιovϊκης,-oυ,b, (fr. same, Ολύμπια the Olympic games, and νικάω to conquer) thrice a conqueror in the Olympic games. Τρισπίθάμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and σπιθαμή a span) of three spans. Τρίσπονδ^ς, -ov, b,}), (fr. same, and σπονδή a libation) thrice poured, thrice offered; or, sacrificing thrice, sumptuous. Τρισσεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. τρις thrice) to treble ; to make or do three times ; to be third. Ύρισσός or Τριττός , -ή, -ov,(fr. τρεΊς three) third, threefold, tripU three together, in threes. ΤρΊσσόω -ω, (fr. same) to make triple, treble ; to divide into three parts. Τρισσως, (fr. τρισσος triple) tre- bly, in a threefold manner, three times. Ύριστατης, -ov, b, (fr. τρεϊς three) one of the three chief ministers in a state; a tribune, leader, captain. Ύρίστεγον, -ου, τδ, (fr. same, and στέγη a roof) the third story. Τρίστεγος,-ον, b,fj, (fr. same) hav- ing three siories. Τριστοιχέι,(ίτ. τρΊς three, and στοι- χέω to march in order) in three ranks or rows. Ύρισχϊλιοι, -αι, -a, (fr. same, and χίλιοι a thousand) three thou- sand. Τρίοωμος, -ου, b, >';, (fr. same, and σώμα a body) having three bo- dies, gigantic, huge. Τριταίος, -a, -ov, (fr. τρεΊς three) of three days, on the third day. Τριτάτοισι, d. pi. Ion. of Τρίτατος, -η, -ov, (sup. of τρίτος third, th. τρεϊς three) third. Τριτημόριον, -ov, το, and Ύριτημο- ρϊς, -ίδος, η, (fr. same, and μόρος a share, th. μείρω to divide) a third or third part. Τριτογένεια,-ας, ^,(fr. τριτω Bceot. the head, and γείνομαι to be born) sprnug from ths head ; epithet of Minerva. TPO Τριτογενενς , -ίος, Ό, #,mas. of last. Τρίτος, -η, -ov, (fr. τρεΊς three) third. Τρίτων, -ωνος, b, Triton, a sea god. ΤριτωνΊς, -ίδος, η, a lake and river of Africa, whence Minerva also was so called. Ύριψασιος, -a, -ov, (fr. τρις thrice, and φάσις appearance) triple, threefold, three ways, three. Τριψίλάτος, Dor. for Τριψίλητος, -ov, 6,f/,(fr. τρις thrice, and φίλος loved) thrice loved, much loved, beloved, dear. Τριφώσα, -ης, η, a woman's name. Τρίχα and Τριχθά,((τ. τρεΊς three) in three ways or pieces. Τρίχα, Τρίχις, Τρίχες, Τριχών, cases of $ρίξ. Τρίχαπτον, -ov, το, (fr. $ρ\ξ hair, and απτω to tie) woven or plait- ed hair. Τρίχηλος,-ου, b, η, (fr. τρεΊς three) threefold, huge. Τριχθά, (fr. τρις thrice) in three ways, trebly, threefold; in three parts or pieces. Τριχίας, -ου, b, (fr. &ρΙξ hair) with some or little hair. Κάτω τριχίας, with hair round the head, none on the crown. Ύριχιάω, (fr. same) to be hairy. Τρίχινος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) made of hair. Τριχιών, -ωντος, b, (fr. same) rough, hairy. Τρίχύω -ω, (fr. same) to make hairy, become hairy. Ύριχώδης, -εος -ους, and Τριχωτό? -η, -υν, (fr. same) hairy. Τρίχωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) the hair of the head, a wig. Τρίψας, la. par. act. οι τρίβω. Ύρίψις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ^, (fr. τρί- βω to rub) a rubbing, friction, wear; thrashing. .ριω ( βθλ ί το, (fr. Γρεις Ίς three, aud οβολός anobolus) three oboli, about Is. \0d. Τριώοοφον, -υν, τυ, (fr. same, and ερέφω to cover) the third roof or story. Τροία, -ας, Ion. -ης, η, (fr. Τρως a Trojan) Troy, name of a city. Τροίηνδε, to Troy. Τροίαθεν, from Troy. Τροαεοίάτο, Ion. for Τρομέοιντο, 3 pi. pres. opt. pass. — Τρομέοντι, Dor. for τρομέουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Τρομέω -c5,(fr. τρόμος iear, th. τρίω to tremble) to tremble, quake, shudder, dread, fear. Ύ-ρόμος. -ov, b, (fr. τρίω to tremble) trembling, fear, dread. Τρόπα, -ης, η (perhaps, fr. τρύπα a hole) children's play of throwing dice, nuts, &c. into a hole, chuck- farthing. Τρόπαια, -ας, η, (fem. of τροπαΊος) a change, alteration. Τρόπαιον or ΎροπαΊον, -ου, τδ, (fr. τρέπω to turn ) a trophy, tri- umph ΤροπαΊος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) chang- ing, altering, turning ; shift- (565) TPO ing, veering; changed, altered; averting evil; victorious. Τροπάω, Τροπίω, and Ύροπόω -ω, (fr. next) to turn, change; to make turn, drive back, put to flight, rout. Ύροπάομαι -ωμαι to turn to, abandon or give one's self up to. Τροπί), -ης, η, (fr. τρίπω to turn) a turn, turning, conversion^ change ; a flight, rout, overthrow, defeat ; the solstice. Τρόπηξ, -ηκος, fj, (fr. same) the handle of an oar. Τροπίας, -ov, b, (fr. same) turned, sour, vapid, flat. Τριπίκός, -ή, -ov, (fr. same)^a- rative, metaphorical, in tropes; tropical, of the tropics. Subs, a tropic. ΤροπΥκως, (fr. last) figuratively, in tropes. Ύρόπις, -"ϊδος or -ιος, >% (fr. τρέπω to turn) the keel of a ship. Τρόπος, -ου, b, (fr. same) manner, way, mode ; rite, custom, habit ; manners, behaviour ; disposition, temper, genius, character ; way, means ; a trope, figure. Τρόπος, -ov, b, (fr. same) a strap which fastened the oar in its place, or rowlock. Τροποφορέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. τετροπο- φόρηκα, (fr. τρόπος the manners, and φέρω to bear) to bear or put up with the manners of another ; to indulge. 1 a. ind. act. ετροπο- φόρησα. Τροπόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. τρέπω to turn) to turn to flight, overturn, overthrow. Or (fr. τρόπος the oar-strap) to fix the oar to the strap, ship an oar. ΎροφεΊον, -ου, ro,(fr. τρέφω to rear) the reward of rearing, a return or recompense for education. Τροφευς, -έος, b, (fr. same) a sup- porter, nourisher ; a foster-fa- ther, tutor, guardian. Τροφεύω, (fr. same) to nourish, nurse, suckle. Τροφή, -ης, η, (fr. τρέφω to rear) nourishment, food, support, mainlenanse ; education, rear- ing, nurture. Τρόφιες, pi. of τρόφις. Τρόφιμος, -ου, b, a man's name. Τρόφις, -ιος, b, f], (fr. τρέφω to nourish) well fed, fat, full, swelling ; grown, adult. Τροφόεις, -εσσα, -εν, same as last. Τροφός, -ου, b, η, (fr. τρέφω to nou- rish) a fosterer, rearer, cherisher, supporter ; a nurse. Ύροφοφορέω -t2,(fr. τροφή food, and φέρω to bear) to nurse, support, cherish, feed, maintain, educate. Τροφώνιος, -ου, b, Trophonius, a man's name. Ύροχάζω, f. -ασω, (fr. τρέχω to run) same as τροχάω. Τροχαλία, -ας, η, (fr. next) awheel to raise water ; a pulley, wind- lass. ΤροχαΧδς, -r), -bv, (fr. τρέχω tO run) running, fleet, speedy, quick ; cirmlar, round. Τροχάω, (fr. same) to hurry, hasten ; to roll, wheel, revolve , to turn out, come about, hap- pen. Τροχιά, and Τροχιλιά, -ας, η, (fr. τροχός a wheel, th. τρέχω to run) the back or rut made by a wheel; a road, path, way. Ύροχιλία, -ας, ή, (fr. same) abird, the wryneck. Also, a pulley, windlass, crane. Ύρόχίλος, -ov, a, (fr. same) a bird, the wryneck; the wren. Τρόχμαλον, -ov, τσ; or -λος, -ου, b, a pebble, sione ; gravel, sand; a rough, rugged place ; a heap or pile of stones ; a fence or stone ditch or wall. Τροχοειδέϊ, d. sin. of Τροχοειδης, -έος -ους,ί), >/,(fr. next, and είδος appearance) like a viheel, round, circular, rolling. Τροχός, -ου, b, (fr. τρέχω to run) a wheel, hoop, quoit ; a ball, globe ; a circuit, revolution, course of life ; a trochee in prosody. Τρόχος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a run- ning, race. Ύρονόωσαι, Poet, for τροχώσαι, η. pi. pres. par. fern. cont. of τροχάω. Τρύβλιον or Τρυβλίον, -ου, rb, a dish, plate. Τρυγάω -tD,f. -ήσω, p. τετρύγηκα, ({τ.τρύγη vintage) to reap, gather or collect fruits, pull grapes ; to enjoy, possess, take. 1 a. act. ind. ετρύγησα. Τρυγέω -ώ, (fr. next) to dry, parch. Τρνγη, -ης, η, corn, wheat, barley, crop, harvest; vintage. Also, draught, dryness. Τρύγησον, 1 a. impr. act. τρυγάω. Ύρυγητηρ, -ηρος, b, Τρυγητής, and Τρυγητός, -υϋ, b, (fr. τ ρ ύ γη har- vest) α gatherer of grapes, reap- er. Τρυγητός, -ου, b, (fr. same) the gathering of crops, harvest., vin- tage. Τρυγία, -ας, η, (fr. τρνξ the dregs of wine) the lees or dregs of wine. Τρυγίας, -ου, b, (fr. last) muddy wine, wine not fined. Τρυγόωεν, Poet, for τρύγωεν, 3 pi. cont. pres. opt. act. of τρυγάω. Τρυγ&>, -όνος, η, (fr. τρύζω to mur- mur) a turtle dove, dove, pigeon. g. pi. τρυγόνων. Ύρυγώιιον, -ου, τό, (dim. of last) a little dove. Τρυγωσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. TPT new wine; dross of τρυγάω. Τρυζόντων, g. pi. pres. par. act. of Τρύζω, to murmur, coo ; to moan, xchine, lament. Ύρυμα, -άκος, τό, or Τρύμη, -ης, ή, (fr. τρύω to exhaust) a hole, per- foration, eye of a needle; a veteran ; an old knave or debau- chee. Τρνμαλία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a hole, orifice', eye of a needle. Τρνζ, -γός, r), (fr. τρύγη vintage) the dregs or lees of wine or oil ; rmsi or xmrt, ufase not ferment- ed or cleared _ of metal. Τρύπα, -ης, fj, a hole; an auger, piercer. Τρυπανισμός, -ου, b, (fr. τρνπανίζω to bore, th. the last) a bonng ; a borer, piercer, engraving tool. Τρϋπάνον, -ου, τό, (th. same) a borer, auger, piercer, gimblet. Τρυπάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. τετρύπηκα, (fr. same) to bore, perforate, pierce. Τρύπημα, -ατός, τό, (fr. last) a hole ; the eye of a needle. Τρυσάνωρ, -ορός, υ, η, (fr. τρύω to exhaust, and ανηρ a man) ago- nizing, afflicting ; corroding, wasting. Τρυσσός, -η, -ov, (fr. τρνω to af- flict) afflicted, harassed, vexed, exhausted, sick, worn out. Ύρϋτανη, -ης, η, (fr. τρύω to rub) the hole in which the tongue of scales move ; a pair of scales, balance. Τρύφαινα, -ης, ή, a woman's name. Ύρυφάλεια, -ας, η, (fr. τρεΊς three, and φαλός a crest) a three-crest- ed or three-plumed helmet, d. sin. Ion. τρυψαλείη. Τρυφαλϊς, -ίδος, η, (fr. τρέφω to support) a cheese. Ύρυφάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. τετρύφηκα, (fr. τρυφη luxury) to indulge, live luxuriously, delicaldy or in pleasure ; to be insolent, haughty, proud ; to sport, play. pres. par. fem. cont. τρυφωσα. 1 a. ind. act. ετρύφησα. Τρυφερεύομαι, (fr. τρυφερός deli- cate, th. τρυφή luxury) to behave voluptuously, conduct one's self delicately. Τρυφερία, -ας, η, (fr. same) plea- sure, gratifictiHi-.i:, indulgence, delicacy. Τρυφερόν or Τρυψερως, (fr. next) delicately, luxuriously. Τρυφερός, -a, -ov, (fr. τρυφη luxu- ry) delicate, voluptuous, luxuri- ous, soft, effeminate. Comp. τρυ- φερότερος. Τρυφη, -ης, η, ( fr. Κρύπτω to un- man) luxury, delicacy, effemi- nacy, voluptuousness, indul- gence. Τρύφημα, -ατός, τό, (fr. same) an indulgence, gratification, luxury, ease. Τρυφητης, -ου, b, (fr. τρυφάω to live luxuriously) one devoted to I pleasure, a sensualist. Τρύφος, -εος -ους, τό, (fr. Κρύπτω to break) a fragment, piece. ΤΡΩ Τρύω, f. -νσω, to rub or wear away, wear out, exhaust, consume; to wear or break down, afflict, vex, harass, reduce, subdue. Τρωάδες, -ων, ai, (fr. Τρως a Tro- jan) Trojan dames. Τρωάνδε, Poet, and Dor. for Tpoi- ήνδε, to or towards Troy. Τρωάς, -άδος, η, name of a city. Τρώγαλα οτΎρωγάλια, -ων, τα, (fr. τρώγω to eat) delicacies, dainties. Τρώγλη, -ης, ή, (fr. same) a hole, worm-hole ; a cavern. Τρωγλοδύνοντα, a. sin. pres. par. act. of Ύρωγλοδϋνω, (fr. τρώγλη a cavern, and δύνω to enter) to go into a den, live in a cavern. Τρωγλοδύτης, -ου, b, (fr. same) name of a mouse, living in caves ; a troglodyte. Τρωγυίσας, Dor. for τρώγουσας, a. pi. fem. pres. par. act. — Τρώ- γοντι, Dor. for τρώγουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of τρώγω. Τρωγύλλιον, -ov, τ), name of a town. Τρώγω, f. τρώξω, p. τέτρωχα, to eat, devour ; to gnaw, crop. 2 a. ind. act. έτραγον. Τρώγων, η. pi. Τρώγοντες, par. pres. act. of last. Τρώεσσι, Ion. and Poet, for Τρω- σϊν, d. pi. of Τρως. ΤρωΘη, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. pass. — Ύρωθεις, 1 a. par. pass, of τι- τρώσκω. Ύρωια, -ας, ή, Poet, for Τροία, Troy. Ύρωΐαδες, same as Τρωάδες, Tro- jan women. Τρωίαθεν, Poet, for ΤροίαΟεν, or Ion. Ύpoίηθεv,from Troy. Τρωίπερ,' d. sin. of Τρώί with the enclit. περ. Τρώκτης,-ου, b, (fr. τρώγω to eat) a devourcr, waster, consumer; a sauanderer, spendthrift; an im- postor, knave, cheat; a rover, vagabond. Τρώμα, Dor. for τρώμη. Ύρώμα, -άτος, τό, Ion. for τραύμα. Τρωματίζω, (fr. last) to wound, maim, hurt. Τρώμη, -ης, η, (fr. τορέω to pierce) a hole, orifice ; a sore. ' Τρώμι, same as τρώω or τιτρώσκω, impf. έτρων, -ως, -ω. Τρώξ, -γός, ^, (fr. τρώγω to gnaw) α little worm or slug which cats pease. Ύρώξαλλις, -ιδας, η, (fr. same) a cricket. Τρωξάρτάο, g. iEol. of Τρυφωσα, -ης, η, a woman's name. \Τρωξάρτης, -ου, b,(fr. τρώγω to eat, Τρύχμαλα, -ων, τα, (fr. τραχύς and άρτον bread) name of a rough) rough places. mouse, Loafnibbler. Τρύχνος, same as στρύχνος. ΤρώζΈμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. τρώγω to Τρύχονται, 3 pi. pres. ind. pass. eat) fit for eating, ripe. of ταύχω. ι Τριυπάω -ώ, same as τροπάω. Τρύχος, -εος -ους, τό, (fr. τρύω to Τρώσεν, Ion. for έτρωσεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of τιτρώσκω. rub) a thread bare coat, tattered clothes, rags. Τρύχυυσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. cont. of Τρΰχόω -ω, f -ώα ω, Τρύχω, f. -£ω { Τρύω, to hurt, wound, maim. τρωσκω. Τρώϋμα, -ατός, τό, Ion. for τραύμα. Τρωχάω, Poet, for τροχάω, same as τρέχω. and (5SC) Τρώω j-, and Τρωΰν,Όοΐ. g. pi. of TTN TfxSf, Τρωδί, δ, a Trojan, η. pi. Τρώες, d. ΎρωσΙ or -σίν. Ττί, Poet, for τί. Τύ, Dor. for συ, Τύγα, Dor. for Τυγχάνοντα, a. sin. — Τυγχάνον- τες, η. pi. par. pres. act. of Τυγχάνω, f. mid. τεύξομαι, p. Tf- τυχα and τετύχηκα, to be, be- come, happen, chance ; to get, acquire, obtain; to reach, at- tain to, arrive at ; to meet with, light on ; to hit, strike the mark. 2 a. act. ind. έτνχον, -ες, -ε" opt. τύχοιμι, -οις,-οι' sub. τύχω, -ης, -η, 3 ρΐ. τύχωσι. Τύδαι, for ενταύθα. Τνδείοάο and Ύυδείδεω^. Ion. of Τυόείδης, -ου, δ, the son of Tydeus, Diomedes. Τυϊδ\ iEol. for ωδε, here. Ύυκάνη, -ης, η, (fr. τεύχω to make) a cart, dray, barrow ; a cart or roller for rubbing out grain. Τυκίζω, (fr. next) to polish, carve engrave. Τΰκος or Τύχος, -ου, δ, (fr. τεύχω to make) a stone cutler's chisel. Τυκτός, -η, -δν, (fr. τεύχω to make) made, ai tificial, wrought, finish- ed. Τυκω or Τύχω, for same. Τύλη, -ης, η, (fr. τύλος hard skin) a callosity, welt, thick, hard skin; the hump on a cameCs back; a bed, pillow, blanket coverlet. Τύλιμος, -ου, δ, (fr. next) a leathern bag. Τυλίσσω or -ττω, (fr. τύλη a bed) to wrap up, roll together ; to search accurately, hunt for. Τύλος, -ου, δ, hard skin, callosity ; a hump, lump, welt; muscular flesh; a wooden nail, wedge, peg; the private parts. Τΰλόω, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to make callous or hard, harden. 1 a. ind. pass, ετυλώθη-ν. per. ind. pass, τετύλωμαι. Τυμβάς, -αδος, if, (fr. next) a witch, sorceress. Τύμβος, -ου, Dor. Τύμβω, S, a tomb, sepulchre, grave. Τνμβοχοέω -ω, (fr. last, and χοίω or χέω to heap up) to build or raise a tomb ; to bury. Τυμβοχόη,-ης, ή, {ft. same) α tomb. Τύμμα, -ατός, το, (fr. τύπτω to beat) a blow, stroke, wound. Τυμπανίζω, f. -ϊσω, p. τετυμπάνίχα, (fr. τύμπανον a drum, th. τύπτω to beat) to beat a drum, strike the timbrel; to beat or strike with sticks ; torture or kill by beating with sticks, per. ind. pass, τετυμπάνισμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, ετυμπανίσθην, -ης, -η. Τυμπανίστρια, -ας, >/, (fr. same) a minstrel, music- girl, female per- former on the timbrel or tambou- rine. Τύμττανον, -ου, το, (fr. τύπτω to beat) a timbrel, tabor, drum. Also, a stick, batoon, club. Tvvr,, Dor. for τν, which for at. TTP Τννος or Τύννος, -ου, δ, ft, small, little. Τυνουτος, Att. Τυνούτοσι, (fr. last) very little, very small, so little, thus little. Τυντλάξω, f. -ασω, (fr. next) to break clods, trample in mud ; to spatter with mud; to talk idly, babble. Τύντλος, -ου, δ, a clod, clay, mud ; trifles, nonsense ; a tumult, dis- turbance. Ύύπανον,-ου, ro, same as τύμπανον. Τυπεϊς, 2 a. par. pass, of τύπτω. Τυπή, -ης, η, (fr. τύπτω to strike) a stroke, blow. d. pi. Ion. τυ- πί/σι. Τυπϊκός, -ή,-όν, (fr. τύπος a type) expressive of, typical, figurative. Τυπϊκώς, (fr. last) typically, figu- ratively. Τύπος, -ου, δ, (fr. τύπτω to beat) an impression made by sinking, mark, stamp ; a form, figure, image, pattern, emblem, model, example, type. Τύπύω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. last) to imprint, impress, stamp, carve, engrave ; to form, mould, modi- fy ; to typify, represent. Τύπτειν, act. — Τύπτεσθαι, pass. pres. inf. and Τυπτήσεις, Att. for τύψεις, 2 sin. 1 f. ind. act. and Ύύπτομες, Dor. for τύπτομεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. — Τυπτόμεσθα, Dor. for τυπτόμεθα, 1 pi. pres. ind. pass. — Ύυπτόντων, Att. for τυπτέτωσαν, 3 pi. pres. impr. act. — Τύπτοντι, d. sin. — Τύπ- τοντες, η. pi. par. pres. act. of Τύπτω, f. -ψω, p. τετύφα, to strike, beat, smite, knock, hit, wound. impf. md. act. ετυπτον, -ες, -ε. 1 a. ind. act. έτυψα. 2 a. ind. act. έτνπον. pres. ind. pass, τύπτο- μαι. per. ind. mid. τέτνπα, -ας, -ε. Τνπωθεντες, η. pi. 1 a. par. pass, of τνπόω. Τύπωμα, -ατός, το, same as τύπος. Τυραννευόντων, g. pi. pres. par. act. of Τυραννεύω, f. -εύσω, and Τυραννέω -ω, (fr. τύραννος a king) to rule, govern, command; to oppress, tyrannize, domineer. Τυραννία, -ας, η, (fr. τύραννος a king) royalty, dominion; govern- ment, sovereignty, power, sway. Τυραννϊκδς, -η, -δν, (fr. same) of a king, regal, royal, sovereign, su- preme ; tyrannical, arbitrary, violent. Τυραννικώς, (fr. last) kingly, royal- ly ; tyrannically, haughtily. Τνραννικώτατος, sup. of τυραννι- κός. Τυραννίς, -ϊδος, fj, (fr. τύραννος a king) empire, government ; sove- reignty , rule, power, sway ; ty- ranny, oppression. Τυραννοκτόνος, -ου, b, η, (fr. next, and κτείνω to kill) a killer of ty- rants, regicide. Τύραννος, -ov, b, η", a king, mo- narch, sovereign ; a ruler, chief, (567) ΤΤΦ prince ; a tyrant. Also the name of a man ; and of a bird. Also put for τυραννικός. Τυρβάζω, f. -άσω, p. τετνρβακα, (fr. next) to rawe a tumult, disturb, agitate, confound. Τυρβάζομαι, to disturb or perplex one's self, be anxious. 2 sin. τνρβάζη. Τύρβη, -ης, η, a crowd; tumult, confusion, uproar, disturbance. Τύριος, -a, -ov, (fr. Τύρος Tyre) Tyrian, of Tyre. Τυρογλύφος, -ου, δ, (fr. τυρός a cheese, and γλύφω to hollow out) name ofa mouse. Cheese-nibbler. Τυρύεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. next) like a cheese, made of cheese. Τύρος, -ου, δ, a cheese. Τύρος, -ου, η, Tyre, name ofa city. Τύρσις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, //, a tower, f orb ess, castle; a wall, fortifi- cation. Τυρχή, -ης, fj, a fork, prop. See also 'ύρχη. Τυρω, Dor. for τυρού, g. sin. of τυρός. Τυρώδης, -εος -ους, δ, >/, (fr. τυρός a cheese, &ni είδος form) like a cheese. Τύσσω, to supplicate, beg, entreat. Τυτθός, -η, -ov, or -ου, b, }), little, small, young. Ύυτθόν, neut. a Utile, someivhat, scarcely, hardly. Τυφάονα, a. sin. of Τυφάων. Τυφαόνιον,-ου, το, the name of a place. Τυφάων, -όνος, δ, a man's name. Τύ'φη, -ης, ή, same as τίφη, a kind of grain. ΤυφθεΊμεν, -εΧτε, -εΊεν, Sync, for τυφθείημεν, -ε'ιητε, -είησαν, 1 a. opt. pass, of τύπτω. Τυφλός, -η, ov, blind; dark, ob- scure; deaf. Τυφλότης, -ητος, ij, (fr. last) blind- ness. Τνφλοΰνται, 3 pi. pres. ind. pass, cont. of τυφλόω. Τυφλοφόρος, -ου, δ, fj, (fr. τυφλός blind, and φέρω to bear) bearing the blind. An epithet of a shep- herd who carries a wallet, πήρα, by a pun for πηρός, which sig- nifies blind, as well as τυφ- λός. Τυφλόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. τετνφλωκα, -ας, -ε, (fr. τυφλός blind) to blind. Τυφλώττω, (fr. τυφλός blind) to be blind. Τυφόμενος, -η, -ov, (par. pres. mid. of τνφω) smoking. Τύφος or Τύφος, -ου, δ, (fr. τνφω to raise a smoke) smoke ; vanity, folly, trifling things ; arrogance, pride, insolence, haughtiness ; in- fatuation, blindness, stupidity. Τυφόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. τετύφωκα,{ΐΐ. τύφος smoke) to smoke, raise or make a smoke ; to infest or an- noy with smoke ; to puff up with pride, make vain or insolent. Τυφόομαι -ουμαι, to be insolent^ proud, be elated with pride; to become insane, blind, foolish or stupid, per. pass. ind. τετύφο»- μαι, -σαι, -ται' par. τετυφωμί' ΤΩ ν ος, -η, -ον. 1 a. pass. ind. ετυ- φώθην, -ης, -η' par. τνφωθείς. Τύψω, f. &ύ τ ω, ρ. τεθυφα, to burn slowly, smoulder, glow, be hot, kindle, burn, grow warm. Τύφο- μαι, to swell with pride, burn or be inflamed with desire ; to pine, waste away, fret, consume. 1 a. ind. act. tdvxpa. Τυφωεος, g. sin. — Ύυφωεΐ, d.of Τυ- φωεΰς, Typhosus, name of a giant. Τυφωθεϊς, -ε~ισα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass, of τυφόω. Τυφών,-ώνος, b, Typhon, name of a giant. Also, a whirlwind, tem- pest, storm. Ύυφωνϊκος, -η, -bi>, (fr. last) tem- pestuous, violent, stormy. Ύυφώς, -ώ, δ, Dor. for Ύυφών. Τΰχα, -ας, t), Dor. for τύχη. d. pi. τύχαις. Τύχε, Ion. for έτυχε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. — Ύυχέειν, Poet, for τυχε7ν, 2 a. inf. act. — Τύχοι, 3 sin. 2 a. opt. act. of τυγχάνω. Τύχη, -ης, η, (fr. τυγχάνω to hap- pen) fortune, chance, accident; misfortune, mishap ; worldly cir- cumstances, condition, state ; event, issue, a. pi. τύχας. Τύχη, -ης, >), a woman's name. Τυχηρος, -a, -bv, (fr. τύχη fortune) fortuitous, accidental ; lucky, fortunate. Τυχηρων, g. pi. of last. Τύχης, 2 sin. 2 a. sub. act. — Τυ- χήσω, 1 f. ind. act. — Τυχήσας, 1 a. par. act. of τυγχάνω. Τυχθεϊς, 1 a. par. pass, of τεύχω. Τυχίκός, -ου, δ, a man's name. Τύχοιμι, 2 a. opt. act. — Τυχοΐσα, Dor. for τυχούσα, 2 a. par. act. fern, of ογχανω. Τυχόν, (neut. of τυχών, 2 a. par. act. of same) perhaps, by chance, casually, accidentally. Τνχόντι, d. sin. — Τυχουσαν, sin. Τυχούσα?, pi. a. fem. of τυχών. Τύχω, and Τύκω, for τεύχω. per. ind. pass, τέτυγμαι. pper. ετε- τύγμην. 1 a. pass. ind. ετνχθην• par. τυχθείς. Τυχών, -ούσα, -bv, (2 a. par. act. of τυγχάνω) having obtained, got, procured ; common, ordinary, vulgar ; accidental, fortuitous. Τύχωσί, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of same. Τύψαίί, jEoI. for τύψας, 1 a, par. act. — Τυψαντων, g. pi. par. 1 a. act. Att. for τυψάτωσαν, 3 pi. 1 a. impr. act. of τύπτω. Τυψέλη, -ης, η, the wax or dirt of the ears. Τύψεν, Ion. for fj -υψεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Τύψον, -ατω, 1 a. impr. act. — Τύ φοντι, Dor. for τύψονσι, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of τύπτω. Τω, Dor. for του, g. sin. — >Τώ, dual of δ, η, τό. Τψ, (d. sin. of same, or put for ω, d. sin. of ος) with αιτίω under- stood for this reason, where- fore, therefore ; with τρόπω un• derstood, in this manner, so thus ; or how ? how so ? with χρό ΤΑΚ νω understood, that moment, then. Τώγ' or Τώγε, η. du. of 'όγε. Τώγαλμα, -ατός, το, Dor. for τό άγαλμα. Ύώγκιστρα, Dor. for τα άγκιστρα, pi. of άγκιστρον. Τωθάζω, f. -άσω, totaunt, jibe, pro- voke, insult, ridicule, scoff", mock. Τωθάσοοισαι, Dor. for τωθάζουσαι, η. pi. fem. pres. par. act. of last. Ύο.θασμος, -ου, δ, (fr. same) mock- ery, ridicule, taunt, jibe, insult. Τωθαστης, -οϋ, δ, (fr. same) a mocker, scoffer, taunter. Ύώλγεος, Dor. for του άλγεος, g. sin. of άλγος. Τωμπεχονον, ΌοτΛοττοαμπεχονον. Τώ' μώ, Dor. for του εμοϋ. Των, g. pi. of δ, fj, το — Τώνγε — Τωνδε, same with the enclitic. Τώντρω, Dor. or Att. for τω άντρω, d. sin. of άντρον. Τώρνεον, Dor. or Att. for τδ 6p- νεον. Τώ 'πδ τούτου, for το απδ τούτου, afterwards. Τωργείου, Dor. or Att. for του Ap- γείου, g. sin. of Αργείος. Τώροτρον, Dor. or Att. for τδ άρο- τρον. ΤωρχαΊον, Dor. or Att. for το ap- χαΊον, of old, formerly. Τώς, for οϋτως, or Dor. for ώί. Τώί, Dor. for τους, a. pi. of δ, ή, τό. Τωστέα, Dor. or Att. for τα οστεα, pi. of οστεον. Τωϋτ', for τό αυτό. Τωϋτίου, Τωϋτεω, Τωϋτδ, Τωϋτου, Dor. for του αυτού, τψ αυτω, το avrb, and του αυτοΰ. Υ, υ, upsilon, the twentieth of the more modern Greek let- ters, and the first of the five additional ones. As a nume- ral character υ signifies four hundred; with a dot under- neath, v, four hundred thou- sand. T Y, the sound made by the nose when smelling, hu ! Ύαδες, -ων, α'ι, (fr. 'ύω to rain) the Hyades, certain stars so called from the rains which accom- pany their rising. "Ύαινα, -ης, η, (fr. νς a swine) a hycena; a beast and fish ; a little or young sow. Ύακίζω, f, -ισω, (fr. νω to rain) to rain. 'Υακίνθια, -ων, τα, a feast in honour of Hyacinthus. 'Υακινθινοβαφης, -εoς-oυς,b,η, (fr. υάκινθος a hyacinth, and βαφή a dye) hyacinth-coloured. J ' ^ C568) ΤΓΙ Ύακίνθϊνος, -η, -ov, of a hyacinth hyacinth-coloured, purplish, blue. 'Υάκινθος, -ου, b, Hyacinthus, name of a boy ; hyacinth or jacinth, a flower ; hyaainlh, a precious stone ; wool or thread dyed with blue or hyacinth colour. 'Υάλινος, -η, -ov, (fr. next) of glass. "Υαλος, or "Υελοί, -ου, η, glass, crystal. ΎαλουργεΊον, -ου, τδ, (fr. last, and έργον a work) a glass manufac- tory. Ύαλουργος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a glass maker. Ύάς, -αδος, η, sin. of 'Υάδες, wh. see. Ύβάλλειν, Dor. and Mo\. for υπο βάλλειν, pres. inf. act. of υπο- βάλλω. Ύβος, -η, -bv, aooked, bent, gib- bous, humped. 'Υβούλοιο, Dor. for Έυβούλοιο, g. of Ε,ύβουλος, Eubulus. Ύβόω -ώ, f. -ώσω, (fr. ΰβbς crook- ed) to bend, bow, curve. 'Υβρίζεις, 2 sin. pres. ind. act. of 'Υβρίζω, f. -"σω, Att. -ϊώ, p. υβρι- κα, (fr. next) to act injuriously, outrage, injure, wrong; to in- sult, abuse, affront, treat with insolence or contumely, behave rudely ; to debauch. 1 a. ind. act. έβρισα' per. pass, ιιβρισμαι, -σαι, -σται' 1 a. pass. ind. ΰβρίσ- θην, -ης, -^'par. υβρισθείς. 1 f. ind. ΌΆδς.υβρισθήσομαι, -ρ,-εται. "Υβρις,-ιος, AtU -εως,)), injury, hurt, harm ; wrong, outrage, abuse ; insult, insolence, affront; ela- tion, haughtiness, pride, wanton^ ness, violence, debauchery, rape. Ύβρίσαι, inf. — "Υβρισαν, ind. 3 pi. 1 a. act. οι υβρίζω, Ύβρίσδειν, Dor. for ΰβρίζειν, pres. inf. act. — Ύβρισθεντας, a. pi. 1 a. par. pass. — Ύβρισθήστετα», 3 sin. 1 f. ind. pass, of υβρίζω. "Υβρισμα, -ατός, το, same as 'ύβρις. 'Υβρισμένος, -η, -ον, (fr. ύβρις pride) haughty, proud; costly. 'Υβριστής, -ου, and Ύβριστηρ, -ηρος, δ, (fr. 'ύβρις pr\de)insolent, proud, haughty ; injurious, de- spiteful ; a debauchee, ravish- er, ΎβριστΎκος,-η, -bv,{fr. same)prone to injure, injurious; insolent, outrageous. 'Υβριστικώς, (fr. last) injuriously, insolently, proudly, excessively. Ύβριστρία, -ας, η, (fr. ύβριστηρ an insolent person, th. ύβρις inso- lence) a proud, reproachful or. injurious woman. "Υβρωμα, -άτος, τδ, and "Υβρωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ^,(fr. υβος bent) α bending, curvature, crookedness. 'Υγεία, for ΰγίεια. 'Υγιάζω, ΐ.~<ασω, p. νγίακα, (fr υγιής sound) to make sound , heal, cure. f Yytai'mv,pres.inf.act.— f Yyia/v>j-f, 2sin.'Yyiatvttw,or-atv,3pl.pres. sub. act. — 'Υγιαίνοντα, -νοντας, -νόντων, 'Υγιαινούση, -νούσ^ί, -νουσι, cases of par. pres. act. of ΤδΡ Ύγίαίνω, f. -ανώ, (fr. νγιής sound) to be in health, be well, be sound ; to be sane or sensible ; to be pure, sincere or faithful, pres. impr. act. ηγίαινε, farewell. Ύγιεα, a. sin. of νγιής. Ύγίεια, -ας, ή, (fr. νγιής sound) health, soundness. Ύγιείης, g. sin. Ion. oflast. 'Υγιεινός, -ή, -bv, (fr. υγιής sound) sound in health, hearty , salu- brious, Jieulthy, healthj'ul. Sup. υγιεινότατος. 'Υγιείς, a. pi. Att. cont. of υγιής. Ύγιηοος, -a, -bv, (fr. next) sound, whole, wholesome. 'Yyiijs, -εος -ους, ο,ή, sound, whole, in health, healthy ; healthful, wholesome ; right, pure, upright, untainted; true, good, sincere, incorrupt, a. sin. cont. υγιή. 'Υγρά, Ion. 'Υγρή, -ης, ή, (fem. of υγρός moist) a watery path, sea. 'Υγραίνω, f. -άνω, (fr. same) to moisten, wet, bedew, water. 'Υγρασία, -ας, η, (fr. same) wet- ness, moisture, water. Ύγρόβο\ος, -ου, b, ί>, (fr. same, and βάλλω to throw) moisture-shed- ding ; moist, sprinkled. Ύγρυς, -a, -bv, wet, moist, watery, liquid, damp, humid, fluid ; aquatic ; rainy, showery ; fresh, green ; soft, tender ; pliant, flex- ible, nimble ; fluent, voluble ; dis- solute, dissipateel. Ύγρότης, -ητος, >/,(fr. last) wetness, moisture, damp, wet ; flexibility, agility, pliability ; softness, ten- derness ; humanity, gentleness ; proeligality, luxury, dissipation. "Υδατι, d. sin. — "Υδατος, g. sin. — "Υδασι, d. pi. of νδωρ. Ύδάτις, -Έδος, >;, (fr. ύδωρ water) α little water, drop. Ύδατόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. same) watery, elripping, wet, moist. Ύδει, d. sin. cont. of ϋδος. "Υδερος, -ου, b, (fr. ύδωρ water) dropsy. Ύδεω, same as νδω. Ύδής, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. νδω to sing) skilled in singing or in the composition of poems, songs or hymns, a poet ; wise, intelligent, ingenious, sensible. Ύδνεω, to nourish. "Ύδνον, -ov, το, (for οΊδνον fr. οιδεω to swell) a mushroom, truffle. Ύδος , -εος -ους, το, (fr. 'ύω to rain) water. "Υδρα, -ας, η~, (fr. νδωρ water) a water snake, serpent, hydra. 'Υδραγωγών or -γεΐον, -ου, το, (fr. same, and άγω to lead) a lead- ing or conducting of water, aque- duct, canal. Υδραγωγός, -ου, Ό, ή, (fr. same) drawing, conveying or pumping water ; an aqueeluct. Ύδραίνω, f. -ανω, (fr. ΰδωρ water) to wash, sprinkle, wet, moisten, bedew, pour out. Ύδραλίτης, -ου, b, (fr. same, and αλεω to grind) a water-mill. Ύδράλμη, -ης, {,, (fr. same, and άλμη brine) salt water. 4U ΤΕΤ Ύδρανλης, -ου, ο, (fr. same, and ανλίω to play music) a player of water music, performer on an in- strument sounded by water. Ύδρανλις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, or Ύδραύλικον, -ov, rb, viz. όργανον an instrument, (fr. same) a mu- sical instrument which goes by water. Ύδρεία, -ας, η, (fr. νδωρ water) ο drawing of water, watei big place ; a watering, wetting, moistening, irrigation. ΎδρεΊον, Ion. -ή'ίον, -ov, ro, (fr. same) a pitcher, urn, jar, water pot ; a cistern, tank. "Υδρευμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. next) a watering. 'Υδρεύω, (fr. νδωρ water) to moist- en, wet, bedew; to elraw, carry or bring water ; to elrink water. 'Υδρεύομαι, f. mid. -εύσομαι, to water, go to or give water ; to elraw or fetch water. "Υδρην, Ion. for ϋδραν, a. sin. of ϊιδρα. "Υδρία, -ας, ι), (fr. νδωρ water) α vessel to hold water, water pot, urn, pitcher ; a watering or giv- ing water. Ύδρίσκη, -ης, fj, same as last. Ύδροκηλία, -ας, ή, (fr. νδωρ water, and κήλη a swelling) a watery su:elling, hydrocele. Ύδρομεδονση, -ης, ή, (fr. same, and μέδω to rule) the name of a frog ; JMarshruler. Ύδρο-οτεω -ω, f. -ήσω,\). -πότηκα, (fr. same, and -πίνω to drink) to elrink water, be abstemious, tern per ate. Ύδρο-ότης, -ov, b, (fr. same) a water dnnker. "Υδρος, -ου, b, (fr. ύδωρ water) α water snake, serpent, hydra. Ύδροφορεω -ω, (fr. ύδωρ water, and φέρω to carry) to carry water. 'Υδροφόρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) a water carrier. Ύδρόχάρις, -ιος, b, (fr. νδωρ water and χαίρω to rejoice) name of a frog. Ύδρόχοος, -ου, b, (fr. same, and χι ω to pour) a waterman; Aqua- rius, asign in the zodiac. Ύδρωπίκος, -ή, -δι/, (fr. next) drop- sical. "Υδρωφ, -ωπος, ή, (fr. νδωρ water, and ώψ the face, th. όιττομαι to see) the dropsy. "Υδω, (perhaps fr. άδω to sing) to sing of, celebrate, praise, render famous ; to speak, say, tell of. "Υδωρ, 'ύδατος, το, (perhaps fr. νω to rain) water. Υ}, an adverb of threatening, ho ! "Υει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of νω. "Υειος, -a, -ov, (fr. νς a pig) of or like a pig, hoggish, swinish. "Υελος, for ναλος. "Υεσθαι, pres. inf. pass, of νω. Ύετίζω, f. -/σω,ρ. νίτικα, (fr. υετος rain, th. ΰω to rain) to rain. Ύέτιος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) rainy, showery, wet. Ύετός, -ov, b, (fr. νω to rain) a shower, rain, wet. (569) ΤΛ Υίτώστατος, -η, -ov, (sup. fr. last) very wet, rainy, showery. Ύηνεία or Ύηνία, -ας, η, (fr. νς a swine) a pigsty ; hoggishness, brutishness, greeeliness; stupidi- ty, dulncss. Υης, -ov, υ, η, (fr. νω to rain) rainy, moistening, refreshing, balmy. Epithet of Jupiter and of Bacchus. Ύθλεω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. next) to trifle, play the fool, talk idly, babble. Ύθλυς, -υΐ<, b, trifles, foolishness, silliness ; idle talk, babbling, non- sense ; talkativeness. Υϊάσι for vJai, d. pi. — ΥΊε, η. du. of νΤίς. Υ'ιεα, a. sin. — Υ'ιεας, a. pi. — Υ'ιέες, η. pi. of Υίεί s, -εος, Att. -εως, b, same as ν'ιός. Υϊϊ, d. sin. cont. of ΥΤίς, ν'ίϊος, and cont. Υις, νιος, δ, same as ν'ιός. Υιοθεσία, -ας, η, (fr. νιος a son, and 3-έσις appointment) adoption. ΥΤος, g. sin. cont. of νΤίς . Υ'ώς, -ου, ο, a son, descendant, heir; a disciple, follower ; one of or among. Υ'ιύτης, -ητος, b, (fr. last) the being or right of a son, sonship, adop tion. Υ'ιόω, f. -ώσω, (fr. same) to adopt. 1 a. ind. act. υ'ίωσα. 1 a. ind. mid. υ'ιο)σάμην, -ω, -aro. Υ'ιωνος, -υυ, b, (fr. same) a grand- son, a son's son. Υ'ιώσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of υ'ιόω. "Υκης or "Υκκης, -ου, b, and "Υκκη, -ης, η, a kind offish. "Υλα, -ας, «, Dor. for 'ύλη. "Υλαγμα, -ατός, το, and Ύλαγμός, -οΐι, 6, (fr. νλάω to bark) a bark- ing, growling, howling. ΎλαΊος, -a, -ov, (fr. ϋλη a. wood) of wood, woody, abounding with woods, wooded, luxuriant with trees, planted ; of matter, mate rial, corporeal. Ύλακή, ~my k, (fr• νλάω to bark) a barking, gre/wling, howling. Ύλακτεω -ω, f. -ήσω, same as Ύλάω, f. -άσω, to bark. "Υλη, -ης, η, matter, materials, wood, timber ; sticks, fuel ; wood, forest, thicket, copse / food, victuals ; dregs, fdth,4lirt. Ύλήεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. last) woody, wooded ; shady, shaded. Ύληκοϊται, η. pi. of Ύληκοίτης, -ου, b, (fr. νλη the wood, and κοίτη a bed) sleeping in the woods or forest. Ύλητύμος, -ov, b, (fr. same, and τέμνω to cut) a wood cutter, fel- ler of timber. "Υλιαι, -ων, a't, (fr. νλη dregs) par- ing or scraping of skins or hides, dirt, dregs, filth. Ύλομανίω -ώ, (fr. νλη wood, and μαίνομαι to rage) to grow wildly, spread the branches, shoot out largely. Ύλοτομίω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same. TMN and τέμνω to cut) to fell timber, cut down trees. 'Υλοτόμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) wood-cutting, felling. Subs, α UOod-cutler. Ύλοφάγοιο, g. sin. Ion. of Ύλοφάγος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. 'ύλη wood and φάγω to eat) who feeds or lives in the woods. Ύλοχαιρέω -ω, (fr. same, and ■χαί- ρω to rejoice) to shoot forth branches, luxuriate. 'YAw'rc, -εος -ους, b, hy (fr. υ\η wood) v:oody, wooded, shady, full of branches and leaves, lux- uriant ; muddy, full of lees or dregs. Ύμέας, Ion. for Υμάς, a. pi. — ' Υμες, Dor. for Ύμεΐς, η. pi. of συ . Ύμέναιος, -ου, b, (fr. Υμην Hy- men) Hymen the god of mar- riage; the nuptial song : nuptial rites, marriage, b, >/, hymeneal, nuptial; Hymenceus, a man's name. Ύμεναιόω-ώ, (fr. last) to solemnize a marriage, marry, wed ; to sing the nuptial song. Υμέτερος, -a, -ov, (fr. νμείς η. pi. of σίι thou) yours, your. Ύμέων, Ion. for υμών, g. pi. of συ. Ύμην, -ενός, b, a thin membrane, skin, peel, pellicle; Hymen the god of marriage ; the marriage song. Ύμην for υμετεραν, a. sin. fern, of υμέτερος. Ύμμας — Ύμμε and "Ύμμες — Ύμμι and Ύμμιν, Mo\. for υμάς, a. υμείς, η. and υμΊν, ά. pi. of συ. Ύμνάσαι, Dor. for νμνησαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Ύμνείουσαι, Poet. — Ύμνευσαι, Dor. for υμνέουσαι, η. pi. fern. pres. par. act. — Ύμ- νεομες, Dor. for υμνέομεν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act Ύμνευσι, Dor. for υμνονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act, cont. of Ύμνεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ηκα, (fr. 'ύμνος a hymn, th. ΰδω to cele- brate) to celebrate in songs, sing . hymns or praises ; to sing or recite a hymn, chant ; to praise, extol, commend ; to lampoon, vilify, defame ; to accuse, re- proach, revile; to lament, be- wail, impf. ind. act. ΰμνεον -ουν. 1 a. act. ind. 'ύμνησα' par. υμνή- σας, η. pi. υμνήσαντες. Ύμνησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) a song of praise, celebration of praise, a hymn. Ύμνητηρ, -ηρος, and Ύμνήτης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a singer of praise, extoller, praiser. Ύμνη^ς, -η, -bv, (fr. same) cele- brated, praised, renowned, fa- mous, praiseworthy, to be prais- ed. Ύμνολογέω -ω, (fr. ύμνος a hymn, and λέγω to speak) to sing or recite a hymn; to celebrate in song. Υμνολογία, -ας, }j, (fr. same) a singing or reciting of hymns, praise. ΤΠΑ Ύμνος, -ου, b, (fr. νδω to celebrate) a hymn, song of praise. Ύμνουν, impf. ind. act. cont. — Υμνουσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. οΐυμνέω. Ύμνω, d. sin. of ύμνος. Ύμνωδέω, (fr. 'ύμνος a hymn, and άδω to sing) to sing a hymn chant, sing praises; to deliver oracles. Υμνωδός, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) sing ing hymns, musical. Υμών, g. pi. of συ. Ύν, E'tV, ,l Iv, Heb. indecl. a hin, a kind of measure. Ύνις and Ύννις, -ιος, Att. -εως, {/, a ploughshare. Ύννος, -ου, b, a horse, colt, nag, palfrey. Ύος, g. sin. of £?. Ύοσκύαμος, -ου, b, (fr. υς a swine, and κύαμος a bean") henbane. Ύοφορβος, -ου, b, (fr. same, and φέρβω to feed) a swine-herd. Ύπαγανακτέω -ω, (fr. υπό secretly, and αγανακτεω to be enraged) to be secretly angry, be piqued, bear a grudge. Ύπαγγελέουσα, Ion. for υπαγγε- λουσα, 2 f. par. act. fern, of Ύπαγγέλλω, (fr. ύπό secretly, and αγγέλλω to bring a message) to announce privately, tell secretly Υπάγε, ίγετε, 2 sin. and pi. pres. impr. act. — Ύπάγειν, inf. — Υπάγεις, -γει, 2 and 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Ύπάγγ, 3 sin. -γητε, 2 pi. pres. sub. act. of ίπάγω. Υπαγκάλισμα, -ατός, το, (fr. υπο under, and αγκάλη the arm) the object embraced, a delight, be- loved object. Υπαγκώνιον, -ου, rb, (fr. same, and αγκών the elbow) a pillow, cushion. Υπάγοντας, a. -γοντες, η. pi. par. pres. act. of υπάγω. Υπαγορευτέος., -a, -ov, (fr. next) to be spoken, answered, dictated, &c. according to the verb. Υπαγορεύω, f. -εύσω, p. υπηγόρευ- κα, (fr. υπό again, and αγορεύω to speak, th. αγορά the market) to reply, answer; to intimate, suggest, dictate ; to remind, bring to remembrance; to name, call, say, tell; to persuade, exhort, encourage ; to interpret, explain, expound. Υπάγω, f. υπάζω, p. υπηχα, (fr. υπό secretly, and άγω to lead) to draw away, withdraw, remove, steal away; to draw, place or put under ; to subdue, make sub- ject; to bring to judgment, ac- cuse, charge, blame ; to draw on, entice, decoy, allure ; to force, compel ; to depart, go away, re- tire, withdraw, recede; to pro- ceed, go ; to come up with, over- take. Υπάγομαι, to make sub- ject to myself; to attract, invite ; to suggest, hint, intimate ; to de- part from life, die. Υπαγωγή, -ης, η, (fr. last) a with- drawing, removal ; subjection, (57C) ΤΠΑ submission, reduction ; a retreat, departure ; seduction, allure• ment enticement. Ύπαι, Poet, for υπό. Ύπαιθα, (fr. last, and ιθνς straight) before, forward, straightly, di- rectly ; slantingly, to one side. Ύπαιθρος, and Υπαίθριος, -ov, o, η, (fr. υπό under, and αίθρα the air) in the open air, uncovered, exposed. Ύπαιρέομαι, Poet, for υφαιρίομαι, mid. of νφαιρέο). Ύπαίρω, (fr. υπό under, and αίρω to take) to take from under, supplant ; to overcome, sub- due. Ύπαίσσω, f. -ξω, (fr. υπό secretly, and αΐσσω to rush) to rush for- ward unawares or unexpected, creep from under, dart from under. 1 a. par. act. ίπαίξας, -ασα, -αν. Υπαίτιον, -ου, το, (fr. next) fault, blame, error, crime, guilt. Υπαίτιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. υπδ under, and αίτια blame) blameahle, faulty, culpable, liable to punish- ment. Υπακοή, -ης, η, (fr. υπακούω to obey) obedience, submission. Ύπάκοισον, Dor. for υπάκουσον, 1 a. impr. act. — Ύπακοίσω, Dor. for υπακούσω, 1 f. ind. act. οί υπακούω. Υπακούω, f. -ούσω, p. υπηκονκα, (fr. υπό under, and ακούω to hear) to hearken, listen, attend io ; to reply, answer; to obey, comply with, yield to, submit. impf. ind. act. νπήκυυον. 1 a. act. ind. νπήκουσα' inf. νπακου• σαι. Υπαλεύασθαι, 1 a. inf. mid. — Ύπαλεύεο, Ion. for -λεύου, pres. impr. mid. of Ύπαλεύομαι, (fr. ύπό under, and «λεΰω, Poet, for αλέω to shun) to escape, avoid, shun by stoop- ing. Ύπαλλάγη, -ης, ή, (fr. next) a change, exchange, substitution; Hypallage, a figure in grammar. Ύπαλλάσσω or -ττω, (fr. υπό un- der, and αλλάσσω to change) to change, exchange, substitute. Ύπαλύζαι, 1 a. inf. act. of υπα- λύσκω. Ύπάλυξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f), (fr. next) a means of escape, sub~ terfuge, shift; fight, evasion, escape. Ύπαλύσκω, f. -ξω, (fr. turo under, and αλύσκω, same as αλέω to shun) to shun, escape, avoid. Ύπαναχωρέω -ω, (fr. same, ανά back, and χωρέω to go) to with- draw privately, fee secretly. Ύπάνδρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and άνηρ a man) under the power of a man, subject to a husband, married. Ύπανίστημι, (fr. same, ανά up, and Ίστημι to stand) to rise up from, or in consequence of, swell after. Ύπανίσταμαι, to rise up through respect, rise from one's seat, ΤΠΑ arise. 2 a. ind. act. ΰπανέστην, _Πί ' "*• . . , „ Υπανίστασο, pres. impr. mid. of last. Ύπαντάω -ω, t. -ήσω, p. υπήντηκα (fr. υπό intens. and αντάω to meet) to meet with, come in the way, happen upon; to encoun- ter f run against ; to concur agree with. 1 a. ind. act. ΰπήν- τησα. Υπάντησις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, arid Ύπαντή, -ης, ή, (fr. same) a meeting, a. ϋπάντησιν. Ύπαντιάξαισα, iEol. for υπαντιάσα- σα, η. fern. 1 a. par. act. — Ύπαντιάσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of Ύπαντιάω -ω, and -άζω, f. -άσω, (fr. υπο under, and αντιάω or αν- τάω to meet) to go out to meet, meet; to run against, encoun- ter, engage; to recompense, re- . Pay ' ,r \ "Υπαντρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. υπό un- der, and avrpov a cave) being or living in caves. 'Υπάπτειν, Ion. for υφάπτειν. "Υπαρ, το, indecl. a true vision, reality. Ύπαργμένα, Ion. for υπηργμένα, pi. neut. per. par. pass, of υπάρ- χω. 'Υπάργυρος, -ov, b, f/, (fr. υπό under, and άργυρον silver) mixed with silver, containing silver ; obtain- ed by silver, venal, mercenary. Ύπαρνος and 'Υπάρρηνος, -ου, >/, (fr. same, and άρς a lamb) a sheep in lamb, or having a lamb, giving milk. 'Υπάρξαι, 1 a. inf. act. of υπάρχω. "Υπαρξις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, η, (fr. υπάρχω to be) existence, being ; substance, matter, subject, thing ; subsistence, goods, property. Ύπαρπάζειν, Ion. for υφαρπάζειν, pres. inf. act. of υφαρπάζω. 'Υπάρχει, 3 sin. ind. — Ύπάρχέιν, inf. pres. act. — Ύπαρχεν, Dor. for υπηρχεν, 3 sin. impf. ind. act. of υπάρχω. Ύπαρχή, -ης, ,), (fr. υπάρχω to be) a beginning, origin, commence- ment ; a favour, grace, kind- ness. 'Υπάρχοντα, -χοντας, -χοντες, -χοντος, cases of υπάρχων. 'Υπάρχοντα, -ων, τα, (neut. pi. pres. par. act. of υπάρχω to be) goods, wealth, means, subsistence. "Υπαρχος, -ου, b, (fr. υπό under, and αρχή rule) a lieutenant, su- bordinate ruler, viceroy ; a go- vernor, ruler, chief. Also, the name of a river. Ύπαρχούσης, g. sin. fern. pres. par. act. — Ύπάρχουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of υπάρχω. Or, Ύπάρ- χουσι or -σιν, d. pi. of υπάρχοντα. 'Υπάρχω, f. υπάρξω, p. υπήρχα, (fr. Ιπό under, and αρχή the begin- ning) to make a beginning, be- gin, commence; to cause, make to be ; to exist from tiie begin- ning ; to be first, to do or say any thing before anntlier, antics- pale; to be, exisi ) $id>sist, be pre- ΤΠΕ sent ; to avail, contribute ; to be supplied, afforded; to side with, befriend, assist, aid ; to happen, befall, belong to, be incumbent on or necessary. 1 a. ind. act υπήρξα* 'Υπάρχων, par. pres. act. — Ύτάρ- χωσι, 3 pi. pres. sub. act. of last. Ύπασπίδια, (fr. next) under < shield, covered with a shield. Ύπασπίδιος, -ου, h, η, (fr. υπό un der, and ασπίς a shield) covered with a shield, protected, guarded. Ύπασπίζω, (fr. same) to proceed hidden under a shield, fight pro- tected with a shield ; to be an armour or shield- bearer ; to pro- tect, defend ; to depend on, be under the patronage or protection of another. 'Υπασπιστής, -ου, b, (fr. same) α body-guard, life-guard, satel- lite. ΎπατεΙα, -ας, η, (fr. next) the con- sulship. Ύπατεύω, (fr. Ζπατος supreme) to be a consul. 'Υπάτίκος, -η, -ov, (fr. next) con- sular. "Υπατος, -η, -ov, (cont.fr. υπέρτα- τος, sup. of υπέρ above) supreme, highest ; honourable, chief; low- est, deep, profound ; any ruler, having the supreme command. Subs, a consul. Ύπαυχένιον, -ου, το, (fr. υπό under, and αυχην the neck) a pillow. Ύπεάσι, Ion. for υπεισι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of ϋιτειμι. Υπεβάλον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of υποβάλλω. Ύπεβλίποντο, 3 pi. impf. mid. of υποβλίπομαι. Ύπεγγύος, -ου, b, ft, (fr. υπό under, and έγγυος a bail) under apledge, in paum, pawned ; forfeited, sub- ject, liable to. Ύπέδδεισαν, Poet, for υπέδεισαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. — Ύπεδείδισαν, Sync, for υπεδειδίεισαν, 3 pi. pper. mid. of υποδείδω. Υπέδειξα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of ΰποδείκννμι. Υπεδεξάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of υποδέχομαι. Υπέδεκτο, Dor. or Poet. Sync, for υπεδέδεκτο, 3 sin. pper. pass. — Ύπεδέξατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of υποδέχομαι. Υπέθηκαν, 3 pi. 1 a. act.— Ύπεθή- κατο, 3 sin. 1 a. mid. of υποτί- θημι. Υπε'ιδω, (fr. υπο under, and είδω to see) to suspect. Υπείκετε, 2 pi. pres. impr. of Υπείκω, (fr. υπο under, and είκω to yield) to obey, yield, submit to ; to give way, concede, humour ; to remit. Υπειμι, (fr. same, and ειμί to be) to be under, at the bottom ; to attend or accompany secretly ; to hide, lie concealed ; to be present, at hand ; to project, jut or stand out. imp£ ind. υπην, 3 pi. birrj- C-XV. f57tt ΤΠΕ Ύπείναι, Ion. for ΰφε\"ναι,% a. inf. act. of υφίημι. Ύπείξομαι, 1 f. ind. mid. of ίπιί- κω. Ύπείρεχον, Metath. for υπερεϊχον, impf. act. — Υπειρέχοι, Pcet. for υπερέχοι, 3 sin, pres. opt. act. of υπερέχω. Ύπείροχος, Ion. and Poet, for υπέροχος. Ύπείσαντες, η. pi. 1 a. par. act. of υπείω, Ion. for ΰφίημι. Ύπείσειμι, (fr. υπο under, εις into, and είμι to go) to steal in. Ύπεκθέωνται, Ion. for υπεκθώνται, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. mid. of υπεκτίθη- μι. 'Υπέκκειμαι, (fr. ίπό secretly, εκ from, and κεΊμαι to lie) to lie beneath, be concealed ; be smug- gled or carried out privily, be ex- posed secretly. Ύπεκκομίζω, (fr. same, and κομίζω to carry) to carry away or re- move secretly ; to remove beyond reach, put into safety . Ύπεξεκο- μ ί σα ντο, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. Ύπεκπέμπω, (fr. same, and πέμπω to send) to send away privately ; to convey secretly. Ύπεκπροθεί, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. cont. of Ύπεκπροθέω -ω, f. -ι/σω, (fr. υπο in- tens. εκ from, προ before, and §έω to run) to run far before , outrun, outstrip. Ύπεκπροφεύγω, (fr. same, and φεύ- γω to flee) to fiee secretly, escape. Ύπεκπροψύγτ), 3 sin. 2 a. sub. act. of last. Ύπεκτίθημι, (fr. υπο secretly, εκ from, and τίθημι to put) to de- pesite secretly ; to carry off pri- vily ; to expose secretly ; to un- load, land. Ύπεκφέρω, (fr. same, and φέρω to carry) to carry away secretly ; to withdraw from danger, re- move into safety. Ύπεκφεύγοντι, Dor. for υπεκφεύ- γουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Ύπέκφυγε, Ion. for υπεξέφυγε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of 'Υπεκφεύγω, (fr. υπό secretly, εκ from, and φεύγω to flee) to fiee away secretly, escape, run a- way. Ύπεκχωρέω-ώ, (fr. same, and^aj- ρέω to depart) to depart secretly, retire, withdraw, remove prim vily. 'Υπέλαβον, -ες, -ε or -tv, 2 a. ind. act. of υπολαμβάνω. Ύπελείφθην, 1 a. ind. pass, of ίπο- λε'ιπω. Ύπελήφθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of υπολαμβάνω. Ϋπελύσαο, Ion. for υπελύσω, 2 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of υπολύω. Ύπεμεΐνατε, -μειναν, 2 and 3 pi. — Ύπέμεινεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — 'Υπέμενον, -ες, -ε or -εν, impf. act. of υπομένω. Υπεμνήμυκε for υπήμυκε,3 sin. per. ind. act. of υπημύω. Ύπψνήσθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of ί)ΐτομιμνήσκω or έττομνοω. ΤΠΕ Υηναντίος, -α, -ον, (fr. υ Sunder, Ι etr.d εναντίας contrary, th. avri against) adverse, contrary, oppo- site, opposed, hostile. Υπεναντίως, (fr. last) in opposition, directly contrary. Υπενδίδωμι, (fr. wo under, εν in, and δίδω μι to give) to give in to, yield, concede. Υπενέγκω, obs. for which see υπο- φέρω, 2 a. inf. act. υπενεγκεΐν. Υπένερθε and -θεν, (fr. ίιπό under, and ίνερθε beneath) under, un- derneath, beneath, below ; from beneath or below. Υνενόονν, 1 sin. or 3 pi. cont. impf. act. of υπονοέω. Ύπεξαίρεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. next) a taking away, removal from beneath. Ύπεξαιρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. νπύ se- cretly, εξ from, and αίρέω to take) to take away or out pri- vately, subtract, withdraw ; to deprive, rob, withhold ; to remove, put away, avert. 'Υπεξαιρώ, f. -άρω, p. νπεξγρκα, (fr. same, and αίρω to take) to take out or away, draw out, pump out, drain; to take away se- cretly, withdraw, remove ; to exhaust, spend, make away with. Ύπεξαλύσκω, f. -ξω, (fr. same, and αλύσκω to shun) to fee away pnvately, shun, avoid, escape. Ύπεξανάδϋμι or -δύω, .(fr. virb un- der, εξ from, ανά up, and δύω to enter) to emerge, rise jar spring up from, come forth. Υπεξανάδύς, pres. or 2.6.. par. act. of last. Ύπέξειμι, (fr. υπο under, εξ from, and εΊμι to go) to run against another, engage, encounter, make an attack, charge; to come or enter into one , s presence ; to go out, go forth, proceed ; to steal away or out, escape, flei. Ύπεξειρνω, (fr. same, and ειρύω for ερύω to draw) to withdraw, re move, take away, rescue. Ύπεξελθεΐν, 2 a. inf. act. — Ύπε ξέρχεσθαι, pres. inf. of Ύπεξέρχομαι, (fr. υπο secretly, εξ from, and έρχομαι to go) to go out .privately, steal away, with- draw, retire ; to punish, avenge, take vengeance. Ύπέξεσχε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of υπεξέχω. Ύπεξέφερον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of υπεκφέρω. Ύπεξέχω, (fr. υπό secretly, εξ from, and έχω to be) to with- draw, retire, steal away, fee, make off. Ύπεξήίσαν, for νπέξισαν, 3 pi. impf. act. of ύπέξειμι, to retire. Ύπεξήλνξε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of νπεξαλύσκω. 'Υπεξούσιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. ρπό un- der, and εξουσία power) under the direction or power of; under age, not his own master. ΎπεπΧεύσαμεν, I pi. 1 a. ind. act. of hronXiv. ΤΠΕ Ύπερ, Poet. Ύπεϊρ, a preposition governing the g. and a. cases. Its general signification is over, above, upon, on ; with a g. only, beyond ; for, on account of, in defence, on the behalf or for the sake of ; instead of, in place of; of, about, concerning ; ac- cording to ; through, by means of; in the name of, by ; with an a. only, above, beyond, up- wards of, mope than; besides, except, on the farther side, con- trary. In compos, intensive ; over, beyond, superior, before ; for, in favour of, on the part °f- Υπέρα, -ας, f/, the rope which ma- naged the sail yards, a brace. Ύπεράγαν, (fr. υπέρ beyond, and άγαν much) very, very much, exceedingly. 'Υπεραγαπάω -ω, (fr. υπέρ intens. arid αγαπάω to love) to love very much, doat on. Ύπεραγόντως, (fr. next) excellent- ly, very, very much. Ύπεράγω, (fr. υπέρ intens. Άταάάγω to esteem) to excel, surpass. Ύπεραέϊ, cont. υπεραεΊ, d. sin. of Ύπεράης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. υπέρ above, and άω to blow) blowing from above, very violent, boiste- rous. Ύπεραθετέω -ω, (fr. υπέρ beyond, and αθετέω to despise) to despise much, slight, contemn. Ύπεραινετος, -η, -bv, (fr. same, and αινετός praiseworthy, th. αΊνος praise) very praiseworthy, excel- lent. Ύπεραιρδμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of Ύπεραίρω, f. υπεράρω, p. υπερτφκα, (fr. υπέρ beyond, and αίρω to raise) to raise, lift or elevate above ; to pass out of bounds, exceed, overflow ; to overtop, tower above; to surpass, over- come„ excel ; to fly or soar -above, pass over. Ύπεραίρομαι, to exalt, or extol one's self, be proud or conceited. 1 a. ind. act. νπερ^ρα. 1 a. pass. ind. υπερ(ιρθην' inf. Ιπεραρθηναι. Ύπεραίρωμαι, pres. sub. pass, of last. Ύπέραισχρος,-ου, b, fj, (fr. υπέρ be- yond, and αισχρός shameful) very shameful, very disgraceful, base. Ύπέρακμος, -ου, b, ι;, (fr. same, and ακμή the bloom of youth) having passed the bloom or vigour of age, advanced in age. *Ύπεράκριος, -ov, b, t), (fr. υπέρ up on, and άκρος high) living in the mountains or in a mountainous country. Ύπεραλγέω -ω, .(fr. υπέρ intens and άλγος grief) to grieve very much ; to dread. Ύπεράλλομαι, (fr. υπέρ beyond and αλλομαι to leap) to leap or jump over or beyond ; to overleap, excel, surpass. Ύπέραλλος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. sam% (fr. same, and ανΛέω to pump) excessive, overflowing ; overflowed, deluged, sunk. 'Υπεράνω, and Ύπεράνωθεν, (fr. υπέρ beyond, and άνω upwards) up above, far above, overhead. Υπεραπολογέομαι, (fr. υπέρ intens. από from, and λέγω to speak) to speak in favour of, plead in behalf of, excuse, apologize, pres. inf. mid. cont. ΰπεραπολογέϊσθαι. Ύπεραρθήναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of νπεραίρω. Ύπεραρρωδέω -ω, (fr. νπερ mtens. and αρρωδέω to fear) to fear very much, dread ; to fear for. Ύπέραρσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. νπερ above, and αίρω to raise) a lifting up above ; overflowing, inundation. Ύπεράρχω, (fr. same, and άρχω to command) to predominate, pre• vail. 'Υπερασπίζω, (fr. υπέρ under, and ασπίς a shield) to protect, shield, defend. Ύπερασπισμός, -ου, b, (fr. same) defence, protection, guard. Ύπερασπιστηρ, -ηρος, and 'Υπερασ- πιστής, -όν, b, (fr. same) a de- fender, guardian, protector. Ύπερασπ'ίω, Att. for υπερασπίσω, 1 f. md. act. of υπερασπίζω. Ύπεραυξανω, f. νπερσυξήσω, (fr. νπερ beyond, and αυξάνω to in- crease) to increase much, flou- rish ; grow greatly, overspread. 3 sin. υπερανξάνει. Ύπέραυχνς, -ου, b, '/, (fr. υπέρ in- tens. and αυχέω to boast) boast- ing, arrogant, vain. Ύπεράφανος, -ω, b, f], Dor. for υπερήφανος. Ύπεραχθής,-έος-ονς, b, η, (fr. υπεο beyond, and άχθος a weight) overloaded, oppressed, burdened. Ύπεράχθομαι, (fr. same) to grieve exceedingly ; to be very angry or displeased. 'Υπερβαίνω, f. mid. -βήσομαι, p. -βέβηκα, (fr. νπερ beyond, and βαίνω to go) to pass, cross or go over ; to mount, scale, climb ; to carry over, transfer, remove ; to surmount, surpass, exceed, tran- scend, excel ; to pass by, omit ; to transgress, violate, pres. inf. act. υπερβαίνον. 2 a. ind. act. ΰπερέβην, -ης, -η. Ύπερβαλέειν, Ion. for Ιπερβάλειν, 2 a. inf. act. — Ύπερβάλλη, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. of υπερβάλλω. ΎπέρβαΧΧον, neut. — 'Υπερβάλλον- τα, -λουσαν, a. mas. and fern, par. pres. act. of υπερβάλλω. Ύπερβαλλόντως, (fr. next) very, excessively, extremely, immode ratcly, exceedingly. ΤΠΕ Υπερβάλλω, f. -αλω, ρ. -βεβληκα, (fr. υπέρ beyond, and βάλλω to throw) to throw past, over or beyond ; ίο pass by or over, cross ; to surpass, exceed, excel, outdo, outstrip ; to run over, overflow, inundate ; to value above, prize higher, bid more ; to put ofl", de- lay, defer. Ύπερβασία, -ας Ion. -ης, ή, (fr. next) apassing by, omission, con- tempt ; transgression, violation, breach. Ύπερβασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ^, (fr. υπέρ beyond, and βαίνω to go) a passing by, over or beyond, passage ; excellence, preeminence, superiority ; transgression, vio- lation, breach ; Hyperbasis, a rhetorical figure, a sudden tran- sition. Ύπερβατόν, -ου, το, (fr. same) a figure in rhetoric, Hyperbaton. Ύπερβατός, -ή, -ov, (fr. same) sur- passing, excellent, preeminent ; easy to pass over, passable, forda- ble. Ύπερβήη, Att. for υπερβη, 3 sin. 2 a. sub», act. — Ύπερβηναι, 2 a. inf. act. — 'Υπερβάς, 2 sin. 2 a. sub. act. of υπερβαίνω. Ύπέρ(3ιΌς, -ου, b, η", (fr. υπέρ be- yond, and βία force) violent, fu- rious, vehement, very strong ; in- solent, proud, haughty. 'Υπίρβιον, Ύπερβίως, (fr. last") proudly, haughtily, insolently; beyond one's ability, or power. Ύπερβολάδην, (fr. next) beyond measure, very much, exceeding- ly, excessively. 'Υπερβολή, -ΐ,ς, η, (fr. υπέρ beyond, and βάλλω to throw) surplus- age, overplus ; exuberance, ex- cess, abundance ; a height, emi- nence, summit ; a passage over or across ; magnitude, greatness; excellence, preeminence ; exag- geration, extravagance ; Hyper- bole, a figure in rhetoric. Καθ' υπερβολην, exceedingly. Κ>ιθ' νπερβολην εις νπερβολην, from excess to excess, excessively. Ύπερβυλία, -ας, ή, (fr. same) ex- cess, extravagance, exaggeration. Υπερβολικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) ex- cessive, extravagant, exceeding, too much, beyond measure or be- lief, hyperbolical, exaggerating. Ύπεοβόρεος, -ov, b, η, (fr. υπέρ be- yond, and βορέας the north wind) beyond the north wind., boisterous, violent ; living at or beyond the north. Ύπεργάζομαι, (fr. υπό secretly, and εργάζομαι to work) to act or do secretly ; to undermine, work len- der, subdue. 'Υπέργηρων, -οντος, b, η, (fr. υττερ over, and γήρας old age) very old, aged. Ύπερδάσυς, -εια, -ν, (fr. υπέρ be- yond, and δασύς hairy) very hairy, rough, shaggy, a. sin. υπερδασυν. Ύπερδία, Sync, for υπερδεία, a. sin. of HUE Ύπερδεης, ~ίος -οΐ>ς, b, ή, (fr. νπερ beyond, and δείδω to fear) above fear, fearless, courageous, brave ; very timid, fearful, timorous. Ύπερδείδω, f. -είσω, (fr. same) to fear exceedingly ; to fear much. Ύπερδεινος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and δεινός terrible) very dreadful, terrible, awful, horrible; severe, cruel. Ύπερδεξιος, -ου, b, >% (fr. same, and δεξιός right handed) superior, ad- vantageous. Ύπερδιατείνομαι, f. -ενουμαι, (fr. νπερ intens. δια on account of, and τείνω to stretch) to contend eagerly, strive obstinately. Ύπερδικάζω, (fr. same, and δικάζω to go to law, th. δίκη justice) to plead for, contend for, de- fend. Ύπερδικεω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and δίκη justice) to plead for, defend. Ύπερδικος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) very just, strictly right, severely just ; avenging, punishing. Ύπερεδράμομεν, 1 pi. 2 a. ind. act. of νπερτρέχω. Ύπερδυνάμύω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. υπέρ beyond, and δύνομαι to be able) to overpower, prevail over. Ύπερεθέμην, -σο, -το, 2 a. ind. mid. of νπερτίθημι. Ύπερείδω,ί". mid. -είσομαι, (fr. νπεο beyond, and είδω to see) to over- look, wink at, connive at. 2 a. act. ind. υπερείδον, and υπίρι- δον' par. υπεριδών. Ύπερείδω, (fr. υπό under, and ερεί- δω to prop) to support, under- prop, strengthen, make firm. 1 a. inf. act. νπερείσαι. Ύττέρεισμα, -άτος, τό, (fr. last) a prop, support ; maintenance. Ύπερεκβλνζω, (fr. υπέρ beyond, εκ ■ from, and βλνζω to trickle) to stream out, burst forth, gush out; to swperabound. Ύπερίκεινος, -η, -ο, (fr. same, and εκείνος that) remote, distant. Ύπερεκπεοισσυν, (fr. υπέρ beyond, εκ from, and περισσός superflu- ous) very exceedingly, super a- hundantly ; eagerly, earnestly. 'Υπερεκτείνω, (fr. νπερ beyond, εκ from, and τείνω to stretch) to stretch out beyond, exceed bounds. 'Υπερεκτίνω, (fr. same, andriVco or τίω to pay) to pay for. Ύπερεκτισις, -ιος, Att. -εως, §, (fr. samft) a paying for, payment; disbursement, expense, charges. 'Υπερεκχεω-ω, (fr. νπερ beyond, εκ from, and χέω to pour) io pour out abundantly or over ; to over- flow, impf. act. νπερεξεχεον. Ύπερεκχύνω, f. νπερεκχνσ^, p. υπε- ρεκκέχυκα, (fr. same, and χύνω, same as th. χεω to pour) same as last. Ύπερεκχννομαι, to run over, overflow. Ύπερεκχνσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same, and χεω to pour) an over- flow. Ύπερελθων, 2 a. par. act. of ίπε- ρέρχομαι. (573) ΤΠΕ Ύπερίνδοξος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. ίπίρ above, εν in, and δόξα glory) very glorious, illustrious, resplendent. Ύπερεντυγχανω, (fr. same, and τυγχάνω to obtain) to intercede for, mediate. Ύπερεξει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of υπερέχω. Ύπερεξελευσόμεθα, 1 pi. 1 f. ind. mid. of. Ύπερεξερχομαι, (fr. νπερ beyond, εκ from, and έρχομαι to go) to go beyond, pass over ; to go out of the way, turn aside. Ύπερεπαινεω -ω, (fr. ν περ beyond, επι intens. and αινεω to praise) to praise excessively, flatter. Ύπερεπαίρω, (fr. same, επϊ upon, and αίρω to raise) to raise or exalt very much, extol. 1 a. ind. pass, υπερεπηρθην, -ης, -η. Ύπερεπαρσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) elevation, exaltation. Ύπερεπερίσσευσεν, 3 sin. 1 a. act. of υπερπερισσεύω. Ύπερεπιθυμεω -ω, (fr. νπερ beyond, and επιθνμεω to desire, th. $υμός the mind) to desire greatly, long for much. Ύπερεπλεόνασα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of υπερπλεονάζω. Ύπερερχομαι, (fr. υπέρ beyond, and έρχομαι to go) to go or pass over or beyond ; to surpass, exceed, overcome. Ύπερ:σχε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of υ περεχώ. Ύπερενφρα'ινω, (fr. υπέρ beyond, and ενψραίνο) to delight, fr. εΰ well, and φρην the mind) to de- light beyond measure, rejoice ex- ceedingly, overjoy. Ύπερεφάνης, -έος -ους, b, η, same as υπερήφανος. Ύπερέφθίτο, 3 sin. οΐνπερεφθίμην, -σο, -τό, pper. ind. pass, of νπερφθίω. Ύπερεχον, -οντος, τό, (neut. par. pres. act. of υπερέχω to excel) ex- cellence., preeminence, superiority. pi. sublime things, mysteries. 'Υπερέχοντας, -χαντι, -χονσα,-χου- σαις, cases of par. pres. act. of Υπερέχω, (fr. νπερ above, and έχω to hold) to hold over or above ; to hold over or before, protect, de- fend ; to excel, exceed, surpass. 2 a. ind. act. νπέρεσχον. Ύπερζεω -ω, (fr. same, and ζέω to boil) to boilover or violently. Ύπεοήδιστος, -η, -ov, (fr. same, and ηδιστος, sup. of ηδύς sweet) very sweet, exceedingly pleasant. Ύπερήδομαι, (fr. same, and -ίου? sweet) to enjoy greatly, be &u*h pleased, rejoice. " - 'Υπερημερία, -ας, η, (fr. next) delay after a certain day; a day or interval of grace given to enable another to pay his debts, remis- sion. 'Υπερήμερος, -ου, b, >/, (fr. νπερ be- yond, and ήμερα a day) passing a certain day or time, exceeding the appointed time, not paying within the limited time ; past the age r>f } older than, too old for. ΎΠΕ *Τ*ερήμϊσνς, *εια, -υ, (fr. same, and 'ήμισυς the half) more than the half, exceeding the half. n. pi. νπερημΎσεες -εις. Ύπερηνορέω -ώ, (fr. next) to sur- pass other men, excel, surpass; to brag, vaunt. Ύπερήνωρ, -ορός, b, ή, (fr. υπέρ be- yond, and avi)p a man) superior, brave, valiant; proud, haughty, overbearing. Ύπερήρα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of υπεραίρω. Ύπερήφάνα,ρΙ. neut. οΐ υπερήφανος. Ύπερηφάνέω -ω, (fr. υπέρ above, and φαίνω to appear) to be proud, insolent, haughty ; to vaunt, brag, boast ; to disdain, scorn, slight. Υπερηφανία, -ας, ί/, (fr. same) pride, insolence, haughtiness, dis- dain } scorn. Υπερήφανος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) proud, haughty, insolent, over- bearing, arrogant. Υπερηφάνως, (fr. last) proudly, haughtily, arrogantly. "Υπερθεοτ -θ εν, (fr. υπέρ above, and $εν from a place) from above, above, over, on the upper part, on the top. Ύπέρθεμα,-ατος, το, (fr. υπέρ upon, ατιάτίθημι to put) an increase of price or value, enhancement. 'Υπερθεματίζω, (fr. last) to out-bid, enhance the value, raise the price. Ύπερθεματισμος, -ου, Ό, (fr. last) an increase^ of price or value, en- hancement. 'Υπερθεματιστής, -ου, Ό, (fr. same) a buyer, puffer, u>ho raises the price or value. Ύπέρθεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ^, (fr. υπέρ over, and τίθηυι to put) a delay, putting off, procrastina- tion ; accumulation, collection. Ύπερθορέονται, 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. of Ύπερθορέω-ω, (fr. υπέρ beyond,and $ορεω to bound) to overleap, leap beyond. Ύπέρθορον, Ion. for υπερέθορον, 2 a. ind. act. of last. Ύπερθϋμος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. υπέρ be- yond, and §υμος the mind) mag- nanimous, courageous ; proud, haughty ; violent, passionate. 'Υπερθύρων, -ου, and Ύπέρβϋρον, -ου, το, (fr. υπέρ above, and θύρα the door) the lintel or timber over the door. Ύπερίδης, -ου, b, Hyperides, a man's name. Ύπεριδών, -ούσα, -bv, 2 a. par. act. of υπερείδω. Ύπερικον, -ου, τδ, an herb called St. John* s wort. Ύπεριονίδάο, JEo\. for -ου, g. sin of Ύπεριοτ"όης, -ου, b, (fr. Ύπερίων Hyperion) son of Hyperion. 'Υπερισχύω, f. -ύσω, p. -κα, (fr, υπέρ beyond, and ισχύω to be able) to prevail, overcome. Υπερϊων, -όνος, b, »/i(fr. υπέρ shove and i4»>, 2 a. par. act. of stui tr ; ΤΠΕ go) going over us, high, career- ing ; epithet of the sun, Hype- rion. Υπερκαταφης, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. υπέρ beyond, κατά intens. and φάω to shine) shamefaced, bash- ful, downcast ; very «ad, sorrow- ful, very gloomy. Ύπέρκειμαι, (fr. same, and κεϊμαι to lie) to lie above, over or be- yond ; to surpass, excel ; to im- pend, hang over ; to lie over, be deferred. Υπερκεράννΰμι, f. -κεράσω, p. -κεκέ- ρακα, (fr. υπέρ upon, and κεράν- νϋμι to mix) to mix up among ; to pour upon. Υπερκεράω, (fr. υπέρ beyond, and κέρας the flank) to outflank, and thereby overcome an ene- my. Υπέρκοπος, -ov, Ό, ή, (fr. νπϊρ in- tens. and κόπτω to cut) very cut- ting, keen ; insolent, haughty. Υπερκορίσαις, 2 sin. 1 a. opt. act. of Υπερκορεω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr, υπέρ beyond, and κορεω to satiate) to cvcr-saliatc, glut. Ύπερκρατίω -ω, (fr. same, and κρα- τέω to conquer) to overcome, pre- vail against, be superior. Ύπερκρεμάω -ω, or Ύπερκρεμαννυω, (fr. υπέρ above, and κρεμάω or κρεμαννύω to suspend) to suspend over, hang up above. Υπερκρίνομαι, (fr. same, and κρίνω to judge) to overcome in judging or judgment. Ύπερκύδαντα, a. sin. of Ύπερκύδας, -αντος, b, η, (fr. υπέρ beyond, and κυδος glory) very glorious, illustrious. Ύπερκύπτω, f. -ψω, (fr. same, and κύπτω to bend) to raise the head to look over, peep over ; to pass or cross over. Ύπερλίαν, (fr. same, and \iav very miich) very, exceedingly, chief- est, highest. Ύπερμάκης, Dor. for υπερμήκης. Ύπερμαχέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. υπέρ for, and μάχομαι to fight) to fight for, defend, protect. Ύπερμάχησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) a fighting for, defence of, protection, guard. 'Υπέρμαχος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a champion, defender, protector. Ύπερμεγάθης, Ion. for 'Υπερμεγέθης, -εος-ους, b,ή,{ l ^r.υπέρ beyond, and μέγεθος greatness, th. μέγας great) very great, im- mense, excessively great. Ύπερμέγεθος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. same) eminent greatness, glory, majesty. Ύπερμενέος -ους, g. sin. of Ύπερμενής, -έος -οΐις, b, η, (fr. υπέρ beyond, and μένος strength) very powerful, mighty, almighty, d. sin. υπερμενέϊ -ε?. 'Υπερμήκης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and μήκος length) very long, very toll, very high, far- exhruhng ; 'urge. prcaL ; liSiifi. Ύπΐρ>Λ3βίΗι τι», b; ν, fir. :• η .:ϊ c -ud THE μοΊρα fate, th. μείρω to divide • beyond fate, contrary to fate; premature. Ύπέρμορον or -pa, (fr. last) beyond fate f prematurely. Ύπερνεφής, -έος -ους, b, »/, (fr. ίπέρ beyond, and νέφος the cloud) above the clouds, exceeding high. ^ •/■-'' Ύπερϊκάο) -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. -νενίκηκα, (fr. same, and νικάω to conquer) to conquer, overcome, triumph ; to excel, surpass. Ύπερνικωμεν, 1 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of last. Ύπερνότιοι, -ων, ol, (fr. same, and νότος the south) the people be- yond the south, most southern. 'Υπέρογκος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. υπέρ be- yond, and όγκος a swelling) greatly swollen, swelling much ; pompous, haughty, proud ; ardu- ous, difficult, hard. Ύπερόγκως, (fr. last) very, vehe- mently, violently. Ύπεροικέω, (fr. υπέρ ab®ve, and οικέω to dwell) to dwell beyond, live above, Ύπέροικος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same) dwelling in the upper part of a hous" or country. "Υπερον, -ου, rd, a pestle. 'Υπεροπλία, -ας, η, (fr. next) inso- lence, pride, arrogance, d. pi. Ion. νπεροπλίτισι. Ύπέροπλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. υπέρ be- yond, and δπλον arms) very strong, powerful, brave, bold, daring; insolent, proud, arro- gant. 'Υπερόπτης, -ου, b, η, (fr. next) proud, haughty, contemptuous. 'Υπεροπτικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. υπέρ above, and όπτομαι to look) scornful, disdainful, supercilious, haughty, proud, insolent. Ύπερο-ητίκως, (fr. last) scornfully, superciliously, with contempt. Ύπερόπτομαι, ((τ.'.υπερ beyond, and όπτομαι to look) to overlook, des- pise, contemn, neglect. Ύπερόράσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f/, (fr. same) an overlooking, contempt, scorn. Ύπεροράω -ω, f. -άσω, p. νπερώρα- κα, (fr. υπέρ above, and bpάω to see) to overlook, despise, neglect, scorn. Ύπερορία, -ας, η, (fr. υπέρ beyond, and 'όρος a boundary) a foreign country ; a province, colony. Ύπερορίξω, f. -ίσω, (fr. same) to drive or carry beyond the borders , to banish, transport. Ύπερορωντας, a. pi. cont. pres. par. act. of ύπεροράω. "Υπερος, -ου, b, a pestle. 'Υπεροχή, -ής, h, (fr- νπερ above, and έχω to be) preeminence, superiority, excellence; a high situation or station, power, au- tlwrily, dominion. Ύπερόχησις , -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. same) eminence. 'Υπέροχος, -oy, b, η, (fr. υπέρ above, and έ Χ <4 to be) :.;•:-: \ ¥ΠΕ superior, eminent ; vast, im- mense. Υπερόχως, Dor. for υπέροχους, a. pi. of laSt. Ύπεροχώτατα, Dor. for υπεροχω- τάτη, fem. of νπεροχώτατος , sup. of same» Υπεροψία,^-ας, ΆτιάΎπέροψις, -ιος, Att. -εωί, -//, (fr. υπέρ above, and άπτομαι to see) scorn, con- tempt, disdain; pride, haughti- ness, arrogance. Υπερπαδατε, Dor. for υπερπηδάτε, 2 pi. pres. ind. act. οίυπερπηδάω. Υπερπαίω, (fr. υπέρ beyond, and παίω to strike) to rush out, dart- forth ; to surpass, exceed. Υπερπερισσεύω, f. -εΰσω, (fr. υπέρ beyond, and περισσεύω to abound, wh. fr. περισσός superfluous, th. περί beyond) to abound more, su- perabound, abound exceedingly, overflow. 1 a. ind. act. ίπερεπε- ρίσσευσα. pres. ind. pass, υπερ- περισσεΰομαι. Υπερπερισσώς, (fr. same, and πε- ρισσός superfluous) most fully . superabundantly, exceedingly. Υπερπηδάω -ω, (fr. υπέρ beyond, and πηδάω to leap) to spring, leap or bound Over. Υπερπίμπλημι, (fr. same, and π'ιμ- πλημι same as π\ήθω to fill, th. πλέος full) to fill over, fill up, overflow. Υπερπίπτω, (fr. same, and πίπτω to fall) to fall over ; to glide or pass away ; to overflow. Υπερπλεονάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. υπέρ beyond, and πλεονάζω to have more, fr. πλέων more, comp. of ■πολύς much) to abound, supera- bound, have more and more. 1 a. ind. act. υπερεπλεόνασα. Υπερπλημμΰρέω -ω, (fr. same, and πλημμύρα, same as πλήμη, the flood-tide) to overflow, inun- date. Υπερπλουτέω -ω, (fr. same, and πλούτος wealth) to be very rich, abound in wealth. Υπέρπλουτος, -ου, b, >% (fr. same) passing rich, affluent. Υπερπόντιος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and πόντος the sea) beyond or over the sea, foreign. Υπερραγη, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. pass, of υπορρήγννμι. Υπερσυντελίκος, -η, -bv, (fr. υπέρ beyond, and συντελέω to perfect, th. τέλος the end) more than per- fect, pluperfect in grammar. Υπερτάζω, (fr. next) to plough the surface, plough shallow. Υπέρτατος, -η, -ov, (sup. fr. υπέρ above) the highest, greatest, chiefest, most exalted, supreme. Υπερτερίης, Ion. g. sin. of Υπερτερία, -ας, h, (fr• next ) ^ e up- per covering or mat ; the upper part of a wagon or cart. Υπέρτερος, -a, -ov, (comp. fr. υπέρ above) higher, superior, upper, better . Υπερτίθεμαι, pres. md. mid. — Ύπερθέμεν, Ion. — Ύπερθέμεναι, for Ιπερτιθίναι, pres. inf. act. of ΎΠΕ Ύπερτίθημι, (fr. υπέρ over, and rl- θημι to put) to put or set over, lay, set or put upon ; to ascribe, assign; to intrust, commit; to communicate, deliberate, confer; to refer, appeal to. Ύπερτίθεμαι, to defer, put off", procrastinate; to surpass, excel, exceed. Ύπερτρέχω, (fr. υπέρ over, and τρέ- χω to run) to run over, trample upon ; to run beyond, surpass. 'Υπέρυθρος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. υπό under, and έρευθος redness) reddish, in- clined to'red. Ύπερυμνητος, -η, -bv, or Ύπερύμ- νητος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. υπέρ over, and ΰμνητος celebrated) very much to be praised, laudable, praiseworthy. Ύπερυψόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. υπερύ- ψωκα, (fr. υπέρ beyond, and ΰψος height) to exalt greatly, elevate, advance. 'Υπερύψωσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of last. Ύπερφέρεια, -ας, ^, (fr. υπέρ above, and φέρω to bear) p-ide, conceit. Ύπερφερής,-έος -οϋς, ο,η, (fr. same) excellent, superior, eminent ; proud, haughty, elated, vain. Ύπερφέρω, (fr. same) to bear or carry upon, across, beyond or over; to waft on or along; to surpass, excel; to conduce or contribute more. Ύπερφθίω, (ft. υπέρ instead of, and φθίω to destroy) to destroy in- stead of, slay in place of. 'Υπερφίαλος, -ov, b, η, (fr. νπερ be- yond, and φιάλη a cup for liba- tion) truce-breaking, perfidious; ' inconstant, fickle; proud, inso- lent, haughty ; intemperate, drunken, riotous, revelling. Ύπερφιαλως, (fr. last) perfidiously, treacherously ; proudly, arrogant- ly ; intemperately, excessively. Ύπερφιλέω -ω, (fr. υπέρ above, and φιλέω to love) to love to excess, dole upon. Ύπερφρονέω -ω, (fr. same, and φρονέω to think, th. φρην the mind) to think too highly of one's self, arrogate; to contemn, de- spise, scorn ; to be wise overmuch. pres. inf. cont. υπερφρονεΐν. Ύπέρφρων, -όνος, δ, η, (fr. same) proud, haughty, high-minded, spirited. Ύπερφύα and -rj, a. sin. cont. of Ύπερφυης, -έος -ους, δ, >/, (fr. υπέρ beyond, and φυη nature) super- natural, extraordinary, wonder- ful, remarkable, surprising. Ύπερφνσάω -ω, (fr. same, and φυ- σάω to inflate) to swell very much, dilate greatly, stretch out. Ύπερφύως, (fr. υπερφυης superna- tural) wonderfully, exceedingly, extraordinarily, astonishingly. Ύπερφωνέω -ω, (fr. υπέρ beyond, and φωνέω to ipeak) to sing loud; to bawl loud, shout, out-bellow. Ύπερχαίρω, (fr. same, and χαίρω to rejoice) to rejoice greatly, be overjoyed. ΎπερχΧρης, -ίος -ους, δ, f,, (fr. (575) ΤΠΕ same, and χαρά joy) overjoyed, rejoited, joyful. Ύπερχέω, f. -χεΰσω, (fr. same, and χέω to pour) to pour out, pour out over ; to overspread, diffuse. Ύπερχέομαι, to overflow. Ύπέρχομαι, (fr. υπο under, and έρχομαι to come) to go under, enter into, sink down, penetrate ; to supplant, undermine, circum- vent, delude, cheat, beguile; to cringe, pay court to, fawn, flat- ter. Ύπερχύω, f. -χύσω, p. -κέχυκα, (fr. υπϊρ beyond, and χύω to pour) to pour out, over, diffuse, spread over ; toflovj out, overflow. 'Υπερώα, -ας Ion. -ης, η, (fr. υπέρ above, and ωον the upper part of a house) the palate. Ύπερωέω -ώ, (fr. υπο under, and ερωέω to go) to flow under; to move or start back. Ύπερώησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. 'Υπερώιο?, same as υπερώος. Ύπερωμία, -ας, η, (fr. υπέρ above, and ώμος the shoulder) the head and neck. Ύπερωον, -ου, το, (fr. next) the upper room, or part of a house ; a garret. 'Υπερώος, -ου, δ, '/, (fr. υπέρ above, and ωον the top part of a house) being in the upper chamber or garret ; above, up stairs. Ύπερώτατος, -η, -ov, (sup. fr. υπέρ above) highest. Ύπεσσεϊται, Dor. for ν πεσέτα ι, 3 sin. 1 f. mid. of υπειμι. Ύπέσταν, Dor. for υπέστην, 2 a. ind. act. or Bceot. Sync, for υπέστησαν, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. act. of ■νφίστημι. Ύπεστειλάμην, 1 a. ind. mid. — Ύπέστελλον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of νποστέλλω. "Υπεστι, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of υπειμι. Ύπέστρεφον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. — Ύπέστρεφα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 3 pi. -xpav, 1 a. ind. act. of υπο- στρέφω. Ύπεστρώννυον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of νποστρωννύω or -νϋμι• Ύπεσχε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of υπέχω. Ύπέσγετο, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. mid. of υπισχνέομαι. Ύπέσχημαι, per. ind. pass, of same. Ύπετάγησαν, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. pass. — Υπέταξα, -ας, -ε or εν, 1 a., ind. act. οι υποτάσσω. 'Υπεύθυνος, -ου, δ, ^, (fr. υπο un- der, and ευθύνη an examination, th. ευθύς straight) accountable, responsible, liable to be examined, subject to be called upon ; whose accounts are not settled ; accused, arraigned, impeached ; guilty, criminal. Ύπευνάω -ω, (fr. υπb under, jmd ευνάω to sleep, th. ευνη a bed) to sleep with, lie together. Ύπευνηθεϊσ\ for υπευνηθεΖσα, 1 a. par. pass. fem. of last. Ύπέφθην,2&. ind. act. of υ-χοφθάνν• i ΤΠΗ Υπίχονται, fem. pi. par. pres. act. of Υπέχω, f. υφέξω, (fr. ύπό under, and έχω to have) to hold, lay, place or set under ; to put in place of, supply ; to hold, support, sus- tain ; to hold in or back, detain, restrain, curb, keep back ; to un- dergo, suffer, bear ; to offer, give, present ; to expose, subject, sub- mit ; to inflict, impose. 2 a. ind. act. ΰπεσχσν, -ες, -ε. par. pres. act. υπέχων. ' Υπεχώρησε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of υποχωρέω. Ύπήγον, -ες, -ε, impf. act. of υπάγω. Υπήκοος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. υπακούω Ιο obey, th. ακούω to hear) obe- dient, sub?nissive, subject. Υπήκονον, impf. ind. act. — 'Υπή- κουσα, -ας, -ε or -εν, pi. Ύπηκού- σατε, -σαν, 1 a. ind. act. of υπα- κούω. Ύπημύω, f. -υσω, ρ. υπήμυκα, Att. νπεμήμυκα, and ύπεμνήμυκα, (fr. ί>πό under, and ημύω to incline) to bend or sink under ; to grieve, sorrow. Ύπήνεγκα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of υποφέρω. Ύπήνεικαν, Poet, for υπήνεγκαν, 3 pi. of last. 'Υπηνέμιος, -ου, δ, ^, (fr. υπό under, and άνεμος the wind) exposed to the wind, windy ; swift, fleet ; fruitless, barren; addle, foolish, empty, vain. Ύπήνη, -ης, η, the beard, muslachio. Ύπηνήτης, -ου, δ, (fr. last) having a beard ; in the bloom of youth, a young man. Υπήντησα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. Ύπήντη- σαν, 1 a. ind. act. of ΰπαντάω. Ύπηντίασε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of υπαντιάω. Ύπηργμενος, -η, -ov, per. par. pass, of υπάρχω. 'Υπηρεσία, -ας, η, (fr. υπό under, and ερεσσω to row) service, at- tendance, ministry ; a household of servants, suite. ΎπηρζτεΊτο, 3 sin. impf. ind. pass, cont. — 'Υπηρετεϊν, pres. inf. act. cont. of "Υπηρετεω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. υπηρέτη- κα, (fr. υπο under, and ερεσσω to row) to serve, attend, minister to, wail on ; to humour, comply with, submit to. Υπηρέτημα, -ατός, τδ, or Ύπηρέτη- σις, -ιος, Alt. -εως, ή, (fr. same) service, attendance, ministry, of- fice, duty. Υπηρέτης, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a row- er ; a subordinate assistant, ser- vant, attendant; an agent, assist- ant; an officer, minister. Ύπηρετησάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. — 'Υπηρέτησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. — 'Υπηρετήσας, -ασα, -αν, par. 1 a. act. of υπηρετεω. 'Υπηρετικός, -ή, -bv, (fr. υπηρέτης -a servant, th. ερεσσω to row) ser- vile, of or belonging to a servant or attendant, fitted to serve. ΎτήΊρμαι, per. ind. pass, of υπαί ρω. ΤΠΟ Υπήρξα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. and 'Υπήρχα, -ας, -ε, per. ind Ύπήρ- χον, -ες, -ε or -εν, impf. act. of υπάρχω. Ύπησαν, 3 pi. impf. ind. of υπείμι. Ύπήσειν, Ion. for υφήσειν, 1 f. inf. act. — Ύπίεσθαι, Ion. for υφίεσ- θαι, pres. inf. pass, οϊύφίημι. Υπίλλω, (fr. υπό under, and ίλλω to wink) to shid, close, fasten, tie; to wink at, ogle, glance. Ύπίστασθαι, Ion. for ΰφίστασθαι, pres. inf. mid. οΐυφίστημι. 'Υπισχνέομαι -οΐ•μαι, f. mid. υχοσ- χ>'σομαι, per. υπέσχημαι, (fr. υπό under, and ίσχω to restrain, th. έχω to have) to promise, engage, profess, undertake. 1 a. ind. pass. υπεσχήθην. 2 a. ind. mid. υπεσ- χόμην. Ύπίσχομαι, same as last. Ύπναλέος, -a, -ov, (fr. 'ύπνος sleep) oppressed with sleep, sleepy, droU'Sy, heavy. Ύπνάω -ω, (fr. same) to sleep, take a nap, go to sleep. Ύπνομαχέω -ω, (fr. same, and μά- χομαι to fight) to resist sleep. "Υπνος, -ου, δ, sleep. Ύπνούντα, a. sin. pres. par. act. cont. of Ύπνάω -ω, and Ύπνώσσω, (fr. ύπνος sleep) to sleep ; to cause or bring on sleep, put to sleep. Υπνω, Dor. for ύπνου, g. sin. of ύπνος. Υπνωσης, -εος -ους, δ, η, (fr. ύπνος sleep) sleepy, drowsy. Ύπνώοντας, Ion. and Poet, for υπ- νώντας, a. pi. pres. par. cont. of υπνόω. 'Υπο, Poet, for υ πα?, a preposition governing the g. d. a. cases. Its general signification is, by, wider, through, from, by means of, on account of; with the g. by, by means of; for, on account of, by reason of, through ; under, be- neath, below ; with d. under, be- low, beneath ; under the power of, subject to ; in ; on account of, by reason of; with, by, by means of; with a. under, below, at the. foot of; to, towards, about, dur- ing. In compos, under, under- neath; sometimes it lessens the signification ; secretly, privately ; before ; reversion, again ; intens. 'Υπόβαθρον, -ου_, το, (fr. υπό under, and βαθρον a prop, th. βαίνω to go) aprop,foot,leg,support,base. Ύποβαίνω, (fr. same, and βαίνω to go) to go down, sink, lower, decrease, subside ; to be lower, inferior or secondary ; to come or go forth, proceed. 'Υποβάλλω, f. -αλω, p. υποβέβλη- κα, (fr. same, and βάλλω to throw) to lay, place or set under, strew or spread under ; to expose, subject ; to suggest, prompt, put in mind, advise, warn; to inter- rupt ; to use an interpreter ; to suborn, procure privately ; to substitute or sell adulterated or unsound articles as good. (576) TIIO Ύποβάς, -ασα, -αν, 2 a. par. act. of υπο βαίνω. 'Υπόβασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, >J, (fir υποβαίνω to subside) a decrease ; a prop, support, base, foot ; a step, gait. Ύποβλέπω, (fr. υπό under, and βλέπω to look) to look under, look at from under the brow, look at askance, vieu> sternly, suspect; to disregard, slight, disdain, de- spise. Ύποβλήδην, (fr. υποβάλλω to in- terrupt) abruptly, hastily. Ύπόβλητος, -ου, b, f), (fr. υποβάλ- λω to suborn) to be rejected or cast off; suborned, false, adulte- rated; substituted, supposititious; illegitimate. 'Υποβολή, -ής, fj, (fr. υπό under, and βάλλω to throw) a laying or strewing under ; any thing spread or laid under, a cushion, - pillow, bed ; an imposition, sub- stitution, imposture, cheat ; a suggestion, admonition, advice^», interruption ; change, turn, alter- ation ; a snare, ambuscade. Έ,ξ υποβολής, in turn; v;ith interrup- tion ; from under an ambuscade. 'Υποβολιμαίος, -ου, b, {/, (fr. υπο- βάλλω to substitute) supposi- titious, not genuine. Ύποβρυχέα, a. sin. of Ύποβρΰχής, -έος -ους, and 'Υπο- βρύχιος, -ου, δ, t' h (fr. υπό under, and βρέχω to wet) sunk, over whelmed, under water. Ύπόγαιος, -ου, δ, ή~, (fr. same, and γαία the earth) under the earth, subteiraneous. Ύπογάμιος, -a, -ov, (fr. same, and γάμος marriage) about to wed, going to be married. Ύπογάστριος, -ου, δ, »;, (fr. υπό un- der, and γαστήρ the belly) under the belly, sucking; below the navel. Ύπογραμμος, -ου, δ, (fr. υπό under, and γράφω to write) a copy, example, pattern. 'Υπογραφή, -ής, ι), (fr. same) a de- scription, painting. 'Υπογράφω, f. -ψω, (fr. same) to write under, subscribe; to con- sent or agree to, to approve of; to write down, copy; to pre- scribe, dictate; to describe briefly, sketch, delineate, mark, paint, draw ; to colour the eyelids ; to set a copy, teach to write; to hint, show privately ; to stain, colour, give a hue. per. ind. pass, υπο- γέγραμμαι. 'Υπόγυιον, and Ύπδγυον, (fr. υπό under, and γυϊον a limb) in our hands, just now, presently, in- stantly, lately. 'Υπόγυιος, and Ύπόγυος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) near, at hand, present, instant ; recent, late. Ύποδδείσας, Poet, for υπόδεισας, 1 a. par. act. of υποδείδω. Ύποδέδεκται, 3 sin. per. ind. "pass, of υποδέχομαι. Ύποδεδεμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of υποδέω. Ύποδεής, -έος -ους, δ, #, (fr. ίιπδ un * ΥΠΟ der, and δέος fear, th. δείδω to fear) timid, fearful. Or, (fr. δέομαι to want) wanting, defi- cient, defective ; inferior, low, humble, comp. υποδεέστερος, sup. -έστατος. 'Υπόδειγμα, -άτος,τό, (ft. υ πό under, and όείκννμι to show) an exam- jde, copy, pattern ; an exhibition, representation, d. ΰποδείγματι. Υποδείδω, (fr. υπό under, and δείδω to fear) to fear somewhat or ο little ; also to dread, shrink, tremble. Ύποδείκνν, Apoc. for υποδείκυσι, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of Ύποδείκνϋμι, f. -ξω, p. -χα, (fr. ν intens. and δείκνυμι to show) to set under or before the eyes, point out, show plainly, teach instruct, warn; explain clearly, per. ind. pass, υποδέδειγμαι, -ξαι -κται. Ύποδείκτης, -ου, b, (fr. last) one who plainly shows. Ύποδειμαίνω, fr. υτδ intens. and δειμαίνω, which see. ΎποδεΊξαι, I a. inf. act 'Υπόδειξη, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act — Ύποδείξας, 1 a. par. act. — Υποδείξω, 1 f. ind. act. of υποδείκνυμι. Ύποδέκεσ&αι, Ion. for υποδέχεσθαι, pres. inf. act. of υποδέχομαι. Ύποδέξαι, Ion. for υποδείξαι, 1 a. . inf act. — Ύποδέξω, Ion. for υπο- δείξω, 1 f. ind. act. of υποδείκνυμι. Ύποδεξάμενος, -η, -ov, par. 1 a. mid. of υποδέχομαι. Ύποδεξία, -ας, Ion. -ξίη,-ης, -η, (fr. υπο redund. and δέχομαι to re- ceive) provision or furniture for entertaining company ; recep- tion, entertainment; abundance, cheer. *Υποδέξιος, -a,-ov, (fr. same) Jit for reception, convenient; large, ca- pacious, spacious. Υποδέχομαι, f. mid. -δέξομαι, p. pass, -δέδεγμαι, (fr. same) to re- ceive, admit, entertain, welcome ; to await, sustain, resist ; to catch, overtake ; to undertake, engage, promise; to approve of ; to take up, occupy, succeed, relieve. Ύποδέω, f. -ήσω, p. -δέδηκα, and -εκα, (fr. υπο under, and δέω to bind) to tie under the foot, put or tie on shoes ; to shoe. pres. ind. pass, υποδέομαι. per. pass. ind. υποδέδεμαι' par. υποδεδεμέ- νος, 1 a. ind. mid. υπεδησάμην, -ω, -ατο. 'Υπόδημα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) a sandal, shoe, sole of a shoe ΤΠΟ and δίκη judgment) liable to pu-\ nishment, guilty. ΎποδίπΧωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same, and <5ίπλόω to double) a doubling, duplicity, artifice. Ύποδίφθερος, -ου, b, η, (fr. υπο un- der, and διφθέρα a leathern jack- et) dressed in a leathern jacket, clad in a coat of skin. Ύπυδμάω -ώ, Sync, for υποδαμάω, fr. υπο intens. and δαμάω, which see. ΎποδμηβεΊσα, 1 a. par. pass. fern. of last*. Υποδοχή, -ης, η, (fr. υπό redund. and δέχομαι to receive) recep- tion, admission, entertainment ; a receptacle, retreat, shelter ; fa vour, support, defence ; approba tion, assent, credit, belief; an ad- mission, assumption, Ύπόδρα, (fr. υπο under, and όράω to see) sternly, sourly, severely. Ύποδράμών, η. pi. -δραμόντες, 2 a par. act. of ΰποτρέχω. Ύποδράω -ω, (fr. υπό under, and δράω to act) to serve, attend, ad- minister, wait on. 1 f. inf. act. Ύποδρήσειν. Ύποδρέμω, obs. see ΰποτρέχω. Ύποδρηστηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. υπο un- der, and δρηστηρ, Ion. for δρασ- τηρ a servant, th. δράω to do) a servant, attendant. 'Yπόδpoσoς,-ov,b,ή, (fr. same, and δρόσος dew) dewy, moist. Ύποδρώωσι, Poet, for υποδρωσι,3ρ\. pres. ind. act. cont. of υποδράω. Ύποδύσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of υποδύω. Ύποδϋτης, -ου, &, (fr. next) an in- ner coat or vest, waistcoat. Ύποδύω, and Ύπόδυμι, (fr. υπο un- der, and δύω or δνμι to enter) to go under, creep under, lurk under ; to enter secretly, creep in privately ; to take upon, as- sume, affect ; to undertake, en- ter upon, begin ; to put on, clothe, put under, put on shoes or san- dals ; to sink, decline, be hol- low. Ύποείκω, Poet, for υπείκω. Ύποεργός, Poet, for υπουργός. Ύποζάκορος, -ου, b, η, (fr. υπο un άβτ,ζα very, and κορέω to sweep) a minister or servant in a tern pie; a priest. Ύποζεύγνϋμι,οτ-υω, (fr. same, and ζεύγνΰμι to join) to put under the yoke; to yoke, equip, har- ness ; to prepare for, set about ; to subjugate, subject, subdue. Ύποζύγιον, -ου, τό, (fr. next) beast of burden, ass, ox, horse Υποδήματα, -μάτων, pi. cases of Ύποζύγιος, and Ύπόζύγος, -ου, b last. Ύπόδησαι,Ι a. impr. mid. — Ύποδη• σάμενος,-η, -ov, 1 a. par. mid. of ύποιίεω. Ύποδιαφθείρω, (fr. υπο intens. δια through, and φθείρω to spoil) to spoil utterly, corrupt, destroy. Υποδιδάσκω, f. -δάξω, p. υποδεδί- δάχα, (fr. υπο intens. and διδάσ- κω to teach) to teach slowly, in- struct gradually, inculcate. Υνόδϊκος, -ou, b, η, (fr. υπό under, 4 D >/, (fr. υπο under, and ζυγός a yoke) subject to the yoke, yoked, harnessed ; an extra beast. Ύποζώννϋμι, f. -ζώσω, p. νπέζωκα, (fr. same, and ζωννύω to gird) to gird or tuck under ; to bind about, lash together ; to provide furnish, pres. par. act. υποζων- νυς, -νυσα, -νυν. Ύποζωννύντες, η. pi. par. pres. act of last. 'Υπόθεμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. υπό under, (577- τπο and τίθημι to place) a prop, sup* port, buttress, foundation. Ύποθερμαίνω, (fr. υπό a little, and θερμαίνω or th. $έρω to grow warm) to warm slightly ; to grow slightly warm. Ύποθέσθαι, 2 a. inf. mid. of νποτί- θημι. Ύπόθεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. υπό under, and τίθημι to place) foundation, ground, basis ; ori- gin, cause ; supposition, hypo- thesis ; question, proposition, case, matter, subject, argument; condition, lot, state ; a plan, purpose, intention ; a sentiment, suggestion, counsel, opinion, ad- vice ; precept, instruction; prin- ciple, cause, reason ; excuse, pre- tence, cloak. Ύπόθευ, Dor. for υπόθεσα, Ion. -εο, Att. -ου, 2 a. impr. mid. of same. Ύποθεύσομαι, 1 f. ind. mid. of Ύποθέω, (fr. υπό under, and &έω to run ) to run under, follow up ; to come up with, attack. Υποθηκαι,Ώ. pi. of 'Υποθήκη* -ης, η, (fr. υπό under, and• τίθημι to put) a supposition, hypothesis; an argument, mat- ter ', subject ; a precept, admoni- tion r suggestion ; apledge, pawn, mortgage. Ύποθημοσύνη, -ης, f), (fr. same) admonition, advice, suggestion. Ύποθήσομαι, 1 f. ind. mid. of ΰπο- τίθημι. Ύποθραύω, (fr. υπό slightly, and $ραύω to strike) to strike, hit, wound, break or bruise slightly, graze. Ύποθυμάδες,-ων, αϊ, see υποθυμίδες. Ύποθϋμιάομαι -ώμαι, pres. ind. pass. — Ύποθυμιώμενος, -η, -ov, pres. par. pass. cont. of Ύποθΰμιάω -ώ, (fr. υπό slightly, and d -νμιάω to fumigate) to fu- migate slightly, burn incense, cause a perfume by burning aro- malics. Ύποθυμίδες and Ύποθυμιάδες, -ων, at, garlands hung round the neck. Ύποθωπεύω, (fr. ύπό under, and •Στωπείΐω to flatter) to cringe to, fawn,, flatter. Ύπαιστέος, -a, -ov, (fr. υποφέρω to undergo) to be undergone, sus- tained, &c. according to the verb. Ύποκαθίημι, (fr. υπό under, κατά down, and ϊημι to send) to send or let down, let fall or drop ; to lay snares, lie in vmit, set an am- bush. Ύποκαθίστημι, (fr. υπό instead of, κατά intens. and Ί.στημι to set) to place instead of, substitute. Ύποκαίω, (fr. br.o tinder, and καίω to burn} to kindle below, light up underneath, set on fire. Ύποκα\ύπτω,{ίτ. same, and καλύπ- τω to cover ^ to cover up or en. tirely bury, n,ie. Ύποκάρδιος, -ου, ο, ή, (fr. same, and καρδία a heart) in, at or about the heart. τπο 'Τποκαταβαίνω, (fr. vnb under, «α- τά downwards, and βαίνω to go) to go down under ; to descend from. Ύποκάτω, (fr. hub under, and κάτω down) under, beneath, under- neath. Ύποκάτωθεν, (fr. same, and θ-εν from a place) from beneath. Ύπόκειμαι, 1 f. mid. υποκείσομαι, (fr. ΰπο under, and κεΊμαι to lie) to lie under, be placed or set under ; to be placed instead of; to be subject ; to subsist, ex- ist ; to be laid down, admitted, constituted ; to answer, reply to hint, suggest. Υποκείμενος, -η, -ov, (pres. par. of last) subsisting, present, subject- ed, laid under, in the power of, proposed, laid down. Ύποκελεύω, (fr. νπο under, and κε- λεύω to encourage) to raise the cry of sailors working, sing out ; to cheer. Ύποκεντεω -ω, (fr. vnb under, and κεντίω to prick) to prick, sting, goad. ΎποκΊνεω, (fr. υπο slightly, and κινέω to move) to move gently, cause to move, stir, jog ; to move off, retire. Ύποκλεπτουσα, pres. par. fern, of Ύποκλεπτω, (fr. υπό secretly, and κλέπτω to steal) to steal, pilfer, rob; to hide, conceal; to cloak, dissemble, feign, pretend; to de- ceive, beguile; Ύποκλέπτομα-^ίο steal away, escape privately. Ύποκλινθεϊς, -είσα, -εν, 1 a. par. pass. — Ύποκλινόμενος, pres. par. pass, of Ύποκ\ίνω,(ΐΐ. νπο Under, and κλίνω to bend ) to bend down, recline. Υποκλοπέω -ω, same as ύποκλεπτω. Υποκλνζω, (fr. νπο under, and κλύ- ζω to wash) to cleanse the inside, purge, ivash away ; to inundate, overflow. Ύπόκλνσις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, ϊ), (fr. same) a cleansing, purging ; foulness purged off. Ύποκοίλιον, -ov, το, (fr. νπο under, and κοιλία the belly) the paps or teats of a sow ; belly-bacon. Υποκόλπιος, -ov, b, i), (fr. same, and κόλπος the bosom) in the bosom, in the arms. ' Υπο καθίζομαι, (fr. νπο intens. and κορίζομαι to flatter) to call by a pet name, flatter, fondle ; to give a kind name in rid'cule, abuse, scold, vilify with oppro- brious language. Υποκρέκω, (fr. vπb intens. and κρέ- κω to strike with a reed) to be like in sound, harmonize ; to agree, suit, fit ; to sound, echo. Ύποκρητηρίδιον, -ου, rd,(fr. νπο un- der, and κράτηρ a cup) a stand for a cup or bowl ; a saucer. f Ύοκρίνομαι, f. mid. νποκρινονμαι, p. υποκέκρΈμαι, (fr. νπό under, and κρίνω to judge) to play apart on the stage, perform a character, personate ; to act a part, play the hypocrite, counterfeit, pre- ΥΠΟ tend, feign ; to exaggerate, rant ; to answer, reply ; to esteem, judge, think; to weigh, ponder, consider ; to interpret, explain. 1 a. ind. pass, υπεκρίθην, -ης, -η. 1 a. ind. mid. υπεκρινάμην, -ω, -ατο. Ύποκρινόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. of last. Ύποκρίσει, -κρίσεις•, -κρίσεως, -κρί- σιν, cases of Ύ πόκρισις \ -ιος, Att. -εως, ι), (fr. υποκρίνομαι to dissemble) dissi- mulation, pretence, hypocrisy ; a guess, conjecture ; a character in a play, player's part ; an an- swer, reply ; pronunciation, ac- tion or gesticulation of a speak- er. 'Υποκριτής, -ov, b, (fr. same) a dis- se?nhler, feigner, hypocrite ; a player, stage-actor ; an inter preter, guesscr, diviner. Ύποκρούω,ϊ. -ούσω, (fr. νπο under, and κρούω to beat) to drive away by noise, disturb, interrupt ; to speak loud or noisy, hoot, bawl ; to answer or accompany with the harp ; to answer, reply, re- tort. 'Υποκρύπτω, (fr. same, and κούπτω to hide) to conceal, hide under- neath, cover ; to hide from, cloak, dissemble, pretend, feign ; to hold one's peace, be silent. Ύπόκρυφα, Poet, for υποκρύφως,(ίτ. last) secretly, clandestinely, by stealth. Ύπόκνκλος, -ov, b, η, (fr. νπο a lit- tle, and κύκλος a circle) some- what round, circular, globular. Ύποκυμαίνω, (fr. υπό under, and κνμα a wave) to sweJ or rise in waves ; to be turgid or bom- bastic. 'Υποκύπτω, (fr. same, and κύπτω to bend) to bend down, stoop un- der ; to crouch, yield, submit to. Ύποκνσσαμενη, .for νποκνσαμενη, 1 a. par. mid. fern, of Ύποκϊιω, f. -νσω, (fr. νπο redund. and κύω to carry in the womb) to conceive, be with child, become pregnant. Ύπολάβης, 2 sin. 2 a. sub. act. — Ύπολαβών, -ονσα, -bv, 2 a. par. act. of νπολαμβάνω. Ύπολαϊς or Ύπολω'ϊς, -ίδος, >/, (fr. υπό under, and λαας a stone) a torn tit ; hedge sparrow, which picks worms from beneath stones. Ύπολαμβάνετε, 2 pi. pres. ind. act. of Ύπολαμβάνω, f. -λήφομαι, p. νπεί- ληφα, (fr. υπό under, and λαμ- βάνω to take) to take up, lift, raise, receive ; to catch, seize, lie in wait for ; to pilfer, steal ; to succeed ; to reply, answer ; to interrupt ; to receive a shock, sustain ; to hold in, rein, bridle, curb, restrain ; to seduce, entice ; to understand, conceive, appre- hend; to suppose, think, imagine, suspect, conjecture. 2 a. ind. νπέλάβον, -ες, -ε' par. ύπολαβών. (578) ΤΠΟ f Υπολαμπε ς, neut. of Ύπολαμπης, -έος -ους, δ, #, (fr. υπο" a little, and λάμπω ίο shine) shining faintly, glimmering. Ύπολάμπω, f. -ψω, (fr. same) to shine faintly, glimmer, daum. 'Υπόλειμμα, -άτος, το, (fr. next) residue, remains, remnant. Ύπολείπω,ΐ. -ψω, p. υπολελειφα, (fr. υπό intens. and λείπω to leave) to leave, cause to remain, leave behind, reserve ; to fail, fain* away, decay ; to lag, linger^ loiter ; 'Υπολείπομαι, to fail or break as a bankrupt, leave debts unpaid, per. ind. pass, υπολε- λειμμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, υπελείφ- θην. per. ind. mid. υπολέλοιπα. 2 a. ind. mid. υπεΧΐπόμην. Ύπολειφθηναι, inf. — Ύπολειφθεις, par. 1 a. pass. — Ύπολέλειπτο, for υπελελειπτο, 3 sin. pper. ind. pass, of last. Ύπολευκαίνω, (fr. νπο intens. and λενκαίνω to whiten, th. λευκό? white) to make white, whiten, bleach ; Ύπολευκαίνομαι, to grow or become white; 3 pi. νπολευ- καίνονται. Ύπολήβω, obs. see ύπολαμβάνω. Ύπολήνιον, -ου, το, (fr. υπό under, and ληνός a wine vat) a large cavity under a wine vat ; a wine vat. Ύπόληψις, -ιος, Att. -εωί, f), (fr. υπb under, and λαμβάνω to take) an undertaking, enterprise; supposi- tion, opinion, conjecture, thought, suspicion ; an answer, reply. Ύπολίζων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. υπο di- minution, and ολίζων, comp. of ολίγος small) somewhat smaller, • less. Ύπόλιθος, -ου, b, >/, (fr. same, and λίθος a stone) stony. Ύπολιμπάνω, same as υπολείπω. 'Υπολογίζομαι, (fr. υπο under, and λογίζω to compute) to think of. consider, reflect on ; to take into account, reckon on ; to excuse, extenuate, acquit, discharge ; to subtract, deduct, discount ; to impute, charge, ascribe Ύπόλοιπον, neut. of 'Υπόλοιπος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. υπο intens. and λείπω to leave) left, remain- ing ; Subs, a residue, remnant. Ύπόλυσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. next) a loosening, dissolution. Ύπολύω, (fr. υπο under, and λύω to loose) to loose, untie, unyoke, unharness ; to weaken, disable ; to disband, dismiss ; to free, ex- tricate. Ύπολωΐς, -ίδος, fj, see υπολαις. Ύπομαζοι, -ων, οι, (fr. υπό under, and μαζος the breast) under the breasts, lower part of the bosom. Ύπόμαξον, 1 a. impr. act. of υπο- μάσσω. Ύπόμαργος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. υπο dim. and μάργος insane) somewhat mad, insane, foolish, doting. Ύπομάσσω, fr. υπο intens. and^off- σω, which see. 'Υπομάσχαλον, -ου, το, (fr. bicb un- der, and μασχάλη the arm pit) TIIO a haversack or pouch hung under the arm. 'Υπόμαυρος, -ου, δ, η~, (fr. vwb dim and μανρος for αμαυρος dark) somewhat dark, dim, obscure. Ύπομείνας, 1 a. par. act. — Ύπομε- μενηκότα, a. sin. per. par. act — 'Υπομένει, 3 sin. -μίνομεν, -μένετε, 1 and 2 pi. pres. ind act. — Ύπομενέΐτε, 2 pi. 1 f. ind act. — 'Υπομένοντες, η. -μένοντας, a. pi. par. pres. act. of υπομένω. Ύπομεμνηκότα,Ά. sin. par. per. act. οί'Ιπομνάω or νπομιμνήσκω. 'Υπομένω, f. -μένω, p. -μεμένηκα, (fr. ίιπ δ under, and μένω to re- main) to remain privately, stay behind, linger, delay ; to endure, sustain, undergo, suffer; to await, support, encounter ; to hear or listen to patiently ; to persevere, resolve, determine ; to undertake, set about, per. par. act. νπομε- μενηκώς. 1 a. ind. act. νπέμεινα. per. ind. mid. νπομέμονα. Ύπομιμνάσκω, Dor. for νπομιμνήσ- κω. Υπομίμνησκε, impr. — 'Υπομιμνήσ- κειν, inf. pres. of Υπομιμνήσκω, f. -μνήσω, p. -μέμνη- κα, (fr. νπο intens. and μνάομαι to remember) to remind, put in mind, bring to remembrance ; to suggest, hint; to warn, advise; to remember, pres. impr. υπο- μίμνησκε, -έτω. 2 sin. pres. sub. νπομιμνήσκης. 1 a. act. ind. υπέμνησα' inf. νπομνησαι. per. ind. pass, υπομέμνημαι, -σαι, -ται. 1 a. ind. pass, υπεμνήσθην. Υπόμισθος, -bv, b, η, (fr. υπό un- der, and μισθός hire) hired, for hire. Subs, a hireling, labourer. Ύπομνάω '-ω, (fr. νπο intens. and μνάω to remember) to remind, suggest. Ύπομνάομαι -ωμαι, to remember. Υπόμνημα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) a monument, memorial, record ; remembrance ; suggestion, ad•' monition ; a commentary. Ύπομνηματίζω, f. -ίσω, p. -ικα, (fr. same) to comment on ; to re- cord, register; to memorialize, petition, ask. Υπομνηματισμός, -ov, 6j and Ύπο- μνημάτισμα, -ατός, το, (fr. last) a record, registry, memorial; a commentary, treatise. Υπομνηματύγραφος, -ου, b, (fr. last, and γράφω to write) a re- corder, register-; a commentator. Ύπομνησαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Ύπο- μνήσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of νπομιμνήσκω or ΰπομνάω. Ύπομνήσει, d. Att. cont. — Ύπό- μνησιν, a. of Ύπόμνησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. νπδ intens. and μνάομαι to re- member) a remembrance, putting in mind of; admonitior..,warning ; recollection ; a record, registry. Ύπομνήσω, 1 f. ind. act. of νπο- μιμνήσκω. Υπομονή, -ης, η, (fr. \>πομένω to endure, tb μένω to remain ι pa- uence t endurance, perseverance, TIIO constancy ; sufferance, forbear- ance ; expectation, hope. Ύπόμνξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr νπδ under, and μύξα mucus) the cartilage or gristly division be- tween the nostrils. Ύπονέμομαι, (fr. νπο intens. and νέμω to feed) to feed, graze, pas- ture ; to defraud, cheat, deceive. 'Υπονοείτε, 2 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of Ύπονοέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -νενύηκα, (fr. ίιπό under, and νοέω to think, ' th. νόος the mind) to suspect, suppose, imagine, guess; to think, meditate, intend, impf. ind. act. νπενόεον -ovv. Ύπονόημα, -ατός, τδ, (fr. last) thought, conception, supposition, suspicion. Ύπονοθεύω, (fr. νπδ secretly, and νοθεύω to adulterate) to adulte- rate privately, get fraudulently, deceive. 'Υπόνοια, -ας, ή, (fr. υπο under, and νόος the mind) suspicion, sur- mise; thought, supposition; a concealed meaning. 'Υπόνομος, -ov, b, fj, (fr. νπο secret- ly, and νέμω to feed) feeding se- cretly, full of holes, undermined; subterraneous. Subs, a sink, sewer, subterraneous watercourse ; a mine ; a cavern to secure flocks from weather or thieves. Υπονύσσω, f. -ζω, p. νπονένυχα, same as νύσσω. Υποπεπτηωτες, Poet. Ε etas, for νποπεπτηότες, η. pi. of νποπεπ- τηώς, wh. Ion. Cras. for νποπεπ- τηχώς, per. par. act. of νποπ- τήσσω. Υπόπετρος, -ου, δ, >% (fr. νπο intens. and πέτρα a stone) stony, rocky. Ύποπιέζω, (fr. υπο under, and πιε'- ξω to squeeze) to press down, squeeze, pinch, bruise, injure. Ύποπίνω, (fr. νπο intens. and πίνω to drink) to drink too much, be- come tipsy, get drunk. Υποπίπτω, (fr. νπο under, and πίπ- τω to fall) to fall down or under, sink, faint; to cringe to, yield, submit ; to happen, occur. Ύπόπλακος and Ύποπλάκιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and πλαζ a plain) lying on or situated near a plain; flat, level, even, like the plain. ΥποπΧάττομαι, f. -σομαι, (fr. νπο under, and πλάσσω to mould) to Jill or stuff up. Υπόπλεος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and π\έος full) quite full, replete. Υποπλε'ω, f. -εύσω, (fr. same, and πλέω to sail) to sail under or near, coast along. 1 a. act. ind. νπέπ\ευσα. Ύπόπ\εως,-ω,1,η,Α\ΧΛοτνπόπ\εος. Υποπνενσαντος, g. sin. 1 a. par. act. of Ύποπνέω, f. -εύσω, p. νποπέπνενκα, (fr. νπο under, and πνέω to breathe) to breathe softly, blow gently. 1 a. ind. act. νπέπνενσα. Ύποπόδιον, -ου, τδ, (fr. νπο under, and π.οΰς the foot) afoot-stool. Ύποζοιίω -ω, (fr. same, and ιΐοιέω (57Θ) TIIO to make) to claim, demand, ap- propriate, procure, adopt ; to ac- quire, conciliate, attach. Ύπόιτορτις, -εος, η, (fr. same, and πόρτις a heifer) a cow having a calf; having children. Ύποπρήθω, (fr. υπό intens. and πρήθω to burn) to set on fire, kin- dle, burn. Ύπόπτερος, -ov, b, )/, (fr. υπό un- der, and πτέρον a wing) on the wing, flying ; winged; under the wing or care of. Ύποπτεύησι, Dor. for υποπτενει, sin. pres. ind. act. — Ύττοπτεύ οντες, η. pi. pres. par. act. of Ύποπτεύω, (fr. νπο under, and άπ- τομαι to see) to suspect, surmise; to fear, dread, apprehend; to observe, watch, look at. Ύποπτήσσω, f. -ξω, (fr. νπδ intens. and πτήσσω to fear) to shrink, hide or skulk through fear ; to dread, tremble; to sink under, yield, submit. Ύποπτος, -ov, b, f], (fr. νπόπτομαι to suspect) suspected; suspicious, jealous of. Ύπόπτωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, f t , (fr. υποπίπτω to happen) a fall, mis- fortune, ruin; submission, hu- miliation ; penitence. Ύπορθόω -ω, (fr. νπο intens. and ορθόω to straighten, th. ορθός straight) to correct, amend. Ύπορράπτω, (fr. same, and ράπτω to sew) to. sew up, put together ; to mend, patch, repair. Ύπορρήΰ/σω or 'Υπορρήγννμι, f. -ζω, p. ύπέρ'ρηχα, (fr. same, and ρήσ- σω to break) to burst forth, spread abroad, diffuse. 2 a. ind. act. νπ-έρβαγον' pass, νπερράγην, -vs, t -n• Ύπύρρΐνον, -ov, το, (fr. υπο under, and plv the nose) the beard on the upper lip, mustaches. Ύπορ'ρύσσω oe -ττω, (fr. νπο under, and ορύσσω- to dig) to dig under, undermine. ~ Ύπόρχημα, -ατός, το, (fr. £>πδ dur- ing, and ορχέυμαι to dance) a song or tune accompanying a dance. Ύποσειθέις, 1 a. par. pass, of Ύποσει'ω, (fr. νπο under, and σείω to, shake) to move, shake, stir or wave under. Ύπαρεύμενος, pres. par. pass, of Ύποβενω, (fr. υπο intens. and σεύ& to rush) to rush on, attack, fall upon, rush violently. Τποσημαίνω, f. -ανω, p. -σεσήμαγ- κα, (fr. υπο under, and σημαίνω to sign, th. σήμα a sign) to hint intimate, signify ; to show, de- clare, prove by signs. Ύποσνμειόω, (fr. same) to note down, write from dictation, take down in short hand. Υποσημείωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. last) instruction taken down from the teacher, precepts written out from dictation. Ύνοσκάζω, (fr. ίιπδ diminution, and σκάζω to limp) to be some* wh t came, to hati, limp. ΎΠΟ 'Υποσκάπτω, f. -ψω, ρ. &πεσκαφα, (fr. ίπό under, and σκάπτω to dig) to dig under, undermine, excavate. Ύποσκεδάζω, same as σκεδάζω. Υποσκελίζω, f. -?σω, (fr. υπό under, and σκελίζω to trip) to supplant, trip up, throw down ; to deceive, beguile, overreach. Ύποσκέλισμα, -ατός, το, and Ύπο- σκελισμος, -ου, δ, (fr. last) a fall, stumble, trip; a loss, misfortune. Υποσπάω, f. -ασω, (fr. υπό under, and σπάω to draw) to subtract, withdraw, draw -away; to tear, pull asunder ; to take away pri- vately, steal. Ύποσπάομαι -ωμαι, to draw away, to attract. Υποσταίην, -ης, -η, 2 a. opt. act. — Ύποστας, 2 a. par. act. — Ύπο- στάσαντες,Όοτ. for υποστήσαντες, η. pi. 1 a. par. act. of υφίστημι. Ύπύστάσις, -ιος, Att. •εως, >'/, (fr. υπό under, and 'ίστημι to stand) a basis, foundation ; a being, substance, matter, existence, na- ture ; a subject, argument, pro- position, hypothesis, supposition; opinion, thought, belief judg- ment; presence of mind, bold- ness, confidence, courage ; con- fident expectation, earnest hope ; sediment, dregs, lees ; ambus- cade, snare, trap ; a military station, post, garrison, d. Att. cont. υποστάσα. Υποστείληται, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. mid. of Ύποστέλλω, f. -στελώ, ρ, νπέσταλ- κα, (fr. ίιπό under, and στέλλω to send) to contract, furl, gather in ; to collect, assemble, crowd ; to compel, force, constrain; to deject, oppress, overcome; to be- take one's self, withdraw, draw back; to shorten in prosody. Ύποστέλλομαι, to shrink from, dread, fear ; to shun, avoid, de- cline ; to desert, abandon, for- sake; to dissemble, feign, pre- tend; to contain or keep one's self in, be reserved, suppress. 1 a. ind. act. νπέστειλα. 1 a. mid. ind. υπεστειλάμην,-ω,-ατο' sub. υποστείλωμαι, -η,-ηται. per. ind. mid. νπέστολα. "ΐπόστημα, -άτος, τό, (fr. νπο un- der, and 'ίστημι to stand) a sta- tion, camp, assembly ; a prop, support. Ύποστήναι, 2 a. inf. act. — Ύπο- στησομαι, -η, -εται. 1 a. ind. mid. of υφίστημι. Υποστήριγμα, -άτος, τό. (fr. next) a support, prop, pillar, buttress. Υποστηρίζω, f. -Ίσω, (fr. same, and στηρίζω to fix) to support, prop,• sustain. Ύποστήτω, 3 sin. 2 a. impr. act. οΐ νφίστημι. 'Υποστολή, -ης, η, (fr. νποστέλλω to contract) a withdrawing, draw- ing back, shrinking from ; timi- dity, fearfulness ; flight, deser- tion ; dissimulation, feint, pre- tence ; remissness, negligence; a purging, looseness. Υιτοστοϊαχίζω, (fr. δ no under, and ΥΠΟ στοναχίζω, same as στένω to groan) to lament, sigh, groan. Υποστράτηγος, -ου, δ, (fr. υπό un- der, arparoj an army, and άγω to lead) an under general or com- mander, lieutenant-general. Υπόστρεφε, impr. — Ύποστρέφειν, inf. pres. act. — Ύποστρέφοντι, d. sin. of υποστρέφων, par. pres. act. of Υποστρέφω, f. -ψω, (fr. υπο back, and στρέφω to turn) to turn back, force, lead or take away ; to convert; to strain, torture. 'Υπο- στρέφομαι, to return, come or go back ; to fall off or away, ae- sert, forsake, pres. impr. act. υπόστρεφε, -έτω. impf. act. υπέ- στρεφον, -ες, -ε. 1 a. act. ind. υπέστρεψα, -ας, -ε. Ύποστρέψαι, inf. — Ύποστρέψας, -ασα,-αν ά. -ψαντι'η, pi. -xpav- τεί,-ψασαι,ρ^Γ. 1 a. act. — 'Υπο- στρέψω, 1 f. ind. act. of last. Υποστροφή, -ης, η, (fr. same) a change, conversion ; a coming back, return. Υπόστρωμα, -ατός, to, (fr. next) any tlung laid or spread ; a bed, pallet, straw, mat. Υποστρωνννω or -νμι, f. -ώσω, p. υπέστρωκα, (fr. νπο under, and στρωννύω same as th. στορέω to strew) to spread, lay or strew under; to spread or make a bed. 1 a. ind. act. υπέστρωσα. pres. par. pass, υποστρωννύμενος, -η, -ov. Ύποστρώσας, 1 a. par. act. of last. Ύποσχάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. υπο under, and σχάζω to send away) to supplant, frustrate ; to overturn, throw down. Υποσχεθώ, same as υπέχω. Υπόσχεο, Ion. for υπόσχου, 2 a. impr. mid. of νπισχνέομαι. Ύπόσχεσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. νπισχνέομαι to promise) a pro- mise, engagement ; signification or meaning of a word. Ύποσχήσομαι, 1 f. ind. mid. 'Υποσχόμενος, 2 a. par. mid. of νπισχνέομαι. Ύποσχίξω, (fr. υπο under, and σχί- ζω to cleave) to tear, rend, cleave below or under, Ύποσχών, 2 a. par. act. of υπέχω. Ύποταγέντων, g. pi. of υποταγείς, -εΐσα, -εν, par. 2 a. pass, of υπο- τάσσω. Υποταγή, -ης, η, (fr. υποτάσσω to subdue) subjection-, submission, obedience. Υποταγή, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. pass. — Ύποτάγητε, 2 pL 2 a. impr. pass. — Ύποταγήσομαι, -η, -εται, 1 pi. -γησόμεθα, 2 f. ind. pass, of υπο- τάσσω. Ύποτάμειν, Ion. for νποτέμνειν, pres. inf. act. οΐνποτέμνω. Υποταράσσω or -ττω, (fr. υπό un- der, and ταράσσω to disturb) to annoy somewhat, disturb or mo- lest a little. Υποταρτάροι, -ων, ο'ι, (fr. υπο" un- der, and Τάρταρος Tartarus) those driven down to or beneath Tartarus. (580) ΠΙΟ Ύποτάξαι, inf. — Ύποτάξας, -ασ^ -αν g. -αντος' ά. -αντί' par. I a. act. of υποτάσσω. Ύποτάσσεσθαι, inf. — Ύποτάσσεσ- θε, 2 pi. -σέσθω, 3 sin. impr. — Ύποτασσόμενος, -η, -ov, par. — Ύποτάσσησθε, 2 pi. sub. pres. pass, of 'Υποτάσσω or '-ττω, f. -ζω, p. -τίτα- χα, (fr. same, and τάσσω to or- der) to arrange, dispose, class or rank under ; to place under, make subject to, subdue, conquer, bring under subjection. 'Υποτάσσομαι, to be subject, obey, submit, yield. 1 a. act. ind. υπέταξα, per. ind. pass, νποτέταγμαι, -ξαι, -κται. 2 a. pass. ind. νπετάγην, -ης, -η. Ύποτείνω, f. -ενώ, (fr. same, and τείνω to stretch) to stretch under, stretch along, subtend ; to stretch out, offer, hold out; to put in mind, suggest, prompt, remind. Ύποτείνομαι, to ask or propose a question, offer. Ύποτελέω -ω, (fr. υπό under, and τέλος tribute) to pay tribute, be taxed or tributary. Ύποτέμνω, (fr. υπό under, and τέμ- νω to cut) to cut below or under, cut dovm or by the root, chop off; to intercept, prevent. Ύποτέτακται,3 sin. ind. — Ύποτε- ταγμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass, of υποτάσσω. 'Υποτιθέμενος, par. pres. pass, of Ύποτίθημι, f. -θήσω, p. -τέθεικα, (fr. υπό under, and τίθημι to put) to put, set or lay under, spread beneath ; to lay a foundation ; to lay down as a principle, make a supposition, suppose; to sup- ply, aid, strengthen ; to lay, bet, stake, wager ; to hold out oxfor- ■ ward, offer. Ύποτίθεμαι, to ad- vise, exhort, admonish ; to teach, instruct, persuade; to propose, lay down, determine, resolve; to mortgage, pledge, pawn, to feign, pretend. 1 a. act. ind. νπέθηκα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. υπέθηκαν. pres. par. mid. νποτιθέμενος. 'Υποτιμάω -ω, (fr. νπο intens. and τιμάω to honour) to honour very much ; to assess damages, grant remuneration. Ύποτιμάομαι -ω- μαι, to claim a choice, choose. Ύποτίτθιος, -ου, δ, f), (fr. υπό un- der, and τιτθυς the breast) on the breast, sucking, infant. Ύποτομευς, -έος, b, (fr. υπό under, and τέμνω to cut) a cutting in- strument ; a saw. Ύποτονθορύζω, fr. same, and τον θορνζω, which see. Ύπατοπέω, Ion. for νποπτεύω. Ύποτρανλίζω, fr. υπό under, and τρανλίζω, which see. Ύποτρέχω, f. -θρέξω, (fr. same, and τρέχω to run) to run under ^ pass under running ; to run af- ter, catch, seize; to run away privately, steal away ; to go under or into, insinuate into, steal up- on ; to occur, come into the mind. 2 a. ind. act. υπέδραμον. ΎπότρΌμος, -m), 5, $, (fr. same, and ft ΙΟ τρίμω to tremble) trembling, tre- mulous, quivering. Ύποτρέω, (fr. bird intens. and τρέω to tremble) to tremble at, fear, Ύποτρομεω -ω, (fr.. same) to trem- ble or shake with fear. 'Υπότροπος, -ου, b, η, (fr. υπό back, and τρέπω to turn) returning back. Ύποτρόχαλα, (fr. next) all round, round about. Ύποτροχάω, same as υποτρέχω. Ύποτυγχάνω, (fr. υπό under, and τυγχάνω to be) to turn upon ; to answer, reply, retort. Ύποτύπόω, (fr. same, and τυπόω to represent, fr. τύπος a stamp, th. τύπτω to strike) to sketch, mark out, delineate ; to represent, figure out. Ύποτύπτω, (fr. last, and τύπτω to strike) to strike underneath, hit the bottom, shake out or off; to delve, dig down. Ύποτύπωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. νποτυπόω to sketch) a sketch, draught, representation, form ; an example, pattern, model ; a figure in rhetoric. Ύποτύφω, (fr. υπό intens. and τύ- ψω to smoke) to smoke, kindle, blaze, light up. Ύποτύχούσα, 2 a. par. fem. of ύποτυγχάνω. "Ύπουλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. υπό under, and ουλή a scar) lying under a scar, ulcerous, sore ; deceitful, malignant, malicious. Ύπουράνιος, -ου, b, η, (ft. υπο under, and ουρανός heaven) under the heavens, up to heaven ; heavenly. Ύπουργέω -ω, (fr. same, and έργον a work) to work under another, serve ; to assist ; to perform, exe- cute. Ύπούργημα, -ατός, τό, (fr. same) service, ministry, attendance ; work, labour, toil, business. Ύπουργητεος, -a, -ov, (fr. υπουργέω to help) must serve, help, assist, &c. according to the verb. 'Υπουργία, -ας, η, (fr. same) service. 'Υπουργός, -ου, b, f„ (fr. same) a .servant, attendant, assistant, help- er, minister. Ύποφα'ινω, (fr. υπο under,and φαί- νω to show) to shine faintly, be- gin to shine, dawn, appear; to show obscurely, discover, disclose, maksappear. pres. mid. ind. υπο- φαίνομαι' inf. υποφαίνεσθαι. 'Υπόφάτις, Poet, and Dor.for υπο- φητις. 'Υπόφάσις or Ύπόφαυσις, -ιος, Att. » -εως, ή, (fr. υπο under, and φάω to shine) a faint light, glimmer- ing, dawn. Υποφέρει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of Υποφέρω, f. υπο'ισω, 1 a. υπήνεγκα, (fr. υπό under, and φέρω to bear) to suffer, endure, undergo ; to bear, sustain, carry ; to take or carry off 'or away ; to trip, make slip or fall ; to steal or send pri- vately away, withdraw, remove, rescue ; to conduct, lead, con* ΎΠΤ vey ; to upbraid, reproach, ob- ject ; to provide, give, supply. Ύποφέρομαι, to tnp, slip, totter, fall ,• to be carried away, violent- ly urged or strongly inclined ; to go, move, walk. 2 a. inf. act. νπενεγκεΊν. Ύποφεύγω, (fr. same, and φεύγω to flee) to run away. Ύποφητις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. next) an insinuation, sugges- tion, intimation. Also the fe- male of Ύποφήτης, -ov, b, (fr. £ΐ7τδ under, and φημϊ to speak) a prophet or attendant on a prophet, priest, minister, interpreter of oracles. Ύποφθάμενος, 2 a. par. mid. of Ύποφθάνω, (fr. υπό intens. and φθάνω to anticipate) to come be- fore hand, prevent, anticipate Ύποφθάς, 2 a. par. act. of υποφθη- μι, same as last. Ύπύφορος, -ου, b, η, (fr. υπό under, and φορά tribute) tributary, sub- ject to tribute. Ύποφύομαι, (fr. υπό from, and φύω to grow) to grow out of. Ύποχαίρω, (fr. υπό intens. and χαίρω to rejoice) to rejoice ex- ceedingly, exult, be very glad. 'Υποχείριος, -ου, b, η, (fr. υπό un- der,and χε\ρ the hand) in thepow- er of, subdued, subject, captive. Ύπόχευμα, -άτος, το, (ΐΐ.νπό intens. and χυμός juice, th. χέω to pour) juice, liquor, humour ; infusion. Ύποχθόνιος,-ου, b, r), (fr. υπό un- der, and χθων the ground) under ground, subterraneous. Ύποχος, -ου, b, η, (fr. ίιπό under, and έχω to have) subject to, in the power of. Ύπόχρεως, -ω, b, η, (fr. same, and χρέος a debt) a debtor. Ύποχρίεσθαι, pres. inf. pass, of Ύποχρΐω, (fr. υπό intens. and χρίω to anoint) to paint below ; to co- lour the inside of the eyelids. Ύποχυτηρ, -ηρος, δ, (fr. υπό under, and χέω & pour) a vessel for pouring oil into lamps ; a tunnel or funnel. Ύποχωρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. -ζεχωρη- κα, (fr. υπό secretly, and χωρέω to depart) to depart, withdraw, retire ; to retreat, give way. 1 a. ind. act. υπεχώρησα, -ας, -ε. Ύποχωρων, par. pres. act. cont. of last. Ύπόφαμμος, -ου, ο, ή, (fr. υπό un- der, and φάμμος sand) sandy. 'Υποψία, -ας, η, (fr. next) suspicion, surmise, conjecture, guess, opin- ion. Ύπόφιος, -ου, b, 7% (fr. υπό under, and όφις the countenance, th. άπτομαι to see) suspected. Ύπτιάζω, (fr. next) to lay back, turn up, stretch out ; to lie or fall down on the back ; to grow supine or remiss, neglect. 'Ύπτιος, -a, -ov, (perhaps fr. ίπό under) lying on the back, bend- ing back, on the back ; stretched out, open, spread; level, flat, prostrate. '581) ΎΣΎ Ύπωλένιος, -ου, b, η, or -of, -a,-ov, (fr. υπό under, and ωλένη the. arm) in the arms. Ύττώπια, (a. pi. of νπώπιον the countenance, κατά understood) in appearance, in countenance. Ύποπιάζη, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. of 'Υπωπιάζω, f. -άσω, p. υπωπίακα, (fr. next) to thump, beat, bruise, buffet, mortify ; to stun, lease, worry, importune. 'Υπώπιον, -ου, το, (fr. υπό under, and ϊύφ the eye, th. άπτομαι to see) a blow under the eye, a black eye; disgrace, infamy. Υπώρεια, -ας, η, (fr. υπό under, and όρος a mountain) the foot or bottom of a mountain. 'Υπωρόφιος, -ου, b, r\, (fr. same, and υροφή a story of a house, th. ερέφω to roof) under the roof or chimney, domestic; an inmate; sheltered, under cover. "Ύπωχρος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and ωχρός pale) somewhat pale, pa- lish. "Ύραξ, -ακος, η, (fr. υς a pig) a rat, mouse, field-mouse. "Υριον, -ου, το, (fr. next) abee-hive, honey-comb. "Ypov, -ου, το, a swarm of bees. "Ύρ'ρις, -ιδος, η, and Ύρρισσός, -ov t b, (fr. είρω to twine) a basket. Ύρτηρ, -ηρος, η, the cover or lid of a pot. "Ύρχη, -ης, τ), a fork ; aprop, sup- port ; an instrument used by sailors for carrying burdens ; an earthen vessel, crock, jar, pitcher or pot with two handles or ears. l r ?X?l 'Vh h* β pig, sow. Ύς, ΰός, b, η, a pig, swine, boar, sow, hog. "Ύσγινον, -ου, τό, a kind of plant which dyed a scarlet colour. "Υσδος, for όσζος, JEol. for όζος, d. sin. ύσδω. ΎσΟηναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of υω. "Υσιον, -ov, το, a tvng, osier, rod. Ύσιοπλόκος, -ο'υ, b, (fr. last, and πλέκω to bind) crowned with a garland ; a conqueror. "Ύσκα, wood, chips, sticks for light- ing a fire. ΎσμΊνη, -ης, η, (fr. υπομένω to sus- tain, th. μένω to remain) a com- bat, conflict, engagement, battle, struggle, contest. Ύσμίνι, d. sin. of υσμίν, for last. "Ύσπλαγξ, Dor. for "Υσπληγξ, -γγος, η, (fr. νς a pig, and πλήσσω to strike) a pis driver's whip, lash, thong ; th^. crack of a whip, as signal for racers to start ; the starting post, bar; a noose, gin or loop for catching birds. "Υσσακος, "Υστακος or "Ύσταζ, a stake, shaft or handle generally of the corneil tree. Ύσσός, -ου, b, a sort of- javelin, dart. Ύσσωπος, -ου, b, "Ύσσωπον, -ου, τό, an herb called hyssop. Ύστατα, pi. neut. of ύστατος. Ύστατων, (fr. next) at length, at hsti finally. ΪΦΑ "Τστάτιος, -α, -ov, same as "Υστατος, -η, -ov, (fr. ύστερος lat- ter) last, hindmost ; latest, new est ; lowest. "Ύστερα, -ας, η, (fr. same) the low- er part, belly, womb. Ύστεραία, τ-ας, η, (fem. of next viz. ήμερα) the next day, day after, to-morrow, d. sin. ύστε- ραία, Ion. υστεραίη, on the mor row, on the day after. ΎστεροΛος, -a, -ov, (fr. ύστερος low- er) next, following, subsequent. 'Υστερεί, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. aet. — ΎστερεΊσθαι, pres. inf. pass. cont. of Ύστερέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. υστέρηκα, (fr. ύστερος later) to besubsequent, after or later ; to arrive late or after, be late or absent ; to come or fall short, miss, fail; to be inferior or worse ; to be exhaust- ed, wanting, deficient ; to be de- prived of. 3 pi. pres. ind. act. cont. υστεροΰσι. 1 a. ind. act. υσ- τέρησα' par. νστερήσας, -ασα,-αν. pres. ind. pass, υστερέομαι -ουμαι. per. ind. pass, υστέρημαι, -σαι, 'Tat. 1 a. ind. pass, υστερήθην. Ύστερηθεις, -ύσα, -εν, par. 1 a. pass. — Ύστερηκέναι, per. inf. act. of last. 'Υστέρημα, -ατός, rb, (fr. same) de- ficiency, defect, inferiority ; pe- nury, want, poverty, pi. υστερή- ματα, relics, remains. Ύστέρησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) penury, poverty, want, need. a. υστέρησιν. Ύστερίζω, same as υστερέω. 'Υστεροβουλία, -ας, η, (fr. ύστερος later, and βουλή counsel) an af- ter counsel, change of purpose or design, repentance. "Υστερον, (neut. of next, κατά χρό- vov understood) afterwards, sub- sequently, again, later ; at length, at last, last of all. "Υστερος, -a, -ov, (fr. υπο after) later, posterior, after ; subse- quent, following, next, second; inferior, lower ; future, next to come ; younger, junior. Ύστερου μέθα, 1 pi. cont. pres. ind. pass. — Ύστερούμενος, -η, ov, Dar. pres. pass. cont. — Ύστε- ραννται, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. '-•Ais. and *T -τερ~ , ind. — Ύστερων d. -ρουν- tl :>ar. pres. act. cont. of υστέ- p •*>. Ύστριξ, -ϊχος, η, (fr. νς a pig, and $ρϊξ hair) a porcupine. Ύτνον, -ου, το, same as ϋδνον. Ύφ* for υττο, before an aspirate. Ύφάγεο, Dor. for υφήγου, pres. impr. mid. cont. of υφηγέομαι. 'Υφαίνω, f. -άνω, p. ΰφαγκα, (fr. υφάω to weave) to weave ; to form, arrange ; to plot, contrive, invent, devise, impf. ind. ΰφαι- νον, -ες, -ε. per. ind. pass, νφαμ- μαι, Att. ίβφασμαι. Ύφαιρέω -ω, (fr. vxb under, and αίρέω to take) to take from under, withdraw, take away, steal, rob, pilfer. ΥΦΗ \Ύφαιρούμενος, pres. par. pass^ cont. of last. "Υφαλις, -ιδος, ff, and "Υφαλος, - b, ή, (fr. υπο under, and αλς the sea) lying under the sea, hidden with the waves, hidden, secret; crafty, cunning, deceitful. Ύφάντης, -ου, b, (fr. υφαίνω to weave) a weaver. Υφαντός, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) woven, Ύφάπτω, f. -ψω, p. ν"φηφα,(ίτ. vnb under, and απτω to light) to light, kindle, inflame, burn. Υφαρπάζω, (fr. υπο secretly, and αρπάζω to seize) to seize or take away privately, steal, rob; to intercept. "Υφασμα, -ατός, το, (fr. next) any thing woven, apiece, web ; a veil, robe, cloak, garment ; a plot, de- ceit, treachery, robbery, theft. Ύφάω or -6ω -ω, to weave. Ύφέαρ, -έαρος, rb, clammy matter exuding from the fir or pine, turpentine ; misletoe. Ύφεϊ or ΎφΙ Heb. indecl. an epha. Ύφεΐμαι, ind. — Ύφειμένος, -η, -ov, par. per. pass. — Ύφεις, -εϊσα, -εν, 2 a. par. act. of υφίημι. Ύφέλκω, (fr. υττο from, and έλκω to draw) to draw from under, take from beneath, drag away. 'Υφέλ- κομαι, to draw or take to, put on, dress. Ύφελοίατο,ΐοη. for υφέλοιντο, 3 pi. 2 a. opt. mid. — ΎφελοΊσα, Dor. for υφελουσα, fem. of υφελών, 2 a. par. act. — Ύφελόμενος, 2 a. par. mid. of υφαιρέω. Ύφεν, (for ν φ!" εν, neut. of εΤς one) in or under one, together. Ύφέντες, η. pi. of νφεϊς, 2 a. par. act. of υφίημι. Ύφέξει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. of υπέχω. Ύφεσθε, 2 pi. 2 a. ind. mid. of υφίημι. Υφή, -ης, ή, (fr. υφάω to weave) weaving. Ύφηγέομαι -ουμαι, (fr. υπb under, and ηγέομαι to lead) to lead in- sensibly, lead on ; to conduct, guide, lead the way ; to begin, commence ; to exhort, encourage, persuade ; to teach, instruct, show, point out, suggest, counsel, ad- vise ; to be set over, have the ma- nagement of, direct. Ύφήκα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of υφίημι. "Υφηνα, 1 a. ind. act. — Ύφηναι, 1 a. inf. act. — Ύφηνάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. of υφαίνω. Υφηνιοχέω -ω, (fr. υπb under, and ίμ-.οχέω, which see. Ύφηνίοχος, -ov, b, (fr. ίιπδ under, fjvia the reins, and έχω to hold) an assistant or under driver ; a charioteer. Ύφηρεϊτο, 3 sin. impf. pass, of υφαιρέω. Υφήσσων, -όνος, b, >% (fr. υπb un- der, and 'ήττων or ησσων less) somewhat less. Ύφήφασται, 3 sin. of νφήφασμαι, Att. redupl. for νφασμαι, per. ind. pass, of υφαίνω. (582) ΥΨΗ 'Υφίημι, f. -ήσω, (fr. {tro" under, and ϊημι to send) to send or put under, let down, lower ; to relax, slacken, abate, abandon. Ύφίε- μαι, to retire, withdraw, yield % give in, submit ; to permit, suf- fer, allow ; to neglect, omit. Ύφίητι, Dor. for υφίησι, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of last. Ύφίστημι, (fr. υπο under, and 'ίστη- μι to set) to put, set or lay un- der ; to put in place of r substi- tute ; to be, subsist, exist ; to produce, create; to promise, en gage, assure; to go under or into, enter; to advance, ap- proach, draw near ; to hold up, stay, prop, support ; to sustain, stand against, oppose, resist ; to undertake, attempt, try, begin ; to bear, suffer, endure ; to rest, settle, subside ; to bring to a sta- tion, moor ; to stay, stop, wait for. Ύφοοάω -ω, and Ύφοράομαι -ώμαι, (fr. £ΐ7το under, and bpάω to see) to suspect, look on with suspi- cion ; to look sternly at, watch, observe. Ύφορβος, -ου, b, same as συφορβός. "Υφος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. υφάω to weave) a web, piece ; weaving. Υφόωσι, Poet, for υφώσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Ιφόω same as υφάω. Ύφύφασται, same as υφήφασται, which see. ΎψανχεΊ, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. cont. of υψαυχέω. Ύψαυχενέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. ίάψος height, and ανχήν a neck) to carry a high head, act proudly, be proud. Ύψανχέω -ω, (fr. same, andat^f» to boast) same as last. Ύψανχην, -ενός, b, »/, (fr. same) having a high neck, stiffnecked, proud, stately, arrogant. Ύψερεφής, Ύψηρεφής or Ύψιρε- φής, -έος -ους, b, //, (fr. νψυς height, and ερέφω to roof) having a high roof, lofty, high. Υψηγόρας and Ύψηγόρης, -ου, ο, ή, (fr. same, and αγοράω to ha- rangue, th. αγορά an oration) lofty speaking, pompous, bom- bastic. Ύψηλησι, Ion. for υψηλαΐς, d. pi. fem. of υψηλός. Ύψηλοκάρδιος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. next, and καρδία the heart) if a high or proud heart, haughty, proud, arrogant. Υψηλός, -ή, -bv, (fr. νψος height) high, lofty ; elevated, exalted, sublime ; heavenly ; great, pow- erful ; highly esteemed. Comp. υψηλότερος, sup. υψηλότατος. Ύψηλοφοόνει, 2 sin. cent. impr. — ΎψηλοφρονεΊν, inf. pres. act. cont. of Υψηλοφρονέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. υψη- λοφρόνηκα, (fr. υψηλός elevated, and φρήν the mind) to be high minded, proud or arrogant, think highly. Υψηλόφρων, -όνος, δ, ft, (fr. same) high minded, proud, arrogant* ΥΨΙ Ύψηλως, (fr. υψηλός high, th. υψος height) highly, loftily, on high, aloft. Ύψήνωρ, -ορός, b, Hypsenor, a man's name. Ύψηρεφης, see υψερεφής. Ύψηχης, -έος -ους, δ, ή, (fr. χιψος height, and ήχος a sound) high- sounding ; majestic, grand, state- ly, n. pi. υψηχέες. Υψι, (fr. υψος height) high, on high, aloft ; on the deep. Υψίβάτος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. last, and βαίνω to go) walking on high towering, lofty, high. Υψιβύας, (fr. same, and βοάω ίο cry) name of a frog, croaker, Ύψιβρεμίτι/ς, -ου, b, (fr. ΰψι on high, th. ϋψος height, and βρέμω to resound) thundering on high, high-sounding, roaring. Ύψίγυιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and γυΐον a limb) having high boughs lofty, brandling. ΎψίΟη, Poet, for υψοΰ. Ύψίζΰγος, -ου, b, η, (fr. ΰψι on high, th. νψος height, and ζυγον a balance) balancing on high, silting on high, sublime director, lofty-ruling. Ύψίθρονος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and S -ρόνος a throne) enthroned on high. 'Υψίκομος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and κόμη hair) having leaves on the top, leafy. Ύψίλοφος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and λόφος a crest) high, lofty ; hav- ing a crest, top or head on high. Ύψιμέδοντος, g. sin. of Ύψιμέδων, -οντος, b, η, (fr. ΰψι aloft, th. ΰψος height, and μέδω to rule) ruling on high, omnipo- tent, powerful. Ύψινεφης, -έος -ους, b, fj, (fr. same, and νέφος a cloud) aloft, in the clouds, high, supreme. Υψίπεδος, -ου, b, ή. (fr. same, and πέδον soil) having a high ground or situation. 'Υψιπεταν, Dor. for υψιπετών, g, pi. of υψιπετής. Υψιπέτηλος, -ου, b, ft, (fr. ΰψι aloft, th. ΰψος height, and πέτα λον a leaf) having leaves on the top, leafy ; lofty, tall. Υψιπέτης, -ου, b, (fr. same, and πέτομαι to fly) highflying, lofty soaring. Υψιπέτης, -έος -ους, b,n, (fr. same, and πίπτω to fall) falling from on high. Ύψίπους, -οδός, b, η, (fr. same, and πους a foot) standing on high, high, elevated, lofty. Υψίπυλος, -ου, b, f/, (fr. same, and πύλη a gate) with lofty gates. φ Υψιρεφης, -έος -ους, b, η, same as νψερεφής. Υψιστος, -η, -ον, (sup. fr. ΰψι on high) the highest, supreme, most high. Comp. υψίων and υψίστε- ρος' sup. ύψιστος. Ύψιτένοντας, a. pi. of Ύψιτένων, -οντος, b, fi, (fr. ΰψι on high, th. ΰψος height, and ΦΑΑ ΦΑΙ τείνω to stretch) having α ΙαΙΙ\Φάγαινα and Φαγέδαινα, -ης, ή, (fr. neck, Ύψίφρων,-ονος, b, η, (fr. same, and φρήν the mind) high-minded, proud, arrogant. Ύψιχαίτης, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and χαίτη hair) tall, high. Ύψόθεν, (fr. νψος height, and §εν from a place) from on high, from above. Ύψόθι, (fr. same, and Si in a place) on high, above, aloft; over, upon ; in the deep. Ύψόροφος, -ου, δ,//, (fr. same, and ερέ'φω to roof) high roofed, lofty. "Υψος, -εος -ους, το, height, lofti- ness, elevation, altitude ; subli- mity, dignity, the sublime j a height, summit, eminence. Ύψόσε, (fr. last, and σε towards) up, up to heaven, high. "Υψου, same as ΰψι. Ύψόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. ΰψωκα, (fr. ΰψος height) to lift up, raise, elevate, exalt, set on high. 1 a. act. ind. ΰψωσα' sub. υψώσω, -ης, -η. per. ind. pass, ΰψωμάι, -σαι, -ται. 1 a. pass. ind. υψώ- θην, -ης, -η, 2 pi. υύ/ώθητε' sub. υψωθώ, -ης, -η, 2 ρΐ. -θητε. inf. υψωθήναι' par. υψωθείς, -εισα, -έν. 1 f. ind. pass, νψωθήσομαι, -η, -ε-αι. "Υψωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) ele- vation, height, altitude ; exalta- tion, sublimity, dignity ; any high or illustrious thing. Ύψων, par. pres. act. cont. — "Υψωσα, -αί, -ε or -εν, ind. — Ύψώσας, -ασα, -αν, par. — 'Υψώσω, -ης, -η' 2 ρΐ. -σητε, sub. 1 a. act. — 'Υψώσω, -εις, -εί, 1 f. ind. act. of ύψόω. "Υψωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. υψος height) elevation, height, exaltation; praise. Υω, f. ΰσω, p. ϋκα, to rain, wet with rain, water, moisten. Ύώδης, -εος -ci;?,_ δ,?/, (fr. υς a pig) like a pig, swinish, hoggish, dirty, filthy ; stupid, dull, heavy. Ύωδία, -ας, η\ (fr. same), piggish manners, hoggishness, brutish- ness ; stupidity, dullness. άγω to eat) an immoderate ap- petite, voraciousness ; an eating sore ; a consuming or pestilen- tial disease. Φαγεδαινάω -ω, f. -//σω, (fr. last) to labour under a pestilential dis- ease, be infected. Φαγεδαινάω -ω, (fr. same) to con- sume, destroy or waste by pesti- lence. Φαγέειν, Ion. for φαγεΐν, 2 a inf. act. — Φάγε, Φάγετε, 2 sin. and pi. 2 a. impr. act. — Φάγεσαι for φαγη, 2 sin. of φαγουμαι, -η, -ειται, 2 f. mid. — Φάγεται, -γον- ται, 3 sin. and pi. pres. ind. act. of φάγω. Φάγοι, 3 sin. opt. — Φαγόντες, η. pi. par. 2 a. act. of same. Φάγος, -ου, δ, (fr. φάγω to eat) a glutton ; voracious, ravenous. Φάγος, Dor. for φηγός. Φάγω or Φήγω, to eat, devour ; to consume, corrode. 2 a. act. ind. έφαγον, -ες, -ε" impr. φάγε, -έτω' opt. φάγοιμι, -οις, -οι' sub. φάγω, "P£j "??> ph -γωμεν, -γητε, -γωσι or -σιν inf. φαγεΐν par. φαγών. Φάγωντι, Dor. for φάγωσι, 2 a. sub. act. of last. Φάε, Ion. for έφαε, 3 sin. impf. ind. act. of φάω. Φαέθων, -οντος, b, (fr. φάω to shine) resplendent, bnlliant, shining ; a name of the planet Jupiter, and of the sun ; and of a man. Φαείνει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Φαεινόμενος, pres. par. mid. of φαείνω. Φαεινός, -η, -bv, (fr. φάω to shine) resplendent, brilliant, bright, re- fulgent. Φαείνω, same as φάω. Φαενιός, -rj Dor. -ά, -bv, Poet, for φαεινός. Comp. φαεννότερος, sup. φαεννότατος. Φαεσίμβροτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. φάω to shine, and βροτος a mortal) giv- ing light to mortals, enlightening, shining, bright. Φαεσιφορία, -ας, η, (fr. φάος h-ght, th. φάω to shine, and φέρω to bring) light. Epithet of Diana, goddess of birth ; bringing to the light. Φαεσιφόρος -ου, b, l•,, (fr. same) bringing light ; Lucifer. Φαζάλη, -ης, η, a disease common to those sailing on the Red Sea. Φάζω, (fr. φάω to speak) to speak, say. άζω, (fr. φάω to kill) to kill, slay. Φάθι, pres. impr. act. of φημί. Φαίακες, -ων, οϊ Phaacians. ά. pi. Φαίαξι or -ξιν. Φαίδιμ' for φαίδιμε, v. sin. of ΦαίδΥμος, -ου, δ, η, and Φαιδιμόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. φαιδρός splendid, ■ th. φάω to shine) bright, shin- I ing; illustrious, celebrated. Φ, φ, phi, the twenty-first of the more modern Greek letters ; but the second of the five additional ones. As a. numeral character, φ signifies five hundred ; with a dot underneath, φ, five hundred thousand. Φα, Dor. for φη, which for έφη, 3 sin. 2 a. or impf. ind. act. of φημί. Φαάθ, Heb. indecl. a corner. ΪΦαιδρος, -ά,-όν, (fr. φάω to shine) Φάανθεν, Poet, for φάνθεν, Ion. and j neat, fine, clear ; gay, cheerful , Boeot. Sync, for εφάνθησαν, 3 pi. j pleasant, sprightly, gl 1 a. ind. pass, of φαίνω. ΦαΊδοος, -ου, δ, a mar's rlad. 's name. (583) ΦΑΚ. Φαώρότης, -ητος, ?% (fr. ώαιδρδ? cheerful) gayety, cheerfulness, hilarity, sprightliness, mirth. φαιδρόω and Φαιδρϋνω (fr. same) to cause to shine, brighten ; to en- liven, cheer, exhilarate, make joy- ful. Φαιδρϋνεσθαι, pres.inf. pass, of last. Φαί<5ων, -όνος, b, a man's name. Φαίην, -ης, -η, pres. or 2 a. opt. act. of φημί. Φαίκανον, -ου, το, same as πήγανον. Φαίκας and Φαικάσιον, -ου, το, a kind of shoe, slipper. Φαίκλη or Φίκλη, -ης, ή, (fr. Lat. faecula, dregs) the lees of wine boiled. Φαικός, -ή, -nv, (fr. φάω to shine) splendid, bright, shining ; light, slight, inconsiderable. Φαι\όνης, Φαιλώνης or Φαλών»7?, same as φαινόλης. ΦαΊμεν, φαΊτε, φαΐεν, Att. for φαίη- μεν, -ητε, -ήσαν, ρΐ. 2 a. opt. act. of φημί. Φαινάρέτης, -ου, δ, Phcenaretes, a proper name. Φαίνεθ\ Ion. for εφαίνετο, 3 sin. impf. mid. — Φαίνει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Φαινέμεν, Ion. for φαίνειν, pres.inf. act. — Φαίνεσθε, 2 pi. pres. ind. pass. — Φαινία- κετο and Φαίνετο, Ion. for εφαίνε- το, 3 sin. impf. mid. — Φαίνεται, 3 sin. and — Φαίνονται, 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. — Φαίνη, 3 sin. and Φαίνωσι, 3 pi. pres. sub. act. — Φαίνοισα, Dor. for φαί- νουσα, pres. par. fern. act. — Φαινοιτ for φαίνοιτο, 3 sin. pres. opt. mid. — Φαινόμενο?, -η, -ov, par. 2 a. mid. of φαίνω. Φαινόλης, -ου, b, (fr. φελλός bark) a coat, cloak, perhaps a cloakbag or vellice. See φενόλης. Φαινομένην, a. sin. — Φαινομένηφι, Parag. for φαινόμενη, d. sin. fern. pres. par. mid. of φαίνω. Φαίνο-ος, g. sin. of Φαίνωψ. . Φαίνω, f. φάνω, p. πέφαγκα, to bring to light, show, display, exhibit, lay open, reveal, disclose, make apparent; to give light, shine, glitter, brighten ; to charge, ac- cuse, complain of. Φαίνομαι, to appear, be seen, become visible; to shine, sparkle; to seem, be thought or supposed. 1 a. ind. act. — έφηνα. 2 a. ind. act. ίφά- vov.i -ες, -ε. 1 f. ind. mid. φανου- μαι. per. ind. pass, νέφαμμαι, Att. ττέφασμαι, 2 a. sub. pass. φάνω, -ης, -η. 2 f. ind. pass, φα- νήσομαι, -η, -εται. Φαίνων, -ούσα, -ον ά. -νοντι, par. — Φαίνωσι, 3 pi. sub. pres. act. of φαίνω. Φαίνωψ, -οπός, b, Phamops, a pro- per name. Φαιό?, -α,-όν, brown, tawny, dark- coloured, blackish. Φαΐστος, -ου, b, a proper name. Φάκελλο?, Φάκελο?, -ου, b, a little bundle. ^,\rj or Φακή, -ης, ή, a kind of* 'pulse, lentils. »£.•;*<:. -oV, δ, (fr. last) lentils, ΦΑΝ pulse ; a vessel for holding wa- ter ; an urn for the ashes of the dead ; a spot on theface,freckles. Φάλα or Φαλα an ornament on a helmet. Φάλαγγες, η. Φάλαγγας, a. pi. of Φάλαγξ,-αγγος, f], a phalanx, troop, legion or body of soldiers ; a kind of spider ; a prop for a ship laid up, a roller put under to haul it down ; the tongue of a balance. Φάλαγγες, the knuckles and the bones in the back of the hand. Φάλαινα, -ης, ?/, a glow-worm ; a whale. Φαλακρός, -a, -bv, (fr. φαλός white and κράς the head) bald. Φαλακρύω -ω, (fr. last) to make bald, shave. Φαλόομαι -οΐψαι, to grow bald. Φαλάκρωμα, -άτος, το, (fr. last) baldness. Φαλανθός, -η, -bv, (fr. φαλος white) gray-headed, hoary. Φάλάρα, -ων, τα, (fr. φαλος splen- did) ornaments on a helmet, studs, crest, plumes; ornaments for horses, trappings. Φάλαρις, -Έδος, i% a kind of water- fowl, coot, water-hen. Also an herb, canary-grass, riband- grass. Φάλαρος, Poet, for φαληρός. Φαλεκ, Heb. indecl. a man's name Φαληριάω -ω, (fr. next th. φαλος white) to grow white with foam, to foam, froth, par. pres. act, φαληριάων -c5v,a.sin. φαληριάον- τα-ωντα, andPoet. φαληριόωντα. Φάληρος, -α, -δν, (fr. φαλος white) white, whitened, foaming , foamy . Subs, the steel or studs of a helmet. Also a man's name, Φαλίππω, (perhaps fr. φαλος white) to become silly, foolish, dote. Φαλίσσομαι, (fr. same) to foam, froth, grow white with foam. Φαλλός, -ου, b, a representation of the privities of a man exposed in some of the heathen rites. Φαλμουνϊ, see φελμουνί. Φαλος, -η, -bv, and Φάλιο?, -α, -ov, (perhaps fr. φάω to shine) bright, shining, splendid ; white ; gray-headed. Φάλος, -ου, b, (perhaps, fr. same) the front-piece of a helmet, the cone, crest or plume of a helmet. Φαλϋνω, (fr. φαλός white) to make white or shining. Φαλύσσομαι, to disturb, interrupt, confuse; to circumvent, deceive. Φάμα, -ας, a, Dor. for φήμη. Φαμϊν, 1 pi. pres. ind. act. — Φα- μενος, 2 a. par. mid. of φημί. Φαμϊ, Dor. for φημί. Φαν, Bceot. Sync, for εφασαν or έφησαν, 2 pi. impf. or 2 a. ind. act. — Φάναι, pres. inf. act. of φημί. - Φαναι, 1 a. ind. act. of φαίνω. Φανείην, -ης, -η, 2 a. opt. pass. — Φάνει?, -εΊσα, -εν, 2 a. par. pass. — ΦανεΓται, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. mid. — Φάνεν, JTCoI. for Bceot. for εφάνησαν, 3 pi. 2 a. ind. pass, of φαίνω. (584) ΦΑΝ Φανερόμϊσος, -ου, b,fj, (fr. next, and μίσος hatred) openly or profess- edly hating, an open foe. Φανερός, -a,-ov,(fr. φαίνω to show) appearing to all, clear, bright, fair ; evident, apparent, plain; open, professed, manifest, public, known ; celebrated, famous, re- nowned. Φavεpoύμεvo?.,->7,-ov,par.pre3.pass. cont. — Φανεροδται, 3 sin. pres. ind. — Φανεροδνπ, d. sin. cont. par. pres. act. of φανερόω. Φανερόφιλος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. φανερός open, and φίλος a friend) a pro- fessed friend, avowed or known friend. Φανερόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. πεφανέρωκα, (fr. φανερός evident, th. φαίνω to show) to manifest, make known or apparent ; to shoiv forth, ex- hibit ; to declare, publish ; to ap- pear. 1 a. impr. act. φανερώσου, -άτω. pres. ind. pass, φανερόομαι -ονμαι. per. pass, πεφανερωμαι, -σαι, -ται. 1 a. ind. pass, εφανε- ρώθην. Φανερωθεΐσαν,ζ.. fem. -θίντες,η. pi. -θέντος, g. sin. of Φανερωθεί?, par. la. pass. — Φανερωθη, 3 sin. -θώσι, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. pass. — Φανερωθ /jvai, 1 a. inf. pass. ' pi. 1 f. ind. pass.' of last Φανερωθήσεσθε, 3 Φανερώ?, (fr. φανερός clear) mani- festly, clearly, openly, publicly, plainly. Φανέρωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως,η, (fr. same) α manifestation display, show, appearance, declaration. d. Att. cont. φανερώσει. Φανερώτερα, neut. pi. οι φανερότε- ρος, comp. of φανερός. Φάνεσκε, Ion. for έφανε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. — Φάνη, Ion. ΐοτεφάνη, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. pass. — Φάνη, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. pass, for which by Pleon. Φανήη. — Φανήμεναι, Dor. for φανηναι, 2 a. inf. pass. — Φαν^?, -η, 2 and 3 sin. 2 a. sub. pass. — Φανήσεται, 3 sin. 2 f. ind. pass. — Φαν??τω, 3 sin. 2 a. impr. pass. — Φανθεί?, 1 a. par. pass, of φαίνω. Φανονευς, -εος, Att. εω?, b, for Πα- νοττενς, (fr. ΤΙανόπη the name of a town) one of Panope, a Pa- nopian. Φανός, -ου, b, (fr. φαίνω to shine) a torch, light, lamp, lantern; also the sun or moon. Φαντάζω, f. -άσω, p. πεφάντακα,{ΐϊ. same) to cause or make appear, show, exhibit. Φαντάζομαι, to appear, seem ; to fancy, imagine, pourtray in the mind; to con- template, think on; to be ac- cused, arraigned, made an ex- * ample of. per. ind. pass, ττεφάν- τασμαι, -σαι, -ται. pres. par. mid. φανταζόμενον, that which appears, an appearance, sight. Φαντασία, -ας, fi, (fr. last) a sight, vision, appearance, image, repre- sentation; show, pomp, parade ; imagination, fancy, thought, me- ditation ; opinion, notion* con- ΦΑΡ ception, knowledge ; appearance, kind) form. ϊιντασιοκοιύω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. last, and κόπος disturbance) to in- dulge in imagination ; to be dis- ordered in the imagination, be frantic, mad. Φάντασμα, -ατός, το, (fr. φαντάζω or th. φαίνω to show) an appear- ance, sight, image; an appari- tion, spectre, phantom ; a pro- digy, supernatural appearance ; a fiction, imagery. Φαντι, Dor. for φασι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of φημί. Φανώ, -jjs, -fi, pi. Φανωμεν, -ητε, -ωσι, 2 a. sub. act. of φαίνω. Φάο, Ion. and Poet, for ίφασο, 2 sin. 2 a. ind. mid. of φημί. Φαος, -εος -ους, rb, (fr. φάω to shine) light, fire, torch, flame ; daylight, sunrise, twilight, dawn ; the eye, light of the eye ; open- ness, perspicuity ; life ; safety, deliverance, succour, protection; victory, joy, hope ; a term of fondness. Φάραγζ, -γγυς, §, a breach in the earth, precipice, steep ; a deep and craggy valley, ravine; a gulf, deep pit. Φαραζων, Heb. indecl. villages, open country. Φαοαω, Heb. indecl. Pharaoh, name of a king. Φαρέεσσι, d. pi. Ion. and Poet. — Φάρει, d. sin. cont. of φάρος. Φάρες, b, Heb. indecl. a man's name. Φαρέτρα, -ας, ή, (perhaps fr. φέρω to carry, and τοώω to wound) a quiver, case for arrows. Φαρετρεών, -ώνος, b, Poet, for last Φαρη, -ης, and Φαρϊς, -ίος, η", name of a city. Φάρίκον, -ov, το, a kind of poison. Φαρισαΐος, -ov, b, a Pharisee. Φαρκϊς, -ίδος,η, a wrinkle, fold. Φαρμακεία, -ας, rj, (fr. φάρμακον a drug) sorcery, witchcraft, en- chantment, magical incantation ; a cure or curing, healing ; phy- sic, medicine, drugs. Φαρμάκενς, -εος, b, (fr. same) a sor- cerer, encnanter, magician ; a quack, d. pi. φαρμακενσι. Φαρμακενω, (fr. same) to bewitch, enchant, charm / to poison ; to compound medicine ; to preserve, pickle ; to dye, stain, colour ; to infect, imbitter. Φαρμάκϊς, -ίοος, η~, (fr. same) a witch, sorceress. Φαρμακόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. next) relating to medicine, medicinal, medicated, poisoned. Φάρμακον, -ov, το, (perhaps fr. φέρω to bring, and ακος a remedy, or άχος pain) a drug, medicine, physic, remedy ; poison. Φαρμακοποσία, -ας, ^, (fr. φάρμακον poison, and πόσις a draught, th. πίνω to drink) the taking or drinking of poison. Φαρμακοπώλης, -ου, b, (fr. last, and πωλεω to sell) a seller of drugs, druggist, apothecary. 4E ΦΑΣ Φαρμακός, -ου, b, same as φαρμακενς. Φαρμακόω -ώ, (fr. φάρμακον medi- cine) to mix up medicine ; to poison or impregnate with poison. Φαρμάσσω or -ττω, (fr. same) to im- pregnate with poison, poison ; to infect, taint, imbitter ; to bewitch, to temper, harden steel; to give medinne or nourishment. Φάρος or Φάρος, -εος -ους, τό, (fr. φέρω to bear) a cloak, mantle, outer garment worn by men ; a veil or covering of the head. Φάρος, -ου, b or η, Pharos, name of a light-house, and island at Egypt ; a light-house, beacon. Φάρος, (fr. next) a ploughing, till- age. Φαρόω -ω, or Α,φαρόω -ώ, to plough, make furrows. φάρσος, -εος -ους, rb, (fr. φάρος a cloak) a sheet, flag, standard ; a covering, wrapper; a district, region, division, tract ; a piece, part, fragment ; ruins, rubbish ; a wing ; an axe. Φαρσοφόρος, -ov, 6, η, (fr. last, and φέρω to carry) a standard-bearer, ensign. Φαρυγξ, -υγγος, b or fi, the throat, gullet, windpipe, jaws. Φας, 2 a. par. act. οι φημί. Φάσγάνον, -ου, το, (fr. σφάζω to kill) a sword. Φάσε, Dor. and Ion. for εφησε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Φασείς, Dor. for φήσεις, 2 sin. 1 f. ind. act. — Φάσθαι, 2 a. inf. mid. of Φασεκ or Φασεχ, Heb. indecl. same as πάσχα. Φάσηλος, -ov, b, (fr. Lat. phaselus, a pinnace) a pinnace, bark, gal- ley ; a kidney-bean. Φασι or Φασΐν, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Φασι, d. pi. of φας, -ασα, -αν, 2 a. par. act. of φημί. Φασιανός, -οΰ, b, (fr. Φάσι? a river of Colchis) a pheasant. Φάσιν, a. sin. of Φάσίί, -ιος, Att. -εως, //, (fr. φαίνω to show) a word, saying, sen- tence, speech ; a declaration, as- sertion, affirmation, proposition ; a rumour, report, fame ; an action, lawsuit, accusation: an apparition, appearance; a sign, ΦΑΨ a, -bv, (fr. next) to be said or named, expres- Φάτειός, • spoken, sible. Φάτης, -ου, b, f), (fr. φάω to speak) talkative, prating ; lying, deceit- fid. Φατ\, Dor. for φητι, 3 sin. pres. ind. of φημί. Φατίζω, (fr. next) to say, call, name; to rumour, spread a re- port. Φάτις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. φάω to speak) a word, saying, sentence ; an oracle ; a report, rumour ; fame, glory. Φατνεύω and Φατνιάζω, (fr. next) set in a stable ; to stallfeed, fat- ten; -ομαι, to be placed in a stall, set at a manger. Φάτνη, -ης η, (fr. φάγω to eat) a manger, crib, stable, stall ; a roof, ceiling. Φατνόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. same) to build as a stall or place of shelter, cover with a roof. per. ind. pass. ■πεφάτνωμαι. Φάτνωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) α roof, ceiling ; a rafter, joist ; an opening or port in a ship for dis- charging weapons. Φάτο, Ion. for ίφάτο, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. mid. of φημί. Φάτυς, -η, -ov, (fr. φάω to say, shine or kill) to be said, told; cele- brated, renowned, famous; kill- ed, slaughtered. Φανζω, to fry, parch. Φαυλίζω, f. -ϊσο>, (fr. φαύλος mean) to regard as mean, esteem of no value, despise, disregard, per. ind. pass, πεφανλισμαι. Φαύλισμα,-ατος, rb, ΦανΧισμος, -ov, b, (fr. same) contempt, mockery, sneer. Φαυλίστρια, -ας, ή, (fr. same) she that despises or scorns. Φανλος, -η, -ov, and Φλαΰρος, -a, -ov, little, small ; slender, scanty, poor; vile, mean, worthless, re- fuse, despised, despicable; evil, wicked, base, bad, depraved ; simple, plain, easy ; rude, clumsy. Φαν\οτάτης, g. sin. fern, of Φανλότατος, -η, -ov, sup. — φαυλά- ii^/cui «»«.c , u aig/t, τερο-ς, -a, -ov, comp. of φαν~λος. phasis or change of Φαυ\ότης,-ητος, η, (fr. φαύλος bad) the moon. Φάσις,-ιος, Att. -εως, alf,o -ιδος, >% a river of Colchis, ? city at the mouth of it. Φάσκε, 3 sin. impf. Ion. — - Φάσ- κονται, 3 pi. pres. ind. pass. — Φάσκοντες, η. pi. -κοντας, a. pi. par. pres. act. of Φάσκω, Ion. for φημί. Φάσμα, -άτος, το, (fr. φαίνω to show) a vision, spectre, sight; a sign, prodigy, portent, omen. Φάσομαι, Dor. for φήσομαι, 1 f. ind. mid. of φημί. pigeon, dove. Φασσαφόνος, -ου, b, »';, (fr. last, and ' ένω to kill) killing pigeons vileness, worthlessness, badness, wickedness, baseness. Φαύλως, (fr. same) wickedly, bad- ly, basely. Φανρος, Dor. for φαν\ος. Φανσίβροτος, -ov, b, η, (fr. φαϋσις same as φως light, and βροτδς a mortal) giving light to mortals, shining. Φανσιγγες, -ων, o\, (perhaps fr. φαυσις the fire) scorched marks on the legs from sitting over the fire. Φαυσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. φάω Φάσσα or -ττα, -ης, η, a kind of] to shine) light, brightness, splen- dour ; a shining, giving light, a fire- signal. Φανσκω, Φαύω, same as φάω. Φασω, -ε??, -ε7, Dor. for φήσω, -εις,\ 1>αψ, φαβος, f,, (fr. φέβομαι to fear) ει, 1 f. ind. act. of ώήαί. j a kind of pigeon, dove. (585) ΦΕΝ Φσω or Φαίνω, t-J show, display, make appear; to shine, give light, glitter, brighten; or, φημϊ, to say, speak, express, tell; to think; or, φίνω, to kill, slay, slaughter. Φίβεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. of Φίβομαι, to fear, dread, he afraid; to flee, run away, shun, avoid. per. ind. mid. ιτίφυβα. Φεβώμεθα, 1 pi. pres. sub. mid. of last. Φίγγος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. φάω to shine) light, splendour, bright- ness, brilliancy. Φίγγω, (fr. same) to shine, grow bright, brighten ; glitter, glisten. Φείδεο, Ion. for φείδου, pres. impr. mid. — Φειδόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. of ^είδοικιι, f. mid. φείσομαι, p. pass. πίφεισμαι, and πεφείδημαι, to spare, pardon, forgive ; to spare, use sparingly, be sparing, nig- girdly or parsimonious; to for- bear, abstain from, avoid, pres. inf. mid. φείδεσθαι. 1 f. ind. mid. φείσομαι, -η, -εται. 1 a. mid. ind. εφεισάμην, -ω, -ατο. ppfut. πεφείσομαι, and ττεφειδήσομαι. 2 a. ind. mid. εφιδόμην, and Ion. πεφιδόμην, whence opt. πεφΥδοί- μην, and inf. ττεώίδεσθαι. Φειδομίνως, (fr. φειδόμενος pres. par. mid. of last) sparingly, parsimoniously, thriftily, nig- gardly. Φείδω, but more usual in the mid. φείδομαι, which see, 2 a. ind. act. ίφ'ίδον, and Ion. πίφίδον. Φειδώ, -όος -ους, τ), (fr. φείδομαι to be sparing) parsimony, sparing- ness, frugality, thrift ; absti- nence ; delay, hesitation ; profit, lucre, gain; envy, grudge. Φειδωλή, -ης, ή, same as last. Φειδω^ς,.-η, -bv, (fr. φείδομαι to be sparing) parsimonious, thrifty, sparing, niggardly. Φείσομαι, -j], -εται, 1 f. ind. mid. — Φείσωμαι, -η, -ηται, I a,. sub. mid. of φείδω. Φεισμονη, -ης, η, (fr. φείδομαι to spare) parsimony, thriftiness ; pity, indulgence, pardon. Φεισών, -ώνος, b, Phison, name of a river. Φελγΰνω, (fr. φαύλος sm&&) to trifle, dote. Φελλεδί, -ίος, Att. -εως, fi, a stony or rocky place near Athens ; any rough or rugged place. Φελλός, -ου, b, bark, rind ; cork. Φελμουνι, Φελμωνι or Φαλμοννϊ, in- decl. Heb. a particular or dis- tinct one, a certain one, some one. Φενάκη, -ης, f), (fr. φίναξ an impos- tor) false hair, a wig; paint, artificial complexion; disguise, imposture, cheat. Φενακίζω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. next) to de- ceive, cheat, impose upon, mock. Φίναξ, -ακος, b, an impostor, de- ceiver, cheat. Φενόλης, -ου, b, (fr. Lat. penula, a oloal• ) a cloak) mantle, coat ; ΦΣΡ some say a portmanteau ; also, a book case or writing box. Φίνω, to kill, slay, slaughter, mur- der, per. ind. mid. πίφονα. Φεραϊ, -ών, αι, Pherce, name of a town. Φεραίος, -a, -ov, (fr. last) of Pherce. Φεράνθης, -εος -ους, b, η, (tr. φίρω to bear, and άνθος a .flower) flowery, in bloom. Φερβίμεν, Ion. for φερβειν, act. — Φίρβεσθαι, pass. pres. inf. of Φίρβω, f. -ψω, p. -φα, (perhaps fr. φίρω to bear, and βίος life) to feed, pasture, graze ; to nourish, support, maintain, rear. per. ind. mid. πίφοοβα• Φίρε, Φίρετε, 2 sin. and pi. impr. — Φέρεις, -ρει, 2 and 3 sin. — Φίρουσι, 3 pi. ind. pres. act. — Φίρειν, act. Φίρεσθαι, pass. pres. inf. οι φίρω. Φερίγγϊος, -ου, b, η, (fr. φίρω to bear, and εγγύη a pledge) trust- worthy. Subs, a promiser, en- gager, voucher. Φίρεκλος, -ου, b, a proper name. Φερεκύδης, -ου, b, a man's name. Φερίμεν, Ion. for φίρειν, pres. inf. act. of φίρω. φερίοικος, -ου, b, η, (fr. φίρω to bear, and οϊκος a house) carrying their own houses. Subs, a snail. Φερίττονος, -ου, b, %, (fr. same, and πόνος labour) enduring labour; 4 bearing misfortune, patient ; that brings misfortune, unlucky. Φερίσβιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and βίος life) sustaining life, nourish- ing, cherishing ; that bestows life, animating. Φερίσκον, Ion. for ίφερον, impf. ind. act. οι φίρω. Φερεσσακίας, a. pi. of Φερεσσάκης, -ίος -οϋς, b, η, (fr. φίρω to bear, and σάκος a shield) shield-bearing, defended with a shield. φίρετ, Ion. of εφίρετο, 3 sin. impf. pass. — Φέρεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass, of φίρω. Φίρετρον, -ov, το, (fr. φίρω to car- ry) α bier. Φίρη, 3 sin. — Φίρητε, 2 pi. pres. sub. act. of φίρω. Φίριστος, -η, -ov, (fr. φίρω to bear) superlative, most excellent,, most strong, brave ; best. Φερνή, -ης, η, (fr. φίρω to bring) a fortune, marriage portion. Φερνίξω, f. -'ϊσω, (fr. last) to por- tion, give a fortune. 1 a, ind. act. εφίρνισα. Φίροιεν, 3 pi. pres. opt. act. — Φί- ροισα, Dor. for φίρουσα, fern, par. pres. act. — Φερόμεθεν, JEo\. and — Φερόμεσθα, Poet, for φερό- μέθα, 1 pi. pres. ind. pass. — Φερόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass Φίροντι, Dor. for φίρου- σι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Φίρων, -ούσα, -ov a. fem. -ρονσαν' η. du. -ροντε' pi. η. -ροντες, -ρουσαι, par. pres. act. of φίρω. Φίρουσα, -ης, >'/, pres. par. fem. of same. Also, the name of a nymph. (586) ΦΕΤ Φίρονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of φίρω. Φερσεφόνα, Dor. and iEol. for Περ- σεφόνη, Proserpina. Φίρσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. iEol. of φίρω. 1 a. ind. ίφερσα, -ας, -ε. Φίρτατος, -η, -ov, and Φίρτιστος, (sup. fr. φίρω to carry) most ex- cellent, superlative, best ; strong- est, most powerful, bravest, most courageous. Φέρτε, Sync, for φίρετε, 2 pi. pres. impr. act. of φίρω. Φίρτερος, -a, -ov, (comp. fr. φίρω to bear) more excellent, superior, better ; stronger, more powerful, more able, more courageous, braver. Φίρτιστος, see φίρτατος. Φίρω, f. οίσω, p. ήνεχα, Att. ενηνε- χα, to bring, bear, carry, waft ; to bring along, lead, conduct ; to endure, bear, suffer; to sustain, support, uphold; to govern, re- gulate; to bear fruit, produce ; to profit, avail, serve, contribute, tend to ; to pertain, appertain, belong ; to vote ; to obtain, get, procure, receive, take ; to hold out, prof- fer; to bestow, confer, give, pay ; to take or carry away, carry off, seize ; to hold, keep ; to carry on, wage. Φίρομαι, to be borne away, actuated ; to rush, hasten, hurry ; to be produced, proved or made manifest, impf. ind. act. ίφερον, -£ίι -ε. 1 f. JEol. φίρσω, 1 a. ίφερσα, -ας, -ε. The other tenses of this verb are borrowed from οίω, ενίγκω, ενείκω, and ενίχω. (from οίω) I f. ind. act. οίσω. par. 1 a. pass, οισθεϊς, -εΊσα, -εν. (from ενίγκω) 1 a. ind. act. ήνεγ- κα, for ήνεγξα. impr. ίνεγκον, -άτω' inf. ενίγκαι' par. ενίγκας. 2 a. act. ind. ήνεγκον par. ενεγ- κών, -ούσα, -όν. 1 a. mid. ind. ηνεγκάμην, -ω, -ατο. inf. ενίγ- κασθαι. (from ενείκω) 1 $. act. ind. ήνεικα, for ήνειξα' inf. ενεΓ- και' par. ενείκας. 2 a. ind. act. ήνεικον. 1 a. ind. mid. ηνεικάμην, for ηνειξάμην, and Ion. ενεικάμην sub. ενείκωμαι' inf. ενείκασθαι' par. ενεικάμενος. per. ind. act. ήνειχα. per. ind. pass, ήνειγμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, ηνείχθην. (from ενίχω) per. ind. act. ήνεχα, Att. ενιΊνεχα. 2 a. ind. act. ήνεχοι, Att. ενήνεχον. per. ind. pass. ήνεγμαι, Att. ενήνεγμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, ηνίχθην. 1 f. ind. pass. ενεχθήσομαι. per. ind. mid. ήνο- χα, Att. ενήνοχα. Φερώμεθα, 1 pi. pres. sub. pass. — Φερών, -ούσα, -ov, pres. par. act. oflast. Φευ, (perhaps fr. φίβω to frighten) alas ! oh l• away ! Φεύγε, pi. Φεύγετε, -γίτωσαν, impr. — Φεύγει, ind. 3 sin. pies. act. — Φευγον, Ion. for ίφευγον, impf. ind. act. — Φαύγοντι, Dor. for φεύγονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Φευγόντίύν, Att. for φευγίτωσαν,3 pi. pres. impr. act. — Φεύγονσαι, η. pi. fem. — Φευνούσης , g. sin. ΦΗΝ ΦΘΕ fern. pres. par. act. — ΦενγονσιΛΦηρ, -ηρρς, δ, JEol. or Ion. for $rp 3 pi. pres. iiid. act. of Φ>/ρεα, -ων, τα, tumours and swell - Φεύγω, f. φεύξω, to flee, take to\ ings of the sinews, flight* run away, escape, shun,ιΦηpή, -ης, ή, Pliere, name of a avoid: to decline ,. re/use,, turnl country. from ; to desert, leave, fly from ;\Φηρος, the food of the old gods, to fly the country, be banished, go\φηpσlv, d. pi. of φήρ. into exile ; to be accused, arraign- Φής, 2 sin. pres. ind. act. — Φης, ed, be a defendant. 2 a. ind. act. έφνγον. per. ind. mid. πέφενγα and ττέφνγα, -ας, -ε. 1 f. ind. mid. φενξομαι. Φευκτέος,-α, -ov, (verbal of last) to be avoided, shunned, fled from, &c. according to the verb. Φευκτος, -η,-ον, (fr. φεύγω to avoid) to be avoided. Φευκτών, g. pi. oflast. Φεύξίμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. φεύγω to fly) to be avoided ; which may be avoided or fled from ; affording refuge, sheltering. Φενξις, -iof, Att. -εως,ή, (fr. same) flight, escape. Φεύξομαι, -ρ, -εται, 3 pi. -ονται, 1 f. ind. mid. of φεύγω. Φέψάλος, -ου, δ, a spark. ΦεψαΧδω -ω, (fr. last) to burn, set on fire. Φη, Ion. for έφη, 3 sin. impf. or 2 a. ind. act. — Φη, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. act. of φημί. Φηγεϋς, -έος, b, Phegeus, a man's name. ΦήγΈνος, -η, -ov, (fr. next) made of beech, beechen. Φηγός, -ov, ή, Dor. Φαγός, (fr. φά- γω to eat) a beech tree, Φήγω, obs. for which φάγω. Φήη, Pleon. for φη, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. act. of φημί. Φηλέω or -όω -ω, (fr. φηλος an im- postor) to deceive, cheat, impose upon, disappoint, delude. Φήληξ, -ήχος, b, (fr. same) an im- postor, cheat, deceiver ; a sour fig seeming ripe. Φηλήτησι, d. pi. Ion. of Φηλήτης, -ov, b, (fr. φήΧος a» im- postor) an impostor, deceiver, cheat, rogue. Φήλιξ, δ, Felix, a man's name. d. Φήλικι, a. -κα. Φ/7λοί, -ov, b, an impostor, cheat, deceiver. Φημαι, η. pi. of Φήμη, -ης, η, Dor. Φάμα, -ας, a, (fr. next) rumour, fame, report, renown, celebrity ; an opinion, character ; an oracle, prediction, omen. Φημι, f. φήσω. (fr. φάω to speak) to speak, say, utter, tell, relate ; to assert, affirm, aver, state ; to call, name ; to think, deem, judge, determine. 2 a. ind. act. ίφην. Φημίζω, f. -ϊσω and -ίζω, (fr. next) to say, tell, announce, divulge, spread abroad, rumour. Φημις, -to?, η, same as φήμη. Φΐί?, φης, φη, Ion. for ίφην, -ης, -η, impf. or 2 a. ind. act. — Φηναι, 2 a. inf. act. οι φημί. Φηναι, Att. for φάναι, 2 a. inf. act. of φαίνω. Φήνη, -ης , *ι, an 9*prey, eagle. Ion. for εφης, 2 sin. impf. or 2 a. ind. act. — Φης, 2 sin. 2 a sub. act — Φήσεια, -ας, -t, iEol. for Φήσαιμι,.-σαις, -σαι, 1 a. opt. act. — Φήσεις, 2 sin. 1 f. ind act — Φησθα, Ion. and iEol. Parag. for εφης, 2 sin. impf. 2 a. ind. act. — Φ^σί or -σιν, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Φησι Ion. Parag. for φή, 3 sin. 2 a, Sub. act. θΐ φημί. Φη'στος, -ου, δ, fr. Lat. Festus, a man's name. Φήσω, I f. ind. act. of φάω or of φημί. Φήτρη, -ης, η, a tribe. Φθαίην, 2 a. opt. act. — Φθάμενος 2 a. par. mid. — Φθάν, Bceot for φθήσαν, Ion. for έφθησαν, i pi. 2 a. ind. act. — Φθάναι, pres inf. act. or for φθήναι, 2- a. inf. act. of φθημι, for Φθάνω, f. φθάσω, p. έφθακα, to be beforehand wiih, do a thing before anotlier, anticipate ; to prevent, preclude ; to occupy, engage, se- cure ; to be able ; to hasten ; to come upon, surprise ; to escape, avoid, shwi. 1 a. act. ind. έφ- θασα' sub. φθάσω. 2 a. incL act. έφθην, (from φθημι) 2 a. mid. ind. εώθάμην par. φθάμενος. Φθαρεϊς,'2 a. par. pass, of φθείρω. Φθαρθι, Sync, for φθάρθητι, 1 a. impr. pass, of same. Φθάρμα, -ατός, το, (fr. φθείρω to corrupt) corruption. Φθαρτός, -ή, -ov, (fr. same) cor- ruptible, perishable. Φθάς, 2 a. par. act. of φθημι, for φθάνω. )άσας, I a. par. act. a. Φθάσαντα, — Φθάσω, 1 f. ind. act. — Φθάσω- μεν, 1 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of φθάνω. Φθέγγεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. — Φθέγ- γετ, Ion. for εφθέγγετο, 3 sin. impf; ind. mid. — Φθέγγοιθ', Ion for φθέγγοιτο, 3 sin. pres. opt.— Φθεγγύμενος, -η,, -ov, par. pres mid. of Φθεγγομαι, f. mid. φθέγξομαι, per έφθεγμαι, to sound, resound, roar, crow, creak ; to speak, utter, di- vulge. Φθέγγονθ\ Ion. for εφθέγγοντο, 3 pi. impf. ind. mid. oflast Φθέγμα, -ατός, το, (fr. φθεγγομαι- to speak) a voice, speech, utterance, discourse, eloquence ; sound, noise, tune. Φθεγζάμενος, -η, -ov, 1 a. par. mid, — Φθεγξείται, Dor. for Φθεγξε- ται, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. mid. of Φθεγ- γομαι. Φθείμην, -εϊο, -ε7το, pres. opt. mid. or pass, or 2 a. opt. mid. οί φθη- μι, same as φϋάνω. Φθείομην, Sys. φθείωμεν, 1 pi. of φθειω, -ης, -n, Poet, for φθέω, -ίης, -ίη, which is Ion. for φθω, -ης, -η, 2 a. sub. act. of same. Φθεϊρ,-ρος,Ι, (fr. φθείρω to destroy) a louse. Φθείρει, -ρουσι, 3 sm. and pi. pres.— φθειρεί, 3 sin. If. ind. act.— Φθεί- ρα, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. of φθείρα. Φθειρίασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. next) the lousy disease. Φθειριάω -ω, f. -άσω, (fr. φθειβ a louse, th. φθείρω to destroy) to be full of lice, to be afflicted with the lousy disease. Φθειοίζω, and Φθειρίζομαι, (fr. same) to hunt or catch lice, clear off lice ; to be bitten with lice. Φθειρόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. — Φθείρονται, pass. — Φθείρουσι, act. 3 p'l. pres. ind. — Φθείρωσι, 3 pi. pres. sub. act. of φθείρω. Φθειροφαγεω -ω, (fr. φθεΐρ, a louse, arid φάγω to eat) to feed on lice. Φθείρω, f. φθερ&,ο. έφ&αρκα, to cor- rupt, spoil; to infect, taint, vi- tiate ; to destroy, waste, ruin, ravage ; to deflower, defile, pol- lute ; to disquiet, vex, trouble, grieve ; to kill, slay, cut off; to fail, decay , wither ; to finish, come to an end, conclude, perish, die. Φθείρομαι, to go or come with bad luck ; to go and be hanged. 1 a. ind. act. έφθειρα, -ας, -ε. 2 a. ind. act. έφθάρον, -ες, -ε. 2 a. ind. pass, εφθάρην, -ης, -η• sub. φθαρώ,-ης, -η. per. ind. pass, έφθαρμαι, -σαι, -ται. Φθεΐται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass, cont. of φθέω. Φθερε7,35ΐτι. 1 f. ind. act. of φθείρω Φθέρρω,ΐ. φθέρσω, -<92ol. for φθείρω. Φθέρσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. oflast. Φθερσιγενής, -έος -ους, δ, )?,(&. φθεί ρω to destroy, and γένος a race) destructive to a family. Φθέω, f. φθήσω, same as φθείρω. Φθίωμεν, Ion. for 00oS«£i>,see φθεί- ομεν. Φθη, Ion. for. έφθη, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. — Φθη, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. act— . Φθήη, for φθαίη, 3 sin. 2 a. opt act. or by Pleon. for φθι-,, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. act. of Φθημι, same as φθάνω. 2 a. act. ind. έφθην'ΟΌί. φθαίην'5\ιθ. φθω. Φθήσε, Ion. for έφθησε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Φθ^σί,Ιοη. Parag. for φθη, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. act. of φθημι. Φθήσομαι, 3 pi. φθτ,σονται, 1 f. ind. mid. of φθάνω. ΦθΊα, -ας, Ion. -Ίη, -ης, »/, Phthia, a city of Thessaly. Φθιμένοισι, d. pi. of Φθίμενος^-ου, b, η, (Ion. for εφθιμέ- νος, par. per. pass, or Sync, for φθιάμενος, par. pres. pass, of φθίω to corrupt) corrupted, de- cayed, wasted ; spoiled, ruined, ravaged ; lost, destroyed, killed ; deceased, dead. Φθινόκαρπος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. φθίνω same as th. φθείρω to corrupt and καρπός fruit) no longer bear- ing fruit, barren, old. Φθινοττωρις, -ίδος, c, η, and Φθινοπώ» ρΊνος, -η,-ον, (fr. next) autumnal, late, kdC'npening ; wintry, to* ΦΘΟ wards winter ; blighting, wither- ing, destructive. Φθινόπωρον, -ou,To,(fr. φθίνω to pe- rish, and οπώρα autumn ) the close of the year, autumn ; late fruit. Φθιννθεσκε, Ion. and Epenth. for εφθίνυθε,3 sin. impf. ind. act. of next. Or the Ion. impf. of φθινυθέσκω, same as φθίνω or φθέω. Φθιννθω, same as next. Φθίνω, same as φθέω, or φθείρω. Φθίνοντος μηνός, at the end of the month. Φθινώδης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. last) consumptive. Φθισήνορα, a. sin. of Φθισήνωρ, -ορός, δ, ?/, (fr. φθίω or φθέω to destroy, and ανηρ a man) destructive, mortal, deadly. Φθίσθαι, Φθίσθω, Sync, for φθίεσ- θαι, inf. and φθιέσθω, 3 sin. impr. pres. mid. or for εφθίσθαι, inf. and εφθίσθω, 3 sin. impr. per. pass, of φθίω. Φθισίβροτος, and Φθισίμβροτος, -ov, b, t), (fr. φθίω or φθέω to destroy, and βροτος a mortal) deadly, mortal, destructive, bloody. ΦθΊσις, -ως, Att. -εως, f), (fr. φθίω or φθέω to waste away) cor- ruption, waste, destruction ; in- fection ; decay, consumption. Φθίσω, 1 f. ind. act. of Φθίω, f. -Τσω, (fr. φβ,ί.ω to waste) to waste, consume, destroy, ruin, injure, hurt, kill; to pine or waste away, decay, wither ; to finish, come ίο an end 4 perish, die. Φθόγγος, -ov, Ό, and Φθογγη, -ης, ή, (fr. φθέγγομαι to utter) a voice, sound, noise, tune, note ; an in- strument of sound flute, string &c. Φθόα, -ας, and Φθόη, -ης, ή, (fr. φθέω to perish) a consumption, decay, phthisis. Φθόϊς, cont. Φθοϊς, -ιδος or -ιυς,η, a kind of cake. φθονερός, -a, -ov, (fr. φθόνος envy) envious, spiteful, malicious; en- vied. Φθονείτε, 2 pi. cont. pres. impr. act. of Φθονέω -ω, f. -ί'σω,ρ. εφθόνηκα, (fr. φθόνος envy) to envy, grudge ; to deny, refuse. 1 a. ind. act. εφθό- νησα. Φθονήσας, -ασα, -αν, 1 a. par. act. oflast. Φθόνος, -ου, δ, (fr. φθέω to pine) en- vy, jealousy ; malice, spitejhatred, grudge, stint ; blame, censure. Φθυνονμεν, 1 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. — Φθονουντας, a. pi. cont. par. pres. act Φθονοϋσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. οι φθονέω. Φύορα, -ας, ή, and Φθόρος, -ov, b,{fr. φθείρω to destroy) corruption ΦΙΛ Φϊ, and Φϊν, a Poet, particle, add- ed by Paragoge. Φιάλη, -ης, ή, a bowl, bason, cup, goblet, urn, phial. Φιαλίσκη, -ης, and ΦιαλΊς , -ϊδος, η, (dim. of last) a little cup, bowl, goblet, phial. Φιαρος, -a, -bv, (fr. φάος light, th. φάω to shine) bright, shining, re- splendent ; sleek, fat. Φιβαλέη, -ης, η, a dried fig, raisin. Φίβλα, -ης, ή, (fr. Lat. fibula, a clasp) a buckle, clasp. Φιδάκνη, -ης, η, for πιθάκνη. Φιδέω,ΒΆτηβ &$φείδω. per.ind.pass. πεφίδημαι. ppfut. πεφιδήσομαι. Φίκιος, -ου, δ, name of a mountain. Φίλ', for φίλε, v. sin. or for φίλα, neut. pi! οι φίλος. Φιλάγαθος, -ov, δ,»'/, (fr. φίλος fond, and αγαθός good) ο friend or lover of good men, or of good- ness, upright, righteous. Φιλάγλάος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and αγλαος splendid) fond of splen- dour, magnificent, grand. Φιλαδέλφεια, -ας, ή, Philadelphia, name of a city. Φιλαδέλφεια, -aj, η, (fr. φΟος friend- ly, and αδελφός a brother) bro- therly love, affection. Φιλάδελφος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) full of brotherly love, fond of one's brother, affectionate, kind. Φιλάθείς, Dor. for φιληθείς, 1 a. par. pass. — Φίλαι, Sync, for φί- λησαι,Ι a. impr. mid. of φιλέω. Φιλαίτατος,Ιοη. and Dor. for φι- λώτατος, sup. οι φίλος. Φιλαίτιος, -ov, δ, η, (fr. φίλος fond, and αιτία blame) apt to blame, censorious, severe, morose, con- tentious, quarrelsome. Φίλάμα,-ατος, το, Dor. for φίλημα. Φιλαμαρτήμων, -όνος, b,f], (fr. φίλος fond, and αμάρτημα sin) loving sins, wicked, depraved, repror- bate.' Φιλανδρία, -ας, fj, (fr. same, and ανηρ a husband) the love of a husband, conjugal attachment, affection. Φίλανδρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) lov- ing one's husband, affectionate, tender ; resorted to, populous, crowded. Φιλανθρωπέο) -ω, f. -ήσω, p. πεφι- λανθρώπηκα, (fr. φίλος fond, and άνθρωπος a man) to love men, act kindly, be humane ; to speak to or address affably. Φιλανθρωπία, -ας, η, (fr. same) hu- manity, philanthropy, benevo- lence, kindness ; civility. Φιλάνθρωπος, -ov, b, f), (fr. same) humane, gentle, courteous, bene- volent, kind. Φιλανθρώπως, (fr. last) humanely, benevolently, kindly, affably. Φιλαργνρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. πεφιλαρ- decay, dissolution, death; ruin,\ γύρηκα, (fr. φίλος fond, and άρ- γνρος silver) to be fond of mo- ney, avaricious ; to covet. Φιλαργυρία, -ας, //, (fr. same) love of money, covetousness, avarice. Φιλάργυρος, -ον,Ι,η, (fr. same)/on<2 of moneu, covetous, avaricious. (588) destruction ; contagion, pesti- lence, plague ; mischief, bane, loss ; carnage, slaughter. ϊθόρος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) de- structive, pernicious, ruinous, in- jurious ; deadly, mortal. ΦΙΛ Φ(λας, -αδος, η", (fr. φιλέω to love) a joint, coupling, joining, Φιλάσαι, Dor. for φιλησαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Φιλάσε, Ion. and Dor. for εφίλησε, 3 sin. a. ind. act. — Φί- λάσον, Oor. for φίλησον, I a.impr. act. — Φίλάσω, -σείί, -σει, Dor. for φιλήσω, 1 f. ind. act. of φιλέω. Φίλατο, Ion. for εφίλατο, 3 sin. impf. ind. pass, of φίλημι, same as φιλέω' or Sync, for εφιλήσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of φιλέω. Φιλαντία, -ας, η, (fr. φίλος fond, and αντος self) self-love, selfishness. Φίλαυτος, -ov, Ό, %, (fr. same) lov- ing one's self, selfish. Φίλε, for φίλεε, pres. impr. act. — Φιλέειν, pres. inf. act. — Φιλέεσκε, Ion. for εφίλεε -ει, 3 sin. impf. act. — ΦιλεΊς, -λεΊ, 2 and 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. — Φιλέωσιν, Dor. and i£ol. for φι\έονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act Φίλεον, Ion. for εφίλεον, impf. act. •— Φιλέοντι, Dor. for φιλονσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of φιλέω. Φιλελεήμων, -όνος, δ, ^, (fr. φίλος fond, and ελεήμων pity) loving mercy, merciful, compassionate. Φιλέορτος, -ov, b, ^, (fr. φίλος fond, and εορτή a feast) fond of feast- ing or holydays, jovial, convivial. Φιλεπιτιμητης, -of, δ, η, (fr. same, and επιτιμάω to blame, th. τιμή punishment) apt to blame, censo- rious, severe, morose. Φιλεργέω -ω, (fr. same, and έργον work) to be fond of work, work hard, attend, be busy. Φιλεργία, -ας, hi (fr• same) dili- gence, carefulness, attention. Φίλεργος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) fond of work, diligent, attentive, labo- rious. Φιλέρημος,-ον, b,fj, (fr. φίλος fond, and έρημος the desert) loving so- litude, solitary, lonely, retired. Φιλέρϊθος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and έριθος a wool spinner) fond of spinning wool. Φιλευνται, Dor. for φιλοννται, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. pass. — Φιλεΰντες, Dor. for φιλουντες, η. pi. cont. pres. par. act. — Φιλεΰντι, Dor. for φιλονσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. — Φιλεϋσα, Dor. for φιλούσα, pres. par. fern. cont. — Φιλεϋσι, Dor. for φιλουσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of φιλέω. Φιλεχθης, -έος τους, and Φίλεχθρος, -ov, δ, η, (fr. φίλος fond, and έχ- θος hatred) quarrelsome, conten- tious ; odious, hateful. Φιλεχθέω or -θρέω, f. -ήσω, p. πεφι- λέχθηκα, to love enmity, be fond of quarrelling , wrangle, dispute; to hate, dislike. Φϊλέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. πεφίληκα, (fr. φίλος fond) to kiss, embrace ; to love, cherish, be fond of, dote on ; to treat kindly, receive hospitably, entertain ; to use, be wont, be accustomed, impf. ind. act. εφί- λεον -ουν. 1 a. act. ind. εφίλησα' sub. φιλήσω' inf. φιλησαι. per. ind. pass, πεφίλημαι. per. ind. mid. ττίφιΧα. Φ1Λ *ίλ»7, -ης, >'h (fern, of φίλος dear) a female friend. Φιλήδονος, -ου, b, {), (fr. φίλος fond, and ηδονή pleasure) addicted to pleasure, voluptuous, luxurious. Φιληκοια, ~ας, η, (fr. same, and ακούω to hear) love of hearing, curiosity ; desire for learning. Φιλήκοος, -ου, δ, »/, (fr. same) de- sirous of hearing, attentive, in- quisitive, curious. Φίλημα, -ατός, rb, (fr. φιλέω to kiss, th. φίλος friendly) a kiss, em- brace, salute. Φιλήμεναι, Ion. or Dor. for φιληναι, 2 a. inf. act. of φίλημι, for φιλέω• or by Ectas. for φιλέμεναι, wh. Dor. for φιλεΊν, pres. inf. act. cont. οι φιλίω. Φίλημι, same as φιλέω. Φιλήμων, -όνος, b, a man's name. d. Φιλήμονι. Φιλήνιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. φίλος fond, and ηνία the reins) fond of the reins, or of driving ; obedient trained. Φιλήνωρ, -ορός, b, (fr. φίλος friend- ly, and av>)p a man) affectionate ; kind, benevolent. Φίλησ'' Dor. for εφίλησε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Φίλ^σαί, 1 a. inf. act. — Φιλήσης, 2 sin. 1 a.' sub. act. — Φιλ?/σω, 1 f. ind. act. of φιλέω. Φιλησίμολπος, -ου, b, η", (fr. φίλος fond, and μέλπω to sing) delight- ing in singing, fond of songs, musical. Φίλησις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, %, (fr. φι- λέω to love, th. φίλος friendly) love, affection, attachment ; friends- ship, regard; kindness, fond- ness. Φιλήτης, -ov, δ, (fr. φίλος a friend) a seducer ; a thief, robber. Φιλητης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a lover, Φιλητος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) lovely, dear, beloved. Subs, the name of a man. Φιλία, -ας, η, (fr. same) friend- ship, esteem, regard; love, affec- tion. Φιλιάζω, f. -ασω, p. πεφιλίακα, (fr last) to form a friendship with, become a friend to, associate, be- friend ; to declare love. Φιλ'ϊκος, ->), -bv, (fr. φίλος fond) productive of friendship, friendly, benevolent, kind. Φιλιόομαι, (fr. same) to become a friend, befriend, assist. Φίλιος, -a, -ov, or -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same) in friendship, friendly, al- lied, peaceable. An epithet of Jupiter presiding over friend- ship. Φιλιππήσιος, -ου, δ, η, and Φιλιπ- πικος, -η, -bv, of or belonging to the city Philippi. Φίλιπποι, -ων, οι, name of a town, Philippi. Φίλιππος, -ου, δ, (fr. φίλος fond, and Ίππος a horse) fond of horses, martial. Also, a man's name. Φιλί?, -ίδος, fj, a cane, reed; a pipe, flute ; a woman's name. Φιλίστος, -ov, δ-, Philistus, a man's ΦΤΛ name ; or, for φίλτατος, sup. and φίλιων or φίλτερος, comp. of φίλος. Φίλλύρα, -ας, η, a woman's name. Φιλλυρέα, -ας, η, a shrub like pri- vet, phillyria. Φιλλνρίδας, -a, b, Dor. for Φίλλυ- ρίδης, -ov, b, the son of Phillyra. νιλοβολήτης, -ου, δ, (fr. φίλος a friend, and βάλλω to throw) a friend who risks his life to avert another's danger. ίιλογέωργος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. φίλος fond, and γεωpγbς a husband- man, which fr. γη the land, and έργον work) loving husbandry, fond of agriculture, a farmer. Φιλογηθής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and γηθέω to rejoice) rejoicing, joyous, glad, delighted. Φιλογυναιος, -ου, δ, >/, (fr. same, and γυνή a woman) loving wo- men, fond of a wife, uxorious. Φιλοδέσποτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and δεσπότης a master)J"cmd of his master, faithful. Φιλόδημος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and δήμος the people) loving the peo- ple, patriotic. Φιλόδοξος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and δόξα glory or opinion ) fond of glory, ambitious ; led by opinion, time serving, plausible. Φιλόδονπος,-ου, δ, »/, (fr. same, and δονπέω to sound) much-sound- ing, loud, pealing. Φιλόζωος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and ζωη life,~th. ζάω to live) desirous of life ; fond of animals ; benefi- cent, kind. Φιλοθεάμων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. same, and d -εάομαι to look at) fond of sights, curious. Φιλόθεος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and θεbς God) loving God, α lover of God; pious, devout, righteous. Φιλοθερία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and ■Β-ηρ a wild beast) the desire of hunting. Φιλοθρηνης, -έος -ους, and Φιλόθρη- νος, -ου, δ, 17, (fr. φίλος fond, and S -ρηνος lamentation) fond of mourning, sorrowful, sad ; dole- ful, mournful. ΦίλοΓ, 3 sin. cont. pres. opt. act. of φιλέω. Φιλυίφας, -α, δ, Dor. for Φιλοίφης, -ov, b, (fr. φίλος fond, and οιφέω to commit fornication) a lecher- ous person. Φιλόκάλος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. φίλος fond, and κάλος beautiful) loving beauty ; admiring nobleness, fair- ness or honesty, honourable ; ele- gant, neat, accomplished, of good taste. Φιλοκαλως, (fr. last) elegantly, neat- ly, tastefully. Φιλοκέρδεια, -ας, η, (fr. φίλος fond, and κέρδος gain) love of gain, avarice. Φιλοκερδής, -έος -ονς, δ, >/, (fr. same) fond of gain, covetous, avaricious. Φιλοκέρτομος, -ov, b, ;/, (fr. φίλος fond, and κέρτομος reproachful, which fr. κέαρ the heart, and (589) ΦΙΛ th. τέμνω to cut) fond of cen- sure, reproachful, scolding, op• probrious. Φιλοκίνδυνος, -ου, δ, λ/, (fr. same, and κίνδννος danger) ready to en- counter danger, daring, bold, venturous. Φιλοκινδύνως, (fr. last) daringly, boldly, courageously. Φιλόκοσμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. φίλος fond, and κόσμος order) loving order or ornament, fond of dress, adorned. Φιλοκτέανος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and κτάομαι to possess) covetous, greedy of wealth, avaricious. Comp. φιλοκτεανώτερος, sup. -νώτατος. Φιλολογέω -ω, (fr. same, and λόγος discourse, th. γέγω to speak) to discuss willingly, be fond of arguing or reasoning ; to phi- losophize, study, pursue litera- ture. Φιλολογία, -ας, ή, (fr. same) love of discussion or argument; love oj letters, study of literature. Φιλόλογος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) fond of discussion or argument, devoted to study, studious, litera- ry, a philologist. Φιλομαθέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. πεφιλο- μάΟηκα, (fr. oiiXocfond, and μαν- θάνω to learn) to desire to learn, wish to improve. Φιλομαθής, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. same) desirous of learning, stu- dious. ΦΐΚυμαι, same as φιλέω, from it may be formed φΐλαι, 1 a. impr. mid. and εφϊλατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. with φϊ long. Φιλόμαντις, -ιος, Att. -εως, δ, η, (fr. φίλος fond, and μάντις a prophet) fond of diviners, credulous, su- perstitious. Φιλομμειδης, -έος -ονς, δ, η, (fr. same, and μειδάω to laugh) laughter-loving, smiling. Φιλομμηδης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and μηδος care, in ρί. μή- δεα the privy parts) lascivious, lecherous, wanton. Φιλόμολπος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and μολπη a song, th. μέλπω to sing) fond of song, charmed with singing, musical. Φιλομουσία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and Μούσα a Muse) love of or taste for music. Φιλόμουσος, -ov, b, ?% (fr. same) fond of music, musical ; fond of study, studious, literary ; learned, accomplished. Φιλόμϋθος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. φίλος fond, and μύθος a fable) fond of fables, delighting in stories, romantic. Φιλόμωσος, -ου, δ, η, Dor. for φιλό- μουσος. Φιλονεικέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. φίλος fond, and νεΊκος strife) to emu- late, vie with, rival ; to dispute, strive, contend ; to brawl, quarrel. Φιλονεικία, -ας, η, (fr. same) love of contention, dispute, strife, quarrel; emulation, jealousy % ri- valry. ΦΙΑ Φιλόνεικος, -ου, δ, >/, (fr. same) fond of contention or disputes; contentious ; emulous, eager, anxious; spirited, mettlesome. Φιλονεικούντων, g. pi. cont. pres. par. pass, of φιλονεικέω. Φιλονείκως, (fr. φιλόνεικος emulous) emulously, anxiously, earnestly. Φιλοξενία, -ας, η~, (fr. φίλος fond, and ξένος a stranger) hospita- lity. Φιλόξενος, -ov, b, ή, (fr. same) hos- pitable, a friend to strangers. Φιλοπαίγμων, -όνος, b, η, (fr. φίλος fond, and παίγμα a play, th, πα7ς a boy) fond of play or jests ; facetious, witty ; sportive, playful Φιλοπαρθένιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and παρθένος a virgin) loving maids; fond of virginity. Φιλόπλουτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and πλούτος wealth) a lover or fond of wealth, covetous, avari- cious. Φιλοποίμνιος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and ιτοιμήν a shepherd) fond of flocks, pastoral. Φιλόπολις, -ιος, Att. -εως, δ, //, (fr. same, and πόλις a city) a lover of the city, attached to the state, patriotic. ΦιλοπολΊτης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a lover of one's country ; a fiend of the citizens. Φιλοπονίω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. φίλος fond, and πόνος labour) to love labour, labour diligently, exert, endeavour, toil. Φιλοπονία, -ας, fj, (fr. same) dili- gence, industry. Φιλόπονος, -ου, δ, ^, (fr. same) in- dustrious, laborious, diligent. Comp. φιλοπονώτερος, sup. -ώτα- τος. Φιλοπονυυσιν, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of φιλοπονέ'ύ. Φιλοπόνως, (fr. φιλόπονος laborious) laboriously, diligently, with pains. Φιλοπροσηγορία, -ας, r/, (fr. next) affability, courteousness, civility. Φιλοπροσήγορος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. φί- λος fond, προς to, and αγορεύω to address, th. αγορά a speech) affable, courteous, condescend- ing. Φιλοπρωτεία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and πρώτος first) love of precedency, wish to be first, ambition. Φιλοπρωτεύω, f. -ενσω, (fr. same) to love to be first or chief claim the pre-eminence, be ambitious, arrogate, par. pres. act. φιλο- πρωτεύων. Φιλόπρωτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) wishing to be first, ambitious, aspiring, presumptuous, arro- gant. Φίλος, -ov, b, a friend. Φίλος, -η, -ov, dear, beloved, che- rished ; kind, friendly, benevo- lent, loving, fond, attached, af- fectionate ; agreeable, pleasing, grateful ; sometimes used in- stead of a possessive pronoun, mine, thine, own ΦΙΛ and σκώμμα a taunt) fond of raillery, waggish, jocose ; severe, keen. Φιλοσοφεω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and σοφός wise) to love or be de- voted to wisdom ; to profess phi- losophy, commence philosopher; to teach or learn philosophy ; to philosophize, analyze, examine; to treat of, discuss, study. Φιλοσοφία, -ας, ή, (fr. same) the love, study or pursuit of wisdom or learning ; wisdom, philosophy, study ; eloquence ; a monastic life. Φιλοσοφικός, -η, -bv, (fr. same) philosophic. Φιλόσοφος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) α lover of wisdom or learning ; a wise man, philosopher; philoso- phic, xoise, learned. Φιλοσοφουντας, a. pi. cont. pres. par. act. of φιλοσοφεω. Φιλοστοργία, -ας, f), (fr. φίλος friendly, and στοργή affection, th. στέργω to love) natural affec- tion, attachment. Φιλόστοργος, -ου, b, t), (fr. same) loving, affectionate, tender, at- tached. Φιλοστόργως, (fr. last) affectionate- ly, tenderly, kindly, indulgently. νιλοσώφρων, -όνος, b, y), (fr. φίλος kind, and σώφρων prudent) mo- derate, temperate. Φιλότας, -άτος, b, Dor. for φιλότης. Φιλοτεκνία, -ας, ή, (fr. φίλος fond, and τίκνον offspring, th. τίκτω to beget) love or affection for children. Φιλότεκνος, -ov, b, >;, (fr. same) loving one's children, affectionate. Φιλότεχνος, .-ου, δ, η, (fr. φίλος fond, and τέχνη an art) skilful, ingenious, clever. Φιλότης, -ητος, η, (fr. φίλος friend- ly) love, affection, attachment, friendship, benevolence, good- will, regard; a friend. Φιλοτήσια, -ας, η, viz. πόσις, (fr. same) a friendly drink; a pledge of love. Φιλοτήσιος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) friendly, affectionate, of or relat- ing to love, amatory. Φιλότησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) friendship, regard, esteem. ΦιλοτιμεΊσθαι, pres. inf. mid. cont. of Φιλοτ'ιμέομαι -ουμαι,ϊ. -ήσομαι, (fr. φίλος fond, and τιμή honour, th. τίω to honour) to court or woo honour, thirst after honour to endeavour anxiously, strive earnestly ; to emulate, rival, vie with ; to be ambitious, make it ■ one's ambition, esteem it an honour, desire extremely ; to boast, be elated, be vain or self- sufficient ; to indulge in ; to bribe, give liberally, bestow; to persecute with hatred, thirst for revenge. Φιλοτίμημα, -ατός, τό, (fr. same) a pursuit, object of desire ; vani- ty, ambition. Φιλοσκώμμων\ Όνος, b, h, (fr. last, φιλοτιμία) -ας, h, (fr. same) a do- (590) ΦΙΛ sire or thirst for honour, ambi- tion ; emulation, rivalry, com- petition ; a donation, largess, mu- nificence ; zeal, eagerness, ear- nestness. ΦιλότΊμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) de- sirous of honour, ambitious; emu- lous, rival ; zealous, earnest ; munificent, liberal. Φιλότιμου μέθα, 1 pi. ind. — Φιλότι- μου μένος, -η, -ov par. pres. pass, cont. of φιλοτιμέομαι. Φιλοτίμως, (fr. φιλότιμος ambi- tious) ambitiously, eagerly, anx- iously, zealously, diligently. Φιλότμητος, -ov, b, $, (fr. φίλος agreeable, and τέμνω to cut) ap- pointed or fixed for circumci- sion. Φιλοτροφέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and τρέφω to nourish) to delight in feeding or breeding. Φίλου, g. sin. of φίλος. Φιλούντων, g. Φιλουντας, a. pi. cont. par. — Φιλονσι or -σιν, 3 pi. cont. ind. pres. act. of φιλέω. Φιλοφρονέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. πεφιλο- φρόνηκα, (fr. φίλος kind, and φρονέω to think, th. φρην the mind) to think friendly, be bene- volent, kind or zealous; to be courteous, treat kindly, welcome, entertain ; to prove one's self grateful. Φιλοφρόνως, (fr. φιλόφρων friendly) kindly, courteously, benevolently, humanely. Φιλοφροσυνη, -ης, %, (fr. next) friendship, kindness, benevolence; ■ courtesy complaisance ; cheerful- ness, mirth. Φιλόφρων, -όνος, b, {/, (fr. φίλος kind, and φρην the mind) friend- ly, kind, benevolent; complai- sant, courteous. Φιλόφωνος, -ου, δ, ft, (fr. same, and φωνή a voice) talkative, garru- lous. φιλοχρηματία, -ας, and Φιλοχρημο- συνη, -ης, fj, (fr. same, and χρή- μα wealth) love of money, covet- ousness, avarice. νιλοχρήματος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) desirous of money, avaricious. Φιλοψνχία, -ας, η, Ion. -ίη, -ης, ,% (fr. φίλος fond of, and ψυχϊι life) love of life ; cowardice, timidity. Φίλτατ', for φίλτατε, v. sin. of Φίλτατος, -η, -ov, and Φίλτερος, -a, . -ov, cont. fr. φιλύτατος, and -τε- ρος, sup. and comp. of φίλος. Φίλτρον, -ου, το, (fr. φίλος dear) a love charm or potion ; the attrac- tion of love, love. Φιλύκη, -ης, η, an evergreen tree. Φίλυπνος, -ου, b, η", (fr. φίλος fond, and ύπνος sleep) fond of sleep, drowsy, sleepy. φίλΰρα, -ας, η, a linden tree, lime tree. Φιλώ, 1 sin. cont. pres. ind. or sub. — Φιλών, par. pres. act. cont. of φιλέω. Φιλώτα, Dor. for ΦιλώνοΌν, g. sin. of Φιλώνδας, a name. λώτερος, comp. — φιλώτατος^ slip, of φίλος* ΦΛΕ ΑΊμός, -ου, δ, and Φίμον, -ου, το, α cheese-vat ; a headstall, halter, rein, bit ; a muzzle ; the string or tying of a sack ; a fishing net ; a dice box. Φιμουν, pres. inf. act. cont. of ΦΊμόω -ώ, f. -ώσω,ρ. πεφίμωκα, (fr. φιμός a muzzle) to muzzle, tie up the mouth ; to confine, bind up, tie fast ; to cause silence, si- lence; to be silent, dumb, hold one's peace. 1 a. ind. act. εφί- μωσα. per. pass. ind. πεφίμνμαι• impr. πεφίμωσο, -ώσθω. 1 a. pass. ind. εφιμώθην, -ης, -η' impr. φιμώθητι. Φιμωθείς, par. — Φιμώθητι, impr. 1 a. pass. — Φιμώσεις, 2 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of φιμόω. Φϊν, for σφίν, d. du. of συ. ΦΊντις, -ιος, Att. -εως, b, a cha- rioteer ; a director, guide; the mind. Φιξ, -κός, fj, Bosot. for σφίγξ. Φιτρός, -ου, b, (fr. next) a stump, trunk, stock, block. Φιτύω same as φυτεύω. Φλάζω, to prattle, blab, talk idly ; to speak inarticulately, stammer, stutter ; to boil, bubble up, foam. Φλςίν, pres. inf. act. cont. οΐφλάω. Φλανύσσω, (fr. φλέω to trifle) to prate, prattle, blab, talk foolishly, trifle ; to rave, dote. Φλάσαν, Ion. for έφλασαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. οΐψλάω. Φλαϋρος, -a, -ov, same as φαύλος. Φλαύρως, (fr. last) badly, vilely, meanly. Φλάω -ω, f. -ασω, Att. for θν\αω, to pound, bruise logetlier, grind ; to soften by pounding ; to burst, break, crack, rend ; to eat vora- ciously, swallow. Φλεβοτομέω -ω, (fr. /, (fr. same) cutting a vein, bleeding. Φλεβο- τόμον, -ου, το, a lancet. Φλεγεθοίατο, Ion. for φλεγέθοιντο, 3 pi. pres. opt. pass. — Φλεγέ- θοντος, g. sin. pres. par. act. of Φλεγέθω, same as φλέγω. Φλεγέθων, -οντος, b, (fr. last) Phle- gethon, one of the rivers of the heathen hell. Φλέγεις, -ε7σα, -εν, 2 a. par. pass, of φλέγω. Φλέγμα, -ατός, το, (fr. φλέγω to burn) inflammation, heat; flame, fire; phlegm, spit. Φλεγμαίνω, f. -ανω, (fr. last) to burn, glow, be inflamed, swell; to be puffed up, become insolent, haughty, proud. 1 a. ind. act. εφλέγμηνα. . Φλεγμένοι, 1 a. inf. act. of last. Φλεγμονή, -ης, ,',, (fr. φλέγμα in- flammation, th. φλέγω to burn) inflammation, heat. ϊλεγοίατο, Ion. for φλέγοιντο,3ρ\. pres. opt. pass.— Φλέγοντι, Dor. for φλέγουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. ol φλέγω. ΦΛΟ Φλέγρα, -ας, fj, a city of Macedo- nia. Φλε^υβο, g. sin. JEkil. of Φλεχύαί, -ου, b, an eagle. Φλέγω, f. φλέξω, p. πέφλεχα, to kindle, inflame, light ; to blaze, shine, glitter ; to illuminate, brighten, illustrate; to pain, tor- ment, gall ; to burn, be on fire ; to be inflamed or irritated. Φλέγων, -οντος, b, a man's name. Φλεδονεία, -ας, η, (fr. φλέδων silly, th. φλέω to trifle) foolishness, folly, trifles. φλεδονενω, and Φλεδονέω -ώ, (fr. next) to tnflle, play the fool ; to blab, chatter, prate, talk idly. Φλέδων, -όνος, Ό, η, (fr. φλέω to trifle) . a trifler, vain, foolish, frivolous. Φλέξας, 1 a. par. act Φλεχθεϊς, -εΧσα, -h, 1 a. par. pass. — Φλεχ- θηναι, 1 a. inf. pass, of φλέγω. Φλεύω, to boil over, bubble up ; to scald, scorch, burn. Φλϊψ, φλεβός, η, avein. Φλέω, to bubble, boil up ; to trifle, play the fool, blab, talk idly ; to abound, be full. Φληναφέω -ω, (fr. φλέω to trifle) to play the fool, trifle, be silly. Φλήναφος, -ου, b, (fr. same) idle talk, nonsense, trifles ; a trifler. Φληνϋω, same as φλέω. Φλιά, -ας, t), the post or frame of a door ; a threshold, the sides of a ladder, an upright prop ; a porch. Φλίβω, JEol for $λίβω. Φλιδάω -ω, to putrefy, rot ; to be lorn, lacerated or cut in pieces; to become wrinkled, shrivel, shrink. Φλόγα, a. — Φλογϊ, d. — Φλογός, g. of φλδξ. Φλόγεος, and Φλογερός, -a, -bv, (fr. φλόξ a name, th. φλέγω to burn) flaming, burning; bright, shin- ing, glittering, φλογερην, a. sin. fem. Ion. Φλογίζω, f. -"έσω, p. πεφλόγικα, (fr. same) to inflame, burn, set on fire, kindle, blaze, pres. par. act. φλογίζων, -ούσα, -ov. 1 a. ind. act. εφλόγισα. pres. pass. ind. φλογίζομαι' par. φλογιζόμενος. 1 a. ind. pass, εφλογίσθην, -ης, -η. Φλογίζων, -ούσα, -ov, act. — Φλογι- ζόμενος, -η, -ov, pass. par. pres. of last. Φλόγίνος, -η, -ov, and Φλογόεις, -εσ- σα, -εν, (fr. φλέγω to burn) burn- ing, flaming ; glittering, shining. Φλογός, g. sin. of φλόξ. Φλοίζω, (fr. next) to peel, strip of the bark. Φλοιός, -ου, b, bark, rind, peel. Φλοίσβοιο, g. sin. Ion. of Φλο"ισβος, -ου, b, the noise, roar, splashing or dashing of the loaves ; murmur, buzz, purling ; din, hum, tumult, uproar. Φλοίω, (fr. φλοιός the bark) to peel, strip off the bark ; to flay. Φλόμος, -ου, b, an herb called mul- lein. Φλόξ, -γός, '/, (fr. φλέγω to burn) a flame, blaze. (591) ΦΟΒ Φλοδ? -ους, -6ου -ου, b, (fr. φλοώξ the bark) a mat, rug ; the bark\ rind, peel. Φλυάρέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. πεφλυάρη- κα, (fr. φλύαρος a trifler, th. φλέιύ to trifle) to prate, chatter, talk idly ; to trifle, play the fool ; to mock, deride, scorn. 1 a. ind. act. εφλυάρησα. Φλυαρία, -ας, η, (fr. same) folly, trifling, silliness, trifles. Φλύαρος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. φλέω to tri- fle) a prattler, tattler; idle tri- fler; vain, empty, foolish. Φλύαρων, par. pres. act. cont. of φλυαρέω. Φλυδαρος, -ά, -ov, (fr. next) humid, wet, moist. Φλνδάω -ω, (fr. φλύω to boil over) to grow moist, wet or damp ; to flag, wither, grow faint or weak. Φλύζω, same as φλύω. Φλυηρέω -ω, Ion. for φλυαρέω. Φλύκταινα, -ης, η, and \Φλυκτϊς, -ίδος, η, (fr. φλύω to boi over) a blister, boil, pimple. Φλύος, (fr. φλύω, same as φλέω,,ίο trifle) trifles, silliness, folly. Φλύω, f. -ύσω, same as th. φλέω, to bubble up, boil, boil over ; to make a noise by boiling ; to parch, burn, scald ; to vomit, belch forth ; to trifle, play the fool ; to blab, talk idly. Φοβάθης, Dor. for φοβηθης, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. pass, of φοβέομαι. Φοβέεσκον, Poet, and Ion. for εψό- βουν,3τρ\. impf. ind. act. emit! — Φοβεΐσθαι, inf. — ΦοβεΊσθε, impr. 2 pi. cont. pres. mid. οίφοβέω. Φοβέομαι -ουμαι, (fr. φέβομαι to fear) to fear, dread, tremble. Φοβερίζω, f. -Υσω, (fr. φοβερός terri- ble) to terrify, frighten, alarm. per. ind. pass, πεφοβέρισμαι. Φοβερισμός,-ου, b, (fr. next) terror, fright, dread, alarm. Φοβερός, a, -ov, (fr. φόβος fear, th. φέβομαι to fear) fearful, dread- ful, formidable, frightful ; terri- ble ; timid, cowardly, dastardly. comp. φοβερώτερος, sup. -ώτατος. Φοβερώς, (fr. last) horribly, fright- fully, terribly. Φοβενμαι, Dor. for φοβούμαι, pres. ind. mid. cont. — Φοβεύμενος, Dor. for φοβούμενος, pres. par. mid. cont. of Φοβέω, f. -ήσω, p. τεφόβηκα, (fr. φέ- βομαι to fear) to affright, terrify, intimidate, alarm ; to threaten, menace ; to scare-, put to flight, rout; Φοβέομαι -οΰμαι, to fear, dread, apprehend ; to flee, run away. pres. impr. pass, φοβέου -ου, -εέσθω -είσθω, 2 pi. -έεσθε -εΊσθε. impf. ind. pass, εφοβεόμην -ούμην, -έου -ου, -έετο -είτο. 1 a. pass. ind. εφοβήθην, -ης, -η, 3 ρΐ. εφοβήθησαν impr. φοβήθητι, -ήτω, 2 ρΐ. φρβηθητε• sub. φοβη- θώ, -ης, -η. 2 ρΐ. φοβηθητε' par. φοβηθείς, -εΊσα, -έν. 1 f. ind. pass, φοβηθήσομαι. Φάβη, -ης, ί, (fr. φόβος fear) hair > the mane ; foliage. ΦΟΙ φοβη, 2 sin. cont. pres. ind. or sub. mid. — Φοβηθείς, -εϊσα, -εν, η. pi. -θέντες, par. 1 a. pass. — Φοβηθήσομαι, -j, -εται, 1 f. ind. pass. — Φοβηθηναι, inf. — Φοβήθη- rf,.impr. 2 pi. 1 a. pass. — Φο- βηθώ, -θης,-θη, pi. -θωμεν,-θήτε, 1 a. sub. pass. — Φοβήταί, 3 sin. cont. pres. sub. mid. of φοβέω. φό/^/ζα, -ατός, το, (fr. φοβέω to frighten) /ear, terror, fright. ίόβητρον, -ου, το, (fr. same) ο dreadful sight, terrible appear- ance. Φόβος, -ov,b, (fr. φέβομαι to fear) fear, dread, terror, fright, ap- prehension, alarm ; fight, rout. Φοβον, pres. impr. pass. cont. — Φοβούμαι, -βούμεθα, 1 sin. and pi. cont. pres. ind. mid. — Φο- βούμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. mid. cont. οι ψοβέω. Φόβου, g. sin. of φόβυς. Φοβούμαι, pres. ind. pass. cont. — Φοβούμενος, pres. par. pass, cont. of φοβέω. Φογωρ, Heb. indecl. Peor, see Βεελφεγώρ. ΦοΊβ', for ΦοΊβε, v. sin. of Φοί- βος. Φοιβάζω,ί. -άσω, and Φοιβάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. φοΊβος pure) to rave, rant, prophesy ; to brighten, cleanse, purify, expiate, atone ; to inspire. ΦοιβεΊος, or Ion. Φοιβήιος, -α, -ov, (fr. ΦοΊβος Apollo) of Phoebus. Φο'ιβη, -ης, η, Phoebe, a woman's name ; also the moon. Φοιβύλατττος, Ion. for Φοιβύληπτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. Φοίβος Apollo, and λαμβάνω to take) seized by Apollo, inspired, en- rapt, transported. ΦοΊβος, -ου, Ό, (perhaps fr. φάος light, and βίος life) Phoebus, Apollo, Sol, the sun. ΦοΊβος, -η, -ov, pure, clean, unpol- luted, chaste, unspotted ; clear, bright, shining ; prophetic, in- spired. Φοινήεις, -εσσα, -εν, same as φοινι- κόεις. φοινίκάνθεμος, -ου, Ό, η, (fr. φοΊνιξ purple, and άνθος a flower) having purple or scarlet flowers ; blooming, vernal. φοινίκεος, -a, -ov, (fr. φοΊνιξ purple) purple, red ; also Phoenician. Φοινίκη, -ης, >/, Phoenicia, name of a country. Φοινίκιος, -α, -ov, (fr. φοΊνιζ purple) purple, reddish, ruddy, rosy. Φοινίκίς, -ϊδος, η, (fr. same) a pur- ple or scarlet garment ; a scar- let cloth, carpet, &c. Φοινίκόεί?, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. same) purple, scarlet, red. Φοινικόκροκος, -ου, δ, >/, (fr. same, and κρόκη a thread) having pur- ple or scarlet weft ; shot with purple. Φοινίκόλοφος, -ov, b, η, (fr. φοίνικος red, th. φοΊνι'ξ purple, and λόφος a crest) having a red crest or comb. Ήανικοπαρειος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, ΦΟΙ and παρειά a cheek) red or rosy cheeked. ΦοινΊκόττεζα, -ης, η, (fr. same, and πέζα the ancle) red-footed. Φοίνικος, -η, -bv, (fr. φοΊνιξ purple) irlci ; Phoeni- cian. purple, red, scarlet Φοινικοστερόπας, -a, Ό, Dor. for φοι- νικοστερόττης, (fr. φοΊνιξ ruddy, and στεροπή lightning, th. ασ- τράπτω to flash) hurling red thunderbolts. Φοινικόστολος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. ΦοΊνιξ a Phoenician, and στέλλω to adorn ) furnished or made by the Phoenicians ; dressed, armed or . arrayed like the Phoenicians. Φοινίκων, -ωνος, b, (fr. next) a plantation of palm trees ; palm- grove. ΦοΊνιξ, -ίκος, b, a palm, palm- branch ; a palm-fruit, date ; Phoenix, name of a bird, of a man, and of a port ; a Phoenician ; a musical instrument invented by the Phoenicians ; a Phoenician dye, purple, scarlet, red. Adj. ό, η, Phoenician, red, scarlet, purple. Φοίνιος, -a, -ov, (fr. φόνος slaugh- ter) gory, bloody ; murderous, blood-thirsty ; purple, red. Φοινίσσα, -ης, »;, (fr. next) a Phoe- nician woman. Φοινίσσος, -η, -ov, (fr. ΦοΊνιξ Phoe- nician) Phoenician ; red,purple, ruddy. Φοινίσσετο, Ion. for εφοινίσσετο, 3 sin. impf. pass, of Φοίνίσσω, f. -ξω, (fr. φοΊνιξ red) to make red, redden ; to stain with blood ; to bleed, kill, slay. Φοιν'ιγθην, Ion. for εφοινίχθην, 1 a. ind. pass, of last. Φοίτα, Ion. for έφοιτα, 3 sin. impf. ind. act. cont. of φοιτάω. Φοιτάς, -άδος, η, (fr. next) insane, mad, raging, raving; wander- ing, roving ; worn, public, trod- den, beaten ; a harlot. Φοιτάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. ιτεφοίτηκα,ίο haunt, resort, frequent ; to come, go or visit frequently ; to go to school ; to proceed or arise from or out of; to traverse over, rove, wander ; to rave, rage, be mad, dote. Φοιτέω, Ion. for last. Φοιτης, -ov, b, (fr. φοιτάω to go frequently) a herald, messen- ger. Φοιτης, -τη, Dor. for φοιτάς, -τ$, 2 and 3 sin. pres. ind. act. cont. of φοιτάω. Φοίτησις, -ιος, Att. -εωί, η, (fr. φοι- τάω to go often) a visiting or frequenting often, a going back and forward. Φοιτητής, -ov, b, (fr. same) a visit- er, constant attendant; a scho- lar, school-boy. ΦοΊτ*ος, -ov, b, (fr. φοιτάω to rave) rage, fury. Adj. raving, mad. Φοιτίζω, (fr. φοιτάω to go often) to come, go, approach, depart. Φοιτών, pres. par. act. cont. of φοιτάω. (592) ΦΟΡ Φοιτώσι, 3 pt. cont. pres. sub. or ind. act. of φοιτάω. Φολιδωτός, -η, -bv, (fr. next) made with scales or plates ; scaly. Φολϊς, -ίδος, η, a scale, small fea- thers ; a small plate. Φολκος, -ov,b, η, (perhaps fr. φάος the eye, and 'έλκω to draw) squinting . Φονέα, a. sin. — ΦονεΊς, pi. cont. of φονεύς. Φονεύετε, 2 pi. pres. ind. a ct • °* φονεύω. Φονενς, -έος, Att. -έως, b, (fr. φόνος slaughter) a murderer, d. pi. φονεύσι. Φονευσάντων, g. pi. par. 1 a. act. — Φονεύσει s, 2 sin. 1 f. ind. act. — Φονεύσης, -ση, 2 and 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of Φονεύω, f. -εύσω, p. πεφόνευκα, and Φονεω -ώ, f. ->;σω, (fr. φόνος mur der) to slaughter, slay, kill, mur- der. 1 a. ind. act. εφόνενσα. Φονέως, Att. g. of φονεύς. Φονίκος, -η, -ov, and Φόνιος , -ov, b, ij, and -a, -ov, (fr. φόνος slaughter, th. φένω to kill) murderous, san- guinary, bloody, cruel, savage; deadly, mortal. Φονοκτονέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and κτείνω to kill) to pollute with murder; to murder, kill, slay, slaughter. Φονοκτονία, -ας, r), (fr. same) mur- der, slaughter. Φονοκτόνος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) a murderer, killer, destroyer. Φονόρντος, -ov, b, η, (fr. next, and ρέω to flow) streaming with bloody gory. Φόνος, -ov, b, (fr. φένω to kilH slaughter, carnage, murder , gore, bloodshed. Φόξινος, -ov, b, name of a fish. Φοξος, -/), -ov, (perhaps fr. φαίνω to appear, and οξύς sharp) distorted, deformed, misshapen, narrow, contracted ; cone shaped. Φορά, -ας, η, (fr. φέρω to carry) a carrying, bearing ; a burden, load ; a vote or suffrage ; a toss, throw, fall, descent ; impulse, force, violence, attack, impetuosi- ty ; zeal, ardour ; motion, course, movement ; a pension, tribute, tax, toll, custom ; income, re- venue ; increase, fertility, fruit- fulness ; payment for carriage, fare, freight. ΙΦοράδην, (fr. last) like a bundle or load ; as under a load. Φοράς, -άδος, η, same as φορβάς. Φορβαιά-άς, η, (fr. φέρβω to feed) α halter, headstall, muzzle; amouth- piece of wind instruments. ΦορβαΊος, -a, -ov, (fr. same)/eea*- ing, pasturing, grazing. Φορβάς,-αδος, b, t% (fr. same) graz- • ing, feeding, pasturing, feeding in flocks ; supporting, fostering, maintaining, nourishing. Subs. a prostitute, harlot. Φορβειά, -ας, fl, (fr. same) food, pasture, grazing ; also, a halter, headstall, muzzle. Φορβή, -ης, η, (fr. samc)/ood, pro- ΦΟγ» vision ; fodder, provender ; fo- rage. Φορεϊον, -ου, το, (fr. φέρω to carry) a bier ; a cJiair, couch, litter ; a chariot, carriage. Φύρει, ind. — φορείτω, impr. 3 sin. pres. act. — Φορέοισι, Dor. for φορέουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. Φορέοντα, a. sin. par. pres. act. — Φορέσομεν, 1 pi. 1 f. ind. act of φορίω. φορεύμενος, Dor. for φορούμενος, pres. par. pass. cont. — Φορεϋν- τος, Dor. for φορουντος, g. sin, cont. pres. par. act. of φυρέω. Φορεύς, -ίος, b, (fr. φέρω to carry) a porter, carrier ; a bar, pole, stick. Φορέω -ώ, f. -έσω or -ήσω, ρ ττεφό• ρεκα and -ηκ&, (fr. same) to bear, carry, bring ; to bring or take along with ; to endure, sustain ; to wear, have or put on ; to bear flowers, blossom. 1 a. ind. act. εφόρεσα. Φορηδόν, (fr, φορά a load) like a load or bundle ; in loads. Φάοημα, -ατός, το, (fr. φορέω to car ry) any thing worn ; a coat, gar ment, cloak / a burden, load j a carriage, conveyance. Φορτ)ναι, 1 a. inf. act. of φοραίνω, same as φέρω. Φορητός, -ου, b, η, (fr. φορεω to car- ry) to be borne, bareable, tolera- ble. Φορθομμεν, (Chaldee) chosen, se- lect, excellent. Φόρων, -ου, το, (fr. φέρω to carry) a couch; a sedan, litter ; a cha- riot, carriage ; wa°es f hire for carnage, fare, freight. Φόρκυν, -ϋνος, b, (fr. same) a port, harbour. Φόρκυν, -ϋνος and -υος, η, a sea mon- ster, d. φόρκυνι and -υϊ, a. φόρκυν. Φορμία, -ας, η, (fr. φέρω to carry) a basket, hamper; a bundle or measure of fire-wood, a cord of wood. φόρμιγγα for φδρμιγγι, d. sin- of Φόρμιγζ,-γγος, η, a harp, lute, lyre. Φορμίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. last) to play the harp or lyre. Φορμικτάς, -a, b, Dor. for Φορμικτης, -o'ti, b, (fr. φόρμιγζ a harp) a player on the harp, lute or lyre ; a harper. Φορμός, -ου, b, (fr. φέρω to carry) a basket, pannier, hamper ; a mat, a corn measure. φοροΊσαι, Dor. for φορουσαι, η. pi. fem. pres. par. act. cont. of φορέω. Φορολογέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. φόρος tri- bute, and λέγω to collect) to col- lect tribute, impose a tax, tax. Φορολόγητος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) tributary, taxed. Φορολογία, -ας, ή, (fr. same) collec- tion or imposition of a tax, tri- bute. φοοολόγος, -ου. b, (fr. same) a col- lector of tribute, tax-gatherer. Φόρον, -ov, το, and Φόρο?, -ου, b, (fr. Lat. forum, a market-place) a square, market-place ; market F ΦΡΑ town, borough. Φόρον Αππίον, name of a town, Forum Appii. Φόρος, -ου, b, (fr. φέρω to bear) tri- bute, tax, revenue. Φόρος, -ου, ο,»/, (fr. same) bearing, carrying ; violent, impetuous, vehement; fertile, fruitful ; child- bearing. Φυρονντα, a. sin. — Φορουντες, η. pi. cont. pres. par. act. of φορέω. Φορτηγός, -ου, b, η, (fr. φόρτος a load, th. φέρω to_carry, and άγω to lead) cairying burdens, of or for burden. φορτί" fur φορτία, pi. of φορτίον. Φορτίζετε, 2 pi. pies. ind. act. of φορτίζω. Φορτίζω, f. -ίσω, p. πεφόρτικα, (fr. φόρτος a burden, th. φέρω to carry) to load, lade, burden, load heavily, -per. pass. ind. νε- φόρτισμαι' par. ττεφορτισμένος. Φορτικός, -η, -όν, (fr. same) fit for burden, of burden ; troublesome, tiresome, Irksome, disagreeable, offensive ; stupid, clumsy, heavy ; silly, absurd, foolish. Φορτικώς, (fr. last) grossly, stupid- ly; weightily, heavily; pom- pously, stately. Φορτίον, -ου, το, (fr. next) a load, burden, lading; baggage; hire or payment for carriage, fare, freight. Φόρτος, -ου, b, (fr. φέρω to carry) ά load, burden, lading, cargo ; trouble, annoyance. Φορτουνατος, -ου, b, fr. Lat. FOrtu natus, a man's name. Φορύνω, same as φορύω. Φόρυς, the breech, bottom, rump. Φορύτός, -ου, b, (fr. next) dust, dirt, filth, mud ; a heap, mass, pile. Φορύω, Φορύνω, and -ύσσω, to knead, bake ; to mix or work up toge- ther ; to heap, confuse, confound ; to pollute, defile, dirty, soil. Φόως, same as φως. Φραγέλλίον, -ov, το, (fr. Lat. flagel- lum, a whip) a scourge, whip. Φραγελλόω -ώ, f. -ώσω,ρ. ττεφραγέλ- λωκα, (fr. last) to scourge, whip, fiog. 1 a. act. ind. εφραγέλλωσα. Φραγελλώσας, par. 1 a. act. of last. Φραγή, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. pass. — Φραγήσομαι, -;/, -εται, 2 f. ind. pass, of φράσσω. Φράγμα, -άτος, το, and Φραγμός, -οΐι, b, (fr. φράσσω to hedge) a fence, hedge, partition ; a trench, bulwark, rampart, fortification ; a mound, dam. Φράδάω -ώ, (fr. φράζω to declare) to explain, expound, interpret ; to make known, tell, publish. Φράδεν, Ion. for έφραδε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of φράζω. )άδη, -ης, η, (fr. φράζω to declare) knowledge, skill ; wisdom, pru- dence ; the mind, understanding ; sense, intelligence ; a mark, trace, track. Φραδης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same) prudent, skilful, wise, consider- ate. Φραδμοσύνησιν, d. pi. Ion. of Φραδμοσυνη, -ης, fj, (fr. next) pru- (593) Φ PA dence, wisdom, consideration, un~ derstanding, reason ; knowledge, skill, science, skilfulness. Φράξων or Φράσμων, -όνος, b, η, (fr φράζω to expound )knowing,wise, prudent, sagacious, shrewd, in- telligent ; skilful, expert, clever. Φράζεαι, Ion. for φράζη, 2 sin. pres. ind. mid. or pass. — Φράζεο, Ion. for φράζου, pres. impr. pass. — Φράζεσθαι,ρι -es. inf. pass. — Φρα- ζέσθω, 3 sin. pres. impr. pass. — Φράζεσκε, Ion. for έφραζε, 3 sin. impf. act. — Φράζετο, Ion. for εφράζετο, 3 sin. impf. pass. Φράζευ, Dor. for φράζου, pres. impr. mid. of φράζω. Φραζόμεσθα, Poet, for φραζόμεθα, 1 pi. pres. ind. pass, of Φράζω, f. -άσω, p. πέφρακα, to speak, say, tell ; to rehearse, recite, make mention of, relate ; to make known, show, declare, ex- pound, explain, describe; to com- mand, order, persuade. Φράζο- μαι, to turn in the mind, debate, deliberate ; to think, reflect, con- sider, weigh, meditate ; to re- solve, determine ; to be cautious, beware of shun, avoid; to un- derstand, know, perceive, dis- cern. 1 a. act. ind. έφρασα' impr. φράσον, -άτω. 2 a. ind. act. έφραδον, Ion. Anadipl. πέ φραδον. per. ind. pass, ιτέφρασ- μαι, -σαι, -σται, per. ind. mid. ■κίφραδα. Φρακτός, -η, -bv, (fr. φράσσω to hedge) hedged, fenced, enclosed, fortified, defended. Φραζάμενος, -η, -ov, 1 a. par. mid. of same. Φρασαίάτο, Ion. for φράσαιντο, 3 pi. 1 a. opt. mid. — Φράσασαν, a. sin. fem. 1 a. par. act. — Φράσδειν, Dor. for φράζειν, pres. inf. act. of same. Φρασϊ, Dor. for φρησϊ, d. pi. of φρήν. Φράσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, §, (fr. φράζω to speak) a speaking, talking, discourse ; a phrase, expression, style of speaking ; eloquence, dic- tion, explanation. Φράσον, -άτω, 1 a. impr. act- — Φρασσόμεθα, Poet, for φρασόμεθα, 1 pi. 1 f. ind. mid. of φράζω. Φράσσω or -ττω, f. φράζω, p. ττέ- φράχα, to stop or blockup, hedge, fence; to fortify, defend, secure ; to obstruct, hinder, dam ; to muz- zle, silence ; to condense, pack or crowd together, 1 a. ind. act. έφραζα, -ας, -ε, 3 pi. έφραζαν. 2 a. ind. act. έφράγον, -ες, -ε. per. ind. pass, πέφραγμαι, -ζαι, -κται. 2 a. sub. pass, φραγω, -ρς, -fj. 2 f. ind. pass, φραγήσομαι, -n, -εται. Φραστέος, -a, -ov, (fr. φράζω to speak) to be spoken, &c. ac- cording to the verb. Φρασώμεθ', 1 pi. 1 a. sub. mid. of φράζω. Φράτηρ, -ερος, b, Att. or Dor. for φράτωρ. Φράτορες, η. p\. of φράτωρ. ΦΡΙ φράτρια or Φρατρία, -ας, f;, a ward, tribe; a company, society, fra- ternity, guild. Φράτριος, -ov, b, η, (fr. last) of the same ward or tribe, a wardsman, burgher, fellow ; presiding over the wards or tribes ; pertaining to a icard, &c. Φράτωρ, -ορός, δ, (fr. same) one of the same ward or tribe, pi. φρά- τορες. Φρανγμα, -ατής, το, (fr. φρνάττω to grow insolent) pride, disdain, arrogance, haughtiness» Φραχθεϊς, 1 a. par. pass, of φράσσω. Φρέαρ, and Poet. ΦρεΊαρ, -,.τος, τυ, a well, spring, founluin, cistern ; a pit, dungeon. Φρεατιάϊος, -a, -ov, (fr. last) of a pit or well. ΦρεΊν, Sync, for φέρειν, pres. inf. act. of φέρω. Φρεναπατα, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. of' Φρεναπάτάω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. πεφρενα- πάτηκα, (fr. φρήν the mind, and απατάω to deceive) to impose upon the mind, deceive, elclude. Φρεναπάτης, -ov, b, (fr. same) a de- ceiver, impostor ; a self -deceiver. Φρένας, a. pi. of φρήν. Φρενήρης, - ΖΟ ς -ους, b, η~, (fr. φρην the mind, and άρω to fit) sound in mind, sane, se'nsihle. prudent, discreet, wise, judicious, Φρενησις, -ως, Ait. -εως, and φρενϊ- τις or φρενίτις, -ϊδος, η, (fr. φρην the mind) mental derangement, delirium, madness, phrensy. Φρενοβλαβής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and βλάπτω to hurt) hurt in mind, insane, mad. Φρενόω -ω, (fr. φρην {.he mind) to bring to the senses, make sensible or wise ; to instruct, teach, ad- monish; to chastise, correct ; to deceive, impose on, seduce. Φρε- νύομαι, to be encouraged, elated. φρενώλης, -εος ~ους, b, η~, (fr. same, and όλλνμι to destroy) mad, dis- tracted. Φρες, 2 a. impr. act. of φρημι or Φρες for φρε, wh. Sync, for φέρε, pres. impr. act. of φέρω. Φρεσι and Φρεσϊν, d. pi. of φρήν. Φρέω, f. φρέσω, (fr. προ before, and εω to send ) to send fm ih. Φρηγμα, Ion. for φράγμα. Φρημι for φέρω, 2 a. impr. φρές. φρην -ένος, t), the mind, thought, intellect, understanding, sense, prudence ; the heart, breast, dia- phragm or midriff". Φρητρη, -ης, η, same as φράτρια. Φρήτωρ, Ion. for φράτωρ. Φρικαλέας, a. pi. fern, of Φρικαλέος, -a, -ov, (fr. φρϊξ noise of the sea) same as φρικώδης. Φρικασμος, -ov, b, (fr. next) horror, dread, terror, thrill. Φρίκη, -ης, ή, (fr. φρ"ιξ the roar of the sea) terror, horror, fright ; fear, tremour ; the black rough- ness of the sea from wind ; the curl on the water. Φρικτός, -η,-δν, (fr. same) tremen- dous, terrible, horrible, frightful. ΦΡΟ Φρικτως, (fr. last) terribly , fright- fully. Φρικώδης, -εος -ονς, b, fj, (fr. φρίκη horror, th. φρϊξ the roar of the sea) terrible, horrible, frightful, thrilling. Φριμάσσεο, Ion. for φριμάσσον, pres. impr. pass, of ΦρΥμάσσομαι, f. mid. -ξομαι, to snort, snuff, neigh. Φριμήσσεται, Dor. for φριμάσσεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. of last. Φρϊξ, -Ίκος, η, a curl on the water, roughening or bristling of the waves, ruffing on the surface of the sea ; the roar or dashing of the sea and viares ; bristling of the hair, thrilling liorrcr. Φρίξος, -ov, b, a proper name. Φρίσσον, Ion. for έφρισσον, impf. ind. act. — Φρίσσονσ" for φρίσ- σουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Φρίσσω or -ττω, f. φρίξω, p. πέφρι- χα, (fr. φρϊξ a curl on the sea) to grow rough, be ruffled, rustle, shake, wave ; to bristle, stand on. end ; to be rough with carved work, be embossed or fretted ; to shudder, thrill, tremble, dread, fear ; to make a noise, roar. 1 a. ind. act. έφριξα, per. ind. pass. πέφριγμαι, -ξαι, -κται. Φροιμιάζω or -ομαι, Att. for προοι- μιάζω, (fr. φρηίμιον, Att. for προοίμιον a preface, th. οίμη a path) to make a preamble, pre- face, premise. Φροψιάσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of last. Φρονέη, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. — Φρονειν, pres. inf. cont. — Φρο- νείς, -νε7, 2 and 3 sin. — Φρονείτε, -η.υσι, 2 and 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. — Φρονείσθω, 3 sin. pres. impr. pass, of Φρονέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. πεφρόνηκα, (fr. φρην the mind) to be in one's senses, be sane or wise, under- stand, comprehend ; to think, deliberate, reflect, he of opinion, suppose ; to mind, heed, regard ; to relish, effects, set the affections on; to project, plan, purpose ; to have a mind, be disposed well or ill. Μέγα φρονέω, to think highly, plan great things, boast, vaunt; to be elated, proud, pres. impr. φρόνεε -ει, 2 pi. φρονέετε -είτε. impi. ind. act. εφρόνεον -ovv. pres. pass. ind. φοονέομαι -ονμαι' impr. φρονέον -ου, -εέσθω -είσθω. Φρόνημα, -άτος, το, (fr. \a.st) thought, sense, reason, the mind, under- standing ; will, inclination, de- sire ; attention ; elation, pride, insolence, confidence ; impetuo- sity, violence of temper. Φρονήσετε, 2 pi. 1 f. ind. act. — Φρονητε, 2 pi. cont. pres. sub. act. of same. Φρόνησις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, ή, (fr. s'^me) prudence, wisdom, intelli- gence, providence, d. sin. Att. cont. φρονήσει. Φρόνιμος, -ov, b, η, (fr. φρόνις sense, th. φρην the mind) wise, pru- dent, discreet, sensible; skilful, (594) ΦΡΟ skilled, learned. Oomp. φρονιμώ- τερος, sup. -μώτατος. Φρονίμως, (fr. last) prudenthj, wise- ly, providently. Φρόνις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. φρην the mind) prudence, wisdom, sense ; information, knowledge , contrivance, device, artifice, cun- ning ; contempt, pride, insolence. Φρονονντες, η. pi. cont. of Φρονων, pres. par. act. cont.— Φρονώμεν, -ητε, 1 and 2 pi. cont. pres. sub. act. of φρονέω. Φροντίδας, g. sin. of φροντίς. Φροντιείς, -τιεΊ, 2 and 3 sin. ] f. AtL of φροντίζω. Φροντίζετε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. act. of Φροντίζω, f. -<σω, Att. -u3, p. πε φρόντικα, (fr. φροντΊς thought) to think, meditate, muse ; to care, regard; to take care, be careful, anxious, studious or solicitous about. 1 a. act. ind. εφρόντισα' sub. φροντίσω, -ης, -η, 3 pi. φρον- τίσωσι. 2 a. ind. act. εφρόντ'ίδον. Φροντίζωσι, 3 pi. pres. sub. act. of last. Φροντϊς,-ϊδος, ή, thought, meditation, reflection, consideration, care, anxiety, sohcihide. Φροντιστέος, -a, -ov, (fr. φροντίζω to think) to be taken care of, re- garded, &c. according to the verb. Φροντιστήριον, -ov, το, (fr. φροντίζω to think, th. φρην the mind) a place for study, school, office' study. Φροντιστής, -ov, b, (fr. same) are- garder, observer, attentive in- quirer. Φροΐιδος, -η, -ov, (ft. προ before, and όδος a way) at a distance, disap- pearing, vanishing; vain,fuding y perishable, fleeting, transient. Φρυνριϊ, -ας, η, (fr. φρονρος a guard) a guard, watch, garrison ; a fort, fortress, guard-house ; a prison, dungeon. Φρονραι for Φονριμ, Heb. indecl. Purim or the lots. Φρούραρχος, -ov, b, (fr. φρουρά a guard, a*'d άρχω to command) commander of the guard or gar- rison. Φρουρεί, pres. impr. act. cont. of Φρονρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. πεφρο<' ρηκα, (fr. φρονρος a guard) to guard, gecrrison, keep with a military guard, keep, preserve, protect ; to secure, confine, impf. ind. act. εφρούρεον -ovv, -εες -εις, -εε -ει. pres. ind. pass. φρονρέομαι -ονμαι. Φρονρημα, -άτος, το, (fr. same) α watch, garrison ; custody, guard. Φρονρία, -ας, {/, and Φρονρίον, -ου, το, same as φρουρά. Φρουρήσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of φρο υ ρέω. Φρονρος, -οϋ, δ, (fr. πpb before, and ουρος a guard) a guard, watch, sentinel. Φρονρονμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. cont. and Φρονρώμες, Dor. for φρονρωμεν, 1 pi. cont. pres. sub. act. of φρονρέω ΦΤΓ Φρύαγμα, -ατός, rb, and Φρναγμύς, -ου, δ, (fr. next) a snorting, neighing ; pride, haughtiness, insolence, ostentation. φρνάσσω or -rroi, f. -ζω, p. πεφρύ- αγα, to snort, neigh ; to roar, make a noise, be tumultuous, noisy ; to be insolent, proud, haughty ; to rage, be fierce. 1 a. ind. act. εφρύαξα. Φρυάττομαι, mid. of last, and more generally used. Φρυγανον, -ου, το, (fr. ^puywtodry) a dried stick, faggot, firewood. Φρύγες, -ων, οί, the Phrygians. Φρυγία, -ας, Ion. -ης, η, Phrygia, name of a country. Φρνγίον, -ου, rb, (fr. next) a grid- iron, frying-pan. Also, dry sticks, firewood, a faggot. Φρύγιυς, -a, -ov, (fr. φρύγω to dry) dried, parched, roasted. Φρϋγιος, -a, -ov, (fr. Φρύγες Phry- gians) of Phrygia, Phrygian. Φρύγιον, -ου, το, the war song of the Phrygians ; a war shout. Φρύγμα, -ατός, rb, (fr. φρύγω to dry) a dried or burned piece. Φρυγμος, -ου, δ, (fr. next) a drying, roasting, frying. Φρϋγω and Φρύσσω or-rrw, f. -ύξω, to roast, scorch, fry ; to dry, parch, bake. Φρυκτος, -ή, -ov, (fr. last) roasted, scorched, dried, burned, parched. Subs, a dried bean, ballot, vote, suffrage ; a ticket, token ; a lot for divination ; a signal, beacon, fire signal ; a warning or signal of divine vengeance ; a prophet, diviner. Φρυκτωρος, -ου, δ, #, (fr. φρυκτός a signal, and ώρα care) a scout, spy, watch, sentinel ; giving sig- nals, for signals. Φρυκτώριον, -ου, το, (fr.same)a torch or fire, as signal of the enemy 1 s approach ; a beacon, lighthouse. Φρυνος, -to, δ, and Φρύνη, -ης, η, α toad, poisonous frog. Φρυξ, -γος, δ, a Phrygian. Φρυξεΐ, Dor. for φρύξει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. οι φρύγω. Φρύσσω or -ττω, see φρύγω. φρω, Sync, for φέρω. inf. φρεϊν. Φΰ, Ion. for ίφυ, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of φΰμι, same as φύω. Φϋά, -ας, ή, Poet, for φΰή. Φυ/αδεϊά, -ας, ^,(fr. φυγαδεύω or th. φεύγω to fly) flight, banishment, exile ; a runaway , fugitive. Φυγαδεων, -ου, το, (fr. same) α place of refuge, asylum. Φυγαδευτήριον, -ου, το, (fr. same and τηρίω to keep) same as last, Φυγαδεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. φεύγω to fly) to fly, put to flight, banish. Φυγαδεύομαι, to be banished, go into exile, flee, run away. Φυγάς, -αδος, δ, j}, (fr. same) a fu- gitive, exile, runaway. Φυγείν, inf. — Φύγετε, 2 pi. impr. 2 a. act. of φεύγω. Φύγελλος, -ου, δ, a man's name. Φνγεν, Ion. fo»• ίφυγεν, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of φεύγω. Φυγή, -t}: } fj, (fr. φεύγω to fly) ΦΤΛ flight, escape, refuge ; exile, ba- nishment. Φύγη, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. act. for wh. by Parag. Φύγησιν. — Φύγητε, 2 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of φεύγω. Φυγοδικέω -ω, (fr. φεύγω to flee, and δίκη a law suit) to decline a law suit, be nonsuited ; to preva- ricate, quibble, evade. Φύγοις, -οι, 2 and 3 sin. — Φύγοιμεν 1 pi. 2 a. opt. act. of φεύγω. Φυγόξενος, -ου, b, {/, (fr. φεύγω to flee, and ξένος a stranger) a re- fusing strangers, inhospitable. Φυγοτττόλεμος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and πόλεμος war) avoiding war, cowardly ; peaceable. Φυίν, neut. of Φυεί?, -εΊσα, -εν, 2 a. par. pass. — Φύεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. pass. — Φύεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. of φύω. Φύ^α, -ης , η, Ion. for φυγή. Φυζακ'ίνος, -ή, -bv, (fr. last) running away, fleet, swift ; timid, fearful. Φυζέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. πεφύζηκα, (fr, same) same as φεύγω' per. mid. ind. πέφυζα' par. πεφυζώς. Φυη, -ης, f/, (fr. φύω to beget) na- ture, disposition, genius, inclina- tion, character ; stature, growth form, person, comeliness ; a stem, stock. Φυη, 3 sin. 2 a. sub. pass, of φύω. Φύκης, -ου, h, and Φΰκϊς, -ίδος, η, (perhaps fr. φυκος sea weed) a kind of fish, gudgeon, ground- ling. Φυκιόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. φυκος sea weed) weedy, full of weeds. Φΰκος, -εος -ους, το, sea weed; a dye, paint. Φυκτος, -ή, -bv, (fr. φεύγω to fly from) to be avoided, shunned. Φυλ' for φΐιλα, pi. of φϋλον, same as φυλή. Φύλαγμα, -ατός, το, (fr. φυλάσσω to guard) any thing or person guarded, a charge ; a guard, watch; an order, command, di- rection. Φυλάδον, (fr. φυλή a tribe) in tribes, in districts, by companies. Φύλακα, -ας, a, Dor. for φυλακή. Φύλακας, a. — Φύλακες, η. — φυλά- κεσσι, Poet, for φύλαξι, d. pi. of φύλαξ. Φυλακή, -ης, ή, (fr. φυλάσσω to guard) a guard, watch, defence, protection, care, custody, charge ; a watch of the nigh, third part of the night onginaly among the Jews, but the fourth when under the Romans ; a guard, number of sentinels ; a prison, guard-house, dungeon, hold, cage ; a garrison. Φυλάκη, -ης, ή, name of a place. Φυλακίζω, f. -Υσω, p. ττεφύλακικα, (fr. φυλακή a prison, th. φυλάσσω to guard) to throw into prison, imprison, confine, keep in custo- dy, par. pres. act. φυλακίζων. Φυλάκισσα, -ης, ή, (fr. same) a fe male keeper or jailer. ΦυλακΊτης,-ον, h, (fr. same) a jailer guHrd, watchman. Φύλακος, riN,j δ, Ion. for φύλα':'. (695) ΦΤΛ φυλακτέος, -a, -ov, (fr. φυλάσσω to guard) to be guarded, &c. ac cording to the verb. Φυλακτήρ, -ήρος, δ, (fr. same) a watch, guard, keeper, sentinel. pi. φυλακτήρες. Φυλακτήρια, -ων, τα, (fr. same) bands with a sentence of the law of Moses written on them, worn on the forehead by the Jews, phy- lacteries, preservers, charms, amu- lets. Φυλακτηρία, -ας, η, (fr. same) watch, guard, sentry. Φυλακτήριον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a station or place to watch, post ; α watch or guard-house ; a garri- son, fort, castle, citadel. ΦυλακτΈ^ς, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) fit for watching or keeping ; vigi- lant, watchful, wary, cautious ; capable of defence ; averting, preserving. Φύλαξ, -άκος, b, ή, (fr. same) α watch, guardian, preserver ; a watch, guard sentinel. Φνλάξαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Φύλαξαι, 1 a. impr. mid. — Φύλαξαν, -άτω, 2 pi. Φυλάξατε, 1 a. impr. act. — . Φυλάξει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of φνλάσσω. Φύλαξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ή, same as φυλακή. Φύλαρχος, -ov, b, (fr. φυλή a tribe, and αρχή the command) the head of a tribe, magistrate of a district ; an officer of cavalry. Φνλάσσαι, Ion. for φυλάξαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Φυλασσεμέναι, Att. and Dor. for φυλάσσειν, pres. inf. act. and Φυλάσσεσθαι,'νηί. — Φυλάσσεστε, 2 pi. impr. pres. pass. — Φυλάσση, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. and Φυλάσσοίσί, ΙΕιθ\. for φυλάσσονσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Φυλασσό- μενο?, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. — . Φυλάσσοντί, d. sin. -σοντες, η., pi. of φυλάσσων, -ούσα, -ov, par. pres. act. — Φυλάσσου, pres. impr. pass, of Φυλάσσω or -ττω, f. φυλάξω, ρ.ϊτε- φύλάχα, to keep safe, preserve^ de- fend, save ; to guard, keep in cus- tody. Φυλάσσομαι or -ττου,αι, to keep watch, mount guard ; to ob- serve, mind, attend to ', to watch for, lie in wait, catch, entrap ; to beware, take heed or care, guard against, avoid, shun. 1 a. acl. εφύλαξα' impr. φύλαξον, -άτω, 2 pi. φυλάξατε. 1 a. ind. mid. εφυλαξάμην, -ω, -ατο. per. md. pass, πεφύλαγμαι, -ξαι, -κτίι. Φυλαττόμενος, pass. — Φυλάττων, -ούσα, -ov, act. par. pres. of last. Φυλέτης, -ου, δ, (fr. next) of the same tribe, a tribe* s-man, fellow, companion. Φυλή, -ής, ή", a tribe, class, ward, division, troop, company ; a 'ace, linage, kindred. Φύλλα, pi. of φύλλον. Φυλλάς, -άδος, ή, (fr. φύλλσι aleaf) a heap of leaves ; a green branch, Φύλλινος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) kafy^ full of tecives ; of leaves. ΦΤΣ νλλοβολεω -ω, (fr. same, and βάλ- λω to throw) to cast or throw off the leaves ; to spread or strew leaves. Φνλλοβολία, -ας, f), (fr. same) the casting or shedding of leaves, fall of the leaf ; a strewing of leaves. Φυλλοβόλος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) casting or shedding its leaves ; scattering leaves. Φύλλον, -ov, το, a leaf , foliage ; pi. herbs. Φνλλοστρώς, -ώτος, δ, ^,(fr. last, and στρώνννμι, same as th. στορίω to strew) strewed with leaves. Φνλλοφόρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and φέρω to bear) leaf-bearing, leafy, verdant. Φυλον, -ου, το, same as φυλ>Ί. Φύλοπις, -'ίδος, fj, (fr. last, and δψ the voice) the shout of troops, din of battle ; a battle, conflict, engagement, war. Φυμα, -ατός, το, (fr. φύω to pro- duce) an imposthume, unnatu- ral swelling. Φυμι, same as φύω. Φΐίναι, 2 a. inf. act. — Φύντο, Ion. for ίφυντο, 3 pi. impf. pass, of last. Φύξηλις, -'ίδος, δ, //, (fr. φεύγω to flee, and άλις enough) α fugi- tive, runaway, coward ; an ex- ile ; timid, fearful, cowardly. Φυομίνο), d. sin. pres. par. pass. — Φύοντι, d. sin. par. pres. act. used Dor. for φύουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. — Φΰουσα, fem. par. pres. act. of φύω. Φύραμα, -ατός, το, (fr. φύρω to mix) a mass, lump ; a heap of mud or clay steeped and kneaded for potters' 1 use ; flour kneaded for baking, dough. Φύρασις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ί], (fr. same) a steeping, soaking ; mix- ture ; a kneading, baking. Φύρασον, 1 a. impr. act. of Φϋράω -ω, f. -άσω, p. ττεφύρακα, (fr. φύρω to mix) to mingle, mix, blend ; to steep, soak, moisten, soften : to break, dissolve ; ' to knead, bake ; to pollute, defile. per. ind. pass, ττεφύραμαι. Φύρδην, (fr. same) promiscuously, in confusion, disorderly. Φύρειν, pres. inf. act. of φύρω. Φύρμα, -ατής, το, and Φυρμος, -ου, δ, (fr. next) dirt, stain, filth ; a mixture, confusion, disturbance. Φύρω, f. φύρω, JRoi. φύρσω, p. πέ- φνρκα, to mix, blend, mingle ; to pollute, defile ; to water, wet soak, moisten ; to bake, knead per. ind. pass, πεφυρμαι. Φϋς, 2 a par. act. of φυμι. Φυσά or Φύσσα, -ης, η, (fr. φυσάω to blow) a breath, wind, puff", blast ; the throat, craw or crop of a bird ; a pair of bellows. Φυσαθεις, -εΊσα, -εν, Dor. for φυση- θείς, 1 a. par. pass, of φυσάΛ Φυσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of φύω. φνσσ χ κ, -ίδος, η, (fr. φυσάϊύ to puff up ; cl bubble ; a flute, pips. £>i>cr. Αβί, -ov, b, a toad. ΦΤΤ Φύσα?, ώύσασα, φύσαν, 1 a. par. act. of φύω. Φύσας, Sync, for φνσήσας, 1 a. par. act. of Φυσάω or Φυσσάω -ώ, f. -ήσω, to blow or puff up, inflate, swell ; to breathe, pant, blow; to blow upon; to whisper. Φύσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. of φύω. Or, d. sin. of φύσις, ύσημα, -ατός, το, (fr. φυσάω to inflate) a blast, breath, puff ; panting, palpitation ; a gale, breeze ; inflation, bubble ; pride, insolence ; an oozing, discharge. Φνσητηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. same) a fan ; a pair of bellows. Φυσιάω -ω, same as φνσιδω. Φυσίγνάθος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. φυσάω to inflate, and γνάθος a cheek) Cheekpuffer, name of a frog. Φύσιγζ, -γγος, η, (fr. φυσάω to in- flate) a blister on the hand or foot. Φνσίζοος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. φύω to pro- duce, and ζωή life) producing the necessaries of life, bountiful, nourishing. Φυσίκος, -ή, -bv, (fr. φύσις nature, th. φύω to produce) natural, ac- cording to nature, physical ; ir- rational, brute, instinctive, in- nate. Φυσικώς, (fr. last) naturally. ΦυσωΤ, act. — Φνσιουται, pass. 3 sin. cont. pres. ind.— -Φυσιυΐσθε, 2 pi. cont. pres. ind. pass — Φυ- σιούμενος,-η, -ov, par. pres. pass. cont. of Φυσιδω -ώ, f. -ώσω, p. ττεφυσίωκα, (fr. φυσάω to blow) to pant, blow, puff; to blow up, swell, inflate ; to grow proud, insolent, haugh- ty, pres. ind. pass, φυσιδομαι, -οϋμαι. per. pass, τζεφυσίωμαι' par. ιτεφυσιωμένος, -η, -ov. ίύσει, d. Att. cont.— Φνσιν, a. sin. of \>ύσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. φύω to produce) nature, character, dis- position, constitution, genius figure, form, stature, shape ; sex ; custom, habit, use ; a crew ture. Φυσίωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. φυ- σάω to inflate) a swelling, in- flation ; pride, insolence, pi cont. φνσιώσεις. Φύσκη, -ης, η, (fr. same) a bladder ; a gut or paunch to make pud- dings in. Φύσκος, -ov, Ό, (fr. same) a sau- sage. Φυσσάω, Ion. Φυσσεω, for φυσάω, pres. inf. act. cont. Φνσσαν. Φυσσητήρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. φυσάω to blow) a fan, pair of bellows. Φϋταλιά, -ας, ίι, (fr. ψυτδν a plant, th. φύω to produce) a woodland* plantation, planting ; a garden, vineyard; vine-bearing soil. Φυτάομαι, same as φυτεύω. Φυτεία, -ας, η, (fr. φύω to grow) a plantation, planting ; a ' plant, shrub. Φυτεύεί, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. — Φύτευθεν. Ion. and BoBot for {596! ΦΩΝ εφυτεύ.θησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass. — Φντεύθητι, 1 a. impr. pass, of φυτεύω. Φϋτευμα, -άτος, το, (ΰτ.φντον a plant, th. φύω to produce) a plant, set, slip; seed; a plantation. Φυτεύσατο, Ion. for εφυτεύσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. — Φυτεύστ?, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of φυτεύω. Φύτευσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ^,(fr.next) a sowing, planting ; a planta- tion. Φυτεύω, f. -εύσω, p. πεφύτενκα, (fr. φύω to produce) to plant, set, sow, ingraft ; to produce, create, beget, generate ; to plan, con- trive, devise, plot. impf. ind. act. εφύτευον, -ες, -ε. per. pass, ind. ττεφύτευμαι, -σαι, -ται' par. ■πεώυτευμενος, -η, -ov. 1 a. pass, ind. εφντεύΟην, -ης, -η' impr. φν- τεύθητι, -ήτω. Φυτεύων, -οντος, δ, (par. pres. act. of last) a planter, sower. Φύτον, -ου, το, (fr. φύω to produce) a plant, shrub ; a stock, stem ; a man, creature. Φυτος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) planted, fit for planting. Φυτοσκαφος, -ου, δ, f], (fr. φυτον a plant, and σκάπτω to dig) a hus- bandman, farmer, gardener, dig- ger, labourer. Φυτουργος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and έργον work) working or employ- ed about plants, a gardener. Φύω or Φύμι f. φϋσω, p. -κεφϋκα, to produce, yield, bring forth, bear ; to beget, generate ; to grow, sprout, spring up, bud forth / flourish, bloom ; to cling, adhere, stick to; to be, be born; to be formed or constituted by nature ; to be adapted, fit for or accus- tomed to ; to be inclined, con- sent, agree. 2 a. ind. act. εφυον, -ες, -ε, and (fr. φυμι) εφνν, -νς, -ν par. φύς. per. ind. pass, πί- φυμαι, -σαι, -ται. 2 a. pass, εφύην, -ης, -η. par. φυεϊς, -είσα,-ίν. Φωγνϋω or -ϋμι, Φώγω, and Φώςω, (fr. φως light, th. 0άω to shine) to burn in the fire ; to roast, toast, broil, fry. Φώϊζ or Φωΐξ, -κος, the name of a bird. Φωκαίνη, -ης, ^, (fr. next) a por- poise. Φώκη, '■ης, η, a sea calf, seal. Φωκηες, -κήων, and -κείων, οι, the people of Phocis. Φώκος, -ov, b, a man's name. Φωκυλί<5εω, Ion. for -δον, g. sin. of Φωκυλίδης, -ου, δ, Phocylides, a man's name. Φωλάς,-άδος,Ι, i h (fr. next) living in dens. Φωλεό?, -ov, δ, and Φωλεα, -ας, f r , a den, cave, hole, burrow. Φωλεύω, and Φωλεω -ώ, (fr. last) to lurk, lie down in a cave or hole ; to burrow. Φώμεν, 1 pi. 2 a. sub. act. οΐφημί. Φωνάεις, -εσσα, -εν, Dor. for φω- νήεις. Φωναντα, Cras s for φωνάεντα, a* sin. of last ΦΩΣ Φωνασαι, Dor. for φωνησαι, 1 a. inf. act. and Φωνε?, 3 sin. cont. -νεΊτε, -νουσι, 2 and 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. and Φωΐ'εΰιτα, Dor. for φωνουντα, pi. neat. — Φωνευντες, Dor. for φω- νουντες, pi. mas. cont. pres. par. act. of φωνίω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. πεφώνηκα, (fr. next) to send forth a voice or sound, crow, neigh, &c. to speak, see, utter, cry out ; Zo caZ/, name, address, speak to. impf. ind. act. εφώνεον -ουν. 1 a. act. ind. εςδώ- νησα, -ας, -ε* impr. φώντ/σον, -άτω. 1 a. pass. ind. εφωνήθην inf. φωνηθηναι. Φωνή, -ης, η, a voice, sound, utter- ance, noise, clamour, cry ; α word; speech, language, tongue, dialed, pronunciation, accent ; fame, report, rumour ; name. Φωνήεις. -εσσα, -εν, (fr. last) endu- ed with speech, articulate ; iune- yi/, (fr. χαλάω to relax, and φρην the mind) of weak intellects, silly, simple, dot- ing ; deranged, mad, distracted. Χ αλκάρμάτος^ -ov, b, ^, (fr. χαλκός brass, and 'άρμα a chariot) drawn in a brazen chariot. Χάλκασπις, -Υδος, b, r), (fr. same, and ασπίς a shield) bearing a brazen shield, braten shielded. Χάλκε\ for χάλκεα, pi. neut. of χάλκεος. Χαλκεΐον, -ου, το, (fr. χαλκός brass) a or osier's work shop, a forge ; a brass pot or kettle, cal- dron ; a brass tablet or plate. Χάλκειος, -a, -ov, Poet, for χάλκεος, g. pi. χαλκείων. Χαλκέλατος, -ου, b, ί), same as χα\- κήλατος. Χαλκέμβολας, -σϊος, >/, (fr. χαλκός brass, and ίμβολος the beak of a ship) brazen-prowed. Χαλκέντερος, -ου, b, f>, (fr. χαλκός brass, and έντερον the intestines, th. εντός within) having brazen intestines. Χαλκεντης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and έντεα arms) brazen armed, using brass weapons. Χαλκεόγομφος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and γόμφος a nail) fastened with brass nails. Χαλκεοθώραξ, -ακος, b,r), (fr. same, and &ώραξ a breastplate) brazen- mailed, with a breastplate of brass. Χαλκεοκάρδιος, -ov, b, r), (fr. same, and καρδία the heart) brazen- hearted, intrepid, courageous. Χαλκεομίτρας, -ου, b, (fr. same, and μίτρα a mitre) having a brazen, mitre, wearing a brazen girdle or helmet. Χάλκεος -ους, -έη -η, -εον-ουν, and Χάλκεος, -ου, δ, 7/, (fr. χαλκός brass) made of brass, brazen strong, firm. Χαλκεόφωνος, -ου, o,//,(fr. same,and φωνή the voice) brazen-voiced, shrill, loud, with lungs of brass. Χαλκενς, -έος, b, (fr. χαλκός brass) a worker in brass, brasier, cop- persmith ; a smith, blacksmith. Χαλκεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. last) to work as a coppersmith or brasier, work in brass. Χαλκέω, J. sin. of χάλκεος. Χαλκέως, (fr. χάλκεος brazen) of brass, like brass. Χαλκηδών, -όνος, δ, name of a gem, chalcedony. Χαλκήϊον, -ον,τό, Ion. for χαλκεΐον. Χαλκήλάτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. χαλκός brass, and ελαύνω or ελάω to draw) spun or dravm from brass, brazen, covered with brass. Χαλκήρης, -εος-ονς, δ, η, (fr. same, and άρω to fit) fitted or mounted with brass, made of brass, braz- en. Χαλκίδα, a. sin. of Χαλκίς, Chal- ets, name of a town. Χαλκίον, -ου, το, (fr. χαλκός brass) a brazen vessel, pot, caldron. Χαλκοαράν, Dor. for χαλκοαοων } g. pi. of im) XAA Χαλκοαρης, -ov, b, and Χαλκοιίρϊς -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. χαλκός brass» and αίρω to kill) wounded or kill• ed with a brazen weapon ; de- stroying or killing with the sword. Or, (fr. άρω to fit) fitted of arm ed with brass. Χαλκοβάρης, -ίος -ονς, b, f/, (fr. same, and βάρος a weight) heavy with brass ; firm, strong, solid. Χαλκοβάτής, -έος •ονς, δ, fj, (fr. same, and βάσις a foundation, th. βαίνω to go) having a braz en foundation, brass-bottomed, solid, firm, strong, neut. χαλκο- βατές. * Χαλκόγενυς, -νος, b η, (fr. same, and γέννς a chin) having brazen jaws, brazen-fiooked. Χαλκοδάμας, -αντος, δ, η, (fr. same, and δαμάω to conquer) brass subduing, sharpening brass, steel- whetting. ΧαλχοΧο, g. sin. Ion. of χαλκός. Χαλκόκνημις,-'ιδος,^ f), (fr. χαλκός brass, and κνημις a boot) brazen- booted, with greaves of brass, brazen-mailed, n. pi. χαλκοκνή- μιδες. Χαλκοκορυστΐ}, d. sin. of Χαλκοκορυστης, -ov, b, (fr. χαλκός brass, and κόρνς a helmet) braz en-helmeted, brazen-mailed or armed. Χαλκόκροτος, -ov^ b, $, (fr. same, and κρούω to beat) brazen-sound• ing, brazen-hoofed, brazen-. - Χαλκολίβανον, -ου, to, a kind of fine copper or brass ; a mixture of gold and silver. Χαλκοπάραος, JEol. and Dor. for Χαλκοπάρνος, Att. for Χαλκοπάρει- ος, -ov, δ, r), (fr. χαλκός brass,and παρειά a cheek) brazen-cheeked. Χαλκόπεδος, -ov, b, ft, (fr. same, and πέδον the ground) brass- floored, firm, solid, steady. Χαλκοπλάστης, -ov, b, (fr. same, and πλάσσω to form) a worker in brass, brasier. Χαλκόπονς, -ποδός, δ, η, (fr. same, and το?? a foot) brazen-footed. Χαλκόπιίλος,-ου, δ, t/,(fr- same, and πυλ»; agate) having brazen gates. Χαλκός, -ου, δ, brass, copper ; arms, weapons or any brazen instru- ment or utensil ; copper or brass money, money. Χαλκότοζος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. last, and τόζον a bow) having a brazen bow. Χαλκύτορος, -ov, b, %, (fr. same, and τορέω to bore) piercing brass; strong, sharp. Χαλκύτυπος,-ου, δ,?% (fr. same, and τύπτω to strike) working in brass, a brasier, coppersmith ; struck with brass, wounded with a sivord. Χαλκουσθαι, pres. inf. pass. cont. of χαλκόω. Χαλκοχάρμης, -ov, δ, >y, (fr. χαλκός brass, and χάρμ>, battle, th. χαίρω to rejoice) delighting in war, warlike. Χαλκοχιτόνων, ζ. pi. of Χα\κοχ^ων } -Ονος, fi, fo (fr. χαλκ&( ΧΑΜ braes, and χιτων a coat) brass clad, brazen-mailed. Χαλκόω -&-, (fr. χαλκός brass) to make of brass; ίο case or arm with brass, to arm. Χαλκω, d. sin. of χαλκός. Χαλώσι, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of χαλάω. Χαμαϊ, Χαμάδις, and Χαμάζε, on the ground, to the ground. Χαμαιάκτη, -ης, η\, (fr. last, and ακτή an elder) a dwarf elder, elder. Χαμαίβατον, -ov, το, (fr. same, and βάτος a bramble) a strawberry. Χαμαίβατος,-ου, b or η, (fr.sacne) a low shrub or bramble, blackberry. Χαμα^ενης, -4ος -ους, b, η, (fr. χα- μαϊ on the ground, and γίνομαι to be) earth-born, terrestrial. Χαμαιδάφνη, -τ/ς, >/, (fr. same, and δάφνη a laurel) ground or dwarf laurel. Χαμαιδιδάσκαλος, -ov, η", (fr. same, and διδάσκαλος a master) a low schoolmaster. Χαμαιδικαστης, -υΰ, b, (fr. same, and δικαστής a judge) an inferior magistrate. Χαμαώρυς, -νος, ή, an herb, creep- ing germander or wood-sage. Χαμαιεύνης,-ον, b, η, (fr. χαμαϊ on the ground, and ευνή a bed) ly- ing on the ground. Χαμαίζηλον,-ον, το, (neutofnext) a shrub, broom. Χαμαίζηλος, -ov, b, η, and -λος -η, -ov, (fr. χαμαϊ on the ground, and ζήλος emulation) creeping on the ground, low, grovelling, humble, abject, mean. Χαμαιλενκη, -ης, ή, (fr. same, and λεύκη a white poplar) dwarf poplar. Χαμαιλέων, -οντος, b, (fr. same, and λίων a lion) a lizard; a chamcelion ; a turncoat, rene- gade; evasive, sly, artful. Also a thistle. Χαμαίμηλον, -ov, το, (fr. χαμοί on the ground, and μήλον an apple) chamomile. Χαμαιπετοισαν, Dor. for χαμαιπε- τοϋσαν, a. sin. fern. cont. pres. par. act. of Χαμαιπετίω -ω, (fr. χαμαϊ on the ground, and πετεω for πίπτω to fall) to fall to the ground, fail. Χαμαιπετης, -ίος -ους, Ό, η", (fr. same) fallen on the ground, prostrate; mean, humble, low, grovelling. Χαμαίπιτνς, -νος, η, (fr. χαμαϊ on the ground, and πίτνς a pine) an herb having the smell of a pine-tree. ΧαμαιρΊφης, -ίος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and ρίπτω to throw) thrown, strewn or spread on the ground. Χαμαιτνπε7ον, -ov, το, (fr. same, and τνπτω to beat) a brothel. Χαμαιτΰπη, -ης, fj, (fr. same) a prostitute. ΧΛαέλαία, -ας, f], for χαμαιελαία, (fr. same, and ελαία an olive) a dvxirf olive-tree, an olive. XAP Χαμεύνα, Dor. for Χαμεύνη, •ηί, and Χαμεννϊς, -ίδος,ή, (fr. χαμαϊ on the ground, and εννη a bed) a bed on the ground, mattress, pallet. Χαμηλός, -η, -ov, (fr. χαμαϊ on the ground) low, creeping ; humble; mean, vile ; smooth, flat. Χαμόθεν, (fr. same) from the ground, from below. Χαμοΰλκος, (fr. same, and έλκω to draw) a dray, sledge; a ma- chine to draw ships upon the shore ; a capstan. Χάμος, -ov, b, a bit, rein, bridle. Χαμών, -ώνος, 6, (Heb.) a cake. Χαμώς, Heb. indecl. Chemosh, name of an idol. Xavaav, b, Heb. indecl. a man's name ; Canaan, name of the Holy Land ; a merchant. Χαναναίος, -a, -ov, (fr. last) of Canaan ; a Canaanite ; a mer- chant. Χανοάνω, (fr. χάζω to contain) to contain, hold, grasp; to be ca- pacious, large. Χανδον, {ft. χαίνω to gape) with open mouth, gapi?ig. ΧανεΊν, 2 a. inf. act. — Χανοΰμαι, 1 f. ind. mid. — Χαρούμενος, 1 f. par. mid. — Χαν-ω, 1 f. ind. act. of χαίνω. Χάος, -εος -ονς, το, (fr. χαίνω to gape ) an opening, fissure, gap- ing ; a gulf, abyss, vast chasm, gap, valley; a chaos, boundless space ; a confused heap ; dark- ness. Χάος, -ov, h, η, (fr. χάω to take) good, honest, worthy ; noble, il- lustrious. Χαρά, -ας, η, (fr. χαίρω to rejoice) gladness, joy, pleasure, delight. Χάραγμα, -ατός, το, (fr. χαράσσω to carve) a mark, note, stamp, character, letter; sculpture, en- graving, device ; a piece of mo- ney, coin; a wound, scar. d. χαράγματι. Χαράδρα, -ας, Ion. -ης, η, (fr. same) a ravine, gully, channel or bed of a torrent ; a torrent ; a ditch, trench, canal; a fissure or chasm ; the name of a bird. Χαράδρην, a. sin. Ion. of χαράδρα. Χαραδρώς, -ου, b, name of a bird. Χαρακοβολία, -ας, η, (fr. χάραξ a trench, and βάλλω to throw) an entrenchment, camp, encamp- ment. Χαρακόω -ω, (fr. χάραξ a trench) to entrench, fortify, defend ; to dig a trench round, besiege. Χαρακτηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. χαράσσω to engrave) a mark, stamp, im- pression, seal; sculpture, en- graving, device; a figure, form, drawing, draught ; exact image, express likeness ; countenance, expression, fate, feature ; title, inscription ; a character, de- scription, token, peculiar differ- ence. Χαρακτηρίζω, (fr. last) to mark, stamp, distinguish, characterize. Χαράκωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ft, (fr. (599) XAP next) a fortifying, defence, pre* teclion ; a siege, blockade. Xepat-, -ακος, b, (fr. χαράσσω to hollow out) a track, furrow ; a ditch, dike, trench, fosse ; a for tificalion, rampart, fence ; a pa- lisade, stake, pole, perch ; a rod or support for vines. Χαρασσεμεναι, Dor. for χάρασσαν^ pres. inf. act. — Χαράσσοισα, Dor. for χαράσσουσα, fern, of pres. par. act. of Χαράσσω or -ττω, f. -ζω, p. κεχά- ραχα, to scratch, scrape, graze; to engrave, mark, stamp, imprint, coin; ίο cut or hollow out; to form, fashion, make, shape ; to cut, scarify, lance, pierce ; to make α track ; to row, sail, na- vigate ; to write; to plough; to sharpen, whet ; to grind or gnash the teeth, be incensed, per. ind. pass, κεχάραγμαι, -ξαι, -κται. Χαρείην, 2 a. opt. pass. — Χαρείς, -έϊσα, -ιν, 2 a. par. pass, of χαίρω. Χάρη, Ion. for εχάρη, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. pass. — Χαρηναι, 2 a. inf. pass. — Χαρήσομ-αι, -η, -ετάι, 3 pi. -σονται, 2 f. ind. pass. — Χαρητε, 2 pi. 2 a. sub. pass, of same. Χαρίεις, -εσσα,-εν, (fr. χάρις grace) graceful, aegant, ornamental, handsome, lovely, attractive ; welcome, grateful, pleasing, a- greeable ; polite, learned, a. j»L χαρίεντας. Χαρίεντ for χαρίεντα, a. sin. of last. Χαριεντίζομαι, (ir. χαρίεις elegant) to be polite, genteel or polished ; to jest, be witty, facetious; to sport, trifle. Χαριεντισμος, -ov, b, (fr. same) ele- gance, politeness, grace ; wit, fa- cetiousness. Χαριέντως, (fr. same) gracefully, pleasingly. Χαριίστατος, -η, -ov, sup. of χαρίεις* Χαρίζεσθαι, pres. inf. pass Xa- ρίζεσθε, 2 pi. pres. ind. pass. Χαριζόμενος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass, of Χαρίζομαι, f. mid. χαρίσομαι, p. κεχάρισμαι, (fr. χάρις grace) to confer favours, oblige, gratify, please, indulge, humour; to ad- mit to personal intimacy ; to give, grant, bestow; to forgive freely. pres. par. mid. χαριζύμενος, -η, -ov. 1 a. pass. ind. εχαρίσθην, -ης, -η' inf. χαρισθηναι' pa* - , χα- ρισθεϊς, -εΊσα, -εν. 1 f. ind. pass. χαρισθήσομαι. 1 a. ind. mid. εχαρισάμην, -ω, -ατο. ΧαρικλοΊς, JEol. and Dor. for Xa- ρικλους, g. sin. of Χαρικλώ, -όος -ους, η~, Chartclo, & proper name. Χαρίξη, Dor. for χαρίση, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. mid. of χαρίζομαι. Χάριν, (a. sin. of next, with κατά understood) on account of, be- cause of, for the sake of, in fa- vour of. Xap^,-yTos,f),grace, attraction;/»• ΧΑΡ vour, acceptance, Divine Grace a favour, benefit, kindness, free gift; thanL•, thankfulness, gra- titude, friendship; indulgence, partiality, undue preference ; graciousness, agreeableness ; en- joyment, recompense, reward pi. χάριτες, graces, ornaments . thanks ; the Graces. Χαρισάμενος, -η, -ov, par. — Xapi σασθαι, inf. 1 a. mid. — Χαρίσε- ται, 3 sin. 1 f. mid. — Χαρισθέν- τα, neut. pi. par. 1 a. pass. — Χαρισθηναι, 1 a. inf. pass. Χαρισθήσομαι, 1 f. ind. pass, of χαρίζομαι. Χάρισμα, -άτος, το, (fr. χάρις fa- vour) a grace, free gift, favour, kindness : gratification, pleasure ; a miraculous gift of the Holy Spirit, d. χαρίσματι' pi. χαρί< ματα' g. χαρισμάτων. Χαριστ /iptov, -ov, το, (neut. of next) a free gift, gratuitous re- ward, grace, favour, liberality, munificence. Χαριστήριος, -ov, b, ft, (fr. χάρις a favour) gracious, liberal, kind; grateful, thankful. Χαριστικός, -η, -ov, (fr. same) gra- cious. Χαρίτες, -ων, α'ι, the Graces. Χαριτόω -ω, f. -ώσ'•"» p. κεχαρίτω- κα, (fr. χάρις favour) to make ac- ceptable ; to distinguish by fa- vour ; to accept, receive kindly, regard, favour, esteem; to grati- fy, indulge, per. pass. ind. κε- χαρίτωμαι• par. κεχαριτω μένος, -η, -ov. Χάρμα, -άτος, το, (fr. χαίρω to re- joice) gladness, joy, delight; the cause of joy, a charm, attrac- tion. Χάρμη, -ης, ή, (fr. same) joy, glad- ness, delight; alacrity to war, promptitude to fight, delight in battle, impetuosity ; a battle, fight, engagement. Χαρμάνη and Χαρμόσυνη, -ης, //, (fr. same) joy, gladness, pleasure, delight. Χαροποιό, g. sin. Ion. of Χαροποιός, -ου, h, fj, (fr. χαρά joy, and ποιέω to make) making or causing joy, delightful, pleasing, gratifying, agreeable. Χαροπος or Χαρωπός, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and ώψ the eye) of a joyful countenance; cheerful, ani- mated ; blue-eyed, serene ; with red or fiery eyes ; tawny, brown. Χαρουσιν, 3 pi. 1 f. ind. act. of χαίρω. Xappav, fj, indecl. Heb. name of a town. Χαρτηρίος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) of paper. Χάρτης, -ου, b, (fr. χαράσσω to write) paper, a quire of paper. Χαρτίον, -ου, το, (fr. last) a piece or sheet of paper ; a volume, roll of paper. Χαρτοπώλης, -ου, b, (fr. same, and πωλέω to sell) a paper-seller, stationer. % χψτο-φυλαξ, -οίκος, h 9 (fr. same, ΧΕΙ ΧΕΙ Χειμαίνω, (fr. same) to winter, spend the winter ; to be cold or tempestuous, rage ; to agitate, toss. Χείμάρος, -ου, b, a peg or plug to let out the water collected by ov, (fr. last) of\ leaking or rough weather; the water so collected, bilge water ; the sink or well of a ship. Χείμαρρος, -ου, b, and Χειμάρροος -ους, b, (fr. χεΊμα winter, and ρ ε ω to flow) a torrent, flood, stream, brook. Adj. rain-swollen, winter- swollen, flooded, overflow- ed. and φύλαξ a guard) a keeper of the rolls, register, clerk. Χάρνβδις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, Cha• rybdis, a whirlpool, eddy. Χάρων, -οντος, b, Charon, the fer ry-man on the Styx. Χαρώνειος, Charon. Χάσκω, same as χαίνω. Χάσμα, -άτος, το, (fr. χαίνω to gape) a gaping, opening, gulf, chasm, abyss. Χασμάω -ω, and Χασμάομαι, (fr. same) to gape, yawn. Χασμεύ μένος, Ion. and Dor. for χασμυύμενος, pres. par. mid cont. of χασμίομαι, same as last. Χάσμη, -ης, ή, (fr. χαίνω to gape) a yawn, gaping. Χασσάμενος, Poet, for χασάμενος, 1 a. par. mid. — Χασσώμεθα,Ροβί. for χασώμεθα, 1 pi. 1 a. sub. mid. of χάζ^. Χατέονσι, d. pi. pres. par. act. of Χατέω -ω, Χατενω and Χατίζω, to want, be in want or need of, re- quire ; to desire, long for, wish, covet. Χαυλιόδους and Χαυλιόδων, -οντος, δ» hi (""• χαλάω to loosen, and οδούς a tooth) having teeth thrust out, with projecting teeth. Χαΰνος, -η, -ov, loose, slack, relax- ed, flabby, unbraced, soft, tender, thin ; spongy, slight, poor ; puff- ed up, swollen, proud; light, foolish, silly, empty, vain. Χαυνόω -ω, (fr. last) to relax, soft- en, dissolve ; to puff, make proud or vain. Χαυνών, -ωνος, b, (Heb.) a cake. Χαί>νως, (fr. χαΰνος loose) loosely, lightly, softly. Χαυών, -ώνος, b, same as χαυνών. ΧαφουροΊ or Χαφουρη, indecl. Heb. cups, bowls or basins. Χάω, to gape, yawn, be open ; to be empty ; to take, hold, contain. Χέάι, 1 a. inf. act. of χέω. Χεβρόδαψος, a certain Syrian food or dish. Χεδροπα, -ων, τα, and Χεδροψ, όπος, b, pulse, pease. Χέει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of χεω. Χέζω, f. -έσω, to ease one's self. Χει ά, -ας, ;/, a serpent's den ; a hole, cleft, cave ; a retreat. Χείλεσι, and Poet. Χείλεσσι, d. pi. — Χείλενς, Dor. for χείλους, g. sin. cont. — ΧειΚέων, g. pi. — Χεΐλη, η. a. v. pi. cont. of Χείλος, -ϊος -ους, το, a lip ; a speech, discourse ; an edge, margin, brink, shore. Χείλωμα, -άτος, το, (fr. last) a lip, border, edge, croion. ΧεΊμα, -άτος, το, (fr. χέω to pour) a fall of rain, snow, &c. ; « shower ; winter, hard weather, cold, tempest, storm. Χειμάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. last) to be cold or tempestuous ; to winter, spend the winter, be in ivinter quarters; to toss with a storm or tempest; to agitate, toss, af- flict, distress. (600) Xf, μαρρω, d. sin. of last Χεψάς, -άδος, ή, (fr. χεΊμα winter) winter-time, winter. Χειμασία, -ας, >), (fr. same) a v:in~ tering, winter-quarters, spending the winter; a storm, tempest, cold,. Χείμεθλον, -ου, rb, Χείμετλον, -ov, το, and Χειμέτλη, -ης, ι), (fr. same) a kibe on the heel, chil- blain. Χειμαρίξω, (fr. same) to bring win- ter. Χειμέριος, -ου, b,f), Χειμέριος, -α,-ον, and Χειμερ'ϊνος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) of or belonging to winter, win- try, cold, tempestuous, stormy. Χειμών, -ωνος, b, same as χεΊμα. Χείουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of χείω for χέω. Χε'ιρ, -pbg, f h (perhaps fr. χάω to hold) the hand, palm of the hand; the arm ; hand writing ; power, force, strength ; a band, forces. An elephant's proboscis, trunk. Ε ν χερσί, at blows, at war. Ες χεΊρας, to blows. Χειρών νόμος, the law of arms. Εκ χειρός, by strength, violently. Δια χειρός or χειρών, by hand, with hands, carefully, attentively, diligently. ΧεΊρα, sin. — ΧεΊρας, pi. a. of χειρ. Χειραγωγέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. κεχειρα- γύ-.γηκα, (fr. last, and άγω to lead) to lead by the hand, guide, conduct. Χειραγωγώ, -ου, b, ^, (fr. same) leading by the hand, a leader, guide. Χειραγωγον μένος, -η, -ov, pass, cont. — Χειραγωγοϋντες, act. n. pi. cont. par. pres. of χειραγωγέω. Χειραπτάζω, (fr. χεϊρ the hand, and απτω to join) to touch with the hand, handle, feci; to seize, grasp. Χειραψία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a kind of wrestling or boxing; a co- ming to blows, engagement, bat- tle ; a light touch, slight rubbing. ΧεΊρες, η. pi. — Χείρεσι, and Χεί- ρεσσι, Ion. and Poet, for χερσί, d. pi. of χε'ιρ. Χειρϊ, d. sin. of χε'ιρ. Χείριστος, -η, -ov, sup. of κακδί, a, fem. χειρίστην. Χειρίστως, (fr. last) very badly or wickedly, very ill. Χειροβαλίστρα,-ας, >;, (fr. γεϊρ tne hand, and βάλλω to throw) α fiery dart thrown by the hand. Χειρόγραφον, -ου, τό, (fr. %«?p the ΧΕΙ hand, and γράφω to write) hand writing ; a note or bill. Χειρόδεσμος, -ου, b, (fr. same, and δέω to tie) hand-cuffs. Χειροδίκαι, η- p 1 . of ΧειροδιΉης, -ov, b, (fr. χεϊρ the hand, and δίκη judgment) who takes the law in his own hands ; a ruffian. Χειροδρόπος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and δρέπω to collect) collecting or gathering ivith the hands. Subs. a picker, puller, weeder. Χειροδωτος, -η, -bv, (fr. χειρ the hand) reaching to the hands, having sleeves. Χειροήθης, -εος -ους, δ, η, (fr. same, and ήθος custom) accustomed to be handled, gentle, tame. Χειροκοπείσθω, 3 sin. pres. impr. pass, of Χειροκοττεω -ώ, (fr. χεϊρ the hand, and κόπτω to cut) to cut off the hands. Χειρόμακτρον, -ου, το, (fr. same, and μάσσω to wipe) a towel, napkin. Χειοόμύλον, -ου, το, (fr. same, and μύλη a mill) a hand-mill, quern. Χείρον, sin. — Χείρονα, pi. neut. of χείρων, irreg. comp. οι κακός. Χειρόνεσσι, Poet, for χείροσι,ά. pi. of same. Χειρονομεί* -ω, (fr. χεϊρ the hand, and νέμω to regulate) to use action with the hands ; to box, fight ; to dance. Χειρονομία., -ας, f), (fr. same) ac- tion ; a pugilistic combat, box, fight. Χειρόομαι -ουμαι, (fr. χεϊρ the hand) to take or subdue by force of hand r conquer t tame, handle, manage. Χειροπεδαϊ, -ων, αί, (fr. same, and πεδάω to fetter) handcuffs, fet- ters. . * Χειροπληθης,-έος'-οΰς, δ//,(η\ same, and κλήθω to fill, th. πλέος full) filling the hand, large. Χειροποίητος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and ποιέω to make) made with hands, artificial, ingenious. Χειρός^, sin. of χειρ. Χειροσκόπος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. χεϊρ the hand, and σκέπτομαι to look at) inspecting or examining the hand, skilled in palmistry; ; atelier of votes. Χειροτένοντες., η. pi. of Χειροτένων, -οντος,ο,η, (fr. χεϊρ the hand, and τένων a tendon» th. τείνω to stretch) having strong or nervous hands or claws. Χειρότερος, -α, -αν, comp. of κακός. Χειροτέχνης, -ov, δ, (fr. χεϊρ the hand, and τέχνη art) an artist. mechanic. Χειροτονέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. κεχειρο- τόνηκα, (fr. χεϊρ the hand, and τείνω to stretch) to stretch, extend or raise the hand ; to vote, elect. appoint, nominate. 1 a. ind. act. εχειροτόνησα. 1 a. ind. pass. εχειροτονήθην, -ης, -η. Χειροτονηθεϊς, pass. sin. — Χειρο- Tov>7aav^i,act.pl.par. 1 a.oflast. G4 XEP Χειροτονία, -ας, ι), (fr.same) a Suf- frage, vote; an enactment; an election, appointment, nomina- tion. Χειρουν, pres. inf. act. cont. of χειρόω. Χειρουργέω -ώ, (fr. χεϊρ the hand, and έργον work) to work with the hands, perform, do, execute; to apply medical aid, perform an operation. Χειρουργός, -ov, Ό, (fr. same) an operator, surgeon, executioner. Χειρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. χεϊρ the hand) to subdue by manual strength, conquer, subjugate, tame, manage. Χείρω, fr. Χείρονα -oa -ω, η. or a. pi. neut. of χάρων. Χείρωμα, -ατός* το, (fr. χεϊρ the hand) a pile raised by hands, tomb, monument ; a stroke, wound, attack. Χειρών, g. pi. of χείρ. Χειρών, -όνος, δ, η\ (comp. of κακός bad) worse, inferior; poor, needy, in want. Χείρων, -όνος, δ, Chiron, a man's name. Χειρώνακτες, η. pi. of Χειρώναζ, -κτοί, b, (fr. χεϊρ the hand, and ανάξΆ king) an artist, mechanic, workman. Χειρωναξία, -ας, ff, (fr. same) hand- icraft, trade, work. Χειψωσασθαι,Λ a. inf. mid. of χει- ρόω. Χείσεται, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. mid. of χείω,ΐοτ χέω. Χελεία, same as χειά. Χελϊδών, -όνος, ή , a swallow ; a fish like a polypus ; the hollow in a horse's hoof, the frog. Χέλυδρος, -ου, δ, (fr. χέλυς a tor- toise, and ύδωρ water) the sea tortoise or turtle ; a poisonous ser- pent ; a water snake. Χελύνιον,-ου, το, (dim. of χείλος a lip) a lip. Χέλυς, -υος, η, a tortoise ; a lute, lyre; a machine; military en- gine ; the breast. Χελύσσυμαι, (fr. last) to cough, spit up, expectorate ; to vomit, belch, throw up ; to foam. Χελώνη, -ης, η, same as χέλυς. Χελωνών, -ov, το, (fr. last) the co- vering or shell of a tortoise. Also, same as χελύνιον. Χελοινϊς,-ίδος,ίι, (fr. χέλυς a tor- toise) the threshold of a door. Χέουσα, fem. of χέων, pres. par. act. of χέω. Χερεθ οτΧενέ&, Heb, indecL cabins, huts. Χέραδος,-εος -ους, τδ, and Χέρας, -άδος, η, (fr. χερμάς a stone, th. χεϊρ the hand) a heap of pebbles or sand carried down by a torrent ; mud, sand, and stones mixed together. Χερείονα, η. pi. neut. of χεαείων. Χερειύτερος, -α, •ον, and Χερείων, -όνος, δ, η, Poet, for χείρων, comp. of κακός. Χέρεσσι, Poet, for χείρεσσι, Ion. for νερσϊ, d. pi. of γείρ. (601) XEP Χέρηα, a. sin. ~ Χέρηίς, h. pi. - Χέρη'ί, d. sin. of Χέρευς, .-εος Poet, -ηος, δ, ή, (fr. χεϊρ the hand) inferior, worse, weaker. Χεοϊ, Poet, for χεφί, d. sin. of Χεριαράν, g. pi. Dor. of Χεριάρας, -ov, b, (fr. χεϊρ the hand, and άρω to fit) fitting the hand, handy ; expert, ingenious. Χερμάδιον, -ου, το, dim. of Χερμάς, -άδος, η, (fr. χεϊρ the hand, and μάσσω to handle) a stone to be thrown or as large as the hand can holdi Χέρνα, -ης, η, (fr. same, and νέω to spin) poverty, want, nfed. Χερνης, -ητος, δ, tj, and Χερνήτης, -ου, ί, (fr. χεφΛε hand, and νέω to spin) v:orking for food, poor, needy, in want, mean. ; a kern. Χερνήτις, -Έδυς, η, (fr. same) who spins for food ; a spinner. Χέρνίβον, -ου, το, (fr. next)o wash- hand basin. Χερνίπτω,&ηά-όμαι, (fr.- χεϊρ' the nand, and νίπτω to wash) to wa>sh the hands. Χέρνιψ, -ιβος, η, (fr. last) water or a vessel for washing hands; a washing or cleaning of hands. Χερνίψαντο, Ion. for εχερνίψαντο, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. mid. of χερνίπτω. ΧεροΊν, Poet, for χειροΐν, d. du. of Χ εί Ρ; Χεροκένως,(ίχ. χεϊρ the hand, and κενό? empty) emply-handed,with- out a present. Χερουβ, pi. Χερ&νβεϊμ,'Άεο. indecl. a cherub ; cherubim or cherubs. Χέρρες, and Χέρρας, Dor. for χεΓ- ρες, ana χείρας, η. and a. pi. of χείρ;. Χερρόντ-τος or Χερσόνησος, -ου, ή, (fr. n*jxt, and νήσος an island) a peninsMa, Χέρρβς or X^chw, -ου, δ, //, untitled, uncultivated, barren ; deserted, destitute ; rough, uneven. Subs. the shore, beach, land, ground. Χερσαίος, -a, -ov, (fr. last) of the earth or land^ terrestrial ; un- cultivated, bart-en, neglected. Χερσεύω, f. -εύσω., (fr. same) ίο lie uncultivated, be neglected ox un- tilled, become barren. Χερσϊθΐ_-σϊν, d. pi. of χείρ. Χερσόθεν, (fr. χέρσος.οτ χέρρος the ground, and S -εν from a place) from the ground, from the land; on the barren sand. Χερσονησοειδης, -έος-ους, b, {}, (fr. χερσόνησος a peninsula, and εϊδος form) like Chersonesus, peninsu- lar.. Χέρσος, see χέρρος. Χερσόω -.ώ, (fr. last) to make desert, render barren, become desolate. Χερνδριον, -ου, rb, (dim. of χεϊρ * hand) a little hand. Χερ'7), (d. sin. of χέρος, for χέρσος or χέρσος land) at hand, near, nigh, adjoining. Χερών, Poet, for χειρών, g. pi. of χείρ. ΧΗΡ Χεσείω, to desire to ease one's self. Χεττάμ, Heb. indecl. hangings vestments. Χενάντων, Aft. for χευά>ωσαν,3ρ1. οίχευον,-άτω, 1 a. impr. act. of χίω. Χεΰμα, -ατός, το, (fr. χίω to pour out) a liquid mass; a wave, torrent, stream ; a flow, fluency ; any thing cast as a vessel, quoit, &c. Χεύσωσί, 3 pi. 1 a. sub. act. of χίω. Χεφονροι, Heb. indecl. a covered vessel or basin, tankard. Χίω, Χείω, and Χεύω, f. χ£σω, χεί- σω, and χεύσω, ρ. κεχευκα, to gape, open ; to be capacious, hold, contain, receive; to pour out, forth or down; to shed, strew, scatter, disuse; to raise, erect, pile np, heap, accumulate ; to make liquid, melt, dissolve. 1 a. act. ind. ίχευσα ίχενα έ^γεα"ίιηρΓ. χεύσον, and χεΰον, 3 pi. χευάτω- σαν. per. ind, pass, κεχνμαι. Χηλεντος, -ή, -bv, (fr. next) knit, tied, woven, platted; mailed, meshed ; sewed, stitched ; twin- ing, winding, wreathed. Subs. a helmet made of chainwork. Χηλεύω,ΐ. -εύσω, (fr. next) to sew, twist, plait, twine ; to join toge- ther, knit, tie. Χηλή, -ης, f), a pair of scissors, clip- pers, pincers, nippers ; crab's claws, a claw, hoof; a probe ; a notch in an arrow; a quay, pier, mound, break-water, mole. Χηλός, -ου, b, (fr. χίω to contain) a box, chest. Χήμη-ί-ης,!), ( fr • χαίνω to gape) a gaping, opening, yawning; a kind ofshelt-flsh ; a small liquid measure. Χήμωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, #, a disease in the white of the eye. Χήν, χηνός, b, η, a goose. Χηνοπλονμάτα, -ων, τα, (fr. last, and Lat. pluma, a feather) α feather bed, cushion, pillow. Χήρα, -ας, %, (fem. of χήρος bereft) a widow. Χηράζω, f. -ασω, (fr. same) to de- prive, bereave, leave alone, make a widow. Χηραμδς,-οΰ, b, (perhaps fr. same) a cave, den, hiding-place, haunt. Χηρεία, -ας, η, (fr. same) same as Χήρευσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, §, widow- hood ; destitution, loneliness, ηρεύω, f. -εύσω, (fr. next) to be- come a widow or widower, be a widow; to be destitute or de- prived ; to make destitute, de- prive, bereave. Χήρος, -pa, -pov, widowed, bereft, destitute, solitary, lonely. Subs. a widow, widower. Χηρόω-ω, f. -ώσω (fr. last) to de- prive, bereave, make destitute. Χήρωσε, Ion. for εχήρωσε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of last. Χηοωστής, -οΰ, b, the next relation or representative of one dying without an heir ; residuary lega- tee; executor. ΧΙΟ Xj7«£, d. sin. of χήτος. Χητίζω, (fr. next) to want, lack, stand in need of. Χητος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. χατίω to want) want, penury, poverty ; loss, absence. Χθαμαλος, for χαμαλδς, same as χαμηλός. Χθες•, yesterday, time past, former- ly. X0£atVo?,andX0i£o?,-;),-oi>,(fr.last) of yesterday, yesterday's, lately. Χθιζά, for χθες. Χθόα, a body. Χθονϊ, ά. sin. of χθων. Χθόνιος, -a, -ov, (fr. χθων the earth) earthly, terrestrial ; subterrane- an, infernal; dead, relating to the dead ; grovelling, mean, low, dishonest. Χθονδς, g. sin. of Χθων, χθονύς, η, the earth, ground, land. Χιά, same as χειά. ' Χιάζω, to mark with the letter X, to mark as spurious ; to cut or divide across. Χίδρον, -ου, το, green wheat, a green ear of wheat. Χιλιάδες, η. — Χιλιάδων, g. pi. of χιλιάς. Χϊλιαι,-σ, η. pi. fem. and neut. of χίλιοι. Χιλιάρχαι, η. pi. of χιλιάρχης. Χιλιαρχίω -ω, (fr. χίλιοι a thou- sand, and αρχή the command) to command over a thousand, be a military tribune. Χιλιάρχης, -ου, δ, (fr. same) same as χιλίαρχος. Χιλιαρχία, -ας, η, (fr. same) the command of a thousand, a mili- tary tribuneship. Χιλίαρχος, -ου, b, (fr. same) the commander of a thousand, a mi- litary tribune. Χιλιάς, -αδος, ή, (fr. next) a body containing a thousand, a thou- sand, d. pi. χιλιάσι or -σιν. Χίλιοι, -αι, -a, and iEol. Χείλιοι, a thousand. Χιλιοιτλασίων, -όνος, b, ή, (fr. last) a thousandfold. Χιλιοττλασίως, (fr. same) a tfiou- sand times more. Χίλιος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) a thou- sand. Χιλιοστός, -η, -dv, (fr. same) thou- sandth. Χιλιοστνς, -υος, fi, (fr. same) a thousandth part, a band of a thou- sand men. a. sin. χιλιοστύν. Χιλός, and Χείλος, -oy, b, food, fod- der, provender, pasture. Χιλόω -ω, (fr. last) to feed, graze, pasture. Χίμαιρα, -ας, Ion. -ης, ή, (fr. next) a chimera, monster. Also a kid or young she-goat. Χίμαρος and Χίμαρρος, -ov, b, (fr. χεΐμα the winter) a goat. Χιμαρως, Dor. for χιμάρονς, a. pi. of χίμαρος. Χίμετλον, see χείμεθλον. Χιόνεος, -a, -ov, (fr. χιών snow) snowy, snow-white. Χιονίζω, f. -Ycra>,(fr. same) to snow,, (602) ΧΛΟ sprinkle with snow; to whiten. Χιονίζομαι, to be white with snow; to shine like snow. Χιονόβας, -αντος, b, (fr. same, and βαίνω to go) walking through snow. Χιονύω -ω, same as χιονίζω. Χιονώδης, -εος -ους, 6, fh (fr• χιών snow, and εΤδος form) snowy, snow-white. ΧΊος, -ου, ή, name of an island. ΧΥτών, -ώνος, δ,Ιοη. Κίθών, atonic, waistcoat, coat, robe, shirt ; a corselet, breast-plate. Χιτώνα, sin. — Χιτώνας, pi. a. of last. Χιτώνιον,-ον,το, (dim. of same) α waistcoat, jacket. Χιτωνίσκος, -ov, b, (from same) a short coat, frock, waistcoat. Χϊων, -όνος, η, snow. Χλα7να, -ης, fj, an outside coat, cloak, coarse frock. Χλαμύδα, a. of χλαμύς. Xλaμvδηφόpoς,-oυ,b, ή, (fr.next,and 0f ρω to bear) wearing a cloak. Χλαμύδων, -ov, το, (dim. of next) a little cloak. Χλαμϋς, -ϋδος, η, a cloak, robe or loose garment ; a soldier's cloak ; a great man's robe. Χλευάξοντες, η. pi. par. pres. act. of Χλευάζω, f. -ασω, p. κεχλεύακα,(&. χλεύη derision) to taunt, jeer, jest, laugh at, mock, scoff', deride. per. ind. pass, κεχλενασμαι,-σαι, -rot• Χλεύασμα, -ατός, το, and Χλευασ- μός, -ου, b, (fr. same) mockery, scoffing, sport, game, derision. Χλευαστής, -ου, b, (fr. same) a mocker, scoffer, jester. . Χλεύη, -ης, ή, laughter, mockery, game, derision, sport. Χλιαίνω, f. -ανω, p. κεχλίαγκα, to warm, heat, bask. 1 a. ind. pass. εχλιάνθην. Χλιαρός, -a, -dv, (fr. last) hot, warm; pleasant, agreeable. Χλιαρως and Χλιαρον, (fr. last) pleasantly, agreeably. Χλιδαϊ, η. pi. of χλιδή. Χλιδανόσώυρος, -ov, b, η, (fr. χλίω to weaken, a.ndavpbv the ancle) having tender ancles or delicate feet ; delicate, soft, effeminate. Χλιδάω -ω, (fr. next) to live in luxury, be delicate, effeminate; to delight, ravish, transport. Χλιδή, -ής, η, and ΧλΊδος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. χλίω to weaken) luxury, voluptuousness, softness, effemi- nacy, delicacy. Χλίδημα, -άτος, τδ, (fr. same) luxury. * Χλιδών, -ωνος, η, (fr. last) abrace- let, necklace, n. pi. χλιδωνες. Χλιήνας, 1 a. par. act. of χλιαίνω. Χλίω, to make luxurious, weaken, enervate, make delicate. Χλόα, -ας, η, green herb, grass; Chloe an epithet of Ceres, or a woman's name. Χλοερός and Χλωρό?, -i, -bv, (fr. last) grassy, green, verdant. Χλοεοψ, d. sin. of last. ΧΟΙ Χλοεύνης, cont. Χ\οννης,-ου, b, (fr. χλόα grass, and εννη a bed) ly- ing on a grassy bed; rough, clownish ; a chum. Χλόη, -ης, η, same as χλόα. Χλοηφόρος,-ον,&,ι),{ίτ. last, and φί- οω to bear) grassy, verdant, bloom- ing, fresh ; pale, sallow, wan. Χλούναι, n. pi. of Χλούνης, cont. {οτχλοευνης, vernal, early, green. Χλωρη'ίς, -ΐδος, η, (fr. χλωρός ver- dant) a vernal songstress; epi- thet of a nightingale ; pale, ashy. Χλωρίζω, (fr. next) to be green, verdant, bloom, flourish. Χλωρός, -d, -ov, Cras. for χλοερός, (fr. χλόα grass) grassy, green, verdant, fresh, blooming, pliant, soft, tender; pale, wan, sallow, ghastly, pallid. Χλωρότης,-ητος, η,(ίτ. same,) green- ness, paleness, sallowness. Χχανω, f. χναίσω, to pluck, pull, tear ; to devour, eat, swallow. Χνόα, -ας, and Χνόη, -ης, η, (per- haps fr. χοάνη a tunnel) the case or box in a wheel to receive the axletree, nave ; the axletree ; the arm or extremity of it. Χνοάω, (fr. next) to have down or a beard, come to puberty; to bloom, flourish. Χνόος χνονς, -6ου -ου, b, (fr. χναύω to pluck) a plucking, scraping, shaving ; down, hair ; stubble, chaff; foam, scum; noise, roar- ing. Χοάνη, -ης, η, (fr. χίω to pour)^ a tunnel, funnel, tube, pipe. Χοάνοιο, g. sin. Ion. of Χόανος-, -ov,b, (fr. χίω to pour) a furnace, foundery, smelting- house ; a crucible. Χοενς and Χόος -ους, (fr. same) a liquid measure containing about seven gallons and a half. Χοη, -ης, η, (fr. same) a libation, offering of liquids. Χοθανώθ, indecl. Heb. coats, gar- ments. Χοϊκός, -ή, -όν, (fr. χόος dust, th. χίω to pour) dusty, earthy, ear- then, made of earth. Χοίνικες, η. pi. of χοΊνιξ. ΧοινικΊς, -ίδος, η , (fr. next) the nave of a wheel ; a small hoop, a a own; pi. fetters. ΧοΊνιξ, -Έκος, η, (fr. χίω to contain) a dry measure, about a pint and a half. Χοιρας, -άδος, η, (fr. χοίρος a hog) a pig ; also a rock scarcely co- vered with the water. Χοίρεος and Χοίρειος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) of a pig, pig's, swine's. Χοιρϊνη, -ης, fj, (fr. same) a pig's skin or bristles ; a shell used in ballotting or voting ; a sort of cake. Χοιρογρύλλιος, -ov, b, (fr• χοίρος a hog, and γρύλλος grunting) the bearmouse. Χοιροκομέΐον, -ov, to, (fr. same, and κομίω to take care) a pig-sly. Χοίρος. -ov,b or 7;, a pig, hog, sow, swins. Also the female parts. XOP Χοιροσφαγείον, -ου, τό,{ϋτ. last, and σφάζω to kill) a slaughter-house. Χολά, Dor. for χολή. Χολάς, -άδος, η, (fr. χολή bile) α bowel, intestine, gut. pi. χολά- δες. Χολατε, 2 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of Χολάω -ω, f. -άσω, p. κεχόλακα, (fr. χολή bile) to be angry, en- raged or indignant, chafe, fret, fume ; to rave. Χολίρα, -ας, η, (fr. same) the cho- lera morbus, flux and vomiting ; a spout. ΧολερΊκός, -η, -ov, (fr. next) trou- bled with bile ; choleric, irascible, passionate, angry. Χολή, -ης, η, bile, gall ; choler, an- ger, rage ; vomiting, nausea, loathing. Χόλιξ, same as χολάς. Χόλοιο, Ion. for χόλου, g. sin. of Χόλος, -ου, b, same as χολή. Χολού μένος, pres. par. mid. cont. of Χολόω -ω, f. -ώσω, (fr. χόλη anger) to irritate, provoke, exasperate, enrage. Χολόομαι -ουμαι, to be angry, fret, chafe, fume. 1 a. ind. act. εχόλωσα, -ας, -ε. Χολωθεις, 1 a. par. pass. — Χολω- θης, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. pass Xo- λωσάμενος, -η, -ov, 1 a. par. mid. — Χολωσίμεν, Ion. — Χολωσίμε- vat,Oor.for χολώσειν,Ι f. inf. act. — Χολωτο, Ion. for κεχολφτο, 3 sin. per. opt. pass, of last. Χονδρίτης, -ου, b, (fr. next) bread made of Χόνδρος, -ου, b, grain, corn, zea, spelt ; a colt, lump, a cartilage, gristle. Χόος -ους, -όου -ου, b, (fr. χίω to pour) the earth, ground; dust, ashes ; a heap, mound, bank ; a tomb, grave ; a measure con- taining about a gallon. Χόος -ους, -όου -ου, η, a water ves- sel for the hands, basin, ewer. Χοραζιν, η, indecl. Syriac name of a town. ΧόρδαχΙος or Χοδραψός, -ου, b, (fr nextj and α~τω to touch) swelling in the bowels, twisting of the guts ; a string, chord. Χορδη,-ης, η, a bowel, intestine, gut. astring, chord, pi. χορδαϊ,α^Γβ, lute. d. pi. Ion. χορδήσι. Χορεία, -ας, η, (fr. χορός a dance) a dance. Χορείος, -a, -or, (fr. same) of or be- longing to the chorus or dance ; fit for or adapted to dancing. ΧορεΊοςοτ Χόριος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a foot in prosody, consisting of one long and one short syllable. Χορευτής, -ου, 6,(fr. next) a dancer. Χοοεύω, (fr. χορός a dance) to dance, lead the dance, dance round ; to celebrate, perform ; to cause to dance. ΧοοηγεΊ, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. act. — Χορηγήσαι, 1 a» inf. act. of Χορηγίω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. κεχορήγη- «ca,(fr. χορός a dance, and άγω to lead) to lead the dance ; to lead the chcrue; to be ihs manager, (60S) XPA conduct, superintend, manage ; to supply, furnish, endow, provide. 1 a. act. ind. εχορήγησα, -ας, -c. Χορηγία, -ας, η, (fr. same) manage- ment of the chorus ; superintend- ance, management ; expense, supplies, provisions; wealth, opu- lence. Χορηγός, -ου, b, (fr. same) the cho- regus or leader of the chorus, manager of the stage ; a conduc- tor, superinlendant, supplier, provider, undertaker of any ex- pense, a liberal or beneficent per- son. Χορηγουντες, η. pi. cont. pres. par. act. of χορηγίω. Χορία or Χορεία, -ων, τα, (fr. next) food of milk and honey ; the bowels, entrails. Χόριον or ΧορεΊον,-ου, τό, (fr. χω- ρίω to contain) the secundine, afterbirth. Χόριος, -ου, b, >/, same as χορείος. Χοροιτυττία, -ας, ?), (fr. next) a dance, dancing. Χοροιτνττος, -ου, b, η, (fr. next, and τύ-τω to beat) dancing ; a dan- cer. Χορός, -ov, b, a chorus, choir, com- pany of singers or dancers ; a company, assemblage, band. Χορ'ρεϊ or Xop'pi, indecl. Heb. pa- trollers, soldiers who go the rounds. Χορτάζεσθαι, pres. inf. pass. — Χορτάζεσθε, 2 pi. pres. ind. or impr. pass, of Χορτάζω, f. -άσω, p. κεχόρτακα. (fr. χόρτος hay) to feed with grass or hay ; to fodder, feed, pasture; to satisfy, satiate. 1 a. act. ind. εχόρτασα, -ας, -ε. per. ind. pass. κεχόρτασμαιΛ a. pass. ind. εχορ- τάσθην, -ης, -η, 3 pi. εχορτάσθη- σαν' sub. χορτασθω, -9}ς, -τ). 3 pi. χορτασθώσι. 1 f. ind. pass, χορ τασθήσομαι, -η, -εται. Χορτάσαι, act. — Χορτασθηναι, pass. 1 a. inf. — Χορτασθήσεσθε, -θήσονται, 2 and 3 pi. 1 f. ind. pass, of last. Χορτασία, -ας, η, and Χόρτασμα, -άτος, τό, (fr. last) food, fodder. pi. χορτάσματα. Χοοτομανίω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. next, and μαίνομαι to be mad) to be overgrow?i with grass, be uncul- tivated, run wild. Χόρτος, -ου, b, hay, grass, herbage, fodder, food ; a blade of corn ; a yard, court, enclosure. Χορτώδης, -εος -ους, b, >/, (fr. last) like grass; grassy, full of her bage. Χουζάς, -a, b, Heb. a man's name. Χουν, a. — Χους, η. cont. of χόος. Χοΰσι, for χίουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of χίω. Χόω -ω, f. χώσω, p. κίχωκα, see χωνννω. Χραίνω, (fr. χράω to colour) to co- lour, dye, stain ; to smear, daub % paint ; to shade, darken ; to de~ file, contaminate, taint) pok luie. XPE 3Γραΐσ/χ\ Ion. for ίχραισμε, 3 sin. 2 a. ind. act. of Χραισμίω -ω, (fr. χρήσιμος useful, th. χράομαι to use) to benefit, serve,be useful; to help,aid,assist ; to protect, guard, avert danger. Χραίσμη, -ης, fj, (fr. last) help, aid, assistance, protection. Χραίσμησε, Ion. for εχραίσμησε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of χραισμίω. Xpav, pres. inf. act. cont. of χράω. Χρανθεις, 1 a. par. pass, of χρα'ινω. Χράομαι -ώμαι, pres. ind. mid. — Χρασθαι, pres. inf. pass. cont. — Χράται, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. mid. of χράω. Χραύσρ, 3 sin. I a. sub. act. of Χραύω, f. -ανσω, (fr. χράω to co- lour) to wound slightly, scratch, graze. Χράω, f. χρήσω, p. κίχρηκα, to give or supply for use, lend, accom- modate ; to utter oracles, prophe- sy, predict ; to rush, assail or as- sault violently, attempt furious- ly, endeavour, strive; to tinge, dye, colour ; to stain, pollute, defile. Χράομαι, to receive for use, or as a loan, borrow ; to covet, de- sire ; to use, make use of, employ ; to treat, behave towards, handle, transact ; to experience, feel ; to consult oracles, interpret ; to have intercourse, keep company, asso- ciate ; to have, possess, enjoy ; to be endowed with ; to conduct, lead, spend ; to be. 1 a. act. ind. έχρη- σα, -ας, -ε' impr. χρήσον, -άτω. pres. impr. mid. χράου -ω. impf. ΐπά.πιϊό..ε•χρα6μην -ώμην, -άου-ω, -άετο^ατο, 3 pi. εχράοντο -ώντο. 1 find. mid. χρήσομαι. per. pass. ind. κίχρημαι, and κίχρησμαι• ρΆν.κεχρημίνος,&ηά κεχρησμίνος. Χρία, Sync, for χρεία. Or for χρεεα, a. pi. of χρέος. Χρέεσθαι, pres. inf. mid. — Χρίεται, 3 sin. and Χρίονται,,- 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. — Χρεουσα, η. fem. par. pres. act. of χρίω or χρίομαι, same as χράω or χράομαι. Χρεία, -ας, η, (fr. χρή it is neces- sary) use, utility, advantage;; want, need, necessity, indigence:: a maxim, aphorism ; an occa- sion, business, affair ; manage- ment, action. Χρεΐος, -ov, b, if, (fr. last). poor, needy, destitute, in want. ΧρζΤος, Poet, for χρίος. Χρειώ, -6ος -ους, η, Ion. for, χρεία. Χρειώδης, -εος -ους, h, h, (fr. χρεία use) useful, serviceable. Χρειών, g. pi. of χρεία. Χρεμετίζω, and Χρεμίζω,Χ. -ϊσω, p. -ικα, to neigh. Χρεμετισμός, -ov, b, (fir. last) a neighing. Χρέμίσαν, Ion. for εχρίμισαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of χρεμίζω. Χρίμμα, -ατός, το, (fr. next) a spit- ting, coughing, hemming ; spit. Χρίμπτομαι, to clear the throat, cough, hem, hawk up a spit. Χρεμυς,-ύος, b, a kind of fish. Χρέος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. χράω to lend) a debt, loan ; the debt of XPH nature, fate, death ; office, duty, part, business, affair, matter, thing ; indigence, want, poverty, need ; necessity ; utility, profit, use, advantage ; an oracle, pro- phecy ; an omen, portent, iign ; chance, accident, fortune, event. Χρίω, -οος -ους, η, (fr. last) neces- sity, need. Χρίω, Ion. for χρω, cont. for χράον pres. impr. mid. of χράομαι. Χρίω, Ion. for χράω. Χρεωδοσία, -ας, η, (fr. ^ptosadebt, and δίδωμι to give) restoration of a debt, payment. Χρεωκόπυζ, and Χρεοκόπος, -ου, h, η, (fr. χρίος a debt, and κόπτω to cut) fraudulent, cheating, swindling. Χρεωκοπτίω -ώ, (fr. same) to de- fraud a creditor, to be unwilling to pay debts, cheat, swindle. Χρεωλυτίω -ω, (fr. χρίος a debt, and λύω to pay) to pay a debt, pay, redeem. Χρεωμένος, Ion. for χρώμενος, pres. par. mid. cont. of χράω. Χρέων, -ω, το, (fr. χράω to lend) a debt, obligation, necessity ; fate ; death. Χμίων εστϊ, it is necessa- ry, it is right, it ought, it is worth while. Χρίωνται, Ion. for χρώνται, 3 pi. pres. ind. cont. mid. οι χράω. Χρίως, -ω, το, Att. for χρίος. Χρεωστίω -ω, (fr. χρίος a debt) to be a debtor ;■ to owe, be indebted. Χρεώστης, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a debtor. Χρεωφειλίτης, -ou,b, (fr. same, and οφείλω to owe) a debtor. Χρή or Χρη, (impers. for χρήσι, 3 sin. pres. ind. of χρήμι it ought, it behoves, it becomes ; it is ne- cessary, proper or expedient ; it is right, pres/ inf. χρηναι and χρήν. impf. ind. , εχρήν. 1 f. ind. χρήσει. Χρήζει, 3 sin. — Χρήζομεν, -ζετε, 2 and 3 pi. ind. — Χρήζη, 3 sin. pres. sub. act. of χρήζω. Χρήζοντι, Dor. for Χρήζουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of Χρήζω, f. χρήσω, p. κίχρηκα, (fi\ χρεία want) to have need of, want ; to wish, desire ; to ask, beg, request. 2 sin. pres. opt. act. χρήζοις. pres. par. d. χρή- ζοντι. per. pass. ind. κίχρημαι ' par. κεχρημίνος. Χρηίζω, same as χρήζω, pres. inf. act. χρηίζειν. Χρηίσκεσθαι, ion. for χρη^ζεσθαι, pres. inf. pass, of last. Or for χρησθαι, Dor. for χρασθαι, pres. inf. pass. cont. of χράω. Χρημ\ for Χρήμα, -άτος, rb, (fr. χράω to use) a thing, matter, affair, business ; a work, deed, action; a great part, portion, great quantity ; a person, figure, appearance ; an oracle, answer, response. Τ a χρήματα, tools, implements, uten- sils, vessels, &c. money, riches, property, wealth ; wares, mer- chandise ; income, revenue, emo- lument. (604) XPH ΧρήμαΒ*, before aft aspirate, for χρήματα, η. a. v. pi. — Χρημά- των, g. —Χρήμασι, d. of last. Χρηματίζοντα, neut. pi. par. pres. act. of Χρηματίζω, f. -«σω, Att. -Υω, p. κε- χρημάτικα, (fr. χρήμα a busi- ness) to do business, be employea or engaged about, transact, ma- nage, negociate ; to act, behave ; to deal or associate, be intimate, keep company with ; to talk with, converse, address, speak to ; to treat, confer, deliberate, consult, debate, vote ; to decide, sentence, decree, award ; to move in or lay before a public assembly ; to sanction, enact, make to be, call, name ; to answer, give oracles, prophesy, foretell ; to trade, traf- fic. Χρηματίζομαι, to become rich, gain, make money, accumulate ; to consult an oracle, receive an answer, be warned, per. pass, ind. κεχρημάτισμαι, -σαι, -σται' par. κεχρηματισμίνος, -η, -ov. 1 a. pass, ϊαά.εχρηματίσθην,-ης,-η. Χρηματίσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Χρημα- τίσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind, act. — Χρη- ματισθεΧς, -εισα, -ev, η. pi. -θίν- τες, par. 1 a. pass, of last. Χρημάτίσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. χρηματίζω to do business) gain, profit, trade, dealing ; jurisdic- tion, authonty. Χρηματισμός, -ov, b, (fr. same) a divine oracle; a warning or command from God; an em- bassy or application to a king or state ; consultation of an oracle ; the answer, reply or response ; power, authority, jurisdiction ; a dealing, business, commerce, trade, traffic ; gain, profit ; a name, appellation. Χρηματιστήριον, -ου, το, (fr. same) a place where business is done, ex- change ; where law is given, a court, bench, throne ; where ora- cles are uttered, a shrine, temple, tripod. Χρηματιστής, -ου, »/, (fr. same) a trader, merchant, a man of busi- ness. Χρηματοδαίτης, -ου, b, (fr. same, and δαίω to divide) a distribu- ter of possessions^ arbitrator, um- pire. Χρήμη, —ης, η, (fr. χράω to use) want, poverty, indigence ; use, utility, advantage, profit ; a re- quest, petition. Χρήμι, obs. fr. χράω, which see. Χρημοσυνη, -ης, hi (»*• χρήμ α wealth) wealth, affluence. Χρήν, Ion. for εχρήν, impf. ind. act. ; or Apoc. ibr χρηναι, pres. inf. act. of χρή. Or with ι sub- scribed, Art. for χραν, pres. inf. act. of χράω. Χρηναι, pres. inf. act. of χρήμι or XPV- Χρής, for χρήζεις, 2 sin. pres. ind. act. of χρτιζω Or Dor. for χράεις, 2 sim tires, ind. act. of χράω. X/)77ffai,impr. — Χρησάμενος,-ϊ}, -ov* ΧΡΗ par. — Χρήσασθαι,\η(. — Χρήσαιτ, for χρήσαιτο, opt. 3 sin. I a. mid. — Χρήσας, -ασα, -αν, par. — Χρησον, impr. 1 a. act. — Χρή- σωμαι, -η, -ηται, 1 a. sub. mid. of χράω. Χρβσδ'είν, Dor. for χρήζειν, pres. inf. act. of χρήζω. Χρήσει, d. sin. Att. cont. οΐχρησις. Χρήσηται, 3 sin. 1 a. sub. mid. of χράω. Χρησθα, Dor. for χρη — Χρησθαι, Dor. for χρΰσθαι, pres. inf. mid. cont. of χράω. Χρησθεϊς, -ε~ισα, -εν, par. — Χρ^σ- θήναι, inf. 1 a. pass. — Χρήσθων, Att./or χρήσθωσαν, which Dor. for χράσθωσαν, 3 pi. cont. pres. impr. mid. of same. Χρησιμεύω, f. -εύσω, p. κεχρησίμεν- κα, (fr. next) to be useful; to serve, be serviceable. Χρήσιμος, -ου, b, η, and -η, -ov (fr. next) useful, 'profitable, bene Jicial, serviceable, comp. χρησι μώτερος, sup. -ώτατος. Χρησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. χράω to use) use, utility, profit ; a loan ; an oracle, rcspqnse ; a quotation, extract, passage from another writer, a. χρήσιν. Χρησμο\ογέω -ω, (fr. χρησμός an oracle, and \έγω to speak) to speak oracles, prophesy, foretell ; to interpret omens, explain ora- cles. Χρησμολογία, -ας, %, (fr. same) de- livery of an oracle, prophecy, di- vination, foretelling ; interpreta- tion or application of an oracle. Χρησμολόγος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) a deliverer of oracles, a diviner, prophet ; an interpreter or ex- pounder of oracles. Χρησμός, -ου, b, (fr. χράω to utter oracles) an oracle, divination XPI the p<,ace from whence the oracles were delivered; a shrine, tem- ple ; an oracle ; a victim, sacri- fice ; slaughter; the slain. Χρηστήριος, -ov, b, η, (fr. χράω to deliver oracles) oracular, fore- boding, prophetic. Χρήστης, -ov,b, (fr. χράω to lend) a creditor, lender of money, usur- er; a debtor, borrower ; a de- clarer of oracles, prophet. Χρηστικός, -η, -όν, (fr. same) use- ful, profitable, advantageous ; that makes good use of circumstances, judicious, prudent, sensible. Χρηστοήθεια, -ας, η, (fr. χρηστός useful, and ήθος custom) kind- ness of disposition, honesty, pro- bity, uprightness, purity. Χρηστοηθης,-εος-ους, δ,//, (fr. same) upright, honest, virtuous, worthy. Χρηστόκαρττος,-ου, b, //, (fr. χρησ- τός useful, and καρπός fruit) hav- ing good fruit. Χρηστολογία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and λέγω to speak) fair speaking, flattery, fair words. Χρηστολόγος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) flattering, using fair words. Χρηστομαθεω -ω, (fr. same, and μανθάνω to learn) to learn useful things ; to teach the principles of any thing. Χρηστομαθης, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr same) learning good things, zeal- ous of useful information, studi ous, tractable, docile. Χρηστόν, -οϋ, τό, (neut. of next) utility, use, advantage ; kindness, Χρηστός, -η, -ov, (fr. χράω to use) useful, beneficial, profitable, ser- viceable ; good, worthy; kind, gentle, gracious, obliging, easy, lenient. Χρηστότερος, -a, -ov, (comp. of last) better, preferable prophetic curse. PI. χρησμυϊ, ΥΧρηστότης, -ητος, η, (fr. same) use lots. fulness, utility ; benignity, gen Χρησμοσυνη, -ης, η, (fr. last) an oracle, prophecy ; need, want, poverty. Χρησμοφόρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and φέρω to bear) a fortune-tel- ler, hawker of oracles ; an inter- preter of oracles. Χρησμοφϋλαζ, -άκος, b, (fr. same, and φνλαξ a guard) a keeper of oraclei. Χρησμωδέω -ω, (fr. same, and ωδή a song) to sing or utter oracles, prophesy, foretell, predict. Χρησόμεθα, 1 pi. of χρησόμαι, 1 f. ind. mid. of χράω. Χ^/ηστεος, -a,-cv, (fr. χράω to use) to be used, &c. according to the verb. Χρηστεύεται, 3 sin. pres. ind. of Χρηστεύομαι, f. -ενσομαι, per. κε- χρήστενμαι, (fr. χρηστός useful) to be kind, obliging, willing to assist. Χρηστηρ, -ηρος, b, (fr. χράω to de liver oracles) giving oracles, ora cular. Χρηστηριάζομαι, f. -άσομαι, (fr last) to consult an oracle. Χρηστήριον, -ov, τό, (neut. of next) tleness, clemency, affability, le- niency, kindness ; goodness, wor- thiness ; innocence, purity, d. χρηστότητι, a. -τότητα. Χρηστως, (fr. same) usefully, pro- fitably, beneficially ; properly, rightly ; kindly, gently, leniently, affably. Χρήται, Dor. for χραται, 3 sin. cont. pres. ind. or sub. mid. of χράω. Χρ'ιμα,-ατος, τό, (fr. χρίω to anoint) ointment, unction. Χρίμπτω, f. -φω, to make approach, bring near, call ; to approach, draw near to, come to ; to dash against; to lean upon, support one's self ; to anoint. Χρισάμενος, -η, -ov, mid. — Χρίσας, -ασα, -αν, act. par. 1 a. of^p /ω. ΧρΊσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. χρίω to anoint) an anointing. Χρίσμα, -άτος, τό, (fr. same) an anointing, unction ; ointment, chrism, oil, Χριστιανίζω, f. -Ίσω, (fr. Χριστιανός a Christian) to be a Christian, famur the Christians Χοιστιανισμός, -ου, Ό, (fr. next) the\ waste) to spend or waste time. (605) XPO profession or study of Christi- anity. Χριστιάνός,-ή,-όν,(ΰτ. next) Christ- ian; a Christian. Χριστός, -η, -ov,(fr. next) anointed. Χριστός,-ου, b, Christ,the anoint- ed, the Messiah. Χρίω, f. -ίσω, p. -κέχρικα, to an- oint ; to bedaub, besmear. 1 a. ind. act. έχρισα, -ας, -ε. per. ind. pass, κέχρισμαι, -σαι, -σται. Χρόα, -ας, ή, colour, complexion, bloom ; the face ; surface, out- side ; the skin ; the body. Xp6a, a. sin. — Xpo'i, d. sin. of χρους. Χροιά, -ας, η, for χρόα. Χροϊζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. χρόα colour) to colour, dye, stain, paint ; to adhere, cling to. Χροίζομαι, to embrace, lie with. 1 f. ind. mind. Dor. χροίζομαι. Χροιην, a. sin. Ion. οϊ χροιά. Χρόμάδος, -ου, b, grinding or gnashing of teeth. Χρόμιος, -ov, b, a proper name. Χρόμις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, a kind of fish. Χρονέω-ω, (fr. χρόνος time) to live; to be in sound mind. Χρονίει, Att. for χρονίσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. — Χρονίζει, 3 sin. ind. — Χρονίζειν, inf. — Χρονίζοντος, g. par. pres. act. of Χρονίζω, (.-"ίσω, Att. -{ώ, -ιέΐς, -ιε7, ρ. κεχρόνικα, -ας, -ε, (fr. χρόνος time) to last, endure; to grow old ; to delay, tarry, defer, waste time ; to be or come loo late. 1 a. ind. εχρόνισα,-ας, -ε. Χρονικός, -η, -όν, (fr. same) relat- ing to time, chronic or chronical, of long standing, old, ancient. Τα χρονικά, chronicles, annals. Χρονικώς, (fr. last) ybr the time, i?i time. Χρόνιος, -a, -ov or -ου, b, η. (fr. χρόνος time) lasting, of long continuance, chronic ; durable, perpetual ; slow, late, tardy ; of old, former, past. Χρονιότης, -ητος, η, (fr. same) long continuance, length of time. Χρονισμός, -ου, b, (fr. same) long continuance, length of time, de- lay, tarrying, procrastination. Χρονιστός, -η, -όν, (fr. same) de- laying, tarrying , shw, late. Χρονογραφία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and γράφω to write) an account of the times, chronology. Χρονογράφος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same) a writer of annals, rhronologist. Χρονολογία, -ας, !7,(fr. χρόνος time, and λέγω to speak) chronology, account of dates. Χρονολόγος,-ον, b, η, (fr. same) a chronologist. Χρόνος, -ov, b, iimt, continuance, duration, length of time ; age, length of days ; a year. Λιώ χρόνον, after a little. Ανά χρο- vov, and Εττί χρόνον, some time, for a time ; at length. Χρονοτριβέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. κεχρο' νοτρίβηκα, (fr. last, and τρίβω to xvr Χρονοτριβησαι, 1 a. inf. act. of last. Χροός, g. sin. of χρους. Χρόος, χρους, -όου -ου, δ, (fr. χρόα colour) the skin, surface of the body; thejlesh. Χρονς, χροός, %ρο/, χρόα, δ, same as last. Χρόω, Χρωνν'όω, Χρώννΰμι, f. χρώ- σω, (fr. χρόα colour) to colour, paint, dye, tinge, stain ; to con- taminate, pollute, defile. Χρυσά, Χρύσας, see χρύσεος. Χρυσαλάκάτος, Dor. for χρυσηλά- κάτος. Χρνσαλλϊς, -*ίδος, #, (fr. χρυσός gold) a moth. Χρύσαμμος, -ου, δ, τ), (fr. same, and άμμος sand) having golden sands. Subs, a large drinking vessel tankard. Χρυσάμπύκας, a. pi. of Χρυσάμπυξ, -ΰκος, b, 17, (fr. χρυσός gold, and άμπυξ a head-band) having a golden head-band or fillet, gilt-reined. Χρυσάνθεμον, -ου, το, chrysanthe- mum, yellow flowered crowfoot. Χρυσάορος, -ου, b, η, Χρυσάωρ, -ορός, ό, η, (fr. χρυσός gold, and άορ a sword) having a golden sword or weapon. Also a man's name. Χρυσάργυρον, -ου, το, (fr. χρυσός gold, and άργυρος silver) a kind of tax. Χρυσάρματος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same and άρμα a chariot) drawn in a golden or gilt chariot. Χρύσασπις, -Υδος, b, η, (fr. same, and ασπίς a shield) bearing a golden shield. Χρυσανγέω -ω, (fr. same, and αυγή splendour) to shine like gold, beam, glitter. Χρυσάωρ, see χρυσάορος. Χρυσέ, v. sin. or χρυσός. ΧρύσεΙ for χρΰσεια, pi. neut. or n. sin. fern, of Χρύσειος, -a, -ov, (fr. χρυσός gold) golden, made of gold ; gilt. Χρνσελεφαντί/λεκτρος,-ου, b, >;, (fr. same, ελ ε φας ivory, and ήλεκτρο ν amber) oj gold, ivory and amber. Χρυνένδ,ετος, -ου, δ, if, (fr. same, εν in, and δέω to tie) tied or bound with gold. Χρυσεοκόμης, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and κόμη hair) having golden hair, yellow locks. ϋγυσεύκυκλος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and κι'κλος a circle) encircled in gold. Epithet of the sun. Χρνσεόνωτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and νωτος the back) having a golden back, covered with gold. Χρΰσεος -ους, -έη -η, -εον -ουν, (fr. χρυσός gold) golden, gilt } orna- mented with gold ; rich, superb. Subs, a gold coin, στατήρ under- stood. Χρυσεοστέφάνος,-ον^, η, (fr. same, and στέφανος a crown) wearing a golden crown. Χρυσεόστολος, -ου, ό, /;, (fr. same, and στέλλω to adorn) ornamented with gold, gilt. Χρνσεότενκτος, -ου } δ, ή, (fr. same, and τεύχω to make) made of gold, golden. Χρυσέω, Dor. for χρυσίου, g. sin. — Xpvafj, d. sin. fem. cont. of χρύσεος. Χρυσρ, Χρυσην, see χρύσεος. Χρΰση, -ης, fj, Chrysa, name of a town. Χρϋσηϊς, -Ήος, η, the daughter of Chryses. a. sin. Χρνσηίδα. Χρνσηλάκάτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. χρυσός gold, and ηλακάτη a rod) having a golden distaff'; having golden arrows and bow. Xpυσή\aτoς,-ov,b,f|,(fr. same, and ελαννω to drive) wrought of beat- en gold, golden; plated with gold, gilt. Χρυσήνιος, -ου, b,f/, (fr. same, and ηνία a rein) with golden reins or bridle. Χρΰσης, -ου, b, name of a man. Χρυσίζω, f. -Έσω, (fr. χρυσός gold) to be like gold, resemble gold. Χρύσίνος,-η, -ov, (fr. same) golden, of gold. Subs, a gold coin, στα- τηρ understood. Χρυσίον, -ου, το, (fr. same) gold, gold coin, money ; gold plate. Χρυσοβαφής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and βάπτω to tinge) ting- ed or ivashed with gold, gilt. Χρυσοβέλεμνος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and βέλεμνον a dart) furnished with golden darts. Χρυσοδαίδαλος or -δαλτος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and δαίδαλος ingeni- ous) ornamented with gold, glit- tering with gold. Χρυσοδακτύλιος,-ου , b, 17, (fr. same, and δακτύλιος a ring, th. δάκτυ- λος a finger) having a gold ring, wearing gold rings. Χρυσόδετος, -ου, b, >% (fr. same, and δέω to tie) gold-bound, tied with gold. Χρυσοειδης, -έος -οΐίς, b, ?;,(fr. same, and είδος form) having the ap- pearance of gold, like gold, yel- low. Χρυσόζύγος, -ου, b, i,(fr. same, and 1 ξυγόν a yoke) having a golden] yoke. Χρυσόζωνος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and ζώνη a girdle) with a golden belt or girdle. Χρυσόθεμις, -ιδος, >;, Chrysothemis, a woman's name. Χρυσόθριξ,-τριχος, ό, η, (fr. χρυσός gold, and 5-ρίξ hair) golden-hair- ed, ivith yellow locks. Χρυσόθρονος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and -5-ρόνος a throne) sitting on a golden throne. Χρυσοκέρως, -ρω or -ρωτος, b , η, (fr. same, and κέρας a horn) having golden or gill horns. Χρυσοκόλλα, -ης, ή, (fr. same, and κόλλα glue) golden-jelly, a sweet- meat of flaxseed and honey. Χρυσοκόμης, -ου, δ, Dor. Χρυσοκό- μας, -α, δ, and Χρνσόκομος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and κόμη hair) golden-haired. Χρϋσόλΐθος, -ου, δ, (fr. same, and λίθος a stone) a chrysolite, a precious stone of a gold colour. (506) XPT Χρυσόμαλλος, -ov, b, f], (fr. same, and μαλλός a fleece) golden fleeced. Χρυσομίτρης, -ου, b, ft, (fr. same, and μίτρα a head-dress) having a golden head-dress. Χρυσόξϋλος, -ου, b, %, (fr. same, and ξύλον wood) having gilt or yellow wood. Χρυσόπαστος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and πάσσω to scatter) spnnkled with gold, gilt, ornamented or interwoven with gold. • Χρυσοπέδϊλος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and πέδιλον a shoe) having gold- en shoes, golden-shod. Χρυσοπήληξ, -κος, δ, η, (fr. same, and πήληξ, a helmet) having a golden helmet Χρυσοποιός, -ου, b, >/, (fr. same, and ποιέω to make) a worker in gold, a goldsmith. Χρυσόπους, -ποδός, b, η, (fr. same, and πους a foot) golden-footed. Χρϊσόπρασος, -ov, b, (fr. same, and πράσον a leek) a gem of green colour, chrysoprasus. Χρυσόπτερος, -ου, b, t), (fr. same, and πτερόν a wing) having gold- en wings, gold-winged ; a kind of gem. Χρυσόρραπις or Χρυσόράπις, -ίδος, δ, >/,(fr. same, and ραπϊς a wand) having a golden wand. Χρυσορρόης, -ου, b, (fr. same, and ροή a stream) flowing with gold ; showering gold. Χρυσός, -οϋ, b, gold, any ornament or utensil made of it, gold plate, money. Χρυσοστέφάνος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. last, and στέφανος a crown) wearing a gold crown; crowning with gold; bespangled or sprinkled with gold, rich, costly; radiant, bright. Χρυσόστομος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and στόμα a mouth) having a golden mouth, pouring forth golden words, eloquent. Χρνσοτέκτων, -όνος, δ, (fr. same, and τέκτων a workman) a worker in gold, goldsmith. Χρυσότοξος, -ου, δ, ί], (fr. same, and τόζον a bow) carrying a golden bow; of the golden arch. χρυσοτόρευτος, -ov, b,f/, (fr. same, and τορευτός turned) turned, carved or engraved in gold. Χρυσού, Χρύσουν, see χρνσεος. Χρυσυνργός, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same, and έργον work) a goldsmith. Χρυσούς, -η, -ουν, cont. for χρύ- σεος, which see. Χρυσοϋφής, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. χρυ- σός gold, and ν φάω to weave) covered with gold, interwoven or embroidered with gold. Χρυσοφορέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. κεχρυ- 'σοφόρηκα, (fr. same, and φέρω to carry) to carry or ivear gold. Χρυσοφόρος, -ov, b, >/, (fr. same) wearing gold, rich, splendid. Xpvσoφϋλaξ,-aκoς,b, η, (fr. χρυσός gold, and φύλαξ a guard) keepe, of the gold, treasurer. ΧρνσσχαΙτας, -a, b Dor» for XTM Χρνσοχαίτης,-ον, b,(fr. χρυσός gold and χαίτη hair) with golden hair or yellow tresses. ΧρνσοχάλΙνος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and χαλινός a bridle) having a golden bridle ; gold-bitted. Χρνσόχειρ, -ρος, δ, η, (fr. same, and χειρ the hand) golden handed, covered with rings. Χρυσοχόος, -ου, δ, (fr. same, and χέω to pour) a meller of gold, goldsmith, refiner. Χρυσόω -ω, (fr. χρυσός gold) to over- lay or adorn with gold, gild. Χρύσωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) a golden vessel, cup, &c. gold plate. Χρνσωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) gilding. Χρυσωτης,-ον, b,(fr. same) a gilder. Χρυσωτός, -η,-όν, (fr. same) gilt. Χρυσώ, Dor. and iEol. for χρυσού, g. sin. of χρυσός. Χρω, cont. for χρόω, d. sin. of χρόος. Χρω, cont. fr. χράον, pres. impr. mid. of χράω. Χρώζω, f. -ώσω, (fr. χρόα colour) to colour, paint, tinge, dye: to stain, pollute, contaminate; to touch the skin. Χρώμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) colour, complexion; paint, dye; con- cord, harmony, melody. Χρωματικός, -η, -όν, (fr. last) relat- ing to colours, mellow, soft ; and to music, sweet, harmonious, melodious. Χρώμεθα, 1 pi. cont. pres. ind. — Χρώμενος, -η,-ον, par. pres. mid. cont. of χράω. Χρωννυω or Χρώννϋμι, see χοόω- Χρωννυω, same as χράω. Χρώνται, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. mid. of χράω. Χρως, -ωτός, b, (same as χροϋς) the colour, complexion, skin; flesh ; the body. Χρώσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. χρόα colour) a colour, tint, stain, dye, paint. Χρωστηρ, -ηρος, δ, (fr. same) a painter, dyer. Χρώσω, 1 f. ind. act. of χρόω. Χρωσωνέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (tr. χρυσός gold, and ωνέομαι to buy) to change gold money into silver. Χρωτο, 3 sin. cont. pres. opt. pass, of χράω, Χρωτός, g. of χρως. ΧνδαΊος, -a, -ov, (fr. χνω to pour forth) poured forth, spread ; co- pious, abundant, plenty, many ; vulgar, common, mean. Χύδην, (fr. same) diffusely, copi- ously, profusely, promiscuous- ly, plenleously, in heaps, every where. ΧνΥιξω, f. -ϊσω, (fr. next) to squeeze out the juice, extract, compress, suck out; to dissolve into juice, melt. Χυλός, -ου, b, juice, humour, moist- ure ; the chyle. Χΰλόω -ω, (fr. last) to squeeze out the juice. Χύμα, and Χνμα, -ατός, rd, (fr. ΧΩΛ χνω to pour) any thing poured or spread; a libation, drink-of- fering over the dead; an effu- sion, stream, copiousness; a multitude; confusion, disorder; profusion, waste. Χνμίζω, (fr. χυμός juice) to make savoury or juicy, dress, cook preserve, season, sweeten. Χυμΐκός,-ή,-όν, (fr. same) relating to juice, juicy. Χυμός, -ov, b, (fr. χύω to pour) juice, sap, humour, moisture; broth, eravy, sauce, soup. Χύνω, same as χύω. Χύσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. χνω or χέω to pour) an effusion, shed- ding, melting ; fall of leaves, &c. ; a copious stream or flow ; diffusion, diffuseness. Χντηρ, -ηρος, Ό, (fr. χνω to pour) a drain, sink, sewer. Χύτης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a melter or smelter, founder, caster. Χντλάζω, f. -άσω, (fr. next) to pour over ivith oil, pour upon, wash, bathe, anoint. Χντλον, -ov, το, (fr. νύω to pour) a mixture of oil ana water, used after bathing or washing; α kind of divination by means of oil and water. Χυτλόω -ω, (fr. last) to oil over, anoint ; to bathe, wash. Χύτο, Χύντο, Ion. for εκίχντο, and -χνντο, 3 sin. and pi. pper. pass, of χνω. Χντός, -η, -όν, (fr. χύω, same as χίω to pour or to neap up) pour- ed out, shed, scattered; fused, melted, refined ; fusible ; heaped up, piled. Q\ χντοϊ, mounds, ba?iks. Χύτρα, -ας, η, same as χύτρος. Χντράϊος, -a, -ov, and Χύτρεος, -ov, b, ij, (fr. χντρος a pot) of pots, earthen ; rattling, ringing. Χύτρόγανλος, -ov, b, (fr. same) a large pot or vessel. Χντροπόδων, g. pi. of Χντρόττους, -ποδός, b, (fr. next, and πονς a foot) a pot with feet. Χύτρος, -ου, δ, (fr. χνω to pour) a pot, pitcher ; a trough, tub, cis- tern. Χνω, f. χύσω, p. κέχνκα, same as χέω, per. ind. pass, κέχνμαι. per. ind. pass, εκεχνμην, -σο, -το. Χω, for χάω or έχω, to have, hold, contain. Χ' ώ, Dor. for και b. Χ' ώ 'δωνις, for και δ Άδωνις. Χώεο, Ion. for χώου, pres. impr. mid. of χώομαι. Χ' ώ 'κ, format δ εκ. χωθάο, indecl. Heb. a chapiter, cir- cular crown or ornamental bor- der, pi. χωθαρέθ. Χωθωνωθ, indecl. Heb. coats, gar- ments. Χωλαίνω, f. -ανω, (fr. χωλός lame) to halt, limp, hobble, be lame. Χωλεια, -ας, η, (fr. same) lameness. Χωλεύω, f. -ενσω, (fr. next) to be lame, limp, hall, hobble. Χωλός, -η, -όν, lame, weak on the (607) ΧΩΡ limbs, maimed, halt ; imperfect^ defident. Χωλότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) lame- ness. Χωλόω-ω, (fr. same) tomakelame y lame, maim. Χώλωμα,-άτος, ro,(fr. same) lame- ness, the loss or contraction of a limb. Χώλωσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) lameness. Χώμα, -ατός, το, (fr. χόω to heap up earth) a heap of earth, rath; a mound, mole, embankment; a bulwark, rampart. Χωμαρϊμ, indecl. Heb. certain of- ficers in idolatrous worship who were to offer by fire. Χωματίζομαι, (fr. χώμα a mound) to be placed or situated on an eminence ; to be fortified. Χ' ώ 'μός, Dor. for και b εμός. Χών, for χέων, pres. par. act. of χέω. Χωνεία, -ας, η, (fr. χωνεύω to melt) a pouring together, melting, fu- sion, casting. Χώνενμα, -ατός, τό, (fr. same) a melted mass ; what is melted or fused, a cast. Χώνενσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) a melting, casting, fusion. Χωνευτής, -ov, b, (fr. same) a smel- ter. ωνεντήριον, -ov, to, (fr. same) c smelting house, foundery, fur- nace. Χωνευτός, -η, -όν, (fr. same) melt- ed, molten, cast. Χωνεύω, f. -ενσω, p. κεχώνενκα, (fr. next) to melt, cast, throw into a melting furnace. Χώνη, -ης, fj, (cont. fr. χοάνη a tunnel, th. χέω to pour) a smelt- ing vessel, crucible ; a tunnel or funnel ; the throat, gullet. Χωννύω, and Χώνννμι or Χόω, f. χώσω, to heap up, pile ; to raise a mound or embankment ; to dam, choke, stop tip ; to raise a heap on a grave, bury, entomb^ erect a monument. Χωνος, cont. for χοάνος. Χώομαι, same as χολόομαι. par. pres. mid. χωόμενος, -η, -ov, g. Ion. χωομένοιο. Χ' ώπόσαι, Dor. for και b -πόσαι. Χώρα, -ας, Ion. Χώρη, -ης, //, (fr. ψωρος place) a place, situation, spot; a seat, abode, residence; space, room ; post, station, of- fice ; an apartment; a field, farm, ground, land ; a track of country, region, province, dis- trict. Εν χώρα, in its proper place, orderly, regularly; also, in place of, instead of. κατά χω- ράν, in order, stilly, quietly. Χωρεΐ, ind. — Χωρείτω, impr. 3 sin. cont. pres. act. of Χωρέω -ω, f. -ήσω, p. κεχώρηκα, to have a place, rest, abide, dwell in ; to go, move, march, pro- ceed ; to set about, betake one's self to ; to come to, pass over, approach, lend towards; to en- ter, penetrate ; to turn out, sue* ΧΩΡ ceed, prosper , increase ; to have an end, cease, conclude; to yield, give place, retire, retreat withdraw ; (o take in, hold, con- tain, receive ; to perceive, com- prehend, widerstand. 1 a. act. ind. εχώρησα, -ας, -ε" irnpr. χώ- ρησον, -άτω,% pi. χωρήσατε' inf. χωρήσαι. Χωρήβ, δ, indecl. Heb. name of a mountain. Χώρημα, -ατός, rb, (fr. χωρέω to contain) space, room, largeness, capacity ; a receptacle ; a chan- nel, bed of a river. Χωρήσαι, inf. — Χωρήσας, par. 1 a. act. — Χωρήσατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. of χωρέω. Χώρησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, fj, (fr. χω- ρέω to hold) taking, receiving, holding; capacity, largeness. Χωρήτης, and Χωρίτης, -ου, b, (fr. χώρα a field) a country-man, farmer, husbandman. ΧωρητΎκος, -ή, -bv, (fr. χωρέω to contain) capacious, large, con- taining, holding. Χωρητος, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) that may be held or contained corpo- rally or mentally ; tangible ; perceptible, intelligible. Χωριάζω, f. -βσω, (fr. χώρα a field) to live in the country ; to retire, withdraw. Χωριαμος, -ου, δ, (fr. χωρίω to con- tain ) a chest, box. Χωρίζεσθαι, pres. inf. pass. — Χω- ριζέσθω, pass. — Χωριζέτω, act. 3 sin. pres. impr. of Χωρίζω, f. -ισω, p. κεχώρικα, (fr. χωρίς apart) to sever, separate, part, divide, remove. Χωρίζομαι, to be separated, remove, depart, withdraw. 1 a. act. ind. εχώρισα, -ας, -ε* inf. χωρίσαι. pres. impr. pass, χωρίζου, -έσθω. per. pass, ind. κεχώρισμαι. par. κεχωρισμέ- νος. 1 a. pass. ind. εχωρίσθην, -νς•> ~V sub. χωρισθώ, -ης, -fj. Χωρί^ς,-ή, -bv, (fr. χώρα a field) belonging to the country, rural, rustic ; plain, simple. Χωρίον, -ου, το, (fr. χώρος place) a place, region, country, spot ; a field, farm, village ; a fortified place, castle, fort, tower ; a resi- dence, abode, house; a place, paragraph, passage. Also, Xd- piov or ΧορεΊον, the membrane containing the foetus, secundine, after-birth. Χωρίς, out of, apart, separately, se- verally ; without; besides, ex- cept, moreover. Χωρίσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Χωρίσει, 3 sin. 1 f. ind. act. — Χωρισθεί?, -ε7σα, -εν, par. — Χωρισθήναι, inf. — Χωρισθώ, 3 sin. sub. 1 a. pass, οι χωρίζω. Χωρισμός, -ου, δ, (fr. χωρίς apart) a separation, division, distribu- tion; a departure, removal. Χωριστής, -ου, b, (fr. same) asepa* rater, divider. Χώρισες, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) sepa- rable ; separated. Χωρϊτ?75, -ου, b, (fr. χώρα a field) a country man, farmer, pea sant. Χωριτ'ίκος, -ή, -bv, (fi\ same) be• longing to the country, rural, rustic ; plain, simple. Χωρϊτις,-ιδος, η, (fr. same) a coun- try woman, peasant. Χωροβατίω -ω, (fr. same, and βάω to go) to walk about a country or region, traverse; to walk about, go up and down. Χωρογράφέω -ω, (fr. same, and γράφω to write) to describe Uie country or region. Χωρομετρέω -ω, (fr. same, and μέ- τρον a measure) to measure over the country, survey. Χωρονομέω -ω, (fr. same, and νέμω to divide) to divide a country or field. . ;' Χωρονομίκος, -ή, -bv, (fr. same)re- lating to the division of land, agrarian. Χώρος, -ου, b, room, space, interval ; a place, spot, region ; seat, situ- ation; ground, land, farm, country. Χώρος, -ου, b, the north-west wind. Χωρουσαι, η. pi. fem. par. — Χω- ρουσι, 3 pi. ind. pres. act. of χωρίω. Χωρυτος, same as γωρυτός. Χ' ως, Dor. for και ως. Χώσαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Χώσας, 1 a. par. act. — Χωσάμενος, 1 a. par. mid. of χωννΰμι οτχωννύω. Χωσάμενος, 1 a. par. mid. -— Χώ- σατο, Ion. for εχώσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of χώομαι, same as χολυομαι. Χωσθεϊς, 1 a. par. pass, οΐχωννύω. Χώσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. χόω to heap up) a raising or piling up; a heap, mound, bank, em- bankment, dam. Χώσμα, for χώμα. Χωστδί, -ή, -dv, (fr. χύω to heap up earth) heaped up, piled, rais- ed, embanked. Χωστρϊς, -ίδος, ή, a mantlet or screen for protecting soldiers while working at the trenches. Adj. protecting, covering. Χώσω, 1 f. ind. act. of χωννύω. Χ' ώταν, Dor. for κα\ 'όταν. Χ' ω τι, Dor. for και δ τι. Χώω, to excite to anger, irritate, provoke; to vex, harass, afflict. Χώομαι, to be angry, enraged ; to fret ^ fume. ψ, ψ, psi, the twenty-third of the more modern Greek let- ters, and the fourth of the five additional ones. As a nume- ral character ψ signifies seven hundred ; with a dot under- neath, ψ, seven hundred thou- sand. * (608) ΨΑΛ Ψάγδας, -αδος, f), and Ψάγδαν, -ανος, b, (fr. ψακάζω to wet) a kind of gum or ointment. Ψaδapbς, and Ϋαθαρος, -a, -bv, (fr. ψάω to rub down) putrid, rotten ; tender, easily broken or crumbled, dry ; infirm, frail, weak ; sandy. Ψαθάλλω, (fr. same) to handle, feel ; to have connexion whh. Ϋαθυρόω -ω, f. -ώσω, p. εψαθύρωκα, (fr. next) to parch, make dry, brittle. Ψαθυρόομαι -οϋμαι, to grow dry, be dried up or parched, become brittle, crumble ; to with- er, decay, per. ind. pass, εψαθύ- ρωμαι. 1 a. ind. pass, εψαθυρώ- θην. Ψαθυρος, Att. Ψaδυpbς, -a, -b> same as ψαδαρός. Ψαιδρος, -a, -bv, scarce, thin, few; having thin hair. Ψαικάζω, (fr. ψακάς a drop) to bedew, drop, wet, moisten, sprin kle. Ψαικάς, same as ψακάς. Ψ αίρω, (perhaps fr. ψάω to touch) to scrape, scratch, graze, touch lightly; to rub, wipe, scour, brush, sweep; to hurry, hasten, flounce ; to shake. Ψαίω, (fr. same) to pound, bruise, grind, make fine ; to rub toge- ther ; to rub, clean, brush ; to pat, sooth, flatter. Ψακάζω, same as ψαικάζω. ψακάς, -&2ος, fj, dew; a drop. Ψαλακ^ς, -ή, -bv, (fr. next) yield- ing to the touch, falling under a touch. Ψαλάσσω or -ττω, f. -ξω, (fr ψάω to touch) to touch, feel, Ψαλδαΐος, -ου, b, Psaldceus, for Chaldceus, a Gentile name. Ψαλιδόστομος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. ψαλϊς pincers, and στόμα a mouth) having pincers in its mouth. Epithet of a crab. Ψαλίζω, f. -ίσω, and Ψαλίσσω, f. -ίξω, (fr. ψαλίί scissors) to ait with scissors, cut off, clip. Ϋάλιον, Ψαλίον, and Ψέλλιον, (fr. χάω to touch) a bit, bridle, "urb, τα ψάλια or ψέλλια, a necklace, bracelet ; fetters, hand-cuffs. Ψ'αλϊς, -ίδος, fj, shears, scissors; pin- cers, nippers; a ring, hook; a vault, arch. Ψαλλέτω, 3 sin. pres. impr. act. — Ψάλλοντες, η. pi. par. pres. act. of Ψάλλω, f. -άλω, to touch, strike softly ; to play on the harp ; to sing to the harp ; to praise, cele- brate. 1 a. ind. act. έψαλα and (ψηλά. per. ind. pass, έψαλμαι. per. ind. mid. ίψηλα. Ψαλμί^ς, -ή, -bv, (fr. next) relat- ing to psalms. Ψαλμός, -ου, δ,(η\ ψάλλω tosing)o singing to or playing on the harp; the sound of a stringed instru- ment ; a psalm, hymn. Ψαλμοχαρής,-έυς -οΐις, b, η, (fr. last, and χαίρω to rejoice) rejoicing in hymns, delighting in the lyre and song. » Ϋαλμωδέω -C,.(fr. same, and ωδή a ΨΑΦ song) to sing psalms, praise, ce- lebrate. Ψαλμωδία, -ας, >/, (fr. same) psal- mody, a singer of psalms. Ψαλμωδός, -ου, b, (fr. same) α singer of psalms, a chorister. Ψαλτήρ, -ήρος, b, (fr. ψάλλω to sing) a singer, musician; the harp; the book of psalms. Ψαλτήριον, ου, to, (fr. same) psal- tery, a musical instrument ; a quill or bow for playing on such. Ψάλτης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a singer, musician, harper, minstrel. Ψαλτρία, -ας, η, (fr. same) a sing- ing woman, female musician. Ψαλτός, -ή, -ov, (fr. same) fit or proper to be celebrated in psalms ; adapted to the harp, to be sung. Ψαλτωδέω -ω, (fr. same, and ωδή a song) to sing and play psalms, accompany with the harp. Ψαλτψδος, -ov, b, (fr. same) a sing- er and player of psalms; a mu- sician. Ψαλυχιάδαι, -ων, ol, the name of a tribe or family in ^Egina, g. pi. Dor. -χιαδαν. Ψάλω, 1 f. ind. act. of ψάλλω. Ψαμάθεια, -ας, η, one of the Ne- reids. Ψαμάθη, -ης, §, a woman's name. Ψαμαθία, -ας, η, (fr. next) the sea shore, strand, beach. Ψάμαθος, Poet. Ψάμμαθος, -ου, Ion. ψαμάθοιο, b, (fr. next) sand, dust ; the sea shore, strana\ beach. Ψάμμος, -ου, ή, sand, dust; the shore. Ψαμμώδης, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. last) sandy, gravelly. ψαμμωτος, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) sand- ed, sandy. ψάρ, Ion. Ψήο, -ρός, and Ψ άρος, -ου, b, a kind of bird, α starling, stare. Ψαρός, -a, -bv, (fr. last) quick, swift, fleet, nimble, active; co- loured like a starling, variegated, party-coloured, ash-coloured. Ψαρω, 1 f. ind. act. οΐψαίρω. Ψαύε, pres. impr. act. of ψαύω. Ψαυκροπόδης, -ου, δ, (fr. next, and ■πους a foot) swift-footed, fleet, nimble, active, light. Ψαυχρος,-ά, -bv, (fr. ψαύω to touch lightly) nimble, active, fleet, light. Ψαυσθεϊς, 1 a. par. pass, of ψαύω. Ψαϋσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. ψαύω to touch) α touch, feeling, con- tact. Ψαύσης, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) touch- ed, liable to be touched, may be touched. Ψαύω, f. -σω, p. έψαυκα, (fr. ψάω to touch) to touch, feel, handle, stroke, pat ; to touch on, meddle ; to overtake, come up to, obtain, reach, get, take. 1 a. ind. pass. εψαύσθην. Ψaφapbς, -ά, -bv, dry, parched, sandy, brittle, crumbling ; infirm, weak ; squalid, dirty, dull ; rag- ged, dark, gloomy. 4H ΨΕΤ ψαφερός, -a, -bv, same as last. ψάφος, Dor. for ψήφος. ψάω ψώ, f. ψήσω, p. έψηκα, to wipe, rub, clean by rubbing; to scrape, smooth, plane ; to mince, chop, gnaw, nibble, chew, grind ; to touch, arrive at, attain to, reach, approach ; to touch slight- ly, graze; to stroke, pat, sooth; to warm, heat, burn. Ψε, Dor. for σφε, a. du. or for σφας, a. pi. of ol. Ψέγιος, -a, -ov, (fr. ψέγω to blame) blameable, culpable, faulty ; cen- sorious, reproachful. Ψέγμα, -άτος, το, (fr. next) blame, censure, reproach. Ψέγω, f. ψέξω^ p. έψεκα, to blame, censure, reproach, find fault with. per. ind. pass. έψεγμαι> -ξαι, -κται. Ψέγωνται, 3 pi. pres. sub. pass, of last. Ψεδνός, -ή, -bv, having thin hair, bald. Ψεκάζω, (fr. next) to drop, trickle, wet, moisten, distil. Ψεκάς, -άδος, η, (perhaps fr. ψέω to cut small) dew, a drop. Ψεκτέος, -a, -ov, (fr. ψέγω to blame) to be blamed or censured, blame- able. Ψέκτης, -ου, h, (fr. same) a cen- surer, reprover, reproacher. Ψεκτός, -ή, -bv, (fr. same) blamed, censured, found fault with. Ψέλων, -ου, το, a bracelet, necklace. See ψάλιον. Ψελιοφόρος, and Ψελλωφόρος, -ου, b, η, (fr. last, and φέρω to bear) bearing bracelets. Ψελλίζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. ψελλός stam- mering) to lisp, stammer^ stut- ter, falter; to trifle, talk idly. Ψελλών, see ψέλων or ψάλιον. Ψέλλισμα, -Άτος, το, and Ψελλισμος, -ου, b, (fr. next) stammering, stuttering, hesitation of speech. Ψελλός, -ή, -bv, stuttering, stam- mering, lisping, tongue-tied ; ob- scure, dark, indistinct. Ψελλότης, -ητος, η, (fr. last) a stammering, hesitation. Ψέξαι, 1 a. inf. act Ψέξομεν, 1 pi.. 1 f. ind. act. of ψέγω. Ψευδάγγελος, -ου, b, fj, (fr; ψεύ^ω to deceive, and άγγελος a mes- senger) a false messenger, a de- ceiver ; bringing false news. Ψευδάδελφος, -ου, δ, (fr. same, and αδελφός a brother) a false bro- ther. Ψευδαπόστολος, -ου, b, (fr. same, and απόστολος an apostle) a false apostle. Ψεύδεα, a. pi. of ψευδός. Ψευδέας, -δεις, a. pi. — Ψευδέες -δεις, η. pi. — Ψευδέϊ -δε"ι, d. sm. of ψευδής. ΨευδεΊ, d. sin. cont. — Ψευδούς, g. sin. cont. of ψευδός. Ψενδεσθαι, inf. — Ψεύδεσθε, 2 pi. impr. pres. pass, of ψεύδω. Ψευδηγορέω -ω, (fr. ψεύδω to de- ceive, and αγορεύω to speak, th. αγορά, a market place) to lie, tell or speak lies, deceive. (609) ΨΕΤ Ψενδής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. ψεύδω a lie) false, lying, deceitful, a liar. Ψενδογραφέω -ω, (fr. same, and γράφω to write) to write false- hoods ; to describe falsely, misre- present. Ψενδοδίδάσκάλος, -ου, b, (fr. same, and διδάσκαλος a teacher, th. δι- δάσκω to teach) a false teacher. Ψευδόδοξος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and δόξα opinion) thinking falsely, mistaken, erroneous. Ψενδόθνρον, -ov, το, (fr. same, and $vpa a door) α false door, back- door. Ψενδολογία, -ας, η, (fr. same, and λέγω to speak) a false assertion, falsehood, lie. Ψενδυλόγος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same) speaking falsely, lying, a speak- er of lies. Ψεύδομαι, pass, of ψεύδω. Ψευδόμαντις, -ιος, Att. -εως, ό, (fr. ψεύδω to deceive, and μάντις a prophet) a false prophet, deceiver, impostor. Ψενδομάρτυρ, -υρος, b, (fr. same, and μΛρτυρ a witness) a false witness. Ψευδομαρτνρήσεις, 2 sin. 1 f. ind. act. — ψ ενδο μαρτύρησες, 2 sin. 1 a. sub. act. of Ψενδομαρτνρέω-&, f. -ήσω, p. εψευ- δομαρτύρηκα, (fr. ψεύδω to de- ceive, and μάρτνρ a witness) to bear false witness, attest falsely. Ψευδομαρτυρία, -ας, η, (fr. same) false witness, false testimony. Ψενδόμενος, -η, -ov, par. — Ψενδό- μεθα, -δεσθε, -δονται, pi. ind. pres. pass, of ψεύδω. Ψενδοπάρθενος,-ον, η, (fr. ψεύδω to deceive, and παρθένος a virgin) a false virgin. Ψενδοπροφήτης, -ov, b, (fr. same, and προφήτης a prophet, wh. fr. προ before, and φημϊ to speak) a false prophet, deceiver. Ψενδορκέω -ω, (fr. same, and 'όρκος an oath) to swear falsely, perjure. Ψενδορκία, -ας, >/, and Ψενδόρκιον, -ov, το, (fr. same) a false oath, perjury. Ψένδόρκιος, and Ψεύδορκος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same) perjured. Ψεύδος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. ψεύ<5ω to deceive) a lie, falsehood. Ψενδοσέλϊνον, -ου, το, (fr. same, and σέλινον parsley) balm-gentie or mint. Ψευδοφίλιππος, -ov, b, a false Philip. Ψενδόχριστος, -ov, b, (fr. next, and Χριστός Christ, th. χρίω to anoint) a false Christ. Ψεύδω, f. ψεύσω, p. έψευκα, to de- ceive, beguile ; to jrustrate, dis- appoint. Ψεύδομαι, to lie, assert falsely ; to break a promise, mis- lead, pres. impr. mid. ψεύδου % -έσθω, 2 pi. ψεύδεσθε. per. ind. pass, έψενσμαι, -σαι, -σται. 1 f. ind. mid. ψεύσομαι. 1 a. mid. ind. εψενσάμην, -ω, -ατο' infl ψεύσασθαι. Ψευδώνυμος, -ου, δ, f/, (fr. last, and όνομα a name) falsely named οι called. ΨΗΦ Ψευδώς, (fr. ψενδής false) falsely. deceitfully. Ψεύσαντο, Ion. for εψεύσαντο, 3 pi. ind. — Ψεύσασθαι, inf. 1 a. mid. — Ψευσθεϊς, 1 a. par. pass, of Ψηφηφόρος, -ov, δ, ή, (fr. same) ψεύδω Ψεύσις,-ιος, Att. -εως, ή, (fr. ψεύοω to deceive) a falsehood, lie. Ψευσμα, -ατός, τδ, same. d. ψεύσ- ματι. Ψεύστας, -a, b, Dor. for ψενσ- ΫευσΓεω -ω, (fr. next) to tell lies, lie ; to miss, fail ; to mistake, err, be deceived or misled. Ϋενατης, -ov, b, (fr. ψεύδω to lie) a deceiver, liar. Adj. faithless, false. ΨΙΘ create, condemn or acquit by ballot. Ψηφηφορία, -ας, ή, (fr. same) an election, ballotting. giving a vote, ballotting. Subs. an elector, voter. Ψηφιδοφόρος, -ου, δ, ή, same as last. Ψηφίζει, 3 sin. pres. ind. act. of Ψηφίζω, f. -ίσω, p. εψήφικα, (fr. ψήφος a pebble) to calculate, compute, reckon ; to vote, ballot ; to deliberate, debate; to decree, determine. Ψηφϊς, -16ος, η, (fr. same) a stone, pebble ; a precious stone, gem. Ψηφισάτω, 3 sin. 1 a. impr. act. of ψηφίζω. Ψεφαρος, -a, -bv, (fr. next) dim, Ψήφισμα, -ατός, το, (fr. ψήφος dull, dark, obscure, Ψέφας, and Ψεφάς, -άδος, η", same as ψέφος. Ψεφηνος, -ή, -ov, (fr. next) obscure, dark, gloomy, dim, dull. Ψέφος, -εος -ους, το, darkness, ob- scurity, gloominess. Ψεχθεϊς, 1 a. par. pass, οΐψεγω. Ψίω, to lessen, diminish ; to pound, grind, chop, mince. Ψήγμα, -ατός, το, (fr. ψήχω to scrape) scrapings, cleanings, shavings, flings, dust ; a frag- ment, splinter, chip, scrap. Ψηκτος, -η, -bv, (ft. same) scraped, shaved, smoothed. ψήκτρα, -ας, ή, (fr. same) a curry- comb, brush, scraper. Ψήλαι, 1 a. inf. act. — Ψήλας, 1 a. par. act. of ψάλλω. Ψηλαφάω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. ψάλλω to touch lightly, and αφή a toucn) to touch, feel, handle, stroke ; ίο feel for, grope; to endeavour to explore, search ; to strike• smite. Ψηλαφήσατε, 2 pi. 1 a. impr. act. — Ψηλαφήσειαν, 3 pi. 1 a. opt. act. iEol. — Ψηλαφώμενος, -η -ov, par. pres. pass. cont. of last ψηλάφησις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, η, (fr. ψηλαφάω to touch) a touching, h mdling, feeling, stroking. Ψηλαφη^ς, -η, -bv, (ft. same) that may be touched or felt. Ψΐ,ν, ψηνος, b, a little worm grow- ing in figs, a fig-gnat Ψηνίξω, (fr. last, or fr. next) to shave, scrape, rub, brush ; to im pregnate figs from the wild fig; to copulate, engender. Ψηvbς, -ή, -bv, smooth, bald ; ridi- culous, droll. Ψήξις, -ιος, Att. -εω?, #, (fr. ψήχω to rub) a rubbing, scraping, wiping, cleaning. Ψήρ, -ηρος, b, Ion. for ψάρ, a stare or starling. Ψήσσα, or -ττα, -ης, ή, a kind of flat fish, sole, turbot ; a duck ; name of reproach or a nickname for a glutton. Ψηφαρος, same as ψεφαρός. Ψςφάω -ώ, (fr. ψήφος a vote) to mind, attend to, think, consider, reflect, reason, calculate. Ιηφηφορέω -ω, (fr. same, and φίρω to bring) to give a vote ; to elect, vote) a decree, enactment statute. Ψηφισματοττώλης, -ov, b, (ft. last, and πωλέω to sell) a seller of de- crees, an intriguer, demagogue. Ψηφισματώδης, •εος -ους, δ, η, (fr. same, and είδος the form) in the form of a decree, relating to a decree, enacted. Ψηφιστής, -ου, δ, (fr. ψήφος a vote) a calculator, reckoner, com- puter. Ψηφολογέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and λόγος a reckoning) to hawk wares, be a pedler ; to tell for- tunes, be a conjurer; to pave with small stones, make chequer or mosaic work. Ψηφολόγος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. same) α conjurer, mountebank, fortune- teller ; a calculator, accountant, bookkeeper. Ψήφος, -εος -ους, το, a small stone, pebble ; a gem ; a die ; a coun- ter ; a black or white pebble or bean used in voting ; a ballot ; a vote, suffrage, voice ; a decree, sentence, judgment ; the right of voting, elective franchise ; autho- rity, jurisdiction ; assistance, aid, help. Ψηφοφορεω -ω, (fr. last, and φέρω to bring) to vote, ballot ; to elect, create, condemn, acquit. Ψηφοφορία, -ας, ι), (fr. same) an election, decree, judgment, sen- tence, Ψηφοφόρος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. same) having a vote, giving a vote. Subs, an elector, voter. Ψήχω, (fr. ψάω to rub) to scrape, rub, clean, brush ; to wear down, smooth; to touch, handle, pat, stroke. Ψιάδας, a. pi. οι ψιάς. Ψιάζω, (fr. ψιάς a drop) to drop, distil, bedew, besprinkle. Ψίαθος, -ου, δ, η, a mat, mattress. Ψιαίνω, (fr. ψάω to touch) to re- prehend, reprove, rebuke, cen- sure. Ψιάς, -άδος, f), dew-drops, dew, a drop. Ψίζω, (fr. ψίω to break small) to cry, weep; to feed on minted meat. Ψιθία, -ας, ή, a kind of vine or yel- low grape. (610) Υ1Ω Ψιθυρίζω, f. -'ίσω, p. εψιθύρικα, (fr. ψίθυρος a whisper) to whisper, converse lowly ; to buzz about, rumour, report; to calumniate^ backbite, per. ind. pass, εψιθύ ρισμαι, -σαι, -σται. Ψιθυρίσδειν or Ψιθνρίσδεν, Dor. for ψιθυρίζειν, pres. inf. act. of last. Ψιθύρισμα, -ατός, το, and Ψιθνρισ- μος, -ου, δ, (fr. ψίθυρος a whis- per) a whisper, murmur; a slan- derous report, calumny. Ψιθυριστής, -ου, b, (fr. same) a whisperer ; a detracter, back- biter, slanderer. Ψίθυρος, -ου, δ, fj, (fr. next) buzz- ing, humming, murmuring. Ψίθυρος, -ου, δ, a whisper, murmur; a slanderous report, ill rumour. Ψιλαγυς, -ου, δ, (fr. ψιλδς light and άγω to lead) leader of the light-armed soldiers, captain of skirmishers. Ψιληται, -ων, οι, (fr. ψιλός light) light-armed troops. Ψιλικος, -ή, -£v, (fr. same) light- armed. Ψιλίζω, (fr. same) to make naked, bare, strip off, uncover ; to dimi- nish, lessen, impair. Ψιλισμος, -ου, δ, (fr. same) a dimi- nution, lessening; the omission of the (') or letter Η in speaking; lisping. Ψιλοκόρσης, -ου, δ, (fr. next, and κόρση hair) having little hair, bald, bareheaded. Ϋίλδ?, -ή, -bv, slender, thin, small; poor, destitute, mean ; lean, bar- ren ; bare, naked, stripped ; smooth, bald ; soft ; pure, plain, unmixed ; simple, unadorned ; light-armed. Ψιλότης, -ητος, i% (fr. last) naked- ness, bareness ; smallness, fine- ness ; omission of the aspirate or letter H. Ψιλόω -ω, f. -ωσω, (fr. same) to di- minish, lessen ; to make thin, small or slender ; to bare, strip', make naked, uncover ; to deprive, take away ; to shave, make bald ; to mark with the smooth breath- ing, omit the aspirate. Ψίλωθρον, -ov, το, (fr. last) an oint- ment used for taking away hair. Ψίμμνθος or Ψίμυθος, -ου, δ, ceruse, white lead, white paint. Ψϊν for σφϊν, g. or. d. du. used Poet, for σφίσι, d. pi. of oH. Ψίνομαι, said of the vine, when the flowers drop off*, or the grapes do not come to perfec- tion ; to shed the flowers, droop, decay, fail ; to weep, shed tears t bewail. Ψϊξ, -χος, ή, (fr. ψίω to make small) crumb, morsel. Ψιττάκη, -ης, t), and Ψίττακος, -ου b, a parrot. Ψιχάρπαξ, -άγος, b, (fr. ψϊξ ? crumb, and αρπαξ devouring name of a mouse, crumb-de vourer. Ψιχίον, -ου, rb, (fr. ψϊξ a crum a little crumb, scrap, morsel. Ψίω, to break into small pieces^ re* ΨΤΧ duce, make small, thin or slen- der ; to pound, bruise, grind. ψόα, -ας, ι), the loin, haunch, flank. Ψογερος, -a, -bv, (fr. next) reprov- ing, reprehending, censorious, blaming ; blameable, culpable. Ψογέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, p. εψόγηκα, (fr. ψέγω to blame) to blame, cen- sure, reprove, chide; to slander, calumniate. Ψόγιος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) blame- able, faulty; censorious. Ψόγος, -ov, b, (fr. same) blame, censure, dispraise, accusation, reproach. Ψοθάλλω, (fr. next) to make a noise, rustle, rattle, sound. Ψοθος, -ου, b, a tumult, riot, noise. Ψοθος, -η, -bv, (fr. next) black, dirty. Ψόθος, -ov, b, dirt, filth. Ψολόεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. next) burn- ing, flaming, smoking; smoky. Ψόλος, -ου, δ, smoke, soot, reek ; flame, blaze. Ψοφέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. ψόφος a noise) to make a noise, resound, sound, crack. Ψοφητίκος, -η, -bv, (fr. same) send- ing forth a noise, sounding, re- sounding, crashing, crackling. Ψόφος, -ov, b, a noise, crash, din, crack, report, hollow sound; an empty sound ; a vain promise. Ψύα, -ας, ι), same as ψ<5α. Ψνγείς, 2 a. par. pass. — Ψνγηναι, 2 a. inf. pass. — Ψνγήσομαι, -ρ, -εται, 2 f. ind. pass, of ψύχω. Ψύγμα, -ατός, το, (fr. ψύχω to cool) cold, coldness ; a cooling ; a fan. Ψνγμος, -ου, b, (fr. same) a cooling, refreshing ; a drying, rubbing. Ψύδρακες, -ων, al, and Ψνδράκια, -ων, τά, (perhaps fr. ψάω to burn) a blister, Main, pimple. Ψνδρος, -a, -bv, for ψενδής. Ψυθίζω, (fr. next) to whisper, mut- ter, murmur, speak lowly. Ψύθος,-εος-ονς, το, Dor. for ψευδός. Ψυκτήρ, -ηρος, δ, (fr. ψύχω to cool) a cooler, cooling vessel, basin, but, vat. Also, a cool place, shady spot. Φύλλων, -ου, rb, (fr. next) fleabane, fleawort. Ψύλλος, -ov, b, Ψύλλα, -ης, η, a flea. Ψύλων, -ωνος, b, name of fish, which spawns on the shore. Ψνξας, 1 a. par. act. of ψύχω. Ψύξις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. ψύχω to cool) a cooling, refreshing. Ψνχα, Dor. for ψνχη, d. sin. of Ψ ι Χ^• Ψνχαγωγίω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. ψνχη the soul, and άγω to lead) to had or conduct the souls or shades of the departed ; to raise the dead, call up the ghosts ; to charm, captivate, delight, please. Ψνχαγίογία, -ας, ?', (fr. same) the leading of the shades, raising the dead ; fascination, charm, plea- sure, delight. Ψυχαγωγός, -ου, b, (fr. same) the conductor or guide of the souls or shades of the dead ; who can raise the dead; a wizard, sor- ΨΩΜ cerer, enchanter ; who can turn or please the mind, a charmer, agree- able person. Also, a deceiver, seducer. Ψύχει, d. of ψύχος. Φνχίι, -ης, η, (fr. ψύχω to breathe) the breath, life, soul, spirit ; mind, reason, understanding ; sagacity, instinct ; disposition, the affec- tions ; a man, person, creature. *νχη, -ης, or Ψύχη, -ης, η, a but- terfly. Ψνχήως, -ov, b, (fr. ψυχή the soul) endued with life, living, alive, animal. Ψυχθείς, -εΧσα, -εν, 1 a. par. pass, of ψύχω. Ψνχίζομαι, (fr. ψύχω to cool) to freeze, cool, grow cold or chilly. Ψυχικός, -η, -bv, (fr. ψυχή the soul) relating to the soul or mind, of the soul, spiritual ; of the mind, mental; living,• viial, animal. Ψυχικώς, (fr. last) heartily, from the soul, with all the mind. Ψυχοειδής, -έος -ους, b, η, (fr. ψυχή the soul, and εΊδος form) like the soul, vital. Ψυχομαχέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and μάχομαι to fight) to fight to the last, fight courageously. Ψυχορράγέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and ρήγνϋμι to break) to struggle in death, be in agony of death ; to sob, throb. Ψύχος, -εος -ους, το, (fr. ψ-νχω to cool) cold, coolness ; winter. Ψυχόω -ω, (fr. ψυχή the soul) to cause to breathe, endue with life, vivify, animate. Ψνχρολογία, -ας, ι), (fr. next) dull talk, frigid narrative, insipidity. Ψυχρολόγος,-ου, b, η, (fr. next, and λέγω to speak) of a flat style, frigid in expression, dull, insipid, uninteresting. Ψυχρός, -a, -bv, (fr. ψύχω to cool) cold, chilly, gelid ; vain, nlly, absurd, frigid, dull, insipid, flat ; faint, weak, light, thin ; mean, poor, miserly. Ψυχρότης, -ητος, η, (fr. same) cold, chilliness, coldness ; frigidness, dullness, insipidity ; absurdity, folly, nonsense. Ψύχω, f. -ζω, p. έψυχα, to cool, make cold ; to dry, make dry ; to breathe, blow. Ψύχομαι, to grow cold, freeze, ' to flag, be-. come frigid, flat or insipid. 2 a. ind. act. έψυγον. per. ind. pass. I έψυγμαι. 2 a. ind. pass, εψύγην,' ~VS, -V• 2 f. ind. pass, ψυγήσο- μαι, -η, -εται. Ψυχών, g. pi. of ψνχή. Ψώα, -ας, η, a stink, rank smell. ψωζα, a disease. Φώθιον, -ov, το, (fr. ψάω to make small) a crumb, morsel, scrap. Ψώκτης, -ov, b, (fr. ψώχω to rub) a stone-cutter, marble-cutter. Ψωλή, -ης, η, the foreskin ; the yard. Ψωλος, -ου, b, a circumcised person. Also, a firebrand. Ψωμίζω, f. -Ίσω, p. εψώμικσ, (fr. ίίωμος a crumb) to feed with (611) ΩΓΑ scraps or crumbs; to maintain, nourish, spend in feeding, distri- bute in mouthfuls, give alms. impr. pres. ψώμιζε. Ψωμίον, -ov, το, (fr. same) a crumb, morsel, scrap ; a piece of bread, food or meat. Ψωμ'ισω, 1 f. ind. act. of ψωμίζω. Ψωμος, -ου, δ, (perhaps fr. ψάω to diminish) a crumb, scrap, mor- sel, bit, piece. Ψώρα, -ας, η, (fr. ψ αίρω to rub) α scab, the itch, mange, scurvy. Ψωραγριάω -ω, (fr. last, and άγριο fierce) to be diseased with the scurvy or scab. Ψωραγριάων -ων, pres. par. act. of last. Ψωραλέος, -ov, b, {], (fr. ψώοα a scab) scabby, full of sores ; sor- ry, poor, miserable. Ψωρ^, -a, -bv, and Ψωρώδης, -εος -ονς, δ, η, (fr. same) scabby, ul- cerous. Ψωχος, -ου, δ, (fr. next) sandy ground, dust. Ψώχω, f. -ζω, to break into pieces, rub, bruise, grind, to smooth, clean, wash. Ψώω, same as ψάω. 1 a. inf. act. ψωσαι. Ω Ω, ω, omega, the twenty-fourth and last of the Greek letters. As a numeral character, ω sig- nifies eight hundred ; with a dot underneath, ω, eight hundred thousand. Ω. adverb of calling or exclama tion, Ο I ho I holla ! Ω, ης, fj, pres. sub. of ειμί. Ω, adverb of" wonder or grief, Ο t Oh I alas I Ω, d. sin. of oj. Τ Ω, ps, jj, 2 a. sub. act. οΐ'ίημι. Ώα, Ώα or Ώα, -ας, η, (fr. όϊς a sheep) a sheepskin ; the border, hem or welt of a garment ; an upper room, garret. Ωά, ωων, τά, pi. of ωόν. Ω,άζω, f. -άσω, (fr. ωας the ear) to hear, listen. Ω,αριώνειος, -a, -ov, (fr. next) of or like Orion. Ωαρίων, Epen. for Ω,ρίων, Orion, a man's name. Ώα?, -ατός, το, Dor. for ουας, same as ους. Ωβάζω, (fr. ωβη a tribe) to divide into tribes, allot. Ω,βάτος, -ov, b, (fr. same) of the same tribe. 'Ω,βεα, Argiv. for ωά, pi. of ωόν. Ω/3 1), -ης, η, Laconic, a tribe ; a di- vision of the people of Sparta. Ω,βηδ, b, indecl. Heb. a man's name. "Ώ,γα and Att. έωγα, per. ind. mid of αίγω. ΩΔΤ Ω. 'yctflf , Dor. for ώ αγαθέ, my good sir. Άγήν, the heathen divinity called by the Latins Oceanus ; the great sea supposed by them to surround the land. ίίγμος, -ov, b, (fr. ώξω to exclaim Ο ! ) a shout, exclamation. 'Qyvvvro, 3 pi. impf. ind. pass. — 'ίίγον, impf. ind. act. of οίγννμι, same as οίγω. Ω,γϋγης, -ου, b, Ogyges, an ancient king of Thebes. ίΐγύγιος,-α,-ον, (fr.last) Ogygian; antiquated, very ancient, old. Ώγυρις, ή, (fr. αγείρω to collect) a lake, swamp. "Ω 'yu>, Dor. for b εγώ. Τ Ω<Γ, for <5<5ε. ~Ω<5α, per. ind. mid. of όζω. — ~Ω<5α, per. ind. mid. of οιδέω. $δάριον, -ov, τδ, (fr. ιοδή a song) a song, little ode, ballad. είδε, (d. sin. of οδε viz, τρόπω) so, thus, in this manner, here, hi- ther,™ this place. ίΙδεΊον, -ου, to, (fr. next) a musical theatre, a place to recite verses. $δή, -ής, η, (Cras. for αοιδή a song, fr. αείδω to sing) a song, ode, verse. Ώδήγησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of bδηγίω. 'Ο,δηκα, per. ind. act. — $δήκαντι, Dor. for ωδήκασι, 3 pi. per. ind. act. — 'φδημαι, per. ind. pass. — $δημένος, per. par. pass, of οιδέω. Ώ<5ί, for ωδε. $δϊκος, -ή, -bv, (fr. ωδή a song) sweet singing, melodious, tune- ful, musical ; skilful in singing. Ω,δϊν or Ω<5ί?, -ΐνος, ι), (fr. οδύνη pain) pain of childbirth, travail, labour, acute pain ; grievous sor- row, affliction, grief ; birth, off- spring ; a rope, cord. Ω,δΐνας, a. Ωδίνων, g. pi. of last. Άδινηρώς, (fr. same) with pain of childbirth. Ω,δινολύων, -ούσα, -ov, (fr. same, and λύω to relax) easing or re- lieving the pains of childbirth. Ω,δϊνω, f. ωδινω and ωδινήσω, p. ωδί- νηκα, (fr. ωδϊν travail, th. βοννη grief ) to travail in birth of, be an labour ; to bear, bring forth ; tto suffer as a woman in labour, feel great pain or anguish ; to writhe with pain ; to desire very much, labour in any thing. 1 a. ind. act. ωδίνησα. ίΐδίνων, g. pi. of ωδίν. 'Ω,όοιπόρουν, impf. ind. act. cont. of 8δοι πορεω. ψδοποιος, -ov, b, (fr. ωδή a song, and ποιέω to make) a composer of songs or odes. SJLδbς, -ου, b, (Cras. for αοιδός, fr. αείδω to sing) a singer, bard, pro- phet. φδονν, impf. ind. act. cont. of οιδίω. Ω,δύρετο, 3 sin. impf. ind. mid. of οδύρομαι. Ω,δύσατο and Poet, ωδύσσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of οδύζομαι. Ω,δυσία, -ας, ή, (fr. οδύσσω to be an- gry) indignation, anger, rage. ΩΚΕ Ω,δώδειν, pper. ind. mid. formed fr. όδωδα, Att. for ωδα, per. ind. mid. of όζω. Ώε , adverb of grief, oh ! alas ! 'ί^ετο, 3 sin. of ωόμην, ωον, ώετο, impf. ind. mid. of οίομαι. Ήζεσαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. of όζω or οζέω. Ή,ζω, (fr. ώ oh!) to exclaim oh! cry out. Ωή, adverb of exclamation, oh ! $ήθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass, of οίομαι Or ο7μαι. ίίθεννθ',ΐοτωθεν νται, Dor. for ωθούν- ται, 3 pi. pres. ind. mid. cont. of Ωθέω or Ώθω, f. ωθήσω and ώσω, p. ωκα, to thrust, drive, push or shove forward ; to impel, drive on, propel ; to drive away, repel, repulse ; to urge, press upon, strike, smite; to put away, re- move from one's self. 'Άθομαι, to rush, ha6oen, hurry ; to charge, invade, attack. 1 a. ind. act. ώθησα or ώσα. per. ind. pass. ώθημαι and ώσμαι. 1 a. pass. ind. ώθην par. ωθείς. 1 f. ind. mid. ωθήσομαι and ώσομαι. 1 a. mid. ind. ωθησάμην and ωσάμην, -ω, -ατο. 'Ω,Οησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. last) a pushing , driving away, expul- sion, ίΐθήσω, 1 f. ind. act. of ωθίω. Ώ,θίζομαι, mid. of Ωθίζω, same as ωθίω, also to vex, harass, afflict, shake, disturb, handle roughly, ίΐθίζομαι, to be pressed in a crowd, push or jostle against one another ; to strive, contend, struggle, wrangle, squabble ; to fall or rush upon, fall against, rush into. Ω,θισμος, -ov, b, (fr. last) an endea- vour, struggle, exertion ; a driv- ing, pushing ; a dispute, quarrel, strife, contention; a battle, en- gagement, fight. Ω,'ίγννντο, Poet, or Ion. for ώγνν ντο, 3 pi. impf. ind. mid. of οίγννμι. Ω,ίετο, 3 sin. impf. ind. pass, of οί'ομαι, for οίομαι or οΊμαι. Ή,ϊξε, Ion. for ίρξε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of οίγω. Ήϊον, same as ωον, or dim. of ωόν. Άίσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of οίομαι for ο'ομαι. Άίχετο, Poet, for ώχετο, 3 sin. impf. ind. mid. οΐοίχομαι. Γ Ω V, Dor. for δ εκ. "€1κα or ~Ω%', (fr. ωκύς quick) quickly, soon. ίΐκέα, a. sin. or Ω,κέα, Poet, for ωκέΐα, fem. of ωκύς, also used for ωκέως. Άκεανίνη,-ης,η,άαι^Μβτ of Oceanus ϋκεανϊς, -ίδος, {/, (fr. next) of the ocean or sea. Ω,κεανος, -ου, Ion. -οΊο, b, η, (per- haps fr. ωκύς swift, and νάω to flow) swiftly flowing, spread around, circumambient. Subs. the ocean, great sea, the deep. Ω,κεες, η. pi. mas. — Ωκεΐα, η. sin. fem. — ΩκεΤιπ', a. sin. fem. — Ω,κείης, Ion. for ωκείαις, d. pi. fem. of ' ο)κνς, ίδί2) ΩΚΤ Ωκίως, (fr. ωκνς quick) quickly, swiftly, rapidly. Ο,κήθην, Boeot. Sync, for ωκήθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass. — '$κη- σα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of oi- κέω. Άκινάκης, Ion. for ακινάκης. φκίσαμεν, I pi. 1 a. ind. act. of οικίζω. 'Ω,κιστα, (fr. next) very quickly, speedily, most rapidly. 'Ω,κιστος, -η, -ov, sup. — Άκίων, -όνος, b, η, comp. of ωκύς. 'Ω,κλασεν, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. oi οκλάζω. Ο,κοδομήθην, -ης, -η, 1 a. ind. pass. — £},κοδόμησα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 3 pi. ωκοδόμησαν, 1 a. ind. act. — Ωκο- δόμητο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of οικοδομέω. 'Ωκτεφε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of οικτείρω. ^κτίσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of οι κτίζω. Ώ,κύαλος, -ov, b, η, (fr. ωκνς swift, and α\ς the sea) swift sailing. ίίκυβόας, -ov, b, (fr. same, and βοή a shout) quick in battle, active in the fight, brave, valiant, cou- rageous. Ω,κυβόλος, -ov, b, %, (fr. same, and βάλλω to throw) swift to strike, sure, speedy, fleet, rapid. ίίκυδίνάτος, Dor. for ίίκυδίνητος, -ov, b, η, (fr. ωκνς swift, and δίνη a whirlpool) quick whirling, swift rolling, ra- pid, quickly turning. ίΐκύδρομος, -ov, b, f}, (fr. same, and δρόμος a course, th. τρέχω to run) swift running, fleet, speedy, ra- pid. Ω,κνεπής, -εος -ους, b, η, (fr. same, and έπος a word) quickly speak- ing, talking fast. Άκύθοος, -ου, b, η, (fr. same, and ξοος swift) very swift, fleet, ra- pid. Ω,κνλόχειος, -a, -ov, (fr. same, and λόχος a bed) quickly breeding, bringing forth quickly or easily. ίίκυμόλος, -ov, b, {/, (fr. same, and μολέω to proceed) proceeding quickly, speedy, rapid. Ωκύμορος, -ov, b, ί } , (fr. same, and μο7ρα fate) swift-fated, short- lived, fleeting, transitory, dying suddenly, causing quick death, deadly, fatal. ϋκνμορώτατος, -η, -ov, sup. of last. Ωκδνω, (fr. ωκυς swift) to hasten, hurry, speed. Ώ,κυπέτη, -ης, η, Λ woman's name. Άκυπέτης, -ου, b, η, (fr. ωκύς swift, and πέτο μα ι to fly) swift flying, rapid. ζΐκύπλοος, -ov, b, »% (fr. same, and πλόος navigation) swift sailing, quick. Ω,κνποδες, η. pi. of ωκύπονς. Ω,κνποδέω -ώ, (fr. next) to be swift of foot, to run swiftly, speed. Ω,κυπόδης, -ov, b, h, (fr. ωκύς swift, and πονς a foot) swift-footed, fleet, swift, rapid. Ώ,κύνοινος, -ov, b, f), (fr. same, and ποινή punishment) swift to pu- ΩΜΗ tiish, quick to take vengeance; quickly punished. Άκύπορος, -ου, δ, {/, (fr. same, and πείρω to pass ) swift, fleet, speedy, rapid, d. pi. Ion. ωκνπόροισι. είκΰπονς, -οδός, b, η, (fr. same, and πους a foot) swift-footed, speedy, fleet. Ω,κύπτερος, -ov, b, η, (fr. same, and πτερόν a wing) swift-winged. Ωκυρόη, -ης, //, a woman's name. ίΐκύροος and Ωκύρροος, -ου, b, f), (fr. next, and ρέω to flow) quick- flowing, rapid. Ω,κυς, ωκεΐα, ωκύ' g. -ίος, -εΐας, -εος, swift, quick, fleet, rapid, nimble, comp. ωκύτερος and ωκί- ων, sup. ωκύτατος and ώκιστος. Άκύτας, -άτος, a, Dor. for ΩκΥΐΓ»7ί, -ητος, η, (fr. ωχ% quick) quickness, speed, fleetness, velo- city, swiftness. Ω,κύτερος, -a, -ov, comp. of ωκύς. Ωκυτόκιος, -ου, b, η, (fr. ωκυς quick, and τόκος a birth) causing a quick or easy birth. Ωκύτοκον, -ου, τό, (fr. same) α speedy birth, quick delivery. ίίκυτόκος, -ου, b, f), (fr. same) quickly bringing forth, giving a speedy birth, assisting at birth. ~£2λα, per. ind. mid. οίόΧΧνμι. ~£1λαζ, Dor. for αΰλαξ. Ώ 'λαφος, Dor. for 6 ελαφος. Ω,λβισμένος, par. per. pass, of ολ- βίξω. Ω,Χένη, -ης, fj, an elbow; arm; a cubit; an ell. ΩΧεσίθϋμος, -ου, δ, f}, (fr. ό\\υμι to destroy, and δνμός the mind) mind-destroying, dispiriting, op- pressive. εύεσίκαρπος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. same, and καρπός fruit) fruit-destroy- ing, barren. &\εσίοικος, -ου, i, ft, (fr. same, and οίκος a house) destroying houses, destructive to a family. Ώλετο, 3 sin. of ωλόμην, -ου, -ςτο, 2 a. ind. mid. οΐόλλυμι. "Ω, 'λεύθερε, Dor. for ώ ελεύθερε. εϊλήν, -ένος, ή, same as ω\ενη. Ώ 'λλο?, Dor. for δ άλλο?. Ω,λλδς, -οΰ, δ, the bend of the arm. Ωλξ, -κός, η, (Sync, for ώλαξ, which Dor. for αΰλαξ) a furrow, drill, a. sin. ώ\κα. ίΐλοκαντωσε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of υΧοκαυτάω. £ΐ\οφνρετο, 3 sin. impf. ind. mid. of ολοφύρομαι. Ω,μάρτευν, Ion. and Dor. for ωμάρ- τουν, impf. act. — Ώ,μάρτησε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of ίμαρτέω. Ω,μαχθής, •εος -ους, b, η, (fr. ωμός the shoulder, and άχθος a weight) galling the shoulders, weighty, heavy. Ώμεν, 1 pi. pres. sub. of ειμί, to be. Ώμες, Dor. for last. είμήλυσις, -ιος, Att. -εως., η, or se- parately ωμη λύσις, (fr. ωμόςτ&νν, and λύσις a solution) meal of any kind, but more particularly of barley, used raw for a decoction or food, in opposition to parched meal. ΩΜΟ Ώμην, impf. ind. mid. of όΐμαι. Ω,μηστης, -ου, δ, »/, (fr. ωμός raw, and έ δω to eat) eating raw flesh, car- nivorous ; cruel, savage, fierce. Ω,μία, -ας, ή, (fr. ώμος a shoulder) a shoulder, wing, corner ; an ex- tension, projection, pinnacle. Ωμιαϊος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) of or in the shoulder. Ω,μίας, -ov, δ, (fr. same) broad- shouldered. Ώμϊλει, 3 sin. cont. impf. ind. act. — ΏμιΧησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of bμι\έω. Ώμίλλα, -ης, if, a kind of play with nuts. Ώμίλονν, impf. ind. act. cont. of bμιλέω. Ώμων, -ου, το, (fr. ωμός a shoul- der) α little shoulder ; a projection. Ωμοβοέη, -ης, ή, (fr. ωμός raw, and βους an ox) a raw ox hide. Ωμοβόειος and Ωμοβόεος, -a, -ov, and ίΐμοβόϊνος, -η, -ov, (fr. same) made of a raw hide. Ωμοβόρος, -ου, δ, ή, (fr. ωμός raw, and βορά food) carnivorous, eat- ing raw flesh; savage, fierce; cruel. Ωμοβοστορειβάτης, -ου, δ, (fr. ωμός raw, βόσκω to feed, στορίω to strew, and βαίνω to go) walking over raw fragments. Ωμοβρώς, -ωτος, δ, (fr. ωμός raw, and βρώσκω to eat) raw-devour- ing, cannibal, savage, fierce. Ωμόβρωτος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. same) eating raw flesh, savage, fierce ; eaten raw, undressed. Ωμοβύρσϊνος, -η, -ov, and Ωμοβύρ- σος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. ωμός raw, and βύρσα a hide) made of raw hides. Ωμογέρων, -οντσς, b, (fr. same, and γέρας old age) beginning to grow old ; active or fresh in age. Ωμοδάκης, -εος -ους, δ, η, (fr. same, and δάκνω to bite) raw toothed, keen, eager. Ωμόδροπος, -ου, δ, f), (fr. same, and δρέπω to gather fruit) plucked when unripe; untimely, prema- ture. Ωμοθετέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and τίθημι to place) to lay on slices of raw flesh, Ωμοθετησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of last. Ωμόθϋμος, -ov, b, f/, (fr. ωμός raw, and δυμός the mind) bloody- minded, fierce, cruel, savage. Ώμοι, same as οίμοι, adverb of grief, oh ! alas ! wretch that I am ! Ώμοις and Ώμοισι, d. pi. of ωμός. Ώμοιώθην, -ης, -η, 1 pi. -θημεν, 1 . a. ind. pass, of δμοιοΌ). Ώμοκα, per. ind. act. οΐόμνυμι. Ωμοκράτης, -έος -ους, δ, η, (fr. ώμος the shoulder, and κράτος strength ) strong shouldered, able, strong. Ωμό\ινον, -ov, τό, (fr. ωμός raw, and λίνον flax) undressed flax. Ώμολόγησα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. — Ώμολόγηται, 3 sin. per. ind. pass. — ΏμοΧόγουν, impf. act. cont. of bμo\oγεω. Ω,μοπλάται, -ων, al, (fr. ώμος the L6\3\ ΩΝΗ shoulder, and πλάτη the blade of an oar) the shoulder blade, back of the shoulder. Ώμορξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — Ωμορξάμην, -ω, -ατο, 1 a. ind. mid. — Ώμοργα, -ας, -ε, per. ind. act. οι ομόργνυμι. Ώμος, -ου, δ, (perhaps fr. οίω to carry) the shoulder. Ωμός, -η, -ov, raw, crude, unripe, immature, sour; unboiled, un- dressed; savage, cruel, fierce. Ώμοσα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of ομόω or όμννμι. Ωμοσπάρακτος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. ωμός raw, and σπαράσσω to tear) late- ly torn in pieces, torn alive. Ωμότης, -ητος, f], (fr. ωμός cruel) rawness, fierceness, cruelty, sa- vageness. Ωμοτοκεω -ώ, (fr. next) to produce immaturely, miscarry. Ωμοτόκος, -ου, δ, η, (fr. ωμός im- mature, and τόκος a birth) pro- ducing an immature offspring, bringing forth prematurely ; de- livered with great pain. Ωμοτομεω -ώ, (fr. same, and τέμνω to cut) to cut raw or unripe. Ωμότομος, -ου, b, f), (fr. same) cut raw or unripe ; prematurely kill- ed, cut off untimely. Ω,μοτνραννος, -ου, b, (fr. ωμός cruel, and τύραννος a tyrant) a cruel tyrant. Ω,μόφαγος, -ου, δ, f), (fr. ωμός raw, and φάγω to eat) eating raw flesh ; carnivorous, savage,flerce, cruel, d. pi. Ion. ωμοφάγοισι. Άμοφόριον, -ου, τό, (fr. ώμος the shoulder, and φέρω to carry) a piece of dress hung on the shoul- der, an ephod, scapular. Ω,μόφρων,-ονος, b,f], (fr. ωμός cruel, and φρην the mind) bloody mind- ed, hard hearted, savage, cruel. Ώμωξα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of οιμώζω. Ών, ούσα, ov, (pres. par. of ειμί to be) being, existing; existent, true, real. r Slv, g. pi. of ος. Ών, Dor. for όυν, therefore. Ω,νάθην, Dor. for ωνήθην, 1 a. ind. pass, οΐόνημι. Ω,νάμην, -ασο, -ατο, Sync, for ωνη- σάμην, 1 a. ind. mid. of same. Ώ 'ναξ, Poet, for ώ άναξ — Ώ 'νασσα, ώ άνασσα. Ώνάσα, Dor. for ώνησα, 1 a. ind. act. οΐόνημι. Ω,νείδιζον, impf. ind. act. — £2νε«- δισα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of ονειδίζω. Ω,νειροπόλονν, impf. ind. act. cont. of ονειροπολεω. Ώνεκα, Dor. for ο'ύνεκα. "Ω, 'νεμος, Dor. for δ άνεμος. Ω,νέομαι -ουμαι, f. ωνήσομαι, per. ώνημαι, to buy, purchase ; to bribe, corrupt; to gain, obtain, acquire ; to be bought. 1 a. ind. mid. ωνησάμην, -ω, -ατο. Slvfj, 2 sin. cont. pres. ind. or sub. of last. Ωνή, -ης, η, (fr. ωνεομαι to buy) ο buying, purchase. ΩΠΤ 'ΰ,νημα, -Χτος, τδ, (fr. same) a pur- chase, bargain. 'Ω. 'νήρ, Ion. and Dor. for S ανήρ. 'Ω,νησα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — Λνήσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. of όνημι, or of ωνέομαι. Ω,νησις, -ιος, Att. -εως , η, (fr. ωνέο- μαι to buy) a purchasing, buy- ing, getting ; redemption. Ο,νήσω, 2 sin. οίωνηοάμην, -ω, -ατο, I a. ind. mid. of όνημι, or of ωνέομαι. Ώ,νητέος, -a, -ov, (fr. ωνέομαι to buy) to be bought, &c. accord- ing to the verb. Ωνητης, -ου, b, (fr. same) a buyer, purchaser. Ωνητιάω -ώ, (fr. same) to wish to buy, take a liking to. Ώνητο, 3 sin. impf. pass, of όνημι' or 3 sin. pper. pass, of ωνέομαι. Ωνητος, -η, -dv, (fr. ωνέομαι to buy) bought, purchased; to be bought or sold ; venal, for sale. β 'νθρωπε, Ion. and Dor, for ω άνθρωπε. Ωνιος, -ου, b, η, or -a, -ov, (fr. ωνέομαι to buy) to be bought or sold, exposed for sale, saleable. 'Άνομα, -»τος, το, Dor. for όνομα. Ωνομάοάται, Ion. for ωνομασμένοι εισϊ, 3 pi. of ωνόμασμαι, -σαι, -σται, per. ind. pass, and Ωνόμαζον, impf. act. and Ωνόμάσα, -ας, -ε, act. — Ωνομάσ- θην, -ης, -η, pass. 1 a. ind. of ονομάζω, είνος, -ου, b, (fr. ωνέομαι to buy) σ price, worth, value ; a purchas- ing, buying: a bar gain, purchase, merchandise, goods for sale. Ωνοχϊει, 3 sin. cont. impf. act. of οινοχοέω. β ξ, Dor. for b εξ. Ωξα, 1 a. ind. act. of ο'ιγω. φόμην, 3 pi. Ώοντο, impf. mid. of οίομαι. Ωον, -ου, to, the upper part of a house, a garret. Ωον, -ov, το, an egg, spawn. Ωοπ, a shwut among sailors, ho up, hee up. Ωοτοκέω -ω, (fr. ωδν an egg, and τίκτω to produce) to produce eggs, lay. Ωοτοκία, -ας, η, (fr. same) the pro- ducing of eggs, laying. Ωοτόκος, -ου, η, (fr. same) produ- cing eggs, oviparous. Ωοτοκονσιν, 3 pi. cont. pres. ind. act. of ωοτοκέω. Ώπα, a. sin. of ώψ. Ώπασε, and Poet, ώπασσε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. of οπάζω. Ωπέομαι, same as άπτομαι, 1 a. inf, mid. ωπήσασΒαι* Ωπερ, Dor. for ουπερ. Ωπια, -ων, τα, the eyebrows. Ω 'πιμελητά, Dor. for ώ επιμελητά• Ώπλη, -ης, η, (fr. όπλον a weapon) a blow, stroke, box. Ώπλισμένος, -η, -ov, per. par. pass, of Ιπλίζω. 'β 'πάλλων, Dor. δ Απόλλων. Ω 'πόλοι, for οϊ αιπόλοι. ίίπται, 3 sin. per. ind. pass, of άπτομαι. ΩΡΙ Ώπτησα, -ας, -ε, 3 ρΐ. ώπτησαν, 1 a. ind. act. of οπτάω. "Ωρα, -ας, f), time, season, hour, opportunity ; an hour ; spring ; the spring or bloom of youth; beauty, elegance. Ώρα, 3 sin. of ωραον -ων, -αες -ας, -αε -a, impf. ind. act. of δραω. Ήρα, -ας, η, (fr. bpάω to see) care, watchfulness, vigilance, solici- tude. Ώραΐζω, f. -ίσω, (fr. ώρα beauty) to adorn, beautify, decorate; to set off, embellish, use false orna- ments ; to ripen, mature, pass. ωραίίομαι. 1 a. ind. pass, ώραισ- pass. ωραί Ώαριύομαι -ουμαι, (fr. same) to be beautiful, bloom, shine. Ώράΐος, -a, -ov, (fr. ωρα season) mature, seasonable, in proper time, opportune ; young, bloom ing, beautiful, graceful, amiable, desirable ; gathered in spring or summer, summer's. Ωραιότατος, -η, -ov, sup. of last. Ώραιότης, -ητος, η, (fr. ωρα beau- ty) seasonableness, opportunity ; maturity, ripeness ; beauty, come- liness, grace. Ώραίουσι, JEol. for ώραίζουσι, 3 pi. pres. ind. act. of ύψαΐζω. Ώραϊσμος, -ου, b, (fr. ώραΐζω to adorn, th. ωρα beauty) beauty, grace, air ; ornament, embellish- ment, decoration ; paint, artifi- cial complexion. Ωρανος, η. — Ωρανώ, g. iEol. and Dor. for ουρανός, -ου. Γ β 'ρατος, Dor. for b Άρατος, a man's name. 'β 'ργειος, Dor. for Ό Αργε7ος. Ωργίσθην, ->??, -η, 3 pi. -θησαν, 1 ι. ind. pass, of οργίζομαι. Ωρείθυια, -ας, η, Orithyia, queen of the Amazons. Ωρέξατο, 3 sin. I a. ind. mid. of ορέγω. Ώρεον, impf. ind. act. of bpέω, Ion. for bpάω. Ωρες for όαρες, η. pi. — Ώρεσσι, Ion. for ώρσι, cont. for οάρσι, ά. pi. of όαρ. "Ω,ρες, -ων, ul, (fr. next) towers; keepers, guards. Ωρέω -ώ, f. -ήσω, (fr. ώρα care) to take care of, mind, watch, guard. Ωρη, -ης, η, Ion. for ωρα. Ωρθριζε, 3 sin. impf. md. act. — Ώρθρίσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. ορθρίζω. Ωρθώθην, -ης, -η, ϊ a. ind. pass, of ρθόω. Ωριγνάτο, 3 sin. — Ωριγνώντο, 3 pi. cont. impf. pass, of οριγνάομαι. ΩρΥκος, -η, -bv, (fr. ωρα a season) seasonable, mature, ripe, bloom- ing, youthful. "Ωρίμος, -η, -ov, and -ου, b, η, (fr. same) mature, ripe, seasona!>le. Ωρΐνε, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. act. — Ωρί- νετο, 3 sin. impf. pass, of ορίνω. Ώριος, -ου, b, η, and Ώριος, -a, -ov, (fr. ωρα a season) seasonable, opportune, in season; ripe, ma- ture ; limited to a. certain time, (614) ΩΡΩ performed in a certain season, celebrated at a certain period. Ώρίσατο, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. mid. — Ώρισμένος, ττ)ι -ov, per. par. pass. — 'βρίσε, 3 sin. — "Ωρισαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of δρίζω. 'β 'ριφος, Dor. for b έριφος. Ωριων, -ωνος, b, Οτϊοη, a man'» name. Also a kind of bird. Ώρκίσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. of bpκίζω. Ώρμάθη, Dor. for ώρμήθη, 3 sin. 1 a. ind. pass, of 'ορμάω. Ώρμαινε, 3 sin. impf. ind. act. of bpμaίvω. Ωρμάτο, 3 sin. cont. impf. pass. — Ώρμέατο, Ion. for ώρμηντο, 3 pi. pper. pass. — Ώρμένος, Sync. for ωρμημένος, per. par. pass, of bpμάω. Ώρμηνε, 3 sin. 1 a ind. act. of Ιρμαίνω. Ωρμησα, -ας, -ε, or -εν, 3 pi. ωρ- μησαν, 1 a, ind. act. and Ώρμωντο, 3 pi. impf. ind. pass, of bpμάω. Ώ 'ρνες, Dor. for οι άρνες, η. pi. of αρήν. Ωρνντο, 3 sin. impf. mid. of όρνυμαι. Ωρόγράφος, -ου, b, η, (fr. ωρα an hour, and γράφω to write) a writer of annals, recorder. Or for bpόγpάφoς, which see. Ώρολόγιον, -ου, το, (fr. same, and λέγω to tell) an instrument to tell the hours, clock, dial. Ώρορα, Metath. for όρωρα, Att. for ώρα, per. ind. mid. of άρω. . Ωρος, -ov, b, (fr. ωρα a season) α year, season, time, hour, night. Ωρος, -εος, -ους, το, Dor. for ονρος, which Ion. for όρος, a mountain. Ωροσκόπος, -ev, b, (fr. ώρα the hour, and σκοπός a watch) an observer of hours, studier of the horoscope, astrologer. Ωρσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act Ώρτ for Άρτο, 3 sin. of — Ώρ- μην, -σο, -το, pper. pass, of όρω. Ωρνγον, -ες, -ε, 2 a. ind. act. of ορύσσω. Ωρυγμα, -ατός, το, Ωρυγμος and Ωρυθμος, -ου, b, and Ωρύγη, -ης, η, (fr. ωρύω to howl) a roaring, howling, bellowing. Ωρυες, -ων, al•, (fr. same) wild beasts. Ώρυξα, -ας, -ε or -εν, 1 a. ind. act. of ορύσσω. Ωρνόμενος, pres. par. mid. of ωρύω. Ωρύχαται, Ion. for ωρυγμένοι εισί, s. of ο ώρνκα, to roar, to baid, shout. Ωρύω, f. -ύσω, ρ howl, low, bark 1 a. ind. act. ώρυοα. Ωρνωμα,-ατος, το, (fr. last) a roar ing, howling, bellowing. ρχαιος, Dor. for b a ρχαιος. Ωρχείσθε, 2 pi. cont. impf. mid Ωρχενντο, Dor. for ωρχουντο, 3 ρί. cont. impf. mid. — Ωρχήσασ- h, 2 pi. of ind. mid. of ωρχησαμην, -ω, -ατο, ορχεομαι "Ωρχμενος, Sync, for b αρχόμενος^ pres. par. mid. of άρχομαι. Ωρώρειν, pper. ind. mid. of 6ρω. Ωρωρέχατο, Ion, for ορωρεγμέν<α Ίίσαν,ν /h. is Att. redupl. for ωρεγ- μίνοι ήσαν•, 3 pi. pper. ind. pass. — Ωρωρέχειν, Att. redupl. for ωρέχειν, pper. ind. act. of ορέγω. ίΐψώρνκτο, Att. redupl. for ώρνκτο, 3 sin. pper. ind. pass. — Ωρω- ρύχειν, Att. redupl. for ωρύχειν, pper. ind. act. of ορύσσω. Ω?, (fr- δί who) as, like as, so as, just as, in manner as, accord- * n gly > as > answered by as or so ; so, thus, in this manner ; so that, that ; as if, about, to the amount of, almost, nearly ; to that pass, so far, insomuch that ; as much as, as long as, as far as ; very, very much, how, how much; forasmuch as, seeing that, because, whereas, where fore, therefore, truly, surely ; Ο that, would that, I wish ; but, yet, however ; until, tohile, whilst, all along, continually ; to, unto, up to ; when, after, after that, since ; how ? in what way ? by what means ? Αλλά και ως, but even so, nevertheless. Ώς ειπεΊν, so to speak, if one may say so. Ως, ωτος, το, Dor. for ους. Ωσα, -ας, -ε, 1 a. ind. act. — "Ώσαι 1 a. inf. act. — Ώσαι^ for ώσαι- το, 3 sin. 1 a. opt. mid. — Ωσά- μένος, 1 a. par. mid. — "Ώσαν 3 pi. 1 a. ind. act. of ωθίω. "Ωσαι for οϊσαι, 1 a. inf. act. of οίω, obs. for which φέρω. Ώσανει for ώσεί. Ωσαννά, Heb. indecl. Hosanna, save now, save we pray. Ώσασκε, Ion. for ώσε, 3 sin. 1 a, ind. act. of ωθίω. Ωσαύτως, (fr. ως as, and αυτός self) likewise, j,n like manner, just as, in the same way. "Ώσδεν, Dor. for ωζεν, 3 sin. impf. ind. act. of όζω. "Ώσε, 3 sin. of ώσα, 1 a. ind. act. of ωθεω. Ώσεί, (fr. ως as, and ει if ) as if, just as, as, as it were, like, about, nearly. Ώσηέ, b, Heb. indecl. Hosea, name of a prophet. Ωσθεις, -ε~ισα, -εν, 1 a. par. pass. — Ωσθήναι,Ι a. inf. pass, of ωθέω. Ώσι, 3 pi. pres. sub. of ειμϊ, to be. Ώσι, 3 pi. 2 a. sub. act. of ϊημι. Ω,σι, d. pi. of ους. Ώσμαι, Att. 'Έ,ωσμαι, ind. Ωσμένος, par. per. pass, of ωθίω. Ύ Ωσπερ, (fr. ως as, and περ soever) as, like, as indeed, like as. Ώσπεράν, (fr. last, and av if) al- most, about, near, as if, as it ' were, as well as. Ωσπερει, (fr. same, and ει if ) as if, as it were, as. Ωστε, (fr. ώ? as, and τε and) as, like, that, so that, in order that ; as being, in as much as ; where- fore, therefore, because, for. Ώστης, -ου, b, (fr. ωθεω to drive) a driver, pusher, impeller. ΩστιεΊ, Att. for ωστιη, 2 sin. 1 f. ind. mid. of Ωστίζω, f. -Ίσω, Att. ωσηω, (fr. ωθέω to drive) to push, thrust,^ ΩΦΕ drive. Ωστίζομαι, to thrust one's self in, intrude. Ώ 'στοργος, Dor. for δ άστοργος. Ωσφραντο, 3 sin. pper. pass, of οσφραίνομαι. Ώσχος, -ου, b, and Ώσχη, -ης, η, same as όσχος . Ωσχοφορία, -ας, η~, and Ωσχοφόρια, -ων, τα, (fr. last, and φέρω to carry) the bearing of branches, an Athenian festival. Ώπω, 1 f. ind. act. of ωθεω. Ώτα, η. and a. pi. of ους. Ωτάγρα, -ας, -ή, (fr. ους the ear, and άγρα a seizing) an instru- ment to open or cleanse the ears. Ωτακουστέω -ω, f. -ήσω, (fr. same, and ακούω to hear) to listen at- tentively ; to collect reports ; to become informer. Ωτακουστής, -ου, b, (fr. same) an informer, spy, listener. Ωταλγέω -ώ, (fr. ους the ear, and αλγέω to pain) to have a pain in the ear. Ώ Wav, (for ώ ετάν, Dor. for έτα, v. sin. of ετης a companion) my friend, good sir. Ωτάριον, -ου, το, (dim. of ους an ear) a little ear ; also a shellfish from its likeness to an ear. Ωτάρος, -a, -bv, (fr. same) having ears, eared, long-eared. "Ωτε, Poet, for ώστε. Ωτεγχύτης, -ου, b, (fr. ους the ear. and χέω to pour) a syringe for the ear. Ωτειλή, -ης, ή, (fr. οντάζω to wound) a wound. e Ω "τερος or Ώτερος, Dor. for b έτερος. ΩτΈκος, -ή, -bv, (fr. ους the ear) of or belonging to the ear. Ωτίον, -ου, το, (dim. of same) a little ear, the ear. Ωτϊς, -'δος, ?/, a slow bird, a kind of owl. Ωτος, g. sin. of ους. Ώτος, -ου, or Ωτος, -ου, b, (fr. ους an ear) perhaps the horned owl, a kind of night bird, bat ; a stu- pid, silly person ; also Otus, a man's name. Ωτάτμητος, -ου, b, ή, (fr. ους an ear, and τέμνω to cut) having the ears cut or cropped. Ωτοχλέω -ω, (fr. same, and όχλος a disturbance) to stun, confound, annoy the ears by speaking loud. Ώτρΰνον, -ες, -ε, impf. or 2 a. ind. act. of οτρύνω. Ωτώεις, -εσσα, -εν, (fr. ους an ear) , having ears, eared; having han- dles. Ώτων, g. pi. of ους. ' Ωΰτος, Ion. for b αυτός. Ωφάζ, Heb. indecl. the name of a place. Ώφεκλον, -ε?, -ε or -εν, pi. -ομεν, impf. ind. act. of οφείλω. Ώφειν, pper. ind. act. of όπτω, same as άπτομαι. Ωφεϊρ, Heb. indecl. name of a country. Ω^ελεΓ, act. — Άφελεΐται, pass. 3 sin. cont. pros. ind. of ωφελέω. Ωφέλεια, -ας, fi, Poet. Ωφελία, and Ωφελίη, (fr. ωφελέω to benefit) (615) ΩΧΡ use, profit, advantage, gam ; help, aid, assistance. Ωφελείτε, 2 pi. cont. pres. ind. or impr. of Ωφελέω -ω, f. ω^ελ^σω,ρ. ωφέληκα^ to benefit, profit, serve, aid, help, assist. Ωφελέομαι -ουμαι, to be served ; to reap gain, profit, ad- vantage or benefit. 1 a. ind. act. ωφέλησα, 1 a. pass. ind. ωφελή θην, -ης, -η, sub. ωφεληθώ, -ης,-η. Ωφεληθείς, -είσα,-εν, par. — Ωφελη- θης, 2 sin. sub. — Ωφελήθησαν, 3 ρί. ind. 1 a. pass, of last. Ωφέλημα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) ad- vantage, profit, benefit, emolu- ment, utility ; help, aid,assistance. Ωφέλησα, -ας, -ε or -εν, ind. — Ωφε- λήσεια, -ας, -ε, 2Εο\. for Ωφελ?)- σαιμι, -αις, -αι, opt. 1 a. act. — Ωφελήσω, -εις, -ει, 1 f. ind. act. of same. Ωφελήσΐμος, -ου, b, η, (fr. ωφελέω to assist) useful, beneficial, pro- fitable, assistant, aiding. Ωφέλησις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) utility, use, profit, advan- tage ; emolument, gain ; assist- ance, aid, help. Ωφελητέος, -a, -ov, (fr. same) to be assisted, &c. according to the verb. Ωφέλιμος, -ου, b, fj, (fr. same) pro- fitable, useful, advantageous, be neficial, serviceable. Ωφελίμως, (fr. last) usefully, profit, ably, advantageously, beneficially. Ωφελον, -ες, -ε, (2 a. ind. act. of οφείλω to owe) I owed or ought, I wish. Et'0' ωφελον, Oh that 1 had. Ε/θ' ώφελες, would you had. Ώςώφελε^β ought, &c. But ωφε- λον 1 sin. is often used adverbi- ally for Oh that ! would that ! Ωφελούμαι, ind. cont. — Ωφελούμε- νος, -η, -ov, par. pres. pass. cont. of ωφελέω. Ώφθην, -ης, -η, 3 pi. -θησαν, 1 a. ind. pass, of άπτομαι. Ώφλεε, 3 sin. impf. act. of οφλέω, for οφείλω. Ώ ' 'φρόντιστος, Dor. for b αφρόυ- τιστος. "Ωχα, -ας, ε, per. ind. act. — 'Ο,χατΟ) Ion• for ωγμένοί ήσαν, 3 pi. of ώγμην, ώξω, ωκτο, pper. ind. pass off οίγω. Ώχετο, 3 sin.impf. mid. of οίχομαι. Ώχθησαν, 3 pi. 1 a. ind. pass, of οχθέω. Ωχθόμεθ', for ωχθόμεθα, 1 pi. impf. mid. of οίχομαι. Ώχρα, -ας, -ε, (fr. ωχρός pale) ochre ; paleness ; rust, mildew. Ωχραίνω, (fr. same) to make pale. Ωχράω -ω, (fr. same) to be pale grow pale. Ωχρία, -ας, and Ωχρίάσις, -ιος, Att. -εως, η, (fr. same) paleness, sal lowness. Ωχριάω -ω, (fr. same) to be pale growpale. Ωχροειδής, -έος -ους, b, ή, (fr. same, and εϊδος appearance) pale, sal- low, wan. Ωχρόλευκος, -ου, b, %, (fr. same, and λευκός white) whxtenedhy dry ΩΧΡ mud or dust, whitish, pale," sal- low, Ώ,χρδς,-ά, -όι/, (perhaps fr. ωδν an egg, and χρδα colour) pale, sal- low, wan. D -Χρος, -ου, b, and Ω,χρότης, -ητος, ΩΧΩ ΩΩΔ S?? ""' (?" Sa T) tomakepale. the eye, sight; the Jountenance, 'Ω,χρωμα, -ατός, το, (fr. same) paleness. Sf -χωκα, Att. for ώχ^κα, per. ind. act. of οιχέω, for oiyouai. (616) Λ eye, sigftf; the countenance, face, visage ; aspect, appearance. Ω.ώδης,-εος -ους, b, φ, (fr. ωον an egg) like an egg t of the form of on egg. Δόξα sv ΐφίστοις θ«ω. A VOCABULARY, CONCISE DICTIONARY OP ENGLISH AND GREEK ABO an Abbacy, αββάτεια, κοινόβιον. an Abbess, αρχιμανδρίτις. an Abbot, αρχιμανδρίτης, κοινοβιάρ- to Abdicate, απειμι or αφιστημι της αρχής, απίπω or εζομνύω or απο- τίθημί την αρχήν. to Abhor, μυσάττομαι, αποτροπιά- ζομαι, δυσχηραίνω. Abhorrence, προσοχθισμός. Abhorrent, διαμισέων, υπερστυγέων. Abject, άτιμος, ταπεινός, ανάριθμος, αδόκιμος, ασύφηλος, απορ'ριμμένος, καταβεβλημένος. Abjuration, απωμοσία, εζωμοσία. Able, δυνατός, οΐος τε. to be Able, δύναμαι, οίος τ ειμί. to be not Able, ασθενίω, αδυνατέω. to Abolish, αφανίζω, εξαλείφω' ακυ- ρόω, απόλλυμι. Abolition, αφανισμός, αφάνισις. Abominable, βδελυκτος, βδελυρός, μυσαχθής, μυσαρός, μυσος, ολέθριος, εναγής, ανεπίρρεκτος, απότροπος, αποτρόπαιος, αποτροπιαστέος, ανό- σιος, αθέμιστος, έκθεσμος, δύσφα- τος, άρρητος. to Abominate, βδελύσσω and -λΰσ- σομαι, μυσάττομαι, απομαρτυρέω. an Abomination, προσόχθισμα, βδέλυγμα, βδελυρία, μίασμα, κα- τάρα. an Abortion, έκτρωμα, εξάμβλωμα, αμβλωθρίδιον. Abortive, εκτρωματαΤος, αγένεθλος. to Abound, ευθηνέω, πληθύνω, ευπο- ρέω. to Abound in wealth, ευπορέομαι, περιουσίαν χρημάτων έχω, περισ- σεύω, πλεονάζω, περιουσιάζω, πλου- τέω, αγαθά έχω. About, or concerning, περί, αμφϊ, παρά. About, at or near, επϊ, κατά, περϊ παρά, αμφί. Above, υπέρ, επϊ, παρά, προς• άνω πρόσθεν. from Above, άνωθεν, ε| άνω, καθύ- ττερθεν. ACC the powers Above, οι άνωθεν, επου- ράνιοι. to Abridge, see Shorten. an Abridgment, επιτομή. Abroad, έξω, έκτος, θύραζε. at home and Abroad, εν οικία και εν πολέμω. from Abroad, θύραθεν, έϊωθεν. to Abrogate, αποκυρόω, ακυρόω αναιρέω, διαγράφω, μεταγράφω^ αποδοκιμάζω, αποκηρύττω. See• Repeal. Abruptly, αποτόμως. an Abscess, απόστημα. Absence, απουσία. Absent, απών, άδημος, αποδημέων. to Absent or be Absent, άπειμι. Abstemious, αποσχών, εγκρατής. Abstemiously, εγκρατώς. Abstemiousness or Abstinence, απόσχεσις, εγκράτεια. Absurd, άλογος, αλόγιστος, άτο- πος. Absurdity, ατοπία, το άπρεπον, το αλλόκοτον, τό αμαθές. Absurdly, ύστερον πρότερον, πρωθύσ- τερον, ατόπως. Abundance, ευπορία, πλεόνασμα, επιρροία, επίρρυσις. Abundant, εύπορος, περιονσιάζων, περιουσιαστικός. Abundantly, ευπόρως, αθρόως, σωρη- δόν, ρύδην, βύβδην, δαψιλως. Abuse, κατάχρησις, απόχρησις. to Abuse, καταχράομαι, χράομαι κακώς or απειροκάλως, παρακατα- χράομαι. to Abuse in drink, παροινέω, εκ- βακχεύομαι. Acacia, ακακία. an Academy, ακαδημία. Accent, προσωδία. to Accept, λαμβάνω, προσδέχομαι, υποδέχομαι. Acceptable, χαρίεις, καταθύμιος, δέκτος, ευπρόσδεκτος, πρζσληφ- θείς. Acceptance, αποδοχή, λήψις, πρόσ- λνψις. (1) ACC Access, εισδοχή, εισαγωγή, αυγχά' ρησις. Accessary to, b αιτίαν έχων or Ιπί- χων. Accessible, ενέφοδος, ευπρόσοδος, ευ- πρόσιτος, επίδρομος, πρόσπλασ- τος. Accidental, τυχηρδς, τυχαίος, τυ- χών. Accidentally, ίσως, τυχόν, συμβάν, αυτοσχεδίως or -διαστί. Acclamation, επιφώνημα, ευφήμησις, επιβόημα, επικραυγή. to Accompany, παρακολουθέω, μετ- έρχομαι, διαμένω. to Accomplish, αποτελέω, απεργά- ζομαι, αποπληρόω. According to, κατά, μετά, παρά. According to the proverb, το τοδ λόγου, ωσπερ ή παροιμία - According to Plato, κατά Πλά- τωνα. an Account, λογισμός- to cast up an Account, λογίζο μαι. to demand an Account, λόγον ζη- τέω. to give an Account, λόγον δίδωμι. on his, my, &c. Account, εμήν χαρίν. on Account of, διά, υπέρ, αντϊ, δια τούτου, ανθ' ών, 'ένεκα, χαρίν. Accountable, υπεύθυνος. an Accountant, λογιστής, ψηφισ τής. to Accumulate, συντίθημι, κατα- σκευάζω. Accuracy, επιμέλεια. Accurate, επιμελής, ακριβής, λιπα- ρής- Accurately, επιμελώς, ακριβώς, λι- παρώς or λιπαρέως, περιέργως. Accursed, επάρατος, κατάρατος. an Accusation, γραφή, κατηγορία, αιτίασις, αιτίαμα, έγκλημα, ένδει- ζις, εισαγγελία, απεισαγγελία, φύ- σις, μέμ-ψις, διαβολή. to Accuse, αιτιάομαι, αιτιάομαί τίνα τούτου, επαιτιάομαι, κατηγο- ACT ADU AFF ρέω, εγκαλέω, εγκαλέω σοι τούτο, επικαλέω, διαγράφω αιτίαν, επιφέ- ρω or επάγω or επενέγκω γραφην, εν αιτία ποιέομαι, IC αιτίας έχω. Ιο Accuse falsely, σΰκοφαντέω, ψευ- δώς κατηγορέω, διαβάλλω, μέμ- φομαι, καταμέμφομαι. an Accuser, κατήγορος, ενδεικτης, εισαγγελευς, διώκων, κρίνων, γρα- φόμενος, την αιτίαν επενέγκων, κα- ταδικάζων, συκοφάντης. Ιο Accustom, ενθίζομαι, εθίζω and εθίζομαι, σννεθίζω, έθω. Accustomed, συνήθης, ειθισμένος, ειωθώς. to have been Accustomed, είωθα. my head Aches, αλγέω την κεφαλήν. to Achieve, διαπράττομαι. to Acknowledge, ομυλογέομαι, εξο- μολογέομαι, σύμφημι, γινώσκω, αναγινώσκω, επιγινώσκω, γνωρίζω, αναγνωρίζω. Acknowledged, γνωστός. Acknowledgment, επίγνωσις, ανα- γνώρισις. an Acorn, ακρόδρυον, βάλανος. Acquaintance, κοινωνία, κοινώνημα, συσσίτια, φρατρία. an Acquaintance, εταίρος, κοινωνός, σύσσιτος. to Acquiesce, εφησυχάζω, αναπαύο- μαι, επαναπαύομαι, επικλίνομαι' συμφέρομαι τοΊς παρουσι, αρέσκο- μαι, αρκέομαι τοΊσδε, ευαριστέομαι τούτοις, επϊ τούτω χαίρω, εμμένω τοΊς καθεστηκόσι, μένω εν τούτω, στέργω τούτω, αγαπάω, συγχωρέω. Acquisition, επιτυχία, επίτευξις, α- πόλαυσις. to Acquit, απολύω. an Acquittal, απόλυσις. Acquitted, απόλυτος, ανεβείς, άφετος, άνετος' b μηδέν ωφληκώς. an Acre, πλέθρον, πέλεθρον. Acrimony, οξύτης, στρυφνότης. Across, πλάγιος, εγκάρσιος,, adv. πλαγίως, εκ πλαγίου. an Acrostic, ακροστιχίς. an Act or Action, πράξις, πράγμα, έργον. in the Act, επαυτοφώρω. to Act, πραγματεύομαι, εργάζομαι, διαπράττομαι, ενεργέω, άγω, πράτ- τω, τελέω, ποιέω, δράω' χειρονο- μέω. to Act for another, ανθ' ετέρου ειμί. to Act under, υποδρήσσω, υποδια- κονέω. Acting, ίποκριτός, χειρονομικδς. Action, πράξις, ενέργεια, δράσις• σχή- μα, υπόκρισις. See also Act. an Action at law, δίκη, κατηγορία, έγκλημα, αιτία. to bring an Action, δίκην επάγω or εισάγω, αγωνίζομαι. Active, ενεργής, ενεργητικός, δραστι- κός, δραστήριος, πρακτικός, άοκνος ράθυμος, οτρηρός, σπουδαίος' ελα- φρός, ευάγητος, ευκίνητος, ευστρα- φης, εύσκαρθμος. Actively, αόκνως, σπουδαιως, ενερ- γητικώς, μογερως, δραστικως' ελα φρως, ευκινήτως. Activity, ελαφρότης, ευκινησία. an Actor, ποιητής, δραστηρ, δράσ- της, πράττων υποκριτής, μίμος χειρονύμος. Adamantine, αδαμάντινος. to Adapt, συντίθημι, συναρμόζω, προσάπτω. to Add, επιβάλλω, προστίθημι, πα- ραζεύγνυμι. to Add moreover, επιπροστίθημι, προσεμβάλλω. Added, επίθετος, πρόσθετος, εμβεβ- λημένος, προσβεβλημένος, πρυστε- θειμένος. an Addition, επίβλημα, παρενθήκη, πρόσθεμα, πρόσθεσις' επιδοχη, αύξησις. Additional, επίθετος, παραβλητικός, επιποίητος, αλλότριος. an Addle egg, ούρινον ωόν, also νπονέμιον or ζέφυρων. Address, πρόκλησις, έντευξις. an Address, επίλογος, πρόφασις. to Address, προφθέγγομαι, προφω- νέω, προσκαλέω and -έομαι, κοινο- λογέομαι, εντυγχάνω. Adhesion, προσκόλλησις. to Adjoin, παράκειμαι, πρόσκειμαι, περίκιιμαι, παροικέω, προσοικέω' άπτομαι, συνάπτω. Adjoining, πάροικος, πρόσοικος, πε- ρίοικος, 'όμορος, συνόμορος, μεθό- ριος, πρόσορος, πρόσχωρος. to Adjudge, επιδικάζω, επικρίνω, ψηφίζομαι. an Adjuration, εξορκισμός, επιμαρ- τυρία. to Adjure, διαμαρτύρομαι, επιμαρτύ- ρομαι, εκμαρτύρομαι, αντιβολέω, λιπαρέω. to Adjust, συμβιβάζω, περιτίθημι, προσχωρέω. to Administer, διαχειρίζω, διαπράτ- τω, καθ άπτομαι. Administration, διαχείρισις. an Admiral, ναύαρχος, στόλαρ- χος. to Admire, θαυμάζω, επιθανμάζω, άγαμαι, επάγα,ααι, θήπω, κατα- θήπω, σεβάζω. an Admirer, θαυμαστής, αγαστής, θελκτήρ. to Admit, προσδέχομαι, εισδέχομαι, εισοικίζω, άγομαι' εφίημι, παρίημι, προσίημι' προσάγω, εγκρίνω, εισ- φέρω. Admonitory, παραινετικός, νουθετι- κός. to Adopt, υ'ιοθετέω, υ'ιοποιέω, ν'ιόω, τεκνοποιέω, πάϊδα τίθημι or ποιέω or εισποιέω, εις θέσιν λαμβάνω' επάγομαι, εισποιέω. Adopted, υίόθετος, εισποίητος. an Adopted son, ποιητός υϊος, υ'ώς θετός. Adopting, υίοθετέων. Adoption, υιοθεσία, εισποίησις, ποίη- σις, θέσις. to Adore, προσκυνέω, προσεύχομαι, λατρεύω. to Adorn, επικοσμέω. Adorned, επικοσμηθεϊς, εζεργασθείς. to Adulterate, καπηλεύω, κακο- τεχνέω' money, παρακόπτω, πα- ραχαράττω, παρασημαίνω. Adulterated, μοιχικός, μοίχιος, νό- θος' κίβδηλος, αδόκιμος. an Adulterer, μοιχός, μάχλος, μαχλής. an Adulteress, μοιχαλις, μοιχας, μαχλάς, μαχλίς. Adultery, μοιχεία, μοιχρσύνη, μαγ• λοσύνη' κιβδήλευμα. to commit Adultery, μοιχενω, μοι• χεύω μετά — , μοιχεύομαι, μοιχά- ζω, διαφθείρω γυναΧκα. an Advance, πρόβασις, προχώρησις" προκοπή. to Advance, προβαίνω, προχωρέω, προέρχομαι, προάγω. Advanced, ελαληκώς, προηγμένος. an Adverb, επίρρημα. an Adversary, ενστατης, ενάντιος, πολέμιος, ανταγωνιστής, αντιστα- της, αντιλέγων, υπεναντ'ιας, εναντί- βιος, αντήρης. Adversity, τα ενάντια, ατυχία, δυσ- πραγία' εναντίωσις, εναντίωμα. Advice, βουλή, βουλεία, βούλευμα, παράκλησις,παραίνεσις,νουθέτησις, νουθέτημα, υπόμνησις. to Advise, βουλεύω, συ μ βουλεύω, υπο- τίθεμαι, νουθετέω, παραινέω' δίδω- μι γνώμην, γνώμην εισηγέομαι. to Advise with, συμβουλεύομαι* Advised, βεβουλευμένος. an Adviser, παραινέτης, νουθέτης, βουλευτής' επιμνηματιστης, παραγ- γελτής. an Advocate, συνήγορος. Affable, ευπροσήγορος, Βμιλητικός, φιλόφρων. to be Affable, έχω or διατίθεμαι ηδέως. Affability, ευπροσηγορία, φιλοφρο- σύνη. Affairs, πράγματα, πράξεις, χρήμα• τα, πραγματεία, ασχολία, ασχόλη- μα, χρεία. domestic Affairs, τα οικεία, τα εν οικία. military Affairs, τά του πολέμου. Afar, μακράν, πόρρω. from Afar, πόρμωθεν, μακρόθεν, άπο- θεν, απόπροθι, αποσταδά, τήλοθι. Affectation, καλλιτεχνία, εμμέλεια, περιεργία, μαλακότης, μαλακία. Affectation in speech, λογομανία, λογοδαιδαλία, φρυαγματώδης λό- γος. to be Affected, καλλιτεχνέω, περίερ- γος ειμί, μαλακιάω, μαλακύνομαι' διάκειμαι, διατίθεμαι, πάσχω, έχω' ούτως έχω γνώμην, τοιούτος ειμί, ούτως έχω περί τούτω ούτως εάλω- κα του πάθους. an Affection, πάθος, πάθημα. Affection, αγάπη, στοργή, φιλο- στοργία, φιλανθρωπία, ευγνωμοσύ- νη, φιλοφροσύνη, εύνοια. to feel or show Affection, έχω ευ- νοϊκως προς — . Affectionately, ευνοϊκως, φιλοστόρ γως, αδελφικώς, γνησίως. Affinity, συγγένεια, αγχιστεία, κη δεία, κήδευμα' ομογαμβρία, συγ- γαμβρία. to Affirm, κατάφημι, διϊσχυρίζω' συμβιβάζω, βεβαιόω, διαβεβαιόο μαι, επερείδω. Affirmation, καταφάσις, επέρεισις, παράστασις, διαβεβαίωσις. to Afflict, λυπέω, ανιάω, αλγίνω' θλίβω, προσθλίβω, ταλαιπορέω, κακόω, κακώς ποιέω, επιτρίβω, προσαράσσω, προσπιέζω' περικόπ- τω, εκτρύχω. Afflicted, εμπαθής, ταλαίπωρος, κα- AH ALM ANG κοπαθέων, κακωθεις, καταβεβλημ ;- νος, προσαραχθείς. Affliction, κάκωσις, κακότης, τα κακά, θλίψις, ταλαιπωρία, ταλα- πώρημα, πάθημα, ανάγκη. to suflef Affliction, ταλαιπωρέομαι, δυστυχέω. to Afford, δίδωμι, διαδίδωμι, απονέ- μω, χορηγέω, παρέχω, πορίζω. an Affront, υβρϊς, υβρισμός, ασέλ- γεια, λώβη. to Affront, υβρίζω, εννβρίζω, καθυ- βρίζω, αικίζω, λοιδορέω, βλασφη- μέω, ανασελγαίνω. to Affront in drink, παροινέω, εκ- βακχεύομαι. Affronting, υβριστής, επονε'ώιστος. Affrontingly, ασελγώς, υβριστικώς. Aforesaid, δ και εν τοΐς πρότερον είρηται, προειρημένον. After, μετά, επί' adj. ύστερος, με- ταγενέστερος. After that, μετά ταύτα, ως οπότε, επει, επειδή, επάν. a little After, ολίγω or μικρ<ύ ύσ- τερον. the day After, tq νστεραία. the Afternoon, δείλη, δείλη οψία, εσπέρα. in the Afternoon, δειλινός, οψίος, εσπερινός. Afterwards, είτα, έπειτα, ύστερον' εξής, εφεξής. Again, εξ υπαρχης, αύ, αύθις, εισαύ- θις, πάλιν, έμπαλιν, εκ δεύτερον. Again and again, αύθις και αύθις, καί πάλιν και πολλάκις. Against, κατά, προς, επϊ, αντί, αν- τίκρυ. to strive Against the stream, ανά ποταμόν πλέω. an Agate, αχάτης. Age, ηλικία, αιών. an Age, βίος, γενεά, ηλικία, χρόνος, αιών. t on account of Age, δια την ηλικίαν. to advance in Age, προκύπτω ηλι- κία, ηλικίας εις το πρόσθεν προ- βαίνω. the bloom or flower of Age, ακ- μή. once in an Age, b κατ αιώνα γιγνό- μενος. in our Age, επϊ της ημετέρας γενεάς. of the same Age, Όμήλιξ, ηλικιώ- της, ισόχρονος. of such an Age, τηλίκσς. worn with Age, παλαιονμενος. Aged, πολυετής, μακρόβιος, πρεσβύ- τερος, προβεβηκώς Ty ηλικία, γη- ραιός, τυμβογέρων. to Aggravate, επιβαρύνω, εμβρίθω, ενσκήπτω. to Agonize, αγωνίζομαι. Agony, αγωνία. to Agree, 8μογνωμονεί•ω, bμoφpovέω, ομονοέω, αρμόζομαι, συμπίπτω. to Agree in writing, υπογράφω, υποσημαίνομαι, συγκατατίθημι. Agreeable, ηδύς, χαρίεις. Agreeable to, ανάλογος, εικώς, σύμ- φωνος. very Agreeable, πάνυ ηδύς or εύ- χαρις. an Agreement, συνάλλαγμα, συναλ- λαγή. Ah 1 αϊ, αϊ τάλαν, φευ. to Aim, στοχάζομαι, καταστοχάζο- μαι, ευστοχέω. to Aim at, επιβάλλομαι, περιεργά- ζομαι, αντιποιέομαι' σπουδάζω, ζη- λόω, επιβουλεύω' μνηστεύομαι. Air, αιθήρ, κηρ, αύρα, πνοή, πνεύμα' ατμίς. above the Air, αιθέριος. in the open Air, εν r$ αιθρία, υπ' αίθρω, υπαίθριον. of or about Air, πνευματικός. to Air, καταπνέω. to stay in the Air, αιθριοκοιτέω. an Airhole, φυσητήριον. Alabaster, αλάβαστρον. Alas ! φευ, φευ των κακών, οίμοι, ω, ιο'ύ, οϊ, ουαϊ, η ή, αϊ αι. an Alder tree, κλήθρη or -pa, αί- γειρος. Ale, ζυθόν or -θός. Alert, εύθυμος, φιλόπονος, πρόθυμος, φαιδρός, ανεπαχθής. Alertly, προθύμως, ευθύμως, ετοιμώς, φαιδρως. Alertness, φαιδρότης, προθυμία, ευ- θυμία, ευφροσύνη, δραστήριον. to Alienate, αλλοτριόω, απαλλο- τριόω, αλλοτρίως έχυ). Alienated, αλλοτριωμένος, αλλοτρίως έχων. Alienation, αλλοτρίωσις, απαλλοτρί- ωσις. Alike, όμοιος, εναλίγκιος, ίσος, ομα- λός, άρτιος' in age, ηλικιώτης. Alive, ζωός, έμψυχος, b ζών. All, πάς, σύμπας, άπας, 'όλος. All whoever or whatever, πάς 'όσπερ. in All manner of ways, πανταχή, παντοίως. it is All over, κέκρακται. not at AH, ου μεντοΊ, ουτο"ι, ουκ άρα, ελάχιστα. of All sorts, παντόδαπος, παντοως. to Alleviate, ελαφρύνω, επικουφίζω, επαίρω. Alleviation, ανακούφισις, επικούφισ- μα. an Alley, στενωπός, άμφοδος. an Alliance, συνθήκη, σπονδή, συμ- μαχία. to break an Alliance, συμμαχίαν διαλύω. to make an Alliance, συμμαχίαν or συνθήκας ποιέομαι, σπονδοποιέο- μαι. Allied, bμόσπovδoς. to Allot, κληρόω, λαγχάνω, διαλαγ- χάνω. Allotment, κλήρωσα. to Allow, εάω, επιτρέπω, σνγχωρέω' απονέμω, παρέχω, πορίζω. Allowance, σιτομέτριον. to make Allowance for, ευγνωμο- νέω, ευλογιστέω. it is Allowed, εξεστί' bμoλoγεΊτaι παρά πάντων. to Allure, επάγω, εφέλκομαι, εφελ- κύω. Allured, επαγόμενος, εφελκόμενος, προσηρημένος, προσκατειλεγμένος. an Ally, σύμμαχος, πρόσπονδος, συμ- βοηθός, κοινωνός. an Almanac, εφημερϊς, ημερολόγιον. Almighty, παντοκράτωρ, παγκρα- τής. an Almond tree, αμυγδαλή. (3) Almost, σχεδόν, μονονουχϊ, μικρό* απολείπω του μή — , μικρού δεϊν, ολίγου δεΊν, παρά μικρόν, παρ" ολί- γον, ως επί τό πολύ. Alms, ελεημοσύνη. Aloe, αλοή. Aloft, ανωφερης, μετέωρος, αίωρος, υπέρτερος, υψηλός' adv. άνωθι, υψηλώς, υψού, υψοθί. Alone, μόνος, μοναδικός' adv. μόνως, καταμονάς. Along, κατά. Along with, μετά, αμα, bμώς, bμoύ. beyond the Alps, υπεράλπειος. Also, επϊ, καϊ, τέ' ωσαύτως, bμoίως. as Also, μεν, δέ. but Also, αλλά μην, ούδε μήν. an Altar, βήμα, βωμός, θυσιαστήριον. to Alter, αλλάττω, μεταβάλλω, με- ταμείβω. to Alter an opinion, αλλοιόομαι την γνώμην. Alteration, εναλλαγή, ενάλλαξις, αλ- λοίωσις. to Alternate, αμείβω and -βομαι, εξαλΧάττω, επαμφοτερίζω. Although, καίτοι, καιπερ, ει και δή- που, καν, κάν ει, ώμως. Altogether, 'όλως, παντελώς, άπαξ, πάνυγε, τό πάν. Alum, στυπτηρία. Always, εν άπαντι χρόνω, αέι, δια παντός. Amaranth, αμάραντος. to Amass, συνερανίζω, συλλέγω πλούτον συνάγω. an Ambassador, πρεσβυτής. Amber,, ήλεκτρον. Ambidextrous, αμφιδέξιος. Ambition, φιλοτιμία, φιλοδοξία. Ambitious, φιλότιμος, φιλόδοξος. Ambitiously, φιλοτίμως, φιλοδόξως Ambling, b βάδην πορευόμενος. an Ambush, ενέδρα, λόχος, επιβουλή. to lie in Ambush, εφορμέω, ενε- δρεύω. to set- an Ambush, επιβουλεύω, ενί δρας καθίζω, ενέδραν ποιέομαι. to Amend, σωφρονίζω. an Amethyst, αμέθυστος. Among, εν, εις, παρά. Amphisbena, αμφίσβαινα. Amphitheatre, αμφιθέατρον. to Amputate, αποκόπτω, αποτέμνια, περιτέμνω, κολοβόω, αποκνίζω. Amputated, αποκοτείς. Amputation, αποκοπή, περιτομή, περιαίρεσις. an Amulet, αλεξιφάρμακον , περίαμ μα. Anatomy, ανατομία. an Ancestor, πρόγονος, ol άνωθεν. to cast Anchor, χαλάω άγκυραν• to weigh Anchor, αίρέω άγκυραν. an Anchovy, μαινή, μαινίς. Ancient, αρχαίος, παλαιός, πρέσ- βυς. Anciently, παλαιώς, αρχαίως, πά- λαι, άνωθεν. And, καϊ, τε, μεν, δε, ημεν, ηδέ. And even, ανά δή καί. Anew, εξ υπαρχής. an Angel, άγγελος. Anger, οργή, κύτος, θυμός, μήνις, οργιλύτης. to Anger, οργίζω, εις οργήν προκα- λέομαι. ANX ARC AS 10 check Anger, κρατέω οργής. to cherish Anger, πεπαίνω την op- γήν. an Angle, γωνία. Angry, οργίλος, ακρόχολος, οργισ- θεις, θυμοϋμενος. to be Angry, οργίζομαι or όχθο- μαί τινι, αγανακτέω προς — or επί — or υπέρ — , χαλεπαίνω, ορ- γήν έχω. to be somewhat Angry, υποργίζο- μαι. Angular, γωνιώδης. Angularly, μετά γωνίας. an Animal, ζώον, ζωδίον, έμψνχον. an Animal plant, ζωόφυτον. Animation, εμψίχωσις. the Ankle, σφΰρον or σφυρίον. to Annex, επιπλέκω, -προσάπτω προστίθημι, παρατίθημι, επιτάττω to Annex in writing, υπογράφω. an Anniversary, εγκαίνια, εορτή δημοθοινία, πανήγυρις. Annotation, αποσημείωσις. an Annotator, σημάντωρ. to Announce, εξαγγέλλομαι, προσ- αγγέλλω, επαγγέλλω, αναγορείιω, αποκηρύττω, απολέγω. to Annoy, ενοχλέω, υβρίζω, κακουρ- γέω, κακόω. Annoyance, ενόχλησις, κάκωσις. to Annul, ακνρόω, άκυρον ποιέω, αναιρέω, αφαιρέω, αποκόπτω. to Anoint, αλείφω, εναλείφω, επα- λείφω, χρίω, εγχρίω, επιχρίω. Anointed, χριστός, επικεχρισμένος επιχρισθείς, αληλιμένος. an Anointer, αλείπτης. an Anointing, χρίο-ις, επάλειψις, επόλειμμα. about Anointing, αλειπτήριος. Another, έτερος, άλλος, όδε, άλλοιος. Another time, άλλοτε, τότε μεν, τότε δε, ενίοτε. an Answer,, απόκρισις, αμοιβή' χρησμός, θέσφατον. an Answer in writing, αντιγρα- φή. to Answer, αποκρίνομαι, αμείβομαι, αναφωνέω. to Answer in writing, αντιγράφω, αντεπιστέλλω. an Ant, μύρμηξ, dim. μυρμήκιον. an Antelope, δορκάς, αιγάγριος. to Anticipate, προλαμβάνω, προκα- ταλαμβάνω, προαρπάζω' φθάνω, επιφθάνω, υποφθάνω. Anticipation, πρόληψις, πρόλημ- μα. an Antidote, αντίδοτον, αντιφάρμα- κον. to Antiquate, παλαιόω, ακνρόω, καταργέω. Antiquated, παλαιούμενος. Antiquity, αρχαϊσμός, αρχαιότης, παλαιότης. an Anvil, άκμων. Anxiety, αδημονία, ανία, ανίασις. μερίμνα, φροντίς, αγωνία. Ιο cause Anxiety, ανιάω, λνπέω. Anxious, μέριμνος, πολνμέριμνος, επιμελής, περιδεής, πεφροντικώς• δυσάοεστος, περιάλγης. to be Anxious, σπουδάζω, φροντίζω, μεριμνάω. Anxiously, επιμελώς, φροντιστικώς, κεριαλγ&ς. Any, τϊς, ι'ιτις. Any other, τις άλλος. Any how, πη, αμεγέτως, πως. Any where, πόΐ. Apart, χωρίς, ιδία, καθ' αυτόν. set Apart, χωριστός, χωρισθείς. an Ape, πίθηκος. Apollo, Απόλλων, Φοίβος, "Έ,κατος, ΙΙαίων, Αιγυιενς. Apostasy, αποστασία. an Apostate, αποστάτης. to Apostatize, αποστατέω. an Apothecary, φαρμακοπώλης. an Appendage, προσθήκη, εξάρτη- μα- to Appeal, επικαλίομαι, εκκαλέομαι. to Appear, δοκέω' φαίνομαι, κατα- φανής γίνομαι. to make Appear, δηλόω, φανερόω. Appearance, παράστασις, επιφάνεια' φαντασία, φάντασμα. to Applaud, επικροτέω, κατακροτέω, υποκροτέω, επιθορυβέω' κροτέω, κροταλίζω. an Applauder, επικροτητής. Applause, κρότος, επικρότησις. to gain Applause, δόξαν λαμβάνω. an Apple, μήλον. an Apple tree, μηλέα. Application, επιμέλεια, ακρίβεια σπουδή, προσεχή, προσέχεια. an Application, πρόσαψις, πρόσθε- σις. to Apply, προσέχω, προσφέρω, πάρα λαμβάνω. to Apply the mind or one's self to, ασχολέομαι, περιέχομαι, αγωνί- ζομαι, σπουδάζω, σπουδήν έχω περί — , επέχω την γνώμην or τόν νουν προσέχω τδν νουν. to Appoint, προορίζω, αφορίζω' δια- τίθημι, συντάττω, καθίστημι. Appointed, διηγορευ μένος, καταστα- θείς, διατεταγμένος, νομιζόμενος καθεστηκώς, κύριος, τακτός. an Appointed day, αποτεταγμένη ημέρα. an Apprentice, πρωτόπειρος, πρωτο- μνστης. Apprenticeship, πρωτοπορία, μά- θησις. Approach, είσοδος, πρόσοδος, δίοδος, επίβασις, άφιξις, επέλενσις, εμβολή, ■προσπέλασις, προσεγγισμός. to Approach, επιβαίνω, προσέρχο- μαι, επέρχομαι, αφικνέομαι, προσ- πορενομαι, εφοδενω , έπειμι, φοιτάω. to Approach near, εγγίζω, εφίστη- μ•ι, παρίσταμαι. Approbation, δοκιμασία, συναίνεσις, συμφώνησις. to Approve, δοκιμάζω, συναινέω, αρέσκω. Approved, ευδόκιμος, δεδοκιμασμέ- νος, δοκιμασθείς. an Approver, δοκιμαστής, επαινε- τής, εγκωμιαστής. April, ανθεστηρίων. an \pron, επιγάστριον. Aquarius, in the zodiac, υδροχόος, υδροφόρος. Aquatic, ένυδρος, υδατώδης, φιλύδωρ. Arable, αροτός, αροτήσιμος. an Arbitrator, επιγνώμων, διαγνώ- μων, διαιτητής, δοξαστής. an Archer, τοξότης, τοξευτής, τοξο- <ί>όρθ(. (4) an Architect, αρχιτέκτων, τεκτον ουργός. Archives, αρχεία. to Argue, λογίζομαι, συλλογίζομαι^ διαλογίζομαι, διαλέγομαι, σνζη τέω. to Argue about trifles, λεπτολογέω, σμικρολογέομαι. Arguing or an Arguer, διαλεκτι κός. Argument, συλλογισμός, διάλεξις• διατριβή. to Arise, ανατέλλω, αποφαίνοιιαι. the Arm, ωλένη, αγκάλη, οργνία' above the elbow, βραχίων, below, πήχυς. to Arm, Ιπλίζω, θωρήσσω, κορνσσω. Armed at all points, κατάφρακτος. Armour, Βπλισμός, πανοπλία. Armour for the belly, μίτρα. an Armoury, Βπλοθήκη. the Armpit, μάλη, μασχάλη, μασχα- λίς. at Arms, ένοπλος, bπλισrής, οπλοφό- ρος. an Army, στρατιά, στρατός, στρά- τευμα. to lead an Army, στρατεύω, στρα- τηγέω. all Around, διεξοδικώς. to Arrange, τάττω, διατάττω, συν- τάττω, διακοσμέω, κατασκευάζω. Arranged, ευκρινής. Arrangement, σύνταξις, κατασκευή. to Array, εκτάττω, παρατάττω, παράταξιν ποιέω. to Arrive at, παρήκω, αφικνέομαι, εισαφικνέομαι, προσβαίνω, προσέρ- χομαι, πρόσειμι, παραγίνομαι, μέ- τειμι, σνγγενίζω. to Arrive in port, μετάγω εις λι- μένα. an Arrival, επηλυσ'ια, άφιξις, προσέ- λευσις, επιδημία, παρουσία, επιφά- νεια' from sea, είσπλοος, επίπλοος, καταγωγή, κάταρσις, καταίρησις, προσόρμησις. to Arrogate, απονέμω iavnp τιμήν, αλαζονεύομαι, προσποιέομαι. an Arrow, τόξευμα, οϊστός, βέλος, ιός. to shoot Arrows, τοξεύω, βάλλω. Arsenic, αρσένικον, αρρένικον. Art, τέχνη, τεχνοσννη. a mechanic Art, τεκτονική μη- χανή. Artful, απατηλός, υποδόλιος, τεχνί- της, δημιουργός, μηχανουργός. Artfully, δολερώς, δολίως. an Artichoke, κίναρα. an Artifice, τέχνη, τέχνημα, ευ- τεχνία. Artificial, τεχνικός, επίπλαστος, σκευ- αστός. Artificially, πεπλασμένως. Artless, άτεχνος. Artlessly, ατέχνως. As, ως, ωσπερ, ωσπερανεΐ, ούτως, κα- θώς, καθάπερ, ο'ίον, οιονεί, οίον περ. As being, ο'ία, ο'ίον, οία δή, οιονεί, αλλά, επεί. As far as, μέχρι. As for example, όσον, παράδειγμα- τος χάριν. As if, ωσπερανεΐ, ωσπερ, ομοίως. As is fit, ώς το εικός, κατά τό προσή- AST ATT AZU As it were, εστίν ως. As one may say, ως λόγος, ως άν έποι τίς. As seems to me, ως εμοΧ δοκεΊ. As usual, ώς έχει. tn as much As, εφ' 'όσον, κατά το- σούτον. •ust As, ώσγε, ωσπερ, καθώς, οίον, καθάπερ. an Ascent, επίβασις, ανάβ*σις. an Ash tree, μελία. the wild Ash, ή ορεινή μελία. Ashamed, αισχυντηρός. to be Ashamed, αι'δέομαι, αισχύνο- μαι, επαισχύνομαι, καταδυσωπίο- μαι. Ashen, μελίϊνος. Ashes, κον\ς, τέφρα, αιθάλη, σποδός, μαργίλη. like Ashes, τεφρώδης, αιθαλώδης. bread baked in the Ashes, σπον- δίτης άρτος. Askance, -πλάγιος, παραβλώψ. to look Askance, παραβλέπω. Asparagus, ασπάραγος. an Ass, όνος, dim. ονάριον, ονίδιον, ονίσκος. a wild Ass, όναγρος. an Ass driver, ονηλάτης. of or like an Ass, όνειος, ονικός, ονώδης. an Assassin, επίβουλος, φονευς, ξι- φηφόρος. an Assemblage, σννόδιον. to Assemble, αγείρω, αθροίζω, συνά- γω, αολλίζω, επισυλλέγω. Assembled, συναθροισθείς, επισυναφ- θείς. an Assembling, συνέλευσις, άθροι- σις. an Assembly, εκκλησία, αγορά, δημηγορία, πανήγυρις, συνέδρων, συνοδός, συνουσία. to call an Assembly, συνάγω. Assent, ομολογία, ομοφροσύνη, συγ- κατάθεσις, συμφώνησις. to Assent, ομολογέω, συμφωνέω, συναινέω, συνευδοκέω, συγκατατί- θεμαι, προστίθεμαι, ■ υπογράφω' προσνεύω, επικραίνω. to Assert, κατάφημι, κατισχυρίζο- μαι. an Assertor, βεβαιωτης, εκδικη- τής. an Assignment, απόδοσις. to Assist, επαγωνίζομαι, βοηθέω, ειμϊ βοηθός or συναγωνιστής or συνερ- γός or επίκουρος. Assistance, βοήθεια, βοήθημα, επι- κουρία, ωφέλημα, ευχρήστημα. an Assistant, υπηρέτης or -τις, διάκ- ονος, επίκουρος. Assistant, επικουρικός. an Associate, σύνεδρος, πάρεδρος. to Associate, κοινωνέω, συνδυάζω, συν αγείρω. to Associate with, συμμίγνυμι, συ- ναγελάζω. Associated, συνεζευγμένος. Assurance, βεβαίωσις, κατάστασις. Assured, βεβαιωθείς, βέβαιος. Assuredly, βεβαίως. I am well Assured, ευ οιδα. an Assurer, βεβαιωτης, εγγυητής. Asthma, άσθμα. Asthmatic, ασθματικός. to Astonish, εκπλήττω, εκφοβέω, ατύζω, ατύω. Astonished, εκπεπληγμένος, από- πληκτος, εμβρόντητος' άψυχος, άπ- νοος. to be Astonished, εκπλήττομαι, τα- ράττομαι, εξίσταμαι, θαμβέω, ανα- ισθητέω, αναισθήτως έχω. Astonishment, έκπληξις, θάμβος, λειποθυμία. to set Astray, πλανάω, σφάλλω. an Astrologer, αστρολόγος. an Astronomer, αστρονόμος. to be an Astronomer, αστρονομέω, αστρολογέω. Astronomy, αστρονομία. torn Asunder, διαρπασθείς. At, εγγύς' εις or ες, παρά, προς, κατά. At or about daybreak, υπό τόν Όρ- θρον. At the base, προς tq βάσει. At the door, προς tq θύρα. At night, υπό νύκτι. an Atheist, αρνησίθεος. to Atone, ϊλάσκομαι. an Atonement, άγνισμός, ΐλαστή- ριον, εξίλασμα. Atrocious, χαλεπός, απήνης, αμεί- λιχος. an Atrocious deed, αθέμιστον έρ- γον- Atrociously, ωμώς, απηνώς. Atrocity, ωμότης, απήνεια, δεινόν αδίκημα. Attached to, προσπεφυκώς, προπε- φυκώς, προσαπτόμενος, προσηλού- μενος, συμπλεκώς, σύμπλοκος. an Attack, ορμή, προσβολή, επιβολή, επιφορά, επιδρομή, έφοδος. to Attack, προσβάλλω, καταπολε- μέω, επιχειρέω, επέρχομαι, εισ- βάλλω, εμβάλλω, εισβιάζω, εφίσ- ταμαι,έπειμι,αντιβολέω' κατάρχω, άπτομαι, επιχειρέω, εγχειρέω, ε- φόρμησιν παρέχω. to Attack together, συγκαταβαίνω, συνέξειμι, -συν επιτίθεμαι. to Attain to, επικαταλαμβάνω , αφικ- νέομαι, κιχέω, εντυγχάνω, επιτυγ- χάνω, τυγχάνω αρετής. an Attempt, πείρα, απόπειρα, πει- ρασμός, παρασκευή, επιχείρημα, εγχείρημα, επιβολή. to Attempt, άρχομαι, επιχειρέω, πειράομαι, πεΊραν λαμβάνω, απο- πείραν ποιέομαι, πραγματεύομαι. Attempting, επιβαλόμενος, επιχει- ρήσας. to Attend, εφίστημι την γνώμην, διανοέω, προσέχω τόν νουν, αποσ- κήπτω, βάλλομαι εις νουν. to Attend on, παρακολουθέω, συνα- κολουθέω, παραπέμπω, περιέπω. to Attend to, υπακούω, προσέχω τινι or τόν νουν τινι. Attendance, παρακολούθησις. Attendant, ακόλουθος, ακολουθητι- κός. an Attendant, ακόλουθος, συνέμπο- ρος. Attention, τροσεχη, προσέχεια, κα- τανόησις. Attentive, φιλήκοος, προσεχής. (5) Attentively, ίντεταμενως, φίληκόας, προσεχώς. to Attribute, προσνέμω, αποδίδωμι, ανατίθημι. an Auction, αντώνησις, δημιοπρα- σία• to Auction, λα0υροπωλεω. an Auctioneer, γρυτοπώλης, γρυ- μαιοπώλης. an Audience, ακροατήριον. an Auditor of accounts, ευθυντης, εύθυνος. an Auger, τέρετρον, τρϋπανον, τρυ- πάνη. Augury, οιωνοσκοπική, οιωνομαν- τική. an Augury, οιωνισμός, οιωνοσκο- πία. August, βοηδρομιών. August, σεβάσμιος, σεμνός, σεβασ- τής. Augustly, σεβασμώς, σεμνώς, μεγα- λοπρεπώς. an Aunt, θεία, τήθις, τήθη, τιθις, πατραδέλφη, μητραδέλφη, η μητρός αδελφή, θεία προς μητρός. Authority, κϋρος, κυριότης, εξουσία, αυθεντία, αξίωμα. with Authority, επιτατικώς, εξου- σίαν έχων, κατ εξουσίαν. Autumn, οπώρα. Autumnal, οπωρινός. Auxiliary, βοηθητικός. to Avail, ωφελέω. to Avail alike, ισοδυναμέω, loopfao- πέω. Avarice, πλεονεξία, επιθυμία. to Avenge, εκδικέω, τιμωρέω, αμύνο- μαι. an Avenger, τιμωρός, έκδικος. an Avenging, εκδίκησις, ελευθέρω- σις. Avernus, Άορνος. to Avert, απείργω, αποτρέπω, απο- στρέφω, αποτροπιάζομαι, απάγο- μαι, αποπέμπομαι, αλέξω. Averting, απότροπος, αποτρόπαιος. an Aviary, ορνιθοκομεων, ορνίθων. to Avoid, ευλαβέομαι' φεύγω, εκ- κλίνω. to Awake, εγείρομαι, διεγείρομαι, εξυπνίζομαι, αναζωγρέω, ανίστημι. to Awake another, εγείρω, ανεγεί- . ρω, διεγείρω, διϋπνίζω. Awake, διεγερθείς, εγειρόμενος. to lie Awake, εγείρομαι, έξυπνος γίνομαι. an Award, γνώμη, δίαιτα, τό δοκούν. Away, εΐεν δη, ίθι. See Begone. Awkward, σκαιός, άτεχνος' ανάρ- μοστος, εκμελης, άμουσος. Awkwardly, σκαιώς, αμαθώς, ατέχ- νως' αναρμόστως, παρά τό μέλος, αρρύθμως. Awkwardness, σκαιότης' αναρμοσ τία, αρρυθμία. an Awl, ράφιον, κεντήριον. an Axe, πέλεκυς, αξίνη. to strike with an Axe, πελεκίζω, τω πελέκει παίω. a double Axe, αξίνη δίστομος, πέλε- κυς. an Axiom, αξίωμα. an Axle or Axletree, άξων. Azure, κυάνεος, γλαυκός. BAL Β. Babble, πολυλογία, βαττολογία, πο- λυέπεια. to Babble, ψελλίζομαι, βαττολογέω. a Babbler, φλύαρος, αδολεσχής. Babbling, πολυλόγος, μακρολόγος. Bacchus, Βάκχος, Ίακχος,Αιόνυσος. Back, 'ύστερον, όπισθεν, άψ. the Back, νώτος, μετάφρενον. at the Back, όπισθεν. on the Back, ύπτιος. to lay on the Back, εξυπτιάζω. Ιο lie on the Back, εξυπτιάζομαι. to turn the Back, τα νώτα επιστρέ- φω, νωτίζω. Back and forward, πρόσθω και οπίσω, έμπροσθεν καϊ όπισθεν. Backbone, ράχις, κλόνιον, σπονδυ- λιών. Backward, επϊ πόδα or επίποδα, ανάπαλιν, εις τούμπαλιν adj. οπισ-_ θοπόρος. Bacon, ταρίχεια, χοίρεια σαρξ. belly Bacon, ήτρον, ητριαΊον, επι- γάστριον. Bad, κακός, πονηρός, φαύλος, φλαΰ- ρος, δειλός, μοχθηρός. very Bad, πονηρότατος. Badly, κακώς, φαύλως. to be Badly off, πράττω κακώς, δυστυχέω. a Bag", πήρα, βαλάντιον. Baggage, σκεύος, σκευόφορον, σκευα- γωγία . Bail, εγγνη, ικανόν, κατεγγύησις, ομήρεια. to Bail or go Bail for, εγγυάομαι, εγγυητήν καταστήσαι, αναδέχομαι την δίκην. to discharge Bail, επϊ την δίκην απαντάω. to forfeit Bail, φενγοδικέω. to give Bail, εγγύας παρέχω, φυ- λάττω τα τον νόμου. to take Bail of, 'όμηρους εγχειρίζω. a Bailsman, εγγυητής, ανάδοχος, 'όμηρος. a Bait, δέλεαρ. to catch with or as with a Bait, δελεάζω, αγχιστρεϋω. to Bake, αρτοποιέω. a Bakehouse, αλφιτέΐον μύλον, μύλη. a Baker, αρτοποιός, σιτοποιός. Baker's bread, κλιβανίτης άρτος. Bakery, αρτοποιία. a Balance, ισορροπία, ισοστασίον, ισάζοντα ζυγα, ισομοιρία. Balancing, ισόρροπος, ισόμοιρος. Bald, αναφαλαντίας, αθρϊξ, αποθρϊξ, φαλακρός, ψιλός, λεως. to grow or be Bald, φαλακρόομαι, ψιλόω, μαδάω. to make Bald, φαλακρόω, ψιλ<5ω, μαδίζω. Baldness, φαλάκρωσις, φαλάκρωμα. a Ball or clew, αγαθίς. a Ball, σφαίρα, κύκλος, dim. σφαί- ρ;ον, σφαιρίδιον. in a Ball, σφαιρηδόν. like a Ball, σφαιρικός, σφαιροειδής to gather into a Ball, εϊλέω, σφα ρώα. BAT a gathering into a Ball, αννείλησις, σφαίρωσις. Ballast, 'έρμα. to Ballast, ερματίζω. a Ballcourt, σφαιριστήριον. to Ballot, ψηφίζομαι, τίθημι ψήφον, λαγχάνω. Balm or Balsam, βάλσαμον. Balsam wood, ξυλοβάλσαμον. a Band, σπείρα, δεσμός, σύνδεσμος, ταινία. a Bandage, επίδεσις. Bandy, ραιβός. to Banish, εκβάλλω, εξοστρακίζω, φυγαδεύω, εξορίζω, εξοικίζω, απο- πέμπω. Banished, εξοστρακισθείς, αφορισ- θείς. Banishment, oστpaκισμbς, εξopισμbς, φευγη, απελασία. to go into Banishment, οστρακί- ζομαι, φεύγω, μετοικέω. Bank, τάφρος, χώμα, χαράκωμα, πρόχωμα, χους' of α river, χέΐλος, όχθη. a Banker, κολλυβιστής, τραπεζίτης, κερματιστής. Baptism, βαπτισμδς, βάπτισμα. to Baptize, βάπτω, βαπτίζω. a Bar, μοχλός, μοχλίον, κλεΧθρον' εμπόδιον, κώλυσις. a Barber, κουρεύς, κορσευς, Ό κείρων. a Barber's shop, κουρεΊον, κορσωτή- ριον. a Bargain, συμβόλαιον, συνθήκη. to keep a Bargain, εμμένω ταΧς συνθήκαις, διαφυλάττω τάς συνθή- κας. to break a Bargain, παρά τάς συν- θήκας ποιέω, λύω τάς συνθήκας. to Bargain, συ μφωνέω, συντίθεμαι, ομολογέω. a Barge, ακάτων. Bark, λέπισμα, φλοιός. to Bark, νλακτέω, προσυλακτέω,βαΐ)- ζω. a Barking, υλαγμος, νλακή. Barky, φλοιώδης. Barley, κρίθη, ζέα, χόνδρος. of Barley, κρίθινος. Barley meal, άλφιτον. Barm, ζύμη, ζύμωμα. to work with Barm, ζυμόω. a Barn, αποθήκη, σιτοφυλακεΧον, σι- τοβολών. Barren, άκαρπος, άφορος, αβλαστής, στείρος, άτοκος, άγονος, άτεκνος. to grow Barren, άκαρπος or στείρος γίνομαι . Barrenness, αγονία, αφορία. a Base, βάσις, βάθρος, 'έδρα. Bashful, αισχνντηρος, αώήμων. Bashfully, αιδημάνως. Bashfulness, δνσωπία. a Basilisk, βασιλίσκος. a Basin, λεκάνη, λουτρον, λουτήρ, χειρόνιπτρον, χέρνιβον. to Bask, ηλιάζω, ήλιόω, ε'ιλ>]θέομαι. a Basket, θίβη, ταλάρισκος, κάλα- θος, φορμος or -μ\ς, κόφινος, σπυρίς, σαργάνη, dim. σπυρίχνιον or σπυ- ρίδων. a Basketmaker, λυγιστής. a Basking, ι'/λίασις, ηλιασμός. a Bastard, νόθος. Bastard, νόθειος. a Bat, νυκτεοίζ. (6) BEC a Bath, βαλανεΊον, λουτρών, ir\ivoff βαπτιστήρων, κολυμβήθρα. a Bath servant, βαλανευς, λουτρό χάος. hot Baths, θέρμα, θέρμαΐ. to Bathe, λούομαι. Bathing, λουτρον, λούσις. a Battle, μάχη, συμπλοκή, συμβολή, πόλεμος. a drawn Battle, αγχώμαλος μάχη. to Bawl, βοάω, κράζω, κραυγάζω, αύω. a Bawler, κράκτης, κεκράκτης. Bawling, κραυγαστικος, μεγαλόφω- νος. to Be, ειμί, υπάρχω, πέλομαι, γίνο- μαι, επιγίνομαι, τυγχάνω, έχω ΟΓ εαυτόν έχω. to Be at or in, διατρίβω or ειμί εν — , διάγω, στρέφομαι• or present, πάρειμι, εγκαθίσταμαι' or near, ύπειμι. to Be better, άμεινον έχω. to Be naturally, ούτως έχω, ούτω φύω. to Be well, έχω καλώς- ill, έχω φαυλότατα. Be it so, γένοιτο, γινέσθω, αλλ' έστω. as much as can Be, καθ' 'όσον, οίον τε, ως οίον τε. may Be, ενδέχεται, δυνατόν εστί, οίον τι. how are the enemies' affairs 1 πως έχει τά των εναντίων ; a Beadle, ραβδούχος. a Beak, ρύγχος, ράμφος• of a ship, έμβολος. a Beam, δοκός, δοκίς' of the sun, ακτίν. to Beam, ακτινοβολέω, λάμπομαι. Beaming, ακτινώδης. a Bean, κύαμος. a or the Bear, άρκτος. Bearish, αρκτέΐος. the Beard, πώγων, γένειον. to wear the Beard, πωγωνοτροφέω. Bearded, πωγωνίας, γενειητής. Beardless, απώγων, αγένειος. to Bear or carry, φέρω, βαστάζω. to Bear or endure, ανέχω, καρτε- ρέω, υπομένω. to Bear up, υπερε'ιδομαι. to Bear young, τίκτω, αποτίκτω. past Bearing, εκτεκών. a Beast, θήρ, θηρίον, ζωίδιον. a Beast of burden, κτήνος, νποζύγων. a wild Beast, θήρ, θηρος, θηρίον. to Beat, τύπτω, υποτύπτω, κροτέω, κόπτω, Ιμάσσω, δέρω. to get a Beating, τύπτομαι, μαστι- γόομαι. Beautiful, κάλος, ευειδής, εύμορφος, ευσχήμων, ωραΧος, περικαλλής, εκ- πρεπής, καλλίμορφος, εξηρημένος τω κάλλει. Beautifully, ευ, καλώς, χαριέντως. Beauty, ευμορφία, καλλονή, κάλλος, καλλώπισμα. a Beaver, κάστωρ. of or like a Beaver, καστόρειος. Because, επειδή, επειδήπερ. Because of, διά, χάριν, 'ένεκα, του των 'ένεκα. Because that, διά τούτο, διότι. to Become or be, γίνομαι or γ'ιγνο- μαι, υπάρχω. to Become or suit, αρμόζω, καθήκω* BEH It Becomes, προσήκει, συμπρέπει. a Bed, κλίνη, εννή, κοίτη, θάλαμος, κράββατος, dim. κλινάριον, κλιν- τήριον. of a Bed, ευναϊος. to go to Bed, εις κοίτην ειμί, κατά- κειμαι, κοιμάομαι, εννάζομαι. a going 1 to Bed, κατάκλισις, κοίμη- σις. a Bedchamber, θάλαμος, θαλάμη, κοιμητήριον, οικημάτιον, δωμάτων. to Bedew, επιδροσίζω, βρέχω. a Bedpost, ερμίν, ερμίδων. Bedridden, κλινικός, κλινήρης, ευ- νάΐος. a Bedstead, κλύ>?7• a Bee, μέλισσα or -ττα. Beech, φήγος. Beechen, φήγινος, φηγίνεος. Beef, βόειον κρέας. a Beehive, κυψέλη, σίμβλον, σμήνος. a Beestand, μελισσών, μελιτροφείον, σμήνος. a keeper of Bees, μελιτονργός, με- λισσεύς. Beer, ζυθόν or ζυθός. Beestings, τροφαλίς. Beet, τευτλον, βλίτον or βλίττος. a Beetle, κανθαρις, κάνθαρος. Before, in front, εμπρόσθιος' προς, έμπροσθεν, εναντίον, άντα. Before, in time, πρότερον, πριν άν, αντί, προ. Before that, πριν η, πρότερον ή. a little Before, μικρόν προ — , σμι- κροί έμπροσθεν. to get, be, or come Beforehand, φθάνω, ττροφθάνω, προέρχομαι, προλαμβάνω. to Beg, δέομαι, παρακαλέω, αιτέω, επαιτέω, ερωτάω, πτωχεύω, αιτέω σε σίτον, δέομαι σου τούτο. to Beg off, παραιτέομαι. to Beget, γεννάω. a Beggar, πτωχός, επαίτης, προσαι- τίς. Begging, προσαίτησις. to Begin, άρχομαι, απάρχομαι,εν άρ- χομαι, επάρχομαι, επιχειρέω, εν'ισ- ταμαι, καταβάλλομαι. ■ Beginning, καταρξάμενος, επιθέμε- νος. a or the Beginning, άρχη, προκάτ- αρξις, επιχείρημα, προοίμιον, είσο- δος. at or from the Beginning, αρχήν or την αρχήν, with κατά under- stood, κατ% απ', or εξ αρχής, εξαρ- χής, αρχηθεν poet, in the Beginning, εν or επ άρχη. a Beginner, πρωτόπειρος, πρωτομύσ- της, αρχόμενος. Begone, άπαγε, άπαγε δη, βήθι, ίθι, βάσκ ίθι, άπει, άπιθι, φθείρου, άπερρε, έρρ' ες κόρακας, by Euph. άπαγ' ες μακαρίαν. Begotten, γεγεννημένος, γεννηθείς. only Begotten, μονογενής. to Behave, παρέχω εαυτόν δίκαιον. to Behave unruly, αδεώς πράττω. to Behead, αποκεφαλίζω, αποκεφα• λαιόω, κεφαλοτομέω, εκτραχηλίζω αποκόπτω. Behind, οπίσθιος, adv. όπισο), όπισ- θεν. Being along with, ομοούσιος. to Behold, see Look at. BET to Belch, ερεύγω, εξερεύγομαι, ant• εύγομαι. , 5elch, ερυγη, ερνγμδς. Belief, πίστις, πιστότης, πληροφορία, beyond Belief, περά πίστεως, to Believe, οΊμαι, νομίζω. a Bell, κρόταλον, κώδων. big Bellied, γαστρώδης, γαστροείδης. the Belly, γ αστήρ, κοιλία, κενεών, επιγάστριον, ήτρον, λαπάρα. the lower Belly, υπογάατρων, γασ- τρίδιον. of the Belly, κοιλιακός. to Bellow at, επιμυκάομαι. a Bellowing, βρύχημα. Bellows, φυσά, κώρυκος. to Belong to, προσήκω, ανήκω. Beloved, εράσμιος, ερατός, αγαπητός, φίλος, προφιλής, τίμιος, ποθεινός. Below, see Beneath. those Below, o\ κάτω, o\ εν αδου. a Belt, ζωστηρ, ζώνη, ταινία, μίτρα. a Bench, 'έδρα, εδρανον, βάθρον. a Bench of justice, δικαστήρων, βήμα. a Bend, καμπή, κάμψις, καμπυλό- της, λοξότης. to Bend, κάμπτω, κατακάμπτω, γνάμπτω, αγκυλόω, λοξόω, στρε- βλόω. κνρτδω, κατασπάω, αποσπάω- to Bend back, κάμπτω, ανακάμπτω, αναστρέφω. to Bend round, κυρτόω, κνφδω. Bending, καμπύλος, λυγώδης. a Bending, έγκαμψις. Beneath, υπό, κάτω, ΰποκάτω, ένερθε, υπένερθε, υποκάτωθεν. Beneficence, ευεργεσία,ελευθεριότης. Beneficent, ευεργέτης, αγαθονργός, ευποιός. Beneficial, see Useful. a Benefit, ευεργέτημα, ευεργεσία, χάρις. to Benefit, ευεργετέω, εν ποιέω or ευ- ποιέω, ποιέω αγαθόν τι, δράω αγα- θόν, πράττω or εργάζομαι αγαθά. to receive a Benefit, ευ πάσχω. to receive Benefit from, ωφελέο- μαι από — . Benevolence, ευμένεια, εύνοια, φιλό- της, φιλοφροσύνη, χάρις. a Benevolence, γεροίσων, γέρας. Bent, καμπύλος, λοξός, κυρτός, επι- καμπης. καμφθείς, επικυρτωθείς. Bent backwards, καμπύλος. Bent round, κυρτός, κυφός. to Bequeath, απολείπω. a Bequest, καταλειπόμενον δωρον. to Bereave, ορφανίζω, αποστερέω. a Beryl, βήρυλλος. to Beseech, δέομαι or δέομαι προς — , κατεύχομαι, λιπαρέω. Beside, πλευρόθεν, εκ του πλαγίου. Besides, πάρα, πλην, χωρίς, άλλως τε, άλλως τε έτι, αλλά, αλλά τε, επί τούτοις. to Besiege, πολιορκέω, περικαθίζω, περικάθημαι, περΰστημι, προσβάλ- λω. a Besieger, πολιορκητής. Best, αγαθότατος, κράτιστος, βέλ- τιστος. to Bestow, δωρέομαι, χαρίζομαι. to Betray, προδίδωμι. to Betroth, εγγυάομαι, δίδωμι την θυγατέρα προς γάμον, εκδίδωμι την θυγατέρα. BIT Betrothed, μνηστενθείς, καθωμο\ογ% μένος. a Betrothing, έκδοσις της θνγά τρος. Better, αμείνων, κρείττων, βελτίων, αίρετώτερος, adv. αμείνον, αιρετώ• τερον. it is Better, αμείνον or κρεϊττον εστί, διαφέρει. to be somewhat Better, μικρόν η άμεινον έχω. Between, κατά μέσον, μεταξύ. to Bewail, στένω, στενάζω, ανοιμώ- ζω,εξαθυμέω, επιστένω, συστενάζω, συνάχθομαι, καταδακρύω, ανακ- λαίω, κατολοφύρομαι, σχετλιάζω, ποτνιάομαι. Beware ! φυλάττου or τήρου μ% ποίησης, ευλαβητέον. to Beware, ευλαβέομαι, φυλάττομαι, εξαλύσκω, φεύγω. to Bewitch, επάδω, γοητεύω, μα- γεύω. Beyond, πέραν, πέρα, πόρρω, παρά, υπέρ. Beyond strength, υπέρ δύναμιν. Beyond what is proper, παρά τί προσήκον, πέρα του δέοντος. a Bier, φέρετρον, σόρος. Bile, χόλη. Bilious, χολώδης. a Bill for a debt, χειρόγραφον, αν ταποχή. to Bill and coo, καταφιλέω. Billing and cooing, καταφίλησις. a Billow, δεκακυμία, τρικυμία. to Bind, δέω, διαδέω, περιβάλλω, ζώννυμι. to Bind or tie to, εξαρτάω. to Bind or oblige, καταδέω. to Bind hard, στύφω. to Bind by an oath, καταλαμβάνω ορκοις. to Bind round, επιδέω, καταδεσ- μενω. „ to Bind together, απαρτάω, εξαρ- τάω, προσδέω, περιάπτω. to Bind up, επ£<5ε'ω, καταδεσμεύω, συστέλλω, συσφίγγω, βρόχω περι- στέώω. Biped, δίπους. a Bird, όρνις, οιωνός, όρνεον, πτηνοΊ•, πετεινόν νεοσσός' πτερωτός, πτε- ρόεις' dim. ορνίθων, ορνιθαριον, ορνιθόπαις. Birdlime, ιξός, γλοιός. with or like Birdlime, ιξιδεις, γλοιώδης. to catch with Birdlime, ιξεύω. Birth, γένεσις, γενετή. γονή, ανατολή. a Birth, γονή, επιγονή, έκγονον, τό- κος, τοκετός, κύησις. of or at the first Birth, πρωτότοκος. of one's Birth, γενεθλιακός, γενέ- σιος. a Birth day, γενέθλιος ήμερα, γι- νέθλιον. Biscuit, δίπυρος άρτος. a Bishop, επίσκοπος. the Bit of a bridle, στόμιον, κημός. a Bite, δήγμα, δήξις. to Bite, δάκνω. Biting, δηκτής, δηκτικός. Bitingly, οδάξ, προσφύς. Bitter, πικρός, επιπικρός, εχεπεν- κής, περιπενκής' αηδής, σφοδρός, στρυφνός. BLO B01 BOU W grow Bitter, πικραίνομαι. Bitterly, πικρώς. Bitterness, πικρία, πικρότης, οξύτης, κύτος, στρνφνότης. Bitumen, άσφαλτος. Bituminous, ασφάλτειος. to Blab, φλυαρέω, σπερμολογέω. Black, μέλας, μελανόχρως, ζοφερός. to be Black, μελαίνομαι. Black and blue marks or a Black eye, υπωπιασμός. to beat Black and blue, νπωπιάζω. beaten Black and blue, νπώπιος, υπωπιασθείς. to Blacken, απομελαίνω. to Blacken the eye, νπωπιάζω. with Blackened eyes, νπώπιος, νπωπιασθείς. a Blackbird, κόττνφος. Blacking, χάλκανθον. Blackish, φαιός. Blackness, μελανότης, μελάνια. a Bladder, κ'υστις, κύστη, φύση. the Blade-bone, ωμοπλάτη. Blamable, αιτιατός, εκλεγκτός, επί- μεμπτος, ψεκτός, επίλογος, μωμη- τος, επιμωμητος, πλημμελής. Blame, επιτίμησις, ελέγχεια, μέμ χΐις, ψόγος, ύβρις. ίο Blame, επιτιμάω, καταιτιάομαι, εν αιτία ποιέομαι, επιλαμβάνομαι, επιπλήττω, διαμέμφομαι, ψέγω, ψόγον ηγέομαι, διαβάλλω, κατω- βοάω, κακίζω. a Blamer, κατήγορος, ψέκτης. Blameless, αναίτιος, αμύμων, άμεμπ- τος, άψογος, αναμάρτητος, ακατάγ- νωστος, αμώμητος. Blasphemy, βλασφημία. to Blaze out, εκπνρόομαι. to Bleat, βληχάομαι, μηκάομαι. a Bleating, βληχή, βλήχημα. to Bleed or lose blood, αιμορραγέω' draw blood, αφαιμάσσω, φλεβοτο- μέω. a Bleeding or loss of blood, αιμορ- ραγία' blood letting, αφαίμαζις, φλεβοτομία. a Blemish, κηλϊς, βλάβη, σπίλος• όνειδος. to Blemish, σπιλόω, ρυπαίνω' προσ- τρίβομαι όνειδος. Blemished, ρνπαρός, σπιλωτός. to Bless, ευλογέω' ολβιάζω,μακάρων ποιέω. Blessed, μακάριος, μάκαρος, μακα- ρίτης, ευτυχής, όλβιος, πανόλβως, αταλαίπωρος. Blessedness, μακαριότης, ευδαιμο- νία. , a Blight, καύσων, καυθμός, ερυσί- βη. Blind, τυφλός, αλαος, αφώτιστος, διεφθαραένος την όψιν. to Blind, τυφλόω, εκτυφλόω, εξομ- ματόω. to grow Blind, αμβλυώττω, τνφ- λώττω. Blindness, τυφλότης, αβλεψία, αο- ρασ'ια. to Blockade, περιβάλλω rtf πόλει τείχος. a Blockhead, όνος, βοϋπαλος, adj. βρωμήεις. Blood, αϊμα, ιχώρ. to let Blood, ψλεβοτομέω. relation by Blood, συγγένηα. to be related by Blood, προσήκω τψ γένει. to stain with Blood, αιματόω, al- ματίζω. not stained with Blood, αναί- μακτος. without Bloodshed, αναιμωτί. Bloodless, άναιμος, αναίμων. Blood-thirsty, φιλαίματος. Bloody, αιματώδης, αίμάλεος, α'ιμα- τόεις' φονικός, απηνής. Bloody-minded, φΐλαίματος, αιμο- χαρής. the Bloom of age, tb της ακμής άνθος, ακμή. to Bloom, χλοάζω, θάλλω, θαλέθω' ηβάω, ηβάσκω, ακμάζω, επακμάζω. to Bloom again, αναβλαστάνω, ανα- φύω. Blooming, ακμάζων, ακμαστικός, ευ- σωματών. to Blot out, εξαλείφω, αποτρίβω, οβελίσκω. a Blotch, σπίλος, κηλίς. to Blow, πνέω, φυσάω, άημι. to Blow up, εμφυσάω, φυσιάω, εμ- πνευματέω, ριπίζω. to Blow upon, επιπνέω, προσπνέω, εμφυσάω. Blown upon, επίπνοος, επιπνυσθείς. a Bludgeon, κορδύλη, ροπαλόν. a Blunder, αμβλυωπία, παράβλεψις. to Blunder, παραβλέπω. Blunt, αμβλύς' αναίσθητος. to Blunt αμβλύνω, απαμβλνττω, ανακλάω' αμαυρόω. to be or grow Blunt, αμβλύνομαι, αμβλύς γίνομαι' αμανρόομαι,αναισ- θητέω, αναισθήτως έχω. Bluntness, άμβλυσις, αμβλύτης' αν- αισθησία. to Blush, ερυθριάω, αισχύνομαι λέ- γων' αιδέομαι, εντρέπομαι. a Boar, b χοίρος άρ^ην, κάπρος. a wild Boar, κάπρος, συαγρός, συς άγριος. a Board, πίναζ, πλαζ, σανις, δίλτος, dim. πινάκων, πινακίδων. a Boast, αλαζονεία, κομπασμός. to Boast, γαυριάω, καυχάομαι, αυ- χέω, μεγαλαυχεω, μεγαλοφρονέω, μεγαληγορέω, αλαζονεύομαι, κομ- πάζω, προ φαίνω. a Boaster, καυχηματίας, κομπασ- τής, αλαζών, αλαζονικός, κενόδοξος. Boasting, μεγαλορρήμων, νψηγορος, αλαζονικός. a Boasting, καύχησις, μεγαλαυχία, μεγαλοφροσύνη, αλαζονεία, μεγα- λορρημοσϋνη. a Boat, σκαφή, σκαφίδιον, κυμβή, εφόλκων. a Boatswain, πρωρεύς, πρωράτης, κελευστής. Boded, οιωνισθείς, αισιωθείς. Bodily, σωματικός, σωματοειδής. a or the Body, σώμα, χρως, dim. σωμάτων. to Boil, έψέω or εψω, πεπαίνω, πέπτω. to Boil away, αφέψω, καθεψω. to Boil up, ζέω, βράζω or βράσσω, αναβράσσω, αναζεω, αναφλύω. Boiled, εψητός, ίφθός, εψάλεος, έκ- ζεστος, έψηθεϊς, πεπεμμένος, ωπτη- μίνος. half Boiled, ^αίεφθος (8) a Boiler, ίψητής. a Boiling, εψησις, πέψις, πεπανσκ; βράσμα, ζέσις. Bold, τολμητής, θρασνς, θάρσννος, θαρσαλέος, θαρραλέος, παράτολ μος, άθαμβος. to be Bold, θαρρέω, επιθαρρ"έω, θαρ< σύνομαι. Boldly, θρασέως, θαρραλεως. to speak Boldly, θαρραλεως διαλέ- γομαι, παρρησιάζω. Boldness, θάρσος, θρασύτης, τόλμα, ευτολμία. Bolster, προσκεφάλαιον, κνέφαλαν. a Bolt, μόχλος, μόχλων, κλείθρον. to Bolt, κλείθρω ερείδω or κλείω, μοχλεύω, μοχλόω. Bolted, κλείθρω κεκλεισμένος, μο- χλωθείς. Bombast, στόμνλμα. to Bone, εξοστείζω. a Bone, οστέον. Boneless, εξόστεος, ανόστεος. Bony, όστινος, οστώδης. a Book, βίβλος, dim. βιβλίδιον, γραμμάτων. a Bookseller, βιβλιοπώλης, βιβλιο- κάπηλος. a Bookseller's shop, βιβλιοπωλεΐον. a Boot, κνημίς. Booted, κνημιδοφόρος, κρηπιδουμε νος. half Boots, ασκέραι. Booty, άγρα, λεία, λτ/ψυ, αλωσις. Borage, βουγλώσσος and -σον. Borax, χρυσοκόλλα. a Border, 'όρος, μεθόρων, εσχατιά' κράσπεδον. to Border, αφορίζω, περιορίζω. Bordering, μεθόριος, συνόμορος. to Bore, τρυπάω, τερέω, διατρυπάω. Born, γεγονώς, πεφυκώς, τετεγμίνος, τεχθεις, κεκνημένος. Born before, προτερογενής. Born of, γεγονώς, πεφυκώς, απόγονος. first Born, πρωτότοκος. to be Born, γίνομαι, γεννάομαι, φύομαι, τίκτομαι. a Borough, πόλις, κωμόπολις, αστύ. to Borrow, χράομαι, δανείζομαι, δανείζομαι χρήματα, rb δάνειον απολαμβάνω. to Borrow to pay another, τόαον εκτίω. Borrowed, δεδανεισμένος. a Borrowing to pay another, ut- ταλλαγή του δανειστού. the Bosom, κόλπος. the Boss of the shield, μεσομφά- λιον, επίσημον ασπ'ιδος. a Botanist, βοτανιστής. to Botanize, βοτανίζω. Botany, βοτάνη. Both, άμφω, αμφότερος, εκάτερος. a Bottle, λήκυθος, φιάλη• φύσα, πομφόλνζ, βομβύλων- a leathern Bottle, ασκός, άσκωμα, dim. ασκίδιον. Bottom, πυθμήν, βένθος, έδαφος. Bottomless, αθεμέλως, απυθμήν. Bought, ωνημένος, αργυρώνητος. Bound, καταδεδεμένος. to Bound, see Border, and Leap. to be Bound, κατέχομαι, κρατέο• μαι υπό νόμου. a Boundary, ορισμός, αφορισμός. Boundless, άμετρος, αμέτρητος. BRA BRO Bounds, τρόπος, μέτρον, νόμος, μέσον. to exceed Bounds, υπερβάλλω τό μέτρων. to keep Within Bounds, αίρέομαι το μέσον. Bounty, μεγαλοδωρία, δόσις. A Bow, τίξον. the Bow of a ship, πρώρα, στείρα, έμβολος' τό έμπροσθεν της νηός. a fiddle Bow, πλήκτρον. the twang of a Bow, ροΊζος. to Bow, προσκυνέω, προσαγορεύω,αν- τιάω or -άζω. See also to Bend. Bowed, επικάμπης, καμπύλος. the Bowels, σπλάγχνον, pi. -να, έν- τερα. a Bowl, κρατήρ. a Box, πυξϊς, κιβωτών, αργυροθήκη, dim. πυξίδων. a dice Box, πύργος. a Box or blow, κόνδυλος. to Box, κατακονδυλίζω , κονδύλους εντρίβω. Boxwood, πύξος. of Boxwood, πύξινος. a plantation of Boxwood, πυξεών. a Boxer, πνκτής, αγωνιστής. Boxing•, πυγμαχία, πυγμή. a Boy, παΊς, κόρος, dim. παίδιον, παί- δαρων. a Bracelet, περιβραχιόνων, ψέλλιον, Ϊλιδών, χλιδόνη. Irag, μεγαληγορέω, θρυλλέω, με- γαλαυχέω, μεγαλοφρονέω, επικομ- πάζω. a Braggart, αλάζων, αλαζονικός. a Bragging, μεγαλαυχία, αλαζο- νεία. the Brain, εγκέφαλος. the back part of the Brain, παρ- εγκεφαλίς. - a Brake, ακανθών. a Bramble, βάτος, άκανθα, ακάνθων. Bran, πίτυρον. Branny, πιτυρώδης. a Branch, κλάδος, κλάδων, κλών, όζος, βλάστημα, dim. κλαδίσκος. Branching, κλαδώδης, πολύοζος. a Brand, δαϊς, δ$ς, δαδίον, δαλός, λαμπάς. to Brand, εγ'καίω-, επικαίω. to Brand with disgrace, προτρίβο- μαι όνειδος. to Brandish, κραδαίνω, διακραδαίνω, σείω, ανασείω, αναπάλλω. Brandished, πεπαλμένος. Brandishing, πάλλωϊ. a Brasier, χάλκεύς, χαλκουργός, χαλκοσπάστης, χαλκόκροτος, χαλ- κότυπος. a Brasier's workshop, χαλκευτική. Brass, χαλκός, ορείχαλκον work, χάλκωμα.^ to plate wlLL Brass, χαλκόω. plated with Brass, κατάχαλκος, κεχαλκευ μένος. plated on Brass, υπόχαλκος. Brave, ανδρείος, ανδρώδης, ισχυρός, κραταώς, άριστος. Bravely, ευγενναιώς, ισχυρώς. Bravery, ανδρεία, ανδρότης, ισχύς. a Brawl, λογομαχία, έρις, διαφορά, άμιλλα. to Brawl, λογομαχέω, φιλονεικέω. to Bray, ογκάομαι, βριμάομαι. a Braying, ογκηθμός, βρώμησις. Brazen, χαλκώδνς, χάλκεος, χάλ- κειος, έγχαλκος, πάγχαλκος, χαλ- κόστομος. Brazen-fooled, χαλκόπυυς. a Brazen «essel, ολκών, ολκάΐον, χαλκον, αγγεων, χάλκωμα. Bread, άρτος. Bread and butter, βυυτυριτής. household or coarse Bread, πιτυρί- της or συγκομιστός άρτος. unleavened Bread, άζυμος, or άζυ- μος άρτος. wheaten Bread, σεμιδαλίτης άρτος. to live on Bread, αρτοσιτέω, αρτο- φαγέω. to make Bread, αρτοποιέω. a Bread basket, αρτοθήκη. Breadth, εΰρος, πλάτος, πλάτυσμα, ευρύτης. of the same Breadth, ισοπλατής. to Break, ρηγνύω, απορρήγνυμι, κα- τ αράσοω, σχίζω, άγω or άγνυμι, θράω, θλάω, κλάω. to Break a horse, πραϋνω "ιππον. to Break in pieces, διαρήγνυμι, καταρήγνυμι, επικλάω, συγκλάζω, συντρίβω. to Break into, διορύττω, διαπείρω' εισπίπτω, εμβάλλω. to Break open, ανακλάω, κατακλάω. to Break out, εξορμάω, αναρρήγνυμι. to Break out in anger, αγάν θυ• μόομαι, οξυθυμέω, βριμάομαι. to Break out in sores, αφελκόω. to Break a treaty, τάς σπονδάς λύω, παρασπονδέω τάς σπονδάς, ασεβέω. to Break through, διεξελαύνω, διε- ξίημι' διασπάω, διαρρήγνυμι, δια- κόπτω, ανατιτράω. to Break up, δωρϋττω, διαρρήγνυμι, αποκαθηλόω. to Break up or off, απορρήγνυμι, διαλύω. to Break wind upwards, ερεύγω, ανερενγω, εξερεύγω' downioards, βδέω, πέρδω. a Breaking out, εξάνθημα, έκφυμα. Breakfast, ακράτισμα, έμβρωμα, πρωϊνόν άριστον. to Breakfi^l, ακρατίζω, -ζομαι. the Breast, στέρνον, στήθος, θώραξ, επίφρενα, περικάρδια. a Breast, μάζος, μαστός, θηλή, τιθή. like a Breast, μαστώδης. to give the Breast, επέχω τον μασ- τόν. a Breastplate, θώραξ, περιστήθων, περιθωρακίδιον. with a Breastplate, τεθωρακισμέ- νος. Breath, πνοή, ψυχή, αναπνοή, εκπνοή, άσθμα. a Breath of air, άνεμος, πνεύμα, πρόσπνευμα, επίπνοια. shortness of Breath, δύσπνοια, ορ- θόπνοια, άσθμα. to Breathe, πνέω, αναπνέω, αμπνύω' φυσάω, άημι. to Breathe over, διαπνέω, καταπ- νέω. to Breathe upon, επιπνέω, εμπνέω, προσπνέω, εμφυσάω. Breathed on, εμπνυσθείς. that can be Breathed, πνευστός. Breathless, εκπνευσθείς. a Breathing, αναπνοή, ανάπνευσις, εισπνοή, έμπνευσις. the Breech, πυγή, γλουτός. (9) Breeches, αναξυρίς, διαζώσματα, rtf ρίζωμα, περισκελίς. to Breed, τίκτω, κύω, υποφύομαι, τ(£ γένει αυξάνομαι. to Breed with, συγγεννάω. a Breeding, γονή, γέννημα. a Breeze, αύρα, πνοή. to Bribe, δωροδοκέω. Bribed, πεισθείς υπό δωρεαΐς, δώροις μαλθασσόμενος, δωρολήπτης. a Brick, πλίνθος, dim,, πλινθίδων. of Brick, πλίνθινος. Bridal, γαμικός, γαμήλιος. Bridal ceremonies, μνηστεία, νυμ- φία. Bridal chamber, νυμφεΊον, νυμφών. a Bride, μνηστή, νυμφή, μεμνηστευ- μένη. a Bridegroom, νϋμφιος. a Bride's maid, νυμφευτρία, η προμ- νησαμένη. a Bride's man, παρανύμφως, πάρο- X°f- a Bridge, γέφυρα, γεφυρίς. a Bridle, ηνία, χαλινός, κεφαλόδεσ- μων, φιμός, κήμος. to Bridle, χαλινόω, φιμόω, κημόω. Brief, σύντομος, βραχυτελής, συγκε- κομμένος. . Briefly, συντόμως, επι κεφαλαίου, αποτόμως,εν βραχεί, βραχέως, στε- νως, προσεστάλμένως, πεπιεσμένως. to tell Briefly, διά βραχέων έπω. Briefness, βραχύτης, επιτομή. Bright, φωτεινός, φεγγώδης, φαεινός, φαλός, στιλβός, λαμπρός, αγαυός, αγλαός, ευδόκιμος. to Brighten, λαμπυρίζω, απαυγάζω, στιλβοποιέω, φαλύνω. Brightly, λαμ πρω-ς, φαιδρως, αγλαως.. Brightness, αυγή, απαύγασμα, σέ- λας, λαμπρότης, στϊλπνότης. Brine, άλμη, άλμυρϊς, άλίς' γάρον, μαινίς. Briny, άλικος, άλμυρώδης. to Bring an action, λόγον δίδωμι, δίκην υπέχω, αιτιολογέομαι. to Bring back, ανάγω, κατάγω. to Bring back again, επανακάμπτω. to Bring forth, τίκτω. to Bring near, προσάγω, πελάζω, προσπελάζω, προστίθημι, παραβάλ- λω, προσβάλλω, εφαρμόζω. to Bring out, εξάγοί, ανάγω, εκφέρω, προχειρίζομαι. to Bring to, επιφέρω, προσφέρω, κομίζω, προσκομίζω, παρέχω, πα- ρασκευάζω. to Bring to life, αναβιώσκω, εγείρω. to Bring up, τρέφω, διατρέφω. to Bringupon, επάγω, εισφέρω, επεισ- φέρω. to Bring upon one's self, προσαιρέο- μαι, απάγομαι, επισπάομαι. to Bring witness, μάρτυρα παρέχο- μαι or παρίσταμαι, μαρτυρέομαι. a Bringer up, τροφεύς. a Bringing up, τροφή, σιτισμός. Brittle, ψαθυρός, θραυστός, εύθραυσ- τος. Brittlely, ψαθυρως. Brittleness, ιραθυρότης. Broken, συρραγεϊς, καταγώς, κεκλασ- μένος. a Brook, οχετός, ρύαξ, dim. ρυάκων a Broom, σάρωθρον, κόρημα. a Brothel, πορνεων, πορνοβοσκεΐον. BUR CAB CAP ο Β Other, αδελφός, κασίγνητος, dim. αύελφίδιον. a Brother by the same mother, ομομήτριος. a full Brother, Βμοπάτριος, Ιμοπά- τηρ, αυτάδελφος. a husband's Brother, δαήρ. the murderer of a Brother, αδελ- φοκτόνος. Brotherhood, αδελφότης. like Brothers, αδελφών δίκην. Brought near, προπελασθείς. the Brow , μέτωπον , επισκίινιον, οφρύς. to knit the Brow, τάς οφρνς or rb μέτωπον ανασπάω. to smooth the Brow, το μέτωπον χαλάω. to Bruise, συντρίβω. - a Brute, κτήνος, θήρ, θήριον. Brutish, προβατώδης, κτηνώδης, αν- αίσθητος, άλογος. a Bubble, πομφύλυξ, φύσημα, dim. φυσημάτων. a Bucket, υδρία, νδρίσκη, άντλιον, άντλημα, κάλπη, κάλπις, dim. καλ- πίδιον. a Buckle, πόρπη, περόνη. to Buckle, πορπάω, περονάω. a Bud, βλαστός, βλάστημα, γέννημα. to Bud, βλαστέω , βλαστάνω , εμβλασ- τάνω, παραφυέω, θάλλω. to Bud afresh, αναβλαστάνω, ανα- βάλλω, παραφύομαι. a Budding, βλάστησις, έκφυσις. a Buffalo, βούβαλος, ουρος. a Buffoon, γελωτοποιός, χλευαστής, βωμολόχος, μωραίνων. to play the Buffoon, χλευάζω, βω- μολοχέω. Buffoonery, γελωτοποιία, βωμολο- a Bug, κδρις. to Build, δέμω, δομέω, οικοδομίω, κα- τασκευάζω. to Build out, αποικοδομέω. to Build to, προσοικοδομέω. to Build up, εξοικοδομέω. to Build up, at, or by, ενοικοδομεω, εποικοδομέω, παροικοδομέω. to Build up round, περιοικυδομέω. a Builder, τέκτων, οικοδόμος, αρχι- τέκτων, κατασκευαστής. Building, οικοδομία, οικοδόμησις, κα- τασκευή. a Building, οικοδομή, οίκημα, δομή, δώμα, εφίδρυμα, κατασκεύασμα, κτίσμα. a Bulb, βόλβος. Bulbous, βολβώδης. a Bull, ταύρος. of or like a Bull, ταϋρειος, adv. ταν- ρηδόν. a Bullet, βάλανος. a Bullock, μόσχος. a Bulwark, προβολή, επιτείχισμα, φρούριον, εχύρωμα. a Bundle, δεσμίς, δεσμή, φάκελλος. a Burden, φόρτος, φορτίον, βάρος, μόχθος. the Burden of a ship, γόμος. to undertake too great a Burden, τό μείζον φορτίον ή (.αυτόν αίρεΊσθαι . Burdock, ξανθίον. to Burn, φλέγω, καίω' φλέγομαι, καίομαι, ενάπτομαι' πυρίσσω. to Burn away, εμπρήθομαι, εκκαίο- μα*, κατακαίομαι, εμπυρόομαι. to Burn for, ποθέω, επιποθέω, ευμε- νώς διατίθεμαι. to Burn up, εμπρήθω, φλέγω, συμ- φλίγω, προσφλέγω, περιφλέγω, εκ- καίω, σνγκαίω, διακαίω, αποκαίω, προσκαίω. a Burner, εμπρηστής. Burning, περικαής, καυστικός, περι- φλεγής, καυματώδης, καυσωδής, πνιγωδής. a Burning, έμπρησις, εμπρησμός, διά- καυσις, καύμα, απόκαυμα. Burial, ταφή, ενταφιασμός, εντάφιον. Buried, τεθαμμένος, ταφείς. to Bury, εκφέρω or εκκομίζω νέκνν, κατορΰσσω. a Bushel, μόδιος, μέδιμνος. Business, ασχολία, πράζις, εργασία, πραγματεία, πράγματα, τα σπου- δαία. Business in doors, τα ένδον έργα. full of Business, πραγματώδης. without Business, απόνως, ανεμπο- δίστως, ευπετώς, ακονιτί. to mind one's own Business, rb έργον ευ επιτελέω. a Buskin, κόθορνος, εμβατής. Busy, ασχολούμενος, πραγματώδης. to be Busy, ασχολίαν άγω, ασχολέο- μαι προς — , διαπονέω or -νέομαι τι or εις τι or περί τι, εκπονέομαι, σπουδάζω, περιεργάζομαι, πολυ- πραγμονέω. a Busybody, πολυπράγμων, περίερ- γος. But, αλλά, αλλ' άρΛ, άρα, πλην, δε, δέμην, μήν, μέντοι, ατάρ, τοίννν, δήπου, δήτοι, καίτοι, γ'έτοι, δαί. But however, αλλά γάρ, αλλά δή, αλλά καΐ ώς, αλλά όμως, αλλ' ουν, γέμην, δε, και τοί. - But if, ει δε, ήν δε, κοιν. But if not, ει δε μή. But moreover, αλλά δε και, και μεν καί. But truly, αλλά τε, αλλά δή. But yet, αυτάρ, αλλ' ουν, αλλά γάρ, άλλα τε. a Butcher, κρεωπώλης, κρεωδαίτης, κρεουργός, άρταμος. to Butcher, κρεουργέω' αμύσσω, σπαράττω. a Butler, ταμίας, οινοχόος. to Butt, κερατίζω. Butter, βούτυρον. a Butterfly, ψύχη. the Buttock, γλουτός, πύγη. to Buy, αγοράζω, πρίαμαι, ωνέομαι, συνωνέομαι, συμπρίαμαι. a Buzz, βόμβος, ήχος. By, υπό' παρά, προς. By and By, αυτικά, ευθύς. By day, καθ' ήμέραν. By or at night, ί•πό νυκτί. a By-road, πάροδος, παρατροπή. Cabbage, κράμβη, κοράμβη. a Cabin, στέγη, έπαυλις, καλύβη,κα- λυβίδιον' οικίσκος, οικίδιον, οικη- μάτιον, σκηνίδιον. (10) a Cable, κάμιλος' απδγαια, ηίγεια» Cadaverous, νεκρώδης. a Cake, πλακόεις -ους, πλακίδιον, Ϊαρίσιος άρτος- μάζα. Calculate, λογίζομαι, συμψηφίζω. a Calculation, λογισμός. a Calendar, εφήμερις, επιμήνιος. the Calends, καλένδαι, νεομηνία. the Calf, γαστροκνημία, κνήμη. a Calf, μόσχος, πόρταξ, πόρτις, δαμά- λη, δαμάλις. of or like a Calf, μόσχειος. Call, κλήσις. to Call, καλέω, φωνέω' ονομάζω. to Call for, προσκαλέω, επικαλέω, μ* ταπέμπω. to Call aside, αποκαλέω. to Call back, ανακαλέω, αναστρέφω. to Call forth, εκκαλέω. to Call off or away, αποκαλέω, απο- τρέπω, απάγω. to Call ηροτι,νίβϋ,εντυ γχάνω προς — , to Call upon, εκκαλέω, παρακαλέω, ανακαλέω, επικαλέω, δέομαι, αιτέο- μαι' αιτιάομαι δίκήν. to Call out upon, επιβοάω or -άο- μαι, επικαλέω, ανακαλέω. Called, κληθείς. to be Called, κλητέος. Caller, κλήτωρ. Callous, τυλώδης• ανάλγητος. a Calm, ευδία, αιθρία, γαλήνη , νηνε- μία. to Calm, παύω, ηρεμίζω' καταστέλ- λω, κατέχω' πραυνω, αρέσκομαι. to be Calm, αιθριάζω, γαληνόω. Calm, αίθριος, εϋδιος,ευήμερος, γαλη- νός, γαλήνιος, γαληναως, νήνεμος, αχείμαστος' πράος, 'ήμερος, ήσυχος, ευμενής. Calmly, γαληνως' ησυχίας, ειρηνικως. to Calumniate, συκοφαντέω, βλασ- φημέω εις — • a Camel, κάμηλος. a Camel-driver, καμηλίτης. a Camp, στρατόπεδον σταθμός, έρυ- μα, παρεμβολή. to change the Camp, αναζεΰγνυμι, εζαναχωρέω την στρατίαν. to pitch a Camp, στρατοπεδεύω. as much as I Can, καθ' όσον δύναμαι. as far as Can be, κατά rb δυνατόν. a Canal, οχετός, οχέτευμα, υδραγω- γία, αμάρα, αγωγή. a Cancer, καρκίνωμα, καοκΐνος. a Candle, λύχνος, λυχνίδιον, δαδίον. a Candlestick, λυχνίον, κηροπηγίον. aCane, βάκτρον, βακτρίδιον,βακτρία' σκήπτρον, ράβδος' ρόπαλον, ζύλον. I, you, &c. Cannot, ασθενέω, αδν νατεω. a Canoe, σκάφη. to Canonize, αποθεόω. a Canopy, κωνωπεων. to Cant, απεμπολέω, αποκηρύττω, καταλλάττομαι. to Canvass for, παραγγέλλω, φίλο τιμέ-ω, δεζιόομαι. to accuse Capitally, θανάτου τιμάο- μαι. to suffer Capitally, θανάτου δίκην οφλισκάνω. a Capon, αλεκτρυών έκτο μίας. a Captain, λοχαγός. to Captivate, τέρπω. a Captive, αιχμάλωτος, δορύκτητος. Captivity, αιχμαλωσία. CAR CEL CHA ft Carcass, νεκρόν, πτώμα. to Card or comb wool, &e. ατενίζω, διαξαίνω. a Carding - , κτενισμός, διάξανσις. Care, φροντις, μερίμνα, κήδος' επι- μέλεια, ακρίβεια, σπουδή. to Care for, δια φροντίδος or φυλακής έχω, αλέγω, αλεγίζω, προδικέω, θε- ραπεύω, κηδέω, κήδομαι, κομέω, κο- μίζω, μήδομαι. the Care of the city, αστυνομία. the Care of a church, νεωκορία. the Care of a market, αγορανομία. free from Care, αμέριμνος. to take Care, φροντίζω, φροντίδα ποι- έομαι, μέλει' επιμελέομαι, προσμε- λέομαι, επιμέλειαν έχω, σπουδάζω, εξακριβόω. to take Care of the city, αστυνομέω' of a church, νεωκορέω' of a mar- ket, αγορανομέω. Careful, φροντίδων ανάπλεως' επιμε- λής, ακριβής, σπουδαίος, φίλεργος, ενεργητικός. Carefully, πεφροντισμένως' στ.ουδαί- ως, ακριβώς, εσκεμμένως. Careless, αμελής. Carelessness, αμέλεια, αφροντιστία. to Carouse, κωμάζω. to Carp at, διασύρω, παρατίλλω, αποκνίζω, λοιδορέω. a Carping, διασυρμός, λοιδορία. a Carpenter, τέκτων ξυλικός. a Carpet, τάπης Ί τάπις. Carriage, όχησις, φυρά. a Carriage, ίίρμα, ζεύγος, ραΐδον, ραί- διον' όχημα, όχος, δίφρος, φορέων. for Carriage, σχηματικός, φορτηγός, επιβατικός. Carried, οχηθείς. Carried about, περιφορηθεις, περιαχ- θείς. a Carrot, σταφυλΊνος. to Carry, φέρω, βαστάζω, ρομφάζω, αχθοφορέω, οχέω, εποχέω, αίρω, κομίζω. to Carry about, περιφέρω, διαφέρω, ανατλάω . to Carry away, αποφέρω, εκκομίζω, κατακομίζω, αφαιρέω, απάγω, εξά- γω, εξαίρω. to Carry back, ανακομίζω, εσφέρο- μαι. to Carry in, επάγω, εμφορέω. to Carry off or away, απάγω, κα- ταφέρω. to Carry out, εκφέρω, εκφορέω, εξά- γω, εκκομίζω. to Carry over, μεταφέρω, μετάγω, διακομίζω' διαπορθμεύω, περαιόω. to Carry past or by, παραφέρω, παράγω. to Carry through, διακομίζω, κα- τάγω. a Carrying, φόρα, όχησις. a Carrying out, εκκόμισις, εκφορά. a Cart, Άμαξα, όχημα, άρμα, άμά- ξιον, άμαξίς. a Carter, άρματηλάτης. a Cart-maker, άμαξουργός, άμαξο- πηγός, αρματοπηγός. to Carve, γλύφω, κολάπτω, χαράτ- τω. to Carve out, διαχαράττω. a Carved image, γλυπτόν είδωλον. a Carver, γλύπτης, εντομεϋς, ίρμο- νλύφος and -φεύς. Carving, ίρμογλυφική, viz. τεχνή, γλυφή, γλυφίς. a Case, κόφινος, φορμός, κάψα, κιβω- τός, θύλαξ, θυλακίσκος, κιβώτιον. a Case in grammar, πτώσις. a Case or accident, τύχη, συμφορά, πάθος, πάθημα. a Cask, κάδος. a Cast or throw, βολή, αποβολή. to Cast, βάλλω, ρίπτω. - to Cast the blossoms, απανθέω. to Cast metal, χωνεύω, συγχωνεύω, συμφυσάω. to Cast up an account, λογίζομαι. to Cast upon, προσβάλλω, εισβάλλω. to be Cast for abandoning a suit, ερήμην καταδικάζομαι. Cast as metal, συγχωνευθείς. a Casting, χώνευσις. a Castle, ακρόπολις, ακρία, έρυμα. See Fortification. by Castor, νή τόν Κάστορα. to Castrate, εκτέμνω, ευνουχίζω, op- χοτομέω, μαλακόν ποιέω. Castrated, ευνουχισμένος. Castration, ευνουχισμός, ορχοτομία. a Cat, αίλουρος, γαλή. a Catalogue, κατάλογος. a Catapult, καταπέλτης. of or from a Catapult, καταπελτι- κός. to Catch, λαμβάνω, καταλαμβάνω, άλίσκω or άλω μι. to Catch with or as with a bait, δελεάζω, αγχιστρεύω. to Catch with birdlime, ιξεύω. a Catching, κατάλη-φις. Cattle, θρέμμα, βόσκημα. of Cattle, βόειος. Caught, ληφθείς, ειλημμένος, κατα- ληφθείς, άλούς, κατεχόμενος. a Cause, αιτία, αιτίον. Causing, αίτιος, αιτουργός. Cautery, καϋσις. to Cauterize, καίω, καυτηριάζω. Caution, ευλάβεια, προφυλακή. Cautious, προφυλακτικός, ευλαβής, έννοος, συνετός. Cautiously, ευλαβώς, περιεσκεμμέ- νως. the Cavalry, Ιππικόν, 'ίππος, 'ιππική δύναμις. of Cavalry, Ιππικός, 'ίππειος. a Cavalry fight, ιππομαχία. to command the Cavalry, Ιππάρ- a Cave or Cavern, αντρόν, σπήλαιον, σπέος, βυθμός, Κρύπτη, μυχή. Cavernous, αντρώδης. a Cavil, σόφισμα' σκώμμα. to Cavil, σκωπτω, επικερτομεω, οωπ- τω' λεπτολογέω, σμικρολογέομαι a Caviller, σοφιστής' σκώπτης, φιλο- κέρτομος. » a Cavity, κύτταρος. the Cawl, επίπλοον. to Cease, παύομαι, απολήγω, επέχω, διαλείπω. Cedar, κέδρος. of Cedar, κέδρινος. to Ceil, καμαρόω. Ceiling, καταστέγασμα, φάτνωμα, οροφή. Celandine, χηλαδονία. to Celebrate, δοξολογέω, επικλείω, κατευλογέω' αναγορεύω, κηρύττω. Celebrated, ένδοξος, ένδοξος, κλε7τος, (11) εύφημος, θαυμάσιος, γνώριμος' πε- ριβόητος, διαβόητος, διαβεβοημέ• νος, προηγούμενος. Celebrity, τιμή, κλέος, ευδοξία' επι- φημισμός, διαβόησις. with Celebrity, ευκλεως, ενδόξως. Celestial, ουράνιος, ουρανίδης, ολύμ πιος. a Celestial, ουρανίων. a- wine Cellar, οίνων, οινοθήκη. to Cement, προσκολλάω, προσάπτω. a Censer, θυματήριον. Censorious, επιτιμητικός, επιμεμπτι- κός, κατηγορικός. Censurable, επίμεμπτος, μωμητός, ελεγκτός. Censure, επιτίμησις, επίπληξις, μέμ- ψκ- ψ to Censure, ελέγχω, επικαταλαμ- βάνω, επιτιμάω, επιπλήττω, ψέγω, μέμφομαι, καταμέμφομαι, καθάπτο μαι. a Censurer, επιτιμητής, μώμος. a Centaur, κένταυρος. a Centre, κέντρον. a Centurion, έκατόνταρχος or •χης. a Centurion's commission, ίκατον ταρχία, ταξιαρχία. a Century, ίκατοντάς. a Cerate, κηρωτόν. a Ceremony, θρησκεία, τελετή, θερ- μός Ιερός. Ceres, Αημήτηρ. of Ceres, Δημήτρειος, Αημητριακός Certain, δήλος, ακριβής, βέβαιος. Certainly, ακριβώς, βεβαίως. Certainty, βεβαιότης, ακρίβεια. to Certify, δηλόω, προσημαίνω. a Cessation, διάλειίρις, άνεσις. without Cessation, αδιαλείπτως. to Chafe, ψώχω, ανατρίβω' λεπτο- ποιέω, λεπτύνω, θραύω. Chaff, άχυρον, κόρφος' έλυτρον, αθήρ, σκύβαλον. Chaffy, αχυρώδης. a Chafing, τρίψις, επίτριμμα. a Chafing-dish, πύρανον. a Chain, σειρά, άλυσις, δεσμός, αλυ- σίδων. to Chain, δεσμόω, δεσμεύω. Chained, αλυσίδετος. a Chair, δίφρος, 'έδρα, καθέδρα, θρό- νος, καθέδριον, θρονίδων. a Chair of state, δίφρος ηγεμονικός. an armed Chair, αγκυλόπους δίφρος. a sedan Chair, φορέων, κλίνη. a Chairman, κλινοφόρος. Chalk, κιμωλία γή, κονία, γύψος. a Chamberlain, κατακοιμιστής. a Chamberpot, αμίς. a Chameleon, χαμαιλέων. Chamomile, χαμαίμηλον. Champaign, πεδινός. Chance, τυχή, δαίμων, κλήρος. a Chance, σύμπτωμα, τυχή. by Chance, τύχη, εκ or από τύχης, διά or κατά τύχην, εάν, ίσως. a Chancellor, αρχιγραμματευς. a Change, μεταβολή, αλλαγή, αλ• λοίωσις, ετεροίωσις. to Change, μεταβάλλω, αλλάσσω or -ττω, ίτερόω, αλλοιόω ,επαμείβομαι. ΟΐΆΏξβΆΗβ,ευμετάβολος,συμβλητός. Cangeable in colour, ποικίλος. Changeableness, αστασία, ευκινησία. a Channel,ay(oyds 'ύδατος, οχετός, ρεί- θρο ν, κρουνός' σωλήν, σωληνάριον. CHI CLA COA of or Eke a Channel, σωληναως. Chaos, χάος. a Chapel, νέως, Ιερόν σμικρόν, άδυτον. to Charge, εφορμάω. to sound a Charge, -δ πολεμικόν σημαίνω. a Charge, command, επιτροπή, εν- τολή. to give in Charge, επιτρέπω, απο- στέλλω, αποπέμπω, εντέλλομαι. to Charge with, see Blame. a Chariot, άρμα, δίφρος, άμαξα, συ- νωρίς. οι or like a Chariot, άρμάτειος. a Charioteer, άρματηλάτης. a Charm, φίλτρον, βασκανία' εξορκισ αός, αλεξιφόρμακον, περίαμμα' γοή τενμα, γοητεία. to Charm, βασκαίνω, γοητεύω. to Chase away, εκκροτέω, εκκροίω. Chaste, αγνός, καθαρός, σεμνός, σώ- φρων. Chastely, άγνώς, καθαρώς. to Chastise, παιδεύω, επιπλήττω, κο- λάζω, επανορθόω. Chastity; αγνεια, άγνόηις. Cheap, εύωνος. Cheaply, ενώνως. Cheapness, ενωνία. a Cheat, ραδιονργός, αποστερητής, συλητής, γοής. to Οηβ&ί,αποστερέω ,απονοσφίζω , εξα- πατάω, παρακόπτω, παρακρούω. a Check, εποχή, πηρέλκυσις. to Check, αναβάλλω, εφίστημι, επέ- χω. the Cheek, παρειά, γνάθος, σιαγών. to Cheer, παραμνθέομαι. Cheerful, φαιδρός. to be Cheerful, φαιδρϋνομαι. Cheese, τυρός, τροφαλίς. to Cherish anger, &c. καταπέπτω. a Cherry, κεράσων. a Cherry-tree, κέρασος. •Chess, σκιραφεία. a Chess man, λίθαξ, ψήφος. a Chest, λάρναξ, θύλαξ, ζνγαστρον, κίστη, κιστις, κιβωτός. a Chestnut-tree, κάστανα. to Chew, μασσάω, τρώγω, εσθίω. to Chew the cud, μηρυκάομαι, ava- μηρυκάομαι. Chewing the cud, μηρνκισμδς. to Chide, επιτιμάω, επιλαμβάνομαι. Chief, εξαίρετος, πρόκριτος, επίλεκτος, προηγούμενος, κορυφαίος. the Chief point, κορυφή του λόγου, το κεφάλαιον. Chiefest, κράτιστος, βέλτιστος, υπέ- ροχος. Chiefly, εξαιρέτως, εις τα πρώτα, μάλιστα' κεφαλαιωδώς. a Child, παΤς, τέκνον, βρέφος, βρεφύλ- λιον, παιδίον, νήπιος. Childbed, λοχεία, αποκύησις. in Childbed, λεχώ, τετοκυΊα Childhood, παιδία. from Childhood, εκ παίδος, εκ -παι- διού or παιδιών, εκ νηπίου, εκ βρέ- φους, εξ απαλών ονυχίων, εκ νέας, εκ νέον. to get Children, τεκνοποιέω, παιδοπο- ιέω, ποιέομαι or αναιρέομαι πάϊδας. the getting or having Children, τεκνοποιία, παιδοποάα. Chilliness, άλγος, φρίξ. a Chimney, κάμινος. to raise like a Chimney, καμινόω. a Chink, κλειθρία, ρήγμα, σχίζα. full of Chinks, κλειθριώδης, πολύτρη- τος. to Chirp, πιππίζω, τερετίζω. Choice, εξαίρετος, επίλεκτος, κορυ- φαίος. a Choice, έγκρισις, απόκρισις, εκλογή. Choir, see C homs. to Choke, άγχω, πνίγω, αποπνίγω, εμπνίγω, στραγγαλόω. to Choke along with, συμπνίγω. to Choose, αϊρέομαι, εκλέγω, απο- λέγω, αποκρίνω, εγκρίνω, εξαιρέω, επιλέγομαι. a Chop, ψωμίον, ψωμίδιον. to Chop, πελεκίζω, πελέκει παίω. the Chops, στόμα, γέννες, γνάθοι. a Chorus, χορός. a leader of the Chorus, χοροδιδάσ Chosen, εκλεκτός, εξαίρετος, επίλεκ- τος, πρόκριτος. Christ, Χριστός. a Christian, Χριστιανός. Christianity, Χριστιανισμός. a Chrysolite, χρνσολιθός. Chrystal, κρύσταλλος or -λον. Chrvstalline, κρυστάλλινος. a Church, νεώς, Ιερόν εκκλησία. a Churchwarden, νεωκόρος, νεωφϋ- λαξ, Ιεροκόμος. Cinnamon, κιννάμωμον. a Circle, κύκλος, κυκλισκός, γύρος, γύρωσις. in a Circle, κυκληδόν. a Circuit, κύκλος, περίοδος' περίβολος, περιβολή' περιφορά, περίγναμψις. Circular, κύκλιος. to Circumcise, περιτίμνω. Circumcised, λειπόδερμος, περιτμη- θείς. Circumcision, περιτομή, περικοπή. Circumference, περιφέρεια. a Circumstance, σύμπτωμα. a Cistern, τό υδάτων δοχεων, εκδο- χεΧον. a Citizen, πολίτης. to be a Citizen, πολιτεύω. Citron, κίτριον or κίτρων μήλον, κε- δρόμηλον. a Citron-tree, κιτρία. a City, άστυ, πόλις. Civil, πολιτικός, αστείος' ευμενής, πρόφρων. a Civil war, εμφύλιος πόλεμος. to Claim, ιδιοποιέομαι, προσποιέομαι, αντιλαμβάνω, απονέμω εμαυτω. Clandestine, κρνφαΊος, λαθραΊος, κρυπτός, κρύφιος. Clandestinely, see Secretly. a Clang, κλαγγή. to Clang, κλάγγω. to Clap, κροτέω, κροταλίζω. a Clapping, κρότος, κρότημα. Clapped, κεκροτημένος. to Clash, ανασείω, συσσείω, ωθίζω, συγκρούω. Clashed, συγκεκρουσμένος, διασεισ- θείς. a Clashing, τίναγμα, πάλμος. a Clatter, ψόφος, κτύπος, δουπος. with a Clatter, βομβηδόν. to Clatter, ψοφέω, κτυπέω, δουπεω. a Claw, χηλή. Clay, βώλος, βώλαξ. potter's Clay, άργιλος. •(12) Clayey, βωλώδης, αργιλώδης, αδρό βωλος. Clean, καθαρός, κόσμιος. to Clean, καθαρίζω, καθαρον ποιίω, σαίρω. to Clean out, εκκαθαίρω, ανακαθαί- ρομαι, καθαιρώ. a Cleaning, κάθαρσις, καθαρισμέ, εκκάθαρσις. Cleanly, καθαρώς, κοσμιώς. Cleanness, καθαριότης, κοσμιότης. Clear, δήλος , έκδηλος, φανερός, σαφής, εναργής, εμφανής, καταφανής, τρα- νός or -νής' διαυγής, διαφανής' λαμπρός, αγανός, αγλαός' καθαρός. it is Clear, σαφές or όηλόν or προφα- νές εστί. to Clear off or away, καθαιρώ, αποκαθαίρω, αποτρνγόω. Clearly, σαφώί, ακριβώς, λαμπρώς, εμφανώς, αναφαδνόν. to see Clearly, συνοράω, διοράω, καθ- οράω, διαβλέπω, κατασκοπέω. Clearness, λαμπρότης' σαφήνεια, ενάργεια, τό εύδηλον. to Cleave, διχοτομέω, διχάζω. Cleft, σχιστός, πολυσχιδής. a Clerk, γραμματεύς, γραμματιστήί. a Clerk of the market, αγορανόμος Clever, επιστήμων, έμπειρος. a Climate, κλίμα, χώρα. to Cling, προσκολλάομαι, εμφίομαι. Clipped, περικεκαρμένος. a Cloak, χλαΊνα, φάρος. a riding Cloak, φελόνης or φαιλόνης, μανδνή, μανδύας. in a riding Cloak, b εν φαιλόνη, μανδύην περιβεβλημένος. a coarse Cloak, χλαίνα, τριβών. a rough Cloak, σισύρα. a soldier's Cloak, σάγος, χλαμύς. in a soldier's Cloak, χλαμυδωτός, σαγηφόρος. a Cloak-bag, φαιλόνης, πήρα, βαλάν- των. a Clock, ωρολόγων. what o'Clock is it Ί οποσαπουν εστί τό στοιχείον ; a Close, πέρας, έσχατον, τέλος. to Close up, κατακλείω. to Close the lips, συλλαμβάνω τό στόμα. Close or thick, πύκνος, παχύς, δασύς. Closely, πυκνώς' εγγύθεν, συσταδόν. Closeness, πνκνότης, παχύτης' συνά- φεια. a Closet, μυχός, ταμεΐον, δωμάτων. a Clot, θρόμβος, χόνδρος. to Clothe, περιβάλλω. Clothes, ιματισμός, περιβόλαων, περι- βολή, ένδυμα, ένδνσις, αμπεχόνη. of Clothes, Ίματικός. Clotted, συμπηγείς. a Cloud, νεφέλη, νέφος, ομίχλη, νεφέ' λων. to Cloud, επινέφω, επισκιάζω, καλύπ- τω. Cloudy, νεφελοειδής, νεφώδης' συν- νεφής, νεφελώδης. Cloven, δίχηλος, δισχιδής, διχασθείς. a Club, κοινόβων. to Cluck, κακκάζω, κακκαβίζω. a Cluster, βότρυς, σταφυλή, σταφυλίς. Clustering, βοτρυώδης, σταφύλινος. σταφυληφόρος. a Clustering, βοτρνωσις. a Coach, άρμα, δίφρος, όχος, όχημα COL COM COM a Coachmaker, άρματοποιός, άρμα' τοπηγής. a Coachman, ηνίοχος, άρματηλάτης, a Coal, άνθραξ, ανθρακία, θυμάλωψ. Coast, see Shore. to Coast along, παραλέγομαι. a Coat, τήβεννος, τηβέννη, αμπεχό- νη, χιτών. with a Coat, τηβεννοφόρος. an outside Coat, φελόνης, μανδνή, μανδύας. a Cobweb, αράχνιον. a Cock for liquor, επιστόμιον. a Cock, αλέκτωρ, αλεκτρυών' fern. αλεκτορίς. of or like a Cock or hen, αλέκτο- ρας. Cockcrow, αλεκτρυοφωνία. the Cod, οσχέα. Coeliac, κοιλιακός. a Coffin, σορό?, κόφινος. to Cohabit, συνοικίζω* μ'ισγω, συγκα- θεύδω. Cohabitation, μίξις, ανάμιξις, συνου- σία. to Cohere, συγκολλάομαι, εφαρμότ- τω, συνάπτομαι. Coin, νόμισμα, κέρμα. food Coin, δόκιμον νόμισμα. • ase Coin, αδόκιμον or κίβδηλον νό- μισμα. to Coin, κόπτω νόμισμα, κόπτω, τχι- ττόω. a Coiner, αργυροκόπος. to Coincide, συμπίπτω, συνεπιβάλ- λω, Ιμοδρομέω. Cold or Coldness, κρύο?, ψύχος, ρί- γος. intense Cold, κρυμός. Cold, ψυχρός, κρυερός, κρυόεις. to make Cold or cool, ψύχω. to grow Cold, αποψύχομαι, κατα- ψύχομαι. to be Cold, ριγόω, ριγέω, καταψύ- χομαι. olii Colicky, κοιλιακό?. a Collar, ζυγός or ζεύγος, ζεύγλη' αλϋσιον, στρεπτός' περιτραχήλιον, περιδέραιον. a Colleague, συνεργός, συνάρχων with α consul, συνυπατεύων, συνύ- πατος. to ΟόϊΙβοί,αναλέγω, συλλέγω, συνάγω, συμφέρω, συγκομίζω' αποσωρεύω, συσσωρεύω, αθροίζω, ουμφορέω. Collected, συσσωρευθείς, συνηγμένος, συνεσταλμένος. 3.0ο\1β&ιθΐΐ,συναγωγή,συναθροισμός, σώρευσις' αγυρμός, κέρμα, έρανος. to beg a Collection, έρανον προσαι- τέω or πτωχεύω. to make a Collection, αγυρμόν ποιέω. a Collector, εισπράκτωρ, φορονόμος, υποτελής. a Collector of taxes, τελώνης. a College, συνέδρων, σύλλογος. a Collier, ανθρακεύς. Collision, προσάραξις. Collusion, συγκακουργία, σνγκακούρ- γημα, απάτη, απάτημα, δόλος. in Collusion, συγκακουργικώς. a Colonel, χιλίαρχος. to Colonize, αποικίαν εκπέμπω. a Colony, αποικία. Colossus, κολοσσός. Colour, χρώμα, χροά. to Colour, βάπτω, επιχρώζω. of one Colour, ύμόχροος. a Column, κίων, στήλη. a military Column, φάλαγξ. a Comb, κτεις, κτένιον. to Comb, κτενίζω. Combed, κτενισθεϊς, εύθριξ, κέκαλλω- πισμένος. a Combat, άμιλλα, άεθλος• μάχη, συμπλοκή, συμβολή. to Combat, αθλέω. to Combine, εμπλέκω, συνυφαίνω. to Come, έρχομαι, ήκω, αφικνέομαι. to Come forth, προέρχομαι, φύομαι. to Come often, φοιτάω. to Come out, παρε7μι, προσέρχομαι εις τό δημόσιον. to Come to, προσέρχομαι, προσήκω, αφικνέομαι, επιβαίνω, παραγίνομαι, μέτειμι, προσελεύθω. to Come to one's self, αναλαμβάνω ίαυτόν. to Come to pass, αποβαίνω, εκβαίνω, συμβαίνω. to Come upon, επέρχομαι. Come^ άγε, άγε δή, άγε δήτα, αλλά γε, δευρο, £to' άγε, έχε δή, φέρε, φέρε γαρ, φέρε δή, φέρε τοίνυν. Come here, δευρο ίθι. Come now, ε"ϊα, ω εΐα,εϊα μόλα. a Comedian, κωμωδός, κωμικός. Comedy, κωμωδία. Comeliness, φαιδρότης, άβροσύνη. Comely, ευειδήν, ωραίος, φαιδρός' adv. ευειδως. a Comet, κομήτης. Comfort, παραμυθία, παραμύθων, πα- ράκλησις, παρηγοριά. to Comfort, παραμυθέομαι. φέρω πα- ραμυθίαν, παρακαλέομαι, παρηγο- ρέω. a Comforter, παράκλητος or -τωρ, παρήγορος. Comforting, παραμυθικός. Comic, κωμικός. Comically, κωμικώς, κωμωδικως. Coming, ελευσόμενος. a Command or Commandfnent^poa- ταγμα, επίταγμα, παράγγελμα, εν- τολή' κελευόμενον, κέλευσμα. to execute a Command, το εντε- ταλμένυν ΟΓ τα. προσταττόμενα or τα κελευόμενα ποιέω. a Command or government, αρ- χή, ηγεμονία, πραιτουρα, επαρχία, στρατηγία. to Command or order, επιτάττω, προστάττω, εντέλλομαι' or govern, άρχω, αρχήν έχω or κατέχω, βασι- λεύω, κρατέω, κυριεύω, δεσπόζω. to Command an army ,στρατία ν άγω. a Commander, see General. Commemorable, αξιομνημόνευτος. to Commemorate, απομνημονεύω.' a Commemoration, διαμνημόνευμα, απόμνησις, διήγησις. to Commend, επιαινέω, σεμνολογέω, επικοσμέω. to Comment upon, πραγματεύομαι, συμμελετάω. . a Comment, σχόλιον. a Commentary, υπόμνημα. a Commission, παραγγελία, πρόσ- ταγμα, επίταγμα. a Commissioner, επίτροπος, επίσκο- πος. (13) to Commission, παραπέμπω, επάγω, προκρίνω, προφέρω. to Commit, πλημμελέω, άμαρτάνω, δεινόν ποιέω, αισχρόν εργάζομαι. Common, κοινός' δημοτικός, δημώ- δης, ιδιωτικός, δ τύχων. a Common person, ιδιώτης. a Common pasture, σύμβοτος αγρός, νομή κοινή. grazing in Common, σύμβοτος. to use Common speech, ιδιωτεύο- μαι. in Common, κοινώς, εις κοινόν κοι- vr), πανδημεϊ, τυχοντώς. the Commonalty, Όί πόλλοι, τό πάν, πλήθος, όχλος, δήμος,άιτη. δημίδιον. one of the Commonalty, δημοτι- κός, ιδιώτης, δ τύχων. the Commons, δήμος, λαός, όχλος. a Commotion, κίνησις, κίνημα, ακα- ταστασία. a Commonwealth, δημοκρατία. Community, κοινωνία, κοινώνημα. a Companion, ιταΧρος, κοινωνός' ομήλιζ, ήλικιώτης, σύγχρονος. a pot Companion, συμπότης, συμ- ποτϊς, συμποτρία. Companionable, εταιρικός. Company, ομιλία, διατριβή. a Company, συναγωγή, άθροισις' τάγμα, λόχος, σπείρα. in Companies, κατά σπείρας, σπειρη- δόν. to Compare, συμβάλλω. Comparable, παραβλητός, συμβλη- τός' ισαστός, παράλληλος, ανάλογος. Comparison, παραβολή, σύγκρισις, αναλογία. in Comparison, συγκριτώς. a pair of Compasses, διαβήτης, προσαγωγών. Compassion, κατοίκτισις, οΊκτος. to Compassionate, οικτίζω, σπλαγχ- νίζομαι. to Compensate, αντικαταλλάτι >- μαι, ανταμείβομαι. Compensation, αμοιβή, ανταμοιβή. to Complain, αιτιάομαι, μέμφομαι' οδύρομαι. Complaining, εγκληματικός, μεμψί- μοιρος' οδυρτικύς. a Complaint, αιτία, έγκλημα' μέμ- ψις, μομφή, κατάμεμψις, οδυρμός. Complaisance, θωπεία, προσήνεια, αρέσκευμα. Complete, συμπλήρης' τέλειος, κατά πάντα τέλειος, εντελής, αποτελτς, ευτρεπής, αποτελευθεϊς, απαρτισ- θείς. to Complete, συντελέω, απαρτίζω, εκποιέω. Completion, τελείωσις, συντέλεια, εξεργασία. Compliant, κατήκοος, υπήκοος, ευπει- θής, προσηνής. to Comply, υπακούω, πείθομαι, πει- θαρχέω, κατήκοος ειμί, χαρίζομαι. Complying, εύπειστος, ευπειθής, κα- ταπειθής. to Compose, συγγράφω' συμπλέκω, συντίθημι, συντάττω, ευθητέω, συναλλάττω. Composed, πλαστός, πεπλασμένος. a Composer, ποιητής, ποιήτρια' πλαστής, πλαστείρα. Composition, ποιήσις, πλάσις, πλάσ- CON CON CON to Comprehend, προσμανθάνω, προσ- λαμβάνω, συλλαμβάνω, εις τόν νουν λαμβάνω, περιβάλλω r(jT νψ. Comprehension, νόησις, σύνεσις, έν- νοια, κατάλη-ψις, σύλληψις. to Comprise, λαμβάνομαι, περιέχω, περιβάλλω, περιπλέκομαι. Comprising•, περιοχών, περιπλέξας. a Comrade, συστρατιώτης' εταίρος, σύσσιτος, Βμοδίαιτος, συμβίωτος, σννοικος, ομόστεγος, bμopόver or Covering, προβολή, επί- βλημα, εγκάλυμμα, ε'ίλημα, ενείλη- μα' κάλυμμα, σκέπασμα, περιπέ- τασμα. Covered over, κεκαλυμμένος, περι- βεβλημένος, κατάστεγος. Covered up, καλυπτός, περιειλημέ νος. Covered with rags, ρυπαρώς διακεί- μενος. to Covet, επιθυμέω, ορέγομαι, εφίε- μαι, γλίχομαι. Coveted, επιθυμηθείς. Covetous, φιλοκερδής, φιλοχρήματος χρυσεραστής, χρυσομανής. Covetously, πλεονεκτικώς. Covetousness, φιλοκέρδεια, φιλο- χρυσία, φιλοχρηματία, φιλαργυρία, πλεονεξία. a Cow, βους, δάμαλις. of or like a Cow, βόειος, βο'ίκός, βοΊκος. a Coward or Cowardly, κακός, άθυμος, μικρόθυμος, άνανδρος, ολι- γόφρων. Cowardice, κακία, κακότης, αναν- δρία, μικροθυμία. a Cowherd, βουκόλος, βουπόλος, βου- φορβός, βουλατής, βουποίμην. a Cowhide, βόειον δέρμα, βοσ'ια, βοδέψιον. a Cowhouse, βοαύλων, βουστάσων. a Cowmarket, βουπώλιον. to be Coy, ακκίζω. a Crab, καρκίνος, αστακός. to Crackle, επιψοφέω, αποκροτάω, επιτυπέω. a Cradle, κοιτϊς, σπάργανον. from the Cradle, από των σπάργα- νων, εκ νέας, εκ πρώτης ηλικίας, εκ παίδων. Crafty, κερδώος, πανούργος. Craggy, απότομος, κρημνώδης. to Cram, σιτεύω. to Cram in, επιβύω, εμπλάττω, επι» σάττω, καταπυκνόω. Crammed, σιτευτός, εμφορηθείς. CRU a Crane, γερανός. a Crash, ψόφος, κτύπος, πάταγος. to Crave, λιπαρέω, εξαιτέω. to Crawl, ερττω, ερπίζω. to Creak, ψοφέω. to Create, πτίζω, ποιέω, δημιουργέω. Created, κτισθείς. Creation, κτίσμα, κτίσις, δημιουργία. a Creator, κτιστής, δημιουργός, ποιη- τής. a Creature, ζώον, ζώδιον, έμψυχον. Credible, πιστός, πιθανός, αξιόπιστος. Credit, πίστις. public Credit, ασφάλεια, βεβαίωσις. to Credit, πίστιν ποιέω or παρέχομαι or δίδωμι. a Creditor, δανειστής, χρηστής. Credulity, ευπείθεια, ταχυπείθεια. Credulous, ευπειθής, εύπιστος. to Creep, 'έρπω, ίρπίζω, έρπύζω. to Creep out, εξέρπω, εξερπύζω. to Creep through, καθέρπω. to Creep up to, προσέρπω, εφερπϋζω. a Crescent, μηνοείδης σελήνη. a Crest, λόφος, κώνος. Crested, λόφον έχων, εύλοφος. a Cricket, γρύλλος. Cried up, ευφημισθεϊς, διαβόητος, διαβεβοημένος, ένδοξος, περίπυστος. a Crier, κηρύξ, κλήτωρ, κλήτηρ. a Crime, αιτία, έγκλημα, αμάρτημα, αμαρτία, πλημμέλεια, πλημμέλημα. Criminal, εγκληματικός. Criminally, εγκληματικώς. Crisis, ακμή. a Crocodile, κροκόδειλος. a Crook, καλαυροψ, ράβδος ποιμε- νική. to Crook, κάμπτω, επικάμπτω. Crooked, καμπύλος, γαμψός, επι- καμπής, στρεβλός, ελικοειδής. Crookedly, πλαγίως, εστραμμένως. Crookedness, καμπνλότης. a Crop, άροτος,νέατος, λήϊον,τό σπό- ριμον. a Cross, σταυρός. to mark with a Cross, χιάζω. to Cross over, υπερβαίνω. Cross roads, τρίοδος, τετράοδος. Cross ways, μετά χιασμού, oJov χ. a Crow, a bird or a bar, κορώνη. a Crowd, στίφος, σπείρα, ίλη, ουλα- μός, σύστημα. to Crowd together, συναγείρω, συν- αθροίζω, συνάγω, επισννάγω, αγε- λάζω• πηνίζω, εκπηνίζω. Cowded, αθρόος. in Crowds, αθρόως, ιλαδόν , αγεληδόν a Crown, στέφανος, στέμμα, dim. στεφάνων, στεμμάτων. to Crown, στεφανόω, στέφω, περ στέφω, αναπλέκω. Crucified, σταυρωθείς, σταυρω σύμ- πλοκος. to Crucify, σταυρόω. Cruel, ωμός, απηνής, ανελεήμων, αμεί CUT to Crust, πλακόω. to Cry as a child, βαβάζω. to Cry to arms, παραγγέλλω εις τα όπλα. to Cry out against, αντιβοάω, αντι- λέγω. a Cubit, πήχος, αγκών. of a Cubit, πηχυαίος. a Cuckoo, κόκκυξ. a Cucumber, σίκυς, σίκνος. a Cuirass, θώραξ, ζωστήρ. to Cultivate, γεωργέω, γεωπονέω, γηπονέω, διεργάζομαι, επεργάζο μαι, νέμω' ασκέω, εξασκέω, επασ- κέω, κατασκέω, επιτηδεύω. Cultivation, εργασία• θεραπεία' άσ- κησις, επιτήδευσις, επιτήδευμα. Cunning, πανούργος, σύφος, δεινός κερδώος, αλωπός. sub. πανουργία, δολοφροσύνη, σόφισμα, δεινότης. Cunningly, πανουργώς, δολοφρόνως κερδαλέως. a Cup, κρατήρ, δέπας, έκπωμα, κύ- πελλον, ποτήρ'ον, κύλιξ, κυλίκων, κοτύλη. a gold-edged Cup, χρυσένδετον έκ- πωμα. a Cup-bearer, οινοχόος. Cupboard, άβαξ. over the Cup, επϊ τής κύλικος. to serve Cups, οινοχοεύω. Curable, ιάσιμος, ιατρευτός, ευθερά- πευτος. to Curdle, πήσσω, πηγνύω or -υ μ ι, τυρόω' θρομβόω. a Cure, ιάσις, ιατρεία, άκεσις, θε- ραπεία. to Cure, ιάομαι, ιατρεύω, ακέομαι, εξακέω, θεραπεύω, αλθαίνω, εξυγι- αίνω. Curious, φιλειδήμων. Curiously, κατασπουδασμένως, περι- έργως. a Curl, κίκιννος, πλοκάμη, στροφός, λιχος. Cruelly, ωμώς, απηνώς, χαλεπώς. Cruelty, ωμότης, απι}νεια. a Cruet, property for vinegar, οξϊς, οξύβαφον, εμβάφων. a Crumb, ψϊξ, ψίχιον, ψώμισμα, επίτριμμα. to Crumble, πρασψήχω, προστρίβω, επιτρίβω, επιθραύω. a Crumbling, επίτριψις, πρδστριψις. a Crust, πλάξ, όστρακον. βόστρυχος. to Curl, ουλόω, βοστρυχίζω. Curled or Curly, ούλος, ουλόθριξ βεβοστρυχωμένος, β ο στ ρυ χωθείς, κικίννοις κεκοσμημένος. a Curling or crisping pin, καλά μϊς, καλλυντήρων or -τρον. a Current, ροή. See Stream. a Curse, αρά, κατάρα, επάρα, ανά- θημα. to Curse, καταράομαι, αράς ποιέομαι. τεύχομαι . Cursed, κατάρατος, επάρατος, αρά. ενεχόμενος. Custom, έθος, τρόπος, συνήθεια. by or according to Custom, παρά τό έθος, κατά το πάτριον έθος, κατά τά πάτρια, κατά τό ειωθός. an established Custom, καθεστη- κώς τρόπος. it has been the Custom, νενόμισ- ται. a Cut, part or piece, τμήμα, τόμων, κόμμα. a Cut, or gash, τομή, σχίσμα, σχίσις, ρωγμή, διακοπή, τμήσις. to Cut, τέμνω, κόπτω, σχίζω. to Cut asunder, διακόπτω, κατα- ρήγνυμι. to Cut down, υποτέμνω, νποκόπτω, επικόπτω. to Cut off or from, αποκόπτω, εκ- κόπτω, αποτέμνω, εκτέμνω. (16) DAN to Cut off the extremities, nepi κόπτω, εκκόπτω, περιτέμνω, περί• κείρω, αποκείρω. to Cut off or destroy, αναιρέω, κα- θαιρέω ,αποκτείνω , διαφϋείρω,αφα νίζω. to Cut round, περικόπτω, περιτέμ- νω. to Cut short or decide, διαλύω or -ouai. to Cut short life, απορριίγνυμι rbs βίον. to Cut through, διατέμνω, διασχίζω, διαρρήγνυμι. to Cut up, κατακόπτω, κατατέμνω, ανασχίζω. to Cut in two, διχοτομέω. Cut, τμηθεις, τετμημένος, κεκομμένος, επικοπείς. Cut off,• εκτετμημένος. See to Cut off Cut off untimely, προ ίάρας αναρ- πασθείς. Cut short, μεσολαβηθείς. See to Cut short. Cut up, διασχισθεϊς, διχοτομηθείς. a Cutler, μαχαιροποιός. a Cut purse, ζωνιστόμος, βαλάντιο• τόμος. a Cutter, τομείς. a Cutting, a shred, απόκομμα. a Cutting, απότομη, αποκοπή, έκτμη- σις. a Cuttle fish, σηπία, τευθις, τεύθος. Cylindrical, στρογγυλός. a Cymbal, κύμβαλον. to beat the Cymbal, κνμβ .λίζω. Cypress, κυπάρισσος. D. τφόδελος, the white Daffodil θερικός. a Dagger, εγχειρίδιον, ξιφίδιον, κο- πϊς, δόλων. Daily, b καθ' ημέραν, ημιρινος, εφη- μερινός, επούσως• adv. καθ' ικά- στην ημέραν, οσήμεραι. Dainty, λίχνος. Daintiness, λιχνεία, φιλοψία, oipo- φαγία. a Dam, γενέτειρα. Damage, βλάβη, ζημία. to pay Damages, αντεμβάλλω. Damages, see Penalty. a Dance, χορεία, όρχησις, χορός. to Dance, ορχέομαι, χορεύω, περιχο- ρεύω. a Dancer, ορχηστής, άλτικός' ορχή- στρια, ορχηστρίς. Danger, κίνδυνος, κινδύνενμα. to be in Danger, εν κινδύνοις ειμί. to be out of Danger, έξω or πόρ^ιω των κίνδυνων ειμί. to escape Danger, διαφεύγω κίνδν- νον. m or with Danger, επικινδύνως, επισφαλώς. without Danger, ακινδύνως, ασφα- λώς. Dangerous, επικίνδυνος, κινδννώδης, επισφαλής. DEA DEC DEL to Dare, τολμάω, θαρρέω, θαρσίω. Dark, σκοτεινός, σκοτώδης, γνοψώδης, ασέληνος, αφώτιστος, άμοιρος φω- τός. to Darken, σκοτόω, σκοτίζω, ζοφόω, επιζοφόω, αμανρόω. Darkness, σκότος, σκοτία, γνόφος, ζό- φος, έρεβος, αχλύς. a Dart, ακόντων, δόρυ, γρόσφος, , πίλος, γαισός. a Dart's throw, ακόντισμα. to Dart, ακοντίζω. a Darter, ακοντιστής. to Dash against, προσκρούω, προσ- κόπτω, προσβάλλω, προσάγνυμι, καταφέρω, επάγω, επιρήγνυμι. to Dash tog-ether, συμβάλλω, συγ- κρούω. Dadied against, προσβληθείς. a Dashing together, συγκρουσμός, πρόσρηξις. to Daub, υπαλείφω, νποχρίω. to Daub all over, περιχρίω. Daubed over, περιχριθείς. a Daughter, θνγάτηρ, παΐς, dim. θυγάτριον, το παιδίον Θήλυ. a Daughter-in-law, ναός-, ενι-υός. the Dawn, δείλη εωα or πρωΐα, κνέ- φας, 'έως, and ηώς poet. at Dawn, 'άμα r^ ημέρα, υπό την εω, εις εω. before Dawn, όρθρος, προεώρινος. Dawning, αμφίλυκος, λυκαυγής. it Dawns, εγγίζει ημέρα. a Day, ημέρα, ημαρ, dim. ημερί- δων. the Day long, -ανήμερων. a court Day, ένδικος or δικάσιμος ημέρα. a set Day, ημέρα τεταγμένη or απο- τεταγμένη. by Dav, μεθ' ημέραν, δι' ημέρας. every Day, καθ' ημέραν. on the next Day, tq υστεραία. this Day, σήμερον or τήμερον. up to this Day, μεχρΙ τής τήμερον ημέρας. the whole Day long, Όλην την ημέ- ραν. of a Day, ημερόβιος. bringing Day, φωσφόρος, ίωσφόρος. Daybreak, περίοηθρον, λυκαυγές. by Daybreak, υπό την πρώτην εω, άμα εω, άμα ημέρα, υπολαμπούσης ημέρας. a Daybook, εφημερίς. three Days, τριημερία. to Dazzle, αμβλύνω. a Deacon, διάκονος. Dead, νεκρός, αποθανών, άψυχος. half Dead, ημιθανής, ημιθάνων. to strip 'he Dead, νεκροσυλέω. Deadly, θανάσιμος, θανατηφόρος, θανατώίης, καίριος' ολέθριος, πανώ- λεθρος, φθαρτικός. Deaf, κωφός, ανήκοος. to sing• to the Deaf, κωφοίς λέγω. to be Deaf, κωφόομαι. to grow Deaf, εκκωφόομαι. Deafish, υπόκωφος, δυστήκοος. Deafness, κώφωσις, κωφότης, ανη- κοία, δυστηκοΐα. to Deal, καπηλεύω, αγοράζω. a Dealer, αγοραστής. a Dealing, καπηλεία, αγυρασμός. Dear, πολύτιμος, έντιμος' προσφιλής, αγαπητός- 3 Dearly, πολυτίμως' αγαπητώς,ερασ- μίως. Dearness, πολντιμία. Dearth, σιτοδεία, ασιτία, σπανοσιτία. Death, θάνατος, μοίρα, πότμος, φόνος, η του βίου τελευτη or κατάλυσις. eternal Death, θάνατος αιώνιος. deserving Death, φόνου άξιος. to put one's self to Death, αναιρέω or κατεργάζομαι εαυτόν. a Debate, αμφισβήτησις, διάγνωσις. to Debate, αμφισβητέω, διακρίνο- μαι. , to Debauch, διαφθείρω or καταισ- χύνω την γυναίκα, φθείρω, λωβάο- δαι' μοιχεύω. 'ebauchee, φθορεύς, διακορευτής, μοιχευτής. Debauched, διαφθαρείς' άσωτος, απονενοημένος. Debauchery, διαφθορά, φθορά. a Debauching, διακόρησις. μοιχεία- a Debt, οφείλημα, χρέος, δάνεισμα. to forgive a Debt, οφείλημα αφίημι. to pay a Debt, οφείλημα διαλύω. sunk in Debt, νπόχρεως. a Debtor, οφειλέτης, χρεώστης. to Decant, μεταχέω. Decay, μάρανσις, μαρασμός, σήψις, τήξις' φθίσις, φθοη. ατροφία. to Decay, μαραίνομαι, τήκομαι, συν- τήκομαι' ατροφέω, φθίνω' παρακ- μάζω. Decayed, σαπρός, μαρασμώδης. Decease, see Death. to Decease, αποθνήσκω, α-ογίγνο- μαι, αποίχομαι, τελευτάω, τελέω or καταλύω τον βίον, νπερεκχορέω του βίου, απολύομαι του ζην. Deceased, see Dead. Deceit, δόλος, πανουργία, απάτη. without Deceit, αδόλως. Deceitful, δολερός, δόλιος, ψευδής, απατηλός, απατητικός, σοφιστικός. Deceitfully, δολερώς, απατηλώς, σο- φιστικές. to Deceive, εξαπατάω, δολόω, ψεύδο- μαι, σφάλλω, φενακίζω, παράγω. a Deceiver, σοφιστής, ψενστής. December , ποσειδεών. Decent, πρέπων, ευπρεπής, επιεικής, δέων. Decently, προσηκόντως, πρεποντώς, κατά το πρέπον, καθηκόντως, ευπρε- πώς. Deception, δόλος, απάτη, ψευδός*. to Decide, διαδικάζω, διακρίνω.. a Decision, διάκρισις, διαδικασία•* to Decimate, αποδεκατόω. a Deck, κατάστρωμα, σανιδώμα, πι- νάκωσις. to Declaim, λογοποιέω, φωνασκέω, ρητορεύω. a Declaimer, λογοποώς, φωνασκός. Declamation, λογοποάα. a Declaration, εκδήλωσις. to Declare, απαγγέλλω, καταγγέλ- λω' εκφαίνω, αποφαίνω, εμφανίζω, δηλόω, μηνύω. to Decline, απολέγομαι, αποδοκιμά- ζω' αποδιδράσκω. a Declivity, καταφέρεια, κατάβασις, καταβαθμός. Decoration, καλλώπισμα. a Decree, ψήφισαα. δόγμα, rb βε- βουλενμένον, τό δοκούν. Decrepit, ίπεργήοως, εσχατογήοως. (Π) to Dedicate, καθιερόω, ίερεύω, αφθ' σιόω. a Dedication, ανάθεσις, ανιέρωσίί, καθιέρωσις. a Deed, έργον. Deep, βαθύς, άβυσσος. the Deep, βαθός, θάλασσα, χαΰνον Deeply, βαθέως. a Deer, δορκας. to Defame, see Slander. Defence, ΰπεράσπισμος, επιτροπή προστασία, συνηγορία, δικαιολογία. a Defence, έρυμα, εχύρωμα, σταύρω- μα, πρόβλημα' απόλυγυς, απολογία, απολόγημα. to Defend, διασώζω, αμύνω, αμύνομαι, υπερασπίζω' προπολεμέω,προμάχο- μαι, απαλλάττω των συμφορών. a Defendant, δ φεύγων, δ αιτίαν έχων, δ απολογού μένος, δ εν αιτία ων, ένοχος, υπαίτιος, υπόδικος. a Defender, υπερασπιστής, πρόβολος, αμύντωρ. to Defer, αναβάλλω, αναβάλλομαι, ανατίθημι εις ύστερον, διαφέρω, προτείνω. a Deferring, αναβολή, υπέρθεσις, υπερημερία. Defiance, πρόκλησις. a Deficiency, έλλειμα, έλλειψις. Deficient, εκλιπής. ελλιπής. to Defile, βεβηλόω, μιαίνω. to Deform, αμαυρόω, ατιμάζω, άμορ- φον ποίέω. Deformed, άμορφος, άσχημων* Deformity, αμορφία. to Defy, προκαλέω εις αγώνα or μά χην, ερεθίζω. Degeneracy, εκτροπή. to Degenerate, εξίσταμαι or κατα- πίπτω από του γένους, εκτρέπομαι. to that Degree, ούτω, ούτως, εις το- σούτον. by Degrees, ηρέμα, ακροθιγώς, ατρέ- μας' κατά μικρόν, επί βραχύ. to Deify, αποθεόω. Delay, αναβολή, ανάβλησις, νπέρθε- σις, υπερημερία, εκχρόνισις' δια- τριβή, μονή. κατοχή. to Delay, αναβάλλω and -ομαι, παρ- εκτείνω' διαμέλλω. βραδύνω, δηθύ- νω, χρονίζω, εγχρονίζω' διατρίβω, διατριβήν ποιέομαι,ανέχω, κατέχω. without Delay, ανυπερθέτως, αμελ- λητί. to Deliberate, συμβουλεύω, βουλεύο- μαι, σκέπτομαι. Deliberating, συμβουλευτικός. Deliberation, σνμβούλευσις, σνμβού- λενμα. Delicacy, μαλακότης, μαλακία, απα- λότης, αβροσύνη, αβρότης, τρυφή, στρήνος. Delicate, αβρός, τρυφεροί, μαλακός, απαλός, θηλνδρίας, θηλυδριώδης, εκτεθηλυομένος. to make Delicate, διαμαλάσσω, α- ποθηλύνω, εκθηλύνω. to be or grow Delicate, μαλακιάω, μαλάσσομαι, μαλακύνομαι, αποθη- λύνομαι, εκθηλύνομαι. Delicately, άβρώς, τρυφερώς, μαλα κώς, πραώς, γυναικωδώς. Deligl t, ευφροσύνη, τερπνότης, τερ- πωλή, τέρψις, ψυχαγωγία. ίο Delight, ευφραίνω, τέρπω, ηδω, εν ηδοντ) eiui. DEB, DES DIG Delightful, τερπνός, ενθαλής, αβρός, τρυφερός. to Deliver, απαλλάττω, λυτρόυμαι, ελευθερόω, απολύω, περισώζω. to Deliver ιιρ,παοαδίδωμι,εγχειρίζω. to Deliver a woman, μαιεύομαι. Delivered, άφετος, αφεθείς, ελυτρω- θεϊς, εξαιρεθείς, περισωθείς. a Deliverer, ελευθερωτή;, λυτρωτής. a Delivery, ελευθέρωσις, άφεσις, λύ- τρωσις. a Deluge, κατακλυσμός. a Demagogue, δημηγόρος, εκκλη- σιαστής. a Demand, απαίτησις, αίτημα, αξίω- μα. to Demand, curf ι .•, προσαιτέω,αξιόω, επαξιόω. κατά έομαι. to Demand ba< κ, απαιτέω, εξαιτέω. a Demur, ανα(τολή. to Demur, ανι βάλλομαι. See De- lay. a Den, φώλεο . a Denial, apvr, σις,απάρνησις, εξάρνη- σις, απόφαο ς. a Denier, άπι ρνος, έξαρνος. a Denier, a r tin. δηνάριον. to Denote, α^οο,/μαίνω, σημειόομαι• to Denounce, κακαγγέλλω. to Deny, αρνίομαι, απαρνέομαι. εξαρ- νέομιι, εξαρνό; ειμί or γίνυμαι, ατϊέπω. απονεύω, ανανενω. to Depart, die, απαλλάττομαι. to Depart, εκχωρέω, αποχωρέω, οίχομαι, άττειμι, απέρχομαι, αφίσ- ταμαι. a Departure, χώρησις, αποχώοησις, αναχώρησις, παραχώρησις , εκχώρη- σις. έκβασις, παρέκβασις, άφιξις, ατιέλευσις, αποδιήλυσις, διάλυσις, απόιτημα, απόστασι;, απαλλαγή. to Depend upon, ενισχυρίζομάι, επε- ρείδομαι. Depeudance, θεραπεία, πελατεία. a Dependant, θεριπευτής, πελάτης. Depending on, πεποί#ώ?,Γεθ ιρ^η-ώς. it Depends upon us, εφ' ήμΐν εστί. to Deplore, αποδνρομαι, αποκλαίω, δ^κρύω. ολοφίρομιπ. καταθρηνέω- Deplorable, ολοψυρτέος. Deplored, κατοδνρ3είς. to Deposit, κατατίθεμαι. a Depot, λογιστήριον. to Deprave, διαφθείρω, διαστρέφω. Depraved, κακός, πονηρός, φαύλος, διεφθαρμένος. DepravedSy, πονηρως, στρεβλώς. Depravity, κακία, πονηρία, φαυλό- της' παρατροπή. διαστροφή. to Depress, υπιρβαρύνω, καταβρίθω. Deprivation, αφαίρεσις, στέρησις, αποστέρησις. to Deprive, αφαιρέφ σε τούτο or από σου τοντο, στερέω. Depth, βάθος, βένθος, βαθύτης, το βαθύ. to Depute, αντικαθίστημι. a Deputy, b αμοιβαίος, ανθύπατος. to be a Deputy, αντικαθίσταμαι. Io Deride, σκώπτω,αποσκώπτω, επι- οκώπτω, σαρκάζω, χλευάζω, επι- χλευόζω, μυκτηρίζω, καταγελάω, επιγελάω, κατιλλώπτω, εγκατιλ- λώπτω, κωμι>)δέω, επικωμωδέω. a Derider, χλευαστής, μώκος. Derision, χλενασία, χλευασμός, δια- συρμός, καταγέλως. to Descend, καταβαίνω, κατέρχομαι, καταδύω. a Descent, καταβάσις, καταβαθμός. to Describe, απογράφω, διαγράφω, διατυπόω. a Describer of places, χωρύγραφος. Description, διαγραφή, περιήγησις. Description of places, χωρογραψία. Desert, αξία, άξιον, μισθός. a Desert, έρημος, ερημιά. to Desert, καταλείπω, απολείπω, αφί- ημι,μεθίημι' αυτομολέω, διαφεύγω. Deserted, απολελειμένος. a Deserter on land, αυτόμολος, λει- ποτάκ77]ς. λειπ αταξίας, πρύσφυξ' αϊ sea, λειπόνεως. Desertion, κατάλειψις' αυτομολία, αποστασία. to Deserve, άξιος ειμί, μισθοφορέω. Deservedly, αξίως, επαξίως, κατ αξίαν, εικότως. Deserving,a£io?, επάξιος, αξιοπρεπής. Designedly, εκ προνοίας or προαιρέ- σεως, προκρίτως' εξ επιτηδους. Desirable, επιθυμητός, επιπόθητος, πβθεινός, επήριτος,α'ίρετος , α'ιρητίος, ευκτός, ευκτέος, ευχής άξιος. Desirably, κατ' ευχήν. Desire, όρεξις, ορμή, επιθύμησις, επι- θυμία, πόθος, επιπόθησις' α'ίρεσις, ευχή, εκλογή. a Desire seized — , επιθυμία ήν. to burn with Desire, σφύζω. to Desire, ποθέω, επιποθέω, επιθυ- μέω, προθυμέομαι , ορέγομαι, επιτεί- νομαι, εφίεμαι, ομάω, Ιμείρω, μαι- μάω, γλίχομαι, εράω' εύχομαι, επενχομαι, έλδομαι. Desirous, επιθυμών, [μειρομένοςτ to Desist, λήγω, απολήγω, αφίστημι. a Desk, αβακίον, ψηφίδων, τραπέ- ζιον κίστη, κιστίς, κιβώτιον. to Desolate, ερημόω. χηρόω. Desolation, ερήμωσις, πόρθησις' δεν- δροτομή. Despair, απόγνωσις, ανελπιστία. in Despair, ανελπίστως. to Despair, απογινώσκω, απελπίζω, αθυμέω,αθυμώς έχω or διάγω, δυσ- θυμέω, δυσθυμώϊ έχω, επικλάομαι ττ) γνώμη, αλ'υω,εκκακέω, αδημονέω. Despaired of; απελπισθείς, απεγνωσ- μένος. Despicable, ευκαταφρόνητος, ολιγω- ρητέος, ολιγωρηθείς. Despicably, ευκαταφρονητικώς, αμε- λητί. to Despise, καταφρονέω, παροράω, υπεροράω, ολιγωρέω, ολιγωρώς έχω, περϊ ολίγου ποιέομαι, εν αισ- χύνη or εν αισχρρ τίθημι, εκφαυλί- ζω, εξουθενίζω, αθερίζω, ευτελίζω. a Despiser, καταφρονητής, ολίγωρος. to Despond, αθύμο)ς διάκειμαι, απο- λέγομαι την ψυχήν, απονενοημέ- νως έχω. a Dessert, επιφόρημα, τράγημα,τρω- Ϊάλια. )estine, μείρω, περατόω. Destitute, άκληρος, απόκληρος, άμοι- ρος' of children, άτεκνος, άπαις' of parents, ορφανός. a Destitute state, ορφάνια, ατεκνία. to make Destitute, αποστερέω, op- taviCu). e Destitute, ορφανίζομαι. to Destroy, καταστρέφομαι, καταβάλ- (18) λω, ανατρέπω, καταλύω' αναιρέω, πέρθω, εκπέρθω,δηϊόω, πορθέω, ερη- μόω, ανάστατους ποιέω, ολέθρω π *- ραδίδωμι' λυμαίνομαι, απολλυμι, διαφθείρω. Destroyed, ανάστατος, καταβληθείς, ερημωθείς, καθαιρεθείς, λυμανθείς. a Destroyer, πορθητής, καθαιρετής, ανατροπέας' λυμαντήρ, λυμάντειρα. Destruction, ανατροπή, καταβολή, ανάστασις, καθαίρεσις. αλωσις' όλε- θρος, πανωλεθρία, εξώλεια, φθορά. Destructive, πανώλεθρυς, ολέθριος, δελητήριος, θανάσιμος. to Detain, επέχω, κατέχω. Determination, διάλυσις, διάκοψις to Determine, προορίζω, αποτάττω διανοέομαι. Determined,, αποτεταγμένος, προω ρισμένος' διαλυθείς. it is Determined, δέδοκται. Devastation, see Desolation. to Deviate, παρακλίνω, εκτρέπομαι, παρεκτρέπομαι, παρεκβαίνω. See io Digress. the Devil, διάβολος, σατανάς. to Devise, προσπλάττω, προσεπι- πλάττω, προσποιέομαί. to Devote, προπλέω, προτελίζω, αφιερύω. to be Devoted to, δουλεύω. a Devotee, ζηλωτής. to Devour, κατεσθίω, καταφύγω, αποτρώγω, βρώσκω. half Devoured, ήμίβρωτος. Devouring, πολυψάγος, παμφάγος. Dew, έρση, δρόσος' ψεκάς. Dewy,£j^a7os, δροσερός, πολύδροσος, a sun Dial, ώρολόγιον ηλιακόν. a Dialect, διάλεκτος. a Dialogue, διάλογος. Diameter, διάμετρος. Diametrically, εκ διαμέτρου. Diamond, αδάμας. of Diamond, αδαμάντινος. Diana, Άρτεμις. a Diary, εφημερις, εφήμερον. to play at Dice, κυβεύω, αστραγαλί- ζω, πεττενω. playing at Dice, αστραγάλισις. a Dictator, δικτάτωρ. Dictatorship, δικτάτωρος αρχή. to Die, θνήσκω, αποθνήσκω, τελευ- τάω, εκπνέω, αποψύχω, οίχομαι, οίχω or οιχέω ,αποίχομαι ,απαλλάτ- τω, τον βίον αλλάττω or καταλύω or απολέγομαι, άπειμι του βίου. to Die away, εκθνήσκω. to Die along with, συναποθνήσκω. to Die for or over, εναποθνήσκω, επι- θνήσκω. a Die ίο play with, κύβος, αστράγα- λος, π εττεία, πεσσός. a Die or colour, βαφή, βάμμα, χρώ- σις. to Die, βάπτω, χρώζω. a Dier, βαφεύς. to Differ, διαφέρω, απέχω. Difference, διαφορά, διάκρισις, διαλ- λαγή, παράλλαξις, ετερότης' ανο- μοιότης, αναρμοστία. Different, διάφορος, αλλοΐος, ετεροίος, εναντίας' ανάρμοστος, ασνμφωνος. to Dig, νύττω, σκαλίζω, ορύττω, σκάπτω. to Dig down, κατορύττω, κατασκά.* • τω. DIS DIS DIS to Dig round, περωρύττω, περισκάπ- τω. to Dig up, δωρύττω, διασκάπτω, προσορύττω. to D:g up or out of, ανορυττω. a Digger, σκαπτήρ, ορυκτήρ. a Digging, ορνγμα, διωρυχή' about, περισκαφή, περιόρυξις. Dignity, αξία, αξιοπρέπεια. to Digress, παρεκβαίνω, αποπλανάο- μαι, της υποθέσεως αποπλανάω, εξώ του σκοποί) ερέω. a Digression, παρέκβασις, κατα- δρομή. Diligence, σπουδή, επιμέλεια, ακρί- βεια, ενδελέχεια. Diligent, σπουδαίος, σπουδαστικός, επιμελής. to be Diligent, σπουδήν έχω. Diligently, μετά σπουδής, επιμελώς, ακριβώς, προς ακρίβειαν, εκ προ- νοίας, εξεπίτηδες. Diluted, υδαρής, διακλυσθείς. to Diminish, ελαι-τ-όω, σμικρύνω, μειόω, ελάττονα ποιέω. Diminution, ελάττωσις,μείωσις, λέπ- τυνσις. Dimness of sight, αμαύρωσις, αμ- βλυωπία. to Dine, αριστάω, άριστον ποιέομαι. a Dining room, ανακλιντήριον. Dinner, άριστον. to give Dinner, αριστίζω, αριστο- ποιέω. Dinnerless, ανάριστος. to Dip into, εμβάπτω. to Direct, ευθύνω, οικονομέω. to Direct towards, διευθύνω. a Director, διοικητής, επιμελητής, επόπτης, επιστάτης, κυβερνήτης, κυ- βερνήτειρα. a Dirge, θρήνος, θρηνψδία, επικήδιος μονωδία. Dirt, αυχμός, ρύπος, ρύπασμα, ευρώς, άση, σπιλος, σπίλωμα. Dirt of the ears, κυψέλη. Dirtily, ρνπαρώς. Dirtiness, αισχρότης, ακαθαρσία, αλουσία, μίασμα. Dirty, αυχαηρός, αυχμου πλέως, ρυ- παρός, γλισχρός, ακάθαρτος' μια- ρός, ανελεύθερος' άλυυτος, άνιπ- ιος. in Dirty dress, ρύπων, αυχμηρός, αυχμώδης. to Dirty, μιαίνω. καταμιαίνω. to be Dirty, βυπάω, σπιλόομαι, ρυ- παίνομαι. to Disagree, αντιγνωμονέω. διαφω- νέω , διαφέρομαι , αψίσταμαι , διΐστα- μαι, στασιάζω- Disagreeable, αηδής, ατερπής δεινό;, βαρύς, χαλεπό;. Disagreeably, βαρέως, δυσχερώς. χαλεπώς. Disagreement, διαφορά, διάστασις, διαφωνία, διχόνοια, όιχοστ σία. to Disappoint, ψεύδομαι, εξαπατάω, αποτυγχάνω. to be Disappointed, αποτυγχάνω or ψεύδομαι τής ελπίδος. Disappointment, απότευξις, από- τευγμα, απάτη. Disapprobation, αποδοκιμασία, αθέ- τησις. to Disapprove of, αποδοκιμάζω, αθεοίζω; εκφαυλί^. Disapproved, αδόκιμος, άθετος. to Disarm, αφοπλίζω, εναρίζω. to Disband, αποζωννύω, αφ'ιημι. Disbanded, απεζωσμένος, αφειμένος. Disbelieving, απιστήσας. a Discharge, απώθησις, άφεσις, από- πεμψις, αποπομπή, διάλυσις, απε- λευθέρωσις. a Discharge of humours, κατάρ- ροο'ς, αποστάςις, έκκρισις' of α stream, καταρροή. Discharge of duty, ενεργεία, επιτε- λείωσις. to Discharge, διαλλάττω, αφίημι, ανίημι, απελευθερόω' απολύω, απο- γινωσκω, αποψηφίζομαι. to Discharge, run or flow, απορρέω, ποορ'ρέω. to Discharge an office, απαλλάττο- μαι του καθήκοντος, άρχω or αρ- χήν άρχω. to Discharge a dutij, τα καθήκοντα αποτ ελέω, πράττω τό προσήκον, επι- τελέω. Discharging, προρ'ρέων. Discharged, άφετος, ελευθερωθείς. one Discharged, δ υπέρ τον κατά- λογον. to Disclaim, απέπω, εξόμνυμι, αποτί- θεμαι. to Disclose, γνωρίζω, καταγορεύω, ανακαλύπτω, αποφαίνω. to Discolour, άχρουν ποιέω. Discoloured, άχροος, δύσχροος. to Discord, διαφωνέω, απάδω. Discordant, απψδός, απηχής, άρρυθ- μος, εκμελής. to Discount, αργυρεύω. a Discounter, τραπεζίτης. to Discourage, αποτρέπω, αποκαλέω, μεταπείθω. Discouragement, αποτροπή. Discourse, λόγος, ρήσις, έκφρισις. a Discourse, διαλογισμός, διάλεξις. to Discourse, διαλέγομαι, ποιέομαι λόγον, διεξίημι περϊ — . to Discover, show, επισημαίνω, δη- λόω, φανερόω' fnd out, εξυρίσκω, καταλαμβάνω, επίσταμαι σαφώς. Discovered, φανερωθείς, αποκεκα- λυμμένος. a Discovery, έκφανσις, εξαγόρευσις. Disdain, απαξίωσις, καταφρόνησις' ανορεξία. to Disdain, απαξιόω, αποστρέφομαι, αγανακτέω. Disdainful, υπεροπτικός, καταφρονη τικός' δύσκολος. Disdainfully, Ιπερυπτικώς. Disease, νόσος, νόσημα. a Disgrace, όνειδος, αίσχος, αισχρό- της. αισχύνη, ύβρις' κακία, ατιμία, δυσφημία, αδοξία, απρεπεία, ακοσ- μία. to brand with Disgrace, στηλιτεύω, άτιμον ποιέω. to fall into Disgrace, τυγχάνω κακοδοξίας. to hold in Disgrace, εν αισχύνη or αισχρΊ τίθημι. to Disgrace, αισχύνω, καταισχύνω, καθυβρίζω, ατιμάζω, ατιμάω, ατι- μόω. Disgraceful, ονείδιστος, επονείδιστος, ονειδιστικός' άσχημων, αισχρός, άτιμος, άδοξος, δυσκλεής. Disgracefully, αισχρώς. ( 19 ) a Dish, τάλαντον, πίναξ, πιναιάς, πινακίδων, πινακίσκος, τρυβλίον, παροψϊς, λεκάνη, λεκανών, λόπας. Dishonourable, άτιμος, άσχημων, αισχρός, ακαλλής, άκοσμος. Dishonourably, ατίμως, αισχρώς, ασχημόνως. Dishonoured, ατίμητος, άτιμος. to Disinherit, αποκληρόω, απέπω τόν υιόν. Disinherited, απόκληρος, αδωροδόκη- a Disinheriting, αποκλήρωσις. to Dislike, ου θέλω, ου βούλομαι. to Dislocate, εξαρθρόω. Dislocated, εξηρθρωμένος. Dislocation, εξάρθρησις, παράρθρη- σις. to Dismiss, αποπέμπω, αφίημι. a Dismissal, απόπεμψις. Disobedience, απείθεια, αναπειθία, ανηκουστία, παρακοή, αυθάδεια. Disobedient, απειθής, απήκοος, αν θάδης. Disobediently, αυθαδώς. Disorderly, άτακτοι, ασνντακτος, αδιάτακτος, ακαλλώπιστος' adv. ατάκτως, μή ακριβώς. to Disparage, εκψ.ιυλίζω, ατιμάζω αισχύνω, κακολογέω , διασύρω. to Dispatch, διαπράττομαι, διάγω, μετάγω, διατελέω. to Disperse, διωθέω, διελαϋνω. Dispirited, δύσθυμος. to Display, εμφαίνω, επιφαίνω, προ- φαίνω, εμφανίζω, δηλόω, αποδείκ- νυμι, εκδείκνυμι. προσαποδείκνυμι. to Displease, απαρεστέω,δυσαρεστέω. to Dispose, διατιθημι, καθίστημι, καθίζω, εγκαθιδρεύω. Disposed, διατεταγμένος, ευδιάθετος. Disposition, θίσις, τάξις, διάθεσις, διάταξις. the Disposition, φίσις, ήθος, φύη• πάθος, πάθημα, Βρμή, φρόνημα. a good Disposition, ευφυΐα. a Dispute, έρις, νεΊκος, φιλονεικία, αμφιλογία' αμφισβήτησις, αμφισ~ βήτημα. to Dispute, αγωνίζομαι, επαναγωνί- ζομαι' ερίζω, λοιδορέω, επιμέμφο- μαι' διαδικάζομαι, αμφισβητέω. Disputing, εριστικός, φιλόνεικος. to Disregard, αφροντιστέω. εκφαυ- λίζω, ατιμάζω. Disrespect, αναίδεια, αναισχυντη- λία. Disrespeclfuily, αναίδην ιταμώς. to Dissemble, προσποιεομαι, ειρω• νεύω, αποκρύπτομαι. a Dissembler, είρων, προσποιούμε- νος, κρυψίιονς. to Disseminate, διαακεδάννυμι' δί- δωμι λόγους. Dissimulation, ειρωνεία, ειρωνείσις. ίο Dissipate, σπανίζομαι, σκεδάω. Dissolute, άσωτος, ακόλαστος' βωμό- λοχικός. to live Dissolutely, ασώτως (tr ανει- μένως ζάω. to Dissuade, αποτρέπω, παραπείθω. Dissuasion, αποτροπή, αντιλογία. a Distaff, ηλακάτη, σπονδύλων. Distance, διάστημα, διχώρημα, μα' κρότης' διαμονή. at a great Distance, πορρώτατα. Distaat, όιϊστΐάμ&ο$> ακώτψ}$, v%S4} DIV DOU DRE όριος, μακρύς, χωριζόμενος- χρό- νιος, πολυχρόνιος. Distinct, ευκρινής, διορισθείς. Distinction, διάκρισις, αφορισμός, διορισμός. Distinctly, διωρισμένως. Distinctness of sight, τό οξυδερκές' of voice, ευφωνία' of name, ευ- δοξία. to Distinguish, διαγινώσκω, δια- κρίνω, διιστημι' διορίζω, αφορίζω' επισημαίνω, ενσημαίνω. Distinguished, επισήμων, επίσημος, λάμπρος, επιφανής. to Distort, διαστρέφω, αποστρέφω' κατακάμπτω, στρεβλόω. Distorted, διεστραμμένος, συνεστ ραμ- μένος. ■ Distortion, διαστροφή, στροφή, συσ- τροφή• περιαγωγή. Distracted, ανοϋς, ανόητος, παράνους, παράφρων, φρενήτης. φρενόληπτος, ελαυνόμενος, νυμφολήπτης. to be Distracted, παραφέρομαι, σφάλ- λομαι. Distractedly, ανοήτως. Distraction, παράφορα, άνοια, παρά- νοια, αφροσύνη. to Distribute, δίδωμι, διαδίδωμι, απονέμω. Distribution, δόσις, διάδοσις, νομή. Distrust, απιστία, δυσελπιστία. to Distrust, απιστέω, απελπίζω. Distrusting, απιστήσας. to Disturb, ταράττω, εκταράττω, διαταράττω , συνταράττω , θορυβέω, διαθορυβέω, διοχλέω, παρενοχλίω, συγκινέω, κυκάω. Disturbance, συγκίνησις, τάραχος, όχλησις. See Riot. Disturbed, συγκινηθείς' θολερος, ο- δληρός. isturber, ταρακτής. to Disuse, απεθίζω and -ζομαι, απο- μανθάνω. αηθέω. Disuse, αήθεια, απεθισμός. Disused, αηθής, απειθισμένος. a Ditch, όρυγμα, βόθρος, τάφρος, διώ- ρυξ, λάκκος. to Dive, κυβιστάω, κολυμβάω. a Diver, κυβιστήρ, κολυμβητής. Diversely, ανομοίως. to Divide, μερίζω, διαιρίω εις μέρη. to Divide among, διαμερίζω, απο- νέμω, διανέμω or -μομαι. Divided, διαιρεθείς. a Divider, μεριστής, διανομείς. Divination, μαντεία, χρησμιρδημα, ιεροσκοπία, Ίεροσκοπική, σπλαγχνο- σκοπία' on the hand, χειρομαντεία. Divine, θεως, θεσπέσιος, δΙΌς• by Divine impulse, κατά θεόν. to Divine, μαντεύω or -τεύομαι,χρησ- μψδέω, οιωνοσκοπέω, οιωνίζομαι' διαστοχάζομαι. Divinely, θεόθεν, ονρανόθεν. a Diviner, μάντις, χρησμολόγος, Ιεροσκόπος, σπλαγχνοσκόπος, οιω- νοσκόπος, οιωνοπόλος, ονειροπόλος, ονειροκρίτης' on the hand, χειρό- μαντις. Divinity, θειότης, τό θείον, δαιμό- νων. Divisible, διαιρετός, διχοτόμος. a Division, διαίρεσις, μερισμός. a Division among, διανομή, διάδο- σις, avaoa&uog- a Divorce, απόλυσις, απόπεμι^ις, αποπομπή. a biH of Divorce, αποστασίον, βί- βλων αποστασίου. to Divorce, αποπέμπομαι γυναίκα. to Divulge, διαλαλέω, εξαγορεύω,κα- ταγορεύω, θρυλλέω, εκθρυλλέω, δη- μεύω , δημοσιεύω , διαφημίζω .εκφέρω . Dizziness, ιλίγξ,περιέλιξις, σκότωμα. Dizzy, σκοτωματικός. to be Dizzy, ιλιγγιάω, σκοτωδινιάω. to Do, ποιέω, δράω, εργάζομαι, πράτ- τω, ενεργέω. to have to Do with, see Have. Docile, ευαγωγός, ευμαθής,ευπειθής, πιθανός. Docility, ευμάθεια, φιλομάθεια. a Dock, ναΰσταθμον. a Doctor, ιατρός, ακεστής, θεραπευ- τής, ιατροτέχνης. a Doctor of laws, γραμματεύς. a Dog, κύων. of or Tike a Dog, κυνικός, κυνειος. the Dog star, σείριος. the Dog days, αϊ αμφί τόν σείριον ημέραι. a Dolphin, δελφίν or δελφίς. a Dolthead, a Jish, κίφαλος, κεφα- λιών. a Dome, περιπέτασμα. Domestic or a Domestic, οικειακός, σύνοικος, εφέστιος, ενέστως, οικο- τρϊψ, οικοτραφής, οικογενής. Dominion, κυριότης, δεσποτεία, κρά- τος, τυραννϊς, αρχή. Done, πεπραγμένος, πραχθείς. having Done, τελέσας, ενεργήσας. must be Done, δε~ι ποιεΊν, ποιητέος. a Door, θύρα, θυρίς, θύρων, Ουρί- διον, θ'υρωμα' πύλη, είσοδος. the back Door, πλαγία or κηπαία θύρα. to slip out by the back Door, 77?" κηπαία αποχωρέω. to break open a Door, θυροκοπέω. from Door to Door, κατά θύρας. the handle of a Door, κορώνη, ρόπ- τρυν. toopen the Door, τήν θύραν ανοίγω. a folding Door, δικλίς. with double or folding Doors, or with two Doors, δίθυρος. a Door-keeper, θυρωρός, πυλωρός, πυλουρός. a Door-post, παραστάς, σταθμός, παρασταθμίς. a Dormouse, μύωξος, ελειός. a Dot, στιγμή, άτομος. to Dot, ν'υττω, κεντέω. Dotage, λήρημα, παραλήρημα, παρα- φροσύνη, παράνοια. a Dotard, χρονόληρος. to Dote, παραφρονέω, ληρέω, παρα- ληρέω, μωραίνω' ανανηπιόομαι. to Dote upon, νπερφιλέω, ερωτομα- νέω, επιμαίνομαι. Doting, παράφρων, παραπλήξ. Dotted, στ'ιγδην. Double, δίδυμος, διττός, διπλόος -ους, διπλάσιος. bearing Double, δίφορος. a Double dealer, ποικιλόμητις. Double-tongued, δίγλωσσος or -ττος, δίλογος. to Double, διπλόω, αναδιπλόω, δι- πλασιάζω, επιδικλασιάζω. a Doubling) διπλασιαομος, ανΌ&ι* (20) πλασιασμός, διδυμότης, επαναδί- πλωσις. Doubly, διττώς, διτταχως, δίχα. Doubt, απορία, ενδοιασμός, αμφιβο- λία, αμφιλογία, αμφισβήτημα. without Doubt, 8μυλογουμένως, αν αμφιβολώς. to excite Doubt, αδηλόω, απορέω, άδηλον ποιέω, εις αμηχανίαν καθι- στή μι. to Doubt, απορέω, διαπορέω, αμφισ- βητέω, ενδοιάζω, διστάζω, αμφι- βάλλω, περιάγω, ίσχομαι, υποπ- τεύω. Doubtful, άπορος, αμφίβολος, αμφισ βητήσιμος, αμφίλογος, αμφίστομος απόκρυφος, δ'υσκριτος, δυσνόητος. Doubtfully, αμφιβόλως, διαπορητι- κώς, αμφισβητήτως. Doubtlessly, αναμφισβητήτως, αναμ- φίδόξως, αναμφιλέκτως. a Dove, φάττος, φάσσα. Down, ίονθος, ίουλος. λάχνη, προγώ- νιον,χνόος -ους' κροκϊς, κνάφαλον- Down or Downwards, κάτω. up and Down, ανώ και κάτω. a Dozen, δυωδεκάς. a Drachm, δραχμή. to Drag, έλκω, ελκύω, σύρω. __ to Drag along, παρέλκω, εφέλκω, καθέλκω. to Drag back, ανέλκω, πάλιν 'έλκω. to Drag out, εξέλκω, εκσύρω. a Drain, οχετεύσις, παραγωγή. to cut Drains, οχετεύω, παροχετεύω. a Draft or swallow, ρόφημα, ρόφησις. for Draught or harness, υποζυγιώ• δης, ζύγιος. to Draw water, &c. αρϋομαι, av- τλάω or -έω. to Draw to one's self, επισύρω, εφέλκω, επισπάω, παραιρέομαι, πα- ρασύρω, παρακινέω. to Draw near, προσεγγίζω. to Draw over, επεισάγω. to Draw asunder, διιστημι. to Draw forth, extend, παρατείνω, επεκτείνω, παρέλκω. to Draw out or from, εξελκύω, εξαι- ρέω, εξάγω, καθελκύω, εφέλκομαι. to Draw out, describe, διαγράφω, καταγράφω, διατυπόω. to Draw a line, γραμμήν άγω. to Draw a sword, γυμνόω or σπάω τήν μάχαιραν, ξιφουλκέω, ξίφος 'έλκομαι. a Drawn sword, γυμνόν ξίφοςι a Drawing, description, κατα- γραφή. a Drawing out, έκτασις. a Dread, φόβος, δέος, δεΊμα, δειλία- σις, θάμβος. to Dread, πτοέομαι, δέος εστί μή — , δειδω περί — , φοβέομαι, εκφοβέο- μαι, περιφοβέομαι, καταφοβέομαι, εκπλήττομαι, επιπλήττομαι, ταράτ- τομαι, θαμβέω, καταθαμβέομαι, δεδίττομαι, φρίττω, επιφρίττω,κα- • ταδείδω, αποδειλίαω. Dreadful, δεινός. a Dream, ενύπνων, όναρ. in a Dream, όναρ or κατ όναρ, καθ' ύπνου. like a Dream, ονειρώδης. to Dream, ονειρώττω, ενυπνιάζω. an explainer of Dreams, ονειροηδ* \ός> DRU EAC EDI explanation of Dreams, ονειροπολία. Dregs, τρνξ, ΰπόστημα, απόκριμα, αποθλίμμα' συρφετός. Dregs of the people, συρφετώδης όχ- λος. Dress, αναβολή. Ιματισμός, στολισμός. a Dress, επίβλημα, ένδυμα, Ίμάτιον. See Garment. a faced Dress or in a faced Dress, πλατ'υσημος, ευπάρυφος,φοινικοπά- ρυφος,χρυσοπάρυφος,περιπόρφυρος. to Dress, ενδ'νω, αμπέχω. αμφιέννυ- μι, περιβάλλω or περιβάλλω ίμά- τιον, Ίματίζω. to Dress out, περιστολίζω, περιστέλ- λω, κόμω, εξασκίω, κομβέω. to Dress food, σΊτον ποιέω. Dressed, αμφιεσμένος, περιβεβλημέ- νος, κεκομημένος, εστολισμένος, στο- λώωσάμενος. Drink, πόσις, πότον, πόμα, πότημα. strong Drink, μέθυ, μέθυσμα. to give Drink to, ποτίζω. to Drink, πίνω. to Drink deeply, διαπίνω,φιλοποτίω. to Drink up, εκπίνω, καταπίνω. to Drink to, προπίνω. to Drink together, σνμπίνω. to Drink water, ύδροποτέω. a Drinker, φιλοπότης, συμπότη*,, προ- πότης. a Drinking bout, πότος, συμπόσιον, η πολλή καί συχνή πόσις. to Drip, στάζω, σταλάζω. a Dripping from the eaves, στα- λαγμός. to Όνινβ,επάγω ,επείγω , ωθέω or ώθω, διωθέομαι, ελαυνω, προσεμβάλλω. to Drive horses, Ίππηλατέω, ηνιο- χε'υω, διφρηλατέω, ελαύνω. to Drive away or from, απωθέω, κατωθέω,εξωθέω, αποκινέω, διακ- ρουω, διώκω, αποδιώκω, αναστέλλω, απελαύνω, εξελαύνω, φυγαδεύω, εξ- είργω . to Drive from another, αμίνω, αλεξέω, ε'ίργω, απείργω. to Drive ouL through, διεξελαΰνω. to Drive round about, περιάγω, κυ- κλόω, περιφέρω. to Drive together, συνελαύνω,συνω- θέομαι. Driven, επακτος, βιασθείς, εισαχθείς, αναγκασθείς' απωσμένος and απε- ωσμένος, Alt. a Driver, ελατήρ, επελάτης, επεμβά- της' κινητής, αγωγεύς, ερεθιστής, οτρυντήρ, κεντώρ. a Driving, ηνιοχεία, άρματηλασία. a Driving out, ελασία, ώθισμος. Droll, χαρίεις, ευτράπελος. Drollery, ευτραπελία, χλευασμός. a Drone, κηφήν. a Drop, σταγών, σταλαγμός, στακ- τη, ρανίς, ψεκάς. to Drop, στάζω, σταλάζω, ψεκάζω μεταλείβω, υπολείβομαι. to Drop upon, ενστάζω, ενσταλάζω επιλείβω. to Drop down or fall, χαμαϊ πίπ τω, καταφέρομαι. a Dropping, σταλαγμός. Drowsiness, λήθαργος. Drowsy, ληθαργικός. a Drug, φάρμακον. a Druggist, φαρμακοκώλης. a Drum> rfyiroVtfiA. to beat the Drum, τυμπανίζω. Drunk or Drunken, πάροινος, μέ- θυσος, οινώδης, οινόληπτος, οινό- φλυξ, κατο^νωμένος' πολυπότης, πο- τικός, μεθυστικός. to be Drunk, μεθίω, υπερμεθ'υσκομαι. Drunkenly, μεμεθυσμένως, μεθνσως. Drunkenness, μέθη, μέθυσμα, οίνω- σις, οινοφλυγία, φιλοινία, φιλοπο- σία, πολυποσία. Dry, ξηρός, αυαλέος, σκελλός, άνικ- μος, αυχμωδής. to make Dry, σκλέω or σκλήμι, σκέλλω, ξηραίνω, αυαίνω, ανχμέω, εξικμάω or -άζω. to grow Dry, σκέλλομαι, ξηραίνομαι, αυαίνομαι. to Dry up, αποξηραίνω, εξαυαίνω, αφαυαίνομαι, απομαραίνομαι. Dryness, ξηρασία, ξηρότης, αναν- σις, αυχμός. Dubious, άπορος, αμφίβολος, αμφισ- βητήσιμος, αμφίλογος. Dubiously, διαπορητικώς, αμφιβό- λως. a Duck, νήσσα or νήττα, βρένθος, dim. νήττιον, νησσάριον. a Duel, μονομαχία. Dug, ορυκτός, διορυχθείς. Dull, αμβλύς• αναίσθητος, βλάξ, μο- γιλάλος. to make Dull, αμβλϋνω, αμαυρόω. to be or grow Dull, αμβλύνομαι, αμβλύς γίνομαι, αμαυρόομαι,αναισ- θητέω, αναισθήτως έχω. Dulness, άμβλυσις, αμβλύτης, αναισ- θησία. Dumb, κωφός, άφωνος, άγλωσσος, άφθογγος. Dung, κόπρος, σκίβαλον. a Dunghill, κοπρών, κοπρ'ια. a Duplicate, δίπλωμα. Durable, αίδιος, διετήσιος. Dusky, ορφναως, μέλας, αμαυρός. Dust, κόνις, κονιορτός. Dutiful, θεραπευτικός, επιμελής. Dutifully, επιμελώς, υπηρετικώς. a Duty, έργον, καθήκον, τα προσή- κοντα. it is your, &c. Duty, καθήκει σοι, νμέτερον εστί, εμόν εστί. to fail in Dut} 7 , προδίδωμι τα καθή- κοντα. to perform a Duty, τά καθήκοντα αποτελέω or ποιέω. a Dwarf, νάνος. Dwarfish, νανώδης. to Dwell, οικέω, ναίω, ναιετάω. to Dwell about, περιοικέω. to Dwell together, εποικέω, συναυ- λίζομαι, συνναίω. to Dwell upon, ενδιατρίβω, εμμένω, εγχρονίζω. a Dwelling at, ενοίκησις. to Dye. βάπτω, εμβάπτω, εγχρώζω. Dying, αποθνήσκων. to beDying, εσχάτως διάκειμαι. Each, 'έκαστος, έΐς 'έκαστος, πας, πας (21) Each other, αλλήλωψ. οι or for Each, ανά. Eager, πρόθυμος, επιθυμητικός, λε• λιημένος, ενεργός, θερμονργός, τα- Eagerly, επιθυμητικώς, ορμητικως, σπουδαιώς, αγωνιστικώς. Eagerness, επιθυμία, προθυμία, σπον δή. an Eagle, αετός. an Ear, ους, ούας. of the Ear, ωτικός. the lap or lobe of the Ear, ωτίον. an Ear of corn, στάχυς, άσταχυς' αθήρ, ανθέριξ. an Earpicker, ωτογλυφίς. long Eared, ωτώεις. an Ear-ring, ενώτων, ελλόβιον. to prick the Ears, ανατείνω του ωτός. to ring in the Ears, επιθρυλλέω τά ώτα, τάς ακοάς περιηχίω. Early, εωθινός,ορθινος, πρώϊνος, πρώι- μος' adv. Ιωθινόν ,πρω'ϊ,εν τω όρθρω. Early ripe, πρόωρος. to Earn, μισθυν φέρω, μισθοφορέω, μισθαρνέω, άξιος ειμί, κερδαίνω. Earnest, αρραβών, ενέχυρον. Earnest, πρόθυμος, σπουδαίος, εκτε- νής, εντενής, έντονος, δραστήριος, δραστικός. in Earnest or Earnestly, συντονώς, διατεταμενως, σπουδαιώς, σπουδΐ)., εν σπουδή. to apply Earnestly, σπουδάζω, ασ- χολέομαι. the Earth, γή, γαία, χθων. Earthborn, γηγενής' βροτός. Earthen, κεράμεος, οστράκινος' πλασ- τός. an Earthen \^55β\,κέραμος.όστρακον. Earthenware, κεράμων, οστράκων. Earthly, γεώδης, επίγειος, εκ γης, επιχθόνιος, χοϊκός or χόϊνος. an Earthquake, γής σεισμός. Ease or Easiness, ραστώνη, ευκολία, ευμαρία. Ease from pain, &c, ανακούφισις, κονφισμός, πράϋνσις. at Ease, ολίγωρος, αφρόντ ιστός, αμέ- ριμνος. to be at Ease, αφροντίστως έχω. to Ease one's self, αποπατέω, αφο- δεύω, χέζω. Easily, {χιδίως, ευκόλως, ευχερώς, προχείρως, ευζώνως. more and most or very Easily, ραον, ραστα. the East, ανατολή, 'έως and poet. ηώς. the East wind, ενρος. Eastern, ανατολικός, εώος, απηλιώ- της. Easy, ραδίος, εύκολος, ευχερής, εν- Ϊαρής, οίος τε. 1&.1, φάγω. εσθίω, βρώσκω, τρώγω. to Eat away, αποτρώγω, καταβι- βρώσκω' κατέδω, εκφάγω. Eatable, εδώδιμος, τρώξιμος, βρώσι• μος. Eating, εδωδή, βρώσις. Ebony, έβενος. Echo, ηχώ. an Eclipse, έκλειψις. an Edge, άκη, ακίς, αιχμή, ακμή ακωκή• οξντης. an Edict, υπογραφή} επίταξις. See Decree. EMB ENC ENT Education, των παίδων αγωγή, ανά- γωγη, εκτροφή, παιδεία' μάθημα, μάθησις. to Educate, ανάγω, εκτρέφω. to Efface, αφανίζω, αποψάω. an Effect, ενέργημα, αποτέλεσμα. to Effect, γει νάω, δήμιου ργέω,ποιέω, διαπράττω or -τυμαι, απεργάζομαι, επιτελέω. Effectual, ενεργής, ενεργητικός. Efficacious, ενεργής, ενεργητικός. Efficacy, ενεργεία, το ενεργητικόν. an Egg, ωόν. to lay Eggs, ωοτοκέω. Eh ? ή ; Eight, όκτω. Eight, times, οκτάκις. Eight hundred, οκτακόσιοι. the Eight hundredth, οκτακοσιοσ- τδς. the Eighth, όγδοος. the Eightieth, ογδοηκοστός. Eighty, ογδοήκοντα. Either, είτε, ήτε, ήκεν. Either, ίκάτερος, Ιπότερος, Βποτεροσ- ο-νν. on Either side, ετέρωθεν, επαμφό- τερα. Elate or Elated, επαρΟείς. the Elbow, αγκών. to Elbow, κυβηίζω. to lean on the Elbow, διαγκωνίζω. Elder, γεραίτερος, πρεσβύτερος. an Elder, πρεσβ'υς. Elecampane, ελένιον. an Election, αρχαιρεσία or -σίαι, χειροτονία' α'ίρίσις. Elegance, καλλώπισμα, λαμπρότης, ευπρέπεια. Elegant, κόσμιος, κεκοσμημένος, κομ- ψός, χαρίεις, περικαλλής, ελλό/ι- μος. Elegantly, εκπρεπως, κοσμίως, χα- ριέντως, επιχαρίτως. an Elegy, έλεγος, ελεγεΧον. an Elephant, ελέφας. of or like an Elephant, ελεφάντινος. to Elevate, ί'ψόω, μετεωρίζω, αίρω. Elevation, ύ-φωσις. Eleven, 'ένδεκα οι ένδεκα. Eleventh, ίνδέκχτος. an Elm, πτελέα. Eloquence, η περί λόγους δεινότης, ευέπεια, ευγλωττία, ευφραδία, λο- γιότης. Eloquent, ευεπής, εύγλ,ω-τος, ευφρά- δης, λόγιος, ελλόγιμος, δυνάμενος or δεινός λέγειν- Eloquently, ευφραδως, λογίως. Elsewhere, αλλαχου, άλλοθε, αλλα- χόσε, αλλαχόθεν, άλλη, ετέρωθι- to Elude, υπ.ιλε'οομαι, υπεκφεύγω. υπαλύσκω, υπεκκλίνω' καταπαίζω. to Embalm, ενταφίαζα», νεκροστολέω, κτερειζω, κτερίζω, εζεντεοίζω. an Embalmer, ταφεϋς, κτεριστής, εντ ιφιαστής. to Embark, εμβαίνω, επιβαίνω τήν νανν. to Embarrass, παρεμποδίζω, εμπο- δών ειμί. Embarrassed, εμποδισθείς. an Embassy, πρεσβεία, τοεσβευμα. to send on an Embassy, πρεσβεύω, αποστέλλω, πέμπω. to go on an Embassy, πρεσβεύω or to Embellish, επικοσμέω, ενσκενάζω, διασκευάζω, παρασκευάζω, εντύνω. Embellishment, κόσμησις, διασκευή, συσκευασία, διακονίς. to Embezzle, αποσυλέω, κλέπτω το δημόσιον. Embezzlement, τό του δημοσίου κλέμμα. See Peculation. an Embezzler, αποσυλητής, κλέπτης του δημοσίου. Embosomed, κολπώδης. Embossed work, έμβλημα. to Embowel, εξεντερίζω . an Embowelling, σπλαγχνοτομία. an Embrace, ασπασμός, περιπλοκή, πρόσπτυζις. to Embrace, εναγκαλίζομαι, ασπά- ζομαι, περιπλέκω αμφιβάλλω, συχ- νά περιπτνσσομαι. Embraced, ασπασθεί?, περιπτυξάμε- νος. to Embroider, βελόναις ποικίλλω. Embroidered, κεστός, πολύκεστος. an Embroiderer, ποικιλτής, βελονο- ποικίλτης. to Emigrate, μετοικέω, μετοικίζο- μαι, αναλύω, καταλύομαι, μετα- βαίνω τον τόπον. Emigration, μετοίκησις, αποίκησις. Eminence, ϋψος, ύ-ψότης' εξοχή. an Emissary, προσαγωγεϋς, προσαγ- γελε'νς. an Emperor, αυτοκράτωρ, δυνάστης, βασιλεύς. of or like an Emperor, αυτοκρα- τορικός, δυναστικός, βασιλικός. Emptied, ε'ξηντλημένος. Emptily, κενως, ματαίως. to talk Emptily, κενολογέω. Emptiness, κενότης, τό κενόν, κένω- σις, κένωμα. Empty, κένος, διάκενος• ματαως, φρούδος. to Empty, κενόω, αποκενόώ, εζαν- τλέω, απαντλέω, εζαρύω' αφύσσω, λαπάζω. Emulation, ζήλος. to Enact, κυρόω or -όομαι, νόμον τίθημι, νομοθετέώ, επιψηφίζομαι, επιτάττω. Enacted, εψηφισμένος. an Enactment, νομοθέτημα. to Encamp, στρατοπεδεύω. ίοΈ^ηόιΆΠΐ, επάδω , γοητεύω , μαγεύω. an Enchanter, επαδός, γοής, φαρμα- κεύς. Enchantment, γοητεία, γοήτενμα, επφδή, βασκανία, μαγεία. to Encircle, κυκλόω, γυρόω. to Encourage, προτρέπω, παρακαλέω and -έομαι, εγ κελεύομαι, επικελεύω and -εύομαι, διακελείομαι, παρακε- λ-ύομαι , παρηγορίω, παραινέω,νου- θετέω, επεγείρω, οτρίνω, επιθαρσύ- νω, καταθαρσύνω, προθυμίαν εμ- βάλλω, κραταιόω. to be Encouraged, παρακλητέος. an Encourager, παρακλήτωρ, προ- τρέπωι , παραινετής, ερεθιστής, ερ- γεπείκτης. Encouraging, παρακελευστικός. Encouragement, προτροπή, παραί- νεση, παράκλησις, διακελευσμός, εγκέλευσις, ' εγκέλευσμα, παρακέ- λευσις, παρακελευσμός, παρακέ- λευσμα, παράγγελμα, νουθέτησις, 1/ανθέτημα. (22) an End, τέλος, πέρας, τελευτή, τέρμα. to make an End, επιτίθημι τό τέλος or τον κολοφώια' τελέω, τελετάω. an Endeavour, πεΤρα. to Endeavour, πειράομαι, σπουδάζω to be Endeavoured, πειρατέος. by your own Endeavours, επί σε- αυτου. Endless, απέραντος, δια βίου, διηνε- κως. Endowed with, έχων, λαγχάνων. Endurance, καρτερία' υπομονή, τλή- σις, ανοχή. to Endure, διακαρτερέω' υπομένω, ανέχω or -χομαι, πάσχω, φέρω, υποφέρω, τλάω, υφίσταμαι. an Enemy, πολέμιος• εχθρός, δυσμε- νής, ενάντιος. to Enfranchise, πολιτογραφέω. to Engage, εγγυάω, επαγγέλλομαι, επιτίθεμαι, πίστιν δίδωμι και δέχο- μαι. to Engage for, αναδέχομαι, εγγυάω, παρεγγυάομαι, παραγγέλλομαι. to Engage with, συντίθεμαι, συμ- βαίνω, συνεπαγγέλλομαι. to Engage or fight, συγκρούω, συμ- πλέκομαι, συμβάλλω, συρράττω. Engaged for, εγγυητός. an Engagement or bargain, πα ραγγελία, επαγγελία. an Engagement or fight, σύγκρου• σις, συμπλοκή. to Engender, επιγεννάω. to Engravo, γλύφω, εγκόπτω, εγγλύ φω, εγκολάπτω. Engraved, γλυπτός, γεγλυμμένος. an Engraver, γλυπτήρ, γλυπτής, χαλκευς, τοπογράφος, χαλκογράφος* Engraving, γλυφή, ανάγλυφη. to Enjoin, επιτάττω, επιβάλλω, επι- τίθημι. to Enjoy, απολαύω, επιτυγχάνω, κρατέω, εγκρατής γίνομαι' ευφραί- νομαι, τέοπομαι, χαίρω, ευθυμέω, ευθυμως διαβιόω, γανύομαι. Enjoyment, απόλαυσις. to Enlarge, παρεκτείνω, πλατύνω, εξαύζω. to Enlighten, λαμπρύνω, διαφωτίζω, καταλάμπω, υπερλόμπω, αυγάζω, καταυγάζω, περιαυγάζω. προφαίνω. to Enlist, διαγράφω or διαλέγω τους στρατιώτας, καταλέγω. to Enliven, ζωοποιέω' ευφραίνω, ΐλαρόω, φαιδρόω. Enlivening, εμψυχέων, ζωοποιός, ζωο- φόρος, ζωαρκής' ιλαρός, φαιδρός. Enmity, έχθρα, απέχθεια. to Ennoble, ευδοκιμάζω, γνωρίζω. Enough, ικανώς, αλις, άδην, όδδην, δαψιλως, διακόρως, κατακόρως. Enough of this, άδην των τοιούτων. to have Enough to do, ενδεως. πράττω. there is Enough, απόχρη τούτο, Ικα- νόν εστί, επαρκεί, περιγίνεται. to Enrich, πλουτίζω, καταπλουτίζω, ενπορυν ποιεω to Enrol, γράφω , εγγράφω , διαγράφω, προογράφω, συγγράφω, πρυσνέμω* Enrolled, συγγεγραμμένος. an Ensign, a soldier, σημειοφόρος. an Ensign, a fiag, σημείαν, σύμβο~ λον, σύνθημα. carrying an Ensign, σημειοφόρος. tt> Enter, εισέρχομαι) εισπορεφμαΐ^ ESC EXA EXE είσειμι, εμβαίνω, υποδίομαι, υπέρ- χομαι. Ιο Enter on an office, είσειμι εις τήν όρχην. to Entertain, υποδέχομαι, εκδέχομαι, αναλαμβάνω, διαλαμβάνω, ξενίζω, ζενόω, ξενοδοχέω, εστιάω, συμπό- σιον κατασκευάζω. Entertainment, εισδοχή, έδεσμα. an Entertainment, συμπόσιον, σ'υν- δειπνον, έδεσμα. to break up an Entertainment, συμπόσιον δκιλίω. Entire, see Whole. Entirely, όλως, καθόλου, τελέως, απ- λώς, εντελώς. the Entrails, σπλάγχνα, έντερα. inspection of Entrails, σηλαγχνο- τομία, σπλαγχνυσκοπία. to tear out Entrails, εξεντερίζω. Entrance, είσδυσις, είσοδος, πρόσο- δος, βάδισις, έμβασις. to Entrap, σαγηνεύω, περιβάλλω. Entrapped, περιπλακείς. to Entreat, δέομαι, Ικετεύω, πολλήν δέησιν ποιέομαι. Entreated, συγχώρητος. to be Entreated, δεητέος. Entreaty, δέησις, καταδέησις, ικεσία, ερώτησις' παραίτησις, επίτευξις. to get by Entreaty, εξικετεύω, κα- ταδέομαι, καταπείθω. to Enumerate, καταλέγομαι, ανα- ριθμέω. Enviable, επίφθονος. Enviably, επιφθόνως. Envious, φθονερός, βάσκανος, νεμεση- τικός. to Environ, περικλείω, κατακνκλόω. to Envy, ζηλύω, φθονέω, φθόνον ίχω, βασκαίνω, κοτέω, φιλονεικέω, διαζηλοτυπέω. Envy, φθόνος, ζηλοτυπία, βασκα- νία. without Envy, άφθονος, αβάσκανος, adv. αφθόνως. an Epigram, επίγραμμα. Epilepsy, επιληψία. Epilogue, επίλογος. Equal, ίσος. to Equal or Equalize, ισόω, παρι- σόω, εξισόω, ισάζω' ομοιόω, ανα- λογέω' ομαλίζω, εξομαλίζω. Equality, ισότης, ίσωσις, απίσωσις, παρίσωσις' αναλογία' ισομοιρία, ισονομία' 8μαλότης. Equally, εξίσης, επίσης, ίσως, εξ ίσου, κατ Λ ίσου, εν ίσιρ' παραπλησίως, αγ- χιμάλωζ' ύμαλώς' δικαίως. lhe Equator, ισημερινός. the Equestrian rank, Ίππικόν τάγ- μα. the Equinoctial, ισημερινός. the Equinox, ισημερία. Equipage, πομπή. Equity, επιείκεια, ευγνωμοσύνη' ισο• τιμία, ευνομία' bμaλότης. to Erase, εξαλείφω, απυξύω. Erect, ανορθωθείς. to Err, πταίω, πλανάομαι, πλημ- μελέω' αποπλανάω, αφαμαρτάνω. an Error, πλάνη, πλάνη μα, πλάνησις,' σφάλμα, πταίσμα. an Eruption, διεκβολή, ανάρρημα' φλύκταινα, φλυκτϊς, εξάνθημα. an Escape, εκφυγή. to Escape, σώζομαι, φεύγω, αποφεύ- γω, διαφεύγω, υπεκφεύγω, εκκλί- νω, υπαλευομαι, διαλέγομαι, διεκ- πίπτω, εξολισθαίνω. an Escort, παράγωγη, απαγωγή, εκ- πομπή, ύδηγία, εξαποστολή. to Escort, προπέμπω, παραπέμπω. Especial, ειδικός, Ίδιος. Especially, ειδικώς, κατ είδος, ιδία' άλλως τε, καν, μάλιστα δε. an Estate, ευρυχωοία. Esteem, λόγος, επίσκεψις, διατίμησις. to Esteem, τιμάω, αξιόω, καταξιόω' νομίζω, οίομαι, δοκέω. to Esteem less, ολιγωρέω, εν ουδενί λόγω τίθημι, δεύτερον or ύστερον νομίζω. to be Esteemed, τιμάομαι, νομίζο- μαι, δοκιμάζομαι. highly Esteemed, περισπούδαστος. Estimable, έντιμος, επιτίιιίος, αξιότι- μος, τιμητέος, ένδοξος, δοκιμαστέος. Estimation, αξία, τίμημα, διατίμη- σις. Et csetera, και 'έτερα. Eternal, α'ίδιος, αιώνιος. Eternally, see for Ever. Eternity, αϊδιότης, αιών, αθανασία. to Eternize, αθανατίζω, απαθανα- τίζω. an Eulogy, πανηγυρικός λόγος. an Eunuch, ευνούχος, σπάδων, βά- κηλος, εκτομίας. to Evaporate, ατμίζω, αναθυμιάω. Evaporation, αναθυμίασις. ** Even, ίσος, όμοιος, ομαλός' άξιος, δίκαιος, εικώς. Even, ήτοι, η, είτε, ε£τ' οΰν. Even so, όντως, ούτω, ο'ύτωσι. Even and odd, άρτων και περιττόν. Evening, εσπέρα, δείλη' αφ', 'έσπερος, εσπερινός, όφιος. in the Evening, υπό δείλης, προς εσπέραν, εσπέρας. Evening falls, εσπέρα γίνεται. an Event, απόβασις, έκβασις, έξοδος, το συμβαίνον, το συμβεβηκός. Ever, αιεί. for Ever, ες αιεί, αϊδίως, αιωνίως, εις αιώνα, αθανάτως. if Ever, είπου, είποπε, εάνποτε. Every, 'έκαστος, πας, άπας, όλος. Every way, πανταχόσε. Every where, πάντη, εκάστοτε, παν- ταχού. Evidence, μαρτυρία, τεκμήριον, μή- νυσις. to give Evidence, μαρτυρέω. Evil, κακία, κακότης, πονηρία, φαυ- λότης' adj. κακός, πονηρός, φαύλος, φλανρος, δειλός, μοχθηρός. Evil intention, κακοβουλία, κακή βουλή, κακορραφία. an Ewer, πρόχοος. Exact, ακριβής, νπερακριβής, εξηκρι- βωμένος, εξειργασμένος' γραφικός. to Exact, απαιτέω, εισπράττω, επϊ τον σταθμόν άγω. Exactly, ακριβώς, κατ' ακρίβειαν, προς στάθμην, διευκρινημένως' γρα- φικώς. Exactness, το υπερακριβες, δυσχέ- ρεια. to Exaggerate, πλήθομαι, μεγάλα ποιέω, αυξάνω. Exaggeration, παραύξησις , δείνωσις, ίπέρθεσις. to Exalt, Ιψόω, αναίαω, επαίρω, αιω- {23) ρεω, μεταρσιόω' αποσεμνύνω, δια• βοάω, επιβοάω, κλείω, ραψωδίω. Exalted, επαυξηθείς. Examination, εξέτασις, ανάκρισις, επιζήτησις, δοκιμασία, σκέψις, κα- τασκοπή. to Examine, εξετάζω, ανακρίνω, εξε- ρευνάω, διερευνάω, αναζητέω, επί• ζητέω, κατασκοπέω, δοκιμάζω, ακ• ριβόω, βασανίζω. an Examiner, τιμητής, σκοπός, δοκι- μαστής, εξεταστής, βασανιστής, ιχ- νευτής. an Example, παράδειγμα, υπόδειγ- μα. as for Example, παραδείγματος χά- ριν, ώσηεοανε)., 'όσον, ο'ίονπερ. to make an Example of, παραδειγ- ματίζω. to set an Example, παράδειγμα καθίστημι. to Exasperate, εξαγριαίνω. to Exceed, υπερβάλλω, υπερβαίνω, υπερέχω. Exceedingly, εξαιρέτως, λίαν, μά- λιστα, σφόδρα. to Excel, διαφέρω, νπερφέρω, εξέχω, υπερέχω, υπερβαίνω, υπερβάλλω, περίειμι, πρωτεύω, πλεονεκτέω. Excellence, εξοχή, υπεροχή, υπερ- βολή, επιφάνεια. Excellent, έξοχος, υπέροχος, εξέχων, προέχων, υπερέχων, διάφορος, πρό- τιμος, προϊστάμενος, επιφανής, εκ- λεκτός, επίλεκτος, έκκριτος, εξαίρε- τος, εξηγημένος. a most Excellent person, αποτετε- λεσμένος ανήρ, άριστος κατά — » Excellently, διαφερόντως, εξαιρέτως, γεννικώς. Except, πλην, πλην ει μη, πλην 'art, ει μη, αν μή, χωρίς. Except that, αλλ' ότι. an Exception, εξαίρεσις. Excess, εξοχή, υπερβολή, υπεροχή• αμετρία, αταξία. KxcessΊve,άμετpoς,vπέpμετpoς, ασύμ- μετρος' άκρατος, άτακτος, αφρών. Exchange, διαλλαγή, διάλλαγμα. to Exchange, αλλάττω, αλλοιόω, αμείβομαι. to Excite, διακινέω, παρορμάω, εγεί- ρω, συγκαλέω, συνάγω. to Excite war, πολεμοποιέω, πόλεμον εγείρω. Excitement, παρόρμησις. an Exclamation, εκφώνησις, αναβόη- σις. to Exclude, διακλείω, διαχωρίζω, απείργω. Excommunication, αφορισμός, προ- αγόρευσις. to Excommunicate, εκκηρύττω, είρ- γω τών bσίωv, αφορίζω. Excommunicated, αποσυναγωγος. Excrement, εκχώρημα, διαχώρψ μα. to Exculpate, απολύομαι, διαλύομαι διαβολάς. an Excuse, απολογία, απολόγηαα, παραίτησις. to Excuse, απολογέομαι, προφασίζω, παραιτέομαι. to Execute, διαπράττω or -τομαι, τελέω,αποτελέω, επιτελέω, περιέρ- χομαι. to Execute well, περιποιίω. EXP to Execute commands, τά κελευδ- μενα ποιέω. to Execute a duty, πράττω or εττι- τελέω το προσήκον, τά καθήκοντα αποτελέω. to Execute an embassy, επιτελέω πρεσβείαν. to Execute a criminal, κρεουργέω, ιιναιρέω. the place of Execution, βασανισ τήριον. Exempt, ατελής, ανεισφόρος, ασύμβο- λος, αφορολόγητος. Exemption, ατέλεια, ανεισφορία. Exercise, γυμνάσια, μελέτη, άσκη- σις. for the sake of Exercise, διατριβής 'ένεκα. to Exercise, ασκέω, γυμνάζω. to Exercise a calling:, τέχνη» εργά- ζομαι. to Exert, παρέχω or -χυμαι, προσέ- χω τον νουν, σπουδάζω περί — , επιμελώς εργάζομαι. to Exhale, ατμίζω, εκπνέω. Exhaustion, απάντλησις. an Exile, άπολις, άνοικος, φυγάς, εξόριστος. Existence, ουσία. to Expand, εκπεταννίω, αναπτύσσω. to Expect, προσδοκάω, ικδέχομαι, αναμένω, περιμένω. Expectation, προσδοκία, υπομονή. it is Expedient, συμφέρει, λυσιτελεΊ. Expedition, έπειξις, σπουδή, βουδρο- μία. an Expedition, see Incursion and Invasion. to make an Expedition, στρατείαν ποιέομαι or άγω. to Expel, εκβάλλω, ελαύνω, απελαύ νω .ωθέω .παρ'ϋθέω , διώκω, απείργω to Expend, δαπ-ινάω, αποδαπανάω αναλίσκω, προσιναλίσκω. Expended, καταναλωθείς. Expenditure, δαπάνη, ανάλωμα, κα τανάλωσις. Expense, δαπάνη, ανάλωμα, εξανά λωμα' πολυτέλεια. Expensive, πολύτιμος, πολυτελής δαπανηρός. Expensively, πολυτίμως, δαπάνη ρώς. Experience, εμπειρία, αναπείρα, δο- κιμασία. Experienced, έμπειρος. Experimental, εμπειρικός. Expiation, αποτροπίασις, άγνισμός, εξίλασμα. to Expire, εκπνοέω, εκπνέω, εκψύχω' αποθνήσκω, τελευτάω. to Explain, διασαφάω, διασαφηνίζω, δηλόω, διηγέομαι, εκδιηγέομαι. an Explainer, σαφανιστής, εξηγητής, περιηγητής, τρανωτικός. Explanation, δήλωσις, φανερωοις, διασάφησις. εξήγησις, προανάγνω- σις, ανάπτυξις, ερμηνεία. Exploit, πράξις, ανδραγάθημα, τά πετραγμένα. to Export, εκφέρω, εκφορέω, εκκο- μίζω and -ζομαι, εξάγω. Exportation, κομιδή, εξαγωγή, εκ- φόρησις. to Expose, εκτίθημι. to Expose to danger, κινδύνω περι- βάλλω. EYE to Expose one's self, επιρρίπτω εαυ- τόν, δίδωμι εαυτόν εις — , ορμάω προς — . Exposed, έκθετος, εκτιθείς. Exposed to attack, ευπολέμητος, εναί- ρετος. an Exposure, ανακάλυψις. to Expostulate, εγκαλέω, μέμφομαι, εγκλήματα ποιέομαι. Expostulation, έγκλημα, επίκλημα, έγκλησις. Expressible, φατέος, φάτος, ρητός. an Expression, φράσις. Expressively, αποφαντικώς, γνωμι- κώς. Expressly, διαρρήδην. Expulsion, εξώθησις. Extempore, εκ του παραχρήμα, αυτο- σχεδιαστικός. to Extend, -παρεκτείνω, πλατύνω, με- γαθύνω. Extension, διάτασις, διάστασις, ανα- βολή, πλατυσμός. to Exterminate, εξορίζω, ολοθρεϋω, εκθεμελιόω. Extermination, εξολόθρευμα, ολό- θρευσις. Extinction, σβέσις, απδσβεσις. to Extinguish, αποσβέννυμι, εξαλεί- φω. to Extirpate, απορριζόω, εκθεμελιόω, απολλύομαι, εκμοχλεύω. Extirpation, απορρίζωσις, εκρίζωσις, εξολόθρευμα, ολόθρευσις. to Extol, εξαίρω, εκκουφίζω, τω λόγιο αίρω, επιφημίζω, εγκωμιάζω, προά- γω εις δόξαν. good Extraction, ευγένεια, γενναιό- της. of good Extraction, ελεύθερος, γνή- σιος, επιεικής. Extraordinary, παράδοξος, παράλο- γος, θαυμαστός. Extravagance, αποβολή χρημάτων ασωτία. Extravagant, έκνομος, άμετρος, έκ- τοπος, ανώμαλος' άσωτος. Extravagantly, αμέτρως, εκτόπως ασώτως. Extreme, εξώτατος, έσχατος. Extremely, σφόδρα, άγαν, μάλιστα, λίαν. Extremity, εσχατιά, πέρας, το υσ- τατον, το άκρον. to be at the last Extremity, εσ- χάτως διάκειμαι. to Extricate, εξελίττω, απαλλάττω, FAL to have sore or weak Eyes, λημάια, γλημάω or γλαμάω. with sore or weak Eyes, λημών, γλαμυρός. soreness of the Eyes, λήμη, οφθαλ- μία. αναλύω, απολύω to Extricate one's self, έκδοτον εαυ- τόν ποιέομαι. to Exult, γαυριάω and -άομαι, αγάλ- λομαι, περιχαίρω. to Exult over, επιχαίρω or εντρυ- φάω τινι. Exultation, αγαλλίαμα. Έχ\ι\ύϊ\ξ\γ,αγαλλομένως,περιχαρως. the Eye, οφθαλμός, όμμα, ώψ, γλή- νη, φάος. the Eye of a needle, κίαρ. the Eyelashes, βλεφαρίς. the Eyelid, βλέφαρον. Eyesalve, κολλύριον. many-Eyed, πολυόμματος. one-Eyed, μονόφθαλμος, ιτερόφθαλ- μος. to fix the Eyes on, ατενίζω, ατενες δράω. (24) F. a Fable, μύθος' δράμα' dim. μνθά- ριον. to Fable, μυθολογέω. Fabulous, ' μυθώδης. Fabulously, μυθικώς, ψευδώς. the Face, πρόσωπον, όψις' β\έμμα. a Faced dress, πλατίσημος εσθής' περιπόρφυρος, ευπάρυφος. in a Faced dress, see Dress. Factious, στασιώτης, στασιωτικός, στασιώδης. to Fail, εκλείπω, επιλείπω' καταλύο- μαι, λυμαίνομαι, διαφθείρομαι, υπο- φέρομαι, συμπίπτω, συνολισθαίνω. a Failure, πταίσμα, λώβη, λύμη. to Faint, λειποψυχεω, λειποθυμέω, εκλείπω, εξασθενέω, αποκάμνω. to Faint, be discouraged, αθυμέω, εκψυχέω, λειποθυμέω, καταβάλλω εαυτόν. having Fainted, σνμπεπτωκώς. Faintheartedness, λει-οθυμία. a Fainting, λειποθυμία,λειποψυχία. a Fair, πανήγυρις, πατοπώλειον, αγ- ορά. οι or like a Fair, αγοραΤος. Fair, καλός' άξιος, δίκαιος, εικώς. very Fair, πάνυ καλός. Fair-complexioned, ξάνθος. Fairly, ευ, καλώς, χαριέντως. Faith, πίστις. to break Faith, παραβαίνω τάς πίσ- τεις, παρασπονδέω. Faithful, πιστός, ευόρκος, πολίπιστος. Faithfulness, πιστότης. Faithless, άπιστος, άσπονδος, παρά- σπονδος, μεστός απιστίας, αγνώμων, αβέβαιος. Faithlessness, απιστία. a Falcon, ϊεραξ. a Falconer, ίερακοτρόφος. a Fall, πτώσις, πτώμα, πρόπτωσις, ολίσθημα. to Fall, πίπτω, αμνω, ερείπω, κατα- δύω. to Fall away, καταρρέω, καταπίπτω. See Ruin. to Fall back, αναπίπτω, μεταπίπτω. to Fall down, καταπίπτω, εκπίπτω, χαμαϊ πίπτω, καταφέρομαι, προά- γομαι, ολισθαίνω. to Fall down to, προσπίπτω, κατα- πίπτω. to Fall into, παρεισπίπτω, παρεισδύο- μαι. to Fall in with or among, περιπίπ- τω, εμπίπτω, επιτυγχάνε. to Fall upon, εισπίπτω• βίλλω, δρ μάω. to Fall to ruin, see Ruin. to Fall short, απολείτω, αποδέω, απειμί. a Fallacy, σόφισμα. FAT FEE FIG Fallen nway, εκτακείς.εναποβραχείς. a Fatting oil', έκλειψις. Fallow land, νί.ιτος. False, ψευδής, απατηλός, απατητικός, πλημμελής. False money, κίβδηλον, αδόκιμον, παρακεκομμένον, ουκ ορθώς κοπεν or κεκιβδηλευμένυν νόμισμα, παρά- σημον αργ'νριον. a False reasoner, σοφιστής. Falsehood, ψευδός. Falsely, ψευδώς, ουκ αληθώς. Fame, δόξα, κλέος. Familiar, συνήθη;, ειθισμένος, σύν- τροφος, ο'ι καθ' ημάς. a Family, οικεία, οικετεία. of the Family, οικείος, εφέστιος, ο'ι καθ' ημάς. Famine, βουλιμία. Famous, ένδοξος., περιβόητος, ευ κλεής, διάσημος, λαμπρός, πάνυ λαμπρός, κλειτός, περίκλυτος. to grow or become Famous, ευδό- κιμος γίνομαι, επιφαίνομαι, ελλαμ- πρΰνομαι. a Fan,yor xcinnowing, πτνον, ριπί- διον, λικμός, λικμητήριον. to Fan, λικμάω, λικμίζω. Fanatical, ένθεος, ενθουσιάων. Fancy, φαντασία. to Fancy, φαντάζομαι, εικάζω. Far be it, μη γένοιτο, μη συμβαίνη, ου γαρ δε, μη δήτα. Far from it, πολλού δεΧ. so Far, επί τοσούτον, μέχρι τούτου, μέχρι τούδε. a Fare, ναύλος, πορθμεων. a Farewell, απόταξις. Farewell, ερρώσο. to bid Farewell, αποτάττομαι, χαί- ρειν εάω or έπω. a Farm, αγρός, χώρα, κτήμα, γήοιον, χωρίον, χωρίδιον, αγρίδιον, χωμά- των. of a Farm, χωρικός, αγροικός. to Farm, αγραυλίω, γεωργέω.γεωπο- νέω,διεργάζομαι,επεργάζομαι,νέμω. aFarmer, αγρονόμος, αυλητής, γεωρ- γός, εργάτης. a Farmhouse, έπαυλις, επανλιον, αγ- ροικία. Farming, αγρονομία, γεωργία. Farther, προσώτερος, b πέραν adv. απωτέρω, ττορρωτέρω, περαιτέρω, επέκεινα. Farthest, έσχατος, άκρος, 'ύστατος' adv. εσχάτως, το έσχατον. ΒίΥΆτύϊΊΐ^,κοδράντης,τετρατημόριον. the Roman Fasces, ράβδοι, μαβδου- χίαι. Fast or quick, ταχύς, ωκύς. a Fast or Fasting, νηστεία, απασ- τία, ασιτία, λίμος. to Fast, νηστεύω, ασιτέω. a Fastday, νηστίμη ημέρα. to Fasten, πηγνάω or -νυμι. to Fasten down, καταηηγν'οω, κα- ταπήττω. to Fasten again, πάλιν πήγνυμι. Fi-Stened down, καταπεπηγμένος. a Fastening, έχμα, πείσμα. Fasting, ανάριστος, νήστιμος' adv. απαστϊ, ενδεως. Fat, στέαρ, πιμελή, λΓποί, άλειφαρ, δημός. Fat, adj. πίων, παχύς, παχυλός, πο- λνσαρκος, κατάσαρκος, λιπαρός• to grow Fat, π<ιχί•νομαι, πιαίνομαι. Fate, μοΧοα,αΧσ.ι, ειμαρμένη, ανάγκη. Fated, μόριμο,ς ΟΙ" μύρσιμος, ιχίσιμος, εψαρμένος. a Γ ather, πατήρ, γονεύς, γεννήτωρ, γεννητής. a Father of a family, οικοδεσπότης. of or like a Father, πατρώος, πα- τρικός. a Father-in-law, επιπάτωρ, πατρώος, γαμβρός' κηδεστής. a step-Father, επιπάτωρ, πατρώος. Fatherly, πατρώος, πατρικός. Fatigue, κόπος, κάματος. to Fatigue, καταπονίω, ενοχλέω. F ainess, πάχος, π αχίτης, π ολυσαρκία, λιπαρία, λι~αρύτης, πιμελή. στέαρ. to Fatten, παχύνω, σιτίζω, σιτείω, λιπαίνω, πιαίνω, λιπαρόν or πίονα ποιέω. Fattened, σιτιστός, τρόφιμος, σιτισ- θεϊς, σιτευτός, στεατώδης or στητώ- δης, π ι μελώδης, πι μελής. a Fattening, σιτείσις, εμφόρησις. Fatty, στεατινός. a Fault, αιτία, έγκλημα, πταίσμα, σφάλμα, αμάρτημα, πλημμέλημα. Favour, ευφημία, εύνοια, χαρίς' επί- νοια, επίνευσις. a Favour, ευεργέτημα, χαρίς. to acknowledge a Favour, χαρίν έχω or είδημι,χαριν τίθημι οναπο- δίδωμι, ευχαριστέω. to Favour, προτίθεμαι, συμπράττω, σπουδάζω προς — , επουριάζω, αι• σιόω. Favourable, αίσιος, χαρίεις, εύχαρις, " ενήμερος. Favourably .αισίως, όρνισι ν αι σίοις,εις καλόν, εσπυυδασμένως, χαριέντως a Favourer, σπουδαστής, παράκλη- τος, βοηθός, εννοος, ευμενής. a Fawn, νεβρός. to Fawn upon, σαίνω, υποσαίνω, κάλλω, νπαικάλλω, παρακινέω, κο- ρίζομαι, αρεσκενομαι, α'ιμύλλω' κο λακείω, θωπείω. . Fawning, κολακευτικός, θωπευτικός. Fawningly, κολακευτικώς. Fear, φόβος, δέος, φρίκη. Fear seized — or came upon — έλαβε δέος, δέος επήλθε. to Fear, φοβέομαι, δειλιάω or -άζω αποδειλιάω, δίω, πτήσσω, περιτρο μέω. ορρωδέω, φοβερός γίνομαι. to Fear for, φοβέ ομαι with περί — or ί<τερ — or wilh an ace. it, is to be- Feared, δέος or κίνδυνος- εστί μή — . Fearful, δειλός, φοβερός, περιδεής, υπο- δεής,φρίκτος,περίψοβος,κατάφοβος. Fearfully, φοβερως, περιδεως. Fearless, άφοβος, αδεής, άτρομος, ανέκπληκτος, ατάρβητος, αθαμβής, άοκνος: Fearlessly, αφόβως, αδεώς. a Feast, ευωχία, δα\ς ,θοίνη, βρώματά. of a Feast or of Feasting, θοινητή- ριος. to Feast, ευωχέομαι, ίστιάομαι, θοι- νάω, δαίνυμαι, σιτέομαι. Έ'βΒ.ίίύηξ,Ιστίασις,ευώχησις, υποδοχή. a Feather, πτίλον χνόος -ους. Feathered, πτίλινος. February, φεβρυάριος. Feeble, άνευρος, άρρωστος. to Feed or give food, τρέφω, πιαίνω, (25) χιλείω, σιτίζω' or takefood,i(rQtu, σιτέομαι σιτοποιέομαι. α'ιρέομαι σΧ- τον, προσφέρομαι τροφήν, έδομαι, τρέφομαι, βόσκομαι, νέμομαι. Ιο teed on fle^h, ζωοφαγέω. Feeding, βόσκημα, νομός, νομή. to Feel, αισθάνομαι, πάσχω. Feeling, αίσθησις. fellow-Feeling, συμπάθεια. to want Feeling, αναισθητέω. down to the Feet, ποδήρης, πεζοφό- ρος. of two Feet in size, διποδαΧος, δίπο- δης. with two Feet, διπούς. to Feign, υποκρίνω and -νομαι,πλάτ- τω, προσποιέομαι, ειμί φίλος Fellow-feeling, συμπάθεια. a worthless Fellow, ουτώανός. Feltmaking, πίλωσις. Feminine, θήλυς. a Fence, φράγμα, ερκος. Fennel, μάραθρον. Fern, πτέρις. . a Ferret, ικτίς. a Ferry, πορθμός. a Ferryboat, πορθμεΧον. a Ferryman, πορθμεϋς. Ferrymoney, ναύλος, ναύλον. Fertile, εύφορος, καρποφόρος, πολνφό- ρος ,π ολυθρέμμων , άφθινος , γόνιμος. Fertilely, ενφόρως, ευπόρως. Fertility, ευφορία, ευπορία, ευθηνία, πολυκαρπία, πολυφορία. to Fertilize, πιαίνω, γόνιμον ποιέω. a Festival, εορτή, τελετή. to keep a Festival, άγω την εορτήν. Festive, εορτάσιμος. with Festivity, εορτασίμως, Ίλαρώς, τρυφερώς. to Fetter, δέω, δεσμείω, δεσμόω. Fetters, πέδη, πεδοστράβη, δεσμός, σύνδεσμος, σίναμμα, ζευγμα. a Fever, πυρετοί, πυρετίον. to have a ΓβνβΓ,τίυρεττόω,πυμεταίΐ'ω. Feverish, πυρετικός. Few, ολίγος, ελάχιστος. to say in Few words, δια βραχέων ποιήσαι τους λόγους. Fewness, ολιγότης. Fickle, αβέβαιος, άστατος, ασταθής, ακατάστατος. Ficklely, αβεβαίως, ασταθώς. Fickleness, αστασία, μετάνοια. a Fiction, σκηψις, πλάσμα, ενθύμη- μα, επίνοια. Fidelity, πίστις, πιστότης. a Field, άρουρα, αρονριον, χώρα, χω- ρίον, χήδιον. Fierce, ωμός, δεινός, απηνής, άγριος, θηριώδης, πελώριος. tobe Fierce, αγριόομαι,αγριαίνομαι* Fierce-looking, αγριωπός, δεινωπίς, βλοσυρός.- Fiercely, αγρίως. to look Fiercely, τανρηδόν βλέπω. Fierceness, ωμότης. απήνεια, αγριό• της, χυ.λεπότης, θράσος. Fiery, πύρινος . έμπυρος, εμπίριος. Fifteen, δεκαπέντε, πεντεκαίδεκα. Fifteenth, πεντεκαιδέκατος, δέκατος κ αϊ πέμπτος. Fifth, πψπτός. on the Fifth day, πεμπταΧος. Fiftieth, πεντηκοστός. Fifty, πεντήκοντα. a Fig, σΰκον. FIR r nrled Fig" ισχάς. a Fight, μάχη, συμβολή, συμπλοκή Still'. Si^tUOf. a land 1•' giw. πεζή μάχη. a sea Figiit, ναυμαχώ. to F.gi)., μάχομαι μάχομαι μάχην. μάχομαι το ς πολέμιοι;, κρΐν^μ..ι, πόλεμο* αυνισταμ.ιι. Ιο Κ gfi iliV.Ug WiAi, συμπολε,ΛΪζω. συναγωνίζομαι- to Fight ai sea ναυμαχέω. to Fight with, πολεμάω, αντίμαχο μαι. to Fig-lit it out, k ψάχ)μαι. Ά Flgtllei μ χητ>/<. F^hi»g, μαχίμων. \\ Fig-pec-.e , συκαλλίς. a Fig-tree', συκή. of Fig-tree, σι κι νος. a wi.l I Fig' tree, ε->ινέος. a Figure, πλησμα, σχήμα, τύπος. a FiBert. λεπτοκάρυ>ν. a File, ρίνη. the noise of a. File, τρίμμος. to File, ρινέΜ, εκρινίζω. Filings, ρίιημ t, ρίνισμα. to Fill, πλήθω, γεμίζω, πληρύω, εμ- πλήθω. to Fill up, αναπλάθω, ανι-ληόω. εκπληρόω. επιπληρόω, προσπληοόω, αναμεστόω. Filled, αναπληρωθείς, μεστός. a Fillet, ταινύι, κ:κρύφαλος. Filleted, ταιιιωθείς. . Fillh, ευρως, σαπροτης, λνμα. Filthiness, ακαθαρσία, ρυπαρία. Filthy, ενρωάής, σαπρός- μιαρός. to grow Filthy, ευρωτιόω, σήπομαι. Final, τελευταίος. Finally, τέλος, τό έσχατον. to Find out, ευρίσκω, ανευρίσκω. a Fine, ζημία, τιμωρία. to Fine, ζημίαν or τιμο)ρίαν with επιτίθημι, επάγω, επιγράφω or επι- βάλλω' προστιμάω, ζημιόω θανάτω or χρήμασι. the imposition of a Fine, τίμησις. Fine, λεπτός, λεπτομερής' κομψός, πάνυ κομψός, εγκατάσκευος. Finely, λεπτώς' κομψώς, καλώς, γλα- φυρώς, παγκαλώς, πάνυ κομψώς. to discourse Finely, λεπτολογέω. Fineness, λεπτομέρεια, αγχίνοια. a Finger, δάκτυλος ■ the fore Finger, λιχανός, δεικτικός. the middle Finger, μέσος. the ring Finger, παραμέσος, δακτυ- λιώτης. the little Finger, μικρός, ωτίτης. to point with the Finger, χειρο- δεικτέω. to Finish, διαπράττω or -τομαι, δια- πονέω, απεργάζομαι, διεργάζομαι, εξεργάζομαι,τελέω,αποτεΧέω,ανύω, διανύω, διάγω' κατακοσμέω, κατα- σκευάζω. Finished, κατειργασμένος. a Finisher, διαπράκτωρ, συντελεστής, δημιουργός. a Finishing, επεργασία, κατακόσ- μησίς. Fire, πυρ, ηφαιστος, φλογμός, καύ- μα. a Fire, έμπρησις, εμπρησμός, εμπνρω- σις, φλογμός, έγκαυμα. on Fire, πυρόεις, πνρώδης, διάπυρος. to Firs, καίω, φλέγα. ενάπτω. αίθω, FLA ανακαίω, πυρπολέω, εμπυρίζω, εμ- ποήθω. εκφλέγω. Ά Fireplace or Fireside, εστία, εσχάρα. Fir η, βέβαιος,στερεός, εόραως, ευστα- θής, στάσιμος, άσειστος, ασάλευτος' πεπηγμένος. πηκτό-,, συμπαγείς. to make Firm, βεβαι,ω, στερρεόω, στερεύω. Firmly, βεβαίως, στερεώς, ευσταθώς, εμ*μενώς> Finn less, βίβαιότης, στερεότης, ευ- σ -aJeia, ασφάλεια. F.rsl in order, πρώτος• in excellence, κράτιστος. " among die First, εν τοϊς μάλιστα προηγούμενοι; ΟΓ βεβοημένοις. at the First εξψχής. First of all, πρωτώ;, πρώτον, αρχήν τα πρώτα. the First place, πρωτεία, πρώτα; the First of the month, καλένδαι νεομηιία. Firstborn, πρωτόγονος. a Fir-tree, ελάτη. of a Fir-tree or of Fir, ελάτινος ειλατινος. a Fish, ιχθύς' dim. ιχθυδίον. a gold Fish, χρυσόφρυς. to Fish, άλιείω. ιχθυάω. a Fisherman, άλιεύς. Fishing, άλαυτική. afor about Fishing, αλιευτικός. a Fishmonger, κητοπώλης. a Fishpond, ιχθυοτροφεία, ζωγρεΐον, ζωοτροφεΊον. Fishy, ιχθυώδης, ιχθυόεις. a Fistula in the eye, αιγίλωψ. Fit, επιτήδειος, ικανός, λυσιτελής χρήσιμος, επαρκής, δέξιος, επιδέξιος πρόσφορος, ευσχήμων αρμόδιος, άρ- μόττων, εύθετος, ευάρμοστος. to Fit, αρμόζω, άρω, άρμόττω. to Fit to, εφαρμόζω, προσαρμόζω, επαρτννω, διαπήγνυμι, απερείδω, προσάπτω. it is Fit, πρέπει, χρή, άξιον εστί, προσήκει, καθήκει. as it is Fit, ώί το εικός, κατά τό προσήκον. Fitly, επιτηδείως, Ίκανώς, αρτ'ιως, λυ• σιτελώί, ευαρμόστως. Fitness, επιττ,δειότης, επιτήδεια, ε- φαρμογή, ευαρμοστία, προσοικείω- σις. Five, πέντε. Five times, πεντάκις. Five hundred, πεντακόσιοι. the Five hundredth, πεντακοσιοστός. by Fives, οι πέντε. to Fix, πήγνυμι, ερείδω, παχνόω. ._. to Fix or [fasten to, προσάπτω, προ- σηλόω, προσερείδω, προσπασσαλεύω or -πατταλενω, διακεντέω, συμ- πλέκω. Flabbiness, μάρανσις, μαρασμός. Flabby, χαλαρός, σαθρός. a Flag or ensign, σημείον, σύμβολον, σύνθημα. a Flageolet, σνριγξ, δόναξ, αυλός. Flame, φλόξ, φλογμός. Flaming, φλογόεις. φλογερός. a Flash of lightning, αστραπή. στεροπή. Flat, ύπτιος. to Flatter, κολακεύω, θωπευω, κορί- ζομαι, κερκωπίζω. (26) FLU a Flatterer, κόλαξ. θώψ, κολακίς. Flattering. κολακευτικός, θωπευτικός, ήδυλόγος, χρηστολόγος. Flattery, κολακεία, θωπεία, ί/δυλο Ϊία, χρηστολογία. ^lay, δέρω, αποδέρω, εκδέρω, απο λεπω, απολεπίζω, ξυράω. Flax, λίνον. a Flea, ψίλλα, ψίλλος. fn'l of Fleas, ψυλλώδης. to Flea, αποφεύγω, διαφεύγω, εκφεν γω. a Fleece, πώκος, κώδιον, μαλλός. the golden Fleece, χρυσόμαλλον be- ρας. a Fleet, στόλος ναών. Fleeting, ολιγοχρόνιος. Flesh, σαρξ, κρέας. a Flesh-brush, ξύστρα, στελγΐς or στλεγγίς. a Flesh-pot, χαλκεΧον, λέβης, κρεΧον or κρήϊον. Fleshy, σαρκικό;, σαρκώδης' μυώδης, ενσαρκος, μεγαλόσωμος. Flexible, καμπτός, εύκαμπτος, ευ- καμπής, στρεπτός, εύστρεπτος, εύ' στροφός. a Flight, πτήμα, πτήσις. Flight, αποφυγή, διαφυγή, εκφυγή, ή του νώτου στροφή. to meditate Flight, βουλεύω τήν απόδρααιν. to put to Flight, τρέπω εις ψυγήν, φυγαδεύω, τροπήν ποιέω, διώκω. to Fling, αναρρίπτω, ριπτάζω. a Flint, πνρίτης. Flippantly, λαλητικώς, στωμύλώς, φλυαρώς. to Float, επιπολάζω. . a Flock, ποίμνη, dim. ποίμνιον' α- γέλη. Flocks, γνάφαλον or κνάφαλον, to Flog, μαστίζω, μαστιγόω, ραπίζω. a Flood, κατακλυσμός, κατάκλυσις, πλημμύρα or -ρ<ί, χίσις. to Flood, πλημμυρώ or -ρέω. a Floor, σανιδωμα, σανίδωσις, πινά- κωσις' πέδον. to Floor, σανιδόω. a Floor for thrashing, άλως, αλωσ. Flour, άλευρον, άλφιτον, σεμίδαλις, γύρις, παιπάλη. bread of fine Flour, σεμιδαλίτης άρτος. Floury, αΧευρώδης. to Flow, ρέω, καταρρέω, νάω, μύρω, εκχέω. to Flow away, διαρρέω, καταρρέω. to Flow back, αναρρέω. to Flow past, παραρρέώ. to Flow round, περιρρέω. to Flow through or between, δι- αρρέω. to Flow towards, προσρέω. a Flower, άν%ς, άνθη, dim. ανθή*• λιον. to Flower, ανθέω, απανθέω, εξανθέω. to Flower again, αναθάλλω. to gather Flowers, απανθίζω, ανθό• λογέω. Flowery, ανθερός, ευανθής. Flowing, ρευματικός, κατάρρυτος• ρευστός, ρυτός. Flowing around, ττερίρ^οος, περιρ ρ"έων. to Fluctuate, εν απορία γίνομαι, τα ράττομαι. FOR Fluency, λογιότης, ευγλωττία, ευε- πία, ευπροσηγορία.- Fluent, ελλόγιμος, ευφράδης, ευεπής, εύγλωττος, δυνάμενος λέγειν. Fluently, διαρρήδην, ευφραδώς, λο- ^ γίως. Fluid, υγρός. Fluidity, νγρότης, τό ΰγρον, χόλο?. a Flute, αυλός, δόναξ. σύριγξ. to play the Flute, ανλέω, συρίσσω. a Flute-player, αυλητής, χοραύλης. to Flutter about, περι'ίπταμαι, περι- πέτομαι . a Flux, απόρροια, διάρροια. a Fly, μυΤα. to Fly, ΐπταμαι, πετομαι. to Fly off or away, αφίπτημι or -ταμαι, αποχτάω, καθίπταμαι. ΙΟ Fly over, υπερίπταμαι, μεταθέτο- μαι, ίο Fly past, παραπέτομαι. to Fly through, διίπταμαι, διαθέτο- μαι. to Flv to, at or upon, εφίπταμαι. to Fly toward, προσπέτομαι, επι- πτάω. to Fly with, συνίπταμαι,συμπέτομαι. to Fly or Flee, φεύγω, διαφεύγω, εκ- αεύγω, αναχάζομαι, δραπετεύω. a Fly flap, σόβη, μυιοσόβη. a Flycatcher, μυίαγρος. a Flying-, see Flight. Foam, αφρός. to Foam, αφρίζω, απαφρίζω, εξαφρί- ζω,αφριάω' εκκυμαίνω,υιτερβλύζω. Foamy, αφρώδης, αφριόεις, πυμφολυ- γώδης. a Foil, σπάθη. to Fold up, αναπτύσσω. a Folding up, ανάπτυξις, αντιδια- πλοκή. Foliage, φύλλον, πέταλον, κλάδος. to Follow, 'έπομαι, ακολουθέω, οπη- δεύω . to Follow close after, εφέπομαι, επακολουθέω, διώκω. Folly, μωρία, ευηθεία. a Font, βαπτιστήριον. Food, σίτος, τροφή, έδεσμα, σιτίον, βρωμά, βόσκημα, έδαρ. a Fool or Foolish, μωρός, έκφρων, ανόητος' άχρηστος or αφυής προς τι, άπρεπης, ανάρμοστος. to make a Fool of, εμπαίζω, εντρν? φάω, εξαπατάω. to behave Foolishly, ίθλέω, ΰθλους λέγω, ληρέω. a Foot, πους. the Foot of a bed, κλινόπους. of a Foot measure, ποδαΐβς. on Foot, πεζός, πεζικός. two Footed, δίπονς. club Footed, κνλλοπόδης, Οιδίπους. a Footman, ακόλουθος, αμορβός, σκευοφόρος, καλοπόδιον. a Footstalk, μίσχος. For, γαρ, δε, μεν, καϊ γαρ, ει γάρ' δια, επϊ, περϊ, προς, χάριν, 'ένεκα' ο'ύνεκα, 'ότι. Forasmuch as, οίον, οΤα, άλλα, επεϊ. to Forage, σιτολυγέω , επισιτίζομαι, σιτωνέω. a Forager, σιτολόγος, σιτώνης. a Foraging, αιτολογία, επισιτισμός, αίτησις, σιτων'ια. to Forbear, μακροθυμέω. Forbearance, μακρνϋνμία. FOR Forbearing, μακρόθυμος, μακροθυ μέων. to Forbid, απαγγέλλω, παραγγέλλω απαγορεύω. to Forbid of or from, κωλύω or είργομαι πυρός, ύδατος, &c. God Forbid, μη γένοιτο. Forbidden, απαγορευθείς. it is Forbidden, απείρηται, αιερ- ρήθη. Force βία, δ'υναμις, ις, ισχύς. to Force, βιάζομαι, αναγκάζω' πα- ρανομεω, υβρίζω, λωβάομαι, λυμαί- νομαι. Forced, αναγκασθείς, βιασθείς, συνω- θείς. ' sea Forces, δ'υναμις ναυτική. land Forces, δύναμις πεζική. Forcible, βίαιος, αντίβιός, όβριμος, βιαστής. Forcibly, βιαίως, βιαστικώς. a Ford, πόρος. Fordable, πορώδης, διάβατος. to Forebode, επισημαίνω, προφαίνω. a Forefather, πρόγονος. the Forehead, μέτωπον, βρέγμα. Foremost in battle, πρόμαχος. Forenoon, προμεσήμβρινος. Foreign, ξένος, ξενικός, εξωτικός, εξω- τερικός, αλλοδαπός, αλλότριος, επη- λύς. See Foreigner; επείσακτος, συμβεβηκώς, επεισοδιώδης, επεισό- διος. a Foreigner, ξένος, αλλοδαπός, αλλό- τριος, αλλόφυλος, έκφυλος, αλλογε- νής, αλλοεθνής, βάρβαρος. See Foreign. like a Foreigner, βαρβαριστί. a Forerunner, πρόδρομος, προηγη- τής, προηγούμενος. the Foreskin, ακροβυστία. to Foretell, προαγγέλλω, προλέγω, πρόφημι, προσαγγίλλω. to Forewarn, προπαραγγέλλω, υπο- δείκνυμι. to Forfeit a recognisance, ε* τό δι- καστήριον ουκ απαντάω, φυγοδικέω. a Forger, μεταγραφών, χ^ευδόγραφος. to Forget, επιλανθάνομαι, αμνηστέω, αμνημονεύω, τη λήθη παραδίδωμι, απυμανθάνω, μεταμανθάνω. Forgetful, επιλήσμων, αμνήμων, επ'ι- λαθόμενος. Forgetfulness, λήθη, αμνηστία. to Forgive, συγγινώσκω, καταχαρί- ζομαι. to Forgive a debt, οφείλημα αφίημι. Forgiven, σννεγνωσμένος. to be Forgiven, συγγνώμης τυγχάνω. it is Forgiven, συγγνώμη εστί. Forgotten, επιλαθόμενος, επιλελησμέ- τος. a Fork, δίκρινον. Forked, δικέραος, δικέρως. Form, ε?<5ος, ιδέα.σχήμα.μορφή,τύπος. to Form, συμπλάττω, τυπόω- as matter of Form, αφοσιωμένος, προς αφοσίωσιν, πάρεργος. Formation, μόρφωμα, πλάσις, τύπω- σις, διαμόρψωσις, σχηματισμός. a Former, πλάστης, ειδοποιός. Former, πρότερος. Formerly, πυότερρν, τό πρότερον, πρώτον, πριν, έμπροσθεν, πάλαι, εκ παλαιού, πρό πολλοϋ. to Fornicate, πορνεύω, πσρνζνομαι, (ταιΰέΐΔ. it!) fou Fornication, πορνεία. a Fornicator, πόρνρς. to Forsake, απολείπω, διαλείπο),απο• λιμπάνω, αποφεύγω, αφίστημι,απο στατέω. Forsaken, απολειφθείς. to Forswear or swear against, απο μύω, απόμνυμι, εξόμνυμι or -νίω, αποβάλλω δι 1 όρκων. to Forswear or swear falsely, see Perjure. # Forthwith, παραυτϊκα, ευθνς, ευθέως, αντόθεν. a Fortification or Fort, φροίριον, έρυμα, επιτείχισμα, ασφάλισμα, ί- χύρωμα, ερκος, προβολή. Fortification, επιτειχισμός,ασφάληα. Fortified, τετειχισμένος, αμφίχντος, εχυρό,, ασφαλισθείς. to Fortify, επιτειχίζω, ανατειχίζω, περιφράττω, διαφράττω, εχυρόω, ασφαλίζω, διασφαλίζομαι, ισχυρόω, κραταιόω, περισκεπάζω. Fortune, τύχη. with good Fortune, αγαθή τύχη". to enjoy good Fortune, εϋ or κα- λώς πράττω. a Fortune or woman's portion, πρ<Λξ, φερνή. of or about a Fortune, προικώος. without Fortune, άεδνος, άφερνος, άπροικος. a Foster brother or sister, σνγγά- λακτος, ομογάλακτος, σύντροφος. a Fosterer, τροφεύς, τιθηνός. Foul, δυσώδης, βλοσυρός' άναγνος, ακάθαρτος, ακρατής. Foully, ανάγνως, ακαθάρτως. Foulness, μίασμα, ακαθαρσία. to Found, θεμελιόω, κτίζω, δημίουρ- γέω. a Foundation, θεμέλιον.βάσις, άρχη• υπόστασις, ουσία, τό υποκείμενον. to lay a Foundation, θεμελιόω, κα- ταβάλλομαι θεμέλιον, την αρχήν νποτίθεμαι or βάλλομαι. without a Foundation, αθεμέλιος. Founded, τεθεμελιω μένος, κτισθείς. Founded or cast, χυτός, ρευτός, χω- νευτός. a Founder, αρχηγός, κτιστής, ποιη- τής. a Founder of metals, χωνευτής. οι or like a Founder, χωνευτικός. Four, τέσσαρες. Four by four, τετράκις. Four cornered, τετράγωνος. Four days, τετράς. Fourfold, τετραπλό"»? -ους, τετραπλά- σιος' adv. τετραχώς, τετραχη. Fourfboted, τετράπους. Four hundred, τετρακόσιοι. the Four hundredth, τετρακοσιοσ- τός. - of Four parts, τετραμερής. of Four tiers of oars, τετρήρης. Four times; τετράκις. Four years, τετραετία. of Four years, τετραε-ής. a coach and Four τέθριππον, rs- τράβαμον Λρμα. Fourteen, δεκ ιτέσσιρες. Fourteenth, δέκατος και τέταρτος. Fourth, τέταρτος. on the Founh day, τεταρταΤος. of or in the Fourth year, wrpafiwjj. Fourthly> ivraprw$. FR1 a Fowler, ιξεύτης, ορνιθευτής, opt, Fowling, εξευτήριον, ορνιθοθήρα. to go Fowling, θηράομαι, ιξεύω, ορνιθοθηράω. a Fcx, αλώπηξ, κερδώ' dim. αλωπε- κών. to play the Fox, αλωπεκίζω. cunning as a Fox, κερδώος. a Fracture, ρήξις, ρήγμα, κλάσις, θραύσις, κάταγμα, σύντριμμα. a Fragment, \λάσμα, θραύσμα, κόμμα. Fragrance, ευωδιά, τό ευώδες. Fragrant, εύοσμος, ευώδης. Frail, εξίτηλος, ευκίνητος, ^πτώσιμος, ευκατάπτωτος, φθαρτός, εύφθαρτος, ενδιάφθορος. the Frame of a house, ξύλωσις, οροφή. to Frame, συμπήγνυμι, συνάπτω. Frankincense, άμωμον, λίβανος, λι- βανωτόν. Frankly, ελευθέρως, μετά παρρησίας. a Fraud, απάτη, βλάβη, πανουργία, νοσφισμός, αποστέρησις. Fraudulent, απατηλός, δολερός. Fraudulently, απατητικώς, δολερώς. Freckled, φακώδης. Freckles, φακός, ίονθος. Free, ελεύθερος, ελευθέριος, αυτεξού- σιος, αυτόνομος, αύταρχος. to set Free, ελευθερόω, εκποιέω or απαλλάττω της χειρυ>σέως, αφίημι. Freedom, ελευθερία. to present with the Freedom, πο- λιτείαν δίδαμι. to restore to Freedom, αφαιρέομαι εις ελευθερίαν. a Freedman, απελεύθερος, εξελεύθε- ρος- of a Freedman, απελευθερικός. Freely, αδεώς, εν αίε/α' 'δωρεάν, προίκα, αμισθί. Freely given, άμισθος, προίκα διδό- μενος. a Freeman, πολίτης' ελεύθερος, ελευ- θέριος. to Freeze, πηγνίω or -νυμι, συμπήγ- νυμι, κρυσταλλόομαι. a Freezing, σύμπηξις. Freight, νανλος. πορθμεΊον. Frenzied, φρενετικός. Frenzy, φρένησις. a Frequency, πλήθβς, σύλλογος, πο- λυανθρωπία. Frequent, θαμινός, πυκνός, συχνός^ συνεχής. ; to Frequent, φοιτάω , πολύς διατρίβω ^ to become Frequent, καταπυκνόο- μαι. Frequently, αεί, αιεϊ, θαμά, θαμι- νά, πολλάκις, συχνώς, πυκνώς. Fresh, νεαρός. to Fret, άγχω, λνπέω, λυπούμαι, ανιάω, ανιάομαι, άχθομαι. Friction, τρίψις, ,παράτριψις. Fried, τηγανισθείς. a Friend, φίλος, εταίρος, γνωστός, αναγκαίος, οικείος. my Friend, ώ 'την, ούτος. Friendly, φιλικώς, προσφίλως, φιλο- τρόπως, οικείως. Friendship, φιλία, φιλότης, φιλοφρο- ούνη, εταιρία. ίο break Friendship, διαλύομαι φι- λίας* FUlt to keep Friendship, σώζω την φι- λίαν. Frightful, βλοσύρωπος or -ωπις. Ιο Frighten, φυβέω. καταπλήττω. Frightened, εκφοβηθε\ς, έκφοβος, έμ- φοβος, επίφοβος. Fringe, κράσπεδον, θύσανος, κροσσός. Fringed, θυσανόεις, κροσσωτός. a Frog, βάτραχος, βατράχων. From, εκ or εξ, από. From 'the subject or purpose, έξω της υποθέσεως. Frost, κρυμός, κρυμνός, κρύος, πάχνη. Frosty, παχνώδης, κρυερός. Froth, Frothy, see Foam. to Frown, ρυσσόω, ρυτιδόω, μέτωπα or μέτωπον ανασπάω, συστέλλω τάς οφρύς. Frozen, παγεΊς, περιπαγείς. Frugal, χρηστός, σώφρων, εγκρατής. Frugality, ευτέλεια, σωφροσύνη. Frugally, εγκρα.τώς, ευτελώς,σωφρό- νως. Fruit, μήλον οπώρα, καρπός, επικαρ- πία. autumnal Fruit, οπωρισμός. to bear Fruit, επικαρπίζομαι. to gather the Fruit, οπωρίζω, εκ- καρπίζω. Fruitful, εύφορος, έγκαρπος, πολύκαρ- πος, καρποφόρος, εύτοκος, τρόφιμος, ευτραφής, ζείδωρος. first Fruits, απαρχαι, τα πρωτεία, τα θαλνσια. to gain the Fruits of, απολαύω. to Frustrate, άκυρον ποιέω. to Fry, φρίγω, τηγανίζω. a Frying pan, τήγανον. Fuel, πυρίον, ζώπυρον, υπόκαυμα, έναυσμα, εμπύρευμα. Fugitive or a Fugitive, φυγατικός, δραπέτης, φυγάς. to Fulfil, πληρόω. Fulfilled, πεπληροφορημενος, πληρω- θείς, βέβαιος. Fulfilment, συμπλήρωμα, απαρτισ- μός. Full, πλέος, έμπλεος, ανάπλεος, μεσ- τός, πλήρης. to be Full, γέμω, πληθύνω. Full moon, πανσέληνον. a Fuller, γναφεύς. a Fulling mill, γναφεω.ν and γνα- φήϊον. Fully, εμπλέως. Fulness, πλήρωμα, εκπλήρωμα, πλή- ρωσις. to Fumigate, αναθυμιάω. See In- cense. Fumigation, αναθυμίασις. the Fundament, πρωκτός, πυγή. a Funeral, κηδεία, κήδος, τάφος, εκφορά. to attend a Funeral, εις τό κηδος απαντάω. to perform a Funeral, ενταφιάζω, κη- δεύω, εκφέρω, τα νομιζόμενα ποιέω. Funeral rites, εναγίσματα, °*πικ- τέρεα, κτέρισμα, τα νεκύσια, τα εν- τάφια. Funereal, επιτάφιος, εντάφιος, κή- διος, επικήδιος, νεκύσιος. a Funnel, χώνη. the Furies, αραϊ, ενμένιδες, εριννύες. to Furl sails, χαλάω or στέλλω Ισ- τίον. a Furnace ι κάμινος, βοϋν^ς*. mi GEN to Furnish a dinner, νυγκροτία συμπασών. Furniture, σκεύος, κατασκευή, εντία, έπιπλα. old Furniture^ γρύτη, γρυτάρια. a Furrow, αύλαξ, ώλαξ or ώλξ• to Furrow, αυλακίζω, αυλοκίζω, αύ- λακας ελαύνω. in Furrows, κατ' αύλακας. a Fury, εριννύς, αλάστωρ, ευμενίς. Future, b μέλλων έσεσθαι, εσόμενος? γενησόμενος. for the Future, αύθις, εις αύθις,, εισέτι, μετά ταύτα, τό λοιπόν, εις τό έπειτα. Futurity, b μέλλων χρόνος. G. a Gadfly, ο7στρος. stung by a Gadfly, οιστοηθείς Gain, λήαμα, λήψις, κέρόος. to consider as Gain, κέρδος νομίζω, εν κίρδει ποιέομαι. greedy of Gain, κερδαλέος, κερδώος, πολυκερδης, χρηματιστικός. love of Gain, φιλοκερδία. to Gain, κερδαίνω από — , κέρίοζ ποιέω. having Gained, εύκρατης, επίβολος. Gait, βάδισμα, βάδισις. a Gall, κηκίς. Gall, χολή. of or like Gall, χολώδης. a Gallon, χόα. a Gallows, σταυρός. to Gamble all away, κατακυβεύω. a Gambler or Gamester, κυβευτής a Gangrene, γάγγραινα. a Gap, χάσμα, χάσμη. to Gape, χαίνω, αποχαίνω' ανασχά' ζω, σχίζω, διασχίζω, χασμάομαι. to Gape after, επιχαίνω, χαίνω επι — . Gaping after, κεχηνώς προς. a Garden, κήπος, dim. κηπίον, κηπί- διον. of a Garden, κηπαΊος. to Garden, κηπεύω. a Gardener, κηπουρός , κηπωρός. to Gargle, γαργαρίζω. a Garland, στέμμα, στεμμάτων, στέ- φανος, στεφάνων. Garlic, σκόροδον, γελγίς. to season with Garlic, σκοροδίζω. a Garment, ιμάτιον, επίβλημα, εσ- θής, έσθημα, περιβολή, εΐμα. a Garrison, φρουρά, φρουρών. to Garrison, φρουρά κατέχω, φρου- ράς καθίστημι. to be in Garrison, εν φρουρά ειμί. a Gash, τόμη, τμήμα. to Gather, συλλέγω, απολέγω, συνα- θροίζω, επισυνάγω, αρμόζω ες ταν- τό, αγείρω. to Gather in harvest, συγκομίζω, συνάγω, αποδρέπω, καρπυλέγομα».. Gathered, συνειλεγμένος, ανάλεκτοι,, εκλεκτός, συλλέγεις' δρεφθείς. a Gathering in harvest, συγκομιδή. Genealogy, γενεαλογία. a General) οτρατήγ$$) ηγ'ίμύν", α/ω GLA GOL GRA γός, άρχων, έπαρχος, ΰπατος, b rati στρατού άρχων. the General's quarters, στρατη- γεϊον, πραιτώριον. General, καθολικός, 8\ικ6ς, γενικός, σύμπας, άπαξάπας. the Generality, τό πάν, rb σύμπαν. Generally, καθολικώς, γενικώς. Generation, γένεσις, γένεα. Generative, γεννετικός, γενέθλιος, γόνιμος. Gentile, εθνικός, έμφυλος• "Ελλην, b έξωθεν. Gentle, 'ίμερος, πράος, πραυς, ήπιος, ευμενής, επιεικής. ίο grow Gentle, πραύνομαι, ηπιάο- μαι. Genuine, αυθεντικός, γνήσιος. a Geographer, γεωγράφος. Geography, γεωγραφία. Geometrical, γεωμετρικός. Geometrically, γεωμετρικώς. a Geometrician, γεωμετρής. Geometry, γεωμετρία. to Get, τυγχάνω, επιτυγχάνω, λαμ- βάνομαι, καταλαμβάνω, προσλαμ- βάνω, ευρίσκω, κτάομαι, προσκτάο- μαι, περιποιέομαι, επέχω, περιέχο- μαι, κρατέω, προσπορίζομαι, περι- άπτω. See Enjoy. Getting, επιτυχών. Ghastly , ωχρός- πελιδνός,μελάγχλω- ρος. a Giant, γίγας. a Gibbet, σταυρός. a Gift, δόσις, δορεά, χάρισμα, δώρον, δώρημα, dim. δωρημάτων. to Gift, δωρέομαι. to bring Gifts, δωροφορέω, δωρέομαι. Gigantic, γιγάντειος, γιγαντιαίος. to Gild, χρυσόω, επιχρυσόω, διαχρυ- σόω. Gills, βράγχια. G3-t, έγχί' υσ °5, διάχρυσος, επίχρυσος, χρυσωπός,χρυσοφαης, χρυσοβαφής. a Gimlet, τέρετρον, τρύπανον, τρυ- πάνη. Ginger, γιγγίβερις and -ρι. a Girdle, κεστός, ζώνη, dim. ζώνιον ζωστηρ, ζώμα, διάζωμα, περιβολή' μίτρα. to loose the Girdle, ζώνην λύω. a Girdle-maker, ζωνιοπλόκος. a Girl, παις, κόρη, νεανίς, dim. κο- ράσιον, παιδισκάριον, μειρακίσκη, μειρακυ~\λίον. Girlish, κορασιώδης. Girt or girded, εζωσμένος, περιβε- βλημένος. a Girth, ζω μα. to Give, δίδωμι, παρέχω. to Give credit, προσλογίζομαι, ava- τίθημι, αφιέω, απογράφω. to Give a daughter, δίδωμι την θυγατέρα. to Give power, δίδωμι εζουσίαν. to Give up again, ανακομίζω, ava- δίδωμι. to Give up property, εξίστημι των όντων. Given, διδομένος. a Giver, δοτήρ. Glad, ίλαρδί, απενθης, νηπενθης, εί- φρων. εύψυχος, περιχαρής. very Glad, πάνυ ευφραινόμενος• to Gladden, φαιδρύνω. a Glance, πσδσΰψΐς, ατειΊσμάς. a Glass, κύαθος, έκπωμα. Glass, ίαλος, υάλη. a Glass-blower, ΰαλουργός. Glassy, υάλινος. Gleaning, σταχυλογία. a Glebe, τέμενος. to Glitter, απαυγάζω, αστράπτω, στίλβω, αποστίλβω, λάμπω, δια- λάμπω, καλλίινομαι. Glittering, αστράπτων, στιλπνός, επί- λαμπρος, ελλαμπρυνόμενος. Glittering with gold, χρυσαυγής. a Globe, σφαίρα, κυκλός. the Globe of the earth, ή νικουμένη. to Glory, μεγαλοφρονέω. a Glove, χειρ\ς, χειροθήκα. with Gloves, χειριδωτός. a Glowworm, φάλαινα, λαμπυρϊς, πυριλαμπίς. Glue, κόλλα. to Glue together, κολλάω, συγκολ- λάω, συνάπτω, αρμόζω. Gluey, κολλώδης. to Glut, εμφορέω, λιχνενω, λαφύσσω, καταπίνω. a Glutton, γάστρις, γαστρίδουλος, λίχνος. Gluttonous, γαστρίμαργος, λαίμαρ- γος, λαφύστιος, κατάφαγος or -γης, βουφάγος, πολ'υφαγος, άσωτος. Gluttony, λιχνεία, γαστριμαργία, λαφυγμός, ασωτία. to Gnash, βρνχω, βρυχω τους οδόντας. a Gnashing, βρυγμός. to Gnaw, κατατρώγω, περιτρώγω, αποκναίω, αποκείρω, επιδάκνω- Gnawed, πεοιτραγεϊς, περιφαγείς. Οο,βήθι, ίθι,βάσκ ίθι. to Go, βαδίζω, εΊμι, έρχομαι, βαίνω, πορεύομαι. to Go about, over or through, ττε- ριοιχέομαι. to Go away, άπειμι, απέρχομαι, οίχομαι, αποστρέφω, αφίστημι,διΐ- σταμαι, παρεκβαίνω, μεταβαίνω, εξαναχωρέω. to Go before, προβαίνω, προέρχομαι, προάγω, προπορεύομαι. to Go on, πορεύομαι, διεκπορεύομαι, σπεύδω, προβαίνω, προχωρέω,πρό- ειμι, προέρχομαι, Όδοποιίομαι. to Go out of, αποβαίνω, εκβαίνω, εξέρχομαι, έξειμι. to Go round about, περιέρχομαι, αμφιβα'ινω, περιβαίνω, περιοδεύω, περιγνάμπτω. to Go to meet, αντιάζω, απαντάω, εκ συνάντησιν προχωρέω. to Go up or mount, αναβαίνω, ανέρ χομαι, άνειμι. to Go with, συνέρχομαι, σύνειμι, συνομιλέω. a Goad, κέντρον, κέντρων, λάκτις. a Goat, α\ζ, χίμαρος. a buck Goat, τρ γός. to stink like a Goat, τραγ'ιζω, κιν- αβράω. a Goatherd, αιπόλος, αιγιβότης, αιγινόμος. Goatish, αίγεος, τράγεως, τραγικός. a Goatish smell, κινάβρα, γράσος. God, θεός. • a Goddess, θεά, θέαινα. by the Gods, νη τώ θεώ, νή τόν ΤΙολυδεύκα. Ο ye Gods, ώ θεοί πανάγαθοι. Goidj χρϋσνς, χρυσίον, Ι -J Ι a Gold mine, χρυσεΐον, χρυσορυχία- Golden, έγχρνσος, χρύσειος, επίχρυ » σος. a Goldsmith, χρυσοποιός, χρυσοχόος. Good, αγαθός, εσθλός, καλός, χρησ- τός, καλοκάγαθος. the greatest Good, τό πέρας των ■γαθών. Good may it do you, προς αγαθοί γίγνοιτο σοι. not (or Good, ουκ εις καλόν. Good morrow, χαίρε, υγίαινε, tv πράττε, έρρωσο. Goodness, αγαθότης, αγαθοσύνη, χρηστότης. a Goose, χην, dim. χηνίσκος. of a Goose, χήνως. a Gooseherd, χηνοβοσκός. Gore, λύθρον, ιχωρ, βρότος, μύξα. to Gormandize, γαστρίζω, λαιμάω, εμφορέω, κατακορέννυμι. the Gospel, ευαγγέλιον. a Gourd, κολοκύνθη. the Gout, αρθρΐτις, χειράγρα, ποδά- γρα, ποδαλγία. to have the Gout, ποδαλγέω, ποδα- γριάω. Gouty, ποδαγρικός, ποδαγριών. to Govern the state, πολιτεύομαι, δημαγωγέω. Government, πολιτεία, δημαγωγία, βασιλεία, αρχή, ανακτορία, επιστα- σία, διοίκησις. a Government, επαρχεία, προστα- τείιι, υπατεία. a Governor, σατράπης, έπαρχος, επιστάτης τ ηγεμών, b προεστώς. a Gown, στολή. Grace, χάρις, ενσχημονία, κοσμιότης / χαριεντισμός. to Grace, τιμάω, κοσμίω, επικοσμέω, κατακοσμέω, καλλύνω. Graceful, ευπρεπής, ευσχήμων, κομ- ψός, χαρίεις, ωραίος, επαφρύίιτος. Gracefully, πρεπόντως, καλώς, χαρι έντως.σεμνώς, επισταμένως, εμμελώς. Gracefulness, τιμή, ευπρέπεια, το πρέπον, τό καλόν, κάλλος. Graceless, όμουσος, αχάριτος. Gracelessly, αμοίσως, αχαρίτως. a Grain, κόκκος, χόνδρος, θρόμβος. Grain, σίτος. of Grain, σιτικός. a , Grain merchant, σιτοκάπτ,λος, σιτοπώλης. to measure Grain, σιτομετοέω. against the Grain, κατά φύσιν. full of Grains, κοκκώδης. Grammar, γραμματική. Grammatical or a Grammarian, γραμματικός.' Grammatically, γραμματικώς. a Granary, σιτοφυλακεΐον, σιτοβο- λών. Grand, μεγαλοπρεπής, μεγαλόφρων. περίσεμνος, φιλότιμος. a Grandaunt by the father, θεία προς πατρός μεγάλη θεία του προ- πάππου, αποτηθίς• by the mother, θεία προς μητρός μεγάλη. a Grandchild of a. grandchild, απεκγόνος or -νη. a great Grandchild, απέγγονος, από- γονος or -νη. a Granddaughter, υΐωνή, θυγατριίή. Grandeur, μεγαλιπρέπεια, μεγαλείο- rift, μεγαΜΟργία, φιλοτιμία. GRE Grandfather, πάππος' by the father, προπάτωρ, πατροπάτωρ' by the mother, μητροπάτωρ. a great Granulather, απόπαππος επίπαππος, τριτοπάτωρ. a great great Grandfather, δίσ- πάππος. a great grandfather's great Grand- father, τρίπαππος. Grandly, μεγαλοπρεπώς, μεγαλείως, 6aipiXu>i. a Grandmother, αάμμα. a great Grandmother, π απομάμμη. a Grandson, εγγονός, έκγονος, από- γονος. a Granduncle, αποθεΧος, Θείος μέγας. a Grant, δίπλωμα. Grass, πόα, χόρτος, χλόη. Grassy, χλοηφορος,χορτώδης, χλοώ- δης, ποώδης, βοτανώδης. a Grasshopper, τέττιξ. a Grate for fire, ανθράκων, εσχαρϊς, εσχάριον. Grateful, ευγνώμων, εύχαρις. Gratefully, ενγνωμόνως. to Gratify, χαρίζομαι, καταχαρίζο- μαι, επαρέσκω, ευεργετέω. Gratitude, ευχαριστία, ευγνωμοσύνη, χαρίς. a Gratuity, επιφορά, προσθήκη. a Grave, τάφος, τύμβος, χώνος, ηρί- ον, μνήμα. with one foot in the Grave, τνμ- βογέρων. Grave, σεμνός, αυστηρός, αγέλαστος, απότομος, βαρ'υθυμος, βαρΰψυχος. Grave-visaged, προσωπώδης, σεμνο- πρόσωπος. Gravely, σεμνώς. < Gravel, χάλιξ, ψηφϊς, ψάμμος, dim. τ •αμμίυ'ν. Graven, see Carve. a Graver, γλυπτήριον, γλυφεΊον. Gravity, σεμνύτης, αξιότης' αποτομία, δεινολογία. Gray, πολιός, λευκός, λευκάνθης. Gray hairs, αι πολιαϊ τρίχες, πολιό- της, πολία. to grow Gray, πολιόομαι. to Graze, strike sliglitly, επιγράφω. to Graze, νέμομαι, κατανέμομαι, επι- βόσκω, επιβόσκομαι, κατατρώγω. to go to Graze, επι χιλόν εξέρχο- μαι. Grazing, νομή, προνομή, τροφή, βορά, χίλος. Grease, στέαρ. Great, μέγας, αδρός, ικανός, υπερ- μέγας, ευμεγέθης, παμμεγέθης, πο- λύς. so Great, τηλικουτος, τόσος. SO Great as, τηλίκοΤτος όσος. the Great, ol δνναστενοντες, προστά- ται, πρωτεύοντες, μεγιστάνες, οι πρώτοι, οι άριστοι. to the Greatest degree, είί tat μά- λιστα. Greatness, μέγεθος, Ικανότης' μεγα- λομερεία. Greatness of spirit, μεγαλοψυχία, μεγαλοφροσύνη. Greatly, μεγάλως, Ίκανώς, παμμέγα, δεινως. how Greatly, ως οΰν, εις οσονγε. Greaves, κνημϊς, πεοικνημίς. Greece, Αχα'ία< Έλ\άς. GUI Greedily, επιθυμητικώς, εκθνμως. Greediness, αδδηφαγία, πολυφαγία, απληστία' πλεονεξία, επιθυμία. Greedy, αδδηφάγος, πολυψάγος, βά- ρος, πλεονέκτης, επιθυμητικός. a Greek, "Ελλην Ελληνικός, Α- χαϊός. Gr,et, λίπη, ανία, άχος, άχθος, άλγος, αδημονία, κατήφεια' οδύνη, πάθος, νόσημα. to Grieve, λυπέομαι. Grieving, κατηφής, λυπηρός, άθυμος. to cease Grieving, απαλγέω. Grievous, πολυώδινος , πάνυ λυπηρός. Grievously, ανιαρως,βαρεως,λυπηρώς. a Griffin, γρύιμ. to Grin, σαίρω, την \>ίνα συστέλλω to Grind, «λέω, αλήθω' συντρίβ λεπτύνω. Griped, καρδιακός. Gripes, στροφός, δυσεντερία. Gristle, χόνδρος. Gristly, χονδρώδης, χονδρότνπος. a Groan, στεναγμός. to Groan, στενέω, στενάζω. to Groan around, περιστενάζομαι, περιστένομαι. the Groin, βουβών. a Groom, Ίπποκόμος, Ιπποφόρβος' ονηλάτης, αστραβηλάτης. the Ground, γή, χθων, πέδων, έδα φος. on the Ground, ετπ γης, κατά γης χαμαί. to level to the Ground, κατασκάπτω εις έδαφος. a Grove, άλσος, τέμενος. to Grow, αυξάνω, φύομαι, εκτρέπο- μαι, επίδοσιν λαμβάνω. to make Grow, φύω. to Grow in or upon, επιφύομαι, εγγίγνομαι, εμφύομαι.. to Grow together, συμφύομαι, αναυ- ξόνομαι, υποφύομαι. to Grow up, ηβάω, εννεάζω, μειρα- κενομαι, μειρακιόομαι, μειρακίζο- μαι, κουράζω, αυξάνομαι. to Grow up again, αναφύω, αναγεν- νάομαι. to Grow up out of, εκφνομαι, ανα- φύομαι, απαυξάνομαι. to Grow up under or after, νπο- φύομαι, νπανατελλω. to Grow upon, επιγίνομαι, επιφύομαι, παραφύομαι, προσφίιομαι. a Grown boy, αρτίπαις. Grown up, ανδροθέις, τέλειος, ακ- μαίος. Growth, αϋξησις, επίδοσις. a Grub, σίλφη. a Grudge j έχθρα, δυσμένεια. to bear a Grudge, έχω δνσαρέστως. without Grudge, άφθονος• adv. αφθόνως. a Grunt, γρυλλισμάς. to Grunt, γρυλλίζω, γρύζω. Οα<λΐά,φύλαξ, φνλακτήρ' φυλακή, φνλακτήριον. to Guard, φυλάττω, φρουρίω, τηρέω. to Guard against, προφυλάττομαι. Guarded, δορυφορούμενος. a Guardian, επίτροπος' α~λεξίκακος. η Gudgeon, γωβιός. a Guest, ξένος' συντράπεζος, σύμβιος. a Guide, οδηγός. Guilt, αιτία, ^αδικία, κακουργία) αιτί- ανις αϊτίαμα, αδίκημα^ (30) ΗΑΝ Guiltless, αναίτιος, ανίγκλητος, ανεύ* θυνος. Guilty, υπαίτιος, υπεύθυνος, υπόδι- κος. Guilty of every crime, ένοχος πά σης της αδικίας.^ a Guitar, κιθάρα, χέλυς, φόρμιγξ. a Gulph, άβυσσος, βάραθρον, χάσμα φάραγξ, δίνη, πέλαγος. Gum, κόμμι. the Gum, ούλον, ίνουλον. a Gutter, σωλήν, γεΊσσον. Guttered, γεισσωειδύς. Ha ! φευ, ιδού. Habit, έθος, συνήθεια, τρόπος" εζις 7 κατάστασις, διάθεσις' σχήμα. Habitable, οικήσιμος, οικητύς. not Habitable, ανοίκητος, αοίκη- τος. a Habitation, οίκημα, οικισμός, οίκη- σις, συνδιατριβή. Hail, χάλαζα. Hair, θρϊξ, κόμη, πλόκαμος, έθειρα, χαΐτα, τρίχωμα, λάχνη. false Hair, εντρίχιον, πρσκόμιον* a falling of the Hair, αλωπεκία. a lock of Hair, βόστρυξ, βόστρυχος, κοΰρα. with long Hair, κομήτης, πολύκο- μος, τριχωτός, τετριχωμένος, εν- πλόκαμος. to dress the Hair, τριχοκομέω, επι• κομάω. to wear long Hair, κομάω. to pluck off the Hair, ψίλόω, arro- τίλλω. Haircloth, κιλίκιον, τριχίνιον, διφ- θέρα. Hairy or covered with Hair, κομή- της, ευπλόκαμος, τριχωτός. Hairy or like Hair, τριχώδης, λαχνήεις, παραπλόκαμος. the Halcyon, άλκύων. Halcyon days, άλκυόνειάι ί)μέραι, άλκυονίτιδες. Half, ήμισυς. the Half, τό 'ήμισυ, μεσότης. by the Half, εξ ημισείας. a Half-boot, κρηπίς. a Half-hour, ημιώριον. a Hall, αυλή, μέλαθρον, αυλαία, ακροατήριον. a Halter, βρόχος. Halved, ήμισευθείς. a Ham oj bacon, πέρνα, πέτασων. the Ham, ιγνύα, ιγνύς. a Hammer, σφύρα, ρ"αιστήρ. the Hand, χείρ. at Hand, δια χειρός. from Hand to hand, δια χειρών. to Hand, χειραγωγέω. to Hand down, -αραδίδωμι γραφ$, Ιστορέω. to Hand over, μετάγω. to take in Hand, εγχειρίζομαι. to take in Hand again, αναπραγ- μιτεύομαι, αναλαμβάνω, ανανείω- it has been Handed down, ιστόρη rau HAR HAU HEA a Handful, δραξ, δράγμα, άμαλλα. a Handing over. Si ιγωγή. ε Handkerchief, σονδάρων , ρινόμακ- τρον, χειρόμικτρυν. a Handle, λαβή, κώπη• αφορμή, αν- τιλαβή. to give a Handle, αφορμήν δίδωμι, λαβήν παραδίδωμι. to Handle, μεταχειρίζομαι, εγχειρί- ζομαι, Ύ ηλαφάω, καθάπτομαι. with Handles, κωπήεις, ωτόεις. a Handling, μεταχείρησις, συνάφεια, αφις, χΐηλάφησις. to join Hands, συμβάλλω τίνι or προς τίνα. to shake Hands, δεξιόομαι or -άο- μαι, την δεζιάν προτείνω. Handsel, αρραβών, ενέχυρον. Handsome, καλός, περικαλής, εκπρε- πής. Handsomely, ευ, καλώς, χαριέντως. Handsomeness, κάλλος, καλλώπισ- μα. to Hang to or upon, προσαρτάω, εξά-κτω, αιωρέω. ίο Hang up, αναρτάω, ανάπτω, κρε- μάω. to Hang, be suspended, to or from, κρέμαμαι, εκκρέμαμαι, εξάπτομαι, αιωρέομαι, εξαρτάομαι. a Hanging up, κρέμασις' ανασταύ- ρωσις. Hanging down, καθείμενος. Hanging from, εκκρεμής, μετέωρος, κρεμαστός. Hangings, αυλαία, περιπέτασμα. a Hangman, δήμιος. to Happen, συμβαίνω, εκβαίνω, α- ποβαίνω, παρεμπίπτω, συμπίπτω, προστυγχάνω, ενδέχομαι, καθήκω. it Happens, συμβαίνει, ενδέχεται, υπάρχει. Happily, μακαρίως, ενδαιμδνως, δε- ξιάς, ευτυχώς. to live Happily, ευδαιμόνως τόν βίον διατελέω. to turn out Happily, συμβαίνω κα- λώς. Happiness, ευζωία, ευκληρία, ευδαι- μονία, μακαριστής . Happy, μακάριος, ευδαίμων, ευτυχής, εύκληρος, όλβιος. thrice or very Happy, πανευδαίμων, τρισευδαίμων, τρισόλβιος. to Harangue, δημηγορεύω, λόγον ποιέομαι, αγορεύω. to Harass, διασύρω, διαστροφέω, κα- ταπονέω, τείρω. a Harbour, λιμήν. Hard, σκληρός• χαλεπός, δυσχερής' δυσάρεστος. very Hard, παγχαλεπός. Hard by, πάρα, αμφϊ, προς. to Harden or make hard, σκληρύνω, τνλόω, εντυλόω. to Harden or grow hard, σκληρύνο- μαι, σκιρρόομαι, εντυλόομαι. to Harden wiih fire, καυτηριάζω, καίω. to be Hardened in sin, ουκ επίστα- uat ερυθριαν επί τοΊς αισχροίς. Hardly, μόγις, μόλις, τελενταΐον,χα- λεπως, δ"σχόλως, δυσχερώς, εν- δεως, σχολή, σχοληγε. ίο be Hardly able, ενδεως πράτ- τω. Hardness, σκ\ηρ6τη$. Hardship, χαλεπότης, δυσχολία, δυσ- δερεία. are, λαγώος, λαγως, dim. λαγώ- διον. Λ Harlot, εταίρα, πόρνη, dim. εταιρί- διον, πορνιδιον. like a Harlot, εταιρικός, πορνικός. to play the Harlot, πορνεύω. Harm, βλάβη, κακία. Harmless, άβλαβης, άκακος, αναί- τιος, ανέγκλητος. Harmonious, σύμφωνος, εύηχος. to Harmonize, συμφωνάω. Harmony, συμφωνία, μέλος, ωδή, αρμονία. to make Harmony, μελωδέω, κα- ταυλέω, μελίζω. to Harness, ΰποζευγνύω. a Harp, βάρβιτος and -τον φορ- μίγξ, κιθάρα, λύρα. to sing to the Harp, &c. κιθαρίζω, φορμίζω. a Harper, κιθαρωδός, κιθαριστής, κι- θαρίστρια. a "Harrow, βωλοκόπημα. to Harrow, βωλοκοπέω. Harsh, ανεπιεικής , απήνης, ανήμερος, αυστηρός, στρυφνός, δριμύς, άτερπ- νος., οξύς, χαλεπός, σκληρός. Harshly, απηνως,ανε-ιείκώς, πικρώς. δριμύ, δριμέως, οξέως• σφόδρα, εντό- νως. Harshness, απήνεια, ανεπιείκεια, αυ- στηρότης, στρυφνότης, δριμύτης, οξύτης, πικρία. Harvest, θερισμός. to Harvest, θερίζω. See to Gather, Collect. * Haste, σπουδή, ταχεία, έπειξις,κατέ- πειξις. in Haste, σπουδαίως, ταχέως, δια or μετά σπουδής, σπουδή. in all Haste, δρομάδην. done in Haste, αυτοσχέδιος, παρατν- χών. to Hasten, σπεύδω, επισπεύδω, κατα- σπεύδω,επείγω, επείγομαι, επισπέρ- χω, επιταχύνω, εγκονέω, σοβέω, ανίστημι, επαναγκάζω. Hastily, ταχέως, λίαν ταχέως, δια σπουδής' αυτοσχεδίως, αυτοσχεδιασ- τή, εκ καιρού, εκ του παρατυχόντο;. Hasty, ταχύς, σπουδαίος• αυτοσχέ- διος, αυτοσχεδιαστός. arlat, πέτασος, πίλος, πίλημα, πίλιον, πιλίδιον, πιλίσκος, φενάκη to wear a Hat, πιλίον φορέω. to Hatch, επωάζω, θάλπω. Hatches, κατάστρωμα- a Hatching, επωασμός, εγκοίμησις. to Hate, μισέω, εχθαίρω, εχθρεύω, στυγέω, κατεχθραίνω , σκορακίζω. Hated or Hateful, απεχθημένος, α- πεχθής, μισητός, στυγερός, δυσχε- ρής, λυπηρός. Hated by or Hateful to the gods, θεομισής, θεοστυ/ής. a woman-Hater, μισογύνης. Hatefully, απεχθως. Hating, στυγέων -ων, απεχθής, δυσ- μενής, εχθρός, σκληρός. Hating much, διαμισων, νπερστυ- γέων. Hatred, μίσος, έχθος. Haughtily, αλαζονικως, υπερηφά- νως. to behave Haughtily, αλαζονίίομαι, (31) αλαζονικώς επαιρέομαι, με-^αλοφρθ~ νέω. Haughtiness, αλαζονεία, υπερηφ^νία , μεγαλοφροσύνη , τύφος, φρόνημα. Haughty, αλάζων, νπέρφρων, υπέρ κόμπος, ύπερ?πτης, αυχήεις. to Have, έχω, κτόομαι, κρατέω, κα- ταλαμβάνω, α'ιρέω. to Have to do with, συγγίνομαι τινι, βινώσκειν τίνα. awk, ίεραξ, 'ίρηζ, αστερίας. to Hawk up, εκπτύω, χρέμπτομαι, αποχρέμπτομαι. a Hawker, αγύρτης, αγοραίος, αλή- μων. a Hawking up of spittle, χρέμψις. Ha}', χόρτος, κάρφη. Hay harvest, χορτοκοπία. a Hay yard, χοοτοδοχείον. a Hazel tree, κόρυλος. He, she, it, εκείνος, ούτος, οδε, αυτός. the Head, κεφαλή, κεφάλαιον. κάοη. vcv. a Head, αρχή. a Head or clove of garlic, γελγίς. the back of the Head, ινίον. of the Head, κεφαλικός. Headache, κεφαλαλγία, καρηβαρία. to have the Headache, κεφαλαλ- γέω, κζρηβαρέω. a Headband, μίτρα, κεφαλοδέσμιον, υπερμετώπιον. a Headdress, κάλλυντρον, άμπυζ, κρήδεμνον. three Headed, τρικέφαλος, τρίκρα- νος. Headlong, επικεφαλήν, προσπετώς. a falling Headlong, προπέτεια, κα• τακρήμνησις. to throw Headlong, κατακρημνίζω, ρίπτω εις —. with two Heads, δικέφαλος, δίκρα- νος. to Heal, ονλόω. Health, νγίεια, υγεία, το υγιεινόν, ευρωστία, ρώσις. a Health, πρόποσις, πρόπομα. good Health, ενεξία,υγίεια,ευρωστία. to drink Health, προπίν,ω. to enjoy Health, υγιαίνω, ρώνννμι, ευσωματέω. ill Health, αρρώστια, νόσος. to recover Health, επιρρώνννμαι. to restore to Health, εξυγιαίνω. Healthy, υγιεινός, υγιής, σωτηριώ- δης, εύρωστος, ερίωμένος, ακμάζων, ενσωμάτων. Healthily σωτήριως. a Heap, όγκος, σωρός, θημων, θίς, θϊν, σώρευμα, σώρενσις, επισώρευ- σις, συνάθροισμα, νήσις. to Heap or Heap up, σωρεύω, επισω- ρεύω ,χόω ,επιχώννυ μι ,περιχών. υμι or -νύω , αθροίζω , συνάγω ,νηίω . νήω. to Heap in or into, επεμφορέω, εμ- φορέω, ενίημι. to Heap upcai, συναθροίζω, επισννα- θροίζω,επιφορέω.προσφορέωσνμψο• ρέω, προσπαρα βάλλομαι, επισάττω. Heaped, συμφυρηθείς. a Heaping up, συμφόρησις. in Heaps, σωρηδόν, αθρόως, πυκνώς. to Hear, ακούω, διακούω, ακρυάο- μαι, πννθάνομαι, πεύθομαι, ακο->ϊ είδημι. to Hear or hearken, ακροάω i.ud •άομαι, ωτακουστέω, προσέχω. HEN HIP HON to Hear clearly, εξακοίω, εισακούω, κατακαίω. lipoid, ακουσθείς, διαπυστός. a Hearer, ακροατής, ακουστής. the Hearing, ακοή, ακρόασις. quick ofHearing, οξυήκοος. the Heart, καρδία, κέαρ : κήρ, ητορ. a dear little Heart, θυμίδιον. to get by Heart, παρικατατίθημι τη μνήμη, εκμανθάνω, εζεπίσταμαι. to repeat by Heart, and στόματος or μνήμη; ΟΓ γλώσσης έπω. a Hearth, εστία. Heartily, ευθυμώς, εκ ψυχής, κατά γνώμην. Heat, θέρμη, θερμότης, καύμα, αΊθος, θάλπος. a violent Heat, καύσων, έγκανσις. boiling Heat, ζέσις, βρισμός. with Heat, θερμαίνοντας. Heaven, ουρανός, πόλος. from Heaven, ουρανόθεν, θεόθεν, κα- τά θεόν. come from Heaven, ουρανοπετής. in Heaven, ovp ινόθι. Heavenly, ουράνιος, επουράνιος, ο- λύμπιος, αιθέριος. a Heavenly being, ουρανίων. Heavy, βαρ'υς. to grow Heavy, επιβαρύνομαι. a Hecatomb, εκατόμβη. a Hedge, φραγμός, φράγμα, περί- φραγμα, περίβολος. to Hedge, φράττω, περιφράττω, εμ- φράττω, περιβάλλομαι. a Hedge-hog, εχίνος. Heedless, απρονόητος, απερίσκεπτος, αβίλτερος. Heedlessly, απρονοήτως. αβούλως, απερισκέπτως, αφροντίστως, αφυ- λόκτως. Heedlessness, αλογιστία, ασυνεσία. the Heel, πτέρνα. a Heifer, μόσχος, δαμάλη, δαμάλις, πόρτις, πόρταξ. Height, ύψος, ύψωμα, ΰψηλότης, με- τεωρισμός. an Heir, κληρονόμος. to make Heir to — , κληρονόμον τινά απολείπω. a joint Heir, συγκληρονόμος. to be Held, ίκτέος. Hell, αδης, έρεβος, γίεννα, νεκροδέγ- μων, τάρταρος. Hellebore, έλλέβορος. Hellish, ταρταριος. a Helmet, κόρος, πήληξ, κράνος, περι- κεφαλαία' λόφος. to wear a Helmet, κράνει σκέπομαι. with a Helmet, κορυστής. Help, βοήθεια, βοήθημα, επικουρία, αντιλήψις, αλεζητήριον, δύναμις. to Help, βοηθέω, προσβοηθέω, ειμί βοηθός, επικουρέο), συλλαμβάνω, παρίσταμιι, αμύνω, συνεργώ, αλ- εζέω, οφέλλω, οφελέω, επωφελέω, συνωφελέω, βοηδρομέω, συναίρο μαι. a Helper, βοηθός, επίκουρος, αλεξη τηρ, επάρκειας. a Hemisphere, ημισφαίριον. Hemlock, κώνειον. Hemp, κάνναβις. Hempen, καννάβινος. a Hen, αλεκτορίς. of or like a Hen, αλεκ-όριος. Hence, ένθεν, ενθένδε, ατεϋθεν. from Hence, από τούδε, εντεύθεν, εν- θένδε. Henceforth, τουντεύθεν, από τούτου, εκ τούτον. from Henceforth, εξετι του, από τό- τε, εκ or από του νυν. a Herald, κήρυξ, κηρυκειοφυρος, ειρηνοποιός. an Herb, βοτάνη. Herbage, βοτάνη, πόη, χόρτος, χλοή. an Herbalist, βοτανιστής. to gather Herbs, βοτανολογέω. living on Herbs, ποηφάγος. a seller of Herbs, λαχ<ιναπώλης, κήπωρος. by Hercules, νη τον Ήρακλέα. no by Hercules, μά τον Ήρακλέα. a Herd, αγέλη, βονφόρβιον. in a Herd, or herds, αγελώδης• adv. αγέληδον, κατ αγέλην. a Herd, or Ιιε-άδηιαιι,βουκόλος,βου- φορβός, αγελάρχης. a swine Herd, νψορβός, νοβόσκος. Here, αύθι, τγδε, αυτόθι, ενταύθα, ενταυθοί, ενθάδε. Here and there, δενρο κακεΊσε. ένθεν και ένθεν, εκ μεν τυυεπιθάτερα, πρό σωκαΐ οπίσω. έμπροσθεν κ<.ι όπισθεν Here or come Here, δεΰρο, δεύτε, ίθ δη, ίθι νυν. Hereafter, εις τό έπειτα, τό λοιπόν. Hereditary, προγονικός, πατροος. a Heretic, έτερυδοζός, α'ιρετικός. Heretofore, έμπροσθεν, πρό τού,πρίν πρύτερον. a Hermit, ερημίτης, αναχωρητής. a Hero, ίηοως. Heroical, ηρ^σς, ηρωϊκός. diYlerdinQ, ηρωϊνη ,ηρωνη ,αντιάνειρα- a Heron, ερωδάς, ερωδιός. to Hesitate, απαρτάομαι, απορέω. to Hew, πελεκέω, πελεκίζω. Hidden, κρυβεϊς, αποκεκρυμμένος, ά- δηλος, κρυπτός, κρυφαΊος, κρύφιος, απόκρυφος, απόθετας, μύχιος, ενδο- μύχιος, απόρρητος. to Hide, κρύπτω, αποκρύπτω, συγ- κρύπτω, καλύπτω, εγκρυφιάζω,απο- τίθημι. to Hide from, κρύπτομαι, αποκρύπ- τομαι, κατακρύπτομαι, καταδύνω, λανθάνω, διαλανθάνω. a Hide, σκύτος, βύρσα, δέρμα, κάρ- βασα. High, ανωφερης, μετέωρος, αίωρος, υ- ψηλός, υψίβατος, αιπύς, άκρος. οηΉ.\ζ\\,νψηλως ,νψού ,υψόθι ,άνωθι. to rise on High, μετεωρίζομαι. Highest, ύψιστος, υπέρτατος, πανυ- πέρτατος, έσχατος. a Highroad, λεωφόρος, bδός. a Hill, λόφος, βουνός, κνημός, χωνος, γεώλοφον. Hilly, βουνώδης. the Hilt, λαβή, κώπη. to Hinder, είργω, ανείργω, απείργω, κωλύω, αποκωλϋω, επέχω, εμποδί- ζω, εμποδών ειμί. Hindered, εμποδισθείς. a Hindering, έμφραξις, περίφραξις, κώλυσις. a Hindrance, κώλυσις, κώλυμα, εμ- πόδιον, ειργμός. a Hinge, θαιρός, στροφευς, στρόφιγζ. to Hint at, αινίττομαι. to Hint to, υπαναμιμνήσκω. the Hip, ισχίον, μηρίον. (32) Hippomanes, Ιππομανίς. Hire, μίσθο$, μίσθωσις, διαμίσθωσις, μίσθωμα . μισθοδοσία, εργολαβία, α ποφορά, επαγωγή. toHire, ιασ&ίω, απομισθόω, εκδίδωμι. to take Hire, μισθοφορέω. Hired, υπόμισθος, μισθωτός, μεμισ- βωμένος. a Hireling, μισθοφόρος, μισθσρνής, υποτελής. a Hirer, μισθοδυτής' εκδιδούς His, ος, η, όν. to Hiss, συρίττω , κλώζω, τρϋζω, ροίζω. Hissing, συρίττων. a Hissing, συριγμός, σύριγμα, κλ*»γ μός, ψίθυρος, λιγυρός. an Historian, ιστοριογράφος, λογο- γράφος, συγγραφεύς. Historical, χρονικός. Histories, χρονικά. History, Ιστορία. to write History, Ίστορέω, λογογρα- φέω. Hither, δεϋρο, ένθα, ενθάδε, ενταύθα. Hither, εγγύτερος, ενδότερος' adv. εντός, επϊ τάδε. Hitherto, μέχρι τούδε, μέχρι τούτου, μέχρι νυν, προσέτι, έτι. Hoarse, βραγχώδης, βραγχαλίος. to be Hoarse, βραγχιάζω. Hoarseness, βράγχος. a Hobgoblin, μόρων, μορμολύκειον λαμία. a Hog, υς,συς, χοίρος, άίτη.χοιρίδιον. of or like a Hog, υϊκός, χορείος, κα• πρινός. a Hold, έχμα, πείσμα, λαβή' avrt- λάβη, επιληψις. to Hold, κατέχω, αναλαμβάνω, κρα- τέω. to Hold as, τ'ιθημι εις — , νομίζω to Hold dear, χαίρω τινί. to Hold forth, προφαίνω. the Hold of a ship, εντεριώνη, εντε- > ριωνίς. a Hole, οπη, πόρος, τρύπημα, τρήμα. die Hole of the ear, κυψέλη. a Holiday, εορτή. to keep Holiday, εορτάζω, ίορτην or απραζίαν άγω, σχολάζω, σχολήν άγω. Hofily, οσίως, άγίως. Holiness, άγιότης, αγιασμός, άγιο σύνη, όσιότης, ακηραστία,σεμνότης. Hollo, ώ. Hollow, κοίλος, έγκοιλος. a Hollow, κοίλωμα, κόλπος. to Hollow out, κοιλέω, κοιλαίνω , κοι• λόω, εκκοιλόω. Hollowed, κοιλωθείς, κοίλος, κυτώ- δης, ρυακώδης. a Hollowing, εκκοίλωσις. Holy, όσιος, άγιος, ϊερός, εναγής. a Holy place, άγιαστήριον. Holy watei , καθάρσιον ύδωρ. Home, οίκος, οικία. at Home, οίκοι, οίκοθι, ένδον. at Home and abroad, εν οικία καϊ εν πολέμω. from Home, οίκοθεν, από του οίκου. to return Home, εποικίζομαι, citav- έρχομαι. Homeward, οικάδε, οικόνδε. a Hone, ακονη, θηγάνη. Honest, καλός, χρηστός, αγαθός, δό- κιμος, ευδόκιμος, ευτχήμων, σεμνός, έντιμος. HOS HUN IGN Honesty, χρηστότης, καλοκαγαθία, κάλλος, το καλόν. Honey, μελί. the making• of Honey, μίλιτοποίη- σις, μελιτουργία. Honeycomb, κηρίον. Honied, μελιτώδης. Honorary, τιμητικός, γερούσιος. Honour, άξια, κύδος, τιμή, καλοκα- γαθία, κάλλος, κοσμιότης. to be an Honour to, εν κόσμο) και τφγ ειμί — . to Honour, τιμάω, επικοσμέω. Honourable, τίμιος, σεβαστός, γερα- ρός, επιφανής. right Honourable, τιμιωτάτος, επι- φανέστατος. a Hood, κεκρύφαλος. a Hoof, δπλ^• a Hook, άγκιστρον. a reaping Hook, δρεπάνη, αρπη. to Hook or catch with a Hook, αγκιστρεύω. Hooked, αγκιστρωτός, δρεπανοειδής, αγκ'υλος, γαμψώννχος. Hooknosed, γρυπός, επίγρυπος. to Hoop, λυγίζω. Hope, ελπϊί, προσδοκία, δόξα. against Hope, παρ' ελπίδα, πάρα δόξαν. to cherish vain Hope, κενάΐς ελπίσι θερμαίνομαι. to fail in Hope, αποτυγχάνομαι or σφάλλομαι της ελπίδος. false Hope, κενελπ ιστία. good Hope, ευελπ ιστία. to give Hope, ελπίδα παρέχω. to have Hope in, αποβλέπω εις — . to take Hope, ελπίδα λαμβάνω. to Hope, ελπίζω, δόξαν έχω, έλπομαι, ■πείθομαι. it is Hopeless, ουκ ελπίς εστί, μηδε- μίαν or ουκ ελπίδα έχω. a Horn, κέρας. to Horn, κερατίζω. Horned, κερατόεις, ευκέρως, κεραός. one Horned, μονοκέρως. two Horned, δικέραος. a Horned serpent, κεραστής. that Horns or butts, κερατιστής. without Horns, ακέρως. Horny, κεράτινος. a Hornet, ανθρήνη. Horrible, φοβερός, φρικτέος, φρικτός,. φρικώδης. a Horse, 'ίππος. a saddle Horse, κέλης. a master of Horse, ίππαρχος, ιπ- παρχικός. «ΐ a Horse, "ιππεως. a Horseman, "ιππευς, Ιπποβά- της. α light Horseman, ένστολης tq Ιπλίσει. Horsemanship, Ιππική, Ιπποσύνη. to excel in Horsemanship, Ιππο- κρατέυμαι. a breeder of Horses, in π άβατος, ίππονόμος. fond of Horses, φίλιππος, Ίππερασ- τής. Hospitable, ξενικός, φιλόξενος, υπο- δέξιος. Hospitably, ξενίως, φιλοξένως. to treat Hospitably, ξενδω, λαμ- πρώς ξενίζω, ξενοδοχέω. Hospitality, ξενία, φιλοξενία. want of Hospitality, αξενία, κακό ξενία. a Host or Hostess, ξένος, ξένη, ξένο δόχος. a Hostage, 'όμηρος. Hostile, πολέμιος, εχθρός, πολεμικός, ουσμενης. an Hostler, ανλείτης, πανδοχενς. Hot, θερμός. to grow Hot, θερμαίνομαι, διαθερ- μαίνομαι, εκθερμαίνομαι, βράσσο- μαι, θάλπομαι. to be very Hot, καυσόομαι, καυμα- τίζομαι, βράσσω. Hotly, περικαώς. a Hound, κίων Οηρευτικός. an Hour, ώρα. every Hour, οσαι ωραι. a House, οίκος, οικία, δώμα, αυλή. an out House, οικημάτων. a Housekeeper, οικονόμος, ταμίας, οικοδεσπότης. Housekeeping, οικονομία, διαχείρη- σις. Houseleek, ζωόφθαλμος, αείζωον. a Hovel, καλύβιον, σκηνύδριον, οικίσ- κος, οικημάτων. How ? πώς, τίνα τρόπον, ον τρόπον ; How long 1 εφ' 'όσον χρόνον, καθόσον; How many 1 πόσος ; for How much ? πόσου ; However, αλλά γαρ, όμως, άρα, αλλ' όμως, αλλά και ως, αλλά τοι γέτοι, και μήν. but However, και μην, αλλά μην αλλ' όμως, μη ουχί. However or Howsoever, οποίως αν, ώς άν τύχοι, ώς έτυχεν, όπως δή. to Howl, ολολύζω, εξολολύζω. a Howling, ολολυγή, ολολυγμός. Huge, μέγας, ευμεγέθης, πελώριος, κητώδης, κητώος, κητώεις. of Human nature, ανθρωπικώς. Humane, φιλάνθρωπος, ανθρώπινος, επιεικής. Humanely, ανθρωπίνως, φιλανθρώ- πως, ανθρωπείως. Humanity, ανθρωπότης' φιλανθρω- πία, επιείκεια. to act with Humanity, φιλανθρώ- πως έχω. Humble, ταπεινός, υφειμένος' άδοξος. to be Humble, ταπεινόομαι, υποτάτ- τω εμαυτόν, ύποτίθημι, υποβάλλω, υποείκω. to feel Humbly, ταπεινοφρονέω, μικ- ρόν or μικρά φρονέω. Humbly, ταπεινώς, υφειμένως. Humiliation, ταπείνωσις, κάθεσις. Humility, ταπεινότης, ταπείνωσις, ταπεινοφροσύνη. a Hump, κύρτωμα, κ'υφωσις, νβωμα. Humped, κυρτός, κυφός, ύβος. a Hundred, εκατόν. a Hundred-weight, ίκατοντάσταθ- μον. a Hundred-fold, έκατομπλασίων. a Hundred times, έκατοντάκις. one of a Hundred, b τών εκατόν. with a Hundred hands, Ικατογχείρ. the Hundredth, εκατοστός. every Hundredth, εκατονταως. Hunger, λιμός, πείνα, πειναλεότης, τροφής όρεξις. to Hunger, πεινάω. to perisn with Hunger, λίμω απύ\- λνμι or αποθνήσκω. (33) Hungry, πειναλέος, πεινητικός, βον λιμιών, λιιιώττων, πεινάων. a Hunt, θήρα, θήρασις, θήρευμα στοιχισμός. to Hunt, θηρεύω, αγρεύω, θηράομαι- στοιχίζω. a Hunter, θηρευτής, θηρατής, αγρευ- τής' θηράτειρα, κυνηγέτειρα. a legacy Hunter, κληρονομείς. Hunting, θηρείων, θηρευτικός, κυνη- γετικός. a Hunting dog, κϋων θηρεντικδς. Hunting and hawking, κυνήγια καϊ ορνοθηρία. a Hurdle, ταρρός, τάλαρος. to Hurry, επισπέρχω, σοβέω. Hurt, βλαβή, ζημία, θωή, λύμη' υβρισις, επήρεια• to Hurt, βλάπτω, κακώς ποιέω, κα- κόω, αδικέω, ατάω, Ίπτω, σίνομαι, ζημιόω, επάγω ζημίαν. to be Hurted, ζημιόομαι, βλάβην έχω. Hurtful, ζημιώδης, βλαβερός, βλάπ- των, κακοποιός. Hurtfully, βλοβερως. a Husband, ανήρ, ακοίτης, γαμέτης. a Husbandman, γεωργός , γεωμόρος, γηίτης, γήτης, αγρονόμος, αγρότης, εργασιών. Husbandry, γεο>ργία, γεωπονία, Ϊεώργημα. [usk., λοβός, κεράτων, κέλυφος, λέπισμα. a Hut, οικίδων, οικίσκος, οικημάτιον, καλυβών. a Hyacinth, υάκινθος. a Hyena, ύαινα. Hymen, Ύμήν. a Hymn, 'ύμνος. Hyperbole, υπερβολή. 1, εγώ, έγωγε. as long as I live, δια βίου. Ice, κρύσταλλος, κρύμος, πάγος. an Icicle, σταλαγμός συμπαγείς. Icy, κρυμώδης, κρυερός, παγετώδης. an Idea, ιδέα. Idle, ράθυμος, αργός, οκνηρός' σχο- λαΤος, απράγμων. to Idle, αργέω, Ιαθυμέω, οκνέω, ρα- διονργέω, ραστωνεϋω. Idleness, οκνηρία, αργία, μαθυμία. Idly, μαθύμως, οκνώς. an" Idol, είδωλον. a tutelary Idol, γενέθλιος or πα- τρώος θέος, εφέστιος θέος, δαίμων. If, ει, είπερ, άν, επειδάν. If ever, είποτε, είπερ, άλλοτε. If indeed, είπερ, ε^ε, άρα. but If, ει δε, ει δ' άρα, ειύή, είπερ γάρ, κάν. but 'If not, εί hi μή. to Ignite, εμπυρίζω, πυρόω. Ignoble, δυσγενής, αγενής, ακλεής, άγνωστος, άδοξος, άσημος. Ignobility, δυσγένεια, αγένεια, α- δοξία. Ignorance, αμαθία' αγνοία, αγνόη- μα, αγνωσία, απειρία. IMP INC IND in or through Ignorance, oV απει- ρίαν. Ignorant, άμαθης, απαίδευτος, αγράμ- ματος• ανεπιστήμων, αγνώς, άπει- ρος. to be Ignorant or in Ignorance, αγνοέω, επιλανθάνομαι, ουκ ειδέω, απείρως έχω. lgnorantly, αμαθώς, απαιδεύτως. Ill, κακώς, φαύλως. Ill-thriven, δυσαύξητος. to be 111 or sick, αρρώστως or κακώς to be 111 spoken of by — , κακώς ακούω υπο — . to speak 111 of, κακώς λέγω, λοιδο- ρέω. to take 111, δεινοπαθέω, δυσχεραίνω, αγανακτέω,διαγανακτέω,δεινάποι- έομαι, δυσχερώς ενέγκω, χαλεπώς φέρω. to treat III, ποιέω κακώς. to wish 111 to — , κακώς εύχομαι. Illegal, άθεσμος, αθέμιτος, παράνομος, άνομος. Illegally, αθέσμως, αθεμίτως, παρα- νόμως. Illegitimate, ανίγγυος, έκνομος, νό- θος, έκθεσμος. Ill-natured, κακοήθης, κακόθνμος, κακότροπος. an Image, είδωλον, εικών, είδος, ά- γαλμα, dim. εικόνων, αγαλμάτων. to Imbibe, εμπίνω, εισδίχομαι, ελ- λαμβάνω. to Imbitter, πικραίνω, τραχύνω. Imitable, μιμητός. to Imitate, μιμέομαι. Imitation, μίμησις, μίμημα, ζηλώμα. an Imitator, μιμητής, ζηλωτής. Immature, άωρος, πρόωρος. cut off lmmaturely, πρδ ώρας αναρ- πασθείς. Immaturity, αωρία. Immeasurable, άμετρος. Immediately, ευθύς, αυτίκα, αυτίκα δή μάλα, παραυτίκα, το παραυτίκα, ■παραχρήμα, άρτι, αΤψα, άφαρ, εκ πoδbς, κατά ποδός. Immensity, αμετρία. to Immerge, εμβάπτω, εμβαπτίζω, καταδύνω, εναποκλύω. Immersion, βαπτισμος, έμβαμμα. Imminent, επόμενος. Immodest, άκοσμος, άτακτος, άφρων, άμετρος, ακόλαστος. Immodestly, ακόσμως, ακρατώς, ατάκτως. Immodesty, ακοσμία, αφροσύνη, α- μετρία. Immortal, αθάνατος, αιώνιος, ακήρα- τος, άφθαρτος. Immortality, αθανασία, αφθαρσία. to Immortalize, αθανατίζω. Immoveable, ακίνητος, αμετακίνη- τος, άσειστος. to Impart, κοινωνέω, μεταδίδωμι. Impartial, ευγνώμων, επιεικής. Impartiality, ευγνωμοσύνη, επιείκεια. Impartially, ευγνωμόνως, επιεικώς, ύμαλώς. Impassable, άνοδος, άβατος, αδιάβα- τος, αδιέξοδος, αδιεξίτητος. Impatience, ατλησία, απάθεια. Impatient, απαθής. Impatiently, απαθώς, αμενητί. to Impeach, εγκαλέω. an Impeachment, έγκλημα. to Impend, επίκειμαι, ΰπεξανίσταμαι, επικρέμαμαι, επαρτάομαι. Impending, επιών, προσιών, ενεστώς, επόμενος. Imperfect, ατελής, ατέλεστος. Impiety, ασέβεια, αθεότης. Impious, άσεβης, ανόσιος, άθεος. it is Impious, ουχ 'όσιόν εστί' ον θέμις. Impiously, ασεβώς, ανοσίως. to behave Impiously, ασεβέω. Implacable, απαραίτητος, αμείλικ- τος. Ιο Implore, ανακαλέω, δέομαι, εις βοηθείαν καλέω, επικαλέομαΐ. to Import, εισκομίζω, υποκομίζω, εισ- φέρω, αναφέρω, ανάγω, επάγω, εποχέω. Importation, κομιδη, εισκομιδή, επα- γωγη, εποχή. Imported, εισκομισθεις, παρακομισ- θεις, επακτος, παρείσακτος. Importunity, απαίτησις, ακαιρία. to Impose on, εξαπατάω, φενακίζω, μαγγανεύω. Imposition, see Imposture. Impossibility, αμηχανία. Impossible, αμήχανος, αδύνατος. an Imposlhume, απόστημα. an Impostor, γόης, αγύρτης, πλάνος, απόπλανος,τερατοποώς, φέναξ, απα- τηλός, νοσφιστής, αποστερητής. Imposture, γοητεία, μαγγανεία, φλυ- αρία, απάτη, εξαπάτη, φενακισ- μός. to Impoverish, πτωχίζω. Impregnable, ανάλωτος, άληπτος, ακαταμάχητος. an Impression, χαρακτήρ. to Imprison, βάλλω, εμβάλλω, απά- γω, εισάγω, είργω, κατακλείω or κατατίθεμαι, with εις φυλακήν or ες το δεσμωτήρων. Improper, ανεπιτήδειος, άχρηστος, ανάρμοστος. to Improve, επιδίδωμι, προκόπτω. Improvement, επίδοσις, προκοπή. Imprudence, άγνοια, ασυνεσία, αφρο- σύνη, αβουλία, ανοησία. Imprudent , άφρων, α νόητος, ασύνετος. Imprudently, ανοήτως, δι άγνοιαν. an Impulse, κέντημα, οίστρησις όρμη. Impunity, ατιμωρησία, άδεια. with Impunity, ατιμώρητος, αζή μως. Impurity, βδέΧυγμα. to Impute, ανατίθημι, προστίθημι Ο] -θεμαι, επάγω θΓεπά)/ω τήν αιτίαν, προσγράφω, εγκατατάττω. In, εν, ενι, εις or ε?. Inaccessible, απρόσιτος, ανεπίβατος, άβατος, δυσέμβατος, δυσέμβολος, δυσπρόσοδος. Inasmuch as, οία δή, οιονεί. Inbred, εγγινόμενος, έμφυτος. Incarnation, σάρκωσις, ενανθρώπη σις. Incense, θυμίαμα. to burn Incense, θυμιάω, θειόω, κνισσόω, καθαγίζο). Incessantly, αδιαλείπτως, συνεχώς. Incest, // ανόσιος or άνομος συνουσία, μοιχεία, ανόμιμος γάμος. Incestuous, ανόσιος, άνομος, ασελ- γής, αισχρουργός. Incidentally, παρέργως, tv παρόδψ. Inclination, προθυμία, επιρροπή, ευ• καταφορία. to Incline to, συντείνω, ρέπω, φέρο- μαι επι — , αποκλίνω προς — . Inclined to, επιρρεπής, ευκατάφορος. an Income, πρόσοδος, αποφορά. Incomparable, απαράβλητος, ασύμ- βλητυς, ασύγκριτος. Incomprehensible, ασύλληπτος. Inconvenient, ασύμφορος, απρόσφο- ρος, ασύμμετρος' άκαιρος, άτοπος. to Incorporate, σωματοποιέω, σνσ- σωματοποιέω. Incorporeal, άσωμος, ασώματος. Incorrectly, ου κυρίως. to speak Incorrectly, ακυρολογέω. Incorrupted, άφθαρτος, άσηπτος, άφθιτος. Incorruptible, αδιάφθορος. Increase, αύξησις, επαύξησις, επίδο- σις. to Increase or make large, αύξω, αυξέω, αυξάνω, συνάγω, αδρέω or •6ω. to Increase or grow, αυξάνομαι, αδρέω, αδρύνω, επιδίδωμι, επίδοσιν λαμβάνω, επαυξάνομαι, συναυξάνο- μαι, επιγίνομαι, προσφύομαι, μη~ κύνομαι, μεγαλύνομαι. Increased, αυξηθείς, αυξητός. Incredible, άπιστος, απίθανος, παρά- δοξος, παράλογος. Incredibly, απίστως, απιθάνως. Incredulous, απειθής, δύσπιστος. to Inculcate, παιδεύω' ταυτολογέω, παρεμβάλλω. Incurable, ανήκεστος, νήκεστος, ανία- τος, αθεράπευτος. an Incursion, επιβολή, εμβολή, επι- δρομή, καταδρομή. to make an Incursion, εισβάλλω εις χώραν, εισπηδάω εις οικίαν, κα- ταδρομήν ποιέομαι. Indebted, οφειλόμενος. Indecency, απρέπεια, αείκεια, το απρεπές. Indecent, απρεπής, αεικής, ου καθή- κων, άσχημων, ουκ ευσχήμων. Indecently, ακόσμως, απεικότως, ασ- χημόνως, ου πρεπόντως, ου καλώς. Indeed, μϊν. μεν γε, μέντοι,γϊ, ήτοι, και δήτα μέν. Indefinite, αόριστος, απαρέμφατος. Indefinitely, αορίστως. Indelible, ανεξάλειπτος. Independent, αδέσποτος. an Index, γνωμών, μηνυτής' of α book, σύλλαβος, έλεγχος. Indifference, αδιαφορία. Indifferent, αδιάφορος. to be Indifferent, αδιαφορέω περί — , αδιαφόρως έχω. Indifferently, αδιαφόρως, αδιακρί τως. Indigestion, απειρία, δυσπεψία. Indignant, αγανακτέων -ων. Indignation, αγανάκτησις, αναξιο- πάθεια. an Indignity, ανάξια, απρεπεία. Indisputably, αναντιλέκτως, αδιασ- τάκτως, αναμφιβόλως, αναμφισβη- τήτως. Indivisible, αδιαίρετος, άσχιστος. Indolent, σχολαως , νωθής. See Idle. to Induce, ανάγω, διάγω, εισάγω, επάγω, παράγω, προσάγω. INH Iuduced, αναγόμενος, παραγόμενος, προσαγόμενος, συναγόμενος. an Inducement, θέλγητρον, κίνη- τρου, επαγωγή, δέλεαρ. to Indulge, εφίημι, χαρίζομαι, κατα- χαρίζομαι, υπηρετέω, καθ'' ηδονήν ποιέω, επιτρέπω, φιλοστόργως, or κεχαρισμένως επιμελέομαι,τρυφάω. to Indulge in, τρυψάομαι, εντρυφάω, επιχαίρω, θρ'υπτομαι. Indulgence, συγχωρήσις, φιλοστορ- γία' τρνφή, στρήνος. Industrious, φιλόπονος, σπουδαίος, επιμελής, ευμήχανος, αγχίνους. Industriously, φιλοπόνως, σπουδαίως, επιμελώς• ευφυώς, τεχνικώς. Industry, φιλοπονία, σπουδή, αγχί- νοια, επιμέλεια, επιστρέφεια. Ineffable, see Inexpressible. Ineffective or Ineffectual, ανενερ- γής, αδύνατος. Ineloquent, άπειρος ταυ λέγειν. Inevitable, αδιάδραστος, άδραστος. Inexcusable, απροφάσιστος, αναπολό- γητος. Inexorable, απαραίτητος, ακολάκευ- τος. Inexplicable, ανέκφραστος, ενεκδιή γητος. Inexpressible, άρρητος, απόρρητος, ανεκφώνητος, ανέκφραστος. Infamous, δύσφημος. Infancy, νηπιεία, νηπιότης, παιδία. an Infant, νήπιον, παιδίον, βρέφος, dim. βρεφύλλιον. a newborn Infant, υπέμβρυον, νεογ- νόν. an Infant's clothes, σπάργανον. Infantry, πεζική στρατιά, πεζή δ'υνα- μις, το πέζον or πεζικύν. to Infatuate, εκμωραίνω. to Infect, συμμολννω, συμμιαίνω. Infection, συνάφεια, διαφθορά εκ της συναφής. Infernal, υπόγαιος, καταχθόνιος, b η το κάτω. Infinite, άπειρος, απείριτος, αόριστος. Infinitely, αδιορίστως. Infinity, αοριστία. to Inflict, εντρίβω, εντίθημι, εισφέρω, προστρίβομαι, εμφορέω πληγάς, προσβάλλω. to Inflame, εμπρήθω , κατακαίω , &πτω. Inflammation, φλεγμονή, φλόγωσις. Influence, αξιοπιστία, αυθεντία, αξίω- μα, κύρος, σεμνότης. an Informer, ενδείκτης, συκοφάντης, σνκολόγος. an Infusion, έγχυσις, επίχνσις, πρόσ- χυσις. Ingenious, ευφυής, δεξιός, αγχίνους, πανούργος, δαιδαλέος, έντεχνος, πολύτεχνος, τεχνικός. Ingeniously, ευφυώς, επιδεξιώς, αγ- χινώς, δαιδαλέως, εντέχνως, τεχ- νικώς, κατά τέχνην. Ingenuity, ευφυία, δεξιότης, αγχί- νοια, περίνοια. to Ingraft, ενκεντρίζω, ενίημι. an Ingrafting, ενεσία, έφεσις. Ingratitude, αχαριστία, αγνωμοσύ- νη. to Inhabit, οικέω, τήν πόλιν or εν τφ άστει,ενοικέω,κατοικέω,ναίω,ναιε- τάω. an Inhabitant, οικητής, οικήτωρ, ένοικος, έποικος, εγχώριος. INS to Inherit, κληρονομέω, κλήρον λαμ- βάνω, πορεύομαι εις τα κτήματα. an Inheritance, κληρονομιά, κλήρος. Inhospitable, άξενος, ακοινώνητος. Inhuman, απάνθρωπος, αφιλάνθρω- πος, μισάνθρωπος. Inhumanity, απανθρωπιά, αφιλαν- θρωπία' το απαίδευτον. Inimitable, αμίμητος. to Initiate, μυέω, καθιερόω. to Injure, βλάπτω, ζημιόω, αδικέω. Injurious, βλαβερός, βλαπτικός, πο- νηρός, αλυσιτελής, άχρηστος, άκαι- ρος, ανεπιτήδειος. Injury, αιτία, βλάβη, αχρηστία, δυσ- χρήστημα.^ to suffer Injury, βλάβην έχω, ζη- μίαν φέρω. Injustice, αδικία, ασέβεια, ανομία, κακουργία. Ink, μέλαν γραφικόν. an Inkstand, μελανοδοχεων . Inlaid, διαπεποικιλμένος. Inlaid work, έμβλημα. Inland, μεσόγειος, μεσόγαιος, μεσό- χθων. to Inlay, διαποικίλλω. an Inmate, σ'υναυλος, σύνοικος. an Inn, ξενοδοχείον, πανδοχέων, ξέ- νων κατάλυμα. an Innkeeper, ξενοδόχος, κάπηλος, καπηλίς. Inner, ενδότερος. Innocence, ακακία, αβλάβεια. Innocent, άκακος, αναίτιος, αθώος, αβλαβής, ανέγκλητος, ανάξιος, b μηδέν ωφληκώς. Innocently, αβλαβώς. to Innovate, καινίζω,νεόω, νεόν ποιέω. to Inoculate, ενοφθαλμίζω. Inoculation, ενοφθαλμισμός. to Inquire, εξετάζω, επιζητέω, αναζη- τέω, ερευνάω] διερευνάω, ανακρίνω, ιχνεύω, εξιχνενω, μεταλλάω. to Inquire after, θηράω, ερωτάω, πυνθάνομαι, ανέρυμαι, δέομαι, απαι- τέω. an Inquirer, ζητητής, εξεταστής, πευσ- τής, b πυνθανόμενος, βασανιστής, δοκιμαστής. an Inquiry, εξέτασις, επιζήτησις, ζή- τημα, ερώτησις, ερώτημα, ανάκρισις, ' εξερεύνησις, αν'ιχνενσις, δοκιμασία, πρόβλημα. Inquisitive, φιλειδήμων. Insatiable, άπληστος, απλήρο)τος, α- συμπλήρωτος, ακόρίστος. Insatiably, ακορέστως. to Inscribe, διαχαράττω, εγγράφω, επιγράφω, εγγλύ•ω. an Inscription, επίγραμμα, επιγρα- φή, υπογραφή. an Insect, έντομον. to be Insensible, αναισθητέω. Insertion, παρεμβολή, παρένθεσις. Inside, ένδον eomp. adj. ενδότερος. Insignia, τα της ηγεμονίας παράση- to Insinuate, υποδύομαι, εγκατοικί- ζω, εγκολπίζω. Insinuation, παρείσδνσις. Insipid, άναλτος. to lnsnare, εμπεριβάλλω, παιγιδεύω, δελεάζω. Insnared, δελεασθείς. Insolence, ύβρις, υβρισις. Insoluble, άλυτο?, δύσλντος. (35) ΙΝΤ to be Insolvent, αξιοχρέως ουκ ειμί, προς τήν ίκτισιν απορέω. to Inspect, εφοράω, επισκοπέω. inspection, εφορία, επισκοπή. an Inspector, επίσκοπος, θεωρός' of accounts, ενθυντής, εΰθυνος. Inspiration, θειασμος, επίπνοια, επί πνευσις. Inspired, ενθεαστικός, ένθεος. to be Inspired, ενθουσιάζω. Instability, αστασία. an Instant, χρόνου ακαρές. to Instigate, παροξύνω, παρορμά», αναπείθω, προτρέπω, κεντέω, παρα- καλέω επι or προς — . Instigated, παρορμηθείς, παροξυνθείς. Instigation, ΰρμησις, παρόρμησις, πα- ροξυσμός. an Instigator, παροξυντής, ώστης. to Instruct, παιδεύω, διδάσκω, εκδι- δάσκω. ΙηςΧτυιοΙβά,πεπαιδευμένος,παιδευθείς Instruction, παιδεία, παίδευμα, παί δευσις, κατήχησις, εισαγωγή. an Instrument, όργανον. Intelligible, νοητός, καταληπτός. Intemperance, ακολασία, ακράτεια } ασωτία, αμετρία. Intemperate, ακρατής, ακρατής θυ- μού or οργής, ακόλαστος, άσωτος, ακατάσχετος. Intemperately, ακρατώς. Intently, εντεταμένως. Intercalary or Intercalated, πα- ρεμβεβλημένος, εμβόλιμος, επακτός. an Intercalary day, εμβόλιμος ημέ- ρα. to Intercede, διέρχομαι, ενίσταμαι, Ικετεύω. to Intercept, μεσολαβέω, εγκαταλαμ• βάνω, διακλείω, διείργω. Intercession, υπερέντευξις, παραίτη- σις. , an Intercessor, μεσίτης, παραιτητής. Intercourse, συνάλλαγμα, αλλαγή. to have Intercourse, συμβόλαιον έχω. Interdiction, προαγόρευσις. Interest, τόκος, δανεισμός. to Intermeddle, πόλυπραγμονεω. Intermeddling, πολυπράγμων. Intermediate, μεταίχμος, παράμε σος. to Intermingle, εμμίγνυμι. Intermission, διάλειψις, άνεσις. without Intermission, αδιαλείπ- τως. to Intermit, διαλείπω, επέχω. an Intermitting fever, υποτροπιά- ζων πυρετός. Internal, εμφύλιος' ενδότατος, μύχα- τος• adv. ένδοθεν, έσω. to Interpret, μεθερμηνεύω. an Interpreter, εξηγητής, προανα γνώστης. an Interreign, μεσοβασιλεία. to Interrupt, λόγον παρεμβάλλω, διαλέγομαι, διακόπτω, παρενοχλέω τψ λεγόντι. Interruption, απόρρηξις, διακοπή, διάλυσις, λόγου παρεμβολή. an Interval, διάστημα, διαχώρημα. Intestate, αδιάθετος, adv. αδιαθέτως, μη διαθεμένως. Intestine, εμφύλιος, adv ένδοθεν. έσω or είσω. Intimacy, συνήθεια οικειότης, ίται INV ρία, κοινόβιον, συνοίκησις, συμβίω- σις. to cultivate an Intimacy, ίταιρίαν συνάγω, οικείως έχω. there is an Intimacy, οικειότης Ιπάρχει. Intimate, συνήθης, εταίρος, φίλος, αναγκαίος. very Intimate, συνηθέστατος, αναγ- καιότατος. Into, εις or ες, εν. Intolerable, δνσοιστος, απρόσοιστος, αφόρητος, αβάστακτος, άτλητος. to Intoxicate, μεθύω, μεθύσκω. Intractable, αδάμαστος, ατειρής, αμε- ταχείριστος. to Intrench, περιβάλλομαι, περιτα- φρενω, περιτειχίζω, περιφράττω. Intrenched, περιφραχθείς. an Intrenchment, περιφραγμός, πε- ρίφραξις, πρόφραγμα, χάραξ. Intricacy, απόρημα, πλοκή, εμπλοκή, περιπλοκή, γρίφος. ' Intricate, άπορος, επίπλοκος, περίπλο- κος, εμπεπλεγμένος, εμπλεχθεϊς, γριφώδης' αμήχανος, ανέξοδος, άλυτος, αδιάδραστος, αδιάλυτος. Intricately, κατά σνμπλόκην, πολυ- πλόκως, εμπεπλεγμένως, ασαφώς. to Introduce, ενάγω, εισάγω, εισφέ- ρομαι. an Introduction, προοίμιον, πρόλογος• προπαιδεία, εισαγωγή• αγωγή, ανα- γωγή, επαγωγή, παραγωγή, προσα- γωγή, συναγωγή. to Intrust, επιτρέπω, πιστεύω, κατα- πιστεύω, εντέλλομαι' εγχειρίζω, παραδίδωμι, παρατίθημι, παρακατα- τίθημι. to lntwine, περιπλέκω. Intwined, σύνταρ'ρος. an Inundation, πρόσκλυσις. to Invade, επιχειρέω, εμβάλλω εις — , επιπίπτω, επέρχομαι, επιβαίνω. an Invader, επεμβάτης, επελάτης. an Invalid, δ υπέρ τον κατάλογον. Invaluable, ατίμητος, αστάθμητος. Invasion, εισβολή, εμβολή, επιβολή, επιδρομή, καταδρομή. an Invasion by sea, είσπλοος, επί- πλοος. to Invent, ευρίσκω or -κομαι, εξευρίσ- κω, εφευρίσκω, παρενρίσκω , προσευ- ρίσκω, συμπλάττω, ενθυμέομαι, επινοεω. Invented, *υρημένος, ε'νρηθείς. an Invention, ευρησις, εύρημα, εξεν- ρησις, παρεύρησις, επιτέχνησις επι- τήδευμα, ενθύμημα. an Inventor, ευρητής, ευρήτωρ. to Investigate, ανιχνεύω, ακριβόω. Investigation, ανίχνευμα, ανίχνευσις. Inveterate, πεπαλαιωμένος. to Invigorate, ευθαλή ποιεω. Invincible, αδάμαστος, άμαχος, α- καταμάχητος, ακαταγώνιστος, ακί- νητος, αήττητος, ανάλωτος. Invitation, πρόσκλησις, μετάκλησις , πρόσπεμψις. to Invite, παραγγέλλω εις — , καλέω πρδς — , κατεπάγω, προσκαλέω. Invocation, επίκλησις, ανάκλησις. to Involve, εμπλέκω, περιπλέκω, συμ- πλέκω, περιβάλλω, περιλαμβάνω, συνελίττω, συμπτύσσω, σνστρέφω. Involved, περιειλημμένος, εμπεπλεγ- μίνος, εμπλεχθεις, περιπλακείς. JOI Inward, ενδότατος, μύχατος, b ίνδο θ εν έσω or είσω. the Inwards, έντερον, έγκας, έγκατον σπλάγχνον, εγκοίλιον, ένυστρον. Ionia, Ιωνία, Ιωνίς. Iron, σίδηρος. of Iron, σιδήρεοζ. like Iron, σιδηροειδής. an Iron tool, σιδήρων. Irreligious, ασεβής. Irreparable, απαρασκεύαστος. Irrevocable, αναπότρεπτος, αμετά πειστος. Irritability, θΰμωσις, οξυθυμία. an Irruption, ανάρρηξις, εμβολή, εισ βολή. to make an Irruption, προσβάλλω. an Island, νήσος, dim. νησίδιον. of or like an Island, νησιωτικός. an Islander, νησιώτης. Issue, γενεά, τέκνον, απόγονον. to Issue, αποφέρομαι, εκβρύω, 1>έω, εκπίπτω. Itch, κνηθμος, κνησμός. to Itch, κνήθομαι, κνηστιάω, επικνίζω an Itching, κνησμός, κνίσμα. Ivory, ελέφας. of Ivory, ελεφάντινος. Ivy, κισσός. of Ivy, κίσσινος, κισσήεις. J, a Jackdaw, κολοώς, κορακίας. a Jacket, χιτών, τριβών. in a Jacket, χιτωνοφόρος, τριβωνο- φόρος. a Jailor, δεσμοώύλαξ. the Jambs of a door, παραστάδες, σταθμοί. January, Ιανουάριος, γαμήλιων. a Jar, πίθος, κέραμος, dim. πιθάριον, κεράμων, οινοφόρον, λάγηνος, dim. λαγηνών. the Jaundice, ίκτερος. Jaundiced, ικτερικός. the Jaw, σιαγών, γνάθος. to strike on the Jaw, γναθόω, εις γνάθους τύπτω. Jealousy, ζηλοτυπία. a Jest, παιδία, παίγνιον, γελοϊον, σκώμμα, ίαλλος. in Jest, εν παίδια, παιδικως, χωρίς σπουδής. in Jest or earnest, παίζων η σπουδά- ζων. to Jest, παίζω, προσπαίζω, αστε'ιζω, Ϊαριεντίζω. est υροη, σκώπτω, αποσκώπτω. Jesting, ευτράπηλος, παιγνιώδης. fond or Jesting, ψιλοσκώμμων, φιλο- σκωπτής. Jesus, Ιησούς. to Join, αλλολουχέω, συνάπτω, αρμό- ζω, συντίθημι, συνίστημι, ζείγνυμι, συζευγνύω , επάγω. to Join battle, πόλεμον καθίστημι, μάχομαι, κατάρχεσθαι της μάχης. Joined, συμβεβλημένος, περιτετραμέ- νος, απτύμενος, συμπλεκής, συνε- ζευγμένος. a Joining, συμπλοκή, συναφή, συνά• (36) KEY φεια, συναρμογή, σύμπηξις, συγκόλ λησις, σύνθεσις, ζεύξις. a Joint, άρθρον, αστράγαλος, σπόνδυ- λος. a Joint or Joining, πρόσθεσις, σύστα σις, σύστημα, συναρμογή, επίδεσμος, επίδεσις, περίαμμα. Jointed, σπονδυλοειδής. Jointly, συνημμένως, ζυγάδην, κατά συμπλοκήν. Joke, Joking, &c. see Jest. to Jolt, ίποσείω. a Journey, πορεία, bδoιπoρείa, ίδος. of ω• on a Journey, bδoιπoρικός. to go a Journey, πορεύομαι, ύδοιπο- ρέω. by Jove, νή τόν Αία. no by Jove, μά τόν Αία. Joy, χαρά, χάρμα, ευθυμία, γηθοσύ νη. to give Joy, ευφραίνω, ήδύνω. Joyful, φαιδρός, εύθυμος, γηθόσυνος, ιλαρός. Joyfully, ευθύμως. a Judge, κριτής, δικαστής. to Judge, κρίνω τίνα or περί τίνος, ανακρίνω, δικάζω, διορίζω, διαγι- νώσκω, εξετάζω, δοκιμάζω, διαλογί- ζομαι, διαλαμβάνω. Judgment, δίκη, κρίσις, κρίμα. Judicial, δικαστικός, κριτικός. Judicious, γνώμων, σώφρων. a Jug, σκύφυς, πίθος, κέραμος, dim. πιθάριον. a Juggler, τερατοποιος, γόης. Juice, χύλος, χυμός, χύλισμα, χύλω- σις. Juicy, χυλώδης, πολύχυλος, εύχυ- λος. June, ίκατομβαιών, ιούνιος. Juniper, άκρευθος. Juno, "Ηρα. Jupiter, Ζευς, Κρονίων. See Jove. Just, δίκαιος, νόμιμος, 'όσιος, χρηστός, υπέρδικος, άτρεπτος, ευγνώμων. Just as if, ωσπερεί, ούτως που, ωσπερ, ωσπερ άν ει or ώσπερανεί. Justice, δίκη, δικαιοσύνη, θεμίς. Justification, δικαίωσις, καθοσίωσις. to Justify, δικαεδω. Justly, δικαίως, εικότως, ενδίκως. Κ. the Keel, τρόπις, στείρα. to Keep, φυλάσσω or -ττω, τηρέω. to Keep a bargain, ευσυνθετέω. to Keep a festival, άγω εορτήν. to Keep fidelity, σώζω την πίστιν. to Keep moderation, σώζω τδ μί τρον, ευτακτέω. to Keep an oath, εμπεδορκέω. to Keep safely, φυλάττω, επιφυλάτ τω, τηρέω, σώζω, εκσώζω. a Keepsake, ξένων. a Kernel, βάξ, ύώξ, πυρήν. a Kernel in the flesh, αδήν, κρεάδιοι , σαρκίδων. of or like a Kernel, αδενώδης. a Kettle, κάναβος, λέβης. a Key, κλέϊς, dim. κλείδων. a false Key, αντικλείς. . KNO LAM LAU & keeper of the Keys, κλειδου- to Kick, λακτίζω, αναλακτίζω, πτερ- νίζω. a Kicker, λακτιστης, πτερνιστής. a Kicking, λακτισμός. a li'id, ίριφος, dim. ερίφιον, αιγιδών. a Kidnapper, ανδραποδιστής. a Kidnapping-, ανδραποδισμός. to Kill, κτείνω, κατακτείνω, απο- κτείνω, αποκτονέω, φένω, πέφνω, φονάω, φονεύω. to Kill one's self, αναιρέω or κατερ- γάζομαι εαυτόν. next of Kin, b εγγντάτω γένει ων. Kind, -χρηστός, εύνοος, πρόφρων, φι- λάνθρωπος, φιλοπροσήγορος, ευμε- νής, ελευθέριος. Kindly, χρηστώς, φιλανθρώπως^ φι- λοφρόνως, ευμενώς, ελενθερίως. to take Kindly, στέργω επι rjf επιεί- κεια, αποδέχομαι, την απόφασιν. Kindness, αγαθοσ'υνη, χρηστότης, φιλανθρωπία, ευπροσηγορία, ελευ- θερία, ευτραπελία. to Kindle, καίω, ανακαίω, υποκαίω. απτω, υφάπτω, ανάπτω, π'ιμπρημι, καταπίμπρημι, πυρόω, εμπνρόομαι, εκθερ μαίνομαι. Kindled, ημμένος,ενημμένος, εφημμέ- νος, άπτόμενος, θαλνόμενος, πεφωσ- μένος. Kindred, σνγγενεία, ομαιμοσΰνη, γέ- νος' adj. συγγενής, συγγενόμενος, 'όμαιμος, σύστοιχος, σύμφυλος, σύμ- φυτος. a King, άναξ, βασιλεύς, dim. βασι- λίσκος. a Kingdom, βασιλεία. a King-killer, τυραννοκτόνος. a King-killing-, τνραννοκτονία. the King's-fisher, άλκύων. to Kiss, φιλέω, καταφιλέω, κυνέω, κύω. a Kiss, φίλημα, στομάτων. a Kitchen, μαγείρων, οπτανεΐον. of a Kitchen, μαγειρικός. a Kite, ικτίν. Knavery, πανουργία, πανουργημα. Knavish or a Knave, πανούργος, κακότεχνος. Knavishly, πανούργως, κακοτέχνως. the Knee, γόνυ. to Kneel, γουνάζομαι, γονυπετέω. on the Knees, επί τα γόνατα, κατά γόνυ. to fall at the Knees of — , προκιν- δυλέομαί — . a Knife, μαχαιρών, μαχαιρίς. a shoemaker's Knife, σμίλη. to Knit, πλέκω, είρω, απτω. to Know, ειδέω or είδημι, επίσταμαι, ίσημι, γινώσκω or γνώμι. to Know before, προγινώσκω. to come to Know, μανθάνω, γινώσ- κω, αναγνωρίζω. not to Know, αγνοέω, ουκ οΐδα, ου γινώσκω. Knowing, ειδώς, επισταμένος. Knowing and willing, ε£<5ώί και εκών. Knowing before, προειδώς. not Knowing, αγνοών, ουκ ειδώς, άπειρος, αδαής. Knowingly, επιστημόνως. Knowledge, επιστήμη, επιστημοσύ- νη* ιδμοσύνη, ιδρεία, φραδμοσύνη, νόησις, σύνεσις, γνώσις, επίγνωσις, γνώρισις, φρόνησις, συνείδησις. Known, γνωστός, γνώριμος, εγνωσ- μένος' φανερός, πρόδηλος. to become Known, διαγνωρίζομαι, γνώριμος ειμί, επιφα'ινομαι. to make Known, γνωρίζω, δηλόω. a Knot, αμμα, συμπλοκή, δέσμος, σύνδεσμος, σύνδεσις. a Knot in a plant, γόνυ. to Knot, συνδέω, καταδέω. Knotted, συνδεδεμένος, συνδεθείς. Knotty, πολύπλοκος' πολυγόνατος, Ϊονατώδης' adv. γονατώδως. Cnucklebone, σπόνδυλος, αστρά- γαλος. L. Laborious, ενεργής, εργώδης, καμα- τώδης, επίπονος, μοχθηρός, τλή- μων. Laboriously, επιπόνως φιλοτίμως, εκτενώς. Labour, πόνος, κάματος, κόπος, μόχ- θος. Labour of birth, τοκετός, τόκος. Labour pains, ωδιν, ωδίς. patient of Labour, έμπονος, φερέ- πονος. without Labour, απόνως, αμοχθει, ακονιτί. promoting Labour, ωκυτόκος, οξυ- τόκος. to be in Labour, ωδίνω, τοκάω. to shun Labour, μισοπονέω, απολέ- γομαι τον πόνον. to Labour, πονέω, ασκέω. to Labour at, επιπονέω. to Labour in vain, ματαωπονέω, πλίνθον πλύνω. Laboured, εργασθείς. a Labourer, βάναυσος. Lackland, άκληρος. a Lad, έφηβος, αντίπαις. a Ladder, κλίμαξ, ανάβαθρον. a Ladle, δοιδύξ, κοχλιάριον. a Lady, δέσποινα, δεσπότις, κυρία. a Lair, σπήλαιον. a Lake, λίμνη, λάκκος, τέλμα. a Lamb, άρνος, αρνίον, άρην, αμνός' αμνη, αμνίς. of or like a Lamb, αμνεΊος, αρνεως. a Lambkin, αμνίον, αμνίσκος' αμ- νίς. Lame, χωλός, κυλλός, γυιός. Lame of both legs, αμφίχωλος, αμφιγυήεις. Lameness, χωλότης, χωλεία. to Lament, οδύρομαι, κλαίω, ολοφύ- ρομαι, κωκύζω, θρηνέω, κόπτομαι, το στέρνον πλήττω. to Lament with, συγκλαίω, επιδα- κρύω, κατακλαίω. Lamentable, πολυπενθης, στονόεις, θρηνώδης, θρηνητέος, πολύθρηνος, κλαυστέος. Lamentation, οδνρμός, ολοφυρμός, ολόφυρσις, κλαυθμός, οικτιρμός, ο- ιμωγή, κοπετός, θρήνος. a Lamp, λαμπάς, δαλός. a Lamprey, μυραίνα. (37) a Lancet, φλεβότομον, μάχαιρις. Languid, χαλαρός, νωθρός. Languidly, δυσθύμως. to Languish, εκκάμνω, αποκάμνοι, μαραίνομαι, εκμαραίνομαι, χαλάω, ασθενέω, ατονέω. Languor, ασθένεια, παρακμή. Land, γή, γαία, χθων αγρός, χώρος• a Land fight, πεζομαχία. Land forces, πεζική στρατία, πεζή δύναμις. by Land and sea, πεζή και Karat θάλασσαν. a Land lubber, αθαλάσσωτος. tilled Land, ειργασμένη γη, χώρα. to till the Land, γεωργέω, εργάζο- μαι χώραν. the Lap, κόλπος. a Lapidary, λιθοξόος, λιθοτόμος. a Lapwing, έποψ. a Larch-tree, λάριξ. Lard, υειον λίπος. Large, μέγας, υπερμέγας, αεγαλείος, περιμήκης, ευμεγέθης, t Largely, πλατέως, ευπόρως, δαψιλως. Largeness, μέγεθος, πλάτος, όγκος. Larger, μείζων, μάσσων. a Largess, νομή, λαμπρά επίδοσις. a Lark, κόρυς, κορυδαλός. a Lash, μάστιζ, α{κισμα. to Lash, μαστιγόω, τύπτω, παίω, δέρω, πλήττω, κόπτω. a Lashing, μαστιγώσις, ραβδεία. a Lass, παιδισκάρων, κοράσιον. a Last, καλόπους, καλοπόδιον. Last, ύστατος, έσχατος, νεώτατος. at Last, τό τέλος, το τελευταων, τε- λενταων. to Last, χρονίζω, δ ιατελέω, υπομένω, διαμένω. Lasting, έμμονος, μόνιμος. Lastly, εσχάτως, τό έσχατον, ϋστα- τον, τό τελευταων, επι τέλει. Late, όψιμος, όψιος, adv. οψέ' άρτιος the Late, b άρτι. it grows Late, έσπεράζει, εσπέρα γί- νεται, προς εσπεραν εστί, κέκλικεν h ημέρα. Lately, νεωστι, πρώην, άρτι, προ ολί- γου, προ βραχέος, πρό μικρού. Lately born, αρτίτοκος, νεόγονος. Lately dead, νεοθανής. very Lately, προ μικρότατου. Later, οψιαίτερον. a Lathe, τόρνος, τόρος. Latin, ΑατΊνος, 'Ρωμαϊκός. in Latin, Αατινιστϊ, 'Ρωμαϊστί. these of Latter times, ol κάτω. a Lattice, κιγκλίς. to Lattice, κιγκλίζω. like a Lattice, κιγκλιδόν. Latticed, κεκιγκλισμένος, κιγκλιδω τός, δικτυωτός. Laudably, αζιεπαίνως. to Laugh, γελάω, μειδάω. to Laugh at, καταγελάω, αποσκώπ- τω, χλευάζω. to Laugh out, καγχάζω, κιχλίζω. Laughable, γελοως, γελαστέος, κα- ταγέλαστος. Laughably, γελοίως, καταγελάσ- τως. Laughter, γέλως, καταγέλως, μεί- δημα. a burst of Laughter, καγχασμός, κιχλισμός. without Laughter, αγελαστί. LEA to excite Laughter, γέλωτα παρέχω or κινίω. to restrain Laughter, αποσοβέω £έλωτα. aurel-tree, δάφνη. a LaUrel-grove, δαφνών. a garland or wreath of Laurel, όαφνίς, δάφνινον φύλλον. Laurelled, δαφνηφορέων. to Lavish, καταναλίσκω, ασωτενομαι, διασπαθάω. Law, δίκη, θεμίς. a Law, νόμος, θεσμός. the Law, νομική τέχνη. to be at Law, δίκην έχω, κρίνομαι, γίνομαι εν αιτίου to enact a Law, νόμον τίθεμαι. to go to Law, εισάγω δίκην, ερίζω, δικάζομαι, εγκαλέω. to keep the Law, τοϊς νόμοις εμ- μένω. to transgress the Law, θέμιστας πατέω. Lawful, νόμιμος, νομικός, ένθεσ μος. Lawfully, νομίμως, κατά τόν νόμον. a Lawgiver or Lawmaker, νομο- θέτης, θεσμοθέτης. a Lawsuit, δίκη, κρίσις, έγκλημα. a Lawyer, δικαιολόγος, συνήγορος, νόμιμος, νομικός, συμβουλευτικός, εξηγητής των νομίμων. Lawyerlike, δικανικός, αγοραως. to Lay, βάλλω, εζω, Ίζω, καθίζω, τί- θημι, κατατίθημι, εγκατατίθημι' τοπάζω, οικίζω' ποιίω, τάσσω. to Lay a bed, στρώννυμι κλίνην. to Lay eggs, εκλέγω τά ωά. to Lay before the eyes, προβιβάζω, εμφαίνω. to Lay a foundation, θεμελιόω. to Lay hands on, προσάγω or παρα- βάλλω or προσβάλλω την χεΊρα, επιβάλλω τάς χείρας. to Lay on or upon, εμβάλλω, επι βάλλω. to Lay out, αναλίσκω, προσαναλίσ- κω, δαπανάω. to Lay out for, αποστρωννύω, πάρα κατασκευάζω. to Lay out an entertainment, συμπόσιον κατασκευάζω, κοσμέω or κατασκευάζω τραπέζαν. to Lay prostrate, καταβάλλω, κα- ταστορέω. to Lay up, ανατίθημι, αποτίθεμαι. to Lay round, περιτίθημι. a Layman, λαϊκός, ιδιώτης. Lazily, ρΊιθίψως, οκνηρώς, νωθρώς. Laziness. hqt /υμία, οκνία, όκνησις αργία, νι~3ρεία, νωθρότης, ακηδία αδράνεια, ασυνεσία. Lazy, ράθυμος , οκνηρός, οκνώδης, αρ- γός, νω-ρός, άτεχνος, απράγμων μεθήμων, εκμελής. to be Lazy, οκνηρός γίνομαι, κατοκ- νέω, νωθριάω, νωθρεύω, επικλίνω επι το μαθυμεΐν. Lead, μόλυβδος, μάλιβδος. red Lead, μίλτος. white Lead, ψιμμϋθιον, -θον, -θος. to Lead, άγω, ηγέομαι. to Lead away, απάγω, παράγω, διάγω, αφίστημι. to Lead or pass life, διάγω βίον, άγω, διατρίβω. Leaden, μολύβδινος. ' LEF a Leader, ήγεμών, στρατηγός. Leading, οδηγός, χειραγωγός, προϊ- ών, ηγούμενος. a Leaf, φύλλον, πέταλον. to burst into Leaf, φυλλοφορέω, αποφυλλίζω. Leafy, φυλλώδης, πολυφύλλος. Lean, λαγαρός, σκληρός, ισχνός, λεπ- τός, λειπόσαρκος, άσαρκος, απίμέλος. to Lean, εγκλίνω, επικλίνω, επιρμέπω. to Lean back, ανακλίνω , κατακλίνω. to Lean upon, ερείδω, ισχυρίζομαι. to Lean towards, κατακλίνω, αποκλί- νω or ρέπω προς — . Leaning towards, επίφορος, ενέμπ- τωτος προς — . a Leaning towards, επιρρέπεια, ευέμπτωσις. Leanness, λεπτότης, ατροφία. to Leap, άλλομαι, σκαίρω, σκιρτάω, πηδάω. to Leap down, καταπηδάω, αφάλ- λομαι, εκθορέω. to Leap for joy, αγάλλομαι, εξάλ- λομαι, αγαλλιάομαι, χαρά γαυριάω or σκιρτάω or εκπηδάω, αναπη- δάω. to Leap on or upon, επισκιρτάω, επιπηδάω, εμπηδάω, εισόλλομαι. to Leap over, διαπηδάω, υπερπηδάω, υπεράλλομαι, υπερβάλλομαι, ΰπερ- θορέω. a Leap or Leaping, πήδησις, πήδη- μα, εκπήδησις, σκίρτησις. a Leaping on, έφαλσις. to Learn, μανθάνω. to Learn along with, συμμανθάνω. to Learn by heart, παρακατατίθημι nT μ ν >Ίμν• to Learn thoroughly, εκμανθάνω, κατά μανθάνω, εξεπίσταμαι. to wish to Learn, μαθητιάω, μαθεΧν επιθυμίω. Learned, παιδευτός, πεπαιδευμένος, ασκηθείς, σόφος, ελλόγιμος, δ της παιδείας τετυχήκώς or αληθώς τε- τυχηκώς. very Learned, εκδιδασκόμενος, πολυ- μαθης, εις άκρον της παιδείας ελαλη- κώς. Learnedly, πεπαιδευμένες, επισταμέ- νως. a Learner, μαθητής. Learning, διδασκαλία, διδαχή, παι- δεία, μάθησις. men of Learning, οι πεπαιδευμένοι, ol επι λόγοις ευδόκιμοι. Least, ελάχιστος, ήκιστος. Leather, δέρμα, βύρσα, σκότος. a Leathern bottle, άσκος, άσκωμα, dim. ασκίδιον. Leave, εξουσία, άνεσις, συγγνώμη, συγχώρησις. with your Leave, σοι τεθαρμηκώς, σνγχωρονντος σον. to Leave, λείπω, καταλείπω, ανίημι, αφίημι. to Leave off, παύομαι, αφίημι, λήγω, απολήγω. Leavings, λείψανον, εγκατάλειμμα, το λοιπόν. a Leech, βδέλλα. a Leek, πράσον. Lees, αμοργη, ελαιότρυγον. Left, remaining, λοιπός, επίλοιπος. Left or Lefthanded, λαώς, σκαιός, ευώνυμος, αριστερός. (38) LIA the Left hand, σκαιά, αριστερά. on the Left, εξ αριστερών, εξ ευωνύ- μου. to the Left, επ' αριστερά". the Leg, σκέλος, κνήμη. Legal, νόμιμος, νομικός, ένθεσμος. Legally, νομίμως, κατά τϊν νόμον. Leisure, σχολή, άνεσις, αργία, απονίο ατέλεια, ποφεργον. at Leisure, σχολόζων, σχολαΐος, απράγμων, επι σχολής, κατά σχο- λήν, εν παρέργω μέρει. to have or be at Leisure, σχολάζω, σχολήν άγω or έχω or καρπόομαι, σχολήν ποιέομαι προς — , σχολή εστί, ατέλειαν έχω, κενός ειμί. to give Leisure, σχολήν δίδωμι. Leisurely, σχολή, κατά σχολήν, σχολαίως, αργώς, βάδην, βραδέως. to Lend, δανείζω, χράω. Length, μήκος, μακρότης. at Length, ποτέ, τελευταΊον. at Length however, τέλος, τέλος Si ουν, τότε δε. Lengthy, εκτενώς. Lentiles, φακός, φακή. Leprosy, λέπρα, ελεφαντίασις. Less, ελάττων, μείων, ήττων. a little Less, βραχύ αποδέον, ολίγοι ήττον. much Less, μήκαι, μήτι, ούτιγε. to grow Less, μειόομαι, ελαττόομαι to Lessen, μειόω, ολιγόω, ελασσό» ΟΓ -ττόω, μιννθω. Lessened, ελαττωθείς, μειωθείς. a Lessening, μείωσις, ελάττωσις. Lest, μήπου, 'ίνα μή Ίνα μήπον. Lest any how, μή πγ. Lest ever, μήποτε. to Let or hire, εκμίσθω. to Let or allow, εάω, προσεάω, είκω- παρείκω, ανίημι, εφίημι, συγχωρέω to Let or hinder, see Hinder. to Let down, καθίημι, καταβάλλω. Lethargic, ληθαργικός. a Lethargy, λήθαργος, ληθαργία. a Letter of the alplmbet, γράμμα' in correspondence, επιστολή, γράμ- ματα. to open a Letter, γράμματα απο- σφραγίζω. to receive a Letter, κομίζομαι, or δέχομαι επιστολήν. to seal a Letter, σφραγίζω, επισφρα- to send or icrtte a Letter to, επισ- τολάς επιστέλλω, επιστολήν δούναι, επιστολήν γράφω. a Letter-carrier, γραμματοφόρος. Lettuce, θρίδαξ, θριδακίνη. Level, ίσος, ομαλός. to Level , Ιμαλίζω , εξομαλίζω, ανισόω, εξισόω, απαρτίζω, απευθννι». to Level to the ground, κατασκάπ- τω εις έδαφος.' a Levelling, εξίσωσις, εξομάλισις. a Levy, συγγραφή, καταγραφή, εκλο- γή, επιλογή, επίλεξις. Lewd, ασελγής, άναγνος, λάγνης ΟΓ -νος, πόρνος, μάχλος, ακόλαστος, ακρατής. Lewdness, ασέλγεια, λαχνεία, κατα- τραφή, ακολασία, επιθυμία. Ley of ashes, κονία, Liable, ένοχος, υπεύθυνος. a Liar, Ρευστής, ψευδής, ψενδολάτ γος, ψευδάγγελος. LIK LIT LOO a Libation, λοιβή, σπονδή. to make a Libation, λείβω, σπένδω. Liberal, ελευθέριος, ελευθέρας' δαψι- λής. the Liberal sciences, ελευθέριοι παι- δείαι. Liberality, ελευθεριότης, ελευθερία. Liberally, ελευθερίας, γνησίως, ευ- γενώς, γενναίως. Liberally educated, ελευθερίως πε- παιδευμένος. a Librarian, βιβλιογράφος, καλλι- γράφος. a Library, βιβλιοθήκη. to Lick, λείχω, λιχμάω. to Lick all over, περιλείχω. to Lick up, καταλιχνεύω, εκλείχω, επιλείχω. a Licking, λεΐγμα, εκλείγμα. a Lid, πώμα, επίθημα, προκάλυμμα. a Lie, ψευδός, ψευδολογία. to Lie or tell lies, ψεύδομαι, ψευδο- λογίω, υποκρίνω. to Lie, be prostrate, κεΐμαι, κατά- κειμαι' αναπίπτω, κατανακλίνομαι' κοιμάομαι, εννάζομαι. to Lie alone, αποκοιμάομαι. to Lie down, κατάκειμαι, κατακλί- νομαι. to Lie in wait, υποκαθίζω, υφίστα- μαι, υφεδρεύω. to Lie under, νπόκειμαι. to Lie upon, έγκειμαι, επίκειμαι, επικαθεύδω , επικοιμάομαι , ενευνάζο- μαι. to Lie with, συγκαθεύδω, παρακοι- μάομαι, συνευνάω, συγγίνομαι, πα- ρακοιτέω, πλησιάζω. a Lieutenant, αντιστράτηγος, σα- τράπης. Life, βίος, ζωή, βίοτος' κήρ, μένος. the course of Life, η του βίου διαγω- γή. a habit of Life, δίαιτα, βιοτεία. long• Life, μακροβιότης, ευζωία, πο- λυετία. to pass Life, βιόω βίον, διαβίωμι, βίον διατεΜω. shortness of Life, βραχυβιότης. a Lifeguard, δορυφόρος, υπερασπισ- τής, ξιφηφύρος, ζιφήρης' δορυφόρημα. Lifeless, αβίωτος. ίο Lift up, αίρω, αναιρέω, αποσκευά- ζομαι. Light, not heavy, κουφός, ευάγητος, ελαφρός, ωκύς. Light, φως, φέγγος. a Light, φωστήρ. to bring to Light, εις εμφάνειαν άγω- to give Light to, προφαίνω,δαδουχέω. full of Light, φωτεινός, φεγγώδης. void of Light, αφώτιστος, άμοιρος φωτός. to Light upon, ενιζάνω, εφιζάνω to Lighten or make light, κονφίζω, αίοω. επαίρω. to Lighten or flash, αστράπτω, απασ τράπτω. Lightning, αστραπή, στεροπή. Lightfooted, αερίπους. Lightly, κουφως, ελαφρώς' επιλίγ- δην, ολίγον, επ' ολίγον. Lightness, κουφότης, ελαφρύτης, ελα- φριά, ωκντης• φαυλότης. Like, 'όμοιος, προσόμοιος, εοικώς. Like in all respects, απαράλλακτος. very Like, πάνυ όμοιος, παραπλήσιος. Like as, δίκην, ως. in Like manner, ομοίως, παραηλη- σίως, κατά ταύτα. to be Like, είκω, ομοιόομαι. to make Like, 8μοιόω. Likelihood, πιθανότης, τό εύλογον. Likely, πιθανός, εικώς, adv. εικότως. to be Likely to happen, παρέσεσ- θαι. to Liken, Όμοιόω, εικάζω. Likeness, όμοιότης, ομοίωσις, αναλο- γία. Likewise, ωσαύτως, ομοίως, παρα- πλησίως. a Lily, κρίνον, λείριον, σούσον. of or like a Lily, λείρινος. a bed of Lilies,' κρίνων. a Limb, μέλος, άρθρον, κωλον, μέρος. Limb by limb, κατά μέλη, μεληδόν. a Limit or Limits, όρος, ορισμός, οριον, τέρμα, πέρας. to Limit, ορίζω, ορίζομαι, διορίζω καθορίζω, περιορίζω, περιγράφω περατόω. Limitation, ορισμός, διορισμός, περι- γραφή. Limited, περιγεγραμμένος, διωρισμέ- νος, περιγραπτός. Limiting, οριστικός. to Limp, χωλαίνω, σχάζω, χωλεύω. Limpid, διαφανής. a Linchpin, εποχλεύς. the Linden tree, φιλύρα. of Linden, φιλύρινος. a Line, γραμμή, πέρας. Line of battle, παρατάξις, στϊξ, ray- Linen σινοών, βΰσσος, λ]ς, Χίνον οθόνη, λαΊφος. of Linen, λίνεος -ους. to Linger, μέλλω, μελλητιάω, ανα- βάλλομαι, οκνέω. a Lingerer, μελλητής, οκνηρός. Lingering, οκνηρός, μελλητιάων. a Lingering, μέλλησις, όκνος, αναβο- λή. Linked together, αλυσιδωτός. a Linnet, ακανθίς. Lint, ράκος, λίς. a Lion, λέων. like a Lion, λεόντειος, λεοντώδης. a Lioness, λέαινα. the Lip, χείλος, χελύνη, dim. χειλά- ριον, χελύνιον or χελώνιον. to bite the Lip, χελύνην εσθίω. Liquid, υγρός. a Liquid, ύδωρ, νάμα, ρέίθρον. a Listening, ακρόασις, ακρόαμα' ευ- πειθεία. Litharge, λιθάργυρος. Litigious, εριστικός, αμφισβητικός. a Litter, φορεΊον, κλίνη. Litter, κάρφη, κάρφις, κάρφος. Littered, καρφ'ιτης, καρφώδης. Little, ολίγος, μικρός, σμικρός. but Little, μικρόν, ολίγον, τυτθόν επί μικρόν, κατά μικρόν. by Little and little,' κατ' ολίγον, κατά λεπτόν, εις λεπτότατα. ever so Little, τηλικόνδε, σμικρόν όσον, 8σονοϋν. for a Little while, μικρόν όσον, επί μικοόν, ολίγον χρόνον, προς βραχύ- how Little, σμικρός όσος, πηλίκος. some Little, τό βραχύ. very Little, ολίγιστος, πάνυ or άγαν σμικρός, τυτθός, adv. πάνυ σαικρόν. (39) to Live, βιόω, βίωμι, βιοτεύω, ζάα. to Live upon, σιτέομαι. to Live with, όμιλέω, συμβιόω, συν• διάγω. likely to Live, βιώσιμος, βιωτικίς βιωτός. must Live, βιωτέος, βιωτός. long Lived, μακρόβιος, πολυετής, βιωτικός. not to be Lived, αβίωτος. Livelihood, βιοτεία, βίοτος. Lively, ακμαίος, ζωτικός. the Liver, ήπαρ. of the Liver, ηπατικός. Livid, πελιδνός, πέλιος. to grow Livid, πελιδνός γίγνομαι. Lividness, πελίωμα, μώλωψ. Living, έμψυχος, ψυχικός, βιώσιμος, βιωτός. a Lizard, σαύρος. Lo ! dob. a Load, φορά. to Load, επιφορτίζω, επαχθίζω, ηγός. the Mane, χαίτα or -τη. a Manger, φάτνη, κάπη. to Mangle, κατακρεουργέω,εκτρυχόω. Manhood, ανδρότης, ανδραγαθία. to approach to Manhood, ηβάω, ηβάσκω. to arrive at Manhood, ανδρεΤον Ιμάτιον αναλαμβάνω, εις άνδρας τάττομαι or τελεω or έρχομαι or αφικνέομαι. Manifest, δήλος, έκδηλος, φανερός, σα- φής, περιφανής, τρανής, τρανός. Manifestly, σαφώς, φανερώς. Manifold, πολυμερής, πολλαπλάσιος, adv. πολυπλασίως. Manly, ανδρικός, ανδρείος. the Manly dress, ανδρεΤον Ιμάτιον. Manna, μάννα, αερόμελι. Manner, τρόπος, έθος. in all Manner of ways, πανταχή? παντοίως. in like Manner as, τόν αυτόν τρόπον, 'όνπερ πρότερον. in such Manner, έστιν 'όπως or 'όπη-. in this Manner, ούτως, κατά δε τού- τον τόν τρόπον. Manufactured, χειροποίητος. Manure, κόπρος, κοπριά, κοπρών' αφόδευμα. like Manure, κοπρικό$, κύπριος, κο- πριώδης. to Manure, κοπρίζω, κοπρέω. a Manuring, κοπρισμός. Many, πολύς, πλείων, συμπλείων. the Many, οι πολλοί, πάμπολλοι, ol πλείονες, το πάν. Mauy a time, πολλοστόν, πολλάκις. Many ways, πολύτροπος, πολυμε- ρής- as Many as, ίσος, ισάριθμος' 'όσος, 'όσοσπερ, 'όσος δή. how Many fold, οσοπλάσιος, ποσά- πλάσιος. in Many parts, πολυσχιδής. in Many waj's, πολυμερώς. so Many, τοσούτος, τόσος, οΊ,ισπερ. so Many and so great, τοσούτος καί τηλικούτος. a Maple tree, σφένδαμνος. Marble, μάρμαρος. of Marble, μαρμάρέος. a worker in Marble, μαρμαρογλύφος, March, αουνυχιών, μάρτιος. to March, βαίνω, πορεύομαι, Όδεύομαι. a Mare, ίππο?. a Margin, κράαπεδον, χείλος. Marine or Maritime, επιθαλάττιος, θαλάσσιος, αλιος, ενάλιος, πόντιος^ κελάγιος, πελαγικός* MAT MEE MIL A Marine, ναύμαχος, ναυμαχέων, επιβάτης. Marjoram, αμάρακος, σάμψυχον. A Mark, σημεΐον, στίγμα' σύνθημα' σκοπός. ίο Mark, επισημαίνω, διασημαίνω, σημειόομαι, στίζω. Ιο miss trie Mark, αποτυγχάνω του σκοπού. a Market, αγορά, 'ίρα, εμπόριον, παν- τοπωλεων' for flesh, κρέϊον, κρεω- πώλιον, κρεουργεϊον. care of the Market, αγορανομία. clerk of the Market, αγορανόμος. Marriage, γάμος, επιγαμία, συζυγία, συνοικέσιαν. a second Marriage, διγαμία, of or about Marriage, γαμικός, επι- γαμικός, γαμήλιος. joined in Marriage, τοΊς δεσμοΊς του γάμου συνεζευγμένος. io contract Marriage, συνάπτω γά- μον. to give in Marriage, εις γάμον δί- δωμι. Marriageable, επίγαμος, ώραΊος προς γάμον; ακμαίος. Marrow, μυελός, εντεριώνη. in the very Marrow, από μυελού. to Marry, of the priest, συγκατα- ζεύγνυμι' of the man, γαμέω, λαμ- βάνω or γαμέω γυναίκα' of the icoman, γαμέομαι, νυμφεύομαι, αν δρΐ συζευγνύομαι. Mars, Άρης, Ένυάλιος. a Marsh, λίμνη, έλος, ειαμενή, τένα- γος, τελμϊς, τέλμα, τΊφος, σήραγξ. Marshy, ελώδης, 'έλειος, τεναγώδης, τελματώδης. Martial, αρεΊος, αρήϊος. a Martyr, μάρτυρ. Martyrdom, μαρτύρων. Masculine, αρσενικός. a Mask, πρόσωπον. a Mass, άγχος-, άχθος, βάρος, μέ- γεθος. a Mast, Ιστός. Mast of trees, βάλανος, ακρόδρνα. Mast-bearing, βαλανώδης. a Master, κύριος' διδάσκαλος, παι- δαγωγός, παιδεντής' προστάτης επιστάτης, πρόεδρος. Master of horse, 'ίππαρχος . the Master of an entertainment, αρχιτρίκλινος. to be his own Master, εαυτού ειμί, αυτεξούσιος. Mastery or Mastership, προεδρία, προστασία. a Mat, σΤρώμα, φορμός, φορμϊς, ψ«α- θος. a Match, πάρισος, ίσος, σύζυξ. to Match, συνάπτω, προσάπτω. a Matchmaker, συζευκτής. a Mate, σύζυγος. Material, υλικός, κάθυλος. Materials, ύλη. a Mathematician, μαθηματικός. a Matron, οικοδέσποινα. Maturity, πίπανσις, ώραιύτης, ωραία ηλικία. a Maxim, αξίωμα, αποφαντικός λό- γος. May, σκιρροφοριων, μάϊος. Me, some case of εγώ. with Me, μετ' εμοΐί, μετά μου^ Mead, οινόμελι. a Meadow, λειμών, dim. λειμώ- νων. Meadowy, λειμο>νιος, b εν λειμώ- Melancholy, μελαγχολία' adj. μ$- λαγχολικός. Melodious, φωνήεις, λιγυρός,λιγύφ θογγος, φιλόμηλος. to Meit, τήκομαι, εκτήκομαι, σνντή κομαι, διαχέομαι avtoy ttelt, y, γυναικείος. Matter of dispute, τα, αντιλεγί- Matronly "" Ltter μένα. Matter of a sore, πυον. Mattery, πυώδης, πυοειδής. a Mattress στιβάς, στιβάδων. Mature, ώραΊος. Maturely, ώραίως. 6 Meagre, άχιλος. Mean, άδοξος, ακλεής, άτιμος, άσημος, ανελεύθερος, δουλοπρεπής. in the Meantime, εν τούτω, εν τού- τοις, τό εν τοσούτψ, μεταξύ, εν τω μεταξύ χρονω. Meanly, ανελευθέρως, δουλοπρεπώς. Meanly born, δυσγενής, αγενής. Meanness, ανελευθερία' αγένεια, δυσ- γένεια. Means, τα υπάρχοντα, τα όντα, ουσία, χρήμα. according to my Means, τό κατ εμε, κατά δνναμιν. by all Means, μάλιστα. by no Means, μηδοτιούν, μηδαμώς, μηδαμή, ελάχιστα, ουδαμώς, ουδή- που, ου<Γ άν ει τι γένοιτο, ουδέν τι, ου μέντοι, ούτοι, ουχϊ, ου μη, ουκ άρα, μη δήτα. Measure or Measurement, μέτρη- σις, διαμέτρησις, καταμέτρησις' μέ- τρον. beyond Measure, καθ' νπερβολήν, παρά του μετρίου. to Measure, μετρέω, διαμετρέω. to Measure out to, Ιρίζω, αναμε- τρέω, αντιμετρέω, καταμετρέω, επι- μετρέω, προσμετρέω. Meat, κρέας, σαρξ, βούβαλον and οϊάτεων κρέας' σίτος, κόλον, έδεσ- μα, έδαρ, εΧδαρ' βορά , βρώμα, /?ρώ- σις' εδωδη, τροφή. Mechanic, μηχανικός. a Mechanic, χειροτέχνης, αποχειρο- βίωτος, τεκτονικός, βάναυσος. Mechanics, μηχανική, βαναυσία. Mediation, μεσιτεία. a Mediator, μεσίτης, παραιτητής, μέσος. Medicinal, ιατρικός. Medicine, ιατρική' ίασις, άκεσις. a Medicine, φάρμακον. to Meditate, μελετάω, σκέπτομαι, οντίζω, μεριμνάω, αναπσλέω. Meditation, μελέτη, μελέτησις, μελέ- τημα, διανόημα, θεωρία, φροντϊς, σκέμμα. with Meditation, εσκεμμένως. Meditative, συννόος -ους, b επί φρον- τίδων. - the Medlar-tree, μεσπίλη. a Medley, πολυμιγία. to Meet, απαντάω, απάντομαι, σύν- ειμι, συνήκω. ίο Meet with, εμπίπτω, περιτυγ χάνω, επέρχομαι, μετέρχομαι. to go to Meet, είί συνάντησιν προ- νωρε'ω. Meeting, απαντών, επιτυχών, εις συνάντησιν. a Meeting, απάντησις, συνάντησις, συνάντημα, σύμβασις, συνέλευσις, σύνοδος. a Meeting house, συναγωγή. (41) to make Men, τήκω, εκτήκω, κατά τήκω, συντήκω, χυλόω, χυλίζω. a Melting, τήξις, τηκεδών. a Membrane, υ μην, dim. υμένων. Membranous, υμένιος, περγαμήνος. Memorable, αξιόμνηστος, αξιόλογος, μνημονευτός, αξιομνημόνευτος, μνη• μονευτέος, διαμνημονεύτεος, της μνήμης άξιος. Memory, μνήμη, μνεία, μνημοσύ- νη. to commit to Memory, μνήμη πα- ρακατατίθεμαι, δίδωμι, τω λόγω, παραδίδωμι εις μνήμην. to repeat from Memory, από στό- μφος or από μνήμης or από γλώσ σης έπω. to Mend, αναρυάπτω, ακέομαι. a Mender, ακεστής. Mention, μνεία, μνήμη, υπόμνησις. to Mention or make Mention, μνάομαί τίνος or τίνα, or περί τίνος, μνείαν ποιέομαι. Mercenary, υποτελής. Merchandise, εμπόρευμα, ώνιον. αγο- ράσμα. a Merchant, έμπορος, έμπολος. a Merchantman, φορτική ναϋς, δλ- κάς. Merciful, ίλεως, επήκοος. to be Merciful, ευϊλατεύω. Mercury, 'Ερμής. Merrily, τερπνώς, χαριεντώς, φα,ι- δρώς, αστείως. Merry, φαιδρός, ιλαρός, περιχαρής' αστείος, ευτράπελος. to be Merry, Ιλαρύνομαι, φαιδρύνο- μαι, φαιδρός or περιχαρής ειμί. to make Merry, ευθηνέω, ευθυμώς διαβιόω, ηδέως ζάω. a Message, αγγελία, προσαγγελία, άγγελμα, αποπομπή. to bring or take a Message, αγ- γέλλω, επαγγέλλω. a Messenger, άγγελος, διάκτωρ, διάγγελος. Metal, αέταλλον. Method, μέθοδος, τρόπος. Midday, μεσημβρία, τό μέσον της ημέρας. of or about Midday, μεσημβρινός, μεσημέριος. Middle, μέσος, παράμεσος, μεσαίτα τος. the Middle, τό μέσον, μεσότης. in the Middle, ανά or κατά μέσον, μεταξύ. Middling, μέτριος, επεικής. Midnight, ακρόνυξ, ακρονυχία, νυκ- τός αωρία, ή ακμάζουσα νύζ. the Midriff, μεσεντέριον, μεσσά- ρων. in the Midst, ανά or κατά μέσον, μεταξύ. Midsummer, τροπή. of Midsummer, τροπικός. a Midwife, μαία, μαιευτρία. Mild, ήπιος, πράος, επιεικής, μείλι- χος, προσηνής, χρηστόλογος, ά- ρεσκος, ευπροσήγορος, αιμύλας, επαγωγός, λεΊος, άνοργος. MIS MOM MOT Mildly, ηπίως, πράως, επιεικώς, μει~- λίχως, ησυχώς, λειώς. Mildness, ηπιότης, ποζάτης, πραύτης, επιείκεια. Mildew, ερυσίβη, ιός. Mildewed, ερυσιβώδης, ιώδης. a Milestone, μίλων, μιλιάρων. Military, στρατιωτικός, στρατεύσιμος' ιΐρϊς αιχμής. Military matters, τα περί rbv πόλε- μον. Military service, στρατεία, στρατιά, πόλεμος. Milk, γάλα. to Milk, αμέλγω, εξαμέλγω, αθέλγω, βδάλλω. to give Milk, γαλακτιάω, γαλακτο τροφέω. Milky, γαλακτικός, γλαγερός. a Mill, μίλη, μύλος, μύλων. a Millstone, μνλίτης λίθος, μόλος ονικός. a band Mill, χειρομύλων. a water Mill, υδρόμυλος. a Miller, μυλωθρός. Mind, νους, θυμός, φρήν, διάνοια, γνώμη. to Mind, επισκοπέω, προσέχω τον νουν, διατείνομαι. the beauties of the Mind, αγαθά τα εν Tfl ψυχ -g. to call to Mind, αναμνόομαι, μνησθή- ναι ποιέω, διαμνημονεύω. to come into the Mind, έρχομαι επϊ νουν. to keep in Mind, ενθυμέομαι, δια. μνήμης έχω. to know one's Mind, όιανοιαν τίνος διάγνωμι. Mindful, μνημών, μνημονικός. Mine, εμός. a Mine, μίταλλον, μεταλλεία. a Mine in war, υπόνομος. to drive a Mine, υπονομεύω. Minerva, Αθηναία, Αθηνάα -α, ΙΙαλ- λάς Αθήνη. to Mingle, μίγνυμι, κεράνννμι. a Minister, διάκονος, υπηρέτης, θερα- πειών. Ministration or Ministry, διακονία, υπηρεσία, ενέργεια, λειτουργία. Mirth, ευφρυσίν/}, ιλαρότης, αστειό- της, ευτραπελία. to Misbecome, καταισχύνω, ατιμόω, ου πρέπω, απέοικα. a Miscarriage, εκτρωσμός, εξάμβλω- σις, άμβλωσις. to Miscarry, αμβλισκάνω, αμβλίσ- κω, αμβλόω, εξαμβλόω, εξαμβλώσ- κω, εκτιτρώσκω. Miscellaneous, σίμμικτος. Miserable, άθλιος, ταλαίπωρος, άτυ- χης, οϊζυρός, τάλας, πολύπονος, αταλαιπώρω ψυχή, δ δυστυχών, δ κακοπαθών. Miserably, ταλαιπώρως, ατυχώς, δυσ- τυχώς. Miserly, σμικρολόγως, ανελευθέρως, φειδωλώς. Misery, ταλαιπωρία, αθλιότης, κακο- πάθεια, οϊζϋς, τα δεινά. a Misfortune, ατυχία, ατύχημα, άτυ- χες, εναντίον, αποτυχία, δυστυχία, δυστύχημα,δυσπραξία, συμφορά,κα- κοπάθεια. to Mislead, απάγω, παράγω, αφίσ- τημι' παραλογίζομαι. Misletoe, αγαρικόν. to Mismanage, εκδιαιτάω, παρα- διοικέω. to Miss, αμαρτάνω, αποτυγχάνω, ψεύδομαι, αποσφάλλομαι, αποπλα- νάομαι, παρολισθαίνω. a Missile weapon, ακούς, ακών, βέλος. a Mission, πομπή. a Mistake, αποπλάνησις, αμάρτημα, αφαμάρτημα, παράβλεψις, πλάνη. to Mistake, παραβλέπω, σφάλλομαι, αμαρτάνω περί — ' tfie road, αμαρ- τάνω της 8δοϋ' totalhj, διαμαρτάνω του παντός. a Mistress, οικοδέσποινα' εταίρα, φίλη, ερωμένη, εραστρία. Mistrust, απόρησις, διαπόρησις, υπο- ψία. to Mistrust, απιστέω, υπόπτομαι. to Misunderstand, παρακούω. to Mix, μίγνυμι, κεράννυμι or -νίω, κεράω. to Mix up together, συμμίγνυμι, μεταμίγνυμι, συγκεράνιυμι or -ραν- νύω, συγκυκάω, επιπλέκω. Mixed, επίμικτος, πρόσμικτος, μιχ- 6 ει ς. a Mixture, μίξις, ανάμιξις, επίμιξις, διάμιξις, πρόσμιξις, σύμμιξις, κρα- σις, σύγχυσις. to Mock, χλευάζω, σκώπτω,επισκώπ- τω, καταμωκάομαι, κατακερτομέω, εμπαίζω, επιπαίζω, καταπαίζω, εν- τρυφάω, καταμειδιάω, ψεύδομαι, εξαπατάω. Mocked, εμπαιχθείς. a Mocker, καταγελαστης, σκωπτης, χλευαστής, μυκτηριστης, παίκτης, εμπαικτης, είρων, μώκος. Mockery, χλεύη, χλευασμός, χλευ- ασία, το καταγέλαστον, εμπαιγ- μό. to Model, πλάττω, σχηματίζω. Modelling, σχηματισμός. Moderate, μέτριος, ενμετρος, επιεικής, ολίγος. Moderately, μετρίως, εμμέτρως, μέ- σως, επ' ολίγον. Moderation, μετριύτης, ευταξία, με- σάτης, μέτρον, μέσον. Modest, αιδήμων, αισχυντηλός, αιδοΊ- ος, αιδέσιμος, εύτακτος, επιεικής, σώφρων, ευπρεπής. to be Modest, αισχύνομαι. Modestly, μετρίως, κοσμίως, σωφρό- νως. Modesty, αιδώς, αίδεσις, αισχύνη, κοσμιότης, το κόσμων. Moist, υγρός, δινγρός, νότιος, ένικ- μος. to Moisten, υγραίνω, βρέχω, ικμά- ζω. Moisture, υγρασία, υγρότης, ικμασία, νοτία, νοτΐς, ικμάς. a Mole in the skin, κηλίς. a Mole, an animal, ασπαλάξ, σκά- λοψ. a Moment, χρόνου ακαρες, βοπή, στιγμή. at the Moment, σχέδιος, αυτοσχέ- διος• adv. αυτοσχεδίως , αυτοσχεδι- αστή, εκ καιρού. in a Moment, εν ακαρεϊ του χρόνου, εν βραχεί χρόνψ. Momentary, καίριος, πρόσκαιρος, αυ- τοσχέδιος' ολιγοχρόνως. a Monarch, μονάρχης. a Monarchy, μοναρχία. a Monastery, μοναστήρων. Money, αργύριον, νόμισμα, νομισμά- των' τά χρήματα. false Money, κίβδηλον νόμισμα. good Money, δόκιμον νόμισμα. to abound in Money, ευπορέω χρη- μάτων. to pay down Money, καταβάλλια αργύρων. to turn into Money, εξαργυοόω. Monied, πολυχρήματος. a Monk, μοναχός. a Monkey, κερκοπίθηκος. a Monster, τέρας. Monstrous, τερατώδης. Monstrously, τεοατώδως. a Month, μήν. every Month, κατά μήνα. of or for two Months, δίμηιος. three Months, τρίμηνος, τριμη- ναως• six Months, εξάμηνος. Monthly, εμμήνως, έμμηνος. a Monument, μνημεϊυν, μνήμα. the Moon, σελήνη, σεληναΐα, μή- νη. the Moon increasing, σελήνη τικτο- μένη' waning, φθίνουσα. a full Moon, πανσέληνος. a half Moon, σελήνη διχοτόμος, δι- χομηνία. a horned Moon, μηνοείδης σελήνη. new Moon, νέα σελήνη, νεομηνία or νουμηνία. of the Moon, σεληνάΐος. Moonless, ασέληνος. More„ πλεΓων, πλέων' adv. πλεΐον, πλέον, μάλλον. More and More, μάλλον και μάλ- λον, αεϊ or έτι μάλλον. More or less, πλέον έλαττον. More than enough, πλέον του κο ρου. More than proper, μάλλον του δέον τος or συμφέροντος. the More so, τοσούτω, 'όσω. yet More, μάλλον επιπλέον or eiri- πλεΐον, περισσότερον. Moreover, προσέτι, πόρρω, μέντοι, γεμην, προς τούτοις, άλλοτε, αλλά- γε, άμα δε, επι τούτο, και, και μεν, και έτι. Morning, εως, ηώς poet, the Morning star, φωσφόρος, εωσφό- ρος. Morose, δύσκολος, δυσάρεστος, στρύφ νος, άτρεπτος, οξύς, δριμύς. Morosely, δυσκόλως, στρυφνώς, χαλέ- πώς, πικρώς, δεινώς, τραχέως. Moroseness, δυσκολία, δυσαρεστία, στρυφνότης. Mortal, θνήτος, θανάσιμος, βρότος. a Mortar, όλμος. to Mortgage, see Pledge. Moss, μνίον, φύκων, βρύον Mossy, βρυώδης. Most, μέγιστος, πλείστος' adv. πλείσ- τον. at Most, τό μεγιστον, τό πλείστον, εις το έσχατον. the very Most, επϊ τό πλείστον, ώς τά πολλά. Mostly, μάλιστα, τά πλείστα, (π} πολύ, ως τό πολϋ or τά πολλά. a Moth or Mothworm, σής. Motheaten, σητώδης. MUL NAP NEI a Mother, μήτηρ, η τεκούσα, dim. μη- τράριον, μητρίδιον. a Mother-in-law, πενθερά, ίκυρά. of or by the same Mother, όμομή- τριος, ομογάστριος. Motherly, μητρώος. Motion, κίνησις, κίνημα, δόνησις, δό- νημα, ευκινησία. to Mount, επιβαίνω, αναβαίνω. a Mountain, όρος. on the Mountain top, κατά κορυ- φήν. a Mountaineer, ορεινόμος. Mountainous, ορεινός, όρειος, βουνοει- δής. a Mountebank, αγύρτης, οχλαγω- γός. of or like a Mountebank, αγυρτι- κός. easily Mounted, αναβατός. Mounting - , κλιμακτηρικός. to Mourn, πενθέω,θρηνέω,αποθρηνέω, οδύρομαι, κατακλαίω, εκδακρύω. a Mourner, θρηνητρία. Mournful, πενθικός, γοώδης, γοερός, θρηνώδης, θρτμιητέος, πολνστονος. Mourning•, γόος, θρήνος, πένθος. in Mourning, μελανείμων, μελάγ- χλαινος. a Mouse, μυς. a field Mouse, αρουραΊος μυς. a Mousetrap, μνάγρα, μύσφονον. the or a Mouth, στόμα, στόμιον of a river, εκβολή, εκρόη, ρύαξ. ίο stop the Mouth, αποστομόω, αποστομίζω, εμφράττω τό στόμα. Λ Mouthful, ψωμός, ψωμίον, ίγκα- φος . to Move, κινέω, δονέω. to Move in a meeting, αναφέρω. Moveable, ενκινής, ευκίνητος, δονη- τός' ευμετάβολος, πορεντικός. to Mow, αμάω, θερίζω. to Mow down, καταμάω, διαμάω, εκθ ερίζω. Much, πολύς, σύχνος, μέγας' adv. πολύ, κατά πολύ. as Much as — , όσον — . as Much as can be, καθ' 'όσον, οίον τε, ως οιοντε. as Much as 1 can, καθ' όσον δννα- μαι. as Much as relates to me, τόγ' εμόν, το κατ' εμέ. by Much, παρά πολύ. by Much more, πολύ μάλλον. by Much less, σχολγγε, ήπου. by how Much — ■ by so much, όσω — τοσούτω. now Much 1 όσος, ηλίκος, οίος• πόσος ; ήλίκος ; in as Much as, παρ' Οσον, καθ' όσον, εν όσψ. so Much so, παρά τοσούτον, ουτωσι. very Much, μάλιστα, μεγά, λίαν, πάμπολν, ως σφόδρα, δεινως, Ίκα- νω?, κομιδγ, πάνυ, απαρτί. Mud, ιλύς, πηλός, βόρβορος. Muddy, ιλυώδης, βορβορώδης, πηλώ- δης, πήλινος' τρυγερος, τρυγώδης. Mulberry, μώρον, σνκάμινον' tree, μωρέα, συκάμινος. Mulberry coloured, ξεραμπέλινος. a Mule, ημίονος, ουρείς. Mullein, φλόμος. to Multiply, πολυπλασιάζω. a Multitude, πλήθος, ομήγυρις. Murder, ανδροφονία. to Murder, φονεύω, κτείνω, αναιρίω, διαφθείρω. a Murderer, φονεύς, ανδροφόνος, αν- δροκτόνος,αναιρέτης' of his mother, μητροκτόνος. a Murmur, μορμυρισμός, γογγυσμός, ψόφος' μεμψιμοιρία. to Murmur, μύω, μ'υζω, γρύζω, μορ- μϋρω, γογγύζω, ανηχέω, υπηχέω' διαψιθυρίζω, μέμφομαι, διαμέμφο- μαι, οδύρομαι. to Murmur at or against, επιμορ- μύρω, πρυσμορμυρίζω , καταγογγύ- ζω, ΰποψιθυρίζω. Murmuring, μεμψίμοιρος. a Muscle, μύο)ν, μυς. Muscular, μυώδης. a Muse, μούσα. a Mushroom, μύκης, βολίτης. like a Mushroom, μυκητώδης. Music, μουσική. Musical, μουσικός. a Musician, χοραύλης, αυλητής, av- λητρις, κιθαρωδός, κιθαριστής. it or there Must, δεΊ, χρή, άξων εστί. a Muster, εξαρίθμησις, περιπόλησις, κατάλογος. to Muster, εξαριθμέομαι, περιπολέω, περίειμι, περιοδεύω, καταλόγους ποιέομαι- to Mutter, see Murmur. Mutual, αμοιβαίος, κατάλληλος. Mutually, αμοιβαίως, προς αλλήλους. My, εμός. on My account, εμούγε 'ένεκα. in My opinion, κατ εμήν γνώμην. a Myriad, μυριάς. Myrrh, μύρρα, σμύρνα. Myrtle, or ivhere it is sold, μυρρίνη' tree, μύρτος. Myself, εμαυτου. a Mystery, μυστήριον. Mysterious or Mystical, μυστικός. a Mystic, μύστης* 'Ν. a Nag, Ιππάριον. a Nail of the hand or foot, όνυξ, dim. ονύχων. tooth and Nail, απρίξ. to cut the Nails, εξονυχίζω. a Nail or spike, ήλος, γόμφος. to Nail to or up, προσερείδω, προση- . λόω, καθηλόω, κατακεντέω. Nailed up, καθηλωθείς, κεκεντημένος. Naked, γυμνός, ψιλός, ανείμων. Nakedness, γυμνότης. a Name, όνομα. to Name, ονομάζω, επονομάζω, κα- λέω, αποκαλέω, όνομα τίθημι. by Name, ονομαστϊ, έπικλην. in your Name, εξ ονόματος σον. of the same Name, συνώνυμος. with two Names, διώνυμος. Namely, δηλαδή, δηλονότι, δήπου, δηπούθεν, δήτα, άρα δή. a Namesake, ομώνυμος, επώνυμος. a Naming, ονομασία, κλήσις. the Nape, ινίον. a Napkin, χειρόμακτρον, σουδάρων. (43) to Narrate, διηγέομαι, απολογίζομαι, παρατ'ιθεμαι. a Narrative, αφήγησις, διήγησις, dim. διηγημάτων, αναφορά. Narrow, στενός, στενωπός, στενυγρός. Narrowly, στενώς. Narrowness, στενοχώρια, στενότης, θλίψις. Nasturtium, κάρδαμον. a Nation, έθνος, φύλον, γένος. Native, γνήσιος, εγγενής. a Native, αυτόχθων, εγχώριος. Native land, πατρίς, εγγενής γη. Natural, φυσιμός, έμφυτος, συγγενι κός. Naturally, κατά φίσιν. Nature, φύσις, γενεά, γένεσις. against Nature, παρά φύσιν. it is so by Nature, ούτω πέφνκε. Naval, ναυτικός. Navigable, πλώσιμος, πλωτός. to Navigate, πλέω. Navigation, ναυτιλία, πλόος. Near, εγγύς, προς, παρά, αμφί. to be Near, εγγίζομαι, πάρειμι, πα ραγίνομαι, παρατυγχάνω, πρόσκει- μαι. Nearer, εγγύτερος, adv. εγγύτερου. Nearly, σχεδόν, παρά μικρόν, εξ ολί- γου, ολίγου δεΊ, κατά βραχύ. Nearness, εγγύτης. Neat, κομψός, ένθετος, ευπρεπής, εμ- μελής. Neat wine, ζωρός οίνος, άκρατος. Neatly, κομψώς, ευαρμόστως Neatness, κομψότης, κοσμιότης, κα• θαρώτης, ευαρμοστία. Necessarily, αναγκαίως, εξ ανάγκης. Necessary, αναγκαίος, πανύ αναγ- καίος. it is absolutely Necessary, πανν χρέων εστί. a Necessary house, αφοδεντήριον. to Necessitate, αναγκάζω, επαναγ- κάζω. Necessitated, αναγκαζόμενος, ληφ- θείς υπ' ανάγκης. Necessity, ανάγκη, χρεία, χρέων. Necessity requires, χρεία υπαγο- ρεύει. of Necessity, εξ ανάγκης, αναγκαίως, αναγκαΊον εστί. the Neck, τράχηλος, αυχήν, δέρα. Necromancy, νεκρομαντεία, νεκυο- μαντεία. Nectar, νέκταρ. Need, απορία, ένδεια, πτώχεια. to Need, δέομαι, χρείαν έχω. there is Need, δεΊ, χρή. a Needle, ακέστρα, ακεστήριον, βε- λόνη, περόνη, ραφϊς, ραφίδιον. Needy, άπορος, ενδεής, πτωχός. to Neglect, ανίημι, αφίημι, αμελέω, μαδιουργέω' ολιγωρέω ,καταφρονέω. Neglected, αφύλακτος. Negligence, άνεσις, αφέσις, αμέλεια, ακηδία' ολιγωρία. Negligent, αμελής, ολίγωρος, εκλελυ- μένος, ανειμένος. to Neigh, χρεμετίζω. to Neigh after, προσχρεμετίζω. a Neighbour, γείτων, σύνοικος, ο πλησίον. a Neigbourhood, γειτόνησις, σννοί- κησις. Neighbouring, 'όμορος, τρόσορος,πρόσ- χωρος, πλησίος, adv. πλησίον. NOI NVW OBS a Neighing, χρεμετισμός. Neither, μηδέτερος, ουδέτερος, conj. δηδε, ουδέ, ούτε, μήτε, μήτι. ephew, ανεψιός. Neptune, Ποσειδών. a Nerve, νεϋρον. a Nest, καλία, νεοττία. to Nestle, νεοσσεΰω or -ττεϋω, απυ- νεοττεύω. a Net for fishing, σαγήνη, γαγγά- μη, λίνον. a Net for hunting, δίκτνον, αρκυς, άρκυον. a Net for the hair, κεκρύφαλος, αρκϋς. Nether, δ κάτω. a Nettle, ακαλήφη, κνίδη. Never, ουδέποτε, μηδέποτε. Nevertheless, ουδέν ήττον, αλλά γαρ όμως, και το?, αλλά όμως, ου μεν αλ- λά, ου μεν δη, ου γαρ το\ αλλά. New, νέος, καινός. Newness, νεότης, καινότης. Next, εγγύτατος, adv. εγγύτατα, έγ• γιστα. Nicety, περιεργία, επιτήδευσις, ζήλω- σις. to a Nicety, δι' όνυχος. a Nickname, παρονομασία, προσονο- μασ'ια. to Nickname, παρονομάζω, προσονο- μάζω. Nigh, εγγύς, πάρα, αμφι, προς. Night, νύξ. the Night long, πανννχιος, πάννυ- χος. the dead of the Night, πρώτη νυξ, ακρόνυξ, ακρονυχία, νυκτός αωρία. by Night, νύκτωρ, νυκτός. to pass the Night, νυκτερεύω, απο- νυκτερεύω, διαγρυπνέω. to travel by Night, νυκτοπορέω. to work by Night, νυκτογραψέω, νυχεύω, νυκτερεύω. Nightly, νυκτερινός, εννύχιυς. a Night's lodging, παννυχίς. a Nightingale, αηδών, αηδώ, φιλο- μηλη. the Nightmare, εφιάλτης, υπόκοιτος. Nimble, ευκίνητος. Nine, εννέα. the Nine, or by Nines, οί εννέα. Nine times, εννεάκις. Ninth, έννατος, ενναταΊος. Ninety, εννενήκοντα. of Ninety years, εννενηκονταέτης. a Nipple, θηλή, μαζός. a Nit, κόνις. No, ου, ουκ or ουχ, μη, ούτι, ουδέν, ου μά Δία. No surely, ου γαρ, ου γαρ ουν, μή δήτα, 'όπως μη- Nobility, ευγένεια, γεναιότης. Noble, ευπατρίδας, πατρίκιος, ευγε- νής, γενναίος, γνώριμος. Nobly, γενναίως. to be Nobly born, γίνομαι καλώς. Nobody, μηδείς, ουδείς, ούτις, μήτις. Nocturnal, νυκτερινός, εννϋχιος. a Nod, νεύμα. to Nod, νεύω, νυστάζω. to Nod to, επινεϋω. Noise, ήχος, ηχή, τόνος, φΟογγή, φθόγγος' λάκος, ψόφος, πάταγος, κτύπος' θρόος, ότοβος, άραβος, κα- ναχή, κέλαδος, κλόνος, κόναβος, ορυμαγδός. the Noise of applause, θόρυβος• of oars or waves, ρόθος, ράθαγος' of a saw or file, τρίμμος. ith a Noise, κλαγγηδόν , καναχήδα, βομβηδόν. without Noise, αθορύβως, αβρόμως. None, ουδείς, μηδεϊς, ούτις, μήτις. the. Nones, νόναι. Nonsense, φλυαρία, λήρος. a Nook, γωνίδιον. Nor, μήτε, η μή. the North, άρκτος, άμαξα, or North wind, βορεάς, βορράς. the North-east wind, ευρόποντος. the North-west wind, καικίας. Northern, αρκτικός, βορειαως, βό- ρειος. the Nose, ρϊν or ρις, μυκτήρ. a Nostril, plv or ρις, ρινίον the Nos- trils, ρΐνες, ρινία, ρώθωνες. Not, ου, ουκ or ουχ, ουχί, ουδέ, ούτε, μή, μηδέ, μή δητα. Not at all, μηδαμώς, μηδαμή, ουδα- μώς, ουδήπου, ουδέν τι, ου μέν τοι, μή δήτα. Not even, μήκαι, μήτι, μή 'ότι, ού- τιγε, ουχ όπως. Not however, μή μέντοι, ου μήν. Not long ago, ου προ πολλού, πρό μικρού, ουκ εις μακράν. Not only, αλλά και, ουχ 'ότι. Not yet, μήπω, ούπω. a Notary, γραφεύς. a Notch, γλυφίς. . to Note, σημειόω, αποσημαίνω* to be Noted, παρασημειωτέος. Nothing, ουδέν, ουθεν, μηδέν, ούτι. Nothing but — , μηδέν άλλο πλην οτι — . Nothing too much, μηδέν άγαν. good for Nothing, άχρηστος or αφυής προς τι, εν ουδενϊ ειμί μέρει, παρ' ουδέν λογίζομαι. to think Nothing worth, παρ' ου- δέν or περϊ μηδενός ποιεομαι, κατα- φρονέω, φαυλίζω. worth Notice, σημειώσεως άξιος, αξιομνημόνευτος. Notwithstanding, see Neverthe- less. Nourishing, σιτικός. November, ανθεστηρίων, νοέμβρος. No.vice, μύστης, πρωτομΰστης, πρω- τόπειρος. Now, ήδη, νυν, εν τω παρόντι, εις παρόν. just Now ; νύνι, άρτι,αρτίως, νεωστϊ, αύτικα. Now and then, εκάστοτε, ωσαύτως, αύθις και αύθις. Nowise, ουδαμή, ουδαμώς, ουδ' άν πω, ουδ' όπως τι ουν. Numb, ναρκώδης. to be Numb, ναρκάω, αναισθήτως έχω. Number, αριθμός' in music or poetry, ρυθμός. they are ten in Number, δέκα εισϊ τον αριθμόν. to Number, αριθμέω. Numbered, αριθμηθείς. to be or may be Numbered, αριθ- μητός. Numbness, νάρκη, νάρκησις, αναι θησία. Numeration, αρίθμησις. (44) Numerous, πολυπληθής, πολύχουξ, πολύς αριθμώ or αριθμόν. Nuptial, γαμήλιος, γαμικύς. a Nuptial song, επιθαλόμιον. a Nurse, τροφός, θρέπτειρα, τιθή, τιτθή, τιθήνη. to Nurse, τρέφω, ανατρέφω, διατρέ- φω. a Nursery for plants, φυτευτήριον. a Nursing, ανατοοψή, τιθήνησις. a Nut, κάρυον, the tree, καρύα. to play Nuts, κάρυα παίζω. a Nymph, νυμφή. Ο. Ο ! ω, ώ. Ο strange ! παπαΐ, βαβαί. an Oak, δρυς. Oaken, δρύινος. an Oar, ερετμός, κώπη. with two Oars, or with two pair, or two tiers of Oars, διήρης. the dashing of Oars, μάθος, μάθα γος. an Oath, 'όρκος, 'όρκιον, ορκωμοσία. to take an Oath, όρκον ποιεομαι. the tendering of an Oath, εξορκισ μός. to be Obdurate, σκληρύνομαι. Obedience, υπακοή, ευπείθεια. Obedient, υπήκοος, ευπειθής. Obediently, ευπειθώς. to Obey, πείθομαι, πειθαρχέω, Ιπα κοίω.. to Obey magistrates, το7ς άρχονσιν ευπειθέω. to Object to, προβάλλω, ονειδίζω. Obligation, ενοχή. to Oblige, ευεργετέω, καταδέω. Obliquely, πλαγίως, παραβλήδην. to Obliterate, εξαλείφω, αποτρίβω, αφανίζω την μνήμην. Obliteration, εξάλειψις, αφανισμός. Oblong, παραμήκης. Obscene, ασελγής, αναιδής, αισχρός, αισχρολόγος. Obscenely, αισχρώς, αναιδώς. Obscenity, αισχρότης, ασέλγεια. Obscure, αφανής, άδηλος, αμαυρός. to Obscure, επισκιάζω, αμαυρόω, αποκρύπτω, επικαλύπτω. Obscurely, ασαφώς, σκιερώς. Obscurity, σκότος, ασάφεια. Obsequies, κτέριμα, κτέρος, ενά γισμα. to perform Obsequies, κτερίζω. εναγίζω. Obsequious, υπερητικός. Obsequiously, πειθηνίως.- Obsequiousness, θεραπεία, λατρεία, υπηρεσία, θωπεία, ανθύπειξις. Observation, περιπόλησις, παρατήρη- σις. to Observe, εξετάζω•' See Look at. to Observe all round, περιπολέω, περίειμί, περιοδεύω. Obsolete, παλαιός, παλαιούμενος απηρχαιωμένος' αμαυρωθείς, εξίτη- \ος. to become Obsolete, πα\αιόοααι παρακμάζω, εξίτηλος γίγνομαι. OLD OPI ORD a.n Obstacle, σκάνσαλον, πρόσκομμα. Obstinacy, σκληρικαρδία, απείθεια, ονθάδεια. Obstinate, τραχηλιώδης, σκληροτρά- χηλος, αυθάδης, αμετανόητος, αντί- τνπος, απειθής. Obstinately, ισχυρογνωμονως, αυθα- δως. to Obstruct, εμποδίζω, βλάπτω. Obtainable, ευπόριστος. an Occasion, καιρός. on the Occasion, εκ του παρατυχόν- τος. Occasional, παρατυχών, αυτοσχέδιος. Occasionally, εκάστοτε, αύθις καΙ αύθις. Occupation, διαγωγή, ασχολία. to Occur, ύπ ειμί, επέρχομαι , έρχομαι επϊ νουν' συμπίπτω. an Occurrence, σύμπτωμα. the Ocean, ωκεανός? αμφιτρίτη, πέ- λαγος, αλς. October, γαμήλιων, Οκτώβριος. Odious, απεχθής. Offence, βλάβη, προσκοπή, πταίσμα, dim. πταισμάτιον. cause of Offence, προσκοπή, πρόσ- κομμα, σκάνδαλον. to Offend, σκανδαλίζω, προσκόπτω, λνπέω, βαρύνω. Offended with, εχθρός, δυσμενής. to be Offended with, εχθραίνω, ειμί εχθρός. to Offer, προσφέρω, επάγω. Offered, προσφερόμενος. an Offering, προσφορά. a peace Offering, καλλιέρημα. Offerings for the dead, ενάγισμα, τάρχεα and τάρχαι. an Office or du'y, έργον, το προσή- κον, τα δέοντα. to execute an Office, ποιέω or δια- πράττω έργον. public Offices, αρχεία. Officious, περίεργος. Officiousness, πολυπραγμοσύνη. Offspring, γενεά, γονή, γένος, γέν- νημα. Often, πολλάκις, συνεχώς, θάμα. θαμινά. as Often as, οσάκις αν, ποσάκις ουν. how Often, ποσάκις, δποσά/αί• so Often, τυσαυτάκις, τοσάκις. very Often, πλειστάκις. Oftentimes, ενίοτε, ενιάκις, εστίν οσάκις. to Οξ\β,οφθαλμιάω,εποφθαλμιάω or -μέω, σκαρδαμύσσω or -ττω, επι- σκαρδαμνσσω or -ττω, δενδίλλω. Oh 1 ώ, α, ω, α, φευ, ιοί. Oh that — , αίτε είτε or ώί before ωφελες with an infinitive ; Oh that you, she, they, &c. ώφελον But see Ought. Oho ! ω, έϊα, ιού, ιώ, φευ, βαβαί. Ointment, χρίσμα, αλοιφή, άλειμμα' μύρον, μίρωμα. a seller of Ointment, μυρεπώλης, μυρεψός. Old,' ancient, αρχαίος, παλαιός. grown Old, παλαιο'υμενος. of Old, παλαιώς. those of Old, οι πάλ.αι or οι παλαιοί. Old, aged, γεραιός and γηραιός, γε- ροντικός, γερόντειος. Old age, γήρας. an Οία man, γερόντων, πρεσβύτης. an Old soldier, b απεστρατενμένος. an Old woman, γραϋς, γραΧα, γραι- διον. a feeble Old man, τυμβογέρων. very Old, παρήλιξ. to grow Old, γηράσκω, συγγηράσκω, παρακμάζω. Older, γεραίτερος, πρεσβύτερος. Oldness, αρχαιότης. an Olive tree, ελαία. an Olive grove, ελαίων, ελαιόφντον. of Olive, ελαιώδης. the wild Olive, αγριέλαια. an Omen, τέρας, οιωνός, οιώνισμα. the taking or observance of an Omen, οιωνοσκοπία, οιωνισμός. to Omen, οιωνοπολέω, οιωνίζω. Omened, οιωνισθεις, αισιωθείς. with good Omens, επ' αγαθαΧς κλη- δόσι. Ominous, τερατώδης, τεράστιος. to Omit, διαλείπω, παραλείπω, παρί- ημι, υπερβαίνω, αποτίθεμαι. to Omit an opportunity, παρίημι καιρών. Omnipotence, παντοδυναμία, παγ- κρασία. Once, άπαξ, καθάπαξ. One, είς• μόνος. One by one, παρ Λ εν. One or two, εις και δύο. every One, πάς, 'έκαστος, εις 'έκασ- τος. of One sort, μονοειδής. with One voice, εξ ενός στόματος, μια γνώμη. to One's self, προς εαυτόν, παρ 1 εαυτή. an Onion, κρόμμυον. Only, μόνος, μοναδικός' adv. μόνον, μόνως, γοϋν, γε δή. an Onyx, ονύξ, ονυχίτης. Open, ανοικτός, ακατακάλυπτος. Open to view, εμφανής, προφανής., καταφανής. lying Open, ανερρωγώς, ανεωγμένος, αναπεπταμένος. to Open, ανοίγω, παρανοίγω, προσα- νοίγω, ανακλείω, ανακαλύπτω, αν- απτύσσω. to Open a letter, λύω or απολύομαι επιστολήν, ανασφραγίζω. to lay Open, ανακαλύπτω, εμφανίζω, προφαίνω. to lie Open, διακαλνπτομαι, ανακα- λύπτομαι, φαίνομαι. an Opening, άνοιξις, δίοιξις, ανακά- λυψις, φανέρωσις' χάσμα. Openly, φανερώς, αναφανδόν , σαφώς, απλώς, εν τψ φανερω, εκ του προ- φανούς. Opinion, δόξα, δόκησις, δόγμα, γνώ- μη, διάνοια, νους, κρίσις, ψήφος. the Opinion deceived me, διαμα'ρ- τάνω της δόξης. to be of my, &c. Opinion, τήν εμήν γνώμην έχω. to be of that Opinion, ούτως γ μην έχω. to change an Opinion, δόξαν μετα- τίθεμαι, ανατίθεμαι τήν διάνοιαν, μεταβάλλομαι. to form an Opinion, δόξαν έχω δοξάζω, όΐμαι, νπολαμβάνω , νομίζω δοκεΧ. to give an Opinion, γνώμην απο- φαίνομαι, rl /ήφον τίθεμαι. (45) to make another change Opinion, μεταπείθω. of the same Opinion, σύμψηφος. Opium, οπίον. Opportune, εύκαιρος, επίκαιρος, επι- τήδειος. Opportunely, ενκαίρως, εν καιρψ, κατά καιρόν, εν τ-φ δέοντι. very Opportunely,' πάνυ ενκαίρως. to come Opportunely, ευ αυτόν rbv καιρόν πάρειμι. Opportunity,. καιρός, ευκαιρία, καί- ριον, αφορμή, λαβή, πρόφασις. as Opportunity offers, παρατυχόν, παραπίπτοντος. at every Opportunity, οπη ενδέχε- ται. on the first Opportunity, 'όταν τά- χιστα, εν τάχει. to afford an Opportunity, λαβήν or πρόφασιν or αφορμήν παρέχω or παραδίδωμι. to pass by an Opportunity, παρί- ημι καιρόν. to seek an Opportunity, καιρόν πρό- φασιν, &c. ζητέω. to seize an Opportunity, καιροφυ- λακέω or -κτέω, καιρόν or πρόφασιν λαμβάνω. to Oppose,£i/avri<5o) and εναντιόομαι, αντίκειμαι, αντιμάχομαι. to Oppose to, προτείνω, προβάλλο- μαι. Opposing or Opposite, " ενάντιος, αντικείμενος, εναντιούμενος. Opposite, αντικειμένως, άντην, εναν- τίον, αντίκρυ, εκ του απαντικρυ, καταντικρύ, εξ εναντίας, απέναντι, ενώπιον, αντωπόν, καταντίστην , πά- λιν. Opposition, αντίθεσις, εναντίωσις. to Oppress, βαρύνω, πιέζω, επιλαμ- βάνω' καταδυναστεύω, βιάζω, κα- ταθλίβω. Oppressed, βεβαρνμένος, καταπιεσ- θείς, κατατριβείς. Oppressed with sleep, ϋπνω βαρυν- θείς. Oppression, κατάθλιψις, κατάτρι-φις. to sink under Oppression, βαρύνο- μαι, δεινοπαθέω, δυσφορέομαι. an Oppressor, υβριστής, κακοποιός, τύραννος, ταλαιπωρέων, καταθλί- βων, κατατρίβων. Or, η, ήτοι, είτε. an Oracle, χρησμός, χρησμωδία, μαντεΧον. to' consult an Oracle, μαντεύομαι. an Oration, λόγος, 'ρήσις, λέξις. an Oration in praise, πανηγυρικός λόγος. a funeral Oration, λόγος επιτάφιος. a paltry Oration, πέζος λόγος. to compose an Oration, λόγον σνν τίθεμαι. to make an Oration, λόγον λέγω, έπω κατά or περί or προς — . an Orator, ρήτωρ, σοφιστής. like an Orator, ρή-ορος δίκην. Oratorical, ρητορικός. Oratorically, ρητορικως. Oratory, ρητορική, ερμηνεία, φράσις. λέξις. an Orchard, παράδεισος, οπωροφνλά- κιον. Order, τάξις, διάταξις, ευταξία, αρ- μονία' μετριότης. OVE PAL PAR an Order, απόταξις, πρόσταγμα. in Order, έξης, εν τάξει, κατά τάξιν. to Order, κελεύω, ανώγω, κέλομαι, επιτέλλω, επιτάττω, προστάττω' διατάττω or -τομαι, εγκοσμέω, ευ- τοεπίζω. Ordered, τακτός, ενταγμένος. Orderly, εύτακτος, σύμμετρος• adv. εντάκτως, σωφρόνως, μετρίως. Orders, παραγγελία, φάσις. without Orders, άνευ προστάγμα- τος, απαράγγελτος, αυτοκέλευστος. Ordure, σκώρ, κόπρος. an Orifice, στόμα, χάσμα. Origin, γένεσις' αιτία, αρχή. Original, πρωτότοκος, πρωτογενής, πρωτότυπος. to Originate, φύομαι, γίνομαι, επα- νατέλλω. Originating, αναφερών, εκφϋς. an Ornament, κόσμημα, κόσμος, κύσμησις. to Ornament, κοσμέω, περιστέλλω. Ornamental, κόσμιος, κεκοσμημένος. Ornamentally, κοσμίως, χαριέντως, επιχαρίτως. an Orphan, ορφανός. Orpiment, αρσενικόν. Orthodox, ορθόδοξος. an Osier, λύγος, οισνα, μίψ. of Osier, οισύϊνος, λύγινος, λυγιστι- κός. like an Osier, λνγώδης. a worker of Osiers, λυγιστής. Otherwise, άλλως, αλλωστι η — , άλλη πτ), κατ' άλλον τρόπον, τηνάλ- λως, έτίρωσε, άλλοσε, αλλαχόθι. an Otter, ένυδρις. he Ought, ώφελε, you Ought, ώφε- λες, they Ought, ώψελον. But ώφελον is generally used adverb- ially with any person, in the sense of Oh that — ; Would that — 5 I wist. it Ought, θεμϊς εστί, έξεοτι, ένεστι, δε7, χρη or χρή. an Ounce, ουγκία, δωδεκατημόριον. of an Ounce weight, ονγκαΊος. Our, νωίτερος, ημέτερος. Out of, εκ or εξ. to Outbid, αντωνέομαι, πλειστηριάζω. Outcast, εκβόλιμος, εκβολιμαΐος, αδό- κιμος. at Outlaw, άνομος, παράνομος, υπερ- όριος, αυτόμολος. an Outline, γραμμή, υπογραφή. Outrageous, χαλεπός, δεινός, απηνής. to Outrun, προτρέχω. on the Outset, εξ εφόδου. to Outtop, υπερέχω. Outward, εξώτερος, το εκτός. Outwardly, εκτός, έξω. to Outweigh, υπερβαρέω. an Ovation, θρίαμβος ελάττων. an Oven, κλίβανος, ιπνός. Over, ίπερ, επί• άνω. Over again, εξ νπαρχής. it is all Over, πέφρακται, οίχεται. to be Over, επίειμι, περιγίνομαι• πε- ρισσεύω. to Overcome, κατελέγχω, επικρατέω. Ιο Overflow, πλημμυρέω, αναπλημ- μν ρέω , κατακλύζω ,εκκνμ'ΐίνω, προσ- κνμαίνω, ΰπερζέω, επιρρέω, περι- βλύζω, βρίω, επιπολάζω. to Overflow with wealth, περιου- σιάζω, περισσεύω, πλεονάζω. Overplus, προσθήκη, επίμετρον, υπέρ- μετρον, επίβλημα. to Overreach, αντωνέομαι, μαγγα- νείω. to Oversee, αγορανομέω, αστννομέω, νεωκορέω. Overseeing, αγορανομικός, αστυνο- μικός. an Overseer, επίτροπος, επίσκοπος. Overseership, αγορανομία, αστυνο- μία, νεωκορία, επισκοπή, επίσκεψις. to Overshaddow, επισκιάζω, κατά- σκιάζω. to Oversleep, κατακοιμάομαι, επί- καθεύδω. to Overtake, μετέρχομαι. to Overthrow, αναστατόω, καθαιρέω, καταστρέφω, καταβάλλω, ανατρέ- πω. an Overthrow, αποβολή, καταβολή, ανατροπή, καταστροφή, ήττα, όλε- θρος, λύμη, συμφορά. to Overturn, περιτρέπω. to Overwhelm, συγκαλύπτω, επι- συγκαλύπτω, περιχωννύω, κατα- βάλλω. Overwhelmed, συ γ καλυφθείς, κατα- καλυφθείς. to Owe, οφείλω. to Owe more than he is worth, ψυχήν οφείλο). Owing, οφειλόμενος. an Owl, βύας, γλαύξ. to Own, κτάομαι, κατέχω, νέμομαι. at its Own time, εν δέοντι, καθ* ωραν, ευκαίρως.- in his Own way, κατά τό ειωθός αυτόν. our Own, τό εφ' ημΊν. an Oyster, όστρεον. to Pack up, τά εαυτού συσκευάζομαι. a Page, σελλι?, dim. σελλίδιον. Pain, άλγος, άχος, άχθος, λύπη. in Pain, περιάλγης, αχθόμενος. to feel Ρώη,αλγέω,συναλγέω, ανιάο- μαι, λυπέομαι, άχθομαι. Pains, εργασία, ενεργασία, έργον. to lose one's Pains, διατριβήν ποιέο- μαι. to take Pains, σπουδάζω, σπουδήν εχω, σχολάω. Paint, φάρμακον, θρόνον, κόμμωμα. Paint on the person, φυκος, άλειμμα, Ϊρίσμα, έντριμμα. 'aint, φυκόω' γράφω, ζωγραφέω. Painted, φυκωθείς. a Painter, γραφευς, ζωγράφος. Painting, ζωγραφιά. a Pair, δνάς, ζεύγος. with a Pair of horses, δίζνξ, δίζυ- Ϊος. 'airs, δίζνγες. a Palace, βασιλική, βασιλέων, παλά- τιον, αρχείον. the Palate, νπερωον. Pale, ωχρός, χλωρός, άχροος. to be or grow Pale, ωχριάω, χλω- ρίζω, εξωχριάω. Paleness, ωχρίασις, άχροια. Pallas, Παλλάς λ,θήνη, Αθηναία, Αθηνάα -δ. Palm of the hand, θέναρ, παλάμη κοτύλη, γύαλον. Palm tree, φοίνιξ. Palm of victory t νίκη. Palm, a measure, σπιθαμή, δοχμή of a Palm, σπιθαμιαΊος. Palpitation, παλμός, σκαρθμός. to Palpitate, σπαίρω, τρέμω, ττάλλ© • μαι. to Pamper, τρυφάω, αβρύνομαι. a Pander, μαστροπός, πορνοβόσκος. Panniers, επίσαγμα, κανθήλιον. to Pant, ασθμαίνω, πνενστιάω. a Panther, πανθήρ. Panting, ασθματικός. a Panting, άσθμα, πνευμάτωσις, έκπνευσις, εκπνοή. a Pantry, ο\\/ων, το μίκρον ταμέΐον, οικίσκος, καλνμμάτιον. Paper, πάπυρος' χάρτης, χάρτον, dim. χάρτιον. Paradise, παράδεισος. a Paradox, παρά&οξον. Parallel, παράλληλος. a Parasite, παράσιτος, κόλαξ, βομο~ λό Χ°!• , „ to act the Parasite, παρασιτεω / κολακεύω, βομολοχέω. Parasitical, ακόλαστος, παρασιτικός, κολακευτικός, βομολοχικός. a Parcel, σκεύος, ετίσαγμα. to Parch, φλέγω, καίω, περικαίω. Parched, άνικμος, εκκαιόμενος, κε κανμένος. Pardon, συγγνώμη, σνγχώρημα, αϊ δεσις, παραίτησις. to Pardon, συγγινώσκω τήν ά\ααρ τίαν, συγγνώμη ν δίδωμι. Pardonable, συγγνωστός, σνγγνώ μης άξιος. a Parent, γονεύς, γενήτωρ, τοκεύς. Parings, μίνημα, περίψημα. a Park, ζωγρείον, ζωοτροφεΤον, παρά- δεισος. a Parlour, δειπνοτήριον, ανακλιντή- ριον, ανωγέων, νπερώον. Parricide, πατροκτονία. a Parricide, πατροκτόνος, πατροφό- νος. a Parrot, ψιττάκας, ψιττακή. Parsimonious, φειδωλός. Parsimoniously, φειδωλώς, φειδομέ' νως, ευτελως. Parsimony, φειδωλή. Parsley, σέλινον. Part, μέρος, μερ"ις, μοίρα, di?n. μέριον. for the most Part, επϊ πολύ, τά πλείστα. in some Part, μερός τι, εκ μεροος. it is my Part, προσήκει μοί. to take Part with — •, μετά τίνος ειμί. to Participate, κοινωνόω. Participation, κοινωνία, κοινότης. a Particle, μερϊς, μέριον. Particoloured, δίχροος, ποίκιλος. Particularly, μερικώς, ανά μέρος. Partly, ανά or παρά μέρος, τά μεν — τά δε, tq μεν — ττ) δέ. a Partner, κοινωνός, μέτοχος, συγ~ κλήοος. Partnership, κοινωνία, μετοχή. a Partridge, πέρδιξ. dull Parts, παχύτερα μούσα. in Parts, διάνδιχα, δίχα. PAY in two Parts, διφυής, διμερής. in three Parts, τριμερής. a Party, στάσΐί, αΊρεσις, συστροφή. (Ο Pass across, υπερβαδίζω, υπερ- βαίνω. to Pass away, διαρρέω, εξέρχομαι. to Pass by, παραφέρω, παραβαίνω. to Pass by in silence, διαλείπω. to Pass life, διάγω τον βιόν. to Pass over, πορθμενω- διάγω, διαι- ρώ ,περαιόω , μεταβαίνω , παραβαίνω, υπερβαίνω, υπερέχω, υπερπηδάω. to Pass through, διαδύνω, διέξειμι, διοδεύω, διέρχομαι, διαβαίνω, διϊκ- νέομαι. to Pass time, διατρίβω τόν χρόνον, διάγω. Passable, διαβατός, εμβατός, εύπορος, εύοδος, πορεύσιμος, περάσιμος. a Passage, πόρθμευσις• πορεία, πόρος, διάβασις, μετάβασις, διέξοδος. a Passenger, επιβάτης. Passionate, οξύθυμος, οξυθυμίας, ορ- γίλος, ακρόχολος. the Passover, πάσχα, εορτή των αζύμων. Past and gone, απαλλαγείς. the time Past, χρόνος παρακείμε- νος. Pastime, συμπαιγνία. Pastoral, ποιμαντικός, βουκολικός. Pasturage, αίτησις, νομή. to Pasture, see Graze. Pastured, νομηθείς. to Pat, ψηλαφάω, θωπεύω, ψάω or ψώω. to Patch, ^άπτω, συρράπτω, ακέο- μαι. a Patent, δίπλωμα. Paternal, πατρώος, πατρικός. a Path, ατραπός, τρίβος, πάτος. a Pathic, κίναιδος. Pathless, άβατος, άνοδος, αδιέξοδος. Patience, υπομονή, τλημοσύνη, μα- κροθυμία. Patient, τλημών,τλησίπονος, φερέκα- κος, φερέπονος, μακρόθυμος. Patiently, υπομονητικώς, τλητικώς, μακροθύμως. to take Patiently, ευλογιστέω, ευ- γνωμονέω, μακροθυμέω. a Patriarch, πατριάρχης. Patrimony, ουσία, τά πατρώα χρή- ματα, κτήματα. a Patrol, περίπολος φύλαξ, έφοδος, περιοδευτής. a Patron, συνήγορος, πρόδικος, παρά- κλητος, πρόσκλητος, προστάτης, προστατεύων. Patronage, συνηγορία, προστασία, απολογία, τταρακέλευσις) παράστα- σις, προστατεία, αντίληψις. to Patronize, συνηγορέω, συνδικέω, τχροστατέω, προίσταμαι. a Pattern, τύπος, αντίτυπον, αντί- Ϊραφον, προτότνπον. 'atting, ψηλάφησις, θωπεία, θώ- ■πευμα, κολακεία. Pavement, έδαφος, δάπεδον. Pay, μισθός, μισθοφορά. soldier's Pay, χρήματα στρατιωτι- κά to earn Pay, στρατεύομαι υπό — . to Pay or hire, μισθόω, μισθόν δίδω- μι, τελέω. to Pay off or in full, αποτίω. to Pay or suffer for, τίω, εκτίω. PER εκτίνω, αποτίω, αποτίνω, αποτιν- νν<α. διατινννω, τίσιν αποτίνω. to Pay a debt, λύω, τελέω, χρεολυ- τέω, απαλλάττω ,τά χρέα or οφείλη- μα,διαλνω,κατατίθεμαι,αποδίδωμι. unable to Pay, see Insolvent. Payment, τίσις, έκτισις, καταβολή, απυφορά. a Pea or Pease, πίσον. Peace, ειρήνη, ησυχία. to make Peace, ειρηνοποιίω, ϊλάσκο- μαι. a making of Peace, ειρηνοποιία. Peaceable, ειρηνικός, ειρηνυθείς. a Peacemaker, ειρηνοποιός. a Peacock, ταύς. ταών. like a Peacock, δ του ταώνος. a Peak, κορωνίς. See Summit. a Pear, άπιον, tree, άπιος. a Pearl, μαργαρίτης. mother of Pearl, πίννα or πίνη. a Pebble, ψηφίς, λιθιδίον, λιθάριον. Pebbly, πολύψηφος, λιθακώδης. to accuse of Peculation, κρίνω τίνα κακώσεως επαρχίας. accused of Peculation, υπέρ των ευθυνών απολογούμενος. Peculiar, ίδιος, ιδιωτικός, οικείος, κύριος. Peculiarity, ιδιότης, ιδιοτισμός. Peculiarly, ιδίως, ιδία, κυρίως. a Pedestrian, πεζός. a Pedigree, γένεα, γένος. a Pedlar, μεταβολεύς, προπολής. to Peel, απολέπω, απολεπίζω. a Peg, πάτταλος• for a musical string, σπονδύλων. to Pelt, βάλλω, λίθοι? βάλλω. a Pen, κάλαμος, γραφεΊον, στύλος- a Penalty, τιμωρία, τίμημα, ζημία, δική. to inflict a Penalty, επαιτέω δίκην, κολάζω ζημιαΐς. to suffer a Penalty, τιμωρίαν δίδω- μι, δίκην ικανήν εκτίω, εκτελέω την δίκην. a Pencase, καλαμοθήκη. to Penetrate, εισδ'υνω, διαπείρω. Penetrating, διάπορος. a Peninsula, χερρόνησος or χερσόνη- σος. a Penny, μνά, ασσάριον, οβολός. Pentecost, πεντεκοστή. Pepper, πέπερι. to Perambulate, διοδεύω, περιέρχο- μαι. a Perambulation, περινόστησις. to Perceive, αισθάνομαι, ενωτίζομαι, ακούω' νοέω, κατείδω, καταγινώσ- κω, καταλαμβάνω. to Perceive clearly, διαισθάνομαι, διαγινώσκω. to Perceive beforehand, προαισθά- νομαι. Perception, ανάλη-ψις, κατάληψις. a Perch, fish, περκις, πέρκη. Perfect, τέλειος, εντελής. Perfection, τελείωσις. Perfectly, τελείως, εντελώς. Perfidious, άπιστος, μεστός απιστίας, άσπονδος, παράσπονδος, αγνώμων. Perfidy, απιστία, αγνωμοσύνη. Perfume, άρωμα, θυμίαμα, θυμία- σις. to Perfume, θυμιάω, αποθυμιάω. a Perfumer, αρωματοπώλης, μυροπώ- λης, μυρεψός. (47) PHI Perfumery, μίρον, μίρωμα, χρίσμα. Perhaps, Ίσως, τυχόν, τάχα τιον. a Period, περίοδος. a Periphrase, περίφρασις. to Perish, όλλυμι, απολλύω, απόλλν μαι, διαπόλλυμαι, διαφθείρομαι, αποφθινϋθω, καταφθίνομαι. to Perjure, επιορκέω, επόμνυμι. Perjured, επίορκος, επιορκητικύς. Perjury, επιορκια. Permission, συγγνώμη, εξουσία, trvy χώρησις, άφεσις. to ask Permission, συγγνώμην αιτίω. to get Permission, συγγνώμης τυγ- χάνω. with his Permission, αυτού σνγ χωρήσαντος. to Permit, εάω, επιτρέπω, συγχωρίω a Perpendicular, κάθετος. Perpetual, διηνεκής, αιδώς. Perpetually, αιεϊ, εις αιώνα. Perpetuity, αΐδιότης, τό διηνεκές. to Perplex, περισπάω. a Perquisite, τό ίδιον or ιδιωτικόν. to Persecute, διώκω. Persecution, δ'κ,ιξις, διωγμός. a Persecutor, διώκτης, όιώκων. Perseverance, επιμονή, καρτερία. with Perseverance, επιμόνως, καρ τερίκως, διηνεκώς. to Persevere, μένω εν — or επί — , εμμένω, προσμένω, διατελέω, επι- μελέομαι, διαγίνομαι, προσλιπαρέω, προσκαρτερέω, διηνεκώς αφίσταμαι. to Persist, διαμένω εν — , εμμένω, επιμένω, εφίσταμαι, ενίσχομαι, προσκαρτερέω. to Persist in, ενδιατρίβω, διαμένω, εγχρονίζω : to Persist in an opinion, εμμένω τ-η γνώμη. to Persuade, πείθω, αναπείθω, συμ- βουλεύω, παραινέω, ανάγω. to Persuade to, υποσημαίνω, υπάγο• μαι, εισηγέομαι, μεταπείθω. to Persuade one's self, προσθυμέο- μαι, εμβάλλομαι εις νουν. Persuaded, πεπεισμένος. a Persuader, σύμβουλος, εισηγητής. Persuasion, πείθω, πείσις, πίστις, παραίνεσις, παράκλησις. Persuasive, συμβουλευτικός, παραινε- τικός, πειστήρως, πειστικός. Pertinently, επιτηδείως, ευθετώς. Perverse, διάστροφος, πονηρός. Perversely, διαστρόφως, κακοήθως. Perverseness, διαστροφή, κακοήθεια. Perversion, αναστροφή, καταστροφή. to Pervert, αναστρέφω, διαστρέφω, παραστρέφω, παρασύρω. Pervious, ευάνοικτος, ανεωγμένος. Pestilence, λοιμός, φθορά, λύμη, βλαβή. Pestilential, λοιμώδης. a Pestle, 'ύπερος. a Petition, αίτημα, αίτησις. to Petition, αιτέω, αιτέομαι δοΐ)ναι. a Petitioner, αιτητής. to Petrify, λιθόομαι. a Pettifogger, δικολόγος, δικορ^ά" φος. Petulancy, ακολασία, ασέλγεια. Petulant, ασελγής, ακόλαστος. Petulantly, ακολάστως. a Pheasant, φασιανός. a Phenix, φοίνιξ. a Phial, φιάλη. PIT PLA PLU a Philosopher, φιλόσοφος. a Philosopher as far as the beard, από πώγωνος φιλόσοφος. -to Philosophize, φιλοσοφίζω. Philosophy, φιλοσοφία. Phlegm, ρεύμα, κόρυζα, φλέγμα. Phlegmy, φλεγματώδης. a Physician, ιατρός, ακεστής, θερα- πευτής, ιατροτέχνης. a Physiognomist, φυσιογνώμων. Physiognomy, φυσιογνωμία. to Pick a bane, περίτρώγω, περιβρώσ- κω. to Pick and choose, εκλέγω, εξαιρέω, αναλέγω, παραλαμβάνω. a Pickaxe, μσρρον. Pickle, άλμη, τάριχος. See Brine. a Pickpocket, ζωνωτόμος, βαλαντιό- τομος. a Picture, γραφή, ζωγραφιά. a Piece, απόκομμα, θραύσμα' βώλος, άκολος, βλωμός, τέμαχος, ψωμός, dim. τεμά -yiov, ψωμίον. a-Piece, adt\ ανά. Piecemeal, κατά μέρη. Pierced, κατακυντισθείς. Piety, ευλάβεια προς τόν θέον, ευσέ- βεια, θεοσέβεια. a Pig, χοιράς, νς, συς. of or like a Pig, υεως. a Pigeon, περιστερά. a Pigeon-house, περιστερεών. a feeder of Pigeons, περιστεροτρό- φος. a Pigstye, συφέος. a funeral Pile, πυρά. to Pile up, επιστοιβάζω. " a table Piled with food, τράπεζα βρώμασι επεστοιβασμένη. to Pilier, διακλέπτω, υφαρπάζω. a Pill, καταπότιον. Pillage, διαρπαγή, περισ'υλησις. to Pillage, αποσυλάω, περισυλάω, περιαιρέω, απογυμνόω. Pϊ\\aged,διapπaγε'iς,περισεσυλημέvoς. a Pillar, κίων, στ'υλος, dim. στυλ'ώιον. to inscribe on a Pillar, στηλογρα- ώέω, στηλοκοπέω. a Pillow, προσκεφάλαιον, κνέφαλον. a Pilot, ναύκληρος. a Pimple, εξάνθημα., λειχήν. a Pine tree, πίτυς, πεύκη. to Pine away, εκτήκομαι, εντήκομαι, συντήκομαι, μαραίνομαι. a Pint, κοτύλη, ημίνα. Pious, ευσεβής, ευλαβής, θεοσεβής to be Pious, ευσεβέω, τήν ευσέβειαν ασκέω, θεοσεβέω. Piously, θεοσεβώς. a Pipe, σωλήν, σίφων, dim. σωλη- νίσκος, σιφώνιον. a musical Pipe, αυλός, σύριγξ. to Pipe, αυλέω, σνρίζω. a Piper, αυλητήρ, -τρία, -τρϊς, συρικ της. a Pirate, πειρατής. Piratical, πειρατικός. to Piss, ουρέω. a Pit, βάραθρον, βόθυνος, βόθρος, τάφρος, -χάσμα. full of Pits, βαραθρώδης. Pitch, πίσσα or πίττα. to Pitch, πισσόω. Pitchy, πισσώδης. a Pitcher, κέραμος, κεράμων, κάνθα- ρος, αμφορευς, πιθάριον, αγγεΐον λοπάς, χύτρα. Pithy, γνωμικός, αποφθεγματικός. Pithily, γνωμικώς, αποφαντικώς. Pitiful, ελεεινοί, λυγρός. Pitifully, ελεεινως. Pitiless, ανελεήμων, ανοικτός, δύ- σοικτος, άτεγκτος. Pity, έλεος, οΊκτος. without Pity, ανελεημόνως, ανοίκτεί. to Pity, ελεέω, έλεος γίνομαι, οικτεί- ω, οικτίζω, σπλαγχνίζομαι περϊ — , όΐκτον έχω. Placable, ευιλαστος, ευδιάλλακτος. Place, τόπος, χωρίον, χώρος. in Place of, αντί. in or of a Place, τοπικός, εντόπιος. to Place, τίθημι, επιτίθημι, παρατί- θημι, ϊστημι, ανίστημι, καθίστημι, παρίστημι. to Place beside or among, παρεμ- βάλλω, παρεντίθημι. to give Place to, παραχωρέω, περι- χωρέω. to put in Place of, αντικαθίστημι, νφίστημι, υποτάσσω. put in Place of, υποταχθείς. a Plain, πεδίον, πέδον, ομαλότης. through the Plain, καππεδίον. Plain, άκοσμος, άκομψος' λεΊος, αμο- λάς• φανερός, σαφής, τρανός, τρανής. it is Pla'm, φαίνεται, δοκεΊ, δήλον or φανερόν εστί' ΙμολογεΊται. to make Plain, φανερόω, προφαίνω, δήλον ποιέω. Plainly, φανερώς, αναφανδόν ατεχ- νώς. a Plaintiff, κατήγορος, διώκων. a Plait, πτυξ, πτύγμα, πτυξις. to Plait, πλέκω, περιπλέκω, πτύσσω. Plaited, πλεκτός, εύπλοκος. a Plaiting, πλοκή, επιπλοκή. a Plane tree, πλάτανος. to Plane, λεαίνω, κιταλεαίνω, ομαλί- ζω, εξομαλίζω. a Planet, πλανήτης, αστήρ ασταθής. a Plant, φυτόν, φύτευμα. an animal Plant, ζωόφυτον. to Plant, σπείρω, φυτεύω. to Plant around, περιφυτεύω. to Plant in or among, ενσπείρω, εμ• φνω. a Plantation, φυτεία, φυτεύσις, αλωά, άλσος. Planted near, παρέμφντος. a Plaster, έμπλαστρον. Plaster, γύψος. to Plaster, γυψόω, κονιάω. a Plasterer, κονιάτης. a Plate or Platter, πίνακις, πινακίσ κος, πινακίδων. a Plate or sheet, ελασμός, πέταλον. to Plate, περιαργυρόω. a Plater, πεταλιστής. in Plates, πεταλίτης. Play, παιδία, πάιγμα, παίγνιον. to Play, παίζω. to Play on, ψάλλω, ζνηχέω , μελωδέω , μελίζω, καταυλέω. to Play together, σνμπαίζω, προσα- θυρέω. to Play With, προσπαίζω, χαριεντίζο- μαι. a Player, μίμος , υποκριτής' παίκτης a Playfellow, συμπαίκτης, συμπαίκ- τωρ, συνόμιλος, συλληρέων. Playful, παίζων, παιγνιώδης. a Playhouse, θέατρον. of a Playhouse, θεατρικός. (48) a Plaything, άθυρμα, naiyviov, πα<. δικά, κροτοπαιγνίον. a Pleading, δικαιολογία. Pleasant, ηδύς, αλυπός, τερπνός. Pleasantly, αλύπως, ηδεώς, ηδίστα, αλυπότατα. Pleasantness, ηδονή, τερπνότης. to Please, αρέσκω, συναρέσκω, εν- δοκέω, ευδοκιμάω, πραΰνω. Pleasing, αρεστός. it Pleases, αρέσκει, φίλον εστί, δοκεΊ Pleasure, ηδονή, τέρψις, τερπνότης. addicted to Pleasure, ταΊς ηδοναΊς ^οσηρτημένος, φιλήδονος, τερπνός. to indulge in Pleasure, φιληδέω, επιδίδωμι εαυτόν ταϊς ήδοναΐς. the Pleasures of sense, al κατά τό σώμα ηδοναί. a Pledge, υποθήκη, παρακαταθήκη, ασφάλισμα, ενέχυρον, τό ϊκανόν, 8μηρεία. to Pledge, υποτίθημι, υποτ'ιθημι ενέ- χυρον, κατατίθημι, παρακατατίθη- μι, ενεχυράζω. to take a Pledge, ενεχυράζομαι. Pledged, παρακατατιθείς. Pleiades, πλειάδες. Plentiful, άφθονος, εύπορος, δαψιλής, περιούσιος, περισσεύων, πίων, πιμε- λής. Plentifully, άδδην, αφθόνως, διαρκώς, ευπόρως, πολυτελώς, περισσώς, εκ περίσσειας, λιπαρώς, δαψιλώς. Plenty, ευπορία, ευθηνία, αδροσύνη, δαψίλεια, αφθονία, περωυσία. to have Plenty, ευπορέω, ευθηνέω, περισσεύω, γέμω, δαψιλεύομαι. Pleuretic, πλευριτικός. Pleurisy, πλευριτϊς. a Plot, σύστασις, συνο)μοσία' βουλή, μηχανή. to Plot, μη-χανάομαι' ενεδρεύω, ενέ- δρας τίθεμαι, συνίσταμαι, συνόμ νυμι, συνωμοσίαν συνάγω. a Plough, άροτρον. to Plough, αρόω, εζαρόω, αροτριάζω, αλοκίζω. a Ploughing, άρομα, άροσις. a Ploughman, αροτήρ, αρότης, αρο- τρεύς. Ploughshare, υνις, ευλάκα. a Plough-tail or handle, εχέτλη* to Pluck, τίλλω, παρατίλλω. to Pluck away, ανασπάω. to Pluck out, αποσπάω, αποτίλλω, εκριζόω. to Pluck out the eyes, εξορίττω or εκκόπτω οφθαλμούς. Plucked, τετιλμένος. a Plucking, τίλμα, τιλμός. a Plum, κοκκύμηλον tree, κοκκϋμη- λος. Plunder, σκίλον or σνλον, λάφυρον, έναρα, λεία, ληστεία. to Plunder, συλ'άω or -λέω, σκυλεύω, λη'ιζω, λη'ίζομαι, λαφυραγωγέω, αφαρπάζω, διαρπάζω, εκπέρθω. a Plunderer, αυλητής, ληστής, λαφυ • ραγωγός. Plundering, ληστικός. a Plundering, σκύλευσις, σύλευσις, ληστεία, αιχμαλωσία' of holy tilings, Ιεροσυλία. to Plunge, δύνω or δύω, καταδύω-, παράδνω, βάπτω, εμβάπτω, εμβαπ- τίζω, κατα3απτίζω, καταποντίζω, εναποκλϋο* POR PRA PRE a Plummet, βολίς. Pluto, Πλούτων, Πλουτεύς, Αίδης. Ζ. Poem, ποίημα. a Poet, ποιητής. Poetical, ποιητικός. Poetry, ποιήτρια. a. Point or top, κορυφή, κολοφών, άκρον. a Point or dot, στιγμή, σημείον. a sharp Point, ακωκή, αιχμή, ακίς, άκρον του δόρατος. in a Point ; κατ 7 ακωκήν, κατ αιχ- μήν. to rise to a Point, κορυφόω. to Point, οξύνω, αποξύνω, κορυφόω, σταχίομαι. to Point out, σημειόομαι, ΰποτυπόω, απυφαίνω, αποδεικνύω. Pointed, αταχυηρός, αποξυνθείς. Poison, φάρμακον, φάρμακον ύηλητή^ ριον, ακόνιτον, τοξικόν, ιός. to Poison, φαρμακεύω, δηλητηρίοις φαρμάκοις απολύω. Poisonous, φαρμακώδης, ιώδης, ιοβό- λος. a Pole, κόντος. die Pole of a carriage, ρυμος, εφόλ- καιον. the Pole or Poles of the earth, πόλος, πόλοι. Policy, πολιτεία. a Polish, ξέσμα. to Polish, λειαίνω, ξύω, ξέω, αποξέω, διαξέω, περιξέω, περιψάω, κατακοσ- μίω. with a Polish, γλαφνρώς. Polished, ζεστός, απόξεστος. Polite, aoriivs, πανί) άστεως. Politely, αστείως. Politeness, αστεισμός, αστειότης. Politic, πολιτικός. to Pollute, μια'ινω, μολύνω, διαφθεί- ρω, εναγίζω, μιαιφονέω, χραίνω. Polluted, ανίερος, μιανθείς, μολυνθείς, μεμιασμένος, μεμολυσμένος, καταμε- μολνσμένος. Pollution, μόλυνσις, ακαθαρσία, ρυ- παρία. a Polypus, πολϋπους. a Pomegranate, ροιά, pod. to Ponder, αναπολίω. the Poop, πρύμνα. Poor, πενής, ενδεής, αχρήματος, άπο- ρος, πτωχός. Poorness, ττενύι, σπανία. the Poplar tree, άγειρος. the white Poplar, λείκη. a Poppy, μήκων. the Populace, δήμος, λabς Alt. λέως, όχλος. to flatter the Populace, δημαγωγέω. -Popular, δημοτικός, ιδιωτικός, αρεσ- τός τω δήμω. Popularity, δημαγωγία, δημαρεσ- τία. to court Popularity, δημαγωγέω. Popularly, δημοτικώς. a" Porch, στοά, παραστάς, πρόδρομος, προπύλαιον, αυλίδιον. the Porch of a church, πρόναος. a Porcupine, ύστριξ. a Pore, πόρος, τρήμα. Pork, νειον κρέας. Porous, τρηματώδης. Porridge, άλιξ, χόνδρος, κρίμνος, πόλτος. ?. Port, λίμην. to arrive at Port, εν λιμένι πλέω. with sale Ports, λιμενώδης. a Porter, φορεύς, φορτηγός, φορτο- βαστάκτης, νωτοφόρος, σκευοφόρος' οικοφύλαξ. a woman's Portion, προίξ, φζρνή. οι or about a Portion, προικώος. Portionless, άεδνος,άφερνος,άπροικος. a Position, κατάθεσις, διάθεσις. Positive, ισχυρογνώμων. Positively, καταφατικώς. Possessed, δημητρόληπτος, μανιώδης, ένθεος, ενθεαατικός. a Post or station, σταθμός, εφεδρεία. to keep a Post, εψϊ κατά χώραν or εν χώρα. to quit a Post, λείπω τήν τάξιν. a door Post, see Jamb. from the Tost to the goal, από της αφετηρίας μέχρι του καμπτήρος. to Post υρ,προγάψομίΐΐ,στηλογρ'ΐφέω. the Posteriors, πρωκτός, πυγή, γλου- τός. Posterity, επιγενόμενοι, επίγονοι, απο- γενόμενοι, οι έπειτα, οι μεταγενεΊς, b μέλλων χρόνος. a Pot, χύτρα, χυτρίς, λεβης, θερμαν- τήρων. a Pot companion, συμπότης. a chamber Pot, σκαφίον,αμ\;, ουρη- τρίς. a Potter, κεραμευς, κεραμικός, πλάσ- της. a Potter's wheel, δ τρυχϊί των κερα- μικών. of Pottery, κεραμικός, κεράμως.. a Poulterer, ορνιθοκόμος. a Pound, μνα, λίτρα. to Pound, κόπτω, συγκύπτω, αλοάω' αράσσω, συντρίβω, φλάω, θλάω. Pounded, θλασθεις, συντετριμμένος. to Pour, χέω, χνω. to Pour back, αναχέω, πάλιν εκχέω. to Pour in or upon, εγχέω, επιχέω, επιχνω, αποβρέχω, προσχέω. προσ- Pour to Pour out, προχέω, αποχέω, κατα- χίω, σπένδω, χωννύω. to Pour out over, ίποχέω, καταχέω, διϋγραίνω, εμβρέχω. to Pour out around, περιχέω, περιρ- ραίνω. Poured around, περιρρανθεις, περίρ- ροος. a Pouring forth, έκχυσις, διάχνσις, υπόχυσις. Poverty, πενία, πτώχεια. to be in Poverty, ειμί εν πενία, απο- ρέω χρημάτων. Powder, κόνις, κονιορτός. to Powder, αμαθύνω, κονιάω. Powdery, κονωρτώδης. Power, δύναμις, ισχύς, κράτος, εξου- σία. a Power, δύναμις, όφελος. in my, our, &c. Power, επ' εμοι or εφ' ημΐν εστί. to bring under the Power of, υπο- τάσσομαι, υφ? εαυτόν ποιέομαι. to give Power, εξοίσιαν δίδωμι. to nave Power, δυναστεύω. Powerful, ισχνρός, δυνατός, εγκρα- τής, υπέροχος, μέγα δυνάμενος. very Powerfully, πανύ ισχυρώς. Practice, άσκησις, εντελέχεια. to Practise, ασκέω, επασκέω, ενεργέω, διαπονέω. εονάζοααι. - ' ( - ποδυτέω, κατασκήπτω, συλάω, απο- συλάω, αρπάζω. a Robber, ληστής, dim. ληστίδιον, κλέπτης, λωποδύτης, άρπακτήρ, άρ- πακτείρα, πειρατής. a Robber of holy things, Ιερόσυλος. Robbery, ληστεία, λωποδυσία, αρπα- γή, αρπαγμα, άρπαγμός' λεία, λά- φυρον. by Robbery, άρπ-Ίγδην, άρπακτικώς. living by Robbery, άρπα\ίβιος. a Robe, πέπλος, χλαμύς, dim. χλα- μύδων of state, αλουργίς, τήβεννα, πορφυρίς. Robed,6 τ^χλαμύδι περιβεβλημένος, χλαμυδωτύς' in state, αλουργίδι κεκοσμένος. a Rock, λίθος, πέτρα, πίτρος, σκόπε- λος, σπιλάς, απότομος. a sunk Rock, χοιράς, στήθος, ται- νία. like a Rock, πετραως, πέτρινος. Rocky, πετρώδης, υπόλιθος. a Rod, ράβδος, ραβδίον. a ten foot Rod, δεκάπους. to beat with Rods, ραβδίζω, pa- πίζω. a Rogue, μαστιγίας, μάσθλης, παλΊμ- πρατος, πανούργος. Roguish, πανούργος, πανουργικός. Roguishly, πανουργώς. to Roll, κυλίω, προκυλ'ιω, κυλίζω. to Roll about, διακυλινδέω. to Roll down, κατακυλίω. to Roll down upon, επικυλίζω, tni- κυλινδέω. to Roll towards, προσκυ*λίω. to Roll up, νερισφαιρόω and -ρόομα^ Roman, 'Ρωμαίο?, a Romance, τερατολογία. Rome, 'Ρώμη. RUD RUS SAI a Roof, όροφος, οροφή, στέγη, στέγος, κορυφή' ορόφωσις, καμάρωσις. to Roof, οροφόω, καταστεγάζω, καμα- ράω. Ο,ΐχοονη, οικημάτων, δωμάτων, ευνασ- τήριον, θάλαμος, κοιτών. Room, χώρησις, ευχωρία. Roomy, χωρητικός, δεκτικός. a Root, ρίζα. from the Root, ριζόθεν, εκ ριζών, δλορρίζει, πάντως. to take Root, ριζόω, ριζύομαι, ριζο• βο\ίω. to Root out, εκρ'ζόω, απορ'ριζόω, εξε- ρύω, εξαιρέω, αναστρέφω. Rooted out, αποσπασθείς. a Rooting out, απόσπασμα. a Rope, σπάρτη, σπάρτον, σχοΐνος, σχοινίον, καλώδων. a large Rope, κάλως, πρότονος. a Rope-dancer, σχοινοβάτης. a Ropemaker, καλωστρόφος, σχοινο- πλόκος. a Rose, ρόδον. a Rosebud or ornament like it, κά- λυξ, κάλυξις. Rosemary, λιβανωτίς. Rosin, ρητίνη. Rosy, ρυδόεις, ρόδινος, ρόδιος. to Rot, σαπρίζω, σήκω, μνδάω, πύθω, ενρωτιάω, σήπομαι, κατασήπομαι καταπύθομαι. Rotation, περιφόρησις, ελιξ, κυλίνδη- σις. Rotten, σαπρός, ενρώδης, ενρώεις. Rottenness, ευρώς, σαπρία,σαπρότης, μνδησις, σήψις. Rough, τραχύς, τραχώδης. λάσιος, δασύς- σκληρός, χαλεπός, δεινός. Roughly, τραχίως, χαλζπΰς. Roughness, τραχίτης, δασύτης, το τραχύ , τό δασύ' ανωμαλία,ανισότης• of weather, ακρασία, δυσκρασία. Round, τροχαλός,τροχοειδής, στρόγ- γυλες. a Round of a ladder, αναβαθμός, βάθρον. to Round, σφαίρω, στρογγυλόω. Roundabout, πέριξ, κυκλήδον, κύκλω. Roundly, στρογγυλώς. Roundness, στρογγυλότης, περιφέ- ρεια. Round top, καρχήσιον. to Rouse, εγείρω επ\ τα έργα, ανε- γείρω εξ ύπνου, εξεγείρω, εκκαλέω. Roused, εγερθείς. a Rout, φυγή, αναφυγη, φύξις, η του νώτου στροφή. to Rout, τρέπω εις φυγήν, παρωθέω, απαράσσω, καταβάλλω. a Row, see Rank. to Row, ερέσσω, κωπηλατέω. a Rower, ερέτης, κωπηλάτης. a Rowing, ερεσία and ειρεσία. Roval, βασιλικός, βασίλειος. to Rub, τρίβω. to Rub down, μάσσω or -ττω. to Rub into, εντρίβω. to Rub out or off, εκτρίβια. to Rub upon, χρίω, υποχρίω, αλείφω. a Rubber, σπόγγος. Rubbish, χάλιξ, χλίδος. a Rudder, πηδάλιον,οίαξ, εφόλκαιον. Ruddy, ξανθός, ερυθρός, ερυθραως, πυρρός, πυρόεις. to be or look Ruddy, ξανθίζω, ξαν- 0df ίψϊ, πνομίζω. Rude, απειρόκαλος, άγροικος, ουκ αστείος, σκαως, εκμελης, ασύντακ- τος, άκομψος, ακατέργαστος. Rudely, απειροκάλως,ακόσμως, ακόμ- ψω?, ουκ αστείως, ατάκτως, ασυν- τάκτως, ανευθέτως, ατέχνως. Rudeness, βαρβαρότης, βαρβαρισμός, απειροκαλία. Rudiments, στοιχέΐον, προπαιδεία, εισαγωγή. Rue, πήγανον, ρύτη. Rugged,arrdro/io? , τραχύς, παίπαλος, παιπαλόεις, κατερραγώς. Ruggedness, ρήγμα, έκρηγμα. Rum, απώλεια, εξώλεια, όλεθρος, λύμη, βλάβη, πτώσις, πτώμα. to fall to Ruin, ερείπω, καταφέρομαι, φέρομαι επι το χείρον. to Ruin , όλλυμι , α-ολλύω , αποβάλλω, λυμα'ινω, φθείρω, διαφθείρω, ολο- θρείω, εξολοθρεύω. to Ruin one's self, πτωματίζω εαυ- τόν. Ruined, πανώλης, πανόλεθρος. Ruinous, ολέθριος, βλαβερός, πτώσι- μος, είπτωτος. Ruins, ερείπιον. a Rule, νόμος, θεσμός, νόμισμα, νο• μαΊον. a Rule or ruler for drawing, στάθ- μη, κανών, γνώμων. by the Rule, ακριβώς, επι στάθμην. Rule, αρχή, ηγεμονία. to Rule, άρχω, βασιλεύω, κρατέω, κυριεύω, δεσπόζω, αρχήν κατέχω or έχω, εν αρχή ειμί. Rumour, see Report. to Run, τρέχω, θέω. to Run away, αποφεύγω, αποδιδράσ- κω, δραπετεύω• a Runaway, δραπέτης. to Run about, περιτρέχω, διαδρορ.ίω τ συνδρομέω, περιπατέω, πανταχού περιθέω. to Run back, παλινδρομέω, αναθέω, επαναστρέφω, υποστρυφήν ποιέω. to Run down or along, κατατρέχω, καταθέω. to Run forth, προτρέχω, προθέω. to Run in debt, δανείζομαι, χρεωσ- τέω. to Run in and out, συχνά προσ- βάλλω, κατατρέχω. to Run into, εισρέω, επιρρέω. to Run out, εκτρέχω, εκθέω, εκφέρο- μαι• or leak, εκρέω. to Run over, ρετατρέχω, διαδρα- μέω. to Run past, παρατρέχω, παραθέω. to Run round, 'περιτρέχω. to Run through or pierce, διελαύ- νω, διαπείρω. to Run through or over, διατρέχω, διεξίρχομαι. to Run together, 6μοδρομέω, συν- τρέχω• or flow into one, συρρέω. to Run up to, ανατρέχω, επιτρέχω. προστρέχω, επιθέω. a Running or flux, διάρροια, κατάρ• ρΌος. a Running about, διαδρομή, περι- δρομή. a Rupture, κήλη. εντεροκήλη. Ruptured, κηλικός. to Rush, 8ρμάω, αίσσω and -σομαι, αναισσω, εισαΐσσω, εισορμάω, απαν- τάω, σείομαι, επισείνμαι' down, ( 55 ) καταίσσω• through, διαΊσσια' out, εξα'ισσω, εξορμάω• out before, xpo~ Ιπ εξορμάω- into or upon, εφορ μάω, εμβάλλω, εμπίπτω, επιτρέ• Rush, σπάρτη, σχοΊνος. where Rushes grow, σχοινιών. Rushy, σχοινώδης. Rust, ώς, ερυσίβη. Rusty, ιώδης, ερυσιβώδης. Rustic, αγρεως, άγοιος, αγροικός, άπολις, χωριτής. Rusticity, αγριύτης, αγρότης. a Rut, τροχιά. Rye, ζέα or ζεία. S. the Sabbath, σάββατον, ή εβδό- μη. Sacerdotal, αρχιερευτικός. a Sack, σάκκος, σακκίον, μαρσί- πιον. dressed in Sackcloth, σάκκονς απεν δυς. to administer the Sacraments, μυστήρια διαμερίζω. a Sacrifice, θυσία, θύμα, \ερεΊον, σφάγιον. to Sacrifice, θύω or θύομαι, θύω θνσ'ιαν, επιθνω, καλλιερέω, καλλιί• ρήμα τελειόω, σφάττω, επισφάττω. to Sacrifice large cattle, βυυθυτέω. to Sacrifice men, ανθρωποθυτέω. a Sacrificer , θύτης, ιεροποιός.ιεροφάν- „ της .• Sacrilege, Ιεροσυλία, θεοσυλία. to commit Sacrilege, ιεροσυλέω. Sacrilegious, ιερόσυλος, θεοσυλής. Sad, κατηφής, άθυμος, λυπηρός, dim. νπολυπηρός.σκυθρωπός,λυπούμενος. to be Sad, λυπέομαι, αθυμέω, άχ- θομαι τινός or υπέρ τινός. to Sadden, λυπέω, επιλυπέω, ανιάω, ενοχλέω. a Saddle, εφίππων. Sadness, ανία, λύπη, αηδία, αδημο- νία, άχθος, άλγος, δυσθυμία, κατή- φεια-, συντριβή. Safe, ασφαλής, ακίνδυνος, απήμων, αβλαβής, αρτεμής, άρτιος. Safe and sound, σόος or σώος cont. σώς, υγιής, άνοσος. to give a Safe conduct, άδειαν δί- δωμι. to keep Safe, σώζω, διασώζω. keeping Safe, σωτήριος. Safely ,~ακινδΰνως, ασφαλώς. to get off Safely, σώζομαι. Safety, σωτηρία, ασφάλεια, ολοκλη- ρία, ίγίεια. in Safety, εν ασφαλεϊ, ασφαλώς. to regard the public Safety, σώζν τά κοινά. Saffron, κρόκος. of or like Saffron, κρόκινος. Sagacious, αγχίνοος, συνετός, ευμή- χάνος. Sagaciously, αγχινώς, δεξιως. Sagacity, αγχίνοια, σΰνεσις. a bail, Ιστίον. full Sail, πίτασις Ιστίου. SAU SCH SEC to go full Sail, Ιστιοδρομέω. to Shorten sail, χαλάω Ιστίον. running full Sail, Ιστιοφόρος, Ιστίο δρόμων, to Sail, πλέω, π-λώω or πλώμι, πλοέω to Sail by, παραπλέω. to Sail out of, εκ πλέω. to Sail through, διαπλέω. to Sail round, περιπλέω, περινέω. to Sail to or into, εισπλέω, εππιλέω, προσπλέω. not to be Sailed upon, άπλοοί, απλωτός. a Sailor, ναύτης, ναυτίλος. a Sailyard, επίκριον, κεραία. for the Sake of, ϊνεκα. a Salamander, σαλαμάνδρα. a Salary, μίσθος. a Sale, πόλη, απεμπολή, απεμπόλη- σις, -ράσις. for Sale, ώνιος, ωνητός, πράσιμος' adv. ωνητώς. to be for Sale, πωλέομαι, πιπράσκο- μαι. a Sallow, ιτέα, οισ'να. a Sallow grove, ιτεών. of Sallow, ιτέ'ίνος, οισύϊνος. Sallow or pale, ωχρός, χλωρός. a Sally, πρόδρομη. to make a Sally, εκθίω εκ της πό- λεως. Salt, 'άλς, άλικος, αλμυρός. to Salt, άλίζω, ταραχίζω. Salt meat or fish, τάριχος, οξύγαρον. a seller of Salt meat, ταριχοπώλης or -λος. a Salt cellar, άλοδόχος, άλοδοχεΊον. Saltpetre, νίτρον. of or like Saltpetre, νιτρώδης. a Saltpit, b τόπος ε| ου αλες εζορύτ- TOVTdl. a Salute or Salutation, ασπασμός, προσηγορία, προσαγόρευσις. to return a Salute, αντασπάζομαι. to Salute, ασπάζω, προσψωνέω, ovo- ματοποιέω, προσαγορείω. to Salute for another, χαίρειν κελεύω πάρα — . the Same, αυτός, αυτός or b αυτός, εκείνος. much the Same, τοσούτον. Sanctilication, άγιασμα, αγιασμός. to Sanctify, αγιάζω, άγιστείω, ά- γιόω. Sanctity, see Holiness. Sand, άμμος, άμαθος, ψάμμος, -φάμ- μάθος. Sandstone., πωρός. Sandy, αμαθόεις, αμμώδης. Sap, ιπ)ς, χυμός, χυλός. Sapless, άνικμος, άχυμος, άνυγρος. a Sapphire, σάπφειρος. Satan, Σατανάς. Satiate, Satiety, see. Suffice, Suffi- ciency. a Satire, σατυρικόν ποίημα. Satirical, σατυρικός. Satirically, σατυρικώς. Satisfaction, κατεγγύησις, τό ικανόν. to Satisfy, αρέσκω, εξαρκέω, πληρο- φουέω. τό Ικανόν ποιέω, εγγΰας πα- ρέχω, φυλάττω τα του νόμου. Saturn, Κρόνος• his festival, τά Κρόνια. a Satyr, σάτ\>ρος. Sauce, 6\pov, οψώνιον, ζώμος, ζωμί- διον. έ•>βαμυα, άρτνμα. Saucily, υβριστικώς, αναισχύντως, ακολάστως, ασελγώς. Sauciness, ύβρις, ασέλγεια, φλυαρία, τό ακόΧιστον. Saucy, ασελγής, αναίσχυντος, υβρισ- τής, υβριστικός, αναιδής, προπετής. a Sausage, αλλάς. a Sausage seller, αλλαντοπώλης, σιτεύων. Savage, θηριώδης, διαγριαινόμενος. to make Savage, θηριόω, εξαγ- ριαίνω. to Save, σώζω, φυλάττω, παρατηρέω. Saving, σωτήριος. a Saviour, σωτήρ. a Savour, κνίσσα. a Saw, πρίων. the noise of a Saw, τρίμμος. to Saw, διαποίω, εμπρίω. to Say, φημϊ, φάσκω, λέγω, ίπω, φράζω, αγορεύω. as one may feay, ώσπερ άν είποι, ως αν έποι τ"ις, ώς λόγος. so or as they Say, ώί φάσι, ώς λόγος, λέγεται, λόγος έχει. that is to Say, δ?]λαδή, ήγουν. a Saying, απόφθεγμα, ρήμα, τό λεχ- θεν, παλαιός λόγος. a Scab, ψώρα, ψωρίασις, λειχήν. Scabby, ψωρώδης, ουλώδης. to be fecabbv, ψωριάω. a Scale, λεπϊς, λέπισμα, φολίς' or dish, πλάτιγζ, τρυτάνη. a pair of Scales, σταθμός, ζυγός. Scaly or Scaled, λεπιδωτός, λεπι- δώδης, φολιδωτός. a Scandal, σκάνδαλον. to Scandalize, σκανδαλίζω. a Scar, ουλή, οτειλή, dim. ουλίδιον. Scarce, μανός, σπάνιος. Scarcely, σπανίως, σπανιώτατα. Scarceness or Scarcity, σπανία, σιτανιότης, σπανοσιτία, δυσετηρία. to Scare, αποτρέπω, εκφοβέω, απο- σπείιδω. to Scarify, σκαριφάομαι, επιξύω, αττο- σχάζω, αμύσσω, αποχαράσσω. Scarlet, όστρος, κόκκος' adj. όστρειος, φοινίκειος, κοκκοβαφής, κόκκινος. See Purple. a Scarlet dress, αληυργίς. to Scatter, διασκεδάζω, διασκεδάν νυμι, διασπείρω, διασκορπίζω, δια- σπαθάω, διασπάω. Scattered about, διεσπαρμένος, διε- σκεδασμένος. διανεμηθείς' adv. σπο- ράδην. a Scattering, διασκέδασις, διασπασ- ιός, διαφόρησις. Scene, σκηνή. Scenical, σκηνικός. Scent, οσμή, οδμή, οδωδή, όσφρησις. See Smell. quickness of Scent, ρινηλασία. a Sceptre, σκήπτρον. Scholar, μαθητής, φοιτητής' μαθή- τρια. Scholar-like, σχολαστικός. a School, διδασκαλεων, παιδευτή- ριον,γυμνάσιον, φροντιστήριον, ακ- ροατήριον. a fencing School, παλαίστρα, αγω- νιστήριον. of or like a fencing School, πα- λαιστρικός. to go to School, φοιτάω ες τό διδασ- κιλασν. ' (56) a Schoolfellow, συμμαθητής, σνμ• μαθητρϊς or -τρία. a Schoolmaster, σχολάρχης , σχολής άρχων, γραμματιστής, γυμνασιάρ- χης or -χος. Science, μάθησις, ευτεχνία, ιδμοσν- νη, φραδμοσύνη. the liberal Sciences, εγκυκλοπαί- δεια, ελευθέριοι τέχναι. Scissors, ψαλ/'ί. to Scold, καθάπτομαι. a Scorch, απόκαυσις , επίκανσις, επί- καυμα. to Scorch, καυματίζω. Scorched, κεκαυμένος. a Scorpion, σκορπιός. Scourge, σκυτάλη. to Scourge, μαστίζω, μαστιγόω, f>a- πίζω, επιμαστίζω, προσαικίζω. to Scrape, ξέω, αποζέω, επιξέω, απο- |ύω, αποζυράω, αποκναίω. to Scratch, κνάω, κνήθω, κνίζω, ανα- κνίζω, περικνίζω, αναψάω, περι- κολάπτω. the Scriptures, ή θεία γραφή. Scruff, λεπίς. a Scruple, weight, γραμμάριον' doubt, απορία, δυσχέρεια. a Scrutiny, τιμητεία, δοκιμασία, τί• μησις. Sculpture, see Carve. the Sea, θάλασσα or -ττα, αλς., πόντος, πέλαγος. beyond Sea, ΰπερθαλάσσιος. to cross the Sea, θαλαττσπορέω. to fight at Sea, ναυμαχέω. not used to Sea, αθαλάσσωτος. of the Sea, θαλάσσιος or -σειος, πόν- τιος, αλιος, ενάλιος, πελάγιος. to put to Sea, πλέω, θαλαττοπορέω, ανάγω, αίρω. the sovereign of the Sea, θαλατ- τοκράτωρ. a Sea fight, ναυμαχία. a Seal or sea calf, φώκη^. a Seal, σφραγίς, σήμαντρον, σήμειον. to Seal, σφραγίζω, σφραγίδα εηιτί- θημι, τύπον ενσημαίνομαι, επισ- φραγίζω, περισφραγίζω, επισημαί- νομαι, περισημειόω. ^^λβά,κατεσφραγισμένος,σημειωτός. not Sealed, ασήμαντος. a Sealer, σημάντωρ. a Seam, ραφή, συνάφεια, εφαρμογή. a Seaman, ναύτης, ναυτίλος. a Search, συζήτησις. to Search into, δίαζητέω, διερευνάω ακριβόω. to be Sea sick, ναυτιάω. Sea sickness, ναυτία, ναυτίησις. Season, ώρα, χρόνος. to Season, αρτ'υνω, ηδύνω. Seasonable, καίριος, εύκαιρος, πρόσ- καιρος, ώραως. Seasonably, ευκαίρως, εν δέοντι, εν ■ω δέοντι. Seasoned, ήδυνθεις , ηρτυμένος. a Seat, 'έδρα, καθέδρα, εδρανον. to Seat, εζω, ανέζω. Sea-weed, φυκος θαλάσσειον, βρύον. Second, δεύτερος, ύστερος. of Second rank, δευτεράϊος. to act a Second part, δευτερεύω. to Second, συνεργέω, επικουρέω. Secondly, δεύτερον, τό δεύτερον. a Secret, απόρρητον, απόκρυφο», μυστήριον. SEL SER SHA Secret, απόρρητος, κρυφα7ος. ιο be kept ."Secret, σιωπητέος. a Secretary, υπογραφεύς, γραμμα- τεύς, b επϊ των επιστολών or απορ- ρήτων. Secretly, απορρ/Γωί,«ρρ>/τω?• κρυφή, κρυφά, κρί'βδην, κατ' ιδίαν, λάβρα. a Sect, α'ίρεσις. Secure, ασφαλής, ακίνδυνος, αδεης, θάρσυνς. to Secure, ασφαλίζω, προασφαλίζω. Security, ασφάλεια, άδεια, βεβαίωσις. to take Security, λαμβάνω το Ίκανόν. Sedge, ζιφίον, άκυρον, κύπειρος. Sediment, τρύξ, υποστάθμη, σκωρία. with Sediment, τρυγερός, τρυγώδης. Sedition, στάσις, διχοστασία. a leader of Sedition, στασιαρχής. to excite Sedition, στασιάζω, στάσιν ποιέομαι. Seditious, στασιώδης. Seditiously, στασιαστικώς. to Seduce, επισύρομαι, εφίλκομαι, ■προσάγομαι, υπάγω, εφελκύω' θη- ράω, δελεάζω, καταδωροδοκέω' κα- ταμοιχεύω, διαφθείρω' αποπλανάω, εξαπατάω, περιτρέπω. Seduced, δελεασθείς. a Seducer, απολυμαντηρ, απατηλός, πλάνος' προσαγωγεύς. Seducing, επαγωγός, θελκτήριυς. Seduction, απαγωγή, αποπλάνησις, απάτη, μαστρωπεία. to See, οπτομαι, Όράω, δέρκω, θεωρέω, βλέπω, αποβλέπω εις — . to go or come to See, προς τό bpav κατέρχομαι, έρχομαι θεατής. See there, ιδού, ιδέ. Seed, σπέρμα, σπόρος. Seed-time, σπόρος. Seedy, ραγώδης. to Seek, ζητέω, αναζητέω, επιζητίω, μεταλλάω. to Seem, δοκέω, φαίνομαι. it Seemed fit, έδοζε, δέδοκται, έοικε. as Seems to me, ως εμοϊ δοκεϊ. it Seems, δοκέϊ, έοικε. to be Seen, βλέπομαι, bpάoμaι, φαί- νομαι. a Seer, θυοσκόπος, ϊεροσκόπος. See Prophet, Diviner. to Seize, επιλαμβάνομαι, καταλαμ- βάνω, συλλαμβάνω' προσαρπάζω, εφάπτομαι. a Seizure, κατάληψις, συλλ^ψι?, υπόληψις. Seldom, σπανίως, πάνυ σπανίως. not Seldom, ουκ ολιγάκις. Select, έκτακτος, επίλεκτος. to Select, α'ιρέομαι. εζαιρέομαι, εκλέ- γω, προκρίνω, προχειρίζομαι, επι- λέγομαι, π ροσ καταλέγω. Self, αυτός, αυτό; or b αυτός. very Self or own Self, αυτότατος. his, her, or it-Self, εαυτού. my-Self, εμαυτού. your-Self, σεαυτοΰ. of him, her, or it-Self, &c, αυτό- ματος, εκούσιος' adv. αυτομάτως, -την or -ri, εκ προαιρέσεως or προ- νοίας, εκουσίως, ίκοντί. Self-love, φιλαυτία. to Sell, πωλίω, απεμπολέω or -λάω, πιπράσκω ,διαπιπράσκω . αποδίδω μι. to Sell cheaply, πωλέω, &c. ολίγου. to Sell one s self, ενδείκνυμι or χα- ρίζομαι εαυτόν. a Seller, πωλ»?τ^, πράτης. a Semicircle, ημίκυκλον. a Senate, βυυλή, γερουσία, σύγκλη- τος. an act of the Senate, βούλευμα, δια- βεβουλενμίνον. to be elected into the Senate, εγ- κρίνομαι εις γερουσίαν. to expel from the Senate, εκφνλλο- ορέω, της συγκλήτου εκβάλλω. a Senator, βουλευτής, γερουσιαστής. Senatorial, βουλευτικός. to Send, πέμπω, στέλλω, αφίημι, βάλλω, to Send before, προπέμπω, προίημι. to Send down or under, ϋποπέμπω. to Send for, μεταπέμπω. to Send forth, προίημι, εκπέμπω. to Send off", αποπέμπω, απωθέω, απε• λαύνω, απυσκευάζιο. to Send off with, διαπέμπω. to Send on business, αποπέμπω αποστέλλω. to Send over, διίημι, διαπέμπω. to Send round about, περιπέμπω. a Sending over, μετάπεμψις, διά "ασις. Sense, αίσθησις, νόημα, διάνοια. wanting Sense, άλογος. Senseless, αναίσθητος. to lose the Senses, άλογος γίνομαι. Sensible, αισθητός' έμφρων , εχέφρων , νουνεχών, ελλόγιμος, ευνούς. Sensibly, σοφώς, νουνεχώς, φρονίμως, ενφραδίως. a Sentence, φράσις' καταδίκη. to Separate, χωρίζω, χωρίζω από — , αποχωρίζω, νοσφίζω, απείργω, αφο- ρίζω, διί'στημι, διαιρέω, διασπάω, απάγω, αφέλκω, διαλύω ,διαζενγνυ- μι, αποκρίνω, διακρίνω, εκκρίνω. Separate or Separated, διαζευγνυ- μένος or κεχωρισμένος τόποις, απο- κεχωρισμένος, αφαιρετός, απαγό- μενος. Separately, χωρίς, ιδία. Separation, αποχώρησις, διαχώρη- σις, αφορισμός, διάλυσις, διάζευ ζις, απόκρισις. September, μαιμακτηριών, σεπτέμ βριος. Sepulchral, επιτάφιος. a Sepulchre, τάφος, μνήμα. Serene, εύδιος, αίθριος, διαίθριος, ανέφελος, ανόμιχλυς, νήνεμος, γα λήνιος or -ναΤος. Serenity, ευδία, ευημερία. Serious, χχπουδαϊος. a Serjeant, κλητήρ' δορυφόρος. Ά Serpent, όφις, δράκων, ίρπετόν. a Servant, δούλος, dim. δουλάριον, θεράπων, παΧς, οικοτρϊψ , οικοτρα- φης, υπηρέτης. a Servant of all works, μεσαύλιος δούλος. a fellow Servant, bμόδoυλoς, σύνδου- λος, συνδούλη. a hired Servant, δούλος μισθωτός. of or like a Servant, δούλιος, δΌύ- λειος, δουλικός. a woman Servant, δούλη, όουλΐς, θεράπαινα, παιδίσκη, ίπηρέτις. to Serve, δουλεύω, λατρεύω, υπηρε- τέω' ωφελέω, σνμψέρω, λυσιτελέω, χραισμέω or -μεύω. to Serve in arms, bπλoφopέω. Service or Servitude, δουλεία, δου- λοπρέπεια, θεραπεία, οικετία. Ι&Ί) Servile, δοίλιος, δοίλειος, ίουλι- κός, υπηρετικός, δουλοπρεπης, αν δραποδώδης. Servilely, δουλικως, δουλοπρεπως. to reduce to Servitude, εις δουλείαν υπάγω, ανδραποδίζω. a Session, συνέδριον, συνίζησις. to Set, τίθημι, τίθεμαι, 'ίστημι, υφίσ- ταμαι, τάττω. to Set or go down, δίνω, δύω or δύμι, κλίνω. to Set an example, παράδειγμα δείκ- νυμι. to Set forth, προίστημι, προάγω. to Set heavily upon, επιβάλλω, εισ- πίπτω, επίκειμαι. to Set on, παρακαλέω, προτρέπω, επε- γείρω. to Set out, πορεύομαι, διοδείω, χω- ρέω εις — . to Set Over, εφίστημι, καθίστημι τα μέγιστα, προίστημι. to Set together, συμπλέκω, συνάπτω. to Set under, υποβάλλω, υποτάσσω, υποπέμπω. to Set up, αίρομαι, ανίστημι, εγείρω. to Set up ut an inn, ξενίζομαι, πα- ραλύω, καταλύω, αυλίζομαι, επισ- ταθμεύω. to Set upon, τίθημι, επιτίθημι, αναβι- βάζω. Set, τεταγμένος, ειρημένος. a Set day, ίιμέρα τεταγμένη or αποτε- ταγμένη. the Sun sets, ήλιος δύεται. a Setting, δυσμη, δύσις. a Settlement, εδρασμα. a Settler, άποικος. Seven, επτά. a Seven, επτάς. each Seven, o\ ίπτά. one of Seven, εις των ίπτά. on Seven hills, ίπτάλοφος. the Seven stars, πλειάδες. Sevenfold, ίπταπλόος -ούς. Seven hundred, επτακόσιοι. the Seven hundredth, ίπτακοσιοσ- τός. Seventeen, ίπτακαίδεκα. the Seventh, 'έβδομος. Seventy, ίβδομήκυντα. Severe, σκυθρωπός, σκυθρός, χαλεπός, δεινός. to Sew, ράπτω, ακέομαι. to Sew up or together, αναρράπτω, νεριρράπτω,προρράπτω,προσράπτω, συρράπτω. a Sewer, ράπτης. a Sewer or drain, υπόνομος, διώρυξ, υπόρυγμα. Sex, φύσις, γένος. of both Sexes, γύνανδρος, ανδρόγυ- νος, ερμαφρόδιτος* a Sexton ,ζάκορος ,νεωκόρος,ιερόδουλος . a.Sh&de, σκία,σκίασμα, dim. σκιάδων σκηνή, σπήπασμα, επίσκιασμός. to Shade, σκιάω, σκιάζω. to Shade over, αποσκιάζω,επικρύπτω. the Shades, al ψυχαί. a Shadow, σκία, σκίασμα. to Shadow forth, εικάζω, σκιάζω, επισκιάζω, κατασκιάζω. Shady, σκιαρός, σκιερός, σκιύεις, trtl- σκιος, ζοφώδης. a Shaft, τό ακοντίου ξύλον, "λόγχη, ξυστόν. Shaggy, δασϋς, λάσιος. SHI SHU S1L to Shake, σε'ω, ανασείω. διασείω, δο• νέω, κινέω, ανακινέω, σαλεύω. «ο Sliake hands, δεξώομαι, δεξιάο- μαι, τήν δεξιάν προτείνω. to Shake off, εκσείω, εκτινάσσω, εκ- κρούω, αποσείομαι, αποκινέω, απο- σπάω. Shallows, βραχέα. Shambles, κρεωπώλιον, κρεουργεΐον. Shame, αισχύνη' αίσχος, όνειδος. to Shame, όυσωπέω. to be covered with Shame, κατα- δυσωπέομαι. Shameless, αναιδής, αναίσχυντος. Shamelessly, αναίδως, αναισχύντως. to behave Shamelessly, αναισχυν- τέω. Shape, μορφή, σχήμα, τύπος, ιδέα. to Shape, σχηματίζω, μορψόω, δια- μορφόω, τυπόω. of like Shape, συμμορφος. Shapeless, άμορφος, αμόρφωτος. to Share, κοινωνίω, μετέχω, μοιροδο- κέω, μερίζομαι, μεταδίδωμι. a Share, μέρος, μερ}ς, σνμμοιρία. a Sharer, μέτοχος, κοινωνός. Sharp, οξύς, πάνυ οξύς. Sbarpsighted, οξυδερκής. to Sharpen, οξύνω, θήγω, θηγάνω. παραθήγω, ακονάω. to Shatter, αποσείω, προρρήγνυμι, προσρήγνυμι, διαρρίπτω, καταβαλ- λω. Shattered, όιερμιμμένος. to Shave, επιξέω, επιξύω. Shaven, επίξεστος, καρείς, κειροκόμης a Shaving, κούρα, πέξις. She, ή, αυτή, εκείνη. a Sheaf, θέριστον. to Shear, κείρω, επικείρω, αποκείρω, ξαίνω, πίκω, αποξυράω. a Sheath, κυυλεός. a Shed, οίκημα, κατασκευή, επισκευή. to Shed, εκχέω' the blossoms, άπ- αν θ έω. a Sheep, πρόβατον, μήλον, όίς. οίοι• like Sheep, προβάτεως, μήλεως. a Sheepfold, ποίμνιον, αυλή, έπαυλις- a Sheepskin, μηλωτή, κώος. a Sheet, σχέδη, dim. σχέδιον. See Board. a Shekel, σίκλος. a Shell, κόγχη. Shellfish, κογχύλη, κογχυλών. a Shepherd, ποιμήν, νομεύς, βάσκων, προβατεύς. to Shew, see Show. a Shield, ασπίς, θυρεός. a Shieldsman, ασπιδοφόρος or -δηφό- ρος. the Shin, κνήμη. to Shine, λάμπω, λαμπετάω, φέγγω, αυγάζω, στίλβω, σελαγίζω , μαρμαί- ρω. φαίνω, φαίνομαι. to Shine around, περιλάμπω, περί- στίλβω, περιαυγάζω. to Sh'iie forth, ανατέλλω, απολάμ- rtu, e κλάμπω, επιλάμπω, δίαλάμπω, καταλαμπω ,προλ άμπω , αποστίλβω, εμφαίνομαι, ικφαίνομαι. to Shine in prosperity , ακμάζω, ευ- δαιμονέω. ε>τυχέω. Shining, φωτεινός. a Ship, ναΐις, πλοίον, dim. πλοιάριον. a Ship of war, τριήρης. to build a Ship, ναυπηγέω. Shipwreck, ναυαγών, ναναγία. to be Shipwrecked, ναυαγέω. a Shipwrecked man, ναυαγός, ναυ- αγέω v. a Shirt, χιτωνίσκος. to Shiver, ψύχομαι, ριγόω' with fear, φρίττω, επιφρίττω. a Shivering, φρίκη. to Shock, συσσείω. a Shock, συσσεισμός. Shocking, ανόσιος, μιαρός, έκθεσμος, αθέμιστος, άρρητος, δύσφατος. Shod, υποδεόμενος, νποδηθείς. a Shoe, κρηπίς, πέδιλον, περίδημα, υπόδημα, dim. υποδημάτων. to Shoe, υποδέω. a Shoemaker, κρηπιδοποώς, ράπτης, σκυτοτόμος, σκυτεύς- a Shoemaker's shop, σκυτεων. to put off the Shoes, υποδήματα λύω, εξυποδέω. a Shoot, παραφυάς, επιφυάς. to Shoot or bud, θαμνίζω, θάμνους φύω. to Shoot, τοξεύω, εκτοξεύω, ακοντί- ζω, εξαψίημι, βάλλω. skill in Shooting, ευστοχία, ευημονία, ευτοξ'ια. the Shore, ακτή, αγιαλός, θίν. Shorn, καρτός, αποκεκάρμένος. Short, βραχύς, απότομος, σύντομος, κολοβός. in Short, όλως, ώστε όλον έπω, εν κε- φαλαίω, κεφαλαιώδως. to Shorten, βραχύ νω, επιτέμνω, συν- τέμνω. Short-lived, βραχύβιος, ολιγόβως, μικρόβιος. Shortly, αυτίκα, εν βραχεί. to be Short-sighted, αμβλυώττω. a Shot, βέλος, τόξευμα, ακόντισμα. a good Shot, εύστοχος. out of Shot, έξω βέλους. the Shoulder, ωμός, επωμίς. the Shoulders, ωμοπλάτη, νώτον. a Shout or Shouting, καταβοή, αυμβόησις. aShontof joy, αλάλαγμα,αλαλαγμός. to Shout, αναβοάω, αναφωνέω , ava- κράζω. to Shout for, ε*αναβοάω, επιφωνέω, επικράζω, επιάχω, ενφημέω. to Shout for joy, αλαλάζω, αγαλ- λιάομαι. Shouting, οξυβόας. to Show, δείκνυμι, καταδεικνύω, μη- νύω, γνωρίζω, επιφαίνω, παρέχω, παρίστημι, προσφέρομαι, υποβάλλω. to Show beforehand, προσημαίνω. ■to Show clearly, εμφανίζω, σαφηνί- "ω. Shower, όμβρος, νέφος. Showery, ομβρώδης, νεφώδης. Shrewd, αγχινόος, δεινός, συνετός, ξΰς. Shrewdness, δεινότης, οξύτης,αγχί- νοια, σύνεσις. a Shrewmouse, μνγάλη. Shrill, λαμπρόφωνος, λεπτόφωνος, λί- γν-„ οξύς. Shriliy, οξύ, οξέως, λιγέως. a Shrine, ναός, ϊερον σμικρόν, άδυτον, Ιεροφυλάκων, σηκός, τέμενος. a Shrub, θάμνος, δένδρων. a Shrubbery, θάμνων, θαμνώδης τό- πος, ϋλημα. Shrubby, θαμνώδης. to Shuffle, στρέφομαι. a Shuffler, περικάμπτης. to Shun, φεύγω, εκφεύγω, διαφεύγω, υπαλύσκω,εκκλίνω, υπ εκ κλίνω, απ ο~ τρέπομαι, υποστέλλομαι,αποδιδράσ- κω. a Shunning, έκκλισις. to Shut, κλείω, κληίζω, εΐργω. to Shut out, αποικοδομέω, αποθυρόω' αποκλείω, εκκλείω. to Shut υρ,εγκλείω, κατακλείω, συγ κατακλείω, κατείργω. Shut up, εγκλεισμένος, συγκεκλεισ- μένος. a Shuttle, κερκϊς, πηνίον. a Sibyl, σίβυλλα. Sick, άρρωστος, ασθενής, εμπαθής λυπηρός, νουσαχθής. Sick of the spleen, σπληνικός, σπλη νώδης. to be Sick, νοσέω, ασθενέω, αρρωσ τέω, πονηρώς έχω, νόσος καταλαμ βάνει, νυσήματι περιπίπτω. Sickly, νοσερδί, επίνοσος, νόσιμος νοσώδης. to be Sickly, καχεκτέω. Sickness, νόσος, νόσημα, αρρώστια αρρώστημα, ασθένεια, πάθος. the falling Sickness, επιληψία. the Side, πλευρόν, πλευρά. a Sideboard, άβαξ, άβακος, αβάκων on all Sides, παντή, πανταχόσε, εκ μεν του επιθάτερα, ένθεν και ένθεν on both Sides, εκατέρωθεν, -ρωθι -ρώσε, αφοτέρωθεν, -θι. a Siege, πολιορκία, πολιόρκησις, πε- ρικάθησις, προσβολή. to raise a Siege, λύω πολωρκίαν. a Sieve, κόσκινυν and -νος, ηθμός. like a Sieve, κοσκινηδόν. to Sift, κοσκινίζω, ήθω. a Sigh, στέναγμα, στοναχή. to Sigh, στενάζω, στοναχίζομαι, στένω επί — •. Sight, δρασις, όψις, βλέμμα, κόρη, γλήνη. quickness of Sight, πολνδέρκεια, οξυ- δέρκεια, το οξυδερκές. a Sight, δράμα, φάσμα, θέαμα, θέα- τοον. to exhibit a Sight, θέαμα επιδείκνυ- α &ΐ£η.σημέΐον,τεκμήρων, υπόδειγμα. to Sign, σημαίνω, σημειόω. See Signal and Signify. a Signal, σημεΊον, συ μβολον, σύνθημα. to make a Signal, σημαίνω, από- δειξιν ποιέομαι, κατασείω. the maker of a Signal, σημαντήρ and -τώρ. the making of a Signal, σημασία, σημείωσις. Significant, σημαντικός. Significantly, εμφατικώς. to Signify to, σημαίνω, προσημαίνω, δηλόω ,απόδειξιν ποιέομαι,κατασείω. Silence, σιγή, σιωπή, αποσιώπησις, εχεμυθία, αρρησία, αφασία, αγ• λωττία. to command Silence, κατασιωπάω. to keep Silence or be Silent, σιγάω, σιωπάω ,κατασιγάω.αποσιωπάω ,εχε• μυθέω, ησυχάζω, καταφιμόομαι, σι• γηρός γίνομαι, μακράν σιγάν σιγήν. to pass by in Silence, σιωπή παρο• δεύω, διαλείπω, υπερβαίνομαι. not to be passed in Silence, ov va- ρασιωπητέος. SIT SLE SME Silent, σιωπηρός, σιωπικός,ο σιωπών, σιωπώμενος. Silently, σιωπηρώς, σιγ-ζ. Silk, βόμβυξ σηρικόν. Silken, βομβίκινος. σηρικός. Sillily, ανοήτως, αγνωμόνως. Silliness, μωρία, άνοια, μωρολυγία, ευήθεια, φλυαρία, ματαιότης, ύθλη μα, αβελτερία, ατασθαλία. Silly, μωρός, ανόητος, ανοήμων, μωρο- λόγος, χυδαίος, φλύαρος, άφρων, νουν ουκ έχων, ασύνετος, αναίσθη- τος, άγνωμος. Silver, άργυρος• αργύριον. of Silver, αργύρεος, αργυροειδής, αρ- γυρίτις. a Silver mine, αργυρέιον. a Similitude, παραβολή. Simple, άπλόος -ους, αφελής' άπορος, άβουλος, αμήχανων άκακος, ευγνώ- μων, ευηθής, ευεξαπάτητος. Simplicity, άπλυτης, αφέλεια, λιτό- της' ευή Ιεια, ακεραιότης. Simply, άπλρ , άπλοϊκώς. Sin, αμαρτία, αμάρτημα, παράπτω- μα, σφάλμα. to Sin, άμαρτάνω, αφαμαρτάνω, πλημ- μελέω, αλιτέω, πταίω. to be hardened in Sin, ουκ επίστα- μαι ερυθριάν επϊ τοΐς αισχροίς ζ Since, επειδή, επειδηπερ, εξ ου, εξ όσου, επεί' οτι, διότι, διότε. Sincere, άκακος, χρηστός, καθαρός, ευγνώμων, επιεικής, ειλικρινής, ανυ- πόκριτος. Sincerely, ακιβδήλως, ακεραίως, αδό- λως, ατέχνως, επιεικώς, ευγνωμό- νως, εκτός απάτης, απλώς, αφθόνως, εσπουδασμένως, κατά πίστιν. Sincerity, ευγνωμοσύνη, άπλότης, καθαρότης, ακεραιότης. a Sinew, νευρον. Sinewy, νευρώδης. to Sing, άδω, μελίζω, μέλπω, υμνέω, ψάλλω. to Sing to, προσάδω, υπάδω, προσ- βάλλω. to Sing a prelude, προαδω, αντιμε- λίζω. a Singer, άοιδος, ψάλτης, ψαλτρία. Single, άπλόος, εις, ενικός' unmar- ried, άγαμος, αγάμητος, αζνγής. a Single life, αγαμία, αζνγία. Singular, ενικός. Singularly, καθ' εκαστον to bink under, υποκατακλίνομαι, ηττάομαι, υποπίπτω. a Sire, γενετής, γενέτηρ, γενέτωρ. a Sister, αδελφή, αυτοκασιγνήτη. a Sister by the same mother, bpo- μητρία. a Sister-in-law, γάλως. the murderer of a Sister, αδελφοκ- τόνος. a Sister's son, αδελφιδέος. Sisterly, αδελφικός. to Sit, κάθημαι, καθίζομαι, εδρεύω, ίδριάομαι. to Sit at meaf, ανάκειμαι, κατάκει- μαι,ανακλίνω, κατακλίνω, παρακα- τακλίνομαι, αναπίπτω. to Sit by or with, παρακαθίζομαι, παρεδρενω, συγκαθίζομαι. to Sit down around, περικαθίζβμαι, περικάθημαι' πολιορκέω. to Sit together, συνεδρεϋω, συγκαθί- ζομαι. to Sit upon, επικάθημαι, καθίζω or καθίζομαι επί — , ανάκειμαι. a Sitter by, εφεδρευτής, σύνεδρος. Silting, ΐδρα,ος. a Sitting down, εψέδρευσι;. περϊιδρυ- σις, περικάθησες, κατάκλισις, ανά- κλισις. Situated, κείμενος. Situation, τοποθεσία, θίσις. Six, iff Six hundred, εξακόσιοι. the Six hundredth, εξακοσιοστός. Sixteen, έκκαίδεκα. Sixth, έκτος. Sixty, εξή κοντά. Size, μέγεθος. a Sketch, επιτομή, σύνοψις, συντομία' ΰποτ'νπωσις, υπογραφή, σκίασμα, σκιαγραφία, επισκιασμός, αποσκίασ- μα. to Sketch out, υποτυπόω, υπογράφω, σχηματοποιέομαι . a Skin, λέμβος. Skill, εμπειρία, επιστήμη, πείρα. to have Skill, εμπειρίαν έχω. Skilled or Skilful, έμπειρος, επιστή- μων, επιστημονικός, δαήμων, ειδώς. the Skin, χρως, δέρμα. a Skin, δέρμα, δορά, διφθέρα, ρινός. the scarf-Skin, δερμάτων. to the Skin or Skin deep, εν χρ:$. a lion's Skin, λεοντή. to Skip, σκιρτάω, επιπηδάω, γαυ- ριάω, αγάλλομαι. a Skirmish, αψιμαχία, ακροβολισ- μός. a Skirmisher or Skirmishing, αψί- μαχος, γνμνητικός. Skirret, σίσαρον. Skittishly, σκιρτητικώς. a Skull, κράνιον. Slander, διαβολή, συκοφαντία, κατα- λαλιά, κακοέπια, λοιδορία, λοιδόρη- μα, λοιδόρησις, διασυρμός. to Slander, διαβάλλω, λοιδορέω, δια- σύρω, συκοφαντέω. a Slanderer, διάβολος, κατάλαλος, κακολόγος, συκοφάντης, διασυρτής. Slanderous, συκοφαντικός. Slanderously, επιμεμπτικώς, κατη- γορικως. S1; a Slap, κόλαφος, κόνδυλος, ράπισμα' κονδυλισμός, σκανθαρισμός. to Slap, κόλαφίζω, ραπίζω επί κόρρης, κονδύλους εντρίβω. to Slap on the face, γναθόω, εις γνάθους τνπτω. to be Slapped, κονδύλους λαμβάνω. Slaughter of cattle, βοοσφαγία, βοοκτασία. Slaughter, φόνος, σφάξις, σφαγή, κτό- νος,αναίρεσις, όλεθρος, ήττα πολέμου. to Slaughter, φονεύω, αποσφάττω, κατακόπτω, αποκτείνω. a Slave, ανδράποδον, αργυρώνητος, δούλος. to be a Slave to, δουλεύω, υπηρετέω. to become a Slave, ανδραποδίζομαι, δουλεύω. to make a Slave, ανδραποδίζω, εις δουλείαν υπάγω. Slavery, ανδραποδισμός, δουλεία. to Stay, φονέω, φονεύω, κτείνω , αποκ- τείνω, αναιρέω, μιαιφυνέω, νεκρόω. ξιφοκτονέω. Sleep, ύπνος. causing Sleep, υπνωτι κδςρΛρντικότ . (69) deep Sleep, κάρος, κοΊτος. in Sleep, καθ' ύπνου. want of Sleep, αγρυπνία, αϋπνία. to Sleep, καθεύδω, κοιμάομαι, νπνόΐΛ. to Sleep out or ofl', κατ•,κοιμάυμαΐ. to Sleep with, πρυσκοιμά^αιί. to fall a-Sleep, 'ύπνου τυγχάνω, κα- ταπίπτω εις ύπνον. to put to Sleep, κατακοιμίζω. to be seized with Sleep, ίίιτνω κα- ταλαμβάνομαι, εις ύπνον κατασπάο- μαι, ύπνος έχει. Sleepless, άϋπνος, άγρυπνος. Sleepy, ύπνηλός, υπνωτικός. Slender, λεπτός, ισχνός, αμυδρός. Slenderness, λεπτότης, ισχνότης. a Slice, προσφάγιον. to Slide down, ολισθαίνω, πταίω, πίπτω. a Slight, καταφρόνησις, παρόρασις. Slight, λεπτός, λεπτομερής, λιτός, ψι- λός. ίθ31\ξ\)1.εκφαυλίζω,ολιγωρέω,κατα• φρονέω, αμελέω, αθετέω, ολιγώρως έχω,ουδενόςοτ περί ολίγου ποιέομαι, εν ουδενϊ λόγω τίθημι, δεύτερον or 'ύστερον νομίζω, παρ' ουδέν ηγέομαι. Slighted, καταφρονηθείς. Slightly, λεπτώί,ψίλώί,ίσ^ΐ'ώί, αμν δρώς' προς αφοσίωσιν. αφοσιωμένος, -η ,-ον ,επιψαίδην ,λίγδην ,επιλίγδην 1 εν βραχεί, προφάσεως 'ένεκα, τυχόν τως, ου μάλα επιμελώς, ακροθιγώς. Slightness, λεπτότης, λιτότης, τα λεπτόν. Slimy, λιπαροί, αληλιμμένος. a Sling, σφενδόνη. Ά Slinger, σφενδονίτης or -νήτης, λευστήρ. to Slip, ολισθαίνω, απολισθαίνω, κατα- φέρομαι, καταπίπτω, καταρρέω. to Slip under, υπολισθαίνω. Slipped, ολισθήσας,πεσών , καταφερό- μενος. a Slipper, κρηπϊς, ίποδεμάτιον, σάν δαλον, σανδάλιον, εμβάς. Slippery, σφαλερός, γλίσχρος, ολισ- θηρός, ευόλισθος. Slipshod, κρηπιδούμενος. a Slope, κλιτύς,τό καταντ ες, τό πρανές. to Slope, επικλινω, προσκλίνω. Sloping, κατάντης, επικλινής, κατά- κλινής, περικλινής, προσκλινής, κα- ταφ3ρής, πρανής. Slothful, οκνηρός, ράθυμος, σχολαΐος, ύπτιος. a serpent's Slough, σύφαρ. Slovenly, άκομψος, άκοσμος. Slow, οκνηρός, βραδύς, νώθης, γλίσ- somewhat more Slow, βραδύτερος πώς. Slowly, βραδέως, σχολαίως. more Slowly, βραδ'υτερον. to go Slowly, βραδύνω, βραδύς γίνο- μαι. Slowpaced, βραδύπους. to Slumber, νυστάζω, υπνώττω. Small , ολίγος, μικρός, τυτθος, βραχύς. how Smail soever, σμικρός 'όσος. Smallness, μικρότης, τό ολίγον, λεπ- τότης, ισχνότης. to Smear, επιχρίω, καταχρίω, ενα- λείφω, συναλείφω. Smeared, επικεχρισμένος, επιχρισ- θείς, αληλίμμένος. a Smell, οσμ*. οσμόί, σδμ), όσφρ^ις- so a bad Smell δυσωδία, δυσοσιχία, κακοσμία. a sweet Smell, η~δυοσμΙα, ευωδία, ευοσμία, ευοδμία. without Smell, άοδμος, άοσμος. to Smell, οσφραίνομαι, οσψράομαι. to Smell of, όζω, απόζω, υπόζω. to Smell out, ρινηλατέω. to Smell sweetly, ευωδιάζομαι. a. Smelling 1 , όσφρησις, όσφρανσις. sweet Smelling, ευώδης, αρωματώ- δης, ενοδμος, εύοσμος, κηώδης, κηώεις. a Smile, μείδημα, μειδίαμα. to Smile upon, προσγελάω, προσ- μειδιάω, υπομειδιάω. a Smith, σιδηρουργός. a copper Smith, χαλκεύς, χαλκουρ- γός, χαλκευτής. a gold Smith, χρυσοποιός, χρυσουρ- γός, χρυσοχόος. Smoke, καπνός, ψόλος. to Smoke or dry with Smoke, καπνίζω, καπνον αναδίδωμι. a Smoking house, κάπνη, καπνο- δόχη. Smoky, καπνώδης, ψολόεις. Smooth, λεΓοί, Χειώδης. to Smooth, λεαίνω,καΓαλεαίνω, αναπ- τύσσω. to Smooth or rub down, μάσσω or -ττω. to Smooth the brow, πρόσωπον αν'ιημι. Smoothness, λειότης , το λεΐον. a Snail, κοχλίας' its shell, κόχλος. a Snake, όφις, δράκων. a Snare, παγίς, πέδη, βρόχος, δίκ- τυον. to lay a Snare, ενεδρεύω• δίκτυα πλέκω. to Snatch, αρπάζω, αναρπάζω, αφαρ- πάζω, προαρπάζω, ελκέω. to Sneer f μυκτηρίζω, χλευάζω. a Sneerer, μυκτηριστής, χλευαστής. to Sneeze, πταρνύω, πταίρω. a Sneezing, πταρμός. to Snore, ρογχάζω, ρέγκω, κ,νώσσω. a Snoring, 'ρόγχος. Snot, ,μύξα, βλέννα, κϋρυζα. Snotty, μυζωδής, κορυζωδής. Snow, χιών, νιφετός, νιφάς. Snow white, χιονώδης, νιφετώδης. to Snow, νίφω, κατανίφω. Snowy, χιόνειος. to Snuff a candle, προμύττω τον λϋχνον. So, ούτω, οϋτως, ουτωσι, τοιούτως, ως, ώσπερ. So far from — , τοσούτου δεϊται — . So long, τοσούτον χρόνον. So long as, τοσούτον, εφ' 'όσον. So much, τοσούτον, τηλικοΰτον, ού- τως, ως. So much as, τόσον 'όσον, ούτως ως. So much so, παρά τοσούτον, ουτωσι. So to speak, ώς έπος έπω. So that, So as, τοσούτον, ώστε. by So much — as, τοσούτω — 'όσω or δσοιπερ. by So much more — as, τοσούτω μάλλον — όσυ^περ. even So, οντω, ούτως, ουτωσι. for So much as, περϊ τοσούτου, περί όσον. is it So 1 ονκ άραγε ; it is naturally bo, όντω πέφνκε. soo to Soak, εμβρέχω, εμβάπτω. to Soak up, εκπίνω, εκροφέω, απορ- ρΌφέω. to be Soaked, διαβρέχομαι. Soaking, πολυπότης. to Soar, ανίπτημαι or -ταμαι, υπέρ• πέτομαι. Soaring, υψιπέτης. a Sob, λυγμός, λύγζ. to Sob, λύζω. with Sobbing, μετά λυγμού. Sober, νήφων, νηφάλιος. to Sober, ανανήφω. Soberly, νηφαλέως, σωφρόνως. Sobriety, νήφις, νηφαλισμος, σωφρο- σύνη. Social, εταιρικός, κοινωνικός. Socially, ίταιρικώς. Society, κοινωνία, κοινώνημα,^συμ- βίωσις. a Sod, βώλος, βώλαξ. Soft, μαλακός. to Soften, μαλακύνω, εκμαλάττω. to Soil, ρ~υπα'ινω, καταμιαίνω. to Solder, συνάπτω, συγκολλάω. a Soldier, στρατιώτης. to be a Soldier, στρατεύω. to raise Soldiers, στρατιώτας καταλέ- γω or καταγράφω. a discharged Soldier, αφειμένος. a fellow Soldier, συστρατιώτις, σύμ- μαχος. a light Soldier, αψίμαχος, γυμνητι- κός. a Sole fish, βούγλωσσος. a Solemnity, δημοθοινία, πανήγυρις, εορτή. to Solicit, παραγγέλλω αρχήν, φιλο- τιμέω, δεξιόομαι. Solitary, μονάχος, μοναστής, ερη- μαως. a Solitary life, μοναστικός βιός. Solitude, ερημιά. Some, ένιοι. Some one, τις, δεΊνα, b δείνα, έστιν ός, αμός. Somehow, πώί, αμηγέπως, αμηγέ- που. Sometimes, ενίοτε, είποτε, πότε, άρτι, ήμος, εσθ' οτε, οπού μεν, οπού δε. Somewhat, πόσος, τίς• μικρόν or σμικρόν τι, ολίγον, επιπόσον μέχρι τίνος, μέχρι του. Somewhere, ενιοχού, ενίπου, πόθι, ποΊ. from Somewhere, πόθεν, αμόθεν. ' a Son, υ'ώς, τέκνον, παΙς, dim. νιί- διον, τεκνίον, παίδιον. a Son-in-law, γαμβρός. a Song, ωδή, μούσα, άσμα, μέλος, ψαλμός. Soon, ευθύς, αυτίκα, παραχρήμα, αίψα. as Soon as, 'άμα, αματε. as Soon as possible, 'όσον αυτίκα, ώς τάχιστα. Soot, λιγνύς, καπνία, άσβολος, αιθά- λη. to Soothe, θέλγω , καταθέλγω , κηλέω , κατακ?)λέω, ποαΰνω, καταπραύνω, καταψάω, μειλίσσω, καταμειλίσσω, μαλάττω, ηπιάω. Soothed, θελχθείς. a Soother, θελκτήρ. a Sootning, κηλήσις, πράϋνσις. a Soothsayer, οιωνοσκόπος, οιωνό- μαντις, οονιθοσκόπος. (60) SPE Sopofiferous, υπνωτικός, καρωτικός, a Sore, 'έλκος. Sore, ελκώδης. to make Sore, ελκόω, ελκοποιέω. Soreness, ϊλκωμα, ελκωσις. Sorry, ανιαρός, αμειδής. to be Sorry, λυπέω, μετανοέω, μετά μέλει. a Sort, γένος' ποιότης, rd ποιόν. of what Sort? ποϊος- ποταπός; of all Sorts, παντοως, παντόδαπος. Sought, συζητηθείς. the Soul, ψυχή. a dear or poor little Soul, ψυχά- ριον, ψυχιδίον, θυμίδιον. Sound, Βλόκληρος, σώος, υγιής, uK- μαως. a Sound, ήχος, δούπος, φθογγή, φθόγγος. clearness of Sound, ευφωνία. to Sound, ηχέω, δουπέω, φθέγγομαι. to Sound a charge, υποσημαίνω τό εις έφοδον or το ανακλητικόν. Sounding, ηχώδης, πολυηχής, ψοφώ- δης. Soundness, ολοκληρία, ολότης, αδιαφ- Sour, οξύς, οξεΐος. to Sour, οξύνω, οξύνομαι, οξίζω, πα- ροξύνω, σννοξύνω. Sourish, υποξύς, οξύδιος. Sourness, οξύτης' στρυφνΰτης. the South or South wind, νότος. the South-west wind, λίβος, λιψ, λιβόνοτος. Southern, νότιος, ανταρκτικός. Southernwood, αβρότονον. a Sovereign, τύραννος, μονάρχης, βα- σιλεύς. the Sovereign of the sea, θαλατ- τοκράτωρ. Sovereignty, τνραννϊς, αρχή, πρω- τεΊον, ηγεμονία, δυναστεία. to aim at Sovereignty, καθάπτο- μαι τυραννίδος. a Sow, νς• for breeding; γρομ- φάς. to Sow, σπείρω, φυτεύω. a Sower, σπορεύς, b σπείρων, φυτευ- τής. a Sowing, σπορά. for Sowing, σπόριμος, κηπευτός. Space between) διάστησις, διάστη- μα, διαχώρημα, τό μεταξύ. Spacious, ευρύς, ευρύχωρος, πλατύς a Spade, δίκελλα, μάκελλα. σκαπά- νη, σκάφη. to Spare, φείδομαι' αφίημι, σνγγι- νώσκω, συγγνωμονέω. a Spark, σπινθήρ, εμπύρευμα, dim. σπινθηρίδιον. to Sparkle, σπινθηρίζω, στίλβω. Sparkling, στίλβω ν, αστράπτων. a Sparkling, σπινθηρισμός. a Sparrow, στρουθος, dim. στρον- θίον. » Speak, είπε, φάθι, φέρε. to Speak, λέγω, φημι, φράζω, φθέγ- γομαι, αγορεύω, λαλέω. to Speak briefly, ώς εν κεφαλαία έπω. to Speak correctly, ορθολογίω. to Speak out, αποφάσκω, αποφθέγ- γομαι. to Speak to, προσαγορεύω, προσφω• νέω, επαυδάω, προσλαλέω. so to Speak, ώί έπος tim. SPO STA STE a Speaker, ρήτωρ. a Spear, δόρυ, έγχος, λόγχη, ακον- τίον, ξυστόν, ρομφαία. an eel Spear, δικρανον, τριαΐνα, ιχθυόκεντρον. a Spearman, λογχαϊος, λογχοφίρος. a Spearshaft, τό ακοντίου ξύλον, λόγχη. to Speckle, ποικίλλω. a Spectator, θεατής, έφορος. a Spectre, φάσμα, φάντασμα, είδω- λον. Speech, λέξις, ρήσις, φάσις, φράσις. a Speech, see Oration. Speed, ωκύτης, ταχύτης, επισπερ- χεία. with Speed or Speedily, ταχέως, κατά σπουδήν, ενδρόμως, δρομαδήν, μεταδρομάδην, επιτροχάδην. Speedy, ταχύ?, ωκϋς, ωκύπτερος. to Spend, αισιμόω, εξοδιάζω, δαπα- νάω, εκδαπανάω, καταδαπανάω, αναλίσκω, εξαναλίσκω. to Spend time, άγω. a Spendthrift, άσωτος, γαστρίμαρ- χ ος •. a Sphinx, σφίγξ. a Spider, αράχνης, αράχνη. to Spin, νέω, νήθω, κλώθω, μίτον κλώθω. the Spine, ράχις, άκανθα, αντίστερ- νον. Spinal marrow, ραχίτης μΰελος. a Spindle, άτρακτος, κλωστήρ. a- Spinner, εριουργός, ταλασιουργδς. Spinning, εριουργία, ταλασιουργία. a Spirit, δαίμων, δαιμόνων. Spirit, θνμωσις, ευτολμία. Spirited, θυμώδης, θυμοειδής, εύψυ- χος. Spiritedly, θυμοειδώς, προθυμως, εμ- ψύχως. Spirits, έπαρσις της ψυχής. a Spit, οβελός, dim. οβελίσκος. to Spit, πτύω, αποπτύω, πτυελίζω or πτυαλίζω. to Spit out, εκπτ'νω, αποπτύω. to Spit up, αποστηθίζω. to Spit upon, επιπτ'υω, καταπτϋω, προσπτΰω. a Spitting, έκπτυσις, απόχρεμψις. Spittle, σ'ιαλον, πτ'υελον, πτνσμα. the Spleen, σπλήν. βρίβΐΐάιά,φωτεινός , λαμπρός' εμφανής, ευδόκιμος, ένδοξος ,φαίδιμος , κ'οδιμος , αξιοθέατος' δαψιλής, πολύδωρος very Splendid, διασημότατος, κ.ύ- διστος, ενδοξότατος. Splendidly, λαμπρώς, δαψιλώς. Splendour, επίλαμψις, αύγασμα. Splenetic, σπληνητικός. a Split or Splitting, σχίσις, σχισμή σχίσμα, ράγας. to Split, σχίζω, διασχίζω, διαρρήσσω , ρήγνυμι. Split, διασχισμένος. Splitting, σχιστός, πεταλίτης. to Spoil or injure, διαφθείρω. to Spoil, grow bad, διαφθείρομαι Spoiled, διεφθαρμένος. Spoils, έναρα, λάφυρα. Λ Spoke, ράβδος, κνήμη. to be ill Spoken of, κακώς ακούω ♦ο be well Spoken of, ευ or καλώς ακούω. a Sponge, σπόγγος. Spongy, σπογγώδης . Spontaneous, αυτόματος, ίκώσιος. See also Self. a Spot, σιίΐλοί, μώμος, λώβη. Spotless, άμωμος, άσπιλος, αμίαντος. a Sprat, μαινή, μαίνις, μαινίδιον. to Spread, στρωννύω, σκεδάζω, σκορ- πίζω, σπείρω. to Spread abroad, διαθρυλλέομαι, καταπυκνόομαι, επιφημίζω., διασ- πείρω, διαχέω, διαρρέω. Spread abroad, διαχυθείς• περιστά- μενος, περικείμενος' adv. σποράδην, χύδην. to Spread reports, διαδίδωμι λόγους, φήμην ΟΓ λόγον διαδίδωμι, διαφη- μίζω. to Spread out, πετάννυμι. to Spread over, στρωννύω, επιστρών- νυμι' προΐσχομαι, προβάλλομαι' υποχέω, καταχέω, διαβαίνω, δια- φοιτάω. to Spread under, υποστρώννυμι. any thing Spread under, ΰποστρώ μα. a Spreading over, υπόχυσις. Spring, έαρ, ήρ. a Spring, πηγή, dim. πηγήδιον, κρήνη, κρουνός, ανάβλυσις, βλυσμός. of Spring, εαρινός, ηερινός, ηρινός. at the beginning of Spring, άμα τω ηρι, αρχομένου ήρος. in Spring, εν ηρι, εαρινός. to Spring, βλϋζω, περιβλύζω' εαρί- ζω, αναβλαστάνω. to Sprinkle, ραντίζω, διαρραίνω, πε- ριρραίνω, επιρραίνω, βρέχω, εμβρέ- χω, διϋγραίνω, καταχέω, δίημι. to Sprinkle upon, επιπάσσω, κατα- πάσσω, εγκατασπείρω. Sprinkled, διαβεβρεγμένος, κατα- σπασθείς. a Sprinkling, ραντισμός, βροχή, δίεσις. to Sprout up, θαμνίζω, θάμνους φΰω. a Spur, κέντρον, πλήκτρον. to Spur, κεντίζω. to Squall or Squeal, βαβάζω, μινυ- ρίζω, κνύζομαι, τρίζω, κατατριζω. a Squalling, βάβαξις, κλαυθμυρισ- μός. to Squander, αποτρνω, διαφθείρω., κατέδω, ασωτεύομαι, κατασωτΐ'υω. to Squander in eating, διαλαφύσσω κατατρώγω, αναισιμόω, κιχλίζω. ,to Squander a property, διασπά- θάω τα υπάρχοντα, τα πατρώα κα• ταφθείρω. Square, τετράγωνος. to Square, τετραγωνίζω. Squeamish, ανορεκτός. to Squeeze, σφίγγω, διασφίγγω, θλί- βω, πιέζω, συμπιέζω, συστέλλω. to Squeeze out, εκπιέζω, ήθω, διη- θέω, διυλίζω. Squeezed, συνθλιβόμενος, συνεσταλ- μένος, πεπιεσμένος. a Squeezing, συμπίεσις, εκπιεσμός σύνθλιψις, απόθλιμμα. Squinting, στραβών, στραβός, πάρα- βλώφ. a Squirrel, σκίουρος. a Stable, Ιπποστάσιον, Ιπποστασία αυλή, έπαυλις, σταθμός. a Staff, ρόπαλον, ξύλον. a Stag, έλαφος. a Stage, ακροατήριον,ανάβαθρον. the Stage, σκηνϊι, θυμέλη. (61) the front of the Stage, προσκήνιον. of the Stage, σκηνικός. to Stagger, συνολισθαίνω, συμπίπτω See Stumble. to Stagnate, λιμνάζω, επικλύζω. to Stain, μολύνω, μιαίνω, σπιλόω. Stairs, κλίμαξ, ανόβαθρον. a Stake, κάμαξ, χάραξ, σκόλοψ, πάτταλος, &ύφακτος. Stale, 'έωλος, σαπρός. to be Stale, σαπρός ειμί. Stalely, σαπρώς. a Stalk, στύλος, καυλός, dim. καυ• λίσμος. a Stall, μάνδρα, αυλή. to Stammer, τραυλίζω. Stammering, τραυλισμός. with Stammering, θολερώς. a Stamp, επιβολή, εμβολή, προσβολή. to Stamp, τυπόω, εντυπόω,χαράττω, εγχαράττω, κόπτω, επισφραγίζω, • ενσημαίνω. to Stand, "ιστημι, Ίσταμαι, εστήκω. to Stand by, παρίστημι, παραμένω. to Stand forth, προίσταμαι. to Stand up out of, εξέχω , αναφαί- νομαι, επιπολάζω. to Stand to his word, εμμένω τοΊς λεγομένοις. a Star, αστήρ, άστρον. a fixed Star, αστήρ απλανής. the polar Star, κυνόσουρα. a wandering Star, αστήρ ασταθής, πλανήτης. Starch, άμυλον. to Stare, ατενίζω, ατενες οράω, ενα- τενίζω, εφοράω. a Starling, ψάρ. Starry, αστρ^ος, αστερόεις. the seven Stars, πλειάδες. Starstruck, αζτροβλής, αστρόβλητος. to Start, εκφορέω από νύσσης, εκ της βαλβίδος έξειμι. a Starting post, βαλβίς, αφετηρία, γραμμή. easily Startled, ψοφοδεής. to Starve, βουλιμιάζω, βουλιμιάω, βουλιμώττω. a State, στάσις, κατάστασις, περί- στασις, σ'υστασις, κλήρος. the State of the nation, ή κατάστα- σις της πόλεως. the State, πόλις, πολίτευμα, πολι- τεία, τα κοινά, τά δημόσια. to belong to the State, πολιτείω. to govern the State, πολιτεύομαι, δημαγωγέω, άπτομαι πολιτεύμα- τος. the government of the State, δη- μαγωγία. to make free of the State, πολιτείαν δίδωμι, εγγράφω Vy πόλει. a Station for ships, Ορμος, έψορμος. Stationary, έ^ραΐος, σταδιαΐος. Statuary, ίρμογλυφική τέχνη. a Statuary, αγαλματόποιος, ίρμύ- γλυφος. a Statue, άγαλμα, ανδριάς. a Stay, μονή, διαμονή, καταμονή. to Stay with, μένω, μένω παρά — , διαμένω. in Stead of, αντί, εν τάξει. Steadily, βεβαίως. to Steal, κλέπτω, ϋποκλέπτω, κλο- πεύω, συλεύω, υφαρπάζω, υφαιρέω, to Steal away, διολισθαίνω, υποκ- Χέπτομαΐ' STO STIt STU 1β Steal into, εφέρπω, ίπέρχομαι. to Steal out, εξερπύζω, υπεξάγω εαυ- τόν, εκθορέω. to Steal upon, υπεισέρχομαι. by Siealth, κλοπαϊος, λαθραίος, κλο- πιμαίος, υφαρπαστός, ado. κλεμμα- δδν, λαθραιως, λαθρά. Steam, ατμ'ις, ατμός, αναθυμίασις. a Steam-bath, ατμιστήριον. to Steam, ατμίζω, θυμιάω, αναθυ- μιάω ΟΓ -όζω. to Steam out, εξατμίζω or -ζομαι. Steaming, ατμώδης. Steel, χάλυψ. Steep, απότομος, απορρώξ, κρημνώδης, παράκρημνος, προκάρηνος, πρηνής, επιπρηνής, ανωφερής, καταφερής, ανάντης, ενάντης,παράντης,προσάν- της. Steepness, ανωφέρεια, καταφέρεια. a Steer, μόσχος, πόρτα!;. to Steer, κυβερνάω. a Steering•, κυβέρνησις. a Steersman, κυβερνήτης. the Stem of a ship, έμβολος, πρώρα, στείρα, το έμπροσθεν της νηός. a Step, βάδισμα, βήμα. a Step of a s/air or of a ladder, ανα- βαθμός, βάθρον. Step by step, κατά πόδας, βάδην. a Stepmother, μητρυιά. a Stepping board, ανά a Stepson, πρόγονος. to Stew, καταπέπτω, αφέψω. a Steward, ταμίας. a Steward at public places, αγωνο- θέτης. Stewed, αφεψηθείς. to Stick to, προσίχομαι, προσκολλάο- μαι, προσίσχομαι, προσπλάττομαι, περιέχομαι, συνάπτομαι. to Stick in, ενερείδω, εμπήγνυμι^ dry Sticks, κάρφος, φρύγανον. Sticky, κολλώδης, γλίσχρος. Stiff, ρίγιος, κρυερύς. to Stiffen, μιγόω, πεπήγω, σκληρύνο- μαι, φρίττω. to Stigmatize, παραδειγματίζω ,προσ- τρίβομαι όνειδος. Stil], ήσυχος, ησνχαΧος. to Stimulate, οτρ'υνω, κεντέω, παρο- ξύνω. Stingily, σμικρολόγως,ρυπαρως, Φει- δωλώς. Stinginess, σμικρολογία, ρυπαρία, γλισχρότης, φειδωλή, φειδωλία. Stingy, σμικρολάγος, ρυπαρός, φειδω- λός, γλίσχρος. Stink, δυσωδία, κακωδία. ίο Stink', δυσωδέω . μυδάω , κακώς όζω. Stunting, δυσώδης, βαρίιοζοί, βρωμώ- δης, μυδαλέος. without Stint, άφθονος, adv. αφθό- νως. ίο Stipulate, διαμολογέομαι, συγγρά- φω. Stipulation, συγγραφή, επερώτημα. ίο Stir up, εξορμάω, κινίω πάντα λί- θον. a Stock, στέλεχος or -χον, κορμός, ξυλάριον θαλλία, θαλία, θαλΧός. of or like a Stock, στελεχώδης. the Stocks, ποδοκάκη, στήλη-. a Stoic, στωικός. Stoically, στωϊκως. Stolen, υφάρπαοτος. See by Stealth. the Stomach, στόμαχος, οισοφάγος. a Stone, λίθος, dim. λιθάαιον, \i&t- διον, λάιις, χάλιξ, πέτρα. to Stone, λιθοβολέω, λιθάζω, εκλι- θάζω. to become Stone, λιθόομαι. a corner Slone, λίθος γωνιαίος. like Stone, λιθώδης, πετρώδης. of Stone, λίθινος, λίθεος, λίθειος, λάϊ• νος. to turn every Stone, πάντα λίθον κινίω. to turn into Stone, λιθόω. a Stone-cutter, λατόμος, λιθουργός, μαρμαρογλύφος. Stony, λίθινος, λιθώδης, πετρώδης. a Stool, υποπόδιον, θρ ινίδιον. βάθρον. to go to Stool, χε£ω, βδεννύω, αποπα- τέω, αποδεΟω. to want to go to Stool, χεζητιάω, - χεζνί"• to Stoop, υποκύπτω. to Stop, εφίστημι,παρίσταμαι' καθίσ- τημι, επέχω. to Stop up, εμφράττω, περιφράττω. a Storehouse or -room, θήκη, απο- θήκη, ταμέϊον, εκδοχεων. a Stork, πελαργός. a Storm, χειμών, χζιμασία, θύελλα. to take by Storm, καταπολεμέω, α'ιρέω. a Storming, καταπολέμησις, καταπο- λιόρκησις, α'ίρησις*. Stormy, θυελλώδης. a Story, μύθος, δράμα, dim. μυθάδιον, διηγημάτων. an old wife's Story, γραώδης μύθος. Stout, ανδρείος, δραστήριος, αγήνωρ, αγηνορίδης. Stoutly, ανδριχως. Stoutness, ανδραγαθία, αριστεία. ίο Straddle, διατείνω or διίστημι τα σκέλη. the Strake of a wheel, κανθός. Straight, ορθός, ευθύς, διευθυνθείς. Straightway, ευθύ, ευθεία,επ' ευθείας. to Strain every nerve, διατείνομαι. to Strain through, ήθω, διηθέω, διυ- λίζω. a Strainer, ηθμός. a Strait, πορθμός, συνοχή αλός, πέλα- to Straiten, αρκτόω,στενοχωρέω, στε- νόω, αντιπερίστημι' ζώννυμι, περι- βάλλω, διαδέω. Strange, αλλότριος, αόϊαίτητος, ξένος, αλλοδαπός, αλλόφυλος. Ο ! Strange, βάβαι, ώ, φευ. to make Strange, αΧλοτρίως έχω. Strangeness, τό αλλόκοτον. a Stranger, επελύς , επηΧύτης, προσή- λυτος, ξένος, πλησιάζων, επίδημος, επιδήμιος, πάροικος. ίο Strangle, άγχω, αποπνίγω. a Strap, Ίμάς, άμμα,λωρον, οχάνη. z. Stratagem, στρατήγημα. Straw, κάλαμος, καλάμη, ανθερίκη. to Straw, αχυρόω. a Strawberry, κόμαρ<ν. to Stray, άμαρτάνω, αφαμαρτάνω, διαμαρτάνω τής Ιδού, πλανάομαι. a Stream, ρεΊθρον, ρεϋμα, ρ~εΰσις, ροή, καταρροή. a Street, αγυιά, πλατεία, άμφοδας, ευρ'υπορος Ιδός. Strength, ρώμη, αλκή, ισχύς, δύναμις, σθένος, ευτονία, ανδρότης, αρετή. beyond the Strength, hnip δύναΜίν (») to lose Strength, εξασθενίω. to recover Strength, αναλάμβανα εαυτόν. with all the Strength, κατά τί δυνατόν. to Strengthen, κραταιόω, ισχυρίζω, στερεύω, καθίστημι, στηρίζω, συμ- πωρόω. καταβεβαιόω. a Stretch, εκτενεία, έκτασις. on the Stretch, εντεταιχένος, adv. εν τεταμένως. to Stretch, τείνω, διατείνω, συντείνω, ίο Stretch a bow, τόξον εντείνω or -νομαι. to Stretch forth, διατείνω, προτείνω. to Stretch out, εκτείνω, παραφέρω, παρέχω, ανήκω' αναπετάννυμι, opt' γω τάς χείρας. ίο Stretch and yawn, σκορδινάο- μαι. Stretched, διατεταμένος. a Stretching, out, επέκτασις, παρά- τασις. Stretching and yawning, σκορδι- νισμός. to Strew, καταστρωννύω or -νυμι. Strictness of law, ακρίβεια. to Stride, τα σκέλη διατείνω. Strife, έρις, νεΊκος. to Strike, τύπτω, πλήσσω or •ττια 7 παίω, πληγάς επιβάλλω or δίδωμι τ βάλλω, εμβάλλω, καταφέρω, κρούω. to Strike against, περιπίπτω, προσ- κρούω, περιτνγχάνω, επάγω, προσ- κόπτω, προσβάλλω: to Strike back, αντιτυπίω. to Strike terror, see Terrify. to Strike out or design, εκκολάπτω, εκτυπόω. to Strike out or efface, παρακολάπ- τω, εκθλίβω, εκκόπτω. to Strike with wonder, &c. εκ- πλήσσω* a Striker, κρουστής. a String, χορδή. to Strip, αποδύω, εκδύω,γυμνόω, απο- γυμνόω' απολεπίζω, φλοίζω' στε- ρέω. Stripped, αποδυθείς. ίο Strive, πειράομαι, πειράζω, επιχει- ρέω. a Stroke, πληγή, πλήγμα, πλήξις, κρουσις, επίκρουσις' εκπληξίς. Strong, ισχυρός, ευσθενής, εύρωστος, ακμαίος, ρωμαλέος, κρατερός, αν- δρείος. to grow Strong, επιρ^ώννυμι. Strongly, ισχυρώς, ισχυρωτερως,κρα- τερώς. very Strongly, κψατίστα. Struck with fear, &c. εκπλαγείς, εμβρόντητος. to Struggle, συντείνομαι. to Struggle against or with, αντι- παλυίω, αντιμάχομαι, ανθίσταμαι, αντισχέω, αντερείδω. *^- to Struggle through, εκπαλαίω, εκ- νικάω. ίο Strut, ογκόομαι, βρενθύομαι. Stubble, καλάμη, φ ρύγανην. Stubborn, αυθάδης, δύσπειστος. Stubbornly, επιμόνως. Stubbornness, αυθάδεια, τό απεισ- τόν. Stuck in, εμπαγείς. Studious, φιλομαθής, σπουδαίος, & προσεχών, επιμελής. SUB SUF SUP Studious of philosophy, b περί την φιλοσοφίαν ών. a Study, μονσείον. Study, σπουδή, άσκησις, επιτήδευμα. Study by night, νυκτογραφία, αγρυπ- νία. the Study of philosophy, # εν φιλο- σοφία σπουδή. to apply to Study, προσκαρτερέω τοϊς λόγοις. to Study, σπουδάζω περί — , επιτη- δεύω, προσέχω, προθυμέομαι. to Stuff, συμπληρόω, εμπληρόω, ανα- πληρόω, εμφορίω. to Stuff in, επάγω, στείβω, πυκνόω, επισάττω. to Stuff up, αποφράττω, επιβύω, επι- στομίζω. a Stuffing, εμφραγμος, φίμωσις. to Stumble, υποσκελίζομαι, σφαδάζω, παραφέρομαι, απορρέω, συνολισθαί- νω. a Stumbling, δόνησις. Stumblingly, παραφόρως. to Stun, επιθρυλλέω, περιηχέω, ωτο- κοπέω. a Stupe, πυρίασις, θαλπτήριον' θάλ- ψις. Stupid, άργος , οκνηρός, νώθρυς, αναίσ- θητες, ανόητος, έκφρων, βλακώδης. to be Stupid, αργέω, κατοκνέω, νω- θρεΰω. Stupidity, αναισθησία, κόρυζα' έκ- στασις, θάμβος. to Stupify, καταμβλύνω. a Sturgeon, έλλοψ, δίσκος. to Stutter, τραυλίζω, ψελλίζω. Stuttering,pXatroi, τραυλοί, ψελλοί, άτυπος, ισχνόφωνος. a Sty, συφεός, συών ευνή. a Style, γραφείον, στύλος' δ της λέ- ξεως τρόπος. Styx, Στνξ. to Subdue, εκδαμόζω, παραδαμάζω, δαμάω, παρίστάμαι, υποτάσσω, υπο- χειρόω, υποβάλλω, κατεργάζομαι, ίκδοτον ποιέω. Subdued, καταμεμαχημένος. a Subject, θέμα, υπόθεσις, υποκείμε- νον. Subject to, υπότακτος, υποτεταγμέ- νος,υπήκοος, υπεξούσιος, αρχόμενος, επιταττομένος, επικροτούμενος, έκ- δοτος. to be Subject to, υπό τινϊ ειμί. to Subjoin, επιλέγω, νφίστημι, απο- τάσσω, ΰποζεύγννμι,νπεμπλέκω. Submission, υποταγή, έκδοσις, εγχεί- ρησις, συγχώρησις, θεραπεία, λα- τρεία, υπηρεσία, θωπεία, ανθ'υπειξις. Submissive, υπείκων, υποχωρέων, υπηρετικός, έκδοτος, εκδοθείς, προσ- κείμενος. Submissively, πειθηνίως. to Submit, ΰπείκω, εγχειρίζω, εκδί- δωμι, υποτάττω εαυτόν, τω χέΐρε προίσχομαι' υπηρετέω, χαρίζομαι. to Subscribe, see Write under- neath. to Subscribe towards, ερανίζω, προΐημι, επιδίδωμι, εκδίδωμι. Subscribed, συγκομιστός, σύμφορη- θεΐς. a Subscriber, προσγραφεύς. Subscription, υπογραφή, {ιποσημείω- νις. a Subscription, σνγκομιΟ), σνμβολή, συνεισφορά, έρανος, επίδοσις, έκδο- σις, χάρισμα. to collect a Subscription, έραναν αιτέω or συνάγω. to be Subservient to, δουλεύω, δια- κονέω, λατρεύω, άλλω σκοπέω. to Subside, καθιζάνω, νποκαθίζω' πυκνόομαι. to Subsist, υφίσταμαι, μένω. to Substitute, νφίστημι, υφίσταμαι, αντικαθίστημι. Substituted, υποβολιμαίος, υποταχ- ' θείς. Substitution, νποκατάστασις. ν Subtle, πανούργος, στρεβλός, στρο- φαιος, αγκυλομήτης, παλίντροπος' οξύς, αγωνιστικός, λεπτολογιστής, κομ-ψός. Subtlety, πανουργία. Subtlely, πανουργως. Subtraction, υπαγωγή. a Suburb, πωμήριον, προαστεΊον. to Succeed, υποδύομαι, υποδέχο- μαι, εκδέχομαι' εκλαγχάνω, κατευ- ημερέω. the thing has Succeeded, υπήκονε μοι το πράγμα. Succeeding, διάδοχος, άντανδρος. Success, τυχή, ευτυχία, ευπραγία. Successful, ευτυχής, εύσημος,δέξιος, αίσιος. Successfully, ευτυχώς. Succession, διαδοχή, διάδεξις. Successively, εκ διαδοχής. a Successor, διάδοχος, διαδεξάμενος. to Succour, βοηθέω, συλλαμβάνω, επικονρέω. Such, τηλικουτος, τηλίκος, τηλικόσδε, τοιούτος, τοιοντότροπος. Such, in the. first part of a sentence, τοιούτος, τοίος, τοιόσδε, in the lat- ter part, οίος, ϊποΊος, οϊόσδε. in Such manner, τοιούτως. to Suck, θηλάζω, μυζέω, αθέλγω. to Suck up, ροφέω. that may be Sucked up, ροφητός, ροπτός. to Suck out, εκθηλάζω, εκμυζέω. a Sucker, κλήμα, κλαδίσκος, φρύ- γανον. Sucking, γαλαθηνός, θηλάζων. a Sucking pig, δελφάξ, δελφάκιον. Suction, ρόφημα, ρόμμα. Sudden, αιφνίδιος, εξαιφνίδιος,εξαπι- ναως. Suddenly, εξαίφνης, οξέως, εν ακαρέ ευθύς. to Suffer, υπομένω, ανέχομαι, πάσχω , τλάω, μοχθέω, θλίβομαι, ταλαιπω- ρέω, κακοπαθέω, κακόομαι. you shall Suffer for it, οιμώξΐ). Suffering, υπομονή, πάθος. to Suffice, αρκέω, εξαρκέω, απαρκέω, κορέω, κορένννμι, χορτάζω, πληρο- φορέω, αρέσκω. Sufficed, διάκορος, διακορής, έμπλεος, κορεσθείς. Sufficiency, αυτάρκεια, Ικανότης, κό- ρος, πλήρωσις, άδος, πληροφορία, πλησμοσύνη. Sufficient, αυτάρκης, επαρκής, Ικα- νός, επιτήδειος, χρήσιμος. to be Sufficient for, Ικανός ειμί, Ικανως έχω, αρκέω επί τούτο. Sufficiently, αποχρώντως, αρκούντως, επιτηδείως, Ικανως. to Suffocate, see Choke. Sugar, σάκχαρον. a Suit at law, δίκη, κρίσις, άγων, δικασπολία. to be condemned for abandoning a Suit, ερήμην Καταδικάζομαι. to gain a Suit by the adversary giving up, ερήμης κρατέω. to Suit, συνίεμαι, συνέρχομαι, ομολο• γεω, ανήκω, εφαρμόζω' it Suits, συνήκει. Suitable, αρμόδιος, συνερχόμενος , συν ήκων. Suitableness, ομολογία, εφαρμογή. Suitably, αρμοζόντως, προσηκόντως, συνηκόντως. a Suite, ακολουθία, θεραπεία. a Suitor, μνηστήρ. Sullen, προσωπώδης, σεμνοπρόσω• πος. Sulphur, θείον, θέειον, θεάφειον. Sulphureous, θειώδης. Sultry, αιθοφόρος, θερινός. a Summary, σννοψις, κεφάλαιον. Summer, θέρος, θέρεια, είαρ. Summer quarters, τά θερινά. in or of Summer, θερινός. to pass the Summer, θερίζω, ενθε- ρίζω, το θέρος διάγω. a Summit, κορυφή, υκεροχή, άκρα, άκρον, αιπύς' ακρωρεία, λοφία. to Summon, συγκαλέω, κλητεύω, αγείρω, εφορμάω. Summoned, εξορμηθείς. a Summons, συγκάλησις. Sumptuous, πολυτελής, δαψιλής, μεγαλοπρεπής, ποικίλος, πολύοψος. Sumptuously, δαψιλώς, λαμπρώς, παρεσκευασμένως. Sumptuously dressed, άβροχίτων, αβροείμων. Sumptuousness, πολυτέλεια, £αψ(- λεια. the Sun, 'ήλιος, φυίβος. far from the Sun, απηλιώτις. a Sunbeam, σέλας, ακτίν. Sung of, αοίδιμος, επασθείς. Sunny, προσήλιος, ευήλιος. to Sup, δειπνέω, συνδειπνέω. Superfluity, περίσσεια, πλεονασμός, το περισσόν. Superfluous, περισσός or περιττός, περιπληθής, μάταιος. it is Superfluous, μάτην εστί. Superior, ανώτερος' κρείττων. Superstition, δεισιδαιμονία, θελο- θρησκεία. Superstitious, δεισιδαίμων, δεισίθεος. Superstitiously, δεισιδαιμονίως. to Supervise, εφοράω, επισκοπέω. a Supervisor, θεωρός, επίσκοπος' ευθυντής, είθυνος. Supper, δείπνον, δόρπον. to be hungry for Supper, δειπνη• σείω. a Suppliant, Ικέτης, Ίκετήριος, ικέ- σιος. Suppliantly, ϊκεσίως . to Supplicate, ικετεύω, Ικετεύω προς τους θέους, προσκυνέω, δέομαι, λίσ σομαι, γονυπετέω, αντιβολέω. Supplication, Ίκησία, \κέτευμα. Supplies, επικουρία, βοήθεια. to Supply, πορίζω, εκπορίζω, χορη" γέω, επαρκέω, παρέχω, νποτί- θημι. a Supply, χορηγία, πορισμός, *παρ~ κύα. SWA TA1 TAR Support, υπομονή, αποστήριξις, βοή- θεια, βοήθημα, επικουρία. a Support, έρεισμα, βάσις, στήριγμα. to Support, ανέχω, βαστάζω, υπε- ρείδω' μετά τινός or σϋν τινι ειμί. a Supporter, τροφεύς,τιθηνός, τρόφι- μος. to Suppose, νομίζω, ήγέομαι, λαμ- βάνω. it is to be Supposed, υπολΐ]πτέον, οιητέον. Supposititious, υποβολιμαΤος. to Suppurate, πυόω, εμπυόω. Suppuration, εμπίησις, εμπύημα. Surely, αληθώς, αληθές, οντώς, εμπε- δώς• δηλονότι, υΰτως, ο'ύτωσι, πά- νυγε, όρα,γέμην, γεδή, δήπου, μεν, μέντυι, μενγε, γούν, η, ήτοι. a Surfeit, κραιπάλη. a Surgeon, χειρουργός. Surgery, χειρουργία. a Surname, επωνυμία, προωΐ'υμία, επίγνωσις, επίκλησις. to Surname, επονομάζω, επικαλέω. See Nickname. to Surpass, εξέχω, προέχω των άλλων, υπερέχω, προίσταμαι, διαφέρω, υπερβαίνω, υπερβάλλω, υπεραίρω, πλεονεκτέω. to be Surpassed, υπερβατός, ευνίκη- τος. not to be Surpassed, ανυπέρβλητος. Surpassing, έξοχος, υπέροχος, εξαί- ρετος, επιφανής, εξέχων, προέχων to Surprise, επέρχομαι, επιφαίνομαι επιχειρέω. to Surround, κυκλόω, περικυκλόω περιέχω, περιβάλλω ,^περιφράττω περιζωννίω, περιέρχομαι, περΰσ- τημι, αμφίστημι. Surrounded, περιψραχθείς, περιβλη- θείς, περιβεβλημένος, περιαχθείς, περιειλημμενος. to Survey, κατασκοπέομαι, περισκο- πε'ω, περιβλέπω πάντη, περιοράω, εξετάζω. Surveying, γεωδαισία, γεωμετρία. a Surveyor, γεωμέτρης. to Survive, επιβιόω, περιγίνομαι, περιλείπομαι, περιλιμπάνω. to Suspect, εις υποψίαν εμπίπτω.πρός υποψίαν ήκω. εφυράομαι,νποπτεύω, ίπολαμβάνω, υπονοέω , καταδοξάζω , οίϊμαι. Suspected, ύποπτος, απορηθείς. to be Suspected, υποπτεύομαι. to Suspend, see to Hang up. Suspense, see Doubt. in Suspense, άπορος, άπορων. Suspicion, υπόληψις, υποψία, υπό- νοια. Suspicious, υποληπτικός, ταχνκοπ- τος. Suspiciously, υπόπτως. a Sutler, σκευοφόρος, φορτηγός. to Swaddle or swathe, σπαργανόω. a Swallow, χελίδων. to Swallow, καταπίνω, ρΌφέω. to Swallow up, αναρροφέω, απορ- ί>οφέω, λαφύσσω. Swallowed up, καταποθείς, συμπα- θείς. a Swan, κύκνος, οίο/• like a Swan, κϋκνειος. a Swarm, εσμός, σμήνος. a Swathe, επίδεσμος, σπάργανον, ταινία. to Swear, δμνυμι, ομόω. to Swear to, διόμννμι, επδμνυμι. to make Swear, 6ρκίζω, εξορκίζω, εφορκίζω, ί>ρκόω, επομόω, επόμνυμι. Sweat, Ιδρως, εψίδρωσις. without Sweat, ανιδρωτί. to Sweat, Ιδρόω• greatly, αφιδρόω, εξιδρόω, καθιδρύω. a Sweating house, πυριατήριον, υπο- καυστόν. to Sweep, σαρόω, σαίρω, κορέω, εκ- κορέω. to Sweep along, Ιλκίω, 'έλκω. Sweet, γλυκύς , γλυκερός, ηδύς, μελιη- δής. to become Sweet, απογλυκαίνομαι. Sweetbriar, κυνόσβατον. to Sweeten, yλυ>cα<Ί'ω, απογλυκαίνω. a Sweetheart, κόρη, γλήνη, φιλητής. Sweetly, γλυκερώς, ήδέως. Sweetly speaking, ήδυεπής.ευόμιλος. Sweetly sounding, γλυκόφωνος. Sweetness, γλυκ'υτης, ήδυσμα. to Swell, οιδέω, οιδαίνω. ογκώδης γί- νομαι, ογκόομαι, ογκυλλομαι. to Swell out on up, εξοιδέω, εξοι- δάνω, επιφυσάω, εξογκόομαι. to make Swell, ογκόω, εξογκόω. Swelling, ογκώδης, ογκηρός. a Swelling, όγκος, οίδημα, οίδησις, φνμα, dim. ογκίδιον, φυμάτιον. Swift, ταχύς, ωκύς, οξύς, θοός, ορμη- τικός. Swifter, ωκίων or ωκΰτερος, ταχίων, θάσσων or ταχύτερος. Swiftly, ταχέως, ορμητικώς, εν τάχει, διά τάχους. more Swiftly, ωκύτερον, ταχύτερον. most Swiftly, ώκιστα, τάχιστα. Swift-footed, ωκνπους, πτερόπους. Swiftness, ταχΰτης, οξύτης, ωκντης, σφοδρότης. Swift-winged, ωκνπτερος. to Swim, κολυμβάω, νέω, νήχομαι. to Swim alongside, παρανήχομαι, παρανέω. to Swim off or away, απονήχομαι, εκνήχομαι. to Swim through or over, δια- νήχομαι. to Swim up to, προσνήχομαι. to Swim upon, εννήχομαι, εσνέω, επιπολάζω. a Swindler, χρεωκόπος, άσωτος. a Swoon, λειποθυμία, λειποψυχία. See Faint. a Sword, ξίφος, φάσγανον, μάχαιρα, dim. ξιφίδιον, μαχαιρίδιον. to draw a Sword, γυμνόω or σπάω ξίφος, ξιφουλκέω. slain by the Sword, ξιφόκτονος. a Sword fish, ξιφίας. a Syllable, συλλαβή. a Syllogism, συλλογισμός. Synecdoche, συνεκδοχή. Τ. a Table, τράπεζα. a Tablet, πινάκων. a Tail, ουρά, κίρκος• of birds, op\>a πνγιον. (64) to Take, λαμβάνω, παραλαμβάνω, προσλαμβάνω, συλλαμβάνω, αΊρέω, αναιρέω, κομίζω, δέχομαι, αποδέχο- μαι, προσδέχομαι, άλίσκω, περιέ- χω, κρατίω. to Take aside, απάγομαι. to Take away, παρέλω, αφαιρέω σι τούτο or από σου τούτο, αφαιρέο- μαι, εξαιρέω, εξαιρέομαι, παραιρέω, αναρπάζω, αποκρίνω. to Take back, ανακομίζω, αναφέρω. to Take care, έχω or ποιέω επιμέ- λειαν. to Take forcibly, εκβιάζομαι, εξαι- ρέω. αρπάζω. to Take hold of, λαμβάνω and -νομαι. to Take ill, δυσχεραίνω, αγανακ- τέω, χαλεπώς έχω or φέρω. to Take to flight, φυγήν ελομαι. to Take in hand, εγχειρίω, αντι-^ λαμβάνω, εφάπτω or -τομαι, επι- βάλλω. to Take in, πλανάω, απατάω. to Take into the head, εμβάλλομαζ εις νουν. to Take the part of, σπουδάζω προς — , μετά τινός or σϋν rtvi ειμί. to Take refuge, καταφεύγω. to Take round, περιάγω, περιηγέο μαι, περιφέρω. to Take to one's self, προσλαμβάνω. to Take patiently, φέρω καλώς. to Take to, επιφέρω, προσφέρω, πα- ρέχω, κοσμέω, παρακοσμίζω, απα- γινέω. to Take up again, αναλαμβάνω. Taken away, αφαιρεθείς. a Talent, τάλαντον. of good Talents, ευφυής. Talk, λαλία, λεσχή, αδολεσχία. idle Talk, φλυαρία, σπερμολογία. βαττολογία, μωρολογία. much Talk, πολυεπϊα, πολυλογία. to Talk, λαλέω, αγορεύω, φράζω, φθέγγομαι, αδολεσχέω, κωτίλλω, ληρέω. to Talk much, μακρολογέω. Talkative, λάλοί, στώμυλος, αδόλεσ- χος, πολυλογάς, μακρολόγος, σπερ- μολόγος. very Talkative, λάλιστος. an idle Talker, φιλαλάζων, σπερμο- λόγος, ματαιολόγος, ψευδολόγος. Tall, ευμήκης, προμήκης, μέγας, υψη- λός. Tallness, το προμηκές. Tallow, λίπος, στέαρ, πιμελή, κνίσ- σα. like Tallow, στεατώδης. Tame, τιθασσός, 'ήμερος, πράος, ηπίος, 'ήσυχος, ευμενής, επιεικής. to grow Tame, τιθασσευομαι, ημε- ρεύομαι. to Tame, τιθασσεϋω, πραύνω, ήμε- ρόω. Tamely, πραϋμίνως, ημέρως. a Tanner, βυρσοδέψης, βυρσεϋς. to Tap, ανοίγω, αναστομόω. Tapestry, τάπης, τάπις. Tares, ζιζάνιον. a Target, πέλτη. aTargeteer, πελταστής, πελτοφόρος. to Tarnish, αμαυρόω, φαιόν ποιέω. Tartly, άλμυρώς- σκωπτικώς. to speak Tartly, σκώπτω, αστίίζο- μαι. TEN THi THR aTcLsli, το τεταγμένον , τό σταθμηθέν. Taste, γευσις, γεύμα- (ο Taste, γένομαι, απογεύομαι, απο- λείβω. io Taste beforehand, -ρογεύομαι. Tasteless, άγευστος, δύσχυμος. must be Taught, παιδευτέος. a Taunt, σαρκασμός. a Tavern, καπηλεϊον, οινοπόλιον, οπ- τανείον. oior about a Tavern, καπηλικός. to keep a Tavern, καπηλεύω. a Tavern-keeper, κόπηλος. Tawny, κιρ'μός, πυρρός, λυκόφαιος, χ,ιροπός. a Tax, τέλος, πρόσοοος, -πόρος, εισ- φορά, δασμός. to Tax, φόρον or τέλος επιβάλλω, εισ- φοράν -ροστάττω, δασμόν απάγω. to pay a Tax, ψόροντελέω or εισφέρω. Taxed, υποψορός, υποτελής. to Teach, διδάσκω, μαθητεύω, παι- δεύω ,παιδαγωγέω ,εκδιδάσκω ,προσ- διδάσκω, συμπαιδεύω. a Teacher, διδάσκαλος, παιδεντής, δ παιδείων, παιδότριψ, παιδοτρίβης. a Tear, δάκρυ, δάκρυον, dim. δακρύ- διον. to Tear, περισύρω. στταράττω,λωβάω, δρϋπτω, ξαίνω, συντρίβω. to Tear in pieces, διασπάω, συνδια- σττάω, διασπαράττω, σνσπαράττω, διαρήγνυμι, διαφθείρω, κατατίλλω. Tearful, πολύδακρνς, ένδακρυς, δα- κρυώδης, δακρυτεος, θρηνώδης* a Tearing, σπάραγμα, σπαραγμός, σπάραξις, διασυρμός, διασπασμός. a Tearing - oft", αττόσπασμα. a Tearing up, εξαίρεσις. to wipe away Tears, εξαλείφω δά- κρυα. without Tears, αδακρυτί. to Tease, ενοχλέω, εξαιτέω. a Teat, τιτθη, μάζος. μαστός, θηλή, ουθαρ. to Teeth, οδοντιάζω. with two Teeth, διόδους. to Tell, είρω, έρομαι, είρομαι, poet. επω, ανέπω, ειέπω, ρέω, φημι, φη- μίζω. φθέγγομαι, φράζω. Tell roe, ειπέ μοι, φέρε δη. Temper, see Disposition. to Temper, συγκιρνάω, κεράννυμι. Temperance, εγκράτεια, σωφροσύνη. Temperate, μέτριος• εγκρατής, εύ- κρατης, εύκρατος. Temperately, σωφρονικως. Temperature, ευκρασία. a Tempest, θύελλα, άελλα, καται- γις, λαίλαιΡ, ζάλη. Tempestuous, αε.\λώδης, θυελλώ- δης. a Temple, ΐερον. the Temples, κρόταφος. Temporal, καίριος, χρονικός. Temporary ,πρόσκαιρος, αυτοσχέδιος. to Temporize, δούλος ειμί καιροϋ. to Tempt, πειράζω, πειράω γυναίκα a Tempter, πειραστής, δ πειράζων. Ten, δέκα. a Ten, δεκάς. Ten thousand, μυριάς. Ten times, δεκάκις. Ten years, δεκαετία. of Ten, δεκαταίος. of Ten ye-irs, δεκαετής. a body of Ten, δεκαδαρχία. to Tend black cattle, βουκολέω, βουτροφέω. to Tend to — , τείνω εις — οτπρός — • Tendency, ευθυβυλία. Tender, απαλός, πίπων, τρυφερός' εύπεπτος. very Tender, λίαν απαλός, απαλό- τερος. Tenour, συνεχεία, έθος. a Tent, κλισία. σκήνος, σκήνωμα. to pitch a Tent, σκηνόομαι. the Tenth, δέκατος, δεκατάΐος. Terrific, φοβερός, φρικτός, δεινός, δει- ματώδης. Terrified, εκφοβηθείς, εκπλαγείς, κα- ταπλαγείς. to Terrify, φοβέω. εκψοβέω, εκπλήσσω or -ττω. δέος εργάζομαι or ενεργάζο- μαι,φόβον πέμπω, δεδίττομαι,πτοέω, δειματόω, τας,άττω, εκταράττω- Territory, αγρό;, χωρίον, τοπαρχία. Terror, φόβος, δέος. τρόμος, έκπληξις, ορρωσία. a Tertian fever, τερταΤας πυρετός. to Testify, μαρτύρομαι. See Wit- ness. Testimony, μαρτυρία, ααρτύριον, εγ- κώμιον. to give Testimony, μαρτνρέω. to Thank, χάριν ομολογίω , χάριν εί- δημι. That, εκείνος, οντος, αυτός, οδε. to That degree, εό' φ τ , εις τούτο, εις τοσούτο, ενταύθα. That, 'ότι, διότι, ώστε, όπως, 'ivc That — not, ως άν 'ήκιστα. after That, επεί. The, δ. Theft, κλοπή, κλέμμα. Then, τότε, τηνικαντπ, εν Γ-οοε. Thence, Thenceforth,from Thence, εξ ού. αψ' ου, εκ or από τοίτον, αυτόθεν, εντεύθεν, εκείθεν, ένθεν, ενθένδε, εξής. καθεξής. a Theologian, θεολόγος, ιεροφάν- της. Theology, θεολογία. There, εκεί, αυτού, αυτόθι, ενταύθα, τγ,δε αύτη. Therefore, διό, διότι, δια τοντο, τοί- γαρ, τοιγαροΰν, τοίνυν, άρα, αρ' ουν, άραγε. Thereupon, είτα, έπειτα, δ'ιο, διόπερ, δι* αυτού. Thick, πυκνός, συνεχής, συχνός. to Thicken, πυκνόω, καταπυκνόω. πυκνόομαι, σνμπήγνυμι. a Thicket, θάμνων, βάτων, ακάνθων, 'αμνώδης τόπος, νλημα. a Thief, κλέπτης, κλοττενς φώρ. to Thieve, κλέπτω, κλοπείω, συλέύω. Thievery, κλεπτοσννη. Thievish, επίκλοπος, κλεπτικός.. Thievishly, κλεπτικώς. the Thigh, μηρός. the inside of the Thigh, δ εντός μηρός, παραμήριον. Thin, μανός, αραιός, σπάνιος, ψίλο?. to Thin, ψίλόω, λεπτύνω. a Thing, πράγμα, χρήμα, έργον. the Thing is so, ούτω γαρ έχει. the Thing itself shows, αυτό τό έρ- γον δηλοΊ. Things of chance, τα παρά τής τύ- χης δοθέντα. to Think, νομίζω, ο7μαΐ, δοξάζω, hno- λαμβάιν, λογίζομαι, ενθυμέομαι, (65) εννοέω, διανοέω, επινοέω, εξηρίσ- κω. Thinness, λεπτότης, λεπτισμός, μανό' της, αραιύτης. Third, τρίτος. to do the Third time, τρισσόω, τρισσεύω. Thirst, δίψος, δίψα. to alia)' Thirst, σβεννίω τό δίψος. to Thirst, διψάω, καταδιψάω. Thirsty, διψαλέυς, -πολυδιψος, άνυ- δρος. Thirteen, τρισκαίδεκα. Thirteen times, τρισκαιδεκάτις. the Thirtieth, τριακοστός. in Thirties, ol τριάκοντα. Thirty, τριάκοντα. This, ό, οδε, όγε, οντος. This — that, ό μεν — δ δι. is it This? μων ούτος; μών ουχόδε; a Thistle, σκόλυμος. Thither, εκεΓσε, εκεΓ, ένθα. a Thorn, άκανθα, κέντρον, εγκεντρϊς, καρφίον, όγκος, ήλος. Thorny, ακανθώδης, ακανθινός, ίγκεν- τρος, κεντρωτός. Thorough, prep, see Through. Thorough, see Complete, Whole. a Thorough servant, μεσαύλιος δούλος. Thoroughly, -παντελώς , πάντως, διαμπερές, τό παράπαν. Though, καν, καίτοι, ει καί. Thought, έννοια, επ'ινοια, περίνοια, επινοησις, νόημα. quicker than Thought, θαττον ελ- πίδος. want of Thought, αλογιστία, αβελ- τερία. Thoughtful, σνννους. Thoughdess, αλόγιστος, άλογος. a Thousand, χίλιοι. a Thousand times, χιλιάκις. one Thousand, χιλιάς. ten Thousand, μύριοι. one ten Thousand, μνριάς. the Thousandth, χιλιοστός. to Thrash, αλοάω. . Thread, μίτος, μάμμα, νήμα, σκάρ- τη. the long Thread, in weaving, στή- μων, στημόνων. the cross Thread, κροκή. of or like Thread, στημόηος. a Threat, απειλή. to Threaten, απειλέω, επαπειλέω, εμ- βριμάομαι. Threatening, απειλητικός, επαπει- λέων. a Threatening, απεΐλησις, επαπίίλη- σις. with Threats, απειλητικως. Three, τρεις. Threefold, τρίδυμος, τριπλόος -ους, τριπλάσιος. Three hundred, τριακόσιοι. the Three hundredth, τριακοστός. Three hundred times, τριακοσιά- κις. to repeat Three times, τρισσόω τρισσεύω. in or by Threes, σνντρεις. the Threshold, βηλός, σνδίς, βα• Τ) 1Ρ• Thrice, τρις. '" Thriven, δυσαίξητος. the Throat, βρόγχος^ λάρυγξ, ψά TIM TOP TRA ρυγξ, οισοφάγος, λαιμός, γαργα- ρεών' δειρή, αυχήν. to cut the Throat, σφάττω. σφάζω, τραχηλίζω. a Throne, θρόνος, θρονίδιον. Through, <5tJTo<5o^£i}i, νποδέζιος• νεκροφόρος, κτεριστης, ενταφιασ- τής. an Undertaking, υπδδεξις, υποδοχή, εγχείρημα, έργον. Uadeservedly, αναξίως, πάρα τήν αξίαν or το προσήκον. to suffer Undeservedly, δεινοπα- θέω, δυσχεραίνω. Undeserving, ανάξιος, απάξιος, ουκ άξιος, ουκ επάξιος. Undismayed, ατάρακτος, ατάραχος, άτρομος, άπληκτος. Undone, αποβληθείς. to be Undone, μηδεϊς ειμί. Undoubtedly, 8μολογουμένως, αναμ- φιβόλως, αναμφισβητήτως, αδιασ- τάκτως. to Undress, αποζωνν'νω. Undutiful, άχαρις, αχάριστος. Unequal, άνισος, ανόμοιος, διάφορος, ανόρτιος. Unequally, ανίσως, αναρτίως. Uneven, άνισος, ανώμαλος. Unevenness, ανισότης, ανωμαλία. , Unexpected, απροσδόκητος, απονόη- τος, αιφνίδιος. Unexpectedly, απροσδοκήτως, εξ απροσδόκητου, απροόπτως, εκ του αφανούς, ανελπίστως, τταρ 1 ελπίδα, παραλόγως, εκ παραλόγου. Unfading, αμαράντινος. Unfeeling, άστοργος, απαθής. Unfenced, ατείχιστος, αφύλακτος, άφρακτος. Unfinished, ανεξέογαστος, ακατέρ- γαστος, ακαλλιώπ ιστός, ακατασ- κεναστος. Unfit, άχρηστος, αχρείος. Unfitly, ακαταλλήλως. Unfitness, ακαταλληλότης. Unfledged, άπτερος, άπτιλος. Unfortunate, δυστυχής, ταλαίπωρος, άθλιος. most Unfortunate, ταλαιπωρότατος, δυστυχέστατος. to be Unfortunate, δυστυχέω, κα- κοπαθέω, κακώς πράττω. Unfortunately,, δυστυχώς, ατυχώς. Ungrateful, άχαρις, αχάριστος, αγ- νώμων. to be Ungrateful, αχαριστέω, αχά- ριστος ειμί. Ungratefully, αχαρίστως. Unguarded, αφροϋρητος. Unhealthy, νοσωδής, νοσηρός. Unheard, άκριτος' adv. ακρίτως. Unheard of, ανήκουστος, άπυστυς. to Unhouse, εξοικοδομέω, αποικοδο- μέω, εξοικίζω. Unhurt, αζήμιος, άθωος, απαθής, αβλαβής, αλώβητος, απήμων, ανεκ- βίαστος. a Unicorn, μονοκίρως. Unintelligible, δυσνόητος. Union, συναφή, συμπλοκή, επίθεσις, πρόσθεσις, συζευξις, επίζευξις, σϋ ναξις. to Unite, ίνόω, συνδυάζω, συμπλέκω, συνάπτω, προσάπτω, προστίθημι, προσαρμόττω, κολλάομαι, επιζεύγ- νυμι, παραζεύγνυμι. United, συμπεπλεγμένος. an Uniter, επιθέτης, προσθετής, επι- ζευκτήρ. Unity, μονάς, ενωσις. Universal, καθολικός, 8λικός. Universally, καθόλου, εν κύκλω, συν όλον. Unjust, άδικος, άνομος, ασεβής. Unknown, αγνώς, άγνωστος, αγνώ ριστος, άδηλος. to Unlearn, απομανθάνω, μετιμαν- θάνω. Unlearned, απαίδευτος, αγράμμα- τος, αμαθής. Unless, ει μη, εάν μή, πλην ει μή. Unlike, ανόμοιος, αφόμοιος, αλλόϊος, αλλοειδής, απεοικώς, έτερόχροος. to be Unlike, απεικάζομαι, απάδω. Unlikelihood, αδοκιμασία. Unlikeliness, ανομοιότης. Unlikely, αδοκίμαστος, απίθανος. to Unload, αποφορτίζω. to Unlock, ανοίγω, αναμοχλεύω. Unlucky, δυστυχής, λαιος, σκαιος, ευώνυμος , απότροπος ,δίσφημος,δύσ- φατος* δυσοιώνιστος, αθίμιστος, απευκτός. an Unlucky day, αποφράς ήμερα, απευκτή or άπρακτη ημέρα. Unluckily, σκαιώς, απαισίως, ουκ εις καλόν. Unmarried, άγαμος, άνανδρος, ανέκ- δοτος. Unpleasant, αγλνκής, αηδής. Unpolite, άκομψος, ουκ αστείος. Unpolitely, ουκ αστείως, αχαρίτως. Unpractised, αγύμναστος, ανάσκη• τος. Unprepared, απαράσκευος Γ απαρα- σκεύαστος, άζωνος, ου πρόχειρος, ουκ εϋζωνος. Unpunished, ανεκδίκητος, ατιμώρη- το ς. Unquiet, άστατος, ανήσυχος. to Unravel, απορράπτω, καταλύω, ποιέω καταφανές or φάνερον, εκδη- λόω, σαφηνίζω. Unreasonable, άλογος, αλόγιστος. Unreasonableness, αλογία, αλογισ- τία. Unruly, Ό τετολμημένος. to Unseal, ανασφραγίζω, λύω ΟΓ λύο- μαι επιστολήν. Unseasonable, άκαιρος, παράκαιρος, άωρος, άτοπος, φορτικός. Unseasonableness, δυσκρασία, αω• ρία, ανωρία, ακαιρία. Unshaven, άκαρτος, ακερσεκδμης. Unsociable, ακοινώνητος. Unsteadiness, αστασία, ακαταστα- σία. Unsteady, αβέβαιος, ευμετάβολος, άστατος. Untainted, αμίαντος, αμόλυντος. Untaught, αμαθής, απαίδευτος, αγ ράμματος, όμουσος. to Unteach, μεταδιδάσκω. Unteachable, αμαθής, δυσμαθής. Until, 'έως, 'έως αν, 'έως ου, μέχρι, μέχρι οΖ, μέχρι του. μέχρι τούτου, μέχρις αν, μέχρις ου, άχρι, άχρις άν. 1 αττ Unfilled, αγεωργητος. cut off Untimely, πρό ώρας avap- πασθείς. Untitled, ανεπίγραφος. Untouched, άθικτο;, άψαυστος, αμί- αντος, αμόλυντος. Untractable, δυσήνιος. Untried, άπειρος, απείρατος' άκριτος, ακατάκριτος. Unusual, αηθής, ατριβής, αχρείος. Unusually, αηθώς, αχρεΊον, αχρείως. Unutterable, απόρρητος. Unvisited, απροσηγόρητος. Unwarlike, απόλεμος, απειροπόλε- μος. Unwashed, άλουτος, άνιπτος. Unwearied, ακάματος. Unwilling", άκων, ουχ εκών, ακούσιος. Unwillingly, ακουσίως, απροαιρέτως, δυσχερώς. to Unyoke, αποζεύγνυμι. Up and down, άνω και κάτω. to Upbjraid, ονειδίζω, εξονειδίζω. an Upbraiding, ονείδισις, εξονειδισ- μός. Upon, επί, εν, υπέρ, κατά• νπερθεν. the Upper, b άνω or άνωθεν. to Urge, ενίστημι, εγκείμαι. See Hasten. Urgency, ίνστασις. Urgent, επείγων. Urgently, ενστατικώς. the Urinary passage, ονρητήρ. Urine, ovpov, ούρημα. a suppression of Urine, στραγγου- ρία, δυσουρία. Usage, χρήσις. to claim by Usage, χρήσει ιδιοποιέο- μαι, λαμβάνω, χράομαι. right frorn Usage, ιδιοποίησις. Use, χρήσις, χρεία' έθος. the beneficial Use, εκκάρπωσις. out of Use, παλαιονμενος, απηρχαιω- μένος. to go out of Use, παλαιόομαι, απαρ- χαιόομαι. to Use, χράομαι. Useful, λυσιτελής, ωφελής, ωφέλιμος, χρήσιμος,εύχρηστος, ονήσιμος, σύμ- φορος. very Useful, πάγχρηστος, μεγαλω- φελής. to be Useful, ωφελέω. σνμφέρω. Usefully, ευ, χρήστως, συμφερόντως. Usefulness ,ωφέλεια, ευχρηστία,χρησ- τότης, όφελος, λυσιτέλεια, εκκάρπω- σις. Useless, άχρηστος, ανωφελής, αχρεως. an Usher, υποδιδάσκαλος. Using, χρησόμενος, χρησάμενος. Usual, ειω&ώς, ειθισμένος, πάνδημος, εορτάσιμος. as Usual, ως έχει. to be Usual, έθω, εθίζομαι, έθος έχω or ειμί. Η is Usual, νομίζεται, φιλέΐ, είωθε. Usually, νομικώς, εξ έθους, ειθισμέ- νως. an Usurer, δανειστής, τοκιστής. Usury, χρήσις• τόκος, δανεισμός, δά- νεισμα, δάνειον. on Usury, επι or εν τόκω. to practise Usury, δανείζω. an Utensil, σκεύος, τα χρειώδη, τα έπιπλα. Ιο Utter, εξαγορεύω, προφέρω, προ- φάσκω, εκώαίνω. VEI Uttered, ρητός. Utterly, άρδην, παντελώς, εις έδαφος, εκ θεμελίων, εκ βάθρων. Uxorious, γυναικίας, φιλογϋναιος, γυναικοφίλης. V. to Vacate an office, απέπω την αρ- χήν. a Vagabond, πλανός' πλανήτης, πλά- νης. Vain, ματαως, φρούδος, κενός' αλα- ζών, αυχήεις. in Vain, άπρακτος, αγένητος' adv. μάτην, ματαίως, εική, φρούδη, ατέ- λεστα, εις κενόν. it is in Vain, μάτην εστί. to labour in Vain, ματαιοπονέω. Vainly, μάτην, φρούδη, ματαίως, κε- νώς' αλαζονικώς. to talk \ 7 ainly, κενολογέω. a Valley, σννάγκεια, αγκός, αυλών, φάραγξ. Value, τιμή, τίμημα. of great or greater Value, άξιος πολλού or πλείονος. of no Value, ουδενός άξιος. to be of more Value, προτιμάομαι. to Value, τιμάω, εν τιμή άγω, αποτι- μάω, δοκιμάζω' αναλογίζομαι, ακρι- βολέομαι, μετρέω. to Value highly, τιμάω πλείστου, θαυμάζω, περί πλείστου or περί πολλού ποιέομαι. to Value lightly, περί ολίγου ποιέο- μαι. to Value more, τιμάομαι πλείο- νος. Valuable, έντιμος, πολύτιμος, άξιος. a Valuation, τίμησις, τίμημα, αξία. a Valuer, τιμητής, κριτής, αποτιμη- τής, δοκιμαστής. to Vanish, αφανίζομαι, εζουθενίζομαι, διαλύομαι. Vanity, ματαιότης, ματαιοσύνη, κενό- της' αλαζονεία, ψευδός. to Vanquish, εκνικάω, επικρατέω. Vapour, ατμϊς, αναθυμίασις. to Variegate, ποικίλλω. Variegated, ποικίλος, adv. πεποικιλ- μένως. See Various. Variegation, ποικιλία, ποίκιλσις, ποι- κιλμός. Various, ποικίλος, πολυχρόος, παντό- δα~ος, αίολος. a Vault, καμάρα. to Vault, καμαρόω. Vaulted, καμαρωτός. a Vegetable, βοτάνη, λάχανον, καυ- λός, dim. καυλίον, καυλίσκος. Vegetable, βοτανώδης. living on Vegetables, ποηφάγος. a Veil, κάλυμμα, παραπέτασμα, προ- κάλνμμα' σκέπασμα, περιπέτασμα. to Veil, σκεπάζω, καλύπτω, επικα- λύπτω. Veiled, κεκαλυμμένος. a Vein, φλεψ, dim. φλέβιον. a Vein of silver, η φλεψ αργυρ~ιτις• of gold, φλίψ χρυσού. Veined, φλεβώδης. . to Wash down, καταπίνω, κλύζω. to Wash or flow past, επικλύζω. to Wash out, off or from, κλύζω, εκ- κλύζω, αποκλύζω, διακλύζω., κα- τακλύζω , βρέχω ,απολούω ,εκπλύνι*, εκνίπτω, εκνίπτομαι, απονίπτω. a Washball, σμήγμα. a Washing, έκνιψις, απόνιμμα. a Wasp, σφήζ, σφηκίον, ανθρήνη. a Waste, ερημιά. Waste, πρόχυσις' ερήμωοις, πόρθησις. Waste, adj. έρημος' ανάστατος, ερη- μωθείς, λυμανθείς. to lay Waste, ε^ημδω,εκπορθέω, κα ταπορθέω, διαπέρθω, λυμαίνομαι* to Waste, καταναλίσκω. See Squan- der. to Waste away, εκτήκω, συντήκο- μαι, μαραίνω, λεπτύνω ,λεπτύνομαι. to Waste time, διατρίβω εν — , χρό- νο τρίβω. Wasted, ανάστατος,ερημωθεις,λυμανι* WEA 6ί/ς• εκταθεϊς, λεπτυνόμενος, ενα- ποβραχείς. Wastefuliy, εκκεχυμένως, κατακεχυ- μένως. a Watch, φρουρά, φυλακή της πόλεως, νυκτερινή φρουρά, προκοιτία, νυκ• τοφυλάκησις' αϋπνία, αγρυπνία. to Watch or keep Watch, κατασ- κοπία, φυλάττομαι, προκοιτέω, φρουρέω, επαγρυπνεί, ννκτοφυλα• κέω. to Watch all round, περιπολέω, πε- ρίειμι, περιοδεύω to Wat atch or lie awake, αγρυπνίω, γρηγορέω, επιγρηγορέω. to Watch one's self, αγρυπνίω τ# εαυτού φυλακή. to Watch over, επαγρυπνίω. must be Watched, γρηγορητέος. Watchful, εγρήγορος, άγρυπνος, άγ- ρυπνων. Watchfully, εγρηγορότως, επιμελώς. more Watchfully, γρηγορωτέρον. Watchfulness, αγρυπνία, εγρήγορ- σις, φυλακή. Watching, άϋπνος, άγρυπνος. for Watching, κατασκοπικός. a Watching all round, περιπόλησις, παρατήρησις. a Watchman, φρουρός, φυλάξ, κατάσ- κοπος, διοπτήρ. a Watch-tower, σκοπή, σκοπιά. a Watch word, σύνθημα. Water, ΐάδωρ, ΰδος poet. holy Water, καθάρσιον ύδωρ. running Water, νάμα, ρεΊθρον. to Water, ποτίζω' υδραίνω, άρδω, αρδεύω, βρέχω, διαίνω, δεύω. to make Water, ουρέω, κατονρέω, επουρεύω. to want to make Water, ονρητιάω. a Water carrier, υδροφόρος. a Water course, οχέτενσις, παραγω- γή. Watered, κατάρρυτος. a Watering, ποτισμός' υδρενσις, αρ• δεία, άρδευσις, δεΰμα. Watery, ΰδατώδης, υδατικός, ένυδρος. a Wave, κυμαΛευμα. ' Wa WEE to be Weak, ασθενέω, αδρανίω. to grow Weak, εξασθενέω. ΙοΜβ&ίβιι,εκνευρίζω,εκθηλύνω,ασθε-. νόω, εξασθενίζω ,λυμαίνω, διαφθείρω. Weaker, δ την ισχνν 'ήττων. Weakly, αδυνατϊ, ακρατώς, ισχνώς, λεπτώς, αμνδρώς. Weakness, ασθένεια, ασθένημα, αρ- ρώστια, ακράτεια, αδυναμία. Weakness of voice or speech, ισχνοφωνία, λεπτοφωνία, η προς τό λαλέΐν ακρασία. Wealth, πλούτος, ευπορία, κειμήλια, χρήματα. to abound in Wealth, περιουσιάζω, περισσεύω, πλεονάζω. Wealthy, πλούσιος, εύπορος, πολυ- χρήματος,πολύολβος,υπερπλούσιος, παμπλοίσιος, ερικτήμων. to Wean, απογαλακτίζω. a Weapon, βέλος, 'όπλον, έντεα,τόξευ- μα, ακόντων. out of the reach of Weapons, έξω βέλους. to Wear, τρίβω, τρύχω, ψώχω• as clothes, ενδύω, επενδύω, περιβάλ- λω, αμπέχω, αμφιέννυμι. to Wear away or out, α-οτρίβω, κατατρίβω, προτρίβω, παρατρίβω, συντρίβω and -βομαι. to Wear away time, διατρίβω, χρο νοτρίβω. to Wear out with labour, τρυχόω. Wearied, απειρηκώς, κατάπονος. Weariness, κόπος, κάματος, ακηδία άχθος, καταπόνησις• κόρος. Weary, κατάπονος, κατάκοπος, κα μών, κεκμηκώς, κοπωθείς. We the rolling of Waves, κ'υμανσις, κυ- )ος, ρά ματωσις. the dashing of Waves, θαγος. Wavy, κυματώδης, κυματοειδής, adv κυματοειδώς. Wax, κηρός. a Wax candle, κηρός. a worker in Wax, κηροπλαστής, κηρουργός. to Wax, κηρόω, κατακηρόω Waxed, κηρωθέις, κηρωτός. Waxen, κήρινος. Waxwork or a Waxing, κήρωμα, κήρωσις. a Way, 'οδός, λεωφόρος, πορεία' τρό- πος, έθος. by the Way, παρέργω ς, εν παρόδω, εν παραδρομή. in this Way, τούτον τρόπον, εκεινώς. one Way or other, εις τίνα τρόπον. that Way, εκεί, εκεΊσε-, εκείθεν. this Way, διά τούδε του τρόπου, προς τόνδε τον τρόπον' ταύτη, τ$δε. which Way 1 η ; οπη ; πή ; We, ημεΐς, νώϊ νω. Weak, ασθενής, άρρωστος, ακρατής, βληχρδς, αδύνατος. eary of, εξαπορού μένος. to be Weary of, άχθομαι, βαρύνο- μαι, εξαπορέω. to Weary, κοπόω, καταπονέω, κατα- τρύχω. to grow Weary, εκκάμνω, αποκάμ- νω,χοπόομαι. a Weasel, γαλή, ικτίς. to Weave, υφαίνω. to Weave in or into, ενυ φαίνω, κα- θυφαίνω, εμπλέκω, προστίθημι. to Weave throughout, διϋφαίνω, προϋφαίνω, κατεργάζομαι. a Weaver, υφαντής, υφαντρία, ιμα- τουργος, πλοκεύς. a Weaver's shop, ιστανργεων. Weaving, ΰφανσις, 'ύφασμα, συμ- πλοκή. a Web of cloth,' ιστός, ύφασμα. to warp a Web, ιστουργέω, ϊστον 'ίσταμαι. a spider's Web. αράχνη, αραχνών. a Wedding, γάμος. a Wedding song, επιθαλάμων. to keep a Wedding, γαμοτελέω. a Wedge, σφήν, γόμφος, dim. σφηνίσ- κος. to Wedge, σφηνόω, γομφόω. Wedged, σφηνοειδής, γομφοειδής. W edgeways, σφηνοειδώς. Wedlock, γάμος, συζυγία. to Weed, εκβοτανίζω. a Weeder, βοτανιστής. a Weeding, βοτανισμός. Weedy, φυκώδης. a Week, εβδομάς. to Weep, δακρύ.ω, δακρυχέω, κλαίω. to Weep over, καταδακρύω, κατολο- φύρομαι. (71) WHE to Weep with, παραδακρύα the Weft or woof, κροκή. to Weigh, σταθμάομαι, σταθμίζω, ταλαντάω -τεύω or -τίζω, Ίστημι, ζυγοστατέω. to Weigh anchor, απαίρω. a Weigher, σταθμουχος. Weight, βάρος, άχθος, όγκος, 'όλκη. the Weight of a distaff, σπονδύ- λων. Weighty, βαρύς, νπερβριθής. to Weld, συνάπτω. a Well, φρέαρ, βόθρος, βόθυνος.^ Well, εΰ, κάλως, ορθώς, ευδοκίμως, χαριέντως. Well done, εύγε, εύγε της αρετής. to be Well spoken of, εν ακούω.. a Welt, τύλος, μώλωψ, πελίωμα, κιρ- σός. a Wen, χοιράς, κραυρά. to be afflicted with a Wen, κραυράω. afflicted with a Wen, χοιραδώδης. the West, 'έσπερος, δύσις. the West wind, ζέφυρος. Western, ζεφύρως, εσπερινός, δυτικός. Wet, υγρός, δίνγρος, κάθυγρος, διά- βρνχος, νότιος. to Wet, υγραίνω, διϋγραίνω, βρέχω, νοτίζω, ικμάζω. to be very Wet, εμβρέχομαι. to grow Wet, διαίνομαι, βρέχομαι, νοτίζομαι. Wetness, υγρασία, ικμασία, νοτία, νοτις, υγρότης. a Wether, κριός εκτετμημένος. a Whale, φάλαινα, κήτος. of or like a Whale, κητώδης, κη- τώος. What, 'ό, τι. See who. τίποτε; Tit for What or wluj ? τί ; What is this ? τί τούτο ; What manner, ο'ίως, ο'ίως περ, οϊόν περ. What need of many words ? αλλά τί δεϊ πολλά λέγειν ; What sort? οως,ΒπυΊος, ποίος, ποΐός τις ; in What way Ί ον τρόπον ; τίνα τρό- πον ; What you will, εις 'όσον άν θέλτις. Whatever, Βποσονν. See Whoever. Whatever way, οποιωσονν. Whatsoever, bπoιόσδη, οποιόσπερ. Wheat, πυρός, όλυρα, σίλιγνις. Wheat harvest, πυροτομία. Wheaten, πύρινος, σιλιγνίτις, σεμίδα= λις, σεμιδαλίτης. a Wheel, τροχός, κύκλος, dim. τρο•> χιλων- to Wl• a V heel, γυρόω, κυκλόω, κατατρο- νλαξ, dim, iVhelp, σκύμνος, κυνίδιον, σκνλάκων. When, οτε, 'όταν, οπότε, οπόταν. When ? πότε; εν οΤς χρόνοις ; and When, ή ποτέ. Whenever, οποτωυν, οπότε γονν. Whence, οπόθεν, εξ ον. Whence but — , πόθεν αλλόθεν ή — . from Whence soever, bπόθεv άν. Where, που, 'όπου, ένθα. any Where, πον. every Where, ένθα και ένθα, καθ' άπαν, πανταχού, πανταχού γης, πανταχόθεν, εν κύκλω. if any Where, είπον, είπατε, e,avz6r§ t είποθεν, WHY no Where, ουδαμού Whereas, επειδή. Wherever, '6πη άν, 8πη ουν, 'όπου άν, δπου πότε, 'όπου άν βούλη, είπου, εί- ποτρ, εάνποτε, ένθα άν, πανταχή, πανταχού. from Wherever, οπόθεν άν. Wherefore, άρ 1 ουν, τοίγαρ, τοιγαρ- ούν, διότι, δι' 'ό, δια τούτο ουν, δια ταύτα, δια τι, ανθ' ων, ανθ' οτο εξ ων, καθ' 6, παρ' 'ό, παρά τούτο, καίτί. Whether? άρα; άραγε; άρα μή ; πότερον ; πότερον ή μή ; εί ; είτε ; είτι ουκούν ; μή ουν τί ; ή ουκ — ; . άλλα, αλλ' ου, αλλ' ουχί, άρα μή, αρ* ουν, μήποτε. a Whetstone, ακόνη. Whey, ορρός. Which, see Who. Which? πότερος; οπότεοος ; πότε- ρος γάρ ; Whichever, 'όσος άν. a While, ημερίδων. worth While, άξιος ενθνμηθήναι, δ του έργου μίσθος. Whilst, μεταξύ. to Whine, κνυζάω and -ζέω, προσ- κνύζομαι, υλακτέω. a Whining, κνυζηθμός, κνύζημα. a Whirl or Whirling, ρόμβος. to Whirl, δινέω, δινόω, δινεύω, γυ- ρόω, κυκλόω, κνκλάζω, συστρέφω, κατειλέω, περιάγω. Whirling, δινητός, εύστροφος. a Whirlwind, λαίλαψ. a Whisper, ψιθυρισμός. to Whisper, ψιθυρίζω. a Whisperer, ψίθυρος, ψιθυριστής. White, λευκοί, αργός , αλφός, λευκαν θείς, φαλός, ώαληρός. the White of the eye, τ© λευκοί/ του οφθαλμού, αλφός, λογάς, αφενδονή the White of an egg, λεύκωμα or το λευκόν του ωού. to grow or be White, λευκαίνομαι λευκός ειμί, λενκέομαι. to Whiten or Whitewash, λευκαί νω, απολευκαίνω, λευκόω, κονιάω, ψιμμυθιάω. Whitened or Whitewashed, λε- λευκωμένος, κεκονιαμένος, ψιμμυ- θιωθείς. Whiteness, λευκότης, το λευκόν, λεύ- κωμα, αλφός. a Whitening or Whitewashing, κονίασις. Whitewash, κονίαμα. Whitish, υπόλευκος. W hither ? ποΐ; ή ; οπη ; iqf . Who, ος, 'όστις, όσπερ. Who? ποΧος ; τίς; Whoever, δποΤοί, 'όστις, 'όστις ουν, πάς 'όστις, 'όστις άν, οστισουν, είτις εάν, 'έκαστος, δ τυχών, πάς, άπας ος. Whole, όλος, ολοτελής, πάς, άπας. on the Whole, το μεγιστόν, τό σύμ- παν, όλως. Wholly, πάντως, πάνυγε, τό πάν, πρόπαν, δι' όλου. he is Wholly in them, πάς εστί εν . τοΊς. Why? τί; δια τί ; τίνος 'ένεκα; τί- ποτε ; Why not ? γάρ ου ; τι μή ; πως <5' ου ; πως WIN a Wick, ελλύχνιον, θρυαλλίς. Wicked, κακός, φαύλος, πονηρός, κά κουργος,πάνουργος,ραδίουργος, άδι- κος, άνομος, παράνομος, πλημμελής ανόσιος, αδόκιμος, μιαρός, αλεεινός, αλιτηρός, αλιτρος, εξάγιστος -f κατά- ρατος. to be Wicked, εργάζομαι or πράττω ασέβημα, φαυλον τι πράττω. Wickedly, κακώς, πονηρώς, παρανό- μως, αδίκως, ανοσίως, δυσνο'ίκώς, αναίδην. to act Wickedly, αγνωμονέω εις — or περί — , ανομέω. Wickedness, κακία, κακόν, κακό- της, φαυλότης, αχρειότης, αδικία, ανομία, παρανομία, πονηρία,ραδιουρ- γία, κακουργία, αγνωμοσύνη, ασέλ- γεια, βλαβή, αμάρτημα, αδίκημα, ασέβημα, πανούργημα. Wide, πλατύς, ευρύς, ευρύχωρος. Widely, πλατέως, ευρέως. to Widen, πλατύνω. a Widow, χήρα, εύνις. to Widow, χηρόω, αποστερέω. Widowed, χήρος. Widowhood, χηρεία, χήρευσις. a Wife, γυνή, άκοιτις, άλοχος,γαμέ- τις, γαμετή, όαρ. of or like a Wife, γυναικείος. to divorce a Wife, αποπέμπω γυ- ναίκα. to take a Wife, γαμέω, λαμβάνω or γαμέω γυναίκα. to submit to a Wife, γνναικοκρα- τεΰομαι. submissive to a Wife, γυναικίας a Wig, τρίχωμα. Wild, θήρειος, θηριώδης, αδάμαστος, άδμητος. a Wilderness, έρημος, ερημιά. Wildness, αγριότης, θηριωδία. the Will, βουλή, βούλημα, θέλημα. a Will, διαθήκη, διάθεσις. to make a Will, διαθήκην ποιέομαι. to set aside a Will, αφανίζω διαθή- κην. without a Will, αδιάθετος, adv. αδια- θέτως. a forger of Wills, διαθηκογράφος. Willing, εκών, εκούσιος, αυτόματος, εθελοντής, βουλόμενος, άσμενος, ηδόμενος. Willingly, ίκοντι, εκουσίως, ασμένως, εκ προαιρέσεως, εκ προνοίας. See Self.^ Wind, άνεμος, πνεύμα, ψύχος, αήτης. a fair Wind, επίφορος άνεμος. the north Wind, βορεάς, βορράς. to Wind up, ενειλέω, στρομβόω, συν- αλίζω, συναλίττώ. to Wind through, κάμπτω. a Winding or rolling up, στρόμβω- σις, ενείλημα. a Window, θυρίς. with Windows, θυρίδωτος. Windy, ανεμώδης, ανεμόεις. Wine, οΐνος, dim. οινάριον. Wine and water, οίνος υδαρής. a Wine bibber, οινοπότης, οινώδης, φίλοινος. a Wine cellar, οινών. a Wine merchant, οινοπώλης. dead Wine, εκτροπίας or εξεστηκώς οΐνος, εκτροπία. τμήχω. WIT new Wine, νέος οίνος, γλεύκος . of or like Wine, οινηρός. to drink Wine, οινοποτέω. to serve Wine, οινοχέω, οινοχεύω. a Wing, πτερον, πτερίον, πτέρυξ, πτε ρύγιον' θύσανος. to Wing with speed, πτερόω, αναπ τερόω. Winged, πτερωτός, πτερωτής, πτε• ρόεις, πτεροφορός, πτηνός, πετει- νός. to Wink, μύω, καμμύω, καταμύω, εποφθαλμιάω ΟΓ -μέω, σκαρδαμύσ- σω or -ττω, επισκαρδαμύασω or -ττω, δενδίλλω. a Winking, επίμυσις. to Winnow, λικμάω, λικμίζω, εκ- λ^κμάω, εξανεμίζω. a WSnnower, λικμητής. a Winnowing, ρΊπισμός. a Winnowing fan, πτύον, λικμητή- ριον. Winter, χεΐμα, χειμών, χειμερινή τροπή. the Winter season, χειμερινή ώρα. Winter quarters, χειμάδιον χωρίον, χειμάδιος τόπος, χειμαδίη. to go into Winter quarters, εις χειμαδίην φοιτάω. to pass the Winter, χειμερίζω, χει μάζω, διαχειμάζω. a Wintering, χειμασία, παραχειμα- σία. Wintry, χειμερινός, χειμέριος. Winy, οινηρός. to Wipe, σμάω or σμέω, μάσσω or μάττω, ρύπτω. to Wipe oft" or out, αποσαάω, απο• σμήχω, αποψάω, αποτρίβω, απο- μοργνύω or -νυμι, απομάττω or -μάττομαι, εκκαθαίρω. to Wipe the nose, απομύττω. Wisdom, σοφία, το σοφόν, ευφροσύνη, ευβουλία, φρόνησις. Wise, σοφός, έμφρων, φρόνιμος, έν- νοος, νουνεχής, νουν έχων. to be Wise, σοφός ειμί, φρονέω, εν φρονέω. Wisely, σοφώς, φρονίμως. a Wish, ευχή, εύγμα, ευχωλή, poet επιθυμία, έλδωρ, εέλδωρ poet. I Wish that you, she, they, &c. ωφέλον. See Ought. to Wish, βούλομαι, θέλω, εθέλω. Wit, ευτραπελεία, καλλιέπεια, α\μυ λία, κομψότης, αστεισμός, τα γε- λοΊα, τά κομψά. to Wit, see Namely. a Witch, φαρμακευτρία, φαρμακίς, μάγος, of or like a Witch, φαρμακώδης. Witchcraft, φαρμάκευσις, γοητεία, μαγεία. With, ξυν, συν Att. μετά, παρά, spas. to Withdraw, αφίσταμαι, αναχω- ρέω,αποχωρέω,απαλλάττομαι,απο- λύομαι, απέρχομαι, άπειμι, μεθίσ- τημι από — ' επισύρω, αφαιρέω, αφελκύω. a Withdrawing, αφαίρεσις. Withdrawn, αφαιρεθείς. to Wither, μαραίνομαι, καταμαραί νομαι. Within, εντός, ένδο .., έσω, έσωθεν. mulled Wine, σίραιον, εψημα, εψη- Without, έξω, έκτος, εις τά έξω' τόν. ανεν, γωρ'ί; δίχα. woo WOR WRI Without the reach of darts, έξω βελών. from Without, έξωθεν, θύραθεν. a WitnOSS, μάρτνρ, μάρτυρος. to bear Witness, μαρτυρίω, μαρτυ- ρομαι. to bring or. produce Witness, μάρ- τυρα παρέχομαι ΟΓ ηαρίστημι. to call to Witness, επιμαρτίφο- μαι. to suborn a Witness, παρασκευάζω μάρτυρα- to summon a Witness, επάγομαι or Ιαλλομαι μάρτυρα. Wittily, στωμίλως, χαριέντως, κομ- ψΰς• «υτρ&πελος, καλλιεπής, στω- μϋλσς, φιλοσκώπτης. κομψός, γλα- ^υρυς, χαρίεις, α'ιμύλυς. Vizard, φαρμακεϋς, γοητή;, μά- γος, γοητικό;. \\ Οβ, ταλαιπωρία, δεινόν. Woe is aie ' φευ, φευ των κακών, ο'ι- μθ(, OTOTol 01* ΟΤΤΟΤΟΪ. a Wolf. λ'νκος, fem. λνκαινα, λυκ'ις. oi'or like a Wolf, λυκεϊος. a Wolfs skin, λυκείον, λυκίη. Wolfsbane, ακόνιτον. a Woman, γυνή, θήλεια, θήλυ. an old Woman, γραϋς, γραία, dim. γραιδιον, πρεσβητίς. of or about an old Woman, γραι- κός, γραώδης. like an old Woman, γραϊκως. Woniaai.il), γυναικείος, γυναικώδης., θ?ιλυκός. θηλυδρίας. Womanishly, γυναικείας. fond of Women, φιλογ'υναιος, γυναι- κοφίλης. γνναικομανής. love of Women, φιλογυνεία. the Womb, μήτρα, υστέμ» ς*λ- φύς. Wonder, θαύμα, θαυμασμός, θάμ- βος, θαυματοποιία. a Wonder, θαύμα, μεγαλοίψγημα. it were a Wonder if — , θαυμάζειν άξιον ει — . no Wonder if — , ουδέν θαυμαστόν ει — . to Wonder, θαυμάζω, εκπλήττομαι, άγαμαι. to Wonder at, υπερθαυμάζω, υπερά- γαμαι' θαυμάζω τίνα επί σοφία or της σοφίας. Wonderful ! φευ ! Wonderful, θαυμάσιος, ευδόκιμος, αγαστός' θαυμαστός, θαυμαστίος, θαυμαστικός, θαυματοποιός, παρά- δοξος, παράλογος. Wonderful how much — , θαυμασ- τοί' όσον. Wonderfully, θαυμασίως, θαυμασ τώς, εκπλαγώ•;, αγαμένως. to Woo, μιηστενω. Wooing. μν>Ίστεια. Wood, ξύλον. κάλον, ΰλη. a Wood. ύλη. άλσος, βήσσα, λόχμη, δρυμός, νέμος, τέμενος. a copsed Wood, 'υλοτομία. to grow into a Wood, ΰλομανέω, ξνλομανέω. to cut Wood, ξυλε'υομαι, ξυλίζομαι. a Woodcock, ασκαλώπας. Wooden, ξυλικός, ξύλινος. a Wooden bridge, γέφυρα ξύλινη. Woodland, υλόεις, ορεινός, ΰλώδης, δαυμώδης. 10 a Woodman, ξυλεύς, ξυλοκδπος. a Woodpecker, δρυοκολάπτης. a Woodranger, δρυμοφίλαξ, αλσοκό- μος.^ Woody, υλώδης, αλσώδης. the Woof, κροκή. Wool, έριον. working in Wool, εριουργός, ταλα- σιυυργός. Woollen, έρειος, ερεους. Woollen manufacture, εριουργία, ταλασιουργία. Woolly, εριοφόρος, μαλλοφόρος. a Word, λόγος, λέξις, όνομα, ρήμα, έτος. dim. λεξίδιον. Word by word, αυτολεξεϊ, κατά λε- ξίν. Wordiness, πολυλογία, πολυμυθία. circuit of Words, περ.φρ <σις. to use many Words-, περιφράζομαι. what need of many Words'/ άλ- λα τί υεϊ πολλά λέγειν ; Wordy, πολύλογος, πολύμυθος. Work, έργον, εργασία. a little Work, ποιημάτων. to lose one's Work, διατριβήν ποιίο- μαι. to set about Work, επιχειρέω έργον. to take Work, εργολαβέω. to Work, εργάζομαι, κατεργάζομαι. ' αυτουργέω,δημιουργέω, ξυλουργέω , τεκυάω and -νάυμχι. ίο Work at, εξεργάζομαι, πονέα, δια- πονέω, φιλο-ονέω. to Work (or one, διακονέω. to Work out, κατεργάζομαι. a Workbaskel, καλαθίσκος, σπυ- ρίς. a Workhouse, εργαστήριον, δεσμω- τήριον. a Workhouse prisoner, ανίράποδον. the master of a Workhouse, ερ- γαστηριάρχης. a Workman, εργάτης, εργαστήρ, κα- τασκευαστής, δημιουργός, τεχνίτης, τεκτών. βάναυσος. Workmanlike, εργαστικός, εργατι- κός. Workmanship, δημιουργία, κτίσις, μηχανή, χειροίργημα, κατασκευή. a Workshop, εργαστήριον. the World, κόσμος. a description of the World, κοσ- μογραφία. Worldly, κοσμικός. a Worm, σκώληξ, dim. σκωλήκειον. a Worm in the boioeh, ελμινς, ασ- καρίς. a book Worm, σης, βρώσις. a canker Worm, κάμπη. an eating Worm, τερηδών, δήξ. θρίχρ. to breed Worms, σκωληκόομαι. a breeding of Worms, σκωληκίασις. an eating by Worms, σκωληφαγία. full of Worms, σκωληκώΰης, σκω- ληκωθείς. to be infested with Worms, σκω- ληκιάω. Wormwood, αψίνθων, σεριφον, σερί- φων. \\ οτα , ε'ιμίνος• τετριμμένος, στειβό- μένος. Worn out, παρατριβεΧς, ανάτριπτος. παρατεθριμμίνος, δαϊχθείς. Worn out wiUi age, υπέρακμος.. μαλακός. (73) Worn out with labour, τετρυχω- μένος. Worse. χ?ίρων. κακ'ιων, ησσων or 'ήτ των. αχρηστότερο^. Worship, προσκύιησις, σέβας, σέβα* αις, σεβασμός, λατρεία. to Worship, σέβομαι, σεβάζω, λα- τρεύω, τιμάω, προσαιδέομαι. a Worshipper, σεβαστής, λατρευτής, θεραπευτής. Worst, κάκιστος, χείριστος, πονηρό- τατος' odv. κάκιστα. Worth, αξίωσις, αξιότης, αξία, τό πρέπον, τιμιάτης' τιμή, ωνος, εκτί- μησις. Worth, άξιος, επάξιος, δίκαιος ivith an inf. δυνάμενος. to be Worth a talent, ισχ'υω τάλαν τον. Worthily, αξίως, κατ αξίαν. Worthless, ουτιδανός, ουδενός άξιος, φαύλος, άχρηστος, αχρείος, άτιμος, εκτός τιμής, ευτελής. to be Worthless, φαυλίζομαι, ευτελί- ζομαι. AVorthlessly, ευωνως. Worthlessness, φαυλότης, ευωνία, ευ τελεία. Worthy, άξιος, δοκιμαστέος, αρεσ- τός. Would that — , or Would to God that you, she, it, they, &c. ώφε- λον. See Ought. a Wound, τραύμα, πληγή, κατάτρω- σις. to bind up a Wound, τραυαα επιδέω. a fresh Wound, τραύμα νέον. good for a Wound, τραυματικός. an old Wound, τραΐ'μα χρόνιον. to Wound, τρώω, τιτρώσκω, εισφέρω τήν πληγήν, κατατραυματίζω. Wounded) τρωθείς, τραυματίας. not Wounded, άτρωτος. Wounding, τρωτικός. a Wounding, τρώσις, τραύμα. Woven, υφαντός, πληκτός. well Woven, ενπλοκος. to Wrangle, ερίζω, αμφισβητία a Wrangler, εριστής, φιλόνεικος to Wrap up, περιελίττω, περικαλύπ- τω, περιειλέω. εγκνλίζω. a Wreath, στέφανος, στεφάνων. a Wreck, ναυάγια. to Wreck, ναναγέω. to Wrestle, παλαίω, συ μπαλαίω, συν- αγωνίζομαι. a Wrestler, αγωνιστής .αθλητής, ξνσ τικός. Wrestling, παλή, πάλαισμα, άθ- λος. a Wrestling court, ξύστος, παραδρο μις, παλαίστρα. Wretched, άθλιος, οϊζυρός, ταλαίπω- ρος, δύστηνος, δυστυχής. very Wretched, αθλιώτατος, οίκτισ- τος, ταλαιπωρότατος, τλημονέστα- τος. Wretchedly, αθλ'ιως, ταλαιπώρως, δυστυχώς. Wretchedness, αθλιότης, ταλαιπω- ρία. a Wrinkle, ρυτίς. to Wrinkle, ρυτιδόω. Wrinkled, ρυτώδης. the Wrist, καρπός. to Write, γράφω, λυγογραφίω, γιχέ φω προς — . YEA YOU ZON to Write beforehand προγράφω. to Write out, αναγράψω, απογράψω, διαγράψω. to Write underneath, υπογράψω, υποση μαίνομαι, υποσημειόω, κατα- σημαίνυμαι, συγκατατίθημι. to Write upon, επιγράψω. a Writer, συγγραφεύς, γραμματεύς. γραμμαΤΊστής. a Writing, γραφή, συγγραφή, σύγ- γραμμα. a Writing upon, επιγραφή, επίγραμ- μα. of or for Writing, γραφικός. to Writhe, αναστρέψω, τρέπω. Writhed, ανεστραμμένος. a Wrong, αδικία, ΰβοις, λώβη. Wrong, καταχρηστικός, άχρηστος. to Wrong, αδικέω, υβρίζω, αγνωμο- νέω. Wrongful, άδικος, υβριστικός. Wrongfully, αδίκως, υβριστικώς, αλογώς, αναζίως. Wrongly, καταχρηστικώς, κακώς, πονηρως. highly Wrought, εζησκημένος, εκ- πονηθείς. Υ. laeht, κέλης. a Yard, έπαυλις. to Yawn, χαίνω, αναχαίνω, χασμάο- ααι. Yawning wide, αχανής. a Yawniug, χάσμη. Ye, υμείς, σψωί σψώ. a Year, έτος, ενιαντός. ihe Year is past, εξήλθεν b ενιαν- νός. last Year, πέρυσι. next Year, εις νέωτα. of this Year, αυτυετής. Yearly, ετέσιος, εναίσιος, επέτειος, καθ' εκαστον ενιαυτόν, κατ' έτος. five Years 7 time, πενταετία, πενταε- τηρίς. . • three Years' time, τριετία, τριετής χρόνος. of three Years, τριετής. of two Years, διετής, δίενος. two Years' time, διετίς, διετία. Yellow, ωχρός, χλωρός, κροκώδης. to Yelp al, επικνυζάυμα{'- περιλαλέω. Yes, ναϊ, νή Αία, μάλλον δέ', αλλάτε, και μένουν. Yesterday; χθες, εχθές,' τγ παρελ- θοίση, Ty -χθϊς ημέρα. Yesterday evening, χθες, εσπέρας. ere Yesterday, προχθές, χθες και πρώην. Yesterday's, χθιζός, ε•χθεσινός, 'έω- λος. Yet, όμως, αλλ' 'όμως, αλλά καΐ ως, μέντοι, καϊ μην. Yet however, άλλα γαρ υμως, ποτε- ρόν, άρα, αλλά τοι, γέτοι. Yet nevertheless, όμως, αλλ' 'όμως, μέντοι. as Yet, έτι. έτι και νυν. but Yet, αλλ' ηδή, μέντοι άρα, κα"ι, καϊ δή. a Yew-tree, σμίλαξ. to Yield, παραχωρεω . υποχωοέω, εί- κω, υψίεμαι,ανιιχάζω, επιτρέπω. Yielded, συγχωρηΟιίς. a Yoke or collar, ζυγός, ζεύγος, ζευγμα, συζυγία. for the Yoke, ζϋγιος, υποζυγιώδης. to Yoke, συζείγνυμι. Yoked, συζευχθείς. You, συ. Young, άνηβος. a Young creature of beasts, πώλος• of birds, νεοττός. (74) to be Young, ακμάζω, νεανίζω, νεα νιενω. to grow Young again, ανηβάω. Younger, νεώτερος- Youngest, ν*ώ τατος. Your or Yours, σος, σφω'ιτερος, υμέ* τερος. of or in Your country, υιιέδαπος.• Yourself, σΰ αυτός, σεαυτυϋ. Youth, νεότης, ήβη, εφηβία, εφηβο- της. a Youth, έφηβος, νεανίας, νέος, νεα' νίσκος, αμψήλιξ, μείραξ, μειράκιον, μειρακίσκος. from Youth, εκ νέας, εκ νέου, εκ πρώτης ηλικίας, εκ μιιράκιου. Youthful, ηβήτης, ήβητήρ, πρόσηβος, ακμαίος, ηίθεος, α'ιζηος, νέος, νεώ- τερος, μειρακιώδης. to be Youthful, ήβάω, ηβάσκω, νεα- νενομαι, μειρακιενομαι, μειρακίζο- μαι, κουράζω. Youthfully, νεανικώς, ήβηδόν. Ζ. Zany, γελωτοποιός, βωμολόχος, γε- λώος. Zeal, ζήλος, ζήλωσις, ζηλοσύνη. a Zealot, ζηλωτής, ζηλευτής, ζηλη- μών. Zealous, ζηλοτικός. Zephyr, ζέψυρος. of or like the Zephyr, ζεψυριος, ζεψυ- ρικός. the Zodiac, ζωδιακός or ζωδιακός κνκλος. Zodiacal, ζωδιακός.• a Zone, ζωνή, ζώστρον Zoned, ζω.στός. SUPPLEMENT. A SKETCH OF THE PRINCIPAL USAGES OF THE MIDDLE VOICE OF THE GREEK VERB, WHEN ITS SIGNIFICATION IS STRICTLY OBSERVED. The first four may be called usages of reflexive ; the fifth, the usage of reciprocal sig- nification. I. Where A does the act on himself, or on what belongs to himself, i. e. is the object of his own action. 1. άπήγξατο, he hanged himself. 2. "Ωιμωξεν <Γ d γέρων, κεφαλψ δ' ογε χό-ψατο χερσίν, i. e. beat himself on his head, χατα xi t v κεφαλήν. Iliad. X. 33. II. Where A does the act on some other object M, relatively to himself, (in the sense of the dative case put acquisitively,) and not for another person B. 1. Λ κατεστρέψατο τον Μήδον. He made the Persian subject, or subdued him, to himself. Λ κατέστρεψε τον MijJSov τω Β, is a very different use of the verb. 2. To this usage belongs the following — xoivij, απωσύμενοι τον Βάρβαροι•, Thucyd. 1. 18. having repelled or kept off from them- leges'; and the like. III. Where A gets an act done for himself, or for those belonging to him, by B. 1. Of Chryses it is said, λνσόμενος ΰνγατρα, to get his daughter released by Agamem- non, on the payment of a ransom, that is, briefly, to ransom his daughter. Whereas of Agamemnon it is said, Ονδ' άπίλνσε S -νγατρα, sc. τω Χρϋοη. He did not grant the release, he did not release her. So, too, Chryses to the Greeks, Παΐδα δ' ίμοί λνσαιτέ φίλψ. To this head may be appended, διδάξασ&αι τον νίον — to get one^s son instructed. Eurip ides has said, with a double idiom, Medea v. 297. παΐδας περωαώς Ιχδιδάσχεο&αι οοφονς. 2. δανείζω, to give a loan, to lend, as A to B. δανείζομαι, to get a loan, to borrow, as Β from A. • So, too, in the Epigram, χρ/,οας, having lent ; χρησάμενος, having borrowed. 'jlviqa τις λιπόγνιον imeQ νώτοιο λιπανγ^ς ~Ηγε, πόδας χρζαας, όμματα χρησάμενος. Again, χρησαι, to utter a response ; χρι\σασ&αι, to seek a response, to consult an oracle. IV. Where, in such verbs as κόπτομαι, lugeo, σενομαι, τίλλομαι, &c. the direct action is done by A on himself, but an accusative or other case follows of B, whom that actio» further regards. εΐπεο lav αντον- Σενωνται ταχΐες τε χννες•χ. τ. λ. Iliad. Ζ". 25. although fleet dogs stir themselves in pursuit of him. Jiwvvgoio τι9ηνας 2 εν ε . . . Ζ. 133 is a different uso of the verb. Again, ϋοώται τον γ' αλοχός τε φίλη και πότνια μήτηο Τιλλ.έσΰην . . . Ω. 710, 11. tore their, hair in mourning over him. But κείοομαι is differently used. Bion has Κειράμενοι χαίτας in' Άδώνιδι, \iot "Αδωνώι : Epitaph, Adon. 81. To this class belong φνλάττω and φνλάττομαι. φνλάζαι τον παΐδα. φνλάζασΰαι τον λέοντα. and so, too, the following — " Ως είπων. ού παιδος ορέςατο φαίδιμος "Εχτωρ. stretched out his arms to receive his son. Thus far the reflexive uses ; now the reciprocal use. 76 ON THE MIDDLE VOICE OF THE GREEK VERB. V. Where the action is reciprocal betwixt two persons or parties, and A does to Β what Β does to A ; as in verbs of contract, quarrel, war, reconciliation, and the like ; as, 'έως αν διαλνοώμε&α τον πόλεμον, Demosth. Philip. Λ. § 6. till we shall have put an end to the war, in which we are engaged with Philip, by treaty mutually agreed upon. In a very different sense, as follows, is διαλϋααι used — ηαφ\να δε [^Αλκιβιάδης] και τω Τιοσαφέρνί] μη άγαν ίπείγεο&αι τον πόλεμον διαλϋσαι, to be in no hurry to put an end to the war between the ttoo conflicting parties in Greece Thucyd. VIII. 46. Remark. Though, on some occasions, the active voice is used where the middle would be proper, that is, where the act is denoted without further relation to the agent, though there does exist a middle verb so to denote it ; yet, where the two voices exist in actual use, the middle, denoting the action relatively to the agent, as in No. II., is very seldom, if ever, in pure Attic, used to denote the action when it regards another person. Ex. Gr. ΐστάναι τςόπαιον may be said of an army who erect their own trophy : for it is true, as far as it goes, they do erect a trophy. But Ιοτήοατο τρόπαιον cannot be said of him who erected a trophy for others, but εοτψ σεν only. 77 DIRECTIONS THE KNOWLEDGE OF QUANTITIES. §1- In the Greek language, the nature of the vowels decides the length or the shortness of syllables. They are divided into three classes. Those that are long by nature are, η, ω ; and also the diphthongs at, ει, ευ, οι, ου. The short vowels are, ε, ο. The doubtful, α, ι, ν ; which are sometimes made long, and sometimes short. For in- stance, in one line of Homer, II. s. 30. αοες, αοες. §2. Long vowels and diphthongs become doubtful when followed by a vowel ; as in II. o. 68. τον δε χο\λωσαμε\νος κτενΤι \ 'Εκτοοα \ δϊος Λ\χϊλλεϋς. Here the diphthong ει in κτενει is short, because followed by the vowel ε. Examples of the same are also to be found when an expletive particle, δε, re, κε, is placed between the preceding long vowel and the following one ; or with regard to at, ου, and at, when the next word begins with a consonant ; as, ε\ϋζοοΰ \ δΌϋοος α\κώκη, the point of the well- polished dart. Poets often take the liberty of shortening a long vowel and a diphthong in the middle of a word ; as II. υ. 437, επεϊη : δοϋρϊ βα\?.ών' επεί\η καΧ ε\μον βέλος \ οξν πα\οοϊ&εν. §3. The syllable is long by position, when a vowel is followed by two consonants. The letters ζ, ξ, -φ, are considered as double consonants. Ex. τράπεζα, a table; δεξίτεοη, to the right hand ; άψαο&ην, to seize; χαλκός, brass. The same takes place when a word ends with a short vowel, and the word following begins with two consonants. §4. An exception to the above rule is made by words in which a mute is found with a liquid. The liquid letters are λ, μ, ν, q. The other consonants are called mute, in this accepta- tion. Syllables of this sort are made long or short ad libitum; as, τεκτον and τεκνον, Ίίοτμος and ποτμος, destruction, ruin. Observe, here, that Homer allows himself such peculiar and discordant sounds far more rarely than later poets, particularly epigrammatists. It also sometimes happens that a short vowel is made long before a single liquid ; as in II. a. 4. ηοώ\ων" αϋ\τονς δ' sftwQiu \ τεϋχε κυ\γεαοίν. Of heroes ; them, however, he gave a prey to dogs. In this sentence, the s in ίλωςια is made long, because it precedes the liquid consonant λ. §5. A short syllable is sometimes made long by the caesura. By caesura is understood the division of a word, by which its last syllable belongs to the following foot j as in II. κ. 270 Λϋτοίρ ό \ Μηρΐο\νη δώ\κεν ω \ παϊδϊ φο\ρηναί. But he gave it to his son Meriones to carry. 78 KNOWLEDGE OF QUANTITIES. The last syllable of δωκεν is here evidently long by the csesura. Homer often maKes use of this figure. In the tenth book of the Iliad, at least ten instances of it are to be found The later poets also avail themselves of this license. §6. Another liberty, which the poets take, is the contraction of two vowels into one, so that they must be scanned as a single syllable. Thus II. ε. 349. tj οϋ χ άλϊς, \ όττί γν\ναϊκας α\ναλκΧδας \ ηπερο\πε~ϋεΙς ; Or is it not enough that thou betray est weak women ? Here the two words rj and ουχ are pronounced as one syllable. Homer makes an abundant use of these contractions, as do also the other poets. §7/ As the quantity of syllables is most surely learned from hexameters and pentameters, we will now give the scheme of each. An hexameter consists of six feet, composed of spondees and dactyles. The last foot may be either a spondee or a trochee : I I--! .I---I-- or else The rule, with regard to hexameters, is, that the fifth foot must be a dactyle. Homer, however, Hesiod, Aratus, and other poets, often allow themselves the license of placing a spondee in the fifth place. A spondee is composed of two long syllables ; as, μνήμη, οίκοι, αϊ&ών, τέχνης. A dactyle is formed of one long syllable, followed by two short Ones ; as, τον λογον, the speech; Πίνδαρος, Pindar ; μνρϊός, endless, innumerable. A trochee consists of one long and one short syllable} as, ψν, was; καρπός, fruit, δοϋρε, two spears. The iambus is the reverse of the trochee ; its first syllable being short, and its second long ; as, δΰναξ, an arroio, a reed ; μεδων, a ruler ; φερών, bearing. The scheme of the pentameter is as follows : | | — | — ^/\>-/| — w v- | \s or else — w\-/| — v^w| — | — υ ν | — ν ν | V By this we see, that either dactyles or spondees may be used to form the two first feet. εϋο~νμ\βοϋ?.εΰ\εϊν \ τοϊόΐ φΐ\λοϊσϊν ε\με. That I may rightly advise my friends. Phocyl. 38. κερδεα | δημοοΐ \ ώ \ οϋνκακω \ ερχομε\να. Advantages accompanying common misfortune. Phocyl. 50. ij δ' αρε\τη ο.λϊ\γοϊς \ ανδρασϊ \ κϋρν" 1 ϊπε\ταί.. But virtue accompanies but few men. Phocyl. 150. Those who have paid attention to the above fundamental rules will meet with but little difficulty in the scanning of poems written in hexameters and pentameters. The six first rules form the basis of all poetry ; and nothing would be easier than to scan Greek verses, did not the doubtful vowels, a, ι, v, add some difficulty to the task. In this case, as nothing can be decided ά priori, all depends upon authority ; that is to say, upon the manner in which the poets have employed these doubtful vowels, with re- gard to quantity. We see that, in this respect, much may be reduced to generally receiv- ed rules, which are of considerable assistance ; but in man}' words we are totally at a loss for such a guide. RESULTS FROM THE EXAMPLES IN THE POETS. (1.) Some words are always long, because all the poets agree to use a certain' syllable thereof long ; e. g. αϋανατος, immortal ; -3 ναός, mind ; ρϊγϊον, more terrific ; ρίγος, cold ; ■νΤκη, victory. (2.) Some words are, in one poet, always long ; but in others, especially the later poets, doubtful. Thus κάλος, beautiful, is always long in Homer, but doubtful in Orpheus, Theocritus, and the epigrammatists. It is herein important to know which poets use a word constantly long, and which doubtful. (3.) When a doubtful vowel is followed by two short syllables, it may always be assum- ed that this vowel is long. The discourse then inclines to a fall, and favours hexameter, to which tb« Greek language is particularly partial. This is often observed in the KNOWLEDGE OF QUANTITIES, 79 lengthening of a word; ΰΰγατηρ, also the accusative ΰΰγατρα, is short; but ■9νγατερα and -&ϋγατερες invariably lengthen the first syllable. If, therefore, by the fall or rise of syllables, in trochaic and iambic metre, the doubtful vowel of a Greek word comes into a position which requires a long sound, it will certainly be used long. (4.) A doubtful syllable between two long ones is, in heroic metre, always long; e. g- ΛαΧοτρϋγων, a LcBstrygon ; ναρχιοσϊτην, narcissus-like, a stone, Dionys. Per. 1031; μητι- οαο&αι, to contrive. (5.) Words are regulated in their quantity by the primitive or radical word ; e. g. from Ί&νς, straight, come ϊ-9-υντωρ, Τ&ννος,Τ&υνω ; from νίκη, victory, νϊκανδρος, νΤκιας, νϊχαω , from ΰνμος, mind, soul, -δϋμηρης, ΰνμηδεω, -θνμοω, Χυμώδης, -θνμωμα, &c. Hence words derived from long radical' syllables may easily be determined of themselves. (a) Exceptions from this rule are, monosyllabic words in vq, which a re long in the nominative, but become short in the lengthened terminations; as, πϋρ, πυρός : also words in νς, having υος in the genitive ; as, ους, σΰος. (b) The following important rule for determining words derived from verbs is given in the Halle Greek/Grammar, twentieth edition, pp. 325, 326 : — " The first future of liquid verbs, and the second future of all verbs, together with the tenses and derivatives formed from them, (except the aorists from the first future,) shorten the doubtful vowels, although they were long in the present, or arise from a long vowel ; as, κρίνω, I judge, κρϊνώ, κεκρΧκα, κεκρΧμαι, κρίμα, κρϊσις, judgment ; τρίβω, I rub, τρΧβώ, τετρΧβα, τρΧβος, τρΧβη." (6.) In several words a is long when it is used Dorice for η. This rule, expressed generally, is as follows : the Doric a, when put for η, ω, and ε, is long ; as, φαμα, πρατος, αικα, for φήμη, πρώτος, εικε. (Halle Gr. Gram. p. 326.) As beginners are at first liable to error in this particular, We shall adduce some examples from the first Idyl of Theocri- tus: — verse 1. αδυ, for ηδυ ; α πιτυς, for η πιτνς. — v. 2. a, fox η; παγαισι, fax πηγαίοι; άδυ, for ηδυ. — V. 4. αικα, for εικε. — v. 5. αικα, for εικε. — v. 7. άδιον, for ηδιον ; καταχες, for χατηχες. — ν. 8. τας, for της.— Υ. 9. αικα, for εικε ; ταν, for την. — ν. 10. οακιτην, fed in the fold, for οηκιτην. — v. 11. ταν, for την. — v. 12. ταν, for των.-. — v. 17. τάνικα, for τηνικα ; κεκμακως, for χεχμηκως. — v. 18. χολα, for χολή. — v. 20.. τας βωκολικας, for της βωκολικης. These examples will be sufficient to explain the difficulty to a beginner, should he meet with an a in the Doric poets used as long, though by the rest of the rules it should be short. PARTICULAR CASES. As in many verses the quantity belonging to one syllable or another is not immediately apparent, we conceive it will be of no small advantage to the "beginner, in the study of prosody, to bring forward some particular cases for his examination. We shall select such anomalies, and remarkable changes, as will, if attentively studied, serve to remove the difficulties which frequently occur in a complicated verse. §i. Short Syllables made long by Casura. It has already been observed, Directions, p. 619, that, in the poets, the csesura has the power of lengthening a syllable which is of itself short. As, without a more accurate observation of this poetical license, the decision, whether a syllable be long or short, might be attended with uncertainty, let us here adduce several examples of this kind : — (1.) εκπερ\σαϊ ,ΠρΧα\μόΐο πο\λϊν, εϋ δ' \ οϊκαδ' 1\κεσ&αΤ. II. α. 19. The syllable λιν in πολιν is long by caesura. (2.) τοξ' ώ\μοϊσϊν ϊ\χων, αμ\ωηρεφε\α τε φα\ρετρην. II. α. 45. The a in αμψηρεψεα is long merely by caesura. (3.) ά5 Λχϊ\λέΰ, κελε\αϊ με, δΐ\ϊ φίλε, \ μΰ$η\σαο&αϊ '. II. α. 74. The ι in tfu is long by caasura. In like manner : (4.) μψΧν Λπολλω\νος, εκα\τηβελε\ταο α\νακτδς. Ibid. 76. The last syllable of ΛποΧ λωνος is evidently long by reason of the caesura alone. (5.) 9αρση\οας μαλα, \ είπε ■&ε\οπροπί\ον , 6, τϊ | οϊσ&α. II. α. 85. The ον in ΰεοπρο- πιον is the csesura. § 2. Length of a Vowel before a Liquid Letter. It has been already stated, that every short, and also every doubtful vowel, can be used either short or long, when followed by a mute with a liquid; although, otherwise, position makes every syllable long. The -shortening is exemplified in II. π. 857 : ov 7tot|juov γοο\ωσα, λΧΙποϋο' ανδρο\ττμα χαΧ \ ηβψ. Here ανδρο forms two shorts. 80 KNOWLEDGE OF QUANTITIES. But the anomaly is greater when the poets lengthen a short or doubtful vowel before a single liquid ; τους τε δΧ\αμελε\ΧοτΧ τα\μων ώ\πλϊοσατο | δορπόν. Od. t. 291. Here the α in διαμελειοτι is long, evidently, because it is followed by the liquid μ. — ελΧτα- νενϊν. Od. t\. 145. — χατανεϋων. Od. t. 490. §3. Diphthong shortened before a Consonant That long vowels or diphthongs can be used short before the initial vowel of a following word is already known : e. g. γνωσϊι ε\πει&'. II. β. 365. But the shortening of diphthongs, also, before a consonant, e. g. before δ, though very uncommon, yet occurs, even in Homer : γνώαϊαϊ \ ί' ει xaX \ ■&! ΰπεοΧ \ ~\ πολΧν \ οϋχ αλα\πα%εΊς. II. β. 367. §4. Shortening of a Resolved Diphthong. When a diphthong is resolved into its constituent parts, the separated vowels are short: των y -ρχ' \ Λδμη\τοΧο φΧ\λδς παις \ ενδεχα\νηων. II. β. 713. §5. Long Vowels and Diphthongs made short before a Vowel in the same Word. The shortening of long vowels and diphthongs, even in the same word, belongs to the more remarkable instances of poetical license. This, however, frequently occurs, as is shown by the following examples : — (1.) επεΧη : καρπον ε\δηλη\σαντ' , επεΧ\η μαλα | πολλά με\ταξν. II. α. 156. οϋδε &ε\ων μαχα\ρών' επεΧ\η πολύ \ φερτεροΧ | εΤμεν. Od. ι. 276. ίππους \ δώρη\ΰαΤτ'' επεΧ\η πολύ j φερτεροΧ ) εΤσΧν. ημεας \ τους αλ\λόϋς, επεΧ\η πολύ | φερτεροΧ | ημεν. II. ν. 135. So, also, II. ν . 437, and in many other passages. (2.) νιος, νΐον, νιε : χαϊ βαλεν | Λμφϊ\ον, Σϊλα\γοΰ νίον, \ 6; ρ ενΧ \ Houoiii. II. «. 61. ηδ' αμ\ψΧ Κρεϊ\δντος νί\ον ΛΰχοΙμηδεα | δϊον. II. ι. 84. Έχτορ, νί\ε ΠρΧα\μοϊο , δΧ\ί μη\τϊν ατα\λαντε. II. λ. 200. This last verse affords several confirmations of the preceding exceptions. The syllable vt in νιε is short before ε. The syllable δΊ in δΧϊ is long from a double cause: (1) on account of the caesura ; and (2) on account of the liquid μ. The syllable τιν in μιγτιν is long by caesura. — 'Έχτορ νΐ\ε, ΠρΧα\μοΤο , &c. II. ο. 244. — νιος. II. ρ. 575. 11. ο. 105. Od. η. 312. And so in several passages. (3.) βεβληαΧ: βεβληαΧ, Ι ονδ' αλΧ\δν βέλος \ εχφνγεν\, ως οφε\λον τοί. II. λ. 380. (4.) ίβωος, ί^ρϋίϊ : ίβωος' \ αλλ' όποτ' \ αν σε δο\μόΐ χεχν\-&ωαΧ χαΧ \ ανλη. Od. ζ. 303. ί^ρωϊ | δημοδο\χω. 6 δ' ε\δεζατο, | χαΧρε δί | •9ϋμω. Od. &. 483. (5.) εχευαν : εν δ' αρ' ν\δωρ εχεν\αν, νπο \ δε ξύλα | δαϊον ε\1οϋθαΤ. Od. -9: 436. (6.) τΒτληοτι : χρη δε σε | τετίψ \τΐ νοω J αΧνεμε* | αΧεΐ. This verse wants a feet. 0r P h • *'■ °9«* s ' 37 ' GeBner ' e Mt (7.) παλαΧος : α$ανα\των. παλαί\ος δε λο\γος περΧ | τονδε φα\εΐνεϊ. Orph Fragm. Ν. ϋ. ν. 9 • edit. Gesner. p. 360 KNOWLEDGE OF QUANTITIES. 81 Orpheus has several such shortenings, e. g. ibid. p. 359. δΧκαΧων. (8.) γεραΧους. Tyrtasus Analecta, torn. 1. p. 80. (9.) ποΧηαω : τϊ αοΐ | &ελοΐς \ ποΧη\οώ. Anacreon xii. §6. Shortening of Position. According to the general rule, (see above,) position renders a syllable long ; and the mute with the liquid only has, agreeably to custom, the prerogative of using a short vowel, standing before it, either long or short, at pleasure. So much the more extraordinary are the cases where a position, which contains no mute with the liquid, is nevertheless short : ΧαλκΧδα | τ\ ΕΐρετοΧ\άν τε, πο\λϋοταφΰ\λδν ■&' ' ΙστΧ\αϊαν. II. β. 537. The syllable ρε in Ειοετρια can be used short, by reason of the mute with the liquid. But with r Iariaiuv this is not the case ; and therefore the abbreviation is the more anomalous. Another rare example of this kind is afforded in ερΧγδουττου : εκ δ' ε?.α\σαν προ&ν\ροϊο ν.άί \ <χΧ&ον\ΰης ϊρΧ\γδοϋποϋ. Od. ο. 146. So, αλλ' άτε | δη ογδο\δν μόΐ ε\πΐπλομε\νδν Χτος \ ηλ&ε. Od. η. 261. §7. Unusual Lengthening of Short Syllables. In the Greek poets, instances frequently occur, where, without the sanction of a caesura, or any other reason, short syllables, possessing the lowest prosodiacal value, are raised to the dignity of the long. This can be considered as nothing but a poetical license and an overstrained freedom. (1.) παρ : νϋν δε με \ παρεΐ\ποϋσ' αλο\χος μαλα\χόΐς επε\εοσΧν. Ε. ζ. 337.. (2.) The syllable xtv : τις δ' οϊδ' \ εΐχεν | οί ονν \ δαίμονΧ \ -&νμον ο\οϊνω. (3.) ός (4.) απ ο ός οί | χαΤ τότε \ παϊδος α|πο χροος \ ηρκεσ' ο\λε-&ρον. II. ο. 534. χηρνχΧ | Ή7τντΧ\δ7ί, ός | οί πάρα | πατρΧ γε \ρδντΧ. II. ρ 324. μψίν α\πδ εϊ\πων Αγα\μεμνονΧ \ ποΤμενΧ \ λαών. Π. τ. 35. (5.) In αμφοτεοησι, Od. δ. 116, it must either be assumed that δηοΧ is used by the poet as a trochee, for a spondee, or that σι is altogether unusually made long : αμφοτείςησί | χερόΧ νο\ησε δε | μϊν Με ιε\λαος. (6.) ον unusually made long in νίον : η ρα χαΧ \ ( ΕρμεΊ\αν ιρΧλον \ νίον \ αντΧον | ηνδα. Od. *. 28. (7.) ο lengthened before λ in Αίολου ι δώρα παρ 1 \ ΑΤδ\λοϋ μϊγα\λητορος | ' Ιπποτα\δαο. Od. κ. 36. So, also, Od. κ. 61. The remark made elsewhere, that, in heroic verse, a short syllable included between two long ones is used as long, applies also here. (8., Tha syllable δι in διος : πρα,ζΧδΧ\κη, ερα\τδπλοκα\με, δϊ\ος •&αλος | αγνον. Orph. Hymn. 28. 5. That the last syllable in ερατοπλοκαμε is long, arises from the caesura ; but that δι should become long in διος, is somewhat unusual. (9.) Syllable ο made long in δπον : βαχμας \ εκ πνρος | δπον, εν \ αΰχενΧ\αΤς οδν\ναΧαΧ. Orph. λ'. Κορυφωδης, 8. (10.) δπΧσα\τδ Ζευς. Quint. Calab. β 1 . 619. (11.) ϊεοδδσιον. Epigr. 12. p. 407. (12.) τις : II. ζ. 459. 462. καϊ ποτέ \ τΤς εϊ\πησΧν Χ\δων κατά \ δάκρυ χε \οΰβαν. ως ποτέ \ τΤς ερε\εΊ' σοι | δ' αν νέον | εσσεταΧ \ άλγος. In like manner τις is used long. II. η. 91. — τϊ ιρΧλον | εστί. Od. η. 320. — τϊ Ταόίαΐψ. Od. ξ. 89. 82 KNOWLEDGE OF QUANTITIES. Resolution of Vowels. In deciding quantities, we should inevitably be exposed to frequent mistakes, did we not know that the poets often contract several vowels into one. It is therefore necessary to give here examples of this usage. (1.) δεω resolved into one syllable, δεω: ΜηνΧν α\εϊδί, χ)ε\α, ΣΓη\ληϊα\δΊω ΑχΧ\λψς. II. α. 1. (2.) λέων resolved into one syllable, λϊων: πδλλεων | ε χ πολΧ\ων εγ\χεο~παλοΧ \ άνδρες ε\ααΧν. II. (?. 131. (3.) otv άλλος : άϊναρε\τη' τΤς | οεϊΓαλλος ο\νησεταΧ \ οχρΧγο \νδς περ. II. π. 31. (4.) A double resolution in χρυαεγ εν : δωκε δε \ χρϋοεΤ[~εν \ ληκν&ω | νγρον ε\λαίον* Od. ζ. 79. (5.) *π»ι ουκ : τεξεΐς \ αγλαα \ τεχνα' ε\πεΊ~ϋΰχ απο\φωλΧοΧ εϋναΧ. Od. λ. 248. Another resolution, however, may also be adopted, as follows: . . . . τεχνα επεΧ \ οϋκ απο\φώλΧοι. εβχον ε\πει ου αφΧν ε \ρεςα τε\λεΧεα\οας ίκα\τομβας. Od. δ. 352. (6.) A double resolution in αλλοΓιδεα: τοννεκ' αρ' \ αλλοΓιδΤα φαΧ\νεθκετο | πάντα α\ναχτΧ. Od. ν. 194. (7.) π(7ττηωτας : πεπτηω\τας πολ\λοϋς• ωστ' \ Χχ$ΰ"ας \ ονσ-9-' άλΧ\ψς. Od. χ. 384. (8.) >Οδνση>, Ι| : τεοσαρες \ αμφ' 0δν\ση', || δ' νί\εΧς 4ολΧ\οΤο. Od. ω. 496. As the verse is now read, a foot is wanting. This might easily be remedied, by reading δη for δ' : the resolution would then be avoided : αμφ' θδυ\οη\ έξ | δη υί\εΧς /ίολΧ\οΤο. §9. Deviation of Feet belonging to the Hexameter. The spondee and dactyle, which, according to the. general usage of prosodiacal law, form the first feet of an hexameter, are, in many verses, supplanted by other feet. As the observation of these exceptions, also, is very useful to the young student in prosody, some information must be given concerning them. (1.) An amphibrach for a spondee or dactyle in the beginning of a verse : ϊώς ό \ ταϋ&' ωρ\μαϊνε κα\τα φρένα, | τδφρα δ' Α\-9-ψη. II. χ. 507. έως ό | τω πολε\μΐζε με\νών, ετΧ \ δ' ηλπετο | νΊκην. II. ο. 539. τέως Λ\χαΧοΤ \ μεν μεγ' ε\κνδανον \ οννεκ' Αχϊλλεϋς. II. ν. 42. έως ε\γω περΧ \ κείνα πο\λυν βΧο\τδν αυνα\γεΧρων. Od. δ. 90. (2.) An amphibrach in the middle and at the end of a verse : ημενοΧ | ίως ε\πηλ&ε νε\μων' φέρε \ δ' οβρΧμον \ αχ&ος. Od. ι. 233. αλλ' ανα\χασοαμε\νος νη\χδν παλΧν, \ ίως ε \πηλ$ον. Od. η. 280. * If the sylable κν were long, the double resolution would be avoided, and the hexameter obtain the deficit t foot. In this case, tne scansion would be, χρνοεγ j εν λη\χν&ω.\ KNOWLEDGE OF QUANTITIES. 83 §10. Verses of difficult Scansion. Tke explanations given in the preceding paragraphs will serve to facilitate the scansion of difficult verses : — e. g. in Od. a. 79. assistance is afforded by the remarks on resolution. (1.) ov γαρ τ' | αγνω\τες γε &ε\οι αΧΧη\λοΧαΧ πε\ΧδνταΧ. The last syllable in &εοι dissolves with aX into one syllable. (2.) τδοοαχ' ν\δωρ απο\Χεσχετ' α\ναβρο χ&εν \ αμφί δε \ πδαοΧ. Od. λ. 585. The explanation for αναβροχ&εν is given § 6 (3.) In Od τ. 102. as there is a superfluous syllable, no other expedient is left, but the adoption, according to § 9, of a different foot : αϋτΧκ' απ' ε\μοΊο κα\ρη ταμοΧ | αΧΧοτρΧ\ος φως. Here the first paeon ( — ^ ^ \^) supplies the place of the dactyle at the beginning. We might also scan, αντΧκ' απ' \ εμοιο κα\ρη. The second paeon then forms the second foot (v-/ — w \>). (4.) In Od. t. 246. the remedy is easy, if ωμοις be read for ωμοισιν : otherwise the third foot has an Ionieus ά majori ( w w) : γνρος ε\ψ ώ]μοϊσϊν μεΧα\νδχροος \ οϋΧοκα\ρψος. (5.) In Od. ψ. 203. there is a deficiency of one or two syllables : εΧμοΧετ' \ εμπεδΰν \ εστΧ Χε\χδς, ηε τΧς | ηδη. After λεχος, another syllable at least, or a word, ought to stand. Probably the word γννα,ί is here wanting, which, on account of the succeeding vowel, contains two short syllables, and therefore forms a dactyle with the syllable χος. (6.) The verse 284. Arat. φ. has a syllable too many ; unless, according to § 8, we are disposed to assume a solution : δ" ςίτε\ρη τετα\νϋΰ-3αΧ' οδ } ο\πΤσ-&ερος \ αΧγοκε\ρηος. (7.) In Hes. Εργ. 434. the difficulty of scansion arises on account of πρίνου, whose first syllable is otherwise long ; and of γυψ, whose first syllable is otherwise short : δρϋος ε\Χϋμα, πρΧ\νοϋ γν\ην, βοε | δ' ενναε\τηρώ. It cannot well be divided differently; and yet πρίνος, πρΤνοιο, Arat. Diosem. 390. is long; and γυψ, Hes. Εργ. 425. short. (8.) Orph. X' . Οψιτης 50. is difficult to scan, on account of the word ΠαΧαμηδαα : τοϋνεκο | ΠαΧαμη\δάο οα\δφρονος | οϋποτε \ νδσφΧ. The syllable Tla in ΙΙαΧ.αμ-ηδαο can be long, because λ is a liquid letter, according to § 2. But the shortening of μη in this word occasions too much harshness. Hence it appears to us to be the best way to regard the second foot, according to § 9, either as an amphim- acer, ΠαΧαμη, or as an anapest, ΙϊαΧαμη. (9.) The usual reading, Arat. Diosem. 108. involves a difficulty : εϊ δε Ι οί ανΧ\δντος η \ αϋτΧχα \ δΰομε\νοΤο. According to this disposition of the verse, the first foot is a trochee ( — vy), and falls under § 9. The Moscow MS. reads ^ εϊ δετοΧ \ η ανι|οντο$. Stobseus has εϊ δε τΧ | 5j ανΧ\οντος. Other MSS have εΧ δε of | ij ανΧ\οντος: and then the whole proceeds in th« regular course. 84 A SYNOPSIS METRICAL SYSTEMS. TABLE OF FEET. f Pyrrich. Of two 1 Spondee. Syllables. \ Iambus . (^ Trochee w w &εός. vy — &εά. — w σώμα. Of three Syllables. " Tribrach or Chorius Molossus Dactyle Anapest Bacchius Antibacchius or Palimbacchius Amphibrachys ^ Amphimacer or Cretic \s \s \-/ Of four Syllables. Proceleusmaticus Dispondeus Diiambus Ditrochasus , Choriambus Antispastus , Ionic a majore . . , minore . . 1st Paeon 2d 3d 4th ~. πόλεμος. εν χωλή. — \y vy σώματα. w v./ — βασιλεύς. w — — ανασσει. vy μάντευμα. \~/ — ks θάλασσα. — v-y — δεσπότης. ν/ \y \s v>> w v_/ Epitritus primus. . . secundus tertius . . . quartus . . ^y πολ.εμιος. συνδουλεύσω. \s — Ιπιστϋαης. — ν-/ δυστύχημα. \y — σωφροσύνη. — ks αμάρτημα. w ν^ κοσμήτορα. πλεονέκτης. ν^/ ν^ αστρολόγος. \y vy ανάξιος. — vy ανάδημα. — &εογενής. αμαρτωλή. ανδροφόντης. \s — σωτηρίας. — ν-> λωβητήρα. If a verse is complete, it is called acatalectic ; if a syllable is wanting, cataleetic ; if a foot, br achy cataleetic ; if a foot or a syllable is redundant, hyper cataleetic. A metre generally signifies a combination of tioo feet ; except in dactylic verse, and in the metres composed of double feet. Where a verse of a given species consists of two feet and a half, it is called a penthemi- mer, as consisting of five half feet ; of three and a half, a hephthemivier, as consisting of seven half feet. There are nine principal species of metre : dactylic, anapestic, iambic, trochaic, Ionic a majore, Ionic a minore, choriambic, antispastic, pseonic. A verse, in which two dissimi lar species are united, is called άσυνάρτιμος. Dactylic Metre. In this species one foot constitutes a metre. Monometer hypercat. Οίδιπό\δα. Dimeter acatal. τις δ' επι\τύμβιος : οΰ δει\σήνορα : τανδε γυ\ναιχων. Dimeter hypercat. >Λρτϊμι\δός τε &ε\ας. Hec. 462. ταν Ζευς \ αμψιπύ\ρω. ib. 471. Trimeter acat. Ζεϋξομαϊ \ αρματϊ \ πώλους, ib. 467. : or cataleetic in a dissyllable : πολλά γαρ | ώστ' ακα\μαντος w ίίότου Ι η Βορί\α τίς ενρίί | κύματα \ πόντω. Soph. Trach. 11& A SYNOPSIS OF METRICAL SYSTEMS. 85 Trim, hypercat. Κοιμί\ζει φλο\γμώ Κρονι\δας. Hec. 472. Tetrara. acat., in which the final syllable is not common : ait δ' ερις, | ονχερις, \ άλλα. φό\νω φόνος Οίδιπό\δα δόμον \ ωλεσε, \ χραν&ε'ις αΧματι | δεινω, \ αΧματι \ λυγρω. Eur. Phoen. 1510. Tetram. hypercat. οϋδ' νπο \ παρ$ενί\ας τον ν\πο βλεφά\ροις. ib. 1501. Pentam. acat. πρώτα μεν | ενδοχί]μου οτρατι\ας απε\φαίνομε&' . ./Esch. Pers. 858. Pentam. hypercat. βοσχόμε\νοι λαγ'ι\ναν ίρι | χνμονα \ φίρματι | γένναν, χ. τ. λ. Agam 117. Hexameter : προς ok γε\νειάδος, \ ώ φίλος, \ ώ δοχι\μώτατος \ Ελλάδι. Eur. Suppl. 288. Logaadicus. — This appellation is given to verses which commence with dactyles and end in trochees : μήτε πα\τρωον ΐ\χοιτ' Ις \ olxov. Hec. 938. also called alcaicus. ϊχτόπι\ος αυ\$εις 6 \ πάντων. ι]σ#α φν\τάλμι\ος ; δυσ\αίων. Soph. Q£d. C. 119. 151. ώ πόλις, | ώ γενε\α τά\λαινα' \ νϋν σε μοίρα χα-9-\αμερ'ι\α φ•#ί|νε«, φ$ί\νει. Electr. 1413. ε?.&' Ιπί\χουρον ϊ\μοΐς φί\λοισι | πάντως. Eur. Or. 1293. η παλά\μα τινϊ \ ταν δυαά\λωτον %\).tj τις \ άρχάν. η&εα, \ χαί χίαρ \ απαρά\μν-&ον ε\χει Κρό\νου παις. JEsch. Pr. 166. 185. Spondees, instead of dactyles, are not supposed to be admissible ; otherwise we might refer to this description of verse, Hec. 900. χηλΐδ' | οϊχτροτα\ταν χέ\χρωσαι: and also 455. 463. 466. 475. 629. Anapestic Metre. The following are scales of the species in most frequent use, on which, see Porson'a Observations. Dimeter Acatalectic. WW — w w Sometimes a proceleusmatic is admitted : μίν ol | χόμενος | φυγάς, ο δε | νεχνς οίν. Eur. Or. 1494. Basis Anapastica ; or, Monometer Acatalectic. — w \s Parozmiac ; or, Dimeter Catauciic. Other varieties are the following : Monom. hypercat. or penthemimer : δορί δη, δορί πίρ\ααν. Hec. 897. Dim. brachycat. κρίνει τριασάς \ μαχάρων. ib. 641. Dim. catalect. in a dissyllable: πυσίν Ιςαννααι | μι δι' al \ &ΐρος. Ph. 166. Dim. hypercat. οϋ-&' ό πάρα τον Άχί\ροντα ΰεος άνάσ\σων. Soph. ΕΙ. 184. On the Aristophanic anapestic, or tetrameter catal., see also Porson. Iambic Metre. The following is the scale of the trimeter acatalectic, or senarius, constructed accord ing to the rules of Porson : — vy w w — w — — w vy \s — vy — 86 A SYNOPSIS OF METRICAL SYSTEMS. Other specieB are : Monom. acatal. ίώ \ τάλας : μομφαν \ έχων : επεσ' ε\πεθΒν. Monora. hypercat. or penthem. χρυοεων \ Ιν6π\τρων. Hec. 913. Dim. brachycat. τέκνων Ιμών \ ψύλαξ. ib. 1066. Dim. catal. or hephthemim. αλάσ\τορός \ τις οί\ζΰς. ib. 936. Dim. acatal. εγώ δε πλόκα\μσν άναδέτοις. ib. 913. Dim. hypercat, ατρεμας \ t&v λό\γον από\δος «φ' ο, | τι. Or. 150. Trim, brachycat. ζυγέ ντο παιδ\οποιρν ύ | δονάν. Ph. 348. Trim, catal έχων ε μ ως \ τε ναυαατομπ\ον αϋραν. Ph. 1727. Trochaic Metre. The following is the scale of the catalectic tetrameter : (See Porson.) — w — w — w KS — w — \y — v> w \u v^ \S — Other species of trochaic verse are : Monom. acat. or basis trochaica : άστενακτος. Monom. hyperc. or penthem. τί ποτ' άναατε\νεις ; Hec. 183. Dim. brachycat. or ithyphallic : δακτνλοις 'έ\λισσε. Orest. 1433• Dim. catal. hephthem. τών απορ$η\των πόλις. Hec. 894. Dim. acatal. ποΐ τράπωμαι ; \ ποΐ πορευδώ ; ib. 1082. Dim. hypercat. 7 Ας εγν^ι ό \ τομάτας Πά\ρις. Orest. 1408. Trim, brachycat. ώ τΐκνον, τε\κνον ταλα'ινας \ ματρός. Hec. 688. Trim, catal. κατ&ανει, κα\κός ο' αποκτεί\νει πόσις. Orest. 1467. Trim, acatalect. ; Bentley affirms that this metre is unknown to tragedians or comedi- ans. Gaisford thinks that the two following are legitimate instances : ει&' άελλαί\α ταχΰρρω\ατος πελειάς. Soph. GEd. C. 1081. και κασιγνη\ταν πνκνοστί\κτων όπαδόν. ib. 1092. Trim, hypercat. ήλ&ον εις δό\μονς, IV αϋ&' %\καοτά σοι λε\γω. Eur. Or. 1398. Ionic a majore. An Ionic verse a majore admits a trochaic syzygy promiscuously with its proper foot , the second paeon in the 1st place ; also a molossus in an even place of a trimeter whole or catalectic. Resolutions of the long syllable are allowed in all possible varieties. Monom. hypercat. or penthem. πτώσσουσι μυ\χών. Hec. 1048. Dim. brachycat. και οώψρονα \ πώλοι ς. Phcen. 182. Dim. catal. η Παλλάδος \ εν πόλει. Hec. 465. Dim. acatal. δάψνα -5•' [ε\ροΰς άνίσχε. ib. 458. Dim. hypercat. νυν <5' οντος α\νεΐται οτυγε\ρω. Soph. Aj. 1232. Trim, brachycat. οίκτραν βιο\ταν εχουοαν \ Όϊκοις. Hec. 456. χαΐρ\ εΰτνχί\α δ' αντος ό\μιλεις. Or. 348. If the three remaining paeons, or the second paeon in any place but the first, or if an iambic syzygy, or an epitrite, be found in the same verse with an Ionic foot, the verse is then termed epionic. Ionic a minor e. An Ionic verse a minor e admits an iambic syzygy promiscuously, and begins sometimes vvith the third paeon, and sometimes with a molossus, which is admitted in the odd places. Resolutions of the long syllable are also allowed. Monom. hypercat. or penthem. μελϊας μα\τρΰς. Hec. 185» Dim. brachycat. επί τάνδ' εσσ\υ&είς. ib. 1065. (τάνδε ου&είς. Pors.) Dim. catal. or hephthem. ϊλάτας ακρ\οκόμοις. Phoen. 1540. Dim. acat. παρακλίνουσ' \ επεκρανεν. iEsch. Ag. 721. Dim. hypercat. μονάδ' αΙώ\να διάξου\σα. Phoen. 1537. Trim, brachycat. διεδίφρευ\&ε Μνρτίλου \ ψόνον. Eur. Or. 986. An epionic verse a minore is constituted by intermixing with the Ionic foot a trochaic syzygy, an epitrite, the second or fourth paeon, or the third in any place but the first. Choriambic Metre. A choriambic verse sometimes begins with an iambic syzygy, and generally ends with one either complete or catalectic. It also sometimes ends with a trochaic syzygy * αντοδαϊ | κτόΖ &ανωόΐ χαϊ χ&ίνΧδ I xVvCg πΧη. iEsch. S. e. Th. 733. 734. A SYNOPSIS OF METRICAL SYSTEMS. 87 The verses corresponding to these, in the antistrophe, are : παραβααΧαν | ώκύποΤνον αϊωνα δ' ες | τρΧτον μενεϊ. Monom. ω μοΧ ε γ ω. Eur. Hec. 1039. Monora. hypercat. or penthem. τανδε γυναι\κών. ib. 1053. Dim. brachycat. άλως αύ\γάζει. ib. 634. Dim. catal. or hephthera. πορ&μον άί"£|ω τάλας. ib. 1088. Dim. acatal. άμφϊ χλάδοις \ ίζομΐνα. Phcen. 1532. Dim. hypercat. οφελε πρότερον \ αί&ίρα δνν\αι. Soph. Aj. 1211. Trim, brachycat. πόλων αφάνες | αί&ίρος \ εϊδ\ωλον. Eur. Ph. 1559. If any other foot of four syllables is joined with a choriambus, the verse is sometime• denoted epichoriambic. Antispastic Metre. An antispast is composed of an iambus and a trochee (^ — | — w). To lessen the labour of composition, in the first part of the foot, any variety of the iambus, and in the second, any variety of the trochee, is admitted. Hence we get the following kinds of antispast : v> v,/ \y ^y v/ v^ Instead of an antispast, an iambic or trochaic syzygy is occasionally used : w — I \^ — — w J — vy The second foot of the iambic syzygy also admits a dactyle : w — | KS v^ A dochmius consists of an antispast and a long syllable (v^ w — ) : therefore a simple dochmiac is the same as an antispastic monom. hypercat. -9εων η &εαν. A pure dimeter dochmiac is not of frequent occurrence : the fourth of the following lines is one : αλΧμ'ενον τΧς ως J ες αντλον πεσων λεχρΧος, εκπϊση \ φΧλας καρδΧας αμεροας βΧον | το γαρ ύπεγγύον δΧκα καΤ &εοϊ\οΧν οϋ ζϋμπΧτνεϊ. Hec. 1010 — 1013. Other varieties of the dimeter dochmiac may be found in the chorus in iEsch. S. c Th. 79. ed. Blomf. ρεΤ πολύς ωδε λεώς | πρόδρομος Τπποτας. αμαχετοΰ δΐκαν \ ύδατος οροτύποΰ. αλεναατε βοόϊ J δ' υπέρ χέίχεων. τΧς αρα ρϋσετάϊ, | τΧς αρ' επαρκέσει ; πέπλων καί ατεφεων \ ποτ' ει μη νυν, αμ — φί. συ τ' Λρης, φευ, φευ, \ Κάδμου επώνύμον. εν τε μαχαϊς μακαΤρ' | αναοοα προ πόλεως. Χω τελεΤοΤ \ τελεΤαΙ τε γας : with an iambio syzygy. A dochmiac is sometimes connected with a cretic, either pure or resolved : επταπύλον | εδος επΧρρύοΰ. .ffisch. S. C. Th. 151. τασδε πϋρ\γο φύλακες πολϊν. ib. 154. A pherecratean verse consists of an antispast and a bacchius. αϋρα, ποντΧ\ας αΰρα. Hec. 445. τοϊ μεν γαρ πο\τΧ πύργους πανδημΐ, παν\ομΤλΤ * ατεΤχοϋόϊν. τΧ\γενωμαι; ΤοΊ δ' ε π' αμφΧ\βολόΐαΐν ΧαπτυνσΧ | πολϊταΤς χερμαδ' οκρΧ\οεσσαν. ^sch. S. C Th. 282—287. Antispastic dim. acatal. or glyconeus. This verse admits any kind of antispast in the first place ; but, in the second, only an iambic syzygy. Λΐος σκηπτρον \ ανάσσεταΤ. Soph. Phil. 140. δοϋλΧαν -ψα\φαρα σποδω. iEsch. S. c. Th. 312. Antispastic dim. braclvycat. εμοι χρήν ξνμ\ψοράν. Hec. 627. hypercat. ίμοι χρήν πη | μοναν γενΐ\α$αι. ib. 628. κωπα πεμπο\μϊναν τάλαι\ναν. ib. 455. τάλαιν' ονκϊ |τι α' }μβατεν\σω. ib. 901. trim, brachycat. τάλαιναι τά\λαιν«ι κόραι \ Φρυγων. ib. 1046 88 A SYNOPSIS OF METRICAL SYSTEMS. catal. or hendecasyllable : α&υροοι δ' οι\ά νιν δραμόν\τε βάκχαι. Eur. Or. 15(K »} ματροκτό\νον αίμα χει\ρί -d-ia&ai. ib. 824. ετλα και Ja\vaag ονρά\νιον φώς. Soph. Ant. 944. trim, acatal. αλλ' a μοιρι\δία τις'* $ wig δεινά. ib. 950. Pceonic Metre. A pseonic verse admits any foot of the same time as a paeon, viz. a cretic, a bacchius, or a tribrach and pyrrhic jointly ; a palimbacchius or third pseon is not often found. The construction of the verse is most perfect when each metre ends with a word. Dim. brachycat. όμογαμος \ κύρη. Phoen. 137. Dim. catal. χαλκόδετα \ τ' Ι'μβολα. Phoen. 113. Dim. acatal. διοιχόμε-9', \ οίχόμε&α. Orest. 179. δρομάδες ώ \ πτεροφοροι. ib. 311. Dim. hypercat. πάρα Σιμονντ\ίοις όχε\τοις. Orest. 799. ■&εών νεμε\οΊς εις Έλϊ\ναν. ib. 1356. Trim, brachycat. καταβόστρυ\χος ομμααι \ γοργός. Phoen. 146. Trim, catal. βάλοιμι χρό\νω ψνγάδα \ μίλεον. ib. 169. Versus prosodiacus. This appellation is given to a verse in which choriambics are mixed with Ionics ar paeons. Dim. acatal. ά δε λίνον | ι)λακάτα. Eur. Or. 1429. νήματα &' ϊ\ετο πίδω. ib. 1431. Dim. hypercat. μολπάν <Γ απο, \ και χοροποι\ών. Hee. 905. μαστον νπερ \ τέλλοντ' ίσι\δών. Or. 832. Trim, brachycat. ου πρόοφορος \ άμερ'ιων \ γέννα. Phoen. 132. Trim, catal. λαίνεοις \ Άμψίονος J όργάνοις. ib. 114. Trim, hypercat. μεγάλα δέ \ τις δύναμις \ δι' άλαστό\ρων. Or. 1562. Versus asynarteti. Hec. 1080. δεϊνα, δεΤνα\\πεπον&αμεν. troch. syz.-f-iamb. syz. 457. ϊνΰα πρωτο\\γονος τϊ φοϊ\νΤξ. troch. syz.-J-iamb. penthem. A verse of this kind, in which a trochaic is followed by an iambic sy zy gy, or vice versa, is termed periodicus. Eur. Or. 1404. αϊλΧνον, αίλΧνον\\αρχαν ΰανατοϋ. dact. dim.-4-anap. monom. 824. rj ματρδζτονον\\αϊμα χεΧρΧ -3εσ&αΧ. dact. dim.-}-troch. ithyphallic. Hec. 915. επΧδεμνΧον ως^πεοοϊμ' ες εΰνάν. anap. monom .-{-iamb, penth. Or. 960. στρατηλάτων^ Ελλάδος ποτ' οντών. iarab. monom.-j-troch. ithyph. Phoen. 1033. εβάς, εβας,\\ω πτερονσαα γας λοχενμα. iamb, monom. -f-troch. dim. Hec. 1C83. αϊ&ερ' αμπτα\\μενος οϋρανΧδν. troch. monom. -}-anap. monom. Verses, consisting of entirely irregular feet, are termed polyschemastic : ΟΐδΧποδΞ | βροτών ονδε \ να μακαρΤ\ζώ. Soph. GEd. Τ. 1195. A glyconeus polyschematistus contains a choriambus in the second foot : Αλέξανδρος | εΐλατΧναν. Hec. 630. τΧ τ oo ς ανω\ϋεν φροΐ'Χμώ- τατονς οΧώ\νοϋς εαδρώ- μενοΧ τροιρας \ κηδομενονς αφ> ων τε βλαο\τωσΧν, αφ' ων τ' κ. λ. Soph. ΕΙ. 1058 κάϊ βοτηρας \ ϊππονδμοϋς. Aj. 232. οϋδεν ελλεϊ\πεΐ γενεάς. Ant. 585. ω λΧπαρδζω\νοΰ &νγατερ. Phoen. 178. ολε&ρΧοΰ βΧο\ταν προσάγεις. Med. 989. As an exercise for the student, an analysis of the metres, in the choruses of the Hecta- pa, is subjoined. ΰτροφη a'. 444 — 453. 1. Αϋρα, πδντΧ\ας αϋρα, antisp. dim. catal. or pherecratean. 2. are ποντο\πορονς κομϊ\ζεϊς, antisp. dim. hypercat. or periodicus dim. hypercat. 3. &οας ακα\τόϋς ε π' όΐδμα \ λϊμνας. Ion. a maj. trim, brach. 4. ποΐ με ταν με \λεάν πορεΰ\σεΤς ; the same as the second line. 5. τω δοΰλο σν\νος προς οίκον, Ion. a maj. dim. acat. 6. χτη-&εϊο' αφϊξ\ομαϊ iamb. dim. brachycat. A SYNOPSIS OF METRICAL SYSTEMS. S& I SiSSIr l ?Κ ν ~ αΊ -»-« } as the fifth line. 8. η Φΰίαδος, \ εν&α κάλλια- $ 9. των ύδα\τών πατε\ρα ; dact. dim. hypercat. 10. φασΧν Ι ΛπΧ\\δανδν | γνας | λΧπαϊ\νεϊν. Versus asynartetus : or antisp trim, catal. άντιστρ. a. 454 — 463. 1. ηνασών, α\λΧηρεΤ 2. κώπα πεμπδ\μεναν ταλαϊ\ναν* 3. οΐκτραν βΧο\ταν εχονσαν \ οΤκοΤς, 4. εν&α π()ώτο\γονος τε φοΤ|νΤξ, 5. ίαφνα ■&' Χε \ροϋς ανεσχε 6. πτόρΰοϋς Λατοϊ \ φΧλα\ 7. ωδΤνος α\γάλμα /flag ; 8. ζνν ΛήλΧα\αϊν τε κοϋραϊς, 9. ΑρτεμΧ\δδς τε -&ε\ας 10. χρϋαεαν \ αμπν\κα, το|ί•α τ' εΰ\λογη\θω ; στροφή β' . 464 — 472. 1. η Παλλάς | εν πολεΧ, > Ιοη ^ ^ ^ 2. τας καλ)ΧδΧ\φροΤ' Α -da- ) 3. ναΖας εν κρδ\κεω πεπλω, antisp. dim. acat. or glyconeus. 4. ζεϋξομαΧ αρ\ματΧ πώλους, prosodiacus. 5. εν δαΤδάλε \αϊαΧ ποϊκϊλ- ) τ . ,. - ,• _ * - «J ν-ι . - ν, _ - > Ion. a mai. dim. acat. Ο. λουσ' αν&οκρο\κονσι πηναις, ) J 7. ^ Τέτανων | γενεαν,$ anapest. dim. brachycat. 8. ταν Ζευς \ αμφΧπν\ρω , dactylic dim. hypercat. 9. κόΐμϊ\ζεϊ ψλδγ\μω ΚρονΧ\δας ; dact. trim, hypercat. άντιατρ. β'. 473 — 481. 1. ω μοί τεκε\ών εμών, 2. ω μοί πατε\ρών, χ$ονος &' 3. α καπνω κατ\ερεϊπετάΐ 4. τϋφδμενα, \ δορΧληπτδς 5. προς ΑργεΊ\ων εγω δ' εν§ 6. ζεϊνα χ&ονΧ \ δη κεκ?.ημαΤ 7. δοϋλα, | λΧποΰα' \ ΑσΧαν\\ 8. Εΰρω\πας ■&ερα\πναν, 9. α?.λα\'ξασ' ~ΑΤ\δα -9-αλα\μοϋς στροφή. 627—634 1 εμοΊ χρψ ξΰμ\ φοράν, antisp. dim. brachycat. 2. εμο^ρψ πη\μοναν γΐνΈσΙϊατ ) antisp . dim . hypercat. 3. Ιδάΐαν ο\τε πρώτον υ\λαν 4. Αλέξανδρος \ εΊλατΧναν glycon. polyschem. 5. εταμε&', αλΧον \ επ' οϊδμα ναϋ\στολησών antisp. trim cat 6. Έλενας ε\πΧ λεκτρα, ταν \ καλ- Ion. a min. dim. hypercat. 7. ΑΤσταν ο χρϋ\οοφαης anapest. dim. brachycat. 8. αλΧος αΰ\γαζεί. choriamb, dim. brachycat., or a dactylic penthemimer. With this compare the άντιστρ. 635 — 642. * Observe, that in the first part of the verse, (as in 10,) a fourth epitrite answers to a trochaic dipodia in the strophe; these are commutable : thus in Eur. Hipp. 547. the first line of the strophe ταν μεν Οϊχα\?.Χα is answered in the antistrophe by ω Θήβας Χ\ερδν. t This line does not correspond witn the strophe ; a transposition seems necessary : see note on it. \ Heath terms this line a glyconeus polyschematistus, having a molossus in the first foot, to which, in the antistrophe, a palimbacchius answers. § We have here a bacchius answering - to an Ionic a maj. in the strophe ; the verses may be assimi- lated rather more by making• δαΤδαλεαϊσΧ of four syllables only; in which case the bacchius will answer to an antibacchius. To reconcile this line with the corresponding one of the strophe, we may read πρ<»\ιπονο'. Mus- grave suggests λείπουσ', but the aor. is necessary. 12 30 A SYNOPSIS OF METRICAL SYSTEMS. ίπωδός. 643—651. 1. επΐ δορΧ, και | φονω, καΧ ε \uwv epionic a minore. 2. μελα&ρών \ λώβα- anapestic monom. 3. στενεϊ δε κάΐ | τΧς αμφΧ τον iam. dim. acat. 4. ενροον | Ενρώ\ταν dactylic penthemimer. 5. ΑακαΤνα πολύ | δακρϋτδς εν | δομοΤς κόρα' iamb. trim. acat. 6. πδλΧδν τ' επΧ \ κράτα ματηρ epionic a minore. 7. τεκνών -&ανδν\τών τϊ&ϊταϊ glycon. polysehem. 3. χέρα δρΰπτε\ταϊ τε παρεϊ\αν, prosod. dim. hypercat. 9. δΧαϊμον ονυ\χα τΧ^ έμενα \ σπαραγμοίς. antisp. trim. cat. στροφή «'. 893—901. 1. συ μϊν, ώ πα\τρΧς ΙλΧας, Ion. a min. dim. acat. 2. των α\πορ&η\των πδ\?.Τς trochaic hephthem. 3. οϋκετΧ λε\ξεΤ• τοϊον Ε?.- choriamb, dim. acat. 4. λανών νεφός | αμφϊ σε κρϋπ\τεϊ, prosodiacus dim. hypercat 5. δοοΐ δη, | δορΧ περ\σαν. anapestic penthem. 6. απδ δε στε\φαναν κεκαρ\σαϊ Ion. a min. dim. hypercat. 7. πϋργων, κατά | δ' αϊ-θαλοϋ Ion. a maj. dim. catal. 8. κΤύΊδ' υΊκτρδ\τατΰν κϊγοω\σαϊ, ) ,• .• ■,• ι n 4 - , - s J ι - , - jv -ι ' > antispastic dim. hypercat 9. ταλαίν'• ουκε\τν σ' εμβατευ\σω. ) r With this compare αντωτρ. a'. 902 — 910. στροφή β'. 911—920. 1. ενω δε πλδκαΐαδν αναδετοϊς ) . , ,. . ί ζ, ^ . w ,, "L. -^ * * > iamb. dim. acat. Λ. μιτραισιν ερ\ου-σμι,^ομαν ^ 3. χρϋσεών ενδπ\τρων, iamb, penthem. 4. λεϋασοϋσ' ατερ\μδνας εϊς αϋ\γας, epionic a min. 5. ε πΧ δε μ \ νΧ δ ν ώς || τϊεσοϊμ' \ ες εϋ\ναν, asynartetus. 6. ανα δε κελαδός Ι ει/Ολε πδ?.ϊν. ) • ι ι• „ . < ' ~ «».-.- ~ ., _ - , - ^ τ, - ) iamb. dim. acat. 7. κέλευσμα ο' ην \ κατ' άστυ Τροι>- } 8. ας τδδ'• ώ παϊ\δϊς Ελλανων, \ πο τ ε, epionic a min. brachycat. \ or, accord ing to the Schol. antisp. trim, brachyc. 9. δη, πδτε ταν \ ΙλΧαδα \ σκοπΧαν, choriamb, trim, catal. or an anapestic dim 10. περσαι\τες, ηζ\ετ' οΐ\κοϋς ; iamb, hephthem. With this compare άντιστρ. 921 — 930. ϊπωδός. 931—938. -. _ _ ~_ _, _ ~,v, _ ^^ -( asynarteti, consisting of an iambic 1. τούτοις Λο_σκου\ροι_νΕλεν_αν ***£,!- ) { nd dac ' t lic penthemimer, also 2. δαιον τε βουταν | αινοπαριν, κατάρα } called ia f mbel ^ 3. δϊδοΰσ', Ι επεΤ\με, iambic penthemimer. 4. γας εκ πατρώ\άς απωλε\σεν asynartetus: iamb, syzygy -J-trochaic penthem. 5. εξωκΧσεν τ 3 υΤ\κων γαμΰς, οϋ ya^og, αλλ' as the first. 6. αλα\στδρδς | τϊς oT | ζνς• iambic hephthem. 7. αν μη\τε ττελα\γδς αλϊ\δν απα\γαγοΤ \ παλϊν, iamb. trim, acat 8. μντε πα\τρωον Χ\κοϊτ' ες | όϊχδν. Logaadicus. 91 COLLECTION OF WORDS, WHICH ARE WRITTEN OR PRONOUNCED ALIKE, DISTINGUISHED FROM EACH OTHER, IN THEIR MEANING, BY THE ACCENTS. *Αγελαιος, belonging to a herd, gregarious. *Αγίλαιος, unskilled, rude. Άγητος, wonderful, extraordinary. " Αγιχτος, Agetus, a proper name. "Αγκυρα, an anchor. 'Αγκυρα, Ancyra, a city of Galatia. "Αγνός, subst. a species of willow. f Αγνός, adj. chaste, pure. y Αγοραίος, belonging to the market or fo- rum. * Αγοραίος, being in the market-place. Άγος, ov, 6, a leader. *Αγος, εος, το, impurity, unholiness. "Αγριος, wild, savage, rude. *Αγρεΐος, rustic, rural. " Αγροικος, rustic, clownish, rude. Άγροΐκος, rural, living in the country. * Αγρονόμος, feeding or pasturing in the country. y Αγρονόμος, fed or pastured in the country. ' Αγχίαλος, η, Anchialum, a city. 'Αγχίαλος, ό, i;, maritime, of the sea- shore. 3 Άγχον, adv. near, nigh. "" Άγχον, imperat. of of χω, to strangle "Αγων, άγοντος, 6, acting, leading. Άγων, αγοίνος, 6, a contest, struggle. 'Αδελφός, a brother. "'Αδελφός, Adelphus, a proper name. Άδολίσχης, χον, ό, a trifler, prater. Άδολεσχ/,ς, ίος, 6, η, contemplative. "Αδοά, fern, of ύδρος, mature, vigorous. 31 Αδρά, Adra, a city of Illyria. "Adai,f. ud(x), to sing. a Ad(a,f. adoi, to please, gratify. ^Αΐόμενος, dried, parched. 'Αγόμενος, venerating, revering. *Α&ψαΐος, Athenian, of Athens. Άΰ^ναιος, Athenasus, a man's name, " Α9ροος, free from a crowd or bustle. Άΰρόος, crowded, thick together. Ά&ώος, unpunished, unhurt. "Α&ωος, epithet of Jupiter, Athoan. Αίΰος, εος, το, heat, warmth, fire. Αί&ός, &ij, -dov, hot, warm, burning. Αίνος, ov, 6, praise, renown, glory. Αίνος, vr>i vhv, heavy, grievous. Αίνοτόκος, bringing forth with difficulty. ΑΙνότοζος, brought forth with difficulty. Αϊολος, iEolus, the god of the winds. Αίολος, variegated, various. Αίπεΐα, fern, of αίπνς, high, deep. Αϊπεια, Aepea, a town. Αϊρών, αϊροντος, raising, elevating. Αίρών, αίρονντος, taking, receiving. Άκεστ^ς, a healer, a physician. ' ΑκΑοτΐ]ς, a mender ; also Acestes. Άκήλητος, inexorable, implacable. Άκηλητός, immaculate. 'Ακίς, η, a point of a spear, &c. "Ακίς, ό, Acis, a river. "Ακρις, ό, Acris, a town. Άκρίς, ι), a locust, grasshopper. "Αληΰες, adv. truly, indeed. ' Αλ.-ηϋες, ncut. adj. true. Άμητός, harvest-time. "Αμητος, harvest, the fruits of harvest-time 'Αμυγδαλή, the almond-tree. Άμνγδάλ.η, the fruit of the almond-tree. "Αμφις, subst. Amphis, a proper name Άμφίς, adv. about, around. 'Ava, prep, by, through, among. "Ava, ace. of αναζ, a king. 'Αντικρύ, opposite, over against. "Αντικρνς, openly, publicly. Αορ, to, a sword. Αορ, ij, a woman, a wife. ' Απερ, which. * Απεργοί' ωσπερ, as, like as, as if. "Απλοος, innavigable. ' Άπλόος, simple, plain. Άπολλύω, {with double λ,) to destroy. 'Απολύω, (xoith one λ,) to release, dismiss. ' Απτός, i n ov, that may be touched, tangible Άπτως, άπτώτος, (with ω,) not liable to fall ? Αρα, adv. interrog. whether. "Αρα, particle, then, truly, surely. 'Αρά, y, subst. prayer, imprecation. 'Αραιός, accursed ; sworn. 'Αραιός, thin, spare, slender. "Αργός, ov, ό, a burden. "Αργός, εος, το, Argos, a city, "Αργός, β, 6, Argus, a proper name 'Αργός, >;, ov, white, brilliant. 92 WORDS WRITTEN OR PRONOUNCED ALIKE 3 Αρίστων, ωνος, 6, Aristo. a man's name. 3 Αριστων, ωντος, ό, doing the best things. "Αρνειος, εία, είον, lamb-like, of a lamb. 3 Αρνει6ς, ου, 6, a lamb. 'Αρπαγή, rapine, pillage. r Αρπάγη, a hook. "Αρρητος, not to be told, secret. * Αρρητος, odious, hateful. 3 Αρτεμης, εος, ό, η, entire, sound. "Αρτεμις, μιδος, ή, Diana. 3 Αρτιτόκος, having lately brought forth. 'Άρτίτοχος, being lately born. 5 Αρτίτομος, being lately cut. Άρτιτόμος, that has lately cut. " Aooa, for ax iv a, what, which. "Aoaa,for τίνα, some, certain ones. 3 Αστήρ, a star. "Αστήρ, Aster, a city. 3 Ασφοδελος, a place in the infernal world. 3 Ασφόδελος, the daffodil, a flower. 3 Ατεχνώς, adv. surely, entirely. 3 Ατεχνως, adv. unskilfully, ignorantly. "Ατροπος, «, d, ή, unchangeable. "Ατροπος, «, i„ Atropos, one of the Fates. " Αττα, interrog.fr on. what, which. " Αττα, {like άσσα,) some, certain ones. ~ Αττα, aterm of respect, as, good father, &c. Αϋγη, αυγής, i n Auge, a woman's name. Αυγή, αύγης, i n brightness, as of the sun, &c. Αυτή, ταύτης, this, that. Αυτή, αύτη ς, herself, itself. 3 Αιρετή, αφέτης, i n dismission, releasing. 3 Αιρετή, αιρετής, η, Aphete, an island. "Αφρός, αιρρου, ό, Apher. 3 Αφρϋς, αφρού, ό, foam, froth. " Αχυρον, ύρου, το, straw, chaff. 3 Αχυρων, ώνος, ό, a place for straw. Β. JBaiov, adv. a little while, a little. Baiov, to, a palm-branch, a bough. Βαιός, short, small. ΒαΓος, Baius, a companion of Ulysses. Βασίλεια, a queen. Βασιλεία, a kingdom. Βάτος, a measure called a bath. Hebr. Βάτος, «, η, a bramble, a thorn. Βατός, (with one τ,) pervious, passable. Βάττος, (with double τ,) Battus, a man'i name. Βηλος, Belus, a mart's name. Βηλός, a threshold. Βήσα, (with one σ,) Besa, a city. Βήσσα, (with double σ,) a hollow, a valley. Βίος, βίου, ό, life, living. Βιός, ου, 6, a bow, for shooting. ΒΊοτος, βιύτβ, ό, life, living. Βιωτός, βιωτού, ό, (life,) to be lived. Βλ.ηχρον, a species of fern. Βληχρόν, neut. of βλ.ηχρός, weak, feeble. Βοών, ώνος, η, custody. Alexandr. Βοών, ώντος, 6, crying out, shouting. Βροτός, adj. mortal. Βρότος, subst. gore, blood. Βοωτός, (with ω,) eatable. Βροϋχος, a species of locust. Βρουχός, a herald. Βρύων, νοντος, ό, gushing, springing out. Βρυών, ώνος, the coast of Cyrene. Γ. Γαλάτεια, (with si,) Galatea. Γαλατία, (with ι,) Galatia or Gallo-Gr» cia. Γαλήνη, subst. a calm of the sea. Γαληνή, adj. fern, of γαληνός, calm. Γαυλός, a milk-pail, a bucket. Γαϋλος, a transport ship or vessel. Γελοίος, ridiculous, laughable. Γελοίος, exciting laughter, merry. Γελων, ωνος, ό, Gelon, a man's name. Γελών, ώντος, ό, laughing, smiling. Γενετή, ετης, η, nativity, birth. Γενετή, ετης, η, stock or race. Γεραιός, οϋ, aged, old. Γεραΐος, αίου, of Geraea, Gereean. Γήρας, old age. Γήραοις, an advancing to old age. Γλαύκη, azure, sea-green. Γλαυκή, Glauce, a woman's name. Γλαύκος, azure or green, glaucous. Γλ.αυκος, Glaucus, a man's name. Γύρος, a circuit, circle. Γυρός, curved, bent, crooked. Δ. Αάφνη, the laurel. Ααφνή, Daphne, a proper name. Αείνη, ης, and Αεινή, δεινής, fern., to be feared, wicked. ' Jειv6ς, grave, grievous. JttQrfo δειρής, ή, the front of the neck, Αείρη, δείρης, η Λ Dere, a city of Ethiopia. Αεκαετής, (of time only,) ten years. Αεκαέτης, (of any thing,) being of ten years old, &c. Αελφίς, and Αελφίν, a dolphin. Αελφύς, (with υ,) the womb, the belly. Αεξαμενή, νης, η, a cistern, reservoir. . Αεξαμένη, νης, η, part, f em. receiving. δεσπότης; (with η,) a lord, master. Αέσποτις, (with ι,) a mistress. Αηλος, evident, manifest. Αήλ.ος, β, η, the island of Delos. i Αημος, δήμου, 6, a people, a tribe. Αημος, δημοϋ, ό, fatness, fat. δημοσία, adverbially, in public, publicly Αημόσια, τά, neut. pi. public things. Αηων, (icith ]],) laying waste. Αιών, (with i,) Dion, a man's name. Αία, ace. of Ζευς, Jupiter. Αιά, prep, by, through, &c. Αίνη, η, a whirlpool, vortex. Αίνος, ό, a whirlwind. Αίνων, ωνος, Dino, a man's name. Αινών, οϋντος, rolling, revolving. WORDS WRITTEN OR PRONOUNCED ALIKE. 93 Jioytvfc, noble, born of Jove. Jιoytvης, Diogenes, a man's name. Αΐος, ΐα, ΐον, divine, godlike. Jibg, gen. of Ζευς, Jupiter. Λοιός, (with οι like ι,) double, twofold. 4*χοτόμος, dividing (any thing) into two parts. διχοτόμος] divided into two parts. Λόκος, δόκου, appearance, opinion. Joy.og, δοκον, a beam, rafter. Λόλιος, deceitful, deceptive. Αολίος, Dolius, a man's name. Λολίχη, subst. Doliche, an island. JoliX^fem. adj. long. Λόλων, ωνυς, 6, subst. Dolon, a man's name. Λολών, οΰντος, ό, part, deceiving. Λςνμος, s, ό, Drymus, a man's name. 4$>νμός, ov, ό, a wood, forest. Jvvo, dual adj. two. J -όω, verb, to enter, go into. E. Είδυία, subst. Idyia, the mother of Medea. Είδυια, part. fern, knowing. Εϊκων, οντος, part, yielding, obeying. Είκών, ovog, ?;, subst. an image, figure. Είπε, indie, of εί'πυ), he said. Είπε, imperat. of ε'ίπω, say thou. Είς, prep, in, into. Eig, numeral, one. "Εκτος, numeral, sixth. ''Εκτος, adv. out of, without. Έκπλέω, verb, to sail from. "Εκπλεω, adv. fully, entirely. 'Ελαίων, ωνος, ό, an olive-garden. Ελεών, οΰντος, pitying, commiserating. Έλύοοων, όνος, less, smaller. Έλασοών, ονντος, diminishing. Έλΰων, οντος, part, following. Έλαών, όνος, ό, an olive-yard. Έλεος, ov, το, pity, commiseration. Έλζός, ov, ό, Eleus, a fiver ; a table. "Ελευοις, ιος, ή, coming, arrival. Έλενσίς, ΐνος, η, Eleusis, a city. "Ελπις, ο, Elpis, a man's name. ΈλπΊς, η, hope, expectation. 'Έμμεν,^οτπ ΐημι, to send. "Εμιιεν,^ΟΚί ειμί, or εω, to be. 'Ev,prep. in, among. "Ev, neut. of είς, one. "Evijjor εοτΐ, is. Ένί,/οτ εν, in. Έννύς, η, numeral, the ninth. c Evi unity, a unit. Ενός, gen of εις, of one. "Ενός, ενυν, ό, a year, of a year old. Ένόω ) to unite, join. Ένόω, to shake. Έντροπη, truly, indeed. . ■ Έντροπή, ης, i n shame, diffidence. . "£5, numeral, six. Έξ, prep, out of. from. ΈςαΊοει, he augments. Εςαιοεΐ, he liberates. Εξαίρετος, ϊτου, adj. select, taken out. Εξαίρετος, ετοϋ, adj. chief, principal. Εξανεχμιοι, the children of cousins Εζανεψιοί, cousins. 31 Εξω, adv. outside of, without. "Εξω,βιί. of ε χω, I shall have. Έοικός, (with 0,) neut. like. Έοικώς, (with ω,) masc. like. "Επαινος, aivs, praise, commendation. Έπαινος, αινοϋ, grave, dreadful. Επαρχία, a province. Έπάρχια, Eparchia, a zcoman's name. Εργάτης, 8, ο, a workman, an operative. Έργάτις, ιδος, η. fern, a work-woman. Έρινεός, ov, a species o/fig. Έρίνεος, έου, fruit of the wild fig -tree. "Ερκειος, (with ει,) protecting dwellings, epith. of Jupiter. α Ερκιος,(ιοίίΙιι,) enclosure, dwelling. Έρμαιος, of or belonging to Mercury Έρμαιος, (λόφος,) a mound, tumulus 'Ερμηνεία, interpretation. Έρμηνία, the foot or support of a couch. Έρω, (xoith one ρ,) to speak, say. Έρρω, (with double ρ,) to perish, die.» Εταίρος, a friend, associate. "Ετερος, another, other. Έτος, ετεος, το, a year. Έτος, adv. in vain. Ενάν-9-ης, ό, Euanthes, a man's name. Ειίαν&ϊ,ς, ό, ή, florid, flowery. Ενη-θεια, (with ει,) sloth, indolence. Ευη&ία, (loith 1,) good morals. Εν-θνβολος, rightly thrown or cast. Εν&νβόλος, rightly throwing or casting. Ευ-3νς, adverbially, immediately. Εϋ&νς, as an adj. straight, right. Ενμαρί,ς, (icith η,) easy. Ενμαρίς, (with 1,) a snoe, sandal Ενπει&^ς. obedient, submissive. Ενπεί^ης, obedient to the chief. ■ Εύρος, breadth, latitude. Εύρος, the wind called. Eurus. Ευσεβών, ονντος, practising piety . Ενοέβων, όνος, ό, Eusebon, a mans name Ενοϋένης, Eusthenes, a mans name. Ενα9ενι[ς, strong . able, brave. Ευτυχία, happiness, felicity. Εντνχια, Eutychia, a woman s name. *Έχϋρα, i n enmity. Έχ■^ρά ^ fem. of ίχ-θρος inimical. Z. Z) t v, ζηνός, ό, Jupiter. Ζην, infin. of ζάω, to live. Ζυγός, ό, masc. a yoke for oxen. Ζυγός, η, fcm. the beam of a balance. Ζώον, ζώου, το, an animal. Ζωόν, ζωον, το, neut. of ζωός alive Η. "Ηδέ, conj. also, and. "Ηδε, pron. this, that. 94 WORDS WRITTEN OR PRONOUNCED ALIKE. "Hi, conj. or, than. ~Ηε, verb, he went. 7 Hi, in what place, to whom, how far. ~H, certainly, assuredly. "Ηλιος, the sun. ^Ηλείος, (with ει,) an Elean. 7 Η).ος, ηλ.ου, 6, a nail, peg. Ήλος, ηλοϋ, foolish, simple. "Ημών, όνος, ο, a dart-thrower, spear-man. 'Ημών, gen. pi. of us. "Ηραιος, Herogus, a marts name. Ήραΐος, of or relating to Juno. Ηράκλεια, Heraclea, a city, and a woman'i name. 'Ηράκλεια, Herculean. 'Ηράκλειος, Heraclean, of Heraclea. Ηράκλειος, Herculean. Ήράκλεις, Hercules. 'Ηρακλής, Hercules. "Ηττων, less, smaller. 'Ηττών, lessening, diminishing. 7 Ηττον, adv. less. "Η/η, fame, rumour. "Hyi, adv. where, in what place. Θ. Θαλάμαι, dens of wild animals. Θαλαμαί, the temple of Castor and Pollux. Θάρσος, boldness, courage. Θράσος, temerity, rashness. Θαλία, a banquet, feast. Θάλεια, (with ει,) celebrity ; also Thalia. Θαμβός, ov, 6, astonishment, wonder. Θάμβος, εος, το, fear, stupefaction. Θεά, θέας, η, a goddess. Θϊα, θέας, ή, a spectacle, show, sight. Θεοτόκος, η, bringing forth a god. Θεοτόκος, ό, born of a god. Θέρμη, θέρμης, r l3 warmth, heat. Θερμή, θέρμης, fern, adj. warm, hot. Θέρμος, ο, a lupine. Θερμός, t n or, warm, hot. Θήλυς, θήλεος, /,, a female, a woman. Θηλνς, θηλνος, η Λ a nipple or teat. Θηρών, ώντος, part, hunting. Θήρων, ωνος, Τ heron, a marts name. Θόλος, θόλον, a dome, vaulted room. Θολός, adj. turbid, foul. Θι'μος, θνιιον, the herb thyme. Θυμός, θνμυν, mind, courage, spirit. Θνρα, a door, a gate. Θι'ραι, the aperture of a door or gate. Θνροός, the thyrsus of the bacchanals Θνραος, Thyrsus, a marts, name. la, fern,, adj. alone, only. la, subst. a voice, cry. *I$s, conj. and, also. "Ids, verb, see, behold. Ιδοτ', adverbially, behold ! lo ! Idov, verb, see, behold. ' Ιδρυμένος, sitting, seated. 'Ιδρυμένος, strengthened, confirmed. c Ιερών, όνος, subst. Hiero, a marts name. 'Ιερών* ώντος, part, sacrificing. Ίκέτις, ιδος, η, a (female) suppliant. 'Ικέτης, ου, 6, a (male) suppliant. 'Ινα, ης, η, subst. a fall, decline. "Ινα, conj. that. 3 Ινδός, Indian, of India. "Ινδός, the Indus, a river. "Τον, ϊου, a violet. 3 Ιόν, neut. of part, ιών, going. * ϊτεν'ός, ου, a furnace, oven. 3 Ίπνος, ϊπνου, a lantern. "Ιρις, the iris, a plant. ~Ιρις, Iris, a goddess. Ίρός, sacred, holy. ~Ιρος, a mendicant. " Ισπων, οντος, Hispon, a marts name. Ίσπών, ώνος, το, comprehending, containing Ίχθνς, a fish. "Ιχθύς, Ichthys, a marts name. Ίων, οϋντος, full of poison. "Ιων, ωνος, Ion, a proper name. Ιωνία, Ionia, a country. Ίων ιά, a violet-bed. K. Καίνη, Caene, a city. Καινή, fern, οι καινός, new. Κακή, fern, οι κακός, bad, wicked. Κάκη, evil, wickedness. Καθαιρών, οϋντος, subverting. ΚαθαΊρων, οντος, purifying. Καλλισθένης, Callisthenes, a marts name, Καλλισθένης, powerful, strong. Κάλον, subst. dried wood. Καλόν, adj. neut. of καλός, beautiful. Κάλλος, (with double λ,) εος, το, beauty. Καλός, (xoith one λ,) good, fair. Κάλως, subst. a rope, a cable. Καλώς, adv. well, finely. Καμπή, a bend, curvature. Κάμπη, a canker-worm. Κανθός, the corner of the eye. Κάνθος, Canthus, a marts name. Κέδρος, masc. the fruit of the cedar Κέδρος, fern, the cedar-tree. Κείνος, for εκείνος, he. Κείνος, for κενός, empty. Κήρ, fate, lot, death. Ki/Q, the heart, soul. Κηρος, Cerus, a river. Κηρός, wax. Κίρρα, Cirrha, a city. Κιρρά, flame-like. Κίών, όνος, subst. a pillar, column. Κ ιών, όντος, part, going. Κλ.εΐτος, subst. Cletus, a proper name Κλειτός, adj. glorious, famous. Κλειώ, subst. Clio, one of the Muses. Κλείυ), verb, to praise, celebrate. Κλϊ}ρος, subst. lot, chance. Κληρός, adj. determined by lot. Κλίσις, εως, an inclining towards. Κλίοις, ιος, an inclining of the whole army WORDS WRITTEN OR PRONOUNCED ALIKE. 95 Κλω&ω, subst. Clotho, one of the Fates. Κλω&ω, verb, to wind round, enfold. Κόμπος, subst. a noise ; a boasting. Κόμπος, adj. boasting, vaunting. Κανίς, ίδος, dust. Κόνις, ιος, nits, the eggs of lice, <&c. Κόρη, (with one ρ.) a virgin, maiden. Κόρρη, (with double ρ,) the head and neck. Κόρυς,/αη. a helmet, casque. Κόρυς, masc. a wood-louse, bug. Κόρωνος, Coronus, a mountain. Κορωνός, an angle. Κουριχός, adj. of or belonging to a barber. Κονοιχος, subst. an emporium. Κονριον, Curium, a city. Κονρεϊον, a barber's shop. Κρής, Cretan, of Crete. Κρης, for χρέας, flesh, meat. Κρίνω, pres. 1 judge. Κρίνω, f tit. I shall or will judge. Κρίνων, part, judging. Κρίνων, subst. a bed of lilies. Κριός, a ram. Κριός, Crius, a man's name. Κρότων, subst. a tike or tick. Κροτών, part, applauding. Κύβος, ov, reproach, reviling. Κύδος, εος, glory, eminence. Κυχίω, verb, to mix, mingle. Κυχεώ, for χυχεώνα, a potion. Κυνώπης, masc. shameless, impudent. Κυνώπις,/βπι. shameless, impudent. Κυπάρισσος, 6, Cyparissus, a proper name. Κυπάρισσος, η, a cypress-tree. Κύριος, β, ο, lord, master. Κυριός, Cyrius, the name of a place. Κύρος, ου, ό, Cyrus, a man's name. Κύρος, εος, το, dominion, command. Κυρτός, gibbous, bent. Κυρτός, a fishing implement. Κυφός, gibbous, crooked. Κΰψος, Cyphus, a city. Κΰων, subst. a dog. Κυών, part, pregnant, teeming. Λαβε, Attic, take, receive. Λάβε, com. dial, take, receive. Λαβή, a handle, hilt. Λάβη, an occasion, pretext. Λαβρός, adj. abounding, excessive. Λάβρος, indifferent, mediocre. Λαγός, Lagus, a man's name. Λαγός, a hare. Λάχων, adj. Laconian or Spartan. Λαχών, part, taking by lot. Λά&ων, subst. Lathon, a river. Λαΰών, part, lying hid. Λάμποα, subst. Lampra, a city. Λαμπρά, fern. adj. brilliant, splendid. Λάος, a stone, rock. Λαός, a people, populace. Λαρός. adj. sweet. Λάρος, subst. a species of sea-bird. Λ»* ?, (with o,) lot, chance. Λάχως , (with ω,) as if. Λεχυ&οπώλης, (with η,) masc. a vender of pulse. Λεχυ&όπωλις, (with t,) a (female) vender of pulse. Λέπας, ατός, a promontory. Λεπάς, αδος, a limpet. Λίπτη, subst. Lepte, a city. Λεπτή, adj. slender, thin. Λευxή,fem. adj. white. Λεύχη, subst. a poplar-tree. Λενχων, subst. Leucon, a man's name. Λενχών, part, making white. Λ^μμα, gain, acquisition. Λημα, fortune, opportunity. Λήναιος, adj. Lenrean. Λψαΐος, Bacchus. Λητουργεΐν, (with η,) to execute an office. Λιτονργειν, (with ι,) to revile. Λίγνς, Ligurian. Λιγνς, shrill, noisy. Λι&ότομος, adj. cut out of stone. Λι&οτόμος, subst. a stone-cutter. Λιπάρα, subst. Lipara, an island. Λιπαρά, adj. fat. ΛΊς, λ lion. Λίς, a thin cloth, of linen, &c. Λόγιον, an oracle. Λογειον, a rostrum, pulpit. Λυσίας, ου, ό, Lysias, a man's name. Λυσιάς, αδος, η, Lysias, a woman's name, Λυσις, a release, a letting loose. Λυσίς, Lysis, a man's name. Λωτός, Lotus, a man's name. Λωτός, the lotus, a plant. M. Μάχρον, subst. a promontory. Μαχρόν, neut. adj. long. Με ίων, adj. less, inferior. Μειών, part, lessening. Μελιτίνη, Melitine, a woman's name Μελιτινή, adj. being of Melite. Μΐνω, pres. tense, I remain. Mtvob/fut. tense, I shall remain. Μειοειχ/ς, placable, appeasing. Μενοείχης, yielding, complying. Μηδίχη, a species of plant. Μηδική, Median, of the Medes. ΜΓ,δυς, a Mede, Median. Μ^δος, care, regard. Μιαήτη, libidinous, lustful. Μισητή, odious, hateful. Μόνη, fern. adj. alone, only. Μονή, subst. an abode, mansion. Μοχθηρός, laborious. Μοχ&ηρος, difficult, hard. Μνλλος, Myllus, a mans name. Μυλλός, squint-eyed. Μυρία, neut. pi. infinite in numbers. Μύρια, ten thousana. Μύριοι, masc. pi. infinite in numbers. Μύριοι, masc. pi. ten thousand. Μύρων, subst. Myron, a man's name. Μύρων, redolent. Μύω, to shut the eyes. Μυώ, to instruct, as in holy things. WORDS WRITTEN OR PRONOUNCED ALIKE. N. Νάρκωοος, masc. Narcissus, a youth's name. Νάρκισαος,/βτη. the plant called narcissus. Νεός, fallow land. Νέος, new, young. ΝΊκων, subst. Nicon, a man's name Νικών, part, conquering. Νόμαιον, legal, legitimate. Νομαΐον, pastoral, relating to flocks. Νόμος, a law. Νομός, a pasture ; an abode. Ννμψιος, relating to brides. Ννμψίος, a bridegroom. Nvv, adv. now, applied to present, past, and future. Nwi, adv. now, applied to the present. gav&tn subst. Xanthe, a iceman's name. £av$)),fem. adj. yellow ; auburn. ,Οϊάν&ος, subst. Xanthus, a proper name. ΖΌν&ός, adj. yellow ; auburn. 4Tf νων, Xenon, a man's name, gsrwv, an inn, hotel. Οικείοι, of a family, by relationship. Oixijtg, of a family, as members. Oluog, a path, a way. Οί'μη, a song, a tale. * Οκνος, subst. tardiness, sluggishness. Όχνός, adj. slow, sluggish. "Ολος, adj. all, whole. Όλος, for &ολος, the black liquor of the cuttle-fish. "Ομως, conj. however, yet. f Ομως, adv. in like manner. 3 '0ν, neut. part, being. "Ov, rel. pron. whom, which. "Οναρ, adverbially, without sleep. 'Όιαρ, αρος, subst. a dream. Όζνς, {with v.) acute, sharp; swift. Ό•ί$, (tcith ι,) a vinegar cruet. "Οπη, adv. where, whither. Οπή, subst. an orifice, aperture. "O71 ως, {with ω,) adv. how, as. Όπός, {with o,) subst. sap, juice. *Ορ&ος, subst. Orthus, a mans name. Όρ&ος, adj. right, straight. " Ορ<ιος, a harbour, haven. Όρμος, a collar, necklace. *Όρος, εος, το, a mountain, hill. "Ορος, ov, 6, a boundary, limit. Όρος, ov, whey, serum. "Οσσα, Ossa, a mountain. " Ooaa, a voice ; rumour. Ov, relat. pron. of whom, whose. Ου, adv. no, not. OrjSev, nothing. Ov£h, not even one. Ovxovv, therefore. Ουκονν, no, by no means. Ovoa, a tail. Ονρα, onset, impetus. Ονρος, ov, ό, a naval station. Ονρος, εος, το, a mountain. Ουρος, tog, το, a boundary. Ονρος, ov, 6, a fair wind. Ούρο?, to, urine. Οντος, demonstr. and relat. pron. this, that Οντοσί, demonstr. pron. this, that. Οντως, (with ω,) adv. thus, so. Ούτος, (with o,) this, that. Π. Παίδεναις, instruction, education. Παιδεία, learning, instruction. Παίδια, juvenile play or sport. Παιδία, (with at,) pi. boys, youths. Πεδία, (with ε,) pi. plains. . Παιών, a name of Apollo. Παίων, a pseon, a metrical foot. Παλλάς, αδος, >;, the goddess Pallas. Πάλλας, αντος, 6, Pallas, a giant. Παν, το, neut. οι πάς, all, every. Παν, 6, the god Pan. Πανταχη, (with ij,) every where. Πανταχοι, (with οι,) whithersoever. Πάρα, verb, for πάρεατι, is or are present , Πάρα, prep, with, at, except. Παραχοίτης, ov, 6, a husband. Παράχοιτις, ιος, i n a wife. Παράρριμος, (with double ρ,) spoken. Παραρητός,,^ΐϋι one ρ,) exorable. Παρειάς, αδος, ί], the jaw. Παρειάς, ov, ό, a kind of serpent.. Πάρειμι, to be present. Παοεψι, to approach. Παρ&ενίχη, ίκης, η, Parthenice, a woman's name. Παρ&ενική, κης, r t , a virgin. Πάοασ&αι, (a long,)to possess. Πάοαα-&αι, (a short,) to taste. Πατρόχτονος, killed by a father. Πατροκτόνος, that kills a father. Πατρώος, paternal. Πατρώος, a step-father. Πειΰώ, οος, η, subst. persuasion. Πεί&ο), verb, to persuade. Πείρων, οντος, 6, traversing, passing Πείρων, ώντος, ό, trying, attempting Πελίας, ίον, ό, Pelias, a man's name. Πελειάς, άδος, r h a kind of dove. Περί, adv. beyond. Περί, prep, concerning, about. Πενκιος, made of pine. Πενχεΐος, Peucean, of Peuce. Πίνων, οντος, drinking. . Πεινων, ώντος, being hungry. Πλείων, adj. more, greater. Πλειών, subst. a year; time. Πλούτων, ωνος, 6, subst. the god Pluto Πλοντών, ονντος, part, enriching. Ποία, interrog. what, of what kind. Ποια, some, certain. WORDS WRITTEN OR PRONOUNCED ALIKE. 97 Ποίος, inter rog. what, of what kind. Ποιος, some, certain. Πολίμων, ωνος, ό, subst. Polemon T a man's Πολέμων, ονντος, part, making war. Πόντος, a husbandman. Πονηρός, bad, wicked. Πότε, when, at which time. Ποτέ, sometimes. Πότος, subst. a drinking, a draught. Ποτός, adj. potable. Πρασιά, Prasia, a city. Πρασιά, a border, in a garden. Πρίν, adv. before, previously. Πριν, ινός, ί„ subst. a holm-oak. Πρυτανεία, the pay of a magistrate. Πρυτανεία, the time of service of a magis- trate. Πρύτανης, (with η,) a prytane or magis- trate. Πρντανις, (xoith ι,) providence. Πρωτόγονος, first-born. Πρωτόγονος, bringing forth first. Πρώτος, first, prior. Πρωτός, fatal. Πρωτότοκος, first-born. Πρωτότοκος, bringing forth the first time. Πτνχη, a fold, a folding. Πτυχή, a hollow, a valley. Πυγμή, a boxing, a fist. Πυγμ]}, adverbially, tenaciously; with fre- quency. Πυ&ών, Python, a place. Πΰ&ων, Python, the serpent. Πυλαίος, Pylaean, of Pylos. Πυλαίος, Pylsean, epithet of Mercury. Πύλη, 'πύλης, η, a door, gate. Πυλίς, ίδος, η, a little door or gate. Πυρρός, red, tawny. Πϋρρος, Pyrrhus, a man's name. P. Pi la for P%a, Rhea, a proper name. Ρεΐα, adv. easily, readily ; and ροιά, (with ot,) a pomegranate. Ρϊγιον, neut. adj. colder. ΡΙγεΐον, a cloth for covering. Ρΐνή, a file. Ρίνη, a kind of dog-fish. Pirctj, Rhipe, a city. -Pitt??', the force of the wind. Ρόιά. See under Ρεια. Ρόά, the same as Ρόιά, Ρόδιος, adj. Rhodian, of Rhodes. Ρόοως, subst. Rhodius, a river. Ροδών, a rose-bed. Ροδών, Rhodon, a man's name. Ρνμβος, Rhymbus, a river. Ρνμβός, violence, a whirling. Σ. Σάχχος, (with double *,) a sack, sackcloth. Σάκος, (with one κ,) a shield. 13 Σάρων, subsi. Saron, a sea-god. Σαρών, part, sweeping. Σειρική, Sirice, a national name. Σειρίκη, Sirice, a woman's name. Σείνων, Sinon, a man's name. Itivwr, part, hurting, injuring. Σιγή, subst. silence. Σιγΐ^ adverbially, silently. ΣΊγηλος, subst. a narcissus. Σιγηλός, adj. silent, taciturn. Σίδηρος, subst. iron. Σίδηρος, adj. made of iron. Σίμος, subst. a hind o/fish. Σιμός, adj. flat-nosed. ΣΊμων, Simon, a man's name. Σιμών, part, threatening, impending. Σίτος, subst. wheat, corn. Σιτός, adj. esculent, eatable. Σκαφή, the act of digging. Σκάφη, a trough ; a boat, skiff. Σκότιος, adj. dark ; illegitimate. Σκότιος, subst. Scotius, a man's name. Σπάρτη, subst. a cord, rope. Σπαρτή, fern. adj. sown, disseminated. Σπαρτός, a Spartan. Σπαρτός, adj. sown, disseminated. Σπουδή, subst. diligence, study. ΣπουδΤ], adverbially, diligently. Σταφυλή, a bunch of grapes. Σταφυλή, a plumb-line. Στάχυς, (short,) sing, an ear or spike. Στάχυς, (long,) plur. ears, spikes. Στενών, for στενάζων, sighing. Στενών, for στενοχώριων, contracting, re- stricting. Στίλβον, neut. part, shining, brilliant. Στιλβόν, wantonly pampered. .Στράτε Ία, (with ει.) a. military expedition. Στρατιά, (icith ι,) an army. Στνρας, the shaft of a spear. Στνραζ, α kind of gum, storax. Συνεργός, co-operating with. Συνεργός, a fellow-labourer. Συν, prep. with. Συν, accus. of συς, a hog. Σφόδρα,, adv. very much, very. Σφοδρά, fern. adj. vehement, earnest. Σχεδιος, adj. extemporaneous. Σχεδιός, subst. Schedius, a man's name. Σχιστός, 6, a female garment. Σχιοταί, at, women's shoes. Σχολή, leisure ; a school. Σχολΐ}, adverbially, scarcely ; leisurely. T. Τάροος, Tarsus, a city. Ταρσός, a bench for rowers. Ταυρόκτονος, killed by a bull. Ταυροκτόνος, a bull-killer. Τεός, thine, your. Τίος, some, any. Τεύκρος, Teucer, a man's name. Τεύκρος, Trojan, of Troy. Τελεσκόπος, seeing far off. Τελεακοπος, seen far off. Τίμων, subst. Timon, a man's nam». Τιμών, part, honouring. 98 WORDS WRITTEN OR PRONOUNCED ALIKE. Τίνες, interrog. pron. who. Τίνες, pron. adj. some, any. Τόμος, subst. a section j a tome, volume. Τομός, adj. cut ; that cuts. Τρεις, (with ει,) pi. three. Τρις, (icith ι,) adv. thrice. Τριετές, in or for three years. Τριετές, triennial. Τριτών, οϋντος, making a third part, etc. Τρίτων, gen.pl. of τρίτος, third. Τρύφων, ώντος, living luxuriously. Τρνψων, ωνος, Trypho, a man's name. Τροχός, a wheel ; revolution. Τροχός, a race-course. Τρυγητός, the time of vintage. Τρυγητός, vintage. Τύρος, Tyre, a city. Τυρός, cheese. Τυχών, subst. Tychon, a god. Τυχών, part, being, happening. Φ. Φανός, ov, a torch, lantern. Φάνος, άνου, Phanus, a man's name. Φάρος, ου, η, Pharos, an istond. Φάρος, εος, το, a garment, robe. Φαιδρός, subst. Phsedrus, a man's name. Φαιδρός, adj. shining, bright. Φαιά, fern. adj. ot a dusky colour. Φαΐα, subst. Phsea, a city. Φάοις, ιος, η, fame, rumour. Φάοις, ιδος, 6, Phasis, a river. Φιλητής, a lover. Φιλητης, a thief, robber. Φίλων, subst. Philo, a man's name. Φιλών, part, loving. Φόρος, tribute, tax, impost. Φορός, a favourable breeze. Φυλακή, custody, guarding. Φυλάκη, Phylace, a city. Φϋλον, (with one λ,) a. tribe, nation. Φύλλον, (with double λ,) a leaf. Φώς, (ρωτος, το, light. Φώς, ώτος, ο, a man. Χάλκη, Chalce, an island. Χάλκη, brazen, of brass. Χαλκιδική, subst. Chalcidice, a city. Χαλκιδική, fern. adj. Chalcidian. Χάραξ, η, a palisade in vineyards. Χαράξ, 6, a palisade in a camp. Χαρίτων, gen. pi. of χάρις, joy. Χαρίτων, αντος, part, giving joy. Χάριεν,/οτ χαριέντως, gracefully. Χαρίεν, neut. graceful. Χείλος, (with ει,) a lip. ΧιλΌς, (with ι,) food, provender. Χία, Chian, of Chios. Χιά, a snake's hole or den. Χίλων, subst. Chilo, a man's name. Χιλών, part, feeding, pasturing. Χίτων, Chiton, a city. Χιτών, a tunic, a coat. Χόα, χόας, η, a festival at Athens. Χοά, χοας, η, a kind of measure. Χρεών, fate, destiny. Χρεών, a debt. Χρηστός, good, useful. Χρήστο?, Chrestus, a man's name. Χρόα, (without ι,) colour. Χροιά, (with ι,) colour. Ψ. ψάλλω, pres. tense, I sing. Ψαλω,βιΐ. tense, I shall or will sing. Ψυχρός, ου, η, subst. Psychrus, a river. Ψυχρός, adj. cold, frigid. α \Ω, adv. of calling, ho ! \Ω, adv. of pain or wonder , oh ! ah' 42, Doric for ως. "Ωμος, ωμού, a shoulder. 'Ωμός, ώμου, raw, crude. "Ωρα, an hour ; beauty. "Ωρα, care, attention. ~ Ωχρός, subst. paleness. 'Ωχρός, adj. pale, pallid. 99 ON THE PRONUNCIATION OF THE GREEK LANGUAGE, The pronunciation of the Greek and Latin languages (to adopt the remarks of one of our literary journals) is not, as many students in their closets have supposed, a subject of mere curiosity, and worthy only to employ the learned leisure of an antiquary. On the contrary, every man who has had occasion to travel, and to have intercourse with the learned of any other nation than his own, has felt the want of a common pronunciation of those languages. We, in this country, are indeed apt to consider even the Latin as lite- rally a dead language ; but no sooner do we reach the continent of Europe, than we find our mistake. We then discover, that it is in very common use, not only as a medium of intercourse between learned strangers of different nations, but also, in the lecture-room, between the professor and the pupil of the same nation. One of the first things, there- fore, which we find ourselves obliged to do upon coming into the society of the conti- nental scholars, is to sit down to the humble task of studying, like school-boys, the familiar dialogues of Erasmus and other writers, who furnish us with as pure colloquial Latin as can at this day be attained. But, after we have accomplished this, our English mode of pronouncing the language presents a fresh obstacle to our intercourse with the scholars of the old world ; and we are continually exposed to the censure which Joseph Scaliger bestowed upon one of our English brethren, who attempted to hold a dialogue with him in Latin. " Even the most learned of the English," says he, " have such a depraved pronunciation of Latin, that once, in this city, when an individual of that nation converged with me in that language for a full quarter of an hour, and I did not comprehend him any more than if he had been talking Turkish, I begged him to pardon me for not under- standing what he said, as I was not acquainted with the English language."* This practice, indeed, our English brethren, as well as ourselves, attempt to justify by the example of the European nations in general, who also pronounce Latin, for the most part, as they do their own languages. But this justification rests upon a fallacy ; for the English language, as Bishop Horsley observes, " differs in the powers of the vowels from every other language upon earth ;"t while the other European languages resemble each other in their principal alphabetic sounds, which are undoubtedly much the same with those of the Latin and Greek. The same rule of pronunciation, therefore, which may be a very good one for the continent of Europe, will be a very fallacious one for the island of Great Britain •, — we mean, of course, the English part of the island ; for the pronun- ciation of the Scotch is so near to that of the continent, that they are easily understood by the continental nations in general ; as was the case in the time of their learned sovereign, King James, who observed of their pronunciation — " All the world knows that my master, George Buchanan, was a great master in that faculty [of speaking Latin] ; I follow his pronunciation, both of the Latin and Greek, and am sorry that my people of England do not the like ; for certainly their pronunciation utterly spoils the grace of these two learned languages. But you see all the universit}' and learned men of Scotland express the true and native pronunciation of both."]: It is not our intention, on this occasion, to discuss at large the old question, Whether the present pronunciation of the Greeks is precisely the same with that of their illustrious ancestors, either at their most flourishing period, or for some time afterwards. We have, after an examination made with no small labour, formed a strong opinion that it has undergone very little change for two thousand years. The written language itself has been preserved in greater purity, during an equal extent, of years, than any of the European languages of the same stock ; approaching, in this respect, to the fixed and immovable character of the Oriental tongues, as the nation itself approximates to the people of the East in geographical situation. And we are inclined to believe, with an intelligent modern traveller in Greece, that "the contemporary of William of Malmesbury, or of Froissart, would find more difficulty in conversing with his modern countrymen, than any Athenian of the purer ages with his."§ * North A mer Rev. for April, 1320, p. 272. t On the Prosodies of the Gr. and L;u. Lane. p. 2.3. t Crawford's Hist, of the Univ. of Edinburgh, p. 86, as cited in Irving's Life of Buchanan, p. 162. § Douglas's Essay or. the modern Greeks, &e. p. 91. 100 PRONUNCIATION OF THE GREEK LANGUAGE. 1 Whether the ancient classical pronunciation can be wholly recovered or not, all will agree in the remark of Bishop Horsley, " that it may reasonably be supposed, that the pronunciation of the Greek language, even in the time of Eustathius, who flourished in the beginning of the thirteenth century, much more nearly resembled the pronunciation of the best ages than any thing we can substitute for it now ; certainly much more than our barbarous recitation of Greek with the Latin accent, and with the Latin corrupted by our bad way of sounding it."* To the same effect is the opinion of a well known English author, who has, perhaps, bestowed as much attention upon the subject of pronunciation generally, as any writer of our age, " There seems," says Mr. Mitford, "no reasonable ground for doubting, that the present polite pronunciation of Constantinople, and perhaps of Athens, approaches nearer to the speech of the ancient Greeks, than that of any other moderns, with any advantages that study can give" — and that, in order to obtain the nearest possible approximation to the ancient Greek pronunciation, " we can do no other way so well as to adopt the Constantinopolitan."t The opinions, both of English and continental scholars, have much changed, on this point, since the period of the old controversy between the Erasmians and Reuchlinians ; when Sir John Cheke, as professor at the university of Cambridge, in England, with a degree of credulity and illiberality unworthy of a scholar, sturdily asserted, that the pro- nunciation of the modern Greeks was taught by a confederacy of impostors, who had conspired to obscure their language, in order to render it the more difficult to foreigners, and thus make it the greater, source of profit to the native teachers of it ; — a confederacy which would have been as ridiculous as a similar one would be, at the present day, among our teachers of the French, Spanish, or German languages. Within the same English university, however, the liberal spirit of the present age has lately drawn forth the candid acknowledgment, that the English " are almost singular in the erroneous and vitiated pronunciation of some letters of the Greek language."}: And, in the well known literary journal of the other English university, a late writer has remarked, in strong language — '• It is, I believe, an undisputed fact, that our pronunciation of Greek and Latin bears not the slightest resemblance to that of the ancients. . . . I think, also, that the pronunciation used in England, with regard to the Greek language, is not so correct as that of some of the continental nations. If this is admitted, a remedy, should be found. I am of opinion that the ancient grammarians will amply supply the remedy. Great attention ought also to be paid to the pronunciation of the modern Greek . . . . ; which must obviously approximate more to the standard of the ancients than the method prevalent in England and elsewhere." § Among the causes, which have more immediately contributed to produce this change of opinion in England, are, the political situation of Greece ; the more frequent inter- course, which English travellers, and merchants, and military men, have of late years had with that country ; and the establishment of a college at Corfu, under English patronage ; — an institution, which, we may remark by the way, though very recently established, has already, as we understand, a library, which is probably larger than any in this country. The two former of these causes have also produced a proportionate effect in the United States. The late revolution in Greece, and the sympathy felt in America for its wretched inhabitants, have been the occasion of our having much more intercourse with the Greek people than we have before had ; and we have taken a deeper interest than ever in' whatever relates to them. Among other things, their language has attracted much more attention than it ever did in this country. The publishers of the present Dictionary have therefore thought, that, in the estimation of those young persons who may use the work, and who aspire to a liberal course of study, a general view of the pronunciation of the Greek language at the present day would be an acceptable addition to the volume. This we are now enabled to present to the student with more exactness than has before been practicable ; for, in addition to the information on various points, heretofore derived from native Greeks, who have resorted to our country, we have had the benefit of a personal acquaintance with one who has lately arrived here from Europe, after having been in part educated in Germany, and whose acquaintance with the modern languages of Europe has given us many facilities in the course of our inquiries. The individual, to whom we allude, is Colonel Alexander Nci>ris, (who was born in Athens, but received his early education in Constantinople,) a nephew of the well known Prince Ypsilanti, and whose family has borne a conspicuous part in the history of the Greek revolution, lie has just published, in Greek, a grammar of the present language of his country .; and he has obligingly revised the following account of the pronunciation. The student may therefore rely upon its correctness, so far as the pronunciation of a foreign language can be described on paper ; for perfect accuracy, the living instructer must be resorted to We have felt the stronger desire that the attention of our scholars should be directed, not only to the pronunciation, but to the written language of modern Greece ; because we have a strong belief, that the study of the modern language would be of essential * Prosod. of Gr. and Lat. Lang. p. 54. \ Mitford's Inquiry into the Harmonies of Language, p. 274, and 277, 2d edit. 1804. t Cambridge Museum Criticum, vol. 2, p. .62. (1826.) § Classical Journal, for 1826. vol. 34, p. 155. PRONUNCIATION OF THE GREEK LANGUAGE. 101 service, directly and indirectly, in prosecuting the study of the ancient ; for so we must, in compliance with usage, denominate it, although, in strict propriety, we can hardly consider it as a different language from the modern, any more than we could say, that Chaucer and his contemporaries wrote in another language than English, because some gradual changes have been made in our language since their time* A very competent judge in this case, who has passed many years in Greece, and has carefully studied the present language,, makes the following just remark upon the advantage of uniting the study of modern Greek with that of the ancient : " A perfect knowledge of it [the modern Greek] cannot be acquired without the previous study of Hellenic } but it would be a very suitable appendage to the customary academical pursuits ; and, by leading to a better understanding of the physical and national peculiarities of Greece and its inhabi- tants, as well as to a variety of analogies in the customs and opinions of the ancients and moderns, it will introduce us to a more correct acquaintance with the most important branch of ancient history, and to a more intimate familiarity with the favourite language of Taste and Science. "t The alphabet is pronounced by the Greeks, at the present day, as follows Names of the letters. αί.ψα al'phah βϊ,τα γύιιιι a δίλτα εψιΐον ζήτα ί;τα ιώτα χύππα λάμβδα μύ t-v If OUIXQOV πι ηώ οΐγμα χαν χίψι?.ον φι Χ? ■Φι ωμέγα vee'tah gah'mah dthel'tah epsilon zee'tah ee'tah thee'tah eeyo'tah kah'pah lam'vthah mee nee ksee omicron pee rho seeg'mah tahf eepsilon' phee khee psee o-meg'gah Powers of the letters. a in the English word far. ν g before α, ο, ω ; but before t, η, ι, ν, αι, ει, οι, nearly like y or gy ; and when followed by another γ, or by χ, ξ or χ, it takes the sound of n. tk in this, that, &c. e in they, prey. ee, or e in me. th in thin, thick, &c. i in machine, marine. k I m n ks, o T x ο ρ ; but when it follows μ, it takes the sound of b . t ; but when it follows r, it generally takes the sound of d. y short, as in only, holy, &c. ph, or/ kh guttural,like the German ch, or Scotch gh. ps ο like the o-micron. The diphthongs are pronounced in the following manner ov av ην like in pain ; or like epsilon. in receive, or long e. in ozconomy, or long e. in guilt; or, more exactly, like ee. in you, or oo. ei oc ui ou of, or av, according to the nature, of the letter which follows it, if it is followed by a sharp consonant, as /r, a, t, etc., then this diphthong is sounded af ; but if it is followed by a flat consonant, as ,?, γ, S, etc., then it is av. ef, or ex; as in the case of av. eev. ove, or ofc. To the preceding may be added a few combinations of consonants : γγ pronounced like ng ; thus, άγγελος is pronounced ang'-gyelos. γχ " ng ; thus, i•/ un, inaniddle syllables, like mh ίφαλος is pronounced cng-giphalos. as, uL'Tct'/.og, pronounced am'belos. * See Gillie•?' Hist, of Greece, chap. 39, note near die end ; Gibbon's Hist. chap. 53 j Mitferd's In- quiry into die Principles of Harmony in Language, p. 275. and notes, 2d edit, t Leake's Researches in Greece, pref. p. ui. 102 PRONUNCIATION OF THE GREEK LANGUAGE vx (which, in pure Greek words, occur only in middle syllables, or where the » ende one word and τ begins the next) have the sound of nd ; as, παντελώς, pronounced pan'delos ; τον τάφον, ton dahphon. But there are some exceptions, as in expressions of this kind : ίκείνων των λαών — υίον τον Μέντωρ. The ν generally retains its proper sound before enclitics beginning with r. Remarks on the Pronunciation of particular Letters. β. This letter is pronounced in a more lax manner than our ν ; the lips and teeth not being so closely pressed together as in our language. y. Before α, ο, ω, the sound of γ is more guttural, and formed lower down in the throat, than it is before the other vowels. It has a similar relation to the sharp guttural χ, that g, in English, has to k. The modern Greeks, when they express our g hard, before ε, ?/, etc. use γχ. &. In pronouncing the -d, the tongue appears to be more protruded between the teeth than in our sharp th. y.. After γ or r, either in the same word or in consecutive words, the χ partakes of the sound of y, as ίγκύραλος, pronounced eng-gophalos ; τϊ,ν κέφαλψ, iecng-gophaleen. v. When followed by π, either in the same or consecutive words, the ν slides into the sound of m, and the π into that of b ; as, τον πατέρα, pronounced torn, bahta'ra ; εις rut• /ίό/.π', ccs tarn boleen, to the city; which is the origin of Istambovl, the Turkish name for Constantinople, that is, The City, by Avay of eminence. t. This letter always retains the sound of ks, as well at the beginning as in the middle and end of words ; it never has the sound oi'gs. n. This sometimes takes the sound of b, as is above remarked, under the letters μ and r. ς. Before the β /it consonants, β, γ, <% etc. the ς is pronounced like z; as, νιος μον, pro- nounced νίύιμον. To these remarks it may be added, that the Greeks pronounce the ancient exactly as they do the modern language ; and that, in both, they are governed by the accents and, generally, but not always, without regarding the quantity. LEFi CONGRESS