LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. \ QiL* \ 5 — Chap......... Copyright No* Shelt__L\/jb_. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. BY LEON H. VINCENT THE BIBLIOTAPH AND OTHER PEOPLE i2mo, $1.50 BRIEF STUDIES IN FRENCH SOCI- ETY AND LETTERS IN THE XVII. CENTURY I. HOTEL DE RAMBOUILLET AND the pre'cieuses i6mo, $1.00 II. THE FRENCH ACA- -v DEMY t fo III. CORNEILLE C preparation IV. MOLIERE J HOUGHTON, MIFFLIN & COMPANY BOSTON AND NEW YORK TWO COPIES HhcElVEO, Liferarj of eoBgeeefc Qfflee of the WAV 7 -I860 Kegf.t.r of Copyright* SECOND COPY, / Copyright, 1900, by Leon H. Vincent All rights reserved 58690 Oo To my friend LINDSAY SWIFT 4 ' 'o S fr-— —fr CONTENTS — h I H— i/tfte/ afc Rambouillet, its Mistress and its Guests 7 Z)' £/r/?, Malherbe, and Balzac . 37 Voiture and Montausier * 55 Mademoiselle de Scudery and her c &7/- ur days'" ........ 71 77?* Precieuses ....... 87 -H-VH- Conclusion 111 Bibliographical Note 117 HOTEL DE RAMBOUILLET AND THE pr£cieuses =S8£= JL.N the Musee de Cluny in Paris are to be seen two blocks of granite. They are ' foundation-stones ' of the famous* Hotel de Rambouillet. One bears an inscription to the effect that the mansion of which they were once a part was built by the 'high and < s ""K^ * HOTEL DE RAMBOUILLET powerful lord ' Maitre Charles d'An- gennes, Marquis de Rambouillet and Pisany. Then follows a list of his other titles and offices. He was Vi- dame of Mans, Baron of Chaudulor and of Tallemant, a councillor in the king's council of state, and master of his majesty's wardrobe. The date on the stone is June 26, 1618. At the time of the building of this 'hotel' the Marquis de Rambouillet was forty-one; the Marquise was eleven years his junior. They had already been married eighteen years. There- fore when Catherine de Vivonne be- came a bride she was but twelve years of age, a child wife indeed. The wed- ding took place in 1600. Wedding customs of the year 1600 differed radically, no doubt, from those of the AND THE PRECIEUSES year 1900. But in one respect wed- dings are much the same : there are always the customary congratulations, the fervent prophecies of a brilliant marital career, and the private asides of cynical questioning and speculation. No one, so far as we know, had the gift of prophecy to the extent of being able to declare on Catherine de Vi- vonne's wedding-day that this young girl, with her 'womanly seriousness, her proud spirit, and her rare genius,' was to reorganize society in behalf of virtue and culture, and that without putting pen to paper she was to make her name an inalienable part of the history of French literature. The story has been told many times and by able men. All students know the books of Roederer, Walckenaer, HOTEL DE RJMBOUILLET Demogeot, Cousin, and Livet. I should like by the help of these and other books to 'resume' the chief facts of the history of those splendid decades when Hotel de Rambouillet was in its full glory ; when poetry was thought to be worth while ; when con- versation was an art, and people be- lieved that it made a difference whether one talked well or ill ; when the As- tree of Honore d'Urfe was the most fashionable novel in the whole world; when Corneille read his plays before they were played ; when Bossuet was a boy orator, and improvised a sermon at midnight before the assembled guests, whereof Voiture was led to remark — and few jests hold their own as this has done for two hundred and sixty-five years — that ' he had never < g '«* AND THE PRECIEUSES heard any one preach so early or so late. 5 It will be interesting to note how after more than forty years of social supremacy Hotel de Rambouillet de- clined and its circle was scattered. New societies arose, not to take its place, but to make each a place for itself. The old order changed. What was simple elegance and virtue at Hotel de Rambouillet became osten- tation and prudery in the new salons. Finally the sect of the Precieuses came into existence, and by their affectations made polite society ashamed of being polite. Then came the satirists, and chief among them Moliere, with his sparkling comedy the Precieuses ridi- cules. This play was not an attack upon Hotel de Rambouillet, as we too -+5^ HOTEL DE RJMBOUILLET often assume ; it was an attack upon the bad imitations of a society so gen- uine in its character and so noble in its influence that Moliere himself must have held it in highest esteem. =Sfc= HP JL HE Marquise de Rambouillet was that unusual something, a born social leader. There are not many. Very few so-called social leaders re- ally lead — they bribe their followers and do not confess it even to them- selves. ' We dare not trust our wit to make our home pleasant to our friend, so we serve ice-creams,' remarked a philosopher. Of many striking facts concerning Hotel de Rambouillet and its guests this is perhaps the mostnot- ^7^ M *=j§ ^ HOTEL DE RAMBOUILLET would be to compile a society ' blue- book ' and a dictionary of men of letters. The names are suggestive to the student, though uninteresting to the general reader. Hotel de Rambouillet was rebuilt in 1618. Reunions had been held, however, at an earlier date. For ex- ample, Armand Duplessis, afterward Cardinal Due de Richelieu, was pre- sented to Madame de Rambouillet's circle in 1615. He was then but twenty years of age. Cospeau was his social sponsor. There are three well-defined periods in the life of this salon. The first is the period of formation ; it includes the years between 1620 and 1630. In 1620 the Marquise was thirty-two years old and approaching the 'perfect -i- 24 -H- AND THE PRiCIEUSES age ' of thirty-five. I speak of this because I have heard a contemporary say that thirty-five is an age which ' needs to be celebrated as the most charming which a matron reaches and remains at. When a man has the priv- ilege of talking with a woman of thirty- five he may well abandon the society of your raw, incoherent Juliets to the pink-and- white Romeos who like it.' Conspicuous among the guests of the first period were the Due de Guise, the Due de la Tremouille, Marechal de Souvre, the Marquis de Vigean, Arnauld d'Andilly, and Chaudebonne, who had the honor of starting Voiture upon his career. Notable among the men of letters were the old poet Mal- herbe, his disciple the Marquis de Racan, and Vaugelas, who was even HOTEL DE RAMBOVILLET then making those minute studies of current speech which twenty-seven years later were to be given to the world in his famous Remarks on the French Language. Here, too, were to be seen Gombauld, Balzac, Chape- lain, and Voiture. These last four were young men, all under thirty when this period begins, while Voiture was only twenty-two. Among elect and beautiful women were Charlotte de Montmorency, Princesse de Conde, the Duchesse de la Tremouille, and the young Marquise de Sable. Julie d'Angennes, the loved daughter of the house, was about eighteen, her friend Madelaine de Scudery of the same age. Youth, with all that youth im- plies, was very apparent at Hotel de Rambouillet during this period. -+ 26 -t- AND THE PR&CIEUSES The second period, the period of greatest splendor, begins in 1630 and closes about 1638. ' The blue room became a veritable sanctuary of taste, a school where the seventeenth century- obtained its education.' Among the new recruits were the Due d'Enghien, the Due de Montausier, Saint-Evre- mond, La Rochefoucauld, Patru the great forensic orator, and Menage the scholar, celebrated then for his learn- ing, and now because he was the instructor of Madame de Sevigne. Other names, suggestive of various gifts and ambitions, are Mairet, Ro- trou, Conrart, Sarrazin, Godeau, Costar, Benserade, Georges de Scudery, and Scarron. Bossuet's first appearance in this circle was in 1643. The Abbe Cotin began to come about this time, -H- 27 H- HOTEL DE RAMBOUILLET unconscious that his claim to immor- tality would need to be based on the facts that he was satirized by Boileau and caricatured by Moliere. In marked contrast with him one might mention Pierre Corneille, to whose interest Hotel de Rambouillet was sufficiently devoted, for it took his part against the terrible Richelieu in that sensational quarrel of the Cid. There were many brilliant women both from the aristocracy and the middle class. Mademoiselle de Bour- bon-Conde, afterwards Duchesse de Longueville ; also Mademoiselle de Coligny, the future Comtesse de la Suze, she who became a Catholic be- cause her husband was a Protestant, and who (in the language of Queen Christina) separated from him in order — b 28 -I— AND THE PR&CIEUSES not to see him either in this world or the next. One should also mention Anne de Rohan, Princesse de Gue- mene, and the Comtesse de Maure. Perhaps the most striking figure was Angelique Paulet. They called her 8 the beautiful lioness ' because of her magnificent mane of golden hair and the haughtiness of her bearing. To her was first applied a phrase which afterward became famous; it was said that she had ' cheveux d'un blond hardi.' Shall we translate it ' hair of a courageous blonde ' ? It was an ingenious expression intended to mit- igate the brutality of saying that a woman's hair was tinged with red. Mademoiselle Paulet had other gifts besides those of beauty and fine man- ners. She sang and played the lute. -+ 29 -H- HOTEL DE RAMBOVILLET As a tribute to the charm of her voice they invented the legend that two nightingales had been found dead (of envy, no doubt) at the edge of a foun- tain where Angelique Paulet had sung. Clearly when the gentlemen of that day set out to pay a compli- ment they succeeded. The third period in the life of Hotel de Rambouillet, the period of decline, includes the years between 1648 and 1665. At the beginning of this pe- riod occurred the quarrel between the Uranistes and the Jobelins. The point of issue was which of two son- nets was the better, Voiture's sonnet on Uranie or Benserade's sonnet on Job. The discussion was more than animated. I liken it to one of those newspaper contentions, humorous or -+30 4- AND THE PR&CIEUSES acrid, with which we are familiar. The occasion may be slight, but the interest and comment are dispropor- tionate, as in the case of the Lady and the Tiger. Many causes united to bring about the decline of Hotel de Rambouillet. The marriage of Julie and the death of Voiture made radical changes. The war of the Fronde threw society for the time being into a condition of absolute unrest and disorder. The rise of new circles where pedantry and literary affectation had full swing was not without its effect. Yet amid these conditions Hotel de Rambouillet was sound at heart ; and the names it honored are still honorable, such as Madame de La Fayette and Madame de Sevigne. -H-3H- — <**$ *» HOTEL DE RAMBOUILLET Historians have often lamented their inability to give an accurate picture of life in the 'blue room.' We shall never know what it was like. An ancient building can be restored; it is not so easy to restore 6 an obliterated state of society/ There were times when the talk was almost transcen- dental in its perfection. Men used to speak of it in after years with some- thing like awe. Wisdom prevailed and affectation stayed in the back- ground. Chapelain was able to say in 1638: 'They do not talk learnedly but they do talk reasonably, and there is no place in the world where there is more good sense and less pedantry/ They used to have parlor lectures or readings. They discussed new works. Sometimes they passed a AND THE PRiClEUSES In its attitude on the great question of language, Hotel de Rambouillet offers a marked contrast to society of to-day. The influence of the modern fashionable world is more apparent in manners and dress than in language and literature. Society is well groomed, but its garments are uniformly more attractive than its parts of speech. Why should a woman get her hats from Virot and her adjectives from Chimmie Fadden ? Not all women do, to be sure. Why should any woman, any man, lack in fastidious- ness about the choice of words ? So- ciety ought to be as impeccable in its language as it is in its attire. 35 4* II LET us consider three men of letters whose influence was potent at Hotel de Rambouillet. They are d'Urfe, Malherbe, and Balzac. Only one of the three can be accounted an actual member of the circle, for Balzac was seldom there, and d'Urfe never. Honore d'Urfe was the author of a gigantic romance entitled the Astree. It was a continued story written in days when ' continued' meant long con- HOTEL DE RAMBOUILLET tinued. We sometimes complain of the novel which runs a year in a monthly magazine. Let us think on our mercies. The admirers of the Astree were expected to read and to wait with a patience unknown to our hurried generation. The first two parts of the romance, comprising more than two thousand pages, were published in 1610. Then the public waited nine years for the third part, and eight years more for another in- stallment. D'Urfe died in 1625, and the fourth part was published by his private secretary, Balthazar Baro, who also added a fifth part, his own work, bringing the story to a conclusion. Therefore between the beginning of the beginning and the end of the end was an interval of not less than sev- «= AND THE PRfiCIEUSES cnteen years. Indeed the historians assign for the meditation and writing of this extraordinary book a quarter of a century. The Astr'ee is a pastoral romance more or less autobiographical. The hero is a youth by the name of Ce- ladon. His manner of loving made him in the eyes of readers of that day the ideal of constancy. The type has gone out of fashion. A modern French critic hints that one would more easily resign himself to being called a Don Juan than a Celadon. For the constancy which is admira- ble degenerates in Celadon's case into a humble and dog-like fidelity exasperating to the reader. Men have been the slaves of love before and since d'Urfe's time; but they HOTEL DE RAMBOVILLET have usually shown a healthy and commendable impatience. This vic- tim of beauty's caprice rejoices in his own tortures and ' adores the hand which strikes him/ In his melan- choly, his inactivity, his passionate endurance, Celadon is the prototype of Werther, Rene, and those other handsome young pessimists of fic- tion who suffer so eloquently, but who carefully refrain from doing any- thing lest they mar the edge of their grief. The Astr'ee had an enormous success. It became the i code of polite society.' The critics find traces of its influence in the tragedies of Racine, the com- edies of Marivaux, the romances of Prevost, in the writings of J. J. Rous- seau, and even in certain stories of -+ 40-1— AND THE PR&CIEUSES George Sand. 1 Morillot declares that nothing is equal to the Astree for pre- senting a complete and accurate pic- ture of the contemporaries of Balzac and Voiture. It is therefore one of the ' sources ' of the history of polite society. These shepherds and shep- herdesses who tend their flocks so grace- fully and pay such ingenious compli- ments to one another bear no relation to Gabriel Oak. On the contrary they are people of high birth wearing the pastoral disguise for their own plea- sure, and as a symbol of that peace and rest for which the world was beginning to yearn. It is a book with a key, and readers were pleased to think 1 Brunetiere : Manuel, p. 105. Jusserand : Le Roman anglais, p. 17. -H-4I H— HO TEL DE RAMB O UILLE T that in spite of the masks and the costumes they recognized eminent men and women of that day. The Astree was happy in the class of readers it attracted. The book which could win the undisguised and sometimes unqualified admiration of Saint Francis de Sales, Camus, Patru, Huet, La Fontaine, Boileau, and Ma- dame de Sevigne must have had notable virtues. Malherbe was held in high esteem at Hotel de Rambouillet. Like many men who are self-willed, rough of speech, and imperious of manner, he could be courtly and gracious. These robust geniuses are easily controlled by a woman who commands their respect and admiration. Malherbe was civilized in the presence of the -^42-1- ess ggg ^ 1 ^^ AND THE PRMCIEUSES Marquise, and his poetry was at all times civilized. Malherbe's verse was that of a man who thought much but was seldom inspired. 'He was a poet of the second order,' says Pergameni, ' a poet by reflection rather than by instinct,' one of that class in whom reason takes the place of heart. His writing lacked blood, perhaps; the man himself was altogether human, positive, egoistic, tyrannical. He reminds us a little of Dr. John- son. He had Johnson's pungent wit, overbearing manner, frankness of speech, and reverence for authority. He was like Johnson in the want of external correspondence between the poetical product and man who pro- duced. Like him, too, in the way in HOTEL DE RAMBOUILLET which he would browbeat and intin> idate his circle of worshipers and pupils. That anecdote has the true Johnsonian flavor which describes Malherbe repeating some verses to Racan and then asking how he liked them. Racan excused himself from giving an opinion : ' I could not understand them, you ate half of the words/ Malherbe, irritated, ex- claimed : ' Mortdieu ! if you make me angry I '11 eat them all. They are mine; since I made them I am able to do what I please with them.' That satirical observer Tallemant de Reaux says that Malherbe was the worst reciter in the world, and spoiled his beautiful verses in repeating them. It was hardly possible to understand him on account of the impediment AND THE PR&CIEUSES in his speech and the thickness of his voice. ' Besides this he spat at least six times in reciting one stanza of four lines. This is why the Cav- alier Marini said that he had never seen a man so wet nor a poet so dry.' Tallemant gives a handful of such anecdotes which help us to conceive the brusque old poet as vividly as if he had been provided with a Boswell. It was a part of Malherbe's mission to castigate bad versifiers, or at least versifiers whom he considered bad. He went to dine with Desportes, who received him graciously and offered to give him a version of the Psalms which he had just printed. ' Do not trouble/ said Malherbe, ' I have seen them ; your soup is worth more than -+45 -I- HOTEL DE RAMBOUILLET your Psalms/ The dinner is said to have been eaten in silence. He expressed his opinion of human nature in his characteristic comment on the death of Abel. ' Was n't that a fine debut ! There were only three or four human beings In the world, and they began to kill one another; after that, what was God able to hope from mankind that He should take the trouble to preserve them ? ' Malherbe's services to French liter- ature were on the side of restraint, finish, nobility of form, perfection in handling the materials of poetry. He was late in beginning, and he worked with such deliberation that he left but a slender volume of verse. His in- fluence was wide-reaching in his own day, and in this happy age of crum- -i- 46 4— C=s AND THE PRiCIEUSES bling idols he is secure in his reputa- tion as a seventeenth century classic. Even the gibes of an Arsene Hous- saye cannot affect him much. As an illustration of his willingness to let a poem bide its time and slowly grow into perfection they cite his verses ad- dressed to the first president of Ver- dun. Malherbe wished to console this gentleman for the death of his wife. 4 By the time the stanzas were finished the gentleman had been consoled, re- married, and was himself dead' In his ill-kept and badly furnished apartments Malherbe presided over a literary circle composed of younger poets who recognized him as the master. The best known of these pupils was Racan, author of the Ber- geries, a more absent-minded gentle- HOTEL DE RJMBOUILLET man than Parson Adams, if the stories told of him be not exaggerations. He was 'caught young' by Mal- herbe, who ruled him as an old-time pedagogue might have done, even forbidding his pupil to marry, and criticising his verse with caustic sever- ity. Malherbe kept Racan humble by telling him that a poet was of no more use to his country than a skittles-player, and that if their own verses lived after them they would be praised as men who had been rather clever in arran- ging words in a certain order, but who were on the whole fools to spend their time that way. Balzac is usually disposed of by calling him the Malherbe of prose, — a facile kind of criticism made familiar to us in those attempts to explain — h 48 H— AND THE PR&CIEUSES George Meredith by speaking of him as a prose Browning. He was a rhe- torician, this Jean-Louis Guez de Balzac, who employed the epistolary form as best suited to his literary needs. James Howell read Balzac's letters, and finding them little to his taste, said so in terms which it will be proper not to repeat. We need to read but one of Balzac's grandiose epistles and follow it with a ' familiar letter ' of James Howell to understand how antipathetic the Englishman and the Frenchman were, and that for rea- sons with which racial antagonism had nothing to do. The letters of Balzac are the opposite of familiar. They contain none of the element which gives charm to what in this day are called letters. With us a letter is ^49^ e= HOTEL DE RAMBOVILLET something natural, chatty, unostenta- tious. The sentences are short, the language colloquial. One speaks of the sorrow of breaking in a new cook or a new pair of shoes. Domestic adventures are not tabooed, nor does the writer disdain to give the thrilling history of the last church social. In short, when we speak of a letter we mean the most informal type of liter- ary composition, a thing written with such careless good nature that we are confused at the thought of having it seen by any other eye than that for which it was originally intended. When, however, Balzac wrote let- ters he wished them to be seen of men. The letters might be addressed to a great lord or a powerful churchman, but they were meant to be read by g '"*^ * AND THE PR&CIEUSES who could appreciate them, and most of all by posterity. For a time Bal- zac's vogue was extraordinary. He was spoken of not merely as the most eloquent man in France, such praise was too reserved and judicial : he was the only eloquent man in France. When he was but twenty-four years of age Perron said of him to CoefFe- teau : ' If he goes on as he has begun, he will be the master of masters/ They were speaking of his literary style. It is well to be suspicious of a sev- enteenth century Frenchman when he comes bearing compliments. Two men of letters might be depended upon to exchange verbal caresses whatever they privately thought one of the other. Nevertheless there -j- 51 -h- * =«*#» HOTEL DE RJMBOUILLET must have been a measure of sincerity among them. This extract from one of Voiture's letters shows how it was customary to address Balzac. The illustration is all the better for coming from Voiture, who used to spice his compliments with minute touches of malice and irony. ' To-day all men listen to you. No one who under- stands how to read is indifferent. They who are jealous for the honor of this kingdom take no more pains to learn what Monsieur the Marshal de Crequy is doing than to learn what you are doing. And we have more than two generals in the army who do not make so great a sensation with thirty thousand men as do you in your solitude. 5 Voiture reached the superlative of -J- 52H- AND THE PRiCIEUSES panegyric with perfect ease, like the accomplished man of the world that he was. There was nothing to say- more emphatic than this: Balzac was more in the public eye than two gen- erals each with thirty thousand men. In the pretty little edition of Les CEuvres diverses du Sieur de Balzac published at Leyden by Jean Elzevier in 1658 will be found four ' discourses,' inscribed to the Marquise de Ram- bouillet. They comprise about sixty pages, and are in part the outcome of conversations which may have taken place in the 'blue room.' One is on the Roman Character, another is the continuation of a talk on Conver- sation among the Romans, the third is on Mecenas, the fourth on Glory. Upon the testimony of these letters HOTEL DE RAMBOUILLET Roederer bases his argument for the high intellectual tone of Hotel de Rambouillet. The Marquise was genuinely interested in these themes. The woman who could call out such discourses from the ' grand epistolier de France ' was neither a pedant nor a precieuse. For the discourses do not contain enough of the pedantic to satisfy a blue-stocking, nor enough of affectation to amuse a precieuse. And it would be attributing an excess of vanity to Balzac to suppose that in writing to the Marquise he had no disinterested motive, — that he thought chiefly of the admiring comment which would be called out by the reading of his highly finished essays in that part of the great world whose praise was best worth having. ^54 h_ Ill JE are warned not to think of this great house as a sort of Academy, a mere club of pedants and blue- stockings. It was not that. It was emphatically the gay world, life, so- ciety. Everything was there which the world enjoys, with perhaps a touch of ceremonial reserve hitherto un- known. There might be grave argu- ments over the use of prepositions, or the propriety of admitting a new word to the French language, but there was 4 *^$£«!L =» HOTEL DE RJMBOUILLET also music and dancing. In a house filled with young people, pleasure will fre_the order of many days. The party for pleasure at Hotel de Ram- bouillet was organized and headed by Vincent Voiture. Voiture was what the French call, with untranslatable felicity, un bel esprit; in England they would say a wit. His career shows how demo- cratic Hotel de Rambouillet was, and how entirely amiable qualities atoned for the lack of a grandfather. Voi- ture was of humble birth, the son of a wine-merchant of Amiens, but his gifts carried him to a foremost place in the most cultivated society of his day. Men of highest rank treated him as an equal. He had abundance of animal spirits, and he also had tact, -H-56+- AND THE PRfiCIEUSES suppleness of intellect, humor, a know- ledge of men and women. People admired his cleverness and marveled at his audacity. The Due d'Enghien once said : ' If Voiture were of our rank he would be unendurable. 5 When he grew old Voiture became peevish, and was tolerated just as if he had been a lord or a rich uncle. Cousin praises Voiture because he was • the first example of a man of letters who lived among the great and still maintained his independence/ The praise would be justly bestowed if it were true that Voiture took the attitude of a professed man of letters. He did not. He trifled at literature. But he trifled with exceeding care, and his works live after him. He wrote letters and poems. He printed no- *m HOTEL DE RJMBOUILLET thing during his lifetime. When, after his death, these writings were collected and published in two volumes, people laughed at the title which the literary- executor gave to them — the Works of Vincent Voiture. But every histo- rian of French literature takes them into account. Cousin gives Voiture the credit of being inventor of what we would now call vers de societe. This poet would live if only by virtue of his connection with Hotel de Ram- bouillet. Honors are still done him. Andrew Lang translates him, and Ger- man Gelehrte write theses on his syntax. In the Grand Dictionnaire des Pr'e- cieuses Voiture figures under the name of Valere, that is, Valerius. His in- fluence among the little salons was so — H 58 -H- «= AND THE PR&CIEUSES great that if he showed himself once at a lady's house her reputation as a precieuse was made. At Hotel de Rambouillet he ex- erted to the utmost his extraordinary powers of entertainment. He ex- celled in that which we vaguely and helplessly describe as the art of keep- ing things going. A house which was at no time a solemn place was far- ther than ever from solemnity when he was present. Moreover we are in France, and France is gay, and the French are a gay people. We are to take for granted all those things in which youth delights, the fetes, the fancy-dress balls, the collations, the picnics. They loved to travesty my- thological scenes in the ample Pare Rambouillet; this was their way of HOTEL DE RAMBOVILLET presenting Gibson tableaux. Half the charm of their comedies and fetes grew out of the improvised character of these things. That genius of the Latin race for doing the right thing at exactly the right time came into play. What our cold Anglo-Saxon tempera- ment would spoil was infinitely light and graceful under their touch. Voiture also had a taste for the kind of joke called practical. For this he has been reproved. Bourciez calls him the enfant terrible of Hotel de Rambouillet. One illustration of his mischievous wit is given in all the books. He encountered on the street a wandering animal-trainer with two dancing bears. He brought all three up stair and through corridor into the room where, on the other side of a — h 60 4- «= AND THE PR&CIEUSES large screen, the Marquise and a group of her friends were sitting. One can guess the consternation of this lady when, on hearing a scuffling behind her, she looked around and saw four hairy paws resting on the top of the screen with muzzles laid between them and bearish eyes blinking down upon her. Was it in punishment for this jest that the Marquise persuaded Voiture that he was almost losing his mind, or at least becoming an unconscious plagiarist? He used, after the ap- proved custom of the day, to hand his verses about in manuscript. The Marquise had one of his newest poems printed and the leaf bound into a volume. Then she called his at- tention to the extraordinary resem- -t- 61 -*- «= HOTEL DE RAMBOUILLET blance between the two poems. For the moment Voiture was staggered, and fully believed that at the time he was, as he supposed, writing original verse, he must have been remember- ing something he had read. Another personage at Hotel de Rambouillet was the Due de Montau- sier. He played as prominent a role as V-oiture, but was so utterly un- like the little poet that the two men form a piquant contrast. Montausier made his first appear- ance at Hotel de Rambouillet in 1631. He was then Marquis de Salle, and barely twenty-two years of age. He became enamored of Julie, and later an aspirant for her hand. If it were ever true that a young lady accepted a suitor because all the world spoke -H 62 +- r#£ PR&CIEUSES little culture and possessed only of the imitative faculty. The best they could do was to travesty what they had seen or heard in the fc blue room,' or still worse to travesty what they had not known by experience but only heard about. Between 1645 and 1648 a new word 'precieuse 5 began to pass from lip to lip. Without attempting to give an accurate defi- nition to it the public adopted it. They to whom the word was applied accepted it with complacency; they who applied it to others did so with an accent which might mean anything from admiration to contempt. '69. IV .HO were the Precieuses % We are usually taught to believe that all the habitual frequenters of the ' blue room ' are to be so accounted. But Roederer, the first historian to have definite ideas on the subject, and the historian who has succeeded in im- posing his ideas on all other writ- ers, says not so. As I understand him, Preciosity may have cradled in the ' blue room,' and the Marquise de Rambouillet will always be reputed -+ 71 •*- r#£ PR&CIEUSES taught to believe that good sense and good taste prevailed at Hotel de Rambouillet. The testimony of Chapelain, already quoted, is conclu- sive. Other and quite as good testi- mony is not wanting. In the outer circles of preciosity, however, it was quite otherwise. A thoroughgoing precieuse, to whom words were rather more important than ideas, would not speak of her ears ; she would say the gates of my understanding ; she would speak of night as the mother of silence, war as the mother of discord ; a hat was not a hat, it was the defer of the weather (1'afFronteur des temps) ; chairs were the indisp ens able s of conversation ; and tears were the pearls of Iris : no one shed tears, he shed pearls. Teeth were the furniture of the mouth ; a ser- -*• 105-1- I? B,^r s v,, HOTEL DE RAMBOVILLET geant of police was the bad angel of criminals; a mirror was known as a painter of supreme fidelity ; and soup masqueraded under the phrase, the harmony of two elements. These and similar expressions to the number of several hundred were col- lected by Somaize from the lips of people who used them, or from the letters and romances of the time, and are to be found in his Grand Diction- naire des Pretieuses. A scientific clas- sification of them is given in the fourth volume of the Histoire de la Langue et de la Litterature fran^aise^ now publishing under the editorial direction of that distinguished scholar, M. Petit de Julleville. The malady was widespread. Moliere himself was not wholly able to escape it. Nei- -+ 106 +- AND THE PR&CIEUSES ther was Corneille. In much the same way Shakespeare dropped into occasional Euphuistic forms even when he was not laughing at Eu- phuism. When preciosity reached the coun- try towns it became more ridiculous than ever, and fell quite naturally under the lash of the satirist. Mo- liere is believed to have tried the ef- fect of the Precieuses ridicules in the provinces before he produced it in Paris. There were so many pre- cieuses in Lyons that Somaize de- voted twenty-eight pages to them in an appendix to the Dictionnaire. They were to be found at Bordeaux, at Aix, at Poitiers, at Aries, and at Montpellier. In the Voyage de Cha- pelle et de Bachaumont is an account -H- IO7 *- HOTEL DE RAMBOUILLET of a visit to a gathering of country precieuses, the very type which Mo- liere must often have encountered during his years of provincial travel. Chapelle describes their affected and pretentious airs. He satirizes their tawdry rhetoric, and turns them into ridicule by making them talk of the 4 divine beauty ' of Mademoiselle de Scudery, and speak of Pellisson as an Adonis. When one of these ladies referred to D'Assoucy as a member of the French Academy, Chapelle de- clares that he and his companions were seized with so irresistible a desire to laugh that they were obliged to leave the room and leave the house ; they went back to their inn to have their laugh out at leisure. There was abundant material for -*• 108-1- =a AND THE PRfiCIEUSES satire in the externals of preciosity, as may be learned by reading Livet's account of a ' morning ' at the house of some representative blue-stock- ing. These people lived comic opera and did n't know it. One would like to have seen such a gathering, the high-priestess throned upon her couch, the spaces on either side of the bed (the ruelles) filled with ladies and gallants, the fluttering of fans and feathers, the rustle and gleam of satin and silk, the little beribboned canes which they waved incessantly while they talked; the talk itself, infinitely clever in some cases and infinitely absurd in others ; the flourishes and bows, the compliments and witti- cisms; and then the general serenity which filled every breast, the con- -I- 109 4- V HOTEL DE RAMBOUILLET sciousness that no vulgar sound could mar the turn of a verse or the climax of an apostrophe, for the door-knocker was carefully muffled. no- VI HP JlfcHE Marquise de Rambouillet died in 1665. For some time before her death the salon had been but a shadow of its former self. The mem- ory of the great days survived, but the great days were no longer pos- sible. New ideas had begun to mould the literature of the seven- teenth century. Preciosity was not annihilated by Moliere's attack, but more than ever it became a reproach and a byword. The latter-day pre- -+ 111 4- HOTEL BE RAMBOVILLET cieuses had the name but not the power. They might summon spirits from the vasty deep, but the only response was the irreverent laughter of spectators. That preciosity had many virtues cannot be denied. It was exceeding picturesque also ; and picturesque- ness alone is a virtue for which we ought to be grateful. The pages which contain its history are among the most fascinating in the annals of French literature. The Marquise was in many ways a great woman. She was admirable in her own day, she is admirable in ours. It was no small accomplishment to have had a refining influence upon one's day and generation. It was no little or unworthy thing to have retained -I- II2-H- AND THE PRfiCIEUSES one's social supremacy through so many years, and by entirely legiti- mate methods. Historians have ex- aggerated the intellectual frivolity of Hotel de Rambouillet. After all it seems less culpable to be frivolous over words and ideas than over cards; and if it is a question of ultimate idiocy, charades are no worse than dancing. Let us not exaggerate the significance of trifles. Incredible as it may appear, I have seen human beings playing hjalma ; the men were college-graduates and the women belonged to clubs. If, then, we are inclined to laugh at a society which could divide into two hostile camps on the question which of two sonnets was the better, we may take comfort in the compensating thought that a ltdr $ ^ HOTEL DE RAMBOUILLET these people actually knew a sonnet when they saw one. The statement may be hard to prove, but without doubt the circle of Hotel de Rambouillet better de- serves our respect than the best so- ciety of any favorite centre at the present day. It was the misfortune of Hotel de Rambouillet to have out- lived its usefulness. But that may happen to any man, any woman, any organization. It was also its misfor- tune to have been imitated, and badly imitated. Yet the genuine is none the less genuine because the spurious exists. ' Hotel de Rambouillet has its place, and that a great place in the history of the seventeenth century. It was the incomparable vestibule of modern culture. The men of that 1 AND THE PR^CIEUSES generation had no reason to regret that they had frequented the "blue room " of Arthenice. Some no doubt learned affectation, but more learned to think delicately, and all to speak well/ 115. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE 1 HIS sketch of Hotel de Rambouillet will serve no real purpose unless it stimu- lates the reader to consult a few, at least, of the many books and essays in which French critical scholarship and genius have interpreted the history of seventeenth cen- tury literature. Larroumet well says that one might make a small library out of the books devoted to the societe precieuse. The following bibliography is for the use of c gentle ' readers ; it is not addressed to -+ 117 -t- > ^ — ^^ g BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE literary specialists or professional bibliogra- phers. Having in mind, therefore, the amateur of good books rather than the pundit, I have grouped the materials relating to Hotel de Rambouillet and the Precieuses thus : — First : The more or less condensed no- tices to be found in manuals of French literature. These works are inexpensive and accessible. They present the subject in epitome. i . Lanson (Gustave), Histoire de la Lit- terature frangaise. Paris, Hachette, 1898, PP- 3 68 -39!- 2. Lintilhac (Eugene), Litterature fran- faise. Paris, Andre fils, 1895. Deuxieme partie, pp. 9-16. 3. Brunettere (Ferdinand), Manuel de V histoire de la Litter ature frangaise. Paris, Delagrave, 1898, pp. 106-130. -+ 118 +- BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE Each of the above-named books is rich in bibliographical references. 4. Geruzez (Eugene), Histoire de la Lit- terature fran^aise. Paris, Didier, 1869, pp. 35-63. 5. Albert (Paul), Litter ature fran^aise des origines a la fin du XVI e Steele. Paris, Hachette, 1881, pp. 387-404. 6. Pergameni (Hermann), Histoire ge- nerate de la Litterature fran$aise. Paris, Alcan, 1889, PP- 209-213. Second : Extended accounts and mono- graphs. 1. Petit de Julie ville (L.), Histoire de la Langue et de la Litterature fran$aise. Paris, Colin, 1897. Vol. IV., chapters 1, 2, and 7. This magnificent work is being written by collaboration. The chapters in ques- tion are by Petit de Julleville, Bourciez, -+ 119 «?- BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE and Morillot. Excellent bibliographies at the end of each chapter. ■. 2. Demogeot (Jacques), Tableau de la Litter ature fran^aise au XVII e Steele avant Corneille et Descartes. Paris, Hachette, 1859, PP- 205-300. 3. Li vet (Ch.-L.), Precieux et Pr'ecieuses, caracteres et mceurs litter aires du XVII e Siecle. Paris, Didier, 1859. 4. Rcederer (P. L.), Memoire pour servir a Vhistoire de la Societe polie en France. Paris, Didot, 1835. Privately printed and expensive. Mod- est Parisian booksellers will sometimes part with the volume for ten dollars. There is a copy in the Boston Public Library. 5. Cousin (Victor), La Societe fran$aise au XVII e Siecle d'apres la Grand Cyrus. Paris, Perrin, 1886, two vols. — La Jeu- nesse de Mme. de Longueville. Paris, Perrin, 1897. — Mme. de Sable, Paris, Didier, 1882. -+ 120 H- €= BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE 6. Brunetifere (F.), Etudes Critiques, deuxieme serie : La Societe precieuse, a review of La Jeunesse de Flechier by the Abbe Fabre. In this essay Brunetiere makes his often quoted distinction between the esprit gau- lois and the esprit precieux. 7. Larroumet (Gustave), Notice histo- rique sur les Precieuses ridicules. Paris, Gar- nier. This book should be in the hands of all students. The eighty pages of introduction are in the highest degree suggestive and informing. 8. Crane (Thomas Frederick), La Soci- ete fran$aise au XVII e Siecle. New York, Putnam, 1889. Contains a large and carefully selected group of passages relating to Hotel de Rambouillet, nearly all from contemporary writers. There are copious notes, an intro- -+ 121 -j- j^ tT"" 1 ■> BIBLIOGRAPHICAL NOTE duction of thirty-four pages, a bibliography, and a reproduction of the c Carte du Tendre.' g. Breitinger (H.), Jus neuern Litter a- turen. Zurich, 1879, pp. 1-54. Der Salon Rambouillet und seine culturgeschicht- liche Bedeutung. 10. Colombey (Emile), Ruelles, Salons^ et Cabarets. Paris, Dentu, 1892. This list does not begin to exhaust the number of critical and historical studies. The reader who consults these will have no difficulty in getting track of what he wants. The numerous passages scattered through the various writings of Sainte- Beuve should be read. Third : Direct sources, among which are : — 1. Tallemant de R6aux : Les Histori- ettes, 3 e edition, De Monmerque et Paulin Paris. Paris, Techener, 1862, six vols. -+ 122 H- 1900