LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 0000572^177 % *$ % J 3 * ** V ^ ° " • 4 °0 P +J p. * • • * '■^ o *S aV jHnS ■ o 31° °^ >•.** ^3> • * ^ *°1 4> ^*<*' -, a * * *V ^d ^qi -h v ^ • 4 I iT v JL* • " • * <^ T 1 * Ysfflm T^ PUBLIC SERVICES OF III HI Brought down to the year 1 14. NEW- YORK : GREELEY & McELRATH, TRIBUNE BUILDINGS. 1844. tpgpi Price 12^ Cents i ■ (7/ s -o Greeley &M? fflratk, Trihim*> BizzlcUngs tfYork. THE LIFE AND PUBLIC SERVICES OF HENRY CLAY. BY EPES SARGENT, ESQ., OF NEW YORK. NEW EDITION, REVISED, ENLARGED AND BROUGHT DOWN TO THE YEAR 1844, BY THE AUTHOR. NEW YORK:/2) GREELEY & M C ELRATH, TRIBUNE OFFICE, 160 NASSAU STREET. 1844. * (oSz PREFACE. The name of the Author having been associated with another "Life of Clay," recently issued from the Press, he takes this occasion to say, that the present is the only one, in the preparation of which he has been, in the least degree, concerned. The first edition of this work appeared during the autumn of 1842, at which time there was no published memoir of Mr. Clay (so far as the writer's knowledge extended), except that by George D. Prentice, Esq. which terminates with the close of John Quincy Adams's administration. To this eloquent biographical sketch, the Author takes pleasure in acknow- ledging his indebtedness for a number of interesting facts. The new and improved edition of his " Life of Clay," now offered to the public, has been carefully revised — some errors have been corrected — several omissions have been supplied — and the Memoir has been brought down to the year 1844. Powerful and memorable as has been the influence which Mr. Clay has exerted upon the legislation of the country during the last forty years, the crowning felicity of his public career remains to be fulfilled and recorded. To his biographer of 1845 we leave the task of chronicling that auspicious event, to which the People of the United States now look hope- fully forward as to the day-spring of a new era of prosperity in the government. E. S. New York, March, 1844. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1844, by GREELEY & M'ELRATII, In the Clerk's Office of the district Court cf the United States, fur the Southam District of New York. THE LIFE AND PUBLIC SERVICES OF HENRY CLAY CHAPTER I. Birtli and Parentage— His early days— The Mill-boy of the Slashes— Studies Law— Hears Patrick Henry— Removes to Kentucky— Debut at a Debating Society— Becomes a suc- cessful Practitioner — Cases in which he distinguishes himself— He advocates the policy of gradually Emancipating the Slaves in Kentucky— Opposes the Alien and Sedition Laws — Is elected to the General Assembly — Instances of his Elo- quence— Affair with Col. Daviess— Appears at the Bar for Aaron Burr— Sub>equent Interview with Burr in New-York. Henry Clay is a native of Hanover county, Vir- ginia. He was born on the 12th of April, 1777, in a district of country familiarly known in the neighbor- hood as the S/ashes. His father, a Baptist clergy- man, died during the revolutionary war, bequeath- ing a small and much embarrassed estate and seven children, of whom Henry was the fifth, to the care of an affectionate mother. The surviving parent did not possess the means to give her sons a classi- cal education; and the subject of our memoir re- ceived no oiher instruction than such as could be obtained in the log-cabin school-houses, still com- mon in the lower parts of Virginia, at which spell- ing, reading, writing and arithmetic are taught. In 1792, his mother, who had become united, in a second marriage, with Mr. Henry Watkins, removed to Woodford county, Kentucky, taking all her chil- dren, with the exception of Henry and his oldest brother. It was always a subject of regret with Mr. Clay, that he was deprived at so early an age of his mother's counsel, conversation and care. She was a woman of great strength of mind, and was tender- ly attached to her children. He had been only five years old when he lost his father; and, consequently, his circumstances in early life, if not actually indigent, were such as to Subject him frequently to hard manual labor. He bas ploughed in cornfields, many a summer day, without shoes and with no other clothes on than a pair of Osnaburg trowsers and a coarse shirt. He has often gone to mill with grain to be ground into meal or flour; and there are those who remember his youthful visits to Mrs. Darricott's mill, on the Pamunkey river. On such occasions he generally rode a horse without a saddle, while a rope sup- plied the place of a bridle. But in the absence of a more splendid equipment, a bag containing three or (our bushels of wheat or corn was generally thrown across the horse's back, mounted upon which the future statesman would go to mill, get the grain ground, and return with it home. At the age of fourteen, he was placed in a small retail store, kept by Mr. Richard Denny, near the market-house in the city of Richmond. He re- mained here till the next year, (1792,) when he was transferred to the office of the Clerk of the High Court of Chancery, Mr. Peter Tinsley. There he became acquainted with the venerable Chancellor Wythe, attracted his friendly attention, and enjoyed the benefit of his instruction and conversation. The Chancellor being unable to write well, in conse- quence of the gout or rheumatism in his right thumb, bethought himself of employing his younej friend as an amanuensis. This was a fortunate cir- cumstance for the fatherless boy. His attention was thus called to the structure of sentences, as he wrote them down from the dictation of his employ- er; and a taste for the study of grammar was crea- ted which was noticed and encouraged by the Chancellor, upon whose recommendation he read Harris's Hermes, Tooke's Diversions of Purley, Bishop Lowth's Grammar, and other similar works. For his handwriting, which is still remarkably neat and regular, Mr. Clay was chiefly indebted to Mr. Tinsley. Chancellor Wythe was devoted to the study of Greek. He was at one time occupied in preparing reports ot nis decisions, and comment- ing upon those of the Court of Appeals, by which some of his were reversed; and in this work he was assisted by his amanuensis. After the reports were published, hfi sent copies to Mr. Jefferson, John Adams, Samuel Adams, and others. In these copies he employed Henry Clay to copy particular passa- ges from Greek authors, to whom references had been made. Not understanding a single Greek cha- racter, the young copyist had to transcribe by itni tuiion letter after letter. Life of Henry Clay. Leaving the office of Mr. Tinslcy the latter part of 1796, he went to reside with the late Robert Brooke, Esq., the Attorney General, formerly Gov- ernor of Virginia. His only regular study of the law was during the year 1797, that he lived with Mr. Brooke; but it was impossible that he should not, in the daily scenes he witnessed, and in the pre- sence of the eminent men whom he so often heard and saw, be in the way of gathering much valuable legal information. During his residence of six or seven yeurs in Richmond, he became acquainted with all or most of the eminent Virginians of the pe- riod, who lived in that city, or were in the habit of resorting to it — with Edmund Pendleton, Spencer Roane, Chief Justice Marshall, Bushrod Washing- ton, Wiekhatn, Call, Copeland, &c. On two occa- sions, he had the good fortune to hear Patrick Hen- ry — once, before the Circuit Court of the United States for the Virginia District, on the question of the payment of the British debts; and again before the House of Delegates of Virginia, on a claim of the supernumerary officers in the service of the State dining the Revolutionary War. Mr. Clay re- members that remarkable man, his appearance and his manner, distinctly. The impression of his elo- quent powers remaining on his mind is, that their charm consisted mainly in one of the finest voices ever heard, in his graceful gesticulation, and the va- riety and force of expression which he exhibited in his face. Henry Clay quitted Richmond in November, 1797, his eldest brother having died while he yet resided in that city. Bearing a license from the Judges of j the Virginia Court of Appeals to practise law, he established himself in Lexington, Kentucky. He was without patrons, without the countenance of in- fluential friends, and destitute of the means of pay- ing his weekly board. " 1 remember," says he, in his speech of June, 1842, at Lexington, " how com- fortable L thought I should be, if I could make £100 Virginia money per year; and with what delight I received the first fifteen shilling fee My hopes were more than realized. 1 immediately rushed into a lucrative practice." Before assuming the active responsibilities of his profession, he devoted himself with assiduity several months to his legal studies. Even at that period the bar of Lexington was eminent for its ability. Among its members were George Nicholas, James Hughes, John Breckenbridge, James Brown, William Mur- ray, and others, whose reputation was sufficient to discourage the most stouthearted competition. But true genius is rarely unaccompanied by a conscious- ness of its power ; and the friendless and unknown youth from Virginia fearlessly entered the field, which, to a less intrepid spirit, would have seemed pre-occupied. He soon commanded consideration and respect. He was familiar with the technicali- ties of practice; and early habits of business and application, enabled him to effect an easy mastery of the cases entrusted to his charge. His subtle ap- preciation of character, knowledge of human nature, and faculties of persuasion, rendered him peculiarly successful in his appeals to a jury ; and he obtained great celebrity for his adroit and careful manage- ment of criminal cases. An anecdote is related of him about the time of his first entrance upon his profession, which shows that, notwithstanding his fine capacities, he had some native diffidence to overcome before they were fairlv tested. He had joined a debating society, and at one of the meetings the vote was about to be taken upon the question under discussion, when he re- marked in a low but audible whisper, that the sub- ject did not appear to him to have been exhausted. " Do not put the question yet — Mr. Clay will speak," exclaimed a member, who had overheard the half hesitating remark. The chairman instantly took the hint, and nodded to the young lawyer in token of his readiness to hear what he had to say. With every indication of ex- treme embarrassment, he rose, and, in his confu- sion, began by saying : " Gentlemen of the Jury"— unconsciously addressing his fellow-members as the tribunal, to which he had perhaps often made ima- ginary appeals in his dreams of a successful debut at the bar. His audience did not add to his agita- tion by seeming to notice it, and, after floundering and blushing for a moment or two, and stammering out a repetition of the words '• Gentlemen of the Jury," he suddenly shook off all signs of distrust and timidity, and launched into his subject with a promptitude and propriety of elocution, which ex- cited general surprise. To those familiar with the perfect self possession of Mr. Clay's manner in afterlife upon all occasions, the most trying and unexpected, this instance will present an amusing contrast; for the evidence is not on record of his ever having failed for an instant in his resources of repartee or of argument in debate. Shortly after this early essay in public speaking, he was admitted as a practitioner before the Fayette Court of Quarter Sessions, a court of general juris- diction. Business soon poured in upon him, and during the first term he had a handsome practice. His manners and address, both in personal inter- course and before a jury, were unusually captivat- ing. Frank in avowing his sentiments, and bold and consistent in maintaining them, he laid the foun- dation of a character for sincerity and honor, which amid all the shocks of political changes and the scurrility of partizan warfare, has never been shaken or tainted. In the possession of these attributes, beyond the reach of cavil or of question, is to be found the secret of that inalienable attachment among the vast body of his friends, which has fol- lowed him throughout his career. One of the most important cases, in which Mr. Clay was engaged during the first three or four years of his professional life, was that in which he was employed to defend a Mrs. Phelps, indicted for murder. This woman was the wife of a respectablo farmer,and until the time of the act for which she was arraigned, had led a blameless and correct life. One day, in her own house, taking some offence at a Miss Phelps, her sister-in-law, she levelled a gun, and shot her through the heart. The poor girl had only time to exclaim, ' Sister, you have killed me,' and expired. Great interest was excited in the case, and the Court was crowded to overflowing on the day of trial. Of the fact of the homicide there could be no doubt. It was committed in the presence of witnesses, and the only question was to what class of crimes did the offence belong. If it were pronounced murder in the first degree, the life of the wretched prisoner would be the forfeit ; but, if manslaughter, she Mr. Clay as an Advocate— Slavery. would be punished merely by confinement in the on all of these points, Mr. Clay's colleague was gaol or penitentiary. The legal contest was long und able. The efforts of the counsel for the prose- cution were strenuous and earnest; but Mr. Clay succeeded not only in saving the life of his client, but so moved the jury in her behalf by his eloquence, that her punishment was made as light as the law would allow. He gained much distinction by the ability he displayed iu this case, and thenceforth it was considered a great object to enlist his assistance in all criminal suits on the part of the defendant. It is a singular fact, that in the course of a very extensive practice in the courts of criminal jurispru- dence, and in the defence of a large number of indi- viduals arraigned for capital offences, he never had one of his clients sentenced to death. Another case, in which he acquired scarcely less celebrity, was shortly afterward tried in Harrison County. Two Germans, father and son, had been indicted for murder. The deed of kdling was proved to the entire satisfaction of the Court, and was con- sidered an aggravated murder. Mr. Clay's efforts were therefore directed to saving their lives. The trial occupied five days, and his closing appeal to the jury was of the most stirring and pathetic de- scription. It proved irresistible, for they returned a verdict of manslaughter. Not satisfied with this sig- nal triumph, he moved an arrest of judgment, and, after another day's contest, prevailed in this also. The consequence was, that the prisoners were dis- charged without even the punishment of the crime, of which the jury had found them guilty. An amusing incident occurred at the conclusion of this trial. An old, withered, ill-favored German woman, who was the wife of the elder prisoner, and the mother of the younger, on being informed of the success of the final motion for an arrest of judg- ment, and the consequent acquittal of her husband and son, ran toward the young advocate, in the ex- cess of her gratitude and joy, and throwing her arms about his neck, kissed him in the eyes of the crowd- ed court. Although taken wholly by surprise, and hardly flattered by blandishments from such a source, young Clay acquitted himself upon the oc- casion, with a grace and good humor, which won him new applause from the spectators. All great emotions claim respect; and in this instance so far did the sympaties of the audience go with the old woman as to divest of ridicule an act, which, in the recital, may seem to have partaken principally of the ludicrous. Notwithstanding his extraordinary success in all the criminal suits entrusted to him, the abilities dis- played by Mr. Clay at this period in civil case3 were no less brilliant and triumphant. In suits growing out of the land laws of Virginia and Ken- tucky, he was especially distinguished; rapidly ac- quiring wealth and popularity by his practice. It is related of him, that on one occasion, in conjunc- tion widi another attorney, he was employed to ar- gue, in the Fayette Circuit Court, a question of great difficulty — one in which the interests of the litigant panies were deeply involved. At the open- ing of the court, something occurred to call him away, and the whole management of the case de- volved on his associate counsel. Two dajs were spent in discussing the points of law, which were to govern the instructions of the Court to the jury, and foiled by his antagonist. At the end of the second day, Mr. Clay re-entered the Court. He had not heard a word of the testimony, and knew nothing of the course which the discussion had taken; but, af- ter holding a very short consultation with his col- league, he drew up a statement of the form in which he wished the instructions of the Court to be given to the jury, and accompanied his petition with a few observations, so entirely novel and satisfactory, that it was granted without the least hesitation. A cor- responding verdict was instantly returned; and thus the case, which had been on the point of being de- cided against Mr. Clay's client, resulted in his favor in less than half an hour after the young lawyer had entered the Court-house. For an enumeration of the various cases in which Mr. Clay was about this time engaged, and in which his success was as marked as his talents were obvi- ous, we must refer the curious reader to the records of the Courts of Kentucky, and hasten to exhibit the subject of our memoir on that more extended field, where his history began to be interwoven with the history of his country, and a whole nation hailed him as a champion worthy of the best days of the Republic. As early as 1797, when the people of Kentucky were about electing a Convention to form a new Constitution for that State, Mr. Clay may be said to have commenced his political career. His first efforts were made on behalf of human liberty, and at the risk of losing that breeze of popular favor, which was wafting on his bark bravely toward that haven of worldly prosperity and renown. The most important feature in the plan for a new Constitution, submitted to the people of Kentucky, was a provision for the prospective eradication ot slavery from the State by means of a gradual eman- cipation of those held in bondage. Against this proposal a tremendous outcry was at once raised. It was not to be questioned that the voice of the ma- jority was vehemently opposed to it. But young Clay did not hesitate as to his course. In that spirit of self-sacrifice, which he has since displayed on so many occasions, in great public emergencies, with- out stopping to reckon the disadvantages to himself, he boldly arrayed himself on the side of those friendly to emancipation. In the canvass, which preceded the election of members of the Convention, he exerted himself with all the energy of his nature in behalf of that cause, which he believed to be the cause of truth and justice. With his voice and pen he actively labored to promote the choice of Dele- gates who were pledged to its support. He failed in the fulfilment of his philanthropic intentions, and incurred temporary unpopularity by his course. Time, however, is daily making more apparent the wisdom of his counsel. Mr. Clay has not faltered in his views upon this gieat question. They are now what they were in 1797. In maintaining the policy of this scheme 01 gradual emancipation he has ever been fearless and consistent. Let it not be imagined, however, that he has any sympathy with that incendiary spirit which would seem to actuate some of the clamorers for immediate and unconditional abolition at the present time. His views were far-sighted, states- man-like and sagacious. He looked to the general Ij'je uj Henry Clay. good, not merely of his contemporaries Imt of pos- terity; and his plan stretched beyond the embarrass- ments of the present hour into the future A more just, practicable and beneficent scheme than his, for the accomplishment of a consummation so devoutly to he wished by humanity at large, could not have been devised. It resembled that adopted in Pennsylvania in the year 1781) at the instance of Dr. Franklin, according to which, the generation in being were to remain in bondage, but all their offspring, born after a speci- fied day, were to be free at the age of twenty-eight, and, in the mean time, were to receive preparatory instruction to qualify them for the enjoyment of fieedom. Mr. Clay thought, with many others, that as the slave States had severally the right to judge, every one exclusively for itself, in respect to the in- stitution of domestic slavery, the proportion of slaves to the white population in Kentucky at that time was so inconsiderable, that a system of gradu- al emancipation might have been adopted without any hazard to the security and interests of the com- monwealth. Recently a charge was made by the principal op- position paper at the South, that Mr. Clay had johr ed the Abolitionists; and the ground of the charge was the averment that he had written a letter to Mr. (biddings, of Ohio, approving the leading views of that party. Upon inquiry, it appeared, however, that the letter was written by Cassius M. Clay, a namesake. In noticing the erroneous statement, Mr. Clay remarked, in a letter to a friend — "I do not write letters for different latitudes. I have but one heart, and one mind; and all my letters are but copies of the original, and if genuine, will be found to conform to it, wherever they may be addressed." Would that every candidate for the Presidency might say this with equal sincerity and truth ! Notwithstanding the failure of his exertions in ar- resting the continuance of negro servitude in Ken- tucky, Mr. Clay has never shrunk from the avowal of his sentiments upon the subject, nor from their practical manifestation in his professional and poli- tic al career. For several years, whenever a slave brought an action at law for his liberty, Mr. Clay volunteered as his advocate : and he always suc- ceeded in obtaining a decision in the slave's favor. Oppression in every shape would seem to have roused the most ardent sympathies of his soul, and to have enlisted his indignant eloquence in behalf of its unfriended object. The impulses, which urged him at this early day to take the part of the domes- tic bondsmen of his own State, were the same with those, by which he was instigated, when the ques- tions of recognizing South American and Grecian In- dependence were presented to the consideration of a tardy and calculating Congress. During the administration of John Adams, in 1798- 9, the famous alien and sedition laws were passed. The popular opposition with which these extraordi- nary measures were received, is still vividly remem- bered in the United States. By the " alien law," the President was authorized to order any alien, whom " he should judge dangerous to the peace and safety" of the country " to depart out of the terri- tory within such time" as he s-hould judge proper, upon penalty of being " imprisoned for a term not exceeding three years." Aic. The " sedition law" was designed to punish the abuse of speech of the press. It imposed a heavy pecuniary fine, and imprisonment for a term of years, upon such as should combine or conspire together to oppose any measure of Government: upon such as should write, print, utter, publish, &c, " any false, scandalous and malicious writing against the Government of the United States or the Presi- dent," &c. Mr. Clay stood forth one of the earliest champions of popular rights in opposition to these inemoriable laws. Kentucky was one of the first States that launched their thunders against them ; and though many speakers came forward to give expression to the indignation which was swelling in the public heart, none succeeded so well in striking the re- sponsive chord as our young lawyer. He was soon regarded as the leading spirit of the opposition party ; and it was about this time that the title of " The Great Commoner" was bestowed upon him. A gentleman, who was present at a meeting where these obnoxious laws were discussed, describes the effect produced by Mr. Clay's eloquence as difficult adequately 1o describe. The populace had assem- bled in the fields in the vicinity of Lexington, and were first addressed by Mr. George Nicholas, a dis- tinguished man, and a powerful speaker. The speech of Mr. Nicholas was long and eloquent, and he was greeted by the most enthusiastic cheers as he con- cluded. Clay being called for, promptly appeared, and made one of the most extraordinary and impres- sive harangues ever addressed to a popular assem- bly. A striking evidence of its thrilling and effec- tive character may be found in the fact that when be ceased, there was no shoul — no applause. So eloquently had he interpreted the deep feelings of the multitude, that they forgot the orator in the ab- sorbing emotions he had produced. A higher com- pliment can hardly be conceived. The theme was a glorious one for a young and generous mind, filled with ardor in behalf of human liberty — and he did it justice. The people took Clay and Nicholas upon their shoulders, and forcing tbem into a carriage, drew them through the streets, amid shouts of ap- plause. What an incident for an orator, who had not yet completed his twenty second year! Four years afterwards, when Mr. Clay was absent from the County of Fayette at the Olympian Springs, he was brought forward, without his knowledge or previous consent, as a candidate, and elected to the General Assembly of Kentucky. He soon made his influence felt in that body. In 1804, Mr. Felix Grundy, then an adroit and well-known politician, made an attempt in the Legislature to procure the repeal of a law incorporating the Lexington Insu- rance Office. He was opposed at every step by Mr. Clay; and the war of words between the youthful debaters drew to the hall of the House throngs of spectators. Grundy had managed to secure before hand a majority in bis favor in the House; but the members of the Senate flocked in to hear Clay speak, and so cogently did he present to their understand- ings the impolicy and unconstitutionality of the measure under discussion, that they refused to sanc- tion it after it had been passed by the other branch, and a virtual triumph was thus obtained. It is recorded of Mr. Clay, that, in the course of the legislative session of 1805, he made an effort to Col. Daviess — Aaron Burr. procure the removal of ihe seat of Government from I Frankfort; and his speech on the occasion is said to have been an inimitable specimen of argument and humor. Frankfort is peculiar in its appearance and situation, being sunk, like a huge pit, below the sur- rounding country, and environed by rough and pre- cipitous ledges. ",We have," said Mr. Clay, "the model of an inverted hat; Frankfort is the body of the hat, and the lands adjacent are the brim. To chnnge the figure, it is nature's great penitentiary ; and if the members of this House would know the bodily condition of the prisoners, let him look at those poor creatures in the gallery." As he said this, he pointed with his finger to half a dozen figures that chanced, at that moment, to be moving about in the gallery, more like animated skeletons than respectable compounds of flesh and blood. The objects thus designated, seeing the at- tention of the whole assembly suddenly directed to- wards them, dodged, with ludicrous haste, behind the railing, and the assembly was thrown into a con- vulsion of merriment. This argumentum adhomi item proved irresistible. The members of the House agreed that it was expedient to remove the seat of Government, but it was subsequently found impos- sible to decide upon a new location, and the 'Legis- lature continues to hold its sessions at Frankfort. It was an early resolution of Mr. Clay, that no litigants, rich or poor, should have, occasion to say that for the want of counsel they could not obtain justice at every bar where he could appear for them. Col. Joseph Hamilton Daviess, at that time United .States District Attorney, and a man of influence and distinction, had committed an assault and battery at Frankfort on Mr. Bush, a respectable citizen, and a tavern-keeper at that place. The bar of Frank- fort declined instituting an action for the latter against Col. D. Bush finally appealed to Henry Clay, who promptly undertook the case, and brought the suit in Lexington. In the argument of a preliminary question, Mr. Clay felt it his duty to animadvert with some severity upon the conduct of Col. Daviess ; whereupon the latter, after the ad- journment of the Court, addressed a note to him, remonstrating against his course, and expressing a wish that it should not be persevered in. Mr. Clay immediately replied that he had undertaken the cause of Mr. Bush from a sense of duty; that he should submit to no dictation as to his management of it, which should be according to his own judge- ment exclusively; but that he should hold himself responsible for whatever he did or said, in or out of Court. A challenge ensued; Mr. Clay accepted it, and proceeded to Frankfort for the hostile meeting. Therp, by the interposition of mutual friends, the affair was accommodated in a manner honorable to both parties. In the autumn of 1806, the celebrated Aaron Burr was arrested in Kentucky, on a charge of being en- gaged in an illegal warlike enterprise. The saga- city and penetration of that extraordinary man were never more clearly evinced than in his application to Mr. Clay to defend him Mr. Clay believed, and it was generally believed in Kentucky, that the pro- secution was groundless, and was instituted by Col. Daviess, whom we have already mentioned, who was a great admirer of Col. Hamilton, and who dis- liked Burr because he had killed Hamilton in a duel, and was moreover, his opponent in politics. Mr. Clay felt a lively sympathy for Col. Burr, on account of his being arrested in a State distant from his own, on account of his misfortunes, and the dis- tinguished stations he had filled. Still he declined appearing for him, until Burr gave him written as- surances that he was engaged in no enterprise for- bidden by law, and none that was not known and approved by the Cabinet at Washington. On re- ceiving these assurances, Mr. Clay appeared for him; and thinking that Burr ought not to be dealt with as an ordinary culprit, he declined receiving from him any fee, although a liberal one was ten- dered. Burr was acquitted. Mr. Clay shortly after pro- ceeded to Washington, and received from Mr. Jef- ferson an account of the letter in cipher, which had been written by Burr to General Wilkinson, to- gether with other information of the criminal designs of Burr. Mr. Clay handed the written assurances above mentioned to Mr. Jefferson at the request of the latter. On his return from Ghent, Mr. Clay made a brief sojourn in the city of New- York, and visited, among other places of interest, the Federal Court, then in session, escorted by his friend, the late Mr. Smith, then Marshall, formerly a Senator from New-York. On entering the court-room, in the City Hall, the eyes of the bench, bar, officers, and attendants upon the Court, were turned upon Mr. C. who was in- vited to take a seat on the bench, which he politely declined, and took a position in the bar. Shortly after, a small gentleman, apparently advanced in years, and with bushy, gray hair, whom Mr Clay for an instant did not recognize, approached him. He quickly perceived it was Col. Burr, who ten- dered his hand to salute Mr. Clay. The latter de- clined receiving it. The Colonel, nevertheless, was not repulsed, but engaged in conversation with Mr. Clay, remarking, that he had understood that, be- sides the treaty of peace, the American Commis- sioners had nrgociated a good Commercial Conven- tion with Great Britain. Mr. Clay replied coldly, that such a convention was concluded, and that its terms would be known as soon as it was promul- gated by public authority. Col. B. expressed a wish to have an hour's interview with him, and Mr. C. told him where he stopped — but the Colonel never called. Thus terminated all the intercourse which ever took place between Henry Clay and Aaron Burr. And yet even out of materials like these Detraction has tried to manufacture weapons for its assaults ! CHAPTER II. Elected to the Senate of the United States— His first Speech, in favor of Internal Improvements— Is chosen Spenker of the Kentucky House of Assembly— Speeches and Reports — Reso- lutions in favor of American Manufactures— Duel with Hum- phrey Marshall— His sentiments in regard to Dueling— Takes his sent a second time in the United States Senate— Speaks in behalf of Domestic Manufactures— Lays the foundation of the American System— Speech on the line of the Perdido — Labors of the Session- Third Session of the Eleventh Con- gress—The United States Bank— He becomes a member of the United States House of Representatives— Is chosen Speaker on the first ballot — Critical state of Public Affairs — Is in favor of a War with Great. liritnin— Speech on the bill for raising Troops— On a Naval Establishment — Carries his Measures— Our Naval successes. On the twenty-ninth of December, 1806, Mr. Clay produced his credentials, and took his seat in the Senate of the United States. He had been elected 8 L'fc of Henry Clay. by the Legislature of the State of Kentucky to fill a vacancy occasioned by the resignation of the Hon. John Adair; and, from the journals of Congress, he seems to have entered at once, actively upon the discharge of the duties of his new and exalted position. His first Speech was in favor of the erection of abridge over the Potomac River; and at this period we perceive the dawning of those * iews of ' Internal Improvement,' which he after- ward carried out so ably, and his advocacy of which should alone be sufficient to entitle him to the last- ing gratitude of the Country. He amused the Senate on this occasion by quoting a passage from Peter Pindar, as applicable to a Senator by whom he had been assailed, and who was remarkable for the expression of superior sagacity which his coun- tenance was wont to assume when he rebuked the younger members of the body. The picture was apt and graphic : " Thns have I seen a magpie in the street, A chattering bird, we often meet ; A bird for curiosity well known, With head awry, nnd cunning eye. Peep knowingly into a marrow-bone." This Speech was soon followed by his presenta- tion of a Resolution advocating the expediency of appropriating a quantity of land toward the opening of the Canal proposed to be cut at the Rapids of the Ohio, on the Kentucky shore. The subject of appropriations for Internal Im- provements was at that time a novelty. So far as it related to the establishment of Post-Roads, it had, it is true, been discussed in February, 1795; but no formal opinion of Congress was expressed, so as to be a precedent for future action. A Committee, consisting of Messrs. Clay, Giles nnd Baldwin, was now appointed to consider the new Resolution, and on the twenty-fourth of Feb- ruary, 1807, Mr. Clay made an able Report to the Senate, in which we find the following passage: — " How far it is the policy of the Government to aid ' in works of this kind, when it has no distinct in- ' terest; whether, indeed, in such a case, it has the ■ Constitutional power of patronage and encourage- ' ment, it is not necessary to be decided in the present ' instance." A few days afterward, he reported a bill providing for the appointment of Commissioners to ascertain the practicability of removing the ob- structions in the navigation of the Ohio at the Rapids. This bill passed the Senate by a vote of eighteen to eight. The following resolution, presented the day of the passage of the bill, shows that Mr. Clay thus early in his career was deeply impressed with the impor- tance of a system of Internal Improvement. He may truly be called the father of that system, which has so incalculably advanced the general prosperity of the Republic : — " Resolved, That the Secretary of the Treasury be directed to prepare and report to the Senate at their next session, a plan for the application of such means as are within the power of Congress, to the purposes of opening Roads and making Canals; to- gether with a statement of undertakings of that na- ture, which, as objects of public improvement, may require and deserve the aid of Government; and, also, a statement of works, of the nature mentioned, which have been commenced, the progress which has been made in them, and the means and prospect of their being completed ; and all such information i as, in the opinion of the Secretary, shall be material in relation to the objects of this resolution." The resolution was passed with but three dissent- ing voices. During this session an attempt was made to sus- pend the Habeas Corpus Act, for the purpose oi enabling the President to arrest, without going through the forms and delays of the law, Col. Burr, of whose evil intentions there was now sufficient proof. Mr. Clay did not speak on the motion, but his vote was recorded against it, not through any tenderness towards Burr, but because of the danger ot instituting such a precedent against the liberty of the citizen. The motion was, however, carried in the Senate, but defeated in the House of Represent- atives. Mr. Clay's election to the Senate of the United States had been but for the fraction of a term, amounting to a single session. In the summer ol 1807, he was again chosen by the citizens of Fay- ette to represent them in the Kentucky Legislature, and at the next session he was elected Speaker ot the Assembly. In this position he did not content himself with faithfully discharging the ordinary du- ties of a Speaker. He entered the arena of debate, and took an acthe part in most of the important discussions before the House. A motion having been made to prohibit the reading in the Courts of Kentucky of any British decision, or elementary work on Law, he opposed it with a vigor nnd elu- queuce that could not fail of effect. More than four- fifths of the Members of the House had evinced a determination to vote for the motion. It was argued that the Americans, as an independent people, ought not to suffer themselves to be governed, in the ad- ministration of justice, by the legal decisions of a foreign power. Mr. Clay had to contend against a most formidable array of popular prejudice. To obviate one of the most potent arguments of the friends of the motion, he ingeniously moved to amend it by limiting the exclusion of British deci- sions from Kentucky to those only which have taken place since the 4th of July, 1776, the date of Ameri- can Independence, and suffering all which preceded that period to remain in force. He maintained that before the declaration of our independence, the Brit- ish and Americans were the same nation, and the laws of the one people were those of the other. He then entered upon one of the most eloquent ha- rangues that ever fell from his lips. He exposed the barbarity of a measure which would annihilate, for all practical uses in the State, the great body of the Common Law ; which would " wantonly make wreck of a system fraught with the intellectual wealth of centuries, and whelm its last fragment beneath the wave." Those who had the good fortune to hear Mr. Clay on this occasion, describe his speech as one of trans cendent power, beauty' and pathos. A gentleman, who was a partaker in the effect produced by his eloquence, says: — " Every muscle of the orator's ' face was in motion ; his whole body seemed ngi- ' tated, as if every part were instinct with a separate ' life; and his small, white hand, with its blue veins ' apparently distended almost to bursting, moved ' gracefully, but with all the energy of rapid ard ve- ' hement gesture. The appearance of the speaker • seemed that of a pure intellect wrought up to its The Embargo — Duel with Humphrey Marshall. ' mightiest energies, and brightly glowing through ' the thin and transparent veil of flesh that enrobed * it." It is almost needless to add that Mr. Clay pre- vailed on this occasion in turning the tide in his fa- vor, and the original motion was rejected. A report drawn up by him in 1809 upon a question of disputed election is worthy of notice in this place. The citizens of Hardin County, who were entitled to two Representatives in the General Assembly, had given 436 votes for Charles Helm, 350 for Sam- uel Haycraft, and 271 for John Thomas. The fact being ascertained that Mr. Haycraft held an office of profit under the Commonwealth, at the time of the election, a constitutional disqualification attach- ed and excluded him. He was ineligible, and there- fore could not be entitled to his seat. It remained to inquire into the pretensions of Mr. Thomas. His claim could only be supported by a total rejection of the votes given by Mr. Haycraft, as void to all intents whatever. Mr. Clay contended that those votes, though void and ineffectual in creating any right in Mr. Haycraft to a seat in the House, could not affect, in any manner, the situation of his com- petitor. Any other exposition would be subversive of the great principle of Free Government, that the majority shall prevail. It would operate as a fraud upon the People; for it could not be doubted that the votes given to Mr. Haycraft were bestowed under a full persuasion that he had a right to receive them. It would, in fact, be a declaration that disqualifica- tion produced qualification — that the incapacity of one man capacitated another to hold a seat in that House. The Committee, therefore, unanimously decided that neither of the gentlemen was entitled to a seat. Such were the principles of Mr. Clay's Report. It was unanimously adopted by the House; and its doctrines have ever since governed the Kentucky Elections. In December, 1808, Mr. Clay introduced before the Legislature of Kentucky a series of Resolutions approving the Embargo, denouncing the British Orders in Council, pledging the cooperation of Ken- tucky to any measures of opposition to British ex- actions, upon which the General Government might determine, and declaring that "Tho.iias Jefferson ' is entitled to the thanks of hit Country for the ' ability, uprightness and intelligence which he has ' displayed in the management both of our Foreign ' Relations and Domestic Concerns.'" Mr. Humphrey Marshall opposed these Resolu- tions with extraordinary vehemence, and introduced Amendatory Resolutions of a directly opposite ten- dency; hut Mr. Marshall was the only one who voted in favor of the latter. Mr. Clay's original Resolutions were adopted by a vote of sixty-four to one. Soou after this event, Mr. Clay introduced a Reso- lution recommending that every Member, for the pur- pose of encouraging the Industry of the Country, should clothe himself in garments of Domestic Manufacture. This Resolution was at once most emphatically denounced by Mr. Humphrey Mar- shall, who stigmatized it as the project of a dema- gogue, and applied a profusion of harsh and un- generous epithets to the mover. Mr. Clay retorted, and the quarrel went on until it terminated in a hos- tile encounter. The parties met, and by the first shot Mr. Marshall was slightly wounded. They stood up a second time, and Mr. Clay received a hardly perceptible flesh wound in the leg. The seconds now interfered, and prevented a continuance of the combat. Mr. Clay was once again called upon in the course of his political career, by the barbarous exactions of society, to consent to a hostile encounter; but we are confident that no man at heart abominates the custom more sincerely than he. The following pas- sage in relation to this subject occurs in an address, which, in his maturer years, he made to his constit- uents : " I owe it to the community to say, that what- ever heretofore I may have done, or by inevitable cir- cumstances might be forced to do, no man in it holds in deeper abhorrence than I do that pernicious prac- tice. Condemned as it must be by the judgment and philosophy, to say nothing of the religion, of ev- ry thinking man, it is an affair of feeling about which wc cannot, although we should, reason. Its true corrective will be found when all shall unite, as all ought to unite, in its unqualified proscription." When the bill to suppress duelling in the District of Columbia came before the Senate of the United States in the spring of 1838, Mr. Clay snid, no man would be happier than he to see the whole barbar- ous system forever eradicated. It was well known, that in certain quarters of the country, public opin- ion was averse from duelling, and no man could fly in the face of that puhlic opinion, without having hi3 reputation sacrificed ; but there were other portions again which exacted obedience to the fatal custom. The man with a high sense of honor, and nice sen- sibility, when the question is whether he shall fight or have the finger of scorn pointed at him, is unable to resist, and few, very few, are found willing to adopt such an alternative. When public opinion shall be renovated, and chastened by reason, religion and humanity, the practice of duelling will at once be discountenanced. It is the office of legislation to do all it can to bring about that healthful state of tho public mind, and although it may not altogether ef- fect so desirable a. result yet he had no doubt it would do much towards it, and with these views, he would give his vote for the bill. In the winter session of Congress in 1809-10, Mr. Clay took his seat a second time in the Senate of the United States. He had been elected by the legisla- ture by a handsome majority to supply a vacancy occasioned by the resignation of Mr. BucknerThrus- ton, whose term wanted two years of its completion. From this period the public history of Mr. Clay may be found diffused through the annals of the Union. The archives of the republic, are the sources from which the materials for his biography may be hence- forth derived. When time shall have removed the inducements for interested praise or censure, poster- it y will point to the records of his civic achievements, glorious though bloodless, no less as furnishing a well established title to their admiration and grati- tude than as a perpetual monument of his fame. The predilections which Mr. Clay had early man- ifested in behalf of American manufactures and Amer- ican principles, were unequivocally avowed in his first speech before the Senate on being elected a se cond time to that body as far back as April, 1810. A bill was under discussion appropriating a sum o 10 Life of Henry Clay, money for procuring munitions of war, and (brother purposes; and an amendment had been proposed, instructing the Secretary of the Navy, to provide su; plies of cordage, sail-cloth, hemp, &e, and to give a preference lo those of American growth and man- ufacture. Mr. Lloyd of Massachusetts moved to strike out this part of the amendment; and a discus- sion arose concerning (he general policy of promo ting domestic manufactures, in which Mr. Clay bold- ly declared himself its advocate. The fallacious course of reasoning urged by many against domestic manufacture.--, namely, the distress and servitude produced by those of England, he said would equally indicate the propriety of abandoning agriculture itself. Were we to cast our eyes upon the miserable peasantry of Poland, and revert to the days of feudal vassalage, we might thence draw nu- merous arguments against the pursuits of the hus- bandman. In short, take the black side of the pic- ture, and every human occupation will be found pregnant with fatal objections. The sentiments avowed thus early in our legisla- tive history by Mr. Clay are now current through- out our vast community; and the "American Sys- tem," as it has been called, is generally admitted to be not only a patriotic, but a politic system. But let it not be forgotten, that it is to the persevering and unremitted exertions of Henry Clay, that we are indebted for the planting and the cherishing of that goodly tree, under the fur-spreading branches of which so many find protection and plenty at the pre- sent day. The amendments advocated by Mr. Clay on this occasion were adopted, and the bill was passed. The first step toward the establishment of his mag- nificent." system " was taken. Another speech in which he distinguished himself during the session, is that upon the question of the right of the United States to the territory lying be- tween the rivers Mississippi, and Perdido, compri- sing the greater part of Western Florida. This im- portant region, out of which the States of Alabama nnd Mississippi have since been formed, was claimed by Spain as a part of her Florida domain. The Pres- dent, Mr. Madison, had issued a proclamation de- claring the region annexed to the Orleans Territory, and subject to the laws of the United States. The Federalists maintained that we had no claim to the Territory— that it belonged to Spain— and that Great Britain as her ally, would not consent to see herrobbed. Mr. Clay stepped forth as the champion of the de- mocracy and the President, and eloquently vindica- ted the title of the United States to the land. His arguments evince much research, ingenuity and lo- gical skill ; and on this as on all occasions, he man- ifested that irrepressible sympathy with the people — the mass — his eloquent expressions of which had gained him in Kentucky the appellation of the Great Commoner. Mr. Horsey, one of the Sena- tors from Delaware, had bemoaned the fate of the Spanish king. Mr. Clay said in reply: "I shall 1 leave the honorable gentleman from Delaware to 4 mourn over the fortunes of the fallen Charles. I 'have no commiseration for princes. My sympa- thies ARE RESERVED FOR THE GREAT MASS of ' mankind ; and I own that the people of Spain have *. them most sincerely." With regard to the deprecated wrath of Great Britain, Mr. Clay said, with a burst of .indignant el- oquence, which is but inadequately conveyed in the reported speech : "Sir, is the time never to arrive, ' when we may manage our own affairs, without the ' fear of insulting his Britannic majesty ? Is the, rod ' of British power to be forever suspended over our ' heads ? Does Congress put on an embargo to shcl- ' ter our rightful commerce against the piratical dc- ' predations committed upon it on the ocean ? We ' are immediately warned of the indignation of Eng- ' land. Is a law of non-intercouse proposed ? The ' whole navy of the haughty Mistress of the Seas is ' made to thunder in our ears. Does the President 'refuse to continue a correspondence with a Minis- ' ter, who violates the decorum belonging to his di- plomatic character, by giving and deliberately re- 'peatingan affront to the whole nation ? We are ' instantly menaced with the chastisement whi< h ' English pride will not fail to inflict. Whether we ' assert our rights by sea, or attempt their mainlen- ' ance by land— whithersoever we turn ourselves, ' this phantom incessantly pursues us! " The strong American feeling, the genuine demo- cratic dignity, which pervade this Speech are char- acteristic of the man and of the principles, which, throughout a long and trying public career, he has steadfastly maintained. And yet we find new-fledged politicians and dainty demagogues of modern fush- ionable manufacture, charging this early and con- sistent leader of the Democracy — this friend and supporter of Jefferson and of Madison — this main pillar of the, Party, who originated and conducted to a glorious termination the last War — charging him with Federalism and Aristocracy ! Every act of his life — every recorded word that ever fell from his lips gives the lie to the imputation. Mr. Clay's labors during this Session appear to have been arduous and diversified — showing on his part unusual versatility, industry and powers of ap- plication. He was placed on several important Com- mittees, and seems to have taken part in all discus- sions of moment. On the 2Gth of Match, 1810, from the Committee to whom was recommitted a bill grant- ing a right of preemption to purchasers of Public Lands in certain cases, he reported it with amend- ments, which were read ; and, after undergoing some alterations, it was again recommitted, reported, and finally passed by the Senate. Mr. Clay was the early friend of the poor settler on the Public Lands, and he has always advocated a policy which, while it is extremely liberal toward that class, is consist- ent with perfect justice to the People at large, who are the legitimate owners of the Public Domain. On the 29th of March Mr. Clay brought in a bill s ipplementary to an act entitled " An Act to Regu- ' late Trade and Intercourse with the Indian Tribes, ' and to preserve Peace on the Frontier." The bill was referred to a Committee, of which he was ap- pointed Chairman ; and to his intelligent labors in their behalf, the People of the West were indebted for measures of protection of the most efficient character. The 20th of April succeeding, on motion of Mr. Clay, the bill to enable the People of the Orleans Territory, now Louisiana, to foim a Constitution and Government was amended by a provision re- quiring that the Laws, Records and Legislative Pro- United States Bank — British Aggression. 11 ceediugs of the State should be in the English lan- guage. On the 27th of the same month he had leave of absence for the rest of the Session, after accomplishing an amount of public business that few men could have despatched with so much promptitude, ability and advantage to the Country. The Third Session of the Eleventh Congress com- menced on the 3d of December, 1810. Mr. Clay was once more in his seat in the Senate. The subject of renewing the Charter of the United States Bank was now the great topic before Con- gress. Mr. Clay had been instructed by the Legis- lature of Kentucky to oppose a recharter; and his own convictions at the time accorded with theirs. He addressed the Senate at some length in oppo- sition to the proposed measure. He lived to rectify his opinions on this important question; and his reasons for the change must be satisfactory to every candid mind. They are given in an Address to his constituents in Lexington, dated the 3d of June, 1816. In a Speech to the same constituents, delivered the 9th of June, 1812, he alludes to the subject in these terms : " I never but once changed my opinion on any great measure of national policy, or any great prin- ciple of construction of the National Constitution. In early life, on deliberate consideration, I adopted the principles of interpreting the Federal Constiu- tion, which had been so ably developed and enforced by -Mr. Madison in his memorable Report to the Vir- ginia Lesislature; and to them, as I understood them, I have constantly adhered. Upon the ques- tion coming up in the Senate of the United States, to recharter the first Bank of the United States thirty years ago, I opposed the recharter upon convictions which I honestly entertained. The experience of the War which shortly followed, the condition into which the Currency of the Country was thrown, without a Bank, and, I may now add, later and more disastrous experience, convinced me I was wrong. 1 publicly stated to my constituents, in a Speech at Lexington, (that which I had made in the House of Representatives not having been reported) my rea- sons for that change; and they are preserved in the archives of the Country. I appeal to that record; and I am willing to be judged now and hereafter by their validity. "I do not advert to the fact of this solitary in- stance of change of opinion, as implying any per- sonal merit, but because it is a fact. I will, how- ever, say that I think it very perilous to the utility of any public man to make frequent changes of opinion, or any change, but upon grounds so suf- ficient and palpable that the public can clearly see and approve them."' Many important subjects were discussed by the Senate during the Session of 1 810-11 ; and Jlr. Clay was in all of them conspicuous. His zeal and efficiency in the Public Service began to attract the eyes of the whole Country. He was not the Repre- sentative of Kentucky alone. His capacious heart and aciive mind, uncontracted by sectional jealous- ies or local bigotry, comprehended the entire Union in their embrace. At the expiration of his second fractional term of service in the Senate of the United States, having returned to Kentucky, he was elected a member of the Federal House of Representatives. Congress convened on the day designated by Proclamation, the fourth day of November, 1811; and, on the first ballot for Speaker, 128 members being: present, he was chosen by a majority of 31, over all opposition. The affairs of the Nation were never in a more critical position than at this juncture. The honor of the Republic was at stake. A long series of out- rages perpetrated against our Commerce by England and by Fiance had reached a hight, at which farther toleration would have been pusillanimous. Under the Berlin and Milan Decrees of Napoleon, our ships were seized and our property confiscated by the French in a manner to provoke the warmest indig- nation of a free People. Great Britain vied with France, and finally far surpassed her in her acts of violence and rapine toward us. Each of the bel- ligerent nations sought a pretext in the conduct ot the other for her own injustice. At length France, in answer to our remonstrances, repealed her odious Decrees so far as we were con- cerned, and practically abandoned her system of seizure and oppression. Great Britain did not fol- low her example. A year had elapsed since the French Decrees were rescinded ; but Great Britain persisted in her course, — affecting to deny their extinction. The ships of the United States, laden with the produce of our soil and labor, navigated by our own citizens and peaceably pursuing a lawful trad", were seized on our coasts, and, at the very mouth of our own harbors, condemned and confiscated. But it was the ruffianly system of impressment — by which American freemen, pursuing a lawful life of hard- ship and daring on the ocean, were liable to be seized, in violation of the rights of our flag, forced into the naval service of a foreign Power, and made, perhaps, the instruments of similar oppression to- ward their own countrymen ; — it was this despotic and barbarous system that principally roused the warlike spirit of Congress and the Nation. And Posterity will admit that this cause of itself was an all-sufficient justification for hostile measures. The spirit of that People must have been debased in- deed, which could have tamely submitted to such aggressions. The feelings of Mr. Clay on this subject seem to have been of the intensest description. Though coming from a State distant from the sea-board, the wrongs and indignities practiced against our mariners by British arrogance and oppression, fired his soul and stirred his whole nature to resistance. To him, the idea of succumbing a moment to such degrading outrages wis intolerable. The Nation had been injured and insulted. England persisted in her injuries and insults. It was useless to tem- porise longer. He was for war, prompt, open and determined war. He communicated to others the electric feelings that animated his own breast. He wreaked all bis energies on this great cause. In appointing the Committee on Foreign Rela- tions, to whom the important question was to be referred, he was careful to select a majority of such Members as partook of his own decided views. Peter B. Porter, of New York, was the Chairman ; and, on the 29th of November, he made a Report, in which the Committee earnestly recommended, in the words of the President, "that the United States ' be immediately put into an armor and attitude de ' manded by the crisis, and corresponding with the ' national spirit and expectations." They submit- ted appropriate Resolutions for the carrying out o this great object. 12 Life of Henry Clay. On the 31st of December, the House resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, Mr. Brecken- ridge in the Chair, on a bill from the Senate, pro- viding for the raising of twenty-five thousand troops. Of this measure, Mr. Clay was the warmest, and at the same time most judicious, advocate. He ad- dressed the House eloquently in its behalf, and urged it forward on all occasions with his best energies. He contended that the real cause of British aggression was not to distress France, as many maintained, but to destroy a rival. " She saw," continued he, " in your numberless ships, which ' whitened every sea — in your hundred and twenty ' thousand gallant tars — the seeds of a naval force, ' which in thirty years would rival her on her own ' element. She therefore commenced the odious ' system of Impressment, of which no language ' can paint my execration ! She dared to attempt ' the subversion of the personal freedom of your ' mariners ! " In concluding, Mr. Clay said he trusted that he had fully established the^e thiee poisitions : — That the quantum of the force proposed by the bill was not too great; that its nature was such as the con- Bainbriiigfs and Perrys — let us not forget the States man, but for whose provident sagacity and intrepid spirit, the opportunity of performing those exploits might never have been afforded. CHAPTER III. Mr. Clay prefers a seat in the House to one in the Senate— Hea sons for making him Speaker — The President recommends an Embargo — The measure opposed by John Randolph and Jo- siah Quincy— Defended by Mr. Clay— His intercourse with Randolph— War declared— The Leaders in the House— Mr. Clievea and Mr. Gallatin— Mr. Clay appointed to confer with President Madison— Anecdotes— Events of the War— Mo- tives— Federal Abuse— Clay's Reply to Quincy— Effects of his Eloquence— Passage of the Army Bill— Madison re-elected President— Mr. Clay resigns the Speaker's Chair, being ap- pointed Commissioner to Client— His services during the War. The cause of Mr. Clay's transference from the Senate to the House of Representatives was his own preference, at the time, of a seat in the popular branch. His immediate appointment as Speaker was, under the circumstances, a rare honor, and one never, before or since, conferred on a new Mem- ber. Among the qualifications which led to his selection for that high station was his known firm- ness, which would check any attempt to domineer templated War called for;" and that th~e~ o'bjecTof I over the House; and many Members had a special the War was justified by every consideration of I v,ew to a P ro P er restrilin t «P°n Mr- John Randolph justice, of interest, of honor ami love of country. I of Vir g' nia > w!l °> through the fears of Mr. Varnum, and the partiality entertained for him by Mr. Macon, the two preceding Speakers, had exercised a con- trol which, it was believed, was injurious to the deliberations of the body. On the first of April, 1812, the following confiden- tial communication from the President to Congress was received : " Considering it as expedient, under existing cir- cumstances and prospects, that a general embargo be laid on all vessels now in port or hereafter arri- ving, for the period of sixty days, I recommend the immediate passage of a law to that effect. " JAMES MADISON." This proposition was immediately discussed in the House in secret session, Mr. Clay took an active part in the debate. He gave to the measure reeom- our harbors, and laying under contributions our j mended by the President his ardent and unqualified cities— a force competent to punish the insolence of j support. " I approve of it," said he, " because the commander of any single ship, and to preserve 1T ls T0 BE viewed as a direct precursor to Unless that object were at once attained by peace- ful means, he hoped that war would be waged be- fore the close of the Session. The bill passed the House on the 4th of January succeeding ; and, on the 22d of the same month, the Report of the Committee, to whom that part of the President's Message relating; to a Naval Establish- ment was referred, being under discussion, Mr. Clay spoke in favor of an increase of the Navy, advo- cating the building of ten frigates. In his remarks, on this occasion, he contended that a description of naval force entirely within our means was that, which would be sufficient to pre- vent any single vessel, of whatever metal, from en- dangering our whole coasting trade — blocking up in our own jurisdiction the inviolability of our peace and our laws. " Is there," he asked, " a reflecting man in the ' nation who would not charge Congress with a 'culpable neglect of its duty, if, for the want of ' such a force, a single ship were to bombard one of 'our cities? Would not every honorable member ' of the Committee indict on himself the bitterest re- ' proaches, if, by failing to make an inconsiderable ' addition to our little gallant Navy, a single British ' vessel should place New-York under contribution !" On the 29th of January, 1812, the bill to increase the Navy passed the House by a handsome majority- To Mr. Clay's eloquent advocacy of the measure, the Country is largely indebted for the glorious naval successes which afterward shed a new and undying lustre upon our history. But for the gal- lant and effective Navy, which sprang up under such auspices, the main arm of our defence would have been crippled, While we contemplate with pride our achievements upon the sea — the memo- rable deeds of our Lawrences, Decaturs, Hulls, WAR. Among the most vehement opponents of the mea- sure were John Randolph, of Virginia, and Josiah Quincy, of Massachusetts. Mr. Randolph said that the honorable Speaker was mistaken when he said the message was for war. Mr. R. had " too much ' reliance on the wisdom and virtue of the President ' to believe that he would be guilty of such gross ' and unparalleled treason." He maintained that the proposed embargo was not to be regarded as an inital step to war — but as a subterfuge — a retreat from battle. " What new cause of war," he asked, " or of an embargo has arisen within the last twelve ' months ? The affair of the Chesapeake is settled : ' no new principles of blockade have been interpola- ' ted in the laws of nations. Every man of candor ' would ask why did not, then, go to war twelve ' months ago." " What new cause of war has been avowed !" said Mr. Clay in reply — " The affair of the Chesapeake is settled, to be sure, but only to paralyze the spirit of the country. Has Great Britain abstained Irom impressing uur seamen — from depredating upon our Declaration of War with Great Britain. 13 property ? We have complete proof, in h^r capture of our ships, in her exciting our frontier Indians to hostility, and in her sending an emissary to our cities to excite civil war, that she will do everything to destroy us: our resolution and spirit aie our only dependence. Although I feel warmly upon this sui.jert,'' continued he, " I pride myself upon those t'.'eiints, and should despise myself if I were desti- tute of them." Mr. Quincy expressed in strong terms his abhor- rence of the proposed measure. He said that his ob- jections were, that it was not what it pretended to be; and was what it pretended not to be. That it was not embargo preparatory to war; but that it was embargo as a substitute fur the question uf declaring war. "1 object to it," said he, "because it is no 'efficient preparation ; because it is, not a progress ' towards honorable war, but a subterfuge from the ' question. If we must perish, let us perish by any ' hand except our own. Any fate is better than self- ' slaughter." Against this storm of opposition Henry Clay pre- sented an undaunted front. As the debate was car- ried on with closed doors, no ample record of it is in existence. But a member of Congress, who was present, says : " On this occasion Mr. Clay was a ' flame of fire. He had now brought Congress to ' the verge of what he conceived to be a war for lib- ' erty and honor, and his voice rang through the cap- ' itol like a trumpet-tone sounding for the onset. On ' the subject of the policy of the embargo, his elo- ' qitence, like a Roman phalanx, bore down all op- ' position, and he put to shame those of his oppo- ' nents, who flouted the government as being unpre- • pared for war." The .Message recommending an embargo was re- ferred to the committee on Foreign Relations, who reported a bill for carrying it into effect, which was adopted by the House. In the Senate ii underwent a slight alteration in the substitution of ninety for sixty days as the term of the embargo. This amend- ment whs concurred in; and on the fourth of April, Mr. Crawford reported the presentation of the bill to the President, and that it had received his signa- ture. Through the indefatigable exertions of Mr. Clay and his associates, the altitude of resistance to ag- gression was now boldly assumed — the first step was taken towards a definite declaration of war. On assuming the duties of the Speakership, Mr. Clay had foreseen, from the peculiar character and constitution of mind of that remarkable and distin- guished man, John Randolph, that it would be ex- tremely difficult to maintain with him relations of civility and friendship. He, therefore, resolved to Hct on the principle of never giving and never receiv- ing an insult without immediate notice, if lie were in a place where it could be noticed. Their mode of intercourse or non-intercourse was most singular. Sometimes weeks, months would pass without their speaking to each other. Then, for an equal space of time, no two gentlemen could treat each other with more courtesy and attention. Mr. Randolph, on entering the House in the morning, while these better feelings prevailed, would frequently approach the Chair, bow respectfully to the Speaker, and in- quire after his health. But Mr. Randolph was impatient of all restraints, and could not brook those which were sometimes applied to himself by the Speaker in the discharge of the duiies of the Chair. On one occasion he ap- pealed to his constituents, and was answered by Mr. Clay. The case was this : Mr. Clay, in one of his morning rides, passed through Georgetown, where Mr. Randolph, the late Mr. J. Lewis, of Virginia, and other members of Congress boarded. Meeting with Mr. Lewis, that gentleman inquired of him, if there were any news? Mr. Clay informed him, that on the Monday following, President Madison would send a message to Congress, recommending a decla- ration of war against Great Britain. The day after this meeting, Mr. Randolph came to the House, and having addressed the Speaker in a very rambling, desultory speech for about an hour, he was reminded from the chair, that there was no question pending before the House. Mr. Randolph said lie would present one. He was requested to state it. He stated that he meant to move a resolu- tion, that it was not expedient to declare war against Great Britain." The Speaker, according to a rule of the House, desired him to reduce his resolution to writing, and to send it to the chair; which he ac- cordingly did. And thereupon the Speaker informed him, that before lie could proceed in his speech, the House must decide that it would now consider his resolution. Upon putting that question to the House, it was decided by a large majority, that it would not consider the resolution; and thus Mr. Randolph was prevented from haranguing the House farther in its support. Of ibis lie complained, and published an address to his constituents. Some expressions in this address seeming to re- quire notice, Mr. Clay addressed a communication under his own name, to the editor of the National Intelligencer, in which he reviews the questions at issue between him and Mr. Randolph, and vindicates the justice of his recent decisions in the chair. " Two principles," he says, "are settled by these decisions; the first is, that the House has a right to know, through its organ, the specific motion which a member intends making, before he under- takes to argue it at large ; and in the second place, that it reserves to itself the exercise of the power of determining whether it will consider it at the particular time when offered, prior to his thus pro- ceeding to argue it." Every succeeding Congress has acknowledged the validity of the principles thus established by Mr. Clay They seem essential to the proper regulation of debate in a huge legislative, body." A bill from the Committee on Foreign Relations was reported to the House, on the third of June, 1812, declaring War between Great Britain and her de- pendencies and the United States. On the eighteenth it had passed both Houses of Congress; and the next day the President's proclamation was issued, declar- ing the actual existence of War. On the sixth of July, Congress adjourned to the first Monday in No- vember. Mr. Clay, Mr. Lowndes, Mr. Cheves, and Mr. Cal- houn, were, the leaders, who sustained and carried through the declaration of War. Mr. Clay, fully im- pressed with the conviction, lhat the honor and the highest interests of the country demanded the de- claration, was ardent, active and enthusiastic in its support. To him was assigned the responsible duty of appointing all the Committees. Mr. Madison's Cabinet was not unanimous on the subject of war. 14 Life of Henry Clay. Mr. Madison himself was in favor of it, but seemed to go into it with much repugnance and great appre- hension. The character of his mind was one of ex- treme caution, bordering on timidity, although he acted with vigor and firmness when his resolution was once taken. Mr. Gallatin, the. Secretary of the Treasury, was adverse to the war. It was the opinion and wish of Mr. Clay, Mr. Cheves, and their friends, that financial as well as military and naval preparations should he made for the conduct of the war, and previous to its declara- tion. Accordingly, Mr. Gallatin was cajled upon to report a system of finance appropriate to the oc- casion. He had enjoyed a high reputation for finan- cial ability; and it was hoped and anticipated, that he would display it when he made his required re- port. But the disappointment was great when his report appeared. Instead of indicating any new source of revenue — instead of suggesting any great plan calling forth the resources of the nation, he re- ported in favor of all the old odious taxes — excise, stamp duties, &c. which had been laid during pre- vious administrations. It was believed, from the of- fensive nature of the taxes, that his object was to re- press the war spirit. But far from being discouraged, Mr. Clay and his friends resolved to impose the du- ties recommended. Mr. Cheves was at the head of the Committee of Ways and Means, and went laboriously to work to prepare numerous bills for the collection of taxes as suggested by the Secretary. After they were pre- pared and reported, it was for the first time discov- ered that the Executive, and more especially Mr. Gallatin, were opposed to the imposition of taxes at the same session during which war was declared. This was ascertained by the active exertions of Mr. Smiley, a leading and influential member from Penn- sylvania, and the confidential friend of Mr. Gallatin. In circles of the members, he would urge in conver- sation the expediency of postponing the taxes to another session, saying that the people would not take both war and taxes together." Mr. Clay and his friends were aware that the levy- ing of taxes, alwavs a difficult and up-hill business, could not be effected without the hearty concur- rence of the Executive, and therefore reluctantly submitted to the postponement — a most unfortunate delay, the ill effects of which were felt throughout the whole war. Mr. Cheves, who had plied the la- boring oar, in preparing the various revenue bills, was highly indignant, and especially at the conduct of Mr. Gallatin, of whom he e\er afterwards thougbt unfavorably. The negotiations with Mr. Foster, the British Charge 6" Affaires at Washington, were protracted up to the period of the Declaration of War. The Re- publican party became impatient of the delay. It was determined that an informal deputation should wait upon Mr. Madison to expostulate against long- er procrastination ; and it was agreed that Mr. Clay should be the spokesman. The gentlemen of the deputation accordingly called on the President, and Mr. (/lay stated to him, that Congress was impa- tient for action; that further efforts at negotiation were vain; that an accommodation was impractica- ble; that the haughty spirit of Britain was unbend- ing and unyielding ; that submission to her arro- gant pretensions, especially that of a right to im- press our seamen, was impossible; that enough had been done by us with a view to conciliation ; that the time for decisive action had arrived, and war was inevitable. By way of illustrating the difference between speaking and writing, and acting, Mr. Clay related to Mr. Madison an anecdote of two Kentucky Judges. One talked incessantly from the Bench. He rea- soned every body to death. He would deliver an opinion, and fust try to convince the party that agreed with him and then the opposite party. The conse- quence was that business lagged, the docket accu- mulated, litigants complained, and the community were dissatisfied. He was succeeded by a Judge, who never gave any reasons for his opinion, but de- cided the case simply, for the plaintiff or the de- fendant. His decisions were rarely reversed by the appellate Court — the docket melted away — litigants were no longer exposed to ruinous delay — and the community were contented. Surely, said Mr. Clay, we have exhausted the argument with Great Britain. Mr. Madison enjoyed the joke, but, in his good- natuied, sly way, said, he also had heard an anec- dote, of a French Judge, who after the argument of the cause was over, put the papers of the contend- ing parties into opposite scales, and decided accor- ding to the preponderance of weight. Speaking of the opposition of the Federal party Mr. Clay remarked, that they were neither to be conciliated nor silenced — "let us do what we sin- 'cerely believe to he right, and trust to God and the goodness of our cause." Mr. Madison said, that our institutions were found- ed upon the principle of the competency of man for self-government, and that we should never be tired of appealing to the reason and judgment of the peo- ple. Such deference did Mr. Madison have, however, for the opinion and advice of his friends, that shortly after this conference, he transmitted his war mes- sage to Congress. The second session of the twelfth Congress took place at the appointed time. Events of an impor- tant character had occurred since it last met. The war had been prosecuted ; and we had sustained some reverses. General Hull, to whom had been assigned the defence of the Michigan frontier, had, after an unsuccessful incursion into the nejgliboiing territory of the enemy, surrendered ingloriously the town and fort of Detroit. An attack was made on a post of the enemy near Niagara, by a detachment of regular and other foices under Major-General Van Rensselaer, and after dis- playing much gallantry had been compelled to yield, with considerable loss, to reinforcements of Savages and British regulars. But though partially unsuccessful on the land, the Americans had won imperishable trophies on the sea. Our public ships and private cruisers had made the enemy sensible of the difference between a reciprocity of captures, and the long confinement of them to their side. The frigate Constitution, com- manded by Captain Hull, after a close and short en- gagement, had completely disabled the British fri- gate Guerriere. A vast amount of property had been saved to the country by the course pursued by a squadron of our frigates under the command oj Commodore Rodgers. Defence of the War. 15 A strong deposit on to adjust existing d.fficulties with Great Britain had, in the mean time, been mani- fested by our Government, Our Charge des Af- faires at Loudon had been authorized to accede to certain terms, by which the war might be arrested, without awaiting the delays of a formal and final pacification. These terms required substantially, that the Bri- tish orders in council should be repealed as they af- fected the United States, without a revival of block- ades violating acknowledged rules; ihat there should be an immediate discharge of American seamen from British ships. On such terms an armistice was pro- posed by our Government. These advances were declined by Great Britain from an avowed repugnance to a suspension of the practice of impressment during the armistice. Early in January, 1813, a bill from the Military Committee of the House, for the raising of an addi- tional force, not exceeding twenty thousand men, un- derwent a long and animated discussion in commit- tee of the whole. The opposition on this occasion rallied all their strei gth to denounce the measure. JMr. Quiucy, to whom we have before alluded, made a most bitter harangue against it and its supporters. "Since the invasion of the buccaneers," said Mr. Q. "there is nothing in history like this war." Al- luding to some of the friends of the administration, he stigmatized them as "household troops, who lounged for what they could pick up about the gov- ernment house — to id-eaters, who lived on eleemo- synary, ill-purchased courtesy, upon the palace, who swallowed great men's spittle, got judgeships, and wondered at the. fine sights, fine rooms, and fine Company, and, most of all, wondered how they them- selves got there." Napoleon Bonaparte and Thomas Jefferson came in lor no small share of the same gentleman's abuse. On the eighth of January, Mr. Clay rose in de- fence of the new army bill, and in reply to the vio- lent nnd personal remarks, which had fallen from the opposition. His effort on this occasion was one of the most brilliant in his whole career. It is im- perfectly reported; for Mr. Clay has been al wins too inattentive to the preparation of his speeches fur the press. To form an adequate idea of his eloquence we must look to the eflbct it produced — to the legis- lation which it swayed. That portion of Mr. Clay's speech, in which he vindicated his illustrious friend, Thomas Jefferson, from the aspersions of the leader of the Federalists, has been deservedly admired as a specimen of ener- getic and indignant eloquence. It must have fallen with crushing effect upon him who called it forth : " Next to the notice which the opposition has found itself called U(><>n to bestow upon the French Emperor, a distinguished citizen of Virginia, former- y President of the United States, has never for a moment failed to receive their kindest and most respectful attention. An honorable gentleman from Massachusetts (of whom I am sorry to say it be- comes necessary for me, in the course of my remarks, to take some notice,) has alluded to him it) a re- markable m inner. Neither his retirement from pub- lic office, his eminent services, nor his advanced age, can exempt this patriot from the coarse assault- of party malevolence. N>, sir; in 1801 he snatched from the rude hands of usurpation the violated con- stitution of the country, nnd that is his crime. He preserved that instrument in form and substance and spirit, a precious inheritance for generations to come, and for this he can never he forgiven. "How vain and impotent is party rage, directed against such a man! He is not more elevated by his lofty residence upon the summit of bis own favorite mountain, than he is lifted by ihe serenity of his mind, and the consciousnesss of a well-spent life, above the indignant passions anil feelings of the day. No! his own beloved Monticello is not less moved by the storms that beat against its sides, than is this illustrious man by the bowlings of the whole British pack let loose from the Essex kennel ! " When the gentleman, to whom I have been com- pelled to allude, shall have mingled his du.-i with that of his abused ancestors — when he shall have been consigned to oblivion, or, if he live at all, shall live only in the treasonable annals of a certain jun- to, the name of Jefferson will be hailed with grati- tude, his memory honored and cherished as the se- cond founder of the liberties of the people, and the period of his administration will be looked buck to as one of the happiest and brightest epochs in Amer- ican history. " But I beg the gentleman's pardon. He has in- deed secured to himself a more imperishable fame than I had supposed. I think it was about four \ ears ago that he submitted to the House of Representa- tives, an initiative proposition tor an impeachment of Mr. Jefferson. The House condescended to con- sider it. The gentleman debated it with his usual temper, moderation and urbanity. The House de- cided upon it in the most solemn manner; and, al- though the gentleman had somehow obtained a se- cond, the final vole stood, one fur, and one hundred aud seventeen against the proposition ! Tlie same historic page that transmitted to posterity the virtue and glory of Henry the Great of France, for their admiration and example, has preserver! the infamous name of ihe fanatic assassmof ihe excellent monarch. The same sacred pen that portrayed the sufferings and crucifixion of the Saviour of mankind, has re- corded lor universal execration the name of him who was guilty — not of betraying his country — but — a kindred crime — of betraying his God I"* In other parts of his speech, Mr. Clay electrified the House by his impassioned eloquence. The day was intensely cold, and, for the only time in his life, he found it difficult to keep himself warm by ihe ex- ercise of speaking. But the members crowded around him in hushed admiration ; and there were few among them who did not testify by their str. am- ing tears his mastery over the passions. The sub- ject of impressment was touched upon; and the matchless pathos with which he depicted the conse- quences of that infernal system— portraving tho situation of a supposed victim to its tyrannic outra- ges — thrilled through every heart. The reported passage can but feebly convey a conception of the impression produced. As well might we attempt to form an adequate idea of one of Raphael's pictues from a written description, as to transcribe the elo- quence of Clay on this occasion. Even were his glowing words fully and correctly given, how much of the effect would be lost in the absence of that sweet and silvery voice — that graceful and expres- sive action — those flashing eyes — which gave life and potency and victory to his languaage! In conclusion, Mr. Clay said : — " My plan would ' be to call out the ample resources of the country, ' give them a judicious direction, prosecute the war ' with the utmost vigor, strike wherever we can reach ' the enemy, at sea or on land, and negotiate the * When the proposition was made to impeach Thomas JefFer- enn, Mr. Clay is s id so have risen, a>id exclaimed in referencs to the mover, " Sir, the centleman soils the spot he stands upon." 16 Life of Henry Clay. ' terms of a peace at Quebec or at Halifax. We are ' told that England is a proud and lofty nation, ' which, disdaining to wait for danger, meets it half ' way. Haughty as she is, we once triumphed over ' her, and, if we do not listen to the counsels of timi- ' dity and despair, we shall again prevail. In such • a cause, with the aid of Providence, we must come 'out crowned with success; but if we fail, let us ' fail like men — lash ourselves to our gallant tars, ' and expire together in one common struggle — 'fighting for free trade and seamen's 'Rights! " The Army Bill, thus advocated by Mr. Clay, passed the House on the 14th of January, 1813, by a vote of seventy-seven to forty-two. On the tenth of February, the President of the Senate, in the presence of both Houses of Congress, proceeded to open the certificates of the Electors of the several States for President and Vice President of the United States. The vote stood : For Presi- dent, James Madison, 12S: De Witt Clinton, 89. — For Vice Preside/it, Elbridge Gerry, 131 ; Jared Ingersoll, 86. James Madison and Elbridge Gerry were accordingly elected — the former for a second term. The War Policy of the Administration was triumphantly sustained by the People. The first session of the Thirteenth Congress com- menced the twenty-fourth of May, 1813. Mr. Clay was again chosen Speaker by a large majority, and his voice of exhortation and encouragement con- tinued to be raised in Committee of the Whole in vindication ofnhe honor of the Country and the con- duct of the War. The President, in his Message, alluded to the spirit in which the war had been waged by the British, who " were adding to the ' savage fury of it on one frontier, a system of plun- ' der and conflagration on the other, equally forbid 'den by respect for national character and by the 'established rules of civilized warfare." Mr. Clay eloquently called attention to this por- tion of the Message, and declared that if the out- rages said to have been committed by the British armies and their savage allies should be found to be as public report had stated them, they called for the indignation of all Christendom, and ought to be em- bodied in an authentic document, which might per- petuate them on the page of history. Upon his mo- tion, a resolution was adopted, referring this portion of the President's Message to a Select Committee, of which Mr. Macon was Chairman. A Report was subsequently submitted from this Committee, in which an abundance of testimony was brought for- ward, showing that the most inhuman outrages had been repeatedly perpetrated upon American prison- ers by the Indian allies of British troops, and often under the eye of British officers. The report closed with a resolution requesting the President to lay before the House, during the progress of the war, nil the instances of departure, by the British, from the ordinary mode of conducting war among civil- ized nations. The new Congress had commenced its session at a period of general exultation among all patriotic Americans. Several honorable victories by sea and land had shed lustre on our annals. Captain Law- rence, of the Hornet, with but eighteen guns, had captured, after a brisk and gallant action of fifteen minutes, the British sloop of war Peacock, Captain Peake, carrying twenty-two guns and one hundred and thirty men— the latter losing her Captain and nine men with thirty wounded, while our loss was but one killed and two wounded. York, the capital of Upper Canada, had been captured by the army of the centre, in connection with a naval force on Lake Ontario, under Gen. Dearborn ; while the issue of the siege of Fort Meigs, under Gen. Harrison, had won for that officer an imperishable renown as a brave and skilful soldier. In September of the preceding year, the Emperor Alexander of Russia had intimated to Mr. Adams, our Minister at St. Petersburgh, his intention of tendering his services as Mediator between the Uni- ted States and Great Britain. The proposition had been favorably received, and assurances had been given to the Emperor of the earnest desire of our Government that the interest of Russia might remain entirely unaffected by the existing war between us and England, and that no more intimate connections with France would be formed by the United States. With these assurances the Emperor had been highly gratified; and in the early part of March, 1813, the Russian Minister at Washington, M. Daschkoff, had formally proffered the mediation of his Government, which was readily accepted by the President. It was rejected, however, by the British Government, to the great surprise of our own, on the ground that their commercial and maritime rights would not thereby be as effectually secured as they deemed necessary; but, accompanying the rejection, was an expression of willingness to treat directly with the United States, either at Gottenburg or at London ; and the interposition of the Emperor was requested in favor of such an arrangement. In conseqnenr.e of the friendly offer of the Rus- sian Government, Messrs. Albert Gallatin and James A. Bayard had been sent to join our resident Minister, Mr. Adams, as Envoys Extraordinary at St. Petersburgh. The proposal of the British Ministry, to treat with us at Gottenburg, was soon after accepted, and Messrs. Clay and Jonathan Russell were appointed, in conjunction with the three Plenipotentiaries then in Russia, to conduct the negotiations. On the 19th of January, 1814, Mr. Clay, in an appropriate Address, accordingly resigned his station as Speaker of the House. The same day a Resolution was passed by that body, thanking him for the ability and impartiality with which he had presided. The Resolution was adopted almost unanimously — only nine Members voting in opposition. Mr. Clay had always asserted that an honorable Peace was attainable only by an efficient War. In Congress he had been the originator and most ar- dent supporter of nearly all those measures which had for their object the vigorous prosecution of hostilities against Great Britain. On every occa- sion his trumpet-voice was heard, cheering on the House and the Country to confidence and victory. No auguries of evil — no croakings of despondency — no suggestions of timidity — no violence of Federal opposition could for a moment shake his patriotic purposes, diminish his reliance on the justice of our cause, or induce him to hesitate in that policy, which be believed the honor and — what was inseparable from the honor — the interests, of the Country de- manded. Negotiation at Ghent. 17 The measure of gratitude due him from his fel- low citizens, for his exeitions in this cause alone, is not to be calculated or paid. But in that scroll where Freedom inscribes the names of her worthiest champions, destined to an immortal renown in her annals, the name of Henry Clay will be found with those of Washington, Jefferson and Madison. Having been the most efficient leader in directing the legislative action which originated and directed to a prosperous termination the War with Great Britain — a War which the voice of an impartial Posterity must admit to have elevated and strength- ened us as a Nation— Mr. Clay was now appro- priately selected as one of the Commissioners to arrange a Treaty of Peace. CHAPTER IV. Meeting of the Ghent Commissioners— Mr. Clay visits Brus- sels—Anecdote — Mode of transacting Business— Untoward Event— Mr. Clay refuses to surrender to the British the Right V> Navigate the Mississippi— His Reasons— Controversy be- tween Messrs. Adams and Russell— Mr. Clay's Letter— Goes to Paris— Is introduced to the Duke of Wellington by Madame de Stael— Hears of the Battle of New-Orleans— Visits Eng- land—Lord Castlereagh and his First Waiter— Waterloo and Napoleon— Mr. Clay's Reception in England— Declines going to Court— Sir James Mackintosh— Lord Gambier, &c— Mr. Clay's Return to New-York— Reception— Re-elected to Con- gress—Vindication of the War— Internal Improvements— His Country, his whole Country. The Commissioners met first at Gottingen, but their meetings were afterward transferred to Ghent. The conferences occupied a space of time of about five months. The American Commissioners were in reality negotiating with the whole British Min- istry; for, whenever they addressed a Diplomatic note of any importance to the British Commis- sioners, it was by them transmitted to London, from which place the substance of an answer was re- turned in the form of instructions. The conse- quence was, that the American Commissioners, after having delivered a Diplomatic note, had to wait about a week before they received a reply. In one of these pauses of the negotiation, Mr. Clay made a little excursion to Brussels, and Mr. Goulbourne went there at the same time. The Brit- ish Commissioners had been in the habit of sending their English newspapers to the American Commis- sioners, through which the latter often derived the first intelligence of events occurring in America. The morning after Mr. Clay's arrival in Brussels, upon his coming down to breakfast, his servant, Frederick Cara, whom he had taken with him from the City of Washington, threw some papers upon the. breakfast table, and burst into tears. " What's the matter, Frederick?" The British have taken Washington, Sir, and Mr. Goulbourne has sent you those papers, which contain the account." "Is it possible?" exclaimed Mr. Clay. "It is too true, Sir" returned Frederick, whining piteously. The news was by no means agreeable to Mr. Clay; nor was his concern diminished when he thought of the channel through which it had been conveyed to him, although fully persuaded that Mr. Goulbourne had not been actuated by any uncourteous spirit of exultation. Mr. Clay nevertheless resolved to avail himself of the first favorable opportunity for friendly retaliation ; and one fortunately soon occurred. A point in the negotiation, which had been very much pressed, was pacification with the Indians, which the American Commissioners assured the British would necessarily follow pacification with Great Britain. The former received some recent American news- papers containing an account of the actual conclu- sion of peace with some of the Indian tribes, but containing also an account of one of the splendid naval victories won on Lake Champlain or Lake Erie. Mr. Clay proposed to the American Com- missioners, that these newspapers should be sent to the British, ostensibly for the purpose of showing that peace was made with some of the Indians, but in reality to afford them an opportunity of perusing the account of that victory. With the concurrence of his colleagues, he accordingly addressed an offi- cial note to the British Commissioners transmitting the newspapers. The mode of transacting business among the American Commissioners was, upon the reception of an official note from the other party to deliberate fully upon its contents, and to discuss them at a board. After that, the paper was placed in the hands of one of the Commissioners to prepare on answer. Upon the preparation of that answer, it was carefully examined and considered by the board, every member of which took it to his lodgings to suggest in pencil such alterations as appeared to him proper; and these were again considered and finally adopted or rejected, and the paper handed to the Secretary to be be copied and recorded. In the composition of the official notes sent by the American to the British Commissioners, the pen of Mr. Gallatin was, perhaps, most frequently em- ployed; then that of Mr. Adams; then that of Mr. Clay. Messrs. Bayard and Russell wrote the least. During the progress of the negotiation and at a very critical period of it, the official dispatches of the American Commissioners, giving a full account of the prospects of the negociation, and expressing very little hope of its successful termination, having been published by the order of the American Go- vernment, came back to the Commissioners aft Ghent in the newspapers. They arrived in the evening, just as the American Commissioners were dressed to go to a ball given to the Commissioners by the authorities of Ghent. The unexpected publication of these dispatches excited the surprise and regret of the American Commissioners. Some of them thought that a rupture of die negotiation would be the consequence. Mr. Clay, on account of his open and frank manner, was on terms of more unreserved and free intercourse with the British Commission- ers than any of his colleagues, and he resolved that evening to sound the former as to the effect of this publication of the dispatches. He accordingly ad- dressed himself to the three Commissioners sever- ally in succession at the ball, beginning with Lord Gambier, who was the most distinguished for ame- nity and benevolence of character, and saying: " You perceive, my Lord, that our Government has published our dispatches, and that now the whole world knows what we are doing here." " Yes," re- plied his Lordship, " I have seen it with infinite sur- prise, and the proceeding is without example in the civilized world." To which Mr. Clay mildly re- joined : " Why, my Lord, you must recollect that, at the time of the publication of those di-patches, our Government had every reason to suppose, froca 18 Life of Henry Clay. the nature of the pretensions and demands, which yours brought forward, that our negotiation would not terminate successfully, and that the publication •would not find us here together. I am quite sure, that if our Government had anticipated the present favorable aspect of our deliberations, the publica- tion of the dispatches would not have been ordered. Then, your Lordship must also recollect, that if, as you truly asserted, the publication of dispatches pending a negotiation is not according to the cus- tom of European diplomacy, our Government itself is organized upon principles totally different from those on which European Governments are consti- tuted. With us, the business in which we were here engaged, is the people's business. We are their servants, and they have a right to know how their business is going on. The publication, therefore, was to give the people information of what intimate- ly affected them." Lord Gambier did not appear to be satisfied with this explanation, although he was silenced by it. Mr. Clay had a similar interview with the. two other British Commissioners ; and their feelings, in con- sequence of the publication, were marked by the degree of excitability of their respective characters. But the fears which were entertained by some of the American Commissioners were not realized. The publication was never spoken of in conference, . and the negotiation proceeded to a successful issue as if it had not happened. Between the American Commissioners, in the con- duct of the negotiation at Ghent, no serious difficul- ty arose, except on one point, and that related to the subject of the Fisheries and navigation of the Mis- sissippi. By the third article of the definitive Treaty of peace with Great Britain concluded in Septem- ber, 1783, certain rights of fishing, and of drying and curing fish within the limits of British jurisdiction, and upon British soil, were secured to the citizens of the United States. And by the eighth article of the same Treaty, it was stipulated that the right to the navigation of the River Mississippi, from its source to the Ocean, should remain for ever free and open to the subjects of Great Britain and the citi- zens of the United States. The same mutual right of navigation was recognized by Mr. Jay's treaty of 1794. When the American Commissioners were in con- sultation as to the project of a treaty to be presented to the consideration of the British Commissioners, it was proposed that an article should be inserted renewing those rights of taking and curing and dry- ing fish, and of the navigation of the Mississippi. To such a proposal, Mr. Clay was decidedly op- posed, and Mr. Russell concurred with him. The other three Commissioners were for making the pro posal. The argument on that question was long, earnest and ardent. Mr. Clay contended, that the right of catching fish in the open seas and bays, be- ing incontestible, the privilege of taking them and curing and drying them within the exclusive juris- diction of Great Britain was of little or no impor- tance, especially as it was limited to the time that the British Territory should remain unsettled. With respect to the navigation of the Mississippi, he con- tended, that at the dates both of the definitive Treaty of peace of 1783, and of Mr. Jay's Treaty of 1794, Spain owned the whole of the right bank of the Mississippi, in all its extent, and both banks of i! from the Mexican Gulf up to the boundary of the United States. That at both those periods, it was supposed that the British Dominions touched on the Upper Mississippi, but it was now known that they did not border at all on that river. That now the whole Mississippi, from its uppermost source to the gulf, was incontestibly within the limits of the United States. He could not, therefore, conceive the propriety of stipulating with Great Britain for a mutual right to the navigation of that river. It was the largest river in the United States; so large as to have acquired the denomination of the Father of rivers. Why select it from among all the rivers of the United States, and subject it to a foreign vassal- age"? Why do that in respect to the Mississippi which would not be tolerated as respects the North River, the James, or the Potomac ? What would Great Britain herself think if a proposal were made that the citizens of the United States and the sub- jects of Great Britain should have a mutual right to navigate the Thames ? To make the proposed concession, Was to admit of a British partnership with the United States in the sovereignty of the Mississippi, so far as its navigation was concerned. Then there might be a doubt and a dispute whether the concession did not comprehend the tributaries as well as the principal stream. If the grant of the right to navigate the Mississippi was to be regarded as an equivalent for the concession of the fishing privileges, Mr. Clay denied that there was any af- finity between the two subjects. They were as dis- tant in their nature as they were remote from each other in their localities. On the other side, it was contended that it would occasion regret and dissatisfaction in the United States, if any of the fishing privileges, or other pri- vileges, which had been enjoyed before the break- ing out of the War, should not be secured by the treaty of peace. That those fishing privileges were very important and dear to a section of the Union, which had been adverse to the war. That the British right to the navigation of the Mississippi was a merely nominal concession, which would not result in any practical injury to the United States. That foreigners now enjoyed the right to navigate all the rivers up to the ports of entry established upon them, without any prejudice to our interests. That Great Britain had been entitled to this right of navigating the Mississippi from the period of the acquisition of Louisiana to the Declaration of War in 1812, without any mischief or inconvenience to the United States. To all this, Mr. Clay replied that if we lost tho fishing privileges within the exclusive jtirisdiction, we gained the total exemption of the Mississippi from this foreign participation with us in the right to its navigation. That the uncertainty as to the extent of privileges which the British right to navi- gate the Mississippi comprised, far from recommend- ing the concession to him, formed an additional ob- jection to it. That the period of about eight years between the acquisition of Louisiana and the Decla- ration of War, was too short for tis to ascertain by experience what practical use Great Britain was capable of making of that right of navigation, which might be injurious to us. We knew that a great many of the Indian Tribes were situated upon th« Proceedings at Ghent— Mr. Clay at Paris. 19 sources of the Mississippi. The British right to na- vigate that river might bring her in direct contact with them, and we had sufficient experience of the pernicious use she might make of' those Indians. — He was as anxious as any of his colleagues to se- cure all the rights of fishing, and curing and drying fish, which had hitherto been enjoyed; but he could not consent to purchase of temporary and uncertain privileges within the British limits, at the expense of putting a foreign and degrading mark upon the no- blest of all our rivers. After the argument, which was extended to seve- ral sessions of the consultation meetings of the American Commissioners, was exhausted, it ap- peared that the same three Commissioners were in- clined to make the proposal. In that stage of the proceeding, Mr. Clay said, he felt it due to his col- leagues to state to them that he would affix Ms sig- nature to no Treaty which should make to Great Britain the contemplated concession. After the an- nouncement of this determination, Mr. Bayard uni- ted with Messrs. Clay and Russell, and then formed a majority against tendering the proposal— and it was not made. But, at a subsequent period of the negotiation, when the British Commissioners made their propo- sitions for a Treaty, one of the propositions was to renew the British right to navigate the Mississippi simply, without including the fishing privileges in question. On examining this proposal, the Ameri- can Commissioners considered, first, whether they should accept the proposal with or without condi- tions. All united in agreeing that it ought not to be unconditionally accepted. But the same three Commissioners who had been originally in favor of an article which should include both the Mississippi and the fishing privileges within the British limits, appeared to be now in favor of accepting the British proposal, upon the condition that it should compre- hend those fishing privileges. Mr. Clay did not re- new the expression of his determination to sign no Treaty which should concede to the British the right to the navigation of the Mississippi, although he re- mained fixed in that purpose; for he apprehended that a repetition of the expression of his determina- tion might be misconceived by his colleagues. It was accordingly proposed to the British Com- missioners to accept their proposal with the condi- tion just stated. In a subsequent conference be- tween the two commissions, the British declined ac- cepting the proposed conditions, and it was mutually agreed to leave both subjects out of the Treaty. And thus, as Mr. Clay wished from the first, the Missis- sippi River became liberated from all British preten- sions of a right to navigate it from the Ocean to its eource. A controversy having arisen between Messrs. Adams and Russell, about the year 1S23, in respect to some points in the negotiations at Ghent, an em- bittered correspondence took place between those two gentlemen. In the course of it, Mr. Clay thought that Mr. Adams had unintentionally fallen into some errors, which Mr. Clay, in a note ad- dressed to the public, stated he would at some fu- ture day correct. About the year 1823 or 1829, Mr. Russell, without the previous consent of Mr. Clay, published a confidential letter addressed by Mr. Clay to him, in which Mr. C. expresses his condem- nation of Mr. Russell's course in the alteration of some of his letters, which had been charged and proved upon him by Mr. Adams. In that same let- ter, Mr. Clay gives his explanation of some of the transactions at Ghent, respecting which he thought Mr. Adams was mistaken. The publication of the confidential letter superseded the necessity of mak- ing the corrections which Mr. C. had intended. In this letter, Mr. Clay in no instance impugns the mo- tives of Mr. Adams, nor does it contain a line from which an unfriendly state of feeling on the part of the writer toward Mr. Adams could be inferred. Such was Mr. Clay's pride of country that he had resolved not to go to England until he had heard of the ratification of the Treaty of Ghent. After the termination of the negotiations he went to Paris, and accepted the invitation of Mr. Crawford, our Minis- ter, to take apartments in his hotel. Mr. Clay re- mained in Paris during upward of two months. On the night of his arrival in that brilliant metropolis, he found at Mr. Crawford's an invitation to a ball given by the American banker, Mr. Hottinguvr, on the occasion of the pacification between the United States and Great Britain. There he met for the first time the celebrated Madame de Stael — was intro- duced to her, and had with her a long and animated conversation. " Ah ! " said she, " Mr. Clay, I have been in Eng- land, and have been battling your cause for you there." — " I know it, Madame ; we heard of your powerful interposition, and we are grateful and thankful for it." — " They were very much enraged against you," said she : " so much so, that they at one time thought seriously of sending the Duke of Wellington to command their Armies against you ! " — " I am very sorry, Madame," replied Mr. Clay, " that they did not send his Grace."—" Why ? " asked she, surprised. — " Because, Madame, if he had beaten us, we should only have been in the condition of Europe, without disgrace. But, if we had been so fortunate as to defeat him, we should have greatly added to the renown of our arms." The next time he met Madame de Stael was at a party at her own house, which was attended by the Marshals of France, the Duke of Wellington, and other distinguished persons. She introduced Mr. Clay to the Duke, and at the same time related the above anecdote. He replied, with promptness and politeness, that if he had been sent on that service, and had been so fortunate as to have been success- ful over a foe as gallant as the Americans, he would have regarded it as the proudest feather in his cap. During his stay in Paris, Mr. Clay heard of the issue of the Battle of New-Orleans. Now," said he to his informant, " I can go to England without mortification." But he expressed himself greatly mortified at the inglorious flight attributed, in the Dispatches of the American General, to a portion of the Kentucky Militia, which Mr. Clay pronouced must be a mistake. Having heard of the ratification of the Treaty of Ghent, Mr. Clay left Paris for England in March, 1315, just before the arrival of Bonaparte in the French Capital. He thus missed the opportunity of seeing the Great Corsican. He would have re- mained in Paris for the purpose, had he supposed the Emperor would arrive so soon. It was about this time that Louis XVIII. left Paris, and took up 20 Life of Henry Clay. his residence in Ghent, near the Hotel which the American Commissioners had recently occupied. On his arrival in England, before any of the other American Commissioners, Mr. Clay had an inter- view with Lord Castlereagh, who contracted for him a high esteem, which was frequently mani- fested during his sojourn in England. Lord C. offered to present him to the Prince Regent. Mr. Clay said he would go through the ceremony, if it were deemed necessary or respectful. Lord Castle- reagh said that, having been recognized in his public character by the British Government, it was not necessary, and that he might omit it or not, as he pleased. Mr. Clay's repugnance to the parade of Courts prevented his presentation, and he never saw the Prince. He met, however, wiih most of the other members of the Royal Family. A few days after his interview with Lord Castle- reagh, the keeper of the house at which Mr. Clay lodged aanounced a person who wished to speak with him. Mr. Clay directed him to be admitted ; and, on his entrance, he perceived an individual, dressed apparently in great splendor, come forward, whom he took to be a Peer of the Realm. He rose and asked his visitor to be seated, but the latter declined, and observed that he was the First Waiter of my Lord Castlereagh ! " The First Waiter of my Lord Castlereagh ! " exclaimed Mr. Clay ; " well, what is your pleasure with me ? " — " Why, if your Excellency pleases," said the man, " it is usual for a Foreign Minister, when presented to Lord Castle- reagh, to make to his First VVaiter a present, or pay him the customary stipend ; " at the same time hand- ing to Mr. Clay a long list of names of Foreign Min- isters, with the sum which every one had paid affixed to his name. Mr. Clay, thinking it a vile extortion, took the paper, and, while reading it, thought how he should repel so exceptionable a demand. He returned it to the servant, telling him thut, as it was the custom of the couutry, he presumed it was all right ; but that he was not the Minister to England ; Mr. Adams was the Minister, and was daily expected from Paris, and, he had no doubt, would do whatever was right. " But," said the servant, very promptly, " if your ' Excellency pleases, it makes no difference whether ' the Minister presented be the Resident Minister or ' a Special Minister, as I understand your Excel- ' lency to be; — it is always paid." Mr. Clay, who had come to England to argue with the master, find- ing himself in danger of being beaten in argument by the man, concluded it was best to conform to the usage, objectionable as he thought it; and, looking over the paper for the smallest sum paid by any other Minister, handed the fellow five guineas and dismissed him. Mr. Clay was in London when the Battle of Waterloo was fought, and witnessed the illumi- nations, bonfires and rejoicings to which it gave rise. For a day or two, it was a matter of great uncertainty what had become of Napoleon. During this interval of anxious suspense, Mr. Clay dined at Lord Castlereagh's with the American Ministers, Messrs. Adams and Gallatin, and the British Minis- try. Bonaparte's flight and probable place of refuge became the topics of conversation. Among other conjectures, it was suggested that he might have gone to the United States ; and Lord Liverpool, ad- dressing Mr. Clay, asked : — "If he goes there, will he not give you a good deal of trouble?" — "Not the least, my Lord," replied Mr. Clay, with his habitual promptitude — " we shall be \ery glad to receive him; we would treat him with all hospi- tality, and very soon make of him a good Democrat." The reply produced a very hearty peal of laughter from the whole company, Mr. Clay was received in the British circles, both of the Ministry and the Opposition, with the most friendly consideration. The late Sir James Mack- intosh was one of his first acquaintances in Lou- don; — and of the lamented Sir Samuel Romilly and his beautiful and accomplished lady, Mr. Clay has been heard to remark, that they presented one of the most beautiful examples of a happy man and wife that he had ever seen. He passed a most agreeable week with his Ghent friend, Lord Gambier, at Iver Grove, near Windsor Castle. Of this pious and excellent nobleman, Mr. Clay has ever retained a lively and friendly recollection. He visited with him Windsor Castle, Frogmore Lodge, the residence of the descendant of William Peun, and saw the wife of George III. and some of the daughters. In September, 1815, Mr. Clay returned to his own country, arriving in New York, which port he had left in March, 1814. A Public Dinner was given to him and Mr. Gallatin, soon after their disem- barkation. Every where, on his route homeward to his adopted State, he was received with con- tinual demonstrations of public gratitude and ap- probation. In Kentucky he was hailed with every token of affection and respect. The Board of Trus- tees of Lexington waited upon him and presented their thanks for his eminent services in behalf of his country. On the seventh of October, the citizens of the same town gave him a public dinner. In reply to a toast complimentary to the American negotiators, he made some brief and eloquent remarks concerning the circumstances under which the Treaty had been concluded, and the general condition of the country, both at the commencement and the close of the war. At the same festival, in reply to a toast highly com- plimentary to himself, he thanked the company for their kind and affectionate attention. His reception, he said, had been more like that of a brother than a common friend or acquaintance, and lie was utterly incapable of finding words to express his gratitude. He compared his situation to that of a Swedish gen- tleman, at a festival in England, given by the Soci ety for the Relief of Foreigners in Distress. A toast having been given, complimentary to his country, it was expected that he should address the company in reply. Not understanding the English language, he was greatly embarrassed, and said to the Chair- man : " Sir, I wish you, and this Society, to con- ' sider me a Foreigner in Distress." " So," said Mr. Clay, evidently much affected, " I wish you to ' consider me a friend in distress." In anticipation of his return home, Mr. Clay had been unanimously re-elected a Member of Congress from the District he formerly represented. Doubts arising as to the legality of this election, a new one was ordered, and the result was the same. On the fourth of December, 1815, the Fourteenth Congress met, in its first session. Mr. Clay wag again elected Speaker of the House of Representa- Discussion of the Treaty — Re.charter of the U. S. Bank. 21 tives, almost unanimously — receiving, upon the first balloting, eighty-seven out of one hundred and twen- ty-two votes cast — thirteen being the highest num- ber given for any one of the five opposing candi- dates. He was, at this time, just recovering from a serious indisposition, but accepted the office in a brief and appropriate speech, acknowledging the honor conferred upon him, and pledging his best ef- forts for the proper discharge of its duties. Among the important subjects which came up, that of the new Treaty was, of course, among the foremost. John Randolph and the Federalists, after having resisted the War, now took frequent occasion to sneer at the mode of its termination. On the 29th of January, 1816, Mr. Clay addressed the Commit- tee of the House most eloquently in reply to these cavilers. " I gave a vote," said he, " for the Declaration of ' War. I exerted all the, little influence and talents ' I could command to make the War. The War ' was made. It is terminated. And I declare with ' perfect sincerity, if it had been permitted to me to ' lift the veil of futurity, and to have foreseen the ' precise scries of events which has occurred, my 1 vote would have been unchanged. We had been * insulted, and outraged, and spoliated upon by al- ' moIAIt(7- FACTORies. I would "fiord them protection, not so much for the sake of the Manufacturers themselves as tor the general interest." It was in this patriotic spirit, and impelled by this far-sighted, liberal, and truly American policy, that Mr. Clay resumed his legislative labors in the Nation- al Councils. He has lived to carry out those truly great and Statesman-like measures of Protection and Internal Improvement, which even then began to gather shape and power in a mind ever active in the cause of his country. May he live to receive a tes- timonial of that country's gratitude and admiration in the bestowal upon him of the highest honor in her gift! CHAPTER V. Re-charter of the United States Bank— Mr. Clay's views in 1811. and 1816— Scene in the House with Randolph— The compen- sation Bill— Canvasses his Pistrict — Skirmish with Mr. Pope — The Old Hunter and his Rifle— The Irish Barber— Repeal of the Compensation Bill — South American Independence— Inter- nal Improvements— Mr. Clay's Relations with Mr. Madison — Intention of Madison at one time to appoint him Commander- in-Chief of the Army— Election of James Monroe — Mr. Clay carries his Measures in behalf of the South American States— His Eloquent Appeals— His Efforts Successful— His Speeches Read at the Head of the South American Annies— Letter from Bolivar— and Clay's Reply. The financial condition of the United States at the close of the War was extremely depressed. The currency was deranged — public credit impaired — and a heavy debt impending. In his message, at the opening of the Session of 1315-16, President Madi- son stated the condition of public affairs, and indi- cated the establishment of a National Bank and of a Protective TtrifT as the two great measures of relief. On the eighth of January, 1816, Mr. Calhoun from the committee on that part of the President's Mes- sage, relating to the Currency, reported a bill to in- corporate the subscribers to a Bank of the United Slates. It will be remembered that Mr. Clay in 1811, while a member of the Senate, had opposed the re-char- teiing of the old Bank. His reasons for now advo- cating the bill before the House have been fully and freely communicated to the public. When the application was made to renew the old charter of the Bank of the United States, such an institution did not appear to him to be so necessary to the fulfilment of any of the objects specifically enu- merated in the Constitution as to justify Congress in assuming, by construction, power to establish it. It was supported mainly upon the ground that it was indispensable to the treasury operations. But the local institutions in the several States were at that time in prosperous existence, confided in by the community, having confidence in one another, and maintaining an intercourse and connection the most intimate. Many of them were actually em- ployed by the Treasury to aid that department in a part of its fiscal arrangements; and they appeared to him to be fully capable of affording to it all the facility that it ought to desire in all of them. They superseded in his judgment the necessity of a Na- tional Institution. But how stood the case in 1816, when he was called upon again to examine the power of the General Government to incorporate a National Bank ? A total ehange ol circumstances was presented. Events of the utmost magnitude had intervened. A suspension of specie payments ''ad taken place. The currency of the country was completely vitiated. The Gov- ernment issued paper bearing an interest of six per cent, which it pledged the faith of the country to re- deem. For this paper, guaranteed by the honor and miih of the Government, there was obtaim d for ev- 22 Life of Henry Clay. ery one hundred dollars, eighty dollars from those banks which suspended specie payments. The experience of the War therefore showed the neces- sity of a Bank. The country could not get along without it. Mr. Clay had then changed his opinion on the subject, and he had never attempted to dis- guise the fact. In his position as Speaker of the House, he might have locked up his opinion in his own breast. But with that candor and fearlessness which have ever distinguished him, he had come for- ward, as honest men ought to come forward, and expressed his change of opinion, at the time when President Madison and other eminent men changed their course in relation to the Bank. The Constitution confeis on Congress the power to coin Money and to regulate the value of Foreign Coins : and the States are prohibited to coin money, to emit bills of credit, or to make any tiling but gold or silver coin a tender in payment of debts. The plain inference was, that the subject of the general currency was intended to be submitted exclusively to the General Government. In point of fact, how- ever, the regulation of the General Currency was in the hands of the State Governments, or, what was the same thing, of the Banks created by them. Their paper had every quality of money, except that of being made a tender, and even this was imparted to it, by some States, in die law by which a creditor must receive it, or submit to a ruinous suspension of the payment of his debt. It was incumbent upon Congress to recover the control which it had lost over the General Currency. The remedy called for was one of caution and mo- deration, but of firmness. Whether a remedy, di- rectly acting upon the Banks and their paper thrown into circulation, was in the power of the General Government or not, neither Congress nor the com- munity were prepared for the application of such a remedy. An indirect remedy of a milder character seemed to be furnished by a National Bank. Going into operation with the powerful aid of the Treasury of the United States, Mr. Clay believed it would be highly instrumental in the renewal of specie pay- ments. Coupled with the other measure adopted by Congress for that object, he believed the remedy effectual. The local Banks must follow the exam- ple, which the National Bank would set them, of re- deeming their notes by the payment of specie, or their notes would be discredited and put down. If the Constitution, then, warranted the establish- ment of a Bank, other considerations, besides those already mentioned, strongly urged it. The want of a general medium was everywhere felt. Exchange varied continually, not only between different parts of the Union, but between different parts of the same City. If the paper of a National Bank were not re- deemed in specie, it would be much better than the current paper, since though its value, in compari- son with specie, might fluctuate, it would afford an uniform standard. During this discussion of 1816, on the Bank Char- ter, a collision arose between Messrs. Clay and Ran- dolph, which produced great sensation for the mo- ment, and which it was apprehended might lead to serious consequences. Although Mr. Clay had changed his own opinion in regard to a Bank, he did not feel authorized to seek, in private inter- course, to influence that of others, and observed a silence and reserve not usual to him, on the subject. Mr. Randolph commented on this fact, and used language, which might bear an offensive interpreta- tion. When he was done, Mr. Clay rose with per- fect coolness, but evidently with a firm determina- tion, and adverting to the offensive language, ob- served that it required explanation, and that he should forbear saying what it became him to say until he heard the explanation, if any, which the Member from Virginia had to make. He sat down. Mr. Randolph rose and made an explanation. Mr. Clay again rose, and said that the explanation was not satisfactory. Whereupon Mr. R. again got up and disclaimed expressly all intentional offence. During the transaction of this scene, the most in- tense anxiety and the most perfect stillness perva- ded the House. You might have heard a pin fall in any part of it. The bill to re-charter the Bank was discussed for several weeks in the House. The vote was taken, on its third reading, on the 14th of March, 1816, when it was passed: 80 Ayes to 71 Nays: and sent to the Senate for concurrence. On the 2d of April, after the bill reported by the Financial Committee had received a full and thorough discussion, it was finally passed in that body by a vote of 22 to 12 — two Members only being absent. The amendments of the Senate were speedily adopted by the House, and on the 10th of April the bill became a law, by the signature of the President. The wisdom of the supporters of the measure was soon made manifest in the fact, that the Institution more than realized the most sanguine hopes of its friends. During the period of its existence the United States enjoyed a currency of unexampled purity and uniformity ; and the bills of the Bank were as acceptable as silver in every quarter of the Globe. In another part of this memoir will be found an outline of such a Fiscal Institution as Mr. Clay would be in favor of, when- ever a majority of the people of the United States might demand the establishment of a National Bank. On the 6th of March, 1816, Col. Richard M. John- son, from a Committee appointed for the purpose, reported a bill changing the mode of compensation to Members of Congress. The pay of Members at that time was six dollars a day — an amount which, from its inadequacy, threatened to place the legis- lation of the country in the hands of the wealthy. The new bill gave Members a salary of fifteen hun- dred dollars a year — to the presiding officer twice that amount. It passed both houses without oppo- sition. Mr. Clay preferred the increase of the daily compensation to the institution of a salary, but the majority were against him, and he acquiesced in their decision. He never canvassed for a seat in the House of Representatives but on one occasion, and that was after the passage of this unpalatable bill. It pro- duced very great dissatisfaction throughout the Uni- ted States, and extended to the district which he represented. Mr. Popp, a gentleman of great abili- ties, was his competitor. They had several skir- mishes at popular meetings, with various success ; but having agreed upon a general action, they met at Higbie, a central place and convenient of access to the three counties composing the district. A vast The Compensation Bill. 23 multitude assembled ; and ihe rival candidates occu- pied in their addresses the greater part of the day. Instead of confining himself to a defence of the Compensation Bill, which he never heartily appro- ved in the form of an annual salary to Members of Congress, Mr. Clay carried the war into the enemy's country. He attacked Mr. Pope's vote against the Declaration of War with Great Britain, dwelt on the wrongs and injuries which that power had inflicted on the United States, pointed out his inconsistency in opposing the War upon the ground of a want of preparation to prosecute it, and yet having been willing to declare War against both France and Great Britain. Thus he put his competitor on the defensive. The effect of the discussion was power- ful and triumphant on the side of Mr. Clay. From that day his success was no longer doubtful, and, accordingly, at the election which shortly after en- sued, he was chosen by a majority of six or seven hundred votes. During the canvass, Mr. Clay encountered an old bunter, who had always before been his warm friend, but was now opposed to his election on account of the Compensation Bill. " Have you a good rifle, my friend ? " asked Mr. Clay. " Yes." " Does it ever flash ! " " Once only," he replied. " What did you do with it — threw it away ?" " No, I picked the flint, tried it again, and brought down the game." " Have I ever flashed but upon the Compensation Bill?" "No." "Will you throw me away ?" "No, no ! " exclaimed the hunter, with enthusiasm, nearly overpowered by his feelings : " I will pick the flint, and try you again ! " He was afterward a warm supporter of Mr. Clay. This anecdote reminds us of another, which is illustrative of that trait of boldness and self-posses- sion, in the manifestation of which Mr. Clay has never been known to fail during his public career. At the time that he was a candidate for election to the Legislature of Kentucky in 1803, while passing a few weeks at the Olympian Springs, a number of huntsmen, old and young, assembled to hear him make a " stump speech." When he had finished, one of the audience, an ancient Nimrod, who had stood leaning upon his rifle for some time, regarding the young orator with keen attention, commenced a conversation with him. " Young man," said he, " you want to go to the Legislature, I see ? " "Why, yes," replied Mr. Clay, "since I have consented to be a candidate, I would prefer not to be defeated." " Are you a good shot ? " " Try me." " Very well ; I would like to see a specimen of your qualifications for the Legislature. Come: we must see you shoot*" " But I have no rifle here." " No matter : here is old Bess ; and she never fails in the hands of a marksman ; she has often sent death through a squirrel's head at one hundred yards, and daylight through many a red-skin twice that distance; if you can shoot with any gun, you can shoot with old Bess." " Well, well : put up your mark, put up your mark," said Mr. Clay. The target was placed at the distance of about eighty yards, when, with all the coolness and stead- iness of an experienced marksman, he lifted " old Bess " to his shoulder, fired, and pierced the very centre of the target. " Oh, a chance shot! a chance shot! " exclaimed several of his political opponents. " He might shoot all day, and not hit the mark again. Let him try' it over — let him try it over." " No ; beat that and then I will," retorted Mr. Clay. But as no one seemed disposed to make the attempt, it was considered that he had given satisfactory proof of his superiority as a marksman ; and this felicitous accident gained him the vote of every hunter in the assembly. The most remarkable feature in the trans- action remains to be told. " I had never," said Mr. Clay, " fired a rifle before, and never have since." It is needless to add that the election resulted in his favor. An Irish barber, residing in Lexington, had sup- ported Mr. Clay with great zeal at all elections, when he was a candidate, prior to the passage of the Compensation Bill. The fellow's unrestrained passions had frequently involved him in scrape3 and difficulties, on which occasions Mr. Clay generally defended him and got him out of them. During the canvass, after the Compensation Bill, the barber was very reserved, took no part in the election, and seemed indifferent to its fate. He was often importuned to state for whom he meant to vote, but declined. At length, a few days before the election, he was addressed by Dr. W , a gen- tleman for whom he entertained the highest respect, and pressed to say to whom he meant to give his suffrage. Looking at the inquirer with great earn- estness and shrewdness, he said : " I tell you what, ' docthur, I mane to vote for the man that can put ' but one hand into the Treasury." Mr. Pope had the misfortune to lose, in early life, one of his arms, and here lay the point of the Irishman's reply. It is due to the memory of Jeremiah Murphy, the barber, te state that he repented of his ingratitude to Mr. Clay, whom he met one day in the streets of Lexington, and, accosting him, burst into tears, and told him that he had wronged him ; and that his poor wife had got round him, crying and reproach- ing him for his conduct, saying : "Don't you re- ' member, Jerry, when you were in jail, Mr. Clay ' came to you, and made that beast, William B , ' the jailor, let you out 1 " Having found that the sentiments of his constitu- ents were decidedly opposed to the Compensation Bill, Mr. Clay, at the ensuing session, voted for its repeal. A daily allowance of eight dollars to every Member was substituted for the salary of fifteen hun- dred dollars. During the month of February, a bill was intro- duced, setting apart and pledging as a fund for In- ternal Improvement the bonus of the United States' share of the dividends of the National Bank. As may be presumed, this measure received the hearty support of Mr. Clay. Without entering at length into a discussion of the subject, he expressed a wish only to say that " He had long thought there were ' no two subjects which could engage the attention ' of the National Legislature, more worthy of its de- ' liberate consideration than those of Internal Im- ' provements and Domestic Manufactures." For Constitutional reasons, President Madison withheld 24 Life of Henry Clay his signature from this bill, much to the surprise of his friends. During the administration of Mr. Madison, Mr. Clay was, on two separate occasions, offered a seat in his Cabinet, or the Mission to Russia, by that distinguished Chief Magistrate. He declined them both. Mr. Madison appears to have had the highest estimate of his talents and worth. Indeed, so im- pre6sed was he with the eminent and versatile abili- ties of Mr. Clay, that he had selected him, at the commencement of the War, to be Commander in Chief of the Army. The nomination was not made, solely because Mr. Clay could not be spared from Congress, where his powerful mind and paramount influence enabled him to render services superior to any that could have been rendered in any other po- sition. .On the fourth of March, 1817, James Monroe took the oath prescribed by the Constitution, and entered upon the duties of the Presidency of the United States. The first session of the Fifteenth Congress commenced the ensuing December. Mr. Clay was again chosen Speaker. It would be impossible in the brief space we have allotted to ourselves to present even a brief abstract of his remarks upon the many important topics which now claimed the attention of Congrese. We must content ourselves with a succinct account of the leading measures with which his name and his fame have become identified. In his speech on the state of the Union in January, 1816, he had expressed his sympathies in behalf of the South American Colonists, who were then stru^- a gling to throw off the yoke of the Mother Country. The Supreme Congress of the Mexican Republic afterwards voted him their thanks " for the disinter- • eetcd, manly and generous sentiments he expressed • on the floor of the House for the welfare of the In- ' fant Republic." In the debate on the proposition to reduce the Di- rect Taxation of the Country, he had alluded to the existing peaceful condition of the United States, and had hinted the possibility of hostilities with Spain. He had heard that the Minister of that Nation had demanded the surrender of a portion of our soil — that part of Florida lying west of the Perdido. Without speaking of it as it deserved — of the impudence of such a demand— he alluded to it as indicative of the disposition of the Spanish Government. " Besides," eaid he, " who can tell with certainty how far it may ' be proper to aid the people of South America in the • establishment of their Independence ? " The sub- ject, he avowed, had made a deep impression on his mind ; and he was not in favor of exhausting, by di- rect taxes, the country of those funds which might be needed to vindicate its rights at home, or, if ne- cessary, to aid the cause of Liberty in South Ame- rica. These remarks aroused all the spleen of Mr. Ran- dolph. " As for South America," said he, in his re- ply to Mr. Clay, " I am not going a-tilting for the ' liberties of her People ; ihey came not to our aid ; • let us mind our own business, and not tax our Peo- • pie for the liberties of the People of Spanish Ame- •rica." He went on to ridicule the notion that the People of Caraccas and Mexico were capable either of enjoying or of understanding liberty and insinu- ated that Mr. Clay wa3 influenced by a desire of conquest. "The honorable gentleman," he said* '•had been sent on a late occasion to Europe; he ' had been near the field of Waterloo, and, he feared, ' had snuffed the carnage and caught the infection." " What ! " said he, " increase our Standing Army in ' time of peace, on the suggestion that we are to go ' on a crusade to South America ? " Mr. Clay inti- mated that he had advocated no such measure. — "Do I not understand the gentleman''" said Mr. Randolph ; " I am sorry I do not ; I labor under two ' great misfortunes — one is that I can never under- ' stand the honorable Speaker — the other is that he ' can never understand me : on such terms, an argu- ' ment can never be maintained between us, and I ' shall, therefore, put an end to it." Mr. Clay sim- ply expressed his surprise that he could so have misunderstood his remarks, and deferred the general argument to another occasion. Soon after, on a proposition to " prevent our citi- zens from selling vessels of war to a foreign power," Mr. Clay opposed the bill, on account of its evident bearing upon the question of South American Inde- pendence ; it would every where be understood as a law framed expressly to prevent the offer of the slightest aid to these Republics by our citizens. — "With respect to the nature of their struggle," he said, " I have not now, for the first time, to express ' my opinion and wishes. I wish them Independ- ence. It is the first step towards improving their ' condition." During the summer of 1816, the President had ap- pointed Messrs. Rodney, Graham and Bland, Com- missioners to proceed to South Ametica, to ascertain the condition of the country. In March, 1818, the Appropriation Bill being before the House, Mr. Clay objected to the clause appropriating $30,000 for their compensation, as unconstitutional. He then offered an amendment, appropriating eighteen thousand dollars as the outfit and one year's salary of a Min- ister, to be deputed from the United States to the Independent Provinces of the River La Plata, in South America. The amendment was lost ; but Mr. Clay's speech in support of it was one of his most memorable efforts. Both Congress and the Presi- dent were opposed to any recognition of the Inde- pendence of the South American Colonists. In rising to promulgate views hostile to theirs, Mr. Clay said that, much as he valued those friends, in and out of the House, from whom he differed, he could not hesitate when reduced to the distressing alternative of conforming his judgment to theirs, or pursuing the deliberate and matured dictates of his own mind. He maintained that an oppressed People were au- thorized, whenever they could, to rise and break their fetters. This was the great principle of the English Revolution. It was the great principle of our own. Vattel, if authority were wanting, ex- pressly supports this right. Jlr. Clay said he was no propagandist. He would not seek to force upon other nations our principles and our liberty, if they did not want them. He would not disturb the repose even of a del* stable despotism. But. if an abused and oppressed People willed their freedom ; if thev sought to establish it; if, in truth, they had established it, we bad a right, as a sovereign power, to notice the fact, and to acS as circumstances and our interest required. South American, Independence 25 The Opposition had argued that the People of Spanish America were too ignorant and supersti- tious to appreciate and conduct an independent and free system of Government. We believe it is Mac- aulay, who says of this plea of ignorance as an ar- gument against emancipation, that with just as much propriety might you argue against a person's going into the water until he knew how to swim. — Mr. Clay danied the alleged fact of the ignorance of the Colonists. With regard to their superstition, he said : " They ' worshipped the same God with us. Their prayers ' were offered up in their temples to the same Re- deemer, whose intercession we expected to save us. 1 Nor was there anything in the Catholic religion • unfavorable to freedom. All religions united with ' government were more or less inimical to liberty. ' All separated from government were compatible ' with liberty." Having shown that the cause of the South Amer- ican patriots was just, Mr. Clay proceeded to inquire what course of policy it became us to adopt. He maintained that a recognition of their independence was compatible with perfect neutrality and with the most pacific relations toward old Spain. Recogni- tion alone, without aid, was no just cause of war. With aid, it was ; not because of the recognition, but because of the aid, as aid, without recognition, was cause of war. After demonstrating that the United States were bound, on their own principles, to acknowledge the Independence of the United Provinces of the river Plate, he alluded to the improbability that any of the European Monarchies would set the example of recognition. " Are we not bound," he asked, " upon ' our own principles, to acknowledge this new repub- ' lie ? If WE do not, who will ? " The simple words, "who will? " are said, by an intelligent observer, who was present, to have been uttered in a tone of such thrilling pathos as to stir the deepest sensibilities of the audience. It is by such apparently simple appeals that Mr. Clay, with the aid of his exquisitely modulated voice, often pro- duces the most powerful and lasting effects. We shall not attempt to present a summary of this magnificent address. " No abstract," says one who heard it, " can furnish an adequate idea of a ' speech, which, as an example of argumentative ora- ' tory, may be safely tritd by the test of the most ap- ' proved models of any age or country. Rich in all ' the learning connected with the subject ; method- ' ized in an order which kept that subject constantly ' before the hearer, and enabled the meanest capac- ' ity to follow the speaker without effort, through a ' long series of topics, principal and subsidiary ; at ' once breathing sentiments of generous philanthropy 'and teaching lessons of wisdom; presenting a va- ' riety of illustrations which strengthened the doc- ' trines that they embellished ; and uttering prophe- 'cies, on which, though rejected by the infidelity of ' the day, time has stamped the seal of truth : this ' speech will descend to the latest posterity and re- ' main embalmed in the praises of mankind, Ion? 1 after the tumults of military ambition and the pints •of political profligacy have passed into oblivion." After repeated efforts and repeated failures to car- ry his generous measures in behalf of South Amer- ican Liberty, Mr. Clay, on the tenth of February 1821, submitted for consideration a resolution de- claring that the House of Representatives participa- ted with the people of the United States, in the deep interest which they felt for the success of the Span- ish Provinces of South America, which were strug- gling to establish their liberty and independence; and that it would give its constitutional support to the President of the United States, whenever he might deem it expedient to recognize the sovereign- ty and independence of those Provinces. On this resolution, a debate of nearly four hours ensued, in which Mr. Clay sustained the principal part. Only twelve Members voted against the first clause of it ; and on the second, the votes were eighty-seven for, and sixty-eight against it. The question was then taken on the resolution as a whole, and carried in the affirmative ; and Mr. Clay imme- diately moved that a Committee of two Members should be appointed, to present it to President Mon- roe. Although such a course was not very usual, a Committee was accordingly ordered, and Mr. Clay was appointed its Chairman. It was agreat triumph. He had been long and ardently engaged in the cause, and, during a greater part of the time, opposed by the whole weight of Mr. Monroe's administration. And when he was appointed Chairman of the Com- mittee, to present the resolution, Mr. Monroe's friends regarded it as a personal insult, and Mr. Nelson, of Virgina, one of the warmest of them, retired from the Capitol, after the adjournment of the House, de- nouncing the act in the loudest tones of his remark- able voice, on his way down the Pennsylvania Ave- nue, as an unprecedented indignity to the Chief Ma- gistrate. On the 8th day of March, 1822, the President sent a Message to the House of Representatives, recom- mending the recognition of South American Inde- pendence. The recommendation v/as referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations, which, on tho 19th of the same month, reported in favor of the recommendation, and of an appropriation to carry it into effect. The vote of recognition was finally passed on the 2Sth, with but a single dissenting voice. Such is a brief sketch of Mr. Clay's magnani- mous efforts in behalf of South American Indepen- dence. His zeal in the cause was unalloyed by one selfish impulse or one personal aim. He could hope to gain no political capital by his course. He ap- pealed to no sectional interest; sustained no party policy; labored for no wealthy client ; secured the influence of no man, or set of men, in his champion- ship of a remote, unfriended and powerless people. Congress and the President were vehemently op- posed to his proposition. But in the face of dis- comfiture, he persevered till he succeeded in making converts of his opponents, and in effecting the triumph of his measure. Almost single-handed, he sustained it through discouragement and hostility, till it was crowned with success. The effect of his spirit-stirring appeals in cheering the patriots of South America, was most gratifying and decided. His memorable plea of March. 1818, was, as one of his most embitter d adversaries has told us, read at the head of the South An-erican Ar- mies, to exalt their enthusiasm in battle, and quick- en the. consummation of their triumphs. The following letter from Bolivar, with Mr. Clay's reply, belongs to this period of his history : 26 Life vf Henry Clay. Bogota, 21st November, 1827. "Sir: I cannot omit availing myself of the op- portunity oftem d me by the departure ol Col. Walts, Charge d'Affaires of the United States, of taking the liberty of addressing your Excellency. This de- sire has long been entertained by me for the purpose of expressing my admiration of your Excellency's brilliant talents and ardent love of liberty. AH America, Columbia, and myself owe your Excel- lency our purest grutitude for the incomparable services you have rendered to us, by sustaining our course with a sublime enthusiasm. Accept, there- fore, this sincere and cordial testimony, which I hasten to offer to your excellency, and to the Go- vernment of the United States, who have so greatly contributed to the emancipation of your Southern brethren. " I have the honor to offer to your Excellency my distinguished consideration. " Your Excellency's obedient servant, "BOLIVAR." The following is a characteristic extract from Mr. Clay's Reply: " Washington, 27th October, 1828. "Sir: It is very gratilying to me to be assured directly by your Excellency, that the course which the Government of the United States took on this memorable occasion, and my humble efforts, have excited the gratitude and commanded the approba- tion of your Excellency. I am persuaded that I do riot misinterpret the feelings of the people of the United States, as I certainly express my own, in saying, that the interest which was inspired in this country by the arduous struggles of South Ameri- ca, arose principally from the hope, that, along with its Independence, would be established Free Institu- tions, insuring all the blessings of Civil Liberty. To the accomplishment of that object we still anx- iously look. We are aware that great difficulties oppose it, among which, not the least, is that which arises out of the existence of a large military force, raised for the purpose of resisting the power of Spain. Standing armies, organized with the most patriotic intentions, are dangerous instruments. — They devour the substance, debauch the morals, and too often destroy the liberties o( the people, nothing can be more perilous or unwise than to re- tain them after the necessity has ceased, which led to their formation, especially if their numbers are disproportionate to the revenues of the State. "but, notwithstanding all these diffit ulties, we had fondly cherished, and still indulge the hope, that South America would add a new triumph to the cause of Human Liberty ; and, that Providence would bless her, as He had her Northern sister, w ith the genius of some great and virtuous man, to con- duct her securely through all her trials. We had even flattered ourselves, that we beheld that genius in your excellency. But I should be unworthy of the consideration with which your Excellency honors me, and deviate from the frankness which I have ever endeavored to practice, if I did not, on tiiis occasion, state, that ambitious designs have been attributed by your enemies to your Excellency which have created in my mind great solicitude. They have cited late events in Colombia as proofs of these designs. But slow in the withdrawal of confidence, which I have once given, I have been most unwilling to credit the unfavorable ac- counts which have from time to time reached me. I cannot allow myself to believe, that your Excel- lency will abandon the bright and glorious path which lies plainly before you, for the bloody road passing over the liberties of the human race, on which the vulgar crowds of tyrants and military despots have so often trodden. I will not doubt, that your Excellency will, in due time, render a satisfactory explanation to Colombia and the world, of the parts of your public conduct which have ex- eited uny distrust ; and that, preferring the true glory of our immortal Washington to the ignoble fame of the destroyers of Liberty, you have formed the patriotic resolution of ultimately placing the freedom of Colombia upon a firm and sure foun- dation. That your efforts to that end may be crowned with complete success, I most fervently pray. " I request that your Exellency will accept assu- rances of my sincere wishes for your happinei-s and prosperity. H. CLAY." The disinterestedness of Mr. Clay's motives, in his course toward the South American Republics, was forcibly displayed in his frank and open appeal to Bolivar. Had his object been to acquire influence and popularity among the people of those countries, he would hardly have addressed such plain re- proaches and unpalatable truths to a Chief who was all powerful with them at the time. But in a cause where the freedom of any portion of mankind was implicated, Mr. Clay was never known to hesitate, to reckon his own interests, or to weigh the conse- quences to himself from an avowal of his own opinions. On all subjects, iqdeed, he is far above disguise; and though he may sometimes incur the charge of indiscretion by his uncalculating candor and fearless transiucency of sentiment, the trait is one which claims for him our affection and confi- dence. Independent in his opinions as in his actions, no suggestion of self-interest could ever interpose an obstacle to the bold and magnanimous utterance of the former, or to the conscientious discharge of the latter. CHAPTER VI. Internal Improvement — Mr. Monroe's Constitution!)! Objec- tions — Mr. Clay replies to them — Congress adopts bis Princi- ples—The Cumberland Road— Anecdote— Monument— Dis- cussion of General Jackson's conduct in the Seminole Cam- paign — Mr. Clay's Opinions of that Chieftain in 181f>— A Prophetic Glimpse — Mr. Adams and General Jackson — The Father of the' American System— Bill to regulate Duties, &c. — Mr. Clay's Speech in behalf of the Protective Policy — His Great Speech of 1824— Passage of the TarifT Bill— Results of his Policy— Voice of the Country— His unremitted Exer tions— Randolph's Sarcasms— Anecdote. We have seen that from an early period Mr. Clay was an advocate of the doctrine of Internal Improve- ment. His Speech in Congress in 1306 had been in vindication of the policy authorizing the erection of a bridge across the Potomac River. In the passages we have quoted from his Speech of January, 1816, he declared himself in favor not only of a system of International Improvement, but of Protection to our Manufactures. It will be remembered that the bill appropriating for purposes of Internal Improvement the bonus which was to be paid by the Bank of the United Stales to the General Government, after having been passed by Congress, had been returned by President Madison without his signature, in conse- quence of Constitutional objections to the bill. Jlr. Clay had been much surprised at this act; for.Mr. Madison, in one of his Messages, had said : — " I ' particularly invite again the attention of Congress ' to the expediency of exercising their existing ' powers, and, where necessary, of resorting to the ' prescribed mode of enlarging them, in order to ' effectuate a comprehensive system of Roads and 'Canals, such as will have the effect of drawing ' more closely together every part of our Country, i by promoting intercourse and improvements, and Internal Improvements — Remarks on Gen. Jackson's Conduct in Florida. 27 • by increasing the share of every part in the com- « mon stock of national prosperity." Mr. Monroe, in anticipation of the action of Con- gress, had expressed an opinion in his Message opposed to the right of Congress to establish a system of International Improvement. Mr. Jeffer- son's authority was also cited to show that, under the Constitution, Roads and Canals could not be constructed by the General Government without the consent of the State or States through which they were to pass. Thus three successive Presi- dents had opposed the proposition. Against this weight of precedent, Mr. Clay un- dertook to persuade Congress of their power under the Constitution to appropriate money for the con- struction of Military Roads, Post Roads and Canals. A Resolution, embodying a clause to this effect, came before the House in March, 1818; and he lent to it his unremitting advocacy. In regard to the Constitutionality of the proposed measure, he contended that the power to construct Post Roads is expressly granted in the power to establish Post Roads. With respect to Military Roads, the concession that they might be made when called for by the emergency, was admitting that the Constitution conveyed the power. " And ' we may safely appeal," said Mr. Clay, " to the 'judgment of the candid and enlightened to decide 1 between the wisdom of those two constructions, ' of which one requires you to wait for the exercise ' of your power until the arrival of an emergency 'which may not allow you to exert it; and the ' other, without denying you the power, if you can ' exercise it during the emergency, claims the right ' of providing beforehand against the emergency.' Mr. Clay's motion, recognizing in Congress the Constitutional power to make appropriations for Internal Improvements, was finally carried by a vote of 90 to 75. The victory was a most signal one, obtained, as it was, over the transmitted preju- dices of two previous Administrations, and the active opposition of the one in power. From that period to his final retirement from the Senate he was the ever-vigilant and persevering advocate of Internal Improvements. Ho was the father of the System, and has ever been its most efficient upholder. On the 16th of January, 1824, he addressed the House upon a bill authorizing the President to effect certain surveys and estimates of Roads and Canals. The opponents of the system, including President Monroe, had claimed that, in respect to post-roads, the General Government had no other authority than to use such as had been previously established by the States. They asserted that to repair such roads was not within the Constitutional power of Govern- ment. Mr. Monroe gave his direct sanction to this doctrine, maintaining that the States were at full liberty to alter, and of course to shut up, post-roads at pleasure. " Is it possible," asked Mr. Clay, " that this con- ' struction of the Constitution can be correct — a ' construction which allows a law of the United ' States, enacted for the good of the whole, to be ob- ' structed or defeated in its operation by a County Court in any one of the twenty-four Sovereign- 'fieaV To Mr. Clay's strenuous and persevering exertions for the continuance of the great Cumberland Road across the Alleghanies, the records of Congress will bear ample and constantly recurring testimony. He himself has said : — " We have had to beg, entreat, ' supplicate you, session after session, to grant the ' necessary appropriations to complete the Road. I ' have myself toiled until my powers have been ex ' hausted and prostrated, to prevail on you to make ' the grant." His courageous efforts were at length rewarded ; and to him we are indebted for the most magnificent road in the United States. At a dinner given to him a few years since by the mechanics of Wheeling, Mr. Clay spoke warmly, and with something like a parental feeling, of this Road — expressing a wish that it might be retained, improved and extended by the Nation. He illustra- ted its importance by observing that, before it was made, he and his family had expended a whole day of toilsome and fatiguing travel to pass the distance of about nine miles, from Uniontown to Freeman's, on the summit of Laurel Hill ; adding that eighty miles over that and other mountains were now made in one day by the public stage. He said that the Road was the only comfortable pass across the mountains, and that he would not consent to give it up to the keeping of the States through which it happened to run. The People of nine States might thus be interfered with in their communication with the rest of the Union. The country has not been wholly unmindful of Mr. Clay's pre-eminent services in behalf of this be- neficent measure. On the Cumberland Road stands a Monument of stone, surmounted by the Genius of Liberty, and bearing as an inscription the name of " Henry Clay." During the second session of the Fifteenth Con- gress, in January, 1819, the subject of Gen. Andrew Jackson's conduct in his celebrated Florida cam • paign came up for discussion. That Chieftain, after subjecting the vanquished Indians to conditions the most cruel and impracticable, had hung two prison- ers of war, Arbuthnot and Ambrister, and concluded his series of outrages by lawlessly seizing the Spa- nish posts of St. Marks and Pensacola. Committees of the Senate and of the House made reports reprobatory of his conduct ; and resolutions were presented, containing four propositions. The first asserted the disapprobation of the House of the proceedings in the trial and execution of Arbuthnot and Ambrister. Thft second contemplated the pas- sage of a law to prevent the execution hereafter of any captive taken by the Army, without the appro- bation of the President. The third proposition was expressive of the disapproval of the forcible seizure of the Spanish posts, as contrary to orders, and in violation of the Constitution. The fourth proposi- tion was that a law should pass to prohibit the march of the Army of the United States, or any corps of it, into any foreign territory, without the previous au- thorization of Congress, except it were in fresh pur- suit of a defeated enemy. We will not attempt an abstract of Mr. Clay's elo- quent and argumentative Speech* in support of these propositions. Far less disposed are we to re- * See the " Life and Speeches of Henry (May. Two vols. 8vo. With Engravings. F*;w-York : Greeley & McElrath, Tribune Buildings." These two capacious volumes are afforded at Oaa Dollar— a miracle of cheapness 28 Life if Henry Clay. peat the discreditable history of the wrongs and usur- pations perpetrated by Gen. Jackson. It may be proper to state, however, that Mr. Clay, grateful for the public services of the General, treated him with a forbearance und kindness which rendered the sin- cerity of his animadversions the more obvious. — " With respect to the purity of his intentions," said Mr. Clay, " 1 am disposed to allow it in the most ex- ' tensive degree. Of his acts it is my duty to speak 'with ihe freedom which belongs to my station." The Speaker then proceeded to expose, in a most forcible point of view, the dangerous and arbitrary character of those acts, and the Constitutional vio- lations of which Gen. Jackson had been guilty. — There are many passages in this speech which, when we regard them in connection with the subsequent Presidential usurpations of the same Military Chief- tsin, seem truly like prophetic glimpses. Take, for example, the concluding paragraph : " Gentlemen may bear down all opposition ; they may even vote the General the public thanks; ihey may carry him triumphantly through this House. But, if i hey do, in my humble judgment it will be a triumph of the principle of insubordination — a tri- umph of the Military over the Civil authority — a tri- umph over ttie poweis of this House — a triumph over the Constitution of the land. And I pray most devoutly to Heaven that it may not prove, in its ul- timate effects, a triumph over the liberties of the People." Even at that distant day, Mr. Clay saw in the con- duct of General Jackson the indications of that im- perious will — of that spirit of insubordination — which, dangerous as they were in a Military Com- mander, wre not less pernicious and alarming in a Civil Chief Magistrate. With his keen, instinctive faculty of penetration, he discovered the despotic and impulsive character of the man. Every page of his speech on the Seminole campaign furnishes ev- idence of this fact. How, then, when the question was presented to him of deciding between the qualifications of John Quincy Adams and Andrew Jackson for the Presi- dency of the United States — how could Henry Clay, as a consistent and honorable man, hesitate for a moment in his choice ? And yet an amount of oblo- quy and vituperation, such as never before was heaped upon a public servant, has been lavished on him because of his refusing to vote for General Jack- son on that occasion! Had he done so, he would have been false to his past professions and convic- tions — false to conscience, to patriotism, and the plainest dictates of duty. The resolutions of censure, being strenuously op- posed by Mr. Monroe and his cabinet, were lost in the House by a small majority. The dispassionate judgment of posterity will inevitably accord with the views so eloquently expressed by Mr. Clay in regard to General Jackson's conduct in Florida. We come now to one of the most important epochs in Mr. Clay's public history. In the opinion of a large portion of the people of the United States, it is to his long-continued, arduous and triumphant efforts in the cause of Protection to American Indus- try and skill, that he will be indebted for his highest and most enduring fame. We have seen that as far back as 1810, he laid the foundniion-stone of that great and beneficent American System, of which he was the originator and the architect. To specify and describe all his labors in the es- tablishment and advancement of his noble policy, from that time to the period of his retirement from the Senate, would alone fill more space than we can give to his whole life. The journals of Congress and the political newspapers of the country for the last thirty years will be found to be occupied to no inconsiderable extent with the record of his efforts and arguments and uniiring appeals. We can pre- sent but a very imperfect outline of his glorious though peaceful achievements in the cause of human industry, labor and prosperity. On the twelfth of March, 1816, Mr. Lowndes, of South Carolina, fiom the Committee of Ways and Means, introduced before the House a bill " to Reg- ulate the Duties on Imports and Tonnage, &c." The bill was avowedly favorable to a Tariff of Pro- tection ; and, strange as the record may seem, one of its most ardent supporters was John C. Calhoun. The whole question was debated with reference to the Protective policy. It was thoroughly discussed in Committee of the Whole ; and, through the exer- tions of Mr. Clay, a higher duty was adopted lor the important article of woolens. The amendment, how- ever, was unfortunately lost in the House; but the bill, such as it was, was passed. In the spring of 1820, the subject of a Tariff again came before Congress; and Mr. Clay made a most interesting and impressive speech in favor of Pro- tective Duties. " I frankly own," said he on this occasion, " that I feel great solicitude for the success of this bill. The entire independence of my country on nil foreign States, as it respects a supply of our essential wants, has ever been with me a favor- ite object. The War of our Revolution effected our political emancipation. The Last War contributed greatly towards accomplishing our commercial free- dom. But our complete independence will only be consummated after the policy of this bill shall be recognized and adopted. We have indeed great difficulties to contend with ; old habits— colonial usages — the enormous profits of a foreign trade, prosecuted under favorable circumstances, which no longer continue. I will not despair. The cause, I verily believe, is the cause of the country. It may be postponed ; it may he frustrated for the moment, but it finally must prevail." And it was postponed ; it was frustrated for the moment; but it finally did prevail. The Tariff was remodelled by the House, but their bill was rejected by the Senate. In 1823, the. health of Mr. Clay was very poor — so much so, that his life was despairfd of both by his friends and himself. He had attended the Olympian Springs in Kentucky, in the summer, had been placed under a strict regimen and subjected to a long course of medicine. In spite of all remedies he fella gradual decline, and looked fi.rward to a speedy dissolution. In November he was to start for Wash- ington, and fully anticipated that, after reaching that city, if he reached it at all, he should be obliged to hasten to the South as a last resort. He procured a small travelling carriage and a saddle-horse — threw aside all the prescriptions of the physician, and commenced his journey. Daily he walked on foot, drove in his carriage and rode on horseback. He arrived at Washington quite well, was elected Speaker, and went through more labor than he ever Results of the American System. 29 performed in the same Session, excepting, perhaps, the Extra Session of 1841. The condition of the country in 1824 was far from pi-onerous. Tlie amount of our exports had dimin- ished to an alarming degree, while our imports of foreign goods had £ reatly increased. The country was thus drained of its Currency ; and its Commerce was crippled. Nor was there any home-market for the staple productions of our soil. Both cotton- planters and wool-growers shared in the general prostration ; and even the Farmer had to sell his produce at a loss, or keep it on hand till it was ruined. Labor could with difficulty find employ- ment; and its wages were hardly sufficient to sup- ply the bare necessities of life. Money could only be procured at enormous sacrifices. Distress and Bankruptcy pervaded every class of the commu- nity. In January, 1824, a Tariff Bill was reported by the Committee on Manufactures of the House : and in March following, Mr. Clay made his great and ever memorable Speech in the House, in support of American Industry. Many of our readers will vividly remember the deplorable state of the country at that time,. It is impressively portrayed in his ex- ordium on this occasion 'temptation of a people out of debt; land rising ♦ slowly in value, but in a secure and salutary de- ' gree ; a ready though not extravagant market fur 'all the surplus productions of our industry; innu- 'merable flocks and herds browsing and gamboling ' on ten thousand hills and plains, covered with rich « and verdant grasses ; our cities expanded, and ' whole villages springing up, aa it were, by enchant- 'ment; our exports and imports increased and in- ' creasing, our tonnage, foreign and coastwise, swel- 'ling and fully occupied; the rivers of our interior 'animated by the thunder and lightning of countless ' steamboats ; the currency sound and abundant ; the ' public debt of two wars nearly redeemed ; and, 'to crown all, the public Treasury overflowing, em- 'barrassing Congress, not to find subjects of taxa- ' tion, but to select the objects which shall be re- i ' lieved from the impost. If the term of seven years ' were to be selected of the greatest prosperity which ' this people have enjoyed since the establishment ' of their present Constitution, it would be exactly 'that period of seven years which immediately fol- ' lowed the passage of the Tariff of 1824." Such were the consequences of the benign legisla- tion introduced and carried into operation by Henry Clay. And though the reverse of the picture was The cause of the wide-spread distress, which ex- soon presented to us, through the violent Execu isted, he maintained was to be found in the fact that, tive measures of General Jackson, inflating and then during almost the whole existence of this Govern- prostrating the Currency, and the course afterward merit, we had shaped our industry, our navigation pursued, we have the satisfaction of knowing that and our commerce in reference to an extraordinary Mr. Clay has never wavered in his course ; and that, market in Europe, and to foreign markets, wh:ch had his warnings been regarded and his counsels no longer existed ; in the fact that we had depended taken, a far different state of things would, in all too much upon foreign sources of supply, and ex- probability, have existed, cited too little the native. The unanimous voice of the Country has ac- On this occasion, Mr. Webster, whose views upon ' corded to Mr. Clay the merit of having been the fa the subject afterwards underwent an entire change, opposed the bill with the whole powerful weight of his talents and legal profundity. Mr. Clay took up one by one the objections of the opposition, la- boriously examined and confuted them. For speci- mens of pure and strongly-linked argument, the an- nals of Congress exhibit no speech superior to that of March, 1824. In amplitude and variety of facts, in force and earnestness of language, and cogency of appeal to the reason and patriotism of Congress and the people, it has been rarely equalled. It would have been surprising indeed, if, notwithstanding the strongly arrayed opposition, such a speech had failed in overcoming it. Experience has amply proved the validity and justice of its arguments. Its prophecies have been all fulfilled. The Tariff Bill finally passed the House, the 16th of April, 1824, by a vote of 107 to 102. It soon afterwards became a law. We will leave it to Mr. Clay himself to describe the results of his policy, eight years after it had been adopted as the policy of the country. After recall- m* the gloomy picture he had presented in 1824, he said : " I have now to perform the more pleasing 'task of exhibiting an imperfect sketch of the exist- ' ing state — of the unparalleled prosperity of the ' country. On a general survey, we behold cultiva- ' tion extending, the aits flourishing, the face of the 'country improved, our people fully and profitably ' employed, and the public countenance exhibiting 'tranquility, contentment and happiness. And, if we 1 descend into particulars we have the agreeable, con- ther of the system, which has been justly called the American System. To his personal history belong the testimonials of the various State Legislatures and Conventions, and of the innumerable public meetings, in all parts of the country, which awarded him the praise, and tendered him the grateful ac- knowledgements of the community. To his indi- vidual exertions, the manufacturing industry of tho United States is indebted to a degree which it is now difficult to realize. By the magic power of his elo- quence, the country was raised from a state of pros- tration and distress; cities were called into exist- ence, and the wilderness was truly made to blos- som like the rose. Mr. Clay's zealous and laborious efforts in behalf of the Tariff can only be appreciated by a reference to the Journal of the House of that period. It seems as if he had been called upon to battle for every item of the bill, inch by inch. The whole power of a large and able opposition was arrayed against him ; and every weapon that argument, rhetoric and ridicule could supply was employed. John Ran- dolph was, as on former occasions, an active and bitter antagonist. Once or twice he provoked Mr. Clay into replying to his personal taunts. " Sir," said Mr. C, on one occasion, " the gentleman from ' Virginia was pleased to say that, in one point at ' least, he coincided with me — in an humble estimate 'of my grammatical and philological acquirements, ' I know my deficiencies. I was born to no proud ' patrimonial estate ; from my father I inherited only 'infancy, ignorance, and indigence. I feel my 30 Life of Henry Clay. •defects ; but, so far as my situation in early life is 'concerned, I may, without presumption, say they ' are more my misfortune than my fault. But, how- ' ever I deplore my want of ability to furnish to the 4 gentleman a better specimen of powers of verbal 1 criticism, I will venture to say, my regret is not ' greater than the disappointment of this Committee 'as to the strength of his argument." The following is in a different vein. After the passage of the TariffBill, on the 16th of April, 1824, when the House had adjourned and the Speaker was stepping down from his seat, a gentleman who had voted with the majority, said to him, " we have done pretty well to-day."—" Yes," returned Mr. Clay, " we made a good stand, considering we lost both our Feet" — alluding to Mr. Foot of Connecti- cut, and Mr. Foote of New- York, who both voted against the bill, though it was thought, some time before, that they would give it their support. CHAPTER VII. The Missouri Question-Mr. Clay resigns the Speakership— The Union in Danger— He resumes his seat in Congress— Unparal- leled incitement— His compromise of the Question— Pacifica- tion of Parties— Character of his Efforts— Proposition of John Randolph and some of the Southern Members— Interview with Randolph— Anecdotes— Randolph and Sheffey— Mr. Clay's Re- tirement from Congress— Derangement of his Private Affairs- Return to the House— Again chosen Speaker— Jeu D'esprit— Mr. Clay's Address— Independence of Greece— His Speech- Labors during the Session of 1824— Reception of Lafayette in the House— VY elcomed by Mr. Clay— Lafayette's Reply— La- Fayette's wish to see Mr. Clay President— Anecdote— Mr. Clay and Mr. Monroe. During the Session of 1820-21, the "distracting question," as it was termed, of admitting Missouri into the Union, which had been the subject of many angry and tedious debates, was discussed in both branches of Congress. The controverted point was, whether she should be admitted as a Slave State. Slavery had been expressly excluded from Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, by acts of Congress, on their admission into the Union. But that restriction was, by virtue of an ordinance of the former Congress, under the Confederation, prohibiting the introduction of slavery into the Northwest Territory, out of which these States were formed. Missouri was part of the Louisiana Territory, purchased of France in 1803. And in various parts of that extensive Territory, slavery then existed, and had long been established. Louisiana had been admitted into the Union without any restriction of the kind proposed for Missouri. The States of Kentucky, Tennessee, Mississippi and Ala- bama had also been admitted as separate States pre- vious to this period ; and, as they were taken from States in which Slavery existed, they had been made subject to no such restriction. It was contended that, on the same principle, Missouri should also be received, without requiring, as a condition of ad- mission, the exclusion of Slavery. And it was also insisted that it would be interfering with the inde- pendent character of a State to enforce any such restriction, which was manifestly a subject of regu- lation by the State authority. On the contrary, it was urged that in the old States the subject was expressly settled by the Con- stitution, and Cougress could not justly interfere in those States; but that it was otherwise with new States received into the Union; in which case Con- gress had the right, to impose such restrictions and conditions as it might choose ; that it was evidently the intention of the old Congress not to extPnd Slavery, having prohibited its introduction or exist- ence in new States to be formed out of the North- west Territory; and that Slavery was so great an * evil, and so abhorrent to the principles of a free Government, that it should be abolished or prohib- ited wherever it could be Constitutionally effected. The discussion went on from month to month, and from session to session, increasing in fierceness, and diverging farther and farther from the prospect of an amicable settlement. Among the prominent advo- cates for excluding Slavery from Missouri were Rufus King from New-York, Otis of Massachusetts, Dana of Connecticut, Sergeant and Hemphill of Pennsylvania. Of those opposed to Restriction, were Holmes of Massachusetts, Vandyke and McLanc of Delaware, Pinckney of Maryland, Ran- dolph and Barbour of Virginia, Lowndes of South Carolina, Clay and Johnson of Kentucky. A bill for the admission of Missouri had been defeated during the Session of 1818-19; and the inflammatory subject had, during the vacation of Congress, given rise to incessant contention. The Press entered warmly into the controversy. The most violent pamphlets were published on both sides. Public meetings thundered forth their Reso- lutions ; and the Union seemed to be fearfully shaken to its centre. It may be imagined, then, with what interest the next Session of Congress was looked to by the People. Many eloquent Speeches were mads in the House upon the question. Mr. Clay spoke, at one time, nearly four hours against the Restriction ; but there remains no published sketch of his remarks. The vote in the House of Representatives was several times given for excluding Slavery; but the Senate disagreed, and would not yield to the House. In 1820, the People of the Territory of Missouri proceeded to ordain and establish a Constitution of Goverment for the contemplated State. Among other provisions, it was ordained in the twenty- sixth section of the Third Article, that it should be the duty of the General Assembly, " as soon as ' might be, to pass such lairs as were necessary to 1 prevent free Negroes and MulaUoes from coming ' to and settling in the State, under any pretext ' whatever." Under this Constitution a State Gov- ernment was organized ai.d went into operation. This clause, for the exclusion of free Negroes and Mulattoes, fanned into fresh life the flame of excite- ment, which had been partially allayed. The whole country was now thrown into commotion upon the question of admitting Missouri. In the autumn of 1820, Mr. Clay, who bad ex- perienced heavy pecuniary losses by endorsing for a friend, resolved to retire from Congress, and, in the practice of the law, devote himself to the repara- tion of his private affairs. Accordingly, at the meet- ing of Congress, the 13th of November, 1820, the Clerk having announced that a quorum was present, said that he had received a letter from the Hon. Henry Clay, which, with the leave of the House, he read as follows : " Lexington, (Ky.) October 28, 1820. "Sir: I will thank you to communicate to the House of Representatives, that, owing to imperious tircumstances, I shall not be able to attend upon it The Missouri Question. 31 until after the Christmas holidays : and to respect- fully ask it to allow me to resign the othce of its Speaker, which 1 have the honor to hold, and to consider this as the act of my resignation. I beg the House also to permit me to reiterate the expression of my sincere acknowledgments and unaffected grat- itude for the distinguished consideration which it has uniformly manifested for me. I have the honor to be, &c. H. CLAY. "Thos. Dougherty, Esq.. Clerk H. of R." In view of the agitating question before Congress, Mr. Clay consented, however, to retain his seat as a member of the House till his term of service ex- pired, although no longer its presiding officer. Early in the session the Missouri question came up. Those who now opposed its admission contended, that free citizens and mulattoes were citizens of the States of their residence ; that as such, they had a right, under the Constitution, to remove to Missouri, or any other State of the Union, and there enjoy all the privileges and immunities of other citizens ol the United States emigrating to the same place; and, therefore, that the clause in the Constitution of Missouri, quoted above, was repugnant to that of the United States, and she ought not to be received into the Union. On the other hand, it was maintained that the African race, whether bond or free, were not parties to our Political Institutions ; that, therefore, free Negroes and Mulattoes were not citizens, within the meaning of the Constitution of the United States; and that even if the Constitution of Missouri were repugnant to that of the United States, the latter was paramount, and would ovt-rrule the conflicting provision of the former, without the interference of Congress. Such was the perilous and portentous question which now threatened a disruption of the Union. — In some shape or other it was presented almost daily and hourly to Congress; and became, at length, a perfect incubus upon legislation. In this state of things, Mr. Clay arrived in Washington, and took his seat in the House on th° sixteenth of January, 1321. On the second of February, he submitted a motion to refer a Resolution of the Senate on the Missouri Question to a Committee of Thirteen — a number suggested by that of the original States of the Union. The motion was agreed to, and the fol lowing gentlemen were appointed a Committee ac- cordingly : Messrs. Clay of Ky., Eustis of Mass., Smith of Md., Sergeant of Pa., Lowndes of S. C, Ford of N. Y., Campbell of Ohio, Archer of Va., Hackley of N. Y., S. Moore of Pa., Cobb of Ga., Tomlinson of Ct., Butler of N. H. On the tenth of the same month, Mr. Clay made a report, concluding with an amendment to the Sen- ate's resolution, by which amendment Missouri was admitted upon the following fundamental condition : "It is provided that the said State shall never pass any law preventing any description of persons from coming to and settling in the said State, who now are or hereafter may become citizens of any of the States of this Union ; and provided also, that the Legislature of the said State, by a solemn public act, shall declare the assent of the said State to the said fundamental condition, and shall transmit to the Pre- sident of the United States, on or before the fourth Monday in November next, an authentic copy of the said Act; upon the receipt whereof, the President, by proclamation, shall announce the fact; whereup- on, and without any further proceedings on the part of Congress, the admission of the said State into the Union shall be considered as complete : And pro- vided, further, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to take from the State of Missouri, when admitted into the Union, the exercise of any right or power which can now be constitutionally exercised by any of the original States. 11 In defence of his report, Mr. Clay said that, al- though those favorable to the admission of Missouri could not succeed entirely in their particular views, yet he was of opinion that they had, as regarded the Report of the Committee, nothing to complain of. — At the same time, the Report was calculated to ob- viate the objections of those who had opposed the admission of Missouri on the ground of the objection to he/ Constitution which had been avowed. Thus consulting the opinions of both sides of the House, in that spirit of compromise which is occasionally necessary to the existence of all societies, he hoped it would receive the countenance of the House; and he earnestly invoked the spirit of harmony and kin- dred feeling to preside over the deliberations of the House on the subject. The question being taken in Committee of the Whole on the amendment proposed by Mr. Clay, it was decided in the negative by a vote of 73 to 64. — This decision was afterward overruled in the House. On the question, however, of the third reading of the Resolution, it was rejected, by a vote of 83 to 80, in consequence of the defection of Mr. Randolph of Virginia, who dreaded the increase of popularity which would accrue to Mr. Clay by the success of his proposition. A reconsideration was moved and carried the next day, and the question of the third reading was again brought before the House. Ano- ther protracted and bitter debate followed, and was concluded by a speech of an hour's duration from Mr. Clay, who is represented by the cotemporary journals as having " reasoned, remonstrated and en- treated that the House would settle the question." On the fourteenth of February, the two Houses of Congress met in the hall of the House of Represent- atives, to perform the ceremony of counting the votes for President and Vice President of the United States. A scene of great confusion occurred when the votes of the Electors for Missouri were announced by the President of the Senate, and handed to the Tellers. The Members of the Senate withdrew, and a violent discussion sprang up. By the exertions of Mr. Clay, order was at length restored, and, on his motion, a Message was sent to the Senate that the House was ready to proceed to the completion of the business of counting the votes. The Senate again came in. The votes of Missouri were read, and the result of all the votes having been read, it was announced by the President of the Sen- ate, that the total number of votes for James Monroe as President of the United States, was 231, and, if the votes of Missouri were not counted was 228; that, in either event, James Monroe had a majority of the whole number of votes given. James Monroe was accordingly re-elected President for four years, commencing on the ensuing fourth of March. While the proclamation was being made, two Members of the House claimed the floor to inquire whether the votes of Missouri were or were not counted. Another scene of confusion hereupon en- sued, and the House were finally obliged to adjourn in order to put an end to it 32 Life of Henry Clay. The rejection of Mr. Clay's report seemed to shut out all prospect of an amicable compromise. He was not disheartened, however. He never despaired of the Republic. On the twenty-second of February, be submitted the following resolution : " Resolved, That a Committee be appointed, on the part of this House, jointly with such Committee as may be appointed on the part of the Senate, to consider and report to the Senate and to the House, respectively whether it be expedient or not 10 make provision for the admission of Missouri into the Un- ion on the same tooting as the original States, and for the due execution ol the laws of the Uniied States within M.ssouri; and if not, whether any other, and what provision, adapted to her actual condition, ought to be made by law." This resolution was adopted in the House by a rote of 103 to 55. The Senate acceded to it by a large majority. The Joint Committees of the two Houses met on the twenty-fifth of February, 1821 ; and a plan of accommodation, proposed by Mr. Clay, was adopted, unanimously on the part of the Committee of the Senate, and nearly so by that of the House. The next day he reported to the House from the Com- mittee a resolution, which was the same in effect as that which we have already quoted as having been reported by the former Committee of thirteen Mem- bers. A short discussion ensued, which was checked by a call for the Previous Question. The resolu- tion was then adopted by a vote of eighty-seven to eightv-onc. The Senate concurred, and the mo mentous question, which for three Sessions had ag- itated Congress, was, at length through the labors and influence of Henry Clay, peaceably settled. The achievement of this vital compromise must have been one of the most gratifying triumphs of his political career. By his personal influence and abil- ities, he had saved the Republic. He deservedly won on this occasion the appropriate title of " the Great Pacificator; " for to his individual exertions do we owe it, that we were saved from the prospect of a dissolution of the Union. His efforts in and out of Congress were uncoasing in accomplishing his ob- ject. He made direct personal appeals to those whom he could not influence in public debate, and left no means untried for bringing Congress to that harmo- nious state, which was essential to the safety of the country. While the Missouri question was pending, and the excitement of the contending parties was running to a great and alarming hight, Mr. Randolph, and per- haps some other gentlemen of the South, conceived the projetc of the whole Delegation from the Slave- holding States, in a body, abandoning the House, and leaving its b ii-iness to be carried on, if at all, by the Representatives from the other States. At that time, one of those conditions of noM-intercoiirse, which we have described existed hetween him and Mr. Clay ; but notwithstanding that, one night when the House was in session by candle-light, Mr. Claj being out of the Chair, Mr. Randolph approached him in the most courteous manner and said; "Mr • Speaker, I wish you would leave the Chair. I will ' follow you to Kentucky or any where else in the ' world." Mr. Clay replied : " That is a very serious prop- osition, Mr. Randolph ; we have not time now to discuss it; but it you will come into the Speaker's room to-morrow morning, before the House assem- bles, we will consider it together." He accordingly attended there with punctuality. They remained in earnest conversation about an hour, Mr. Clay contending that it was wisest to com- promise the question, if it could be done without any sacrifice of principle, and Mr. Randolph insisting that the Slave States had the right on their side that matters must come to an extremity ; and that there could be no more suitable occasion to bring them to that issue. They maintained their respect- ive opinions firmly but amicably, without coming to any agreement. When they were about separating, Mr. Clay ob- served to Mr. Randolph, that he would take ihat op- portunity of saying to him, that he (Mr. Randolph) had used exceptionable language sometimes when the Speaker was in the Chair and had no opportu- nity of replying; and that he was often provoked thereat. " Well, !>lr. Speaker," said Rai dolph, "I ' think you sometimes neglect me; you won't listen ' tome when I am addressing; the chair, but turn your ' head away, and ask for a pinch of snuff." Mr. Clay rejoined: "You are mistaken. lam ' listening when I may not seem to be ; and I can ' repeat as much of any one of your late speeches ' as you yourself can, good as I know your memory ' to be." "Well," replied Mr. Randolph, " perhaps 1 am ' mistaken; and suppose we shake hands and be good ' good friends hereafter." "Agreed!" said Mr. Ciay. They shook hands accordingly ; and never spoke with each other during the residue of the Session. It was about the period of Commodore Decatur's death. That event greatly excited Mr. Randolph ; and Mr. Clay was informed by two different gentle- men (the late Governor Edwards and Gen. C. F. Mercer) about the same time, without concert, and shortly after the interviewdct cribed above, thatlhey knew that Mr. Randolph desired a duel, and with him (Mr. Clay.) He thanked them for the commu- nication ; which was made from friendly motives. It naturally put him upon his guard, and on first meeting Mr. R., thinking that he saw something un- friendly in bis deportment, they passed each other without speaking. Shortly before the interview above-mentioned, Mr. Randolph came to Mr. Clay with an insulting letter containing a threat to horsewhip him (Mr. R.) and asked what he should do with it — should ho communicate it to the House as a breach of privi- lege ? "How carne the writer to address such a let- ter to you 1 " asked Mr. Clay. " Why, sir," said be. " I was in the vestibule of the House the other day, and he brought up a man and introduced him tome. I asked him, what right he had to introduce that man to me, and told him that the man had just as much right to introduce him to me. And he s»id he thought it was an act of great impertinence. It was for that cause he his written me this threatening letter." Mr. Clay asked him if he thought the man's mind was perfectly sound. " Why," replied Ran- dolph, " I have some doubts about that." " If that be the case," said Mr. Clay, " would you not better avoid troubling the House about the affair? And I will give orders to the officers of the House to keep an eye on the man, and if he should attempt to io Anecdotes of Randolph — Lafayette and Clay. 33 anything improper to arrest him." Mr. Randolph said, it was perhaps the best course; and nothing more was heard of the matter. On one occasion during the agitation of this same Missouri question, Mr. Randolph told Mr. Clay, that he had resolved, by the advice of Chief Justice Mar- shall, to abstain from the use of those powerful in- struments of irony, sarcasm and invective, which he used with such cutting effect, and to confine himself to the employment of pure argument, whenever he spoke. He attempted it. He failed. His speech possessed no attraction — commanded no attention. He was mortified, and resumed his ancient style ; and listening and admiring audiences returned to him. When the House sat in what has been called the old Capitol (the brick building at the North-East corner of the Capitol-square,) Mr. Randolph one day came in collision with an able colleague from Vir- ginia, Mr. Sheffey, in argument, in the course of which Mr. Sheffey had indulged in some playful re- mark. Mr. R. replied, and concluded by offering him some advice, which he said, he hoped would be kindly received : and that was, that logic being his (Mr. Sheffey's) forte, he ought to confine him- self to it, and never attempt wit, for which lie pos- sessed no talent. Mr. Sheffey rejoined, answered the argument of Mr. Randolph, thanked him for his advice, but said he did not like to be in debt, and by way of acquitting himself of it, he begged leave to offer some advice in return. Nature, he said, had been bountiful to Mr. R. in bestowing on him extra- ordinary wit, but had denied him any powers of ar- gument. Mr. S. would advise him, therefore, to con- fine himself to the regions of wit, and never attempt to soar in those of logic. Mr. R. immediately followed and handsomely remarked, that he took back what he had said of his colleague; for he had shown him- self to bo a man of wit as well as of logic. It was a pleasant and enlivening incident, and the whole House and both parties appeared to enjoy the joke. But Mr. Randolph returned to the House the next day, and renewed the attack with great bitter- ness. The parties had various and long passes at each other. Mr. R. was repeatedly called to order by Mr. Clay, and finally stopped. Tt was on that oc- casion, that Mr. Sheffey being called to order, Mr. Clay said that he would be out of order in replying, as he was, to any other Member but Mr. Randolph. During the interval of his retirement from Con- gress in 1822, Mr. Clay was delegated, in conjunc- tion with Mr. Bibb, to attend the Virginia Legisla- ! ture, for the adjustment of certain land claims in Kentucky. Their mission led to the appointment of the Hon- B. VV. Leigh on the part of Virginia; and I Mr. Clay was subsequently appointed to conduct the negociation with him on the part of Kentucky. | They concluded at Ashland a convention, which, though it was ratified by the Legislature of Kentucky and the House of Delegates of Virginia, was finally- rejected in the Senate of the latter State. By an absence of nearly three years from Con- gress, Mr. Clay was enabled through his professional labors, to retrieve his private affairs ; and in the sum- mer of 1323, at the earnest and repeated solicitations of his fellow-citizens, he accepted a re-nomination, and was again chosen, without opposition, to repre- sent his District in the lower House at Washington. The first Session of the Eighteenth Congress opened the first Monday in December, 1823. At the first ballot for Speaker in the House of Representa- tives, Mr. Clay was elected. Mr. Barbour of Vir- ginia, the late Speaker, had forty- two votes — Mr. Clay had one hundred and thirty nine. The follow- ing neat jeu d'csprit appeared in the National Intel- ligencer jshortly after the election : " As near the Potomac's broad stream, t' other day. Fair Liberty strolled in solicitous mood, Deep pondering the future! — unheeding her way — She met goddess Nature beside a green wood. Good mother,' she cried, ' deign to help me at need ! I must make fur my guardians a Speaker to-day: The first in the world I would give them.' — ' Indeed! When I made the first Speaker, I made him ot'CLAY !' " On taking the Speaker's chair, Mr. Clay made a brief and appropriate address, in which he returned his acknowledgments for the honor conferred. The duties of a Speaker are happily enumerated in his remarks on this occasion. On the fifth of December, Mr. Webster, of Massa- chusetts, submitted a resolution providing by law for defraying the expense incident to the appoint- ment of an agent or commissioner to Greece, when- ever the President should deem it expedient to make such appointment. He supported this proposition in a most able speech on the nineteenth of the ensu- ing January. Mr. Clay stood side by side with him in defence of the measure. Notwithstanding the ad- vocacy of these gigantic champions, however, it failed in the House. Mr. Clay's speech on the subject, though brief, was full of fire and point. "Are we," he exclaimed, "so humbled, so low, so debased, that we dare not ' express our sympathy for suffering Greece, that we 'dare not articulate our detestation of the brutal ex - ' cesses of which she has been the bleeding victim, ' lest we might offend come one or more of their itu- 'perial and royal majesties?" " If the great body of Christendom can look on calmly and coolly, while all this is perpetrated on a Christian people, in its own immediate vicinity, in its very presence, let us at least evince that one of its remote extremities is susceptible of sensibility to Christian wrongs, and capable of sympathy for Christian sufferings; that in this remote quarter of the world, there are hearts not yet closed against compassion for human woes — that can pour out their indignant feelings at the oppression of a people en- deared to us by every ancient recollection and every modern tie. Sir, the committee has been attempted to be alarmed by the dangers to our commerce in the Mediterranean; and a uretched invoice of fi2, 1824, gives utterance to these just and eloquent sentiments : " The principles which would govern Mr. Clay's Administration, if elected, are well known to the Nation. They have been displayed upon the floor of Congress for the last seventeen years. They constitute a System of American Policy, based on the Agriculture and Manufactures of his own country — upon Interior as well as Foreign Com- merce — upon Internal as well as Sea-Board Im- provement — upon the independence of the New World, and close Commercial alliances with Mexico and South America. If it is said that others would puii-ue the same system; we answer, that the ± /bunder of a System is the natural executor of his own work ; that the most efficient protector of American Iron, Lead, Hemp, Wool and Cotton would be the triumphant champion of the New Tariff; the safest friend to Interior Commerce would be the Statesman who has proclaimed the Mississippi to be the Sea of the West ; the most zealous pro- moter of Internal Improvements would be the Presi- dent, who has triumphed over the President who opposed the construction of National Roads and Canals; the most successful applicant for Treaties with Mexico and South America would be the elo- quent advocate of their own Independence. "THOMAS HART BENTON." CHAPTER XI. Reception of the Amended Tariff at the South— Progress of Nullification— Re-election of General Jackson— Proclama- tion — The Protective System in danger — The Enforcement Rill— Perilous state of Affairs— Henry Clay comes forward with his Plan for a Compromise— Origin of that Measure — Particulars in regard to it — Mr. Clayton of Delaware — Anec- dote—Leading Motives of Mr. Clay— Statement of Hon. H. A. S. Dearborn— Passage of the Compromise Rill— Public Gratitude— Characteristics of Mr. Clay's Public Career— His Visit to New-England— Triumphal Reception— Honors paid to him on his route. The amended Tariff was received with little favor by the South. Nullification grew daily bolder in its denunciations and' menaces; and tlie Union seemed to be greatly in danger. On the 24th of November, 1832, the South Carolina Convention passed their ordinance, declaring the Revenue Laws of . the United States null and void; and soon afterward the Legislature of the State met, ratified the pro- ceedings of the Convention, and passed laws for the organization of the Militia and the purchase of munition and ordnance. In the midst of these troubles, the Presidential Contest took place, and resulted in the reelection of General Jackson over the opposing candidates, Henry Clay, John Floyd of Virginia, and William Wirt. On the 10th of December, 1832, soon after the meeting of Congress, President Jackson issued his Proclamation, announcing his determination to en- force the Revenue Laws, and exhorting the citizens of South Carolina to pause in their disorganizing career. This remonstrance produced little effect. It was followed, on the 20th of the same month, by a counter Proclamation from Governor Hayne, warning the citizens of South Carolina against the attempt of the President to seduce them from their allegiance, and exhorting them, in disregard of his threats, to be prepared to sustain the State against the arbitrary measures of the Federal Executive. The Protective System was at this moment in im- minent hazard of being destroyed. General Jack- son's Administration was always inimical to that policy, originated and principally supported as it had been by a hated rival. The Tariff became the great question of the session. It was referred to the Committee of Ways and Means, where it was re- modeled ; and on the 27th of December, a bill was reported, which was understood to embody the views of the Administration. It proposed a diminution of the duties on all the protected articles, to take effect immediately, and a further diminution on the 2nd of March, 1834. The subject was discussed from the 8th to the 16th of January, 1833, when a message was received from the President, communicating the South Carolina ordinance and nullifying laws, to- gether with his own views as to what should be done under the existing state of affairs. On the twenty- first of the same month, the Judiciary Committee of the Senate reported a bill to enforce the collection of the revenue, where any obstructions were offered to the officers employed in that duty. The aspect of affairs was now alarming in the ex- treme. The administration party in the House had shown itself utterly incapable of devising a tariff likely to be accepted by a majority of that body. The session was rapidly drawing to a close. South Carolina had deferred the period of its collision with the General Government in the hope that some mea- The Compromise Act — Mr. Clay's Exertions — Mr. Clayton. 49 sure of adjustment would be adopted by Congress. This hope seemed to be daily growing fainter. Should the enforcing bill not be carried into effect against the Nullifiers, the Tariff was still menaced by the Federal administration, avowedly hostile to the protective system. At this juncture, Henry Clay, deeply impressed with the importance of the crisis, stepped forward to reconcile conflicting interests, and to avert the direful consequences which would result from the farther delay of an adjustment. On the eleventh of February he introduced his celebrated Compromise Bill, providing for a gradual reduction of duties until 1842, when 20 per cent, at a home valuation should be the rate, " until otherwise regulated by 'law." Mr. Clay introduced this bill with some pertinent and impressive remarks, in which he deplored the distracted and portentous condition of the country, and appealed strongly to the patriotism and good sense of Congress to apply a remedy. The bill underwent a long and vehement discussion. None could deny the purity and loftiness of the motives which had led to its presentation; but it was vehe- mently opposed by many. Mr. Smith, of Maryland, opposed it, because " it contained nothing but pro- ' tection from beginning to end." Mr. Forsyth ex- ulted over the admission, which had been made by Mr. Clay, that "the Tariff was in danger." "It is," said Mr. F., "at its last gasp — no hellebore can cure ' it." The Southern members opposed the bill mainly because it provided for a home valuation. Towards the close of the debate, a personal dif- ficulty arose between Mr. Poindexer, of Mississippi, and Mr. Webster. The former, in the course of his reply to a very powerful attack from Mr. Webster upon the Compromise Bill of Mr. Clay, made refer- ence to the course of Mr. W., during the war of 1312. Mr. Webster declined all explanation, and Mr. Poindexter immediately declared thai he "felt 'the most perfect contempt for the Senator from ' Massachusetts." Mr. Clay interfered, with his usual generosity, and in a few remarks, complimen- tary alike to both Senators, effected a mutually sat- isfactory explanation. Mr. Clay had conceived the idea of the Compro- mise in Philadelphia in December, 1832, when he was passing a few weeks with his brother-in-law, the late James Brown, Esq. who had fixed his res- idence in that city, after his mission to France. The reelection of Gen. Jackson to the Presidency had been made known the month before, and Mr. Clay had commenced his journey from Ashland to Wash- ington not in the best spirits but resolved to do his duty. Jackson's power was then at its zenith. He had vetoed the charter of the Bank of the United States. He was triumphantly reelected. His pow- er seemed resistless. Nevertheless, Mr. Clay was resolved to fight on, and to fight to the last. He believed the President insincere in his profes- sions of attachment to the Protective policy ; that, under the delusive name of a judicious Tariff, he concealed the most deadly and determined hostility to the Protection of American Industry. Mr. Clay saw the partisans of "free trade" supporting Gen. Jackson, with the greatest zeal; and knew that some of them counted upon subverting the whole system through the power and influence of that arbitrary chief magistrate. He saw many of the members of Congress from States known to be friendly to the preservation of that policy, yet willing to go secret- ly, if not openly, as far as they dared go in asserting the overthrow of that policy. In the mean time Nullification had assumed a threatening aspect. The supporters of that heresy had gone so far that, if no change in the Tariff took place, they must fight or be forever disgraced. Mr. Clay thought that if a Civil War were once begun it might extend itself to all the Southern States, which, although they did not approve of Nullifica- tion, would probably not be willing to stand by and see South Carolina crushed for extreme zeal in a cause, which was common to them all. Such were the circumstances, under which, dur- ing the leisure Mr. Clay enjoyed with his friend, Mr. Brown, in Philadelphia, he directed his mind to the consideration of some healing scheme for the existing public troubles. The terms of ;he Compromise Act substantially as it passed, were the result of Mr. Clay's reflec- tions at that time. He communicated them to his friend, the lamented Senator Johnston, from Louis- iana, who concurred with him heartily. A Com- mittee of Manufacturers, consisting of Messrs. Bo- vie, Dupont, Richards and others, waited on Mr. Clay in Philadelphia, to consult with him on the impend- ing dangers to the Protective policy. To them he broach'd his scheme, and they approved it. He mentioned it to Mr. Webster in Philadelphia, but that distinguished Senator did not agree with him. On leaching Washington, Mr. Clay communicated it to many practical Manufacturers, ; to Hezekiah Niles, Mr. Simmons of the Senate, from Rhode Is- land, and others. They agreed with him ; and every practical Manufacturer of that day with whom ha conversed (except Mr. Ellicott, of Maryland,) assent- ed to the project. Most of their friends in Congress, especially in the Senate, followod their example. The chief opposition, it was thought, was to be traced to Mr. Webster and gentlemen who had a great deference for the opinion of the Massachusetts Senator. Mr. Clay's own convictions being thus strength- ened by the opinions of practical men, he resolved to proceed. He had no interviews with Southern Members on the subject of the contemplated propo- sal, until he had prepared and was about to submit the bill ; at which time, he had one or two inter- views with Mr. Calhoun, at Mr. Clay's lodgings. But through his friend, Governor Letcher of Ken- tucky, who was intimate with Mr. McDuffie and other Southern gentlemen, Mr. Clay ascertained their views. He found one highly favorable state of feeling — that they were so indignant with Gen- eral Jackson for his Proclamation, and his determi- nation to put down the Nullifiers by force if neces- sary, that they greatly preferred the difficulty should be settled rather by Mr. Clay than by the Adminis- tration. Mr. J. M. Clayton of Delaware entered with great zeal into the views of Mr. Clay, and seconded his exertions with untiring, able, constant and strenu- ous endeavors. Often he would say to him, look- ing at Mr. Calhoun and other members from South Carolina, " Well, Clay, these are clever fellows, and it won't do to let old Jackson hang tor*. We must 50 Life of Henry Clay. save them if possible." Mr Clayton belonged to a such a vast military power as might be necessary mess of seven or ei 'lit Senator?, every one of whom was interested in the preservation of the protective policy. Without their votes, it was impossible that the Compromise should pass. They, through Mr. Clayton, insisted upon the home valuation, as a sine qua non, from which they would never depart. Mr. Clay told them that he would not give it up; and the Compromise Bill never could have passed without that feature of it. The Southern Senators had declared that they would be content with whatever would satisfy the South Carolina Senators. Mr. Calhoun had mani- fested strong objections to the home valuation. Mr. Clay told him that he must concur in it, or the measure would be defeated. Mr. Calhoun appeared very reluctant to do so ; and Mr. Clay went to the Senate on the day when the Bill was to be decided, uncertain as to what its fate would be. When the bill was taken up, Mr. Calhoun rose in his place and agreed to the home valuation, evidently, how- ever, with reluctance. Two great leading motives operated with Mr. Clay in bringing forward and supporting his measure of Compromise. The first was, that he believed the whole protective policy to be in the most imminent peril from the influence of Gen. Jackson and the dominion of his party. He believed that it could not possibly survive that session of Congress cr the next, which would open with a vast increase of rhat influ- ence and power. He had seen the gradual but in- sidious efforts to undermine the policy, sometimes openly avowed, frequently craftily concealed. He had seen that a bill was actually introduced by Mr. Verplanck, and then pending in the House of Repre- sentatives, which would have utterly subverted the to enforce tlw latex and put down any resistance to them in South Carolina, and which might extend he knew not where. He could not think, without the most serious apprehensions, of entrusting a man of his vehement passions wiih such an immense power. He could not think without feelings of in- describable dread, of the effusion of blood, the den- ger to the Union, and the danger to the libeities of all of us, which might arise from the application of such a force in the hands of a man already too pow- erful, and flushed with recent victory. It may be further added, that Mr. Clay thought he perceived, with some a desire to push matters to ex- tremity. He thought he beheld a disposition to see South Carolina and the South punished. Indeed the sentiment was more than once expressed to him : " Let them put down the Tariff— let them brin g ruin, 'embarrassment and distress on the country — the ' country will rise with renewed vigor. We shall ' have the policy, which we wish to prevail, firmly ' and inviolably fixed." He thought even that he perceived a willingness that the effect produced by the memorable Hartford Convention at ihe North, should be neutralized by the effect, which might arise out of putting down by force the nullification of South-Carolina. He could not sympathize in these feelings and sentiments. He was for peace, for harmony, for union, and for the preservation too of the Protective System. He no more believed then than now, that Government was instituted to make great and perilous experiments upon the happiness of a free people — still less experiments of blood and civil war. After the introduction of the bill of Compromise and its reference to the Committee, predictions of whole policy. He knew, or believed, that there the failure of the measure were confidently put forth, was a majority in the House, willing, although afraid Even in the committee-room it was asserted, that to pass the bill. Witnessing the progress of that party, he did not doubt, that at the next session at least, they would acquire strength and courage suf- ficient to pass the bill. He could not contemplate the ruin, distress and destruction, which would en- sue from its passage, without feelings of horror. He believed that the Compromise would avert these disasters, and secure adequate protection until the 30th June, 1842. And he hoped, that in the mean time the public mind would become enlightened, and reconciled to a policy, which he had ever believed essential to the national prosperity. But for tile partial experiments, which were made upon the cur- rency of the country, leading to the utmost disorder in the exchanges, and the business ofsocit ty, it is yet the belief of Mr. Clay and his friends, that the mea- sure of Protection secured by tJie Compromise Act up to the 31s* December, 1841, would have enabled our Manufacturers to have flourished and pros- pered. Another leading motive with Mr. Clay, in pro- posing the Compromise, was to restore harmony, and preserve the Union from danger ; to arrest a civil war, which, beginning with South Carolina, he feared might spread throughout all the Southern States. It may be added, that a third and powerful mo- tive, which he felt intensely, although he did not always avow it, was an invincible repugnance to placing under tlie command of General Jackson there was no chance for its passage ; and Members rose from their places with the intention of leaving the room, without agreeing upon any report. Mr. Clay said to them, with decision and firmness : " Gentlemen, this bill has been referred to us, and it ' is our duty to report it, in some form or other, to ' the Senate — and it shall be reported." Some slight amendments were agreed upon, and the bill was re- ported. Its subsequent fate is known. In bringing about the adoption of the measure, Messrs. Clayton and Letcher are entitled to the mo6t liberal praise, as theeffieient coadjutors of its author. The private history of the Compromise Act re- mains yet to be written. Should it ever be given to the world, it will throw new lustre upon the patri- otic and self-sacrificing character of Mr. Clay. It will exhibit in a still stronger light his disinterested- ness — his devotion to country — his elevation above all selfish impulses and personal ends — his magna nimity, and his generous intrepidity of spirit. The Compromise Bill passed the House Februa- ry 2Gth, 1833, by a vote of 120 to 84. It passed the Senate the ensuing first of .March by a vote of 29 to 1G — Mr. Webster voting against it. Mr. Clay was now once more hailed as the preserver of the Repub- lic — as the great Pacificator. The dark, portentous cloud, big with civil discord and disunion, which had been hanging over the country, rolled away and was scattered. The Sou th and the North were reconciled ; and confidence and prosperity were restored. Is not Visit to the Eastern Citivs — Enthusiastic Reception. 51 such a civic triumph worth all the paeans ever shouted in the ears of a military conqueror ? Itplaced Mr. Clay in a commanding and elevated position — and drew upon him the eyes of the whole Nation as a liberal, sound and true-hearted statesman, in whose hands the interest." of all sections would be safe. The act was characteristic of his whole public ca- reer. The only horizon which bounds his political vision is the horizon of his country. There is noth- ing small, narrow, sectional in his views, interests or hopes. North, South, East and West — they are all equally dear to him. Kentucky— noble Ken- tucky — where he is cherished and hdnored as such a Statesman and Patriot ought to be cherished and honored by such a gallant and generous constituen- cy — he regards with the attachment and devotion, v ith which no generous nature can fail to be inspired for the soil where his first honors were won, the early theatre of his fame and its fruition — the home, of his h.^pes and his heart. But he looks abroad from the State of his adoption, and down from the pinna- cle of his elevation — and there lie Massachusetts, and New- York, and the Old Dominion, proud of the blended honors of their Lexington, Saratoga and Yorktown, radiant with the common glories of their Adamses, Hamiltons and Washingtons— and he feels that in these glories and honors — in those traditions and records of achievements — in the fame of those illustrious men, he has himself an equal inheritance with any of their children. The influence of this no- ble, national spirit pervades the wnole of Mr. Clay's public career, and is stamped upon all those great measures by which, in moments of exigency and darkness, he has revived the desponding hopes and retrieved the sinking fortunes of the Union.* In the autumn of 1833, Mr. Clay, accompanied by his lady, fulfilled a design which he had long con- templated, of visiting the Eastern cities. His jour- ney was one continued ovation. Arriving at Balti- more early in October, he was waited upon by thou- sands of citizens, who came to pay their tribute of gratitude and respect. At Philadelphia he was re- ceived at the Chesnut-street wharf by an immense concourse of people with enthusiastic huzzas, and conducted to the U. S. Hotel by his friend John Ser- geant. Arriving at New- York he was escorted to his lodgings by a large procession of gentlemen on horseback ; and all parties seemed to unite in their testimonials of welcome. A special meeting of the Board of Aldermen was held, and the Governor's room in the City Hall appropriated to his use, where he was visited by a constant succession of citizens. At Newport and Providence he was greeted with every possible demonstration of welcome and admi- * The following passage is an extract from a speech delivered by John Tiller in the Virginia House of Delegates, in 1889, in fa- vor of the Distribution of the Proceeds of the Public Lands, as re- commended by the Kentucky Statesman : " In my deliberate opinion, there was but one man, who could have arrested the then course of things, (the tendency of Nullifi- cation to dissolve the Union.) and that man ws Henry Clay. It r irely happens, Mr. Speaker, to the most gifted, and talented, and patriotic, to record their names upon the page of history, in characters indelible and enduring. But, sir, if to have rescued his country from civil wnr—ifto have preserved the Constitu- tion and Union from hazard and total wreek, constitute any round f ,r an immortal and undying name among men, then I _o believe, that he has won for himself that high renown. I speak what I do know, for I was an nctirin the scenes of that perilous period. When he rose in that Senate Chamber, and held in his band the Olive Branch of Peace, I, who had not kniwn whtt envy was before, envied him. I W5s proud of him as my fellow- ccuntryman, and still prouder that the Slashes of Hanover, within the limits of my old District, gave him birth.'' I ration ; and on reaching Boston he was met and con- ducted to the Tremont House by a very numerous cavalcade. At all these cities, and many others on his route, he received pressing invitations to public dinners ; but being accompanied by his family, he had, on leaving Kentucky, prescribed to himself the rule, to which he rigidly adhered, of declining all such invi- tations. By all classes in New England, and par- ticularly by the manufacturing population, Mr. Clay was received as a friend and benefactor. The cor- diality of his welcome showed that his motives in originating the Compromise Act had been duly ap- preciated by those who were most deeply interested in the preservation of the American System. He visited many of the manufacturing towns, and on all occasions met with a reception which indicated how strongly the affections of the People were enlisted in his favor. At Faneuil Hall and on Bunker Hill, he received Addresses from Committees, to which he replied in his usual felicitous manner. While at Boston, a pair of elegant silver pitchers, weighing one hundred and fifty ounces, were presented to him by the young men. A great crowd was present; and Mr. Clay, though taken by surprise, spoke for about half an hour in a manner to enchant his hear- ers. The following apposite Toast was offered by- one of the young men on the occasion : " Our Gue6t and Gift — our Friend and Pitcher!" While at Salem, Mr. Clay attended a lecture at the Lyceum, when the audience, numbering about twelve hundred persons, spontaneously rose, and loudly greeted him on his entrance. On the fourth of November, he left Boston with his family on his return journ* '. He took the route through Massa- chuse'ts 'o Albany, passing through Worcester, Hartford, !>^ringfie!d, Northampton, Pittsfield, &c. and being every where hailed by a grateful People with every demonstration of heartfelt attachment and reverence. At Troy and Albany, the manifestations of popu- lar attachment were not less marked than in Massa- chusetts. In both places the People rose up as one man to do him honor; and at both places he made replies to the addresses presented to him, which are excellent specimens of his familiar style of elo- quence. The multitudes of citizens who met, fol- lowed and waited upon him at every point, in rapid succession, indicated how large a space he occupied in the public heart. As he said in one of the nume- rous speeches which he was called upon to make, during his tour, "he had been taken into custody, ' made captive of, but placed withal in such delight- ' ful bondage, that he could find no strength and no ' desire to break away from it." The popular enthusiasm did not seem to have abated as he returned through those cities which he had but recently visited. On his way to Washing ton, he was met at New-York, Newark, Trenton, Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore, by delega tions of citizens, whose attentions rendered his pro- gress one of triumphal interest. He reached the Seat of Governmsnt in season to be present at the opening of Congress. 52 Life of Henry Clay. CHAPTER XII. The Public Lands— Anecdotes-Mr. Clay's Report— Its provi- sions— Passage of the Land Bill— It is Vetoed by Gen. Jackson — Right of the Old States to a share in the Public Domain- Mr. Clay's efforts— Adjustment of the question— Mr. Van Bu- ren's Nomination as Minister to England— Opposed by Mr. Clay. Mr. Clay's course in regard to the Public Lands presents a striking illustration of his patriotic disin- terestedness and self-sacrificing devotion to the cause of justice. The characteristic traits which he dis- played upon this question remind us of an anecdote of him, related a few years since by that eminent Statesman and high-minded Whig, William C. Preston, in a speech at Philadelphia. " On one oc- • casion," said Mr. P. " he did me the honor to send ' for and consult with me. It was in reference to a ' step* he was about to take, and which will, per- ' haps, come to your minds without more direct alia- ' sions. After stating what he proposed, 1 suggested 1 whether there would not be danger in it — whether ' such a course would not injure his own prospects, 1 as well as those of the Whig party in general ? — ' His reply was — ' 1 did not send for you to ask what " might be the effects of the proposed movement on " my prospects, but whether it is right. I would " RATHER BE RIGHT, THAN BE PRESIDENT.' " On the twenty-second of March, 1832, Mr. Bibb, of Kentucky, moved an inquiry into the expediency of reducing the price of the Public Lands. Mr. Ro- binson, of Illinois, moved a further inquiry into the expediency of transferring the Public Territory to the States within which it lies, upon reasonable terms. With the view of embarrassing Mr. Clay, these topics were inappropriately referred by the Administration party to the Committee on Manufac- tures, of which he was a member. It was supposed by his enemies that he would make a " bid for the Presidency," by favoring the interested States at the expense of justice and sound policy. But he did not stop to calculate the consequences to him- self. He did not attempt to evade or defer the Ques- tion. He met it promptly. He expressed his opin- ions firmly and boldly; and those opinions, thus expressed, wise, equitable, conclusive, were imme- diately seized upon for the purpose of breaking him down in the New States. The design had been to embarrass him by holding out the alternative of baf- fling the cupidity of a portion of the People of the West, or shocking the sense of justice and invading the rights of the Old States — to injuriously affect his popularity either with the New or the Old States, or with both. But when was Henry Clay known to shrink from the responsibility of an avowal of opinion upon a question of public moment ? In about three weeks after the matter was referred to the Committee, he presented to Congress a most juminous, able and conclusive lieport, and in the L-nl appended to it arranged the details of a wise anO •> . jitable plan, which no subsequent legislation was ab> 'o improve. Mr. City regarded the National Domain in the light of a ''cramon fund," to be managed and dis- posed of for the "common benefit of all the States," This property, he thought, should be prudently and providently administered; that it should not be * His Speech on Slavery, and the reception of Abolition peti- IMU wantonly sacrificed at inadequate prices, and that it should not be unjustly abandoned, in violation of the trust under which it was held, to a favored section of the country. These principles were the basis of his Bill, which provided — I. That after the thirty-first day of December, 1832, twelve and a half per cent, of the nett proceeds of the Public Lands, sold within their limits, should be paid to Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Alabama, Mis- souri and Mississippi, over and above what these Stales were severally entitled to by the compacts of their admission into the Union; to be applied to In- ternal Improvements and purposes of Education within those States, under the direction of their Le- gislatures — independently of the provisions for the construction and maintenance of the Cumberland Road. II. After this deduction, the nett proceeds were to be distributed among the (then) twenty-four States, according to their respective Federal Repre- sentative population ; to be applied to such objects of Internal Improvement, Education, or Coloniza- tion, as might be designated by their respective Le- gislatures, or the reimbursement of any previous debt contracted for Internal Improvements. III. The act to continue in force for five years, except in the event of a war with any foreign power ; and additional provisions to be made for any new State that might be meanwhile admitted to the Union. IV. The minimum price of the public lands not to be increased ; and not less than $80,000 per an- num to be applied to complete the public surveys. V. Land offices to be discontinued in districts where for two successive years the proceeds of sales should be insufficient to pay the salaries of the of- ficers employed. VI. That certain designated quantities of land should be granted to six of the new States, not to be sold at a less price than the minimum price of lands sold by the United States, to be applied to In- ternal Improvements. Such were the simple and just provisions of the Land Bill of Mr. Clay. To the new States they were abundantly liberal, without violating the terms of the original cession by the old States ; for the money laid out in the new States for Internal Im- provements subject to the use of the United States, may be justly regarded as for the " common benefit" of the Union. The introduction of the report and bill created no little surprise and excitement in the Senate. It was hardly expected of a candidate for the Presidency, that he should have so promptly and peremptorily rejected the opportunity, thus temptingly presented, of bidding for the votes of the new States by hold ing out the prospect at least of aggrandizement. But on this subject, as on all others, Mr. Clay took the broad national ground. He looked at the ques- tion as a statesman, not as a politician. He suffer- ed no individual inducements to influence his opi- nions or his policy. His paramount sense of duty; his habitual sense of the sacredness of compacts his superiority to local, sectional, and personal con- siderations, were never more conspicuously and more honorably manifested than on this occasion. The Land Bill was made the special order for the 20th of June, when it was taken up by Mr. Clay, Veto of Mr. Clay's Land Bill by President Jackson. 53 »nd advocated with his usual eloquence and ability. Mr. Benton replied. His policy was to reduce the price of a portion of the Public Lands, and to surren- der the residue to the States in which they lie. It would have given to the State of Missouri 25,000,000 of acres, or about 160 acres to every individual in the State, black and white ; while the State of New- York, by whose blood and treasure, in part, this great Domain was acquired, would have been cut off without an acre! Various motions were made in the Senate for the postponement and amendment of Air. Clay's bill. The policy of reducing the price was urged with great pertinacity by the friends of the Administration; but the objections of the report to this policy were justly regarded as unanswera- ble and insurmountable; and, on the third of July, the bill, essentially in the same form as reported, received its final passage in the Senate by a vote of 20 yeas to 18 nays. The late period of the session at which it was sent to the House, and the conflict of opinion in that body in respect to some of its pro- visions, enabled the Administration to effect its post- ponement to the first Monday of the following De- cember, by a vote of 91 yeas to 88 nays. This, of course, was equivalent to its rejection. But such were the wisdom and obvious equity of its provisions, and so highly did it commend itself to the good sense of the people, that the Administra-. tion party was compelled to yield to the uncontrol- ftble force of public opinion. At the next session, therefore, of Congress, the bill was again taken up, and passed the Senate by a vote of 24 to 20, and the popular branch by a vote of 96 to 40. It was sent to the President for his approval. Notwithstanding the unprecedented favor which it had found among the immediate Representatives of the people, it was " trampled," as Mr. Ben- ton subsequently boasted, under the " big foot of President Jackson." The dissolution of Congress, before the expiration of the constitutional term for which he was authorized to retain the bill, enabled that self-willed and despotic Chief Magistrate to de feat the obvious will of the people. If it had been returned to Congress at the session of its passage it would have become a law by a two-thirds vote. It was therefore withheld, and, at the next session, on the 5th of December, 1833, was sent back with the veto of the President; and the veto, as we have e very reason to believe, sprang from the personal hostility of General Jackson toward the author of the Land Bill, and an apprehension that it would augment the popularity of a rival, whom he feared and hated. The principles of the Veto Message accorded with those which had been already promulgated by Mr. Benton. General Jackson declared himself in favor of reducing the price of a portion of the Public Lands and of surrendering the residue to the States in v- hich they lie ; and withdrawing the machinery of our land system. He objected to Mr. Clay's plan of giving an extra 12\ per cent, of the proceeds of the sales within their own limits to the new States, as an " indirect and undisguised violation of the pledge given by Congress to the States before a sin- gle cession was made; abrogating the condition on which some of the States came into the Union; and petting at nought the terms of cession spread upon the face of every granl under which the title of that portion of the Public Lands are held by the Federal Government." Such were the shocking violationu of principle and compact, involved in the limited and equitable grant to the new States, contemplated by the bill of Mr. Clay; and yet we were gravely told by General Jackson, in the same breath, that to sell the lands for a nominal price — to withdraw the land machinery of the Government altogether — to abandon the lands — to surrender the lands — to give them to the States in which they lie — " im- paired no principle and violated no compact." It was a gross violation of compact — it was a flagrant outrage upon principle, to surrender a pari — but the outrage was repaired, and the compact kept invio- late by an abandonment of the whole ! Such was the reasoning of the Veto Message ! General Jackson had been obliged to change his grounds on this question, in order to thwart the views of Mr. Clay. In his Annual Message of De- cember 4, 1832, he had recommended a measure fundamentally similar. But the measure now pre- sented to him, though it had passed Congress by trrnr shant majorities, had been suggested, although not I {J i tarily, by an individual who shared no pait in his c unsels or his affections — by one, whom he had ungenerously injured, and whom he therefore disliked. He preferred the gratification of his malev- olence to the preservation of his consistency. The consequence was his aibitrary retention of the bill, by an irregular and unprecedented proceeding, and his subsequent veto. The right of the old States to the Public Domain is the right of conquest and of compact. Those lands were won by the blood and treasure of the thirteen Provinces. Their title deeds were signed, sealed and delivered on the plains of Yorktown. When the clouds of the Revolution had rolled away, and the discordant elements of the Confederation were taking the shape and system of our present glorious Constitution — the sages and soldiers of liberty as- sembled for the establishment of a more perfect union. To realize this grand end of their labors, they recommended to the thirteen States to make a common cession of their Territories to the Federal Government; that they might be administered for their common benefit, and stand as a pledge for the redemption of the Public Debt. Patriotic Vir- ginia, following the wise councils of her Wash- ingtons, Henrys and Jeffersons, surrendered with- out a murmur her boundless domain — now the seat of numerous new States, and still stretching thou- sands of leagues into the unsurveyed and uninhab- ited wilderness. Her sister States, though they had less to surrender, surrendered all that they pos- sessed ; and in return for this liberal and patriotic abandonment of local advantages for the common good, the Congress of the United States pledged it- self by the most solemn compact to administer this vast Domain for the common benefit of its original proprietors, and of such new States as should there- after be admitted to the Union. The 2d of May, 1834, Mr. Clay made a report from the Committee on Public Lands, in relation to the President's return of the Land Bill. In this paper he exposes with great ability the inconclusiveneas of the President's reasons. For some ten years, Mr. Clay was the vigilant, laborious, and finally success- ful opponent of the monstrous project of the admin 54 Life of Henry Clay. istration for squandering the Public Domain and rob- bing the old States. To his unremitted exertions we shall have been indebted for the successive defeats of the advocates of the plunder system, and for the final adjustment of the question according to his own equitable propositions. By this adjustment, all sections of the country are treated with rigid impar- tiality. The interest of no one State is sacrificed to that of the others. The West, the North, the South and the East, all fare alike. A more wise and prov- ident system could not have been devised. It will Ktand as a perpetual monument of the enlarged pa- triotism, unerring sagacity, and uncompromising jus- tice of its author. The question of confirming Mr. Van Buren's nom- ination as Minister to England, came before the Sen- ate during the Session of 1831—2. The conduct of that gentleman while Secretary of State, in his in- structions to Mr. McLane, had excited general dis- pleasure. Not content with exerting his ingenuity to put his own country in the wrong and the British Gov- ernment in the right, Mr. Van Buren had end< avored to attach to Mr. Adams's administration the discndit of bringing forward unfounded "pretensions," and by himself disclaiming those pretensions, to pro- pitiate the favor of the British King. Upon the sub- ject of the Colonial Trade, he said : " To set vp the 'acts of the late Administration, as the cause of a 'Jorfeiture of privileges which would otherwise be • extended to the people of the United States, would, ' under existing circumstances, be unjust in itself, ' and could not fail to excite their deepest seksibil- • ITY." The parasitical, anti-American spirit displayed throughout these celebrated instructions, constituted a sufficient ground for the rejection of Mr. Van Bu- ren's nomination. Mr. Clay's personal relations to- ward that individual had always been of a friendly character, but he did not allow them to influence his sense of public justice. He addressed the Senate emphatically against the nomination, declaring that his main objection arose out of the instructions; the offensive passages in which he quoted. "On our side," said he, " according to Mr. Van Buren, all was wrong; on the British side, all was right. We brought forward nothing but claims and pretensions ; the British Government asserted on the other hand a clear and incontestible right. We erred in tod tenaciously and too long insisting upon our pretentions, and not yielding at once to their just de- mands. And Mr. McLane was commanded to avail himself of all the circumstances in his power to mit- igate our offence, and to dissuade the British Gov- ernment from allowing their feelings justly incurred by the past conduct of the party driven from power, to have an adverse influence toward the American party now in power. Sir, was this becoming lan- guage from one independent nation to another ? Was it proper in the mouth of an American minister 1 Was it in conformity with the high, unsullied, and dignified character of our previous diplomacy ? Was it not, on the contrary, the language of an humble vassal to a proud and haughty lord? Was it not prostrating and degrading the American Eagle be- fore the British Lion 1 " The nomination of Mr. Van Buren was rejected in the Senate by the casting vote of the Vice Presi- dent, Mr. Calhoun. It has been said that this act was a blunder in policy on the part of the Opposi him to the sympathy and vindicatory favor of hia party. All this may be true; but it does not affect the principle of the measure. Mr. Clay did not lack the sagacity to foresee its probable consequences; but, where the honor of his country was concerned, expediency was with him always an inferior consid- eration. CHAPTER XIII. The Currency Question— Gen. Jackson's " humble efforts" to Improve our Condition— Recharter of the U. S. Bonk, am 1 the President's Veto— Mr. Clay's Speech upon the subject— Char- acter of the Veto Power— Removal of the Deposits— Secreta- ries Dunne and Taney— Mr. Clay's relations toward the Bank — His Resolutions in regard to the Removal of the Deposits — His Speech— Anecdote — Passage of Mr. Clay's Resolutions — The Protest— Its Doctrines— Eloquent Debates in the Senrte — Mr. Leigh— Interesting Incident — The Proteit Excluded from the Journal— Unremitted exertions of Mr. Clay— Public Dis- tress — Memorials — Forcible Comparison — The Panic Session — Anecdote— Mr. Clay's Departure for Kentucky— Serious Ac- cident. For the last twelve years the country has been kept in a fever of perpetual excitement, or in a siate of alternate paralysis and convulsion, by the agita- tion of the Currency question. General Jackson found us in 1829 in a condition of general prosperity. The Government was administered with Republican economy. The Legislature, the Judiciary and the Executive, every one wielding its constitutional powers, moved on harmoniously in their respective spheres; and the result was a system that secured the happiness of the people and challenged the ad- miration of the civilized world. Commerce, agricul- ture, manufactures and the mechanic arts flourished ; lending mutual aid, and enjoying a common pros- perity, fostered by the Government and diffusing blessings among the community. The banking sy s- tem was sound throughout the States. Ourcurren- cy was uniform in value, and the local banks were compelled to restrict their issues to their ability of redemption in specie. There was no wild specula- tion. Industrious enterprise was the only source of fortune. Labor was amply employed, abundantly compensated, and safe in the enjoyment of its wages. The habits of the people were simple and democrat- ic. Our foreign credit was without a stain, and the whole machinery of Government, trade and curren- cy, had been brought to a state approaching the ut- most limit to be attained by human ingenuity and human wisdom. In 1830, Gen. Jackson commenced his " humbls efforts" for improving our condition. He advised, in his message of that year, the establishment of a Treasury Bank, with the view, among other things, of " strengthening the States," by leaving in their hands " the means of furnishing the local paper cur- rency through their own banks." This was hia original plan, and in this message we hear nothing of a better currency, or the substitution of the pre- cious metals for bank paper. In the following year he again brought the subject before Congress, and left it to the " investigation of an enlightened people and their representatives." The investigation took place; and Congress passed a bill for the rechartcr of the United States Bank. This bill was peremp torily vetoed by General Jackson, who condemned it as premature, and modestly remarked in regard to a Bank, " Had the Executive been called upon to tion in the Senate— that it made a political martyr j furnish the project of such an institution, the duty of a wily and intriguing antagonist, and commended | would have been cheerfully performed." The Veto Power — Removal of the Deposits. 55 Mr. Clay was one of the foremost in denouncing „ie extraordinary doctrines of this Veto Message. On the 12th of July, 1832, he addressed the Senate upon the subject. We have already given an ex- position of his views upon the question of a Bank. They are too well known to the Country to require reiteration in this place. They have been frankly avowed on all fitting occasions. Touching the Veto power, that monarchical feature in our Constitution, his opinions were such as might have been expected from the leader of the Democratic Party of 1815. He considered it irreconcilable with the genius of a Rep- resentative Government; and cited »he Constitution of Kentucky, by which, if after the rejection of a bill by the Governor, it shall be passed by a majority of all the members elected to both Houses, it becomes a law notwithstanding the Governor's objection. The abuses to which this power has been sub- jected under the Administrations of Jackson and Tyler, call loudly for an amendment of the Federal Constitution. The veto of a single magistrate on a bill passed by a numerous body of popular Repre- sentatives, immediately expressing the opinion of all classes of the community, and all sections of the country, indicates obviously an enormous preroga- tive. It must so strike every one who has ever rea- soned on Government. When the People of Paris called upon Mirabeau to save them from the grant of such a power, telling him that, if granted, all was lost, they spoke a sentiment that is as universal as the sense and spirit of Liberty. When we reflect that no King of" England has dared to exercise this power since the year 1692, we cannot but feel that there must have been good reason in the jealousy of the People, and in the apprehension of the Crown. Mr. Burke, in his celebrated letter to the Sheriff of Bristol, observes, in reference to the exercise of this power by the King, that it is " wisely forborne. Its ' repose may be the preservation of its existence, ' and its existence may be the means of saving the ' Constitution itself, on an occasion worthy of ' bringing it forth.'" So high a power was it con- sidered by Mr. Jefferson, that he was at one time decidedly in favor of associating the Judiciary with the Executive in its exercise. It is in this light that the. Veto power should be considered — as a most serious and sacred one, to be exercised only on emergencies worthy to call it forth. On all questions of mere opinion, mere ex- pediency, the Representatives of the People are the best, as they are the legitimate judges. The monstrous doctrine had been advanced by General Jackson, in his Veto Message, that every public officer may interpret the Constitution as he pleases. On this point Mr. Clay said, with great cogency : — " I conceive, with great deference, that ' the President has mistaken the purport of the oath ' to support the Constitution of the United States. ' No one swears to support it as he understands it, ' but to support it simply as it is in truth. All men ' are bound to obey the laws, of which the Con- ' stitution is the supreme ; but must they obey them 1 as they are, or as they understand them ? If the ' obligation of obedience is limited and controlled ' by the measure of information ; in other words, if ' the party is bound to obey the Constitution only 1 08 l'# urr'erstiDds 't what would be the conse- 'quence? There would be general disorder and 'confusion throughout every branch of Adminis- 1 tration, from the highest to the lowest officers — ' universal Nullification." During the Session of 1832-3, General Jackson declared that the Public Deposits were not safe in the vaults of the United States Bank, and called upon Congress to look into the subject and to augment what he then considered the " limited powers " of the Secretary of the Treasury over the Public Money. Congress made the desired inves- tigation, and the House of Representatives, by a vote of 109 to 46, declared the Deposits to be per- fectly safe. Resolved on gratifying his feelings of personal animosity toward the friends of the Bank, General Jackson did not allow this explicit declara- tion on the part of the immediate Agents of the People to shake his despotic purpose. During the Autumn of 1833, he resolved upon that most arbi- trary of arbitrary measures, the removal of the Deposits. The Cabinet Council, to whom he originally proposed this measure, are said to have disapproved of it in the most decided terms. Mr. McLane, the Secretary of the Treasury, refused to lend to it his assistance. He was accordingly translated to the office of Secretary of State, made vacant by the appointment of Mr. Livingston to the French Mission; and William J. Duane of Phila- delphia took his place at the Head of the Treasury Department. Mr. Duan?, however, did not turn out to be the pliable tool which the President had ex- pected to find him. On the 20th of September, 1833. it was authoritatively announced to the pub- lic that the Deposits would be removed. The next day Mr. Duane made known to the President his resolution, neither voluntarily to withdraw from his post nor to be made the instrument of illegally removing the Public Treasures. The consequence was, the rude dismission of the independent Secre- tary from office on the 23d of September. Mr. Taney, who had sustained the views of the Presi- dent, was made his successor; and the People's Money was removed from the Depository where the law had placed it, and scattered among irrespon- sible State Institutions under the control of greedy partisans. The Congressional Session of 1833-4, was one of extraordinary interest, in consequence of the dis- cussion of this high-handed measure. In his Message to Congress, the President said : " Since the adjournment of Congress, the Secretary ' of the Treasury has directed the Money of the ' United States to be deposited in certain State ' Banks designated by him ; and he will imme- ' diately lay before you his reasons for this direc- ' tion. I concur with him entirely in the view he ' has taken of the subject ; and, some months before : the removal, I urged upon the Department the pro- ' priety of taking the step." The ' reasons ' adduced by Mr. Taney for lending his aid to the seizure of the Public Money, were such as might have been ex- pected from an adroit lawyer. However satisfac- tory they might have been to General Jackson and his party, they were utterly insufficient to justify the act in the eyes of dispassionate and clear-minded men. Mr. Taney undertook to sustain his position by a precedent w' v.h he assumed to find in a letter addressed by Mr. Crawford, when Sep retary of Jj» 56 Life of Henry Clay Treasury, to the President of the Mechanics' Bank of New-York. On the 19th of December, Mr. Clay introduced Resolutions into the Senate calling upon Mr. Taney for a copy of the letter, an extract from which he had cited in his Report. In his remarks upon the occasion of presenting these Resolutions, Mr. Clay made some observa- tions in regard to his own personal relations toward the Bank. An individual high in office had allowed himself to assert that a dishonorable connection had subsisted between him (Mr. C.) and that Institution. Mr. Clay said that when the Chaiter, then existing, was granted, he voted for it ; and, having done so, he did not feel himself at liberty to subscribe, and he did not subscribe for a single share in the Stock of the Bank, although he confidently anticipated a great rise in its value. A few years afterward, during the Presidency of Mr. Jones, it was thought by some of his friends at Philadelphia, expedient to make him (Mr. C.) a Director of the Bank of the United States; and he was made a Director, without any consultation with him. For that pur- pose, five shares were purchased for him by a friend, for which he (Mr. C.) afterward paid. When he ceased to be a Director, a short time sub- sequently, he disposed of those shares; since which time he has never been proprietor of a single share. When Mr. Cheves was appointed President of the Bank, its affairs in the States of Kentucky and Ohio were in great disorder; and Mr. Clay's professional services were engaged during several years for the Bank in those States. He brought a vast number of suits, and transacted a great amount of profes- sional business for the Bank. Among other suits, was one for the recovery of $100,000, seized under the authority of a law of Ohio, which he carried through the Inferior and Supreme Courts. He was paid by the Bank the usual compensation for these services and no more. No professional fees were ever more honestly and fairly earned. For upwards of eight years past, however, he had not been the counsel (or the Bank. He did not owe the Bank, or any of its Branches, a solitary cent. Some twelve or fifteen years before, owing to the failure of a friend, a large amount of debt had been thrown upon Mr. Clay, as his endorser ; and it was principally due to the Bank of the United States. Mr. Clay commenced a system of rigid economy— established for himself a sinking fund — worked hard, and paid off the debt without receiving from the Bank the slightest favor. The resolutions of Mr. Clay, calling upon the Secretary of the Treasury for a copy of the letter, said to have been written by Mr. Crawford, passed the Senate ; and on the 13th of December, a com- munication was received from Mr. Taney, the char- acter of which was evasive and unsatisfactory. The Senate had asked for documents, and he gave them arguments. In reference to Mr. Crawford's opinions, Mr. Clay said, that although there was plausibility in the construction, which the Secretary had givtn to them, yet he, (Mr. Clay) would undertake to show that the opinions ascribed to Mr. Crawford in reference to the Bank Charter, were never asserted by him. On the 2Gth of December, 1833, Mr. Clay laid the following resolutions before the Senate : 1 1. Resolved, That, by dismissing the late Sec- retary of the Treasury, because he would not, con- trary to his sense of his own duty, remove ihe mo- ney of the United States in deposit with the Bank of the United States and Branches, in conformity with the President's opinion; and by appointing his suc- cessor to effect such removal, which has been done, the President has assumed the exercise of a power over the Treasury of the United States, not granted by the Constitution and Laws, and dangerous to ih« liberties of the people. " 2. Resolved, That the reasons assigned by the Secretary of the Treasury, for the removal of the money of the United States from the United States Bank and its Branches, communicated to Congress on the 3d day of December, 1833, are unsatisfactory and insufficient." Mr. Clay's speech in support of the resolutions was delivered partly on the 26th and partly on the 30th of December ; and it is one of the most mas- terly efforts of eloquence ever heard within the walls of the Capitol. In force and amplitude of argu- ment, variety and appropriateness of illustratioM, and energy of diction, it is equalled by few oratori- cal productions in the English language. During its delivery, the Lower House was almost deserted ; and the galleries of the Senate Chamber were filled by a mutely attentive audience, whose enthusiasm occasionally broke forth in unparliamentary bursts of applause — a demonstration, which is rarely eli- cited except when the feelings are aroused to an ex- traordinary degree. In his exordium, Mr. Clay briefly glanced at some of the principal usurpations and abuses of die Ad- ministration : "We are," said he, "in the midst of a revolution, hitherto bloodless, but rapidly tending towards a total change of the pure Republican character of the Government, and to the concentration of all power in the hands of one man. The powers of Congress are paralyzed, except when exerted in conformity with his will, by a frequent and extraordinary exer- cise of the Executive Veto, not anticipated by the founders of the Constitution, and not practised by any of the predecessors of the present Chief Magis- trate. And, to cramp them still more, a new expe- dient is springing into use, of withholding altogeiher bills which have received the sanction of both Houses of Congress, thereby cutting off all oppor- tunity of passing them, even if, after their return, the members should be unanimous in their favor. The Constitutional participation of the f-enate in the ap- pointing power is virtually abolished by the con- stant use of the power of removal from office, with- out any known cause, and by the appointment of the same individual to the same office, after his re- jection by the Senate. How often have we, Sena- tors, felt that the check of the Senate, instead of be- ing, as the Constitution intended, a salutary control, was an idle ceremony ? #*# **#* " The Judiciary has not been exempted from the prevailing rage for innovation. Decisions of the tribunals deliberately pronounced have been con- temptuously disregarded, and the sanctity of numer- ous Treaties openly violated. Our Indian relations, coeval with the existence of the Government, and recognized and established by numerous laws and treaties, have been subverted ; the rights of the helpless and unfortunate aborigines trampled in the dust, and they brought under subjection to un- known laws, in which they have no voice, pro- mulgated in an an unknown language. The most extensive and most valuable Public Domain, that ever fell to the lot of one Nation, is threatened with a total sacrifice. The general currency of the country — the life-blood of all its business — is in the most imminent danger of universal disorder and confusion. The power of Internal Improve- Passage of Mr. Clay's Resolution — The Protest — Mr. Leigh on the Compromise. 57 ment lies crushed beneath the Veto. The system of Protection of American Industry was snatch- ed from impending destruction at the last session ; but we are now cooliy told by the Secretary of the Treasury, without a blush, 'that it is under- stood to be conceded on all hands, that a Tariff for Protection merely is to be finally abandoned.' By the 3d of March, 1837, rf the progress of innovation continue, there will be scarcely a vestige remaining of the Government and its policy, as it existed prior to the 3d of March, 1829." In the paper read to his Cabinet on the 18th of September, 1833, and afterwards published in the newspapers, but which he refused to communicate to the Senate, when called upon by them so to do, Pre- sident Jackson is made to employ terms of blandish- ment toward his new Secretary of the Treasury, as if to gild the shackles of dictation imposed by Exe- cutive power in regard to the removal of the de- posits. He says, he trust3 that the Secretary will see in his remarks, " only the frank and respectful ' declarations of the opinions which the President • has formed on a measure of great National interest, • deeply affecting the character and usefulness of • his Administration, and not a spirit of dictation, 'which the President would be as careful to avoid, ' as ready to resist." Mr. Clay very happily illustrates the hypocrisy of this deferential language. " Sir, it reminds me of an historical anecdote related of one of the most remarkable characters which our species has ever produced. While Oliver Cromwell was contending for the mastery of Great Britain or Ireland, (I do not now remember which,) he besieged a certain Catholic town. The place made a stout resistance; but at length the town being likely to be taken, the poor Catholics proposed terms of capitulation, stipulating therein for the toleration of their reli- gion. The paper containing the terms was brought to Oliver, who, putting on his spectacles to read it, cried out : ' Oh, granted, granted ! certainly ! He, however, added — ' but if one of them shall dare be found attending Mass, he shall be hanged !' — (under which section is not mentioned — whether under a second, or any other section, of any particular law, we are not told.") After proving what is now notorious to the whole country, that the Removal of the Deposits was the act of General Jackson and of him alone, and that the Secretary of the Treasury was merely the cat's- paw in the accomplishment of the seizure, Mr. Clay proceeded to show that it was in violation of the Constitution and laws of the United States. His argument on this point is faithful and conclusive. We regret that our limited space prevents us from quoting freely from this interesting speech. It con- tains a succinct history of all the financial exploits of General Jackson and his subservient Secretary up to the period of its delivery ; and is as valuable for its documentary facts as it is interesting for the vigor and animation of its style, and the impregna- bility of its arguments. The resolution declaring the insufficiency of the reasons assigned by the Secretary of the Treasury for the Removal of the Deposits, having been refer- red to the Committee on Finance, at the head of which was Mr. Webster, was reported with a recom- mendation that it be adopted. The question upon the resolution was not taken till the 28th of March, when it was passed by the Senate, 28 to 18. At the instance of some of his friends, Mr. Clay then modi- fied his other resolution, so as to read as follows: " Resolved, That the President, in the late execu- tive proceedings in relation to the Public Revenue, has assumed upon himself authority and power not conferred by the Constitution and Laws, but in dero- gation of both." The resolution was adopted by the following vote : Yeas— Messrs. Bibb, Black, Calhoun, Clay, Clay- ton, Ewing, Frelinghuysen, Kent, Knight, Leigh, Mangum, Naudain, Poindexter, Porter, Prentiss, Preston, Robbins, Silsbee, Smith, Southard, Sprague, Swift, Tomlinson, Tyler, Waggaman, Webster— 26. Nays— Messrs. Benton, Brown, Forsyth, Grundy, Hendricks, Hill, Kane, King of Alabama, King o Georgia, Linn, McKean, Moore, Morris, Robinson, Shepley, Tallmadge, Tipton, White, Wilkins, Wright— 20. The passage of Mr. Clay's resolution drew forth from the President the celebrated Protest, which wag communicated to the Senate the 17th of April, 1833. This document was of a most novel and unprecedent- ed character, and gave rise to debates, which will always be memorable in our legislative annals. The assumptions of the President were truly of a kind to excite alarm among the friends of our Republican system. In this extraordinary paper he maintains, that he is responsible for the acts of every Executive officer, and that all the powers given by law are vested in him as the head and fountain of all. He alludes to the Secretary of the Treasury as his Sec- retary, and says that Congress cannot take from the Executive the control of the Public Money. His doctrine is, that the President should, under his oath of office, sustain the Constitution as he understands it; not as the Judiciary may expound, or Congress declare it. From these principles, he infers that all subordinate officers are merely the executors of his supreme will, and that he has the right to discharge them whenever he may please. These monstrous and despotic assumptions, tran- scending as they do the prerogatives claimed by most of the monarchs of Europe, afforded a theme for elo- quent discussion, which was not neglected by the opposition, who then constituted the majority in the Senate. Mr. Poindexter, of Mississippi protested against the reception of such a paper from the Pres- ident ; and moved that it be not received. Mr. Sprague, of Maine, exposed its fallacies, and de- nounced its doctrines in spirited and indignant terms. The Senators from New-Jersey, Messrs. Freling- huysen and Southard, expressed their astonishment and indignation in strong and decided language. Mr. Benton, "solitary and alone," stood forth as the champion of the President and the Protest. The next day (April 18tb) the consideration of Mr. Poindexter's motion was resumed; and Mr. Leigh, of Virginia, addressed the Senate for about two hours in a speech of rare ability. Toward its conclusion an unusual incident occurred. Mr. King, of Ala- bama, had claimed for the President the merit of ad- justing the Tariff question. He might, with quite as much truth, have claimed for him the merit of wri- ting the Declaration of Independence. Mr. Leigh, in reply to this assumption, spoke as follows : " Sir, I cannot but remember, that during the anx- ious winter of 1832-3, when South Carolina, under a deep sense of injustice and oppression, (whether 58 Life of Henry Clay. well or ill founded, it is immaterial now to inquire,) was exerting her utmost efforts (no matter now whether wisely or not) to bring about a relaxation of the system— when all men were trembling under the apprehension of Civil War— trembling from the con- viction, that if such a contest should arise, let it ter- minate how it might, it would put our present insti- tutions in jeopardy, and end either in Consolida- tion or Disunion— for, I am persuaded, that the first drop of blood which shall be shed in a civil strife between the Federal Government and any Stale, will flow from an immedicable wound, that none may hope ever to see healed — I cannot but re- member that the President, though wielding such vast power and influence, never contributed the least aid to bring about the compromise that saved us from the evils which all men, I believe, and I certainly, so much dreaded. The men are not pre- sent to whom we are chiefly indebted for that com- promise ; and I am glad they are absent, since it enables me to speak of their conduct as I feel, with- out restraint from a sense of delicacy — 1 raise my humble voice in gratitude for that service to Henry Clay of the Senate, and Robert P. Letcher of the House of Representatives " Here Mr. Leigh was interrupted by loud and pro- longed plaudits in the gallery. The Vice President suspended the discussion, and ordered the galleries to be cleared. While the Sergeant-at-Arms was in the act of fulfilling this order, the applause was re- peated. Mr. Benton moved that the persons ap- plauding should be taken into custody ; but before the motion could be considered, the galleries were vacated and order was restored. On the 21st of April, another message was receiv- ed from the President, being a sort of codicil to the Protest, in which he undertook to explain certain passages, which he feared had been misapprehended. Mr. Poindexter withdrew his original motion, and substituted four resolutions, in which it was embod- ied. These resolutions were modified by Mr. Clay, and an amendment suggested by Mr. Calhoun was adopted. Messrs. Clayton, Webster. Preston, Ew- i»g, Mangum, and others, addressed the Senate elo- quently on various occasions upon the subject of the Protest; and, on the 30th of April, Mr. Clay, the resolution of Mr. Poindexter still pending, made his well-known speech. Although the subject seemed to have been exhausted by the accomplished speakers who had preceded him, it was at once re- invested with the charms of novelty in his hands. The speech contains the most complete and faithful picture of Jacksonism ever presented to the country. The Resolutions of Mr. Poindexter passed the Se- nate, by a vote of 27 to 16. on the seventh of May. They exclude the Protest from the Journals, and declare that the President of the United States has no right to send a Protest to the Senate against any of its proceedings. On the twenty-eighth of May, 1834, Mr. Clny in- troduced two joint Resolutions, reasserting what had been already declared by Resolutions of the Se- nate, that the reasons assigned by the Secretary of the Treasury to Congress, for the Removal of the Public Deposits, were insufficient and unsatisfac- tory ; and providing that, from and after the first day ol July ensuing, all Deposits which might accrue from the Public Revenue, subsequent to that period, should he placed in the Bank of the United States and itd Branches, pursuant to the lGth section of the Act to Incorporate the Subscribers to the United States Bank. In presenting these Resolutions, Mr. Clay re- marked that, whatever might be their fate at the other end of the Capitol or in another building, that consideration ought to have no iufluence on the course of the Senate. The Resolutions were adopt- ed and sent to the House, where they were laid up- on the table, and, as was anticipated, never acted upon. The labors of Mr. Clay during the celebrated ses- sion of 1833-4, appear to have been arduous and in- cessant. On every important question that came before the Senate, he spoke, showing himself the ever-vigilant and active opponent of Executive usur- pation. Immediately after the withdrawal of the Public Money from the United States Bank, and before the " Pet Banks," to which the treasure had been transferred, had created an unhealthy plethora in the Currency by their consequent expansions, the distress among the People began to manifest itself in numerous memorials to Congress, protesting against the President's financial experiments, and calling for relief. Many of these memorials were communicated to the Senate through Mr. Clay, and he generally accompanied their presentation with a brief but pertinent speech. His remarks on present- ing a memorial from Kentucky, on the twenty-sixth of February, 1834— and from Troy, the fourteenth of April— are. eloquent expositions of the financial con- dition of the country at those periods. In his speech of the fifth of February, on a motion to print addi- tional copies of the Report of the Committee on Fi- nance, to whom had been referred the Report of the Secretary of the Treasury in regard to the Removal of the Deposits, we find the following just and forci- ble image : " The idea of uniting thirt} or forty local Barrks for the establishment and security of an equal Cur- rency could never be realized. As well might the crew of a national vessel be put on board thirty or forty bark canoes, tied together by a grape-vine, and sent out upon the troubled ocean, while the billows were rising mountain-high, and the tempest was ex- hausting its rage on the foaming element, in the hope that they might weather the siorm, and reach their distant destination in safety. The People would be contented with no such fleet of bark canoes, with Admiral Taney in their command. Thev would be heard again calling out for Old Ironsides," which had never failed them in the hour of trial, whether amidst the ocean's storm, or in the hour of battle." This session, generally known as the " Panic Ses- sion," was one of the most remarkable that have ever occurred in the progress of our Government. Never was there collected in the Senate a greater amount of eminent ability. For weeks together tho Whigs poured forth a torrent of eloquent denuncia- tions, in every form, against thut high-handed mea- sure, the Removal of the Deposits. This was most generally done on the occasion of presenting peti- tions or memorials from the People against it. (Jo into the Senate Chamber any morning durinar this interesting period, and you would find some Whig on his feet, expatiating on the pernicious consequen- ces of that most disastrous proceeding. It was ihen that they predicted the evil effects of it, since so fa- tally and exactly realized. Mr. Clay was among the most aclive and eloquent of these distinguished champions of the People. No one exhibited so great a variety of weapons of attack upon the Administration, or so consummate a skill Appeal to the Vice President — Anecdotes. 59 in the use of them. Early in March, 1834, a Com- mittee from Philadelphia arrived in Washington with a memorial from a large body of Mechanics, de piciing the state of prostration and distress produced among all the laboring classes, by the high-handed and pernicious measures of the Administration. In presenting this memorial, Mr. Clay took occasion to deviate somewhat from the beaten track of debate. He made a direct appeal to the Vice President, Mr. Van Buren, charging him with the delivery of a message to the Executive. After glancing at the gloomy condition of the country, he remarked that it was in the power of the Chief Magistrate to adopt a measure which, in twenty four hours, would afford an efficacious and substantial remedy, and reestab- lish confidence ; and those who, in that Chamber, supported the Administration, could not render a better service than to repair to the Executive Man- sion, and, placing before the Chief Magistrate the naked and undisguised truth, prevail upon him to retrace his steps and abandon his fatal experiment. " No one, Sir," continued Mr. Clay, turning to the Vice President, " can perforin that duty with ' more propriety than yourself. You can, if you ' will, induce him to change his course. To you, ' then, Sir, in no unfriendly spirit, but with feelings ' softened and subdued by the deep distress which ' pervades every class of our countrymen, I make ' the appeal. By your official and personal rela- ' tions with the President, you maintain with him 'an intercourse which I neither enjoy nor covet. ' Go to him and tell him without exaggeration, but ' in the language of truth and sincerity, the actual 1 condition of his bleeding Country. Tell him it is ' nearly ruined and undone by the measures which 'he has been induced to put in operation. Tell ' him that his experiment is operating on the Nation ' like the philosopher's experiment upon a convulsed « animal in an exhausted receiver; and that it must 'expire in agony if he does not pause, give it fresh ' and sound circulation, and suffer the energies of ' the People to be revived and restored. Tell him ' that in a single city more than sixty bankruptcies, ' involving a loss of more than fifteen millions of 'dollars, have occurred. Depict to him, if you ' can find language for the task, the heart-rending ■ wretchedness of thousands of the Working Classes. ' Tell him how much more true glory is to be won • by retracing false steps than by blindly rushing on ' until the country is overwhelmed in bankruptcy ' and ruin. Entreat him to pause." In this strain Mr. Clay proceeded for nearly twenty minutes. Nothing could be more eloquent, touch ing and unanswerable than the appeal, although, of course, it failed of effect. " Well, Mr. Van Buren, did you deliver the message I charged you with?" asked Mr. Clay, as he met the Vice President in the Senate Chamber the next morning before the day's session had commenced. The reply of Mr. Van Buren is not recorded. That gentleman, however, was never celebrated for his powers of repartee. During the period of his Vice Presidency, Mr. Clay dined with him on one occasion in company with the Judges of the United States Court, the Heads of Departments, and others. Conversation at dinner glanced at the fact that Tory Ministers, both in England and in France, were more disposed than Whig Ministers to do justice to the United States, and deal liberally with them in all international negotiations. All the parties present agreed as to the fact ; and turning suddenly to Mr. Van Buren, Mr. Clay said :— " If you will permit me, I will propose a toast." " With great pleasure," returned the Vice President. " I propose," said Mr. Clay, " Tory Ministers in England and France, and a Whig Ministry in the United Stales." The toast was drunk with great cordiality by the company, Mr. Van Buren affecting to laugh, but blushing at the same time up to the eyes, and evi- dently nonplussed for a retort. The message addressed by Mr. Clay to the Vice President recalls to mind another, which he re- quested the late Mr. Grundy to deliver to President Jackson. It was the last of February, 1833, when the Land Bill was pending. " Tell General Jack- son," said Mr. Clay, " that if he will sign that bill I will pledge myself to retire from Congress and never enter public life again." Mr. Grundy, who was an amiable and remarkably good-natured person, said : " No, I ca n't deliver that message ; for we may have use for you hereafter." This was, it will be remem- bered, at the session when the Compromise passed. The First Session of the Twenty-Third Congress terminated the 30th of June, 1834, and Mr. Clay, after his prolonged and laborious exertions in behalf of the Constitution and the Laws, set out immediately on his journey home. As the stage-coach, in which he was proceeding from Charlestown toward Winchester in Virginia, was descending a hill, it was overturned, and a worthy young gentleman, Mr. Humrickhouse, son of the Contractor, was instantly killed by being crushed by the vehicle. He was seated by the side of the driver. Mr. Clay was slightly injured. The acci- dent happened in consequence of a defect in the breast-chain, which gave way. On his arrival aj Winchester, Mr. Clay was invited to a Public Din- ner, which he declined, as well on account of his desire to reach home, as because of this melancholy accident, which disqualified him for immediate en- joyment at the festive board. CHAPTER XIV. Our Claims on France— Hostile tone of General Jackson's Mes snge of 1834— Recommends Reprisals— Mr. Clay s Report on the subject— Discussion— Unanimous adoption of his Resolu- tion— Effect of the Message— Speech on presenting the Chero- kee Memorial— Executive Patronage— The Cumberland Road. The most important question which came before Congress at its Second Session, in 1834-5, was that of our Relations with France. The claims of our citizens upon that Government for aggressions upon our Commerce between the years 1800 and 1817 had been repeatedly admitted; but no decided steps toward a settlement had been taken until the 4th of July, 1831, when a Treaty was ratified, by which it was agreed, on the part of the Frencn, that the sum of twenty-five millions of francs should be paid to the United States as an indemnity. By the terms of the Treaty, the first instalment was to be paid at the expiration of one year after the exchange of the ratifications. The French Government having failed in the per- formance of this stipulation— the draft of the United States for the first instalment having been dishonored by the Minister of Finance— President Jackson, in 60 Life of Henry Clay, his Message of December, 1834, to Congress, recom- mended that, in case provision should not be made for the payment of the debt at the approaching Ses- sion of the French Chambers, a law should be passed authorizing reprisals upon French property. This was a step not to be precipitately taken ; and, to insure its patriotic, dispassionate and statesman- like consideration, the Senate placed Mr. Clay at the head of the Committee on Foreign Relations, to which Committee that part of the President's Mes- sage relating to our affairs with France was referred. On the 6th of January, 1835, Mr. Clay made his celebrated Report to the Senate. It was read by him from his seat, its reading occupying an hour and a half; the Senate Chamber being thronged during its delivery by Members of the House, and the galleries filled to overflowing. The ability dis- played in this extraordinary document, the firmness and moderation of its tone, the perspicuous arrange- ment of facts which it presents, the lucidity and strength of its style, and the inevitable weight of its conclusions called forth the admiration and concur- rence of all parties. It would seem to have been, under Providence, the means of averting a war with France. In the preparation of it, Mr. Clay had a difficult and delicate task to perform ; and it was accomplished with great ingenuity and success. Not a word that could lower the national tone and spirit was indulged in. He eloquently maintained that the right lay on our side, but admitted that the French King had not been so far in the wrong that all hopes of the execution of the Treaty were ex- tinct, nor did he consider that hostile measures were yet justifiable. This temperate, judicious, firm and statesman-like language, while it removed all cause of offence on the part of the French, imparted new renown to our own Diplomacy. While it was all that the most chivalrous champions of their Country's honor could ask, it breathed a spirit which called forth the full approbation of the friends of peace. As soon as Mr. Clay had finished the reading of his Report, a discussion arose in the Senate as to the number which should be printed. Mr. Poindex- ter moved the printing of twenty thousand extra co- pies. Mr. Clay thought that number too large, and suggested five thousand. Mr. Calhoun said he should vote fur the largest number proposed. He had heard the report read with the greatest pleasure. It con- tained the whole grounds which ought to be laid be- fore the people. Of all calamities that could befall the country, he most deplored a French War at that time. Under these considerations he should vote for twenty-thousand copies. Mr. Ewing and Mr. Porter would vote for the lar- gest number, and the latter would have preferred thirty or forty thousand. Mr. Preston said he was strongly impressed by the views taken ly the Committee, and considered them sufficient to satisfy the people that we could honor- ably and justly avoid w;tr with France. Concur- ring in the sentiments of the Committee, and enter- taining a profound respect for the wisdom exhibited in the Report, he was anxious that the document should be spread through the coui.try as widely as possible. The Senate finally ordered twenty thousand co- pies of this admirable repoit to be piinted, audit v as soon scattered to the remotest corners of the Union. Its effect in reviving the confidence and allaying the fears of our mercantile community must be fresh in the remembrance of many. The rates of Insurance were at once diminished, and Commerce spread her white wings to the gale, and swept the ocean once more unchecked by the liabilities of a hostile en- counter. The depression in business produced bv the President's belligerent recommendation was at once removed. The Report showed conclusively that the Presi- dent's recommendation in regard to reprisals was premature, and unauthorized by the circumstances of the case ; and that there had been a constant man- ifestation on the part of the Executive branch of the French Government of a disposition to carry the Treaty of indemnification into effect. The Commit- tee expressed their agreement with the President, that the fulfilment of the Treaty should be insisted upon at all hazards ; but they considered that a rash and precipitate course on our part should be sedu- ously avoided. They would not anticipate the pos- sibility of a final breach by France of her solemn engagements. They limited themselves to a con- sideration of the posture of things as they then ex- isted. At the same time, they observed that it could not be doubted that the United States were abund- antly able to sustain themselves in any vicissitude to which they might be exposed. The patriotism of the people had been, hitherto, equal to all emergen- cies, and if their courage and constancy, when they were young and comparatively weak, bore them safely through all past struggles, the hope might be confidently entertained now, when their numbers, their strength and their resources were greatly in- creased, that they would, whenever the occasion might arise, triumphantly maintain the honor, the rights and the interests of their country. The Com- mittee concluded by recommending to the Senate the adoption of the following resolution : " Resolved, That it is inexpedient at this time to pass any law vesting in ihe President authority for making reprisals upon French properly, in the con- tingency of provision not being made for paying to the United States the indemnity stipulated by the Treaty of 1831, during the present session of the French Chambers." On the 14lh of January, Mr. Clay, pursuant to previous notice, called for the consideration of the Report of the Committee on Foreign Relations, at*d its accompanying Resolution. It being expected that he would address the Senate, a large audience was in attendance, and, as soon as he was up, the other House was without a quorum. The question being upon agreeing to the resolution as reported, he spoke for nearly an hour, and his remarks were in the same moderate, magnanimous and truly Ameri- can strain, which characterized his Report. Mr. Kins, of Georgia, one of the Administration Members of the Committee on Foreign Relaiiona, after bearing the strongest testimony to the candid and temperate character of Mr. Clay's Report, mo- ved to give the Resolution such a modification as, without changing its substance, would obtain for it a unanimous vote. Mr. Clay accepted in part Mr. King's amendment, and also one that was offered by Air. Webster; and the following resolution was at length unanimously passed by the Senate. •• Revolved, That it is inexpedient at present to Speech in behalf of the Cherokees—On the Abatement of Executive Patronage. 61 adopt any legislative measure in regard to the state of affairs between the United Slates and France." The unanimous passage of this resolution, was a result as gratifying as it was unexpected ; and its eftect upon the French Chambers, in neutralizing the harsh language of the President, and hastening the execution of the Treaty was most auspicious. The praises of Congress and of the country, were liberally awarded to Mr. Clay for his judicious and conclusive Report in behalf of a pacific course. The effect of the President's Message recommend- ing reprisals and conveying an imputation upon the good faith of Louis Phillippe, was such as might have been anticipated. The French King was just- ly offended. The French Minister was at once re- called from Washington, and a Chnrgd. des Affaires substituted. Passports were tendered to our Minis- ter at Paris. In consequence of these developments, Mr. Clay, on the last day of the Session, made an- other and a briefer Report from the Committee on Foreign Relations, in which the committee expressed the opinion, that the Senate ought to adhere to the Resolution, adopted the 14th of January, to await the result of another appeal to the French Chambers ; and, in the mean time, to intimate no ulterior pur- pose, but to hold itself in reserve for whatever exi- gencies might arise. The Senate concurred in the advice of the Committee, who were then discharged from the further consideration ot the subject. On the 4th of February, 1335, Mr. Clay made a brilliant and impressive speech in the Senate upon the subject of a memorial, which he presented from certain Indians of the Cherokee tribe. The memo- rial set forth in eloquent and becoming terms the condition of the tribe, their grievances and their wants. It seemed, that of the remnant of this peo- ple then in Georgia, one portion were desirous of being aided to remove beyond the Mississippi, and the other wished to remain where they were, and to be removed from the rigid restrictions which the State of Georgia had imposed upon them. In his remarks, Mr. Clay eloquently alluded to the solemn treaties by which the possession of their lands had been se- cured to these Indians by our Government. The faith of the United States had been pledged that they should continue unmolested in the enjoyment of their hunting-grounds. In defiance of these sacred stip- ulations, Georgia had claimed jurisdiction over the tribe — had parceled out their lands and disposed of them by lottery — degraded the Cherokees to the condition of serfs — denied them all the privileges of freedom, and rendered their condition infinitely worse than that of the African felave. It was the interest as well as the pride of the master to provide for the health and comfort of his slave; but what human being was there to care for these unfortunate Indians ? As Mr. Clay warmed in his remarks, and dwelt, more in sorrow than in anger, upon the wrongs and outrages perpetrated in Georgia upon the unoffend- ing aborigines within her borders, many of his hear- ers were affected to tears, and he himself was obvi- ously deeply moved. The occasion was rendered still more interesting by the presence of a Cherokee Chief and a female of the tribe, who seemed to listen to the orator with a painfully eager attention. In conclusion, Mr. Clay submitted a resolution direct- ing the Committee on the Judiciary to inquire into the expediency of making farther provision by law to enable Indian Tribes, to whom lands had been secured by treaty, to defend and maintain their rights to such lands in the Courts of the United States ; also, a resolution directing the Committee on Indian Affairs to inquire into the expediency of setting apart a district of country, west of the Mississippi, for such of the Cherokee Nation as were disposed to emigrate, and forsecuring in perpetuity their peace- ful enjoyment thereof to themselves and their de- scendants. The oppressed Aboriginal Tribes have always found in Mr. Clay a friend and a champion. Al- though coming from a State which, in consequence of the numerous Indian massacres of which it haa been the theatre, has received the appellation of " the dark and bloody ground," he has never suffer- ed any unphilosophical prejudice against the unfor- tunate Red Men to blind his sense of justice or check the promptings of humanity. He has constantly been among the most active vindicators oftheir cause — the most efficient advocates of a liberal policy towards them. To General Jackson's administration we are in- debted for the system which makes the offices of the Federal Government the rewards of political parti- sanship, and proscribes all incumbents who may en- tertain opinions at variance with those of the Execu- tive. The Government of the United States dispo- ses of an annual patronage of nearly forty millions of dollars. By the corrupt use of this immense fund, the Jackson dynasty sustained and perpetuated it- self in spite of the People. Here was the secret of its strength. Commit what violence, outrage what principle, assail what interests he might, President Jackson threw himself back upon his patronage and found protection. The patronage of the Press, the patrortage of the Post Office, the patronage of the Custom House, with its salaries, commissions and fees — the patronage of the Land Office, with its op- portunities of successful speculation — these formed the stronghold and citadel of corrupt power. On the eighteenth of February, 1835, Mr. Clay addressed the Senate in support of the bill for the Abatement of Executive Patronage. His speech contains a striking exposition of the evils resulting from the selfish and despotic exercise, on the part of the Chief Magistrate, of the appointing and removing power; and is pervaded by that truly democratic spirit which has characterized all the public acts of the author. A bill making an appropriation for the Cumber- land Road was discussed in the Senate early in Feb- ruary. Mr. Clay spoke in favor of the appropria- tion, but adversely to the policy of surrendering the Road to the States through which it runs. €3 Life of Henry Clay. CHAPTER XV. Settlement of our French Affairs— Mr. Clay's Land Bill— His Speech— Passage of the Bill in the Senate— Abolition Petitions —Mr. Clay vindicates the Right of Petition— The Deposit Banks— Prediction— Independence of Texns— Various questions —Return to Kentucky— Re-elected Senator in 1836— Stute of the Country in 1829 and 1836— A contrast— Administration ma- jority in the Senate— Mr. Calhoun's Land Bill— Opposition of Mr. Clay— Tariff— His two Compromises— The Specie Circu- lar—Its Rescision— Benton's Expunging Resolution— Miscel- laneous. Our affairs with France occupied a considerable portion of President Jackson's Message to the Twenty-Fourth Congress at its first session. Mr. Clay was again placed at the head of the Commit- tee on Foreign Relations ; and on the eleventh of January, 1836, he introduced a resolution to the Se- nate, calling upon the President for information with regard to our affairs with France, and for the com- munication of certain overtures made by the French Government. An additional resolution was pre- sented by him two or three weeks afterward, calling for the communication of the expose which accom- panied the French Bill of Indemnity of the 27th of April, 1835; and also, copies of certain notes which passed between the Due de Broglie and eur Charge, Mr. Barton ; together with those addressed by our Minister, Mr. Livingston, to the French Minister of Foreign Affairs, or to the Secretary of State of the United States. These resolutions were adopted, with amendments. On the eighth of February, 1836, a Message from the President was received, announcing that the Go- vernment of Great Britain had offered its mediation for the adjustment of the dispute between the United States and France. The Message was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs ; and on the twen- ty-second of February, a correspondence between the Secretary of State and Mr. Bankhead, on the subject of British mediation, was submitted. This gave occasion for some remarks from Mr. Clay, who said that he could not withhold the expression of his congratulation to the Senate, for the agency it had in producing the happy termination of our diffi- culties with France. If the Senate had not, by its unanimous vote of last September, declared that it was inexpedient to adopt any legislative action upon the subject of our relations with France; if it had yielded to the recommendations of the Executive in ordering reprisals against that power, it could not be doubted but that war would have existed at that moment in its most serious state. Mr. Clay renewed his exertions in behalf of his Land Bill during this session. On the fourteenth of April, it was taken up in the Senate as the special order, and discussed nearly every day for a period of two weeks, during which he was frequently call- ed upon to defend and explain its provisions. His speech of April 26th is remarkable for the vigor of its arguments and the force of its appeals. Of this ef- fort, the National Intelligencer said : " We thought, « after hearing the able and comprehensive argu- * ments of Messrs. Ewing, Southard and White, in * favor of this beneficent measure, that the subject ' was exhausted , that, at any rate, but little new ' could be urged in its defence. Mr. Clay, however, ' in one of the most luminous and forcible argu- ' ments which we have ever heard him deliver, * placed the subject in new lights, and gave to it new ' claims to favor. The whole train of his reasoning ' appeared to us a series of demonstrations." The Land Bill, essentially the same as that vetoed by General Jackson, passed the Senate the foutth of May, 1836, by a vote of twenty-live to twenty ; and was sent to the House. But the influence of the Executive was too potent here yet to admit of the passage of a measure which, though approved by the majority, was opposed by the President because of its having originated with Mr. Clay. The question of the right of petition came before the Senate early in the session. On the llili of January, Mr. Buchanan presented a memorial from a religious Society of Friends in Pennsylvania, re- questing Congress to abolish Slavery and the Slave Trade in the District of Columbia. He moved that the Memorial should be read, and the prayer of the Memorialists be rejected. Mr. Calhoun demanded that the question should be first taken whether the petition be received or not ; and a debale, which was prolonged at various intervals till the 9th of March sprang up on this preliminary question. Before the question was taken, Mr. Clay briefly explained his views. On the subject of the right of Congress to abolish Slavery in the District, he was inclined to think, and candor required the avowal, that the right did exist; though he should take a future opportunity of expressing his views in opposition to the expe- diency of the exercise of that power. He expressed his disapprobation of the motion to receive and im- mediately reject, made by the Senator from Penn- sylvania (Mr. Buchanan.) He thought that the right of petition required of the servants of the peo- ple to examine, deliberate and decide, either to grant or refuse the prayer of a petition, giving the reasons for such decision; and that such was the best mode of putting an end to the agitation of the public on the subject. The question " shall the petition be received ?" being taken, was decided in the affirmative — yeas, 36 ; nays, 10. Mr. Clay then offered an amendment to Mr. Bu- chanan's motion to reject, in which amendment the principal reason why the prayer of the Memorial- ists could not be granted are succinctly given. The amendment not meeting the views of some of his Southern friends was subsequently withdrawn by Mr. Clay, who maintained, however, that he could not assent that Congress had no Constitutional power to legislate on the prayer of the petition. The subject was at length laid on the table by a vote of twenty-four to twenty; but the friends of the sacred, unqualified right of petition should not for- get that Mr. Clay has ever upheld their cause with with his best energies and his warmest zeal. A report from the Secretary of the Treasury, showing the condition of the Deposit Banks, came before the Senate for consideration the 17th of March, 1836. Mr. Clay forcibly depicted on this occasion the total insecurity of the vast public treasure in the keeping of these Batiks. What was then prophecy became history soon afterwards. "Suppose," said he, " a great deficiency of southern crops, or any ' other crisis creating a necessity for the exportation of ' specie to Europe, instead of the ordinary shipments. ' These Banks would he compelled to call in their ' issues. This would compel other Banks to call in, « in like manner, and a panic and general want of Narrow Escape— State of the Country at the Close of Gen. Jackson's Administration. 63 * confidence would ensue. Then what would become ' of the public money ?" It is unnecessary to point to the fulfilment of these predictions. Soon after the deposits were removed to the Pet Banks, they became the basis of vast land speculations, into which all who could obtain a share of the Govern- ment money, plunjred at once heels over head; Postmasters, Custom-House officers, Navy Agents, Pet Bank Directors, Cashiers and Presidents, Dis- trict Attorneys, Government Printers, Secretaries of State, Postmasters General, Attorneys General, President's Secretaries, and all the innumerable sti- pendiaries of the Administration. It was this wild speculation, fostered and conducted by the facilities of the Deposit Banks, that filled the Treasury with unavailable funds. The experiment terminated, as Mr. Clay prophesied it would terminate, in univer- sal bankruptcy. On the 8th of June, Mr. Clay, from the Commit- tee on Foreign Relations, introduced a report with a resolution, for recognizing the Independence of Texas whenever satisfactory information should be received, that it had a civil Government in success- ful operation. Mr. Preston expressed a hope that the Executive was by that time in possession of such information; as would enable the Senate to adopt stronger measures than that recommended by the Committee; and he submitted a resolution calling on the President for such information. Mr. Clay wished that the resolution might be taken up and acted on; as he would be extremely glad to receive information that would authorize stronger measures in favor of Texas. The report of the Committee was concurred in; and Mr. Preston's resolution adopted. The result of the call upon the President and of the discussions that ensued, was the unani- mous adoption, by the Senate, on the first of July, of the resolution reported by Mr. Clay, with an amendment by Mr. Preston adding a clause ex- pressing the satisfaction of the Senate, at the Pre- sident's having taken measures for obtaining ac- curate information as to the civil, military and poli- tical condition of Texas. Similar resolutions pass- ed the House the 4th of July. Mr. Clay spoke on a variety of questions, in ad- dition to those we have alluded to, during the ses- sion of 1834-5 ; on the motion to admit the Senators from Michigan on the floor, and the recognition of that clause in the Constitution of Michigan, which he conceived to give to aliens the right to vote ; on the resolution of Mr. Calhoun to inquire into the expediency of such a reduction of duties as would not affect the Manufacturing interest ; on the Forti- fication Bill, &c. Congress adjourned the fourth of July, 1836. On his return to Kentucky a dinner was given to Mr. Clay by his fellow-citizens of Woodford County. During his absence from home, he had experienced heavy afflictions in the death of a beloved daughter and of his only sister. On rising to speak, he was so overcome by the recollection of these losses, ad ded to an allusion which had been made to the re- mains of his mother being buried in Woodford, that he was obliged to resume his seat. He soon rallied, however, and addressed the company for about two Hours in an animated and powerful strain. He re- viewed the recent acts of the Administration— their constant tampering with the currency— the Trea- sury Order, directing that all payments for lands should be made in specie— the injustice practised towards the Indian tribes— and the disgracefully protracted Seminole War. In conclusion, Mr. Clay alluded to his intended retirement from the Senate of the United States — an intention, which, at that time, he fondly cherished. So fixed was his wish to withdraw from public life, that he had, at one period, in 1836, made up his mind to resign. It is certain, that he looked forward with confidence to declining a reelection ; and he expressed a hope at the Woodlbrd dinner, (hat the State would turn its attention to some other citizen. In the autumn of 1836, Mr. Clay narrowly escaped a violent death. He was riding on horseback in one of his fields, surveying his cattie, when a furious bull, maddened from some cause or other , rushrd towards him, and plunging his horns with tremen- dous force into the horse on which Mr. Clay was seated, killed the poor animal on the spot. The dis- tinguished rider was thrown to the distance of sev- eral feet from his horse, and, thouch somewhat hurt by the fall, escaped without material injury. We have already given an exposition of Mr. Clay's views in behalf of Colonization. In 18315, he was unanimously elected President of the American Co- lonization Society in the room of the illustrious Ex- President Madison, deceased. He accepted the ap- pointment. During the winter of 1836, Mr. Clay was reelect- ed a Senator from Kentucky for six years from the ensuing fourth of March. The vote stood : for Henry Clay 76; for James Guthrie, the Administration can- didate, 54. Eight members were absent, four of whom, it is said, would have voted for Mr. Clay. The state of the Republic, toward the termination of General Jackson's second Presidential term, is yet vividly in the recollection of all our citizens. He had found the country, in 1829, in a condition of unexampled prosperity. The Government was administered with economy strictly republican. Congress was the dominant power in the land. Commerce, Manufactures, Agriculture, flourished. The Banking System was in a state of remarkable soundness. There was no disposition to multiply local Banks. There was neither temptation nor ability for these Banks to expand their issues. The failure of a Bank was an occurrence as unusual as an earthquake. Labor was sure of employment, and sure of its reward. There were few brokers, usurers and money-lenders by profession. There were no speculators by profession. There were no immense operations in fancy stocks and land schemes. There was but one way of grow- ing rich — hard labor — assiduous industry — early rising — late retiring — and anxious, devoted and per- severing attention to business. Our habits, as a people, were simple and democratic. Our For- eign Credit was without a stain. The debts which we contracted abroad were such as we could pay — and paid they were with scrupulous and honorable punctuality. Our Currency was, WITHOUT EXCEPTION, THE MOST PERFECT O.N the face of the globe. No man ever lost a cent by it. It was abundant, safe, and well ac- credited in every part of the world. All pecuniary operations of Trade and Commerce were conducted with the most wonderful facility and regularity. 64 Life of Henry Clay. Gold and silver were in free circulation, and there was at all times an abundant supply of the smaller coins. Millions on millions of exchanges were negotiated in every quarter of the country, and at an average rate of one-half or one per cent. — a charge merely nominal in comparison with the sub- sequent rates. The whole machinery of Society, Government, Trade and Currency was in a state as nearly approaching perfection as human wisdom and ingenuity could compass. Such was the condition of the Republic in 1829. Then the destroyer came — and all was blasted. For eight years he managed the affairs of the country in his own way; and his will was the LAW OF THE LAND. During those eight years, what a change came over our affairs ! The whole machinery of Cur- rency, Trade and Government was deranged. The land was flooded with three or four hundred millions of irredeemable paper. The smaller coins disap- peared. Specie payments were universally sus- pended ; and gold and silver were no more a cur- rency than amethysts and diamonds. In trade, every thing ran into speculation. Banks sprang up like mushrooms on every side. Any two men who could write their names so as to sign and endorss a piece of paper, were enabled to procure ' facilities,' which generally turned out to be facili- ties for their own destruction. Brokers, usurers, money-lenders, speculators multiplied till their name was Legion. Every thing was unnaturally distended, until, at length, trade came to a dead stand. No one wanted to buy, and every body wa3 afraid to sell. There was an utter stagnation, paralysis, extinction, of business. Thousands on thousands declared themselves individually bank- rupt. As a nation, we were notoriously and miserably bankrupt — and we had hardly foreign credit enough to make it either safe or decent for any American to cross the Atlantic. In Government, a revolution no less pernicious was accomplished. Congress became a mere step- ping-stone to lucrative appointments, and the session was merely a convenient reilnion of its Members for the better arrangement of their land speculations, and the more convenient distribution of the Government Deposits among the most ac- commodating Banks. The heart of our Govern- ment was rotten to its core — and, like our Currency and our Trade, it presented but a miserable contrast to the condition of 1820. And all these revolutions were brought about by the uncontrolled ascendency of Jacksonism,and by no other agency under heaven! Notwithstanding these deplorable issues, the end was not yet. The Jackson dynasty was to be per- petuated still another term in the hands of him who was proud to follow in the footsteps of his " illus- trious predecessor." The Presidential Election of 1836 terminated in the choice of Martin Van Buren. But we are anticipating matters. We have yet the short Session of Congress of 1836-7 to review, be- fore we take leave of the " Hero of New-Orleans." The Administration had now a majority in the Senate. That noble phalanx of Whigs, who had so undauntedly withstood the usurpations of the Executive, could now only operate as a minority. One of the first acts of Mr. Clay was to reintroduce bis Land Bill. On the 19th of December, in pur- suance of previous notice, he presented it with modifications suited to the changes in Public Affairs. It was read twice and referred to the Committee on Public Lands, — at the head of which was Mr. Walker of Mississippi, who, on the 3d of January, gave notice that he was instructed by the Commit- tee to move for the indefinite postponement of the bill, when it should come up for consideration. Some days afterward, Mr. Walker introduced his bill to limit the sales of the Public Lands, except to actual settlers, and in limited quantities; and on the 9th of February, 1837, Mr. Calhoun's extraor- dinary bill, nominally selling, but in reality giving to the new States all the Public Domain, came before the Senate. Mr. Clay took ground at once against this scheme. He said that four or five years before, contrary to his earnest desire, this subject of the Public Lands was forced upon him, and he had, with great labor, devised a plan fraught with equity to all the States. It received the votes of a majority of both Houses, and was rejected by the President. He had alwavs considered the Public Domain a sacred trust for the country and for posterity. He was opposed to any measure giving away this property for the benefit of speculators; and he was therefore opposed to this bill, as well as to the other (Mr. Walker's) before the Senate. He had hitherto labored in vain — but he should continue to oppose all these schemes for robbing the old States of their rightful possessions. He besought the Senate to abstain from these ap- peals to the cupidity of the new States from party inducements; and he appealed to the Senator from South Carolina whether, if he offered them higher and better boons than the party in power, he did not risk the imputation of being actuated by such in- ducements. Fortunately for the country, the rash project of Mr. Calhoun did not reach the maturity of a third reading. On the 25th of February, the bill from the Com- mittee on Finance to alter and amend the several acts imposing duties on imposts being before the Senate, Mr. Clay spoke against the measure at some length. His principal objection arose from what he conceived to be the interference of some of the provisions of the bill with the Compromise Act of 1833. In the course of his remarks, he gave an interesting account of his own connection with that important measure. He then went on to draw a striking parallel be- tween the Compromise Act of 1833 as to the Pro- tective System, and that other Compromise Act which settled the much agitated Missouri Question, and by which the latitude of 36 degrees 30 minutes was established as the extreme boundary for the existence of Slavery in that State. Had not Con- gress a right to repeal that law ? But what would those Southern gentlemen, who now so strenuously urged a violation of our implied faith in regard to the act of '33, say if a measure like that should be attempted ? Mr. Clay concluded with a motion to re-commit the bill foi the reduction of duties to the Committee on Finance, with instructions to strike out all those articles comprised in the bill, which then paid a duty of 20 per cent, and upwards, embraced in the Com- promise Act. The motion was lost — 25 Nays to 24 The Expunging Resolution — Mr. Van Buren Elected President. 65 Yeas; and the bill was the same day passed by a a vote of 27 to 18. Early in the Session, Mr. Ewing had introduced a Joint Resolution rescinding the Treasury order by which all payments for Public Lands were to be made in specie. On the 11th of January, Mr. Clay addressed the Senate in a speech replete w ith argu- ment and facts in support of the Resolution, and in opposition to an amendment, which had been offered by Mr. Rives. The Resolution was referred to the Committee on Public Lands, who instructed their Chairman to lay it on the table when it should come up. On the 18th of January, a bill rescinding the Specie Circular was reported by Mr. Walker. It subsequently passed the Senate, with some slight amendments, by a vote of 41 to 5; and received the sanction of the other House; but notwithstanding this fact, and the additional well-known fact, that the order had been originally promulgated in defiance of the opinion of Congress and the wishes of the people, the bill, " instead of being returned to the House in which it originated, according to the requirement of the Constitution, was sent to one of the pigeon-holes of the Department of State, to be filed away with an opinion of a convenient Attorney-General, always ready to prepare one in support of Executive en- croachment." Mr. Van Buren manifested the same contempt for the will of the people, expressed by Congress, as had been shown by his " illustrious predecessor," and refused to interfere until the Specie Circular re- pealed itself in the catastrophe of an universal sus- pension. On the 12th of January, a Resolution, offered by Mr. Benton, to expunge from the journals of the Sen- ate for 1833-4, Mr. Clay's Resolution censuring President Jackson for his unauthorized Removal of the Public Deposits came before the Senate for con- sideration; and on the 16th Mr. Clay discussed the question at considerable length. His speech was in a strain of mingled sarcasm and indignant invective, which made the subservient majority writhe under its scorching power. Never was a measure placed in a more contemptible light than was the expung- ing proposal by Mr. Clay. Those who heard him, can never forget the look and tone, varying from an expression of majestic scorn to one of good-humored satire, with which he gave utterance to the following eloquent passages: " What patriotic purpose is to be accomplished by this expunging Resolution ? Can you make that not to be which has been 1 Can you eradicate from memory and from history the fact that in March, 1834, a majority of the Senate of the United States passed die Resolution which excites your enmity 1 Is it your vain and wicked object to arrogate to yourself "that power of annihilating the past which has been denied to Omnipotence itself Do you intend to thrust your hands into our hearts and to pluck out the deeply-rooted convictions which are there ? Or Li it your design merely to stigmatize us? You can- not stigmatize US : " ' Ne'er yet did base dishonor blur our name.' "Standing securely upon our conscious rectitude, and bearing aloft the shield of the Constitution of our Country, your puny efforts are impotent, and we defy all your power. Put the majority of 1834 in one scale, anil that by which this Expunging Reso- tion is to be carried in the other, and let Truth and Justice, in Heaven above, and on earth below, and liberty and patriotism, decide the preponderance. " What patriotic purpose is to be accomplished by this expunging resolution 1 Is it to appease the wrath and to Ileal the wounded pride of the Chief Magistrate ? If he be really the hero that his friends represent him he must despise all mean condescen- sion, all grovelling sycophancy, all self-degradation, and self-abasement. He would reject, with scorn and contempt as unworthy of his fame, your black scratches, and your baby lines in the fair records of his country." The Expunging Resolution was passed ; but no one will envy the immortality, to which the " knights of the black lines " have been consigned. Mr. Clay addressed the Senate upon several other important questions during the session of 1836-7. — Among them were that upon the Fortification Bill, which was returned to the Senate after the House had insisted on the clause for a second Distribution of the Surplus Revenue ; and the Resolution from the Committee on Foreign Relations, on the subject of our affairs with Mexico. CHAPTER XVI. Presidential Campaign of 183G— Mr. Clay declines being a Can- didate— Result— Mr. Van Buren's Policy— A Retrospect— De- mocratic Doctrine— Issue of the " Experiment"— The Extra Session Mr. Van Buren's Message The Sub-Treaiury Scheme — Indications of a Split in thellouse — Discussion of the Sub-Treasury Bill— Mr. Clay's Speeches— His Resolution in relation to a Bank— Treasury Notes— Session of 1837-8— Defeat of the Sub-Treasury Measure— Mr. Clay's Review of the Fi- nancial Projects of the Administration— Various subjects— His outline of a plan for a National Bank— Mr. Clay's course on the Abolition Question— His visit to New- York in the Summer of 1839— Cordial Reception, by the People, of the " Man of the People." Mr. Clay had uniformly discouraged the attempts of his friends to induce him to become a candidate for the Presidency in the campaign of 1836. He saw the unhappy diversity in the ranks of the Oppo- sition; and he saw, perhaps, the inevitable ability of the Jackson dynasty to perpetuate itself in the ele- vation of Mr. Van Buren. So potent had the Execu- tive become, through usurpation and the abuse of patronage ! On the eighth of February, that being the day ap- pointed by statute for opening the Electoral Returns for the Presidency and Vice Presidency of the Uni- ted States, the result was proclaimed in the presence of both Houses of Congress. The following was ascertained to be the state of the vote : For President. Van Buren 170 Harrison 73 White 26 Webster 14 Mangum 11 294 Vice President. Johnson 147 Granger 77 Tyler 47 Smith 23 294 It was then declared that it appeared that Martin Van Buren had been duly elected President of the United States, for four years from the 4th of March, 1837 ; and that no person had a majority of all the votes for the Vice Presidency, and that Mr. Johnson and Mr. Granger had the largest number of votes of all the candidates. Mr. Johnson was afterward duly chosen. It had been hoped by many that under Mr. Van Buren a less destructive policy would be adopted than that which had signalized the reign of the '• Hero of New-Orleans." For the last eight years the country had been governed by Executive edicts. Congress had always been disposed to do right, but it had been thwarted by a domineering and usurping | Executive. The will of the People, constitutionally 66 Life of Henry Clay. avowed, had been constantly defeated by the impe- Sub-Treasury plan, which was in other words, a rious and impetuous objections of one fallible and scheme for placing the Public Purse under the con- passionate old man. „■„! f , ne President, that he was defeated in the Congress passed Mr. Clay's Land Bill ; but the very first party vote after the election of Speaker. Executive destroyed it. The leading topic of the session was of course the Congress said that the Deposits were safe in the new Sub-Treasury project; and it was discussed in P.ank of the United States; the Executive removed the Senate with great ability on both sides. By this 'bem. bill, the Treasury of the United States the Trea- Congress refused to issue a Specie Circular; it surers of the Mint and its Branches, Collectors, Re- was issued by the Executive. j ceivers, Postmasters, and other office-holders, were Congress rescinded the Specie Circular; and the commissioned to receive in specie and keep, subject Executive defeated that rescision. j to the draft of the proper Department, all public Now the doctrine of Thomas Jefferson, as adopted moneys coming into their hands, iistead of deposit- and always acted upon by Henry Clay, is, that the ing them, as heretofore, in Banks. Among the WILL OF THE MAJORITY, HONESTLY EXPRESSED, shall give law. But Congress had no inlluence in the Government during the pernicious ascenden- cy of Jacksonism. It came together to pass appro- priation bills, and register the decrees of the Chief Magistrate. The noble majority in the Senate, for a while, prevented much mischief, but they could originate and prosecute no settled policy, in conse- quence of the Administration majority in the other branch. We lived literally under Executive Legis- lation. Where the President could not veto, he could do some act of violence, and compel Congress either to leave the country without law or to adapt its legislation to the existing exigencies. Thus he could not prevail on Congress to remove the De- posits — but when they were removed, to " furnish an instrument of power to himself and of plunder to his partisans" — Congress was compelled either to leave them without law, or to pass laws for the regulation of new depositions. The hopes that had been entertained of a reform under Mr. Van Buren proved fallacious; but his at- tempt to march in the "seven-leagued boots" of his predecessor speedily resulted in a ridiculous fail- ure. He was tripped up at the very start. The disastrous condition in which the country was left by the "hero of New-Orleans," whose " humble efforts" to improve the Currency had re- sulted in the universal prostration of business, and a suspension of specie payments, called upon his puccessor in the Presidential chair for some im- mediate measure of relief. On the 15th of May. 1337, Mr. Van Buren issued his Proclamation ordering an extraordinary session of Congress, to commence the first Monday in September. In accordance with that Proclamation, both Houses of Congress met at the Capitol on the day appoint- ed ; and the Message recommending the Sob-Trea- sury System for the deposit, transfer and disburse- ment of the Public Revenue, was transmitted by the President. The consequence was an instantaneous loss of his majority in the House of Representatives. In the election of Speaker, at the commencement of the Extra Session, 224 members voted, making 113 necessary to a choice. Mr. Polk received 116 votes, and was elected. Then came the Sub-Trea- sury Message , and the vote on the election of Prin- ter indicated a sudden disaffection in the ranks, and a general breaking up of the Administration party. On the twelfth ami final balloting, Thomas Allen, the Editor of the Madisonian, was elected over the Van Buren candidates, Blair and Rives. A deci- ded majority of the House had been elected as friends of Mr. Van Buren ; but so alarming seemed his earliest and most prominent advocates of this mea- sure was Mr. Calhoun, who suddenly found himself one of the leaders of a parly, which for the last five or six years he had been denouncing as the most corrupt that had ever cursed a country. The bill was taken up in the Senate the 20th Sep- tember; arid on the 25th, Mr. Clay spoke in opposi- tion to this audacious and Anti-Republican scheme. In this admirable speech he went at length into an examination of the causes that had led to the exist- ing disastrous state of public affairs. To the finan- cial experiments of General Jackson, he traced back unerringly the consequent inflation of the currency — the wild speculations, which had risen to their height when they began to be checked by the preparations of the Local Banks, necessary to meet the Deposit Law of June, 1836 — the final suspension of specie payments — and all the disorders in the Currency, Commerce and general business of the country, that ensued. He then gave his objections to the scheme before the Senate. It proposed one Currency for the Government and another for the people. As well might it be attempted to make the Government breathe a different air, be lit and warmed by a dif- ferent sun from the People ! A hard-money Govern- ment and a paper-money People! A Government, an official corps — ihe servants of the People — glit- tering in gold, and the People themselves, their mas- ters, buried in ruin, and surrounded by rags ! By the proposed substitution of an exclusive metallic Currency for the mixed medium, all pioperty would be reduced in value to one-third of its present nom- inal amount; and every debtor would in effect have to pay three times as much as he had contracted for. Then there was the insecurity of the system — the liability to favoritism in the fiscal negotiations — the fearful increase of Executive patronage — the ab- solute and complete union of the Purse and the Sword in the hands of the President ! All these ob- jections were most powerfully elucidated and en- forced by Mr. Clay. He then proceeded to declare what he believed to be the only efficient measure for restoring a sound and uniform Currency, which was a United States Bank, established under such restrictions, as the lights of recent experience might suggest. "But," said Mr. Clay, "if a National Bank be established, 'its stability and its utility will depend upon the ' general conviction which is felt of its necessity. ' And until such a conviction is deeply impressed ' upon the People, and clearly manifested by them, 'it would, in my judgment, be unwise even to pro- 'pose a Bank.''' 1 On the 4th of October the Sub-Treasury Bill, af- The Sub-Treasury Project — Outline of a National Bank. 67 ter undergoing various amendments, was read a third time and passed by the Senate by a vote of 25 to 20. It was taken up in the House on the 10th of October, and, on the 14th, laid on the table by a vote of 120 to 107. The defeat of this measure in the teeth of the Executive recommendation, in spite of Executive blandishment and terrors — the triumph of the ma- jority without doors over the majority within, and of both over patronage and power — revived the dying hopes of the patriot and infused new life into our Constitution. The sceptre of misrule had crum- bled. The dynasty, which for nearly nine years had misruled the country, received on that occasion its immedicable wound. A resolution reported by Mr. Wright from the Committee on Finance, in relation to the petitions for a National Bank, was called up in the Senate the 2Gth of September. The resolution declared that the prayer of the memorialists ought not to be granted. In h ; s remarks upon this subject, Mr. Clay alluded to the case in which Mr. Randolph moved in the House of Representatives a similar negative resolution — " That it is inexpedient to declare war against Great Britain." Mr. Clay said, that if Mr. W. persisted in his resolution, he should move to strike out all after the word Resolved, and substi- tute : " that it will be expedient to establish a Bank of the United States whenever it shall be manifest that a clear majority of the People of the United States desire such an Institution." The motion was subsequently made and lost; and Mr. Wright's resolution was adopted. The party then in power seem to have had but little reverence for the wishes of a " clear majority of the people of the United States." The Extra Session lasted six weeks — Congress adjourning on the morning of the 16th of October. The measure, on which the hopes and fate of the Administration were staked, had been defeated. The Sub-Treasury project came again before the Twentv-Fifth Congress, at their Second Session. The 19th of February, 1833, Mr. Clay once more addressed the Senate in opposition to the measure. This Speech is one of the longest and ablest ever delivered by him. At the commencement he. stated certain propositions, which he would proceed to demonstrate. He contended — 1st. That it was the deliberate purpose and fixed design of the late Administration to establish a Gov- ernment — a Treasury Bank — to be administered and controlled by the Executive Department. 2d. That, with that view, and to that end, it was its aim and intention to overthrow the whole Bank of the late Bank of the United States, aDd the State Banks, a Government Bank, to be managed and con- trolled by the Treasury Department, acting under the commands of the President of the United States. The manner in which Mr. Clay proceeded to sus- tain these charges against the Administration was extremely impressive. That ho made out his case satisfactorily to the People, subsequent events fully demonstrated. Mr. Clay appears to have addressed the Senate on every question of moment that claimed its atten- tion during the Session of 1837-8 ; on the reception of petitions for the Abolition of Slavery in the Dis- trict of Columbia — the bill to restrain the issuing of small notes in the District — the disturbances on the Northern frontier, and the attack on the Caroline, an act which he denounced in the most unmeasured terms — the bill to grant preemption rights to set- tlers on the Public Lands — the bill to establish the Oregon Territory — in favor of the bill to prohibit the giving or accepting a challenge to fight a duel in the District of Columbia — against the bill pro- viding for the graduation and reduction of the price of the Public Lands — and on many other subjects of hardly inferior interest. A Joint Resolution, offered by him on the 30th of April, providing for the reception of the notes of sound Banks in the collection of the Revenue, was adopted by the Senate, with some amendments, the 29th of May. It was in effect a repeal of the Spe- cie Circular. In the course of the Session Mr. Clay took occa- sion, in presenting a petition for the establishment of a United States Bank, to make known his own views in regard to such an institution. Some of the conditions and restrictions, under which it seemed to him suitable to establish such a Bank, were briefly given in the following sketch : 1. The capital not to be extravagantly large, but, at the same time, amply sufficient to enable it to per- forin the needful financial duties for the Govern- ment; to supply a general currency of uniform value throughout the Union; and to facilitate, as nigh as practicable, the equalization of Domestic Exchange. He supposed that about fifty millions would answer all those purposes. The Stock might be divided between the General Government, the States, according to their federal population, and individual subscribers ; the portion assigned to the latter to be distributed at auction or by private sub- scription. 2. The Corporation to receive such an organiza- tion as to blend, in lair proportions, public and pri- vate control, and combining public and private in- terests ; and, in order to exclude the possibili- ty of the exercise of any foreign influence, non- resident foreigners to be prohibited not only from m* Svstem, as existina in the United States when any share in the administration of the Corporation, the Administration came into power, beginning will the Bank of the United States, and ending with the State Banks. 3d. That the attack was first confined, from con- siderations of policy, to the Bank of the United States ; but that, after its overthrow was accom- plished, it was then directed, and had since been continued, auainst the State Banks. 4th. That the present Administration, by its ac- knowledgements, emanating from the highest and most authentic source, had succeeded to the princi- ples, plans and policy of the preceding Adminis- tration, and stood solemnly pledged to complete and perfect them. And, 5th. That the bill under consideration was intended to execute the pledge, by establishing, upon the ruins but from holding, directly or indirectly, any portion of its stock. The Bank would thus be in its origin, and continue throughout its whole existence, a gen- uine American Institution. 3. An adequate portion of the capital to be set apart in productive stocks, and placed in permanent security, beyond the reach of the corporation (with the exception of the accruing profits on those stocks) sufficient to pay promptly, in any contingency, the amount of all such paper, under whatever form, that the Bank shall put forth as a part of the gen- eral circulation. The bill or note holders, in other words, the mass of the community, ought to be pro- tected against the possibility of the failure or the suspension of the Bank. The supply of the circu- lating medium of a country is that faculty of a 68 Life of Henry Clay. Bank, the property or the exercise of which may be most controverted. The dealings with a Bank of those who obtain discounts, or make deposits, are voluntary and mutually advantageous ; and they are comparatively few in number. But the reception of what is issued and used as a part of the circulating medium of the country, is scarcely a voluntary act; and thousands take it who have no other concern whatever with the Bank. The many ought to be guarded and secured by the care of the legislative authority; the vigilance of the feio will secure themselves against loss. 4. Perfect publicity as to the state of the Bank at all times, including, besides the usual heads of in- formation, the. names of every debtor to the Bank, whether as drawer, endorser or surety, periodically exhibited, and open to public inspection; or, if that should be found inconvenient, the right to be se- cured to any citizen to ascertain at the Bank the nature and extent of the responsibility of any of its customers. There is no necessity to to throw any veil of secresy around the ordinary transactions of a Bank. Publicity will increase responsibility, re- press favoritism, insure the negotiation of good pa- per, and, when individual insolvency unfortunately occurs, will deprive the Bank of undue advantages now enjoyed by Banks practically in the distribu- tion of the effects of the insolvent. 5. A limitation of the dividends so as not to au- thorize more than — per cent to be struck. This will check undue expansions in the medium, and re- strain improper extension of business in the admin- istration of the Bank. 6. A prospective reduction in the rate of interest, so as to restrict the Bank to six per cent simply, or, if practicable, to only five per ce it. The reduction may be effected by forbearing to exact any bonus, or, when the profits are likely to exceed the prescribed limit of the dividends, by requiring the rates of inter- est shall be so lowered as that they shall not pass that limit. 7. A restriction upon the premium demanded upon post notes and checks used for remittances, so that the maximum should not be more than, say one and a half per cent between any two of the remotest points in the Union. Although it may not be prac- ticable to regulate Foreign Exchange, depending as it does upon commercial causes not within the con- trol of any one government, it is otherwise with re- gard to Domestic Exchange. 8. Every Practicable provision against the exercise of improper influence, on the part of the Executive, upon the Bank, and, on the part of the Bank, upon the elections of the country. The people entertain a just jealousy against the danger of any interfer- ence of a Bank with the elections of a country, and every precaution ought to be taken strictly to guard against it. This was a brief outline of such a Bank as Mr. Clay thought would, if established, conduce greatly to the prosperity of the country. Its wise and prov- ident restrictions would seem to preclude all those popular objections which generally apply to banks. With regard to the constitutionality of a National Bank, Mr. Clay said, that forty years of acquiescence by the people — the maintenance of the power by Washington, the Father of his Country ; by Madison, the Father of the Constitution; and by Marshall, the Father of the Judiciary, ought to be precedents suf- ficient in its favor. The Abolition question was agitated in the Senate during the last Session of the 25th Congress. Mr. Clay had been urged by many of his friends to re- frain from speaking on the subject. It was repre- sented to him as impolitic, superfluous, and likely to interfere with his Presidential prospects. Such arguments could have no weight with him. His whole course upon this perilous question has been that of the honest, upright, practical and con- sistent statesman, the true philanthropist, the sa- gacious and devoted patriot. When Mr. Calhoun introduced, in the Session of 1835-6, his bill to give Postmasters and their Deputies a power of inspec- tion and espionage over the Mails — the bill which was passed to its third reading by the casting vote of Martin Van Buren — it met with the prompt and decided condemnation of Mr. Clay. No man has more vigilantly watched the sacred Right of Peti- tion than Mr. Clay. He has condemned on all oc- casions the refusal of the Senate to receive petitions. His speech of February, 1839, yields to the Aboli- tionists all that they have a right to demand, and is at the same time so liberal in its doctrines as to dis- arm the ultraism of Southern hostility. M-r. Cal- houn himself was compelled to admit his acquies- cence in the soundness of its doctrines and the secu- rity which their adoption would promise to the Un- ion. The enemies of Mr. Clay denounced this move- ment on the Abolition question as an effort to achieve popularity. They reasoned from the inevitable re- sult, to an unworthy inducement. To impute un- worthy motives to Mr. Clay because of such a result was to impeach the purity of all public action, and to confine the statesman, who would preserve his po- litical reputation, to the advocacy of unwise and un- popular measures. Popularity did follow the pro- mulgation of such sentiments as are contained in the speech of Mr. Clay — the popularity which all good men desire — the popularity of which all great men may be prond — the popularity based upon grat- itude for distinguished service, admiration for com- manding eloquence, and the eternal sympathies of the people with the patriot. In the summer of 1839, Mr. Clay visited Buffalo, and passing into Canada, made an excursion to Montreal and Quebec. Returning, he visited the city of New- York. He had the previous summer been invited, at an enthusiastic meeting of his friends at Masonic Hall, to visit the city, but had then been unable to comply with their invitation. His recep- tion at the period to which we now refer, was one of the most brilliant ever extended to a public man. Early in the afternoon he was landed at the foot of Hammond-street, Greenwich, from the steamboat James Madison, attended by a large number of cit- izens. An immense multitude was assembled to greet his arrival, and, as he stepped on the wharf, the air was rent with acclamations from a myriad of voices. The day was most propitious. At Green- wich, a procession was formed headed by marshals, after whom came a numerous cavalcade. A band of music preceded the open barouche of Mr. Clay, and avast concourse of citizens followed in carriages. Everything in the city, in the shape of a four-wheeled vehicle was in attendance, and tens of thousands of citizens followed on foot. When the head of the procession reached the Astor House, the rear had not yet formed in line. Through the whole extent from the point of landing, through Hudson- street, up Fourteenth-street to Union Place, and down Broadway to the Park, a distance of nearly three miles, it was at one and the same time a dense mo- ving mass of horsemen, carriages, carmen and cit- izens. Every window on either side of the way was occupied, and acclamations from every house, and Presidential Contests of 1824, '32. — The Harrisburg Convention of 1839. €9 the waving of handkerchiefs, and cordial salutations, greeted the illustrious Statesman as he passed. At Constitution Hall, at Masonic Hall, and at every place of public resort and amusement, flags were displayed, and hands of music were stationed to hail his approach. As he reached the Park, the tens of thousands who thronged the grounds, the windows and roofs of the surrounding edifices, the adjacent streets, and the large open space at the junction of Chatham- street and Broadway, thundered out the mighty wel- come of a grateful people to the gallant, generous, warm-hearted and noble-minded citizen, whose life had been devoted to their service. The reception was purely a civic one. It was not a got-tip, official pageant, where the populace exhi- bit their gratitude by an invitation of the Common Council, and display a certain amount of enthusi- asm duly provided for by the resolves and ordinan- ces of the Corporation. It was the voluntary, un- bought, unhidden movement of the People, to greet the arrival among them of one, who had ever been e.i;iuently the Man of the People. CHAPTER XVII. Che Harrisburg Convention— Mr. Clay the choice of the People — Presidential Contests of 1824 and 1832— Intrigues in the Con- vention— Me:, ns employed to thwart the Nomination ot Mr. Cl-iy— Organization of the Convention— Nomination of Gene- ral Harrison— Acquiescence of the Kentucky Delegation— Mr. CI iy*s Letter— Remarks of Gov. Rarbour, Mr. Leigh, Mr. Liv- intfst >n— John Tyler Nominated for the Vice Presidency- Grounds of the Nomination. As the period of another Presidential Election drew near, that vast portion of the Democracy of the land, opposed to the administration of Mr. Van Bn- ren, bpgun to turn their eyes towards the most able, renowned and consistent of their leaders, Henry Clay, as a fitting candidate for the Chief Magistracy of the United States. The Champion of the People, their interests and their honor, during the Last War — the Preserver of the Union on two momentous oc- casions, when it was threatened with Dissolution aud Civil War — the Founder and vigilant Protector of the American System— the Friend of Internal Im- provements — the intelligent Advocate of a Sound, Uniform, Republican Currency, and of a Judicious Tariff— the experienced Statesman, who, at Ghent, and in the Department of Stale, had displayed the highest order of talents in the service of his country — the active Foe of Executive Usurpation — the chiv- alrous Defender of the Constitution and the Laws, who, in his public career, had ever manifested his obedience to the principle that the WILL OF THE PEOPLE, faithfully expressed, should give Law — the Vindicator of Human Liberty throughout the World — WHO could present claims so numerous, bo powerful, so overwhelming, upon the gratitude, confidence and suffrages of the People of the United States ? The fact of his having been in two instances an unsuccessful candidate for the Presidency, was the only objection worthy of notice, which was brought forward by those who, while they professed to admit his claims, and to accord with him in his political creed, were doubtful of the expediency of his nomi- nation. But what were tbp facte in regard to thoeo two instances? In the election of 1824, be failed in being elected by the Primary Colleges, in company with John Quincy Adams, Andrew Jackson, and William H. Crawford. So that the argument in this case would have been as valid against any one of these candidates as it can be against Mr. Clay. He was excluded from being one of the three highest candidates, who were returned to the House on this occasion, by being unfairly deprived of Electoral Votes in New- York and Louisiana. It was, more- over, well known that, if the Election were carried to the House, Mr. Clay would, as the natural result of his great popularity, be elected. The friends of all the other candidates, consequently, had a united interest in excluding him. With regard to the contest of 1832, the reelection of Gen. Jackson at that time could not be construed into an indication of popular feeling towards Mr. Clay. The "Hero of New-Orleans" had, during his first term, just entered upon his novel experi- ments in the Currency ; and a greatpart of the People were disposed to give them a fair trial, and afford him an opportunity to carry out the policy he had commenced. The patronage of the Executive was directed, to an extent wholly unparalleled, towards the continuance of the sceptre in his hands. Nulli- fication had begun to show its menacing face, and there were many, even among those who were hos- tile to the general policy of the Administration, and friendly to Mr. Clay, who yet unwisely thought that strenuous measures towards South Carolina would be required, and that the Union would be safest un- der the direction of a Military Chief .Magistrate. In addition to these circumstances, the party op* posed to Gen. Jackson was distracted by Anti-Ma- sonry, which presented an excellent and popular candidate for President in William Wirt. These two elections are all in which Mr. Clay has been a candidate for the Presidency, and in nei- ther did he have a fair field. He has been nearly twenty times a candidate for the suffrages of the People, and only on these two occasions defeatt-d. Mr. Van Buren, with a clear field and the whole pa- tronage of the Government in his own hands, failed in the election of 1840. How ridiculous, then, to assert that the Presiden- tial contests of 1824 and 1832 afford any test of Mr. Clay's present strength with the People of the Uni- ted States! Let it be borne in mind, moreover, that since the period of his last candidacy he has render- ed the most memorable services to the country ; and that he comes before the people endued with many new claims upon their gratitude and support. The Democratic Whig Convention for the nomi- nation of a Presidential Candidate, met at Harris- burgh, on the 4th of December, 1839. That they represented a constituency, two-thirds of which were in favor of the nomination of Henry Clay, we cannot entertain a doubt. But soon after the as- sembling of the Convention, intrigues were set on foot by an adroit few for the selection of some other candidate. It was contended by these men that Mr. Clay was deficient in popular strength ; and they would soothingly add, that he was too good and great a man ever to be made President. One word in regard to this argument, which we often hear from the lips of persons professing' an at- tachment to Democratic principles. It is a gross libel on the intelligence of the people, and is found- 70 Life of Henry Clay. etl in a supercilious distrust of their competency to self-government. Communities may be deluded, and Republics, through error, be ungrateful for a time, but so surely as truth prevails, as prevail it must, will they make amends for their injustice. The sentiment of generosity is strong in the breast of a people; and it is never stifled except through misconception or ignorance. The most successful means employed at Harris- burgh to defeat the nomination of Mr. Clay was to praise him and decry his prospects. Some dozen or more individuals residing chiefly in different parts of the State of New-York, but embracing persons in other States, would write letters to one another, professing to give calculations based upon unerring statistics. The intriguers were thus severally sup- plied with a bundle of letters full of extravagant eulogiums upon Mr. Clay, and oflamentations that so great and good a man, and one who had render- ed such signal services, could not be elected. These letters were pulled out and exhibited from time to time, as was best calculated to advance the end in view, their exhibition being generally preceded by the. observation : " You know that Mr. Such-a-one, ' the writer of this letter, is a devoted friend of Mr. ' Clay ; but only read what he thinks and says of his ' Presidential prospects." Attempts were also made to convey an exagger- ated impression of the superiority of Gen. Scott's strength over that of Mr. Clay in New- York — a supe- ioritv which ne^er existed. Men who had been sent to the Convention, by constituents entertaining an en- thusiastic preference for Mr. Clay, became suddenly doubtful as to his strength, and commenced manufac- turing public opinion for the advancement of their own selfish ends. These manajuverers were few in num- ber, but in a body like that at Harrisburgh, where a conciliatory and compromising spirit prevailed, they were enabled to exert an all-important influence. The intriguers soon succeeded in detaching many of the honest and sincere friends of Mr. Clay from his support, alarming them by their fabricated pub- lic opinion and appealing to their pattintism and their attachment to principles rather than men. Hardly a doubt seemed to be entertained, on the first meeting of the Convention, that Mr. Clay would be nominated. There were not two opinions ex- pressed on the point, that he ought to be President of the United States. The question was one solely of •probability of election ; and this was a question partly of mere opinion and partly of testimony. Such a state of things presented a rare opportunity for intrigue and deception ; and a few — a very few — could, it is obvious, by a resort to unprinciphd arts and strained representations, and by busy, under- hand intrigues, mislead the majority and defeat their will. Unhappily for the country, such a few were found ; and receiving coadjutors, as they soon did, in some honest but duped friends of Mr. Clay, their influence was greatly augmented, and even those who had had «V»f» fullest faith in the strength of their favorite candidate began to question whether expe- diency would not require another choice. In stating these well-known facts, it is far from our intention to intimate that there were not some gentlemen in the Convention who honestly believed that it would be injudicious to nominate Mr. Clay at that time. Unquestionably there were sueli : and they may now be found among the warmest and most single-hearted of his supporters. But wc must, nevertheless, adhere to the conviction that the will of the People was not faithfully spoken by that Convention ; and that the defeat of Mr. Clay's nomi- nation was brought about by a misapprehension *>' their most earnest wishes and anticipations. The Convention was organized on the 5th of De- cember by the appointment of Hon. James Barbour as President, with thirteen Vice Presidents and four Secretaries. A Committee was appointed to report upon the nomination of a candidate, and, after a ses sion of nearly two days, during which the intriguers' were not idle with their bundles of letters, it reported in favor of William Henry Harrison. The friends of Mr. Clay — those who had adhered to him to the last — disappointed as they were in this unlooked-for result, were too well aware of the generous senti- ments of their candidate, not to acquiesce in it cheer- fully and with a good grace. At the meeting of the Convention, on the 9th of December, Mr. Banks of Kentucky was the first to rise and announce the heariy concurrence of the Delegation from that State in the nomination indicated by the informal ballot announced by the Committee. Mr. Preston, from the same State, followed in the same strain, and asked that a letter from Mr. Clay, which had for several days been in possession of a Delegate, but which had not been shown, lest it should seem intended to be used to excite sympathy for Mr. Clay, should now be read. Permission being unanimously given, the letter was read by General Leslie Combs of Kentucky. In this letter Mr. Clay says: "With a just and ' proper sense of the high honor of being voluntarily ' called to the office of President of the United States ' by a great, free and enlightened people, and pro- ' foundly grateful to those of my fellow-citizens who ' are desirous to see me placed in that exalted and ' responsible station, I must nevertheless say in en- 1 tire truth and sincerity, that if the deliberations of ' the Convention shall lead them to the choice of an- ' other as the candidate of the opposition, far front i f eliog any discontent, the nomination will have ' my best wishes and receive my cordial support.'''' He then calls upon his friends from Kentucky, dis- carding all attachments or partiality for himself, and guided solely by the motive of rescuing our country from the dangers which environed it, to heartily unite in the selection of that citizen, although it should not be Henry Clay, who might appear the most likely by his election to bring about a salutary change in the Administration. The reading of this letter excited great emotion in the Convention. It was the saying of a patriot of antiquity, that he would rather have it asked by pos- terity whv a monument was not erected to him than why it was. A similar spirit would seem to actuate Mr. Clay ; for never has he been knnwn to manifest any personal disappointment at the failure or betrayal of his Presidential prospects. Gov. Barbour, of Virginia, after expressing his concurrence in the will of the Convention, said he had known Mr. Clay for thirty years, and had been intimately associated with him in public and private life, and that a more devoted Patriot or purer States- man never breathed. In the course of that thirty vears he had never heard him utter one sentimeus Nomination of Mr Tyler to the Vice- Presidency — Mr. Clay again in Congress. 71 unworthy this character. There was no place in his heart for one petty or selfish emotion. Benjamin Watkins Leigh anticipated the concur- rence of Virginia in the nomination. He had lelt it his duty to support his more intimate and endeared friend, Henry Clay, but he acknowledged the worth of Gen. Harrison. He had supported the former to the last from the firmest conviction that no other man was so fitted to the crisis — so transcendantly quali- fied for the highest office in the gift of the American people as Henry Clay. He never thought that i\Ir. Clay needed the office, but that the country needed him. That office could confer no dignity or honor on Henry Clay. The measure of his tame was full ; and whenever the. tomb should close over him it would cover the loftiest intellect and the noblest heart that this age had produced or known. The venerable Peter R. Livingston, of New-York, an able and anient supporter of Mr. Clay, said in regard to him — " I envy Kentucky, for when he dies, she will have his ashes ! " A candidate tor the Vice-Presidency remained to be nominated by the Convention. He was Ibuud in the person of John Tyler, of Virginia. By what un- fortunate chance this selection was made, it is unne- cessary now to inquire. It must be said in exculpa- tion of those, however, who acquiesced in it, that there was no good reason for doubting Mr. T\ let's political fidelity and attachment to Whig principles. On all the great questions of public policy he was considered as pledged to the support of those meas- ures for which the Whig party had been battling du- ring the last ten years. On the subject of the Public Lauds he had, as a Member of the Virginia Legisla- ture, in 1839, dcclaied himself, both in a Report and a Speech, an advocate of the measure of Distribu- tion. In a speech before the U. S. Senate, he had condemned, in unequivocal terms, the abuse of the Veto power. He went to Harrisburg, as he himself lias said, in favor of Henri/ Clay — he voted for him in his own Delegation up to (lie seventh and last ballot — and, if his own words are to be believed, he was affected even to tears, when the nomination was given by the Convention to another. Surely it can- not be said that he might have been in favor of Mr. Clay's nomination to the Presidency, and yet oppo- sed to the most important public measures to which that distinguished Statesmen had ever rendered his support. On the question of a Bank, it was, with reason believed that Mr. Tyler's views were similar to those maintained by the great Whig Party of the country. Whilst a member of the Convention at Harrisburg, he had made to Governor Owen, of North Carolina, Chairman of the Committee, through whom all no- minations must find their way to the Convention, the following communication:* " That his views on the Bank Question had un- dergone an entire change; that he believed the es- tablishment of a National Bank to be alike indispen- sable as a Fiscal Agent of the Government, and to the restoration of the Currency and Exchanges of the country ; and he thought that all Constitutional objections ought to yield to the various Executive, Legislative and Judicial decisions of the question." In addition to all these circumstances, the simple * See the Address of the Delegates from Maryland, in the Harrisburg Convention, to their constituents. These facts will be found eloqijently set forth in that able paper. fact of Mr. Tyler's presence in the Convention — of his silent approval of all those important measures which were regarded as consequent upon the elec- tion of a Whig President — was, in the minds of hon- orable men, equivalent to a pledge that those meas- ures would, in any event, continue to meet his ready and earnest support. Under the influence of considerations like these, the Convention unanimously nominated John Tyler, of Virginia, for the Vice Presidency ; and, having taken this step, adjourned. A deep disappointment was felt throughout the Whig ranks at the failure of the Convention to no- minate Mr. Clay for the Presidency; but the mag- nanimous sentiments expressed in his letter, read at the Convention, soon began to animate his friends ; and they manifested their devotion to principles ra- ther titan to men, by rallying vigorously in support of the selected candidates. With regard to John Tyler, he was very imper- fectly known out of Virginia; and if little could be said in his favor, still less could he said to his preju- dice. The office of Vice President was generally regarded as one of comparatively slight conse- quence ; and there seemed to be an utter absence of all apprehension of the contingency, by which its importance was so fearfully magnified. Future Conventions will never forget the lesson which Mr. Tyler has given to his countrymen and their pos- terity. CHAPTER XVIII. Mr. Clay again in Congress— Passage with Mr. Calhoun— Recon- ciliatory Incident— The Bankrupt lfill,&c.— The Sub-Treasury again— A Government Bank— Air. Clay visits his native County of Hanover— His Speech— Proposed Reforms— He addresses the Harrison Convention :>t Nashville— Democracy— Bom a Demo- crat— Reminiscence of a Revolutionary Incident. Mr. Clay's efforts in the Democratic Whig cause appear not to have been less ardent, incessant and faithful, during the Congressional Session of 1839- ■10, than at any previous period of his career. The just expectations of his friends had been thwarted at Harrisburg; but that ciicumstance did not seem either to aff ct his spirits, or to damp the ardor of his opposition to that policy which he believed inju- rious to the best interests of his country. He acqui- esced promptly, heartily and nobly in the nomina- tion of General Harrison, and did not manifest, on any occasion, a lurking feeling of disappointment. He took an early occasion in the Senate to reiterate the sentiments expressed in his letter, read at the Convention; and he showed himself prepared to do vigorous battle in behalf of the piinciples which ho and his associates had been struggling, for the last twelve years, to maintain. In the Senate, on the third of January, 1840, Mr. Southard moved the reconsideration of an order of reference of Mr. Calhoun's Land Bill to the Com- mittee on Public Lands. The proposition gave rise to a passage between Mr. Calhoun and Mr. Clay, iu which severe language was employed on both sides. Allusion being made to their respective political ca- reers at the time of the Force Bill and the Compro- mise Act, Mr. Calhoun said that the gentleman from Kentucky was flat on his back at that time, and was compelled to the Compromise — and that he (Mr. Calhoun) was then his master. 72 Life of Henry Clay. In reply, Mr. Clay, in the ardor of his feeling?, remarked : — " The gentleman has said that I was ' flat on my back — that he was my master on that 'occasion. He my master! Sir, I would not own • him for my slave ! "* The principal questions on which he spoke during this session were — on the Abolition of Slavery ; on the Bankrupt Bill; the Maine Boundary Line; Mr. Calhoun's Bill to cede the Public Lands to the States in which they lie ; the Navy Appropriation Bill ; the Independent Treasury Bill ; on the Branch Mints; the Expenditures of Government ; the Cum- berland Road; Repeal of the Salt Tax; and the Bankrupt Bill. His opinions on nearly all these subjects ate so well known as to render a recapitu- lation unnecessary. Notwithstanding the indications of public hostility, and " in spite of the lamentations" in Congress " and elsewhere," Mr. Van Buren and his friends contin- ued to press their odious Sub-Treasury project, now newly christened under the name of the " Independ- ent Treasury Bill." Against this measure Mr. Clay battled with undiminished vigor and zeal. On the twentieth of January, 1840, he addressed the Senate in one of his most spirited speeches, in opposition to the bill, which he truly designated as a Government Bank in disguise, demonstrating the assertion by proofs the most convincing. " A Government Bank," said Mr. Clay, " may not 'suddenly burst upon us, but there it is, embodied ' in this bill. Let the reelection of the present Chief ' Magistrate be secured, and you will soon see the ' Bank disclosing its genuine character. But, thanks ' be to God .' there is a day of reckoning at hand. — 'All the signs of the times clearly indicate its ap- ' proach. And on the fourth day of March, in the 'year of our Lord 1841, 1 trust that the long account •of the abuses and corruptions of this Administra- • tion, in which this measure will be a conspicuous ' item, will be finally and for ever adjusted." He introduced, on this occasion, a bill for the Re- peal of the Sub-Treasury System, but it was not acted upon until the will of the People was so per- emptorily spoken that longer resistance to it, on the part of Mr. Van Buren and his friends, was impos- sible. During the summer of 1840, Mr. Clay visited his native County of Hanover, and was every where hailed with enthusiasm and reverence. At a public dinner given to him at Taylorsville, June 27th, 1840, he addressed a vast assemblage of his friends in a speech, which may be referred to as a text book of his political faith. It is probably in the hands of too manv of our readers to render an abstract of it use- ful in this place. Although his opinions on all pub- lic questions of importance have been always frankly * Mr. Clay is not the man to harbor the harsh feelings some- times engendered In animated debate. After his farewell speech. on resigning his seat in the Senate, as he was about to leave the Chamber, he encountered Mr. Calhoun. They had not spoken to each other for five years ; but they now simultaneously ex- tended their hands, and cordially greeted each other, while the tears sprang to their eyes. They had almost spent their lives to- gether in Congress; and during the War, and at various times subsequently, had stood shoulder to shoulder, animated by the same patriotic impulses and aspirations. Time had passed over both, and the young men had become old. For a minute or more, they could not speak, so overcome were both with emo- tion. At length Mr. Clay said, on parting, "Give my best re- gards to Mrs. Calhoun ;" and they bade eacu other farewell. avowed, he defines his position in this speech with unusual minuteness and precision. With a view to the. fundamental character of the Government itself, and especially of the Executive branch, he main- tains, that there should be — either by amendments of the Constitution, when they were necessary, or by remedial legislation, when the object fell within the scope of the powers of Congress — 1st. A provision to render a person ineligible to tha office of President of the United States after a ser- vice of one term. 2d. That the Veto power should be more precisely defined, and be subjected to further limitations and qualifications. 3d. That the power of dismission from office should be restricted, and the exercise of it rendered respon- sible. 4th. That the control over the Treasury of the United States should be confided and confined ex- clusively to Congress ; and all authority of the Pres- ident over it, by means of dismissing the Secretary of (he Treasury, or other persons having the imme- diate charge of it, be rigorously precluded. 5th. That the appointment of Members of Con- gress to any office, or any but a few specific offices, during their continuance, in office, and for one year thereafter, be prohibited. Mr. Clay was among the most active of those, who took part in the campaign of 1840, which terminated in the complete triumph of the Whigs. On the 17th of August, 1840, he addressed the Harrison Conven- tion at Nashville, Tennessee, in an interesting and eloquent speech. In allusion to the professions of the Van Buren party to be Democrats par excellence, he very happily said — " Of all their usurpations, I know of none more absurd than the usurpation of this name." " I was born a Democrat," said he, subsequent- ly in a speech delivered in Indiana — " rocked ia the cradle of the Revolution — and at the darkest period of that ever memorable struggle for Free- dom. I recollect, in 1781 or '82, a visit made by Tarleton's troops to the house of my mother, and of their running their swords into the 7iew-made graves of my father and grand-father, thinking they contained hidden treasures. Though then not more than four or five years of age, the circumstance of that visit is vividly remembered, and it will be to the last moment of my life. I was born a Demo- crat — was raised and nurtured a Republican — and shall die a Republican, in the faith and principles of my fathers." CHAPTER XIX Election of General Harrison— He visits Mr. Cky— Second Ses- sion of the Twenty-Sixth Congress— Inauguration and death of General Harrison— The Extra Session— Mr. Clay's Labors- John Tyler's Veto of the Bank Fill— Mr. Clay's eloquent Speech in Reply to Mr. Rives— The Van Buren men in Con- gress call to congratulate John Tyler on his Veto— Mr. Clay's fanciful description of the Scene— Events succeeding the Veto — More Vetoes— The Tariff— Mr. Clay resigns his 6eat in the Senate— Impressive Farewell. The election of General Harrison to ihe Presi- dency in the autumn of 1840, by an immense ma- jority, was hailed by the Whigs as the triumphant consummation of their long and arduous twelve years' struggle against the disorganizing principles and measures which had prevailed during the ascen- dency of Jackson and Van Buren. A majority of the People had at length passed their solemn ver- dict ugaintA i.iose measures, and in favor of the legis- Death of President Harrison — Mr. Tyler's Vetoes — A Scene Described. 73 lation lor which Mr. Clay and the Whigs in Con- gress had been so unanimously contending. Be- fore commencing his journey to the Seat of Govern- ment, General Harrison visited Mr. Clay, and per- sonally tendered him any office in the President's gift. Mr. Clay respectfully declined all invitations of this kind, and announced his intention of retiring from the Senate as soon as the objects for which he and his friends had been laboring so strenuously, were placed in a train of accomplishment. The Session of Congress preceding the new Presi- dent's installation found Mr. Clay at his post, still prompt and active in the service of his country. On the Land Bill — the Repeal of the Sub-Treasury — the Bill to establish a Uniform System of Bankruptcy — the Treasury Note Bill — the Preemption and Dis- tribution project — and other important questions, on which his views are familiar to our readers, he ad- dressed the Senate with his accustomed eloquence and energy. In his Speech of the 23th of January, 1841, on the Land Bill, he entered into an able vin- dication of Whig principles and measures as con- trasted with those of the expiring Administration. There being still a Van Buren majority, Mr. Clay's Resolutions, repealing the Sub-Treasury, after affording occasion for some eloquent debates, were laid on the table the 19th of February. Some remarks being made in the Senate by Mr. Cuthbert, toward the close of the Session, of a character prejudicial to Mr. Webster, Mr. Clay eloquently vindicated that distinguished Senator, and bore tes- timony to his exalted merits. The Second Session of the Twenty-Sixth Con- gress terminated on the night of the 3d of March — the Van Buren men having refused to pass a Bank- rupt Bill and other important measures. The day after the adjournment, General Harrison was inaugu- rated President of the United States ; and, on the 18th of March, he issued his Proclamation for an Extra Session of Congress, to commence on the last Mon- day in May. Before that period arrived, and pre- cisely a month after his inauguration, the venerable President departed this life ; and, by a provision of the Constitution, John Tyler of Virginia, the Vice President, was invested with the authority of Presi- dent of the United States. The Extraordinary Session of Congress, convened by the Proclamation of the lamented Harrison, took place at the appointed time, the last Monday in May, 1841. Never was there a body of Representatives who came together with a more patriotic and honor- able desire faithfully to execute the will of their con- stituents, the majority of the People of the United States, than the Whigs, who composed the Twentv- Seventh Congress. Mr. Clay at once took active and decided measures for the prompt dispatch of the public business. The subjects which he pro- posed to the Senate, as proper exclusively to engage their deliberations during the Extra Session, were: 1st. The repeal of the Sub-Treasury Law. 2d. The incorporation of a Bank adapted to the wants of the People and the Government. 3d. The provision of an adequate Revenue by the imposition of Duties, and including an authority to contract a temporary Loan to cover the Public Debt created by the last Administration. 4ih. The prospective Distribution of the proceeds of the Public Lands. 5tb. The passage of necessary Appropriation Bills. 6th. SDme modification in the Banking System of the District of Columbia for the benefit of the Peo- ple of the District. In the formation of Committees, Mr. Clay was placed at the head of that on Finance ; and, on his motion, a Select Committee on the Currency for the consideration of the Bank question was appointed. Of this Committee he was made Chairman. Early in June he presented hi3 admirable Report of a Plan for a National Bank ; and, after a thorough discus- sion, the bill was passed, which, on the 16th of August, called forth a Veto from President Tyler. On the 19th of the same month, Mr. Clay addressed the Senate on the subject of this Veto. His remarks, although apparently made " more in sorrow than in anger," are pervaded by the spirit of unanswerable truth ; and, in his rejoinder to Mr. Rives, on the same day, he rises to a hight of eloquence never surpassed on the floor of Congress. In the opinion of many of his hearers, it was one of the most bril- liant Speeches of his whole Senatorial career. On this occasion he showed, by irresistible proofs, that the question of a Bank was the great issue made before the People at the late Election. "Wherever ' I was," said he — " in the great Valley of the ' Mississppi — in Kentucky — in Tennessee — in Mary- ' land — in all the circles in which I moved, every ' where, Bank or No Bank was the great, the lead- ' ing, the vital question." Not long after the Veto, as Mr. Clay, with two or three friends, was passing the Treasury Buildings, along the road leading to the Pennsylvania Avenue, he noticed a procession of gentlemen walking two by two, toward the White House. " In the name of wonder, what have we here?" exclaimed Mr. Clay, while his features lighted up with one of those mischievous smiles, which are so contagious, seen on his countenance. It teas a procession of the Van Buren Members of Congress, going person- ally to congratulate John Tyler on his Veto ! The incident was not forgotten by Mr. Cluy. The scene was too rich and piquant to pass unnoticed. On the 2d of September, a suitable opportunity pre- sented itself in the Senate for a commentary on the occurrence; and he availed himself of it in a man- ner, which entirely overcame the gravity of all par- ties present. He gave an imaginary description of the scene at the White House, and the congratu- lations lavished upon the President by his new friends. He pictured to the Senate the honorable member from Pennsylvania (Mr. Buchanan) ap- proaching the Throne, and contributing his words of encouragement and praise to those, which had been offered by the rest. The imaginary speech, which he put into the lips of this gentleman on this occasion, was so characteristic, that Mr. Buchanan subsequently complained in the Senate, that it had been gravely attributed to him by several journals as having been actually delivered, and that he could not divest many of his worthy constituents in Penn- sylvania of the idea. The figure of Mr. Benton was one of too much importance not to be introduced by Mr Clay into this fancy sketch. " I can tell the gentleman from Kentucky, that I was not at the White House on the occasion to which he alludes," said the Missouri Senator inter- rupting him. 74 Life of Henry Clay. " Then I will suppose what the gentleman would have said if he had heen present," continued Mr. Clay, without suffering his imagination to he check- ed in its flight. And he then represented the wordy and pompous Missourian bowing at the Executive footstool, and tendering his congratulations. The space to which we have been restricted, will not allow us to present even an imperfect sketch of the whole scene. We can only refer the reader to it as one of the most felicitous of those legitimate presentations of the ludicrous, made to illustrate the true, which sometimes occur to enliven the bar- renness of legislative debate. The events which succeeded the Veto are too re- cent in the minds of the People to render a minute enumeration necessary here. They are forcibly summed up in Mr. Adams's excellent Report on the President's Veto of the Revenue Bill. A second Bank Bill, shaped to meet the avowed views of the President, was prepared, passed, and then vetoed. The Cabinet, with the exception of Mr. Webster, resigned ; and the great purpose for which the Spe- cial Session of Congress had been called was defeat- ed by the will of one man, who owed his influential position to his professed attachment to Whig princi- ples, and his declared preference for Mr. Clay as a candidate for the Presidency. Mr. Clay was unremitted in his application to the public business during the Extra Session. He spoke on a great variety of questions, and, being at the head of two important Committees, performed a great amount of hard work. Although his principal mea- sure lor the public relief was defeated by the unlook- ed-for defection of John Tyler, he had the satisfac- tion of aiding in the Repeal of the odious Sub-Trea- sury System — in the passage of the Bankrupt Law — and in the final triumph of his favoiite measure, often baffled but still persevered in, the Distribution of the Sales of the Public Lands. By the provisions of this last law, Distribution was to cease whenever the average rate of Duties on Imports should exceed 20 per cent. A Revision of the Tariff, rendered necessary by the expiration of the Compromise Act, was also un- dertaken. This was the most important subject which engaged the attention of the Twenty-Seventh Congress, at its first regular session. To meet the exigency of the occasion, a Provisional Bill, sus- pending the operation of the Distribution Bill for one month, as well in consequence of a lack of funds in the Treasury, as of a desire on the part of Congress to give more mature consideration to the subject of a Tariff, was passed. But it encountered still ano- ther and another Veto from the President. It has been asserted that Mr. Clay and his friends did not desire an adjustment of the Tariff question, during the Session of 1841-2. Nothing could be more unfounded than this charge. In spite of dis- comfiture and mortification, they persevered in their efforts for the relief of the country, and eventually surrendered the Distribution clause to meet the views of the President; and the Tariff Bill finally became a law, through the patriotic endeavors of the friends of Mr. Clay, notwithstanding the attempt of Mr. Ty- ler to crush their energies and arouse their opposi- tion. On the thirty-first of March, 1842, after one of the longest Congressional careers known in our annals, Mr. Clay resigned his seat in the Senate of the Uni- ted States. It having been previously understood that he would take occasion, in presenting the Cre- dentials of his successor, Mr. Crittenden, to make some valedictory remarks, the Senate Chamber was, at an early hour, crowded to its utmost capacity, by Members of the other House, and by a large assem- blage of citizens and ladies. Some of Mr. Clay's best friends had looked forward with apprehension to this event — wearing the aspect, as it did, of a for- mal and appointed leave-taking. They remembered that there was but one step from the sublime to the ridiculous, and they dreaded lest the truly impress- ive chaiacter of the occasion might be marred, or di- vested of its dignity, by any farewell words. But Mr. Clay had hardly risen to speak before their ap- prehensions were lost and forgotten in a deep and absorbing interest in the language that flowed calm- ly, smoothly and majestically from his lips. He re- ferred to the period of his first entrance into the Sen- ate, in 1806. He paid a merited compliment to the high character of that body, and to the ability of its individual Members; but added that, full of attrac* tion as was a seal in that Chamber, to fill the aspi- rations of the most ambitious heart, he had long de- termined to forego it, and to seek repose among the calm pleasures of " home." It had been his purpose, he said, to terminate his connection with the Senate in November, 1840. Had President Harrison lived, and the measures devised at the Extra Session been fully carried out, he would have then resigned his seat. But the hope that at the Regular Session the measures left un- done might he still perfected, induced him to post- pone his determination; and events, which arose af- ter the Extra Session, resulting from the failure of those measures which had been proposed at that Session, and which appeared to throw on his politi- cal friends a temporary show of defeat, confirmed him in the resolution to attend the present Session also — and, whether in prosperity or adversity, to share the fortune of his friends. But he resolved, at the same time, to retire as soon as he could do so with propriety and decency. Mr. Clay then con- tinued as follows: " From 1806, the period of my entry on this noble theatre, with short intervals, to the present time, I have been engaged in the public councils, at home and abroad. Of the nature or the value of the ser- vices rendered during that long and arduous period of my life, it does not become me to speak ; history, if she deigns to notice me, or posterity, if the recol- lections of my humble actions shall be transmitted to posterity, are the best, the truest, the most im- partial judges. When dealh has closed the scene, their sentence will be pronounced, and to that I op- peal and refer myself, ftly nets and public conduct are a fair subject for the criticism and judgment of my fellow-men; but the private motives by which they have been prompted — they are known only to the great Searcher of the human heart and to my- self; and I trust I may be pardoned for repeating a declaration made some thirteen years ago, that, whatever errors — and doubtless they ha\e been main — mav be discovered in a review of my public service to the country, I can with unshaken confi- dence appetil to the Divine Arbiter for the truth of the declaration, that 1 have been influenced by no impure purposes, no personal motive — have sought no personal agarnndiseinent; but that in all my public arts I have bail a sole and single eve, and a warm and deuxed heart, directed and dedica- Retiracy from the Senate — Return to Kentucky — Remarks on Slavery. 75 ted to what, in my judgment, I believed to be the true interest of my country." Mr. Clay then alluded to the fact, that in common with other public men he had not enjoyed an immuni- ty from censure and detraction. But he had not been unsustained. And here the allusion to the persecu- tions of his assailants led to the mention of Ken- tucky, the State of his adoption — noble Kentucky — who, when the storm of calumny raged the fiercest, and he seemed to be forsaken by all the rest of the world, threw her broad and impenetrable shield around him, and bearing him up aloft in her coura- geous arms repelled the poisoned shafts aimed for his destruction. As Mr. Clay uttered the name of Kentucky, his feelings overpowered him — the strong man was bowed with emotion — he passed his fin- gers before his eyes for a moment — then rallied, and proceeded with his remarks. To the charge of Dictatorship, which was so often in the mouths of his opponents at that time, Mr. Clay replied tem- perately and happily. We can quote but a fragment of this portion of his Valedictory Address : " That my nature is warm, my temper ardent, my disposition, espe.cially in relation to the public ser- vice, enthusiastic, I am fully ready to own; and those who supposed that I have been assuming the Dictatorship, have only mistaken for arrogance or assumption that fervent ardor and devotion which is natural to rny constitution, and which I may have displayed with no little regard to cold, calculating ami cautious prudence, in sustaining and zealous- ly supporting important National measures of policy which I have presented and proposed." The truly generous qualities of Mr. Clay's na- ture shine forth from every line of the following pas- sage : " During a long and arduous career of service in the public councils of my country, especially dur- ing the last eleven years I have held a seat in the Senate, from the same ardor and enthusiasm of character, I have no doubt, in the heat of debate, and in an honest endeavor to maintain rny opinions against adverse opinions equally honestly enter- tanipd, as to the best course to be adopted for the public welfare, I may have often inadvertently or unintentionally, in moments of excited debate, made use of language that has been offensive, and sus- ceptible of injurious interpretation toward my brother Senators. If there be any- here who retain wound- ed feelings of injury or dissatisfaction produced on such occasions, I beg to assure them that I now of- fer the amplest apology for any departure on my part from the established rules of parliamentary deco- rum and courtesy. On the other hand, I assure the Senators, one and all, without exception and with- out reserve, that I retire from this Senate Chamber without carrying with me a single feeling of resent- ment or dissatisfaction towards the Senate or any of its membets." Mr. Clay concluded this memorable address by invoking, in a tone which thrilled through every heart, the blessings of Heaven upon the whole Sen- ate and every member of it. The hushed suspense of intense feeling and attention pervaded the crowd- ed assemblage as he sat down. For nearly half a minute after he had finished no one spoke — no one moved. There was not a dry eye in the Senale Chamber. Men of all parties seemed equally over- come by ihe pathos and majesty of that farewell. — At length Mr. Preston, of South Carolina, rose and remarked, that what had just taken place was an epoch in their legislative history ; and, from the feel- ing which was evinced, he plainly saw that there was little disposition to attend to business. He would therefore move that the Senate adjourn. The motion was unanimously agreed to; but even then the whole audience seemed to remain spell-bound by the effect of those parting tones of Mr. Clay. For several seconds no one stirred. " In all probability we should have remained there to this hour," said an honorable Senator to us recent- ly, in describing the scene, " had not Mr. Clay him- self risen, and moved towards the area." And then at length, slowly and reluctantly, the assemblage dispersed. Shortly after the adjournment, as Mr. Calhoun was crossing the Senate Chamber, he and Mr. Clay encountered. For five years they had been estran- ged ; and the only words which had passed between them had been those harshly spoken in debate. But now, as they thus inadvertently met, the old times came over them. They remembered only their po- litical companionship of twenty years' standing. — The intervening differences, which had chilled their hearts towards each other, were forgotten. The tears sprang to their eyes. They shook each other cor- dially by the hand — interchanged a "God bless you!" and parted. We have alluded elsewhere briefly to this scene. It was a happy sequel to the leading events of the day. CHAPTER XX. Return to Kentucky— Speech at Lexington — Visits Indiana- Scene with Mr. Mendenhall— Remarks on Slavery — Person- al Matters — Slanders Refuted — The Dayton Convention — Visit to the South- West— Triumphal Progress — Return Home —Contemplated Visit to the South -East— Letters on the Tariff— Letter to the Whigs of Fayette County, Va., in re- gard to John Tyler— Again Visits New-Orleans— Addresses the Whig Convention— Leaves New-Orleans on his way to North-Carolina. On his return to Kentucky, after retiring from public life, Mr. Clay was received with all those manifestations of enthusiastic affection which it is possible for a grateful constituency to exhibit. On the 9th of June, 1842, he partook of a public enter- tainment or Barbecue, given in his honor near Lex- ington. The speech which he delivered on this occasion is probably fresh in the recollection of many of our readers. Containing as it does many personal re- miniscences of his past career, and a review of those leading questions of policy upon which we have al- ready given his opinions, it is one of the most inter- esting of his numerous addresses to popular assem- blies. Early in October, 1842, being on a visit to Rich- mond, in the State of Indiana, the occasion of his meeting a large concourse of his fellow citizens was seized upon by a number of his politioal oppo- nents to present him with a petition praying him to emancipate his slaves in Kentucky. It was thought that even Henry Clay would be nonplussed and embarrassed by so inopportune and unexpected an appeal. A Mr. Mendenball was selected to present him with the petition, and expectation was raised to the highest pitch among the few who were in the se- cret, and who were far from being Mr. Clay's well- wishers, to hear what he would say. Never did he acquit himself more felicitously than on this occa« tion. 76 Life of Henry Clay. The indignation was great among; the assembly when they learned the object with which Mr. Men- denhall had made his way through their midst to the spot where Mr. Clay stood. They regarded it as an insult to him and his friends ; and the proba- bility is, that Mr. Mendenhall would have had some palpable proof of their sense of his impertinence, had not Mr. Clay instantly appealed to the assem- bly in the following terms : "J. hope that Mr. Mendenhall maybe treated with the greatest forbearance and respect. I assure my fellow citizens, here collected, that ihe presentation of the petition has not occasioned the slightest pain, nor excited one solitary disagreeable emotion. If it were lo be presented to me, I prefer that it should be done in the face of this vast assemblage. I think I can give it such an answer as becomes me and the subject of which it treats. At all events, I entreat and beseech rny fellow citizens for their sake, for my sake, to offer no disrespect, no indig- nity, no violence, in word or deed, to Mr.Mendenhall." Then, turning to Mr. Mendenhall : " Allow me to ' say," said Mr. C, " that I think you have not con- ' formed to the independent character of an Ameri- 'can citizen in presenting a. petition to me. A ' petition, as the term implies, generally proceeds 'from an inferior in power or station to a superior; ' but between us there is entire equality." Mr. Clay remarked, in continuation, that he de- sired no concealment of bis opinions in regard to the institution of Slavery. He looked upon it as a great evil, and deeply lamented that we had derived it from the Parental Government and from our ances- tors. But, wiihoutany knowledge of tne relation in which lie stood to his Slaves, or their individual con- dition, Mr. Mendenhall and his associates had pre- sented a petition calling upon him forthwith to liberate the whole of them. " Now let me tell you," said Mr. C. " that some half a dozen of them, from age, decrepitude or infirmity, are wholly unable to gain a livelihood for them- selves, and are a heavy charge upon me. Do you think that I should conform lo the dictates of hu- manity by ridding myself of that charge, and send- ing them forth into the world, with the boon of liberty, to end a wretched existence in starvation''" In conclusion, Mr. Clay admirably exposed the liypocrasy of the petitioners by the following pro- position, in regard to which they have never taken any steps : " I shnll, Mr. Mendenhall, take your petition into respecttul and delibemte consideration ; but before 1 come to a final decision, I should like to know what you and your associates are trilling to do for ihe Slaves in rny possession, if I should think pro- per to iibirnie them. I own about fifty, who are proUtbly worth fifteen thousand dollars. To turn them loose upon society without any means of sub- sistence or support would be an act of cruelly. Are » you willing to raise and secure the payment of fif- teen thousand dollars for their benefit, if I should be induced to {ree them ? The secuiity of the pay- ment of that sum would materially lessen the ob- stacle in the way of iheir emancipation." Mr. Clay finished his remarks with some friendly advice to Mr. Mendenhall, which it is probable that individual will never forget. The tables were com- pletely turned upon those who had thought to annoy and embarrass the great Kentuckian. The bearer of the petition and bis associates were suffered lo slink away unnoticed and unheeded by the crowd. As the period for a new Presidential election ap- proaches, the enemies of Mr. Clay are circulating the grossest misrepresentations in regard to his con- duct as a slave-holder and his opinions upon the subject of the institution of Slavery. A Mr. James Channing Fuller, who according to his own showing, smuggled himself into the kitchen at Ashland and interrogated the slaves, in the absence of Mr. Clay from home, has published a statement in relation to Mr. Clay's domestic affairs, full of the most ridicu- lous falsehoods. One of the slaves, named Darkey, who seems to have been very communicative in " humbugging" the fellow, on being asked why she had told him such big stories, replied : " Why, the man came sneaking about the house like a fool, aud I thought I would make a bigger fool of him." A Mr. Abel Brown, who was indicted not long since for libel by the Grand Jury of Albany, has also been busy in propagating the vilest slanders in regard to Mr. Clay's conneciion with the slave- holding interest. We need only stamp them as de- liberate and malicious falsehoods, wholly unsustain- ed by the slightest shadow of proof. The Lexington Intelligencer says : " Mr. Clay owns about fifty slaves. Several of them, from age and infirmity, are an absolute charge upon him. His allowance of food to them, is a pound of bacon per day for adult men, and in that proportion for women and children— free access to the meal-tub for bread, and plenty of vegetables. Mo.-t of them raise fowls. They are well cloihed and housed, and the tasks given "them are verv light, insomuch, that during the season of breaking" hemp, some of the men can earn their dollar per day. Their attachment to Mr. Clay is strong. Charles has travelled with him through the greater part of the United States and both the Canadas. When at the Falls of Niagara, three years ago, Mr. Ciay was asked by a friend if he was sure of Charles's fidelity ; for that some Abolitionists had been attempting to seduce him from his service. Mr. Clay replied that they were welcome to get him off if ihey could. He might go if he pleased ; he would be only anticipating his freedom a few days. Jn Canada, Charles was again importuned and teased, until excessively vexed, he turned upon his tormentors and told them that he would not leave his master for both of ilie Queen's Provinces. Charles's wife, a free woman and her childien, all live upon Mr. Clay's place and are chiefly supported by him, without rendering any equivalent." There has never been any concealment on Mr. Clay's part of his opinions on the subject of Slavery. Through the whole course of this Memoir they will be found scattered, from the period when he first advocated the gradual eradication of Slavery from Kentucky in 1797 to the present moment. In his speech before the Colonization Society in 1827, (see Chapter X. of the present work,) nothing can be more explicit than the language he employs. We refer those who would be enlightened further in re- gard to his views, to that eloquent address. On the 29th of September, 1842, Mr. Clay attended the great Whig Convention at Dayton, Ohio, where One Hundred Thousand Whigs are believed to have been assembled. " At 8 o'clock," says one of the actors in the scene, " when every street in the city was filled, ' and there seemed no resting-place for any, the pro- ' cession was formed. This occupied a long time. ' When done, the order, « March ! ' was given ; and, Visit to the South.West—The Tariff of 1842— Letters on the Tariff. 77 •in solid mass, we moved to welcome the great •Statesman, Henry Clay, into the city. He was •met near the city, and, at half-past 9 o'clock, • readied the neighborhood of the National Hotel. • Here a bf-autiful sight was witnessed. One hun- ' dred and twenty-five children, as the honest patriot •approached, welcomed him with songs! Their sweet voices rang out in merry peals, and the mul- • titude responded to it with the heartiest enthusiasm. ' After this, Mr. Clay occupied a stand for some time, • as the procession passed by, welcoming him to Ohio, ' and in return receiving his salutations. " When the procession had passed, Mr. Clay re- ' tired into the Hotel. Governor Metcalf then ap- ' peared at the window, and delivered a Speech— ' returning the thanks of Kentucky for the warm- ' hearted "reception they had met with, and bid- ' ding all who loved the name of American to rally ' together in defence of American Liberty and Ameri- ' can Labor. " Mr. Schenek read Resolutions, prepared by the •Committee, nominating Henry Clay and John ' Davis for the Whig candidates for 1844. At this ' time Mr. Clay was seen in the crowd, and then, as ' if there had been one voice only, the shout went ' forth for the Statesman of the Nation. He answered 'it; and, in a Speech of two hours, plain, yet elo- ' quent, he spoke, concealing no opinion, disguising ' no wish, the multitude all the while listening with ' eager attention and breathless silence. And such 'a Speech! It was a master-effort of a master- ' spirit." Of this tremendous meeiing Mr. Clay afterward remarked, that of all the crowds in Europe or else- where he never saw one so great. A vast sea of human heads surrounded the platform, covering many acres. In the month of December, 1342, Mr. Clay, having private business in New-Orleans, where one of his married daughters resides, visited that city, stop- ping at Natchez and other places on his route. He was every where received by the People with such enthusiastic demonstrations of popular affection as had never before been bestowed upon any American except Washington. On his return homeward from Louisiana, about the middle of February, 1843, his progress was continually impeded by vast assemblages of the people to meet and welcome him. At Mobile, on the 2d of February, and at Vicksburg, on the 20th of February, an immense concourse of citizens col- lected to offer the tribute of their gratitude and respect. The Hon. S. S. Prentiss addressed him, on the latter occasion, in that strain of fluent and impassioned eloquence for which that young and gifted orator is distinguished. At Jackson, the capital of Mississippi, Mr. Clay was met and welcomed by the largest concourse ever assembled in the State. At Memphis, Ten- nessee, crowds of citizens from the surrounding region assembled to tender him their affectionate respects, to look on and listen to the greatest living champion of their Country's honor and interests. Thus felicitated and welcomed on his route, Mr. Clav, with more than a conqueror's trophies, re- turned, in fine health and spirits, to Ashland, just lis Spring was beginning to fringe with green the old oaks that waved around his homestead. Early in April he adJrcssed a large body of hia fellow citizens in the Court-House yard at Lexing- ton; and, in the course of his remarks, acknow- ledged, in appropriate language, the attentions which had been paid to him and the honors which had been showered upon him by all parties during his late trip to the South-west. It having been understood that Mr. Clay would make a tour to the South-east during the autumn of 1843, innumerable letters from Committees in all sections of the country were poured in upon him, requesting him to visit a multitude of places, both on his route and aside from it. The task of reply- ing to these letters must alone have been exceeding- ly laborious. North Carolina was, we believe, the first to claim from him a visit. In his reply to a Committee of citizens of Raleigh, dated 10th July, 1843, he consents to pay a visit, some time in the course of the next spring to that State, which was " the first to declare the Independence of the Colo- ' nies, and will be among the last to abandon the 'support of the Union." Several letters from Mr. Clay on the subject of the Tariff appeared, during the Summer of 1843. No- thing could be more explicit and undisguised than the expression of his views. In his reply, dated 13th September, 1843, to a letter from F. S. Bronson, Esq., of Georgia, asking his opinions in regard to the Protective policy of 1832, he writes : " The sum and substance of what I conceive to be the true policy of the United States, in respect to a Tariff, may be briefly stated. In conformity with the principle announced in the Compromise Act, I think, that whatever revenue is necessary to an eco- nomical and honest administration of the General Government, ought to be derived from duties, impo- sed on Foreign imports. And I believe that, in es- tablishing a Tariff of those duties, such a discrimi- nation ought to be made, as will incidentally afford reasonable protection to our national interests. " I think there is no danger of a high Tariff being ever established ; that of 1828 was eminently de- serving that denomination. I was not in Congress when it passed, and did not vote for it; but with its history and with the circumstances which gave birth to it, 1 am well acquainted. They were highly dis- creditable to American legislation and I hope, for its honor, will never be again repeated. " After my return to Congress in 1831, my efforts were directed to the modification and reduction of the rates of duty contained in the act of 1828. The act of 1832 greatly reduced and modified them; and the act of 1833, commonly called the Compromise Act, still farther reduced and modified them. The act which passed at the Extra Session of 1841, which I supported, was confined to the free articles. I had resigned my seat in the Senate when the act of 1842 passed. Generally, the duiies which it im- poses are lower than those' in the act of 1832. And, without intending to express any opinion upon eve- ry item of this last Tariff, I would say that I think tiie provisions, in the maiu, are wise and proper. If there be any excesses or defects in it, (of which I have not the means here of judging,) they ought to be corrected. " My opinion, that there is no danger hereafter of a high Tariff, is founded on the gratifying fact that our manufactures have now taken a deep root. Jn their infancy, they needed a greater measure of pro- tection ; but, as they grow and advance, they ac- quire strength and stability, and, consequently, will require less protection. Even now, some branches of them are able to maintain, in distant markets, successful competition with rival foreign manufac- tures." 78 Life of Henry Clay. By this it will be seen, that Mr. Clay is in favor of sustaining the present Tariff; and that, so far from contemplating higher and higher duties, he be- lieves that the rapid and constant progress of our Manufactures tends ever to diminish instead of in- creasing the necessity for decidedly protective duties. He never was in favor of a high tarifi. In his own lan- guage, he believes : "that the Revenue from the Gen- ' eral Government should be derived from the Foreign ' imports to the exclusion of direct taxes, and the 'proceeds of the sales of Public Lands; and that no ' more revenue should be levied than is necessary to ' an economical administration of the Government; ' but that in levying it such discriminations ought to 'he made as will afford moderate and reasonable pro- ' tection to American interests against the rival and ' prohibitory policy of Foreign Powers." Notwithstanding these clear and unequivocal dec- larations, the attempt is frequently made to misre- present Mr. Clay's views in regard to the Tariff. Surely there is no longer any excuse for ignorance upon this subject among persons claiming to be in- telligent. The Whigs of Fayette County, Virginia, some time in September, 1843, wrote to Mr. Clay request- ing him to favor them with a visit on his way to or return from North Carolina. By the following ex- tracts from his reply, it will be seen that he is far from disguising his sentiments in regard to Mr. Tyler: '• The treachery, Gentlemen, of the acting Presi- dent, to which you allude in terms of just indigna- tion, is mortifying to us as Americans. " Considering the youth of our Republic, and the virtuous and illustrious men who have filled the of- fice of Chief Magistrate of the Union, it is painful in the extreme to behold such an example of utter abandonment of all the obligations of honor, of duty and of fidelity. But, far from allowing that de- griding fact to throw us into a state of apathy and despondency, it ought to stimulate every American freeman to redouble, his energies in rescuing his Government from the impure hands into which it has accidentally fallen. " Against Mr. Tyler no exertion is necessary. He will soon retire with the contempt and amidst the scoffs of all honorable men. Our efforts should be directed against those who first seduced and then profited by him; those who, after having won him to tlu-ir uses now affect to shrink from the contami- nating association ; those who after his complete identification with them, and at the moment when he is appropriating to their exclusive advantage the whole patronage of the Government, unjustly up- braid us with the failure of measures, the adoption of which was prevented by his perfidy and their countenance and support of him." In December, 1843, Mr. Clay's private affairs again required his presence in New-Orleans. He was welcomed on his route to that city by the same testimonials of popular attachment that had signal- ized his journey of the preceding year; and, during his residence in the great Southern Metropolis, citi- zens of all ponies seemed to unite in doing him honor. Before his departure, the State Convention of the Democratic Whigs of Louisiana, which was holding its session at the time, formed in proces- sion, the 23d Fi bruary, 1844, and marched to the St. Charles Hotel, where he was staying, to tender their respects. His reply to their enthusiastic con- gratulations was brief but to the point: "You call for a speech from me, my fellow-citi- zens : It is not proper that I should make a speech, and I Kill not make a speech. But this 1 may say to you — you are engaged in a good cause, an honest cause, a glorious cause : the principles which you are advocating tend to the advancement of the pros- perity of the Republic, and I will tell you that from all quarters— from the farthest corners of Maine to the extremest points of Louisiana, the signs of the times are propitious, and not a speck obscures the horizon. Go on, then! Go ahead!" On the 25th February, Mr. Clay reached Mobile on his way to North Carolina. Although it was the Sabbath, and of course no civic ceremonies de- noted the welcome which v> as swelling in every bosom, yet the wharves were lined with a dense and innumerable throng, eager to catch a glimpse of him as he disembarked. On the next day he was to receive his fellow citizens at the Mansion House. The Advertiser of the 26th says: "Mr. Clay, we ' are pleased to add, is looking in fine health, and ' promises to live yet many years, the benefactor and ' the pride of his country." On the5th March, he left Mobile for Montgomery, Columbus, Ga., Macon and other intermediate cities on his route, followed by the best hopes of the peo- ple for his health, prosperity and elevation to the Chief Magistracy of the Republic in November next. CHAPTER XXI. Mr. Rives's Letter in fnvor of Mr. Clay— Review of Mr. Clay's Personal History— His successes at the Bar — Chief Justice Marshall's Opinion of his Talents— Personal Description— His Manners ana Mode of Address— Richard M. Johnson's Esti- timateof Mr. Clay's Abilities— Anecdotes— Conclusion. One of the most cheering evidences of the wide- spread reaction in the public mind in favor of Mr. Clay may be found in the letter of theHon. Wil- liam C. Rives, U. States Senator from Virginia, dated January 1st, 1844, and addressed to Colonel Edmund Fontaine, of Hanover County. In this manly and eloquent letter, Mr. Rives states the grounds of his preference for Mr. Clay over Mr. Van Buren as a candidate for the Presidency in plain and forcible terms. The following passages cannot be made too familiar to the people of the United States : "Could any thing inflict a deeper wound on the cause of Republican Institutions than such a spec- tacle of levity and instability on the part of the con- stituent body as would be exhibited in the restoration of Mr. Van Buren, after the overwhelming condem- nation of his Administration pronounced by the almost unanimous electoral voice of the country but three short years ago? Would it not render popu lar Government a 'by-word and taunt' among the Nations ? "It is impossible for any reflecting man to con- template the actual and prospective condition of the country without seeing in it already the germ of new difficulties and troubles, which may, in their ap- proaching developement, agitate our glorious Union to its centre. The Oregon and Texas question in our foreign relations; at home, a deficient revenue, with all its ordinary sources pressed up to their farthest productive limit, and some of them, there is reason to apprehend, beyond; the Tariff contro- versy reopened, with all the conflicting interests and passions which never fail to be awakened by it; and added 'to these, the rekindled fires of the Abolition excitenn nt— each and ail of them are ques- tions which carrv in their bosom the fearful elements of civil discord and intestine strife The worst and most dangerous aspect they present is, that all of Col. R. M. J-hwon's Tribute to Henry Clay — Private History — Conclusion. 79 them bring into immediate and opposing array, if not into angry and hostile collision, the sectional interests and feelings of the different geographical divisions of the Confederacy. Whose, at such a moment, is the master-spirit that may have power to still the rising tempest before it sweeps with de- structive fury over the face of our yet happy Union? or, should this prove hopeless and impossible, whose the commanding genius ' to ride the whirlwind and direct the storm?' To preside over the destinies of a ureat Republic, in a crisis of such complicated difficulty and peril, calls for something more than the arts of the mere party politician. It demands the highest moral and intellectual qualities of the states- man — courage, self-possession, elevation of charac- ter and elevation of views; a nobleness and gener- osity of nature that attracts confidence, and can in- spire enthusiasm; the spirit of persuasion and the spirit of command combined. Let the annals of the country, in some of the darkest moments which have ever lowered upon its fortunes, be consulted, and they will answer whether Henry Clay or Martin Van Buren is the man for such a crisis." Of such paramount interest h ive been the details of Mr. Clay's public career that we have but little room to bestow upon his private and professional history, honorable as it has been to him. We have alluded to his early successes at the bar, but space fails us in the attempt to supply even an imperfect sketch of his numerous triumphant efforts in the sphere of his profession. Owing to the more popu- lar character of his political labors, he has not en- joyed, out of the boundary of the Supreme Court, half the reputation which was his due as a jurist of extensive attainments and profound ability. But we have been assured by Mr. Justice Story, that he was regarded by Chief Justice Marshall as second to no lawyer in the country in these respects. His arguments always evinced great reflection, and often great erudition ; and they were of that eleva- ted and liberal character, which excluded every aid of a narrow or pettifogging cast. We must con- tent ourself with a mere reference to this department of Mr. Clay's history ; referring the reader to the re- ports and records of the United States Courts for information in regard to it. Henry Clay is now (1844) in his sixty-seventh year, and, notwithstanding his varied and arduous labors, tasking his mental and physical powers to an extraordinary degree, and the several periods of dangerous illness, to which he has been subject, he bears in his personal appearance the promise of a vigorous, healthful and protracted old age. In sta- ture he is tall, sinewy, erect and commanding, with finely formed limbs and a frame capable of much en- durance. From his features you might at first infer that he was a hardy backwoodsman, who had been accustomed rather to the privations and trials of a frontier life than to the arena of debate and the diplo- matic table. But when you meet his full, clear, gray eye, you see in its flashes the conscious power of a well-trained and panoplied intellect as well as the glance of an intrepid soul. Its lustre gives ani- mation to the whole countenance, and its varying expression faitnfully interprets the emotions and sentiments of the orator. Much of the charm of his speaking lies in his clear, rotund and indescribably melodious voice, which is of wide compass, and as distinct in its low as in its high tones. The effect of it, when a passion is to be portrayed, or a feeling of pathos aroused, is like that of a rich instrument upon the ear Nothing could be more felicitous than Mr. Clay's personal manners and mode of address. They im- press every one with the conviction that he is a true man — that there is no sham about him and his opin- : ons. Frank, affable, natural and communicative — as much at home among European princes and po- tentates as at a Barbecue with his own constituents — his perfect self-posstssion and repose of manner spring, not so much from long intercourse with the world as from that rooted democratic instinct, that dignity of character, which looks solely to the in- ward man, and sees not the stars and garters with which he may be externally decorated. Among the eminent men who have borne testimo- ny to those qualities, which render Mr. Clay so wor- thy a candidate for the highest office in the gift of the American people is Col. Richard M.Johnson of Kentucky. We are indebted to the Richmond Whig for the following anecdote : "On the 30th of September last, Col. Johnson be- ing in Staunton, Virginia, a number of gentlemen paid him the respect ol calling to see him. One of the company remarked to him, ' Colonel, when you reach the railroad junction, you will be near the Slashes ofllanuver.' The honest old warrior's face immediately lit up with an expression of sincerity and pleasure, and he eloquently said : ' I shall be delighted to see that place. Every spot of ground Henry Clay touches he immortalizes. I have been in public life for forty years, and in that time have been associated with all the great men of the coun- try. Leaving out Madison and Gallatin, who were old men when I first stepped upon the theatre of politics, I will place Jefferson first, then Henry Clay. He is a perfect Hercules in all the qualities that can adorn human nature. Some men may ex- cel him in a single quality — for instance, Webster may be a greater logician, or some may be more re- nowned for deep researches, but take Clay all in nil, he has not an equal in the Union, either in the North or South — the East or the West. In moral courage — in physical courage — in oratory — in pat- riotism, and in every noble quality, he is without a superior. I have been associated with him on Com- mittees in connexion with Calhoun, Lowndes, Cheves, Webster, and other distinguished individu- als, but Clay was always the master-spirit. We looked up to him as the Ajax Telamon ; and by his counsel we were guided in our deliberations. If the rest of the Committee assembled before him and were in doubt how to proceed, when he made his appearance, all eyes were turned upon him — and we weie certain to be right when we followed his opinion. He is a great man, a very great man." As a writer, Mr. Clay will creditably compare with any of the public men of the day. His style is singularly perspicuous, simple, forcible and correct, evincing a preference for good old Saxon words over those derived from the Latin and Greek languages. In this respect, it is perfectly Addisonian. His in- structions to the Ministers sent to the Congress of Panama, his Land Report of 1832, his Report on the differences with France, and numerous documents which emanated from his pen while he was at the head of the Department of State, may be referred to not only as papers evincing masterly statesman- ship, but as excellent specimens of "English unde- filed." In his tastes and habits of life, he is remarkably simple and unostentatious. On his fine estate of Ashland, he has for many years devoted his leisure to superintending the breeding and raising of cattle, on an extensive scale, and no man has done better 80 Life of Henry Clay. service to the farming interests of the country. He is an early riser, and methodical and industrious in die disposition of his time. In early life, Mr. Clay had a fondness for play — not for the sake of the money sported — but for the company and the excitement. He has, on several occasions given up large sums that be had won, and often saved men from ruin. He has never played at a public table or at gambling houses. For upwards of thirty years he has not played at any game of hazard. We mention these facts because there is much misrepresentation abroad on the subject; and the most grossly exaggerated stories have been made current by his enemies. We have fairly stated the head and front of his offending. As an instance of that magnanimity which Mr. Clay carries into all the transactions of life, we may quote the following facts from the Cleveland (Ohio) Herald, of April, 1843 : " A near relative of Mr. Clay, residing in his vici- nity, who has been largely engaged in the purchase and manufacture of hemp, for bagging and bale- rope, for the New-Orleans market, by the fall in value, and the embarrassments of the times, which have been felt with prodigious force for a year past, in the great Souih-Western Emporium, was lately compelled to make an assignment of his property to trustees, for the benefit of all his creditors. The whole amount of his liabilities was rear $50,000 — about one-half of which was due to Mr. Clay for ad- vances to enable the manufacturer to prosecute his business, so advantageous to the farming interests of Kentucky, with the hope of an improvement in the condition of things, so that a suspension of the work and of the payment might be avoided. " The sale of the property took place about a fortnight ago, and as usual in such cases attracted several hundred persons, and among them many of . the creditors. Mr. Clay then told them in substance that the assignment was for the benefit of all the creditors, himself included— that the amount due him was as large as all the other claims combined — that from the relationship in which he stood to the debtor, it was probable some, and perhaps many of the creditors, had become such under the expecta- tion that, if difficulty occurred, he, Mr. Clay, would protect them — that although there was no ground whatever for asking him to do so, yet, rather than that any man should think he had the slightest rea- son to complain of him, and in order further that every debt due to others should be paid, he now re- leased all interest under the assignment until every dollar due to others was paid, and then if any thing was left he would take it. The sale was made— the other creditors were all paid, and what little remain- ed was all Mr. Clay got for his $25,000. " How different this from the ordinary course, when Mr. Clay, being the confidential creditor, would have been first paid, and in this case the only one paid, and who but Henry Clay could be found, under such circumstances, to reject the whole or at any rute his share of the proceeds.' " But it is with Mr. Clay's public history that we have mainly to deal. The Legislative annals of the Nation are the sources from which it may be deri- ved. There it stands amply and immutably record- ed, through a period of nearly forty years. From those magnificent quarries of the Past, the materials will be drawn for a monument more perennial than marble or brass. Never were the views of a public man upon all questions of public policy more ingen- uously and unequivocally expressed — more clearly and broadly defined. On no one point is there an indication of shuffling — of a disposition to evade or defer the responsibility of uttering an opinion. In contemplating his career, we are often reminded of these lines by the author of ' Philip Van Artevelde :' " All my lifelong I have beheld with most respect the man Who knew himself and knew the ways before him, And from amongst them chose considerately, With a clear foresight, not a blindtold courage And, having chosen, with a steadfast mind Pursued his purposes." Such a man is Henry Clay ! And in no one pub- lic act of his life does he seem to have been actuated by other than pure and patriotic motives. " I w ould RATHER BE RIGHT THAN BE PRESIDENT." In that expression we have a key to his conduct from the moment he first entered the National Councils ; and in that expression we have an earnest of the single- heartedness of purpose with which the affairs of the country will be conducted under his administration. His elevation to the Presidency would be a national blessing — not merely because it would revive confi- dence and restore outward prosperity, but because its moral effect would be incalculably advantageous to our highest interests as a Free People. It is no- torious that, under the dynasties of Jackson and Van Buren, the moral tone of the country has been deplorably lowered ; the dastardly doctrine of Re- pudiation has sprung up, by which sovereign States have endorsed the ethics of the pickpocket and the swindler ; and our reputation, at home and abroad, has received stains, which it will take years to efface. To the Philanthropist, the Patriot, and the Chris- tian, what a relief to turn from this spectacle of dis- honor and mal-ad ministration, to the prospect of Henry Clay's election in November next' And now we approach the termination of our im- perfect sketch of his Lite and Public Services. Tire enthusiastic demonstrations in his favor, which are daily and hourly manifesting themselves in every quarter of the Republic, and which point to him as the only candidate of the Democratic Whigs of the | Union at the next Presidential Election ; the numer- I ous nominations, and the cordial testimonials of i State Legislatures, and of primary meetings of the ! People every where, in his behalf, are matters of i present history, which it is the province of the news- ; papers of the day to note. So overwhelming arc i they in their amount, that it would be useless for us to attempt in this place to convey an idea of their character and weight. That they are the infallible precursors of the election of Henry Clay to the Presidency of the United States, in the autumn of 1844, we firmly and fully believe. That triumph will be rendered all the more glorious from its con- trast with the reverses and disappointments of the sixteen years preceding it, illumined only by that burst of sunshine which visited us in the election of General Harrison, and disappeared at his death. In this hope, we take a temporary leave of th« subject of our biography. What further distinctions and glories may await him, time only can reveal. — j But the Past is secure. His name lives in the hearts ! of his countrymen. His fame is incorporate with ! the history of the Republic. May they both ba i blended with the highest honor which a Free People I can bestow. THE END. GREELEY & McELRATH'S PUBLICATIONS. >Tke New- York Daily Tribune |I8 PUBLISHED EVERY MORNING (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED) AT THE TRIBUNE BUILDINGS, 160 Nassau-Street, i i on a large and fair royal sheet, and furnished by Mail at the low price of Five Dollars per annum, payable in- J J flexibly in advance. 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While it protffers no claim to the abused name of » Democracy, so long the cloak of political Pharisees, the cant of designing demagogues, it will be, as it has been, | in the legitimate sense of the word, truly Democratic— the adversary of every wrong, the exposer of hollow pro- t fession and scheming knavery, and the advocate of every movement tending to the diffusion of true Freedom and 5 the upward Progress of the Human Race The Weekly Tribune is published in this city every Saturday ? mo' ning, but despatched by the Mails of Thursday and Friday. It is of the largest size, folded in eight pages, so J as to be about the average size of two common newspapers. 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