Class _ir_Z« Book E x Hi rniyrightTJ " ^^^f^j 2 COraUGKT DEPOBIC iiis'i'oin ESSI-X corxTw M ASSACHUSin'TS. BT0(1RAPHI(^A L SKETCHES )K MA^^ (II. irs Mom:i:iis and IMmiminent iMen. iMrii.iM) uNiii:i; Tin-, si riciiv ision oi' I ) 11 A ^r I i.T () X IM i; I ) VOL. II ma; 30 i88 T irjLXJSTK.^TEnD. I'll 1 I, A DK I, I'll lA : J. w. I. i;\v I s \- CO. 1 « s s . Of^ n^ (.'upyriyht, 1SS7, liY .1 W. M'.WIS & CO. Alt Ni(jlils Reserved. CONTENTS. VOLl.MK II. CITIES AND TOWKS. I.XIII. I.XIV. I,XV. LXVI. LXVII. I.XVIII. LXIX. I.XX. LXXI. LXXII. I.XXIIl. I.XX IV. I, XXV. I.XX VI. I.XXVIl. I. XXVIII. LXXIX. I.XXX I.XXXI. I.XXX 11. I.XXXIII. I.XXXIV. LXXXV. I.XXX VI. I.XXXVII. I. XXXVIII. !. XXXIX. XV. .XCI. xcii. XCIII. XCIV. XCV. XCVI. XCV 1 1. XCVIII. XCIX. c. (-1. CI I. cm. flV. fV. CVI. evil. CVIII. CIX. ex. CXI. CXII. ex 1 1 1, ex IV. exv. ex VI. Boxford, . TuiistK-lil. 1008 10l;i loii; 1023 1027 loss Ilui; Rowley, II-.'h ur,:i " continueil li:,r. liw. 119S HaniiUoii 12U) Wi'iiham. 122',) Manoliesler, 12.|o eontiniied, 1258 1272 " " 1282 1291 Gloucester, 12ys " continueil, 1304 1322 " " 1325 " " l.TilO ixa Uockpoit 1361 " contiime.l, 1.V>1 " 1370 13«9 1397 Naliuni 14(18 CXVII. exviii. ex IX. rXX. (XXI. rxxil. exxill. rxxn. IX XV. sfield, were chosen into oflice there; attended, belonged to and held ofiices in the churches at Topsfield and Bradford, and hardly any of their interests were in common with their fel- low-townsmen. Boxford happily escaped the depredations which many frontier towns suilered from the Indians. The only connection that the settlers ever had with them was when certain heirs of the old sachem of the 958 HISTOKY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. Agawams, Masconomet, laid claim to our soil. They were met at the house of Thomas Perley (now the residence of Mrs. Isaac Hale) in January, 1701, and a quit-claim deed was obtained from them upon the payment of some refreshment in the nature of " rum and vittels," and the sum of nine pounds in money. The witchcraft dehision visited the settlement, and one of the wives and mothers of the town was con- demned to pay the death penalty. The convicted woman was Rebecca, the wife of Robert Eames. She was in a house near Gallows' Hill, in Salem, when Eev. George Burroughs wjis executed, August 19, 1692, " and the woman of the house " felt a pin stuck into her foot, as she said. Mrs. Eames was accused of doing it, and convicted of witchcraft, but was afterward reprieved, having lain in jail more than Seven months. She survived until May 8, 1721, when she died at the age of eighty-two years. The settlers were buried at Topsfield until the settlement was incorporated, but no grave-stones re- main, if any were erected so early, by which we can tell how early burials were had at home. The oldest cemetery in Bo.xford is that across tlie street from the residence of Mr. Walter French, which has not been used for more tban a half a century. The oklest stone here is dated " 1714." The cemetery near B. S. Barnes, Esquire's, and the oldest one in the West Parish, be- gan to be used at the beginning of the eighteenth century. The cemetery near the First Church was laid out and first used in 1807; and the new one in the West Parish in 1838. Boxford has been constantly reduced in popula- tion, by parts of the territory being annexed to other towns, and by emigration to new regions. The peo- ple have helped to settle Bridgton and other places in Maine, Harvard, Hoplcinton, Oxford, Lunen- burg and Brookfield, in Massachusetts, Amherst and other places in New Hampshire, the State of Ohio, the province of New Brunswick, and other places. From the Atlantic to the Pacific the sons of old Box- ford are assisting as men ought in theafi'airs of human life. The population of the town in 1765 was eight hundred and fifty-one. From that number it in- creased in 1860 to one thousand and twenty. The number of inhabitants, by the census of 1885, was eight hundred and forty. A century ago several negroes were numbered among the inhabitants, and the race can still be seen here. One by the name of Neptune served in the army of the Revolution. Boxford has always been careful to be represented in the legiilative halls. Two State Senators, Aaron Wood, in 1781, and Julius Aboyneau Palmer, in 1869, and thirty-four members of the House have been sent from this town, some of the latter serving for long terms of years. Major Asa Perley was a member of the Provincial Congress. Boxford has had societies of various kinds, be- sides those mentioned in other portions of this sketch. " The Moral Society of Boxford and Tops- field " was established in 1815, and flourished for several years. Its purpose was the suppression of immorality of every description, particularly intem- perance, Sabbath-breaking and profanity; and the proniotion of piety and good morals. At present, the most prominent are the Boxford Natural His- tory Society, the Rural Improvement Association, a local assembly of the Grangers and the Literary League. The Danvers and Newburyport Branch of the Boston and Maine Railroad runs through the south- eastern portion of the town, having been located here in 1853. There are two post-ofiices in the town, — Boxford, Mr. Frederic A. Howe, postmaster, and West Boxford, Mrs. Mary C. Cole, postmistress. The mail is transported to the first by the railroad, and to the second by a mail-stage, running from George- town to Lawrence. The taxable property in the town is valued at about six hundred and fifty thousand dollars. The town debt is $4,857.59. The rate of taxation in 1887 was nine dollars and fifty cents on one thousand dollars. The citizens of the town are in general quiet and orderly and possessed of good common-school ac- quirements. No lawyer ever expected to reap a competency from the practice of his profession here, and for several years past a physician lias not had an office here. The earliest member of the medical profession who practiced here was David Wood, a native of the town, who was born in 1677, and died in 1744. He practiced here thirty years. He had quite a large practice in the surrounding towns, yet the estate which he accumulated was in great part derived from his farm and mills. Dr. Wood was followed, in 1753, by Dr. Benjamin Foster, who was born in Ips- wich in 1700, and died in 1775, of the asthma, hav- ing practiced here for twenty-two years. He was a successful and skillful physician, and a distinguished botanist. Dr. William Hale, the next one in the list, commenced practice here about 1770. He was a native of Boxford, having been born in 1741, and dy- ing about 1785. Then came Dr. George Whitefield Sawyer, who was born in Ipswich in 1770. He set- tled in Boxford as a physician shortly after 1800, and continued in the practice of his profession until his iioxronn. '.K){) death, which occurred in ISo-i, at the a^e of cictlily- five vears. Dr. Sawyer lived in the Ea>'t I'arish ; and in the West Parish Dr. .losiah IJacon practised lor about twenty years contemporaneously with him. Dr. P.acon was doulitle>s a ?iative of linidlnrd. and was born about 1780. He was in practice lure from about 182it to about 1840. He was an ex- cellent physician, anil hi-rhly cultured. Intciuprr- ance, however, caused the loss of his practice ami character. Dr. Sawyer and Dr. Bacon died on llie same day, — March 2;:!, ISoo. Dr. Hacon's brolhcr John was the author of Bnainn Tnii-n Oj/lcn-, one of the earliest works of the kind. Durin;; 1X4S an was a man of much learning, and very active with his pen ; several of his productions, both religious and secular, were pub- lished, anil among them is the most authentic account of "('apt. Lovewell's fight at Pigwacket," in 1725. Increase Mather spoke highly of him. The second pastor was Uev. John Rogers, of Salem, who preached here several months before his ordina- tion, which occurred in 170i). His salary was at sixty pounds, it being increased in 1717 to eighty pouixls. He resided in the pars'ui.ige. Jlr. Rogers was a native of .Salem, and graduated at Harvard College in 1700. He seems to have been born in lunnble life. He preached here until about 9G0 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. 1743, when he removed to his son's in Leominster, where he died in 17o5. He was an earnest, forcible preacher, and very successful in the ministry. The people in the western portion of the town had been compelled, as a portion of the town, to assist in supporting the ciiurch here, and at the same time attended and helped to support the churches at Andover and Bradford. The meeting- house here had become needful of repair, and a new one was contemplated, but a vote to build a new one could not be obtained. The people living in the western part of the town desired a division of the town into two parishes, and that each should build a church. This was done in 1785. The first meet- ing held by the East or First Parish was on Monday, November 17, 1735. A new meeting-house was built and completed in 1745. It was forty-eight feet long, thirty-eight feet wide, and twenty-four feet stud. Its cost was about fifteen hundred pounds. The old church was used until January, 1747, when religious services were first held in the new meeting-house. This edifice stood a few rods in front of the present church. From 1743 to "59 the church had no regular ser- vices. The ne.Kt minister who was settled here was Eev. E'lizur Holyoke. He graduated at Harvard College in 1750, and was ordained January 31, 1759. Mr. Holyoke was born in Boston May 11, 1731 ; and was prostrated by a paralytic shock in February, 1793, from the effects of which he died March 31, 1806, at the age of seventy-four years. He resided in the Holyoke house, which his lather, a merchant of Boston, had built for him, a year or two after his settlement here, on the site of the old parsonage. " Lost to the world, adieu ! our friend, adieu ! L'libleniislied spirit, seek those realuiy of light, Where boundless fllercj" olllj' lucetfl the view, Fuitli lust in wouder, Hope in full delight " — Epitaph. The fourth minister was Rev. Isaac Briggs, of York, Me., who was installed on Wednesday, Sep- tember 28, 1808. " Parson Briggs " was born in Hal- ifax, Mass., about 1775, and graduated at Brown University in 1795. He was .settled at York in the ministry, and resigned in 1807. Mr. Briggs lived in the old "Briggs house" during the twenty-five years he preached here. Contentions in the church made his service here unhappy, and his connection with the church and society was dissolved in 1833. Mr. Briggs afterwards preached in other places, but never again settled over a church. He came back to visit the friends and scenes of his' early labors, and occu- pied the pul|(it, several times after his departure from the town. He died in East Morrisania, N. Y., Febru- ary 22, 18f)2, at the age of eighty-six years. Mr. Briggs was followed by Rev. John Whitney, who was born in Harvard, Mass., September 1, 1803. He graduated at Amherst College in 1831, and from the Andover Theological Seminary in 1834. He was ordained here October In, 1834, and dismissed in the summer of 1837. He boarded in the "Bunker house," with Cari:*h being partly composed of North Aiidover families at tlie present time. The founders of the church were dismisse>i for that purpose from the churches of Bradford, and tlie First Parisli here. The church was organized Dec. ',•, IT^O, and on the iSHli of the same month Ui'v. J.ihn Cnsh- injr, who had been preaching hero for the year, was ordained. The salary of Mr. Cashing was ti.xed at one hundred and forty pounds in money and twenty- five cords of wood, with a settlement of lliree liun- dred pounds. Tlie church stood in the " ineeting- h(»use lot " a short distance south of the new ceme- tery, and Mr. Gushing lived nearly on the ojijiosite side of the road from Rev. Samuel lliwe's residence. After 17()3, he was not able to preach regularly, but he continued a.s the p.astor of the church till his death, which occurred Jan. '2^\ 1772. Mr. Cashing Wiis a son of Rev. Caleb Gushing, and was born in Salisbury April lit, 17119. He graduated at Harvard College in 1729. Mr. Cnshing was a man of exten- sive learning, and a popular preacher. The second meeting-house was built in 1774 by Stephen Barker. It stood where the present one stands. The old meeting-house was s(dd for what it would " fetch." The second minister was Rev. Jloses Hale, who was ordained November Ki, 1774. He was born in Rowley February 11), 1749, and graduated at Harvard Ccdiege in 1771. His salary was eighty [lounds per annum. He resided the street from the resi- dence of the venerable Mr. Daniel Wood. ]Mr. Hale was stricken down by disease in the twelfth year of his n»inistry and thirty-eighth of his age, and died May 2o, 178(5, leaving five motherless children to mourn his loss, his wife having died April 24tli of the preceding year. Mr. Hale's lather was tlie Rev. Moses Hale of Newbury. Mr. Hale's successor liev. Peter Katon, D.D., of Haverhill, who was ordained on Wednesday, Octo- ber 7, 1789. He erected the residence of the late Lawrence Carey, and lived in it during bis long i)as- torate here. It was during Mr. Eaton's ministry that the jiresent church was erected. It was dedicated November 22, 1843. Its cost was $4,917.62. The bell was a dona- tion from Charles Saunders, of Andover, its weight being eleven hundred and fifty-nine pounds. After preaching here for fifty-five years, his health failing. Dr. Eaton asked to be dismissed ; but it was voted that he should remain and preach when lie felt able. This he consented to do, but shortly afterward again resigned. Then Rev. (^alvin Em- nionds Park was installed as his colleague October 14. 184(>; and this relation continued as long as Dr. Eaton survived, which was but a short time. He quietly passed away April 14, 1848, at the age of eighty-three years. Dr. Eaton was born in Haverhill March lo, I7li">, and graduated at Harvard (il College in 1787. He secured, during his long and quiet ministry, the respe.-t and love of his peo]ile, who, as a memorial of their all'ection, erected a mon- ument to his memory. Several of hi-; sermons were published, among them llie " Isleclioii .^crin m," which he preached to the Legislature in 1819. After Dr. E:iton's death, Rev. .Mr. Park continued as tlie pastor until .\pril 9, IS.')'.!, wlieii he resigned. His farewell sermon was jn-eaehed on the first Sali- bath in .luiie, 1809. Mr. Park's labors were judi- cious, faithful and unremitting. He continued to oc- cupy th(^ pulpit for some time after his dismission, and lias ever since that time oi-easionally prea'died to his old congregation. .M'terwards, for sever;il years, he had a private sel I for young men, and is now mostly engaged in literary work. He resides in his old home near the church. Mr. Park was born in I'rovidence, R. I., Decemljer .SO, 1811. He first served for six years as jiastor of the church at Water- ville. Me., where he was ordained on October 31st, 1S38. The next minister was Rev. Cliarles M. Peirce, of Hinsdale, Mass., wlio was ordained September 2, 18()8. He had sound discretion and Christian zeal, endowed with a fine scholarship and rich ministerial gilts. He resided in the Peter Pearl house. He was disniisseil, at his request, .luly 17, 18(37, and was soon after settb'd in Middleiield, Mass. Tlie poverty of the cliureli and society was one of the principal reasons for the resignation of Revs. Messrs. Park and Peirce; but in 1X72 a great change occurred in the financial condition of the society. Captain .lolin Tyler, of this [larisli, who ilied that year, lie- iiueathed to the parish a finul of thirty thousand dol- lars, the income uC which to be appropriated annu- ally to the sniiport of llie gospel here. In I87'> the jiarish erected a handsome parsonage, in the Gothic style, on an eminence northeast from the church, at a cost of aliout five thousand dollars. Ten years had elapsed sim-e Jlr. Peirce was dis- missed, anil no " call " had lieen accejited by a clergy- man to settle here, though five invitations had been extended. The sixtli one was acce[ited by Rev. .lames McLean, of South Weymouth, .Mass. He was installed hereon Wednesday, February 20, 1877. Jlr. McLean was the fir-t occupant of the new parsonage. He was a native , 1879. Mr. Hubbard was liorii in Candia, N. IL, .Inly 4, 1839, and was settled over the church at Merriinae, N. IL, for ten years before coming to Boxford. Tile church has sevcntv-five members. The Sun- 962 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHIISP^TTS. day-school connected with it has eighty-five scholars and a library of two hundred volumes. The churches of the Firet and Second Parishes are both orthodox Congregational, there being no other religious organization in the town. The niembere of the Third Parish, which existed for a few years only, were Liberals, though they styled themselves Coiigre- gationalists. Third Parish. — This parish was founded on account of an extensive disafTei^tion in the First Church while Rev. Mr. Briggs was settled here. They were incor- porated by the name of the Third Congregational So- ciety Ajjril 19, 1824. No church was ever organized, but the society existed, and religious services were held for a period of ten years. The last legal meet- ing of the society was held April 29, 183-1. The academy building was erected, not only for the use of the school, but for a hall in which this new re- ligious society could hold their services. In 1826 the society had ninety-eight members, eighteen of them belonging to Topsfield, thirty-five to Middleton, and forty-five to Boxford. Among those who preached to this society were Revs. Charles W. Upham, J. Bart- lett, Ebenezer Robinson, Hubbard, Green and Lorihg. The preaching was of the Liberal kind, and mostly attended by that class of persons, who did not believe in Congregationalism. MiLiTAKY History. — In the very first settlement of the town the men who were compelled by law to train performed their military duty with the com- pany at Rowley, but being totally disregarded by that toivn for several yeare, they were ordered to train with the Topsfield company. In 1674 the General Court gave them liberty to train at either place, as they pleased. As soon as the town was incorporated a military company was formed here. Their first stock of ammunition was procured in 1680, and con- sisted of •' poudr & bullets and fients.'' To the time of the division of the town into two parishes there was but one company in the town ; after that time there was one in each parish. In 1762 the officers of the First Parish Company were: Asa Perley, cap- tain ; John Hale, lieutenant; and Thomas Andrews, ensign. Of the Second Parish Company : Isaac Ad- ams was captain ; Nathan Barker, lieutenant ; and John Chadwick, ensign. A powder-house was built by the town in 1801, and in 1856 it was sold and taken down. It stood in a pasture, a short distance from and northeast of Stevens Pond. In 1832 the two corai)anie8 were united, and continued so until the spring of 1840, when all the militia throughout the State were disbanded. A new and dashing comi)any, calling themselves the " Boxford Wa.shington Guards," was formed in 1836. In 1840 the town built them an armory. The company flourished for about ten years. The first actual military service the settlers entered was King Philip's War, in 1675, when Phili]> and his allies were i)liindering and burning the build- ings, and murdering the settlers in Swanzey and vi- cinity. Joseph Bixby served in the company of Capt. Samuel Brock lebank, of Rowley, and provi- dentially escaped the fate of nearly all of that heroic band. Robert Andrews was a member of the com- pany of the brave Capt. Gardner, and was killed at the storming of Fort Narragansett December 19, 1675. He was twenty-four years of age, and unmar- ried. In 1689 several of the men, with other soldiers from the neighboring towns, went down into Maine to help defend the frontier settlements fr.>m the at- tacks of the savages, who had become very fierce. For several years some of the soldiers went into actual service against the Indians. Several of them were in the company of the brave Capt. Lovewell in 1725. Boxford men were stationed at Scarbornugh in 1748 and 1749, and at Gorhamtown and New Mar- blehead in 1749 and 1750. They were again on the eastern frontiers in 1754 and 1755. Some of the Boxford soldiers assisted in depopu- lating Acadia (now Nova Scotia), of the neutral French, who, refusing to remain neutral, were brought by water to Boston, and distributed among the va- rious towns in the colonies. Fifteen were sent to Boxford, six of whom were afterwards transferred to Middleton. This strange proceeding took place in 1755. The heads of the three families that were sent to Boxford were named Ommer Landry, Paul Lan- dry and Renar Landry. They lived in town, being supported by the Province, until 1760, when many of them went to Canada. The cloud of their sorrows was never dispelled, and in a land of strangers many of them pined away and died. The long and tedious " French and Indian War " drew into service many of the inhabitants. Boxford raised "a company of foot" for the "invasion of Canada," in 1758, which was placed under the com- mand of Capt. Israel Herrick. This company, with another, under command of Capt Francis Peabody, of Boxford, were in service while the war lasted, 1758 -60. Other men served in various companies. Of the dangers and sufferings endured by these soldiers, no one but themselves could justly tell. When the colonies were taxed so heavily by the mother coun- try, just previous to the Revolution, in their corre- spondence with Boston, the committee of Boxford speak of the great amount of suffering, money and anxiety this war had cost them. The citizens of Boxford resented the aggressive acts of Great Britain at a very early day in the uprising of the colonies. May 24, 1770, the town voted " that they will, to their utmost, encour- age the produce and manufacture of all such ar- ticles as have formerly been imported from Great Britain, and used among them ; that they will not use any foreign tea, nor suffer it to be used in their families (cases of sickness excepted), until the duty upon it shall be wholly taken off, — the duty on i!()xi"(ii;i) 0(!3 which has so hirgcly cdritributed tow:inl.s the sii|i|"irt of such a. ' set <<( men; that they will luit, by any means wliatever, knowingly, have any si)i-t of trade or dealings with those detestable persons wiio have preferred their own little intcrest.s to the good of the country in eoiitriviiig to im])ort goods contrary to the non-importation asreement of the merchants and traders on the continent; and lliat whosoever shall be found to trade with them knowingly, shall be deemed unworthy to hold any otiice or place of trust in the town forever hereafter." In !i letter to the committee of Boston, dated Feb- ruary 4, 177-'J, the committee of correspondence of Boxford write: " We are desirous to exert our ut- most abilities in all legal and constitutional methods to break, if possible, the iron-baud of oppression and prevent the welding of the last link in ni lu'liinit ejicli fence and burn-yard wall." The "Minute-Men" camped in the vicinity of Bos- ton, and on the 17th of .June following took a promi- nent part in the memorable liattle of Bunker Hill. Eight members of the company were left dead upon the battle-field. Capt. Knonllon, who so success- fully defended the rail-fence there, was a native of ■lion. Aaron Wood, wcri! paitittnl, being a un In Its steuil. M the town clerk, when these resoh n, left this word out, and inserted a da Boxfor.l; :ind (Icn. Israel Putnam had called Box- ford his early horn.'. In 177o, saltpetre was nianul'artured here for the piirpo-ie of making gun-powder ; and the black- smiths' forges were used for melting le:id to be run into bullets. Several men s^-rved in tlu" famous Sullivan expedi- tion formed to ravage the Indian settlements on the western frontier, and pifsed through the ordeal of sull'e-ing and death which became their lot. The names of Schoharie, Cherry N'alley, L'nadilla and others associated with them, will never be forgott<'n by the annalist of Indian history. i'oxford men served on Cape Ann, Winter Hill, lloxlimy and Dorchester, ('apt. Richard Peabody was stationed at Ticonderoga and (.^rown Point in 177ti, with a eomiiauy of volunteers, and took part in the light at Ticonderoga. Otliers served in the disastrous expedition ol' Arnold to Quebec, in the fall ol 177'), and sulfered with the rest of that dis- couraged and emaciated bainl. < )ne ll by Hon. Aaron ^^'<.od. The kiln, in which the limestone was burned, was situaled ne:ir the pond. Iron-smelling was established at the site of the match-factory, about 1770, by Samuel Hodweil of Metlnien and Thomas Newman of Boxford, and iron- smelting was contitiued here tintil ISO."), The ste was afterwards used as a cotton-mill, then a grist- mill and for the manufacture of wooden trays, bowls, etc., then for cotton manufacturing again, this time producing yarn, wicking and batting. In 1S()7 the whole factory jiroperty was [lurehased by Alessrs. Byam & Carlton, match manufacturers, who cdianged the machinery and the buildings themselves, and did the first day's work here at match-making September 2, 1807. About live years ago the factory was pur- chased by the Diamotid Match Com[iauy, who have since conducted the business. The conqiany have some thirty thousand dollars invested in the here, ami mauufacture about three hundred and fifty per day, using some eighteen hundred tons of timber annually. A saw and box-mill is also run in connection with the factory. .'Vbout forty hands is the usual number employed. The late Captain Samuel Kimball established a peg-factory here in ISGO, and afterwards, in company with Mr. William Sawyer, introduced box machinery. The n\ill was burned in the spring of 187'). On the same site, two years later, Jlr. Henry M. Cross of Xewbury()ort undertook the manufacture of silver polish from the marl deposits here. Several shoe-manufactories have existed in the town. In 1837 tho estimated value of shoes manu- factured here was 852, 97o. Among the mainifac- turers were Samuel Fowler. Marion (iould, John Hale, Isaac Hale, and Edward Howe & Son. Tho only firm doing business now is Edward Howe it Son. ^Ir. Howe began business in 1838, and was joined by his son, Deacon William W. Howe, in 1870. Their trade is generally contlneil to the Southern and .Mid- dle States. 966 HISTOKY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. DisTiNGuiSHEp Natives — Boxford has probably given birth to more distinguished and enterprising persons than any other town of its size in the com- monwealth. A large majority of the young men leave the old, dull home of their fathers and enter into the busier scenes of life, most of them becoming successful in the business or professional career which they had chosen, and making themselves an honor to the dear old home of their boyhood. A list of some of the more distinguished and professional natives, not already mentioned, is appended. llcv. Oliver Peabndy (169,S-17.')2) graduated at Har- vard College in 1721 ; was the first settled pastor of the Indian Church at Xatick, and a missionary among the Mohegan Indians. He was noted as a theologian, and a kind and useful pastor. Rev. Moses Hale (1701-1760) graduated at Harvard College in 1722. He was the first minister of Chester, N. H. Mev. James Scales (1707-177G) graduated at Har- vard College in 1733. He was a minister at Hopkin- ton, N. H., and other places. Eev. John Rogers (1712-1789) graduated at Har- vard College in 1732. He was the first pastor at Leo- minster, Mass. Dr. Bancroft says, " he was a man of intellectual powers and an inquisitive spirit, possessed ofa name fitted to make a man indejiendent of his opinions, and prepared to encounter every difficulty in defence of religious truth." Hon. Aamn Wood (1719-1791), State Senator in 1781. Resided in Boxford. Col. Thomas Knoidton (1740-1776). He was a brave officer in the Revolution, and an intimate friend of General Putnam, with whom he had shared the perils and sufferings of the French and Indian War. He was slain in battle at Harlem Heights, September 16, 1776. Washington said of him, " he would be an honor to any country." Rev. Steplifn Peabody (1741-1819) graduated at Harvard College in 1769. First minister at Atkin- son, N. II., and a chaplain in the Revolution. Rev. Dai-id Jewell (1743-1783) graduated at Har- vard College in 1769. Preached at Candia, N. H., and was the first minister of Winthrop, Me. Rev. Benjamin Chadwick (1745-1819) graduated at Harvard College in 1770. He wa.s a clergyman. Br. Edmund Chadwiek (1751-18 — ). He was a physician. Aaron Porter, M.D. (1752-1837). He was a physi- cian of eminence at Biddeford and Portland, Me. Major- General Amos Hovey (1757-1838) resided at Salem. Officer in the State militia. Rev. Jacob Wood (1757-1790) graduated at Dart- mouth College in 1778 ; A.M. at Yale, 1783. He was a clergyman at Newbury, Vt. Rev. Humphrey Clark Perky (1761-1838) graduated at Dartmouth College in 1791. He was settled in the ministry at Methuen and Beverly. Samuel Holyoke, A.M., (1762-1820) graduated at Harvard College in 1789. He was widely known as a composer and publisher of music. He was the author of "The Columbian Repository of Sacred Music " and other works. Nathaniel Pcrley, Eiq., (1763-1824) graduated at Dartmouth College in 1791. He wai a prominent lawyer at Hallowell, Me. Dr. William Peabody (1768-18 — ) was a physician at Frankfort and Corinth, Me. Samuel Peabody, Esq., (1775-1859) graduated at Dartmouth College in 1803. He was a lawyer in Sandwich, Epsom, and Tamworth, iu New Hamp- shire, and in Andover, in Massachusetts. Joseph Hovey, Esq., (1776-1816) graduated at Harvard College in 1804. He was a lawyer in Haverhill. General Solomon Lowe (1782-1861) was an officer in State militia, and resided in Boxford. Rufiis Porter Hovey, Esq., (1790-1820) graduated at Harvard College in 1813. He was a lawyer in Lynn. Judye Enoch Wood Spofford (1791-18 — ) was a law- yer and judge in California. Rufiis Porter (1792-1884) was a most prolific in- ventor, and the founder of the Scientific American, the leading American journal devoted to science and mechanics. Rev. Peter Sydney Eaton (1798-1863) graduated at Harvard College in 1818, and at Andover Theolo- gical Seminary in 1822. He was pastor at West Amesbury, now Merrimac. Honorable Ira Perley, LL.D., (1799-1874) gradu- ated at Dartmouth College in 1822. He practised law in Concord and Hanover, New Hampshire, and for several years was Chief-Jusiice of the Supreme Court of New Hampshire. He was also Treasurer of Dart- mouth College, vice-president of the New England Historico-Genealogical Society, elc. In 1866, he de- livered before the alumni of the college, the eulogy on the death of Rufus Choate and Daniel Webster, Dartmouth's two most distinguished sons. He was at the head of his class in college, and he held the same position in the bar, and on the bench. Dr. Daniel Perley (1804-1881) graduated at Dart- mouth College in 1828. He Wiis a physician in Georgetown and Lynn. Rev. John Hubbard Eaton (1806-18 — ) graduated at Harvard College in 1827. He was connected with the American Tract Society, at New York. Rev. Samuel Hopkins Emery (1815) graduated at Amheist College in 1834. He is a clergyman in Taunton. Joseph Elbridge Bartlett (original name Killam), M.D., (1819) graduated at the University of the City of New York with the degree of M.D. in 1846. He was a physician in Somerville, Charlestown and Boston, and now resides in the last-named city. Dr. Walter Henry A'm6a« (1820-1880) graduated at Dartmouth College in 1841. He was a physician at Andover. HOXI'OIU). 907 Charles Israel Adams, ^w/., (182.'5-1S02) jrrmUuitt-d at Dartmoutli Collt'se in 185:2. Ho was a lawyer in Boston. J/eiiry Oliver Prabndy (1820) is tlio inventor of the lanioiis " Peabody Kifle." Her. Albert Braihtreel Penhmly (IS'JX) graduated at the Aiidover Tlieological Senunary in IS.'i'.t. He was pastor at Kast Longmeadow, in Massacluisetts, and at Stratliam, and now at fandia, in New Hainpsliire. Cyru.t A'illam Barlleti (original name Kilhim), M.D., (1829) graduated at Harvard College with the degree of M.D. in 1852. He praetised medicine at Newton and Charlestown, in Massarlnisetts, and is now superintendent and physician of the JMinnesnta State Hospital for Insane, at St. Peter. miliam AtiguMus Merrick, />(/., (18:51-1885) grad- uated at Dartmouth College in 1854. He was a law- yer in Boston, an. Joseph IIhI.'. 17:ii—'.S. John Symonds. 171U-7I). .\an.n Wood. 1771-72. .\sa Perley. 177:i-74. ..\ar(.u Wood. 177.';. .\sa Peiiey (in Pro- vincial (.'nn^russj. 177C-79. Aaron Wood. 17S1>-81. Asa IVrlcy. 17s:i-Si;. Isaac Adams. 1787. Xathan, 17J.8. Isaac Adams. ■i)2-lSlir. Thomas I'crley. 1811-14. Parker Spollord. IKI.i 17. Isi el Foster 1810-21. .Moses Dorman. 182:!. .Solomon I.omo. 1827-28. Solomon I.owe. 1831-.34. Oharlcs Peabody. 18:«-.3«. Mo»<,-8 Dorman. la'S8. JoHiah Kimball. 183'.P-4(I. Moses Kimball. 1841. .Sol <.n Lowe. Is43, Benjamin Peabody. 1846-47. William Lowe. 1849-5<). Enoch Wood. 1801-52, .Samuel II. Balchel- der. 18.^,7. Cleorgo P.^arl. l.Si.8. Enoch Wood. lHl-,2. John K. Cole. ISIV.l. Itosf W. Caite. I 1S74. Charl.-s r.rley. I TiiWN 'ri'.K.\sii:Ei;s oi history of the town the const: of the collector of ta.xes and lowing is a list of constalilcs surers : msr,, l!,,l«.rl stiles. Peabody. Is7^ William S. fot-ein. l.«s:!. Wni. 1!. Kiml.i.ll B<>\|(ii:ii. — In the early lilies performed thcdillies town trca-^uriT. The f'ol- who served as town trea- Willii Tlioni li;so. John Perley, Sr. li;:ill. KpliraimCortis. llVll. Joseph IllXbv. Irai2. .lo».-|.ll Alulre«:<. Ii;o:i, Abraham U.-.liiicIo 17(M. .I<.s,.],b Hale 17111. /iUcbellsCu The following is a list of town treasurer 7(12-(ir.. Thoiiuis llazeli. 1708. JuBcph Hale. 170 Tb. I Ha I Kiiuliall. .Ir 1711. Sanuiel Fisk. 1712. John Woods. 171:1-20. Jacob Perley. 1721-24. .Samuel Fooler. 1721;. John Andrews, J 1727-2'.). Joseph Symonds. 17:il. Jacob Perley. 17:i2-:l5. Jeremiah Perley;. Jacob Smith. 174.'-). Joliii llormun. 171i;. Tlioi.iie! Redinst I747-4S. Koliert Ainlreivs. I7I0-.-.I. Thoimus Perley. 17.'.2. Aaron Kimball. 17i:)-,-i,'). Francis Perley. n-'ii;. Aaron Kimball. 17.-i7-i;l. Fran-is Perley. 171.2-71. Jonathan Woo.l. 1772-73. Aaron Wood. 1774-70. Nathan Wood. I7S0-SS. William Perley. 17S0. Aaron Wo.jd. 170(1. Jonathan Woo.1. 17ill-il8. Asa Peabody. nii'.l. Parker Spotb.rd. TOWX CMCP.KS l(.8i;-17ln. John 1711. Thomas llazeii. 1712-2:!. Th.imas Perley. 1721-2tl. .loseph Hale. 17:;i). Th.mias Ue.linjiton. 17:il. Josepll Hale. I7:t2. Thomas Keillli;;ton. 1733-:;.^. Hale. 17:!i;-42. Joseph Symonds. 174:i-P.i. William F..ster. 17.-.l)-ril. Thomioi Re.iington. l-.'-.2-,-.7. 'I'liomas Perley. 17o8. Aaron Woo.1. 17.-.0-I.I). Tbojiias An.lrews. 17i;l-70. Aaron Woo.l. 178ll-.<8. Thonuis Perley. 1780-0(1. Aaron Wo,.d. 1701-02. ,iohn Dorman. 17o:i-OG. Jonathan ttoo.1. 1707-08. Parker Spolb»rd. 1700-lsll. Moses l)..rman. 1812-13. Amos Kimball. 1814. Moses Dorman. 181.-,. John Kimball. 1810. M..S.-S l)..riii!(n. 1817. Amos Kimball. -:14. Cliall.-s I8:i!). Abija 1 Xorthey. l8:ii;-37. Josial Kimball. 1S38-.30. Amos Kimball. 1840. Mosea Dorman. 1841. Thon as S. Hovey. 1842-43 Samu I II. liHtclielder. 1844 Jlose Dorman. 1.845 Kichi rd .Spi.tTord. 1840 .Samu il P. Peaboily. 1847 John F. Kimball. 1848-10 Uli\e P. Kilhim. ls:.(i Willi Ill E. Killam. 18-,1W.3 J.,bn Ili.nm. i8,-.4-.'-i(; Willi uu 10. Killam. 1867 Willi nil It. Wood. 18,'i8-(.2 Willi nil E. Killam. isi;:! 1804 i8(;.-i-7i Willi J..«.p Jo.iIk nil R. Kimball. 1 11. Janes. aT. Day. 1872-77 Willi nil V. Killam. F PdXFOKI 1818 Mose s Dorman. 182(1. M.ise Tyler, s Dorman. 1821. Amo, Kimball. 1822. Jl.ise lloriimn. 182:1. .lobn lia.-on. 1824. .MOBC < Dorman. 182.".. John llaev.u. 182(; Cliar es Peabody. 1827 Geor ,'o Pearl. 182.S Phin ■as llarnes. 1820. Ueiij niin Itobiiison. 18(1). Pbill •as llirnea. I8:il niin Kol.inson. I8:i2 Pliin ■as Darios. 18.0 Will am Fuiuham. 1834 Siniii el Kimball. 18:i'. Will nil Faniliam. 18:1(1 Saiiii .■1 Kimball. 18.17 M..S. s Kimball. l»:is Sam el Kiliiliall. I8bi Si'i'ni .■1 Kimball. 1811 Josh la T. Day. 1842 ls4.i .-am .1 II.'ld V..- P..arl, 968 HISTORY OF P]SSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. 1M4. Samuel H. Batclieldcr. 1859. William R. Cole. 17 OB. 1718. 18-15. George I'earl ISO. William E. Killam. Thomas Hazen. JoBoph Bixby. 1846. Moses Dornian. 1861. William H. Wood. David Wood. Cornelius Brown. 1847. William R, Cole. 1862. William E. Killam. Richard Kimball. Joseph Peabody. 1848. William Lowe. 1863. William H. Wood. Samuel Symonds, Sr. Samuel Symonds. 1849. William B. Cole. 18(M. William E. Killam. Jonathan Bixby. Ephraim Dorman. 1850. Moses Dornmn. 18fi.j. William R. Cole. 1707. 1719. 1851. John F. Kimball. 186G-C8. Boscoe W. Gage. John Peabody. Joseph Hale. 1852. William E. Killam. 1808-70. William R. Kimball. Thnmjis Perley. Thomas Killam. 1853. Joshua T. Day. 1871-72. Thomas P. Dorman. Joseph Hale. Luke Hovey . IS-M. William Lowe. 18;-2-7T. Ancill Dorman. Samuel Foster. Jofteph Symonds. 1855. William 11. Wood. 1878-79. Benjamin S. Barnes. Thomas Wilkius. John Wood. 1856. William E. Killam. 1880-SG. Ancill Dorman. I70S. Thomas Ilazen. 1720. Thomas Perley, Jr. 1857. William II. Wood. 1886. Sidney Perley. IS-'ja. William E. Killam. 1887. Benjamin S. Barnes. Abraham Redington. Joseph Bixby. .SKI.IX'T.MES OF liO.X FORI). Zacclieu.s Curtis. Thoruas Wilkina. 1«K7. Thimias Andrews. Luke Hovey. Nathan Kanios. John Pcahmly, Sr. JonuthaTi Foster. Jacob Perley. John Andrews, Jr. William Watson. Jonathan Bi.xby. 170». 1721. Daniel Wood. in»7. Thomas Perley. Joseph Bixby. John Andrews. John Andrews. Thomas Jewett. Abraham Ui'dingt«u, Jr. Joseph Bixby. Joseph Andrews. William Peabody. John Chadwick. Joseph Bixby. Thomas Cuminings. 1«.S.S. Luke Ilovey. Richard Peabody. John Chadwick. Sanuiel Fisk. Nathan Peabody. Thomas .\ndrewfi. Thomas Perley, Jr. 1710. 1722. Daniel Wood. 16!)8. John Peabody. John Andrews. Samuel Symomis, Sr. Joseph Hale. Samuel Symonds, Sr. Timothy Dorman. Abmluim Redington, Jr. Thomas Hazcn. Tliomas Jewett. Jonathan Foster. Jeremiah Perley. John Chadwick. John Peabody, Sr. lesu. Daniel Keuney. Samuel Fisk. Thomas Redington. Samuel Symondd. Joseph Bixby. Moses T.vlor. 1711. 1723. Thomas Ilazeu. Thomas Perley. John IVabody. John Peabody. Joseph Bixby. William Foster, .Sr. Daniel Wood. Stephen Peabody. Joseph Andrews. Timothy Foster. Samuel Symonds. William I'eabody. Cornelius Brown. Thomas Perley. 1090. John Eaines. Thomas Jewett. John Kimball. John Peabody. William Peabody. 1712. 1724. Nathaniel Brown. 1700. John Audrewe. David Peabody. Joseph Peabody, Sr. John Perley. Sanuiel Symonds, Jr. Stephen Peabody. Thomas Uediugton. Joseph Bixby. Samuel Foster. Daniel Kenney. Thomas Perley. Joseph Andrews. Moses Tyler. Timothy Stiles. IS»I. Josiah Bridges. Jacob Perley. Nathaniel Perkins. John Perley Joseph Peabotly. 171». JoUHthan Foster. 1725. Mosos Tyler. Thomas Andrews. 1701. Stephen Peabody. Samuel Syntonds. John Kimball. Samiml S.vmonds. Thomas i'erley. Nathaniel Peabody. Thomas l^ummings. John Stiles, Sr. John Symonds. Thotiiai! IlftliiiKton. David Peabody. Joseph Hale, Jr. ino'i. John Kiaiball. John Andrews. Jonathan Tyler. Samuel Symonds, Sr. Samuel Smith. Thomas Ilazen. 1714. !72«. Joseph Peabody, Sr. John Andrews. 1702. Samuel Symonds. Joseph Bi.vby. John Tylor. Thomas Jewett. David Peabody. Kobert Eames, Sr. Daniel Wood. Jeremiah I'orley. Robert Andrews. IDB3. John Peabody, Sr. Jusei)h Hale. Jacob Smith. Jacob Hale. John Amircws. John Stiles. Thomiis Perley, Jr. Thomas Redington. John Chadwick. 1703. John Peabody. Thomas IIu/,en. 1715. 1727. Zaccheus Curtis. Joseph Hale. Thomas IVrley. Daniel Wood, Sr. Timothy Dorman. Joseph Hale. Joseph Bi.xby. Jouathun Kcrator. Samuel Symonds. Samuel Pickard. I«U4. Samuel Symonds. John Chadwick. Nathaniel Symonds. Thomas Perley. Timothy Dorman. Thomas Spofford. John Howe. Thomas Ilazen. 1704. I7I«. 1728. Moses Tyler. William Foster, 8r. Ephraim Curtis. i«9ri. John Perley. Tyler. Thomas Perley. Joseph ]Jixby. Thomas Jevrett. Jonathan Bixby. Joseph Halo. Thomas Cnmmings. Abraham Kedington. Job Tyler. Jacob Smith. Joseph Andrewfl. Jo^^iah Itridgcs. John Syniond.i. Daniel Kenney. Timothy Stiles. Moses Tyler. Joseph Bixby llOi. 1717. 1720. John .\udreW8. John Peabody. Thomas I'erley, Jr. Stephen Peabody. Joseph Pciilwdy. Josejih Peabody, Jr. Thomas Perley, Sr. James Curtis. lOtlll. David Wood. John Andrt'WB. Jacob Smith. John Peabody. Nathaniel Perley. John Howe. Jacob Perley. NN illiaui I'eabijdy. Zaieheus Curtis. Ju0eph Eameti. JohQ^tiles, Jr. BOXFORD. 009 I'ilO. 1742. 1754. J09.-|.ll ItlllO. Robert Andrews. I'eahody. Jiiseph Syiiionda. J.din Kimball. Thomas Pelley. Thoiims P. rli-y. Thi.nias Andrews. Job T.\ b r. TlUHiias AiMlrews. LnI.e Ib.vey. Jr. Tbomas Andrews. John Wcu.l. Jeremiah Foster. 1743. Paul Priihard. 17 55. i;:ii. Robert AiKlrews. Thomas I'erley. Joseph Symomls. Henjainin Porter. I.saae Adams. Stephen lVal>o»l,v, Joseph Symonds. Ja.obCimunings. ThoiiiiLS CiiinliiingH. I.nUe llovey. J..seph llovey. Jaculi Smith. Itedington. Solomon Wood. Siiumol Ft>ster. 1744. 175:i 1- y. Josej.h Hae. Jr. Amos Perley. Kl..iie/ei Killam. Thuinas Keili txtoa. Jonathan Foster. Kieliard Kimbill. Timothy Stiles. Jcrenjiah Foster. Solumou Woo.l. ZeW'.liali Foster. i::f5. 1747. Jonathan Foster. 17511. .[..nalliali Foster. Joseph Hale. ThoMia, H.diii-lon. Fr.iiiei.^ P. riey. Jmol. .Smith. Nathaniel .'symoiids. Siliiuel FisU. Joiiatlian Foster. Thomas PeaboUy. Thomas Perley. John Cliadivick. Tiniolhy Stiles. Nathan Wood. Amos I'erley. 1748. 1 >(>(>. 1T3B. Benjamin Porter. 1 hoiiias Pelley. John .«; mends. Joseph .Synmnds. LllI.e llo\ey. Luke llovey. Luke llovey. .Sr. Aaron Kimball. J..lialhan Foster. Gideon Hi.\by. Gnleoii Tyler. Stephen IViilHoly. Joseph Hale, Jr. Jaeob Cummings. John Killam. 1737. 17 lit. 1701. Thomas Itedington. Thomas Pelley. Josepti Synionds. John llovey. Luke llo\ey. John Kinihall. Nathnni.-l .Symonds, Anion Kimball. Joseph Halo. Aaron Kindjall. Gid.-.iii Tyler. Thomas IValwdy. Isaue Adams. Jaeob I'liuiiiiings. Jeremiah Foster. i7r>o. 17(1.'. I7:!S. Thomas Itedington. Aaron Wood. Ji>8eph Syinonds, .Tonal h:)n Fi stor. Luke llovey. Thutnas Pealfody. Roh<-'it Andrews. John Peabody, Jr. Jaeob Ciinilnings. LnUe llovey, Jr. Isaac Adams. Benjamin Porter. John Hale. James Andrews. Gideon Bi.\by. I73U. 1751. 17(13. Robert Andrews. Jonatliau Foster. Aaron Wood. Benjaniin Porter. Joseph Hale, Jr. Luke llovey. John Andrews. Aaron Kimball. Isiael Ad.uiH. Tholnli.s Peahody. .loseph llovy. Jaeob (UMimings. John I)..rnmn. Jaeob Cmnmings. James Andrews. 17 40. 175'2. 17114. Thonms Andrews. Thomas Peabody. Aaron Wood. Josepti Halo. J.diu Donnan. Isaac Ad.ims. Jonathan .Sherivin. Fnineis Pelley. Aaron Kimball. Samuel Could. Riehard Kimball. Johntbadwick. Nathan Kimball. John Hale.'eiley. 1741. 175.1. 17l).i. Robert Andrews. Jonathan Foster, Aaron Wo«l. Zi'iKdiuh Foster. William Foster. J..sepli llovey. Thonms I'eab.Hly. Riehard Kind.all. Jaeob (.'nmmings. Nathan Peabody. John Peabody. Jloses Porter. Thomas Perley, Jr. Solomon Wood. Ehcuczcr Killam. 17 011. Thomas Perley. S;imnel iiuiinells. Abraham Kedington. Joualban Foster. Paul l'li(har.l. I7fi7. As.1 Uiebanl Kimball. Nalliau Andrews. Nalhaiml p.-abody. James Peabody. 17«S. Afii P.rk-y. Jo.-eph llovey. Kbenezer Killam. SleplKii Uuiinells. I'aill I'll. bald. 17 011. Asjl Perley. iMiae A.lams. liiehard Foster. Slosc-s l'..iler. Nathaniel Perley. 1770. John Hale. .S^Hiiii.l Itunnells. N..lban Andr.'W8. Nathaniel Peabody. Jacob Cummiiigs. Jaeob (.'iimmings. Jo.sepli llovey. Paul Pi ieliard. 17 72. Nathan Wood. Lsaac Adams. William Peldey. Joualban Foster. Hiehaid Peabody. 1773. Nathan .-Vndrews. John Cii.shiiig. William Pelley. Asa Pelley. Isaac .\dam8. John Curl U. John Kobinson. lleiijaniili Perley. 1775. Nathan Andrews. Jloses I'liliiam. 1770. Nalliau Andrews. Is;iac Ailams. Nathan Wood. J.diii ( n>bing. Itiehar.1 Peabody. Asa P. I by. biolwiek. Heiijandn Perley. Samuel ^^po^ord. Jacob Andruua. 6U 970 1778. Asa Perley. Joliii Ciisliing. Bejijimiin Perley. Ash Merrill. Jukii Wallit. I77«. Williimi Perley. I:i)inc Adams. Beiijiimin Perley. Lemuel Wood. Jobu Derinan. 17S0. Nnttiiiii AiKlr«w9. Lemuel AVijoU. Juhll Curli». Bmclslriel T.vlcr. Asa PeiilKjdy. 1781. Aaron Wood. Isjmc Adiinis. Benjninjn Perley. Lemuel Wood. Mui^s Peiibudy. 1782. Asa Perley. Asii Merrill John DoniiflD. Lemuel Wood. Fruucis Perley. 1783. Natbiin Wood. John Kobineon. Slepbeii Syiuoiids. JuIi]itli»M Foster. Fruticis Perley. 1784. Nathan Andrews. Williiim Porter. Fr.iuew Perley. Sauinel Oirleton, Jr. Asji Peatody. 17S5, Francis Perley. Leinnel Wood. JuilllllllIM Wood. WllliaTii Porter. Tliouius Perley, Jr- 178S. Fnmcis IVrley. Satuuel Carletoii, Jr. Thomas Pel ley, Jr. Lemuel Wood. Samuel KimUill, Jr. 1787. Kniliah AiiilrewB. Jomitliati Foster. Samuel Kimluill, Jr. Tlionixs AdaiuB. Amos Perley. 1788. Jotiii Donnnn. John KoliiiisoD. Fniiid- Perley. Ivory Hovey. Auroli Perley. 1780. liiclnml Foster. Leiimel Wo.«l. Sivmuel Kimball, Jr. 3Iow'B Carleton. Dauiel SuTM. HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. 17U0. Nathan Andrews. Lemuel Wood. Eirhnrd Foster. Moses Carleton. Stejthen Peabody. 17«I. John Donnan. Ivory Hovey. James (buto. Partner SpotTord. Simeon Sliles. 17«2. John D.ajoiin. I'arlu-r S|)o(Tord. Simeon Sliles. 17»3. Francis Perley. Lemuel Wood. David Kimball, Jr. Parker Sjjoirord. Simeon Stiles. 179i. Francis Perley. Lenniel Wood. David Kimball. Slo I Caileton Parker SiioSTord. i7»r). Francis Perley. JohuTjler. David Kijnball. Samuel (Jhudwick. Uoses Dornuiu. 170U. Thomas Perley. John Tyler. Timothy Dorman. Samuel ChudwicU. Mo 1 Doru Samuel Perley. Samuel Sliofford, Jr. Moses Dorniau. Saumel SiwBford. 17 Oil. Tbonnis Peiley. Israel Adams. Kathau Andrews, Jr Israel Foster. Amos Perley. 1800. Th'-nias Perley. Israel .\diims. Kalhan Andrews, Jr, Israel FoMer. Amos Perley. 1801. Thomas Peiley. Mu8<'s Carleton. Jack Amiiews. Jobu Kimball. Joseph Syiuouds. ids. 180'2. Thomas Perley, Bloses Carleton Jacob Andrews John Kimball. Josei>h .Sy 1803. Thomas IVrley. Lemuel Woo.l. Jacob Gould, Jr. Israel Adams, Israel lleirick. 1804. Thomas Perley. Enos Unnnells. Joseidi S.vmonds, Jr. Thomas SpolTord. Israel Heirick. 1805. Thomas Perley. Isaac Bai ker. Joseph S.vmondi>, Jr. John Kimball. Israel llerrick. ISOIi. Thomas Perley. John Kimball. Joseph Symonds, Jr. Enos Kunnells. John Dorman. 1807. Moses Donnnn. John Kimball. Stephen Spofford. Samuel Carleton. Amos Perley. 1808. Jonathan Foster, Jr. Moses Dornnm. Stephen Spofford. Jonas Ituiinells. Jacob Gould. 180U. Bloses Dorman. Jonalhan Foster. Parker Sliofford. Daniel Adams. Daniel Chapman. 1810. Moses Dorman. Jonathan Foster, Jr. Parker Spoftoid. Daniel Adams. Daniel Cbaplnnn. 1811. BIoscs Dorman. Saninel Spofford. Stephen Spoffuid. Samuel Kimball. Abraham Perley. 1812. Stephen SjiolTord. John Kimball. Simeon Pearl. Parker Spofford. Joseph Symonds, Jr. 1813. Moses Dorman. J.ihn Kimball. Joseph Symonds, Jr. Simeon Pearl. Jacob Gould. 1814. Moses Dorman. John Kimball. Joseph Symonds, Jr. Simeon Pearl. Jacob Gould. 1815. Moses Dorman. John Kiiiilmll. Israel Foster. 1816. Moses Dorman. John Kimball. Amos Perley. Simeon Pearl. Solomon Lowe. 1817. Moses Dorman. Israel Foster. Amos Perley. John Tyh-r. Artemas Kimball. 1818. Moses Dorman. Amos Kimball, Jr. Jacob Gould. Simeon Pearl. Abraham Perley. 181». Moses Dorman. Amos Kimball, Jr. Jacob Gould. Simeon Pearl. Abl-ah...i Simoon Pearl. Aaios Kimball. 18:13. 1834. Moses Ptirman, Jr. Amos Kiriiluill. Williiiin Kurnham. 18.15. Amus Kimball. Moses Dormnn, Jr. George W. Sawyer. IS3G. Moses Donnan, Jr. Amos Kiiiilmll. Thomis.S. llovey. 1837. Joshua T. D.ay. Charles I'eubody. George \V. Sawyer. 1838. GeorRe W. Sawyer. Joshua T. Day. Amos Kimball. 183U. Joshua T. Pay. Samuel Andrews. John Sawyer. 1840. Moses Donnan, Jr. Joshua T. Day. George Pearl. 1841. Joshua T. Day. iloses Donnan, Jr. William ir. llerrick. 1842. Moses Durman, Jr. Samuel W. Clement. George Pearl. 1843. Joshua T. Day. William II. lUrrick. John K. Colo. 1844. Hoses Dorman, Jr. George Pearl. William R. Kimball. 1S45. Joshua T. Day. William II. llerrick. AdcIU Duruiao. 1846. Mosea Durniin, Jr. William 11 Kimball. S. \V. JeiiUias. isi;. Geor.-e I'l'ail. Aneill Doiinan. Mo , Jr. 1S4S. JIoscs D'lrm in, Jr. Geor:;e I'lall. William U. Cule. 1811). Joshua T. D.iy. 1830. Ancill Dorjna Joshua T. I);i IS.-) I. .im R. Cole. Ancill Dnrman. William R. Cle. Joliu r. Kimball. lS.-)3. John F. Kimball. Mo Kovn Benjamin S. Barnes. 1854. Jloses Doiinau. Oliver P. Killam. John p. Kimball. 1S55. Jolin F Kimball. William Lowe. Leonard I'erley. 1 850. M.>si.s Dornian. George IVail. W.lham R. Cole. 1857. John V. Kimball. William K. Killam. William II. Uerricli. 1858. William K. Killam. John V. Kimball. William II, Cole. 1850. Williiuu R. Colo. William E. Killam. Benjamin S. Barnes. 1S«0. William F. Killam. William K. Cole. Joshua T. Day. 1801. William B. Colo. William K. Killam. John K. Cole. 1S«2. William E. Killam. George W. Chadwiek. Thomas I-. Srofford. 1803. John K. KimlMlI. William E. Killum. Lu-otil Uurrlck. 1861. William F. Killam. Joshua T. Day. William R. Colo. 180.->. John F. Kimball. Benjamin S. Uaruos. Ed«.ir.l Howe. 1866. Anrill D.nnian. John F. Kimball. Oliver P. Killam. 1867. John F. Kimball. Ancill D..nuau. Koscoe W. Cage. 1868. R.isroe W. (i.igo. Joshua T. Day. John IVail. 1S6!I. George \V. Chadwick. Wdliain F. Killam. John K. 1S70. Ancill Di.rinan. George W. I'hadwicU. Joshua T Day. 1871. George W. i'hadwick. Ancill Donnan. John K. Cole. 1S72. Thomas P. Dorman. Ge.a-ge W. Chadwick. William R. Kimb.iU. 1873. Oliver P. Killam. Ancill Donnan. John K Cole. 1871. Ancill Dorman. George W. Chadwick. Israel K. SiiofTorJ. 1875. George W. Chadwick. Ancill Donnan. John K. Cole. 1S70. Ancill D.aiuan. Ge.irge «•. i:i.a.livic:(. Isaac \V. AnJr.-iv. 1577. George W. Chadwick. John K. Cole. Ancill Donnan. . 1878. Ancill D.enian. George W C:liadwick. James II. >'ason. 1870. Geol-ge W. Chadwick. Benjamin S. Barnes. John K. Colo. 1880. John Parkhunit. George W. Chadwick. Alonzo J. Henley. 1881. George \V, Chadwick. John Parkhnrst. Charles Pel ley, 2d. 1882. John Parl,hm>t. George W. I.liadwick. Israel F. SpoHord. 1883. George «'. Ch.adwick. John ParLhurst. Charles Perley, 2d. 1884. Ancill Donnan. James VV. Chadwick. James II. Nason. 1885. George W. Chadwick. Charles Perley, 2d. John Parkhurst. 1886. John I'arUluirst. Georgo W Chadwick. William K. Cole. 1887. George W. Chadwick. .lohii Parkhuot. Stephen A. Bi.vhy. BIOGRAPHICAL. DAXIKL WOOD. The parents of Mr. Wood were, Lemuel born Oc- tober 25, 1715, and Friinces (Tyler), born Novem- ber, 20, 175;^; they were married Jfarch 21, 1782. From this union tliere were seven children, and Daniel was the si.xlh child ; he was born February 10, 1793, iiiid when he was but si.K years of ago his father had him helpinj; about the shop in the making of shoes. Daniel was also brought up ou the farm, which at his father's death was encum- bered for about all it was worlh, but having a lovo for the old home, he concluded to remove these claims, and by his industry and economy he soon succeeded. His education was limited, as ho only had the 972 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. advantages of the common schools of that period. He married first, Maria, daughter of Isaac Barker, Novemhcr 20, 1820; by this union there was one child, William H. born in the year 1821, who still lives with his father, and is married. Mr. Wood was married the second time to Abigail S. the daughter of Abram Tyler, she died April, 1879; and by this union there were three children, — Maria Louise, Samuel Eaton and Louise Maria. They all died quite young. CHAPTER LXIV. TOPSFIELD. by sidney tekley. First Setti.e.mkxt, General History, etc. — The present territory of Topslield was originally con- tained in Ipswich and Salem. The locality was called by the Indians Shcnewenicdy, and was the home of one of (he elans of the Agawams. The first English settlers called it New Meadows, probably on account of the extensive tracts of meadow land in its immedi- ate vicinity. The English residents came here as early as 1635. The very first settlers were Allan Perlcy, an emigrant from England, and ancestor of the Perley family in America; William Ti.wne, an emigrant from Bristol, England ; Alexander Knight; Zaccheus Gould, from Hemel Hempstead, England, and ancestor of most of the American Goulds; John W^ikles; John Reding- ton ; George Bunker; Lieut. Francis Peabody, an emigrant from England, and ancestor of the Peabody family in America ; Daniel Clark, ancestor of the Topsfield Chirks; William Howard; and others. A very good list of the early settlers, with the dates of their first appearance, has been made up as follows: Thomas A verill, 1064 ; William Averill, 1GG6 ; Thomas Baker, 1661 ; P'raucis Bates, 1659; Benjamin Bixby, 1694; Daniel Bourman, 1606; Michael Bowden, 1669; John Bradstrcet, 1661; Edmund Bridges, 1659; Thomas Browning, 1661; George Bunker, 1657; Isaac Burton, 1692; Anthony Carroll, 1658; Daniel Clark, 1645; Isaac Curamings, 1652; John Curtis, 1672; John Davis, 1672; Timothy Day, 1679; John Death, 1670; Thomas Dorman, 11)61; Michael Dwin- nell, 1668; Isaac Easty, 1658; Zerubabel Endicott, 1695; William Evans, 1661; John French, 1664; Zaccheus Gould, 1638; George Iladley, 1660; Thomas Hobbs, 1664; John Hobson, 1677; John Hovey, 1664; John How, 1661; William Howard, 1650; Samuel Howlett, 1658; John Kcnney, 1683 ; Alexan- der Knight, 1645; John Lane, 1676; Jonathan Look, 1678; William Nichols, 1661 ; Francis Peabody, 1658; Thomas Perkins, 16-58; William Perkins, 1655; Allan Perley, 1635; William Pricbett, 1668; Abraham Red- ington, 1645; John Redington, 1649; John Robin- son, 1668; Walter Roper, 1652; Peter Shumway, 1677; Robert Smith, 1661; William Smith, 1657; Matthew Stanley, 1659; William Towne, 1651; Luke Wakiing, 1682; James W'aters, 1669; Philip AVelch, 1670; John Wildes, 1658; Jcsiah Wood, 1695; and Nathaniel Wood, 1693. The first notice of Topsfield is contained in an order of the General Court, dated on the 4th of the 7th month, 1639. By this order certain lands lying near Ipswich River were granted for a village to the inhab- itants of Salem. Although by this order Salem peo- ple alone had lawful authority to settle there, several families in Ipswich made their homes with the settlers from Salun ; and "the Ipswich people" maintained preaching here lor two years before they had liberty to take up grants of land in the settlement. Septem- ber 4, 1643, the General Court ordered that " Whereas nt tlio Cu't lioiildcii at Boston the 4th 7th ni» , 1G30, there was certaine land lyin^ neare Ipswich Ryver granted f r a village, eitli' to some of the inliahitants of Salem or to some of the inliabitants of Ipswith, who have farnies i ear unto the said land, to I ee eiiioyed by tliose who first setlelcd a village tliere, thoy huth pvonnding for it t"- geth'; howsoe^' the ord' nientionetli oiiely .Salem inhabitants, & furas- niuch as tlie sjiid inhabitants of Ipswieli, viz.: M'. Bradstreete, M'. Symonds, Bl'. ttliittinsliam, M'. Willi. Puinc, M'. Roh't Paine, !i sucli othr of Ipswicli or Salem jis they shall associate to themselves, shall have lib'ty to setlly a village near the ryver of Ipswich, as it may bee most convenient for them to wch the foresaid land shall belong, viz: all that wjch lyeth near the said ryver (not form'ly granted to any towne or jiton), p'vide that any of the inhabitants of Salem, who have farnies near unto the said land now granted, shall have liberty for one yeare next Comeing to ii>yne w*h the said village & to have their equall and I)poi1ionnblo priviledge in the sjimo ; .\nd whereas Jlr, Brrtdstreete hath liberty granted him to take his farnie of 50 i ac. in the next Conveniant place that i- fit for a farmc, to that » is granted to >1'. .lohn Endecott wet" may pve ]iiiidiciall to the said village, it is therefore ordered that the said Blr. Bradstreete shall have liberty to take his said farme of 5(H) ac. in any other place hot yet granted to any towne or pson, nor piudiciall to any plantation made or to bee made, wch, when bee hath so done 4 manifested the fame to this Co't, liis aforesaid grant shall fourlhwth bee voyde & the said land shall belong to the village before mentioned, to bee disposed of by the inhabitants thereof for the iS. TIu- four families on tlie east side of the river, now included within the town of Topsfield. swicli. The Lamsdii and (.'nniinings places were settled nearly as early as the village of To]>slifld, and helped to siiji- port the minisiry at Topsfield I'rom the earliest date. From 1721) to 1774 these families struggled to free themselves from Ipswich, and to be annexed to Tops- field. The town of Ipswich repeatedly o|iposed their pc'-ilions, and at last they asked the General Court that their [irayer might be grantcil. This was satis- factorily answered by ihe Court, February 11, 1771, when it ordered that the familirs of .losepli Cuiu- mings, .lohu Funipson, Israel Clark, Juseidi Ciiiu- miiigs, .Ir , .lohn Lamiisoii, Jr., and Tlionias Cum- miiigs, with their lands and buildings, be set to the town of Topslield. These two iiistaiues form the only material changes in the original boundaries of the town. In li;i;i the common lands on the s nth side of the river were laid out to " iiT Ihadstreet, m' perkins, Zach- eas Gollhl, m' liaker, Tho Dorman, llrances Pebody, Willi ICvins, Daniell Clark, Isaac Cumming-, sen'', Isac ('ummings, jun', F.nsigne Ilowlet, Willi Smith, 111' Eiidicoat, John Wiles, John Redingtoii, Tho Per- kins, Till) IJrowning, .lai'ob Towne, Isace Estey, Willi Towne, Edmund T:i the alarming demand for the surrender of the provincial charter, under a threat of quo warranto in case of refusal, came from Charles II. On mas-day of that year the town voted that '' We do liercby declare that wc are utterly unwilling to yield, either to the resignation of the Charter, or to any- I thing that shall be equivalent thereunto, whereby the foundation thereof shall be weakened.'' The next year the royal menace was put into csecutiou, and 974 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. the letters-patent of Massachusetts Bay were cancelled by the Court of Chancery. To carry out the arbitrary measures thus begun, James II., in 168(5, sent over the notorious Sir Eihuund Andros to be governor of the Colony. Two years afterward the king fled to France, and the people, having no more to fear from him, pounced upon Andros and his assistants and sent them back to England. Lieutenant Thomas Baker was chosen by Topsfield to meet and consult with the "council of safety" about resuming the former gov- ment, according to the charter, which was now re- vived. His instructions were " to act for the public good and welfare and safety of their Colony, prohib- iting any act or anything that may have any tenden- cy to the infringement of any of our charter privil- eges whatsoever." John Gould, captain of the Topsfield militia com- pany at this time, was arrested and placed in the old jail in Boston, for uttering treasonable words against Andros and his government ; but before his trial came on Andros was himself lodged in the same goal, preparatory to treating him to a trij) to the mother country, with the advice to stay there. This was in 1689. Three years later came the witchcraft delusion. It originated less than five miles from Topsfield, and it was not possible that the town should escape. Mrs. Nurse, who was executed at Salem Village, and Mrs. Howe, of Ipswich, were sisters, and natives of Tops- field. Another sister, who married Isaac Esty, lived ill Topsfield at the Pierce farm, and another woman, Sarah Wildes, of Topsfield, were executed by hanging for the crime which they never committed. Mrs. Wildes was executed July 19, and Mrs. Esty Sep- tember 22, 1692. Abigail Hobbs was also con- demned to die September 17, 1692, and was pardoned some time afterward, when the light had burst through the inky cloud revealing to the astonished court and church the terrible errors they had made. The laying out and making of roads were among the earliest duties of the town. The history of these 83 they advanced from foot-paths to bridlepaths, from these to cart-ways and the carriage-roads of to- day ; and the progre-ss made from sloughs to cause- ways, and from fords to bridges, might, perhaps, in most instances, be distinctly traced. Stocks were used as a means of punishment here as late as 1757. December 27, 1720, the town " alowed to John Willds for makeing the Towns Stoock and for finding y' lorns and Lock and bringing them to the meeting house and for seeting upsd stoocks £1, 4s." The oldest cemetery in the town is that near the residence of Mr. Samuel Todd. The church once stood in the east corner, and the cemetery was, per- haps, originated by the introduction of the English custom of interring the dead around the church. The most ancient grave-stone, now standing here, is that of Capt. Thomas Baker, who died in 1718, at the age of eighty-one years. An addition was made to the cemetery in 1706, and the whole enclo-ed with a new stone-wall. Since then two additions have been made, and the yard greatly improved. The first grave-digger was John Hobsnn, who was chosen by the town, March 7, 1676-77, to "dig graves for such as shall require him." He was to have " three shilns sixten for ol graves abov for foot long and thre for ol under." The new cemetery in the south part of the town is about fifty ye:irs old. Until 1822, the paupers were boarded out, as was the custom in early times. In that year the town purchased the " Ebenezer Dodge farm " of Cyrus Cummings for three thousand five hundred dollars, and fitted up the dwelling house for an almshouse. The ))rescnt superintendent is Mr. Henry K. White. According to the census of 188.5, the population of Topsfield is one thousand one hundred and forty- one, — five hundred and seventy-five males and five hundred and sixty-six females. In early times there were some negroes here. In January, 1777, there were seven negro males in town above the age of seven years. The Odd-Fellows have an assembly here, called the Fountain Lodge, and numbered one hundred and seventy. It has quite a giod number of members, and is in a flourishing condition. In 1886, Mr. Joseph E. Stanwood presented the lodge with a large two- story house for a hall, which they have neatly fitted up. The Ancient Order of United Workmen also have a lodge in the town, its number being sixty-five. This lodge was founded here in 1886. It has tvvenly- nine members, and holds its meetings in Bailey's Block. The Danvers and Newburyport branch of the Bos- ton & Maine Railroad runs through the centre of the town, and has one station, Topsfield, within its limits. The road was built in 1853. The trains run tlir lugh to Boston without change. Mr. Frederic P. Merriain was the station-agent here from 1853 to 1886. His successor is Mr. William H. Goodwin from Boston. The town has one post-office, which is named Topsfield. Mr. Salmon D. Hood is the postmaster. The fire department of the town consists of a hook and ladder company. The town hall was erected in 1873, at a cost of thirteen thousand dollars. The building committee were Charles Herrick,John Bailey, John H.Potter, William E. Kimball, Dudley Bradstreet, Joseph W. Batchelder and Ezra Towne. The hall has a seating capacity of five hundred. The stage arrangements are first class; and the whole building is one which much larger towns might be proud of. In the hall are located the public library, and ofliccs of the board of selectmen, and town clerk and treasurer. In the tower is the town clock. The taxable property in the town in 1SS7 amounted to $1,385,098; personal, $855,583 ; and real, $529,515. The number of polls was 296. The rate of taxation TOPSFTELD. 075 was S6.G0 per $1000. There were taxed 1S3 horses, 4S0 cons, 421 sheep, 5U oxen, S.^o rlwelliiisrliouscs and 7379 acres of hind. The town debt is $21,200. Tlie town lias a fund of $;'jOOO given to it by Miss Annah Pingree in 187(>, the income of which to be devoted to the assistance of the deserving poor. Topsfield has not been without its professional men. The clergymen will be mentioned in the next cha|)ter. The resident lawyers have been two. One was Sylvanus Wildes, born in Topsfield in 17o4, graduated at Harvard College in 1777, and dicn in 1884. Dr. Royal AugiHIus Mcrriam, who also succeeded his I'alher, Dr. .(ohri Merriam, in the medical profes- sion in this town, was bcni here .January 30, 178(), and graduated at Dartmouth College in 1808. He was a good physician. He died here, of heart dis- ease, November 13, 1804, at the age of seventy-eight years. After Dr. Merriam was well along in years, other physicians came to this nourishing town. The first ot these was Dr. Charles P. French from Box- fortl. He was born in Lyndsborough, N. II., in 1824, practised in Boxford in 1848 and '49, and then came to Topsfield, where he stayed four years. He now resides in the AVest. He was succeeded by Dr. David Choale, a native of Essex, in 1854. Dr. Choafe stayed till 1857. He is now in practice in Salem. The present physician. Dr. .lustin Allen, came here in the fall of 1857. He is a native ol' Hamilton, and graduated at Brown University in 1852 and at Har- vard Medical School in 1857. (.)n August 28, 1850, was celebrated the bi-centen- nial anniversary of the incorporation of the town. .\n historical was given by Nehemiah Cleave- land. .\ large number were |iresent, and a very en- joy:ible time was had. Ui:i.l(;i()fs IIl.sToltY. — Hardly had a settlement been begun hire before the preaching of the Gospel was established. As early as lt>41 Rev. William Knight, a resident of Ipswich, began to preach to the little company. The Ipswich people i)aid him for his services, which he continued until his death, which occurred about 1055. His successor was Rev. Wiliiam Perkins, who came hither from Gloucester in 1055, and preached here I'or several years. He was the son of a merchant t;iilor, and was born in Lon- don, England, -Vugust 25, 1007. In 1033 he was as- sociated with .John Winthrop, Jr., and eleven others, in the settlement of Ipswich. In 1040 he visited his native country, but .soon returned and preaclud to the small band of worshi|)])er.s living in Weymouth. He removed to Gloucester in 1041), and preached there from 1050 to '55, when he came to Topsfield. Here, after preaching till 1003, he spent the remainder of his lile in the calm pursuits of hu-bandry. He died May 21, 1082, aged sevcnty-fi)ur years. .Vmong the early settlers of the town he was probably the most accomplished person. He was a scholar and a man 976 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. of busin^;ss, — a farmer, a clergyman, a soldier and a legislator. He represented the town of Weymouth in the General Court in 1644; was the leader of a military company and one of the Ancient and Hon- orable Artillery Company. At what time in the history of Tops- field the first meeting-house was erected cannot be definitely determined. At first it stood not far from the Xewburyport turnpike, near the residence of the late Sylvanns Wildes, Ksq., in the east part of the town. It was without a pulpit, but was probably a very good edifice for the times. In 16(i3 the church was gathered here, and Kev. Thomas Gilbert was invited to settle over it. The church was composed of the Topslield people and the "villagers" (the Koxford people). Mr. Gilbert agreed to the propr).al on condition that the " villa- gers" would engage to assist in his support. This condition was agreed to by the " villagers" on condi- tion that the meeting-house should be moved so as to be more convenient lor them to attend divine service. The meeting-house was accordingly moved into the southeast corner of the cemetery near the residence of Sir. Samuel Todd. Several families in I])swich, living near Topsfield, were also members of the church, which they helped to support. The church was organized, and Kev. Mr. Gilbert installed November 4, 1603. He was born in Scot- land, in 1610, and been a clergyman of the es- tablished church at Chedlie and atEdling, in Eng- land. He was one of the two thousand clergymen who were ejected from their benefices by the Act of Uni- formity; so that he came almost directly from an English vicarage, or curacy, to minister to the spirit- ual wants of the incipient church in Topsfield. Mr. Gilbert's pastorate here was far from being a smooth one. In 1666 he was charged with sedition, and in 1670 with intemperance. The latter trial was sadly disgraceful, and he was dismissed from the pastorate. This twice-ejected minister died in Charlestown Oc- tober 28, 1673. The next minister was Rev. Jeremiah Hobart, of Hingham, Mass., who was ordained October 2, 1672. He was born in England April 6, 1031, and graduated at Harvard College in 1050. His course here was no smoother than his predecessor's had been ; and he was dismissed September 21, 1680. He was afterward in- stalled at Hempstead, L. I., in 1683. where he preached about fifteen years, and finding that his congregati(m had nearly all left him, he concluded to go also. He was next installed at Haddam, Conn., November 14, 1700, and continued to preach there until his death, which occurred in March, 1715. His age was eighly-thrce years. Although little sanctity seems connected with this early pastor of Topsfield, he is, however, closely related to several distinguished divines; and Mr. Brainard, the cele- brated missionary, was his grandson. In 1682 a pulpit was built in the church, and the same year Rev. Joseph Capen, of Dorchester, began to preach here. The next year he was invited to set- tle over the eluircli. He accepted the call, and was ordained June 11, 1684. His salary was sixty-five pounds — twenty pounds in silver and forty-five pounds in pork and beef — per year, with the use of the parsonage house. A " minister's farm" had been early laid out, and a parsonage built upon it for the use of the pastor. The bouse was situated about one-fourlh of a mile west of the residence of the late Dr. R. A. Merriam. The Revs. Gilbert and Hobart probably occupied the house while they preached here, and Mr. Capen moved into it in 1683. The house and its surround- ings were not suited to the aristocratic tastes of Mrs. Capen, and so she pressed her husband to move near- er to the villiige. The town granted him twelve acres of land near the present Methodist Church, and on this land, about 1686, he built the house in which they afterward resided, and which is now occupied by Mrs. Alonzo Kneeland. The old par- sonage was used as a residence by the schoolmaster, Goodman Lovewell, from 1693 to 1701, when the town v*)tcd to dispose of it. The house which Mr. Capen built is one of the oldest, and probably the oldest existing house in Topsfield; and the following story renders it interesting : In the witchcraft period, Mr. Capen, while preaching one Sunday, experienced a premonition that something was wrong at home, and leaving the congregation in the midst of the ser- vices he went to bis hou>e, and there found his worst enemy, — old Satan himself. Mrs. Capen had a ser- vant-girl, who had been reading a book which ought not to have been read on the Sabbath day, and that caused the Devil to appear and claim her for his own. When Mr. Capen understood how matters were, he readily conceived a remedy. Bringing into the room a half bushel full of flaxseed, he turned it upon the floor, and told the old Imp if he (Satan) succeeded in picking up the seed, kernel by kernel, before Mr. Capen could read backward, word by word, what the girl had read, he (the Devil) might have her. But, so the story runs, before the Devil had picked up the seed, Mr. Capen had completed his part of the agreement, and the beaten king of imps had to leave, through a rat hole, it is said, which is plainly visible at the present day. The old meeting-house was used as a place of wor- ship until a new edifice was erected, in 1703. The old one was then sold for five pounds, to John Gould, who inoved it down to the turnpike, and used it for a barn. It was afterwards removed to the " river mead- ows," where some of its decayed timbers could be seen a few years ago. The pulpit and some of the lumber of the old meeting-house had been used in the construction of the new one. The new meeting- house was forty-four feet long and forty-two feet wide. The site of this house was that occupied by the present Congregational Church, which was then TOI'SKIKI.D. a kiKill that had been levelled to some extent for the pui|iose of building the i-hurch upon it. Kev. Mr. Capen eontinuod to i>reaeli here lor flirty-three years. He died June .'jO, 172J, at the ajre of sixty-six years. He waa born in Dorchester, Mass., Deeemher 20, 1658, and graduated at Harvard CoIK'L'e in l('i77. He was a good i>ast(ir, but his abilities as a preacher were moderate. " Hear Mr. Oipcn, that levcroil iimn. Who dill the faith in Christ uiiiintuiii ; A leanii-.l man, and Kodly, tin., Nonu will ili.n.v this wlio liim kw\yr- Ki'ilnjil,. Mr. t'apen's successor was llev. .lohii Kmersoii, who was born in Charlestown, .Mass., February 7, 1707, and ordained as pastor of the cliunh here No- vember 27, 1728, at the age of twenty-one years. His labors here closed just before his death, which occur- reil July 11, 1774, '"having," as his epitajdi says, "served God faithfully in the gospel of His Sun up- warils of forty-five years." During Mr. Emerson's nnnistry a new church hail been erected. It was raised in 1759, and finished in 17()0. It was fifty-four feet long, and forty-two feet wide, with twenty-six feet posts. It had a steejde, and stood on the site of the old church. For the raising, the town furnished one barrel of rum and eleven bar- rels of cider. The cost of the meetinghouse was £743 10s. lid. The most interested agent in the erec- tion of the new church was Deacon George Bixby. It is a fact worthy of notice, that a 'Sir. lloss, of Ips- wich, who was present at the raising of this meeting- house, he being at the time but nine years old, was also present at the raising of the present churcli edi- fice, more tlian eighty-three years afterwaids. For five years alter Rev. Mr. Emerson's death the society had irregular preaching. Then Rev. Daniel Breck, a native of Boston, was settled over the church. His ordination took place on Wednesday, November 17, 1771), the sermon being preached by the Rev. Mr. Lothrop, of the Old North Church, Boston, from 2d Corinthians iv. 5 : " For wc preach not ourselves, but (,'hrist Jesus the Lord ; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake." Mr. Breck was a man of fair talents and a good writer; but his ability as a preacher was small. He endeavored to introduce some ref'orma in- to the church, which created a strong feeling against him, and the result was an honorable dismission, after nine years of service. May 2G, 1788. Mr. Breck re- moved to Hartlaiid, Vt., where he was .settled in the ministry, and died in extremeold age. Mr. Breck's successor was Rev. Asahel Hunting- ton, whose ordination took place on Tliur.sday, No- vember 12, 1789. He was born in Franklin, Conn., March 17, 1761, and graduated at Dartmouth College in 1786. Rev. Dr. Hart, of Preston, now Griswold, Conn, preached the ordination sermon. Mr. Hun- tington's useful and acceptable service continued here until April 22, 1S13, when, after four days' illness, he died of nnilignant sore throat, at the age of fifty-two (12 years. His funeral scriiiDii was preached by Rev. Isaac r.raman of the West rari>h of R.iwlcy, now the liiwn nf t icurgrtuuri. Thi> discourse was piili- lishcil, and, in coniUTtiDU with it, an unlinislud sermon of .Mr. Ihintinglon, wrillcri mi the very day he was seized with the fatal illness. It was from the text: " Be ye also ready ; for in such an hour as ye think not, the Son of man coiiietli," 111 1817 the spire of the steeple of the niceting- house was taken down and a cap-tower erected in its place, A bell weighing H.'iS.l pounds was purchased of I'aul Revere A Sons, Ibr four hundred dollars, and suspended in the tower of the church, ''to be rung on all ]iublic days and tolled lor funerals." \ eop- |)er vane was placed upon the steeple. For seven years after .Mr. Huntington's death the church had no settleil p;ustor. liev. Rodney Gove Dennis, of .New lioston, \. H., accepted the invita- tion of the church and society to settle over them, and his ordination took place on Wednesday, (October 4, 1820. Several religious ilenoininations being now rejire- .sentcd in the town, the unanimity ofihe people ingiving their support to the Congregational Church was gone. While atl'airs were in this sltite the leading members of the Congregational body petitioned the General (Jourt to grant them a parish charter, which was ac- cordingly done and ajiproveil by the trovernor, Feb- ruary 19, 1824. The lirst legal meeting of the parish was held on Monday, JIarcli 29, 1824, at which Hon. Nehemiah Cleaveland was chosen moderator; Jacob Towiie, Jr., clerk; David Perkins, Thomas Balch and Samuel Hood, committee ; and Samuel Hood, treas- urer. Deacon Daniel l!ixliy, who died the following year, bequeathed to tills p.-irish llic farm known as the " Donation farm,'' lor the support of the min- istry. The princi[ial of this fund in 1877 amounted to $5,592.55. 'I'lie church has beside this fund two hundred dollars, the income ot which is to be aiiplied for the sup|)ort of the ministry. April 22, 1827, Rev. Mr. Dennis .asked for his dis- missi(ni, because, as he says in his letter, his success does not justify him in continuing here. The parish refused to dismiss him ; but on a second application, April 9, 1829, his request was granted. The council for his dismission met May 18, 1829. Rev, Mr. Den- nis was born in New Boston, N. II., .\pril 17, 1791. After leaving Tiipslield, he was settled at Somers, in Connecticut. His successor was the Rev. James Frisby JIcFwen, who was installed on Wednesday, May 5, 18,30. He was born in East Hartford, Conncctieut, .\ngust 25, 179;!, and graduated at Dartmouth College in 182.'i. He was first settled at Bridport, in Vermont, where he stayed but a few years. A " root of bitterness,' as the parish records call it, 8)>rang up between Mr. McEwen and the church toward the close of the year 1840. A council to consider of his dismi.ssiop 978 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. was held March 10, and his connection with this society ended May 5, 1841. He went to Rye, New Hampshire, where he was installed December 1. 1841. He was settled at Rye but a few years. He then went to West Brattleborongh, in Vermont, where he died April 14, 18.50. The next settled minister was Rev. Anson Mc- Loud, of Hartford, in Connecticut, who was ordained here December 8, 1841. He was born in Hartford June 21, 1813. and graduated at Yale College in 18.38. The present church was erected during the minis- try of Mr. McLoud, in 1842, at a cost of five thous- and dollars. The house was dedicated on Wednes- day, February 22, 1843. It occupies the site of its predecessor. After a period of twenty-eight years, Mr. Mc- Loud's connection with the ministry iiere was dis- solved October 1, 186".'. He continued to reside in Topsfield, where he died February 21, 1883. His faithful labors here secured for him a lai-ge place in the affections of his people, and the fullest respect of the neighboring churches. Another pastor was soon settled. This was Rev. Edward P. Tenney, of Boston, who was installed on Wednesday, December 1, 1869. Mr. Tenney found the place uncongenial to his tastes and desires, and resigned September 10, 1870. For several years he has been president of Colorado College, the enter- prising and useful college of that state. Mr. Tenney is the author of those little volumes entitled " Aga- menticus " and " Coronation." The next pastor was Rev. James Hill Fitts, of Andover, who was installed June 12, 1871. Mr. Fitts was born in Candia, in New Hampshire, March 3. 1829, and graduated at the Bangor Theological Se- minary in 18.58. He was ordained as an evangelist November 2, 1859; and first installed at West Boyls- ton, in Massachusetts, September 3, 1862. Mr. Fitts was dismissed here March 22, 1880. He has since that time preached in South Newmarket, in New Hampshire. The pulpit here was then supplied until Rev. Lyn- don S. Crawford was installed September 27, 1883. He was a native of North Adams, in Massachusetts, and was ordained as a missionary in 1879, being stationed at MarisicB, in Western Turkey. He was dismissed at his own request, to return to his missionary labors. October 17, 1886, and immediately entered upon his work in Brousa, in Turkey in Asia. The present pastor is Rev. Charles Washington Luck, of Marion, Mass., who was ordained here on Wednesday, June 29, 1887. He was born in Cleve- land, Ohio, February 2, 1857, and was educated at Harvard College and Andover Theological Seminary, graduating from the latter place in 1887. The church membership now numbers about one hnndred and forty-eight. The Sunday-school in connection with this church, has a membership of about one hundred and sixty-five, and a library of about one thousand volumes. The parish has a ministerial fund now amounting to six thousand two hundred and ninety-seven dol- lars, which includes the "Donation Farm " fund of which we have spoken. A house was presented to the parish by Mr. Joseph E. Stanwood for a parsonage a few years ago. For some reason it was not used for that purpose, and was afterwards sold to Charles H. Holmes, Esq. In the spring of 1886 the mansion house of Mr. Holmes was purchased by the parish, and has become the parsonage. The parish of which we have been writing is known as the Congregational Parish, and its denominational religious belief is Orthodox Congregational. The only other parish that ever existed in the town is that of the Methodist Episcopal Church. There used to be quite a number of Baptists here, but no such church was ever established. Methodist Episcopal Church. — Early in the summer of 1830 Charles Dodge and Ezra Glazier, members of the Methodist Church in Ipswich, held meetings in the North School-house in Topsfield, and also in the barn of Captain John Adams. Rev. Jacob Sanborn, who had charge of the Methodist Church in Ipswich, also preached here occasionally, and a number of conversions occurred. In September, 1830, Rev. William Nanseamen, the regular minister, w-as sent here by the presiding elder, and October 20th, in the same year, the society was organized with fifteen members. They erected a house of wor- ship the following year, it being raised October 19, 1831. Timothy Munroe, of Lynn, took the contract for building. Its site was on the Newburyport turn- pike, near Springville. It was dedicated December 28, 1831. It was forty feet square, and cost six hun- dred and three dollars. In 1840, January 9th and 10th, the meeting-house was moved on wheels to land of Richard Phillips by fifty yoke of oxen. The new site was given by Mr. Phillips to the society. It was in the north corner of Mr. John B. Lake's house-lot. The present parsonage of the society was erected in 1850, at a cost of seven hundred dollars. Rev. John G. Cary was its first occupant. The present church was erected in 1853, and dedicated June 14, 1854. The church and parsonage are both free from debt. A fine and large organ was placed in the church in 1868, at a cost of nine hundred dollars. A Sabbath- school is held in connection with the church. The list of ministers who have been stationed here is as follows: William Nanseamen, 1830; Asa W. Swiner- ton, 1830-31; R. D. Esterbrooks, 1831; Thomas Stetson, 1832-33 ; David Culver, 1833-34 ; Benjamin King, 1834; Charles McReading, 1884; Henry B. Skinner, 1834-35 ; John E. Risley, 1836 ; S. E. Pike, 1836; G. F. Pool, 1836-38; George W. Bates, 1838- 39; Chester Field, Jr., 1839-40; L. B. Griffin, 1840- 41 ; Amos Walton, 1841-42; H. 0. Dunham, 1842-43; TOI'.SFIKIJ). 97!" I. J. P. Colyer. 1843-45; Moses P. Webster, 184r)-4(;; John P.mlson, lS4»;-47 ; William H. Stone, 1S47-4!); Kinsman Atkinson, 1849-')1 ; ,Iulin (i. Cary, 1851-o;5; A. F. Bailey, 185:i-.'>4, J. W. Hemis. 1854; 8. G. Hiler, Jr., 1854-55 ; John C. Smith, 1855-5G ; Frank- lin Furher, 185G-57; Abraham M. Osgood, 1857-58 ; George Sniherlanfl, lS58-t;0 ; J. W. Lewis, 18t;0-Gl ; A. D.Merrill, 18i;i-G2; E. 8. Snow, 1SG2-G3; F. G. Morris, 18G4-GG; Geortre K. Chapman. 18GG-G7 ; Wil- liam I). Bridge, 1SG7-G9; S F. Chase, 18G'J-7(i; J. J'. Mears, 1870-72; S. A. Fuller, 1872-73; (i. W. Buz- zell, 1873-75; W. H. Meredith, 1875-77; Stephen Louis Rodgers, 1877-79; George H. Clarke, 1879-82; A. C. Manson, 1882-83; N. 11. Martin, 1SS.1-8G; James T. Docking, 1886-87, and Paul Carnie. 1887. Some of these pastors were principals of the Tops- field Academy while they proache without \viner in 1G82. Jlay 27, 1GG8, the General Court appoints or sanc- tions Francis Peabodyto be lieutenant of tlie military company here. October 13, 1G80, the (n-neral Court order that the troops in this lowii be enlisted under .Major Xalbaniel Sahoristall. In March, lil7S-79, the town made a rale of €41 (S.v. G(/. to procure powder and bnllcis wilh. In l>ilS the town voted to biiihl a jiowder house to keep the military stores in. In 1840 all the oUl military companies belonging to the State were disbamlcd, A new i-ompany had lieen formed here, called the "Warren liliics," about 1S3G, which existed for about ten years. In 1841 the town voted to build an armory for them. Topsfield assisted wilh the rest of the towns in fur- nishing men anil means in carrying on the Indian wars and the Frencli War. C'lcaveland, in his bi-centen- nial address, says. "Till- lii-v. Mr. liiirimr.i, of MarWeliead, in his ;iiit(.l,iiiKrai.hy, makoa liiiMor;il.l.. menlion of a Ciipluiu lioynton, of To|isli.l.l, who coinniamled a .-omiiiny in the Kml lifKCncnt .^f Gi-neral .March's Ilriga'li-, .Inrins thi> unsucifssful atti-mpt upon Port lioyal in ITiiT. In ilasii's • History of lUnvh'y,' I lindan.)ticcof Ctti.tnin tsraul llavis, of T.>psfu-I0. The first of which the records speak were Imilt between the years 1790 an^67 the town pnrcliaseil the academy liuiUling, and changed the t'entre School to this building, having divided the school into a ])rimary an. ••38 iiess of a country store on tin- opposite side of the street for several years. The trrocery of Mr. William I!. Kitnhall was l)iiilt by his father, .Mr. William K. ICimhall, in 1841. The latter seiitlenian eomliieted the from that date to .January 1, ISCIi, hav- ing Mr. Andrew Gould for a partner from ISls to 18.53, and his son, Mr. William li. Kimball, from ISiU to January 1, 18(i9. when the soti [nirehased his fatlier's interest, and has sinee carried on the business. Mr. Benjamin 1'. Edwards is the apothoeary ami druggist, Mr. .Abijah H. Richardson llie tin-worker and hardware ilealer, .Mr. Thomas Leach and .Mr. James Wilson wheelH rights, and Mr. .Jacob Hardy is the harness maker. Thereare telephone and Western I'nion telegraph oiriees in tlie tow?i. The only shoe firm doing much business at the present time is that of Mr. Charles Ilerrick, who uses steam-i>owcr and carries on considerable business. yir. Isaac Woodbury and Mr. William P. (iouM are quite e.xtensive butchers. DisTiNGL-lsiiKi) Nativks.— Topstield has been the birth placeof many distinguished husines.s, literary and public men. Among them are good numbers of clergy- men, lawyers, physicians and statesmen. Through the instrumentalily of its sons, the town has obtained a good reputation abroad. The following is a partial list of the more noted natives: — Rev. Jhinkl Perkins ( 1 tiii(j-l 782 '). He graduated at Harvard College in 1717 ; and wa,s a minister at West P.ridgewater, Mass. llev. Ivory llovey, M.I). (1714-180.'!). He graduated at Harvard College in 17;3.'>. He was a clergyman and physician at Rochester and Plymouth, Mass. Gen. Nalhankt Peahoily (1741-1823). He was a soldier, statesman and ])hysician. Jiev. Xathaniel Porter, D.I). 074.5-1.837). He grad- uated at Harvard College in 17l).S. He was the first minister of Conway, and also preached at New Dur- ham, N. H. Rev. Joseph Cummiiit/s (17.52-91). He graduated at Harvard College in 17(i8. Pie was the first minister at Marlborough, X. H. liev. Dnniel Gould (1753-1842). He graduated at Harvard College in 1782. He was a clergyman, and preached in Bethel and Rumford, Me. Jacob Kimhall, Esq. ( 17<)l-182ti). He graduated at Harvard College in 1788. He practiced law at Am- herst, N. H., and was quite distinguislied as a com|)o- ser of music. He was the author of the " Rural Har- mony, ' published in 171)3. Judye David Cummiti;/!! (178.5- He graduated at Dartmouth College in 1800. He was a prominent lawyer in Salem, and judge of the Circuit. Court of Common Pleas. Hon. Ihtniel lireek, LL.D. (1788-1.852). He was an able jurist, and a member of Congress from Ken- tucky, where he resided. ymaii ^viin- • The fii-st ilate is that of llic birlli, tlio eccontl Ilml ufdic porsuii* ilcutli. [■■^nul Hale!,, .Ml). 1 17.S.8-1.8— ). He graduated at Dartmouth College in 1811. He was a physician in Sa ishury. Dr. .' Lnm^o„{\l^'.U\X-). lie graduated at Harvarician in Ksse.x. Rev. Jarol, /^w/ (1701- issd). He was a c' in Hopkinton, N. 1!., an.l in .Middleton ai field, Rev. Khrnezer /VA-//i.-< (1704-l.S— i. He graduated at Dartmouth (JoUege in ISM, und was a clergyman in Koyalsion, .Mass. /V-/. Sehemiiik VIeavelaiul {17'.)(!-18— ). He grad- uated at Bottdoin College in 181:;. He was for twenty years ju-incipal of Dummer Academy. Kli.-^ha IInn/i.u(/too, M.I). (170()-1,S(;5). He gradu- ated at Dartmouth College in 181.5. He was a jihysi- cian, the lirst mayor . (1800-00). He graduated at Bowdoin College in 1820. He w:us an able divine, and preache«. Baker. 1709. Lieut. TobuaU Perkins. 1711. Lieut. Toliijah Perkins. 1712-13. Cor. Jacob Towne. 1714-1.5. Lieut. Tobijah Perkins. 1716. Sergt. Daniel Olark. 1717-18 Deacon Samuel Howlelt. 1710. Ens. Timothy Perkins. 1720-21. Ca|)t. Tobijah Perkins. 1721. Nathaniel Porter. 1722. Daniel Clark. 172:i. Ens. Timothy Perkins. 1724. John Hovoy. 1725. Deacon John Hewlett. 1726. Capt. Joseph Gould. 1727. Q.M. Nath'l Bordman. Capt. Joseph Gould. 1732-33. Jacob Peabody. 1734-:i6. Capt. Joseph Gould. 1737. Natlianiel Bordman. 1738. Capt. Joseph Gould. 1730. Jacob Peabody. 1740-11. Nathaniel Bordman. 1742-1.5. Jacob Peabody. 1747-40. Jacob I'eahody. 1751. David Balch. 1753-54 Elijah Porter. 1750. Elijah Porter. 1757-58. John Gould. 1760-fil. John Gould. 1702. Elijah Porter. 1704-66. Lieut. Samuel Smith. 1767-72. Capt. Samuel Smith. 177.'t-76. Deacon John Gould. ird). LEGISLATUBE. 1777. Capt. Samuel Smith. 1778. Deacon John Gould. 1779. Zaccheus Gould. Ellezer Lake. A. Ilobbi (to Coi 178". Zaccheus Gould. Cap(. Stephen Perkins. 1781. Samuel Smith. 1783-85. Abraham Ilobbs. 1786. Capt. Stephen Perkins. 1787. Thos. Emerson. 1792-93. Sylvnnus Wildes. 1796. Sylvauus Wildes. 1799. itev Asahel Iluntlngton 1802. Sylvanus Wildes. 1806-14. Nathaniel Hammond. 1816. Nathaniel Hammond. 1823. Col Ephraim Wildes. 1827. Jacob Towne, Jr. 1829-30. Jacob Towne.Jr. 1833-35. Jacob Towne, Jr. 1837. Charles il. Holmes. 1838. Nathaniel Perley. 1830. Asa Pinjlree. 1840. Joseph W. Batcheldcr. 1842. Cyrus Cuniuiings. 1843. Charles 0. Brackett. 1844. Samuel Todd. 1846. Dr. Jos. C. Batcheldcr. 1845. Charles Herrick. 1849. Thos. Govild. 1852. Samuel S. McKenzie. 1854. Nathaniel Conant. 1863. Nathaniel Conant. 1867. Jacob P. Towne. 1871. Rev. .\nson McLoud. 1874. Salmon D. Hood. 1878. Dudley Bradslreet. 1881. John H. Potter. 1884. John 11. Towne. 1811. Dr. Nohe. Cleavcland. 1815-18. Dr. Nehe. Cleaveland. 1842. Asa Pingreo. Treasurers. — The constables treasurers until 1743. C0NST.\BI.ES. 1672. John Hovey. 1673. Ephraim Dorman. 1C74. Edmoud Towno. 167&-77. John How. IC'8. Samuel Howlat. 1679. Wni. Perkins, Jr. 1680. Cor. Wm. Smith. 1681. Tobijah Perkins. 1682. Daniel Redington. 108:1-84. Cor. Wm. Smith. 1685. Elislm Perkins. 1686. Deacon Isaac Comings. 1087. Thos. Perkins. 1088. Lieut. Thos. Baker. 1089. 3lr. Timothy Perkins. 1690. Ens. Jacob Towne. John Towne. 1691. 1692. 1693. 1694. 1697. 1008. 1699. 1700. 1701. 1702. 1703. 1701. 1705. generally served as Daniel Clarke. Ephraim Wilds. Mr. Wm. Perkins. Isaac Easty.Jr. Joseph Towne, Jr. Joseph Borman. Cor. Jolin Curtious. John Comings. Ebenezer Averell. John Robinson, Sr. Nathaniel Averell. Philip Knight. Thos. Hon let. Sergt. John Gould. Corp. Jacob Towne. John Nichols. Thos. Dormau, Jr. Thos. Perley. Michael Dwinell. TEEASUREBS. 17. 8. John French. 169.5-96. Cor. Tobijah Perkins. .\m.)s Dorman. 1719. Ens, John Gould. 1709. John H.ivey. 1743^8. Jacob Peabody. Joseph Towne (treas). 1710. George Bixby.' 1710. Thos. Robinson. 175 '-52. Benj. Towne. Zaccheus Gould. 1753 Nathaniel Porter. 1711. John Averell. 1754-56. Capt. Thos. liaker. John Curtis. 1755-58. Richard Towne. 1''12. Nathaniel Burman. 1759-63. Stephen Foster. Nathaniel Porter. 17i:4-75. Elijah Porter. 1713. Thos. Town. 1776-81. Jeremiah Averell. Jacob Easty. 1782-87. Stephen Foster. 1714. Cor. Joseph Gould. 1788-89. Nathaniel Hammond. Thos. Cave. 1790-92. Daniel Bi.\by. I'llo. Jacob Peabody. 1793-99. David Perkins, Jr. John Burton. 1800-9. Daniel Blxby. 1716. Wm. Towne. 1810-13. Jonas Meriam. Job Averell. 1814. Cyrus Commlngs. 1717. Thos. Gould. 1815. Samuel Hood. Edward Putnam. 1810-17. Moses Wildes. 1718. Ivory Hovey. 1818-23. Samuel Hood. Klisba Putnam. 1824-25. John Peabody. 1710. Symon Bradstreet. 1826-30. Isaac Klllam. 1720. Wm. Porter. 1831-33. Samuel Gould. Jesse Dorman. 1834. Dr. .leremiah Stone. 1721. Joseph Robinson. 1835-36. Joel Lake. Michael Dwinell. 1837. Joel Lake. 1722. Thos. Dwinell. 1837-38. Asa Pingree. David Balch. 1839. John G. Hood. 1723. Cor. Jacob Robinson. 1840. Wm. Hubbard. Benj. Knight. 18H-50. Benj. C. Perkins. 1724. KliezerLake. 18J0. John G. Hood. Edman Towne. 1851-52. John Wright. 1725. Jacob Dorman. 1863-61. Benj. Kimball. Benj. Towne. 1862-61. Nehemiah Balch. 1726-28. Nathaniel Porter. 1865-67. Jeremiah Balch. 1720-38. Ivory Hovey. 1868-81. J. Porter Gould. 1739-12. Richard Towne. 1882-87. John Gould. TOW'N CLERKS. 1676-«1. Lieut. Francis Peabody. 1766-75. Elijah Porter. 1682-85. John Gould. 1776-77. Dipt. Siimuel Smith. 1686-1701. Sergt. Eph. Dorman. 1778-90. Ciipt. Stephen Perkins 1702-17. Samuel Stanley. 1791-1809. Nathaniel Hammond. 1718-20. Nathaniel Porter. 1810-36. Jacob Towne. 1721-34. Jacob Peaboily. 1836-78. Jacob P. Towne. 1735-36. John Hovey. 1878. Ezra Towne (pro tern.) 1737-49. Jacob Peabody. 1879-80. Edward S. Towne. I749-(;2. Richard Towne. 1880. Ezra Towne. 1763. Elijah Porter. 1881. Frank L. Winslow. 1704-65. David Balch. 1881-87. John II. Gould. SELEC TMEN. ifisn. francis Pabody. Ensign Howlet. decon Perkens. trances pebbdy. 1B7I. John Redington. Ensigne Goold. I«K:<. Sargen towne. John Gould. decon Perkins. IHA.S. John Redington. frances Pabody. frances pabody. John Gould. 167$. Thomas Baker. Mr. thomaa baker. Daniel Borman. Sack Coinings. 1(173. John hovey. Lieut, ffrances Pebody. frances Pabody. Thomas Perkins. Ensign Goold. Thomas Baker. lAiH. Edman Townes. Ensign Gould. IHitl. mr. tbomas baker. Mr. thomiu. Baker. Sargen Reilington. Ephorain dorman. Jacob towne. Sargen Redington. franceji Pabody. TOPSFIELD. t)85 IIIKO. I«»2. 1701. 171*1. iiir. thotiias baker. Lieut. Thomas Baker. Sargt. Juld. Elisha Perkins. Saml. Stanley. Jacob Peabody. IAS*!. IHHS. 1710. 1722. Lieut, (iould. Jacob Towne, Jr. Clerk Elisha Perkins. Sargt. John Ilowlett. t'orpl. John Hovey. Daniel Clarke. Jacob Towne. Isiutc Peabody. Mr Toliijah Perkini. Capt How. Ebeiiez.-r Averell. Lieut. Tlioiiius Baker. Kpliraim Dorman. Elisha Perkins. JhIui I'urtiH John Lieut. Thomas Baker. Kpliniim Wilds. .'Jamui'l St;iiiley. IJ.M. Ephraim Wilds. IHS7. l«!l». 1711. 1723. Capt. John How. Q M. Tobijah Perkins. Lieut. Tobijah Perkins. Corpl. Nathaniel Borman. Isaac Kasly, Sr. Jac. Towne, Jr. Deaciui Samuel Ilowlett. Deacon John Ilowlett. Sammuell Ilowlett. Sargt. .Saml. Howlet. ThoillM Ilowlett. Thomas Qonld. Thomaa Dorman. Elisha Perkins. Joseph Towne. Elisha Putnam. Ephruim Dorman. Isaac Pabody. Samuel .Stanley. Jacob Peabody. l«S!t. 1700. I71'2. 1724. Sargt. Eiuity. Ens. Saml. llowlct. Sargt. Thomas Hewlett. Nathaniel Porter. Sargt. Thomas Dorman. Capt. John How. Corpl. .loseph Towne. Deacon .lohn Ilowlett. Sargt. S;imuell Howlet. Q.M. Tobijah Perkins. Cl.rk Elisha Perkins. Joseph Towne. William .^vcrell, Sr. Isaac Pabody. Amos Dorman. Elisha Perkins. Mr. William Perkins. Jacob Towne, Jr. John nVench. John Hovey. Corpl. Daniel Kedington. 1701. 17l». 172.'>. 1«S». Capt. John How. Deacon Saml. Ilowlc'tl. John Hovey. Lieut. Ilaker. Sargt. Sjiniuel Standley. Corpl. .lacob Towne. Jacob Estey. Lieut Gould. Elisha Perkins. Ebenezer Averell. William Porter. Sargt. John Hovey. Jacob Towne, Jr. Joseph Towne (treas). Michael Dwinell. Mr. Tobijah P.ikins. Ephraim Dorman, Sr. Samuel Stanley. Deacon John Hewlett. Kphraim Dorman. IIIUO. Corpl. Dan'l Kedington. Thomas Perkins. Sargt. Thomas Dorman. Sargt. Sammuell Iloulet. Corpl. Samuel Standly. 1702. Corpl. Joseph Towne. Sargt. Saml. Standly. 1711. Nathaniel Porter. John Hovey. 172B. Kns. Amos liorman. Capt. Joseph Gould. Mr. Timothy Perkins. Isaac Pabody. Sargt. John Uould. Ei.liraim Wilds. Zaccheus Gould. Baiiiuel Stanley. Siirgt. Thomas KohinsoD. Simon Uradslrsct. Jacob Peaboily. in»i. I70». 17 I.'). 1727. Capt. John How. Deacon Thos. Dorman. Corpl. Joseph Towne. Q.M. Nathaniel Bordman Mr. Tobljah Perkins. Corpl. Jacob Towne. Ebenezer Averell. <'orpl. Jacob Towne. Phillip Knight. Elisha Perkins. Amos Dorman. Benjamin Towne. Jacob Towne, Jr. Isaac Estey, Jr. Joseph Borman. Thomas Gould. Ephruim Dorman. Samuel Stanley. Deacon Samuel Howletl. William Kedington. 63 986 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. 1728. 1740. 1752. 17ft4. Eds. Amos Durman. Capt. Joseph Gould. Jacob Averell. Jeremiah Averell Zaccbeus Gould. Benjamin Towne. Capt. Benjamin Towne. Daniel Dixby. Q.M. Nathaniel Bordman. Daniel Kedington. Clerk Samuel Smith. /accheus Gould. Ivory Hovey. Pbiueus Redintjton. KIgah Porter. Samuel Cunmiings William Bedington. Thonnis Buker. Q.M. Daniel Clark. David Balch, Jr. 1729. 1741. 1753. 176,i. Deacon John Uowlutt. Lieut. Benjamin Towno. Capt, Benjamin Tjwnc. Jeremiah Averell. Benjamin Toivne. Cnpt. John Wildes. Jacob Averell. Daniel Bixby. Eliozor Lake. <;eorge Byxbe. Samuel Smith. Zaccbeus Gould. David Balch. Thonuia Biiker. Dan Clark. Stephen Perkins. Jacob Peabody. Daniel Redington. Elijah Porter. John Perkins, Jr. 1730. 17 42. 1754. 17flB. Benjamin Towne. George Bi.\by. Capt. Benj. Towne. Daniel Bixby. Jesae Doniian. Thomas Baker. Jacob .Averell. Zaccbeus Gould. ». 1771. Deacon John Howlott. Richaid Towno. John Gould. Thomas Mower. Dtiacon Jacob Peabody. Thoma-s Baker. David Perkins. Capt. Saml. Smith. Richard Towno. Benjamin Towne. David Balcb, Jr. Elijah Porter. IJenjamin Towno. Nathaniel Averell, Jr. Daniel liixby. Abraham llobbs. Matliew Peabody. 174S. Stephen Perkins. Samuel Bradstreet. I73H. Capt. John Wildes. 17(10. 1772. Deacon Ivory Uovey. Uichard Towne. Nathaniel Averell, Jr. Thomas Baker. Capt. Benj. Towne. Capt. Saml. Smith. David Balch. Elijah Porter. Abraham Ilobbs. Jacob KedingtoD. Uichard Towne. Samuel Bradstreet. George Byxby. Lieut. Benjamin Towne. I74U. Richard Towuo. John Gould. Thomas Mower. Luko Averell. David Balch, Jr. Stephen Perkins. 1737. Capt. John Wil.les. I7«l. 1773. Jacob Dorman. David Balch. Capt. John Bordman. Stephen Perkins. John Wilds. John Gould. Stephen Perkins. Thos. Mower. Dcnjnmin Towno. (Jeorge Bixby. .Teremiah Averell. Capt. Saml. Smith. lAvul. Zaccheus Gould. Mathew I'eabody and Samuel Cupt Thomas Baker. Daniel Bixby. Daniel Rodington. Smith in place of G. B. and Simon Gould. Zaccbeus Gould. 1738, R. T. 17.->0. Lieut. Benjamin Tuwuc. 1762. 1774. Joseph Herrick. Stephen Perkins. Stephen Perkins. Daniel Redington. Jeremiah Averell. Daniel Bixby. DaTid Cuminings. Mathew Peabody. Capt. John Wildoa. Elijah Porter. John Balch. Capt. Saml. Smith. Benjiiniin Towno. Simon Gould. Zaccbeus Gould. Joseph Perkins. Joseph Andrews. Thomas Mower. 1730. 1751. 1703. 1776. Beixjamin Towno. Elijah Porter. Jeremiah Avorell. Capt. Saml. Smith. Lieut. Tobijah Perkins. Lieut. Benjamin Towno. Joseph Andrews. Capt. Stephen Perkins. Daniel Gould. John Gould. Stephen Perkins. Israel Clark, Jr. John Wildea. Samuel Smith. John Balch. John Peabody. Daniel Rediugton. Mathew Peabody. Zaccbeus Gould. Thomas Mower. TOPSFIELD. 987 i;;(i. 17SH. (SOO. IMi. Israel Clark, Jr. Daniel Bixby. .Vathl. ILunmond. Natbl. Hammond. Siinil. Sinilli. (■apt. John Baker. David <'uinnitii{p<. Dr. Nehemiah Cleaveland C«pt Ste|ihen Perkins. Koi;er Balch. John Peabody, Jr. John IVabudy. J.ihn I'fHboily. Nathaniel Hammond. Jacob Towne {.'id^ Jonas Meriam. Tlioliiiw Mower. Jacob Kiniball. Moses Bradstreet. .laeoh Towne, Jr. 1777. tisu. IKOI. Qipt. Steiihen Perkins. Tluiinua Jlowur. Daniel Bixby. KoKer Halcli. Dudley Bradstn^et. JonasJIenalu. 1 s nl. Nathl. Hammond. Jomi-s Meriam. .lolin Pviiljoiiy. John Batehelder. Jonathan Cummings. Isim-l Clark, Jr. Jacob Kimball. Dr. Nehemiah Cleaveland. .laeub lowne, Jr. Sanil Smith. .Nathl. Ilumnion.i. N. Perkins Averell. Jacob Ualehelder. Ills. I7»n. isoi. Maj. .loseph Gould. Nathl. llanunond. Jonathan Cumininp.. IStl. Joseph Cuiiimings. Jonathan Cununin^. Dr. Nehemiah Cleaveland. Nathl. Hammond. Thomas IVrter. Jacob Kimball. Jonas Meriam. .Sann.el II00.I. .lacob Kimball. Isaac Averell. Dudley Bra.l-slreot. Humphrey Clark. I»jlac .Wert-ll. Nathaniel Kisk. N. P. Averell. .-Nloses Wil.leg. I77». I7DI. IS03. Joseph Bacbelder. Maj. .luK.'pli Gould. Jacob Kimball. Jonathan Cummings. \StT,. Zacoheils Gould. Isaac Averell. Dr. Nelieniiali Cloaveland. Jacob Towne, Jr. Daniel liixby. Nathl. Fisk. Lieut. Jonas .Meriam. .Joseph Bacbelder. .loseph Cummin^ Jr. Ezra Perkins. Nathl. ILinnuoml. Moses Wildes. Isaac Averell. Nathaniel Hammond. .rac.ib Towne (.Id). Diivid Towne. I7S0. I7lf2. 1S04. John Peabody, Jr. •I' Kmerson. Jacob Kimball. Nathl. Hammond. IS 16. Moses Perkins. Isiuic .\vorell. Jouiis Meria.n. Nathl. Hammond. David Towne. Nathl. Kisk. Jacob Towne (:id). Thomas t'ummiugs. Cyrus CnmminKS. Daniel Bixby, Jr. Vavid lialch, Jr. Ezra Perkins. Kobort Perkins. Stephen Foster. Nathl. Hammond. Joseph Batchelder. 17tl. I7»3. 1 sn.'i. Samuel Cummings. Samuel Smith. Daniel Bixby. Nathl. Hanuntuid. 1S17. Xucchous Gould. Josiah Latuson. .Ioua« Meriam. Stephen Koster. Ezra Perkins. Jacob Towno (;id). Nathl. Hammond. Nathaniel Averell, Jr. Nathaniel Hammond. Hubert Perkins. Thonuis Cutumings. Daniel lli.\l..v. Zaccbens Gunld. .loseph Uatebel.lor. Cyrus Cummings. Daniel Bixby, Jr. I7S2. 171H. ISOB. Sanuiel Cnmniinga. Sjininet Smith. Zacchens Gould. Nathl. Hanunond. /.icchens Gould. Josiah LauLson. Robert Perkins. IHIS. Daniel Bixby. Daniel Bi.vby. Josiah Lamson. John Peabody. Nathaniel Averell. Lieut. Isaac Averell. Dav.d Perkins. Jacob Towno, Jr. Josiah Lamson. Nathl. Hammond. .John Peabody. Perley Balch. Dudley Wildes, Jr. I7s:i. 17tt.i. IS07. David Perkins, Jr. Daniel liLxby. Jonathan Cumminpi. Josiah Lan.Bon. /acehens Gould. Benj. Bixby. Daviil Perkins. ISI9. Nathaniel .\verell. John Kea, Jr. Nathl. llanunond. John Peabody. .losiali Lamson. Lieut. Isaac Averell. •John Peabody. .lacob Towne, Jr. David Towno. Samuel Bradstreet. John Conant. Perley Balch. Dudley Wildes, Jr. 'l7SI. I79tl. ISOS. David Perkins, Jr. /acchous itonld. Benj. Bixby. .losiah Lamson. David Towne. John ltea,Jr, David Perkins. 1S20, Nathl. Averell. Samuel Bradstreet. Nathl. Hammond. Jacob T.nvne, .!r. .losiah Lamson. Nathl. Hammond. John ]*eabody. David Towne. Jonathan Cummings. Dudley Bradstreet. John i:o?iant. Daniel Bixby. Jr. Wm. llubbanl. 17S.-). 17U7. IMMI. Davnl Perkins, .Ir. Zaccliens Gould. Benj. Bixby, Nathl. Hamiiioiid. Josialt Lamson, John Kea, Jr. David Perkins. IS21. Daniel Bixby. Nathl. llanunond. Dr. Nebemiah Cleaveland. Daniel Bixby, Jr. David Perkins, Jr. Samuel Bradstreet. John Pi-ab,>dy. Jacob Towno, .)r. Jacob.Kiinball. Dudley Bradstreet. Jonas Meriam. Wm. Hubbar.l. 17'iB. I7»S. ISIO. Wii. Dani.'l Ilixl.y. Thomas Perkins, Jr. Natbl. llanunond. .lacob Towne, .Ir. .losiah Laiuson. Elijah Averell. David Perkins. Joseph Batchelder. Jacob Kimball. Niitbl. Hammond. Dr. Nehemiah Cleaveland. Kpbraim Wildes. David Perkins, Jr. John Peabod.v, .Ir. John Peabody. Koyal A. .>Ieriam, RoKer Balch. David CntnminKS. Jonas Meriam. Daniel Bixby, Jr. 17S7. I71MI. IKII. I82S. Ungcr Ilalch. Thomas Perkins, Jr. Jacob Towno, .Ir. Daniel Bixby, Jr. Jo^iah Lamson. Nathl. Ilannnond. Nathl. Hammond. Cyrus ruuimings. Dr. John Morriam. David CuiuminKs. Dr. Nehemiah Cloavoland. John Batchelder. Daniel Bixby. John Peabody, ,lr. J.ihu Peabody. Wibles. Henry Ilradslroot Jacob Towne (M). Jonas Meriam. Wm. N. Cleaveland. 988 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. 1824. 1836. 1851. Moses W.ldM. Jacob Towne, Jr. John Wright. CyniB Cummings. Davi.I Towne. Thos. Gould. W. N. CloavelBiid. Win. Uubbard. Joshua Wildes. John Peabody. Samuel Bradstreet. 1852. John Wright. Samuel Gould. Wm. Cummings. 1 S25. 1837. Thos. Gould. Cyrus Cummings. Benjamin C. Perkins. Josbua Wildes. John Rea, Jr. John Conant. 1853. Daniel Bixby. Richard Phillips, Jr. A. S. Peabody. Porter Bradstreet. Wm. E. Kimball. S. S. McKenzie. John Lumsoil. Wm. Cummings. Andrew Gould. 1828. 1838. 1854. Cyrus Cuuimiugs. Cornelius 1). Bradstreet. Andrew Gould. Porter Bradstreet. Nathaniel Perley. S. S. McKenzie. John Rea, Jr. William Ray. Benj. B. Towne. Samuel Biudstrcet. Moses Wildes. David Towne. .\ugustine S. Peabody. 1855. 1 827. Andrew Gould. I83U. S. S. McKenzie. Jacob Towne, Jr. Benj. C. Perkins. Benj. B. Towne. Samuel Bradstreet. .\sa Pingree. John Rea, Jr. Wm. Ruy. 185B. Joseph Itatchelder. Wm. Hubbard. Andrew Gould. Isaac Killam. John Hood. S. S. McKenzie. Benj. B. Towne. 1828. 1840. Ja-'Ob Towne, Jr. David Towne. 1857. Joseph Batchelder. Wm. Kay. John Wright. Isaac Killam. Wm. Hubbard. Thos. Gould. Amos Perkins. Wm. Cummings. A. S. Peabody. Samuel Bradstreet. John Hood. 1858. t82U. 1841. John Wright. Jacob Towne, Jr. Joshua Wildes. Thos. Gould. Joseph lialcholder. Wm. Ray. A. S. Peabody. Isaac Killam. Nehemiah Perkins. 185». Amos Perkins. Joel R. Peabody. John Wright. Samuel Bradstreet. Jacob P. Towne. Thos. Gould. 1830. 1842. A. S. Peabody. Jacob Towne, Jr. Wm. Ray. 1800. Joseph Batchelder. Klbridge S. Bixby. John Wright. Isaac Killani. Asa Pingree. Tlios. Gould. Samuel Bradstreet. 1843. A. S. Peabody. Moses Wildes. Wm. Itay. 18«1. 1831. Elbri40 Captain Trask built another mill about half a mile down the stream from the first, near where (Jrove Street now is, and soon after removed it to what is now known as Frye's Mills. On March ;!0, 1640, it is recorded that "Captain Trask hath leave to set up a tyde myll upon the North River, pvided he make passadge for a shalloppe from halfe flood to full sea." In October, 1(>40, the mill was completed, and half an acre was granted to him ad- joining it. This mill also became the centre of a settlement. In September, 1640, while this mill was building, or soon after its completion, Captain Trask received a fatherly admonition from the court " to be more carefull about his grinding it Towle takeing." Previous to 1663 Captain Trask's mills held the mo- nopoly of this business. John Trask, at one time, some complaint being made, agreed in behalf of his father with the town that they would " make as good meale as at Lin, and that when they could not supply the towne for want of water or in any other respect," then they would "provide to send it to Lin upon their own charge and have it ground there." In 16.'56 (jolonel Thomas lieed, one of the original company, received a grant of three hundred acres, including Buxton's Hill, formerly known as Heed's Hill, and extending to the present location of Endi- cott Street on the eitst, bounded southerly by the brook, and extending on the west and north to the Ipswich road, and across the road leading to Salem Village, including the Rogers' farm. This large and valuable tract of land afterwards came into the pos- session of Daniel Epps, who was prominent in the formation of the middle precinct in 1710. December 21, 1635, it was ordered " that Mr. (lole shall have a farme of three hundred acres in the place where his cattle .ire by Brooksby and Cajjtain Trask and the rest of the surveyors are to lay it out and bound it according to their discretion, provided in case Mr. Cole be disposed to i)art with it by sale that he make his first profer unto the towne upon reasonable terms." This was a common condition in the early grants. On the 2Sth of the same month we find the more formal record after the survey had been made. "Granted unto Robert Cole, his Heirs and Assigns three hundreth acres of land whereof forty acres in .Marsbc litt to I)c mowed lying and being about three miles from Salem westward upon a fresh water brook called the North brook." This grant included Proctor's corner and a part of Felton's Hill. It was sold in 163S to Emanuel Down- ing, and was leased and cultivated by John Procter, who settled in Salem about 1660, and who was one of the most prominent victims of the witchcraft delusion. John Thorndike had a very early grant in the northwestern part of the town, which he soon after- ward gave up, taking land in Salem Village. He also owned land in Rockville, near Lieutenant .Tohn- son's. 'i'he land given up by him was afterwards granted to other settlers in smaller lots, of twenty, forty and fifty acres, among others to .lolin Sanders, Henry Herrick, William Bound, Edmund Marshall, Thomas Antrum, William Walcott, Robert Cotta and lOdmund Batter, mostly in 1()36 and 16;?7. A considerable number of these small grants lying together were purchased of the owners by Robert Goodell, and with a grant to him of forty acres made up a farm of over five hundred acres, which was laid out to him in 16.i2. William King had a grant of forty acres in the northern part of Peabody in 1686. On October 9, 1637, Edmund Batter received a grant of one hundred acres of upland and twelve acres of meadow. On December 2.'i, (it seems the "seven men " did not observe Christmas Day), a farther grant of thirty acres was made to him, and the former grant is referred to as " at Brooksby," and as having been formerly granted to Mr. Thorndike. This shows that the whole region, even the northwestern part of the farms, was called Brooksby. Mr. Batter was promi- nent among the early settlers, and owned land in the town of Salem, near North Street, at one time. Next to Robert Goodell's land on the west was a grant made to Rev. Edward Norris January 21, 1640, which was afterward bought by Joseph Pope, in 1()64. This grant gave the name to Norris' brook. It was north of Brookdale. Mrs. Anna Iligginson haay, to walk furtli in the tinieuf (iod'8 worship, to take notice of smli as eitlier l.vo about the niieting-house, without attending to tlie word and ordinances, or that lye at home or in the fields without giving good aerunnt tliereof, and to take tlie names ofsucii persons, an 1 to present tlmin to tlie magistrates, wliereby they nuiy lie accordingly j>roce('ded against. Tho names of such as are ordered to this service are for llie 1"' day, M'. Stileman and Philip Veren, .!'. 2w1. V*** day, John Ingersol and Kichard I'ettingell. 81k day, William Ilaynes and RichanI Hutchinson, il"! day, John Put- nam and John Ilalhorno. Ill" day, Townsend liisliop and Daniel Rea. 1 I'll day, John I*orter and Jacob Barney." The design of the plan, as Jlr. Upham remarks, was not merely that expre-sed in the vote of the town, Init also to prevent any disorderly conduct on the Lord's day, and to give prompt alarm in case of fire or Indian attack. The men a|ipointed to this service were all leading characters, anastnuis day are those of Edwanl Trask, Joseph Iving and Robert Wilson. The Salem Company, under the lead of Captain Na- thaniel Davenport, a son of Richanl, were in the thick of the terrible hand to hand light with the forces of King Philip, when the Indian fort was stormed at sundown of a winter's day ; and were with the foremost in the pursuit of the escaping In- dians through the wihlerncss, known to tradition as the hutujrii marcli. When it is remembered that the forces and even the oHlcers of that memorable ex- pedition were drafted hastily for the service, and that many of them left home without even time to arrange their [irivate att'airs, the heroic bravery of the Narragansett fight will bear comparison with any deeds of military prowess that history has recorded. The Puritans of ,\cw England fought as did the army of Cromwell, with no fear of death, and with the iris]iiratio!i which came IVom their tirm belief in the Divine protection. A company of troopers was early fiiriucd, made up from the I'armcrs and neighboring settlements. The ranks became thinned in course of time, and in Oc- tober, 1()7H, a successful attempt was made to revive the company. Tliirty-six men belonging to "the re- serve of S;ileni old troop," and " desirous of being servit'cable to tiod and the country," petitioned the (ieneral Court for reorganization as a trooji of horse, and for the issuing of the necessary commissions. Among the signers of this petition are Anthony Needham, Peter and Ezekiel Cheever, Thomas Flint, John Procter, William Osborne, and others of the region afterward incorporated into the middle pre- cinct. The officers apjiointed were men of jimperty and energy, and the company of troops was kept in 994 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. efficient training until all danger from Indians or other foes had passed away. The William Osborne here mentioned is not the early settler, who acquired land in 1638, and is not known to be a descendant, but probably collaterally related. The earlier Wil- liam Osborne is believed to have spent his later years in Boston, and died about 1662. The William Osborne whose name appears on the petition just spoken of, w'as born about 1644, and from him are descended most of the various families of Osbornes in the vicinity of Salem, Peabody and Danvers. The descendants of the earlier William are found in Con- necticut and Long Island. The second William Osborne, and his son, the third William, lived on the road to the Village, in " the lane." now Central Street, near Andover Street. An old house, built in 1680 and said by tradition to have belonged to one of them, was taken down in 1887. In all the duties of citizenship the farmers appear to have been prominent; and citizenship was then re- garded as a most serious and important allegiance, re- quiring the most faithful exercise of duty. The oath of a freeman, which was required to be taken by those seeking to share in the social and political privileges of the settlement, is full of the most strik- ing suggestions of the clear and vigorous political views held by the founders. " Moreover, I doe solemnly binde niy.selfe, in the sight of God, that when I shall be caled to give my voyce touching any such matter of this state in which ffreemen are to deale, I will give my vote and suffrage as I shall judge in my own conscience may best conduce ct tend to the publicjue weale of y" body without respect of persons or favour of any man. So help me (tod in the Lord Jesus Christ.'' The policy which permitted every one who had a town lot of half an acre to relinquish it, and receive in its stead a country lot, of fifty acres or more, had the result of attracting to the forests and meadows of the Farms a population of a superior order. Men of property, education and high social position took the lead in developing the resources of tlie country, and they gave character to the farming interest and class. This process of selection is undoubtedly the source of the high character for industry, intelligence and energy, which has distinguished the descendants of these early settlers of the outlying lands of Salem. Of the social life of the middle of the seventeenth century in the farming district of Brooksby we know little, except what we learn from the annals of life in Salem in those early days, and from the light thrown upon the time by the exhaustive inves- tigations which have been made into the history of the following 'period of the witchcraft delusion. We know that their labors were severe and unremit- ting, and their social relaxations infrequent and care- fully guarded against excess. The vigorous style of English merrymaking, though put down with an iron hand in the case of the roystering Morton, who tried to set up the Maypole festival at Merrymount, still asserted it.self on such privileged occasions jis house raisings and huskings. No vigor of Puritani- cal custom can wholly restrain the innocent joyous- ness of youth and healthful spirits, and in spite of their serious views of life,- there is plenty of eviden(e that the magistrates and elders were wise enough not to attempt wholly to repress the natural and inno- cent enjoyments of country life and manners. The religious views of the people, though severe in doc- trine, were not gloomy in practical application to the life of the colony, and the faith which had led them into the wilderness brightened and cheered their hard and simple life on the rocky and unpromising farms which so many were forced to receive as their portion of the soil. They had a spirit which was above repining, and which noted hardship chiefly as a providential opportunity for the development of Christian character. They belonged to that rare class of men who are never dominated by their sur- roundings, but who, by mental and spiritual vigor, rise superior to the most powerful forces with which they are obliged to cope. The short lapse of time in which farms were brought under cultivation, roads built, orchards planted, mills erected and churches and schools established, bears witness, both to the wisdom with which the authorities allotted their pub- lic lands, giving the large grants to those who were able to employ labor to improve them, aud to the wonderful vigor and natural resources of the indi- vidual settlers. Among the most remarkable men who lived in that part of the Farms within the limits of Peabody was Sir George Downing. His father, Emanuel Down- ing, had several grants of land, one of which in the town was bought of him by John Pickering, and is the site of the house on Broad Street, still standing, built by Pickering. Another, already referred to, near Procter's corner, was in the central part of Brooks- by, and, as Mr. Upham points out, George Downing spent his later youth and early manhood there. Hunting and fishing were doubtless his amusements, and we may imagine him, fowling-piece in hand, traversing the woods which then thickly environed the scattered farms. He was one of the first class graduated from Harvard College in 1642 ; studied di- vinity ; after various travels he was brought to the notice of Cromwell, having returned to England at a time when so many of the exiled Puritans seemed to see the promise of an ideal English Commonwealth, and from chaplain was promoted to scout-master gen- eral in Cromwell's army. He married a sister of the Earl of Carlisle, became a member of Parliament for Scotland, and undertook high diplomatic missions for theCommonwealth, goingatonetime as ambassador to the Hague. At the restoration he kept in favor with the new government, and received from his new sov- ereign the order of knighthood. On his return to PEABODY. Engliiiid he became :i member of Parliament for Mor- peth, and soon assumed control of the exchecjuer, in tlie management of wliich he displayed financial ge- nius and statesmanship of a very high order. Mr. Ifpham ascribes to him tlie origin of the celebrated Navigation Act, and the credit of originating the principle of specific appropriations in Parliament, a principle which has been embodied in American con- stitutional law. His name is perpetuated in Down- ing Street, in London, and by tlie college in Cam- bridge, England, established by tiie gift of his for- tune. Of all the young men who have gone from the historic region of the farms of the middle precinct of Salem, no one has left a more romantic and bril- lian record of piditical success. A sister, Ann, married Governor I5radstreet in lliSO. The farmers of Hrooksby continued to develop the agricultural resources of the region with little of the eventful in their history, except their share in the military operations of the time. The descendants of the first settlers exhibited much of that love of the home soil which has ever characterized the race; new families came in from time to time, and remote as the region was from immediate danger of Indian invasion, its annals are a simple record of peace and thrifty comfort, if not prosperity. The witchcraft delusion found some of its victims in the farms of the middle precinct. John Procter, who lived on the the Downing farm, was one of the most prominent of those who lost their lives in that strange uprising of superstition. He originally lived in Ipswich, where he had a valuable farm. He was a man of great native force and energy, bold and fearless in language, impulsive in feeling and some- times rash and hasty in action. The vigorous train- ing of what was then frontier life while it did not tend to lawlessness, cultivated a marked iiHlc[)end- ence of mind and manners in many of the farmers. Procter was a man of good property. His name appears in connection with the establishment of the Salem troop of horse. Mary Warren, one of the "afflicted" girls, was a servant in his family, and it seems but tiy liiin lor liis liilce- warm deposition against Iier. It is viry liki-ly, too, tliat when the accusation was brought home to liis own family, and his wife, whom it is evident he knew to be a good and pious woman, was subjected to ex- amination and committed to prison, he began to see matters in their true light, and expressed himself with his usual freedom. He was examined A|)ril li), liillL', in the meeting-house at the village. The usual performances of the accusers were gone through with ; they fell into fits, and were atllicted with grievous pinches, at which the court ordered his hands to be tied. The magistrates lost all control of themselves, and flew into a passion, exclaiming. " Wiiat ! is it not enough to act witchcraft at other times, but must you do it now in the face of authority ?" He seems to have been dumbfounded by these inexplicable pro- ceedings, anil could only say, " I am a poor creature, and cannot help it." U|)0m the motion of his head again, they had their heads and nei'ks atllicted. One of his hands was let go, and several were atllicted. He held his head on one side and then the heads of several of the afflicted were held on one side. He drew in his cheeks, and the cheeks of some of the atllicted were sucked in. Through all this out- rageous accusation he firmly asserted his innocence. His spirit is shown by the indignation with which he repelled one charge. Some of the witnesses testified that Corey had said that he had seen the devil in tlie form of a black hog, and was very much frightened. He denied the imputation of cowardice, and when "divers witnessed that he had told them he was fr ghted," he was asked "Well, what do you say to these What was it frighted you?" He answered proudly, "I clo ncit know that ever I spoke tlu' word in my life." He was much oppressed and ilistressed by his situ- ation, and the share that he had had in promoting the excitement in the case of his wife and others doubtless added to his distress of mind. His sons-in-law, Cros- by and Parker, were in sympathy with the crowd that |iursued him, and he was accused ofhaviiig meditated suii-iilc. He was bound over for trial and committed to jail. He was indicted by the grand jury upon spectral evi- dence chiefly, as appears by the few brief depositions on file. What were his thoughts and feelings in his impris- onment there is little record to show, but there is reason to believe that in spite of his courage and fearlessness, he suHered greatly in mind. His eyes were fully opened to the wickedness, not only of his own accusation, but of that of all the other victims, and the utter injustice of the proceedings against him, and in the silence and gloom of his prison he made up his mind to that invincible determination which made his fate unique in the annals of legal procedure in America and shocking even beyond that of any of his innocent fellow sullercrs. He resolved to stand mute at his arraignment, and so not only save his jirojierty from the effects of the attainder, but make a protest against thi' injustice of the courts and juries and the malignity of his accus- ers, which should stand as long as history continueil to record the awful deeds then done in the name of the law against innocent and (iod-fearing men and women. He mrant, also, to attest the strength of his feelings towards tlupse who had been true to him and to his wife, and his vengeance toward those who had swvrn and acted against him and her. He caused to be drawn up a deed of conveyance while he was in the jail at Ipswicii, by which he conveyed all his property to his two sons-in-law who had been faithiiil to him, and exccutc-; perhaps because at the same meeting of the selectmen their patriotic ardor was stirred by an order to pay to the same land- lord " For expense on Major Lee & his pylot bring- ing y' first news of port Royalls being taken," amount- ing to 125. lOrf. Tt is probable that the item of "ex- penses, &c.," included a hosi)itable supply of liquors. The use of the same word in the order to pay for the celebration of tiie victory at Port Royal, shows that it had an ascertained meaning, like that of the word "sundries'" in bills for celebrations of more recent date. It is interesting to note that in one respect at least we are more puritanical than our forefathers, for a town officer would hardly venture now to " treat" at the expense of the town in celebration of a victory. On November 1, 1710, the legislative committee submitted a report, dated October 31, in favor of setting off the new precinct. The report was read in the council and left upon the board. The next day the report was again read and debated. On the 3d, upon the question "Whether the Council will now vote the said report," there was a tie. It was not till the 10th of November that the report was finally accepted. The recommendation of the committee was that "The said Precinct do begin at the great Cove in thi' North Field so to run directly to Trask's Grist Mill, taking in the Mill to the new Pre- cinct; from thence on a Strait Line to the Jlile Stone on the Road to Salem Meeting-house, and So along the Road to Lyn by Lindsay's ; and then along the Line between Salem and Lyn Northward, till it comes to Salem Village line, & along by that line to Frost Fish River, & then by the Salt Water to the great Cove first mentioned ; and that the Meeting-house be erected on that Piece of Land near Gardner's Brook, already granted by the Towne for that End." The report of the committee, which was signed by Penn Tovvnsend for the committee, was read and ac- cepted by both houses and consented to by Governor Dudley the same day, November 10, 1710. It seems that although the committee, in their re- port, speak of a piece of land as already granted by the town, there had been no location of the grant, which was indeed, by its terms, conditional. On the 28th of December a formal vote was passed at a meeting of the selectmen, ordering that Captain Jonathan Putnam, Mr. Benjamin Putnam and Mr. John Pickering or any two of them be a committee to lay out the quarter of an acre and make return thereof. It was undoubtedly a shrewd proceeding on the part of the petitioners to obtain the conditional grant in advance, and then locate it by the recommenda- tion of the committee of the General Court before the layer.s-out had been appointed. The fact that the land had already been granted may be fairly sup- posed to have had some weight in the deliberations of the committee. CHAPTER LXVIII. PEABODY {Continued). Thf Middle Precinct — Suilding Ihe Sleeting-hovte. On the 28th of November, 1710, a general meeting of the inhabitants of the Middle Precinct was held. Captain Samuel Gardner was chosen moderator, and John Gardner was chosen " Clark." It was voted "That there be A Convenient Meeting hous Built for y' Publick Worship of God w"' all convenient Speed in this Middle Precinct, and that it be Erected on y* place of Ground granted by the Town for that End." The committee chosen to have charge of the PEABODY. inoi biiililirig of tlie new liouse were " Cap' Sam" Gardner, y[' Jii" frisk Sen', Mr James Holton, Mr Sam" Cut- ler, M' .In' Xiirsc, Mr Jon" Mash, Mr Jn" Kelton, Mr Will"' King, Mr Thorn.lick Procter, Mr. Abell Gard- ner, Mr .\l)r™ Pearse, M' Jn° Waters." The site eliosen for the new meeting-house is that now occupied by the South Congregational Church in Peabody. It is mentioned in the proceediugs at the centennial celebration of the incorporation of Danvers that the original grant of a ipiarter of an acre was in some way increaned to about an acre. The committee on the building, which is common- ly spoken of in the parish records as "y' grate com- mity" met, with brief delay, on t!ie .30tli of Novem- ber, and it was " Agreed that y' Building be 48 feat Long and 3.') feat wid and 24 feat stud so as to have two Galaris." It was " Agreed That JM' Sam" Cutler M' Robert WilKson M' ,In° Waters Be undertakers for y'^ workmanship of y" Hous and are to have 2' 9'' fi Day for so many days as ihay work from the present time till y' II) ''■'■' of March next and then 3' "j* day so Long as y' Conunitty sees good. Agreed That other carpenders have 2" (!' per d.iy for so many days as they work, and men that work with A Xarro As to have 2' "f* day." On January 1.5, 1710-11, the committee called a general meeting of the inliabitants of the parish to petition the town for a lot for the minister, and it was voted "to move or petition for 10 acres of land or !is ranch as y' town sees meet to be laid out between Mr. Sam" Stones and Sara" Goldthrit's for y' use of y" Ministry for this Precinct. The location asked for would be between Wa.shington Street and Foster Street, on the southerly side of Main Street. On Slarch 12, 1710-11 the matter came before the gen- eral town meeting of Salem, and it was left to the select men to propose to the next annual town meet- ing " relating to a Sutable proportion of lands for y' Ministry of y° body of y' Toune and y" other two precincts to be set apart for y' use of y' Ministry of y' several! Districts." It seems that the application of the new precinct for a minister's lot was the occa- sion of the other parishes' asking for lots also, and at the meeting on March 24, 1711-12, the town was asked to grant ten acres to each of the outlying pre- cincts and twenty acres to the First Parish. This the voters refused to do; but it was voted to grant half an acre of land to "the New Chappell lately erected," for the use of the minister. This was short- ly after Mr. Prcscott had been called to the Jliddle Parish. This grant of one-half acre was not laid out for several years. In 1710 ai)plicHtion was made to the selectmen of Salem to lay it out, and they did so the same year, near the meeting-house. The location included the vicinity of the Univers'alist Church building, extending toward the square. Part of this land was afterward conveyed to the Kev. Mr. Holt, and the remainder continued in the possession of the ministry until ISIS, when it was sold to ^latlhow Hooper for fifteen hundred ihdlars. The town of Salem refus'-d to grant more laud to the various jire- cincls; but when in 1714 there was a division of com- mon rights, five ac^rcs were granted to the commoners to each of the four churches. These appropriations were located, one above the other, on the left of the old Boston road, going toward Poole's bridge from Salem, between Ghtsshouse Field and the Sheep Pas- ture. The various church lots lay on the southerly side of the road now leading to Swampscott from Aborn Street, extending in a direction parallel to the Boston road. This land also was sold in 184.") for six hundred dollars and the jiroceeds of all the mini-try lands of the Middle Precinct forms a fund which has at times been invested in a parsonage and at other times kept at interest. In the grants of these lands, in 1714 and 1715, the Middle Precinct is spoken of as Brooksby Parish or Precinct, showing that the ancient name was still in use at that time. The original dimensions of the new meeting-house were enlarged at a meeting of the Great Committee in March, 1710-11, and it was agreed that the house should be fifty-one feet long and thirty eight feet broad. The lower part of the "Galari Gurts" were to be eight and one-half feet from the floor; there were to be six seats in the front gallery and five seats in the end galleries. The pulpit .was in the middle of one of the long sides, and the principal aisle, or " alley," ran at right angles to the sitters, lengthwise and in the middle of the house. The pews were nearly square ; there were twenty of them, and they were mostly about five feet by six, though Samuel Cutler's pew was more than seven by six feet, and one pew occupied by Samuel and John Gardner was six feet by nine. The scarcity and costliness of window-glass made it necessary to econ- omize greatly in the use of that luxury; and some of the pew-holders being inconvenienced by the dark- ness of their sittings, it was voted in May, 1712, "That thay which have no windos in their Puse have Leave to cut sum out Provided thay maintain them at their one Charge." If this liberty was largely availed of, it must have produced a picturesque irregularity in the appearance of the structure from the outside. One case, at least, is recorded ; Daniel Marble was given leave to cut a window out of the side of the meeting-house against his pew, to be maintained by him. This was in 1720. In 170.') the proprietors of new pews were given liberty to cui or make windows at the e;ust and west doors. The building was raised June 0, 1711. Mr. Joseph Green, of the Village Church, has recorded in his diary that he went to the raising " at Col, Gardner's." Captain Samuel Gardner's house was on the nor- therly corner of Central and Elm ."-^treets. The festivities of that occasion were i)r(ib:d)ly ]iaid for by i)rivate subscription, fur the only item of refreshments which appears in the parish accounts at 1002 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. that period is the Tcry moflest entry " p'' for Syder bread & Cheese when the planck was unloaden, 02'." Oil October 5, 1711, a day of fastiiij; and prayer was recommended " particuhirly in y' Calling of A minister," and tlie wish was devoutly spread upon the record "That God would direct in that Waighty Consearn to such a person as may be a blessing to y° place." A committee was chosen at the same time for granting pews and seating the house; so that the building wxs probably nearly or quite ready at tliat time. The record of the first seating is not entered till several years afterward, about 1721. Tiie twenty pews were granted to some of the more important families, and the other seats were given with due consideration to age and rank, the men and women sitting separately. It would seem that even the own- ers of pews did not sit with their wives, for some of the pew-owners had other seats al otted to them, and it is recorded " That .Jii° Waters shall have y" Pew to y" westward of Natli' Felton's for his wife and family and tliat said Waters is seated in y" front fore seat in y" Gahiry." The women were seated in the east gal- lery and the easterly part of the house below, and the mer had the west gallery and western pait of the house. The sittings are described as " y" three short seats before y"' pulput," "y° west body of seats," "y" body of long Women's seats belo," ''The fore seat of the west end of the men's gallery," and so on. On November 6, 1711, a committee was chosen to inquire after candidates and invite them to preach. It was resolved that candidates should be paid by contribution, or by rates if the contributions fell short. Three candidates are mentioned in the records, — Mr. Benjamin Prescott, Mr. Sutchclif and Mr. Bar- nard. The latter was probably the Rev. John Bar- nard, who was a graduate of Harvard College in 1709, the class of Mr. Prescott. The name Sutchclif does not appear in tiie Harvard Catalogue; it may be that the Rev. Wm. Shurtleff was the person meant. On the 4ih of March, 1711-12, a general meeting of the parish was held to choose a minister. Of course, on- ly the qualified male voters of the precinct were al- lowed to vote, the qualification being the same as that for voting in tow-n affairs ; but those who could not attend on this occasion were allowed to vote by pro.xy. The names of the three candidates were brought for- ward, and the clerk makes the brief and important entry, ''The person Chosen to be our Minister in Mr. Benj. Prescot." It was agreed " That if Mr. Prescott Cums and settles with us we will pay yearly to him y" sum of Eighty Pounds in Province Bills or in silver money as it passes from man to man, So long as he continues to be our minister." In February, 1711-12, Mr. Prescott was settled as the first pastor, and it seemed as if the long and bit- ter contest for separation from the First Parish was over. But the people of those days were sturdy con- troversialists, and it was too soon to e.xpect peace. The officers of the First Parish made out their list of rates, as usual, upon those who had formerly paid rates, although many of them had contributed largely from their slender means for building the new meet- ing-house and settling the new ministir. The indig- nant voters of the middle precinct sent a committee to the General Court to acquaint that body with their grievance, and ask relief against the tax, which was being pressed with the full vigor of the law. This committee was chosen October 13, 1712, and they ob- tained speedy justice, for on the 30th of October it was by the General Court " Hei^oJfed iivA (Jechircd tlmt the faivt at the rc'iiu'st nf onrbrelliri'ii HnilsHtiT", a d fir peace snUo, ^vt^ |H-r:nit tliriii iiinl llirir chiMivli to licrnmca cliiirdi of Humus.-Ivi-s ; |.rovi.l.-.l tli.y li.ivo llif ap- piolMlion iinil consoiit of the Eldi-M and iiies separate fnmi Salem. It was desired to form a new township, and not 1004 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. merely a district, and the records show that such was the plan of the farmers. The committees from the two parishes consulted together, and prepared a memorandum of agreement for the separation, in July, 1751. " Whereas y» Village Parish and y Midflle Parish in Salem have agreed to come of from y» town as a eeperato Town by themselres, as appears I»y y votes of their respective Mcelinjrs, and whereas we ye siib- Bcrilieis being niipointed and Itiipowercd for and in behalf of Kacli pariHli to Confer together, and nialie Rejwrt att y« meeting of sd parishes Re- spectively, relating to said Affair, have meet together and after due C n- sideration malie Report iis follows : (viz.) That ye Town meetings sbiill be one year in one p Irish and y" next year in the other piiri*h sncces- sivety. That y* major part of y« selectmen and assessors shall be chosen one year in one Purisli, and y« next year in y« other Parish successively. That each Parish thai! share Equally in all profits and Uenellts that shall happeti or acme. July y 2d, 1751. Daniel ICpes, Jr ■, for the Samuel Flint \ Maliohi Felton Uliddle Cornelius Tarball W'"' 'he ^^ John Proctor J Parish James Prince ^ ^ illage. This report was accepted, and on the 9th of Sep- tember, 1751, the same committee was authorized to join with the committee from the village, and prefer a petition to the town of Salem relating to the separ- ation. The authors of the report were also in-tructed to "labour " with the people of Salem ; foralthough, as Hanson states, the feeling in Salem was more favorable for separation than it has been, there was still a considerable opposition to the movement. On the 25th of October, 1751, a town meeting was held in Salem to consider the petition, and it was voted " That the Prayer of said Petition be so far granted as that with the leave of the Great and Gen- eral Assembly the Inhabitants and Estates of said Parishes be set off as a separate Township agreeable to the present boumlarics of said Parishes; and that in view of the claim of the annual incomes ofihe Town they be allowed thirteen pounds six shillings and eight pence to be paid out of the Town Treasury when legally set off as a distinct Town beside their proportion of the sums due to them for the Incour- agement of the schools by virtue of former votes." The new town was to care for its own poor. It was also voted to carry out the provisions of a previous vote, in 1747, by apportioning one hundred pounds in bills of the last emission to the inhabitants of the whole of the old town of Salem. The plan was originally to form a town of the two parishes; but in 1743 the King had given an instruc- tion to the Governor of the province, forbidding hiin to give Ills assent to any act creating a new town, without a clause inserted suspending the execution of such act until it should receive His Majesty's ap- probation. This was because it was thought undesir- able by the crown to increase the number of repre- sentatives in the General Assembly. The popular branch was gaining in power, and their increase had given them the control of all matters which were de- tcrmiii&i by a joint session of the two Houses. Gov- ernor Bernard, in a letter to the board of trade, in 1761, says that the number of representatives had then increased from eighty-four in 1692, when the charter was opened, toabout one hundred and seventy, while the Council kept the same number, twenty- eight. By the charter the Council was chosen in joint convention, and by usage many other officers were so chosen. It is probable, however, that the spirit of independence had already begun to manifest itself in the colonies, and it was felt in England that the growth of the power of the popiibir branch of the assembly was too favorable to such independent ideas. It seems that the petitioners yielded to this policy, and that the petition presented by them to the General Court asked only for the establishment of a district ; a district being a town in all respects except the right to choose a representative. When a district was es- tablished, it was allowed to join with the town from which it had been separated in the choice of a repre- sentative. On the 22d of January, 1751-52, a memo- rial of Samuel Flynt, Daniel Epes, Jr., Esq., and others, in behalf of the Village and Middle Precincts, praying to be incorporated into a district, was read in Council, and the petitioners were ordered to serve notice on the town of Salem. This was not concurred in by the House of Representatives, but on January 28th, an act was passed establishing the district of Danver.s. This act recited that the for the separation were the distance of the inhabitants of I he outlying parishes from that part of the first parish in Salem where the public afiairs of the town were transacted, the distance from the grammar school in Salem, and also the fact that most of the inhabitants of the First Parish were either merchants, mechanics, or traders, and those of the Village and Jliddle Parishes chiefly husbandmen, which was the cause of many disputes and difficulties in the management of public affairs. It was provided by the act that the agreements of the town of Salem, which had been made conditional on the parishes being incorporated into a town should be binding, although only a dis- trict had been in corporal ed. The name of the parish now became the "Second Parish in the district of Danvers," which was s'um changed to the " South Parish in Danvers," which continued to be its name for more than a century. The church was called "The Second Congregational Church in Danvers." About a year after the erection of the district of Danvers, the boundary between it and Salem was run, corresponding generally with the boundary of the Jliddle Precinct. The line took Trask's grist- mills into Danvers, and ran from the mills "To the Easternmost Elm Tree on sd j)lain and by the North- erly aide of the highway there called Boston Road." There was at that time a row of elm trees extend- ing along Boston Street in a direction not quite par- allel to the present line of the street, the easternmost tree being the boundary tree, and the tree at the other end being in ihe vicinity of Humphrey Case's house, near the residence of the late James F. Caller. PEABODY. 1005 A stone with the ilate 170" stands at the foot of tlie "big tree;'" but as the tree was a boundary in 1712, it must have been more lliaii u youi g tree at that time, and probably d ites back to UitJO or 1()70. The intermediate trees in tliis row were rut down many years ago for tire-wood, during a very severe winter when there was great dearth of fuel in Salem ; and within the memory of living men the ridge caused by their stumps was to be seen in tiie road. Tlie stone marl^ed 1707 may have been tlie miie-stone men- tioned in tlie legislative report on the separation of the miildle preeinct. On JIareh 30, 1752, it was ordered that fences be erected across the highway at the town bridge and the bridge by the south mills, and that all persons frimi I5(.ston or suspected of bringing contagion should be excluded Irom the town by a guard kept at the barriers. The first joint election of a Representative from the town ofSa'em and district of Danvers was named to lake i)lace May IS, 17-'i2. At that time the small- pox was raging, both in Boston and Salem; and the meeting voted not to send a Representative to the General Court, wliich was to be held at Concord on account of the pestilence in Boston. It was declared that no disrespect or designed alTnnit was intended to the honorable house, and that they would submit to whatever fine siiould be ini[)Osed ; but that owing to dissensions between the town and the lately estab- lished district, it was impracticable t) choose a Rep- resentaiive, and not consistent with the peace of the inhaliitants; that smalI-t)o.\ was ])revalent in several of the families of the town, and that it might be car- ried to the General Court by a Representative if chosen; and that the expenses attending the sickness had been so heavy in many instances that many per- sons could not bear the charges of sending a Repre- sentative. Although the district was not entitled to send a Representative, it sent a delegate, who was allowed to vote on certain matters. In 1754, when tlie colo- nies proposed a plan of union for mutual safety and protection, the district voted against it through its delegate, D.iniel Epes. On February 3, 1754-55, it was voted that Daniel Epes, Jr., should carry the renewed request of the district to become a town before the (ieneral Assem- bly. This request was continued from time to time, and the last presentation of it was by Daniel Kpes, .luiic 8, 1757. The bill was pa.ssed and signed on ,!mu' lull, but the date of its publication is June 1(5, 1757. This act did not contain any clau-c suspending its operation until the king should approve it; it was plainly in contravention of the instructions given to the Governor. Tlie feeling of independence on the part of the province was beginning to show itself. At the time tliere wa.s no Governor or Lieutenant- Governor in the province. Thos. Hutchinson, after- wards Governor, was then a member of the Council, and he caused his protest against the act to be entered on the records, lie gave f(jr the reasons of his dis- sent,— " let. n.'c:iuso (he proftissod cleslsn of tlio Bill ia Inntx, who now join Willi lliB Town of Saleui in 1 B4-ntiiIivf ti powiT a chuwing liy thonisclves, iiini tlie nninbt-r of whi IlouM-of Hi'im'81-ntativi-s may at prt-siMit consist, luing full larfc-. Ini-rcaainK tin' iinmliiT mnst Iiave a ti-nilenc-y to retard the prorr of the General Tonrt, ami to increiuae the burden which now lyei the People liy their lorij; Sessions every Vi-ar, aufl must likewis that House an nmlnc to the lioar.l in tlie Legislature many affairs are determined by a .joint Ballot of the t»o Houses. "Jd. Herausc there I.eluK no ttovemor or Lieutenant-IIovernor Province, it is most aKreeal>le to his Majesty's I'oniniisaiiui to the late Covernor: to the niesaane of this Board to the House of Bepresenta- tives at the opening the Session ; ami is in itself a tliiUK most reiusona- blo that all matters of any importance, and not necessary to be acted upon immediate y, which is the case with the present llill, shoubl be tlie Inhabi- J of a Kepre- vh«re n the 'd until 111. bci loj l.ieute immediately after, before tliemse liret Blanch, and such Member must give their .\B-ent intheol ":iil. Because the Board by r« the licgislature necessarily bliui for their .\ssellt, or Refusal, as Vote for this Bill in one capac directly nKuiust the Royal Instri di-t-ree necessary f .r the public Inconsistent and Absur.l. It appetirs that complaints of" long sessions" were prevalent even then. The acts of this session were not forwarded to the Privy Council until the next .January, owing to the absence of the Crovernor at the time of their enact- ment. They were received by the Privy Council in May, 1758, and referred to the Board of Trade. The Board of Trade did not act upon the laws of this ses- sion until July, 1759, when they prepared a drtiiight of the acts which ought to be allowed, and made a special report that the act of incorporation of Danvers ought to be disallowed, on the ground that it had been passed in contradiction to the royal instruction. On August 10, 1750, an order was passed in the Privy Council, disallowing the act, and declaring it null and void. It is believed that for some reason, now unknown, the provincial authorities never received notice of the disallowance of the act. Hutchinson certainly did not know that it had been disallowed, and he sur- mises in his history of Ma-sachusetts, that as the Council kept no correspondence by letters with the King's ministers, this bill, with others, received the royal allowance probably without being observed to be contrary to the instructions. The act of incor- poration was valid till disallowed; the town of Dan- vers was annually represented in the (ieneral Court from and after the year 1758, and later legislation expressly recognized Danvers as a town. No ollicial notice of the disallowance being ever received, and the records of the Privy Council not having been searched by anyone having the facts in mind, it was not discovered till long after the Revolution had ren- dered the discovery unimportant that the act of in- corporation of Danvers was void after 175'J. 1006 HISTOKY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. Tlipre has been consiflerablespecnlatinn as to the ori- gin of the name Dan vers. Hanson says that (he rejrion was called Danvers as early as 1745; hut notliing ap- pears on the records to indicate that such was the case, or how the name came to be given. The discussion is one which belongs more appropriately to -the history of Danvers than to that of Peabody, hut it may be mentioned that two theories of its origin have been suggested. It has been thought by some the solution was found in the fiicf that Lord Danvers was con- nected with the Osborne family in England, and the names are united in more then one branch of the Osborne family. It has been surmised that the Os- bornes from whom the families of that region in Danvers originated, may have come from one of these branches of the Osborne family in England, and that they suggested the name. This however, is a pure guess, inasmuch as it is not certainly known where the founder of the Osborne family in Danvers was born or lived before coming to this country. Felt, in his Annals. says thatLieut.-GovernorPhipps suggested that name out of gratitude to one of his patrons. But the last Lord Danvers died before 1660, and the name altcrward appears only in connection with other families, so that we are quite in the dark as to who the patron was. It would seem at least probable that the people of the new town had something to do with selecting a name for it, but the real cause of its selection is still conjectural. The mill belonging to Trask nearest to Salem town is spoken of in 1715, as the fulling mill; so that it appears some business was done in fulling cloth made in the vininity, probably by individuals on hand looms. It does not appear that the glass mak- ing industry, from which so much had been hoped, had survived till this time. The potteries, for which Danvers afterward became so famous, were not in operation until the latter part of this period, if at all during this time. One of these was located where the business is still carried on, on Central Street. There was at one time another on the south parish, in the vicinity of Holten Street. The business of tan- ning is said to have been begun about 1739, by Jos- eph Southwick, a Quaker, who lived in the house opposite the Lexington monument on Main Street, which was standing within twenty-five or thirty years. This house was among the first to adopt the comparatively modern square panes of glass, in the place of the diamond leaded pane, and from this cir- cumstance was called the "glass house." Mr. South- wick began the infant industry, which now employs thousands of men and occupies acres of space in the town, by using half hogsheads for vats. After a while, as his business increased, he obtained a gon- dola, which he used until after a few years he sank three or four vats. The location of his tanyards, which continued tor many years in his family, is still occupied in the same industry. CHAPTER LXX. PE.\BODY— ( Conliiiued). Boci'd Ltfe and Ow(onw in the Midtite Precinct. In the period from 1710 to 1757 the Middle or South Pari.-ih suffered but little change in the charac- ter or occupation of its inhabitants. They were mostly farmers; with the exception of the Trasks, who carried on their mills, there was little or no mechanical employment. According to the best au- thorities, there were, in 1752, about fifteen hundred inhabitants in both the Village and Middle Precincts. As there were eighty or ninety families in the Mid- dle Precinct in 1710, there couKl not have been any great increase of the population in these forty years. There were some wealthy land-owners, but most of the people of the South Parish were of limited means. The social relaxations of the time were few. Outside of the religious meetings there were few opportuni- ties for social gatherings, except on the rare occasion of a house rai-ing, or some such friendly meeting. The village singing school, which began to be intro- duced into New England during this period, was the beginning of the lecture and entertainment system, which afterward became so important a factor in the social life of New England. The psalm singing of the Puritans of the beginning of the eighteenth cen- tury was by rote; there were no instruments used in the churches, but the hymn was "lined out" by one of the deacons. The first menti m of organs in churches is contained in the diary of Kev. Mr. Green, of the Village Parish, in 1711, when he says of a visit to Boston and Cambridge, "I was at Mr. Thomas Brattle's, heard the organs and saw strange things in a microscope." This may have been the organ which Mr. Brattle gave, in 1714, to King's Chapel, in Boston. The people generally were opposed to the intro- duction of singing by note, fearing that it would lead to the use of instrumental mu s. (thirty-six shillings) per month, who was "to walk y' Streets from Ten of y'^' clock at Night till day light, & take care that there bee no Mischeife Done whilst people are asleeji, but to doe his utmost to prevent fire, thieves, enemies or other danger." The custom of ringing the nine o'clock bell was kept up for more than a century and a half, having been discontinued in 1885. Samuel Stacy continued to hold his oflice for many years; but the careful committee thought it best to ascertain how much the " Inhabitance " were giving him, anliysical strength and stature, and not a few attained great length of days. CHAPTER LXXI. PE.\BODY— ( Continued). The Jievohttlomiry War. Ddring the years before the Revolution the town went quietly on its way. At one time, in 1772, the inhabitants of the North Parish were obliged to apply to the General Court for relief against the encroach- ments of the South Parish. In December, 1771, the South Parish voted to hold the town-meetings in the South Meeting-house, and the next town-meeting was held there ; and a majority of the town officers were chosen from the South Parish, without regard to the agreement before mentioned between the par- ishes, entered into before the district was established. It would seem that the South Parish must have had a majority of votes at the time. The Legislature, considering the agreement as binding upon the par- ishes, enacted the substance of it as a law. With this exception, there is little to note in the internal affairs of the South Parish during this time. The town was early awakened to a thoroughly patri- otic feeling. In 17C5, at a town-meeting in October, they gave instructions to their reprcseniative, direct- ing I'im to remonstrate against the stamp act, but to do all in his powir to suppress or prevent riotous as- semblies, and not to give his assent to any act of as- sembly that should imply the willingness of his con- stituents to submit to any internal taxes imposed otherwise than by the General Court of the province, and not to assent to any extravagant grants. On December 23, 1765, additional instructions were sent to Mr. Porter, the Representative then in the General Court, similar to those already given, and concluding with an eloquent affirmation of the rights of the colonists and a denunciation of the oppressive character of the movement to deprive them of their right of managing their own internal affairs. It is declared that taxation and representation must go together, and an argument is made of the impossi- bility of regulating the aft'airs of the colonies properly in England. " It is not in their power (the Parliament) to make the Easterly Banks of America contiguous to the Westerly Banks of Great Briton, which banks have lain and still ly one Thousand Leagues distant from Each Other, and till they can do this, they can- not (as we Humbly Concieve), Provide for the Good Government of His Majesty's Subjects in these two Distant Regions, without y' Establishment of a Dif- ferent Power, Both Legislative and Executive, in Each." They then urge Mr. Porter to demand a re- peal of the Stamp Act. They say they are willing to be subject to the " Greatest and best of Kings," and to assist bim always, but they think men of " Envious and l)ci)ravcd Minds" have advised him wrongly. They think their grievance is such as " cannot but be resented by every True Englishman who has any PEABODY. 1009 Spark of Generous Fire Retnaining in His Breast.'' This was ten years before tlie l)attle of Lexington. Samuel Holten, the Representative for the year 171)8, was requested to join a convention to be gathered in Faneuil Hall, Boston, on the 22d of September, to consist of delegates from the adjacent towns in the Commonwealth. It was held during several days, and the difl'erences between the colonies and the mother country were fully discussed. Dr. Holten took an active part in the deliberations, and distin- guished himself for his vigor and acuteness of mind and excellent judgment, which characterized hitn througliout his long and useful public life. The people of the town shared in the patriotic excitement of the times. The daily converse of the people was upon the signs of the times, and all were of one mind in the firm determination to re- sist the new laws which were in derogation of their chartered rights. It was hoped that war might be averted, but if it must come they would prei)are for it as best they could. In 1770 the merchants of Boston passed the non- importation agreement. The obnoxious tax, though repealed as to several articles, still existed upon tea, and the agreement expressed a determination to im- port no goods from (ireat Britain that were subject to the tariff, particularly tea. The people of the town, on May 28, 1770, voted their api)robation oftliis action of the Boston merchants, and further voted "that we will not ourselves (to our knowledge), or by any pei-son, for or under us. Directly or Indirectly, Purchase of such Person or Persons, any goods what- ever, and as far as we can effect it, will withdraw our connection from every Person who shall Import Goods from Great Brittain, Contrary to the Agreement of the Merchants aforesaid. Voted that we will not drink any Tea ourselves, and use our best endeavors to |)revent our Families and connected with them, from the use thereof, from this Date, until the Act imposing a Duty on that Article be repealed or a general Importation shall take place. Cases of Sickness excepted." A committee of twelve was raised to convey a copy of this resolution to every family in the town, to receive the signatures of the people. The committee was instructed to write the names of all wlio refused to append their signatures to these articles, and publish them as enemies to the country. The resolutions were printed in the Essex fluzette. Hanson says that Isaac Wilson seems to have been the only one who opposed the pojuilar en- thusiasm. In .lune, 1772, a committee was chosen to take into account our civil liberties. They drew uj) a series of resolutions which were presented to the town and adopted by it unanimously. The resolutions are full of the spirit of the times, and set forth clearly and vigorously the oppressive nature of the legislation directed against the liberties of the colonies by Par- liament, the various irregular and oppressive acts of the Royal governor, the changes in judicial tribunals and all the grievances which so wrought upon the minds of our forefathers; they ended by instructing the rep- resentative of the town to contend, in a constitutional way, for the just rights and privileges of the people, to labor for a union of the provinces, to refuse to yield chartered privileges, and to use his endeavors that honorable salaries be granted to the Governor, the Judges of the Superior (Jonrt and others, adecpiate to their dignity, with a view to lessening the inlluence of the crown over such officers. Dr. Samuel Holten, Tarrant Putnam, and Captain William Shillaber were chosen a committee to cor- respon8, was an anient patriot, and he is reported to have declared that he would rather live on potatoes than submit. He procured a musket and performed drill-service regularly in the ranks of Captain Eppes' company. On the 27th of September, 1774, Dr. Holten, the representative to the General Court to be held in Sa- lem in October, was instructed to adhere firmly to chartered rights, not to acknowledge in any way the Act of Parliament for altering the government of Massachusetts Ray, and to acknowledge the council chosen by the last General Court. He was also au- thorized, if the General Court should be dissolved, to meet in a General Provincial Congress and there "to 1010 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. act upon such matters as may come before you, in such a manner as shall appear to be most conducive to the true Interest of this Town and Province, and most likely to preserve the liberties of all America." On November 21, 1774, the town voted to adhere strictly to all the resolves and recommendations of the Provincial Congress, thereby repudiating the government of England. On January 9, 1775, it was voted to comply with the provincial recommendation, and arm and equip each man, and to provide for frequent discipline; and it was provided that each man should be paid one shilling for each half-day he was in service. On Jan- uary 19, a committee was appointed to see that the citizens of Danvers were obedient to the provincial recommendations. It was voted " that the meeting of the inhabitants of this town in parties at Houses of Entertainment, for the purpose of Dancing, Feast- ing, &c., is expressly against the Eighth Article of the American Congress Association. Therefore the Committee of Inspection are particularly instructed to take care that the said eighth article in the Asso- ciation is strictly complied." When Col. Leslie marched toward Danvers for the purpose of destroying certain stores, a company from Danvers, under Capt. Samuel Eppes, marched to Sa- lem to repel the expected attack. It was on Sunday, February 26, 1775, when the alarm was sounded ; it is said that the sermon was cut short, and the remaining services deferred to a more convenient season. Rev. Mr. Holt is said to have been among those who marched in line on this occasion. The sober judg- ment of Col. Le.slie, aided by the counsels of the more prudent among the inhabitants, avoided an encounter at the time, but the men were given a fore- taste of the excitement of gathering in arms at the alarm of invasion. The 19th of April arrived, and the news of the ad- vance of the British soldiers to Concord and Lexing- ton was brought to Danvers at about nine o'clock in the forenoon. The ringing of bells and the beat of drums communicated the tidings to the citizens. The appointed meeting place was near the South Church, at the bend of the old Boston road by the Bell tav- ern, and thither the men thronged from every direc- tion. The rendezvous of the minute-men was on the very spot where the Lexington monument was after- ward erected, at the junction of the Boston road and the main street. Gen. Foster, then twenty-six years of age, had been appointed captain of the minute- men from the southern i)art of the town about ten days before ; these minute-men were to be in readi- ness at a moment's warning. They were ready, and all to a man assembled at the appointed place. The Rev. Mr. Holt gave his parting benediction to them, and they started for the held of death. The women gathered about and assisted to prepare their husbands or brothers or lovers for the fight. There had been three companies of militia in Dan- vers, but on March 3d it had been voted, agreeably to a vote of the Provincial Congress, that a quarter of the soldiers in the town should hemiimle-men. These minute-men were given in part to Israel Hutchinson, and in part to Gideon Foster. Foster's company was made up chiefly from Capt. Samuel Eppes' company of militia, and partly by volunteers. By some mistake in the records these men were never formally separated from Capt. Eppes' company, so that the muster rolls of the State show only Capt. Hutchinson's company of minute-men and three companies of militia. But Captain, afterwards Gen- eral, Foster, who lived to the advanced age of ninety- six, gave a full account of the affair to many people now living, and it is certain that he acted as captain at the battle of Lexington. It would seem that Capt. Samuel Eppes' company was made up from the south parish, while Capt. Jeremiah Page commanded a company from the north parish, and Capt. Samuel Flint's company included those in the northwestern part of the town, probably in both parishes. Capt. Hutchinson's company of minute-men was made up mostly of men from the New Mills, while Capt. Fos- ter's company included his own neighbors from the south parish. The list of Capt. Foster's minute-men, given from memory by him in 1837, is as follows : Samuel Cook, Jr. George Soulhwick, Jr. Henry Jacobs, Jr. John Collins. BenJHnlin Eppes. Sauniel VVehber. James Stone. Solomon Wyman. Robert Stone. Isaac Tivlss. Samuel Reeves. Thomas Gardner, Jr. Joseph Twiss. Jonathan Howard. William Rice. Joseph Bell. John Setcbell. Jonathan Newhall. Stephen Twiss. Steplien Sm:iU. Uriah Harw-ood. Jacob Reed. Abel MacUinlire. James Goldthwait. John Eppes, Jr. John Needham. Besides these, there were certainly others, as Gen. Foster's memory was probably unable to recall from memory his entire company. Dennison Wallis and Ebenezer Goldthwaitt are mentioned by Hanson as belonging in this company, and James Osborne, whose name appears in Capt. Eppes' company, is known to have fought under Capt. Foster on that day ; Beiij. Daland appears also to have been with the minute-men. The names of those from the North Parish are given in the history of Danvers, in another part of this work, including the companies of Captains Page and Flint, and Capt. Hutchinson's company of min- ute-men. The names of those in Capt. Eppes' company, ex- clusive of the minute-men, who went with Capt Foster, are as follows : Eben GoMthwaito. Jona. Tarball. Benj. Douty. .\aron Osborn. Jolin Jacobs. Sylvester Odlwru. .\moa Kinc Jonathan Nurse. PEA BODY. 1011 Andrew rurtis. Win. Turl.iill. Al>n>lmm Readingto Isnii'l Osliorn. Xutliun Upton. RidiunI I'hillips. Josc))h Whitenian. Joliu Wilson, Jr. Simiuel Sinnll. Josi'ph Eppes, J»nu*5 E|ipi'9. Wni. Somhwick. John Sonthwick. Jon Curtis. Job Wilwn. Ituborl Wilson, 3d. Isaac Wil»(>n, 3d. Joshua Moulton. KatI]. Goldtliwaite. Daniel Moulton. John Reed- Dauii'l JIarsh, Jr. Wni. Goldthwaite. Marhle Osborn. Jost'ph 0»lwrn, 3d. L Felton. 1 Procter. Asa Ei'lton. Ebon Felton. Joai'ph ebon Daniel Reed. Jon Thomas Day, Joseph Ingles. David Nfwhall. Nath'l Kills. Wm. Fiosl. Newhall Wilson Jdluitban Wilsoi Bartholomew M nabbakuk Lyns Ebeit Multon. Jona. Ridney. Abijah Reod. Thos. Bond. John Getcliell. Samuel .Stiine. Wm. Perkins. There were about two huiiassed along its margin, and cro.-ised the road directly in front of the British column. On the north side of the road, they took position behind a ditch wall. I'Vimi this casual redoubt they tired ujion the enemy as long as any of them were within reach of their muskets. Some of them fired eleven times, with two bullets at each dis- charge, and it cannot b.- doubted that these winged messengers of death performed their destined work. The bodies of the slain were sratlered along the road — the British were followed till they reached Charlestown neck. Mortiiying and severe to them were the defeat and losses of that day. Their killed, \v,)unded anal e.x- istence. A procession illustrating the manners and customs of the early settlers, and brilliant with allegorical figures and representations of foreign cos- tume, was escorted by military forces and by the firemen of the town ; it wtis made up largely from the pupils of the public .schools. An address by John W. Proctor and a poem by Andrew Nichols were delivered in the old South Church with music and religious exercises. After the exercises in the church a dinner was given in a canvas pavilion on the Crowninshield estate, at wliich many interesting addresses were given by the invited guests of the town, many of them distinguished in juiblic life or eminent for historic learning. The full account of this very interesting anniversary celebration belongs more properly to the history of Danvers; but it was at this dinner that the first gift of George Peubody to his native town was ortiered, in a letter acknowledg- ing his invitation to the centennial celebration. In this letter he inclosed an envelope with a direction that its seal was not to be broken till the toasts were being proposed at the dinner. After a toast to George Peabody, the letter of acknowledgment was read, and the seal of the inclosed envelope broken. It contained a sentiment by Mr. Peabody, which has become the the motto of the endowments made by him for the benefit of education : " Education — A debt due from ])resent to future generations. The letter continued : " In arknowleiignieni of the payment of that debt by the generation whieh precedtfd nie in my native town of Uanvera. and to aid in its prompt fnture diHetiarge, I give to the inliaUitantif of tliat town ttie i^uni of twenty tlion*iud ilollara, for the promotion of Itnowledgc and moral- ity among Iheiii. '• I lieg to remark, that the sutijeet of making a gift to my native town has fur some years ocenpied my mind, and 1 avail myself of your pres- ent interesting festival to make the comnuinieation, in tlie hope that it will ad.l to the pleaKiires of the day. •' I annex to the gift such conditions only ao I deem necessary for its preservation and the nccomplishnient of the purposes before named. The conditions are, that the legal voters of the town, at a meeting to bo held at a convenient time after the lli'k .lune, shall accept the gift, and shall elect a committee of not less than twelve persons, to receive and have charge of the same, for the purjioso of establishing a Lyceum for the delivery of lectures, upon such subjects as nrny bo designated by u committee of the town, free to all the itlhabitiint..4, uniler such rules as said committee nniy from time to lime emict ; and that a Library Nball be obtained, which shall also be free to the inhabitants, under the di- rectifin of the committee. " That a suitable building for the use of the Lyceum shall be irecled, at a cjKl, inclu.liiiE the land, Bxtures, furniture, Ac, not exceeding Seven Thousand dollars, and shall be located within one-third of a mile of the Presbyterian Meeting House occupying the spot of that formerly under the pastoral care of the Rev. Mr. Walker, in the South I'arith of Danvers. "That Ten Thous:ind dollars of this gift shall be invested by the town's committee in undoubted securities as a permanent fund, and the interest arising thereupon to be expemied in support of the Lyceum. "In all other respects I leave the disposition of the affairs of tho Lyceum to the inhabitants of Danvers, merely that it might be advisable for them, by Ilieir own act, to exclude sectarian theology and political discussions forever from the walls of the institution. •■I will make one lequest of the comniitleo which is, if they sec no olijection, and my venerable friend ('apt. ?ylve.ster rmctor should bo living, that ho be selected to lay the Corner-slono of the Ljcenn. building." As was stated by Mr. Proctor at the dinner, Mr. Peabody had been a generous contributor to the building of the Lexington Monument and also to tho rebuilding of the old South Church when destroyed by fire. The same letter which inclosed the gift also contained a liberal subscription toward the erection of an appropriate monument at the grave of General Gideon Foster. Mr. Peabody soon afterward added ten thousand dollars to his original donation, and before IX.'JC had increased the foundation to fifty thousand dollars. During his last visit to this country, in 181)9, he increased the amount of his gift to this In- stitute to two hundred thousand dollars. For some years the ilifiiculties which had been felt even in the early years of the town by reason of the distance between the North and South I'arislns, and which had leil to remeilial legislation as long ago as 1772, had been increasing; and the time w:is soon to come when the division of the two districts became necessary. By an act of the Legislature, passed May 18, 1855, the new town of South Danvers was incor- j)orated, with boundaries nearly corresponding with those of the old middle precinct of Salem. The old northerly line of the South Parish was changed, add- ing a strip of territory to South Danvers; instead of the ancient line, running nearly eai-t and west, the line now runs from the same easterly boundary north- west to the sharp beiiil of the Ipswich River, so that some of the historic localities of Salem Village are now within the limits of the newer town. Shortly afterward, by an act of the Legislature, passed April I'O, 185(1, the ancient boundary between Salem and South Danvers changed, and the boundaries of Ilie nesv town have .-ince been undis- turbed. It has already been noted that when the original pet tioners for the setting oil' of the middle precinct pre|)ared their ilraft of a bounilary, they asked to have a line run from Trask's mills to Si)ring Pond. The strong oppo.^ition shown in Salem to having so large a part of their common land thrown into the new precinct was no doubt the canst' of the change made by the Legislative committee, who recom- mended that the line, after reaching what is known as Boston Street, shoulil continue in the stieet along the Boston road to the Lynn line. This recommenda- tion was adopted ; no change was made at the time of the incorporation of Danvers as a district and as a 1016 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. town ; and from 1710 to 1856, the houses on the op- posite sides of a road more tliau tliree miles long were in different municipal jurisdictions. The inconven- iences of such a boundary line were not so marked in the lower portion of the street, as the inhabitants be- longing to Salem were there not far separated from the other inhabited parts of Salem ; but as the road, well occupied with substantial houses, continued on towards Lynn, the Salem inhabitants became more and more remote from the interests of the town to which they belonged, and in the settlement at South Peabody, known from the earliest times as "the Rocks," neighbors whose interests were otherwise identical were forced to carry on double schools on opposite sides of the same street, and voted in differ- ent municipalities at places miles apart. It was a deep grievance, too, for the ardent temperance re- formers of Dan vers, who had succeeded in suppressing the open sale of liquor in the town, to be confronted by liquor-selling taverns, such as the Naumkeag House and others of those times, which could be reached by thirsty Danvers men by merely crossing the street into Salem. The line from Trask's, or Frye's, mills reached Boston Street at the tree known as the " Big Tree." From this boundary tree, the line of division ran along the easterly side of the road to Lynn. At the time of its establishment, in 1710, the main road to Lynn from Salem did not follow any of the now ex- isting streets in its turn to the south after crossing Poole's bridge over Strong Water Brook, but diverged from what is now Main Street at a point near Pier- pont Street, and continued in a southwesterly direc- tion till it joined what is now Washington Street near Aborn Street. This diagonal course of the old road appears very plainly on the rough map, on file in the State archives in the Slate library, which accom- panied the petition for setting off the middle precinct in 1710; and also upon a map of the division of the common lands of Salem, made about 1720, in the pos- session of Andrew Nichols, Esq., of Danvers. As time went on, the road which left Main Street at the Bell Tavern, or Eagle corner, where the Lexington monument now stands, became most used, and the old road at that point fell into disuse and was event- ually abandoned, though traces of it may still be found. The boundary line, of course, remained un- changed; and in 1840 the line was changed by act of the Legislature, by adding a strip to Danvers, bringing the boundary line two feet north of Sutton's store in Poole's Hollow, and then following near the brook to Aborn Street, and so to the Boston road.. It was not till 185G that the line between South Danvers and Salem was finally established, coinciding very nearly, in that part between Boston Street and Spring Pond, with the line marked out by the wisdom of the farmers of Brooksby in their petition for the incor- poration of the middle precinct. In exchange for I this concession of territory, part of the territory of South Danvers on the northerly side of Boston Street, between the Big Tree and the old burial-ground, was annexed to Salem by the same act. The inhabitants of the territory belonging to Danvers at the time of Mr. Peabody's gift to the town are, however, still en- titled to the privileges of the bequest. The present boundary line crosses the street near the westerly end of the old burial-ground. It is stated in an article in the Wizard, published in 1862, that previously to the last change of bound- ary, the line ran through a house on Main Street, through a bedroom and across a bed, so that the heads of the occupants were in the city and their feet in the country. CHAPTER LXXIII. VEXhODY— Continued. Beview of the Period from 1757 to 1855. The period from 1757 to 1855, during which the pres- ent township of Peabody was the South Parish of the town of Danvers, was marked by great changes accom- panying the growth of a large town from the commu- nity of six or seven hundred people dependent on ag- riculture for their support. The aspect of the old time village is still remembered by the older citizens, as it was described by Mr. George G. Smith at the Centennial Celebration : " It was a pleasant place, then, this old town of ours, when there were green fields and shady walks where now are dusty streets and busy factories. I shall never forget the old back way by the pond, with its locust-trees, loading the air in the season of blossoms with their honey-like fra- grance. And the pond, not as now shorn of its fair proportions, its green banks sloping gently down to the clear water, and bordered with bright rushes and flowery water-plants." The pastures came down toward the centre of the village, and a country quiet rested over all. In 1800 the population of the whole town of Danvers was 2643, and in 1820 it was 3646. The South Parish could claim about half of these numbers. Growth of Manufactures. — The tannery begun in 1739 by Joseph Southwick, the Quaker, continued to be carried on by the same family during the whole of this period. About 1770 Joseph Poor began to tan near •' the lane," now Central Street, and several of his descendants are still prominent in the same branch of productive industry. Dennison Wallis_ the Revolutionary patriot, had a tannery near the street which bears his name; and early in the present century Fitch Poole, Sen., and his brother. Ward Poole, had tanneries near I'oole's hollow, on the stream running into the North River. In 1865 there PEABODY. 1017 were twenty-seven tanneries in Soutli D.inver.-i, with j an annnal product of 131.000 hides, valued at SOGO,- 000; 122 men were employed in tliis in,000, and eniiiloy- ing lo3 hands. The manufacture of morocco and lining skins grew up in the second ciuarler of the present cen- tury, and in lSo-5 there was a jiroduct of 80,000 skins, valued at about §25,000, employing 117 hands, with a capital of $.50,000. The boot and shoe Ir.ide, which also had its princi- p.TJ growth as an industry since 1830, [irodnced, in 18oo, in the town, 747,000 pairs, valued at !?5i)7,2')0, and gave emjiloyment to 1043 hands, a considerable number of the employees being women. The manufacture of chocolate was carried on by General Fos-ter in the early years of the century at his mill-pond, oil Fo-ter's lane (now Foster Street). where were also bark-nnlls for grinding tan for the tanneries, and grist-mdls. General Foster developed the water-power at liis command with nuich .-kill and ingcnnity, building a .system of dams and canals. Ilis mills were destroyed by fire in 1823. The manufacture of chocolate was also carried on by Francis Symonds, the host of the Bell Tavern; but the industry was long ago discontinued. At one time there were upwards of thirty ]iot- terics in the South Parish, mostly on " the lane," called "Garp Lane," or "Gape Lane," and on Southwick's hiTie, now Lowell Street. Daring the War of 1812 the pottery from this region attained a wide celebrity, and great quantities were sold. The de- mand for tlie ware, which was chiefly of the coarser variety of brown ware, from which the bean-puts, flower-pots and jugs of the present day are made, di- minished after the war, owing to the cheapness with which a higher grade of imported ware could be obtained; and in 1855 only two establishments remained on Central Street, where the la-t surviv- ing pottery is still carried on; their product was then valued at $2300. The Danvers Bleachcry, an enterprise begun in 1847 by Elijah Upton and the Messrs. Walker, in 1855 bleached or colored 100 tons of goods, employing GO men, with a capital of $150,000. Glue was first made in South Danvers by Elijah Upton in 1817. Mr. Upton was one of the pioneers in manufactures, and was very successful in various branches. He made many improvements in methods, and in the .glue business anticipated modern ideas, among other things being the first to grind glue for convenience in packing and use. In !855 three glue factories, with a capital of $40,000, produced glue of the value of S120,00fl, employing 21 men. Resides these larger industries, and the ordinary ac- tivity of a growing town in building, cabinet-making and other domestic occupations, there were, in 1855, two bakeries, producing articles valued at 835,000 W yearly; two soap-fictories, with a product worth 818,000, a p:Ueiit-leallu-r fartory, a last factory, whose product was valued at SIO,0:j ), a box-factory, and w orkingiprirr es of valu ible st ]ne, from which $5,ilO0 worth of building and mill-stones were cut. In the days when the e.Kiensive commerce of Salem make conununication with foreign countries by vessel easy, the soap business was largely developed, and an ex- port trade was built up by Henry Cook, then the principal manufacturer. During the last half century of this period, thepre- l)aration of wool for manufacture was carried on, the woid being in part supplied by the skins used in the manufacture of morocco. William Sutton carried on the business at the brick store, on M lin Street, in Toole's hollow, and the figure of a sheep, which still stands over the door, was to be seen in the s.ime place as early as 1815. At one time Ward I'oole, Jr., car- ried on the same business in another brick building, near Picrpont Street. Another wooden sheep was [ilaced over the st(jre in l'oolc"s hollow, occnpiel by Warren .AL Jacobs and Fitch Poole as a morocco-fac- tory, and this image was aflerw.ird i)l.iced on the l.irger factory i riHtcd by .lacobs, on Main Street. The business of " wool-[inirnig," as it was calles fell into disuse, and only those stores which supplied local needs remained. The re- sults of these comparatively extensive dealings, how- ever, enriched some of the families which carried on the business. Banks — The Danvers Bank (now the S uith Dan- vers National Bank) was incorporated in 1825 with a capital of $150,000. The first i)resident was William Sutton. The Warren Bank (now the Warren National Bank) was ineorporateil in 1832 with a capital of $250,000. The first president was Jonathan Shove. The Warren Five Cents Savings Bank was incor- porated in April, 1854. Inscraxce. — The Danvers Mutual Fire Insurance Company (now tlie Sonlh Danvers .Mutual Fire Insu- rance Company) was instituted in 1829. The first president was Ebenczcr Shillaber. It is an extremely conservative and sound institution. 1018 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. FuF.EMASOxnY. — Jordan Lodge, F. & A. M., was institiiteil in 1S08. Aghicui.toke. — The agricultural iiuhislrics of the town still continued to he of iniportiince, and in 1855 the dairy and iiirni products were estimated at ahout $128,000, of whiih the onion crop constituted the largest part in value, being estimated at $77,080. It was stated at the Centennial celebration of Dan- vers that the whole industrial product of the town at the beginning of the century was not more than $100,000, and this is probably a large estimate. The valuation of the whole town of D.invers in 1827 was $1,870,800, In 1855 the vahialion of South Danvers was $2,1W4,-''j00. Social Changes. — Such a growth in the indus- tries and resources of a comninnity must necessarily be accompanied by great changes in the social condi- tions of the inhabitants. Even wiih tlie slender his- torical material available, we can trace some of these changes. At the beginning of this jirriod the people of the south parish of Danvers were almost entirely of pure American blood of English de-cent. They were one in race, in social customs, iu political traditions and religious belief. There was but one church iu the parish, to which all were not only expected but compelled to contribute and which every good citizen must attend. In worldly estate there were no wide extremes, for, though some had much larger holdings of land than others, the diversity of living was not great. The distinctions of rank were punctiliously observed on important occasions, yet age was reverenced even above rank and the Christian fellowship of the church and the pure democracy of the town meeting brought all to a common level. After the stiiring events of the Rev- olution, the district settled back into its quiet ways chiefly a farming community, and suppl\ing Irom its own sons the labor necessary for carrying on the be- ginnings of its manufacturing career. For almost half a century after the Rev(dulion the community preserved the same characteristics, — a simple and neighborly society where all were personally known, in which there were few very poor and fewer very rich ; where a foreigner was a curiosity and a vagrant liable to active inqui-ition. The parish system of support for the church was abandoned in 179.3, and a system of pew la.xation .substituted ; but there was no other rtligious society till the Unitarians came off in 1825. In 1832 the Universalist Society was organiz- ed, and the Methodists, though they had meetings in the south ])arish as early as 18S3, had no appointed minister till 1810. The Baptist Society completes the list of those existing in 1855, having been organized in 1843. The Quakers have never had a stated place of worship in the parish, but the many worthy and esteemed families which have held that faith have worshipped iu other towns, chiefly with their brethren in Salem. More than sixty years ago, when all the village went to the one niccting-honse, and nearly all were natives of the s-oil, there was a lamiliarily of social intercourse which can exist only in such a communi- ty. Almost every individual of consequence, and some whose only distinction was their eccentricity, were commonly known by familiar names, sometimes by nicknames descriptive of some peculiarity of ap- pearance or character. Amusing hoaxes were perpe- trated on certain ones whose simi)licily encouraged the attempt, and pr.ictical jukes, which sometimes verged upon rudencs-, were olten carried out by a se- lect band of choice spirits, among whom were some of the best known citizens, led by one or two of the keenest and most inventive of their number. Many rare stories are told i)y the older citizens of the jolli- ties of those times. Then, too, there were some who cultivated a refined literary taste, and met to read and discuss original articles on literature or the topics of the times. Rufus Choate opened his first law office here, and resided in the south parish for several years, going as one of the town representatives to the General Court in 1826 and '27. lie was married while living here, and left town to ])ractice law in Salem in 1828. He at one time delivered an address on the Waverly novels before the Literary Circle, a society including many of the active minds of the place; and during his residence in town he twice delivered the Fourth of July oration. With Dr. Andrew Nichols, and the Rev. Mr. Walker, and John W. Proctor, and Fitch Poole, who was then just beginning his unique literary career, with Rufus Choate, and Joshua 11. Ward, and Daniel P.King, and other gifted and cultured minds, there was surely a suflicicncy of literary ability to impress the social life of ihe parish with high ideah of thought and exi)ression ; and the effect of the impulse which these men gave to the intellectual life of the town may still be felt. Not only in matters of literary taste, but in dealing with the great problems of the times, with intemperance, and slavery, and educational needs, the town and the parish kept always in the foremost ranks of progress. The rapid increase of manufacturing and the severe and comparatively nn>killed labor reepiired in some departments brought about the importation of immigrant laborers. Mr. Richard Crowninshield, who carried on a woolen-mill just below the pond which bears his name, is said to have been ihc first to bring Irish laborers to the town. The con- struction of the railroads also brought in a foreign element of population. With the increase of manufactures came the amas- sing of larger fortunes by some, and the increased values of real estate and the rising tide of enti-r|)risu and improvement throughout the country following the introduction of the railroad systems, gave oppor- tunities of investment which still farther iucreased the PEABODY. 1010 means of the wealthy. The old simjiliiity ami uiii- fciniiity ol' social lllb and customs pi-^sel aw.iy never to rcliirn, and in its 'ilace began t > grow U|) the ini)re complex relations of town lile resulting IVoni greater variety of employment and greater dillerences in for- tune, and in part from the were increase of num- bers. KimcATlox. — From the earliest yeai-s the Jliddlc rreeinet was earel'ul and earnest in the cause of edu- cation. Soon after the separation of the preeinet the parish gave its attention to the support of schools, and claimed and received from the town its proper part of the sclioil money. We find the s.-hool fund a com- mon subject of discussion ill the parisli meeting, and the people themselves contributed liberally from their slender means toward the schools. In 17.'U the pari>h rai.sed £17 4s. lb/. f,u- its schools. In 17:57 there were four schools in the jiarish, and six male teachers and ten female teachers were employed dur- ing the summer; the men received two pouiuls a month, and the women si.xpence each week. In 173'J a gr.imniar s Dr. Archelaus Putnam made a report to thetonnon the reorganl- zatiutli Parish, and the (irst superinlendenl of scbods in the town. Ni:w.sI'APERS. — I'he Jlnnrrs EujU was published fciety f )r the Suppression of Iulem|)erance," — Joseph Torrey, Samuel llolten and Heiijaniin Wadswoilh, from D.inver-, were members. Ivlward Southwick and Deacon Fitch Poole, from the South Pari di, were among the pioueer< in tem- perance reform. A strong impulse was given to tlie movement by the adhc-iion of many of the le.iding citizens of the place. The principle of total absti- nence was upheld by thero- ciired of Nathaniel Nurse for seven thousand d(dhir3 for the use of the jioor. The present .Vlmsliouse, built in the South [larish in 1844, at a cosKd' about thirleen thousand d-llars, is a commodinus and cheerful house, situated in a l)leasant farming district. Beside the Poor-House and Hos|>ital, there are over two huiulred acres of land belonging to the farm, the value of the whole cst:iblishment at the time of the erection of the biiibl- ing being about tweniy-four thousand d(dlars. Jliss D. I)i.\', of Boston, toiik a dce|) ititercst in pro]noting the action of the town toward ( slalilishing this iu-titution. It h;!S been carefully and humanely conductecort duty to a company of volunteers for the War of the Rebellion, led by Capt. Ilobert S. Daniels, Jr., a son of the first captain of the old company. On a very brief notice, over a hundred of the past members gathered together, including six- teen of the original forly-eight. Capt. Ribert S. Dauiels, the first commander, led the paraile, and Gen. Wm. Sutton acted as lieutenant, and other well-known citizens were chosen to fill the various offices. Abner Sanger and Ralph Emerson, of the early ofiicers, rode with the veterans of 1812, and the procession attracted great notice as it pa-sed from the S(]uare to the Eastern Railroad Station in Salem, ac- companied by a large number of the citizens, with fire companies and other organizations in line. This was the last appearance of the Danvers Light Infan- try, and probably not one of the original members now survives. Aqueduct Water. — The South Parish was one of the earliest communities in the State to enjoy the privileges of water conveyed by aqueduct. The Salem and Danvers Aqueduct Company, incorporated March 9, 1797, with a capital of ten thousand dollars, sup- PEARODY. 1023 plied water from a group of natural si)riiig8 near Sprin<5 Pond. The first primitive reservoir consisted of a large hogshead sunk it) the ground, from which wooden logs of three inch bore conducted llie water through Danvers to Salem. William Gray, the famous merchant of Salem, was the fii-st president of the company. The operations of the company were gradually extended as the demand for water in- creased; the wooden logs were replaced by others; in 183-1 an iron-pipe was laid, in 1850 a twelve inch iron-pipe was laid directly to Salem, and in 1807 an iron and cement pipe sixteen inches in bore was laid. The reservoir was several times increased, and about 18.')U a stone reservoir was built, with a capacity of si.\ hundretl and Fifiy-two thousand gallons. In 1850 a connection was made with Spring I'ond, a sheet of water covering fifiy-nine acres, and whose surface is about si.Kty-four feet above mean high-water, and a filtering box was placed in the pond. This pond is fed by natural springs, and is of great depth. The water is very pure; an early analysis of the supply from thes|)rings showed in ton thousand pounds of water only ,[;§„ of a pound of solid foreign matter, consisting of silicious earth, sulphate of soda and common salt, the salts constituting about one-half of the solid matter. A sample of the water sealed up wiih a piece of lead for many years did not percepti- bly affect the lead, i-uch was its ])urity and freedom from corrosive qualities. The water of Spring Pond is about equally pure. The su])ply [irovcd inadequate to the needs of Salem, and the water from Wenham Lake, introduced in 1869, took the place of the old aqueduct water to a large e.xteut in Salem. In 1873, the tression of the times before ISfiO, the town had gained bfith in valuation and pop- ulation, the population in 18(>0 being six thousand five hundred and forly-nine, and the valuation three million six huiia lid men for immediate emer- gencies. Then the old time spirit of patriotism which inspired the Minute men of Lexington anil the de- fenders of Buid;er's Hill fiamed up with ardent en- thusiasm. Forty-two of the citizens of the town started on the first call; nine members of the Salem Zouaves, formerly the Salem Light Infantry, under Capt. Devereux, starting on Thursday morning, .\pril ISth, to join the Eighih Kegiment, and ten men in the Jlechanic Light Infantry, Cajit. Peirson, and twenty-one in the (,'ity (lUards, Capt. Danfortli, in- eluding four commissioned officers, setting out on the fiillowing Saturday to join the Filth Regiment, under Col. Lawrence. One South Danvers man enlisted in the New York Fire Zouaves, and one in the First Iowa Regiment. The following are the names of those who responj II, Fifth I^ff/inifnf. l.i( I.kiilemiiil, Kirk Sliirk. 'Id Liciifmaul, Win. F. Sinimp ■id IJcuUmiiil, 0.-(i. II. \Vil,-y. 4lli l.i.idm,u,l, Juhu li. StuiK, •Id Coijmrul, Jolin A. 1'. SiiliiiM-r. R. Mill.U. Wni. !•■. Ouilr..l-(l. .I<.liii G. E>li s. Jnnii-s W Ki'lli-y. ThoumsG. MuiiOiy. P.ui.l II. I'iirrc. Olivi-i I',irk. r. Ufi.rfC O Hull. W 111. Tul.t-y. Thomas D. Ki-llcy. Coo. 11. pcmrt. .I.>liii W. I..-I.. V.C. .M«i«l,ull,.Ir. Siiliinil W iliy. S, W. Williuuis. 1024 HISTOKY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. Beside these there were about twenty members of the S;ilem Cadets and Light Arl.llery wlio held tliem- selves in readiness to start at a moment's warning. On Thur.-day evening, April 18, a crowded meet- ing was held in the Town Hall to discuss the events which so jiroloundiy stirred the community, and to adopt measures lor raising money to fit out volunteers and to provide for the families of those who left home on such shore notice for the defense of their country. The deepest feeling was shown as the speaking pro- gressed, and a subscription paper started at this meet- ing realized the sum of three thousand dollars. A committee was appointed to consider the expediency of forming a military company in South Danvers, and a report was made at the s;imc meeting recom- mending the enrolment of two companies, one for immediate service and another to enter upon a course of drill to become a home guard or to enter the Fed- eral service whenever lliey should be required. On April 24th a call was issued to the patriotic ladies of South Danvers to meet at the vestry of the old South Church to take measures for making gar- ments for soldiers. Donations were solicited of money, flannel, yarn, etc., old linen and cloth. This was the beginning of the " Liulies' Soldiers' Aid So- ciety," an organization which co-opeiated with the United States Sanitary Commission and other agen- cies for relieving the necessities of the soldiers dur- ing the whole war, and which, during the war, dis- pensed over three thousand four hundred dollars in money, besides large contributions of clothing, one hundred blankets and other supplies. The society also conducted one of the tables at the great fair of the Sanitary Commission at Boston in 1863, at which about seven hundred dollars was realized for the cause. Mrs. Henry Cook was for a long time the ac- tive and efficient president of the society. The so- ciety was disbanded October 11, 18().5, alter nearly fouryearsandalialf of enthusiastic and vigorous effort. The first legal town meeting on the war was held May 21, 18(>1, when two thousand dollars was appro- priated for the aid of families of soldiers, and a com- mittee was appointed to solicit subscriptions to com- pensate the members of Captain Bancroft's company for time spent in drilling, many of them being me- chanics and workmen dependent on their earnings •for support. The enthusiasm of the times spread among all classes. Drill clubs were organized for instruction in military tactics. In accordance with the recommen- dation of the town committee, a company called the Foster Guards, under the command of Captain S. C. Bancroft, was enrolled and uniforms and equipments were procured. The company went into camp at Camp King, near Tapley's Brook, on the 2i)th of June, 18iil, and about a fortnight afterward went into the State Uegimental Camp at Lynufield, C.inii) Sclmuler, where it became Company B of the Seventeenth llcg- imeat, commanded by Colonel Hinks. On the 4th of July, 1831, a flag was raised on a new fla;;stafl' in the square. Benjamin G )odridge, who had been an ollicer of the old Danvers Artillery, assisted by the surviving veterans of the War of 1812, John Price, B. D. Hill and Edward Hammond, raised the flag, and Mr. Goodridge made a brief speech ; Hon. A. A. Abbott acted as president, and delivered an eloquent address; and the school children sang a patriotic song, beside music by the band and a glee club. The Foster Guards and some of the fire com- panies were present, and the scene was one of the most characteristic of the earl^' days of the war. A considerable number of South Danvers volun- teers joined the Essex Cadets, and on July 22d the company marched from camp at Winter Island to Soutlr Danvers, where they were entertained by a collation in front of the old South Church, and a sword was presented to L'eutcnant F. W. Taggard. The company was mustered into the service the same day, and formed part of the Fourteenth Regiment, which went to the front Augu-t7. On the 31st of July the Mechanic Infantry and City Guards returned to Salem, and on the next d ly the Salem Zjuaves arrived. A public reception was given to the returning volunteers. The enthnsiasra was great, and ihe bells were rung incessantly for six hours at a stretch, while one hundred and fifty rounds were fired by the Light Artillery during the day. The drill club of young men, under Captain R. S. Daniels, Jr., began in September to organize for the purpose of forming a company (or active service, but this purpose was not carried out till the next year. A number of South Danvers men enlisted in the summer and fall of 1861 in the Ninth Regiment, and there was a good representation from the town in the Twentysecond, Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Regiments, while there were South Danvers men in the First, Second, Eleventh, Twelfth, Eighteenth, Nineteenth and in some other organizatiojis, besides enlistments in the Navy. During the first six tnouths of the war, more than three hundred men enlisted from the town. At a town meeting held on Friday evening, October 5, 1861, $5,000 was voted for therelief of those depen- dent upon the volunteers ; $1,000 was voted to be used in any emergencies where those authorized may think proper, and $2,500 for the support of the poor. The Wiziird, a weekly paper, edited by Fitch Poole, and containing many of his characteristic and humor- ous sketches, was full of information on war topics, and from time to time published many letters from soldiers. The work of the Soldiers' Aid Society continued to increase, and the various religious societies organized their forces in further assistance to the cause. The church sewing society were busied with krittingsocks for the soldiers, and iti one of their consignments of articles was a large number of mittens made by the school children. I'KABODY. 1025 The first recorded deuth of any citizen of the town in the war was that of Daniel JFnrray, who lost his life in the famous engagement with the Merriniac. He was an officer on board the "("uniberland," was wounded and went down with the ship on the "III of March, IStiJ. On the 1st of .Inly, 18i)2, President Lincoln issued his call for three hundred thousand men. Knthusi- astic war meetings were held in the Town Hall on July 11 and 25. At a special town meeting July 21, 18G2, it was voted to give a bounty of §150 to each man who enlisted as part of the quota of the town. To provide funds for the payment of this bounty, it was decided to borrow $12,000, and a committee was appointed to obtain a loan on the notes of the town at six per cent. At the adjourned town meeting, July 31, it was announced that Ebeii Sutton, a citizen of large means and patriotic spirit, was ready to lend the whole amount needed at five and a half per cent. A committee of five from each school district was chosen to co-operate with a committee chosen at a general meeting of citizens in obtaining recruit*. The three years' quota of seventy-five men was filled by the last of August. On the fourth of August the President i-ssucd a call for 300,000 men for nine months. War meetings were held in the town on 24th and 29th. Captain Robert S. Daniels, Jr., announced his readi- ness to enlist as one of a nine months' South Dan- vers Company, and other prominent citizens came for- ward and offered their services amid the greatest en- thusiasm, including one gentleman far beyond the age at which he could be required to serve — ilr. James Perkins. At a special town meeting held August 25, 181)2, a bounty of .*IO0 was authorized to be paid to each volunteer who should enlist for nine months' service in the company then being recruited by Captain Daniels At the same meeting the following resolu- tions were piussed : " Wfdved that the Cilizvfis of SouDi Diinvr.-j d.-siro onco more to pledge their fltlelitjr to the sacred cause of .\iuericaii iiiiiuii, and their utinltemhle dcteniiitmtioti never to falter in their QfToits to maintain its integrity and perpetuate its bles«inK« ; tliat they will not measure their legal obliRationa nor panne to inquire whether ti.ey have done more or leM than their neiKhbors ; but that, like tlii-ir fathers in RcTolutinnary days, thfitj teiltdo all they am^ to the extent of the means with which God haa endowed them, in behalf of the cause of Constitulional government and the salvation of their beloved country. " Ue»r,lred, That South Danvers, expressing In her municipal capacity the feelings and wi.-dies of her individual citixens, hereby declares her hearty appreciation of the patriotism of her sons who have enlisted, and arc now enlisting, to sen-e in defence of the Union, and faithfully jiledgea her fostering rare in time of need of the families of her bravo soldiers, and her lively gratitude for the services and her blessings upon the lives of those who, in serving their country in the hour of danger, confer en- during honor ujton their native or adopteil town ; their names will illu- ndne her annals, and lf« handed down in nffectionale remembrance to future generations." Among the volunteers in Captain Daniels' company were two of the school teachers of the town, Mr. Win. I-. Thompson, of the Peal)o3, at Salem, 109 names of South Danvers men were drawn ; of these ()9 were exempted, 21 furnished substitutes, 12 paid the fine of S300, and only 7 actually entered the .service. A great war meeting was held on October 28, 1863, to promote enlistments under the call for three hun- dred thousand men issued October 17. On Octo- ber 17 the South Danvers Union League w'as formed. Other war meetings were held on Decem- ber 1, December 3 and December 28, and on January 4, 18t)4, at which time fifty-four men had responded to the last call. On February 1, 18(J4, a new call for two hundred thousand men was issued, and renewed efforts were made to induce enlistments which resulted in filling the quota of the town. In spite of the large number of men already sent and the continlieil tlrain on the resources of the town, every call for men was met with a manly and deter- mined spirit; the call for five hundred thousand men July 18, 18t;4, was responded to by the enlistment of one hundred and thirty-eight men, a surplus of forty- nine, and for the whole war the town had a surplus over its quota. The following statement from a table compiled by Amos Merrill, Esq., from official sources, gives the statistics of enlistments. The method of eomi)Utation of i|Uotas anil surplus was by reducing all enlistments to the basis of three years, one man for three years counting as three men for one year. 1026 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. Statement showing the number of men furnished by the town of South Danvers from April 16,1861, to April 30, 1865. Previous to the draft of July 10, 1863, the following enlistments were made to the credit of South Dan- vers : Fifth Kegiinent (three months) 28 Eighth Regiment (three months) 12 First Iowa Regiment (three months) 1 New York Fire Zouaves (three months) I Total 42 Salem Cadets .it Fort Warron (six months) 13 Seventh Regiment, Co. B (six mouths) 3 TotAl 16 Three Yeahs' Men. First Regiment Massachusetts Volunteerfl o Second Regiment Miissiichusett-s Volunteers 5 Ninth Regiment MasHachuBetta Volunteers 29 Eleventh Regiment Massachusetts VoUinteers 2 Twelftli Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers 3 Fourteenth Regiment Massachusetts Voluuteore 55 Seventeenth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers 88 Nineteenth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers 48 Twenty-second Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers 9 Twenty third Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers 34 Twenty-fourth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers 21 T\venty-eighth Regiment Ma&nachusetts Volunteers 2 Thirtieth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers I Thirty-fifth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers 2 Thirty-eighth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers 1 Thirty-ninth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers 45 Fortieth Regiment Massachusetts Volunteers 11 Saunders' Sharpshooters 7 "Wentworth's Sharpshooters... 7 First Battalion 2 Second Maine 2 Fourth ftlaine 2 Fourth Battery 7 Fifth Buttery 1 Tenth Battery 1 Total 390 Fifth Regiment Massachusetts Voluuteera (nine months) S8 Product of draft of July 10, 1863 :— Served in person 7 Furnished substitutes 21 Paid commutation foo 12 Total 40 Ono hundred days' men furnished 38 Quota of March 14, 1864, for seven hundred thous- and men, including? calls of October 17, 1863, and February 1, 1864, amounted to one hundred and fifty- two : Credit product of draft of July 10, 186 J 40 Credit Naval Enlistments U Credit Re-enlistments of Veterans 3C Credit Now Enlistmentd Army 63 Credit product of draft of May 10, 1864 3 153 Less Bun>Ui8 carried forward 1 Total ^ Quota of July 18, 18G4, for five hundred thousand men 92 Less error on former call at Sttitd House corrected 3 Credit Anrpluson former call of March 14 1 Credit substitutes furnished by enrolled men 7 Credit Enlistments in July. Army 50 Credit Enlistments in July, Navy 2 Credit Eulistments in August, Army 21 Credit Eiilistmeuts in August, Navy 3 Credit Enlistments in September, Army '. '. 2 Credit Enlistments in October, Army 3 Credit Enlistments in November, Army 12 Credit Enlistments in December, Army 4 Apportioned at f Naval claims 3 the State House, I Allowance for Navy at large 30 Total 138 Deduct Quota gg Surplus 49 By reducing the above one hundred and thirty- eight men to three years of service for each man, and adding thereto the town's proportion on call of De- cember 19, 1864, for three hundred thousand men, the above surplus was extinguished, and a quota assigned of eight (8) men. Quota under call of Dec. 19, 18G4 8 Credit Enlistments in January, 18G5 3 Credit Enlistments in February, 1865 7 Credit Enlistments in March, 1865. I Credit Enlistments in April, 1865 2 Total 13 Surplus April 30, 1865, in number of men 5 Years of service of the thirteen men, viz., five for three years and eight for one year, [reduced to three years of Bervice]..?^^ ScMMARY Statement of Men Furnished. Under call of March 14, 1864, including product of draft of July 10, 1863, viz., forty men 152 Under call of July 18, 1864, including thirty men, the town's proportion of navy at large apportioned at State Hoose 138 Under call of December 19, 1864 13 Total 303 Three years' men furnished prior to draft of July 10, 1863. -390 Number of one and three years' men furnished, including product of draft of 1863, and 30 men navy at large ap- portioned at the State House Nine months' men furnished Six " *' " Three " " " lOU days' " '* IE NITJBER OF MEN BOUNTY PAID UNDER EACH CALL. 693 Date of Call. Total am't of bounties paid. Total No. men fur- nished. 11 1 27 88 a April 1(), 1801. May a, 1861. \ June 17, 18C1.; May 28, lsf,2. ) July H, 1862. f August 4. 1802. October 17, 18(3. ) February 1, 1804. V March 14, 1804. J July 18, 1804. December 19, 18G4. $10,950 8,800 1,165 ll,!i-i-i 1,625 $19,130 150 $10,950 8,800 1,155 30,:i55 1,775 42 314 73 88 109 105 13 314 73 109 77 42 J,13,755 $19,280 $53,035 744 The above table does not include the following : Pro>luct of draft of July 10, 1863 40 Products of draft of May 13, 1864 S Naval apportionment under the call of July 18, 1864 33 Six months' men 16 100 days' men 38 130 1 Including amount paid by enrolled men not drafted, for substitutes. PKABODY. 1027 Adding this number to the total of the tahle, there is a disorepiincy of only three men between the table and the statement above 21 Lieut. Charles B. Warner 27 Orlando K. Alley 29 Robert .\ndrew8 30 William Andrews 24 Samtwon W. Bowers VJ Leverelt S. Boyiilon 25 John W. Boynton 21 James H. Bryant 18 Philip O. Buxton 20 Thomas Buxton :)G James Byrne 30 Lewis P. Clark 22 John Coelello 22 James Crowley 34 Henry H. Demeritt 25 John P. Dodge 31 Thomas Campsey 20 Jvremiah Donnovan IK John KitzRibbon 22 Alfred Friend 32 Frank Oardner 22 John K. Gibljs 45 Luke Gi [martin 26 .\ustln A. Herrick 23 Joseph S. lugalls 37 Ebcn N. Johnson 24 Hotuco Manning 43 John Manning 26 Joseph B. Maxfield 25 Gregory T. Morrill 35 Tyler Mudge 35 David Mulcahy 23 Jeremiah Murphy 2*5 Andrew D. Murray 21 Daniel Murray 3ii George W. NiuKm 18 Therou P. Newhall 3.", Paul Osborn 25 Oliver Parker 23 George II. Pearto I'.l James Powers 25 John Price .3d 31 J()natlian Proctor 51 Leonard Reed 42 Richard H. Roonie 10 Patrick Scamell 18 Moses Shnckley 21 .\lbert Shepard 'M William H. Shore 22 Donald Sillers 44 William Sillers 20 Charles II. Sawyer 23 Benjamin A. Stone 20 John Smith 18 JghnStott .30 Hui-uco C. Straw 44 Torrence Thomas 20 Charles W. Trask 25 George H. Tucker 32 Peter Twiss 31 Joshua Very , 33 Caleb A. Welister 24 Frederick Weeden 15 William J. White 32 George C. Whitney 20 Samuel Wiley 22 Charles M. Woodbury 22 Charles C. Wocxlnian 29 Henry Parker 20 Alfred Hopkirk 24 CHAPTER LXXV. PEAHODY— (Continued). Thf T.itcn of r.'nbndy. At the close of the war the population of the town had diminished from that of IStjO, and was six thousand and fifty. The valuation was $3,819,76fi. Manufacturing had been carried on in most of the branches in which the town is active ; the times of business ac- tivity succeeding the war, largely increitsed the vol- ume of manufactures. In 18()S, by an act of the Legislature, ])assed April 13, the name of the town was changed from South Danvers to Peabody, in honor of (ieorge Peabody, who had given so largely to the town for library and educational objects. The change was not without some opposition, and was not at the expressed de.»ire of Mr. Peabody ; but tw'enty years of customary use have familiarized all with the change, and it cer- tainly serves to give prominence to the name of the town's benefactor, and at the same time to make the locality known to some who have known Mr. Pea- body as a benefactor of other cities and regions. The leather industry continued to be the largest department of manufacturing, and many of the tan- ners and curriers lost heavily, as a result of the great fire in the business district of Boston, November 10, 1872. The blow was a severe one to some of the old- est and strongest firms, but most of the manufactur- ers rallied from its eflects, and continued to operate the tanyards and currying shops. A large amount of leather is produced yearly, including calfskins, kip and grain leather, harness leather and sole leather. The manufiicture of morocco and sheep skins is also of considerable importance. The following statistics from tlie census of 1880 give the condition of the productive industries of the town at that time. There has probably been an in- crease in most of the manufactures since that time, and some wholly new manufactures, among which is a metallic thermometer-factory employing twenty- one workmen, have been established since that census was taken. No. of Persons Value estiiblish- em- Capital. of ments. plo.ved. product. Boots aud shoes 2 31 J9,000 832,000. Building 3 28 2.5,0(X) 106,0(0 Carriages and wagons 2 20 27,O(J0 40,350 Clothing 1 1 200 12,(«0 Corks 1 22 15,000 18,309 Food preparations 1 5 1,100 5,000 Glue 2 70 12.1,000 99,2(0 Grease and Tallow 1 5 4,000 14,750 Leather 20 708 638,370 3,042,387 Machines and niachinerj- 2 13 0,000 36,3ii0 Metals and metallic gocxis 3 6 3,800 6,300 Printing and publishing 2 10 6,500 12,.564 Plinting, dyeing and l.b-achiug 1 190 200,000 800,000 .Soap and candles 1 12 6,000 37,434 Tobacco 2 8 2,700 6,7.50 Totals .13 1,105 1,003,070 4,20S,3I4 There were, in 18S0, three hundred and forty-three persons engaged in agricultural pursuits, and the val- ue of agricultural products wils one hundred and twenty-one thousand four hundred and fifty-seven dollars. The valuation of Peabody in 1887 was: — Personal estate S2,08.">,S.5O Real estate 4, .101, 050 Total - 7,186,900 Tlie town of Peabody has continued the process of development begun half a century ago, and has be- 1028 HISTORY O^ ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. come distinctively a manufacturing town. Large numbers of operatives, many of tliem of foreign birth, labor in the various factories, and the dwellings and buildings of the principal village extend constantly over a larger area. Many of the heads of families are occupied during the day in Boston, the facilities of railroad communication making the town a conven- ient place of residence for such as do not wish or can- not afford to live in the city. There have been many changes in social affairs, some of the families whose names are identified with the earlier history of the town having removed from it, while others have come in and brought elements of energy and business success. The general aspect of the town is suggestive of a thriving, active and successful business com- munity, with many evidences of cultivated taste and judgment in the dwellings on the principal streets, and manifestations of an enlightened ])ublic spirit seen in excellent streets, commodious and well kept public buildings and .school-houses, a thoroughly equipped fire department, and effective police regu- lations. The town hiis continued to take deep interest in educational matters, and has spared nothing to bring its schools to a high standard. Within the last twenty-five years, large sums of money have been ex- pended in building new school-houses, the Peabody High School has been furnished with largely in- creased facilities, now occupying the whole of the building formerly used in part as a town-house, and the number of schools and teachers has been increas- ed from time to time as the needs of the growing community have demanded. The town maintains a high reputation for the general efficiency of its school The spirit of temperance reform, so early welcomed by the old town of Danvers, has been faithfully cherished. With the large increase of operatives, the liquor sellers were enabled to extend their pernicious social and political inffuence ; but by the vigorous and unremitting efforts of the friends of temperance, pub- lic opinion has been kept upon an enlightened plane, and a steady resistance hiis been made to the inroads of intemperance. The various temperance organiza- tions and movements for temperance reform have re- ceived warm and effective support from the churches and from individuals. At one time the liquor sellers appeared to be gaining in strength, and a large num- ber of saloons some of them of large extent and no- torious in character, were maintained to the great injury of the town, and with the result of placing large political influence in the hands of the leading liquor-sellers, and making the liquor party an offen- sive element in town affairs, and a serious menace to the welfare of the community. To check this evil, a Law and Order League was organized in Peabody in 1884, which received the sup|)ort of the best citi- zens of all shades of opinion on temperance matters, and after a vigorous campaign the new organization succeeded by the use of conservative methods, which received the approval of the community, in effectu- ally checking the violation of the law. Among the temperance organizations in the town are the Father Matthew Catholic Total Abstinence Society, instituted March 3, 1881 ; the St. John's Catholic Total Abstinence Society, instituted March 3, 1882; the Women's Christian Temperance Union, formed December 10, 1875, and the Young Women's Christian Temperance Union, formed April 19, 188ii. There have been two extensive strikes among the men employed in the manufacture of leather in the town ; one in 1863, and another, lasting several months, in 1886. The relations between labor and capital seem to be well established at the present time. In 1881 a soldiers' monument costing eight thous- and dollars, was erected in the square. It is a sub- stantial design of white granite, containing tablets inscribed with the names of the citizens of the town who died in the war, above which a circular shaft supports a figure of heroic size. Shortly before the town of South Danvers was incorpo- rated, a Town House was built on Stevens Street, the upper story being used for High School rooms. The hall became entirely inadequate for the purposes for which it was designed, and the town offices were greatly cramped for room. In 1882 a new Town House was begun on laud purchased for the purpose on the corner of Lowell and Chestnut Streets. It was finished in 1883, at a cost of one hundred and eight thousand dollars. It is a substantial building of brick and granite, with convenient and ample of- fices for the town officials ; the lower hall, for or- dinary municipal gatherings, accommodatea five hun- dred and twenty, and the large hall, one of the finest auditoriums in the county, seats fifteen hundred per- sons. A police station and justice's court-room are located in the basement. Hepresentatites and Towx Officers. — By the act of incorporation of South Danvers, the new town was to remain a part of Danvers for the purpose of electing State officers, Senators and Representa- tives to General Court, Representatives to Congress and Electors of President and Vice-President of the United States, until the next decennial census should be taken, or until another apportionment of Repre- sentatives to the General Court should be made. A new apportionment was made in 1857, and in that year the first election for State and Federal officers was held in South Danvers. The following is a list of the Representatives to the General Court from South Dan vers and Peabody : Kichard Smith 1857 Eben S. Poor. 1858 John V. SteveuB 1859-60 D Webster King 18C1 ■William H. Little 1862-e3 Caleb Warren O«born 186i-05 Capt. John W. Stevens 1866-67 Robert 8. Daniels 1868-70 Charles T.Hanson 1871-72 Stephen F. Blaney 1873-74 James E. T. Bartlett 1875-77 Henrj- Wardwell U78 Edward Trask 1879 Henrv Wardwell 1880 PEABODY. 1029 John Pinil.r. A.iron F. Clii Williiim H. Brown 1f84 Otiib T. Ritdivhlrr 18(i5-8(i The followinj; :ire lists of some of the principiil town officers of South l):iiivers iind Peabody since the incorporation of the town, those niarl Jns B. FiMtiT l».7-72 Levi Preston ls7i;-sS Samo as seleelmcn Ihrough. ..IS'.'i Willard Spauliiing* 18«0 Lyman o-liorn* 1886 -Nathan H. Poor 1SS6 Thos. J. lielihan 1880 Charles F.(;oo.lrich. Ljr Otis l)n I Oshorn.. , ISKi S. Auk. .'Jontliwiik US1-8(1 John E. Ilerriik 18R1-SC Wyman B Itii hxnlson 1881 Thoinua J. Helihiin 18S'i-8fi Willnrd Ppaul.linK 1880 Charles H. Gonliling* 1SS7 Alhcrt A. Mcsser* 1887 Philip n. Coleman* 1.W7 Warren A. Galencia* 1887 SORS. John C. Herrick 188 Thos. U. .taeknmn* 1887 Alonzo liaddin* 1887 Nicholas M. Quint* 1887 TOWN CLERK. Nathan H. Poor* 1855 TREASl'UEU.S. Francis Baker 1855-70 | Nathan II. Poor* 1871 COLLECTORS. Wni. Wolcott 185.1-77 '. Levi Preston 1878-80 I.jnian Oshorn* 18S6 | OVERSEERS OF THE I'OOR. I85.'i-C4. 'fiO-OS Alpheiia W. Bancroft 18(16-8(1 Amos Osborn, 2d 1803-74 .lohn S. Walcott 1875 Caleb F. Winchester 1870 Samuel Swett 1877-78 Goo. F. Sanger* 1870 James Fallon* 1881 Wingale Jlerrill, Henry A. Hardy 18.'W,-.'i8 James P. King* 18.S5 Wm. Sutton 18.59 Moses A. Shackley 1800 Stephen Blaney I8Gl-fi2, '06 Mnyhcw S. Clark 1803, '65 Alerson Galencia 1804 Societies and Oroanization.s. — There arc many organizations now existing for social improvement, and for mutual care and protection of members. The Ifolten I.ndye of Odd Fdlou-s, originally insti- tuted in .January, 1841), wa» reinstituled February 22, 1878, and is now a floiirisliing and important lodge. The Exchange News Room, in.stitutcd in 185.'), and the Ensex Club, instituted in 181)0, are social clubs. Among the societies for mutual insurance and be- nefit, are the American I.cijion of Honor, Fitch Poole Commandery, founded 1881 ; the Peabody Mutual Benefit Association, founded 1880; the Improved Or- der of Red Men, Masonomos Tribe Xo. 11, founded 1886 ; the Massachusetts Catholic Order of Foresters, Emerald Court No. 53, founded 1883; the Krjuitablc Aid Union, founded 1870; the Ancient Order of United Worimen, George Peabody Lodge, Xo. 18, or- ganized 1879. The I'enltndy Womnn'.< Siifh-ti'/e Club was organ- ized in 187!>. Tlic Amrrirnn /fil/er/iinn H' ii't-o/eiif Axsocintion was organized in 1858, and reorganized in 1S7I. The West /'cabodi/ Fa> mrr's Club wn-^ instituted in IS.Sl. Among the literary and drmiialic associations are the lirooksbii Cliili, conncctc(l with tbcHoulh society, the I'enbodii Dmmolir ( l„b, and the Cushin,/ Debut- inij Socii III. Ne\vsp.\|'i:|{s.— In lN."ili The Wi^.n-d. a weekly newspaper edited liy Fitch I'oide, wa-^ establislied. Mr. Poole coiitiimcd to l)e editor only for a fov years. In 18()9 the name was chaiiL'cd to "The I'ealiody Press." It was at first a folio sheet, lint since 1S77 has been an eight page paper. The Pcdhodij Ripnrin; originally piibli bed in lS7(i, and then wholly piintcd out of tdWii, was iniiit- ed ])artly in town about I.S7',I. under the management of Mr. Thomas Mcliralh. Under its ]iresent man- agement, the pajicr is wholly printed in town, and contains generally two pages of original matter. The rivalry between these two princilial papers is probably for the benefit of the community, as each is incited to continually renewed enterprise and plans of improvement. Fire Department. — The first fire-engine in South Danvcrs was one of two purchased by the town of Danvers about 1800. It was kept at Eagle Corner, by the Bell Tavern. In 1822 the " Niagara" was bought, and it was ke])t in an engine-house on Main Street, where Sutton's Block is now located. In 1830 a Fire Department was organized in the town by legislative act, and the '• Torrent " was lioughl. It was at first kept near the square, on Central Street; afterward at Wilson's corner. The " Torrent '' was the first suction engine in town. In IS.'ili the " Eagle " was purchased, and it was kept at the same place as the "Niagara." In 1844, the year after the great fire, the "General Foster" was purchased; it was kept at first near the location of the present steam fire-engine house on Lowi II Street, and afterward on Washington Street. Shortly afterward the " Volnnteer " was bought, and kept at first on the corner of Main and Grove Streets, and aftenvard on Pierjiont Street. The "Volnnteer" was originally the private property of General William Sutton, and was manned by a private company. At the separation of South Danvers in 18.")5, the lire engines which the new town owned were the Niagara, \o. 1 ; the General Foster, No. 2; the Tor- rent, Xo. 3; the Volunteer, Xo. 4; and the Eagle, Xo. 5. These were all hand engines, and with the hose carriages belonging with them, a sail carriage, and with five hydrants connected with the Salem and Danvers Aqueduct, and a number of reservoirs and l)nmp3, constituted the resources of the town in case of fire. The "Xiagara" w;is placed in the western part of the town. 1030 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. In 1865 the first steam 6re engine was bought; it was a Button engine, and cost three thousand five hundred dollars. Ill IS74 another steamer was bought, and both were placed in a new engine-house, near the Square on Lowell Street, built the same year. It was a But- ton engine. In 1876 a new hand engine, the S. C. Bancroft, was bought tor South Peabody ; it also a Button ma- chine. In 1882 the orsiiiiizatioii of the fire department was changed; the iiureased head given to the water by the building of the stand-pipe made it possible to use* the hydrants in many cases without an engine, and the old hand engine companies were organized as hose com[>anies, occupying the same locations as the former companies. In 1887 a new steamer wsis bought from the La France Fire Engine Company. The chief engineers have been as follows : — Stephen Osborne, .Ir Irf-'iJi .lohli V. Stevens 1856-57,.'i9 Joniithan K. Osborne 1858 Wm. H. Little 1860-67 Geo. C. Pierce 1868-70 D. S. Littlefield 1871-85 1 Wni. J. Roome 1885 John 11. Tiblielts 1885 SHmuel Buxton 1886 Diinicl B. Lord 1887 Burial Grounds. — The oldest burial ground in the South parish was Gardner's Hill, which was situ- ated a little west of Grove Street. The remains of about one hundred and fifty persons were removed from thence to Harmony Grove, when the latter was established. Among the .stones removed at that time is the oldest grave stone in Danvers. It bears the inscription : 1669. R. B. It is prob.ably the grave stone of Robert Buffuni. The old burying ground, or Old South burying ground, is on Poole's- Hill, next to the Salem boun- dary. It was originally given by Lydia Trask, to the South Parish. The oldest stone, that of Thomas Pierpont, M.A., bears date of 1755. It contains a very large number of graves, including those of Rev. Nathan Holt, buried in 1792, and Rev. Samuel Walker, in 1826. Dennison Wallis is also buried here; and for many years the sentimental pilgrim visited the place to view the last resting-place of Eliza Wharton, the heroine of the famous old time novel, " The Coquette." The Friend>' burial ground, nearly opposite the old burying ground, was in Salem until the change of boundary. It took the place of a half acre of land on the "mill plain," acquired in 1713, and was obtained some years later. Monumental Cemetery, on Wallis Street, was laid 1 Removed from town during the year. out in 1833. It is divided into one hundred and twenty-two lots, thirty-two feet by sixteen, with regu- lar avenues, and is owned by proprietors. The old- est stone, removed from another place, bears the date of 1805. The grave of Schoolmaster Benjamin Gile, above which is inscribed " I taught little children to read," is one of the most noteworthy of the early interments. The cemetery is well kept, and contains many fine stones and monuments. Harmony Grove Cemetery, though now in Salem, is largely owned in Peabody. It was purchased in 1839, for about six thousand dollars, and then con- tained thirty-five acres. It has since been consider- ably enlarged. The proprietors were incorporated in 1840. Its extensive grounds are finely kept, and it contains a great variety of monumental stones, some of them exceedingly artistic and impressive. Emerson Cemetery, in South Peabody, on the corner of Washington Street and Allen's Lane, has been in use about fifty years. Cedar Grove Cemetery, in South Peabody, contains one hundred and thirty-three acres. It was pur- chased by the town in March, 1869, when five thou- sand dollars was appropriated for the purpose. It is held for the town by seven trustees, chosen for five years. Lots are sold to individuals, and the grounds have been greatly improved, and the location is fine. It is reached by a road from Lynn Street. Oak Grove Cemetery, in West Peabody, near the school-house, contains about ten acres. It was bought in 1886, by the town, and is held by a board of trustees similarly constituted to that of Cedar Grove Cemetery. There are many private burial grounds in the town, some of them of a very early date. The King family have a cemetery of this kind on Lowell Street, which contains a number of finely built tombs. religious societies. South Parish (Second Congregational Church). — The early history of the "Middle Pre- cinct" has been embodied in another part of this historical sketch. The Rev. Benjamin Prescott, a graduate of Harvard College in the class of 1709, was settled as the first min- ister of the parish in February, 1712, at a salary of £80 "in Province bills or in silver money as it passes from man to man So long as he continues to be our minis- ter." Afterward it was agreed to give him one-half of the money contributed by strangers. In consider- ation of repeated deaths and extraordinary changes in Mr. Prescott's family, hi-s salary was increased £20 in 1723. Besides his regular salary and the "strangers money " he was allowed all the proceeds of voluntary quarterly contributions. About 1727, there began to be difficulty between Mr. Prescott and the parish on account of his salary. The growing depreciation of the paper currency of I'KAKODY. I(i31 the province made the sum given him less and less adequate to his needs. From time to time an in- crease of sahiry was voted him, but the increase was hardly surticient to keep pace witli the deterioration of the paper money, and, moreover, even the pay- ments voted him seem to have been always in arrears. In 17;}') his salary was increased to £150, and in 1738 it became £200, old tenor. In 1741 it was voted to cart for Mr. Prescott twenty-five cords of firewood for his year's use from Hart's farm or nearer, " Mr. Prescott finding the wood ready cut." It would seem that the carting was the larger ])art of the ex- pense of firewood in those days, for this act of the jiarish, continued for several years, is spoken of as " finding Mr. Prescott's firewood." In 1742 he wjis voted £24fl, old tenor, and in 1743 £270 ; those sums did not represent more than the original salary granted him. The long controversy with Mr. Prescott, extending over more than twenty-five years, is interesting chiefly as showing the different and more lasting nature of the tie that bound together pastor and peo- ple in days. It seems to be a.ssunied through- out all this unfortunate affair that the relation was one which was made for life, and which was so far mutual that it could not be broken except by consent of both parties. In 1747 the parish upon the question whether they would dismiss Mr. Prescott if he would not give the parish a discharge, voted no. In 1748 they increased his salary to £500 old tenor, and in 1749 to £040 old tenor. In September, 1749, Mr. Prescott addressed a letter to his parish, in w;hich he sets forth the loss that he has suffered by his payments falling short in value of the original grant to him, and offers to accept two- thirds of the actual amount found due to him since 1727 in full satisfaction. If this ofler should be ac- cepted, be goes on to say '" it shall be in your Power (when you please) to call or settle another minister of sound knowledge and a good Life among you, and the Day his Salary shall begin, mine shall cease, and upon your Discharging me of my Obligation to Min- ister to you in holy things, I will discharge you of all Obligations thenceforward to Minister any thing to mc for my support." This language clearly shows what his view of the pastoral relation was. This offer was declined, and three men were deputed to treat with Mr. Prescott I but negotiations failed, and in 1750 he brought a law-suit against the parish for his arrears. The parish met and ap[>ropriatcd £20 to de- fend the suit. This suit apjiears to have been dropped, and a new one was begun in December, 1751, which came to trial in September, 1752, and resulted in a judgment for Mr. Prescott in the sum of £594 19«. 9(/. At a meeting in December an effort was made to in- duce Mr. Prescott to settle for a less sum, without success; and it was voted to pay Mr. Presc make up the deficiency of his support. In 1790 three pews were added to the house, and a part of the meeting-house land was let to the " Pro- prietors of the duck manufacture." The Artillery Company had leave in September, 1791, to erect a gun-house on land belonging to the parish. Mr. Holt died August 2, 1792, and the parish voted to coutinue his salary to the end of the year for the benefit of his family, besides assuming the expenses of his sickness and funeral. In March, 1793, the house w-as thoroughly repaired. September 28, 1793, the old parish was dissolved, and the society was incorporated by the Legislature as "The Proprietors of the South Meeting-House in Danvers." Rev. Samuel Mead was settled as pastor October 31, 1794, and continued till 1803. In August, 1805, Rev. Samuel Walker was settled as minister. He labored in his pastorate for twenty-one years, and died July 7, 1826, after a painful illness of three months. He was interested in all the affairs of the town, and was prominent in temperance and other reforms. His public spirit and his eminent piety made him highly respected and beloved. His uncompromising adher- ence to the severe doctrines of the theological faith in which he had been educated made his preaching un- welcome to some, and it was during the last years of his pastorate that the movement to establish other re- ligious societies began. In 1813 the society was much vexed by some per- son who " sacriligiously and repeatedly robbed this house of God of the tongue of its bell," and a reward of twenty dollars was offered for his ai)prehension. In 1814 a new bell was purchased and erected at an expense of six hundred and seventy-five dollars. In 1819 the land in the rear of the meeting-house was leased to the proprietors of a chapel, and certain per- sons were authorized to erect sheds around the house. The was rej)aired in 1824, at an expense of four hundred dollars. On September 12, 1827, Rev. George Cowles was settled as pastor. It was voted to exclude all wines and spirituous liquors from the couucils and ordina- tion services. Mr. Cowles was dismissed in Septem- ber, 1836, at his own request, and travelling south in pursuit of health was lost in the wreck of the " Home." It is recorded iu a memorandum iu the records of I'KAUODY. 1033 the society "that wh'le ringing the Bell on the — of April, 1829, at noon, said Rtll did crack, to that extent, as to destroy lis usual Pleasant and Har- monious sound, and was thoroliy rendered useless." It was soon afterward replaced. In September, 1S30, the school-house, No. 11, on the society's hind just weat of the meeting-house, was ordered to be removed, and after some contro- versy and the threat of legal proceedings the house was removed to a piece of land in another place offered by the society for ii trifling consideration. In 183-5 it w:is voted to build a new church, and measures were taken to efl'cct that object. The Uni- tarian Society offered the South Society the use of its house during the time it wius without one, but the offer was not accepted, and servicer were carried on in a hall while the new house was in process of con- struction. In 1831), the old edifice, the greater part of which had been standing one hundred and twenty-five years, wiis taken down. The last service held in t!ic old meeting-house was very crowded ; the galleries had been shored up, and during the services a thin piece of wood used as a wedge cracked with a loud noise. A panic at once followed, pcrsous jumping from the windows, and some being injured in the con- fusion. Rev. Harrison G. Park was invited in December, 1836, to succeed Mr. Cowles. The new church, which cost twelve thousand dollars, was dedicated February 1, 1837, and on that day Mr. Park was installed. In October, 1S3S, he resigned the pastorate. In June, 1840, Uev. Thomas P. Field was unani- mously invited to take the pastoral charge, and he was ordained October 1, 1840. In 1843 the church was sold to the Methodist Society for two thousand five hundred dollars, and a new church was begun. It was only partly finished when it was consumed in the destructive fire of September 22, 1843. The loss was about .seven thousand dollars, and there was an insurance of five tliousand dollars, efl'ected only the day before the fire. It was determined to go on at once with a new house, and the jiresent edifice was finished and dedicated August 10, 1844, at a cost of one thousand three hundred dollars. Mr. Field resigned his pastorate in September, 1850, and terminated his connection with the society November 1, 18'iO. In 18.")0 Mary Osborn gave one hundred dollars to the ministers' fund. In January, 1851, Rev. J. D. Butler was invited to become the pastor of the society, under a contract which permitted either party to terminate the con- nection on a prescribed notice. In April, 1852, the society gave notice to Mr. Butler that they wished to terminate the connection, which was accordingly done July 12, 1852. In 1853 the society took into consideration the matter of the "minister's fund," arising from the sale 65 of |)ar.sonage lands, and it was decided that (he fund, then amiiuriling to 5-2200, should be kejit »e])arate. This was invested in a parsonage in ISGO, which was sold in 1S77, ancl the proceeds invested in securities. In November, 1887, Mrs. Florence (Peabody) Hol- niiui gave to the society a valuable lot of land on Chestnut Street, on which it is proposed to build a parsonage with the minister's fund. In 1854 it was voted to buy a new bell, and a clock was given to the society by Francis Dane, Henry Poor and Elijah W. Upton, and jilaced upon the tower of the church. In May, 1854, Rev. James <). Murray was called as pastor, and he was ordained October 26, 1854. He tendered his resignation in February, 18G1, which was accepted, and he terminated his pastorate in March following. In July, ISCl, Rev. William M. Barbour was called to the pastorate, and he was ordained October 3, 1861. .V new bell was bought iu 1.S62, which is the one at present in use. Mr. Barbour resigned his pastorate in September, 1868. In December, 1868, the Rev. George N. An- thony was invited to become pastor, and he accepted the following month. He was installed March 11, 1861). He resigned his position in September, 1876. In the spring of 1877 the debt of the society, amounting to about $7000, was raised by voluntary contributions, and the society has ever since been free from debt. In December, 1877, Rev. Willard G. Sperry was called to the pastorate. The call was accepted, but he was not ordained till July 2, 1878, beginning his labors in September following. In 1880 extensive changes were made in the in- terior of the church. The organ was removed to a space added behind the jireacher's desk ; the white marble pulpit, which had been in the church since it was built, was removed, and a simple reading-desk, with a larger platform, took its place. On the floor below additional rooms were made for the conve- nience of the pastor and the Sunday-school library. In 1885 Mr. Sperry received a call to Manchester, N. IL, and although the church and .society formally requested him to remain, he resigned in September. In February, 1886, Rev. George A. Hall was called to the pastorate. He accepted, and was ordained April 13, 1X86. The society is vigorous and the congregation large ; and, after a century and three-fourths of existence, it still remains an important factor in the religious and social life of the community. FIR.ST U.VIT.VRIAN CnuiiCH.— This church was organized January 1, 1825, " for the purpose of having a place in the South ]>art of Danvers where an oppor- tunity could be had of hearing sentiments more lib- eral and congenial with the true spirit of Christianity than is now afforded." At the beginning it had thirty-three members. The first church edifice was 1034 HISTOKY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. dedicated July 26, 182ti. The dedicatory sermon was by Rev. Mr. Brazer, of Salem, from the text, " Finally, be ye all of one mind." Others who took part in the services were Rev. Mr. Upham and Rev. Mr. Colman, of Salem, Rev. Dr. Abbott, of Beverly, and Rev. Mr. Rartlett, of Marblehead. The jnilpit was supplied for some months by Mr. Alonzo Hill, after which Rev. Charles C. Sewall, of Dedham, was called to be pastor on a salary of seven hundred dollars a year, and a present on his settlement of two hundred dollars. In April, 1827, a church was formed of seventy-one members, and on April 11th Mr. Sewall was in.stalled. The sermon was by Rev. Mr. Lanison, of Dedham, and a large party of delegates was present, including twenty-one clergy- men. Two original hymns were sung, one written by Dr. Andrew Nichols, a member of the society, and the other by Dr. John Pierpont, of Boston. In 1829 a bell was placed on the church. In 1830 a movement toward obtaining a parsonage was be- gun. The first organ was a gift from Eben and Wil- liam Sutton. In May, 1831, a singing-school was established for the benefit of the young ])eople of the society, and an appropriation of sixty dollars was made therefor. During this year Mr. Sewall's salary was raised to one thousand dollars a year. In 1836 the current expenses of the society were raised by voluntary contributions, but the next year the society returned to its former method of raising money by taxation of the pews. Mr. Sewall resigned his pastorate in 1841, leaving July 11th. He was greatly beloved by his people and at his departure he was presented with a testi- monial of five bundled dollars. Rev. Andrew Bigelow was installed as pastor Feb- ruary 15, 1843. The sermon was by Rev. Dr. Lothrop, of Boston. His salary was to be one thousand dol- lars, — eight hundred from the treasury and two hun- dred from voluntary subscriptions. Mr. Bigelow, against the expressed regrets of his society, resigned his pastoral charge March 20, 1845. Rev. Frank P. Appleton was installed as the next pa.stor January 14, 1846. The sermon was by Rev. Nathaniel Hall, Jr., and several other clergymen took i)art in the services ; but the installation was not indorsed at the time by the Ecclesiastical Council (of which the late Rev. Dr. Gannett, of Boston, was a ])rominent member), on account of certain informali- ties in the preliminary proceedings. Mr. Appleton's pastorate closed in 1853. October 4, 1854, Mr. C. II. Wheeler was installed as pastor, Dr. Ephraim Peabody preaching the sermon. In June, 1862, Mr. Wheeler's pastorate expired, but he continued to supply the pulpit for a while after- ward. Rev. David H. Montgomery was the next occupant of the pulpit, but he resigned on account of ill he.tlth April 20, 1867. On May 13, 1868, Rev. E. I. Galvin became pastor of the church, the sermon of the occasion being preached bj' Rev. James Freeman Clarke, of Boston. Mr. Galvin tendered his resignation June 7, 1871, to take effect three months later. In 1872 some twelve thousand dollars was expended on the church edifice, great improvements being made without and within. A new organ was also purchased and placed in the rear of the pulpit. At the reopening the sermon was delivered by Rev. E. E. Hale, of Boston. The church was without a pastor until 1873, when Rev. John W. Hudson, the present pastor, was called September 26th. He was formally installed and be- gan the duties of his pastorate December 7th. In January, 1886, the standing committee was authorized to procure a new organ. The organ was purchased at an expense of three thousand dollars, and dedicated in September, 1886. In October, 1887, a new bell was procured and placed in the belfry of the church. First Methodist Society. -In July, 1830, Amos Walton established a prayer-meeting and Sunday- school in Harmony Village (Rockville) in connection with the South Street Methodist Episcopal Church in Lynn. In 1832 meetings were held in Sanger's Hall, sometimes known as Goodridge's Hall. Subsequently Armory Hall, which formerly stood on Holten Street, near Sewall Street, was rented for Methodist services. The leader in this movement was Mr. Alfred N. Chamberlain ; he undertook the responsibility of renting the hall and furnishing the preachers. During the first three years seventeen different preachers conducted the services, among whom were A. D. Merrill (Father Merrill), Joseph A. Merrill. Sanford Benton and John E. Risley. These were all conference preachers; Mr. Risley had the honor of forming the first church society and baptizing the first converts. Among the local preachers were Jesse Filmore, Benjamin F. Newhall, of Saugus; Elijah Downing, of Lynn ; Benjamin King, who preached the opening sermon in the hall ; Shadrach Ramsdell and James Mudge. A class w:us formed here, and after three years of service Mr. Chamberlain induced the Lynn Common Church to assume the responsibility of worship. Rev. Charles K. True, the preacher in charge, advertised in Zion's Herald for a young man to take charge of the services here, and, as a result. Rev. Mr. Arnold, of Rhode Island, was sent here by Mr. True, and was the first minister who attended services here and re-ided among the people. Later on the responsibility of the charge of the services was transferred to the South Street M. E. Church in Lynn, who had conducted the meetings in Rockville. In 1839 Amos Walton began preaching regularly for the society, and in July, 1840, he was apj)ointed 'KAl^OHV, Hi35 by the Conference sitting in Lowell as pastur. At this time the mcmbershi|) of the ehuieli was Iwenty- llirce. In 1840 the .Sabbath school was organized. While worshipping in Armory Hall, a biiililing on Washington Street, above Oak Street, fortnerly used as a pottery, w;i.s bought and fitted up. The lumber and labor neccs-sary were contributed by interested parties, and the new house of worship was dedicated, but soon proved too small. Plans were proposed for a new house, the lumber purchased and a part of it hauled to the ground, the site of the jjre.scnt church. This was in 1S4.'5, and at this time the South Society was about building a new house of worship. Their old house, which had been built in l.s:!(;, and was in excellent condition, was oifered to the .Methodist Society for twenty-five hundred dollars, and it was thought best to dispose of their lumber and accept the offer. The building was moved from the Square to its present location, near the corner of Washington and Sewall Streets; the Lexington Monument was set otf to allow its passage, and afterwanl re]>laced. The following year vestries were built under the church, at an expense of seven hundred and fifty dollars. The society at this time was under great financial embarrassment. The mortgage on the church, held by the South Society, was heavy, and at the annual meeting in 1848 it was voted to relinquish the prop- erty ; Timothy Walton took up the mortgages and the property pas.sed into his hands. The society known as the Jlethodisl Episcopal Chapel Society, which had held the projierly, became extinct. The church was allowed by Mr. Walton, who was one of the leading brethren, to continue the use of the building at an annual rental. They haf the parsonage on Sewall Street was purchased by the Society for two thousand dollars. During the pastorate of Rev. (i. Leonard, who suc- ceeded Mr. Knowles, a social and literary society, similar to the (Jxford League, was started and greatly encouraged by the pastor. Mr. Leonard was especially interested in Sabbath-school work, and succeeded in making the scho(d very successful and awakening much interest in its exercises. During the pastorate of Rev. Albert (iould the debt of the Society was extinguished, and theSociety en- joyed a time of prosi)erity. A deep religious interest was manifest in the town, and union services of the Congregational, Baptist and Methodist Churches were held. Mr. (iould was himself a good musician, and did much for the encouragement of music in the services of the church. A new reed-organ was pur- chased during his pastorate. Mr. Gould, with the aid of the brethren, started the church in Tapleyville During his pastorate he published a paper called the Town of Peabody, asingle issue, which contained much valuable historical information. Rev. F. T. George was the pastor of the church in 1873-74, and Rev. Daniel Wait in 187o-7(;-77. Dur- ing the pastorate of Jlr. Wait improvements were made in the furnishing of the vistry. During the pastorate of the Rev. V. M. Simons, in 1878-79, a pipe-organ was placed in the front part of the church, behind the altar, and the choir seats were removed thither. Rev. Dr. Steele was pastor of the church in 1880- 81-82, and during his pastorate the outside of the church edifice w;i8 painted, and the interior repaired and re-carpeted, at an expense of thirteen hundred dollars. At this time, also, the Stevens clock was re- moved and a Howard clock, the gift of the late Mrs. Lydia P. Proctor, substituted. Kev. C. N. Smith was the pastor in 1883-84-8r), and the time was one of great harmony and prosperity in the church. The following is the list of preachers stationed by the Conference over the church from the beginning: ikst AniDH Wiillon ls:i9-4n DmiU-l W'ulib 1841 II. (i. liHriaa 1842 AmoH Biniipy 1843 Kc'ulion Uunsom 1844 I. .1. P. Cullj-ur 184.')-1(1 ■/.. A. Mudgo 1847 •riionwn Street 1848-10 O. S. Howo I8.«.0 W. f. High 48.'il-i2 Willinm (iordon l«&3-,04 K.lwanlA. Manning 18.^ (ieorgu SntliorljiDil 18.16-57 U. C. Dunham 1858 I8.V.I-6 Fmnkliu Furlwr 1861 Mos.4j- Dwight ISO'.Ma s. R. swseisiT I8e4-r>r>-f.(: J. O. Kndwiea Isr.T-llH William G. Lcominl 1»6'J Alliurt Gould IS70-71-72 F. T. CourKO l87.)-74 Daniol Wait 187.'.-7«-77 V. M. Simons 187S-"'.l Daniel Sli'clu 188I1-K1-S2 C. N.Smilli 18S;i Sl-S.'S G«o. Alcolt IMiinnoj 188B 1036 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. In 1886 extensive repairs and improvements were undertaken ; the vestries were painted and re- furnished; an addition was built on the back of the building, making room for the organ and giving additional space below. The choir seats were re- built and the preacher's platform refurnished. The pews and interior fittings were renovated, the walls and ceilings frescoed and various improvements and additions made to the conveniences of the house. A large number of memorial windows have been given in honor of deceased friends and relatives; the Oxford League assumed the expense and man- agement of the improvement of the windows, and their efforts have been seconded by gifts of money from various individuals and societies. The entrance and approaches have been improved, and the house now is one of the most commodiousin town. The ex- penditures for the recent improvements were about, twenty-six hundred dollars. The society is large and flourishing, and active in Christian work and ser- vice. Second Univeusalist Society — The First Uni- versalist Parish of Peabody was organized on the 6th of April, 1832, under the title "The Second Univer- salist Society of Danvers." Universalist meetings had been held occaKionally in private houses, some- times in a small hall in the building now occupied in part by the Peabody Press office, in the school-house then located near the Old South Church, and also in Joseph Shedd's Hall, a small hall in a building on Main Street, then occupied by Mr. Shedd as an apothecary shop. Previously to this organization some families had attended the Universalist meeting in Salem. On January 31, 1832, a preamble and resolution were adopted and signed by forty-three i)ersons, with reference to building a church and forming a Universalist Society. It was proposed to erect a meeting-house in the vicinity of the South (Jhurch, and a subscription was opened for shares of one hun- dred dollars. On March 26th, a meeting of sub- scribers was held, and a committee appointed to find a suitable site for a An agreement for organ- ization was drawn up and signed by forty-seven per- sons, pledging the united action of the signers for the formation and maintenance of a religious society under the name of the Second Universalist Society in Danvers. In accordance with a petition drawn up at this meeting a warrant was issued by John W. Proctor, Esq., for a meeting to be held in Shedd's Hall, April 6, 1832. On that day the members met and organized. A church building was completed in January, 1833, and was dedicated January 10th. On January 21st, an invitation was given to Rev. John Moore to be- come pastor at a salary of six hundred and fifty dol- lars. It was accepted, and ho was installed April 4, 1833. He resigned November 16, 1834, leaving at the end of the year. During his ministry a SuijJay- school was organized, beginning with about fifty members. A church was organized by Mr. Moore April 30, 1834, consisting of twenty-four members. February 15, 1835, the Rev. John M. Austin was invited to become pastor. He was installed April 29th. When the church building completed the vestry was left unfinished. There was then no public hall in town large enough for town purposes. In 183(5 the vestry was finished by an association called the Union Hall Association, partly in the interest of the church, and was used for public purposes. In Feb- ruary, 1843, the subject of enlarging the meeting- house by galleries was considered, which was done soon afterward. Mr. Austin resigned his p;istorate in September. 1843. The affairs of the society were in a highly pros- perous condition during his ministry, and particularly at its close. A religious revival affecting this wiih other societies prevailed during the latter part of his ministry. On October 20, 1844, Rev. John Prince was in- vited to become pastor, and was installed January 15, 1845. Mr. Prince was very progressive in his ideas, and during his pastorate there was a division in the society, arising from differences in belief, which re- sulted in the withdrawal of Mr. Prince, in June, 1848, and the closing of the church as a house of public worship for several years. In October, 1853, Eev. J. W. Talbot made a suc- cessful effort to revive the society, and worship was regularly begun October 30, 1853, and has ever since been maintained. Mr. Talbot resigned at the close of a year, having accomplished his object. During his stay the church building, including the vestry, was enlarged and improved, and an organ purchased. In November, 1855, Rev. Orville Brayton began his pastorate; he was installed February 6, 18.56. He continued as pastor until September 1, 1859. Rev. C. C. Gordon was pastor of the society for a year, be- ginning November, 1859. He left the parish united and in good condition.' In February, 1862, Rev. O. F. Saflbrd was invited to become pastor, and he began his work in May. He was installed June 17, 1863. His pastorate closed May 1, 1865. Rev. A. B. Hervey became pastor in April, 1866. In September, 1867, the society voted to remodel the church, which was done in a thorough manner, at an expense of about nine thousand dollars. A bell was presented to the society by a friend who desired that his name should be withheld. The church was re- dedicated March 4, 1808. Mr. Hervey's ministry closed in November, 1872, leaving the society united and in good condition, and the Sunday-school larger than at any other period of its history. The Rev. S. P. Smith became pastor on the first Sunday in October, 1873, and continued until the 12th of March, 1876, when he resigned his charge. During his ministry additions and improvements were made i'i:ai!()|iv 1037 to the vestry at a cost of about twelve liuntlreil dol- lars. On Ai)ril 30, 1astorate, and began his labors in March, 1880. During the summer of 1881 furiher ini[irove- ments were made on the church. Mr. Harmon closed his work with the society in .July, 1882. Rev. F. W. Sprague, the present pastor, began his ministry on the last Sunday in September, 1882. Secoxi> Rai'TIST SociEiY. — The Raptist ». hureh was organized February 16, 184.3, having sixteen members. The church was recognized February 22, 1843, with tweuty-sev»n members. The sermon was by Rev. Joseph Ranvard. The first deacon, O. E. Pope, was elected February 24, 1843. Various per- son.s supplied the pulpit till September 15, 1843, when Rev. Phineas Stovve accejjted a call to the pas- torate. He was ordained pastor December .'), 1843; the services were in the Unitarian Church, and the sermon was by Rev. R. H. Neal, D.D. In the spring of 1843, a chapel was erected, sixty- five by thirty-two feet, and publicly dedicated June 15,1843, Rev. Messrs. Banvard, .\nderson and (Jarllon assisting in the services. In, 1844, the so- ciety was incorporated, consisting at that time of thir- ty-one members. The pastorate of Mr. Stowe ended M.ay 0, 1845, after which the [)ulpit was sup[)lied by Rev. J. G. Richardson, who was installed as pastor January 28, 1846, Rev. .Iosei)h Banvard j>reaching the sermon. This pastorate ended in October, 1847. From April 23, 1848, to March 4, 1849, Rev. 1. E. Forbush sup- plied the pulpit, after which Rev. B. C. Thomas supplied it. December 3, 1848, P. D. Perkins became deacon of the church. November 11, 1S4!», Rev. F. A. Willard became pastor, and he resigned that office February 3, 1854. T. W. Carr became deacon May 12, 1851. Rev. N. Medbury regularly supplied the pulpit after the expiration of a year from Mr. Willard's resigna- tion, and did much toward obtaining the present house of worship. October 4, 1857, Rev. T. E. Keely became pastor. The present house of worshi]) was dedicated No- vember 19, 1857, Rev. T. D. Anderson preaching the sermon. It. R. Emerson w;ls chosen deacon Febru- ary '.), 1860. Mr. Keely resigned bis i>astoral relation August 29, 1861. I Rev. C. E. Barrows was ordained pastor December 1 25, 18()1, Rev. Heman Liiicidn preaching the sermon. He resigned January 12, bSdo, and was .succt-edrd by Rev. N. M. Williams July 9, 1865. During Mr. Williams' jiastorate the house was repaired at an exi>ense of one thousand one bundrcd dollars. Mr. Williams was succeeded by the Rev. ('. V. Hanson, who was ordaineil over the cliureb ( )ctol)er 6, 1868. The sermon was by Rev. W. 11. Shailer, of Portland, .Maine. Feliruary 4lli. (d' the following i year. Thomas N. liuriiaby was ebusi-ii Deacon. Mr. Hanson was a most aetiv<> .-ind cllleierit ("'liris- liaii worker, and the ebureh. umler bis pastorate, was greatly prospered. During the first three ycirs of his ministry, lilty members were added to the church. He was also greatly interested in the all'.iirs of the town, and was widely respected by all denominations for his ])rogressive and intelligent i-o-operation in matters of education, temperance reform and iharities of every kind. He was tnice sent as repri'sentative to the Legislature by the town in 187! und 187:!. u' d was during both those terms chairman of the i-oni- mittee on the Lii|Uor Law. In 1877, Edward II. Wilsf)n, a member of the church, died, and gave in bis will the sum of one thousand dollars to the society, and also gave a piece of land on Andover Street and the sum of two thou- sand dollars to build a chapel, to be used by the several evangelical societies of the town. A chapel was erected in accordance with the terms of the be- (|uest. and meetings are held there weekly by mem- bers of the societies interested. There being no other place of worship in the vicinity, the gift has been the means of doing much good. In the summer of 1870 Mr. Hanson resigned the l)astorate. November 24, 1879, the church and society voted to give the Rev. L. L. Wood a call. Mr. Wood acce])ted, and began his labors according- ly. In August, 1882, he tendered bis resignation, which was accepted. April 16, 188:', the cluircb and society voted to give Rev. W. P. Chipman, of Davisville, R. 1., a call, which was accepted. In January, 1885, Mr. Chip- man was compelled to resign owing to illness in his family, which made his removal from the town necessary. March 9, 1885, the church and society voted to call Rev. .1. N. Shipmau, of Moosup, Conn . to the I)astorate. The call was accejitcd, ami Jlr. Shipman is now acting in that ollice. In the fall of 1887, repairs and improvements were begun in the building, which will greatly improve the beauty and convenience of the house. Roc'KVii.i.K CoxcKEc.vrioxAi, Society axi> West CoNCUEOATioNAT. SociioTY. — F.)r many years the people of the South Church carried on Sunday-school and prayer-meeting services in Rockville or South Peabody. Some of the meetings were held as early as 1832. 1038 HISTORY OP ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. Mr. Caleb Frost was superintendent of this early Sunday-school, which was held in a chapel built by Mr. Elijah Upton, standing on Needliaui's corner, opposite Samuel Brown's estate. In 1854 Sabbath- school was again held by nieinbersof theSouth Church in an old house owned by Mr. John Marsh. A prayer-meeting was sustained for many years at pri vate houses by Deacon Richard Smith, Mr. John Stevens and Mr. Isaac Hardy. Deacon Jacob Per!ey was also interested in these early meeting-". The South Street Methodist Episcopal Church of Lynn had conducted such services in Eockville as early as 1S30, but they were not regularly carried on after 1840, when a regular preacher was sent by the Methodist Conference to the central part of the town, and the Methodists worshipped iherc. In ISoo a substantial chapel was built by friendsof the movement, on Lynnfield Street. Services were held here in which members of theSouth Church as- sisted, acting as teachers in the Sunday-school, and assuming the financial responsibility of the enter- prise. The ministers of the various Congregational Societies of the vicinity conducted preaching services from time to time, and by degrees the people of the vicinity wore interested in the movement, and lent their support to the extent of their ability. A mi-sion Sunday-school and prayer-meeting had been carried on for some years in VV^est Peabody, where there was a small manufacturing settlement. It was decided to unite the new two enterprises, and in 1873 Rev. W. A. Lamb, a recent graduate of Andover Seminary, was engaged as pastor of both the South and West Peabody Churche-i. At this time there was neither Society nor Church organization — simply Sunday-school, prayer-meetings and preaching ser- vices. The two congregations agreed each to give a definite part of the pastor's salary. The ministry of Mr. Lamb extended from July 1873 to July, 1875. On April 14, 1874, the Rockvill'e Church was organized. A very powerful revival had attended the efforts of Mr. Lamb, and great interest was felt in the new church. A number of members of the South Church, some of them residents of South Peabody, and some from the central part of the town, were so greatly interested that they joined the new organization to aid in its .support and management. In all thirty-nine members were received into the new church. At the time the church was recognized, Mr. Lamb was ordained as evangelist. Prof John L. Taylor was the moderator of the council and Rev. Joshua Coit scribe. Rev. C. C. Carpenter, of Andover, succeeded Mr. Lamb. His ministry extended from July 1, 1875, to July 1, 1880 — five years. His was a quiet, earnest, suc- cessful ministry. The church in South Peabody grew and became stronger ; and during the last year of his ministry a new site was acquired lor a larger and more commodious church building. The old chapel was removed to the new site, and remained there until the present church edifice was erectKl in its place. For several months the church was without a pus- tor ; on February 1, 1881, Rev. John W. Colwell bi- gan his ministry. July 6, 1881, the Eockville Congregational Society in Peabody, was duly organized. The site for the new church was in the hands of trustees, who were authorized to convey the property to the Society i.ii certain terms, which was done, and the Society, with the assistance of many outside friends, built the present church edifice. In February, 1882, a building committee was ap- pointed, whose efforts in obtaining funds were so far successful that the old chapel was removed and build- ing operations begun in the fall. In the spring of 1883 the edifice was completed with the exception nf the auditorium, and the S iciety which had bet n worshipping in the school-house opposite, began ser- vices in the new vestry. By continued effort, funds were secured to finish the auditorium, and the church was dedicated May 22, 1884; Rev. W. G. Sperry, then of the South Church, preached the dedicatory ser- mon, and Rev. C. C. Carpenter took part in the ser- vices. The church edifice is 40 x .50 feet, with a pulpit recess 4x13 feet. The tower is 15 feet square and rises 75 feet above the underpinning. The cost of the building, finishing and furnishing of the house was about $7,100. Great interest was taken, both by the church in South Peabody and the parent church, in securing the amount; subscriptions were received from above three hundred persons. One thousand dollars were contributed in sums often dollars and less. About two thousand seven hundred dollars were secured in South Peabody, and the South Church people gave about two thousand seven hun- dred and fifty dollars ; of the remainder,five hundred dollars came from the American Congregational Union, and the rest from outside friends. The So- ciety is nearly or quite self-supporting, and is the cen- tre of active Christian work. At West Peabody the West Congregational Church was duly organized as a branch of the Rockville Church, September 6, 1883, with fifteen members. Rev. C. B. Rice, of Dan vers, was moderator of the council, and Rev. H. L. Brickett, of Lynnfield, scribe. The church has the same articles of faith and coven- ant as the Rockville Church, and the same pastor, but it chooses its own standing committee and makes its own by-laws and controls its own membership. The West Congregational Society in Peabody was incorporated October 26, 1885, and on December 11 the new chapel was dedicated free of debt at a cost of one thousand four hundred and sixty dollars. The large and beautiful lot of half an acre was given to Mr. Joseph Henderson, of Salem, formerly a resident of West Peabody. The churches in the Essex South Conference (Congregational), and the American Con- I'EAUODV, 1039 gregational Union assisted the people in Imilrliiijithe chapel, and outside friends contributed jrenerously. The dedicatory sermon was preached hy Kev. V. H. Rice, of Danvers. The two societies act in conjunction ; they meet yearly and decide upon the proportionate i>art which each shall pay toward the pastor's salary. In matters of common interest, such as the callin<; or dismissal of a pastor, ajoint vote is taken. .Tune 5, 1887, Rev. Mr. Colwell terminated his pas- torate, going to Harrington, R. 1. Great progress was made during his active and eflieient labors in l-'outh and West Peabody, and his enterprise and energy did much to encourage the people of his double flock to the efforts which have been so successful in building up these churches upon a secure foundation. The membership of the Rockville Church is sixty-eight, and that of the West Church twenty-four. On November 9, 1887, Rev. Israel Ainsworth was installed as pastor of the Rockville Congregational Church, and the West Congregational Church, the relation between the two societies remaining as has been explained before. Many devoted men and women of the South Church labored earnestly in the early days of these churches, whose names will long be remembered by the people whom they strove to assist, but of whom the limits of this sketch do not give room foradciiuate mention. In ISl'iO Mr. Klijah W. I'liton placed in the hands of the officers of the South Society four hundred dol- lars, which he had been re(]uested by his father, Eli- jah l^pton, to contribute to the Rockville mission ; and that sum is still held in trust for the benefit of the society in Rockville. St. John's Chirch (Romax — Before 1850 there were very few Catholics in the town, and until 1871 the Catholics of South Danvers and Pea- body worshipped at St. James' Church, on Federal Street, Salem. In 1868 Rev. JohnM. Gray, the p.istor of St. James' Church, formed the idea of establishing a new parish in Peabody. In May, 1870, a fair was held in Me- chanic Hall, Salem, to aid in establishing the new parish, which continued for two weeks, and was very successful, over seven thousand dollars being realized. Sufficient money having thus been obtained to begin the work, a lot of land, formerly used for manufac- turing purposes, was purchased of Thomas E. Procter for ten thousand dollars, and in May, 1871, a con- tract was made for building the new church, which is of brick, with granite trimmings, and is about sev- enty-two feet wide by one hundred and forty-six long, j with a tower. It is the largest and most expensive church edifice in the town. The laying of the corner-stone took place on Sun- day afternoon, August 20, 1871, and an immense crowd assembled to witness the ceremonies. All the (Catholic societies of Salem were present, and marched j in procession with their distinctive badges. ]5isliop Williams, of Boston, officiated, anlic wor- ship until Seiitember, 1872, when the basement was entirely finished and over two hundred pews put in. After that time services were regularly held every Sunday by one of the St. James' clergymen, until 1874, when Rev. M. J. Masterson became the pastor. The building was finished and dedicated with im- pressive ceremonies November 30, 1879. The large auditorium presents a fine interior, with its lofty ceil- ing, beautifully frescoed walls and fifteen muUioned windows of stained gla^s, most of them being me- morial windows contributed by individuals or so- cieties. There are fourteen large paintings between the windows, representing the .stations of the cross. The altars, of white marble, are richly furnished. The large auditorium seats twelve hundred persons. The whole cost of the edifice was about one hun- dred thousand dollars. The architect was James Murphy, of Providence. The a.ssistants at present are Rev. Patrick Jlasterson and Rev. Vincent Borgialli. St. Paul's Missiox (ICpisfOPAi,). — The first ser- vice of this mission on Sunday, April 2, 1874, the first Sunday alter Easter. At this service morning prayer wius read by Mr. Edgar W. I'pton, and the chants and hymns were sung by a choir of boys, who had been trained by Mrs. Edgar W. I'pton. There has been no interruption in the Sunday services since that time. At first the lUv. .lohn W . Leek, rector of St. Michael's, Marbleliead, Rev. E. M. (iushee, (»f St. Pe- ter's, Salem, and Rev. Mr. Magill, of Calvary, Dan- vers, had joint idiargc of the mission, and took turns in preaching on Sunday evenings. The mission was brought to the attention of the diocesan convention in May, 1874, anil considerable cold water was thrown upon it. It was ably defended by its three reverend sponsors, and was adopted by the Mission- ary Board, who granted it some money for a mis- sionary. In the summer of 1874 .AIUwt's Jlall was hired by the mission, and fitted U|) by the help of friends in neighboring parishes. Rev. Mr. Magill was put in charge of the work, which charge he kept till August, 1040 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. 1875, when the present missionary, the Rev. George Walker, took the cure of Peabody, in addition to that of anew mission in Wakefield. Ground was broken for the church on Lowell Street on January 1, 1876. It is worthy of note that there was no frost in the ground then. The first ser- vice in the new clnirch was held on Quinquagesima Sunday, the 27th of February following. The church building has been added to from time to time as the needs of the mission grew. In 1880 a vestry was built. Inadvertently the east wall of this addition was built several inches over the line of the next estate. In 1885 this mistake was mended by putting the wall where it belonged, after trying in vain to hire or buy the land so unfortunately covered. In 1886 the roof of the north end of the church was re- placed with a gable end, and the door moved from the west side to the end of the church, thus adding about thirty seats to the church, which now will seat about one hundred and fifty persons. The seats were rebuilt at the same time. The congregation from a beginning of twenty has grown to a membership of over two hundred souls, and an average attendance of over one hundred every Sunday. The Sunday-school has grown from ten to seventy, with an average attendance of more than fifty. A boy choir has been maintained almost with- out any break, from the first service. In 1878 the boys were vested in Ca.ssock and Surplice. Services are held every Sunday. The Holy Com- munion is celebrated every other Sunday, alternating between an early celebration and one after morning prayer. As the mission is now joined with Danvers in the cure of Rev. Mr. Walker, it has to share his time with the Danvers Church, so that every alter- nate Sunday there has to be a lay service in the morning. This duty has fallen chitfly upon Mr. Up- ton, though not infrequently Mr. (Jeorge R. Curwen, of Salem, has performed it. In 1879, the Rev. Amos Ross, a deacon of the church and a full blooded Santee Indian, was in the family of the missionary several mouths. The ac- quaintance thus begun has been kept up, and every year since, a missionary box has been sent to Mr. Ross and his jieople. INSTITUTIOXS AND SOCIKTIES. The Peabody Institute. — Mention has been made in another part of this sketch of the circum- stances under which Mr. Peabody's original gift of twenty thousand dollars was announced, and the communication which accompanied the gift, on the 16th of June, 1852. On June 28, 1852, a town-meet- ing was held at which resolves prepared and sub- mitted by Dr. Andrew Nichols were unanimously adopted, accepting the gift and pledging the town to the conditions imposed by the donor. It was voted '■'That the institution established by this donation be called and known as the Peabody Institute, and that this name be inscribed, in legible characters, upon the front of the building to be erected, that, in future years, our children may be reminded of their father's benefactor, and that strangers may read the name of him whom Danvers will alwaj-s be proud to claim as her son." It was also determined that two of the "Committee of Trustees " should be elected each successive year for a term of six years, and "That the aforesaid Com- mittee of Trustees appoint annually, from the citizens of the town at large, another Committee, who shall select books for the librarj', designate the subjects for lectures, procure lecturers, enact rules and regula- tions, both in regard to the lectures and the library, and perform all such other duties as the Committee shall assign to them." The proceedings of the town relative to the gift were transmitted to Mr. Peabody, and received his approval. The scheme thus determined became, therefore, what may be called the charter of the In- stitute, and constituted as the officers of the institute, a board of trustees chosen by the town in whom are vested the funds and other property, for the purpose of maintaining a lyceum and library ; and another board, chosen annually by the trustees, called the lyceum and library committee, whose duties are to superintend and direct all its active operations. Soon after the first, Mr. Peabody gave to the trus- tees a further donation often thousand dollars, stipu- lating that seventeen thousand dollars should be used for land and building, ten thousand dollars as a per- manent fund, and three thousand dollars for the library. The westerly part of the Wallis estate was pur- chased for the Institute, and afterward considerable additions were made to the land, Mr. Peabody giving fifteen thousand dollars additional to purchase and improve the land. He also during his visit to this country in 1856, paid one thousand five hundred dol- lars for other improvements to the land, and one thousand one hundred dollars for liquidating all liabilities against the Institute on account of the building. The original building was about eighty-two by fifty feet, of brick and freestone, with a library room and committee rooms on the lower floor, and a lecture hall above. It cost fifteen thousand three hundred dollars. The corner-stone was laid, with appropriate ceremonies, August 20, 1853; as Capt. Sylvester Proctor had deceased, Hon. Abbott Lawrence per- formed the part assigned to him. The building was finished in the course of the following year, and dedicated to its future uses September 29, 1854. Rufus Choate, who always maintained a warm inter- est in the place where the early years of his profes- sional life had been spent, delivered the address at the dedication, one of the most eloquent and thought- ful of his occasional addresses, containing many brilliant and impressive passages on the value of l'EA15()l>V 11141 reading and the function of a puhlit- lilnary and lyce- um. The lilirary was opened on Ooloher IS. 1854, for the delivery of books on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons anIr. Peabody, containing about two thousand five hundred volumes, selected by Mr. Henry Stevens, agent of the Smithsonian Institution. Subsequent additions to the library by purchase and gift brought the number of volumes in 185(5, at the time of Mr. l\abody's visit to the town, to above five thousand three hundred, including two hundred and fifty volumes received from the Danvcrs Me- chanic Institute, an association that had existed in the town since 1841. The town also contributed one hundred 'and ten volumes to the library, and many of the citizens gave books from their own li- braries. The first course of lectures began November 29, 18o4. Among the lecturers for tlic first season were George S. Ilillard, Theodore I'arker, E. P. Whipple, Prof. It. D. Hitchcock, Rali)h Waldo Emerson, A. A. Miner, T. Starr King, Josiah Quincy and Richard H. Dana. Truly a brilliant group of names! Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes lectured during the second season. The one to whom the managers of the Institute naturally turned in seeking a librarian was Fitch Poole, whose literary abilities were highly esteemed by his townsmen. He was elected to the position January 3, 1854, but being then engaged in business, found it necessary to resign tlie position, which he did September 27 of the same year. His successor was Mr. Eugene li. Hinckley, tiicn principal of the Peabody High School, who gave much time to his duties, and rendered valuable service during the early days of the library, when its valuable collections were just begun. Upon the resignation of Mr. Hinckley Mr. Poole was again elected. May 17, 1856, and continued to hold the office until his death, in 1873. He was a most courteous and efficient officer, and his kindness to students, and readiness to assist all in tlie selection of books, wMth his genial personal qualities, made him the friend of every borrower of books. Mr. Peabody had, from the beginning of the ac- tive work of the Institute, set a.side a fund in his own hands, amounting to twenty thousand dollars, of which he gave the trustees the income in addition to the income from tlie invested funds of the Institute. In I8()(;, while on a visit to this country, he gave an- other donation of one hundred thousand dollars to the Institute, at the same time making [irovision for the establishment of an entirely distinct branch li- brary in Danvers. The year before he had sent to the two libraries a large number of volumes of books purchased by him in London, from which the South 05 * Danvers lilirary received about (liree thousand five hunward of two hundred thou- sand dollars. An extensive addition was made to the building in 18()7 and 1808, including an enlarge- ment of the library room by an extension of forty- six feet in the rear of the building, the erection of a tower on the western side and the addition of a porti- co on the front of the building. The entire cost of these changes was about forty-five thousand dollars. The whole value of the invested permanent funds of the Institute after Jlr. Peabody's last doiuition, in- cluding the real estate, from v/hich an income is de- rived by its occupation for dwelling-houses, was one hundred and thirty thousand three hundred dollars. In accordance with a wise jdan ajiproved by ^Ir. Peabody, twenty thousand dollars of this fund was set apart in 1870 as a reserve fund, the interest of which was to accumulate for the purpose of meeting any unusual necessity, such as the erection of new buildings or the making of iiermauent additions to the Institute, or the arising of some great emergency. This fund ha.s now increased to more than forty-three thousand dollars. In 1885, it was decided by the trustees that the great decrease of income consequent on lower rates of interest obtainable was an emer- gency calling for a use of the income of this fund, and that the maintenance of the active usefulness of the Institute was of greater importance than the rajiid accumulation of the reserve fund, particularly as it does not appear likely that any new buildings will be needed for many years; and a part of the income of the reserved fund is accordingly used for current expenses, a considerable sum being still added to the principal every year. The general funds of llie Institute, exclusive of the land and building of the Institute, the library, curiosities and cabinets of valuables, and not including the re- served fund or the Eben Dale Sutton Library Fund, amount to about one hundred and twenty-two thou- sand dollars. After the decease of Fitch Poole, Theodore M. Osborne was appointed librarian of the Peabody In- stitute in September, 1878. He resigned the position in 1880, leaving in October, and was succeeded by Mr. J. Warren Upton, the present librarian, whose long service fni the Lyceum and Library Com- mittee had made him thoroughly acquainted with the needs of tlie library, and whose systematic meth- ods and unwearied industry in improving the re- sources of the library and promoting the cultivation of the best reading in the community render him a most efficient and valuable officer. A thorough and exact system of cataloguing is constantly ke])t up to date, and great care is taken to furnish the pulilic with accurate lists of books. 1042 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. When the Institute building was first thrown open, Mr. John H. Teague was the janitor, and he con- tinued to occupy the position until his death in 1880. He became identified with the institution, and his marked characteristics made him a well- known and prominent figure in the administration of its affairs. His sphere was not solely a humble one, for as was remarked by the Chairman of the Lyceum and Library Committee, for a large part of the time he was the only representative of the government of the Institute on the ground to receive the throngs of visitors who were drawn to the Institute by the fame of its founder. His urbanity and native politeness, and the remarkable memory, shrewd wit and knowl- edge of human nature which he often displayed made him a most attractive figure to all with whom he came in contact. He maintained a watchful care over all the interests of the Institute, and with ad- mirable discretion contrived to keep each department informed of any necessity for action or improvement. In the exercise of his functions he became the friend of all who desired to use rightly the advantages of the institution which he loved so well. He was suc- ceeded for a short time by Mr. I. A. Drowne, and then by Mr. John D. McKeen, the present efficient janitor. Mr. Peabody made this institution the depositary of the most cherished and valuable gifts which he had received in recognition of his munificent and remarkable charitable donations. When the build- ing was enlarged a large fire-proof safe was built with an ingenious arrangement of sliding case, in which are displayed the most valuable of these gifts, — the portrait of Queen Victoria enamelled upon gold, her own gift to him in recognition of his friendly gift for homes for the poor of London ; the gold box con- taining the freedom of the city of London and that given him by the Fishmongers' Company, one of the ancient Guilds of London, in recognition of his char- ities ; the gold medal presented to him by Congress in commemoration of his gift to the Southern Edu- cation Fund, and that awarded at the Paris Exposi- tion for the work of that Fund. Valuable auto- graphs, including letters from the hand of Queen Victoria, and a collection of American autographs obtained by Mr. Peabody in London, illuminated memorials from various societies and portraits of great interest, form part of the treasures of the Pea- body Institute in Peabody. A fine portrait of Mr. Peabody, his own gift, hangs in the hall. Other interesting portraits, including thoseof RufusChoate, Edward Everett, General Foster and President Har- rison, have been presented to the Institute by its friends, several of them being the gifts of Elijah W. Upton. The number of volumes in the Peabody Institute Librp.ry in February, 1887, was twenty-six thousand two hundred and twenty-five. It is estimated that the whole amount expended for books from year to year up to the present time, including books bought by Mr. Peabody for the library, is upward of thirty- seven thousand dollars, making an exceedingly useful and well-selected library for practical use in a com- munity like that of Peabody. The Ebex Dale Sutton Reference Library. — In October, 1866, Mr. Peabody met the school chil- dren of the town in the Peabody Institute Hall ; and in the afternoon the hall was filled by the adult poji- ulation, and the medal scholars of the Peabody High School. It was announced by Mr. Peabody that he had a communication for them, which he should make "with a degree of jyieasure and satisfaction whicli could only be equalled by that felt by his hearers," and then with a few happy words of introduction, he read the following letter from Mrs. Eliza Sutton, of South Danvers : " South Daxvebs, Oct. 15, 1S66. " To the TitisUes of the Peahody Inslilule : "Gentlemen — The rare advautages conferred on our community l>y the ebtabhshment of the Peahody Library are fully appreciated and gratefully acknowledged by all who have been privileged to enjoy them. Uaving had favorable opportunities for observing ita beneficent resulla hitherto, I could but cherish a deep interest iu its contiuued prosperily and success. This interest baa ripened into a feeling akin to peraonjil affection, through recollection of the delight and improvement whicti its treasures afforded to my dearly beloved sou, now deceased, Ebea BiiKi Sutton. " As a memorial of this departed son, I have desired to make to the Institute some offering, which should permanently connect his name with this noble public benefaction. " Having received from Mr. Peabody a kind and cordial approval of my plan, I propose to present for your acceptance, as Trustees of tin? Peabody Library, thesum of Twenty Thousand Dollars, for th« further- ance of the objects had in view by its founder. In making this gift, it is my wish not to trespass upon the ground already so successfully occu- pied hy the present library for circulation. *' I desire that it may be invested as a permanent fund, to be called the Ebeu Dale Sutton Fund, the income of which, as it accrues, shall be devoted exclusively to the establishment of a Reference Library; that the books purchased for it shall be of enduring value, and such only as are desirable and indis|4ensable for the use of scholars; that they shall bo kept together in some room of the Institute Building, especially as- signed for their accommodation, from which they shall never be loaned or taken. It is not my purpose to attach any onerous conditions to this donation ; but at a future time, should my proffer be acceptable to you, I will express more fully my wishes and plans for its disposition and management. " I shall place this gift in yonr hands, gentlemen, associated as it is with tender memories, with full assurance that it will he wisely admin- istered, and will prove a lasting (blessing to the present, and to future generations. *' Yours, respectfully, '* Eliza Sutton.'* This letter was formally answered, and the gift ac- cepted, by the trustees on January 5, 1867, and the trustees indicated their intention to accede to the donor's views and wishes in accordance with any suggestion that she might wish to make as to the dis- position of the funds. On January 28, 1867, Mrs. Sutton placed the fund in the hands of the Trustees, together with a com- munication in which she embodied some additional suggestions as to the plan of the Reference Library. The income, without any abatement, is to be " pa.ssed to the credit of the Lyceum and Library Committee PHAIiODV 1 043 of the Institute, and is to be wholly expeiukil in the purchase of books of practical and endurinjr value, together with charts, maps, diaj^ranis, models and such other helps to the accpiisiliou of knowledge as are to be found in the best libraries established for the use of students and scholars; and in defraying such incidental expenses as nuiy become necessary for the preservation and jierpetuation of the books and apparatus constituting the lilirary ; and lor no other purpose." The books are to be sul)stantially bound, and to be kept togetlier in a room from which they are not to be loaned or taken. A seal is to be affixed to the inside of the cov<'r of each volume, in- dicating the source of the fund. The committee are prohibited from accumulating nmrc than one year's iticome at any time. The privilege of consultation of the collections is extended to "any desirous of prof- iting by their use," though the design is primarily and chiefly for the use and imi)rovement of the townspeople. The room assigned to this Reference Library in the enlarged building was richly and conveniently fur- nished by Mrs. Sutton, and a tine portrait of the son, in whose memory the gilt was made, was placed on its walls. The room was thrown open to the public June 14, 18()9. Besides the books purchased from the income of the fund. Mr.s. Sutton has, from time to time, given to the library many rare and valuable volumes and collections, including fine sets of Au- dubon's "Birds of America," "The Description of Egypt," the famous work prepared at the direction of tiie First Napoleon, King.sborough's " Anticpiities of Mexico," and other important works. On the opening of the library Mr. Fitch Poole, the librarian of the Peabody Library, was appointed superintendent, and Miss ALiry ,1. Floyd, of Peabody, was cho?en librarian. After the decease of Mr. Poole, in 1873, no other su))erintendent was ;ipi)ointed, but Miss Floyd continued to be the lilirarian until June, 1881. Miss S. E. Perkins acted as lilirarian until November, ]S8:i, wlien Miss Augusta F. Daniels, the jiresent librarian, .assumed the duties of the office. Since the foundation of the Eben Dale Sutton Reference Library, about twelve tiuiu.sand dollars has been expend<'d upon books, besides the books given to the library by Mrs. Sutton and others. Fine sets of the Greek and l.,atin Classics and other useful books are on the shelves ; there are rare and beauti- ful collections of engravings and works on art, archi- tecture and design, and standard works on literature, science and all subjects embraced within the objects of the library. The beautiful and artistit' bindings of the books make their appearance exceedingly attractive; and the rich furnishings and the unusual character of the books make the room an olyect of interest to many visitors, while its i|uiet seclusion gives it great attractions for the student. The con- trol of the library is in the hands of a aub-committee of the Lyceum and Libr.iry ( (inunitl.i. of the Pea- body Institute, whose management has been most judicious and efficient. (!l!.\Nli .\k.\iv of Tiiic Rkimuii.ic. — IJelore 1.S70 there was an association ol' vcteran> called tlic Army and Navy Union, organized with objec'ts similar to those of the Orand Army. Post \''>2, (irand .\rmy of the Republic, was organ- ized under charter from department of head-quarters, July 7, 1S7(I, and the installation of officers took place in iMasonic Hall, at the .same date. The officers were : ConiiMiiTKli.r K. .s. Daniels. Senior vlriini!incli;r J. \V. Stevens. Junior vii-e-cinnnmndsr VVni. F. Wiley. .\'l.iiitiiul K. C. SlintToril. (Jiiiirtcr-niiu^ter L. A. Manning. Surpeon F. G. Kittredgo. Chaplain E. I. Galvin. OmciTorthc day K. B, Bancroft. OltliMfruftlie gnaril W. H. HiMr.-ll,. Quarter-niaster'B sergeant Benj. Buekell, .Ir. Sergeant major P. L. Wincliester, .Ir. The Post was at first named for Gen. (xrenville M. Dodge, a former resident of the town, who won an enviable record in the war, and rose to the rank of major-general. Its name was afterward changed to of a former townsman, a young man wlio fell early in the war, and whose letters from the front were marked by more than usual ability — Mr. Wil- liam II. Shove. Owing to difficulties in the Post, a part of the members left it, and on November 19, 1872, the so- ciety known as the " Veteran Soldiers' and Sailors' Association " was formed for the declared object of " Charity and Brotherly Love." Citizens of the town contributed liberally to the fund of the Association, and many cases of necessity were relieved through its means. On April 19, 187.'i, this Association did escort duty for a company «f citizens that went to Lexington to celebrate the one hundredth anniver- sary of the battle of Le.\-ington. On July 8, 187t), the name of the Association was changed to tiie "Army and Navy Union." The last meeting of the Union was May 81, 1879. Successful efforts were made to unite the organiza- tions, and April 12, 1879, Union Post No. 50 was or- ganized, with one hundred and forty-two charier members, and the following officers were chosen : (' inariil.M- ('yniB T. Batelieliler. Senior vice-ronimandi-r Winsur M. Ward. Junior vice-coninninder Frank K. Farnliani. Chal)lain Volney 1\I. Sinwns. .Surgeon Clnirle.s C. I'iku. Quarter master Levi Preston. CItricer of tlie day Alfred E. .lolinson. onicer of Iho gimrd Bonj. Beckett, Jr. Ailjutant \\m. H. Ilildrelli. Sergeant innjor George O. Pierce. Qnnrter.maslor's sergeant Albert II. W hidden. A large amount of money has been ex[iended in charity from the Post fund, aided by liberal sub- scriptions from comrtides. The organization is in a flourishing condition, and is so conducted as to sub- 1044 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. serve the interests which it is the object of the A^-so- ciation to care for and protect. Although there are none to replace the comrades who fall out aa death thins tlie ranks of this veteran organization, the Post still presents a fine body of soldierly men in its an- nual parade on Memorial day, and whenever the or- der is called on for public service. The Wo7ne/i's Union Relief Corps (G. A. K.), was organized May 27, 1885. Old Ladies' Home. — At a public meeting of the Ladies' Benevolent Society at Warren Hall, February 14, 1867, the following letter was read, addressed to Messrs. Henry Poor, Warren M. Jacobs and Elijah W. Upton. "Gentlemen. — having noticed a suggestion made by a prominent member of the Ladies' Benevolent Association, that it would be expe- dient and proper to i)rovide suitable homes or houses for elderly women of American parentage of this town who are in destitute circumstances, where they can be made comfortable and happy in their declining years, we, the undersigned, this day jointly agree to place in your hands, as trueteee, the euni of S2(Jl»0 as the commencement of a fund for the pur- pose above indicated, the said amount to be securely invested until enough is added to this fuud by donation or otherwise, to accomplish this object. "In the event of the death or resignation of either of the above named Trustees, the remaining Trustees may appoint his successor. We would suggest th.-it the Trustees, together with the Presideut, Vice-Presi- dent and 'I'reaaurer for the time being, be constituted a board of mana- gers to carry out the intentions of the donors, w hose acts shall be sub- ject to our approval. *' In making this gift we wish it to be understood as being the foun- dation of a l>enevolent enterprise, and we solicit the aid of those of our peoi)Ie who are hlesl with means, to unite with us in the furtherance of this object. '* Ri'spectfully Yours, "Ma Sutton. ' Upton.'' The trustees petitioned the General Court for an act of incorporation as "The Charitable Benevolent Association of the town of Peabody," which was granted April 27, 1869. Initiatory steps were taken at a meeting held No- vember 1, 1871, towards building a house for the pur- pose specified in the act, and a contract was awarded for two thousand dollars, for a house on Washington Street, above Oak Street. A levee was held at Pier- pont Hall on December 31, 1861, at which there was realized for the purposes of the association the sum of $847.53, including a contribution from Elijah W. Upton. In 1883 renewed interest was taken in the move- ment, and it was decided to reorganize the association on the basis of the original trust. An auxiliary so- ciety was formed, and earnest efforts were made to in- crease the funds ; the house built for the Charitable Tenement Association was sold in 1875, and the pro- ceeds, with other funds, were employed in purchas- ing the former residence of the late (ieneral William Sutton, with the intention of fitting it up at some future time as a Home for Aged Women. Until the resources of the society shall be sufficiently great to undertake the active support of such a home, the building is let by the society, and the income accu- mulated. It is hoped, at no very distant day, to open the home for the beneficiaries who will share in its protection and support. BI0GR.4PHICAL SKETCHES. Gen. Gideon Foster. — Gideon Foster was born in the house which formerly stood on the corner of Lowell and Fo.ster Streets, February 24, 1749. His father, Gideon Foster, was a native of Boxford ; his mother, Lydia Goldthvvait, of the middle precinct. He improved the opportunities of education furnished by the schools of the parish ; he wrote a handsome hand, was a correct draughtsman and .skilful surveyor. He was employed for several short periods in keeping school. He was a mechanic of more than common ingenuity; the machinery of his mills was of his own planning and construction. On the breaking out of the Revolution, he marched to the scene of the battle of Lexington in command of a company of minute-men which had been drafted from Caf't. Samuel Eppes' company of militia a few weeks before, -February 27. The company arrived in season to give the retreating British considerable trouble at West Cambridge. Captain Foster served as a captain in Col. Mansfield's regiment in the siege of Boston. At the battle of Bunker's Hill, Captain Foster's company was stationed at Brighton, then called little Cambridge. He was ordered by Gen. Ward to escort a load of ammunition to Charlestown. In carrying out this order he met the Americans when on their retreat. Their powder was consumed, and he supplied them with ammunition loose in casks. In his old age he revived the reminiscence thus : " We took the ammunition in casks, and conveyed it in wagons, and delivered it freely with our handA and our dippers, to their horns, their pnckets, their hal$, and whatever they had that would hold it. I well remember the blackened appearance of those busy in this work, — not unlike those engaged in the delivery of coal on a hot summer's day. At the same time we were thus occupied, the enemy's shot were con- stantly wliistling by ; but we had no time to examine their character or dimensions. I have often thought what might have been our con- dition, had one of these hot shot unceremoniously come in contact with Another favorite reminiscence was of the time when Col. Mansfield's regiment was stationed on Prospect Hill, where Gen. Putnam was in command. The captains were called together, and a volunteer was called for to engage in a very arduous enterprise. When Foster found no one willing to offer his services, he presented himself and was accepted. Several soldiers were drawn from each company, and properly armed, they repaired to Gen. Putnam's quarters to receive instructions. After reviewing them, " Old Put " deprived them of their equipments, and furn- ishing them with axes sent them into a swamp, where they were engaged in cutting fascines and bringing them in on their backs. " The men expected to gain honor by their exposure to unknown dangers: but their greatest danger was from the attack of musqui- toes, and their greatest exposure was to the mirth of their fellow soldiers." PKAIiOhV 11145 Ciipt. Foster served throughout the war, and held an honorable |)hiee as a good soldier and brave otfieer. In 1792 he was promoted to the rank of eolonel ; in 1796 he was ehosen brigadierfreneral ; in ISOl he was elected major-general by the Legislature. In the War ol' 1.S12 he was chosen commander of a company of exempts, and assumed the duties of his command with the same enthusiasm that he showed in his early days, taking an active part in the movements of llic militia on the two or three occasions when an alarm was spread, it is recalled that the old soldier's tac- tics and ilrill orders were somewhat antiijuated, and the order "shoulder firelocks" s()oken from early habit, furnished amusement to himself as well as to his little command; but he never lost his military ardor, and as was said by Hon. Daniel I'. King in his eulogy, — ' To the liut, the sounJ of tlit ; indeed for aliiio8t a whole c the aworil of the old soldier ' oils blow striiek for the dofei that !>cho«I of patriotism w obedience to God, and which heaven, his strong iudignatic danger threatened. Liberty abiding poasio] and good rnle: drum and tninnu't \va jntury, there has been been drawi mn.Mc to hi! no day when and a vigor iinrtured in to tyrants i, le.xt to lovo ol Id not h;i of his coiiiitry'e rights 1 taught that oppo.sitiol nicated love of country k'as roused by any wrong done her or ;1 love of country were his early and country's free institutions, good order, good laws the objects of his strongest affections; he not only loved them loit he did what he wa.s able, according to his judg ment and understanding, to maintain and perpetuate them. No dis- tance of place, no severity of the weather, uo bodily infirmity, from the adoption of tlie constitution till the day of his death, more than sixty years, detained him from deiwsiting his ballot for Stato Olficera." For the last thirty years of his life it was his ambi- tion readily indulged by his fellow-citizens, to be the first to vote in all important elections. .So unerring was his judgment, that he never failed to be the file leader of the majority, nor wavered from the genuine Whig principles of '76. Tn his time as Mr. Proctor observes, there was no doubt where Danvers would be found. For more than seventy years, he was one of the most active and influential citizens of the town. He was called upon to hold all the important offices in the gilt of his townsmen ; he was nine times a Repre- sentative to the General Court, in 17% and from 1799 to 1806. He served as town clerk from 1791 to 1794. He was deeply interested in the schools of the town, and in 1794 was one of those who proposed the divi- ssion into school districts. He was also interested in the Fire Department of the town, and one of the early fire-engines was named for him. (Jen. Foster developed the water power of (ioldth- wait's Brook. In ancient times, the whole region in the vicinity of what is now Foster Street was marshy land. He acijuired the ownership of a large tract of land in this region, and about 1817 built a dam which can still be seen, from which he conducted a part of the water through a canal along the edge of the up- land to the north of the low ground. He had a bark- mill at the upper dam, and a mill used as a grist-mill at the end of the canal, and he had a mill for the manufacture of chocolate. The water-works thu.s constructed by him furnished water for niaiiufac- turiug purposes to those located on the lower land along the course of the canal. Foster's lane, near Foster Street, led to these mills and manufactories, and was e.xtended to the old lioston road. General Foster was an enterprising and successful manufacturer, and his improvements increa~c(l the value of the land owned by him, and enabled him to sell it at fair prices; but he twice sutiereil by fire, and on Octolier 2:',, 1821!, his mills were totally con- sumed. He never fully recovered from this loss, and in 1S2S he sold his mill property. He continued to assert the same spirit of iudepeiidonce which always supported him. He had a small pension, quite in- ade(|uate to his iieetis, and up to a short time before his death he cultivated with his own hands his little farm, guiding the plow over his scanty acres till more than ninety-five years had bowed his venerable form, content so long as he was self-supporting. He was a sincere and devout Christian. He joined the Unitarian movement, and was to the time of his death an ofiicer of that church, constant in attend- ance and faithful in his duties, and himself harness- ing his horse in his later years to go from his farm to divine service. His private virtues, no less than his distinguished services to his country, endeared him to his towns- men, and his death, which occurred November 1, 184.5, at the age of nearly ninety-seven years, was sin- cerely mourned. On the third of November a funeral oration was pronounced in the Vnitaritm Church by Hon. Daniel P. King, and he was buried with mili- tary and civic honors, suited to the brave soldier and the faithful citizen. The following order of proces- sion has been preserved, and may be of interest from its local references ; F.scoKi, Consisting of the .Salem .\rlillcry, the Danvers Light Infantry, the Salem Light Infantry and the Lynn Rifle Corps (the latter bearing a banner presented by tlie hands of Cen. Foster to the company in 18;tfi. This banner was shrouded in crape. The escort was a detaclinient from Gen. Sutton's brigade, and was under the immediate com- nuindofCol. Andrews). Hearse, Hanked by a military guanl. Family of the decejised in Carriages. II and staff, anil Military Offl.ers in uniform in nrig-G. Ca Col niittpe of \rra igem ^nts. Olh Ci ■iating vil onii an otb oft •r Cle rg.v. Dan vera M Fire •cl >e arm Inst ent. lute Foster •• Kngine Co. N in da kil Engi »o Co., No. 8, wi h ba Iges 1 nd i Cilizei sof th Citizen " ighl f nil oriiig low (Jeneral Foster was buried in Harmony Grove Cemetery, in a lot given by (Jcneral Sutton, near the Peabody entrance on Grove Street. A lino portrait of General Foster hangs in the trustees' room at the Peabody Institute. It was painted by 0.sgood, of Salem, ;ind is the gift of Flijab W. Upton. 1046 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. Dr. Andrew Nichols. — Andrew Nichols, the son of Andr.'w and Eunice Nichols, \va.s born in the North Parish of Panvcrs November 22, 1785. He worked on his father's farm till he was eighteen years old, gaining his education (rom the common schools of the town. He took a course of study at the academy in Andover, and in April, 1K05, he be- gan the study of medicine with Dr. Manning in Bil- lerica, going with him to Cambridge and Harvard. In July, 3807, he became a student with Dr. Water- house, of Cambridge ; and a year later, in July, 1808, he began the practice of medicine in South Danvers. He soon attained a leading position as a practicing physician, and liis energetic disposition and sincere public spirit brought him into prominence in town affairs. He was a progressive and original thinker, a man of vigorous mental fibre. He was an enthusiastic vo- tary of natural science, a fearless advocate of temper- ance reform, and an early adherent of the anti- slavery movement. He undertook many offices of public trust in the town, and was particularly inter- ested in educational matters. With all the require- ments of his profession, he found time not only for the pursuit of scientific knowledge, but for the study of local history and antir)uitie8, for active engagement in temperance and other reform movements, and the faithful performance of duties assumed by him in town affairs, especially in the conduct of the schools. In his relations with others, whether in the practice of his profession or the participation in the social life of the town, he was marked by noble personal quali- ties, by unblemished purity of character and a high sense of honor, sincere religious convictions, and a broad and kindly sympathy for all who needed it. His life in South Danvers covered the period of its development from a quiet village to a manulVicturing community; he was the literary friend and compan- ion of Fitch Poole and of Kufus Choate, and a prom- inent figure in the intellectual life of the town at the time when the standard of thought was high in New England towns — the era of plain living and high thinking, before the lecture system had degenerated into elocutionary athletics, and while the foremost thinkers of the country spoke directly to the people. He was a student of literature, and was the author of several poems and addresses. In 1811, he delivered a Masonic address in Danvers. He was deeply inter- ested in Freemasonry ; he was the first master of Jor- dan Lodge of Free Masons in Danvers, instituted in 1808, and in 1831 he wrote and published a poem enti- tled "The Spirit of Freemasonry." In 1819 he de- livered an address in Danvers entitled " Temperance and Morality," in which he took advanced ground. In 1836 he delivered the annual address before the Massachusetts Medical Society, of which he was a member from 1811 to 184t), and a councillor. The subject of the address was" Irritation of the Nerves." At the Centennial Celebration of the town of Dan- vers, in 1852, he delivered a historical poem, entitled " Danvers," which shows his intimate acquaintance with old-time customs and traditions. He was an enthusiastic student of the growing scienceof geology, and alearned and skillful botanist, and spent much time from a lei-sure by no means ex- tended in exploring the woods and fieldsof his native town and county, in search of geological specimens and rare flowers and plants ; taking an especial inter- est in native wild flowers. Although his farming ex- perience was confined to his early years, his interest in agricultural matters and his knowledge of the sub- ject was so great that he was a member and at one time the treasurer of the Essex Agricultural Society. He was the orator of the society at Topsfield, October 6, 1820. In 1833 the Essex County Natural History Society, afterward merged in the Essex Institute, was formed; a project in which Dr. Nichols took great interest, from his enthusiastic devotion to all branches of scientific research. He presided at the meeting of or- ganization, December 16, 1833, and was elected the first president of the society, a position which beheld till 1846, remaining a member till his death. He was also, for many years, the presidentof the Essex South District Medical Society. Dr. Nichols died at his residence in South Dan- vers, in the house which now stands back of the building of the Essex Club, on Main Street, near the square, on the 30th of March, 1853. A funeral discourse was delivered by Rev. F. P. Appleton, at the Unitarian Church, where he attended worship, on April 3, 1853, and his death was formally noticed by the societies and organizations in which he had taken so active a part ; an obituary sketch was pre- pared by Dr. Samuel A. Lord, and published in the proceedings of the Massachusetts Medical Society ; but no adequate memorial of his life has been com- piled. A striking portrait of Dr. Nichols hangs in the rooms of the Essex Institute in Salem, painted by his niece, Mrs. Berry, of Danvers. It conveys a strong impression of the vigor and individuality of the man and gives token of a character which might well have left a lasting impre-sion even on a larger and more cultured community than his native town that he loved so well. Hon. Daniel P. King was born January 8, 1801, in the South Parish of the old town of Danvers, which afterwards became the town of Peabody. His parents Daniel and Phcebe (Upton) King, came of families long settled in that vicinity. William King, the an- cestor of the King family, was one of the original set- tlers, having received a grant of land in 1636, and from that day to the present the King family has maintained its ownership of land in the vicinity, and in every generation its representatives have held an honorable place among their townsmen for those qual- ities of industry, intelligence and sturdy independ- /^^^-^^ «:^<^><^1-^ I'KAHODY. 1047 ence of character which mark the ilescctKhint.i of so many of the pioneers in tlie I'urilan settlement of New Enghmd. Tor reasons reniarkeii in the liistoricnl sketch of tlie town, the jioliey of tluise who undertook the direction of the settlement of this region had lor its result tlie growth of a comnuinity marked l>_v the superior character of its individual niemhers. Though they diose the agricultural life, and their lot was cast amid the simplest of social customs and methoils of living, they not only maintained among themselves an unusual degreeof intellectual development, but hy wise forethought in educational atl'airs and careful home-training these same (|ualities, along with the loyalty to their native soil, which was an early char- acteristic, have been perpetuated to the present time. By internuirriage, Mr. King numbered among his an- cestors not only those families whose names were borne by his father and mother, but he was allied with the Pages, the Pntnams, the Townes, the Nurses, the Jaeobses and Flints, and others of those who have dwelt in that region since the earliest settlement. As Jlr. U|)ham remarks, in his memoir to Mr. King, he may be considered as a specimen of the manhood de- veloped by the intUiences long operating in this lo- cality upon the generations which have occupied it. riis family had from the (irst held a respeetaijle position as farmers, and in later times had been en- riched by extensive trading, so thai the father of the subject of this sketch was possessed of means large for that time, and Daniel I'. King was enabled to enjoy the advantages of a thorough academic educa- tion. His early training in the district scIkxjI was continued at Saco in Maine, and at Phillips' Acad- emy in Andover, where his preparation for college was completed. He took his degrees at Harvard University, graduating in the class of 1823. As a boy he showed the same traits which marked his mature life. His exactness of mind, clearness of memory for personal and historic; details, quiet and courteous bearing, and respectful observance of the wliolc-some regulations of school life, attracted atten- tion even from his schoolmates, who never failed to be won by the cliarra of his thoughtful and warm- hearted personality. His college life illustrates the peculiarity of his character, that he cared little for rivalry with his classmates, and had small aml)ition to attain eminent distinction as a scholar. He quietly ))Ursued his college course, accpiiring by care- ful study a knowledge more practical than showy, and enriching his mind with a culture which enabled him to make the fullest use of his luitural pcjwers, and which gave him a mental grip and vigor that never failcil of honorable attainment in the responsi- bilities which his singularly successful public life brought to him. Though known to be a young man of amiile means, his taste and judgment avoided luxury aneiiilator or money seeker about his ways, he had a shrewdness aiul conserva- tism which saved him from the extravagant mistakes of most gentlemen farmers, and gave him a well- earned reputation among his neighbor husbandmen. In 1835 he was elected a reiu'esentative of his native town in the State Legislature. He had been put forward several years before, but failed of his election by one vote. He did not take this much to heart, but observed in his (piiet way that he owed his fortunate escape to having himself voted for the suc- cessful candidate ; and he claimed thereby the right to share in the satislaction and congratulations of the winning party. In 183G, he was selected by his townsmen to de- liver the address at the laying of the corner-stone of the monument erected in honor of those who fell at the battle of Lexington ; a duty which he iierformed with the same careful historical researcli and happy facility of speech which marked his later elforts. He afterward, in 18-1.'), delivered a eulogy on General Foster, the hero of that light. While a luember of the House of llepresentatives, he rendered a great service to the cause of education by introducing and carrying into effect an order in- structing the Committee on Kdiication to consider the cxi)ediency of j)roviding by law for the better education (jf teachers of the public schools. This movement, followed up and enforced by able co- workers, led to the establishment of the Hoard of Kducation, and of the several Normal Schools in the commonwealth. Jlr. King's chief elforts as a State legislator were in aid of the agricultural interest, wliich was through life an object dear to him. He was impressed with the opinion that there was great need of more scien- 1048 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. tific teaching and application in agriculture, and he lost no opportunity of aiding plans for meeting this need. He brought forward a proposition, since car- ried into effect, of establishing a college for this de- partment of instruction, and for providing a profes- sorship of the same in Harvard College. While in Congress in 1S48, he resisted successfully an attempt to reduce the number of copies printed of the Annual Agricultural Report prepared by the Commissioner of Patents. He served two years in the House, ;md w:is then returned as a Senator from Essex County. He con- tinued in the Senate four years, during the hist two of which he was President of that body, and won the highest opinions by his performance of the duties of the office. In 1842 he was again elected to the House, and after an exciting contest for Speaker, Mr. King, though not at first a candidate, was elected by a majority of one vote. His known devotion to ad- vanced views in opposition to slavery was the means of attracting votes which could not be commanded by the other Whig candidate. This success gave him a commanding position in the Commonwealth, and was not the only occasion on which, though an un- deviating Whig, he received support outside of party line-*. He began to be called the " man of luck,'' and his good fortune, which was in reality the result of a trust in his ability and uprightness going beyond party lines, followed him all his life through. After seven years' service in the legislature, he was elected a representative to Congress in 1843. There had been two unsuccessful attempts to elect a con- gressman from the district of which Danvers was a part. At that time, a majority of the votes was necessary to elect, and after the two contests the Whig candidate withdrew, and Mr. King took his place. At the next special election, the Democratic plurality was greatly reduced, and the Democratic candidate, a man distinguished in his party, with- drew rather than meet the defeat which he foresaw. In the fourth trial, Mr. King received a majority of eighty-two votes, and he held the district by secure majorities to the end of his life. He early took a part in the important and exciting debates of the period. Within a few days after he took his seat, he presented the resolves of the Legis- lature of Massachusetts against the anncx.ation of Texa«, and shortly afterward he took part in a warm debate in behalf of slaves and free negroes in the District of Columbia. He was one of the foremost champions of the anti- slavery cause, and was ever fearless in his eff'orts and speech. While he was yet a new member, in January, 1844, a southern member interrupted him while he was presenting, as the voice of Massachusetts freemen, certain resolves of the Legislature of Massachusetts, relating to slavery, to ask whether the pelitions had not been signed and prepared by a runaway slave from Virginia. Mr. King replied, that " he presumed the petition was signed by freemen only, for in Massachusetts they had no slaves, but every man. created in the image of his Maker," — at this poiiii the whole of the angry violence of the friends of slavery was exerted to intimidate and suppress him ; but raising his voice to the full power and height for which it was remarkable, he continued in tones dis- tinctly heard above the uproar "owes allegiance in Him alone." So great was the impression of personal power then exhibited, that although he was declared out nf order by the Speaker, he was allowed to continue liis speech, and no attempt was ever again made to over- awe or silence him. The incident made a deep impression in his favor not only among the friends of liberty, but with all who admired courage and address. From that day he was marked as a leader. In 1844 he introduced and carried an amendment prohibiting spirit rations in the navy, and also used his influence toward the completion of coast improve- ments at Rockport, Mass. He was placed upon important committees of the House, and was success- ful in urging reforms, and in securing support for enterprises of education and public improvements. He was an earnest supporter of the continuance of the fishing bounties, and a sincere friend of the hardy and patriotic fishermen of his native stute; and on more than one occasion his voice and influence were successful in securing relief for wronged or disabled fishermen and seamen, and for the necessities of the Naval Hospital. He was deeply interested in the application of the Smithsonian Fund, and urged the claims of agriculture to its assistance. He attempted to obtain from Congress provision for the erection of a monument to General Warren, and he reported a bill to erect a monument to General Herkimer. The Mexican War met with his persistent and un- compromising opposition. He lost no opportunity to vote against it from first to last. On the pa»sage of the bill to raise volunteer and other troops for the war, there were one hundred and fifty-nine yeas to four nays, two of which were those of John Quincy Adams and Daniel P. King. His opposition to the war endeared him to the Society of Friends, and on two occasions he presented to Congress the memorials of the society against the war, and succeeded in ob- taining recognition for them ; and in the second in- stance, in 1848, he obtained, in the face of vigorous opposition, not only a proper reference of the me- morial, but a vote to print it. In a speech delivered on the 4th of February, 1847, he declared that he wished his epitaph might say of him, — "A Lover of Peace, of Liberty, of his Country — he voted against the Mexican War." His objection to the Mexican War did not prevent him from being a sincere friend to the patriotic soldier, and in 1850 he made an earn- est effort to extend and complete the provisions of law in favor of the veterans of 1812. rEABODY. 1049 He held for a long time the chairmanship of the Committee on Accounts, and distinguished himself by instituting reforms in contingent ex[)crises. On one occasion a member of the opposing [):irty was ap- pointed by Mr. Winthrop, then Speaker of the House, to the chairmanship of that coniniittce, but declined it in favor of the pre-eminent qualitications of Mr. King for tlie i)lace. In 1849, under a Democratic Speaker, he still retained this chairmanship. He also served as chairman and member of other import- ant committees, and was frequently entrusted with the duty of making up their reports, and conducting the management of them in the, in which he was remarkably successful. While in Congress Mr. King confined himself mostly to incidental debates and to discussions arising from hour to hour. But on the few occasions when he essayed a more elaborate ertbrt, he displayed marked powers as a speaker, and was fluent in style and thought, and always impressive from the unmis- takable sincerity and profoundness of his convictions. His success as a public speaker, and indeed as a pub- lic man, rested not so much upon any e.\terior or ap- parent qualifications as upon the native vigor of mind and force of personal character, which never failed to e.tert a powerful influence over those with whom he came in contact, and to command attention and re- spect even from his strongest political opponents. During his last years in Congress he fearlessly es- poused the cause of liberty, and his name was known throughout the country, not merely for bis opinions, but for his readine.-s in argument and his skill and success in debate. In his last elaborate speech, in May, 1850, he reaffirmed the principles to whu'h he had always been so consistent, and eloquently an- nounced his unalterable determination to oppose the spread of slavery. Such was his devotion to his public duties that he would suffer no private interest to interfere with bis presence at important junctures. On one occasion, as related l>y his colleague, the Hon. John G. Palfrey, he received news of the severe illness of a beloved daughter. At the time the debate upon an import- ant measure of public policy was drawing to a close, and he refused to leave his post until the final vote on the question was taken. He then set out at once, but arrived at bis home too late to see his child alive. Such heroic devotion to duty in one so afl'ectionate and warm-hearted ranks with the noblest examples of history. His religious life and character were sincere and earnest. He attended the Unitarian Church in the South Parish of Diinvers, and was most faithful in his duties there. While the presiding oflicer of the Senate of Massachusetts he confided to an intimate friend that he never left his loilgingsto take his place in the Stale-House without first invoking in prayer guidance from aix)ve. He carried his religious prin- ciples into the smallest details of life, and was always 6G ready for occasions to do good, either by the thought- ful and liberal bestowal of charity, or by kindly in- terest and advice. In paying lril)ate to his charac- ter upon the occasion of the form d iinnouncemcnt of his death in the Ilou-e of Ile[)rL'seiitatives, Mr. Joseph II. Chandler, of Philadelphia, summed U|) a most feeling and appreciative speech by saying, " If I were called upon to present, from public life, the true exemplification of the Christian gentleman, I know of no character that would more beautifully il- lustrate the idea, and supply the model, than that of Daniel P. King." On the lOlh of July, 18.J0, bo left Washington to attend to .some business requiring his presence at home. He had previously been somewhat unwell, though his indisposition had not been considered dangerous. He see'ued, for a few days, to improve with the rest from public duties; but very soon the disease took on a more serious form, and he died on the 2;5tli of July. His return and illness had hardly become known beyond the immediate neighborhood, and the announcement of his death brought a shock deei)ly felt tlirougboul the whole country. His healih had generally been good, ami his well known simplicity of living ai)[)arently had its effect in a still y()utliful freshness of complexion and ap- pearance. But it is probable that his long residence away from his beloved farm, and the pressure of ir- regular hours and responsible duties, had slowly un- dermined his powers of resistance to illness, and when be at last broke down, the end came quickly. In Congress, and by the press and individuals throughout the land, the most sincere tributes were paid to his memory ; and nowhere more deeply than in his native town and among his own kindred and neighbors, was his loss felt and grieved for, and his character ap[)reciated and lauded. He was in the truest sense a representative ol' the best element of New England ; stainless in private character, unas- suming in life and manners, clear and vigorous in in- tellect and while not seeking advancement, not shrinking from any responsibility which came as his duty; inflexible in principles and fearless in their utterance, yi-t never desirous of useless quirrels; having "malice toward none and charity for all." His character gathered weight with years, until he wield- ed an influence which seemed inexplicable to those who looked at the surface and saw only the ])lain, quiet and utiobtrusive man, not marked by striking qualities of appearance or adilress, and hardly sug- gesting in his kindly and genial face that intellectual and moral vigor and energy which always rose to the full height of the occasion. Without laying claim to the title of a great man, he filled every position to which his remarkable fortune called him, nobly and with effective results. Beside his political honors, he was f )r many years a trustee of the Massachusetts Lunatic Asylum, a member of the Essex Historical Society, of the Es- 1050 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. sex Natural History Society and of the New Eng- land Historico-Genealogical Society. He was a mem- ber and trustee of the Massachusetts Society for pro- moting agriculture, and an officer of the Essex Agri- cultural Society. His political life seeraed to be in its very prime of successful vigor when he left Washington never to re- turn. Mr. Upham, to whose very interesting and valuable memoir the writer of this brief outline is chiefly indebted for his materials, believed that if Mr. King had lived he would have been within no long time Governor of Massachusetts. Certain it is, that in the stormy times which followed, his voice and his influence would ever have been found on the side of liberty, union and equal rights for all. George Peabody, the son of Thomas and Judith Peabody, was born P'ebruary 18, 1795, iu a house still standing in Peabody, on the northerly side of Wash- ington Street, the old Boston road. The Peabody family is one of historic distinction, both in England and in this country. George Peabody was a descend- ant of Lieut. Francis Pabody, who emigrated from St. Albans, Hertfordshire, Eugland, in 1635, and set- tled in Topsfield, then a part of Salem Village, in 1667, where he died in 1698. The name of Peabody is found in the early annals of the province, and sev- eral of the name served honorably in the various wars in which the mother country enlisted the services of her colonists; and in the Revolution from Bunker's Hill and the siege of Boston, to the end of that triumphant struggle, the name is borne upon the roll of honor of those who faithfully served their country. The branch of the family to which George Pea- body belonged, was but poorly endowed with worldly goods at the time of his birth. He gained his early education in the district school of the town, and when but twelve years of age he went to work in the grocery store of Captain Sylvester Proctor, in 1807. Captain Proctor's store stood for many years in the place now occupied by Mr. Grosvenor's apothe- cary store. It was a small building, the upper part being used as a residence; and in the attic George had his room while he worked with Captain Proc- tor. His treatment here was kind, and Mr. Peabody always retained a warm feeling for Captain Proc- tor, and when in 1852 he gave the beginning of the fund which was to found a public library in his native town, he requested that the venerable Captain Proctor should be selected to lay the corner stone of the edifice. Unfortunately, the old gentleman did not live to perform that ceremony, to which he had looked forward with the deepest interest. Mr. Peabody is said to have told the story that the first dollar he ever earned was while he was yet a schoil-boy, for tending a little booth for the sale of apples and other delicacies at some celebration. He stuck to his post, in spite of the fa^jcinatious of the country sports about him, and was rewarded for his faithfulness with a dollar, which he said gave him more pleasure than any transaction in all the great and successful financial operations of his later days. After remaining with his first employer about three years, he went to Thetford, Vt., where he lived for a year with his maternal grandfather, Jeremiah Dodge, a farmer. In 1811 he became a clerk in the store of his brother David, in Newburyport. It is recalled that his superior penmanship, a characteristic which he pre- served throughout his life, caused him to be selected, while in Newburyport, to write ballots for the Federal party, for which he received payment outside of his scanty wages as clerk. He had not been long in Newburyport, when a disastrous fire, which he himself is said to have been the first to discover, caused great injury to that town, and so affected his brother's business that he was again thrown upon his own resources. Although but sixteen years of age, he was gifted with a manly and vigorous frame, a handsome face and figure, and a prepossessing manner and address, which with his previous experience, enabled him successfully to venture in business by himself. He obtained from Mr. Prescott Spaulding, of Newbury- port, letters which enabled him to purchase on credit from James Reed, of Boston, two thousand dollars worth of goods, which he disposed of to advantage. He always spoke with gratitude of Mr. Spaulding and Mr. Reed, and ascribed to their kindly assistance his first success in commercial life. In 1812 he accompanied his uncle. Gen. John Pea- body, to Georgetown, D. C, where the two engaged in business together for two years. After his establish- ment in business here, the first consignment made to him was by Francis Todd, of Newburyport. He en- tertained a warm regard for that town, though he had lived there so short a time; and in after years he made a donation to the public library of the town. He manifested unusual ability as commercial as- sistant in his uncle's business. His unfailing courte- sy and affability won him many friends. It was said of him in after life that he would be " a popular man if he was not worth a dollar ; " and that quality was no small factor in his success. Even in the height of his commercial importance he was remarkably unas- suming in dress and deportment ; he was scrupulous- ly exact and punctual in the discharge of his obliga- tions, whether business or personal; and his success was no more than the natural result of a life singu- larly well-planned to effect financial success. He was a good writer and speaker, and some of his speeches and letters are remarkable (or a simple and natural eloquence of style and expression. His con- versational powers were of a high order. He never married, and when living in London he never had a of his own, but lived in lodgings; and his personal expenses were never, even in his PEABODY. 1051 latter days, large, for he cared little for luxuries, and his tastes were simple. At the sumptuous dinners which he often jrave, he was wont to fare simply from some common dish, thou<;h he was particular about the appointments of his table, and prided himself on its excellence. Fruit »•;« almost his only table lu.x- ury. Until his failing strength made it a neces:eaking at Balti- more, in November, 1866, he said, " Fellow-citizens, the Union of the States of America was one of the earliest objects of my childhood's reverence. For the independence of our country, my father bore arms in some of the darkest days of the llevolutioii ; and from him and from his example, I learned to love and honor that Union. Later in life, I learned more fully its inestimable worth; perhaps more fully than most have done, for, born and educated at the North, then living nearly twenty years at the South, and thus learning, in the best school, the character and life of her people; finally, in the course of a long residence abroad, being thrown in intimate contact with in- dividuals of every section of our glorious land, I came, as do most Americans who live long in foreign lands, to love our country as a whole ; to know and take pride in all her sons, as equally countrymen ; to know no North, no South, no East, no West. And so I wish publicly to avow, that, during the terrible con- test through which the nation has passed, my sympa- thies were still and always will be with the Union ; that my uniform course tended to assist, but never to injure, the credit of the government of the Union; and, at the close of the war, three-fourtiis of all the property I possessed had been invested in United States Government and State securities, and remains .so at this time." During the war he gave liberally to various .sanitary fairs. At the time of the Great Exhibition of 18.')1, in the absence of appro])riations by Congress, the American exhibitors at the Crystal Palace found themselves in serious difficulty for lack of funds to fit up the American department, and for a time the exhibitors were disheartened. At this critical moment, Mr. Peabody did what Congress should have done, and by the advance of a large sum enabled his countrymen to take their proper place in the Exhibition. It was an act which earned the gratitude of all Americans. In the same year he gave his first great Fourth of .July feast, at Willis's Rooms, to American citizens and the best society of London, headed by the Duke of Wellington. Mr. Peabody, after this, extended his hospitality to a larger extent than ever before; he invited to dinner every person who brought a letter of credit on his house ; and celebrated every Fourth of July by a dinner to the Americans in London, inviting some distinguished English friends to meet them. Mr. Peabody bad now accomplislicil the object of his life, so far as concerned the actonicd liaunls niijrlit lie of benefit to him. But lie dill not rally as ln-lioped, and, growing rapidly worse, he died Novinilxr 4, 1809. The higliest honors were jiaid him, both in Eng- lainl and in his native country. A liincral service was performed over bis coflin in Westminster Abbey, and the 15isho|) of London preached a funeral ser- mon in the Abbey on the f-unday following. The British warsliip " Jlonanh," one of the finest iron- chids in tiie British navy, was ordered by lier Jlajes- ty's government to convey the remains of tlie philan- thropist to his native land, and it was convoyed by an American war ship, atid also a French vessel detailed by the Em|)eror for ihat service. One of the royal princes. Prince Arthur, accompanied the expedition, and attended the funeral e.'cercises in this country as the re|ire>cntative of his mother, the (iueen. The funeral fleet brouglit the body to Portland, Me., wlicre it lay in state; thence it was brought to his native town, then called by his own name, where, after lying in state in the building which be had given, it was buried in the family lot which he had selected in Harmony Grove Cemetery. The funeral exercises were held iti the Old Houtb Church, on the site where in a former edifice he had attended divine service as a boy. The whole town was in mourning; great crowds of strangers filled the streets; the funeral oration was eloquently and fittingly pro- nounced by Kobert C. Winlhroj); and amid a wild snow-storm, which sprang up during the ceremonies, the solemn procession wouml its slow way to the burial-place. The tbllowing is a list, not wholly complete, but giving most of his larger contributions to charity, ed- ucation and progress: To the Stnte of Maryliiiiil, money due Lim for nego- ImliiigSlulu loan of t8,(l'«i,il JCO.OnO To the PralHiclj- Institute, Bultinioro, imluJiuB ac- cincil intulcst I,.5fl0,0(!0 To the Southern Eilmution Kuuil 3,(ltlii,0 To Yale C-.llego loU,IIOO To llai'Valll t'oHege loll.lKIO To the IVahody Aiadeniy of Scionce, Salem 14ii,ioo To Phillilw Aciuloiny, Andover S!.">,' 00 To the I'eaboily Institute, 1' 20U,IJ0il To the I'eulH^ly High Schjul, IVaUidy 'J,' 01) To till! I't-aljoily luBtilutu, Unn'era 5 7««) Tolho .M«»«icliua.-tt» Histoiical Society lili,0.,0 To Kenjon College, Ohio 'rsOIIlJ To .NenbuoiMjrt forihe I'uMic Lil.niry l."),lilll) T.I llie Jlenioiiiil Cliuixh in Geiiigctown, Mass 100,1100 To the lihrary in tioorgetowii 5,0LiO f'esides these, Jlr. Peabody made a larire number of donatijTis for various |)iiblie purposes in sums ranging up to one tliouaand dollars, and extending back as far as 1835. His great charitable gifts brouglit world-wide recognition during his life-time. The Queen, on his refusal "i a baronetcy, sent him tin atito.Lrrapb Utter, wliicb he had indicated as a gift which would be specially valued by him, and accompanied it by a miniature portrait of herself in enamel on gold, Ijy Tilb, which is dei>osited at the Peabody Institute, Peabody, as a recognition of bis munificent gift to the poor of London. In IStili Congress ordered that a gold medal valued at live thous;iiid dollars be given him for his great gift to tlie South. The city of London [)reseiitelaying a never-failing enthusiasm in research and in the discussiou of all that ))ertained to town and early colonial history. His reading was varied and extensive, and his writing was marked by a natural and expressive style, which showed the originality of his thought, and was constantly (lavored witli a pi(|Uancy of idea and expression springing from his keen and delicate sense of humor, a quality which entered largely into his genial and winning i)ersonality, and which made liim through life a delightful companion whose every- day greeting had a cheerful and sunny influence, and who brought smiles into every company. Tlie artistic temperament was clearly shown in him, not only in his literary work, but in various other directions, particularly in a cleverness for cari- cature and liumorous sketches with the pencil, and an aptitude for modelling in plaster, which was remark- able considering his lack of elementary training for such work. Some portrait busts, and tilso .some original conceptions in plaster, particularly a series of representations of humorous characters in Irving's 1054 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. " History of New York," show traces of distinct power and originality. His fondness for the humorous, and his quickness of wit, made him, particularly in his younger days, the centre of a little band of choice spirits, whose amusing exploits are still remembered by many of the people of South Danvers. The familiarity of intercourse in those early times, and the comparatively slighldifferencesof social rank in the community, encouraged a sort of practical joking, which was as harmless as practical joking ever is, and more than usually original and witty in its methods. Many were the individuals who un- wittingly made sport for these practical jokers, but it was rarely that any ill will grew out of their doings. The exhibition to friends for their criticism (some- times adverse), of a portrait of Mr. Poole really made up by the subject's inserting his living head into a place cut in the canvas; orders given to new recruits in the militia to parade at novel seasons, and with surprising equipments; half the town induced to visit the scene of a remarkable chasm formed in the Square on April-fools' day — such were some of the odd fancies which furnished amusement for the town's people. One of the most characteristic and successful of these practical jokes was carried out by Mr. Poole in later life. In the early days of the Pea- body Institute lectures. Professor Hitchcock, the eminent geologist, delivered a course of lectures on geology, and while in town he was entertained by Mr. Poole, and a large number of the people of the town were invited to meet him. When the time for refreshments arrived, the company was ushered into a well supplied supper room, and just at that mo- ment the host was called away for a moment, and ex- cused himself with a cordial invitation to his guests to help themselves to the good things before them. After the first descent upon the table a strange em- barrassment stole over those who endeavored to dis- pense the refreshments. One would take off the cov- er from a dish, and hastily replace it; another found the oysters of surprising weight and texture; the cake could scarcely be lifted; the ice creams and cus- tards could be carried about bodily by the spoons in- serted in them; each new dish was more puzzling than the last. At length it dawned upon the bright- er spirits, that here was truly a geological feast, and the laugh began. The oysters were pudding-stone; the cake was brick, frosted with plaster of Paris; custards and creams were of plaster colored, and moulded ; sugar, cream, every detail of the banquet was of mineral origin, of plaster, or stone, or clay. M'hen the fun began to subside, another door was thrown open, and a more edible repast was spread before the guests. His intimate knowledge of the early history of his native place, and his facility in imitating the ancient style of writing, enabled him to reproduce more vividly than any other writer of his class the peculiar life and colorof those early times, with all its quaint- ness of diction and spelling, and its apparently un- conscious humor of expression. Several of his poems and sketches, relating to the witchcraft times, are of unusual merit, particularly a ballad, widely circu- lated, entitled "Giles Corey and Goodwyfe Corey," which is an admirable reproduction of the old ballad style. Another well-known poem is that which was written for the centennial celebration at Danvers, " Giles Corey's Dream," which attained a wide celeb- rity, both for its poetical merits and the keen and thoughtful humor which pervades it. Mr. Poole's enjoyment of an innocent hoax induced him occa- sionally to introduce his old time sketches under the guise of veritable antiquities. One of the most re- markable of his efforts in this direction was brought out at the time of taking down the old South Meet- ing-house, in 1836, when a communication was re- ceived by a Salem paper, purporting to contain a copy of an old letter written by one Lawrence Conant, which described the ordination of the Rev. Mr. Pres- cottat the new meeting-house in the middle precin( t of Salem in 1713, as seen by the writer. So perfect was the reproduction of the quaint language and spelling of the time, and so admirable the color of the composition and the apparent truthfulness of the details, describing personages prominent in the prov- ince, that it at first passed everywhere as genuine, and it was not till some acute antiquary detected a discrepancy of dates in the document that the de- ception was detected ; and even long afterward the letter of Lawrence Conant was occasionally referred to as genuine. The paper is full of delightful touches of humor, and was only intended as a facetious /ew d'esprit, and was promptly and publicly acknowledged as such by Mr. Poole ; but no amount of explanation has ever been able to destroy the authenticity of the document. About the same time he wrote a poem in the Scotch dialect called " Lament of the Bats inhab- iting the old South Church," which has been greatly admired. He was an ardent Whig, and afterwards a strong Republican, deeply interested in the anti-slavery movement, and always progressive in his ideas. Some of his political papers were pointed and effec- tive productions. During the Mexican War he wrote a series of articles for a Salem paper entitled " The Trial of James K. Polk for Murder." These were collected and priuted in a pamphlet as a pleasant sa- tire ; a copy found its way to Mexico, where it was translated and circulated as a genuine historical doc- ument. Another political satire was his parody on " John Gilpin's Ride," written as the Carrier's Ad- dress of the Salem Register in 1852, beginning, — " George Boutwell whs a citizen Of credit and renown." He was frequently induced to favor the carrier boys by writing their annual address, which was sure to be sold if signed or known to be written by him. One /C^^ PEABODY. 1055 of these addresses was a poem of witchcraft times, entitled, "Witih-Datue aud Banquet on Gallows Hill." In lSo9 he became the editor of a weekly ])aper in South Danvers called The Wizard, in whose columns appeared many of his best productions and most char- acteristic bits of humor, in wliich [jassiufr events were dei)icted with a spirit and wit whiih made the pajier widely known. In 1850 llr. Poole was appointed librarian of the Peabody Institute Library in South Danvcrs, a posi- tion eminently congenial to his taste, and in which he won universal respect and esteem for his helpful- and unfailing courtesy. He continued in this position during the remainder of his life. His e.xtremely modest and retiring disposition pre- vented him from making the use of his literary powers which others possessing abilities far striking and unique might have made of them. He never attemi)ted any large literary work, nor even collected such of his scattered pieces as might surely have won popular favor if they had been published in book form. He was happiest in his loved home, the old family homestead in which he was born and lived through all his three-score and ten years, and in which hedied; among his friends, or quietly watching the effect of his writings oti the small audience of his town's people. He cared little for public office, but his interest in education made him for many years a valued and progressive member of the school commit- tee of the town ; he represented Danvers in the Gen- eral Court in 1841 and 1842, and was for a short time postmaster of Peabody under President Lincoln. He died after a short illness on the I'Jlh of August, 1873. It is to be hoped that some competent hand may undertake to collect his writings and gather the materials for an adequate memorial of his life, which would illustrate much that is deeply interesting of the life and growth of his native town. Sources OF Information. — The principal sources from which the writer has attained the facts for this sketch, are the History of the Town of Danvers, by J. W. Hanson, 1848; Salem Witchcraft, by Charles W. Upham, 18(57, from which some passages have been taken directly ; Annals of Salem, by Joseph B. Felt, 1849; "The Town of Peabody," a newspaper published March 25, 1873, by Albert Gould, pastor of the Methodist Church; the notes to the new edi- tion of the Acts and Kesolves of the Province of Massachusetts Bay, by A. C. Goodell, Jr. ; the Life of George Peabody, by Phebe A. Hauaford, 1870; The Danvers Centennial Celebration, 1852; The Life of Daniel P. King, by C. W. Upham; and many his- torical sketches by Fitch Poole. The original records of the Salem Book of Grants and of the Town of Salem, and the records of the South Parish, have been carefully examined; and by the courtesy cf Mr. Nathan H. Poor, the efficient town clerk of Peabody, the records of the town have been examined for various data, atid especially the war records. The files of the Whdrd, during the civil war, furnished much valuable information. The writer also desires to express his acknowledg- ments to Dr. Henry Wheatland for much kiiiilly assist- ance ; to Mr. William P. Ui)ham and Mr. A. C. Goodell, Jr., the President of the Historico-Genea- logical Society, for valuable information and sug- gestions ; to Mr. J. P. Fernald for the use of articles on the Methodist and Catholic Churches; to Mr. Edgar W. Upton, who furnished the sketch of St. Paul's JMi.-sion; to Rev. J. W. Colwell, for full information relative to the South and West Peabody Churches; to Amos Merrill, Ksq., for information relative to war records, and for an article on the Universalist Church ; to Mr. .J. Warren Upton, the Lilirarian of the Peabody Institute in Peabody, Mr, William II. Little, Mr. Arthur F. Poolo, Mr. George F. Osborne, Mr. Nathan A. Bushby, and Mr. A. P. White, the historian of Danvers in this volume; and to the [lastors and officers of the various churches, who readily furnished information in their power. BIOGRAPHICAL. EBENl^ZER SITTON. Ebenezer Sutton was born in Danvers, September 11, 1803. In 1855 Danvers was divided into two towns. North and South Danvers, and in 18(58 the name of South Danvers changed to Peabody. It was in that part of Danvers which is now Peabody that Mr. Sutton was born. The father of Mr. Sutton, William Sutton, married .\pril 14, 1799, Elizabeth Treadwell, and had William, who the late (ien- eral Sutton, .July 2(5, 1800, and Ebenezer, the subject of this sketch, as above slated, September 11, 1803. William Sutton, the father of William and Ebenezer, was a leather-dresser by trade, but during many years before his death carri(>ok I., page 128, he conveyed, for the consideration of two oxen, six acres of land in Roxbury to Governor Thomas Dudley. In 1656 he was a surveyor of highways. On the 10th of March, 1658, he bought of Simon and Ann Brad- street, of Andover, a dwelling-house in Andover, with an orchard nnd land, including about eight acres, and is called in the deeds husbandman and weaver. He probably removed to Andover about 1658, and remained there until he sold his estate, February 6, 1664, to George Abbot. The signatures to the deed are Richard Sutton and Rachael Sutton, thus disclosing the name of his wife. On the 14th of May, 1670, he bought of Samuel Hutchinson, of Reading, for the consitern Railroad, the colonel at one time of the Essex Regiment, and generally interested in the affairs of his native town. He married, April 4, 1829, Eliza, daughter of Jonathan Dnsten, of Dan- vers, and had two sons, — Ebenezer, who died August 24, 1839, and Ebenezer Dale, who was born February 7, 1848, and died November 13, 1862. Thus, when Mr. Sutton died, December 11, 1864, he died child- less, leaving a widow, who is still living in a serene old age, piissing the summer months at her summer residence at Centre Harbor in New Hampshire, and the remainder of the year in Peabody. ELIJAH UPTON. Elijah Upton is a descendant of John Upton, the ancestor of all the name in this country as far as known. Tradition (apparently well supported) re- lates that he came from Scotland, and that he was one of the Scotti.-h prisoners taken by Cromwell, either at the l)attle of Dunbar, September 3, 1650, or at the battle of Worcester, twelve months later. Tra- dition also reports that his wife's name was Eleanor Stuart, a woman of Scottish birth, and a strong ad- herent of the unfortunate royal house of Stuart. We arc told that she had anticipated his coming, and was here upon his arrival, in about 1652. It would seem probable that all of their children were born in Sa- lem Village (now Peabody). We first find his name on the records at Salem December 26, 1658. It is pretty certain he was not a member of any Congre- gational Church, for, though a man of large means and good character, he was not admitted a freeman of the colony until April 18, 1691, after the revolu- tion in England, and after some modifications had been made in l\ie freeman's oath in Massachusetts. j/^l^x^ /^^^5^ £,. /cJ ^^p^=rD p p \ ^'^'hyAH nuc'me ^. /f-7'''^^^^ ^ /f-V TKAKODY 1057 About 1078 Jolin iiioveii lo Keadinfr, JliiSfi., Hlitiu ln' had previously l)iiilt a lar<;e and substantial liuusr, wbii-li in his will lie called '' ihc homestead." It is still in a good state of preservation, and is owiumI by some of his deseendants. Ktijah l'p/"H, the ehief subject of this sketeli, was a son of Henjaniin and lle- beeea (Putnam) I'liton, born in North Keading, Mass.. August 4, I78."i; married, first, Jidy 2, IS(i;i, Phebe Wood, born in what is now Peabody March L'-"., 1787, and died there .luly 1-'. ISi'l ; married, see-.nd. November i), 1821, iJuih ( llarringlou) Downing, who died June 1, 184l'. I^lijah eaine to what is now Pea- body in his youth, and >rrvei| his api)rentieeship as a tanner with Captain Dennison Wallis. He was at different times in partnership with Joseph Tufts and Caleb r,. Frost. Mr. Tjitou was the first man in this town to manufacture glue, and by his sagacity and enterprise built up an extensive business in this article. He was a large owner and operator in real estate, and this town is more indebted to liiju than any other man for erecting dwellings, for opening streets and averuies, levelling iiills and raising val- leys, to make elligible sites for buildings. He was much interested in missionary and denominational enterprises, the abolition of slavery and the temper- ance reform, Ijcing a liberal donor to ll'I'liX. Klijah Wood Upton, only child of Klijali and Phebe (Wood) I'ptou, was born February 24, 1811. He received as a youth more educational advantages than was usual at that time. He was three years in Hopkinton, N. H., at Jlr. John O. Ballard's school, where he made many life-long friends. He after- wards, for several years, attended a jirivate scdiool in Salem, Mass. When rpiite a young man, he took an active inter- est in the business enterprises of his father, and at the early age of twenty years became a partner in the glue business, and later, after the retirement of his father, he a,ssumed tlie entire charge of what has since been known as the Fsse.x (due ('Omiiany. In 1847 he formed a parltiership with Theophilus W. and Nathaniel Walker, and they further increa4seublic allairs, prcl'erring a busine-s lil'e, which was corigcMial to him. He was, however, sent fur luo years as n-prescniative In tlir (leneral Court of .Massaciuis.-tls, and was dirrctnrana lor a consider- able lime Pre.-~idcnt of the Warren National Hank ol Hanvers. He was also, for many jears. a dii-ector in the National P>ank i>f Kedcnipiion in Huston. He visited Europe several times, his first visit lieing in I8r>l, at the lime of the First Inlernational Exhibi- tion, in » hirli hewasnuich iiilcrcslid. lie was the pir>uii ciiiisiiltrd by ( uorgr I'eabudy ia Euiidon in regard to tin- llrst dori.-iti.m made by him to the South Danvers I'ubiic Library, and aUo coni-crniMg the building er.'ctcd for its accommodation. He was a man of judiiic spirit, of gcneruus im pulses and of refineil manners. Mr. Upton died i)c- tuber C, 1S81. ■ KislM'll I'OOU. .loseph Poor was burn .luly 7, 1^0."), in l).iuvers. riial part uf Danvers in which he lived was incor- porated May IS, 18.")"), as South Danvers, aiul its name was changed to Peabody by an Act of the (leneral Court passed April l.'i, 18(i8. His father, Josei)h Poor, carried on the business of a tanner, and he was bruilghl uj. to the same 1 r.ide, attending the schools of his nativ<' town, ami, when old enough to be of service, working a part of the time in the taiuiery of his father. At the age of eighteen his time was given lo him, and from that tino' he earned his own sup- |.ort. After his falhci's ileatli In- carried uii the tanner's l)usiness alone, ami from that time until his death his business career was uuc uf uninteiiiipteil success. ^Ir. Poor married Eli/a Munroe, uf Danvers. and had eleven children. Thesi' were Sally, burn in 1880; \Varren Augustus, in l.s.'i2, who married Har- riet Waternnui; Mary E., in 1834; Ellon, in 1835, who married .lames W. K'elley ; Leverett, in 1838, who married Jennie Emerson; Lizzie, in 1840; Lu- cinda, in 1842; Cieorgc H., in 1844, who married Susie li. Bond; Albert F., in Isp;, who married Sarah F. Weed; Joseph IL, inl8lS, who married Maggie Line- ban, and Martha II., in 1800. His sDund business traits wi-rc ot'ten <'alled into the service of his fellow-citizens, and for many years be was Chairman of the Board of Selectmen ol' South Danvers ami Peabody. He was also a Director of the Warren Five (_'ents Savings Bank of Peabody, ami one of the original trustees of the Peabody Institute. No better estimate of his character can be given than that of one of his fellow-eitizens who, during more than forty years enjoyed his accpiaintauc(! ami friend- ship, and had the best opportunities for forming it. \\(^ says: " Many were the valuable traits of char- acter possessed by .Mr. Poor that might be dwelt upon with interest. I knew him from my youth, was when a boy of twelve years of age employeil by him, ami was intimate with him until his death. As he ad- 1058 HISTORY OP ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. vanced in age he became a strong advocate of moral reform in all its branches, an earnest Abolitionist, a warm-hearted, sincere Temperance man, always car- rying out his opinions at the ballot-box, even if he stood alone. He never shrank from saying and doing, as a politician, what he believed to be right, and calmly and sternly moved forward towards the accomplish- mentof his aim. As a business man, he did not exhibit that headlong activity and bustle which are so often mistaken for business capacity, but moved slowly on, seeing his way clear as he went, and keeping himself safe in all business transactions. He was a thoroughly religious man, always con- tributing liberally to jmrposcs of benevolence and charity, and when the feebleness of advancing age compelled him to relinquish business, he felt even a deeper interest than before in those higher pursuits which chasten and ennoble life." Jlr. Poor died in Peabody, August 24, 1884. .lAMES PUTNAM KING. James Putnam King was born in that part of Danvers which is now Peabody, November 8, 1817. His lather, t^aniucl King, and his grandfather, Zacha- riah King, wen; hard-working successful farmers. The subject of this sketch was one of five brothers, three of whom were farmers, all located in the same neigliborhood, which, by rea.sun of the large and valuable land-holdings of the King family, for more than, a hundred years, has by common consent been given the name of " Tiie Kingdom." James attended the district school until sixteen years of age, then worked on his father's farm until his marriage, at the age of twenty-two, to Wealthy M. Ferrin, of Madison, N. II., by whom he had two sons. At the time of his marriage he connnenced his career as a farmer on his own account by working on shares, a most excellent form in the neighborhood. By his great physical powers, temperate habits, industry and i)rudence he became one of the most successful farmers in the county, and his life has answered emphatically in the affirmative, that ques- tion so often asked by agricultural writers and speakers, "Does farming pay?' He followed Salem Market for twenty-five years, selling his own veget- able products. Mr. King early took an earnest interest in the Abolition cause, was a Whig in politics, and has been a strong Republican since the formation of that party. He was a member of the Legislature of 1854, has been overseer of the poor for thirty-three consecutive yeare, and a trustee or vice-president of the Essex Agricultural Society for more than twenty years. Mr. King is a forcible and clfeetive speaker, and his long practical exi)crience enables him to add much interest to the discussions at Farmer's Institutes, and being a strictly temperate man in principle anil practice, he renders efficent aid to the temperann- cause. His judgment of farm j)ropcrty is valued so higlily that his services are in frequent demand in ap|)rai.*al.-. Late in life he married for a second wife, Mr.j. Eliz- abeth A. Bancroft, who was a sister of his first wifi . He is known and respected throughout the countx as few men are, and now, at seventy years of age, i^ in the full vigor of life and presents a living exaini^l' of what may be accomplished by a temperate, inUii~ trious, prudent farm life in Essex County. CHAPTER LXXVI. MARBLEHEAD. BY SAMUEL Kl lA DS, JK. Iii,lian llisU,rii—Xa,u-iuiihenut llu Kiiuj—IMufJouiid in MarlMKud. The exceedingly unique and interesting peninsula which forms the subject of this sketch, is situated at the south-eastern corner of Esse.K County, Miissachu- setts, sixteen miles north-east of Boston. The town- ship compri-ses three thousand seven hundred acres, and is about four miles in length, from north-eiist to south-west, being from one and one-half to two miles in breadth. The surface is to a great extent irregular and rocky, and considerably elevated above the land of the surrounding country. Connected by a narrow isthmus with the mainland is a smaller peninsula, rather mure than a mile in length and about half a njile wide, containing about three hundred acres. This peninsula, from the earliest settlement of the town, has been known as the " Great Neck." Between the " Neck " jutting out so boldly into the Atlantic Ocean and the rocky coast of the main land, is a beautiful sheet of water, a mile and a half long, and a half a mile wide, forming one of the most ex- cellent harbors on the New England Coast. At the time of the landing of our fathers upon a coast so barren and uninviting, as it must have ap- peared to them, they found the entire section of Eastern Massacliusetts inhabited by a race of men, the remnants of what but a few years before the com- ing of the white man had been a large and powerlul tribe of Indians. They were of the tribe of Naum- keags, then under the jurisdiction of the Squaw Sachem of Saugus, the widow of the great Nane- pasheniet, who, in his lifetime, had been a chief whose power and authority no neighboring tribe dared question. But war and pestilence, those two dread enemies of the human race, had made sad havoc among the Naumkeags ; and however desirous they ^/AT^?^^ c/. cyz^'^ /^ I f MAI!l!lj;illv\|). 1(I51» might have been to resist the encroachments of the white men upon their domain, they were but little pre])are(l to do so. The great war in which they hail engaged with the Tarrentines in MI"), had |>rove> < «Im th n •1, ; 1 h. II iK ing, ic aflV.l.l pl»nk8, s.>iii<' «ix fo It froi 1 III ■ i.-r..n imt*"!! *>t III.- t >V .r al ill N .1 liir a fori li ilt \<\ th ,T. ;>S( .1 K ins, tl SOIIIO til rty t V ■as ki .,|.1.--..M.'. A mil.' f ' lia.l liv.'.l. Ilisli. l.ill 11111)11 villi that 1" 1. h's sit l.lllt .111, \ '(■ C'lllll t : Tl USilli k as tl ro III Wo 111 1 a r ng B .1. ' th rt. i.lsl .f th , ,.ali a.l lay 1 t.'.l . ii'i.'. n tl .Ml" top n It f After the death of .\ane|iashemet the general gov- ernment of the Naumkeags was continued by his widow, who became the squaw sachem. She was as- sisteil by her three sons, Wonohatp.iaham, Montowam- pote and Wincpoyken, or Winuepeweekcn, all of whom became sagamores. The s.piaw saciiein lived on terms of frii-ndline-ss with the whites, and finally submitted to their government. The thr.'C .sons of Nanepasheniet, after the death of their father, had each his separate jurisdiction as sagamore. Wonohaipiahain, called by the Englisli .John, was located on the Mystic Kiver; Montowam- pote, called by the white people .lames, had jurisdic- tion of the territory now comprised in Lynn, Salem and Marblehead, or, as Mr. Lewis, in liis " History of Lynn, " says: ".Saugus, Xaumkeag and Mfissabe- tiuash." The was the Indian name for Forest River, but whether it was applied to the territory comprised in the township of Marblehead there ap- pears to be no means of ascertaining except on the authority of Mr. Lewis. Winepoykin, called by the Knglish (George, was the youngest son of Nanepash- eniet. He was born in IfilO, and was a boy when the white men made their settlement on his territory. to lliis'.i, l.i'int; ih.'ii al.oiil lliirli'.ii yours oH, uas mvi.l.iw alh'il ai|ila»' saclii'in nli.. hii.l llii'oo sons. Sagainoro .loliii U.'|.t al Mystic, SaEanioro.Ianio» at Saiignst, ami Saganioro Geoi'no hi'i,- at Naninkokc. Wluilhor ho was ai-tual sa. In-ni here I caniiol say, for 1... w.i.sal.oul my as.', ami 1 lliilik lli.-r.' was an ol.ior man, yt was at l.asl hisEiiartiian. Hnl ye Imliaii town of Wigwams was on ye n..rlli si.le ..f yi. N..rtli Kiver, not farrefi''s, north an.l sc.nih si.l,. of that river wa.s loj-ollier lallcl ' " In \ase among them that is stated "that Mr. Maverick gave (.'hrislian burial to thirty of thrni in one day." AfliT tiled, 'alb of bis I. rolbcrs, Winepoykin became J-Sagamori' of Lynn ami ( 'belsea, .'is well as Naumkeag; and after tbr dralli of his mother, which took jilace in ItH;?, he becani,' sachem of all that part of chiisetts which is north and east of the (Miailes River. Winepoykin married Abawayet, a daiightrr of I'oi|na- num, who lived at Naliant. Hi- did in lli'S4, an.l on the sixteenth of Sept, nil. ir of that yi'i'r, Ihe inliabi- tantsof Marbli'b.'ad pniiiiir,! a .U-cd .,f th.-ir town- ship from his heirs. It is siL'iif.l by .'Miauayel, who is called ".loaiie Abawayet, sipiaw, relict, widdow of George Saggamore, Alias Weinepauweekiii." Of the manners, customs and habits of Hie of these Lillians little is known, except such as Ciin be gath- ered in extracts from llic writings of the early settlers. That they livcl, gen, 'rally, in pcai-c with their white neighbors, there ,an be iilll,' .loubl, 'I'be gn-at re- duction ill lb, ir numliirs would sccni to be of itself eviilence that they weri' obliged to keep llu' peace ; and the testimony of tlu- white men proves this theory correct. The Naumkeags are ilcsnibed as a tall, strong- limbed peopli', whose only wearing apparel was a beast-skill thrown over on,' shoulder, ami aiiolbi'r about the waist. Their wigwams were small, and were constructed of poUs s,'t in the ground an,l fa.stened at the top, being covi'rcl with mats nia.le from the boughs of trees. Like all the Indians of North America, the Naum- keags compelled their sipiaws to do the greater part of the manual labor, while they, the lor, Is of the for- est anil the mighty waters, spent tlu'ir tim,' in ti.shing. hunting and idleness. Tluir wants were few. With plenty of corn, raised by the women, the forests abounding in game, and the waters about their eojiat filled with lisli of almost every variety, there was no reason why they should sulfer hunger, save only from their own indolence and inactivity. Kind and docile in their dis|iosition, and generous in their treatment of the whiles, tliey in time became the wards of the settlers; and forsaking the goils of good and evil whom their falhei-s had taught them to 1060 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. worship, many were baptized and embraced the Christian religion. That Indians formerly occupied the land now com- prised in the territory of Marblehead, there can be no doubt. Relics of the villages, grave-yards, shell-heaps and an Indian fort have been found from time to time, which, were other evidence wanting, would be suffi- cient to prove the fact. Numerous arrow-heads, spears, clubs and various utensils made of stone have also been found. The largest shell heap is near the " Pine " Grove, on the line of the railroad to Salem. This contained by actual measurement thirty cords of shells, placed in layers of stone and ashes. Excavations found in the "Small Po.k Pasture," at the Harris farm, and in fields on Atlantic Avenue, have been thought to indicate the former location of Indian wigwams. These cellars are always to be found near some reliable supply of water ; they are from six to eight feet across, and were orginally from two to four feet in depth. The Bessom Pasture, near Salem Harbor, was pro- bably the site of an Indian village. Excavations, supposed to have been the cellars of wigwains, are to be found everywhere in the vicinity. In November, 1874, an examination of the hill in this pasture revealed a grave containing five skele- tons, four being those of grown persons, and the other that of a child. They were all in a remarkable state of preservation, except that of the child, one being very large, evidently that of a man. The bodies were all buried on their backs with their heads to the west except one, which lay with its head to the east; the legs being drawn up .so that the knees nearly touched the chin. The grave contained, be- sides the skeletons, a lot of trinkets, an earthen cup, a small bell, two sea-shells, and a quantity of beads, proving conclusively that the bodies were buried after the white settlers came to America. By reliable tradition we are informed that Indians dwelt in Marldehead as late as one hundred and seventy years ago. The location of an Indian stockade in the Lower Division Pasture is still pointed out by some of the older inhabitants. They received their infornuition many years ago from aged citizens, then ■about to depart for their final rest, whose memories fondly cherished the traditions trans- mitted to them by their fathers. CHAPTER LXXVII. HARBLFAiEAB— (Continued}. EARLY SETTLEMENTS. ProbttlU Origin of First Settlers — The Fishing Tiutnttrij EsUiUished— Grants of L'tnd— First Ship linilt in the G>lony—Shivt:j Imported— lite First Meeting-hottse. Marblehead was settled about the year 1G29. Au- thorities differ as to the exact part of England from whence these settlers emigrated, though all agree that they were English, and that they made their set- tlement in the northeastern part of the town, near the headland now known as Peach's Point. From their mannei's and customs, but more especially from their peculiar dialect, it would seem that they were natives of the Island of Guernsey and Jersey in the British Channel. Their numbers were undoubtedly increased from time to time by people from the west of England, which would account for many of the idiomatic peculiarities which for more than two cen- turies characterized the speech of their descendants. They were fishermen, a rough, illiterate race, accus- tomed to a life of toil and hardship, probably from infancy, and they were therefore neither dismayed nor disheartened at the difficulties attending the founding of a settlement in the wilderness. A few years before the coming of these settlers a settlement four miles north of their landing place, and the village thus formed had been named Salem. This township included in its boundaries a large por- tion of the laud now comprised in nine or ten towns of Essex County, one of which is Marblehead, Though a corporate part, and within the limits of Salem, the little peninsula seems to have been known even at that early day by a distinct name. The Rev. Francis Higginson, writing of the place in 1629 or '30, speaks of the rocky headlands which line the shore as "marble stone, that we have great rocks of it, and a harbor hard by. Our plantation is from thence called Marble Harbor." Though " Marble-Harbor " is the name most fre- quently applied to the settlement in the earlier re- cords, it is evident that it was equally well-known as Marblehead from the beginning. William Woods in his description of Massachusetts, written in 1633, speaks of the locality as " Marvill Head," and de- scribes it as " a place which lieth four miles full South from Salem, and is a very convienent place for a ])lantation, especially for such as will set up the trade of fishing. There was made here a ships load- ing of fish the last year, where still stand the stages and drying scaffolds. Here be a good harbor for boats and a safe riding for ships." Thirty years later^ Samuel Maverick, one of the first settlers in this section, in writing an account of the towns east of the Hudson River, referred to the town as follows : " Two miles below this Towne on the South side of the Harbor by the sea side lyeth Marblehead or Ifoy the greatest Towne for tfeishing in New England.'" This is the only instance, of which we have any knowledge, in which the name of " Foy " was ap- plied to the peninsula. From the records of the Massachusetts Colony, under date of October 18, 1631, we learn that it was 1 From a valuable manuscript diflcovered in the new British Museum b.v Mr, Heury V. Walters, of Salem, agent uf the Xew England Historicu- G enealogical Sociely, AI A1M!I,KIIK Alt. lOfil ordered " that Thomas Graves hiiu>e at MarliU-llar- bor shall he puM downp, & that not' Kiiglishemeii shall heieal'ter jrive house roome to him or intertuiiie him, under such penalty as the court shall thiiike meete to inlliete." It is evident, however, that tlu> sentence was not executed, as the name of the ofl'en- ilers is frequently mentioned in subsequent records. In September, I(>:!1, Isaac Allerton, one of the most (ironiinent jnen of Plymouth Colony, having had some dilliculty with his associates, set sail in the White Angel for Marblehead, where he established a Fishery Statitni. His son-in-law, Moses Maverick, accompanied him ; and a short time after their arrival it is recorded that "this season Mr. Allerton fished with eight boats at Marble-Harbor." It was proba- bly with reference to the business tluu established, that in April Ki;!.?, the court ordered : •■That if unv swiiio shall in fishing time come within a iiH^r'''' "f " mjie of the stage at Marble-Harbor, tlie.v shall he forfeited to the owii- ors of sil alailffe, jt soe for all other stages within their lyniitts." 'I'he name Marblehead is mentioned for the tirst time in the Colonial records of 1()33 under circum- stances not particularly flattering to the inhabitants, though it is by no means certain that the persons named were residents among them. "July 2(1, 16.13, Janus White is ffineil XXXS for drunkennes, by him coniilte.l a« Marblehead, on the SahbatL day. John Hennel isffliied XS foi- being druidie att Slarblehead.'' The early records of the colony abouml with ref- erences to Allerton and his doings. Under date of .September 1, 11)33, (tovernor Winthrop makes the following entry in his journal: "Mr, Craddoek's house at Marblehead wu.s iMunt d..«n;d.oiit 1 niiihl before, there being in it Mr. Allerton and jnauy lishurmen whom he cni|iloynl that season, wlio were all preserved by a special [irovideiice of Ci.«l, with most of his gooils ther.dn, by a tailor, who sat up that night at work in the house and, hearing a noise, Iooke,l out and saw tlie h.mse on fire above the oven in the thatch." The brief period of AUerton's residence in Marble- head were evidently years of misfortune to him and his family. During the same year in which his house was destroyed, a pinnace which he ha (though conlrario to the ci .1 Ho ln« „.), yet it's agreed that lliey may for the lucsent improve Ibe ^.li.l pi;., r lor buil.ling ..r |danling, iuo- viding always that tlo- pr.ipri.ty lh.-r.-..f be icserv.-.l lor th.- right of Ihe towne of Saleni, t.. d.|..>se in Iho p' of lynio to them or any ..tlicr msh.Tmeli or ..Ibeis, a> sliall.e tliouglll limsl, yet soe as Ibcy may have ,eaK..n;.ld,- c..nsi,leiati..n lor any , hal.lge Ib.y slialbo al." In ir.3li, the biiililiiig of a college was projected, and the site proposed lor its ereel ion was in .Marble- head, e\ id. lit ly ill the viriiiily of Mr. I liiiiiphri'y's farm. .At a lown-iiH'cliiig held at SaU-m, in May of that year, in an order for ihe ilivision of .Marblehead Xeck, Mr. Humphrey maile application for .some land beyond Forest River- The reipiest was referred to a committee of six gentlemen, who were authorized to view the land and"lo ennsider of the premises, least it should hinder Ibe building of a college, which would b(> manv men's lo.sse." I In llie early the laii.l b.itwee near lb.- boundaries of what is now Ibe loi th.- Plains or IMarblehi-ad Neck. The pc name was thi>n cnlli-d liri-ate .Seek. I K.>ri-st Hiveran.l the oiean, n ..I, was called iiinsula now known by that 1062 HISTOKY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. In October following, the court granted four hun- dred pounds towards the erection of a college, and the next year a committee was chosen to superintend it.s erection. Among the members of this committee were Mr. Humphrey and the Rev. Hugli Peters. The court subsequently ordered the college to be built at Cambridge, then called Newtowne, and to be named "Harvard College," in honor of the Rev. .John Har- vard, who made a bequest of several hundred pounds towards its erection, ami donated his library for the use of the students. Not only did the General Court encourage educa- tion and learning by the establishment of schools, but every industry and enterprise having for its object the general welfare of the colony, was fostered and aided by wise legislation. The year 1G36 was an important epoch in the his- tory of the little eomnnmity at Marl)lehead. During that year, a ship of one hundred and twenty tons bur- den, the third ship ever built in the colony, was con- structed on the shore, probably on the harbor side of the plantation. This vessel was known as the " De- sire," and for more than two years was employed in the fishing business. A few years later, she was sent to the West Indies, on a commercial voyage, and re- turning brought a cargo of " salt, cotton, tobacco, and negroes." They arc supposed to have been the first s'aves brought into the colony. On the second of the eleventh month (January), 1636, the town of Salem ordered, " for the better fur- thering of the fishitig trading, and to avoid the incon- venience found by granting land for fishermen to plant, that none inhabiting at Marblehead shall have any other accommo Darby Fort was a fortification at Nangus Head, bnilt by the people of Salem as a place of refuge in case of attack by the Indians. Deverekxe" was also granted half an acre for a house-lot. At a town-meeting held on the 21st of August, lO."?", then the sixth month in the year, John Gatchell, of Marblehead, was fined ten shillings for building upon the town's land without permission. In ca-i', however, that he should " cut of ye long har otf li\ > head into asevil frame,'' it was agreed that half lii> fine should be abated, and that he should have per mission to go f>n with his building in the meantime. The prejudice of the Puritans against the habit of wearing long hair is well known, and it seems that they were willing to enter into any compromise with Mr. Gatehell in order to remove the obnoxious liabit. It appears, however, that he was not a man to sub- mit to any such interference with his personal appear- ance, and, it is said, " continued the custom to bis dying day, in spite of po|Hilar opinion and all the formal denunciation of church and State. On the 1st day of January, 1837, a meeting was held at Salem and a vote of one hundred and twenty pounds was ordered, of which eight pounds were to be assessed upon the following inhabitants of Marbb- head: Moses Mavericke, William Steephens, Archi- bald Tonison, William Charles, .Ii>hn Heart, John Peach, John Lyon, Anthonie Thatcher, John Coite, Richard Seer.s, Richard Greeneway, John Gatchell, Samuel Gatchell, John Bennet, John Wakefield, Eras- mus James, Thomas Gray, John Devereux, Nicholas Meriatt, Abraham Whitehaire, George Vickary, John Russell, Nicholas Listen, Philip Beare. Under date of September 6, 163S, the records of tlie colony have the following entry : " Moses Maverick is permitted to sell a timof wine at Marblehead and not to e.xcede this year." As the number of inhabitants increased the records of grants made at the town meetings became more numerous. On the 14th of October, 1638, the follow- ing grants of land were made to the inhabitants of Marblehead : "To Mr. Walton, eight acres on the Main: to Moses Maverick at the same place ten acres ; to .Fohn Coite on the Neck three acres ; to Will Keene and Nich. Listen on John I'each's Xecke, three acres ; inon- to them on the Create Necke, five acres ; to Richard Seers three arn-s, where he had planted formerly; to John Wakefield four acres on the Nelisi<|r|uti,.]| Ml III,' L/K'lll 'I'l^Mllnni.l 11. L'l.rtMl ll..' ihllllllitailtlj -f >l.uKl.'li,.i„l in N..I .■\,iTiMiii; lli.Tii..h., Ill MarlNil .liMi|.|iin-, il is .'Klc'ivd IIl;iI III.' iIilllll.i^l^t^ol Mai l4il..',i.Ul..ilI i.iaki: .'hi.vo. .,1' siillic ..II.' who tiliull .■xi-nis.. III.., tliat llu-.v liia.v li,.l In- t.. 8fi-U.' uln'Il s|il- liaJ .ji'iai.-iuiiB mil R.r lli.-ir iis.Mslan.i-.-' ('11 A I'd !■; i; I. .\ \ V 1 1 1 M.\i;i;i,i:iii;.vn- i(;>„iiuu,,i.) r,-l„,„,-„-l>,,li„;li.,„ ../ l:,;-. S;,„„.-l 1 V,.f ,..■•■_ 7'..«le(.i;. I'iirrl,„>einl II,. I„,h.,„. I Tn.df,; \Vit.l„r.,fl. Tilt; year liJ4.S was one ol' i he most niomenlnurs in Ihe entire history of .Marblehead. Karly in Mareli, the town of Salem ordered: "■ Mailil.'li.M.I will. III.. all..M..i I th.' al ( -..iii I sli.ill 1.,. a t..uii, all. I III.' l...iii..M..I„'l.,lli.. Ill ^1 .'M. 1 III.' j.iii.l v^llI. li »a« .Me ll.llii|.llll,'s' lall.i.'.ali.l s'..' all II,.' laii.l s.'a." On Ihe 2d of .May, llll:i, Ihe ,'li. U. Sa I Hal 1, Krahcis 'I. .tins.. II, .N las M.iiill, .I..I1M l'.'.,.li, S.'Mi..,. . I, ,1,11 |i.';,'i„v,.I..|in Uail..|l." "•l'..K'lll,.'l Mr. Wall.'li s I'a.v, .laiii.s Shiilll, .l..,'..'|.ll |l..|il..'l. This was prob;ibly the tirst meeting of ihe inlndii- tants ;ifte|- the action of the town of S:dem, thinigh there is no record of Ihe ihite on ubieh it was held, except that of the ye;ir. The earliest ihite in the town records, is that ol' :i meeting held Decendier 2'2, llll'S, when it was: ■•a^rr.'.'.l l..v tli.' Tuw 11,' Ihiil ull .«ii,'li as iir.' slialiK,T» lishiiiK ,„ ,'in|,l..j,',l iiii,.iii iwi shall |,i.j' uiit., 111.- 'niM Mr r,.i'iii.'ii' \n„.,iuii.i Hal,.' soiiv 1111,1 ..111. 'I- ,',.in,.|ii,-ii,:if«. 111,, «iiMi uf ti-ii shilliiiga a fur .'vi-i'}' iiiuii." l!y the records of this year, it ap|iears that the in- habitants acted as an indeiiendent town b,-l'ore ob- taining the act of incorporation, and that in antici- 1064 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. pation of the event they were busy in settling and arranging their affairs. Tlie swamp running from John Legg'.s to Timothy Allen's, wiis laid out into eight lots and divided among the inhaliitants. A rate was made for the meeting-house, and John Hart was authorized to collect it and to " take what course the law will ad'ord against such inhabitant as shall refuse to pay.'" In order that there might be an equal way of " maintaining the ordinance by Mr. Walton," it was agreed that " a rate should be established accord- ing to requite." This rate w;is to include strangers, " Who have benefit by the plantation by fishing, and make use of wood and timber, and enjoy the benefit of the ordinance." Mr. Walton was to have forty pounds for his services this year, and the sum of eighteen pence was ordered to be added to every man's rate for his wood. The earlier records of the town refer principally to the common lands, cow leases, land sales, etc., though occasionally there are very quaint entries to be found. In March, li;.')7, "It is ordered that all swine about the' towno Btiall be eufTiciently ringed by tlie first uf Aprill nest, upon the penaltie of 28. Gd. for every defect, and Edwanl Pittsford is to see this order to be obsarved." In 1658 the town had evidently increased in num- bers, and had been blessed with prosperity to a greater degree than had ever been its fortune before. Mr. Walton's salary was increased to seventy pounds, and varied afterward from sixty pounds to eighty pounds yearly. This money was usually collected by persons chosen annually at the town meetings for the purpose, and those who had not the ready money to ])ay, were allowed to make up the amount of their projiortion of the rate in ])rovisions. Mr. Walton rendered an account yearly of the amount received from each person, and these reports abound in such names as " Quid Harwood, Ould Lander, Ould Bennett," and others equally as curious. Occasionally in these reports we find such items as these : "By biilf acow of Jlr. Drown, £2. 28. Cd.; by J^ ton of Mackrecl, «. ; by Rictiard Rowland in pork, £'i ; by Sinitli in cliccee, 13 shillings ; by C'hristo. Codnor in liquor, 15 shillings." At this time the only public conveyance to and from Salem, W!U> a ferry-boat which was rowed across Salem harbor as often its there were passengers who desired to cross, the fare being regulated by a town meeting as "two pence for the inhabitants of Marble- head." Thomas Dixie was tlie ferryman, and he was required to keep a boat and an assistant. In 1G60 there were only sixteen houses in the entire township. During that year the inhabitants voted to lay out a highway between JIarblehead and Salem, which is the first of which there is any record. Seven men were made choice of " for the placing and seat- ing of the iuhabilants of the town, both men and women in the meeting-house," and it w;is agreed that the townsmen have liberty to consider what way is to be taken for the accommodation and entertainment of strangers, if it cannot be that one house is sufli- cient, then to consider of another, that strangers may be the better accommodated." The following year the court invested the commis- .sions with — '•Magistritticftll power, reforing to Salem andMarblehead, there being more than ordinary need thereof, thatinirjuity may not pass unpunished/' One of these commissioners was Major Willian! Hathorne, who, for several years previous had bit jj a magistrate of Salem and several other towns, aihl who now ap])ears to have assumed special charge ni Marblehead. Before this august personage the .'•i- lect-men .summoned several of the most prominent citizens, for refusing to keep their cattle in accordant with a vote of the town. In March, 1662, a contract was made with Robert Knight and .John Salter, carpenters, to build a gal- lery at the southwest of the meeting-house. "Sufficient for four seats, with columns, and a board at the bot- tom to keep the dust from coming down ; and to be arched sufficient to strengthen the house with stairs and other necessaries." For this labor the Selectmen agreed to pay them twenty-one pounds " in such nec- essaries as they should have occasion of," and, if when the work was ended, they had any of the pay to take up, the balance was to be paid in fish or mackrel at the market price. At a town meeting held October 21, the commoners agreed " that the cove lying between John Codners and John Northies stage, shall be for a common landing- place for the use of the public good of the town for- ever." The agreement was signed by Moses Maverick, Joseph Dolier, John Peach, Senior, Christoph. Latte- more, John Waldron, John Codnor, .John BarloU and five others, who were probably all of the Commoners, who could write, and signed in the name of the rest. "The records of this period abound in allusions to those who were appointed to keep the co«s. In Feb- ruary, 1663, an agreement was made with John Stacie to " keep the cattell the year ensuing, and to fetch the cattell of the lower end of the towne at William Charles by the sunn half an hour hie and to deliver them their at night, half an hour before sunn sett." If any were lost he was to use his endeavors to find ihem the next day, and for his services he was to re- ceive corn and provisions to the value of sixteen pounds. The .scarcity of money among the inhabitants cannot be more truly illustrated than in this and numerous other votes to i)ay the town's indcbtedncs.s to individuals in provisions, fish and other articles. In their intercourse with the outside world they weic obliged to barter to an almost unlimited extent. Depending entirely upon the fishing trade for their sustenance, they had little else to offer for the commo- dities of which Ihcy were in need, and their fish be- came almost their only medium of exchange. In 1666, the court, considering the exjiosed condi- tion of the harbor of Marblehead, voted that if the inhabitants would erect a suitable fort or breastwork, AIAi;i:i.KIIK AD. 1065 their ('(miitry r:itf should be ubated. ;iiiany should be organized, and Major llatliorne was apiiointed com- mander, with Samuel Ward as Sergeant. The fort was finished the loUowing year, the cost to the town being about thirty-two pounds. New Kngland money. The year ItiiiT proved disastrous to the people of Marblcliead. Owing to the inclemency of the weather during most of the season when fish were plenty Ihey wi're unable to venture out in their boats to any dis- tance, and in .several instances those who did so were lost. Tlie court therefore, with considerate sympathy, voted to abate their proportion of the county tax for one year. In October. KiO.S William Walton. thi< faithful and zealous ini.ssionary, died, after having served liis Ma.ster and the poor people of Alarblcheail for a period of thirty years. Coming to them as a mission- ary to preach the Gospel, he became, wilhth of Ajiril, 1<)72, the town " orderele of Marbhdiead from its ear- 1 licst settlement. Not a vessel went from its harbor, 1066 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. whether for a long trip to the " Banks " or Cor a few days fishing in the bay, without a i)lentiful supply of liquor. Not a vessel arrived with a fare of fish with- out providing " something to take " for washing-out day. The custom was so universal that even at the town-meetiugs liquor was provided as a matter of course. As a consequence many persons were disorderly, and the meetings wore frequently disturbed. In 1G74 the town had increased to such an extent that there were then one hundred and fourteen house- holders, whose names with their common age are re- corded in the records. At a town-meeting, held dur- ing this year, it was voted that " all these fifteen or sixteen houses built in Marblehcad, before ye year 1660, shall be allowed one cows common and a halfe." In 1675 the war between the Massachusetts Colo- nists and the Indians, known as King Philip's War broke out. This terrible and bloody war lasted three years, and ended only at the death of King Philip. The whites had so diminished before its close that they began seriously to apprehend total extinction. During the year lii77, while the war was at its height, two Indians were brought as captives to Marblehead. Their fiite is thus portrayed by Mr. Increase Mather in a letter dated 23d of fifth month, 1677, — "Sabbath night was sennight, the women at Marblehead, as they came out of the nieeting-hou^e, fell upon two Indians that were brought in as captives, and in a tiinniltuon-s way. very barbarously murdered them. Doubtless if the Indians liear of it tlie captives among them wil' be seni'ed acconlingly." The first school in town, of which there is any record, was opened in 1675, Mr. Edward Humphries being the teacher, and receiving forty pounds yearly for his services. In March, 1679, it was agreed at a town-meeting "that Robert Knight shall be clearly requited and discharged from jiaying his Town Rates during his life for his workmanship done in the meeting-house in building the gallery. It wiis also voted at the same meeting "that Robert Knight hath libertie for to flow the ferry Swamps as to the benefit of his mill, and it is to continue during the towncs i)leasui-e." These votes illustrate the impulsive and generous disposition of the people of Marblehead, traits whidi have characterized their descendants to a marked de- gree ever since. But a few years before the jiassage of these votes, Mr. Knight, in building the lean-to, had found it necessary to cut away a post under the gallery. For this he was severely censured, and ordered to replace it under a heavy penalty. Natur- ally resenting the indignity lie delayed his work somewhat, and the town voted if it were not com- pleted before a certain date " to sue him, and to prosecute him from Court to Court until the case was ended." Like many others who have sufl'ered from the temporary unpopularity which their actions have occasioned, Mr. Knight lived to see the excitement of his fellow-citizens abate, and had the pleasure of ex- periencing the popular reaction in his favor, of which the votes were an evidence. Sailors and fishermen are proverbial for their sym- pathy and disinterested benevolence in behalf of the distressed. The people of Marblehead have ever been a conspicuous example of this class of men, and their generosity and good-heartedness is shown on nearly every page of their history. A vote passed by the commoners in 1682, gives an evidence of their kindness which should serve as an example worthy of emuhition by their posterity. Richard Reed, a man advanced in years, having forfeited his land for a fish-fence, by being in arrears for rent, the town "voted in consideration of his age and losses, that he might pay two pounds, and the rest should be abated ; and that he should enjoy the privilege of using the land for a fish-fence for the rest of hi.s natural life." The year 1684 was made memorable by the public ordination of Mr. Cheever, and the organization of a church in Marblehead. Mr. Cheever had been preaching for sixteen years, and the number of com- municants had increased to fifty-four, who were in the habit of going to Salem to have the sacraments of baptism and the Lord's Supper administered. Tills having been found inconvenient, a vote was [lassed by the congregation, after the afternoon ser- vice on the 6th of July, to request Mr. Cheever to be ordained, and to take measures for the organization of a church. On the 16tli of July a solemn fast was ob.served for the blessing of God on the undertaking, the exercises being conducted by the Rev. Mr. Hall, of Beverly. The ordination took place on the 13th of August in the presence of the Deputy Governor, five of the assistants, twenty elders and a large con- course of people. For some time previous to the period of which we are writing, certain Indians, heirs of the squaw sa- ciieni of Saugus, had presented claims of ownershi]) in the lands comprised in the township of Marble- head, and after several years of controversy it was decided to hold a town-meeting and take appropriate action in regard to the matter. Accordingly on the nth of .July a meeting was held, and Moses Maver- ick, .lohn Devoreux, Captain Samuel Ward, Thaddeus Hidden, William Beal, Richard Read a.nd Nathaniel Waltown, with tlie selectmen, were chosen a commit- tee to investigate the matter and search after the pretended claims. Messrs. John Devereux and Samuel Ward, as a sub-committee, were authorized to pur- chase the land and take a deed of it in the name of the town in case the claim should be found valid. The committee reported that the claim was valid, and tliat they had purchased the land. The town therefore apjiointed a committee, one of whom was the Rev. Samuel Cheever, to " proportion each Mans part according to his privilege in the township." Tlie committee, after attending to the duty assigned them, reported that after "proportioning the amount by MAItRLEIIEM) cow leases, they lomiil it tci aiiioiiiit in uino [n'lice jht lisiatiims uf iiin|>lo of .Marbhdiead, eredulons and snpersti- tious as were tile inhabitants of nearly all niaritiine towns, listened with awe to tiie talcs ol' distress which Were bronglit, from time to time, from ilnir ncii.dibors in Salem, and, clustered about their lircsidcs or in the shops along the shore, wdiispered of ghosts and gob- lins, and tohl hlood-enrdling tales (d'tlie sea. .Vl this time there lived in .Marlilehead an old woman, the wile of a (ishermaii, of whose snpernat- nral powers many weird. ;ind dreadfnUtorics li.-id been lemned ami senl.'ncd li, be li.uigc-d. She was exe- n, on \\u- L'-Jd of Seplem- cii A I'Ti: i; i..\ \ I .\ . M.\Ki;i,Kiii;.\i)— fr„„^„,„,/i. i/:w.(i(,..,.,. i:,h,,\-Ti„ s,,-,;;i,,.,., M..i»..,i ir. ,../ 1,. I h-!ii .1;. .;„../■, I'l,„,,li-\.,r M,,li,„i-ll,.„.r l:,,,ll-,,,,.! ,„ 1711 77,. i;,i,(./,- //.,„/ ;.,:./.,( -,sv,.„„„ i;,,,i„r,,i I.,, r„;if.. i.N the preceding chapter an cviileriee has been given of the super.-tition of the people of Kssex Conrily at (he time of the ever-im' rnble witeheiafl delusion, bill it would be impoK>iKb. lo relate told. " Mam Ked msidereil a witcli. and i hall the super- til ions Iraditious linidv believed by Inel l)een known to alllict those whom slu> disliked in various ways. 'J'o .some she sent sickness and distress by wishing that a "bloody cleaver" might be Ibiind on the cradles of their infant children ; and it; was said tliat whenever the wish was ntterecl tlii^ cleaver was distinctly seen, and tlie chiMren sickened and died. .\t other was said, she caused the milk to curdle in the milk-|)ail as soon as it had left the cow; and minierrius instances were cited to prove thai she had often caused the butter churned by her enemies to turn to "blue wool." In spite of the grievous manner iu whiih they be- lieved themselves atl!ict<'d, tlu' kiud-hearleil people of Marbhdiead had made no compl.iint to the aiilhor- ities of tile matter, and it was reserved for several deluded young women ol' .~.ilem, who had already eaii.sed much sutl'ering in that community by their ready accusations, to cause her arrest and imprison- ment. Early in the month of May, ItlHii, a warrant was issued by John Hatliorne and .lonathan Cnrwin, two (if the assistants, for the arrest of Wilinot Read, wife of Samuel Read, of Marblehead, who was charged with having "committed sundry acts of witchcraft on the bodies of Mary Walcol and .Mercy Lewis, and others, of Salem Village, to their great hurt," etc. The examination took ]>lace on the "Ist the inhabitants of .Marblehead then and for mine than a century alter. Sle thankful that after m< much Vanity God brought me to myself and did not suffer me to be ui ferly ruined. In the latter end of 1703, I had thoughts of removing from Slarblehead, supposing the place (then being under decay) inji likely to afford me a settlement, and accordingly I left it about twu months. In that time I went to Sandwich and Dartmouth, in the county of Bristol, to which I had been directed by the Boston ministers. I tar- ried and preached at Boston but one Sabbath. "After my coming from thence, I hasitiiiii be- came a [dace of fre<]aent resort tor this ehiss of out- laws. The simple-niinded inhabitants, naturally hospitable, eonlially weleonied all who came amonsr them, little dreamiiiir that at times they were harboriiiir some of the most heartless and blood- thirsty villains that ever sailed the ocean. In July, 1703, the iirijrautiue Charles, Captain Daniel Plow- man, Commander, was titled out at ISoston, as a privateer, to cruise against the French and Span- iards, with whom Great Hritain was then ut war- When a few (lays out Captain Plowman was taken suddenly ill, and the inhuman crew locked liini in the cabin and Kit him to die. His body was thrown overboard, and .I their pronunciation, and so strange were the idicjin^ characterizing their speech, that a native of the town was known wherever he went. Nor was this pecu- liarity confined to any class or condition of men re- siding in the town. All showed it alike, of whatever rauk or condition in life. The words were clipped olf very shortly, and in some .sections there was a slight difference in the dialect noticeable. The " Gunny Land" people always dropped the "A "in speaking, and their vernacular was much like that of a Cock- ney Englishman, in addition to that which betrayed them " to the manner born." Hardly a family in the olden time escai)ed with the correct pronunciation of its name. So accustomed were many of the inhabitants to the cognomen, by which they were known, that in some instances they did not recognize their own names when called by them. An instance of this kind is related in the " Life and Letters of Judge Story," who was a native of the town. *• Once wliile he was trj'ing a case in Uie Circuit Court, in Boston, the clerk called out the name of oneof the Jury as Michael Treffery (it bein;; so spelt. No answer was given. Agaiu he was called, and still there was silence. * It is very stmnge,' said the clerk, 'I saw that man here not two minutes ago.' ^Wheredoeshe come from ?' asked thejudge. ' Marblchead, may it please your Honor,' said the clerk. * If that's the case,' said thejudge, 'let me see the list.* The clerk handed it up to him. lie looked at the name a miuute, ami, hauding back the list, said 'call Mike Trevye' (throwing theacccnt on the hist syllable.) ' Hero ;' answered a gruff voice. 'Why did you not answer before ? ' said the clerk. ' Tretfery is no way to pronounce my name,' said the juryman, ' my name is Mike Tre;/;,-, as tllc^ judge knows." Another anecdote to the same purpose is related in the work. On one occasion, when some of our fishermen were in court to settle a mutiny which had taken place on the Grand Banks (of Newfoundland), one being called upon to sintc what ho knew, said ' that tho skipper and one of Ills shipmates had what he called a "jor of ile.' The presiding judge in vain endeavored to get a more intelligible answer, and finally Judge Story was called upon, as usual, to act as interpreter to his towns- man, which he did, telling the court that tho 'jor of ile,' in the JIarblehoad dialect, was a 'jaw awlnlc,' which, lioing interpreted, n.eant that tho two men abused each other grossly for some time." Though the dialect ouce so general among tlie peo- ple is now almost extinct, there are many words used occasionally, to know the meaning of which would puzzle a stranger. Often when any of the natives feel slightly cold or chilly tliey will say that they are " crimmy." If they lose their way in the dark and become confused or bewildered, they will say they were "pixelated." In sinaking of the ceiling of a room some of the older people still call it the " jilitiich- M \i:i;i,KiiKAi). 1071 men/.'' When a Ijidy, on cx:uiii;iinif of sfu in;;-, liiids that it is carelessly, or improperly done, it is not wn- usnal to hear her pronounce tlie work " a /roac/;." When food has been ii!i|)roperly prepared, or is not siidiciently cooked, it is spoken of as '" caiilc/i." When very angry Cor any reason, it is a common oc- currence to hear some one exclaim '• ."^(luael 'im up '. " " S(]uael something at him ! " or '" He oueht to he squaele or a small ]iiece of anylhiuir to eat. is called a "(jriimiiwt," anil a sulky or iU-nalured person is said to he '' lace. Watching his opportunity, he at length succeeded in eluding the vigilance of his ca|itors, an (ret b<'ia.Mc >ore and bliMcr.d fVum ex- posure, ami at length, to add to his misfortunes, he was nearly prostrated by sickness. While in this condition, he was atfai-ked by a com- pany of Spaniards who visited the island, ami nar- rowly escaped witli his life. Finally, in .Mareli, \7S>, nearly three years after he fell into the hands of the pirates, he was taken from the isl.-md by Captain Dove, of S:dem. who had put in there for w.itrr. When ieb>:ised from his peri- lous situation Ihe p ■ lellow had scarcely a rag of clothing left, an.l the k i iid- liearted >ailors were obli-erl t,, ,-lnthe him fnim their own seantv ward- robe.-;. (»n his arrival in M.-nblehe.'id, .\sh|on was received as one fr the d. ad. On the following Sunday, the Kev. .lohn Karn.-iid preaihed a seinion CMriet rning his miraeiilous CM-apc', tin- text being: Daniel iii. 17, "11 it be so, oiir Cud wIkiiu we serve, is abb- to ileliver us from the biinnrig liery furnace, mid be will deliver lis I. lit of thine liiiiid, () King." Niihola- Menitl h.i.l a similar experience, .\fter lieiiig with the banditti several nibs, he found means to escape, though he did not return to .Marble- head for more than a year after. Cll .\ y\K\l L.\ X .\ . M.\i;iii,i;iii-:.Ai> -iCe,,//,,,,,-,/). r„„„ ;;..,.,. /:u*-/,v„-„,,,.» „/ ,s,„„H ;■„.,--;,■,■,- ki„;„,!,.i..'^v„.,tc> I., .n.„l,l,l,..,.l-n, Sl.,r,i .,/ A.I.,. ~ti„,-. !.,.,. -A r..,,i\ A,.,,rr„l,cr,l,ii, -Fir,. li,i..„lm,„l ll,,i.iu,.,,l--n,. r,,'„,l, ,i„.l l„.l,.,., 11 „r. In 17l'I, the town liaving developed into a com- |>:iialively prosperous and enterprising enimniinity, various measures of public ulibty ami improvemiMit were adopted. 'I'lie old im-itiiig-boiise wa> enlarged by an addition twenty leel long built at the southeast end. Permission was granted to .Nathan I'.owen to open a public school, and it was voted lo iiiere.ise the salary of the schoolmaster and lo adopt some " pn.per method of paying Mr Cheever his salary." The town seems to have experienced great diflicailly in obtaining selioul-leacdiers, and linally, at a town mi-etiiig held Maich I, 17J7, it was voted to author- ize the seleetmeii lo hire -.i S(dioolniasler at a salary of not more than eighty pminds the first year. ,\l the same meeting it was voted lo bnihl a town-house, and Ihe selectmen were chosen a committee to "treat with some wiuknieii in order for the l)uililing said house ami make rcliirn lo ye next tciwn-meelin^'." It was also voted that ■th.' Town House shall be built on ye land where ye Ciale and Cagge uowsl.-inds on.'" ,\t a subsequent meeting, cm the 17th of .\piil, the town voted, in accordance with the rcjiort of ihe I Jail iiDd t'ligt'. 1072 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. selectmen, to tuilil " the town house fifty feet long, thirty feet wide and thirty-three feet stud." The selectmen were chosen to superintend the erection of the building, and the following year, 1728, the work was completed. The first town-meeting held in the town-liouse after its completion, was probably held March 17, 1728, as that is the date of the first meet- ing called there of which there is any record. On the 22d of November, 1728, Governor Burnet visited the town. He was met at the " bounds of the town" by about fifty gentlemen on horseback, and the local militia, under arms, and escorted to the residence of John Oulton, Esq., where dinner was served. "The streets being lined on both sides" — we are informed by a Boston paper of the period — " for the Cavalcade to pass thro", after which the Militia were drawn up before the Door and fired three volleys (the Hon. Samuel Browne, Esq., Col. of the Regiment being present and gave the words of command) and then all the Cannon of the several ships in the harbor were discharged ; the like ap- pearance was never known in this place before." During the month of May, 1730, intelligence was received in Marblehead that the small-pox was rag- ing in the town of Boston. As rumors of the fatal effects of tliis dread and loathsome disease became more prevalent the e.xcitement of the people ap- proached almost to frenzy. A town-meeting was called and it was voted to build a fence across the road near the entrance to the town. This fence was provided with a gate, which was kept locked and four men were stationed as a guard, with instructions to " restrain all strangers from Boston entering the town." The guard was kept on day and night for over two months, being relieved every twenty-four hours. Negroes, Indians and mulatto slaves were forbidden to walk the streets after nine o'clock at night, and every possible precaution was taken to prevent the disease from making its appearance. But in vain. In October a young woman named Hannah Waters was taken sick, and the disease to the consternation of the inhabitants proved to be the small-po.x in its most contagious form. The pesti- lence, having obtained a foot-hold, spread from house to house in defiance of the almost superhuman efforts of the panic-stricken inhabitants, and ere long nearly every family was afflicted by sickness or death. Many of the peo])le in their terror fled from the town. Business of all kinds was suspended, and quarantine was declared against Marblehead by all the neighboring towns. Nurses in attendance upon the sick were forbidden to appear in the streets, and all dogs running at large were ordered to be killed. The disease continued its fearful ravages till late in the summer of 1731, and gathered its victims with an unsparing hand. Rich and poor, old and young, the learned and the unlettered, were alike afflicted by this unsparing agent t)f death, and finally only two members of the Board of Selectmen remained to dis- charge the duties of their office. A meeting \\:i- called by a justice of the peace, for the first tiuif iji the history of the town, and others were elected to fill the vacancies. The town was not declared free from the disease until nearly a year after its appearance. The number of deaths cau.sed by the pestilence is not recorded, but it is certain that few towns in the coun- try have ever been visited by a calamity more fatal or disastrous in its effect. The people had not recovered from the blighting effects of the terrible visitation to wliich they had been subjected, when another burden was laid upon them. As soon as the fishing business began to re- sume its accustomed activity a law was passed by the General Court, requiring a tax of six pence per month from every fisherman in the province. The penalty for the non-payment of this tax was a fine of twenty pounds sterling. The passage of this act was regarded as a great hardship by the fishermen of Marblehead, who complained that they could barely obtain a live- lihood, and could ill afford to pay the tax. Finally, Benjamin Boden, a man more daring than his asso- ciates, determined to resist what he termed "the im- position," and flatly refused to comply with the re- quirements of the law. The collector, William Fair- child, Esq., after' vainly demanding the tax, brought a suit against the delinquent for the amount. This action on the part of the collector caused great ex- citement throughout the town, and finally a town- meeting was called to consider the matter. At this , meeting the tax was denounced as unjust and op- pressive, and the town voted to pay the penalty and the cost of any suit or suits arising from a resistance to the six-penny act. On the 30th of May, 1737, the Rev. Edward Hol- yoke, pastor of the Second Congregational Church, was unanimously chosen by the Board of Overseers of Harvard College to fill the office made vacant by the death of President Wadsworth. At first his people strenuously objected to his acceptance of the office, but after several meetings for prayer and conference had been held, they gave their consent, and Mr. Ilolyoke departed for Cambridge. At the last of these meetings prayer was offered by the Rev. John Barnard, who prayed long and earnestly that the people might be reconciled to part with their pastor. The prayer had the desired efl'ect, and when some of the people were asked why they consented to part with so valuable a man and so excellent a pastor, the quaint reply was, — " Old Barnard prayed him away." In April, 1742. the General Court granted the sum of five hundred and fifty 'pounds for the purpose of erecting a fortification for the defense of the harbor against the French cruisers. This action, though in accordance with a petition from the town presented a few years before, was the cause of a great deal of contention, and not a little ill feeling, among the in- habitants. Three gentlemen were chosen treasurers of the MAKi; liiii.l, aii.l a ciiiiinittoc <>i liv,' nrvr clrrU'.l (o cull U|"iii tin- captaiii-iU'iirral anil iTiri\c llir iii.uirv, willi instruct ions t» pay it nver to the ircasiiicr^. 'I'lir most oarolul |iro|)aialions wen' niailc tnr llir srnirity of the nioiicy wlicri il shoiiM \>r ici'ciM'il. An inin- bouiul clu'st was |inivi.lrnrers. A few days after the passasre of this vote two of the treasnrers announeed tlieir refusal lo serve, and Thomas (ierry and Nallian Howen were ehosen to lill the vaeaneies, the otlier treasurer hein;: ( 'aplain .lo- sepli Swett. The eoniiniltee clujsen to receive lie money did not jiay it over to the treasnrers assocni as was thought proper, and tiiudly, at a nieetinj: held in November, the treasurers were authorized to sue them in the name of the town. This voie docs ho( appeal to have been i-arried into ellecl, lifiw.vcr; and at a meetin;: held in .lanuary. 174:!, llic> >clci\ ponnd> had lieen maile by the tieneral Court in Ndveiiilier. and the fort was probaldy completed in the l.illci part of the year ITl'i. This fort, which is still stand iiifr, was afterwards ceded to the United States, and for many years has been known as Fort Sewall, hav- ing been named in lunior ol' I'liief .Justice Saunu'l Sewall, a ilistinguislied citizen of Marblclicad. Il was fortifieil during the Uevolniion and in llie War of 1S12, and again during the Kcbellion, when it was renn)deleiiipa.ssiiig beauty ol a young girl, apparently alioul sixlci-u years cd' age, who, on her lieiulcd knci's, was scrubbing the stairs. .Noticing llial hci drc'ss was poorand scanty, and that her feci wriv doiiiiilc of shoes and stockings, he i-allcd her to his siilc and prcsciiling her with money, loM her lo puivh.isc a p.iir of shoes. The artless -.iniplicily, llic beauty.. and exceedingly musical voice of 111.' y..uug iiiil iut.aesli'.l Fra nklau.l, an. I li.' at ..III.' in.|iiiri.'s con.'cining her hist.iiy. Her name, he Icarne.l, was .\gnes Surriage, ami that she w;is I he daughter id' Ivlward Surriage, a poor but tisli.' \ short lime after, when h'raiik- laml again vi-ilcl lli.' l.iwii. li.' was siirprisi.l to lin.l ihi' lilll.' iiKii.l still u.irUiig w ill. ..Ill si s aii.l st.ick- iiigs, anil to his iii.|uiry uhysli.'ha.l nol puriliascil them she rcplh.l : " 1 have in.le.'.l, sir, willi th.' crown you gave me; liut 1 keep th.'in to wear to nu'cting." Sir Harry's heart was touche.l. Taking the blushing girl by the han.l, b.' sai.l : W..ul.l von like t.i go to school',' Will y..u g.i wilh 111.' if 1 will lake you from Ibis lilc ..fl.iil au.l .Ini.lgcr\ •.' I will iMlui'ate, an.l y..ii shall !.,■ a" 4'h.'n -eking her parents, h.' .iblaini.l tli.-ir pii mission 1.. r.'m..\c her lo liostoli. whcr.' she was p.iinilU.I 1.. I'liioy ih.- li.'st cduea- lional a.lvaulag.-> lli.-pla.v Ihiai alloLlcl, K..r .s.'veral y.-ars she pursue.l her'> at an.l ac.piirc.l a kn.iwh'dge .d' all the graces and accomplishments llien thought necessary for a well bred an.l l;ishion- lil,' 41ie beauty of Sir Harry Fraiiklan.l's uar.l was tbr som.' time tlu- IIi.mii.' of .'.un crs.'ili.ui in Ih.' aristo- crali.' I'iri'les of I'.osloii. A l.'W y.'ars, an.l llii'ir rela- li.ius were .lisenssed in a fanlillcri'nt manner. Charges of improper intimacy were freely ma.le, ami wilh Puri- tanic lirniness the polite society of the town refused to re('ognize one w hoiii they I). 'li. v. '.I lo be guilty of tran.sgre.ssing the most h.ily l.ius .,f ( io.l an.l man. P.ior Agnes. Her b,.iH'la.'l..r lia.l in.l.'.'.l su.'Cec.h'il in gaining her allei'tious, but the pri.le .d'ra.'.' ami p.isi- tion prevented him fr.iiii w.. I. ling one wdiom he con- sidered of igmdile liirlli. Th.' indignation of the peo- ple against ''an alliance unsanctioned by the holy rite of matrimony " at length became s.) great that "the young c.illc.' resolved to seek a resilience for him.self, Agnes an.l her rdaliv.'s, in tin- seclusion of the country. .Accordingly he juircliased a (raet ol l.'inil in the village of llopkinlon, where, on a hill coiiiuiaiiding a full view of the surrounding country, he erected a commodious manor house. The grounds were laid out in a beautiful and artistic manner. Trees and shrubs, and choice plants of almost every descrip- tion were set onl to ad.jrii lli.' cstal.', u lii.-li s.ion be- came oiuMif the tinesl coiiiilry s.'als in the province. I'Virseveral years Franklandand .Agnes Surriage resid- ed at Hopkintoii, surrounded with every comfort which 1074 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. wealth could command, and devoting themselves wholly to the pleasures of a life of ease. The labor of the plantation was performed by slaves, upon whom the entire care of the vast estate devolved, while their master was hunting, riding or fishing with his lady. During the year 1754 Frankland was unexpectedly called to Englatid to transact business of importance, and embarked with Agnes Surriage, for London. On his arrival he attempted to introduce his fair ward into the circle of his family, but in spite of his most earnest solicitations in her bchalfshe was treated with the utmost disdain. Having settled the business upon which he had been called to London, the young baronet spent a few months in making a tour of Euro|)e, and then, with his ward, proceeded to Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, where he hired a house and entered at once into the gay round of fashionable life. It was during their residence in Lisbon that the great earthquake of November, 1755, occurred, which brouglit Frank- land to a realization of the wicked and dis.solute life he was leading, and caused him to do all in his power to repair the wrongs he had done poor .\gnes Surriage. The day was AU-Saints-day, one of the greatest festi- vals of the Roman Catholic and Anglican churches, and almost the entire population of the great city had assembled in the churches, when the shock of the earthquake burst upon them, burying thousands in the ruins of the falling temples. Frankland was riding with a lady to attend the services at one of the churches, when the walls of a building tottered, and fell over them, enveloping horses, carriage, and its occupants in the ruins. The death agony of the unfor- tunate lady was so great that she bit entirely through the sleeve of the scarlet coat other companion, and tore a piece of flesh from his arm. The horses were instantly killed, and only Frankland was spared alive. Buried beneath the ruins he made a solemn vow that if it pleased Hod to deliver him from death he would thenceforth lead a better life. Meanwhile, where was Agnes Surriage ? Left alone in the house of her lover, she ran into the street upon the first intimation of the impending danger, and so, miraculously, her life had been spared. Wandering almost frantic with grief among the ruins, the sound of a well known voice arrested her attention, and, recognizing it as Frankland's, she worked with almost superhuman strength to secure his release. In the course of an hour her efforts were successful, and the baronet was rescued from the horrors of a living tomb. He was carried to a house near by, his wounds were dressed, and then, faithful to his vow a priest was sent for, and Agnes Surriage received the reward of her love and self-sacrificing devotion, and l)ecame the Lady Agnes Frankland. Sir Harry and his wife set out for England .shortly after their marriiige, and then, to make the solemn rite doubly sure, they were again married on board the boat during their passage, by a clergyman of the Church of England. On their arrival in London the Lady Agnes was received with every mark of esteem by the family of her husband, and her charming man- ners readily gained access to the most cultivated and aristocratic circles of the city. After a brief residence in London and Li.sbon, Sir Harry and Lady PVankland returned to Boston, where they bought an elegant mansion in the most aristocratic portion of the town for a winter residence, .spending their summers on the l)eautiful estate at Hopkinton. Frankland was appointed consul-general of I'lirlu- gal in 1757, and in that caivaiity resided in Lisbon for several years. In 17(1.3 he, with Lady Frankland, returned to America, anted by a majority of a siiijrle vote. The expedition, consisting of three thousand men and several frigates and jriin-hoats, was at lengtli litteil out, and the eoininand was given to .Sir William I'ep- perell. Many of the sailors who manned the gun- boats were fishermen from this port. The town re- cords bear testimony to the interest manilested by the inhabitants in the result ol' the contest. The fori wa-i put in readine.-s to repel an attaik at any mo- ment. Mreasl-works were erected along tin- eovi's and beaches of the town. Parapets to " cover our men," and to "oppose and annoy the enemy should they attempt to land" were constructed at every vulnera- ble point. For days the men were summoned at the beat of the drum early in the morning to assist in erecting these fortilicalions, and it Ha> drtcrmiiinl to give the enemy a deadly reception, i'.ul foi- once the heroic fisliermen did not have a chance to display their bravery. Tlieir warlike preparations were hardly comi)leted before the n<'Ws was received of the success of the expedition, and the siirn-ndi r of Louis- burg. In May, 1747, a school for poor children, was es- tablished through the generosity of Mr. Robert Hooper, .Ir., who agreed to pay the necessary e.\- penees anipes and a dre- sented it to the town. The simple reconl of the fact speaks volumes for the uiic:stentatious manner of its presentation, and the gratitude with which it was received. "March I'.l, 17ol , voted the tliank> of the town to Robert Hooper, Kscp, for his donation of a Fire Engine, this day made to the town." At the same meeting the fire department was or- ganized by the election of a lioanl of tirewards as follow.s : •'Voted. TlmtCiipr. NmIIiiiii li..\v.'n, I V|.i, lluoper, lisq., Ciipt. l!i. hai.l llrr.l ,111,1 .Mr. .1 ror the ypiir eliBuiiiK." The- tii.-w.ii.lH in-io : ably rompany for lln- ctigiiM-, or nuy ntluT <• t.i the town, "anil In luvcMianl Willi Ih.iw up Ibeui that they shall he ev.-mpf In. in Mililai Ne Vllilireh, liiiln eil 1 lappmnt a itn hicl Khiiiilil helo In » irk anil pove iipal There appears to lie no record of the names of those a.ssigned to the engine, but a few years later ( 17").')) the firewards appointed Robert Harris, captain of the "(ireat Fire ICngine," with the following company: Will, liowden, .lohn liowd.'ii, Henry 'i'revett, .John I'earce, Richard Wood, William Biusselt, .lohn An- drews, Roliert Harris, .lohn Neal, .losepli Hubier, Benjamin Darling, ISd, Benjamin Doc, 1st. The engine presented by Mr. Iloo|ier, uas un- doubtedly the "Friend," which was located on Front Street near (ioodwin's ('oiirt. The next engine, wdiich was purchased for the town in London, and was probably that named the " I'.ndcavor." It was 1076 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. located for many years near " Newtown Bridge," on the corner of Washington and School Streets. During the year 1752, the small-po.x again broke out in Boston, and the usual precautions were adopted to prevent the disciise from making its appearance in Marblehead. A board fence was placed at the entrance to the town, strangers were forbidden to enter, and it was voted to send " no representative to the General Court that year." In spite of every pre- caution, including a general inoculation of the in- hibitants, the disesise again m.ade its appearance anosed condition of the harbor caused serious apprehensions of an attack from the enemy when the people were prepared to meet it, anil it was finally voted to present a petition to the lieutenant-governor, praying for the protectiin of the province. The petition of the fishing interrsi stated that " In time of war the fishery is j)r()seculc(l with much greater difficulty and risk than any other branch of business, as will appear by the late capture of many of our vessels by the French, while on the fi.shing banks." The disadvantages to which the commercial and fishing interests of the colonies were subjected can mil be better illustrated than by the seizures by the French of merchant and fishing vessels belonging in Marblehead. In December, 1756, the schooner Swallow, owned l)y Robert Hooper, Esq., and commanded by Capt. Philip Lewis, sailed from Marblehead to the Wcsl Indies. On the 13th ofthe month, having been out lnjl a few days, the schooner was captured by two Frem Ij cruisers, and carried into Martinico. The crew ui- imprisoned, and the officers, Capt. Lewis, Mr. Aslili \ Bowen and Mr. George Crowninshield, the first ami second mates, were confined in a public house and closely guarded. Watching their opportunity, they finally succeeded in eluding the vigilance of the guard, and escaped from the house. Seizing a small schooner which lay in the harbor, they sailed away under cover of night, and at length reached St. Rustatia, where they found friends and were kindly treated. Among others who were there was Mr. Lewis Freeman of Marblehead, who had purchased a slooj), and w'as looking for some competent person to take command and go to Marblehead in her with a cargo of As Capt. Lewis did not wish to undertake the voyage, Mr. Bowen was appointed, and the vessel reached Marblehead in safety. The unfortunate crew ofthe S;^-allow, who were imprison- ed in Martinico, were detained as prisoners until the close of the war. They were then released, and were obliged to work their way home on board of vessels bound for various ports in the colony. Early in the month of .\pril, 175it, messengers were sent to Marblehead to obtain recruits for the naval service. Active preparations were then in progress for the siege of (Juebcc, and the town's proportion of men needed for this service was forty-five able sea- men. Mr. Ashley Bowen engaged as a midshipman, and in a short time thirty-two others enlisted as com- mon sailors. Each man received a bounty, and a certificate signed by the Govcnor, promising that they should not be detained in the service longer than the time for which they enlisted ; that they should be free from imprisonment, and landed in Boston after their discharge. On the 12th of Ajiril, they sailed from Marblehead for Halifax, where they arrived on the l(!th, and the next day were assigned to their respective ships. Sixteen were placed on board the Pembroke, a frigate of sixty guns, under command of Capt. Wheelock, and the others were assigned to the ship Scpiirrel. These ships in com- .MAKIH.I'llllvM). 1077 pany with :i Hect under conimand of lUwr AWiiiiial Darrt'll, sailed for tlie St. Lawreiue and anivid l>c- lore (.iiiol)tv with the expedition coniuiaMded l)y "Icii. Wolfe duriiif; the latter part of .hine. On the iiiuht of June 2Sth a raft of fire barges was sent down from liucbei- for the purpose, if possible, of destroying the Meet. The raft was jrrai)i)led by the sailors before it approaclied near enough to do any damage, and was towed near the shore and aneliored, the sailors eon- tinually repeating " All's well I" From a remark in ■' Knox's .lournal" eoneerning the affair we are led to believe tliat some ol' the men detained for this work were from Marblehead. " A remarkable expression from some of these intrepid souls to their eomrades, 1 must not omit from its singular nneonthness. 'Dainnnie, .Taek, didst thee ever lake hell in tow before?" On the l:Uh ofSeiitembcr. ill the darkness of the early morning, the boats of the iK-et moved down llie river, and when the sun rose the asloni>lied frencli eommander beheld the army of Wolfe npou the IMains of Abraham. Wilhoiit a moment's liesitatiim Montealm began [ireparations fur liie bailie. At sunset the eontesl wa.s over, (Juebee was in possession of the Knglish, and the galhml eommandeis of both armies were mortally wounded. With this vietory the war was virtually ended. With the fall of i^uebee, Canada was lost to France lorever, and wilb it Ihe last hope of further posse.ssions in .\meriea. .lust one week from the day of the battle the men of .Marblehead were iliseharged from the service, and with otluTs, to the number of one hnndri'dand sixty, were put on board the ship "Thornton," and I ran spur I - ed to r.oston. On the pa.ssage homeward many ofllie men were sick, and Ihirty-live of iheni diid. The following are th.- names of the Marbl.head men en- gaged in the siege of (Quebec. On board the " I'em- broke:" .Vshley Bowen, midsliipman ; William Horn, Kdward Akes, Jonathan Welch, I'iobert I'.artlett, liar- rett Farrel, John liateman, Isaac Warren (ilied) Robert Thoni])son (died), Thomas Woodfin, Miles Dollan, Kdward Kendeley, Benjamin Nichols, Arlluir rjoyd, Kdward Soverin, Zaehary Paino, l'"rederick Swabnrgs. On board the "S.piirrel:" .Mclford, Thomas Dove, William Matthews, John Slateman, .bdiii (i(d;l- smith (died), Thonia.s Valpey, Sanniel Kook (did not return), Francis Misalt, Robert Lim'teed (diil nol return), William Corkcring (did not return), Charles Jacobs, William Uncals, Walter Stevens (did not re- turn). Saniuid IJnir (died), Thomas Peach (died). < In the L'd of .lanuary, IT'il, thescliormer " Prince of Orange," Nathan Bowen, nuister, sailed from Marble- head for same port in S[)aiM or Portugal. While on the piussagc, February KItli, she was overtaken and captured by the French brig " (ientilc," of Bayonne. Mr. liowen, in an account of the affair, writlen while in prison, says, " I was robbed of chest and clothes, and was in other respecU ill-used. On Tues- day, 17th, wearri\ed at Si. Aielrcas ; na Monday. L':;d. saileil from thence in company with niy scbomu'r iMiund for I'assaiic, and on llicH.-xt day arrived llicie. ■flic next 1 niiig wi- were all sent lo Fiance, and oil the next day wen' twi'iily in number c only men of the cr< w u ImM' naiiics can be ascnlaiiicd were Samuel Levis, William I Ian novcr, .loseph Lye, Thomas TrcIVy, Amos (iiandy and Kdward llallo- wcll. Il is a inatlcr of sincere regrel lliat no more can be learned concerning lliis war, of a local naliire. But Ihal llic town of sulleicl as much from its cllccls .IS .my oilier low ii in llir province, and that ils pe(.plc KrhaNed willi :\ lieioisin and Inavcry wliicli she.l liislie upon llieir .annals, is siilliciml for us lo know. Al Ihe annual l.iwn-nieeling, held in March, 17111, il was voted, on accoiinl ol ihe increasing " poor, idle, vagrant and disonlerly persons," lo erect a work- house on the back side of ihc piece of ground called "llie negro bury iiig-place." The sum of live hun- dred (loiinds was appropriated to build it, and the selectmen were instructed to petition the Kegislature for permission lo use a pari id' Ihe new building as a house of correclion. The luiilding was creeled oii ivlial is now known .as llaek Sirecl, opposile the head of Be.arl Sli-cel. The following year llie sileclineii were iii>lrncli-d to name all the streels .and .alley-ways in Hie touu, ami lo cause llie names I.. I.e recmded in Ihe reidds and published al llie ln« n house. Previous p, Ibis, llii' sireels had been known by llie most ciirions names, >oiiie of llicin not snilable for ears p.dile. In many inslames some promineiil landmark L'ave llie name lo Ihe lane on which il slood or which led In il. New .Mceling-I louse Kane, Wharf l-an,'. Pond Lace, Fnig Kane, Ferry Lane, and olliers of a similar nature made up llie siniph' lisl, and answered every |un-pose as well as the i e prelenlions lilies by wdiich many of these very sireels are known at preseiil. 'I'hey were properly denoniinaled lanes, for Ihey were nolhingelse. Ihe Laying out of a sired was an ae- li.Mi iindnamed ol in llie simple .and nnprelcnding commnnily. The inhabilanls built their houses any- where, provided only that lliey owned llie land, and thia-e was no arbitrary (aislom to diclati- which end should be Ihe IVonl or which llic back. The lanes wca'e ni.ide .ilterw.irds for convenience, and lo ii.aine thi narn.w paths would lollicm lia\e seemed an ab- surdily. .\s the town incri'aseil in popiilaliou and various improvements were made, (he old meeting-house waa removed to a more conveuieni locality, al Ihe junc- tion of what are now known as ( )rne, I'"ranklin and Washington Streets. .\ house owneil by Richard Ireson was found to project so far inio llie street which led to the meeting-house that it w;ls impossible 1078 HISTOKY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. for a carriage to pass it, and finally the town voted to remove the northwest end. Several feet were accord- ingly cut off, the house being sawed nearly in halves. The end towards the street was boarded up, and there it remains to this day,' with not a single window in it e.xcept a very small one near the roof. During the year 17();^ the town voted to open a market in the lower part of the town-house, and eleven very strin- gent rules were adopted for its government, a clerk being chosen annually to .see that they were enforced. These rules provided that no putrid or impure meat should be ottered for sale ; and that the market should be opened every Tuesday and Thursday in the year till one o'clock in the afternoon, and till sunset on Saturdays. All persons were forbidden to buy provi- sions in the market with intent to sell the same at a greater price. All meat left in the market after the hour for closing, through the negligence of the seller, was to be forfeited, and the clerk was authorized to appropriate it to his own use, " without any account to the owner." No " hncksters " were to be allowed to sell provisions of any kind in the town before one o'clock in the afternoon on a market-day. The pen- alties for violating these rules varied in amount from ten to twenty shillings, and all fines were to be given to the poor of the town. The market was opened on the first Tuesday in August, 17G3. Richard Reed was chosen clerk, and a salary of ten pounds per annum was voted for his .services. The well at the northeast end of the town-house, in which the town pump has been placed for so many years, was, in all probability, sunk during the month of May, 1763. At a meeting held on the 'Jth of that month, it was voted, "To sink a well at the nortllCMt end of the Town-House, f,.i the public service and especially iu case of fires." In February, 1704, the small-po.K again broke out in Boston. The appearance of the disease in that town was regarded as a sure warning of a reign of tlic pestilence in Marblehead. The disease, in spite of every precaution taken to prevent it, broke out during the following May. A town-meeting was immedi- ately held, and it was "voted to erect a small-pox hos- pital in the pasture northwesterly from the almshouse about eighty poles distant." This action was deemed a necessity, as the almshouse was considered too near the body of the town for use as a hospital. The vote was promptly carried into efl'ect, and all patients taken with the loathsome disease were removed to the hospital as soon as it was in readiness. C H A P T E R L X X X I . M.\RBLEIIEAI)-(eo?!«um«oi-lation Ayreemenl — .• ciiiiiloyiMl in tlie work of loiuliii'; and nnloadini; liis ships as fast as thev arriveii in rort'i<.ni ])iirls. Slavery, so far from lieing eon>iih-rcd an evil, was reirarded as tlie only normal eondilion of llir nrirro. and the instilntioii was lostercd and eni-ciiira;/i'd ihrciULdiont the proviiu-e. TIh' chnn-li neords ol .Marhleheiid hear I'videnee that rvra tin' i-ieriiymen ol the town owned ne,u-ro servants, some ol' whom were liapti/ed and rreeivi'd into (he ihnrrh. Slave marriaL'es are r.ei>riled also on the remrdsol all threr of the earlier elinrrhes. .\ very interesting; tradition is relalci! eonerrniiiL' tin- liev. I'eter Hours, one of ihr carlirr rir( of St Michael's Cluireh. It seems that amoiiLT other ser- vants, the reverend irentleman owned a vi-ry ill-tcin- pered and vieioii.s woman. One nij;ht, in a lit of, she attempted to take tlie life of her master. and the next day, having.soiue regard for his personal safety, lie sold her. With Ihr money thus ohtained, .Mr. Hours proeiired a lifi-si/.e porlr.iit of iiimsi^lf, painted by one ol' the most eelehrated artists in the eonntry. The newspapers of this period and for ni.iny years previous offered ahnndant evidenee of tlie ixistenci' of negro slavery in Marblehead. .\ few of thr adver tisemenis copied from their liles will be I'oniid of interest: " Rb[i ;iw;i.v rn.m l.i.s i.i:i»t.T. r^pl. Hi, l,.,i,l, ..f Miiil.ti'lMiul, .i NV^ro .Miili Niiuir.l l'.Miii»'.v, al...iit T«i-iil.v («•• y.-.-.i-, ,.r am- ; u l.iiHv ■ Tilll rcllovv. lie Im.l .Mi wlwTi ll.> «i-l.t a.v.iv a »ln|..-.l l,..lii,-.|.ii.l in, lirl, cotton « I,ili.-ii Mint, .;arl<"ur.-,l Kns.j liiv.rli.s, ;;riiv ^ain-l.,. I, iiip., loniul ToM I..-:illi.r lu-.-I »li...s anrl K.-lI llul. ■•(Note). -Ill- .l.-.-,TI.'il liM -Ma.^t-r's «Tvio- ii. tli.- Sl.all.)r. .\lill ac Pl.vmoutli. Wlioev.T .iliutl iipiiri-liciat tin- sai.l lluiiiiwa.v aii.l liiin .saf.-lv Olivt'.v to liM .'l<'l..'an, near tin- <;i.'<-ii Dragon, .sliall liavt- litt.v i-liilliiif;.s kw.ipI hiuI all nortssirj- charjiM |«.i.l. ".\iiS. 0, I7■JI.•• "To^n■.almpr, .Admin- istrators of the .-Btali- of .lolni I'alllioi-. lato of Marl.lcluM.I, ,le,va.s.-.l, a liliol)- ^•l•^l•o Man, al.ont i'. yi-ars ..1.1, an.l n line Ni'^ni Hoy, al.oiit II. •'.Marl.l.>lM-ii.l, (lit. |.;, I7.-..I." -Ran away fvoin Uipt. .John Iliaii...l..|, .it, >.). ■ru.s.l.iy. 111.- lltli of S.-i.ti.iiil..T lii«lant, a S|.,ini»l. X.^-i.. l'.-ll..\v nai.,.-.l ('.ill.. ■!.-, yearn olil ; fipeiiU.. I.r..ken Kli^ll.-li, »n.l can tails I.ah- g.inije. lie i» a lull, Hliui K..-1I..W ; lia.l on a now fill llal, sliip...! I1..111.- »pnn JaiUet anil Itreeelien, N.'W Sli.ii-9 with ».)uare liu.kl.n. Wh..,.v,i will bring or «en.l the sniil N.-j-n. I.. .Mr. .N.irwo...l, Iniih..l.hT at l.vnn, nhall have Tw .llars Ki-wanl an.l all lieics-ary .liaiKes paj.l. .Ml niiisteiv of vefflols ami othi-rH are laiitioneil not to .on il or .•any otl the »iiil Negro, iw they wonl.l avoi.l th.- penally of the Law. ".Sept. 2(1, 17.'>;i." The e.xeitement incident to the passage of the Stamp Act did not eanse the citizens of Marblehtad to forget other nuitters of local importance. At the annual meeting in March, 17li7, a board of trustees was elio.scn to direct and manage the alfairs of the schools. Tliere were several public schools in the town, but tlioy were in a deplorable condition, and the well-to-do families preferred to send their chil- dren to iirivate teticliers. The town approjiriated the sum of !;:'..'iO I'or the u~e ol the s.lio.>ls, an.l lli.' trustees were instrn.led to report annually as to their condition. .\t a meeting' hel.l by a.lj..iii niio'iit, it was v.ile.l t.i esi:ibli-h iIk-.'c iiivv s,-| lor tiaehing na.liii'j', writing an.l arilbeiiu-ti.'. .M.ssr-. .layiie, I'bipp.n and .\slilori were s.le.t.'.l as leaeli. is. an.l the trn-tee~ n p..rt.-.l that about .lu.' bniidre.l and sixiv scb..lar>atten.l..|iool- houses oil ae.iiiiiil ol the .rowil.'d .■oii.lili.ui .,1' l\ir schools. Cbildnn uere .•\pe.t..l to be .|Ualili..l to rea.l before enl.iing tli.s.' xlio.ils. ami. as .1 eons.'- .pieiici'. the .■'ii of th.' poor, u li.iv.' parents in iiiaiiy iiislane.'s .(.ill. I r.a.l t b.-iiis.-U.s. were .bui.'.l a.liui>sioii. 'I'll.' I.iwii .-lei t..l a .■.uiiiiiidee to investigate the matter, ami it \\.i~ l.iumi tliat one hiin- dredaiid twenty-two b.i\ s u. r,' iiiitaiejlil. T.. remedy this evil, it was vote. I th.' .biblicn ol the ]ioor ..b.iul.l bi- t.iu-bl the mv.'>s.-iry biaiicbe- f.. .|Ualify lb. ■Ill for eiitrauei' into the school- .it til.' .'\peiis,' ol till' town. 'Ibis w.'is lb.' f.iiimlati f primary scIlioIs .111.1 the begiiiiiiiig .if the pr.'seiit sysleiii of publb' iu- striictinn in Marblehea.l. (iovernor Harnard having .li-solved the Legislature of Masuachnsetts. .iiul rclusing to call it together again, a .-. m v. -1111011 u. 'is liebl in I '.o> 1 011. in .^.ptember, 17b.S, "to deliberal.' on I'oiisl iliil ioiial lu.'.'isiires to .ibtain redress of tli.'ir grievances." Thi' day alter lb.' eonveiition adioiirn.'.l. a body of I'.i'ili-li troops lamle.l in H.islou an.l luar.b.-.l t.. tli.' ('..iMiu..n. The scleelm.'ii «er.' r(.|U.'sl..| I.1 luriiish .|iiai' for the soldieis.aml. as lliey refused to ■ town of Boston, and we hereby declare our readinry- with our Lives and Interest, at all times to support yr civil authority of this Province in bringing to jus- tice all such high-handed offenders against yc whole- some laws of this land." The c(mimittee chosen to circulate the agreement for the discouragement of the use of foreign teas re- ported that seven hundred and twelve heads of fanii- ilies had signed it, and only seventeen had refuscil. a list of whose names was reported for the action of the town. Of the seventeen who refused their sig- natures, seven appear afterwards to have repented, as their names are erased from the report. The punish- ment of the ten who were reported for their refractory disposition was both novel and amusing. The town voted that they should be recorded in the clerk's of- fice and published iu the £ssex Gazette as "Unfriend- ly to the community, and the Selectmen were de- sired not to approbate any of them to the sessions for license to sell spirituous liquors." In 1771 nearly one thousand men and boys were employed in the fisheries, besides those who cured fish. The year is chiefly memorable in the annals of the town on account of the sutfering caused by the disasters at sea. A large number of widows and fatherless children had been left in a helpless situa- tion, and the town, unable to provide for so large a number, applied to the provincial government for assistance. By means of a " Brief" issued by the authority of the Legislature, £117 were collected for their relief During the month of November a circular letter was received from the Committee of Correspondence of Boston, relating to the riglits of the colonists and .soliciting "a free communication of the towns" of ''our common danger." The response of the people of Marblehead was prompt, hearty and characteristic. A petition was sent to the selectmen requesting them to Ciill a town-meeting on the 1st of December, which was couched in such patriotic and vigorous language .hat it was inserted entire in the warrant. On the day appointed, the inhabitants assembled at the town- house, and Thomas Gerry was chosen moderator of the meeting. The circular letter from the town of Bos- ton and the pamphlet of " 8tate Rights " were read by the town clerk, and it was voted to choose a com- mittee " to take the whole warrant into considera- tion." Col. Azor Orne, Elbridge Gerry, Thomas Gerry, Jr., Joshua Orne and Capt. John Nutt were the members of this committee. The meeting then adjourned to meet again on the following Tuesday, MAiMil.KIIKAK. 1081 when tlie committee reported several resolutions, which were read sei)ariitely and unanimously adopted. These resolutions denounced in the stron;rest terms the " recent act of Parliament and the British Minis- try in sendiu'i troops and ships to parade ahout the coast and in the streets of the towns of the Province ;" characterized the granting of stipends to the provin- cial judges as '' an attempt to bribe the present re- spectable gentlemen to become tools to their despotic administration," and to "turn the seats of justice into a deplorable and unmerciful inquisition." The dis- solution of the Provincial I^egislatnrc was condemned in language equally as forcible, and the resolutions coucluded by declaring " that this town is highly in- censed at the unconstitutional, unrighteous, pre- sumptuous and notorious jiroceedings, detesting the name of a Hillsborough, Barnard and every nnnister who promoted them. And that it not only bears testimony against, but will oppose these and all such meiisures until sojrie way for a full redress shall be adopted and prove efl'ectual.'' It was voted to elect a Committee of Grievances now, and from year to year as long as may be necessary, to correspond with like committees in Boston and other towns in the province. The committee consisted of Azor Orne, Klbridge Gerry, Joshua Orne, Thomas Gerry, Thomas Gerry, Jr., Capt. John Xutt, Capt. John tiioverand Deacon William Doliber. The circular letter of the tow'n of Boston was re- ferred to this committee, with instructions to prepare a reply, and the meeting adjourned to meet on the 15th of December. When the meeting again as- sembled, Azor Orne, chairman of the committee, pre- sented a letter in which every patriotic sentiment contained in the circular letter of the town ol' Boston was indorsed. The reply of the Comniittce of (iriev- ance of Marblehead was worthy the patriots who composed it and the town which ado]>ted its language as its own. "We beg leave,'' it concludes, " to l)id adieu for the present, by assuring you that a de- termined resolution to support the rights confirmed to us by the (ireat King of the Universe engages the minds of this i)eople, and we apjjrehend that all who attemi)t to infringe them are, in obedience to wicked dictates, violating the sacred statutes of Heaven. And for the honor of our Sui>renie Benefactor, for our own welfare, and lor the welfare of posterity, we desire to use these blessings of Lil)erty w ith thankfulness and prudence, and to defend them with intrepidity and steadiness.'' There were tiiose among the merchants of Marble- head who, though firm friends of their country, and sympathizing fully %¥ith every jiroper method taken to obtain a redress of grievances, were un|)iepared lo indorse the language of the resolutions adopted at these meetings. To their conservative minds the ac- tion of the town appeared "rash and inconsiderate," and they accordingly protested against it. The pro- test was signed by twentv-iiine well-known merchants, 68 and was publisbeil in tlu- /■><■.(■ anzdlc. It was claimed that but a sin.-ill laction of the inhabitants voted in fMVorof the rcsolMlioiis, and that thry there- fore "did iiol fairly rcprrscnt tin- --riiliiiicnts of the people of Marbleliead." To this a reply was made in the next issue of the jiaper, in which it was claimed that the resolves "were fully and fairly discussed for more than an hour, and that when the vote was taken there was but one i)erson found in o])iiosition.'' The writer also stated that the protest was faithfully cir- eulateil four days before the twenty-nine signatures were obtained. Dining the year 177:'. the attention of the peojjle was for a time occupied in considering tlieir danger from another source than the oppressive acts of the British Parliament. In June the wife of Mr. William Mattliews was taken sick and treated for " poison." Her husband having recently arriveil home from a voyage to the (irand Banks, it was supposed that she had been poisoneil by washing his clothing with some soap which he had procured on board a French fish- ing vessel. In a short time other members of her family were afflicted, and in less than a month nearly all who had taken care of them were prostrate with the " poison." The kind-he;irted neighbors of these unfortunates took their turn in watchiiiij with and caring for ibeiii, when, to their i-iiiisteriiati.iii and alarm, the disease which had thus far batlled all their skill was pronounced the small-po.x in its most malig- nant form, A very small number, comparatively, of tlie iniiab- itaiits had ever lias than two months twenty- three persons died there. Fight others, who died dur- ing two weeks of .Inly and .\ugust. were buried at the Neck in the ])lain,just tibovc what wa-; then known as "Black Jack's Oove," In August a town-meeting was lield, and .\zor ( Irne, .lonathan (Hover, .loliii (ilover and Flbridge Gerry petitirietors desired to establish the hospital for their own personal gain, and "to make money by means of the dangerous ex- periment." To allay the indignation created by these rumors, and to show their disinterestedness, the pro- prietors proposed to sell the materials for the building to the town at their actual cost. The citizens, un- reasonable now in their opposition, not only refused to buy the materials, but demanded that the work be abandoned. Indignant at the injustice of this action, the pro- prietors continued their work in spite of ail opposi- tion, and in a short time the hospital, a large two- story building, was completed. Dr. Hall Jackson, an eminent physician of Portsmouth, New Hampshire, who had attained a distinguished reputation for his success in treating the small-pox, was appointed superintendent, and, on the 16th of October, entered upon his duties and began the work of inoculation. Several hundred patients were successfully treated, but, unfortunately, a few, who had taken the disease more severely than the others, died at the hospital. The opposition to the enterprise which, from the beginning, had been very great, now took the form of the most bitter and angry hostility. The boatmen had landed patients at places nearer the town than those appointed by the .selectmen, and for this the excited citizens demolished their boats. Four men, who were caught in the act of stealing clothing from the hospital, were tarred and feathered, and, after being placed in a cart and exhibited through all the princi- pal streets of the town, were carried to Salem, accom- panied by a procession of men and boys, marching to the music of five drums and a tife. The fears of the people were still further increased when, a short time after this aflair, it was announced that twenty-two cases of small-pox had broken out in the town. The storm of indignation which for months had been brewing, and manifesting itself at intervals, now burst upon the proprietors of the hospital in all its fury. Threats of lynching them were opeidy made, and the angry populace demanded that the doors of the detested " Castle Pox " — as the hospital was ironi- cally called — should be closed forever. The pro- prietors momentarily expected to be mobbed, and it is said that one of them. Colonel Jonathan Glover, placed two small artillery pieces in one of the rooms of his house, fronting the street, intending to give the crowd a warm reception from the windows should they attempt to molest him. At length, unable longer to resist the imporiunatc petitions of their fellow-citizens, the proprietors closed the hospital and promised that no more jia- tients should be received. For a time the excitement was somewhat allaycl. but the injudicious remarks of one of the proprietors excited the suspicion of the people that the pronii,-r would not be kept, and the opposition broke out afresh. On the night of January 26, 1774, a body oi men closely disguised visited the island, and before they left the hospital and a barn adjoining were in Hames. The buildings and all their contents werr completely destroyed. Naturally indignant at this outrage, the proprietors determined to secure the speedy punishment of tlir incendiaries. John Watts and John (ruUiard werr arrested as being implicated in the aflair, and wt re confined in Salem jail. As soon as the news of the arrest became generally known in Marblehead, the cause of the prisoners was earnestly espoused by the inhabitants, and measures were adopted to rescue them from the hands of the authorities. A large number of men at once marched to Salem, and in a short time the jail was completely surrounded. At a given signal the doors were broken open, the jailer and hisassistants were overpowered, and the prisoners were rescued and conducted in triumph to their homes. A few days after, the sheritf organized a force of live hundred citizens, intending to march to Mar- blehead and recapture his prisoners. A mob equally as large at once organized in Marblehead to resist them. Fearing the disastrous consequences to life and prop- erty which a conflict would engender, the proprie- tors decided to abandon the prosecution, and the sheriff" abandoned his purpose. Some time after this affair a man named Clark, one of the persons who had previously been tarred and feathered, went to Cat Island and brought a quantity of clothing into the town. He was at once ordered to take the bundle to the ferry for examination. On his return to the town he was surrounded by an angry crowd, who threatened to inflict summary punishment upon him. The selectmen appeared upon the scene, however, and he was released. At about eleven o'clock that night, by a delegation of twenty men, he was taken from his bed, conducted to the public whipping-post in front of the town-house, and was there unmercifully beaten. One of the perpetrators of the outrage was subsequently arrested, but the others were not detected. The town having been dis- infected of the disease, and the hospital, the great cause of all the contention, having been removed pejice was once more restored to the community. The events of the winter and spring of 1774 were full of exciting interest to the people of Marblehead. On the 16th of December the famous "Tea Party '' occurred in Boston harbor, when the sturdy patriots of that town emptied three hundred and forly-two chests of tea into the sea, rather than allow them to MARBLETIEAD. 1083 111' laiideil contrary to tlic terms of tlic non-importa- tion ajrreement. In March (tovcrnor llutcliinson re- signed, and Tliomns (faire was apjiointcd in his stead. One bill :il'ter another was passed hy Parliament and readily sanctioned Uy the Kiiifr. having tor their ob- ject the subjection of the jieojik- of Massaehusetls. The (|uarterin}r of troops in lioston was Iciralized : town-nieetinjrs were abolisheil, except lor the idioice of officers, or by sjiecial permission limentaiy aublicly ex- pressed their sorrow for signing ihe address. Two of the signers, .lohn Fowlc and .John Prentiss, through llu' columns of the AW.c of a Iree people, how- ever surrounded by a hostile liaiid, poinliiig at their breasts glittering bayonets and threatmiiig instant destruction.'' The syiiipalhy of the lown was ex- pressed "for the melropolis of this I 'rovince under the operation of the det.slaMe Port I'.ill." "Our hearts Mud lor the distressr.l but truly respectable liostonians. The saerilice now making of their liber- tics is a sa<'rilice of the liberlies of this province and of all America; ther.'fore. let il b<' borne, if not by the provinces in general, by this in partiriilar." Ill .luly siiliscriptions were soliiiird liy mder of the I town in aid of the poor of lloslon, who were sulfering from the opeiati.pii of the Poll I'.ill, and, among other eiHitribntions, eleven cart-loads of .lamaica lish an[,\TMii,i;iii: AD 1 0S5 ceived three sliilliiiirs each; sei-nml liciitcnaiits tour shillings; first lieutenants four shilliriirs six ihmk'c, and captains six shillinjrs. A service ol' four hdurs a flay was reiiuired, hut conii>ens:itii)n was alldwed lor hut three days in each week. During the niontii of January the Kritish soldiers were withdrawn ("roni the town, and on the 9th of Kehruary His >[ajesty's ship "Lively.'' mounting twenty guns, arrived in the harhor and anchored oil the fort. All vessels arriving in the harl)or were dil- igently searched hy the otlicers of this ship, and arms, aninuinition and military stores of every de- scription found on hoard them were contiscaled hy order of the Governor. \ vessel containing a chest of arms was compelled to anchor near the " Lively ; '' hut a few nights after her arrival the prize wa.-- boarded by a party of intrepid young men, under the lead of Samuel H. Trevett. and the arms were re- moved and concealed on shore. Though a diligent search was made by the British otticers, the muskets could not be found, and, as was supposed, were after- wards used in completing the armament of the Mar- blehead regiment. On the afternoon of Sunday, February 2Gth, while the people were at church, a transport sailed into the harljor. Soon after a regiment of British .soldiers, under command of Colonel Leslie, landed on IIo- man's Beach. After loading their guns, they marched through the town. .'\n alarm gun wa.s beaten at the door of each of t lie churches, and as the people came into the streets, the Jfarblehead regiment was mustered, and active preparations were made for the defense of the town. Sus[)ecting the object of their expedition to be the seizure of several pieces of artillery secreted at Salem, Major John Pedrick hastened on horseback to that town, and gave the alarm at the door of the North Church. He was soon joined by a party of young men from Marblehcad, and together they pro- ceeded to the North Bridge, over which the regulars were obliged to pass. On their arrival the troojis found the draw raised and a large body of jieople de- termined to resist their passage. (^>loncl I,es!ie de- manded that " the draw be loweretroiis rout of tlic I'.ritish was rcceivcil with the grcatr-t enthusiasm. The war for freedom had i Hcmcd. and the patri. its every- where ileclares themselves ready for the struggle. The day before Ihebattlethc proviiu'e ( 'ominitteeof Safety and Supplies, of which .leremiah Lee, Klliridge ( lerry and Azor Orne were members, held a meeting at Wetherby's Black Horse Tavern, on the road be- tween Cambridge and Lexington. After the session was concluded, several members of tin- committee, iuchidiug John Ihincock and Samviel Adams, went over to Lexington to pass the night, while the gentle- men from Marblehead remained at the tavern. Without the slightest thought of personal danger, tierry and his associates retired to rest. During the night an officer and a file ofs.ddicrs of the British army march- ed towards the house to search for the members of the rebel Congress. While the officer was posting their files the gentlemen found means to escape half- dressed into an adjoining cornfield, where they re- mained for over an hour until the lrooi)s were with- drawn. The night being very cold, the irentlemcn suffered very keenly from their exposure, and Colonel Lee was soon after attacked by a severe fever, from which he never recovered. He died on the loth of May following, at Newburyport, but his body was brought to Marblehead for internu-nt. The death of this eminent patriot, at a time when his inestimable services were of more value than ever to the town and province, was universally lamented. In the various positions of trust and honor which he had held, as an enterprising ami successful merrbant, and as " an ardent, active ami able advocate for tlic [>iberties and Lidependcnce of his country," he in- spired the confidence and esteem of all who knew him. In his private intercourse with his fellow-men, he was admired for the urbanity of his manners, and beloved for his generous disposition tiiui benevolence to the [loor. During the month of Mtiy the dislurhcfli- ccrs and men were irritated almost hi'yond endurance by the successful resistance of the people to their arbitrary measures, was considercil as not unlikely to occur. This, togctlu^r with the unprotected position of the harbor, led manv of the inhabitants to remove 108o HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. their families to places not so dangerously exposed. On the 21st, the artillery company, commanded by Capt. Samuel R. Trevett, marched to the " Old Meeting-House," where a sermon was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Whitvvell. The next day recruiting officers marched about the town with drums and fifes, enlisting recruits for the Continental .\rmy. On the last day of May the frigate " Ijively" sailed for Boston, and her place was taken by the sloop-of- war "Merlin." A few days after tlie arrival of this ship a merchant vessel from the West Indies, be- longing to Col. Glover, arrived in the harbor. The commander of the " Merlin" sent an officer on board to order the captain to anchor his vessel near the ship ; but the vigilant owner had boarded her before him, and, disregarding the imperative commands of the officer and the threatening guns of the ship, had his vessel brought directly in to Cierry's wharf. Crowds of people were gathered along the wharves and head- lands, expecting that the schooner would be fired into by the " Merlin :" but the angry commander, knowing that the people were determined to defend the owner at all hazards, wisely refrained from an act which must have resulted disastrously to himself and his men. Colonel Glover's regiment consisted of ten com- panies, luimbering in all four hundred and five men. On the 10th of June the valiant commander received orders to continue with his regiment at Marblehead until further orders; and fo hold it " in readiness to march at a moment's warning to any post where he may be directed." Having been stationed at Marblehead until " fur- ther orders," the brave seamen of the marine regi- ment were deprived of an opportunity to distinguish themselves at the battle of Bunker Hill, which took place on the 17th of June. But there were other sons of Marblehead who participated in that mem- orable engagement and fought like heroes in de- fense of their country. The company of artillery under command of Captain Samuel R. Trevett, form- ing a part of Colonel Gridley's regiment, arrived on the field in season to engage in the latter part of the action. Captain Trevett lost a small four-pound can- non in the action, but made up for his loss by cap- turing two of larger size from the British, the only cannon captured by the Americans. Two men of the Marblehead company were killed and three were wounded. Of the killed, one was William Nutting; and of the wounded, one was the intrepid Robert Wormstead, who was struck in the shoulder by the fragments of a bursting shell. He narrowly escaped having his head blown from his shoulders, the fate which befell a companion whom he was assisting from the battle-field. On the 21st of June, Colonel Glover received or- ders to proceed with his regiment and report to General Ward at Cambridge. A general muster was lield, and the regiment, fully armed and equipped, made an imposing appearance as it marched tbroiiL;' the town. Every officer, soldier and musician in tl. entire regiment of ten companies were citizens of Marblehead, except one captain and seven privates. The officers, chosen some months before, were: Colonel, John Glover; Lieutenant-Colonel, John Gerry; Major, Gabriel Johonnet;' Adjutant, William Gibbs; Surgeon, Nathaniel Bond; Surgeon's mate. Nathaniel Harrington ; Quartermaster, Joseph Sta- cey. The uniforms of the regiment consisted of a blue round jacket and trousers, trimmed with leather buttons ; and Colonel Glovfer was said to be the most finely-dressed officer of the army at Cambridge. As no arrangements had been made for fitting out a naval armament, and as the army at Cambridge was greatly embarrassed by the scarcity of ammunition. General Wa.shington, who had assumed command, was instructed by Congress to intercept and capture two English transports, which were bound to Quebec with ammunition and stores for the British Army. Accordingly, Nicholas Broughton and John Selman, both captains in (Jlover's regiment, were ordered to take command of a detachment of the army, and proceed at once on board the schooners " Lynch" and "Franklin," then lyingin Beverly Harbor. Onthe21st of October, having fitted their vessels for sea — the " Lynch " with sixguns and the " Franklin" with four, — they sailed on the first naval expedition of the war. Each commander took his own company for a crew, and Broughton as commander hoisted his broad " pennant on board the ' Lynch.' " After a long pass- age, being detained by adverse winds and weather, they reached the river St. Lawrence, but found that the transports for which they were in search had es- caped. They, however, captured ten other vessels as prizes, and hearing that the authorities on the Island of St. John were raising recruits for the Army, the zealous commanders, thinking to do essential .service to their country, landed their trooi)s on the island, besieged a fort, and detained and brought off as prisoners the governor (Wright) and Judge Colback a.s prisoners of war. In Decem- ber the expedition returned, when, much to their as- tonishment, the two naval officers were severely repri- manded by the commander-in-chief for exceeding their instructions, and the prisoners and prizes were released. It was the desire of Congress to adopt a conciliatory policy towards the Northern Provinces, and Washington feared that this hasty action of the brave but over-zealous seamen would cause a rupture of the friendly relations existing between these colonies, which might be fraught with serious con- sequences. In the mean time the Legislature of Massachusetts had pa.ssed an act authorizing the fitting out of armed vessels to protect the sea-coast, and to cut off the sup- ^Willinm Tj. Lee afterwards became major and Gabriel Johonnet, lieutenant-colonel. :\iAi;i;i,i;iiK \iv 10S7 |)lies iiili,''ieliooner •Lee." commandeil ^ by Captain John Manly, of .Marbleluail. I )n the 2!Uli of November he fell in with the briar "Naney," a vessel of iwo hundred and tifty tons burden, bound to Boston, with military stores, whieli he euptured and i sent into Gloucester harbor. Her eariro eonsisted ol several brass fiidd-pieees. two thousand stand of arms, one hundred thousand Hints, thirty-two tons ol' UmiI. 11 large ipuintity of ammunition, and a thirteen-imh br:iss morlar, besides a complete assortno'nt of tools utensils and maehines, necessary for nulitary opera- tions. Maiily's sehooner sailed under the I'ine-Tret Hag of .Massacliusetls, and this was tlie first naval victory in which the British flag was struck to .\nicri can colors. The prize was of inestimal>le value tn Washington, and tlie ordnance stores and (icld-]dcce> were at once forwarded to the army at Cambridge. Early in the month (d" May, 177il, James Mugford. a young man who had previously sailed as master ol' a merchant vessel, applied to General Ward for jicr- mission to Ht out the Continental cruiser " Franklin," tlien lying in ordinary at Beverly. During the pre- vious year Mugford had been impressed into the Britisli service and confined on board a gunboat then lying in the harbor. He was soon released, however, through the interposition of his wife, who went on board the ship and represented to the captain thai they had been recently married, and that she was de- pendent upon him for support. While a prisoner, the young sailor learned from the conversation id' hi> captors that a "powder siiip" wa.s soon to sail from England, with ammunition and stores for the Brit- ish arniy. Immediately upon his release, he communieate ot ihcir ollicers. 'I'hc pri/.c wa^ ibcn lak.rj through I'uihiiug Point Gut. — a iliaiiiirl then but little known,— beyond tlu- rang.- ol ilic gnus of tb,- British si|nadroii, ami arrivcil -alcly in Boston Ikh- bor. This was llu- most valuald.- (apluro that bad been made during tin- war. The cargo cou.'-ist.d id one thousand carbines with bavoncls, several car- riages for lield-picccs, lil'tcen Innidred barrels of ]iow- der, and a most coniplele assortment of artillery implements and pioneer tools. Having seen his prize safely in port, the gallant I'om- mander of the •' l''raiikliii " took a ^uppiy of ammu- nition, and on the following Sunday ag.iin put to sea. In sailing through I'mlding I'oint (inl, the same channel through which the luize was brought up, the vessel grounded. This being perceived by the olhcers on board the ships of the r.rili>h lleet. fouiteen boats, manned by two Imndred >ailors lully armed, were sent to enptiire the unproteeled sehnoner. Mugford. how- ever, was piepaied to meet Waitini; until ibey came within range of his guns, be fired, and with such deadly ellect that two of the boats were imii[eili- ately sunk. The men in the renjaining lioats iheri surrounded the sehooner and altenii.led to board. Seizing picks and t-utlasses and whatever iniplctnenls they could obtain, the heroic, crew of the " I''ranklin " fought with ilesperalioii in defense of'lbeir vessel. Many of the lirilisb were shot as soon as the boats came alongside, uliile others had th.'ir hands .-irid fingers cut oil' with sabres, as they laid them on the gunwales of the sidiooner. The brave JIugfbrd, who throughout the conlliet had been lighting wherever his presence seemed most needed, enconiaging and animating his men by voice and example, was shot in the breast by an i.Hieer in one of the boats. With the utmost eoiu]iiisure, and with that ]ircsenee of mind «hiidi ever distinguishes heroes, he ctdlcd to his litu- tenaid and exclaimed: " J niii ti ihiid man; don't lace from the "Now Meeling-Housc," the Uev. Isaac Story ollicialing. ,\mid the tolling of bell.-, and the firing of iniuutc-guus, the body was conveyed to its 1088 HISTORY OP ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. resting-place ou the "Old Burying Hill," where a volley was fired by the Marblehead regiment, which did escort duty ou the occasion. On the 17th of June, the first anniversary of the battle of Bunker Hill, the citizens of Marblehead, in town-meeting assembled, declared : " That if the Continental Congress thinlt it fur tlie interest of tliesi? unitetl colonies to declare them independent of Great Britain, and should Xmblish such declaration, the inhabitants of this town will support them in maintaining such Independence with lives and fortunes." The patriotic citizens had not long to wait. Early onemorning in July — so runs the tradition — a horse- man rode into town, bringing the joyful tidings that independence had been declared. The joy of the peo- ple knew no bounds. The bells of the churches were rung for an entire week and every evening fires were lighted on the hill-tops, in honor of the great event. During the excitement occasioned by these demon- strations St. Michael's Church was entered, and the royal coat of arms was removed from its place above the chancel, while the bell was rung till it cracked, to punish some of the communicants for their loyalist sentiments. In a few weeks printed copies of the Declaration of Independence were received, and Benjamin Boden, the town clerk, transcribed the entire document on the records of the town. The year 1777 opened with little encouragemert for the success of the American Army. True, glori- ous successes had been achieved at Trenton and Prince- ton, but the disheartening failures of the various ex- peditions north and south, and the extreme sutfer- ings to which the soldiers in the army had been sub- jected, were rai)idly breeding discontent and discour- agement among the people. On the 1st of January tw'o thousand of the regular troops were entitled to a discharge, and a general apprehension prevailed that their places might not be readily filled. But the peo- ple of Marblehead were not despondent; and though a large proportion of the able-bodied men were already in the .service of the colonies, either on land or water, a meeting was held early in February for the purpose of enlisting one-seventh of the remaining male inhab- itants " for the defense of the American states." An additional bounty was offered for volunteers, and in a short time the requisite number was obtained. The treatment to which the loyalists should be sub- jected had been seriously discussed by Congress and by the State Legislature, and in May the latter body passed an act authorizing the towns to procure infor- mation against those who were known to be of an un- friendly disposition towards the colonies. A town- meeting was accordingly held in Marblehead on the 2fith of May, and Thomas Gerry, Esq., was chosen to report the names of all persons who were inimical to the American States. The names of seven persons were reported, among them those of the Rev. .Joshua WingateWeeks, the rector of St. Michael's Church, and Mr. Woodward Abraham, who conducted the services as a lay-reader for several years after the close of the war. But the zealous inhabitants had taken it upon themselves to punish the "Tories" in their own efl'ective manner, and a suggestion from the Legislature was hardly necessary to induce them to establish " an inquisition," — the term applied by one of the sufferers to the measures of his fellow-citizens. Nearly two years before, Thomas Eobie, one of the most defiant of the loyalists in Marblehead, had charged an exor- bitant price for about twenty half-barrels of powder, purchased of him by the town, and the indignant citizens voted that no interest should be allowed him for the time of the town's indebtedness. The ill- feeling thus engendered continued to increase, until Robie and his wife rendered themselves so obnoxious that they were obliged to leave the town and take refuge in Nova Scotia. Crowds of people collected on the wharf to witness their departure, and many irritating remarks were addressed to them concerning their Tory principles and their conduct towards the Whigs. Provoked beyond endurance by these insult- ing taunts, Mrs. Robie angrily retorted, as she seated herself in the boat that was to convey her to the ship : " I hope that 1 shall live to return, find this wicked rebellion crushed, and see the streets of Marblehead so deep with rebel blood that a long boat might be rowed through them." The effect of this remark was electrical, and only the sex of the speaker restrained the angry populace from doing her personal injury. Another of the loyalists who suffered keenly from the displeasure of the townspeople, during these ex- citing times was Mr. Ashley Bowen. He had seen active service in the French and Indian War, and was a midshipman on board the frigate " Pembroke," at the siege of Quebec. So indignant were the citizens at his steady resolution in defending the King, and denouncing the acts of the colonists as treasonable, that at one time during the war it was with great dif- ficulty that he obtained the necessaries of life. The store-keepers were afraid to sell their goods to him for fear of incurring the displeasure of their patrons, and he feared, with good reason, that the attempt would be made to starve hini into submission. In 177S he made the following entry in his journal, which tells its own story : '* This has been a year of trouble to me. I was drafted twice as a sol- dier, and taken by Nathan Brown before old Ward on ye 25 of March. Then they trained with me so much that they would have me to get bondsmen for me not to speak nor look, nor deny them my money when drafted. As I would not get bondsmen, it was determined to send me on boartl the GvKird ship at Boston." Fortunately for Mr. Bowen, he met with an old friend, the captain of a merchant vessel, with whom he shipped as a mate, and so, as the journal expresses it, " was taken out of their way." Whatever else may be said of the loyalists of Mar- blehead, it cannot be said that they were cowardly. Thev were sincere in their convictions, and had the MARBLKHKAD. 1089 courage to declare them in defiance of an overwhelm- ing public sentiment in opposition. To do tliia re- quired a strength of elniraeter such as is seldom ex- hibited except by heroes in times of pulilic peril. They were actuated by no mercenary motives. Es- tranged from friends and kindred, liable at any mo- ment to be imprisoned or to have their projierty con- fiscated, many were obliged to leave the lunne of their childhood and seek a residence among strangers. Time has removed the jirejudice, the last actor in the great drama has long since passed from earth, and to-day, though the impartial reader of liistory may not in- dorse the sentiment nor ajiplaud the acts of t!ie zeal- ous loyalists, he will find much to admire in their evident sincerity and the fortitude with which they encountered danger and endured adversity. The hardshi[is and sufferings to wdiidi the people were subjected during the summer months of 1777 were severe in the extreme. Many of the .soldiers in the army had been paid for their services in depreci- ated Continental notes, which passed for less than half their face value, while others had not been paid at all. As a consequence, their families at home were deprived of many of the necessaries of life, and the town was obliged to adopt measures for their relief The family of each soldier was allowed to draw provisions to the amount of half tlie wages due him, and for a time the distress was alleviated. The terms of enlistment of many of the soldiers in the army having expired, the Legislature voted, on the 1st of May, to raise two thousand men for a ser- vice of eight on the town. ,\rdent and spirited appeals were made to the people, and, as usual, the rejily of Marblehead was prom[it and decisive. Three days after, a town-meeting was hebl, ancl the sum of twenty-five hundred and tifty-twu pounds was appro- priated " to ]iay the bounty due the ( luaiils at Winter Hill, and to raise thirty-four more men to serve in the Continental Army." Though the peoi>le had assented willingly to the numerous assessments made upon them for war pur- poses, the collectors, in many instances, were unable to obtain the full amount of the tax levied by the town. The patriotic treasurer, Jonathan Glover, supplied the deficiency from time to time with pri- vate funds of his own, rather than the town should be delinquent, and interest was allowed him for the use of the money. The financial emliarrassnient of the country, and the depreciated state of the currency, led the l^eoplc•, during the following year, to adopt measures for the prevention of extortion, and for tlu^ regulation of the prices to be charged by dealers and mechanics. "Any person guilty of buying or selling silver or gold for rent or otherwise " was to be deemed an enemy of tlu^ country, and treated accordingly. The price of wood was regulated at eighteen shillings per cord and candU-s at eighteen shillings a pound. 08 i " Best made men's shoes were to be eight pounds a pair," and other shoes in proportion. Farriers, for shoeing horses all round, were to receive six pounds, and for shitting a single shoe, fifteen shillings. A committee of forty persons was chosen to detect any violation of these regulations, with iiistrui-tions to deal summarily with every offender. Though the condition of national all'airs at the close of the winter of 1780 was far from em-ouraging, the patriotic citizens were determined that nothing should be left undone by wliich the war could be brought to a successful termination. On the loth of June tiie sum of forty thousand pounds was appro- priated to hire twenty-four men tn reinf )ree the Con- tinental army ; and a few days later one hundrt-d bushels of corn and one hundred hard dollars, or the eil Behavior of Glover's Brigade— The Battle of B7ii(e Plains— Washington's Arm;/ Cro«$t:s the Delaware — Tlte Marblehead Jtegiment in the Advance — The Victory at Traiton — Testimony of General Knox — (^1. William H. Lee — Battle of Bemifi's Heights — Statement of Gen, Bnrgoyne— Second Battle of Bemis's Heights-Gallant Charge of Marblehead Men-The Attack at Saratoga — Surrender of Burgoyne — Glover's Brigade at Valley Forge — Expedition Against Rhode Island — Volunteers from Marblehead — Thanhs to Mm of Marblehead and Salem— The Helreat from Rhode Island— Skirmish at Quaker Hill-Ront of the British— Evacuation of Rhode Isl- and— Snfferittgs of Ihe Soldiers— West Point— Execution of AndrC—The Army at Peekskill — Surrender of Cornicaltis, The narrative of the exploits of the men of Mar- blehead on land and sea during the War of the Revolution must of necessity be very much abridged for this work. While the events related in the last chapter were transpiring in Marblehead and else- where, the brave men of the Marblehead regiment were winning unfading laurels by their valorous achievements in the service of their country. 1 The regiment left town on the 22d of June, 1775, and at once reported to General Ward, then in com- mand of the army at Cambridge. Early in October, Colonel Glover was appointed by General Washington to superintend the equipment and manning of armed vessels for the service of the colonies. Through his agency the expedition to the St. Lawrence River, under Captains Broughton and Selman, and the privateer " Lee," under command of Captain Manly, had been fitted out. On the 27th of November a long, lumbering train of wagons, laden with ordnance and military stores, and decorated with flags, came wheeling into the camp "at Cambridge," escorted by Continental troops and country militia. They were part of the cargo of a large brigantine laden with munitions of war cap- tured and sent into Cape Ann by the schooner "Lee," Captain Manly, one of the cruisers sent out by Wash- ington. "Such universal joy ran through the whole camp," writes an ofiicer, " as if each one grasped a victory in his own hands." " Surely, nothing," writes Washing- ton, " ever came more apropos." Shortly after this event an affair occurred in the camp, in which the Marblehead regiment figured rather prominently. It seems that "a large party of Virginia riflemen, who had recently arrived in camp, were strolling about Cambridge and visiting the collegi- ate building,-, now turned into barracks. Their half-In- dian equipments, and fringed and rufllcd hunting garbs, provoked the merriment of the troops from Marblehead, chiefly fishermen and sailors, who thought nothing equal to the round jacket and trous- ers. A bantering ensued between them. There was snow upon the ground, and snow-balls began to fly when jokes were wanting. The parties waxed warm in the contest. They closed and came to blows; both sides were reinforced, and in a little while at least a thousand were at fisticuffs, and there was a tumult in the camp worthy of the days of Homer. At this juncture (writes our informant) Washington made his appearance, whether by acci- dent or design I never knew. I saw none of his aids with him ; his black servant just behind him, mount- ed. He threw the bridle of his own horse into his servant's hands, sprang from his seat, rushed into the thickest of the melee, seized two tall, brawny rifle- men by the throat, keeping them at arms-length, talking to and shaking them." ' This prompt and energetic action on the part of the general quickly put an end to the tumult, and in 1 Memoir of an eyc-witueas. living's Washington, Vol. II. MAKULKIIKAl). 1091 a t'cw moments order was restored throiiglunit tlie camf). On the 10th of Doeember ;in express arrived at General Washington's head(]uarters I'rom JMarblehcad, with intbrmation tiiat three IJritish ships-ol'-war were standiniT in the harbor. Colonel (Hover's regiment, with Captain Foster's company of artillery and a corps of ritlemen, were ordere, through the embrasures, over the cannon, with the same agility with which they had formerly climbed to the main-top or traversed the backstays, bayimit- ing the cannoneers at their posts." During the en- gagement Gen. Glover had three horses shot undt i him. On the following evening the British army retreatei 1 to Saratoga, and on the 13th of October Gen. Bur- g()yne surrendered to Gen. Gates. The duty of guard- ing and conducting the prisoners to Massachusetts were assigned to Gen. Glover and the men under his command, whose brilliant achievements during the campaign had made them famous throughout the country. The prisoners arrived at Cambridge on the 7th of November, and were received by Col. William R. Lee, as the commanding officer of the cantonment. Gen. Glover was detained in Massachusetts a much longer time than was expected would be necessary to finish the business with which he had been intrusted by Gen. Gates, and did not again join the army until the following summer. During that ever-mem- orable winter of 1778 his brigade formed a part of the army of Washington, and experienced all the suffer- ing which must forever make the camp at Valley Forge famous in American history. But through it all they behaved like men. Neither want, nor hun- ger, nor nakedness, nor all combined could induce them to forsake the service of their country. To the patient forbearance and fidelity of men like these we owe the foundation of the American Republic. We must pass, though regretfully, over the events of the intervening time to the summer of 1780, when, with the exception of a few weeks spent in Massa- chusetts, Gen. Glover was with his brigade at West Point. At the time of the capture of the unfortunate Major Andre, Glover had rejoined his brigade, and on the 29th of September was a member of the court which sentenced the spy to death. On the 2d of October, when the execution took place. General Glover was officer of the day, and was deeply aflected by the scene. Even old soldiers, who had many times braved death on the battle-field, shed tears on the occasion. But though the necessity of the exe- cution was sincerely regretted, no one questioned the equity of the sentence. The surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown in Octo- ber, 1781, decided the great contest in favor of the Americans, and though the army was not disbanded, nor the treaty of peace signed till two years later, the war was virtually at an end. Enlistments for the army went on, however, for some time, and in the spring of 1782 General Glover was ordered to Massa- chusetts " to take charge of the mustering and for- warding recruits." This was the last service rendered MARBLEHEAD. 1(103 liy (ilover as a geneiiil in the American army, and willi it must end our account of the part taken by the men of Marbleliead in the various movements up- on the land. 'J'hrougiiout tlio war tiiey were distin- guislied for tluir l)ravery and tlic faitlifnl perform- ance of duly. Wliethcr in camp, or on tlie march; leading the advance in an attack, or coverinjr a retreat; everywhere, and under all circumstances, the same steady resolution characterized their actions. CHAPTER LXXX I V. ilARBLEHEAV—iConlinurd). Naval nitlory of itarhlthead in Ihe JffiodidV.u— ;>;<(..ii r,/ Heroic Mnr- blrhtadiTB— Oymnuidora Jolin Manlii and Samuel 'ISiclcer - Ciii)tmn John Lee in the I'rivatner ".V'i«cy" — Prizft Tuken— Murder of Cajit- John Harris— The Leila- of Marque "l:'reemasnu"^V.xid,:,t of Itoberl WormMtd-aipt. CuiccWt Vielonj—The Lost .Viiv.i hMlle of Ihe Itcvduli„n. H.vviNG followed the men of Marlilehead as far as po8.sible through the various cauii)aigns of the Revolution, let us now turn our attention to their ex- ploits upon the water. The naval history of the war for Independence can never he fully written. JIany of the most daring exploits of men in i-rivate armed vessels must forever remain unknown. The infor- mation to he obtained from the records of the period is very meagre, and reliance must be placed princi- pally upon newspaper reports of engagements, and the log-books and private journals of seamen. The rest is traditionary. In another chapter an account has already been given of the early captures by Captains Broughton. Selman and Manly, in privateers fitted out l>y (nder of General Washington, and of Captain Mugford's heroic capture of the transport " Hope," and his sub- sequent death while defending his vessel against the boats of the British fleet. On the 1st of January, 177<), Captain Maidy was given the command of the armed schooner " Han- cock," and became commodore of a fleet of six vessels fitted out by order of General Washington. The other schooners were the " Lee," Captain Waters ; the '' P'ranklin," Captain .Samuel Tucker ; the " Harri- son," Captain Dyer; the "Lynch," Captain Ayres; and the " Warren," Captain ISurke. Captains Wat- ers, Tucker and Dyer were commissioned on the 20th of January, 177G, while the last three comman- ders did not obtain their commissions until the 1st of February. It is related of Captain Tucker, that when the ex- press with his commission rode up to his d(jor, the gallant captain, with his sleeves rolled uj), and with a tarpaulin hat slouching over his face, Wius engaged in chopping wood in the yard. The ofiicer thought that he must have mistaken the direction, and ex- claimed, somewhat roughly — " F say, fellow, I wish you would tell me if the Honorable JSannnd Tucker lives hcrealiouis ! " " ironoral)le! honorable!'' said Tmdcer, with a shrewd look at the stranger ; " there is not any man of that name in Marbleliead. He must be one |mr.l'» " Ufo of TuikiT." 1094 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. board Captain Lee's small vessel in boat-loads, and were easily secured. The captain was among the last to leave the ship; and when he stepped on to the deck of the schooner, and saw how he had been de- ceived, he attempted to kill himself. He was pre- vented by Captain Lee, who, by courteous and gentle treatment endeavored to soothe his wounded feelings. During this cruise Lee captured thirteen prizes, which were sent into the port of Bilboa, in Spain. The last of these he followed, in order to superintend the trial, condemnation and sale of the vessels and cargoes, and to repair his own vessel. After refitting, he sailed into the British Channel on a cruise, and was chased by the flag-ship of Ad- miral Jarvis. Captain Lee made every effort to in- crease the speed of his vessel by throwing his guns and other heavy ordnance overboard ; but finding it impossible to escape, ran her on shore. The wreck was immediately surrounded by the boats of the ship; and the officers and crew were captured, and ulti- mately landed in England and sent to Forton Prison. During the latter part of the month of October, Tucker captured the brig "Lively," bound from Air to Newfoundland, which, together with the cargo and crew, was sent into Boston. Mr. Sheppard, in his " Life of Commodore Tucker,' states that during the year 1776 the number of prizes captured by that dar- ing commander was from thirty to forty, including ships, brigs and smaller vessels, many of them with very valuable cargoes, and some of them armed vessels. In March, 1777, Captain Tucker was received into the navy, and was commissioned as commander of frigate " Boston." It is probable that he did not as- sume the command of the frigate for some time after however, as would seem from the following incident of naval warfare, during which the " Boston " was commanded by Captain Hector McNeil : " In May of this year, the ' Hancock,' 32, Captain John Manly, and the 'Boston,' 24, Captain Hector McNeil, sailed in company from Boston, on a cruise to the eastward. A few ilnya out, or in the month of May, the ' Hancock' made a strange sail, early in the morning, and succeeded in getting near enough to her to exchange broadsides, on opposite tacks, the ' Hancock ' using her starboard and the enemy her larboard guns. At this time the * Boston ' was out of gunshot. Finding that he had to deal with an antagonist of superioi force, the English vessel, which was a frigate, stood on, crowding sail to escape. The ' Hancock ' now went about in pursuit, when Captain Manly sent his people from the guns, and ordered them to get their breakfasts. As the * Hancock ' was one of the fastest ships that was ever built, she quickly drew up abeam of the chase, which renewed lier fire as soon as her guns would bear. Captain Manly, however, commanded his men not to discharge a gun until fairly alongside, wlien a warm and close action commenced that lasted an hour and a half, when, the 'Boston ' drawing near, the Englishman struck. The prize proved Ut be the ' Fo.\,' of 28 guns. In this action the ' Han- cock ' lost eight men, and the ' Fox ' thirty-two. The ' Boston ' did not fire a gun until just after the 'Fox' had struck, when she is said to have given her a broadside, the ' Hancock ' being in the act of lowering the boats to take possession as her consort ranged up on the beam of the prize. " Captain Manly now put a crew on board of the ' Fox ' and contin- ued his cruise, but was not fortunate enough to fall in with anything of moment. On the 1st of June the three ships appeared off Halifax, in company, looking into the harbor. This brought out the ' Rainbow, ' a 44 on two decks, Sir George Collier, the * Flora,' 32, and the ' Victor' 18, in the chase. The Americans scattered, the ' lUiinbow ' and ' A'ictor ' pressing the ' Hancock,' the ' Flora ' the ' Fox ' while the * Boston ' had so much the start as to be able easily to keep aloof. The * Flora' lii-st closed with the ' Fox,' which ship she recaptured after a short but spirited ac- tion. The wind being very light. Captain Manly attempted to lighten l ship by pumping out the water, and is believed to have hurt her sail by altering her trim. Finding the 'Rainbow' closing, that gall.u officer made his disposition for hoarding, and, doubtless, would have made a desi>erate effort to carry his powerful antagonist, had the wind permitted. The air remained so light, however, that the 'Rainbow' got him fairly under her guns before he could get near enough to accomplish the object, the 'Victor' getting a raking position at the same time the ' Hancock ' struck. "Captain McNeil was much censured for abandoning his consort on this occasion, and was dismissed the service in consequence." i Shortly after this event Captain Tucker, upon whom the rank of commodore had been confierred, sailed on a cruise in the " Boston." While out he fell in with a frigate much larger than his own and car- ried her by boarding. The marines were led by Lieutenant Magee, a brave young officer, who was killed the moment his feet struck the enemy's deck. Captain Tucker, who had brought his ship gun to gun with the Brilish frigate, leaped into the midst of his adversaries, cutting down all before him. The loss of life on board the frigate was very great, and she soon struck her colors and became the prize of the " Bos- ton.'' During the latter part of October, or early in the month of November, 1777, the brigantine "Penet," Captain John Harris, of Marblehead, master, s.ailed for the port of Nantes, in the kingdom of France. Captain Harris was charged by the Board of War with the important duty of conveying Mr. Austin, who carried important papers from the government, to the first port that could be made in France or Spain. The passage was made in safety, and the "Penet" re- turned with a cargo and several seamen who had been discharged from American ships in France. Captain Harris subsequently sailed in private armed vessels, and in 1779 was sailing master on board a ship com- manded by Captain John Conway, of Marblehead. On the 19th of November of that year they fell in with and were captured by a British ship of a larger size than their own, though not without a spirited engagement. The American vessel was at length obliged to strike her colors. After the battle was over, asd the American seamen had surrendered themselves as prisoners, a lieutenant of the British ship seized a musket, and aiming at Captain Harris, shot him through the head, killing him instantly. The murder was deliberate and intentional, and is only one of many instances of brutality on the part of British oflicers. On the 10th of February, 1778, Commodore Tucker, who had again been commissioned as commander of the " Boston," received orders to carry the Hon. John Adams as envoy to France. Mr. Adams took with him his son, John Quincy Adams, then about eleven years of age. The " Boston " experienced a great deal of unpleasant weather during the passage, and "Cooper's Naval History." MARBLEHEAD. 1095 was several tiiiiea chased Uy British cruisers which had been sent out to capture lier. Commodore Tucker succeeded in ehiilinj^ them all. On the lllh of March he fell in willi the armed ship " JIartha," hound Irom London to New York with a valuable cargo. As the " Bo.ston " sailed up to her. the decks were cleared for action, and the men were at the guns ready for battle. Noticing Mr. .\dams standing among the marines with a gun in his hand. Commodore Tucker, in tones of authority, ordered him to leave the deck. Mr. Adams, however, continued at his post, when, at last. Tucker seized him and forced him away, exclaiming as he did so, " I am commanded by the Continental Congress to deliver you safe in France, and you must go down below, sir." Mr. Adams accordingly left the deck. The " Boston " tired but one gun at the enemy, who returned three, and then struck his colors. The prize was manned and sent into Boston, and Tucker kept on his course to France, arriving at BordiMU.'con the 31st of March. During the spring and s^ummer of 1779, Commo- dore Tucker, in the frigate " Boston," saileil on several remarkably successful cruises. In the month of .lune alone he captured seven prizes, six of which were armed vessels. Of these, the most iniporlant were the " Pole," a frigate of two hundred tons luirdeii, mount- ing twenty-four guns, ami the sloop-oi'-war "Thorn," mounting sixteen guns. The " Pole " w'as ca])tured without the firing of a gun on either side. As soon as Tucker saw the ships in the distance he knew her to be an English frigate, and boldly sailed up to her. Disguising his own ship with English colors, he prepared for action, and, having obtained a command- ing i)fFsition, hoisted the American flag and ordered an instant surrender. The commander of the British frigate, seeing that resistance was in vain, struck his colors. The prize was subsciiuently sold for one hun- dred and three Ihousarnl pounds, the sale of the coal and provisions found on board increasing the amount to nearly one hundred and twenty thousand pounds. In the meantime, Commodore Manly, who two years before had been captured by the British and sent to prison, was e.xchanged. Upon regaining his freedom he at once assumeoy were left on board the " Freemason," but the first male, Ivobert Worm- sted, with the rest of the crew, was carried on board the privateer. The jn-isoners were haiulculTed and thrust into the hold, and at night the hatchw'ay was closed. Here W'ormsted conceived a plan uf escape which was successfully executed. His haiidcufl's were so large that he could with little exertion get rid of them and set the rest at liberty. He proposed rising upon the privateer the next day, when the captain should be taking the sun. At first the attempt was thought to be too desperate, they being so few in number compared with the crew on board. At length, however, Wormsted prevailed with his com- panions, and they solemnly bound themselves to do their utmost. His plan was to spring upon deck and knock down the captain, and they were to follow and al promise was exacted from Tuck- er, that he would coast along the shore and proceed direct for Halifax; but he was overpowered by his officers, who were determined to escape. They ac- cordingly sailed across Massachusetts J5ay, and about the middle of August arrived .at Boston in safety. This was the last cruise made by Commodore Tucker during the Kevohitionary War. His biographer claims that he " took more prizes, fought more sea- fights and gained more victories than, with a very few exceptions, any naval hero of the age." And it is true. During the month of Xovenilnr. 17SL', the shiji "St. Helena," commanded liy (Japtain .lohnStillwell. sailed with a fleet from Havana for Philadelphia. She mounted twenty gun,s between decks, — ten of which, however, were of wood, — and had under con- voy fifteen .Vmerican vessels, which had previously been subjected to an embargo. On the day they were permitted to leave port the "St. Helena," in attempt- ing to get under way, met with a disaster which de- tained her till sunset. The fleet wa.s beating back- ward and forward during the night, which was dark, waiting for the convoy. The " St. Helena " passed and repassed a number of the vessels. In the mean- time several guns were heard, sup)>o.sed to be from one of the fleet .At length, about tuidnight, she was saluted with a broailside. Ft something wholly unexpected; the men were fatigued ; no one seemed to know his station, and great confusion ensued. Some of the guns, however, were soon got into opera- tion, and the firing continued till daylight, when the antagonist was found to be His Britannic >[ajcsty's brig " Lively," commanded by Captain Michael Stanhope. The " St. Helena " was also within reach of the guns of the "Jupiter," a ship of the line. Of course, her color.s were lowered, and the men taken on board the " Lively." Six days afterwards it was discovered that the crew of the " St. Helena " were preparing to rise. All the men were consequently confined below, and were sutl'ered to come up only througha narrow grating, one at a time, the hatchway being constantly guarded by a sentinel. After six days' close confinement, five of the .Americans — name- ly, Anthony Garner, John Prince,' Seth Farrow, Lewis I'u.ssell' an away for Havana, and upon their arrival at that port a connuilter was cliosrri to sell the prize and settle with the crew. The end of the year I7S2 closed the niarilime war of the .American Rivolntion. As it had been be- gun by the men of .Marblehead, so it was reserved for a Marblehead commander to close it with a bril- liant achievemenl. ( 'oiiniHxlore Mardy. who in l77o hoisted the first .\mrrican Hag, and on lioard the little schooner " Lee " made the first important cap- ture of the war, had been appointetllulion—aifl and Ad'hesi nf 'SInrhMmxd Ir, Vke-Pr.-sUlejlt John Ad'tnis—The Mnrhli-hmd Anidemi/ }M:iblMed—The First CoUechr of Ihf Porl—Viait of IWsiflnil Wmhniijltm — Viivtrtij of the Town— The Grimd LoUtry — Methodist Church llnjanixd—The Firgl Poslmofter— Drath of Colonel A;or Orm — Hon. Siimiiet Sewiill elected n Memlier of Cnrirrts—Dequesl of John ilarehinit— Erercues on the Death of Wath- in'jton- -Doctor Elisha Story's Fatal Mistake— Ilavaijes of Small-Pox— Marldehcad Hank Iiicorpivatrd—The Kmjlish Ship •• Jnpih-r''—Dei>reda- lion' of British Crjuarrs. Ox the return of jieace, with thai determined s|iirit of enterprise for which they liad always lieen distin- guished, the people of Marblehead entiTed at once upon their accustonu'd commercial pursuits. Under the direction of merchants of the character and abil- ity of Colonel William R. Lee, John Hooper, Thomas and Knott Pedrick, and a score of others equally well known and respected, large ships were fitted out, some of which made successful voyages to France, Spain, Portugal and the West Indies. The Grand Banks fisheries were also, in a measure, revived, and every attempt was made to restore the prosperity which the town enjoyed befiire the war. It was not UTilil these attempts were found to be well-nigh futile that the disastrous effects of the great struggle were realized. The days when Marblehead gave of being a great commercial port were gone, and they I or Marbleheml. 01) « Altlon'n " Cafayette visited the town. The general was accom- panied by the Chevalier (rrandcharaps, the Chevalier Caraman and Samuel Breck, Esq., of Boston. The distinguished visitors were met on Salem Road by a procession of prominent citizens, and escorted to the entrance of the town, where they were received with a band of music by a large concourse of people. As the procession marched into town, the church-bells were rung, and the marquis was received on all sides with prolonged cheers and cries of " Long life to the Marquis de Lafayette!" Arriving at the residence of one of the citizens, he was introduced to "the gentle- men of the place," and was presented with an address of welcome, to which he feelingly and appropriately responded. He was then escorted t« another private residence, represented in the newsjjaper reports as a "genteel house," where a grand dinner was served. After dinner, an hour was devoted to speeches, and the customary thirteen toasts were drunk, the senti- ment offered by Lafayette being "The Town of Mar- blehead, and Unbounded Success to its Fisheries." At six o'clock the distinguished visitors departed amid the booming of cannon, the ringing of bells and the joyful acclamations of the people. On the 2ilth of May, 1787, the Constitutional Con- vention, composed of delegates from all the States, met in Philadelphia. Elbridge Gerry, of Marble- head, was one of the delegates from Massachusetts, and labored earnestly throughout the entire session of the convention to " secure a Constitution adequate to the exigencies of the government and the preser- vation of the L^nion." He was, however, one of the sixteen members who withheld their signatures from the document when completed. When the instru- ment was referred to the States for ratification, Isaac Mansfield, Azor Orne, Jonathan Glover and John Glover, as members of the Massachusetts Convention, voted in favor of its adojjtion. The election of George Washington and John Adams as President and Vice-President of the United States gave unbounded satisfaction to the people of Marblehead. For Mr. Adams, especially, they en- tertained feelings of the deepest gratitude for his in- estimable services " in preserving to the United States of America in the Treaty of Peace the exten- sive advantage of the cod-fishery." These advan- tages were considered as especially beneficial to Mar- blehead, and the citizens, in the fullness of their hearts, resolved to present Mr. Adams with an ad- dress and some slight testimonial of their apprecia- tion of his efforts in their behalf. Accordingly, on the (5th of March, 1789, a town-meeting was held, at which it was voted to " present his Excellency John Adams, Esq., with six (|uintals of table fish." The gift was presented, together with an address, which concluded as follows : " We therefore, being now legally assembled in Town-meetint: ! your Excellency to accept this, our unanimous address, as expressi i ' . sense of those essential beuetits which we now enjoy in the preser\ .1 ' of the fishery, for which we believe ourselves more especially indebted to your Excellency. While we are enjoying the fullness of those bene- fits, we pray your Excellency will indulge us to furnish your table with ' a small share of the fruits of your gocKl services, which we wish may be ] acceptable as a mark of our gratitude.'* | During the year 1788, or during the year 1789, sev- eral influential citizens, who appreciated the necessi- ty of greater educational advantages for the youth of the town, contributed the funds for the establishment of an academy. These gentlemen, who styled them- selves " benefactors," were Samuel Sewall, Robert Hooper, Samuel Hooper, William Raymond Lee, Elisha Story, Samuel Russell Trevett, John Hum- phreys, John Goodwin, Marston Watson, Richard Homan, Joseph Sewall, Samuel Rartoll, John Dixie, Richard Pedrick, Ebenezer Graves and Burrill Dev- ereux. In a short time a building was erected on Pleasant Street, and Mr. William Harris was em- ployed as preceptor. For many years previous to the Revolution Marble- head had been a port of entry, but as the records were taken away by the Tory refugees during the war, we are thereby deprived of much valuable informa- tion concerning the commercial and maritime history of the town. Thefirst collector after the organization of the national government was Richard Harris, who was evidently commissioned in the autumn of 1789. The district comjirised all the waters and shores in the towns of Marblehead and Lynn, though since that time the towns of Swampscott, Nahant and Saugus have been set off' from Lynn and are still included in the district. The first entry made in the records is under date of October 2, 1789. The number of licenses granted during the year ensuing was one hundred and thirty-two, twenty-seven of which were sloops, schooners and brigantines registered in the foreign trade On the 29th of October President Washington, who was making a tour of the New England States, visited the town. He was accompanied by Major Jackson and Mr. Lear, gentlemen of his family, and was received at the entrance of the town by a procession composed of the selectmen, the clergymen of the town and a large body of citizens. The accounts of the celebration on this important occa- sion are very meagre; but we are informed that he " was conducted to the bouse of Mrs. Lee, where a collation was provided, of which he very cheerfully partook with the gentlemen of his suite, the selectmen, clergymen and other gentlemen of the town." President Washington was welcomed by the selectmen, who presented an address in the name of and on behalf of the town, in which he was assured that his presence " inspired the in- habitants of Marblehead with the most unbounded MARBLPillEAD. 1099 joy ; but they cannot express as they would wish, their great sense of the honor done them on this occasion. The too visible decay and pnverty ol this town must be their excuse that they have not otlered to the illustrious cliaracter who now visits them a rece[)tiou more answerable to his dignity and more expressive of their own venera- tion.'' Before leaviiijr the town I'lesident Washing-ton visited one of the fish-yaids ami several other places of interest, after which he proceeded on his journey. Two days later, having arrived at Portsmouth, N. H., he forwarded a letter, saying tliat " the reception with which you liave been pleased to honor my arrival in Marblehead, and the sentiments of approbation and attachment which you have exjiressed of my con- duct and of my person, are too ilattering and grate- ful not to be acknowledged with sincere thanks, and answered with unfeigned wishes for your prosperity." The plea of poverty, offered in ajiology for not re- ceiving the President of the United States in a man- ner more becoming to his station, gives but a faint conception of the condition of the town at this time. For two years the fishing business liad failed to be remunerative, and many of the inhabitants were re- duced to a state of extreme wretchedness. There were four liundred and fifty-nine widows and eight hundred and sixty-five or|)han children in the town, nearly all of whom were dependent in some degree upon the tax-paying inhabitants for support. As the winter of 17!)0 advanced, their sutl'erings were greatly augmented, and several perished from hunger and exposure. Added to the general distress from this cause, was the anxiety produced by the visible decay of property, both public and private. Houses, liarns and fences were falling to pieces, and without the means to re- pair them, their owners were powerless to prevent it. The and work-house were in a ruinous condition, and River-Head Beach had been so long out of repair that it was in great danger of being en- tirely washed away by the constant inroads of the sea. The ])eople knew not where to seek relief, and various expedients were resorted to for the |)Urpose of obtain- ing money for the a.ssislance of those in distress. At length, driven to desperation by the misery about them, the citizens, in town-meeting assembled, voted to petition the J.,egislaturc for permission to hold a lottery for the relief of their necessities. Permis- sion was readily granted, and the final drawing took place on the 'M of June. By means of this lottery, and two others subse()ucntly held, the beach at the head of the harbor was repaired ; the distress of tlic inhabitants was alleviated and the general appearance of the town was greatly improved. During the year 1790 the Methodist Church was organized in the house of Mr. Prentiss, on Mugford Street. The new society consisted of seven members only, but so rai)idly did it increase in numbers that ill a lew years a pastor was settled and religious ser- vices were regularly maintained. The .Marblehead .\cadcniy had now become an es- tablished institmioM. Induration was encouraged in Ma^.sachusetts, as in no other Stale in the I'liioii, by wise laws and judicious ap[>ropriations, ami when, in 1792, an act of incorporation was apjilied for, it was readily obtained. The act becanx' a law on the 17th of November of that year, and the corporation Wiis established by the name of " The Trustees of the Marblehead Academy." Shortly after the Legislature granted a township of land, six miles square, lying between the rivers Kennebec and Penoliscot, in the county of Hancock, for the purpose of supporting the academy. This land was subsequently sold to Sam- uel Sewall, Ksq., for one thousand five hundred p(iUIlils. The mails had been carried to Marblehead from Salem, regularly twice a week, for many years, and on special occasions it had been customary to dis- patch a messenger on horseback to carry important news or documents. On the 20th of March, 1793, the first post-office was established, and Thomas Lewis was appointed postmaster. On the 6th of June, 1799, Colonel Azor Orne, be- loved and respected as one of the most prominent of the Revolutionary patriots, died in Boston, and his remains were brought to Marblehead for interment. On the Sunday following his death the Rev. Kbenezer Hubbard, pastor of tlie First Congregational Society, preached an appropriate sermon, taking for his text the words found in chapter eleven of the gospel ac- cording to St. .lobii, thirty-fifth verse, — "Jesus wejit." Another event to which considerable local import- ance was attached was the election of the Hon. Sam- uel Sewall as a member of Congress. Mr. Sewall was an eminent member of the Kssex bar, and had for several years represented .Marblehead in the General (Jourt. Having been prominent iiiall local niatters,and deeply interested in the welfare of his fellow-citizens, his election gave the most sincere [ileasiire to the peo|)le of Marblehead, who Idt that in him they had an able advocate of tlu-ir interests at the national capital. The first bequest made to the town was the sum of nine hundred and thirty-seven dollars, given by Cap- tain .lohn Marchant, for the benefit of the poor. During the month of .June, 1797, Captain ALirchant, who was about to sail on a foreign voyage from Phila- delphia, placed a i)romissory note for that amount, which he held against a citizen of Dorchester, in the hands t)( Colonel William R. Lee, with instructions to collect it, and in ciuse he never returned, to donate theaniount to the poorof the town. Cajitain Marchant died in Batavia during the following year, and the note was collected in accordance with his instructions. It is doubtful, however, whether the benevolent inten- tions of the donor have ever been carried into efl'ect. 1100 HISTOKY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. After an unsuccessful attempt to invest the fund, the overseers of the poor turned it over to the town, and it was appropriated for the erection of two grammar school-houses. On the 14th of December, 1799, George Washing- ton died at Mount Vernon in the sixty-seventh year of his age. The day of the funeral was appropriately observed by the tolling of bells, the firing of minute- guns and a general suspension of business. In the afternoon a procession of the Lodge of Masons and the pupils of the public schools marched to the new meeting-house, where an oration was delivered by Joseph Story, then a student of law in the office of Hon. Samuel Sewall. In the autumn of 1800 the town was once more thrown into a state of excitement, by the breaking out of the small-pox. Doctor Elisha Story, who had for many years been a popular and successful physi- cian in the town, having learned of the important discovery by Dr. Jenner, that contagion from small- pox could be averted by inoculation with cow virus, sent to England and procured a quantity of virus, with which he inoculated several of his own children and those of some of his friends. It was soon evi- dent that a fatal mistake had been made. The virus proved to be that of the genuine small- pox, and as the disease spread from house to bouse, the people were panic-stricken with fear. Several town-meetings were held to consider the matter, and the town-house being too small to contain the crowd of excited citizens that assembled, the meetings were adjourned and again convened at the " New Meeting- house.'' All intercourse with other towns was pro- hibited, and a committee was chosen to adopt other necessary measures of precaution against the spread of the pestilence. The wrath of the unreflecting and ignorant portion of the community was directed with especial severity against Doctor Story, to whom they attributed the cause of the entire trouble. Threats of lynching him were publicly made, and fears were entertained by his friends that some serious injury would be done him either in person or property. The counsels of the wise prevailed, however, and the good doctor, who suffered keenly in his mind on ac- count of the distress wliicli he bad innocently caused, was unmolested. To add to the general distress, a large proportion of the community were suffering from the most ex- treme privations of poverty. " Melancholy indeed," wrote the town's committee a few weeks later, "was the prospect of six hundred inhabitants (one-twelfth of our population), who, independent of disease, were destitute of the common comforts of life ; who had little else than hunger and cold in prospect, with the appro.aching inclement season." The town had voted to care for the poor and destitute, but it was found impossible to furnish relief proportionate to such a demand. Succor was at hand, however, for upon their necessities being known, contributions began to pour in from several of the neighboring towns, and in a short time the distress was alleviated. On the 13th of January, 1801, a little less than two months after the breaking out of the disease, the town was declared cleansed, and the inhabitants of other towns were invited to resume their usual inter- course. But before this could be done, the grave had received sixty-four victims of the pestilence, twenty of whom were adults. Early in the month of January, 1804, the principal business men and capitalists of the town subscribed $100,000, as the capital stock of a bank, and applied to the Legislature for an act of incorporation. The act received the signature of the Governor on the 7th of March, and the institution was established as the Marblehead Bank. Capt. Joseph Barker was elected president, and Mr. John Pedrick (3d) cashier. The "Lee Mansion " was subsequently purchased of Hon_ Samuel Sewall for five thousand dollars, and has ever since been owned and occupied by the bank. Instances of great bravery are not uncommon when men are fighting for the honor of their country or in defense of their homes. The deeds of the soldier who bravely faces death upon the battle-field are recorded on enduring monuments, and all men unite in doing honor to the hero. But there are deeds of heroism when the country is at peace, and the home is free from danger, when the ocean is the battle- field and the mighty wind the foe. These, too often, are allowed to fade from the memory, and to perish in oblivion. Thus there are few persons living to-day who have ever heard of the many acts of heroism performed by the Marblehead fishermen while at sea. Much has been done to perpetuate the memory of an act of injustice to an innocent man, who had been accused by a cowardly crew of wilfully refusing to assist a vessel in distress; but the following incident so worthy to be held in remembcrance, has been almost forgotten : In the spring of 1805 the English ship "Jupiter" foundered at sea, and three days after the sad event Skipper "William Powers'' fell in with her long boat, having on board thirty-nine of the passengers and crew. The fresh wind and heavy sea rendered it impossible for the boat to board the schooner, and for a time it was feared that all attempts to rescue the unfortunate occupants must be abandoned. Finally, as a last resort, the heroic "skipper" placed a rope about his waist, and by flinging himself over the "lee quarter," succeeded in lifting each ])erson separately on board the vessel. It was nobly done; but the dis- interested skipper performed the act of mercy at the risk of his own life, and, though a strong and power- ful man, was completely exhausted and severely bruised. The rescued passengers were shortly after distributed among three other vessels, commanded by Skippers John Powers, Green and Dennis, by whom they were brought in safety to Marblehead. Their arrival was the signal for similar acts of generosity on MAKIil.KHKAl). 1101 the part of the inliiibitanta, wlio vicil with each other in supplying their necessities, and niaiiiiij; them ax comfortable as their friendless situation would permit. Shortly after this event the town was again thrown into a state of exeitement by the news of an outrage committed by the British frigate " Ville de Milan" upon several fishing vessels from Marblehead, Salem and Beverly. The frigate was cruising ident — Engageineiit Betireen the " OJi«/t/w<»o» " and the *'Jper had refused to render any assistance Id the unfortunate men on board the wreck. The excitement and indig- nation of the people upon the reception of the news can be better imagined than described. Two vessels, manned by willing volunteers, were immediately dis- patched to the scene of disaster, with the ho[)e of their arrival in time to save the shipwrecked sailors. I5ut their mission was a failure and they returned with no tidings of the wreck. The resentment of the people was still further provoked when, on the follow- ing day, the sloop "Swallow" arrived, having on board Captain Gibbons, the master of the ill-fated schooner. He corroborated the story told by the crew of the " Betty," and stated that the " Active " sprung aleak at about eleven o'elock on Eriday niglit. An hour later the " P.etty " was spposed by the Federalists from the beginning, and as the ill eflects of the measure began to be felt, their hostility in- creased. Town-meetings had been held in nearly all principal sea-ports to remonstrate against the law, and many of the speeches at these meetings were seditious and inflammatory in the extreme. Not so in Marblehead. Though starvation stared them in the face, the citizens were loyal to the government, and at a town-meeting, held on the 7th of December, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted : " Rf^solved, That tbiu town continues steadfast in tlie faith that the emhargo Jaw was a law of wisdom, and that tiie President and Congress of the United States are entitled to and shall receive our warmest thanka for their early attention to the Independence, Liherty and just rights of the Union, and particularly the commercial part thereof. " Ittsolved, That this town will use all the energy they possess to carry into full effect all the laws the present Congress have enacted or may enact for the support of our just and equal rights, against the unjustifia- ble and imperial decrees of the belligerent powers of Kurope, by proffer- ing to our country our property and services." Captains William Story, Nathan B. Martin and Joseph Pedrick were elected a committee to forward the resolutions to the Hon. Joseph Story, member of Congress from this district. The resolutions were forwarded, accompanied by a letter signed by every member of the committee. " Uaving learned that the government intends employing some culli ! - as gun-hoata, to prevent evasions of the laws of the Country (they wr^t. we with humility beg leave to suggest to you our opinion, that on tin coast (that is to say, from Cape Cod to Cajie Sable), any cutter which th.. government niaysend will not so well answerthe purpose ; the gun-boats will be useless, for they would not, in this inclement season of the year, be able to keep at sea without great risk. From the knowledge we li:i\( of our fishing-vessels, we think they will answer every purpose and i a saving to the government to employ them in defense of their ]a\'. We also beg leave to offer the government as many vessels of thin.h scription as will prevent any evasion whatever, from any port^ places between the above-mentioned cape^, or wherever other\M wanted, knowing, as you do, the peculiar situation of the people of t li , place, that they have now on hand two years catching of fish and vent for the same. Notwithstanding this, they look upon the meastu. - of the government as the only means of retaining our future commerce. They therefore feel disposed, to the utmost of their abilities, to support the general government with the risk of their lives and property, and beg leave through you to tender their services to man out, and hav'* manned, any vessels which it may please for the service of the Unil.-ii States." This action of the town gave great satisfaction to the friends of the administration throughout the country. The resolutions were published by Repub- lican (Democratic) newspapers everywhere; and from one and all the town received words of praise and encouragement. Of the manner of their recep- tion in (congress. Representative Story wrote to his brother, under date of December 21, 1808: " This day I had the pleasure of presenting the Marblehead petition, and an a part of my address on this occasion, which was short, 1 read in the hearing of the House the resolves of Marblehead. The effect was electrical. It gave a degree of delight, it awakened a sensation of ad- miration far beyond what I ever knew in a public body. On every side the patriotism, the honr^rable, the tried and uniform patriotism of Mar- blehead resounded. All the Kepublicans declare their determination to assist in some way to honor and relieve the citizens of the Town, and I feel an assurance that some of our fishermen will be employed as pro- tectors of our coasts. One able Republican member from South Carolina (Mr. D. R. Williams) declared that such was his sense of the virtue and character of the town, that he would willingly gi\-e them a thousand bushels of corn from bis plantation. But all the fiiends of the Govern- ment rejoiced that in this day of disalToction in the Kasteru States a people could be found who were so true to the honor and rights of their country. Mr. Giles, of the Senate, hearing of my having the resolves, sent for them, and, in a speech which ho made to.dayiu the Senate, read them, and complimented you all. You may depend that a more reason- able and welcome resolution never came to Congri-ss. It is an example worthy to be followed. When I named the fact.s to the President he ap- peared highly delighted." The anxiety expres.sed concerning the effect of the opposition to the embargo, manifested by the people of the Eastern States, was not without reason. Sena- tor Adams expressed his belief, in a communication to the President, that " from information received by him, and which might be relied upon, it was the de- termination of the ruling party in Massachusetts, and of the Federalists in New England generally, if the embargo was persisted in, no longer to submit to it, but to separate themselves from the Union, at least until the existing obstacles to foreign commerce were removed." This, it has been said, was a false alarm ; but that such was the sincere belief of the citizens of Marblehead, is evident from the following resolutions adopted at a town-meeting, held on the 9th of Feb- ruary, 1809: " Bisohed^ Tbat w^ view with the ubburreuce aii>1 indigiiatiuD the conduct of a party auiuug ua, whu aru coDtiuually undcavoriug to M \i;ni,F.ii(':\n. 1103 excitt^ the gooH peopK- of tbis ncniiiii'inweullli to a disoheiiifiu'i' of tl laws of tho Union, by fulsp ami I.IkIIuhs piiLlnatidns rcsppiiiiiK t) motivo8 anil measures of thf KiMifriil ^'uv.TruntMit, unci );r<»^ niiKstiit menis of tho natnre anil stnirws of our pn-wt'iit (MiihiUTaHHini-rits ; tin till' real oliji-ct of llii$ party is to Beparatf 1|»' I'liilwl Statos, jinil .•xri rebellion and civil war lor tli.- purpli'lie:ul did imt loiofl tluii rc^^o- liilioii til arm mid 0(|iiip theiiisi'lvrs, and diniiif; llic nicintli (if .June l!u' company known as the Mai-lilc liead l.i;;lil rnl'antrv wa..* (njraiii/.t'd. .losliiiii <). liow- den was llie first foinmaiider, and the comjiany lias maintained its organization ever since. Tlie events of tlie year ISIO witc of more than ordinary interest to the people of ^Marlileliead, lOarly in the inonth of January two schooners were ca|> tared hy Uritish cruisers and carried into St. Jean dr l..uoe. This was consiilcred an eviilence tliat the British government intended to eontinne its policy of stizin,g American ve.s.sels and im|iressing .\meii can seamen, and had the eifect to increase the indig- nation felt hy tlie people. " Free Trade and Siulors' Rights " was tlie cry everywhere, ami when, in the month of May, tlie annual State election took )dace, Elhriilge (ierry, the Democratic candidate for ( !ov- ernor, received four hundred and seventy-one of the five luindreil and twenty-four votes cast in Marlde- head. Mr. Gerry was idected, and in lioth branches of the Ije.gislature the majorities were I 'emocratic. By the census of this year, it appeared that the nuniher of inhahitaiits in the town was five thousiiiul eight hundred and forty-two, of whom sixty-three were pe.^ple of I'olor. During the month of l''ebriiary the First Baptist Churcii was organizeil, twenty-one iiersons luing reg- ularly dismissed from the First liaptist Cliiirih of Salem for this On the LSth of June, 1S1l>, war was formally de- clareil agtiinst (treat Britain hy the ( 'ongress of the I'nited States. F'rom the moment when was was declared, the cit- izeii.s of Boston, the inelropolis of New ICnglaiid. " clamored for [leace and reproliated the war as wick- ed, un,just anil unnecessary.'' .Many other towns in the State were only too ready to follow the example set by Boston, and on the 2'.lth of June the citizens of Newburv declared : " W isi.ler lb.- war rone. us to tb.. pro|i.rl> a^ well as the happi- ness „„d ne.ralsof llie iiali..n. ll is broii-lil on lie- conlry bv Mir prise ; it Wase.MirelVe.l 111 .larliUeSs aUd -eeiel .-onel.ii.. ; lb.' |.eop|e «, ,.■ kept in profiuind isiiioranci? of their iiupeudinK destruction." F'ar ditrerenl were the resolutions adopted bv the rilizciis of I »n the very day thai the ini'cliiio was held ill Newbury a tou 11-iiiirliiig was hell! ill Marblelirad .-111.1 lb.' f..ll..wing ns.dnlioiis were unanimously ad.iple.l : •• ;,Va,.;, . ,;, That w.. vo-iv the late soleiun ail, de. larinj; viar aRainst liritain an.l li.r .lepen.len. ies, as the last ivsorl ..fa lull. Ii injured piople, ]iel-»imdeil that itsiustice iiu.l n...i-s«ily will I... a.knowl. ed.eed by all who camli.lly pass in review tli.. .1... trines of .lur enemy ; iiid nothiuK .sborl of a birsr subiiiis,sion woul.l hav.. piolfjUKed pcaiTC. " /,', »i./r.'./, ■rliat, wliatever sacrifices may resiill, we ide.JKe ouikelvea to support our povenuu.-nt.our laws, an.l Liberty, tlin.uKli the pr.seni ar.luons lonlli.t. W.. also pleilg,. ourselves to sU].port and pi... I,< t tl... rni.ili of the Stat.'s as th.' ark of our polilbal safety ; an.l that u..\iew all those who .Ian- intimate a « isli l.n the s.p,anili,.ii .,1 the I iii.m as the w.irsi .■n.-niies to our pea,-,., pro-perity an.l bappin..-ss ■■ .\s soon ;ts the news of I hi' .Irclinilion of war was received in Mtirblehead ibc town was the scene of the utmost activity, \owber,' in I he country did the people spring to arms with mole ahurily. Four privateers, namely -the "Finn," ihc " Thorn," the ■'Snovvliird" and the " Indii.stiy '' — were immediately iitted out, and begun a seii.'s of leniarkably successful lauises ag:iiiist the ships of the British nation. 'I'his was mil all. Forty private armed schooners were s'l.iii litli'd out in Salem, a hirge proportion of whbdi were manne.l by Marlilehrad seamen. One siho.iner. the " ( ir.iwler," was i-.,niiiiandeil by Cap- tain Nathaniel Liii.lsev. of Marbhdiead, and had an entile crew of Marbhhea.l men. Of the shi]) "America," one of ihe most cinspiciioiis and suc- cessful cruisers during llii' entiic war, tliirly were from Marblehea.l. The fishermen of Marblehead were als., hugely represenled on board tlie IVigales of tlu' Fiiited Slates Navy. I"iglity nun of (he crew of the " Ciinslilution " were from .M.aibhhead, and were on board her througlnmt the entire [leriod of her brilliiint career. The war hail now begun in earnest. On the :.'oth of July the ship "Orient," of Mtirblehcad, Captain .Andrews, cominauder, while on the passage home from a merchant voyage to ( uhr.iUar, was captureil on the banks of Newfoundland by ihe British sloop- of-war "Harvard." The " Orieiil," whicli bail on board a rich cargo and tibmit thirteen thonsaml dollars in specie, was sent into St. .John's, N. B. The crew, ten in number, were phieed <.n board a pri.ion-shi]), from which they were stibseipienlly reletised by the Fnited States frigate " Fsse.\." and sent to New York on board a cartel ship. I'.arly in the monlli of August the schooner " Dol- phin,"' of Salem, was ca|itured by the British cruiser " I'.elvidera." Among the crew of the "Dolphin," who became prisoners of war, wtis Joseph, of Marhlidiead. Shortly after his coufineinenl on board the " Belvidera " he was carried on board the ship 1104 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. "San Domingo," where an attempt was made to im- press him into the British naval service.' With manly heruisni, Furness declared that he would not fight against his country, and told his captors to shoot him as he stood if they chose to do so. They then placed hira on board the guard-ship, where his steady resolution and undaunted courage inspired the ad- miration of the British officers. Soon after, docu- ments were sent down for his release and he returned home. On the 10th of August the celcl>rated battle be- tween the Uuited States frigate " Constitution " and the British frigate " (iuerriere" took place, which re- sulted in a gk)rious victory for the " Constitution." The loss on board the " ( Juorriere '' in killed, wounded and missing, was one hundred and one. The loss on board the " (tonstitution " was seven killed and seven wounded. The news of this engagement wa-s received in Jlar- blehead with the greatest enthusiam ; and so large a proportion of the crew of the "Constitution " were citizens of the town, it was considered almost a local victory. The Presidential election of 1S12 resulted in another triumph for the Democratic party, and the re-election of President Madison. This was accepted as an in- dorsement of the war policy of theadnjinistration and gave great satisfaction to its friends throughout the country. In Marblchead, especially, the event was hailed with great rejoicing. Elbridge Gerry, who was revered and honored as a patriot and a states- man, had been elected Vice-President of the United States, and nowhere was the honor conferred upon him and Massachusetts more sincerely appreciated than in his native town. On the 29th of December a desperate engagement was fought ofl" San Salvador between the United States frigate "Constitution," then commanded by Com- modore Bainbridgc, and the British frigate "Java," of thirty-eight guns. The combat lasted more than three hours, and when the " Java " struck she was re- duced to a mere wreck. Of her crew, one hundred and sixty were killed and wounded, while on board the " Constitution " there were only thirty-four. Among the killed on board the " Constitution " in this action were two brothers named Cheever, of Marblchead, the only sons of a poor widow. On the 1st of June, 1813, a battle was fought in the bay back of Marblchead Neck, in sight of a multitude of anxious spectators, between the United States frig- ate " Chesapeake," commanded by Captain Lawrence, and the British frigate " Shannon," commanded by Captain Broke. The action terminated fatally for the " Chesapeake," and the intrepid Lawrence was mortally wounded. Of the crew of the " Shannon " twenty-four were killed and fifty-six wounded. Of the crew of the " Chesapeake" forty-eight were killed and nearly 1 Twenty-uue citizens of Marbloiiead were iiitpret^ed intu the Jiritieli naval wrvice. one hundred wounded. When carried below and asked ifthe colors should be struck, Captain Lawrence replied "No; they shall never while I live." Delirious from excess of sutl'ering, he continued to exclaim : " Don't give up the ship '. " an expression consecrated by the people of Marblehead as the last words also of the heroic Mugford thirty-seven years before. During : the engagement three Marblehead sailors were on ! board the "Shannon "asprisonersof war,by whomthe j progress of the battle was watched with the utmost : interest. They bad been taken on board a prize of i the privateer " America," several days before, and their hopes of a speedy delivery were suddenly brought to an end by the capture of the " Chesapeake." The body of Captain Lawrence was carried to Hal- ifax, but was subsequently brought to Salem, and re- buried with great parade, the Hou. Joseph Story, a native of Marblehead, acting as orator of the day. The large number of British sloops-of-war which were cruising about the bay, caused the inhabitants to fear an attack upon the town, and in the spring and summer of this year active preparations were made for its defense. Fortifications were erected, and batteries were stationed on Twisden's Hill, Goodwin's Head, Hewitt's Head and on the Neck. The town was divided into two wards, and all the able-bodied men re- maining at home were enlisted into companies and de- tailed for general duty. The Marblehead Light In- fantry, which now numbered one hundred men in its ranks, acted as a reserve force to be called upon in case of an attack. A company was also recruited and mustered into the service of the United States for duty at Fort Sewall. This company was under com- mand of Captain John Bailey, and Joshua O. Bow- den, the efficient commander of the Light Infantry, was its first lieutenant. Guards were stationed along the coast, on the Neck and at various localities in the town, for the purpose of alarming the inhabitants should an attack be made. Thesoprecautionary mc;i.siires were not adopt t>(l with- out sufficient cause. The cruisers had become .so bold that in several instances tinarmcd American vessels were captured within full sight of the shore, and almost within range of the guns of the fort. On one occasion, during the month of August, two Eng- lish ships-of-war sailed close to the Neck and cap- tured six coasting- vessels which were bound to Boston. During this period of excitement two lucn were killed by the guards in the public streets of the town. Both of the unfortunate incidents occurred in the night, when it was impossible for the sentinels to see who was approaching. One of the victims was a young man named Joseph Butman, who was foolishly trying to alarm the sentinels stationed at the town- house. The other was a negro known as Black Charley, who was shot by the sentinel stationed at Lovis's Cove. Charley was on his way home from a MARRr.EHEAD. 1105 iliiticinjr-[)arty, where he had performed theimporlaiu service of tiddler, and heiiifr soinewliat deaf, it is pre- sumed did not hear tlie ehallenge of tlie guard. Phese sad events east a jreneral gh)om over the coMiinunity, anil were dee|)ly regretted ; liut the stern necessities of war demanded that the guards should he eom- nienihd for the faitliful |)erfornianee of taiii Richard Cowell, and a grandson of General ,lohn Glover, of Revolutionary fame, was wounded. After having the wound dre.s.sed a .second time he returned to his station, where another shot severely wounded him in the leg. He was taken up to be carried below, but peremptorily refusing to go, he continued at his post until of blood rendered him insensible. He was then taken below and placed under the care of the surgeon. .\fier the battle he was taken on shore, where Ids leg was ampntaled, and after sulfering with exem- plary fortitude for twenty-one days, he expired in the presence of his gallant companions. " His case excited in Valparaiso the liveliest interest. The whole city most feelingly and deeply sympathized in his sufferings, and lamented his fate. His heroism had maile everyone his friend and his mourner. He was buried with ihciiiost distinguished honors, both military and civil, thai the ].lacc roiild alford. .All the American ami l!rili>h olliccrs, the cn-ws of the 'Essex' and the 'Essex .Iiiiiior," of the 'I'hiebe' and 'Cherub,' and of every other vessel in ]iort, joined to swell the funeral procession. But the chief pomp that was displayed on this suleinn and interest- ing occasion arose from the attention of the inhabi- tants of the place. It would be scarcely hyperbolical to say that I be ashes of llie gallant (^'owell were wa- tered by the tears of all Valparaiso. 'The concourseof Spaniards, headed by the (iovernor of the district and a large military escort, was immense. "Followed by this vast and magnificent procession, and attended by solemn music and lighted tapers, the remains of the hero were carried to the principal church of the city. Here, after having been exposed to pul)lic view for two days, shrouded in elegant fun- eral apparel, they were interred in consecrated ground within the walls of the building, an honor never |ierhai>s before conferred on a stranger in that part of the world." The war virtually ended in December of this year, when the treaty of peace was signed at (ihent by the representatives of the United States and Great Brit- tain. In February, 1815, the treaty was ratified by the two government.s, and President Madison issued a proclamation to that effect. On the reception of the news in Marblehead, every house in town was illuminated and from nearly every some- thing was set flying to the breeze; those who could not procure flags, hoisting sheets, |)illow-cases, and in some instances even petticoats, in honor of the great event. For an entire week the church-bells were rung, and as day after day their merry peals rang out, they lefl full conviction on every heart of the sincere joy and rimsl ardent patriotism of the people. Though peace had been declared, over seven hun- dred citizens of Marblehead were confined in British prisons. Halifax, Chatham, Plymouth and the loathsome prison-ships each had their quota, while in Dartmoor Prison alone more than five hundred were confined. The majority of these men were cap- tured in privateers of many times their size and armament. Many, however, were taken from un- armed merchant vessels on their voyages to and from the various foreign ports. During the massacre in Darlmour Prison on the lith of .Vpril, 181."), when the .soldiers tired on the defenseless prisoners, ,lohn Peach and Thomas Tiiul- ley, of Marblehead, were wounded. Over one thou- sand men from Marblehead were engaged in the war 1106 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. for "Free Trade and Sailors' Rights." Of these, seven hundred and twenty-six were on board privateers, one hundred and twenty were in the navy, fifty-seven were in the army, and one hundred were members of the Marbleheiid Light Infantry. CHAPTER L X X X V 1 1 . MAUBLEUEAD— (Continued). Sacrijices Math hy the Town — Visit of Pi-esident MonroeSabbaih -schools Organized — Second Visit of General de I^fayette — The Columbian So- ciety — Public Streets Named — Shoe Manufacturing Established — First Local yetcspaper Established — Grand Bank Incorporated — Marblehead Seamen^s Cbariiabte S^xyiettf Organized— Female Humane Society Or- ganized— Visit of President Jackson — Rival Celebrations on the Fourth of July— Reorganization of the Fire Department— Hi^h School Estab lished— The Surplus Revenue Controversy — Eastern Railroad Opened — Liberty Party Organized — Lyceum Hall Built — Tlie Creat Gale of Mi6— Railroad Disaster of ISiS -Ship-Buildiug in Marblehead- Be- quest of Moses A. Pickett— I'reseulations to Infantry Companies — Cel- ebration of American Independence — Third Congregational Church Organized— Hibernian Friendly Society — Waterside Cemetery Dedi- cated — Catholic Church Founded— Fire at BassetVs EoXl—tSreat Strike of 18C0. At the close of the war the people applied them- selves earnestly and industriously to the task of re- storing their shattered fortunes. There were now only forty-eight vessels employed in the bank fish- eries, eighteen of which were of less than fifty tons burden. When the embargo of 1807 went into oper- ation there were one hundred and sixteen vessels en- gaged in the business, ninety-eight of which were of more than fifty tons burden. This great reduction in tlie number of vessels engaged in the industry, by which the inhabitants obtained a livelihood, is the best evidence that can be given of the sacrifices made by the town during the period of controversy and war with Great Britain. On the 4th of March, 1817, .James Monroe, of Vir- ginia, was inaugurated President of the United States. A few months after his inauguration he made a tour of the Eastern States, and in so doing, honored the town of Marblehead with a brief visit. He was re- ceived at the entrance of the town by a procession consisting of the military, the boards of town officers, the pupils of the public and private schools, the clergy, and a large concourse of citizens. He was escorted to the " Lee Mansion, where a large number of prominent citizens assembled " to pay their respects, and afterwards visited Fort Sewall and other points of interest. The organization of Sabbath schools in Marble- head, began in the spring of 1818, when measures were taken for the formation of the " Sabbath-School Union Society." Hon. William Reed was chosen president of the society. The scho(ds of the several churches continued under the direction of this society for eleven years, when each church assumed control of its own school. The year 1824 was marked by an event of the greatest interest to the people of Marblehead. The venerable Marrjuis de Lafayette, who had come to the United Slates at the express invitation of Congress, was traveling through the country, and the citizens voted unanimously to invite him to visit the town. The invitation was accepted, and a day late in the month of August was appointed for his reception. The distinguished visitor, accompanied by his son, George Washington Lafayette, was received at the entrance of the town by a procession of civic and military organizations, and escorted through the principal streets amid the joyful acclamations of the people. He was then conducted to the " Lee Man- sion," where a grand dinner was served, and a public reception was given to the citizens. The dinner- table, it is said, presented a magnificent appearance. All the '■ well-to-do " families of the town contributed their silverware to grace the festal board, and neither pains nor expense were spared in its arrangement. General Lafayette remained in Marblehead several hours, and before departing made a brief call upon Mrs. Mary Glover Hooper, the wife of Robert Hooper, Esq., and the only surviving daughter of his old friend and companion-in-arms, Geu. John Glover. Among other interesting incidents of this memora- ble day was the first appearance of the military com- pany known as the Lafayette Guards, which had been organized a short time before, under command of Capt. William B. Adams. Early in this year a society was incorporated by the name of the "Columbian Society," which, for more than fifty years, exercised a perceptible influence upon the political sentiments of the citizens. I'^or many years the best moderators of our town-meetings were graduates of the president's chair of the Colum- bian Society, and the most skillful debaters who par- ticipated in town-meeting discussions obtained their experience at the weekly meetings of that institution. During this year the public streets were named by vote of the town. Nearly all of them had been known as " lanes," from the time of the settlement of the town, and Mugford, (Jreen and State Streets are still familiarly known to many of the older inhabitants as "New Meeting-Uouse," "Ferry," and "Wharf" Lanes. Previous to the breaking out of the Revolu- tion, State Street was known as " King Street," but the patriotic citizens declined to recognize the name after the close of the war. As early as 1S25 the manufacture of misses' and children's shoes was introduced into Marblehead. Previous to this time the only boots and shoes made in town were heavy leather boots for the use of fisher- men and custom shoes for ladies and gentlemen. The first manufacturer to engage in the new enter- prise was Mr. Ebenezer Martin, who made his own shoes and sold them at retail. His work-shop was in the old " Reynolds House," on Darling Street. It was his custom to carry his goods about in a cart, and MARBLEHEAD. 1107 drive Irom one town to anotlier, until lie disposed of them. The next earliest inanul'acturer waa Mr. Thomas Woohlredge, wliose laitory was on Orne Street; and a tew years later Messr.s. Benjamin Hawkes, Thomas Garney and Adimirani C. Orne engaged in the business as a firm. Shortly after, Messrs. Samuel and Peter Sparhawk began business. On Saturday .Mareh 13, 18:i0, the first local news- paper ever established in town made its apjiearance. It was called the Marbhhaid Rif/is/er, and was publisiied by Henry Blaney. For three years the editor struggled lieroically to make the enterprise a success; but his efforts were futile, and he was obliged to suspend publication. Several newspapers have since been establislied, but a similar fate has befallen them all e.\ce[>t the yfarhleheod Afexnoigcr, which was established in 1S71, and is still published. huriiig the year 18:^1 several im|iortant local insti- tutions were established. On the ISth the Grand Hank was inclied visitor was obliged to proceed as soon as possible to Salem, and they were deprived of tlie pleasure of his company. The violent opposition to the meiusures of Presi- dent Jackson's administration gave rise to a new political organization, known as the Whig party. Between this party and the Democrats there existed a feeling of the most bitter hostility. This was especi- ally true of the adherents of both parties in Marble- head. Their ojiixisition to each other was so intense that on tlie occasion of u Fourth of .July celel)ratioii in 1834, they refused to act in concert, and the re- sult was two rival celebrations. The Democrats formeil a [irocession, and, escorted by the Lafayette Guards, with a drum and fife and two bugles, pro- ceeded to the Methodist Metting-IIouse, where an oration was ilelivered by Mr. Frank Knight, a native of the town. They tlieii marched to Fort Sewall, where a diumr was proviiled, ati the old North meeting-house, where an oration was delivered ; after which they s;it down to a dinner at Academy Hall. During the year 1835 the Fire Department was thoroughly reorganized. The town at this time owned four hand-engines, — the " Friend," the " Endeavour,'' the " Union " and the " Liberty." Beside these, there were two engines owned by private parties, one of which was named the "Torrent," and the other the ■' Relief." \ committee, appointed by the town to examine the several engines belonging to the Fire De- partment, reported that only <«ie, the " Liberty," was " worth spending a dollar on." That engine was accordingly reiiaired, and refitted with all the modern improvements, and two new suction engiiie.s — the "' Marblehead " and " Essex " — were purchased. During the year 183(5 the Universalint Society was organized. For a time the meetings were held in the hall on thecornerof Washington and Darling Streets; but the following year, so rajiid had been the growth of the society, that a church edifice was erected on the corner of Pleasant and Watsoti Streets. For years the town had maintained three grammar schools, known as the North, Centre and South Schools. In 1S37 it was voted to establish a High School, with gei)arate departments for boys and girls. The school was (istal>lisbc(l in accordance with the vote of the town, and ibe building known as the .Masonic Loilge was rented for its acconunodatiou. It was during this year, also, that the famous con- troversy over the "Surplus Revenue" took place. During the administration of Pn-sident Jack.son a large amount of money accumulated in the treasury of the United States. By an act of C'ongress the Secretary of the Treasury was authorized to distribute the amount among the several Slates, and the State cjf Massachusetts, on the reception of its proportion, distributed it among the towns of the commonwealtli. By this act of the Legislature the town of .Marblehead received about thirteen thousand dollars. The town voted to appropriate the money for the purchiuse of a town farm and the erection of a new almshouse. A controversy ensued in regard to the matter, and after the vote had been several times reconsidered, 1108 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. it was ascertained that the town was under legal ob- ligation to purchase the farm belonging to Humphrey Devereux, Esq. The farm was accordingly purcha.sed for thirteen thousand dollars. Two years later the farm was sold for eleven thousand dollars, and the money was turned over to the treasurer, the town losing two thousand dollars by the transaction. The date of the regular establishment of stage com- munication between Marblehead and Boston was about the year 17G8. The establishment of a regular line of stages between Marblehead and Salem, how- ever, did not take jjlace until twenty-six years later. The first projirictor of a line of stages in Marblehead, of whom we have any knowledge, was Mr. Hooker Osgood, who drove regularly to Boston for many years previous to the War of 1812. He died in 1811, and the business was purchased by Messrs. Israel Putnam and Jonathan Cass. This firm subsequently sold out to a companj', under whose management the business was conducted for several years. Upon the abandonment of the enterprise by the company, Mr. Cass resumed the business with Mr. Increase H. Brown as a partner. In 1829 Mr. Cass withdrew, and Mr. Brown entered into a co-partnership with Messrs. Stephen P. Hathaway and Benjamin Thomp- son, the style of the firm being I. H. Brown & Co. A stage was driven to Boston daily, and to Salem twice a day, Mr. Thompson being the driver of the former, and Mr. Hathaway of the latter. On the opening of the Eastern Railroad between Salem and Boston, in 1838, the stage to Boston was discontinued, and, instead, stages were driven four times a day to the Marblehead Depot, then located in Swampscott, on what is now known as the "Old Lynn Road." On the opening of the Marblehead and Salem Branch of the Eastern Railroad, in 1839, the stage to Salem was discontinued. The year 1839 may be said to have been the period when the fishing business of Marblehead reached the zenith of its prosperity. At that time ninety-eight vessels, only three of which were under fifty tons burden, were employed in the business — a larger number than had ever sailed from this port since the time of Jefl'erson's embargo. In February, 1841, an Anti-Slavery Convention was held at Georgetown, Massachusetts, and, as a result of its deliberations, the political organi- zation known as the Liberty party came into ex istence. This i)arty advocated the total abolition of slavery in the District of Columbia, over which Congress had the sole legislative power. The only person from Marblehead who attended the Conven- tion at Oeorgetown was Mr. Samuel Goodwin, a gen- tleman who had long been an earnest and outspoken Abolitionist. Three years later, at the Presidential election of 1844, six votes were cast in Marblehead for the candidates of the Liberty party. These voters appeared regularly at the polls at each recurring State election, and their party gradually increased to fifteen members. For years they made little or no progress, but they succeeded in maintaining their organization, forming the nucleus of the great anti- slavery party, which, under two names, has assumed such proportions in Marblehead. The year 1844 was marked by the erection of the building known as " Lyceum Hall," and by the or- ganization of two of the most prominent and influen- tial societies in the town. These were Samaritan Tent of Rechabites and Atlantic Lodge of Odd Fel- lows. In 1845 another engine was added to the Fire De- partment. This engine was the " Gerry," and upon its reception the engine company of that name was organized. The year 1846 marked a memorable period of dis- tress in the annals of the town. On the 19th of Sep- tember of that year one of the most terrible gales ever known took place on the Grand Banks of New- foundland, and ten vessels belonging in Marblehead, containing sixty-five men and boys, were lost. Forty- three of these unfortunate seamen were heads of families, leaving forty-three widows and one hundred and fifty-five fatherless children. This great calamity may be said to have given the death-blow to the fish- ing interests of the town. Gradually, as the years have passed, one vessel after another has dropped from the roll of "Bankers," until not one remains, and the great industry of former years is but a memory of the past. In 1848 the Marblehead Seamen's Charitable So- ciety erected a monument in the "old Burying Hill," in memory of its deceased members, fourteen of whom were lost in the September gale of 1846. The monu- ment is of white marble, fifteen feet high, and stands upon the highest point of ground on the hill, being visible from ten to fifteen miles at sea. The inhabitants had not recovered from the calam- ity of 1846, when another of a difl^erent nature, but not less appalling, cast a gloom over the entire com- munity. The Presidential campaign of 1848 had nearly drawn to its close, when, on Thursday evening, November 2d, two large political gatherings were held, one in Lynn and the other in Salem. The Hon. Daniel Webster was advertised to ad- dress the Whigs at Lynn, and Gen. Caleb Gushing the Democrats at Salem. Special trains were run to these places from all the towns in the vicinity, and more than two hundred citizens of Marblehead availed themselves of the oi>portunity to listen to the eloquence of the great orators. At twelve o'clock that night, as the Marblehead train was returning from Salem, a collision took place with the down train from Lynn, The engine, tender and forward car of the Marble- head train were utterly demolished. Six of the occu- pants of the car were killed, and five were seriously wounded. During the year 1849 the ship "Robert Hooper," owned by Mr. Edward Kimball, was built at " Red MAKIilJOilKAD. 1109 Stone" Cove. The launching;, which took place on the 31st of Octoher, was witnessed liy luiniireds of people, many of whom came t'roin the neighborinK cities and towns. IJusines.-* was generally su.spended, and the day was oh.served as agenerai holiday through- out the town. The enterprise thus begun, tor a lime, gave promise of becoming oni^ of the permanant in- dustries of the town. Six other ships, of from eight hundred to twelve liundred tons burden, were sub- sequently built for Mr. Kimball; and within a period of nine years twenty scliooncrs, of from eighty-seven to one hundred and twelve tons Inirden, were built for various persons engaged in the fishing business. In 18.')0 a hook-anil-ladder carriage was bought and placed in the Fire Department. It was named the •' Wiishington," and a company was organized for its management. In 1S'')2 the infantry company known as the (iln- ver Light Guards was organize(l. The first captain was Mr. William H. Hooper, a descen3 is chielly mem- orable on account of the three great military fi^stivals which took place before it closed. On Tuesday, June 2Sth, tlie Marblehead Light Infantry, which had adopted the name of ".Sutton," in honor of (ien- eral William Sutton, appeared under command of Captain Knott V. Martin. Among the distinguished visitors present were His K.\celleney, (iovernor ('lif- ford, the Hon. Charles W. TJpliam, who at that time represented the Ivjscx District in Congress, and a large number of military nlliiers from other towns. 'I'be (Hover Light (inai'ds, under ('aplaiii .lolm M. Anders(jn, appeared in a grand parade on the :i'.»th of Septendier, and on the I'.Mh ol (letoher tlie Lafayette (luanls, under eonimand id' Captain John Carroll, .li., made a ^iniihir demonstration. On eaidi of the>e iieeasi(pTis the enmp:iny |):irailii:g was presented with a silk banner, llie gill of the ladies of the tnwn. The anniversary nl' .\meriean iiidepeiideiiee had been eeb-liraled from time to lime wilb great parade, but the greatest celebration of the kiml ever known in town u|i to this time was that wbieb took place on the 4tli of .Uily, 1S.')(;. At nine o'clock in the morning of that day a processioM was formed in seven divisions, consisting of the tliree military com- panies, the entire Fire Department, the pupils of the public schools, the town ollicials and their predeces- sors in oHice, aged citizens in carriages, a party ol' mounted Indian warriors and a cavalcade of horse- men. Mr. .loseph I'. Turner acted a> eliief marshal. I'he iirocession moved through all the ]iiinci|>al streets to the " Old .North Church, ' where an oration was delivered by W. C. Kndicott, Esq., of Salem. The other exercises consisted of |)rayer by the Rev. IS. 11. Allen, and reading of the Heclaralion (pf Indepen- dence by Mr. Franklin Knight. An ode, written for the occasion by Mrs. Jlaria L, Williams, was sung by the choir. In the evening there was a brilliant dis- play of fireworks, under the direction of a I'oston pyrotechnist. In IS5() a lodge of the "Sons of Tenqierance," was organized, known as " Washington Division, No. •■',." The following year the .Marblehead Musical As.sociation was organized. In 1858 several eommunicarits of the b'irst I'on- gregational t'hurch withdrew from that body and or- ganized the society wdiich, for nearly twenty years, was known as the " Third ('ongregational Churcli," During the year ISlSO the .society erected the bouse of worship known as the " South Church," on the cor- ner of Essex and School Streets. This building was destroyed in the great contlagration of 1877, and the society united with the First (Congregational Church, On the 5lh of December, 1S.')8, the Hibernian FrieiuUy Society was organized. The year 18.0'J was as remarkable for local events as any in the history of the town. (In the Ut of January a new engine, named the " Mugford," was added to the Fire De|partnient, and the engine com- pany of that name was organized. .•\ controversy had arisen relative to the purchase of another hand-engiiu', and nnuiy of the tiremen were loud in their praises of a machine kmiwn as the "Ihltton Tub." The town ilecided to the proposition to obtain one, however, and the engine known ius the "( ieneral ( Hover " was purchased. The "Cenend (ilover" Kngine (Jompany was organized ui>on it,> reception. 1110 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. On the 16lh of October the Waterside Cemetery was consecrated with appropriate exercises, consisting of prayer, singing and an address by the Rev. Benjamin R. Allen, pastor of the North Congregational Church. For several years the people professing the faith of the Roman Catholic Church had maintained occa- sional services at private houses and in various halls in the town, going to Salem to receive the holy com- munion. In 1859 the Church "Our Lady Star of the Sea" was erected, and since that time services have been regularly held. During the same year Wash- ington Lodge of Good Templars and the Young Men's Christian Association were organized. Ou the 2t)th of January, 1860, a large building on Essex Street, known as Bassett's Hall, was totally destroyed by fire. This hall had been erected but a short time before, and was dedicated to the use of the Spiritualiiits of the town. The house of the General Glover Engine Company was also destroyed. An- other house was erected on Pleasant Street, for the use of the company, and at the same time a house was built on State Street for the use of the Gerry En- gine Company. A reduction in the price paid for labor by the shoe manufacturers of Lynn and Marblehead in the spring of the year 1860 resulted in one of the greatest strikes ever known in either place. Nearly every man, woman and child employed in the manufacture of shoes in Marblehead participated in the movement, and there was a general determination not to submit to the reducticm. On the 2d day of March the "strikers" made a grand demonstration, and in their parade about town they were escorted by the entire Fire Department and the three military companies. Five days later a similar demonstration took place in Lynn, when the shoemakers of Marblehead, escorted by the firemen and military, visited that city and participated in the proceedings. On the 29th of March the "women strikers" paraded about town and one of their number acted as drummer. With commendable gallantry the firemen and military again tendered their services as an escort, and the art'air passed off very pleasantly for all concerned. At length, after a strike of si.x weeks in duration, the shoemakers accepted the terms of the manufacturers, and returned to their labor. CHAPTER LXXXVIII. ilXRHLVAlEAD— {Continued). Indu^l/-Mil Dwelopmtrnt — Sew Settteynentn — Opening oj the Itailroad to Stttcm — Kxteniriono/ I'lewsnnt :3tre£t — Joseph It. Btuuett—New Utreett Opened — Panic o/ 1857— irWUam T. Uu$keU i Company -Joseph HurrU i S(yn$—Metliod of Mnnufuctnrinij Shoett — Industry of tJte People — The McKay Machine — Campo Work. The end of the year 1860 closed a quarter of a century of great industrial development in the his- tory of Marblehead. For a period of fifty years pre- vious to the year 1835 not a street or road was laid out in the town. Nearly every street was over- crowded with houses, and there were few vacant lots to be obtained in the settled portion of the township. A general apathy seemed to have settled over the entire community. Those who owned land would not sell it for business enterprises or other purposrs, and, as a natural consequence, there came to be liti Ir or no demand tor it. In 1835 a new order of thiiu^ nas inaugurated. During that year, through ilir persistent efforts of Mr. Adoniram C. Orne, a ro;ul was laid out by the county commissioners, which may properly be called an extension of Pleasant Slreet. This road began at a point near the corner ol Spring Street, and extended through a field known as the "tan-yard," in which the " Brick Pond" was situated, into Washington Street. This was a great improvement, as j>reviou8 to that time Pleasant Street opened into Washington Street through what is known as Essex Street. With the opening of the railroad to Salem in 1839, an impetus was given to the manufacturing interests of the town and an era of prosperity began. One of the first to avail themselves of the advantages pre- sented by this ready means of transportation by rail ivas Mr. Joseph R. Ba.ssett, an energetic and enterpris- ing young man, who had established himself. in the shoe business a few years before. As his business in- creased he built a factory near the depot, and began to devise measures for the improvement of the town. For years a twine-factory or rope-walk had been sit- uated in a field fronting on Washington Street, and a few feet back of this building there was a tan-yard and cordage-factory. The only access to these build- ings, until another way was opened by the extension of Pleasant Street, was by means of a narrow foot- path which led from Washington Street to a gate at the entrance to the pastures on Reed's Hill. Tiie first venture of this enterprising shoe manufacturer was to purchase the field in which the rope-walk stood, and in a short time the foot-path was tran.s- Ibrmed into a street, now know as School Street. A short time after he purchased the " SewaJl Lot," through which a street was laid out from the Cornish and Evans estate to a point on " Reed's Hill." This street was accepted by the town in 1844, and has since been known as "Sewall Street." "Spring Street " was laid out during the following year, and was so named from a spring of jmre water on the premises. Mr. Bassett's next movement was to lay out and build four streets over Reed's Hill and in that vicinity. The question which now perpexed the people was, " How could the house-lots on all these streets be sold, and by whom would they be purchased?" The problem was soon solved. On every street that he had laid out Mr. Bassett began to build neat and comfortable cottages, agreeing to tlmse ot his M AIIRLKIIK, \I). nil workinoii wlm piirihased lliiiii witli <'<)nst:iiil ciu- |ilo_vnieiil, and lo ili-iluct :i icrlain iini|iorliiiii rmiii their earninjrs cvitv week, uiilil llir luni-iis and luts were paiil Cor. This proiuisilinn was n-adily accipti'd by Itliiiiy of his workincn ; an tire sei'tion in the vicinity covered witli houses. During the year ist7 Mr. saw-niill on the sliore in th Ship-yard. Tliis was lor tlie shoe-hoxe.s; hut it liad an ( I ill a lew years llie eii- [if the new streets was l'.a->rtl ereeteil a steam ■ sertion know II as the niannl'artiire "( wooden tleet i;ttle d.eamed of. even hy the saii'.'uine projector. 'I"he nii(s>iiy of a good road to the mill suggested the la\ing out ol streets, and the founding of a new settlement. Tin idea wa.s speedily put in execution. A large tract of land in the vicinity was piirdiased, and f'om- iiiercial Street, the two streets running parallel with it, and the cross-streets intervening, weii' laid out The growth of tlie settlement in tliis section wa> hardly less rapid than that ni' those in or near the depot and on Reed'.s Hill. As hefore, houses were eieiled and sold lo work- ingnicn at reasonable prices, and in a short time there was !i viUage of comfortable homes and wln-re once there were vacant fields and pasture lands. There were other manufacturers who were contem- poraries of Mr. Hassett during all tliese years ; of some of them we have already written, and space will permit mention of but two of the principal firms These were Messrs. William T. Ha.skell A Co. ami Joseph Harris iV Sons. The founders of both these firms began business as poor men. It is said of .Mr. I[:iskell that he olitained the luoncy with wliich he established his bu.siness by a fonunale lisi- in tin- price of wood. He was a clerk in his father's grocirv- store, and one day a coaster with a load ol wooil arrived in the harbor, and the owner, after vainly endeavoring to sell his loail, turned it over to young Haskell, telling him that all the money he could obtain for it over a certain amount should be his own. Shortly after there was a scarcity of wood in the market, and the wood was sold for a good prii'i'. With the capital thus obtained, the young man at once began the manufacture of shoes. His tir>t place of businetis w;us in a building on the corner of Front and State Streets. He subseiiuently removed to a building on Washington Street, near the " Lee JIansion," and filially to a small building on Pleasant Street, which was enlarged from time to time as his business in- creased. Here he con«,.,.„;. .<«>■«/ (.. /,•.*;... i,,/ (.. Ihe I'all/m Tro„j„-I',„,m,.i,s /.,r lh« fumUu-t o/ f..Iii,;(cr»-.-l, l/ow ,./ thr iMlks—M'irbleh'mt SnhUfn ill llie Se./f nj War—Deitiirlun' nf llir Mwifaril (iwtrds—IMun, i,/ Hit Tlirf-Mi-iilln' Mcii—flnl Murhleliciid M,-u mild ill nmilf—lMiilli of WilWim II. Uuhhiird on bourd Hie " • ■mii. Iieiliind" — Ailirilii in lltcniiliiig—l'iniillifKpiM Ihi- Soldiers— Tlic Siiir- Mmillia' Mill— The Ilrn/ls-Fort Seimtl IticoilMiucled—Forl., Miller iinil lUonr Krcrlrd—One Iltiudred liwjx' M.n—U'nrl- nf Ihe I.ndirt— I'upl. Miili'id B. Greij'irii — l'iipt. Joeiah P. Cressetf-Miirblthr'iid Mni in the S'iry — f'apl. Siimuel />'. Grrgonf — DrmonMrations on lite Snrri'ndrr of OVil. l.ri—ljenlliof rriiiilriil Unrohi^-Tlir T.nlli niillrrli-ll.ripli.oi !■• rocession was thirteen young ladies, representing the original States, wearing white clresses, and red, wliite and blue veils. The arrival of the train bringing the soldiers was announced by the ringing of liells, the firing of guns and the joyful acclamations of the people. They were received at the depot at about six o'clock P. M., and escorted to the Town- House, where an address of welcome was deliv- ered by Jonathan H. Orne, Ks([., a member of the Board of Selectmen. On the afternoon of the follow- ing day the veterans were given u grand reception. The procession was again formeil, and they were escorted about town to I'^jrt Sewall, where a dinner was served. Shortly after the return of IIk^ companies Captain Knott V. Alarlin resigned as commander of the Sut- ton Light Infantry, and recruited a company for the Twenty-third llegiment. More than half the num- l>er of this company were enlisted in Marblehead. They left for the seat of war during the month of Xo- vember. On the 21st of Decemlier the town voted to appro- priate the sum of three thousand dollars in aid of the families of volunteers. The news of the splendid triumpli of (ieneral Burnside in his cxpi'dilion against North Carolina, resulting in the capture of lioanoke Island on the Sth of Jaiuiary, 181)2, sent a thrill of exultation through every loyal heart in the country. But the joy of the peo|)le of JIarblehead was turned to grief by the news that three of their citizens fallen in the battle. These were Lieut. John Good- win, Jr., .Scrgt. (iamaliel H. Morse and I'rivate John Show, (jf Company B, Twenty-third Regiment. Messrs. (ioodwin and Morse were killed instantly; but Mr. Show was mortally wounded, and died after sev<-ral days of severe suffering. Just one month from the date of the battle of Ro- anoke Island the famous battle occurred between the ITnited.'^tates frigates " ("umberland" and " Congress" and the Confederate ram " Mcrrimac," in Hampton 1114 HISTOEY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. Roads, Va. After an engagement of fifteen minutes the " Merrimac " ran into the "Cumberland," crush- ing in l;er side. The frigate immediately began to sink. Over one hundred .seamen on board the ill- fated vessel went down in her. One of the bravest of the heroes who lost their lives in this engagement was William B. Hubbard, of Marblehead. He was captain of one of the guns on board the " Cumber- land." When the ship was sinking, and death stared them in the face, the first thought of many was naturally that of self-preservation. Not so with Hubbard. His powder-boy had become frightened and could not be found. " I am determined to have one more shot at them," cried the gallant Hubbard, and immediately went be- low to procure ammunition. On his return, as he ap- proached his gun to reload it, a shot from the enemy laid him on the deck. He went down with the ship, nobly dying at his post. Among the crew of the " Cumberland" were David Bruce and John Hazel, of Marblehead. Nathaniel Koundey and John Flemming were on board the " Congress '' throughout the action. Late in the month of April the people received the precious bodies of their earliest dead, the first slain in battle. Then, for the first time, they realized the magnitude of the sacrifice to be made. Only the life blood of their best and bravest could pre- serve the institutions for which their fathers fought. The funeral services over the bodies of Messrs. Goodwin and Morse took place on Thursday, April 24th, at the Unitarian Church.' The services consisted of singing by the choir, prayer by Rev. George W. Patch, and an address by the Rev. Samuel R. Colthrop, pastor of the church. The remains were accompanied to their resting-place in the Green Street Burying-ground by the three companies of the Eighth Regiment belonging to Marblehead and a large concourse of people. It is seldom that heroes are so honored as were these dead soldiers. His Excellency John A. An- drew, the war Governor of Massachusetts, was there in the procession, accompanied by Adjutant-General Schouler and the members of his staft'. Major-Gen- eral Sutton and the field and staff officers of the Eighth Regiment were also in attendance. On the 2d of July President Lincoln issued a call for three hundred thousand more volunteers to serve for three years or during the war. In accordance with this call, the most earnest eflcirts were made to recruit from Marblehead. On the 19lh of July the town voted to offer a bounty of one hundred dollars to every man who would volunteer on the quota of the town ; and Captains Richard Phillips, Samuel C. Graves, Francis Boardman, Messrs. Samuel Roads and John Goodwin were chosen a committee to assist the selectmen in recruiting. On the 31st of July the > The body of Mr. Shaw was not brought home. town treasurer was authorized to hire the sum of fourteen thousand four hundred dollars, to be used as bounties for volunteers in the sum of one hundrcii dollars each. A committee was chosen to wait up >ii the Governor and request him to appoint an addi- tional recruiting agent. On the 1st of August Gov- ernor Andrew issued the following permission to recruit : " In consequence of tlie request of tho town of MarblelieaiJ, marmed a blockade for the Confederate steamer "Sumter." He subsequently sailed to the Island of Tangiers, 1116 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. Morocco, and captured two Confederate officers, who were made prisoners of war. The distinguished ser- vices of Captain Samuel B. Gregory, in the U. S. steamer " Western World," and of his brother, Capt. William D. Gregory, in the steamer " Bahia," along the southern coast, are deserving of much more space than is at our disposal. Both were noted for their zeal, and were among the most successful comman- ders in the United States Navy. Their names are recorded, with honorable mention, in the archives at Washington. Throughout the entire period of the war the news of every Union victory was announced to the people by the merry peal of the church bells. On Saturday, April 8, 1865, news was received of the surrender of General Lee, at Richmond, Va., and the bells rang out their joyful tidings. The event, however, did not take place until the following day. On Mon- day, April 10th, the citizens formed in procession and headed by a band of music, marched through the principal streets to Lyceum Hall, where addre.-ses of congratulation were delivered by Dr. Briggs, of Sa- lem, and other speakers. In the evening many of the houses were illuminated, and beacon-fires were lighted on the hills in honor of the great event. The assassination of President Lincoln, on the night of April 14lli, gave a tragic ending to one of the greatest civil wars recorded in history. In Marble- head, as elsewhere throughout the country, every mark of respect was paid to the martyred President. On the day of the funeral many of the shoe manu- factories, private residences and other buildings were appropriately draped in mourning ; the church bells were tolled, and public services were held at the Baptist Church, where an address was delivered by the Rev. George W. Patch. Though actual hostilities ceased in April, the sol- diers who had enlisted for a service of three years were not discharged until June, when the war was considered as finally ended. On the 20th of that month the people of Marblehead gave a reception to the members of the Tenth Massachusets Battery, a large proportion of whom were citizens of the town. This battery had been engaged in all the most im- portant battles of the army of the Potomac, and had become distinguished for efficiency and bravery. On the 4th of December, a reception was given to General Kilpatrick, who delivered an address on the steps of the town-bouse. During the war Marblehead furnished for the army and navy one thousand and forty-eight men, which was a surplus of ninety-one over and above all de- mauds. Eight hundred and twenty-seven were in the military service, and two hundred and twenty-one were in the navy. Of these, one hundred and ten were killed in battle, or died from wounds and sick- ness, and eighty-seven were wounded, many of whom returned home only to die after months, and, in some instances, years of suffering. The whole amount of money raised for war I'lii- poses by the town, exclusive of State aid, nv:i- $139,725. The sum of §107,800.65 was raised by tlif town and paid to families of volunteers as State ail during the four years of the war. This sum was af- terwards refunded by the Commonwealth. CHAPTER XC. M.\RBLEHEAD— ( Continued). Improvements in the Shoe Business — New Street*^ Increase of livsi Fire on Pleasant Street — First Observance of Menwrial Day— John i ■ vin, Jr., Post 82, G. A. It , Organized— Other Local Organizations- ! Steam Fire Engine — Atlantic .'IreilKc' Opened — Firenten''s Dcmonstrtil' Catholic Cltarch Bnmed — Smalt Pox ExcUement — Manataug House Li' — Swampscott Branch Itadroai Opened — WUHam B. Brotvn — The Gi Fund— lieqved of Benjamin Abbot— Abliot Hall—GenerosUg of Vie i.^.- zens — Celebration of MugfortCs Viciorij—Mugford Monument Dedicated \ — Dedication of Soldiers' and Sailors' Monument — Abbot Public Library ' — Great Fire of lS17—Neui Local Newspaper Established — Murder of j William Frank Hathaway — Marblehead Improvement Society Organized — I Exercises on the Death of President Garfield — Presiitent Arthur Captured > —Tlie Loclioul of 1883— Ccfclirafioli of the Fourth of July— Horse Bail- roads Extended from Lynn and Solent — Attempts to Dirifle the Totpn and Form a Netv Township — Memorial Services on the Death of Ex'President U. S. Grant- Development of the Town (W a Summer Resort — Marblehead as a Yachting Centra. During the war, and the years immediately fol- lowing its close, the shoe business of Marblehead was in a more prosperous condition than it had ever been before. With the introduction of the McKay Sew- ing Mai-hine, a division of labor became necessary, and the entire system of manufacturing shoes was revolutionized. All work was now performed in the factories, and instead of the old system, under which boys were taught a thorough knowledge of shoemak- ing as a trade, they were taught to be simply profic- ient in some particular branch of the work. By the improved method of manufacturing, thousands of cases of boots and shoes were made in a much shorter time than it had formerly taken to produce as many hundreds. As the business increased and became remunerative, the effect was apparent in the improved condition of the town. Large buildings were erected in the vicinity of the depot for manufacturing pur- poses, while handsome residences in various parts of the town gave evidence of the prosperity of the people. The town was also greatly improved by the building of new streets, and by removing buildings and widening several of the older highways. On the night of February 5, 18()7, the town nar- rowly escaped a destructive conflagration. A fire broke out in the shoe manufactory of Joseph Harris & Sons, on Pleasant Street, destroying the building, together with the Baptist Church and the dwelling- house of Increase H. Brown. The flames were com- municated to several other buildings in the vicinity, but the fire was fortunately controlled before doing fur- ther damage. The work of rebuilding began early in MARnLKlIKAl). 1117 the spring. A comniKiious factory was erected liy Messrs. Harris A Sons "ii Klin Street, ami the Bajitist Society erected a new church on tlie site i'ornierly occupied by tlieir old house of worship. On the 14th of October, eisrht men at work on tiie new church edifice were thrown to the ground by the breaking away of a staging. One man was killed instantly, and another died from his injuries after several days of extreme sutlering. The custom of decorating the graves of soldiers with dowers was observed in Marbleliead for the first time on the Kith of June, IStlS, under the aus]>iccs of the " Soldiers" and Sailors' Union Liague." Nearly every organization in town participated in the proces- sion. The exercises, which took place on the com- mon, consisted of an oration by William B. Brown, Esq., an address by the Rev. William G. Haskell, and reading a poem written for the occasion by Benjamin K. Prentiss, Esq.. of Lynn, a native of JTarblehead. The procession then marched to the several ceme- teries, where the graves of those who gave their lives in defense of the country were reverently decorated. This beautiful custom has been annually observed on the 30th of Jlay under the auspices of the " ( irand Army of the Kepublic."' The most notable events of the year, besides the ex- citement attending a presidential election, were the organization of the Liberty Hose l!ompany, and the action of the town in authorizing the lighting of the public streets at night. Ijittle of importance marked the passage of the year 18ti9. A prominent local organization was chartered, however: John Goodwin, Jr., Post 82, Grand Army of the Republic. During the following year, Unity Degree Lodge, Daughters of Hebekah, and Neptune Lodge, No. .'{1, Knights of Pythias, were organized. In 1871, the town voted to purchase anew steam fire engine, which resulted in a controversy among the firemen as to which company should have tlic custody of the new machine. At the annual >Lirch meeting, the citizens elected a board of fire-wards, in accordance with the time-honored custom of the town. This action was resisted by the Board of Se- lectmen, who appointed another set of fire-wards, and claimed that the election by the citizens was illegal. The question was finally carried before the courts, and a decision was rendered declaring the election by the people to be the only legal method of appoint- ment. The new engine arrived on the 8th of Septem- ber, and was given the name of "Marblehead, No. I.'' The Marblehead Savings' Bank was incorporated early in the year, and in iJecembera new local news- paper, known as the Murbkhead Mcssciiyer, nuide its appearance. During the year, also, .\tlantic Avenue, which had been the cause of great controversy for several years, and which the town had been ordered to build by the County Commissioner, was completed and opened for travel. On New Year's night, 1872, the fire clepartment made a grand dcnionsiralion in honor of the satisfac- tory ending of the cotitrovf rsy concerning the new steam fire-engine. After a torchlight procession about town, tlie several companies assembled at the rooms of the General Glover Fire Association, where a dinner was served. The Marblehead Steam Fire Kiigiiic C(mipany was organized the same evening. On the 8th of .luly, a new church, which had been erected a short time before on tiregory street, by the Roman Catholics, was burned to the ground. Soon after, a parsonage was erected on the same site for the use of the parish priest. During the month of August, Jfanataug Tribe, Improved Order of Red Men, was organized. The year 1873 was one of the most eventful in the annals of the town. F^arly in the winterseveral per- sons were reported sick with the small-pox, and great excitement prevailed among the people. The first to die with the disease was (ieorge Hatch, Esq., a member of the Board of Selectmen, and a gentleman well known and highly respei'ted in the community. Shortly after, a house on Water street was taken for a small-pox hospital, and several persons were placed there for treatment. The management of this hos- pital was not satisfactory to the citizens, and a con- troversy ensued which continued until the close of the annual town meeting. On Thursday morning, September H, a fire broke out in a stable on Darling Street, belonging to Mr. Thomas T. Paine, and before it could be extinguished a large hotel on Washington Street, known as the "Manataug House," and a dwelling-house adjoining, belonging to the estate of Samuel Homan, were des- troyed. Several other buildings iti the vicinity were badly damaged. On Monday, October litth, the railroad from Mar- blehead to Lynn, known as the Swamjiscott Branch, w'as ojiened for travel, and the event was celebrated in an appropriate manner. Five hundred persons were conveyed over the route in the first train, and on its return a dinner was served at Allerton Hall. The Marblehead Band was in attendance, and speeches were ma*jon for the town of Marblehead, because it Wiia my birthplace. And it is my desire that a building shall be erected for the benefit of the iniiabitants of said town, but I do not intend to limit the use of the lunacy to that purpose or to impose conditions which would prevent the use of it for such other general objects as the citL zens of said town may determine upon in their discretion. I desire that my name shall always be attached to said fund." The legacy was formally accepted by the town, and it was voted unanimou.sly to erect a building in ac- cordance with the wishes of the donor, to be known as Abbot Hall. This building, which is of brick, with stone trimmings, was completed during the year 1877. It is situated on the Common, on Training-field Hill, one of the highest points of land in the town and is visible for several miles %.t sea. It contains a large audience hall which is capable of seating fully twelve hundred persons, a public library and reading-room, a fire-proof vault for the storage and security of the records, and rooms for the of the various boards of town officers. Its total cost was S75,000. Great credit is due to Messrs. Simeon Dodge and Moses Gilbert, of the building committee, under whose supervision the building was constructed. Many of the conveniences which render the new hall superior to most public buildings, are due to the faithful man- ner in which these gentlemen performed the work assigned them by the town. Upon the completion of the building, several of the citizens and natives of the town residing .abroad, generously contributed pictures aad other articles to add to its attractiveness. The Hon. James J. H. Gregory presented a clock and bell for the tower and a large oil painting for the reading- room. Mr. Thomas Appleton also gave a picture for the reading-room ; a piano for the use of the hall was presented by Mr. Henry F. Pitman ; and a carpet for the stage by Jlr. Joel Goldthwaite of Boston. Mr. Nathaniel Brimblecome, of Boston, gave a clock for the hall, and Mr. William F. Joy, of Boston, a book- case for the use of the town clerk. Subsequently, General John H. Devereux, of Cleveland, Ohio, pre- sented Willard's famous painting, "Yankee Doodle, or the Spirit of '76." The dedication of the building took place on Wednesday, December 12, 1877, under the direction of a committee of thirteen gentlemen elected for that purpose. The exercises consisted of instrumental music by the American Band, of Provi- dence, R. I. ; prayer by Rev. George Pierce, Jr., of Milford, N. H. ; singing by the Marblehead Musical Association ; an original ode written for the occasion by Miss Marcia M. Selman ; and an oration by the Hon. Edward Avery, of Braintree, Mass. The bene- diction was pronounced by the Rev. Edward Crow- ninshield, of West Dedham, Mass. In the evening a concert was given by the American Band, of Provi- dence, R. I. Wednesday, May 17, 1876, the one hundredth an- niversary of the capture of the British transport " Hope," by Captain James Mugford, in the Conti- nental schooner "Franklin," witnessed one of the greatest celebrations ever known in the history of Marblehead. The day was ushered in by the ringing of all the church bells for an hour at sunrise, and a salute of thirty-nine guns from a battery on " Work- house rocks." The bells were also rung and salutes were fired at noon and sunset, ^t nine o'clock, a. >i., a procession was formed, consisting of military com- panies of Marblehead and Lynn, seven bands of mu- sic, distinguished visitors, soldiers and sailors of the War of 1812, veterans of the Civil War, town officers, secret societies, pupils of the public schools, and the entire fire department. The procession marched through the principal streets to the square at the junction of Pleasant and Essex streets, where a mon- ument, which had been placed in position the day before, was dedicated with appropriate exercises. The monument is a shaft of Hallowell granite, eighteen and one-half feet high, and four feet, nine inches square at the base. It is inscribed on all four sides as follows : On the northern side, — " A TRIBUTE or HABBLEHEAP. " To the memory of the bravo Captain Mugford and his heroic crew, who, in the 'Franklin,' of sixty tons, and four four-pounders, May 17, 1776, under the guns of the British fleet, captured and carried into Bos- ton the transport ' Hope,' three hundred tons, ten guns, loaded with munitions of war, including 1,500 barrels of powder." On the eastern side, — "CREW OF TJIE 'FRANKLIN,* AS FAR AS K.VOWN. James Mugford Captain. Thomas Russell Lieutenant. Jeromiali Hibbard Lieutenant. William Thomas Gunner. Samuel It. Green Quartermaster. James Topham Carpenter. John Powers Boatswain. John Dove. Thomas Dove. John Withara. Samuel Roff. James Quilty. Qninn Bettis.' MARBLEIIEAD. 111!) On the western side, — "Born in Mnrblolicad May 19, ^-^a■. krilwl May in, 1770, while suc- cessfully defemling his Vi-suel against thirlt-eu boats and two huiidrud men from the British flcit." On the southern siile, — •' EllliTi:i> MAV 17, lS7li." After tlie dedic;itiiiii of tlie monument the proees- 8ion moved to the rnitarian Chureli, where the other exercises took place. They consisted of singing by the JIarblehead Musical Association, prayer by the Kev. Benjamin H. Bailey, an ode written for the occasion by the Kev. .John W. Chadwick, an oration by the Hon. George B. Loritig, of Salem, and an ode written by Miss Marcia M. (iilman. On the Fourth of July another celebration took place. At nine o'clock, a.m., a procession was formed consisting of the JIarblohcad Brass Baud, iho Mug- ford Monumental Association, the Hibernian Friendly Society, a delegation of the Mugford Fire Association, the Board of Selectmen, the clergy and the children of the North and South Church Sabbath Schotds in carriages. The procession moved through the princi- pal streets to the stiuare at the junction of Mugford and Elm Streets, where a monument erected in mem- ory of the soldiers and sailors of Marblehead who fell in the Civil War was dedicated with appropriate cere- monies. The monument is of Hallowell granite, be- ing thirty-four feet high, and eight feet square at the base. It bears four tablets containing the names of one hundred and thirty-eight .soldiers and sailors. On the face, directly in front, is the following inscription : I.\ MEMORY OF OfR COIXTRY's DEFENDERS. ITTf!, 1812, 18B1. ERECTED BY THE CITIZEN'S OF M.\RBI.EIIE.VD. Dedicated July 4, 1876. The other exerci.»es of the day took place at the Unitarian Church. They consisted of prayer by the Rev. Julius H.Ward; singing by the iMarldehead Musical Association ; reailing the Declaration of In- dependence, by Mr. Charles 11. Litchman ; and ad- dresses by Messrs. James J. II. Oregory and William B. Brown. .Vt the close of the exercises a dinner was served at Allerton Hall. The local events of the year 1877 were among the most memorable in the entire history of the town. At the annual March meeting the town voted to appro- priate twenty thousand dollars from the Abbot fund, to be placed in the hands of trustees and devoted, principal and interest, in their discretion, to the founding and maintenance of a reading-room and li- brary to be called "Abbot Library." It was voted to place the unapprojjriated balance of the Ab- bot fund at interest, and to devote the income to the payment of the annual expense of maintaining the .\bbot building, including heating, ligliting, and the care of the building and grounds. The library was opened to the public early in the year 187S. On the 15th of May the town voted to make a reser- voir of Read's Bond, and to lay water-pipes therefrom, with hydrants in suitable places for in case of fires. The sum of ten tliousand dollars was appro- priated for the purpose ami a committee was elected to carry the vote into effect. The work was linishcd during the summer of that year. The most extensive conflagration ever known in the annuls of the town took place on the morning of June 2i, 1877. At about half-past one o'clock a barn in the roar of a large three-story building known as the "Marblehead Hotel," situated on Pleasant Street, in the midst of the largest and finest buildings of which this tcjwn could l)oast, was discovered to be on fire. Before assistance could be summoned the tire had communicated to the hotel, and when the firemen arrived on the scene the building was in flames. Every effort was made to stop the progress of the destructive element, but without avail. The General Cilover en- gine-house, situated directly over the Brick Bond reservoir, was soon in flames, cutting off the supply of water from that source. The fire was now beyond the control of the firemen, and in spite of their almost superhuman efforts to stop it, spread from building to building with lightning-like rapidity. In a few moments a large shoe manufactory, known as Pope's Block, was on fire, the flames sjireading to a barn owned by E. V. Bartlett & Co., and from thence to a shoe manufactory owned and occupied by that firm. The fire now defied all efforts at control. Lea]>- ing around the corner of School street, the conflagration extended all the way from Rechabite Building to a shoe manufactory owned Viy Natha- niel Glover, thence to a large block iiwiied by Wonusted and Wotjdfin, and soon the shoe manu- factory of William Stevens, a stable owned by Thomas T. Paine, and fifteen other buildings, mostly dwelling houses, comprising every btiililing on Sewall Street, from the corner of School Street, to Spring Street were in flames. Extending along the North side of Pleasant Street, the fire consumed a building belonging to T. T. Paine, a small dwelling- house owned by William Humphrey, the beautiful depot erected a few years previously, said at that time to be the finest on the line of the Eastern Railroad, a barn and dwelling-house owned by Benjamin (f. Hathaway, a boarding-house owned by Henry F. Pitman, a large shoe manufactory owned and oceu- liied by Jonathan Brown, the dwelling-house of William C. Lefavour, ami a barn belonging to the estate of the late Dr. H. 11. F. Whittemore. On the South side of Pleasant Street every building save one was consumed, from a house belonging to the estate of Mrs. Leonora Chapman, nearly opposite the place where the fire originated, to the Mugford Monumeiil at the junction of Esse.\' and Spring Street. These included a large block owned bv Joshua O. Lefavour, 1120 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. a house owned by John H. Brown and occupied by G. W. Forsyth as a boarding-house, a large and com- modious fourstory building known as "AUerton Block," a shoe factory owned by IM. J. Doak, and several dwelling-houses. On the southern end of School Street every building was destroyed, including a large building owned by Henry O. Symonds, the frame and materials of a new engine house, in process of construction, a stable owned by Enoch A. Perkins, the South Congregational Church, a dwelling owned by Edward Glover, and several smaller buildings. On Essex Street, every building was destroyed, including a large shoe manufactory, belonging to the estate of John H. Wilkins, a small shop occupied by a mar- ble-worker, and several dwelling-houses. On Spring Street, two shoe manufiictories owned by William C. Lefavour,and four dwelling-houses were destroyed ; the only building left standing being the Sewall School-house. On Bassett Street, two dwelling-houses were consumed, together with a barn, belonging to Henry F. Pitman, was destroyed, and several other buildings were seriously damaged. At one time every church in town was on fire ex- cept the Baptist and Roman Catholic. Then it was that strong men trembled, fearing that the town would be destroyed. But their desperation only nerved them to greater effort, and at length, reinforced by assist- ance from Salem, Lynn, and other cities, the firemen were successful and conquered the fire. But what a scene of devastation met the eye when the morning sun broke forth. Where but a few hours before had been large factories and comfortable homes — monu- ments of the enterprise and industry of the people- were only stone walls and tottering chimneys. The entire business portion of the town had disappeared in a single night. Seventy-six buildings, with all their contents, representing over half a million dol- lars' worth of property, had been consumed. Only four of the large shoe manufactories were left stand- ing in the town, while ninety families were made homeless, and fii'teen hundred men and women were thrown out of employment. During the afternoon a meeting was held at the town hall to devise measures of relief for the sufferers by the fire. The meeting was called to order by Capt. Knott V. Martin, and a citizens' relief com- mittee was chosen to solicit donations of money and clothing. Before an appeal could be issued, however, donations began to pour in from all parts of the country, and in a short time the committee reported that enough had been received to alleviate the dis- tress. The total amount of contributions received was $23,498.30. The clothing was distributed by a society of ladies known as the Women's Centennial Aid Society, who rendered efficient assistance to the committee in its charitable work. We cannot close our account of this terrible visi- tation without a few commendatory words concerning the fortitude and enterprising energy which charac- terized the business men throughout the entire trying period. They had received a blow, from which it was thought they could not recover; but with steady resolution they set themselves to the work before them, and in less than three months had rebuilt more than one-third of the number of build- ings destroyed by the fire. During the years which have elapsed since the great conflagration every building destroyed has been replaced by a new and commodious structure. Beyond the excitement incident to the State and Presidential elections, which intervened between this period and the year 1881, there is little of interest to record. On the 6th of January, 1881, a new local newsjiaper known as the Essex Statesman, and pub- lished by Charles H. Litchniaii, made its appearance. This paper was issued regularly for a period of three years, when it ceased publication. Early on the morning of Tuesday, May 3, 1881, a gloom was cast over the entire community by the news that Mr. William Frank Hathaway, an estimable citizen, had been murdered during the night. His body was discovered lying face down- ward in a ditch in a field near the old Powder House on the " Ferry Road." A bruise on the forehead, evidently inflicted with a stone or some other blunt instrument, gave rise to the theory that he was accosted on his way home and stunned by a blow on the head. He was then placed in the ditch and held down until death ensued from drowning. Robbery evi- dently was the motive for the deed, as his pocket-book, known to contain considerable money, was missing. No clue to the perpetrators of the deed has ever been discovered. On Tuesday, May 10th, the Marblehead Improve- ment Society was organized, and within a short time began its beneficent work by setting out-shade trees in various parts of the town. On the 2d of July President James A. Garfield was shot by Charles Guiteau. The news was received in Marblehead on the afternoon of that day, and the next morning arrangements were hastily made for a mass-meeting of the citizens to take action in regard to the matter. The meeting was held at Abbot Hall, on the evening of that day, and was called to order by Henry A. Potter, chairman of the selectmen. Benjamin F. Pierce was elected chairman, and Thomas Swasey, Jr., secretary. After prayer by the Rev. Benjamin H. Bailey, appropriate resolutions were read by Samuel Roads, Jr., and remarks were made by Capt. Benjamin Pitman, Jonathan IT. Orne, Rev. J. H. Williams, William B. Brown and Charles H. Litchman. September 26th, the day of the funeral of the murdered President, was observed by a general sus- pension of business. The public buildings and many private residences were draped in mourning. In the afternoon public exercises were held at Abbot Hall, consisting of singing bv the Marblehead Musical .mai;i!LKiii;ai). 1121 A-socialion ; prayer by the Rev. .1. II. Williani.s; singing by the Marbleliead Glee Club ; remarks by Charles IT. Litcliinaii, eliairnian of the nieetins;; singing by the Glee C'lul); euloiiy liy the Rev. l!en- jamin II. Bailey; sini;ing by the Jlarbh'head Musieal Assoeiation ; and the benedietion by Rev. Santbrd 1*. Smith. On Friday. September S, 1SS2, the United States .steamer " Despateh " arrived in the harbor. It was soon rumored that President Chester .\. Arthur \va« on board tlie steamer and that he would take a car- riage at Dixie's wharf for Salem. In a sliort time quite a goodly crowd had gathered at I he wharl', and on the appearance of the distinguisheil visitor he was greeted with hearty cheers. After his riate tableaux beau- tifully illustrated every iniportiuit epoidi in the nation's history. All the public buildings and many private resi- dences ;iloiig the rouli' of the jiroeession were deco- rated with Hags and banting. .\t two o'clock the exercises of the day took place at Abbot Hall, consisting of an address by William B. Brown, ICsq,; music by the Salem Cadet Band; prayer by the Rev. William R. Harris; reading the Declaration of Inde])endence by Joseph W. Chap- man ; an original ode, written for the occasion by .N. Allen Lindsey; oration by the Rev. .lohu W. Chadwiek, , 17(5."), Debo- rah, daughter of Daniel Davis and sister of Daniel Davis, the distinguished solicitor-general of Massa- chusetts, and died in Barnstable, Jlay 4, 17SU. His widow afterwards married Benjamin (rorham. His children were Deborah, born 17t)i!; Robert, 1707]; Uriel, 1768; Josiah and Mehitable. Of the-e Uriel removed to Boston and served an apprenticeship to Joseph Eaton, whose relative, Mary, daughter of Israel Eaton of Marblehead, he afterwards miirried. After his marriage he removed to Marblehead, making that town his home and place of business until his death in 1813. His wife died within a year after Iheirmir- riage, and he afterwards married in February, 1702, Mary, daughter of Captain Richard James of Marble- head, who died in August, 1811. His children were Mary, born November 22, 1702; Riidiard .lames, Oc- tober 19, 1704; Uriel, the subject of this sketch, Sep- tember 13, 1701".; Deborah, Noveml)er 12, 1708; Rich- ard James again, October 29, 1800; .Josiah, November 9, 1802; Abigail, October 1-5, ISO-'. ; Francis Board- man, April 17, 1808; and Elizabeth James, October 9, 1809. Of these Josiah and Abigail alone survive. Capt. Richard James, above-mentioned, the grand- father of Mr. Crocker, was a shi[imaster and per- formed distinguished service in the War of the Revo- lution in bringing munitions of war for our armies from foreign neutral ports. His commission from the State of Massachusetts, appointing him to thatspeclal service, is in the possession of Mr. Crocker's family. He married Mary, ilaughter of Colonel Jonathan and Abigail (Burnham) Glover of Marblehead. Colonel Glover was a brother of Brigadier-tieneral .John Glo- ver, whose statue stands in Commonwealth Avenue, in Boston. The sword of General (ilover and the portraits of Colonel Jonathan Cilover and his wife are also in the pos.session of the family of .Mr. Crocker. Colonel Glover was the treiisnrer of the town of Marblehead during the whole war, and at the close it was found that a debt of twenty-seven hundred pounds had accumulated, more than half of which was due to the treasurer for advances made by him in behalf of the town. The services of General Glover, his brother. at the heal of the Marblehead (or Twenty-first) Regi- ment, designated by the army as the " .Marine K 'gi- ment," in transporting the army across the East River, after the battle of fjing Island, and saving it from further disaster, and also in crossing the Delaware on the eve of the victorious battle of Trenton, have l)cen revived in our mem )ries by the deeds of the sjldiers of Marblehead on land and sea in the late war, deeds which deserve a repetition of the words of the gallant General Kno.'C : " There went the men of Marblehead, alike at home, on land, or water; alike ardent, pa- triotic, and untlinching, wherever they nnfurlursued in middle life the business of type-founder, and his former scholar became one of his chief customers. Jlr. Crocker's childhood and early life in Marble- head were peculiarly happy. He was the second of eight children, and relatives, old and young, were about him, bound together by the strongest ties of alfection. Like every other Marblehead boy, the sea presented strong temptations to his youthful tastes, aiul his desire to adopt a sailor's career, apprfived by his father, was only checked by his grandfather, Cap- tain James, who had seen enough of sea life to know its hardships and perils. One of his early memories was the tarring and feathering of skipper Floyd Ire- son, celebrated by the ballad of Whitiier, which oc- curred when he was twelve years of age. A later memory, though still a memory of his youth, was the death of his mother, which occurred in August, 1811, at the age of thirty-seven. A still later one, but im- mediately following the last, a ride to Cambridge in the old family chaise, with his grandfather, to at- tend the commencement of 1811 at which his school- mate, Robert Hooi)er of Marblehead, graduate: and in the early part of the present year succeedi.. Thomas Russell as chairman of the Massachusetts Railroad Commissioners. Aside from his legitimate business career Mr. Crocker, though never holding public office, was con- nected with many public enterprises. The Massachu- setts Charitable Mechanics Association owes much of its prosperity to his valuable service in its behalf, and the final success of the Bunker Hill Monument As- sociation, of which he was a director since 1833 and several years vice-president, in raising funds for thr monument, was in no small degree due to his inge- nious plans and personal eftbrt. His efficiency in the management of the Old Colony Railroad Company, in which he was director, with the exception of a few years, from the date of its formation till his death, and his services in rescuing from threatened disaster the Northern Railroad Company of New Hampshire, ni' which for more than thirty-five years he was a dirci - tor, have been fully appreciated by the stockhoUh i s of the various companies. He was at various tin m - director, vice-pre^ident, and president of the South Pacific Railroad, director and president of the United Stf 'lyA HRiWat ^ ei/yyiy^^^vK^ ?.Wl e^y^^^ MARliLKIIKAD. 1125 States Hotel Conii)any for iimny years, presidoiit of the Revere House Assoiialiou, ami trustee in the Boston Disiieiisary and in other institutions too nu- merous too mention. As reeently as 1884 a list of eorporatioiis showed liini to he president of four, viee- I)resideiit of two, treasurer of two, and direetor in several others. In aeceptinsf these positions, which in early years were much more numerous, he deelined a merely nominal offieial title. The institution or association to which he lent his name was sure of havinji; a care- ful oversight and a rigid inspection, and thus with his name went confidence and trust. On the evening of Xoveudier 1, ISiiS, the liftieth anniversary of the co-partnership of Crocker & Brewster was eelehrated at the house of Mr. C'rocker, on Somerset Street by a gathering of a large number of their friends, on which occasion Rev. Dr. George W. Biagden made an a])]n'opriate address, wliich was responded to at length by Mr. Crocker. In the course of his remarks Mr. Crocker said: "Of Mr. Brewster and myself the fclhiwship in business and in friend- ship will, I trust, never be dissolved. During all the days of the seven years of our apprenticeship and of our fifty years of i)artnership, I have never received one unkind word from him, nor do I believe that he ever received one from me If he did, I certainly never in- tended it, as I know that he never deserved it."' The ninetieth birthday of Mr. Crocker occurred on the 13th of Septendier, ISStJ, while at his summer res- idence in Coluisset. During the day he received the congratulations of his neighbors and friends, and in the evening he was serenaded by the band of the Co- hasset Musical Association. Again, on the 2'Jth of November, 188(;, the friends of the two aged partners celebrated the seventy-fifth anniversary of their business connection at the house of Mr. Crocker in Commonwealth .Vvenue. The gathering wag u most dii-tinguikhed one, including (iovernor Robinson, Lieutenant-Governor Ames, e.x-Governor Rice, A. W. Beard, treasurer of the Commonwealth, Dr. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Hon. Sidney Bartlett, Hon. Leop- old Morse, Hon. Samuel ('. Cobb, Hon. 11. R. i!i-liop, and other gentlemen well known in public service. Their fellow-cilizens could not have shown more em- phatically their appreciation of the fidelity and con- scientiousness with which Air. Crocker .-iiid Mr. Brewster had performed the work of life. The words of Hon. Robert C. Winthrop, tlie president of the Bunker Hill Monument Association, in his address to the annual meeting in 1SS3, still further em[ihasize the respect and honor in which the subject idtliis imperfect sketch was held. " I cannot forRi't ihnt flrst in the orilor of aoiiiorlty on our roll of liv. inR 'lirt'Ctors, anil at thr hcail of OIl^vic(^•IlreHj(lcntfl, ^tantU tliu ttaiiic of a venerable printer, lK>ol(t4ell(ir, antl ]>nlilJ8lier of our <-lty, the itnprint of wlioBo firm, 'Crocker and Brcwuter,' has been the gmiranty of a goiKl book for mora years than I can count ; who has always been bebl am) if* Htill held in the liiglient regard and respet-t by our whole mniniii- nity; and who, liaTlng been elected a director In 18:13, hm this day in the eit;hty-tieventh year of his age completed a half century of lUithtiil service. I call upon y.u all to rise and unite with uio iti offerinj.- our tlianks and cout-ratulatiuns to our valued associate and excell-nt fellow- citizen andlrien.l, I'ri.l I 'rocker, and in expres»in(r the earnest li..|ie that ho may lonj- be spared in liealth and strengtli, not only lo Ihis as- sociation, but to the coiiuuuiiity in which he lias been so conspicuous an example i.f that industry, iule(;iity, public spirit, and patriotism, whiili bave charai'tiTized and distiuguisbod tlio mechanics of lioston from tlie days of their illustrious leader, Paul Revere." liHN.IAMIN I'OXl) W.MtK. The subject of this sketch was born in Salem on the ilth day of April, 1822. He was of the seventh generation from Robert Ware, whose enterprise and recognized ability secured a land grant in Dcdham on the 12th of July, I<;42. Robert Ware was undoubtedly a native of Wren- tham, Suflblk County, Kngland ; from which place he emigrated to America. The family of Ware, or Weare (as it is written in the early records), is easily traceil to .-i great anliipiily by the records of the counties of Devon and ."^unier- set, ICnglaiid. The three oldest sons nf Uubcit Ware were settled in that ptirt of Dedliam now known as Wrcnthani, in 1<)73. The youngest, Robert by name, was the father of Michael; and the direct descent of the sub- ject of this sketch is .Itdiez, Amos and Lrastus, from Michael. In the long line of ancestry, the Wares were own- ers as well as tilK-rs of ihe land ; and many of the de- scendants of Roberl have been niited as leading tetichers in ethics and pr.-irl icing physicians. Krastus Ware, the lalhcr of Benjamin P., moved from I'axton to Danvcrs in 1810, he, at that time, being a young man of tweuty-two years of age ; am- bitious and full of manly hope and enterprise, he commenced work on a milk farm and soon made himself a recognized leader and authority in all that a]ii>ertained to agricultural iiidnslry. In 18:il he purchased the llinkley Farm in Mar- blehead, and commenced work on the same in 18.'i;i, Benjamin I', at this time being eleven years of age. This farm had been greatly abused by tenants who had cultivated it for fifty years with a single eye to securing the best crop for the tenant, with the least outliiy of cither capital or labor, and with a total disregard of the good of Ihe land or Ihe interest of the owner. Krtistus Ware saw the possibilities of good husljandmanship upon the worn-out land; and ably seconrjed by his son, Benjamin I'., and a brother, commenced work in good earnest to repair the waste places and bring back this neglected soil to ;i much lietter than its primitive condition. The best meth- ods of agriculture learned by reading and observjition weri^ adopted in this work, and the systematic and well-ordered lalior soon made Erastus and his sons the observed of all observers. It is not too much to say tliat the production of vegetables lor the market was a leading feature ias well as a novelty in the town) in Ihe Ware system of farming. 1126 HISTOKY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. With long-neglected buildings, poor fences, ne- glected orchards, the outlook was little better than that of a new country. But energy, frugality and persistent industry soon i)roduced a transformation from negligence and shiftlessness to thrift and pros- perity. So much physical exertion was required of the sub- ject of this sketch that three months in the winter was all that he could be spared for intellectual train- ing and supplementary to this public school educa- tion, two terras at Phillips' Academy, concluded his opportunities for rudimentary education. At the age of twenty-five, Benjamin P. married Hannah Clifton, of Salem, having the year previous built the beauti- ful Clifton House as a seashore summer resort, being a pioneer in the adaptation of the coast-lined land of Marblehcad as resorts for recuperation of professional and business men from the cares and anxieties inci- dent to city life. This digression from the routine life of the farmer was the cause of many criticisms of doubt expressed by short-sighted and narrow-minded men. But the increased value of the land on the North Shore, and its now world-wide reputation as a place for rest and recuperation have convinced the most incredulous that the work has been that of a well-balanced and far-seeing mind, and the distin- guished guests from this and other countries who have sought rest and repose amid the cooling breezes on this rock-ribbed coast gives full endorsement to this statement. Nor has the enterprise of Mr. Ware been limited to the little spot which he has so beautifully adorned. The grand Atlantic Avenue connecting Swampscott and Marblehead is one of his early conceptions; and its completion was largely the work of his own enter- prise. This great ocean boulevard met with violent opposition in its construction from both Swampscott and Marblehead, and but for the energy of Mr. Ware and a few others, the great increased valuation caused by its construction would have been long deferred. The Swampscott Branch of the Eastern Railroad owes its construction and completion largely to his individual work. Mr. Ware was also a valuable co-operator of John P. Palmer in what seemed, at the time, a most pre- posterous scheme, — the making free to the public of the Salem Turnpike. This act was unquestionably the initial cause of securing freedom by legislation of all the toll bridges and roads of the State. In matters of public education, he has long been prominent, having served sixteen years on the school committee of Marblehead, and ten years a trustee of the Massachusetts Agricultural College. He has also served as trustee of the Marblehead Savings Bank for five years; trustee of the New England Agricul- tural Society for nine years ; president of Marblehead and Swampscott Farmers' Club four years ; Master of Subordinate Grange No. 38, six years ; Master of the State Grange of Massachusetts two years; president of the Essex Agricultural Society thirteen years, and a leading member of the State Board of Agriculture. From the first of his public life he has recognized the necessity and importance of exact knowledge in every department of agricultural industry. With this end in view he was first and foremost by speech and resolution to urge the establishment of an Experi- ment Station by the commonwealth, and is a promi- nent member of its Board of Management. The ac- knowledged usefulness of the station, as now estab- lished, is a happy indication of his good judgment. In his own farm industry he has never feared new methods; ))atiently watching and learning, he has often proved a leader where at first he appeared to be only a timid and distant follower. Tlie adoption and introduction of the Silo and its successful result in the pi'eparation of ensilage on his own farm, is a ro markable instance of his readiness and ability to adapt himself to new conditions in agriculture. As a public speaker Mr. Ware has filled an impor- tant gap in the wants of the agricultural population. With a rich, full voice, an easy flow of language, an ability to express in a concise and readily understood manner the results of both observation and experi- ence, he is an ever-welcome guest on all public occa- sions where words of counsel from practical stanhoe manufacturing in Marblehead. This factory wa< burned in 1877 in the disastrous fire which swept the busine.tain Martin returned with his company to Marblehead, having been mustered out of the service, and immediately recruited Comjiany B, Twenty-Third Regiment, which left Massachusetts for the seal of war November ll,18t)l. While in comnuiiid of this company he jiarticipated in the bat- tles of Koanoke Island, Newbern, Kinston, White- hall and Goldsborough, in North t:arolina. In May, 1803, he resigned his commission. f)n the 24th of February, 18(14, he ri'-enlisted in I''ifty-eighth Ma.ssa- chusetts Regiment, but was transferred to the Fifty- ninth Regiment, in which he went to the front as acting first sergeant of Company I. In June of the same year he was again transferred; this time to Comjiany K of the same regiment, being warranted as first sergeant. While a member of this regiment he took part in the battles of the Wilderness, Spottsyl- vania. North Anna River, C(dd Harbor and Peters- burg, Va. In the battle before Petersburg, July 27, 1S()4, he was wounded by a s|)ent ball, by which he became permanently disabled, losing eight inches from the main bone of the right leg. Immediately after the close of the war C'aptain Martin was elected a member of the Massachusetts House of Representatives, serving the people of his district in that capacity during the years 1800 and 1807. He was then appointe(l messenger to the House of Representatives, a position which he held for two years. In May, 180It, he was appointed postmaster of the Marblehead ]iost-ii|lice, retaining his place by suc- cessive rea]ipointnients until May 10, 188."), when he resigned and engaged in the business of raising poultry lor the marki't. On the 1 lib of November, 1858, Captain Martin was uniled in marriage to Miss Mary P. Thom]ison, of Marblehead. His last con- nection with the military, as a mendier of which he had spent so large a portion of his lifetime, was during a period from June, 181)0 to. lanuary, 1808, when he had eonimaiul of the Marblehead Sution Light Infantry. fUA.N'CIS ItuAltli.MAN. Francis Boardman was born in Marblehead, April 28, 1820, and was educated in the public schools anil by private tuition. He came of patriotic stock, his hither, Thomas Boardmau, and his grandfather, Abel Boardman, having served in the militia during the War of 1812, while his maternal grandfather, Samuel (iiUs, was one of the many heroic privateers- men for whom the town of Marblehead was noted in the second great contest between the United Stales and (treat Britain. After receiving as much instruc- tion as was then thought necessary for a boy in his walk of life, he went to work with his father as a baker. Becoming a member of the Marblehead Light Infantry while yet a minor, betook an active interest in everything pertaining to the militia, and in 1852 was largely instrumental in recruiting and or- ganizing the comjiany formerly known as the Clover 1128 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. Light Guards, of which he became second lieutenant. In 1857 he wag commissioned captain of this company, and was in command when the War of the Rebellion broke out, becoming distinguished as one of the two Marblehead captains whose companies were first to reach Boston on the 19th of April, 1861, in response to President Lincoln's call for troops. On his return from the first three months' campaij;n he rendered valuable service to the government in recruiting volunteers for the array, and was for several months the commanding officer in charge of the recruiting camp at Reedville, Mass. Offering himself for duty in one of the regiments about to leave Massachusetts for the front, he was three times promised a com- mand, only to be deprived of it by partisan intrigue. Then, resigning his commission, he went to New York and Philadelphia, engaging in business in both cities for a time ; finally going to Baltimore, wherehe kept a hotel for several year.-i. After an absence of twelve years he returned to Marblehead, and resum- ed Ills former occupation as a baker. In the winter of 1886 Captain Boardman received a very compli- mentarj' vote from the Democrats of the Massachu- setts Legislature for serg^ant-at-arms of that body. At the annual State election of the same year he was elected by the people of Marblehead as their repre- sentative in the General Court, serving during the session of 1887 so acceptably that on his renomina- tion for the ottice he was re-elected by a largely in- creased majority. Ho is now serving his second term as a member of the Massachusetts House of Repre- sentatives. On the 19th of December, 1847, Captain Boardman was united in marriage to Miss Susanna G. Harris, of Marblehead. CHAPTER XCL ROWLEY. BY GEO. B. BLODGETTE, M. A. The town of Rowley, Mass., was founded in 1639, by the Reverend Ezekiel Rogers and his company. The original gram was from Ipswich on the south to Newbury on the north, and from the ocean on the east to the Merrimack river on the west. Mr. Ezekiel Rogers was the son of the Rev. Rich- ard Rogers, a distinguished Puritan, of Weathcrsfield, Essex county, England, was bred at Cambridge, where, in 1604, he was of Corpus Christi, when he wa.s graduated a-s a Bachelor of Arts, and of Christ's College, in 1608, when graduated as Master of Arts. After leaving the University he became chaplain in the family of Sir Francis Harrington, of Essex, exer- cising himselr in ministerial duties for about a dozen years. He then was called to a public charge, at Rowley, in Yorkshire, where he continued with great favor for about seventeen years, when he was compelled to relinquish his charge — as he tells the story in his will, " for refusing to read that accursed book that allowed sports on God's holy Sabbath, or Lord's day, I was suspended, and, by it ami other sad signs of the times, driven, with many of my hearers, into New England." The landing was made at Salem, Mass., in the au- tumn of 1638, and the new town founded in Ai)ril, 1639 — the act of incorporation reading as follows : "The 4th Day of the 7th Month (September) 1639, Mr.Ezechi : Rogers'plantation shalbee called Rowley." Mr. Rogers was a man of great note in England for his piety and ability ; while the members of the com- pany he brought with him to Rowley, were called, by Gov. Winthrop, " Godly men, and most of them of good estate.'' In the tract set off to Rogers' Company several farms had been laid out ; these were purchased by the company for £800. The purchase money was con- tributed bj' such as were able to pay, and in the lay- ing out of house lots, all who paid nothing were given one acre and one half, while those who paid were given lots in proportion to the amount they con- tributed. The distinction became more apparent when the rule of the assignment of rights — called "gates'" — in the commons is known. One and one-half acre house-lot was entitled to one and one-half gates. A two acre lot to four and one-half gates. A three acre lot to thirteen and one-half gates. A four acre lot to twenty-two and one-half gates. A six acre lot to forty-five gates. The time of laying out the several house-lots is un- known. On the 10th of Eleventh Month, 1643, Mr. Thomas Nelson, Mr. Edward Carlton, Humphrey Reyner and Francis Parrat, appointed by the town for that purpose, made a survey of the town and reg- istered the lots to all the inhabitants as granted and laid out. The names of the fifty-nine persons to whom house-lots were registered in this survey, together with a brief account of each, is here given, 1. George Abbott, two acres. No further men- tion of him is found of record. The will of his son Thomas, dated 5th of Seventh Mouth, 1659, and a deed recorded with the Essex Deeds 1 I|(swich, 625, show four sons old enough to have been brought with him in 1639. 2. William Acy, two acres. Had wife Margaret and four children all brought with him 1639. His death is not of record. He made his will 22d of April, 1689, "being very aged;" it was proved 30th of Sep- tember, 1690. (Essex Probate). 3. Thomas Barker, four acres. Freeman, 13th of May, 1640. Had wife Mary, no children. He was buried 30th of Nov., 1650. His will was proved 25th of First Month, 1651. 4. James Barker, one acre and one-half. Freeman, 7th of October, 1640. Had eight children. Buried 7th of September, 1678. His will, dated 3d of Seventh Month, 1678, proved 24th of September, 1678, men- tions himself as "born at Stragewell, in Low Suffolk, in old England." (Essex Probate). 5. William Bellingham, four acres. No mention of wife or children. Freeman, 12th of October, 1640. His will was proved 24th of Seventh Month, 1650. Death not of record. He was brother of Gov. Richard Bellingham. 6. Matthew BoYES, two acres. Freeman 22d May, 1639. He was deacon of our church December 3, 1639. Had wife Elizabeth ; ten children born here. He went back to England, and in 1661 was of Leeds, and about fifty-two years old. ROWLEY. 1129 7. William Boyxton', one acre mul one hiilf. Was about fifty -six ycirs oKl in 1(;">2. Had wife Eii/.abeth and seven children. Died December S, ItjSi!. 8. Joil.v noYNTOS, one acre and one luilf. Was brother of William above. About forty-eifjlit years old in lt!(}2. Had wife Ellen (or Ellenor) and seven children. Buried February IS, lt)70-l. His will was dated February S, KiTO, and proved March L'S, 1071. 9. EDMfXD BluixJKs, one acre arid one half. Was a blacksmith. Sold out and moved to Ipswich in 1G44. Had wife Alice. One child born here. 10. BRKiH.VM, four acres, was captain of the first military company. Had wife Mary. Ki'- turned to England before 10.^7. Four children born here. 11. Wipow J.\N-E Bkocki,i;i!Ank, two acres. Brought with her two sons. Buried December 2H, 1668. 12. John Bi-ubaxk, one acre and one half. Death not of record. Will dated .\pril ■">, KiSl, proved April 10, IGSl, mentions himself as being "aged & de- crepcd." Had wife Jemima and live children. De- scendant in male line now residing here. 1.3. Edward Carlton three acres. Had wife Ellen and four chihlren. Returned to England. 14. HucH CllAi'LlN, one acre and one half. Had wife Elizabeth and four children. Buried 22il of First Month, 165.'J. 15. Pkter Cooper, one acre and one half. Hail wife Emma (or Ame) and four children. Buried January 1-'), li;ii7-tl.S. Will dated Jaiuiary 3, Il)ii7-C8, proved March .•'.1. l(i(iS. IG. Widow Constance Crosby, one acre and one half. She was buried January 2.5, 11)83-84. Four children. 17. Thomas Dkkinso.v, one acre atid one half. Had wife Jennet and six children. Buried 2'Jth lA' First Month, 1002. Will dated March 8, lii(!l-(i2, proved Ajjril 17, l(>ii2. Descendant in male line now here. IS. John Dresser, one acre and one half. Had wife Mary and si.\ children. Buried April 1!), 1072. Will dated March 5, 1071-72. Descendants in male line now here. rj. Tho.mas ElitiiorI', one acre and one iialf. Had wife Abigail and four children. Death not of record. His widow petitioned tlie General Court for probate of his will May 14, 10.')4. 20. Widow Jane (Jrant, one acre and one half. Death not of record. In the settlement of the estate of her son an affidavit was filed in Ivssex Probate con- taining so much of history of the family, that it is copied in full as follows: "I Sam" Stickney S" of Bradford do testify & say That I came over from England to New England in the same ship w"' Thomas Orant & Jane (iraiit liis Wife, wdio brouglit over w"' tliem Foure Chihlren, by name Jolin, Han- nah, Frances, & Ann, whom I was well acquainted 71 with, & next or near neighbours unto in Rowley. .Vnd y said .John being deceascMl, I <1<) allirni that the Sisters of .lohn (iraut above named, now- by mar- riage known by y" names of Hannah Browne, Fran- ces Keyes, & .Viin Emersoti are y- same y' came over w"" their Father & Mother, i'^ by theni owned w"' said John for their children " Sworn to July 20, 10".l8. 21. John Harris, two acri's. Freeman May 20, 1047. Brought with him wife liridget. Had six children. Died "aged"' February lo, 10!t4-ove estate amounting to £Io(i, retnrned hy Itol)ert Coates, adniinistnitor, ;t Noveiniier, lli'.il. (' Historical (Vdlections,' E«o.\ Institute. Vol. V.. page 141)." 54. RiCHA HI) S\v.\N, two acres. Was adniitteil to the first church in H.iston, l!lh of Klevcnlli Month, 1638; dismissed to " y" gathering of a church at Rowley, 24th of Ninth Month, 1(530; " Freeman, May 13, 1640; brought wilh him wife Ann, and here married Ann, widow of .lohn Triinible; had eight children; Ijuried May 14, 1G78; will dated April 2.'), 1G78, proved May 2:5, KITS. o.'). Thomas Tkxnky, one acre and om-half. Brought with liim witc Ann ; had six children ; died in Briitlford, Fehruary 20, 1699-1700. Descendants in male line now in Rowley. 56. RicllAKi) (now Thiirlow), two acre-. Sold out, and in 16.'>1 was of Newbury with wife Jane. 57. Joiis TitiMr.i.i:, one acre and one-half. Free- man, 13th of Third Month, 1640; brought with him ■wife Ellen ; he married, second. Sixth Month, 1650, Ann, widow of Michael llopkinson ; he had seven children, and was buried 18th of Fifth Jlontb, 1657; his family received i>ay from the town for his " keep- ing of a scoolle." 58. Richard Wico.m, one acre and one-half. Had wife Ann and three children ; buried .ranuary 27, 1663-64 ; no will. 59. William Wili>, one acre ami one-half He was first of Ipswich, and again of Ipswich in 1661, and probably earlier. In 1640 Mr. Thomas Nelson had erected a saw-mill where Glen Mills now arc, and soon after, certainly as early as 1643, he added a grist-mill. John Pearson came about this time with (luite a company, and erectoul, near Mr. Nelson's grist-mill, a fulling-mill, the first in this country. Many of the first settlers were weavers. Johnson, in his " Wonder- Working Providence" (London, 1654) says of the Rowley people : *'The«e people being industrious every w-ay, soon built many bouses, to the number of about tbreescore faniilies, and were the first that iet upon making Cloth in this Western World ; for which luid they built a fulling mill, and caused their little-ones to bo very diligent in ■pinning cotlon-wool, many of them having been clothiers in England." Gov. Winthrop, under date of lith of Fourth month, li;l:i, says : "Our supplies from Kngland failing much men began to look about them, and fell to a manufacture of cullon ; whereof, we bail a store from Darbadoes, ami of hemp and tlax : wherein Kowliy, to their great commendation, exceeded all other towns." Before 1660 other families ajipear of record as resi- dents — some had come with Mr. Rogers as minors. others to work about the mills. Few of tliiMii were given rights in tbe commonage. The following are all (be new comers who ap])ear to have actually resicled here before 1660. 1. Jamls Bailky, 16J4; had wife Lydia and eight children; was fifly-one years old 1663; buried August 10, 1677 ; will dated August 8, 1677, proveS,">; will dated August 3, 16S5. 46. John Tii.lison, 104."i; had removed to New- bury in lliol. 47. John Toph, 1048; had wife .Snsimnah and ten children ; he kept the "Ordinary ; " dieeginDing of tlie wiid Towne and tton divertftl from that first order and stint that was Tlien made wliereliy tliey were proportioned vnto tho Severall Lots acording to tlie purchase and di made. By order and appt.intment of Tlio Towne Ta Richard Swan, Tlu.nias Tenney, Ahell I.angley, ,1. Itrocklehanke, with Saniuell lirocklebanke joyneing the fourth of febniary, I1I6I, Tliat tlierc may lie a Tn acconling to ther present state they now are in, wljich In primis Tho Towne did Grant and Give vnto Jlr Snmu.ll Pliillips vpon Tho said Towne Commons, Nino Cates. There belonged To William Acie, his Lot foure Gates and one halfe ; and more That he purchased of Mr. Joseph .lewett, Two oxe Gates ; pur- chased of tho towne, one gate and one halfe gate. To James Ilayley his lot and halfe a gate purchased of the Towne Two Gates; purchased of Mr. Joseph Jewett, of them that liolonged to Mr. William llelllngham's lot. Two Gales and a halfe; purcluised of Mr. Jewett, as belonging To Mr. Kdward Carlton's lot, One Gale ; purchased of the Towne, one half a gate. To Thomas Leaver his lot ond halfe one Gate ; ho purchased of the towue Two Gales ; purchased of >ir. Joseph Jewelt, of Them that be- longed to Mr. William Uellinglianra lot, one Gate ; niMl of Mr. Jowett's own property. Two Gates ; also purchased of Mr. Anthony Crosbie, one Gate. To John Pallmer na to a halfe Two Acre lot, Two Gates And one quarter; purchased of Mr. Joseph Jewett. of Them that belonged to Mr. Wllliom Bellingham's lot, Two Gates ; purchased of Mr. Sewell, Senior, on that tlien was ll!y the Selectmen, ohn Dre.ser, .lolin •ith them) vpon Record of them as followelli ; One Gale; purchased of Danniill HorriB, One Gate; An.l of William llobson, halfe t)ue Gate; purchased of the towne, one (juarter of a gate- To William Tenney as to his acre ami halfe lot mid halfe a gate piircha.sed of the ttiwn, t"*) j;;tle.4 2 Gates I'uri hiised of Mr. Edward (■srltuii that he had of tho towne for consideration of money lent 1 Gate William and Thomas Tenney, purchased of Mr. Phillii. Xel.son 2 galea And of John Harris, one ; ami of Thomas Crosbie, one 2 gates William piir. based of the Towne one gate 1 gate [Page 84.] To Kicliiird Holmes as belonging to a half two Acre lot, two gates and one quarter; and a quarter puirhase.l of the towne 2 and halfe Purcluoicd of Mr. Kilward Oarlton, that Mr .l.'Welt as liis Aturney sould hallo one Gate One halfo Purrhiised of John Jonson, of Richard Thurley's propriety 2 gales To John .lonson left of his two Acre lot that was Richard Thurley's, One (oite and a halle 1 halfe And as behuiging to the lot that w«s Edwanl bridges 1 halfo Purcluised of the Towne One Gate 1 Giito To Kdward Ila.wen his halfe two Acre lot that he purchased of John Smith, two gates and one quiiiler 2 one .piarter pun-based of .lohu Tod one Gate 1 Gate purchased of the town one, and of Tlioinas Crosbie one 2 gates purchased of Thomas Nelson one, and one that he hail of the towne for land laid downe -_> gates To lieurg.- Kill.oriio as belonging to his Acre and halfe lot, and halfea gale purchased of tin- towiio 2 us also one gate he had for land laid down at New plaiiie I ]iurchaseil of Mr. Jewett by exchange of village land 2 To Thomas Pallmer as to his Acre and halfe lot and halfe a Gate purchased of the towne 2 Gates purcluLied of Ml-. Phillip Nelson, one Gate 1 purchu.sed of Thomas Nelson, two Gales 2 To Kic-hard L.ingliorne as to a halle two Acre lut purchased of John New march, two Gules alel one quarter 2 aii.l quar purchased of flir. Phillip Nelson, one Gate 1 purchased of Samuell Mighill, two Gales 2 purchased of Tho Towne, three quarters of oii[b] gate X quarlere To Abraham Jewett as purchased of Thomiui Nel- son, Two Gates 2 gates purchased of the town, one Gate 1 gate To Thomas Nelson aa Reserved to himselfe, Seaveu Gates and one fjuarter 7 quarter [Page 8,1.] To John I'ickard as belonging to the two Acre lot that was vxor Crosbie's, foure Gates and one halfe 4 halfe also as to the priviledgo belonging to one acle and halfe lot Given by tho towne to Isaac Coussins and what the said Isaac purchased of the towne, two gales and one halfo 2 halfo To Itichal-d Clarke as to an acre anil halfe lot that he purcluused of Thomas Elathrope, one gate and halfe 1 halfo purchoKed of tlie towne, one gate and one halfe gate 1 half* To William Law as belonging to a halfe two Aero lot that he purchased of John Newmarch, two gates and one quarter 2 quarter purchased of the Towne three quarters of one gate .'1 quurtem To John Burbanke as to his Acre and halfe lot and halfe a gate purcluwed of the towne, two gates... 2 Gates purchased of Mr. Phillip Nelson, foure Gates 4 gates 1134 HISTOKY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. To Leonard Harriinan as belonging to the Acre and lialfe lot that was John Spoferd'B, and what was purchased of the town, two Gates 2 Gates purchased of Kzekiell Northend, three Gates 3 Gates To Thomas Hurkbie, as purchased of Mr. Joseph Jewett, three Gates 3 Gates To Ezokiell Northend as belong to a halfo two Acre lot purchased of Thomas harris, and a halfe two Aero lot purchused of John harris, foure and a halfe ; purchased of Francis parrat, one gate ; purchased of 5Ir. Autliony Crosbie, toure and a halfo ; purchased of Daniell hams, one gate ; purchased of william hobson, one gate ; purchas- ed of Thomas Nelson, one ; puichased of Mr. Phillip Nelson, one ; and purchased of Thomas Miller, three, tw9 of which three the said miller purchased of Mr. Jewett; all these seaventeene gates appeared vnder hand and seale, of from which the said Kzekiell hath sould to severall men, soe that ther is left Kemaioing vnto him- aelfe Klevcu Gates 11 Gates [Page 86.] To Andrew Iliden as by land laide downe by way of exchange the which land was given by the towno vnto the said Andrew, one gate ; purchas- ed one gate of Danniell Rouse 2 Gates To Thomas Dickinson as belonging to a two acre lot, foure gates and one halfe 4 halfe purchased of william hobson, two Gates 2 purchased of Mr. Phillip Nelson, one gate X To Charles Browne as to an acre and halfe lot and given by the towne to be at cost to beato the drum for the benefit of the towne, two Gates 2 gates purchased of the Towne, one Gate 1 gate To vxor mighill as Kemainciug to her of a three Acre lot, nine Gates and one halfe 9 halfe To vxor smith as to a two Acie lot that was pur- chased of Mr. John iMiller, foure Gates and one halfo 4 halfo purchased of Mr. Jewett, one Gate and a halfe 1 halfe To John Trumble, one gate that was given to his father in Relatiort to keepeing of a scouUe 1 gate purchased of the towne, one gate 1 gate To Abell Langley as to a two Acre lot given him by Robert Hunter, foure Gates and one halfe 4 halfo purchased of Mr. Jewett, one Gate and a halfe 1 halfe To Nicholas Jackson as given by the towne, one gate, and two gates that ho had by his wife [Widow of Hugh Chaplin] tliat were purchased of Thomas miller Acre and halfe lot 3 gates purchased of tho Towne, two gates 2 Gates To Thomas Tenney as to an acre and halfe lot and one gate given by the towne, two and a halfe 2 halfo purchased of francis parrat, one gate 1 gate purchased of the towne, one halfe gate halfe gate [Page 87.] To Elizabeth Tenuoy, allias parrat, as belonging to francis parrat's two two Acre lot, seaven gateit vnsould 7 Gates purchiscd of william hobson, Sixe gates (5 gates To William Jackson as to his Acre and halfo lot and purchased of the towne, two gates 2 Gates purchased of Mr. Joseph Jewett, one gate 1 Gate purchased of the Towne, one Gato 1 Gate To Thomas Wood as purchased of Nehemiah Jevv- ett's guardian, with the house that sometimes was Mr. William Bollingham's, two gates 2 gates purchased of the Towne, one Gate 1 Gate To Henry Royley as given by the towne, two gates 2 gates purchased of Mr. Anthony Crosbie, two gates 2 gates To John Grant as Given by the Towne to his mother Jane Grant, one Gate 1 Gate purchased of The Town, one Gate 1 Gate ToKdward Sawyer as Given by tho To\f no, one Gato 1 Gate purchased of The Towne, two Gates 2 Gates To Richard Swan as belonging to his two Acre lote foure gates and one halfe gate 4 halfe and as by purchase of one acre and balfe lot of Thomas Lilforth,one gate and one halfe gate 1 and halfe purchased of Mr. Thomas Nelson one gate, given the said Mr. Nelson by the towne for forbearance of money lent for the use of the towne 1 Gate and as by privelidge of marriage belonging to one acre and halfe lot and halfe a gate purchased of the towne that were John Trnmble's 2 gates, as also one Gate more the said John Trumble pur- chased of Mr. Joseph Jewel 3 Gates also as to the halfe two Acre lot that was micaell Hobkinson's, two Gates and three quarters 2 and 3 quarters [Page 88.J To John Tod aa to one halfe two Acre lot that he purchased of William Harris Reserved vnsould one gate and one quarter of a gate 1 and quarter and for land purchased of Mr. Carlton and exchan- ged with tho towne for one gato. 1 gate purchased of the towne one Gato and three quarters of agate 1-3 quarters To Jlaxemillion Jewett as to his two Acre lot, foure Gates and one halfe gate 4 one halfe purchased of Mr. Phillip Nelson, one gate I Gate purchased of Mr. Joseph Jewett, halfe one gate halfo one gate purchased of william hobeou and assured by his wife as adniinestrator, one gate 1 Gate To James Barker as to his Acre and halfo lot and halfe one gate purchased of the towne, two gates 2 gates purchased of william wild as to his acre and halfe lot, two gates 2 gates purchased of Danniell Harris, two gates 2 gates and by exchaingo of land with the towne, one gate 1 gate To John Pearson as purchased of the towne, one gate 1 gate purchased of Thomas wood, two Gates 2 gates purchased of Thomas Crosbie that belonged to John Heseltine's lot, two Gates 2 gates also purchased and injoyed by leafe from Mr. Rich- ard Dumer, of Mr. Thomas Nelson's propriety belonging to Mr. Nelson's Childcren in England, Mr. Dumer being cxequtor, foure Gates 4 Gates To John Mighill as purchased of Ezekiell North- end one gate ; purchased of Mr. Jewett one Gate ; purchased of Thomas Nelson one gate 3 Gates To Dorrity Chapman as belonging to the halfe of a two acre lot was Gorge Abbots, being the right of her former husband, Thonuis Abbot, deceased, belonging to bis propety in the north east field two gates and one quarter of a gate 2 gates one quarter and one gato that tho said Thomas purchased of Mr. Joseph Jewett 1 Gate [Page 89.] To William Stick ney as to his Acre and halfe lot and one halfe gato purchased of tho towne two gates 2 gates and as by gift from the towne one gate 1 gate and more purchased of the towne, throe gates 3 gates To John Scallea as belonging to the two Acre lot that was John Jarrats, his by right of marriage, four gates and one halfe gate 4 one halfe and as belonging to his oweu Acre and halfe lot and halfe one purchased of the towne, two gattes 2 gates purchased of the Towno, one halfe Gato halfe gate To Mrs. Mary Rogers us belonging to the foure acre lot, that was her former husband's, Thomas Barker, Twenty gales and one halfe gate 2(.i one balfe ROWLEi'. 1135 To Richard Ligliton as by gift from llic towiie one gate ' K"'» pnrclmscd of the Towno. one guto 1 gato To John Ik.iritoii ns lidoiiging to lii« m-ro and Imlfo lot and lialfo one gato pnrcliasod of tliu towne two gates - B^'f purchased of the towne, two Oatos - Ofttes To Mr. Phillip Nelson as Reaerved vnsovild of his part of the proprietio of Mr. Thonuis Nelson's lot, his father deceased, eight gates and one quarter of a gate 8 gales one quarter To William Scalles as to his acre and halfo lot and halfo one gate purch.lsed of the towno two gates 2 gates purchased of thu Towne, ono (iate 1 Hato To Jachin Kainor a.s belonging to the part of a two Acre lot ho purchased of I.eiltennant John Remington foure gates -I gates To Sanmell Plats as purchiwed of Mr. .Joseph .Jew. ett thro gates 3 gales purchased of the Towne, ono gate 1 Gale [Page Uo.) To marke prime as purchased of Sir. Phillip Xel* sou ono giite ; purchased «»f John .lolison belong- ing to Richard Thurleys lot one gale ; piircliased of 3Ir. Joseph Jowett of from McCavlton's propri- ety, he being altnrney, three (Jates ,'» gales To John Dresttr as belonging to his Acre and halfo lot and purchased of the towne halfo a gate two gates ■- gates purchase of the towne, two gales ■2(;ates To Samuell Brocklebanke as to a two .Acre lot was his mother's, fouro gates and ono halfo gate -1 ono lialfo as to a two aero lot ho purchased of .Matliow Uoyes Resurved two galea and one halfe gale '2 one halfe purchased of daniell harris one gale 1 gale To John Brocklebanko as piircluwed of Samuell Brwjklebanke, two gates 2 gates purchased of leiftennant John Remington, two gates 2 gates purchased of The Tt»wnc, one gate 1 gate To William Boynton as to his acre and halfo lot and one halfe gate purchased of the lowne, two gales 2 gales purchased of The Towne, two Gates *2 Gales To Vsor Ilobson as to a three Acre lot of her father's, Jlr. hnniphray Kaincrs, and to a two Acre lot he purchased of Mrs. Margery Shove eighleene gates IS gates and as Remaincing vn.souId of the right of a foure acre lot that herhnsband, williani hobson, pur- chased of Captaiiio Seb;istin Biigham, tweilvo gates 12 gates To moyscs Brodstrect purchased of John Pallmer that was of Mr. Nelson's propriety, two gates and ono halfe gate 2 an halfo To Mr. Ezekiell Rogers foure acre lot twenty-two Gates and one halfo gate.... '22 gates one halfo To Samuell mighill Reserved of them be had of his father's propriety two gates', imrchased of Mr. Joseph Jewell of the Right of Mr. William Bcl- lingham's lot, two gales 4 gates [Pago 01]. To John Harris as belonging to halfe two .Acre lot two gates anil ono quarter ; purchased of KzekicU Korthend that were Sir. Anthony Crosbio's two galea ; purchased of Sir. Jewell one gale .1 one quarter purchased of the towne three quarters of ono Cato :! quatlers To Jeremiah Elsworth as belonging to an Acre and halfo lot of hugh smith ami halfe a gale purchased of the towne, two gaU'S 2 galea purchased of 5Ir. .lewelt assured liy the excequtors two gales 2 gales purchased of Thomas Nelson three gates .'1 gales To John Lambert as belonging I.) a two aero lot and one his falli.T purchased of the lowne five and a halfo .'> one halfo purchased of Thomas Barker two gates 2 gales purchased of tho towno ono halfo lialo lialfo gate To potter Conper as belonging to his acre and halfe lot and haite one gate purcha.sed of the lowne two gales 2 gales purchased of !..iltenaiil John Remington one gale 1 gate purchased of tlie lowne two Gates 2 Gates To Kicliald Wickani his acre and halfe lot and one halfe Galo purchased of John Tod 2 Gales and as from Tho lowne for worke done t\>T Mrs. Margery Shove when she was in her Illness 2 To Jonathan Plats purcliased of the T.iwne two Gates 2 Gales 1 To Daniell Win.lli jair. liaM-d ..f Thomas Lanibell.. 2 Gales To DannieinViiUani imuhaNedol the Towne two Gales 2 Gates I To Daniell Wicoln purchased of Thomas Kcniing- ton 2 gates To Thomas Heminglon purchased of Tho Towne two Gates 2 Gales To Samuel Slickncy purchased of Tho Towne two Gates 2 Gates The First Ciiiuc'ii. — Soon nftcr the iiu'oi'ponition of the town a church was rcguhirly gathereil, and on the 3d of Deconiber, Kilil), tlic Rev. Ezekiei, Rogers was settled as pastor and tlie formal covenant adopted. Mr. Rogers broujiht with him his first wife, Sarali, daughter of .Tolin Everai'd, a citizen of London, who died in ten years ; he married, second, Joan, a daughter of tlie Hcv. .)olin Wilson; slie was buried on the Mil of May, KU'J; he married, third, on the KUh of .liily, Kjol, Mary, widow of Thomas Barker; she was biiiicil on the l"2th of February, l(i78-7'.t. On the Kllh of Third Moiilh, li;4:?, Mr. Rogers [ireached llic l'",lcction Scnnon. On the .^)th of Eighth Month. li;47, he preached before the Synod at (Cambridge. In 1(551, on the night of his marriage, his dwelling- house was burned, wilh his goods and the library he brought from England. Soon after, a fall from his horse so injured his right arm that it was ever alter U.scles8. Amid all these distressing calamities he held to his Christian fortitude and resignation. His house was rebuilt; his library replenished; his left hand substituted for the right; his ministerial labors were continued. 15ut to him, as to the aged of to-day, the (rolden Age is in tlie past; the wicked flourish like green bay-trees; even the servant-maids are an alllie- tion, as shown by the following letter to his friend, the Rev. Zechariah Syniins, of Charlestown : "(;ili of the 12lh UKUltll, 1IW7. " Dear Buothf.b,— Though I have now done my errand in tho other paper, yet melhiuks I am not satisfied to leave you so suddenly, so barely. Lot us hear from you, I pray you. IJotli your ministry go on coinfortJibly ? Find you fruit of your labors? Are new converts brought in ? Do your chihiron anil family grow more godly 'f I find greatest trouble and grief about the rising generation. Young people are litllo > Inlorline.l lu different hand in original. 1136 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. stirred here; but they strengthen one another in ovil, by example, by council. Much ado I liave with ray own family ; hard to get a servant that is glad of catechising, or family duties. I had a rare blessing of servants in Yorlishire; and those I brought over were a blessing ; but the young brood doth much afHict me. Even the children of the godly, here and elsewhere, make a woful proof, so that I tremble to think what will become of this glorious work we have begun, when the ancients shall be gathered unto their fathers ; I fear grace an'l blessing will die with tbcm, if the Lord do not shew some sign of displeasure, even iu our days. We grow worldly everywhere ; methinks I see little godli- ness, but all in a hurry about the world ; every one for himself; little care of public or common good. ... Oh ! that I might see some signs of good to the generations following, to send me axvay rejoicing I Thus I could weary you and myself, and ray left hand ; but I break off suddenly. O good brother, I thank fJod, I am near home ; and you, too, are not far off. Oh ! the weight of glory, that is ready waiting for us, G77, came here to preach in IfiSO and was ordained and settled col- league with Mr. Phillips, October 2'>, 1GS2. He mar- ried, November 7, 1(18:1, Mr. Philli|is' daughter Eliza- beth, by whom he had seventeen children, of whom ten survived him. The second meeting-house was built in his time and the date is shown by the fol- lowing extract from his record: "This was y" last child baptize'" Towns iiiiiul nli' liolding M' Itogerw' Donation upon y«Tcrniese-\|)rr!Wfi williiiK to take tip with, iMith whilo alone, & also in ctim- another Minister Hlioutd be called, by which comittee (viz' Deacon .Jewott, Cap* Weicoin, Cap' Doynlon, Lien* Dre-swer, Corn* Pienton) I returned proponitittn.* to j." Town on l>oth Articles alnvewl. Hilt nolliini; was acted upon them, A no y" matter lay silent ; till y" last winter in y year |i;ilO sometime in, Octoh' 1«!19 I fell ill. my aile continuins, and seeniiilE to he of a threat- nlliK natnre ; The Town, ii.)nietimo In Noveinh' or Deceml)'. had a in. it- ing. and oljlaine.1 a vole for holding v° al»ires> upon y cimli. 715 tioll that it was niv.-n upon, presently ujion which, y« church convcend to coiisiil' w' .■Minister to invit.- and di.l |iit.:h upon .Mr. Kichar.l lirown of.Snliory. At W" tinn' two Urethn.a vi/.' Cap' B.jint.)n and Lieu' Dreiser were .-hosen .Mi...l my people asen, A y« whole Sabliath, and yo c.n- tinued to do. ,\fter some lime, some of o' Hrothieu siguifyr.l 1„ me Iheir desiiv y' something furtli.T iiiit'ht he il.iue as t-> calling M' Br.iwn ani.mgst us. I told lli.-m y« ilih had pr..cee.l.-.l as farr in y- iiiatler as was coMVeui.-ut, not having as yet aciuainted y« Town willi \\> bad bin d. , ohlaiued their concurrence w". y diurches clioic- ; theref.,re I thonghly" iicvt step must be t.i consult J" Town in y« matter, upon whi.'h a T.iwu meeting was iiuickly warned, after y waruiin- w'off, & before y time appoiule.l for sJ meeting .-ame I receive.l a Idler fnim JI' Brown, in which he writes as followelli viz' be ple^ise.i 8' to nlid'- circumstance.l, w.iubl be ],baps greatly to y.i' .letriiueut, i bec[au»e) I would to yoF damage deceive you, pray s' be pleas'' to take it in good part, if 1 hereby Intieat you not to e.\pe.-t my coming at all. This let- ter I totally .-om-ealed from all psons living, till after y« aboves-' meet- ing was past, that none might any way bo Inlliienced thereby. Att this meeting notliing could be .lone in y niatt.'r. Tlie I..)ril having bin pleased to restore my health Again, tlie i:enerality of y T.nvn appeared very dull ab' acting anything on my l*rop.i8itiou referring to calling another Minister, so y meeting issuc'd in worils.oert pieteria liiliil. S.ime of the lireljiren being still unsatisfyed, motioned for anotlier n.eeling, wupou some of tlie s.-hH-tnu-n cam.' to me, and Informed that some d.-silT.i an..Iller Town-meeting to settle me a Salleiyif 1 continue.l alone & they w.mld kuow uf me wlielher t ili.l il.-sire it, iiiy Answ was, that thetiiue f.irsi-ttling my salleiy wliilo I was al.iu.-, b.'iiig lapse.l, I .li.l not desile y' y' Town slioul.l be couveen.l mcrly on y' lorounl ; But if they had anytliiug further to transact in reference to calling another Minister & saving their Living, I w.Milil liiud' nothing of that, they might warn a meeting as so.ui as they jdeas''. The Select men seem...! satisfyed, au.l not Inclinable to warn any meeting on that ace'. But the aboves't unsatisfyed Krethr.'ii continuing to urge tlieir former motion ab' another Town. meeting: one was at bust appointed to Be on, or ah' y twentythir.l .lay of |.'eb'.'. At this meeting my ahovesJ propositions were brought a foot many apjirard as willing to comply with y« liisl, while I was alone but :us to y- latter y' r.d'erre.l to calling anoth.-r Min- ister y most wore .lull an.l woul.l not slirr t.j .leci.le a vote. I had tol.l souieof the chief of yT.nvii belbro this meeting y' sc.dng tliey lia.l not biken up with my propositions, it was u.iw their turn to make lis to me ; ac.-ordingly y ilea.-ou in Tlie Towns ouhalfe abated five poumls from my 2d piol...sitiou rof.oiug t.i calling another Miuist.-r which l..ok ofr:ill poumls from my Salboy then .t so y prop.isiti.m was agen put to vote, but with as little su. . .-ss as at first, & so y meeting euil.'.l without .loiiig anything at nil as 1.. y holdiug y" ahoves.1 Donati.ui. So the mai- ler lay till the (.lollege t.iok p..Rsessiou of the si'Veial parcells of band an.l meadows which tbey have iiiipr.ived since. At y abovesl chh meeting to cliuse a Minister, I to make clioice of M' Jn" Kiiiiuirsoii I he w.iubl surely cuiie ; wlii. li lia.l tbey done they lia.l certainly secured their ILumtiou, if the Town had con- cur'.l, an.l sallaries ha.l been agreed on; But there was no likelyboo.l that m' Hr.iwu would come, ,V so it prove.l. " I .lid count it necessary to know before han.l, what the Town w.iul.l do for me in case they savo.l their donation by callinganotb.'r Minister ; and that for Bun.lry lii-iuions Kiis.t W.- are bound to pi..vide for our own hoiis... 2'1 6.ion After my Settlem' my father I'liill : was uneasie about his sallary, and told mo y' y Town was not able to keep two miuisteis. :i'J ; I was Informed not after my Or.linali.ui, That a chiefeman then in Town (viz Cap' Phil: N.-lsmO .leclare.l in a T..wii Meeting, that y Town conbl not maintainc two Ministers, prop.jsed to let one of Ihom go. And I'J I fouii.l my own salary very B.:ality while we w.-re Iw.i together, fifty ,t tlireo p.inn.l8 in grain was my whole allowance (w'l. my \Vo.i.l) by y year ; live .if wfii was yearly taken oil for I'aisouage Lands v' I Iinproveil so I ha.l but f-uty-eight pounds in Grainet' aiinnin, for sundry years after I liiul a family. Not long he- f.ire my father Phill: deceaso, the Town seven iionnds to my sal- lary, so miiJc it Sixty in Orain, which times was iillw[aysj couiite.l a thir.l at least Inferiour to money, finally ] was informed when y nboves'' things ilb' calling an.ilher Minister, were in agitation, thutitw.-ls said am.uigst some y' 1 must lake what llio Town woul.l give me. I Ihot it n.e.lfull tberidon- to know before han.l a little about the mailer, I., prevent iiueasilie.vl afterwards, but as is above Siacilie.l, 1138 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. nothing could be obtained. Now let any Indifferent persons Jndgehow this Donation came to bo forfeited, and lapse to y colledge." Postscript. '* The Reason of my secreting M' Brown's Letter (mentioned in the above Record) was, because the condition of holding s* Bonation was almost expired, so that there was then no time to apply to any body else: Therefore if y« Town had known before a* Town meeting was over that he would not come. They might have counted it a suUicient Ground to Act nothing about the case. Therefore I kept the knowledge of it from them, till s-^ meeting was past. Yet nothing was done about it, Iho they knew not but he might come— and did know y< they could go to no other." All things considered the pastorate of Mr. Payson was more successful than that of any other minister of this church. From the death of Mr. Phillips to the settlement of Mr. Jewett, a period of thirty- three years, nothing appears of record in church or town denoting any diflerences between Mr. Payson and the people under his charge. Samuel Palmer, Timothy Harris, Humphrey Hob- son and Joseph Boynton'were ordained deacons while Mr. Payson was alone in the ministry. The record of his death, entered in the church reg- ister by his colleague and successor, is as follows: "The Eev*. M'. Edward Payson died Aug. 22, 1732, about y' prising of y° Sun, In y' 76 year of his age, after about a month's Languishment and aftur He had preached y" Gospel in Eowley more than ol years." " Bcati Mortui ii qui Domini causa moriuntur etiam dicit Spiritus ut requiescant a laboribus suis & opera eorum sequuntur eos." Jedidiah Jewett, fifth minister, son of Jonathan and Mary (Wicom) Jewett, of Rowley, where he was born 1705, baptized June 3, 1705, was graduated at Harvard College 1726 and ordained and settled col- league with Mr. Payson November 19, 1729. The third meeting-house was built during his ministry, and was occupied in October, 1749. The last child baptized in the old house was Joanna Todd, October 15, 1749, while the first persons owning the covenant in the new house did so October 29, 1749. The number of church members in 1744 is given by him in the church register as follows: "About 208 persons at present in full communion with this chh., 83 males 125 Females." Mr. Jewett married, November 11, 1730, Elizabeth, only child of llichard and Dorothy (Light) Dummer, of Newbury, by whom he had three children Dtim- mer, baptized Ajiril .30,1732; Paul, baptized June 16, 1734; Dorothy, baptized May 9, 1736. In his time some men expressed their own opinions. On the 24th of October, 1748, the church voted that they were offended with the Hon. John Hobson, a leading citizen, who had been frequently a member of the General Court and Speaker of the House in 1741, in that Hobson had said in the meetinghouse on the 5th of October, 1748, "That the Doctrine of Election, as preached by Kev"". M'. .Jedidiah Jewett, is Non-sense, and Because in explaining himself upon the matter of his said a.ssertion s'' Hobson further said to s'' Jewet, ' That you preach That there is certain number elected, and another number are passed over, and if it be so, say s'' Hobson,' the consequence is that man does act necessarily." An investigating committee was chosen April 2, 1749; the committee reported that Hobson write out his ex- planation. December 27, 1749, Hobson refused to write out any explanation of his speech, and the church voted the acknowledgment was satisfactory. August 20, 1749, James Hidden was accused of having said that part of a sermon by the Rev. Moses Hale was false. The church voted his conduct dis- orderly. December 21, 1768, Deacon Bailey complains that Eben Hidden had charged him with "telling a posi- tive lye, and when he [Hidden], was asked why he sung a few Sabbaths ago, his answer was y' he did it to let y" congregation Know, y' he knew and y' fool did not." He also said, at the same time, when Dea- con Bailey set the tune, " that he was serving the Devil." Several of the church were admonished for their sin of " disorderly walking" and many others for for- nication. Mr. Jewett died May 8, 1774. The Parish voted to pay the expense of the funeral and erect a suitable monument at his grave. Ebenezer Bradford, sixth minister, born in Canterbury, Conn., May 29, 1746, was graduated at Princeton College 1773, settled August 4, 1782, died January 3, 1801. The funeral charges were paid by the Parish. Here ends the permanent ministry of Rowley. They were able and godly men ; the tie binding them to the church was severed only by death. Every minister since settled has been dismissed. Of the period since 1801, I may well use the language of a former pastor: "Pastors, since the commencement of the present century have been, themselves, more un- easy than before, and the people have been more un- easy, regulating their zeal for the truth, by their in- terest in the man who proclaimed it." David Tullar, seventh minister, was graduated at Yale College 1774, settled 7th December 180.3, dismissed October 17, 1810. He is said to have been a meek and godly man, better fitted to love his Lord than to fight the devil witli fire. He died at Shef- field, 23d August, 1839, aged ninety years. Probably it would have been better if Mr. Tullar had declined his call to preach here, as he began with opposition in both church and parish. While Mr. Tullar slept his people did not sow tares in his wheat-field as there was no tare-seed to be obtained here but they did sow flax-seed over all his garden and cultivated land; cats were drowned in his well, his swine let loose, his gates destroyed, his fruit trees girdled, and he, himself twitted, before an ecclesiastical council, of inability to propagate his species. ROWLEY. 1139 James W. Ti'CKEII, eighth minister, was gnidii- ateil at Yale College 1807, settled .June 24, 1S12, dis- missed June 24, 1817, as the salary was insufiicient to meet iiis necessities, lie was uuicli respeeted and beloved. He died at Springlield, X. .1., February 11, 1819, aged thirty-two years. \Vii,i,.\ui) Hoi.iutooK, Rrowii University 1814, was the ninth minister, settled .July 22, 1818, dismiss- ed May 12, 1840. During his ministry the Sunday- school was e.stablished ; and a stove placed in the meeting-house. Many opposed heating the meeting- house as a sinful innovation. The lirst .Sunday, a very cold day, alter the stove was set in the meeting- house many left the hou-e, overcome with the intoler- able heat, yet there was no tire or funnel connected with the stove. John 1'IKE, Howdoin College 1883, was the tenth minister, settled November 18, 1840, dismissed January 5, ISfi',). The fourth meeting-house was built during his ministry ; it was formally dedicated on Wednesday, .luly 18, 1842 ; the day was warm, ?iearly one hundred degrees in the shade. On the I'.Hh February, 18')8, the widow Hannah Kilbourne died j here. She had been a consistent member of this church more than sixty-five years. Lymax H. Hlake, eleventh minister, was settled November 9, 18G9, dismissed A|)ril 27, 1874. W^r. H. JoYSLlx. twelfth minister, was settled December 2d, 1874, dismissed December 22d, 187;'). Ch.^rles C. Bkiointed Januarys, lr,r,,-,-(i>;: died April 21, li-,7«. William TeTin.-y. appoinled February :), li;C,7-r.S ; die.l Augusl .'.. IrS:.. John IVarson, appointed OctoberiJ, li'.Sli ; died Doceniber •.:.', li.O:t. John TrnniWe, appointed October 21, llWi; ; died March — ,'.U. Kzekiel Jewett. appiMiiled October -21, IfiSt; ; died Septejuber 2. 172:1. Samuel Palmer, appointeil February 1, 1707-8 ; died June 21. I7Iyfiei,I) Fahish. — -The inhabi- tants living in tlit^ nnrthwi'strrly ]);irt of Rowley, as early as 1702, jiiineil with siu-li of the inh:ibitants of Newbury as were living near the " Falls" in the erec- tion of a meeting-house, and in 170() gathered in church order by themselves. Moses Haek, the first minister, was settled 17th of November, 170l!, died 16th of January, 1748 — 14. The parish |)aid the expense of his funeral. The jiresent meeting-house of this liurish is in Georgetown. TllECiiuiiril IN LiNiciiunoK I'ai'.i.sii. — The inhab- itants in thesoutlnvestorly jitirt of Rowley, joining with a part of the inhabitants of Fpswicli, orgaiii/.iMl a church 80th , 179li, and was married, January 14, 1828, to Elizabeth, daughter of Col, Thomas ^\'ade, of Ipswich. Tliey had six children, oi' whom the following survive : Dr. David Choate, of Salem, Hannah, i)rincipal of one of the public schools in that city, llufns and William C, who reside in Essex, and llev. Washington Choate, pastor at Irvington-on-the-Hudson, X. Y. He was a descendant, in the sixth generation, from J(dui Choate, who came to this country in 1(J4.5, and also from John Perkins, 1st, (ieorge (Jidiiings, John Procter 1st, Kcginald Foster, and Thomas Varney. As a Ttachcr. — As an instructor Mr. Choate was in his native element. He had not only a due ap- preciation of the dignity of this vocation, which he followed nearly thirty years, but he had a synipathelie and devoted attachment to it. He performed its duties not in a merely perfunctory manner; his heart was always in it. He gave to it more hours of preparation, labor, care and solicitude than any contract would rec|uire, and throughout his long career in this calling, he rendered vastly more than an equivalent for any remuneration. He was never a hireling who careth not for the Hock. He shrank from no extra toil or cHort to a.ssist and encourage of his pupils who might wish to gain knowledge beyond the established routine of school-stu)wper ; and at the time referred to he had just read, among some literary criticisms by a noted American writer, a de|>reciatory remark concerning the works of that gentle and contemplative [)oet. It was unjust, though half jocose, and its author, quite probably, as other brilliant men have done in regard to other authors, made the observation inconsiderately ; for it would seem incongruous that one so tenderly susceptible as the critic himself was, at times, could for once seem to speak indifferently of him who wrote the lines to his mother's picture commencing, " that those lips had language.'' Elizabeth Barrett Browning's tribute to him is profoundly and synipathelically appreci- ative. Mr. Choate always felt a deep and hearty interest in everything jiertaining to the welfare of the town. He was one of the original |)rojectors of the branch railroad, and performed much gratuitous labor in connection with surveys to ascertain the most practi- cable route and in urging the importance of the en- terprise upon his townsmen, as well as having the subject piesenled to the Legislature, on applying for a charter. When these cumulative elliirta had at length, in 1872, culminated in the successful comple- tion of the road, to no one were the sounds of the bell anecen;ber.'T. Paukku Bi;uNH.\.M. — This veteran ship- master, who as youth and man sailed the seas for thirty years, and lived until 1871, when he had at- tained the age of four-score and ten, was in one par- ticular unparalleled, — building, as he did, in 1811, and owning, the largest vessel which at that date had ever been built here,and then sailing in her for five consecu- tive years as captain, making voyages to Lisbon, and to various |)Orts in the Mediterranean, with which he became as familiarly acquainted as with Boston har- bor. He became one of the most skillful and trusted navigators of his time, sailing in the employ of the Sargents and other prominent menbants of Boston. He was never shii)wrecked, and never met with dis- aster of any kind, though he e.\[ierienfcd many ter- rilic gales and tempests. Jlis crews attributed his good luck in this respect to the fact that he never procr.istinated in his prei)ara- tions for bad weather, giving orders instantly to reef all sails at the first portent of a viident storm, so that when it reached his ship he was ready for it. This promptness and punctuality continued through his life, enabling him sometimes to turn to advantage what delay might have made a business reverse. As we used to say of him, when on a business errand, he always took passage by the first boat. His retirement from a sea-faring life was occasioned or at least hastened by a singular circumstance, which, to himself as to others, was always a wonder and a puzzle. He bad been growing somewhat weary of life on the ocean, and had about concluded to be- come permanently a landsman ; but yielding to the earnest solicitation of his employers, he had consented to go one voyage more. He had his sea-chest sent aboard, and the ship waited only for a fair wind. On entering the cabin, however, he felt suddetily a pre- sentiment that if he sailed then he would never re- turn. The impression was so strong that at the last moment, his engagement was, with the reluctant acquiescence of the owners, cancelled. Anoiher cap- tain was procured, and the ship started on her voy- age; but neither she nor the crew were ever after- wards heard from ! After retiring from the sea, he engaged for nmny years in ship-building. He was the first of the builders in the town to disc, at the age of about twenty-one years.' He was from .Sudbury, or its neighborhood, in Sullblk, near the boundary of Essex County, England. The tradition is, that his house stood within a few rods southeast of the spot where that of the late John Low now stands or formerly stood. His wife's first name was Anne, but her surname is uiikiiowii. He died December 4, IfJ'J'), at the age of about seventy- one. His wife survived him till 17211, reaching the age of ninety. They had several children. Of these, John, the eldest. Wits a deacon. He had six sons and two daughters. Thomas settled upon Hog Island, where he had four sons and five daughters, lierijamin was a clergynuin. Of Thomas' children, John became very distin- guished; he was a colonel in the French and English war; was fifteen years a member of the General C'oiirt; was choijen .'Speaker, but the election wiis annulled lor political reasons by Governor I'elcher, under a power that officer then had; but he was, under another Governor, an e.xecutive counsellor for six years. His advice was often sought in matters eccle>iastical, as well as civil, being a prominent member of the fSiiiith Church in Ipswich. He planned and superintended the construction of the stone bridge, in 17(14, at Ipswich Centre, where he resided. He was, no doubt, an uncommon man. It is said that he used to wear a scarlet cloak, and at his side a silver-liilted sword, in accordance, probably, with an old English custom. He was for some years judge of Probate, and judge of the Court of Common Pleas. Thoma.s' daughter Mary, who married Parker Dodge, of Hamilton, was mother of John CleaveUnd's first wife. Rachel, his seventh child and thircl daughter, was ancestress of the writer. Thomas' son Francis was a ruling elder in Jlr. Cleaveland's church. His wife wius Hannah Perkins, a descendant of John Perkins, (1st.) They had eight ' There \» a tni.lillon {how niitlic.ndc, I um! lu »iy) tlint hi' came to Ihia cuunlry, when a child, with Ilia fiilher, ami tliiit lh«y livcil awhilu in N'ewbiiry. It in aupiximd that hie father wn» the "gooilniali (Choate"'l. M one dMlrliiR tnemlKTutc tothi* e.iiiritr.v, In u litter to .Icjhii Winlhn.p, Jr., Kut from England an early an IHO, l.y Itev. Henry .lacie. children. Their daughter Hannah Choate married Kufus Lothrop, and it was probably in coiiiplimciit to him that her nephew, David Choate, (1st), gave his son, the eminent advocate, the name Kufus. l>otlirop was living in Connecticut as late as 17'.l.'5, only four years before Kufus Choate's birth, and proliably later. He is referred to in Cleaveland's army journal at Ticonderoga, where he says: " I received a letti'r iram my dear friend Rufiis Lothrop." Francis' son William was a sea chptain, as well as farmer on Hog Island. He was father of David, (1st), and grandtather of Kufus. He had also sons George, William and Job. Descendants of .Tub are living in Washington, D. C, children of Warren, who died there, in 187G, at the age of seventy-seven, leaving a widow, four sons and two daughters. His son, Dr. Kufus, is in the practice of medicine in Herndon, Va. Stephen Choate, son of Lieutenant Thomas, .Ir., and grandson of Cajitain Thomas, was for many years a deacon of Jlr. (.'leavrland's church. He was for several terms Representative to the General (,'ourt, and also a State Senator. He married, as his second wife, Widow Eli/.alieth Potter, my great-grand- mother, who was his first cousin, and by whom he had four children. Her daughter by her first hus- band, Elizabeth Potter, who became tlie wife of Abner Day, long a deacon ;>i>, Kcv. Nathaniel Rogers, who had been a minister in .\s-ington, England, came to Bo-ston, and in ItiJiS settled tis pastor in Ipswich, Mass. ; and soon afterwards he was followed by seven- teen others who had been members of his church in England, including William Goodhue and Robert l^ord, ancestor of the late Judge Otis P. Lord. The former is alluded to in the Ijjswieh records as " W'illiam (ioodhue, weaver." He became tleacon of the first church in Ipswich, as did also his son Jo- seph. He was married four times : 1st, to Margery Wat.son; 2d, to Mary Webb; 3d, to Bethiah, widow of Captain Thomas Lothrop, of Beverly, killed at Bloody Brook ; and 4lh, to Widow Remcmlier Fisk, of Wenham. The maiden name of his third wife was Bethiah Rea, aiid she was of the stimc lineage as 1208 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. my greaf-great-grandmother Prince, whose maiden name was Sarah Rea. As I trace the relationship, the Bethiah mentioned was her aunt. William Goodhue died at the age of eighty-five, in ]699 or 1700, leaving two sons, William and Joseph, and a daughter Mary, who married Thomas Giddings. These children were all by his first wife. The Essex Goodhnes. — The sjn William .settled in Chebacco, and became deacon of the church here. He married Hannah, daughter of Rev. Francis Dane, of Andover, and granddaughter of John Dane, Sr., who came from England with his son.s, John, Jr., and Francis. John Dane, Sr., was an ancestor of the celebrated Nathan Dane ; so that all the descendants of William Goodhue, of Essex, are of the same line- age as that of the distinguished jurist. William and Hannah (Dane) Goodhue had five sons and five daughters. The fourth son, Francis, graduated at Harvard College, and became a clergyman, settling at Jamaica, L. I. He died suddenly in 1707, while on a journey, at the age of thirty-five. This was the William Goodhue who was fined and imprisoned by Governor Andros, with his pastor. Rev. John Wise, and others. . Felt, a conscientious and generally accurate historian, is in error in supposing that it was his father, of Ipswich, who was thus per- secuted. This William Goodhue, jr., was selectman, and for several years member of the General Court. He was also a military captain. He lived on what is now the Marshall Farm, on Western Avenue, at the bend of the road, where he died in 1712. His son John lived till 1773, when he was eighty-seven years and five months old. The Story Family. — From all that I have discov- ered, by such records as I could obtain access to, I believe that all the families of the name of Story in Ersex descended from William Story, who came, in 1G37, from Norwich, England, the same j)lace from which came the first Burnhams. Some have supposed that a portion of the Story residents of this place descended from Andrew Story, the early immigrant, who served in the Pequot War. This, I think, is a mistake. I do not find any proof that he lived here for any length of time, if at all, after the close of his service in that conflict. I can find no record of his having had a family here, nor of his having been married. It is said that he went to Connecticut, and never returned. Though he had a land-grant for his military service, I have seen no record that he took up or improved any land here- about. William Story is thought by some to have been a brother of the first Andrew mentioned. Although this is not improbable, I have not found any positive assertion to that cfl'ect in any early record. He came to this country about two years after the arrival of Andrew. Of William Storv the record is clear that he mar- ried Sarah Foster, daughter of Reginald Foster, who came to Ipswich in 1638, one year after he himself had arrived. He was the first ancestor, in this coun- try, of the distinguished Judge Story. Reginald Fos- ter was a lineal ancestor of Miriam Foster, mother of Rufus and David Choate. William Story was an extensive land-owner in Chebacco. He bought of Henry Archer, of Ipswich, a farm of ninety acres " beyond Chebacco Falls." The deed of conveyance was signed by said Archer and his wife, Elizabeth, May 10, 1649. This prob- ably included what is now known as the farm of the late Captain David Low. He also owned laud else- where in this place, bounded in part by Belcher's Lane, embracing the premises of the late Adoniram Story, and extending to the river. He had three sons, Andrew, Seth and William, who are mentioned in his will; in which it is said that the price for which William sold to Andrew one-half of Perley's meadow, was a just price. He is believed by some of his descendants to have built the first saw-mill in Chebacco, in 1656, which is said to have been the first erected anywhere within the town of Ipswich. Two circumstances render this probable : he was by trade a carpenter, and he had bought the farm " beyond the Falls" seven years before that date. Addison Cogswell, a lineal descendant in the 8th generation from John Cogswell, the first permanent settler of Essex, is ason of William and Lucy (Cboate) Cogswell, was born November 11, 1815, in Essex, Mass., and married Miss Elvira Dike, of Montague, Mass., January 6, 1886. He is by occupation a farmer, and resides in Essex. His educational opportunities wore limited to about twelve weeks annually in a district school, in which reading, writing, arithmetic and a partial initiation in grammar and natural philosophy, constituted the cur- riculum. He has a taste for reading, with a preference for the solid rather than for the lighter kinds, and is a man of much and varied information, being specially well posted upon subjects of public interest. Prompted by the spirit of business enterprise and a desire to promote the prosperity and welfare of the town and its people, he was led to associate himself with others like-minded in building an extensive saw and planing-mill, — which, so far, has not proved as successful as was desired. Mr. Moses Knowlton, a substantial and reliable citizen, joined with him in building an extensive shoe-factory, at great cost and risk, for the purpose of introducing the shoe-businets into the town. This has met with such a measure of success as abundantly compensates for the risk and anxiety incurred in its introduction. His energy and perseverance have since been di- rected through another channel, in part auxiliary to the enterprise last-mentioned, but also of much wider scope in the public benefit conferred. Through his f^^^cU^^^-cfyZ 7i^ v^J A^u^e/^C ESSEX. 1209 personal exertions ami the investment of his eapitil, in association with otheis who joined earnestly in the movement, the track of the Essex Branch Kailroail, which for liftien years liius been such an advantasrc to the town as a wliole, has been extended to tlie villnfre on the south side of the river.its terniiruis licina; near the shoe-factory, — thus atlonling accommo- dation to the people residing in that locality and be- yond it. One trait in Mr. Cogswell's character may have been inherited from an ancestress (Mrs. Thomas Varney), who, in 1(J79, in common with others, desired the pre- sence and privileges of a place of iniblic worship in this parish or precinct. I5nt their own church in Ips- wich and the Great Court at Boston forbade them to do so preposterous a thing as to rear a meeting-house. They, however, having the fear of God, but not of Ipswich and the Great (.'ourt, before their eyes, did deliberately and with pertinacious audacity raise the First Cliurcli in Esse.x. Tliis honored ancestress was arrested, and charged with, and lriet and repeat this, will re- ceive Ihe appellation of t'hristi;iii, and will be known lo Christ .IS (iod. It will . arry an ad.'.nwte knowleiliie of Ilim wherever it goes. lie is il9 .\lplia and Ome-a. Ii< daetiines aro the mold in wliirli Christ- ian rbaiacter is formed, and it will form a cliaraeter which will be re- cognized as a likeness of llim. "In juxtaposition lo this, we have another, 'Nearer my Cod to Thee.' This is also a concise sentence, representing anothor hymn— one of a more modern date. It is a candi.iale for, and is receiving niu.h favor. It is a religious, n..I a Christian hymn. To adopt this mollo is to adopt its related hymn. It is the prayer of an lospiranl. He is not an outcast. He noeds no Cleft t.. hide him from tho Avenger. He has no leprous disiiualiricalions renulring cosily blo.iil. It is not death to remuin as he is,— he needs uo mediator ; lie is in favor with Cod, and is raising himself lo a closer fellowship, but is overweighted with some goodly but over, loved object, which 'e'en though it be a cros.s' to do so, he lays aside ; and it becomes a stepliing-stone, on which he raises biinseU to that de- sired neanie.n on the north; the Chebaeeo Pond and the dense forests of E-se.x and Manchester, and the o<'ean on the east; the spires of Marblehead on the south; and a broad sweep of land, with the State Insane Asylum, on tlie west. This hill and the neighboring ponds were favorite resorts of the red men." A eharniing feature ot the scenery is formed by a clus- ter of |)onds in the southeastern corner of the town. Chebaeeo I'ond, a large slieet of water, lying partly in Esse.x, and ISeck's I'ond, Uonnd roml and (ira- vclly Pond, which are wholly wilhiri the limits of Hamilton. Tiie area of the town is nine thousand four hundred and forty acres, of whirh three hun- dred and fifty-five are under water. Itsgreatest length from east to west is five ami one-half miles, and its mean length three and three-quarters ; its greatest breadth from north to south is three and three- eighths miles, and the mean breadth three miles. The soil is generally loamy and gravelly. In the southwestern corner lies an extensive tract of swamj) land, called Wenham Swamp. Hamilton was originally includeil in the ancient town of Ipswich and was known as the Hamlet; it does not appear when the earliest settlement was made, but land within it.s limits was granted to Matthew Whipple in 1038, and, as before mentioned, the old stage road was laid out through his and his brother's land in 1(541, and liis house was sold, .Inly 10, 1G47, to .lohn Annable, tailor. It was incorpora- ted as a separate municipality in ]7'X',. This division was accomplished aftiT several attempts and long de- lays. The division ists of that day, however, had a moat persistent and able leader in Rev. Dr. Cutler, tlie sec- ond pastor of the Handet Church, who in this achievement displayed the skill which had distin- guished him in a larger enterprise in 17.S7, in liis ne- gotiations with the Continental Congress, which is referred to later in this history. The name of Hamil- ton was selected by Dr. Cutler, who was a standi Federalist, in honor of the statesman whose parish. The citizens and estates of the Hamlet were then a |>art of the terri- torial First Parish of Ipswich, and ta.xable for the sup- port of the ministry there, of which the Revs. ,Iolin Rogers (2d) and .labez Fitch were the incundjcnts. The following petition was ]ire|iared and pre the town : "Tulli,- Inhiibilants ,rii swicrli now Assenihleil. May 1,1712. The hiimlili^ IH-lilion of u.s who a. Ill les are liereuul.. sni.seiilieil humbly Khowctli, Thai whiTi^ius l.y ( oils .r.vidence our habitations are so farr I^islaiil fruni ye puLlyk Woi ,l,ip f God in said Towne yt above f..urly families. Urn with Cival Dill ■iilly repair to Wenham to Woi-sliip Cod- ■riii-ri' nluTc weoluivu >i'ell itt Gi ■at Chaise t.. Huild, but our Niiiubeis l..-ing Klvally ICnrivas.., ■IllL le will not Conlaine us without some IlllalK,MIH>llt ,t yf ljui.1 11 ..f 'onv yins llaillilies b. sai.l In.iise so In- li.lcial)!,- vt vvf .■St . liot. ut if p.,s.siblu wemiglit be silent were not yc cirt!iini8tanceB di our :oli(li i.ili 5., hard to bi'ar. yrfore after twiee seven years jHlst wee I) e liu mhly renew or petition to .\ou who are <.iir flatliois, y. you »„„I,1 , onsi. ,.r y eirrninstances of our e..ndition, and fin.l e a pr...- net 1 v ourselves. ,t tree us from paying to yu ministry will, yon, .\ t so ve no y with tireater comfort. .V more gen- erally ntlenil ye jmliliek wo shiiil of God in ye midst of or Hamlett yt (Jo.l may lie slorified A ir .s,. lis e.lifye.l, so h..pinKy..u will grant us o'r ref|Uest Wee reinaiiie y .re h inihli petiti..neis, viz: "Matlliew Wl.iliple, sen. liii-h.l Walker .In..: Whipple, jnn r Samll lirowne .Matt : Whipple, jr Matt: Whipple, 4th Isaac Tiilige Jno Loverill William M.ailton .Xieh.das Williams .lanu-s Whipple Daniel Killini. sen. .lona Whipplo Tliomas lirowne Jno lieane •lohn liillbert Daniel Heane William (Juarles. Nath'I Deane Kiehard Dodge Edmnnil I'atlar Moses Welch Nath'l Dilse Moses Stevens •lames Hrowne Iticliard Hoberds .lac Hrowne .lolin I'erkins I'a,lle at the farther end, wearing a full-bottomed wig. Deacon Patch used to interline the hymn, and Deacon Whipple set the hymn or psalm. No jjrovision was made for heating the house until 1824, when box stoves were set up. The pews were .srpiare. with seats on the side, hung on hinges, so that they could be turtieiritual wants of his people which continued for fifty-two years, and ended only at his death. The parish voted him £133, 6s. 8d. as settlement, and for salary, £ 85 , and the use of the parsonage. He pur- chased the house owned by his predecessor, which he enlarged and greatly improved, leaving it at his decease, in external appearance, substantially as it is at present. In 1772, the parish voted "to sing Dr. Watts' psalms for the future.'' It is an interesting item an the history of the parish, as illustrating the great depreciation of the currency in the latter years of the Revolutionary War, that ' at a parish meeting held November 14, 1780, a com- mittee of five were chosen, "To calculate the amount of £ 85, which is the nominal sum of Mr. Cutler's salary, agreeable to y" first stipulated price of articles in this State in present current money." At an adjournment of this meeting held Novem- ber 28, the calculation having probably been made in the mean time, the sum of eight thou- sand pounds in current money was voted for his salary for that year ; this vote was how- ever reconsidered, and it was voted to raise one hun- dred pounds in silver for that purpose ; that probably being estimated as equivalent to the amount first voted. In March 1781, it was voted that five pecks of corn per month be paid to Benjamin Ayers, for ringing the bell, and that the herbage of the burial place be let out for two bushels, three quarts and one pint of corn, it being, probably, too intricate a prob- lem to determine these values in currency. The scarcity of West India molasses, occasioned by the war, stimulated the ingenuity of some persons in the Hamlet to provide as a substitute the juice of corn- stalks, expressed from them after being ground in a mill, and then boiled down, and in 1778, a load of this was carried from the Hamlet to a Salem distillery, where it yielded the most satisfactory result in spirits. The years 1773 and 1775, were noticeable in the annals of the parish for unusual sickness and mor- tality. The average mortality in the Hamlet for the twenty-one years preceding the incorporation of the town W!is twelve. In the year 1773, the deaths num- bered twenty-nine, and in 1775, twenty-six. The IIAMlI/rON. 1215 previilent diseases were a malignant fever, afterwards known as typlms fever, and a disease which was ealU'd canker fever. In 1777, sinall-pnx prevailed to an alarming extent ; of tlie twenty-three deaths in that year, five were from that disease. A pest iiouse was located in the eastern part of the parish, and a committee reported, June ;!(•, 1777, that there were sixty-one cases. The diseases continued into the next year, and i>ersons came from other iowns to be inoculated. At the close of the Revolutionary War, the jieoplc were so much straitened in their means that Dr. Cutler's salary was raised with diliiculty, and his thoughts were turned to the West, as all'ording better prospects for his future, in i)roviding support for his family. In 17.Sti several of the oliicers of tlie late army orgainzed a comjwny in Boston, called the Ohio Comi)any, for the purchase of territory northwest of the Ohio river, for locating a permanent settlement. This land was to be |iurchased with the government pajjer, with which the army had been paid off, and which had so dejjreciated in value that it was scarcely available for anything else than i)urchasing of the government its land. Dr. Culler, through the influ- ence of Major Winthrop i^argent, became a member of the company and was .selected as its agent to un- dertake the delicate and dillicult duty of negotiating with the Continental Congress for the purchase of the land ; for this duty he was well equijiped by his vari- ous learning and experience in agriculture, science, law, medicine and divinity, and more especially, by his tact in dealing with men, his affable manner, and great conversational ability. He had aUo gained a wide-spread reputation for his scientific attainments and contributions. He had already been chosen a member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, and to the first volumes of the memoirs of this society, had contributed astronomical and meteor- ological papers; he was also a mend)er of the Philo- sophical Society of Philadelphia. Possessing all these natural and acipiired qualifications, and indorsed by many letters of introduction from distinguished men, he started on his mission. He left his home in his sulky, in the latter part of June, for New York, where the Continental Congress was then sitting, and reached New York, Jidy •'>, 17S7, after a twelve days journey, condng in, as he writes, " by the road that enters the l{owery," [)Utting uj) his horse "at the sign of the 'Plow and Harrow' in the Howcry barns." He succeeded in obtaining a contract for one million acres, at one dollar per acre, with five hundred thous- and more thrown in as an allowance for bad lands and incidental charges. He also at this time rend- ered a greater service lor the northivestern territory, then and in coming time, and for the country at larg(' by his influence, which was powerful if not decisive in securing the passage of the clauses in the onii- nanceof 1787, prohibitingslavery in that territory, and providing for education. The honor of proposing tlie anti-slavery cbiusc has been awarded to Nathan Dane, the eminent J uri-preciative paper on Manasseh (Sutler, .\i)ril, l.^S7, says of him: "As I cannot but read our history Manasseh (.'utler was the [irovidentia! man who set impassable metesand bounds to the slave power. But for him American history would have taken its course in widely dill'erent channels. The free states would liave made hardly asliow of coun- terpoise to the slave states." The next move was to pr oviisode in the history of the Handet, turning as it naturally would the .-iympathies ami interest of the jieoplc to " the (Jhio," which was then the " Ear West." Early in the year 1 788, the i)roject of entire sei)ara- tion from Ipswich as a town was first agitated. Several meetings in reference to this matter were held before Dr. Cutler left for the west; at the first, held January 1216 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. 2d, it was voted that "the minds of ye parish is to be set off as a town," and to choose a committee to treat with an attorne)'. In June it was voted to petition the General Court to be incorporated into a separate town. The matter seemed to have then been dropped, but was revived in 1791, when similar action was taken. The project was pressed the following year, and in March, 1793, Rev. Dr. Cutler, Col. Robert Dodge, Mr. Joshua Giddings and Mr. Jonathan Lamson were appointed a committee to provide for . the payment of such sums of money and the fulfil- ment of such conditions as the General Court may impose in granting the petition, which was then be- fore that body, for incorporating the parish and cer- tain other persons and estates into a separate town and parish. On June 21st, 1793, the long desired event was consummated, and the Hamlet ceased to exist, and the town of Hamilton was incorporated. Dr. Cutler in his century sermon says of this: "This separation from the ancient and highly respectable town of Ipswich was a transaction in which the in- habitants of both felt themselves deeply interested. In accomplishing this desirable object, every pro- ceeding of the people was conducted with entire unanimity. Although the pecuniary condition ap- peared to be large, it was promptly and cheerfully paid. And let it also be noticed, with peculiar satis- faction, that the unpleasant feeling excited in the minds of any of our brethren in Ipswich appears to have very happily subsided." The number of in- habitants at the time of incorporation is not accurately known, but probably was about the same as by the census of 1810, when it was seven hundred and eighty. This sketch gives the names of many of the principal citizens of the hamlet who gave di- rection to its parochial and ecclesiastical affairs ; of most of them, we know nothing but their names, and can only infer their characters from the trusts confided to them. This is especially true of those who are named in the earliest records ; of some, however, wc have a little fuller information. Dr. Felt in his history, to show the characterjof the Ham- let, quotes a remonstrance of the town of Ipswich in 1679, which characterizes it as follows : " One of the principal of these hamlets lies on the road to Boston, extending almost to Wenham, wherein are several of the better rank ; members of the church, persons of public place and service, as well or better landed than any, and as wise to be sensible of their diiiiculties which they deeply share in as others." Among the early residents in this part of Ipswich, were Matthew Whipple, who died in 1G47, to whom land was granted in the Hamlet in 1G3S. He held the chief offices in town. John Whipple, to whom a large grant was made in 163iJ> was the incumbent of various offices ; was deputy to the General Court for eight years, also a deacon and ruling elder in the First Church. Richard Hubbard, who died in IfiSl, was a graduate of Harvard College, and held the prominent offices. He is said to have married the daughter of Governor Bradstreet. John Whipple, who died in 1683, leaving an estate appraised at £3,000, was representative to the General Court for four years, also captain of a troop, and county treasurer, as well as holding town offices. Still another John Whipple, who died in 1695, was lieutenant of a troop and deputy to the General Court for four years ; his estate was valued at £1639, 16s. Deacon John Gilbert, the first deacon of the church, died in 1722. Among the petitioners in 1712 for the separation of the Hamlet, were four Matthew Whipples. The senior of the name was a person of substance and prominence ; his wife was a granddaughter of General Dennison, and one of his grandsons, William Whipple, was signer of the Declaration of Independence, and was brigadier- general at the capture of Burgoyne. He was, by much, the largest contributor to the building of the first meeting-house, in 1713. He was a maltster and had a malt and oat mill, which is said to have been situated in rear of the present residence of Edwin A. Whipple. He gave freedom to his mulatto servant. He was a town officer, a justice of the Court of Ses- sions, representative in 1718, 1719, and 1729. He was an energetic and eminently useful citizen. His es- tate was valued at £3500. His house and lands were devised to his sons, Matthew and John. He died .lanuary 28, 1739. Major Symonds Epes, as he is called in the parish records, was a cotemporary with this Matthew Whipple, and like him was prominent in affiiirs. He served for several years as moderator of the parish meetings, and on the Board of Assessors, and as a member of committees. He was also colonel of a regiment, justice of the General Sessions court, and a member of the Governor's Council from 1724 to 1734, inclusive. He showed his interest in the Hamlet church by giving to it a large silver can. When he was a bachelor, of the mature age of fifty- two, he married young Mary Whipple, a girl of six- teen. He died August 30, 1741, in his seventy-ninth year. His wife survived him, and shortly after be- came the third wife of the Rev. Edward Holyoke, president of Harvard College; she died in Cambridge in 1790, in her ninety-second year. It is related of her, as indicative of her spirit, that in the Revolu- tionary War, when there was a demand for saltpetre, she was waited on to learn if she would consent that the oak wood on her farm in the Hamlet should be used for making it. She earnestly replied, " It is for liberty ; take as much of the wood as you want." This was the farm now owned by George Brown. Major Epes left two minor children, Samuel and Elizabeth. He was buried in the tomb now marked by the stone monument erected by heirs of Deacon Nathaniel Whipple. The physician of the Hamlet was Dr. Elisha Whitney, who was a native of Water- town. He came to the Hamlet in 1772 and remained till 1793, when he removed to Beverly, where several HAMILTON. 1217 of his (le.s<:en(Iants now live. He served as a surgeon in the Revohitionary War, anrl durinjr his absence Dr. Cutler, who liail studied medieine, disehargeil the duties of a physician. Dr. Whitney took active part in parish business, as moderator of tlie meetings, as treasurer, and a member of the committee to visit the schools. He married Kunice Farley, of Ipswicli. His house stood on the site of that now owned by D. E. Sadbrd. After the act of incorporation of the town of Ham- ilton was obtained, the first town-meeting was held for the organization of the new town Auj^ust 1 179.3. Deacon Nathaniel Whipple was chosen mod- erator; Lemuel Hrown, clerk; Nathaniel Whipple, treasurer; Jonathan l;amson, Oapt. Daniel Rrown and .Tosepli Poland, Jr., selectmen. Nine hundred anil ten pounds were raised to pay the town of Ips- wich ; and the building of a pound was provided for. At a meeting held in October, rules and regulations were ado[)ted for the management of town affairs and the salaries of ofiicers were fixed, wliich were for town clerk, six shillings ; treasurer, twelve shillings; selectmen, asse.«sors and overseers £•> 14,< At the tirst annual town-meeting, held March, 1794, it was voted to raise the sum of fifteen ])ounds for Rev. Dr. Cutler, for his services in behalf of the town at Uoston, this being intended as remunera- tion for his services in obtaining the act ot incorpora- tion. To this vote Dr. Cutler replied : "Gentlemen I .very sensilily feel my obligation to tliis town for the very geueroiiH coniperiHation th«y liave this day voted me for the little Rid I afforded ia olitaiiiing ttieir incorporation. I beg leave to inform the town that I cannot receive from Ihum any pecuniary reward fur any -lervicee thej may suppose I have rendered them ; the only compen- sation I can desire is, that they may live in poaceand unity ; this will he to me an aFupIe reward; and permit me to add, that I very sensibly feel for the inhabitants of the town under their present heavy burdens, but my earnest prayer and desire is that they may be able, through the blessing of I*rovidence, to extricate themselves, and that their Incor- poration may prove a blessing to them and their children after them. You will therefore please order that the sum voted may not be as- sessed. " I am, with the most sincere affection and esteem, " Your most bumble servant, "M. CUTI.F.K. "To the inhabitants of Hamilton in town-meeting assembled." A suitable committee was then chosen to thank Dr. Cutler for his services in obtaining the incorpora- tion of the town. At this meeting Joshua (iiddings was moderator, and the town ofiicers clioscn in Au- gust preceding were re-elected, except Col. Robert Doder was chosen selectman in place of Jose|)h Po- land, Jr. The amount whicii, by the terms of sep- aration, WiLS to be paid to Ipswicli, Dr. ('utler and Col. Dodge took over in silver dollars, and made a formal tender of it to the town treasurer, which he reluctantly accepted. After the incorporation, until 1S2'J, the new town constituted a territorial parish, and town and parish aflairs were acted on together at the town-meeting. As this history now brings us to the i)oint, where the town and parish unite, it will be more convenient to 7Gi follow along first the history of the parish and c-bnreb to the present time, as distinct from those sul)jects which more appropriately relate to town alliiirs. In 1818, the Sabbatli-school was organized. Pre- vious to that. Dr. Cutler was accustometl to catechise the children in the di.strict schools, and as early as 1814 the girls in the congregation used to remain in the meeting-house at the close of the afternoon ser- vice, sitting in a long pew near the pulpit, and were (piestioned by Dr. Cutler as to the text and subject of the sermon. In May, IXIS, a Miss Paget, of Charleston, S. ('., who had been stopping in Beverly, came to Hamilton, and called on Mrs. .Mary L. Faulkner, the wife of Dr. I'anlkner, to consult with her as to the feasibility of eslalilishiiig a Sabbath- school. This was less than two years after the tirst Sabbath- school was established in the State, if not in the country. In October, 1816, such a school was started in Riv. Dr. Morse's Society in Charlestown. After consultation with Dr. Cutler, who excused himself from any active part in the enterprise on account of the state of his health, an arrangement was made for Miss Paget to meet several of the young ladies at Mrs. Faulkner's, where the subject was discussed. AHss Paget remained at Hamilton for a iV'w weeks, and Mrs. Faulkner taking her wilh her horse and chaise, they made a thorough canvass of the town, calling at every house and urging the parishioners to send their children to the Sabbath-school. The chil- dren and young people generally, came and joined the school. It was a year or more before any man ventured into the school to render any assistance, and the duty of opening the inert ings, and acting as superintendent, devolved on ..Mrs. Faulkner, who was, however, fully equal to the emergency. At this time no question hooks were used, and the exercises con- sisted mainly of recitation of verses from the Bible. One of the girls. Thankful Raker, was especially pro- ficient in this exercise, and in one instance reciteil seventy, to the dismay of her worthy teacher. The school, however, does not appear to have become very firmly eslablislKMl in Dr. Cutler's day. Dr. Cutler at this time was beginning to feel some- what unfitted for the complete discharge of his duties by his growing infirmities. He had for many years bcuMi afHicted with the asthma. He, however, con- tinued to preach until within a few months of his decease. It was for .some time necessary to a.ssist him into and out of the pulpit, and for him to sit in his chair while [)reaching. He died July 2.8, 1.823, in the eighty first year of his age, and the fifty-second of his ministry. Although his distinction was gained nniinly by his achievements outside of his chosen profession, he was a most faithful and succes.sful minister of the (Jospel. He was a plain, earnest and practical jjreacher. From the nature of his mind he was indisposed to speculative or meta]>hysical reason- ing. The proi)ositions of his sermons were sustained 1218 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. by liberal citations from the Scriptures, after the custom of the time, when preachers looked for their authority to the law and the testimony, rather than to the evolution of their " Christian cousciousness." He exalted the Bible as the sure foundation of hope and belief. To quote his own words : "' The Bible carries its own evidence with it. Infidelity has been met not merely with clear reasoning and strength of argument, which sophistry can always evade, but with the formidable weapon of the Bible itself — the Bible without note or comment." He was, as a pastor, genial, accessible, and sympathetic, in his intercourse with the people. He was especially interested iu the schools, and frequently visited them and was always ready with a word of advice and encouragement. He received into his family and gave instruction to many boys and young men from other towns, in studies required to fit them for college, and also in navigation and mathematics, as a preparation for a business or maritime life. In addition to his membership in the scientific societies already mentioned, he was a member of the Massachusetts Society for the Promotion of Agricul- ture, of the Massachusetts Historical Society, an honorary member of the Massachusetts Medical So- ciety, president of the Bible Society of Salem and vicinity, of the American Antiquarian Society, and of the New England Linniean Society. He received the degree of LL.D. from his alma mater, Yale Col- lege, in 1791. From this summary we have evidence of the high estimate placed upon his character and services. Dr. Peabody, in the article before referred to, says of him : " For diversity of good gifts, for their efiicient use, and for the variety and modes of valuable service to his country and to mankind, I doubt whether Manasseh Cutler has his equal in American history. Had he distinguished himself in any one way as he did in many ways, his would have been confessedly among the greatest names of his age. But because he belonged exclusively to no one department, he is hardly remembered in any, though in several that might be sjtccified his inferiors have won wide and permanent renown." But notwithstanding his emi- nence and success in public life outside of his parish, his chief interest and joy was in the material and spiritual prosperity of his people. In some periods of his ministry large additions were made to the church. During his ministry one hundred and forty- two were admitted to membershi]). The deacons during this period were John Patch, Matthew Whipple, Nathaniel \\'hii)ple, and Benjamin Ajjple- lou. By a computation made by Dr. Cutler in his century discourse, which is not, however, based on any complete record, he estimated that for the first century of the existence of the church there had been, including the members at its formation, 73fi commu- nicants, 22(5(5 baptisms, and 1190 deaths. His theological views can perhaps be most fairly stated by a quotation from the sermon preached by Rev. Dr. Benjamin Wadsworth, of Danvers, at the funeral of Dr. Cutler, July 30, 1823. He refers to a familiar interview with Dr. Cutler a short time be- fore his death, and says, — "To prevent a misrepre- sentation of his religious sentiment-s after his death, he particularly requested ihat it might he publicly an- nounced that he bore his dijing testimony against the modern liberal unitarian principles, which, after at- tending to the ablest discussions of the subject, in his judgment, he said, reduces the glorious economy of salvatibn by grace almost to a level with natural re- ligion, and has a direct tendency to careless living; and that he bore the same so/emn testimony in favor of the Calvinistical doctrines of the gospel as maintained by our pious forefathers, the early settlers of this country, specifying the depravity of human nature, the necessity of regeneration, the real divinity of Christ, the influences of the Spirit, and the persever- ance of saints." This sermon was published by re- quest of the church and congregation. Dr. Cutler's wife was Mary, daughter of Rev. Thomas Balch, of Dedham, whom he married Sep- tember 7, 1776. She died November 3, 1815, aged seventy-three. His children were Ephraim, Jervis, Mary, Charles, Lavinia, Elizabeth, and Temple. His sons, Ephraim and Jervis, became prominent citizens of Ohio. Ephraim was judge of the Court of Com- mon Pleas, and was active in the convention that framed the Constitution of that State. The successor of Dr. Cutler was Rev. Joseph B. Felt, who was installed over this church June 1(5, 1824. Rev. Samuel Gile, of Milton, preached the sermon ; Rev. Wra. Cogswell, of Dedham, offered the installing prayer ; Rev. Dr. Dana, of Ipswich, gave the charge to the pastor, and Rev. Eben Burgess, of Dedham, the address to the people. Mr. Felt records with satisfaction that everything was harmonious. Mr. Felt was born in Salem, December 22, 1789 ; was edu- cated at Atkinson Academy, N. H., and Dartmouth College, where he was graduated in 1813. He was first settled over the Congregational Church in Sharon in 1821, from which he was dismissed in April, 1824. Like his eminent ])redecessor, Mr. PVIt gained dis- tinction largely outside of his chosen profession. He was enthusiastic and indefatigable in historical research, and made highly valuable contributions to local and ecclesiastical history. While he was in Hamilton, he published the "Annals of Salem," iu two volumes, and the history of Ipswich, Hamilton, and Essex. After leaving Hamilton, in 1834, and remov- ing to Boston, under an appointment from Governor Everett, he arranged and classified large numbers of State papers in the archives at the State-House, which were lying in great confusion, which nuide two hun- dred and forty-one bound volumes, chronologically arranged. Among other of his publications were " History of Massachusetts Currency," "A Memoir of Roger Conant," " The Customs of New England," IIAMFl/n^N. 1219 "The Ecclesiastical History of New Knglami," and many besides of great value as contributions to his- torical and anti(iuarian literature, lie was librarian of the Massachusetts Historical Society and of the Con- uregalional Library Association, and wiis president of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. In 1857 Dartmouth College conferred on him the degieeof LL.D. Owing to infirm health, he was c()mi)ellcd tn resign his pastorate here in December, 18^:1. While he remained in Hamilton, he was deeply interested in his duties as piistor and minister, and discharged them with conscientious fidelity. He highly regarded his profession, saying of it "that my experience can verily testify, that however subject to many and pe- culiar trials, yet, when heartily cherished and prop- erly honored, it is the perennial spring of purer, more abundant, and sublimer joys than those of all other human vocations.'' He took, for that day, ad- vanced ground in opposition to the social drinking customs which had prevailed here, as elsewhere, in New England, and preached and practiced total ab- stinence, which he regarded as c.«sential to Christian living. He was a decided supporter of the thc, is also especially memorable in the hist, ISill. In Decem- ber, 18(12, Mr. Johnson resigned on account of the condition of his health, and ceased to labor here .lanuary, 18l>;!. Rev. S. !•". French was ordained Sc|i- tember 29, 18(14, as successor to Mr. .lohnson, who was at the same time formally . Collyer, L. R. Thayer, and N. O. Soule, clergymen of the New England Conference of the Methodist Epis- copal Church, with ten laymen, representing the Lynn and Boston Districts, were associated together under the title of the Asbury Camp-meeting Associa- tion, for the purpose of establishing and holding camp and other grove meetings in the town of Ham- ilton, under the auspices and in accordance with the usages of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and for the benefit of the churches of liynn District, and such other churches as might hold and occujjy church accommodations on the Association ground. The first camp-meeting was held in 1859. The location of the ground is in the southwestern part of the town. It was at first leased, but has since been pur- chased by the Association which now owns seventy- five acres of well-located land, including an extensive and beautiful hemlock aud pine grove, with an abun- dant supply of pure water. The preacher's stand faces a gradually rising slope, well adapted to seating a large audience; surrounding this is a circle of si.\ty church tents. The grounds are now laid out in avenues, upon which a large number of tasteful and convenient cottages have been erected. In 1867 there were but three avenues, Fiske, Central and Pleasant, and only one shingled cottage on the grounds. Mudge Avenue was then unknown, and when Rev. A. D. Merrill built his cottage near it, at the corner of Ipswich I'atli. the entire backgrouml was a dense wood, almost impenetrable on account of the underbrush, and it was thought unsafe for him to be so far from the circle. In 1869 avenues were laid out and lots staked out; in 1871, three hunilred and sixty-two private lots had been let, and one hun- dred and twenty-three cottages built. A branch of the Eastern Railroad was built to the grounds in 1870, and in 1874 twenty cottages were erected, and many enlarged and improved; at the present date four hundred and fifty-two lots are rented. In 1886 the Naumkeag Street Railway extended its track to Asbury Grove. It has now become a summer resort, and the cottages are mostly occupied during the sea- son. The meetings are held annually in the month HAMILTON. 1221 of August, continuing about a week, and are largely attended. The tirst president of tlie Asaoeiation was Hon. Thomas P. Richardson, of Lynn, who died in 1881. In June, 1870, a meeting of tlie National Camp-meeting Association was held at the grove, in charge of the Kev. Mr. Inskip. A neat and commo- dious chapel was erected in 1884, for the convenience of those living on the grounds, in which religious services are held during the summer. A post-otfice has been established at the grove, called " .\sl.ury Grove." The success realized by the Association in di.spos- ing of lots for cottages, has encouraged land-owners in that vicinity to undertake similar enterprises. A few years since, a Mrs. Jones bought about eight acres lying on the Topsfield Road, southerly of the camp-gronnaid to the fe- male teachers were •$9.7o per month, ami to the male teachers, thirty dollars per month. This system of employing male teachers for the winter and fe- males for the summer, giving about twelve weeks in each term, continued until 18-')8, when the duty of contracting with teachers having been intrusted to the town committee, they decided to employ female teach- ers thr(mgh the year, fixing their salary at five dollars per week, and thus securing thirty wecksof schooling in each district. Four grailuates of the normal school were emjiloyed. The committee for that year report: " The idea of employing female teachers in our winter schools has obtained but a recent footing, and very many, perhaps a majority, do not favor it. and honestly think thai it isaii innovation not adaptcil to our situation. Others, and their iiiiniber is very rc- s|>ectable, think that females will do as wi 11 .-is males, and as their s_-rvices cost less, favor their employ- ment. These two oidnions must clash in this t to 18i:!; .Vzor Brown, son of Lemuel, 1814-1S27; N. A. liove- ring, 1S28-IS44; Joseph Lovering, 1S4.5-18.')4 ; .1.1'. Lovcring, 1S55-18G7, and in 187o; Isaac F. Knowl- ton, 18(58-1874; Otis F. Brown. 187(i-1887. Mr. Brown is a grandson of the first clerk. Military. — The citizens of Hamilton, as well as of the Hamlet, have ever been ready to respond cor- dially and promptly to the calls that, from time to time, have been made upon their patriotism to render military service. In 17">o, several of the young men of the Hamlet were enlisted for service in the French War, and upon the eve of the expedition against Crown Point, Kev. Mr. Wigglesworth delivered a dis- course in pre-sence of soldiers. His text was in part, "And the Lord shall cause thine enemies, that up against thee, to be smitten before thy face; they .shall come (mt against thee one way and flee before thee seven ways." In this discourse he pre- dicts dis:ustious conse(iuence-i to the colonies if the French should be successful in the impending war, warning his hearers that the victors would not be content with simply civil jurisdiction over the conquered provinces, but would divide pri- vate pro|)erty as a prey, and that far worse even they would enforce their religion on their " unhappy va-ssals," to (|Uote his words, •' and the French being bigots to the religion of the Church of Rome, that mother of harlots, there is not the ha.-t ground to hope (in case they should prevail over us), but that they would strenuously obtrude their monstrous idol- atries and detestable errors, and even enforce them upon us with fire and faggot and all the other hor- rible forms of |)erseculion.'' Thus urged to action in defense of their homes and their religion, the soldiers of the Hamlet went forth to meet the enemy. Among these were Capt. Stephen Whipple, Benjamin Pinder, Ebenezer Porter, .loseph Whipple, Nathaniel Adams, William Poland, Stephen Brown, Stephen Lowater, Benjamin (ilasier, .lohn Baker, .lohn Marshall, Thomas Adams, .lohn Boynton, Antipas Dodge, .lohn iloncs, .loseph Symonds, Amos Howard and F.lijah Maxey ; of the last five, Amos Howard and Ma.\ey were severely wounded, and Dodge, Jouea and Sy- monds were killed at Lake ( leorgr. In 17.">'.i, in the expedition against Canada, Capt. Stephen Whipple, of the Haiidet. wa.s severely wounded, and his two lii'Utenants, Burnham and Low, of Cliebai'co, were inorliilly wounded. Kobrrt Dodge, afterwards r.doncl, and Abraham llobbs, of the Hamlet, were present at the taking of l,^n■^e^, and llobb> heard ( Jeneral Wolfe say to his men when tlir I-'rencb were mar tlic-m, " Now, my boys, do your best." In the War for Indeiu-n.lcnc'c, the cili/ens of the Hamlet showed that they had not lost the courage and patriotism wliirh were conspicuous wIhii iIh-v came forward so readily to sustain tlie niotlur country in the Frrrirh War. " When the news ol' the first c-onllict of arm> at the battle of Lexington reached the Hamlet. Dr. Culler, who was always ready lor leadership, addressed the company of Minnte-Men, which were already mus- tered here to march to the scene of roiillict, and him- self rode on horsebac-k to Canibridgi-, in company with Mr. Willaid. of Beverly, who was iifteiwards president of Harvard College, and reaclie.l tlien^ in time to see the enemy on their retreat to Boston. He afterwards served as chaplain in the regiment com- mandeil by Cil. Ebeni'zer Francis, for six months, and afterwards in Col. Titcomb's regiment at Long Island and elsewhere. Dr. Elisha Whitney, the physician of the parish, served as surgeon in the armv. An interesting incident is related in the memorial .loseph Lnfkin, who was in the western army, wius killed by a tree, which I'cll on him and broke his neck while the soldiers were cutting wood preparatory to their night encampmeut. 1224 HISTOKY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. Capt. John Whipple, who died May 28, 1832, at the age of eighty-nine, was very active in the struggle for independence, and at the surrender of Burgoyne, was an officer in the cavalry. In 1832 there were in town seven pensioners, who had served as soldiers in the Revolutionary War. The military spirit was kept alive in town in the early part of the present century liy the organization of a military company. 1 find the following record of a |deasant incident in the hi.s- tory of the company : "Hamilton, May 31, 1817. — On Wednesday last, the military company of Hamilton under the com- mand of Capt. Azor /JrcufH, in a neat uniform, pro- vided at their own expense, together with the Wash- ington Hussars, commanded by Capt. Temple Cutler, in their elegant uniform and equipments, paraded for military duly, and went through their various exer- cises and marches in a very handsome style. In the course of the afternoon, an elegant standard, furnished by the ladies of the town, was presented to Capt. Brown's company, by Miss Sally Roberts (afterwards Mrs. Ephraim Satford), with the following ' Sir, anxious to evince to the officers and soldiers ol the Hamilton Infantry, the high estimation in which we hold the important service of the soldier, the Ladies of this town beg leave to communicate to them through you their high esteem of that spirit of military ardor which has prompted them thus hand- somely to uniform and equip themselves. May this laudable spirit be conducive to our country's honor, while it affords to us that protection which our se.\ demands. And although our beloved country tiow rests under the blessings of the benignant smiles of peace, yet we approve of your adopting that maxim of the immortal Washington ' In peace prepare for war.' Accept our warmest desires for your mili- tary success, and should you be even called into the field of actual service, in defense of our country's rights, be assured our hearts shall accompany you, and our smiles greet your return. And, as a further proof of these sentiments, we present you this stand- ard as a faint testimonial of our esteem, confident that you will defend it with your best blood, and never permit it to be soiled by the hand of an enemy with- out a struggle. May it never be unfurled but in the defense of the sacred cause of justice, virtue, liberty and our country.' To which the following reply was made by Ensign William Brown. ' Jliss, in behalf of the company to which I belong, I accept this stand- ard as a pledge of your esteem. Be assured we con- sider it highly honorable in a soldier to merit the es- teem of the fair sex. It is with the greatest pleasui^ we contemplate supporting our country's honor, and aflbrding to you our protection; and though we feel ready to risk our lives in defense of our country, and esteem it our duty to follow the advice of him who was first in war, first in peace and fir-t in the hearts of his countrymen, yet we rejoice with you in the smiles of peace. We accept, with gratitude, your kind wishes for our military success ; and whenever we may be called into the field of actual service, we trust that we shall show to you, and our beloved coun- try, that our attachment is sincere. May we never disappoint your confidence, by deserting our posts in time of danger, but rally round this stand- ard and pour out our blood, before it shall be aban- doned. May we ever protect the fair hands that pi-e- sented it, maintain our country's rights and trans- mit them unimpaired to posterity.'" This company kept up its organization for about twenty years later. The last officers were Isaac Knowlton, captain; Dennison Wallis, lieutenant; and Joseph Knowlton, ensign. On Saturday, April 18, 1861, the news of the bom- bardment of Fort Sumter reached the town. The spir- it of patriotism, inherited from the fathers of the days of 1775 and '7t), was aroused, and on April 24th, the citizens gathered on the green in front of the meet- ing-house, where the stars and stripes were raised on a liberty pole which had just been erected. A salute was fired and patriotic speeches were made by A. W. Dodge, D. E. Saffiird, B. C. Putnam of Wenham, and others. In May, 1861, the town voted to raise the sum of one thousand dollars as a fund for the assistance of volunteers in the service of the United States, and also that each person volunteering shall receive the sum of twenty dollars as a bounty when actually en- listed, and ten dollars per month in addition to his pay from the government as long as he is engaged in such service, and also to provide for his family during said time. In August, 1862, a bounty of two hundred dollars was voted to volunteers. In July, 1864, the town voted to pay one hundred and twenty-five dol- lars to any one who shall enlist on the quota of the town on any call of the President after July 1, 1864, and before March 1, 1865. There were enlisted during the war seventy-five men on the quota of the town ; of these, fifty-five were residents of the town and twenty non-residents. The enrollment of the citizens of the town is a.i follows: Francis W. Brown, 2d Regt. ; enlisted May 15, 1S61, for 3 j-rs. George W. Barker, 141b Regt.; enlisted May 15, 1861, for 3 yre l'"ranci8 Barrj', Lt. Batterj' ; enlisted May 15, 1801, for 3 yra. •Tuuies A. Chase, 2d Kegt.; enlisted Slay 11, 1861, for 3 yrs. .Io8. C. Conant, 2d Kegt.; OQlieted May 15, 1861, for 3 yrs. Isaac W. Brown, 3Ist Begt.; enlisted Dec. 8, 1861, for 3 yrs. Isaac K. Dodge, 24tli Regt.; enlisted Dec. 8, 1861, for 3 yrs. John T. Do.lge, 23d Regt.; eulislcd Oct. 10, 1861, for 3 yrs. .lohn Brewer, 14th Regt.; enlisted July, 1861, for 3 yrs. Thomas .1. Dodge, 14th Kegt.; enlisted Jan., 1862, for 3 yrs. George \V. Dodge, enlisted Oct. .)(), 1861, for 3 yre. Richard Foss, 17th Regt.; enlisted Aug. 11, 1861, for 3 yrs. Nathl. M. Foss, 17lh Regt.; enlisted Aug. II, 18(il, for 3 yre. Samuel Groten, 14lh Regt.; enlisted July 5, 18GI, for 3 yre. I'eter II. Jowder, 24th Regt.; enlisted Xov., 1861, for 3 yre. David Jlorris, 24tli Kegt ; enlisted Oct., 1861, for 3 yre. Josiah Oliver, 14th Kegt.; enlisted July, 1861, for 3 yrs. Charles E. Riva, 12tb Regt.; enlisted April, 1861, for 3 yre. Nathl. W. Saunders, 14th Kegt.; enlisted July, 1861, for 3 yre. UliTor H. Saundera, 23d Begt.; enlisted Oct., 1861, forS yrh HAMILTON. 1225 John E. Whittreilge, -'Id Uegt.; i-iili«tfil Oct., ISr.l, fur 3 yra. Unviil 1!. Wullia, 2 :.l lie;;!.; oiiliatej l).t. l.i, IS .1, fur :i .vri. CImri's IVitur, lllll Ki^gt.; elilistuil IVr 111, IS'.l, IV.r :i yra. In I'. KiwM-ltuli, :ffilli Kegt.; eiili^tol .\us , HO.', fol- :i yrs. Williiiiii llitrii Duilt-.'. :!Sth llfgl.; fiiliatul An;; . I.Sil-', fur ;i yr3. JaiiiM K (Joweli, 4iPtli Uesl.; oiili.l.-,! S.'pt.. IK'iJ. fur :i .vn>. Riiil«--li Murris, .Sinli Ufgl.; elilisti-U S.-l)l., l.Si;.', fi.r n iiios. Alli-ii Wi-l.,ltr D.hI;;!-, .-.iith Ui-gl.; i>nli>u-il Supt., KSiiJ. fori) mos. Juiiifs \V. l';itcli, .'.nth Re«t,; eiiliitoci .Sfpt., 1S..2. fi.r'J nios. Gorgo W. Uowi-ii, .1 ilh liigt.; enlisti'il Sept , ISi'.i. for 9 inos. Khiui W. lliiruluihi. Jiith Kc-I.; i-iilist.'.l Sept., IS;2, furrtmos. Uirani n. Ho,jd. olJth Itegt ; ciilisl.- mJS. John WeokH. .imh Itegt,; enlialeil Sept., ISlVi, for U hum. Henry I'. Ilrewcr, .'lOth Best.; enli.steil Sept., I8i;2, for 'J nioa. Alph..nso Dod^e, oOlh liegt ; enlislej Sept., I,S(;2, for 3 inos. Anhnr U. TrHMell, .iuth Itegt.; enlisted .Sept , 18 y, for mas. Angnslus II. .\nJrc«s, oUIh Uegt ; enlisted S'|il.. ISK, for inos. John a Monlough, .5 ilh liegt,; enlisted Sept.. ISIJ.', for D mos. John I.. W.Ki.ll.nry, odlh Regt.; enlisleil S;-pt. 12. ISO;, for 'J luos . Austin S. Kinsman, .iilth liegt.; enlisted Sept , l,Sii2 for '.I mw. &«nuel A. K. Whipple. 4«h liegt.; enlisted Aug., I.SI12, for >J nios. Alonzu I,. Whipi.lo, llth liegt.; enlisted Aug., IMi, 'J mos. Zeno A. Apphton, 4Ttli liegt.; enlisted Sept., 18i;2, for 9 mos. Alviih Tihhett.s, 2:lil llcgt.; enliste.l D,2, of fever, aged twenty-one ; William IL Dodge, at ISerrysville, September. 1S64, aged thirty ; Elam Wright litirn- hain, son of Elam and Joanna Uurnliain, at P.aton Rouge, La., May 23, 18(53, aged twenty-two; Austin S. Kinsman, son of Jacob and Abigail S. Kinsni;in, at Memphis, Tenn., August 4, 18(i3, of fever, aged twenty-two, wlien on his way home with the regi- ment ; Alvali Tibbctts, son of John and 8arah Tib- betts, at Andersonville, August 3, 18(34, aged twenty. Those who can recall to mind these young men of promise, as they were when they left their homes, can realize what a contribution Hamilton, like other towns, made to sustain the i.-ountry in its peril. HlOGRAlMIICAL. — In a town like Hamilton, in whiirh tiie business is almost exclusively farming, many of the young men are unable to find useful oc- cupation, and, from necessity as well as choice, seek other fields for their talents and enterprise. Many of these have gained an honorable name by tlieir success, and have reflected distinciion on their native town. Of such are : Francis Dodge, son of Colonel Robert Dodge, born here in 1782. He was a successful merchant in Georgetown, 1). ('., where he dieil about thirty-live years ago, le;iviiig ;t hirge est:ite. He much iii- tereslcd in his n;itive t iwii, which Iil' olleii revisiled. The Gibney farm, formei ly known as the Dodge f;irm, was owned by him at his death. Daniel Suff'ird, son of .Samuel and I'riscilbi S;i(l'ord, was born here (Jctober 3i», 1702. He learneil the trade of blacksmith of his brother in Salem, removed to Boston in 1812, when he commenced busine-is. He was a skillful meclumic, as well as a sbrewtl and en- ergetic man of business. He w;is widely known for his earnest C1iristi;in ch:ir:irter and grc;it benevo- lence. He became first known ti> the churches, where his pr;iise has dwelt ever since, in I.S2(>, by a contribution of one thous;iiid dollars to the American Educational .Society. He filled various pulilic sta- tions with great credit to himself. He w;is one of the founders of Mount Holyoke Eemale .Seminary, a member of the Prudential Committee of the Ameri- can Board of Commissioners for Foreign Mi.ssionsand an active member of other charit:ible and benevolent societies. He died February 3, 1851). EiV. haac Brown, sim of Lemuel and Lucy Brown, was graduateil at Amherst College in 1833. He studied for the ministry at the Theologic;il Scmin;iry at Anilover, ami wiis pastor of the cliiuvh in West Gloucester. He w;is ;i, m;iii of marked piety, and possessed a singularly pure and earnest Chri.-ti;in character. Hut the fervent spirit wasted the feeble frame. He died, at Hamilton, of consumption Sep- tember 14, 1841, aged 31. Itc-V. haac IVooilbiir;/, f,t>n of Ca])t;iin John Wood- bury, was well-kiKiwn as a clergyiiKUi of the Baptist i denomination. I Solomon jS'. Whijiplr, son of Deacon JIatthcw Whip- ple, graduiited at Dartmouth College in 1811, and l)ractised law in S;ilem. David Ix'ober/^, son of Samuel Roberts, born in 1804, w;is a lawyer in S;ilem, and was twice elected Mayor of that city. Itnfita I'. Cutler, son of Tem].le Cutler and grand- son of Dr. Cutler, born in 1814, was graduated at Y;ile College in 183S, ;ind was the valedictorian of his class. He was a prominent clergyman of the Unitiirian denomination, and was settled at Porthind, Maine. Charleston, South Carolina, and at San Fran- cisco and Oakland, in California. He died in Brook- lyn, New York, in 1878. He was never married. Francis Banc, son of John and Fanny I);ine, who was born here, August G, 1819, w:is an eminently suc- cessful shoe manufacturer and nierch:int. He began his business career in South Daiivers, now I'eabody, about 1840. After the first few years during which his progress was slow, his energy, inilustry ami sagacity pushed him rapidly forw;ird to success. In 18.')7, he began business in Boston, and in IStJO removed his resilience to that city. He lost heavily soon after the war broke out, as his dealings had been largely with the South, but in after years his wealth increased rapidly, 122fi HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. and at his death he left a large estate. He was gen- erous in disposition and unusually given to hospi- tality, and greatly enjoyed seeing his friends about him and in contributing to their pleasure. Some years before his death, he bought the family home- stead at the north part of the town, and spent his money with a lavish hand in remodeling and refit- ting the dwelling-house, in erecting barns, and, es- pecially, in building a substantial stone wall facing the rcfad, that will last for generations. In the sum- mer of 1875, he was suddenly stricken down with disease and died July 30th. He married Miss Zeruiah Brown of Hamilton, October 10, 1842. The New England Shoe and Leather Association, the trustees of Dunimer Academy, the Essex Agricultural So- ciety, and various financial institutions, with which he was connected, took appropriate notice of his de- cease by resolutions expressive of their sense of loss. His funeral was largely attended. The natives of the town, now living, who have achieved honorable suc-, we will leave to be cared for by the future his- torian. There are also those who have been identified with the town by residence and who have filled the part of useful citizens. The first physician of the town was Dr. Nathan Lakeman, who settled here in the year of the incorporation, 1793. He was a native of Exe- ter, New Hampshire. In 1794 he married Elizabeth, youngest daughter of Peter Frye, of Salem, who died May 17, 1796, »gcd 29. Dr. Lakeman removed to Glou- cester in 1800, afterwards to Manchester, thence to Beverly where he died. He lived in the house now- owned by Benjamin Courtney. Dr. Enoch Faulkner, who succeeded him, came here in 1800. He was a native of Andover. He was a popular physician, and built up a large practice in this and neighboring towns. He '(vas interested in local and political afi'airs, and was largely influential in organizing the Democratic party in town. He married Mrs. Mary Lord, a lady of unusual gifts and graces by which she attained leadership in society. She survived him for many years, and died at the ad- vanced age of ninety. Dr. Faulkner lived in the house at the corner of the Main and lissex roads, which is known as Faulkner's Corner. He died March 16, 1830, aged sixty-three. Dr. Oliver S. Cress;/ commenced practice here about 1834. He was a native of New Hampshire. He was well liked as a physician, and was an active, stirring citizen. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1853, and died in September of that year, shortly after the adjournment of the conven- tion. He left a widow and three sons. His age at his death was forty-eight. Dr. Daniel S. Allen, who suc- ceeded him, is a native of the town ; he continued here in the practice of his profession until the Civil War, when he was commissioned as surgeon in one of the regiments. After the close of the war he resumed the practice of his profession in Saugus, where he now resides. For several years following, in the ab- sence of a local practitioner. Dr. J. L. Robinson, of Wenham, was generally employed by the citizens, until his removal to Manchester, N. H. Since that time Dr. S. E. Thayer has been the resident physi- cian. ^078. Allen W. Dodge, a most valuable and highly esteemed citizen, died May 17, 1878. Mr. Dodge was born in Ntwburyport, in April, 1804, and was a grandson of Col. Robert Dodge, frequently mentioned in annals. He was educated at Phillips Exeter Academy and at Harvard College, from which he graduated in 1826. Among his classmates were Rev. Drs. Neheraiah Adams, Andrew P. Peabody, Richard Hildreth (the historian), Robert Rantoul, Jr., Samuel H. Walley, and other distinguished men. He studied and practiced law in New York City for several years, with good prospects of success. In 1834, he experi- enced such a change in his religious opinions and feelings, that he abandoned the profession of law, and commenced the study for the minister}', at Andover Seminary, in the class of 1838. He was never or- dained. He preached on several occa.sions, but owing to failure of health soon relinquished his second pro- fession. He then settled in Hamilton on the farm of his ancestors, and commenced an highly useful and honorable career. His service in the Legislature has been already mentioned. He was intimately con- nected with the Essex Agricultural Society as secre- tary, and afterwards as president. He was, also, a member of the State Board of Agriculture, a trustee of the State Agricultural College, and was the first president of the Essex Congregational Club. In 1852, he was chosen treasurer for the county of Essex, which office he held until his death. He was warmly interested in public affairs, and was enthusiastically loyal to every institution which claimed his allegiance, whether it was Nation, State or his own town, with the parish and church of which he was a member. In the Civil War, no citizen was more intensely anxious for the success of the national cause or more ready to assist it. He was wise in counsel, and energetic in action. No trait in his character was more attractive than his quick and sincere sympathy with the young who were entering on the business of life, and his advice was prompted by a genuine interest in their welfare. Mr. Dodge's voice was often heard in public, and his addresses were conspicuous for their vigorous presentation of sound, sensible opinions, seasoned by humor, and by pointed illustrations drawn from com- mon life. His genial temperament, combined with a fund of information on subjects of common converse, made him a delightful companion. Like all men of his keenly sensitive and impressionable nature, he was subject to the alternations of buoyancy and depression. An highly appreciative memorial of him was prepared by his friend and neighbor, Gail Hamilton. His wife and two children survive him. i{li|l|Piiiillii>ifii|it|htMif>[iiiiHliiii HAMILTON. ] 227 Miss Mart/ A- Dodge (Gail Hamilton), wlio has securoil widely extendeil fame by tlio briUiaiuy and vigor of her writinjis, is a native and resident ot' the town. Slie is the dausrliter of James B. and Hannah Stanwodd Dodge. Her (iither was of Hamilton de- scent, and her mother was a nieiuher of a proiiiincnt Ipswich family. Amonfr her pnlilicatioiis are "C'onntry Livinir and Country Thinkinj^," "(Jala Days," " .\ New Atnios- pliere,'' "Battle of the Books," "Summer Itest," "Stumbling Blocks," " Wool (iathering" and " Wo- man's Wrongs," as well as numerous contributions to newspapers and magazines on the topics of the time. Poi'iLATloN — Bu.siNKSS. — Tile population of the town has varied but little since the incorporation. From causes already referred to, the tendency has been to emigration rather than to immigration. Dr. Felt states that the ])0[)ulatioii of the Handet in 1773 was 870. •Since the incorporation it has varied as follows: In 1810, 7.S0 ; 1820, 8(l2 ; 1830, 74?^; 18.").^, 896; 18(!r), 799; 1S77, 790; 1880, 93-3; 188.3, 850. The valuation was in 1831, 8211,888; in ISi;."), 8481,- 423; 1872, 8.')G0,(52() ; 1887, $7.'J3,00(). As has beeu staled, the business of the town has, from the first, been essentially farming. Manufactur- ing has not beeu attempted to any large extent. About 1834, a stone factory was Ijuilt on the Hamil- ton side of Ipswich River, and, also, a large stone dwelling-house for the accommodation of operatives; it was known for many years as " Manning's Mills," from the name of the builder. Since that time the manufacture of woolen goods has been carried on with varied succes.s. In 1864, there were manufac- tured fifty-five thousand jiairs of army and ribbed socks, and woolen goods to the value of one hundred and thirty-five thousand dollars. These mills were to- tally destroyed by fire .January 12, 1884, and have not been rebuilt. For several years previous to their de.'!truetion they were operated by the Willowdale Manufacturing Company in the making of woolen blankets ; a large number of operatives were eni[)loy- ed, and quite a village of cottages was built in the vicinity of the factory. The population of the town was from this cause increased so that in 1880 it was about one hundred above the average for the last century. The valuation of the real estate and machinery of the corporation in 1883, the year pre- vious to the fire, was about twenty thotisand dollars. Further ost-office was established in 1803, and for many years was kept at this place. The entire length of highways is about thirty miles; from this it is seen that the duty of construct- ing and maintaining the roads imposes a heavy bur- den on the town. For many years, somewhat in the, projects for building new roads, and for altering and improving those already built, were frequent; but of late, little has been attempted beyond keeping the existing highways in repair. The clearing of roads from snow is an uncertain, and, often, a large item of expense; for instance, for the year ending March, 1875, the expense on this account was $56.92; 1877, $G86.14; 187C, $961.05; 1874, $1857.42. The last road constructed was that laid out in 1886, as a town- way, leading from the main road opposite the Wen- ham and Hamilton Railroad Station to the Topsfield Road. This was built mainly for the accommodation of the horse railway, in order to avoid two railroad crossings. Burial-Ground. — In 1705, the Hamlet was granted by the town of Ipswich one acre of common land for a burial-place. This was, the next year, exchanged with John Dane for one-half acre, which is a part of the present burial-ground. This lot was described in the deed as bounded by the southeasterly side of the road leading to Wenhani, fronting on said road eight rods, southerly on land of John Hubbard ten rods, and on the easterly end, eight rods, and on the north- erly side, ten rods, by Dane's land. John Dane, the grantor, died in 1707, and was buried in this lot; the stone erected to his memory bears the oldest date of any in the cemetery. The inscription is " Memento mori, Fugit Hora. Here lyes ye body of John Dane, Sen., who departed this life December 23d, 1707, in the 65th year of his age." This John was the son of a John Dane who emigrated to this country about 1635. He was born in Ipswich about 1644, and liv. i at the Hamlet. In 1692 he was a juror in witch c:l> He married Abigail Warner, and was an ancestor ui the Dane family residing in this town. In 1763, John Hubbard gave one-quarter of an acre as an addition to the ground, for which he received the thanks of the parish, by a vote, passed February 3, 1763. In 1797 it was voted to enlarge the ground, and build a face wall in front, and to purchase of Mr. Roberts one-fourth of an acre at fifty cents per rod. In 1846, the ground was fitrlher enlarged by the purchase of one hundred and forty-four rods of Jacob Kinsman and wife, which included an adjoining lot in the rear, and also the lane which is now the carriage entrance to the cemetery. In 1866, the cemetery was extended at the easterly end by an acre, and, in 1886, by an acre and a fourth, purchased of Daniel Roberts. WiGGLESWOurii Cemeteey. — About the year 1850 several of the citizens purchased one of the lots into which the old parsonage ground was divided to be used as a private burial-place. This was consecrated by appropriate services as the Wigglesworth Ceme- tery ; Rev. J. H. Mordough making an address. For several years no burials have been made in this ground, and the remains of those already interred are being removed to the town cemetery. It will proba- bly soon be abandoned. Miscellaneous. — Since 1881 when George C. Ran- kins, an enterprising young man, bought of the Asbury Grove Association a tract of land on the Topsfield road, adjoining the Eastern Railroad, a marked im- pulse has been felt in business in that part of the town. Mr. Rankius started the coal business, and in 1883, Daniel C. Smith leased part of the premises to be used as a lumber-yard. A severe loss was sustained by the death of Mr. Rankins in 1884. Since that time Mr. Smith has carried on both lumber and coal business. Within a few years eleven dwelling-houses have been erected in this immediate vicinity, and near the railroad station ; and five are now in process of erec- tion. Two shops have also been built, and a large building, one hundred feet in length, for business purposes. The town now seems to be progressing as favorably as at any time in its history. The report of the select- //'/'/^/'rx^/ri. c^ J^^/lj^i^ WENHA^r. 122!) men, miiile March, 1887, s-hovvs tlio cx|)en>c.s of the town Cor the current year to have been .'JGO.Jo.lO, of which $1()03.37 was for roads and bridges ; .*(i4"J.37, for removing snow; $.583,913, enhiriring and improving the cemeteries; S0/)2.78, for poor; i?i:i3iMX), for schools. The present Board of Selectmen are Jamts F. Gwinn, John L. Woodbury and Isaac F. Knowllon ; Town Clerk, Otis F. Urown ; School Committee, Otis F. Brown, Jonathan Lamson and Andrew llaraden. BlUtlKAl'UICAL. WILLIAM A. liP.OWX. William A. IJrown is the son of William and Lydia L. Brown, and has always been a resident of Hamil- ton, where he was born September 24, 1820. Mr. Brown has for many years been prominent and active in town affairs, and has held most of the local offices. He has served on the Board of Selectmen at different time.', fifteen years in all ; during the war he was diairman of the board and was active and elii- cient in promoting enlistments. He has been a mem- ber of the School Committee, and tor seventeen years was a tcicher in the schools of this town fur the win- ter ttrms. In 1880 the district, of which Hamilton was a part, was rei)resented by him in the Legislature. Mr. Brown is a farmer, and has also been consider- ably employed as a surveyor of land. The farm in the northern part of the town, now owned and occu- pied by him, has been the pro[)erty of his family through five generations. The first of his ancestors who owned llie estate was Samuel Brown, who was the grandson of Edward Brown, an immigrant from England, but the date of whose settlement licre is not exactly known. Edward Brown died probably in 1059, as bis will was proveiix ()iti)ber 10, 177)'. ul theatre of forty-one years. Dr. Isaac Spollbrd, who was born in Georgetown, then a part of Rowley, .\pril 10, 1752, having studied medi- cine with Dr. Jirickett. of Haverhill, settled in the practice of his profession in Wenham, liut soon re- moved to Heverly, ami finally became a surgeon in the army of the Revolution. Dr. liarnard Tui-ker, a native of Newbury, graduated at Harvard College in 1780, and, after practicing medicine for several years in Beverly, removed to Wenham, where he lived upon the place lately occupied by Charles Brown. He was familiar with tlie French and Span- ish languages, which he taught; and had a kind heart, gentle disposition and simple manners. He paid but little atteution to medicine, and at length removed l-o his native town. Dr. Samuel Dodge, by invitation of the town, settled here as a physician and surgeon in 1820. He was born in Wenham February 28, 1800. He remained here with general satisfaction to the people until October 30, 18:5.3, when he died at the age of thirty-three years. While Dr. Dodge was practicing medicine here Dr. Sylvanus Brown came and stayed two years — 1830 and 1831, and doubtless finding that the town could not support two physicians, removed to and died in Derry, N. H. After Dr. Dodge's decease, the next physician who settled here was L)r. Nathan Jones, who was a native of Lyndeborough, N. H., having been born April 25, 1794. He removed to Beverly in April, 1858, and died there March II, ISOo, at the age of sixty-five years, being interred in Wenham. A few years contemporary with Dr. Jones was Dr. Myron O. Allen, son of Rev. David <). Allen, missionary to India. Dr. Allen was born in liom- bay in 1831. and graduated at Yale College in 1852, subsequently graduating at the Pennsylvania Medical College at Phihidelphia. He commenced practice here in July, 1855, and removed to Lowell in ISGO, dying there of a cancer August 1, 1801, at the age of thirty years. The next physician to settle hero was Dr. John D. Robinson, who was born in Pemln-oke, N. H., January 3, 1835, came here from Manchester, N. H.. in 1859, and remained here until 1879, when he sold out his practice to Dr. Samuel Ezra Thayer, and moved back to Manchester. Dr. Thayer was born in Trumansburgh, N. Y., in 1841. and graduated at Buffalo University in 18(')9. He practiced first in Southampton, Mass., seven and one-half years, then in Williamsliurg about one year, and came to Wen- ham January 29, 1879. He removed to Hamilton some three or four months later, but continued his practice in Wenham until February, 1SS4. Dr. Frank .\. Cowlcs, the present resident physician, was born in Elmira, N. Y., July 20, 18.59, and graduated from the medical dei>artment of New York University in 18S1. He practiced medicine at first in New York City. After staying there two years he came to Wenham, in .lanuary, 1884, and has since practiced here. In connection with the physicians of the town are (he apothecaries. Calvin B. Dodge, the first apothe- 1232 HISTOKY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. cary in Wenham, began business in 1862 or 18G3, in a shop which he erected on land of Henry Perkins for that jiurpose. In 18G4 he sold out to Benjamin F. Johnson, who, after a few years, removed the shop to its present location, opposite the engine house, and continued the business until 1873, when he removed from town. Procter K. Brown continued the business in the same building until 1885. In the spring of 1873, George E. Morgan of Beverly commenced the apothecary business in the Union Block, and ran it until 1875 or 1876, when he sold out to Andrew Geyer of Ipswich who had already opened a similar store here. Mr. Geyer sold out his store soon after- wards to Charles W. Batchelder, a dealer in dry goods, boots and shoes, etc., on Main street, who, after fitting up a portion of his store for the apothecary business, removed it therereto. He sold out January 5, 1877, to Mr. Benton, his clerk, who removed it back to its former place in Union Block. October 19, 1878, Mr. Benton sold out to John C. Gray, who sold to James H. Perkins and Dr. Samuel E. Thayer November 10, 1879. James H. Perkins, Jr., attended the store as clerk, as he had done for the previous proprietors. Dr. Thayer withdrew after about one year, leaving James H. Perkins, Sr., sole proprietor until August 1, 1882, when the business was transferred to his son, James H. Perkins, Jr., who still continues it at the store built and formerly occupied by Charles W. Batchelder, of which we have already spoken. Mr. Perkins removed from the old stand in Union Block to this store in the fall of 1885. Wenham presents an appearance of neatness and comfort; and the village and country around it are alike noticeable for their quiet rural scenes and healthfulness. About a score of persons have died here at an age upwards of ninety years ; and the large majority of them were of the gentler and, generally understood, weaker sex. The throat distemper, which prevailed so disastrously all through this .section of the country from 1736 to 1738, visited Wenham and took away many of the younger portion of the inhab- itants. John Gott and Richard Dodge lost all their children, the first five and the last four. About twenty perrons died lure in the course of three months in 1737, from the epidemic. A public fast was held, at which time Rev. Mr. Champney preached in the morning from Jer. ix. 24; and Rev. Mr. Chip- man in the afternoon from Jer. ii. 30. Small-pox lias prevailed here several times, resulting in 1760 in the death of Daniel Porter, at the age of thirty-eight years. In 1776 it broke out again, and continued at intervals for several years, terrorizing the people. At last a pest-house was provided, and vaccination in- troduced. In 1805 the dysentery carried away a con- siderable number of the citizens. From September 15th to October 20th, of that year, eleven persons died of that complaint. A few accidents and deaths by casualty are found recorded. In the journal of Rev. John Fiske, the first pastor of the church here, is an account of his son being carried under the mill-wheel, when it was in motion, and coming out with not a bone broken. This was his son John, who was, June 6, 1647, when the accident occurred, in his ninth year. The journal says, that he " es- caped a gte danger at Wenha in passing wiih y" streame under y' mill wheele, when y" mill was agoing. An. 1647, 6th of 3d, at wh time he recoj'd (as twere) a new life, not a bone broke, &c." Richard Goldsmith was killed by lightning at the house of Rev. Mr. Newman, who had lately died, on Sunday, May 18, 1673, in the presence of the Rev. Mr. Higgin- son of Salem, who had preached, in Wenham that day, and, having but a few moments before returned from the service, was sitting engaged in conversation with Mr. Goldsmith, under whose chair was a dog, which was also killed. George W. Kimball, a lad of eight years, was killed by lightning here July 25, 1821. Samuel Ober, who was in his seventy -second year, was killed by lightning on the evening of May 22, 1876, while sitting with his wife in the house in West Wenham. Thomas Goodwin, who was proba- bly a boy from Gloucester, was killed March 5, 1700-1, by " being catcht by the whell of a saw-mill & so killed, att John Leeches." April 19, 1754, Wil- liam Dodge, aged about two years, was drowned in a brook. On the town records is found the following: " William Batcheiler the son of Peter Dodge's wil'e fell into y" IVJill Pond and died Jan'. 13th, 1771, iEtatis 12." Benjamin Porter, aged fifteen years, was drowned in Wenham Pond Oct. 14, 1773. Joseph P. Cook, aged nineteen years, while skating on Pleas- ant Pond with other boys, broke through the thin ice, and was drowned December 10, 1856. April 15, 1876, Austin Morrill of Wenham, aged thirlecn years, and his cousin, Clarence Henry Peirce of Beverly Farflis, aged eighteen years, were accidentally drowned in Coy's Pond. May 8, 1731, Pompey, a negro-boy of Lieutenant William Dodge, was killed by a cart. He was fourteen years old. In 1789 a girl named Wyatt, four years old, was burned to death. Benjamin Steele Parsons, aged fourteen years, was killed by a horse-cart May 2, 1870. He lived thirty minutes after the accident. July 21, 1839, Lebbcus Dodge, aged seventeen months, was killed by a stage. John Baker, at the age of ten years, was killed by a sled February 17, 1841. Annie F. Alley was bitten in one of her hands by a white Spitz dog, which was kept in the neighborhood, March 4th, and died of hydrophobia May 3, 1870. She was ten years old. The population of Wenham in 1885 was eight hun- dred and seventy-one. The town then had two hun- dred and uinety-thi'ee ratable polls, and two hundred and seventy legal voters, only ten of whom were naturalized. There were two hundred and nineteen families, and one hundred and ninety dwelling- houses, one of which being constru'.-ted of brick, the others of wood. The town debt is now (1887) $6,465.02. WKNKAM. 123:? Rmif;i;itioii has reduced the size of many of the country towns, and, as with W'enliani, a century ago their popuhition was greater tliaii now. Tlie first ex- tensive emigration from Wenliani oeeurred in Ifio'i, when tlie pastor of tlie ehureli, with a large and in- tluenlial portion of his parisliionere went lo tlie new settlement of Chelmsford. This removal took iVmn the little town its minister and jdiysieian, and ils main strength. Yet those left behind pushed for- ward in their work, settled another minister, added to their mnnber of planters and throve, .-\fter the com mencement of tlie eighteenth century it seemed to he customary for one of the sons of the family lo remain at home and inherit the farm, and the ntliers to seek tiieir fortunes in the newer lown.s. .Many nlilic young men from Wenliam reared h.imes iu Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, the central and western portions of Mitssachusetts and (^/'onntH-ticut, and later in settlements farther away. .Tonathan Porter and his family removed to Ellington, Conn., in 17411, and John Porter and his family to Littleton, Mass., about 1745. The settlement of Marietta, Ohio, in 17.S7, projected and carried out by Dr. Mana.sseli Cutler oi Hamilton, who, with his little colony, in "a long, ark-like Wiigon, covered with black canvas," on the outside of which was inscribed, in large letters, the name of the |)laee of their destination, journeyed overland, was partially constituted by Wenliam peo(>le. This was the first town settled in the State of Ohio. The old turnpike from Ipswich t(j I'.nston nni thniugb Wenliam, causing taverns to bo kept here const.intly. In 188;{ the steam-cars began to run thidiigh the centre of the town over the Eastern Railroad, which was completed as far east as Ipswich that year. The Wenliam station is situated a few rods over the town line in Hamilton, and the North Heverly station is in Beverly near the Wenliam line. The Newburyport and Wakefield branch of the 15os- ton it Maine Ilailroad passes across the western end of the town, but there is no station on that road nearer than the Putnamville flag-station' in Danvers. The latter road was built in l.S.!!:!. The street-ears were first run from (iloucester crossing in Heverly to the soldiers' monument in Wcnham, May 20, 188(1. Later in the same season the lines were extended, in one direction to the Wenham station in Hamilton, and also to the cam|)-meetiiig grounds at .Vsbiiry • trove, also in Hamilton. The post-ofiice was citablislied here in 1S(I9. The first postmaster was Thomas Barnes, who wius aji- pointcd April 21, 180'.). His successors, with date-s of their original appointments, follow: U/.ziel Dodge, .luly 6, 1812; John Thorn Dodge, March 20, 1818; E/.ra Lummu.s, August V.), 18:50; .\doniram J. Dodge, .March 24, 1S:!7; John A. Putnam, June 2."), 184(i ; Benjamin C. I'utnam, .Vugust 3, ISoT; Nathaniel S. (iould, April 2'>, 1S(;2 ; Elisha P. Chapman, June 21!, ISlKi; William W. Fowler, January 16, 1807; Henry Hobb.s, September lit, 1870; John W. Curtis, Sep- tember 25, 1878; Andrew D. Trowt, Novemlier 5, 1880; Miss Kate M. Kavanagh, December 2?, t8.S5 ; and Fred. P. Stanton, November 20, 1880. The post- oflice was, at first, in the old tavern, formerly the resi- dence of Rev. .Joseph (ierrisli, which stood where the horse-railroad stable is situated. It was kept here until .Vugust, 18.'!0, the first three postmasters being the tavern-keepers. On Mr. Lummus' appointment, it was removed to his tavern in the brick house, and there remained until Mr. Doartinenl of Wcnham was establisheil ■ luite early. In 1821, the town ordered the selectmen to "procure six ladders and three fire-hooks for the use of the town, to be ei|ually divided among the three separate districts.'' In I8.'i5 a fire company of twenty-fiv(^ members was organized ; ami the town voted to build an engine-house and to jirocnre the ne(X'ssary apparatus. An engine, costing two hundred dollars, was pnreha.scd by subscri|itir)ii. It was ipiile small, and had to be filled by hand. ,\lfcr several years of etlicient service, the company disbanded, and the engine wa.s sold. In 1841) another fire company was formed, and a new engine, " Enon, No. I," built in Newburyport liy Edward Leslie, in the same year, costing nine hundred dollars, was purchased by the 1234 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. town. An engine-house was erected, and all the ap- paratus necessary for the successful operation of the company was procured. The company consisted of forty-eight members, to whom an elegant banner was presented by the ladies of the town September 25, 18.50; and on the same day a silver trumpet presenta- tion to the company further evinced the good-will of the citizens in general. The occasion of these presentations was a holiday at the lakeside. The company was kept together several years. The en- gine is still owned by tbe town, and a company of forty members was organized March 24, 1887, with Otis P. Brewer, foreman, and Fred P. Stanton, clerk and treasurer. When there has been no company, the tire-wards have bad charge of the engine, and trusted to volunteer help to work it. This year (1887), the town voted to appropriate fifty dollars for fire-hooTvs and ladders. In 1886, the fire department cost the town sixty-two dollars and eleven cents. The permanent and more important organizations of the town, besides the two religious societies, are the Wenhara Veteran's Association, organized May 30, 1876 ; Wenham Mutual Benefit Association, or- ganized August 19, 1876, and incorporated November 3, 1883 ; and the Female Benevolent Society, founded in September, 1833. Wenham has one periodica! publication. The American Apiculturist, established in January, 1883. It is a monthly, thirty-two, double-column paged magazine, devoted to bee culture. Its publisher is Mr. Henry Alley. The two hundredth anniversary of the incorporation of Wenham was publicly okserved May 10, 1843, when an address on the civil history of the town was delivered by Rev. Daniel Mansfield, pastor of the Congregational Church. A '' History of Wenham," written by Dr. Myron O. Allen, who was the resident physician at that time, was published in a neat bound volume of two hun- dred and twenty pages in 1860. liELlGlous History.— For the first three or four years after Wenham was first settled, the inhabitants probably attended church at Salem. We have al- ready mentioned the sermon preached by Hugh Pe- ters at Wenhara Lake. Mr. Peters was the successor of Roger Williams as pastor of the First Church in Salem ; returning to England about 1642, he became a famous preacher, and was appointed chaplain by Cromwell ; be(u>ming conspicuous in the common- wealth, he was alleged to have been guilty of assist- ing in the death of Charles I., and was publicly be- headed therefor on Tower Hill after the restoration. The public initiative towards a church here was probably in 1639. Rev. John Higginson, the minis- ter at Salem, in his church record, says : " There are divers passages set down about three villages to go out of y' brethren of Salem church, considered of in several church meetings, for several years together, the first of which was 1639, August 24th. Mr. Down- ing and some with him were for one village (Dan- vers) ; other brethren for a village at y'' pond (Wen- ham) ; and others (or one at Jeffrey's Creek (Man- chester)." As early as 1641 a small meeting-house was built. and Rev. John Fiske, who had assisted Hugh Pe- ters at Salem, came at about the same time and set- tled in Wenham. The most reliable tradition in- forms us that this building stood on a slight rise of ground near the present residence of Mr. Henry Tarr. A bell was added to it about 1600, and since that time Wenham has not been without its church- bell. The church was organized and Mr. Fiske in- stalled its pastor October 8, 1644. The church flour- ished until 1655, when Mr. Fiske, with a majority of his parishioners, removed to the new town of Chelms- ford, and became its first pastor. Mr. Fiske's remov- al was a great loss in itself. He was an excellent man, and was a physician as well as a clergyman, practicing the healing art to both body and soul. He died at Chelmsford January 14, 1676-77, aged sev- enty-six years. He was a son of a prominent and persecuted dissenter, and was born in the parish of St. James, county of Suffolk, in England, in 1601. He was educated at Immanuel College, Cambridge, and preached for several years in his native land; but, at length, '" on account of the severe restrictions upon nonconformists, he became a physician." He came to America in disguise, bringing with him ser- vants, husbandry and carpentry tools, and provisions sufficient to support his family for three years. He taught the Charlestonn grammar-school, and after- wards the first grammar-school in Salem. Mr. Fiske was an earnest and successful preacher; he com- posed and publiohed a catechism, entitled " Watering of the Olive Plants in Christ's txarden." His epitaph is as follows: " I'tjci, et quern dtdertts ciirsun. Pfrljrm* vilx^ siuiviier opto »i Itfti ChnAle, perfifi ; Jlr. Fiske's departure left the church and settle- ment small in numbers and means. The early .set- tlers of Hamilton (then a part of Ipswich) soon af- terwards came to this church, and it began to regain its former strength. The " neighbors," as they were called, are first mentioned as contributing to the sup- port of the church here in 1659. Rev. Antipas Newman, from Rehoboth, came very soon after Mr. Fiske's removal, being here in 1657. A new meeting-house was built in U;()3, being proba- bly " twenty-four feet square, and twelve feet stud." It stood in the square near the soldiers' monument, on land purchased of Austin Kilham. The old meeting-house and lot were sold. At this time the church was newly organized and a new covenant 1 *' 1 liave liTed, and tho courae which thou, Christ, gaTest me I have flnishod ; Weary of life, I long fur ileath'B dxveet repose.'' WEN II AM. 1235 adopted. Mr. Newman was ordained and the tneet- ing-house probably di'dicatod December II), l()l)3. Here he continued his acceptable service until his death, October 15, 1(572. He pos-sessed an excellent religious character. The ne.xt minister was Rev. Joseph Gerrish, who was ordained over the church .January 13, 1(574, after having prcacliing here about seven montlis. A gal- lery was addeil to the house the same year on uciount of the increase of the church. In K5S8 a new meet- ing-house was erected on the site of the old one, which was sold and removed. The new one had a turret, and was probably built by Abraham Tilton '>, and graduated at Harvard College in 1(5(59. He studied theology with Rev. Thonuis Parker in his native town. He was a man of excel- lent piety, hospitable, gentlemanly and good. A parsonage was built for him soon after he was settled here, in which he resided. His salary was lilly pounds in money and twenty cords ot' woml, and the use of the minister's house an2, at the age of thirty-seven years. He was born in ('harlestown September 23, 1(594, and, graduating at Harvard College in 1719, taught the grammar-school at Charlestown for about a year before coming to Wenhain. His .service here was quite successful. The fifth pastor of the church was Rev. .lolni War- ren, who was ordained January 12, 17.'.3. He was born in Roxbury f^eptember 18, 1704, graduated at Harvard College in ]72.'i. and began to preach as early as 1727. During his service here occurred the great revivals of 1740, in which he was prominent. He died here .July 15, 1749, at the age of forty-four years, dee|>ly lamented. The year before his death the fourth meeting-house was begun to be built, but wa.s not completed until 1754. It was fifty-two feet long, forty-two feet wide, with twenty-foot posts, and stood on the site of the preceding church. Tlu^ town voted that the committee appointed to build the meet- ing-house should '' i)rovi(le on the town charge six gallons of rum, eight |)Ouinls of sugar, two bar- rels of cider, two barrels of beer, one hundred weight of bread, one hundred weight of legs of pork, and forty [lounds of cheese, — to be taken care of by said committee on raising day In the prndeiitest way they can for the end aforesaid." The next minister. Rev. Joseph Swain of Reading, was ordained October 24, 1750. He was a native of Reading, and u'raduateil at Harvard College in 1744. Mr. Swain served as chaplain in the French and Indian war. He died June 29, 1792, at the age .if seventy years, having been tlie pastor of the church Ibrty-two years. He was a good writer, dull speaker, and reserved in his manners. The seventh minister was Rev. Adoniram Judson of Maiden, who was installed here Decendjor 26, 1792. He was born in Woodbury, Conn., June 25, 1751 ; graduated at Vale College in 1775; and was ordained at Maiden, Mass., about 17S7, where he remained until 1791, when he resigned. He asked for a dismis- sion at Wenham on account of the smalliiess of his silary, and was thereupon dismissed October 22, 1799. He was installed at IMymouth, Mass., May 12, 1802; and, having become a Bajjtist in his religious faith, resigned his ])astorate August 12, 1817. He removed to Scituate, and died there November 25, 1S2G, agel,-nre, ijilt-mily nw\ li.l.lity wi-re |.i..niinoiil virtue in his uniialil.; character. " SIfcp precious duiit while liero cunlinea in earlli. Till lliegliid spring uf nature's secuiid birth. Tlitiii i|iiit tlie transient winter of the tutub, T.I riM- iiml M,mrii-h in innm.rtal lil.joni.' The ninth minister was Rev. John Smilh of .-'^alem. .N. 11., who was installed November 20, 1SI7. He was born in Helchertown, Mass., March 5, 17(;i;, and graduated at Dartmouth College in 1794. He was afterwards honored with the degree of Doctor of Divinity. He was ordained at Salem, N. H., .January 2, 1797, anil resigned November 21, 181(1. From the church in Wenham, having asked therel'or, he was dismissed September 8, 1819, and became a professor of theology at the Bangor Theological Seminary. He dieil in Bangor, April 7, 1831, at the age of sixty-five. Mr. Smith studied theology with Rev. Dr. Emmons, of Franklin, and was himself possesse he entered upon the professorship of homiletics in the Bangor Theological Seminary. Mr. Sewall was born in Newcastle, Me., March 20, 1830. While preaching in Wenham, for three months in 1864 he was chaplain in the Eighth Miissachusetts Regiment. He had a happy temperament, and entered iuto all the interests of the people. After Mr. Sewall's dismission. Rev. William R. Joyslin preached here about a year. The next set- tled pastor was Rev. Will Converse Wood, who was installed October 13, 1870. He served here six years, being dismissed on the sixth anniversary of his in- stallation. He was a graduate of Harvard College and the Andover Theological Seminary, and had preached two years at Lanesville, in Gloucester. He was a writer of marked ability, and the author of " Five Problems of State and Religion." After Mr. Wood's departure from the town, Rev. Samuel W. Clarke preached for about a year, and he was followed by Rev. Alexander C. Childs, who also remained about a year. The next minister was Rev. John M. Hart, who was ordained December 11, 1878. He was dismissed, after less than a year's service, August 4, 1879, with reluctance, to accept a call from a church in California, which he felt bound to accept on good grounds, especially the ill health of his wife, who could not endure the rigor of a New England climate. Mr. Hart was a graduate of Yale College and of the Union Theological Seminary, New York City. From 1880 to June, 1884, the pulpit was sujjplied by Rev. James H. Childs, who came from South By- field. He was followed, June 26, 1884, by Rev. John C. Mitchell, who preached as the supply of the church until November 1, 1886, when his services were discontinued, because he had imbibed liberalism and departed from the faith of the church. He has since preached occasionally in the town hall to per- sons who have similar theological inclinations, and is now in Danvers. The present pastor. Rev. George Masters \\'ood- well, from Dover, N. H., was ordained here Septem- ber 14, 1887. He was born in Norwalk, Ohio, May 13, 1857, graduated at Dartmouth College in 1884, and at the Andover Theological Seminary in 1887. The Sunday-school of the church is quite large, and \vr:NiiA.M. lias a good-sized library of intcrtstiiij; lionks. Siv- eral gilts have been made to tlu' i luiicli at diHtrenl times. Thomas Fiske, of Wiiihaiii, in his will, wliiili was proved in 1723, gave the chiireh ten pounds, and the same year Captain Thomas Fiske donated a com- munion cup, which is still in existence. It is iii- Bcribed, — Heiijamin Fiske, of U'enham, in his will, which was proved in 1742, gave the cliurch five pounds. In 1820 the cliurdi received a donation of five hun- dred dollars for the support of the gospel here from Fdmund Ivimball id' Newlmryport. In 1S27, the same gentleman gave to the church 'si.x elegant sil- ver cups, bearing his name and the dale of the year.' The clock in the tower ol' the .liurrh was I'recled in May, 1SG7, by the enterprisi- of some of the liti- zens, who gave it to the town about two years altcr- wards. li.\l'Tlsr Cm i:2. He afterwards set- lied at Saco, Me., where he preache, and re- moved to the West. The next jiastor of the church was Rev. Thomas Wormcrsly, who was ordained here February 20, l.'^oli. He was a native of England, and a graduate (d' the Newton Theological Seminary, lia\ ing been Ibr many years a resident of America. On the night of November G, 18."j'.t, the cliurch edi- fice was destroyed by fire. The friends of the church assisted in erecting a new one the following year, its dedication taking place on Christmas day. The ser- mon was preached by the pastor from Revelation v. G. In the meantime preaching had been carried on in private houses. Mr. Wormersly was dismissed .\pril li, ISi;_'. Ho was a faithful and beloved piLstor, and under his min- istrations the cliurch was imreased in nuinln'rs anurpose had not that Power, that can give the heathen for an inheritance, come to their aid and gave the settlers success. The savages fought against hope and with the energy of despair. Hundreds of the whites were killed, and town after town destroyed. Decisive measures were at length determined upon by the col- onies, and a force of five hundred and fifty men were collected in iliu(!. The mother evidently died in 17-')7, and at'ler tliat time tlie family only consisted of three persons. The family are .sup- posed to have o;, there wen' seventy- two men. Si.\ si.v-morilhs' men from Weidiam erili>led in 17S0 to r( inforce the C.ntinental army. William Kindiall siTved as a private in 17.^1. for live months, in Captain .lohn Hobinsim's company in ('olonel William Turner's regiment. The History of Wenham says that onehnmlrcd and thirty-seven men from Wenham served in the Hevo- lution:iry army, some for a long and some for ;i shcjrt period. The town also spent much money towards earrying on the war. T'p to Dei-emli<'r TA. 177(), it had [laid out tor this purpose five hundred :ind -.eventy-foui prmnds. five -hillings, and si.xpenee since the b:ittle of Lexington, and about a year :ind a half i)reviously. The town regularly appointed a committee of safety and correspondence, who had to a certain extent the charge of the struggle. Deeend)er !1, 177. William Rogers wna appointed schoolmaster. In \7i>'.> it was " voted that the selectmen are empowcrc-3l), Daniel Fiske sold to the town of Wenham about five square rods of land in the west end of the town, provided that it will thereon erect a school-house and maintain a school yearly therein. The school-house was built in 1739. In the latter year the town raised thirty pounds for the sujijiort of schools. This was the first appropriation of the town, properly speaking, for that pur|)ose. Novem- ber 30, 1712, Jonathan Perkins was agreed with to keep a school. The selectmen then had charge of the schools; hiring tlie teacher, the beginning and termination of the sessions, and the place wliere it should be kept. The first school committee in Wen- ham was appointed in 1772. In 174() Mrs. Elizabeth Kimball was "a|iproved of and approbated to keep school in our town, to teach children and youth to read and write, she having behaved in sober conver- sation." The history says that " three dillerent schools continued to be supported in different sec- tions of the town, and separate teachers employed for them, until the year 1770, when it was voted, that ' a grammar-school be constantly kept in this town, the year ensiuing, and that provision be made for the support of the same.' It wiis moreover voted ' that a committee be chosen to provide a schoolmaster, and to apportion said school, according to the tax in this town.' This school, which seems to have been removed from district to district as occasion re- quired, was continued for several years. In 1779, it was taught by Rev. Mr. Swain, in addition to his pulpit and pastoral labors." The old system of three schools, and division of the money among them equally, was resumed in 17.S2. Since 1817, the general superintendence of the 78 schools has been cnlnisled to a ccniiiuiltcc annually chosen by the town for that purpose. The town has now five .schools, grammar, primary and three lui.scd schools, known as the East, West and Neck Scliool.s. Wenham's portion of the surplus revenue of the United I^tates. distributed in 1S37, was deposited with trustees lor three years, ancl then divided among the several districts to aid in erecting and repairing school-houses. The town appropriated the present year (1.SS7) si.xteen hundreil dollars for schools. Last year(l.SS()) eighteen liun(!re-1. He remained about a year, and was succeeded by Mr. Francis M. Dodge, a native of Weiiliam, and a graduate of Waterville College. He continued the school two years, (juite successfully. The room was afterwards ami is miw occupied by the grammar school. Wenham has produced a good number of college graduates; and many others have attended Dummer and other academies. For many years a puldic library was among the valu- able acquisitions of the town ; but on account of lack of funds, the books having grown old, new ones were not bought, and the interest in it failed. Some years ago a new library was formed. It is in a flourishing condition, the town this year (1.S87) having made an appropriation of more than a hundred dollars for it. Last year the town paid for its support one hundred and three dollars and si.\ty-six cents. It now con- tains nine hundred and thirteen volumes, which have a good circulation. BuslNESi-; AM) M.VN'iTFAcriRiNii Inthiucsts. — The business history of Wenham in many respects is quite interesting. The history of its old-style taverns, if it could be correctly written, would be de- lightful to read. From its earliest days the town had its public-house. INIarch 7, l(;i;{-41, William Fiske received authority to keep a tavern from the (ieiieral Court, as follows: "Willi: Fiske is appointed it alowed to keepe an ordinary at Wennam." Novem- ber 13, l(;i4, by the .same authority, " Willi : Fiske, of Wennam, hath lilierty to sell wine." Mr. Fiske died in 1654, and in the inventory of his estate is men- tioned a sign and sign-post. He continued in busi- ness until 11)47. His successor was I'hincas Fiske, who wasgranted authority by the (ieneral Court Octo- ber 27, 1047, as follows: " I'liineas Fiske is granted to keepe an ordinary in Wenham." May 10, 1048, by tlie same authority, " I'liineas Fiske, of Wenham, is alowed license to draw wine there for this yeare ensuing," and three days later he "hath liblie giuen to sell wine lor this year ensuinge." Samuel Foster was chosen by the town in lt'>")4, ami W:dtcr FairfieUj January 3, 1G80, to keep tlie ordinary. March 18, 1242 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. 1684-85, the General Court licensed John Fiske, " a sore wounded soldier in the late Indian War, to keep a public-house of entertainment." Woodward and Fairfield were licensed to sell liquor September 28, 1680. August 7, 1694, the County Court licensed Ezekiel Woodward as an inn holder "at the sign of y" flower de luce." Thomas Fiske, Jr., was licensed to sell liquor in June, 1693, and the license was re- newed in 1695 and 1696. A Mr. Symonds was the landlord in 1705 and 1706. Joseph Dodge was cho- sen to keep the public-house in 1709. He continued for several years. Ebenezer Kemball was the land- lord in 1720. Jonathan Porter was an inn-holder here from about 1730 to 1755 and later. He lived a short distance west of the soldiers' monument. William Rogers was licensed as an inn-holder here in 1732. At the close of the Revolution there was a tavern kept at the sign of the "sun." Patty Lewis was the inn-holder here in 1799. From 1796 to 1798 Old. Paul Porter kept a tavern and store where the horse car stable is now located. It was after- wards ke[)t at the same place by John Thorn Dodge, Esq., for several years, and he was followed by Thomas Barnes. Ezra Lummus, who was also post- master and blacksmith, kept a tavern here for eight or ten years from 1827, iu the brick house which he built for that purpose. He was a free-mason, and his sign consisted of his name, " E. Lummus, 1827,'' and the painting of a square and compass. William H. Bryant, in 1851, commenced keeping tavern in the Old Parvern building, which was taken down in 1853. He then opened the " Green House," so called, on the east end of the Common, and carried on the business here until all the buildings on the premises were burned, soon after midnight, on the 18th of Apiil, 1869. The Union Block now occupies the same site. The present public-house, run by Mr. Stephen Currier, was opened in 1886, and its sign bears the words, "' Enon Hotel." Wenham has no water-power worthy of more than a mere mention. Miles' River, running through the easterly part of the town, is the principal stream. It is sluggish, and therefore offers no great water privi- leges, although in former times, two places, at which there arc falls of a few feet, were improved to turn the machinery of a saw and grist-mill. As early as 1653 a mill, probably built by Goodman Hawes, was located here probably on the farm where Mr. David Pingree now lives. In 1682 John Dodge h;>d a saw- mill. In 1691 there was a saw-mill near Lord's Hill, and John Porterand James Friend had liberty to flow the brook. In 1700 and 1701 there was a saw-mill where John Leach then resided. There was a grist- mill as early as 1686. In 1713 Josiah Dodge's corn - mill was situated a short distance above the ford. Mr. Henry Dodge has a steam saw-mill at the present time, at East Wenham. In 1699 Ensign John Porter was granted timber for a snuiU malt-mill, to be set on the brook by his house. The first blacksmith mentioned as having a shop in Wenham was Abraham Martin, to whom the town voted on the 11th of the first month, 1070, to give two acres of land if he shall follow his trade here seven years. Robert Symonds was a blacksmith in 1097. Josiah Bridges moved from Boxford, and was a blacksmith here from 1713 to February, 1715, when he died. Daniel Herrick was the blacksmith in 1773. Pelatiah Brown had a shop, and worked at his trade of a blacksmith here in the Revolutionary period, where the house of Mr. Benjamin F. Young is now situated. Ezra Lummus, the postmaster and inn-holder, was a blacksmith from about 1827 to about 1837. John J. Senter was a blacksmith at two periods; and George A. Lummus from about 1849 to 1875. Uzziel Dodge established a shop here about 1790, and ran the business a term of years. He was followed in the same shop by Jabez Richards, who was succeeded by Daniel Bradbury, about 1840. Mr. Bradbury, in 1882, sold out to Mr. Charles F. Dud- ley, who has since continued the blacksmithing busi- ness at the old stand. The other blacksmith is Mr. Henry H. Dempsey ; both shops being located in Central Square. Tanning hides was carried on here quite extensive- ly at different times. In 1707 the town granted to Daniel MacClaflin sixty square rods of common land, on condition that he set up a tanner's yard. In 1708 he had liberty to dam up the brook ; and in 1721 the land was given to him free from the con- dition. Samuel Gott carried on the tanning busi- ness from about 1725 for about forty years, on land now belonging to Mr. Michael Sullivan, situated across the street from the residence of Mr. Joseph G. Kent. Slight depressions in the ground still mark the precise spot of some of the old vats. This was one of the largest tanneries then operated in Essex County. A Mr. Flint had a tannery here for a few years about sixty years ago. He sold out to William Cleaves, and went to New Boston, N. H. The prop- erty was afterwards sold to Augustus Dodge, who filled up the old vats. A kindred business is that carried on by Messrs. Austin C. Patch and Amos Gould, under the firm- name of Patch & Gould, who are morocco manufac- turers. They established their business January 1, 1884, and built their new factory in 1886. They do quite an extensive business, using steam-power. Charles 15. Lander of Salem bought of the town of Wenham, the tract of land extending from the lake to the highway, including the iiill on which Hugh Peters had preached, and removed the hill. On the level area thus made, he erected large ice-houses and run a branch railroad to them from the Eastern Rail- road track. Mr. Lander established the business in 1843, and continued to do a large bu^iness in furnish- ing the world with the famous Wenham Lake ice until about 1850, when he sold out to Addison Gage & Co., who continued the business until 1882. WKNHAM. 1-M3 Since that date nothing has been done at this phioo. In its best days the ci)nii)any cut aniiuaily al)iiut twenty-five thousand tons of iii>, valiiid at lorty thou- gand doUars. The iee is now iiiaiuly cut on the Bev- erly sliore of the hike. Boots and shoes were inanufaetiireiness at the same place for about a year. Mr. Albert R. Fiske of Peabody bought the John Meldram estate, built a factory and manufactured shoes here from May, 1870, till the .spring of 187(i, when he removed from the town, and his brother, .\braham A. Fiske, continued the business until the factory was burned on the night of .lanuary 10, 1878. Deacon .lames H. Moiilton manufactured shoes here in Mr. Dempsey's black- smith shop from May 1, 187.''.. to May 1, 187^:, and in roion frum .May 1, 1N7S, u, July 1, ISK2. In l>''5 llure were luauufactunil in Wenhani limr thou- sand and two hundred pairs of boots and twenty-live thousand pairs of shoes, of the estimated value of twenty thousand dnllars, and in the manufacture of whiidi were employed forty-six males and twenty females. Wenliam has several stores. Messrs. A. I), and W. F. Trout keep a country store ; Mr. James II. 1'it- kins, Jr., deals in dry-goods; and Mr. (ieorge H. Wyatt is a grocer. Cidonel Paul Porter kept a coun- try grocery at his tavern in 17'J7 and 17118. It was situated where the stable now stands. .\bout 18^8 he built the house recently owned and occupieil by the late Amos (iould, and kept a grocery store in the western end of it until 181:;. In that year I)avioX. 1763 Thomas Blown. 172:!. John Kenibnll. 17(U. Nathl. Broim, Esq. 1724. Beilj. Fisk. 1765-66. Josiah Kailtield, Esq 1725. Thos Tarbox. 1767-6S Ens. John Friend. l7'26-29. Stephen Patch. 1769 Nlithl. Brown. Esq. 1730. Samuel (lOtt. 1-70-72 Ens. John Friend. 1731. Ens. Thos. Turbox. 1773 Ens. Thos. Brown. 1732. dipt. Sanil. Kemball. 1774-76 Ens. John Fi ieiid. 1733. Jonathan Kemhall. 1779 Den. John 173-1. Jomithati Porter. 1780. Daniel Killiaiii, Jr. 173.5-37. John Gott. 1781-84 Capt. Thos. Kimball. * Delegate to State Constitutional (;onvcntion. * Delegate to (^ostitutioual Convention on representation. lsOO-01. Edward Perkins. 1802. Lieut. .lolin Dodge. 1803-1. Nathl. Porter. 1805-6. Nathl. Kimball. 1807. Dea. Wm. Dodge. 1808. Capt. Ed. Batchelder 18(19-10. Tlios. Kimball. 1811. Capt. Wm. Kimball. 1S12. .larob D.slge. 1S14 Wm. Dodge. 1815. Benj. Edwards. 1816-17. John Dodge. lS.i2-3l 1836. 1837-43. 1841. 1,845-47. 1818-411. 18.50-51. 18.57-52. 1863-65. 1866-68. 1S69. 1870-75. 1876. 1877-82. 1883-85. 1886-87. Nathl. Kimball. Nathl. Kimball. Will. Dodge. Daviil Starrett. David Starrett. Edmunil liatehelder. Joseph C.nik. Edmund Batchelder. Stephen Dodge. Edmund Batchelder. Stephen Dodge. Ames Gould. Samuel Porter. :Amos U.mld. Warren Jones. Henry Patch. Samuel Porter. Henry Patch. Wm. F. Trowt. 1644-51. Wm 1651-91. Tho, 169.5.1701. Juhl Thos Fi.'.ke. Fairfield. ilield. n(l«-ll. Wn 1712-21. Wa lT24-;il). Wn 1731-32. Capt. Wm. Rogers. 1733-34. Will. Fairli.dd. 1735. ('apt. Will, liogel-3. 1736-37. Nnthl. Brown. 173.S. John Gott. 1730-13. Nalhl. Brown. 1741-48. David Batchelder. 1749-.53. J.-i. Mr. Colt. I'hi i Fiski Richard Ilnlloli. lUuK. Mr. Phineas Fiske, Richard lliitton. in.-i7. Mr. Gott. i.Hke Richard Kiioball, H1.5S. [None reconlcd.l in.'iU. Austin Killim. Richard llatton. Will, lieare. intio. Mr. Gott. Austin Killim. Phineas Fiske. lOUI. Mr. Gott. John Fiske. Richar.l Kimball. Kift'i. Austin Killim. Gooiliiiun M<.nlton. Thomas Fiske. !««». .Austin Killam. Richard Kimball. Thomas Fiske. IIIU4. Mr. Gott. Richard Kimball. Thomas Fiske. HilL'i. Richard Kimliall. Richard llnlton. Thomas Fiske. ItitlU. Mr. Gott. Richard Kimball. Thomas Fiske. inti;. Mr. Gott. Richard Kimball, Sr. Thomas Fiske. i of uo sulcctnion, prior to this date, are found rocordoJ. 1246 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. I6«8. 1683. 1695. 1707. Walter Faiifleld. Lieut. Gott. Capt. Thomas Fiske. Dea. James Friend. John Fisiie. Ens. Fiske. Lieut. Wm. Fisko. Thomas Patch. Mark BiitcliclJor. Scrgt. Fairfield. Ens. Walter Fairfield. Lieut. John Porter. Thomus Fiske. Johu Batchelder. Wm. Fairfield. Ens. Sanmel Kimball. 1669. Thomas Fiske, Sr. John Newman. Wm. Fairfield. Jobn Fiske. 1084. 1696. 1708. Richuid Kinibull. Lieut. Gott. Capt. Thomas Fiske. Capt. Fisk. Thomas Fiske. Ens. Fiske. Ens. Walter Fail-field. Benjamin Edwards. 1670. Sergt. Fairfield. John Batchelder, Sr. Dea. Fiske. KichaiJ Kimball. Corpl. John Batchelder. James Friend. Lieut. John Porter. Johu Fiske. Thomas Fiske, Sr. John Newman. John Gott. Thomas Fiske. 1685. 1097. 1709. 1671. Lieut. Gott. Serg. Thomas Patch. Ens. M alter Fairfield. Mark Batchelder. Ens. Fiske. John Porter. Benjamin Edwards. Walter Fairfield. Sergt. Fairfield. Wm. Fairfield. Ephraim Kimball. Charles Gott. Coriil. Batchelder. John Perkins. John Golt. 1672. Richard Kimball. Thomas Fisko. John Newman. Josiah Dodge. 1686. 1698. 1710. Mark BatcUolder. Lieut. Fiske. Capt. Thomas Fiske. Capt. Thomas Fiske. Thomas Fiske. Ens. Fairfield. Dea. W'm. Fiske. Serg. Benj. Edwards. 1673. John Fiske. Lieut. Gott. Ens. Walter Fairfield. Ephraim Kimball. Sergt. 11 niton. Samuel Kunball. John Gott. Samuel Kimball. John Newman. Wm. Fairfield. Mark Batchelder. Thomas Fiske. 1087. 1099. 1711. 1674. John Batchelder. Serg. James Friend. Lieut. John Porter. Richard Do.lge. Ens. John Porter. Ens. Samuel Kimball. Richard Kimball. Walter Fairfield. Walter Fairfield. Wm. Fairfield. John Gott. Thomas Patch. Thomas Kimball. Josiah Dodge. Thomas Fiske. James Moulton, Sr. John Ncwnuin. Wm. Rogei-s. 167.5. 1688. 1700. 1712. [None recorded. J Ens. Fairfield. Capt. Thonnas Fisko. Lieut. John Porter. 1070. John Batchelder. Tliomas Patch, br. Josiah Dodge. Charles Gott. James Moultou, Sr. Samuel Kimball. Caleb Kimball. Walter Fairlield. Lieut. Fiske. Benjamin Edwards. Wm. Rogers. Richard Hutton. Jauu-s Friend. Lieut. Wm. Fiske. Ens. Samuel Kimball. William Fiske. Tliomas Fisko, Sr. 1701. 1713. Thomas FisUe. 1689. Capt. Thomas Fiske. Lieut. John Porter. 1677. Dea. Fiske. Ens. Johu Poiter. Ens. Samuel Kimball. John Fiske. Lieut. Gott. Benjamin Edwards. Josiah Dodge. Charles Gott. Richard Button. Wm. Fairfield. Caleb Kimball. William Fiske. Thomas Fisko. John Newman. Win. Rogei-s. John Batchelder. James Friend. 1702. 1714. Thomas FisUe. 1690. Ens. Walter Fairfield. Lieut. John Porter. 1678. Lieut. Fisko. Ens. John Porter. Samuel Kimball. Walter Fairfield. Ens. Batchelder. James Flieml. Josiah Dodge. Charles Gott. Sergt. Hutton. Thonnis Patch. Culeh Kimball. William Fisko. Sanuiel Kimball. Thomas Fiske, Sr. Wm. Rogers. John Batchelder. Thomas Fiske, Sr. Thomas Fiske. 1091. 1703. 1715. Dea. Fisko. Benjamin Edwards. 1670. Lieut. Wm. Fiske. Lieut. Thomas Fisko. Will. Fail-field. Walter Fairfield. Charles Gott. Ens. Porter. Joseph Ilerrick. John Batchelder. Ens. Batchelder. James Friend. Caleb Kimball. Charles Godridge. Wm. Kogers. John Gott. David Hutotl. Ebenezer Kimball. Richard D.)dge. Samuel Goodridge. Wm. Rogera. Joseph luiwards. James Ki.nlinll. John Friend. Saoinel Kimball. Da>id Balchehler. David Batihelder. Capt. Nathaniel Brown. 1721. 1734. 1747. 1759. Caleb KimlMiU. John PorliT, Jr. Ens. Samuel Gott. Samnel Tarbox. Nathl. IJrown. Jonathan Kimball. John Kimball. Samuel Goodridge. John MutiUuu. Ens. Thonnis Turbos. Capt. Th..niasTarbox. John Friend. Samuel Kimball. Josiah Dodge. Benjamin E.lwards. Thonnis Brown. Wm. Itogcrs, Liont. J. Porter. Wm. F.iirlieW. Capt. John Dodge. Jonathan Kimball. 1735. 174S. 17(10. Benjamin Fidko. Qipt. Samuel Kimball. Mr. Samuel Porter. Richard Dodge. Kice Knuwllon. Capt. Rogers. Dea. Jonathan Kimball. Josiah llerrick. Wm. DoJgo. Wm. Rogers. Samuel Gott. Lieut. Benj.tniin llerrick. Benjamin Fairfield. Tiuiolhy Patch. David Batchelder. John Killam. 17-2S. Wm. Fairfield. Phineas Do.lge. Jonathan Kimball. Liout. Tortcr. I7 3«. 1749. 17«i. Samuel Kilhani. Dea. Wm. Fairfield. Jo»iah llerrick. John Friend. Nathl. Brown. Benjamin llerrick. Benjamin Fairfield. Timothy Patch. Ens. John BalchelJor. John Kimball. Ebenezer Waldron. Isaac Dodge. Wm. Ro^cra. Josiah Dodge. Jonathan Kimball. Benjamin Dodge. 1 72 J. Nathl. Brown. Samuel Rogers. Capt. Brown. Licnt. John Porter. 1737. 17.10. 17«2. Samnel Kilham. Dea. Wm. Fairfi.dd. Nathani. 1 Kimball. Benjamin Fairfield. Eu3. John Butcht-Ider. Capt. Samuel Kimball. Josiah Wliite. Edwanl Waldron. Natlil. Brown. Jonathan Kimball. Timoth}- Patch, Jr. Jonathan Kimball. Wm. Dmlge. Josiah Dodge. SaUTuel Tarbox, Jr. 1763. 1723. Nathl. Brown. Jonathan Kimball, Jr. Benjamin Fairfield. Lieut. John Porter. I7 3S. ITil Benjamin Kijuball. Capt. Wm. Rogers. Lient. Sanuiel Kimball. Jonathan Kimball. 1 1 01. Tlniotli.v Patch, Jr. Samuel Tarbox. Rice Kiio\vUt>n. John Gott. Samuel Tarbiix, .Ir. Edward Waldron. Samuel Kilham. Jonathan Porter. Edmund Kimball. J.inathan Kimball. I72B. Edward Waldron. Jacob Dodge. 1764. Lieut. John Porltr. Nalhl. llrown. Jonathan Kimball, Jr. Edward Waldron. Wm. Dodge. 1739. 17.V2. John White. John Friend. Nathl. Brown. Nathl. Brown. Thomas Brown. Thomas White. Richard Dodge. Samuel Rogers. Abraham Kimball. 1765. Wm. Fairlield. John Gott. Benjanun Fairfield. 1727. 1740. Jonathan Kimball, Jr. Samuel Tarbox. Lieut. John Porter. John Gott. Sanniel Tarbox, Jr. Edward Waldron. Wm. FairiielJ. Richard Dodge. 1760. Thomas While. Nathl. Brown. 1733. Benjamin Fairfield. Nathl. Brown. 1741. Josiah llerrick. Samuel Tarbox. Wm. Dodge. Stephen Patch. Abraham Kimball. Edward Waldron. 172S. Lieut. Ki[nball. Ebenezer Waldron. 1767. Benjamin Fairfield. Samuel Tarbox. Lieut. John Porter. Capt. Wm. Rogers. Benjamin Uerrlck. Josiah Dodge. John While. Jonathan Kimball, Jr. Wm. Fairfield. Nathl. Brown. 17.'>4. Edward Waldron. 1729. Lieut. John Porter. Wm. D.>dge. Capt. Wm. Rogcra. Natlil. Brown. 1742. Nathl. Brown. Benjamin Edwards. Jonathatt Porter. John Baker. Ebenezer Waldron. Benjamiti Kimball. Samuel Goodiidgo. Daniel Porter. Samuel Tarbox, Jr. 17«S. Benjamin Fairfield. Sanuiel Tarbox. Edward Waldron. Wm. Fuirlleld. Zachens Goldsmith. 1769. 1730. 1743. 17, ■).•>. Thonnis Brown. Lieut. John Porter. Benjamin Edwards. Benjamin Kimball. Wm. Fairfield. Capt. WjM. Bogers. John Baker. Samuel Tarbox, Jr. Edward Waldron. Nathl. Brown. Nathl. Brown. Samuel Goodridgo. 1770. Caleb Kimball. Daniel Kilham, Jt. Wm. Dodge. Win. Fairfield. Benj. llerrick. Dea. Kimball. Ebenezer Waldron. Daniel Porter. 1731. 1744. n:,n. Edward Waldron. Ebenezer Fiske. John Golt. Benjamin Kimball. John Kcmball. Dea Kiinljall. Samuel Tarbox. 1771. Phineas Dodge. Richard Dotlgo. S.iiinicl Gwxlridge. Caleb Kimball. John Dodge. Jobiah llerrick. ElH^nezcr Waldron. Richard Dodge. Samuel Gott. Nathl. BrowD. Daniel Porter. Dr. Wm. Fairfield. 1248 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. 1772. Thomas Brown. Caleb Kimball. Richard Dodge, Jr. 1773. Caleb Kimball. ^ Stephen Podgo. Dr. Tiler Porter. 1774. Dr. Tyler Porter. Stephen Dodge. Caleb Kimball. 1775. Dr. Tyler Porter. Caleb Kimball. Stephen Dodge. n7«. Joshua Orne. Jo8iah Ober. Edward WaMron. 1777. Josiah Ober. Joshua Orne. Dr. Tyler Portor. 1778. Capt. Richard Dodge. Josiah Herrick. Amos Batchelder. 1779. Capt. Richard Dodge. Josiah Herrick. Amos Batcheldor. 1780. Dr. Tyler Porter. Stephen Dodge. Dea. Caleb Kimball. 1781. Stephen Dodge. Dea. Caleb Kimball. Dr. Tyler Porter. 1782. Dea. Caleb Kimball. Stephen Dodge. Tyler Porter. 1783. Dea. Caleb Kimball. Stephen Dodge. Dr. Tyler Porter. 1784. Dea. Caleb Kimball. Isaac Porter. Stephen Dodge. 1785. Dea. Caleb Kiuiball. Isaac Porter. Stephen Dodge. 1786. Dea. Caleb Kimball. Isaac Porter. Stephen Dodge. 1787. Dea. Calbb Kimball. Isaac Porter. Stephen Dodge. 1788. Liout. Cornelius Baker. Lieut. John Dodgo. Richai-d Dodgo. 1789. Liout. Cornelius Baker. Lieut. John Dodgo. Richard Dodge. 1790. Capt. Richard Dodge. Lieut. John Dodge. Stephen Dodge. 1791. Capt. Richard Dodge. Lieut. John Dodge. Stephen Dodge. 1792. Capt. John Dodge. Richard Hood. John Dodge, Jr. 1793. Capt. John Dodge. Richard Hood. John Dodge, Jr. 1794. Capt. John Dodge. Richard Hood. John Dodge, Jr. 1795. Joseph Fairfield. Benjamin Edwards. Daniel Herrick. 1796. John Dodge, Jr. Ens. Wni. Dodge. Nathl. Porter. 1797. John Dodge, Jr. Nathl. Porter. Ens. \Vm Dodge. 1798. John Dodge, Jr. Nathl. Porter, Ens. Wm. Dodge. 1799. Edmund Batchelder. Jacob Dodgo. Thomas Kimball, Jr. 1800. Jacob Dodge. Edmund Batchelder. Thomas Kimball, Jr. 1801. Edmund Batchelder. John T. Dodge. Joseph Fairfield. 1802. Edmund Batchelder. John T. Dodge. Joseph Fairfield. 1803. Edmund Batchelder. John T. Dodge. Joseph Fairfield. 1804. Capt. Edmund Batchelder. Liout. Isaac Dodge. Joseph Fairfield. 1805. Edmund Batchelder. Isaac Dodge. Joseph Fairfield. 1800. Isaac Dodgo. Edward Perkins. Joseph Fairfield. 1807. Capt. Isaac Dodgo. Edward Perkins. John Baker. 1S08. John Dodge, Jr. Dea. Wm. Dodge. John Baker. 1809. John Baker. Paul Porter. Nehemiah Standley. 1810. John Baker. Paul Porter. Nehemiah Standley. 1811. Paul Porter. Downing Gentlee. Caleb Kimball. 1812. Paul Porter. Caleb Kimball. Downing Gentlee. 1813. Paul Porter. Downing Gentlee. Caleb Kimball. 1814. Paul Porter. Caleb Kimball. Downing Gentlee. 1815. John Baker. Nathl. Kimball. Nehemiah Standley. 1810. John Baker. Nehemiah Standley. Nathl. Kimball. 1817. Nathl. Kimball. John Bilker. Nehemiah Standley. 1818. Paul Porter. Caleb Kimball. Benjamin Edwards. 1819. John T. Dodge, Jr. Capt. Isaac Dodge. Simeon Friend. 1S20« Isaac Dodgo. Thomas Kimball. John T. Dodge, Jr. 1821. Isaac Dodge. Thomas Kimball. John T. Dodge, Jr. 1822. Isaac Dodge. , John T. Dodge, Jr. Samuel Hood. 1823. Capt. John Moulton. Stephen Dodgo. Moses Foster. 1824. John T. Moulton. Moses Foster. Stephen Dodge. 1825. Paul Porter. Moses Foster. Stephen Dodge. 1826. Moses Foster. Stephen Dodge. Andrew Dodge. 1 827. Moses Foster. Stephen Dodge. Andrew Dodge. 1828. Moses Foster. Stephen Dodge. Andrew Dodge. 1829. Moses Foster. Andrew Dodge. Chaiies Brown. 1830. Charles Brown. David Starrett. Richard Dodge. 1831. Charles Brown. David Starrett. Richard Dodge. 1832. Richard Dodge. Charles Brown. Ezra Lumnius. 1833. Stephen Dodge. Ezra LummuB. Warren Peabody. 1834. Stephen Dodge. Ezra Lunimus. Warren Peabody. 18.^5. Stephen Dodge. Ezra Lummus. Warren Peabody. 1836. Stephen Dodge. Ezra Lummus. Warren Peabody. 1837. Samuel Conant. Benjamin Edwards. Wm. Moulton. 1838. Wm. Mjulton. Samuel Conant. Benjamin Edwards. 1839. Wm. Moulton. Nicholas Dodge. RufuB A. Dodgo. 1840. Wm. Moulton. Rufus A. Dodge. Wm. Dodge. 1841. Stephen Dodge. Amos Gould. Abraham Patch. 1842. Stephen Dodge. Amos Gould. Abraham Patch. 1843. Stephen Dodge. John Porter. Abraham Patch. MANCHESTER. 1249 IH44. Stephen Dodge. John I'orter. Abraham Patch. 1845. Stephen Dtnlge. John Purtur. Abrabnm Patch. 1K46. Stephen Dodge. Abmm Patch. Joseph Cook. IS47. Joseph Cook. Henrj' S. Kent. Richard Dodge. 1S48. Joseph Cook. Henry S. Kent. Richard Dodge. IH4». Augustus Dodge. Rufus A. Dodg«. John Felt. 1S50. Rufus A. Dodge. John Augustus Dodge. |S.>1. Rufus A. D.«lg^. Augustus Dodge. Harvey Pierce. IS 52. Joi)k. Abraham Dt>dge. Charles Itrown. 1S55. Joseph Cook . Charles Brown. R. F. Dodge. 1850. Joseph Cook. Cbarlnt Brown. R. F. Dodge. 1 S57. Joseph Cook. Charles Bmwn. B. F. Dodge. IS5H. Samuel Porter. Wm. Moulton. B. F. Moulton. IS5U. Wra. Moulton. Samuel Porter. John Gontlee. ISAO. Samuel Porter. Wm. Sloulton. John Gontko. ISfll. Samuel Porter. Wm. 3IouUon. John Gontlee. 78} 1SB2. Simnn'l I'urtor. John Centlei'. Sokiniori K. Kimball. isii:t. Solomon E. Kimball. Kran.-is JI. Doilgu. KufuB A. Uoilg.;. 1SB4. Rilfu» .\ . Dodgo. Solomon K. Kimball. Joliu tientloo. lS6.->. Rufus A. Dodgo. Francis 51. Dodge. Wm. IJ. ilorgau. 1S»U. Samuel Porter. Solomon K. Kimball. Jolin Gontlee. JS67. Samuel Porter. Jobu Gentlee. Solomon F. Kimball. I8«S. Sanmol Porter. John Gentlee. Solomon E. Kimball, KtiK. Samuel Porter. John Gentlee. Wni. B. Morgan. ISJO. John Gentlee. Joseph Cook. N. P. Perkins. 1S71. Joseph Cook. John Gentlee. N. P. Perkins. iSTi. Jo.seph Cook. John Gentlee. X. P. Perkins. ISIS. Jo.seph Cook. John Gentlee. N. P. Perkins. IS74. Joseph Cook. John Gentlee. K. P. Perkins. ISJS. Joseph (\K>k. John Gentlee. N. P. Perkins. 187«. Joseph Cook. N. P. Perkins. Wm. F. Trowt. IS77. N. I*. Perkins. W. F. Trowt. A. A. Firtko. Wr 1S7S. . F. Tro Solomon E. Kimball. John I. Dnrgin. 187«. Wm. F. Trowt. Solomon K. Kimball. John I. Dnrgin. I8S0. Solo 1 K. Kimball. John Gentlee. John I. Dnrgin. ISSI. Sol.imon E. Kimball. John Gentlee. John I. Durgin. tSS-i. Solomon K. 1 John Geutlee John I. Durg iiball. ISS4. John (Jelitlee. John I. Durgin. JaniwT. Brown. 1SS5. John Gentlee. John 1. Durgin. Jaiues T. Brown. 1SX6. Jobu i;entlee. John I. Durgin. James T. Brown. 1SS7. John Gentlee. John I. Durgin. JmiesT. Brown. CIFAPTER C MANCHESTER. BY WILLIAM H. TAPPAS. Bounl New England coast are Bartlioloinew Gosnold, in 1002, and Martin PriiiK in IGO'.i ; but it does not ap- pear that eillier laiuled. In li)14 Captain John Smith, wlio liad already won a repntation lor his suc- cessful efforts in behalf of the colony of Virginia, entered the employment of some London merchants, and with two ships and forty-five men and boys arrived on the coast. He says : — " Our jilot was to take whales, Mild make a trial of the gold and copper mines." lie ; ie< not appear to iiave been very successful in cillier ■ these enteri)rises, but he explored and made a map f the shore from Penobscot Bay to Cape Cod, ami J ive it the name of New Knghmd. His descrijition of the country and the wonders of the newly-discovered fisheries are set forth in such glowing colors as to remind us of the early accounts from the gold fields of California. In his book, imblisbed in 161(), lie says, "There man, woman and child, with a small hook and line, by angling may lake several sorts of excellent fish at their pleasure. And is it not pretty sport to pull up two [)enee, six ])cnce, and twelve pence as fast as you can haul and veer a line?" — ''and what sport dotli yield a more pleasing content, and less hurt or charge than angling with a hook, and crossing the sweet air from isle to isle over the silent streams of a calm sea? " It is not surprising that these words should have awakened a very lively interest among the people of the Old World. " The great sea business of fishing " received a nuirked impetus; the distance was an ob- stacle, but tlie promised reward was in proportion, and companies were formed for the developniont of the new discoveries. Some gentlemen from and about Dorchester, Eng- land, were the first to embark in the enterprise ; they proceeded to raise the necessary capital for the estal)- lishment of a permanent colony, for the more suc- cessful prosecution of the busine-s, and in the autumn of 102.'? a ship of fifty tons was dispat(bepi3 .Ann. (In lliis )i:u'l»ir twi-nti» xliipa broiiKlit na, l»ntweun five an 8uv(.>n miles from, fho lieail c nmy lio and I'lwil.v rido (lK-r>-in), ivln-ru tlifiu wua r>n ialimd nonr, willicr 4 of our men went witli a bout, and brought back ripo strawbi-rrios, gooaetiorries and sweyt single; roses. Monday, 2!llii, as we passed along to Nairn Keakf!, it was wonderful to lieiiold so many islands roplonisticd Willi ttiicko wood and high trees, and many fayero green jjastures." The atTairs of the company had been managed by resident agents, having no authority except by and with the consent of the olliccrs in England, but the uncertainty of communication, ami the great delays were found so objectionable, tiiat in October 1029 it was determined to transfer the government and 1252 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. patent to New England ; accordingly a Governor and Deputy must be found who were willing to settle with their families in the Colony. Under these conditions John Winthrop was chosen Governor, and he took passage in the Arabella, which sailed from Yarmouth with six other ships, and three hundred settlers for the plantation at Salem. On the 11th day of June 1630, she also anchored in our harbor; from the Governor's Journal the fol- lowing interesting account of their arrival and recep- tion is copied : "Tuesday, 10"' June, the wind continued all day a Rale from the eoutli, and yet we bore all sail and at four o'clock, p.m., made land, called ' Tlie Three Turks Heads.' To-night we could see the trees very plainly, and had a fine fresh smell from the shore. The next day we stood too, and as the wind would bear, on Saturday wo stood in towards the harbor, and by the aid of some shallops we parsed through the nar- row strait between Baker's Island and another little island (House Isl- and), and came to anchor within the liarbor. Our friends came down from Salem, and many of our Gentlemen returned with them at night, where they supped on good venison and beer ; but most of them, dis- liking their lodgings, returned to the ship. In the meantime most of the people went on shore on the other side of the harbor (which is on the Manchester side), wlicre they were feasted with Strawberries, and were like as merry as the Oentlefolks at their renison and beer. Sunday Masconomo, the sagamore of the tribe, with another Indian, came on board and bade us welcome, tarrying with us all day. On Monday, the wind coming fair, the ships proceeded to Salem, whero the planters landed. Here they found about 1() houses nnd some indian corn planted, which was good and well liking." Governor Winthrop brought the original charter of the Massachusetts Bay Company which is now de- posited with the State archives at Boston. These early settlers were not mere adventurers in search of new homes in the wilderness, having none in the land of their birth ; they were not dissolute, idle men without property, for they all, had to a greater or less extent, contributed to the stock of the company, and upon their arrival they were entitled to land in proportion to the amount of their invest- ment; for it had been "ordered that two hundred acres of land be allowed to each adventurer, for every fifly pound adventure in the common stock, and so on at that rate for more or less." They were not un- known, or unlettered men, for among them were some of acknowledged ability and education : they repre- sented all classes ; there were ministers, merchants, lawyers, mechanics, seamen, farmers, and soldiers. They were men of strong religious convictions who contended for greater purity in worship, and practice- and that they might escape from the persecutions o^ their own country, they preferred to abandon their homes, their native land, and brave the terrors of the ocean, the unknown wilderness, and the savages, that they might worship God in their own way. The earnestness of their religious principles may be judged from the following letter from the company to the planters at Salem in 1629, declaring, " that pro- pagation of the gospel is the thing we doe profess above all to be our aymo in settling this plantation." They were therefore extremely guarded, as to who they admitted iuto their fellowship ; none were per- mitted to vote, or hold office, that had not joined some Congregational church and taken the Free- man's oath of that period, which was as follows : " I; A. B., being by God's providence an inhabitant and freeman in this commonwealth, do freely acknowledge myself subject to the Gov- ernment thereof, and do swear by the great and terrible name of the everlasting God, that I will be true and faithful to the same, and will accordingly yeald assistance thereto, with my person and estate as in equity I am bound, submitting myself to the wholesome laws and orders made and established. Further I will not plot or prac- tice evil against it, and moreover I do solenmly bind myself iu the sight of God, that when I shall be called to give my voice touching any matter wherein freemen deal, I will give my vote and suffrage as I shall judge in mine own conscience may best conduce to the public weal, without respect to persons, or favor of any man, so help me God, in the Lord Jesus Christ." Eesidents, were those who were not allowed, or who had declined the privilege of becoming freemen, and were required to take the oath of fidelity when they had attained the age of sixteen. Every male citizen of sixteen and upwards, — inhabitant, lodger, child, servant or slave — were required to pay yearly one shilling eightpence a head, as a poll tax, and" one shilling for every twenty shillings' value in real or personal estate. But nearly all the settlers were " freemen," and had an interest in the common lands. In the earliest records we find they exercised the power of granting land to individuals. As the population increased, this method of holding land was found objectionable, and in 1713 the owners of the common lands under the provincial laws became organized into a sort of corporation with the title of commoners. Grants of land, made by the General Court to in- dividuals and towns, were known as " common land ;" this is the kind of " enlargement " petitioned for, and which was granted at a later date. The " Commoners " managed their affairs, elected their officers and members, very much as a corpora- tion. Their books in Manchester show many very generous donations for worthy objects, and for the re- lief of the infant settlement from burdensome taxa- tion. The last division of the common land was made in 1763. In 1631 six men were drowned by the upsetting of a canoe near Kettle Island ; this is the beginning of a long list of casualties that continued to afflict the settlement. In 16.34 the General Court defined the power of the Legislature, and provided that the whole body of free- men should be present at only one of their General Courts, to be held each year, and that their deputies should act for them in the three others. In 1635-36 the General Court passed the following order, which is the foundation of the various and im- portant powers that have ever since been exercised by the towns. "^Vhereas particular towns have many things which conceme only themselves, and the ordering of their own affairs, and disposing of business in their own town, it is therefore ordered, that the freemen of every town, or the niiyor part of them shall only (alone) have power to dispose of their own lands and woods, with all the privi- leges and appurtenances of the said town to grant lots, und make MANCnESTER. 1253 snch ordere, n« inny concern (he well orderinK of tbf^e our towns. Dot repngnant to tlie Iuwb hikI orders here e8tHbl^^hed by the Genentl Court, as al.^o to lay niulcis and penalties for the breacti of tlieso | orders, and to levy mid distrain the same not exceeding tlie sum of j xxa. Also to choose their own particular otliceis as Coiielabhi', Sur- | Teyors of lligliways and tlu' lilie, and t)ecause inucli business is liltely j to ensue to the Constables of several towns by reason they are to make distresses and patlicr fines. Therefore tliat every town stiali h»Te two Constables, where there is need. That so their oflico may not be a burden unto them, and they may attend more carefully open tho discharRo of their office, for which tlicy slmll !..■ lialde to give their accounts to this court «hen they shall bo callud there- onto." Although Jeffrey's Creek was on the Cape Ann side, it was nevertheless a part of Salem, and early grants of land were made by Salem to Chubb, (Jlass, Gale, Graves, Codner. Black, Foote and others, who gave names to localities which are still retained. In February, 1036, the land of Jell'rey's Creek was ordered to be divided as follows: Acres. Samuel Archer 50 William Allen fin John More 40 John Black 10 Sargent Wolf 40 John Sibley 00 George William 40 Sargent Di.\ey 40 Widow More 40 This was known as the "400 acres grant;" it in- cluded the central part of the present village, and was thickly covered with walnut, oak, and other trees of a large size. The "fishing industry " was always oncouraged by the colonists. The General Court, in lOoSt, ordered that all ves.^els so employed with their stock and fish should not be taxed, and their men exempt irom mili- tary duty." Among the early Salem records the following grants appear : "27 11 mo., 1C28. Seargent Di.\ey desires some hay ground about Jeffereys Creeke." "4 12 mo., 1C.28. Grante.1 to Robert AUyn 23 acres of land ; lyinge betweeno tho land of \Vm. Bennett and Samuel Archer (llieir land) at Jeffrya Creeke.'* "28 of month, liav. John Pickworlh requircth for s peel (parcel) of land at Jeffories Creeke." "8 9th mo. Jno. Pikwood, Jno. Gaily, Jno. Norman A Wm.llcnnitt have allowed these powers eyther of them 2"> acres a man att Jefferoycs Creeke." "There is granted to Kichard Graves half an acre of land vpon the neck fur the setting of his house, he promising to follow flshinge 5 10 mo., IK)-. " 26 9 mo., 16.18. firanti'd lo Samtiel Archer one neck of land lying cmt against the sea neore vnto Jeffry Creeke Island conteyning twentio acres of meadow to be lnyed him out in Kettle Island Cove." " 16 7 mo., l lie layd out by the Tow n." "Granted to Ilobert ffnllor 20 acres of land at JelTeryes Creeke to bo laycn in :ill the churches for the want ol' r:un and for the help of brethren in distress." It was also ordered that "care boo taken to prevent damage to Indians and ]>rocurc them satisfaction for any damage done." Jn the following year the (ieneral Court :ilso or- dered " that in all places the Knglish shall keepe their cattle from destroying the Imlians corne in any ground where they have the right to plant, and if any corne bee destroyed for want of fencing or herd- ing the towne shall be liable to make satisfaction." The doctrine that an Intliiin has no right, that a white man is bound to respect, apjiears to have been unknown at this early period. At this time there were but si.xty-three peojile living here; yet those sturdy few, with the charac- teristic of their race, ask for more territory, and a greater degree of self-government, as will be seen by the following petition: "Wee whoso names are hereunto subscnbe.l, belongitiK to the Cluirch and towno of Salem (being strai;;htenerl in our aceolunUHlatiuns, for that wee are not able comfortably lo subsist), having advised and taken counsel about our present state and condition, it being judged fit, and free liberty being granted us to remove, and noe place being so conven- ient for our easy removal as Jeffrey's Creek, lying so near us, and most of us having some snuill quantity of ground allotted to us there alreaily, doe theroforo jointly ami humbly recpiebt the Honorable Court to give UH power to erect a village there, and to allow ua such enlargement tliereabout as is not granted to any other plantation. Thus leaving our request to yiinr Wisdoms consideration, with our prayers for a blesteing on your jiersotjs and proceedings, we rest "Your humble petitioners, " KMO old style, AVilliam Walton, 14Ih :)d mo, John Black, •J4tli May, lli4o, Wni. Allen, new stylo. Samuel Archer, (loo. Norton, \Vti Dix John Sibley, Jatues 8tiuidish, John Friend, John Pickworth, John Galley, Benj. Parruitcr, Robert Allen, Edward Grover, Pasco Foote, Williaio Bennett, John Norman. "The petition la granted and referred to Mr. John Wijithrop, Jr., aAd Mr. Simon Bradstreet to settle the bounds of the village." The inhabitants of "Jeffrey's Creek," in 1645, peti- tion tho General Court for a change of name. -Vs many of the settlers were from Manchester, F.ngland, they desired the name of their old home should be made thtit of the new. The record of the General Court re;ids as follows: " May 3d, 1G45. " Tho Court allows .letTeries Creek to be eallee cut from our commons transported out of the plantation to any other place on the forfeit of — 40 and whoever makes use of any tree standing or lying on the ground, cither oak, pine, or Cedar, for Clayboards, Boards, or Shingles, shall pay — 1 and for all frames according to the dimensions here specified, — a frame from 20 to 30 feet long 15 d. and so in proportion — for sawing boards 14 P^*" hundred. "Given under the hands of the Selectmen 6th 10th m., 1658. "P.WCO Foote. "John Siblet. " KOBRBT LE.\ca. The earliest record of a piece of land having been devoted to burial purposes is in 1653, when the town grants to Samuel Friend the Island wharf property, now belonging to the A. W. Smith estate, in ex- change for .some land " taken from him and used for a burial ground, which was formerly planted by him." This is the old burial-ground at the junction of Washington and Summers streets ; it extended across the present highway ; the road to Gloucester at that time was down Sea street, through the " Towne " and " Dana estates." Tradition tells of earlier interments which were made behind the meeting-house on the eastern side of Church street. Our ancestors were always alive to their religious duties; as soon as their tents were pitched, they set up an altir by collecting in some convenient place where they could worship God on the Sabbath. Tradition says the first meeting of this kind was held under the shadow of a tree at " Gale's Point," near MANCHESTER. 1255 an old wharf tliat may yet be seen. This was about 1640, and it is probable that Mr. Jeiiiier or Ralf Smith was the preacher. Preaching was without doubt, carried on iu the houses of the setlh>rs until 1656, when it was decided to l>nild a house of wor- ship; the Town Record says ; " 1650, ye i' of ye 12 mo. It wm at a gcnenil Irxvn mopliiig ngrcMi vpon thut u iiieetili};-lioilt4C< i^liould bu built, IIK fei'C long, with two Gitlik^ ends, to be ^>t ncUr the LuDdiug-pliicc, imd tlit? pluntiTS are to coitiu and cut the timber thin Aay rortniglit. Williiilii Ucnnctt, John I'ickworth and Samuel Friend nre to oTt-r^ee the ^'ctting or ttie tinit)i'r, arid if any man neglects to work he is to give a eultieient reason for his absence, or pay 5 shillings for his neglect." "In ICIKI .lohu Dliukleach, senr., of Boston, sold to John West, planter, his land in ManchosttT, which wait granted to Iiini by the town of Salem." The love of office does not seem to have affected the early pioneers, for we find Manchester is com- plained of by the General Court " for not sendins; a deputy from among them," and two years later M.ajor William Hawthorne " is authorized to act for ilan- chester in the (ieneral Court, as legal difficulties ex- hists requiring their vote, and no tieputy having been sent from among them." And in Iiiswicli, in ItilJO, "the freemen of JIanchester are fined Xio and cost for not appearing at the last term of the court, being summonsed." In 1(;(;2 there were twenty land owners in town. Among whom were Samuel Friend, William Allen, James Standisli, Robert Leach, Jolin Norman, Nich- olas Vincent, Widow Lee, William Bennett, Pilt, Maveric, Chuhbs, Palmeter, Rlackledge, I'ickworth, Isaac Whichar and Ambrose (rale. During the year 16()4, the regulation requiring the administering of the freeman's oath was so modified as to grant those privileges to all such as had received from some respectable clergyman, testimony as to their correctness in doctrine and conduct. In 1665 Thomas West was elected as the first rejire- sentative to the General Court. In 166" the Dutch came and i)lundered some ves- sels ; the loss sustained by John Norman was made up to him by the town. This carlv settler died in 1672. John Pickworth was granted forty acres of land at Pickworth's Point. In 1672 a treaty or covetiantwas made between the Indians and the planters of " Casco P)ay," among them the name of Jenkin Williams, of Manchester, appears. A committee appointed by Peverly and Man- chester to settle the bounds between thcin, report as follows: "That the mouth of the creek called Chubb's creek, by the sea, and so taking the channel of said creek, to the head of said creek, and then to a rock on the western side of the head of said creek, and from there to a white oak tree near the cast end of the pond, by turnip swamj), so-called, shall be taken as the standing bounds between Heverly and Manchester." In 1675 a committee was appointed by the General Court "to see Esse.x County fortified from the at- tacts of the Indians." \u uneasiness among the tribes had long been I noticed, and evidently a crisis was apprnacbing. I With growing ai)preliension the red men had watched I the increase of the pale faces; evt^rywhere their hunt- ing grounds were dotted with the cabins of the set- tlers, and the game had been driven away; their favorite fishing places were so frequented by men skilled in the art, as to be no longer productive with their rude ajipliances. Where there had iieen i>leti- ty, there was now a scarcity, and their families were often hungry. The inevitable conflict between civilization and savage life was rapidly approaching. On the one hand organization, united action was the first step, but with the aborigines this was extremely difficult: for generations the neighboring tribes and bands had been hereditary foes; and to unite such, even for de- fense against a common enemy was almost impossi- ble. This is the weakness of savage life. In "King Phillip" a leader was found of rare capacity, who succeeded to a very considerable ex- tent in overcoming these tribal differences. Under his leadcrsliip, quite a ibrmidable force was collected and hurled against the settlements. It was a vigor- ous warfare, where savage skill and valor, was met by the courage and the patriotism of the white race, and with the natural result: the triumph of the more enlightened. In consequence of the loss of the records, it is not known how many of her citizens Manchester .sent to the early wars; but Samuel Pickworth, John .Vllen, Joshua Carter and i^imuel Hennett were slain at Bloody Brook while serving under Caiitain Lothrope, of Beverly; whose command was described by a con- temporary writer as "a choice company of young men, the very flower of the County of Essex, none of whom were ashamed to speak with the enemy at the gate." In 1677 "Ambrose (!ale of this town, petitioned the (General Court for liberty to fish on the coast of Plymouth, he having been jirohibited by the inhab- itants of that town." The court appointed a com- mittee to address a letter on the subject to the Ply- mouth Company. In 1678 William Allen, Sr., dic feet, the height between the sills and plates 16 feet and the form of the roof of the said house to be of the same form as the Wenham meeting-house, with a balcony on the top of said house, suited for a bell of 100 lbs. or more, and three galleries to be built, viz.: one on one side of the whole length of said house, and the other two at each end of said house, the whole breadth of said house. And it was voted and agreed that the Committee, John Sibley, Robert Leach, Thomas West, John Lee, Samuel Leach, William Al- len, Samuel Allen, are at this meeting fully enpow- ered by the Town to a gree with a workman to build the said house, for and in behalf of the town, at the said town's cost and charge, to be paid in money at two periods, viz.: one to be paid when the above house is raised, which is voted to be by the 10th day of June next, evening; and the cash payment when the said house is finished, which is voted to be by the last day of October following. The said house to be seated near the Old meeting-house (on the Common), where the Committee shall determine, and the house to be in every way completly finished with seats, and all other decent and suitable appurtanences thereto convenient for the whole house, both within and without, as the said Committee so order. And the above said Committee, or a major part of them, are to place the people in the seats of said house." In 1693 Thomas Tewkesbury represented the town at the General Court, and he received £5 and four shillings for a session of thirty-five days. And the " Commoners organize, and enact laws for their government, and they provide for the keep- ing of their records distinct from those of the town." At a town-meeting held 1st February, 1644, " It was voted and a greod there sliould be a * Grist-mill ' sett up upon the river near the nieetinf^-house, at some convenient place for the use of the town by John Knowlton, Son., by the 1st of Sept. next. And if any damage shall accrue to any perBone' land from the flowing of the water by occntion of the mill, the town shall be at ono-balf cost, and the miller the other half said damage." This mill was a one story log structure, about eighteen feet square, and boarded up and down. This old moss-covered mill stood until 1826, when it was taken down by John P. Allen, who built on its site a mill for sawing maliogany veneers. After the decease of Mr. Knowlton, Mr. Obed Carter continued to run the mill for many years, and his son used to say the lobsters were so abundant, that whenever his father required any, he used to step across the stream at low tide, to a point ot rocks, where Mr. Knight's coal wharf now is, and from beneath the rock-weed he could always select such and ;is many as he wanted. This delicious Crustacea, now so rapidly becoming MANCHESTER. 1:^57 extinct, was tlien so plentiful as to be but little valued as an article of food. In 1695 the town "granted l'liilli|i Nichols a par- cel of land at Xewfiort, being a fif^hermin. " "And John ^^ibley, Robert Leach and Thomas West, were chosen as the first school conmiittee, and they were instructed to agree with a school-master to teach our children to read and write.'" "A was ordered to be built, and am- munition was bought.' A church hell was presented to the town by (ieorge Norton, and it proved a great comfort to the peo- ple, for before this, the hour for public service was announced to the ctockle-s inhabitants, by the blow- ing of a horn or conch shell ; that could not always be heard. An imaginative writer of the period says "lions have been seen at Cape Ann," but the planters only complained of the "devouring wolves," who make sad havoc with the sheep and calves. And to en- courage their destruction the town oilers a bounty of twenty shillings for an old one, and five for a young one. In lC9tj Samuel Leach and .John Lee were the owners of slaves. In accordance with the custom of the times, the town appointed a committee to seat all persons in the meeting-house according as they had paid for the Hupport of the minister, excejit "any anticnt, grave and sober person of good conversation.'' 1G'J9 a quantity of the common land was sold, and the proceeds devoted to the building of a parsonage. At a town meeting on tlie :i:!d of April, 1()99, a committee was appointed to build a new parsonage house, forty-two feet long, eighteen feet wide, and fourteen feet stud, to be located near the meeting- house, at the discretion of the committee. A rate for £50 was made to defray the expenses; and much "common land " was sold this year at the " Great Neck " (old neck), and House Island, and the proceeds were devoted to the construction of the parsonage and settling the minister. This parsonage was erected on School street, near where the dwelling of Capt. Carter now stands. It was occupied by Rev. Nicholas Webster, and in 1716 it was given to Rev. Amos Cheever, at the time of his settlement as a piustor in the town. The land belonging to it extended from near the saw mill brook, to the lot of latid on which the Baptist church now stands: and was all on the western side of the road. The lot of land was given to the town by the proprietors of the four hundred acres. Ai!OUi(;iXE.s. — When our ancestors landed upon our shore they found it populated with u tribe of Indians, known as .Vgawanis, who spoke the language of the Pe(piods, ami over whom .Mascononio ruled as their chief or Sagamore. But little is known of him or his people, except they had always been friendly to the pale-faces. 79 ich crei'k and bay , and Hhuals Mr. Felt, in his history of Ipswich, says Capt. Edward Hardy, and Nicholas Hobson .sailed for North Virginia (New England), in Kill, and touched at .Vgawam (Ipswich), where the Indians treated them more kindly than others had done, and t'ajit. .Iidin Smith, who nuule several voyages, found, in 1I)I4, the islands about Cape .\na thickly populated with lliem, for then food was plentiful, so abundant that " Tliv tidunda and i With fry innuniiTablo i Of IJsh that with thoir tins and shining sc:'h'9 Olidc nndor the green waves, in sculhs that uft lianU tliii mid Rea; cir un.lor roc-lw tliuir food These, with the sea-fowl and larger game, in such numbers fiviiuented the valleys and water-c(;iirses in the vicinity of what is now known as M.anchestcr, made it an attractive home for the aborigines, and several villages were found there of considerable size, but eviilently they had been more populous. They claimeil this reduction was the result of an epidemic, that a W'W years ago had swe|)t away a great many of their people. The tribe of Tarrantines, whose home was on the coa>t of Maine, witli a fleet of canoes, made frequent predatory excursions along the coast of Massaidiusetts. Masconomo had very successfully defentled his])eoplc from some of their attacks, an4. Thomaii Millctt. 1««0. Moses Maverick. Siiuiuel Allen. John ntackleeche. KlftS. Pitts. John Elithope. 111114. John Crowell. 1AK3. John West. 16tt0. Richanl Gla». Rev. John Winborn. 1667. Thomas Bishop. Jenkins Williams. 1668. Oueciphous Allen. 1B70. William Hooper. Nicholiis Woodberrj'. 1B74. Ambrose Gale. Commit Marston. Elodius Raynolds. John Mason. James Pittman. ItiSO. John Lee Samuel Lee. Isaac Whitcher. John Cadner. Robert Leach. John Marston. Thomas Tewkesbury. Thomas Ross. Samuel Allen Manassa Marston. Walter Palmiter. James Rivers. 16$4. William Uosham. MANCIlEsTEU. 12:j!I John Foster. Mork Tinker. John Knovvllon. £mAntiihop, Richard Leach, Jonathan Allen, Jeremiah Hibbetts, John Crowell, Jabez Dodge, Samuel Lee and Shadrack Norton petition for fifty feet of land in front of the landing place, off the point of rocks to build a wharf" On the 29th of October, 1727, the people were alarmed by an earthquake. The cause of such terrestrial disturbances was not understood by the people of that period. They were regarded as an evidence of the Deity's anger. A great religious revival followed and continued for sev- eral months, and forty people were united with the church. In 1730 the town voted to pay Rev. Mr. Cheever one hundred and twenty pounds, and he to release the Millet Swamp. "And every person is to pay his pro- portion by contribution every Lord's day, by writing his name on a piece of paper and handing it into the box." Among the old papers of the town the following is not the least remarkable : " Whear as tli-ar was no way layd out at Keettel cove landiug-placo formerly, wo, the subscribei-s, oue ye fifth day of Nov., 1731, have laid out half an Acre of land for ye landing-place at Kettel cove on Korth side of yo Cove, as fuulerthe : teen pole frunting to ye water to one ye up land, to one yo pepul Stone beach, falling back to ye Nor ward to ye Distance of teen pol to 3 pol in weedtb, tht-nce back 6 pis. to 2 pis. in weath to ye Este side of a Grate Rock ; and also bunding out on Nor Eyst side of ye way to Daniel Knigh UoweH 2 pol wide and so along ye way that Gob to Knigh saw mill, then one pol on half when ye way now is about teen pis. beyond the red sjiw mill, &c. A.\R0N Bennett, "l Selectmen Jonv FOSTEB, |. of Thomas, J Manchester." Knight's saw-mill was above the old burial-ground on the road to the railroad station at the Cove. At a town meeting held in 1731, it was ordered " that the valuable gift of Baxter's practical works from Mr. Holden, of London, by the Rev. Dr. Col- man, to the town and church at Manchester, are thankfully accepted, and £8 appropriated for the binding of said works." These volumes were kept for many years, but in consequence of frequent and incautious lending they were lost. In the following year Ram Island was sold to John Knowlton. And in 1732 the town " agrees to build a wharf of fifty feet in front of the Landing place by the meet- ing-house, from the south ledge of rocks to the chan- nel, and assess £50 on the Town to build the same. And each man shall work one day on the said wharf, on penalty of paying 5 shillings to defray the cost of the wharf." This was the town's wharf by the Common. In 1734 fifty pounds was ordered "to be assessed MANCIIHSTER. 1261 for the schools, one-half of which is to support 4 School Dams, viz.: one at Nuport, one at the Meet- ing-house, one at Brierey Plain, and one at Kettle Cove. The other half shall be expended in provid- ing a good school-niiister to keep near the Meeting- house during the fall and winter season " The "School Dams" of that time taught reading, spell- ing and writing, using the '■ horn book " and psalter for reading, and "the goose quill pens" for writing. It is said the twigs of the grey birch were sometimes used instead of fpiills. A proposition was made in several of tlic towns to divide the county of Essex, but the vote of MaiKlu-s- ter was against it. "And a committee was chosen to draw up the reasons for their vote." In 1730 Samuel Allen sold to John Foster, shore- man, ten acres of land at Graves' farm for fifty pounds. "In 1739 the meeting of the Commoners was held in John Hill's tavern." In June, 17-10, while the people were on their way to church, an earthquake of such severity was felt that many were obliged to be seated. John Driver was slain by the Indians at Cape Sable. In 1741 a bridge was built across the river at the grist-mill. This was on the site of the [>resent bridge in the centre of the town. And the "river bank near the school-house was leased for a lime kiln." This was about where the town hall now stands. John Hill was chosen " A Inspector of Killing and Hunting of Dears," which were plentil'ul in the woods. In 1744 "Samuel Lee was commissioned a Justice of the peace," a very important ofiice at that time. In March, 174o, the expedition against Louisbourg sailed from Boston, under the command of William Pepperrell. This was a strongly-fortified town that had been built by the French on the Island of (!ape Breton. The town had a large business and was said to have emi)loyed six hundred vessels in its trade and fisheries. The feeling against this place was very etroug, and was voiced by a noted divine in an ad- joining town. In a sermon advocating the necessity of destroying the place, lie said: " They harbor our enemies that come to lay waste our infant eastern settlements; they molest and break in upon our fish- eries, and break them to pieces; they lie near the roadway of our Kuropean merchandise, and they sally out and take our corn-vess(ds ; and therefore our op- pressions from thence, .so long as it remains in the hands of the enemy, are like to be intolerable. We must remove, then, our enemies, or they will destroy us. There is a plain necessity of it ; and woe to us if it be not reduced ! " There was great rejoicing when the news of its sur- render reached the town. No list of those engaged in this enterprise from this town has been preserved. But Samuel May was there as a lieutenant. David Allen kept a journal of the cx|)cdition. Jacob Mor- gan and John llassam were killed; and William Tuck was in the engagement on board a British frigate. Daniel Foster was lost by the sinking of a boat, and Jacob Foster never returned. A great deal of excitenient prevailed lest the French lleet should make an attack, and many enlisted in the Essex County regiments and marched to Boston. In town the coast-guard was increased and ammunition bought. The town provided stocks for disorderly bipeds, and a pound for restraining unruly quadrupeds. The first stood on the common near the church. In 1747, other toilers of the sea fell victims to the barbarities of the savage tribes on the coast of Maine. Captain Amos Hilton with his son and crew landed lor wood and water, when they were surprised by the Indians and all massacred but one lad. Further particulars of this all'air will be found in the article on the fisheries. Jlr. William Hilton, his son, son-in-law and one other man were suprised by the Indians at Niscopet, nearSheei)scot. All were killed except the last named, who was made a prisoner. William Hilton was on his way to Muscongus to possess the land belonging to his fatiicr. In l~4f<, the throat distemper prevailed and many children died, and Benjamin Allen and William Has- sam were lost at sea. The following year was also a sad one, for Isaac Preston, I'enjamin Hassam and William Lee were lost on a return voyage from T/isl)i>n. Ezekiel Mars- ters was also lost at sea, and Andrew Leach died while in London. "2 shillings ])aid for a new bottom to the Great Chair in the school-house." In 1750 " Captain John Lee was paiing a school five sixths of one (|Uarter vear £5, 11.^1*./." ; The wolves were very destructive to the young stock of the settlers, and at town meeting it was or- dered " that any sum of money be drawn to destroy them," and on the following year it was voted the ' money needful in conjunction with other towns, "to 1262 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. Destroy those Devouring Wolves which are in, or may be found in, the woods between Ipswich, Glou- cester, Manchester, Beverly and Wenham." John Lee, Samuel Lee and Rev. Amos Cheever were owners of Slaves. The town purchased a copper weather-cock for their meeting-house at a cost of £7, 10a. 8d. It has been in constant use ever since, and it as faithfully marks the wind's changes as it did for our Colonial ancestors. In 1753 Benjamin Martin, who owned Smith's farm, died ; his son, Nathaniel, married a daughter of Amos Pickworth. In 1755 a " contribution was taken for the support of free schools, Samuel Lee giving the interest of £13 6s. Sd. for ten years, and many others subscribed liberally. The early settlers were always interested in the support of the church and the schools ; and, considering their very limited means, and the great scarcity of money, their contributions were very liberal. In the following year six citizens of the town were lost at sea. The men were a sea-faring race, and were much employed by the merchants of Boston, Salem, and Newburyport. In 1756 Ambrose Allen, Moses Frank, Jacob Lee, Daniel Davidson, William Ireland, and John Ayers, belonging to the town, were lost at sea on a return voyage from Lisbon. Eev. Amos Cheever, who had been p.istor of the church for twenty-seven years, died January 15, 1756. He was lain in the old burial ground, but no stone marks his resting-place. In the town records for 1757 is the following : " The selectmen are empowered to let the French men to John Foster for one year for one hundred and ten pounds, Old Tenor.'' There were neutral French (Acadians) who were compelled to leave Nova Scotia after it had been conquered by the English, and were town charges. 1758 was a disastrous season for the fishing fleet ; many were lost. Of this town John Day, John Driver, Richard Leach, John Lee and Samuel Mor- gan perished. And there were more victims for the savages, for Captain Samuel Leach, Joseph Allen, Jacob Crowell and Robert Bear were surprised and slain at Casco Bay. Two boys escaped. Captain Leach was a justice of the peace, and noted for his great strength and activity. In numer- ous Indian battles he had made himself conspicuous, and was said to have destroyed many of his assailants before ho fell, covered with wounds. The third tavern, used to stand at the corner of Washington and North streets. It was kept by Dea- con John Allen, about 1758. It had a long sloping roof, was two stories in front and one in the rear. The sign was a golden ball. It had two large, square rooms in front, a very large chimney in the centre, and a long, narrow kitchen in the rear. It was taken down in 1883. In 1759, Benjamin Orsement was granted a deed of the Old Way to Chebacco, around " Hill," by laying out a new road, to the westward of " Millett's Swamp" lots to Chebacco. This was the original road to Ipswich, or Chebacco, as Essex was then called. It left whac is now called the " Old Road " to Essex about opposite the " Cressey Orchard," and ran to the northward of " Moses Hill." £9 lis. Sd. was paid John Foster for supplying the families of the Frenchmen" (Acadians). In 1760 a subscription for the support of a free grammar school was circulated, and " John Lee agrees to give £30 old tenor: if Daniel Edwards arrives safe from Virginia: if not, then £15, and 10 others sub- scribed the last named sum.'' The town was fined for not sending a representa- tive to the General Court. A wall was "ordered to be built about the burial- place, and the bars are to be replaced with a gate." This was probably an ordinary stone wall. The following is a list of the school teachers in 1760:— £. I. d. "TbomasLee'swife.tbeSchoolDameatKettleCove, received... 1 4 Widow Rebecca TewliBbury, at Newport 2 5 Natbaniei Lee's wife, at the Piain 1 3 4 Widow Sarah Leach, at North Yarmouth 18 3 John Piclioriug, for 1 quarter hire, keepiug Grammar School 6 13 5 "The town paid Thomas Lee for making a whip- ping-post, and a pair of stocks 13 shillings, id. ; and 4s. 8rf. for stock-irons." These indispensable institu- tions of our forefathers, were placed on the common near the church and the school-house. A fine of five shillings was collected from a person "for swearing." In 1761 a census of the town was taken, and gives the number of inhabitants as follows : — Total of popiilation 739 Families 136 Houses 103 Colored persous 23 Acacians 7 Indians 1 The last family of Indians lived at " Nichols," (near the Tenuey place). They were very old, and were kindly treated by the people of the town who often contributed to their comfort by gifts of food and clothing. During the revival at Chebacco in 1763, several of the Manciiester people united with Rev. John Cleave- land's church in that place, much to the displeasure of Rev. Mr. Tappan, who had but little sympathy with the " Whitefleldian movement." Among the number was Edward Lee, "The Apostolic Fisher- man," of whom Mr. Cleaveland gives an interesting account in his "Plain Narrative," published at Bos- ton in 1767. In the following year Benjamin Andrew, Charles MANCIIESTHIl. 1263 Leach and David Foster were lost with the "May- flower," on their retnrn from the West Indies. In 17G5 John Foster owned the " Smith Farm." The parsonatre land at the e.astward of the nieeting- was divided and sold, and money was appropri- ated by the town for the building of an alms-house. It was the custom to let out the poor to board with those who would pay the most for their services; this was done annually. Again the storms and seas make havoc, ane prevented. It stood near School Street, on the land recently purchased by the town for a cemetery, and was taken down in about 1812. A town-meeting was called " to see if anything could be done to the burial-ground, in consideration that those persons who are called to follow their d I ceased friends to the grave, may be delivered from tlif briers which so encumber them." This year saw a marked change in the church — for seats for the choir were made in the gallery — before this they sat with the congregation, and did not sing by note as they now began to do. The time was started by a wooden pitch-pipe about a foot in length, on which the letters of the scale were cut ; the tones were obtained by blowing in the end, and the i)itcli by sliding up and down the rod tliat fdled the cavity of the instrument ; only alxmt a dozen psalm tunes were then in use. In 1773 " the town agreed with Joseph Killam to ring the bell and sweep the meeting-house for one year for £1 Gs. 8(/., and further, to ring the said bell at 9 o'clock at night for 40 shillings.'' The early settlers had paid their passages to this country, they had settled upon land they had already purchased before leaving England by buying shares in the stock of the company, and that there might be no doubt its to their right to the land, they had paid the Indians for a full and complete relinquish- ment of all their right, title and interest in it. As loyal subjects of the Crown they had always furnished their full proportion of men and money for preserv- ing jieace along the borders. They had contributed their quota of the ta.xes for the sup|>ort of the colonial government. They felt they had made their new homes by privation, hard labor, and honest practices, and they were sensitive of any unjust interference of Old England in their adiiirs. After the »igning of the treaty of peace, in 1703, by which all the French possessions in Canada were surrendered to the English — instead of a more liberal |)olicy be- ing adopted as they had been led to believe — the in- dustrial pursuits of the young colony were more severely restricted than before: already over taxed for the protection of the colony, the impoverished settlers were still further harassed by burdensiune taxation, and intolerable regulations on commerce and manu- factures. Tliis feeling was greatly intensified by the at- tempted enforcement of the tea tax in 1773, which resulted in the destruction of three .ship-loads in Boston harbor. This act of defiance roused the in- dignation of the British Parliament, and in retalia- tion tliey closed the port of that town, thereby paralyzing all business, and causing a vast amount of sulfering there, and in the vicinity. The prospect of our fathers was gloomy in the extreme. There were a considerable number in the town who remained loyal to the country of their birth, and reasoned against resistance. They said, " Our interests are almost entirely on the ocean, if war comes our fisheries will be destroyed, the markets of Europe, of the West Indies, and the trade with the southern colonies will be closed against us, our vessels will rot at our wharves: and how can we live?" But a large majority of the people of Manchester felt they had been goaded beyond endurance ; and they were willing to take any risk, and to make any sacrifice in the hope of greater independence. And in common with the inhabitants of other sec- tions of the state they lost no time in seconding the measures of the le;idcrs ag:iin3t the unwarranted aggres.sions of Englaml. May 18, 1774, a letter was received from the com- mittee of correspondence at Boston, on the subject of a separation of colonies. A town-meeting was called and a committee was chosen to report thereon. At an ae lonry witli some eliowers. Towarrta 9 o'clock it 8e*-niod to be brciiking away, but every thing had a yellow appearance. .Soon after 9 a dark, lieavy cloud uasaeen rising from tlio noitliwcst, wliicli cradually spread itself till it covered the whole heavens, except a narrow space near the horizon, .\bout 10 this \v(w also covered, and the darkness increased so that wo had to light a canillo. All the folks out of dcwts, left their work and camo in. Fear and anxiety were manifested on every countenance. It was quite dark when we set onr liinner tjible. Early in the afternoon the dark, ness began to abate, and before sun down it wa.s light, but clouded with a yellow, brassy appearance. After sun down it grew dark very fast, and the evening was more renuirkablo than the day. It seemed like darkness that might be felt. .Some of our family who tried to go Ion neighbor's, hud to conic back. We sat up late knowing that tile luoijn would rise at nine, ami expected it would make some difference H» to the darkness, but it did not until after 11 o'clock when some glimmer of light began to appear." This darkness was not observed by those at sea. It occurred on May 19, 1780. In 1781 orders were again received for eight thou- sand two hundred and sixty -six pounds of beef or the 1266 HISTOKY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. money to buy it; also a draft for eight men. Neither were complied with, and the town was fined £1027 6». Aaron Lee, William Tuck and John Edwards drew a petition to the General Court that they would ap- point a committee " to see the poverty of the town." A letter on the subject was addressed by Aaron Lee to Esquire Phillips, of Andover. The result was a proposition for the town to pay £50 for the beef, and give their note for £50, which was agreed to. In November of this year £1000 was raised to hire soldiers for the remainder of the war. The town having been fined for not complying with the orders of Congress, Mr. Tewksbury was sent to confer with Col. Hutchinson, of Boston, and an abatement was procured. The fourth public-house, or tavern, was situated on Union Street, and was known as the "Crafts House." It was kept by Eleazer Crafts, from about 1780 to about 1790, the time of his decease ; it was afterward kept by his widow, who was a woman of remarkable energy and an active patriot during the Revolution. This house was removed in 1873 to a spot on School Street, next above the Catholic Church, where it made two houses of good size. In 1782 the General Court ordered a quantity of guns and ammunition, which were received, and an additional draft for men for three and five months was ordered. The town appointed William Tuck, John Lee and Jacob Tewksbury to draw notes for the soldiers; they drew interest and were signed by the town treasurer. Warrants for the town-meetings were dated according to the year of American Inde- pendence. During the Eevolution the yearly average of deaths in the town was twenty-one ; but in 1777 there were fifty deaths; the total population was nine hundred and sixty-five. The news of the suspension of hostilities between the United States and Great Britain was received with acclamations of joy . Every heart rejoiced that war had ceased, that peace had returned, and the great blessing of independence had been secured. It was a happy release from the grievous burdens which for seven long years had borne so heavily upon the im- poverished people of the town. The old cannon that had so long stood in front of the church was dragged from its place, and in charge of Benjamin Leach, who had served all through the war upon the sea, and Joseph Kelham, who for the same period had served his country on the land, it was taken to every part of the town and discharged all day, the happy people joining in the celebration, and furnishing refresh- ments and powder. Everywhere the sound of re- joicing was heard, but from none were the prayers of thanksgiving more heart-felt, and earnest, than rose from the trembling lips of the mothers and daughters; they had silently borne terrible burdens of privations and hardships; and very many had sacrificed their husbands, fathers and loved ones upon the altar of liberty. During that long war, all sutfered ; but none more than the women. During the latter part of the war, the people of the town were greatly distressed for the means of living — paying taxes and meeting the drafts ordered by the Continental Congress. For seven years the productive labor had been called from their pursuits to the defense of the country. And in order to pay the soldiers and to meet the expenses of the war. Congress was obliged to issue notes which circulated as the currency of the people. These were counter- feited in England, and extensively distributed through- out the colonies, the county was flooded, and the value fell so rapidly, and so Ivw that the people lost confidence in its ever being redeemed. And when the soldiers returned it was to find the people every- where embarrassed by debt, commerce destroyed, the fishing fleet lost, or so decayed as to be almost useless, and with no means for the building of new ones. The outlook was extremely disheartening, but being a self-reliant and hopeful people, they went to work, and by industry and economy they gradually recovered, and as they became more prosperous, pub- lic improvements were recommenced. This stagnation created in some parts of the State a feeling of disafl^ection which took the form of an insurrection known as "Shay's Rebellion " of 1786. The movement found no sympathizers in Manchester who furnished her quota for its suppression. Among them William Tuck acted as ensign, and Samuel Ayres served as a private. Ayres was in the Conti- nental army during the War of the Revolution, and had previously served nineteen years in the English army, from which he had been honorably discharged. During the seven long years of mourning and suf- fering, the schools had been somewhat neglected; but now money was raised for the free school, and in 1785 a new school-house was ordered. It was to be thirty feet long and twenty-six feet wide. And a bell was purchased for the church. It weighed three hundred pounds, and cost £58 3s. Id. This bell remained to call the people together until the remodeling of the later church in 1845, when a liberal citizen of the town exchanged it for a much larger one. In 1788 the first regular communication with Salem and Boston was eftected by the establishment of a line of two-horse open carriages from Gloucester. They ran twice a week, and nearly the whole day was con- sumed in making the journey. The arrival of this vehicle always created a sensation. About this time Captain William Tuck's schooner "Race Horse" was towed to "Tuck"s Point" in a damaged condition, and condemned. A portion of her was used in the construction of other vessels, but some of the timbers of the old wreck are still visi- ble. iMANCIIKSTKK. 1267 A grammar school was ordered. Rev. Benjamin Tappan died. He was buried in the old burial gronnd, and liis gr.ivo-stane bears this inscription : "In niemor)- of nfiijniiiin T.ip|)an, Into of tho cliiirch in Manchester, who uxpirvd .May r;, L7'.to, in tho 70tli ytsar of h'm »(;o, imd the 4-''tli year of his ministry. He was a sincere and oxeniphLi-y Christian, a tender hnsband and part'nt, a judicious and 93Uud divine , a prudent and faithful minister." In 1789 a building for the poDr ot' the town was built near the land where the Baptist Churcli now stands. It was known as the long house, it being but seventeen feet wide ami sixty I'eet in length. During the year 171)1 a house was elected at (irave's beach for small-pox patients, and in the year follow- ing Daniel Low had "liberty to run a wharf to the point of rocks opposite the town wharf" Rev. Ariel I'arrish was ordaineering only three millions, educated to the belief in the " Divine right of King," anil scattered from Canada to the Gulf of Jlexico, should have had the courage to wage war with one of the most powerful nations ot the earth. It would appear almost impossible to have devised any system of intoleraiue and [icrsecution that could drive a people to such desperation. The Declaration oT Independence was sent by Con- 1268 HISTORY OF ESSEX COUNTY, MASSACHUSETTS. gress to all the towns, with the request to have it read from all the pulpits, and to have it entered on the town records. This was done in Manchester, and the original copy is still preserved. The town then numbered about eight hundred ; the men had generally been employed in the fisheries and in comraercial pursuits, so that, when the war be- gan, their occupation being at an end, many engaged in the privateer service. Among them was Captain William Tuck, who in 1776 made several successful voyages in a schooner to Bilboa laden with dry iish, and returned loaded with powder for the colonies. In 1777 he became part owner and commander of a privateer brig, the " Remington," of eighteen guns, and captured many prizes during 1778. In the latter part of the war he was unfortunate. In 1782 he took command of a ship mounting twenty-four guns and with one hundred men (many of them froni this town) ; he was captured eight hours out of port by the English frigate "Higate Blonde," of thirty-six guns; the prize was sent to Halifax, and was wrecked off the coast of Nova Scotia. After the war he commanded the ship that hoisted the second American flag in the Baltic Sea. He became a large land owner in the town, and, on his retiring from sea-life, became a farmer, and wius employed in many town oiEces. In the early part of the war he was a delegate to the County Convention at Ipswich, and represented the town in the General Court in 1777. He married four times, having children by each of his wives, number- ing in all twenty-three. He died in March, 1826, aged eighty-seven years, and was buried under the forms and ceremonies of the order of Free Masons, of which order he was a member. The following is a copy of the shipping-paper of the privateer " Hawke," commanded by Jeremiah Hibbert in 1777 : *' Now fitted for pea and ready to proceed on a cruise, the privateer schooner ' Hawke,' a well-buiit vessel of 75 tons burden, mounting 10 carriage gunn and eight swivels, small arms, i&c. She is a prime sailer, and has on board every convenience for such a cruise, and is to be com- manded by Captain Jeremiah Hibbert. The whole crew will draw one- half of all the prizes. Out of whicli the captain will draw 8 shares ; the Ist Lieut will draw 5 shares ; the 2d Lieut, will draw 4 shares ; the Mas- ter will draw 4 shares ; the Prize Master will draw 3 shares ; the 1st mas- ter will draw 214 shares ; the *Jd master will draw 2 shares ; the Surgeon will draw r. shares ; the i-emainder will draw a single share. Jeremiah Hibbert, Captain ; Mnrston Watson, 1st Lieut. ; Caleb Ray, Surgeon . Samuel Bennett, Master; £zekiel Leach, Mate; Benjamin Leach, Prize Master." Except the Surgeon all the officers were from Manchester. Those of the crew belonging to the town were Thomas Steele, Theophilus Lane, Joseph Perry, Nicholas Babcock, Stitson Hilton, Abial Lee and John Knight, carpenter. It is related of "Captain Daniel Leach," who was then a mate under Captain Tuck : Their vessel was captured, and a prize crew placed on board to take her to Halifax. While on their way they put into a small harbor on the Nova Scotia coast. Captain Tuck was a fine conversationalist and of most excel- lent address, and he so ingratiated himself into the good graces of the prize captain, that he was invited to accompany that officer to visit some of his British Iricnds on shore. During their absence Leach, who was on deck, was watching the doings of the prize crew, who were all in the rigging, making some repairs and shaking out ihe sails, that they might dry. In this Leach thought he saw his opportunity ; and with him to see was to act. Some of the prisoners were on the deck, and soon comprehended the plan. Leach loitered towards the arm-chest, and, seizing an axe, burst the cover open ; this being the signal agreed upon, the Americans were quickly armed, and the crew in • the rigging were at their mercy. Leach and his " crew were in charge, and the English crew were his prisoners. After a pleasant visit on shore, the prize captain and his polite friend were rowed alongside. Leach received them courteously, and surprised the English captain by ordering him below as his prisoner; and Captain Tuck was informed that the ship was his again, and his old crew were awaiting his orders. Under his direction the vessel was taken safely to Boston. From the Salevi Register of July 30, 1838, we copy the following: "At an early period in the great struggle for Independence, Mr. Wil- liam Kitficld, when only 21 years of age, with John Girdlcr, of this town, and a young man by the name of Lawrence, of Gloucester, shipped at ISoston with Captain Smith, of Salem, on a voyage to Bilboa. On their return voyage they were taken by a British ship of war, and carried to England and thrown into prison, from which they managed to escape and find their way to a sea port, where, as English men, they shipped uD a veaset bound to Jamaica and Halifax. While at the former place Kit- field prop' sed to the other two a plan for taking the vessel while on her way to Halifax. They agreed to it, and the next day, while on shore, each bought a sword. When they were well to the northward, about midnight, when all three were in the same watch, Girdler, armed, was placed at the cabin-door ; Kittield went to the second mate, who was at the helm, and told him the anchor was off the bow. Thu^ they got charge of the deck, and the officers were prisoners below. The crew, be- ing promised a share of the prize, readily joined them and assisted in working the vessel. The next day they ran alongside an American pri- vateer, and were taken into Salem, wher« the vessel was given up to the three daring youngsters. The Captain cried bitterly, and said he would not care bo much about it if it were not the first time he had been Cap- tain." Captain William Pert was so unfortunate as to have his ship captured by an English cruiser when he was quite near Boston. A prize crew was put on board and she was headed for Halifax. Among the cargo'of the captured vessel was a large amount of provisions and e-xcellent liquors. For the first day the wind was very light, and but very little progress was made. The English officers had already discovered the merits of the food, and they very fre- quently refreshed themselves with the liquors. As the sun was setting there were indications of more wind. The prize officers, not feeling sufficiently familiar with the difficult navigation of this part of Massachusetts Bay, asked Captain Pert to work the ship, to which he very cheerfully agreed. But occasion- ally he found time to go below, and adding zest to the MANCIIKSTKK. 1269 ivitics by liringing to their notice some untried • ties of Urandies and wines, wliicli were greatly -hed. 1 lie night set in very daric w ith u strong breeze. Captain Pert being pilot, managed to gradually change the course of the slii]), and by daylight the following morning, the bewildered oliicers found themselves, with bad headaches, luuler the guns of the fort in Boston Harbor. Captain Pert was never an iiiteni]ierale man, but to the day of his death he believe