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A' 'P 0- 0' "> -^^^ -tp -'^ V \^ c«^ .l^i -?--. ■''' lV 0' ■^' ">>.' \ <. .0 X^^ ' r. <;- .0 ,-^/' .0' X^-n. ^-^.;;^^ '^^-0"^ -^f- .0- %.. .^' •^ q. $i&;^ ';^ -^0 vO' ^, ^^ -^, * ^ ^■ V'C \"- o ^ >^:'^^-v^ /'\- ^^^^^^ ^^^'"^^ '^ t/-o^ .-.-^ ^' ,^5 -^^ \V .^■ V-aTicWstev^ Piai.^ G* Hl\U, .h PREFACE. r) " gheny, Antis, Snyder, Tyrone, Frankstown, Blair, Huston "and Woodbury, and within that part of Morris township, " lying westward of the line lately run by William Reid and " other viewers, under an order of court, for the purpose of "dividing the same in Huntingdon, are hereby erected, ac- " cording to said boundaries, into a new and separate coun- " ty, to be called Blair." in the absence, of the compiler, as the work progressed through press, several errors occurred, which the reader will not fail to perceive in perusing it. It is almost impossible to insure thorough accuracy from a Jiastily written Mss. The compiler takes this occasion to tender his unfeigned acknowledgments to all who contributed materials for the present compilation. Compiler, January, 1846. / ^v -' /GX CONTENTS NTRODUCTION. THE ABORIGINES OR INDIANS- The Lenni Lenape, or confederates — Their customs and habits — Treatment of strangers — Treatment of enemies — Their vices — Mar- riages — Indian huts or wigwams — Their dress — Treatment of chil- dren — Religious ceremonies and sacrificial feasts — Hunting, their chief employment — Travelling or going on a journey — Their favor- ite amusements, viz : several kinds of dances — The calumet, &c. — Diseases; and doctors among them who practiced various ceremo- nies — An incident related by a Moravian missionary — Their Materia Medica — Death and burials — The languages of the Delawares and Iroquois — Printed specimens of the languages; vie: Lord's prayer, &c. — Their language highly figurative ; specimens thereof — Wars among the Indians— Mode of declaring war — Fasting and dreaming deemed necessary preliminaries to war — Before an attack, recon- noiier the country — Localities of Indian nations, &c. in 1763. p. 12 CHAPTER L Pen'nsylvania settled, purchase made from the In- dians, &:c. I'fnnsylvania named in honor of Sir "William Ptnn — WiiHam Penn receives a charter from King Charles H. — Boundary of the province — Penn's policy towards the aborigines — Similar policy had been pursued, in some measure, by others — MarWham, in obedience to Penn's instructions, purchases lands from the Indians — Repealed CONTENTS. purchases made — Deeds to John Peiin, Thomas Penn and Richarr Penn — Deeds of 1749 and 1754, and of 1768 — William Peau's stad in, and departure from, the Province — His return to the Province : return to England: his death — Influx of immisrants — Settlements extend up along the Susquehanna river — Seitloments commenced on the west side of the Susquehanna, in Y( rk county- Settlements west of the Susquehanna in North, or Kiitochtinny valley — Earliest settlements first among the Indians — Seiilenients in Huntmgdon, Union, Northumberland, Centre and other counties — Indians' friend- shin towards the first settlers. p 34 CHAPTER II. THE GERJ»I.-\NS. General character of Germans — First immigrants and settlers — Ger- mantown settled — Frankford land C(unpany — Immigrants of 1708 and 1709 — Their sufferings in England— Dickinson's remarks con- cerning them — Settlements in Tulpehocken— Redemption servants — Numerous immigrants — Settlements on the west side of the Susque- lianna — Neulaender deceive many— Great sufferings experienced by many — C. Sauer's representation of iheir condition — Society formea to relieve German sufferers — Muhlenberg's letter, maltreatment, &c. Political influence of the Germans — Number of Germans in Penn- sylvania in 1755 — Catholic Germans — Scheme to educate the Ger- mans, p 49 CH.\PTER IH. THE IRISH OR SCOTCH-IRISH. Tane of their first immigration — Settle first near the boundary line be- tween Maryland and Pennsylvania — James Logan's statement con- cerning them — First settlers in Donegal : in Peshtank — Richard Peters' complaint of them — They oppose a survey in Adams county .Settle west of the Susquehanna, in Cumberland county — Disagree- ment between the Irish and Germans at Lancaster and York —Immi- gration of, 10 Cumberland couniy, encouraged — Settle on the Juni- a'.a, &c. — Lord's prayer in Irish — General setllenienls. p 73 CHAPTER IV. INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1744. J^\^:\ .\rmstrc)ng, James Smith & Woodward .Arnold, killed by Muse- CONTENTS. y neelin, in 1744 — Alexander Armstrong's letter to Allumoppics and Shicalemy — Search made for the bodies of the deceased; found and buried them — Weiser's letter — Provincial council held — Conrad Weiser makes a demand for the murderer at Shamokin — Weiser's transactions, &c. at Shamokin — Shicalemy's statement touching the murder of Armstrong. p 80 CHAPTER V. INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1754. Abductions in 1753; viz; of Evans, Devoy, Nicholson, Magenty, Burns, Hutchinson of Cumberland county — Frontier inhabitants fear the Indians, and petition Governor Hamilton, from Cumberland and Lan- caster counties — Governor Hamilton urges the Assembly to afford the frontier settlers aid — The government solicitous to retain the friendship and aid of the Indians — Weiser sent to Aughwick — Israel, an Indian of the Six Nations, kiied Joseph Cample in Cumberland (Franklin) county— Croghan's letter touching this murder,&c. p 92 CHAPTER VI. INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1755-'80. Ardent hostilities between the French and English — Braddock's defeat encourages the French and their Indian allies — Frontier settlers again petition government for protection — Plans for defence of the frontiers — Governor Morri^'s language in relation to Braddock's defeat — Twenty-five persons carried off at Penn's creek; buildings burnt ; several persons killed and scalped, viz : Jacques Le Roy, or Jacob King and others — Four men killed by the Indians, who were returning from Shamokin to Harris's ferry — Extensive settlements deserted —Harris's letters touching the above massacre — Weiser's letters — Harris's letter — Anecdote from Heckewelder's narrative — Frontier settlers abandon their homes— Harris's letter — Bingham's fort in Tnscarora valley destroyed — Fort Granville taken, &c. &c. — Hamilton's letters, &c.— Co!. Armstrong's letters — Numerous massa- cres in several places : In southwestern part of Huntingdon county : In Woodcock valley, &c. — Setilers killed at Sinnemahoning, &.c. in 1778. p 100 10 CONTENTS. CHAPTER Vir. NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. Northumberland county erected — Streams — Geological features of the county — Census of 1840 — Public improvements — Towns: Sunbury/ early incidents at, &c. ; Northumberland, Millon, McEwensville, Watsonburg, Fort Freeland, Pottsgrove, yodom, Snyderslown, Dal- matia, Shamokin — Popular education. p 146 CHAPTER Vlir. HUNTINGDON COUNTV. Huntingdon county erected — Streams of the county — Geological fea- tures — Census of 1840 — Public improvements — Towns; Hunting- don, Holidaysburg, Gaysport, Frankstown, Newry, Williamsburg, Alexandria, McConnellsburg, Ennisville, Antesiown, Davidsburg, Yellow Spring, Graysville\ir Graysport, Smithfiekl, Warriors, Mark Town, Petersburg, Water street, Birmingham, Shirleysburg, Orbiso- nia, &c. — Education. p 192 CHAPTER IX. MIFFLIN COUNTY. Mi/Ilin county erected — Streams and geological features of the coun- ty — Statistics of 1840 — Public improvenipnts — 'J'owns : I^ewistowi'., McVeytow n or Waynesburg, HamillonvilJe or Newton Hamilton, Belleville, Horreltown, &c. &c. — Education, »&c.— Riots in Mifflii; county. p 22;j CHAPTER X. CENTRE COUNTY. Centre county erected— Streams and geological features— Statistics of CONTENTS. 11 1840— Public improvements— Towns : Beilefont, Philipsburg, Miles- boro, Boalsburg, Poller's Bank, Poller's Old Fort, Aaronsburg, Mill- heini, Earleysburg, Pallonsviile, VValkersville, New Providence, While Hall, Rabersburg, Jacobsburg, &c.— Education— Indian vil- lages. P 249 CHAPTER XI. UNION COUNTY. Union county erected — Streams and geological features — Census o( 1840 — Public improvements -Frederick Stump and Ironcutter killed ten Indians, &c.— Capt. Brady— Towns: New Berlin, Lewisburg, Mifflmburg, Middleburg, Harileyton, Freeburg, Selinsgrove, Charles- town, Beavertown, Adamstown, Centreville, New Columbus, Swifts- town — Education, &c. P 266 CHAPTER XII. COLUMBIA COUNTY. Columbia county erected — Streams and geological features — Statistics of 1840 — Public improvements — Towns: Danville, Catawissa, Ber- wick, Bloomsburg, Mifflinsburg, Washingtonvilh, Freicstown, Jer- seytown, Williamsburg, Orangevilie, White Hall, Espytown, Moors- lovvn, &c. — Education, «fcc. — Narrative of Van Camp. p 310 CHAPTER XIII. JUNIATA COUNTY. Juniata county erected — Streams and geological features — Public im- provements — Towns: MifSin, Thompsonslown, Mexico, Perrysville, Tammany, Waterford or Waterloo, Calhoonsville, or McAUister- ville, Ridgesville, Greenwood, &c. — Education — Case of law suit, &.C. &c. p 338 CHAPTER XIV. CLINTON COUNTY. Clinton county erected— Geological features ana streams — Public im- provements — Towns : Lock Haven, Farrandsville, Dnnnstown, Lock- 12 CONTENTS. port, Mill Hall, New Liberty, Youngwomanstown, Salona — Educa- tion — Religious denominations — Indians visited by Count Zinzen- dorf in 1742; by David Brainerd, 1746; by Conrad Weiser, 1755 — Weiser's letters to Gov. Morris and Richard Peters, touching the Indians here, and his visit to them — Moses Van Camp. p 3.'i4 CHAPTER XV. MAINTENANCE OF THE POOR. General remarks — Poorhouse in Centre county; in MifHin county ; in Huntingdon county; in Columbia county; in Union county. p371 CHAPTER XVI. CLEARING LANDS. Grubbing, the first operation — Belting, a common practice — Clearing the land — Log rollings — Stag dance — Buildings erected — Time of labor — Sugar boiling — Value of sugar. p 374 CHAPTER XVH. BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. Conrad Weiser ; Rev. Nicholas Louis Zinzendorf, Count; Rev. David Brainerd; Rev. David Zeisberger ; Governor Simon Snyder; John Harris, proprietor of Harrisburg ; Colonel Hartley ; George Crog- han ; Colonel John Kelly ; David R. Porter. p 382 APPENDIX, p 408 INTRODUCTION THE ABORIGINES OR INDIANS. The Lenni Lenape, or confederates — Their customs and habits — Treatment of strangers — Treatment of enemies — Their vices — Mar- riages — Indian huts or wigwams — Their dress — Treatment of chil- dren— Religious ceremonies and sacrificial feasts — Hunting, their chief employment — Travelling or going on a journe)' — Their favor- ite amusements; viz: several kinds of dances — The calumet, «Si',c. — Diseases ; and doctors among them, who practiced various ceremo- nies — An incident related by a Moravian missionary — Their Materia Medica — Death and burials — The languages of the Delawares and Iroquoib — Printed specimens of the languages ; viz : Lord's prayer, &c. — Their language highly figurative ; specimens thereof — Wars among the Indians — Mode of declaring Avar — Fasting and dreaming deemed necessary preliminaries to war — Before an attack, recon- noiter the country — Localities of Indian nations, &c. in 1763. When the Europeans first came to this country, they found the western continent inhabited by numerous nations, to whom they applied the name, though erroneously, Indians. This name was given to the aborigines of this continent, un- der a mistaken notion, of having arrived, as Columbus sup- j)0sed, at the eastern shore of India. Touching the origin of the Indians, or by what means they got from the Old World to the New, has never been satis- factorily answered, notwithstanding that voluminous disquis- itions have been written on this subject. A majority, who have investigated this subject, seems to agree with Dr. Robert.son, that Tartary, in Asia, is the na- tive country of all the American Indians. But, as the re- gion of country of which a history is. briefly given in the sequel, was inhabited, by the -I^f.'lawaresand Iroquois, or Sfx Nations, no notice \^;be talcen of any others.-7-[See the close of this Introduction]. 14 INTRODUCTION* The Delawares; or, as they called themselves, LenniLe- NAPE, or LiNAPE, emphatically, " the original people," were divided into three tribes ; viz : the Unami, the Wunalach- TiKos, and the Monsys. The Iroquois, as they were named by the French, called themselves Aquanuschioni; that is, "United people." They were called Mengwe, by the Delawares; Maquas, by the Dutch; MiNGOES, by the English and Americans. They were a confederate nation, consisting of Mohawks, Oneida, Onondago, Cajugu, Senecca and Tuscarora; the latter joined them about 1714. Other nations were connected, or in league, with the Iro- quois and Delawares ; these were the IMahikons, Shawanese, Cherokees, Twightwees, Kickapoos, Moshkos, Wawiachta- nos, Tukashas, Chipawas, Ottawas, Nanticokes, Putewoat- amen, Creeks, Choctaws, Chickasaws, ^Vyondots, or Hurons. These lived in various parts of the United States. The Del- awares lived in Pennsylvania, and in New York", half way between Lake Erie and the river Ohio. The Iroquois pos- sessed the country north of New^ York, Pennsylvania and Maryland, about the Lakes Erie, Ontario, extending west- ward to the Mississijipi, and southward to the Ohio. The Delawares and Iroquois resembled each other, as to their bodily and mental qualifications. In person, slender, middle-sized, handsome and straight. The women, however, were short, not so handsome, and clumsy in appearance. The skin of a reddish brown, or yellowish brown — hair straight, and jet black, " In common hfe," says Loskiel, who knew them well — - " and conversation, the Indians observed great decency. They usually treated one another, and strangers, with kind- ness and civility, and without empty compliments. In the converse of both sexes, the greatest decency and propriety were observed. They were sociable and friendly — Difference of rank, with all its consequences, was not to be found among^ the Indians. They were equally noble and free. The only difference consisted in wealth, age, dexterity, courage, and office." The Indians were hospitable to strangers. To refuse the act or kind office of hospitality was looked upon as a fla- grant violation of a laudable practice in vogue among the tawny sons of the forest- Hospitality, they counted a mos^ INTRODUCTION. 15 sacred duty, from which none was exempt. "Whoever," said they, " refuses relief to any one, commits a grievous of- fence, and not only makes himself detested and abhorred by all, but liable to revenge from the injured person." In their conduct towards their enemies, as will be seen from the sequel, they w^ere " bloody cruel," and when exas- perated, nothing but the blood of their enemy could assuage, or allay anger, which rankled concealed in their bosom, wait- ing only for a convenient opportunity to strike the tearful blow, inflicted w'ith fury that knew no bounds. So deter- mined on revenge upon their enemies were they, that they would solemnly enjoin it upon their friends and posterity to resent injuries done them. The longest space of time, the most remote place of refuge, afforded no security to an In- dian's enemy. Drunkenness, after the whites were dealing with them, was a common vice. It was not confined, as it is at this day, among the whites, principally to the " strong-minded, '^ the male sex ; but the Indian female, as w-ell as the male, was infatuated alike with the love of strong drink; for neither of them knew bounds to tlicir desire : they drank while they had whiskey, or could swallow it down. Drunkenness was a vice, though attended with many serious consequences, nay, murder and death, that was not punishable among them. Ja was a f\)shionab]e vice. Fornication, adultery, stealing, lying and cheating, principally the offspring of drunkenness, were considered as heinous and scandalous offences, and were punished in various ways. The Dekwares and Iroquois married early in life; the men usually at eighteen, and the women at fourteen; but they never married near relations. If an Indian man wished to marry, he sent a present, consisting of blankets, cloth, linen, and occasionally a few belts of wampum, to the nearest re- lations of the 2:)erson he had fixed upon. If he that made the present, and the present pleased, the matter was formally pioposed to the girl, and if the answer was affirmatively given, the bride was conducted to the bridegroom's dwelling without any further ceremony ; but if the other party chose to decline the proposal, they returned the present, by way of a friendly negative. "After the marriage, the present made by the suitor, was divided emong the friends of the young wife. These returned 16 INTRODUCTION. the civility by a present of Indian corn, beans, kettles, bas- kets, hatchets, &c., brought in solemn procession into the hut of the new married couple. The latter commonly lodged in a friend's house, till they could erect a dwelling of their own." An Indian hut was built in the following manner : They peeled the trees, abounding in sap; then cutting the bark into pieces of six or eight feet in length, they laid heavy stones upon them, that they become flat and even in drying. The frame of the hut was made by driving poles into the ground, and strengthening them by cross beams. This frame was covered both inside and outside with the pieces of bark that had been prepared for that purpose, and fastened tight with the bast or withes of hickory. The roof ran upon a ridge, and was covered the same way. An opening was left, in the roof to let the smoke pass through ; and one in the side as a door, which was fastened with neither lock nor bolt — a stick leaning against it on the outside, as a token that no one was at home, was the only bolt to prevent in- truders. A lesson to whites 1 There was some difference in the huts of the Delawares and Iroquois; the roofs of the former being angJilar, and the latter round or arched, — the Delaware families preferring to live separately, their huts were small ; the Iroquois preferred living together, they built their houses long, with several fire places, and corresponding openings in the roof and sides. In their dress, they displayed more singularity than art. The men wore a blanket, which hung loose over the shoulders, and generally went bare-headed. The dress which distin- guished the women, was a petticoat, fastened tight about tlie hips, and hanging down a little below the knees. A longer one would have proved an incumbrance in walking through the woods, or working in the fields. As soon as a child was born, it was laid upon a board or straight piece of bark, covered with moss, and wrapped up in a skin or i)iece of cloth; and when the mother was en- gaged in her housework, this rude cradle, or bed, was hung to a peg or branch of a tree. Their children they educated to fit them to get through the world, as did their fathers. They instructed them in religion, &c. They believed that Manitio, their God, ''the good spirit," could be propitiated by sacrifices, hence they observed a great many superstitions INTRODUCTION. 17 and idolatrous ceremonies. At their general and solemn sacrifices, the oldest men j erformed the offices of priests ; but in private parties, each man brought a sacrifice, and oli'ered it himself as priest. Instead of a temple, they fitted up a large dwelling house for the purpose. Polytheism, or the grossest kind of idolatry, did not exist among them, although they had their images, representing the " Manitto." The images ^vere of wood, the head of a man in miniature, which they always carried about them, either on a string round the neck, or in a bag. They also suspended images of the kind about the necks of their chil- dren, to preserve them from illness and to ensure them suc- cess. The Delawares, in their feasts and sacrifices, held five as being the cardinal ones — each was accompanied by its ap- propriate ceremonies. The first was a sacrificial feast, held biennially by a whole family, or their friends— usually in the fall; occasionally in the winter. Besides the members of the family, they some- times invited their neighbors from the surrounding villages. The head of the family was obliged to piovide every thing. After estimating the requisite number of bears and deer on such an occasion, the young hunters were despatched to procure them. After securing them, they were carried in solemn procession to the house of sacrifice, and there depos- ited. The women, in the meantime, had prepared wood for roasting and boiling. They also prepared seats of long dry grass, ^^'hen the invited guests had assembled and seated themselves, the boiled meat was servcj.1 up m large kettles, with bread made of Indian corn, and distributed by persons appointed for that purpose. A uniform rule, strictly ob- served, was "that whatever was thus served up, as a sac- rifice, must be wholly eaten, and nothing left." A small quantity of melted fat only, was poui-ed by the oldest man into the fire, and in this the main part of the offering consist- ed. The bones were burnt, to prevent the dogs from getting any of them. After meal, the men and women struck up a dancCp One singer performed during the dance, who walked up and down, and rattled a small tortoise shell, with some pebbles in it. The principal part of the song consisted of dreams, and a recital of all the names of the " Manittos," and £uch things as v/ere esteemed most useful to the Indians. 2* 18 INTRODUCTION. After the first singer was weary he sat down, and another sang. This kind of feast usually began in the afternoon, and lasted till next morning. Sometimes it continued for several nights in succession. The second feast was similar to the first, with this differ- ence, that the men danced almost in a state of nudity, and their bodies were besmeared with white clay. At the third feast, a dozen or fifteen tanned deer skins were given to as many old men and women; who wrapped themselves in them, and stood before the house, with their face towards the east ; and in this position, prayed God with a loud voice to reward their benefactors. The fourth feast was made to a certain voracious spirit, who, according to their notions, was never satisfied. The guests were therefore obliged to eat all the bears' ffesh, and drink the melted fat, without leaving any thing, which was frequently followed by indigestion and violent vomiting. The fifth festival was celebrated in honor of fire, which they held in veneration, considered it as the first parent of ail'lndian nations- They said that twelve "Manittos" at- tended this parent as subordinate deities, being partly animals and partly vegetables. The principal ceremony, in celebrat- in this festival, was, that a large oven was built in the midst of the house of sacrifice, that consisted of twelve poles, each of a different species of wood. These they ran into the ground, fasteiied them together at the top, and covered them entirely with blankets, so that the whole appeared like a baker's oven, high enough nearly to admit a man, standing upright. After meal, the oven was heated with twelve large stones made red hot : then twelve men crept into it, and re- mained there as long a.s they couui bear the heat. In the mean while an old woman threw twelve pipes full of tobacco upon the hot stones, which occasioned a sranke almost pow- erful enough to suffocate the persons that were confined ; so that on being taken out, they generally fell in a swoon! During this feast, a whole deer-skin, with the head and an- tlers remaining, was raised upon a pole, to which they sang and prayed; though they always denied that by this act they paid any adoration to the buck: they declared that God alone was worshipped through this medium. To amuse the young people, qtiantities of wampum were scattered upon the ground, for which they scrambled, and he INTRODUCTION. 19 that got the most was considered the best fellow. At these feasts, four persons, who were styled servants, had been ap- pointed, whose business it was to wait, or serve, day and night; who were paid in wampum, with the privilege to take the choice provisions, such as sugar, eggs, butter, bilberries, Lc, and dispose of them fo the guests, and appropriate the proceeds to their own benefit. The festivals were always closed, after the whites had been trafficking with the Indi- ans, with a general drinking-about of lum! Besides these principal feasts, they had many others of minor importance. Depending, as they did, for a supply of food, principally- taken in the chase ; hunting constituted their chief employ- ment, and next to war, was considered the most honorable ; they were experienced hunters ; their boys were trained to tliis business, whom they taught when quite young to climb trees, " both to catch birds and to exercise their sight, which by this method was rendered so quick, that in hunting, they saw objects at an amazing distance. In detecting and pur- suing game, they almost exceeded the best trained dog, in following its course." Their principal weapons used by the Indian hunters, were bows and arrows ; some had rifles. Their hunting excursions continued for months, sometimes. Before they entered a long hunt, they would usually shoot one or more deer, and kept a feast of sacrifice, and invited the old men to assist in praying for success. Some of the more credulous bathed and painted before they set off; and the more superstitious kept a fast before, and during the sea- son. They assigned as a reason for fasting, that it helped them to dream, and in their dreams they said they were iri- lormed of the haunts of the game, and of the most success- ful method of propitiating the ire of evil spirits, during the hunting season. If the dreamer fancied that he saw an In- dian, who had left this stage of action for years, and heard l;im say, " If thou wilt sacrifice to me, thou shalt shoot deer «t pleasure," they instantly prepared a sacrifice, burnt the whole, or part of a deer, in honor of the apparition. They observed other ceremonies, and made use of charms to pro- mote their success. When they travelled or went on a journey, they manifest- ed much carelessness about the weather ; yet, in their pray- ers, they usually begged " for a clear and pleasant sky." Ti.ey generally provided themselves with Indian meal, which 20 INTRODUCTION. they cither ate dry, mixed with swgar and water, or boiled into a kind of mush; for they never took bread made of In- dian corn, for a long journey, because in summer, it would spoil in three or four days, and be unfit for use. As to meat, that they took as they went. If, in their travels, they had occasion to pass a deep river, ■ on arriving at it, they set about it immediately and built a canoe, by taking a long piece of bark, of proportionate breadth, to which they gave the proper form, by fastening it to ribs of light wood, bent so as to suit the occasion. If a laro-e canoe was required, several pieces of bark were care- fully sowed together. " If the voyage was expected to be long, many Indians carried every thing they wanted for their nio-ht's lodging with them; namely, some slender poles, and rush-mats, or birch baik." When at home, they had their amusements. Their favor- ite one was dancing. An amusement that is excusable even at this day, among those whose "taste and education," like the simple sons of the forest, preponderate that way. The Indians, like some whites of this day have, had several kinds of dances. '•' The common dance was held either in a large house, or in an open held around a fire. In dancing, they formed a circle, and always had a leader, to whom the whole compa- ny attended. The men went before, and the women closed the circle. The latter danced with great decency, and as if they had engaged in the most serious business; while thus eno-ai^ed, they never spoke a word to the men, much less joked with them, which would have injured their character- They neither jumped nor skipped; but placed one foot light- ly forward, and then backward; yet so as to advance grad- ually, till they reached a certain spot, and then retired in the "same manner. They kept their bodies straight, and their arms hanging down close to their sides. But the men shout- ed, leapt, and stampt with such violence that the ground trembled under their feet. Their extreme agility and light- ness of foot was uexev shown to •■more advantage than in dancing. Their whole music consisted in a single drum ; which was mride of an okl barrel or kettle, or the lower end of a hollow tree, covered with a thin deer-skin, and beaten with one stick. Its sound, however, was not very agreea- ble, and served only to mark the time, which the Indians, INTRODUCTION. 21 when (lancing even in large numbers, kept with due exact- ness. When they had finished one round, they took sonie rest : but during this time the drummer continued to sino; till another dance commenced. These dances, in keeping with that spirit, lasted till midnight." "Another kind of dance was only attended by men. Each rose in his turn, and danced with great agility and boldness, extolling their own, or their forefathers' great deeds in a song, to which all beat time, by a monotonous, rough note, which was given out with great vehemence at the commence- ment of each bar." " Some dances, held upon different occasions, dilTered much from the above. Of these, the chief was the dance of peace, called also the Calumet, or pipe dance ; because the Cahiract, or pipe of peace, was handed about during the (lance. This was the most pleasing to strangers, who at- tended as spectators ; its appearance was peaceable, and not so dreadful as the former. The dancers joined hands, and leapt in a ring for some time. On a sudden, the leader let the hand of one of his partners go, and kept hold of the other. He then sprang forward, and turned round several times, by which he drew the company round, so that he was enclosed by them, when they stood close together. They then disengaged themselves as suddeidy, yet they kept hold of each others hands during all the different revolutions and changes in the dance; which, as they explained it, represen- ted the chain of friendship, A song made especially for this solemnity, was sung by all," " The war dance, which was always held either before or after a campaign, was dreadful to behold. None took part in it, but the warriors themselves. Thtw appeared armed, as if going to battle. One carried his gun or hatchet ; an- otlier a long knife, the third a tomahawk, the fourth a large club; or, they all appeared armed with tomahawks. These they brandislied in the air, to show how they intended to treat their enemies. They affected such an air of anger and fury on this occasion, that it made a spectator shudder to behold them. A chief led the dance, and sang the warlike deeds of himself or his ancestors. At the end of every cele- brated feat of valor, he wielded his tomahawk with all his might against a post fixed in the ground. He was then fol- lowed by the rest, each finished his round by a blow against 22 INTRODUCTION". the post. Then they danced all together; and this was the most frightful scene. They affected the most horrible and dreadful gestures; threatened to beat, cut, and stab each other. They were, however, amazingly dexterous in avoid- ing the threatened danger. To complete the horror of the scejie, thty howled as dreadiully as if in actual fight, so that they appeared as raving madmen. During the dance they sometimes sounded a kind of fife, made of reed, which had a shiill and disagreeable note. The Iroquois used the war dance even in times of peace, with a view to cel- ebrate the deeds of their heroic chiefs in a solemn man- ner." " The sacrificial dance Avas held at the solemnization of their sacrifices." "The Indians, as well as 'all human flesh,' were heirs of disease. The most common were pleurisy, weakness and pains in the stomach and breast, consumption, diarihrea, rheumatism, bloody flux, agues, inflammatory fevers — and, occasionally the small pox made dreadful ravages among tbera. Their general remedy for all disorders, small or great, was a sweat. For this purj)ose they had in every town an oven, situated at some distance from the dwellings, built of stakes and boards, covered with sods, or were dug in the sifle of a hill, and heated with some red-hot stones. Into this the patient crept naked, and in a short time was thrown into ]M-ofuse perspiration. As soon as the patient felt himself too hot, he crept out, and immediately plunged himself into a river, or some cold water, where lie continued about thirty seconds, and then went ao-ain into the oven. After having j)erformed this operation three times successively, he smoked iiis pipe with composure, and in many cases a cure was com- pletely eOected." " In some places they had ovens eonstructed large enough to receive several jiersons. Some chose to pour water now and then ujion the healed stones, to increase the steam, and promote more jMofuse perspiration. Many Indians, in per- fect health, made it a practice of going into the oven once or twice a week, to renew their strength and spirits. Some pre- tended by this ojK'ration to pre])are themselves for a business which requires mature delibeiation and artifice. If the sweat- ing did not remove the disorder, other means were applied. I\Iany of the Indians believed that medicines had no eliicacy, INTRODUCTlOHy ^3 unless administered by a professed physician — enough of pro- fessed doctors could be found — many of both sexes professed to be doctors. Indian doctors never applied medicines without accom- panying them with mysterious ceremonies, to make their ef* feet appear supernatural. The ceremonies were various. Many breathed upon the sick — they averred their breath was wholesome. In addition to this they spirted a certain liquor made of herbs, out of their mouth, over the patient'^^ whole body, distorting their features, and roaring dreadfully. In some instances physicians crept into the oven, where they sweat, howled, roared, and now and then grinned horribly at their patients, who had been laid before the opening, and frequently felt the pulse of the patient. Then pronounced sentence, and foretold either their recovery or death. On one occasion, a Moravian missionary was present, who saySj "An Indian physician had put on a large bear-skin, so that his arms were covered with the fore legs, his feet with the hind legs, and his head was entirely concealed in the bear's head, with the addition of glass eyes. He came in this at- tire with a calabash in his hand, accompanied by a great crowd of people into the patient's hut, singing and dancing, when he grasped a handful of hot ashes, and scattering them into the air, with a horrid noise, approached the patient, and began to play several legerdemain tricks with small bits of wood, by which he pretended to be able to restore him to health." The common people believed that by rattling the calabash, the physician had power to make the spirits discover the cause of the disease, and even evade the malice of the evil spirit who occasioned it. Their Materia JMcdica, or the remedies used in curing dis- eases were, such as rattle snake root, the skins of rattle snakes, dried and pulverized, thorny ash, toothache tree, tulip tree, dogwood, wild laurel, sassafras, Canada shrubby elder, poison ash, wintergreen, liverwort, Virginia poke, ja- lap, sarsaparilla, Canadian sanicle, scabians or devil's bir, bloodwort, cuckowpint, gmseng, and a few others. Death and burials among them, are described by one who spent years among them, as follows : Immediately after the death of an Indian, the corpse is dressed in a new suit, with the face and shirt painted red, and laid upon a mat or skin. 24 INTRODUCTION. in the middle of the hut or cottage. The arms and effects of the deceased are then piled up near the body. In the evening, soon after sunset, and in the morning, before day- break, the female relations and friends assemble around the corpse and mourn over it. Their lamentations are loud, in proportion to the love and esteem they bore to the deceased, or to his rank, or the pains he suffered in dying ; and they are daily repeated, till his interment. The burying places -were at some distance from the dwell- ings. The graves were generally dug by old women, as the young people abhorred this kind of work. Before they had hatchets and other tools, they used to line the inside of the grave with the bark of trees, and when the corpse was let down, they placed some pieces of wood across, which were again covered with bark, and then the earth thrown in. :o fill up the grave. But afterwards, they usually placed three boards, not nailed together, over the grave, in such a man- ner that the corpse lay between them. A fourth board was placed as a cover, and then the grave was filled up with earth. Now and then a proper cotKn was jirocured. At an early period, they used to put a tohacco-pouch, knife, tinder-box, tobacco and pil)e, bow and arrows, gun, powder and shot, skins, and cloth for clothes, paint, a small bag of Indian corn or diied bilberries, sometimes the kettle, hatchet, and other furniture of the deceased, into the grave, supposing that the departed spirits would have the same wants and occupation in the land of souls. But this custom was nearly wholly abolished among the Delawares and Iro- quois about the middle of the last century. At the burial, not a man shed a tear ; they deemed it a shame for a man to weep. But, on the other hand, the women set up a dreadful howl. The language of the Delawares and Iroquois has an agree- able sound, both in conversation and public delivery, accord- ing to the testimony of Loskiel and others, who understood it. Though there is a great dilTercnce between that of the former and latter. The pronunciation, say those skilled in the Delaware tongue, is quite easy. Whether the languages of these nations have not been greatly changed in process of time, is a question that cannot here be discussed. No doubt these languages, like all others, were subject to mu- tation. INTRODUCTION. 25 The following is the Lord's prayer in these languages ; v}z : Delaware and Iroquois. Ki wetocheraelenk talli epian awossagame. Mach elend- Ksutch ktellewunsowoagan ksakimawoagan pejcwigetsch, Knelite hewoagan legetsch talli achquidhackarnike flgiqva leek talli awossaganae. Milineen elgischquik gunigischuk schpoan. Woak mirvelen-darnmauwineen 'n tschannar.ch- sowoagannena elgiqui niluna miweleden-dammauwenk nik tschetschanilawequergik. Woak katschi 'npawuneen li acn- quetschiechtowoaganueng. Alod knihillatamen ksakimawoa- gan, woak ktalbewussovvoagan, woak ktallowiluesso'voagan, ne wuntschi hallemiwi li hallamagamik. Amen. Soungwauncha caurounkyauga lehseetaroan saul'vvoney- custa, es a, sawaneyou okettauhsela ehneawoung, na, cau- rounkyauga nugh wonshauga, neattewehnesalauga taugwau- nautoronoantoughsick toantangweleewiieyoustaung chenee}- ent chaquatautaleywheyoustaunna toughsan langwassareneh tawantottenaugaloughtoungga, nasawne sascheautaugwass contehsalohaunzaikaw, esa sawauneyou, esa sashantzta, esa soungwasoung chenneauhaungwa, anwen. William Penn, the founder of the province, says', " then- language is lofty, yet narrow; bu^, like the Hebrew, m S5g- nificaiion, full ; like short hand, i*^ writing, one w'ord serveth in place of three, and the rest are supplied by the urulerstarA- ing of the hearer." To the eye, the words of the Delaware and Iroquois ap- pear very long — longer than Hebrew words. The foilowing iS copied from a work, printed at Leipsic, 1740. It js the Lord's prayer in Hebrew, and is here introduced, to show iiy comparison, that there is a difference in the length of words. Abbinu schebbuschschamajira, jikkadesch schemecha, tah- ho malchutecha, jehi rezonecha caascher basehschamajim vechen baarez, lachmenu dhebhar jora bejomo then lanu hajjom, vselach lanu eth chobhoththenu, veal tebhiena lenissajou, ki-im hazzilenu mera,ki lecha hamalchuth ugheh- hura vechabodh leolara olaraim. Amen. Their language is highly figurative. The lollowitig spe- cimens may afford an idea of their metaphors : — " The sky is overcast with dark, blustering clouds ;"' meaning. We shall have troublesome times — we shall have war. '' We shall lift up the hatchet ;" We shall have war, 3 26 introductioin. " The path is already shut up ;" War has begun. *'Thi rivers run with blood;" War rages in the country^ "To bury the hatchet ;" To conclude peace. " To lay down the hatchet — to slip the hatchet under the bed ;" To cease fight- )ng for a while, during a truce. "You did not naake me strong;'' You gave me nothing. "Don't listen to birds which fly by, singing ;" Don't believe what stragglers tell you. " Look this way;" Join our party. "Suffer no grass to grow on this war path;" Carry on the war with vigor. " One night s- encampment ;" A halt of one year at a place. " You have spoken good words;" I am pleased with what you say. "I will pass one night yet at this place ;" I will stay one year at this place. Wars, among the Indians, were always carried on with the greatest fury, and lasted much longer than they do izcrw among them. The otfensive weapons were, before the whites came among them, bows, arrows and clubs. The latter were made of the hardest kind of wood ; from two to three feet long, and very heavy, with a large round knob at one end. Their weapon of defence was a shield, made of the tough hide of a buffalo, on the concave side of which they receivetJ the arrows and darts of tlie enemy; but about the middle oi the last century this was * laid aside by the Delawarcs ami Iroquois, though they used to a later period, bows, arrows, and clubs of war : the clubs they used, were pointed, witli nails and pieces of iron, when used at all — guns were mea- surably substituted for all these. The hatchet and iong- knife was used, as well as the gun. The army of these na- tions consisted of all their young men, including boys of fifteen years old. They had their captains and subordinate officers. Their captains, would be called amongst them, commanders or generals. The requisite qualifications for this station, were prudence, cunning, resolution, bravery, undauntedness, and previous good fortune in sorr.e fight or battle. " To Hft the hatchet ;" or, to begin a war, was always, as they declared, not till just and important causes prompted them to it. Then they assigned as motives, that it was ne- cessary to revenge the injuries done to the nation. Perhaps, the honor of being distinguished as great warriors, may have been an " ingredient in the cup." " But, before they entered upon so hazardous an underta- king, they carefully weighed all the proposals made, com- INTRODUCTION. 27 pared the probable advantages or disadvantages that might accrue, A chief could not begin a war without the consent of his captains ; nor could he accept of a war-belt, only on the condition of its being considered by the captains. The chief was bound to preserve peace to the utmost of his pow- er. But, if several captains were unanimous in declaring war, the chief was then obliged to deliver the care of his [leople, for a time, into the hands of the captains, and to lay down his office. Yet his influence tended greatly either to prevent, or encourage the commencement of war ; for the iudians believed that a war could not be successful without the consent of the chief; and the captains, on that account, strove to be in harmony with him. x4.fter w^ar was agreed on, and they wished to secure the assistance of a nation in league with them, they notified that nation by sending a piece of tobacco, or by an embassy. By the first, they in- tended that the captains were to smoke pipes and consider seriously whether they would take part in the war or not. The embassy was entrusted to a captain, who carried a belt of wampum, upon which the object of the embassy was des- cribed by certain figures, and a hatchet with a red handle. After the chief had been informed of his commission, it was laid before a council. — The hatchet having been laid on the ground, he delivered a long speech, while holding the war- belt in his hand. Always closing the address with the re- quest, to take up the hatchet ; and then delivering the war- belt. If this was complied with, no more was said; and this act was considered as a solemn promise to lend every assist- ance : but, if neither the hatchet was taken up, nor the belt accepted, tlie ambassador drew the just conclusion, that the nation preferred to remain neutral, and without any further ceremony, returned home. The Delawares and Iroquois were very informal in declar- ing war ; they often sent out small parties, seized the first man they met, belonging to the nation they had intended to engage, killed and scalped him, then cleaved his head with a hatchet, which they left stick in it, or laid a war club, painted red, upon the body of the victim. This w^as a for- mal challenge ; in consequence of which, a captain of an in- sulted party would take up the weapons of the murderers, and hasten into their country, to be revenged upon thesa ; .t 2S INTRODUCTION. lie returned with a scalp, he thought he had avenged the rights of his own nation. Among the Delawares and Iroquois, it required but iittle time to make preparations for war. One of the most necessary preparations, was to paint themselves red and black ; for they held it, that the most horrid appearance ot war, was the greatest ornament. Some captains fasted and attended to their dreams, with the view to gain intelligence ot the issue of the war. The night previous to the march of the army was spent in feasting, at which the chiefs were present ; when either a hog or some dogs were killed. Dog's iiesh, said they, inspired them with the genuine martial spi- rit ; even women, in some instances, partook of this feasi, and ate dogs' flesh greedily. Now and then when a warrior "was induced to make a solemn declaration of his war incli- nation, he held up a piece of dog's flesh in sight of all pres- ent, and devoured it, and pronounced these words : " Thus vall I devour my enemies !" Alter the feast, the captain and ail his people began the war-dance, and continued till dayoreak — till they had become quite hoarse and weary. They generally danced all together, and each in his turn took the head of a hog in his hand. As both their friend? and tiie women generally, accompanied them to the first night's encampment, they halted about two or three miles from the tcvv'n, danced the war dance once more, and the day following, began their march. Before they made an attack, they reconnoitered every part of the country. To this end, they dug holes in the ground ; if practicable, in a hillock, covered with wood, in which they kept a small charcoal fire, from which they discovered the motions of the enemy undis- covercJ. When they sought a prisoner or a scalp, they ven- tured, m many instances, even in day time, to execute their designs. Etfectually to accomplish this, they skulked behind a bulky tree, and crept slyly around the trunk, as not to i«e observed by the person or persons for whom they lay in am- bush. In this way they slew many. But if they had a fa- mily or town in view, they always preferred the night, when their enemies were wrapt in profound sleep; and in this way killed, scalpt, and made prisoners, many of their enemies — set fire to the houses, and retired with ail possible haste tu the woods, or some place of sale retreat. To avoid pursuit, tney disguised their footmarks as much as possible. They INTRODL'CTION 29 jiepended much on stratagem for their success ; even in war they thought it more honorable to distress their enemy more by stratagem than combat. The English, not aware of the artifice of the Indians, lost an army when Braddock was defeated. The Indians' cruelty, when victorious, was without bounds: their thirst for blood was almost unquenchable. They never made peace till compelled by necessity. No sooner were "erms of peace proposed, than the captains laid down their office, and delivered the government of the state into the hands of the chiefs. A captain had no more right to con- clude a peace, than a chief to begin war. When peace had been offered to -a captain,. he could give no other answer than to mention the proposal to the chief; for as a warrior, he could nor make peace. If the chief inclined to peace, he used all his influence to effect that end ; and all hostility ceased. And in conclusion, the Calumet, or peace-pipe was smoked, and belts of wampum exchanged ; and a concluding speech made, with the assurance, " that their friendship should last as long as the sun and moon give light, rise and set; as long - as the stars shine in the firmament, and the rivers flow with water." The foil oicing will afford the reader some idea of thedif- lerent Indian nations, and principal tribes, and their locali- ties, at the time when Europeans first attempted to colonise this country ; and at the time when the French concluded peace with the English. When the Europeans first commenced colonizing this coun- try, there were eight races, or grand families of Indian tribes, each consisting of a number of minor tiibes or nations. The rgrand tribes were each of a different language. These eight tribes lived east and west of the Mississippi, and within the bounds of What now constitutes the United States. The largest of their families or tribes, were the Algon- QCixs, consisting of many tribes, scattered over the whole of ihe eastern States, the southern part of New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois and Michigan. The principal tribes belong* mg to the Algonquins, were the Abenakis, Pequods, Mohe- gans, east of the Hudson river : Lenni I^enape, Nanticokes, and Powhattan confederacy, north of James and Tennessee rivers, and east of the Ohio; and Corees south of James riv- :3*- '50 rNTRODUcnoN er : the Shawnees on the Cumberland river: the Chippewas, Sac and Foxes, Menomonies, Ottawas, Miamis, about the Jakes Superior, INIichigan, on the Mississippi and Illinois ri- vers, north ot 37, north latitude. The Dahcotas or Sioux, lived between Lake Superior and Gulf of Mexico, west of the Mississippi. They were a small branch of the great tribe of the same name, to be found aoout the higher streams of that river, and between them and the Oregon mountains. The Iroquois or Huron nation, composed of the Senecas, Cayugas, OiiOndagos, Oneidas, Mohawks, long known by the name of the Five Nations ; and of the Eries and Andas- tes; who occupied all the northern and western parts of the State of Nev; York, and part of upper Canada. The Fivt Natio.vs were afterwards (1713 '14) joined by the Tusca- roras from Carolina, and were thereafter called the Six Na- tions Tiie Catawsas who lived principally in South Carolina. The Ckerokees who inhabited the mountainous parts of the Carolinas, Georgia and Alabama. The Uchees who resided m Georgia, near where Augusta now stands. The Natchez, who lived on the Mississippi; only a small tribe. The Mo- lULiAN tribes, or as they are called by some writers, the Muskhogee-Chocta, composed of Chickasas, Choctas, Mus- hogees or Creeks ; Yamasees, and Seminoles of Florida m tlie southern states. Tiie languages of these eight families are all very different. These were the nations and their lo- calities at the close of the xvi. and early part of the xvii. century. Their habitations have been changed, as the tide o/Earo}")ean immigration rolled westward. .Karnes and localities of the numerous Indian nations, tribes, ^c, rn the middle of the xvii. century, according to '' Ji map of the British dominions in JVorth America, within the limits of the goverriments annexed thereto, by the late treaty of peace, and. settled by proclamation October 7th, /bo. In this arrangement I commenced at west, 95 w. long, ana arranged them eastward m spaces of 5 degrees of latitude: After the name of each nation or tribe, the longitude and latitude are given. INTRODUCTION. ol i. Nations, '-' seal of England, with large powers and privileges, by the name of Pennsilvania, a name the king would give it in ho- nor of my father. I chose JYew Wales, being as this, a pretty hilly country, but Perm being Welsh for a head, as 'Pamamoire in Wales, and Penrith in Cumberland, and Penn m Buckinghamshire, the highest land in England, called this Pennsilvania, which is the high or head woodlands ; lor I proposed when the Secretary — a Welshman — refused to have it called New Wales, Sylvania, and they added Penn to if. and though I much opposed it, and went to the king to have- it struck out and altered, he said 'twas past, and would take it upon him; nor could twenty guineas move Ihe under sec- retarys to vary the name, for I feared least it should be lookt un as a vanity in me, and not as a respect in the king, as it truly was to my father, whom he often mentions with praise. Thou mayst communicate my graunt to friends, and expect :ihortly my proposals : tis a clear and just thing, and my God that has given it me through many dilficultys will, I believe, bless and make it the seed of a nation. I shall have a ten- der cafe to the government, that it will be well laid at first: no more now, but dear love in truth. Thy true friend, W. Penn. Sir William Penn, the Admiral, for services rendered, and i consideration of sundry debts due him fiom the crown, had • ! promise made him, from King Charles II., of a large tract (;t land in America ; but he died before he obtained it. William Penn, son of Sir William, while at Oxford, pur- •t were set down m the original grant; hut i\Ir. Penn having after- wards obtained part of JS'ova Belgia from the Duke of York, iX was added to the country given in the first grant, so thr.t- it extends now to the oSth degree and 5-5 minutes north lat- itude."* Soon after Penn had obtained a charter, he made sale? to adventurers, called first settlers, who embarked the same year, and arrived in America, in Upland, now Chester, December 11, 16S1. Penn, with many of his oppressed friends, sailed next year, landed at New Castle, October 27, 1G^"2. Penn, who was wholly devoted to the best interests cf his ■:olony, did all that lay in his power to secure the continued friendship of the aborigines, or Indians, to whom, of r'ght, belongred the soil — " the woods and the streams" — though, siCCordinsT to the custom of conquest, and in conformity to the practices of the whites of Europe, a contrary r.nncipie had generally, if not universally obtained ; and, in conformity to that princij)le, and by virtue of his charter, Penn mi^'ht le- gally have claimed an indisputabic, or an undoubted right to the soil granted him by Charles II.; but he "v%-as intiuenccil uy a purer morality, and sounder policy, than that prevai'irg principle which actuated the more sordid. His religious prin- ciples did not permit him to wrest the soil of Pennsylvania by force from the people to whom God and nature gave it, tanished non-conformins ministers five miles fro-n nny crrpcrate it wn sending members to Parliamenl, and prchibited the:n '"rem keeprg i r :eachin{r schools. The Test Act of the same year wa<: «:;!1 more se- vere. The dreadful consequences of this intolerant spirit ':^"as, uiat TiCt less than from six to ei^ht thousand died in prison in "he reisn ct Charles II. It is said that Mr. Jeremiah \Vhite had carefully c.olIec;pd a asi of those who had suffered between Charles II. and the revoii?t:cr., •which amounted to sixty thousand. — De Lauiu^s Plia, .'^•-.. * See Emanuel Bowman's Geography, vol.2, p. G55; printed at London, 1747— Bowman was Geographer to hiS Majes'y, King li Sn;;land. EARLY SETTLEMEKTSj kc, 37 nov to establish his title in blood; but under the shade of the lofty trees of the forest, his right was fixed by treaties with the natives, and sanctified, as it were, by smoking from the calumet of peace."* The enlightened founder oi Pennsylvania, was governed, m his intercourse with the Indians, " by immutable principles of justice, which every, whercj and for all purposes, must be regarded as fundamental, if human exertions are to be crown- ed with noble and permanent results." In the constitution of this colony it was provided, that " no man shall, by any ways or means, in w^ord or deed^ affront or wrong an Indian, but he shall incur the same penaliy of the law as if he had committed it against his Jellow planter, and if any Indian shall abuse, in word or deed, any planter of the province, he shall not be his own judge upon the Indian, but he shall make his complaint to the governor, or some inferior magistrate near him, who shall, to the utmost of his power, take care with thinking of the said Indian, that ali reasonable satisfac- tion be made to the injured planter. All differences between the planters and the natives shall be ended by twelve men ; that is, six plmiters and six natives ; that so we may live friendly together as much as in us lieth, preventing all occa- sions of heart-burnings and mischiefs — the Indians shall have Uberty to do all things relative to the improvement of their tiround, and providing sustenance for their families, that any nf their planters shall enjoy." Prior to Penn's arrival, he had instructed William Mark- ham, the deputy Governor, who arrived in Pennsylvania in 16S1, to hold treaties with the Indians, to procure their lands peaceably. Markham, a short time previous to Penn's arri- val, held such a treaty, July 15, 1682, for some lands on the Delaware river. Penn held similar treaties ; and before his return to England, in 1684, adopted measures " to purchase the lands on the Susquehanna from the Five Nations, who pretended a right to thera, having conquered the people for- merly settled there. The Five Nations resided principally m New York ; and Penn's time being too much engrossed to visit thera personally, he engaged Thomas Dongan, Gov. of New York, to purchase from the Indians, " all that tract of land lying on both sides of the river Susquehanna, and the • Smith's Laws of Pa., ii., 105. 38 EARLY SETTLEMENTS, Lc, lakes adjacent in or near the province of Pennsylvania.' Dongan affected a purchase, and conveyed the same to Wil- liam Penn, January 13, 1696, " in consideration of one hun- dred pounds sterling."* It was Penn's object to secure the river through the whole extent of the province ; and subsequent transactions with the Indians show how careful lie was to have this purchase well confirmed. " September 13, 1700 ; Widagh and jlndaggy-junkquagh, Kings or Sacliems of the Susquehanna Indians, and of the river under that name, and lands lying on both sides thereof^ Deed to W. Penn for all the said river Susquehannagh, and all the islands therein, and all the lands situate, lying and being upon both sides of the said river, and next adjoining the same, to the utmost confines of the lands ichich are, or formerly ivere, the right of the people or nation called the Susquehannagh Indians, or hy ivhat name soever they ivcrc val led, us fully and amply as we or any of our ancestors, have, could, might or ought to have had, held or enjoyetl, and also confirm the bargain and sale of the said lands, made unto Col. Thomas Dongan, now Earl of Limerick, and formerly Governor of New York, ivhosc deed of sale to said Governor Penn we have seen."t The sale to William Penn from the Five Nations was thus well confirmed ; The Conestoga Indians, however, would not recognize the validity of this sale, believing that the Five Nations had no proper authority to transfer their possessions, to secure the lands conveyed to him by Dongan. Penn en- tered into articles of agreement, shortly after his second visit to Pennsylvania, with the Susquehanna, Potomac and Con- estoga Indians. The agreement is dated April 23, 1701. In this agreement the Indians ratified and conliirmed Gover- nor Dongan's deed of January, 1696, and the deed by Widagh and Andaggy-jiinkquagh, of September 13, 1700. t Notwithstanding all these sales and transfers, the lands on the west side of the Susquehanna were still claimed by the Indians ; for the words in the deed of Sept. 13, 1700, " next adjoi7iing the same,'" were considered inconsistent with an extensive w^estern purchase ; and the Indians of the *Smith's Laws, Pa., ii., 111. fBookF. vol.viii., p. 242. ^Smith's Laws, Pa., ii., 112. EARLY SETTLEMENTS, Lc, o9 Five Nations still continued to claim a right to the river and the adjoining- lands. The sachems or chiefs, with all the others of the Five Nations, met in the summer of 1736, at a great council held in the country of the Onondagoes, in the State of New York ; and as the old claims had not as yet been adjusted, they resolved, that an end should be put to all disputes connected with it. They accordingly ap- pointed their sachems or chiefs with plenary powers to repair to Philadelphia, and there among other things, settle and adjust all demands and claims, connected with the Susque- lianna and the adjoining lands. On their arrival at Phila- deljjhia, they renewed old treaties of friendship, and on the ilth of October, 1736, made a deed to John Penn, Thomas Penn, and Richard Penn, their heirs, successors and assigns. The deed was signed by twenty-three Indian chiefs of the Onondaga, Seneca, Oneida, and Tuscarora nations, granted the Penn's " all the said river Susquehanna, with the lands lying on both sides thereof, to extend eastward as far as the heads of the branches or springs which run into the said Sus- quehanna, and all the. lands lying on the west side of the said- river to the settins: of the sun, and to extend fr6m the mouth of the said river, norlhv\'ard, up the same to the hills or moun- tains, called in the language of said nations, Tayamentasachta, and by the Delaware Indians the Kekachtannin hills." Thus were the claims of the Indians upon the landsof this part of Pennsylvania relinquished to the proprietors ; nevertheless ciurveys had been authorized to be made, and had actually oeen made west of the Susquehanna prior to 1736, by both the Governor of Maryland and the Governor of Pennsylvania.. The last recited deed comprised nearly (besides much more territory) all that lay within the limits of the counties, of which a history is here given, except that portion north of the Kittatinny, or Blue Mountain, constituting the northern part of Dauphin, and the whole of Perry, Bedford, &c. That portion in Dauphin, north of the Kittatinny mountain was purchased, including a larger tract of country, in 1749 ; the deeds were executed on the 22d day of August, and may be found at large in Smith's Laws of Pennsylvania. That por- tion within Perry, and some contiguous counties west of the Susquehanna, and north of Perry, was purchased in 1754 — the ileed was executed at Albany, July 6th. The deed of August 3"2d^ 1749, is .as follows • 40 EARLY SETTLEMENTS, &C. We, Canasatago* Sataganachly, Kanalshyiacayon and Canec/nvadeeron, sachems or chiefs of the Indian nation, called Onontagers, CayanocJcea, Kanatsany-Jlgash Tass, Caruchianachaqui, sachems or chiefs of the Indian nation, called the Sinickers. Peter Ontachsax and Christian Di- aryhogon, sachems or chiefs of the Indian nation, called the Mohocks : Saristagnoah, Watshatuhon and Anuchnaxqua-y sachems or chiefs of the Indian nation, called the Oneydera. Taivis-Tawis, Kaclnioaransehu, und Takachquontas, sachems or chiefs of the Indian nation, called Cayiukers. Tyierox, Balichwanonach-shy, sachems or chiefs of the Indian nation, called the Tuscororow, lachnechdorus, Sagogvkhiathon, and Cachnaora-katack-kc, sachems or chiefs of the Indian nation, called the Shojiiokon Indians. JVutimus and QualpagJuich, sachems or chiefs of the Indian nation, called the Ddaicares: and Bachsinosa, sachem or chief of the Indian nation, called the Shawanese, in consideration of £500, grant, sell, SiC, ail that tract or parcel of land lying and being within the following limits and bounds, and thus described — Ik^ginning at the hills or mountains called in the language oi [he Five Nation Indians Tyanuntasachta, or Endless Hills. I '* Cnnaaatago soon afterwards died as appears from the following: Bethlehem, in Bucks county, ISeptember 30th 1750. iriir. By these few lines I let yon know that I nm safely returned on my journey from Onondago to this place last night, and hope to find my family iu perfect health by to-morrow. I wish I could inform you by these lines of a great deal of agreeable news, but I cannot; our friend ■''onn-^a'aio was buried the day before I came to Onondago and i^olivn- ivanan'ithj our other good friend died sometime before. He that is at the head of alfairs now is a professed Roman Catholic, and altogether devoted to the French. The French priests have made ii hundred converts of the Onovdagos, that is to say, men, women and children, and they are all well clothed, and walk in the finest clothes, dressed with silver and gold ; and I believe that -the English interest among the Six Nations can be of no consideration any more ; the In- dians speak with contempt of the JSew Yorkers and Albany people, and much the same of the rest of the English colonies. I conclude and desire you will mention my humble respects to his Honor, the Governor. I am, Sir, your ^ery obedient servant, CoxnAu Weiseu. To Richard Peters, P. S. Within a few days I will send you a copy of my journal when you will see my proceedings. Prov. Rcc. M. p. 82. 2ARLT SETTLEMENTS, &C, 41 and by the Delaware Indians Kekachiany Hills, on fhe east side of the river Susquehanna, being in the northwest line or boundary of the tract of land formerly purchased by the said proprietaries from tbe said Indian nations, by their deed of the 11th of October, 17-36 ; and from thence running up the said river by the several courses thereof to the first of the nearest mountains to the north side or znouth of the creek- called in the language of the said Five Mation Indians Can- ta2n/(!\ and in the iansuag-e of the Delaware Indians Masho- nioy, and from thence extending by a dn-ect or straight line to be run from the said mountain on the north side of said creek to the main branch of Delaware river at the north side )f the creek called Lcchau'-ochsein, and from thence across Lechaivachsein creek aforesaid down the river Delaware by 'be several courses tbereof to the Kekachtany Hills aforesaid; and from thence by the. range of said hills to the place of be- ginning, as more fulK- appeal's by a map annexed ; and also •ill the parts of the rivej.s Susquehanna and Delaware from shore to shore which ai-e opj)osite said lands, and all the Isl- ands in said rivers. &c. — Book H, voL 2. p. 204; recorded May 6, 1752. The deed executed at Albany. July 6, 1754, is as follows ; Henry Peters, Abraham iVteis, lilandt, Johannes Satfy- howano, Johannes Kanadakayon, Abraham Sastagrhedohj, sachems or chiefs of (he Mohawk nation. Aneeghnaxqua Taraghoriis, Tohaghdanhquyserry, alias Kachneghdackon, sachems or chiefs of the Oneydo nation, Otsinughyada. alias Blunt, in behalf of himself and y apoplectic fits, which so atilicted his mind as to render him unlit for business for the last six years of his lite. He died July 3t), 171S, at Rushcomb, near Twyford, m Buckinghamshire, England, aged about seventy-four years. From tiie time Penn lii'st arrived, the inllux ot immigrcints was constantly on the increase. English, Welsh, Germans, Irish, French, and olhers sought a home in the new pi-ovince. Settlements were gra(hially extended north, northwest, and west from Philadelphia, towards the Susquehanna livtr — many settled in the midsl of the Imlians. Among otheis, as pioneer settlers, a consitlerable ilistance from Philadeljihia, were Vincent Caldwcii, Thomas ^^'iekersham, Joel liaiiey, Thomas Hope dnte settlers chased, in common, the deer, the bear, and other game, and angled in the same stream teeming with the finny race — when they greeted each other with the endear- ing appellation, " brothers." When the young Indian and white lad cheerily tried their skill as wrestlers and arcliers : each striving to gain the mastery, without any grudge to- vs-ard each other. After 1745 settlements were extended up the west side of Siisquehannah, by the more adventurous, as far as M:.- hahany, or Penn's creek. Among these, Jacob Le Roy, or King, George Auchmudy, Abraham Sourkill, George Snabble, George Giiwell, John McCahon, Edmund JMai- thews, John Young, JNIark Curry, William Doran, Jolm Simm.ons, George Aberheart, Daniel Braugh, Gotfried Fryer, Dennis JMucklehenny, George Linn, and others. Westward, along the Juniata and Tuscarora valley, were Hagg, Bingham, Grey, Scott, Grimes, Patterson, Casner, Wilson, Sterret, Law, Kepler. About LewistoVvH], some from Conococlieague, settled there. Among the most conspicuous, was Col. Buchanan. In Kishicoquillas val- ley, .Millikens, 'Browns, "McClays, McNitts, and in the southwest of Mifflin coujity, were the Brattons, Rosses, Hollidays, Junkinses, Wilsons, Stackpoles — these settled here at 1765 or 1770. Stil! higher up the Juniata were the Moores, Hollidays, and on the Raystown branch, the Martins, Morrisons, Neffs, and others. On the West Branch of the Susquehanna, and through that region, pij- or to the Revolution, or immediately thereafter — among these were Fleming, M'Cormic, Reed, Long, Dunn, Hewes, Hamilton, Jones, CovejiUovcT:, Saltzburn, Manning, Ster- i- rot. Hall, Horn, Caldwell and others. Passing, it may be * According to Heckewelder, Susquehanna, is derived from the In- dian word, Sa-os-que-ha-an-unk ; meaning, "Long-crooked-River." 4S EARLY SETTLEMENTS, kc. here remarked that the valley of the West Branch had been occasionally visited, eighty years ago, by Scotch-lr- ;sh rangers of the Kittatinny valley. Their excursions extended as far up at least as Big Island. Passing by numerous other cases, of the Indian's friend- ship towards the hrst settlers, one is only given. Madame Feree, her sons and a son-in-law, left Europe in 1708, ar- rived at New York 1709, came to Pennsylvania about 1711 or 1712* and commenced a settlement on the Pequea, Ches- ter county, (now Lancaster). They were Huguenots — "It was on the evening of a Summer's day when the Huguenots reached the verge of a hill commanding a view of the Valley of the Pequea ; it was a woodland scene, a forest inhabited by wild beasts, for no indication of civilized man was very near; scattered along the Pequea, amidst tlie dark green hazel, could be discovered the Indian wigwams, the smoke issuing therefrom in its spiral form : no sound was heard but the songs of the birds : in silence they contemplated the beautiful prospect which nature presented to their view. Suddenly a number of Indians darted from the woods — the females shrieked — when an Indian advanced, and in broken English said to Madame Feree, "Indian no harm white — white good to Indian — go to Beaver^ — our chief come to Beaver." Few were the words of the Indian. They went with him to Beaver's cabin; and Beaver, with the humanity that distinguished the Indian of that period, gave up to the immigrants his wigwam. Next day he introduced them to Tawana, who lived on the great flats of Pequea. Having thus briefly traced the early and progressive set- tlements of Pennsylvania, before entering upon the Jocal history of the several counties, a succinct sketch of the first settlers, namely, German and Irish, will be given. 'Some Swiss Mennonites had commenced a settlement shortly be- fore, six or eight miles below, on the same stream. — His. Lan.co., p. 74. CHAPTER II. THE GERMANS. General character of Germans — First immigrants and settlers — Ger- mantown settled — Frankford land company — Immigrants of 1708 and 1709 — Their sufferings in England — Dickinson's remarks con- cerning them — Settlements in Tulpehocken — Redemption servants — Numerous immigrants — Settlements on the west side of the Susque- hanna — Ncidacndcr deceive many — Great sufferings experienced by many — C, Sauer's representation of their condition — Society formed to relieve German sufferers — Muhlenberg's letter, maltreatment, &c. — Political influence'of the Germans — Number of Germans in Penn- sylvania in 1755 — Catholic Germans — Scheme to educate the Ger- mans. The Gcrnians of Pennsylvania, a hardy, frugal, and in- dustrious people, who have preserved, in a great measure, their manners and language, inimigrated into this Pro- vince, for conscience sake, and to improve bolli their spi- ritual and temporal condition. Perhaps there is no people who were more frequently the subject of remark in the early history of Pennsylvania, and during the last centu- ry, than the Germans, whose numerous descendants are to be found not only in this State, but in nearly every western and southwestern State of the Union. Though more than twenty-five thousand names of Ger- man immigrants are recorded in the Provincial Records from, and after 1725, few of those are recorded, who ar- rived in Pennsylvania prior to 1700. Among the first whose name has been liandcd down,is that of Henry Fry, who arrived two years before William Penn ; and one Platenbach, who came a few years later. In 1682 some Germans arrived, and commenced a set- tlement called Germantown ; among these were Pastorius. Hartsfelder, Schietz, Spehagel, Vandewalle, Uberfeld, Strauss, Lorentz, Tellner, Strepers,Lipman,Renkes, Arets, Isaacs. About tlie year 1GS4 or '85 a company, consist- 5 50 THE GERMANS. ing at first of ten persons, was formed in Germany, called the Frankford Land Company, on the Mayne ; their arti- cles were executed in that city on the 24th of November, 1686. They seem to have been men of note by the use of each, of his separate seal. Their names were G. Van Mastrick, Thomas V. Wylick, John Le Bran, F. Dan. Pastorius, John J. Schuetz. Daniel Behagel, Jacobus Van Dewaller, John W. Peterson, Johannes Kimber, Balthasur Jowest. They bought 25,000 acres of land from Penn. The Germantown patent for 5350, and the INIanatauney patent for 22,377 acres. F. D. Pastorius was appointed the attorney for the company, and after his resignation, Dan. Faulkner was, in 1708, made attorney. Those who left their Vaterland after 1700, endured man\ hardships on their way to their future, new home ; some suffered much before, while others, after their arrival here. Passing over a period of twenty years, from 1680 to 1700, they suffered comparatively Uttle more than was the com- mon lot of all the colonists of that period ; but from 1700 to 1720, the Palatines, so called, because they principally came from Palatinate, whither many had been forced to flee from their homes in other parts of Europe, endured many privations before they reached the western continent. In 1706 the following named Germans presented a pe- tition to the council, aslving the privileges ofcitizens. They set forth that by tlie encouragement of the Proprietary, William Penn, they had transported themselves into this province, and by their industry had changed the unculti- vated lands they had purchased, into good settlements, and for twenty-two years past had behaved themselves as liege and loyal subjects of England, that above sixty of the pe- titioners at one tnne, viz: the 7th of the 3d month, 1691, had promised, in open court, allegiance to King William and Queen Mary, and fidelity to the proprietary. — Proi\ Rec. a. 250. The petitions were naturalized Sept. 29, 1709. Ibid, 514. Ffrancis Pastorius, John Javert, Caspar Hoodt, Dennis Kunrads and his three sons, Conrad, Mattlhs and John : Dirk Keyserand his son Peter; John Lurhen, Wm. Stre- pers,/ Abraham Tunnis, Lenhart Arrets, Reiner Tysen, Jno. Lenson, Isaac Dilbeck and his son Jacobus ; John Deeden, Cornelius Siorts, Henry Sellen, Walter Simons, THE GERMANS. 51 Dirk Jansen, jr. Richard Vanderwerf and his son Roclofs ; John Strepers, sen. Peter Shoemaker, Jacob Shoemaker, George Shoemaker, Isaac Shoemaker, Matthis Van Beb- bor, Cornelius Vangergach, Peter Clever, George Gatt- schik, Paul Engeil and h ja^n Jacob ; Hans Neus Reiner, V'andersluys and his sonAdrian ; Jacob Gaetshalck, Van- der Heggen andhisson Gaetshalck Vander Heggen: Cas- per Kleinhoof, Henry Buchaltz, tferman Tuyman,Paul Khimpgcs and his son John ; John Neus and his sons Mat- this and Cornelius; Clans Ruttingheysen, Caspar Stalls, Henry Tubben, Wm. Hendricks and his sons Hendrick and Lawrence ; Henry Hessleberry, Johannes Rebanstock, Peter Verbymen, John Henry Kersten, John Radwitzer, John Cunrads, sen. John Gorgaes, Sonwes Bartells and his son Henry; Jno. Krey and his son William; Cunrad Jansen, Claus Jansen and his sons John and William ; Evert in Hoftee and his sons Gerhard, Herman, Peter ; Peter Jansen, John Smith, Thos. Eclilewich, Johannes SchoU, Peter Scholl, Gabriel Senter, William Puts, Matthis Tysen and Johannes Bleikors. - In 1708 and 1709 upwards often thousand, and many of them very poor, arrived in England, and were there for some time in a starving, miserable, sickly condition, lodged in warehouses; who had no subsistence but what they could get b^?' their wives begging for them in the streets till some sort of provision was made for them by Queen Anne; and then some were shipped to Ireland, others to America. In the month of August, 1709, pur- suant to an address to her Majesty, Queen Anne, from the Lord Lieutenant and Council in Ireland, desiring as many as her Majesty should think fit to send thither, three thou- sand were sent to Ireland; many of whom returned again to England, on account of the hard usage they received from the Commissary, wiio did not pay them their sub- sistence.* In the summer of 1710, several thousand Pal- alines, who had been maintained at the Queen's expense ni England, and for some time afterAvards in America, were shipped to New York; some of whom, afterwards, came to Pennsylvania. While investigating the history of the Germans, especi- * Journal, House of Commons, England, vol. zvi. 594-98. 32 THE GERMANS. ally enquiring into the sufferings of those who lived for some time upon the bounty of Queen Anne, I find that the whole charge, , occasioned by the Palatines, to the Queen, for a space of two years, is £135,775 and 18 shil- lings. — Finch's Report to the House of Commons, England, April 14, 1711. Hundreds of those, transported and sustained for some time by Queen Anne, were gratuitously furnished with religious and useful books, before their departure, by the Rev. Anton Wilhelm Boehm, Court Chaplain of St. James. The principal book was *' Arndt's Wahres Christen! hum." Among tliese German emigrants Avcre Mennonitcs, Dunk- ards, German Reformed, and Lutherans. Their number was so great, as to draw tlie remarks from James Logan, Secretary of the province of Pennsylvania, in 1717 — " VVe have," said he, " of late, a great number of Palatines poured in upon us without any recommendation or notice, which gives the country some uneasinesss, for foreigners do not so well among us as our own English people." Those who arrived between 1700 and 1720, settled in the lower parts of Montgomery, ]3ucks, Berks and Lan- caster county. Several German famihes settled within the present limits of the last named county, between 1708 and 1711 — the number was considerable before 171S. In 1719, Jonathan Dickinson remarks, " We are daily cxpeecting ships from London which bring over Palatines, in number about six or seven thousand. VVe had a parcel who came out about five years ago, who purchased land about 60 miles west of Philadelphia, and prove quiet and mdustrious.* Some few came from Ireland lately, and more are expected thence. From 1720 to 1730, several thousands landed at Phila- delphia, and others came by land from the province of New York; the latter settled in Tulpehocken. These left New York, because they had been illy treated by the au- thorities of that province. The influx was so great as to cause some alarm. It was feared by some, that the num- bers from Germ?iny, at the rate they were coming in about 1725 and 1727, will soon, as Jonatlian Dickinson expressed himself at the time, produce a German colony here, and perhaps such an one as Britain once received from Saxony * Pequea Settlement, Lancaster county^ THE GERMANS. 33 in the fifth century. He even states as among the appre- hended schemes of Sir William Keith, (who, it is said, favored the Germans for purposes of strengthening his political influence) the former Governor, that he, Harland and Gould, have had sinister projects of forming an indepen- dent province in the west, to the westward of the Germans, towards the Ohio — probably west of the mountains, and to be .supplied by his friends among the Palatines, &c. To arrest jn some degree the influx of Germans, the Assembly assessed a tax of twenty shillings a head on newly arrived servants ; for as early as 1722 there were a number of Palatine servants or Rederaptioners, who were sold to serve for a term of three or four years, at £10 each, to pay their freight. English, Welsh, Scotch, and Irish, who were unable to defray the expenses of crossing the Atlantic, were sold as servants. In 1729 there arrived in New Castle government, says the Gazette, forty-five hundred persons, chiefly from Ireland ; and at Philadelphia, in one year, two hundred and sixty-seven English and Welsh, forty-three Scotch — all ser- vants." In 1727 six vessels arrived at Philadelphia with Germans: three in 1728 ; three in 1729 and three in 1730. From 1730 to 1740 about sixty-five vessels, well filled with Germans, arrived at Philadelphia, bringing with them ministers of the gospel and schoolmasters, to instruct their children. A large number of these remained in Philadelphia, others went seventy to eighty miles from Philadelphia — some settled in the neighborhood of Lebanon, others west of the Susquehanna, in York county. Some of the Germans who had settled on the west side of the Susquehanna, were constantly annoyed by one Cressap. a Maryland intruder- In 1736, Cressap publicly declared, that in the winter next coming, when the ice was on the ri- ver, a great number of armed men would come up from Ma- ryland, and be in the woods, near the German inhabitants, and that he, wirh ten armed men, would go from house to house, and take the masters of the families prisoners, and when they had as inany as they could manage, they would earry them to the armed forces in the woods, and return again till he had all taken who would not submit to Marj- knd. Several of the Germans were subsequently abducted, 6* 54 THE GERMANS, others were constantly harassed ; in many instances driven from their farms. From 1740 to 1755 upwards of one hundred vessels ar- rived with Germans; in some ot them, though small, there were between five and six hundred passengers. In the sum- mer and autumn of 1749, not less than twenty vessels, with German passengers, to the number of twelve thousand, ar- rived. Omitting the names of the vessels, the arrivals are given from August 24th 1749, to November 9, Aug. 24th, 240 passengers; Aug. 30lh 500 ; Sept. 2d 340 ; 9th 400; 11th' 299 : 14th 333 ; 15th 930 ; 19th 372 ; 25th 240 ; 2(3th 840; 27th 206 ; 28th 242 ; Oct. 2d 249 ; 7th 450 : 10th 250 ; 17th 480 ; Nov. 9th 77. _ November 22, 1749 — a petition from sundry inhabitants of the city of Philadelphia, was presented to the House and read, setting forth what has been the frequent practice of the merchants concerned in the importation of Germans and other foreigners into the province, for the sake of lucre, to receive into their vessels a much greater number than could be fitly accommodated ; whereby ejndemic diseases have been produced amongst them, and a great mortality hath ensued, to the loss of some hundreds in one vessel, and the great af- fliction of their surviving relations, some of which have been obliged by their own labor, to defray the freight, or passage money, of the dead ; that sundry other inconveniences have arisen to these ])Oor strangers, from this practice, and partic- idarly their being obHged to leave their chests, clothes, and other furniture behind them, to their perplexity afterwards, if not entire loss of them : that besides the injury done to the Germans by this iniquitous and infamous prnctice, the inhab- itants become greatly endangered by the importaiion of mor- tal distempers, which are found by sorrowful experience to be easily propagated in this climate ; that the want of suit- able buildings and other conveniences, for the comfortable reception and acconimodation of such distempered strangers, has probably forwarded, and perhaps occasioned the death of many, as it has made it difficult and almost impossible to procure faithful persons to take the necessary care of them ; by wliich neglect the sick have hven induced to leave places appointed for them, and to wander from one place to another, to the manifest danger of the inhabitants, by spreading the THE GERMANS. 5d distempers they were infected with, over this and the neigh- boring provinces ; and praying, that the House would take the premises into consideration, and make provision for the [)revention of such practices, the rehef of those strangers, and the safety of the inhabitants, as to their wisdom shaJI seem meet. — [Votes Assem. iv, 121. Thousands of those who immigrated to Pennsylvania be- tween 1740 and 17-55, lamentetl bitterly that they had for- saken their "Vaterland" for the new world. It was a sad exchange I There was within this period a certain class of Germans, who had resided some time in Pennsylvania, well known by the name of J\'eulaender, who lived at the expense, pains and sulferings of the more ci-edulous abroad. They made it their business to go to Germany, and there, by mis- representations and the grossest fraudulent practices, pre- vailed on then- countrymen to dispose of, nay, in many in- stances to sacrifice their property, abandon theii'comfoitable firesitles, schools and churches, and come to the New VVor!d, which these Neulaender never failed to represent as a per- fect paradise, where the mountains were solid masses of gold, and fountains gushed milk and honey. Thus they did not only prevail upon persons of wealth, but upon those in mod- erate circumstances ; and those generally ran short of means after paying their debts before leaving, " to come over" to better their coniHtion ; in four instances out of five, their condition was rendered none the better, but made infmitely worse; for those who had not wherewith to pay their }>as- sage — and of this class there were not a few — were, on their arrival, sold for a series of years, as servants, to pay the ex- pense of their passage. Those disposed of, were termed iledemptioneis, or Palatine servants. Christopher Sauers, of Gerraantown, who for many years printed a German jiaper, in which he spoke freely of the re- ligious and civil liljerty, and prosperity of the province of Pennsylvania ; and, as he believed, many Germans had been thereby induced to come over; but seeing their miserable condition, felt constrained to address Gov. Denny to use his influence in their behalf. In a letter, dated Germantown, March 15, 1755, says, "It is thirty years since I came to this Province, from a country where we had no liberty of con- science — when I came to this Province, I wrote largely to my friends and acquaintances of the civil and religious Uber- 56 THE GERMANS. ty, privileges, &c. ; my letters were printed and reprinted, whereby thousands were provoked to come to this Province, and they desired their Iriends to come. Some years ago the price was five pistoles freight, and the merchants crowded with passengers, finding the carrying of them more profita- ble than merchandise. But the love of gain caused that Stedraan lodged the poor passengers like herrings, and as too many had not room between the decks, many were kept u|)on deck — sailing to the southward, and these unaccustom- ed to the climate; and for want of water and room, took sick and died very fast, so that in less than one year, two thousand were buried in the seas and Philadelphia. Stedman, at that time, bought a license in Holland, that no captain or merchant coulil load any as long as he had not two thou- sand. This murdering trade made my heart ache, especially when I heard that there was more profit by their deaths than carrying them alive. I thought my provoking letters were parllv the cause of so many deaths. I wrote a letter to the Ma'Tistrate at Amsterdam, and immediately the monopoly was taken from John Stcdman. Our Legislature was also petitioned, and a law was passed, and good as it is, never was executed. Mr. SpafFort, an old, poor captain, was made overseer of the vessels loaded with passengers, whose salary amounted to from $200 to $300 a year, for concealing that the people had but twelve inches space, and not half bread nor water. Spaffort died — the Assembly chose Mr. Trotter, who let every ship slip, although a great many people had no room at all, except in the Long Boat, where every man perished. Among other grievances the poor Germans suffer, is one, viz : that when the ignorant Germans agree fairly with merchants at Holland for seven pistoles and a half, when they come to Philadelphia, the merchants make theni pay whatever they please, and take at least nine pistoles. The poor people on board are prisoners ; they must not go ashore or have their chests delivered, except they pay what they owe not; and when they go into the country, they cod> plainly loudly there, that no justice is to be had for poor strano-ers — they show their agreements, in which it is fairly mentioned, that they are to pay seven pistoles and a halt Ir* Isaac and Zachary Hope, at Rotterdam, or their order, at Philadelphia, &c. — and this is much practiced, the country IS wronged £2000 or £3000 a year. It was much desired. THE GERMANS. 57 that a law might be passed that a Commissioner might be appointed to inspect, on the arrival of vessels with passen- gers, their agreements, and judge if Ih pistoles makes not seven and a half. Some asked, "Is there no remedy?" They were answered, "The law is, what is above forty shillings must be decided at Court ; and each must make his own cause appear good and stand a triah A poor comfort in- deed I Two or three thousand wronged persons to depend upon the discretion of the merchants. They are anxious to come on shore to satisfy hunger — they pay what is demand- ed — some are sighing, some cursing; some believe their case diifers little l>om such as fall into the hands of a highway- man, who presents a pistol and demands according to his' own terms. They also complain that the captains often hurry them away without any agreement, or the agreement is not signed; or, if a fair agreement is written, signed and sealed, it will not be performed, and they must pay whatever is de- manded. And when their chests are put into stores, and by the time they have procured money from their friends to pay for what they agieed, and more too, and demand their chests, they find them opened and plundered of their contents; or sometimes the chests are not to be found for which they had paid." In another letter to the Governor, dated Germantown, May 12, 175o, C. Sauers sa}s, " The merchants and impor- ters fdled the vessels with passengers, and as much merchan- dise as they thought fit, and left the passengers' chests be- hind — sometimes they loaded vessels with the Palatine's chests only. The poor peo])le depended upon their chests, in which they had some provisions, such as they were used to, viz : dried apples, pears, plums, mustard, medicines, vin- egar, brandy, gammons, butter, clothing, such as shirts and other necessary linens, and some of them had money and wliat they brought with them, and when their chests were left behind, or shipped in other vessels, they suffered for want of food — and when there was not a sufficiency of pro- vision laid in for passengers, they famished and died — when they arrived alive, they had no money to buy bread, or any thing to sell of their spare clothes — neither had they clothes so as to change linens, &c. ; they were not able to keep themselves clean, and free of vermin. If they were taken into houses, and trusting on their ef- 58 THE GERMANS. fccts and money, when they come, these effects and moneys were either left behind, or their chests were either plunder- ed by the sailors on the vessels, or if the vessels arrived be- fore the sailors broke open the chests, they were searched by the merchant's boys, and their best effects, all taken — and there was no remedy for all this. And this last men- tioned practice, that their chests were broken open and effects stolen, has not only been common these 25, 20, 10, 5 years, but it is a common custom, and the complaints are daily. 1 was ordered to print advertisements, at the request of those vv'ho lost their chests by leaving them behind them against their will, or were opened and plundered at sea when they were sent after them, in other vessels, or were broken open and plundered in the stores at Philadelphia. If these cliests had been sold at half their value, it would amount to a large sum. — Your Honor would be astonished to hear the complaints of more than 2000 to 3000 people." The Rev. Muhlenburg says, speaking of Redemptioners . Denn wenn die Teutschen von den Schiffen hier ankommen so muessen diejenigen, welchedie Fracht nichtaus ihren eig- nen Mitteln bezahk-n koennen, sich mit ihren Familien tjleichsam verkaufen, da sie denn so lange dienen muessen bis sie ihre Fjacbt abverdient haben ; solche werden servants oder Knechtc genannt. Wenn denn dieselben ihre Fracht be- zahlt utid noch etwas verdient haben, so ziehen sie nach und nach ins Land hinauf, und kaiifen was eigenes. On anotJK r occasion, he says : Weil viele von den nach Pennsylvanien eilenden Teutschen ihre Fracht zu bezahlen nicht im Stande sind, so werden sie, zu deren Verguetung, auf einige Jahre an die reichsten Ein- wohner als leibeigene Knechte verkauft. Es kommen solcher z:ijr Verlassung ihres Vatcrlandes verfuehrten, und dadurch oefters in leiblichesund geistlichesElend gestuertzten Teut- schen Leute von Zeit zu Zeit noch immer sehr viele in Penn- sylvanien an. Im Herbst 1749 sind 25 schifTe vol I Teut- schen neucn Colonisten nach und nach vor Philadelphia ein- gelaufen und ausser denen, die der Tod unterwegs aufgeric- ben, haben sich darauf 7049 Personen befunden. Es ist ieicht zu erachten, da dir Begierde, das Vaterland mit der neuen Welt zu verwechseln, schon so viele Jahre her unter denen niemals wenigcr, als mit den gegenwaertigen Umstaen- iien,vergnuegten Teutschen herrschet,das Land bereits ueber- TI4E GERMANS. 59 liuessig mit Lenten besetzt sey. Und so ists. Es wimmelt von Leuten, so class auch die Lebensmitterl theurer wer- der. Eben dieses aber ist Ursaeh, warura die in dieses Land koraearden nicht so viele Vortheile geniesinsen koennen, als die ersten genossen haben. To alleviate the sufferings of these strangers, a society was formed among the more wealthy and benevolent ; but their means were not adequate to the wants of suffering thou- sands. Their sufferings were conhned to the period mentioned, as may be seen from the following letter from Dr. Muhlen- burg— '' Januar 7ten, 1768. " Im vergangenen Spaetjahr, sind wieder fuenf bis sechs Schiffe vol! mit Teutschea Emigranten vor Philadelphia an- gekommen, davon noch ein grosser Theil auf dem VVasser liegen, weil nicht allein ihre Frachten sehr hoch gestiegen, sondern auch ein allgemeiner Geldmangel vorwaltet, so dass sie nicht wie in vorigen Zeiten, verkauft werden koennen, und, so zu sagen, in ihrem Elend unkommen muessen. Die mit solchera Menschenhandel interessirte Herren wollen das Gell fuer ihre Fracht haben. Wenn aber keine Kaeufer sind, so behalten sie ihre VVaare, und lassen sie lieber ver- derben, als dass sie solche verschenken soUen. Es ist ein orrosser Jammer, wenn man seine arme betron-ene Mitcie- schoepfe so im Elend siehet, und nicht helfen kann." The Palatine Redemption servants were sold for, from from two to five years. Many of them often serving out their time faithfuliy, became, by frugality and industry, some of the most wealthy and influential citizens of the State. " In later tunes, say about the year 1753 to 17o6, the Germans having become numerous, and therefore powerful as make- weights in the political balance, were much noticed in the publications of the day. They were at that period of time, in general, very hearty co-operators with the Qua- kers or Frienils, then in considerable rule in the Assembly. A MSS. pamphlet in the Franklin Library at Philadelphia, supposed to have been written by Samuel Wharton, in 17o5, shows his ideas of the passing events, saying, that the party on the side of the Friends derived much of their iniluence over the Germans, through the aid of C. Sauers, who pub- lished a German paper in Germantown, from the time of 1729, 60 THE Germans/ and which, being much read by that people, influenced them to the side of the Friends, and hostiJe to the Governor and council. Through this means, says he, they have persuaded them tljat there was a design to enslave them ; to enforce their young men, by a conteuiplaled militia law, to become soldiers, and to load them down wiih taxes, &c. From such causes, he adds, have they come down in shoals to vote, (of course, many from Northampton,) and carrying all before them. To this I may, says Watson, add, that 1 have heard from the Norris family, that their ancestors in the Assembly were warmly patronized by theGermans,in union with Friends. His alarms at this German influence at the polls, and his pro- posed remedies for the then dreaded evils, as they show the prevalent feelings of his associates in politics, may serve to amuse the present generation. He says the best effects of these successes of the Germans will probably be felt through many generations I Instead of a peaceable; industrious pec- ple, as before, they are now insolent, sullen, and turbulent; in some counties threatening even the lives of all those who opposed their views, because they are taught to regard gov- ernment and slavery as one and the same thing. All who are not of their party, they call " Governor's men," and them- selves, they deem strong enough to make the country their own ! Imleed, they come in, in such force, say upwards of oOOO in the last year, I see not but they may soon be able to give us law and language too, or else, by joining the French, eject all the English. That this may be the case, is too much to be feared, for almost to a man they refused to bear arms in the lime of the late war, and they say, it is all one to them which king gets the country, as their estates will be equally secure. Indeed it is clear that the French have turned their hopes upon this great body of Germans. They hope to allure them, by grants of Ohio lands. To this end, they send their Jesuitical emissaries among them, to persuade them over to the Popish religion. In concert with this, the French for so many years have encroached on our province, and are now so near their scheme as to be within two days' march of some of our back settlements" — alluding of course to the state of the western wilds, overrun by French and Indians, just before the arrival of Braddock's forces in Virginia, in 1755. The writer (Wharton) imputes their wrong bias in gene- THE GERMANS. 61 rai to their "stubborn genius and ignorance," which he pro- poses to soften by education — a scheme still suggested as ne- cessary to give the general mass of the inland country Ger- mans right views of public individual interests. To this end, he proposes that faithful Protestant ministers and schoolmas- ters should be supported among them. That their children should be taught the English tongue: the government in the m2an time should suspend their right of voting for members of Assembly; and to incline them the sooner to become En- glish in education and feeling, we should compel them to lUdke all bonds and other legal writings in English, and no newspaper or almanac be circulate 1 among them, also ac- companied by the English thereof. [See close of this Chap- ter. Finally, the writer concludes, that "without some such measure, I see nothing to prevent this Province falling into the hands of the French." A scheme to' educate the Ger- mans, as alluded to, was started in 1755, and carried on for several years. The number of Germans about the year 1755, was not short of sixty or seventy thousand in Pennsylvania; nearly all of them Protestants; whereof, according to the Rev. Schlotter's statement, at the time, there were thirty thous- and German Reformed — the Lutherans were more numerous. Besides these, there were other Germans, viz : Mennonites, German Baptists, (Dunkards,) Moravians, some few German Quakers, Seventh-day Baptists, Catholics, and Schwenkfeld- ers. Muhlenberg says : " Herr Schlatter rechnet die Anzahl der Reformirien Teutschen in Pensylvanien auf 30,000 — Ilerr Schlattei- glaubt, dass die Reformirten nur den dritten Theil der Teut- schen in Pensylvanien ausmacheu." The number of German Catholics did not exceed (17-35) seven hundred. In the autumn of 17o4, one hundred and fifty-eight Catholics arrived at Philadeli)hia. The number of Catholics in ]7-37, beginning from twelve years of age, including German, English and Irish, about 1400, according to a statement by Mr. Warden, April 29. 1757. There were tlieii in and about Piiiladeiphia and in Chester county, under the care of the Rev. Robert Har- ding, 90 males and 100 females, all Irish and English. In 6 62 THE GERMANS. Philadelphia city and county, Berks and Northampton, under the care of Theodore Schneider, 2S2 males and 248 females, all Germans ; in Berks and Chestet, 92, whereof 15 were Irish. In Lancaster, Berks, Chester and Cum- berland, under the care of Ferdinand Farmer, 394, where- of 97 were Irish. In York county, under the care of Ma- thias Manners, 54 German males, 63 females ; 35 Irish males, and 38 females, Jfote. The Germans immigrated into the North American colonies, at an early period. At the close of the xvii. and beginning of the xviii. century the influx of Germans was great. As we have already seen, a respectable number arrived a year or two after William Penn first landed in this country. A number of them settled in the State of New York between 1709 and 1714. In 1709 above 600 Germans arrived, and settled in North Carolina. From 1730 to 1750, many Germans settled in South Carolina In 1733 a large number settled in Georgia. A band of them was led to Georgia by Colonel Oglethorpe. In 1735 there was a German settlement formed at Spottsylvania, Virginia. In 1739, a respectable number of them settled at Waldoborough, in the state of Maine ; who numbered in the course of thirteen years about 1500 souls. The greatest immigration was however to Pennsylvania. The descendants of the Germans in Pennsylvania were esti- mated in 1772, to exceed 75,000 souls. At present, the descendants of German settlers are very numerous in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, New York, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Michigan, Missouri, Wiscon- sin, Iowa. They are the most numerous of all the immi- grants to America that are not of Britisli stock — including those who immigrated with the present century and their descendants, their number is not short of five millions. For a fuller account of the Germans, the reader is referred to a forthcoming work, entitled " The Germans in Ameri- ca, and their influence upon national character, &c, " A brief history of the rise and progress of the charit- able society, carrying on by a society of noblemen and gen- tlemen in London, for the relief and instruction of poor Germans and their descendants, settled in Pennsylvania, &c., published for the information of those whom it may concern, by James Hamilton, William Allen, Richard Pe- THE GERMANS. 63 ters, Benjamin Franklin, and Conrad Weiser, Esquires, and the Rev. William Smith, Trustees General, appointed for the management of the said charitable scheme. "For several years past, the small number of Reformed Protestant ministers, settled among the German emigrants in Pennsylvania, and finding the harvest great, but the laborers few, have been deeply affected with a true chris- tian concern, for the welfare of their distressed countrymen, and the salvation of their precious souls. In consequence of this, they have from time to time, in the most solemn and moving manner, entreated the churches of Holland, to commiserate their unhappy fellow christians, who mourn under the deepest aliiietion, being settled in a re- mote corner of the world, where the light of the gospel has but lately reached, and where they are very much destitute of the means of knowledge and salvation. "* The churches of Holland, being accordingly moved with friendly compassion, did from time to time, contribute to the support of religion in these remote parts. But in the year 1751, a very moving representation of their state iiaving been made by a person, whose unwearied labors for the benefit of his dear countrymen, have been for some years conspicuous, the states of Holland and West Fris- iand, granted 3,000 gilders per annum, for five years from hat time, to be applied towards the instruction of the said Germans and their children, in Pennsylvania. A consid- erable sum was also collected in the city of Amsterdam, and elsewhere, and upon a motion made by the same zeal- ous person, the Kev. Mr. Thomson* was commissioned by the Synod of Holland, and Classis of Amsterdam, to solicit the friendly assistance of the churches of England and Scotland. '•When Mr. Thomson arrived in Great Britain, he found the readiest encouragement among persons of the first rank, both in church and state. In this peculiar glory of the British government, equally to consult the happiness of all who live under it, however remote, wherever born, or of whatsoever denomination, wicked and inhuman tyrants, whose ambition is to rule over slaves, find it their interest * Mr. T. is a minister of one of the English churches in Amsterdam, and a member of one of said Synod and Classis. . G4 THE GERMANS. to keep the people ignorant. But, in a virtuous and free government, like that of Great Britain, the case is far oth- erwise. By its very nature and spirit, it desires every member of die community enhghtcned with useful know- ledge, and especially the laiowledge of tlie blessed gospel, which contains the best and most powerful motives for making good subjects, as well as good men. Considered in this light, Mr. Thomson's design could not fail to be encouraged in our mother country, since it was evidently calculated to save a multitude of most industrious people from the gloom of ignorance, and qualify them for the en- joyment of all those privileges, to which it is now their good fortune to be admitted, in common with the happy subjects of a free Protestant government. '" Mr. Thomson having thus made liis business known ni England, and prepared the way for encoiu'agement there, he, in the meantime, went down to Scotland ; and, himself being known in that country, he represented the case to the General Assembly of the church, then sitting al Edinburg, upon which a national collection was made, amounting to upwards of £1,200 sterling. Such an in- stance of generosity, is one out of many, to show how rea- dy that church has always been to contribute towards the advancement of Truth, Virtue and Freedom. '•' Mr. Thomson, upon his return from Scotland, found that his pastoral duty called him back to Holland. He saw, likewise, that it would be absolutely necessary to have some person in London, not only to manage the mo- neys already collected, but also to solicit and receive the contributions of the rich and the benevolent in England, where nothing had yet been collected, and where mucli might be hoped for. With this view, he begged a certain number of noblemen'' and gentlemen of the first rank, to " The first members^ of this society were as follows, though we be- lieve several are added this winter, (1775) whose names have not yet been transmitted to us: The Right Hon. Earl of Shaftesbury, Earl of Morton, Earl of Finla- ter, and Lord Willoughby, of Parhani. Sir Luke Schaub, and Sir Josh- ua Van Neck, Baronets. Mr. Commissioner Vernon, Mr. Chilly, and Mr. Fluddyer, Aldermen of London. John Bance, Robert Furguson. and Nath. Paice,Esqs. of London. Rev. Benjamin Avory,L. L. D. Rev, Thomas Birch, D. D. Rev. Caspar Wetstein, Rev. Mr. David Thomson and Rev. Samuel Chandler, Secretary. THE GERMANS. 65 take the management of the design upon themselves, col- Jectively. *' This proposal was readily agreed to by those noble and worthy persons. They were truly concerned to find that there were any of their fellow subjects, in any part of the British dominions, not fully provided with the means of knowledge and salvation. They considered it a matter of the greatest importance to the cause of Christianity, in ge- neral, and the protestant interest in particular, not to ne- glect such a vast body of useful people, situated in a dark ind barren region, with almost none to instruct them, or dieir helpless children, who are coming forward in tlie world in multitudes, and exposed an easy prey to the to- tal ignorance of their savage neighbors on the one hand, and the corruption of our Jesuitical enemies, on whom they border, on the other hand ; and of whom there are alway.v, perhaps, too many mixed among tliem. Moved by these interesting considerations,the said noblemen and gentlemen, with a consideration peculiar to great and generous souls, did accordingly take the good design into their immediate protection, and formed themselves into a society for the effectual management of it, "The first thing said society did, was to agree to a libe- ral subscription among themselves; and, upon laying the case before the King, His Majesty, like a true father of liis people, granted £1000 towards it. Her Royal Highness, the Princess Dowa'ger of Wales, granted £lOO; and tha honorable proprietors of this province, willing to concur '.n every design for the ease and welfare of their people, generously engaged to give a considerable sum yearly for promoting the most essential part of the undertaking. FroH": such a fair beginning, and from some hopes they reasona- bly entertain of a more public nature, the honorable soci- ^^ty doubt not of their being able to complete such a fuco as may effectually answer their pious design, in time com- ing. In the n.eaniime they have come to the followhi^ general resolutions, with regard to the management of the whole : " I. To assist the people in the encouragement of pious and industrious protestant ministers that are, or shall be regularly ordained and settled among the said Germans, or their descendants, in America; beginning first in Penu- 66 THE GERMANS. sylvania, where the want of ministers is greatest, and pro- ceeding to the neighboring British colonies, as they shall be enabled by an increase of their funds. " II. To establish some charitable schools for the pious education of German youths of all denominations, as well as those English youths who may reside among them. Now, as a religious education of ^^outh, while the tender mind is yet open to every impression, is the most effectual means of making a people wise, virtuous and happy, the honorable society have declared that they have this part of their design, in a particular manner, at heart; it being chiefly from the care that shall be taken of the rising gen- eration, that they expect the success of their whole under- taking. " III. The said honorable society, considering that they reside at too great a distance, either to know what minis- ters deserve their encouragement, or wiiat places are most convenient to fix the schools in — and as they would nei- thcir bestow their bounty on any who do not deserve it : therefore they have devolved the general execution of the whole upon us, under the name of " Trustees General," for the management of their charity among the German erai- grans in America. And as our residence is in this province, where the chief body is settled, under whom we may ac- quaint them with the circumstances of the people, the gener- ous society hope that we cannot be imposed upon, or deceived, in the direction or application ol their excellent charity. "IV. And lastly, considering that our engagements in other matters, would not permit us personally to consult with the people in the country, nor to visit the schools as often as it might be necessary for their success, the Iionorable society have, out of their true fatherly care, appointed the Rev. Mr. Schlatter, to act under our direction, as Visitor or Supervi- sor of the schools, knowing that he has already taken incre- dible pains in this whole affair, and being acquainted with the people in all parts of the country, can converse with them on the spot, and bring us the best advices from time to time, concerning the measures lit to be taken. '' This is a brief history of the rise and progress of this noble charity, till it was committed to our management, un- der which we hope it shall be so conducted, as fully to an- THE GERMANS. 67 swer the expectation of the worthy society, and give all rea- sonable satisfaction to the parties for whose benefit it is intended. We shall spare no pains to inform ourselves of the wants and circumstances of the people ; as will appear by the following plan which we have concerted for the gen- eral examination of our trust, leaving room to alter or amend it, as circumstances shall require, and time discover defects in it. " With regard to that part of the society's design which proposes the encouragement of pious protestant ministers, we shall impartially proportion the monies set apart for this pur- pose according to the instruction of the said society; as soon as such ministers shall put it in our power so to do, by mak- ing their labors and circumstances known to us, either by their own personal application, or by means of Mr. Schlat- ter, or any other creditable person. '•' As to the important article of cstabhshing schools, the following general plan is proposed which may, be from time to time improved or perfected. " 1st' It is intended that every school to be opened upon this charity, shall be equally to the benefit of protcstani youth of all denominations ; and therefore the education will be in such things as are generally useful to advance industry and true godliness. The youth will be instructed in both the English and German languages ; likewise in writing, keep- ing of common accounts, singing ol Psalms, and the true principles of the holy protestant religion, in the same man- ner as the fathers of those Germans were instructed, at th( schools in those countries from which they came. "2dly. As it may be of great service to religion and in- dustry, to have some schools for girls, also, we shall use our endeavors with the honorable society, and have some few school mistresses encouraged, to teach reading and the use of the needle. And though this was no part of the original design, yet as the society have nothing but the general good of all at heart, we doubt not they will extend their benefac- tion for this charitable purpose also. " 3dly. That all may be induced, in their early youth, to seek the knowledge and love of God, in that manner which is most agreeable to their own consciences, the children of all protestant denominations, English and Dutch, (German) shall be instructed in catechism of sound doctrine, which is appro- 08 THE GERMANS. ved of and used by their own parents and ministers. All un- reasonable sort of compulsion and partiality is directly oppo- site to the design and spirit of this charity, which is gener- ously undertaken to promote useful knowledge, true religion, public peace, and Christian love, among all ranks and deno- minations. 4thly. For the use of schools, the several catechisms that are now taught among the Calvinists, Lutherans, aud other protestant denominations, will be printed in English & Dutch. (German) and distributed among the poor, together with some other good books, at the expense of the society. " othly. In order that all parents may be certain of hav- ing justice done to their children, the immediate care and inspection of every school will be committed to a certain number of sober and respectable persons, living near the place where such school shall be fixed. These persons will be denominated Assistant or Deputy Trustees ; and it will be their business, monthly or quarterly, to visit that particu- lar school for wdiich they are appointed, and see that both master and scholars do their duty. It will also be their busi- ness to send an account of the state and progress of the schools, at every such visitation, to us as Trustees General These accounts we shall transmit from Philadelphia to the society in London ; and the society will from time to time, be enabled, by these means, to lay the state of the whole school before the public ; and thus charitable and well dispo- sed people, both in Great Britain and Holland, seeing the ^Tood use that has been made of their former contributions, will be inclined to give still more and more for so glorious and benevolent an undertaking. " This method cannot fail to be of great advantage to the schods, since the Deputy Trustees, being part of the very people for whom the work is undertaken, and having their own children at the same schools, they must have an interest m the reputation of them, and do all in their power to ad- vance good education in them. Besides this, being always near at hand, they can advise and encourage the master and help him over any diificulties he may meet with. " But, Gtlily. As the keeping up a spirit of emulation among the youth is the life of schools, therefore, that we may leave as little room as possible for that remissness, which .sometimes hurts charities of this nature, we shall, as far as THE GERMANS. 69 our situation will permit, have a personal regard to the exe- cution of the whole. As the Assistant Trustees raay often want our advice in removing difliculties and making new reofulations, we shall so contrive it, that Mr. Schlatter shall be present at their quarterly meetings, to consult wiili tliem, and concert the proper measures to be taken. Besides this, we shall have one general visitation of the schools every year, at which one or more of us shall endeavor to be pres- ent. On these occasions, such regulations shall be made, as may be wanted ; and careful inquiry will be made wheth- er any parents think themselves injured by any unjust exclu- sion of their children from an equal benefit of the common charity, or by the partiality of the masters or otherwise. — At such visitations, books will be given as rewards and en- couragement to the diligent and deserving scholars. The, masters will likewise have proper marks of esteem shown them in proportion to their fidelity and industry in the dis- charge of their office. " 7thly. With regard to the number of schools to be open- ed, that will depend partly on the encouragement given by the people themselves, and partly on the increase of the so- ciety's funds. A considerable number of places are propos- ed to fix schools in; but none are yet absolutely determined upon, but New Hanover, New Providence, and Reading* — These places were first fixed upon because the people of all persuasions, Lutherans, Calvinists, and other protestants, moved with a pious and fatherly concern for the illiterate state of their helpless children, did, with true Christain har- mony, present their petitions, praying that their numerous children of all denomiinations in these parts, might be made the common object of the intended charity. And for this benevolent purpose, they did further agree to offer school houses in which their children might be instrustetl together, as dear fellow Christians, redeemed by the same Lord and Savior, and travelling to the same heavenly country, through * Since the original publication, petitions have been sent to the Trustees General, from Upper Sol Tort, Irom Vincent township in Ches- ter countj'. from the borough of" Lancaster, from Tulpehocken, and se- veral other places, all of which will be considered as soon as possi- ble. Feb. 25, 1755. — [Penna. Ga2ette. Note : Schools were also established in 17.56, besides the place* mentioned, at Lancaster, York, Kaston, and several other places, 70 THE GERMANS. this valley of tears, notwithstanding they may sometimes take roads a little different in points of smaller moment. " This striking example of unanimity and good agreement among all denominations, we hope, will be imitated by those who shall afterwards apply to us for fixing schools among them ; since it is only upon the aforesaid generous plan for the common benefit of all, that we find ouiselves empowered to instituie such schools. But while petitions are agreeable to this, our plan, as now explained, they will not be over- looked, aslong as the funds continue. And if the petition- ers shall recommend school masters, as was the case at New Hanover, New Providence, and Reading, such school mas- ters will have the preference, provided they are men of sufh- cient probity and knowledge, agreeable to all parties, and acquaintet! with both the English and Dutch (German) lan- guages, or willing to learn either of these languages which they may not then be perfectly acquainted with. " These are essential qualifications; and unless the gener- ous society had made provision for teaching English as well as Dutch, (German) it would not have answered their be- nevolent design, which is to qualify the Germans for all the advantages of native English subjects. But this could not have been done, without giving them an opportunity of learn- ing English, by speaking of which they may expect to rise to places of profit and honor in the country. They will likewise be thereby enabled to buy or sell to the greater advantage in our markets, to understand their own causes in courts of jus- tice, where pleadings are in English, to know what is doing in the country around them, and, in a word, to judge and act entirely for themselves, without being obliged to take things upon the word of others, whose interest it may be to deceive and mislead them. " We have only further to add, that having thus publish- ed, in our names, a true and faithful account of the rise and progress of this excellent charity, down to the present time, we hope it will candidly be received as such, and prevent many wrong conjectures and insinuations, that might other- wise have been made, if we had not given this genuine and necessary information concerning it. From the foregoing plan, it plainly appears, that as the chief management is in the people themselves, it must be entirely their own faults, if these schools do not become the greatest blessing to many THE GERMANS. 71 generations, that ever was proposed in this couutry. Such, and so benevolent are the designs of the new society ! "And surely, now, we may be permitted in their name, to address you, countrymen and fellow Christians, for whose benefit the great work is undertaken ! We cannot but en- treat you to consider, of what importance such a scheme must be to you, and your children after you. We are unwil- ling to believe that there are any persons, who do not hear- tily wish success to a design so pious .lud benevolent. Eut, if, unhappily for themselves, there should be any such among us, we are bound in charity to suppose they have never yet reflected that, whilst they indulge such wishes, they are in fact acting a part, plainly repugnant to the interests of lib- erty, true religion, and even of human nature. " Mankind in general are, perhaps, scarcely raised more, by their nature, above the brutes, than a man well instructed above the man of no knowledge or education; and whoever strives to keep a people in ignorance, must certainly harbor notions or designs that are unfavorable, either to their civil or religious liberty. For whilst a people are incapable of knowing their own interests,' or judging for themselves, they cannot be governed by free principles, or by their own choice; and though they should not be immediate slaves of the gov- ernment under which they live, yet they must be slaves or dupes to those whose councils they are obliged to have re- course to, and follow blindly on all occasions, which is the most dishonorable species of slavery. " But on the other hand, a design for instructing a people, and adorning the minds of the children with useful knowl- edge, can carry nothing in it but what is friendly to liberty, auspicious to all the most sacred interests of mankind. *' Were it otherwise, why are so many of the greatest and best men, both of the British and German nations, engaged in the undertaking ? Why have they, as it were, stooped from their high spheres, and even condescended to beg from house to house, in order to promote it I Is not all this done with the glorious intention of relieving from distressful igno- rance that was like to fall upon you? Is it not done with a view to call you up to all the advantages of free and en- lightened subjects, capable of thinking and acting for your- self? And shall they call you in vain? God forbid I If by any infatuation, you should neglect the means of knowl- r4 THE GERMANS. edge ami eternal happiness, now offered you, think seriously what must be the consequence. You will be accountable in the sight of Almighty God, not only tor your own sad neg- ligence, but for all that misery and slavery, which you may thereby entail upon your hapless offspring to the latest gen- erations. Your very names will be held in abhorrence by your own children, if, for the want of instruction, their priv- ileges should either be abridged here, or they should fall a prey to the error and slavery of our restless enemies. " But on the contrary, if proper instructions are begun now, and constantly carried on among you, no design can ever be hatched against your religion or liberties, but what you shall quickly be able to discover and defeat. All the arts of your enemies will be of no avail to sever you from your true interests, as men and as protestants. You shall know how to make the true use of all your noble privileges, and instead of moving in a dry and barren land, where no water is, you and your posterity shall flourish from age to age, in all that is valuable in human life. A barren region shall be turned into a fruitful country, and a thirsty land into pools of water. The wildei'ness and solitary place shall be glad through you, and the desert shall rejoice and blossom as the rose. — Isa. 3o." The society under whose directions the schools were ccai- ducted, established as early as 17r5o, a press for the German language. School books and religious tracts in the German language were i)rinted at this press; and, in order to convey, with the greater facihty, political and other information to the German citizens, a newspaper was published at this es- tablishment. The Revd. Wilhain Smith, D. D. provost of the college at Philadelphia, was agent for the English socie- ty, and had the direction of the pi ess, and of the newspaper. Several German papers had been published in Pennsylva- nia, prior to the one spolcen of. In 1739, C. Sauer, com- menced one — issued it at first once a quarter, then monthly: after 1744, weekly. It was published at Gerniantown. Jo- seph Crellius commenced a weekly paper in Philadelphia, 1743. Another, it would appear from the Pennsylvania Ga- zette, was started in 17-51, in English and German. The ed- itor was, it is supposed, Gotthan Armbruster. CHAPTER III. THE IRISH OR SCOTCH IRISH, Time of their first immigration — Settle first near the boundary line be- tween Maryland and Pennsylvania— James Logan's statement con- cerning them — First settlers in Donegal— In Peshtank — Richard Peters complains of them — They oppose a survey in Adams coun:y — Settle west of the Susquehanna, in Cumberland county — Disagree- ment between the Irish and Germans, at Lancaster and York — Im- migration of, to Cumberland county, encouraged — Settle on the Ja- niata, &c.— Lord's prayer in Irish — General settlements. According to Mr. Watson's statement, Irish immigrani"? did not begin to come to Pennsylvania as soon as the Ger- mans. It appears few, if any, arrived in the Province, prior to 1719. Those that (Ud then arrive, came principally from the north of Ireland. Irish or Scotch Irish. The name was used to tJesignate a numerous and honorable people, who immigrated to the Province of Pennsylvania at an early date. Whence this tertn is derived, the following historical notice, will serve to explain. Daring the reign of Charles I., in the year 1611, October 27, the massacre of the Irish Protestants occin'red, in Ireland, where, in a few days, fifty thousand were inhuma: - ly, without regard to sex, age or quality, butchered ; and many fled to the North of Scotland, from which country th'* North of Ireland had been colonized by Protestants. An act was passed by Parliament, (the act of uniformity) 1662, requiring all ministers and churches rigidly to conform to the rites of the established church, which occasioned two thousand ministers (calleef/ams for America — 1741, /'O THE IRISH. cimens of " the land of generous natures," but we may be excused for letting him speak out, who was himself from the Emerald Isle, where he had of course seen a better race. " Logan's successor, Richard Peters, Esq. as Secretary to the Proprietaries, falls into a similar dissatisfaction with thtro; for in his letter to the ])roprietaries, of 1743, he says, he went to Marsh creek (Adams county, — then Lancaster) to warn off and dispossess the squatters, and to measure the Manor land. "On that occasion, the people there, to about the number of seventy, assembled and forbade thtm to proceed, and on their persisting, broke the cliain and ccmpelki! thtm toretiie. He had with him a sheriff" and a magistrate. They were af- terwards indicted — became subdued, and made their engage- ment for leases. lu most cases the leases weie so easy, that they were enabled to buy the lands ere they expired." Settlements were commenced in Cumberland, (then Lan- caster) by the descendants of Lish and Scotch immigrants, and some recently from the Emerald L^le, and Highlands of Scotia, and some few English, about 17o0 and 1731. After 1736, when Pennsborough and Ho])ewell townships had been ' erected, the influx of emigrants fj ora Europe, and frcm Lan- caster county, into Kittochtinny valley, west of the Susque- hanna, increased rapidly; for in 174b, the number of taxa- blcs in this valley (Cumberland and Franklin counties) was about eight bundled ; of whom there were not fifty Germans — those few were in the Conococheague settlement. Shortly after Cumberland county had been erected (1750) the proprietaries, " in consequence of the frequent disturban- ces between the governor and Irish settlers, gave orders to their agents to sell no land either in York and Lancaster counties to the Irish; and also to make advantageous offers of removal to the Irish settlers (as the mingling of the two nations in Lancaster and York had produced serious riots at elections) in Paxton and Swatara, and Donegal townships, to remove to Cumberland county, which offers being liberal, were accepted by many. We soon find the more intrepid as pioneer settlers in Hun- tingdon, Juniata, Mifflin, and farther west and northwest, as will appear from the sequel. As early as 1732, there was a violent contest between An- drew Galbraith and John Wright, both candidates for the THE IRISH. /7 Assembly^ Wright was an English Quaker, Galbraith an Irishman ; but in 1743, the Irish strove more effectually for ascendancy at the polls. This year an election was held to supply the vacancy occasioned by the death of Thomas Lin- sey. The Irish compelled the sheriff to receive such tickets as they approved, and make a return accordingly. The matter was afterwards investigated, and the following resolutions were adopted by the Assembly — Resolved, That the sheriff having assumed upon himself the power of being sole judge at the late election, exclusive of the inspectors chosen by the farmers of the said county of Lancaster, is illegal, unwarrantable and an infringement of the liberties of the people of the Province ; that it gave just cause for discontentment to the inhabitants of said county; that if any disturbances followed thereupon, it is justly im- puted to his own misconduct. Resolved, that the Sheriff of Lancaster county be admon- ished by the speaker. The sheriff attended, and being a(!- monished, promised he would take care and keep the law in future. He also altered the return, as Samuel Blunston was entitled to take his seat. In 1749 an election was held at York. There were two prominent candidates for sheriff, Hans Hamilion, from Marsh creek, (Adams county) the Irish candidate ; Richard M'Al- lister, the favorite of the Dutch. The Germans, as they are wont, without much ado, worked well for their candidate, evidently gaining on their competitors; this vexed the ireful friends of Hamilton. Two or three stout, blustering Hiber- nians — boxers, as they were called — took possession of t-he place, " where to poll;" determined that none but their candi- dates' friends should vote. A stout German, equally deter- nnned to enjoy, what he considered his rights, without yield- ing any the least, stepped up to vote — tripped up the heels of one of the swaggering Irishmenj which eventuated in an af- tray. The standing saplings, near at hand, were soon torn down, and sticks cut, which were used as defensive and offen- sive weapons. Blows were promiscuously dealt out — the Irish were routed — dri'/en beyond Codorus creek ; and at the risk jf bloody heads, dared not to appear, all day, east of the Co- ijorus. The Germans voted, and elected M'Allister, by ar. overwhelming majority. But, in this instance, Gov. James Hamilton disregarded the expressed will of the majority o!" V3 THE IRISH. voters, and commissioned Hans Hamilton for one year. Illy considered policy, as the sequel proved. At the second election held at York, Oct. 1750, for repre- sentatives, a large party of Germans drove the Irish from the polls. It was set forth in a petition to the Assembly, touch- ing this affray, that Hans Hamilton did not open the election till two o'clock in the afternoon, which caused not a little uneasiness among the people. That the Marsh creek people gathered about the election house to give in their tickets and would not suffer the Dutch people and others to come near the house, but did all they could to keep tht ra off with clubs, so that the Germans were obliged to do the best they could, or. else go home without voting ; and being the most in number they drove the people from the house, and when they had done so, they came in a peaceable manner to give in their votes; but when the sheriff saw his party was mastered, he locked up the box, and would not sutler the inspectors to take any more tickets, which made the Dutch ptrople angry, and they strove to break into the house- — and then the sober people desired the sheriff to continue the election ; but he would not, and went away out of the back window, several of the inspectors going with him — and then the freeholders desired the coroner to carry on the elec- tion — which having done caiefully and justly; and, after- wards, the sheriff was asked to come and see the votes read, and an account taken of them, but he refused, &.c. The whole matter was investigated — the sheriff was called before the Assembly, politely aihuonished by the speaker and advised to preserve better order in future. Though the Germans occupy the greater portion of the farms, first sctled by the Iiish, in Dauphin and Cumberland counties, there are still a respectable number of the descen- dants of this generous and hospitfible people, occupying the homestead of their ancestors. Unlike the German, the de- scendants of the Irish, no longer s]5eak the language of th-eir vi^Iorous fathers. The following is the Lord's piayer in Irish, copied from Gr, Daniel's edition of an Irish ])il)le, printed 3602. Air nathir ataigh air nin. Nnhz fat hanimli. Tighuh da riathiate. Deantur da hoilamhuoil Air ninjh agis air thal- ambi. Air naran laidthnil tabhair dhuin a niomb. Agis math duin dairf hiacl)a ammnil. Agis mathum vid dar feu- tliunuim. Agis na trilaie astoch sin anau sen. Ac sar sina oie. — Amen. THE IRISH. 79 JS'ote. Eraigrants fiom Scotland and Ireland, settled at an early period in the New England, Middle and Southern States- Previous to 1640, a large body from Scotland and Ireland settled in the eastern states. Between 400 and 500 emigrants from Scotland, alone, arrived in New York in 1737; and twenty years later, Scotch and Irish colonists established themselves in Ulster county; also at Orange and Albany, N. York. As early as 1680, some Scotch and Irish settled in New Jersey. But it was to Pennsylvania that the largest emigration of Scotch and Irish, particularly the lat- ter, though at a later })eriod, took place. From Pennsylva- nia, many of the Scotch Irish went into the western parts of Maryland, the central portions of Virginia, and the western counties of North Carolina. A thousand left the northern and middle colonies, for North Carolina, in 1764, where their descendants now constitute a dense homogeneous population. I'ive or six hundred Scotch settled near Fayetleville, North Carolina, in 1749, and there was a second arrival from \h.e same country in 1754. In 1684, a small colony of persecu- ted Scotch .settled under Lord Cardross in South Carolina. In 1737, multitudes of husbands and laborers, from Ireland, embarked for .South Carolina; and within three years, before 1773, no less than 1600 hundred eraigrants from the north of Ireland settled there. Georgia, too, was partly colonized by Scotch and Irish, who emigrated south from Pennsylva- nia (from Lancaster and Cumberland counties) across Mary- land, Virginia and North Carolina, besides receiving no small proportion of its first settlers, directly from Scotland. The descendants of these two classes, are settled in various parts of the middle, southern and western slates. Previous to the revolution of '76, the immigration of them was not only ex- tensive, but of a better sort; especially when contrasted with those who, for the last 25 or 30 years, have arrived in tVvn vi'juntrv. CHAPTER IV. 'NDIAN MASSACRES IN 1744. }r»hn Armstrong, James Smith and Woodward Arnold killed by Muse' meelin, in 1744 — Alexander Armstrong's letter to Ailumoppies and Shicalemy — Search made for the bodies of the deceased ; found and buried them — Weiser's letter — Provincial council held— Conrad Weiicr makes a demand for the murderer at Shamokin— Weiser's transactions, &c. at Shamokin — Shicalemy's statement touching the murder of Armstrong. The principal, of the numerous murders committed by the indians upon the whites, within the limits then embraced by the upper part of Lancaster county, and of Cumberland, tbrms the subject of several chapters of this part of this com- pilation. i As settlements became somewhat extended, the white people, especially Indian traders came in closer contact with the Indians ; and despite of the eiforts of the government serious conflicts ensued, and, in some instances, blood was shed. This was, however, owino; as much to the imprudence o{' the whites as to the temerity of the Indians. Sometime in the year 1744, .John Armstrong, a Trader, among the Indians, w-est of the Susquehanna,'with two ot his servants or men, namely, James Smith and Woodworih Arnold, was murdered by an Indian of the Delaware tribe, named Musemcelin, on the Juniata river. Seven wiiite roei and five Indians went in search of the bodies of those mur- dered ; after some search, found and buried them. The murderer was afterwards apprehended, and delivered up by his own nation, and imprisoned at Lancaster, whence he was" removed to Philadelphia, lest he should escape, or his trial ant! execution prodnce an unfavorable impression on his coun- trymen about to assemble, for a conference with the w'hites; at Lancaster. The Governor directed or required that the property of Armstrong should be returned to his faraily. He K^DIAN MASSACRES IN 1744. 81 al.so invited a deputation to attend the trial oi Musemeelin, und his execution, if found guilty. Alexander Armstrong, of Lancaster county, a brother of the deceased, addressed a letter to Allumoppies, King ot^tlie Delawares, at Shamokin, touching the death of liis brother, ■And some threats maile by some Delaware Indians upon his life. Apkil 25, 1744. To Allumoppies, King of the Delawares : Great Sir, as a parcel of your men have murdered my brother, and two of his men, I wrote you, knowing you to be a king of justice, that you will send us in all the murderers and the men that were with them. As I looked for the corpse of my murder- ed brother ; for that reason your men threaten my life ; and i cannot leave my house. Now as we have no inclination or mind to go to war with you, our fi lends; as a friend, i desire that you will keep your men from doing me harm, and also to send the murderers and their companions. I expect an answer ; and am your much hurt friend and brother, Alkxander Armstrong. April the 25th, 1744. To Sicaiaraus, the King's Great Councellor. My Great Friend : 1 write to you, as you are a man that I hope will do your friends good. Now my brother is murdered, and his men, by the Delawares. I desire that you will send us all the murderers, and the men that joined with them ; and as we do not want to fall out, or quarrel with you, without you make us do it. 1 desire that you will endeavor to send us all your men that are guilty of the murder, and the men that joined with ihem. r am your hurt friend and brother, Alexander Armstrong. N. li. We have .sent John Mushamelon to jail, and he sity.s that Nishalenordy's son killed Smith, and he is not willing to die till the rest are brought in to him. A party of men had made search for, and found the bodies ^2 INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1744. of the raurdtred, as appears from Armstrong's letter above, 5nd the following deposition : Paxton, April 19, 1744. The deposition of the subscribers testiheth and saith, that the subscribers having a suspicion that John Armstrong, tra- der, together with his men, James Smith and Woodward Ar- nold, were murdered by the Indians. They met at the house of Joseph Cliambers, in Paxton,* and there consulted to go to Shamokin, to consult with the Delaware King and Shick- calimy, and there council what they should do concerning the ailair, whereupon the King and Council ordered eight of their men to go with the deponents to the house of James Berry, in order to go in quest of the murdered persons, but that night they came to the said Berry's house, three of the eight Indians ran away, and the next morning these depon- ents, with the five IncUans that remained, set out on their journey peaceably, to the last supposed sleeping place of the deceased, and upon their arrival these deponents dispersed themselves in order to find out the corpse of the deceased, and one of the deponents, named James Berry, a small dis- tance from the aforesaid sleeping place, came to a white oak tree, which had three notches on it, and close by said tree he found a shoukier bone, which the deponent does suppose to be John Armstrong's, and that he himself was eating by the IntUans, which he carried to the aforesaid sleeping place and showed it to his companions, one of whom lianded it to the said five Indians to know what bone it was, and they, utter passing dilFerent sentiments upon it, handed it to a Del- aware Indian, who was suspected by the deponents, and they testify and say, that as soon as the Indian took the bone in his hand, his nose gushed out with blood, and directly hand- ed it to another. From whence these deponents steered along a path about three or iour miles to the narrows of Juniata, where they suspected the murder to have been committed, anil where the Allegheny road crosses the creek, these deponents sat down in order to consult on what measures to take to pro- ceed on a discovery. Whereupon most of the white men, these deponents, crossed the creek again, and went down the * ,Mr. McCallister's, or formerly Fort Hunter. INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1744. 8S creek, and crossed into an island, where these deponents had intelligence the corpse had been thrown ; and there they met the rest of the white men and Indians, who were in company, and there consulted to go further down the creek in quest of the corpse, and these deponents further say, they ordered the Indians to go down the creek on the other side, but they all followed these deponents, at a small distance, except one Indian, who crossed the creek again; and soon after, these deponents seen some Bald eagles and other fowls, suspected the corpse to be thereabouts ; and then lost sight of the In- dians, and immediately found one of the corpse, which these deponents say, was the corpse of James Smith, one of said Armstrong's men; and directly upon finding the corpse, these deponents heard three shots of guns, which they had great reason to think were the Indians, their companions, who had deserted from them; and in order to let them know that they had found the corpse, these deponents fired three guns, but to no purpose, for they never saw the Indians any more. And about a quarter of a mile down the creek, they saw more Bald eagles, whereupon they made down towards~the place, where they found another corpse (being the corpse of Wood- woith Arnold, the other servant of said Armstrong) lying on a rock, and then went to the former sleeping place, where they had appointed to meet the Indians; but saw no Indians^ only that the Indians had been there and cooked some vic- tuals for themselves, and had gone off. And that night, the deponents further say, they had great reason to suspect that the Indians were then thereabouts, and intended to do them some dama«;e ; for a doo- these de- ponents had with them, barkeil that niglit, which was re- markable, for the said dog bad not barked all the time they were out, till that night, nor ever since, which occasioned these deponents to stand upon their guard behind the trees, w^ith their guns cocked that night. Next morning these de- ponents went back to the corpses which they found to be barbarously and inhumanly murdered, by very gashed, deep cuts on their hands with a tomahawk or such like weapon- which had sunk into their sculls and brains ; and in one of the corpses there appeared a hole in his scull near the cut. which was supposed to be with a tomahawk, which hole, these deponents do believe to be a bullet hole. And these deponents, after taking a particular view of the corpses, as 84 "INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1744- their melancholy condition would admit, they buried !hcn. as decently as their circumstances would allow, and returned home to Paxton, the Allegheny road to John Harris', think- ing it dangerous to return the same way they went. And further these deponents say not. These same deponents being legally qualified, before me, James Armstrong, one of his Majesty's justices of the peact for the county of Lancaster, have hereunto set their hands in testimony thereof. James Akmstrong. Alexander Armstrong, Thomas M'Kee, Francis Elli?. John Florster, William Easkins-, James Berry, John Watt, Jame^ Armstrong, David Denny. The atrociiy of this murder was so aggravating, that a Provincial Council was held, and it was resolved that Con- rad Weiser, the Provincial interpreter and Indian agent, should be sent to Shamokin, to make demands, in the navoe of the governor, for some others concerned in the murder- The following extracts give a detailed account of all l\w circumstances ; Tiilpehocken, April 20, 1744. Sir, Here I send the copy of my transaction at Onontago la^t year. By oveilooking the same again, T find it is just soii« Iput thingsdown in Onontago, partly from for my own memc- randums and satisfaction. I should have made it shorter before I laid it before the governor. There are several things men- tioned which are only ceremonies and mere trifling to a Eu- ropean idea; but the Indians always observe such things. Just now I heard that Ollumapics and Shickelamy had sent a Delaware Indian to prison for having killed an Indian trader. John Harris's wife told my son so, who rame from there just now. I think it happened well I was not at hoinft when the aforesaid chiefs sent for me ; they would perhaps have loaded me with a commission to settle the thing with the government ; but now the burthen remained npen their shoulder and had no other way to unload it, than to deliver up the transgressor. The particulars I have not ; only as it has been saui, for some time ago that John Armstrong was killed ; of which I INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1744. 8o heard before I came to Philadelphia the last time I patiently expected Shickelamy, with news of the Six Nations. I think if nothing happened to prevent their coming, they would have sent before now to let us know. I remain with my humble respects, Sir, your very obliged, Conrad Weiser. P. S. April 2Sth. List night I received yours of the 26th, with the Governor's commands: I am always willing to comply with his Honor's command ; but could have wish- ed they might have bjen delayed till after Court, where my presence, by rainy, is required, on somo particular occasions; b.it, as the demand is pressing, and cannot be delayed, I am preparing to set out to-morrow morning for Shamokin. I will use the best of my endeavors to have the governor's and council's requests answered to satisfaction, by delivering up the two Indians and the goods. I wish you hid sent me a belt of wampum : on such occa- sions it is customary to use black wampum, or at least half. I hope I shall be able to get some of Shickelamy to make use of to the Delawares. I am afraid the two Indians have made their escape far enough before now. I desire the favor of you to write a few lines to me, against my return from Shamokin, to let mo know whether my presence in Philadelphia, is expected, or whether I can send down in writing the accounts of my suc- cess ; if it should happen that the Indian could be got to be delivered to me- Farewell, I am, Sir, yours, C. W. Upon a second thought, I intend to come to Philadelphia, God willing, as soon as I return from Shamokin ; because, I understand Mr. Colloway wants to see me. At a council, April 25, 1744 — " The Governor, George Thomas, laid before the Board a letter, dated April 22nd, 1744, from Mr. Cookson, at Lancaster, purporting that John Armstrong, an Indian trader, with his two servants. Wood- worth Arnold and James Smith, had been murdered at Ju- 8 86 INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1744. niata, by three Dela wares, and that John Musemeelin and Johnson of Neshalleeny, two of the Indians concerned in the murder, had been seized by the order of Shickcalaray, and the other Indian chiefs at Shamokin, and sent under a guard of Indians to be dehvered up to justice ; that one was actu- ally delivered up in jail at Lancaster ; but the other had made his escape from the persons to whose care he was cono- mitted. His honor then sent to the Chief Justice to consult him about the steps proper to be taken to bring the Indian to his trial, but as he was absent at a Court of Oyer and Terminer in Bucks county, it was the opinion of the Board that the Indian, Musemeelin, should be immediately removed to Phi- ladelphia jail, and that Conrad Weiser should be immediately despatched to the chiefs of the Delaware Indians at Shamo- kin to make a peremptory demand in his honor's name of the other murderers concerned, and that Shickcalamy and the other Indians there do order immediate search to be made for the goods of v»-hich the deceased was robbed, in order to their being put into the hands of his creditors, or the support of his family. And at the same time to inform them that the chiefs of the Indians which shall meet at Lancaster on the treaty with our neighboring governments, will be desired to depute some of their number to be present at the trial and at the execution of sucli as shall be found guilty. Conrad Weiser was accordingly sent to Shamokin. He writes, in his Journal, Shamokin, May 2d, 1744: This day I delivered the Governor's message to Allumoppies, the Del- aware chief, and the rest of the Delaware Indians, in the presence of Shickcalamy and a few more of the Six Na- tions. The purport of which was, that I was sent express by the Governor and Council to demand those that had been concerned with Musemeelin in murdering John Armstrong, Woodworth and James Smith; that their bodies might be searched for, and decently buried ; that the goods be like- wise found and restored without fraud. It was delivered them by me in the Mohawk language, and interpreted into Delaware by Andrew, INIadame Montour's son. In the afternoon Allumoppies, in the presence of the afore- said Indians, made the following answers : Brother, the Governor : It is true that we, the Delaware Indians, by the inves- INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1744. 87 tigation of the evil spirit, have murdered Jas. Armstrong and his men ; we have transgressed, and we are ashamed to look up. We have taken the murderer and delivered him to the relations of the deceased, to be dealt with ac- cording to his works. Brother, the Governor : Your demand for the guard is very just ; we have gatli- ered some of them ; we will do the utmost of what vv'e can to find them all. We do not doubt but we can find out the most part, and whatever is wanting, we will make up with skins, which is what the guard are sent for to the woods. Brother, the Governor : The dead bodies are buried. It is certain that Jolm Armstrong was buried by the murderer, and the other two by those that searched for them. Our hearts are in mourn- ing, and wc are in a dismal condition, and cannot say any thing at present. Then Shickcalamy, with the rest of the Indians of the Six Nations then present, said : Brother, the Governor: We have heeu all misinformed on both sides about the luihappy accident. Museraeelin has certainly murdered the three white men himself, and upon his bare accusation of Neshaleeny's son, was seized and made a prisoner. Our cousins, the Delaware Indians, being then drunk, in par- ticular Allumoppies, never examined things, but made an innocent person prisoner, which gave a great deal of dis- turbance amongst us. However, the two prisoners were sent, and by the way, in going down the river, they stop- })ed at the house of James Berry ; James told the young ]nan, '•' I am sorry to see you in such a condition, I have known you from a boy, and always loved you.'^ Then the young man seem.ed to be very much struck to the heart, and said, " I have said nothing yet, but I will tell all, let all the Indians come up, and the white people also, they shall hear it." And then told Musemeelin, in the presence of the people : Now I am going to die for your wickedness ; you have killed all the three white men, I never did intend to kill any of them. The Musemeelin in anger, said : It is true, I have killed them ; I am a man, you are a coward ; it is a great satisfaction to me to have 88 INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1744. killed them ; I will die for joy for having killed a great rogue and his companions. Upon which the young mau was set at liberty by the Indians. We desire therefore our brother, the Governor, will not insist to have either of the two young men in prison, or condemned to die ; it is not with Indians as with white people, to put people in prison on suspicion or trifles. In- dians must first be found guilty of a cause, then judgment is given and immediately executed. We will give you faithfully all the particulars ; and at the ensuing treaty en- tirely satisfy you ; in the meantime, we desire that good friendship and harmony continue; and that we may live long together, is the hearty desire of your brethren, the Indians of the United Six Nations present at Shamokin. The following is what Shickcalamy declared to be the truth of the story concerning the murder of John Arm- strong, Woodworth Arnold and James Smith, from the beginnhig to the end, to wit : That Musemeelin owing some skins to John Armstrong, the said Armstrong seized a horse of the said Musemeelin and a rifled gun ; the gun was taken by James Smith, de- ceased. Sometime last winter Musemeelin met Armstrong on the river Juniata, and paid all but twenty shillings, for which he offered a neck-belt in pawn to Armstrong, and demanded his horse, and James Armstrong refused it, and would not deliver up the horse, but enlarged the debt, as his usual custom was, and after some quarrel, the Indian went away in great anger, without his horse, to his hunt- ing cabin. Sometime after this, Armstrong, with his two companions, on their way to Ohio, passed by the said Mu- semeelin's hunting cabin; his wife, only being at home, de- manded the horse of Armstrong, because he was her pro- jicr goods, but did not get him. Armstrong had by this time sold or lent the horse to James Berry ; after Muse- meelin came from hunting, his wife told him that Arm- strong wis gone by, and that she had demanded the horse of him, but did not get him — and, as is thought, pressed l>im to pursue and take revenge of Armstrong. The third day in the morning, after James Armstrong was gone by, Musemeelin said to the two young men that hunted with him, come let us go towards the Great Hills to hunt bears; a-'^cordingly they went all three in company; after they had INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1744. 89 gone a good way, Musemeelin, who was foremost, was told by the two young men that they were out of their course. Come you along, said MusemeeUn, and they ac- cordingly followed him till they came to the path that leads to the Ohio. Then Musemeelin told tliem he had a good mind to go and fetch nis horse back from Armstrong, and desired the two young men to come along ; accordingly they went. It was then almost night, and they travelled till next morning. Musemeelin said, nov/ they are not far off. We will make ourselves black, then they will be t'rightened, and will deliver up the horse immediately; and i will tell Jack, that if he don't give me the horse, 1 will kill him; and when he said so, he laughed. The young men thought he joked, as he used to do. They did not blacken themselves, but he did. When the sun was above the trees or about an hour high, they all came to the fire, where they found James Smith sitting, and they also sat down. Mu- semeelin asked where Jack was ? Smith told him that he was gone to clear the road a little. Musemeelin said he wanted to speak with him, and went that way, and after he had gone a little distance from the fire, he said some- thing, and looked back laughing, but he having a thick throat, and his speech being very bad, and their talking with Smith, hindered them from understanding what he said, they did not mind it. They being hungry, Smith told them to kill some turtles, of which there were plenty, and we would make some bread, by and 1)7, and they would all eat toge- ther. While they were talking, they heard a gun go off not tar off, at which time Woodworth Arnold was killed, as they learned afterwards. Soon after, Musemeelin came back and said, why did you not kill that white man, accoriling as I bid you ? I have laid the other two down. At this they were surprised ; and one of the young men, commonly called Jim- my, ran away to the river side. Musemeelin said to the other, how will you do to kill Catawbas, if you cannot kill white men ? You cowards ; I'll show you how you must do ; and then taking up the English axe that lay there, he struck it three times into Smith's head before he died. Smith never stirred. Then he told the young Indian to call the other, but he was so terrified he could not call. Musemeelin then went and fetched him, and said that two of the white men were killed, he must now go and kill the third ; then 90 INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1744. each of them would have killed one. But neither of them dare venture to talk any thing about it. Then he pressed them to go along with him — he went foremost ; then one of the young men told the other, as they went along, my friend don't you kill any of the white people, let him do what he will ; I have not killed Smith, he has done it himself, wc have no need to do such a barbarous thing. Musemeelin be- ing being then a good way before them, in a hurry, they soon saw John Armstrong, sitting upon an old log. Muse- meelin spoke to him and said, where is my horse? Armstrong made answer and said, he will come by and by ; you shall have him. I want him now, said Musemeelin. Armstrong answered, you shall have him. Come, let us go to that fire — which was at some' distance from the place where Arm- strong sat — and let us talk and smoke together. (lO along, then, said Musemeelin. I am coming, said Armstrong, do you go before ; Musemeelin, do you go foremost. Armstrong looked then like a dead man, and went towards the fire, and was immediately shot in his back by Musemeelin, and fell. IViusemeelin then took his hatchet and struck it into Aim- strong's head, and said, give me my horse, I tell you. By this time or.c of the young men had fled again that had gone away belore, but he returned in a short time. Musemeelin then told ihe young men they must not ofiier to discover or tell a word about what had been done, for their lives ; but they must help him to bury Jack, and the other two were to be thrown into the river. After that was done, Musemeelin ordered them to load the horses and follow towards the hill, where they intended to hide the goods; accordingly they did, and as they were going, Musemeelin told them that as there were a great many Imlians hunting about that place, if they should happen to meet with any, they must be killed to pre- vent betraying them. As they went along, Musemeelin go- ing before, the two young men agreed to run away as soon as they could meet with any Indians, and not to hurt any body. They came to the desired place, the horses were un- loaded, and Musemeelin opened the bundles, and olTered the two young men each, a parcel of goods. They told him that as they had already sold their skins, and every body knew they had nothing, they would certainly be charged with a black action, were they to bring any goods to the town, and therefore would not accept of any, but promised nevertheless IKDIAN MASSACRES IN 1744^ 91 not to betray him. Now, says Musemeelin, I know what you were talking about when you staid so far behind. The two young men being in great danger of losing their lives — of which they had been rnuch afraid all that day — accepted of what he ofTered to them, and the rest of the goods they put in a heap, and covered Ihem from the rain, and then went to their hunting cabin, Musemeelin unexpec- tedly finding two or three more Indians there, laid down his goods, and said he had killed Jack Armstrong and taken pay lor his horse, and should any of them discover it, tliat person he would likewise kill ; but otherwise they might all take a part of the goods. The young man, called Jimmy, went to Shamokin, after Musemeelin was gone to bury the goods, with three more Indians, with whom he had prevailed ; one of them was Neshaleeny's son, whom he had ordered to kill James Smith, but these Indians would not have any of the goods. Sometime after the young Indian had been in Sha- mokin, it v/as whispered about that some of the Delaware Indians had killed Armstrong and his men. A drunken Indian came to one of the Tudolous houses at night and told the man of the house that he could tell him a piece of bad news. What is that 1 said the other. The drunken man said, some of our Delaware Indians have killed Armstrong and his men, which, if our chiefs should not resent, and take them up, I will kill them myself, to prevent a disturbance betvreen us and the white people, our brother. Next morn- mg, Shickcalamy and some other Indians of the Delawares, %vere called to assist Allumoppies in Council. When Shick- calamy and Allumoppies got one of the Tudolous Indians to write a letter to me, to desire me to come to Shamokin in all haste, that the Indians were very much dissatisfied in mind. This letter was brought to my house by four Delaware In- dians, sent express ; but I was then in Philadelphia, anti when I came home and found all particulars mentioned in this letter, and that none of the Indians of the Six Nations had been down, I did not care to meddle with Delaware In- dian alfairs, and staid at home till I received the governor's orders to go, which was about two weeks after. Allumoppies was advised by his Council to employ a cojxjurw, or as they call it, to find out the murderer ; accordingly, he did, and the Indians met, the Seer being busy all night, told them in the morning to examine such and such an one, that was present, 9^ INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1744, when Armstrong ^vas killed, naniing the two young men : Museraeelin was present. Accordingly, Allumoppies, Quith- eyquent, and Thomas Green, an Indian, went to him that had fled first and examined him ; he told the whole story very ircely; then they went to the other, but he would not say a word, and went away and left him. The three Indians re- turned to Shickcalamy and informed them of what discovery they liad made. When it was agreed to secure the murder- ers, and deliver them up to the white people. Then a great noise arose among the Delaware Indians, and some were afraid of their lives and went into the woods ; not one cared to meddle with Musemeelin, and the other that could not be prevailed oa to discover any thing, because of the resent- ment of their families ; but they being pressed by Shickcala- my 's son to secure the murderers, otlierwise they would be cut oil from the chain of friendshi}). Four or five of the De- lawares made IMusemeelin and the other young man prison- ers, and tied them both. They lay twenty-four hours, and none would venture to conduct them down, because of the great division among the Delaware Indians ; and Allumop- pies, in danger of being killed, fled to Shickcalamy and beg- ged his protection. At last Shickalamy's son. Jack, went to to the Delawares, most of them being drunk, as they had been for several days, and told them to deliver the prisoners to Alexander Armstrong, and they were afraid to do it; they might separate their heads from their bodies, and lay them in the canoe, and carry them to Alexander to roast and eat them, that would satisfy his revenge, as he wants to cat In- dians. They prevailed with the said Jack to assist them; and accordingly he and his brother, and some of the Dela- wares, went with two canoes and canied them otf. Conrad Weiser, in a letter to a friend, dated Heidelberg, 1746, adverts to an interesting incident which occurred at the conclusion of this interview at Shamokin. He says, "two years ago I was sent by the Governor to Shamokin, on ac- count of the unhappy death of John Armstrong, the Indian trader, (1774.) After I had performed my errand, there was a feast prepared, to which the Governor's messengers were mvited. There were about one hundred persons present, U whom, after we had in great silence, devoured a fat bear, the eldest of the chiefs made a speech, in which he said : "That,, by a great misfortune, three of the brethren, the white men. INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1744. 93 had been killed by an Indian ; that nevertheless, the sun was not set, (meaning there was no war,) it had only been some- what darkened by a small cloud, which was now done away; he that had done evil was like to be punished, and the lancl remain in peace; therefore he exhorted his people to thank- fulness to God,- and therefore he began to sing with an aw- ful solemnity, but without expressing any words ; the others accompanied him with great earnestness of fervor, spoke these words : " Thanks, thanks be to thee, thou great Lord of the world, m that thou hast again caused the sun to shine, and hast dispersed the dark cloud — the Indians are thine." CHAPTER V, INDIAN MASSACEES IN 1754.. Abductions in 1753; viz: of Evans, Devo}', Nicholson, Magenty, Burns, Hutchinson of Cumberland count}- — Frontier inhabitants fear the Indians, and petition Ciovernor Hamilton, from Cumberland & Lan- caster counties — Governor Hamilton urges the Assembly to afford the frontier settlers aid — The government solicilous to retain the friendship and aid of the Indians — Wcisersent to Aughwick — Israel^ an Indian of the Six Nations, killed Joseph Cample in Cumberland (Franklin) county — Croghan's letter touching this murder, &c. Though we find only occasionally a murder committed upon the uhites by the Indians, before Braddock's defeat, nevertheless the number of abductions \vas considerable be- fore that time. Among others, inhabitants of Cumberland county, that were taken captive, were John Evans, Henry Devoy, Owen Kicholson, Alexander Magenty, Patrick Burns, and George Hutchinson, all of whom returned again to Cum- berland — these were captured in 1752, '53, and '54 ; and some of them endnred great hardships. ' A number of French Indians, headed by a Frenchman, took George Henry, John Evans, James Devoy and Owen Nicholson, prior to 1753. They were carried to Quebec, and from thence sent to Rochelle, in France, where they were released by the English ambassador, and by him sent to London ; from there they got a passage to Philadelphia ; and on presenting a petition to the Assembly, May 22, 1753, and the House havitig considered the petitioners unhappy case were granted them as much money as bore their expen- ses to Cumberland county, their place of residence. Sixtee)- pounds were allowed them. While one Alexander Magenty was trading with the Cut- tawa Indians, who were in alliance with the Crown of Great Britain, and on returning home, he was taken prisoner, Jan- iiary 26, 1753, by a party of French Indians of the Cagna- INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1754. <>5 waga Nation, near the river Kantucqui, a western branch of the Ohio. The Indians beat and abused Magenty in the most barbarous and cruel manner, then sent him to Montreal. From that place the prisoner wrote a letter to the Mayor of Albany, requesting him to obtain his release, which was ul- timately effected, by paying a considerable sum of money to the Indians who had taken him. Magenty returned to Phil- adelphia in the autumn of 1753, destitute of clothes and other necessaries ; the Assembly granted him six pounds, to bear his expenses to Cumberland county, the place of his resi- dence. In November, 1755, the Assembly granted ten pounds to Patrick Burns and George Hutchinson, who had been taken prisoners by the Indians, and made their escape, to furnish them necessaries in their distressed circumstances, to return from Philadelphia to Cumberland county, their place of res- idence. — [Votes of Assembly, vol. iv. A strict amity had existed between the Indians and the inhabitants of Pennsylvania, with occasional personal or in- dividual disputes, for a space of about seventy years ; but now, 1753 and '54, a ditferent spirit manifested itself in the conduct of some of the Indians in the northwestern parts of the State, and along the frontier settlements of the province — they joined with the French against the English, and made havoc of their former friends, the English ; many of whom, at the instigation of their new allies, the French, they mur- dered most cruelly, as will be apparent from the following detailed accounts of the massacres. A dark cloud obscured the hitherto existing friendly relations, and consternation seized hold of those who seemed to have nothing to fear from the aborigines. A panic spread through the frontier settlers. The inhabitants of Cumberland now began to fear greatly that the enemy, who had recently made incursions into Vir- ginia would, before long, fi\ll upon them too, and they peti- tioned Governor Hamilton to aid them in their critical condi- tion. The inhabitants of the upper part of Lancaster (now Dauphin) county, sent a similar petition to the Governor and council — as follows : — The humble petition of the inhabitants of the townships of Paxton, Derry and Hanover, Lancaster county, humbly sheweth that your petitioners being settled on and near the 96 INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1754. river Susquehanna, apprehend themselves in great danger from the French and French Indians, as it is in their poT\-er several times in the year to transport themselves with am- munition, artillery, and every necessary, down the said river — and their conduct of late to the neighboring Provinces, in- creases our dread of a speedy visit from them, as we are as near and convenient as the Provinces attacked, and are les? capable of defending ourselves, as we are unprovided with arms and ammimition, and unable to purchase them. A great number are warm and active in these parts for the defence of themselves and counti'y, were they enabled so to do, (al- though aot such a number as w'ould be able to withstand the enemy) we, your petitioners, therefore humbly pray that your Honor Vv-ould take our distressed condition into consid- eration, and make such provision for us as may prevent our- selves and families from being destroyed and ruined by such a cruel enemy; and your petitioners, as in duty, will ever pray. — July 22, l7o4. Fear, ever of a contagious nature, seized hold of those more remotely settled from the frontier. The inhabitants of Donegal township, Lancaster county, also felt that they, as well as their fellow inhabitants, were in great danger of be- ing murdered by the savages and their French allies; in view of the impending dangers, joined in petitioning tlie Governor to take their distresscxl condition into consideration. The Governor, on maturely considering the condition of the frontier settlers, sent a message to the Assembly, then in session, urging in strong terms that immediate aid should be afforded the petitioners. In his message (August, 1754) he says, "The people of Cumberland and the upper parts of Lancaster county, are so apprehensive of danger, at this crit- ical juncture, from the nearness of French, and savages un- der their influence, that the principal inhabitants have, in the most earnest manner, petitioned me to provide for their protection ; representing withal, that a great number would be warm and active in defence of themselves and their coun- try, were they enabled so to be, by being supplied with arms and ammunition, which many of them are nnable to purchase at their own private expense. The substance of three several petitions, which I shall likewise order to be laid before you, appears to me, gentlemen, to be of the greatest importance, and well worthy of your most serious attention. You may INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1754. i)7 be assured, that nothing which depends on me shall be wanting towards affording them the protection they de- sire ; but you cannot at the same time but be sensible how little it is in my power to answer their expectations with- out the aid of your House. It becomes then my indispeii- sable duty, and I cannot on any account whatever excuse myself from pressing you to turn your thoughts on the de- fenceless state of Ihe Province in general, as well as of oui back inhabitants in particular ; and to provide such means for the security of the whole, as shall be thought at once both reasonable and effectual to the ends proposed; sn which, as in every other matter, consistent with my honoi. and the trust reposed in me, I promise you ray hearty con- currence. — [Votes of Assembly, iv. 319, Aug. 1754. These abductions were mere preludes of more sanguin- ary sequences. Many of the Indians heretofore known as " friendly Indians" became disaffected, and favored the French interests in the west — ready to aid the French in ilieir schemes. The government of the Province of Penn- sylvania and Virginia, were anxious to not only have the continued friendship of those who still professed to be friendly, but, if possible, to regain the friendship of the dis- affected ; for that purpose Conrad VVeiser was sent, in the> •uonth of September, 1754, to Aughwick, where George Croghan, the Indian agent, had quite a number of differ- ent tribes under his care. Notwithstanding that Mr. Wei- ser, as the agent of the government, did all in his power, aided by liberal donations of money, to secure the friendly assistance of the Indians, murders were committed by some unknown Indian, For a few days after Mr. Weiser had "left Croghan, an Indian of the Six Nations, named Israel, ficnetrated into the frontier settlements, and killed an In- ciian trader, Joseph Cample, at the house of Anthony Thompson, near Parnall's Knob, Cumberland county (now Franldin,) as the following letter shows: Aughwick, September 27th, 1754. May it please your Honor: Since Mr. Weiser left this, an Indian of the Six Nations, named Israel, killed one Joseph Cample, an Indian trader, at the house of one Anthony Thompson, at the foot of the Tuscarora valley, near Parnall's Knob. As soon as 1 9 98 INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1754. heard it, I went down to Thompson's and took several oi the chiefs of the Indians with me, when I met William Maxwell, Esq. The Indian made his escape before I got there. 1 took the qualification of the persons who were present at the murder, and delivered them to Mr. Max- weh to be sent to your Honor, with the speech made by the chiefs of the Indians on that occasion, which, I suppose your Honor has received. I have heard many accounts from Ohio since Mr. Wej- ser left this, all of wliich agree that the French have re- ceived a reinforcement of men and provision from Canada^ to the fort. An Indian returned yesterday to this place, whom I had sent to the fort for intelligence ; he confirms the above accounts, and further says, there were about sixty French Indians liad come while he staid there, and that they expected better than two hundred more every day; he says that tbe French design to send those Indians with some French, in several parties, to annoy the back settlements, which the French say will put a stop to any English forces marching out this fall to attack them. This Indian likewise says that the French will do their endea- vor to have the Half-King, Scarrayooday, Capt. Montour and myself, killed this fall. This Indian, I think is to be be- lieved, if there can be any credit given to what an Indian says. He presses mc strongly to leave this place, and not live in any of the back parts. The scheme of sending seve- ral parties to annoy the back settlements seems so much like French policy, that I can't help thinking it true. I hear from Colonel Innes that there certainly have been some French Indians at the Camp at Wills' creek, and fired on the sentry in the dead of the night. If the French prose- cute this scheme, I don't know what will become of the back parts of Cumberland county, which is much exposed. The back parts of Virginia and Maryland are covered by the English camp, so that most of the inhabitants are safe. I would have written to your Honor before now, on this head, I only waited the return of this Indian messenger, whose account I really think is to be depended on. The In- dians here seem very uneasy at their long stay, as they have heard nothing from the Governor of Vii'ginia, nor of your Honor since Mr. Weiser went away ; nor do they see the English making any preparations to attack the French, which INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1754. 99 seems to give them a great deal of concern. I believe seve- ral of the Indians ^vi]l soon go to the Six Nation country; and then I suppose the rest will be obliged to fall in with the French. If this happens, then all the back settlements will be left to the mercy of an outrageous enemy. I beg your Honor's pardon for mentioning the consequen- ces which most certainly attend the slow motion of the Eng- lish government, as they are well known to your Honor; and that I am sensible your Honor had done all in your power for the security of those parts. I hope as soon as his Honor, Governor Morris, is arrived, I shall hear what is to be done with those Indians. I assure your Honor it will not be in my power to keep them together much longer. i am your Honor's most humble and most obedient servants Geo. Crogkan Aughwick. Old Town. CHAPTER VI. INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1755 — '80. Ardent hostilities between the French and English— Braddock's defeat encourages the French and their Indian allies — Frontier settlers again petition government for protection — Plans for defence of tht; Frontiers — Governor Morris's language in relation to Braddock'-s ■leteat — Twenty-five persons carried off at Penn's creek; buildings burnt ; several persons killed and scalped, viz : Jacques Le Roy, or Jacob King and others — Four men killed by the Indians, who weix- i-eturning from Shamokin to Harris's ferry — Extensive settlements ieserted — Harris's letters touching the above massacre — Weiser's ii?tters — Harris's letter — Anecdote from Heckewelder's narrative* — Frontier settlers abandon their homes — Harris's letter — Bingham'.s nrt in Tuscarora valley destroyed — Fort Granville taken, &c. &c.— Hamilton's letters, SiC. — Col. Armstrong's letter — Numerous ma^sa- rres in several places — hi southwestern part of Huntingdon county In Woodcock Taliey. (SfC.—Settlers killed at J^innemahoning, &c. in ' 1778 «^-Iouils of portentous indication were fast gathering, and -•xcited great alarm; for actual hostilities between tlit- French, aided dy their Indian allies, and the English in Ame- rica, had commenced. Reinforcements, by both parties, U) strike the decisive blow, most fatally, were effected- The cri- sis v/as an eventful one. The inhabitants of the Irontiers were all in a panic; the Indians, true to their character, when enemies, struck whenever an opportunity presented itself — iieither sex nor age was spared. The French, and their Indian allies, encouraged by their success, pushed their incursions into the interior parts of tlw; frontier settlements, — into York, Cumberland, Lancaster. Berks and Northampton counties. These counties were scenes of murder, burning of houses, &c., for a period of INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1755. 101 about 10 years. The apprehensions of those who feared the direful consequences of Braddock's defeat, were sadly re- alized. The massacres which followed this defeat were horrible beyond description. Shiiigas and Captain Jacobs were sup- posed to have been the principal instigators of them, and a reward of seven hundred dollars was offered for their heads. It was at this period, that the dead bodies of some of the murdered and mangled were sent from the frontiers to Phila- delphia, and hauled about the streets, to inflame the people against the Indians, and also against the Quakers, to whose mild forbearance was attributed a laxity in sending out troops. The mob surrounded the House of Assembly, having placed the dead bodies at its entrance, and demanded immediate suc- cor. At this time the above reward was offered, — [Drake's Ind.His. King Shingas, as he was called by the whites, (who is noticed in the preceding paragraph,) but whose proper name was Shingask, which is interpreted Bogmeadow, was the greatest Delaware warrior at that time. Heckewelder, who knew him personally, says. Were his war exploits all on re- cord, they would form, an interesting document, though a shocking one. Conococheague, Big Cove, Shearman's val- ley, and other settlements along the frontier, felt his strong arm sufficiently, that he was a " bloody warrior" — cruel his treatment, relentless his fury. His person was small, but in point of courage and activity, savage ])rowess, he was said to have never been exceeded by any one. In 1753, when Washington was on his expedition to the French on the Ohio (Allegheny), Shingas had his house at Kittaning — where Pittsburg now stands. The inhabitants, as they had done the previous years, again renewed their petitions to government, and also united to resist, if possible, the French and their savage allies. Plans were now devised for the defence of the frontiers. The following was one, which the compiler copied from the original, found among some letters and papers in the Secre- tary's Office at Harrisburg. The paper is without date. It is headed "A plan for the defence of the Frontier of Cum- berland county, from Philip Davies' io Shippensburg. Let one company cover from Philip Davies to John Wad- del'sc And as John McDowell's mill is at the most impor- 9* J.O:i INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1755. Trinl pass, most exposed to danger, has a fort already made about it, and there provisions may be most easily had ; for these reasons let the chief quarters be there. Let five men be constantly at Philip Davies', William Marshall's and Tho- dle's, who shall be relieved every day by the patrolling guards. Let ten men be sent early every morning from the »:hiet quarters to Thomas Waddle's, and ten return from thence in the evening. Likewise ten men sent from Ihe chief quarters to the other extremity daily, to go by William Mar- shall's to Philip Davies', and return the same way in the afternoon. By this plan the whole bounds will be patrolled twice every day — a watch will be constantly kept at four most important places, and there will be every night forty- five men, at the chief quarters, ready for any exigency. Another company may cover as much more of the Fron- tier, beginning where the first ends, and reach towards, and l)ack of Shippensburg, by fixing a chiel quarter in some con- venient place, about the middle of said bounds, and from thence patrolling the ground twice a day, and keej:)ing watch- es at the most proper places as above; one of which watches may be constantly at Mr. Armstrong's, and another at a proper place, at the other extremity. This jilan supposes each of the companies to consist of GO men m ail, as fewer cannot so patrol, keep watch, and have any torce together to answer such exigencies as may occur. These may be furnished by deducting seventeen out of each ot the four Forts back of our frontier : tliis leaves sixty in eftcii Fort, and makes up a new company of sixty men, and eight to be added to Captain Potter's company. Governor Robert Morris, in his message of July 24, 1755, to the Assembly, has the folloM-ing language in relation to Braddock's defeat : — " This unfortunate and unexpected change in our affairs deeply aflect every one of his majesty's coiomes, but none of them in so sensible a manner as this province, while having no militia, is thereby left exposed to the cruel iiieursion of the French and barbarous Indians, who deli'-T^ht in shed(hng human blood, and who make no distinc- tion as to age or sex — as to those that are armed against them, or such as they can surprise m their peaceful habita- tions — are all alike the objects of their cruelty — slaughter- ing the tender infant, and fiightened mother, with equal joy ,mi fierceness. To such enemies, spurred by the native cru» INDIAN MASSACRES IN 170''. 103 Hlty of their tempers, encouraged by their late success, and having now no array to fear, are the inhabitants of this pro- vince exposed ; and by such must we now expect to be over- run, if we do not immediately prepare for our own defence ; nor ought we to content ourselves with this, but resolve to drive to, and confine the French to their own just limits.— [ Votes of Assembly. Scarce three months after this disastrous defeat, we find The barbarous savages engaged in murdering the whites and setting fire to their houses, on the west side of Susquehanna, in Cumberland county, now Union; for, on the fifteenth of (-ktober, lloo, a party of Indians fell upon the inhabitants on Mahahany (or Penn's) creek, that runs into the river Sus- quehannah, about five miles lower than the Great Fork made by the juncture of the tv.-o main branches of the Susquehan- nah, killed and carried off about twenty-five persons, and Ijurnt and destroyed their buildings and improvements, and the whole settlement was deserted. The inhabitants on Penn's creek sent in the following peti- tion to Governor Morris : — •' We, the subscribers, near the mouth of Penn's creek, on the west side of the Susquehanna, humbly show, that on or about the 16th October, 1700, the enemy came down upon said creek, killed, scalped, and carried away all the men, women and children, amounting to twenty-five in number, and wounded one man, who fortunately made his escape and brought us the news, whereupon the subscribers went out and buried the dead, whom v/e found most barbarously mur- dered and scalped. " We found but thirteen, who were men and elderly wo- men. The children, we suppose to be carried away, pris- oners. The house where v:e suppose they finished their mur- kier, we found burnt up; the man of it, named Jacob King, -t Swisser, lying just by it. He lay on his back, barbarously burnt, and two tomahawks sticking in his forehead ; one of those marked newly with W. D. We have sent them to your Honor. The terror of which, has driven away almost all the back inhabitants, except the subscribers, with a ftv.' more, who are v.dlling to stay and defend the land ; but as we are not at all able to defend it for the want of guns and ammunition, and few in numbers, so that without assistance^ 101 INDIAN MASSACRES IN 175-5. we uiust liee, and leave the country to the mercy of tlie euemy. \N e, therefore, desire it, that your Honor would take the si^.rae into consideration, and order some speedy relief for the safety of these back settlements, and be pleased to give us speedy orders what to do. George Gliwell, George Achmudy, John McCahon, Abra- ham Souerkili. Edmund Matthews, Mark Curry, William Doran, Dennis Mucklehenny, John Young, John Simmons, George Snabble, George Aberheart, Daniel Braugh, George Lynn, and Gotfried Fryer. — [Prov. Records. Jacob King alias Jacob Le Roy, mentioned in the above petition, had only lately arrived in the country. At the time he was murdered, his daughter, Anne Mary Le Roy, and some others, were made prisoners, and taken to Kittaning, where she was kept a captive for about four years. She ar- rived at Philadelphia, May 6th, 1759. A narrative of her abduction and captivity, and that of Barbara Leininger, was published by Peter Miller, in 1759. — [Sauer's Zeitung. On the 23d of October, 1755, forty-six of the inhabitants on Susquehanna, about Harris' Ferry, went to Shamokin, to enquire of the Indians there, who they were that had so cru- elly fallen upon and ruined the settlement on Mahahony creek ; on their return from Shamokin, they were fired upon by some Indians who lay in ambush, and four were killed, four drowned, and the rest put to flight: on which, all the settlements between Shamokin and Hunter's mill (formerly Chambers') for the space of fifty miles, were deseited. — [Prov. Records. The following letters from John Harris, and other gentle- men, give all the particulars, touching the above : Paxton, October 20, 1755. May it please your Honor — I was informed, last night, by a person that came down our river, that there was a Dutch (German) woman, who made her escape to George Gabriel's, and informs us, that last Friday evening, on her way home from this settlement, on Mahahony, or Penn's creek, where her family lived, she called at a neighbor's house, and saw two persons lying by the door of said house, murdered and scalped ; ajid there INDIAN MASSACRES IN 175^. 10-J were some Dutch (German) families that lived near their places, immediately left, not thinking it safe to stay any lon- ger. It is the opinion of the people up the river, that the families on Penn's creek being scattered, that but few in number are killed or carried off, except the above said wo- man, the certainty of which will soon be known, as there are some men gone out to bury the dead. By report, this evening, I was likewise informed by the belt of wampum, and these Indians here, there were seen, near Shamokin, about six days ago, two French Indians of the Canawago tribe. I, a little doubted the truth of the re- })ort at first ; but the Indians have seemed so afraid, that they despatched messengers, immediately, to the mountains, above my house, to bring in some of their women that were gath- ering chestnuts, for tear of their being killed. By a person just arrived down our river, brought informa- tion of two men being murdered within five miles of George Gabriel's, four women carried off, and there is one man woun- ded in three places, who escaped to Gabriel's, and it is ima- gined that all the inhabitants on Penn's creek and Little Mahahony, are killed or carried off, as most of them live much higher up where the first murder was discovered. The Indian warriors here send you these two 'strings of white wampum, and the women the black one, both requesting that you would lay by all your council pipes, immediately, and open all your eyes and ears, and view your slain people in this land, and to put a stop to it immediately, and come to this place to our assistance without any delay ; and the belt of wampum particularly mentions that the proprietors and your Honor would immediately act in defence of their coun- try, as the old chain of friendship now is broken by several nations of Indians, and it seems to be such as they never ex- pected to see or hear of. Any delay on our acting vigor- ously now at this time, would be the loss of all Indian inte- rest, and perhaps our ruin in these parts. I am your Honor's Most obedient servant, John Harris. P. S. I shall endeavor to get a number of my neighbors to go out as far as the murder has been committed ; and per- haps to Shamokin, to know the minds of the Indians, and 106 INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1755. their opinions of these times, and to get what intelligence I can from them, and to encourage some of their young men to scout about, back of the frontiers, to give us notice of the enemy's approach, if possible, at any lime hereafter. I hear- tily wish your Honor and the Assembly, would please to agree on some method at this time towards protecting this province, as this part of it seems actually in danger now; for should but a company of Indians come and murder, but a few families hereabouts, which is daily expected, the situation we are in would oblige numbers to abandon their plantations, and our cattle and provisions, which we have a plenty of, must then fall a prey to the enemy. Our Indians here seem much discouraged at the large num- ber of families passing here, every day, on account of the late murders on the Potomack, and will be much more so, if it should hap})en to be our case. There were two Indian women set out from here two days ago, for the Ohio, to bring some of their relations (as they say) down here ; and should the French, or their Indians hear by them, as they will be enquiring for news, the effect that their late murders has had among our inhabitajits, it will be a matter of encouragement to them. I conclude, your Honor's Most obedient and most Humble servant, John Harri:-. Paxton, October 2S, 17^5. May it ])lease your Honor (Gov. Morris.) This is to acquaint you, that on the 24th of October, I arrived at Shamokin, in order to protect our frontiers up that way, till they might make their escape from their cruel ene- mies, and learn the best intelligence 1 could. The Indians on the west branch of the Susquehanna, cer- tainly killed our inhabitajits on Penn's creek ; and there are a hatchet and two English scalps sent by them up the north branch, to desire them to strike with them, if they are men. The Indians are all asticmbling themselves at Shamokin, to counsel ; a large body of them was there four days ago. I cannot learn their intentions ; but seems Andrew Montour and Mona-ca-too-tha are to bring down the news from them. There is not a sufficient number of them to oppose the ene- INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1755. 10? my ; and, perhaps, they will join the enemy against us. Theie is no dependance on Indians ; and we are in imminent dan- ger. I got certain information from Andrew Montour and oth- ers, that there is a body of French with fifteen hundred In- dians coming upon us, Picks, Ottaways, Orandox, Delawares, Shawanese, and a number of the Six Nations; and are now, not many days march from this Province and Virginia, which are appointed to be attacked; at the same time, some of the Shamokin Indians seem friendly, and others appear like ene- mies. Montour knew, many days ago, of the enemy being on their march against us, before he inlormed ; for which I said as much to him, as I thought prudent, considering the place I was in. On the 25th inst., on my return with about lorty more, we were attacked by about twenty or thirty Indians — received their fire, and about lifteen of our men and myself took to the trees, attacked the villains, killed four of them on the spot, and lost but three more — retreating about half a mile through woods, and crossing the Susquehanna, one of whom was shot off an horse riding behind myself, through the riv- er. My horse was wounded, and failing in the river, I was obliged to quit him and swim part of the way. Four or five of our men were drowned, crossing the river, I hope our journey, though with fatigue and loss of substance, and some of our lives, will be of service to our country, by discovering our enemy, who will be our ruin, if not timely prevented. I just now received information that there was a French officer, supposed captain, with a party of Shaw^anese, Dela- wares, &c., within six miles of Shamokin, ten days ago; and no doubt intends to take possession of it, which will be a dreadful consequence to us, if suQered. Therefore, I thought proper to despatch this message to inform your Honor. The Indians here I hope, your Honor, will be pleased to cause them to remove to some place, as I do not like their compa- ny; and as the men of those here were not against us, yet did them no harm, or else I would have them all cut olf. 15elt (Indian so called) promised, at Shamokin, to send out spies to view the enemy, and upon hearing of our skirmishes, Old Belt was in a rage— gathered up thirty Indians immedi- IDS INDIAN MASSACRES IN 175-3. ately, and went in pursuit of the enemy, as I am this day informed. I expect Montour and Mona-ca-thoo-tha down here this week, with the determination of their Shamokin council. The inhabitants are abandoning their plantations, and we are in a dreadful situation. I am, &c, John Harris. P. S. The night ensuing our attack, the Indians burnt all George Gabriel's houses — danced around them. Heidelberg, Nov. the 2d, at night, 1750. Honored Sir : I am going out early next morning with a company of men — how many I cannot tell, as yet — to bring away the lew, and dispersed families, on the north side of Kittatinny hills, yet alive : they cry aloud for assistance, and shall give it my opinion to-morrow, in a public meeting of the town- ships of Heidelberg and Tulpehocken ; — but the few that are alive, and remaining there, (the greater part has come away) r^hall be forwarded to the south side of the hills ; and we will >:onvey them to this side. I don't go over the hills myself; i will see the men so fdv as the hills, and give such advice as 1 am able to do. There can be no force used ; we are eontiually alarmed ; and last night I received the account irora Andrew Montour that Belt, Scarrooyady, and others, wanted me to come up with my men to John Harris' Ferry, aud to consult with them. I sent an account for my not coming, with ray son, Sammy, who set off by break of day, this morning, with an hivitation to the Indians to comedown to my house for consultation. The same message I had ven- tured to send by George Gabriel, I sent by Sammy, a copy 01 which, I sent by George Gabriel, is here inclosed. Whtn 1 received the letter from Harris's Feny, signed by several, among whom were Mr. James Galbieath and j\lr. Allison- it was late in the night. I dispatched a messenger after George, and he came back this morning ; here inclosed, as Slid before, is his errand. I hope to see my son back again to-morrow night with intelligence ; that is one reason why I can't go over the hills. My son, Peter, came up this even- ing, fjom Reading, at the head of about fifteen men, in order INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1755. l09 to accompany me over the hills. I shall let him go with the rest. Had we but good regulations, with God's help we could stand at our places oi abode ; but if the people fail, which I am afraid they will, because only some go, other's won't. Some plead religion, and a great many are cowards. I shall think of my, and my fomily's preservation, and quit my place. I can get .none to stand by me, to defend my own house. I hope you will excuse this — I have no clerk now, and had no sleep for several days and nights. I am, sir, Your obedient servant, Conrad Weiser. I, and Thomas Foster, Esq., Mrs. Harris, and Mr. Mc- Kee, with upwards of forty men, went up, the 2nd inst. (Oc- tober, 1755) to Captain McKee, at New Providence, in or- der to bury the dead, lately murdered on Mahahany creek ; but understanding the corpse were buried, we then determin- ed to return immediately home. But being urged by John Sekalamy, and the Old Belt, to go up to see the Indians at Shamokin, and know their minds, we went on the 24th, and staid all night — and in the night I heard some Delawares talking — about twelve iti number — to this purpose : " What are the English come here for ?" Says another : " To kill us I suppose; can we then send off some of our nimble young men to give our friends notice, that can soon be here?" They soon after sang the war song, and four Indians went off, in two canoes, well armed — the one canoe went down the river, and the other across. On the morning of the 25th, we took our leave of the In- dians, and set off homewards, and were advised to go down the east side of the river, but fearing that a snare might be laid on that side, we marched off peaceably, on the west side, having behaved in the most civil and friendly manner towards them while with themj and when we came to the mouth of the Mahahany creek, x'Jfe were fired on by a good number of Indians that lay among the bushes; on which, we were obli- ged to retreat, with the loss of several men ; the particular number I cannot exactly mention ; but I am positive that I saw four fall, and one struck with a tomahawk on the head, in his flight across the river. As I understand the Delaware tongue, I heard several of the Indians that were engaged 10 UO INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1755. against us, speak a good many words in that tongue, during the action. Adam Terrance. The above declaration was attested by the author's vol- untary qualification, no magistrate being present — at Paxton, this 26th October, 1755, before us : John Elder, Thomas Mc Arthur, Michael Graham, Alex. McClure, Michael Teass, William Harris, Thomas Black, Samuel Lenes, Samuel Pearson, William McClure. N. B. Of all our people that were in the action, there are but nine that have yet returned. Reading, October 22, 1755. Honored Sir : I take this opportunity to inform you that I received news from Shamokin, and that six families have been murdered on John Penn's creek, on the west side of the Susquehannah ; about lour miles Irom the river, several people have been been found scalped, and twenty-eight or more missing. The people are in great consternation, and are coming down, leav- mg their plantations and corn behind them. Two of my soni are gone up to help down one of their cousins with his fan;- ily- 1 hear of more that will defend themselves ; but Georg* Gabriel the people down here seem to be for ourselves. and says : The Indians will never come this side the Susque hanna river ; but I fear they will, since they meet with m> opposition any where. I do not doubt your Honor has heard of this melancholy affair before now, by the way of Lancas- ter, perhaps more particularly; yet, I thought it my duty t: inform you of it ; and when my sons' come back, I wj; write again, if they bring any thing particular. I have heard nothing of the Indians that have gone up t( hght against the French on the Oh^*; their going, I fear has been occasion of this murder. I have nothing more t( add, but am, Honored sir. Your very humble servant, Conrad Weiser. INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1755. Ill Bethlehem, Nov. 2, 1755. Mr. Christian Seidel and Mr. David Zeisberger, being ex- amined on their solemn affirmation, before me, Timothy Horsefield, one of his Majesty's justice of the peace for the county of Northampton, at their return from their journey to the Susquehanna, affirmed as follows : Q. When came you to the Susquehanna ? A. The twenty-sixth of October last. •Q. What places were you at there ? A. Waioming, the Shawanos Town, and at Lechaweke, the Minesiiik Town. Q. What stay did you make there ? A. Six daySo Q. What was your proper business there ? A . Being invited by the Indians, we went there to preach the gospel, which we did twice at Lechaweke. Q. What knowledge have you of the disturbances which lately happened in those parts? A. All we know is, what the Shawonas chief, named Packstanos told us, viz : that he and some other chiefs of the Indians being on the Susquehanna, were called down by the Shamokin Indians, and accordingly they went, and Sat- urday the 25th of last month, as they sat together in consul- tation, then came forty-nine white people to them, and told them the Fi-ench Indians were near on the other side of the ri\er — the Indians advised them to stay on that side and not to go over the river : but they would needs go over ; and hav- ing crossed over, about six miles below Shamokin, near George Gabriel's, they were attacked by some Indians; and, that the aforesaid chief, with others, and some of his young men, went the next day over, and going down the river, they came to the place v,-here the engagement had been the day before; where they found three white men had been killed ; and, a little further, on the river side, they found another dead; not shot, but supposed to have been drowned trying to escape ; at some distance further they found a suit of women's clothes, with a pair of new shoes lying near the river, which they thoucrht must have belonged to some one who endeavored to scape by crossing the river. They then followed the track turther into the woods, where the said chie^ espied a sapling cut down, and near by a grub twisted : then he called to the company, and said, These marks betokened something : 112 INDIAN MASSACRES IN 175-5. and upon search they found a parcel of leaves raked togeth- er, upon removing which, they found a fresh grave, in which lay an Indian, who had been shot, and well dressed ; by the hairs of his head being pulled out, except a tuft on his crowr, they discovered him to be a French Mohawk Indian — they stripped and scalped him. They also found a glove, all bloody, lying by a tree, which had been very much shot, which they imagined to have be- longed to Thomas McKee, an Indian trader. Then they next went to George Gabriel's plantation, where they saw Indian tracks on the plowed ground — and that his corn was burnt, hut what was become of him and his family, they knew not. Q. What situation did you find the Indians in ? A. They are in great favor of the French Indians, and are also much concerned, but the white people should think that they had a hand in the late disturbance, viz : the Indians at VVayoming. At Lechaweke they were entirely ignorant of the w^hole affair ; for as we came there, they were all toge- ther at their thanksgiving harvest feast. As far as we could observe, they are all well affected towards the English. And the aforementioned chief fully intends to come here to Beth- lehem on a visit shortly. Q. What do you know of the disturbance said to have happened lately in the neighborhood of Gnodenhuetten ? A, When we came to Gnodenhuetten yesterday, the first inst., we found all in peace and quietness ; but as w'e came to-day through the Gap, wc found above a hundred people in a great fight, who told us that George Custard was raur- dereu. We made answer, that he was alive that night, and was seen and spoken with by two of our people from Knod- enhuetten ; viz: Schweigart and Presser — Presser being theH in company with us. And further we know not. Taken before me, Tim. Horsefield. Bethlehem, Novem. 2d, 175-5. Note. — Heckewelder, in his Historical Account of the Indians, when speaking of the Indians' manner of suiprising their enemies,, relates a striking anecdote, by way of exem- plification, of the Indians' sagacity, as well as veracity; the subject of which, has some relation to massacre, mentioned above. INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1755. 113 In the beginning, says he, of the summer of the year 1755, a most atrocious and shocking murder was unexpectedly com- - mitted by a party of Indians, on fourteen white settlers, within five or six miles of Shamokin. The surviving wiiites, in their rage, detemiined to take their revenge by murdering a Delaware Indian, who happened to be in those parts, and was far from thinking himself in danger. He was a great iriend to the whites, was loved and esteemed by them, and in testimony of their regard, had received from them the name of Luke Holland, by which he v/as generally known. This Indian, satisfied that his nature was incapable of com- mitting such a foul murder in a time of profound peace, told the enraged settlers that he was sure that the Delawares were not in any manner concerned in it, and that it was the act of some wicked Mingoes or Iroquois, whose custom it was to involve other nations in wars with each other by clandes- tinely committing murders, so that they might be laid to the charge of others than themselves. But all his representations were vain ; he could not convince exasperated men, whose minds were fully bent upon revenge. At last, he offered that if they would give him a party to accompany him, he would go with them in quest of the mur. who ran for Governor, and resided some fifteen years ago m liedibrd. Hanca, or John Gray, afterwards joined a volunteer company, and went against the Indians in Kittaning, with the hopes of finding his wife and child. Shortly after the Kittaning expedition, he died in Bucks county. Francis Innis remained a prisoner or captive, till the In- 'lian treat}'. It api)ears from the follovv'ingconnntnhcations that Fore Granville was erected at the close of 1755. or in the spring of 175»;. Sir — You arc desired to proceed to Cumhcrland county, and \\x on proper places for erecting three stockades, viz : One bad: of Patterson's, one upon "' Kishecoquillas," and one near Sideling Hill ; eachofihem fifty feet s(|uare, with a bjoclv-house on two of tlie corners, and a harracks with- in, capable of lodging fifty men. Vou are also desired to agree with some pr.>per person, or persons, to oversee the workmen at each place, who shall be allowed such wages as you sliall agree to give, not exceeding one dollar per day; and the workmen shall be allowed at the rate of six dollars per month, iiiid their provisions, till the v.-orlc is tiiiished. ]'>. Franklix, Jos. Fox, Jos. IIt-ghs, Evan MoiiGAx. To Capt. Geo. Croghan, Phiiadeliihia, Dec. 17, 1755. Carlisle, Apiil -Uh, :2 o'clock, 1756. j)e;ir ,Na" : I arrived at this place at 12, wheic I i'omu] fiesli alarms fioni the frontiers, viz : On the 29th March, Pomfrett Cas- tle was fired on by a party of Indians, who toolc one Hugh Mitcholtree ])risoner, and they are very scarce of provis- ions and ammunition. From Fort Granville, 31st of March, there was a party of Indians, four in number, within one mile of the fort, which fort is so badlv stored with ammunition. not having . INDIAN MASSACRES IN 17-55. 1 19 three rounds per man, they thought it not prudent to ven- ture after them. I am further informed there were two parties of Indians seen within one mile of Shippensburg town, but dont hear of any mischief done yet. I think it highly necessary, and shall, if possible, get an escort at Adam Hoops' to go the rounds with me, as I am very sensible that a great part of the soldiers have left their posts and come to the inhabitants, particularly from Fort Granville. If I hear no more of them, I shall proceed, whether I get an escort or not, and if I get certain intelli- gence of their being abroad, I will wait till the charge I have made on me can be conducted with safety. The above account is matter of fact, and may be de- pended on. I am, dear sir, Your very humble servant, Elisha Saltab. P. S. All their cry is, money and ammunition. The place where Fort Granville had been erected, v/as called " Old Town," on the left bank of the Juniata river, near Lewistown, Mifflin county, where a company of en- listed soldiers were kept, under the command of Lieuten- ant Armstrong. The position of the fort was the most fa- vorable. The Indians who had been lurking about there tor some time, and knowing that Armstrong's men were few in number, sixty of them appeared, July 22, before the fort, and challenged the garrison to combat ; but this was declined by the commander, in consequence of the weakness of his force. The Indians fired at and wounded one man belonging to the fort, who had been a short way from it — yet, he got in safe ; after which they divided themselves into small parties, one of which attacked the ))lantation of one Baskins, near Juniata, whom they mur- dered, burnt his house and carried off his wife and chil- dren ; and another made -Hugh Carroll and his family prisoners. On the 30th of July, Captain Ward left the fort with all his men, except twenty-four under the command of Lieut, Armstrong, to guard some reapers in Shearman's valley. Soon after the Captain's departure, the fort was attacked by about one hundred Indians and French, who having 120 INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1755. nssailed it in vain during the afternoon and night of that day, took to the Juniata creek, and, protected by its bank, attained a deep ravine, by which they were enabled to ap- proach, without fear of injury, to within ten or twelve yards oi the fort, to which they succeeded in setting it on lire. Through a hole thus made they killed the Lieutenant and private, and wounded three others while endeavoring to ex- tinguish the fire. The enemy then offering quarters to the besieged, if they w'ould surrender, one Turner immediately opened the gate to them. They took prisoners, twenty-two soldiers, three wo- men, and seven children, whom they loaded with burdens and drove them off. The fort was burnt by Captain Jacobs, pursuant to the order of the French commander. When the Indians reached Kittaning, they put Turner to death with the most horrid toitures. They tied him to a post, danced around him, made a great fire, and having heated gun-barrels red-hot, ran them through his body. Having tormented him for three hours, they scalped him alive, and at last held up a boy with a hatchet in his hand, to give him the finish- ing stroke. The following casts some additional light on this : (JUMBERLAND COUNTY. The first day of June, in the year of our Lord, 1757. before me John Armstrong, Esq., one of his Majesty's Justice of the Peace, for the county of Cumberland afore- said, came John Hogan, late a soldier belonging to Capt. Edward Ward's company of foot, in the pay of the pro- vince of Pennsylvania, and upon his solemn oath, did de- pose and declare, that on or about the first day of August last past, (1756,) he, this deponent, with several others, was taken prisoner at Fort Granville, by a party of French and Indians — consisting of one hundred Indians and fifty French — who took this deponent, and the rest of the pris- oners, to the Kittaning, where they continued about three hours, in which time John Turner, one of the prisoners, was then burnt. That they were then taken down the river to Fort Du Quesne, wliere they staid but a few hours — the French and Indians not agreeing — they the>-n proceeded to Logstown, wiiere this deponent mostly con- INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1756. 121 linued until he made his escape, which was about nine weeks ago. And this deponent further saith, that during the time of his captivity, he was several times at Fort Du Quesne, and was fully satisfied that the garrison consisted of about three hundred French, had six guns, five or six pounders mounted, and seven swivels. That there were no Indians in the Fort ; but at about two miles distant from the Fort, was an Indian town wherein were about fifty or sixty of the natives. Twenty whereof were able to bear arms. That the walls of the bastions of said Fort were about four- teen feet thick. The curtain about four or five feet thick, except that next the river which is built as a common stock- ade, that bat ween the two bastions in the Pennsylvania side there is a ditch about six feet wide, and about seven or eight feet deep. That about four days before this deponent made his escape, there were twenty battoes arrived at Fort Du Quesne for Canada loaded with ammunition and provisions, and that it was reported that they also expected a large re- inforcemsnt of French and Indians from Canada and Missis- sippi, and that they would then endeavor to cut off the back inhabitants ; and also said that if the English did not go out this sum ner they would come to them. And this deponent further saith that the Indians having sold a prisoner to the French, received a nine gallon keg of brandy. This depo- nent and George Hiiy, another prisoner, thought that would be a good tim'^ for them to escape as it was customary for the Indians on such occasions to make a frolic and get drunk, whereupon they set off and brought Martin Borrowefly, another prisoner along with them, and arrived at the South Branch of the Potomac in three week's from the time of their escape. Sworn at Carlisle the 1st of June I7u7, before John Armstrong. Before leaving Fort Granville, they posted up a paper, which was afterwards found there, and was sent to the Gov- ernor and council ; and has sine been carefully kept among other papers and letters in the Secretary's office. The fol- lowing is a literal tramcript of the original, copied by the writer in December, 1344. 11 122 INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1756. The paper appears to be a mere fragment of a letter. It is incoherent — has many omissions, which are not easily sup- pUed, without knowing the particular circumstances under which it was written. II nece poin duxe peu ne pase pas que Jamay je nous Re- garde de bon Coeur Et nespercc jamay auqueune grase de mapare Car jene auqueune an vie de vous voyr apre le Chag- rien que vous mave Causez ain si Char Cher alheur pour raoy nefaitte poin defou non plus sur un in Conseten qui ne panse Cason pie sir Croye raoy Char Che fore tune allieurs pour moy je ri ne panse arien moy Case la il nez rien qui puise me De tou ne de nest santi man adie bon soir el nes pa tar je par de mein vous mouve toujours dixetros vous il nes pa Convenable que vous Restier isci Cela ne vous Convenien pas Cinon je prandre plu vous prandre des Mesure pour y me ditour ner plu je serai rustique ne panse pa que serve de- vous percequittee vous panserie malle Car je sivous voulle netre poin tenu retire vousdemoy Car jene sourois re sis ter, ^ ^ Vostre Servette , . Pinella Ciere The following is also copied from the same paper of the original. It is an interlineal, rotho graphical correction of the original spelling. It nest point d'aussi pen. Ne passer pas que jamais je vous. Regarderai <\{in bon coeur it n'esperez jamais ancune grace de ma parte car je nai ancune envie de vous voir apres le chagren que vous m'avez cause ainsi chercher aillieurs pOur moi ne faitez point de Fou non plus sur un Inconstant qui ne pense qua son plaisir croyer moy chercher Fortune aillieurs pour raoy je ris ne pense a rien moy qua cek il nest rien qui puisse me detourner de unest sentiment adieu bon soer il nest pas tard je pars Demain vous monvez toujours (ja) dis retirez vous il nest pas convenable que vous Rcstioz ici cela ne vous convenient pas sinon je prendrai plus vous prendroz des mesures pour y me ditourner plus je sui Rus- tique ne pensor pas que sur se de vous perse cater vous pen- serier raal ear je se vous vonlez netre point tenu retiroz vous de raoy car je ne sourois resister. Vostre Serviteur. INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1756. 123 A professor of Modern Languages, to whom I showed this curious morceau, and, who, after examining it closely, tnade, in writing the following reply. " As the upper part of the letter has been cut off, no sense can be gathered from the first five words, which are the con- clusion of a sentence ; nor, for the same reason, is the relation between the first and second pages altogether apparent. Interlinear Interpretation Revised, J. R. 11 nest point dausse peu (1) Ne palsez pas que jamais je vous Rcgarde de bon coeur et n'espereg aucune grace de ma parte car (2) je n'ai aucune cnrie de vous voir apres le chagrin que vous m'avez cause ainse chercheg aiJlieurs pour moi ne faitez (3) point de fou non plus sur un inconstant qui ne pense qu'a son plaiser Tojez moi chercher fortune aillieurs pour moi je ne ris ne pense (4) a rien moi qu'a cela il n'est rien qui puisse me detourne de (5) sentiment 6) adieu bon soir il n'est pas tard je pars demain vous mouvez (7) toujours je dis (8) retirey vous il n'est pas convena- ble que vous restiez ici ala ne vous convient pas si non je pren drai plus vous prendrez dcs mesurcs pour y one detourner plus je serai (9) Rustique ne pensez pas que sur (10) ce de vous peisecuter vous penseriez mal car je si vous vouley n'etre point tenu retirez vous de moi car je nesaurais resister. (1) Perhaps d'ici pres or de si pres (2) Part (3) faites (4) je ne })ense (5) mes, oramitted (6) sentiments (7) m'avez (5) dit without je (9) suis (10) cesse (a) fond. The 2nd Correction punctuated. il n'est point d'aussi pres (pen) Ae passey pas, que jamais je vous regarde ae- bon coeur, et n'erperez jamais aucune grace de ma part, car je n'ai au- cune envee de vous voir, apres le chagrin que vous m'avez cause. Ainsi cherchez aillieurs. Pour moi ne failer point de fond non plus eur un inconstant, qui ne pense qu a'son plaiser. Croyez moi cherchez fortune aillieurs. Pour moi je ne pense a'nier moi qua ala, il n'est rien qui puisse me detourne de mes sentimentss. Adieu, bon soir ; il n'est pas tard je pars demain. vous m'avez toujours dit. Retirez vous ; il n'est pas convenable que vous restkz ici ; cela ne vous conyient 124 INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1756. pas ; sinon je prendrai plus vous prendrez des mesures pour y me detourne. Plus je suis rustique ne plense;^ pas que je cessse de vous persecuter vous penseriez mal car je (si vous vouloz n'etre point tenu, reterez vous de moi) car je ne saurais resisler Vostre Serviteur Pinella Ciere The concluding words of the sentence in the part cut off— A Literal Translation. I. B. Do not call on me, for never do I look upon you with pleasure, and never hope for any favor fiom me, ior I have no desire to see you, after the trouble you have caused me. Seek elsewhere. As for me,, no longer rely on one incon- stant, W'ho thinks only of his pleasuie. lielieve me, seek lortune elsewhere. For my part, I think only of this, there is nothing which can divert me from my sentiments. Adieu, good evening, it is not late. I set out to-morrow. * * vou have always told me. (1) Go away, it is not expedient that you should remain here. It is not proper for you, else the more 1 shall take the more you lake ihtm to divert me from it. Although I am simple, think not Ihat I shall cease to persecute you ; you will think erroneously ; for I (if you wish not to be distanced, go away fjcm me) could not (2) resist. Your Servant Pinella Ciere. y^l) The conclusion of a sentence above. (2) I should not be able to resist. August the 18th, 1750. To Hance Hamilton : Sir— I have sent express to you with the French letter, and one from Lieutenant Thompson, and a copy of that I have sent per Captain Hamilton and Ensign Scott, and the remain- der I will send by Potter and Steel's men. Lieutenant Hol- iday sent to me last night for blankets, and says that his men are all going to leave him for want of the same, as the INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1756. 125 inhabitants have all left the fort. Capt. Potter has forty- &even men ; and how many Captain Steel has I cannot tell ; I believe about thirty or upwards. If you have any blankets send them by the bearer. I be- lieve I will make up near twenty strays, and the remanider I sent by Potter and Steel's men, which I hope you will re- ceive at your arrival there. I have nothing more, that I remember, but my compliment s to Mrs. Armstrong, and ray earnest desire of yonr welflire and success. 1 am, with much esteem, your most humble servant, Adam Hoops. N. B. I have got 39 pair of horse shoes, and 15 pair which are piit on the horses. Since I wrote, the Courier (carrier) has come to me to let me know that near John Lindsay's, five or six Indians were seen, and that one was shot down at the Grindstone Hill : and he says that they cannot carry out the flour which they had agreed for with them ; there are not five iamilies in all those .parts, but what are now fied : the set- tlement is full of Indians, and aie seen in manv places A. H^ Wednesday Morning, 5 o'clock, August 19. 1756. Dear Sir — I have last night received a letter by express from my Lieutenant which I have enclosed, with the original of the French letter, left at Fort Granville (near Lewistown, Mil- liin county). We are all scarce of powder and lead at our forts. I am obliged to get a little from Mr. Hoops, and t;* give my receipt as for the expedition. There is a party of Captain Mercer's company here ; and on our receiving this letter we marched directly, taking with us twelve beef cattle, and the packhorses which belong to the two forts. The rest are to be brought up by Captain Potter's and Steel's men. Sir, there were five of my men who were free, about tiif 7th of July, and they continued in the service, until the) heard of Fort Granville being taken (and not be qualiEed iv 12€l INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1756. they went off) as it is reported for want of ammunition ; and we being so scarce, tliey openly refused to serve longer under such circumstances. Sir, I am your affectionate, humble servant, Hance Hamilton, To Col. John Armstrong, at Carlisle. Shortly after Fort Granville had been destroyed, Colonel Armstrong entered upon what is well knoMn as the Kittaning expedition. He advanced Mith three hundred men, till he reached the Eeaver Dams, near Frankstown, where he was ijoined by an advanced }iai (y, on iSept. '2. On the 7th in the evening he reached Kittaning, and routed the enen y. (Par- ticulais ol the expedition will be noticed in the sequel.) Letter from Col. Aimstrong io the Hon. R, H. Morris, Esq. late Governor. Carlisle, 20th August, 1750. May it please your Honor — To-morrow, God willing, the men march from McDowell's for Fort Shirely, and this afternoon some ])art of my own company, with the provisions here, set out for Sheaimen's valley, there to halt till the residue come up. I'his night I expected to have been at Fort Shirely, but am much dis- appointed in getting in the strays, for collecting whereof we ihall not wait longer than this day. Hunter has got about half a score, and commissary Hoops about a dozen. The commissioners (for which your Honor will please to make them my sincere comjiliments) have sent eAcrything necessary except the canteens wrote for by ^Ir. Buchanan, which 1 am persuaded they have forgot, and which we must supply by tin quarts. They were probably right in keeping back the tents, as they might have proven an incumbrance, and there is not one shilling laid out on this occasion that does not give me sensible uneasiness, but through the want of ex- perience, and fewness of our numbers, the good end proposed should fail of being obtained. I am not yet determined whether to wait twenty-four hours longer on the answer of a letter sent to Colonel Clapham INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1756. 127 ior the inielligence of John Cox, who has been sometime with, and now made his escape from the Indians, which I think would be very material, and which, if waited for until to-morrow, or Sunday night, will make it Tuesday before we can reach Fort Shirely. I dare not venture any thing of consequence now with a single messenger, so many Indians being in the woods. The harvest season, with the two attacks on Fort Gran- ville (Lewistown) has left us bare of ammunition, that I shall be obliged to apply to the stores here ior some quantity, for the expedition. The Captains, Hamilton and Mercer, hav- ing broken open tlie part I sent to McDowell's for Fort Shirely, and given them receipts as for the expedition, though f know it for the particular defence of these two posts; nor will it be in my power to prevail vrith double the number of men, and a double quantity of ammunition to keep a Fort that would have done it before the taking of Fort Granvide. r hope the first opportunity of conveying ammunition to this town will be taken. For farther proofs of the numbers of Indians among us and waste of this country, I shall enclose your Honor some letters lately received. Since the escape of the Dutchman, whose deposition I sent your Honor, is also escaped a certain Peter Walker taken from Granville, and saith, that of the enemy no less than one hundred and twenty returned all in health, except one French- man shot through the shoulder by Lieutenant Armstrong a little before his death, as the Frenchman was erectino- his body oiit of the hollow to see through the pine knots on the lire made against the Fort ; and of this number there were about a dozen of French, who had for their interpreter one McDowell, a Scotchman. This McDowell told Walker they designed very soon to attack Fort Shirely, with four iiundred men. Captain .Jacobs said he could take any Fort that would catch fire, and would make peace with the Eng- lish when they had learned him to make gunpowder. Mc- Dowell told Walker they had tv/o Indians killed in the en- gagement, but the Captains, Armstrong and Ward, whom 1 ordered on their march to Fort Shirely to examine every thing at Granville, and send a li.-t of whom remained among the ruins, assure me they found some parts of eight of the enemy burnt in two difl'erent places, the joints of them being scarcely "separated, and parts of their shirts /bund, through 128 INDIAN MA9SACR£S IN 1755. which there were bullet holes. To secrete these from our prisoners was doubtless the reason why the Frencli officer marched our people some distance irom the Fort before they gave orders to burn the barracks, &c. Walker says that some of the Germans flagged very much on the second day, and that the Lieutenant behaved with the greatest bravery to the last, despising all the terrors and threats of the enemy, ■whereby they often urged him to surrender, though he had been near two days without water, but a little ammunition left, the fort on fire, and the enemy situated within twelve or fourteen yards of the fort, under the natural bank, he wa? as far from yielding as when at first attacked ; a Frenchman in our service fearful of being burnt, asked leave of the Lieu- tenant to treat with his countrymen, in the French language: the Lieutenant answered, " The first word of French you speak in this engagement, Fll blow your brains out," telling his men to hold out bravely, for the flame was fiiUing and he would soon have it extinguished, but soon after received the fatal ball. Tlie Fiench officer refused the soldiers the libeity of in- terring his corpse, though it was to be done in an instant when they raised the clay to quench the fire. One Brandon, a soldier who had been shot through the knee, on the approach of the enemy, called out, "I am a Roman Catholic, and will go with you," but the Indians re- gardless of his faith, observing he could not march, soon ct- spatched him with a tomahawk. As Fort Shirely is not easily defended, and their water rnav be taken possession of by the enemy, it running at the loot of a high bank eastward of the fort, and no well dug, i am of opinion, from its remote situation, that it cannot serve the country in the present circumstances, and if attacked, 1 doubt will be taken if not strongly garrisoned, but (extremi- ties excepted) I cannot evacuate this without your Honor's orders, Lyttleton, Shippensburg and Carlisle (the two last not firi- ished) are the only forts now built that will, in my opinion, be serviceable to the public. McDowell's, or thereabouts, is a necessary post, but the present fort not defencible. The duties of the harvest have not admitted me to finish Carlisle Fort with the soldiers, it should be done, and a barracks erected within the fort, otherwise the soldiers cannot be s INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1756. 129 well governed, and may be absent or without the gates, at a time of the greatest necessity. I am honored sir, your Honor's most obedient and humble servant, John Armstrong. The distress of the frontier settlers had nearly reached its acme. An attempt to depict their suffeiings, alarms, and tears, would prove a failure. In the fall of 1755, the coun- try west of the Susquehanna possessed tJiree thousmid men lit to bear arms ; and in August 1756, exclusive of the Pro- vincial forces, there were not one hundred ; fear having dri- ven the greater part from their homes into the interior of the province. — Gordon^',' Pa. 430. Governor Morris, in his message to the Assembly, August JG, 1756, says, " The people to the west of the Susquehan- na, distressed by the frequent incursions of the enensy, and weakened by their great losses, are moving into the interior parts of the Province, and I am fearful that the whole coun- ty will be evacuated, if timely and vigorous measures are not taken to prevent it." — Votes of Assembly. The few who had not fled petitioned the Governor, Coun- cil and iVssembly, for aid to protect them against the ravages of a restless, barbarous and merciless enemy. Their several petitions are given below. To the Honorable Robert Hunter Morris, Esq., Lieut. Gov. of Province of Pennsylvania. The address of part of the remaining inhabitants of Cum- berland county, most humbly showeth, that the French and their savage allies have from time to time made several in- cursions into this county, have in the most inhuman and bar- barous manner murdered great numbers of our people and carried others into captivity, and being greatly emboldened l)y a series of success, not only attem{)ted, but also took Fort Granville on the UOth July last, then commanded by the late Lieutenant Edward Armstrong, and carried off the greatest part of the garrison, prisoners, from whom doubtless the enemy will be informed of the weakness of this frontier, and how incapable we are of defending ourselves against their incursions, which will be a great inducement for them to re- double their attacks, and in all probability force the remain- 130 INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1756. ing inhabitants of this county to evacuate it. Great numbers of the inhubitants are already fled, and others preparing to go off; finding that it is not in the power of the troops in pay of the government (were we certain of their being con- tinued) to prevent the ravages of our restless, barbarous and merciless enemy. It is therefore greatly to be doubted that (without a further protection) the inhabitants of this county will shortly endeavor to save themselves and their effects, by flight, which must consequently be productive of consid- erable inconveniencies to his Majesty's interest in general, and to the welfare of the people of this Province in particular. Your petitioners being fully convinced of your Honor's concern for a strict attacliment to his Majesty's interest, have presumed to request that your Honor would be pleased to take our case into consideration, and, if agreeable to your Honor's judgment, to make application to his Excellency, General Loudon, that part of the troops now raising for his Excellency's regiment maybe sent to, and for some time, continued in some of the most important and advantageous posts in this county, by whose assistance we may be enabled to continue a frontier if possible, and thereby induce theie- maining inhabitants, to secure, at least, a part of the immense quantity of grain which now lies exposed to the enemy and snbject to be destroyed or taken away by them ; and also enable the Provincial troops to make incuisions into the enemy's country, which would contribute greatly to the safe- ty and satisfaction of your Honor's petitioners — And your petitioners, as in duty bound shall ever pray, &.c. Francis West, John Welsh, James Dickson, Robert Erwin, Samuel Smith, Wm. Buchanan, Daniel V^ illiams, John Mont- gomery, Thos. Barker, John Lindsay, Jas. Lindsay, Thos. Uiie, Jas. Buchanan, Wm. Spear, Jas. Polock, And. Mcln- tyre, Robert Gibson, Garret McDaniel, Arthur Foster, Jas. Brandon, John Houston, Patrick McCollom, James Reed, Thos. Lockertt, And. Dalton, John Irwin, \^ m. Blyth, Robt. Miller, Wm. Miller, Jas. Ycung, Jno. Davis, John Mitchell, John Pattison, Samuel Stevens, John Fox, Chas. Pattison, John F'-^ter, Wm. McCaskry, And. Calhoun, Jas. Stackpole, Wm. Sebbc. Jas. Robb, Samuel Anderson, Rob- t^rt Robb, Samuel Hunter, A. Forster, Nath. Smyth. Read in council August 21, 1756 IJJDIAN MASSACRES IN 1756o l3l Not only was the country west of the Susquehanna left nearly desolate and deserted, but also on the east side of the river, numerous murders were committed, and plantations abandoned. When imagination fails to conceive the peril and distress of the settlers of Paxton, Hanover, Derry, and other townships, then in Lancaster (now Dauphin and Leb- anon counties) vain would it be to attempt to portray the scenes of horror. Some idea, hawever, may be formed of their condition from the subjoined letters : Derry Township, 9th Aug. 17-56, Dear Sir : There is nothing but bad news every day. Last week there were two soldiers killed and one wounded about two miles from Manady fort ; and two of the guards that escort- ed the batteaux were killed ; and we may expect nothing else daily, if no stop be put to these savages. We shall all be broken in upon in these parts — the people are going off daily, leaving almost their all behind them; and as for ray part, I think a little time will lay the country waste by flight, so that the enemy will have nothing to do but take what \vc have worked for. Sir, your most Humble servant, James Galbreath, Ed. shippen, Esq. Derry Township, 10th Aug. 175(5. Honored Sir : There is nothing here almost every day but murder com- mitted by the Indians in some part or other. About five miles above me, at Manady gap, there were two of the Prov- ince soldiers killed, one wounded. There were but three Indians, and they came in among ten of our men and com- mitted the murder, and went off safe. The name or sight of an Indian makes almost all, in these parts, tremble — their barbarity is so cruel where they are mits'^ers ; for by all ap- pearances, the devil communicates, God permits, and the French pay, and by that the back parts, by all appearances, will be laid waste by flight with those who are gone and going, more especially Cumberland county. 132 INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1756. Pardon my freedom in this, wherein I have done amiss. Sir, your most Humble servant, James Galbreath. P. S. I am in want of pistols. The above is fully corroborated by the following : Hanover Aug. 7, 1756. To Edward Shippen, Esq. Sir : Yesterday, Jacob Ellis, a soldier of Captain Smith's, at Brown's about two miles and a half over the first moun- tain, just within the gap, having some wheat growing at that place, prevailed with his officers for some of the men, to help him to cut some of the grain ; accordingly ten of them went, set guards, and fell to work ; at about ten o'clock, they had reapt down, and went to the head to begin again, and before they had all well begun, three Indians having crept up to the fence just behind them, fired upon them and killed the corporal, and another who was standing wiih a gun in one hand and a bottle in the other was wounded — his left arm is broken in two places; so that his gun fell, he being a lit- tle more down the field than the rest ; those who were reap- ing had their fire arms about halfway down the field, stand- ing at a large tree ; as soon as the Indians had fired and without loading their guns, leaped over the fence right in amongst the reapers — one of them had left his gun behind on the outside of the field — they all ran promiscuously, while the Indians were making a terrible halloo, and looked more like the devil thaif* Indians. The soldiers made for their fire arms, and as three ot them stood behind the tree with their arms, the Indian that came wanting his gun, came with- in a few yards of them, and took up the wounded soldier's gun, and would have killed another, had not one who per- ceived him, fired at him, so that he dropped the gun. The Indians fled, and in going off, two soldiers standing about a rod apart, an Indian ran through between them, they both fired at him, yet he escaped ; when the Indians were over the fence, a soldier fired at one of them ; upon which he stopped a little — the three Indians escaped. Immediately after leaving the field, they fired one gun, and gave a liallou. The soldiers hid the one that was killed, went home to the INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1756. 133 fort, found James Brown, who lives in the fort, and one of the soldiers, missing. The Lieutenant, accompanied by some more, went out and brought in the dead man ; but still Brown was miss- ing. Notice was given on that night, I went up next mornhig with some hands — Captain Smith had sent up more men from tlie other fort ; these went out next morn- ing, against I got there word was come in that they had found .fames Brown, killed and scalped, I went over with them to bring him home ; he was killed with the last shot, about twenty rods from the field — his gun, iiis shoes and jacket carried off The soldiers who found him, said that they tracked the three Indians to tlie second mountain, and they found one of the Indian's guns a short distance from Brown's corpse, as it had been not worth much. Tiiey showed me the place where the Indians fired through the fence ; and it was just eleven yards from the place where the dead man lay. The rising ground, above the field, was clear of standing timber and the grubs low, so that they had kept a look out. The above account, you may depend upon. We have almost lost all hopes of every thing, but to move off and lose our crops that we have cut with so much difficulty. I am your Honor's servant, Adam Reed. John Harris, in the following letter, addressed to Richard Peters, Secretary to the Provincial Council, mentions the state of affairs on the frontiers. — Paxton, Nov. 5th 1756. Sir : Here is at my fort two prisoners that came from Shamokin about one month ago, be pleased to inform his Honor, our governor, that direction may be given how they are to be disposed of. They have been this long time con- lined. I hope that his Honor will be pleased to continue some men during these calamitous times in our frontiers — as this place and the conveniences here may be of service if defended. We had a town meeting since the murder committed in Hanover township, and have unanimously agreed to support twenty men in our own township at the 12 134 INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1758. mountain, there to range and keep guard or watch day and night for one month, commencing from the 3d of this inst ', when it is hoped we shall he relieved by a strict militia law that will oblige us all to do our duty. Paxton township has kept up a strong guard at our mountain near these twelve months past which has been expensive and fatiguing ; but it is much better for us to do so than to move off our families and effects, and ruin our- selves whether the enemy comes or not. We have heard bad accounts from Concgojego; but if Lord Loudon is vic- torious, it is to be hoped that a proper spirit will prevail among us in America, I conclude. Sir, your most obt. and humble servant, John Harris. - Stimulated, and abetted by the Frencli, both Shawanese and Delaware Indians kept up their hostilities till 1757, when negotiations for peace commenced with Teedi/uscung, the chief of the Delaware and Sluuvanese tribes, on the Susquehanna, when their fury abated somewhat. But the French and Western Indians still roamed in small par- ties over the country, conmiitling many sanguinary mur- ders, and taking captives all whom they could surprise. The frontier settlers were kept in continual alarm. After the treaty of 1758 with the Indians, at Easton, peace and friendship had been established between the English and Indians ; all fear ol" Indian barbarities van- ished, and the minds of the people had been at rest for some time; but the French war still continued, and cruel murders were occasionally committed upon the frontier settlers, by the Indians, till near the close of the war be- tween the English and the French, in 17G2 — for there had been a secret confedcM-acy formed among the Shawanese. the tribes on the Ohio and its tributary waters, and about Detroit, to attack simultaneously, all the English posts and settlements on the frontiers. Their plan was deliber- ately and skilfully projected. The border settlements were to be invaded during harvest ; the men, corn, and cattle to be destroyed, and the outposts to be reduced by famine, by cutting oif their supplies — Pursuant to this plan, the Indians fell suddenly upon the traders, whom they had invited among them ; murdered many, and plun- INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1763. 135 dered tbe effects of a great number to an immense value. The frontiers of Pennsylvania, &c., were overrun by scalp- ing parties, marking in their hostile incursions, the way with blood and devastation. The upper part of Cumberland was overrun by the sav- ages, in 1763, who set fire to houses, barns, corn, hay and every thing that was combustible ; the inhabitants were surprised and murdered with the utmost cruelty and bar- barity. Those who could, escaped — some to Bedford. Avhere Captain Ourry commanded a garrison at the same time, some went to Sh'ppensburg, others to Carlisle, where houses and stables were crowded. The refugees, who had resorted to Carlisle, &c., were relieved, in part, in their distressses, by the munificenct- of the Episcopal churches of Philadelphia, as appears from tlie following : '■ July 2G, 1763, the rector, (Richard Peters) representing to the Vestry, that the back inhabitants of this province are reduced to great distress and necessity, by the present invasion, proposed that some method be considered for, collecting oharity for their relief, from the congregation of Christ Church and St. Peter's, (Philadelphia,) and i' was unanimously resolved, that a preamble to a subscrip- tion paper lor that purpose, be immediately drawn up, which was accordingly done. " At their next meeting, the church wardens reported to tlie Vestry, that they had carried about a subscription paper, and made a collection from the congregations ot Christ Church and St. Peter's, for the relief of the distress- ed frontier inhabitants, amounting to £662, 3s. The rec- tor and church wardens were appointed a committee to correspond with certain persons in Cumberland county, in order to ascertain the extent of the distress, that the above contributions might be judiciously distributed.'^ Some idea of the greatness of this calamity in the west- ern part of Pennsylvania, brought about by Indian hostili- ties, may be f )und from the following letter, addressed to the rector and wardens of Christ Church and St. Peter's : Carlisle, August 24, 1763. Gentlemen : We take the earliest opportunity of answering your let- 136 INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1763. ter on the 12th inst., in which yon in form us, that there iis at your disposal a sum of money to be distributed amongst the poor unluippy people on our tVonticrs, who iiave been obliged to fly their habitations, and take shelter in this town, Shippensburg, Liitlelown, IJcdibrd, &.c. We assure you, that we shall now, and all other times, be ready to give you as full and true information of every thing mate- rial relating to the sufferers of our irontiers, as we shall be able, and we shall also be ready to give our assistance in the distribution of such sums of money, as you shall think proper to send up, from time to time, for the relief of those in distress. We have taken pains to get the num- ber of the distressed, and upon strict inquiry, we find sev- en hundred and fifty families have abandoned their plan- tations, tlie greatest number of winch have lost llicir crops, some their stock and furniture, and besides, we are in- tbrnicd that there are about two hundred women and cliild- rcn coming down from Fort Pitt. We also find tliat the sums of money already sent up are almost expended, and tliat each family has not received twenty shillings upon an average; although the greatest care has been taken to distribute it to those who appeared the greatest ol)ject of distress. — The uidiappy sulferers are dispersed through every part of this county, and many have j)assed through into York. Their exact number we cannot possibly as- cerlam ; we can only inibrni you, tliat in this town and its neigliborhood, there are iipwards of two liundred fam- ilies, many of which are in the greatest exigence ; the small pox and fiux raging nuich among them; and from hence you may form a judgment of the numbers distressed through the other parts of this county, as well as at. York. The other sums being almostexpended, we conceived that innnediate relief should be sent up, that those poor people may be enabled to employ a physician for the recovery of the sick, as well as to jnirchase bread for their families : and this alone is what their ])resent necessities call for. We are, &c., William Thojmson, Itinerant missionary for the counties of York & Cumberland, Fkancis West, Thomas Donnellon, Wardens of the Episcopal Church, Carlisle. INDIAN- MASSACRES IN 1777. 137 In consequence of ibis information, a large supply of tlour, rice, nindicino, and other necessaries, were immedi- ately forwarded for the relief of tlie sufferers. And to en- able those, who chose to return to their plantations, to de- fend themselves against future attacks of the Indians, the Vestry of Christ Clin rch and St. Peter's were of opinion that the refugees sliould bo furnished with two chests of arms, and half a barrel of povv^jer, four hundred pounds of lead, two hundred of swan shot, and one thousand flints. These were accordingly sent, with instructions to sell them to such prudent and good people as are iu'want of them, and will use them for their defence, for (he prices charged in the invoice. — Revd. U. Dorr's His. Ace. of Christ and St. Peter's Church, Phila. p. 139-142. About December, 1777, a number of families came into the fort i'rom the neighborhood of .Johnstown. Amongst them were Samuel Adams, one Thornton and Bridges. After the alarm had somewhat subsided, they agreed to return to their property. A party started vvitli pack-horses, reached the place, and not seeing any Indians, collected their property and commenced their return. After pro- ceeding some distance, a dog belonsring to one ofthe parly, sliowed signs of uneasiness, and ran back. Bridges and Thornton desired the others to wait whilst they would go back for him. Tliey went back, and had proceeded but two or three liundred yards, when a body of Indians, who had been lying in wait on each side of tlie way, but who had been afraid to fire on account of the number of the whites, suddenly rose up and took them prisoners. The others, not knowing what detained their companions, went back after them ; when they arrived hear the spot, the Indians fired on tliem, but without doing any injury. The whites instantly turned and fl( d, excepting Samuel Adamsj who took a tree and began to fight in the Indian ^tyle. In a fmv minutes, iiowever, he was killed, but not without deai in order to save the coun- tiy. This county is now very scarce of ammunition, and 1 have not been able to find any trusty hand and wagon to send for, but expect one before long, when, 1 flatter myself, that council will supply us with a suilicient quantity of ])0W- der, lead and Hints. I doubt if the number required ot the militia, turn out, we will not be able to arm them in this county, as we have al- ready fuinished the volunteers out of what state arms were here, but we have got a few muskets, but they all want bay- onets. I am ha})py to inform you we have this year had a very plentiful harvest in this county, and appeal a nces of fine corn and plenty ?f fruit, and also a good disjiosition in a number of ihe people to receive ami give credit to the state money (if they could get it) but very little of it has ( ome to this part of the county yet. But if ready money "of any kind could be had there could be plenty of supj)li<'S purchased. There may dilliculty arise about procuring wagons, as 1 be- lieve there is no wagon-maker that acts for this county. I have the honor to be your Excellency's most obedient and humble servant, Abm. Smith. Late in the fail of 1777, some marauding Indians disturbed the frontier settlers on the head waters of the Susquehanna ; and all (he frontier settlements along the West Branch, and westward to the Allegheny river. Families were murdered INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1780. 141 or carried into captivity — dwellings reduced to ashes — crops destroyed — the settlers exposed to the most unheard of In- dian cruelties. None dared venture forth, without a loaded rifle as his constant companion ; for it was a time when they had reason to expect to meet a savage concealed in every hush and thicket — fire arms were carried to hoth Held and church ; and their lives were only secure by untiring and constant vigilance ; and even then, at an unwary hour, some fell vic- tims to the blood-thirsty Indian. lilockhouses were built along the West Branch, under the jnotection of which, the first settlers alone were in safety against the prowling, tawny foe. With all these necessary precautions, several persons were surprised, through this region of country, by the enemy. A man named Saltzburn, on the Sinnemahoning, and Dan Jones, at the mouth of the Tangascootac, were cruelly mur- dered late in 1777. " In the spring of 1778 Col- Hepburn, afterwards Judge Hepburn, was stationed with a small force at Fort Muncy at the mouth of VVallis' run, near which several murders had been committed. The Indians had killed Brown's and Benjamin's families, and had taken Cook and his wife pris- oners on Loyalsock cr. Col. Hunter of Fort Augusta, alarmed by these murders, sent orders to Fort Muncy that all the settlers in thai vicinity should evacuate, and take refuge at Sunbury. Col. Hepburn was ordered to pass on the orders to Antis' and Horn's forts above. To carry this message none would volunteer except Covenhoven and a young Yankee millwright, an apprentice to Andrew Culbert- son. Purposely avoiding all roads, they took their route along the top of Bald Eagle ridge until they reached Antis' gap, where they descended towards the fort at the head of Kippenose bottom. At the bottom of the hill they were startled by the report of a rifle near the fort, which had been fired by an Indian at a girl. The girl had just stooped to milk a cow — the harmless bullet passed through her clothes between her limbs and the ground. Milking cows in those days was dangerous woik. The Indians had just killed in the woods Abel Cady and Zephaniah Miller, and mortally wounded young Armstrong, who died that night. The mes- sengers delivered their orders that all persons should evacuate within a week, and they were also to send word up to Horn s fort. 1 12 INDIAN MASSACRES IN 1780. "On his way up Covenhoven had staid all night with An- drew Armstrong, who then lived at the head of the long reacli, where Esq. Seward now lives Covenhoven warned hira to quit, hut he did not like to abandon his crops, and gave no heed to the warning. The Indians came upon him suddenly and took hira prisoner with his oldest child and Nancy Bunday : his wife, who was cnciente, concealed her- self under the bed and escaped. "Covenhoven hasteneil down to his own family, and hav- ing taken them safely to Sunbury, returned in a keel-boat to secure his household furniture. As he was rounding a point above Derrstown (now Lewisburg,) he met the whole con- voy from all the forts above ; such a sight he never saw in his life. Eoats, canoes, hog-troughs, rafts hastily made of dry sticks — every sort of floating article had been put in re- quisition, and were crowded with women, children, and ' plunder' — there weie several hundred people in all. When- ever any obstruction occurred at a shoal or ripple, the women would leap out and put their shoulders, not indeed to the wheel, but to the flat boat or raft, and launch it again into deep water. The men of the settlement came down in sin- gle file on each side of the river to guard the women and children The whole convoy arrived safely at Snnbury, leav- ing the entire line of farms along the West Branch, to the ravages of the Indians. They destroyed Fort Muncy, but did not ))enetrate in any force near Sunbury; their attention having soon been diverted to the memorable descent upon ^^ yoming. "After CovcnhovM'T>!=^i= cr S3 P ><• g a- o C5 ^s io CO 00 Ki ;o o a> ^5 ^ « ^ OD Oi 00 W t-5 — ►-' " O 00 w under 5 3-ear.< old. ^ ^ ^ w --i''^ and under 10 00 -^r Oi CD Qt to 00 >P> C O O O OS O O 10 and under 15 )'ears. 15 and undei 20 vears. ^ — 20 and under 30| *'aoOl-■Ol-v!OlCl^^ol01a5«D oiloO and under 40 a< c I— — CO if^ oj to m GO — 40 and under 50 H- rfa. 1— ^^ rfi. M S5 1— tn C ~1 Ol C3 ^5 c;i ^5 li CO ^7 CO -} CO -^l 4:^ -' — •ft' ii .- w ►- — — o io oi -^ ^^ CO o JI CO — 12 CJi »I (i CO -O CO — C-y — 50 and under CO }j I >fc. >— tj o v; CO ^2 00 ca ix rf^ c: 00 c "ti I c; o o = o — I M Cn OQi— iJi— -O— 'O >— o ~3 >— — — — — t«- — CO under 5 years ►f^ -I O M ^5 .£>. W ^} CO O a: to — CO ,,| fil z*^ cr^ .wi rr\ rr\ rr\ , i -.1 > 'i Ji.. ;o ,"n rr ■ ' ' ' GO and under 70 70 and under 80 80 and under 90J ■—I COOCO-JOOOJCD -5 to .j^ CD O^ CCJ oi,f»•oo — cc *» CO O IS CO >- 03 >> >ti. CO cc >— o o; t^cooi .^3coc;iOj>^o;c;i--3cooD CO CC O CO o CO C~i lO O Qi en >— CD x — I |ji.ccji- cnooocn — cr5cnc:5tocD OB I CO^!Oij^cC-OSOtOCCJO^OOt>C H- — ,— J.J»->- — JO — cn.£..Qo^^co^ocDOr-oo-}OlO^ v-^1 f*-» vju *>j ^^^ 4S./ -A^ ^^ I — «— ' "^.^ -vr 1^< ^/J — O.^OCOGOOCfiCJw>-^J^ ,^ o »— < to *- o ^^ 1— tn ^ *.n Oi — 05 Oi ST) ^J (JU ■— to CO CO C3 3 o OT in J:^ O CD — to ~i ._ CI to CO to 4^ CO c;i w .(i. oo .?>. rf^ ^ r;i •p o CO to o O CO CO CO ■*^ CO CO ^! CO »:• '/. ^ to ^ CO -- to CO to CO .i^ tS to CO .^1 CO CO CO C/-> to >fi o <» cri *- O 0> O CO OD C5 5 and under 10 years old. 10 and under 15 years old. i.5 and under 20 20 and under 'M vears old. 30 and under 40 years old. i-» I iS >_. K.I ►^ >— CO h- — to *- to C. ; 0>>^M>f>0'f^CO>^C3tO — CnrctO to ; to C _ — H- to | J> ! -1 >.^ to O C O 1^ O O >— Oi CD cr-. f^ Ts to . -.— O>-^tO00C0^^^>^gl — O ! >^ K- to to o! ©OOOOO"— O»o>-~JC!OC>; 40 and under 50 50 and under 60 60 and under 70 70 and under SO 80 and under 90i 'Joiored pop'n. 13* 149 o H X o c o 53 > o o a H QQ o 150 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. The county has an abundant supply of water. Its prin- cipal streams are the North Branch, West Branch of the Susquehanna, Mahantango, Mahonoy, Great and Little Sha- mokin, Chilhsquaque, Limestone, Warrior creek, with others of less importance, such as Big Roaring, Little Roaring, Schwaben, Coal creeks and smaller tributaries, or runs, viz : Gravel, Lodgis' run and others. The West Branch as the main stream of the Susquehanna \vas the western boundary of the county for a distance of about forty miles. The North Branch flows about ten miles across the centre, and then unites with the West Branch at Northumberland, then united roll majestically southward, till they reach Chesapeak Bay and unite with the thousand of ocean streams, to return their waters to the great reser- voir of equatic fluid. Mahantango creek rises in Schuylkill county, flows in a south western direction, forming the boun- dary line between Dauphin and Northumberland for about 12 miles and falls in the Susquehanna. Mahonoy rises in Schuylkill co. and flows south westward through the south- ern part of the county. Great and Little Shamokin — the former rises in Shamokin township flows a north west course by Snyderstown and empties into the Susquehanna about two miles below Sunbury. It receives, in its course, the Little Shamokin, nearly opposite Sunbury. Chillisquaque creek rises in the Muncy Hills, on the border of Lycoming and Columbia waters, flows a south western direction, through this county into the Susquehanna, on the north side of Montour's ridge. The mountains, hills, streams and valleys, all taken toge- ther, present a highly beautiful, varied and picturesque sce- nery. It is, says Trego, a pleasant region in which to spend the summer months. The view from the hills around the town of Northumberland, embraces more pleasing objects than are usually met with in a single prospect. Mountains, hills, farms, towns, canals and rivers are blended in one wide and harmonious landscape, over which the eye may rove for hours and still discover new beauties. As additional attrac- tions may be mentioned, pure and wholesome water, a cool and refreshing atmosphere, and a climate remarkable for its salubrity, except in the low grounds along the river, where bilious complaints sometimes occur in the autumnal months. The geological features of the county are alike various and NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. 151 interesting ; and are geographically and briefly described by Mr. Trego. " South of the olive slate of the Muncy Hills, the country to the north base of Montour's ridge is occupi- ed by limestone, and red and various colored slates and shales, having a rich soil, and being the most productive agricultu- ral part of the county. In Montour's ridge is a hard gray and reddish sandstone, overlaid by greenish and red slates and slates with their thin strata of limestone and the valua- ble band of fossiliferous iron ore. This formation is found on both sides of the ridge, and sometimes saddles over its top. Overlying the red shale is a belt of limestone extending also on both sides of the ridge ; that on the south side appearing near the West Branch, about four miles above the town of Northumberland, and extending towards the North Branch below Danville. South of this are hills containing olive slate and gray sandstone, which extend over the country above Northumberland, southward and southeastward to the range called Shamokin Hills, and also in and beyond the val- ley of Shamokin creek. These rocks are overlaid by a nar- row belt of red shale and sandstone, of the most superior formation, extending over the high grounds from the " Blue Hill" at Northumberland, eastward to Roaring creek. An- other range of this red shale and sandstone is also seen ex- tending from the Susquehanna along the north side of the Little mountain to the valley of Roaring creek. The lower beds of the olive slate series are finely exposed in the cliffs along the east side of the river below Sunbury, where some of the strata aie sufficiently calcareous to be used for burn- ing lime. In the interstices of this limestone is found an ore containing sulphuret of lead and silicate of zinc; but it is doubtful whether its quantity or quality is sufficient to ren- der it an object of much consequence. Other layers of this formation appear to be adapted to the manufacture of hy- draulic cement, and may be seen abundantly along the shore of ihe river nearly opposite Selinsgrove-. At Georgetown or Dalraatia, on the Susquehanna, in the southern part of the county, an axis of elevation brings up a limestone to the sur- face ; this however extends but a short distance east of the river, being overlaid and surmounted by the older slate, and the red shale and sandstone, which occupy the region be- tween the Line mountain on the north and the Mahantango on the south. In the Line and Little mountains, which unite 152 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. in a bold knob on the Susquehanna above the mouth of the Mahanoy creek, we have a hard compact sandstone which, though it sometimes contains tliin layers of black carbonace-' ous matter, is yet several hundred feet below the coal mea- sures. Enclosed by these mountains, and extending along the valley of Mahanoy creek, between Line and Mahanoy mountains, and along Little Mahanoy creek between the Little and Big mountains, is red shale, which overlies the sandstone last mentioned ; all these rocks dipping towards the middle of the basin and passing beneath the coal. The coarse conglomerate next below the coal series, appears in the Mahanoy and Big mountains, which unite on the west between the Great and Little Mahanoy creeks, enclosing the western point of Shamokin and Mahanoy coal field. Miniiig operations in this region are principally confined to the vicinity of the new town of Shifmokin, at the eastern termination of the railroad from Sunbury, which aflbrds a ready means of transporting the coal to the river. Here in the gaj) by which the Shamokin creek passes through the Big mountain, 5 or 6 beds of coal, from 3 to 9 feet thick, have been opened on both sides of the creek, and farther up the stream, in thesmalk^r hills along its banks, are numerous other beds, a number of which are productively v^■orked. On Coal creek, between one and two miles east of the railroad, is an enormous deposit of this valuable article, contained in a bed not yet completely exposed, but which ajipears to be about sixty I'eet thick. According to the census of 1840, there wci'e 12,130 tons of coal raised, employed 46 liands, capita] ?{i22 7,227, barley 5-38, oats 160,190, rye 141,016, buckwheat o4,542, coni 165,799, pounds of wool 26,019, hops 591, wax 258, bushels of po- tatoes 1.15,985, totiS of hay 9,926, flax 15 tons, pounds of tobacco gathered 27,303, cords of wood sold 2,736. Vahe of the products of the dairy $20,538, value of the products of th(,' orchard $8,130, value of family or home made goods :*^14,213. Fifty-three retail dry goods and other stores, with a capital of $199,800; three lumber yards. Value of machinery manufactured $3,500, employed three hands. Va- lue of bricks and lime manufactured $12,500, employed 39 NORTHUWBERLAND COUNTY. 153 hands, capital ^0,115. Value of hats and caps manufac- tured $6,900, thirteen persons employed, capital $2,825. Seventeen tanneries tanned 8,0 JO sides of sole leather, and 3,790 of upper, and employed 28 hands, capital $24,300 — all other manufactories of leather, saddleries, &c., 23, with a capital of $10,405; value of manufactured articles $29,414. Fourteen distilleries produced 101,256 gallons, one brewery produced 11,520 gallons of beer, 22 men employed in man- ufacturing distilled and fermented liquors, capital invested $19,350. Three printing offices, employed 8 hands, capital $4,509. Two rope-walks, value produced $2,500; employ- ed 4 men, capital invested $650. Value of the manufactures of wagon and carriages $15,200, employed 35 men, capital $6,850. Grist mills 29, saw mills 28, one oil mill, value of manufactures of mills $144,625, employed 77 men, capital $118,350. Value of furniture manuiactured $4,400, thir- teen hands employed, capital $2,150. Total amount of ca- pital invested in manufactures $223,660 00. Aggregate value of all kinds of property taxable in 1844, $4,035,- 605 00. Public Imj^rovements. — The public improvements in this county are the North and West Branches of the Pennsylva- nia canal. These two Branches unite at Northumberland, and pass down the Susquehanna on the right bank of it. The w'estern portion of the Pottsville and Danville rail road, of which about twenty miles are completed from Sun- bury to the coal mines at Shamokin. Thei e is a dam across the Susquehanna called the Shamokin dam, seven hundred and eighty feet long, constructed by the state for the purpose of supplying water to the Susquehanna division of the canal. There is also a turnpike road from Northumberland by way of Sunbury, Pottsville and Heading to Philadelphia. SuNBURY, the seat of justice, is beautifully situated on a level plain on the east side of the Susquehanna, above the mouth of the Shamokin creek, and two miles below the town of Northumberland. It has been described by a visiter, as a beautiful site — near the town, above and below, are ranges of high hills, affording a magnificent prospect of the scenery of the valley ; in front of the town Susquehanna, backed up by the Shamokin dam, spreads out into a basin nearly a mile i54 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. wide, which receives the united streams of the North and West Branches. One of the hills called Mount Pleasant, I ascended this morning just as the sun w^as rising — The scene was enchant- ing — at my feet as it were, lay the borough in quiet repose, embowered in shade and foliage, and surrounded on three sides witli rich fields, ])astures and herds. In front of the town was the river, which being raised by the Shamokin dam, looked like an immense mirror, or a glassy lake, more than like a river. On the opposite side of the river, the land rose abruptly into a craggy mountain : looking further up the stream, I saw two branches gradually approach each other, till they met and mingled their waters. Over each of these were long bridges leading to and from the village of North- umberland, back of which and between the two branches, the country rose gradually from the plain, till it became al- most mountainous, yet covered to the very tops with fields, pastures, flocks and herds. Turning again to the left, and looking down the Susquehanna, asort of vista was presented, bounded on each side with romantic hills, and finally appear- ing to end in the blue top of the mountains. Never have I beheld a more varied or beautiful landscape than was here presented." Sunbury is an old town, it was laid out by the Surveyor General, John Lukens, 1772. The streets cross each other at right angles, and are wide enough for cleanliness, comfort and beauty. It contains about two hundred and fifty dwell- ings, a court house, jail, market house, Lutheran, German Reformed, Presbyterian, Episcopal, Baptist and Methodist churches. A number of the Wyoming intruders were incarcerated in the jail, as will be seen by the following — IVom Col. Franklin's Journal, August 19, 1784. Forty-two others were bound together with ropes, in a team, and sent under a military guard to Sunbury goal. The sheriff of the county proposed to take charge of the whole that were to be sent to Sunbury, before they left Wy- oming, and to be accountable for them all, but could not be permitted. In a word, during the confinement of the pris- oners at Wyoming, they were treated in a most cruel and NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. 155 barbarous manner — suffered with hunger — and suffocated in a nauseous prison, for the want of fresh air ; and insulted by a banditti of ruffians — the prisoners were not even suffered to go out of their house to perform their most necessary oc* casions for the case of nature, for the term of nine days. It is a place of considerable business. The soil of the surrounding country is rich and productive. Should the rail road to Pottsville be finished it will become a place of im- portance, especially in shipments of coal &c, A bridge about a mile above town connects it with North- umberland. It was built by a joint stock company in 1814. It is in two parts separated by the Shamokin Island and cost ^90,000, of which the state subscribed $50,000. The population of 1840, was 1,10S, of these there were — White Males, under 5, 86; 5 and under 10, 80; lO and under 15, 70 ; 15 and under 20, 60 ; 20 and under 30, 85 ; 30 and under 40, 56 ; 40 and under 50, 43 ; 50 and under 60, 27 ; 60 and under 70, 9 ; 70 and under 80, 8. White Females, under 5, 102 ; 5 and under 10, 69 ; 10 and under 15, 65 ; 15 and under 20, 63 ; 20 and under 80, 106 ; 30 and under 40, 64 ; 40 and under 50, 49 ; 50 and under 60, 26 ; 60 and under 70, 12 ; 70 and under SO, 16; 80 and under 90, 1. ColoPvED Males, 7 ; Colored Females, 2. Of these 42 were engaged in agriculture, 16 in commerce, 150 in manufactures and trades, 11 in navigation ; 22 in land professions. It contained nine stores, three tanneries, one distillery, one pottery, one printing office ; four schools, 257 scholars. In the autumn of 1786, this place suffered some loss in consequence of a great freshet. The following, dipt from an old paper published at Carlisle, gives some account of the high water, &c. Carlisle, October 18, 1786. The accounts from all parts of this and the neighbouring counties of the effects of the late heavy rains are as innumer- able as they are distressing to our suffering brethren ; — every 156 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. hour furnishes us with lamentable tales of having mills of dif- ferent kinds, forges and other works carried away or mate- rially injured ; almost every farmer's dwelHng on the borders of the Susquehanna and the surrounding waters, are in the catalogue of sufferers, by their loss of horses, cows, hay, and other effects of industry in a greater or less degree. By the last accounts from Northumberland town, in North- umberland county, we are informed of the great destruction occasioned by the rain, on Thursday and Friday, the fifth and sixth instant. The storm grew violent on Thursday, some hours before day, accompanied with heavy blasts of wind, and rained more heavily and incessantly than has been known by the oldest on the banks of Susquehannah. In the course of Thurschiy night the river forced itself over its banks, carrying everything down before it. No person can imagine the situation of many of our fellow creatures who were sur- rounded in their beds by an irresistible flood, and threatened with the extremest danger. The only loss we are yet able to ascertain, is that of a man and his wife, and one son, a little below Fishing creek, their daughter, a girl about 17 years old, terrified at the approach of danger, fled to the hills with three young children, and escaped the fate of her un- happy parents and her brother : another old man of the name of Campbell also perished in the same neighborhood. The waters rose with the greatest rapidity all Friday, making in the fore-part of the day, nearly twelve inches perpendicular in the space of an hour — the rain continued, but not with the same violence. The situation of the town ofSunbury was truly alarming, its situation, an island occasioned by a gut from the main branch, emptying into Shamokin creek below the town, rendered an escape impossible. — In the low- er part of the town, the water was up to the first story of many of the houses, so that the inhabitants were obliged to land with their canoes on their stairs, or at the upper win- dow — a few acres in the middle of the town, on which were three or four houses, being situated higher than the rest, shewed above the water. Had not good Providence stayed the rise of the waters, we perhaps might have given the melancholy information of the loss of the records of the county, which would have created the utmost confusion ; the recorder, and register especially was obliged to leave his house. The loss of the town of Northumberland isinconsid- NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. 157 erable, save an unfinished ferry-house at the point of the confluence of the two rivers, the situation of that town at the foot of Montour's |hill being too high for floods ever to reach. The sufferings of the farmers on the creeks and rivers are very great, having lost much of their grain. We have not yet heard from Wyoming, but suppose the floods have occasioned much (himage there. The numerous incidents and events that transpired, at an early day, are interesting. Some of them are given in the Appendix {See C. Shamokin) — Some are presented in this connection, in their " original freshness," as related by those engaged in the conflicts of the day. Shamokin^ Fort Augusta, or Sunhury., On the left bank of the Susquehanna, below the north branch of Susquehanna, was a place of some notoriety in the early history of the Province of Pennsylvania. It was not only used as a convenient tarrying place of the Six Nations for their war parties against the southern Indians ; but as a Moravian missionary station, and where Fort Augusta was erected, and garrisoned during the French and Indian war. Several important conferences were held here with the In- dians by Conrad Weiser and others. As early as 1742, Count Zinzendorff accompanied by Conrad Weiser, Esq., Br. Martin Mack and his wife, and the two Indians, Joshua and David, after a tedious journey through the wilderness, arrived at Shamokin. Shikeliimus stepped out and gave them a hearty welcome. " A savage presented the Count with a fine melon, for which the latter gave him his fur cap." The Count announced himself as a messenger of the living God, come to preach grace ami mer- cy. Shikeliimus said he was glad to receive such a messen- ger, and promised to forward his designs. One day, when the Brethren were about going to prayers, and the Indians, then at a feast, were making a piodigious noise, with drums and singing, the Count sent word to Shikeliimus, who order- ed silence immediately. The Count, with a part of his company, forded the Sus- quehanna, and went to Ostonwackin, on the West Branch. This place was then inhabited, not only by Indians of differ- ent tribes, but by Europeans, who had adopted the Indian 14 158 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. manner of life. Among the latter was a French-woman , Madame Montour, who bad mairied an Indian warrior, (Car- ondowana, alias Robert Hunter ;) hut lost him in a war against the Catawbas. She kindly entertained the Count for two days. The Count went soon after to Wyoming.* Loskiel, P. ii. p. 30-32. The Revd. D. Brainerd visited Shamokin in 1745 and 46. In his Journal, p. 176, he says : " In the beginning of Oc- tober last (1744) with the advice and direction of the cor- respondents for the Indian mission, I undertook a journey to Susquehannah. And after three days tedious t/avel, two of them through the wilderness almost impassable, by reason of mountains and rocks, and two nights lodging in the open wilderness, I came to an Indian settlement on the side of the Susquehanna river, called Opeholhamping : where were twelve Indian houses, and, as nigh as I could learn, about seventy souls, old and young, belonging to them. Here also, soon after my arrival, I visited the King, ad- dressing him with expressions of kindness; and altera few words of friendship, informed him of my design to teach them the knowledge of Christianity. He hesitated not long before he tolil me, that he was willing to hear. I then preached ; and continued there several days, preaching every day, as long as the Indians were at home. And they, in order to hear me, deferred the design of their general hunting, which they were just then entering upon, for the space of three or four days. The men, I think universally except one attended my preaching. Only the women, supposing the affair we were upon was of a public nature, belonging only to the men, and not what every individual person should concern him- self with, could not readily be persuaded to come and hear; Tort Augusta stands at about forty yards distance from the river on a bank twenty-four feet from the surface of the water. The side which fronts the river is a strong pallisade, the bases of the logs being suiik four feet into the earth, the lops hollowed and spiked into strong rib- bond which run transversiy and are morticed into several logs at twelve feet distance from each other, which are larger and higher than the rest, the joints between each pallisade with five logs well fitted on the inside and supported by the platform — the other three sides arc- composed ot logs laid horizontally neatly dovetailed and trunnelled down, they are squared, some of (the lower end three feet diameter, the least from two feet and a half to eighteen inches diameter, and are mostly Whiteoak. NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. 159 but, after much pains used with them for that purpose, some few ventured to come, and stand at a distance. When I had preached to the Indians several times, some of them very frankly proposed what they had to object against Christianity ; and so gave me a fair opportunity for using my best endeavors to remove from their minds those scruples and jealousies they labored under : and when I had endeavored to answer their objections, some appeared much satisfied. I then asked the King, if he was willing I should visit and preach to them again, if I should live to the next spring ? He replied, he should be heartily willing for his own part, and added, he wished the young people would learn &c. I then put the question to the rest ; some answer- ed that he would be very glad, and none manifested any dis- like to it. There were sundry other things in their behavior, which appeared vdth a comfortable and encouraging aspect ; that, upon the whole, I could not but rejoice I had taken that journey among them, although it was attended with many difficulties and hardships, . The method I used with them, and the instruments I gave tiiem, I am persuaded were means, in some measure, to remove their heathenish jealousies and prejudices against Christianity ; and I could not but hope, the God of all grace was preparing their minds to receive the " Truth as it is in Jesus." If this may be the happy consequence, I shall not only rejoice in my past labours and fatigues ; but shall, I trust also " be willing to spend and be spent," if I may thereby be instrumenial to turn them from darkness to liglit, and from the power of Satan.to God. I shall now only add a word or two respecting the diffi- culties that attend the Christianizing these poor pagans. In the first place, their minds are filled with prejudices against Christianity, on account of the vicious and unchristian behavior of some that are called christians. These not only set before them the worst examples ; but some of them take pains, expressly in words, to dissuade them from becoming christians ; foreseeing, that if those should be converted to God, " the hope of their unlawful gain," would thereby be lost. Again, these poor heathens are extremely attached to the customs, traditions, and fabulous notions of their fathers, And this oije seems to be the foundation of all their notions. 160 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. viz : that "it was not the same God made them, who made the white people " but another, who commanded them to live by hunting, &c., and not to conform to the customs of the white people. Hence, when they are desired to become christians, they frequently reply, that " they will live as their fathers lixe^, and go to their fathers when they die." And, if the miracles of Christ and his apostles be mentioned, to prove the truth of Christinnily, they also mention sundry miracles, which their fathers have told them were anciently wrought among the Indians, and which Satan makes them believe were so. They are much attached to idolatry ; fre- quently making feasts, which they eat in honor to some unknown beings, who they suppose, speak to them in dreams; promising them success in hunting, and other affairs, in case they will sacrifice to them. They oftentimes also offer their sacrifices to the spirits of the dead ; who, they suppose, stand in need of favours from the living, and yet are in such a state as that they can well reward all the offices of kindness that are shown them. And they impute all their calamities to the neglect of these sacrifices. Furthermore, they are much awed by those among them- selves, who are called j)OW-u'ou's, who are supposed to have a power of enchanting, or jioisoning them to death, or at least in a very distressing manner. And they apprehend it would be their sad fate to be thus enchanted, in case they should become Christians. Lastly, the manner of their living is likewise a great dis- advantaofc to the design of their beinp- christianized. They are almost continually rovmg from place to place ; and it is but rare, that an opportunity can be had with some of them for their instruction. There is scarce any time of the year, wherein the men can be found generally at home, except about six weeks before, and in the season of planting their corn, and about two months in the latter part of the summer, from the time they begin to roast their corn, until it is fit to gather in." — [Memoirs of Brainerd. The Six Nations were very desirous of having a black- smith there, to save them the trouble of long journeys to Tulpehocken, or to Philadelphia. The governor of Penn- sylvania granted the request, on condition that he should remain no longer than while the Indians continued friendly NORTH DMBEaL AND -(^UNTY. 161 to the English. The blacksmith, Anthony Schmidt, was from the Moravian mission at Eelhlehem^ and this opened the way for the establishment of a mission at Sharaokin, which was done in the spring of 1747, by Br. Mack, who, with his wife, had previously visited the place. John Hao-in and Joseph Powel, of the mission, had built a house there. Bishop Camerhotr, and the pious Zeis'berger, visited there in 1748. The brethren speak of going to 'Long Island, and Great Island, on the West Branch, above Osionwudcin :'■ and in 17o5 " Brother Grube went to West Branch, and to Quenlshachshachki, where some baptized Indians lived." Shikellimus died in 1749. Loskiel thus describes his ciia- racter : — Being the first magistrate and head chief of all the Iro- quois living on the banks or the Susquehanna, as far as Onon- daga, he thought it incumbent upon him to be very circum- spect in his dealings with the white p -ople. He mistrusted the Brethren at first, but upon discovering their sincerity, became their firm and real friend. Being much engaged In political affairs, he had learned the art of conceahng his sen- timents ; and theretore never contradicted those who endea- vored to prejudice his mind against the missionaries, thouo-h he always suspected their motives. In the last years of his life he became less reserved, and received those brethren who came to Shamokiii into his house. He assisted them in build- ing, and defended them against the insults of the drunken Indians ; being himself never addicted to drinking, because-, as he expressed it, he never wished to become a fool. He had built his house upon pillars for safety, in which he al- ways shut himself up when any drunken frolic was going in in the village. In this house Bishop Johannes Von Watte- ville and his company visited and preached the gospel tohim» It was then that the Lord opened his heart: he listened with great attention; and at last, with tears, respected the doc- trine of a crucified Jesus, an^l r-^ceived it in faith During his visit in Bethlehem, a renuakable change took place in his heart, v riich he could not conceal. He found comfort, peace, and joy, by faith in his Redeemer, and the Brethren considered him as a candidate for baptism ; but hearing that he led already been baptized, by a Iloman Catholic priest, in Canada, they only endeavored to impress his mind with a 14* 162 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. proper idea of this sacramental ordinance, upon which he destroyed a small idol, which he wore about his neck. After his return to Shamokin, the grace of God bestowed upon him was truly manifest, and his behavior was remarkably peace- able and contented. In this state of mind he was taken ill, was attended by Br. David Zeisberger, and in his presence fell happily asleep in the Lord, in full assurance of obtaining eternal life through the merits of Jesus Chrisl;. "After the defeat of Braddock, in 1755, the whole wil- derness from Juniata to Shamokin was filled with parties of hostile Indians, murdering, scalping, and burning. These alarms broke up the mission at Shamokin, and the Brethren fled to Bethlehem. In October of that year fourteen per- sons were killed by the savages in the Penn's creek settle- ment, and their bodies were horribly mangled. A party of 46 persons, led by John Harris, came up to bury the dead, and afterwards came to Shamokin, where they were received civilly but coldly, and remained all night. Andrew Montour, the Indian interpreter, warned them against returning by a certain road. They disregarded his advice, and were attack- ed by a party of Delawares in ambush at Mahanoy creek. Four of Harris's party were killed, four were drowned in crossing the Susquehanna, and the others barely escaped. Previous to this, on the 18th October, a party of Indians had attacked the inhabitants at Mahanoy creek, carried off 25 persons, and burnt and destroyed their buildings and im- provements. There were rumors that the French had in- tended to build a Fort at Shamokin ; but in January, 1756, the Indians had entirely abandoned their village and gone up the Susquehanna and to the Ohio. The provincial govern- ment in April erected Fort Augusta at Shamokin. While Col, Cla])ham was at Fort Halifax, he received the following orders to proceed to erect a fort at Shamokin. Orders and hish'uclio?is to Col- W. Claphain. 1 . With these instructions you will receive a number of blank commissions under my hand and seal, for subaltern of- ficers in your regiment, which you are hereby empowered to fill up, with the names of such men as you judge most fit for the service, having regard to the meiit and services of those already employed ; taking care that they be of the Protestant NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. 163 religion, nnd we]] affected to his Majesty's government, as your name is inserted in tlie General Dedimus for tliis Pro- vince, under the Great Sea], or cause Major Burd to do it. 2. Herewith you Mill also receive two plans of Forts; the one a Pentagon, the other a square, with one Ravelin to pro- tect the curtain where the gate is, with a ditch covered way and glacis ; but as it is impossible to give any explicit direc- tions tn the particular form of a fort without viewing and considering the ground on which it is to stand, I must leave it to you to build it in such form as will best answer for its own defence, the command of the river, and of the country in its neighborhood; and the plans herewith will serve to show the proportion that the dilferent parts of the woiks should bear to each other. o. As to the place upon which this fort is to be erected, that must be in a great measure left to your judgment; but it is necessary to inform you it must be on the east side of the Susquehanna ; the lands on the west, at the Forks, be- tween the branches, not being })urchased from the Indians ; besides it would be impossible to relieve and support a gar- rison on that side in the winter time: from all the information I have been able to collect, the land on tiie south side of the east branch, opposite to the mid.dle of the island, is the high- est of any of the lowland thereabout, and the best ])lace for a foit. The guns you have with you will form a rampart of a moderate height, commanding the main river. But as this information comes from persons not acquainted with the na- ture of such things, I am fearful they are not much to be depended on, and your own judgment must therefore direct you. 4. When you have completed the fort, you will cause the ground to be cleared about it, to a convenient distance, and openings to be made to the river, and you will erect such buildings within the fort, and [)lace there in such a manner as you shall judge best. G. Without the fort, at a convenient distance, under the command of the guns, it will be necessary to build some log houses for Indians, that they may have places to lodge in, without being in the tort, wheie ninnbers of them, however friendly, should not be admitted, but in a formal manner, and the guard turned out ; this will be esteemed a compliment by our friends, and if eneuiies should at any time be concealed 164 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. under that name, it will give them proper notions of our vi- gilance, and prevent them from attempting to surprise it. 6. In your march up the river you will take care not to be surprised, and always to have your forces in such a disposi- tion that you may retreat with salety. 7. You will make the best observations you can of the ri- ver and the most difficult passes you meet with in your way as well by land as water, which you Mill note upon the map I gave you, that it may be therel)y amended, and furnish me with your opinion of the best manner of removing or sur- mounting those chlHculties. 8. If you should be opposed in your march, or gain any in- telligence of the approach of an enemy, for that or any other purpose, you will inform me by express of such intelligence or opposition, the situation you are in, and every thing else material, that I may send you proper assistance, ami be pre- pared for any thing that may hap})en, and in the meantime you are to use your best endeavors to oppose the enemy ami- to secure yourself. 9. As soon as }oii are in possession of the ground at Sha- mokin, you will secure yourself a breastwork in the best manner you can, so that your men may work in safety, and you will inform me of your arrival there, and let me know what you will have occasion for, that I may apply to the commissioners to supply it. 10. You will order the company and others in whose hands you may trust any of the i)iib!ic provisions, or stores, to be careful and exact in tlie distribution thereof, and to keep exact accounts of ever) liiiug committed to their care. 11. Having suspected hostilities against the Delaware In- dians on the east side of the Northeast Branch of Susque- hanna, in order to enter into a treaty with them, I sentl you herewith a Proclamation lor that purpose to which you will contorm, and any friendly Indians that may join you in your march or at Shamokin, you will treat with kindness and su] - ply them out of the Province stores with such things as they want and you are able to spare. 12. Having sent the Indians, New Castle and Jagree, again to the town of Diahoga, accompanied with some of the Jer- sey Delawares, all our fiiends who may, and probably will return by the Susquehanna, you will, in about a fortnight after this, cause a look out to be kept for them, and if they NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. 16-5 return that way, you will receive and assist them in their journey. Their signal will be a red flag with " union" in the corner, or if that should be lost, they will carry " green boughs" or " Club'd muskets," will appear open and erect, and not approach you in the night. R. II. Morris. Given under my hand and seal at Arms, Philadelphia, this 1.2th day of June, 1756. Camp, at Armstrong's, June 20, 1750. To Gov. Morris : Sir — I received your Honor's of the 12th inst., together with your Honor's instructions, your Honor's answer to the Indian Sachem, six blank commissions, and two plans ot for- tification. Your instructions I shall obey with the utmost pleasure and punctuality. Your answer I delivered with due solemnity. In filling up the commissions I shall be par- ticularly careful to regard your Honor's directions; when arrived at the ground I shall conform as near as possible to the plans, and hope I shall find no difficulty in the execution which industry and application may not surmount, and sliall rely on your Honor for the supplies necessary during that time. The progress already made in this Fort renders it im- practicable for me to comply with the commissioners desire to contract it, at which I am more surprised, as I expected every day orders to enlarge it, it being as yet, in my opinion, too small. I shall leave an officer and thiity men, with or- ders to finish it when I march from hence, which will be with all possible expedition after the arrival of the blankets, the rum and the money for j/ayment of 13attoe-men, for want of wliich, I am obliged to detain them here in idleness, not thinking it prudent to trust them on another trip, for fear of their desertion, which may totally impede the service. I could wish the commissioners would invent some expedient to pay these men without money, or at least without the dan- ger of trusting me with their money, the charge of which I am not ambitious of, or the much envied honor and trouble of expending it — this far is certain, that without such expe- dient, or the money, we cannot stir. ] have, pursuant to your Honor's command, sent dow^n two Indian Sachems properly escorted, and committed partio 166 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. iarly to the care of Mr. Shippen, and hope his coming will fully answer the ends proposed by your Honor and your council. I have found Capt. McKee extremely useful, and have sent him also, at the Sachem's particular request. The carpenters are still employed in building Hattoes and carriages for the canoes, and every body seems disposed cheerfully to contribute their services towards the public good, if there ever was any prospect or assurance of being paid for it. From your Honor's character of Capt. Busse, I am extremely sorry the Commissioners have not thought pro- per to comply with your Honor's proposal. I assure my- self, your Honor, will omit no opportunity of extricating me from embarrassments arising from the want of money, both for the Battoe men and the soldiers; twenty-six of whom being Dutch (German) are now in confinement for mutiny on that very account. I am with all respect, your Honor's obedient humble servant. Vv'lLLIAM ClAPHAM. Edward Shippen, of Lancaster, makes mention of this place, in a letter dated April 17, 1756 ; and Fort Augusta, at Shamokin. Lancaster, April 19, 1756. Hun. Gov. Mortis: I have been at Captain McKec's Fort, where 1 found 10 Indians, men, women and children ; o of the women l)ing very ill in bed. The Captain tells me that Johnny Shekalli- my is greatly (Hssatisfied with being there ; and has several times been much out of temper, which he would hope was owing to nothing but the sickness of the Indians, and to their being insulted by the fearful ignorant people who have some- times told Shekallimy to his face, that they had a good mind to scalj) him. Shekallimy let me know that he wished the Indians would be moved down to Barney Hughes', where Capt. McKee's woman and children live; and afterwards, if the Governor thought proper, he would go to Wyoming, and endeavor to bring down Buckshenoath, a great man, a Shaw- anese Caj)tain, who would have come with him, but the Del- awares would not permit it ; he says, that at the council of Wyoming, whither your Honor sent Silver Heels and the Bt'lt, to know why the Indians struck their brethren, the NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. 167 English; this Shawanese Captain observed, that it was not more than one night and a half (meaning a year and a half) since he had taken the Governor by the hand, and heard every thing that he said, which was very kind and loving, and why should he forget him so soon? That he was then sitting between the Six Nations, and the Governor, takes one in each hand. — That council consisted of Shawanese, Chickasaws, Mohickans, and some of the Six Nations, and Shekallimy was appointed to give the answer, 'who spoke and said: You, our young brothers, the Shawanese it may be, know the reason of striking the English, as you are al- ways in council with the Delawares. No, answered the Shawanese, directing their discourse to the Six Nations, saying : Old brothers, we cannot tell why the hatchet was taken up against the English, but you know the reason of it, who were always with them at Gen. Braddock's battle. ShekalHmy says there are about 400 Indian warriors at Tiaogo of the Six Nations, Dehiwares, Munsees and Shaw- anese, and about 40 more at Wyoming, viz : ten Mohickans, ten Mingoes, and 20 Shawanese ; he says if we attempt to go up to Shamokin to build a fort, we may expect to be at- tacked by a body of oOO Indians in our march. According to your Honor's instructions to Mr. Burd, 1 have prevailed with Shekallimy to stay where he is till we can hear again from your Honor. I pity the sick Indians much, because there is neither sheep, calves or poultry to be got in that part of the country, and tho' game is very plen- ty, yet the Indians dare not venture out of the Fort for fear of being murdered ; and the Captain informs me that the garrison has been but poorly served ; the provisions having been very ordinary ; but they are now a little better used ; yet he would fain believe, the persons employed about them did their best ; he finds that one pound of Burlington pork Avill go as far as two pounds made in that country. John Harris has built an excellent stoccade around his house, which is the only place of security that way, lor the provisions for the army, he having much good cellar room, and as he has but six or seven men to guard it, if the gov- ernment would order six men more there to strengthen it, it v/ould in my opinion, be of great use to the cause, even were no provision to be stored there at all, though there is no room for any scarce in Capt. McKee's fort : Hunter's 168 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. house indeed would answer such a purpose were it stoc- caded, but as it is quite naked, and stands five or six hun- dred feet from the Fort, the enemy may surround it in the night and Ivill the people, and set the roof on lire in three or four places at once ; and if the sentry should discern the fire as soon as it begins to blaze, it might be too diffi- cult a task for them to quench it without buckets or pails. I speak with submission; but this stoccade at Harris' ought by all means to be supported, for if for want of this small addition of men above mentioned, the Indians should de- stroy it, the consecjuence would be the most of the inhab- itants within twenty miles of his house would immediately leave tlieir plantations. The enemy can com« over the hills, at five miles distance from McKee's fort. But not- withstanding all I have said on this head, I am convinced that the number of stoccades set up and down the country do more hurt than good. Ey the best intelligence I can get, it will be best for Colonel Clapham to march his regiment on the west side of Sus(|uehanna, after first marching 8 or 9 miles on this side ; tiie only dilliculty will be in crossing the river. I know there are several bad passes, as far as Capt. ■NIcKee's plantation where I have been ; it is but twenty-live miles from Hunter's mill. I ought to have accpiainted your Honor before, that I have cautioned Capt. McKee against suffering any body to abuse the Indians for the future ; and by all means ad- vised iiim to keep a strict watch over the young French- man whom he has under his care. Inclosed is a letter from Mr. Harris, and also a memor- andum. At the request of a poor neighbor of his, v/hb has but one hand to work with for his living, I send an account of some losses which he assures me he has sus- tained by the Indians, whom JNIr. Harris maintained at the charge of the government. Please pardon my prolixity, and permit me to say, that I am, your Honor's &.c. EiMVARi) Shippen. In 1719, Conrad Weiser, on his way to Shamokin v.-itli a messenger from the government to the Indians ther^ met the sons of Shickalimy at the Trading House of Thomas NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. 160 McKee and delivered them the messages there ; because he had been informed that all the Indians were absent from Shamokin. — In a letter addressed to Richard Peters he mentions these facts: Sir — By these lines I let you know that I returned from Shamokin on the ISth inst. I happened to meet the eldest and the youngest son of Shickelimy at the Trading house of Thomas McKee, about twenty miles this side Shamokin, by whom I was informed that all the Indians had left Stia- mokin for this present time, for want of provisions ; so i thought best to dehver my message there to the sons of Shickelimy. There were also present three more of the Six Nations Indians ; one of them was Toyanogow, a noted man among the Cayukers. All what I had to tlo was to let the children and grand-children of our deceased friend Shickelimy know that the governor of Pennsylvania and his council condoled with them, for the death of their father ; which I did accordingly, and gave them a small present, in order to wipe off their tears, according to the custom of the Indians. The present consisted of six stroud match coats, seven shirts, with a string of wampum to Taghnegdoarus, Shickelimy's eldest son, and desired him to take upon him the care of a chief, in the stead of his deceased father, and to be our true correspondent, until there should be a meeting between the governor of Penn- sylvania and some of the Six Nation chiefs, and then he should be recommended by the governor, to the Six Na- tion chiefs, and continued if he would follow the footsteps of his father. He accepted thereof, and I sent a string of wampum by Toganogan (who was then setting out for Caynikgno) to Onondago to let the council of the Six Na- tions know of Shikelimy's death, and my transaction, by order of the governor. There was a necessity for my so doing. The Indians are very uneasy about the white people settling beyond the Endless mountains, on Joniady, (Ju- niata) on Sherman's creek and elsewhere. Tiicy tell me that about thirt}'' families are settled upon the Indian lands this Spring, and daily more go to settle thereon. Some have settled almost to the head of Joniady river, along the Path that leads to Ohio. The Indians say that (and that lo 170 NORTHUMBERLAND COUHTY. with truth) that country is their only hunting ground foT deer, because farther to the north, there was nothing but spruce woods and the ground with Kalmia bushes (laurel) not a single deer could be found or killed there. They asked very seriously whether their brother Onas had given the people leave to settle there. I informed them of the contrary, and told them that I believed some of the Indi- ans from Ohio, that were down \u.^it summer, had given liberty (with what right T could not tell) to settle. I told them of what passed on the Tuscarora Path last summer, when the sheriff and three magistrates were sent to turn off the people there settled ; and, that I then perceived chat the people were fevorcd by some of the Indians above mentioned ; by which means the orders of the governor came to no effect. So far they were content, and said the thing must be as it is, till the Six Nation chiefs would be down, and converse with the Governor of Pennsylvania, about the affair. I have nothing else to add ; but remain, sir, your very obedient, Conrad Weiser. Heidelberg, April 22, 1749. The provincial government erected a fort at Shamokni in 1756, called Fort Augusta, and was garrisoned during the French and Indian war. James Young, commissary general, visited this place in July, 1756, and speaks with much doubt of the success of building a Fort at that im- portant place under the easiness of the officers and men that prevailed. A fort, however, was erected, and in 1756, '57, and at a later period several companies were stationed here, as will appear from the following letters. Carlisle, July IS, 175G. To the Hon. Gov. Morris : Sir — I did myself the honor to write to you on my ar- rival at Shamokin. I staid there four days, in v/hich time I was greatly perplexed to know how to act, there being a general dissatisfaction among the officers concerning my instructions from the commissioners to pay them, for there- in I am commanded to pay Lieut's 5s. 6d. and the Ensigns 4s. per day, %vhercas they expected 7s. 6d. and 5s. 6d. I NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. 171 am likewise ordered to pay 384 private men and 16 ser- geants. I find seven more in the camp besides Ensign Meyers, with 20 men at McKee's store ; Ensign John- ston with 23 men at Hunter's mill ; and a Sergeant witli 13 men at Harris's, all ordered there by Col. Claphara, and above his number of 400 ; I therefore did not pay, neither could muster them, the certificates of enlistment being disposed among the olficers. At Sliamokin the people are extremely uneasy for their pay. The Colonel is highly displeased I had not orders to pay him for his Captain's commission, likewise that I brought him no money to pay the Battoe men ; he talks loudly of his ill usage, and threatens to leave the service ; that he will go and join the Six Nations, whether they side with the English or French. This I thought my duty to accpiaint you with. I was informed that he is to charge the Pro- X'ince with 116 Battoe men at 2s. 6d. per day: at the same time, I was credibly informed that the greater part of them are soldiers in his regiment, and are now daily employed in the Battoes, and are very capable to work them. The officers in general eeem not at all pleased under their colonel's command : all of them, but three or four, have been confined by him, and continued so during his pleasure, and released without trial by the same authority. I am sorry to say, I much doubt the success of building a fort at that important place, Shamokin, under the present un- easiness of the officers and men. I was ordered by the com- missioners to pay all the men up to the 1st of July, deducting half their pay for their clothing ; but the captain refused to receive it on such terras, and presented me a paper, setting foi-th their reasons, of which I sent you a copy. I being ap- prehensive of a general desertion, and considering that the Province had the same security for the clothing, complied with their demands, and thereby have broken my orders from the commissioners. I shall be extiemely sorry if I am blamed for so doirjg ; for nothing but the good of the service (and so I judged it to be) would have induced me to act con- trary to my instructions. The subalteins would not grant me receipts for their full pay, but in part. If I have done wrong, I beg your pardon, and that you will continue that friendship to me, I have already so largely experienced, and shall ever gratefully acknowledge. 172 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. Capt. Loyd was to set out soon after me for Philadelphia, to lay their grievances before your Honor, I left Shamokin early on Friday morning in a battoe; we rowed her down to Harris's before night, with four oars. There is but one fall above those you saw, not so bad as those at Hunter's; it is about 4 miles irora Fort Halifax. I came here yesterday noon, hoping to find money sent by the commissioners, to pay the forces on this side the river, as they promised ; but as yet none is come, neither is Colonel Armstrong come, and I find but 16 of his men here, the rest are gone to Shearman's valley, to protect the farmers at their harvest ; so when the money comes, I shall be at a loss for an escort. I am informed that a number of men at the Forts, whose time of three months is expired, agreeable to their enlistments, have left their posts, and expect their pay when I go there, this may be of bad consequence, and I hear- tily wish there were none enlisted for less than twelve months. 1 am persuaded the officers would find men enough for that time. I am with great respect, sir, Your most obedient and humble servant, James Young. The following instructions from Colonel Clapham to Capt. Hambright, commander of a detachment from Col. Clapham's regiment, given at Fort Augusta, November 4, 1756, are given, as it is believed they will be read with interest. Sir — You are to march with a party of two sergeants, 2 corporals, and 38 private men under your command, to at- tack, burn and destroy an Indian town or towns, with their inhabitants on the West Branch of the Susquehanna, to which Monsieur Montour will conduct you, whose advice you are directed to pursue. In every case you are to attack the town agreeable to the plan and disposition herewith giv- en you, observing to intermix the men with bayonets equally among the three parties in the attnck ; and if any Indians are found there, you are to kill, scalp and captivate as many as you can ; and if no Indians are there, you are to endeavor to act in such a manner and with such caution, as to prevent the discovery of your having been there, by any party that may shortly arrive after you, for which reason you are strict- NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. 173 Jy forbidden to burn, take away, destroy or rneddle with any thing found at such places ; and immediately despatch Mon- sieur Montour, with one or two more to me, with intelli- gence. When you come near a place of action, you are to detach Monsieur Montour with as many men as he shall judge necessary to reconnoitre the parts, and to wait in con- cealment in the meantime with your whole party till his re- turn ; then to form your measures accordingly. After hav- ing burnt and destroyed the town, you are in your retreat to post an officer and 15 men in ambush, close by the wood side, at the most convenient pdace for such purpose which may of- fer, at about 12 miles distance from the place of action, who are to surprise and cut off any party who may attempt to pursue, or happen to be engaged in hunting thereabouts, and at the same time, secure the retreat of your main body. It is very probable on these moonlight nights you will find them engaged in dancing, in which case, embrace that oppor- tunity by all means, of attacking them, which you are not to attempt at a greater distance than 20 or 2o yards ; and be particularly careful to prevent the escape of women and children, whose lives, humanity will direct to preserve as much as possible. If it does not happen that you find them dancing, the attack is to be made in the morning, just at such a season w'hen you have light enough to execute it, in which attempt your party is to znarch to the several houses, and bursting open the doors, to rush in at once. Let the signal tor the general attack, be the discharge of one firelock, in the centre division. If there are no Indians at the several towns, you are, in such a case, to proceed with the utmost caution and vigi- lance, to the road which leads to Fort Du Quesne, there to lie in ambush, and to intercept their march to, or from the English settlements ; and there to remain, with that design, till the want of provisions obliges you to return. I wish you all imaginable success, of which, the opinion I have of yourself, the party and officers under your commandj leaves me no room to write. I am sir. &c« William Clapham. P. S. You will not omit to post the sergeant with a part/ on the opposite side of the river during the attack, according 15* 174 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTV.- to direction, to prevent the enemy from escaping that wny, and reserve one half of your lorce. From the following, furnished by John Carson, a great- I'-randson of the writer ot the letter, it appears that John Carson was sent by the Governor, in the year of 1757, to open a trade with the Indians at Fort Augusta, Fort Augusta, December 17th, 1757. May it please your Honor ; I be^T leave to acquaint your Honor that I arrived at Fort Auousta on the oOth oi November, and on the Sth cur- rent opened a trade with the Indians, the store not being fit to receive the goods sooner, and 1 have disposed of some of the iToods and received a small parcel of skins, the amount ot w^hich I now enclose for your Honor's perusal. Accord- ing^ to the best of my judgment I have calculated the prices of"the o-oods that the prohts may defray the charges of the Trade. I have not been able to put an equal profit on all the ooods, the Indians having heretofore had stroud blankets and match coats at a very low rate, therefore I have charg- ed the other o-oods something higher. If it appears to your Honor that Thave overcharged any of the goods, or sold at too low a rate, please to favor me with your sentiments for my future direction, and I shall act agreeably thereto, I am your Honor's most humble servant, JcHX Carson. The following letters, written at Fort Augusta, are here introduced in connection with the preceding, as having rela- tion to the same subject, and containing some important fact*^. Fort Augusta, July 1st, 175S, May it please your Honor: Your favor o( the 21st past, was delivered me by Mr. Holland, agent for the Indian atlairs, who arrived here last AVednesday evening, and observe what your Honor says wi'.h respect to supplying such Indians as Tedyuscung shall direct with provisions, Indian corn, powder and lead, and conformins; to the ordeis you gave to the commandant otii- :>'OatHUMEEB.LAND COUNtY. IT-J cer respecting the frienrJly Indians that came to trade with provisions, all which I shall punctually observe. Capt. Trump has received no orders from Col. Bouquet or any other person concerning a flag to be used by our friend- ly Indians or our own people ; neither have any such flags been sent here. Agreeable to your Honor's orders, I wrote down to George Allen, master of the batteaux, by a man that went down yesterday morning, and acquainted him that you had ordered me to take all the batteaux men into the service again, and that they were to be paid by the general, and ordered hirn immediately to set about collecting them together; but I understand as soon as they were discharged, a great many of them engaged with Sir John St. Clair to go upon the expedition, some as horse drivers, and others with wagons, &.C. I'do not doubt but Capt. Allen will pick up a sufficient number /jf them. It is not every man that is fit ior that ser- vice : they ought to be well acquainted with the river pole- ing. I unrlerstand Croston is expected this night at Harris's with a drove of cattle; a party goes down from here to-mor- row to escort them and the batteaux up; if the latter should be reatly and not wanted below to ferry over troops, &c — if that should be the case, I have desired Capt. Allen to get as manv of them as can be spared, to bring up the cannon, pow- der, ball, and sundry other necessaries, which are much want- ed here, and have lain there a long while. When I was com- ing up, I asked Sir Allen McClain, who was then at Harris's, if he could not spare four of the batteaux to bring up some necessaries that were much wanted at Fort Augusta, he said, by lio means, as there were troops, baggage, kc, coming daily, and that they must not be detained. If the batteaux can't come up at present, the party is ordered immediately to escort up the bullocks, as so many men cannot be spared long from this weak garrison. We have now about two hundred men here ; seventy of tiiem came up with me, and are part of Captain Eastburn's and Capt. Jackson's companies; thirty of their men were left at Hunter's fort, and what were here before we came — one hundred and twenty odd are the callings of the whole battal- ion, and several of them sick and lame ; so that we have but a very weak garrison. Your Honor has doubtless heard of the French building a 17G NORTHUMBERLAND COUxVTY. fort upon the West Branch of this river, at a place called Shingelaclamoos. And by a letter Capt. Trump has receiv- ed from Col. Burd, wherein he acquainted him that from the intelligence he has had, he has great reason to believe the French intend to attack this Fort. I desired Capt. Young to acquaint your Honor that there was neither surgeon nor doctor here; since which he informs me there is one ap])oint- ed for us : I hope he will be here soon, as several of our men are sufTerino; for want of one. I believe Doctor Morgan left us but few drugs, as the shop looks very thm. Agreeable to your Honor's orders by Mr. Peters, con- cerning a flag that Teydyuscung took from Bille Sock, I enquired of Capt. Trump, whether he knew how he came by it; he said lie did not; that he came here with his brother and a Mohawk Indian man and a squaw on the 26th of May, and brought witli him cags of rum which he said he got "from the inhabitants; but would not say from whom; he went away the ne.xt day and said he was go ing to Tyahogah to see his friends and sell his rum; that he should return here in the fall to hunt — that is all the conversation passed between (^a])t. Trump and him ; but upon inquh-ing of Liout. Broadhead, if ho now any thing about it, he informed me, that he was down at Hunter's fort and saw Indian Jegra have such a llag as Mr. Peters,- in his letter to me, describes, and he thinks the word '•'union'' was written with ink in the middle of it; and Capt. Patterson, the commander of the fort, informed him he gave them to Jegra; Bill Sock, his brother, and another Indian were there at that time and they all that evening went away, and the next morning Jegra leturned to the fort, beaten in a most cruel manner, of which he died the next day. Lieut. Broadhead saw no more of the flag. — Your Honor's most obedient humble servant. Peteu Bard. P. S. Just as I had flnished my letter, nine Indians came here in two canoes from Wyoming, for Indian corn — there is none yet come up — tliey desire to have some flour for the present : wiiich shall we give them? To Hon. Wm. Denny, Esq. For additional particulars, see Appendix, C. I .■ ' ' NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. 177 Paxton, July 26, 1779. To Timothy Matlock, Esq. Sir: I am just returned from Sunbury. The \vhGle of the troops have left the place a week ago, and I am satisfied that General Sullivan will move forward with the expedition this very day. A more happy incident could not have hap- pened than the rise of the Susquehanna, at this critical and unexpected time ; notwithstanding some unlucky delays, rny hopes are now high, with respect to the northern exjjedition. I must, however, leave this pleasing expectation, and say a word or two of the deplorable situation of Northumberland county — stript of the whole standing army, and without a single man, save the militia of the county and 14 men under the command of Capt. Kemplin, and almost every young man on the frontier engaged in the Boat Service ;■— they sufier more than ever from the savage depredations of an horrid enemy; every thing above Muncy Hill is abandoned ; a large body of above 40 savages had pen(4rated as far as Freeland's Mills ; Freeland and sundry others have fallen victims to them. They were still hovering about the settlement when I came away. In short, nothing seems wanting on their part but a proper degree of spirit (and upon some occasions they have manifested enough of it) for to make one bold push for Sunbury, and destroy the magazine which is now collect- ing there for the support of the army. I have spoken to Col. Hunter for a guard for the magazine, but in vain. He is not able to protect the flying inhabitants. The stores at Sunbury are deposited in my dwelling house, which is large and conveniently situated for defence and the reception and delivery of stores : the back part of it was stoccaded last year by Col. Hartk) — ^^a small expense would complete the stoccade, and mount a few swivels (several of which lie there dismounted). This, and a very small guard of militia from Lancaster county, would render the magazine secure. Now, my dear sir, let me not receive for an answer, "This or much oi this, is the business of the Board of War, or ought to engage the attention of Congress." It is an object of consequence ; between three and four hundred barrels of flour, sixty odd barrels of pork, and a large quantity of li- quors are novv' forwarding, and at this place to be forwarded to Sunbury. 173 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. It is expected that the march of our army ^vi]l recall the savages to their own coimtry. Were they leit to their own natural feelings there is little room to doubt this Avould be the case; but at present they are directed by British coun- sels, and in many of their expeditions commanded by Jjritish ofHceis; a dili'erent line o^ conduct may therefore be ex- pected. I will stay at this place until 1 hear from you ; and what- ever is to be done at Sunbiuy, for the defence of the maga- zine, I am ready to engage in. 1 wish not io complain ol any one, nor would be understood so; 1 however know the wretched sloihfulness of many who are engaged in the pub- lic departments, and would rather do ;; jiiece of business my- self, than have the trouble of calling on them. My present api)lieation, however, caimot be eonsidere-, jr. ArUcles of capitulation entered into between Captain John McDonald, on his Majesty's part, and John Little on that of the Congress ; Article 1 st. The men in the garrison to march out and ground their arms on the green, in front ol the fort, which is to be taken in possession of, immediately, by his Majesty'^? iroops. Agreed to. 2dly. All men bearing arms are to surrender themselves prisoners of war, and to be sent to Niagara. Agreed to. 3(J. The women and children not to be stript of their clothing, nor molested by the Indians, and to be at liberty to move down the country where they please. Agreed to. John McDo.val, Capt. of Rang;ers. John Little. Those killed at Freeland Fort in Capt. Boon's party. Captain Boon, Jeremiah McGlaghglen, Nathaniel Smith; ISO NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. John Jones, Edwd. Costikan, Ezra Green, Samuel NeeJ; Mathw. McClintock, Hugh McGil], Andrew Woods, James Watt, John McChntock, Wm. McChing, James Miles, Hen- ry Gilfillen. Head Quarters, Wioming, July 38, 1779. 'sir: Your letter, dated the 2Sth instant, I received this day, with the disagreeable intelligence of the loss of Fort Free- land. Your situation in consequence, must be unhappy. I feel for you, and could wish to assist you, but the good of the service will not admit of it. The object of this expedi- tion is of such a nature, and its consequences so extensive, to turn the course of this army would be unwise, unsafe, and impolitic. Nothing can so effectually draw the Indians out of your county as carrying the war into theirs. To-morrow morn- ing I shall march with the whole army to Tioga, and must have you to call upon the council of your State for such as- sistance as may serve to relieve you from your present per- ilous situation. As Pennsylvania has neglected to furnish me with troops, promised for this expedition, she certainly will be enabled to defend her frontiers without much incon- venience. I am, sir, Your most obedient and humble servant, Jno. Sullivan. Col. Samuel Hunter. The above is a copy of a letter to Col. Hunter, in answer to one of the 28th, but nothing would be done. Indeed the General seems to have had it in view from his first arrival at Wioming, to have the county reduced to what it now is. It appears, however, in several instances, he is no friend to this State. The evacuation of Fort Wallace, and drawing all the men from the frontier, five or six weeks before he march- ed, in my opinion, speaks very plain — the people of this county are petitioning in very strong terras, and will request a hearing against the General. I am, sir. Yours, &c. Mathw. Smith. • NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. 181 Sunbury, 28th July, 1779. To Col. Matlnv. Smith. Dear Sir : This day about 12 o'clock, ark express arrived from Capt. Boon's mill, informing us that Freeland's Fort wa« >airrounded by a party of Indians, and immediately after another express came, informing that it was burned, and all the garrison either killed or taken prisoners. The party that went from Boons saw a number of Indians and son*e Red-coats walking around the Fort, (or where it had been) — after that there was a firing heard off towards Chilis- quake, which makes us believe that the savages are nu- merous, and parties are going off from this town and Nor- thumberland, to the relief of the garrison at Boon's, a» tltere is a number of women and children. There wert- :Lt Freeland's Fort, 50 women and children, and about 30 Jiien, and God knows what has become of them. By this you may know our distressed situation at this present time. General Sullivan would send us no assistance, and our neighboring counties have lost the virtue they once possessed of, or otherwise we would have had some relief before this time. This I write in a confused manner, as I am just marching off up the West Branch with the party ■ve have collected. I am, dear sir, Your humble servant, Samuel Hunter. N. B. Rouse the inhabitants there, (at Paxton) or we are all ruined here. S, H. Sunbury, July 29, 1779. To Col. Joshua Elder. Sir : Sinoc mine of the 2Sth, we have received particular in- structions from Fort Freeland, by women who had been m the Fort. They say the garrison surrendered, after making a nobla but short resistance ; after being thrice summoned ; they capitulated in form ; the copy of it ha« not yet come to hand. Of the garrison four were killed, and 13 scalps were brought into the Fort in a pocket handkerchief; amongst whom were Capt. Boon's aad 16 182 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. • Dougherty's, supposed to belong to the party from Boon"s Fort which attacked the British, Indians, kc. &c., even got in among them the people who were prisoners with them ; but were obhged to fly on account of superiority of num- bers — 13 or 14 of the party have come in. The women of Fort Freeland estimate the number of the enemy at be- tween 3 and 4 hundred, one third of whom are regular troops. Boon's Fort is evacuated and Northumberland town is already the frontier. Hurry, if possible, all the assistance, with utmost haste, or else -the consequence on our side will be dreadful. I am, yours, &c. Francis Allison, jr. The commanding officer is said to be a Captain McDon- ald; he intimated to the women that a party was still in the rear. Sunbury, 29th July, 1797. '^ To William Maclay, per William Harris' express, Paxton. Dear Sir : Yesterday morning early, there was a party of Indians and regular troops attacked Fort Freeland ; the firing was heard at Boon's place, when a party of 30 men turned out under the command of Capt. Boon ; but before he arrived at Fort Freeland the garrison had surrendered, and the British troops were paraded round the prisoners, and the fort and houses adjacent set on fire. Capt. Boon and his party fired briskly on the enemy, but were soon surrounded by a large party of Indians — there were 13 killed of our people, and Capt. Boon himself among the slain. The regular officer that commanded was the name of McDonald ; he let the women and children go, after having them a considerable time in custody. The town of Northumberland was the fron- tier last night, and I am afraid Sunbury will be this night. Is there any possibihty of getting some assistance from your county, if it was but to meet the poor women and children on their road down the country. You may easily form an idea of our distress, by what you saw last year ; but this is a great deal worse ; as there is no relief from any quarter. NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY, 183 There were about three hundred of the enemy, and the one- third of them were white men, as the prisoners inform us that made their escape. I am, dear sir, Your most obedient humble servant, Samuel Hunter. P. S. Please to write Council, by express, on the receipt of this, as it may be depended upon, and do all you can for your poor, distressed country. S. H. Paxtang, July 31, 7 o'clock, A. M. 1779. Joseph Reed, Esq., Pres of Pa. Sir : I take the opportunity of conveying a few lines by the bearer, John Gillcriest, Esq. (a member of the honorable House of Assembly) who, I think, was pitched upon, think- ing he might have more influence with council, than another, that might as quickly deliver the despatches : for my part, I think the distresses of Northumberland county people equal, i^ not superior to any thing that has happened to any part of the continent, since the commencement of the present war. You will see the late accounts, in some measure, by the let- ters inclosed, by Mr. Maclay. I believe only in some mea- sure, as the accounts are almost every minute arriving by people who have escaped the enemy, that, if true, are indeed alarming. The accounts this moment is, that the town of Northumberland is evacuated ; if so, then Sunbury will soon follow the example — and the same frontier will be where it was 20 years past. This day the township of Paxtang met to appoint a com- mittee to act in conjunction with other parts of the State: as soon as the letters came to hand, Messrs. Elder, McCIay, and myself, attended, had the v.hole matter laid before the people, that was no inconsiderable number ; and proposed a scheme for volunteers to turn out immediately for the relief of the distressed people. We have fixed Sunday morning, G o'clock, to march ; when, I doubt not, at least 50 men will go that way, as the distress was so great. Every thing has been done to encourage, but no promise of reward absolutely given. .184 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. I know the difficulty in getting the militia out. This rne- (hod in the mean time, in hopes to stop the progress of the enemy, if the volunteers can be allowed wages, or even their ^expenses, it will be acceptable ; if it cannot be done, a few lines from your excellency, or your excellency and council, will be truly acceptable to me ; and I will make the best use of it in my power. As I assure you, I liave made every proposal in my power, and perhaps more. But as the great- est number were going from this battalion, are officers, I iiope to make the matter more easy than if they were gener- ally {)rivates. If you write by the bearer, direct to iSIorth- umberiand county, as I shall be there two or three weeks, it the county is not entirely broken up. I am, dear sir, with esteem, Your most obedient and humble servant, Mathw. 8mith. Sunbury, August Sd, 1779. To Joseph Reed, Esq. President. Sir • I have arrived at Sunbury with GO Paxtang boys ; the nei^hboring townships turnout a number of volunteers. Cum- berland county will give a considerable assistance. To-moi- row, at 12 o'clock, is fixed for the time of march ; provi.'r^ioii is scarce; but we intend to follow the savages: we hope t( ronie at them, as the number of cattle is great they have ta- ken from the country, and must make a slow progress on . !ieir return home. I hope to see them on their return, ami 'fiiuht not if we do, to give a good account.. I inclose a co])yof the capitulation of Fort Fieeland. The ('aj)tain, McDonald of the Rangers, was formerly a sergeant m Col. Montgomery's regiment of Highlanders : his human- ity has a])peared in this one instance — perhaps the first in* ibis war: 52 women and children came safe to this place, being the number taken. Four old men were also admitted to come liack — the enemy supposed them not fit to marcli to Niagara. Inclosed is a list of the number of Captain Boon's party killed — also the names of persons belonging to the garrison. This account I believe is the fact, as the party out yesterday have buried the dead — gave me the list. The distress of the NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. 185 people here is great ; you may have some conception ; but it can scarcely be told. The town now composes Northumber- land county. The enemy have hmnt every where you have been, houses, barns, rye, wheat in the fields, stacks of hay, &c., (Sec, is all consumed. Such devastation I have never yet seen, I write this in haste, and Am, sir, your most obedient and humble servant, Mathew SmjtHo NORTHUMBERLAND, Nearly opposite Sunbury, built on tl\e point of land between the North and West Branches of the Susquehanna, at their junction. The town was laid out about the year 1775, by Reuben Haynes, originally from Philadelphia. At first its progress was slow, as all the inhabitants during the revolu- tion w^ere obliged to escape being murdered by a cruel enemy, to llee and seek refuge at Fort Augusta. It was not till 17S4 or '85, that Northumberland was again re-occupied ; and in 10 or 12 years afterwards it numbeied nearly 100 houses ; at present it contains about 160. The town was incorporated as a borough April 14, 1828. It contains four churches — Old a.id New School Presbyterian, German Re- formed, and Methodist — an academy, a u..;rket house, a bank, rt town house of brick, and in 1840 contained 6 stores, seve- ral taverns, o scholars, 190 scholars, and a number of me-- chanics shops. Its locality is inviting to the recluse. The country ex- pands behind ihe town in a semi-circular form, rising in gen- tle svv-ells towards Montour's ridge, v.hich crosses between '.he two rivers at a distance of about 3 miles. Opposite the town, in the North Rranch, is a long and beautiful island, called Lyon's Island. Two splendid bridges connect this island with the main land on either shore. Another splendid bridge, which also answers as a tov/ing path, crosses the West Branch at its mouth. At the southern end of this latter bridge, rises the high and precipitous sandstone of " Blue Hill," from which a magnificent prospect is enjoyed of the valleys of both rivers." The town is well laid out. 16* 186 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. with spacious streets, and to those who love quiet, is a plea-. spirit spot to reside. At the time Fort Freeland was captured, a party went from Northumberland to succor the garrison at Fort Free- land, and were brought to action with a superior force, wheii Captain Hawkins and Boon, and 14 men were killed and scalped. The enemy then advanced towards Northumber- land, with the addition of 100 men, whom they kept in re- serve, creating great alarm at Fort Augusta. Some years after the war, Capt. McDonald, having busi- ness witli the American government, on his way from Cana- da ventured, from pride or curiosity, to visit the ground of oi his victory, and tarried part of a night at Northumberland. Alarmed at certain movements, indicating hostility, he hhed .1 servant to take him down the stream in' a canoe, before davlight should expose him to his (as he had reason to sup- pose) excited enemies. His horse, after remaining nearly a year with the innkeeper, unclaimed, was sold for keeping — [Miner's His. ^Vyomi^g. '' Dr. .loseph Priestley, the distinguished philosopher anci f'iieoloo-ian, spent the latter years of his life in Northumber- iand. The large mansion erected by him is still standing in a lovely, shaded spot, a little apart from the village, and is in the occupation of his family. His sons had purchased a large Iract of land here with the view of making it the asy- jum of English di.ssenters, and other intelligent emigrants from Europe. Many Englishmen, friends of Dr. Priestly, remov- eJ here about the same time, among whom was Dr. Thomas ('ooper, who subsequently removed to the southern state?. where he became distinguished as a politician, philosopher, and professor of political economy. Mr. Russell was another Englishman who resided here, and purchased, in connection with the land .speculators at Philadelphia,large tracts of land in Bradford, Susquehanna and Luzerne counties. •' Dr. Joseph Priestly was born at Fieldhead, near Leeds, m England, in March, 1773. His father was a clothier ot the Calvinistic persuasion, in which he was also hiirseh brought up. After he had attained a respectable degree of classical acquirement, he was finally placed at the dissenters' academy at Daventry, with a view to the ministry. He spent ;J years' at this school, where he became acquainted with the NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. 187 writings of Dr. Hartley, and was gradually led into a par- tiality for the Arian hypothesis. He became minister oi Needham market, in SufToIk, but falling under the suspicion of Arianisra, he left there and took charge of a congregation at Nantwich, to which he joined a school. In 1761 he was appointed tutor in the languages at Warrington academy. Here he published his essay on government, and several other useful works on education and history. His History of Elec- Iricity, published in 1767, procured him an admission into the Royal Society; he had previously obtained the title of doctor of laws from the University of Edinburgh. In the same year he took charge of a church at Leeds, where his opinions became decidedly Socinian. Here his attention wa> first drawn to the properties of fixed air, and he also com- posed his work on Vision, Light, and Colors. In 1773 he went to live with the Marquis of Landsdowne, as librarian, or literary companion. He travelled over Europe with this nobleman, and also occupied himself with scientific pursuits. Ill 1773 he furnished a paper in the Phi]o.sophical Transac- tions, on the different kinds of air, which obtained for him a gold medal. This was followed by three volumes, the pub- hcation of which forms an era in the history of eeriform fluids. He published several metaphysical works, and an edition of Hartley's Ob.servations on Man, to which he annexed a di>- sertation savoring strongly of Materialism. This doctrine he still more forcibly supported in his Disquisitions on Matter and Spirit, in 1777. These works resulted in a dissolution of the connection between himself and his patron, and he took charge of a dissenting congregation at Birmingham. At length, w^hen several of his friends at Birmingham were cel- ebraiing the destruction of the Bastile, a mob assembled and set fire to the dissenting meeting-houses and to several dis- senters' houses, among which was that of Dr. Priestley, al- though he was not present at the celebration.* He lost his valuable library and apparatus, and althougli he obtained a legal compensation, it fell far short of his loss. On quitting Birmingham he succeeded his friend Dr. Piice as lecturer in the dissenting college at Hackney, where he remained some tune in the cultivation of scientific pursuits, until he was goa- ded, by party enmity to seek an asylum in the United States. • See .Appendix G, for detailed account of this riot, &c. 183 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. His sons had already preceded him, ar^d taken up or purcha- sed a large body of land near Northumberland, where the doctor arrived and fixed his residence in 1794. Here he ded- icated himself for 10 years to his accustomed pursuits, until his death on the 6th Feb. 1804, in his 71st year. " Doct. Priestley was an ardent controversialist, chiefly in consequence of extreme simplicity and openness of character; but no man felt less animosity towards his opponents, and many, who entertained the strongest antipathy to his opin- ions, were converted into friends by his urbanity in personal intercourse. As a man of science, lie stands high in the walk of invention and discovery : he t!>.-oovered the existence of oxygen gas, and other aeriform flUiiJs. As a theologian, he followed his own convictions wherever they led him, and passed Uirough all changes, from Calvinism to a Unitarian or Sociiiian system, in some measure his own ; but to the last remained a zealous opposer cf infidelity. In his family he ever maintained the worship of God. His works amount to about 70 volumes, or tracts ; and embrace essays on history, politics, divinity, (practical and controversial,) metaphysics, and natural philosophy. His Life, edited by his son, was published in 1806. The memoirs are written by the doctor himself, down to the year 1795, MILTON, Is a flourishing borough, on the left bank of the Vv^est Branch of the Susquehanna river, at the mouth of Limestone Run, 12 miles above Northumberland. It was started as a town about the year 1794 or '95. Being situated on the canal, surrounded by a fertile and highly productive region, and also the seat of consid rable manufacturing ep^ablishmcnts, and of much importance. In 1840 it contained 3 churches — a Presbyterian, Associate Reformed, and German Reformed; in addition to these, it now also contains a lUiptist and Epis- copalian — an academy, 13 stores, £ grist mills, 1 saw mill, 1 tannery, 4 disti'lerics, several foundries, 1 brewery, 1 pot- tery, 2 printing offices, 4 schools. Population in 1830,1,279; in 1840, 1,508. The town was incorporated February 26, 1816. There is a stone bridge across Limestone Run, and NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. 189 i frame bridge across the West Branch, which extends to tlie Union county side. McEWENSVILLE, Named after Alexander McEwen, is a flourishing little town, grown up within the last 20 years, about 3 miles north ot -Milton, on the road to Williamsport. It contains about 2o or 30 houses, several stores and taverns, and a number ot mechanics' shops. WATSONBURG, Pour miles above Milton, a short distance above Warrior's Run, on the left bank of the West Branch of the Susque- hanna ; it contains about 30 dwellings, several stores and taverns— and one or two mills on Warrior's Run, near the viHasre, FORT FREELAND, Or Freeland Fort, was situated on Warrior's run, which was destroyed by the enemy in July, 1779. POTTSGROYE, A post village, near the Chilisquaque creek, five miles north- east of Milton, and eight miles northwest of Sunbury, con- tains 15 or 18 houses, a store and tavern. SODOM, A post village, on Chilisquaque creek, seven miles north of Sunbury. It contains twelve or fifteen houses, a store and tavern. 190 NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. SNYDERSTOWN, A post village of Shamokin township, on the Sharaokin cik. 8 miles southeast of Sunbury — contains between 50 and 60 dwellings ; a store and tavern ; also a German Reformed &. Baptist Clmrch. It is on the turnpike and railroad. SNYDERSTOWN, A hamlet of Turbut township, about six miles northeast of Milton. DALMATIA, Or Georgetown, is on the left bank of the Susquehanna riv- er, 15 miles south of Sunbury. It contains about 80 dwell- ings, several taverns and stores. SHAMOKIN, At the eastern termination of the railroad, 19 miles from Sunbury, surrounded by coalmines. It has sprung up w'ith- in the last 11 or 12 years. It is a coal creation. The Shamokin Coal and Iron Company own large tracts of Coal lands near Shamokin. This company was incorpor- ated in lSo6, and was fully organized in 18o9 ; and in 1840 they got a charter, under the general act for the manufacture of iron, proceeded to erect a furnace, which was soon in suc- cessful operation, making iron of the first quality, from ore procured at Montour's Ridge. Anthracite coal is used in smelting ore. Large quantities of iron and coal are trans- ported from this place to the Baltimore market. Popular education is only partially encouraged. In some portions of the county it is much neglected, ami where it does receive some attention, schools are not so conducted as to impart the greatest benefit to the rising generation. The townships of South Coal, Jackson, Little Mahahany, Lower Mahanoy and Upper Mahanoy, have not adopted the com- NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. 191 mon school system as yet ; of fifteen school districts only eight have reported 59 schools in operation, which were open five months ; engaged 51 male and 26 female teachers ; the former receiving $18,90 per month ; the latter $10,11. In these schools 1,931 males and l,423femalesweie taught. A district tax raised of $3,083,32 ; state appropriation $2,691,00. Cost of instruction $4,122,86 ; fuel and con- tiguous $614,17. Cost of school houses $1,987,55. In several of the larger towns schools of advanced stand- ing are opened. There are academies at Milton, Northum- berland and Sunbury, and at the latter place is a Female Seminary, pretty hberally patronized. CHAPTER VIII. Huntingdon County. Huntingdon county erected — Streams of the county — Geological fea- tures — Census of 1840 — Public improvements — Towns — Hunting- don, Holidaysburg, Gaysport, Frankstown, Newry, Wiliiamsburi:, Alexandria, McConnellsburg, Ennisvillc, Antestown, Davidsburg, Yellow Spring, Graysville or Graysport, Smithfield, Warrior?, Mark Town, Petersburg, Water Street, Birmingham, Sliirleysburg, Orbisi- lua, &c. — Education. Huntingdon county, formerly included by Bedford was t i,tablished by separating it from Bedford by an act of the legislature, September 20, 1787 ; said provided " That all and singular the lands lying within the bounds _and limits, hereuiafter described, should be erected into a separate coun- ty by the name of Huntingdon; namely, beginning in the line of Bedtord and Franklin counties where the new state road, (by some called Skinncr^s road) leading from Shippeiis- burg to Littleton crosses the Tuscarora mountain ; thence in H Straight course or line to the Gap in the Shade mountain, where the road formerly called Pott's road crossed the same, about 2 miles north of Littleton; thence by a straight line to the Old Gap, hi Sideling Hill, where Sideling Hill creek- crosses the mountain ; thence in a straight line by the nor- therly side of Sebastian Shoub's mill, or Raystown branch uf Juniata; thence on a straight line to the Elk Gap, in Tussey's mountain ; computed to be about 19 miles abovr, or southwesterly of the town of Huntingdon, (formerly call- ed tlie Standing Stone) and from the said Elk Gap, in u •straight Une to the Gap of Jacob Stevens' mill, a little be- low were Woolery's mill formerly stood, in Morrison's covt; thence in a straight line by the southeily side ot Blair's mill, at the foot of the Allegheny mountain; thence across the. said mountain, in a straight line to, and along the ridges (U- viding the waters of Conemaugh from the waters of Clear- field and Chest creeks, to the line of Westmoreland county; HUNTINGDON COUNTY. 193 thence by the same to the old purchase Hne, which was run from Kittaning to the West Branch of Susquehanna river ; and along said line to I he said West Branch, and down the same to the mouth of Moshannon creek, and along the re- maining lines or boundaries which divide the county of Bed- ford from Northumberland, Cumberland and Franklin, to the place of beginning. The following gentlemen were appointed Trustees for the county, viz : Benjamin Elliot, Thomas Duncan Smith, Lud- wig Sell, George Ashman and William McElvey to take as- surances of a certain spot of ground in Huntingdon county, thereon to erect a court house and prison for the accommo- dation of the public service of the county. After Mifflin county had been erected (1789) out of parts of Cumberland and Northumberland, some differences of opi- nion arose touching the boundary line between Huntingdon and Mifflin, producing some excitement — to be noticed in the sequel — commissioners were appointed by an act passed April 1st, 1791, for running the boundaries between Hun- tingdon and Mifflin — described as follows: Beginning where the province line crosses the Tuscarora mountain, and run- ning along the summit of the mountain to the Gap, near the head of Path Valley; thence with a north line to ihe Juni- ata ; and the said line, from the said Gap to the Juniata, to be the line between Huntingdon antl Mitilin, on the south >ide of the Juniata. In September, 1791, other commissioners were appointed, and again March 29, 1792, an act was passed, directing some alterations to be made in the boundary, viz : " That a straight line, beginning in the middle of the Water Gap in the Tuscarora mountain ; and from thence to the river Ju- niata, in such direction astoiiicliule Joseph Galloway's farm, within Huntingdon county, at the mouth of Galloway's run, shall be the line between Huntingdon and Mifflin. And by an act of March 29, 1798, other commissioners were appoin- ted to run the lines between Bedford and Huntingdon, ac- tording to the following boundaries : Beginning at the Old (jrap at Sideling Hill, where Sideling Hill creek crosses the same, thence in a straight line, by the northerly side of Se- bastian Shoup's mill, on the Ra\stown liranch of Juniata, thence in a straight line to the Elk Gap in Tussey's Moun- tain ; and between Huntingdon and Somerset, beginning on 17 194 HUNTINGDON COUNTY^ that part of the line between the counties of Bedford and Huntingdon, near the southerly side of Blair's Mills, at the foot of the Allegheny Mountain ; thence across the said Mountain, in a straight line, to and along the ridges divid- ing the waters of Conemaugh, from the waters of Clearfield and Chest creeks, to the line of Westmoreland county; thence bv the same to the old purchase line, which was run Irom the Kittaning to the West Branch of the Susquehanna. The extended limits of the county were reduced by erect- mg Centre, Feb. 13, 1800 — formed from Mifflin, Northum- berland, Lycoming and Huntingdon, and by erecting Cam- bria county, INIarch 26, 1S04, which was formed from Hun- ting and Somerset, so that its present length is about thirty- eight miles, and breadth thirty-one, with an area of about l,18o square miles, containing 758,400 acres of land. Pop- ulation in 1790, 7,068; in 1800, 13,008; in 1810, 14,778; m 1820, 20,142 ; in 1830, 27,145 ; in 1840, 35,484. The aggregate amount of property taxable in 1845, was §8,168,226 00. The population of the several townships in 1840, was as ibllows : Allegheny 2,225; Antis 5,154; Barre 2,225; Dublin 622 ; Franklin 1,376 ; Frankstown 1,499 ; Hopewell 1,238; Henderson 1,555 ; Morris 1,516 ; Porter 879 ; Shirley 1,- 174; Springfield 984; Fell 911; Tyrone 1,226; Union S17; Warrior Mark 1,689 ; West 1,629; Woodberry 2,- 102; Walker 1,055; Todd 780; Cromwell 1,140; Blair 1,370. The population of the boroughs, were as follows : Huntingdon 1,154; Alexandria 574; Petersburg 196; Holidaysburg 1,896 ; Shirleysburg 247 ; Williamsburg 637; Birmingham 235 ; Frankstown 357. See Table on following page. < pj i) 2 o ^ — ^ ai to X c: o 00 CO i;^ r— ^ rf»- tn 0> ^ O GO CO CC CO to o ^ 00 >^ (D ,i^ OT CB 05 O to GO M >- >- to 1— O — (» ~v' -.7 ao oi 00 >*k — .^ O 00 ^ CO CO 05 GO C5 00 O 05 ^ ^ o c «: o CO to H- O O CI to C5 -"J Ci ►?>. if' CO o CO rfi- CD C5 f^i 00 ^J C3 O O •— Oi ^J -J to 4^ -^ Cn •— O O ~4 JO .P^ CO o o >(^ o e- >*» tn if>. Ci a> c -J to 00 to c;i »-' CO CO t^. tn ^ O 05 to 00 under 5 years old. 5 and under 10 years old. 1 and under 15 years. 15 and under 20 years. JO and under 30 years. 30 and under 40 40 and under 50 50 and under 60 60 and under 70 K- H- o CO ^ CJ w^ tS OT CI to ^ ^■^ o ■SI O 05 CO o ^ H- Oi >-> 1— o CO CD *. Oi o © o *.. ><^ ^ to o — h- to O ^ m to CO O C5 .i. o o O O O i-" o I- to to - 1 >fi. to CO c o to w d 05 >?>. CO CJ to -v! to to 1- H- CO o if^ I-' ti 00 — .^^:OCOCnOQOtOV<ti-000Da)O— 0030CD | cox3POO^^;c::mcoco>f='C>oc3 >t^ jj CJ CO 00 o I-' I— H^ CO CO ife- o en .f^ ^ 1— to O to ^7 1— — 1^ — 00 ^ s X -5 CO to § CO Co CTt ^J 01 cn.-Jio>— ox.— joinorf^oi^-xoi OtOXCJ" — COh-lO-^COOC5COH-o C5 cr. .- — ^ OT H^ -^ to ^ CO CI C C-T -J r -^ X to JO en x CO C3 #•.— X CO to 03 en Ci *» tn .— to t/T O.^i0OXXt0C5t0^)XC0O— Ol y C5 131 5 and under lOJS years old. \^ 10 and under Idj— years old. 15 and under 20 OitS~^XH-i-'-tOeO*...-^^ ^ o o #» o *- to to oo>^oc;~^rfs>»oo'-o H^eotoootOi^co>-^ 30 and under 40 years old. 40 and under 50 50 and under 60 60 and under 70 70 and under 30 -^ 80 and und er 90 ! I Colored pcp'n. I 196 HUNTINGDON COUNTY. The county is now bounded on the north by Centre, east by Mifflin and Juniata ; southeast by Franklin, southwest by Bedford, and west by Canibria ; lying entirely within the great central mountainous district ; and its features, as one of days past expressed himself, " rough and strong," like the features of its pioneer settlers. The traveller cannot but be struck with the grandeur of the scenery. It is truly a moun- tanic region of the Keystone State ; for this part of Penn- sylvania, comprising Huntingdon and adjacent counties, is composed of long and parallel ranges ot lofty rupic eleva- tions, separated, or " grandly serrated" by deep and narrow valleys. Entering the county from the southeast, and continuing a northwestern direction, you pass Tuscarora mountain, the line of strong demarcation between Franklin and Hunting- don, then the shade and Black log extending southward from Juniata ; then Jack's Mountain, a branch of which, called Stone Mountain, folds round on the west of Kishico- quillas valley; the Sideling Hill and Terrace Mountain, en- closing Trough creek valley, from which rises the amorphous and rugged Broad Top, who, as poets would have, like a mighty Colossus, lifting his platonic shoulders, surmounted by a huge head, with eyes proportionate, watching over the two counties, in each of which he has placed a foot immova- bly planted — his monstrous head, in unison with his sombre aspect, blacked by the smut of countless coal beds — and like a miser, concealing a treasure not of his own begetting. Next, west of the borough of Huntingdon, is Wariior Ridge, and then Tussey's, Lock, Canoe, Brush, Bald Ea- gle, and then old Allegheny, as firm as his proud Broad Top. Besides these named, there are minor elevations or moun- tains in this county, such as Allegripus, Drakes Hill, Dock Mountain, Rocky Ridge. These Mountains, as already said, are separated by valleys; the principal of which are Augh- wick. Sinking, Woodcock, Canoe, Scotch, Tuscarora, Trough creek. Hares, Plank Cabbin, and others. The county is well watered, though it has no large rivers. The Juniata, with Raystown Branch, Aughwick, and nu- merous minor streams, such as Black-log, Clover, Piney, West Branch of Little Juniata, Beaver Dam, Standing Stone, Shaver's, Shade, Canoe, Three Springs, Tuscarora, Vine- yard creek, with a number of runs, such as Warrior, Spruce, and others. HUNTINGDON COUNTY- 197 Warm Sprt7ig is a place of considerable resort, during the waterinof season. Sinking Run, given name to sinking valley,' is a consid- erable stream. It rises in the southern boundary of Tyrone township, and flows north a few miles to sink into the earth, as do also sorae smaller streams of the same valley. During the revolutionary war this valley became remarkable on ac- count of the lead mines wliich were wrought here, under the auspices of the state. The following description of this val- ley, and of the mining operations once carried on in it, we are assured meiits full credit. In the prosecution of the min* ing scheme, some miners from Europe were employed ; a large log fort was erected for their protection, and consider- able quantities of valuable ore were obtained. Several reg- ular shafts were sunk to a considerable depth. Lead enough was made to give a favorable idea of the value ot the mines. The work, however, was abandoned on account of the dan- gers from Indian incursions, and the disqualification of Eu- ropean nature for a forest life. Iron ore is also found in the valley of every species, and in the greatest abundance. The surroundmg hills abound with white flint, and from their ab- rubt forms and thick covering of pines, have a very sombre appearance. "Among the swalioivs which absorb several of the laro-- est streams of the valley, and after conveying them for sev- eral miles under the ground, return them to the sutface, that called the Arch spring is the most remarkable. It is a deep hollow in the limestone rock, about 30 feet in width, with a * The following incident, though given here in the form of a foot- note, is worthy of a place here. The incident occured in 1763. Mr. Porter, residing in Sinking valley, having gone to Mill, and left, Mrs. Porter alone, while in this situation she espied an Indian coming towards the house. Mr. Porter being a militia captain, had a sword and rifle in th'i house, his wife with j^reat intrepidity took the sword, and having Sv't the door about half open, waited behind it until the In- dian entered, vvhen she split his head with the sword, another entered and met ih° .same fate : the third seeing the fate of his companions, did not a;t apt to enter. She then took the gun and went up stairs with the e.vi ectafion of-having an opportunity of shooting him from fhencc, as there was port-ho'es for the purpose; but he came in and !ollowed I T up stairs, where she shot him dead. She then came down, and fled wiiii all possible haste, and met her husband coming; they immediateiy rode to a place of security. The next morning a party ot men went to the place of action, and found that there had been othe- Jndiany there, who had burnt the house and barn, XT'- 193 HUNTINGDON COUNTY. rude arch of stone hanging over it, forming a passage for th« water, which gushes forth with some violence and in such quantity as to form a fine stream, which after a short course buries itself again in the bosom of the earth. Many pits nearly 300 feet deep open into this subterraneous river, at the bottom of which the water appears ol the color of ink, though as pure as that which sparkles from the rocky foun- tain. " The stream again emerges to day and runs along the surface for a few rods among rocky hills, when it enters the mouth of a large cave, whose ajierture is sufficient to admit a sloop with her sails spread. Within, the cave is about 20 feet high declining somewhat as it proceeds, along which runs a ledge of loose rocks, affording a tolerable safe pas- sage. In the middle of the cave the bodies and branches of trees are seen lodgeci quite up to the roof, whence it may be- inferred that the water swells to the very top during fresh- ets, when the surrounding mountains pour into this channel the clouds which break on their sides, and marks on the ex- ternal sides of the cave show that the waters escape thence into the lower country. Having continued about 400 yards into the hill, the cave widens at a sudden turn, which pre- vents discovery until you are within it, into a spacious sa- loon, at the bottom of which is a precipitous fall, and a vor- tex of amazing force, by which laige pieces of timber are immediately absorbed, and cariied out of sight. The water boils up with great violence when such substances are thrown into it, but it soon after subsides. The stream is supposed to continue its subterraneous course for several miles beneath the Brush and Canoe mountains, and to reappear by two brajiches in Canoe valley, and to fall into the Frankstown branch of the Susquehanna at the point where it breaks through Tussey's mountain." The soil is no less diversified than the surface ot the coun- ty. From the best of limestone to the most ordinary gravel is to be found in this county ; much of it is ada{)ted to agri- cultural purposes. Its mineral wealth, however, will ever surpass its agricultural products in value. " Its geological features, as we have seen, are of the most varied kind and interesting character. It contains all the old secondary rock formations, from the lower limestone uj) HUNTINGDON COUNTY. 199 to the carboriferous series, in regular succession ; but so in- tricately involved by multiplied lines of elevation and depres- sion, and such numerous foldings and windings, that a minute and detailed description shall not be here attempted. The local positions of the principal lormations only will be no- ticed. "The blue limestone, lowest in the series, occurs in Kishi- coquillas Valley, Morrison's Cove, and Sinking Valley, hav- ing associated with it the cellular and stalactitic brown iron ore usually found in limestone districts. It commonly occurs in irregular layers in the ferruginous earth overlying the limestone, and appears to be subject to no regular or fixed law of deposition. It is extensively used tor the supply of furnaces in its neighborhood. "Around the borders of the valleys where this limestone occurs, and near the base of the mountain ridges inclosing them, is a belt of dark slate, which is next in order abo\e the limestone. The hard gray and reddish sandstone of the next formation are to be seen in Tuscarora, Shade, Black- Log, Jack's, Tussey's, Lock, Canoe and Brush mountains — iron ore is found connected with this sandstone at some pla- ces on Black-Log and Jack's mountains. Next is the se- ries of olive, yellowish and red shales, containing some thin bands of sandstone and limestone, with abundance of shells and other fossil remains in some of the strata. In this ff^- mation is included the valuable fossiliferous iron ore, from which a number of furnaces are supplied. The position oi the ore bands is usually indicated by a dirty white and yel- lowish sandstone, breakincr in rhomboidal frafjments, con- taming fossd impressions, and is below the thin limestone strata beneath the red shale. The rocks of this formation may be seen along the west side of the Tuscarora mountain, southeast of Shade, folding round on the south, passing west of Black-Log Mountain and spreading out in the valley be- tween this and Blue Ridge. It i.ext appears on the east side of Jack's Mountain, passing S)utli of its southern end, and ranging along the west side of the same ridge to the Juniata, whence it passes northward on the west of Stone Mountain, and then turns in a broad belt southwestward along the southeast of Tussey's Mountain, between that and Warrior lidge. It is also met with on the west of Canoe Mountain, passing around Scotch valley, and spreading out r200 HUNTINGDON COUNTY. southward to Holidaysburg ; whence it ranges again to the north' along the w'est side of the Bahj Eagle or Muncy Moun- tain, east of Bald Eagle creek. The fossiliferous iron ore generally accompanies this formation, though the strata are frequently too thin to be productive. It is mined for the supply of Matilda furnace, cast of Jack's Mountain, near the .Juniata ; also east of Tussey's Mountain near the Little Ju- niata, and in several, other places. "Accompanying the last mentioned formation, and over- lying the red shale, is a belt of limestone, frequently contain- ing fossil impressions, in contact with which is the next suc- ceeding: member of the sei'ies, a coarse fossiliferous sandstone, generally form.inga range of sharp, irregular hills, and some- times risinor into a rido;e of considerable maornitude. These adjunct formations may be seen on both sides of Tuscarora valley, between Black-I>og Mountain and Aughwick creek, in the neighborhood of Shiileysburg : in Chestnut ridge east )f Jack's mountain, and then folding round its southein end and passing on the west of it in a direction across the Juni- ata, extending in Rocky ridge on the west of Stone Moun- tain to the head of Stone valley. From this, southwestward, •iie found fossiliferous sandstone in Warrior ridge, with the limestone along its northwest side. These formations again iccur on the west of Lock and Canoe Mountains, sweeping ■'.rfiund Scotch valley, and appearing on the Juniata near i- rankstown. Hence they curve round south of Holidays- burg, passing in a northeast direction on the west of Brush 'tnd Bald Eagle or Muncy Mountain. Iron ore is occasion- ally found in the lower portion of the fossiliferous sandstone, i.ear its contact with the limestone. It is mined near the Juniata, southeast of Newton Hamilton, in Chestnut ridge, near Chester furnace, west of Brush Mountain, in thentigL- borhood of Allegheny furnace and others. " Overlying the sandstone last mentioned, is a series of dark colored and olive slates, with b«nds of gray and green- ish sandstone, containing, among its lower beds, calcareous strata, which in some places yield a good hydraulic cement This formation may be seen on both sides of" the Tuscarora valley in the eastern part of the county, and in the valley )f Aughwick ceek, where it occupies a considerable breadth — thence folding southward round Jack's Mountain, it pass- es down Hare's valley to the Juniata, and crosses northward HUNTINGDON COUNTY. 201 to the head of Stone valley. From this it ranges along the southeast side of Warrior ridg-e by the town of Huntingdon, and across the Juniata to the Bedford county line. Tlie same formation occupies the middle part of the basin east of Franks- town and south of Scotch valley. W'e must find it ranging in a broad belt from a litlle west of IJolidaysburg, nearly to the base of Allegheny Mountain, extending northeastward into Centre county, and southward into Jiedfonl. A valua- ble iron ore is sometimes found in the lower layers of this formation ; being mined for the su{)ply of Chester furnace, and at several other j)laces in the neighborhood of Aughwick valley. The red shales and sandstone of the next overlying form- ation occupy the middle of that pait of 'J'uscaroia valley which is in Huntingdon county, and are seen along the east- cin base of Sideling Hill, crossing to the north of the Junia- la, below the town of Huntingdon, and then passing up the Raystown Branch, west of Terrace Mountain. The same rocks also a])j)ear along the base of Allegheny Mountain, and for some distance up the ascent. A hard coarse sand- stone succeeds, which is seen on Sideling Hill, in Terrace Mountain, and towards the summit of Allegheny. Overly- ing the last is a series of red and greenish soft orgillaceous shales, with some layers of sandstone, and containing, in its lower portion, a bed of gray and reddish silicious limestone, seldom of sullicient purity to be burned into lime- Tiie rocks of this formation occur in Trough creek valley, and encircle Broad Top Mountain. They are also seen well exposed in the Alleghany Mountain, on the ascent of Plane No. 7, of the Portage railroad. Iron ore is sometimes foumi near the contact of this formation with the underlying sandstone — it is mined near Hopewell and Trough creek furnaces. The coiiglomerate of sandstone imrnedititely below the coal, as well as some of the lower coal beds themselves, are found on Broad Top Mountain; but the limits of Huntingdon county do not extend far enough w'estward to include any consider- able })ortion of the coal measures on the Allegheny." — [Trego. According to the census of IS 10, there were in this coun- ty 20 furnaces, producing l'S,'i-j-j tons of cast iron, 27 bloo- meries, forges and rolling millsj which produced 14,093 tons 202 HUNTINGDON COUNTY. of bar iron ; in the manufacture of iron 89,367 tons of fuel were consumed, giving employment to 1,357 hands engaged in the iron works, inckiding raining operations ; employing a capita} of .^780,100. There were o8,o00 bushels of bitu- minous coal (lug, employing ten hands; capital rif>l,G90. There were in the county 9,219 horses and mules; neat cat- tle 2 !,747, sheep 2G,o98, swine 23,003 ; poultry of all kinds- estimated at ?!;S,038 ; wheat raised 521,810, barley 4,937, oats 548,959, rye 175,457, buckwheat 29,952, corn 345,- 795, pounds of wool 40, 133, pounds of hops 1,375, pounds of wax 885, bushels of potatoes 141,046, tons of hay 22,- 414, flax 5:^ tons; sugar made of maple 1,134 pounds, 29,- 119 cords of wood sold ; the value of the products of the daily were valued at ^17,215, of the orchard 818,120, gal- lons of wine made 841, value of home made or family goods 89,652 ; number of commercial warehouses 28, with a cap- ital of $144,600, retail dry good stores, groceries, &c. 119: with a capital of 8581,600; 13 lumber yards, employing 213 hands ; value of machinery manufactured 3,800, 7 men men em.ployed ; value of various metals manufactured 88,100, employed 16 hands ; value of bricks and lime manufactured 815,280, em])loyed 117 hands; capital invested in manufac- turing of machinery, various metals, &c., brick, lime, &c., 87,169: 6 fulling mills, 9 woollen factories, value of manu- factored goods 813,790, and employed 55 hands, capital 89,015 ; value of manufactured flax 85,338 ; 34 tanneries tanned 12,951 sides of sole leather, 8,344 upper leather, and employed 131 hands, capital 852,550 ; all other manufacto- ries of leather, saddleries, &c., 112, value of articles manu- jactured 853,000, capital invested 827,245 ; 15 distilleries produced 57,335 gallons, two breweries produced 35,600 gallons of beer, distilleries and breweries employed 26 hands, capital invested 816,420 ; 7 potteries manufactured articles to tlie value of 83,800, employed 10 hands, and a capital of8i,5:]0; 4 printing ofhces, issued 4 weekly newspapers, and employed 14 hands, capital 84,600 ; the value of manu- facture of carriages and wagons 814,565, employed 53 hands and a capita! of ^'^6,7^)7; 4 flouring mills manufactured 10,- 430 barrels, 65 grist mills, 182 saw mills, value of manufac- tures 8103,897, employed 262 hands, ca{)ital 8149,047 ; 51 brick and stone houses built,-207 wooden, employed 863 hands, value of constructing the buildinois 8163,275; value KUNTINGDON COUNTY. 203 of all other manufactures $131,171, capital invested $52,- 002. Total capital invested in manufactures 8331,427. The aggregate amount of personal and real estate subject to tax in 1844, was!if;8,168,226 00. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. The Juniata Division of the Pennsylvania Canal, passes mostly along the banks of the Juniata, from the eastern limit of the county of Holidaysburg, a distance of nearly GOijiiles, where the Portage laikoad over the Allegheny mountain commences. These public works were finished about 12 years ago, and since their completion, have completely changed the mode of carrying the surplus produce of the country and other articles of commerce. Arks and keel-bottomed boats, were then used in carrying the produce down the Juniata. River pilots then found profitable employment — now that occupation is not wanted, since these public facilities are at hand. Not only has the river men felt the change of busi- ness, but towns that once commanded a handsome share of business, find it diverted from them, and into a different course, where now new villages are sprung up, and are vic- ing w'ith each other. When the first Canal Boat was launched at Huntingdon, the citizens of that town and vicinity were much delighted, and created with them a new era in trade. " On last Saturday," says the Gazette of July lo, 1881, " hundreds of our citizens witnessed the launching of the ' James Clarke,' a new and very handsome canal boat, into the basin at the w'est end of the borough — owned by Messrs. Williams & Miller. When safely launched into the basin, she was greeted by the hearty acclamations of those who wit- nessed the pleasing and interesting sight ! What I a Canal Boat launched in the vicinity of Huntingdon ! Had any one predicted an event of this kind, some years back, he, in all probability, would have been 'yclept a Wizard, or set down as beside himself. When the mail stage commenced running once a w^eek, from Philadelphia to this place, our older citi- zens considered it a marvellous affair. What will they say now : The northern turnpike road to Pittsburg enters the county 204 HUNTINGDON COUNTY. through Jack's mountain, and keeping the direction of the river, but not following its valley, passes through this county and its principal towns, viz: Huntingdon, Petersburg, Alex- andria, Frankstown and Holidaysburg, and thence over the Juniata river at Huntingdon, Alexanchia and Holidaysburg, as well as over other large streams when crossed by main roads. HUNTINGDON, The seat of Justice, is situated on the left bank of the Juni- ata river, immediately above the mouth of Standing Stone creek ; by the name of which, this place was known nearly, if not more than one hundred years ago. Conrad Weisei-, Esq., Indian Agent and Provincial Interpreter, on his way to Logstown, 14 miles below the forks of the Muskingum & Allegheny, in 1748, notices Standing Stone, as will appear from the following extract from his Journal : "August 11th, 1748 — Set out from my house (Heidelberg township, Lancaster, now Berks county) and came to James Galbreath's that day, 30 miles. " 12th — Came to George Croghan's (Pennsboro township, Lancaster, now Cumberland county) — 15 miles. " loth — To Robert Dunning's, 20 miles. " 14th— To Tuscarora Path, 30 miles. " loth and 16th — Lay by on account of the men coming back sick, and some other affairs hindering us. "17th — Crossed the Tuscarora Hill, and came to the sleeping place called Black Log, 20 miles. " 18th — Had a great rain in the afternoon — came within two miles of the Standing Stone, 24 miles. " 19th — We travelled but 12 miles — were obliged to dry our things in the afternoon. "20th — Came to Frankstown, but saw no houses or cab- ins, &c. &c." The Stone Standing here, having been erected by the Aborigines, was, according to John Harris's statement, 14 feet high and 6 inches square; on which, as tradition has it, that hieroglyphics were engraved, indicated to those who HUNTINGDON COUNTY. 205 frequented the spot, the course which the party of hunters preceding them, had taken, their success in the chase, &c. It is said the original stone was destroyed, or concealed by the Indians, at the time of their expulsion by the whites. Fragments of the stone, erected in imitation of the " first Standing Stone," by the whites, are yet in the possession of some of the inhabitants, on which are inscribed the names of visiters, with date as early as 1760. The town was laid out a short time before the war of '76, by the Rev. William Smith, of the University of Pennsylva- nia, and named it in honor of the Countess of Huntingdon, in commemoration of her liberal donations made to Dr. Smith to aid the Pennsyylvania University. The town was inju- diciously laid out ; no street or avenue along the river, nar- row streets and no alleys. The town is built upon an ele- vated bank, sloping gently up from the river, and behind tbe town, rising into a hill, upon which, in a beautiful shaded cemetery, rest the remains of the departed. Mr. Day thus speaks of Huntingdon : " The town of Huntingdon was laid out a short time pre- vious to the revolutionary war by Rev. Dr. Wm. Smith, Provost of the University of Pennsylvania. The doctor had been over to England soliciting funds in aid of the Universi- ty. The countess of Huntingdon had been a munificient donor : and in return for her hberality he perpetuated her memory by giving her name to this town. The county in 1787 took the same name. Previous to that time the place had been noted as the site of an ancient Indian village cal- led Standing Stone. A tall slim pillar ol stone — four inch- es thick by eight inches wide — had been erected here by the resident tribe many years since — perhaps as a sort of " £6e/i- czery It then stood at the lower end of the town, near the river bank. "The tribe regarded the stone with superstitious venera- tion, and a tradition is said to have existed among them, that if the stone should be taken away, the tribe would be dispersed ; but that so long as it should stand they would prosper. A hostile tribe once came up from the TusCrTo- ra valley, and carried it off during the absence of the war- riors ; but the latter fell upon them, recovered the stone, and replaced it. It is said that Dr. Barton, of Philadelphia, 18 206 HUNTINGDON COUNTY. learned, in some of his researches, that Oneida meant Stand- ing Stone ; and that nation, while living in New York, is said to have had a tradition that their ancestors came origi- nally from the south. It is generally understood about Hun- tingdon that the original stone had been destroyed or taken away by the Indians, but that the whites erected a similar one, a part of which remains. It is certain that the whites removed it from its original position into the centre of the town. When Mr. McMurtrie came here in 1776-'77, it was about 8 feet high, and had on it the names of John Lukens, the surveyor-general, with the date of 1768 ; Charles Luk- ens, his assistant ; and Thomas Smith, brother of the founder of the town, and afterwards Judge of the Supreme Court. It stood thus for many years, until some fool, in a drunken fro- lic, demolished it. A part of it is now built into the wall of Dr. Henderson's house, and a part is in his office. It is ev- idently a stone from the bed of the creek, bearing marks of being worn by water. " The venerable Mr. McMurtrie, still living in the place, was one of the earliest settlers. He was a young man in Philadelphia at the time of the declaration of independence ; and his father, a prudent old Scotchman, immediately after that event, started his son into the interior, ostensibly to look after his wild lands ; but probably with a view to remove hnn from any tonptation to join the rebel army. " When Mr. McMurtrie came to this place in 1776 or '77, there were only five or six houses here, one of which was the tavern by Ludwig Sills. On his way up, he had stopped at the solitary tavern of old Mr. Buchanan, where Lewistown now is, and at another cabin at Waynesburg. The first settlers at Huntingdon, were his father-in-law, Benjamin Elliot, Abraham Haynes, Frank Cluggage, Mr. Ashbough, and Mr. Sills. The early settlers here were chiefly from Maryland, probably from the Potomac valley, near the mouth of Conococheague. People from the same quarter settled Wells' valley. One of the Brady's, the un- cle or father of the famous Capt. Samuel Brady, had previ- ously resided across the river, at or near the mouth of Crook- ed creek ; but he removed to the West Branch of Susque- hanna before the year 1776. For some years after the year 1776, hostile Indians annoyed, and frequently murdered the unprotected settlers. There was a fort built during the re- HUNTINGDON COUNTY. 207 volution just at the lower end of the main street. The town was once alarmed at the appearance of lurking Indians on the neighboring hills ; and within a day or two afterwards the unfortunate scout, from the Bedford gairison, was mur- dered near where Holidaysburg now stands." Viator, a traveller and correspondent of the Commercial Herald, visiting this place some twelve or fifteen years ago, says — " There is nothing there to interest the traveller, until you get nearer to Huntingdon, the county town, except an occasional peep at the river and canal, and some line moun- tain scenery. In approaching the town the prospect is pe- culiarly beautiful. At about half a mile distance, the road cut through a valuable quarry of solid rock, acquires an el- evation of some twenty or thirty feet above the Canal, from which it is separated by a railing placed on a nearly perpen- dicular wall. On rounding the hill, the aqueduct across the mouth of Stone creek — the town beyond, with its spires, gardens, and adjacent highly cultivated fields— the canal, ri- ver, and variegated " leafy world," on the surrounding hills burst at once on the enraptured vision ! The " Grave-yard Hill," within the limits of the borough, covered with half- grown forest trees, is (strange to tell) an admired and much frequented spot by the Lion. The population in 1840, was, 1,145. Of these were : White males — under 5 years, 78 ; 5 and under 10, 58 ; 10 and under 15, 63 ; 15 and under 20, 74 ; 20 and under 30, 113 ; 30 and under 40, 65 ; 40 and under 50, 35 ; 50 and under 60, 22 ; 60 and under 70, 7 ; 70 and under SO, 11 ; 80 and under 90, 1. White females — under 5, 77 ; 5 and under 10, 73 ; 10 and under 15, 56 ; 15 and under 20, 53 ; 20 and under 30 109 ; 30 and under 40, 54 ; 40 and under 50, 37 ; 50 and under 60, 26 ; 60 and under 70, 10 ; 70 and under 80, 4 ; 90 and under 100, 3. Colored males — under 10, 16 ; 10 and under 20, 20 ; 24 and under 36, 7 ; 36 and under 55, 6 ; 55 and under 100, 3- CoLORED FEMALES — Under 10, 14; 10 and under 24,28; 24 and under 36, 11 ; 36 and under 55, 7 ; 55 and under 100,4. Of these, according to the census of 1840, 3 were engaged in agriculture, 20 in commerce, 96 in manufactures and 208 HUNTINGDON COUNTY. trades, 8 in the navigation of canals, 23 in the learned pro- i'essions and engineers, 2 were deaf and dumb, 3 insane idi- ots at public charge, 5 primary and common schools, 187 scholars ; 47 white persons, rising 20 years of age, who nei- ther read nor write. About 200 dwelliHgs, a brick court house, a stone jail, a bonk, an academy, 6 churches, a Presbyterian, German Re- formed, Associate Reformed, a Methodist, Catholic, and an African Methodist, 13 stores, 2 tanneries, 2 distilleries, 1 brewery, 1 pottery, 2 printing olTices, 2 weekly newspapers. The Academy W'as incorporated by an act of 19lli March, 1816, granting a donation to the institution of $2000. A public school of the county of Huntingdon, located in the borough, was incorporated by an act ol 19th Feb. 171)0; the second section of which speaks of "lands theiein granted," but no grant whatever is made, either in the ])iinted statute or in the original act, in the oflice of the secretary of the commonwealth. It is a place of considerable trade, notwithstanding tl at the public improvements have diverted business fr( m here, by affording facilities to otlier points. It is still the natural outlet and depot of the surplus j)roducts of Woodcock and Stone valleys. It has long been noted for the wealth, intelligence and hospitality, and amiable manners of its inhabitants. Within a few years considerable improvements have been made in the town. Contiguous to this is Smithfield, a small village across Juniata, opposite the borough. The Juniata is crossed here by a substantial bridge. HOLIDAYSBURG, At the head of canal navigation on Juniata river, near the eastern base of the Allegheny mountain, and 23 miles west of Huntingdon. From its site one has a commanding view of the surrounding mountain sceneiy. It is the ]a)gesl town in the county : the borough contains about 2,200 inhabit- ants, Snd including Gaysport, separated only by a branch of the Juniata, the population exceeds 3,000. This population is considerable, when it is borne in mind that in 1830 it was nUNTINGDON COUNTY. 209 considered an obscure village, with about 70 inhabitants. Since the completion of the State improvements, the pro- gress of this town has been more rapid than that of any other between Pittsburg and Philadelphia. Its business operations is in a ratio with its population. Large quantities of iron and other produce are shipped liere, as well as the bituminous coal destined for an eastern market. " It is the centre of a fruitful country, now rapidly opening to cultivation, and teeming with abundant resources both mineral and vegetable. It is in the midst of an abundant iron region ; and bitumin- ous coal, obtained on the summit of the Allegheny descends by its own gravity to town." There are at this place a Presbyterian, Methodist, Luth- eran, Baptist, Catholic, and two African churches ; 5 j>ublic schools, and one classical school. There are several foun- dries and machine shops, a large steam fiour mill, a screw dock, and marine railway, 10 or 12 forwarding houses, with IG large warehouses. A Jai'ge basin, formed by the waters of Beaver-Dam Creek, for the accommodation of canal boats. More than 1200 railroad cars may be seen here at different times. The Portage railroad commences liere, crossing the Allegheny mountain by the summit at Blair's Gap, descends to the valley of the Conem.augh, down which it proceeds to Johnstown, and there meets the Western Division of the Pennsylvania Canal. On this road are 10 inclined planes, fiumbered from Johnstown eastward, and 11 " levels," or graded lines of the road, the inclination of which is gener- ally 10 to 1-5 feet to the mile, except that between Johns- town and the iJrst plane, where it is about 24 feet, and that between the eastern plane and Holidaysburg, where the maximum is 52 feet. The summit of Blair's Gap is 2,-]25 feet above the level of mean tide; the ascent from Holidaysburg to the summit is 1,171 feet in a distance of 10 miles, and the descent to .Johnstown 1,171 feet in a distance of 2G| miles. There are five inclined planes on each side of the summit ; the largest being No. 8, or the third one west of Holidaysburg, which IS 3,117 feet in length, with a rise of 307i feet ; and the shortest, No. 3, the third east of Johnstown, l,4fe0 feet in length, rising 130i feet. At the head of each inclined plane are two stationary en- ^rines of about 35 horse power each, which move the endless 18* 210 HUNTINGDON COUNTY. rope to which the cars are attached. Four cars, each loaded with a burden of 7000 pounds, can be drawn at once, and as many let down at the same time ; this operation can be performed from 6 to 10 times in one hour. An ingenious contrivance, called a safety car, is attached to the rope be- low the cars, which stops them in case of accident to the rope or fastenings. But one of the stationary engines is used at a time; the other being provided to prevent delay fiom acciden^ts or repairs. On the short levels between the planes, horses are used for drawing the cars; but on the longer ones locomotives are preferred. A viaduct over the Conemaugh, about eight miles east of Johnstown, is much admired for its boldness and beauty of design and execution. It is a single arch of 80 feet span, at a height of 80 feet above the water of the stream. In order to pass through an abrupt ridge near the head of the first plane east of Johnstown, a tunnel has been constructed 901 feet in length, 20 feet wide, and 19 feet high within the arc-h. The entrances have ornamental facades of cut stone, and the tunnel is arched with stone 150 feet from each end, beyond which the rock is sufficiently solid to form a loof. This road was opened for use in March, 1834 — Len2;th 36s miles ; cost f 1,783,176 00. The following interesting and novel account of Mountain Sailing will, it is believed, be read with interest. It is dated Hclidaysburg, Nov. 1834. On Monday last, the inhabitants of Holidaysburg were [permitted to witness a novelty, in the tide of emigration, which the completion of the grand chain of internal improve- ments, has caused to flow through this channel, and by which the Mississippi and Delaware have been made, as it were, to unite their waters. ''A gentleman, by the name of Christman, from Lacka- wanna, a tributary of the North Branch of the Susquehanna, ©mbarked with his family, in all, consisting of eleven persons, together with the necessary requisites for their comfort ; namely, beds, tables, chairs, stoves, cooking utensils, poultry, pigeons, etc. etc., on board a canal boat, 29 feet long, and 7 feet wide. In this he proceeded down the North Branch of the Pennsylvania canal, to the junction of the Central HUNTINGDON COUNTY, 211 Division, and up the latter to Holidaysburg. Here he in- tended to dispose of his boat, and proceed by way of the Portage Raihoad, and Western Division of the Canal, to Pittsburg. Here, it was suggested to Mr. Christman, that it would be practicable to pass the boat, together with the family and cargo, over the traversing height of the Allegheny Moun- tain. A railroad car, calculated to bear the novel burden, was prepared, the boat was taken from its proper element, and placed on wheels, and at 12 o'clock the same day, the boat, together with the delighted family, began their pro- gress over the rugged Allegheny. It was pleasing to see the comfort and convenience, which the ingenuity of man has added to (he journey of the emigrant. The whole fam- ily were comfortably located in the cabin of the boat, which appeared to glide up the height of the mountain, unconsciou-s of the change. While some of the family were preparing the coming meal, others were lying on their downy pillows, occasionally roused by the hissing steam, at the head of the inclined plane. They were, however, not to be stopped by the hissing of the puffing auditory, but continued to ascend, and at night, safely rested on the summit of this proud em- inence. " On the following morning, the boat and crew left the sunny summit of the Allegheny, and smoothly glided down her iron way to Johnstown, astonishing the inhabitants. On the same day she was safely deposited in her own element, in the basin at Johnstown, amidst the plaudits of the con- gregated citizens." GAYSPORT, Like its " kin-sister," is also of recent origin. Its founda- tion was laid in 1829, and bids fair to become a town of some importance — it may vie with Holidaysburg at a fu- ture day. FRANKSTOWN, Is a comparatively small village, on the turnpike road, three miles east of Holidaysburg, contains between 40 and 50 212 HUNTINGDON COUNTY. dwellings. It is an incorporated borough, and contained in 1840, 357 inhabitants. Near it is a furnace. It con- tained at the last census, three stores, a saw mill, one tan- nery, and several taverns. Frankstown is mentioned in the Provincial Records more than 90 years ago; as the following extract from the Provincial Records will show : " Conrad Weiser, on his way to Logstown, 14 miles below the forks of the Allegheny and Monongahela, in 1749, passed by here August 20. In his Journal of that date, he says, 'came to Frankstown, but saw no houses or cabins; here we overtook the goods, because four of George Croghan's hands fell sick.' " The following, from a work recently published, contains some particulars derived from a respectable citizen of Hol- idaysburg, gives some interesting incidents : Daniel Moore, and William Moore, two. brothers from Cumberland county, and Adam Holliday, from Franklin county, whose name has been perpetuated by the town, whose farm was situated near the town, just southwest of the rai'road bridge. They came here about the commencement of the revo- lutionary war, and endured to the fullest extent the priva- tions and sufferings incident to a wilderness still inhabited or haunted by the red men. Stockade forts were built to ])rotect the inhabitants in case of invasion. Mr. Holliday however, on one occasion had not availed himself of the fort, and was engaged in the labors of the field, when the savages appeared suddenly. The family took to flight : Mr. H. jumping on a horse with his two young children. John and James. His elder son, Pat, and daughter, Janet, were killed while running from the enemy. '• Run, Janet, run !" said the old man. The cruel savage repeated his words in derision, as he sunk the deadly tomahawk into her brain. There was another fort in Sinking Valley, at the lead mine ; and William Moore, finding it necessary to go there for ammunition, started very early one morning, with a boy by the name of INI'Cartney. As he was ])assing a log by the side ot the road, with some brush behind it, a shot from an Indian in ambush caused him to jump several feet into the air ; and he started off into the bushes, in a direction opposite to that which he should naturally have HUNTINGDON COUNTY. 213 taken — his brain being undoubtedly bewildered by the shot. The boy and the Indian at once jumped behind trees ; but the latter peeping out from his tree, which was not large, the boy availed himself of the chance to put a bullet into his buttock, wliich was exposed at the other side. The Indian ran, and dropped his belt and knife; and the road was found strewed with bunches of bloody leaves, with which he had attempted to stanch the wound. But the man himself Avas not found, though bones were after- wards found, supposed to be his. The boy returned and reported the recurrence, when Mr. Daniel Moore assembled a band of men to seek his brother, and if possible to drive off the savage. The poor man was found at Brush creek, nearly upright, leaning against a pile of driftwood. The depredations and murders of the Indians became so frequent, that the few and scattered colonists were com- pjelled to abandon the settlements, and retire below Jack's mountain, to Ferguson's valley, near Lewistown, where they remained five or six years ; and then returned again to their desolated homes, and settled in Scott's valley. Moore Joined them after the war, and among others Messrs. John Blair, and John Blair, jr., who gave name to Blair's gap, where the old Frankstown road used to cross the Allegheny mountain, and which is now surrounded by the proud monument of the enterprise of Pennsylvania — the Portage railroad. Mr. John Blair, Jr., was a most useful and intelligent citizen, and earned and deserved the char- acter of the Aristides of the county, A Mr. Henry also came about the same time. The first village here consisted only of half a dozen or a dozen houses, on the high ground along the Frankstown road. Old Frank was the Indian chief of this region, and had a town about two miles below Holidaysburg, called Frankstown, or Frank's Oldtown. It was on the flat, on the right bank of the Juniata, at the mouih of Oldtown run, near where the mill now is. From this place, in later days, the Frankstown road led over Blair's gap to the Co- nemaugh country, by which the commodities of the east and west were transported on pack-horses. What a con- trast presents itself now, at this same summit, between the iocomotive and the old pack-horse ! 214 HUNTINGDON COUNTY. Burgoon's gap was about four miles north of Blair's, and through it, or rather through the Kittaning gap near It, led the old war-path through the north end of Cambria county to Kittaning. It was out upon this path that a band of tories, from the eastern parts of Huntingdon and Mitihn counties, went to escort the British and Indi- ans from Kittaning, to cut off the defenceless settlements of the frontier. They met the fate that traitors always deserve. On arriving near Kittanning, they sent forward messengers to announce their approach and their errand ; but as they had been for some time on short allowance, the whole body, on seeing the fort, were so elated at the prospect of better supplies, that they simultaneously rush- ed forward, and overtook their own messengers. The gar- rison, seeing the rajiid approach of such an armed force, took them for enemies, and welcomed them with a warm discharge of bullets, which killed many of their number. The rest lied, in the utmost consternation, on the route by which they had gone out. Their provisions had been ex- hausted on the way out, and the poor fugitives were com- pelled to recross the mountains, in a most famished condi- tion. Two of them contrived to crawl over the mountain, and arrived at an old deserted cabin, in Tuckahoe valley, where the inhabitants had happened to leave a small por- tion of corn meal and hog's fat. Forgetting every thing but their hunger, they carelessly stood their rifles against the house outside, and fell tooth and naii upon the meal, seated upon the hearth inside, where they had kindled a lire to cook it. Samuel INIoore and a comrade happened to be out hunting, when they approached the cabin, and espied the ritlcs leaning against (he house, Moore crept very cautiously up, secured the ritles, and then opening the door with his ritle in his hand, called on the poor starved tories to surrender; which of course they did. They Avere conducted into the fort at Holidaysburg. While going from the cabin to the fort, the tories could scarcely walk without being supported. One of them was disposed to be a little obstinate and impudent withal, when Moore's comrade, an immensely stout man, seized him, tied a rope round his neck, and throwing one end of the rope over the lintel of fhe fort-gate, swung upon it, and run the poor fellow into the air. INIoore, however, being of a cool- HUNTINGDON COUNTY. 215 er as well as more merciful disposition, did not approve of this summary justice, and ran immediately and cut the rope, in time to save the fellow's life. — His. Col. Pa. About two miles west of Holidaysburg, on the turnpike road, is a flourishing village of recent origin, around ex- tensive iron works. NEWRY, A post town, on Poplar run, a tributary of Frankstowii branch of the Juniata river, about 24 miles west of Hun- tingdon borough ; four miles southwest from Holidays- burg. It contains between forty and fifty dwellings, several churches, stores, and a tavern. WILLIAJNISBURG, • Is a post town and borough, on the right bank of the Juniata river, twelve miles northwest of Huntingdon bo- rough, and fourteen miles below Holidaysburg. The town was laid out in 1794 by Jacob Ake, a German, who owned the land. He leased, as was customary then, the lots on ground rent ; a circumstance that has here, as well as in other towns laid out, and lots improved on si- milar conditions, created some unpleasant feelings between the citizens and the proprietor. The town was iacorpor- ated February 19, 1S2S. Favored with a fine water power from a spring which issues from a limestone rock, near the town, sufficient to propel a flouring mill, woollen factory and saw^mill, and enjoying the trade of the large and fertile valley of Mor- rison's Cove, the place continued for some years to flour- ish ; but the completion of the canal has not contributed much to the prosperity of the borough, though the farmers have been benefited by it. The borough contains about one hundred dwellings. There are five churches in the place ; a Presbyterian, Lutheran, German Reformed, Me- thodist, and a Baptist. Population in 1840, 637. 216 HUNTINGDON COUNTV, ALEXANDRIA, Is a neat post town and borough, on the turnpike road leading from the borough of Huntingdon to Ebensburg, and on the left bank of the Juniata, seven miles above Huntingdon, near the mouth of Little Juniata; it contains about seventy-five dwellings, chiefly brick and frame, a Presbyterian and Methodist church, seven stores, one brewery, one grist mill. It was incorporated as a borough April 11, 1827. It is quite a place for business. McCONNELLLSBURG, In Porter township, upon Vineyard creek, at the fort of Warrior Ridge, is a brisk little village, five miles south of Huntingdon borough, contains between fifteen and twenty dwellings, a tavern, store and a tan-yard ; population be- tween eighty and ninety. ENNISVILLE, In Barre township, on Standing Stone creek, contains half a dozen of buildings, a store, tavern, and a Methodist Episcopal Church. ANTESTOWN, The name of a Post Otfice, in Antes township. DAVIDSBURG, Is a village in Antes township, west of the Brush jNIoun- tain, on the left bank of the Little Juniata, about twenty miles north west of Huntingdon borough : it contains eight or more houses, a store, tavern, and tan-yard. YELLOW SPRING, A mineral spring in Canoe Valley : there is a post office here. HUNTINGDON COUNTY. 217 GRAYSVILLE, or GRAYSPORT, In Morris township, opposite the mouth of Spruce run, con- tains eight or ten houses, and a store. SMITHFIELD, On the Juniata, opposite Huntingdon — a small village. WARRIORS MARK-TOWN, In Warrior Mark township, contains 18 or 20 dwellings, two stores and a tavern. PETERSBURG, A post town and borough, on the north side of the Franks- town branch of the Juniata, about six miles above Hunting- don borough, three miles east of Alexandria, at the mouth of Shaver's creek. It was incorporated April 7, 1830, and contains between 30 and 40 dwellings — several stores and a tavern. Juniata forge, whose iron has been in high repute ever since the forge has been in operation, is in this town. WATER STREET, So called, from the circumstance of the road, in early days, passing through a gap in the mountain literally in a stream of water, is a brisk little village, cousisting of some ten or a dozen of buildings. It is two miles above Alexandria, on the turnpike road and Juniata river. There are valuable iron works in this region. BIRMINGHAM, A borough and post town, on a branch of Juniata river, 15 miles northwest of Hunungdon borough, near the old lead 19 218 HUNTINGDON COUNTY, mine, and in the midst of the Iron Works of Sinking Vallej, The town contained in 1824, only nine houses, and now con- tains between forty and fifty, and a church. It was incor- porated as a borough in 1827 or '8. There are seven mills in the neighborhood. In 1840 it contained six stores, and 23o inhabitants. A gentleman, who visited the lead mines in 1882, says ; " The lead mines have been long since abandoned. The up- per lead mine, as it is called, on the lands now belonging to a German family by the nanae of Crissman, exhibits but the traces of former excavation, trilling indications of ore. The lower one, about a mile, in a direct distance from the Little Juniata, was w^orked, within my remembrance, under the su- perintendence of a Mr. Sinclair, a Scotch miner from the neighborhood of Carron iron w'orks. The mine then was owned by two gentlemen, named Musser and Wells. The former, I think, lived and died in Lancaster county. "Three shafts were sunk to a great depth on the side of a limestone hill, possibly a hundred yards. This was expen- sive. No furnace or other device for melting the ore was ever erected at this mine. Considerable quantities of the mineral still lies about the mouth of the pit. Mr. H , of Montgomery county, who had read much, and practised some raining — so far as to sink some thousands of dollars — visited this mine in 1821 , in company with another gentle- man and myself, and expressed an opmion, that the indica- tions W'ere favorable for a good vein of the mineral." SHIRLEYSBURG, A post town in Aughwick valley, near Aughw^ick creek, in the east part of the county, IG miles south of Huntingdon, contains between thirty and forty dwelHngs, several taverns and stores. Population about 275. In the early history of this county, a fort had been erect- ed here, or near this place, called Fort Shirley, as the fol- lowing account will exhibit: Between the date of that event and 1756, a place called Aughwick is frequently mentioned in the old provincial re- cords ; but whether a settlement of whites or Indians it does not distinctly appear. It was probably the same place where EUNTINGDON COUNTY, 219 Fort Shirley was subsequently built, in Jan. 1756 — one oi the line of frontier posts. After the defeat of Gen. Brad- dock, in the summer of 1755, scalping parties of Indians roamed throughout the whole frontier, cutting off all the defenceless settlements. The following extracts, from Sar- geant's Abstracts of the Provincial Records, relate to this region : — 1755. From Aughwick, Oct. 9. That 14 days before, 160 were about leaving the Ohio to attack the frontiers. That the Indians meant to draw off all the Indians from out of Pennsylvania and from the Susquehanna, before they at- tacked the province. 1755. Nov. 2. Accounts from C. Weiser and others, that the people of Aughwick and Juniata were all cut off. March 4. Conference with a number of Indians, one of whom had returned from his visit, in Dec. last, to the Indi- ans on the Susquehanna, and the Six Nations ; and those who lived at Aughwick before Braddock's defeat, and since at Harris's. 1756. Aug. 2. Mr. Morris informed the governor and council, that he had concerted an expedition against Kittan- ning, to be conducted by Col. John Armstrong, who was to have under his command the companies under Capt. Hamil- ton, Capt. Mercer, Capt. Ward, and Capt. Potter ; and to engage what %-olunteers he could besides : that the affair was to be kept as secret as possible, and the officers and men ordered to march to Fort Shirley, and from thence to set out for the expedition. And he had given Col. Armstrong par- ticular instructions, which were entered in the orderly book; and in consequence of his orders, and agreeable to the plan concerted, Col. Armstrong had made the necessary prepara- tions, and has wrote to him a letter from Fort Shirley, stat- ing that he was on the point of setting out. Letter from Col. Armstrong, containing anaccount of the capture of Fort Granville by the French and Indians, and the garrison taken prisoners. That they designed very soon to attack Fort Shirley with 400 men. " Capt. Jacobs said he could take any fort that would catch fire, and would make peace with the English when they had learned him to make gunpow- der." / 220 HUifTINGDON COUNTY. Carlisle, 19th April, 1756. Honored Sir : The Commissary General of the musters, with your Hon- or's instructions to review and pay off the garrison at Fort Shirley, arrived in a very lucky time, when the greater part of our men were about to abandon the Fort, ibr want of pay. It was with great difficulty I could prevent their doing so, for three weeks before, that is ever since the time of enlist- ment had been expired. I am sorry to observe that numbers of our best men have declined the service, and reduced me to the necessity of recruiting anew, thro' diffidence with re- gard to their pay, and I have been obliged to engage that even such as left us when paid off, should have the same al- lowance as formerly for their overplus time, depending upon my being reimbursed, as without such engagement it was impossible to prevent the fort from falling into the enemy's hands. I am now fdling up my company to sixty men, agreeable to your orders, and have drawn upon the Commissioners for ,CoO, for this purpose. A garrison of 30 men are now at Fort Shirley, engaged to remain there till the first of May, by which time, I am in hopes of completing the company, and shall immediately thereupon repair thifher. It is to be feaued that our communication with the settlement will soon be out off, unless a greater force is ordered for the garrison. As your Honor is sensible that I can send no detachment to escort provisions, equal in force to parties of the enemy w;ho have lately made attempts upon our frontiers, and consider- ing how short of provisions we have hitherto been kept, the loss of our party upon this duty must reduce us to the last necessity. Mr. Hugh Crawford is upon the return of Lieutenant, and Mr, Thomas Smallman, who acted before as commissary in the Fort, is ensign to my company. It will be a particular obligation laid upon me to have an exchange of James Hays for Lieutenant, and Mr. Smallman continued ; and perhaps Mr. Crawford would be satisfied to fill Mr. Hay's place with Captain Patterson, as numbeis of that company are of his acquaintance. I have given Mr. Croghan a receipt for what arms and other necessary articles belonging to him, are at Fort Shir- ley, a copy of which, together with my Journal and general HUNTINGDON €OUNTY. 221 return shall be sent by Captain Salter — and I find it impos- sible to arm my men, or complete what yet remains of our outworks, without them. The guns are preferable to those belonging to the government ; and, I hope will be purchased for our use. Captain Salter will inform your Honor how unfit the arms in general are for use, even after he'wg righted by a gun- smith, whose account is very considerable ; besides, we have no cartridge boxes, nor any convenient pouches for powder and lead, so that, in complying with your instructions of giv- ing a detail of what is wanting for the company, I may men- tion arms and accoutrements, besides orders to the commis- sary for a large supply ot provisions at once, and regular pay once a month: it will put me to extreme difficulty, if the commissioners do not think proper to remit me me money to pay ray men by the first of May ; I have written them to this purpose, and beg your Honor will enable me to fulfil my engagements with the company ; without which I 'Cau hope for very little satisfaction iu serving the public. The trust your Honor has been pleased to repose in me m giving me the command ot Fort Shirley, calls for my warm acknowledgments, and caimot fiul of engaging ray utmost attention and zeal in the execution of your orders, Z affi; Your Honor's Most obedient and most Humble ser^nt, HcGH Meecer- ORBISONIA, A small town laid out of Shirleysburg, named after the pro- prietor, William Or bison, Esq., ot Huntingdon. Two fur- naces and a forge have been built ; and the inexhaustible mines of valuable ore, and steady water power, promise to make it a growing place. MANER HILL, & SALISBURY, Are brisk villagres ; the former containing a population ris- 19* 222 HUNTINGDON COUNTY. ing of sixty; the latter above one hundred. The usual num- ber of handicralts in small villages, are found here. Striking improvements have been made in agriculture and manufactures within the last twenty years ; but popular ed- . ucation is still limited ; it has thus far not met with the en- couragement it deservedly merits ; although the common school system has been adopted in every township, except . Shirley; consequently 30 out of oi districts have adopted it, 24 of which have reported (1844) 160 schools, as in opera- tion ; and that lo were yet required in these districts ; aver- age number of months taught, 4 months and 15 days, em- ploying 1-34 male teachers and 9 female ; average salary of male teachers 810,91 cts. ; female 812,50 ; taught 4,2G3 male scholars, and 3,315 females; 79 of the Avhole number learning German ; average number of scholars in each school 43 ; cost of teaching a scholar })er month, 42 cents. A dis- trict tax raised 813,219 42 ; state appropriation $8,188 00; oost of instruction 810,577 42 ; fuel and contingencies 81,- 043 15; cost of. school houses, &-c., spent in 1844, 82,354 75. There is an academy at Huntingdon, which was incorpor- ated by an act of March 19, 1816 ; but the higher branches of learning meet not with liberal encouragement. It is how- ever, confidently hoped that a change for the better is at hand. The people of this county will not shrink a comparison with others as to their industry, economy, temperance, and morality; many of them are devotedly religious. The reli- gious denominations aie Lutherans, German Reformed, Pres- byterians, Baptists, JVlennonites, Dunkards, Episcopalians, Methodists, and some, so called members of the Church of God, or *' Winebrennerians." CHAPTER IX. Mifflin County. Mifflin county erecteil — Streams and geological features of the coun- ty — Statistics of 1840 — Public improvements — Towns — Lewistown, McVeytown, or Waynesburg, Hamiltonville, or Newton Hamilton^ '. Belleville, Horreltown, &c. &c, — Education, &c. — Riots in Mifflin county. Mifilin county was formed or erected by virtue of an act passed September 19, 17^9, which defines the original boun- daries as follows: That all and singular the lands, lying within the bounds and limits hereinafter described and fol- lowing, shall be and are hereby erected into a separate coun- ty, by the name of Mifilin county, namely; Beginning at Susquehanna river, where the Turkey Hill extends to the said river, then along tiie said hill to the Juniata where it cut? Tuscarora mountain, thence along the summit of the said mountain to the line of Franklin county, thence along the said line to Huntingdon county line, thence along tlie said line to Juniata river, thence up the said river to Jack's Narrows, thence along the line of Huntingdon and Northum- berland counties, so as to include the whole of upper Bald Eagle township, in the county of Northumberla-nd, to the mouth of Buck creek, where it empties into the Bald Eagle creek, thence to Logan's Gap, in Nittany mountain, then to the head of Penn's creek, thence down the said creek to Sinking creek, leaving George McCormick's, in Northum- berland county, thence to the top of Jack's mountain, at the line between Northumberlanfl county and Cumberland, thence along the said line to Montoui's Spring, at the head of Ma- hantango creek, thence down the said creek to Susquehanna river, aud thence do"\vn the said river to the place of begin- By the same act, John Oliver, William Brown, David Beale, John Stewart, David Bole and Andrew Gregg, were appointed trustees for Miiliin county, with authority " to 224 HUNTINGDON COUNTY. purchase, or take and receive by grant, bargain, or other- wise, any quantity or quantities of land, not exceeding one hundred and fifty acres, on the north side of Juniata river and within one mile from the mouth of Kishicoquihs creek, for the use, trust, and benefit ot said county, and to lay out the same into regular lots, and to dispose of so many of them, as they, or any four ot them may think best for the advan- tage of said county, and they, or any four of them, as were authorized to sell and convey so many of them as they may think proper, and the monies arising therefrom, and with other monies duly assessed and collected in the county to erect a court house and prison. Subsequently, in 1791, the boundaries of the county were altered, and again in 1792 and in 1800, the county was re- duced by the erection of Centre, and by the act of March 2d, 1831, Juniata was separated from it. Thus its original extended bounds have been much reduced, and is now bound as follows ; on the northwest by Centre county, on the north by Union, on the southeast by Juniata, on the south and west hr Huntingdon. Length 30 miles, breadth 15 ; area about '•j60 square miles ; and containing about 230,400 acres. Po- pulation in 1790, 7,562 ; in 1800, 13,809 ; in 1810, 12,132; in 1820, 16,018 in 1840, (Juniata being separated) 13,062. Aggregate amount of property taxable in 1845, $3,827,- 454 00. The population of the several townships in 1840, were as follows : Derry 1,080, Armagh 1,468, Union 1,221, Wayne 1,350, Decatur 767, Brown 903, Menno 974, Granville 1,016, Ol- iver 1,907. Boroughs, viz: Lewistown 2,058, McVeytown 348. See Table on the opposite page. P 3 "ii S! fa "^ O 3 -■ C 3 - -^ ^ ;£ ;5.^ c o == 3 aq ^_ to >— • H- • >— ' »— ' 1— 1 t-^ ►— »5 ^- -^ W Oi ►- CO QO tc ^ 05 H^ <«: « .t^ IS »— cn o W Oi CO o ^^ 1*^ ^3 >— ' to 05 ^ to -J to *—< o #» *^ w OT 05 •J ^ © CO CO -^ rf^ Oi — 0- X' ii< ■— ' uo 03 ,_^ t.^ t_^ 1.^ Hd ^ H-> CO w ^ w to ^ cc 05 OD ou to -! o, (/) to '-' o Ol ^ — c;i (35 ►li. to ^— >»^ _o_ »0 o o •;>. 03 C5 I-" 1-' to ^ H- -.- o V K*; ^ •^i O -4 to o 00 Oi o »4 cc to ^ to O ».S CO CO )4^ Oi to ^ ^ ^^ ts or rf^ hS J5 -^ -J C5 o r~* ~i to O w w_ Gi t^ o ~! -} CO O 1- (X to c tn )^ on -^ o> oi 00 on CO C5 ©5 03 05 o to .f^ t(i- — OI ►- to to in . ^ to C3 05 It'' 05 OS to ►- on OT » to o-> en on CO OI on 00 OT 00 O 00 to 00 to under 5 years old. 5 and under 10 years old. 10 and under 15 years. 15 and under 20 years. 20 and under 30 years. 30 and under 40 40 and under 50 50 and under 60 60 and under 70 70 and under SO 80 and under 90 under 5 years old. 5 and under 10 years old. 10 and under 15 years old. i5 and under 20 20 and under 30 years old. 30 and under 40 years old. 40 and under 50 50 and under 60 » 1 .t- to 00 to to 05 f^ ^^ ~ — CO 1 i^^l ^co — tooico^-ro-^ 03 00 tci to — OtOH-'-'OOO o to >& 1 to to 1 to O CO 03 to *. COOOlO^'-OOtStO >— to :z; ^ rt 60 and under 70 70 and under 80 80 and under 90 Colored pop'n. C<3 K! •2! O 00 I—* o t=3 O o > o o O O c (X o 2'2G MIFFLIN COUNTY. The county forms a long, irregular figure, stretching in a southwest and northeast direction, traversed longitudinally by a series of rugged mountains of nearly uniform height. These mountains are separated by fine, fertile valleys. On the east are Shade and Black Log Mountains, near the mid- dle is the lofty and rugged Jack's Mountain, which rises in Huntingdon county, and extends 70 miles through Centre, Mifflin and Union counties, to Penn's creek near New Ber- lin, in the last named county. The western boundary of this county passes along Stone Mountain, and thence northeast- wanf by that complicated series of elevations known by the name of " The Seven Mountains," part of which are in Mif- flin, and part in Centre. The principal valley, is Lewistown Valley, distinguished for fertility of soil. This valley is subdivided into several smaller ones. Kishycoquillas is eminently one of the most fertile and beautiful vallies in this region of the State. It is about thirty miles long and from three to four broad. Be- sides these, there are others, such as Dry Valley, Fergu- son's, Long Hollow, and others. Kishycoquillas Valley was named after a distinguished Shawanese Chief, who died in l7o6, as appears from the following letter: — Philadelphia, June 13, 1756. To the Sons of Kishycoquillas, the late Shaimnese Chiej, deceased. I am obliged to you for your letter by our good friend, ■ lohn Shickcalamy. Your father's letter and |R-esent were received by the late Governor Hamilton, who acquainted me with it ; and I intended, at a time when less engaged by public business, to have sent you my acknowledgments and answer. I heartily condole with you on the loss of your aged fa- ther, and mingle my tears with yours, which however I would now have you w'ipe away with the handkerchief, herewith sent. As a testimony of love, the proprietors and this govern- ment retain for the family of Kishycoquillas, you will be pleased to accept of the present which is delivered to John Shickcalamy for your use. MIFFLIN COUNTY. 227 May the Great Spirit confer on you health, and every other blessing. Continue your affection for the English, and the good people of this province, and you will always find them grateful. I am, Your assured friend, Robert H. Morris. The first settlers in this valley were annoyed by the Indi- a-ns, and in great danger of being killed. Carlisle, May 26, 1755, R, H. Morris, Esq., Gov, of Pa. This day I received a letter from my brother, who is lay- ing out lands for the settlers in the new purchase, giving an account of three Indians very much painted, who last week robbed and drove off several settlers from the Valley of Kishacoquillas. One of the Indians, by his skulking p<3'- sition, seemed as if he designed secretly to have shot, but the white man discovering him, escaped. They took three horses, three or four guns, and some cash. 'Tis said they robbed another man up Juniata. To-morrow I am to set out for Kishacoquillas, there lo decide some controversies, and thence to proceed to Susque- hanna, near Shamokin, where I expect to meet Conrad Wei- ser. If he is there, he may, by the assistance of the Shick- calamies, be of use in regard to those robbers. I am, sir. Yours, Sac. John Armstrong, This country has a number of streams, the principal of which are the Juniata river, Kishycoquillas creek, Jack's creek. The Juniata passes through the southern part of the coun- ty; its course for about five miles after passing Jack's moun- tain, is southeastward, then north, and after flowing on a short distance it inclines westward, and after a course of several miles, approaches within a few hundred yards of its channel above the Bend. It then turns northeastward, and pursues that general direction into Juniata county. Kishy- coquillas rises in Armagh township, by several branches. 228 MIFFLIN COUNTY. which unite near the centre of the township, and flows in a southern course along the foot of Jack's Mountain, and flow- ing onward down through a gap in Jack's mountain, and falls into the Juniata at Lowistown. Jack's creek rises at the foot of Jack's mountain on the confines of Decatur township, flows southwest about twenty miles into the Juniata river, about one mile below Lewistown; and receiving in its course Meadow, and Bell's run. The geological features of this county show abundant ev- idence, says Trego, of the disturbance which has effected the whole of the Apalachian region. The action of those mighty forces has produced alternate lines of elevation and depres- sion, by which the rock strata are tilted in opposite direc- tion, and successive formations exposed. The high mountain ranges already ^mentioned, contained the hartl sandstone, which is the usual rock in most of the mountains in the mid- dle part of the State. The valley between Shade and Jack's mountain is a synclinal depression, in which the rocks dip in a direction towards the centre from both sides. We accord- ingly find the scries of variegated and red shales, overlying the mountain sandstones on both sidesof the valley, and near the middle of it the limestone and iossiliferous sandstone, forming a series of hills nearly midway between the two mountains. This limestone is seen on the Juniata, at Lew- istown. From VVaynesburg, or McVeytown, southwestward, the olive slate formation extends to the Juniata, above New- ton Hamilton. In Kishicoquillas Valley, on the contrary, an axis of ele- vation has brought up the lower limestone to the surface, having around it a border of the overlying dark slate near the base of the surrounding mountains. Iron ore is dug at various places in this valley, of the kind usually accompany- ing the same limestone in other parts of the State; being ihe brown hydrated peroxoid, occurring in cellular or compact masses, hematitic, or of the stalactite structure, commonly called pipe ore. The Iossiliferous band of ore contained in the slates and shales above the mountain sandstone, is found in several places within the county, of sufficient thickness to be productive. It is mined on the southeast flank of Jack's mountain, and at some other points. There are several curious caves in this county, which have been only partially explored. Bevin's cave, on the summit MIFFLIN COUNTY. 229 oi a limestone riclgc. Alexander's, in Kishicoqaillas valley, abounds with finest stalagmites and stalantites. It is a nat- aral ice-house, preserving it in the heat of summer. Hani- wall's in Wayne township, near McVeytown, is the most extensive — it is of vast dimensions, studded with stalagmites, stalantites and various calcareous concretions — crude saltpe- tre has occasionally been taken from this cave. It has been explored some fifty or sixty rods — says report. Perhaps there is no county in the Stajfi in which better wheat is grown than in this. Many of the farms are highly improved and very productive. Upon the whole, this coun- try can vie with any other in the iStatc for its excellency of water, fertility of soil, in some parts, and lor its picturesque scenery. In the following extract, the reader has a graphic description of the scenery, &c., of MifHin county: — " Much of the scenery along the banks of the Juniata la this county, is of the same wild and picturesque character which gives such a varied and romantic beaij^ty to the shores of the river, throughout most of the distance from its source in the dark and solitary glens of the Allegheny mountain, to its junction with the placid waters of the Susquehanna. High mountain ridges rise from the river with towering cliff's, whose gray and naked summits have braved the storms of u thousand winters, still standing in their sublime and quiet grandeur, as unchanged by the shock of the tempest as by the sighing of the summer breeze; and there they will stand forever, bidding defiance to the elements and to time, until at the word of Him by whom they were erected, ' the ever- lasting hills shall be scattered and the perpetual hills shall bow.' "In this wild and romintic region, the charms of our native scenery are displayed in all the beauty of their rude, pimitive character. The iiree clad mountain, the towering precipice, the beautifid river pursuing its quiet course between the hilis — ^the desert loneliness an(l the savage grandeui' which reiga around, afford to the lover of nature many a scene for de- lightful contemplation — many a quiet, secluded spot, where he may rest in undisturbed meditation, and, far removed from the works of man, derive lessons of wisdom and good from those of the Creator so magnificently displayed around him." According to the census of 1840, there were in this coun- ty 4 furnaces, providing 1,90 4 tons of cast iron, 2 forges 20 230 MIFFLIN COUNTY. jdoduced 600 tons of bar iron, these consumed o,o65 tons oi lue], giving employment to 207 men, including mining oper- atives ; capital invested $144,500: horses and mules o,817v neat cattle 9,{)3o, sheep 11, 323, swine ir),002, poultry of all kinds valued at *<3,329, wheat raised 307,696 bushels, bar- ley 922, oats 227,31, corn 189,45, rye 47,466, buckwheat 8,649, pounds of wool raised 20,395, potatoes 51,499 bush- els, 10,331 tons of hay, value of the proilucts of the dairy >B11,970, of the orchard 2,664, value of homemade or fami- ly goods $2,641 ; 42 retail dry goods and other stores, with a capital of $225,900 ; value of lumber produced $5,551 : brick and lime manufactured to the value of $7,380, 6S hands employed, capital invested $2,650 : 2 fulling mills, 5 wool- len factories, value of manufactured goods $18,500, 26 mer: employed, cai)ital invested $8,800 ; 14 tanneries tanned 2.- 180 sides of sole leather and 2,490 ujipor, 82 men employed, capital 21,600 ; all other manufactories of leather, saddler- ies, &c. 38, value of manufactured articles $29,365, capital invested $10,360: 5 distilleries produced 43,296 gallons, one brewery produced 24,960 gallons, 12 men employed, capital $8,150 : 2 potteries manufactured articles to the amount of $2,600, employed 3 hands, capital $400 : 6 prin- ting olfices, $2,000 : 1 rope walk, value of manufacture $500, one man emj)loyed, cajnlal $150 : value of the manufacture of wagons and carriages $14,120, 31 men employed, capital $4,890 : 24 grist mills, 61 saw mills, value of manufactures of mills $177,350, employed 100 men, capital $140,770 : value of furniture manufactured $13,600, 32 men employed, capital invested $5,240, Total capital invested in all kinds of manufacture $227,865. Aggregate amount of all taxable property in 1814, $3,827,454 "^00. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. The Juniata Division of the Pennsylvania Canal passes through this county, which has contributed much towards the increased prosperity of the agricultural and manufacturing interests of this county. The followinij extract will show with what feeling's the MIFFLIN COUNTV. 231 Packet Boat "Juniata," was hailed on her approach to Lewistown. " Lewistown, Penn., Nov. 5, 1829. ' Packkt Boat, Juniata. — On Thursday last this boat, built by Joseph Cummins, Esq., of Midiintown, arrived at this town from Milllin, having on board a large party of la- dies and gentlemen from the lower end of the county. The boat was met at the head of the " Narrows" by a large par- ry of ladies and gentlemen from Lewistown, accompanied by the Lewistown Hand, who got on boaid of the Packet, and landed here about 2 o'clock, P. M. About 4 o'clock, the company from Milllin, after having taken dinner, and a nuis- ber of ladies and gentlemen from Lewistown, embarked oii board the Packet and returned to Milllin that evening, re- mained there all night, and the next day returned to Lewis- town, with a view of conveying the members of the Legis- lature who had, by a publication in the papers, been invited to pass through the canal to the mouth of the river ; but, in consequence of a letter having been received by Mr. Clarke, from Mr. Craft, of Pittsburg, one of the western members, stating that the members from the west would be on, on Sat- urday; the boat was detained until about half after three on that day, when se\-eral members of the west arrived, viz ; Mr. Brown of Allegheny, Mr. Fox of Indiana, &c. Mr. Craft of Allegheny, Mr. Mct^uaid of Westmoreland, Mr. Blair of Huntingdon, Mr. Galhraith of Venango, Mr. Pet- riken of Centre, and Mr. Cummin of Mifllin, &c. and a num- ber of citizens of Lewistown, and strangers got on board the boat, which was drawn by two white horses, when she set off in fine style, with the 'star-spangled banner' flying at her head, and amidst the roar of cannon, the shouts of the populace, and the cheering music of the band which was on board." The northern turnpike road from Harrisburg to Pittsburg passes through this county. There is also a turnpike road from Lewistown to Bellefonte. The common public roads are in very good condition. 202 MIKI'LIN COUNTY. LEWISTOVVN, The seat of justice, is a flourishing town ; it stands on a beautiful and elevated spot, on the north side of Juniata and Kishacoquillas cieek, immediately at the confluence of the latter, the mouth of which forms a very safe harbor for boats — on which are a number of spacious store-houses erected. .Lewistown deiives numerous advantages from its location on tJie Juniata river and Pennsylvania canal, which render it a place of considerable deposit for a large district of country. Here centres the trade of Kishacoquillas, part of Penn's, Ferguson^s and Dry Valleys, and a considerable portio» of Stone and Nittany Valleys. Although a mountainous coun- try around Lewistown, it affords the finest and most li\ely scenery in all this region of country; the valleys are fertile .jnd very productive. It is considered one of the healthiest places in the interior of the State. We breathe, says the ^(iitor of the Eagle, the pure mountain air; our streams ibound with fish of the choicest kind, paiticulaily the trout, "vhich are to be found in spring streams, and which afford the angler much amusement in taking them ; our forests are tilled with game of every description; and Milliken's Spring (noticed below) which is ascertained to possess all the medi- cinal qualities of the ]5edford water, operates as a balm in the cure of many maladies, particularly bilious complaints. Since opening the canal Lewistown has much increased. The iiouses are generally of brick and display considerable taste. The public buildings are a splendid court house, iccentl} built, a stone prison, a bank, and an academy ; it contains also several fine churches — an Episcopal, Methodist, Luthe- ran, Catholic, Baptist, and Seceder's church, and two Afii- can churches. There are also two foundries here. Boat building is carried on here to a considerable extent. The population in 1S40 was 2,0o8, of which were — White Males under 5, 152; 5 and under 10, 105; 10 and under 15, 85 ; 15 and under 20, 104 ; 20 and under 30, 231 ; 30 and under 40, 129 ; 40 and under 50, 70 ; 50 and under 60, 50 ; 60 and under 70, 9 ; 70 and under 80, 6. White Females under 5, 164 ; 5 and under 10, 120 : 10 and under 15, 82 ; 15 and under 20, 120 ; 20 and unde? MIFFLIN COUNTV. 283 30, 214; 30 and under 40, 95; 40 and under 50, 51 ; 50 and under 60, 34; 60 and under 70, 12; 70 and under 80. 9 ; 80 and under 90, 2. Colored Males under 10, 37 ; 10 and under 24, 25; 24 and under 36, 34; 36 and under 55, 15; 55 and under 100, 2. Colored Females under 10, 39; 10 and under 24, 36; 24 and under 36, 31 ; 36 and under 55, 11 ; 55 and under JOO, 4. Of these 14 were engaged in agriculture, 40 in commerce, 292 in manufactures and trades, 40 in navigation of canals, 24 in the learned professions, 7 primary schools, 231 schol- ars. There were 28 persons above 20 years old who could neither read nor write. It had in 1840 five commission hou- ses in foreign trade, 17 retail stores, one furnace, one grist mill, one saw mill, three tanneries, one brewery, one pottery, and two printing otEces. The Mineral Spring is on the farm of James Milliken, Esq., adjoining the borough of Lewistown. It rises at the toot of a firm bank of limestone formation, and within a stone's throw of the west bank of the Kishacoquillas. The water of this spring, it is said, equal that of the Bedford Springs- In its effect it is purgative and diuretic, and acts also as a tonic. " Taking from four to eight tumblers full oefore breakfast has produced no unpleasant effect, unless indeed the stomach was in an unfavorable condition, or that ;t was an over quantity for the beginning." McVEYTOVVN, (Waynesburg) an incorporated borough, 11 miles above Lewistown, on the turnpike, is quite a flourishing village. It contains many new and recently built brick houses. It con- tains several churches, a furnace, foundry, and a forge, near town, several stores and taverns. Population in 1840, 34S. ^0^ TM MIFFLIN COUNTY. HAMILTONVILLE, (Or, Newton Hamilton,) is a brisk village, 21 miles above Lewistown, and 10 above McVeytown. The town, until the spring of 1828, contained only four huls ; since that time, owing to the impulse given by the construction of the State canal, which passes through it, the town has increased till it has reached some 30 or more dwellings, several stores and taverns. The river here makes a circuitous bend ; above the bend, the canal crosses on a splendid aqueduct to the right 5Xf' the Juniata, BELLEVILLE, On the east side of Stone Mountain, contains about twenty dwellings, several stoies and taverns. It is in Kishicoquil- las Valiey. HORRELTON, Also in Kishicoquillas Valley, contains about thirty houses, ieveral taverns and stores. Besides this village, there are are several other small villages, viz ; Perrysville, Belltown, Whitehall, Texas or Thompsons- town, Lock's Mills, Reedsville, or Brown's Mills. in the immediate vicinity of this place, is Logan's Spring, named after the second son of Shic^lamy, a distinguished In- dian chief, who died at Sharaokin in 1749. Logan resided here for some time, whose family was afterwards cruelly murdered, at Baker's, near the mouth of Yellow creek, on the Ohio river, above Wheeling, as appears from the foh- ^.owing : — "About the latter end of April or beginningof May, 1774, I lived on the waters of Cross creek, about 16 miles from Joshua Baker, who lived on the Ohio, opposite the mouth of Yellow creek. A number oi persons collected at my housS; and proceeded to said Baker's and murdered several Indiana, among whom was a woman, said to be the sister of the In- (iian chief, Logan. The principal leader of the party was MIFFLIN COUNTY. 235 Daniel Greathouse, To the best of my recollection, the cause which gave rise to the murder was, a general idea that the Indians were meditating an attack on the frontiers. Captain Michael Cressap was not of the party ; but I recollect that some time before the perpetration of the above act, it was currently reported that Captain Cressap had murdered some Indians on the Ohio, one or two, some distance belov/ Wheeling. Certified by me, an inhabitant of Shelby county and State of Kentucky, this loth day of Nov. 1799. Charles Polke. On the loth day of Nov. 1799, I accidentally met upon the road, Joshua Baker, the person referred to in the certifi- cate signed by Polke, who informed me that the murder of ihe Indians in 1774, opposite the mouth of Yellow creek, was perpetrated at his house by thirty-two men, led by Dan- iel Greathouse ; that twelve were killed and six or eight wounded : among the slain was a sister and other relations of the Indian chief, Logan. Baker says. Captain Michael Oressap was not of the party ; that some days preceding the murdv-r at his house, two Indians left him and were on their way home; that they fell in with Capt. Cressap and a party of land improvers on the Ohio, and were murdered, if not by Cressap himself, with his approbation; by being the leader of the party, and that he had this information from Cressap. Habry Innes. The following extract from John Sappington's statement, proves conclusively that Logan's fimiily was not killed below Wheeling, as Day, in his Historical Collections of Pa. states (p. 46S). •' Logan's family (if it was his family,) was not killed b> Cressap, nor with his knowledge, nor by his consent, but by the Greathouses and their associates. They were killed 30 miles above Wheeling, near the mouth of Yellow creek."— Jefferson's of Virginia, Appendix p. o0-'46. Note- — Logan's people were killed at the mouth of Yel- low creek, on the 24th of May, 1774.— Compiler. In the autumn of the same year, Logan was urged by the Indians, who were anxious to be relieved from Lord Dun" 2W MIFFLIN COUNTY. more's army, who had waged war against them, he sent his speech, in a belt of wampum, to be delivered to Dunmore, by a faithful interpreter. Under an oak, still standing in a field of one Wolf, seven miles from Circleville, Ohio, in a southern direction, the following speech was delivered by the person who carried the wampum. It is a pure, native specimen of heart-stirring and soul-moving eloquence : '•' I appeal," says Logan, " to any white man, to say, if he ever entered Logan's cabin hungry, and he gave him not meat ; if he came naked and cold, and I clothed him not. During the last, long and bloody war, Logan remained idle, in his cabin, an advocate of peace. Such was my love for the whites, that my countrymen, as they passed, said, ^ Lo- gan is the friend of the whites.' I had thought of living among you, but for the injuries of one man. Captain Cressap,* last spring, in cold blood, and unprovoked, murdered all the relations of Logan, not sparing even my women and children. There runs not one drop of my blood in any living creature. This called on me for revenge: I have sought it, I have kdled many ; I have fully glutted my vengeance. For my (country, I rejoice in the beams of peace. But, do not harbor the thought, that mine is the joy of fear. Logan never felt lear. He will not turn on his heel to save his life. Who is there to mourn for Logan? Not one I" John Heckewelder, a distinguished Moravian Missionary, says, "About the year 1772, Logan was introduced to me, by an Indian friend, as son to the late reputable chief, Shik- eleraus, and as a friend to the white people. In the course of conversation, I thought him a man of superior talents, than Indians generally were. The subject turning on vice and immorality, he confessed his too great share of this, es- pecially his fondness for liquor. He exclaimed against the white people, for imposing liquors upon the Indians ; he oth- erwise admired their ingenuity ; spoke of gentlemen, but ob- served the Indians unfortunately had but few of these neigh- bors, &.C. He spoke of his friendship to the white people, wished always to be a neighbor to them, intended to settle on the Ohio, below Big Beaver ; was (to the best of my re- • Logan had been misinformed, in part, as to the leader of those who murdered his family ; it was not Capt. Cressap, but Dame! Greathouse and his associates. MIFFLIN COUNTY. 237 •-oUection) then encamped at the mouth of this river, (Bea- ver) urged me to pay him a visit. I was then living at the Moravian town on this river, in the neighborhood of Cuskus- kee. In April, 1773, while on my passage down the Ohio tor Muskingum, I called at Logan's settlement, where I re- ceived every civility I could expect from such of the family as were at home. "'Indian reports concerning Logan, after the death of his tamily, ran to this; that he exerted himself during the Shaw- anese war (then so called) to take all tlie revenge he couhi, declaring he had lost all confidence in the while people. At the time of negotiation, he declaied his reluctance to lay down the hatchet, not having (in his opinion) yet taken am- ple satislaction ; yet, for the sake of the nation he would do it. His expressions, from time to time, denoted a deep mel- ancholy. Life, said he, had become a torment to him ; he knew no more what pleasure was ; he thought it had been better if he had nerer existed. Report further states, that he became in some measure delirious, declared he would kill himself; went to Detroit, and on his way between that place and Miama was murdered. In October, 1781, while as pri- soner on my way to Detroit, I was shown the spot where this should have happened." EDUCATION, RELIGION, &c. The general system of education has been adopted in every township of this county; and all the districts (eleven) have made regular Reports of the schools, except Menno. Ten districts have reported 54 schools in operation, and 4 more wanted ; schools open 7 months ; employed 49 male and 11 female teachers ; the former received ^$20,41 cts. per month, the latter S12,52. Number of scholars, 1,749 males, and 1,389 females ; of the whole number, 73 were learning Ger- man. A district tax of $6,002 01 was raised ; state appro- priation S2,982 00. Cost of tuition, $5,838 42 ; fuel and contingencies, $415,59; cost of school houses $1,055 54. An academy and female seminary are in successful opera- tion in Lewistown. The prevailing religious denominations are Presbyterians, '■ioS MIFFLIN COUNTY. Methodists, Lutherans, German Reformed, Ornish, Dunk- ards or German Baptists; there are also some Baptists, Epis- copalians, aiid Winebrennerians, or Church of God. In 1791, there was quite a serious riot in Lewistown, as will fully appear from the following, which are given with- out abridgment : — ,.J Report of the Riot in Lewistovm, in the County of Mifflin- Sir : — On Monday tlie r2th of September, 1791, the Hon. W, Brown, James Bryson and James Armstrong, Esquires, met in the forenoon, in order to open the Court and proceed to business ; but Thomas Beale, Esq., one of the Associate Judges, not having arrived, their honors waited until three o'clock in the afternoon, at w-hich time he arrived, and was requested to proceed with them and the officers of the court ro the court house, he declined going, and the procession moved on to the court house, where the judges' commissions were read, the court opened, and the ofhcers and the attor- nies and the attornies of the court sworn in, and the court ad- ourned till ten o'clock next morninjy. About nine o'clock, while preparing business to lay before Ihe grand jury, I received information that a large body of men were assembled below the Long Narrows, at David .lordan's tavern, on the Juniata, and were armed with guns, swords and pistols, with an avowed intention to proceed to Lewistown, and seize Judge Bryson on the bench and drag him from his seat, and march otf before them, and otherwise :il-treat him. This information was instantly communicated to Messis. Brown, Bryson, and Armstrong, the judges, who agreed with me that Samuel Edminton, Esq. the Prothono- tary. Judge Beale, Stewart, Esq. Bell, Esq. should, with George Wilson, Esq. the Sheriff of Mifflin co. proceed and meet the rioters; and the Sheriff was command- ed to enquire of them their object and intention, and if hos- tile, to order them to disperse, and tell them the' court was alarmed at their proceedings. ' Two hours after this, the court opened, and a grand jury was impannelled. A fife was heard playing, and some guns MIFFLIN COUNTY. 2o9 fired, and immediately the mob appeared marching towards the court house, with three men on horseback in front, hav- ing the gentlemen that had been sent to meet them under guard in the rear, all of whom on their arrival at Lewistown, they permitted to go at large, except the sheriff, whom four of their number kept a guard over. The court ordered me, as the representative of the commonwealth, to go and meet them, remonstrate against their proceedings, and warn them of their danger, which order was obeyed, but all endeavors were in vain, the mob crying out, march onl march onl draw your sword on himl ride over him I I seized the reins of the bridle, that the principal commander held, viz: Wilson, Esq. brother of the Sheriff aforesaid, who was well mounted and well dressed, with a sword, and I think two pistols belt- ed round him, a cocked hat, and one or two feathers in it. He said he would not desist, but at all events proceed and take Judge Bryson off the bench, and march him down the Narrows to the judge's farm, and make him sign a written paper, that he would never sit there as a judge again. The mob still crying out, march on, he drew his sword, and told me he must hurt me, unless I would let go the reins. The crowd pushed forward, and nearly pressed me down ;; one of them, as I learned afterwards, a nephew of Judge Beale, presented his pistol at my breast with a full determi- nation to shoot me. I let the reins go, and walked before them until I arrived at the stairs on the outside of the court house, when Judge Armstrong met me and said, since noth- ing else will do, let us defend the stairs. We instantly as- cended, and Mr. Hamilton and the gentlemen of the bar, and many citizens; and the rioters, headed by W^illiara Wilson, Col. Walker and Col. Holt, came forward, and the general cry was, march on, damn you, proceed and take him. Judge Armstrong replied, you damn'd rascals, come on ; we Vv'ill defend the court and ourselves, and before you shall take Judge Bryson, you shall kill me and many others, \vhich seems to be your intention, and which you may do. At this awful moment one Holt seized -Judge Armstrong by the arm, with intent to pull him down the stairs, but he extricated himself Holt's brother then got a drawn sword, and put it into his hands, and damneil him to run the rascal through ; and V^ ilson drew his sword on me with great rage, and young Beale his sword, and cocked his pistol and presented 240 ' MIFFLIN COUNTY. it. I told them they might kill me, but the judge they couJt! not, nor should they take him — and the words, fii-e away ' ghouted through the mob. I put my hand on his shoulder, and begged him to consider where he w^as, who I was, and reflect but lor a moment. I told him to withdraw the men, and appoint any two or three of the most respectable of his people to meet me in half an hour, and try to settle the dis- pute. He agreed, and with difficulty got them away from the court house. Mr. Hamilton then went with me to Mr. Alexander's tavern, and in Wilson and Walker came, and also Sterrett, who I soon discovered to be their chief coun- sellor. Proposals were made by me, that they should return home, offer no insult to Judge Bryson or the court, and prefer to the Governor a decent petition, stating their grievances (if they had any) that might be laid before the Legislature; and that in the meantime, the judge should not sit on the bench of this court. They seemed agreed, and our mutual honor to be pledged ; but Sterrett, who pretended not to be con- cerned, stated that great delay would take place; that inju- ries had been received which demanded instant redress, and objected to the power of the Governor as to certain points proposed. At this moment young Beale and Holt came up, the former with arms, anti insisted on Wilson's joining them, and broke up the conference. I followed, and on the field among the rioters, told Wilson, " your object is, that Judge Bryson leave the bench, and not sit on it this court :" him and Walker said " yes." " \Vill you promise to disperse and go home, and offer him no insult?" he saiti ''yes," and our mutual honor was then pledged for the performance of this agreement. Mr. Hamilton proceeded to the court, tolil the judge, and left his seat and retired. I scarce had arrived until the fife began to play, and the whole of the rioters came on to the court house, then headed by Wilson. I met them at the toot of the stairs, and told them the judge was gone, in pur- suance of the agreement, and charged them with a breach of the word, and forfeiture of honor, and Walker said, it was so, but he could not prevail on them. Wilson said he would have the judge, and attempted going up the stairs. I pre- vented him, and told him he should not, unless he took off his military accoutrements. He said he had an address t-o MIFFLIN COUNTY. 241 present, and complied with my request, and presented it, signed "' Tlie People." Young Beale, at the moment I was contending with Wilson, cocked and presented his pistol at my breast, and insisted that Wilson and all of them should go ; but on my offering to decide it by com- bat with him, he declined it, and by this means they went off swearing, and said that they were out-generaled. The next day Col. M'Farland with his regiment, came down and offered to defend the court, and addressed it; the court answered, and stated that there was no occasion, and thanked him. Judge Bryson read a paper, stating the ill-treatment he received, and mentioned that no fear of danger prevented him from taking and keeping his seat; but that he under- stood an engagement had been entered into by his friends that he should not, and on that account only he was pre- vented. The court adjourned until two o'clock that day, and were proceeJing to open it with the sheriff, to wait on him and request him to walk with them; he returned, and said the judge would not walk or sit with Bryson, and addressed Judge Bryson with warmth, who replied to it in a becoming manner. Tiie sheriff struck at him, and kicked also. Judge Armstrong seized tlie sheriff, and commanded the peace, and took the sheriff 's rod from him; the coroner took his place, and the sheriff was brought up before the court. I moved he might be committed to gaol, and his mittimus wrote and signed, and the court ordered the coroner and gaoler to take him, and he submitted. Tlie court adjourned. After night the drum beat, and Holt collected about seventy men, who repeatedly huzza'd, cry- ing out "liberty or death," and he ordered to rescue the sheriff, but the sheriff refused. At ten o'clock at night I was informed expresses were sent down the Narrows, to collect men to rescue the sher- iff, and Major Edmiston informed me he was sorry for liis conduct, and offered to beg the court's pardon, and to en- ter into recognizance. I communicated this to the Judges Brown and Armstrong, and requested they would write to the gaoler to permit him to come down; they did, and the sireriff came with Major Edmiston, begged pardon of every member of the court, and Judge Bryson, who was 21 242 MIFFLIN COUNTY. not present, and entered into recognizance to appear at next sessions. The next day near three hundred were assembled below the Narrows, and I prevailed on some gentlemen to go down and disperse them ; and upon being assured the she- riff was out of gaol, they returned to their respective homes, and the court have finished all business; nothmg further requiring the attendance of the grand jury, the court dis- missed them and broke up. I must not omit to inform, that Judge Beaie had declared, during the riot, in court, that he would not sit on the bench with Judge Bi yson,and that both him and said Stewart appeared to countenance the rioters, and are deeply concerned. I must now close the narrative with snying, that owing to the spirit and firmness of Judge Armstrong, and the whole of the bar, I was enabled to avert the dreadful blow aimed at Judge Bryson, and to keep order and snb- ordination in court ; and unless the most vigorous mea- sures are exerted soon, it will be impossible ever to sup- port the laws of the state in that county, or punish these who dare transgress. The excise law is execrated by the banditti; and from every information, I expect the collection of the revenue will be opposed. I am happy to add, the dispute which originated by a mistake between Huntingdon and Mifflin counties, is hap- pily closed in the most amicable manner, without any pro- secution in Mifilin. I am, sir, your most obedient, John Clarke, Dy. St. Attorney. To Thomas Smith, Esq. Presiddnt of the court ol iSliffliu county. Carlisle, September 21. At a period when the general voice of the people pro- claims the excellence of the Federal Government — and the State of Pennsylvania in particular is anticipating every blessing from a constitution so conformable to it, an alarm- ing sedition, together with a most daring turbulent temper has unhappily manifested itself in the county of Mifflin. The Governor has lately appomted Samuel Bryson, Es- quire, second Associate Judge of the Court of Common MIFFLIN COUNTY. 243 Pleas of that county — this gentleman having been Lieute- nant of the county of Mifflin, had excited the determined enmity of two men, who were ambitious of being Colo- nels of Militia; and against tlie commissioning of whom (as unlit persons) Mr. Bryson as county Lieutenant had made representations. Enraged at the promotion of Judge Bryson, and unhappily yielding to the impulse of the most unjustifiable passions, one William Wilson, brother to the sheriff of Mifflin county, and one David Walker, levied a considerable force and marched at tbe head of about forty armed men, with a fife playing to Lewistown, with the avowed determination to seize upon the person of Judge Bryson, whilst on the Bench, drag him from thence, oblige him to resign his commission, and compel him to march many miles along the rugged Narrows of Juniata river. Secrecy marked this unexampled Treasonable Riot. It was not known at Lewistown until about an hour before the insurgents appeared. Justice Stuart who had been lately" commissioned, and who is a very worthy man, had been imprisoned in the morning by four men who belong- ed to the party of the rioters — they attempted to make him engage his word that he would not give information ; but he refused. Ignorant of the private movers of this daring and turbulent procedure, it was agreed by Judges Brown and Armstrong and other gentlemen, to request the sher- iff of the coimty and Judge Bails, who were presumed to have influence over them, together with the prothonotary of the county, to represent the illegality and imprudence of their conduct and prevail on them if possible to return. No advantage has been derived from this step. Mr. Ed- miston, the prothonotary, v/as insulted — the sheriff was taking into a mock imprisonment ; and Judge Bails soon after adopted a part which evinced that little real exertion could have been expected from him in quieting this dis- turbance. The court was sitting when this armed force, levying war against the state, with a fife playing, marching reso- iutely forward. At this juncture Judge Bryson asked Judge Bail if it was not likely they would stop, to which the other replied, that they never would whilst such a rascal »at upon the bench. Mr. Clark and Mr. Hamilton, two Attornies of the court, 244 MIFFLIN COUNTY. at the desire of some of the judges, remonstrated with Mr. Wilson, who was on horseback, and within a few paces of the court house, at the head of the troops, respecting his conduct: Mr. Wilson wasdTessed in a military style, with a cockade in his hat, and was armed with a horseman's sword and pistols — he declared his intention was to oblige Mr. Bryson to resign his commission, and go down the Narrows with him and his men. He was warned by the gentlemen of the danger of the attempt, he observed that nothing would divert him from his purpose, and immedi- ately drew his sword and marched to storm the court- room, where Judge Armstrong and others were stationed at Ihe door. The two gentlemen who had addressed Wil- son ran to the steps in front of the force, where they found a number of persons on the stairs: The rioters followed, with a cry of Liberty or Death, Mr. Armstrong hollowed out repeatedly, Villains come on, but you shall first march over my dead body before you enter. This resolution, se- conded by the circumstance of the gentlemen above men- tioned, and a number of other persons keeping their ground on the stairs (although once or twice some called to the rioters to fire, seemed to stagger the resolution of Wilson.) At this moment a gentleman proposed to him that if he would disarm, he miglit have admittance into the court room; to this he seemed immediately to accede, the troops were filed off to a short distance. It was then agreed that a meeting should take place in half an hour with the lead- ers of the party. Messrs. ('lark and Hamilton, with the assent of some members of the court, met Messrs. William Wilson, David Walker, and William Sterrett, who appear- ed on behalf of the rioters. Entertaining hopes of preser- ving the person of Mr. Bryson from injury, it was thought prudent to promise if the party would disperse, that Mr. Bryson would not sit during that week on the bench. Du- ring this conference, Mr. Wilson offered no other charge against Mr. Bryson but what respected the militia com- missions for him and Mr. Walker, but it was not until af- ter much discourse that the leaders of the troops could be convinced that an extorted Resignation would not avail. When they saw the futility of this idea, it was long insist- ed, that Mr. Bryson should go with them down the Nar- rows. MIFFLIN COUNTY, 245 Mr. Wilson in contravention of the agreement marched the troops to the court house. In the meantime Judge Bryson had sent for a horse, and effected his escape. It was then Mr. WiUiam Sterret exclaimed wich an oath, we are out-generaled. An address was presented by Mr. Wilson to the court, who went in unarmed, signed "The People:" it was in the hand-writing, as is supposed, of Mr. Sterret. It con- gratulated the other Judges upon tlieir appointments, but mentioned and avowed their design in comuig armed to the court to force the dismission of Judge Bryson. Mr. Bails, one of the most active of the rioters, armed with a sword and pistols slung around him, wished to force his way into the court room, but was prevented by Mr. Clark. Four armed men surrounded the person of the Sheriff. Under this delusive imprisonment, all intercourse of con- versation with him was prohibited. In the evening the rioters departed in a turbulent, straggling manner, gener- ally intoxicated; at night one Corran,who had been very active in raising men, was drowned, together with his horse, in a mill dam, about one mile and a half from the town. About twelve or one o'clock the next day. Judge Bry- son returned, soon afterwards Col. James M'Farland with about seventy militia on horseback, appeared in sup- port of the court and the laws. At three o'clock Judge Brown, Bryson and Armstrong, preceded by the sheriff, prepared to open the court. The sheriff was sent with a message to Judge Bails, informing him that the Judges waited for him to join them in proceeding to the court house ; his reply was that he would not go whilst Mr. Bryson was with them ; the Judges had not walked more than a few paces, followed by the attornies and citizens, when the sheriff with his rod of otFice in his hand, sudden- ly stopped, and demanded of Mr. Bryson if he had said any thing injurious of him — Mr. Bryson made a very mo- derate reply, notwitiistanding lie was immediately assaul- ted by the sheriff, ar.d received a kick in the same leg which had been shattered by a ball at the battle of Ger- mantown. The sheriff was iramt^diatoly taken into cus- tody. The coroner received the sheriff's rod and under- took to go before the Judges to Court. There the sher- 21* 246 MIFFLIN COUNTY. iff refused to give any recognizance for his appearance at the next court, and was therefore committed to gaol. Col. M'Farland presented an address to the judges on be- half of himself and the militia under his' command, mention- ing his abhorrence of the proceedings which had taken place, and offering at the hazard of their lives to protect the court; to which the following answer was returned : " The Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of the county of Mifflin, are very sensible of the laudable zeal of Colonel M'Farland, and the militia now under aims, subject to his command, in support of the laws and government of Penn- sylvania, and particularly for the purpose of protecting this court from injury and insult. They trust, that the during mob, who being armed, assembled yesterday and assaulted the court, ihreatenijig the lives o£ the members are now too conscious of the magnitude of their offence and the spirit of the citizens of this county to lepeat their attack : measures are preparing to vindicate the dignity of our insulted laws, and to bring to a just punishment the atrocious offenders and their abettors, who have brought disgrace upon the county, and tiampled upon the most sacred rights of the community. The court, therefore. Sir, return }ou thanks for the supp,ort which you, and the militia under your command, have with so much alacrity brought to the aid of the administiation of justice in this county: but being of opinion that all danger from these infatuated men had ceased, we do not think it-* necessary that your attendance should be longer continued." After which Judge Bryson, standing at the bar, spoke the following words : '^ Fellow Citizens : — " It is not my intention to resume my seat on the bench during this term — I do not decline it from any apprehension of the mob, who yesterday assaulted the court and marked me for their vengeance; supported by my country, by every virtuous citizen, and a consciousness of ray inlegiity, I have nothing to fear ; but understanding that some gentlemen, anxious for my personal safety, entered into an engagement with ^he leaders of the banditti, tuat I should not sit as iudge during this court — my respect for these gentlemen is xny sole and only motive for making this declaration." MIFFLIN COUNTY. 247 Col. M'FarlantI after this, thanked the militia in the fol- lowing terms : " Col. M'Farland returns his thanks to the militia of his regiments who now attend in support of the laws of their country: He is particularly indebted to Capt. Robert John- ston and Capt. John Brown for their extraordinary vigilance in collecting the nien of their respective companies, upon a notice given to them so late as last night after 12 o'clock. He has no doubt but that the same zeal which has distin- guished the militia undtr his command upon this occasion, will always be as honorably manifested should this county ever be so unhappy as to be disgraced by a similar necessity." Soon after Avhich the militia, having been discharged by the court, returned home. The evening of the day was replete with alarms — One Holt, who thought he had cause of complaint respecting a militia commission, assembled a body of men to the amount of about forty; they paraded a considerable time with sound of drum. At length at eight o'clock they appeared before the prison door with an intention to break it and enlarge the sheriff: Mr. Sterrett then appeared, and informed them 'That the sheriff thanked his friends for their intention to serve him, but this is not a proper period,' — or words to that ef- fect. About nine o'clock, several persons having long applied to the sheriff without success, prevailed on him at length to give a recognizance to appear at the next court to answer for the assault and battery on Judge Bryson : happily, the sheriff in this instance relinquished a system which was col- lecting new horrors and threatened to involve in new scenes of guilt a number of the inhabitants. Cjre.it numbers in Tus- carora valley and its vicinity, preparetl the following day to march and liberate the sheiitf, and probably to demolish the Court house and prison — The news of hia release arrived in time to stop the progress of those infatuated men, who ap- peared to have lost sight of the social compact, and whose felicity seems to lie in scenes of tumult, disorder, and licen- tiousness. It is to be hoped, however, that government, when it comes to enforce the laws, wil' contempJate the ig- norance and delusion of these unfortunate men ; and that mercy will so far temper the prosecution as that it will not 248 MIFFLIN COUNTY. be extended to a capital charge ; yet, it is indispensably ne- cessary that they be taught that genuine liberty consists in the power of doing every thing which is not prohibited by the laws, and that the exercise of an unbounded licentious- ness which threatens the dissolution of society itself, must receive a punishment in some degree commensurate to the greatness of the offence. How far Mr. Bryson's representations to the Governor, against Messrs. Wilson, Walker and Holt, has been founded in a just estimate of the characters of these men cannot be elucidated here — but it would appear to afford the highest evidence of its propriety, that they were the principals in this Bflost unexampled Riot. CHAPTER X. Centre Coctnty. Centre county erected — Streams and geological features — Statistics of 18-iU— Public improvements — Towns — Bellefont, Philipsburg, Miles- boro, Boalsburg, Potter's Bank, Potter's Old Fort, Aaronsburg, Mill- heim, Earleysburg, Pattonsville, VValk€rsville, New Providence, AVhi'.e Hall, Rabersburg, Jacobsburg, &c. — Education — Indian vil- lages. Centre county, originally embraced by Lycoming, North- umberland, Mitllin and Huntingdon counties, by an act of the Legislature, February 13, 1800, and from its central posi- tion was nained Centre. Its boundaries according to the act of 1600, were as follows — Beginning opposite the mouth of Quints rr.n, on the West Branch of the Susquehanna; thence a straight line to the mouth of Fishing creek, where it emp- ties into the Bald Eagle creek ; thence to the northeast cor- ner of Miles, late Haines' township, including Nittany valley; thence by the northeast boundary of the said township to the summit of Tussey's mountain ; thence by the summit of said mountain, by the lines of Haines' township in Northumber- land county, Potter township in Mifflin county, and Fiank- lin township in Huntingdon county, to a point three miles southwest of the present line between Mifflin and Hunting- don counties ; thence by a direct line to the head of the south- west branch of Bald Eagle creek ; thence, a direct line to tlie head waters of Mushanon; thence down the same to the Susquehanna to the place of beginning. The limits of this county were reduced by forming Clinton county. Three town- ships, Bald Eagle, Lamar, and Logan, were taken off. By the act of 1800, the following gentlemen were appoin- ted Trustees, viz : Andrew Gregg, William Swanzey, and Robert Boggs, and were authorized to take assurances for the payment of money and grants of land, stipulated for by James Dunlop and James Harris, and such others as might be ofTered to them in trust to dispose thereof, on moiety in 250 . CENTRE COUNTY. some productive fund for the support of an academy or pub- lic school in the county, and with other monies to be raised in the county to erect public buildings lor the county in the town of Bellefonte. Centre county is bounded on the north by Clinton, on the east by Union, on the southeast by Mifilin, and on the south by Huntingdon, on the west by Clearfield county. Length, about 58 miles; breadth 86; area 1,370 square miles, con- taining 678,400 acres of land. Population in 1800, 2,075 ; 1810, 10,680; in 1820, 18,706; in 1880, 18,879; in 1840, 20,492. The population of the several townships in 1840, was as follows: — Boags 1,714, Ferguson 1,254, Gregg 1,671, Haines 1,- 978, Howard 1,409, Half Moon 1,406, Miles 1,198, Potter 1,787, Rush 317,Patton 473, Spring 1,798, Walker 1,180, Husten 557, Marion 559, Snowshoe 162, Harios 2,002, Bellefonte borough 1,082. [See Table on the opposite page. -3 o o Bellefonte Boggs Ferguson Gr-gg Harris Halfmoon Howard Huslen Marion Miles Potter Patten Rush Spring Showshoe Walker Harios o 50H- — tOWW^MWiOiOiCnWUiO; under 5 years old. OlOO— »OtSW0300a3*'>-OCit5«3 03^ — oo®a5*>.oo*3WcoC5 0;w to ^ 5 and under 10 years old. 4^ J3~J>- — U>W000 10 35CO0— ^^K-ii—tS.— *^ C5 tS C: t5 M O -O --» ^ O rf^ 00 W — to — C5 — 60 and under 70 CO o i^^OOO>^^JOli3t3'— 0D03M.05Cji»3 35 © 80 and under e»aDJ3^>— to CO >t» to 00 10 and underlS years old. ©«>— OOH-MOin'iiWCC^J0 -J C5 13 ►- Ci ^ O 'O 05 ■xo3~^^s^^'i^co-~(^5■xco035^i^o 30 and under 40 years old. C5 CI w to to 40 and under 50 CO CO CD i,^ta .u tots— totscocojo 1 »a^ — — 4i-wwa<.;^^ 1 tOi— 0*>©^»0>-©0>0 — CCO»0 to © 80 and under 90 31 to H- ►- .-■ 1 M«ooo>-w©©cj>a>^«3t5©t'^ w © 05 -J Colored pop'n. 252 CENTRE COUNTY. The i^ace of the country is greatly diversified by high mountain ridges, ranging from northeast to southwest, with deep valleys intervening. Tussey's, Brush and Nittany mountains are in the east and northeast. Bald Eagle is a ridge of the Allegheny, and is called Bald Eagle, upon the confines of Huntingdon and Centre counties, northeast of the Juniata river, and extends across the county near the mid- dle ; and northwest of Bald Eagle is the Allegheny moun- tain, beyond which is a tract of very wild, broken high hnds, composing the western declivity of that mountain. The prin- cipal valleys are Brush, Nittany, Bald Eagle, Sugar, Half Moon, George's, Penn's, and others. NiTTANY, the great central valley of the county, in which the county town is pleasantly situated, abounds with many gushing rills or beautiful springs. The county is well watered. The principal streams are Bald Eagle creek, Mushanon creek, with their numerous tributaries, and the West Branch of the Susquehanna on the jiorthwest, the recipient of Bald Eagle and others. The smaller streams are Beach creek, Tungascootae, Spring creek, Elk creek. Marsh creek. Spruce creek, Half Moon run, Big Fishing creek. Cedar creek, Cold stream. Little Mushanon creek, Logan creek, Bulfalo run, Little Fishing creek, and others. The soil of this county is various. In some of the valleys it may be safely classed among the best in the State, and is highly productive, if well cultivated ; this is the case espe- cially in Nittany and Penn's valleys, and form the finest agricultural districts. Other parts of the county are, per- haps, equally productive ; but not so desirable on account of water, — the want of water is often severely felt, and in some instances wells have been sunk to a great depth without obtaining water. The smaller streams, at'ter lun- ning some distance, frequently sink into the fissures of the limestone rock and are seen no more. The mountain ridges separating the valleys, are generally steep and rocky, not fit to be cultivated, and only valuable for the timber that grows there. Some portions along the Allegheny are little inhabit- t'd. The prevailing timber is pine, hemlock, sugar maple, and dilTerent kinds of oak. The geological features of the county are varied. East of the liald Eacjle mountain the vallevs are of limestone for- CENTRE COUNTY. 253 mationj bordered on their margin next to the mountains by the overlying slate. This mountain and the high ridges south- east of it are of sandstone. Northwest of Bald Eagle moun- tain, along the valley in which flows Bald Eagle creek, are found the red and variegated shales, and the fossiliferous limestone, next in order. Above this is a thin belt of the fossiliferous sandstone, not always perceptible. From this to the southern base of the Allegheny, or rather of the hills which jut forward from that mountain, is a belt two or three miles wide, occupied by olive slates and sandstones ; and above this the red shale and red and gray sandstones, which form the steep front of the Allegheny. Passing over the intermediate formations, we find on the high lands beyond the summit, in the vicinity of Snowshoe and Philipsburg, beds of bituminous coal, which have been opened in some of the most accessible places, and the coal transported to the coun- try east of the mountain. — Trego. * Though bituminous coal abounds in the northwest of the Allegheny mountain about Philipsburg, yet it is not so im- portant a mineral as iron ore, which is abundantly found in the limestone valleys, in always any quantity or variety, yielding from 50 to 60 per cent, of metalic iron. The wealth of the county may be pretty fairly cstirnaieJ from the late census, of which the following is an abstract : In 1840 there were 7 furnaces in the county, (but the number has since increased) produced 7,500 tons of cast iron ; 9 bloomeries, forges and rolling mills, produced 10,110 tons of bar iron ; there were 20,400 tons of fuel consumed; the number of men employed in the manufacture of iron, in- cluding mining, was 603; capital invested $398,000: there were 87,000 bushels of bituminous coal raised, employing 7 men, capital invested $6,000 : horses and mules 4,752, neat cattle 15,494, sheep 17,461, swine 10,769, poultry of all kind estimated at -$1,979, bushels of wheat raised 34,421, barley 1,473, oats 114,470, rye 141,045, buckwheat 8,946, corn '204,122, pounds of wool produced 38,449, hojis 618, wax 280, bushels of potatoes 107,547, tons of hay 11,273, 11 tons of flax and hemp ; sold 7,490 cords of wood ; value of the products of the dairy $72,159, value of the products of the orchard $14,068, value of home made or family goods $8,690 ; retail dry goods and other stores 48, with a capital of $158,950; value of lumber produced $28,140; 60 bar- 254 CENTRE COUNTY. rels of tar manufactured ; value of machinery manufactured ^4,700, employed two hands ; hardware and cutlery manu- factured $800 ; bricks and lime manufactured $0,070, em- ployed five men ; fullint^ mills ^3 ; woollen factories 3; value of manufactured goods $18,000, employed 17 hands, capital invested $17,000; value of hats and caps manufactured $3,- 100, persons employed, capital $2,'J00 ; tanneries 20, tan- ned 2,70o sides of sole leather, 4,260 of upper, employed 33 men, capital $38,200 ; all other manufactories of leather, saddleries, &c. 7, value of manufactured articles $17,0o0, capital $8,800 ; two distilleries produced 43,000 gallons, 1 brewery produced 7,280 gallons, 6 men employed in manu- facturing distilled and fermented liquors, capital $5,500 ; 2 printing offices, employed 6 hands, capital $1,500; value of carriages and wagons manufactured $10,000, 13 men em- ployed, capital invested $2,900 ; grist mills 35, saw mills 01, one oil mill, value of manufacture of the several mills, $89,250, employed 21 hands, capital $77,900 ; brick and stone houses built 13, wooden ones 25, men employed 22, value of constructing the buildings $49,000. Total capital invested in manufactures $173,000. Aggregate amount of all kmds of property taxable in 1844, $4^980,213 00. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. Bald Eagle and Spring Creek navigation, from the West Branch State Canal at Lock Haven, in Clinton county, up the Bald Eagle creek and Spring creek to Bellefonte, a dis- tance of 25 miles, will, wdien fully completed, prove a great advantage to this county. There are several good turnpike roads in this county, the principal of wdiich is from Bellefonte to Lewistown. This pike leads westward from the county town towards the town of Erie. BELLEFONTE, A post town and borough, including Smithfield, was incor- porated March 18, 1814, is the scat of justice. The town derives its name from a compound French word, i. e. Belly CENTRE COUNTY. 255 beautiful, and Fonie, a fountain, the name of a beautiful spring, giving the name to the town, and supplying the in- habitants thereof, with the finest water imaginable, which is raised by a machinery into a reservoir, on an eminence about 90 feet above the level of the spring. These works were first erected in 1808, and have since been rebuilt and impro- ved. The town was first commenced in 1795, by Messrs. Jarnes Harris and James Dunlop, who were owners of the site, and is on the right bank of Spring creek, in a township of the same name, latitude 40 degrees, 50 minutes, north longi- tude, and 40 minutes west from Washington city; 122 miles northwest from that city, and 85 from Harrisburg. It is sit- uated in a fine valley of limestone land, highly susceptible of improvement and well cultivated, abounding with first-rate timber, and the earth pregnant with inexhaustible quantities of iron ore, of the very best quality, easily smelted and very productive, yielding from 60 to 621 per cent, of metal. In and about the vicinity, especially on Spring creek, is a great number of furnaces, forges, rolling mills, tilt-hammers, grist mills, saw mills, fulling mills, oil mills, &c. It is a highly prosperous {)lace. When Centre county was erected, they gave half of the lots for public purposes, among which was the establishment of the seminary. The town contained in 1810, 203 inhabit- ants, in 1820, 433, in 1830, 699, in 1840, 1,032 ; of these, were — White Males under 5, 77 ; 5 and under 10, 47 ; 10 and under 15, 49 ; 15 and under 20, 56 ; 20 and under 30, 100; 30 and under 40, 53 ; 40 and under 50, 35 ; 50 and under 60, 24 ; 60 and under 70, 11 ; 70 and under 80, 2. White Females under 5, 66 ; 5 and under 10, 63 ; 10 and under 15, 48 ; 15 and under 30, 58 ; 20 and under 30, 106 ; 30 and under 40, 55 ; 40 and under 50, 132 ; 50 and under 60, 23 ; 60 and under 70, 8 ; 70 and under 80, 2. Colored Males under 10, 17 ; 10 and under 24, 13; 24 and under 36, 17 ; 36 and under 55, 3 ; 55 and under 100, 3. Colored Females under 10, 29 ; 10 and under 24, 10 ; 24 and under 36, 13 ; 36 and under 55, 4 ; 55 and under 100, 3. 2o6 CENTRE COUNTY. Of these there were engaged, according to the census of 1840, 2 in agriculture, 11 in commerce, manufactures and trades 138, 1 in navigation, 21 in the learned professions and engineering. The borough contained 130 dwellings, four churches, a Presbyterian, Methodist, United Brethren, and a Catholic; an academy, 8 stores, 1 fulling mill, 1 woollen factory, 2 tanneries, 1 printing office, 1 weekly newspaper, 4 schools, 120 scholars. The scenery around the town is very imposing ; nay, in- viting. The town has some high land around it ; but none which is not capable, under proper culture, of producing Irom twenty-five to thirty bushels of wheat per acre ; and from lands contiguous, once called barrens, have been known to yield 30 bushels. The supply of mineral fuel is easy, as bit- uminous coal is abundant within 10 miles of the borough ; and is accessible by a well constructed turnpike j'oad from the town to the mines. As to salubrity, it is said by competent judges, that no town in the Union excels Bellelonte. This town possesses many natural and artificial advantages. Schools of a higher order, efficiently conducted, amid a moral, intelligent and industrious community; and other advantages will, ere long, attract the attention ot those who can appreciate that which renders life desirable. Tuinpikes in various directions radiate from this place, af- fording facilities of access to the farmer, traveller, and tra- der. Superior lines of stages leave daily for Lewistown, and other places. The following sketch of a prominent person, from the Cen- tre Democrat, is worthy of a jilace here: — "Died in Bellefonte, on the 2()th May, 1835, in his SOth year, Andrew Gregg, Esq. Mr. Gregg was among the early settlers in Penn's valley. He was born on 10th June, 1755, at Carlisle. He acquired a classical education at several of the best schools of that day, and was engaged for some years as a tutor in the University of Pennsylvania. \i\ the year 1783, Mr. Gregg, having saved a few hundred dollars from his salary as a teacher, changed his employment, and com- menced business as a storekeeper in Middletown, Dauphin county. In 1787 he raanied a daughter of General Potter, then living near the West Branch, in Northumberland coun- ty; and at the earnest request of his father-in-law, in 1789, CENTRE COUNTY. 257 moveci with his family in Penn's valley, where he settled down in the woods, and commenced the business of iarming, about two miles from Potter's old fort. On the place he first settled, he continued improving his farm from year to year, pursuing with great industry the business of a country farm- er. Theie all his children were born and some married, and there he resided until the year 1814, when became with his family to reside in this borough; having some years before purchased property in this neighborhood. In 1790 Mr. Gregg was elected a member of congress, and by seven suc- cessive elections, for several districts, as they were arranged from time to time, including one by a general vote or ticket over the whole state — was continued a member of that body for 16 successive years — and during the session of 1806-7, was chosen a member of the Senate of the U. S. At the expiration of this term, on the 4th of March, 1803, he re- turned to private life. One principal object of coming to reside in this borough, was a desire to be convenient to good schools, tor the benefit of his younger children. Here he lived a retired life, attending to the education of his children and the improvement of his farms, until Dec. 1820, when he was called by Gov. iliester to the situation of secretary of the commonwealth. During the administration of Governor Hiester, the duties of that office were executed by him with talent and integrity. Mr. Gregg, as a public man, as well as in private life, was remarkable for a sound and discrimin- ating man, agreeable and dignified manners, strict regard for truth, and unbending and unyielding honesty." '^ Died in Aug. 1833, at his residence in Spring township, Gen. Philip Benner, aged 70 years. He was among the first settlers in this county, and made his residence at the spot where he died as early as 1792. At that time there were but few inhabitants within the bounds of what is now ('entre county. He was born in Chester county. His father was an active whig of the revolution, was taken prisoner by the British, and imprisoned. Philip, then a youth, took up arms under Gen. \N ayne, his relative and neighbor. When he went forth to the field, his patriotic mother quilted in the back of his vest several guineas, as a provision in case he should be taken prisoner by the enemy. After the war he became a successful manufacturer of iron, at Coventry forge, in Chester county. About the year 1790 he purchased the 22* 258 CENTRE COUNTY. present site of Rock Furnace, and soon after his arrival he erected a forge, the first built in the county ; to which he subsequently added another forge, a furnace, and a rolling mill. To his example the people are mainly indebted for the development of the vast mineral wealth ot this county. At that early day the supply of provisions for the works to be transported from a distance, over roads that would now be deemed almost impassable ; and a market for his iron was to be found alone on the Atlantic seaboard. Undeterred by- adverse circumstances, the vigorous mind of General Benner struck out a new channel of trade. The rising importance of the west impressed him with the idea of opening a com- munication with Pittsburg, as a market for his iron and nails. He succeeded, and enjoyed for several years, without com- petition, the trade in what was termed by him the " Juniata iron," for the western country — a trade now of immense im- portance. He held the rank of major-general in the militia of the state, and was twice an elector of president of the U. S. He was a democrat throughout his life. The borough of Bellefonte bears testimony to his enterprise and liberality. He has adorned it by the erection of a number of dwelling houses, and aided in the construction of works to give it ad- vantaoes which nature denied. He established the Centre Democrat in 1827. He was remarkable for his industry, enterprise, generosity, and open-hearted hospitality : his home was the abode of a happy family." PHILIPSBURG, On the Mushannon creek, at the western side of the county,. 25 miles west of Bellefonte, on the highlands behind the Al- legheny mountains, where the Bellefonte and Mcadville turn- pike road crosses the Mushannon creek. The town is named after Henry and James Philips, two enterprising and intelli- gent Englishmen, who laid out the town in 1797. The first house erected in the "wilderness town," was built by John Henry Simkr. Though the town contains now between 40 and 50 buildings, and a very neat church, erected by the li- berality of Mr. Philips — it was studded with stumps not more than 15 years ago. The following extract, from "notes of CENTRE COUNTY. 2-59 a traveller," who visited here in 1830, will show what it was then — " We proceeded over an excellent turnpike to Philipsburg, which may emphatically be called a town of stumps. Hairs never stood more plenteously on a dog's back than the stumps in Philipsburg, yet it is a stirring place, and much indebted to the public s|)irit and enterprise of Dr. Phil- ijis, the proprietor. Among other manufitctories, there is one for the manufacture of ' screws,' which is among the most singular of modern inventions." The following account is given of Mr. Simler, who is men- tioned in the preceding page : — " Mr. Simler enlisted in 1780, in France, as a private, and served as a dragoon in Capt. Bart's corps of the first troop of Light Dragoons, PVee Legion, under the command of Col. Arraand. He arrived at Boston, and proceeded thence with his troop to Yorktown, Va., at which memorable siege he was present, and assisted in the capture of it by the united forces of America and France. He was wounded in the forehead and eye by a sabre, and retained the scar until his death. He remained in the service until regularly discharged at Philadelphia, although the greater part of his troop was discharged immediately after the surrender of Yorktown. On the termination of the war, he married and settled in Phila- delphia, where he remained for about 15 years. In 1793, he lost his wife by the yellow fever; he then married a se- cond time, and in 1797 removed to Philipsburg, in Centre county. Pa. — a perfect wilderness at the time. He built the first house in the {)lace, where he resided until he lost his second wife, in the year 1822. In the year 1829 he remo- ved to Philadelphia, where he died the same year." Harthnan Philips had erected the screw factory and other extensive iron works, which are not now in operation. There is a most valuable mineral district around this place, abound- ing in coal, iron, limestone, and fire clay ; and forest timber almost without hmit. MILESBORO, Is. two miles north of Beilefonte, on the turnpike ; it is quite a brisk village — containing between 40 and 50 dwellings, and two churches, Baptist and Methodist, in and near it — a 260 ' CENTRE COUNTY. foundry, iron works, forge, axe factory and mills. The Bald Eagle canal passes through it. A woollen factory was start- ed here some years ago. The briskness is owing much to i the energy of Gen. Miles, and a few other enterprizing in- dividuals. • BOALSBURG, On the main branch of Spring creek, 10 miles sonthwest of Bellefonte, at the upper end of Penn's valley, is a pleasant and thriving village. It contains about 35 dwellings, a store and tavern, a Lutheran cliurch, a grist mill, woollen factory, and a number of mechanics' shops. The country around it is pretty well improved. It is a German settlement. The following, copied from the V\ eekly Messenger, print- ed at Charabersburg, is introduced here, as being of unusual occurrence. Boalsburg, Centre co. Pa., Jan. 21, 1846. On the 12th of November last, a son of Mr. Christian Hoffer, of Potter township, of this county, who is about 21 years of age, was attacked with a bilious cholic, but soon afterwards recovered so far as to be able to attend his usual employment. Nine (lays after this, as he returned to his house in the evening from labor, he was again seized with such violent pain, that his system began evidently to sink under it. By prompt medical treatment, however, he was relieved of his pain in the course of a few hours. A fever followed. His conversation continued to be perfectly rational. On the fourth or fifth day following, he began to speak, exhort, sing and pray, in sleep. When he awoke, he had no recollection of what had happened during his sleep, except that he had dreamed. He soon recovered his bodily health to such an extent, that his physician })ronounced him well. He, how- ever, had some kind of presentiment that something extraor- dinary would transpiie in liis case, which the result has shown was by no means unfounded. On the evening of the 11th of December, after he had been reading for a short time in the bible, he complained of having very unpleasant sensations in his head, and as he at- CENTRE COUNTV. 261 tempted, in accordance with the advice of his friends, to seat himself upon the bed, he lell suddenly upon the floor. For a short time he was insensible, and when he recovered his senses, he was unable to speak a word ; yea, not so much as to utter the least sound. His countenance was calm, and by signs he gave those present to understand that he desired paper, ink and pen, to write. As these were handed to him, he took them, and wrote various things with readiness ; and amongst others, " that on the fourth or fifth night following he would either die or speak." Contrary to his wishes, his physician put a large blister upon him, to which he submit- ted only after much persuasion. On the second day following, he wrote to the physician, ■'•' that he esteemed him highly; that his sickness was not that which he thought it was ; that his liver was not swollen, as his physician thought ; if it were so, he would certainly ex- perience something of it, &c." He urgently entreated the physician not to put another blister upon him, and also not to give him any more medicine, at least not before Tuesday morning at 8 o'clock, when, should he yet live and still be unable to speak, he would cheerfully comply with his pre- scriptions. To which the physician assented. On Sunday, the 14th December, he wrote that he wished to see me on Monday evening, and requested that I should hold a prayer meeting at his lather's house ; with which re- quest I complied. After the prayer-meeting had closed, he fell into a sleep, and from the motions of his hands, it could be perceived that his mind was exercised in a very extraor- dinary manner. He made a sign for something ; a bible was handed him, and also a German and English hymn book : he opened the bible, and with his eyes closed, he speedily ran his hngers over certain passages, and pointed out one. He did the same thing with the hymns, pointing to a German and also an English hymn. When he awoke, he pointed out to nie the passage of scripture, to which heliad pointed when asleep, viz : Ezekiel xi, 19 — as also the hymns ; and, I must acknowledge, that haci I taken the greatest possible pains, I could not have selected in either of the hymn books, hymns more suitable to the text pointed out, than those which he selected. At 11 o'clock, the same evening, he wrote forme among other things, " that in the course of five hours, it would be known whether he would die or speak." 2G2 CENTRE COUNTY. Before the time fixed upon arrived, he again iell asleep, and at the time itself, he became so weak that it was believed that he would die. His strength, however, returned again ; he began to speak ; opened the bible ; read a passage of scripture, John i, 29, and discoursed upon it very correctly and powerfully about forty minutes in German, and ten in the English language. Wlien he had ended his discourse, he appealed to be in a deep and quiet sleep; and in about fif- teen minutes afterwards, he awoke, and was quite calm. Several days after the above occurrence, he informed his friends that on Sunday afternoon, the Ibth instant, between 12 and 1 o'clock, he would be placed in a similar condition. In the meantime he was calm, attended church, Sunday school, &c., but he oiten spoke, sang and piayed in his sleep. I was with him on last Thursday and Friday. He still insisted, on Friday, that what he had before said would cer- tainly take place at the specified time ; and for some time he was quite cast down, not knowing whether or not he should recover his power of speech, in case he should live. Still he endeavored to console himself with the promise, that "All things shall work together for good, to them that love God." I gave him and his parents all the counsel and consolation which it was in my power to give them. On Sunday, at the appointed time, whilst he was engaged with his parents and brothers in reading useful books, and proposing and answering questions about edifying subjects, he sank down some minutes before 1 o'clock. It was believ- ed that he was dying. For some time he was insensible. At length he opened his eyes, but could not speak a word or move a limb. About an hour afterwards he was able to move, and made signs for pen and ink. He wrote, amongst other thinos " tliat in seven or eiffht hours he would either speak or the." When he specified the time had ela})scil, he became again so weak whilst he slept, that it was thought he would die. After some time, however, he recovered his strength, and began to speak, exhort, sing, &c., both in the English and German languages. When he had finished, he appeared again to sleep, and when he awoke, he was cheer- ful and calm. He is now to all appearances well, and re- lieved in mind. I was several times present when he spoke CENTRE COUNTY. 263 in his sleep, and can truly say that I did not hear an unbe- coming word from him. P. S. Fischer. POTTER'S BANK, A post village, though small, is a very pleasant and thriv- ing manufacturing village, 12 miles from Bellefonte, on a branch of Sinking creek, on the Lewistown and Bellefonte turnpike. It contains a fust rate grist mill, woollen factory, several dwellings, a store and tavern, owned by James Pot- ter, Esq. and Gen. Potter, sons of Gen. James Potter. POTTER'S OLD FORT, Is four miles north of Potter's Bank, on the turnpike road. Traces of the Fort are still visible. The history of Potter's Fort is briefly thus related. "Soon after the Indian Treaty ol 1768, James Potter, afterwards a Brigadier General under Gen. George Washington, came up the West Branch and Bald Eagle creek to seek for choice lands. He crossed the Nittany raonntain at Logan's Gap, and for the first time set his eyes upon the lovely Penn val- ley, afterwards his happy home. Alter reconnoitering the valley, he descended Penn's creek in a canoe — but soon re- turned again, took up a large body of land, made a settle- ment there, and erected a Stoccadc Fort. The place is still known as Potter's Fort. Gen. Potter, with many others, was driven from his new home by the Indians, at the beginning of the Revolution of '76. He entered the services of his country, and was with Gen. Washington during the cam- paigns of Brandywine, Valley Forge, Germantown, New Jersey. At the close of that eventful war, another treaty was made with the Indians for the purchase of all the terri- tory in the State, northwest of the West Branch ; and Gen. Potter was employed as agent and surveyor of a company of land speculators, to visit and superintend the settlement of their lands on the Sinnemahoning and West Branch, above the Allegheny mountain. 264 CENTRE COUNTY. AARONSBURG, A post town, twenty miles east, by the road from Bellefontej on Mill creek, a branch of Penn's creek, contains between thirty and forty houses, several stores and taverns. It is contiguous to Millheim, being separated from it by Mill creek. A turnpike road runs through it, which intersects that leading; from Bellelonte to Lewistown. MILLHEIM, Contains about thirty dwellings, a store and tavern. It lies in Penn's Valley, east of Brush mountain. EARLEYSBURG, Is a post village, eight miles southeast of Bellcforte, m Penn's valley, near the turnpike road from Lewistown to Bellefonte. PATTONSVILLE, Kear the head of Slab Cabin branch of Spring creek, fifteen miles south of Bellefonte. WALKERSVILLE, A post town, fourteen miles southwest of Bellefonte, on the east side of Bald Eagle ridge. NEW PROVIDENCE, A Post Office, on Bald Eagle creek, twenty miles northeast of Bellefonte. WHITE HALL, A small village, 3 miles west of Pattonsville, and 14 miles south of Bellefonte. CENTRE COUNTY. 265 RABERSBURG, A post town, in Brush Valley, sixteen miles east of Belle- !ont«, contains about 20 dwellings, and a store and tavern. The valley possesses a rich limestone soil. JACOBSBURG, in Brush Valley, is thirteen miles northeast of Bellefonte. EDUCATION AND RELIGION. The co:nmn school system has been adopted in every township except Gregg and Haines. There are 18 school districts in the county, 14 of which have reported 86 schools in operation, ami 7 more required in those districts; 5 months was the average time that schools were open ; having enga- ged 82 mile and 10 femile teachers; the former receiving 1^20,20 cts. per m^nth, the latter $16 — number of scholars taught, 2,760 mile, 1,955 females, of which number 131 were learning German ; average number of scholars to each school 44; cost of teaching a scholar, per month, 40i cents. A district tax was raised to the amount of $5,737 70 ; state appropriation $2,901 00. Cost of tuition $6,737 70 ; fuel and contingencies $565,85; expended in 1844 for school houses, $947,11. Besides the public schools and common subscription schools, there are two schools of advanced standing in Bellefonte — the academy, where upwards of fifty pupils are instructed, and at the same place a femile seminary, with about the same number of scholars. The progress of education is go- ing onward. The prevalent religious denominations are the same as in the adjacent counties, except the Amish or more rigid Men- nonites and Dunkards. 23 CHAPTER XL Union County. Union county erected — Streams and geological features — Census of 1840— Public improvements — Towns; New Berlin, Frederick Stump and Ironcutter killed ten Indians, &c.—Lewisburg,Capt. Brady, Mif- flinburg, Middleburg, Hartleyton, Freeburg, Selin's Grove, Charles- town, Beavertown, Adamstown, Centreville, NewColupibus, Swifts- town— Education, &c. Union county, formerly a part of Northumberland county, was separated from it by the act of March 22, 1813. The act directed, That all that part of the said county of Union, from and after the first day of November next, be entitled to and at all times thereafter shall have all and singular the courts, jurisdictions, offices, rights and privileges, to which the inhabitants of other counties of this state are entitled by the constitution and laws of this commonwealth. Some tin>e afterwards Mifflin county was added ; but this portion was again re-annexed. By an act March 16, 1819 — That all that part of Decatur township, in Mifflin county, lying east- ward of a line to begin at or near the southeast corner of Centre county on the top of Jack's mountain, nearly opposite John Eberhart's stillhouse, so that the same remains in the county of Mifflin ; and from thence a south course to the original division line between Union and Mifflin. Previous to re-annexing Decatur township to Mifflin coun- ty, a part of Union was annexed to Lycoming, by an act of March 11, 1815— That from and after the first day of May next, the township of Washington, in Union county, be an- nexed to the county of Lycoming. Union county is now bounded on the north by Lycoming, on the east by the Susquehanna, separating it from Northum- berland, on the south by Juniata county, and on the west by Mifflin and Centre counties. Length 26 miles, breadth 2L, area in square miles 550; in acres 352,000. Population in 1820, 18,619; 1830,20,795; 1840,22,787. UNION COUNTY. 267 The population of the several townships was, in 1840, as follows : Beaver 2,609, East Buffalo 812, West Buffalo 1,460, Clapraan 1,279, Centre 1,891, Hartley 1,866, Kelly 788, Penn 2,280, Union 1,630, Perry 1,254, Washington 1,135, White Deer 1,252, Buffalo 1,348, Middle Creek 562. Bor- oughs, viz: Mifflinsburg 704, Lewisburg 1,220, New Ber- lin 679. [See Table on the following page. o' ^ dijiacosK ^ a ^ ^ ^ ^ a> CO -.> lO CD -J m CO to 0 »l^ H^ © 00 en © 15 years. 03 en o 05 CO O) o Oi fr— ►1^ ^-* ^^ 1 - — ^ ^ ,_, 15 and under] 00 1 >^ 05 no tn i;3> 05 ^ CO © CO ^ *- -} © en 20 years. o «5 M Oi >4^ en o; © to f— 1 — ' — •^ _ ^ ^^ to ^ ^ ^ 20 and under 30 ■^ 00 on (-> ^ o> o 0^ 05 to © CO © © '^^ © to years. l(^ JW_ CT5 00 tn ^— o: »— 00 00 CD ♦"^ fn M Oi 05 o> CD CO or) - (J> en © © >(^ 00 05 30 and under 40 to 00 Oi 1*^ 00 05 CD to CD ^i CD CO en OD © © 00 ■Ti ® I'll (T) •^ hS rf^ 05 to ■^ oo en to 4^ rf^ to CO '$ 40 and under 50 S 03 CO hS ^ CO Oi © a> 00 — © 1 en hi fn ^^ ^ M 05 ^^ rf' o\ to _ CO CO to to _ 50 and under fiO •II I >«^ 00 05 ->} ^ -t^ Oi o< it^ <" 00 <¥- 'Z IJ 1 ^n ^ ^ !_, ^^ ,_ to to _ H- to fiO and under 70 C/i 1 00 — 05 OJ 03 CD CO 00 00 © ^ © CD © uo en © 1 - ^ ^^ ^ ^ 7(» and under SO w 1 00 05 CO 05 ts Oi 00 !-• 00 00 (^ to © © © >P^ 05 © tf^ CO 1 ^ »0 tn ^ J- _»^ _co ^ CO _eo 80 and under 90 hS ^ j_ ^^ ^ un der 5 years] 00 o ^^ CO rf>- CO © CO en © CO © old. -J 05 <£> *• © CD 1— en en © 1^ ^ 1^ , ^_^ »_ 6 and under 10 CD © a CO © CD en i? 05 CD 05 >*^ CO CO © en OD © CD o © to © years old. — ^ 10 and under 15 05 05 ST. CO CO 00 CD o 00 Oi 05 a-. .f' © 00 CO en 05 OO © 00 © 4^ © c *- ^ years old. CO «5 M en m 1^ M © to © CO © en © 00 Ci M -F' 15 and under 20 IX © to 05 © to to © 00 to © CO CD CO to to cn years old. - ^^ 30 and under 40 05 en CO 00 o © 05 CO Oi Oi © CO to CD CO to © © ^^ © M lf>- © 4^ en .years old. -1 00 00 1^ rn CI K5 1^ rr> Oi -J 4^ to ^ © „ #» to 40 and under 50 -J CO © to CD ^ Oi ^ CD © to -u. CO to c;» o 1 ^ hS if>- M M CO ^ i<^ ^^ to ^ CO CO ^ 50 and under fiO 1 -^ l(^ if^ to i_> Ci . most ample water power imaginable, for all kinds of mills ,).nd factories, if once demanded for that purpose. Penn's creek, too, is a stream of considerable importance. It rises in the southeast part of Centre county, and flows east through Centre and Union, by New Berlin, and falls into the Susquehanna river at Sehn's Grove, after a crtm- parative course of more than fifty miles, fpr the great part of which it is navigable for rafts and arks. New Berlin, 23* !268 UNION COUNTY. which is twelve miles from its mouth, is the natural depot of the descending trade of this stream. Buffalo creek, in the north of the county, is a union of Great Buffalo and Little Buffalo ; the former rises on the confines of Centre county, and flows east through this county, into the West Branch of the Susquehanna at Lew- isburg, receiving in its course Rapid run, Spruce run and the Little Buffalo creek, which rises in VVI.ite Deer town- ship, and runs south until it flows into Great Buffalo. According to the census of 1840, there were two furna- ces in this county, which produced 355 tons of cast iron, one forge produced 150 tons of bar iron, and consumed 427 tons of fuel ; 39 men employed in manufacturing iron including mining operatives, capital ^22,000. Horses and mules in the county 5,078, neat catt'e 14,605, sheep 18,- 196, swine 16,578, poultry of all kinds estimated at $6,- 193, wheat raised 310,010 bushels, barley 965, oats 263,- 501, rye 135,387, buckwheat 24,461, corn 172, 191, pounds of wool 35,492, hops 515, wax 1,603, bushels of potatoes 107,570, tons of hay 18,568, pounds of tobacco gathered 8,000, cords of wood sold 2,908, value of the product of t^e dairy $10,625, value of the products of the orchnrd ^4,455, value of home made or family goods $15,304. Retail and dry goods and other stores 51, with a capital of ^232,200; two lumber yards, capital ^2,400. Value of machinery manufactured §8,800, 7 men employed. Bricks and lime manufactured valued at §8,300, employed 96 hands. Fulling mills 13, one woollen factory, value of manufactured goods §7,500, 18 hands employed, capital invested $4,000. Value of hats and caps manufactured $7,950, employed 16 hands, capital invested $3,500. 24 tanneries tamied 3,920 sides of sole leather and 6,325 of upper, employed 52 hands, capital $38,400 ; all other ma- nufactories ot leather, saddleries, &c. 38, value of manu- factured articles $27,750, capital invested $16,710. Eigh- teen distilleries produced 140,63 gallons; two breweries produced 6,000 gallons of beer, 32 hands were employed in the manufacture of distilled and fermetrted liquors, cap- ital invested $15,500. Eight })otteries n)anufactured to the value of five thousand one bimdred and ninety dollars, employed 14 hands, capital nine hundred dollars. Six printing offices and one bindery, employed 24 hands, cap- UNION COUNTY. 271 ital nine thousand five hundred dollars. Value of wagons and carriages manufactured eighteen thousand eight hun- dred and sixty dollars, employed 58 hands, capital invest- ed seven thousand two hundred and fifty dollars. Thirteen fiouring mills manufactured 8,526 barrels; 32 grist mills, 75 saw mills, 6 oil mills, value of the manufacture of mills 23,258 dollars, employed 130 hands, and a capital of 119,- 050 dollars. Value of furniture manufactured 3,500 dol- lars, employed 16 hands, capital 2,350 dollars. Total cap- ital invested in all manufactures 224,940 dollars. Total aggregate of property taxable in 1844, $4,235,053 00. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. The Susquehanna Division of the Pennsylvania canal extends along the eastern side of the county to Northum- berland, where the tow-path crosses the West Branch, bv a substantial bridge. The West Branch canal being on the east side of the river, Cross-cut or Side-cut extends from Lewislurg to the pool formed by a dam in the river, and thus communicates with the State canal. This cut is about three-fourths a mile long, and has contributed much towards the briskness of business in Lewisburg. Much of tiie produce of this fertile region is shipped here. On its completion, the citizens of Lewisburg and vicini- ty, had a Canal celebration. The following is taken from the Lewisburg Journal. Canal Celebration. — The Lewisburg 6ross-Cut, consist- ing ol a dam, and about three-fourths of a mile of canal, making a complete communication between Lewisburg and the West Branch Canal, being this day (October 2b, 1833) finished ; and upon letting the water pass from tlie canal into the river, a large number of persons collected to witness the operation of an improvement in which all ap- peared to feel a common interest. It was proposed that a meeting be organized at the house of Col. Christian Shro- ycr, for the purpose of making a public expression of sen- timent relative to those concerned in procuring for us this improvement. O70 UKION COUNTY. Cluistian Shroycr was called to the chair, P. Geddes & W. Cameron, acted as Secretaries. Among others, the fol- lowing sentiments were given : — Samuel J. Packer, Esq. — The able, intelligent, and raithlul representative of" his senatorial district. His zeal and mitiriiig exertion in favor of the law authorizing the improvement thai has just been finished, is still fresh in oui memories, and should an opportunity offer, the borougli of Lewishurg will prove that her citizens are not ungrate- ful. The Lewishurg Cross-Cut — The Liberality that author- ized the gcmus that designed, and the skill, perseverance and industry that constructed, all deserve the admiration and esteem of every one who looks forward to the rise xnd prosperity of our already flourishing and growing vil- lage and its surrounding neighborhood. A turnpike road extends from Lewishurg by Mitllins- burg, and Hartleytown to Aaronsburg and lieilefonte. There are three bridges across the West Branch of l\\e Susquehanna within the bounds of (his county; the State bridge at Nortluunbcrland, and two company bridges in which the State holds stock, one at Milton and the other at liCwisburg. Besides these, there are bridges over all the principal streams, when crossed by the main roads. The coimiion public roads are generally kept in good rej-)air in this county. NEW BERLIN, Is the seat of justice, situated on the left bank of Penn's creek, rather in the eastern i)artof the county, in the midst «f a fertile limestone valley. It was laid out by a Mr Long, about forty-five years ago, Avho afterwards sold .)Ut and moved away, about thirty years ago. When fust laid out it was called l^ongstown, hut on the erec- tion of the county in 1812, the name was changed to New Berlin. The town was then built exclusively upon the southernmost of the two principal streets, of whicl; it now consists. In 1813 it contained only five or six Ct'diuc houses, but on the establishment of the ccunty, the UNION COUNTY. 273 I'olders of outlots north of the town and under Montour's ridge, threw them into a common stock, made a lottery of them, at twenty-five dollars per share of one lot. The town contains nearly one lunidred dwelliiigs,a fine court house and county odices, of brick, and a stone jail, three churches, Lutheran, JNIethodist, and Evangelical Association. There are also several stores and taverns. Four papers are published here, two English and two Ger- man. Population in 1840, 679, of these there were — White Males under 5, 72 ; 5 and under 10,51; 10 and under 15, 28; 15 and under 20,45; 20 and under 30, 61; 30 and under 40, 38; 40 and under 50, 24: 50 and under 60, 17; 60 and under 70, 6; 70 and un- (ier 80, 2; 80 and under 90, 1. White Females under 5, 49 ; 5 and under 10, 45; 10 and under 15, 40; 15 and under 20, 45; 20 and under 30, 66 ; 30 and under 40, 33 ; 40 and under 50, 27; 50 and under 60, 11; 60 and under 70, 12; 70 and under 80, 4; 80 and under 90, 1. Of these 5 were engaged in agriculture; 87 in man- ufactures and trade, 1 in navigation, and 18 in the learn- ed professions. Tiie Penn's creek is navigable for rafts and arks above 50 miles, and affords great facilities for transporting the surplus produce of this county, and ere long this natu- ral depot of the trade of this fertile valley will command a large share of trade. Not far fram this town, Frederick Stump, the Indian- killer, slew some Indians at their own cabins. Below is given an account of this horrid murder, Stump's apprehension, and proceedings of govenmient relative thereto. Two or three families of Indians, one called the White Mingo, another Cornelius, one Jonas, and one Cammell, three Indian women, two girls and a child, had removed from the Big Island, on the West Branch of Susquehanna, in the spring of 1767, came and built themselves cabins on Al'ddle creek, about 15 miles above the mouth of said 274 UNION COUNTY. creek ; where they lived and hunted, and were on friendly terms with their white neighbors — were always well received and kindly treated. In the month of January, 1768, they came to the house of William BIyth, who lived at the mouth of Middle creek. He treated them kindly. From his house they went to Frederick Stump's, who lived near Hlyth's, where it is supposed some diflerences happened. Here four of the Indians were murdered ; their bodies cast into Middle creek, through a hole in the ice. Stump, with his servant, Ironcutter, (Eisenhauer,) then proceeded to a cabin about four miles fi om his house, where he found two Indian girls and one child, whom he also murdered, and setting fire to the cabin, endeavored to consume the remains. The body of one of those thrown into Middle creek, was afterwards found, " lying dead within the water-mark of the river Susquehannah," some distance below the Harrisburg bridge, and interred in Allen township, as will appear from the following letter, dated East Pennsborough, Cumberland co., Feb. 29, 1798. John Penn, Esq., Hon. Sir : We take this opportunity to inform you, that on the 27th inst., at Allen township, in the county of Cumberland, one James Thompson found an Indian man lying dead with- in the water-mark of the river Susquehannah, who, without doubt, is one of the Indians Stump killed, and was brought down there by the water. As soon as we heard thereof, hearing at the same time that the Coroner was sick, we went down and held an inquest on the dead body. He was struck, as appeared to us, on his forehead, which broke his scull. There was also a large scalp taken off his head, which took both of his ears. We held the inquest on the 28th inst., and interred him decently — cut small poles and made a pen about his grave. We have nothing material more to inform you of at present, but beg leave to subscribe ourselves, Your obedient and humble servants, James Galbreath, Jonathan Hoge. The murder of these Indians produced a prodigious ex- citement, at the time, as will appear from all the facts and UNION COUNTY. 275 proceedings arising from, and connected with it. As sooh as this atrocity was made known to the governor of the pro- vince, and to Sir WilHara Johnson, Penn issued his procla- mation, offering a reward for the apprehension of Stump and Ironcutter, promising to punish them with death ; and this declaration, with two strings of wampum, he sent to be made known to the Indians living on the Susquehanna, requesting them not to break the peace in consequence of the murder. A message was also sent to the same effect, says Hecke wel- der, by the governor to the Christian Indians, with the re- quest that they should make it known in public assembly; and soon after, a special message was sent to the Christian Indians (at Friedenshueten) from Sir William Johnson, de- siring if they knew of the relations of those persons murdered at Middle creek, to send them to him, that he might wipe the tears from their eyes, comfort their afflicted hearts, and satisfy them on account of their grievances. Sir William Johnson also invited the chief of the Six Nations, and other tribes of Indians living on Susquehanna, and on the Ohio to an amicable convention. A convention was held, peace and friendship again re-established. — [For particulars see Heck- ewelder's Narrative. All the circumstances connected with the murder were communicated to the governor and council. Mr. Blyth re- aired to Philadelphia, and made information upon oath. — See extracts of Records below. Mr. William Blyth, of Penn's township, in Cumberland co'mty, just arrived in town, in order to give information to his Honor the Governor, of the murder of ten Indians, late- ly com nitted by Frederick Stump, at Middle creek, in that county, appeared at the Board, and being examined on oath, related what is contained in the fallowing deposition, taken in council before the Chief Justice, who was expressly de- sired to attend for that purpose, viz : The deposition of William Blyth of Penn's township, in the county of Curabarland, Farmer, being sworn on the Ho- ly Evangelists of Almighty God, saith : That hearing of the murder of some Indians by one Fred- erick Stump, a Germm, he went to the house of George Ga- briel, where he unierstoou Stump was, to enquire into the mitter ; that he there ra;it with Stump and several others, 276 UNION COUNTY. on the 12th of the present month, January; and was there informed by the said Stump himself, that on Sunday even- ing before, being the lOlh of the month, six Indians, to wit, the White Mingo, an Indian man named Cornelius, one other man named John Campbell, one other man named Jones, and two women came to his (Slump's) house, and be- ing in drink, and disorderly, he endeavored to persuade them to leave his house, which they were not inclined to do, and being apprehensive that they intended to do him some mis- chief, killed them all, and afterwards, in order to conceal them, dragged them down to a creek near his house, made a hole in the ice and threw them in — and that the said Fred- erick Stump further informed this deponent, that fearing news ot his killing the Indians might be carried to the oth- er Indians, he went the next day to two cabbins about four- teen miles from thence up Middle creek, where he found one woman, two girls and one child, which he killed in or- der to prevent their carrying intelligence of the death of the other Indians, killed as aforesaid, and afterwards put them into the cabbins and burnt them; that this deponent after- wards sent four men up the creek, to where the cabbins were, to know the truth of the matter, who upon their re-* turn, informed him that they had found the cabbins l)urnt, and discovered some remains of the limbs of some Indians who had been burnt in them — And further saith not. William Blvth. Sworn at Philadelphia the 19th day of January, 176^, before me, William Allen. As soon as Capt. William Patterson, (formerly of Lancas- ter cQjiinty, then residing on the Juniata) heard of this atro- cious act," went, without waiting orders from the governor, wilh a party of nineteen men, and arrested Stump and Iron- cutter, and delivered them to John Holmes, sheriff, at Car- lisle jail. Aware that the relatives of the murdered Indians ■would be, on the receipt of this news, exasperated, he sent one Gersham Hicks, with a message to the Indians at Big Island, on the w«st branch of the Susquehanna. ! Carlisle, January 23, 1768. The 21st instant, I marched a party of nineteen inen to George Gabriel's house at Penn's creek mouth, and mad-e UNION COUNTY. 277 prisoners of Frederick Stump and John Ironcutter, who were suspected to have murdered ten of our friend-Indians, near fort Augusta ; and I have this day dehvered them to Mr. Holmes at Carlisle jail. Yesterday I sent a person to the Great Island, that un- derstood the Indian language, with a talk ; a copy of which is enclosed . Myself and party, were exposed to great danger, by thi desperate resistance made by Stump and his friends, who sided with him. The steps I have taken, I flatter myself, will not be disapproved of by the gentlemen of the govern- ment ; ray sole view being directed to the service of the frontiers, before I heard his Honor the Governor's orders. — The miS'ja^e I hive sent to the Inlians, I hope will not be deemi I assuming an authority of my own, as you are very sensible I am no stranger to the Indians and their customs. I am, with jespect, Your most obedient humble servant, W. Patterson. Juniata, January 22, 1768. " Brothers of the Six Nations, Delawares, and other in- habitants of the West Branch of Susquehanna, hear what J have to say to you. With a heart swelled with grief^- I have to inform you, that Frederick Stump and John Iron- cutter, hath, unadvisedly, murdered ten of our Iriend-Indians near Fort Augusta — The inhabitants of the Province of Pennsylvania do disapprove of the said Stump and Ironcut- ter 's conduct ; and as a proof thereof, I have taken them prisoners, and will deliver them into the custody of officers, that will keep them ironed in prison for trial ; and I make no doubt, as many of them as are guilty, will be condemned, and die for the offence. "Brothers, I being truly sensible of the injury done you, I only add these few words, with my heart's wish, that you may not rashly let go the last hold of our chain of friendship, for the ill coniiuct of one of our bad men. Believe me. Bro- thers, we Englishmeii continue the same love for you that hath usually subsisted between our grand-fathers, and I de- sire you to call at Fort Augusta, to trade with our people, for the necessaries you stand in need of. I pledge you my 24 278 UNION COUNTY. ■•jvord, that no white man there shall molest any of you, while you behave as friends. I shall not rest night nor day, until I receive your answer. Your friend and brother, W. Patterson. * The following is an answer to Captain Patterson's mes- sage, of January 22, 1768. " February 11th, 1768. " Loving Brother : I received your speech by Gertham Hicks, and have sent one of my relatives with a string of wampum, and the fol- lowing answ^er : Loving Brother : I am glad to hear from you — I understand that you are very much grieved, and that the tears run from your eyes — With both my hands I now wipe away those tears : an(i as I don't doubt but your heart is disturbed, I remove all the sorrows from it, and make^it easy as it was before. I will now sit down and smoke my pipe. I have taken fast hold of the chain of friendship ; and when I give it a pull, if I find my brothers, the English, have let go, then it will be time for me to let go too, and take care of my family- There are four of my relatives murdered by Stump; anxl all I desire is, that he may suffer for his wicked action ; I shall then think that people have the same goodness in their hearts as formerly, and intend to keep it there. As it was the i.'vil spirit who caused Stump to commit this bad action, I blame none of my brothers, the English, but him. I desire that the people of Juniata may sit still on their })laces, and not put themselves to any hardships, by leaving their habitations ; whatever danger is coming, they shall know it before it comes on them. I am. Your loving Brother. Shawana Ben. To Capt. William Patterson. The Council, after examining Mr. Blyth, immediately took this most important matter into consideration, and were of opinion that w^arrants should forthwith be issued by the UNION COUNTY. 279 chiet justice, directed to the sheriffs, under sheriffs, and oth- er ofhcers of the Province, alid particularly to those of the counties of Cumberland, Lancaster and Berks, for the appre- hending of the above mentioned Frederick Stump, and bringing him before one of his Majesty's Justices of Oyer and Terminer, to be dealt with according to law. The Board also advised the Governor to issue a proclamation offering a reward of €200 for apprehending said offender, and bringing him to justice; but to delay the publication of the same for a short time, till other more secret means should be used for taking hira, lest news of such a proclamation should reach his ear, and he might be thereby so alarmed, as to abscond, or mak*; his csca{)e before any sheriff could arrive at Penn's creek, where it is believed he continues to remain with his family. They therefore advised the governor to write immediately to the magistrates of Cumberland county, strictly requiring them to exert themselves on this occasion, by giving their best as- sistance to the sheriff and other officers, and taking all other measures in their power for apprehending and securing the said Frederick Stump, and also to despatch letters of the same kind to the magistrates of Lancaster and Berks coun- ties, instructing them to send their sheriffs with sufficient aid to the utmost limits of those counties on the Susquehanna, so as to be nearly opposite to Middle crrek, that they may be in readiness to apprehend the said Stump, in case he should cross the river to retire to either of those counties. The Hoard further advised the governor to write lo Gene- ral Gage and Sir William .fohnson, acquainting them with this unhappy accident, and the steps he is taking on this oc- casion, and to request Sir William will be pleased to commu- nicate the same as soon as possible to the Six Nations, in the best and most favorable manner in his power, so as to prevent their taking immediate resentment for this unavoidable injury, committed on their people, and to assure them of the firm and sincere purposes of this government to give them full satisfac- tion at all times for all wrongs done to the Indians, and to pre- serve the friendship subsisting between us and them inviolable. Accordingly, the chief justices warrants and several letters to the magistrates of Cumberland, Lancaster and Berks coun- ties, were prepared without delay and despatched by ex- press. But before those letters, and the proclamation of chief justice Allen reached the magistrates and sheriffs, Stump 230 UNION COUNTY. and Ironcutter, as above stated, had been lodged in jail ; but before they were brought to trial, were rescued from prison by their friends and neighbors, whose fears were excited that Stump and Ironcutter were to be taken to Philadelphia, there to be tried, they "not properly distinguishing between exam- ination and trial," rescued them from prison, on the 29th of January, and cariied them ofT. Governor Penn sent a message express to the chiefs on Great Island, on which he deplores the death of the Indi- dians. A Message from the Governor of Pennsylvania to Ne-wo- Jee-ka, the Chief of the Delawares, and to other Indians at the Great Island. Brother Ne-wo-lee-ka : The Indian man, Billy Champion, who is the bearer of this letter, has informed me there were some white people in your })arts, surveying and marking out lands, under a pretence of hunting; and you sent him to desire to know, if this was done by my order or knowledge. I assure you it was not. It is a wicked thing, contrary to my treaties with you, and contrary to our laws and my proclamations. I will make it ray business to find them out ; and, if you know who they are, I desire you will inform me, that they may be taken and brought to justice. The string herewith sent confirms my words. A String. Brother — I am glad this Indian man, Bill, came down at this time, for it gives me an opportunity of informing you of a melan- choly affair which I have only heard of within these few days, and which fills the hearts of all your Brethren with the deepest sorrow and grief. It is this: two or three fami- lies of Indians, namely the White Mingo, Jonas and John Cammell, three women, two girls and a child, left the Big Island in the spring and came and built themselves cabins on Middle creek, about fifteen miles up the creek; there they lived and hunted, and were often with our people, and were always well received and kindly treated by them. About ten days ago they were at Mr- Wm. Blythe's, who lives at the mouth of Middle creek, who treated them kindly; and from his house they went to one Frederick Stump's, a Dutch- UNION COUNTY. 281 man, who lives in that neighborhood. There it is supposed some difference happened, but what it was we have not heard, hut they were all found murdered ; six of them in Stump's own house, and four at a certain cabin at some distance from it. I am further informed, Stump says he killed them all with his own hands, and that there was no other person con- cerned with him in the act. On ray receiving this melancholy account, the sheriff was immediately sent with his officers to take up this Stump as the murderer ; and for their encouragement, I offered them a reward of two hundred pounds ; and I am in hopes he is by this time taken ; and no time shall be lost to bring him to his trial, that he may suffer death in the same manner as he would have done, had he killed some white men. Brother — I consider this matter in no other light, than as the act of a wicked, rash man, and I hope you will also consider it in the same way, and not imagine that since it was done by one man, in the manner I have related it to you, that any other persons have been concerned in it, or that it has been in any way encouraged by any of my people. I assure you it has not. Brother — There are among you and us some wild, rash, mad- headed people, who commit actions of this sort. Whenever it so happens, all that can be done, is immediately to acquaint each other of them, and to bring the offenders to justice, that it may make no breach between us, but be considered as a rash, sudden act, that could not be prevented : and, we now inform you further, that we are going to send off a messen- ger immediately, to the relations of the deceased people, who,, we hear, live near Chenasse, (Genesee) to inform them, and the Seneca Nation, to whom they belong, of this murder: and to bury their bodies and wipe their tears from their eyes, that it may not break the friendship subsisting between us and the Indians; but that we may live together and love one another, as we did before this melancholy accident happened. This belt confirms ray words. A Belt of Wampum. Brother — I desire this belt of wampum may be sent to any of o\k brethren, near you., that they may not be frightened, or think C\ A Ik 24 2S2 UNION COUNTY. the English are not their friends. Assure them to the con- trary,; and that we will keep the chain of friendship entire and bright, notwithstanding this accident. To confirm this, my request, I give you this string. A String. Given under my hand and the Lesser Seal of \ Locus I the Province of Pennsylvania, at Philadelphia, the ( sigili. j 2od of January, 1768. John Penn. By his Honor's command : Joseph Shippen, Jr., Secretary. Immediately on the rescue of the prisoners, Mr. Armstrong sent a letter express, by Mr. Cunningham, to governor Penn. informing him of what had happened. Mr. Cunningham's deposition was taken, by Chief Justice Allen, befoie the council and Assembly, whereupon the governor issued a proc- lamation for the apprehension of the prisoners. Carlisle, January 29lh, 1768. John Penn, Esq., Hon. Sir : In this perturbation of mind, I cannot write; but in real distress, only inform your Honor, that we are deceived and disgraced at once; for about ten o'clock this morning, to the number of 70 or 80 men, under arms, surrounded our jail, when a number of them, unknown to the magistrates, I must say, appear to have had too ready entrance into the dungeon, and in less than ten minutes time, carried off Stump and his servant, in open triumph and violatiou of the law. The few magistrates that were present, Messrs. Miller and Lyon and myself, have, I hope, obviously enough done our duty; but. while we were engaged at the prison door, exerting ourselves both by force and argument, a party, utterly without our knowledge, was in the dungeon, of which we were not ac- quainted either by the jailer or any other person, who, be- fore we were aware of it, had the prisoners in the opeii street, when we were unable to make further opposition,. and they were gone in less than a second. The jailer says that a pistol was held at his breast, and this is all we can at present say of that circumstance. These rioters give as reasons for their conduct, that the prisoners were to be carried to Philadelphia for trial — that a number of white men have been killed by the Indians since the peace. UNION COUNTY. 283 nnd the Indians have not been brought to justice, &c. At present we know not what step to take for the best, and beg leave to be favored with your Honor's further instruc- tions. I have written in the presence of the two raagistrateb mentioned above, and am Your Honor's Most obedient servant; John Armstrong. P. S. The bearer, Mr. Cunningham, is a prudent young man — knows the state of these things, and may be depended on in any questions your Honor, or the chief justice ma\ think proper to ask. James CunningJiam appeared before the Board, Thursday Feb. 4, 1798 — his deposition taken in the presence of Johri Penn, Esq., James Hamilton, Wm. Logan, Benj. Chew, Ricli- ard Penn and James Tilghman was examined, and his depo- sition taken. James Cunningham, of Lancaster county, farmer, being sworn on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God, deposeth and saith, that on Friday, the 29th day of January last, about nine or ten o'clock in the forenoon, as he was sitting at break- fast with John Armstrong, Esq., in the town of Carlisle, in the county of Cumberland, he was surprised to see a numbe: of armed men surrounding, on a sudden, the public jail in th«* said town, that he and the said John Armstrong, apprehend- ing that the said company met with an intention to rescue from the said jail a certain Frederick Stump and John Iron- cutter, who were confined there lor the murder of a number of Indians, they both instantly ran to the said jail in order to prevent, if possible, the execution of so wicked and illegal ii design. That when they got up to the said jail, the saiii John Armstrong made his way through a number of armeti m.en, who stood before the door of the said jail, which wa> open, and guarded by four men, who stood within the dooi with arms in their hands; that the said John Armstrong and John Holmes, high sheriff of the said coynty^bolh attempted to go into the door of the jail, but were several times pushed back and prevented : that as the said John Armstrong stooo on the steps, under the door, he addressed himself frequentlj- to the armed company who were about him, and used many "284 UNION COUNTY. Arguments to persuade them to desist from their lawless un- dertaking, and told thera, among other things, that they were about to do an act which would subject themselves and their country to misery. That while the said Armstrong was speaking, this deponent saw one man take hold of him, and draw him down the said steps, upon which the said Armstrong by violence pushed back the person who had hold of him, and regained his stand on the said steps, saying at the same time, that they should take his lite before they should rescue the prisoners. This deponent further saith, that while the said John Armstrong and Robert Miller, and Wm. Lyon, Esq., and the Rev. J. Steel, who had joined the said Armstrong, were endeovoring to disperse the said company, several other armed men appeared within side the said jail, to the very great surprise of every one, with the two prisoners " above mentioned in their possession, whom they brought forward, and after pushing the said Armstrong, Miller, Lyon, Steel, Holmes, and this deponent, by violence and crowding from befoie the said jail door, carried them off with shouts ami rejoicing, and immediately left the town. This deponent further saith that he cannot with certainty declare what num- bers were in the company which made the said rescue, but that from the best judgment he could form, there were 70 or SO, all armed with guns, and some tomahawks. This depo- nent further saith, on his solemn oath, that he does not know, 2ior has any personal knowledge of any one of the persons he saw in the said company, concerned in the said rescue, am! that after the said company had left the town, the Rev. Steel came to the said Armstrong and Mr. Lyons anil Holmes, and mlormed thera that the said rescuers desired they would come to, and confer with them at the plantation of John Davis, to come to some terms with them. That the saiil three last mentioned persons immediately mounted their horses and went towards the said Davis's, but informed this deponent that on their return, that the said company had altered their resolu- tion, and had gone on without waiting for them; and furthe;- rsaith not. James Cunningham. Taken and sworn before the Gov- } ernor and council, Feb. 4, 1798. \ Deposition of James Cunningham, of the county of Lancas- UNION COUNTY. 2&.' ter, being sworn according to law, taken an oath, adminis- tered bv the Chief Justice, before the House, February 4. 1768. That about ten o'clock last Friday morning, as he sat at breakfast, with Col. John Armstrong, in the lown of Carlisle, looking through a window opposite to the prison, he saw a number of armed men running towards the back of the jail, of which, acquainting the colonel, they both arose from the ta- ble, run into the street, and made their way through the arm- ed men to the jail door, the colonel calling out to the people that they were acting a bad {)art, or words to that effect, and desiring them, as they could not be all reasoned with, to choose out three or four, or half a dozen of their leaders, and he would convince ihem that they were acting a part that must subject them and their country to misery; that the Rev. Mr. Steei came out and spoke to the people to the same ef- fect ; that the Colonel, Mr. Miller, Mr. Lyon, the Sheriif, the deponent and others, having got to the jail door, forced all the people from it, except four armed men, who stood within the door with their muskets across it ; that some of the armed men within pushed the Colonel down the steps, who, liaving recovered himself, said to them ; Gentlemen, I am un- armed, and it is in your power to kill me, but I will die on the spot before you shall rescue the prisoners. Mr. Miller spoke in like manner ; that while the magistrates and sheritl were thus attempting in vain to get at the door, to the sur- prise of every one but the mob, the prisoners were brought out, (Stump handcuffed, the servant not) when the people accompanying them, called out to the mob, "make way, here are the prisoners;" many shouting out, "we have them," and immediately run off with them — that the deponent had no personal knowledge of any of the rescuers, but, to the best of his memory, was informed by the jailer, that one of the jiersons who had hold of him in the jail, was named James Morrow; that he also heard, but knows not from whom, that there was one among them by the name of Beard ; likewise Adams, Parker, Williams or Williamson, and one John Mor- row, who was on the outside of the jail armed : that after the mob and prisoners were gone olf, Mr. Steel came down to Col. Armstrong's, and informed him he had seen two that he sus- pected were of the party, who told him they wanted the Co- lonel, Mr. Lyon, and the .Sheriff to go to John Davis's place 286 UNION COUNTY. at the creek, about two miles off, to converse with them, hoping they might come to terms; that upon this notice, the CoJonel, Mr. Lyon and the Sheriff, immediately took their horses and went off: that a little before sunset they returned, when Colonei Armstrong told this deponent they had gone to Davis's, and to some other house farther off, (he does not remember the name) and were there acquainted that the mob being apprehensive a party might pursue them and retake the prisoners, had moved off with them from that place, thinking it was unsafe to stay longer; that Justice Byers having heard of the matter, met thera here, and Colonel Armstrong sent a messenger, with a few lines, after the mob, setting forth to them the danger they were in, and the mischievous conse- quences of such conduct, and advising them to return and sur- render the prisoners to justice ; that the deponent was told the names of the rioters above mentioned by Colonel Arm- strong, Mr. Miller, Mr. Lyon, or the Sheriff, but he is not certain which of them; and that after the rescue, he heard a company oi lads say they saw the mob going along with the prisoners, and carrying a Smith with them, (named McGone- gai) with a pistol held to his breast; that three men from Carlisle, to wit, Ephraim Blain, Ralph Nailor and Joseph Hunter, told the deponent he had followed the mob to one Ferguson's, near the foot of the North mountain, six or seven miles from Cailisle, and coming up with them, endeavored to convince them they had done wrong, and ought to give up the prisoners to government; that some appeared concerned, as it convicted of misconduct, and thereu}ion told these men, that if they could have security that the prisoners should not he carried to Philadelphia for trial, they would take care of them, and engage they should be delivered up to justice ; — that the said Blain, Kailor and Hunter, however, gave them no encouragement to expect the security they wanted, but acquainted them they would mention it to the magistrates and Sheriff: that after this, deponent heard some talk of the magistrates and sheriff intending to go out to the mob, but they were gone up when he left Carlisle ; that the deponent heard on the Wednesday before the rescue, the magistrates met to consult on some matter, he supposes it might be about sending the })risoncrs to Philadelphia, when a party of arpied men appeared in sight of Carlisle, from whom two persons, John Davis and John McClure, came to town, and he was UNION COUNTY. 287 told, informed the magistrates that this party were coming to rescue the prisoners from jail, understanding the sheriff was to take them to Philadelphia that day : that two young men came also from the said party to town, to speak to the sher- iff, having heard the prisoners were cruelly treated, and were to be sent to Philadelphia for trial ; that upon talking with the sheriff, and being convinced that the prisoners were not ill used, nor to be carried to Philadelphia to be tried, but only for examination, they seemed satisfied and returned to their party, who fired their muskets and moved off; that the sher- iff told this to the magistrates, and the deponents heard they advised the sheriff to be careful of the jail doors, but he does not know that the magistrates placed a guard or took any- other method for strengthening and securing the prison ; that on the morning of the rescue, before the mob appeared, two men, as the deponent was informed, went into the jail, the door being open, called for some liquor, and were talking with the jailer, when a party of armed men rushing in, the two that first entered seized the jailer and hurried him to a back apartment, where the debtors are kept, one drew a pistol and put it to his breast, the other a cutlass or hanger, and swore ihat he was a dead man if he made any noise or resistance ; that a part of the mob, in the meantime, got into the dungeon, a girl hired by the jailer having, the deponent knows not whether by threats or persuasion, furnished them with the keys and a candle, or (as he once heard) the door being bro- ken by force ; that the deponent was in the dungeon when the prisoners were committed, at which time their legs, he thinks, were ironed and chained to the floor ; that before the day of rescue he went down again with parson Bogart, (Bu- cher) and then the servant lad being sick and his hands much swelled with the tying ; when brought to Carlisle, he found all the irons had been taken off the lad, and those also upon the legs of Stump, but that Slump yet continued handcuffed; that the deponent being about going to Lancaster county, where he lived, was desned by the jailer, who had heard that Stump's friends in that county would oppose his going to Phi- ladelphia, to use his influence with them to quiet their minds and discourage them from so rash an attempt; but that he was informed, and believes the principal part of the rescuers were inhabitants of Schearman's valley, about twelve miles from Carlisle. 388 UNION COUNTY. Here deponent was asked, if he knew the reason why the sheritf did not, agreeable to ihe Cliief Justices wrft, imraedi- citely bring the prisoners to Phihulelphia ? Answer. — That Stump and his servant were brought into CarHsIe late on Saturday night, when they were put into jail, and the next day the sheriff endeavored to procure a guard to set out with them on Monday morning for Philadelphia — that the guard were accordingly ready on Monday morning, and the deponent intended at that time to go homewards, was desired by the sheriff to make one of the party, and provided himself with arms for that purpose ; that the sheriff being thus prepared, determined to set off, and had the irons taken I'rora the prisoners, and their arms bound ; that just at this juncture Mr. Miller and M. Pollock, going to Colonel Arm- strong's, mentioned some uneasiness the people were under, on account of Stump's removal to Philadelphia, alleging that it would not be proper to set off with the prisoners that day, the weather being bad, and the Susquehanna supposed to be f^ OD O ►f^ O O' K/ O^ -J _ ^ _ H- to ►— OiOCCt0 050CQC c» ^^ --5 ;^ Qi ^ oa c to >t^ 00 3 1 - o -^ ^ o o 00 ::: 00 to to Oi o to to Ol to to C3 to CO M to to 1 »0 C5 ^_^ to - to C5 »(^ ^ C' to *> ^ CO to -3 to CO - o >c^ s ,- Or - Oi - to CO 05^ CO _-! _^ ►;^ j;n Oi .- ST to ^^ to to o o o to CD 10 C; CO 05 en C3 05 00 o 00 tn 35 o 05 to o tn 00 Ol -J JO 4J1 CO 00 10 tn o *» to o tn o en CO 00 CO CO CD o to to Oi ^ 00 00 o to tn o 00 - 00 CO CD o to to 00 00 CO oo to to 00 o to CO 1— to ^ 00 C5 <1 00 o >(^ o 00 10 to 00 CO o to C5 CO 00 Vi o CD CO to to 00 I to I under 5 years old. 5 and under 10 years old. 10 and under 15 years. 15 and under 20 years. !Oand under 30 years. 30 and under 40 40 and under 50 50 and under 60 60 and under 70 70 and under 80 80 and under 90 under 5 years old. 5 and under 10| years old. 10 and under 15 years old. 15 and under 20 20 and under 30 years old. 30 and under 40 years old. 40 and under 50 50 and under 60 CO to ^ ^ — to to to — ^OOCO — OCOC5tOtn — coto H- to to to 10 CO CD 00 ►- *« — CO ^ tocnif^>— 005>— C5^ ^ :^ 1 C0Crf».>-'O"^t0tntnt0t0-' to to to to .-^ to o C I OS-JOOOtSOOt,iC5~3CnC>CJOOtSOO CO and under 70 70 and under 80 80 and under 90 Colored pop'n. COLUMBIA COUNTY. 313 This county is spread over the Apalachian range or sys- tem ; the surface is uneven, being diversified by mountains, hills and valleys. Though the mountain ranges of this coun- ty are not very high, yet they are very much broken. Be- tvsreen these are some broad, fertile valleys,of different kinds of soil. Along the Susquehanna are some level tracts, and a very rich soil, and in the western parts of the county, the limestone, when well cultivated, is very productive. The hilly and broken portions are found in the southern part of the county. The soil here is not so productive as in the western parts of the county. The principal mountains are Little, Nescopeck or Cata- wissa, in the southeast part of the county : in the northeast is Knob mountain, extended westward from Luzerne ; and on the north border is the high range prolonged eastward from the Allegheny, which is here called the North moun- tain. The principal streams in the county are the North Branch of Susquehanna river, Catawissa, Roaring, Fishing, Chilis- quaque, Mahoning, and others, and some smaller tributaries. Little Fishing, Hemlock, Briar, Green, Huntingdon creeks, Limestone run, &c. The North Branch of the Susquehanna flows through the central part of this county, entering at Berwick and leav- ins: at Danville. Fishino^ creek rises by numerous branches along the side of the North mountain, and has a nearly south course to the river, near liloomsburg. Catawissa rises in Schuylkill county, flows northwestward, and empties at Cat- awissa, into the North Branch of the Susquehanna. Roaring creek rises near the southern extremity of this county, and forms part of the southwestern boundary. Fishing creek has its source in Lvcoming county, whence it receives many tri- butaries, and forcing its way through the Bald mountain into Sugarloaf township, it flows south into the Susquehanna riv- er, about three miles above Catawissa, its volume having been much increased by the waters of Huntingdon creek, from Luzerne county and by Little Fishing creek, and seve- ral other smaller streams. The geology of this county is interesting, but somewhat complex, for, says Trego, " so many rock formations are brought to the surface in this county, by numerous anticli- nal and synclinal axes or lines of elevation and depression, 27 314 COLUMBIA COUNTY. and so often arc some of these formations repeated by the consequent chancres of dip, that a minute description of their various ranges, foldings and doublings, would occupy several pages. A more gcneial notice of some of the more prominent features in the geology of the county is all that our limits will permit. In the elevated range, called Montour's ridge, which ex- tends from the West J^ranch above Northumberland, east- ward by Danville, to a jioint northeast of Bloomsburg, an axis of elevation passes nearly along the middle of the ridge, is composed of hard gray and reddish sandstones, which are covered along both sides, and sometimes nearly or quite to the top of the ridge, by the slates and shales of overlying series, the lower part of which consists of yellowish or green- ish slates, containing thin strata of limestone, in which are impressions of shells and other fossil, and near these a very valuable layer of brownish red iron ore, from six inches to two feet in thickness, also contaiiiing fossil impressions. This ore is found on both sides of the ridge, as far east as the neighborhood of Bloomsburg, where the strata converge and unite over its top as it sinks away on the east, and finally disappears under the overlying red shale in the vicinity of Espytown. In the slates above the iron ore are some thin layers of dark colored limestone, succeeded by a thick bed of red shale, which forms the upper portion of the series. Overlying this red shale is a limestone formation, which en- circles the ridge on the outside of the red shale, and which may be seen not far from the river above Northumberland, and along the railroad from Danville to Bloomsburg, extend- ing also from this to within two or three miles of Berwick, where it sinks away beneath the overlying slate. Fiora this point the northern division of the limestone extends along the outer border of the red shale riorth of the ridge, ])assing a little south of Moorsburg, to the \^ est Branch, near the mouth of Chilisquaque creek. The next fbrmalion in order, the fossiliferous sandstone, appears to be wanting in this part of the State; for immediately next to the limestone last men- tioned we find the olive slate, which, with red shales and sandstones next above spread over a wide region south of Montour's ridge, in the valleys of Shamokin and Roaring creeks, as far as the Little mountain. 'I'he same formations also occupy most of the northern part of the county, extend- COLUMBIA COUNTY. 315 ing to the southern side of the North mountain. In the neighborhood of Washington, in the west of the county, the limestone appears, encirchng the red shale which extends eastward from the vicinity of Milton. The Knob mountain, which terminates at Fishing creek, near Orangeville, is formed by the union of two ridges which m Luzerne county pass on either side of the southwestern point of \^ yomingcoal basin, and extend into Columbia coun- ty, in a long narrow ridge, which is capped with a hard coarse sandstone. The same rock appears in Nescopeck oi Catawissa mountain, and in Little mountain. South of Cat- awissa mountain, the little valleys on Catawissa creek are of red shale, which underlies the conglomerate of McCau- ley's and Buck mountain, supporting the anthracite beds. Although much attention has latterly been paid to the manufacture of iron, agriculture forms the principal occupa- tion of the inhabitants, and they have annually a large amount of surplus protkictions, consisting of flour of differ- ent kinds, pork, &c., &c., to send to Philadelphia and Bal- timore. According to the census of 18 10, there were in this coun- ty, two furnaces (since increased by four or five) which pro- duced 1,300 tons of cast iron, consuming 2,000 tons of fuel, employing 80 hands, and a capital of ^80,000. Mules and horses 5,905, neat cattle 13,525, sheep 22,184, swine 19,- 174, poultry of all kinds estimated at $3,394, wheat 214,426 bushels, 223,373 of oats, rye 153,246, buckwheat 50,584, corn 208,400, pounds of wool 31,453, potatoes 163,480 bushels, 14,878 tons of hay, 8 tons of flax. Value of pro- ducts of the dairy f 25,70b ; of the orchard $6,800 ; 100 gallons of wine made ; value of home made or family goods $18,710 ; 55 retail dry goods stores, with a capital of $335,000. Value of machinery manufactured $57,895, em- ployed 71 hands. Value of bricks and lime manufactured $23,600, employed 30 hands, and a capital of $37,210. There were seven fulling mills in the county and three wool- len factories, manufactured goods to the value of $3,600, employed 32 persons ; capital $4,800. Value of hats and caps manufactured $13,500, employed 16 persons, capital invested $2,755. Twenty-three tanneries tanned 4,427 sides of sole leather, 5,299 of upper, employed 47 hands, capital invested $35,650. All other manufactories of leather, sad- 316 COLUMBIA COUNTY. dieries, &c. 63, value of manufactured articles $27,685, ca- pital invested $10,549. Twelve distilleries produced 121,- 000 gallons, one brewery produced 14,836 gallons, 25 hands employed in manufacturing distilled and fermented liquors, and employed a capital of $43,100. Two potteries manu- factured articles to the value of $1,900, employed 5 hands, capital $750. One paper manufactory made paper to the value of $4,000, employed 12 men, capital $6,000. Four printing offices employed 14 hands, capital $3,100. Car- riages and wagons manufactured $13,650, 50 men employ- ed, capital $8,425. Eight flouring mills manufactured 6,- 710 barrels, 40 grist mills, 74 saw mills. Total capital invested in manufactures $266,487. Aggregate amount of all kinds of property taxable in 1844, was $4,260,914 00. PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. The North Branch Division of the Pennsylvania Canal passes through this county, for the distance of about twen- ty-live miles, extending fiom below^ Danville to Eeiwick, vhere it passes into Luzerne coi.nty. There is also a turnpike road extending frc ro Danville to Pottsville. The unfinished (1844) Little Schuylkill and Catawissa railroad is paitly in this county, passing down Catawissa valley. There are five bridges across the river at Berwick, Catawissa and Danville. The common public roads are generally in a tolerable condition. DANVILLE, Situated on the North Branch of the Susquehanna river, is sixty-five miles from Harrisbuig, and 11 miles above the junction of the North and West Branch, thovgh of compar- atively recent origin, is destined befoitmany days fo become one of the most important and flourishirg inland towns in Pennsylvania. Upwards of two hundred dwelling houses were erected here during 1845, besides one furnace, one foundry, tw-o rolling mills ; one of the latter alone cost one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. In 1845, there were COLUMBIA COUNTY. 317 no less than twelve or thirteen establishments for the manu- facture of iron, in operation, within the limits of th^ town. The rolling mill, owned by the New York company, was built for the purpose of manufacturing railroad iron with anthracite coal. T railing of a superior quality are manu- factured here — upwards of eight hundred tons of which were manufactured in one month. The New Yoik company also own four furnaces besides the extensive rolling mill, and are superintended by Major Brevoort. The following, from the Sunbury American, describes the manner in which the T rail is made here : "In order to make the T rail, the iron is first rolled through one sett of rollers into heavy flat bars, about three, inches in width and three-fourths of an inch in thickness. These bars are then cut into pieces, something less than three feet in length. A number of the pieces, probably 15 or 30, are then placed together, making a square bundle or faggot, weighing nearly 400 pounds. This faggot is then placed into one of the furnaces and brought to a white heat, when it is drawn out on a small iron hand cart and conveyed to the rollers. — The great weight and intense heat of such a heavy mass, requires considerable skill as well as strength, in passing it through the rollers. The bar as it passes through is caught and supported by iroti levers, fastened to chains, that are suspended on pullies from above. The bar first through the square grooves of the rollers three or four times, before it is run through the different groves that gradually bring it to the form of the T rail, as seen upon our railroads. Through the last grooves it passes five or six times before it is completed. It is then'placed on a small railway car- riage, on a track 18 feet wide, and hauled up about 20 feet, when the rail comes in contact with two circular saws, one of which is placed on each side of the railway. These saws revolve wi^h great rapidity, and the moment the rail, still red hot, reaches them, the red, sparkling iron saw dust is scattered in every direction. The rails are then cut off square at each end, exactly 18 feet long, apparently as easi- ly as if they were made of tough hickory wood. The rail is then dragged to the pile and left to cool, perfectly finish- ed. The rails we saw made were intencfed for the Harris- burg and Lancaster road, and weighed fifty-one pounds to 27* 318 COLUMBIA COUNTY. the yard, or something more than three hundred pounds each. These are said to be the first rails erer made with anthracite iron, in this or any other country, and are, we believe, superior to any that have ever been imported." Ever since the canal has been completed this town has risen in impoitance. Many of the houses are neat and com- modious. The public buildings — court house, prison, and other county buildings ; an academy, incorporated March 23d, 1818, and several churches, viz : Presbyterian, Epis- copal, Methodist, Baptist, are all fine buildings. There is a very substantial bridge across the Susquehanna at this place. The population in 1840 was about 1000; at pres- ent it may exceed 1250. Its increase having been very ra- pid for the last three or fiaur years. The site of the place is commanding, being an elevated bank of the river ; imme- diately behind it is Montour ridge, abounding with iron ore; it is said to contain one of the most valuable mines in the State. The State Geologist, in speaking of the iron ore here, says, " The daily growing experience derived from the mining operations now (1838) on foot, will tend to mul- tiply the data for making a safe estimate of the exact ex- tent to which the buried treasures of Montour's ridge can be pursued. Enough is already known respecting the ex- cellent quality of the ore, the large quantity still readily accessible, and the cheapness of the present mode of mining it, to establish a just confidence in the value of this forma- tion as one of the choicest ore tracts in the State." " The land where Danville now stands was originally ta- ken up, or purchased by Mr. Francis and Mr. Peters, of Philadelphia. During the Revolutionary war, but subse- quent to the hottest period of the contest, Capt. Montgome- ry, of Philadelphia — the father — and Col., afterward Gen. Wm. Montgomery — the uncle — of Hon. Judge Montgome- ry, now living, resolved to come out and settle on the Sus- quehanna, then a wild and dangerous frontier, still occasion- ally disturbed by Indians. They purchased their faims at the mouth of Mahoning fiom one John Simpson. They had but just entered upon the hardships of frontier life, when the storm of savage warfare descended upon Wyoming. The Montgomerys, just retired from the campaigns of the revolu- tion, were no strangers to the alarms of Indian warfare ; but Mrs. Montgomery had been reared amid the security and COLUMBIA COUNTY. 319 luxury of Philadelphia, and became so terrified in anticipa- tion of being murdered by savages, that her husband was prevailed upon to remove with her, and her little son, now the Judge, to Northumberland, where the settlements were protected by a fort. Previously however, to their removal, they were often annoyed by the lurking foe, and frequent murders were committed in the vicinity. Their fears, too, were as often excited by merely imaginary dangers. Capt. Daniel Montgomery, looking out one evening, about dusk, upon the river, saw a fine canoe drifting down the stream, and immediately pushed out with his own canoe to secure the prize. On coming up to it, and drawing it towards him with his hand, he was thunderstruck at seeing a very large, muscular Indian lying flat on his back in the canoe, with his eyes wildly glaring upon him. He let go his hold and pre- pared for defence — but in a moment, reflecting that he had seen water in the bottom of this strange canoe, he again ap- proacheil it, and found the Indian was dead. A paper on his breast set forth that he had been shot near Wyoming, and set adrift by some of the Yankees. The captain towed his prize to the shore with a lighter heart, and after a hear- ty laugh with his neighbors, sent the Indian on his misson. The following from the " Hazleton Travellers," by Mr. Mi- ner, of Luzerne co., is the counterpart to the story. "Among the Indians who formerly lived at Wyoming was one by the name of Anthony Turkey. When the sav- ages removed from Wyoming he went with them, and re- turned as an enemy at the time of the invasion. With him and the people there had been before a good understanding, and it created some surprise when known that he was with the bloody band who had come on an errand of destruction. It was Turkey who commanded the party that came to Mr. Weeks' the Sunday after the battle, (1778,) and taking the old gentleman's hat, shoved his rocking-chair into the street and sat down and rocked himself. In the invasion of March following Turkey was here again, and in an engagement, on the Kingston flats, was shot through the thigh and sur- rounded by our people. ' Surrender turkey,' said they, ' we wont hurt you." Probably conscious of his own cruelties, he defied ihem, and fought like a tiger-cat to the last. Some of our boys, in malicious sport, took his body, put it into an old canoe, fixed a dead rooster in the bow — fastened a bow 320 COLUMBIA COUNTY. and arrow in the dead Indian's hands, as if in the act just to fire — put a written ' pass' on his breast to ' let the bearer go to his master King George or the d — 1' — and launched the canoe into the river, amid the cheers of men and boys." " After the expedition of Gen. Sullivan had quitted the frontier and expelled the Indians, the Montgomerys return- ed to Danville, where Daniel Montgomery established a store, and laid off a few lots on a piece of land given him by his father. A few other settlers came in, and in about 1806 we find Danville described in Scott's Geography as a ' small post-town on the east branch of the Susquehanna, at the mouth of Mahoning.' Judge Montgomery was at that time the post-.naster — the first in the place who enjoyed that dig- nity. When it was proposed to erect Columbia co., and es- tablish Danville as the county seat, the elder Gen. Montgo- mery was opposed to the scheme, feaiing annoyance in his farming operations by the proximity of the town ; but his sou, oil the contrary, was eager for the success of the pro- ject, auticipatiug large gains from the sale of lots. After the couuty was fairly established, Gen. Montgomery not only re(|uiesced, but entered with his whole heart into the enterprise for its improvement. He and his relations en- dowed and erected an academy, and gave thirty lots as a fund for the sui)port of the ministry here. He afterwards took a leading part in getting a charter for the Bear-gap road, which openel the place to the Pottsville travel ; and also had great influence in inducing Stephen Girard to embark in the enterprise oj" Danville and Pottsville rail- road. A part of the road was made near Pottsville, and is now rotting in the sun without use. Girard and Gen. Montgomery died nearly at the same time — other inter- ests interlered, and tfie Danville and Pottsville railroad, with tlie bright visions of augmented wealth associated with it, exists only on paper.'^ CATAVVISSA, Was laid out in 17S7, Ity William Hughes, a Quaker, (to which James Watson made addition in 1776) is on the left bank of the North Branch of the Susquehanna river, about nine miles above Danville, at the mouth of Cata- COLUMBIA COUNTY. 321 vvissa creek, situated in the midst of the picturesque scen- ery. In 1840 it contained three churches, one Methodist, one Lutheran, and one Friends' Meeting House ; several stores, taverns, and upwards of two hundred dwellings, and ahout 800 inhabitants. Tiiere are a foundry, a })a- per mill, and several tanneries in, and near the place. The region abounds in iron, and there are, within a few nnles of town, several fnrnaces and forges. John Ilauch built tlie first furnace in this region in 1816. Though the Germans constitute the })rincipal popula- tion at present, it vvasoriginally a (Quaker setllemont. The first settlers emigrated principally to Ohio. BL00MS13URG, (Eyersburg) was laid out in 1802, by Ludwig Eycr : it is a flourishing, well built town, near the river and canal, V miles northeast of Dmiville, and four from Catawissa. It is finely situated on the rising ground, about 2 miles from the Susquehanna, and contains upwards of one hundred dwellings, witli a population of G50. The North Branch canal passes between the river and the town. A very ex- tensive trade is carried on here with the fertile valley of Fishing creek. It is a place of some importance, and will ere long be noted for the manufacture of iron. The town contains a German Reformed and Lutheran church in common ; there are also a Methodist and Epis- copal church. In the cemetery of the German Reformed church is a monument erected to the memory of the foun- der of Bloomsburg. It has this inscription : In memory of Ludwig Eyer, born January 8, 1767. Died Sept. 20, 1814, in the 48th year of Ins age. He left a widow, six .sons and four daughters, to deplore his loss. He was proprietor of Bloomsburg, laid it out in 1802, and [•resented this square to the Lutheran and Presbyterian congregations, for a church and burying ground, in 1807. His liberality was not confined to these congregations, he also gave the Episcopalians a lot of ground. Near this place, south of the town, on the Susquehan- na, was a Stoccade Fort erected in 1781, and another in Fishing creek, about 3 miles above its mouth. I'll COLUMBIA COUNTY. Ill February, 17S0, I was, says Van Campen, promoted to a lieutenancy, and entered upon the active duties of an officer, by heading scouts, and as Capt. Robinson was no woodsman or no marksman, he preferred that I should en- counter the danger and head scouts; we kept up a con- stant chain of scouts around the frontier settlements, from the north to the northwest branch of the Susquehanna, by the way of Little Fishing creek, Chilisquaqua, Muncy, &c. In the spring of 17S1, we built a fort on the widow McCIure's i-)lantation, called McClure's Fort, where our provisions were stored. — bicidcnts of Border Lijc BERWICK, Is twelve miles above Bloomsbnrg, on the right bank of the Susquehanna, on the eastern bovmdary — part of the village is in Luzerne county. It was originally settled by Evan Owen, in 17S3. It contains about one hundred dwellings, a Methodist church, an academy, several stores and taverns, and about 800 inhabitants. From this town a turnpike road runs to Lausanne, on the I^^high river, above Mauch chunk, pnssing near the Beaver Meadows. The road crosses tlie Snstpiehanna by a substantial bridge which connects Berwick with Nescopee village — com- menced in 181 t and completed in ISIS, at acost^of §52,- ^135. Tiie North Branch canal passes along the foot of the elevated bank upon which the town is built. MIFFLINSBURG, Is on the left bank of the Susquehanna river, seventeen miles above Danville. It contains about thirty dwellings, several stores and taverns — a Lutheran and a Methodist church. In and near it are several mills and tanneries. VVASIIINGTONVILLE, Is seven miles southwest of Danville : contains about 40 dwellings, several stores and taverns. It is situated in the fertile valley of Chilisquaque creek. COLUMBIA COUNTY. FRUITSTOWN, Is a small hamlet, twelve miles north of Danville, on a branch of Chilis(|uaque creek, at the head of Chilisquaque valley. JERSEYTOWN, Seven miles northeast of Danville, contains about thirty dwellings, a store, a tavern, and a church. WILLIAMSBURG, On Fishing creek, three miles above Bloomsburg, and 13 northeast of Danville, consists of u dozen of houses, a store and tavern, and a Methodist church. ORANGEVILLE, Five miles north of Bloomsburg, on Fishing creek, con- tains about 40 dwellings, several stores and taverns. WHITE HALL, Ten miles from Danville, four miles northwest of Jersey - town, contains six or eight dwellings, a store and tavern. ESPYTOWN, On the west bank of the Susquehanna, on the road from Danville to Berwick, twelve miles from the former place, contains about 25 dwellings, several stores and a tavern. MOORSBURG, A small village, in Liberty township. Prettily located. 324 COLUMBIA COUNTY. EDUCATION AND RELIGION. General education has, as in several other counties, been much neglected in many parts of the county. Although all the townships, except Mifflin and Valley, have adopted the system of public schools. The compensatiion allowed to teachers, is such as to induce illy qualified persons to take charge of schools. There are 19 school districts, 14 of which have reported 104 schools as in operation, and 12 wanting in those districts: schools open 7 months; em- ployed 98 male and 3 1 female teachers ; the former at a salary of $16 per month, and the latter at $9. In these schools there were 3,296 male and 2,556 female pupils; 138 of whom were learning German. District tax raised $5,207 95 ; state appropriation $4,778 00. Cost of in- struction $6,106 33 ; fuel and contingencies $589 41; cost of school houses $586 77. There is an academy and a female seminary at Danville, pretty liberally patronized. Methodists and Presbyterians are the most numerous religious denominations — there are some Episcopalians, German Reformed, Lutherans, and Quakers. NARRATIVE 0/ Lieut. Moses Van Campen, during the War of the Rev- olution ; sent hy the author to Congress in 1838, accom- panied hy a petition for pension, which was gi'anted. My first service was in the year 1777, when I served three months under Colonel John Kelly, who stationed us at Big Island, on the West Branch of the Susquehanna. Nothing particular transpired during that time, and in March, 1778, I was appointed lieutenant of a company of six months men. Shortly afterwards I was ordered by Colonel Samuel Hunter to proceed with about twenty men to Fishing creek, (which empties into the North Branch of the Susquehanna, about twenty miles above Northumber- land,) and built a fort about three miles from its mouth, for the reception of the inhabitants, in case ot an alarm from the Indians. In May, my fort being nearly completed, our spies dis- COLUMBIA COUNTY. 32o covered a large party of Indians making their way towards the fort. The neighboring residents had barely time to fly lo the fort ior protection, leaving their goods behind. The Indians soon made their appearance, and having plundered and burnt the houses, attacked the fort, keeping a steady fire upon us during the day. At night they withdrew, burning ami destroying every thing in their route. What loss they sustained, we could not ascertain, as they carried off all the dead and wounded, though from the marks of blood on the ground, it must have been considerable. The inhabitants that took shelter in the fort, had built a yard for their cattle, at the head ot a small flat, a short distance from -he fort, and one evening in the month of June, just as they were milking them, my sentinel called my attention to some movement in the brush, which I soon discovered to be Indi- ans, making their way to the cattle yard. There was no time to be lost ; I immediately selected ten of my sharp- shooters, and under cover of a rise of land, got between them and the milkers. On ascending the ridge we found ourselves within pistol shot of them; I tired first, antl killed the lead- er, but a volley tVom my men did further execution, the In- dians running off at once In the meantime the milk pails flew in every direction, and the best runner got to the fort first. As the season advanced, Indian hostilities increased, and notwithstanding the vigilance of our scouts, which were out constantly, houses were burnt and families murdered. In the summer of I77S occurred the great massacre at Wyoming; after which the Governors of Connecticut, New York and Pennsylvania, petitioned Congress to adopt speedy measures for the protection of the western frontier, which subject was referred to a committee of Congress and Gen. Washington. The committee recommended that the war should be carried into the enemy's country, and a company of rangers raised for the (JL'lencc of the fiontier. In 1779 Gen. Sullivan was sent with an army into their country. The provisions for the supply of the army were purchased in the settlements along the waters of the Susque- hanna, and deposited in storehouses. I was appointed^ under the title of quartermaster, to superintend this business, and about the midille of July, by means of boats, had collected all the provisions at VVyoming, where Gen. Sullivan, v^ith 2S 326 COLUMBIA COUNTY. his army, lay waiting for them. About the last of July our army moved for Tioga Point, while a fleet of boats ascended the river parallel with the army. We reached Tioga Point early in August, where we halt- ed for Gen. Clinton to join us with his brigade, which came by the way of the Mohawk river, and so on into Lake Otse- go. During this time the Indians were collecting in consid- erable force at Chemung, a large Indian village about II miles distant. As they became very troublesome neighbors. Gen. Clinton contemplated an attack upon them, but wished to ascertain their numbers and situation, and selected me for that dangerous enterprise. I prepared myself an Indian dress, breech cloth, leggings, and moccasins. My cap had a good supply of feathers ; and being painted in Indian style, I set off with one man, dressed in the same manner. We left the camp after dark, and proceeded with much caution until we came to the Chemung, which we supposed would be strongly guarded. We ascended the mountain, crossed over it, and came in view of their fires, when having descended the hill, we waited quietly until they lay down and got to sleep. We then walked around their camp, counted the fires and the number of Indians at some of the fires, thus forming an estimate of their number, which I took to be about six or seven hundred. I returned, and having made my leport to the general early next morning, I went to ray tent, spread down my blanket, and had a refreshing sleep. In the afternoon Major Adam Hoopes, one of the gener- al's aids, requested me to wait upon the general, which I obeyed. The latter requested, as I had learnt the way to Chemung, that I would lead the advance, he having selected Gen. Samuel Hand, of the Pennsylvania line, to make them a visit with eleven hundred men. I accepted the service, and we took up our line of march after sundown. When we came to the Narrows, I halted, according to order, until tlie main body came up, when the general ordered us to enter the Narrows, observing, " Soldiers, cut your way through." We did so, and entered the Indian village at daybreak, but found that the birds had flown. We halted a few minutes for our men to refresh, set fire to their village, and having discov- ered from their trail, that they had gone up the river, fol- lowed it about two miles. Here our path lay up a narrow ridge, called Hogback Hill, which we remarked, seemed COLUMBIA COUNTY. 327 formed by nature for an Indian ambuscade. Accordingly, every eye was fixed on the hill, and as we began to ascend, we saw the bushes tremble, and immediately rifles were pre- sented, and we received a deadly fire, by which sixteen or seventeen of the advanced were killed or wounded. We that stood, sprang under cover of the bank, and for a moment, reserved our fire- Six or seven stout fellows rushed out with tomahawk and knife, to kill and scalp our com- rades. It was now our turn to fire : every shot counted one — they fell. Gen. Hand now came on at quick stop, advan- ced within a few rods of them, and ordered his men to fire, and then charge them at the point of the bayonet ; they were soon routed and put to iiight. We returned with our dead and wounded the same night, to our former camp. We had no further opportunity of coming to a brush with them, until we were joined by our whole force, under Gen. Clinton, We were opposed by the enemy's whole force, consisting of Indians, British and tories, to whom we gave battle a little below Newtown Point. Our loss was compa- ratively trifling. On the return of the army, I was taken with the camp fe- ver, and was removed to the fort which I had built in 1778, where my father was still living. In the course of the win- ter 1 recovered my health, and my father's house having been burnt in 1778, by the party which attacked the before-men- tioned fort, my father requested me to go with him and a younger brother to our farm, about four miles distant, to make preparations for building another, and raising some grain. But little apprehension was entertained of molestation from the Indians this season, as they had been so completely routed the year before. We left the fort about the last of March, accompanied by my uncle and his son, about twelve years old, and one Peter Pence. We had been on our farms about four or five days, when on the morning of the 30th of March, we were surprised by a party of ten Indians. My lather was thrust through with a war spear, his throat was cut and he was scalped, while my brother was tomahawked, scalped, and thrown into the fire before my eyes. W bile I was struggling with a warrior, the fellow who had killed my father, drew his spear from his body and made a violent thrnat at uje. I shrank from his spear ; the savage who had 328 COLUMBIA COUNTY. liolil of mc, turned it with his hniul, so th.it it only penetrated iny vest and shirt. They were then satisfied with tailing me prisoner, as they had the same morning taken my uncle's little son and Pence, though they killed my uncle. The same paity, bei'ore I hey reached us, had touched on the lower settlen)ents oi Wyoming, and killed a Mr. Uj)son, and look a boy prisoner by the name of Ixogers. We weie now marched off up Fishing creek, and in the afternoon of the same day we came to Huntingdon, where ihe Indians found four white men at a sugar camp, who fortunately dis- covered the Indians and fled to a house ; the Indians only fired on them, and wounded a Captain Ransom, when they continued their course till night. Ilavi/ig encamped and made their fire, we, the piisoners, were tied and well secured, five Indians lying on one side of us and five on the other; in the morning they ])ursue(l their course, and, leaving the waters of Fishing creek, touched the head waters of Hemlock creek, where they found one Abraham Pike, liis will' and child. Pike was made a pris- oner, but his wife and child, they ]iainted and tokl Joggo — squmv — go home. They conliimed their course that day, and encamped the same night in the same manner as the pre- vious. The next day 1 had an oj)iK)rtunily to communicate ray j)lan to my fellow prisoneis; they treated it as a vision- ry scheme for three men to rl(eni])t lo despatch ten Indians. I spread befoie them the advantages that three men would have over fen, wlien asleep; and that we would be the first prisonei's that would be taken into their towns and villages, after our army had destroyed their coin; that we should be tied to the stake and suffer a cruel deafh; we had now an inch of ground to fight on, and if we failed it would only be death, and we might as well die one way as another. That day passed away, and having encamped for the night, we lay as before. In the morning we came to the river, and seen their canoes; they had descended the liver, and run their canoes ui)on Little Tuiikhannock creek, so called; the} crossed the river and set theii- canoes adrift. I renewed my suggestion to my companions, to despatch them that night; and urged that they must decide the ques- tion. Disarm them, and each take a tomahawk, and come to close work at once. There are three of us ; plant oui blows with judgment, and three tines three will make nine, and the tenth one we can kill at our leisure. COLUMBIA COUNTY. 329 They agreed to disarm them, and after that, one take pos- session of the guns and fire, at the one side of the four, and the other two take tomahawks on the other side and despatch them. I observed that wouk] be a very uncertain way; the first shot fired would give the alarm ; they w^ould discover it to be the prisoners, and might defeat us. I had to yield to their plan. Peter Pence was chosen to fire the guns, Pike and myself to tomahawk ; we cut and carried plenty of wood, to give them a good fire ; the prisoners were tied and laid in their places ; after I was laid down, one of them had occa- sion to use his knile ; he dropped it at my feet ; I turned my foot over i* and concealed it — they all lay down and fell asleep. About midnight I got up and found them .in sound sleep. I slipped to Pence, w4io rose ; I cut him loose and handed him the knife ; he did the same for me, and I in turn took the knife and cut Pike loose ; in a minute's time we disarmed them. Pence took his station at the guns. Pike and myself, with our tomahawks, took our stations; I was to tomahawk three on the right wing and Pike two on the left. That moment Pike's two awoke, and were getting up; here Pike proved a coward and laid down. It was a critical moment. I saw there was no time to be lost ; their heads turned up fair ; I despatched them in a moment, and turned to my lot, as per agreement, and as I was about to despatch the last on my side of the hre, Pence shot and did good exe- cution ; there was only one at the off wing that his ball did not reach ; his name was Mohawk, a stout, bold, daring fel- low. In the alarm, he jumped off about three rods from the fire; he saw it was the prisoners that made the attack, and giving the war-whoop, he darted to take possession of the guns ; I as quick to prevent him ; the contest was then be- tween him and myself As I raised my tomahawk, he turned quick to jump at me ; I followed him and struck at him, but missing his head, my tomahawk struck his shoulder, or rath- er the back of his neck ; he pitched forward and fiell ; at the .same time my foot slipped, and 1 fell by his side; we clinched; his arm was naked ; he caught me round my neck, at the same time I caught him with my left arm around the body, and gave him a close hug, at the same time feeling for his knife, but could not reach it. In our scuffle, my tomahawk dropped out. My head was under the wounded shoulder, and almost suffocated me with 28* OoO - COLUMBIA COUNTY. his blood. I made a violent spring and broke from his hold; we both rose at the same time, and he ran ; it took nie some time to clear the blood from my eyes; my tomahawk got covered up, and I could not find it in lime to oveitake him; he was the only one of the party that escaped. Pike was powerless. I always have had a reverence for Christian devotion. Pike was trying to pray, and Pence was swearing at him, charg- ing him wuth cowardice, and saying it was no time to pray, he ought to fight ; we were masters of the gro\md, and in possession of all their guns, blankets, match coats, &c. I then turned my atle>ition to scalping them, and recovering the scalps of my faiher, brotlier, and others. I strung them all on my belt for sale keeping. We kept our ground till morning, and built a raft, it be- ing near the bank of the river where they had encamped, about fifteen miles below Tioga Point ; we got all our plun- der on it, and set sail tor Wyoming, the neaiest settlement. Our raft gave away, when we made for land, but we lo.^t considerable propeity, though we saved our guns and ammu- nition, and took the land ; w^e reached Wylusing late in the afternoon. Came to the narrows; discovered asmoke below and a raft lying at the shore, by which we were cei tain a party of Indians had passed us in the course of the day, and had halted for the night. There was no other alternative for us, but to route them, or go over the mountain ; the snow on the north side of the hill was deep; we knew, from appearance of the raft, that the party must be small; Ave hat! two rifles each ; my only fear was of Pike's cowardice. To know the worst of it, we agreed that I should ascertain their number and give the sig- nal for the attack ; I crept down the side of the hill, so near as to see their fires and packs, but saw no Indians. I con- cluded they had gone hunting for meat, and that this was a irood opportunity lor us to make olf with their lalt to the opposite side of the river. I gave the signal ; they came and threw their packs on to the rait, which was made of small, dry pitie timber, and had got nearly out of reach of shot, v/hen two of them came in; they fired ; their shots did no in- jury; we soon got under cover of an island, and went seve- ral miles; we had waded deep creeks through the day; the night was cold ; we landed on an island, and found a sink COLUMBIA COUNTY. 331 hole, in which we made our fire ; after warming, we were alarmed by a crackling in the crust ; Pike supposed the In- tlians had got on to this island, and commenced calling for quarters ; to keep him quiet, we threatened him with his life; tlic stepping grew plainer, and seemed coming directly to the tire ; I kept a watch, and soon a noble raccoon came under the Hght. I shot the raccoon, when Pike jumped up and called out, "Quarters, gentlemen; quarters, gentlemen." I took my game by the leg, and threw it down to the fire : " Here, you cowardly rascal," I cried, "skin that, and give us a roast for supper." The next night we reached Wyoming, and there was much joy to see us ; we rested one day, and it being unsafe to go to Northumberland by land, we procured a canoe, and with Pence and my little cousin, we descended the river by night; we came to Fort Jenkins before day, where I found Colonel Kelly and about one hundred men encamped out of the Fort; he came across from the West Branch by the heads of Chil- isquaka to Fishing cieek, the end of the Nob mountain, so calleil at that day, where my father and mother were killed : he had buried my father and uncle; my brother was burnt ; a small part of him only was found. Colonel Kelly informed me that my mother and her chil- dren were in the fort, and it was thought that I was like- wise killed. Col. Kelly went into the fort to prepare her mind to see me. I took off my belt of scalps and handed them to an officer to keep. Human nature was not sufficient to stand the interview. She had just lost a husband and a son, and one had returned to take her by the hand ; and one that she supposed was killed. The day after, I went to Sunbury, where I was received with joy: my scalps were exhibited, the cannons were fired, &c. Before my return, a commissicjii had been set me as an ensign of a company, to be commanded by Captain Thomas Robison. This was, as I understood, a part of the quota which Pennsylvania had to raise for the continental line. One Joseph Alexander was commissioned as Lieut, but did not accept his commission. The summer of 1780 was spent in the recruiting service ; our company was organized, and was retained for the defence of the frontier service. In February, 1781, I was promoted to a lieutenancy, and 332 COLUMBIA COUNTY. entered upon the active duty of an officer by heading scouts, and as Capt. Robison was no woodsman nor marksman, he preferred that I should encounter the danger and head the scouts; we kept up a constant chain of scouts around the frontier seltlements, from the North to the West Branch ol the Susquehanna, by way of the head waters of Little Fish- ing creek, Chihsquaqua, Muncy, &c. In the spring of 1781 we built a fort on the widow Mc- Clure's phmtation, called McClure's Fort, where our provis- ions were stored. In the summer of 1781 a man was taken prisoner in Buf- falo Valley, but made his escape ; he came in and reported theie were about three hundred Indians on Sinnemahoning, hunting and laying in a store of provisions, and would make a descent on the fiontiers ; that they would divide into small parties, and attack the whole chain of the frontier at the same time on the :>ame day. Colonel Samuel Hunter selected a company of five to re- connoitre, viz: Capt. Campbell, Peter and Michael Groves, Lieut. Cramer and myself; the party was called the Grove Party. We cariied with us three weeks' provisions, and j)roceeded up the West Branch with much caution and care; we reached the Sinnemahoning, but made no discovery, ex- cept old tracks; we marched up the Sinnemahoning so far, that we were satisfied it was a false report. We returned, and a little below the Sinnemahoning, near night, we discov- ered a smoke ; we were confiilent it was a party of Indians, which we must have passed by, or they got there some other way; we discovered there was a large party, -how many we could not tell, but prepared for the attack. As soon as it was dark we new primed our rifles, sharp- ened our flints, examined our tomahawk handles, and all be- ing ready, we waited with great impatience, until they all laid down : the time came, and with the utmost silence we advanced, trailed our rifles in one hand, and the tomahawk- in the other. The night was warm ; we found some of them rolled in their blankets a rod or two from their fires. Hav- ing got amongst them, we first handled our tomahawks; they rose like a dark cloud ; we now fired our shots, and raised the war yell ; they took flight in the utmost confusion, but few taking time to pick up their rifles. We remained mas- ters of the ground and all their plunder, and took several COLUMBIA COUNTY. 33^ scalps. It was a party of twenty-five or thirty, Avhich had been down as low as Penn's creek, and had killed and scalp- ed two or three families; we found several scalps of different ages which they had taken, and a large quantity of domestic cloth, which was carried to Northumberland and given to the distressed who had escaped the tomahawk and knife. In December, 1781, our company was ordered to Lancas- ter ; we descended the river in boats to Middletown, where our orders were countermanded, and we were ordered to Heading, Berks county, where we were joined by a party of ihe third and fifth Pennsylvania regiments, and a company of the Cono-ress resiiment. We took charge of the Hessians taken prisoner by Gen. Burgoyne. In the latter part of March* at the opening of the campaign of 1782, we were ordered by Congress to our respective sta- tions. I marched Robison's company to Northumberland, where Mr. Thomas Chambers joined us, who had been le- cently commissioned as an ensign of our company. We hal- ted at Northumberland two or three days for our men to wash and rest ; from thence ensign Chambers and myself were ordered to Muncy, Samuel Wallace's plantation, there to make a stand and rebuild Fort Muncy, which had been destroyed by the enemy. We reached that station, and built a small block-house for the storage of om- provisions. About the 10th or Uth of April, Captain Robison came on with Esquire Culbertson, .James Dougherty, William McGrady, and Mr. Barkley. I was oidered to select twenty or twenty-five men, with these proceed up the West Branch to the Big Island, and thence to Bald Eagle creek, to the place where Mr. Culbertson had been killed. On the 15th of April, at night, we reached the place, and encamped for the night ; on the night of the 16th we were attacked by eighty-five Indians; it was a hard fought battle; Esquire Culbertson and two others made their escape. I think w^e had nine killed, and the rest of us were made l)ri.soners. We were stripped of all our clothing, excepting our pantaloons. When they took off my shirt they discov- ered my commission; oui- commissions wei-e written on parch- ment, and carried in a silk case, hung with a ribbon, in our bosom; several got hold of it, and one fellow cut the ribbon with his knife, and succeeded in obtaining it. They took us a little distance from the battle ground, and 334 COLUMBIA COUNT V. made tlie prisoners sit down in a small ring, the Indians lorm- ing around us in close order, each with his rifle and toma- hawk in his hand. They brought up five Indians we had killed, and laid them wiihin their circle. Each one reflected for himself; our time would probably be short; and respect- ing myself, looking back upon the year 1780, at the party I had killed, if I was discovered to be the person, my case would be a hard one. Their prophet, oi' chief warrior, made a speech, as I was informed afterwards by the British Lieutenant, w^ho belonged to the paity, he was consulting the Great Spirit what to do with the prisoners, whether to kill us on the spot or spare our lives: he cau)e to the conclusion that there had been blood enough shed, and as to the men they had lost, it was the fate of war, and we must be taken and adopted into the families of those whom we had killed. We were then di- vided amongst them according to the number of fires. Packs were prepared for us, and they returned across the river at the Big Island, in bark canoes. They then made their way across hills, and came to Pine creek, above the first forks, which they followed up to the f/tird J'ork, and pursued the most northerly branch to the head of it, and thence to the waters of the Genesee river. After two days travel we came to a place calif d the Pigeon Woods, where a great number of Indian families, old and young, had come to catch pigeons. There we met a party of about forty wairiors, on their way to the frontier settle- ments ; they encamped some little distance apart, the warri- ors of the two parties holding a council at our camp. I soon perceived that I was the subject of conversation. I was seized and dragged to the other camp, where the war- riois were sitting on one side of a large fire ; I was seated on the opposite side. Every eye was fixed upon me. I per- ceived they werie gathering around in great numbers; in a short time I perceived a man pressing through the crowd : lie came to me and sat down ; I saw he was a white man painted, in Indian dress. He examined me on the situation of the frontiers, the strength of our forts, the range of our scouts, &c. After he got through, he observed that there was only one there, beside himsflf, that knew me. ^^ Do you know me, sir?'' said I. " I do: you are the inan that killed the IndiamJ' COLUMBIA COUNTY. 3oO I thought of the fire and the stake. — He observed that he was a prisoner and a friend ; that his name was Jones, and he had been taken prisoner in the spring of '81, with Capt. John Boyde, in Bedford county ; that he would not expose me, and if I could pass through undiscovered and be delivered up to the British, I would be safe ; if not, I would have to die at the stake. The next ramming they naoved down the river; two days afterwards they came to the Caneadia vil- lage, the first on the Genesee river, where we were prepared to run the Indian gauntlet. The warriors don't whip ; it is the young Indians and squaws. They meet you in sight of iheir council house, where they select the prisoners from the ranks of the warriors, bring them in front, and when ready, the word joggo is given ; the prisoners start, the whippers follow after, and if they outrun you, you will be severely whipped. I was placed in front of my man ; the word being given, we started. Being then young and iull of nerve, I led the way; two young squaws came running up to join the whip- ping party, and when they saw us start they halted, and stood shoulder to shoulder with their whips ; when I came near them I bounded and kicked them over; we all came down together; there was considerable kic/k rng amongst us, so much so, that they showed their under-dress, which ap- peared to be of a beautiful yellow color ; I had not time to help them up. It was truly diverting to the warriors ; they yelled and shouted till they made the air ring. They halted at that village for one day, and thence went to Fort Niagara, when I was delivered up to the British. I was adopted, according to Indian custom, into Col. But- ler's family, then the commanding officer of the British and Indians at that place. I was to supply the loss of his son, Capt. Butler, who met his death late in the fall of 1781, by the Americans. In honor to me, as his adopted son, I was confined in a private room, and not put under a British guard. My troubles soon began ; the Indians were informed by the to- ries that they knew me, that I had been a prisoner before, and had destroyed my captors; they were much excited, and went to Butler and demanded me, and, as I was told, oi- fered to bring in fourteen prisoners in my place. Butler seiit an officer to examine me on the subject ; he came and inform- 336 COLUMBIA COUNTY. ed me their Indians had laid lieavy accusations against me ; they were informed that 1 had been a prisoner before, and destroyed the party, and that they had demanded me to be given up to them, antl that his Colonel wished to know the < fact. 1 observed : "Sir, it is a seiious question to answer ; I will never deny the truth ; 1 have been a prisoner before, and destroyed the party, and returned to the service of my country: but, sir, 1 consider myself to be a prisoner of war to the liritis;h, and I presume you will have more honor than to deliver me up to the savages. I know what my fate will be; and please to inform your Colonel that we have it in our power to retaliate." He left mc, and in a short time returned and stated that he was authorized to say to me that there was no alternative for me to save my life, but to abandon the rebel cause am! join the l^ritish standard ; that 1 should take the same rank- in the liritish service as I did in the rebel service. I replied, " No, sir, give me the stake, the tomahawk, or the knife, be- fore a British commission ; liberty or death is our motto." — He then left me. Some time after, a lady came to my room, wilh whom 1 had been well acquainted l)ef()re the Revolution ; we hatl been schoolmates; she was then married to a l^iitish oilicer, a captain of the Queen's rangers ; he came with her. 5?he had been to Col. Butler, and she was authorized to make me the same oiler as the oilicer hail done. I thanked her for the trouble she had taken for my safety, but could not accept of the offer. She observed, how much more honorable would it be to me to be an officer in the; British service. I remarked that 1 could not dispose of m\self in that way; I belonged to the Congress of the United States, and that I would abiiic the consequences. She left me, arul that was the last 1 heard of it.. A guaid was set at my apartment. In about four days after, I was sent down Lake Ontario to a place called Carlton Island: from thence down the St. Lawrence to JMontre.il, where I was placed, in prison, and found forty or fifty of our American ollicers, and where we had the honor to look through the iron grates. The fourth of July was drawing near; ten of us combined to celebrate tiie political birth-day of our country; we found ways and means to have some brandy conveyed in to us, unknown to the British guard. It was highly offensive to the British COLUMBIA COUNTY. 337 officers, and we ten were taken out and sent to Quebec, thence down to St. Lawrence, and put on the Isle of New Orleans, where we remained uncil the last of vSeptember ; a British fleet sailed about the same time and bound for New York ; we were put on board of that fleet. When we came to New York there was no exchange for us. General Carlton then commanded the British army at New York ; he paroled us to return home. In the month of March, 1783, I was exchanged, and had orders to take up arms again. I joined my company in March at Northumberland ; about that time Capt. Robison received orders to march his company to Wyoming, to keep garrison at Wilkesbarre Fort. He sent myself and ensign Chambers with the company to that station, where we lay till Novem- ber, 1783. Our army was then discharged, and our compa- ny likewise; poor, and penniless, we retired to the shades of private life. 29 CHAPTER XIII. Juniata County. Juniata county erected— Streams and geological features—Public im- provements — Towns ; Mifflin, Thompsonstown, Mexico, Perrysville, Tammany, Waterford or Waterloo, Calhounsville or McAllister- Tille, Ridgesville, Greenwood, «Stc.— Education— Case of law suit, ■ &c. &c. ^ Juniata county was, by virtue of an act of March 2n(l, J831, separated from Mifflin county, and is bounded on the north by Union county; for a short distance on the east by the Susquehanna river ; on the southeast it is bounded by Perry county ; and, on the southwest, by Huntingdon county. Average length about forty miles ; breadth nine ; area in square miles, about 360 ; it contains about 230,400 acres of land. Population in 1840, 11,080. The population in the several townships in 1840, was as follows : — Fermanagh, 831; Greenwood, 1,237; Milford, 1,829; Turbett, 1,319; Lack, 761; Tuscarora, 1,018; Walker, 1,423; Delaware, 956; Fayette, 1,291; Mifflin borough, 420. [See Table on the opposite page. CfQ under 5 years old. 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CO O I— I o H W O hi a H c o o o •D CI H o O C H GO O 340 JUNIATA COUNTY. This county, like all noticed, belongs to the great central transition formation of the State. Its surface is traversed northeast and southwest by several mountains. The Tusca- rora mountain forms the most of the southeastern boundary, dividing Juniata from Perr} , and on the northwest (he Shade and Black Log mountains separate it from Mifflin. The sur- face of the county, as well as the soil, is diversified. The mountains and hills are separated by inteivening valleys. The principal streams are the Juniata river, Tuscarora, Lost, Licking, Cocalamus, West Mahantaiigo, Black Log. The Juniata river passes through the middle part of this county. The Tuscarora creek rises in Huntingdon county, runs northeast between 30 and 3o miles, passes through the western part of this county, in a northeastward couise, and falls into the Juniata below INlifllintown, being joined by Licking creek. Lost creek rises by several branches, and Hows into the Juniata river, about two miles above Mifflin- town. Cocalamus cieck rises in Greenwood townshi]) and flows southeast into Perry county, and thence into the Juni- ata river some distance below Millerstown. The geological features of the county are not so greatly diversified as in some counties. A series of nearly parallel belts of various rock formations range across this county from northeast to southwest, following the direction of the mountain ridges, and being brought successively to the sur- face by undulations or lines of elevation and depression. The variegated and red shale overlying the mountain sandstone, appears along the northwest side of Tuscarora mountain, and again on the Juniata above Mexico, having between those pomts a belt of overlying fossiliferous limestone and sandstone, as seen between Thompsontown and Mexico, on the turnpike. A similar belt of this limestone, with the sand- stone accompanying, appears at Miftlintown, above which place we find the red and variegated shale formation extend- ing to the foot of Shade mountain. Li the valley of Tusca- rora creek, a few miles southwest of Juniata, the fossiliferous sandstone divides into two branches, having between them the overlying olive slate, which, still farther in the valley, is itself overlaid by the red shales and sandstones, next in series. The soil in many parts is very productive, especially in the valleys in which liiijestone is generally at, or near the JUNIATA COUNTY. 341 surface. The mountainous portions are broken and unusu- ally sterile. The chief occupation of the inhabitants is agri- culture. The finely improved fields, the well built house, and huge barns, give strong evidence of the industry of this class of the community. According to the census of 1840, there were 3,571 horses in Juniata county, 11,089 neat cattle, 12,023 sheep, 18,604 swine, value of all kinds of poultry 3,822, 219,859 bushels wheat, barley 8,035, oats 156,072, rye 69,219, buckwheat 17,726, corn 162,659, wool 19,907 pounds, hops 787 lbs., wax 399 pounds, potatoes 53,320 bushels, 8,958 tons of hay, '5i tons of flax, 1,257 cords of wood sold, value of the products of the dairy 834,305, value of the products of the orchard 87,667, value of borne made or family goods 8800. Retail dry goods, grocery, and other stores 33, with a capi- tal of 8112,600. Products of the forest 83,865. Value of machinery manufactured 81,400, Value of hardware, cut- lery, &c., manufactured 83,500. Value of bricks and lime 813,794; 30 men employed, capital 813,305. Nine fulling mills, value of manufactured goods 820,200, 21 hands em- ployed, capital invested 810,000. Value of hats and caps manufactured 8900, 3 persons employed, capital .8300; 21 tail^eries, tanned 14,742 sides of sole leather, 3,472 up- per, 53 men employed, capital invested 54,100. All other manufactories of leather, saddleries, &c., 91: value of ar- ticles manufactured 829,550, capital invested $5,815. Five distilleries produced 11,425 gallons, six men employed, ca- pital 83,700. Three printing offices, 7 hands employed, capital 81,400. Value of carriages and wagons manufac- tured 83,520, 13 men employed, capital 8800. Eleven flouring mills, manufactured 11,87.5 barrels. There were also, 17 grist mills and 52 saw mills; value of manufac- tures of mills 8192,440, 74 men employed, capital invest- ed 889,2-50. Value of furniture manufactured 84,525, 16 rnen employed, capital 81,890. Total capital invested in manufactures -8185,690. Aggregate amount of all property taxable in 1844, 82,498,930 00. - PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS. The Juniata Division of the Pennsylvania canal, and the 29* 342 JUNIATA COUNTY. northern turnpike road, from Harrisburg to Pittsburg, both pass through this county. MIFFLINTOWN, The seat of justice, is situated on the north side of the Ju- niata river ; it occupies an elevated site, commanding an ex- tensive view of the adjacent and neighboring hills and moun- tains. It was laid out in the year 1791, by John Harris. It improved very slowly until 1831, when it was made the seat of justice ; since, it has improved rapidly. It now contains about one hundred dwellings, some of which are very commo- dious, and of brick. It has the usual number of county build- ino-s. There are also an academy, a Presbyterian, and Luth- eran church. The Methodists worship in the court house. There are 4 stores, 2 apothecary stores, and three taverns. The Juniata Division of the Pennsylvania canal passes along the river ; and the Huntingdon township road passes through town. A thriving trade is carried on here; it is the depot of all the surplus produce of the adjacent valleys. A substantial bridge crosses the Juniata here, affording great facilities to the farmers of Tuscarora valley. The population is about four hundred and seventy-hve. In 1840 it was 420. Of these there were : White Males under 5, 30 ; 5 and under 10, 26 ; 10 and under 15, 23 ; 15 and under 20, 31 ; 20 and under 30, 38 ; 30 and under 40, 32 ; 40 and under 50, 17 ; 50 and under 60, 7 ; 60 and under 70, 4 ; 70 and under 80, 1 ; 80 and « under 90, 2. White Females under 5, 36 ; 5 and under 10, 23 ; 10 and under 15, 22 ; 15 and under 20, 23 ; 20 and under 30, 42 ; 30 and under 40, 32 ; 40 and under 50, 13 ; 50 and under 60, 5 ; 60 and under 70, 3 ; 70 and under 80, 3. Colored Males, 6. Colored Females, 1. Of the entire population, 14 were engaged in agriculture, 13 in commerce, 72 in manufactures and trades, 7 in navi- gation, 11 in the learned professions, 2 primary schools, 120 scholars. JUNIATA COUNTY. 34' THOMPSONSTOWN, Laid out by Mr. Thompson, is a Jlourishing post villagC; about Haifa mile north of the Juniata river and State canal: and on the turnpike road leading from Millerstown to Lew- istown : it contains about 50 dwellings, several stores and taverns, and three churches — Lutheran, Seceder, Baptist — and a school house. Delaware run passes through and emp- ties into the Juniata river. MEXICO, Laid out by Tobias Kreider, about 40 years ago, is a plea- sant little village on the Juniata river and turnpike road, leading to Lewistown, three miles southeast of Mifflintown, contains between 30 and 40 dwellings, 3 stores, 3 taverns, a grist mill, saw mill, and woollen factory ; two churches — a Seceder and Methodist — and a school house. The railL> and factory are on Doe run. PERRYSVILLE, Was laid out 15 or IS years ago : it is a fine village, situ- ated on the right bank of the Juniata river, at the mouth of Licking and Tuscarora creeks, two miles and a half below Mifflin. It contains three stores and a tavern. The Juni- ata is crossed here by a substantial bridge. TAMMANY, In Turbit township, consists of a few houses ; and a wool- len factory and saw mill, owned by Mr. Hertzler. WATERFORD & WATERLOO, Both in Lack township, in Tuscarora valley, and on the Tuscarora creek, are very small villages, some three or four miles apart. They are in the southwestern part of the county. 314 JUNIATA COUNTY. CALHOUNSVILLE, Or McAllisterville, was laid out by Mr. McAllister. It con- tains 12 or 15 dwellings, and lies at the foot of the moun- tain, girded by Cocalamus and Lost creeks. RIDGEVILLE, Lies on the south side of West Mahantango creek, and on the road from Calhounsville to Selin's Grove. It contains a number of dwellings, and a store. GREENWOOD, Is quite a small village. The situation is very romantic. EDUCATION. The common school system has been adopted in every township in the county. Of the 10 districts, 9 have repocjt- ed. Sixty schools are in successful operation, and but five more are yet required. Schools were open four months ami a half; 60 male and 15 female teachers were engaged ; aver- age salary of male teachers is ^1'5,57 cents per month ; fe- male teachers n?9,60. Number of scholars taught ; males 1,791 ; females 1,417. District tax raised f 3,069 15; state appropriation $2,707 00. Cost of instruction $8,254 00 ; fuel and contingencies $290,82 ; cost of school houses $492,- 30. In Tuscarora academy the higher branches are taught, and the institution is well patronized. " The first settlements in Tuscarora Valley were made by Scotch Irish, from the Cumberland Valley, about the year 1749. At that day the slate lands bordering the moun- tains, watered by clear and copious springs, were more es- teemed than the limestone lands, where the waters sunk be- neath the surface, and expensive w'ells were consequently required. The adventurous pioneers, therefore, extended JUNIATA COUNTY. 345 their researches over the mountains, and discovered the rich and well-watered valleys along the Juniata. In 1833, at the circuit court sitting at Mifiiin, an important lawsuit was tried, involving the title to a farm of 390 or 400 acres of the best land in Tuscarora Valley, about six miles from Mif- tiin. The flirm was in controversy for about 50 years, be- fore vaiious courts at Carlisle and Lewistown. It is known among lawyers as the Grey property case, report in 10, Ser- geant and Rawle, page 182. Many of the facts given in evidence are interestino- as cluci(hitino; the history of the tunes ; and the whole case, with the amusnig scenes that occurred at the tiials, and the marked originality of many ot the principal personages, would constitute an excellent theme for an historical novel. The following statement of the case is derived, partly, from a sketch by Samuel Creigh, Esq., publishe;! in Hazard's Register, and partly from verbal con- versation with a number of the eminent counsel in the case. " Robert Hagg, Samuel Bigham, (or Bingham,) James Grey, and John Grey, were the four first settlers in Tusca- rora Valley, and the first white men who came across Tus- carora mountain, about the year 1749. They cleared some land, and built a fort, called Bigham's fort Some time in 1756, John Grey and another person went to Carlisle with j)ack-horses, to purchase salt : as Grey was returning, on the declivity of the mountain, a bear crossed his path and fright- ened his horse, which threw him off. He was detained some hours by this accident ; and when he arrived at the fort, he found it had just been burned, and every person in it either killed or taken prisoner by the Indians. His wife, and only daughter, three years old, were gone, — also Innis's wife and children. A man by the name of George Woods (he was the father-in-law of Mr. Ross, who ran for goviernor, and afterwards lived in Bedford) was taken outside the fort, with a number of others. " John Grey joined Col. Armstrong's expedition against Kittanning, in the autumn of that same year, in hopes of hearing from his family. The hardships of the campaign {)rostrate(l his health, and he returned to Bucks county, his original home, only to die. He left a will, giving to his wife one half his farm, and to his daughter the other half, if they returned from captivity. If his daughter did not return, or 346 JUNIATA COUNTY. was not alive, he gave the other half to his sister, who had a claim against him of £1'3, which she was to release. " In the meantime, George Woods, Mrs. Grey and her child, with the others, were taken across the mountains to Kittaning, then an Indian village, and 'afterwards delivered to the French commander of Fort Duquesne. Woods was noted for his gallantry, and during their captivity at Fort Duquesne he represented to Mrs. Grey how much better married than single persons fared among the Indians, and proposed a match. Mrs. Grey had no inclination for a part- nership in misfortune, and peremptorily declined. Woods was given to an Indian by the name of Hutson ; and Mrs. Grey and her child were taken charge of by others, and car- ried into Canada. About a year after the burning of the fort, Mrs. Grey concealed herself among some deerskins in the wagon of a white trader, and was brought off', leaving her daughter still in captivity. She returned home, proved her husband's will, and took possession of her half the pro- perty. She afterwarfis married a Mr. Enoch Williams, by whom, however, she had no issue. Some seven years after her escape, in 1764, a treaty was made with the Indians, by the conditions of wliich a number of captive children were surrendered, and brought to Philadelphia, to be recognized and claimed by their friends. Mrs. Grey attended, but no child appeared that she recognized as her dear little Jane. — Still, there was one of about the same age whom no one claimed. Some one conversant with the conditions of .lohn Grey's will, slyly whispered to her to claim this child for the purpose of holding the other half of the property. She <35 »— t— < o: o Ol o CD w 05 (JO 4^ o Ol 00 >J^ Ol o 00 35 ^ -J CO CTl on lb. en t— < c;i t— * H- • 05 05 05 M K/ M 05 en en (JJ Ol CO -J O to O >C^ ^ 00 ^J .-^ M 0^ ^^ w (— 1— * r— ' 1^ 05 o ^ O W o en w en t— ' 05 'X CT> It^ ^_, -4 CTl H-i o »0 M 05 (— * t— ' H-" >^ 4i- ^s 00 o »-- ^ O tn 05 K< a> ^ ^ ^ •^ tr> m M '£>. O H^ Ol t— ' ^^ ^3 o< O rf^ ^s to o 05 *> o 00 -^ <-' Ol 00 to N^ CO en CO en fS i& 05 ts ^^ en t)^ w _o_ _05 ^ cc ^ 4^ "• CO i<^ o OS 00 1 05 05 05 ►— ' •"* •"• o 00 1 « to 1— ' •— '-' 0505^0lOJt0005 0iOitO^! col ►- 1 "-■oo — lf»■^S'-'^-''-otooo^s under 5 years old. 5 and under U) years old. 10 and under 15 years. 15 and under 20 years. 20 and under 30 years. 30 and under 40 40 and under 50 50 and under 60 ■^ , 60 and under 70 J_ ■-• __M o ^ _c_ O _o ^ ^ JiL —' 05 _o ^7 ^ 05 05 M ^— )«>. Ol f^ to to to Oi Ol 00 00 -~< *^ o o M 00 1*^ ^^ en to rr, o CO en no •^ 05 •^^ to t— ' Ol 05 en to o o to ^ CO CO t« to .p' 05 05 >^ ^ .^ ^_1 Ol 05 to 05 r— ' to it^ to o CO Ol 05_ >*^ CO -J •-J 05 o •^ ^ 80 and under 90 5 and under 10 years old. ^ >— 1— ►- oi — Ol ►- >f^ >?»• Ol 4^ Ol CO CO to ►P* 1— • 1-' to en Ol M -^ 00 to 00 -vj o Ol o >f>- ^^ OS ^ ►- ^ 00 o> .*^ 05 ►- to 05 to tS O Ol O CO CO »^ 1 -1 1 — 05 r- 00 CO CO CO 00 to #> Ol ^^ M 05 CD 1 ^ 1 to 1 03 (P> CO o ^s O ip>- 05 05 en >- OS to Ol 05 to O O 05 05 O rf»- Ol O^K-^OOt0000050 Ol Oi©0050lOOOOCOOCC 70 and under SO under 5 years old. 10 and under 15 years old. 15 and under 20 20 and under 30 years old. 30 and under 40 years old. 40 and under 50 50 and under 60 60 and under 70 70 and under 80 80 and under 90 Colored pop'n. *< "^ O hi X/1 I— H O o c > o o Q K O o H O O c iz: cc o oOb CLINTON COUNTY. This county is generally mountainous and very uneven; in consequence of which, some portions are but sparsely inhab- ited. The geological character of course, owing to the moun- tains, is various. " Passing northwestward from the hme- stone of Nittany valley, we observe in a regular succession the several formations of slate, sandstone, shale, and lime- stone, which intervene between the lower limestone and the coal formation west of the main Allegheny ridge. Bitumin- ous coal is found on Queen's run near the Susquehanna, and at several other places further westward." Owing to the different variety of rock formations, the soil is various. The alluvial bottoms and limestone valleys are very fertile ; and under proper culture very productive. The slate lands, how- ever, are not so productive, yet they yield good crops, and pay the husbandman abundantly for his labor and care be- stowed upon them. That portion abounding with sandstone IS rough, and difficult to cultivate ; and does not so amply repay the labor of the farmer as the others just named. Timber is very abundant, and affords a fine supply to the lower counties, along the Susquehanna. Some townships, as appears from the foregoing Table, are thinly settled, and perhaps never will be able to support a dense population. The principal settlements in these townships, exist along the banks of the river and smaller streams ; where, in passing along, the traveller meets, at intervals, scattered settlements of farmers, miners and lumber-men, whose manners and hab- its are, like the country, " being settled and improved." No where do we meet with a more hospitable people than among the lumber-men of these pine forests. This county is well watered. The principal streams are the West Eranch of the Susquehanna, Bald Eagle, Sinnema- honing and Kettle creeks, and numerous smaller streams. The West Branch rises in Cambria county, with the Apa- lachian valley, and pursues a northeast course, receiving a number of tributaries, flows through this county from west to east, and affords ample water power in its course for man- ufacturing, and other purposes. The Bald Eagle rises in Centre county. It is navigable for boats above Milesboro', and affords excellent mill seats. Sinnemahoning rises in Clearfield county, flowing a north- eastern direction, receives several tributaries, and after a -ourse of about oO miles, unites with the West Branch. Ket- CLINTON COUNTY. ' 357 tie creek rises in Potter county, and empties also into the West Branch. These streams, says a traveller, as they me- ander along, tumbling down as they do, along the ravines of the mountains, furnish an abundance of water power for all the purposes to which streams of the kind are usually ap- plied. According to the census of 1840, there were in this coun- ty, two furnaces that produced 663 tons of bar iron ; capital employed in the manufacture of iron 860,000. Bituminous coal raised 400,000 bushels. The live stock of the county was as follows: horses and mules 1,803, neat cattle 5,867, )~ •e --,...., „„. ^^,^^^, ,.„,..., pounds of wool 11,314, potatoes 60,464 bushels, hay 4,576 tons. Value of ti.e products of the dairy 82,905, of the orchard 83,468, of family goods 83,046. Stores 20; capital 91,100 dollars. Six tanneries, tanned 775 sides of sole, and 655 of upper leather. One distillery produced 4000 gallons: mills 11; saw mills 28. Total amount of capital invested in all kinds of manufacture 847,435. Aggregate amount of property taxable in 1845, Sl,588,628. The West Branch Division of the Pennsylvania Canal, which commences at the termination of the Susquehanna Di- vision, at Northumberland, in following the course of the river, passes into this county, affording facilities for the trans- portation of produce of all kinds to the ea^^tern markets, and for carrying merchandise into this county. The Bald Eagle and Spring Creek' Navigation, affords transporting facihties to that portion of the county through which it passes, to carry the surplus produce to an eastern or more southern market. Common roads are generally in good order, ar.d some of the streams have bridges, at convenient places, across them. LOCK HAVEN, The county town, is a new place, situated at the junction of the Bald Eagle Navigation with the West Branch Division. In 1833, the site of the town was a cornfield. In 1834 Je- remiah Church laid out the town, which is now flourishing 358 CLINTON COUNTY. and in a rapidly growing condition, numbering at present about 100 good dwelling houses, besides the county build- ings, and an academy, endowed by the state with tivo thou- sand dollars; a large steam flouring and saw mill, 2 church- es — Presbj/terian and Methodist — and several stores and taverns. This place bids fair to become one of more than ordinary importance. The town and country have the elements to cause this town to flourish and become a central point of trade. Men of enterprise and liberality, like Mr. Church, who made a liberal donation of land for the public buildings, can do much towards, and will contribute essentially to the piospcrity of any town or neighborhood. The scenery around Lock Haven is romantic, and inviting to the weary worn, and those who delight in Nature, as she is. FARRANDSVILLE, [s situated on the left bank of the Susquehanna, at the mouth ot Licking creek. This place originated from a settlement commenced here in 1831, 'o2, by a company of Boston cap- italists. It was named after W. P. Farrand, a gentleman from Philadelphia, acting agent for the Bostonian company. A visiter to this place in 1835 (J. Holbrook) has described it thus: " The Lycoming Coal Company — the proprietors of Far- randsville — have a good fajm of 200 acres, a short distance above the village; and progressing up the river, the bottoms are extensive, and settlements closer. " Lick run is a strong, steady stream. On it is erected a large nail establishment, capable of manufacturing from the pig metal 10 tons of nails per day: an air and cupola fur- nace, which in the last six months have turned out nearly 300 tons of castings; mills for sawing different descriptions of lumber, shingles, lath, &c. ; an establishment for manu- facturiuij railroad cars on a larw scale. There are now thiee veins of coal opening, and the shutes in; 50 coal cars finished, and in the best manner, and two miles of railroad, i^ommunicating with the different mines and the basin, finish- ed. One track of the road leads to the nail works, which are calculated to consume 5,000 tons of coal per year. An CLINTON COUNTY. 359 extensive rolling-mill is in progress, and a furnace for smelt- ing iron ore with coke will be erected in a short time, imme- diately below the nail-works. Farrandsville proper is situa- ted on the Susquehanna ; on the mountain where the coal mines have been opened, there are a number of buildings, where the miners and their families reside, with a street run- ning between them town-fashion ; and at the foot of this mountain, at Lick run, there are also large boarding-houses and habitations tor artisans and Iheir families. These three separate towns, however, all belong to the community of Farrandsville, which contains a large hotel, far advanced in the erection, two reputable taverns, three large boarding- houses, and upwards of 90 tenements, each calculated to render a family entirely comfortable. Here are inexhausta- ble mines of iron, with the bituminous coal for smelting it, and all the elements for building up a manufacturing estab- lishment capable of supplying iron in all its forms to our widely-extended and populous country." DUNNSTOWN, Was laid out by William Dunn, in 1794, The proprietor had strong hopes that it would become the county seat of Lycoming county, which was erected in 1795. It contains about 30 dwellings, stores, taverns, &c. LOCK PORT, Near Lock Haven, consists of several large houses and stores, on the opposite side of the river. MILL HALL, A post village, situated on Fishing creek, immediately below a romantic gorge through which it steals, and tumbles through Bald Eagle mountain. The town was laid out by Nathan Harvey, who erected a saw mill here more than forty years ago. It contains several stores and taverns, a Methodist oBO CMM'ON rOl'MV. I'luui-h, v^i'. It is a Inisk uuuuit'.u'tutiiij;' villa^o ; aiul con- tains also a toiLl'O autl i'uiikuh". M:\V LinKKTV, vol M; WOMANsrOWN, ANh SALON. v. Afo small villaL:;t\s. 'I'ho most important amoiiLi' tluMU is 8a- lona. noar Mill Hall, on tlu" roail to lu'lK'tiniii'. EIHTATION ANP IIKI.UJION. Most ot tho townships havo adojUoil tlio oommon school svstoni. Tlio numhor i^t'sL-hiH^l ilistriots is 1(\ II ol wliioh iiave iv[Htitoil U schools in i^poration. Tax iovioil tor school pnrposcs in ISir), was ;sl,7;>'J ;'){). The State ajipro- prialion aniountctl to tJi^Ori:').-!-!. The number ot" scholars tauglit was l.SlK^. clnrin^; tour months. 'the religious denominations are rresbvfcrian, Metiuulist, Lutheran, (iciman Uetormcil, ami liaptist. Prior to 17(>S, the date of the "new purchase," this re- gion ot country was occupied by Delawares, Shawanese, and some Muncy. Manlicoke and Conov Indians. Some o( the Shawanese. who hail lor some time strao^leil along the Ohio, returned again to the NN'est Hranch, as will bi- seen by the sequel. It appears, aci'ordino- to Li'iskiel. '* that this legion ot country was not only inhabiteil bv Indians ot liitlerent tribes, but alst^ bv Kuiojieans. who IkuI ado{Ued the Indian manner ot" living." When (\nmt Zm.-.enilorir visited Oston- wackin, (or Frenchtown,) he was met (.Jidv oi>. 17 ("J.) by an Imiian who uuilerstooil French and Kn^lish. The Uevii. Oavid Hrainerd, a missionary to the Indians, visited this region ot country in 17 U\ August '2'-, flourishes in our sandy bottoms, spouting drafts on the sides of our m.ountains and the summit of the Allegheny. When the sugar season begins, which is generally about the first of March, the sugar maker repairs his camp if it is .Hit of order. The camp is a small shed made of logs, cov- ered with slabs or clapboards, and open at one end or side, Immediately before the opening, four wooden forks are plant- ed, on which is placed a strong pole. From this is suspend- en as many wooden hooks as the sugar boiler has kettles — usually four. Wood is hauled, and it requires a large quan- tity to boil a season. The troughs to receive the watei are roughly hewn of cu- cumber, white or yellow^ pine, or wild cherry, and contain from one to three gallons. The trees are tapped with a three- quarter inch auger, about one inch or an inch and a half deep. In the hole is placed a spile or spout, 18 inches long, made of sumach or alder. Two spiles are put in a tree. A good camp will contain one hundred and fifty or two 380 CLEARING LANDS. hundred trees. When the troughs are full the boiler goes round with a sled drawn by horses, on which are placed vessels or barrels to receive the water. Having filled the barrels, he returns to the camp and fills up the vessels, which consists of meat vessels, &c. well cleansed. The wafer which is gathered in should be immediately boiled, because it makes the best sugar. If left to stand a few days, it becomes sour and ropy. The kettles are filled, and as the water boils down, the kettles are filled up again until all is boiled in. In order to ascertain when it is fit to stir off, a little of the molasses is taken out with a spoon and dropped into a tin of cold water. If the molasses is thick it will form a thread in the water, and if this thread will break like glass, when struck with a knife, it must be taken off the fire, and is fit to stir. The kettle is set on the ground and occasionally stirred in till it cools and granulates. Great judgment is required, and the most exact attention to take It off at the very moment it is fit. If it is taken off too soon, the sugar will be wet and tough ; if it is left on too long it will be burnt or be bitter, and scarcely fit for use. Some boilers try it by taking a few drops of the molasses between the tiuimb and finger, and if it ropes like glue when it cools, it is said to be in sugar. A tree is calculated to produce, a season, a barrel of water of 30 gallons, and it requires six gallons to make a pound of sugar. This estimate, however, appears too large. I have never known a camp turn out, one tree with anoth- er, more than three pounds, In Jamaica it is not unusu- al for a gallon of raw cane liquor to yield a pound of su- gar. It is supposed that there can be no doubt of the fact that our trees do not produce as much as formerly. Many of the trees liave been injured by fire, but the fatal cause of their deterioration is the auger. When a tree is cut down which has been frequently tapped, there is a black and rotten streak for a foot above and below many of the auger holes. The great miracle is that a single sugar tree is alive in Bedford ; but the Almighty Fabricator of the universe has in his infinite wisdom and beneficence be- stowed on this precious tree a tenacity of life truly won- derful. Though every year assaulted by the axe, the au~ CLEARING LANDS. 381 ger, or by fire, it clings to existence and yields to its un- grateful possessor a luxury, and necessary of life, which, but for it, would connnand a price which would debar its use from the poor. Maple sugar is worth from six to ten cents per pound." CHAPTER XVII. Biographical Notices, Of distinguished individuals, who were acll.cj/ engageo in this region of country, at an early period, or who resided within the bounds of the several counties, of which a history is attempted. No. 1. CONRAD WEISER. The name of Weiser is intimately associated with many of the leading events in the history of Pennsylvania, from 1730 to 1760, especially in all the important Indian treaties during that period. It is a name which every German should de- light to honor, for the disinterested benevolence of the " In- dians' Friend," and fiiend of humanity. Several of our most influential men of Pennsylvania have descended from Conrad Weiser. He was the great-grandfather, on the maternal side, of the Honorable Henry A. Muhlenberg, late of Read- ing, and of Doctor Muhlenberg, of Lancaster. Conrad Weiser, son of John Conrad Weiser, was born at Herrenberg, in Wittemberg, Germany, November 2d, 1696. His father had sixteen children. Mrs. Weiser died May 1st, 1709. Shortly after her death John Conrad Weiser, with S of his children, in company with several of his countrymen, left Germany; and arrived at London, in June. Several thousand Germans having arrived at the same time, were maintained at the expense of Queen Anne, upon whose invi- ' tation they had gone thither. In December about four thou- sand of them embarked for America. They arrived at New BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 383 York, June 13th, 1710. In the autumu of this year, John Conrad Weiser, with his family, and several hundred Ger- man families, were transferred, at the Queen's expense, to Livingston District, where many of them remained till 1713. Two younger brothers of Conrad's, George and Christopher, had, before their father went to Livingston District, been apprenticed by the Governor of New York, to a gentleman on Long Island. It was assigned to these Germans to manufacture tar, and ra'^ti hemp, to re-pay freightage from Holland to England, and thence to Nevv York. The business proving unsuccess- ful, they were released of all freightage. More than half of the families in Livington District, now resolved to leave and settle at Schoharie, 40 miles west of Albany. Previous to going there, they sent deputies to Schoharie to consult with the Indians, touching their locating there; for one of the chiefs, five of whom had been in England at the time these Germans were there, granted the Queen a tract of land for the use of the Germans. The names of the chiefs were Te- yee-neen-ho-ga-prow, Sa-ga-yean-qua-prah-tou, of the Ma- quas ; Elow-oh-kaom, Oh-nee-yeath-tou-no-prou, of the river Sachem. John Conrad Weiser was one of the deputies to Schoharie. After returning from the Maqua country, in which Schoharie lay, a number of families moved thither in the autumn of 1713; some to Albany, others to Schenectady — Weiser had moved to the latter place, and remained with one Johannes Meyn- derton, during the winter. Here he was repeatedly visited by Quagnant, a chief of the Maquas, who proposed to take Conrad, the subject of this notice, with him to his own coun- try, and teach him the language spoken by that nation. By the consent of his father, Conrad accompanied his instructor, and now lived amons the Indians. While with Quagnant, and acquiring a knowledge of the Maqua tongue, his sufferings were beyond description. He had scarce clothes to cover his nudity, much less to protect him against the inclemency and piercing cold of a severe winter ; to all this was added, that often times he had not wherewith to satisfy hunger. Siill, to heighten the sufferings of this young stranger among savages, they repeatedly threat- ened him, when they were drunk, with death, to escape which he had to secrete himself, till reason had given them 384 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. a "sober second thought" to restrain the execution of their threats upon him. While the patient young scholar was among the savages, his father moved in the spring of 1714 to Schoharie, accompanied by upwards of one hundred Ger- man families. In themonthof July, having mastered that language, Con- rad left Quagnant : he returned to his father's house, and as occasion demanded, he was interpreter between the Germans and Maquas or Mohawks. Several families of the Maqua nation lived within a mile of his father's house. Conrad was poorly compensated here as interpreter. In his Journal he says: " So lagen auchallezeit Maquaische hie und wieder auf der Jagd, da es oefters was fehlte dass ich viel zu dol- metchen hatle, aber olme Lohn." The Germans here, amid trials and difficulties, ever inci- dent to new settlements, made, in a few years, considerable improvements. Their flattering prospects were, however, wholly blasted. Owing to a defect in their land titles, they were dispossessed. Many of them left Schoharie in the spring of 1620 ; came to Pennsylvania, and settled among the In- dians in Tulpehocken, now Berks county. The Weiser fa- mily however remained till 1729, wiien Conrad left with his wife and five children, Philip, Frederick, Anna, Madlina, and Maria, and came to Pennsylvania. He settled half a mile east of the present site of Woraelsdorff. His father, John Conrad, remained at Schoharie till 1746. He left then on account of the dangers which he apprehended from the French and Indians, who had already murdered several Ger- man families at Schoharie. Soon after his arrival at the house of his son, Conrad, he died at the advanced age of nearly ninety. Weiser's profound knowledge of the Indian character, and an intimate acquaintance with their language, attracted the attention of Governor Gordon, of the Province of Penn- sylvania, shortly after his arrival at Tulpehocken. As inter- preter and Indian agent, havmg received that appointment from the governor, he accompanied the noted Shikelamy, of Shamokin, and Cehachquay, from his residence to Philadel- phia. — [Prov. Records. He was now nearly constantly absent for years, on Indian missions, on behalt of the Province of Pennsylvania. He and Shikelamy were appointed by the treaty of 1732, "as fit and BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 385 proper persons to go between the Six Nations and .the gov- ernment, and to be employed in all actions with one another, whose bo;lies, the Indians' said, were to be equally divided between them and us ; we have one half — that they (Indians) had found Conrad VVeiser faithful and honest — a true and good man, and had spoken their words, and our words, and not his own." — [Prov. Records. In 1736, Governor Thomas commissioned him a Justice of the Peace. Now in a threefold capacity — Interpreter, Indian Ao^ent and Justice of the Peace, to which was added that of Colonel, in 17-56. He continued his public career for many years. His was emphatically an active life. In Sep- tember, 1736, the chiefs of the Six Nations were expected at Philadelphia, to confirm a treaty that had been made in 1732: VVeiser was active on this occasion, as we learn from the Pro- vincial Records. "Conrad Weiser, our Interpreter, about the beginning of September, 1736, advised from Tulpehock- en, that he had certain intelligence from some Indians, sent before him, that there was a large number of those people, with many of the chiefs, arrived at Shamokin, on the Sus- quehanna, upon which he was directed to repair thither to attend them, and supply them with necessaries on their jour- ney to Philadelphia." " On the 37th of September, the chiefs came Avith Weiser to the President's house at Stenton, being near the road, where a suitable entertainment was provided for them ; on the next day, the honorable proprietor, Thomas Penn, and some of the Council, with other gentlemen, coming thither from Philadelphia : after dinner, a council was held at Sten- ton, September 28rh. The council continued till the 29th, then adjourned to meet Oct. 2d, in the Great Meeting House, in Philadelphia." — [Prov. Records. In the year 1737, he was sent toOnondago, N. Y., at the desire of the Governor of Virginia. He departed quite un- expectedly, towards the close of February, on a journey of five hundred miles, through a wilderness, where there was neither road nor path, and at a time of the year when ani- mals could not be met with for food. It was an unpleasant journey. In a letter, he says, "There were with me, a Dutch- man and three Indians. After we had gone one hundred and fifty miles on our journey, we came to a narrow valley, about half a mile broad and thirty rades long, both sides of which 33 586 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. were encompassed by high mountains ; on which the snow lay about three teet deep; in it ran a stream of water also three feet deep. The stream was so crooked that it kept a continual winding from one side of the valley to the other. In order to avoid wading so often through the water, we en- deavored to pass along the slope of the mountain — the snow now being three feet deep, and so hard frozen on the top that we walked upon it, but were obliged to make holes into the snow with our hatchets, that we would not slide down the mountain, and thus we crept on. It happened that the old Indian's foot slipped, and the root of the tree by which he held, breaking, he slid down the mountain, as from the roof of a house ; but happily he was stopped in his fall, by the string which flistened his pack, hitching on the stump of a small tree. The two Indians could not go to his aid, but our Dutch fellow traveller did ; yet not without visible dan- ger of life. I also could not put a foot forward, till I was helped ; after this we took the first opportunity to descend into the valley, which was not till after we had labored hard for half an hour with hands and feet. Having observed a tree lying directly off' from where the Indian tell, when we were got into the valley again, went back about one hundred paces, where we saw, that if the Indian had slipped four or five paces farther, he would have fallen over a reck one hun- dred feet perpendicular, upon craggy pieces of rocks below. The Indian was astonished, and tcrned quite pale; then with outstretched arms, and great earnestness, he spoke these words : " I thank thee Great Lord and Governor of this world, in that he had mercy upon me, and has been willing that 1 should live longer." This happened March 25, 1737= On the 9th of April, while we were yet on our journey, I found myself extremely weak, through the fatigue of so long a journey, with cold and hunger, which I had suffered ; there having fallen a fresh snow about 20 inches deep, and we be- ing yet three days journey from Onondago, in a frightful wilderness, my spirit failed, my body trembled and shook — I thought I should fall down and die : I stepped aside, and set under a tree, expecting there to die. My companions soon missed me; the Indians came back and found me there. They remained awhile perfectly silent. At last the old Indian said: " My dear companion, thou hast hitherto encouraged us, wilt thou now quite give up ? Remember that evil days are bet- BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 387 ter than good days ; for when we suffer much we do not sin — sin will be driven out of us by suffering, and God cannot extend his mercy on them; but contrary wise, when it goeth evil wath us, God hath compassion with us." These words made me ashamed. I rose up, and travelled as well as I could. In 1738, in the month of May, he again went to Ononda- go, accompanied by Bishop Spangenberger, David Zeisber- ger, and Shebosh, Moravian missionaries to the Indians. Here he again experienced great hardships. He not only accompanied these men to the Indians, but in 1742, he met Count Zinzendorf (of whom an account is given in the se- quel) at Bethlehem, who had just arrived from Europe. The count went with him to Tulpehocken, where, Aug. 14, they met a numerous embassy of Sachems of the Six Nations, return- ing from Philadelphia. The Count preached to them through Weiser as interpreter. Soon afterwards Weiser accompanied Zinzendorf to Sham- ok'in, where he was kindly received by Shikelamy. In January, 1743, Weiser again went to Shamokin, at the I'equest of Governor Thomas. The many active duties performed by Mr. Weiser would liave completely engrossed all the time of an ordinary man, still he found leisure to instruct others in the Indian tongue. In 1743 we find that distinguished Moravian missionary, Pyrlacus, at the house of Conrad Weiser, and being made acquainted with the Maqua language. Weiser's superior qualifications as a qualified instructor, soon enabled his pupil to master the lano-uao^e, so as to be able to address the Indi- ans of that Nation in their own tongue. Pyrlacus having acquired a competent knowledge of that language, moved with his wife into the interior parts of the Iroquois country, and took up his abode with the English missionaries, in Jun- tarogu. * In April, 1743, he went again to Shamokin, in behalf of Virginia and Maryland. In his Journal, he says: "April 9th. I arrived at Shamokin, by order of the Gov- ernor of Pennsylvania, to acquaint the neighboring Indians, and those on Wyoming, that the Governor of Virginia was well pleased v^-ith the mediation, and was willing to come to an agreement with the Six Nations about the land his peo- ple were settled upon, and if it was that they contended for. OOO BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. and to make up the matter of the late skirmish, in an amica- ble way." A treaty was subsequently held at Lancaster. In June, of the same year, he went again to Onondago, in obedience to the orders of the governor and council of Penn- sylvania. He kept a most minute Journal of this journey, replete with many interesting notices. — [Prov. Records, K., pp. 280-297. In consequence of the massacre of John Armstrong and his servants, noticed pages 80-90, he again went to Shamokin. In May, 1745, accompanied by Shikelamy, one ot his sons and An(hew Montour, he again went to Onondago, where they arrived in safety on the 6th of June. In 1747 he start- ed for Shamokin, charged with a message to the Indians to notify them of the death of John Penn, late proprietary of the piovince of Pennsylvania. On his way thither he met v^hikelamy, and several Indians, among whom was Scaien- ties, at Cliarabers' mill, now M'Allister's, where he delivered ihe message. In November, he again went to Shamokin, to administer relief to some of the suffering there. He was surprised, on his arrival, to find Shikelamy in so low a condition ; reduced by sickness. Many of them had died. He administered medicines to the sick, under the directions of Dr. Greene. — [Prov. Records, L. The period had now arrived that the Fiench were actively engaged, to seduce, if possible, all the Indians on the Ohio, and westward, and persuade them to take up the hatchet against the English, to counteract the influence of the French emissaries, Mr. VVeiser was selected as a suitable person to pay the Indians a visit at Logstown, 14 miles below the present site of Pittsburg. Weiser set out August 11th, 1746, tor Ohio; crossed the Susquehanna at Harris's Ferry, passed through what is now Cumberland, Perry, and Huntingdon, by way of Frankstown, Kittaning, ^c, on to Logstown, through a perfect wilderness. On ariiving at Logstown the Indians received him with great joy. The utmost vigilance was now jcquired by the public functionaries to conciliate the Indians. White intruders upon Indian lands had now to be expelled. In 1750 Weiser, Sec- retary Peters, joined by the magistrates of Cumberland coun- ty, and the delegates from the Six Nations, a chief of the Mohawks, and Andrew Montour, went to Cumberland, now BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 889 Perry and Bedford, and removed many of those intruders. The same year he undertook another journey to Onondago, with a message from the Honorable Thomas Lee, Esq-, Pre- sident of Virginia to the Indians there. He left home on the 15th of August, and arrived at Onondago, on the 26th- He spent some time among them. He arrived at home October Ist. About this time a scheme was formed, to educate the Ger- mans. He was appointed, in connection with other distin- guished gentlemen, as a member of the board of Trustees. From 1752 to 1757, he repeatedly visited the Indians at Harris's Ferry ; attended treaties held there and at Carlisle. He acted as Interpreter at the treaties held at Carlisle in October, 1753, and in January, 1756. During the French and Indian war he was appointed Col. of a regiment of volunteers from Berks county. In 1759, Governor Denny appointed him a commissary. The duty assigned him by his late commission was too tedious for his worn out constitution. In a letter of Sept. 19, 1759, to the governor, he says : " I am in a very low state of health, and cannot, without great fatigue, hazard to undertake my jour- nev." He closed his eventful life July 13th, 1760. He left sev- en children — having been the father of fifteen — and a widow, to lament his departure. His remains rest about half a mile east of Womelsdorf, a few hundred yards south of the turn- pike. A rough hewn stone stands to mark the spot, with the following, almost obliterated, inscription : Diesses ist die Pv.uhe Staette des weyle ehren geachteten M. Conrad Weiser derselbige ist gebohren 1696 den 2 No- vember in Astaet in Amt Herrenberg im Wittenberger Lande, und gestorben 1760 den 13 Julius, ist alt worden 63 jahr 8 Monat und 13 Tage. 33^ No. ir. Revd. Nicholas Louis Zinzendorf, Count. This pious and devoted man was the patron of the Mora- vians. He was born at Dresden, in May, 1700. He studied at Holle and Utrecht. About the year 1721, he purchased the lordship of Berthelsdoif, in Lusatia. Some poor Chris- tians, the lollowers of John Huss, obtained leave in 1722 to settle on his estate. They soon made converts. Such was the origin of the village of Herrnhut. Their noble patron soon alter joined them. From this period Count Zinzendorf devoted himselt to the business of instructing his fellow men by his writing and preaching. He travelled through Germany and Denmark, and became acquainted with the Danish missions in the East Indies and Greenland. About 1732 he engaged earnestly in the promotion of missions by his Moravian brethren, whose numbers at Herrn- hut were then about five hundred. So successful were these missions, that in a few years four thousand negroes were bap- tised in the West Indies, and the converts in Greenland amounted to seven hundred and eighty-four. In 1737 he visited London ; and in 1741 came to Ameri- ca, and preached at Germantovvn, Bethlehem, Tulpehocken; and visited the Indians at Shamokin, Wyoming, and State of New York. In 1743 he returned to Europe. He died at Herrnhut in 1760, the same year that his friend Weiser did. His coffin was carried to the grave by thirty-two preachers and mis- sionaries, whom he had reared, and some of whom had toiled in Holland, England, Ireland, North America, and Green- land. What monarch was ever honored by a funeral like this? No. III. Revd. David Brainerd. The subject of this notice was born at Haddam, Connec- ticut, April 20, 1718. liis mind was early impressed with the importance of religion. After preparatory studies he be- came a member of Yale College in 1739, where he was dis- tinguished for application and general correctness of conduct. He was expelled from this institution in 1742, inconsequence of having said, that one of the tutors wae as devoid oi grace as a chair. In the spring of 1742, he began the study of divinity, and at the end of July was licensed to preach. Hav- ing received from the society, for propagating Christian know- ledge, an appointment as missionary to the Indians, he com- menced his labors at Kaunameek, a village of Massachusetts, situated between Stockbridge and Albany. He remained there about twelve months, and on the removal of the Kau- nameeks to Stockbridge, he turned his attention towards the Delaware Indians. In 1744, he was ordained at Newark, N. J., and fixed his residence near the Forks of the Delaware and Lehigh rivers, Pennsylvania, where he remained about a year. From this place he removed to Crossweeksing, in N. J,, where his ef- forts among the Indians were commenced with success. In the summer of 1745 and 1746, he visited the Indians on the Susquehanna, at Duncan's Island, at Shamokin, and on the West Branch. On his return in September he found himself worn out. His health was so much impaired, that he was able to preach but little more. Being advised in the spring of 1747 to travel in New England, he went as far as Boston, and returned in July to Northampton, where he pass- ed the remainder of his days. He died October 9th, 1747, aged twenty-nine years. No. IV. Revd. Daaid Zeisberger, This distinguished Moravian missionary among the Indi- ans, was born in Moravia, in Germany, 1721, whence his parents emigrated to Hernnhut, in Ujiper Lusatia. In 1738 he came to Georgia. Thence he removed to Pennsylvania, and assisted in the commencement of the settlements of Beth- lehem and Nazareth. From 1742 he was for sixty-two years a missionary among the Indians. He visited them on the Susquehanna. He attended Shikelamy in liis last illness, at Shamokin, ih 1749. Loskiel says, " He (Shikelamy) was taken ill — was attended by David Zeisberger, and in his presence, fell happily asleep in the Lord, in full assurance of obtaining eternal liie, through the merits of Jesus Christ." Zeisberger was an indefatigable missionary. He instructed and baptised about fifteen hundred Iiidians. This he did amid trials and opposition from several quarters. About the year 17C8, he wrote two grammars of (he On- ondago, in English and in German, and a dictionary, German and Indian, of more than 1700 pages. In the Lenape, or language of the Delawares, he published a spelling book, sermons to children, and a hymn book, containing upwards of 500 hymns, translated partly from German and partly from English. He left in manuscript a grammar in German of the Delaw^are language, which has been translated by Mr. Du Ponceau, late of Philadelphia; also a harmony of the four gospels, translated into Delaware. No. V. Governor Simon Snyder. He was born at, Lancaster, in November, 17o9. His fa- ther was a res]iectable mechanic, who had emigrated to Pennsylvania, from Germany, about the year 1740. The maiden name of his mother was Knippenberg. She was born near Oppenheim, in Germany. In April, J 774, his father, Anthony Snyder, died at Lancaster. In J 776, Simon Sny- der lelt Lancaster, and went and resided at York. There he reraainetl more than eight years- In that ])]ace he learned the tanning and currying business. As a proof of early in- tegrity, it may be mentioned that he served an apprentice- ship ol lour years, without being bound by an indenture or written contract. At York, he went to night school, kept by John Jones — a worthy member of the Society of Friends — where he leained reading, wiiting, arithmetic, and made some progiess at mathematics. Olten, at tiie midnight hour, after a hard day's work, Simon S/iyder was found engaged in the pursuit of knowledge; and his Sundays were almost constantly devoted to its acquirements. In July, 1784, he removed to the county of Northumber- land, to that portion which is now Union countv. Theie he became a storekeeper, and the owner of a mill. He soon be(;ame very useful, and much respected as a scrivener. lie was in all situations, and at all times the fiiend of the poor and tlie distressed ; modest and unassuming; yet was his sound judgment, impartiality, and love of justice, so well known, and duly appreciated, that he was elected unani- m jusly by the freeholders of a large district of country, a justice of the peace. In this office he continued to officiate for twelve years, under two commissions. The first was granted under the constitution of 1776, and the last was un- der the constitution of 1790. So universally were his decis- ions respected, that there never was an appeal from any judg- ment of his to the court of Common Pleas, and but one writ of certiorari was served on him during all that time. Though the inhabitants consisted of ihat description of persons who are the settlers of all new countries, amongst ^94 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. whom quarrels and disputes are very freqtjent, yet so great was his personal influence, and so strenuous his efforts to reconcile contending parties, that he generally prevailed; in- deed, so efficient was his influence, that of the many actions brought before him for assaults and batteries, during the whole period of 12 years, he made return to the Court of Quarter Sessions of but two recognizances. These are evi- dences of an extraordinary degree and extent of public confi- dence in the disposition and judgment, and general good prin- ciples and character of Mr. Snyder, and confidence which Ids whole life proved to have been well deserved. In 1789 he was elected a member of the convention which formed the late constitution of this State. Mr. Snyder had, heretofore, taken but little part in political contests of the day, yet his principles seemed to have been well understood; ant! his votes in the convention proved him to have been, then, as he continued through life, the steady supporter of those invaluable principles, which were best calculated to maintain the rights and promote the happiness of the people of this free country. Ill 1797 he was elected a member of the Legislature. He was never considered a speaker of much impression, nor did he ever speak at length, yet what he did say, was listened to with marked attention, and always carried weight, be- cause he never spoke but when he felt assured that it was his duty to speak, and that he had something in the way of fact oi' information to communicate, which should influence the minds of liis fellow members. As a committee man, his services were much sought and much valued. In 1802 hewas chosen Speaker of the House of Repiesentatives. As Speaker, Mr. Snyder presided with much dignity, with a full knowledge of his duties, and a most accurate recollection and prompt api)lication of the rules of the House. None of his decisions were reversed by the House. His amendments, which were frequently of moment, suggest- ed by him as Speaker, even when the bill was in its last stage, were almost always adopted, with unanimity, which marked the high respect entertained by the House for his judgment. With him originated in our Legislature, a proposition to engraft the arbitration principle on our judicial system, as well as many other wholesome provisions for the adjustment BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 395 of controversies brought before justices of the peace. ITe continued, after repeated unanimous elections, to preside in the Speaker's chair to the session of 1805. During that ses- sion he was taken up as a candidate for the office of Gover- nor, and ran in opposition to the then Governor, Thomas McKean. The question of calHng a convention to amend the State constitution, was so intimately interwoven with the question, who should he Governor? that the contest was conducted ra- ther in reference to the question ot the convention, than upon the popularity of the candidate. Governor McKean was re-elected by a majority of 5000. In 1806, Mr. Snyder was again elected to the House of Re- presentatives, and again chosen Speaker, and was re-elected to both stations in 1807. In 1808, he was taken up as candidate for Governor, and after an arduous contest, was elected by a majority of 28,000. In 1811, he was re-elected ; and, also in 1814. His conduct in the war of 1812, was patriotic, and worthy of a Gover- nor of Pennsylvania. In the session of 1813-14, a very large majority of both Houses of the General Assembly, passed the bill to charter forty Banks! The candidate for Governor was at that time nominated by the members of the Legislature. Having assembled in caucus, for that purpose, it was remarked, after the meeting had been organized, that the bill to charter 40 Banks was then before the Governor, and that it would be prudent to adjourn the caucus without making any nomina- tion of a candidate for Governor, until it was ascertained whether he would or would not approve of the bill. Within three days. Governor Snyder returned the bill, W'ith his objections, and it did not pass that session. The in- dependence of Governor Snyder was the theme of almost universal praise, and he was that year re-elected by nearly 30,000 majority. Having served the constitutional period of nine years, he retired to his former place of residence — Selin's Grove — where, at the general election, he was elected and forthwith entered upon the discharge of his duties as a guardian of the poor of the township. At the next general election, Mr. Snyder was elected a Senator of the State of Pennsylvania, and served one session. 396 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. He died in the spring of 1820, honored, respected and be- loved. He was in truth an honest and upright man. Peace to his ashes. No. VI. John Harris, Proprietor of Harrisburg. The subject of this brief notice, was the son of the well known elder John Harris, a native of Yorkshire, England, and who was the first settler west of the Conewago hill'. John Harris was born at the present site of Hanisburg, in 1726. He was the first white child born in Pennsylvania, west of the Conewago hills. Harris's father w^as a middle-aged man when he immigra- ted to America. He first settled in Philadelphia, where he married Esther Say, an English lady; a woman of rather an extraordinary chaiacter, for energy and capacity of mind. When but a young man, .lohn Harris was occasionally em- ployed by the Pi ovince of Pennsylvania to transact important business with the Indians at a critical peiiod. His house was frequently visited by the aborigines. Several important con- ferences were held there between the several tribes of Indi- ans on the Susquehanna, Ohio, &c., and the government of Pennsylvania. Prior to 1754, he had been sent on an Indian mission to Ohio, and at the same time to notice the most practicable route from his Ferry to Logstowm. That he performed his duty faithfully may be seen from the following brief extiacts from his journal : " From my Ferry to George Croghan's, it is five miles — (this place was in Cumberland county) ; to Kittatinny moun- tains 9; to Andrew Montour's 5; Tuscarora hill 9; Thomas Mitchell's sleeping place 3; Tuscarora 14; Cove Spring 10; Shadow of Death 8; Black Log 3. Sixty miles to this point. The road forks to Raystown (Bedford) and Frankstown — we continued to Raystown- To the Three Springs 10; BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 397 Sideling Hill Gap 8 ; Juniata Hill 8 ; Crossings at Juniata 8 ; Snake's Spring 8 ; Raystown 4 ; Shawana cabins 8 ; Al- leghany hill 6 ; Edmund's swamp 8; Stoney creek 6 ; Kich- eney Paulin's house (Indian) 6 ; Clearfiekl's 7 ; to the other side of Laurel hill 5; Loyal Hanning 6; Big Bottom 8; Chestnut ridge 8 ; to the parting of the roads 4 ; thence one road leads to Shanoppintown, the other to Kiscomenettas Old Town — To Big Lick 3 ; Beaver dams 6 ; James Dun- ning's sleeping place 8 ; Cockeye's cabin 8 ; Four mile run 11 ; Shanoppintown on Allegheny river 4 ; to Logstown down the river 18 ; distance by the old road 246 miles. " Now beginning at the Black Log — Frankstowii road to Aughwick 6 ; Jack Armstrong's Narrows (so called from being murdered here) 8 ; Standing Stone, which is about 14 feet high and 6 inches square, 10. At each of the last places we crossed the Juniata. The next and last crossing of Juniata S ; Branch of Juniata 10; Big Lick 10; Frank's (Stephen's) Town 5; Beaver dams 10; Al- legheny hill 4 ; Clearfi:3ld 6 ; John Hart's sleeping place 12 ; Shawanese cabins 24 ; Shaver's sleeping place, at two large licks 12; Eighteen mile run 12; Ten mile lick 6; to Kiscomenettas town on the creek which runs into the Allegheny river six miles down, almost as large as Schuyl- kill 10 ; Ciartier's landing on Allegheny S ; &c." H iving accepted an Indian agency he was faithful to his charge, both to the Indians and the government. The latter he kept constantly advised of what was going on in the frontier settlements ; for at this time many of the In- dians on the Oliio had taken up the hatchet against the English. He frequently visited the Indians at Shamokin ; and when the French an 1 Indians had committed atrocious murders upon the frontier settlers, he, aided by others, came and buried the bodies of the slain. He was a great patriot. "When the independence was agitated, he thought the declaration premature. He feared that the colonies were unequal to the task of combating with Great Bntain; but when independence was declared, he advanced £3000 to carry on the contest." He was a man of more than ordinary forecast. He un- derstood well the advantages of Harris's Ferry. Twenty years before he had laid out Harrisburg, he observed to 84 398 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. the late Judge Hollenback, that his place would become a place of central business, and the Seat of Government of Pennsylvania. When he laid out Harrisburg in 1785, he conveyed with other property to commissioners, four acres of ground on Capital Hill, to the east of the present State Buildings, in trust for public use, and such public purposes as the Leg- islature shall direct. He was always liberal; he gave lot No. 185, on the cor- ner of Chesnut and Third streets, to the German Reformed and Lutherans, in 1787, to erect a church thereon — the same lot on which the German Reformed Church now stands. After a life of usefulness, he closed his eventful period, July 29, 1791, and his remains rest in the Paxton church graveyard. No. VII. Rochefoucauld Liancourt. This distinguished French Duke was born in Franco, 1747 ; and was grand master of the wardrobe to Louis xv. and xvi. During the revolution, like another Lafayette, he was the friend of liberty, but the enemy of licentious- ness. The downfall of the throne compelled him to quit France, and after having resided for some time in Eng- land, he visited America, in 1795, and made a tour through this part of Pennsylvania, by way of Harrisburg, &c., and in 1796 passed through Northumberlandcounty, where he tarried for some time ; which place, with others, he noti- ces in his work, entitled, " Travels in the United States." In 1799, he was allowed to return to his native coun- try, and he died in March, 1827, generally respected for his liberal principles and his active benevolence. It was chiefly by his exertions that vaccination was introduced into France. No. VIII. Colonel Hartley. Colonel Tliomas Hartley — stationed for some time in Sunbury — was born in Berks county, September 7, 174S. Having received the rudiments oi'a classical education, in the town of Reading, he went, at the age of 18, to York, and commenced the study of law under Samuel Johnson. Pursuing his studies with unremitthig diligence for three years, he was admitted to practice, in the courts of York, July 25, 17G9. He soon distinguished himself in his pro- fession. Young Hartley was early a distinguished as a warm iViend of his country, both in the cabinet and in the field. In 1774, he was elected by the citizens of York, a member .)f the Provincial meeting of deputies, which was held at Philadelphia, July 15th, of the same year. In 1775 he was ;i member of the Provincial convention, held at Philadel- i)lu;i, January 23J. The time now approached that tried men's souls. Hart- It^y now espoused the cause of his country in good earnest. He soon distinguished himself as a soldier. The Commit- tee of Sifcty recommended a number of persons to Con- gress, f )r Field OfRcers to the sixth battalion, ordered to he raised. Congress accordingly, on the 10th of January, 1776, elected William Irwin, as Colonel; Thomas Hartley Hs Lieutenant-colonel ; and James Dunlap, as Major. Mr. Hartley was soon afterwards promoted to the full degree of (V)lonel. Colonel Hartley having been three years in service, wrote a letter to Congiess, February loth, 1779, asking permission to resign his commission. His resignation was accepted. In 177s he was elected a member of the Legislature from York county. In 17S3 he was elected a memlDer of the Council of Censors. In 1787 he was a member of the State Conven- tion, which adopted the Constitution ol the United States. In 178S he was elected a member of Congress. He con- tinued a member of that body for about 12 years. 400 BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. April 28th, 1800, Governor McKean commissioned him a Major-General of the fifth division of the Pennsylvania mili- tia, consisting of the counties of Yoik and Adams. He soon after receiving this appointment, died at his house in York, December 21st, 1800, in his 5od year. No. IX. George Croghan. Mr. Croghan was an Indian Agent for many years. He /esided several years five miles west of Harris's Ferry, in ''Cumberland county, at whose residence several Indian con- ferences were held ; one in May, and another in June, 1750. tSoon after 1750 he was sent to Aughwick, where he dis- 'charged faithfully his duty. Prior to his settling at Augh- wick, he had accompanied Conrad Weiser to Logstown in 1748. In 1750 and 1751 he held conferences with the In- dians at Logstown. In 1755 he tendered his services, and those of a number of friendly Indians, to General Braddock; but was repulsed by the selfish General. In 1753 he was present at the treaty held at Carlisle. He erected Fort Gran- "ville in 1756. Having received a commission from Sir William Johnson, as Dei)uty Indian Agent, after the French had evacuated Fort I)u Quesne, in L75S, he took up his residence at Fort Pitt, where he held several important treaties with the seve- ral Indian nations of Ohio, and west of the Ohio. In 1765 he set off from Fort Pitt with two batteaux, be- ing accompanied by several men, and deputies of the Sene- e,as, Shawanese and Delawares, down the Ohio, for Fort Chartres, on the Wabash river. They left Foit Pitt on the 15th of May, and towards the latter part of July arrived at Fort Chartres. It was quite a hazaidous undertaking. Be- ibre they arrived at the Fort they were attacked, June 8th, at daybreak, by a party of Indians, consisting of SO warriors • BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 401 of the Kickapoos and Musquattimus, who killed two of his men and two Indians ; himself and all the rest of his party being wounded, except two white men and one Indian. They were all made prisoners, and plundered of every thing they had, and were now hurried on through a dreary wilderness for several hundred miles, crossing a great many swamps, morasses, and beaver ponds. On the 15th of June they ar- rived at Port Vincent, now Vincennes. Thence they were carried as captives to Ouicatanon, a distance of upwards of two hundred miles from Port Vincent. Here they were enlarged on the 25lh of July. Mr. Cro- ghan now set his face for Detroit, where he arrived on the 17th of August. He describes Detroit and vicinity as con- sisting of a Stoccade Fort, enclosing about 80 houses, and standing close on the north side of the river, on a high bank, commanding a very pleasant prospect of nine miles above and below the Fort — the country thickly settled w-ith French; their plantations generally laid out about three or four acres in breadth on the river, and eight in depth; the soil good, ;)roducing plenty of grain. All the people, he says, are ge- nerally poor wretches here, and consist of three or four hun- dred French families — a lazy, idle people, depending chiefly on the savages for subsistence. During his stay at Detroit he held frequent conferences with the different Indian nations assembled there. He left Detroit September 2Gth, and arrived at Niagara, October Sth. Afterwards he retired to Fort Pitt. In 1770 he was still stationed at Fort Pitt, where George Washington, on his way down the Ohio, dined with him in the Fort. Colonel Croghan accompanied Washington as far as to Logstown. He was an extensive landholder at that time. He owned all the land between Raccoon creek and the Monongahela. Colonel Croghan was one of the most active Indian Agents and pioneer settlers of his day. 34* No. X. Colonel John Kelly. John Kelly was a native of Lancaster county. He was l>orn in February, 1747. After the purchase from the Incli- cins, by the proprietaries of Pennsylvania, in 1768, he left Lancaster county and settled in Bulfalo valley. Here he en- liured the hardships common to all settlers in new countries. He was well calculated for a new settlement ; — tall, about SIX feet two, vigorous and muscular, with a body inured to labor, and insensible of fatigue, and a mind fearless of dan- jrer- He was a major m the revolutionary war, and was engaged in the brilliant actions at Trenton and Princeton. In the course of one of their retreats, the commander-in- .jhief, through Col. Potter, sent an order to Major Kelly to have a certain bridge cut dowTi to prevent the advance of rhe British, who were then in sight. The major sent for an dxe, but repiesented that the enterprise would be very haz- ardous. Still the British advance must be stopped, and the drdcr was not withdiawn. He said he could not order an- ;ither to do what some would say he was afraid to do him- self ; he would cut down the bridge. Before all the logs on which the bridge lay were cut off, he was completely within the range of the British fire, and several balls struck the log in which he stood. The last log bi"oke down sooner than he expected, and he fell with it into the swollen stream. Our soldiers moved on, not believing it possible for him to make his escape. He, however, by great exertions, reached the shore, through the high water and the floating timber, and ioliowed the troops. Encumbered as he must have been with his wet and frozen clothes, he made a prisoner, on his road, of a British scout, an armed soldier, and took him into camp. History mentions that our army was preserved by the de- struction of that bridge ; but the manner in which it was done, or the name of the person who did it, is not mentioned. It was but one of a series of heroic acts, which happened BIOGRAPHICAL NOTICES. 403 everyday; and our soldiers were then more familiar with the sword than the pen. After his discharge, Major Kelly returned to his farm and his family, and during the three succeeding years the Indians were troublesome to this then frontier settlement. He became colonel of the regiment, and it was his duty to keep watch against the incursions of hostile Indians, through our moun- tain passes. At one time our people were too weak to re- sist, and our whole beautiful country was abandoned. Col. Kelly was among the first to return. For at least two har- vests, reapers took their ritles to the fields, and some of the i-ompany watched while others wrought. Col. Kelly ha(i the principal command of scouting parties in this valley, and very often he was out in person. Many and many nights has he laid among the limbs of a fallen tree, to keep himself out of the mud, without a fire ; because a fire would indicate his position to the enemy. He had become well skilled in their mode of warfare. One circumstance deserves particular no- tice. The Indians seemed to have resolved on his death, without choosing to attack him openly. One night he had reason to apprehend they were near. He rose the next morning, and, by looking through the crevices of his log- house, he ascertained that two at least, if not more, were ly- ing with their arms, so as to shoot him when he should open his door. He fixed his own rifle, and took his position so that, by a string, lie could open the door, and watch the In- dians. The moment he pulled the door open, two balls came into the house, and the Indians rose to advance. He fired and wounded one, and both retreated. After waiting to sat- isfy himself that no others remained, he followed them by blood ; but they escaped. For many years Col. Kelly held the office of a magistrate of the county. In the administration of justice, he exhibited the same anxiety to do right, and disregard of self, w^hich Jiad characterized him in the military service of the country- He would at any time forgive his own lees, and, if the par- ties were poor, pay the constable's cost, to procure a com- ])romise. There is a monument in the Presbyterian cemetery in Lew- isburg, to the memory of Colonel Kelly. This was erected April 8th, 1835, amid a solemn and imposing military array. After the ceremony, James Merrill, Esq., delivered an ad- dress. No. XI. David R. Porter. The .subject of this brief notice, was born October 2ist, l/SS, in Montgomery county. His father, Andrew Porter, ^;oIonel of the fourth, or Pennsylvania regiment of artillery, and subsequently Brigadier and Major-General of the second divisdon of Pennsylvania militia, was also a native of Mont- gomery county. He was born September 24th, 1743. The life of General Porter affords a striking and useful example of what native energy and genius may accomplish, unfostered and unaided, excej)t by its own exertions. He rose, without any peculiar advantage of an early education, to rank and respectability, both in civil and military life, and held a dis- tinguished station in the scientific world. David R. Porter resided for many years in Huntingdon county, where he en- joyed the confidence of the people; holding several ofHces, at diffei-ent periods, both civil and military. He was twice elected Governor of Pennsylvania, and now resides at Har- risburg, extensively engaged in the manufacture of iron. OMISSION. The following interesting narrative of incidents, written by a daughter of a revolutionary soldier, familiar with the facts, was, by reason of misplacing the Mss., omitted being l)eing inserted in its proper place. It was not discovered in time to correct the omission. " .rames Thompson lived, at the commencement of the re- volutionary war, on a beautiful farm, near Spruce run, in ^Vhite Deer township. On a contiguous farm lived a family named Young. One morning in March they were surpiised by five Indians, who took Thompson and "Margaret Young prisoners, Thompson was a very active young man, and de- termined to rescue Miss Young, and make his own escape. On the second night of their captivity, while the Indians were asleep, — each with his rifle, tomahawk, and scalping- knite wrapped, with himself, in his blanket, — Thompson I'ound a stone weighing about two pounds, and kneeling down beside the nearest Indian, with his left hand he felt for his temple — his intention being to kill one, and, having secured his tomahawk, he thought he could despatch the rest succes- sively as they arose. The darkness of the night, however, frustrated his plan; for, not seeing, he did no serious injury. Tlie Indian bounded up with a fierce yell, which awoke the others, and springing on the young man — who had thrown his stone as far from him as he possibly could — would have put an end to his existence, had not the rest interfered and secured Thompson, The Indian immediately accused him of endeavoring to kill him — while he signified that he had only struck him with his fist — and nothing appearing to induce them to doubt his word, they were highly amusetl at the idea ')f an Indian making so terrible an outcry at any stroke a pale-face could inflict with his naked hanil. He, however, although he had not an ocular, had certainly a very feeling demonstration that somethintr weifrhtier than a hand had been used — but was shamed into silence by the laugh raised at his expense. Our prisoners were now taken up the Susquehan- 406 OMISSION. na, crossed the river in a canoe, and proceeded up Loyal Sock creek. For five nights he was laid upon his back, with his arms extended and tied to stakes. On the seventh night, near the mouth of Towanda creek, the Indians directed Thomp- son and his companion, as usual, to kindle a fire for them- selves, while they built another. By this means he had an opportunity of communicating to her his intention of leaving the company that very evening. She advised him to go without her. He expressed great unwillingness ; but she overruled his objections, declaring that even did she now escape, she would not be able to reach home. Accordingly, ill gathering the dry sticks which were strewn round, he went ftirther from the ciiclc, throwing each stick, as he found it, towards the fire, and then wandering slowly, though not un- consciously, still further for the next, until he had gone as far as he thought he could without exciting suspicion ; then he precipitately fled. They were soon in pursuit ; but were unable to overtake him; and he ran in such a quick, /iigzag iiiannei', that they could not aim straight enough to shoot him. He was obliged to travel principally at night; and in go- ing down Loyal Sock creek, he frequently came upon In- dian encampments, when he had either to wade the stream, or cross the slijipery mountaii s, to avoid them. Sometimes he came to places where they bad encamped. The bones of deer, v^:c , which he found at these })laces, he broke open, a, id swallowed the marrow. This, with the few lOots he could find, was all the food he was able to procure. Once, when almoyt overcome wiih fatigue and loss of sleep, he thought of getting into a hollow tree to rest; but this would not i\n, tor where he could get in a wild animal might also get, ahhough naturally possessed of great courage, he did not like to be attacked in this manner, where lie had no means of defence. In this way he reached the Susquehan- na, whcie he fi)uii{l the cance as they had left it. He en- tered it, and descended the river; but fatigue, ami want ot nourishment and rest, had so overcome him, that when he reached Fort Freeland — a shoit distance a hove where Mil- ton now stands — he was unable to rise. He lay in the can- oe until discovered by the inhabitants, who took him as'iore ; and by cartf il treatment he was restored to health. He af- terwards received a pension from the United States, and died about the year 1838, in the 96th year of his age. OMISSION. 407 The Indians, meantime pursued their course, taking Miss Young with them, to the neighborhood of Montreal, in Can- ada. She had frequently understood them to lament the loss of Thompson. As he was a fine active young man, they were keeping him as a subject upon which to exercise (heir cruelty. Miss Young was given to an old squaw, who wish- ed to make her work sufficient to maintani them both ; but an old colored man advised hei to work as little as possible — and what she must do, she should do as badly as she could; " for," said he, "if you work well, she will keep you for a slave, — but be lazy, and do your work wrong, and she will get tired of you, and sell you to the whites." — Poor young girl I away from her home and her friends, she was grateful for the advice wiiich even an old colored man gave. She acted her part well ; for when the corn was rea- dy for hoeing, she would cut up the corn, and neatly dress some weed in its stead. The old squaw thought she was too stupid ever to learn — for, notwithstanding all the pains she had taken to teach her, she was still as awkward and ignorant as ever ; and thinking her a useless burden, she sent her to Montreal, according to her wish, and sold her. Her purchaser was a man of some distinction, of the name of Young ; and when he discovered her name, he began to trace relationship, and found they actually were cousins. This was a happy discovery. She lived almost as contentedly, in her cousin's family, as in her father's house. Some time af- ter the conclusion of the war, she became very anxious to visit her friends in the United States. She came home, where she sickened and died soon after." APPENDIX A — page 43. Several conferences were held by the Indians tonching the encroachraents of the whites tipon their lands, Sfc, which are given below; and Richard Peters' Report, in 1750, to Governor Hamilton. At a conference held with the Indians at Mr. Croghan's, in Pennsboro' township, Cumberland county, on Thursday the 17th day of May, 1750. Present. — Richard Peters, Esq., Secretary. Conrad Wei- ser, Esq., James Galbreth, Esq., George Croghan, Esq., George Steveson, Esq., William Wilson, Esq., Hermanus Alricks, Esq., Andrew Montour, Jac-nech-doaris, Sai-uch- to-wano, Catara-dirha, Tohornady Hunthoa, Mohock, from Ohio. Sai-uch- to-wano spoke, as follows : Brethren — We were in hopes of giving the Secretary a cheerful welcome into this part of the county, but we have just heard a piece of bad news, which has interrupted our joy — that one. of the principal men of the Province is taken away by a sud- den death ; — a wise counsellor, and a good friend of ours. Be pleased, therefore, to convey to the Governor our expres- sions of sorrow on this melancholy occasion ; and let this string of wampum serve to comfort his heart, and wipe away tears from his eyes, till this great loss shall be supplied by some fit person to succeed him. A String of Wampum. APPENDIX. 409 To which the Secretary made Answer. Brethren — I will deliver your string to the Governor, with your expression of sorrow for the death of the Chief Justice. This is indeed a real cause of concern to the whole Province, since the loss w^hich the public sustains by the death of wise men cannot soon be repaired. Wisdom in the administration of the affairs of government, requiring experience as well as great abilities, both of which the deceased gentleman had a large share. Then Catara-dirha, on behalf of the Conestogoe Indians^ spoke. Brother — When the Six Nations sold their land on Susquehanna, to the proprietaries, the Conestv)goe Indians were then living in their town, near Lancaster, for which reason, the place w^here they lived was excepted out of the sale. It will ap- pear by your Records, that they were to live there as long as they pleased, and when they should incline to depart, they were to signify it to the proprietaries, and receive a consid- eration: they are now inclinable to remove nearer to the other Indians, and according to the agreement already made with the proprietaries, they request you to inform the Gover- nor of their intention. They want to sell their improvements, and now make the proprietaries the first offer of them. A String of Wampum. Brother, the Governor — Many of your old people are dead, so that we are now left, as it were, orphans in a destitute condition, which in- clines us to leave our old habitations. When we are gone, ill-minded people may tell you stories to our prejudice, but we assure you that distance will not alter our affections for you; therefore, give no ear to such stories, as we, on our part, will not think you can lose your regard for us, though there are some, who would persuade us that we are now not so much regarded by you as we have been. 35 410 APPENDIX. Then Andrew Montour spoke, as follows : Brethren — The Twightwees, who were atlmitted into the alHancc of the English, in a treaty heltl at Lancaster, two or three years ago, sent tlieir deputit-s to Alleglieny last winter, with a message addressed to the Six Nations, and other Indians living at Ohio, and to the Governor of Pennsylvania, and delivered to them this string ot" wampum; ami as this gov- ernment is equally concerned with those Indians in the Twight- wee message, they have commissioned me to relate it to the Governor, ami to give him over the siring of wampum sent with it, and desire he will tavor them with his answer to it by Mr. Croghan, who is going this summer to Allegheny. l^he Message delivered by the Deputies of the Ticightwees, loas as follows : Brethren ot the Six Nations, and all the other Lulians living on Ohio, and the Governor ot" Pennsylvania, and all the Enijlish Governors. We, the Twightvvees, who are now one with you, de- sire that the road which has lately been opened between us, being a new^ one, and tlierel'ore rough, blinti, and not well cleared, may now be made plain, and that every thing whicli may hinder the passage, may be removed out ot it so etiec- tually as not to leave the least obstruction; and we desire this may be done, not only as far as where you live, but be- yond you to the places where our brethren the English live, that their traders, whom we desire to see amongst us, and to deal with us for the future, may travel to us securely and with ease. Brethren — We are yet young and inexperienced. You, the Six Nations, are our elder brothers, and can advise us what to do on all occasions. We, therefore, put ourselves under your care, and request that you will look upon us as children, and assist us with your counsel, and we promise to follow what- ever advice you give us, for we are sensible that it will be for our good. Our father, Onontio, has kept us poor and blind, but through your means, we begin to open our eyes, APPENDIX. 411 and to see things at a great distance. We assure you by this string of wampum, that we, the Twightvvees, have entirely laid Onontio aside, and will no more be governed by his ad- vice, nor any longer hearken to what he shall say. This is our settled determination, and we give you the strongest assurances that we shall abide by it, and of this we desire you will inform the Six Nation Indians at Onondago, and all the Indians who are in their, and your alliance, and likewise the Governor of Pennsylvania, and the other Eng- lish Governors. Jirethren — I have it further in charge to relate to you the answer which the Allegheny Indians gave to this Message of the Twightwees, and it was to this purpose. Jirethren, the Twightvvees — Hearken to what we say, and consider our answer, and the joint answer of all the Nations of the Indians living in these parts, of our father's, the Six Nations, living at Onon- dago, and of the English governors, all whom we include in the answer. iJrelhren of the Twightwees Nation — You have, by your deputies, desired of us that we would o])en the new road between us and you wider, and take out of it every thing that can possibly hinder our travelling safe- ly and pleasantly to one another, and that the English trad- ers may corne more amongst you: and further, that you hence- forth put yourselves under our care, and desire we will assist you with our council, and that you have entirely laid aside Onontio, and will be no more governed by his councils- We declare ourselves well pleased with every part of your mes- sage, and heartily join with you in making the road perfectly clear, and free from all impediments; — we will take you un- mi, to be ready whenever they should send to him. French Andrew,-who went to fight the Catawbas, fell sick near James' river, in Virginia, anl his company left him un- der the care of Pisqueton, one of the company. Andrew got well and is now come bick to Shamokin: he told me he would comedown with the other two young Indians, who are to coma against the time when the Indian, in Philadelphia prison, will be tried. The fever was amono: the Indians at Shamokin, and has carried off five or six while I was here. Olumapies, the Del- aware chief, is recovered again of his long sickness. This is all at present I thought fit to inform, or rather trouble you with, who am Sir, your dutiful Conrad Weiser. N. B. Jonuhaly is a noted warrior of the Onontagers — was one of the deputies of that nation at the treaty held at Lancaster ; he is gone to war against the Catawbas. Credit may be given to his information. 37 434 APPENDIX. Tulpehocken, February 10th, 1744-0. To the Hon. Gov. George Thomas. Honored Sir — I received the packet of letters by Mr. Mohlon,with the several copies which your Honor was pleased to send to me, and as there was a deal of business to be done under a great deal of noise at our last court, I could not answer im- mediately, but thought necessary to do it home, in hopes that your Honor would not take it amiss, considering the weight- iness of the affair. I shall never be wanting in your Honor's service, what- ever may be required of me that tends to the honor of your government and the good of the public ; and am very willing to undertake a journey to Onontago in the spring, to put the finishing hand in behalf of Onas to so good a work ; and I do not doubt of my success. If that what is said by the Cataw- ba king be no deceit, which I fear it is — my reasons are these: the Catawbas are known to be a very proud people and have, at several treaties they had with the Cherokees, used high expressions, and thought themselves stout warriors for hav- ing deceived Garantowano — (the captain of that company that was so treacherously killed). I should have been bet- ter pleased to see the said king's name with some of his countrymen signed to the letter they sent governor Gooch. The Catawbas are also known to be an irregular people. They have no council The richest or greatest among them calls himself a king, with the consent of his brothers, cous- ins or wives; and prove often the greatest fool, acts all what he does as an arbitrator: the rest don't mind him, and after all send him to the grave with a broken head. This is what those that were prisoners among them all agree. If that one article is true with them, that they will own that they treacherously murdered Garantowano and some of his men, a peace no doubt will be made between those poor wretches: I shall soon go up to Shamokin to see Shickelimy, and shall then have an opportunity to talk a great deal with Shickelimy; and if he seems inclined for peace, I will let him know of Gov. Gooch's request to your Honor, otherwise not; and will, on my return from Shamokin, wait upon your Ho- nor to receive the necessary instructions. APPENDIX. 435 I should be well pleased if the Six Nations ■would make Williamsburgh the place of Congress; but question very much whether they will not think of giving up too much, or sub- mit too much to the Catawbas. They, the Six Nations, will refuse at once, and therefore that point must be given up. Your Honor said enough to Gov. Gooch about that in the letter. As for a third place, I shall be more able to give my sentiments about when I return from Shamokin. I shall hardly meet any Frenchmen in Onontago, but a messenger or two, perhaps, which cannot hurt me ; and if there are more, I think they will have more to fear from me, than I from them. The council of the Six Nations have always looked upon me as their friend, and one of their own nation. It will be dangerous for a few Frenchmen to meddle with me amongst the Indians: they will soon find their mis- take. I have a great deal more to fear from the family Haines in my absence; they are worse than the French or Indians, and I do not know yet my wife and children will be so far out of fear that I can leave them. The Haines (Heans) have still more friends than they had twenty years, otherwise not one soul of the family would in these days be in the province, or if they had had their due, they would have been out of the world. I do not know how to do, the whole neighborhood is afraid of them; and the many felonies they have commit- ted, and hitherto escaped punishment, will be sufficient cause for several good families to move to some other places. I did expect at least that they would all be bound to stay at their own houses, in time of night, and behave well in all re- spects ; but I find their time is not yet come. I shall not trouble you any longer about that family in this letter; but am in hopes when I shall have an opportunity to wait upon your Honor, I shall be heard somewhat further. As for the time to set out for Onontago, I think it almost impracticable before the middle of May, because of the creeks, and food in the woods for the horses, and the Southern In- dians cannot expect an answer in their own towns till the latter end of August next. If every thing goes well I should have liked it much better if they had sent two or three old men as deputies -. I should have travelled with them to the Mohawk country by the way of Albany, and having got the opinion of the council ot the Mohawks, I would have acted 436 APIpNDIX. accordingly, without any danger to the Catawbas. I intend to go round by way of Albany now if I go. I have nothing more to mention, but am, Sir, Your obedient and dutiful Conrad Weiser. In the early part of 1747, Conrad Weiser, the Provincial Interpreter and Indian Agent, was sent to Shamokin, to de- liver a Message to the Indians. While on his way to this place, they met him at Mr. Chambeis's, now McAllister's, where he delivered the following Message : Memorandum of the Message delivered to the Indians of Shamokin, at the house of Joseph Chambers, in Poxton, hy Conrad Weiser. There were present — Shickelimy, Taghneghdorus, Canai- darogan, Scaienties, (a man of note among the Cayjukers). Brethren — You that live at Zinachfon, (Shamokin,) I am sent io you by your brethren, the Piesident and his council of Philadelphia, to pay you a visit, and to acquaint you of what passes among the white people, also to infoim myself how you do, and what passes among the Indians in these critical times. Gave a String of Wampum. Brethren — In the first place I am to acquaint you that your friend and countryman, John Penn, the eldest son of Great Onas, died last winter in England, on his bed, and with a content- ed mind, and as his death must needs aflect you, as it did us, being you are sensible he always has been a true friend to the Indians, I give you these handkerchiefs to wipe off your tears. Gave twelve handkerchiefs. Brethren — I also inform you that your brother, Gov. Thomas, has left us and is gone to England ; not out of any dl will or dis- APPENDIX. 437 gust, but for the sake of his health ; he has been ill ever since the treaty of Lancaster. The doctors of this country could do no good to him. He is in hopes that the air of his native country, and the assistance of some skilful doctor there will give hira ease; he went away a good friend of the people of Pennsylvania, and of his brethren the Indians, and will do them what service he can when in England. Laid a String of Wampum. Brethren — Nothwithstanding the governor is gone, the same cor- respondence will be kept up with all the Indians, by the Presitlent and council of Philadelphia : they resume the same power with their Piesident as if the governor were here; and the body of the people heartily join them to keep up a good correspondence with all the Indians. According to the trea- ties of friendship subsisting between us, your old and assured friend, James Logan, is also in being yet, although he laid aside all public business as to the white people: in Indian afi'airs he assists the council, and will not lay that aside as long as he is alive and able to advise. In confirmation thereof, I laid a String of Wampum. Brethren — There was a trunk found in one of the rooms where / vour friend John Penn used to lodge wlien in Philadelphia, | with some clothes in it, and as he has been gone for several / years, and the clothes were not spoiled, your friend, the Sec- retary, changed them for new ones, and sent them up to me 1 to give to the Indians at Zinachson, (Shamokin,) to wear them out in remembrance of their good friend and country- man, John Penn, deceased. Gave ten strowd maich coats and twelve shirts. Brethren — I have at present no more to say. January the 17th, 1747. After about fifteen minutes Shickelimy made answer — di- rected his discourse to the President and council of Philadel- phia, and said : 37* 438 APPENDIX. Brethren — We thank you for this kind visit : we longed to hear of you, and to inform ourselves of the truth of things reported among us. Some few of us intended a visit to Philadelphia this summer for that purpose : we are pleased with what has been said ; and will give you a true account this day of all what passes among the Indians. We then broke up for about an hour. Then Shickelimy informed me in the presence of the others before mentioned, that in ihe beginning of last spring, some of the Zistagechroann came to treat at Oswego, with a mes- sage from their whole nation, joined by the rest of the Indi- ans about the lakes of Canada, to the Six United Nations — to the following purport, viz : Brethren — The United Nations — We have hitherto been kept like prisoners on the other side of the Lake: Onontio, our father, told us that if we should treat with the English, he could look upon it as a breach of the peace with him. Now we come to let you know that we will no more be stopped from treating with your brethren, the English. W e will join with you to support the house of Oswego, when the goods that the Indians want are so plenty — all the Indians about the Lakes will join, and if need, take up the hatchet against our foolish father (the French) Onontio, whenever you require it : his goods are very dear, and he is turned malicious ; be- cause he sees our women and children clothed fine in English cloths bought at Oswego. \^'e have already let him know- that we want no more of his advice, as we did formerly, when we were young ; but that we became now men, and would think for ourselves, so let the consequence be what it will. In confirmation of the above speech, the said deputies laid several fine tobacco pipes, adorned with wampum and line feathers. They bad an agreeable answ-er from the Six Nations coun- cil. The Six Nations have received messages from other nations to the same purport, all promising to engage in favor of the Six Nations and the House of Oswego. Note. — The Zistagechroann are a numerous nation to the APPENDIX. 439 north of the Lake Frontenac; they don't come by Niagara in their way to Oswego, but right across the Lake. Shickehmy told me further that of late a council was held at Onondago, by the Six Nations, in which it was agreed to send a message to Canada, of the last importance; and that also a message was sent to Albany to desire their brethren, the English, to tie their canoes or batteaux for a few days to the bushes, and not to proceed in their expedition against Canada, till their messengers came back from Canada, which would clear otF the clouds, and the United Nations would then see what was to be done. Scaienties infoims me that a few days before he came away from Cayiuckquor (which was about the 20th day of May last) a message arrived at the Cayjucker country, and the Senickers, from the commanding officer at the French Fort of Niagara, inviting those two nations to come and pay him a visit, and to receive a fine present which their lather Onon- tio had sent those two nations. He having understood that the large presents he had made to the Six Nations from time to time were withheld by the Onondagoes and Mohocks, of whom he had been informed that they are corrupted by the English, by which, and what they had received from Onon- tio they had enriched themselves, and cheated the other na- tions in union with them. That some of the two nations were actually gone to Nia- gara to receive the presents, and weie set out the same day when Scaienties came away. War against the French, in Canada, was not declared by the Six Nations when Scaienties came away, and as yet un- certain when it would be done, at least not before the arrival of their messenger, and perhaps not this summer. The Sin- ickers and Cayiuckersare against it ; the Mohocks are for it very much ; the Onontagers have declared in open coun- cil last spring never to leave the Mohocks, their eldest bro- ther and founder of the Union — The Oneiders and Tuscairo- ras will follow the Onontagers example. This is what Shickelimy assures not to be true. The Mohocks engaged themselves in the war against the French, on their own accord, without the approbation of the Six Nations council, they having been over-persuaded by their brethren, some of the white people at Albany, and by the force of presents prevailed upon the council of the Six 440 APPENDIX. Nations, does not altogether like it, but think it too rashly of the Mohocks. Shickelimy and Scaienties wonder at the dexterity of the French to have intelligence of the declaration of the Onon- tagoes in council, and so soon had piesents at Niagara, and a message in the Sinickers country ; but both say, the Six Nations will after all stick together, notwithstanding the presents received from the French. The five French traders that were killed on the south side of Lake Erie, have been killed by some of the Six Nations, (then called Accquanushioony, the name which the Six Na- tions give their people, signifies a Confederate). Another Frencli trader has since been killed in a private quarrel with one of the Jonontatochraanu, likewise between the river Ohio and the Lake Erie. The Frenchman offered but one charge of powder and one bullet for a beaver skin to the Indian, the Indian took up his hatchet and knocked the Frenchman on his head, and killed him on the spot. This is all the news that can be depended on : several more stories I heard not worth while to trouble the council with, as there was no confirmation of them. Conrad Weiser. The above report was read in council July 9, 1747. — [Provincial Records. 'J'ulpehocken, October 15, 1747. To Richard Peters, Esq., Secretary of the Province of Penn- sylvania. On the 6th of this instant I set out for Shamokin, by the way of Paxtang, because the weather was bad : I arrived at Shamokin on the 9th, about noon- I was surpiised to see Shikalimy in such a miserable condition as ever my eyes be- held ; he was hardly able to stretch forth his hand to bid me welcome: in the same condition was his wife; his three sons not quite so bad, but very poorly; also one of his daughters, and two or three of his grand-children, all had the fever. There were three buried out of the family a few days before, viz : Cajadies, Shikalimy's son-in-law, who had been mar- ried to his daughter above fifteen years ago, and reckoned the best hunter among all the Indians ; — his eldest son's wife APPENDIX. 441 and grandchild. Next morning 1 administered the medicine to Shikaliray and one ot hig sons, under ihe direction of Dr. Graeme, which had a very good effect upon both. Next morning I gave the same medicine to two more; who would not venture at first — it had the same effect ; and the four persons thought themselves as good as recovered : but above all, Shikaliray was able to walk about with me, with a stick in his hand, befoie I left Shamokin, which was on the 12th instant. As to what passes among the Indians, the Six Nations (except the Mohawks) have not yet declared war against the French. Some of their chiefs are now in Canada ; but for what reason is not known. It is generally believed by the Indians that they are about biinging over the French Pray- ing Indians to the Five Nations country, or put a stop to their war against the English. Shikalimy says if they miss in their schemes, war will then be declared against the French. Some of the Sinikers young men have followed the example of the Mohawks, and went to war against the French, and five of their company killed by the French. The young people of the Six Nations are inclined to fight the French. Shikalimy told me further, that the Governor of Canada has sent a messasre to all the Indians about the Lakes, and desired them to take up his hatchet and fight the English ; that two of the Nations had accepted it, but Shikalimy does not know which two— all the rest of the Six Nations refused it at once. The Zisgechroonu, or Jonontadyhagas (Wyandot Indian) or both jointly, have sent a large black belt of wampum to all the Delaware and Shawanese Indians living on the rivers Ohio and Susquehanna, to invite them into the war against the French. The Belt came to Shamokin with the said message. Shikalimy saw the belt, but the Delaware Indians that brought it could not remember which of the above named two Nations (or whether jointly) had sent it. That one hun- dred men of the Delawares were actually gone to meet the Johontadyhagas about Deoghsaghronty, where seventy or eighty of the Six Nations living at Canoyinhagy were also expected. They intended to cut off a French settlement to the south of Lake Erie. Another black belt of wampum was sent by the aforesaid 442 APPENDIX. Indians to the Six Nations, to the same purpose. Shikalimy said that himself and the Indians about Shamokin keep their ears open to the said Nations, and they will act according as the Six Nations act. Whilst I was at Shamokin, fourteen warriors came down from Diagon, about one hundred and fifty miles above Sha- mokin, to go to war against the Catawbas. On my return, about three miles this side Shamokin, I met eleven Onontagers coming from war : they, with some of the Cajukers, in all twenty-five men, had an engagement with the Catawbas, in which five of the Cajukers were killed. The Onontagejs said the Catawbas were two hundred men. I sat down and smoked a pipe with them. I had some tobacco and a little rum left, with which I treated them; and we dis- coursed about the wars. Their captain was a very intelli- gible man. I told him, before we parted, that we, their breth-" ren of Pennsylvania, long to hear of the Six Nations, how things go concerning the war with the French, whether or no they had engaged in it ; that if they had, we were desir- ous our brethren, the Council of Onontago, would let us know. If they had not, we had nothing to say to them; well knowing that our brethren, the Six Nations, w^ere people of understanding and experienced in the war: we, therefore, leave that entirely with them; only, we wanted now and then to receive a message from them in these critical times, and to hear of their welfare. I gave the captain a piece of eight, to remember what has been said to the council at Onontago. In my going up, I saw a French scalp at the house of Thomas McKee ; some Indians from Ohio had brought it there. Thomas McKee was gone to Philadelphia. I left it where it was. The same day I met the Indian that brought it theie. He desired me to take it to the governor in Phil- adelphia, since Thomas McKee was not at home, who was desired to do it — and he pressed very hard upon me to re- ceive the scalp for the government of Pennsylvania, in whose favor the scalp was taken ; and at the government of Penn- sylvania's request the Indians of Canayiahagon had taken up the hatchet against the French ; and that I was the fittest man to receive it. I told him that I had been concerned in Indian affairs these many years, but I never knew that the government of Pennsylvania had given the hatchet, or em- ployed any body to kill Frenchmen, and that I was sensible APPENDIX. 443 the government had never requested the Indians at Canay- iahagon to kill Frenchmen ; and, therefore, I could not re- ceive the scalp; and as I was well informed that this scalp had been taken in time of peace, I could in no wise receive it — all white people would look upon such actions with con- tempt : and, as ray commission for the transaction of Indian affairs did not extend to Ohio or Canayiahagon, but reached only to the Six Nations, I must leave that affair to those that had correspondents that way to inform government of it, and receive an answer. I hoped he would excuse me; and so we parted. I must, at the conclusion of this, recommend Shikalimy as a proper object of charity. He is extremely poor — in his sickness the horses have eaten his corn : his clothes he gave to Indian Doctors to cure him and his family — but all in vain. He has nobody to hunt for him ; and I cannot see how the poor old man can live. He has been a true ser- vant to the government, and may perhaps still be, if he lives to do well again. As the winter is coming on, I think it would not be amiss to send a few blankets or match- coats, and a little powder and lead. If the government would be pleased to do it, and you could send it soon, I would send my sons with it to Shamokin before the cold weather comes.* Olaraipies is dead — Lapaghnitton is allowed to be the fit- test to succeed him ; but he declines ; he is afraid he will be envied, an! consequently bewitched by some of the Indi- ans. However, this must lie still till next Spring, according to what Shikalimy says. It is ray humble opinion that the present intended for the Indians on the river Ohio, should be larger. If that what George Croghan is to take with hira is intended for the Indians at Canayiahagon, the Indians at Ohio, our much nearer neighbors should not be passed over without something. I arrived this day about 12 o'clock at my house in good * In the early part of Nov. 1747, the following goods were brought for Shikalamy : 5 sirowd match coats at £7 ; i cask of gunpowder, £2 15; | cut bar of lead, £1 ; 15 yards of blue half thicks, £2 7 6; 1 dozen best buck-hetted knives, 9 shillings; 4 Duffell match coats, £3 ; amounting to £16, 11, 6. 444 APPENDIX. health, and I hope this will find in perfect health and pro- found peace of mind, who am, Sir, Your ever dutiful servant, Conrad Weiser. Account of the dreadful devastation of Wyoming settleme7its in July, 1778. From Gordon's History of the Ameri- can War. So early as the 8th of February, 1778, General Schuyler wrote to Congress — " There is too much reason to beheve that an expedition will be formed (by the Indians) against the western frontiers of this State (New-York) Virginia and PennsyWania." The next month he informed them — "A number of Mohawks, and many of the Onondagoes, Cayugas, and Sencccas, will commence hostilities against us as soon as U\ey can ; it would be prudent therefore early to take measures to carry tlie war into their coun- try ; it would require no greater body of troops to destroy then- towns than to protect the frontier inhabitants." No effectual measures being taken to repress the hostile spirit of the Indians, numbers joined the tory refugees, and with these commenced their horrid depredations and hostilities upon the back settlers, being headed by Colonel Butler, and Brandt, an half blooded Indian, of desperate courage, ferocious and cruel beyond example. Their expeditions were carried on to great advantage, by the exact knowledge which the refugees possessed of every object of their enter- prise, and the immediate nitelligence they received from their friends on the spot. The weight of their hostilities fell upon the fine, new and flourishing settlements of Wy- oming, situated on the eastern branch of the Sus(|uehanna, in a most beautiful country aed delightful climate. It ^as settled and cultivated with great ardor by a number of peo- ple from Connecticut, which claimed the territory as included in its original grant from Charles II. The settlement con- sisted of eight townships, each five miles square, beautifully APPENDIX. 445 placed on each side of the river. It had increased so by a rapid population, that the settlers sent a thousand men to serve in the continental arm}'. To provide against the dan- gers of their remote situation, four forts were erected to co- ver them from the irruptions of the Indians. But it was their unhappiness, to have a considerable m'xture of royalists among them; and the two parties were actuated by senti- ments of the most violent animosity, which was not confined to particular families or places; but creeping within the roofs and to the iiearths and floors, where it was least to be ex- pected, served equally to poison the sources of domestic se- curity and happiness, and to cancel the laws of nature and humanity. They had frequent and timely warnings of the danger to which they were exposed by sending their best men to so great a distance Their quiet had been very frequently interrupted by the Indians, joined by marauding parties of their own countrymen, in the preceding year; and it was only by a vigorous opposition, in a course of successful skir- mishes, that they had been driven otf. Several tories, and others not befo'e suspected, had then and since abandoned the settlement ; and beside a perfect knowledge of all their particular circumstances, carried along with them such a stock of private resentment, as could not fail of directing the fury, and even giving an edge to the cruelty of their Indian and other inveterate enemies. An unusual number of strangers had come among them under various pretences, whose be- haviour became so suspicious, thot upon being taken up and examined, such evidence appeared against several of them, of their acting in concert with the enemy, on a scheme for the destruction of the settlements, that about twenty were sent off to Connecticut to be there imprisoned and tried for their lives, wliile the remainder were expelled. These measures excited the rage of the tories in general to the most extreme degree; and the threats formt^rly denounced against the settlers, were now renewed witb aggravated vengeance. As the time approached for the hnal catastrophe, the In- dians practised unusual treachery. For several weeks pre- vious to the intended attack, they repeatedly sent small parties to the settlements, charged with the professions of friendship. These parties, besides attempting to lull the 38 446 APPENDIX. people in security, answered the purposes of communi- nicating with their friends, and of observing the present state of affairs. The settlers, however, were not insensible to the danger. They had taken the alarm, and colonel Ze- bulen Butler had several times written letters to congress and general Washington, acquainting them with the danger the settlement was in, and requesting assistance ; but the letters were never received, having been intercepted by the Pennsylvania tories. A little before the main attack, some small parties made sudden irruptions, and committed sever- al robberies and murders ; and from ignorance or a contempt of all ties whatever, massacred the wife and five children of one of the persons sent for trial to Connecticut, in their own cause. At length, in the beginning of July, the enemy suddenly appeared in full force on the Susquehanna, headed by colo- nel John Butler, a Connecticut tory, and cousin to colonel Zebulon Butler, the second in conmiand in the settlement. He was assisted by most ot those leaders, who had render- ed themselves terrible in the present frontier war. Their force was about 1600 men, near a fourth Indians, led by their own chiefs; the others were so disguised and painted, as not to be distinguished from the Indians, excepting their officers, who, being dressed in regimentals, carried ihe ap- pearance of regulars. One of the smaller forts, garrisoned chiefly by tories, was given up or rather betrayed. Anoth- er was taken by storm, and all but the women and children massacred in the most inhuman manner. Colonol Zebulon Butler, leaving a small number to guard fort Wilkesborough, crossed the river with about 400 men, and marched into Kingston fort, whither tlie women, chil- dren, and defenceless of all sorts crowded for protection. — He suffered himself to be enticed by his cousin to abandon the fortress. He agreed to march out, and hold a conference with the enemy in the open field (at so great a distance from the fort, as to shut out all possible protection from it) upon their withdrawing, according to their own proposal, in or- der to the holding of a parley, for the conclusion of a treaty. He at the same time marched out about 400 men, well armed, being nearly the whole strength of the garrison, to guard his person to the place of parley, such was his dis- trust of the enemy's designs. On his arrival he found no- APPENDIX. 447 body to treat with, and yet advanced toward the foot of the mountain, where at a distance he saw a flag, tlie holders of which seemingly afraid of treachery on his side, retired as he advanced ; whilst he, endeavoring to remove this preten- ded ill-irapression, pursued the flag, till his party was thor- ougly enclosed, when he was suddenly freed from his delu- sion, by finding it attacked at once on every side. He and his men, notwithstanding the surprise and danger, fought with resolution and bravery, and kept up so continuf^l and heavy a fire for three quarters of an hour, that they seemed to gain a marked suj^eriority. In this critical moment a sol- dier through a sudden impulse of fear, cried out aloud — " the colonel has ordered a retreat." The fate of tlie party was now at once determined. In the state ot confusion that ensued, an unresisted slaughter cominented, while the ene- my broke in on all sides without obstruction. Colonel Ze- hulon Butler, and about seventy of his men escaped ; the latter got across the river to fort Wilkesborough, the colon- el made his way to fort Kingston which was invested the next flay on tlie land side. The enemy, to sadden the droop- ing spirits of the weak remaining garrison, sent in for their contemplati^'ii, the bloody scalps of a hundred and ninety-six of their late friends and comrades. They kept up a contin- ual fire upon the fort tlie whole day. In the evening the colonel quitted the fort and went down the river with his family. He is thought to be the only officer that escaped. Colonel Nathan Dennison, who succeeded to the command, :^eeing the impossibility of an effectual defence, went with a flag to colonel John Butler, to know what terms he would grant on a surrender: to which application Butler answered with more than savage phlegm in two short words — tlie hatchet' Dennison having defiended the fort, till most of the garrison were killed or disabled, was compelled to sur- render nt discretion. Some of the unhappy persons in the i'ort were carried awn y alive ; but the barbarous conquer- ors, to save the trouble of murder in detail, shut up the rest ]iromiscuoup|y in the houses and barracks; which having set on fire, they enjoyed the savage pleasure of beholding the whole consumed in one general blaze. ' They then crossed the river to the only remaining fort, Wilkesborough, which, in hopes of mercy, surrendered with- out demanding any conditions. They found about seventy 448 APPENDIX. continental soldiers, who had been engaged rceiely for the defence of the frontiers, whom they butcheied with every circumstance of lioirid cruelty. 1'he remainder of the men, with the women and children, were shut upas before in the houses, which being set on tire, they perished together in the flames. A general scene of devastation was now spread through all the townships. Fire, sword, and the other different in- struments of destruction alternately triumphed. The settle- ments of the tories alone generally escaped, and appeared as islands in the midst of the surrounding ruin. The merci- less ravagers having destroyed the main object of thcii cru- elty, directed their animosity to eveiy part of living nature lielonging to them; shot and destroyed seme of their cattle, and cut out the tongues of others, leaving them still alive to prolong their agonies. The following are a few of the more singular circumstan- ces of the barbarity practised in the attack i pon Wyoming. Captain Bedlock, who had been taken prisoner, being strip- peel naked, had his body stuck full of splinters of pine knots, and then a heap of pine knots piled aiound him ; the whole was then set on fire, and his two companions, captain Ran- sy and Durgee, thrown alive into the flames and held dow^n with pitch-forks. The returned tories who had at different times abandoned the settlement in oider to join in those sav- age expeditions, were the most distinguished for their cruel- ty : in this they resembled the tories that joined the British forces. One of these Wyoming tories, whose mother had married a second husbanJ, butchered with his own hands, both her, his father-in-law, his own sister and their infant children. Another, who during his absence had sent home several threats against the life of his father, now not only realized them in person, but was himself, with his own hands, the exterminator of his whole family, mothei, broth- ers and sisters, and mingled their blood in one common car- nage, with that of the ancient husband and father. The broken parts and scattered relics of families consisting most- ly of women and children, who had escaped to the woods during the different scenes of this devastation, suffieied little less than their friends, who had perished in the ruin of their houses. Dispersed and wandering in the forests, as chance APPENDIX. 449 and fear directed, without provision or covering, and many without doubt perished in the woods. In October, 1744, the Rev. David Brainerd, accompanied by the Rev. Byram, two chief Indians from the forks of the Delaware, and his interpreter, visited the Indians on the Sus- quehanna. " We went," says Brainerd, "on our way into the wi'derness, and found the most difficult and dangerous travelling, by far, that ever any of us had seen. We had scarce any thing else but lofty mountains, deep valleys and hideous rocks, to make our way through. Near night, my beast, on which I rode, hung one of her legs in the rocks, and fell down under me; but through divine goodness I was not hurt. However, she broke her leg; and being such a hideous place, and near thirty miles from my house, I saw nothing that could be done to preserve her life, and so was obliged to kill her, and to prosecute my journey on foot. This accident made me admire the divine goodness to me, that ray bones were not broken. Just at tiark, we kindled a fire, cut !jp a few bushes, and made a shelter over our heads, to save us from the frost, which was very hard that night." This was Oct. 1st. " October 5th, we reached the Susquehanna river, at a place called Opeholhaupung, and found there twelve Indian houses. After I had saluted the king in a friendly manner, I told him my business, and that my desire was to teach them Christianity. "After some consultation, the Indians gathered, and I preached to them. And when I had done, 1 asked if they would hear me again. They replied, that they would con- sider of it ; and soon after sent me word, that they would im- mediately attend, if I would preach; which I did, with free- dom, both times. When I asked them again, whether they would hear me further, they repJieower to make any further attempts among them for that purpose, and could not possibly recover my hope, resolution and courage, by the utmost of ray endeavors. " The Indians of this island can, many ol them, under- APPENDIX. 453 stand the English language considerably M^ell, having formerly lived in some part of Maryland, among or near the white people ; but are very drunken, vicious and piofane, although not so savage as those who have Ifss acquaintance with the English. Their customs, in various resp(.'cts, differ from those of the other Indians upon this river. They do not bury their dead in a common form, but let their flesh consume above tiie ground, in close cribs made for the pur- pose. At the end of a year, or sometimes a longer space of time, they take the bones, when the flesh is consumed, and wash and scraj^e them, and afterwards bury ihem with some cereiijony. Their method of cjiarming or conjuring over the sick, seems somewhat different from that of the other Indians, though in substance the same. The whole of it among these and others, perhaps, is an imitation of what seems by Naa- man's expression, (2 King v. 11) to have been the custom of the ancient heathen. It seems chiefly to consist in their " striking their hands over the diseased," and repeatedly stroking them, "and calling upon their god;" except the s{)urting of water like a mist, and some other frantic ceri- monies common to the other conjurations which I have al- ready mentioned. "When I was in this region in May last, I had an opportu- nity of learning many of the notions and customs of the In- dians, fis well as ob.seiving many of their practices. I then travelled mo;e than loO miles upon the river, above the En- glish settlements ; and in that journey met with imlividuals of seven or eight distinct tril)es, speaking as many diflerent languages. Jjut of all the sights 1 ever saw among them, or indeed any where else, none ajfpeared so frightful, or so near akin to what is usually imagined of " infernal powers," none ever excited such images of terroi- in my mind, as the appearance of one who was a devout and zealous reformer, or rather restoier of what he supposed was the ancient reli- gion of the Indians. He made his appearance in his pontifi- ficial garb, which was a coat of bear-skins, dressed with the hair on, and hanging down to his toes ; a pair of bear-skin stockings, and a great wooden lace painted, the one-half black, the other half tawny, about the color of tlie Indians' skin, with an extravagant mouth, cut very much awry ; the tace fastened to a bear-skin cap, which was drawn over his head. He advanced towards me with the instrument in his 454 AIM END IX. luind wliich he used for music iti liis idolatrous worship; which was a (hy torloise-shell with some corn in it, and the neck of it (h'awn on to a piece of wood, wliich made a very convenient handle. As he came forward he heat his tune with the rattle, and danced with all his might, hut did not sulfer any part of his hody, not so much as his fingers, to be seen. No one woidd have imagined from his appearance or actions, that he could have l)een a human creatine, if they had not had some intimation of it otherwise. When he came near me 1 could not but shrink away from him, although it was (hen noonday, and I knew who it was; his aj^pearance and gestures were so piodigiously frightful. He had a liouse consecrated to religious uses, with divers images cut upon the several parls of it. I went in, and found the ground beat almost as hard as a rock, with their frequent dancing upon it. I discoursed with him about Christianity, Si)me of my discourse he seemed to like, but some of it he disliked ex- tremely. He told me that God had taught him his religion, nml that he would never turn from it, but wantcfl to find some who would join heartily with him it; for the Indians, he said, were grown very degener;ite and corrupt. He liad thoughts, he said, of leaving all his (riends, and travelling abroad, in order to fnid some who would join with him; lor he believed that God had some good people somewhere, who felt as he did. lie bad not always, he said, lilt as he now did; but bad formerly been like the rest of the Indians, until about hve years befoi-e that time. Then, he said, his heart was very much distiessed, so that he could not live among the Indians, but got away into the woods, and lived alone for some months. At length, he said, God comfoj ted his heart, and showed hiin what he should do; and since that lime he had known God, and tiied lo serve him; and loved all men, be they who they would, so as he never, did before, lie treated me with uncommon courtesy, and seemed to lie hearty i)i ii. 1 was told by the Indians, tliat he opposed theirdrink- ing strong liijuor with all his power; aoti that, if at any time he could not dissuade lliem from it l)y all be could say, he would leave them, and go crying into the woods. It was manifest that be had a set of n ligious notions which he had examined for himself, and not taken for granted upon bare tradition ; and he relished or disrelished whatever was spo- ken of a religious nature, as it either agreed or disagreed APPENDIX. 450 with his standard. While I was sometimes discoursing, he would sometimes say, " Now that I like ; so God has taught me," &C-; and some of his sentiments seemed very just. Yet he utterly denied the existence of a devil, and declared there was no such creature known among the Indians of old times, whose religion he supposed he was attempting to revive. He likewise tokl me that departed souls went southward, and that the difference between the good and bad was this : that the former were admitted into a beautilul town with spirit- ual walls, and that the latter would for ever hover around these walls in vain attempts to get in. He seemed to be sincere, honest, and conscientious in his own way, and ac- cordins: to his own reliiJ-ious notions ; which was more than I ever saw in any other pagan. I perceived that he was looked upon and derided among most of the Indians as a ■precise zealot, who made a needless noise about religious matters; but I must say that there was something in his tem- per and disposition, which looked more like true religion than any thing I ever observed among other heathen. Jiut, alas I how dt^plorable is the state of the Indians upon this river! The brief representation which I have here given of their notions and manners is sufficient to show that they are led captive by Satan at his will, in the most eminent man- ner ; and methinks might likewise be sulhcient to excite the compassion and engage the prayers of God's children for these their felbw-man, who, " sit in the region of the sha- dow of death. Letter to Governor Hamilton. Heidelberg, in Berks county, May the 2d, 1754. May it please your Honor — Last night I arrived safe from my journey to Shamokin and VVyomink, of which I think I am ol)liged by your Hon- or's orders to lay before you a just and distinct account, which is as follows : April the 17th I set out from my house, and went by way i of John Harris's and Thomas McKee's, being afraid of the two high mountains, and bad road that leads from them to Shamokin. I arrived at Shamokitj the 20Lh of April; found that two of the Shickalamy's being about 30 miles off on the Northw ;st Branch of Susrjuehannah, commonly called Zin- 456 APPENDIX. achson, I sent a messenger for them, there being a great num- ber of Indians at and about Sharaokin, I thought fit to send my son with James Logan, the lame son of Shickalamy with another Indian to Oskohary, Xishibeckon and Wyoraeck, three Indian towns on J^usquehannah (Northeast Branch) with your Honor's message. They set out from Shamokin on the 2:2ndj by water, be- cause there was no fodder to be had by the way for horses. On the 26th they came back again, and reported that they lodged the first night at Oskohary with Lapackpitton, the chief man, and Sammy interpreted your Honor's message in Mohock, ann James Logan and he to Lapackpitton in Dela- ware. That Lapackpitton was well pleased with the mes- sage, thanked them very kindly and gave them a string of wampum back again which they had given him, and told them it was best to leave the string at Niskibeckon, (Nesco- peck) wliere there were more Indians with old Nutimus, their chief. When they arrived at Niskibeckon, old Nuti- mus was from ho;ne, but the rest of the Indians received the message very kmdly, and said they would lay it before Nu- timus and the rest of their Indians after they should come home. At Woyomeck it was just the same; Paxanosy, chief man there was from home also; the message, with another string of wampum, was taken well by those that were at home. It is supposed they will have a council together, when they are all come home, which will be at their pi ait- ing time. In the meantime that Sammy was gone up to Woyomeck, I was gone up the Northwest Branch about 20 miles to see some Indians, in particular one that came irom the Cayuga country ; but missed him, however. John Shikalaray told me all the news he brought from Cayinkquo, which is insert- ed in the paper of Indian news herewith sent. The Indians on Susquehanna and about Shamokin saw some of the New England men that came as spies to Woyo- meck last fall, and they saw them making of draughts of the land and rivers, and are much offended about it: they asked me about them. I told them we had heard so much as that, and that we had intelligence from New England that they came against the advice of their superiors, as a parcel of headstrong men and disturbers of the peace. They, the In- dians, said they were glad to hear, that neither their brother APPENDIX. 457 Onas nor their own chief men had sent them; and they hoped they would not be supported by any English government in so doing. The Nanticokes are gone up the river to live at Otsen- encky, a branch of Susquehanna, where formerly some Onon- dagers and Shawanese lived. The Indians in general about Shainokin, enquire strongly about what the English are do- ing against the French on Ohio ; they seemed too mightily- pleased when I told them that the government of Virginia had sent five or six hundred men, and that a great number would be sent by N. Carolina; but they wondered why Pennsylvania would not assist their brethren' I told them I hoped they still would, though perhaps not at this time. They said, perhaps it will be too late then ; for the Indians, said they, will not engage before they see the English fight the French courageously with one accord. I have nothing to add, but am Sir, your very obedient and humble servant, Conrad Weiser. JVews that the Indians told Mr. Weiser at Shamokin. Canadehnia, son of Sakuchsonyont, deceased, came from Cayukoe about the middle of April, and brought some news that some of the Senecas, on their way to the Southern In- dians, met at Ohio with three parties of French praying In- dians, who came from the inhabited parts of Virginia, and had a great many scalps and four prisoners, one thereof they knew was a son of Col. Cressap. The Senecas asked them why they did so, they made answer that they did it not themselves, but their father Onontio had ordered them so to do ; that they did not know where they had been, being led by a Frenchman ; but supposed it was upon James' river, or Poltowmack; that they had also two Indian scalps which they gave to the Senecas, and told them they might now go home, as these scalps would answer their end, and the Sene- cas turned home accordingly. Again, that a large belt of wampum, one end black and the other white, was sent by the Shawanese and Delawares on the Ohio to Onondago, with the following speech, by the black part, he, the Shawanese, spoke : 39 458 APPENDIX. " Brethren, the United Nations, hear u?; the French, your father's hatchet is just over our heaJs, and we expect to be struck with every raonent; mikc haste, therefore, and come to Oiir assistance as soon as possible ; for if you stay till we are killed, you wont live mich longer afterwards; but if you cjnjsoo.i, we shall be able to fight and conquer the French. our enemy." The Delawares said by the white part : " Uncles, the United Nations, we expect to be killed by the French, your father, we desire therefore that you will take o.f our petticoat, that we raiy fight for ourselves, our wives and children : in the con lition we are in, you know we can do nothing." Newiiioch, an old Delaware Indian from the Big Island, came to Sharaokin while I was there, and brought the news that above one hundred man, Delawares, where by the way of Ohio to settle upon the Big Island upon Zinachsy river, for security of their. wives and children; that as many staid at Ohio, and are moving towards the Shawanese ; that the Shawanese had sent a message to the Delawares, when they heard of their intention to move to Zinachsy with a belt of wampum, and said, " Grand-fathers" — for so they style the Delawares — '"don't leave me, but let us live and die togeth- er, and let our bones rest together ; let us die in battle like men, and fear not the French." That Captain Trent had surprised and taken six French praying Indians, but that three of them had made their es- cape afterwards, by carelessness of the guard. Canadehnla also said that three columns of Frenchmen passed the Lake Ontario towards Ohio ; the first column of four hundred, the second of three hundred, and the third of four hundred men ; in all eleven hundred ; and it was said that more would come. Sarroyady to Governor Morris. Shamokin, September 11th, 1765. May it please your Honor — According to your request at our last council, I am re- membering you to the Six Nations, and all other Nations, and as you requested of me to acquaint you of whatever APPENDIX. 459 affairs happened amongst your brethren, the Six Nations, this is to inform you that I have already heard good news, viz: This day a belt of wampum (black) came to Shamokin from Oneida from the Six Nations, setting forth that the French, M-ith all the Indians they can get, are coming down upon them, and are near at hand, and therefore, the Six Nations have sent the said belt (about a fathom long) to their cou- sins, the Delawares, and all other Nations, their allies, to come with speed to their assistance, for they expect nothing but death, and likewise the Six Nations have ordered their cousins, the Delawares, to lay aside their petticoats and clap on nothing but a breech clout. This is only to let you know the news that I have already heard and met with, but not- withstanding, I shall go up with all speed to your brethren, the Six Nations, and all our other allies, according to my promise to you ; and to confirm my words, I send you this string of wampum. These are to let you know that there are twenty in number of our men got this length, and there are more daily coming to us and we shall go and view the C French forts and serve them as they served us. Your friend Henry Montour is along with our men. Skirooniatta. The subscriber is getting a company with all the expedi- tion he can to go against the French; the people whose names are under his are going with him. ToHNEETONAS alias John Sicalamv, the captain. \ CuNNOY Sam. I Tuckaunauteneo. James Logan Sicalamy. Onnoharioh. John Petty Sicalamy. Jno. Davison, in camp with them. These are the heads of this company. To Governor Morris. Heidelbejg, in the co. of Berks, Novtmber 19, 1755. May it please the Governor : Tliat night after my anival from Philadelphia, Eman- uel Carpenter and Simon Kuhn, Esqrs. came to my house 460 APPENDIX. and lodged with me. They acquainted me that a meeting was appointed (of the people of Tulpehocken and Heidel- berg, and adjacent places) in Tulpehocken township at Ben- jamin Spycker's early next morning. I made all the haste with the Indians I could, and gave them a letter for Thomas McKee to furnish them with necessaries for their journey. — Scariyade had no creature to ride on, I gave him one. Be- fore I could get down with the Indians, three or four men came from Benjamin Spycker^s to warn the Indians not to go that way, for the people were so enraged against all the In- dians, and would kill them without distmction. I went with them, so did the gentlemen before named. When we came near Benjamin Spycker's, I saw about four or five hundred men, and there was a loud noise. I rode befoie, and in rid- ing along the road (around men on both sides of the road,) I heard some say, " Why must we be killed by the Indians?" I got the Indians to the house witli much ado, where I treat- ed them with a small dram ; and so parted in love and friend- sliip. Capt. Diefenbach, undertook to conduct ihcm, with five other men, to the Susquehanna. After this, a sort of council of war was held by the officers present, the gentle- men before mentioned, and other freeholders- It was agreed that one bundled and fifty men should be laistd immediately to serve as outscouts, and as guard at certain places, under the Kittatinny hills, for forty days; that thofe so raised to have two shillings per day, and two pounds of bread and two pounds of beef, and a gill of rum, and powder and lead, (arms they must find themselves.) This scheme was signed by a good many freeholders, and read to the people. They cried out that so much for an Indian scalp they would have ( be they friend or entmy) fiom the governor. I told Ihem that I had no such power from the governor nor from the Assembly. They began 1o curse and swear the gover- nor; some the Assembly ; called me a traitor of the'country, who held with the Indians, and must have known this mur- der beforehand. I sat in the house by a low window ; some of my friends came to pull me away from it, telling me, some of the people threatened to shoot me. I ofiered to go out to the people, and either pacify them, or make tlie king's proclamation ; but those in the house with me would not let me go out. The cry was, " The land is betrayed and sold.^' The common people from Lancaster county were the worst. APPENDIX. 461 The wages, they said, were a trjfle, and said somebody pock- eted the rest, and they would lesent it. Somebody had put it into their heads, that I had it in my power to give as much as I pleased. I was in danger of being shot. In the mean- lime, a great smoke arose under Tulpehocken mountain, with the news following that the Indians had committed murder on Mill creek ( a false alarm ) and set fire to a barn : most of the people ran, and those that had horses rode off with- out any order or regulation. I then took my horse and went home, where I intend to stay, and defend my own house as long as I can. There is no doings with the people without law and regulation by the governor and Assembly. The people of Tulpehocken all fled till about six or seven miles from me, some few remain. Another such attack will lay the country waste on the west side of the Schuylkill. I am Sir, Your most obedient, Conrad Weiser. Fort Augusta, 14th August, 1756. To Robert H. Morris, Governor. Sir- Last night I received by express, the disagreeable news that Fort Granville was taken and burnt to the ground by a liody of about five hundred French and Indians ; that the whole garrison were killed, except one person, who was much wounded, and made his escape; and am well assured that this loss was entirely occasioned by a want of ammuni- tion, having received a letter two or three days ago from Col. John Armstrong, that they had in that Fort only one pound of powder and fourteen pounds of lead. I must again acquaint your Honor that we are still with- out the necessary military stores, for which Mr. Bard, per my order, has frequently written to the commissioners, but to no purpose; and should, in our present situation, which in all probability is their design, it is impossible but we must likewise fall a sacrifice to them. We have not in the store more than four half barrels of powder, which is only half a pound to each man, and none remaining for the use of the cannon. Inclosed is a list of several articles absolutely and immediately necessary for our security; with which I expect 39* 462 APPENDIX. the commissioners will furnish us -without delay; and then we may be able to give a good account of ourselves. We have the walls of the Fort now about half finished, and our other works in such situation, that we can make a very good de- fence against any body of French and Indians that shall seat themselves before us, without cannon. I am informed by the express that the twelve bailees, I sent the 10th inst. to Harris's for flour, &c., met with so much difficulty in getting down the river to Halifax, that I am convinced it will be quite impracticable for them to push up before the river rises ; but least they should attempt to do it, I have despatched a messenger to Captain Jcimeson, whom I have ordered not to sutler them to stir, but to remain at Hunter's Fort till lurther orders, as I am appre- hensive the enemy have by this time posted themselves along the river, in order to interrupt our communication and harass our convoys. The present method of supplying this garrison by water IS so uncertain, that some quick expedient should be fallen upon to engage a number of pack-hoises into the service, which may transport our provisions, &c., at all times of the year, by way of Tulpehocken, or any other that may be thought more convenient. Our battoes, during the winter season m.ust lay by, so that it will be necessary that three or four months provisions should be stored up here in the fall for the support of this p-arrison till the spring. Mr. Bryan, who by no means has supported the character of a good officer, this morning delivered me up his commis- sion, which he chose to do rather than stand a trial before a o-eneral court martial tor his late misconduct. I have there- fore filled up an ensign's commission for Mr. Thomas McKee's son, who entered wiih the regiment as a volunteer at Mr. McKee's store, and has since behaved himself extremely well 111 that capacity. I have put Lieut. Plunket under an arrest for mutiny, and only wait for the return of Capt. Lloyd, the judge advocate, to have him tried by a general court martial. Your Honor's • Most obedient humble servant, William Clapham. P. S. If this letter should not be very clean when it comes APPENDIX. 463 to your Honor's hands, you will excuse if, as I am obliged to put it into the pad of the courier's pack-saddle, lest the enemy should get possession of it. Fort Augusta, 17th Aug., 1756. Honored Sir, When I wrote on the 14th inst. I omitted to inform your honor, that the garrison at Fort Halifax, Hunter's and McKee's store had very little ammunition ; and yesterday I received a letter from Capt- Jammison acquainting me that no warlike stores are yet arrived at Harris's from Philadel- phia, so that I hope the commissioners will make the great- est despatch in furnisiiing these several garrisons with all the necessary supplies. I forgot to mention our want for Gran- ada shells, which should be sent up properly filled and fuzed. Inclosed is the examination of a young man, who has been among the Indians about six months, and made his escape here last Saturday. I am with due esteem. Your Honor's Most obedient and humble servant, William Clapham. Hon. Rob. H. Morris, Gov. Fort Augusta, 7th Sept., 1756. To Benj. Franklin. Sir— The bearer, Michael McGuire, enlisted as a private sol- dier, for the term of three months, in the service of the province; he has not only during that time behaved him- self soberly and well as a soldier, but has been particu- larly useful as an overseer and carpenter in the building of the Fort. The terra of his enlistment expired a month ago, and as he is capable of earning more in (he practice of his business than his pay amounts to, he is now come to offer his further services to the gentlemen commissioners on rea- sonable terms. If the government design to strengthen this post by doubling the Fort with another case of logs, and filling up the intermediate space with earth, in order to render it cannon proof, w^hich I think ought to be done. 464 APPENDIX. Such a man will be particularly serviceable : at least, I could not refuse him his certificate of his merit — and am, Sir, Your most obedient and humble servant, William Clapham. Harris's, October 13, 1756. Sir- Inclosed is a copy of intelligence conveyed to Fort Au- gusta by an Indian chief of the Six Nations, on whose credit I can formerly rely; and transmitted to me by Major Rurd, as also an inventory of the stores, ammunition and provisions now in the garrison, from which your Honor will be enabled to judge of the state and condition of that Fort, and what probability there is of it maintaining a long, or a vigorous siege. I have despatched Capt. Lloyd to your Honor with this intelligence, and to receive your orders. I shall imme- diately repair to my post and defend it to the last extremity, in which endeavor I promise myself all the assistance your Honor may be able to afford me. I should be very glad of the assistance of Mr. Myer, the engineer, if your Honor thinks proper to dispatch an express to him with orders to repair to me. The garrison consists of three hundred and twenty effective men, and not one side arm in case of an at- tempt to stoim. If the most vigorous measures are taken I presume that good may be made of this timely intelligence ; in the meantime I shall endeavor to dischargemy duty both as a soldier and an honast man ; and relying on your Honor lor the necessary supply and assistance, I am Your Honor's Most obedient, humble servant, William Clapham. Fort Augusta, October 18, 1756. Sir— I have just lime to inform you that I have arrived here safe with my party on Sunday afternoon, having brought with me 70 horse loads of flour, and a quantity of salt, and 30 head of cattle. Captain Bussce arrived here with his company this evening, and as I am informed that the com- missary of musters is on his way thither, I have detached a APPENDIX. 465 party of 30 men this night, under two officers^ as a rein- forcement to his escort. Inclosed you have a return of the regiment, by which you will be informed of the number of duty-men, &c. I have also sent the substance of a conference I have had this day witli the Indians. I remain Your most obedient, Humble servant, William Clapiiam. To Gov. W. Denny. According to the return there were l64 duty-men — 306 total, viz : Colonel's company, 18 duty men; total 43. Major's company 27 ; total 44. Capt. Lloyd's company 18 ; total 31). Capt. Shippeii's company 27 ; total 44. Capt. Work's company 23 ; total 43. Capt. Hambright's company 20 ; total 49. Capt. Salter's company 25 ; total 44. These consisted of sergeants, corporals, drummers, bakers, blacksmiths, herdsmen, cooks, carpenters, masons, sawyers, coal burners, butchers, brickmakers, &c. According to the dcposiiion of George Allen, Abraham Sowerhill, .James Crampton, John Gallaher, John Murray and Robert Egar, who had been out as scouts on the 3d of June, to reconnoitre from McKee's store and upward the Susquehaiinah, they saw nothing till they came to McKee's and found his house burnt — then they wont up to Shamokin, and not observing an enemy, went to the place where the town had been, the houses being burnt to the ground — after some time returned, and on this side found a canoe in which they came down to George Gabriel's place, whose houses were burnt, and searched about for some guns that were lost last fall in the skirmish between the Indians and McKee's party, and found five of them in the ruin, that they then pro- ceeded to Charles Williams' house — thence proceeded by Berry's place to the camp at Armstrong's. 466 APPENDIX. Fort Augusta, October 23d, 1756. Sir — I have had the pleasure to receive Mr. Myers's in- structions relative to the additional works to be made at Au- gusta, and shall endeavor to conform to them with all the exactitude which so geod a plan deserves and the time will allow — but beg leave to inform your Honor that two escorts for provision, and the reconnoitering parties which I am con- tinuall}^ under the necessity of detaching, will necessarily impede the execution of the plan, at the same time that they weaken the garrison, and if only once intercepted, subject it to the danger of inevitable ruin from the w^ant of provisions, of which there is seldom more than a sufficiency for two weeks in store. I have endeavored to hire four men, pursu- ant to your Honor's direction, but they having been employ- ed in the service of the government and received no compen- sation for their services are utterly unwilling to engage, tho' I offered to become bound for their reward. I have, with the advice of Mr. Myers and Mr. Young, (who, at the same time communicated to me your Honor's opinion on the subject,) presumed to promise each man, nine pence additional pay, per day, during the time he is employ- ed, and faithfully discharges his duly as a pioneer in the works — and having no rum, should be glad of a supply, as seems necessary for their health at this season, and at the same time is the most effectual encoui'agement to exert them- selves. Inclosed is a return of the provisions, jimniunition and stores now in this magazine, and also a return and descrip- tion of the deserters from the regiment, as there is no provi- sion made by law for the recovery of them, while the farmer-s entertain, and the regulars publicly enlist them, I am at a loss her"e to proceed, and the service in the meantime suf- fer-s. I wait with impatience for your Honor's furl her orders, and am Sir, With the greatest respect, Your Honor's most obedient and humble servant, William Clapham. APPENDIX. 467 Extract, To Gov. Denny from Thomas McKee. Fort Augusta, June 16, 1757. I left the Indian camp at Lancaster, the 23(J of last month, and when I came as far as Samuel Scott's, I was obliged to stop, and bury a Tuscarora Indian, who was killed by one of his own Nation ; from thence, with much difficulty, by reason the Indians' excessive drinking, I came to John Har- ris', where I was detained three days, and buried another man of the same Nation, who died of the small pox ; from thence I came to Fort Hunter, where the Indians, in spite of all that I could do, got into a drinking frolic, which detained me th'ee days ; and from thence I set off by water to Fort Augusta, where Major Burd received us very kindly, and gave the Indians plenty of all such provisions as he was mas- ter of; and lest there should be any difference between the Indians and the soldiers, he gave the Indians but a gill of rum a day, which did not altogether please them, as they ex- pected another drinking frolic ; but we did not think it ex- pedient, by reason that our scouting parties daily discovered fresh signs of the enemy — Indians. I must acquaint your Honor, that after we left the inhab- itants, Thomas King, one of the Indian chiefs, seemed much out of humor, and did not prove so free or familiar as I ex- pected ; and, after we were some time at Fort Augusta, I asked him, in the presence of Maj. Burd, which of his peo- ple he would leave here? And he replied, he would leave none but what died here. They left this Fort the 5th of last month, wnth plenty of flour, meat and rum, sufficient to carry them home. I have still here two families of Tuscaroras, and two fam- ilies of Conestogas, and old Ogohadorio alias Kiskatay, but they have not as yet resolved whether they will stay or not. I must further acquaint pour Honor, that a family of the Oneidas, came yesterday down the river, and they want pow- der and lead ; but the Major does not think proper to part with any more ammunition out of the garrison. So that, in my humble opinion, it would be very requisite that your Honor would order a supply of powder, lead and flour, to 468 APPENDIX. be sent to this Fort, inasmuch as by all information, there would be a continual resort of Indians to this place. I understand by this family that Teedyuscung is gone from Wyomink across the country, with a great number of Indians to go to Easton. The aforesaid Indians like- wise inform me, that they expect two canoes with Indians here this day or to-morrow, in order to get powder and lead, and provisions — and as they are in a starving condi- tion, they expect sustenance from here, during this sum- mer. If it is your Honor's pleasure, that I should remain here, 1 humbly desire the favor of receiving your Honor's in- structions, and the liberty of distributing amongst the In- dians, according as it will suit such things as are designed for them, for sale. I remain your Honor's Most obedient humble servant, Thomas McKee. At Barnabas Hugh's, Lancaster co. Nov. 22d, 1757. To the Hon. W. Denny. Honored Sir — A few miles on this side of Wyomink, Teedeuscung with some of his friends met us, and showed their way to the spot he had pitched upon for the town, and said he had desired us not to erect a fort, but only some houses, and accordingly we set the men to work, and when we had covered ni two and set up six more, he let us know he was satisfied, as he intended to go to Bethlehem imme- diately and live there all winter, in which time, he thought if not improbable, but some straggling, ill effectual Indians might burn them down ; however be that as it might, he designed to return in the spring and settle there, Vv^here he would have the l)usiness completed. We are with due esteem, Your Honor's most obedient and humble servants, James Hughes, E.wD. Shippen, James Galbreath. AiPPENtolX. 469 Fort Augusta, 20th January, 1758. To Major James Burd. Dear Brother — I had the pleasure to write you the 2d inst. per Mr. Bard, when I enclosed you the returns, &c., for the 1st of January, L75S, since wliich several small parties of Delaware Indians have arrived here with skins, to trade at the store ; among the rest came old King Neutimas, Joseph, and all their family; and we have now forty-three present, including women and children. Job Chilloway, brother to Bill Chil- lovvay, came here the other day from the Muncy country at the head of the Cayuga branch above Diahoga ; he was born and bred at Egg Harbor, is a very sensible fellow, and speaks the En'^lish language perfectly well. From all the circumstances of his conversation and behavior, he appears to be a strict friend to the English interest ; his releasing Armstrong's wife fram the Indians last summer, and the pru- dent precautions he used in sending lier here, is a conlirma- tion of my good opinion of him. He assures me that the only Indians on the Susquehanna, who are our enemies, are thii Muncy nation; and they are determined to continue the war against the Eaglish: he says he understood from some of the Indians, when he came away, that a small party of French were expected next month from Niagara, to join a Muncy captain and som.; of his wariiors; and their intention is to go towards the settlements near Delaware, and to take an English Fort, situated at a place called Bendig Hill, which we suppose to be Fort Allen. He further informs me that last March he carried a parcel of skins to the French, at Niagara, to purchase clothing for his family, which mere necessity obliged him to do, much contrary to his inclination, observing that the unhappy Indian war had put an end to English trade; that while he was at that fort, there were but five officers, and he had computed the number of sol- diers not to exceed 150, who, by his description of their ap- pearance and dress, are regulars ; that they mounted in the fort 45 pieces of cannon, some of which were the brass field pieces taken from General Braddock, which they intended in the summer to send to fort Frontenac ; that the fort was strong and pretty large, having in it a great stone house, three stories high, where the officers lived. 40 470 APPENDIX. He intends to return to the Muncy country in a few days in order to bring away his things, and in the spring is de- termined to live among his brethren, the English, with whom he has always enjoyed peace and friendship. I have the pleasure to inform you that Capt. Jamison and Lieut. Garraway arrived here yesterday with twelve battoes containing 6000 of flour, two hogsheads of whiskey, three barrels of salt, and twenty bushels of Indian corn for the gar- rison, besides a quantity for Carson's store. In the morning I shall despatch oif Capt. Davis and En- sign McKee with a party of fifty men in the battoes to make another trip, if possible, while the river is open and favor- able. I have restricted the garrison to an allowance of one pound of flour per man, since the 1st of January, and shall think it necessary to continue the same till Capt. Davis's return, with an additional supply. We have in store 17,390 of flour, and 91,481 of beef. Yours, &c., Joseph Shippen. Fort Augusta, July 19, 1758. May it please your Honor — I received yours of the 3d inst., wherein your orders to me is to carry on the works relating to the strengthening of this fort, which I shall observe to do to the utmost of my power, with the few men that are left to garrison this place. Capt. Montgomery arrived here on the 16th instant, with three subalterns and sixty-two private men, who were draughted out of several companies of the new raised levies. General Forbes has ordered Capt. Robt. Eastburn and Capt. Paul Jackson, and their subalterns, with thirty-five of each company, (which is more than they have here,) to march and join him at Raystown. He likewise ordered ree to draught forty of the best men belonging to Colonel Burd's battalion, and send them to him, with two officers, viz: Lieut. Broadhead, and Ensign Holler. There is but one officer left here, beside myself, of Colonel Burd's battalion, who is Ensign Henry. I have no Ensign. The above draughts march from this place this day. There is only one hundred and forty-three men left here, out of which number there are APPENDIX. 471 ten whose time is expired, and will not enlist again ; besides two men more that Major Lloyd has sent discharges for, and a great part of them that are left, are blind, lame, sick, old, and decrepid, not fit to be intrusted with any charge. I have got but few tradesmen to carry on any building ; one car- penter, two masons, and one smith, are left here. I have be- gun to build a powder magazine (as there has never been any other than the common provision store) an unfit place to hold powder, and am obliged to leave it unfinished for want of lime and stone ; the limestone we fetch six miles, and it is impossible to fetch them any other way than by water, and all the batteaux men are discharged ; so it is im- jiossible for me to carry it on any further than without some more assistance. The four pieces of cannon are come up that were sent from Philadelphia ; but there is not a person to make car- riages for them, so they will be useless till such time as there is a fit person sent here to make them, and as to what intel- ligence I can get, I shall always immediately send to your Honor and General Forbes, and I have no other way to get but by sending out some Indians that frequent this gar- rison, who have otfered their services, provided they be pro- perly rewarded for their trouble. Capt. Hembus says that he has not been rewarded for the scalp he brought some some time ago. I have not had any instructions from your Honor concern- ing sending out Indians to bring intelligence or French scalps and rewarding them for the same : had it not been Colonel Burd's positive orders to send Mr. Dunlap and Capt. Hem- bus to him, I should have sent immediately to your Honor. I sent Lieut. liroadhead with a party of thirty men, on the 2d instant, dov;n to Harris's Ferry, to escort some batteaux up here, as your Honor ordered Commissary Eard to engage all the batteaux men in the service again. Capt. Hembus went down with him ; Lieut. Broadhead received the gene- ral's orders to continue there for some time, and on the 10th instant, in Mr. Broadhead's absence, I got intelligence of a party of enemy Indians being seen down the Susquehanna, on the west side, opposite Capt. McKee's place. Two Indi- ans brought me the news ; the name of one was James Co- tas ; he judged there were about 30 in number, and were bending their course towards the inhabitants. Immediately 473 APJENDIX. I despatched the two Indians with an express to Lieutenant Broadhead, desiring him to take particular care in marching up, and to alarm the inhabitants that they put themselves in a posture of defence. , On the l3th instant Capt. Hembus and James Cotas had some difference at Hunter's, and the former, in the dead time of the night, killed the latter. Mr. Broadhead informs me the General would not employ any batteaux men for this ri- ver, but ordered George Allen, captain of the batteaux, to engage as many of them as he could to go on the expedition. There have been seveial parties of Indians here from Wyo- ming for Indian corn, but not having any, I was obliged to give them flour. I understand there is coin below ; but as there are no batteaux men, we can't get it up; and our gar- rison is so weak, we can't spare men fiom the fort ; and if I would, there is not one who understands working a batteaux- As the guns, powder, and sundry other necessaries, which are much wanted here, were at Harris's, Commissary Bard gave orders to Lieut. Broadhead, who went down with a jiarty to engage as many batteaux men as would bring up the necessaries, and he would see them paid. Here is one Mr. Haiis^y, son-in-law to Capt. Eastbuin, who cam.e a vo- lunteer; he is a ship carpenter, and setmsan ingenious young man ; and might be of great service here in doing many things in that way, if he had any encouragement. He is a sober, active, genteel young man, and by his behavior since he has been here, I believe would make a good officer, if your Ho- nor thought proper. It is impossible for me to carry on the Indian storehouse, for want of workmen and tools, and as this last draught has taken all the workmen from me, save the few I have men- tioned to your Honor ; but I have for the present htted up one of the barracks, that is almost joining the present Indian store, which will hold a great quantity of skins. We have no drums here; they took them all away; and I understand there are some new ones in Philadelphia. Capt- John Teedyuscung, with an other Indian, who were sent by ihe king last April to Allegheny, returned here the 10th inst. and went from hence for Wyoming, the 14th, and informed he intended to be in Philadelphia by the first of next month at farthest ; he had belts from the Allegheny Indians. Doc-. APPENDIX. 473 tor Bond came here with the party under Captain Montgo- mery. I am, with due respect, ' Your Honor's most humble servant, Levi Trump. P. S. I have set the above named Mr. Hausey to work at the carriages for the cannon, but he has no one to help him to carry it on. I this moment received an account from an Indian that has come from hunting, that saw three of the enemy Indians' fires, and several of their beds, yesterday morning, about 80 miles from this fort, down towards the inhabitants. Capt. Eastburn's detachment, just ready to march that course where the fires were seen — I gave him orders to march his men in such order as would best discover them, if there should be any thereabouts ; at the same time, I sent a party out of the garrison in search of them elsewhere. L. T. The batteaux men were greatly exposed to immediate dangers, as would appear from the following extract of a report : A roll of men killed in the batteaux, 28th March, 1759. James Allen, of the Governor's company — 1st battalion. Frederick Devoid, of Major Shippen's company — 2d bat- talion. Philip Bond, of Major Ajmstrong's company — 1st battal- ion. Christopher Dolen, of Captain Ward's company — 1st bat- talion. Joseph Leard, of Captain Callender's company — 1st bat- talion. John McCotter, of Captain Patterson's company, and Da- vid Cody, of Major Jameson's company, both taken from the Fort, the 26th March. John McCotter returned the 2d of April. Fort Augusta, March 1st, 1758. Joseph Shippen, Capt. in the Augusta regiment, Reports, March 1st, the military store there to consist of 75,786 pounds of beef, 3,694 pounds of flour, 7 sheep, 2 bushels of salt, 40 40* 474 APPENDIX. gallons of rum, 23 pounds of match rope, 12 old gray coats entirely worn out, 173 pairs of stockings, 14 frying pans, 15 reams of cartridge paper, 4 horse-bells, 10 ordinary broad- axes, 70 tomahawks, 22 spades, 215 shovels, 2 hand-saws, 5 drag-chains, 4 ordinary whip-saws, 18 grubbing hoes, 14 batteaux — patched up for present use, 8 pieces of cannon* , 2 swivels, 7 blunderbusses, 413 small arms, &c. Thomas Lloyd, major of 2d battalion, and commandant, reports the number of officers and of companies stationed there April 1st, 1758 : Lieut. Col. James Burd, Major Thos. Lloyd ; Captains .Joseph Shippen, Patrick Work, David Jarpeson, John Ham- bright, Levi Trump, and Asher Claytonf. Total of each ; viz: 1 Lieut. Col., 4 Majors, 6 Captains, 3 Ensigns, 1 mate, 11 sergeants, 8 drummers ; 205 men fit for duty; 20 sick, 2 in the hospital, 95 on command, 3 on furlough. Absent officers at the time — Col, Burd, Capts. Hambright, Trump, Shippen; Lieuts. Miles, Scott, Ensign Henry Hol- lar — Doctor John Morgan visiting the sick at Harris's. Dec. 1, 1758, they had provisions, &c. — 103 bullocks, 18,318 pounds of flour, 6 ferkins of butter, &c. Total num- ber of men 170 ; whereof 123 were unfit for duty. Extract. Joseph Shippen to Major Burd. Fort Augusta, 20th January, 1758. I have the pleasure to inform you that Capt. Jameson and Lieut. Garraway arrived here yesterday with 12 battoes, containing 6000 pounds of flour, 2 hogshead of whiskey, 3 barrels of salt, and 20 bushels of Indian corn for the garri- son, besides a quantity for Mr. Carson's store. In the mornmg I shall dispatch off Capt. Davis and En- sign McKee with a party of 50 men in the battoes to make * August 1, 1758, 13 pieces of cannon are reported ; 704 cannon ball, 1,301 gvape shot made up for cannon. f August 1, 1758, in additiou to these captains we find others sta- tioned here, viz : Robert Eastburn, Paul Jackson, John Montgomery, Ludwig Stein, John Clark and Robert Boyd; but few officers presen: iheu- APPENDIX. 475 another trip, if possible, while the river is open and favora- ble. I have restricted the garrison to an allowance of one pound of flour a man since the 1st of January, and shall think it necessary to continue the same till Capt. Davis's re- turn with an additional supply. We have now in store 17,390 pounds of flour, and 91,481 pounds of beef. An Indian Conference was held at Shamokin, or Fori Au- gusta, 1769. Saturday, August 19, 1769, a little before noon, Seneca George, Gen-gu-ant, and about fifty-three more Indians of different tribes, being chiefly Nanticokcsand Conoys, landed from their boats, and sent a message to Col. Francis to know- when they might speak to him, who immediately returned an answer, that in the afternoon that he would be glad to see his brother, Seneca George, and the friends and brethren he had brought with him. Col. Francis then proposed to re- ceive the Indians, and desired the Rev. Doctor Smith, of Phila., who happened to come to the fort about half an hour before the Indians, to give his assistance in taking the min- utes, Aug. 11, P. M. Present, Col. Francis, Rev. Smith, and about 50 inhabi- tants on and near Susquehanna; Seneca George, Last Night, the Conoy King ; Gu-en-gu-ant an Onondago, and 22 more warriors and young men. Isaac Still, Interpreter. Seneca George, speaks : Brother : You sent a letter some days since inviting me to this place. I invited my brother Gu-en-gu-ant, one of the Onondagoes to come with me, and likewise some of my (;hildren of the Nanticokes and Conoys. I also found other young men waiting for me to come down ; and now we are all here before you as you was the governor^ for you could not expect me to come alone. Brother : We have met among ourselves this day with many tears, 476 APPENDIX. but now see you, our tears begin to dry up a little, and we are ready to hear what you have to say, and you may ap- point the time as soon as you please; and when you speak, ail of us will consider one with another what you say to us. Brother : I will speak one word more. I desire you would stop all your strong drink for awhile, for you and I can neither speak or smoke together rightly, if our young men should get drink at tliis council fire, kindled by the Governor at >5»hamukin. Brother : You and I are friends, and know each other, and you likewise very well know what the custom is when the Gov- ernor meets his brethren at any place where he appoints a council fire — now you see your brethren here, and we de- sire you will give us something to eat, for this is always the custom when we meet the Governor at a council fire — we have no more to say at this time. Col. Francis was going to make some reply, and to ex- press his pleasure at meeting his brethren, and to tell them that they should hear good things from the Governor on Monday. The Indians then went to their camp and provi- sions were sent them. This evening, Joseph Shippen,Esq., Provincial Secretary, arrived at the Fort. Sunday, Aug. 20, 1769. The Indians having understood that Doctor Smith was to have divine service to white people, assembled at the Fort, Seneca George sent notice that his people worshipped the same God with the English, and would attend divine ser- vice ; which they did accordingly, with great decency, and Isaac Still interpreted the conclusion of the discourse, which was particularly addressed to them. Monday, Aug. 21, 1769. Present, Cob Francis, Joseph Shippen, Dr. Smith, Chas. APPENDIX. 477 Stewart and near one hundred inhabitants ; and all the In- dians that had attended on Saturday. Isaac Still, Interpreter. Seneca George speaks. Brother, and all you, my Brothers : This day we are all met here together ; some chief men, my brothers, are come with me, and some young men, to this council fire, kindled by the governor. You have sent toi me to come from Shenango, and now I am come to hear my brother, and I suppose you have something within your heart to tell me. Gives a String. Colonel Francis spoke then as follows : Urother Seneca George, and all you, my brethren : I am glad to see you here, and that you received the letter I sent you, soon enough to meet me here, at the very time I wishecl to see you. My grief for what has happened has been equal to yours, but in seeing you here, in so friend- ly and good a disposition, my grief is now so much removed that I have been able to light this council fire, and to ac- quaint you with what is contained within the Governor's heart, on this occasion. Gives a String. Now brethren open your ears and listen — I am going to deliver to you what the Governor desired me to speak to Seneca George, and his friends on this sad occasion — Attend then, bretiiren, for it is now the Governor speaks. Brethren : I take this o])portunity by Col. Francis to give yo'^' ray kind and hearty salutation, and by tliis String desire yo^ will hearken to the message I send you by him. A String of Wampum. Brethren : It is not above a month ago, that Col. Francis came from Shamokin, on purpose to acquaint me of the death of one of our Indian brethren, and that the man who was sup- posed to have committed the crime was apprehended and se- cured in Lancaster jail. 478 ^ APPENDIX. On this information, I orrlered the man to be sent to the jail of this city, to be kept secure, till he can be tried. Brethren : Col. Francis further acquaints me that, the Indians, who were in the cabin witii our deceased brother, at the time he was killed, were present when the offender w^as ta- ken, and were satisfied with Col. Francis' conduct in this affair, and were kind enough to take a message from him, to give an account of what had been done, and to tell you he was hastening to Philadelphia, to lay the same before me, and would bring in a month or six weeks, my message to you on this melancholy occasion, and desired you to be at Sharaokin in order to receive it. Hrethren: Knowing that by treaties between this government and the Indians, we are obliged to inform each other of any ac- cident that happen, which may be likely to disturb the peace subsisting between us ; as soon as I had made myself ac- quainted with the particulars attending this matter, I lost no time in sending account thereof to Sir Wra. Johnson, that he might relate the real truth, as far as wascoine to my knowl- edge, to the Indians of the Six Nations, and assure them, that the person apprehended shou'd be taken great care of, and safely secured, and receive his trial in the same manner as if the deceased had been a white man, and by his trial it will appear whether the affair was accidental or designed. Brethren : We are sensible that whilst the body of our deceased brother lies above ground, your minds cannot be easy. We therefore, by these strouds, bury his body, and cover it so deep that your eyes may never more see it. Brethren : With these handkerchiefs we wipe away all the tears which run down your cheeks, and take the sorrow from your hearts, and desire you would grieve no more. Handkerchiefs. Brethren : With this belt we scrape up all the blood that has Iain APPENDIX. 479 on the ground, or may have stained the bushes. We collect them together, bury them under ground, that neither your nor your friends eyes may more behold them, as you pass and re-pass the place where the accident happened. A Belt. Brethren : As we have not buried the body of our deceased broth- er, we desire you will suffer no uneasiness to remain in your minds, that may cause the least ill will towards your breth- ren of the English. A Belt. Brethren : As you are the relations of our deceased brother, as a token of our affection for you, and to comfort your hearts, we desire you would accept of this present of goods. Deliv- ered the Goods. Signed John Penn. Seneca George speaks. Brother : Now I have heard what the governor has to say to me on this occasion ; my young men and the chiefs that are come with me have likewise heard it and are very glad that they have heard the Governor of Philadelphia speak. Now I will return to my fire place, and to-rnorrovv will give an answer to what the governor has said to us. Tuesday, 22nd Aug. — The Indians sent word they could not be ready to answer the Governor's message till to-mor- row in the afternoon- Wednesday, 23rd August. — Having met, Seneca George spoke as follows : ' Brothers : We have met here on this good day, and as the Gover- nor of Philadelphia has sent you here to speak to me, I shall look upon you as in the governor's room. I am glad to hear what my brother the governor has said, and so are also my young men, and I doubt not your young men are likewise as well pleased as our young men are with what the governor has said. 480 APPENDIX. Brother : I let you know I am not a king, but a captain of the Six Nations. But here is a king, (pointing to Last Night, the Conoy King,) you will hear him speak good things. His words and mine are one. Brother : You may see that the occasion which has called us to meet here, is not from a bad spirit on our part, but on yours. The Great and Good Spirit put it into the hearts of our grandfathers and yours, to lay strong foundations for peace with each other ; we must follow what they have done, and if we hide any thing in our hearts from one another, this Great Spirit, whom you call God Almighty, will know it. The Conoy King then speaks. Brother : I am really glad to see you at this fire which the gov- ernor has placed at Shamokin, and to hear what ray brother the governor has said ; and to see all these young men that are come with you. My young men are likewise glad on the same account. — A string of four rows. Brother : I now speak to the governor, by you. Colonel Francis. I have put into my heart what the governor has said. My young men have done the same. VVe all believe what the governor has said to Col. Francis has really come from his heart. I will, therefore, now open my heart, and you shall hear my good things. — Second string of four rows. Brother : I am well pleased the governor takes this method to bury our grief under ground. I need not repeat what you said to us. I am glad you have wholly wiped away that stain from the face of the earth, and I now assure you, I will look on you, my brothers, as I used to do, and think well of you. Brother: As I told you, we are all glad to hear our brother, tlie APPENDIX. 481 governor. But I assure you, brother, I do not know what to do on the affair we are met about. I have considered this sad breach, and should know what to do in it if any of my people had committed the like against any of yours. Brother : You know best how to manage such of our people as have been overcome by the evil spirit, and therefore I leave this matter wholly to you. — A belt of wampum. Brother : Let me now speak one word to my brother, the gover- nor, and to you Col. Francis. I would have my brother, the governor, be strong, to hold fast that good friendship, where- of our forefathers laid fast foundations when you first came into this country. Sir William Johnson is but lately come ; hut we had in old time a very firm peace, and you and I used always then to speak to one another. Now, as 1 said, bro- ther, we then laid a firm foundation for peace, and this was one great article of that peace; that we should have pity on our young men and also on our women and children; because we all came from one woman, as you may easily know by the mark — " That our little children when born have all the sam3 shapes and limbs as yours, although they be of a dif- ferent color." Wherefore, I would have you be strong, and, in good earnest to preserve this our ancient friendship, so that our young men, whoever they meet on a journey or hunting about in the woods, may always be glad to see one another. Brother : There was also another mark in this, our old friendship, that if we had one loaf of bread when we meet each other in the woods, we would cut it in two, and divide it with one another. Let us all then cast our eyes to the great Good Being, to bless our endeavors to preserve this, our ancient friendship. — A belt of eight rows. Brother : You know that our Grandfathers made a road between each other, which passes by my door and reaches to Onon- dagO' We have now kindled a council fire at Shamokin. Let 41 482 APPENDIX. US then be strong, that our young men, women and children may pass and rc-pass, and always be glad to meet one an- other as they hunt in the woods. Brother : You may perhaps hear bad stories from other nations, but I would not have you listen to them, but let you and 1 still hold fast the ancient friendship. Brother : You and I are brothers. The Nations to which I be- long, the Nanticokes and Conoys, never yet, since the begin- ning of the world, pulled one scalp, nor even one hair from your heads ; and this, I say, gives us a right to call you bro- thers. Although you have done me some hurt, I have never yet cast my eye upon that, but have always looked stead- fastly to our ancient friendship. Brother : Now we have healed this sad breach, and you see all my young men here are satisfied it is so made up, and I hope your young men are also pleased. Hut, brother, I would have you tell your young men never to make the least breach of our friendship again, and I will tell our young men the same. — A belt of seven rows. Brotlier : Now you have heard all your brothers had to say to you on this good day. There is, as I told you, a council fire at Shamokin, which is the door of the Six Nations. When I go home, all your brethren shall know what you have said, and Sir William Johnson shall also know it. Brother : We, the Nanticokes and Conoys, hare wiped away all the grief from the eyes of our great warrior, Seneca George. We show you this belt, wherewith w^e joined you in wipin Tanacharissan, and Scarroyady, who with some Shawanese and Delawares came lately to Aucquick, and intend to stay there, I have, by the advice of council, and with the ap- probation of the speaker and such other members of the As- sembly as live in town, thought proper to send you to Auc- quick ; where you are to inquire of Mr. Croghan, what they have at any time said to him of their dispositions of future intentions, as well as those of the Tvvightwees, Owendots, Shawanese and Delawares, respecting the present hostilities of the French. You are to learn, if possible, if any and what directions have been given them for their behavior towards the English or French from the council of Onondago, or any of the Six Nations, their Fathers; or whether thry, or which of them, have ever encouraged the French — particularly enquire about tlie disposition of the Senecas. When you have received information of these and all other necessary matters, then you are to consult with Mr. Crog- han, and deliver the following answer : Brethren — The Governor sent me express to acknowledge and thank you for your message hy Mr. Croghan, and to bid you wel- come to Aucquick, and to enquire after your health and that of your families. Brethren — You have done right to put yourselves under the protec- tion of this Province.. We shall make all necessary provision f )r you, till the government shall come to some determina- tion respecting the present situation of affairs. Brethren — Our present governor's administration, agreeable to what has been some time ago fixed by himself, draws to a period. A new governor is appointed, and is hourly expected. This renders it dilHcult for us to know what to do. We are all disposed to concur with Virginia and to repel the French, 42 494 APPENDIX. but are waiting for the arrival of the new governor, that it may be done more effectually. Brethren — This being the case, the governor, who is your hearty friend, desires you will be quiet and remain where you are, till the Governor of Virginia, or he, or both together, who I believe are determined to strike the French this fall, send to you to let you know their determination what they expect from you. As to the speeches made by the Shawanese and Delawares to the Governors of Pennsylvania and Virginia, which were delivered to Mr. Croghan and the Half-King, consult with Mr. Croghan about the particulars thereof, and return such answers as are consistent with the treaties subsisting between us, and the present circumstances of our affairs. You are to declare to the inhabitants that they will be se- verely punished if they presume to carry any spirits to Auc- quick, and you are to charge the Indians to stave all the casks, and if they will not do it, you are to insist on Mr. Croghan doing it. The distribution of the three hundred pounds is committed to your care, in which you may consult Mr. Croghan, and when you have consulted every thing to your mind, Mr, Croghan, through your direction, will be better able to con- duct matters. August 24, 1754, Conrad Weiser received instructions from Gov. R. H. Morris, to go and hold a conference at A ugh wick with the Indians, on the 29th, accompanied by an Indian, called Half-King, and Andrew Montour. He left his house, in Tulpehocken township, Berks county, by way of Harris's Ferry and Tobias Kendrick's — at the latter place he staid all night. Sept. 1st, he crossed the Kittatinny Mountain at George Croghan's Gap (Sterret's) and Sheerraan's creek, and arriv- ed that day at Andrew Montour's, accompanied by himself, the Half-King, and another Indian, and my son. I found at Andrew Montour's about 15 Indians, men, women and chil- dren ; and more had been there, but were gone. Andrew's wife had killed a sheep for them some days ago: she com- plained that they had done great damage to the Indian corn, which was now fit to roast; and I found that there were most APPENDIX. 495 every day Indians of those that came from Ohio with some er- rand or other which always wanted some victuals in the bar- gain ; I gave him ten pounds of the government money. The 2d of Sept. we set out from Andrew Montour's with- out any provision, because he told me we should be at Augh- wick before night ; w^e rode six hours in the forenoon and three in the afternoon — took up lodging in the woods. Sept. 3d, we set out by six o'clock, and by eight we came to the Trough Spring; by 9 to the Shadow of Death, by 11 to the Black Log, and by 12 arrived at Aughwick. The Indians fired off many guns to make me welcome, according to their custom. By the way, Tanacharisson, otherwise called the Half- King, complained very much of Col. Washington, though in a very moderate way, saying the colonel was so good-na- tured a man, but had no experience, &c. The Indians' names that were present at Aughwick in Sept. 1754. Tanacarisson — Seneca chief; Scarroyady — Oneida chief; Tokaswayeston — Seneca chief ; Seneca George — chief; Cap- tain William — Seneca ; Kanachjakanyjady — Seneca ; Sako- jaduntha — Cayuga ; Moses Contjochqua — Mohock ; Aquo- yioda — Mohock. Shawanoes. — Lapfcchkewe, the Young King ; Donyle- queshoney; Wapatykeety, speaker; Kunjuchha (alias Penn) the Runner; Catousima, Cachkaw^atchiky's, Grandchild, and several others. The white people that were present for the most part, my- self and ray son, Andrew Montour, Interpreter to the Dela- wares ; George Croghan, Peter Sheffer, Hugh Crawford, Thomas Simpson, and John Owen. On the 8th Sept. about 10 o'clock, I left. Aughwick, Old Town, October 16, 1754. To Mr. Peters. Sir — Two days ago, came here an old man of the Six Nations, from the French Fort on Ohio, and brought with him a very large belt of black wampum, with a speech made on it by 496 - APPENDIX. one of the Six Nations, who lives with the commandant in the Fort. The speech was, to desire those Indians to leturn immediately to Ohio, to settle themselves under their father's arm, where they might be sure to be fed and clothed ; WMth great plenty, and where their wives and children \vould be safe from the attack of any enemy, as they have plainly seen that no enemy can stand before their father, the French. The same man sent me the enclosed string of wampum, to desiie me at my peiil, not to interfere nor stop those Indians from going home to their own country. Those Indians' an- swer was, that they never would return in peace with the French, but that they expected to live yet on the Ohio lands, which lands justly belong to them, their brethren, the Eng- lish, and not to the French. By every Indian that comes down from the Ohio, we hear of great preparations making by the French to attack the back inhabitants, in small parties, in hopes, I suppose, to put a stop to any English army marching out this fall, which I think they need not dread. Col. James Innes has built a fortification at the mouth of Wills' creek, opposite the new store called Fort Mount Pleasant. He has invited the Indians that are here to go to see him, and receive a present from the government of Virginia, which he will de- liver them. They set olf to-morrow, but leave their women and children here behind till they return; which they expect will be in ten days. You heard of the Half-King's death, I hope, which has been much lamented by all the Indians. As C ol. Innes had sent for them, I was obliged to make a condolence speech to them, and a present of goods to cover his grave in the name of the government of this province, as they could not see the road, nor hear what the Governor of Virginia had to say to them till that ceremony had been done ; the expense was £2S, 14 shillings: as I did it without any orders, I have omit- ted putting it in the account, and subn)it it to the honorable house, if they think proper to pay it with the balance of my account, which I here inclose. I likewise leave it to the honorable house what they please to allow me for my corn ; out of 30 acres of good corn, the Indians have left me but 86 bushels, now measured, which corn Mr. Weiser saw- when he was up here, and told me I would be paid for it. The Indians, at their return, intend to build a town here, APPENDIX. 497 and expect the government will stoccade it round for them ; for I assure you the Indians apprehend danger this fall from the French. I hope you will let me know by the bearer, whom I send down at the request of the Indians, what is to be done with them. They have been expensive to the government, and I assure you no small trouble and loss to me, more than I am able to bear, which Mr. Weiser can inform you of. I expect as the Assembly sits you will know what will be done for them, that I may know how to act with them, or w^hether I shall let them go about their business. If the house will pay my account and any thing for the loss of my corn and expenses on the condolence speech, which I expect, they will please to send the amount by the bearer. I would have written to his Honor, the governor, but thought it would be too forward in me, who had no ac- quaintance with him. My compliments to Governor Ham- ilton ; and pray excuse me for giving you so much trouble to read so long a letter. I am, sir, Your most humble servant, Geo. Croghan. November 23, 1754. To R. H. Morris. May it plefise your Honor — Four da}'s ago an Indian man, called Caughcustian, of the Delaware Nation, who had been gone six weeks to the French Fort as a spy, returned and brings an account that there were eleven hundred French come to the Fort on the Ohio, and 70 French Indians, called the Orundox, and that there were more French at the head of the Ohio, (Allegheny river), and three hundred Indians of the Conewagos and Ot- taways, which were expected every day when he left the Fort — they have brought eight more cannons with them. He says that the French sent out three small parties of Indians against the English settlements before he left that ; but whi- ther they are tlcstined he could not find out. He likewise says that there are three hundred French families settled at the Tvvightwees town and thereabouts, which is a fine coun- try, lying on this side of the southwest end of Lake Erie. This news he had from a man of his Nation, who saw them, 42* ) ■ 498 AP] ENDIX. and had bought three cows from tlicm. This news makes the Indians here very uneasy, at whose instance I am obliged to trouble your Honor with this express. The Indians who went to the camp of Virginia, to treat with that government, returned fifteen days ago with a pres- ent of goods; and in two days ten men will return to camp and stay there this winter, and act as scouts. Monacatootha and another chief set oll'at the return of the express lor the Onondago country, and propose leaving the rest of the peo- ple here the winter, in number about one hundred and eigh- ty, big and little, at the expense of the government, (which, if the government undertakes, will be no small exj)ense) as they are afraid to separate or go out in the woods a hunting for fear of the enemy. I am sensible they have already l)een a great expense to this government, and much more to me , for they have destroyed all the corn and grain I had for tlu^ support of my fi^mily this winter ; and now I am obliged to kill my own cattle Ibr their support besides. The chiefs have frequently kept out scouts to watch the notions of the French, and obliged me to pay them, which has cost me above XoO worth of goods this summer, which is a burden I am not able to bear, and I can't chaige the o-overnmcnt, as I had no orders to do so. I hope your Honor will send some persrn to provide for them, if the government intends to maintain them this win- ter, or let me know, that I may discharge them before I set off, as 1 am going to remove into the inliabitants ; for I as- sure your Honor, I don't think myself safe here. I am ashamed of troubling the government with so many expresses as I have done this summer ; but I assure your Honor I. had been obliged to do it, at the repeated instance of the chiefs of those Indians. I hope your Honor will dispatch this messenger, as Mon- acatootha waits imjiatiently for his return, to set off" to the Onondago country. If your Honor intends to provide for those people, it must be done very soon, as there will be no carrying across the mountains in a little time. I am, sir. Your Honor's most humble and most obedient servant, Geo. Croghan. APPENDIX. 499 P. S. I understand the reason of the French making those great preparations this winter, is from a report by one of the deserters from the Virginia regiment, took there this summer, that there were four thousand of his Majesty's troops coming from England to Virginia, to act this fall on the expedition. G. C. E.— Page 278-303. Stump's Case. Gov. Pemv's severed Proclamations, «^"C., ^x. I. Proclamation. Whereas, it appears by a deposition, this day taken, be- fore the chief justice of this Province, that on Sunday, the 10th day of this month, a certain Frederick Stump, a Ger- man of Penn's township, in the county of CumberJand, did, in violation of the public faith, and in defiance of all law, inhumanly and wickedly kill, without any provocation, four Indian men, and two Indian women, in his own house, near the mouth of Middle creek, in the said county ; and that the said Frederick Stump went the next day to an Indian cabin, about 14 miles up the said creek, and there barbarously put to death, and burnt an Indian woman, two girls and a young child. And, whereas, not only common justice loudly demands, but the laws of the land, and the preservation of the public iaith of Treaties with the several Indian Nations require that the most speedy and vigorous exertions of the civil authority should be made, in order to secure, and bring to condign punishment, an offender that hath perpetrated so audacious and cruel an act on Indians, who, for several months past, have lived near the frontiers of this Province in a friendly and quiet manner, and have at all times, since the establish- ment of the general peace with the Indians in 1764, behaved themselves peaceably and inoffensively to all his majesty's subjects. I have, therefore, by and with the advice of the council, thought fit to issue this proclamation, and do hereby strictly charge and command all judges, and justices, sheriflis, con- stables, officers civil and military, and all other of his Ma- jesty's faithful subjects within this Province, to make diligent search and enquiry after the said Frederick Stump; and that APPENDIX. 501 they use all possible means to apprehend and secure him in one ol the public jails of this Province, to be proceeded against according to law. And I do hereby promise and engage, that any person or persons, who shall apprehend and secure the said Frederick Stump, so that he be brought to conviction, shall have and receive the public reward of two hundred pounds- Given under my hand, and the great seal of the said pro- vince, at Philadelphia, the 19th January, 176S. II. Proclamation. Whereas, a number of armed men, unlawfully assembled, did, on Friday, the 29th of January last, forcibly enter the jail at Carlisle, in Cumberland county, and, in defiance of all laws, rescue from thence the persons of Frederick Stump and John Ironcutter, who had been apprehended and com- mitted there, for the murder of ten Indians, on Middle crk., anti have since set them at liberty. And, whereas, the measures hitherto pursued for retaking the said Stump and Ironcutter, have proved ineffectual; and there is reason to believe that the murderers are either con- cealed within this province, or have made their escape to some of the neighboring colonies. And, whereas, it is absolutely necessary in the present cri- tical situation of affairs, for the preservation of the peace and friendship subsisting between his Majesty's subjects and the several Indian Nations ; and as it is highly expedient for the discouragement of such atrocious crimes, that the said Fred- erick Stump and John Ironcutter should be brought to exem- plary punishment. I have, therefore, with the advice of the council, thought fit to issue this, my second proclamation, hereby strictly charging and commanding all judges, justices, sheriffs, con- stables, and the civil and military officers, as well as all other subjects within this government, to make diligent search and enquiry after the said Frederick Stump and John Iron- cutter, and to use all possible means for apprehending and securing them, that they may be proceeded against according 502 APPENDIX. to law. And as an encouragement for bringing the said offen- ders to justice, I do hereby promise and engage, that any person or persons, who shall apprehend and secure the said Frederick Stump and John Ironcutter, so that they may be prosecuted to conviction, shall have and receive, as public reward for Frederick Stump, two hundred pounds, current money; and for John Ironcutter, one hundred pounds: and for the better security of said Stump and Ironcutter, 1 have caused a descriptiou to be published at the foot of this proc- lamation. Given under my hand and seal of the said province, at Philadelphia, the 16th of March, in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixty-eight, and in the eighth year of his Majesty's reign. I iiy his Honor's command. John Penn. Joseph Shippen, jr.. Secretary. [God save the King]. Descriptio7i of Frederick Stump and John Ironcutter, viz : Frederick Stump, born in Heidelberg township, Lancaster county, in Pennsylvania, of German parents. He is about 33 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, a stout fellow, and well proportioned ; of a brown complexion, thm visaged, has small black eyes, with a downcast look, and wears short black hair ; he speaks the German language well, anil the English but indifferently. He had on, when rescued, a light brown cloth coat, a blue great coat, an old hat, leather breeches, blue leggins and mockasons. John Ironcutter, born in Germany, is about 19 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, a thick, clumsy fellow, round- shouldered, of a dark brown complexion, has a smooth, full face, grey eyes, wears short brown hair, and speaks very little English. He had on, when rescued, a blanket coat, an old felt hat, buckskin breeches, a pair of long trousers, coarse white yarn stocking, and shoes with brass buckles. APPENDIX. 503 Chief Justice's Warrant. Pennsylvania, ss. Whereas, proof hath been made before me, William Allen, Esq., chief justice of the Province of Pennsylvania, that a certain Frederick Stump, of Penn's township, in Cumberland county, hath most maliciously and barbarously killed and murdered four Indian men, three Indian women, and three Indian children, being in the peace of God, and of our Lord, the King. These are, therefore, in his Majesty's name, to will and require you, and every one of you, forthwith to make diligent search for the said Frederick Stump, and him the said Frederick Stump to apprehend, and take and bring him before me, or any other of his Majesty's justices of Oyer and Terminer, for the Province of Pennsylvania, to answer for the said murders, and to be dealt witli according to law. And I do hereby require all his Majesty's liege subjects, inhabit- ants of the Province, to be aiding and assisting to the utmost of their power, towards apprehending the said Frederick Stump. In witness, whereof, I have hereunto set the seal of the Supreme Court of the Province of Pennsylvania, this 19th day of January, A. D., 1768. William Allen. To the high sheriff, under-sheriff, constables, bailiff, and all other officers of the said Province of Pennsylvania, and particularly to those of the several counties of Cumberland, Lancaster, York, and Berks. The following are the names of the Indians killed on the lOth and 11th of January, 1768, by Frederick Stump and John Ironcutter, at Middle creek, viz: The White Mingo, otherwise called John Cook, a Seneca Indian, whose relations are said to live on the head of the Cayuga branch, (which runs into the Susquehanna at Dia- hoga,) at a place called Pee-mee-kannink, not far from Gen- essee. Cornelius, a Mohickon Indian, from a place called Pagh- Sekacunk, on the Susquehanna, 6 miles below Diahoga. John Campbell, a Mohickon Indian also. ft 504 APPENDIX. Jonas GrifTy, either a Sfockbridge or Jersey Indian. Women — The White Mingo's wife. Two other women, supposed to be the wives of Cornehus and John Campbell. Two girls and a child. The women are said to be of the Delaware and Shawa- nese tribes. — [Prov. Records. A letter from the Governor to the Magistrates of the county of Cumberland. Philadelphia, 19th January, 1768. Gentlemen — Having received certain information that on Sunday, the 10th inst., Frederick Stump, a German, of Penn's township, in Cumberland county, did, without provocation, murder in the most cruel and inhuman manner, in his own house, near the mouth of Middle creek, four Indian men, and two Indian women, and that the next day he proceeded fourteen miles up that creek, and there put to death and burnt in their cab- ins an Indian woman, two girls, and a child. I do hereby strictly charge and require you immediately to exeit youi- selves in the most active manner on this occasion, by giving your assistance to the sheiifl' and the officers of justice in executing the chief justice's warrant, and taking all other measures in your power for the imnjediate apprehending the said Frederick Stump, ant! that also give your best assist- ance to the sheriff in sending him under such a guard as may secure him from all possibility of escape* or rescue down to this city, agreeable to the chief justice's warrant forwarded for that purpose, by this ojjportunity, to be examined by one of the justices of the Oyer and Terminer, and to be dealt with by them according to law. The sheriff and the officers of the county should be dis- patched without the least delay to George Gabiiel's house, on Penn's cieek, where, 1 am informed Stump is gone, and to such other places wiiere it is most likely he may lie found. You are also to give directions for the apprehending of his servant lad, (whose name I don't yet know) about IS years of age, who was wiih him at the murder of the women and children, and is, perhaps, the most material evidence that can be got against him. You are likewise to direct the coronei APPENDIX. 405 of your county to proceed thither, and to the cabins before mentioned, and to hold an inquest on the bodies of all the said Indians that can be found, and cause them to be buried in a very decent manner. I am persuaded, gentlemen, that the love of justice, a sense of duty, and a regard for the public safety, will be sufficient with you to exert yourselves in such a manner as to leave no measures untried which may be likely to apprehend and bring to punishment the perpetrators of so horrid a crime, which in its consequences will certainly involve us again in all the calamities of an Indian war, and be attended with the effu- sion of much innocent blood, unless by a proper exertion of the powers of government, and a due execution of the laws, we can satisfy our Indian allies, that the government does not countenance those who wantonly spill their blood, and convince them, that we think ourselves bound by solemn treaties made with them. I have this matter somewhat at heart, that I have deter- mined to give a reward of .£200 to any person or persons who shall apprehend the said Frederick Stump and bring him to justice, and should have sent up proclamations for that purpose, by this opportunity, if I was no', apprehensive the setting up, and making i)ub]ic such proclamations might be a means of terrifying him, and put him on making his es- cape, or absconding before the officers of justice could take him. I mention this, therefore, to you in confidence, and that you by discreetly communicating it to such as you think proper, may the more easily prevail with them, willingly to engage in the undertaking, and you may assure them, that they shall have the reward, though he should be apprehend- ed before the proclamation is actually pubhshed. I am, with great regard, gentlemen, Your most obedient and humble servant, JoHjf Penn. To John Armstrong, James Galbreath and John Bayard, Esqrs. and others, his Majesty's Justices for Cumberland county. 43 506 APPENDIX. Letter to William Allen, Esq., Chief Justice, from the Mag- istrates of Cumberland county. Carlisle, 27th January, 1768. Sir— At a consultation of the subscribing magistrates, 'tis agreed to inform you, that, in obedience to the orders of his Honor, the Governor, and your special warrant, the sheriff and posse of this county, on the evening of the 2od instant, stood prepared to set out, in order to apprehend Frederick Stump and his servant man, when, to our satisfaction, Capt. William Patterson, together with about 20 young men of the settlers on Juniata, brought in the said Stump and servant, who were delivered to the sheriff and committed to our jai! for their safe keeping, until the sheriff could be prepared with a safeguard to carry them down to Philadelphia. But when the sheriff was ready, viz : on the morning of the 2oth, the river was thought to be impassable, and any impediment in the way judged at last to be attended with possible haz- ard, so that as the prisoners were in custody, it was agreed best to retain them until this day, when the magistrates were notified to meet here, in order to assist the sheriff with their advice and influence at his setting out with the prisoners, who met accordingly, but were furnished with various suggestions that the relatives and connexions of Stump would very pro- bably attempt a risk, as he (Stump) had been heard to say that he expected his trial where the act was committed, which, taken in conjunction with other circumstantial ap- pearances, moved us to suspect that the removal of the pris- oners, at this time, would but too probable be attended with bad consequences, and to conceive the first expedient incum- bent upon is to inform the principal officers of the govern- ment of these appearances, of the safety of the prisoners in this jail ; and to the best of our knowledge the hearty incli- nations of the body of the county to see public justice admi- nistered, submitting any further procedure at present to the judgment of our superiors. We are sorry to inform you that the officer of the coroner has been prevented by his taking sick on the road, and as we are informed, is yet confined by a pleurisy, and that since we received this account, it has been impracticable to pass the sundry waters in that part of the country, and are now of APPENDIX. 507 Opinion, that beyond doubt the dead bodies are swept off by this extraordinary flood. For your satisfaction we hereby send the confession of Frederick Stump and John Ironcutter, made on the 25th in- stant, and am, sir, with great respect and esteem, Your most obedient humble servants, John Armstrong, James Galhreath, John McKnight, Jonathan Hoge, Robert Miller, William Lyon. To the Hon. William Allen, Esq., Chief Justice of the Province of Pa., at Philadelphia — by Robert Harvey, who will wait ior an answer. A letter from the Governor to the Magistrates of the county of Lancaster. Philadelphia, 19th January, 1768. Gentlemen — Having received certain information that on Sunday the 10th instant, Frederick Stump, a German, of Penn township, in Cumberland county, did, without provocation, murder in the most cruel and inhuman manner, in his own house, near the mouth of Middle creek, four Indian men, and two Indian women, and that the next day, he proceeded 14 miles up said cieek, and there put to death, and burnt in their cabins, an Indian woman, tv\-o girls and a child. I do hereby strictly charge and require you immediately to exert yourselves in the most active manner, on this occasion, by giving your as- sistance to the sheriff and other officers of justice in execut- ing the chief justice's warrant, and taking all other measures in your power, for the immediate apprehending the said Fre- derick Stump, and that you also give your best assistance to the sheriff, in sending him under such a guard as may secure him from all possibility of escape, or rescue, down to this city, agreeable to the chief justice's warrant, forwarded for that purpose, by this opportunity, to be examined by one of the justices of Oyer and Terminer, and to be dealt with by them according to law. 508 APPENDIX. I have directed the magistrates of Cumberland county to dispatch the sheriflf, with the power of the county, without delay, to George Gabriel's house, on Penn's creek, where I am informed Slump is gone, and to sucli other places as it is most likely he may be found. But, as it is probable, he may abscond and throw himself out of the jurisdiction of Cumber- land, by crossing the Susquehanna and taking refuge in the upper part of Lancaster county, near that river, it will be absolutely necessary that your sheriff, with all Ihe assistance he can collect, be also dispatched as far as Mahonoy creek, or the furthest limits of the county, to be in readiness to ap- prehend him, in case he should retire thither. I am persuaded, gentlemen, that the love of justice, a sense of duty, and a regard for the public safety, will be suflicient inducements with you to exert yourselves in such a manner as to leave no measures untiicd, which may be likely to ap- prehend and bring to punishment the perpetrators of so hor- rid a crime, which, in its consequences, will certainly involve us again in all the calamities of an Indian war, and be at- tended with the effusion of much human blood, unless, by a proper exercise of the powers of government, due exertion of the laws, we can satisfy our Indian allies that the government does not countenance tliose who wantonly spill their blocd, and convince them that we think ourselves bound by the solemn treaties made with them. I have this matter so much at heart, that I have deter- mined to give a reward of £200 to any person or persons who shall apprehend the said Frederick Stump and bring liim to justice, and should have sent up proclamations for the purpose, by this opportunity, if I was not a])prehensive that the setting up, and making iniblic such proclamations might be a means of terrifying him and put him on making his es- cape, or absconding before the ollicers of justice could take him. I mention this, therefore, to you in confidence, and that you, by discreetly comuiunicating it to such as you think proper, may the more easily prevail with them, willingly to engage in the undertaking, and you may assure them that they shall have the reward, though he should be apprehend- ed before the proclamation is actually published. I am, with great regard, gentlemen. Your most obedient servant, John Penn. APPENDIX. 509 To Emanuel Carpenter, Isaac Saunders, Edward Shippen, Adam Simon Kuhn, Adam Reed, James Burd, John Philip De Haas, and James Bickham, Esqrs., and others, his Ma- jesty's Justices of the Peace. A similar letter was written by the Governor to James Diemar, John Patton, Henry Christ, and other justices of Berks county. John Armstrong's Letter to the Governor. Carlisle, 24th January, 1768. May it please your Honor — Your Honor's orders of the 19th inst., together with the chief justice's warrant came to hand yesterday afternoon. This most barbarous murder, pregnant as it is with every gloomy appearance, as well to the public as to many help- Jess families, you very justly conceived of. Agreeable to these apprehensions, as soon as the report came here, although at second hand, I did, with the advice of a number of magistrates write lor and immediately sent off the coroner, not only to do his office, but to use every possible means, whether by stratagem or force, to bring in Frederick Stump and his servant man, hoping at the same time, that unless men were lost to reflection, and the laws of society, the thing would not be to do when the coroner should get there, accordingly to our great satisfaction, whilst m obedience to the orders of government we were fixing out the sheriff with William Lyon, James Maxwell and John ' Allison, Esqrs., who were to have a proper guard. Stump and his man were brought to town about 8 o'clock, P. M., by Capt. Wm. Patterson, and about 20 young men, inhabit- ants of Juniata, who did this good act, and tlie sheriff sets out with the criminals to-morrow morning. I hope the cor- oner, who has not yet time to return, nor did the party meet him, will also be enabled to do his office. I told him to bury those said to be under the ice, at least in two graves, and also sent a message to Patterson, before he came here, pro- vided the fellows even cannot be taken, that if any Indians were in them parts, he should immediately be dispatched to the Great Island, or next party of Indians, to assure them that the government would do thera justice; accordingly, he 43* 510 APPENDIX. tells me he has sent one Gersham Hicks, formerly a prisoner with the Indians, and have also advised that if a second mes- senger can be got, he may be sent to show the particulai care your Honor has taken on the occasion, but the last, I hope may be better effected by BIyth, on his return home, if any Indians there be about him. We have not attempted any formal examinations here, but the fellows frankly ac- knowledge that they were the only perpetrators at both pla- ces ; Stump killing 9 of the Indians, and the servant one, but have formed a similar story touching the conduct of the Six Indians at Stump's house, and the necessity he was under to kill them, which I take to be fdhe. The report of the coroner shall be transmitted by the first opportunity after his return. Sundry families are fled off of the Susquehanna, near to Stump's, yet I think the Indians will consult before they attempt hostilities, but am afraid they may strike before any proper state of this matter can be sent them. I am, your Honor's most obedient and humble servant, John Armstrong. Governor Penn : 2Sth inst., the magistrate's letter to the chief justice will show the coroner's disappointment as well as that of my own expectations, when I wrote your Honor as above, re- specting the speedy removal of the prisoners to Philadelphia. We are most sincerely anxious and deeply affected, why a punctual compliance with your Honor's orders and the war- rant of the chief justice, in regard of sending Stump to Phil- adelphia for examination, &c., should meet with any appear- ance of reluctance or disobedience upon our parts, which is tar from the fact, but the truth is humbly vested in your Honor's confidence, that by certain means an alarm is raised in the minds of many, touching their privileges in this, and in any future case, which they allege would be infringed by this measure, as they take it for granted that these men would not be remanded for trial to the county where the fact was committed, but the whole process carried through at Phila- delphia, and these opinions and uneasiness are founded chief- ly on the judgment of some person supposed to be learned in the law; so that on the whole, we have not had it in our power to do otherwise than we have done, without a mani- APPENDIX. 511 fest risk of complicated evil, as will more fully appear by the letter now sent the chief justice. The sentiments of the mag- istrates expressed in that letter, as they respect the safety of the prisoners here, and desire of the people that justice may be distributed to them. I think you may fully rely on, and also upon any thing in our power to do, in aiding the sheritf, should the sending down of these unhappy people be thought indispensable. 1 have not rested from this affair since last Saturday at 1 o'clock, and ought now to have been in town, had not these troubles arose. J. A. Philadelphia, 8d February, 1768. Sir : The moment I received your letters of the 24th and 28th ult., I was sending off an express to your sheriff with positive orders to bring the bodies of Frederick Stump and his servant, Ironcutter, to the verge of your county and de- liver them to the sheriff of Lancaster, that they may be con- veyed forthwith agreeable to the Chief Justice's warrant to this city for examination. I find no answer from your let- ters to countermand the above order, and therefore expect that absolute obedience be paid to it. Time will not at pres- ent admit of my saying more on this occasion, than that I am astonished at the impertinent insolence of those who here take upon them to suggest even to suppose that the govern- ment or judges intended to do so illegal an act as to try pris- oners in any other county or place than where the fact was committed, and that, if the inferior officers of government are with impunity suffered to control, or counteract the pro- ceedings of their superiors, there will not only be an end to all subordination and order, but of government itself. I am, sir, your most obedient and humble servant, John Penn. To John Armstrong, at Carlisle. Lancaster, 28th January, (Noon,) 1768. Honored Sir : As soon as the magistrates of this county received the honor of your directions by William Blyth for apprehending 512 appen:)ix. Frederick Stump, the sheriff and coroner went off with a copy of said directions, to James Burd, Esq., and other offi- cers are now returned, and inform us that the murderers of the Indians is taken by young Capt. Patterson with a par- ty of twenty more, and secured in Carlisle jail, that on our said officers return to Mr. John Harris's, Mr. }?uid being there they sent an express over to the sheriff of the county of Cumberland, desiring him to bring Stump to them and they would take care to convey him safely down to Phila. in order to be examined, but he wrote them for answer that he could not, for reasons which he should immediately send liy express down to his Honor the Governor. The magis- trates who live in this borough thought it advisable to send your Honor this news by express, who is to set off after his horse is shod. I am your Honor's affectionate friend, and most obedient and humble servant, Edward Shippen. Carlisle, February 7th, 1768. May it pJease your Honor : Last night your Honor's favor of the 3d inst. by Apty, express, came to hand, whereby 1 see you had not received ray last, on the taking of Stump and his servant out of this jail by violence. I shall not spend your Honor's time in showing the several methods that have since been taken to have these men delivered back to the custody of the sheriff, as he no doubt will do that by the return of your express, nor can I fully express the distraction of mind and uneasi- ness I have with many others here, at this piece of outrage and disregard of lawful authority, directly calculated to awa- ken the shame of our best friends, and upon a poor unfortu- nate county the just resentment of the government, and pen- alties of the law. And yet should I presume so far on your Honor's candor, as expect to be believed, when I assure you that after the closest examination I have been able to make, even the ignorant and giddy crowd, who have committed this hasty, flagrant violation of the established course of jus^ lice, have done it under the influence of a mistaken appre- hension of the intentions of carrying Stump to Philadelphia, APPENDIX. 513 together with a few particular matters that the more orderly and sedate among them, as well as their young people, deep- ly lament, and complain of, as bearing hard on them in their exposed situation. They tell us that the government always manifests a great- er concern at the killing or death of an Indian, than at the death or killing of any of them — that the Indians first break the peace, and have since the last establishment thereof, kill- ed a considerable number of Pennsylvanians at different times and places, and that no lamentation has been made, nor ex- ertion of the powers of government, to bring those savage butchers (as they call them) to account for this dangerous and bloody account, w^hereby, they say, that some of the frontier people will always be exposed to suffer the same fate, and that their wives and children must be threatened and insulted by Indians, and that a number of them must re- ceive the fatal blow before they dare say it is war, with sun- dry other complaints of this sort. All these things have been reasoned against to the uttermost in our power, in order to appease these piteous and distracted people, as well as to convince them that those matters have no connection with the conduct of such of their young men as have in this in- stance opposed themselves to law-ful authority and to the Di- vine Author of it; but that the perceptible and illegal beha- vior of this is directly calculated to prevent them the benefit of that seasonable protection and relief they have always a right to expect, when their grievances are dutiiuUy repre- sented. That the sheriff and magistrates here bad sufficient reason to fear a rescue of the prisoners, and other mischievous con- sequences on the road, had they been sent off w^hen we ap- prehended the river to have been passable, is beyond all doubt; for it is a matter of great surprise with what rapid- ity, and to what extent this wild spirit of jealousy was car- ried abroad, and how many different parties as well out of this county as in it, were all intending the same thing, viz: to prevent the prisoners being carried to Philadelphia for trial, as their mistake led them to believe: notwithstanding, we had not the least suspicion that any would attempt to take them out of the county jail, which tliey say they would by no means have done, but that tbey imagined we would convey them off secretly by night. 514 APPENDIX. These madmen, however, keep Stump and his servant confined somewhere beyond the mountains, but at what par- ticular place we have not yet heard, but think that they are not yet out of Sheerman's valley, from whence we have still expectations of having them delivered back to the sheriff. 'Tis but natural for such as know our unhappy circumstan- ces, to believe that the severest measures ought before this time to have been taken, but permit me to assure your Hon- or, that none other than what has been taken, and what we are still engaged in, could yet have been attempted by us, with any probability of success. Whilst this letter lay unsealed, I was favored with your Honor's agreeable instructions of the 4th inst. which, though more mild than the offenders had any reason to expect, yet probably adapted to the piesent circumstances, and will very probably produce the desired effect. I intend to set out to- morrow morning to cross the mountains, and shall detain the second express m order to carry down the answer that I shall receive from those persons, who at present detain Stump and his servant man. Your Honor's faithful and Most humble servant, John Armstrong. To Governor Penn, Philadelphia, February 4, 1768. Sir : The information given in yours of the 29th uU. of the res- cue of Frederick Stump and his servant gives me the greatest concern, and is truly alarming. Perhaps, it the magistracy of your county had not indiscreetly (to say no more) interpos- ed when the sheriff was ready to piocecd with the prisoners to Philadelphia, this event so full of mischievous consequen- ces had not happened. However, since matters have so unluckily Allien out, the best is to be done what the exigen- cy of the case requires and the most probable method of re- gaining the custody of the prisoners, are now to be pursued. If the people who have gone into this rash and wicked step were actuated by the principles they professed of preserving their rights rather than those of screening the prisoners from the hand of justice, they will certainly be ready to deliver AlTtNDIX. 515 them up when they can be satisfied that they will receive their trial in the county where the offences were committed. You will therefore, in the first place, try the expedient of assuring these people (if it can be known who they are) that the governor never entertained the least thought of so ille- gal an act as trying them out of their proper county, and that they were ordered down to Philadelphia that the Chief Justice himself might have the examination of them in a matter of such consequence, and that they might then be out of the reach of any attempts to rescue them, which their friends or abettors might be disposed to make, till the time of their trial. If, upon this assurance they will retake the prisoners, or deliver them up, it will go a good way towards convincing me, and all otiiers, that they, upon a mistaken notion took this rash, though most unwarrantable step, to prevent an invasion of their rights. If this measure should fail of the desired effect, and these people should per.^ist in refusing to deliver up the prisoners, or if they have already permitted their escape, you are, after waiting a reasonable time for the result, to proceed immediately in the most ac- tive and vigorous manner, as well for apprehending the pri- soners who have been rescued as to procure testUBony on which to found legal charges against the rioters (many of" whom it is more than probable you, and those other magis- trates who wore present with you, and were witnesses of the whole transaction, personally know,) for this most daring assault upon the laws of the country, and with the assist- ance of the magistrates, you are to call before all such wit- nesses as you may think can give any information of the names of the rioters, and to take their examinations, and to issue warrants for apprehending and securing them, and upon every occasion which you may think requires it, you are to dispatch expresses, informing me of any material occurrence, that I may take the measures which I may think necessary : and particularly you are to dispatch an express immediately with the answer which the rioters may give to the assurance which you are above instructed to make them. I must press you, and the magistrates, in the most earnest manner, that upon this important occasion, you exert the utmost assiduity, vigor and activity in your power, least a failure of success in our endeavors to bring the persons to justice should in- 516 APPENDIX. volve the frontier inhabitants in the dreadful efforts of an Indian war. I am, Sir, Your most humble and obedient servant, John Penn. To John Armstrong, at CarUsle. Carlisle, 26th of February, 1768. May it please your Honor : I thank your Honor for your favor of the 20lh instant, which came to hand at the same time as your last general letter to the magistrates of this county, and also for the lib- erty you are pleased to grant me of going to Philadelphia for the justification of my conduct, in regard to that opposi- tion to the chief justice's warrant with which I am charged, in the case of Frederick Stump, and shall accordingly wait on your Honor as soon as I possibly can. The less, therefore, is at this time necessary to be said, having lately sent a state of that matter to the chief justice, which I expect he will produce to your Honor. Had I, on that occasion, been conscious of disobedience or injury to the public, it is not very likely I should have wrote you in the manner I did, and in so many different letters have always neglected even the least labor to justify myself. I knew my own innocence, and never imagined that any person would ever suggest the contrary, or that my conduct would be placed to your Honor in that point of light in which it now appears to stand, for, however, directly or otherwise, any may have wrote or spoken to ray disadvantage, or how- ever mistaken I might by any mearts have been, yet, an act so unnatural as that of voluntary disobedience, either to your orders, or the chief justice's warrant, I beg leave to say, is at least highly improbable, unless I were known to be actuated by principles equally opposed to virtue and my own interest. The letters I wrote w'cre never intended to palliate the crime of the lawless mob who rescued the prisoners, but rea- dily confess, that at that time, I had strong expectations they would be returned, which led me to mention those things that your Honor now construes to be against me. 'Tis very true, I was desirous that the impending resentment of the APPENDIX. 517 government might be mitigated, had they returned the pris- oners, but this desire arose from very different motives, ihan barely to cover the crimes. My principal intention was, to acquaint your Honor more generally of the prevailing tem- per and sentinnents of the people, which I conceived neces- sury that you should know, and therefore incumbent upon ras to relate. The anxiety and public concern I have had on the present occasion, has at least been considerable ; but your Honor's conceptions of my conduct have added a complete supplement. However, as by the utmost exertion of my capacity, I find myself still unable to render that satisfaction for which I have faithfully labored. Duty obliges me to rest on one compre- hensive wish — The will of God may he done. As soon as the breaking up of the river would admit a passage, I did not fail of having conveyed for your informa- tion, all that I there had heard — but deferred sending anoth- er express until the utmost intelligence could be had, from which it is now evident ihat Stump and Ironcutter are both set at liberty". The former, 'tis said, went first to the parts where he had lived ; thence proceeded to his father's, in Tul- pahawka, in which neighborhood, 'tis alleged, he yet remains. That his friends are to ask advice of some able counsellor in the law, to know whether there is a good prospect of his safety, and should the answer be agreeable, that he may be expected to deliver himself up in the month of April, other- wise, is determined to flee somewhere, and most probably, I should think, in some part of Virginia. Ironcutter, 'tis said, was carried off by a German, suspected to be from Tulpe- hawka ; but I think it natural to suppose that Stump and he will repair to some back part of Virginia, if they are not al- ready gone. I shall not assert the reasons assigned by the rioters for their aggravated guilt in dismissing Ironcutter; — the grand reason being now evident — unwillingness that white men should be brought to the risk of life for killing Indians at this time, when war is expected. I herewith send a copy of the proceedings of the magis- trates, on receipt of your Honor's orders of the 20th instant, and had intended their meeting on the 25th, in consequence of former orders. We have got testimony against 21 of those that committed the rescue, including the ringleaders, as we suppose; and have already issued a number of warrants. I 44 518 * APPENDIX. design this by express, but, if disappointed, by the first safe hand ; and am, sir. Your most obedient and humble servant, John Armstrong. To Governor Penn. Extract of a letter from Carlisle, containing a full account of the taking and rescue of Frederick Stump. " Captain William Patterson, lately in the Provincial ser- vice, now living on Juniata, about 20 miles from Frederick Stump's, hearing of the murder committed by him and his servant, on the bodies of a number of Indians, engaged 19 men, at two shillings and sixpence per diem wages, to go with him to take Ihem. On their approach. Stump fled to the woods ; but Patterson pretended to the people in the house, that he came there to get Stump to go with them and kill the Indians at the Great Island ; this decoy had the de- sired effect. Some one went out, found and brought Stump to the house. On his coming in, Patterson arrested, bound, and brought him, with his servant, John Ironcutter, without delay, to Carlisle jail, where he was lodged on Saturday evening, the 23d of March, 1768. The court just then con- cluding, all the justices were in the town. The Monday morning following, the sheriff was preparing to carry him to Philadelphia, agreeable to the express mandate of the chief justice's warrant ; but a doubt arose amongst the justices and townspeople, as is pretended, whether the sheriff had a right to remove him, he being committed to their jail by two jus- tices, Armstrong and Miller. But the truth was, they ap- prehended a design to try him at Philadelphia, though the chief justice's warrant expressly commanded that he should be brought down for examination — and thereupon the sher- iff was directed to proceed in his duty. " Wednesday, several justices again met, to consult about sending him down ; while they were consulting, about 40 of the country people assembled, and marched near the town, declaring they would take him out of jail, as they understood he was to be taken to Philadelphia. A gentleman advised them not to go into town, but send in two of their party, to know the sentiments of the magistrates on that head. The *.wo messengers came into town, and received assurances that APPENDIX. 519 Stump should not be sent to Philadelphia, but receive his trial at Carlisle; upon which the messengers returned, and the company dispersed, and went to their respective dwell- ings. " Thus matters quietly rested until Friday, when a com- pany from Shearman's valley, about lo miles from Carlisle, and Stump's neighborhood, assembled, and came near the town, about eight of whom came in by couples ; the first two that entered the prison, asked the jailer for a dram, or some liquor, which he went to get for them, and when he brought it, the others entered. They directly drew a cutlass, and presented a pistol, swearing they would kill him, if he re- sisted, or made the least noise ; the same care was taken as to the jailer's wife. Immediately came up the general com- pany, of about 60 armed men, and surrounded the jail : the rioters within had a sledge, crowbar, and axe, with which (as some say) they broke the inner jail door ; while others assert, that they had procured the keys of the dungeon from a girl in the jail. They proceeded down to the dungeon, where Stump lay handcuffed, the chain which fastened him to the floor having been taken off two days before. They then brought him up. In the meantime came the sheriff, Colonel John Armstrong, Robert Miller, Esq., and Parson Steel, who were admitted within the circle of the armed men round the jail, but not knowing of others being within, went on the steps of the jail, and declared they would defend it with their lives. By this time those within carne with Stump to the door — the sheriff seizing him, when one of the men made a thrust with a cutlass, which passed close by his throat, and immediately the whole body surrounded the sher- iff and justices, and carried them to the middle of the street, but happily did not touch a hair of their heads, and went off with Stump, greatly shouting; — but first tookhim to asmith, whom they obliged to cut off his irons. The sheriff and jus- tices immediately went after them, and overtook one-half of the company ; but the rest, with Stump, were gone over the hills to Shearman's valley. Some of them declared they would give Mr. Patterson the interest of his £200 reward, which should not beof any ser- vice to him, and great danger is now apprehended to his person and property, for his upright and spirited behavior in the cause of virtue and his country. 520 APPENDIX. " N. B. John Ironcutter was also rescued and carried off with Stump." The editor of the Pa. Gazette, continues as follows : " By a gentleman who left Carlisle last Thursday, we are -informed that the sheriff, clergy, magistrates, and several other reputable inhabitants, had been to Shearman's valley, among the people that rescued Stump, and represented to them the consequences of their conduct, in such a manner, that they seemed convinced of their error, and promised to deliver him up in three days ; and that it was expected they would bring him back last Friday night. " By another gentleman, arrived since from Lancaster co., we are informed that the inhabitants of the frontier were so alarmed at what had happened, that many of them left their places ; and that Capt. Patterson being threatened by the rescuers of Srump, was obliged to keep a guard in his house night and day. F. — Tedyescung. Teclyescung was the last Delaware chief in these parts east of the Alleghany mountains. His name makes a con- spicuous figure in the history of Pennsylvania previous to the Revolution, and particularly towards the commencement of the war of 1756. Before he was raised to the station of a chief, he had sig- nalised himself as an able counsellor in his nation. In the year 1749, he joined the Christian Indian congregation, and the following year, at his earnest desire, was christened by the name of Gideon. He had been known before under that of Honest John. It was not until the year 1754, that his nation called on him to assume a military command. The French were then stirring up the Indians, particularly the Delawares, to aid them in fighting the English, telling them if they suffered them to go on as they had done, they would very soon not have a foot of land to live on. The Susquehanna and Fork Indians (Delawares) were then in want of a leading charac- ter to advise and govern them — their great, good, beloved, and peaceable chief, Tademe, (commonly called Tattemi,) having been murdered some time before, down in the Forks, by a foolish young white man. They, therefore, called on ■ Tadeuscund to take upon himself the station of a chief, which having been accepted, he repaired to Wyoming, whither many of the Fork Indians followed him. VVhatever might have been Tadeuscund's disposition to- wards the English at that time, it is certain that it was a dif- ficult task for him to govern an exasperated people, entirely devoted to the opposite interest. This may account for his not having always succeeded in gratifying our government to the extent of their wishes. Yet, he did much towards les- sening the cruelties of the enemy, by keeping up an inter- course with the Governor of Pennsylvania, and occasionally drawing many from the theatre of war and murder, to meet the colonial authorities at Easton or Philadelphia for the ne- 44* 522 APPENDIX. gotiation of treaties, by which means fewer cruelties were committed than would otherwise have been. His frequent visits to the governor, and to the people call- ed Quakers, (to whom he was much attached) excited much jealousy among some of his nation, especially the Monseys, who believed that he was carrying on some underhanded work at Philadelphia detrimental to the nation at large ; on w^hich account, and as they wished the continuation of the war, they became his enemies. From the precarious situation Tadeuscund was placed in, it was easy to foresee that he would come to an untimely end. Perhaps no Indian chief before him ever found himself so delicately situated ; mistrusted and blamed by our govern- ment and the English people generally, because he did not use his whole endeavors to keep his nation at peace, or com- pel them to lay down the hatchet ; and accused by his own people of having taken a bribe from the English, or entered into some secret agreement with them that would be of ben- etit to himself alone, as he would not sulfer them to inflict just punishment on that nation for the wrongs they had done them, but was constantly calling on them to make peace. The Five Nations, on the other hand, (the enemies of the Delawares, and in alliance with England), blamed him for doing too much for the cause which they themselves support- ed, for making himself too busy, and assuming an authority which did not belong to him, the leader of a band of women, but to them, the Five Nations alone. To do justice to this injured chief, the true secret of his apparently contradictory conduct must be here disclosed. It is said by those Indians who know him best, and who at that time had the welfare of their own nation much at heart, that his great and sole object was to recover for the Lenni Le- nape that dignity which the Iroquois had treacherously wres- ted from them; thence flowed the bitterness of the latter against him, though he seemed to be promoting the same in- terest which they themselves suppoi ted. He had long hoped that by showing friendship and at- tachment to the English, he would be able to convince them of the justice of his nation's cause, who were yet powerful enough to make their alliance an object with the British go- vernment ; but here he was mistaken. No one would exam- ine into the grounds of the controversy between the Dela- APPENDIX. 523 wares and the Five Nations ; the latter were supported in their unjust pretensions as heretofore, and were called on to aid in compelling the Lenape to makepeace. This unjust, and at the same time impolitic conduct, irrita- ted to the utmost the spirited nation ot the Delawares ; they lelt themselves insulted and degraded, and were less disposed than ever from complying with the wishes of a government which sported in this manner with their national feelings, and called in question even their right to exist as an independent people. Surrounded as he was with enemies, Tadeuscund could not escape the fate that had long been intended for him. In the spring of 1763, when the European nations had made peace, but the Indians were still at war, he was burnt up, together with his house, as he was lying in his bed asleep. It was supposed, and believed by many who were present, that this dreadful event was not accidental, but had been maturely re- solved on by his enemies, whoever they were, and that the liquor which was brought to Wyoming at the time, was in- tended by them for the purpose of enticing him to drink, that they might more easily effect their purpose. A number of Indians were witnesses to the fact, that the house was set on fire from the outside. Suspicion fell principally upon the Mingoes, who were known to be jealous of him, and fearful of his resentment, if he should succeed in insinuating himselt into the favor of the English and making good terms with them for his nation. It is said that those Indians were con- cerned in bringing the fatal liquor which is believed to have been instrumental in the execution of the design. While Tadeuscund was at the head of his nation, he was frequently distinguished by the title of " King of the Dela- wares.^' While passing and repassing to and from the ene- my with messages, many people called him " The War Trumjjet.''' In his person he was a portly, well-looking man, endowed with good, natural sense, quick of comprehension, and very ready in answering the questions put to him. He was rather ambitious — thought much of his rank and abilities — liked to be considered as the king of his country, and w^as fond of having his retinue with him when he would go to Phil- adelphia on business with the government. -524 APPENDIX. His greatest weakness was a fondness J or strong drinks : the temptation of which he could, not easily resist, and would sometimes drink to excess. Tliis unfortunate propensity is supposed to be the cause of his cruel and untimely death. — H.pckewelder'' s Historical account of the Indians. G.— Page 187. Priestley's Case. Birmingham, July 21. JVumcrous fabricated accounts having appeared in the Lon- don and other prints, of the tate unhappy riotous 'proceed- ings in this town, we have taken much pains to collect the following authentic particulars : Riots in Birmingham. In consequence of an advertisement on Thursday the 14th of July, upwards of 90 gentlemen met at the hotel to com- memorate the French revolution. It is previously to be ob- served, that six copies of a seditious handbill had been left early in the week by some person unknown, for discovering the author, printer, or publisher of which a reward ofoiie hundred guineas was offered by the magistrates, and which have been very generally copied, causing no small sermentn- lion in the minds of the people. In consequence on Thurs- day afternoon, a considerable number of persons gathered round the hotel, hissing at the gentlemen as they assembled ; and after their departure (which happened two hours alter) every window in the front was completely demolished, not- withstanding the personal appearance and interference of the magistrates. The mob next attacked the new meeting house, (Dr. Priest- ley's) and after trying in vain to tear up the seats, &c., they set it on fire, and nothing remains that could be consumed. The old meeting house was completely emptied of pulpit, pews, &c., which were burned in the adjoining burying ground, and afterwards the building was levelled nearly with the ground, it being considered dangerous from its situation to set it on fire. Dr. Priestley's house at Fair Hill (a mile and an half from 526 APIENDIX. thence) next met a similar fate, with the whole of his val- uable library, and more valuable collection of apparatus for philosophical experiments. Here one of the rioters was kill- ed by falling from a cornice stone. On Friday morning the infatuated mob continued their depredations, for there were no armed force in the tovi^n, and the civil power were not sufficient to repress them. Aimed with bludgeons, &c. and vociferating church and king, they spread a terror wherever they appeared. About noon they attacked and demolished the elegant mansion of Mr. John Ryland at (late Mr. Baskervill's) Easy Hill, where many of the rioters who.were drunk, perished m the cellars, either by the flames, or suffocation, by the fall- ing in of the roof. Six poor wietches terribly bruised, were got out alive, and are now in our hospital, and ten dead bo- dies have since been dug out of the ruins ; but a man, who had remained immured in one of the vaults from the preced- ing Friday, worked his way out on Monday, with little in- This afternoon the magistrates, anxious to preserve the town trora further outrage, until military aid could be pro- cured, attended and swore in some others as constables, who with mob staves in their hands marched up to Mr. Ryland's to disperse the mob, who at first gave way ; but rallying, after a stout conflict, in which many were severely wounded, the j)osse commitatis were obliged to retire without effect- ing any useful purpose. The country residence of John Taylor, Esq. Bordesley Hall, after the greatest part of its splendid furniture had been demolished, or carried away, was set on fire, together with the out-offices, stables, ricks of hay, &c. and altogether ex- hibited a most tremendous scene of devastation. Every ex- ertion to preserve this elegant seat was made by captain Car- ver, but in vain — on offering them his purse with an hundred guineas, to save the house, he was hustled amidst the crowd, with the cry bi no bribery I and narrowly escaped their fury. In the night of Friday, the house of J\lr. Hutton, in High street, was completely stripped, his large stock of paper ; his very valuable library of books and all his furniture de- stroyed or carried away. Fire was several times brought by a woman, (women and boys were particularly active in APPENDIX. 527 all their depredations) but the majority of the populace, in tenderness to the town would not suffer it to be applied. From Mr. Mutton's, they proceeded to his country house at Washwood Heath, about three miles from town, which with its offices they reduced to ashes. Saturday mornincr the rioters made an attack on Mr. George Humphreys's elegant house at Spark Brook, but were repulsed and one man killed ; they went off after ran- sacking the house of all its valuable furniture, but did not burn it. Mr. Wm. Russell's house at ShoweU Green, experienced all the A'iolence of fire and devastation. The house of Mr. T. Hawkes, Mosley wake green, was stripped of its furniture, which was either broken to pieces or carried away. Mosley Hall, the residence of the Dowager countess Car- hampton, but the property of John Taylor, Esq. Mr. Har- wood's and Mr. Hobson's a dissenting minister, were both on fire at one time. Lady Carhampton had notice on the proceeding day to remove her effects, as their vengeance was not directed against her : the good old lady gave directions accordingly ; and Sir Robert and Capt. Lawley immediately attended on their noble relation, whom they accompanied in safety to Canwell, Sir Robert's seat. The whole of Saturday business was at a stand, and the shops mostly close shut up, notwithstanding the appearance of the magistrates, and several popular noblemen and gentle- men, for the reports were so vague and various of the num- ber and the strength of the insurgents, and having no milita- ry save a few undisciplined recruits, no force could be sent out against them. In the afternoon and evenmg, small par- ties of three or five, levied contributions of meat, liquor and money, witfi the same indifference that thny would levy par- ish taxes ; but the night passed without interruption in the town. On Sunday the rioters bent their course towards Kings- wood, seven miles off, extorting money and liquors by the way. There the dissenting meeting house, and the dwelling house of their minister w^ere reduced to ashes; as were the premises of Mr. Cox, at VVorstock, the same day. The reports of every hour of this day appeared calculated 528 APPENDIX. to excite alarm in the town, while depredation and extortion were committing in the surrounding villages and country seats. Sunday night soon after ten, three troops of the 15th light dragoons, arrived amid the exclaimations of the inhab- itants, whose hopes and fears had been visibly depicted through the day in every countenance, as reports of the near approach of the soldiery were spread or contradicted. The town was immediately illuminated, and before morning every thing was tolerably quiet, but the rioters were full continu- ing their depredations in the country. Their visits to Mr. Hunt's, at Ladywood, Mr. Coate's, at the Fives Ways, and Dr. Withering's Edgbaston-hall, were attended with great alarm, but not the injury reported. They exhausted the cellars at each place, and received various sums of money to prevent their proceeding to further violence, but were at the last mentioned place in great force at the time the troops arrived, which they no sooner had intima- tion of when they began to fliidv off in small parties, and the peasan*ry taking courage put the rest to flight in various di- rections. So rapid were the light horse in their route for the relief of this place, that they came here in one day from Notting- ham, a distance of 59 miles, hut to the great injury of their horses, one of which, a famous old horse, that had been in the regiment l8 years, died the next day. Monday. — The town in perfect security, but as much crowded as during the three preceding days, in viewing the military ; the mob keeping at such a distance as to render all accounts of them dubious — At one time said to be at Alcts- ter, the next hour at Broomsgrove, Sfc. which reports, how- ever, were refuted by the Earl of Plymouth, who kindly at- tended as a magistrate of the county of Worcester, as did the Rev. Mr. Cartwright, of Dudley. Tuesday. — Flying rumois of depredations near Hagley, Halesowen, &c. and in the evening certain information was received that a party of rioters were their attacking Mr. Male's of Belle Vue, a few of the light dragoons immediately went to his assistance ; but they had been previously overpowered by a body of people in that neighborhood, and ten of them are now confined at Halesowen. Wednesday. — This morning the country round, for ten APPENDIX. 529 miles was scoured by the light horse, but not one rioter to be met with, and all the manufactories are at work, as if no interruption had taken place. These troops of the 11th Light Dragoons marched in, this morning, and more troops are still expected. To the Inhahilants of Birmingham. My late Townsmen and Neighbors : After living with you eleven years, in which you had uniform experience of my peaceful behavior, in my attention to the quiet studies of my profession and those of philosophy, I was far from expecting the injuries which I and my friends have lately received from you. But you have been misled by hearing the Dissenters, and particularly the Unitarian Dissenters, continually railed at, as enemies to the present government, in church and state. You have been led to con- sider any injury done to us a meritorious thing, and not hav- ing been better informed, their means were not attended to. When the object was right, you thought the means could not be wrong. J3y the discourses of your teachers, and excla- mations of your superiors in general, drinking confusion and damnation to us, (which is well known to have been their fre- quent practice) your bigotry has been excited to the highest pitch, and nothing having been said to you to moderate your passions, but every thing to infiame them : hence, without any consideration on your part, or on theirs — who ought to have known and taught you better — you were prepared for every species of outrage; thinking that whatever you could do to spite and injure us, was for the support of government, and especially the church. In destroying us, you have been led to think you did your God and your country the most substantial service. Happily, the minds of Englishmen have a horror of mur- der, and therefore, I hope, you did not think of that; though, by your clamorous demanding of me at the hotel, it is pro- bable that, at that time, some of you intended me some per- sonal injury. But what is the value of life, when every thing is done to make it wretched. In many cases, there would be 45 530 APPENDIX. greater mercy in dispatching the inhabitants than burning their houses. However, I infinitely prefer what I feel from the spoiling of my goods, to the disposition of those who have misled you. You have destroyed the most truly valuable and useful apparatus of philosophical instruments that perhaps any in- dividual, in this or any other country, was ever possessed of, in my use ot which I annually spent large sums, with no pe- cuniary view whatever, but only an advancement of science, for the benefit of my country and mankind. You have de- stroyed a library corresponding to that apparatus, which no money can purchase, except in a long course of time. But what I feel far more, you have destroyed my manuscripts, which have been the result of the laborious study of many years, and which I shall never be able to re-compose ; and this has been done to one who never did, or imagined you any harm. 1 know nothing more of the handbill which is said to have enraged you so much than one of yourselves, and I disap- prove of it as much ; though it has been made the ostensible handle of doing infinitely more mischief than any thing of that nature could possibly have done. In the celebration of the first anniversary, at which I did not attend, the company as- sembled on the occasion only expressed their joy in the eman- cipation of a neighboring nation from tyranny, without inti- mating a desire of any thing more than such an improvement of our own constitution, as all sober citizens, of every per- suasion, have long wished for. And though, in answer to the gross and unprovoked calumnies of Mr. Madan and oth- ers, 1 publicly vindicated my principles as a Dissenter, it was only with plain and sober argument and with perfect good humor. We are better instructed in the mild and forbearing spirit of Christianity, than ever to think of having recourse to violence; and can you think such conduct as yours any re- commendation of your religious principles, in preference to ours ? You are still more mistaken, if you imagine that this con- duct of yours has any tendency to serve your cause, or to prejudice ours. It is nothing but reason and argument that can ever support any system of religion. Answer our argu- ments and your business is done. But your having recourse to violence is only a proof that you have nothing better to APPENDIX. 531 produce. Should you destroy myself as well as my library, and apparatus, ten more persons, of equal or superior spirit and ability, would instantly rise up. If those ten were de- stroyed, an hundred would instantly appear; and believe me, the church of England, which you think you are supporting, has received a greater blow by this conduct of yours, than I and all my friends have ever aimed at it. Besides, to abuse those who have no power of making re- sistance is equally cowardly and brutal, peculiarly unworthy of Englishmen, to say nothing of Christianity, which teaches us to do as we would be done by. In this business we aie the sheep and you are the wolves. We will preserve our character, and hope you will change yours. At all events, we return you blessings for curses ; and pray that you may soon return to that industry, and those sober manners, for which the inhabitants of Birmingham were formerly distin- guished. I am, Your sincere and well wisher, London, July 19, 1794. J. Priestley. P. S. The account of the fu'st toast at the revolution din- ner in The Times of this morning, can be nothing less than a malicious lie. To prove this, a list of the toasts, with an account of the proceedings of the day, will soon be published. The first of them was, The King and the Constitution, and they were all such as the friends of liberty, and of the true principles of the constitution, would approve. H.— Page 304 and '9. Lewisburg University. At the request of a friend of education, to notice the "Uni- versity of Lewisburg," under the 'head of Lewisburg, the Act, establishing the University, is given here. The request was made too late to notice that institution, in its proper place. The writer says, upwards of ^20,000 had been subscribed by the citizens of Lewisburg, in the month of March. This augurs well for the citizens of that thriving village. An Act to establish the University at Lcunshurg- Whereas, the Baptists of Pennsylvania, as a denomination,, are not now engaged for the maintenance of any particular College or University in this State, And whereas, the chartering of a University, to be placed under their patronage, supervision, and direction, would be a measure well adapted to call forth, from all parts of this com- monwealth, concentrate, increase, and render effective, in the cultivation of sound learning, the elfoits of said denomination, and thereby promote the general interests of science, litera- ture, and good morals : Therefore, Section 1. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Re- presentatives of the commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Gen- eral Assembly met, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That there be, and hereby is erected and estab- lished, at or near the borough of Lewisburg, in the county of Union, in this commonwealth, a University, to consist of a primary school, an academy, a college, and such other de- partments appropriate to a University, as the patrons and managers of said institution shall find themselves able to APPENDIX. 533 maintain ; and that the name and constitution of the said Uni- versity shall be and they are as follows: Article I. Section 1. — The said Institution shall be forever called and known by the name of '• The University at Lewisburg." Article 11. Section 1. — The said University shall be under the man- agement, direction, government, and supervision of a number of Trustees not exceeding 20, and a number of Curators not exceeding 40, or a quorum o! each as hereinafter mentioned. Section 2. — The Tiustees and a majority of the Curators shall be regular members of the Baptist denomination. Five or more of the Trustees shall be a quorum of the Trustees ; and seven or more of the Curators shall constitute a quorum of Curators. Article III. Section 1. — The Trustees of said University shall consist of the following persons, to wit: James JMoore, James Moore, jr., Joseph Meixell, W illiam H. Ludwig, Samuel Wolie, Levi B. Christ, Ilenry Funk, .ioel E. Bradley, Eugenio Kincaid, Benjamin Bear, William Keene, William T. Bucknell, Tho- mas Watson, James M. Linnard, Lewis Vastine, Oliver Blackburn, Caleb Lee and Daniel L Moore; which said Trustees and their successors, to be elected as herein subse- quently mentioned, shall be, forever hereafter, and they are hereby created, establisheri, and declared to be a body politic and corporate, with perpetual succession, and with all the incidents ol a corporation, in deed and in law, to all intents and purposes whatsoever, by the name, style, and title of " The Trustees of the University at Lewisburg;" by which name and title, said Trustees and their successors shall be capable, in l-iw and in equity, to take to themselves and their successors, for the use of s lid University, any estate in any messuages, lands, tenements, hereditaments, goods, chattels, moneys, or other effects, by gift, grant, bargain, sale, con- veyance, assurance, will, devise, or bequest, of any person or persons whatsoever ; and to hold ten acres of land, together with the improvements thereon, exempt from taxation, Pro- vided, That the annual nett income accruing from said estate, 4o* •'534 APPENDIX. and subject to a yearly appropriation or disposition of said Trustees shall not exceed the sum of twenty thousand dol- lars ; and the same messuages, lands, tenements, heredita- ments, and estates real and personal, to grant, bargain, sell, convey, assure, demise, and to farm, let, and place out on interest, or otherwise dispose of, or invest, for the use of said University, in such a manner as to them, at least a quorum of them, shall seem most beneficial to said Institution; and to receive the rents, issues, profits, income, and interest of the same, and to apply the same to the proper use of said Uni- versity; and by the same name, to sue, and be sued, implead and be impleaded, in any courts of law or equity, and in all manner ot suits and actions whatsoever ; and, generally, by and in the same name, to do and transact all the business touching or concerning the premises, or w'hich shall be inci- dentally necessary thereto, as fully and etfectually as any natural person, or body politic or corporate, has power to manage the concerns belonging to such person or body; and to hold, enjoy, and exercise all such powers, authorities, and jurisdictions, as are customary in other Universities, or in Colleges wdthin this commonwealth. Section 2. — Said Trustees shall cause to be made, for their use, one common seal, with such devices and inscriptions thereon as they shall think proper, and by and with it, all deeds, diplomas, certificates, and acts of said incorporation shall pass and be authenticated ; and said Trustees may, at their pleasure, alter their seal, or break it and substitute a new one. Sec. 3. — A quorum of said Trustees shall meet at Lewis- burg, within ten days from the date of this charter, to tran- sact any business which the interests of the Institution may then require. (More particular notice of said meeting shall be given by the first Trustee first named on the list.) Sec. 4. — There shall be a meeting of said Trustees held as often as once in six months, at or near the borough of Lewisburg, at such particular times and place or places as said Trustees, or a quorum of them, shall appoint, of which, after the first meeting, notice shall be given by a written communication, signed by the chairman or secretary of the board, and addressed to said Trustees severally, at least ten days before the time of such intended ineeting, and if at such meeting less than a quorum shall be present, the members APPENDIX 535 present shall have power to adjourn to some other day; but if a quorum of said Trustees meet at the appointed time, or at any time of adjournment, then the majority of the votes of such quorum or board, shall be capable of doing and tran- sacting all the business and concerns of said University not otherwise provided for by this act, and particularly of mak- ing and enacting ordinances and by-laws for the government and instruction of said University; of adding, within the limit prescribed by article two, section one, to the number of Trus- tees whose names are inserted in this charter; of electing Trustees in the place and stead of those who shall decline service, resign, or die, or wliose places become vacant from any other cause; of electing or appointing the President, Professors, tutors, and other teachers of said University, of aixreeing with them for their salaries and stipends, of remov- ing them for misconduct, breaches of the ordinances of the institution, or other suHicient causes ; of appointing a chair- man, secretary, treasurer, and other oiiicers necessary for managing the concerns of the corporation, of providing for the maintenance and observance of discipline in said Univer- sity, and of prescribing and iiillicting liie penalties due to all violations of the rules, ordinances, or regulations thereof, or to other misconduct committed by students or other persons thereat ; and generally by the majority of the voices of the board or quorum of said Trustees, at any stated or extra meeting, shall determine all matters or things (although not herein specified) which shall occasionally arise and be inci- dentally necessary to be determined by said Trustees ; Pro- vided, That said laws, rules and ordinances, or any of them, be not repugnant to the laws and constitution of the United States of An^erica, or to the laws and constitution of this commonwealth. Sec. 5. — As soon as said Trustees shall have obtained, in the form of subscriptions, believed to bevalitl, the amount of one hundred thousand dollars, they shall purchase a lot, or farm, and proceed to erect thereon suitable buildings for the use and benefit of said University ; to procure the requisite library, apparatus and specimens in natural history; and they shall exercise their own judgment and discietion in so doing, as likewise in the general management and disposition of the funils of said University; Provided, however. Said Trustees shall exact from their treasurer adequate security for all the 536 APPENDIX. moneys and other property of the Institution, which he may at any time receive; Provided, also, That if any person con- tributing to the funds of said Institution, indicate a special appropriation of the amount so contributed, said contribution, if accepted, shall be disposed of in strict accordance with the evident intent or expressed wish of the contributor; Provid- ed, likewise, That a fourth part of said one hundred thous- and dollars, and, at least twenty-five per cent, of all monies, and every species of property capable of producing revenue (and not iierein already specified or excepted) which shall conie into the hands of said institution, shall be j)laced out on intej-est, the })rincipal or stock secured by bond and mort- gage on real estate; and the levenue thence accruing shall be exclusively of instruction in said University; And ])rovid- ed, too. That said Trustees shall not, for any cause, or un- der any pretext whatever, encumber, by mortgage or other- wise, the real estate, or any other property ol said Institu- tion, and that they shall not involve it in any debt which they have not the means of paying, consistently with the re- stiictions above mentioned Section G. — Said Trustees shall, annually, publish an ab- stiact of the minutes of their doings. Article IV. Section 1. — The President, Piofessors, tutors, and other teachers, or a majority of them, for the time being, shall con- stitute the Faculty of the University, and, in their respective departments, shall have the power of enforcing the rules and jegulations adopted by the Trustees for the government and instruction of the students ; and the President and Profes- sors, with the counsel and consent of a quorum of Curators, shall have the power to grant and confiim unto the students of the University, or unto otliers deemed worthy, sucli de- grees in the liberal arts and sciences, or in certain branches thereof, as have been usually granted in other Universities : to grant, likewise, to said graduates, diplomas, imder the common seal of the corporation, in order to authenticate ant! to perpetuate the memory of such graduation ; and to grant also, certificates to such students as have duly completed the course of studies prescribed in any subordijiate department ol the University- APPENDIX. 537 Article V. Section 1. — The Curators of the University shall consist of the following persons, to wit : The Governor, and the Sec- retary of this coratnonwealth, the Judges of the Supreme Courts, and the President of the University, (ex-officia,) to- gether with Abbott Green, J. G. Webb, George B. Ide, V\ illiam Shadrack, Lansing Burrows, A. D. Gillette, J. H. Kennard, Wilson Jewell, David Jane, A. A. Anderson, Charles Tucker, John 0. R,ockafellov,-, Simon Schuyler, Martin Bell, James Estep, Simon Cameron, Geo. I. Miles, Joseph Green, James Buchanan, Jackson M'Faddin, Geo. F. Miller, James Irwin, Morgan J. Rees, (Delaware) Geo. M. Keim, William R. Williams, (N. Y.) T. O. Lincoln, (N. J.) and Jacob Wagenselier ; which persons and their suc- cessors, in perpetual succession, are hereby made and de- clared to be, and forever hereafter, are to be known by •^ The Curators of the University of Lewisburg." Sec. 2. — Within six months from the date of this char- ter, (the room and hour to be designated by the Curator, whose proper name is first mentioned above,) said Curators, or at least seven of them, shall meet at, or near said Lew'- isburg, and appoint a chancellor, a scribe, and such com- mittees of their own body, as they may deem requisite, in order to the faithful and convenient discharge of their du- ties, and they shall observe the same rules in calling meet- ings, passing decisions, adding to the number of Curators whose names are herein specified, and filling vacancies in their own body, as herein prescribed to the Trustees. The meetings are all to be held at, or near the borough of Lew- isburg, and, after the first, they are to be notified by the chancellor or scribe. Sec. 3. — Said Curators, a quorum of them, or at least a committee of three, are required and expected to attend the piinciple examinations and the annual commencements of the University; they are to make themselves acquainted with the manner in which the work of study and recitation is planned for the students, and by them executed; and partic- ularly with the scholarship, conduct, and character of such students as are candidates for admission from a lower into a higher class, or department of the University, or for degrees ; and the consent of the majority of Curators present shall be 538 APPENDIX. necessary, in order to a student's promotion, or receiving of a degree. Sec. 4. — Said Curators are to have access to the minutes of the olficial doings of the facuUy ; and they are, likewise, to take care to inform themselves jespecting the methods of government and instruction adopted and practised by the se- veral teachers in the University. Sec. 5. — Said Curators are to inspect the records of the business transactions of the Trustees, and audit the Treasur- er's accounts. Mrtide VI. ' - Sec 1.— No misnomer of the said corporation sliali defeat or annul any gift, giant, devise, or bequest, to or from the said corporation, Provided, The intent of the patties sliall sufficiently a})pear upon the face of tlie gift, grant, will, or writing, wheieby any estate or interest was intended to pass to or from said corporation. jirikiv vn: Sec. 1. — No religious sentiments are to be acrounted a disability to hinder the election of an individual to any office among the teachers of the Institution, or to (U bar persons from admittance as pupils, or, in any manner, to abridge thtir privileges or immunities as students, in an) dejuutnicnt of the University. ,>1rtide VJII. Sec. 1. — The Legislatuie reserves the light lo alter or annul the charter, in case of any abuse of ibe })rivileges hereby granted. Lewisburg, Feb. II, JS4G. To the Pastors of Baptist eliurches in Pennsylvania and N. Jersey, to whom this pajier may come. Gentlemen : Your particular attention is invited to the above copy of acharter recently granted by the Legislature of this state. It presents a subject of immense importance, not merely to the Baptist denomination, but to all the friends of science in APPENDIX. 539 our state. We need and request your hearty co-operation in represenlin<4 tiie subject in its proper light, to those in our vicinity. We shall call upon you soon to assist in raising the requisite amount of funds. We trust you will manifest an interest proportioned to the magnitude of the object at which we aim. In behali of the Board of Trustees. J. E. Bradley, Secretary. I n* D E s. A. Aborigines or Indians, 12 Aquanuschioni, or United Peo^Je^-^ 14, 32 AnQuseraents among the Indians, 20 Abitibis, Algonkins, Adirondaks, Arkansas, 31, 32 Andaggyjunkquagii, an Indian sachem, 38 Arrivals of Germans numerous, 54, 55 Armstrong John and his servants murdered by the Indians, 80 Armstrong Alexander his letters, 81 " James, deposition taken before him, 82 Adams James abducted by the Indians, 117 Armstrong John his letter to Gov. Morris, 126, 227 Antis' Fort, 141 Allen Captain, 175 Allison Francis his letter to Col. Joshua Elder, 178, 181 Ake Jacob laid out Williamsburg, 215 Alexandria, 216 Antestown, 216 Aaronsburg, 264 Adamsburg, 308 Anthony Turkey, a Wyoming Indian, 319 Auchwick Crogan's residence at 97 B. Buck adored by the Indians, 18 Burial of the dead among them, 24 Belt or War-belt, among the savages, 27 Boehm, Anton William Revd. 52 46 542 IXDEX. Burns Patrick taken captive by the Indians, 94 Braddock's defeat effects the frontier settlers, 102 Bigham George abducted by the Indians, 117 Baskins on the Juniata killed, 119 Bradon wounded at Granville, 128 Brown's and Benjamin's families killed, 141 Broadhead rebuilt Fort Muncy, 142 Big-runaway noticed, 144 Brainerd David Revd. visited Shamokin, 158, 360 Bard Peter, his letter to Gov. Morris, 174 Batteaux employed in service, 175 Biile Sock, 176 Boon Capt. killed at Fort Freeland, 179 Boat launched at Huntingdon, 203 Birmingham, 217 Bevin's cave, 228 Belleville, 234 Brown's Mills, 234 Bellefonte borough, 254 Boalsburg, 260 Blythe William, his deposition, 275 " examination before the council, 278 Beavertown, 308 Brevoort Major at Danville, 317 Bloomsburcr, 321 Berwick, ^ 322 Biennial feast held by the Indians, 17 Beaver, a noted Indian, 48 Custom of Indians, 14, 20 Clapham's letter to Gov. Morris, 165 Children treatment of by the Indians, 14 Ceremonies observed by the Indians at their feasts, 18 Chase, the Indian's chief dependence, 19 Calumet or Pipe dance, 21 Canadian sanicle, a medicine with the Indians. 23 Catawbas and Cherokees, 30, 32, 33 Christinaux or Kilistinos, 31 Cayugaes, Cherokees, Chicasaws, Chactaws, 32 Charter from Charles II. to William Perni, 35 INDEX. 543 Conestoga Indians, 38 Canasatago, an Indian of note, 40 Cressap, a Maryland Intruder, 53 Catholic Germans arrive at Philadelphia, 61 Cardross Lord settles Irish in N. Carolina, 79 Croghan George his letters, 97 Cample Joseph an Indian trader killed by the Indians, 97 Cochran Jane abducted 117 Croghan George erected Fort Granville, 118 Cumberland county overrun by savages, 135 Cook and wife taken prisoners, 141 . Cady Abel killed by the Indians, 141 -^ovenhoven's adventures, 142, 144 Clapham William orders to 162 Carson John his letter to Gov. Morris, 174 Capitulation of Fort Freeland. 179 Costikan Edward killed, ' 180 Centre county organized, 249 Canal celebration at Lewisburg, 271 Cunningham James his deposition 283 Centreville, 308 Columbia county organized, 310 Catawissa, 320 Calhounsville, 344 Clinton county organized, 354 Canasoragy, 366 Chillisquaque creek, 150 D. Delaware Indians, 13, 32 Drunkenness among the Indians, 14 Diseases among the Indians, 22 Dancing, an Indian custom, 17 Doctors of medicine among the Indians, 23 Dachotas or Sioux Indians, 30 Dongan's purchase from the Indians, 1696, 37 Dickinson's remarks .touching the Germans, 52 Disputes among the Irish and Germans, 76, 77, 78 Devoy Henry taken captive by the Indians, 94 Durham Mrs. scalped by the Indians, 142 Dalmatia, 190 644 INDEX. Davidsburg, 216 Duffield George Revd. his letters, 295, 300 Derr Ludwig laid out Lewisburg, 304 Dunnstown, 359 Doctors of both sexes among the Indians, 23 Disputes how to settle between whites and Indians, 37 E. Early marriages among some Indian tribes, 15 Early settlers in various parts of Pennsylvania, 44, 48 - Emigrants from Scotland and Ireland, 79 Evans John taken captive by the Indians, 94 Endless mountains on Joniady, 169 Elder Joshua, Colonel 178 Ennisville 204 Education in Northumberland, 190 : in Huntingdon, 222 : in Mifflin, 237 : in Centre, 265 : in Union, 309: in Columbia, 324 : in Juniata, 344 : in Clin- ton 360 Earleysburg 264 Eisenhauer, Stump's servant kills Indians 274 Espytown 323 Edict of Nantes revocated > 45 F. Fornication, how punished by the Indians 16 Feasts, several kinds among the Indians 17 Figurative language among the Indians 25 First settlers under William Penn 36 ^ Fort Stanwix 42 Ferree Madame, a Huguenot 48 Frankfort Land Company 50 Fort Granville taken by the French and Indians 119 French Mss. posted up at Granville 122 Fort Shirley, Armstrong at 126 Fort Augusta, Shamokin or Sunbury 157 Freeland Fort capitulated 179 Fort Freeland town, so called 189 Frankstown ' 211 Fisher P. S. Revd. his letter 260 Freeburg 307 INDEX. 545 Fruitstown 323 Far rand sville 358 G. Graves, how dug by the Indians 24 Germans, history of 49, 72 Germantown early settled 49 Gabriel George his house burnt by the Indians 104 Galbreath James, his letter ' 116, 131, 132 Giles Susan, killed and scalped by the Indians 117 Granville Fort erected in 175G 118 Green Ezra, killed at Fort Freeland 180 Gaysport 211, Graysville 217, Greenwood 344 Gregg Andrew, biographical notice of 256 Grey John joins Armstrong's expedition 345 Gibson widow was murdered by the Indians 352 H. Hospitality of the Indians 14 Hiely George, an Indian prisoner, escaped 121 Huts, how built by the Indians 16 Hatchets used by the savages 26 Huron nation of Indians 30 Huguenots, several of, noticed 45 Hutchinson George taken captive by the Indians 94 Hostilities commenced in 1755 100 Harris John, his letter 104, 105, 115, 133 Horsefield Timothy, deposition taken before him 110 Heckewelder's account of Luke Holland 112 Hogan John, an Indian prisoner, escaped 120 Hoops Adam, his letter to Hance Hamilton 124 Hamilton's letter to Hoops 126 Hepburn Colonel stationed at Muncy 141 Horn's Fort " 141 Hartley Colonel at Fort Muncy 142, 177 Hambright's instructions from Col. Claphara 172 Hunter Samuel, his letter to Colonel Smith 181, 182 Huntingdon county organised 192 Huntingdon borough 204, Ilolidaysburg 208 Hamiltonville — Horrelton 234, Hartleyton 307 Hoffer Christian, his son, &c. 260 Holmes John, his letter to John Penn 290 Hoge and others write to John Penn 291 46* 546 INDEX. Hebrew Lord's prayer 25 I. Indians, various opinions as to their origin 13 Illinois Indians' residence 31 Irish or Scotch-Irish, history of 73 Indian massacres, general notice of 80 Instructions to Colonel Clapham 162 Indian physician described 23 Johnstown, place of resort for refugees 137 John Daniel murdered on Tangascootac 141 Jackson Captain, his company 175 Jones John, killed at Fort Freeland 180 Jacobsburg 265, Jerseytown 323 Juniata county organised 338 Jonathan Gayienquiligoa, a Mohawk 364 Journey, when taken by the Indians 19 K. Keith Sir William favorable to the Germans 53 King Jacob, a Swisser, murdered hy the Infiians 103 Kemplin Captain 177 Kishicoquillas, a Shawanese chief 226 Kishicoquillas valley 228 Kelly John Colonel 324 L. Lenni Lenape or Linape 14 Leininger Barbara taken captive 104 Loskiel's account of the Indians 15 Lum, Indians fond of it 19 Language of the Delawares and Iroquois 24 Lord's pra}er in the Delaware and other tongues 25 Localities of different Indian nations, &c. 29 Logan James, his oj)inion of the Irish 74 Lord's prayer in the Irish language 78 Le Roy murdered by the Indians 104 Le Roy Anne Mary taken captive 104 Luke Holland, a noted Indian 112, 113 Lime mountain 147 INDEX. 547 Lewistown, a flourishing town 232 Lewisburg 304, Lock Haven 357, Lockport 359 Legerdemain tricks practiced by the Indian doctors 23 M. Mengwe, Maquas or Mingoes 14 Mohawks, one of the confederate nations 14 Materia Medica of the Indians 23 Manitto or Good Spirit 16 Meta{)hnrs used by the Indians 25 Muskhogee-chocta 30 Markham William, his instructions from Penn 37 Mascoutens, Miamies, Messesaques 31 Musetneelin murdered John Armstrong and others 80, 86 Magenty Alexander taken by the Indians 94 Mahiihany, Penn's creek murders committed at 103 Monacatootha communicates news to John Harris 106 Mitcheltree Mrs. killed by the Indians 117 McAllister Alexander abducted 117 Miller Zephaniah killed by the Indians 141 Menninger's Fort 142, Muncy Fort destroyed 141, 142 Mahonoy hills 147, Mack Martin Rev. at Shamokin 157 McKee's trading house 169, McClain Sir Allen 175 Maclay's letter to Timothy Matlock 177 McDonald John Captain 179, Millon borough IBS McGlaghlen killed at Fort Freeland 178, McEwensville 189 Mountains in Northumberland 147, in Huntingdon 196, in MilKin 228, in Union 269, in Centre 252; in Col- umbia 313, in Juniata 340 McMurtie, an early settler 206 Mountain sailing 210 Mooie William and Daniel 212 Mercer Hugh, his letter to Gov. Morris 220 Manor Hiir221, Mifflin county organized 223 McVeytown 233, Milliken's mineral spring 233 Milesboro 259, Millheim 264, Montour's ridge 314 Message fr )m John Penn to Newoleeka, an Indian chief 280 JNliddlehurg 307, Mifflinsburg 322 Moorsburg 323, Mifflintown 342, Mexico 343 Mill Hall 360, Mennonites settle first in Lancaster co. 45 Muhlenberg estimates the number of Germans 61 04S IM)EX. N. Nations of Indians connected with the Iroquois 14 Natchez Indians' residence 30 New Netherlands, so called 36 Nova Belgfia. Penn purchases part of it. .^c. 36 Neulaender impose upon their countrymen OD, 56 Nicholas Edward killed by the Indians 117 Northumberland county organized 146 Northumberland town 155. Newry 215 Nittany valley ■252. New Providence 264. New Berlin 272 Newoleeka, a Delaware chief at Great Island 2!?0 New Columbus 309. New Liberty 360 Narrative of Van Campen 324 Nonconformists severely oppressed 35 0. OJensive and defensive weapons used by the savages 26 Outaoncas, Onondagos, Osages 31. 32 Owen Nicholson taken captive by the Indians 94 Old Belt urges the whites to go to Shamokin 109 Old Town, on the Juniata river 119 Ostonwackin on the West Branch 157, 161 Opeholhamping on the Susquehanna 15S Orders to William Clapham 162. Orbisonia 221 Old Frank, an Indian chief 213 Oransevilie 323, Otstuackv 365 Polytheism was not common among the Indians 17 Preparations for war among the Delawares &: Iroquois 2S Pennsvlvania, whence the name 34 Penn William, proprietary of Pennsylvania 34, 35 Purchases made of the Indians 3S, 46 Plans for the defence of the frontiers 101 Pomfret castle fired by the Indians 119 Petitions to Gov. Morris 95, 129 Population of Northumberland co. 147, of Huntingdon 194, of MifHin 224, of Centre 250, of Union 267, of Columbia 311, of Juniata 338, of Clinton 354 Public improvements in Northumberland 153, of Hun- tinsdon 203, in Mifflin 230, in Centre 254, in Union 271, in Columbia 316, in Juniata 341 INDEX. 549 Priestley Joseph Dr. a distinguished philosopher 186 Porter Airs, her heroic valor 197, Pottsgrove 389 Petersburg 217, Potter's Bank—Potter's Old Fort 263 Packet Boat Juniata 231, Philipsburg 258 Pattonsville 264, Perrysville 343 Patterson William apprehended Frederick Stump 276 Q. Queen Anne sends Germans to New York 51, 52 Quenishachshachki 161 R. Robertson's opinions of the Indians — Resemblance between the Delawares and Iroquois 14 Rattlesnake's skin, a medicine with the Indians 23 Redemptioners, German 58, 59 Reed Adam, his letter to Ed. Shippen 132 Religious denominations in Northumberland county, and several counties near the same 188, in Huntingdon 222, in Mifflin 237, in Centre 265, in Union 309, m Columbia 324, in Clinton 360 Riot in Lewistown 238, Rabersburg265, Ridgeville 344 Robinson William killed by the Indians 351 Roaring creek 151 S. Sacrificial feasts among the Indians 16 " dance " " 22 Snakeroot used by the Indians 23 Seiiecas, Shawanoes Indians 31 Solconwanaghly, a noted Indian 40 Sauers Christopher writes to Gov. Denny 55 Sufferings of the Germans 56, 57 Scheme to educate the Germans 62, 72 Schlatter Revd. general school visiter 69 Smith James murdered by the Indians 80 Shamokin, Cenrad Weiser at 84 Seidel Christian, his affidavit •■ — Salter Elisha, his letter 119 Smith Abraham, his letter to J. Reid 139 Saltzburn murder on Sinnemahoning 141 Streams in Northumberland 150, in Huntingdon 1136, in •>50 INDEX. Mifflin 227, in Centre 252, in Union 269, in Columbia 313, in Juniata 340 Statistics of Northumberland 152, of Huntingdon 201, of Mifflin 230, of Centre 253, of Union 368, of Columbia 315, of Clinton 357 iSunbury, a seat of justice 153, Shamokin hills 148 Shikelliraus, notice of, by Loskiel 161, Shippen's letter 166 Smith Nathaniel killed at Fort Freeland 179 Sullivan's letter to Samuel Hunter 180 Smith William, his letter 180, Smith William Revd. 205 Smith Matthew, his letter to Joseph Reed 183 Sodom 189, Snyderstown 190, Shamokin 190 Sinking Run 197, Standing Stone 204, Shirleysburg 218 Salisbury 221, Shawana Ben's letter to Patterson 278 Simler Mr. notice of 259, Stump murders ten Indians 273 Selinsgrove 307, Swiftstown 309, Salona 360 Shearman's valley the Indians commit murders 350 Steaming resorted to by the Indians 99 Thorny ash, a medicine used by the Indians 23 Tribes of Indians, principal ones 13, 29, 30 Twightwees' Indians residence 31, 32 Turner Robert, his letter touching the name of Penn'a. 34 Treaties held with the Indians 37, Traders among 44 Tulpehocken early settlements at 52 Thomas Revd. how he raised funds to educate Germans 63, 64 Taylor Robert abducted by the Indians ll7 Turner taken at Fort Granville 120, Teedyuscung a chief l34 Translation of a French Mss. posted up at Granville 124 Townships in Northumberland 147, 149, of Huntingdon 194, 195, in Mifflin 225, in Centre 250, in Union 268, in Columbia 313, in .luniata 338, in Clinton 355 Toyanogon, a Cayuker Indian 169, Trump capt. 175, 176 Tammany — Thompsontown 343 U. Upland, now Chester, William Penn landed at 36 Union county organized - 266 V. Virginia poke used as a medicine by the Indians 23 Van Carapen's Narrative 324 INDLX. 551 w. War dance among the Indians 21 Wild laurel, an article of the Indians' materia medica 23 Wars, how carried on among the Indians 26 Widagh, an Indian sachem 38 Weiser Conrad his letters 40, 85, 108, llO, 169, 362, 265 Wharton's opinion of the Germans 60 Woodworth Arnold murdered by the Indians 80, 81 Will's creek Indians fire at the camp 98 Woods George abducted by the Indians 117 Ward captain at Fort Granville 119, 120 West Branch of the Susquehanna 150 Woods Andrew killed at Fort Freeland l80 Watsonburg l89. Warm Spring 197, Williamsburg 21 5 Warrior's Mark Town 217, Water street 2l7 Walkersville 264, White Hall 264 Washingtonville 322, Williamsburg— White Hall 323 Waterloo — Waterford 343, Woolcomber family killed 352 Waldborough, settlement of Germans at 62 Young James his letter to Gov. Morris 170 Yellow Spring 2l6, Younwomanstown 360 Z. Zeisberger David his affidavit 111, 162 Zinzendorff Count at Shamokin 157 NAMES OF SUBSCRIBERS IN HUNTINGDON GO. Huntingdon. A. Benedict, Esq. M. A. Henderson, Esq A. P. Wilson, Esq, Geo. Jackson Geo. Raymond, Esq. Rev. Geo. W. Williard James Clark, Esq. James Steel, Esq. Jacob Miller. Esq. John Scott, Esq. W. S. Ervis, Esq. D. Sewell Setert, Esq. Wm. T. Wilson, Esq. John .'\. Duck A. K. Cornyn, Esq. James Hollinehead James Hempfield John Cruswell, Esq. John Ker, Esq. James Gwin, Esq. D. J. Gotwell W. S. Africa Jos. Law A. [senhower Edwin Hawkin Henry Africa Rev. Wm. Bunker J. A. Hall David Woods O. Stevens John Fisher John M'Cahan, Esq. Rev. John Peebles Rev. Mat'w Crownover Rev. John Miller Rev. Geo. G. Fields Rev. Geo. Whitiaker Thomas Jackson Alex. Gwin, Esq. Geo. Tailor, Esq. J. Williamson, Esq. Thomas Adams, Esq. C. H. Miher,Esq. James Hazlet Wm. Swope, M. D. H. W. Swope W. S. Heldebrand D. R. Findley David MUler John Armenlage, Esq. Henry Sturtsman D. Buoy S. S. Whorten, Esq. David Decker, jr Thomas States Saml. Dinsmore John G. Ohaplin E. C. Summers Matthew Wright Chas. Hergeshumer Wm. Catt Alex. Port Robt. v\ oods Isaac Fisher, Esq. A. Willaghbey J M Cunningham, Esq Barton Hight Wm. Boat, jr. John Snyder John B. White Henry Williams Saml. Cauts AHdw. M. Hazlet Jacob Grubb Wm. U imer Wm. H. Hamilton Saml. Hatfield John B. Martin Benj. Swartz Water Street. L. G. Mitinger Saml. Wilson A. Moyer Maj. Robt. Kinkead Lewis Mytinger, Esq. Rev. Wm. Emey George Davis Robt. Sneath G. H. Steiner John M'Faddin F. Snyper .Alexandria. Rev. Saml. H. Reed John Swoap, Esq. D. Hauts, M. D. Henry Walker, Esq. Saml. Jenkins Chas. C. Byrn Henry Weight Michael Householder Cranberry Taylor Rev. John McKinney John Porter Jtihn Scott Charles Camren Saml. Iseniierger Geo. Shuiz Michael Byrns Wm. P. Cook John Isenberger Win. Birk James Laird Geo. Pitenger Michael Lisler James Gardener James Dean Jacob Baker Wm. C. Geveh Meyers Miles J. P. Baker Mchael Becker Samuel Hues Wm. Christy, Esq. Petersburg. Joseph M Stevens, Esq John P. Murphey Wm. Temple Jacob Longne^ker Wm. P. Hamilton Wm. Heiger Geo. Baker A. Jaquay W m. M. Couley Geo. W. Barkley John Fetlerhoop Wi:i:am Nail Joseph Meradith B. Zeisler Jogn Zeek Joseph Keith John Davis John B. Updike Amos Sqarp Jno. Moorhead Saml. S. \A atson Jno. McCuUock, M. D. James Dovis, Esq. Abr. brubaker Daniel Dougherty Benj. Laser Saml. A. Rogers Aaron Updiker James Temple AVm. Ellis James Dennis Henry Shively David Beyer Geo. Helsel Jonas Moor Wm. Black, jr. Geo. W. Staly ■>GS NAMES OF SUBSCRIBERS. TloliJttyshurg. W. Williams, Esq. John I. Royer John Penn Jones James M'Cahen Johns-on M'Kee Alex. Jacobs Kev. J. P. Rockfellovv Rev. John C Bradey Saml. Calvin, Esq. Joseph Keed Joseph Kemp, Esq. Henry Lamer Y. G. Brown John M. Gibbeny J. A. Biles Haden Smith, artist & civir engineer W. McMuririe J. Cunningham, Esq. H. A. Caldwell, Esq Michael Kelley Nathaniel Heart John Barr E. Gilbreath Isaac Hershberger James M. Bell, Esq ThB'd Banks, Esq Saml. L. Blair, Esq. Jas. Hammer John Kaylor Jacob Fell, tailor Theo. H. Boggs, Esq. J. M. M'Cord Jno. Crisswell, Esq. O. A. Traugh, Editor *Jeo. Cramer .-«. S. S. McFarlane Thomas McAwlay E. Sm;;th W. N. Coburn John B. Rimons Geo. W. Penline Reu en leister Joseph Baldridge Robert Siratton Robt. C. McKillip Dharles Merriman John Young Stephen G. Keech Wm. Tompkins Joel C. Rogers Alex. McOonnel Lloyd & Graff E. Howard Washington Bivins John S. Hallar Jacob Ballinger Henry Burl James Stewart William Butler Wm. H. Jones George Beatty Henry McConnell Chas. Depulie Geo. T. Cyphers Danl. Kline Geo. R. Stewart Daniel Hunter Henry Carner Peter Bush William Danley Mrs. Catharine Zeigler John Fetcher Henry McCauley ' James Rinard Michael Linnon Mrs. Letitia Harkens Isaac Reubinger James Long John O. D. Jackson Joseph Stuff Geo. W. Low W. H. S. Tailor Mrs. Martha Bel J. S. Mardick Philip Faust Money Good John Raan Rev. H. Wescott Rev Thompson Milch'l Benj. Dasher John Bairp, jr David D. Lewis Rev P Anslatt Jesse Herbit Paul McCachan James McHugh Benjamin Wilson David Siifler John Stifler David Myers James Ale.xander S Loughan Gayaport. Wm W Jackson Andrew Donley Michael Maxwell John Barr, F.sq George Reesman Jacob Gailey George Innes James Bradly Lewis Swineheart B R Henderson John Boyle David Tale, Esq Joseph G Barr James S Harrcle Ncwry. Daniel Beigle, M. D. Rev Wm Weaver Rev James Brapley Daniel McConnal, Esq A Baker Sohn McNamara Daniel Null Robert Drenner C McConnal John Myres John M Rugels , ^DuncansviUe. John"Miller Peter Bradley John Kane JH Fuller James Ross W H Baker James Zopper Saml. Wallace Wm Ganhan Daniel Fesler Thomas Holland Wm. Kay James Onkst Sam'l Baker Jacob Clingernaen Alex Swiers Allegheny Township. Thomas Flyn Jacob Gales Adam Thomas Elijah Smith Samuel Smith John Words John Champion Andrew Douling Wni Arble, jr Jacob Funck Simon Breninger Wm Walker John Lautz Sam'l Deyasmin Sam'l Hileman JosephDysart Adam Stufft Philip Carr NAMES OF SUBSCRIBERS. 009 Daniel Stewart Wm S Kunsman Paul Long Samuel Shaw A B Hook Jacob Kunsman Geo Cowen David Long Silas Greay Peter Glass Peter Helsel Daniel Calclesser Rev Jacob Burkheart Joseph Hargaday Wm S Yow Joseph Metzger Samuel Anderson Benj Eagnue Washington Myers Michael Murphey Samuel Yingling Darid C Miller Wm G Robeson Rudolph P. Lot2 Ghris Glass, jr Caron Dryer, jr Thomas Miles Dougle McFartney Abr Rees James H Walker John McArtney, sen Fred Ghrisman Andrew Green Peter Kesler John Arged, Esq. J G SamI Black John Kaugh Henry Grasier Rev David AUbaugh CoUinsville. . Rev Henry Baker Gabr'ID Thomas MD William Glass James D Shaw John Fralich Joseph B Hileman James Gibson John Wilson Jesse Myers Barnabas McBride Robeat Lynch Robert Thompson Jacob Long, jr Wm Bell Johnston Moore Henry Duncle Allegheny Furnace. D Woods Baker, Esq Washington Painter John Baulebaugh Philip Shots Isaac Beals Peter Conway Michael V Dimond David Hamilton Geo W Rhen Saml Wrhen Joseph Lamson Geo W Clark John Cunningham John Woomer, jr James Calderwuod John McBride James Miles James Miller Charles Miles Andrew Callihan Jonathan Woomer Wm McCawley Benj Forshey James Stevens Gpo Williams Michael Murphy Henry Shamo Charles Niman Michael Cassiday Levi Mock Theodore Hooff Wni Taylor John Geist John Connor Charles Myers Andrew Lash Greenfield township. Martin Haughy William Shaw Peter Storm Francis McConnal Geo W Rowdebast David Y Wilt Saml Fssher David Builer Jacob B Sell] Joseph Ott John Shaw Peter Furney John Mash Jacob Wilt Daniel Beegel Abraham Yingling Joshua Morgan Jacob Morgan Thomas Johnston David Lingenfetter John Wimer Mrs. Agnes Stevens Frederick Yingling George Hue George Tipton G Stitlier Frankstown loivnship. Wm Smiih, Esq. Saml Smith James Riddle Geo Harpsier P Moore David M Riddle Richard Cole Maxwell Moor John Warner John Brown Jacob Condren Henry Selders John Haraey Geo W Benton Thomas Price W H Lias Henry Clopper Oliver Westover Saml S Hileman George Hileman Andrew Kopp John Garrett Joseph McCune John Learner Joseph Shanon Joseph Sleppay Jacob Geesey Kurtz Coffman George Elliott Christian Korn Jonathan Ketner Henry Mogal Saml H Keller Saml Cause Philip Harpster Abraham Robison David Robison Henry Siefler Isaac Kephart Joseph Graffiens 560 NAMES OF SUBSCRIBERS. Sinking Valley, Tyrone t Edward Conrad John Maguire, merch't J M Cameron, M D Henry Henchy, tinner Jno Davis, blacksmith Wm M Michael, tailor A Stewart Janies Alter Thomas Stewart Wm Fetter Geo Hostler Robert Crawford Henry McMuUen John Upperman William Crane J Hollowell Thos McClain Franklin Wilson Jacob Fleck Oliver P Fleck Perry Orr Jacob Ramey Henry Carr John Templeton Geo W Orr .Wm B Bailey E S Templeton Alex S Kerr J Empfield Wm McClelland David Fleck Albert P Burnham Joseph Fleck Thomas Dixon Henry Fleck Geo Lafferly Valentine Birt S Henshy, Antis tp. John Cary David S Crisman John Stullabarger Philip Bridenbaugh Wm Tempi ton Daniel Ramey Gabriel Fleck Israel Flecli Daniel McGraw Aaron Fleck Geo F Burket Robert P Wallace John H Bridenbaugh John Jackson Joseph Stiller Samuel McCormick John Kesler Leorard Hostler Abraham Fleck John Litzenger , George Boyer / Saml Beeghel William Harris Thomas Sharer Union Furnace, M Thompson Montraville Miller Thomas Gilbreath Saml P' Wallace John Lee Joseph Shamo Saml H Lego Jacob Rodgers Daniel Black Matthew Gray Julius C Gunegal Jacob Warner NAMES OF SUBSCRIBERS IN HUNTINGDON CO. John Garreii Joseph Fleck Soseph McCnne Thomas Dixon John Learner Henry Fleck Joseph Shannon George Lafferty Joseph Sleppay Volentine Birt stJacob Geesey Samuel Henshy [Amis Kurtz CofFman township George Elliot John Gary Christian Korn David S Crisman Jonathan Ketner John SiuUabarger Henry Mogal Philip Bridenbaugh Samuel H Keller Wm Templeton Samuel Crure J Empfield Philip Harpsier Wm McCIeland x\braham Robison David Fleck Henry Stefler Albert P Burnham Isaac Kephart Daniel Ramey David Robison Gabriel Fleck Joseph Graffieus Israel Fleck Daniel McGraw Sinking Vnlley. Tyrone ^Aaron Fleck Edward Conrad George F Burket T Maguire, merchant Robert P Wallace J M Cameron, M D John A Bridenbaugh Henry Henchy, tinner John Jackson Jno. Davis, blacksmith Joseph Stitler W M Richards, tailor Samuel McCormick Greenfield Townsxdp Martin Hareghy William Shaw Peter Storm Francis McOnnal George W Rhowdeba David Y Wilt Samuel Fisher David Butler Jacob B Sell Joseph Oit John Shaw Peter Furney John Mash Jacob Wilt Daniel Beegel Abraham YingHng Joshua Morgan Jacob Morgan Thomas Johnston David Zingenl'elter John Wimer Mrs Agnes Stevens Fredrick Yingling Georcje Wite George Tipton G SiifHer Fninkstoira Township Wm Smith, Esq Samuel .Smith James Riddle George Harpster David M Riddle Richard C'ole Maxwell Moi.r John Warner John Brown Jacob Condren Henry Selders John Harvey George W Benton Thomas Price W H Lias Henry Cloppee Oliver Westover Samuel S Hileman George Hileman Andrew Kopp A Stewart James Alter Thomas Stewart William Fetter George Hostler Robert Crawford Henry McMullen John Upperman William Crane Joseph HoUowell Thomas McCIain Franklin Wilson Jacob Fleck Oliver P Fleck Perry Orr Jacob Ramey Henry Carr John Templeton George W Orr Wm B Bailey E S Templeton A S Kerr John Kesler Leonard H Hostler Abraham Fleck John Liizenger George Boyers Samual Beighei William Harris Thomas Sharer Union Furnace. M Thompson Montravilie Miller Thomas Oilbreath Samuel P Wallace John Lee Joseph Shomo Samuel H Lego lacoh Rodgers Daniel Black Matthew Gray Julius C Gunegal Jacob Warner BLAIR COUNTY SUBSCRIBERS. Snyder toivnship.' John D Stewart, Esq John Hatfield Thomas McQuillin Benjamin S Davis Henry Rough Joseph Burley John McKilips Michael Dougherty John Alkines Nancy Drye Samuel Weight Jacob Stephens John Fox, jr Thomas Nowlland David Ervin John Straighthoof George Bowers William Straigthoof Lewis Boyle James Foreman John A Davidson — — . Kline ain«s Woomer J<)-«^;ih W Caminvell Jostph McClnre Janes Wilson Jaob Snyder Alexander Campbell Thomas Kinney John ,W Ryder Samuel V\ orley Jacob Murray Solomon Hamer Miies Bonner A rahain Stonebraker Jerome Harrison Geo C Reyes, teacher Henry Garland, sen f'jirislian Kellerman C M Sugrarl Esq J^aac Abrose Charles Myers Alexander McConnell Watson Vtley Cold Spring Fori John Crotcer Esq William Atkins Joseph Gates John li. Miller (Jeori^p Funk John'Woir Michael Myers Samuel F Cooper David Jones David F Giboney jua Johnathan O'Donnall David Hamilton Daniel Gahagan Barnibuss Barnickel Francis M Louge Alexander Stephens (Catharine Irvin Dvaid Yingliu:,' John S Beastuu Joseph Ryle Henry Pefner Alexander Hamer Thomas Anderson John Alee jun William Kennady Georg(^ Sierne James Weaver Pliilip Snare Hugh Donahue Shem Coudinan James Piper Jacob Trons Michael Kearnes Charles Ambitse Mary Ann McClenlandJames Hughes David Edleblaie C'harloot.willc, jJiitis /(''^Joseph Arthurses J C Giest Joshua Aurandt Rev Jesse B Williams Uev William J Gibson Thomas M Nowlan James R Flood Oliver Rose George V\^ Hatlen ./7i(fi,s- Forge .'htli^ tu-p Joshua KoUer K>q Matthew Dunlap (Jeorge VV Dannals Christian Yerger John Craine John M Dickson Daniel Denny Alexander Kanady George Coble George Craine Jacob Wolf Elizabeth Fox William Parks Henry Stover Mary Ann Forge. William Edmunston .Sohn M Weight Fleming HoUiday John Sechler Philip Bartlebough •Samuel Stoffager John Kealh John Funk David Philips Woodberrij tirp. Emanuel Duck Rev J Winecoff John D Ross M D Edward McKiernan Jacob S Shu 11 Henry Duck David W Hannah John AUenderer William A Huke Samuel Whileworth John McConnell William Edleblute David Hamilton Michael Breneman John B Hoover Dr Alex rvI'Kearney Col David Puff Samuel Hoover David S Rhule William Earner Samuel W Lower John Bumgarner David W Vinseker Jacob Higgins John Spear William D Garnard Jacob Alley, jr James Roller William Fries Joseph S P Harris Samuel Sparr NAMES OF SUBSCRIBERS. 563 ]\'illifi»ifburg, ]V:coyce Oliver P Hagerty William Myers Archibald McAcheron August Cornmesser Lavrcl Run Factory. Allen McG:alliery John Sharpe William Beard Dougle McCartney J G A D^iern Frederick Yingling Cdlhcuinr ton-nship. Lorenzo D Tate Alexander Gwinn, jr Thomas J Rankin Wilson Tale Aninony Coughber Willian James Joseph G Wisner Samuel W Calhoon Amos Barker Erasmus M Jones Adie C Boon James Pri 'e Joshua Potts Franklin Vanscyoc Thomas Akley Ezra Ale Henry Boyle James M Lias Miles Edmundson Joseph Hutcheson, jr Henry Sheadle Jacob Buttenburg Alexander Green Samuel Karr William Wilson Daniel McCauily James Smalman George Woods William McCauily Perry S Green William & Sarah Run- Thomas Lyle [Green- David Woomer nells wood Factory Charles Donnally George Thompson Johnston Moore Jacob Fulton Andrew Cherry Dayid Gardner Thomas Price 564 NAMES OF SUBSCRIBERS. William Zimmerman Springfield Furnare. Henry Zimerman [tea- Henry Byers Asbury R Siewarl cher Alexander Rul!edgs John W Tipery H Seedenbough Matthrs Powell John Miller [teacher /acub Smith Hudson Huges Frederick Albright Daniel Powell John Hughes Henry Powell Franfo.'oH'H, Tivcnr-hip. John Fulton Adam Beach George VV Horlon Esq William Engart Henry Miller Henry Meritts Rebecca Furnace. (-ieoTge Kopp John Anderson John McKiernan Henjainin Gii;kins George A Lingefcltcr Lowery L Moore Elie Walls John Harkins P Scullin '■^amuel Witers James Trees Amos Sherman Samuel Currcy John Teeter Agalon Alaway John S Brown Peter Trees John H Hess Jonathan Slitter Abraham Mountain David Ecelberger George Exier Wm A B Salterfield Joseph Perkins William McSperron B Creswell Jas. I, Morrow teacher James McManemy Tyrone Township. .)ohn West Postmaster Henry Carbough William Woomer Joshua Murray Henry Graul Frederick Senser Charles Denney /ames Pheasant Andrew Baughman Peter Sipe John Treese Henry E Baughman .foseph Smith George Keasey John E Stonebreaker Gril'eth Gondren Miss Frances Nupper Adam Freeman David C Irvin Levi Likens Joshua Amey Christopher Shade Isaac Likens Samuel Woomer Mark Likens David Greay Woodherrij Tou-nsh'.p. Samuel Hughs John Baughman Joseph Gardner [Vv'il- John Davis Robert Gray liamsburg Joseph Cedar Thomas Gardner William Hitchew W. tkeu Tregper Daniel Coon Matthias Reayhoe George Shingler George Woomer Lewis Hardin Peter Mentis of Wil'rg Samuel Beamer Samuel G Stewart IronsvlUc. Levi Hoover George W Sworts Henry Bruner Daniel Hoover James Dayley William Saders jr Jacob Sharra James H Wilson Montgomery Hughs Hv^lon Toicvchip. William Port Daniel Donnalsoa Samuel Rhoads Porter T Johnston Jacob Duck, jr Michael Heterick .lohn Stinger B F Glasgow [Wiiiiams-Peter Bowers George Maltern burg George Wolf Jacob Carpenter John Reed Henry Ditch Joseph P Ross George Snively Devvault Fouse Jacob Wike John C Fetterman Jlntis Tawnship. Jacob Royer Abraham Acker John Hagertey George R Snively John W Carte Gideon D Green Henry Smith yamuej B Graffiuse Daniel Felcns Isaac H DoughenboughHenry Dilling james Sackett Samuel Bossier Solomon Fouse Oliver P Nelson Isaac Farnewalt John Dayley Joshua Robison Daniel R Good Casper Dillinger Hugh Dougherty John Shell Abraham B Bowers Absalom C Crane fENTRE COUNTV SOBiCRIUER^. Fredoiick Swisliur Ithemer A-nermau Joseph HuUDft Geo L, Peiers Miss Rth Hall Wm n Smith Peter Datmlienhaugh Alexaml David Bennett Sol im -n Myers Samuel Green Geo Beug amraer John Fanver Henry Wolf John Hillard William Poormau Jnlin Worlft Hannah Furnace. Ci--isiian Ho„sei Samuel Dickson Daviil Henderson AnJrew Tliomp.son John & VVm Peters Geo Hoover Jacob D )vvning William Bultick Jesse S ixi >n Samuel Killinger Wm Blakeny ^""^ „ , , M >rdecai Aslon erM'Dondel q .\s,oii Diiiiel Jones Israel Sivlor John Bean-^haramer j,,,,„ McKison Joseph Smuh WmK Wdl.ams Daniel C Amermm Scoll Wdliams John Holler Ahran'nm Tlousei Jacob H-Mic,;v Rev Ton'n f. Holmes Martin Honser •lacnh Honsier J'.liii B „ie SamI Wasson John natee Ben J Bftrrv. M D Rohi A Whiiehill Pel T S'lrcck John S'mey John Miess Robert Bowes Alex Cox Easle Forze. jamcs Curtin, Esq Ausitn Cnrlin jon ithan Folk Samuel Saxloil Rohl M'-C lin John M Smith Saml Allen Bathurst John biugird Sam! Balhursl Beniamm Mercer Samuel Duwil Geo W Waison William Funk Jacob SSlterck Joseph Watson George Fulton James Taylor Jacob Siiaiiif David iohns John Ramsey — Lewis I, Timms Erasius Kiiiizer f'e^rWp Furnace Wtlker Tnwnxhip. Moses Thompson Thos McOalmon Je^senh Carter .. ,, c « Daniel Womoer Wm T'.'im is.n Mnrtha Furnace, y,,^,^ ^^.^^ Richard c Thomas David Harshbarger -''''I'l Hnehs John Will-on Robert Cox Martin Brnmgord & •'^f'''' B ittorfT Benjamin Snyder Robert wilson David McCalmoii Henry Bryen Samuel Kline D >ii.jlas= Ralston Philip Va'ler Thos McKean Peter MirKle Joseph VI Phillips John Cnrten W R Alexander Samuel Weler Wm Eliards James Wehner James McGarvy Samuel Brian iohn C Calhoun M A Elder, Esq David Austin Daviil \I-Malhn Win Birrel James R Gill Thos ivilsan Hevtrv r,ncas Tho, fToniey John SI10PV Alfred M'-Cardel Rev Jis R Bxthnrst Peter Shullz V Da„. Geo R Ardry ,, _, , . John lee t HiMo'i Tiwnship. j,,,,,, Diux'iman J F Williams -' ■ • ■> - - ■, , . . John Wells 'el Ems t Co Wm Bi Catherine 3 j,,,,,, ^j, Reuben Sha- D-nnIs T-^ary [dey ^Vm Vewell John Mover David R ,ckey Wm C lortjy ^ , . John Rose Taylor Town.ship. Ja.- .b Rockey Henrv D i>i' 8 itforf Danie! Os nan Drfaaac \Villower J''*e''ii Cos A lam De'-ker John Spoils James PirsoilS; jr A J A lami jnhn H <\l I S VT-Fildeu W n Tirier Phebe E S.)ence A ri- .b \j Fiick t CO David & Th >s Hirbrid^e Sin lil i;)iviJson Divil S mth Hirrjs Peters Mic'i lel Brown --„ ,, „ W M Kellv, teacher \^> P « "''•is . R.'.er. Kdiv WmMcKean.jr Philip Williams, Esq Miss ime M-EIWciin H iMerthurc;. job Willia-ns Peter Heller, Rsq Perry &. Cuharine a C G^-, iry. Esq [Httohisin Gs)Swirlz c Nimv U-;- Peter AU [Miiiegle Gi le >n Scheddel John Filer Adam Dmiel Lawence Bathurst Geo Gile Thos Stewart Jacob «*'iirick, jr John \I r:;j Snlh Hen<-y Flick, senr Iliys Dileu jic )b Sierrick Peter \ Sherrick jaoob S r irrar Joseph liiard Archibii 1 Stiver Ge > i Vt lys John Siiiis jam3s P HMt Ji'lii Irjawjrk^. j Ulrich johi VliTi*, E?q OUvir P .Vilson John S' ill Gsi \V kVilsiii Aatis Bathurst Tarus Vl'liiry jaTiis W 1 tiring jan;s .-Vlry, jr Peief W I > Iring John C C 1 )k jac )b C taher John Itinj P uric'c V lion EUvir I Bjckwilh Ge I S)irrir John G i >ne3 je-s^e t.vier John i irr ;t EliH Trner jos-)'i iVdliam? jVii '^>ss Siniil .V))lriri5 Aaliew !i)ltnift Hiury S OivViier Diniel Frantz Sam' Hast in Jicib Wirner J iin Phillips Michael 'Jits Daniel Girret D I liel B lyer JiHn Ri?'iter JanM >ift L 11 Sir mill Willi im H ilden. G't \v're3 W n ^hiel Is J)hi '^Ml, sen Abrihi n -i i\'ler Stephen 5 i/ier Si n te' Pirker Jaob V-ii li;h Christian Reese Geo F'i"\ Jo-ieoh D'srny Jacob R irich Jo'in "Crtlly Davis fc A Sellers Michael Riler Ja-! 1) ?iias, sen Jih'i V Inter J)ha H F irber Friic'ia mi lef Jihn Biitirf Hirril T)0t3kip. JVii Oii-'c J,shaaP.ticr l^i^Vm^'r' CariaianHiusts J;''^'* > J?' ' ',"" Daniel Shuey Daniel Deibler CENTRE COUNTY SUBSCRIBERS. BELLEFONra. Eihraim Williams RevJ J-i ni^ Liiin tJeii S x.aa ir.vui Ser^ n/ Viiiju W,n Vui Ji).iii T), Viler J rt 5,1 jtf.niker W.n li irris James V .file A d Jarliii il .V .vr'.Vllisler D C d )al W.n a rflair U li Jariij, n B iia-Jli Peirikeii Win Oartiain Ja.nes liilieliiiid J .Vl )fiig y.mcy A J JoilUit'JIl R jliiiii Jariia John Liiviii^iiaii J iVi rfail, suenit' J .vl iile J R>)[.ir )ck P li kVllsDll Wm C vVelcli, jr AV Wiiiaert .1 .VI .Vl'Ooy, .VI D Siinl B rn.imi-i Heary vI'Liiacliliu W.n rf f aisjas Win .vl'JlelUii Pairicic OdinlinJge J Ha.fin 111 James Tarn niny Robert Valeiuuie Simjii lolieiiberry Joliii Gri.fiiu Win tl )J„'ers Jaine.4 AI r.iompson j Davut Campbell Daniel Irbiii Henry tlirris Jaci>b Silley Jolia VI'Allesler Wm Jerr Ed>varJ Graham. RjDen rfeclc Daniel vVeleti Clirisliaii L>err, jr Til )i J f roctor Adam C ix Ji)ii J On.iom W A Tliomas, jr R Butler M M'OoUy L Grassmyer Damei Shoev W Gals A Cox Thos bickert Joiiii L. ivver A Qrassmycr John A rilieUer U .ViU.j.i James Ward H A M'Gonagal Geo Grafius W S Tripple Win G liirioii Henry Baker A Ain nerman A S Meyers Beiijainiii Dennet Andre\V tleed Francis A iieecli Mose* Thompson Solomon Barlet Phllo Ward r.i >i AJmli Gji .V ,J.jus H .1 .-3 n ta Vl Jamj'i .ViHjii Jao n) .1 triniau W n Vrmjf W.n I'' t'juer Ge ) Sii ir,) Johu lierhu A P U .allele " Henry rvvii.nire " J. mil .V >I il.ary " J I a;, i i.V.i •' Ta,. r.yi.r J ).ia .i : : Ciitjy ■' J) ill o iljjim .vl l) Tan I l',y. >r Mk; 1 iJi I' .Veaver J )iiii Jai.uer Friiicis J .t ue H I, Ml A Jin iliell Henry ll )c.iinaii A Inn .51 I/O.- J )au ll .1 iitin Ta >-i ii.n ny J) la i, i-'iiuip B ira- ll trt Si n lel Tibbens J.ie )b Fixm Al j.i iii.ier Oanlap vVn .ieil A a !■> r' )rb.ar G; ) .ijiriclc Til), vli saall Lewi-; .vliess Rieaarl ians tilers R ibcri vJa-.-i ly Jfiliii Leiiji mm Eiij 111 '.V Goule JdIiii .VlaoJiido D iviJ Liu Jo. in P .Vl Hire John ilauier John C lie Johu R fate i^ Joseph Kuhii llenry 5.1 ivVers Jesse C .Ciii'er vV n ,1 1, , tau, , J ' 1 1 V ni;jol J ' la ;:;j,iiey Til IS .I.ls ^^ui.j / ivepharl f .1 ).■* I'a/ior Jo.in li )j,) Jo .'J i 1 1 n^arJnor vV n li ) vven T .vliiis Goo 5y.n.n mJs J Reyii A.li i Foiije (Jii.i .11 \V H( Christian *V titers I readier Wm R H.li EivVird .vl'G irvey Simi J Gieen, Esq Sa.nl Lepi. )ii Da iiel vV.m" J S Ale.t.mler, Esq W.n Lee Ta.s Jfjo:.s Jas .5iieli DaviJ Webber Jos f .S.viers Tins .VI Ooy Henry llyman Jo.m A iiijer John L Harris J.is S.iiric Jeremiaii Gardner Wlllum IdJl ,'ri Elwird ParHh iVl D Th os J .dm John T lomas Eelix Dale John ttarl Jac >b Slahl John Jiagiinbangh LivVi'eiue Vl Entire Henry Iddin^s ' Bj^^S r.JM.lsklp. R nvianl liirris Alio. lie, .V.taei-right Ca eo li ciisui^ion J .11 5 1 .^.e HuM.n .1 Junoy A.la.n .Vuii.irri^'ht Isaie v^iiu.tms J.).in ii .*Iii .no S A .reeJ Jo.in Joianey J )a.i lil Harper J vl Ki,aver AreaioiU McMallen J iCi-lennger Aii\V .-5 JaVhlson, Julian Geary Jonas fownall FreJeriCii 5am ners Chine.-) .vI'Laii'nUn jr Hen.-y B iird Ge . W Tate FraiUMs B ; .i2er He.iry Beaaer Am -- Pine Ja.ne-i .i Liacas Cm isiian Ho.i/er Geo vV.iKer Uavid Peters Joan -1 riialen Allen Amer.nau Peter H tiiiiO. Ge Visii'tonL)aVis J i.in Ba-.ii T .C lin .X Ge.) Ingram Joiin 5 lioan John Liiu Willi in .Vilen &. Co. ., Golfried Bashore J.iaii Britver vVilis 111 Jal.i oun W.n Lj'iiJervvro .a.VlD Tin- vFiOane Sa.iii 5 .1 .,aiie AU- '. mJer c^d.aision jessc liall John Underwood rfsoS^ '■ C Lowry, carponter ,acob Peter. CENTRE COUJJTr SUBSCRIBERS. John H Hawn Owen O'Neil Samuel Dufferd Samuel B oom Ell B Clemson Martin F Rumbarger David Kreps Hfinry McVVilliams Samuel J Atley John Campbell E Gren ii J Harpster W J Meftlc Simon Ward, sen Wm V Meek G VV Meek Pine Grove Mills. Wm Murry James O'Brien And Kramer Wm ISurclifield Benjamin Peter Charles H Philips John Shiffer John Dennis John M Long John Kip Wm Musser C .Musser Samuel Musser Jonathan Stover John Archy, Esq Charles Dannley Elias Vidize Joseph B Erb H i; D Keplar Daniel Gales James Miller, sen John Stalker Sim.jn Ward, jr Oliver '/ampbell John Gardner S H Stover T B M llroy, teacher Robert Gren John Bailey Henry G )33 Ja nes 13 Larimore Samuel Rider Penna. Furnace. S Stewart Lyon G»o Bressler, jr W Hoi ler John Live Divid vtark Thooias Fleming Hirris Township. Wtn Harmin J M Blair Jacob Decker John .1 Thompson John G Hartswick Benj Everhart Armstrong Jacobs Jacob Dunlap Jacob Johntoiibaugh Wm McFarland Wm LJiack George Cramer Sprini^ Township. Caleb H K^phart Thomas Taylor John R lop Jacob hi Bumgardner Wm Rowon T Mills Thomas Mills (;eo Simmons Sam Fickes, Rockforg Patton Township. P B Gray, Esq Rev Wm H Lant-y John Chambers And Cross Wm B Henderson P Benner Waddle Samuel Stephenson John Hunter Isaac Yakeley John M Wdsson Adam Inline John Stanton Pet>;r Farling C H Kirkhammer Daniel Bair Hitvird Township. Jacob Lathers Jeremiah Gren I D Ingram Ja Oii vV^iitman Je;ob R. La hers John Ly ma Moses Da ikle Jesse Lu'ias M ifthew Adims, jr John K Smith Eh^n'iZ'ir A Smith Wn R'dde Isaac Packer Frederick Jacobs Matthew R.ddle G-'o Shav\rley H Dopp John C Watkins Ja3 W Clark Edward Packer, jr Felix Lee Danl M & John Smith Daniel W Hall Philip Conler Robt Mann Rudolph Vandorston Samuel Gardner, jr George Wants Wm P and 'ohn White Joseph Packer Jos Montgomery, Esq J Delong, jr David I) I' ong Jarob Mann William Sayers^ BaySil P i^iicas-'' James M Packer Hiram Young B Lucas John Lucas e Siimuel P Lucas Samuel Confare William Fox John Fox HoioTrdville. Jacob Raker, Esq Hiram Baker Samuel Baker Rev i\ Mitchell T VT Good fel low- Orion T Noble Wm McClalend L H Muffly Samiie Lathers John P Packer John VV Hays, jr Samuel Reber James Bnten John T Gunsauls Robt Sterrett John Long Joseph McCloskey N >l3on A-key Jonathan Schanck Micha' Platcher H'nry Long Samu 'I Wheeler Mrs Elizabeth Fulton Capt G'^o Brovyn Thos Butlar John Brown James H Linn James Heverlay John lannon Wm McOacken Joseph Browa Wm Hannon Adam Hanaon CEXTRE fOCNTI SUBSCIII EEBS. Jonathan Hauck Harrison Long Sohn Houser Alex Miles John R''a John and Wm Smith Liberty Township. J M C Runner Christian Bechdale,jr David Dalons;, jr Barnard Roopard James Liriice James Wagner Daniel Flatcher Isaac HiU James Mahaffy Henry N Holier Samuel Gardner Elislia Graham Samuel Bachdale Christian D Bachdale John Wants Thomas Linn Eagleville. Jos Bnmi^ardner, Esq Wm Monigomery J J Lingle Jonas Spang'ar M C Cormany Joiin T Clark Wm Snyder Jacob G'o~sner Jacob Wetzeler Geo Williams Levi Sulenb.irger Amos Waliser Paul Heltman John Workman Joseph G Ibreth Henry Kunes Simon Lingle Michael Wants Charles C fohnson Daniel Kuhns, jr Levi Wagner Matthew Leach And Linn John P Dehaas Daniel Betner Christian Holler and James Mahaffy Htigli Shaw John McGee Abraham Courier John Ligget Peter Rider John Winkleman J'cob Bachd e Jonathan Delong 'Vw^ A D 16 . -^Ji 4- g Vo' .0 \ ./^ "yj"" a> S'' ,V^ *■>'• -^ '^ \ ^ '^, r '^ * '<=. ^^ >^ :r> .0^ -^^^^^ V ^ -p. o. ,V -/> . w ^' ^■(> V' .^;.>;:;.. %^ .^ .^. ..^ .0' V^ v> A^ ^' '^'^ O s\ A '^ ° " " -» -^5;'^ /■■ ^'^^- ^"'^'^ vy O . k C°' .vV„°-'/??-l ;>°-v. .0' ,^' ,0'^ ^•J-' ; uv:;.^.i^v.- « o , "<;> ^- > e- • ^ « O .^^' o <0' ■\ ■^ c 0' o o 0' \ \^ o V 0^^ •/' .-^ 0' '^ X- \i '^^ •/ ■y <^^ C-i -S o ^^ ^ ,-^' ■' %. "c V tV^ ^ c°\.-'' ^7' A .aX^ <^- ^^ ?%ir.^ ^^' % "^y^i^V . 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