Class £ 31 2^ BQQk-4- 7f /--^^ PRESENTED BY" Journal President Washington's 1^^^ Diaries 1791 to 1799 Transcribed and Compiled by JOS. A. HOSKINS 1921 Summerfield, N. C. BTsiz \WASH1N6T0NIAN/1 "Long shall we seek his likeness — long in vain; And turn to all of him which may remain, Sighing that nature formed but only one And broke the die in moulding Washing- ton." . 'L b -n^i Lincoln's Tribute to Washington Washington is the mightiest name on earth. Long since mightiest ia the cause of civil liberty; still mightiest in the moral reformation. On that name a eulogy is expected. It cannot be. To add brightness to the sun or glory to the name of Wash- ington is alike impossible. Let none at- tempt it. In solemn awe pronounce the name, and in its naked, deathless splendor leave it shining on. The Golden Rule Press, Greensboro, N. C. All rights reserved Foreword The editing and publishing of President Washington's diaries is here undertaken with the view of presenting all that are extant from the year 1791 to 1799. They are fragmentary but very interesting. The search for the unpublished parts of the diary was instituted for the purpose of proving the fact of Pres- ident Washington's visit to Guilford County, North Car- olina, and its famous battlefield, on his Southern Tour. It was traditional knowledge in the family of the writer, and, while the facts concerning the visit had faded from the minds of all others, it remained firmly fixed with him. It was while pondering over Lossing's Imprint of the Southern Tour that he became convinced that there must be more of the Journal, and that, if found, it would settle the mooted question. Lossing stopped June Isit, 1791, (Salem, N. C.) My transcription begins where he left off, and takes the Pres- ident to Guilford Courthouse, on June 2nd, and on through North Carolina and Virginia to Mount Vernon, where he arrived June 12th, and Philadelphia July 6th. At this time Washington was President of the United States. The trip to Georgetown, to the Federal City and on to Philadelphia began June 27th, 1791. He travelled by way of the upper road through Williamsburgh, Fredericktown, Taneytown, Lyttlestown,, Hanover (commonly called Mc- Allistertown) , Yorktown and Lancaster. He describes the towns and the intervening country. While in the Federal City he conferred with Maj. L'Enfant and Mr. Ellicott, and selected the spots, on which the buildings for the Executive Dejxartments and the President's house were to be located. He directed Maj. L'Enfant to change the location of a certain street, so as to leave out a spring 5 (commonly known as the Cool Spring) belonging to Maj. Stoddart. In 1794 we find him accompanying the army from Phil- adelphia to the Rendezvous at Carlisle, passing through Norristown, The Trap, Potts Grove, Reading, Meyersh town, Lebanon, Humelstown, and Harrisburg. This was the Whiskey Rebellion Campaign. At Bedford he delivered a speech to the insurgents. This speech has probably never been published before. He here received Messrs. Riddick and Tindley, representatives of the insurgents, and their speeches are given in his diary. The President and the army marched thence to the Rendezvous at Bed- ford, passing Shippensburgh, Green Castle, Williamsport (Maryland,) Cumberland, (Maryland,) Frankfort, and on to Bedford. In November, 1798, he gives an account of his triumphal progress to Philadelphia, by way of the lower road. On this journey he stopped and was entertained at the Fed- eral City, Bladensburg, Spurriers, Baltimore, Websters, Hartford, Susquehanna, Elkton, Christianna, Wilmington and Chester. At this time he was Commander of the army, with Major Gen'l Alexander Hamilton second in com- mand. This was during the period of the French Imbro- glio. General Washington was dined and feted in Phila- delphia by President Adams and others. He names his entertainers. The diary that Washington kept at Mount Vernon is largely interesting because it is an account of the guests who came and went after enjoying his hospitality. The name of each is given, and hundreds are mentioned, — the famous people of the day. From another viewpoint this part of the diary is interesting. It shows the painstak- ing, methodical Washington, in that hardly a day is pass- ed that accurate and careful mention of the weather is not made, the thermoneter and barometer readings re- corded and the direction of the wind stated. Many of these weather observations have been omitted from this 6 transcript, only enough of them being retained to show- Washington's carefulness and diligence in all things. The last entry in the diary (in his own hand) was made De- cember 13th, 1799. He died the following day. His entire Southern Tour ia here presented, beginning at Phila. — March 21, 1791, giving names of scores of towns visited in the states of Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia. Many of these are now large towns and cities. This part of the diary is full of local color. In confirmation of the claims set forth above an edito- rial from the Greeensboro Daily News, under date of February 15th, 1920, and a letter from the Library of Congress are herewith copied and appended. Editorial Greensboro Daily News, Feb. 15th, 1820 "The discovery of the evidence — in the handwriting of the first President — that George Washington visited Guilford County on his southern tour was made by J. A. Hoskins. It is most improb- able that the facts were ever published prior to their publication by Mr. Hoskins in the Daily N'ews of December 12, 1919. They are certainly unknown to contemporary North Carolina historians, which means that they had not become facts of historical record; it is not therefore too much to say that the circumstances were unknowni to history. It was well enough known that the diary of President Washing- ton lay in the archives of the government at Washington. The contents have been in part edited and published, but for some reason the compiler stopped just short of the circumstances re- corded in the diary which are of most personal interest to North Carolina people. Mr. Hoskins had, to be sure, a starting point. It was traditional knowledge in his family; a part of those spoken records, records transmitted from generation to genei'ation, and which may be im- plicitly believed, but of which no competent evidence exists. Mr. Hoskins sought long for that evidence, and it finally occurred to him that the diary of the Southern Tour ought to dispose of the matter. He accordingly applied to the Library of Congress, and was furnishing a photostatic copy of the manuscript. There can be no question of its authenticity, and no one questions it; on the contrary, North Carolina historians give Mr. Hoskins credit for the discovery of a rare gem of historical knovfledge. It is this same investigator who has produced the evidence that Dolly Madison was bom at New Garden (Guilford College) N. C. and that Andrew Jackson was a resident of the county and » member o| the Guilford bar which evidence he had published hitherto in the Daily News, but he has refrained from announcing any of his discoveri'es until able to clinch them. It is doubted if the narrative has ever appeared in print until set vip by the compositors of this office. Letter, Oct. 20th, 1920 (From the library of Congress) "The assistant chief of the manuscript division reports that everything that we have between June 27, 1791, and December 1-ith, 1799 has been sent you." My trancriptions are made from photastat copies of the the original notebooks in Washington's own handwriting. His spelUng, abreviations and punctuation are ob- served as near as possible. JOS. A. HOSKINS, Elmhurst Farm, Summerfield, N. C. November 18th, 1920. Washington's Diary Monday, March 21-1791 Left- Philadelphia about 11 o'clock to make a tour through the Southern States. Reached Chester about 3^ o'c — dined and lodged at Mr. Wythes— In this tour I was accompanied by Maj. Jackson — My equipage and at- tendance consisted of a chariot and four horses drove in hand — a light baggage waggon and, two-four saddle horses besides a led one for myself— and five— to wit — my Valet De Chambre — two footmen, Coachman, and postillion. March 22. At half past six o'c. we lett Chester and breakfasted at Wilmington — crossing Christiana Creek proceeded through New Castle and by the Red Lyon to Buck tavern 13 milesi from New Castle and 19 from Wilmington where we dined and lodged. March 23. Set off at 6 o'c— breakfasted at Warwick—bated with hay 9 miles farther and dined & lodged at the house of one Worrell's in Chester (town). March 24. Left Chestertown about 6 o'c — before nine I arrived at Rock Hail (on Chesapeake Bay) where we breakfasted and immediately after which we began to embark. After 8 o'c P M we made the mouth of Severn River (leading up to Annapolis) but the ignorance of the people on board with respect to the navigation of it ran us aground first on Greenbury point from whence with much exertion 9 10 Washington's Diaries and difRiculty we got off — and then having no knowledge ol the Channel and the night being immensely dark with heavy and variable squalls of wind — constant lightning & tremendous thunder — we soon got aground again on what is calleed Home's Point — where finding all efforts in vain and not knowing where we were we remained not knowing what might hapipen till morning. March 25. Having Lain all night in my great coat & Boots in a birth not long enough for me by the head and much cramped, we found ourselves in the morning within about one mile of Annapolis & still fast aground. Whilst we were preparing our Small Boat in order to land in it, a sailing Boat came off to our assistance in wch. with the baggage I had on board, I landed — was informed upon my arrival (when 15 guns were fired) that all my other horses arrived safe that embarked at the same time I did, about 8 o'c last night — was waited upon by the Gov- ernor (John Eager Howard) as soon as I arrived at Man's Tavern and was engaged by him to dine with the citizens of Annapolis this day at Mann's Tavern, and at his house tomorrow. The first I accordingly did. March 26 Dined at the governors and went to the assembly in the evening where I stayed till half past 10 o'c. March 27. About 9 o'c this morning I left Annapolis under a dis- charge of Artillery and being accompanied by the Gov- ernor, a Mr. Kilty of the Council and Mr. Charles Si:uart proceeded on my Journey for Georgetown. Bated at Queen Ann 13 milesi distant and dined and lodged at Bladensburgh. March 28. Left Bladensburgh at half after six and breakfasted at Georgetown about 8, — where having appointed the From 1791 to 1799 11 Commissioners under the Residence Law to meet me I found Mr. (Thomas) Johnson one of them (and who is chief Justice of the State) in waiting — and soon after came in David Stuart and Dan'l Carroll, Esq's, the other two — (a few miles out of town I was met by the princi- pal citizens of the place and escorted by them — and dined at Suter's Tavern where I also lodged at a public dinner given by the Mayor and Corporation — previous to which I examined the surveys of Mr. (Andrew) Ellicott who had been sent on to lay out the District of ten mlies siquare for the federal seat; and also the works of Maj.L'Enfant who had been engaged to examine and make a draught of the grds. in the vicinity of Georgetown and Carrollsburgh on the Eastern branch. March 29. Finding the interests of the Land owners about George- town and those about Carrollsburgh much at variance and that their fears and jealousies of each were counteract- ing the public purposes and might prove injurious to its best interest whilst if properly managed they might be made to subserve it — I requested them to meet me at six o'c this afternoon at my lodgings which they accordingly did — dined at Forrest's today with the Commissioners & others. March 30 The parties to whom I addressed myself yesterday even- ing having taken the matter into consideration saw the propriety of my observations and that whilst they were contending for the shadow they might loose the sub- stance; and therefore mutually agreed and entered into articles to surrender for (public purposes one half of the land they severally possiessed within bounds which were designated as necessary for the City to stand. — This busi- ness being thus happily finished and some directions given to the Commissioners, the surveyor and engineer 12 Washington's Diaries with respect to mode of laying out the district — survey- ing the grounds for the city and forming them into lots- I left Georgetown-dined in Alexandria and reached Mt. Vernon in the evening. Thursday, March 31st. From this time until 7th of April I remained at Mt. V. visiting my Plantations every day. Thursday, 7 — April Recommenced my journey with Horses apparently much refreshed and in good spirits. In attempting to cross the ferry at Colchester with the four horses hitched to the Chariot by the neglect of the person who stood before them, one of the leaders got overboard when the boat was in swimming water and 50 yards from the shore — with much difficulty he escaped drowning before he could be disengaged — His struggling frightened the others' in such a manner that one after an- other and in quick succession they all got overboard har- nessed and fastened as they were and with the utmost difficulty they were saved & the Carriage escaped being dragged after them, as the whole of it happened in swim- ming water & at a distance from the shore — Providen- cially, indeed miracously, by the exertions of the people who put off in Boats & jumped into the River as soon as the Batteau was forced into wading water — no damage was sustained by the horses, Carriage or Harness. Proceeded to Dumfries where I dined, after which I visited & drank Tea with my Niece Mrs. Thos. Lee. Friday, 8th. Set out about 6 o'clock — breakfasted at Stafford Court House — and dined and lodged at my Sister Lewi's in Fredericksburg. * *His sister Elizab'eth married Colonel Fielding Lewis. His son, l^awrence Lewis, was Washing-ton's favorite nephew. He married Nellie Custis, Mrs. Washington's granddaughter, and resided with her at Mount Vernon at the tim'e of Washington's death. From 1791 to 1799 13 Saturday, 9th. Dined at an entertainment given by the Citizens of the town. Received and answered an address from the Corporation. Was informed by Mr. Jno. Lewis, who had, not long since been in Richmond, that Mr. Patrick Heniy avowed his interest in the Yazoo Company ;* and made him a ten- der of admission in to it, which he declined — but asking if the Company did not expect the Settlement of the lands would be disagreeable to the Indians was answered by Mr. Henry that the Co. intended to apply to Congress for protection — which if not granted they would have re- course to their own means to protect the settlement. That General Scott had a certain quantity of Land (I think 40,000 acres in the Company's grant & was to have the command of the force which was to make the establish- ment — and more over — that General Muhlenburg had of- fered £1000 for a certain part of the grant — the quanti- ty I do not recollect if it was mentioned to me. Sunday, 10th. Left Fredericsburg about 6 o'clock — myself, Majr. Jackson and one servant breakfasted at General Spots- *The first legislature of Georgia, after the adoption of the P^ederal Constitution undertook to sell out, to three private com- panies, the pre-emption right to vast tracts of land west of the Chattahoochee River, unmindful of any rightful claim of the Indians. Th'ey were called the Yazoo Land Companies. They sold to the South Carolina Yazoo Company 5,000,000 acres for $66,964; to the Virginia Yazoo Company 7,000,000 acres for $93,742; and to the Tennessee Yazoo Company, 3,500,000 acres for $46,875. These companies not complying with the requirements of the sale, a succeeding legislature declared the bargain a nul- lity. Some of the purchasers contested the claims, and litigations arose, which became still more complicated when the same lands were sold to other companies. 14 Washington's Diaries ■woodf — the rest of my Serviants continued on to Todd's Ordinary where they also breakfasted. Dined at the Bowl- ing Green — and lodged at Kenner's Tavern 14 miles far- ther — in all 35 m. Monday, 11th. Took an early breakfast at Kenner's — bated at one Riawling's half way between that & Richmd. and dined at the latter about 3 o'clock. — On my arrival was saluted by the Cannon of the place — waited on by the Governor* and other Gentlemen — and saw the City illuminated at night. Tuesday 12th. In company with the Governor, — The Directors of the James River Navigation Company^ — the Manager & many other Gentlemen — I viewed the Canal, Sluces Locks, & other works between the City of Richmond & Westham. — ^These together have brought the navigation to within ^ mile and half, or mile and % of the proposed Bason from which the Boats by means of Locks are to communicate with the tide water navigation below. — ^The Canal is of sufficient depth everywhere — but in places not brought to its proper width; it seems to be perfectly secure against Ice, Freshes & drift wood; — The locks at the head of these works are simple — ^altogether of hewn stone, except the gates & cills — and very easy & conve- nient to work, — there are two of them, each calculated to raise and lower 6 feet — they cost according to the fAlexander Spotswood, an officer in the continental army. He and Washington were intimate friends, and frequently correspond- ed on agricultuarl subjects. *Henry Lee. He was the son of Washington's first love — the "Lowland Beauty" of whom he was enamored when only sixteen years of age. Lee was the celebrated leader of the "Legion" in the Southern campaigns. JWashington was president of this company. It had been formed several years before, for the piJrpose of promoting the internal commerce of the State. From 1791 to 1799 15 Manager's, Mr. Harris acct. about £3000 but I could see nothing in them to require such a sum to erect them. — The Sluces in the River between the locks and the mouth of the Canal are well graduated and easy of assent — ^To complete the Canal from the point to which it is now opened, and the Locks at the foot of them, Mr. Harris thinks will require 3 years. Received an address from the Mayor, Aldermen & Com- mon Council of the City of Richmond at three o'clock, & dined with the Governor at 4 o'clock. In the course of my inquiries — chiefly from Colo. Car- rington* — I cannot discover that any discontents prevail among the people at large, at the proceedings of Con- gress. — The conduct of the Assembly respecting the as- sumptionf he thinks is condemned by them as intemper- ate & unwise — and he seems to have no doubt but that the Excise law, — as it was called — may be executed without difficulty — nay more, that it will become popular in a little time — His duty as Marshal having carried him througli all parts of the State lately, and of course given him the best means of ascertaining the temper & disposition of its Inhabitants — he thinks them favorable towards the General Government — & that they only require to have matters explained to them in order to obain their full assent to the measure adopted by it. *Colon>Bl Edward Carrington, who was a meritorious officer in •file campaigns in the South during the Revolution. He was now active as a United States marshal for a large district in Virginia. f A part of Hamilton's financial scheme for the United States iras the assumption of the respective States debts by the general Government This gave rise to violent opposition, and was the «hief cause of Jefferson's bitter hostility to Hamilton. Out of the party feelings engendered by the assumption scheme grew the Republican party, and during the latter years of Washington's administration gave him much trouble because of the unkind spirit •f opposition to tho measuiea of his government. 16 Washington's Diaries Wednesday, 13th Fixed with Colo. Carrington (the supervisor of the dis- trict) the surveys of Inspection for the District of this State & named the characters for them — an acct. of which was transmitted to the Secretary of the Treasury. Dined at a pubhc entertainment given by the Corpora- tion of Richmond. The buildings in this place have increased a good deal since I was here last, but they are not of the best kind, — the number of Souls in the City are . Thursday, 14th. Left Richmond after an early breakfast — & passing through Manchester received a Salute from cannon & an Escort of Horse under the command of Captn David Meade Randolph as far as Osbomes* when I was met by the Petersburg Horse & escorted to that place & partook of a Public dinner given by the Mayor & Corporation and went to an Assembly in the evening for the occasion at which there were between 60 & 70 ladies. Petersburgh which is said to contain near 3000 Souls is well situated for trade at present, but when the James River navigation is completed and the cut from Elizabeth River to Pasquotank effected it must decline & that very considerably. — At present it receives at the Inspections nearly a third of the Tobacco exported from the whole State besides a considerable quantity of Wheat and flour — ^much of the former being Manufactured at the Mills near the Town — Chief of the buildings, in this town' are *A point between Richmond and Petersburgh, where troops under the traitor Arnold, and the republicans, had a severe skir- mish in April, 1781. A prisoner captured by Arnold at that time was asked by him, "If the Americans should catch me, what would they do with me?" The Soldier promptly replied, "They would bury with military honors the leg which was wounded at Quebec and Saratoga, and hang the remainder of you upon a gibbet." From 1791 to 1799 17 under the hill & unpleasantly situated, but the heights around it are agreeable. The road from Richmond to this place passes through a poor country principally covered with Pine except the interval lands on the River which we left on our left. Friday, 15th. Having suffered very much by the dust yesterday— and finding that parties of horse, & a number of other Gentlemen were intending to attend me part of the way today, I caused their enquiries respecting the time of my setting out, to be answered that, I should endeavor to do it before eight o'clock; but I did it a little after five, by which means I avoided the inconvenience above mention- ed. I came twelve miles to breakfast, at one Jesse Lee's, a tavern newly set upon a small scale, and 15 miles farther to dinner ; and where I lodged, at the House of one Oliver, which is a good one for horses, and where there are toler- able clean beds. — For want of proper stages I could go no farther.— The Road along which I travelled today is through a level piney Country, until I came to Nottoway,* on which there seems to be some good land, the rest is very poor & seems scarce of Water. Finding that the two horses wch. drew my baggage wagon were rather too light for the draught; and, (one of them especially) losing his flesh fast, I engaged two horses to be at this place this evening to carry it to the next stage 20 miles off in the morning, and sent them on led to be there ready for me. Saturday, 16th. Got into my Carriage a little after 5 o'clock, and trav- elled thro' a cloud of dust until I came within two or three *The Nottoway River. This with the Meherrin forms \he Chow- an River, that empties into Albemarle Sound. 18 Washington's Diaries miles of Hix*s ford when it began to Rain. — Breakfasted at one Andrews' a small but decent House about a mile after passing the ford (or rather the bridge) over Meher- rin River. — Although raining moderately, but with ap- pearances of breaking up, I continued my journey — in- duced to it by the crowds which were coming in to a gen- eral Muster at the Court House of Greenville, who would I presumed soon have made the HO. I was in too noizy to be agreeable. — I had not however rode two miles be- fore it began to be stormy, & to rain violently which, with some intervals, it contin'd to do the whole afternoon. — The uncomfortableness of it, for Men & Horses, would have induced me to put up ; but the only inn short of Hal- lifax having no stables in wch. the horses could be com- fortable, & no Rooms or beds which appeared tolerable, & everything else having a dirty appearance, I was com- pelled to keep on to Hallifax; 27 miles from Andrews — 48 from Olivers — and 75 from Petersburgh — At this place (i.e. Halifax) I arrived about six o'clock, after crossing the Roanoke; on the South bank of which it stands. This river is crossed in flat Boats which take in a Car- riage & four horses at once. — At this time, being low, the water was not rapid but at times it must be much so, as it frequently overflows its banks which appear to be at least .25 ft. perpendicular height. The lands upon the River appear rich, & the low gi'ounds of considerable width — but those which lay be- tween the different Rivers — namely Appomattox, Notta- way, Meherrin and Roanoke are all alike flat, poor & cov- ered principally with pine timber. It has already been observed that before the Rain fell, I was travelling in a continued cloud of dust — but after it had rained some time, the Scene was reversed, and my passage was through water; so level are the Roads. From Petersburg to Halifax (in sight of the Road) are but few good Houses, with small appearance of wealth.— From 1791 to 1799 15 The lands are cultivated in Tobacco — Corn — Wheat & Oats, but Tobacco and the raising of Porke for market, seems to be the principal dependence of the Inhabitants ; especially towards the Roanoke, — Cotton & Flax are also raised but not extensively. Hallifax is the first town I came to after passing the line between the two States, and is about 20 miles from it. —To this place vessels by the aid of Oars and Setting poles are brought for the produce which comes to this place, and others along the River; and may be carried 8 or 10 miles higher to the falls which are neither great nor of much extent ; — above these (which are called the great falls) there are others; but none but what may with a little improvement be passed. This town stands upon high ground; and it is the reason given for not placing it at the head of the navigation there being none but low ground between it and the falls — It seems to be in a de- cline & does not it is said contain a thousand Souls. Sunday, 17th. Col. Ashe, '05 the Represntative of the district in which this town stands, and several other Gentlemen called upon, and invited me to partake of a dinner which the inhabitants were desirous of seeing me at & excepting it dined with them accordingly. Monday 18th. Set out by six o'clock — dined at a small house kept by one Slaughter, 22 miles from Hallifax and lodged at Tar- borough 14 miles further. This place is less than Hallifax, but more lively and thriving ; it is situated on Tar River which goes into Pam- !05John B. Ashe, a soldier of the Revolution under General Greene, a member of the Continental Congress in 1787, a repre- sientative in the Federal Congress from 1790 to 1793, and after- wards elected governor of the State. He died before entering upon the duties of the office. 20 Washington's Diaries lico Sound and is crossed at the Town by means of a bridge a great height from the water, and not withstand- ing the freshes rise sometimes nearly to the arch. — Com, Porke, and some Tar are the exports from it. We were reed, at this place by as good a salute as could be given by one piece of artillery. Tuesday, 19th. At 6 o'clock I left Tarborough accompanied by some of the most respectable people of the place for a few miles — dined at a trifling place called Greenville 25 miles distant — lodged at one Allan's 14 miles further a very indiffer- ent house without stabling which for the first time since I commenced my Journey were obliged to stand without a cover. Greenville is on Tar River and the exports the same as from Tarborough with a greater proportion of Tar — for the lower down the greater number of Tar makers are there — This article is contrary to all ideas one would en- tertain on the usbject, rolled as Tobacco by an axis which goes through both heads — one horse draws two barrels in this manner. Wednesday, 20th. Left Allan's before breakfast, & under a misapprehen- sion went to a Col. Allen's, supposing it to be public house; where we were very kindly & well entertained without knowing it was at his expense, until it was too late to rectify the mistake. — After breakfasting and feed- ing our horses here, we proceeded on & crossing the Riv- er Nuse 11 miles further, arrived in Newbern to dinner. At this ferry which is 10 miles from Newbern, we were met by a small party of Horse; the district Judge (Mr. Sitgreave)'06 and many of the principal Inhabitants of 'oejohn Sitgreave was a resident of Newbern. and had been an officer in the war for Independence. He was a member of the Con- tinental Congress in 1784, of his State Legislature in 1787, and was made United States District Judge. From 1791 to 1799 21 Newbern, who conducted us into town to exceeding good lodgings — It ought to have been mentioned that another small party of horse under one Simpson met us at Green- ville, and in spite of every endeavor which could comport with decent civility, to excuse myself from it, they would attend me to Newbern. — Col Allen did the same. This town is situated at the confluence of the Rivers Nuse & Trent, and though low is pleasant. Vessels draw- ing more than 9 feet water cannot get up loaded. — It stands on a good deal of ground but the buildings are sparce and altogether of Wood — some of which are large & look well — ^The number of Souls are about 2000. — Its exports consist of Com, Tobacco, Pork.— but principally of Naval Stores & lumber, Thursday, 21st. Dined with the Citizens at a public dinner given by them ; and went to a dancing assembly in the evening — both of which was at what they call the Pallace— formerly the Government House & a good brick building but now- hastening to Ruins.'" — The Company at both was numer- ouse at the latter there were abt. 70 ladies. This town by Water is about 70 miles from the Sea — but in a direct line to the entrance to the River not over 35 — and to the nearest Seaboard not more than 20, or 25, !07This building was erected for Governor Tryon in 1769; and his demand upon the Assembly for twenty-five thousand dollars for the purpose of building a palace "suitable for the residence of the royal governor," was one of the cavises of strong popular indignation against the governor. His wife and sister, both beau- tiful and accomplished women, us^d every blandishment to induce compliance on the part of representatives of the people. Mrs. Tryon gave them princely dinners and balls. Human nature then, as now, was weak, and Tryon not only secured the first appro- priation of $25,000, but a further sum of $50,000. A drawing of the building, with a full accovmt of it, may be found in Lossing's Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution, II. 364, second edition. 22 Washington's Diaries — ^Upon the River Nuse, & 80 miles above Newbern, the Convention of the State that adopted the federal Consti- tution made choice of a spot, or rather district within which to fix their Seat of Government ; but it being lower than the back Members (of the Assembly) who hitherto have been most numerous inclined to have it they have found means to obstruct the measure^ — but since the Ces- sion of their Western territory it is supposed that the matter will be revived to good effect. Friday, 22d. Under an Escort of horse, and many of the principal Gentlemen of Newbern I recommenced my journey — dined at a place called Trenton which is the head of the boat navigation of the River Trent, wch. is crossed at this place on a bridge — and lodged at one Shrine's 10 m. far- ther — both indifferent Houses. Sat. 23. Breakfasted at one Everett's 12 m — bated at a Mr. Foy's 12 m. farther & lodged at one Sage's 20 m. beyd it — all indifferent houses. Sunday, 24th. Breakfasted at indifferent House about 13 miles from Sage's — and three miles further met a party of Light Horse from Wilmington; and after these a Commee. & other Gentlemen of the Town ; who came out to escort me in to it and at which I arrived under a federal salute at very good lodgings prepared foi me, about two o'clock — at these I dined with the Commee. whose company I asked. The whole Road from Newbern to Wilmington (except in a few places of small extent) passes through the most barren country I ever beheld ; especially in the parts near- est the latter ; which is no other than a bed of white sand. In places however, before we came to these, if the ideas of poverty could be separated from the Sand, the appear- ances of it are agreeable, resembling a lawn well covered with evergreens, and a good verdure below from a broom or course grass which having sprung since the burning From 1791 to 1799 23 of the Woods had a neat and handsome look especially as there were parts entirely open — and others with ponds of water, which contributed not a little to the beauty of the acene. Wilmington is situated on the Cape Fear River, about 30 miles by water from its mouth, but much less by land — It has some good houses pretty compactly built — ^The whole undr. a hill ; which is formed entirely of sand. — The number of Souls in it amount by the enumeration to about 1,000, but it is agreed on all hands that the Census in this State has been very inaccurately & Shamefully taken by the Marshall's deputies ; who, instead of going to Peoples houses, & there on the spot, ascertaining the Nos. ; have advertised a meeting of them at certain places, by which means those who did not attend (and it seems many pur- posely avoided doing it, some from an apprehension of its being introductory of a tax, & others from religious scruples) have gone with their families, unnumbered — In other instances, it is said these deputies have taken their information from the Captains of Militia Companies; not only as to the men on their Muster Rolls, but of the Souls, in their respective families ; which at best, must in a va- riety of cases, be mere conjecture whilst all those who are not om their lists — Widows and their families &c. ipasa unnoticed. Wilmington, unfortunately for it, has a Mud bank, — miles below, over which not more than 10 feet water can be brought at common tides, yet it is said vessels of 250 Tons have come up. The qty. of Shipping, which load here annually, amounts to sbout 1200 Tons. — The exports consist chiefly of Naval Stores and lumber. — Some Tobac- co, Corn, Rice, & flax seed with Porke. — It is at the head of the tide navigation, but inland navigation may be ex- tended 115 miles farther to and above Fayetteville which is from Wilmington 90 miles by land, & 115 by water as above. — Fayetteville is a thriving place containing near Souls— 6000 Hhds. of Tobacco, & 3000 Hhds. of Flax Seed have been reed, at it in the course of the year. 24 Washington's Diajiies Monday, 25th. Dined with the Citizens of the place at a public dinner given by them — Went to a Ball in the evening at which there were 62 ladies — illuminations, Bonfires, &c. Tuesday, 26th. Apr. Having sent my carriage across the day before, I left Wilmington about 6 o'clock, accompanied by most of the Gentlemen of the Town, and breakfasting at Mr. Ben. Smith's lodged at one Russ' 25 miles from Wilmington. — An indifferent House — Wednesday— April 27th, 1791 Breakfasted at Willm Gause's a little out of the direct Road 14 miles — crossed the boundary line between No & South Carolina abt. half after 12 o'clock which is 10 miles from Gause's — dined at a private house (one Cochran's) about 2 miles farther — and lodged at Mr. Vareen's 14 miles more and 2 miles short of the long bay. — To this house we were directed as a Tavern, but the proprietor of it either did not keep one, or would not a-cknowledge it — we therefore were entertained (& very kindly) with- out being able to make compensation. Thursday, 28th. Mr. Vareen piloted us across the Swash (which at high water is impassible, & at times, by the shifting of the Sands is dangerous) on the long Beach of the Ocean ; and it being at a proper time of the tide we passed along it with ease and celerity to the place of quitting it, which is estimated 16 miles, — five miles farther we got dinner & fed our horses at a Mr. Pauley's a, private house, no pub'ic one being on the Road; — and being met on the Road, & kindly invited by a Doctor Flagg to his house, we lodged there; it being about 10 miles from Pauley's & 33 from Vareen's. From 1791 to 1799 2S Friday, 29th. We left Doctr Flagg's about 6 o'clock, and arrived at Captn Wm, Alstons on the Waggamau to Breakfast. Captn Alston is a Gentleman of large fortune and es- teemed one of the neatest Rice planters in the State of So Carolina and a proprietor of the most valuable ground for the culture of this article. — His house which is large new, and elegantly furnished stands on a sand hill, high for the Country, with his Rice fields below ; the contrast of which, with the lands back of it, and the Sand & piney barrens through which we had passed is scarcely to be conceived. At Captn. Alston's we were met by General Moultree, Colo Washington* & Mr. Rutledge (son of the present Chief Justice of So Carolina) who had come out that far to escort me to town. — We dined and lodged at this Gentlemen's and Boats being provided we the next morning. Saturday, 30th. Crossed the Waggamau to Georgetown by descending the River three miles — at this place we were reed, under a Salute of Cannon, & by a Company of Infantry hand- somely uniformed. — I dined with the Citizens in public; and in the afternoon, was introduced to upwards of 50 ladies who had assembled (at a Tea party) on the occa- sion. fWaccamaw *Colonel William Washington, the eminent calvary officer in the southern campaign. He had invited the President several months before he commenced his journey, to accept the hospitali- ties of his house in Charleston. "I cannot," replied the President, "without involving myself in inconsistency; as I have determined to pursue the same plan in my Southern — as I did in my Eastern visit, which vi^as not to incommode any private family by taking up my quarters with them during my journey. It leaves m^e un- encumbered by engagements, and by a uniform adherence to it, I shall avoid giving umbrage to any, by declining all such invi- tations." 26 Washington's Diaries George Town seems to be in the shade of Charleston — It suffered during the War by the British, having had many of its Houses burnt. — It is situated on a pininsula betwn. the River Waccamaw & Sampton Creek about 15 miles from the Sea — a bar is to be .passed, over which not more than 12 feet of water can be brot. except at t Fling tides; which (tho' the Inhabitants are willing to entertain different ideas,) must ever be a considerable let to its importance; especially if the cut between the Santee & Cooper Rivers, should ever be accomplished. The inhabitants of this place (either unwilling or un- able) could give no account of the number of Souls in it, but I should not compute them at more than 5 or 600. — Its chief export. Rice. Sunday, May 1st. Left Georgetown about 6 o'clock and crossing the San- tee Creek at the Town, and the Santee River 12 miles from it, at Lynch's Island, we breakfasted and dined at Mrs. Horry's about 15 miles from Georgetown & lodged at the plantation of Mr. Manigold* about 19 miles farther. Monday, 2d. Breakfasted at the Country seat of Govr. Pinckneyf about 18 miles from our lodging place, & then came to the ferry at Haddrel's point, 6 miles further, where I was *Manigualt. It is related of one of this family, (who were de- scendants of French Protestant Refugees who settled in South Carolina), that while the seige of Charleston by the British in 1780, was progressing, a lighted bomb fell near him within the breastworks. He caught it up instantly, and throwing it into a wet ditch outsidie, exclaimed, "What for you smoke your pipe here?" fCharles Pinckney, on^e of the delegates in the convention that framed the Federal Constitution. He was governor of his State at three different periods; a Senator of the United States, and minister to Spain. From 1791 to 1799 27 met by the Recorder of the City, Genl Pinckney & Ed- ward Rutledge, Esq. in a 12 oared barge rowed by 12 American Captains of Ships, most elegantly dressed. — There were a great many other Boats with Gentlemen and ladies in them; — and two Boats with Music; all of whom attended me across, and on the passage were met by a number of others. — As we approached the town a flalute with artillery commenced, and at the Wharf I was met by the Governor, the Lt. Governor, the Intendt. of the City ; — the two Senators of the State, Wardens of the City — Cincinnati, &c. &c. and conducted to the Exchange where they passed by in procession — from thence I was conducted in like manner to my lodgings — after which I dined at the Governors (in what he called a private way) with 15 or 18 Gentlemen. It may as well in this as in any other place, be observ- ed, that the Country from Wilmington through which the Road passes, is, except in very small spots, much the same as what has alredy been described ; that is to say, sand & pine barrens — with very few inhabitants — we were indeed informed that at some distance from the Road on both sides the land was of a better quality, & thicker settled, but this could only be on the Rivers & larger waters — for a perfect sameness seems to run through all the rest of the Country — on these — especially the swamps and low lands on the Rivers, the Soil is very rich; and productive when reclaimed; but to do this is both laborious and expensive. — The Rice planters have two modes of watering their fields — the first by the tide — the other by resurvoirs drawn from the adjacent lands. — ^The former is best because most certain. — A crop with- out either is precarious, — because a drought may not only injure, but destroy it. — ^Two and an half and 3 barrels to the Acre is esteemed a good Crop and 8 or 10 Barrels, for each grown hand is very profitable; but some have 12 & 14, whilst 5 or 6 is reckoned the average produc- tion of a hand — a barrel contains about 600 weight and the present price is about 1016 & ll] Sterg. pr. 100. 28 Washington's Diaries The lodgings provided for me in this place were very ^ood, being the furnished house of a Gentleman at pres- ent in the Country ; but occupied by a person placed there on purpose to accommodate me, & who was paid in the mme manner as any other letter of lodgings would have been paid. Tuesday, 3rd. Breakfasted with Mrs. Rutledge (the Lady of the Chief Justice of the State who was on the Circuits) and dined with the Citizens at a public dinr. given by them at th© Exchange. Was visited about 2 o'clock by a great number of the most respectable ladies of Charleston — the first honor of the kind I had ever experienced and it was as flattering as it was singular. Wednesday, 4th. Dined with the Members of the Cincinnati, and in the evening went to a very eleo-ant dimcing Assembly at the Exchange — At which were 256 elegantly dressed & hand- some ladies. In the forenoon, (indeed before breakfast today) I visited and examined the lines of attack & defence of the City and was satisfied that the defence was noble & hon- orable altho' the measure was undertaken upon wrong principles and impolitic* Thursday, 5th. Visited the works of Fort Johnson James' Island, and Fort Moultree on Sullivans Island; — both of which are in Ruins, and scarcely a trace of the latter left — the former quite fallen in. Dined with a very large company at the Governor's & in the evening went to a Concert at the Exchange at *These lines were upon Charleston Neck, extending from the Ashley to the Cooper river, at the junction of which the «ity stands. From 1791 to 1799 29 wch. there were at least 400 ladies in the number & ap- pearance of wch. exceeded any thing of the kind I had ever seen. Friday, 6th. Viewed the town on horseback by riding through most of the principal Streets. Dined at Majr. Butler's and went to a Ball in the even- ing at the Governors where there was a select Company of ladies. Saturday, 7th. Before break (fast) I visited the Orphan House at which there were one hundred & seven boys & girls — This appears to be a charitable institution and under good management — I also viewed the City from balcony of Church from whence the whole is seen in in one view and to advantage, the Gardens & green trees which are interspersed adding much to the beauty of the prospect. Charleston stands on a Pininsula between the Ashley & Cooper Rivers and contains about 1600 dwelling houses and nearly 16,000 Souls of which about 8000 are white — It lies low with unpaved streets (except footways) of sand. There are a number of very good houses of Brick & wood but most of the latter — The Inhabitants are wealthy, — Gay — & hospitable; appear happy and satis- fied with the Genl. Gk>vemment. A cut is much talked of between the Ashley & Santee Rivers but it would seem I think, as if the accomplishment of the measure was not very near — It would be a great thing for Charleston if it could be effected. — The principal exports from this place is Rice, Indigo, and Tobacco ; of the last from 5 to 8000 Hhds. have been exported, and of the first from 80 to 120,000 Barrels. Sunday, 8th. Went to Crowded Churches in the morning & afternoon. to in the morning & in the afternoon. Dined with General Moultree. 30 Washington's Diaries Monday, 9th. At six o'clock I recommenced my journey for Savan- na; attended by the Corps of the Cincinnati and most of the principal Gentlemen of the City as far as the bridge over Ashley River, where we breakfasted, and proceed- ed to Colo W. Washington's at Sandy-hill with a select party of particular friends — distant from Charleston 28 miles. Tuesday, 10th. Took leave of all my friends and attendants at this place (except General Moultree & Majr. Butler the last of whom intended to accompany me to Savanna, and the other to Purisburgh.* at which I was met by Boats,) & breakfasting at Judge Bee's 12 mlies from Sandy Hill, lodged at Mr. Obrian Smith's 18 or 20 further on. Wednesday, 11th. After an early breakfast at Mr. Smith's we road 20 miles to a place called Pokitellico where a dinner was provided by the Parishioners of Prince William for my reception, anid an address from them was presented and answered. — After dinner we proceeded 16 miles far- ther to Judge Hayward's where we lodged, &, as also at Mr. Smith's were kindly and hospitably entertained. — My going to Colo Washington's is to be ascribed to mo- tives of friendship & relationship; but to Mr. Smith's & Judge Hay wards to those of necessity; their being no public houses on the Road and my distance to get to these private ones increased at least 10 or 12 miles between Charleston and Savanna. *Purysburg, on the Savannah River, named in honor of John Fury, founder of a Swiss settlement in South Carolina. It was Lincoln's headquarters for a while early in 1779. fPocotaligo, on the Ombahee River, Beaufort District, South Carolina. From 1791 to 1799 31 Thursday, 12th. By five o'clock we set out from Judge Hayward's, and road to Purisburgh 22 miles to Breakfast. At that place I was met by Messrs. Jones, Colo Haber- sham, Mr. Jno. Houston, Genl. Mcintosh and Mr. Clay,* A Ccmee. from the City of Savanna to conduct me thither. Boats also were ordered there by them for my accommodation ; amon^ which a handsome 8 oared barge rowed by 8 American Capt.ns. attended. — In my way down the River I called upon Mrs. Green the Widow of the deceased Genl. Green, (at a place called Mulberry Grove) & asked her how she did? — At this place (2 miles from Purisburgh) my horses and Carriages were landed, and had 12 miles farther by land to Savana. — The wind & tide being both agst. us, it was 6 o'clock before we reached the City where we were received under every demonstration that could be given of joy & respect. — We were Seven hours making the passage which is often performed in 4, tho' the computed distance is 25 miles — Illumns. at night. I was conducted by the Mayor and Warden to very good lodging which had been provided for the occasion, and partook of a public dinner given by the Citizens at the *Noble Wimberly Jones, Joseph Habesham, John Houston, Lachlin Mcintosh, and Joseph Clay, all eminent patriots during the Revolution. oThe State of Georgia gave General Nathaniel Greene quite a' large tract of land in testimony of appreciation for his services in the Southern campaigns of the Revolution. He went to Georgia in 1785, to look after his estate; whilie walking one day, in June, 1786, without an umbrella, he was "sun struck," and died on the 19th of that month, at the age of forty-six years. His widow occupied the property TJntil her death. There, under the roof of that hospitable lady, in 1792 or '93, Eli Whitney, the inventor of the cotton-gin, planned and constructed his first machine; and at that home, in 1807, the daughter of General Greene, received the brass cannon, captured at Eutaw Springs, which Congress voted to her gallant father. 32 Washington's Diaries Coffee Room. — At Purisburgh I parted with Genl. Moul- tree. Friday, 13th. Dined with the Members of the Cincinnati at a pubhc dinner given at the same place — and in the evening went to a dancing Assembly at which there was about 100 well dressed & handsome ladies. Saturday, 14th. A little after 6 o'clock, in Company with Genl. Mcin- tosh, Genl. Wayne, the Mayor and many others (principal Gentlemen of the City,) I visited the City, and the at- tack & defence of it in the year 1779, under the combined forces of France and the United States, commanded by the Count de Estang & Genl. Lincoln.* — ^To form an opinion of the attack at this distance of time, and the change which has taken place in the appearance of the ground by the cutting away of the woods, &c. is hardly to be done with justice to the subject; especially as there is remaining scarcely any of the defences. Dined today with a number of the Citizens (not less than 200) in an elegant Bower erected for the occasion on the Bank of the River below the Town. — In the even- ing there was a tolerable good display of fireworks. Sunday, 15th. After morning Service, and receiving a number of visits from the most respectable ladies of the place (as was the case yesterday) I set out for Augusta, Escorted beyd. the limits of the City by most of the Gentlemen in it, and dining at Mulberry Grove the Seat of Mrs. Green, — ^lodged at one Spencers-distant 15 miles. Savanna stands upon what may be called high ground for this Country — It is extremely Sandy wch. makes the ♦Traces of these lines of defence are still visible in the rear of the town. For an account of their appearance as late as 1848, see Lossing's "Pictorial Field Book of the Revolution," ii., 531, second edition. From 1791 to 1799 33 walking: very disagreeable; & the houses uncomfortable in warm & windy weather, as they are filled with dust whenever these happen.— The town on 3 sides is sur- rounded with cultivated Rice fields which have a rich and luxuriant appearance. On the 4th or backside it is a fine sand. — ^The harbour is said to be very good, & often filled with square rigged vessels, but there is a bar below over which not more than 12 water can be brot. except at sprg. tides.— The tide does not flow above 12 or 14 miles above the City though the River is swelled by it more than double that distance.— Rice & Tobacco (the last of wch. is greatly increasing) are the principal Ex- ports—Lumber & Indigo are also Exported, but the latter is on the decline, and it is supposed by Hemp & Cotton.— Ship timber, viz : live Oak & Cedar, is (and may be more so) valuable in the exptn. Monday, 16th. Breakfasted at Russells— 15 miles from Spencer's— dined at Garnets 19 further & lodged at Pierces 8 miles more, in all 42 — miles today. Tuesday, 17th. Breakfasted at Spinner's 17 miles — dined at Lamberts 13 — and lodged at Waynesborough (wch. was coming 6 miles out of our way) 14, in all 43 miles — Waynesborough is a small place, but the Seat of the Court of Burkes County — 6 or 8 dwelling houses is all it contains ; — an at- tempt is making (without much apparent effect) to es- tablish an Academy at it as is the case also in all the coun- ties. Wednesday, 18th. Breakfasted at Fulcher's 15 miles from Waynesbo- rough; and within 14 miles of Augusta met the Govor. (Telfair), Judge Walton,* the Attorney Genl. & most ♦George Walton, one of the signers of the Declartion of Inde- pendence. . A fine monument stands in Augusta, erected to the memory of Walton and his Georgia colleagues who signed that instrument. 34 Washington's Diaries of the principal Gentlemen of the place ; by whom I was escorted into the Town, & reed, under a discharge of Artillery, — the distance I came today was about 32 miles — Dined with a large Company at the Governors, & drank Tea there with many well dressed Ladies. The road from Savanna to Augusta is, for the most part through Pine barrens; but more uneven than I had been accustomed to since leavg. Petersburgh in Virginia, especially after riding about 30 miles from the City of that name; here & there indeed, a piece of Oak land is passed on this Road, but of small extent & by no means of the first quality. Thursday, 19th. Received & answered an Address from the Citizens of Augusta ; — dined with a large Company of them at their Court Ho. — and went to an Assembly in the evening at the Academy ; at which there were between 60 & 70 well dressed ladies. Friday, 20th. Viewed the Ruins, or rather small Remns. of the Works which had been erected by the British during the War and taken by the Americans. — Also the falls, which are about 2 miles above the Town ; and the Town itself. These falls (as they are called) are nothing more than rapids. — ^They are passable in their present state by boats with skillful hands, but may at a very small ex- pence be improved, by removing a few rocks only, to streighten the passage. — Above them there is a good boat navigation for many miles ; by which the produce may be, & in some measure is, transported. — At this place, i.e. the falls, the good lands begin; & encrease in quality to the westward & No v/ard — All below them, ex- cept the interval lands on the Rivers and Rice Swamps which extend from them, the whole Country is a Pine bar- From 1791 to 1799 S5 ren. — ^The town of Augusta is well laid out with wide & spacious Streets. — It stands on a large area of a perfect plain but is not yet thickly built tho' surprisingly so for the time; for in 1783 there were not more than half a dozen dwelling houses ; now there are not less than containing about Souls of which about are blacks. — It bids fair to be a large Town being at the head of the present navigation, & a fine Country back of it for support, which is settling very fast by Tobacco planters. — The culture of which article in encreaseing very fast, and bids fair to be the principal export from the State ; from this part of it, it certainly will be so. Augusta, though it covers more ground than Savanna, does not contain as many Inhabitants the latter having by the late census between 14 & 1500 hundred whites and about 800 black. Dined at a private dinner with Govr. Telfair to day; and gave him dispatches for the Spanish Govr. of East Florida, respecting the Countenance given by that Govemt. to the fugitive Slaves of the Union — ^wch. dis- patches were to be forwarded to Mr. Seagrove, Collector of St. Mary's, who was requested to be the bearer of them, and instructed to make arrangements for the pre- vention of these evils and, if possible, for the restoration of the property — especially those slaves wch. had gone off since the orders of the Spanish Court, to discounte- nance this practice of recg. them, Saturday, 21st. Left Augusta about 6 o'clock, and takg, leave of the Governor & principal Gentlemen of the place at the bridge over Savanna River, where they had assembled for the purpose, I proceeded in Company with Colos. Hampton* & Taylor, & Mr. Lithgow a committee from Columbia ♦Colonel Wade Hampton, a meritorious officer in the Southern Army of the Revolution, and a commandter on the northern fron- tier of New York in the War of 1812. 36 Washington's Diaries (who had come on to meet & conduct me to that place) & a Mr. Jameson from the Village of Granby on my Rout. ' — Dined at a house about 20 miles from Augusta and lodged at one Odem about 20 miles farther. Sunday, 22nd. Rode about 21 miles to breakfast, andi passing through the vilLage of Granby just below the first falls in the Congaree (which was passed in a flat bottomed boat at a Rope ferry,) I lodged at Columbia, the newly adopted Seat of the Government of South Carolina about 3 miles from it, on the No. side of the River, and 27 from my breakfasting stage. The whole Road from Augusta to Columbia is a pine barren of the worst sort, being hilly as well as poor. — This circumstance, added to the distance, length of the stages, want of water and heat of the day, foundered one of my horses very badly. Beyond Granby 4 miles I was met by sevl. Gentlemen of that place & Wynnsborough ; and on the banks of the River on the No. side by a number of others, who es- corted me to Columbia. Monday, 23d. Dined at a public dinner in the State house with a num- ber of Gentlemen & Ladies of the Town of Ck)lumbia, & Country round about to the amt. of more than 150, of which 50 or 60 were of the latter. Tuesday, 24th. May 1791 The condition of my foundered horse obliged me to remain at this place, contrary to my intention, this day also. tThe site of Fort Granby, a dwelling fortified by the British as a link in a chain of military posts from Camden to Charleston. It was captured by Colonel Lee, of iive famous partisan "Legion," JH May, 1781. From 1791 to 1799 37 Columbia is laid out upon a large scale; but, in my opinion had better been placed on the River below the falls. — It is now an uncleared wood, with very few houses in it, and those all wooden ones — ^The State House (which is also of wood) is a large and commodious building, but unfinished — The Town is on dry, but cannot be called high ground, and though surrounded by Piney & Sandy land is, itself good — The State house is near two miles from the River, at the confluence of the Broad River & Saluda. — From Granby the River is navigable for Craft which will, when the River is a little swelled, carry 3000 bushels of Grain — when at its usual height less, and always some. — The River from hence to the Wateree below which it takes the name of the Santee is very crook- ed;* it being according to the computed distance near 400 miles. Columbia from Charleston is 130 miles dis- tance. Wednesday, May 25, 1791. Set out at 4 o'clock for Camden — (the foundered horse being led slowly on) — breakfasted at an indifferent house 22 miles from the town, (the first we came to) and reached Camden about two o'clock, 14 miles further, when an address was reed. & answered. — Dined (late) with a number of Gentlemen and Ladies at a public din- ner. The Road from Columbia to Camden, excepting a mile or two at each place, goes over the most miserable pine barren I ever saw, being quite a white sand, & very hilly. — On the Wateree within a mile & half of which the town stands the lands are very good, — they Culture Com, Tobacco & Indigo. — Vessels carrying 50 or 60 Hhds. of Tobo, come up to the Ferry at this place at which there 16 a Tobacco Wharehouse. *At Buck's Head Neck, near Fort Mette, just above the junction of the Congaree and Wateree (which form the Santee), the Congaree makes a sweep of eight miles and approaches itself to within th« distance of a quarter of a mile. 38 Washington's Diaries Thursday, 26th. 1791 After viewing the british works about Camden I set out for Charlotte — on my way — two miles from Town — I exammined the ground on wch. Genl. Green & Lord Rawdon had their action,^ — ^The ground had but just been taken by the former — was well chosen — but he not well established in it before he was attacked; which by cap- turing a Videt was, in some measure by surprise — Six miles further on I came to the ground where Genl. Gates & Lord Comwallis had their Engagement wch. terminat- ed so unfavorable for the fonner.2 As this was a night meeting of both Armies on their march, & altogether un- expected each formed on the ground they met without any advantage in it on either side it being level & open. — Had Genl. Gates been 1/2 a mile further advanced, an im- penetrable Swamp would have prevented the attack which was made on him by the British Army, and afford- ed him time to have formed his own plans; but having no information of Lord Comwallis's designs, and perhaps not being apprised of this advantage it was not seized by him. Camden is a small place with appearances of some new buildings. — It was much injured by the British whilst in their possessions.^ After halting at one Sutton's 14 m. from Camden I lodged at James Ingrams 12 miles farther. Friday, 27th. Left Ingrams about 4 o'clock, and breakfasting at one lOn Hobkirk's Hill, April 25, 1781. 20n the north side of Sander's Creek, August 16, 1780, The two generals were approaching each other in the night, along a road filled with deep sand ; ; and neither of them had any knowl- edge of the fact, until their advance guards came in contact. The battle occurred early in the morning. 'Lord Rawdon, the Brittish commander there, alarmed for the safety of his forts in the lower country, set fire to Camden o« the 10th of May, 1781, and retreated down the Santee. From 1791 to 1799 39 Barr's 18 miles distant lodged at Majr. Crawford's 8 miles farther — About 2 miles from this place I came to the Corner where the No. Carolina line comes to the Rd. from whence the Road is the boundary for 12 miles more. At Majr. Crawfords I was met by some of the chiefs of the Catawba nation who seemed to be under apprehension that some attempts were making, or would be made to deprive them of the 40,000 Acres wch. was secured to them by Treaty and wch. is bounded by this Road.^ Saturday, 28th. Set off from Crawfords by 4 o'clock and breakfasting at one Harrison's 18 miles from it got into Charlotte 13 miles further, before 3 o'clock, — dined with Gen. Polk* 'This is yet a reservation for the Catawba Indians, near the southeast corner of Yorkville district in South Carolina. It was originally larger than now. They were once a powerful tribe, but are dwindled to the most insignificant remnant. Their chief vil- lage was on the Catawba River, about twenty-five miles from Yorkville. The following eloquent petition of Peter Harris, a Catawba warrior during the Revolution, is preserved among the Colonial records at Columbia, South Carolina. It is dated 1822: "I am one of th^ lingering survivors of an almost extinguished race. Oour graves will soon be our only habitations. I am one of the few stalks that still remain in the field where the tempest of the Revolution has passed. I fought against the Brit- ish for your sake. The British have disappeared, and you are free, yet from me have the British took nothing; nor have I gain- ed anything by their defeat. I pursued the deer for subsistence; the deer are disappearing, and I must starve. God ordained me for the forest, and my ambition is the shade. But the strength of my arm decays, and my ftet fail me in the chase. The hand which fought for your liberties is now open for your relief. In my youth I bled in battle, that you might be independent! let not my heart in my old age bleed for the want of your commisera- tion." zGeneral Thomas Polk, who was Colonel of the militia of Meck- lenburg County, North Carolina, at the opening of the war of Independence. It was in Charlotte, and partially under the in- fluence and through the exertions of General Polk, that a conven- 40 Washington's Diaries and a small party invited by him, at a Table prepared for the purpose. It was not, until I had got near Barr's that I had quit the Piney and Sandy lands — nor until I had got to Craw- fords before the lands took quite a different complexion — here they began to assume a very rich look. Charlotte is a trifling place, though the Court of Meck- lenburg is held in it — ^There is a School (called a College) in it at which, at times there has been 50 or 60 boys.' Sunday, 29th. Left Charlotte about 7 o'clock, dined at Colo. Smiths 15 miles off, and lodged at Majr. Fifers 7 miles farther. Monday, 30th. At four o'clock I was out from Majr. Fifers' ; and in about 10 miles at the line which divides Mecklenburgh from Rowan Counties; I met a party of horse belonging to the latter, who came from Salisbury to escort me on — (It ought to have been mentioned also that upon my en- tering the State of No. Carolina I was met by a Party of the Mecklenburgh horse — but these being near their tion of delegates, selected by iive people of Mecklenburg County, passed resolutions at the close of May, 1775, which virtually de- clared the people represented free and independent of the British erown. 3This was called, previous to the Revolution, Queen's Museum or College. Th'ere the republicans of that section of North Caro- lina met to discuss the exciting questions of the day. It was the Faneuil Hall of Western Carolina. iSon of John Phifter, one of the leading patriots of Mecklen- burg County, who died early in the Revolution. His remains were buried at the Red Hills, three miles west of Concord, in Cabarrus County, North Carolina. He was one of the signers of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence. From 1791 to 1799 41 homes I dismissed them) — I was also met 5 miles from Salisbury by the Mayor of the Corporation, Judge McKoy, & many others; — Mr. Stule. Representative for the dis- trict, ^ was so polite as to come all the way to Charlotte to meet me. — We arrived at Salisbury about 8 o'clock, to breakfast,— 20 miles from Captn. Fifers.— The lands be- tween Charlotte & Salisbury are very fine, of a reddish cast and well timbered, with but very little underwood, between these two places are the first meadows I have seen on the Road since I left Virga. & here also we appear to be getting into a Wheat Country. This day I foundered another of my horses. Dined at public dinner given by the Citizens of Salis- bury; & in the afternoon drank Tea at the same place with about 20 ladies who had assembled for the occasion. Salisbury is but a small place altho' it is the County town, and the district Court is held in it; — ^nor does it appear to be much on the increase, — there is about three hundred souls in it and tradesmen of different kinds. Tuesday, May 31st. Left Salisbury about 4 o'clock; at 5 miles crossed the Yadkin,' the principal stream of the Pedee, and! breakfast- ed on the No. Bank (while my Carriages & Horses were crossing) at a Mr. Youngs, fed my horses 10 miles far- ther, at one Reeds, and about 3 o'clock (after another halt) arrived at Salem, one of the Moravian towns 20 miles farther — In all 35 miles from Salisbury. 2General John Steele, who was a representative in Congress four yiears. He was a native of Salisbury, and first appeared in public life as a member of the North Calolina House of Commons, in 1787. He was appointed by President Washington controller of the United States Treasury, and was continued in office by- President Adams. He died in 1815. 'At the Trading Ford, probably, where Greene with Morgan and his light troops crossed, with Comwallis in pursuit. There is now a great bridge over the Yadkin, on the Salibury road, about a mile and a half above the Trading Ford. 42 Washington's Diaries The road between Salisbury and Salem passes over very little good land, and much that is different ; being a good deal mixed with Pine, but not sand. Salem is a small but neat village ; & like all the rest of the Moravian settlements, is governed by an excellent police — having within itself all kinds of artisans. — ^The number of Souls does not exceed 200. ^ Wednesday, June 1st. 1791. Having received information that Governor Martin was on his way to meet me ; and would be at Salem this even- ing, I resolved to await his arrival at this place instead of halting a day at Guilford as I had intended ; Spent the forenoon in visiting the Shops of the differ- ent Tradesmen — The houses of accommodation for the single men & Sisters of the Fraternity — & their place of worship. — Invited six of their principal people to dine with me — and in the evening went to hear them sing. — perform on a variety of instruments Church music. In the Afternoon Governor Martin as was expected (with his Secretary) arrived. 2There is still a very flourishing settlement of Moravians, or United Brethren, at Salem, where the church was first planted in 1766. The log-house in which the first Moravian settlers were at first lodged, was yet standing in 1857, Washington's first visit as recorded in his Diary, is duly noted in the records of the Moravian Society at Salem, and copies of the addresses delivered on that occasion are preserved. The following is the address of the Moravians to the Presi- dent: — To the President of the United States. THE HUMBLE ADDRESS OF THE UNITED BRETHREN IN WACHOVIA. Happy in sharing the Honour of a Visit from the Illustrioua President of the Union to the Southern States, the United Breth- ren in Wacovia humbly beg leave, upon this joyful Occasion to ex- press their highest Esteem Duty and Affection for the great Pa- triot of this Country. Deeply impressed as we are with Gratitude to the great Author From 1791 to 1799 43 Thursday, June 2nd. 1791 In company with the Governor I set out by four o'clock for Guilford, breakfasted at one Dobson's at the distance of eleven miles from Salem and dined at Guilford, sixteen miles farther, where there was a considerable gathering of our Being for his unbounded Mercies, we cannot but partic- ularly acknowledge his gracious Providence over the temporal and political Prosperity of the Country, in the Peace whereof we do find Peace, and wherein none can take a warmer Interest than ourselves, in particular when we consider that the same Lord who preserved Your precious Person in so many iminent Dangers, has made you in a conspicuous Manner an instrument in His Hands toi forward that happy Constitution, — together with those improve- ments, whereby our United States begin to flourish, over which You preside with the Applause of a thankful Nation. Whenever therefore we solicit the Protection of the Father of all Mercies over this favored Country, we can not but fervently implore His Kindness for Yuor Presei-vation which is so intimate- ly connected therewith. May this gracious Lord vouchsafe to prolong Your valuable Life as a further Blessing and an Ornament of the Constitution, that by Your worthy Example the Regard for Religion be encreased, and the Improvements of Civil Society encouraged. The Settlements of the United Brethren though small, will al- ways make it their Study to contribute as much as in them layeth, to the Peace and Improvement of the United States and all the particular Parts they live in, joining their ardent prayers to the best wishes of this whole Continent, that Your Personal as well as Domestic Happiness may abound, and a Series of Success may crown Your Labors, for the Prosperity of our Times, and an Example to future Ages, untill the glorious Reward of a faithful Servant shall be your Portion. Signed in Behalf of the United Brethren in Wachovia by Frederick William Marshall, John Daniel Koehler, Christian Lewis Benzien. Salem the first of June, 1791 To the United Brethren of Wachovia, GENTLEMEN, I am greatly indebted to your respectful and affectionate ex- 44 Washington's Diaries of people who had received notice of my intention to be there to-day, and came to satisfy their curiosity. On my way I examined the ground on which the action between General Greene and Lord Cornwallis commenced, and af- ter dinner rode over that where their lines were formed and the score closed in the retreat of the American forces. The first line of which was advantageously drawn up and had the troops done their duty properly the British must have been sorely galded in ye advance, if not defeat- ed. The lands between Salem and Guilford are in places very fine but upon the whole can not be called more than midling, some very bad. On my approach to this place (Guilford) I was met by a party of light horse which I prevailed on the Governor to dismiss and to countermand his orders for others to attend me through the State. Friday, 3. Took my leave of the Governor, whose intention was to have attended me to the line, but for my request that he would not and about four o'clock I proceeded on my journey, breakfasted at Troublesome Iron Works, called fifteeen but at least is seventeen miles from Guilford, partly in the Rain and, from my information, or for want of it, was obliged to travel twelve miles further than I intended to-day, to one Gatewood's within two miles of Dix' Ferry over the Dan, at least thirty miles from the Iron works. The land over which I passed this day were pressions of piersonal regard, and I am not less obliged by the patriotic sentiments contained in your address. From a Society, whose governing principles are industry and the love of order, much may be expected towards the improvement and prosperity of the country, in which tlieir Settlements are formed — and experi'ence authorises the belief that much will be obtained. Thanking you with grateful sincerity for your prayers in my behalf, I desire to assure you of my best wishes for your social and individual happiness. Go Washington. From 1791 to 1799 45 f "". of various qualities and as I approached the Dan, were a good deal covered with pine. In conversing with the Gov- ernor, on the state of politics in North Carolina I learned with pleasure that opposition to the general government and the discontent of the people were subsiding fast and that he should so soon as he received the laws which he had written to the Secretary of State for, issue his pro- clamation requiring all officers and members of the Grov- emment to take the oaths prescribed by law. He seems to condemn speculation in lands and the purchases from the State of Georgia, and thinks, as every sensible and disinterested man must that schemes of that sort must involve the country in trouble, perhaps in blood. Saturday 4. Left Mr. Gatewood's about half after six o'clock and between his house and the Ferry passed the line which divides the state of Virginia and North Carolina and din- ing at one Wilson's, sixteen miles from the Ferry, lodged at Halifax old Town. The road from Dix' Feny to Wilson passes over very hilly (and for the most part) indifferent land being a good deal mixed with pine tho it is said here that pine when mixed with oak and more especially with hickory is not indicative of a poor soil. From Wilson's to Hallifax Old Town the soil is good and of a reddish cast, having this day passed the line of North Carolina and, of course fin- ished my tour thro the three southermost states, a gener- al description of them may be comprised in the following few words. From the Seaboard to the falls of all the rivers, which water the lands, except the swamp on the rivers and the lesser streams which empty into them and the interval land higher up the rivers is with but few ex- ceptions neither more nor less than a continued pine bar- ren, very thinly inhabited. The part next the Seaboard for many miles is a dead level and badly watered. That above it is hilly and not much bettter than barren, if 46 Washington's Diaries possible less valuable on account of its hills and be- cause they are more inconvenient to market, supposing them capable as the lands below are producing beef, pork, tar, pitch and turpentine. The lands above the falls of the several rivers from information, and as far as my own observation has extended, is of a very superior kind, from their being of a greasy red with large oaks inter- mixed with hickory, chestnut, etc, excelling in producing com, tobacco, wheat, hemp and other articles in great abundance and are generally thickly inhabited, compara- tively speaking with those below. In the lower country (near the Seaboard) in the State of South Carolina and Georgia, rice as far up as the swamps extend is almost the sole article that is raised for market, some of the planters of which grow much corn as with the sweet potatoes support their people. The middle country, that is between the rice land and the falls of the rivers, and a little above them, is cultivated chiefly in corn and indigo and the upper country in tobac- co, Corn, hemp, and in some degree the smaller grains. It is nearly the same in North Carolina with this differe- ence, however, that as not much rice is planted there, es- pecially in the northern part of the state, corn, some in- digo, with naval stores and pork, are substituted in its place, but as indigo is on the decline hemp, cotton, etc., are grown in its place. The inland navigation of the rivers of these three states may be improved according to the ideas I have formed of the matter to a very exten- sive degree to great and useful purposes and at a very moderate expense, compared with the vast utility of the measure inasmuch as the falls of most of them are trifling and their lengths are great going to the markets penetrating the country in all directions by their lateral branches and in the present state (except at the falls which, as has been observed before, are trifling), nav- igable for vessels carrying several hogheads of tobacco or other articles in proportion. The prices at which rice From 1791 to 1799 47 lands in the low parts of the state are held is very great, those of which, if have been improved from twenty- pounds to thirty pounds sterling and, fifty pounds has been given for some, and from ten pounds to fifteen is the price of it in its rude state. The pine barren ad- joining these sell from $1 to $2 per acre, according to circumstances. The interval land on the rivers below the falls and above the rice swamps also command a good price but not equal to those above and the pine barrens less than those below. The lands of the upper country sell from four to six or •even dollars, according to the quality and circumstances thereof. In the upper parts of North Carolina wheat is pretty much grown and the farmers seem disposed to try hemp but the land carriage is a considerable draw^ back having between 200 and 300 miles to carry the pro- duce either to Charlestown, Petersburg, or Wilmington, which are their three great marts, tho of late Fayette- Tille receives a good deal of the bulky articles, and they are water borne from thence to Wilmington, excepting the towns and some gentlemen's seats along the road from €harlestown to Savannah there is not within view •f the whole road I traveled, from Petersburg to this place, a single house which has anything of an elegance appearance. They are altogether of wood, and chiefly of logs, some indeed have brick chimneys but generally the chimneys are of split sticks, filled with dirt between them. The accommodations on the whole road, except m the towns and near there, as I was informed, for I had no opportunity of judging, lodging having been provided for me in them (at my own expense) were found extreme- ly indifferent, the houses being small and badly provided either for man or horse tho extra exertions when it was known I was coming, which was generally the case, were Miade to receive me. It is not easy to say on which road, the one I went or the one I came, the entertainmen is most indifferent, but with truth it may be added, of course, that AB Washington's Diaries both are bad, and is to be accounted for from the kind of travelers which use them, which, with a few exceptions only, on the upper road, are no other than wagoners and families removing ,who generally take their provisions along with them. The people, however, appear to have abundant means to live well. The grounds where they are settled yielding grain in abundance and the natural herbage a multitude of meat with little or no labor to provide food for the sup- port of their stock, especially in Georgia where it is said the cattle live thru the winter without any support from the owners of them. The manners of the people, as far as my observation, and means of information extended, were orderly and civil and they appeared to be happy, con- tented and satisfied with the general Government, under which they were placed. Where the case was otherwise, it was not difficult to trace the cause to some demi-gogue or speculating character. In Georgia, the dissatisfied part of them, at the late treaty with the creek Indians were evidently land jobbers, who strangled every princi- ple of justice to the Indians and policy to their country would, for their own immediate emolument strip the In- dians of all their territory, if they could obtain the least countenance to the measure, but it is to be hoped the good sense of the state will set its face against such diabolical attempts and is also to be wished and by many it was said it might be expected that the sales by that state to what are called the Yazoo Companies would fall thru. The discontent which it was supposed the Revenue Act (com- monly known by the Excise Law) would create subside as fast as the law is explained and little was said of the Banking act. Sunday, 5th. Left the Old Town about four o'clock A. M., and break- fasted at Pridies' (after crossing Bannister River one and a half miles) about eleven miles from it, came to F«OM 1791 TO 1799 49 Stanton River, about twelve, where meeting Col. Isaac Coles, (formerly a member of Congress for this district) and who pressing me to it, I went to his house, about one mile off to dine and to halt a day for the refreshment of myself and horses, leaving my servants and them at one of the usually indifferent taverns at the Ferry that they might be no trouble or be inconvenient to a private family. Monday, 6th. Finding my horses fared badly at the Ferry for want of grass and Col. Cole's kindly pressing me they were ac- cordingly brought there to take the run of it until night. Dined with the gentlemen to-day also. The road from Halifax Old Court House or Town to Stanton River pass- es for the most part over this land a good deal mixed with pine. Tuesday, 7th. Left Col. Cole's by daybreak and breakfasted at Char- lotte C. H., 15 miles, where I was detained some time to get shoes put on such horses as had lost them, proceeded afterwards to Prince Edward C. H., 20 miles further. The lands from Stanton Ferry to Charlotte C. H. are gener- ally good and pretty thickly settled. They are cultivated chiefly in tobacco, wheat and com with oats and flaxon. The houses, tho none elegant, are generally decent and bespeak good livers being for the most part weather- boarded and shingled with brick chimneys but from Charlotte C. H. to Prince Edward C. H., the lands are of an inferior quality with few inhabitants in sight of the road. It is said they are thickly settled off it. The roads by keeping the ridges pass on the most indifferent ground. Wednesday, the 8th. Left Prince Edward C. H., as soon as it was well light, and breakfasted at one Treadways, 13 miles off, dined at Cumberland C. H,, 14 miles further, and lodged at Moore's Tavern, within 2 miles from Carters Ferry, orei: 50 Washington's Diaries James River. The road from Prince Edward C. H., to Treadway was very thickly settled, altho the land appear- ed thin and the growth is in a great degree pine, and from Treadway to Cumberland C. H., they were equally thickly settled, on better land, less mixed, and in places not mixed with pine. The buildings appeared to be better. Thursday 9th. Set off very early from Moorps, but the proper ferry boat being hauled up, We were a tedious while crossing in ene of the boats used in the navigation of the river, being obliged to carry one carriage at a time, without horses and crossways the boat on planks. Breakfasted at the Widow Paynes, 17 miles on the north of the river, and lodged at a Mr. Jordans, a private house, where we were kindly entertained and which we were driven to by necessity by having rode not less than 25 miles from our breakfast- ing stop thru very bad roads in a very sultry day without any rest and by missing the right road had got lost. From the river to the Widow Paynes and thence to An- derson's Bridge, over the North Anna Branch of the Pa^ monky the lands are not good nor thickly settled (ex- cept in places) from thence for several miles further but afterwards throughout the county of Louisa, which is en- tered after passing the bridge, the river over which it is made, dividing it from Goochland they are much better and continued so with little exception quite to Mr. Jor- dan's. Friday, 10th. Left Mr. Jordan's early and breakfasted at one John- sons, 7 miles off. Reached Fredericksburg, after another short halt, about 3 o'clock, and dined and lodged at my sister Lewis'. The lands from Mr. Jordans to Johnson's and from thence several miles farther are good but not rich afterwards. As you approached nearer the Rappahan- nock River they appear to be of a thinner quality and more inclined to Black Jacks. From 1791 to 1799 51 After dinner with several gentlemen, whom my sister had invited to dine with me I crossed the Rappahannock and proceeded to Stafford C. H., where I lodged. About sunrise we were off, breakfasted at Dumfrees, and arrived at Mt. Vernon for dinner. From Monday, the 13th, until Monday, the 27th, (being the day I had appointed to meet the Commissioners, under the Residence Act, at George- town) I remained at home, and spent my time in daily rides to my several farms and in receiving several visits. Monday, June 27th., 1791. Left Mount Vernon for Georgetown before six o'clock and according to appointment met the commissioners at the place by nine, then calling together the proprietors of the lands on which the Federal City was supposed to bo built, who had agreed to cede them on certain conditions at the last meeting I had with them at his place. From some misconception with respect to the extension of their grants had refused to make conveyances and recapitulat- mg the principles upon which my communications t© them at the former meeting were made and giving some explanation of the present state of matters, and the con- sequences of delay in this business they readily waived their objections and agreed to convey to the uttermost ex- tent of what was required. Tuesday, June 28th. Whilst the commissioners were engaged in preparing the deeds to be signed by the subscribers this afternoon I went out with Major L'Enfant and Mr. Ellicot to take more perfect view of the ground in order to decide finally on the spot on which to p^ace the public buildings and to direct him a line which was to leave out a spring (com- monly known by the name of the Cool Spring) , belonging to Major Stoddart should be run. Wednesday, June 29th. The deeds which remained unexecuted yesterday were •igned today and the dowers of their reepectire wires 52 Washington's Diaries acknowledged according to law. This being accomplished I called the several subscribers together and made known to them the spots on which I meant to place the buildings for the Executive Departments of the Government, and for the Legislature of ditto. A plan was also laid before them of the city, in order to convey to them general ideas of the city ; but they were told that some alterations, de- viations from it, would take place, particularly in the di- agonal streets or avenues, which would not be so numer- ous, and in the removal of the President's house more westerly, for the advantage of higher ground. They were also told that a Townhouse or Exchange would be placed on some convenient ground between the spots designed for the public buildings before mentioned, and it was with much pleasure that a general approbation of the measure seemed to pervade the whole. Thursday, June 30th. The business which brought me to Georgetown being finished and the commissioners being instructed with re- spect to the mode of carrying the plans into effect — I set off this morning a little after four o'clock in the prosecu- tion of my journey towards Philadelphia, and being de- sirous of seeing the nature of the country north of Georgetown and along the upper road I resolved to pass through Fredericktown in Maryland and York and Lan- caster in Pennsylvania, and accordingly breakfasted at a small village called Williamsburg, in which stands the Courthouse of Montgomerie County, fourteen miles from Georgetown — dined at one Peter's Tavern twenty miles further and arrived at Fredericktown about sundown, the whole distance about forty-three miles. The road by which I passed is rather hilly but the lands are good, and from Monocassy to F. T. They are well timbered. The country is better settled than I expected to find, — the land is well calculated for small grain of which a good deal is now on the ground — but thin, owing, as the far- From 1791 to 1799 58 mers think, to the extreme drouth of the spring, though more, as it appeared to me, to the frost and want of snow to cover their grain during the winter. Friday, July 1st. Received an address from the Inhabitants of Frederick- town and about seven o'clock left it. Dined at one Cooker- ly's thirteen miles off, and lodged at Tawnytown only twelve miles farther, being detained at the first stage by the rain and to answer the address which had been presented to me in the morning. Tawnytown is but a small place with only the street through which the road passes built on. The buildings are principally of wood. Between Cookerly's and this place we passed the little and great Pipe Cr's. branches of Monocacy. The latter ftbout half way between than is a considerable stream, and from its appearance capable of navigation. The lands over which we travelled this day are remarkably fine, but as was observed yesterday the fields were thinly covered with grain, owing as I conceived to the cause al- ready mentioned. The farmbhouses are good, most of them, and the settlers compact with good bams and meadows appertaining to them. Saturday, July 2nd. Set out a little after four o'clock and in about six miles crossed the line which divides the states of Maryland and Pennsylvania, but the trees on which are so grown up that I could not perceive the opening, though I kept a lookout for it, — ^nine miles from Tawnytown, Littlestown is passed. They are of similar appearance — ^buildings look more insignificant than the former. Seven miles farther we came to Hanover (commonly called McAlister- town) a very pretty village with a number of good brick houses, and mechanics in it — at this place is a good Inn — we breakfasted and in eighteen miles more we reached Yorktown, where we dined and lodged. The country from 54 Washington's Diaries Tawnytown to Yorktown is excredingly pleasant, thickly inhabited and well improved. The dwelling houses, bams and meadows being good. After dinner in company with Colonel Hartley and other Gentlemen I walked through the principal streets of the Town, and drank tea at Colonel Hartley's — ^The C. H. was illuminated. Sunday, July 3rd. Received and answered an address from the inhabit- ants of Yorktown and there being no Episcopal minister present in the place I went to hear morning service per- formed in the Dutch Reformed Church which being in that language not a word of which I understood I was in. no danger of becoming a proselyte to its religion by the eloquence of the preacher. After service accompanied by Colonel Hartley and a half a dozen other Gentlemen I set off for Lancaster. I dined at Wright's Ferry where I was met by General Hand and many of the principal charac- ters of Lancaster and escorted to the town by them ar- riving at six o'clock. The country from York to Lancaa- ter is very fine, thickly settled and well cultivated. About the Ferry they are extremely rich. — ^The River Susque- hanna at this place is more than a mile wide and some pretty views on the banks of it. Monday, July 4th, 1791. This being the anniversary of American Independence and being kindly requested to do it I agreed to halt here this day and partake of the entertainment which was pre- pared for the celebration of it — In the forenoon I walked about the town. At half past two o'clock I received and answered an address from the Corporation and received the compUments of the Clergy of different denominations, dined between three and four o'clock — drank tea with Mrs. Hand. (President Washington arrived in Phila. — Wednesday July 6th— The End of his Southern Tour.) From 1791 to 1799 55 Tuesday, September 30th, 1794. Having determined from the reports of the commis- sioners who were appointed to meet the Insurgents in the western counties in the state of Pennsylvania and from other circumstances to repair to the places appoint- ed for the Rendezvous of the militia of New Jersey, Penn- sylvania, Maryland and Virginia I left the city of Phila- delphia about half past ten o'clock this forenoon, accom- panied by Colonel Hamilton (Secretary of the Treasury), and my private secretary. Dined at Norristown and lodged at a place called the Trap, the first seventeen and the latter twenty-five miles from Philadelphia. At Nor- ristown we passed a detachment of militia who were preparing to march for the Rendezvous at Carlisle, and at the Trap, late in the evening we were overtaken by Major Stagg, principal clerk in the Department of War, with letters from General Wayne and the western army, con- taining official and pleasing accounts of his engagement with the Indians near the British post at the Rapids of the Miami of the Lake, and of his having destroyed all the Indian settlements on that River in the vicinity of the said post quite up to the grand Glaize, the quantity was not less than 5000 acres ( ?) and the stores, etc., of Col. McGee, the British Agent of Indian affairs, a mile or two from the Garrison. October 1st (Wednesday) Left the Trap early and breakfasting at Pott's Grove, eleven miles we reached Reading to dinner 18 ( ?) mileai farther where we found several detachments of Infantry and Calvary preparing for their march to Carlisle. Thursday, October 2nd. An accident happening to one of my horses occasioned my setting out later than was intended. I got off i» time, however, to make a halt to bait my horses at Womel- 56 Washington's Diaries dorfs fourteen miles, and to view the Canal from Myers- town towards Lebanon and the Locks between the two places, which (four adjoining each other in the dissent (descent) from the Summit ground) along the Tulpe- hocken; built of brick,) appeared admirably constructed. Reached Lebanon at night — twenty-eight miles. Friday, October 3rd. Breakfasted at Humel's T. fourteen miles and dined and lodged at Harrisburg on the banks of the Susque- kanna, twenty-three miles from Lebanon. At Harris- burg we found the First Regiment of New Jersey (about 560 strong) commanded by Colo Turner, drawn out to re- ceive me. Passed along the line to my quarters and after dinner walked through and round the town, which is con- siderable for its age (of about eight or nine years). The Susquehanna at this place abounds in Rockfish of twelve or fifteen inches in length, and a fish which they call Sai- sion. Saturday, October 4th. Forded the Susquehanna nearly a mile wide including the island at the lower end of which the road crosses it. On the Cumberland side I found a detachment of the Phil- adelphia Light Horse ready to receive and escort me to Carlisle, seventeen miles; where I arrived about eleven o'clock — two miles short of it I met the Governors of Penn- sylvania and New Jersey with all the Cavalry that had Rendevouzed at that place drawn up, passed them, and the Infantry of Pennsylvania before I alighted at my quarters. Sunday, October 5th. Went to the Presbyterian meeting, and heard Dr. Da- vidson preach a political sermon, recommendation of or- der and good government and the excellencies of that ©f th« United States. From 1791 to 1799 57 October 6th— 12th. ^ ^^ ^-^ € n Employed in organizing the several detachments which had come in from different counties of the state in a very disjointed and loose manner, or rather I ought to have said in urging and assisting Gen. Mifflin to do it as I no otherwise took the command of the troops than / to press them forward and to provide them with neces- / saries for their march as well and as far as our means j ■would admit. To effect these purposes I appointed Gen. I Hand, Adjutant General, on the 7th. — On the 9th William Tindley and David Reddick deputed by the Committee of Safety (as it is designated) which met on the 2nd of this month at Parkinson Ferry arrived in Camp with the Resolutions of the said Committee, and to give informa- tion of the state of things in the four western couties of Pennsylvania, to wit: Washington, Fayette, Westmore- land, and Alleghany, to see if it would prevent the march of the army into them. At ten o'clock I had a meeting with these persons in presence of Governor Howell (of New Jersey,) the Secretary of the Treasury, Col. Hamil- ton, and Mr. Etendridge — (Governor Mifflin was invited to be present but excused himself on account of business. \ 1 told the deputies that by one of the Resolutions it would ^ appear that they were empowered to give information of the disposition and of the existing state of matters in the four countries above mentioned; that 1 was ready to hear and would listeji patiently and with candour to what they had to say.'^Mr. Tindley began. — He confined his information to such parts of the four counties as he was best acquainted with, referring to Mr. Reddick for a recital of what fell within his knowledge in the other parts of these countries. The substance of Mr. Tindley'e conmiunications were as follows, viz: that the people in the parts where he was best acquainted had seen their folly and he believed were disposed to submit to the Laws ; 58 Washington's Diaries that he thought but could not undertake to be responsible for the re-establishment of the public offices, for the collec- tion of the taxes on distilled spirits and stills, intimating, however, that it might be best for the present or until the people's minds were a little more tranquilized to hold the office of inspection at Pittsburg, under the protection or at least under the influence of the Garrison ; that he thought the distillers would either enter their stills or would pull (?) them down; that the civil authority was beginning to recover its tone; — and enumerated some instances of it; that the ignorance and general want of informatiom among the people far exceeded anything he had any con- ception of ! — that it was not merely the Excise Law that opposition was aimed at, but to all Law and Government and to the officers of Government ; and that the situation in which he had been and the life he had led for some time was such that rather than go through it again he would prefer quitting this scene altogether. Mr. Redick's infor- mation was similar to the above except to the three last recitals, on which I do not recollect that he expressed any sentiment further than that the situation of those who were not in the opposition to Government whilst the fren- zy was at its height were obliged to sleep with their armii by their bedside every night ; not knowing but that before morning they might have occasion to use them in defense of their persons or their properties. He added that for a long time after the riots commenced and until lately the distrust of one another was such that even friends were afraid to communicate their sentiments to each other; that by whispers, this was brought about; and growing bolder as they beoaraie more communicative they found their strength; and that there was a general disp>osition not only to aquiesce under but to support the Laws ; and he gave some instances also of Magistrates enforcing them. He said the people of those counties believed that the opposition to the Excise Law, or at least that their From 1791 to 1799 59 dereliction to it in every other part of the United States was similar to their own, and that no troops could be got to march against them for the purpose of co-ercion : — that every account until very lately of the troops marching against them was disbelieved, and supposed to be the fabricated tales of governmental men; — that now they liad got alarmed; — that many were disposing of their property at an under rate in order to leave the country ; and added, (I think) , that they would go to Detroit ; — that no persons of any consequence, except one, but what had availed themselves of the proffered amnesty ; — that those who were still in the opposition and obnoxious to the Laws were men of little or no property, and cared but little where they resided; — that he did not believe there was the least intention in them to oppose the army; and that there was not three rounds of ammunition for them in all the western country. — He, (and I think Mr. Tind- ley also)', was apprehensive that the resentments of the army might be productive of treatment to some of these people that might be attended with disagreeable conse- quences and on that account seemed to deprecate the march of it: declaring, however, that it was their wish that if the people did not give proofs of unequivocal sub- mission that it might not stop short of its object. After^. hearing what both had to say I briefly told them that it had been the earnest wish of Government to bring the people of those counties to a sense of their duty by mild / and lenient means ; that for the purpose of representing ^ to their sober reflection the fatal consequences of such conduct commissioners had been sent amongst them that they might be warned in time of what must follow if ^ w • they persevered in their opposition to the Laws ; but that S^y coercion would not be resorted to except in the dernier 'N resort, but that the season of the year made it indispensa- . J> ' ble that the preparation for it should keep pace with \^ the proposition that had been made; that it was nee- 4 60 Washington's Diaries essary for me to enumerate the tranactions of those peo- ple, (as they related to ':he proceedings of the Govern- ment) , for as much as they knew them as well as I did ; that the measures which they were now a witness to the adoption of was not less painful than expensive; was in- convenient and distressing in every point of view, but as I considered the support of the Laws as an object of the first magnitude and the greatest part of the expense had already been incurred, that nothing short of the most un- equivocal proofs of absolute submission should retard the march of the army into the western counties in order to convince them that the Government could and would en- force obedience to the Lav/s not suffering them to be in- sulted with impunity : being asked again what proof would be required, I answered, they knew as well as I did what was due to justice and example. They understood my meaning and asked if they might have another interview. I appointed five o'clock in the afternoon for it.^At this se- cond meeting there was little more than a repetition of what had passed in the forenoon ; and it being again men- tioned that all the principal characters except one in the western counties who had been in the opposition had sub- mitted to the proposition I was induced, seeing them in the street the next day, to ask Mr. Redick who that one was, telling him, at the same time, I required no disclos- ure that he did not feel himself entirely free to make. He requested a little time to think of it, and asked for an- other meeting which was appointed at five o'clock in that afternoon when it took place accordingly, when he said David Bradford was the person he had alluded to in his former conversation. He requested to know if a meet- ing of the people by their deputies would be permitted by the army at any given point on their march into that country (with fresh eveidence of the sincerity of their disposition to aquiesce in whatever might be required.) I replied: "I saw no objection to it provided they came From 1791 to 1799 61 unarmed, but to be cautious that not a gun was fired, as there could be no answering for consequences in thia case. I assured them that every possible care should be taken to keep the troops from offering them any insult or damage, and that those who always had beeen subor- dinate to the laws and such as had availed themselves of the amnesty should not be injured in their persons or property ; and that the treatment of the rest would depend upon their own conduct; that the army unless opposed did not mean to act as executioners or bring offenders to a military Tribunal, but merely to aid the civil magis- trates with whom offences would lie. Thus ended the^ matter. On the 10th the Light and legionary corps under t'heTinmediate command of Major McPherson, the Jersey Regiment and Guimey's from Philadelphia commenced their march under the orders of Governor Howell, and the day following the whole body of Cavalry (except the three troops of Philadelphia Horse commanded by Cap- tain Dunlap as part of the Legion above mentioned) , and under Gen. White, a new formed corps of independent uniform companies and several other corps under the command of Gov. Mifflin marched all for the rendezvous at Bedford. The rank of the principal officers of the army being first settled by me as follows : First, Govern- or Lee of Virginia, to be commander in chief, if I do not go out myself; second Governor Mifflin, third Governor Howell, fourth Maj. General Daniel Morgan, or Major General Irvine, according to the dates of their militia commissions ; the brigadiers in like manner according to seniority. October 12th. Having settled these matters I set the troops off as before mentioned, given them their route and day'a marching, and left Major General Irvine to organize the remainder of the Pennsylvania detachments as they 62 Washington's Diaries might come in and to march them and the Jersey troops on when refreshed. I set out from CarUsle about seven o'clock this morning, dined at Shippensburg, twenty-one miles, and lodged at Chambersburg eleven miles farther, when I was joined by the Adjutant General, Hand. October 13th. Breakfasted at Greencastle, ten miles, and lodged at Williamsport fourteen miles farther. Having now passed through the states of Pennsylvania and Maryland, Wil- liamsport being on the banks of the Potomac at the mouth of the Conogocheagan (?) I shall summarily no- tice the kind of land and state of improvement along the road I have come. From the city of Philadelphia, or rather from Norristown to Reading the road passes over a reddish and slaty or shelly kind of land through a very open and hilly country, tolerably well cultivated by the farmers. The farmhouses are good, and their bams above mediocrity, the former chiefly of stone. The whole road indeed from Philadelphia to Reading goes over hilly and broken ground but veiy pleasant, notwithstanding. From Reading to Lebanon along what is called the Valley, the country is extremely fine, the lands rich, the agri- culture good, as the buildings also are, especially the barns which are large and fine and for the most part of stone. This settlement is chiefly of Dutch and upon the Tulpahockon. From Lebanon to Harrisburg, along the same vale, the lands are also good, but not in so high a state of cultivation as between Reading and Lebanon. From Harrisburg to Carlisle the lands are exceedingly fine, but not under such cultivation and improvement as one might have expected. From Carlisle along the left road, which I pursued to be out of the march of the army and to avoid the inconvenience of passing the waggons belong- ing to it, the lands are but indifferent, until we came to within a few miles of Shippensburg. The first part being of a thin and dry soil succeeded by piney flats (not far From 1791 to 1799 63 from the South Mountain. For a few miles before we ar- rived at Shippensburg the lands were good but unculti- vated. The improvements along this road were mean. The farms scattered, the houses but indifferent, and the husbandry apparently bad. Along the road which the Troops marched both lands and the improvments, I was told, are much better. The roads come together again at the eastern end of the town. From Shippensburg to Chambersburgh the road passed over pretty good land, better (but not well) cultivated than that bteween Carlisle land Shippensburg. From Chambersburg o Williamsport the lands are fine, the houses an improvement amended considerably. October 14th. About seven o'clock, or half after it, we left Williams- port, and travelling upon the Maryland side of the River we breakfasted at one , 13 miles on our way, & crossing the Potomac a mile or two below Hancock TovTn, lodged at the Warm Springs or Bath, 16 miles from our breakfasting stage, and 29 from Williamsport. October 15th. Left Bath by seven o'clock, & crossing the Cacaphon (?) Mountain & the Potomack River by a very rough road, we breakfasted at one Golders — distant about 7 miles — Bated our horses at a very indifferent place ab't 13 Miles further on, and lodged at the Old Town 33 or 34 Miles. This distance, from the extreme badness of the Road, more than half of it being very hilly, & great part of it stony, was a severe days journey for the carriage horses, — they performed it however, well. — October 16th. After an early breakfast we set out for Cumberland and about 11 o'clock arrived there. — Three Miles from 64 Washington's Diaries the Town was met by a party of Horse, under the com- mand of Major Lewis (my nephew) and by Brig'r Gen'l Smith, of the Maryland line, who escorted me to the camp, where, finding all the Troops under arms, I passed along the line of the army, & was conducted to a house, the residence of Major Lynn of the Maryland line (an old Continental Officer) where I was well lodged, & civlly entertained. — October 17th & 18th. Kemained at Cumberland, in order to acquire a true iiowledge of the strength, condition &ca of the Troops, and to see how they were provided, and when they could be in readiness to proceed. I found upwards of 3200 men (officers included) in this Encampment — understood that about 500 more were at a l'"ttle village on the Virginia side, 11 miles distant, calleed Frankfort, under the com- mand of Maj'r Gen'l Morgan; that 700 men had arrived at that place the evening of the 18th, under Brig'r Mathews, and 500 men were expected in the course of a few days under Colo Page; and that the whole were well supplied with provisions, forage & Straw. Having requested that everything might be speedily arranged for a forward movement, and a light corps to be organized for the advance under the command of Major Gen'l Morgan, I resolved to proceed to Bedford next morn'ng. At this place a deputation was received from the County of Fayette consisting of a Colo Mason, Terrence and Clinton, who came to give assurance that deposits for the army might safely be made in that Coun- ty, and any person sent from it for this purpose would be safe in doing it. They were desired to get their wheat ground up and their oats threshed out, to be in readiness to be drawn to any place, or places, that might be requir- ed after the army had crossed the mountains. From Colo Mason (who has beeen a uniform friend to Government) and from a variety of concurrant accounts, it appears ev- From 1791 to 1799 65 ident that the people in the Western Counties of this state have got very much alarmed at the approach of the army; but though submission is professed, their principles remain the same, and that nothing but coercion & example will reclaim & bring them to a due & unequiv- ocal submission to the Laws. October 19th. In company with Gen'l Lee, who I requested to attend me, that all the arrangements necessary for the army's crossing the Mount'ns in two columns might be made, their routs & days marches fixed, that the whole might move in unison, — and accompanied by the Adjutant Gen- eral and my own family we set out ab't eight o'clock for Bedford, and making one halt at the distance of 12 miles, reached it a little after 4 o'clock in the afternoon, being met a little out of the encampment by Gov'r Mifflin, Gov' Howell & several other officers of distinction. Quarters were provided for me at the House of a Mr. Espy, Proth- onotary of the County of Bedford, to which I was carried and lodged very comfortably. The Road from Cumbel'd to this place is, in places, stoney, but in other respects not bad. — It passes through a valley the whole way, and was opened by Troops under my command in the Autumn of 1758. — ^The whole vallley consists of good farming land, & part of it, next Cumberland, is tolerably well improved in its culture but not much so in Houses. October 20th. Called the Quarter Master General, Adjutant General, Contractor, & others of the staff departm't before me, & the Commander in chief, at nine o'clock this morning, in order to fix on the Rout^ of the two columns & their stages : and to know what the situation of matters were in their respective departments, and when they w'd be able to put the army in motion ; also to obtain a correct return of the strength and to press the commanding officers of 66 Washington's Diaries corps to prepare with all the celerity in their power for a forward movement. Upon comparing accts. it was found that the army could be put in motion 23rd, and it was so ordered by the Routs which will be mentioned hereafter. Matters being thus arrang'd I wrote a farewell address to the army, through the Commander in Chief, Gov'r Lee, to be published in orders and having prepared his Instructions and made every arrangment that occured as necessary I prepared for my return to Philadelphia, in order to meet Congress, and to attend to the Civil duties of my Office. I should have mentioned before that I found (on my arrival at Bedford) the judge and attor- ney for the district of Pennsylvania attending, as they had been required to do, the army. I found also, which appeared to me to be an unlucky measure, that the former had issued his warrants against, and a party of light horse had ^actually siez'd, one Herman Husbands and one Tilson (?) as Insurgents, or abettors of the Insurrection — I call it unlucky because my intention was to have sus- pended all proceeding of a civil nature until the army had united its columns in the center of the Insurgent counties & then have ciezed at one & the same all the leaders and principals of the Insurrection — and because it is to be feared that the proceeding above mentioned will have given the alarm, and those who are most obnoxious to punishment will flee from the Country. So therefore I came home — to Richmond (The President & his Suite arrived in Phila — ^from Bed- ford—Oct. 28, 1794.) (April, 1795) Tuesday 14th. Left Philadelphia for Mt. Vernon, 14 reached Wilmington. 15. Ditto Roger's Susqs. 16. Baltimore. 17. Bladensburgh. From 1791 to 1799 CT 18. Georgetown. 19. Mount Vernon, and remained there until the 26th. 26. Came to Georgetown. 27. In the federal City. 28. Arrived at Bladensburgh. 29. Baltimore. 30. Roger's — Susquehanna. (May, 1795) May 1st came to Wilmington. 2. Arrived at Philadelphia. (July, 1795) 15. Left Philaa with Mrs. Washington and my family for Mt. Vernon. Dined at Chester and lodged at Wilmington. 16. Breakfasted at Christa — dined at Elkton and lodg'd at Susquehanna — One of my horses overcome with heat. — 17. Breakfasted before I set out — dined at Hartford and lodged at Websters — bro't on the sick horse led. 18. Breakfasted in Baltime — dined and lodged at Spur- riers where my sick horse died. — 19. Breakfasted at Vanhornes — dined at Bladensburgh and lodged in Geo. Town. 20. After doing business with the Comrs of the fed'l City I proceeded on my journey and got home to din- ner. For August (1795) 6. Left home on my return to Philadelphia — met the Potok Co. at Geo: Town and lodged there. 7. Breakfasted at Bladensburgh — din'd at Vanhornes and lodged at Spur'rs. 8. Breakfasted at Baltimore and dined and lodged at Webster's. 9. Breakfasted at Hartford, dined at Susquehannn and lodged at Charlestown. 68 Washington's Diaries 10. Breakfasted at Elkton, dined at Newcastle and lodged at Wilmington. 11. Breakfasted at Chester and dined in Phil'a. For September (1795) 8. Left Phil'a for Mt. Vernon — dined at Chester and lodged at Wilmington. 9. Breakfasted at Christianna, dined at Elkton and lodged at Charlestown. 10. Breakfasted at Susquehanna (Mrs. Roger's) dined at Hartford and lodged at Websters. — 11. Breakfasted at Baltimore — dined and lodged at Spurriers. 12. Breakfasted at Van Horns — Dined at Bladens- burgh and Lodged at George Town and reached Mt. Vernon to dinner. Sept. 25th. Went to Alexandria. — dined with Mr. and Mrs. Lear. 26th Returned home to dinner. For October (1795) 12. Set out for Phil'a. 13. Stayed at Geo' Town. ; 14. Lodged at Spurriers. 16. Lodged at Websters. 17. Ditto at Hartford. 18. Ditto at Elkton. 19 Ditto at Wilmington. 20. Arrived at Phil. The whole month of November has been remarkable pleasant — The ground has never been froze — but few white frosts, and no Snow. — January 1798 — December 1798 Remarks in January. 2. Clear with the Wind (tho' not much of it) at N'o W't— Mer. ab't 30.— A Mr. Elliott came to dinn'r and stayed all night. From 1791 to 1799 69 3. Mrs. L. Washington and Mr. Elliott went away after breakfast, and Mrs, Washington, myself &ca went to Alexandria and dined with Mr. Fitzhugh — Morning clear but lowering afterwards — Mer. about 28. Wind N'o easterly. 8. Wind at S'o E't in the Morning and lowering — Mer — at 28 — ab't Noon it began to rain and cont'd to do so all the aftern'n— Mer. 30 at Night^-A Mr. Marshall Music Master came here — Tuned Nelly Custis' Harpsi- cord and returned after dinner. 11. Clear with the wind fresh all the forenoon from No' W't— Mer. at 25 in the Morn'g.— 36 at its greatest Height and 27 at Night — Mr. Lear dined here and re- turned. 14. A little lowering all day with but little wind and that Southerly.. Mer at 36 in the Morning, 46 at Night and 48 when highest. Mr. Lewis Burwell came to dinner and Mr. Woodward in the evening. 15. Southerly Wind-Soft Monn'g — thin clouds — Mer at 46 at Sunrise^ — 50 at Noon and 50 at Night — Slow rain from 12 o'clock with the wind Southerly — Mr. Burwell and Mr. Woodward went away and I went to Alexan- dria to a meeting of the Stockholders of that Bank to an election of Directors. 20. Still likely for Snow — a small sprinkle, but not enough to cover the ground in the Morning. — About 10 o'clock it cleared and became remiarkably pleasant — wind Southerly — Mer. at 26 m the Morning — 40 at highest, and 32 at Night. — Mr. G. W. Craik oame here to dinner. 23. Snow just suff't to cover the gi'ound, fell in the night — Wind at N'o W't in the morning and Mer. at 30 noon 25, and at night 20.— Wind fresh all day.— Mr. Howell Lewis came to dinner. 24. Wind at N'o W't in the morning — ^at noon 28 — and at Night 22. — Clear all day, and afternoon the Wind was Southerly — Mr. J'no Hopkins and Mr. Hodgden came to dinner. 70 . Washington's Diaries 25. Wind Southerly all day and much like Snow in the forenoon — clear afterwards — Mer. 26 — 32 and 32. — Messrs. Hopkins and Hodgden went away after Break- fast. 28. Snow about an inch deep — Clear and wind at N'o W't and Mer. at 20 in the morning. — 33 at its highest and 20 at Night — Mr. Craik and Mr. Howell Lewis went away after breakfast. February— 1798. 1. Clear wind about S'o W't and Mer. 28 in the Mornmg. — Pretty brisk from N'o W't about Noon — and Calra towards night and clear all day — Mer. 40 at Night and 45 when highest — A Mr. Lad and a Mr. Gibbes from Rhode Island dined here and returned to Alexandria. 3. Wind brisk from N'o W't and Mer. 42 in the Morning — Clear and but little of it afterwards — Mer 44 at high- est and 38 at Night. A Mr. Adamson from Hamburgh and Doct'r Stuart came to dinner. 4. Wind Southerly and weather lowering — Mer. at 31 in the Morning, 44 at Noon and at Night, afternoon clear. Mr. Adamson went away after breakfast — and Mr. Craik and Mr. Marshall came to dinner, the latter re- turned after it. 6. Clear all day and wind ceasing towards Night — Dr. Stuart went away after breakfast. 7. Wind Southerly in the Morning but shifted before 10 o'clock and turned very cold. Mer. 31 in the morn'g. Went to a meet'g of the Potomak Co. in George Town — Dined at Col'o Fitzgeralds and lodged at Mr. T. Pe- ters. 8. Visited the Public build'g's in the Morn'g. Met the Comp'y at the Union Tavern and dined there — lodged as before. Weather very cold. Wind Northerly. 9. Returned home to Dinner — ^hard freezing the three last Nights — Weather still cold — Found Mr. Geo. Calvert here. From 1791 to 1799 n 10. Mr. Calvert left this breakfast. 12. Clear. Went with the family to a Ball in Alexa given by the Citizens of it and its vicinity in commemoration of the anniversary of my birthday. 14. Wind at N'o and Mer. 25 in the morning — clear af- tei'w'ds. Mer. 33 at Night. — Mr. Alex'r Spotswood and Wife and Mr. Field'g Lewis and Mr. Lear came to din- ner, the latter returned afterwards. 15. Afternoon clear and evening lowering. — Mr. Field'g Lewis went av/?y after dinner. 16. Cloudy most part of the day. Mr. and Mrs. Spotwood left us after breakfast. 18. Mer. 24 at Night and 34 at highest. Doct'r Stuart came in the evening. 19. Mer. at 22 in the morning — Wind at N'o E't and ex- tremely cloudy — about four o'clock it began to HaiL- Doct'r Stuart went away after Break't. March 1798 3. Cloudy with appearances of Snow. Wind at N'o a little Easterly. Mer. 29 and ground frozen in the morning — ^ab't noon it cleared and the wind shifted to the Southward — Mer. 30 at Night and 34 at highest — Mr. G. W. Craik dined here and returned. 4. Morning clear and calm — White frost — Mer. 26 — gr'd frozen — Clear and pleasant all day with the Wind at S'o. Mer. 41 at night and 43 at highest. Doct'r Stuart came to dinner. 5. Calm Mom'g with Indications of a change in the weather — Mer. at 30. Doct'r Stuart left this, to accom- pany Washington Custis to St. Johns College at An- napolis. — Mess'rs Bonne and Lawrence from New York and young Hartshorn dined here and ret'd. Mer. 40, at N. 46. 6. Morning clear Doct'r Craik dined here and went away afterwards. 8. Cloudy with the wind at N'o E't, but not much of it and Mer. at 40 in the Mom'g — Clear afterwards and 72 Washington's Diaries wind Southerly Col'o Heth, Core Fitzgerald and Mr. Paller dined here — the two last left it after dinner. 9. Morning — sun rose red — thin gauz clouds — Wind N'o E't. Mer. 38 — Clear afterwards and wind at S'o W't. Mer. 50 at Night, 52 at height. Colo. Heath went away- after breakfast. 10. Morning clear and smoaky — Wind at South and Mer. at 50 — Clear all day and wind in same quarter Ludwell and Geo. Lee Esq'rs and Mr. Robert Beverly dined here and returned and Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Nelly Custis came after dinner. 11. Morning — thin clouds — brisk South wind. Mer. at 57. — in the afternoon Rain with thunder and lighten- ing — Mer. at 55 and 63 at highest. Cd'o Ball and Doct'r Stuart came to Dinner. 12. Clear all day— Mer. 42 at Night and 44 at highest — Calm evening — Col'o Ball and Dr. Stu- art went after B't. 13. Morning cloudy and but little wind — Mer. at 40 — Clear afterw'rds Mr. Peter went away after break. 17. Morning cloudy — Wind at East and Mer. at 35 Mr. Snow of Massachusetts dined here and returned to Alex'a. 18. Morning thick Mr. Steer, Sen'r and Jun'r, Miss Steer and Mrs. Vanhaven dined here and return- ed to Alex'a afterwards. Mr. Peter came in the after- noon. 19. Morning — Raining slow Mer. 42 at Night and no higher all day. Horns of the New Moon up. — Dined with Mrs. Washington ec'a at Mr. Thomson Mason's. 20. Mr. Law'e Washington of Chotanck and Mr. Law'e Washington of Belmont came to Dinner. Al- bin Rawlins came to live with me as Clerk. 21. Mr. L. Washington of Belmont went away. 23. Mr. L. Washington of Chotanck and Mr. Peter went away after breakfast. From 1791 to 1799 73 25. __ Mr. Nichols and wife and Mr. Lear and family dined here. Mr. Peter retum'd. 27. Mr. Charles Carroll, Jun., and Mr. Will'm Lee came to dinner 28. Mr. Carroll and Mr. Lee went away after brekafast and the family here went to dine with Mr. Nichols. 30. Doct'r Flood dined here. 31. A Mr. Tevot, a French Gentleman recom'd by Count de Rochambeau dined here and a Mr. Free- man, Member in Congress from N. Hamp. came in the afternoon and returned. (April— 1798)- 1. Morning smoaky and a little cloudy, with the wind fresh from the Southward. Mer. 60— at night 66, and not higher all day. Mr. Law, a Mr. Taylor, Lieut't Walton of the Navy and young Mr. Barry came to dinner, and Ch's Alexander, Jun'r came at night. 2. Morning, very heavy, wind at N'o E't, Mer. 56— Rain- ing more or less from 10 ocl'k, wind more Northerly— Mer 40 at night. Mr. Law and the Gentlemen who came with left this about noon. 4. Morning very thick and misting Mr. Alexander went away after breakfast. 8. Morning— Began to rain about 6 o'clock and became a fine clear day with the wind moderately from N'o W't Cap. John Spotwood and Mr. Lear came to dinner — the last went after it. 9. Mr. Peter went away after breakfast, leav- mg Mrs. Peter behind him. 12. Mr. Peter ret. 13 Gen'l Lee came to dinner and Cor© Heath and son in the af tem'n. 14. Gen'l Lee and Col'o., Heath went away after breakfast and Dr. Stuart came to D. 15. Mrs. Fitzhugh and her daughters and son came in the afternoon. 74 Washington's Diaries 16. Doct'r Stuart went away. I went to Alex'a to an Election of Delegates for the C'ty of Fairfax — voted for Mess'rs West and Jno. Herbert — re- turned to dinner. Mr. Fitzhugh came in the Afternoon. 17. Morning — Wind at No Wt and disagreeably Cold. Mer. at 28. Clear and cold all day — A very severe frost — ground hard frozen — Ice sufficient to bear — Fruit supposed to be all killed — leaves of trees bit, etc. Mer. 86 at Night>-37 highest. 18. Morning — Clear and more moderate — Wind still at No Wt. Mercury at 32 — Clear all day and but little Wind after Morn'g. Mer. 50 at Night and no higher all day. Peaches not killed and hoped other fruit not hurt. Points of New Moon upwards. Mr. Fitzhugh and family left this after breakfast. — Began to plant com at Un- ion farm. 20. . Mr. Peter went away after breakfast and Mr. Townsend and Mr. Nich's Fitzhugh came to Din. 21. Mr. Dade and Mr. Fitz'h went after breakf. 22. Doct'r Craik came on a Visit to Eleanor Peter. 23. Mr. Peter returned — sent for 24. Doct'r Craik came in the afternoon to vis- it Mr. Peter's Children. 25. Doct'r went away after breakfast. 26. Morning very heavy — Wind at S. E. Mer. 53 — Clear afterwards and turning very warm. Mer. at 67 at Night and not higher all day. The Rev'd Mr. Fairfax and Doct'r Craik (to visit Mr. Peter's children) came to dinner — the first returned afterwards. 27. Doct'r Craik v/^ent away after breakfast and Mr. and Mrs. Law and a Mr. Ghan, a Sweedish Gentle- man came to dinner. 29. Mr. Ghan w't away after breakfast. 30. Morning Clear, wind Southerly, Mer. at 62, 70 at Night and 74 at highest — Mr. Law and Mr. Peter went From 1791 to 1799 75 after breakfast and Doct'r Craik and Mrs. Craik and Son, Mr. and Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Jenifer and a Miss Barnes came to dinner and returned afterwards. May 1798. 2. A light sprinkling of Rain and Cloudy in the morning — Mer. 66 — clear afterwards and very warm^ — Mer 71 at Night and 75 at highest. Mr. Law returned to din'r. 4. Morning — Clear and wind Southerly — Mer. at 66. Ap- pearance of Rain but none fell Mr. and Mrs. Law went away after breakfast and Nelly Custis went up to Hope Park. 6. A Mr Taylor and a Mr. Crips introduced by Mr. Potts dined here as did Mr. S. Peter and Mr. Lear. All except Mr. Peter went away after dinner. 8. Morning perfectly clear and pleasant — Calm^-Mer. at 64. — Lowering afternoon. Mr. Peter, Mrs. Peter and their children left this and the Rev'd Mr. Lewis from Connecticut came in the Afternoon. 9. Mr. Lewis went away after breakfast — I went to the Procla'n Sermon in Alexandria. 13. Mr. White and Doct'r Craik dined here, the latter went away after din'r. 14. Morning — clear and cool. Calm. Mer. at 49 — Some ap- pearances of Rain ab't noon but they went off — wind No. Et. and Mer. at 60 at Night. Mr. White left after breakfast. 18. Clear Morning — no rain fell — clear all day — Mer. at 60 in the morning and 66 at Night — Horns, or points of the Moon upwards. — 19. Morning — Clear, — wind Southerly and Mer. at 55. — About 8 O'clock in the forenoon Mrs. Washington and Myself sat out on a visit to Hope Park and the Federal City, — Got to the former to dinner and remained there until Morning when we proceeded to the City. Dined at Mr. Thos. Peter's and remained there until Wednesday, and then went to Mr. Law's and remained 70 Washington's Diaries there until Friday when we sat out on our return home and called at Mount Eagle to take our leave of the Rev'd Mr. Fairfax who was on the point of embarking for England. 25. Mrs. Peaks fam. dined here. 27. Mr. Lear dined here. 29. Went up to Alex'a on business and returned home to dinneer. 30. Col'o Morris, Lady & 4 Children came here af- ter dinner. 31 Col'o Morris & family left this after breakfast — and Mr. Herbert & Son, the Rev'd Mr. Addison, a Mr. Rogers of Baltimore, Mr. Delivs ( ?) of Bremen & a Mr. Pekmoller of Hamburgh dined here & returned afterwards. June— 1798. 1. Morning — clear & pleasant — Wind Southerly & Mer. at 62 — Cloudy more or less all day — Mer. 70 at Night. Mr. Hartshorne & Mr. Lear dined here. 2. Mr. Law & a Polish Gentleman, the Companion of General Kosciaski came here to dinner, as did Miss Lee of Greenspring with Nelly Custis who return'd today. 3. Mrs. Law came down to dinner & Mr. & Mrs. McClanahan dined here & returned afterwa'ds. 6. Mr. Law went away this morning & Dr. Stuart, Mrs. Stuart & three daughters came to breakfast & dinner. 10. Doct'r Stuart returned & Mr. Lear dined here. 11. Mr. Tracy came in the evening. 12. Mr. Law returned in the Evening, 13. Mr. Fitzhugh, Lady, & daughter, Mrs. Beverley Randolph, with her daughter & Son in Law Randolph & his Sister dined here. 14. Mrs. Stuart & her family & Mr. Law, Mrs. Law and Mr. Niemcewitz (the Polish Gent'n) went away after breakfast. From 1791 to 1799 77 15. Mrs. Lund Washington dined here. 17. Mr. sent bj'^ Mr. Pearce to attend my Cradlers in hai-vest arrived. 21. Mr. Lear & Mr. Tracey dined here — the first re- turned afterwards. 22. Mr. Tracey went away dinner, 26. Mr. Law & two French Gent'n, viz — Mr. La Guin & Mr. Clarmont. 28th. Col. Simm dined here. — July— 1798. 1. Morning- — Clear & wind Southerly. Mer. 74. — Day clear & very warm. Mer. 86 at Noon & 84 at night — Mr. Fitzhugh of Chatham & Doct'r Welford dined here — as did Dr. Field. 3. Mrs. Fairfax, her Sister, daughter & widow Price, Mrs. , Mr. Ferd'd Fairfax & Lady, and Mr. John Herbert & his two Sisters dined here & returned. 4. Morning clear — Breeze from the N'o but light — Mer. 78.80 at Night— Went up to the Celebration of the Anniversary of Independence and dined in the Spring Gardens near Alex'a with a large Compa of the Civil & Military of Fairfax County. 6. Doctors Thornton & Dalson, Mr. Ludwell Lee, Lady & Miss Armistead, & Mr. David Randolph & a Son of Colo R. Kidder Mead came here to Dinner, the the two last proceeded to Alex'a afterwards. 7. Mr. R. Bland Lee & Mr. Hodgden came here to dinner & Mr. Ludwell Lee & Lady went away after Din. 8. Mr. Lee & Miss Portia Lee, Mr. Hodgden, & Doct'r Stuart who came in the afternoon of yesterday went away after breakfast & Mr. & Mrs. Potts, Miss Fitzhugh, Mrs. Conway, Miss Brown, Mr. Wm. Wilson, Mr. Wm. Ramsay & Mr. Lear came to Dinner & return- ed. 10. Doct'r Craik, Wife & Son— a Mr. Craik of Alex'a & Mrs Hunter of Baltimore — Mr. Jno. Herbert — Mr. De Bourg, Presid. of the College at George Town, an- 78 Washington's Diaries other of the Professors & two of the Stud'ts, viz — a son of Mr. Laws & a Neph. of Barrys dined here & all ret'd. 11. Mr. Fitzhugh & his oldest daughter dined here — he went away afterwards & Mr. McHenry, Sect'y of War came in the evening. 12. The following Comp'y dined here. Colos Fitz- gerald & Simms, Mr. Herbert & Son — Doct'r Craik & Son — Mr. L. Lee, Col Ramsey — Cap. Young & L't Jones, Mr. Potts, Wm. Wilson, Mr. Porter, Doct'r, Cook, Mr. Riddle, Mr. Lear, Mr. Tracey — & six Ladies & 4 Gent'n from Mr. Rogers. 15. Mr. Law dined here & returned afterw'ds. 17 Mr. & Mrs. Fitzhugh & their younger daughter & son & Mr. Lear came to dinner, the last retu'd after. 18. Mr.Fitzhugh & all his family went away after dinner. 19. Miss Digges & her niece, Miss Carroll dined here. 20. Went up to Alex'a with Mrs. W. & Miss Custis — Dined at Doct'r Craiks, ret'd in ye aftn. 22. Mr. Mrs. Dalton & their two daughters came here to dinner. 23. Mr. Lear came in the M'g — stayed all day. 24. Doct'r Stuart & Mr. Geo. Graham dined here, the last went away afterwards. 25. This family & Mr. Dal ton's di'd with Mr. Lee. 26. Mr. Herbert, wife, 2 daughters, son & Mr. & Mrs. Whiting dined here — as did the Count Inznar & Mr. Merchant. — all went aw 29. Doct'r Craik din'd h 31. Mr. L. Washington — Mr. Foot & a Maj'r Parker dined here and returned. August— 1798. 2. Morning clear and calm — Mer. at 74. Clear all day — Wind Southerly — M. 80 at Night — Mr. Lear dined here From 1791 to 1799 79 & Mrs. Washington of Bushfield & her G. daughter, Ann Wash'n came in the Aftem'n. 5. Wash'n Custis came home f m College. 6. Went to Alex'a to a meeting of the Pot'o Co. Mr. Bur: (Burwell) Bassett came home with me. 7. Mr. Lear & the boys dined here & with Mr. Bas- sett went afterward. 9. Doct'r Stuart came to dinner. 10 Mr. & Mrs. Thornton & Jno Herbert & G. W. Craik came to dinner, the two last returned. 11. Gen'l & Mrs. & Miss Spotswood & two younger daughters came in afternoon. 14. Mr. Booker came in the aftem'n. 15. Mr. & Mrs. Ludwell & Miss Armstead & Mr. Fielding Lewis dined here & returned. 16. Colo Simms & Lady, & Mr. Herbert & Son dined here. 17. Mr. Tracey came in the Mom^g & Mr. Harper at Night. 18. Mr. Tracy went away after dinner & Mr. Booker in the Mom'g. 20. Mr. Harper went away after Breakfast. No acc't kept of the weather &c from hence to the end of the Month — on acc't of my Sickness which com- menced with a fever no the 19th & lasted until the 24th, which left me debilitated. — On the 28th there was a very refreshing Rain but not suff't to go to the Roots of Indian Com which was suffer- ing very much for want of it. — September— 1798 2. ,Mr. White came to dinner. 3. In the Morning to breakfast came Gen'l Marshall & Mr. Bushrod Washington — and to dinner the At'y Gen'l Chas Lee, Mr. Herbert, Mr. Keith & Doc. Craik— the last went away. 4. In the Aftemoon Mr. & Mrs. Parks of Frederiskb'g came here. so Washington's Diaries 5. Gen'l Marshall & Mr. B, Washington went to a dinner in Alex'a given to the former by the Citizen's there & returned. 6. Mr. Marshall & Mr. B. Washington went away before breakfast Mr. Wm Craik came to breakfast & returned afterwards, and Mr. Jno. Herbert & Mr. Rob't Burwell came to dinner — the latter returned after it — the former stayed all Night. 7. Mr. Herbert went after dinner. 8. Mr. & Mrs. Parks left this after breakfast. 13. Mrs. Fairfax and daughter — Miss Dennison and a Mrs. Tibbies dined here. 15. Mr. White came to dinner. 16. Doct'r Stuart & Doc'r Craik came to dinner — day warm. 17. Mr. White & Doctors went away this morning. 19. Doct'r Craik came in the Morning to visit Mr. L. Lewis & stayed all day & Night. 20. Went up to the Federal City — Dined & Lodg'd at Mr. Thos. Peters. 21. Examined in company with the Com'rs some of the Lots in the Vicinity of the Capital & fixed upon No. 16, in 634 to build on. Dined & lodged at Mr. Laws. 22. Came home with Mr. T. Peter, wife & 2 Children to Dinner — Mer. at 70 at Night and evening cool. 23. Mr. & Mrs. Nichols & his brother & Mr. Swan- wick dined here. 25. Mr. Geo. Steptoe Washington who came to din- ner yesterday returned today — & Mr. Peter set off for New Kent — Mer. 64 at Noon and 58 at Night. 26. Mr. Tracey came here to dinner. 27. Mr. Jno. Herbert came to dinner — and a Major Simons of Charleston in the aftem'n. 28. Maj'r Simons went away in the Morning & Mr. Herbert & Mr. Tracy in the afternoon. 30. Morning clear & calm — Mer. at 44 — clear all day. Went to Church in Alex'a. Mer. 59 at Night. From 1791 to 1799 81 October— 1798 4. Mr. Jno. Herbert & Mr. G. W. Craik dined here & Capt: Jno. Spotswood came in the evening. 5. Doct'r Thornton, Mr. Law and a Mr. Baldo, a Spanish Gentleman from the Havanna came to Dinner. 6. Mr. Bushrod Washington & Capt'n Blackburn came to dinner & Mr. Thos. Peter returned in the after- noon from New Kent. 7. Mr. B. Washington & Capt'n Blackburn went away after Breakf 't. 10. and eleventh absent — in the Federal City — Weather warm & dry the whole time. — M. Welch & Mr. Tracey came in the afternoon. — 12. Mr. Welch & Mr. Tracey went in the Forenoon & Mr. Wm. Craik came to dinner. 13. Gen'l Lee, Capt'n Presley Thornton & Mr. Peters came to dinner. Wd. Easter 14. Gen'l Lee & Capt'n Thornton went away after breakfast & Mr. Booker came at Night. 16. The Attorney Gen'l of the United States Lee and Lady & Mr. Wm. Craik dined here & ret'd. 17. Mr. Law — a Mr. David Barry and a Mr. Sheddon came to dinner & staid the Night. 18. Mr. Law & his Company went away after break- fast. 24. Mrs. Washington, Mrs. Peake and Doctor Stuart dined here, the two first went away afterwards. M. 56 at Night. 25. Doct'r Stuart & Mr. Booker went away after breakfast. M. 65 at N. 26. Mr. & Mrs. Law, with Gov'r Crawford (late of Bur- muda) & Lady came to dinner. 28. The Att'y Gen'l U. S., Mr. Jno. Hopkin & Mr. Ch's. T. Mercer dined here & returned. 29. Mr. & Mrs. Law, Mr. & Mrs. Peter and Gov'r Crawford & Lady all went after breakfast. 31. Doct'r Craik visited Patients at Union farm & dined here. 82 Washington's Diaries November 1798. 2. Mr. Law, Mr. Hasler of Demarrara & Lady came to dinner. 4 Clear — but Cool. Mr. Fitzhugh, Mr. David Ran- dolph & Mr. Alex'r White came to dinner, & the two first went away afterwards — Mr. Hasler & Lady went away afterbreakfast & Mrs. Law came at Night. 5. Mr. White went away before brekfast — I set out on a journey to Phila., about 9 o'clock with Mr. Lear my Secretary — was met at the Turnpike by a party of horse & escorted to. the Ferry at George Town where I was rec'd with Military honors — lodged at Mr. T. Peters. 6. Breakfasted at Bladensburgh — dined & lodged at Spur- riers. Escorted by horse. 7. Breakfasted at Baltimore — dined at Websters, & lodged at Hartford — Met at Spurriers by the Baltimore horse & escorted in and out by the same — Viewed a Brigade of Militia at Balt'e. 8. Breakfasted at Susquehanna escorted by the Hartford horse — dined at Elkton and lodged at Christiana br'dge. 9. Breakfasted in Wilmington & dined & lodged at Ches- ter — wait'g at the latter the Return of an Exp's at this place was met by sev'l Troops of Phil'a horse. 10. With this Escort I arrived in the City about 9 o'clock & was rec'd by Gen'l McPhersons Blues & was escorted to my lodgings in 8th Street (Mrs. White's) by them & the Horse. 11. 12, & 13 dined at my Lodgings receiving many Visits — Weather clear & pleasant. 14. Dined at Maj'r Jackscns. 15. Dined at Mr. Tench Francis's. Rain at Night. 16. Dined at the Seecret'y of the Trea'y. 17. Ditto at Mr. Willings.— 18. Ditto at My lodgings — ^Weather cloudy and heavy. 19. Ditto at Doct'r Whites — Bishop — Raining. From 1791 to 1799 «S 20. Dined at the Secretary of Wars — Violent Snow Stonn from No Et 21. Dined at Maj'r Reeds — Senator's. 22. Dined at Mr. Binghams. 23. Ditto at Mr. Sam'l Meridiths, Treasurer. 24. Ditto at the Secretary of States. 25. Ditto at my Lodgings. 26. Dined at the Presidents of the U. States. 27. Dined in a family with Mr. Morris. 28. Dined with Judge Peters. 29. Ditto with the British Minister. 30. Ditto with the Gov'r of the State, Gov'r Mifflin. December (1798) 1. Dined with Mr. Rawle. 2. Ditto with Bingham. From hence until my leaving the City on the 13. I dined at my lodgings. 14. After dinner set out on my journey home. — Reached Chester. 15. Breakfasted at Wilmington, bated at Christiana — and dined and lodged at Elkton. — 16. Set out after a very early breakfast; and was detain- ed at Susquehanna from 10 Oclock until the next morn- ing — partly by Ice and Winds — but principlally by the Lowness of the tides occasioned by the No Westerly Winds. 17. Breakfasted at Barneys — Bated at Hartford — Dined at Websters and lodged at Baltimore. 18. Breakfasted at Spurriers — dined at Rhodes's and lodged at Mr. Laws in the Federal City. 19. Stopped at Doct'r Thorntons and Mr. Peter's & dined at home. Snow having fallen about 8 inches deep la the night. — 24th. Doct'r Craik came to D. & Judge Cushing & lady in the Afternoon — As did a Mr. Dinsmoor, Agent in the Cherokee country on his way to Philadelphi with a Mr 84 Washington's Diaries 25. Gen'l Pinckney, Lady & daughter came to dinner, and Captain Jno. Spotwood in the Afternoon. 27. Clear morning, but spitting of snow in the Evening, little however fell. Mer. at 25 in the Morning* 28. Gen'l Pinckney, Lady & daughter left this after breakfast. January 1799 23. Lowering — Mer. at 40. Wind (tho' but very little of it) Southerly. Lowering through the day. — Mr. Bush- rod Washington' came to dinner. 25. Doct'r Stuart & family & Mr. Bush'd Wash'n went away after breakfast. February 1799. 7. Clear & pleasant all day — Mer. at 20 in the Morning — but little Wind and that Easterly — Doct'r Thorn, and Mas'r Turner came to dinner. 8. Mr. Thos. Digges dined here & returned. Mr. Tracy came to dinner. 9. Thornton & Turner went away ab't Noon. 11. Went up to Alexandria to the celebration of my birthday — Many manoevers were performed by the Uniform Corps, and an elegant Ball & supper at night. 12. Wind westerly and day clear and pleasant. Returned home — Mr. N. Fitzhugh & brother & Mr. Thos. Wash'a came to dinner. 16. Mr. & Mrs. Peters came to dinner. 18. Mrs. Stuart and her 3 daughters came here in the afternoon. 20. Doct'r Baynham dined here. 21. Mr. Ch's Carter, vife & daughter came to dinner & Mr. Robt. Lewis in the afternoon. 22. Morning raining — Mre. at 30 *The following' Gentlemen dined here the 27th, viz — M