PS 3503 .E59 P6 1901 . . Copy 1 ■ ■" * POEIVIS BY WILLIAM BIRDSLY BENTON Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1901, by William Birdsly Ben- ton, in the office of the Librarian of Con- gress, at Washington. THE JOURNAL PRINT, DEPOSIT, N. Y. POEJVIS BY WILLIAM BIRDSLY BENTON Entered according to act of Congress, in the year 1901, by William Birdsly Ben- ton, in the office of the Librarian of Con- gress, at Washington. THE JOURNAL PRINT* DEPOSIT, N. Y. -;^— ^^ --^^ ^ TH£ L;BRARY OF Cq>4GRESS. Two Copies Received MAY 12 !903 ^ XXc. No. ^' :LaSS ^ Ipdnce IRobert. ■^j^ — 1— Tis night; and on huge towring hills, No sound is heard save of the rills, And of the sweet toned nightingale That sings amid the bloomy dale; While, rising o'er the summits gray. The moon sends down her silver ray. - 2— But who is she, yon venturous maid Seeming in royal garb arrayed. And wandering 'mong those steeps alone. Were not one guiding path is shown? Before her lie wild scenes of dread, That strong men, even, might fear to tread, Tho' armed, and clad from crown to heel With best wrought garb of triple steel ; For there, behold, in days of yore A miglity troop their pennants bore At early dawn of summer's day, Intent on fierce, victorious fray ; Who, er3 the sun's all radiant power Had dried the dew on leaf and flower, Found all their, vaunt was but a breath, All their reward but a sudden death, And still their bones lie bleaching there. And often on the mountain air, Wierd, ghostly voices forth are sent From hollow skull and huge rook rent ; Wilst, mingled with the crumbling dust. Swords, si elds, and spears and helmets rust. — 3— Onward she moves in eager quest, And not a fear disturbs her breast; She nears at length the horrid view, Witli firmest step, nor changed her hue; She passes oft' mid cragg and boss, And rocks begirt with heavy moss She scans with well erected head Each sad conditi(