SF 489 .C2 G3 Copy 1 IE CAMPINE BOOK PRICE 75 CENTS CAMPINE HERALD, publishers FRANKLINVILLE, N. Y. THE CAMPINE HISTORY By Rev. B. A. GATES, Editor of CAMPINE HERALD Copyright 1913 by R. W. VAN HOESEN ^ Price Seventy-Five Cents FIRST EDITION Published by CAMPINE HERALD, FRANKLINVILLE. N. Y, AUTHOR'S PREFACE I N PUTTING this hook l)efore the pul^lie it is my desire tx) pre- sent in a concise way the gist of oi)tainable information con- cerning (\im pines, l)oth for the benefit of those who breed Cam- pines and those who are simply interested in them because they are in- terested in poultry generally. The information presented in this book is not only historical, but I trust, to a large extent at least, practical. Our age is an age of condensation and important messages to command at- tention must compact themselves into narrow space. I have striven in this book to obey this demand. I am indebted to a number of prominent Campinists in various countries for valuable information and suggestions which have been enbodiedinf/i/.s book. If this book shall intensify to any extent interest in Campines or help any to understand the breed better and to make a success of breeding Campines it will have served its purpose. B. A. GATES Franklinville, N. Y., U. 8. A. 1913 Ancient Campines CHAPTER I TO SAY the U^ast the history of the Cam pine goes back a luimlu-r of hundreds of years. A recent English writer would like to connect the introduction of ('(iiniiitus into Eiujland with the landing upon Englisli ground 55 B. ('. of Julius Caesar. This is pr()bal)ly far-fetched, yet the Belgians insist that Caesar took with him from Belgium to Italy birds which were the ancestors of those now known in Belgium as Cainpinex. It has been i)ointed out that the ancient as well as the modern Belgians have bred these birdsdor profit and that the ancient Britons bred them "for the sake of anuisement and profit" and that in no other l)ird is the property of pleasure and jirofit so intensified as in the Campin-c. There- fore, it is concluded, the ancient Britons must have bred Campints. F. L. Piatt, in a recent article on the Campiiic, says: "In the orthol- ogy of the Italian naturalist Ulysses Aldrovandus which was published in 1599 there is a description of (i. turcica or Turkish fowl which indicates a strong resemblance to modern ('(iinplvrs. Some four hundretl years ])e- fore, according to legend, the ancestors of the ('(nnpincs had been im- l^orted into Western Europe l)y '.Johanna Censta.' Antedating this there is another tradition that the i)rogenitors of the Cdmpinc.s were introdviced into Flanders (northern France and Belgium) about the eighth century by the agents of Charlemagne. As king of the Franks and Emperor of Rome, Europe was a conciuest to liim and it is recorded that h(> slowly endeavored to promote agriculture and required the farmers to keej) a certain number of chick(>ns and the millers to keep a certain number of ducks and h(> required that a ccniain number of fruit trees be planted. One so keen al)out increasing and improving the products of his subjects may have sought to liave a special kmd of chick- ens propogated and even imported them from some foreign country." The Turkish fowl from which the modern Campinr sjirung is certain- ly many centuries old. In the days just spoken of wlien the Dutch ot)- tained possession of the l)r(HHl, the main object of breeding the fowls was eggs, and it was known as "Dutch Penciled" and "Dutch Everyday Lay- ers" and more recently as "Chittiprat." The Fr(>nch also for a few hun- dred years back were jxirtial to the ancestors of the modern Cam pine. In Netherlands the Campine was known as Friesland fowl. The late Lewis Yander Snickt says, " The Friesland is extraordinary homogeneous, and is the mother race of all these egg laying l)irds with slate colored legs and white ear lobes." While much of the ancient history of the Campine is Icgentlary, and indet'd there is no certainty concerning the origin of the more ancient breeds of poultry, yet we do know for a certainty that the ('aiiijiinc is the earliest known of all the established l)reeds of Europe and, as n.any assert, the most interesting. The Pencilled Hamburgs and Cdiiipims spring from a connnon ancestry. There is no question but that the breed had its origin in Belgium and as has l)een stated again and again probably derives its name from the county La, Campine. The Bel- gian iH'asants are thrifty and for centuries have bred the Vanijinic as th;'ir ■'farm chicken" with a view, not so much to fine and (h'finite feathers as to numlxT and size and color of eggs. This dozen of eggs won hrst prize at Boston 1913. Owned by M. R. Jacobus, Ridgefield, N. J. whose Campine Eggs also won first as same Show in 191 1 and 1912. During these years a consider- able trade has been worked uj) fluctuating with the years and conditions, o f course, in sur- rountling territo- ry both in eggs, in pullets and in milk fed chickens for eating. The French are noted as being talented in the matter of discriminating in dietary articles and the fact that lielgivnn exports so many fowls and eggs to France is significant. AV)ove I note that while the Dutch held the breed it was bred for eggs mainly. During that time it appears that the color was primarily grayish with some attempts, though not pronounced, at barring. The old English I^olton (!rey fowl was closely related to the modern Canipim. It is asserted by some that the Silver and (lold Pencilled Ham- l)urgs are direct descendents of the Bolton (Irey and first cousins to the modern Enghsh Canijjhic Attempts have l)een made to connect the Black and Spangled HamJjurg with the modern Cdtnpine, but such connection seems improbable. In fact somt^ go so far as to state that the Campine, the Silver and Gold Pencilled and tlie Spangled and Black Hamburg- sprung from one ancestry and came from the neighl)orhood of Haml)urg. This is evidently an error. The Spangled and Black Haml)urg are not, according to any apparent authority, from the same direct ancestry as the Pencilled Haml)urg, thus the relation lietween the Spangled and Black Haml)urg and the modern Cani])inc is remote, if in existence at all. There is a similarity that might suggest relationship. More close is the relation of the Braekel and Canipine than of the Campiue and Hamburg. In fact it is very evident that the Cam pine and Braekel are practically the same. Many recent writers have made it clear that originally Braekels and Con/- })incs were one and the same thing, l)ut that the result of breeding on the plains of the country of La C'ampine, where the soil is sandy and the con- conditions are much different from other parts of Belgium, has been to develop a small active bird that forages for the greater part of its living. The result of l^reeding in the more productive parts of Belgium, for in- stance on the rich loomy soil of Flanders, has been to develop a larger and less active bird which has come, with the passing of time, to be known as Braekel. Environment, living on different soils, etcetara has really made two different birds of the same stock. Again quoting F. L. Piatt, "The first selective work with the Cant- pine was begun about 1865 l)y a Mr. Van Horn. He was station ma^tf r of St. Lierre at Turnout, Belgium, and made a hobby of Cam pines for thirty years breeding and imj^roving them. He gave the pesants eggs and often his best cocks and pullets, thus improving their stock from a breed- er's view point." Other leading Belgium ])ouItrymen took uj) in the late (50's and early 70's selective work with the Braekel. Lewis Vander Snickt gave many of his Braekels to farmers back in the country and thus they are kept ]~)ure. Later this eminent poultryman after l)ecoming director of tiie Zoological Gardens of Ghent ordered Braekel eggs to be distributed to various parts of Belgium. In 1880 both Campincs and Braekels were exhil)ited at va- rious shows as one breed, the Campifie.^ 1 eing called the small .specimens and the Braekels the large specimens. Later at the shows classes were opened for both Braekels and Ca-n pines. By this time they were looked upon as two separate breeds each having its own admirers who claimed for their favorites superiori y. The old time rivalry existing between the Belgium breeders of the Ccmpine and the Braekel is still in existence toda>' and a noted Belgium breeder who now breeds both Braekels, English and Belgian type Cam pines, ])ut who favors the Braekel, recently stated to the author that for all purjioses, utility and exhibition, meat and oraraent- ation, size, color and weight of egg the Braekel far .surpa.sses the Campine. Thus briefly, but as clearly as possible to hold the interest of the or- dinary reader the remote and more recent history of the Campine has been traced. Undoubtedly some authorities will take exceptions to some statements made in this chapter as considerable difference of opinion exists, such opinion being influenced more or less by invironment and geographical differences. However, as stated above that part of the his- tory which is legendary is of no particular value only so far as it is inter- esting, while of the more recent history we are reasonably sure. The Campme at Home ('HAPTP]R 11 ON OTHER pages aro oiycn illustrations of both the ('tnnpiiic and Braekel as bred at the present time in Iieluiinn. Since the great poinilarity of the English and American ra////>///r (luaiitities of the im- ()i'oved type have been bred and imported into l^elgium where they have been crossed with the Beignnn type so that at the present time a large number of English type To ////;/■//(, s ar(0)eing bred in Belgium. We are concerning ourselves in this chapter, with what is known as the i*)el>i;ium type Cattijiinc. So far as the l^raekel is distinguished from the Cnnijiiiic there has been no attempt to change the dress of the Braekel only as the Belgium Braekel has been crossed with the Belgium Cainpinc to make into t'le English 0/wyj///c a slightly larger bird than the early Belgimn ('(inipinc. The illustrations referred to abo\-e are extremely interesting and should be carefully studied and tlie detailed information imder er.ch I'ut carefully read. In Belgium there are both single and rose combed Silver and (iolden ('(imprnes also Whites and a variety known as Courte-patte. TIh^ Whites are also bred but to a very limited extent in a few other countries. The most popular however, are the single combed Silvers. This is true not only in Belgium but the world over. The color of the male bird, as bred in Belgium, is a white neck hackle also a white back and black tail. The wing barrs are also practically white while the rest of the body with the exception of tiie Huff is more or less unevenly barred black and white and usually in various sections especially upon the l)reast a streak of color more or less prominent, usually brownish or grey. Both male and female have very large combs. No attempt is made ordinarily to have the ser- rations of uniform numl)er and size. The ear lobe is pure white and tiie eye dark, practically black, horn colored l)eak and the legs leaden blue. The female has a white neck hackle, eyes and lol)e colored like the male. The tail is usually more or less dull black. The wing is light or white. The rest of the l)ody is more or less unevenly barred with white, black and greyish brown. In the typical Belgian specimens the barring is not well designed on the female, in some cases l)eing of a flowered natin-e in which white, l)lack, l)rown antl grey are seen. In some specimens the breast is practically white with only here and there a smattering of black or greyish brown. The Braekel is similar to the Campiiw, but is larger and coarser and usually has a more beefy comb. The tail of both male aiid female is carried somewhat higher than that of the Campine. The Goldcns have a rit-li Red or gold bay color in place of the white, tliis gold color being contrasted with black as in the Silvers. Perhaps the lobes are a little better, that is, whiter in the Ooldens than in the Silvers. The eyes, l)eak, shanks and toes are the same color, type al)Out the same with possil)ly the (Joldens a little heavier than the Silver. Tliis, however, caimot be stated as a characteris ic because different strains vary greatly in everything except color and tyj^e and even in these there is often con- siderable diff(M-ence in different strains. It is clainu'd l)y the breeders of the Cam})in('s that while th(> size of the bird is smaller than the Braekel the size of the egg is m u c h 1 a r g e r. Tliose whose fa- vorites are tlv Braekel c 1 a i m the Rraekel is superior to the Ccinpinc as no- te(l above not only because of its larger size Init I ;ecause of its hirger egg. Tlie facts of the case are hard to get at owing to the fact that in Bel- gium as in Amer- ica and all other countries differ- ent strains ef the same h\v(\ vary greatly in size, constitu- tional vigor, pro- lificness and size weight and tint of egg. R is proliably true that some strains of Campines lay larger eggs than some strains of Braekels and vice versa. Be this as it may it is an undisputed fact that both Cmn pines and Braekels are constant layers of good sized and white shelled eggs. While other breeds are kept especially for milk feeding tal)le qualities yet large numbers cf Braekels are used in Belgium and shiipcd to France every year for this purpose. We find also that there is more than one variety FJffST EffllF :SJLV£R CANP/mfim ■ GMmiNrFM/rnmLm^miiWiPjmm. This a fine representation of a well marked Campine female. Bred and owned b\- C!eor,ue Urban Jr., Buffalo, N. Y. Mr. Urban was the first President of the Ameriean Campine Club and is a fancier of the higher type. of Silver Braekel, at least this is claimed by some eminent authorities. The distinction is in the color of the feather and the character of the bar- ring. In the extremely large strains the contrasting colors are flowered and perhaps the black and white are more distinct than in the other strains. The smaller Braekel is more evenly and consequently, by many, consid- ered better colored. In Belgium these liirds are considered extremely hardy, small eaters and in every sense a fowl which it is profitable to breed. The birds are extremely friendly in their disposition, tame rather than wild, and these characteristics follow theni from their native land to their new homes. Belgium is in danger of killing its poultry industry by over exportation. The thrift of the Belgian peasants finds expression in its relation to the poultry industry, not so much in fancy stork, feathers and eggs :is in the market for food of l)oth eggs and stock. It is to l)e hoped that Bel- gium will realize the grave danger that lies in over exi)ortation and curb its exportations before it is too late to save the great poultry industry for which it has become so famous the world over. The poultry lovers of every land owe a great dt'al to the Belgium Ijreeders of the i)ast and the present for jireserving intact through so many years, this valuable breed of fowls. And Belgium, though a small country, is represented by its ('(till pi tics today practically throughout the ei\'ilize'et many I^elgimn poultrymen and jioultrywomen are Avorthy of sjieeial mention for their part in tlie preservation, exportation and development of \arious breeds, among them the ('(impiiic. I will simjily nuuition on(>, Madam A. F. Van Schelle of Papenvoort-Par-Hoogstraeten, I^elgium. Madam Van Schelle is a woman of great intellectualily and strong i)ers()nalit>', a breed- er not only of fo>vls but of goats andotlirr anim ds and she is intimately acciuainted with the haljits, breeding and lif-e of tlie ('(unpinc at home. While },Iadani Van Sehelle dilfers from many concerning the supin-iority of the improved rr7////;///e and objects to the name, Cdin pi iii\ being ap- plied at all, still she produces some very fine specimens of the English typo and has shipped Silvers and Cioldens the world over. The following is tlie Belgian standtird for Braekels and can fully an- swer for Cdiiipincs also in Px'Igium and is copied from "TIk^ Campine Fowl." bi:l(;ian standard BRAEKEL Official Braekel Standard, National Federation Avicidture, 1904. COCK CdniJ): Single, large, straight, composed of 5 or G triangular teeth; texture of rather coarse grain. Eye: Large, very dark brown, black pupil, the border of eyelid blackish, which gives the eye a still darker appearance. Beak: Blue at base, finishing in clear horn color. Face: Red, embellished with little feathers the same color as the fluff. Ear-lobes: Almond shaped, Mother of Pearl. Wattles: Long. Head: Large and deep; skull slightly flattened. Neck: Strong, medium length. Neck Hackles: Thick, spreading at the back. Breast: Deep, wide and fleshy. General Appearance, Form of Bodij: Broad back, medium size skel(>- ton, Iwdy slightly inclined backwards, tail almost peri^endic- ular, thigh rather short, hidden by feathers of abdomen. Leg: Blue, medium length. Toes: Four in number Nails: White. Height: 55 to GO centimetres (22 to 24 inches.) Weight: 3 kilos (about G.\ lbs.) Carriage: Proud, quick steps. SILVER BRAEKEL The White must l)e pure white; the Black with green metallic lustre or sheen. Neck Hactdes: White. Ba liquet of Earlobes : White. Shoiihiers: Barred. Epaulettes {Wing Buic): White, with base of feather more or less barred. Wing Primaries: Black, bordered at exterior with white. II Wiiifi Coverts: Parred. W'niii S(C.s. A'er/.-: Barred. Flujf: Dark ash color. The black bars increase in width from ne(d\ to tail. HEN Comb: Sin,u;le, larjic, fallina, on one side; "> to () te(4h; sometimes base of coml) spottecl with blue, rather coarse in grain. licak: ]ilue at l)ase, finishing in clear hoi-n. Eijc: Large, dark brown, like cock. Fdcv: Red, embellisluNl with feathers. Karlobis: White, l)lueish, jMother of Pearl. W'dtllcs: Red, rounded. Head: Large, deep, rather strong. (rcmrdl Fortn of body: Stretched out, rectangular, inclined baidc- wards. Legs: Blue. Toe lYails: Same as in cock. Weight: About 2^, kilos (about oh lbs). Height: About 40 to 45 centimetres (1() to 18 inches). Neck Hackles: White. Bouquet of E,arlohcs: White. AV/wy.v: Pack. ])rcast, ])arred. Flight and Wing Prinnirics: Exterior l)arre(l, interior black, speckled with white. 7 a//; (^uite black, more or less, and sjieckled on exterior side, two large tail coverts, more or less l)arred. SlLVEK-FLOWERED BRAEKEL The bar is generally replaced by a short line ap[)earing on the breast, horse shoe form. Flight, Feather, l)ack and coverts are speckled with black, the curbed line ])redon)inates. ij The English or Improved Campine CHAPTER III THE ('(Diijiine with the white topped male as bred m Belgium made its appearance in America and Enghind in the 9U's. In 1S')4 they were achnitted into American Stamhird of Perfection, and five years hater having failed to make good and hccausc of the necessity of douI)h' mating interest wanned ahiiost entirely and the breed was drop])ed from the Standard. A ro////*///r C 7///^ was formed in h^nglatid and (piite a Ixjom was experienced, huf liy f!)()2 the interest had begun (o wane and but few l)ir(ls were kept. The ^alt e Ihirg caused the breed to fall into dis- favor in JMiglaiid. Their exti-eme smallncss and the fact that the male and the h'lnale were colored differently thus necessitating double mating to produce exhibition bii'ds of Ixith sexes caused interest (o be lost in them. Probably the first hen feathi-red Sih'er ra//;/>///c male that appeared in England made his ai)i)eai'ance in 1004. Rev. K. Levv'is Jones says in this connection, "This l)ird was bi-ed from eggs sent over ])\ Ab)nsier ( )scar Thomaes of Pvenaix, Belgium. Di-. (iardiier placed him lii'st at the club show at the Alexandiia Palace, 1004. I'he showing ( f this bird aroised a great controversy. The answers were all eelgians only preserve the- white topped ones breeding onl\' from such birds and destroy the otlun'S. I wish to ])ay a tribute to the niagnificent appearance of the white t(jp!)ed bird, l)ut ihe necessity of studying tlie b;'st interests of the breed tempers my regret at his being displaced by the fa\drite standard male." F. L. Piatt claims that the bird was not a ('(inipiiir, but a, single combed Silver ]^>raekel. He says, "Henaix is in the s,)uth of Bi-lgium and I^raekels, not ('(iii//)i)i<\'^, are e\'erywhere kept in the surrounding country. The bird was first exhibited at Kend(4 where he failed to attract attention. He was there purchased by a Mr. Wilson who later showed iiim at the great international show at Alexandria Palace and he was there awarded the first prize and cup. The h)llowing year the same fancier exhibited the bii'd and some of his sons and won right along the line." The interest in the hen feathered male became intense and the pros- jx'cts of a single mating and the correcting oi the marking of the ('(ini- pinc appealed very strongly to the fanciers. While the prolificness of egg l)ro(hiction and the large size of the eggs together with the puri^ white shell attracted the utilitarians to them and interest in the ('(unptiu- im- mediately bt'came intense. The English are known as excellent breeders and they began to use their wisdom in the improvement of the Vanipinv as to color and the economic qualities. (Quoting from Rev. E. Lewis Jones, "The English standard Campine is ... a bird with white neck hackle, the rest of the body barred, the l)lack bar being as near as possi- ble three times as wide as the white ground colour, and certainly not less than three times as wide. The white ground colour must l)e open and bold, not narrow threads, sometimes like fine col)webs, going acros-^ a black body. Each feather should end in a clear white bar. The l)arrings sliould suggest rings round the body, the geometrical exactitutle being l)roken by rounded ends of the feath- ers. The dividing line Ix'twinni the colors in the ])ar should be clearly de- fined and straight, not dovetailins!; or zigzagging in any way. Most certain- ly the ])ar should not be curved, or in { the shape of a horseshoe. The direct- I ion of the bar may vary, that is, it I may run transversely or oljlifiuely ' across the feathers. What is import- ant is that the edge colours should be I clean cut and distinct. The olMicpie I direction of th(> bar is very i~)r(>tty, giv- ing rise to what is descril)ed os nuick- erel markings. All that I have so far , attem]>ted to describe I call the regu- larity of the markings. This reguiar- itv cives exceeding beautv to the bird." This is a Silver Campine Cockerel at ll'ic age of six weeks showlnt,' the niar- \'elous development of the chieks. '1 his Cockerel crowed at the ai,'e f.if h\-c weeks aan five days. Was hred by the Jones Piuiltrv Farm, AlexaiKlria,lnd. This desci'iption does not seem at first to differ so greatly from a perusal of tli(> Belgian standard, but while the Belgian sttmdard says, "The white must be ]nu-e white, the black with green metallic lustre or sheen," it is very evident tliata 1 ird with gced distinct clear barrs do always possess tlu> l)eau- iful neck hackle desired l)y Telgian breeders with the result the tVmalesare naturally mossy, that is to say the white is not white and the black is not black. There is practically no green she(Mi or lustre, but the black and white blend in indistinct markings and are mixed often with brown giving tlie ap- pearance at a little distance, of a steel grey bird. The breeding off of tlie white toi) on the part of the British breeders caused them to call the En- glish Cainpinc "Improved" Ix'cause first of all it is possible to bnHMl good pullets and good cockerls from a single mating whereas it was seldom that the Belgian type birds were marked distinctly and clearly in the contrast- ing colors. It would be an imjinsKiljility to secure good cockerels and pul- lets from the same matings, in fact long allowance of continued breeding from single matings developed and set the mossy markings of tlie female. The British are not much given to doul)le mating. Another reason why their l)ird is called "Imiiroved" is because the contrasting colors are clear. Tlie l)la('k is hrcd hhick and the wliitc is bred white ami those birds that show the tliird color be it more or less ])roiuinent (I mean the brown barrs) are called inferior specimens. ( 'onsiderable controversy arises as to the advisability in the consideration of the need of l)reedins the cockerel "hen-feathered." It is claimed by some that the cockerel becomes in mating as in feathering effeminate and thus considerable of the vigor pro- lificness and stamina of the long bred l^elgian type is lost. Other eminent authorities such as Rev. E. Lewis .Jones claim that the tendency of the breeders in Belgivnn to follow the distinct back hen-feathered ty])e is proof that this color and feathering of the male is not contrary to the laws of nature. The author believes and many English l)reeders evidently be- lieve the same in view of the fact that they have tried to reach this end, liiat the male should hav(> a large amount of saddle feathers not necessarily as an evidence of greater vigor and increased stamina, but because of the greater attractiveness, beauty and more handsome a])i)earance of the l)ird both on range and in the show room. It must be remembered that in the early making of the English type the Belgian Campine was bred to the Belgian Braekel to secure increase in size and then back to the Belgian ('arti])itic, to intensify the activity of the smaller bird. Much has been said concerning the use of ihv Hamburg, Fr.'idand and oth:'r fowl-; in the production of the J<]nglish type. The English type is after all is said and done to be attril)uted to one man namely the Rev. E. Lewis .lones. Lis- ten to Mr. .lones' own words in regard to crossing with other bj"e;'ds. "We are told freely that our birds show evidences of crossing with Ilamburgs. Now, I should confess that, as a huml>le stud(>nt of Mendel- ism, I have no repugnance towards crossing, and I should not he-iitate to cross if I saw any a(h'antage in so doing. I will further confess tliat I have tried every \va>- of crossing that I could conccnve of, and with the result that I gol nothing that it would i);iy nic to introduce into my strain. When ])ei"sons say that my e>;liibiii,)n strain s'lows evidence of Ilaniburg crcss'nig, they are talking arrant nonsense — a nonsense which shows ihey do not understiuid th(> p()ssil)ilities of ('auijiine breeding or of what a !I;unl)urg-( 'anipine cross looks like. We nnist l)ear in mind that in the Hamburg we have highly developed and comjilex marking, the result of at least half a century of breeding. When you cross with a Cditipinc you let loose all the centrifugal foi'ces kept in cherk by breeding in a definite direction, and the results art' amazing. Were breeding such a simj^jle thing that e(iual l)lack and white on tlie Ham!)urg could be immediately transferred into three blacks to one white on the Cdiii pi iic or ssjuiething near, or even if we could keej) the Hamburg regularity, then breeding wonld l;e so easy that many of us would \)vv[vv to play marbles. From 1899 to lOO;^ ('(turpi ties were in the hands of some of the most skillful breetlers of the day, and had the Hamburg cross been a short cut to the Ccuiipine Standard a clear black bird would have be(ni exhibited Isefore 1004. Most i)eople who write this Hamburg cross nonsense are mere Itabies in arms in the matter of breeding to tlie veterans who bi'ed Cdi/t- 16 pines twelve years ago. However, the problem is simply stated. CVoss Hamburg and Campine, and you have four things to outbreed; (1) red eye; (2) size of egg; (3) type; (4) pencilling. It requires a man skillful above the average to make that cross successfully, and I should feel proud had I been able to achieve it. Again, a Campine has a red eye, but no one will contend that every red eyed Campine is the product of this cross. Further, in the years Hamburg fanciers have been breeding, they have not had a good wing bar. Campinisfs have, and it one of the Campine'.^ special points of beauty. Did this come from the Hamburg cross? This winner at various shows owned by VV. M. Patteson, Penn Yan, N. Y. and selected by Madame VanSchelle of Belgium as the best, in her estimation, of the English type males on exhibition at Madison Garden 1913. I have not the space to discuss all possil^le crosses, but the conclusion of tl e whole matter, from my short experience is, that you cannot cross the Campine with any hopes of success. I do not say it cannot be done, but only that I do not know the way to do it, and I shall be glad to hear of a way, providing I can examine the birds. I have heard many tales and I always put to the test any theory, however fantastic it may app.ear to 1 e, for one never knows; it may l^e a pearl of price, even if out of a 1,7 toad's moutli, as tlu' Welsh proverl) has it. My experience has made mc very sceptical indeed of the wonderful results to he had from crossing. If the Canipine is the l)ird I think it is, then there is no means of crossing it without deterioration." A somewhat different view is tidceulw Rev. J. N. Williams, B. A., of England, who says concerning Silver Pencilled Hambiu'g: "At first tlie aim was to get the marking regular and I knew the variety forty years ago when the hens were as coarse in marking as the present day English l)red Caitipinc is. In the course of two or thrcn^ decades the l)reed- ing was carried to such a pitch that the marking became intensely more refined until now it has grown almost threadlike nevevtlieless when all is said and done the marking is the marking of the ('(iiii pi itc only coarser. Now in breeding for the regularity of marking a singular, but not altogether unlooked for thing occurred. Always chose the best marked coeks, generation after generation as mates to the deepest and best marked pullets would finally come al)out tliat the cock would follow more and more the marking of the hens until at last they were actually' hen-feathered, (Jrigininally the Silver Pencilled cock was a v.hite bird spotted on the rum]-) and with a wing bar just showing and a l)lack tail edged with white. I am writing of the l)ird as it a]>peared on our English show benches after shows were introduced. A,Iy own im])ression is that it has been br(.)ught to this stage from a white toi)ped Cant pine such as the J^elgian utility birds of today. Tlie object of the l)reeder was to whiten tlie whole l)ird exceiit the Silver laced black tail, l)ut such we have it to- day. But on the other hand they determined to de(>iien the pullet and so two Isreeding pens liecame necessary Tims was the old Dutch Citiiipinv glorified into a Silver Pencilled Hambiu'g. Nevertheless it was in reality a ('in// pine as much as a ( 'anadian of pure English descent is an l^^nglishman when tlie English Ijreeders got to work they soon deejiened and sti'engt hened the barrs. Whether they usetl a Silver Pencilled jiuUet breeding cock or not is of the slightest ac- count, because if they did it was C as clear as jxjssihle witli well defined edges. They should run across the feathers so as to form as near as possible rings round the body. The l)arrin<>;s in tlie feathers of the breast and the under jiart of the body should run across the feathers either in a straight oi' a slightly ciu-ved direction, but on the top the shouldei's, saddle, hackle and tail may run in a more or less \' shai)e(l direction. The bars on all cases should be clear and well defined and clear cut eilges. Tlie bars should be as near as possible three times tlie width of the ground color which should be clear and distinct. 'I'he saddle of the cock should be fui'uished with a good How of pro])erl>- (levelope(l hackle. COLOR IN .SILVKH CAMPl.XKS IN BOTH SKXKS li((tlr. Horn color. Eijc: Iris, dai'k brown, pupil black. Coinh, Face (1/1(1 Waltlcs: l^right red. Juirlohcs: \\'hite. fj('(js (111(1 Fed: Leaden blue. TiK \ (tils: Hoi'u. Arc/,- IldcLh : .Vs pure white as ]>ossil)le. The groimd color should be piu'e white and the bari'lng slii»uld be jiure black with a I'ich beetle gl'een sheen. The end of the feathers should be white. .STAXDAKl) KOK (ioLHKX (AXi I'l NKS The standard for ( loldens is the same as foi- Sihcrs merel>' substitut- ing the woi'd "( lold" foi' the wol'd "White" whenever the lat ter occurrs. I'liinuiijc: Head and neck-hai'kle rich gold and not washe(| out yc^llow. loinai iidcr of FluiiKKjc: (Iround color, rich gold and barring pui'e black with rich beetle green sheen and niai'kings as in the Silvers. SCALE OF POINTS FOR THE GUIDANCE OF JUDGES Comb 5 Eye 5 Earlobes 5 Legs and Feet 5 Neck hm-kle 12 ///rs, how- ever the (Jolden Campincs and Golden Braekels in Belgium are elaimed hy some to l)e even hardier and more prolific than the Silvers. As the eolor of the Goldens is very attractive and especially in Great Britian and America has many admirers, it is not at all strange that after such great success in changing the garl) of tlu' Silver ('din pines that the luiglish breeders started to give attention to a similar change in the garl) of the Goldens. The Goldens so far as I am able to ascertain did not produce as good a breeding sport as did the Silvers, therefore, it was necessary to find some means of breeding off the gold top and getting the hen-feathered male, ^'arious experiments were tried with more or less success (k^ss than more). Prol)al)ly the most successful exi)eriiiient was the crossing (jf a hen- feathered Silver male with the colors and barring clearly defined with the best colored Golden female oljtainable. This made a foundation and in three years time the difference has l)een marvelous. It is not claimed that the Goldens lay quite so large nor quite so white eggs as the Silvers. One recent writer declares that the rose combed Silver Cam pine as bred in France years ago (hen-feathered males) were ahead of the l*]nglisli typc^ Silvers of the present day. This seems hard to verify and jierhaps should l)e taken with a grain of salt. American Campine CHAPTER IV THE BEL(iIAN type Cmnpines were introduced into America some twenty-one years ago and two years later they were admitted to the American Standard of Perfection, but on account of the necessity of doul)h' mating and liecause of their small size and the fact that the speci- mens introduced at that time came from Belgium where practically no at- tention was paid to l)reeding toward an ideal standard and as a conse- cpience the l)irds failed to be uniform in markings and general appearance and as at that time Hamburgs were more or less popular and the great similarity l)etween the t\vo caused the C(t))ipine to suffer, in five years time interest in it had so waned and breeders had to such extent discard- ed the breed that it was dropped from the standard. Some years ago a numl)er of poultrymen imjiorted Silver Braekels direct from Belgium. These had a small nm. The size and color of the egg produced the sales. As the poultry world is now practically as wide as the civilized world the reviving interest in (Uiinpincs in England being brought about by the change of garb had its innnediate effect in America. We find that M. R. Jacobus of Ridgefield, N. J., who for many years had bred Haml)urgs and Dorkings imported a pair of the English ty]ie Silver ('(tnipine from En- gland which he says he simply want(Ml for cross breeding purposes. In his own words are, "When I received these first birds I was very much surprised to find they were much handsomer than the Belgium birds which I had seen exhil)ited 3'ears l)efore. Seeing at once the big differ- ence from the Belgium type of Campine which had been sent to this coun- try years previous and discarded by American breeders I at once saw that they could be l^red from a single mating and did not retiuire like the Bel- gium type double matings to produce well marked I)irds of each sex. I also saw that by careful selection still handsomer birds couhl be produced while the markings and the fact that they could be bred from a single mating was attractive. I am ready to admit that it was the very large white eggs that the hen laid which impressed me most of all and I at once sent back to England for more Ccunpincs as I saw that there was a big future for this bird if properly handled. a few years ago in fairness to the Belgian tyjie l)irds I imported thirty Belgia,n birds for comparison. Of course before importing these birds I really knew what the Belgian birds were, not so much from what I had seen some years previous, but from some birds I would raise at times the English type would divert back to the original Belgian birds. 2-? As I expected my original English type of birds were far sujjerior to> these Belgian Ijirds. to the ))reeders of England belongs the credit of improv- ing the Belgian birds to meet the requirements of England by taking the large Braekel and the small active Catnpinc as they found them in l^el- gium and by careful selection and breeding and possibly l)y the infusion of other blood they produced the original English type of C' c}uarters. Another thing which disappointed many people was that after the original introducers of improved English l)irds had claimed for them a con- siderable hardiness that many of the Belgian type birds were found to be anything but hardy, and before the birds were given a chance to be ac- climated they were condemned and cast aside by a good many. However, their reputation was much greater and of a very different character than the reputation of the Belgian type t\VO score of years ago. About this time a controversy of great proportion apose in England concerning the superiority of the English and Belgian type, each type having its disciples. It is hardly correct to say that the controversy arose at this time because the controversy had been in existence for some time previous, but about this time it became more intense than previously and immediately spread to America and had considerable influence in de- terring the breeding of Campines because many Americans thought it was possible that the Belgian type would win out and that the English type Campine would have to be put aside, and America did not feel like re- penting the experience of years ago with the Belgian Campine. In 1911 several persons interested in the Campine met in Buffalo and organized a temporary Campine Club of which Geo. Urban, Jr., of Buffalo w£ president and M. R. Jacobus of Ridgefield, N. J., was secretary. Se.eral articles appeared in the Poultry journals about this ti.-.ie which en! vened interest in the breed, but the thing which did more .o create int "'st in this country in Campines than anything else was th .tibition mi e by M. R. Jacobus of the eggs laid by English type bird^ !) won fir; , rize at New York and Boston carrying the honors awa.^ u the Lc; orn which the latter had held for many years. 25 in the whiten- of l[)\2 in comu'ction \vit!i the show at M;t(hson Scjuare (larden the tciujiorary chil) was niado a iicnnanent chil) and the t<'nipo- rary (jffiers weiv elected to act lor the folloAving year. The ehib has l)een since that time a great factor in informing the American jn^ople as to the (liiahtiesof th(> rV/;/;/;///t'. A stanchu'd lias been drawn up and adopted and wiii without ciuestion ))(> acc(_'])ted hy the American Poultry Associ- ation and inc((rj)orated in the 1015 revision of the Amcriran Standard of Pcrlection. Thousands upon tliousands of (Uunp'uics ari' now !nvd annu- :)ily in A m e r i c a and each year shovvs gnat im- j'rovemerit in color, markiiigs and the hxing of the type. Tlir growth of this dull has !;cen re- niNrkahle and yet not out of i)ro))or- tiun to the growth of interest in Cmn- At the 1 !) 1 2 m e e t i n g after a tlmrough discussion of the standard re- (piirements of the h]nglish standard it was decided by the chil) to breed and judge according to the standard of the ( 'ampine Chil) of Great Britain. In England the interpretation of the standard is left very largely with the .iudg(\ In fact strictly speaking the judge is not re(|uired to ])ass strictly upon the standard as an American judge is. IMucli is left to tlie opinion of the judge. So when the Cam- pine Club of Great Britain adopted their standard it was as an Ideal toward which to breed them, and not as a strictly workere awardcMJ fii'st pi'izo ri1)1)ons were u.^cd in breeding pens and the inevital)le result was that a large amount of inferior stock was scattered oven* the country. This was soon found out not only by those who luid re(•ei^'ed the eggs and stock, l)ut also by those who had unsatisfactorily sold inferior stock and Campinists through- out the country began at once to make a united effort to overcome the difficulty. At the 1913 meeting of the Anifricau C(;,'iipine Ulub an American Standard was freely discussed and the new presi- dent of the ciui) George Vj. Koeth ap|)oint(>d at tlu> di- recti(jn of tlie clu'o a com- mittee of prominent !_)reed(>rs to fornudate a stand;ird. Tlii- committee held a meeting in Buffalo, N. Y., U. S. A., soon after ils appointment and fov'- nndated a standar'.', copy of wh-ich was mailed, eaeli m(>m- l)er of the C'lub. A mail vote was takcm and resulted in the adoption of tlie standard f>y the Club. "I m :.s0^-\ €•^1 i ,V.-_ ^iy^7iS\ This standanl was copy- rigiitinl b>- the Clul) and there- fore we cannot rejriu.it it. It was necessary that it be copy- righted in order to 1)6 accepted by the Ain.'rican P.iuitry As-;oei;vnv)n. It is undfM'stoodthat the Standi^rd as adoi)te(i l)y the Clul) is agreeal)lc to th(> American Pou't"}' Association and will probab'\' be accepted liy them at tiioir next meeting. There is but little radical difference^ between tliis standard and the English Stand;'. rd. A red or I)ay eye is severely cen- sured and {])'.' v.iiole tendency of the standard is to conserve in sluupe the egg laying !;i-d and also to keei) ihe size and feathiM'ing so that the ('.'>n- pint will rcw.sin a di.stinct bird. It is a. disqualification for two or more Avhite saddle hangers to ap|)ea!' on a Silver male l)ird or rcxl or CJold liaig- ers to a^^peer on tlie l^ay or (lolocubird. Tiiis latter distinction, hov/evcr, is nor elTc' ; '^ •■ luiiil the year ;';■'! i. The reason for this being that the lengili of ii.SiS in which brec^lei^^ wave had to perfect the Golden bird is so much le.vs than th:it Vvdiicli th.ey Jt;i .'e had to perfect the Silver th.at it seemed unf;Mr to ; 1 "00 severe witli t h* ( ;. dden birds the first year. However, until a goodly muiiber of finely n.iavlccii English type Golden male birds were seen at the larjrc;' shows during th;- s 'ason of 1912-13 it is prol)aI)ly a question of a very sl-.ort time when the Cundens avIU run equal to the Silvers. ( 'onsidcrahlc attention is ji;iven to the ji'rcen slioen and proper barrino; and tlu' two colors, black and white with no interniixtnre of brown, j»;ray oi' other colors. If bred close to the standard the American Campinc is probaI)l>' a hner, more clearly designed bird than tlie English aithou,i;h it will probably continne trne that many of the present l)irds in this coun- try will l)e l)red from either English improved or the prog(Miy of such for a few >'ears. ('oi)ies of the American Standard for ( 'din pines ar(^ sent to all m(Mn- bers of the American Catnpinc ('lul) and can be purchascMl from the sec- retary of the ( 'hib by anyone else for 10 cents a ccjpy. 28 The Coming Campines CHAPTER V AS STATED previously there has been much controversy on both sides of the ocean as to the rehitive merits of the Belgian and Eng- lish type. This discussion at times has waxed exceedingly warm, has caused much feeling and called forth som(> of the most sarcastic word battles that were ever wagetl on any subject. Many have suggested an international standard as the solving of the problem, but so long as Bel- gium hangs to their old type and so long as Englan' of e<2;o; as well as condition and '>e;udy of breeding, first attention should he gi\'rn to typ/C, for tlie (^ainpini has a t>'pe distinctively its own. This is descrih;>d in the standard. Aft • tyjie comes, of course, size and color. ( 'onsid:'ral)le att'cntion slrouid '■• luiid to the Coml).. The Combs of most (Ui)»}ii,ic nudes are too lar/v?. '-.ii'eat atten.tion sliould f)e given to the color, sh.npe and tc^xture of tlie e;:r!obes. Eye color is a matter worthy of nmch consideration. In fact tlie-- much trouble in lob.cs and eyes is the infu'-'ion of Ilainluirg iViood. Thi- liow- ever, lias lieen pp.rtiaily or fully answered by those who do not bell '-.'c it. The question of the Comb is one easily a.nswered because of the fact that in J5elgi;un i^racticully no attention is p.aid to the Comb. English breed- ers ];ay l)ut little attcnition to the Comb an.d tlu' (\iinpinc luis not b(\'n in A]);, (ican iinnds long enough to be perfected in this parti<'ular. Another thing wiiich tlie writer l)elieves is ve-ry linrdi, perhaps im])ossible is to keep the eajje as white as in tlie Belgian bii'd and get tlu^ breast l)arring. The carriage aiid deve!o;:)nu;'nt of the tail in the nnUe bird is also a m. tier that is wortiiy of much co^isideration. In the original Belgian type we know that the n:;;l.j has a tail well filled with lessci- sickles and co^•ilis. The reason that Uic English type birds fail somewhat in this matter i 5 ijocause th(^ fcathcrinu- of the iicii has been put upon the male and the sa coveiis and lesser sickles have been, of course, lu'eatly modified. Attention sliould ])e paid to increasing the full- ness and beauty of the tail in the male as well as the carriage. Evenness antl distinctness of barring of course is one of the main l)oints ill breeding. To get a properly marked breast on the female, that is, when- tlie bars are standard and not horse-shoe or ill defined in shape, is an impoi-tant matter. The Coml) of the female also needs considerable attention. Hardiness, figure and ]:>rolificacy must be kept in the foreground. The last cannot be had without The first and the second in case of the ('(iiiijn'nc had mucli to do with the last. These three things sum ui) brieflv the main points in breeding. 31 Selection and Mating CHAPTER VII IN HIS first and liis revised edition of C'AMPiNEoLocn', J. Fred N. Kennedy of Bircii Cliff, Ont., Canada, inserted a little article entitled "How to Select and Mate." It has been freely copied into a large num- l)er of Cain pi lie catalogs that have come to my desk and as undonl)tedly a good many of those into whose hands this book comes have read that article I will not (luote it entirely, but as it in a concise way covers the ground, so far as it is possible to cover it in words I am going to quote a part of it. "In selecting the members of the breeding i)en shape and size must be the first consideration. Type above all in ('aiii pines is the most important factor I would first select the male (remember he is half the pen.) See that he has the right head points Init foremost, see that he is pure in color, black being black and white white, with as much green luster as possible, (in Goldens change white to gold) and see to it that he has lots of vigor. After you have your male bird selected look him over again carefully critisizing him with the stanchird and note his weak points and then look to your females and where he is weak let the females be strong that you are mating with him The one great difficulty in breeding exhibition ('ainj>ines is to combine one and the same; (a) good clear neck hackle, (b) good breast and (c) good markings on the upper part of the l)ody. It is easy to get any two, l)ut very difficult to get all three points. Cam pine Ijreeders should rejoice over the fact that to i)roduce the ideal Canipine fowls we do not need to use double mating, i. e., one mating to produce pullets and one to pro- duce males." As Mr. Kennedy indicates one can learn more from experience than in any other way. It is not wise to mate a male whose hackle is very dark to females with dark hackles. It is possilde now to find males with very good hackles that are esjiecially well barred on the breast. These should be mated to females that are well barred on the breast even though they have consideral)le black in the hackle. Some eminent authorities say retain the good breast barring even at the cost of a badly disfigured hackle. However it is not impossible that this will in time eliminate the hackle which is a distinctive feature of the bird and shoukl not l)e sacri- ficed. This is a matter which has caused much controversy concerning the English type in England and this controversy has spread somewhat to this country. It is likely that the natural line of a well barred breast and a somewhat darkened hackle is the safest method. 32 To got ])('tter com])s on the male bird, male l)irds with a good up- right coml) that will not fall over even in the heat of a show room should be mated to females possessing the proper number of serrations on the comb and whose combs stand upright and are small instead of falling to one side and being large. The lopping of the combs on females can be produced by using a male bird whose comb lops mated to females with \Y1HN&R§ ATnADl^oM r5Q\/ARE OARDENPEC 191 i.^WN&D BYJ.PR&D N KENNEDY BIRCH CLl PF-. OMTARIo.CAnAPA. proper combs for a feinale. It is vei'y seldom a bird with poor shanks is found and feathers or stubbsare hardly ever seen. However, occasionally a bird is found with a white or grayish brown leg. These birds should b(? discarded. To protect the single mating of the l)rced the best males and females, that is those conforming most ncarlN- to the standard should l;e used together. From ten to twenty females can be mated with a goo;l vigorous cockerel, a lesser number witli cock lairds in proportion, (.'ockerels of ten to twelve months of age and two year old hens invariably produce the strongest and incjst livable chicks. ( )iie should cater for l)est results to small and select matings, but as stated above experience is the best teacher and just a little application of good common sense will wondei'fully iielp out. Before feathers shouhl come vigor antl stamina. It is impossiljle to get birds worth while even though they be exquisitely well marked unless the parent stock possesses at least normal strength. It is l)etter to have vigorous stock thoueh not so well marked than th(^ finest of markings 33 with no physical ciKhirance. The old rule of culling should be strietly adhered to. Campincs like all other domestic fowls will deteriorate if left to themselves, and the same common sense rule that guides one in select- ing and mating any birds should be applied to the Camptncs. -jnci ,.#?.^^ t SILVER, -eAfuM'-'lNl--- , ', ''^^) 54 Housing and Feeding of Chicks 'and A CHAPTER VIII..,, >''■■■ .•«•- '■--'■ ■■■ ■■ WE WILL begin with the care of the chicks. Tlie Campine chicks require much attention and must not be allowed to become chilled for the first i'ew days. It is unnecessary to go into the comparative value of the, incul)ator and the hen for hatching as good results have been ol)tained by both. However, the majority of Cfnnpine breeders seem to prefer a hen for hatching the chicks. This is true especially in America, undoubtedly because of the fact that the l)irds have not been acclimated so well as most of the breeds. Campine chicks should bo kept where it is dry. It is l)est to keep them indoors for the first three or four days. They should not be allowed to run in wet grass nor upon a muddy constantly damp ground. It must be kept in mind that where they have been bred in Belgium for so long where the soil is sandy and dry natural- ly they do best in dry cjuarters. After a few days the chicks are extremelv lively and (kdight in forag- ing and looking up their own food. The Campine chicks feather very early and the growing feathers is a strain upon the system naturally re- ducing the vitality and special care is helpful at this time. There are many theories as to the best way of feeding chicks, Init it is also necessary to adapt the f(^eding to the time of year and climatic conditions. It stands to reason that chicks hatched early in the spring or late in the fall must have h(>aiing food in greater proportion than those hatched during the warmer weather. ]\Iany advise the feeding of eggs and dry bread criunbs for the first meal. A most satisfactory way of feeding is for the first feeding to give the dry crumbs of l)read. For the second feeding a few hours later a limited amount of chick grit and for the last of the feedings for the first day of feeding (chicks should not be fed for from 48 to 72 hours after hatching) the commerical chick grain. Cfnn- pine chicks do not thrive as well on too much wet food as do some others. However, an occasional mash is beneficial. E. Lewis Jones says in regard to feeding, "The great thing is not to over feed there is no special system of feeding required and I find that the only thing necessary is ordinary v»'holesome food." After the chicks are four or five weeks old beef scrap, well chopped meat or fine green cut bone can be fed to them with advantage^ They should have plenty of green food from the first day on. They should also have grit near them constantly and fresh water. As tiiey grow older 35 feeding is about the same as that of other breeds with the exception that great care must be constantly used not to over feed. While it is claimed that Campines are not meat producing birds yet the cockerels properly grown make excellent squab broilers at from eight to twelve weeks. Campines both young and old need lots of fresh air and what is true of the chicks in regard to keeping them dry is equally true of the half grown and matured birds. They can stand much cold weather if their quarters are dry and airy. Care, of course, must be taken to prevent the birds being in a draught. The Campines will bare Richard l'Al\vai\rs Crystal I'alacc, (EnL,'land) winners 191 I CliallanLre Cup and Gold Medal Cuckeiel. Pullet uun prize of Honor at Brussels Inteiiialii uial 191:. close confinement after reacliinii; maturity. The chicks and growing fowls, li()\ve\'er, do l)etter with more or less of i-aii,<;c. As to housing the CuiiijiiNc.s in winter we ([Uote tVeely from an article written l)y Dr. II. B. Butler, Ouidensluirt;-, N. Y., which ai)peared in the January, lOlo issue of the "Canipine Herald." Doubtless no larger tiock of ('(iinpinrs is wint(i'ey the experiiMice that some otlier has paid for, l)ut with Mr. Kennedy's weather conditions and liis success anyone in a cold locality cannot go far astray by folloWhig these methods." Again quoting Mr. .lones, .''The I)irds require a roomy house at niglit if they are to tlirive. TlicyiJ^hoii'ld get at least ten (ail)ic feet, as feeding iutd housing have a lot to do with their prolificacy. I luive often known people to run tliem down when the only fault was in their own mis- managenient and over feeding." i i.i •■ The matter of pjenty of fresh air cannot he too nulch emphasi/(>d. The ('(iiiiiiii((\ chicks if closely watched will he seen to sleep witli their lieads |)eepiug out from under the hen or the hover when chicks of other hreeds under same conditions will ])c completely out of sight under the heu or }iove>r. Experiments tri<'d in housing adult ('(inipincs m a wtwui and not too airy house to keep the comb from freezing j^'ove conclusively that tfiey nuist have plenty of air and that they can stand the cold far better than viciated air. The Exhibition Campine CHAPTER IX THE CAMPINE appeals in its various roles to several classes of poiil- trymen. To the economist its consistent egg laying, the fact that it is a small eater and of quick maturity appeals strongly. To the breedei; who tries liy indirect oiierations to obtain a standard bird in its prolific- ness the Campine has peculiar advantages. To the Fancier the beauty, and the contrast of color makes a strong appeal. Proluibly a large number of people are more intor(\sted in the economic qualities of the Ccunpine than the standard markings, also the majority of those interested in the economic cjualities are also anxious to have a uni- form apjiearance among the flocks of poultry and while ]:)erhaps do not try so hard to get their birds as near the standard as do the fanciers they would fine great satisfaction in good markings throughout the flock. Of course a poorly colored bird is apt to lay as well and to be as strong and from an economic view point worth as much as a well marked bird, but the great majority of l^reeders except the smaller breeders (those who keep only a few birds) are after standard markings. The Campine has attracted great attention to itself, because of its egg laying qualities and because of the beauty and size of its egg, l)ut in the long run the well bred well marked specimen is the one in which we glory. We might fiuote from the description given by a numl)er of lireeders concerning their Ijirds and say that "nothing prettier can be imagined than a nice flock of (whatever I breed) on a green lawn." But while this is true of the Campine still the graceful carriage and contrasting and superfine markings of the Campine show oft' in the cage to their l)est ad- vantag(\ The first thing to consider in an exhibition bird is the head. On account of the fact that l)oth Belgium and England pay but little at- tention to the comlj only to see that it is large, it is not always easy to find a bird with a comb that is most desiral)le in the American sJiow room as the American standard demands a medium size comb. On the female the comb falls to one side with the exception of the first point which stands upright. In the male the comb is upright the back extends a little below the horizontal and slightly shows the Imck of the head, Init does not touch the head. 39 Alhis is a magazine Belgian illustration of the Belgian Braekel 1897. Note the flowered barring, the high carried tail, the enormous comb on the male and the white top on the male. The wings should also be carefully studied. The birds show the large size of the Breakel and the body of the female gives evidence of egg-producing capacity. "5?> te^' - This Is a cut worthy of stuJ}-. It is a Bel.L'ian illustration of Belgian Cainpines. Note the even barring i. e. white and black of nearly equal width, the low carried iail of female, the large eye and the wli(te top of male. Ijy comparison with Belgian illustra- tion of ISreakel there will be immediately apparent the difference in size and the com- bination of the two with the white top off would seem to produce a most desirable bird. Sticli we have in the Improved C'ampine. 40 !/■ ^- ^^^ S. Much stress is laid upon the eye color. Red or liay eyes are con- sidered a serious defect. F. L. Piatt says, "It would he easy to breed Ix'autil'uUy colored Campinc.s when stress is not laid u]ion the color of the eye. With the red eye of the English Silver Pencilled Hamburg, the clear cut barring and beautiful color of the English Hamburg also asserts itself. Th;' eye shouKl ap])roach black in color, 'The iris being dark l)rnvn and the pupil black.' The English standard calls for the same and the Belgian standard reads, 'Eye: Vetch (chick pea) that is to say v(>ry dark ^ appearing black.' ^ There is an eco- nomic V a 1 u e in this d a r k eye. When the matter was before t h e Cdul)'s Standard Committee f o r American a n d the disussion was whether red eyes s h o u 1 d 1 )e an a 1) s o lute dis- fiualification Mr. .1 a c () b us r c- marked,'! 1)red a red eyed bird and he cost me between $2,000 and $3,000 and not over five per c e n t . o f li i s jnillcts laid white shell eggs. We must pro d u c e l)etter eggs than the Leghorn lays.' " One is apt to find in the coml) of the Silver Cam- pine the presence of some blue pigment which is not an evidence of an unhealthj^ condition neither is it a tlefect. Tints of blue are often ap- parent in the ear lol)es of pullets and red in cockerels so that lobes as yet are not above objection. One difficulty thus far is to get pure white ear lobes with good pure markings. However, we find that the darkest eyed birds usually have the ])est lobes. Exhil)ition birds in American shows will be disciualified if the ear lobes are over one-half red. The exhibition Campine should have a nicely rounded wattle. Competent judges claim that the most important color section is the liack. Judge Piatt says, "No matter about under color. That has been .;s*/kAii "^j^^&B. ^ A prize wining Gokicn Campine bred and owned b_\' Geo. E. Noeth, Brighton, N. V. 41 ;i l)U,!.',-a-l)()(t ill the Aiiicricaii fancy for over forty years. Now as new !>irr large legs and feet and the color and condition should be carefully looked after. One judge calls attention to the unsightliness of scally legs especially in blue shanked birds. 43 The fovindation male birds in both Silvers and (ioldens of the ini- I)r()ved type were hen feathered and the desire of the breeders at present is to produce males witli cock plum; ge paUern and color which is identical with that of the female. However well colored a l)ird may be it is rot an exhil)ition l)ird nor worthy of Ixnng placed in a show unless it ] ossesses the i)roper type, and so in the desire to get color markings one must not become over anxious and sacrihce tyjie. Tlie tail of the male liird should not b(^ carried too high, nor too extremely low. This is ii'ueof the female. Birds should not lie o\ erly high on legs neither too low and the lieauty and grace of the ideal and standard ('(iiiipiiie should be the first thing to consider. If the bird lias no tyi)e or inferior type it should not be shown. It is not a true ('(tnipine though it have all the color mark- ings of a Campinc. What has been said in this cha])ter concerning the Silver Campiiie.'^ is equally true of the CJoldens with the exception of color of feathers, which difference is at once obvious. Birds need proper training for the exhibitions and if dirty Silvers should be washed, two weeks' training should put any bird in fine trim for the show. ++ — — [O] This Pen of handsome young Silver Campines, was bred and is owned by Dr. H. B. Butler, Ogdensburg, N. Y. 45 I IV D E X CONTENTS Chapter I Chnplcr II Chapter III Chapter I\" Chapter \' Chapter \I Chapter \II Chapter \"III Chapter IX Aneient Cam pines Page 5 The Campine at Hume Page 8 The Enghsh or Improved Campine ...- Page 14 Tiie American Campine Page 23 The Coming Campine -,- - - Page 29 Main Points in I5reeding ...- - Page 30 Selection and Mating --- Page t,2 Housing and Feeding Chicks and Adult Fowls Page 35 The Exhibition Campine --- - Page 39 ILLUSTRATIONS Campine Eggs. Page 6 SiKer Campine Hen, Geo. Urban, Jr.. Page 9 \oung Silver Campine Cockerel, Jones Page 15 Sihcr Campine Cockerel, W. M. Patteson Page 17 Silver Campine Feathers, M. R. Jacobus Page 24 Belgian Campine Male Page 26 Ciolden Campine Pullet, Mrs. Pearl Car\"er Page 27 Silver Campine Pair, J. Fred N. Kennedy Page 33 Silver Campine Cock, C. L. Patterson Page 34 Silver Campine Pair, Richard Edwards Page 36 Belgian Braekels, 1S97 Page 40 Belgian Cam pines Page 40 Golden Campine Cock, Geo. E. Noeth Page 41 Golden Campine Hen, Geo. E. Xoeth Page 42 Silver Campine Hen, Dr. J. H. Prudhomme Page 43 Silver Campine Cockerel, W. H. Nagel ..Page 44 Pen Young Silver Campines, II. B. Butler Page 45 [NOTE — No one is entitled to reprint or in any way use any illustration in this book with- out first obtaining permission from the owner of cut which in ex'ery case (e.xcept in cases of cuts being owned by Campine Herald) is named under cut]. MRS. CARVER SAYS MY CAM PINES .shall he carried to tlie liiyho^t possible standard hi/ nadimj and l>/i:edi/i(i this nrrietji, for irhich ('(irrcrs Red Farm is noted, Oidij rcrii limited, elose culled janctj nicdiiujs will be kept in this variety. GOLPeN CAMPINES My matings the coming season in Goldens will be as fien as in America headed by clear, hen ff-atbi red male birds. COLDEV emPlHL. rlRST PULLET -E\TLAWr tJA/BRl<]hTo!i,ri.YU.5.A. The Champions of Them All My winnings at Allentown, Hagerstown, Grand Central Palace, N. Y., Philadelphia, Boston and last but not least MADISOTV SQUARE GARDEN, 1913 in hot classes, as entries show, were four times as many first as ail other breeders combined. Nuff said MftNHfli™ FARMS, BRIGHTON, N. Y, GEO. E. NOETH, OWIVER Improved Silver Campines The blood of the best BRED-TO-LAY exhibition stock of Europe and America Write me your wants. Correspondence a pleasure Member American I GUARANTEE STOCK Campine Club A SQUARE DEAL EGGS Arthur G. Baumgartel CAMPINE SPECIALIST C-537 Coit Avenue, N. E. Grand Rapids, Mich. JACOBUS CAMPINES Silver and Golden My birds laid white egg that WON FIRST PRIZE at Boston. 1910, 1911, 1912 and 1913. Competition open to the world and eggs of all breeds. Consider carefully and Start right. R. JACOBUS RIDQEFIELD, N. J. Box 275-H SILVER CAMPINES =^^^^=^== AND ^^^=^^^= SALMON FAVEROLLES I Selected Stock Choice Breeders WINNERS AND LAYERS CAMPINE EGGS $5.00 per 15 until June 1st than half price Infertiles replaced once free FAVEROLLES EGGS $3.00 per 15 until June 1st than half price Unsatisfactory hatches re- placed once at half price STOCK USUALLY FOR SALE ORDERS FILLED IN ROTATION M^^ REV. B. A. GATES Franklinville, New York SEP c 1913 American Campine Club Organized 1911 to encourage the breeding and improvement of the Campine Fowls and bring- ing together the breeders of this variety for their mutual benefit. All Campine breeders should join to keep in touch with the Club work. For full particulars and applica- tion blanks address M. R. JACOBUS, Sec'y-Treas. Ridgefield, New Jersy Campine Standards 1 Cts. Each LIBRARY OF CONGRESS IIP mil III I'll, ■ II, ''Ji ,'! "I| I 002 841 036 ^