Class _i£S^.vf// Book^ (l^i-d^ GoipghtN" J3M- COPYRIGHT DEPOSIT. PINE GR8VE P8EMS PINE GROVE .POEMS, BY D » O O J ^ . 5 5 3 3333'3-'-'3 CrNCINNATI, O. lOOl. V, THE LIBRARY OF CONGRESS, Two Copies Received MAY. 13 1901 Copyright entry CLAS9«:K*XXc. N». COPY 3. COPYRIGHTED 1901. , BY THE AUTHOR <^ . * c tec c C C c e etc c c r r c f r>K;r>icATE;i3 TO FRANK A]sri:> PAm, FREEMAN. * %]^ m i "•^ *^ R^ ^^^^^^^^Hlr ' "^ h P ^m Pine Grove in Trees. CONTENTS Frank and Paul Page 9 Pine Grove Christmas Pine Grove New Year The New Century Pine Grove Sunset New Century Heroes Pine Grove Evening President McKinlev 1 / 20 24 i HO Queen Victoria '' 85 Queen Margharita '^ 88 Calvin Pearl Titus '' 41 Brave Americans '' 44 Mountain Bards " 46 The Poets '' 48 Colorado '' 50 Pine Grove Night '' 52 To All My Loved Ones '' 55 Frank and Paul. FRANK AND PAUli. AT evening time my thoughts will go To you in lands afar, Near lofty mountain peaks of snow That pierce the cloud drift bar. Within this world to help unreel Its tangled web and mesh, Your nerves are finely tempered steel In living marble flesh. 10 FRANK AND PAUL. With eyes like flashing diamond mines Of deep and dreamy thought. Your lives can make bright star designs Upon life's heaven wrought. Your names may ring in coming times For actions brave and grand, As evening bells ring out their chimes Far over all the land. FRANK AND PAUL. 11 Or thri'll the world with martial notes, Where brave men, fighting, fall, When over battlefield there floats The ring of bugle call. Out on life's roaring ocean crest. Where struggle onward all. Will sound the names we love the best- Brave Frank and fearless Paul. PINH GHOVH CHt^ISTjVIAS. LET surging wild winds dash and rave And lasli the mountains like a wave. Where earth and sky meet lasting snow, Then rush to warmer plains below ; Where, driving on through lands of weeds, They burst forth myriads of seeds, And break each little prison door With angry knock and haughty roar. Wide-Bkamed Hall PINE GROVE CHRISTMAS. Then, swift as flashing cars on steel Whirl fast the lightning air mobile ; Through clouds they come, the dear ones all— Our Frank and little brother Paul. Then cousin Walter with Charles came, On fast sky over line the same ; The}' came from Denver's sun and shine In old Ohio home to dine. 14 PINE GROVE CHRISTMAS. They sailed through deep air-billow seas, With cousin dear Florence Louise And friends to laugh the happy hours They dine among the Christmas flowers, While golden light through stained glass walls On old and young together falls. And little wreaths of green are where Some loved one left a "vacant chair." PINE GROVE CHRISTMAS. 15 Now, this is children's festive day. Around the Christmas tree they play, And while the yule logs slowly burn Their minds to olden stories turn : How wise men came from wilds afar And followed one great blazing star; On camels, over sands they came, A little child to bless and claim. lii PINE GROVE CHRISTMAS. They thought, while worlds forever rolled The Christ-child story would be told, And some uia}' doubt aud others fear, Yet Christmas will come ouce a year. lu wide-beamed hall to clasp each baud, Grandma and Aunt together stand. And while their guests take airship flight Bid eacb a Christmas kind good-night. The Old Freeman WRiaiNa Desk. • Win giory with the pea. * m PINE GHOVE HEW YBAI^. TRUE loving, bravest ones, Watch on, the midnight through. When last the hour-glass runs. The old 3'ear crowns the new. On swords the knights of old Pledged faith another 3-ear In jeweled cups of gold, Swung high, with lust\^ cheer. PINE GROVE NEW YEAR. Yet you, one modern knights, Must kiss the two-edged sword, And strike for highest rights. Then pledge your honored word In life wine pure and strong — For wine of brave hearts binds— Then dare to dash along Through all the fiercest lines. PINE GROVE NEW YEAR. 19 Win glory with the pen ; No more life's record mar With deeds of valiant men Who fell in deadl}^ war. Yet rush to gain the fight, As conq'ring hero strives ; To battle for the right This New Year pledge vour lives. THE HHW CEfiTUHY THE brave new Century is here, And cannons roar a hearty cheer. With flying flags and sword in hand She comes to give the new command, As round her head the sword she whirls And leads us en to conquer worlds. Yet, not wnth sword that strikes to kill, But mighty force of human will, THE NEW CENTURY. iM That chains the winds and lightnings down Wlien genins wears the rightf nl crown. Ay, worlds on worlds will then be ours. With trees and birds and tropic flowers. When ships along the great air plains Will sail above the snows and rains. Here we can dine, and live in Mars — Our world a lunch-room for the stars. 2t^ THE NEW CENTURY. Tlie poor old centur\^ gave lands We had to till with our weak hands. No steam to plow or mow the fields, Nor ships or sk}^ or land mobiles ; Electric lights, dip candles then That lit the dark log-cabin den. With hard times we are ever done, The higher life has now begun. thp: new century With equal rights that make us free On earth and stars, in air and sea. The better ways are here in time, And highest heights we yet will climb, When far our country's flag unfurls And waves around the starry worlds. With plodding ways of old we're through, And cheer the century that's new. T PINE GROVE SUNSET. HE sun is shining low In waves of burning gold. Where deep the cloud drifts glow Far down wide portals old, Are banners flying gay ; Their bars of reddest rose, With stars of pearl and gray Until the twilight's close. Pine Grove Sunset on Ohio Biver. PINE GROVE SUNSET. 25 There, where that blue cloud nods Through rainbow curtain folds, They serve a feast for gods And read the human souls. Our friends receive tonight In palace wrought of sky. The streets are mirrors bright. With chariots swinging by. 26 PINE GROVE SUNSET. We are invited there, Within that gorgeous clime ; And castles made of air Are ours for coming time. Now bright eyes smile on you In gay, fast moving crowds ; We all are passing through The gates of sunset clouds. Hew CeriTURY HHROES. THROUGH rose-cloud gates of morn ing gray Now breaks the glowing future day. Ring wild the bells of coming time With tones of sweetest golden chime, As on they come with drum and beat, The steady march of youthful feet. They come with banners wide unfurl'd To fight the battles of the world. We feel the distant trembling jar Like ocean beating on the bar. 28 NEW CENTURY HEROES. They come with flags and cannon's roar And all the panoply of war, As on they come with plume and crest. Oh, Country take them to your breast ! Let all this free and gracious land Tahe our young heroes b3^ the hand. They bravely will life's battle run, And conquer where we have not won. They are our future — the}^ are all — With them we stand or with them fall. NEW CENTURY HEROES. 2d The}^ onward press in fiercest fight For principles of truth and right, In moral warfare will decide Against the wn'ong, and stem the tide ; While hearts ablaze with glory burn Our battle flags will safe return. As on they come from far and near The grand New Century is here. PIHB GROVH EVENING THE white moonbeams are darkly hid By drift of passing night. Our old farm home is gleaming 'mid This soft and pallid light. The great stone well with sweep of gray Like waving ghostly arm, Will mirror back yotir face by day With all its wealth of charm. EVKNINU 'I'E.y. 31 PINE GROVE EVENING. The stars are shining deep down there Like some lost diamond crown. As thongh the laughing angels dare To throw their iewels down. A sky of stars hangs out afar Their light with shadow weaves, And evening winds, onrushing, mar The ground-strewn orchard leaves. 32 PINE GROVE EVENING. The ga3^-leafed Spring soon fades away In Autumn's quiet mien ; Where swung the corn in tasseled fray There hangs a golden sheen. And our old home is changed with time ; No more the evening teas We take with song and mirth and rhyme Beneath the Pine Grove trees. PHESIDENT mGKINIiEY. OUR President — the country's pride — To " White House " now again does ride ; Not as in Rome's grand days of old, In chariots of burnished gold, And captives chained to horses heels ; Our nation crowds his carriage wheels, While brave old soldiers lead the van : He rides as great American. 34 PRESIDENT McKINLEY. And while he rides in stately grace, With horses reined to suited pace, From far and near the people greet. They cheer from balcony and street. And ever wish him, in life's boat, On highest foam crest wave to float, And while our greatest country lives Have all the honors that she gives. QUEEN VICTOf^Ifl GREAT Britain's queen has crossed life's sea, Its dashing waves and flashing sheen. No more afar on wild winds free Will ring, '' Long live Victoria, Queen.- ' She lies within her castle gra3^ With sweet and saintly sleeping face. And, eyes fast closed, she seems to pray Beneath her veil of thinnest lace, 36 QUEEN VICTORIA, While all around the world kneels down. For she was Queen, the good and great. She wore the ermine robe and crown, And guarded well the nation's fate. A woman — yet she fought and won ; An empire made of her vast lands, Where never sets the shining sun From polar star to southern strands. QUEEN VICTORIA. •:^7 Oh, woman ! in this new world wide. Call clear these words in clarion notes : Be brave and true, and wisely guide And guard your country with your votes. That vote — all powerful and grand ! It gives to man a royal mien ; It is the word of great command, And makes von each a sceptered queen, QUEEN mARGHAHlTA. NOW mourns the queen in cloister home, Within the dusky walls of Rome ; And monks along the Apian way With sad eyes count their beads and pray. The king is dead ; his flags draped down. He wore the nation's honored crown. Then he was crowned a monarch great With love of one, his loyal mate. QUEEN MARGHARITA. 89 lu Marco's old Venetian halls, Where rare gems shine on jeweled walls, And after feast from vine and tree- — With wines from crypts beneath the sea — The king and queen stood, gala day, In swan-carved, white-winged gondola, With glass spun far on every side. Like diamonds flashing on the tide. 40 QUEEN MARGHARITA. The people shout and wildly greet From each bright water winding street, Oh, Queen of Venice, bride of sea, '' Yisit Regina Vetene." Now mourns the queen, and dirges ring Great Rome has lost a gracious king. We mourn with her in lands apart. The queen has lost a loving heart. CAliVlN PEARIi TITUS. HURRAH for Titus on the wall ! Hear all the nations cheer and call. On Chinese wall he bravely stands, And waves our banner in his hands. That flag on high embattlement To all the world the word has sent That Oriental rule and might Have given way to truth and right. 42 CALVIN PEARL TITUS. That flag on wall or sea or lands Is upheld by our country's hands. In one great voice of mighty war A. wild shout rings from near and far. Oh, men who toil in cities' marts, And hide the glor}^ in your hearts, Or crush the earth for love of gold. With love of country growing cold, CALVIN PEARL TITUS. 43 To battle line in spirit fall, And cheer brave Titus on tbe wall ; For while to winds our banner flies He stands before the nation's eyes ; And all along life's rushing tide He will be called the soldier's pride ; When he and life are dashed apart, He lives within his country's heart. BHRVB RCDBHIORHS. WHILE the wide world's cannon roar, Fighting men push from our shore, Climbing up the Chinese wall, Rushing forward in its fall, Through grim clouds of ages' dust Floats the banner that we trust And we know will always wave Where we have a life to save. Over walls of Prince Tuan Goes the brave American. BRAVE AMERICANS. 45 For the blood of our descent We have dared the Orient, With, its cities, walled and old, And its idols, bronze and gold, With the romance and the rhyme Of its gorgeous eastern clime, There we have our flag unfurled For our country and the world. Over walls of Prince Tuan Goes the brave American. mOUNTAIJSl BAHDS. RING out yoiir bugle notes of vSong From rift of cloud on snowy crag, Run all the battle lines along And wave on high our country's flag. Sing we from green Ohio hills And know the earth in smaller things, ''La belle rivere " glides in rills And breaks in flecks and froths in rings. MOUNTAIN BARDS. 47 Now sounds the rap and tap of drum, With lyddite shells in shrieking fray, And marching men to battle come ; A song from you will gain the day. Then sound your cymbals o'er the sea, Ring in the right and crush the wrong, The captives save and Conger free ; Ring out your bugle notes of song. THE POETS. A S lightning flash can message speak From mountain peak to mountain peak, The poets lightning means can find To flash a thought from mind to mind ; For they can paint in words of fire The roar of battle rising higher, And world's great deeds in colors bright With heroes standing out in light. THE POETS. 49 Tlie}^ take you to that land of dreams, And Paris splendor life-like seems, See all world's grandeur at her feet, And hear the voices in the street. The poets can through ways unknown Send song into your heart alone. When mind through space as lightning flies, It paints the thoughts before your eyes. COliOlRflDO OUNTLESS stars that ever turn See with eyes that tender yearn, Colorado from afar. Shout her name from star to star, Shout through space to worlds untold, Sing her heart of glowing gold, Mountains white and waving plain, Grassy billow-rolling main, Cities quaint, whose walls outline Grand old castles on the Rhine. COLORADO. 5 •! Then the winds that londly shriek Over gorge and mountain peak, Rushing on from sea to sea. Knowing all earth's mystery, Talked with stars through many night - Of our Colorado's rights ; Made her rank above the land, Placed a scepter in her hand ; Stars and winds around her swirled Crowning her queen of the world. PINE GHOVH NIGHT. OH, lovely Night, with jewels rare ! Flash your tiara,bright with stars ; Shine out your gems and crescent fair. And blaze the ruby light of Mars. Eternal day with shadow blend In light and shade from sea to sea ; These worlds of beauty have no end, For us the land of stars is free. PINE GROVE NIGHT. 53 A home for all not made with hands This sparkling everlasting crown, We long to break these earthly bands When flashes all this splendor down, And dip in rosy light our oars, For well we know from all the past. While drifting on to starry shores, We're bound for something made to last. 54 PINE GROVE NIGHT, We see the lights from windows fai% M}' loved ones look into the skies, The light of home shines from a star ; Your mansions are before yonr eyes. I soon must try the great unseen, In far away to e\^er rove ; Must leave these trees of evergreen, And bid good-bye to dear Pine Grove Pine Grovk THE OLD KICKEB HOMKSTEAli CliEKMOXT COU>'TY. O. TO ALili MY aOVED ONHS Stars, the night time burning In sweet, lucid light, Angel eyes, fond-yearning Through the veil of night, Are eachother telling Loving thoughts and true That are now upwelling In my heart to you. LofC. MAY 13 1901 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS IliilllillllL 015 897 111 2 i^