7 LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. r -\ Shelf /.. < 5&£* UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. rjl 23 1SS7 STREITENBERGER S MANUAL AND Barbers' Hand Book -OF- FORMULAS. 1/ June 28th, 1887. L 23 188 By HIRAM STREITENBERGER, CHILLICOTHE, OHIO. -f •T c? i* Copyrighted and Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1887, by Hiram Streitenberger \ in the Office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. INTRODUCTION RAVING for more than eleven years followed the profession as Master Barber and having given it my exclusive attention, in all its forms and branches, the book herewith presented, has grown out of these observations and experiments. My fellow- workman, you will agree with me that all works touch- ing upon our trade, at least so far as have come to my notice, are advertised to be the Barbers' Guide Book, &c, and a short perusal shows, that Medical Recipes are the principal contents. In presenting my Manual and Barbers' Hand Book of Formulas, the book will prove to you just what the title purports it to be, elim- inating all foreign matter, so that every line and page thereof will be a guide and instructor to the profession. With these few remarks, this book is fraternally commended. Yours respectfully, THE AUTHOR. Practical Suggestions, When using a receipt for making a preparation always try the first or second one, of their respective kinds. All articles should be bought in large quantity as it is much cheaper. Shaving Soap should be bought by the box, and let it dry well. Perfuming Oils can be bought in any quantity, and care should be taken to get a good article. Alcohol classified by government inspectors at 188°, usually retailing at about ,$2.50 per gallon. Co- logne Spirits, classified at 190°, worth about $2.75 per gallon, and called high proof. Proof Spirits, marked 100°, worth about $1.50 per gallon. Alcohol 95°, or diluted alcohol, is obtained by taking strong alcohol 188° and water, equal parts. Alcohol should be bought of some wholesale dealer or rectifier of spirits. When any information or explanation is wanted pertaining to Receipts in this book, 2 cents in postage stamps should always be enclosed with letter, to insure an immediate answer. When ordering a copy of this book the money should be sent by Registered Letter, Money Order or Postal Note, to the publisher. Address all communications to, H. STREITENBERGER, •P. O. Box 481, Chillicothe, Ohio. Articles Necessary for Making Preparations. No. 1. — A 2 ounce of graduate. " 2. — A Glass Funnel. " 3.— A Scale and Weights. " 4.— Half Pint and Quart Measure. *• 5. — Half or Gallon Bottles or Jugs. " 6. — Tin Pail holding from 8 to 10 pints and flaring outward at the top. " 7. — Moulds for Cosmetics. •• 8. — Filtering Paper. " 9. — Small Oil Stove, where no other means are to be had. " 10.— One Mortar and Pestal. Apothecaries Weights and Measures. The characters marked on weights and graduated measures are explained as follows: DRY MEASURE. 1 gr., 1 grain. 1 lb. . 1 pound. 1 9 1 scruple. 20 grains, 1 scruple. 13 1 dram. 3 scruple, 1 dram. 13 1 ounce. 8 drams, I pound. 12 ounces, 1 pound. 3 S r - 5 1 20 S 1 3 60 lb. 1 8 24 480 1 12 LIQUID 96 : MEASURE. 288 5760 2 gtts. 2 drops. I f. 5SS • l 4 fluid ounce. 2 m. 2 minims. io. 1 Pi nt. 1 t. 5 1 fluid dram. lqt. 1 q i lart. 1 f. 5ss. 'o fluid dram. 1 cong, 1 eT ; illon, If. 5 1 fluid ounce. When the Pound is used, 16 ounces instead of 12, is usually weighted. 90 drops or 60 minims, 1 dram. 8 drams, 1 ounce. 16 ounces, 1 pint or pound. 2 pints, 1 quart. 4 quarts, 1 gallon. a m. s 1 60 o. 1 8 480 1 16 128 7680 Formulas, No. 1. BAY RUM. Half Gallon Portion. Oil of Bay 1 oz. " Orange 1 dr. " Pimento 30 drops. Alcohol 4}-o pts. Water enough to make 8 pints. DIRECTIONS. — Mix the oils with ihe alcohol, shake well. gradually add water, set :iside for ten days, then filter through magnesia. If the desired color is not obtained, filter again. . Take Carbonate Magnesia and pulverize it very fine in a mortar or other suitable dis-h. When filtering, be snre to have the filtering paper properly folded — any druggist will fold them for y»u. Place your filtering paper in a glass funnel, then put your magnesia in with a little Bay Rum added to it and pour in slowly on the sides of the paper, so as not to burst a hole in the be ttom. No. 2. Oil of Bay 1% dr. " Pimento 20 drops. Acetic Acid 2 dr. Alcohol, strong 3 pts. Water 3 pts. Directions. — Mix the Acetic Acid with the oils, add the alcohol and water. Let it stand for ten days, and filter same as No. 1. No. 3. Oil of Bay 1 dr. Alcohol 2 pts. Water 2^ pts. Carbonate Potassia 3"e oz. Directions. — Dissolve the Potassia in water and proceed same as No. 1. 10- No. 4. A substitute for Bay Rum. Oil of Cloves 1 dr. M Nutmeg 45 drops. Alcohol 2)£ pts. Water H pts. Tinct of Curcuma 40 drops. Macerate for 10 days and filter through magnesia. BANDOLIN. A preparation as a fixture for the Hair for Lady's Toilet. Gum Tragacanth *<> oz - Water 25 oz. Alcohol 8 oz. Oil of Bitter Almonds. ... 20 drops. Tr. Cochineal ... 7 drops. Directions. — Place the Gum Tragacanth in the water for 21 hours. In winter this should he kept in a warm place. Strain through cloth, then add the oils of Almonds and Cochineal. Dissolve in the alcohol, mix all together. BLONDE HAIR DYE. Use the Peroxide of Hydrogen, more or less di- luted. It can he bought at any first-class Druggist. BLEADING FROM CUTS AND WOUNDS. Collodion 10 dr. Carbolic Acid I dr. Tannin 'o dr. Gum Benzoic Acid % dr. Mix the ingredients in the order named. Keep in a well- corked botile. For slight cuts, apply Monsel's solution. -11- BRASS POLISH. Pulverized Punnice Stone, 4 oz. Oxalic Acid )^ oz. Water % pt. Alcohol •. . 1 oz. Mix all together. COPPER POLISH. Oxalic Acid dissolved in sufficient water. Apply with a soft rag and rub well — a small space at a time, wash ot' with clean water and polish with whiting, using a flannel rag. FURNITURE POLISH. For Renovating Barber's Chairs, Stands and Cases. Linseed Oil 1 pt. Alcohol 2 oz. Vinegar 4 oz. Butter of Antimony 1 oz. Spirits of Camphor 3'2 oz - Spirits of Ammonia }'o oz. Directions. — Mix the Vinegar with the Ammonia, shake well, then add Camphor, Antimony and Alcohol; lastly, add the Oil. Apply with a woolen rag. BLOOM OF YOUTH. Flake White 6 dr. Carmine (No. 40) }/ 2 dr. Glycerine 2 dr. Rose Water 7}£ oz. 12 BAY RUM HAIR TONIC. Glycerine 4 oz. Tinct. Cantharides .... 4 dr. Aqua Ammonia 4 dr. Rose Water 2 oz. Bay Rum 10)^ oz. No. 1. BRILLIANTINE. Gum Benzoin }^ oz. Alcohol 8 oz. Macerate for a few days then filter, then add Castor Oil 4 oz. Oil Geranium 1 dr. Oil Bergamot 1 dr. No. 2. Finest Olive Oil 2 oz. Cologne 1 oz. EAU DE COLOGNE. Oil of Verbena I dr. " Bergamot 1 oz. Patchouly % dr. " Orange 1 oz. Ext. of Musk 2 dr. Tinct. Orris Root 4 oz. Tonka Beans % oz - Alcohol t> pts. Water 2 pts. Macerate all in the alcohol for two weeks, shake occasional^ then add water and filter. 13 Directions for all these Colognes are to cut the oils in about nine-tenths of spirits, and after standing foity-eight hours, add the water and immediately add the remainder of the spirits. The water should always be lukewarm when put m. Always filter through filtering paper. OIL OF COLOGNE. Oil of Bergamot 4 oz. Rose 1 dr. " Neroli 1 dr. " Lemon % oz. " Geranium Rose ... 2 dr. " Lavender 2 dr. Mix. GERMAN COLOGNE. Cologne Spirits 3 qts. Oil of Lemon 5 dr. " Bergamot t 4 dr. " Orange Portugal 3% dr. Neroli K dr - " Neroli Petit grains % dr - " Rosemary %■ dr - Lavender English 25 drops. Cloves 6 drops. Ext. Jasmin Pomade Virgin 4 oz. Water (warm) 32 oz. Mix and let stand for 6 days and Alter through paper. BEST COLOGNE WATER. Oil of Bergamot 2 oz. " Neroli 2 dr - " Jasmin % oz - -14- Oil of Garden Lavender 2 dr. Cinnamon 2 drops. Benzoated Tincture 3 oz. Tincture Musk 3^ oz. Pure Spirits 1 gal. Rose Water 2 pts. Mix and let stand for two weeks. Shake well then filter GERMAN COLOGNE. Oil of Rose 1") drops. u Jasmin 4 dr. " Patchouly 1 dr. " Rose Geranium 1 % dr. " Lemon Grass }4> dr. " Orange ' 15 drops. " Bergamot 2 dr. " Nutmeg ^ dr. " Almond Bitters 10 drops. Verbena 10 " " Caraway . . 5 " " Cassia. 5 " Citronella 30 " " Rhodium 5 " Tinct. Benzoated 2 oz. " Vanilla 1 oz. Cologne Spirits % gal. Water (warm) 8 oz. Mix. This should stand for a long time before filtering. JASMIN COLOGNE. Ext. Jasmin Pomade, 3rd wash 24 oz. " " Virgin 2^ oz. Oil " 1 oz. -15 NEW MOWN HAY COLOGNE. Ext. Jasmin Pomade, 3rd wash 16 oz. " Tuberose " " 16 oz. '' Orange " " 16 oz, " Rose " " 16 oz. New Mown Hay Compound 4 oz. JOCKEY CLUB COLOGNE. Ext. Jasmin Pomade, 3rd wash 2 q'ts. •' Rose " . " 4oz. " Orange " " 5 oz. " Jockey Club Compound 4 oz. M Cloves 1 oz. MAGNOLIA COLOGNE. Ext. Jasmin Pomade, 3rd wash 48 oz. " Orange ** *' 16 oz. "*' Magnolia Compound 4 oz. WHITE ROSE COLOGNE. Ext. Rose Pomade, 3rd wash 2 qts. Pure Spirits 16 oz. Oil of Rose - 1 dr. Ext. Violet, 3rd wash %% oz. " Jasmin, " 1^ oz. " Musk 1 oz Tinct. Camphor 6 drops. Oil of Patchouly % dr. PATCHOULY COLOGNE. Ext. Cassia Pomade, 3rd wash 48 oz. Pure Spirits 16 oz. Ext. Patchouly Compound 6 oz. -16- ROSE COLOGNE. Ext. Tuberose Pomade, 3rd wash 32 oz. " Rose '' '' 32 oz. Oil of Rose 25 drops. Mix and filter. YLANG YLANG COLOGNE. Ext. Jasmin Pomade, 3rd wash 48 oz. " Tuberose " " Hi oz. " Ylang- Ylang Compound 4 oz. VIOLET COLOGNE. Ext. Violet Pomade, 3rd wash 16 oz. " Jasmin k ' " 10 oz. " Cassia " »* 10 oz. " -Rose " ' k 10 oz. " Musk 2 dr. VERBENA COLOGNE. Pure Spirits 10 oz. Ext. Orange Pomade, 3rd wash 1 oz. " Verbena Compound 4 oz. No. 1. COSMETIC. White Wax 4 oz. Prepared Suet oz. Best Lard ... 2 oz. Oil Rose Geranium 2 dr. Oil Lemon 3 dr. Oil Bergamot 3 dr. Directions. — Place the Wax. Suet and Lard in a suitable dish or tin pail, melt together over a slow lire. When dissolved -17 remove and add the essential oils previously mixed, stir well tog-ether, allow it to c«ol oft' a little then pour in proper moulds. Care should be taken never to add the perfuming' oils while over the lire or when very hot as the heat evaporates it when cold, remove and cover with tin pail or paper, and attach Labels. No. 2. Spermaceti 1 oz. Lard 3 oz. White Wax 4 oz. Prepared Suet 8 oz. Perfume \% oz. Directions same as No. 1. MOULDS FOR COSMETIC. A good proportion for a Cosmetic Mould is 3% of an inch in length, by % of an inch in diameter, at one end and 1-16 less at the other. Stick Pomade Moulds should be made longer. 3% inches in length by ll-g in diameter 1-16 less at the bottom end of Mould, there should be at least one dozen on a form, they should be made of tin and soldered well so as not to leak. No. 3. Jasmine Pomatum 4 oz. Tuberose Rose Pomatum . 4 oz. White Wax 8 oz. Suet 8 oz. Oil of Rose 30 drops. Directions same as No. 1. COLORS FOR COSMETIC. For White, use White Wax; for Yellow, use Yellow Wax; for Rose color, use Alkanet Root. lg- CHAPPED HANDS. Tincture Benzoin 1 oz. Glycerine 3 oz. Pure Carbolic Acid 1 gr. Apply after Washing Hands. CREAM TONIC. For the Scalp. Glycerine 1 oz. Tincture Cantharides 2 dr. Rose Water 3 oz. Mix. CAMPHOR WITH GLYCERINE. An elegant application for Chapped Hand, Lip, Sunburn, Tan, &c., Camphor 3 dr. White Wax 3 dr. Glycerine 2 oz. Spermaceti 3 dr. Perfume at Pleasure. Rub well on effected parts, especially after wash- ing, and at bed time. CAMPHOR ICE. White Wax 4)4 oz. Lard 2 oz. Spermaceti 4 dr. Oil Rose 5 drops. Dissolve the first four ingredients by gentle heat, then add Perfuming Oils. 19 COLD CREAM. This Elegant Preparation is peculiarly soothing and healing for Chapped Hands, Lips, &c. Oil of Almonds. . .. 2 oz. Spermaceti 3^ OZi White Wax % oz. Rose Water. 1 oz. Oil of Rose to flavor. Directions. — Place the Oil of Almond, Spermaceti and Wax in a closed vessel, and this in a skillit of boiling water when thoroughly dissolved, remove and add the Rose Water and Oil drop by drop, stiring continually one way. No. 1. DANDRUFF. Glycerine . 2 oz. Rose Water 6 oz. Tinct, Cantharides 3^ oz - Apply to the top of the head and rub well into the scalp. No. 2. Wash the head well with soap, rub dry, then apply the following: Salicylic Acid 15 gr. Bay Rum 1 oz. ™ No. 3. This should be used several times a week, un- til a cure is effected. Tinct. Cinchona 1 oz. Solution of Potassia 2 dr. Salts of Tartar 1 dr. Cologne 1 oz. Water enough for 8 ounces. No. 1. DYEING PREPARATIONS. For Mustache, Hair and Whiskers. Pyrogallic Acid 1 dr. Alcohol 5 oz. No. 2. Crj-stal Nitrate of Silver.. 2 dr. Water f Dist ) 1 ox. Ammonia 2 to 3 dr. Mucilage Gum Arabic. . . 2 dr. Hair Dye should always he excluded from the light, and kept in a dark bottle or dark colored paper around the bottle. The Hair or Whiskers should be washed well before applying. The following is a good wash: Suit of Tartar % oz. Water 1 pt. TO DYE THE HAIR BROWN. v . \ Sulphuret Potassium 1 oz. iNO - '• ( Water (Dist.) 6 oz. v . \ Nitrate Silver 1 oz. JNo> - ] Rose Water , S oz. DIAMOND CERAT': For face and skin diseases, a sure and effectual cure for Barbers Itch, Ringworm, Salt Rheum, Tetter, Scrofula, Ulcers, and all Eruptions. Best Lard 4 oz. Iodine ^ dr. Sulphur 2 dr. Hydrate Potassia 15 gr. -•21 White Precipitate I •"> gr. Oil of Lemon % dr. DlRECTIONS.-Rub the Potassia and Preciptate together,then add Sulphur, Oil, Lemon. Dissolve the Iodine with a little Al- cohol, and gradually mix all together. To he applied freelv with the lingers on going to bed. In serious cases, avoid all exposure to heat as standing before a hot fire. No. 1. DEPILATORIES. For removing superfluous Hair, and to prevent its future growth. Used more especially for Hair growing in hunches or on moles. Sulphuret of Calcium. ... I oz. Quick Lime I oz. DlRKCTl-«NS — Reduce both to a hue powder, mix ind keep in a well corked bottle, (ire it care must be taken when using. Form into a paste and apply only 2 to 4 minutes and wash oil thoroughly. No. 2. Hvdrosulphuret of Sodium Crystal, 18 gr. 'Quick Lime 1 dr. Starch 66 gr. Directions same as No. 1. DRY SHAMPOO. Or Sea Foam. Sulphuric Ether. 1 oz. Alcohol 1 oz. Glycerine 1 oz. Aqua Ammonia 2 dr. Castile Soap 2 oz. Water, Soft 2 pt. Mix. ECZEMA DRYING SALVE. Plumbi Glycerat 1 dr. Ungt. Zinci Oxide 1 oz. Mix. For Local Applications. No. 1. FLORIDA WATER. Oil Lavender 2 oz. " Bergamot 2 oz. " Cinnamon 1 dr. " Cloves '., dr. " Neroli I dr. Pure Musk 2 gr. Cologne Spirits 2 qt. Macerate for two weeks and Filter. No. 2. Oil Bergamot 2 ox. " Lavender.. 'Jo/. " Orange 2 dr. '■ Neroli 1 dr. " Cloves '._, dr. Pure Musk . . 2 gr Cologne Spirits. ....... 2 qt. Tinct Tonka Bean sufficient to color. Macerate for 15 days and Filter FLORIDA WATER. Alcohol 6 qt. Water Z% qt. Spirits Rose second Wash 2 pt. Oil Bergamot 1 oz. '• Geranium Y 2 oz. " Cloves jg oz. " Lavender 4 dr. Oil Cinnamon 4 dr. " Orange Portugal ^ oz. Mix the oils with the alcohol, let stand for forty eight hours and filter, if a better article is wanted add E\t. Musk, to suit. FACE POWDER. Corn Starch 2 lb. Rose Pink 1 dr. Oil Lemom 1 dr. " Bergamot 1 dr. Direction's. — Rub 'he Rose Pink in a mortar with the stan-h, gradually add and mix in the essential oil<. VIOLET POWDER. Corn Starch. . . \% lb. Pulverized Orris Root y 2 lb. Oil Bergamot 5 dr. •• Lemon 5 dr. li Cloves 2 dr. '• Neroli 2 dr.' Use 2 drams of this perfume to the above portions of starch and Orris Root color if possible. FRECKLE LOTIONS. Sweet Almond Oil 1 oz. Bitter Almond Oil ^ oz. Bi-chloride of Mercury.. . 15 gr. Alcohol ' 2j^ dr. Water sufficient for one pint, make an Emulsion of the Almonds with water, add Mercury, dissolve in Alcohol, lastly Water. Apply with a sponge or fingers. 24 No 2. Sulph Carbonate of Zinc . 1 dr. dlu't rine 3 <>/. Rose Water. ."! o/. Cologne Water 2 dr. Thi* is a cure and preventive. FRECKLE, SUN B1 RN OR PAN LOTION. Tint t . Benzoin. 1 i Lavender Water 1 pt. Pure Carbolic Acid 2 gr. Aj)j.l\ several times a day, ami allow it dry on the face GLYCERINE JELLY. I lands, l ce, i Ip, ( relattne •"{ < i cerine 5 ( w ater 6 o*. Oil of Rose 5 drops. i >i--<>l\ e the < relatine and < i ntle add water, ami lasth ndd the <>il «>t k GOLDEN 1 1 A I R TON [C. B rand j , .... 6 a Tim t. Bloodrool . 6 < Cantharidee 1 <»/. '. Milltleurs '._. (./ Dilute if too strong with water and filter. Red colors for Hair Tonics, is obtained by adding Tinct. Cudbear to the mixture. 25 GREASE EXTERMINATOR. For removing Grease or Oil Stains, from the most delicate cloths without injury. Soft Water i., pt. Castile Soap 2 dr. Borax '., dr. Carbonate Soda 1 dr. Spirits Ammonia 3 dr. Alcohol 1>^ dr. Sulphuric Ether 1 dr. Dissolve the Soap Borax and Soda in the water, then grad- ually add the rest previously mixed, apply with a sponge and rinse in clean water. QUININE HAIR TONIC. A fine preparation for Preserving, Restoring and Beautifying the Hair. Glycerine 6 oz. Spirits Ammonia G dr. Tinct. Cantharides 1 oz. Bay Rum 2 oz. Sulphate of Quinine 1 dr. Rose Water, 3 oz. Cologne Water 3 oz. Dikkctions.— Mix the Quinine with Glycerine, then add the rest and shake well. HAIR RESTORATIVE. (Said to be Hall or Rings.) Lac. Sulphur 1 dr. Acetic Lead 1 dr. Chloride Sodium 2 dr. Glycerine 1 oz. -25- Bay Rum 8 oz. Jamaica Rum 4 oz. Soft Water 1 pt. Mix well and shake before using. HAIR RESTORER. (Said to be Mrs. Aliens.) Precipitated Sulphur 52 gr. Pulv. Cassia 6 gr. Glycerine by Weight 2^ oz. Sugar of Lead 82 gr. Distilled Water 5 oz. Flavor with a perfume containing oil of Mirbane. The Lead and Sulphur are rubbed together, then add Cassia, Water and Glycerine. Apply once every 2 or 3 weeks. GENUINE ROSE HAIR OIL. Castor Oil 1 pt. Alcohol 10 oz. Otto of Rose 15 drops. Alkanet Root to color. Directions. — Place a very little of the root with the oil, shake or heat uritill a Red Rose color is obtained, strain, add Alcohol and the oil of Rose. COCOANUT HAIR OIL. Cocoanut Oil 2 oz. Castor Oil 2)4 oz. Alcohol 4 oz. Oil of Jasmin }4 dr. Oil Cloves 2 drops. '* Bergamot 45 " " Lemon 3 '• " Rosemary 2 M " Neroli 5 " " Thyme 1 " Directions. — Melt the Cocoanut Oil in the Castor Oil. dis- solve in the Alcohol, shake well together and add the Perfum- ing- oils, this makes the finest Hair oil that is pos;-ible to put up. LIQUID PEARL. For Beautifying the Complexion. Bay Rum 2 oz. Flake White 2 oz. Glycerine 1 oz. Rose Pink 1 oz. Water 2 pt. Oil Lemon }^ dr. *' Bergamot % dr. Directions. — Rub the Rose, Pink, Flake. White and Gly- cerine to a smoothe paste, place the oils with the Bay Rum and gradually add all together. LIQUID BALM. For Chapped Hands, &c. Bay Rum.. 1 oz. Tinct. Benzoin 1 oz. Glycerine , 1 oz. Rose Water 1 oz. Mix. -28- No. 1. LOTIONS. For the Face. Precipitated Sulphur 1 oz. • Bicarbonate Potassa 1 oz. Cherry Laurel Water. ... 1 oz. Alcohol 1 to 3 oz. Mix and apply. No. 2. Powdered Iodoform 30 gr. Sub. Nit. Bismuth 2 dr. Hydrate Chloral 15 gr. Glycerine 2 dr. Oil of Rose Geranium ... 15 drops. Water 5 oz. Shake well and apply. MOSS ROSE BOQUET. Oil of Rose Virgin 2 dr. " of Yellow Santal 2 dr. Ext. Musk , 12 oz. " Vanilla 4 oz. " Orris Root 2 oz. " Jasmin 4 oz. Benzoic Acid 1 dr. Cologne Spirits Q^S. for. 4 pt. Macerate for 10 days and filter. MUSTACHE WAX. Water 63^ oz. Pulv. Gum Arabic 15 dr. Laundry Soap 1% oz. 29 Spermaceti 1 oz. Yellow Wax 1% oz. Glycerine 5 dr. Directions. — The soap must be finely shaved, and the Gum Arabic Pulverized, both are then dissolved with the water, on a Water Bath. Remove and Rub so is to form a smoothe mixture, then stir into this gradually, the Wax and Spermaceti previously dissolved, lastly add the Glycerine drop by drop, stiring in the meantime Perfume with the following: Oil Rose 10 drops. " Bergamot 1 dr. " Cloves 5 drops. MUCILAGE. For Shop Use. Gum Arabic 2 oz. Water. 4 oz. Glycerine }4 oz. Oil Cloves 4 drops. Dissolve the first two by gentle heat it necessary, stiring and slowly add Glycerine and Cloves. MILK OF ROSES. For Freckle Lotion. Tinct. Benzoin 1 oz. Murate Ammonia 2 dr. Rose Water 7 oz. Apply at night. It will Beautify the Complexion. MAGNOLIA BALM. Pure Oxid Zinci 1 oz. Aqua Rose 4 oz. Glycerine 1 dr. Perfume to suit. -80- MAGNOLIA WATER, Ext. Tuberose 8 oz, M Orange Flowers 6 oz, " Violet 6oz, Tinct. Musk.' 2oz. Ess. of Cedrat , 3 dr. Oil Bitter Almond % dr. Oil Rose 3 dr. Rose Water 3 oz. Orange Flower Water. . . 4 oz. Deodorized Alcohol 5 pt. Mix and filter. POMADE HONGROISE, Lead PlasteT 10 oz. Lard 2 oz. Yellow Wax ^ oz. Oil Bergamot , % dr. w Lemon Jo dr. "■ Cloves 15 drops, " Neroli 15 drops. Dissolve the first three articles by gentle heat, remove fro«J the fire and gradually add essential oils. POMADE. Rose color 2% lbs. Portions, Best Lard 2 lb. Prepared Suet 6 oz. Alkanet Root sufficient. Water 2 to 3 oz. Oil Bergamot 1 oz. Directions — Place the Lard and Suet in a suitable tin pail, holding at least }^ galion and flaring out at the top, melt slowly -31- over a slow fire, take of Alkanet Root, enough to form a ball the size of small butternut, tie it in a small piece of cloth leaving the string attached, add this to the dissolving Lard and Suet 6r the Alkanet can be added loosely, the mixture has then to be thoroughly strained when well dissolved and the desired color is obtained, remove the coloring matter and the mixture from the fire so as to -allow the water to drop easily, add no more than a drop at a time stirring in the meantime in one direction with a smoothe piece of wood, when the water is well worked in, lastly add the Perfumes. For White Pomade, use instead of the Alkanet Root a few grains of Pulverized Borax or Citric Acid, dissolve in the water, this gives a beautiful Flake White color. POMADE. Lard 2 lb. Prepared Suet ... .-.,.,.. . %, lb. Oil Bergamot % oz - Oil Lemon %, oz - Color to suit. Proceed as with No. 1, not adding any water. GENUINE ROSE POMADE. Very Fine. Castor Oil 4 oz. Best Lard 6 oz. White Wax 2oz. Alkanet Root to color. Alcohol }4 oz - Water % oz. Oil of Rose -. . 15 drops. Directions. — Place the Castor Oil, Lard and Wax in a •suitable dish to dissolve with the Alkanet Root tied up in cloth when a good Rose color is obtained, remove then add the Alco- hol and Water drop by drop, stirring continually, when cold add the oils of Rose. -32- LIGHT YELLOW POMADE. Castor Oil 4 oz. Prepared Suet 4 oz. Lard 9 oz. Genuine Oil of Jasmin. ... 2 dr. Palm Oil 4 dr. Alcohol }o oz. Water %_ oz. Tinct. Curcuma Q^ S. Directions same as No. 3. POMADE. Cosmoline Cream. Cosmoline 20 Troy ounces. White Wax 12 " Spermaceti 12 " " Glycerine 3 Fluid " Oil Rose Geranium... 1 " dram. Melt the wax and Spermaceti, add the Cosmoline then stir until nearly cold, add the Glycerine and Oil and stir until cold. , PRAIRIE FLOWER WATER. Essence of Rose Trible ... 16 oz. " Orange Flowers ... 16 oz. " Jasmin 12 oz. " Acacia Flowers.. . . 8 oz. Tincture of Vitivert 8 oz. " Tonka Bean 6 oz. " Vanilla 2 oz. " Ambergris 2 oz. -33- Oil Bergamot 1 oz. " Neroli 1 dr. " Bitter Almonds 1 dr. " Cloves 1 dr. Alcohol 2)2 gallons. Macerate for 10 days and filter through paper. MAGNOLIA BALM. Pure Oxide of Zinc 1 oz. Aqua Rose 4 oz. Glycerine 1 dr. Perfume to suit. Mix. HAIR LOTION. Orange Flower Water. ... 15 oz. Glycerine 1 oz. Tinct. Cantharides 2 dr. Aqua Ammonia 1 dr. Oil Bergamot Q^ S. ROSE LIP SALVE. Almond Oil 2 oz. Spermaceti 3^ oz - White Wax % oz. Oil of Rose 4 to 6 drops. Alkanet Root to color. Dissolve the three first ingredients by gentle heat with the Alkanet Root tied on a small piece of cloth, when sufficiently col- ored remove and add the oil of Rose. 36 SPONGES TO BLEACH. Take a proper number of sponges, shake out all the sand, etc.. if very dirty, wash them with soap and water, rinse them well in soft water, then soak them in the following: Permanganate of Potash, C. P 4 dr. Water 2 pt. After being well saturated squeeze out all that is possible and wash them in soft water, the sponges will become a dark brown color, then dip in the following: Hyposulphite of Soda 2 oz. Muriatic Acid C. P 2 oz. Water 2 pt. Let them remain a short time, then squeeze out, then wash them in strong ammonia water that will clean them well, then put them in the following salt brine, take one tablespoonful of salt and add a few grains of Crystalized Iodine in about 2 gallons of water. TOOTH POWDER. Prepared Carbonate of Lime. Powdered White Soap. " " Sugar. Salicylic Acid. Oil Peppermint. Oil Cinnamon. 37 TO CLEAN MARBLE. Common Soda 2 oz. Powd. Pumice Stone 1 oz. Powd. Chalk 1 oz. Sift on a fine sieve mix with water to form a paste, rub well and wash off with sponge. TO REMOVE OIL STAINS. Spread over the marble a paste made of Benzine and Powdered Soap Stone. Leave it over night and cover over to avoid evaporation. Repeat nightly until stains are removed. TONIC SHAMPOO WASH. For Baldness, Scruff, Dandruff and Itching of the Scalp. Carbonate Ammonia 2 dr. 11 Potash 2 dr. Tinct. Cantharides 1)4 oz - Alcohol 4 oz. Bay Rum 1% pt. Perfume to suit. If too strong add water, apply to the head and rub well in on the scalp. TOILET FRAGRANT CREAM. This should be used after shaving, also for Chapped Hands and Roughness of the skin. Flax Seed 5 oz. Boracic Acid 6 gr. Water 1 qt. Glycerine lfo oz 36 SPONGES TO BLEACH. Take a proper number of sponges, shake out all the sand, etc.. if very dirty, wash them with soap and water, rinse them well in soft water, then soak them in the following: Permanganate of Potash, C. P 4 dr. Water , 2 pt. After being well saturated squeeze out all that is possible and wash them in soft water, the sponges will become a dark brown color, then dip in the following: Hyposulphite of Soda 2 oz. Muriatic Acid C. P 2 oz. Water 2 pt. Let them remain a short time, then squeeze out, then wash them in strong ammonia water that will clean them well, then put them in the following salt brine, take one tablespoonful of salt and add a few grains of Crystalized Iodine in about 2 gallons of water. # TOOTH POWDER. Prepared Carbonate of Lime. Powdered White Soap. " " Sugar. Salicylic Acid. Oil Peppermint. Oil Cinnamon. TO CLEAN MARBLE. Common Soda .... 2 oz. Powd. Pumice Stone 1 oz. Powd. Chalk 1 oz. Sift on a fine sieve mix with water to form a paste, rub well and wash off with sponge. TO REMOVE OIL STAINS. Spread over the marble a paste made of Benzine and Powdered Soap Stone. Leave it over night and cover over to avoid evaporation. Repeat nightly until stains are removed. TONIC SHAMPOO WASH. For Baldness, Scruff, Dandruff and Itching of the Scalp. Carbonate Ammonia 2 dr. " Potash 2 dr. Tinct. Cantharides 1% oz - Alcohol 4 oz. Bay Rum \% pt- Perfume to suit. If too strong add water, apply to the head and rub well in on the scalp. TOILET FRAGRANT CREAM. This should be used after shaving, also for Chapped Hands and Roughness of the skin. Flax Seed 5 oz. Boracic Acid 6 gr. Water 1 qt. Glycerine l}4 oz 38 Alcohol 2 oz. Carbolic Acid 10 drops. Ext. Rose Q^ S. to flavor. Directions. — Dissolve the Boracic Acid in the water, then add the Flax Seed, let this stand for 30 hours then strain through" corse muslin and add the Glycerine, Alcohol and Carbolic Acid, then flavor with the Ext. of Rose. TOILET CREAM. A fine article to use after shaving, also for Chapped Hands and Roughness of the skin. White Wax 7 l 4 oz - Paraffine 3^ oz. Oil Sweet Almond 15 oz. Petrolatum 30 oz. Nitrate Sodium 3% oz. Water . 3^ oz. Oil Lemon 1% oz. Oil Orange 2 dr. Directions. — Melt the Wax Paraffine and Petrolatum and add the oil of Almond. Dissolve the Nitrate Sodium in the wa- ter and add the foregoing articles with constant stiring till nearly cold, then add the oils. TOILET CREAM FOR CHAPPED HANDS. First make a Jelly of Quince Seed 2 drs., Water 2 pts. Boil down to one pint, filter and let it cool, after which use in the following proportion: * Quince Seed Jelly 8 oz. Glycerine 4 oz. Bay Rum 4 oz. Perfume to suit. -39- BABY POWDER. Salicylic Acid 2>£ dr. French Chalk 10 dr. Alcohol 2)4 dr. Rub well together a little at a time, so as to free from all lumps, then add French Chalk 20 oz. FOR CLEANING FINE WALL PAPER. 3 lbs. Rye Flour, 3 lbs. White Flour, 1 oz. Liquid Ammonia, 3 Cakes Compressed Yeast, \y 2 pts. Cornmeal. Let it stand for 24 hours, then roll in shape. Role in dry flour and commence using. HANDKERCHIEF EXTRACTS. These are as fine a selection as is possible to obtain. ESS. BOUQUET. Ext. Musk 4 oz. " Tuberose 2 oz. Otto Rose Virgin 1 dr. '• Bergamot 1 *., dr. " Neroli Super l l dr. " Verbena (true) 8 drops. *' Pimento 10 drops. " Patchouly 3 dr. " Red Cedar Wood. . . i, dr. '* Lavender English .12 drops. Pure Spirits sufficient to make 4 pints. Mix and digest. MARY STEWART BOUQUET. Ext. Orange from Pomade. 3 oz. '' Rose " '• . . 3 oz. " Jasmin «• " . . 2 dr. Tinct. Musk 3 dr. Civet '..', 3 dr". " Ambergris 3 dr. Ambritle(l to 8) . . 1 oz. " Storax 15 drops. " Vanilla 3 dr. Oil Rose Geranium 40 drops. " Sandol Wood 30 drops. " Lemon 2 dr. " Cejlon Cinnamon ... 5 drops. " Sassafras 2 drops. " B av 3 drops. Alcohol G oz. Mix. -42- JOCKEY CLUB. Ext. Jasmin 5 oz. M Orris 20 oz. " Musk 7 oz. " Vanilla 1'., oz. Otto Rose Virgin X% dr. " Sandal Flavor 1% dr. w Bergamot 2 1 ._> dr. " Neroli Super 40 drops. Benzoic Acid 2 dr. Mix Pure Spirits .sufficient for 4 pints. In this as well as in all the following Extracts. In fore adding the last portion of the spirits, replace as much of it with water asthe perfume will hear, without becoming milkey, which will vary from 2 to Bounces or more, this addition will make the Perfume Solter. PATCHOULY. Otto Patchoulv 2 dr. " Sandal Flavor 40 drops. " Rose Virgin 40 drops. Ext. Musk . . .' S oz. Orris 8 oz. " Vanilla 4 oz. " Strvrax 2 dr. Pure Spirits sufficient to make 4 pints, and Mix. Mix POND LILY. Ext Rose Virgin Pomade. 8 oz. '" Orange " " . . 4 oz. " Cassie " k> . . 4 oz. Tinct Vanilla 2 oz. Oil Cloves 10 drops. This is an exceedingly fine perfume. -43- MUSK, Ext. Musk 1 pt. " Orris , 6 o-z- " Vanilla 2 oz. M Sty rax . . 2 dr. Otto Sandal Flavor 1 dr. " Bergamot 2 dr. " Neroli Super 10 drops, " Patchouly 12 drops. " Lavender English. . . 15 drops. '* Cinnamon 6 drops. Mix pure Spirits sufficient to make 4 pints. TUBEROSE. Ext. Tuberose 24 o^z. " Musk . ., 4 oz, " Jasmin 1 oz. Otto Rose Virgin 1 dr. " Neroli Super ....... 10 drops. Benzoic Acid 2 dr. Mix pure Spirits sufficient for 4 pints. LILLY OF THE VALLEY. Ext Tuberose Y 2 P^ '" Jasmin 1 oz. " Orange Flower.. . 2 oz. " Vanilla. 3 oz. " Cassia 4 oz. " Rose 4 oz. • Otto Almonds 3 drops. Keep this mixture for one month and then bottle Cor sale, this perfume is very much admired. -44- SWEET PEA. Ext. Tuberose T pt. " Orange Flower x . 2 pt. ' Rose j.j pt. " Vanilla 1 oz. Mix LADY HAYS' BOUQUET. Ext. of Violet 40 oz. u of Tuberose 10 oz. " of Cassia 10 oz, " of Ambergris 2 1 ., oz. Otto of Roses ! .. oz. Oil of Neroli H oz.. " of Bergamot ! \ oz. u Lavender x A oz. Mix. WILD LOCUST. Ext. Rose Virgin Pomade. 4 oz. " Vitervert 4 oz. Oil Patcboulv '•> dr. kt Cedar ', dr. u Sandal Flavor '.j dr. " Verbena ^ dr. Ext. Civet }. 2 dr. Mix. WHITE ROSE. Otto Rose Virgin 2 dr. " Red Cedar Wood (true). ... 6 drops, "■ Patebouly 4 drops-. Otto Orange, Fresh };, dr. Ext Tuberose .... 2 oz. Orris 2 oz. " Jasmin 2 oz. '• Musk 2 oz. Benzoic Acid 1 dr. Mix pure Spirits (to which 4 ounces of Rose water has been added,) sufficient to make 4 pints. BOUQUET KNIGHT TEMPLER. Pure Spirits 7 oz. Ext. Orris 3 l .< oz. Oil Bergamot 3 l o dr. '• Patchoulj 16 drops. " Cloves 8 drops. Geranium (true) 10 drops. Ext. Vanilla 3 1 . dr. " Benzoin 2 l o dr. " Tolu U4 dr. CHARLOTTE CUSHMAN BOUQJJET. Triple Ext. of Roses 32 oz. " " of Tuberose . . 34 oz. " " of Orris 12 oz. " " of Ambergris 4 oz. " " of Musk 2 oz. Oil of Bergamot 1 oz. " of Lemon % oz - Mix. 46- CLARA KELLOGG BOUQUET. Ext. of Tuberose 20 oz. 44 of Violet 1(5 ox. of Roses 16 o/.. " Vanilla 8 oz. " Tolu 4 oz. •' Ambergris 4 oz. Oil of Neroli 1 dr. ( )il of Lemon '., dr. Mix. SWEET GEM OF EDEN. Ext. of Jasmin 20 oz. of Tuberose 16 oz. " of Orange Flowers.. . 4 oz. " of Jonquil •. . . 4 oz Triple Ext. of Roses .... 4 oz Ext. of Acacia Flower. ... 4 oz. " of Vanilla .'{ oz. " of Civet 1 oz. Oil of Bergamot 1 oz. LUCCA BOUQUET. Triple Ext. of Rose 20 ok. Ext. of Jasmin 20 oz. " of [onquil 20 oz. " of Violet 10 oz. " of Ambergris 10 oz. Oil of Neroli K, dr. M of Roses 1 dr. " of Lavender '., dr. Index. American Shampoo Liquor, 35 Bay Rum, . . . 9, 10 Bav Rum Hair Tonic . . 12 Ba'ndolin, . . . .10 Blonde Hair Dye, . . .10 Bleeding from Cuts and Wounds Brass Polish. . Bloom of Youth, . Brilliantine. . Best Cologne Water, Baby Powder, Bouquet Knight Templar, Copper Polish, Cosmetic, . . . 1(5, Colors for Cosmetic, Chapped Hands, . Cream Tonic, . , Camphor, with Glycerine, . Camphor Ice, .... Cold Cream, .... Cocoanut Hair Oil. Charlotte Cushman Bouquet Clara Kellogg Bouquet, Dandruff. Dyeing Preparations, Diamond Cerate, Depilatories, . Dry Shampoo, Eau De Cologne, Eczema Drying Salve, Ess. Bouquet, Furniture Polish, Florida Waters, Face Powder, Freckle Lotions. . . 23, For Cleaning Wall Paper, 10 11 11 12 13 39 15 11 17 17 is 1^ is 18 lit •2li 45 45 19 20 20 21 21 12 22 41 11 ■22 24 24 39 German Cologne, . Glycerine Jelly, Golden Hair Tonic, Grease Exterminator. Genuine Rose Hair Oil Genuine Rose Pomade Hair Restorative, . Jockey Club Cologne, Jasmin Cologne, . Jockey Club Extract. Liquid Pearl, . Liquid Balm. . Lotions, . Light Yellow Pomade Lilly of the Valley, Lady Hays 1 Bouquet, Lucca Bouquet, Magnolia Cologne, Moulds for Cosmetic, Moss Rose Bouquet, Mustache Wax, Mucilage, Milk of Roses, Magnolia Balm, . Mary Stewart Bouquet Musk, New Mown Hay, . Oil of Cologne, Patchouly Cologne, Pomade Hongroise, Pomade, . . .30 Prairie Flower Water, Patchouly Extract, Pond Lilly, . Quinine Hair Tonic, li 3( ,31,3: . 3: . 4: . 4: 48- Rose Cologne, . . ,15 Rose Lip Salve, . . . '->'-i Renovating Cleaning Fluid. :!4 Stvptic- Powder, . . . 'M Silver Cleaning Solution, . ::i Shampoo Wash, . . • 84 Sea Foam, . . . .35 Sponges to Bleach, . . M Sweet Gem of Eden, . . 4t*> Sweet Pea, . . . .44 Tooth Powder, . . . 80 To Clean Marble. . . .87 To Remove Oil Stains. . 117 Tonic Shampoo Wash, . ::7 Toilet Fragrant Cream, .37 Toilet Cream, . , . 3S Toilet Cream lor Chapped Hands, . . 88 Tuberose Extract, . .4:'. Violet Cologne, . . .Hi Verbena Cologne, . . Id Violet Powder, . . .23 White Rose Cologne, . .41 Wild Locust Extract, . . 44 White Rose Extract, . . 4"> Viang, Viang Cologne, . M LIBRARY OF CONGRESS 013 826 623