F834 .S2H6 ^.^*^°* ^°- A^'^ ♦'^ "^r*. "'>^^^-' ^^^^^'\ ^''^•^-.X /^i3.''-\ ^'' ''^'\ / *;^'' \ n exodus, numbering two thousand souls, preceded by a small band of pioneers v Brigham Young as leader, set out for Council Bluffs ; and from that point, after wintering on the west bank of the Missc followed Fremont's trail over the Rocky mountains. With few stops of long duration en route the party reached Salt Lake ( (see Mormon emigrant trains) as we saw in the opening chapter. Here their wanderings ceased, although the church extended its ramifications to other western states and territories. 131 91 PROMINENT MORMONS. (■'i-:.i in order, of a right, comes the Prophet Joseph Smith whose history is closely identified with that of the Mormon faith ; fron; his connection with the church in its palmiest days, and for his marriageable proclivities, Brigham Young is proba- :lest known representative Mormon. He was born in Withingham, Windham county, Vermont, June i. 1801, baptised lurch of Latter Day Saints April 14, 1832, and died at Salt Lake City, August 29, 1877. Me left seventeen wives, six- .sui. ind twenty-eight daughters, and had been the father of fifty-six children. VI' -d Woodruff succeeded him as president of the church ; John Taylor, one of the founders of the church, was with the Dseph Smith at the time of his murder in Illinois. George U. Cannon is the present representative from Utah in the g-jcss of the United States. GREAT SALT LAKE. This is justly termed " The Dead Sea of America," as its waters sustain no life. In thirty minutes the cars of the Utah and ailway carry the visitor from Salt Lake City to Garfield Beach, with pavilions and bathing houses, the curious inland I'esoi The /ater of the lake is heavy with salts and wonderfully buoyant, sustaining a person upon the surface for an) length of witli ut effort; receiving as it does so many streams. without outlet, evaporation concentrates the solids of the waters with esu! :hat while the brine of the ocean contains but three per cent of salt, the waters of Great Salt Lake contain twent)- per cent. FORT DOUGLASS. s a United States military post three miles north of the city at the entrance to red Butte cafion, where from an eleva- tor; nindred feet above it looks out over the city of tlie Saints. 'L&\ s and orchards surround the officers' quarters and barracks, which are built of stone and command an extended view of ;aii.' CANON SCENERY. v^ ..!.. ■ scenery is a feature of Utah, and may well hold a place among the attractions of her capital. The Cottonwood and er ca^ ons are just representatives of this, and the " Castle Gate" and "Devil's Slide" good illustrations of their curious rock To an eye from abroad this is wonderland, and this brief description but a memory of Utah sights and scenes. 4 ;»*i»*' ^^H 0- SECTION OF ROOF OF TAEERrJACLE, E N D V\' M E rj T H O U S t. DESERET NEWS AND TITHING OFFICE. WALK E R HOUSE, CONTINENTAL HOTEL. THE CULLE N. CASTLE GATE, D. &R. GR SCENF ON THE SOUTH COTTONWOOD- UTE M OTH ER AND C HI LD. DEV1L5 5LIDE, WEBER CANYON POCOTELLO INDIANS. MAIN STREET LOOKING SOUTH. BOARD OF TRADE-2"-°S ST MAIN STREET LOOKING NORTH. VIEW IN FORT DOUGLASS. OFFICERS QUARTERS, FORT DOUGLASS. GROFS-BECK BLOCK AND POST OFFICE.; FIRST RESIDENCE ERECTED IN UTAH.IS'rT. SALT LAKE CITVANDWASATCH MOUNTAiNS.FROM TOPOF TEMPLE lr«^^M COUNTY JAI L. DENVER AND RIO GRANDE RAILWAY DEPOT. Z, C . M . I SHOE FACTOR 1". ST. MARKS, EPISCOPAL CATHEDRAL ST Mary's hospital [c a -t h o li c .] METHODIST CHURCH. CATHOLIC CHURCH. DE5ERET UNIVERSl TY. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. BLACK ROCK- GARFIELD BEACH GREAT SALT LAKE. THE PAVILLION GARFIELD BEACH GREAT SALT LAKE. BATH INCH OUSES. THE HERALD BUILDING UNION BLOCK- POLYGAMY IN OLDEN TIME. J. F. S M I TH. JOSEPH SMITH. SRIGHAM YOUNG JOHN TAYLOR. PROM IN FN T MDRMriMQ GEO.Q. CANNON. BRIGHAM YOUNGS GRAVE. A MORMON EMIGRANT TRAIN COALVILLE. GAROO HOUSE. RESIDENCE OFTHE PRESIDENT OF THE MORMON CHURCH INTERIOR OF MORMON T A B E R N A C L E , 2 5 O FEET LONG. Z. C. M. I. BU I LD I N6 . THE TEMPLL Ai- II WILL APPEAR WHEN COMPLETED. -rj. - » a - ^-J TEMPLE BLOCK BEEHIVE HOUSE AND EAGLE GATE TABERNACLE ASSEMBLY HALL iBiiazaz3z -^^ ■y .4 ^^. '■>••• A< i^ "^0^' : O V / "^^ -.-. /^,\* /'^%X /^'^-X ^^ <*^fe'\ ,.^'\ '-W^' .^'-^ -.UK' /\ '»»^*" 4.^% l^*' /% -> ■•-^o^ "» ■«.<' JP-^*. <>^ *T ....%■"•••>... <-*''^'*''- ,. v--^->* %'-^m'\