" Never yet was a spring-time When the buds forgot to blow " rp.4 EASTER BELLS Ipoems BY -^ SJ^ MARGARET E. SANGSTER ILLUSTRATED NEW YORK HARPER AND BROTHERS MDCCCXCVII r». V\^MO -^ A ^y^ ^^"^.v . ,^,^"^^ By MRS. SANGSTER. WITH MY NEIGHBORS. i6mo, Cloth, Ornamental, $i 25. ON THE ROAD HOME. Poems. Illustrated. i6mo, Cloth, Ornamental, $1 25. LITTLE KNIGHTS AND LADIES. Poems. Illus- trated. i6mo. Cloth, Ornamental, $1 25. HOME FAIRIES AND HEART FLOWERS. Illus- trated. 4to, Cloth, Ornamental, $6 00. Published by HARPER & BROTHERS, New York. \ c^' ^ %l lc>6 Copyright, 1897, by HARPER & BROTHERS. All rights reserved. TO MY DEAR FRIEND CORNELIA REMSEN JOHNSON THESE SIMPLE VERSES ^re Hobinslg JEnscrfljetr The poems here gathered, originally ap- peared in the several publications of Messrs. HARPER & BROTHERS, or in The Cosmopolitan Magazine, The YotttFs Companion, The Congregationalist, The Christian Intelli- gencer, and The Simday-School Times, I CONTENTS Part I— SONGS OF THE EASTER-TIDE Page EASTER BELLS 3 AWAKENING .......... 4 GETHSEMANE 5 GOOD-FRIDAY 7 AN EASTER SONG Q *'WHO ROSE AGAIN FROM THE DEAD" . II THE SPLENDOR OF LILIES I4 EASTER CHORDS I5 UNDER THE CLOUD 18 ANGELS 20 WHEN SPRING COMES BACK 22 AN EASTER IDYL 24 IN THE SHADOW 28 A DREAM 30 A WAY-SIDE GRAVE 3 1 Page comfort one another 33 god's way 35 easter flowers 37 Part II— HOME AND HEARTH love's kingdom . , 41 WHEN POLLY PLAYED FOR DANCING . 42 WEDDED HANDS -44 THE AMBULANCE -45 THE HOME-BOUND SHIP 46 A COQUETTE 47 CAMP ECHOES 48 THE REASON 50 THREE BASKETS 51 CONVALESCENT 53 HER LETTER 54 BON VOYAGE ! 56 SNOWDROP AND CROCUS 58 VIOLETS 59 A CLUSTER OF ROSES TO A FRIEND . . 60 THE BLOOM OF THE CACTUS .... 62 INFELIX 64 DAY BY DAY .66 THE OLD SCHOOL-HOUSE 68 Page THE mother's chair 7 1 THE LETTER SHE DID NOT WRITE . . 73 THE UNRETURNING 75 THANKSGIVING 77 Part III— MILE-STONES CHRISTMAS 8l AUTUMN PLOUGHING 83 THE CHRISTMAS ANGELS 85 HOLLY AND PINE 87 MISS LUCINDA'S OPINION ..... 89 OF ALL DEAR DAYS 92 IN BETHLEHEM 95 A CHRISTMAS THOUGHT 97 OCTOBER 99 A THANKSGIVING FEAST IOC GARDENS 103 AUTUMN DAYS IO5 THE LOVING-CUP I07 THE DAYS WHEN NOTHING HAPPENS . IIO GOOD-NIGHT. . 112 THE NEW YEAR II4 AT THE PARTING OF THE WAYS . . . II6 THE THINNING RANKS II8 Part IV— CLOSET AND ALTAR JESUS WENT BEFORE 123 NOT READY 124 JOINT HEIRS 125 THE DEAREST ONE . 127 A SONG OF THE BURDEN BEARER . . 129 VESPERS 131 ONE STEP AT A TIME I33 THE WORD SHE REMEMBERED. . . . I36 TE DEUM LAUDAMUS ....... I37 THINE IS THE POWER I39 A THOUGHT I40 FOLDED HANDS . I4I THE CURTAIN FALLS I43 ILLUSTRATIONS " NEVER YET WAS A SPRING-TIME WHEN THE BUDS FORGOT TO BLOW " Frontispiece MAIDEN BERTHA Facing p. 52 "the dear OLD GARDENS . . . WHERE MOTHER USED TO POTTER ABOUT" Facing p. I04 **IN THE FIELDS ARE SILENCE AND PERFUME " , Facing p. 1 32 Ipatt H SONGS OF THE EASTER-TIDE EASTER BELLS Chime, solemn bells of Easter! The shadows flee away, And all the earth is smiling In the glory of the day. Ring, tender bells of Easter ! Beyond our toil and tears. There wait for all the faithful Heaven's long and happy years. Break, joyous bells of Easter ! From far across the sea Bring us the endless music Of immortality. Triumphant bells of Easter ! Again by angels rung, Speak comfort to the sorrowing Of every land and tongue. 3 Blend, golden bells of Easter ! Heaven's fairest and its best, To hush earth's clamorous discords And soothe earth's sad unrest. AWAKENING Never yet was a spring-time, Late though lingered the snow, That the sap stirred not at the whisper Of the south wind, sweet and low j Never yet was a spring-time When the buds forgot to blow. Ever the wings of the summer Are folded under the mould 5 Life, that has known no dying, Is Love's, to have and to hold, Till sudden, the bourgeoning Easter ! The song ! the green and the gold ! GETHSEMANE The dew lay thick on thorn and flower, And where the oHves clustered gray Weird shapes, within that awesome hour Between the midnight and the day, Seemed walking phantom-like abroad, As if to vex the Son of God. And all the city lay asleep, O'er beast and bird the spell was cast. And nothing stirred the silence deep, Save where our Lord the vigil passed ^ The long lone vigil when His prayer Was uttered from a heart's despair. " Oh, watch with me one little hour !'' His tender tones had pleading cried Unto the faithful three, whose dower Of love had kept them near His side. Nay — folded hands and drooping head. And slumber — quiet as the dead. 5 No wonder then for weariness The second time they fall asleep, He turns in very tenderness, And leaves them to repose so deep ; Alone He meets the serpent foe, Alone He bears the bitter woe. Gethsemane ! Gethsemane ! We see the glory and the gloom ! Through all thy pain and agony, Thy garden wears immortal bloom. 'Twas human friendship failed Him there. But Love Divine did hear His prayer. Life's bitter cups we too must take, Life's bitter bread in anguish eat ,• But when our hearts are like to break There comes to us a whisper sweet, " Fear thou no dim Gethsemane 5 Thy sleepless Friend will watch with thee!'' GOOD-FRIDAY Be hushed, my heart, remembering What dole was given for thee, How pressed on Him thy burden, when. For all the sinful sons of men, Christ went to Calvary. The mournful journey that He made. Each step was taken for thee. Be hushed, my heart, let clamor cease 5 Prepare a chamber white with peace. His resting-place to be. In solemn shadow of the cross, O soul, abide till He Who tasted death ere thou shouldst know Its bitterness of utmost woe With strength shall guerdon thee. 7 Its Via Dolorosa still Each life of earth must see, And in some hour, or soon or late. Must bend beneath the crushing weight Of earth's Gethsemane. But heart, in love and prayer look up Beyond the awesome tree 5 The heaven of heavens is reft to-day j All angels march the starry way That leads from Calvary. For conquering, the Lord of life (His mighty legions free) Goes forward while the ages roll 5 The price of every ransomed soul Full paid on Calvary. ^ AN EASTER SONG The golden sun climbs up the sky, The shadows flee away, Oh ! weary heart, forget to sigh, God sends thee Easter Day ! Long was the night, chill was the air, And grief o'er brooded long, Yet is the new world white and fair. Uplift thine Easter song ! The cross that bowed thee with its weight By strength of prayer is stirred, Till it shall bear thee soon or late, As wings upbear the bird. The life that thrills from star to star. And beats in leaf and stem. Is wider than the heavens are. And blesses thee from them. Wert thou cast down, wert thou dismayed, Dear child of One above. Behold the earth in light arrayed, The light of deathless love. 9 Oh ! listen to the word that wakes In every budding flower, And take the bread the Master breaks, In His triumphant hour. Nor feel, dear one whom Jesus saves, And heartens day by day, That earth is but a place of graves, A dim and dolorous wa)^ As mothers hush their little ones, God puts his own to sleep 5 And long as time is marked by suns, Their beds His angels keep. Not once a year alone, but oft In all our years of days, Shall fall the word or promise, soft As hymns the blessed raise. If but we bend the listening ear To hear upon the strand The wave-beat of the endless life. Not far, but close at hand. For those who hear, and hearing yearn, The King hath secrets sweet 5 Their hearts within them thrill and burn, They wait His coming feet. Then swift the sun climbs up the sky ! The shadows flee away ! Oh ! weary heart, forget to sigh, God sends thee Easter Day! "WHO ROSE AGAIN FROM THE DEAD" O Earth, forget thy winter j O Nature, bud and bloom, And clothe the slopes with greenness that late were hung with gloom. O clustered Easter lilies, your gleaming cen- sers lift, Forth comes the mighty Victor, the rocky tomb to rift. O gentle Easter angels, be sw^ift to greet the day When ftom the guarded chamber the stone is rolled away. And Christ the King steps onward, with Death beneath him dead. And leads His ransomed homeward, with glory on His head. Three days ago they laid Him, all pulseless on the bier -, The thorn-marked brow was pallid j their hearts stood still in fear. Three days of solemn stillness, three days of grief sublime, A pause when seraphs waited to hear the throbs of Time. And now ? No burst of music, as when a babe He came. Though heaven is thrilled with rapture, and cherub-anthems flame. In soundless flight on sweeping, the shining ones descend To give our earth the key-note or songs that shall not end. What though there are who listen in vain for voices hushed ? What though there are who languish o'er sweet hopes early crushed ? Still peal the Easter chorals adown the lonely years, And yet the Easter promise hath solace for our tears. The Christ for us hath conquered our one relentless foe, Our vanished ones forever with Him are safe, we know. O fragrant Easter lilies, like tapers fair ye stand. To light the silent portals that guard the deathless land. Haste, gentle Easter angels, who rolled the stone away. Come melt our loveless spirits, shame unbelief this day. And help us tread it under our footsteps as we sing The joyous hymns of Easter around our risen King. THE SPLENDOR OF LILIES Oh, rare as the splendor of lilies, And sweet as the violet's breath, Comes the jubilant morning of Easter, The triumph of life over death 5 And fresh from the earth's quickened bosom Full baskets of flowers we bring. And scatter their satin soft petals To carpet a path for our King. In the countless green blades of the meadow, The sheen of the daflrbdil's gold. In the tremulous blue on the mountains, The opaline mist on the wold. In the tinkle of brooks through the pasture, The river's strong sweep to the sea. Are signs of the day that is hasting In gladness to you and to me. Oh, dawn in thy splendor of lilies. Thy fluttering violet breath. Oh, jubilant morning of Easter, Thou triumph of life over death ! Then fresh from the earth's quickened bosom Full baskets of flowers we bring. And scatter their satin soft petals To carpet a path for our King. 14 EASTER CHORDS Christ the Lord is risen to-day ! Sons of men and angels say, Raise your joys and triumphs high, Sing ye hea