Price, 25 Cents Around the Christmas Tree By HARRIETTE WILBUR PAINE PUBLISHING CO. DAYTON, OHIO Song Specialties for Your Entertainments Teachers are discovering that no matter how much novelty there is in their entertain- ment, how well it is arranged, how thoroughly drilled, if they want to hold the active interest of the audience they must use the best of songs. The songs must be real novelties. The words must be interesting as well as decidedly clever. The music must be catchy and abounding in rich melody. With these things in mind we have prepared this list of superior song novelties for our patrons. All are in regular sheet music form. Price, 3S cents each; S for $1.25 WELCOME SONGS We've Just Arrived from Bashful Town. I We Hope You've Brought Your Smiles Along. Come and Partake of OurWelcome Cake. We're Very Glad to See You Here. With Quaking Hearts We WelcomeYou. • i ! CLOSING SONGS j Mr. Sun and Mrs. Moon. | Now, Aren't You Glad You Came ? I We Do Not Like to Say Goodbye. ; We'll Now Have to Say Goodbye. • ) Paine Publishing Co., Dayton, Ohio f#. .♦..«.♦»..»♦♦»..»..»..»..«..»«♦»..».♦»«.»..»♦.».♦»..»..#..»..»..«♦.»..»..»..»« ^«.<».»..»..t.. » t «»«.»«»»..««.»i»#««»«it»'« "» i'»^ Around the Christmas Tree "By Harriette Wilbur AUTHOR OF "Holly Wreath Time" "All in\ a Garden Fair" 'Graduates from Mother Goose School" "The Class Colors" COPYRIGHT, 1922, BY L. M. PAINB PAINE PUBLISHING COMPANY DAYTON, OHIO TMP92-007494 SEP 29 '22 2C1A6S7047 "Ho \ Around the Christmas Tree For any even number of children, all boys, all girls, or half the number boys and the other half girls. Each one carries a string of tinsel, or; a string of colored papers, which may be made of loops that are all red, may be green and red, or in rainbow mixture. In the center of the platform have the Christmas Tree, which may be an evergreen or a symmetrical little deciduous tree if an ever- green is not obtainable. It may be ornamented with the fancy drops that are such popular ornaments, with electric lights, or with unlighted candles, but with no tinsel or paper chains, as the children are to furnish this at the end of the drill. Pianist plays any pretty 3-4 music with a swinging melody. The children enter in a single line, boys and girls alternating in the line, if both take part. They use this very simple glide step: On first beat slide right foot one step ahead; on next beat bring left foot behind right and rise on toes; on third beat settle down on heels. Circle about stage and halt in a single circle about the tree, but not too close to it. 1 — Clasp hands in a single circle, facing outside or away from tree. On first beat slide right foot one step to the right ; on second beat bring left foot behind right and rise on toes ; on third beat settle down on heels. Repeat sixteen measures or as long as desired. Halt on last measure, still keeping hands clasped, and all face right. 2 — Repeat same step as in 1, with right foot leading. 3 — Facing left, repeat 2 with left foot leading. 4 — Face right at close of 3. On first beat step forward on right foot; on next two counts kick left foot forward, raising knee and pointing toe downward gracefully. On second measure step forward on left foot at first count; on next two counts raise right foot behind. Repeat around circle. 5— About face and repeat 4 with left foot leading. 3 4 AROUND THE CHRISTMAS TREE 6 — Halt in circle, partners facing. The girl of each couple, or every other even-numbered child, kneels and holds garland up at arm's length, while her partner circles about her using this hop step: Step' on right foot, kick left foot, step on left foot, kick right foot. After circ- ling about kneeling partner once, — taking eight steps not counting the kicks, — her partner kneels, while girl rises and circles about for eight steps, stepping first on left foot and circling in direction opposite to that taken by partner. After completing her circle, she halts while partner rises and both face each other, arms held up. ( These steps are really very simple and the children will learn them easily.) 7 — Each girl goes to the right with four of the steps described in No. 1, partners thus moving away from each other, one toward the center the other away from center. Then they take four of the steps toward each other meeting face to face on fourth step. Repeat. (The children moving toward the center from all around the ring will meet in a group close to the tree, on the fourth step, when they salute by flinging arms high. The chil- dren moving away from the center raise hands at the same time, facing away from the center and a good eight steps to the outside of the tree. This makes a very pretty and effective figure as the arms are all flung up on the fourth beat as all rise on their toes, one group being close to the tree, and facing it, the other far away from it and with back turned to it. Then when partners meet in original circle, they salute by again raising hands high.) Repeat 16 measures at least. 8 — Repeat 1. 9— Partners stand facing each other, and raise garlands high. Using step as in 4, each passes to the right of partner and on around in a circle, weaving in and oat with those met on the way. At close of third figure, AROUND THE CHRISTMAS TREE 5 partners will be facing each other again, though the children should keep circling until the close of the six- teenth measure of music, no matter how many times the partner is met while circling. 10— Repeat 1-6. 11 — Repeat 7, with this difference : When the first group of girls reach the tree, they toss their strings upon it as they lift their hands, then return to meet partners, which will take eight measures of music. Then the partners for the next eight measures move toward the tree instead of away from it, while their partners move away from it, this second group leave their chains on the tree, and return to meet partners. 12 — Repeat 1, circling once around tree and then moving off in a single line. : Entertainments for All Occasions Special Day Entertainments BEST CHRISTMAS PANTOMIMES— Irish $0.40 CHOICE CHRISTMAS DIALOGUES AND PLAYS— Irish 40 CHOICE CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINMENTS— Irish 40 CHRISTMAS AT MCCARTHYS'— Guptill 25 CHRISTMAS AT PUMPKIN HOLLER— Guptill 25 CHRISTMAS EVE AT MULLIGAN'S— Irish 25 CHRISTMAS SPEAKIN' AT SKAGGS' SKULE— Irish 25 IN A TOY SHOP— Preston 25 THE PRIMARY CHRISTMAS BOOK— Irish 40 PUMPKIN PIE PETER— Irish 25 THE REUNION AT PINE KNOT RANCH— Irish 25 SNOWBOUND FOR CHRISTMAS— Preston 25 A STRIKE IN SANTA LAND— Preston 25 A THANKSGIVING CONSPIRACY— Irish 25 A THANKSGIVING DREAM— Preston 25 A TOPSY-TURVY CHRISTMAS— Guptill 25 Dialogues and Children 9 s Plays ALL IN A GARDEN FAIR— Wilbur $0.25 DOLLS ON DRESS PARADE— Preston 25 A PARTY IN MOTHER GOOSE LAND— Preston 25 SNAPPY HUMOROUS DIALOGUES— Irish 40 Recitations and Pantomimes CATCHY PRIMARY RECITATIONS— Irish $0.30 OLD TIME SONGS PANTOMIMED— Irish 40 Plays THE DEAREST THING IN BOOTS— MacKenzie $0.25 THE GREAT CHICKEN STEALING CASE OF EBENEZER COUNTY — Richardson 25 THE GREAT WHISKEY STEALING CASE— Richardson 25 MISS JANIE; OR, THE CURTAILED COURTSHIP— Bonham. .25 THAT AWFUL LETTER— MacKenzie 25 THE UNEXPECTED GUEST— MacKenzie 25 Monologues AS OUR WASHWOMAN SEES IT— MacKenzie $0.25 ASK OUIJA — MacKenzie .25 THE COUNTRY COUSIN SPEAKS HER MIND— MacKenzie . . .25 GLADYS REVIEWS THE DANCE— MacKenzie .25 TM ENGAGED— MacKenzie 25 SHE SAYS SHE STUDIES— MacKenzie 25 SUSAN GETS READY FOR CHURCH— MacKenzie 25 •..*.. •..*~«. .«..*..•.. •..«..•..•..«..«..«..«..«..«..«..•..«.. »..«..«..«..•..•.. •..•..«..•.. •'••..•"••••• .•..«..•..•..«. .•..«..«.. PAINE PUBLISHING CO. Dayton, Ohio Entertainments fo ..»■■»■■»■■»■■ » ■■>■■ CHOICE CHRISTMAS ENTERTAINME1S For children of all grades. Contents n n1c too oioq ft logues, 11 plays and dialogues, 5 drills w W1D /^J?f5L", 4 pantomimes, 8 pantomimed carols, 8 songs, etc. Price, 40 cental THE PRIMARY CHRISTMAS BOOK By Marie Irish For children under ten years of age. Contents: 68 recitations, 12 exercises, 7 songs, 6 drills, 12 dialogues and plays, 9 pantomimes. Price, 40 cents. BEST CHRISTMAS PANTOMIMES By Marie Irish Twelve pantomimes, each accompanied by complete words, directions and music. Some are serious and some are in a lighter vein. Price, 40 cents. CHOICE CHRISTMAS DIALOGUES AND PL AYS... By Marie Irish Ten dialogues for Primary Grades, 10 dialogues for Intermediate Grades and 8 plays for Grammar Grades. Price, 40 cents. CHRISTMAS AT MCCARTHYS' By Elizabeth F. Guptill Brimful of fun and Christmas spirit. For any number of young folks and children. Time, 30 minutes. Price, 25 cents. CHRISTMAS AT PUMPKUT HOLLER By Elizabeth F. Guptill The old-fashioned school is rehearsing for the Christmas enter- tainment. Funny from beginning to end. Time, 30 minutes. For any number of children. Price, 25 cents. CHRISTMAS EVE AT MULLIGAN'S By Marie Irish For all grades. 4 males, 5 females. Time, 30 minutes. A most unusual play. Plenty of wit and humor as well as more serious episodes. Sure to be a success. Price, 25 cents. CHRISTMAS SPEAEJir AT SKAGGS' SKULE By Marie Irish A back woods school entertainment is featured. Easy to pre- pare and plenty of fun. For 6 boys and 8 girls. Time, 30 minutes. Price, 25 cents. IN A TOY SHOP By Effa E. Preston In rhyme. For 12 or more small children. A clever little play that will please. Time, 20 minutes. Price, 25 cents. THE REUNION AT PINE KNOT RANCH By Marie Irish For upper grades. 5 males and 6 females. Time, 30 minutes. Plenty of fun and a great surprise. Price, 25 cents. SNOWBOUND FOR CHRISTMAS By Marie Irish For 4 boys and 4 girls. For mixed grades. Time, 25 minutes. The older children play Santa Claus for the younger ones. Price, 25 cents. A STRIKE IN SANTA LAND By Effa E. Preston In rhyme. 8 boys, 7 girls. Time, 20 minutes. Very easy but effective. Price, 25 cents. A TOPSY-TURVY CHRISTMAS By Elizabeth F. Guptill Humorous. For any number of children under fourteen years of age. Time, 30 minutes. Price, 25 cents. ,»..«..•..•..•..•..•..•..*..•..•*.•■.«.••••« ..»..•..#..«..»..#..•..•..•..•..•..»..•.•••••••••»•»• PAINE PUBLISHING CO. Dayton, Ohio