T CS 71 .P689 1942 Copy 2 THE PITTENGER FAMILY IN AMERICA F. HINER DALE 1665 - 1942 KNOW YOUR KINSFOLK A HISTORY OF THE PITTENGER FAMILY IN AMERICA h F. HINER DALE Guymon, Oklahoma **A people, who take no pride in the noble achievements of remote ancestors, will never achieve anything to be remembered by re- mote descendants.*' — Lord Macauley's "History of England t* Vol. 3, p. 224. Price, $1.00 CSH (p AA.AlM'.^'^L ,.. Lithoprinted in U.S.A. EDWARDS BROTHERS, INC ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN 1942 TABLE OP CONTENTS Chapter Page I. The Pittenger Family of America 1 II. Richard Pittenger 2 III. The Daniel Pittenger Family 4 rv. The Hendrlck Pittenger Family 12 V. The Abraham Pittenger Family 24 A V R D Last year, I published a book entitled "A History of the Michael Reasor and Allied Families" which may be found in many of the leading libraries and Historical socie- ties of the U.S. In this book I gave the history of my Father's Mother's and Wife's people. When this book was published, about all I knew of my maternal grandmother, Re- becca Pittinger was when she was born, where she lived, and when she died. A few weeks ago, I decided to investigate the ancestry of Rebecca Pittinger. This book is the result. There are thousands of Pittengers in the United States and most of them trace their ancestry back to Richard Pittenger, the emigrant. Many of the Pittengers in the U.S. have gained distinction and renown. William A. Pittenger is a member of Congress from Minnesota. Fred Allen Pittenger, Wra. Joseph Pittenger, Bryan Naylor Pittenger, Earle Alexander Pittinger and B. N. Pit- tenger are eminent men in the medical profession. Lemuel Arthur Pittenger, Pres. of Ball State Teachers College, B. P. Pittenger, Dean of the school of Education of the University of Texas and Paul S. Pittenger, Prof, of the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science have made their mark in the educational field. Our cousin, the late John D. Rockefeller made his mark in the business world. The Pittenger name is one., that we can all well be proud of. Each year on the 5rd Sunday in August 300 Pittengers meet for a family reunion at Muncie, Indiana. The members of our family have been very kind to answer letters and give information, and without their gen- erous assistance this book would have been impossible. I am especially indebted to Mrs. E. B. Wall, L. A. Pittenger, Benjamin R. Pittenger, B. F. Pittenger, Leo Pit- tenger, Clive F. Pittenger, W. S. Pittenger, Jacob C. Pit- tenger, Adelia Pittenger, the late Mary Woodsmall Watkins, the late Albert R. Davis, Mrs. Chas. H. Hatton, Eudora L. Smith, Bertha Slemmons and Ruth Dale Nichols. To them and THE PITTENGfER FAMILY the members of the families whose records are herewith presented and to the generations yet unborn of these same families, this book Is dedicated. Do not loan and lose this book. Keep It. It Is a book your children will prize through the coming years. Guymon, Oklahoma, July 22, 19^2 P. Hlner Dale Chapter I THE PITTENGER FAMILY The Spelling of the Name In the early days In England, the Plttenger name was variously spelled: Pottlnger, Pewtenger, Peppenger, Pet- tlnger, Putenger, Pepenser, Pettlner and Plttenger. In America, the spelling of the name "Pittinger" has generally been adopted. The Origin of the Name It is difficult to say whether or not the Original Plttenger was an apothecary or Soup Cook:. The Scottish name for Apothecary (Druggist) is Potenger, evidently implying the idea of potting, that is, putting substances into pots or a maker of pottage,, meaning pot maker. The surname Plt- tenger is often confused with Pottenger and is usually from old english "Pett" (a well or spring), "ing" (a meadow) and the termination "er" meaning an inhabitant of. Therefore, the word "Plttenger" means "Living by a well in a meadow." Plttenger Traditions Most Pitten-gers say they are Dutch. In the emigrant period they were Dutch. However, the name is English in origin and the first Pittengers we know of were English and Puritans . In the book "The Story of the Pilgrims" by Arber is given an account of the marriage of Exiles registered at the City Hall in Leyden, Holland, from I61O to I617 at page 167*. William Bradford is witness to the marriage of Henry Crullens, widower out of England with Elizabeth Pettlnger, maid. The ancestral home of the Pittengers in England was in Not tlngharap shire, which was the cradle of the Puritan movement. The family had a coat of arms and played a promi- nent part in the early English history. In later years. Sir Henry Plttenger was a baronet and he negotiated the treaty which gave the British Hong Kong, and he was made its Governor. THE PITTENGER FAMILY Records from the church of Puritans, Leyden, Hol- land, show one "Elizabeth Pittenger, spinster married John Jennings, their son John Jennings II married Fear, daughter of Rev. John Robinson, vho vas the leader of the Puritan movement In the new world. In later years, George of Hanover was living In Holland, while there he married a Pittenger maiden. When he was called to the throne of England as Gteorge I, he de- serted his Pittenger wife, so tradition says. Prom all the records available, we are led to the conclusion that the Pittenger family was originally of Eng- lish origin and fled England to Holland for conscience sake, prior to 1610. Chapter II RICHARD PITTENGER Our emigrant ancestor, Richard Pittenger came from Holland to America on the ship "Phillip" and landed in New Amsterdam, now New York City on July 29, I665. The ship was in charge of Philip Carteret, with 50 passengers aboard, I6 of whom, including Richard Pittenger removed in a few days with Philip Carteret from New York City to New Jersey with the purpose of planting a colony. At that time only 4 families had settled in N.J.; 269 acres of land was allotted Richard Pittenger and each of the other colo- nists. The tract that Richard Pittenger drew adjoined the tract owned by the governor. The Edison experimental works now occupies the tract drawn by Richard Pittenger. Richard Pittenger' s cattle mark was: A crop in the near ear and a hole in the right, recorded Nov. 29, I708. On March 11, I678 Richard Pittenger was a witness to the marriage contract of Mrs. Margaret Stuyvesant, half sister of Governor Stuyvesant, and Hendrlck Droogestadt. THE PITTENGER FAMILY Richard Plttenger died In 1715 and on October l6, 1715* administration was granted his son John Plttenger. See Colonial Documents, N.J. Archives, 1st series Vol. 23, page 368 Wills. On January 10, 17l6, at the council held at Chester- field a bill was Introduced to allow John Plttenger and Syche Plttenger of Plscataqua, N.J. to sell and dispose of the real estate of Richard Plttenger, deceased for the payment of debts. April 8, 1717 this bill passed. See Colonial Documents of New Jersey, Vol. XXI, pp. 46. Syche Hendrlcksen was the wife of Richard Plttenger. It Is not known when or where they married, but the evidence goes to show that they married In Holland. Children of Richard Plttenger and Syche Hendrlcksen: 1. John Plttenger, B. I67O, D. 1721, M. Elizabeth 11. Richard Plttenger II, M. Annetje Anthony 111. Daniel Plttenger, B. I690, M. Elizabeth Biggs, dau. of John Biggs Iv. Possibly, Hendrlck Plttenger, B. 1695, D. April 25, 1775, M. Mary Low Syche Plttenger, whose parents we have been unable to Identify with certainty married Isaac Selover, Jr. a son of Isaac Selover, Sr. a schoolmaster at Flatlands, N.Y. In 1695 and Judith Waldron . They had a daughter baptized Aug. 15, 1732 at the Harllngen D.R. Church with John Plttenger, son of Richard Plttenger and Syche Hendrlcksen, the child's grandmother and widow of Richard Plttenger, sponsors. Isaac Selover, Jr. and Syche Plttenger had a son, Abraham Selover, B. In 17^8, D. May 15, I828. Abraham Selover and wife had a daughter, Syche Selover, B. Aug. 17, 1776; D. Oct. 29, 1823; married John Davison born In N.J. Of this marriage 3 daughters were born, one of whom Eliza Davison, B. Sept. 12, l8l3, M. William Avery Rockefeller at Nlles, N.Y. Feb. I8, 1837. They were the parents of John Davison Rockefeller (John D. ) the late multimillionaire and philanthropist . John D. Rockefeller was B. In l839 and D. May 23, 1937 at the Casements, his home In Florida. The genealogy of John D. Rockefeller has been compiled by Mabel Jacques Hadler, Egeland, North Dakota. John Plttenger, son of Richard Plttenger and Syche Hendrlcksen, B. I670, D. 1721, is called a seafaring man. THE PITTENGER FAMILY the first of the Pittengers that we know of to have followed the sea. He M. Elizabeth and they had 5 children, 2 sons and 3 daughters. The sons died early, and we have no further record of the daughters. Chapter III DANIEL PITTENGER FAMILY Daniel Plttenger, B. I69O, D. 1796, was a son of Richard Plttenger, the emigrant and Syche Hendrlcksen of New Jersey. He married Elizabeth Biggs, and resided in Maryland, issue 4 sons. 1. 1. Benjamin Plttenger, B. 1751, D. I815 ii. Daniel Plttenger, B. 1786, D. I821, buried at Detour, Md. ill. John Plttenger 2. iv. William Plttenger, M. Catherine Peterson (1) Benjamin Plttenger, B. 1751, D. l8l5; M. Mary Ann, B. 1759, D. l8l5; burled on farm of Charles Miller, Detour, Md., issue 12 oh. 1. Catherine Plttenger, M. John Eckman 11. Ellender Plttinger 3. ill. John Plttenger, B. 177*8, M. Julia A. Gibson iv. Henry Plttenger v. William Plttenger vi. Daniel Plttenger, B. I818 4. vii. Jeremiah Plttenger, M. Elizabeth Miller 5. viil. James Plttenger, M. Jane Gibson Ix. Mary Plttenger, M. Ambrose Grain X. Prudence Plttenger 6. xi. Benjaraine Plttenger, M. Ist Theresa Creeger, M. 2nd Ann Hunter xll. Crane Plttenger (3) John Plttenger, B. 1778, M. Julia A. Gibson, issue 6 ch. 1. Mrs. R. R. McMeans, her husband was sur- geon in Civil War THE ■ PITTENGER FAMILY 11. J. H. Plttenger, Issue 2 sons, Hal and Orom Plttlnger ill. Mrs. M. E. Stone Iv. Mrs. H. S. Kendlg V. C. N. Plttenger vl. John Plttenger (4) Jeremiah Plttenger, 1st M. Elizabeth Miller, 2nd M. E. Wesley (5) James Plttenger, M. Jane Gibson in l8l7. Issue 11 ch. 1. Wesley Plttenger 11. Mary Ann Plttenger 111. Matilda Plttenger Iv. Benjamlne Plttenger V. Corollne Plttenger vl. Katherlne Plttenger 7. vll. John Plttenger vlll. Margaret Plttlnger Ix. James Plttenger X. Cordelia Plttenger xl. William Plttenger (6) Benjamin Plttenger, B. 1798, 1st M. Theresa Creeger, 2nd M. Ann Hunter; Issue 3 ch. , 4 of Ist M., 1 of 2nd M. 1. Cordelia Plttenger, M. M. Taylor, Issue 2 ch. 11. Ann C. Plttenger, M. Al Rusklt, Issue h ch. 8. 111. Dewltt Clinton Plttenger 9. Iv. Fillmore Plttenger, a son of 2nd M. (7) John Plttenger, M. 1. Robert Plttenger 11. Jessie Plttenger 111. William Plttenger iv. Sallie Plttenger V. Charles Plttenger (8) Dewltt Clinton Plttenger 1. Theresla Plttenger 11. Benjamlne Plttenger 111. Ethel Plttenger. All 5 ch. dead. THE PITTENGER FAMILY (9) Plllraore Plttenger, M., 1 ch, 1. D. H. Plttenger, 3 ch. 1. Martha Plttenger 11. Millard Plttenger 111. Alice Plttenger 2. William Plttenger, the 4th son of Daniel Plttenger, M. Catherine Peterson, Issue 4 sons 10. 1. Nlcholls Plttenger, B. l8l8, D. 1882 11. 11. Thomas Plttenger, B. I8l3-l886 12. 111. Ahymaz Plttenger, M. Jennie Pugh 13. Iv. Peter Plttenger (10) Nlcholls Plttenger, B. l8l8, D. l882, M. Ist Anna Mllls--B. l825, D. l84l; M. 2nd Eliza- beth Andrews--B. l824, D. l869; M. 3rd Elizabeth Harker and lived In East Liverpool, Ohio; D. l88l, burled In Mill Creek Cemetery. Issue 8 ch. 14. 1. Dallas Plttenger, M. Jennie Stewart 11. Marietta Plttenger, M. Wlnlfleld Hood 111. Jerusha Plttenger, M. Jas. Hall 15. Iv. Mary Plttenger, M. Thos . Allen 16. V. Thomas Plttenger, M. Martha McGlnty 17. vl. Frank Plttenger, M. Alice Calhoun vll. John Plttenger, M. Laura 18. vlll. William Plttlnger, M. Laura Flnley (14) Dallas Plttenger, M. Jennie Stewart, Wells- vllle, Ohio, 4 ch. 1. Belle Plttenger, M. Burt, Cleveland, Ohio. 11. Robert Plttenger 111. William Plttenger Iv. , M. Jacobs, Wheeling, W. Va. (15) Mary Plttenger, M. Thomas Allen, Wellsvllle, Ohio, 1 ch. 1. Edward Allen, Cleveland, Ohio. (16) Thomas Plttenger, B. 185I, D. I895, M. Martha McGlnty--B. I85O, D. 1926; Issue 5 ch. died young, 4 lived. THE PITTENGER FAMILY 7 1. Bertha Plttenger, M. John White il. Charles Plttenger, M. Margaret Geon 19. 111. John Guy Plttenger, M. Eula Reager 20. Iv. Robert P. Plttenger, M. Florence Harris (17) Frank Plttenger, M. Alice Calhoun, Newell, West Va. He was B. I863, D. 1927, 3 ch. 1. Ralph, M. Stella, 1 son M. Norma il. Ernest, M. Olga, 1 son ill. Sarah, M. Chester Johnson (18) Villiara Plttenger, M. Laura Flnley, East Liverpool, Ohio; issue 3 ch. 1. Bernlce, M. M. A. Yost, Beaver, Penn . 11. Howard, M. Helen Hering, 2 ch. Patricia and Billy ill. Edgar, M. (19) John Guy Plttenger, M. Eula Reager 1. John Thomas, B. June 7th, I918 11. James Guy, B. March 9th, 1922 (20) Robert Franklin Plttenger, M. Florence Har- ris, 2 ch. 1. Mildred, M. Ernest Christmas il. Charlotte, M. M. Brown (11) Thomas Plttenger was the second son of William Plttenger and Catherine Peterson. He was B. 1813 and D. I886, M. Mary Mills, 7 ch. 21. - 1. Rev. William Plttenger, l840-1904, M. Winnie Osborne 22. 11. Margaret Plttenger, l84l-1930, M. Joseph Edminston 23. 111. Maria Plttenger, 1847-193^, M. Geo. Mlneslnger 24. Iv. Rev. John Plttenger, l848-1908, M. Louis Kerr 25. v. Hiram Plttenger, I85O-I92O, M. Nettle Burnett vl. Sarah Plttenger, 1853-1935 vli. Robert Plttenger, 1855-1937, M. Mabel 8 THE PITTENGER FAMILY (21) Rev. William Plttenger, of Civil War farae-- captured engine episode, 18^0-190^, M. Winnie Osborne of New Brighton. She Is burled at Pall Brook, Cal. Issue 8 ch. 1 . Amos 11. Fred 111. Emma Iv. Walter V. Mary, M. Wayraan vl. Clark vli. Edward vlll. Anna, M. Robinson, Issue 1 son and 2 daughters, Claremont, Cal. (22) Margaret Plttenger, l84l-1930, M. Joseph Edmlnston' of Jefferson Co., Ohio. Issue 6 ch. 1. Elizabeth, B. I87O, M. John Johnston 11. Cora, B. l872 111. Laura, B. l875 Iv. John B. 1877 v. Sarah, B. l879, D. 1932, M. Jack Wallace vi. Katherlne, B. I882, M. Fred Cooper (23) Maria Plttenger, 1847-193^, M. Geo. Mlne- slnger, 1 ch. 1. Thomas, Pughtown, West Va. (24) Rev. John Plttenger, l848-1908, M. Louis Kerr, 1 ch. 1 . Edgar (25) Hiram Plttenger, I85O-1920, M. Nettle Bur- nett, 7 ch. 1. Sarah, 1897-1937 11. Lucy, 1894 26. 111. Thomas, I889 27. Iv. Harry Plttenger, B. I89I, M. May McLaln v. Mrs. Grace Watt, I889 vl. Mrs. William McLaln, I887 vll. Mary, 1885-1903 THE PITTENGER FAMILY (26) Thomas Plttenger, I889, lives on old home farm, 4 ch. 1. Dorothy 11. Genevieve 111. Elizabeth Iv. William (27) Harry Plttenger, I89I, M. May McLaln. They- live at Toronto, 0., 4 ch. 1 . John 11. Robert 111. Margaret Iv. Marlon (12) Ahyraaz (Hiram) Plttenger, 3r(i son of William Plttenger and Catherine Peterson. He vas B. 1817, D. 1897, M. Julyna Pugh, Issue 9 ch. They lived In Jackson Co., Ohio. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. (28) William Gordon Plttenger, M. Minerva Mlncke, issue 10 ch. 1. William Gordon 11. Viola ill. Josephine iv. Katherlne V. John vi. Frank vii. Clarence vili. Vernon Ix. Edna 1. Emery 11. Corna ill. Nora iv. Emma, 4 ch. V. Pearl vi. Harold Vii. Phillip vili. Rena ix. Ernest, 1 ch. X. Earl, 3 ch. (29) Josephine Plttenger, M. Edward Burt, issue 7 ch. i. Langley, 3 ch. 11. Oakley, 8 ch. 10 THE PITTENGER FAMILY 111. Myrtle, 3 ch. Iv. Nellie V . Lena vl. Flossie vll. Julyna, 3 ch. (30) Katherlne Plttenger, M. Chas. Goddard, Issue 4 ch. 1. Homer, 4 ch. 11. Dora, 3 ch. 111. Maude, 1 ch. Iv. Bessie, 6 ch. (31) John Plttenger, M. Francis Dugan, Issue 10 ch 1. Ira, 3 ch. 11. Leslie, 1 ch. 111. Stella Iv. Jessie, 3 ch. V. Charlie vl. Harry, 6 ch. vll. Wanda, 3 ch. vlll. Maude, 2 ch. Ix. Merle, 6 ch. X. John, 2 ch. (32) Frank Plttenger, l857, M. Sarah Klnnlson, 1856-1937, Issue 8 ch. 1. Nellie, 3 ch. 11. Letha, 3 ch. 111. Anna, 2 ch. iv. Elta, 4 ch. V. Minor, 1 ch. vl. Francis, 3 ch. vll. Rex, 4 ch. vlll. Martha 1. Nellie Plttenger, dau. of Frank, M. J. R. Fields; 1 ch., Paul Fields, M. Mary Currier 11. Letha Plttenger, M. Harry Wills, Issue 3 ch., Harold, Ralph Wills M. Peggy Price, Gall Wills 111. Anna Plttenger, M. Geo. Werner, 2 ch., Alfred Werner and William Werner THE PITTENGER FAMILY 11 iv. Elta Plttenger, M. Fred Sheakley, ls3ue 4 ch., Lero, Ruth M. Chas. Kolb, Lucile M. Otto Hoking, Mary Anna M. Donald Murry V. Minor Plttenger, M. Jessie Reed, issue 1 ch.; Samuel Frank, M. Clark vi. Francis Pittenger, M. Ed Kyle, issue 3 ch., Sarah Frances, Mary, Martha vii. Rex Pittenger, M. Margaret Mc- Kinnon, issue 4 ch., Margaret Anne, Phylis, Jane and Mary Joe vlii. Martha Pittenger, M. Carrol Bentine, no ch. (33) Clarence Pittenger, M. Emma May Kinnison, issue 3 ch. i. Clyde, 8 ch. ii. Everett,* 6 ch. iii. Eldon, 5 ch. (34^ Vernon Pittenger, M. Georgia McKitterish, Issue 3 ch. 1. Homer, 6 ch. 11. Bertha, 2 ch. ill. Stella (35) Edna Pittenger, M. Hiram West, issue 5 ch. 1. May, 2 ch. 11. Gladys, 3 ch. ill. Harford, 7 ch. Iv. Harley, 1 ch. V. Clarence, 1 ch. (13) Peter Plttenger was the fourth son of William Pittenger and Catherine Peterson. He M. Ist ; he M. 2nd Tobitha Walters. Peter Pittenger was B. in Maryland and went to Illinois upon his marriage. Issue 11 ch. 1. William, eon of 1st wife, killed at Pittsburg landing 11 . John 111. Samantha, M. A. Arthur Iv. Harriet V. Jan© 12 THE PITTENGER FAMILY vl. Emma vll. Sara vlll. Abraham L. , B. l862 Ix. Rev. Thomas Sherman X. Charles xl. Norcf Chapter IV HENDRICK PITTENGER Hendrick Pittenger, son or Richard Pittenger and Syche Hendricksen vas B. 1695 M. Mary (Maria) Low in 1725- She was born in 1703- He died April 25, 1775 and is buried in Hillsboro Township, Somerset Co. N.Y. Issue 7 ch. i. Susanna Pittenger B. May l8, l837 M. Rould Vandyne . 1. 11. Richard Pittenger III B. April 15, 17^0 M. Rebecca Griggs 2. ill. Maria Pittenger B. Aug. 15, 1732 M. Peter Peterson. He served a Ranger of the Frontier 1778-1783 3. iv. Henry Pittenger M. Maria Wickoff 4. V. Capt . John Pittenger M. Annetje (Hannah) Wickoff vi. Abraham Pittenger M. Margrietje Gano. vii. Sophia Pittenger M. Isaac Smalley (l) Richard Pittenger III, son of Hendrick Pittenger and Mary Low was B. at Somerset N.J. April 15, 1730 and D. at Culpepper, Va. about l800 . He bought land at Culpepper, Va. in 1778 and moved there from his home in Somerset, N.J. with his brother Abraham. His sister Maria and her hus- band Peter Peterson preceded Richard III and Abraham to Culpepper, Va. The estate of Richard Pittenger III was settled at Culpepper Va. in 1817. He married Rebecca Griggs, who was B. April 5, 1729. Issue 3 ch. 5- 1. Henry Pittenger, son of Richard Pittenger III and Rebecca Griggs ii. Richard Pittenger IV. baptized Aug. 2, I765 in N.J. He went with his parents from Somerset N.J. to Culpepper Va. In 1778. He took up lan^ In Washington Co. Ky. in I783. THE PI TTENGER FAMILY 13 ill. Abraham Plttenger, son of Richard Plttenger III will have a succeeding chapter devoted to him and his family. (2) Maria Pittenger, child of Hendrick Pittenger and Mary Low was B. Aug. 15, 1732 and M. Peter Peterson. They removed from Somerset, N.J. to Culpepper, Va . and went to Md. for a brief visit with the folks of Daniel Pittenger Rev. William Pittenger who wrote the amazing story of "The Stolen Railroad Engine" in civil war days was of the line of Daniel. Issue, Thomas Pittenger an only child. (3) Henry Pittenger, Jr., son of Hendrick Pittenger and Mary Low B. Feb. 25, 1735 on Oct. 30, 1759 M. Maria Wickoff B. Nov. 20, IR38. She was B. In N.J. and D. in Va. Henry Pittenger Jr. was B. Feb. 25, 1735 in Hunterden Co. N.J. He left N.J. and came with his family, together with his brother-in- law Joachim Wickoff and his family through Mary- land into Virginia now west Virginia, and set- tled in what is now Brook Co. West Va . in 1791. Maria Wickoff was a daughter of Jacob Wickoff, whose earliest ancestor in this country was Claes Corneliszen (Nicholas) who was B. in Hol- land in 1597 and coming to this country in 1637- Ch. of Henry Pittenger Jr. and Maria Wickoff i. Maria Pittenger B. Oct. 26, I76O M. P. Peterson, lived in W. Va. 11. Henry Pittenger B. April 2, 1764 M. Polly Barcus ili. Rev. Nicholas Pittenger B. June I8, I766 M. Lidia Barcus iv. Hannah Pittenger b. Oct. 20, 1768 M. John Sapp, who killed her. 8. v. John Pittenger B. Jan. 20, 1771 M. Ist Nancy Spivey, M. 2nd Catherine Peterson Pittenger 9. vi. Abraham Pittenger B. July 22, 1773 M. Susanna Osborne He D. I865. vll. Peter Pittenger B. in W. Va. Aug. 2, 1775 M. Tabitha Walters (4) Captain John Pittenger was a Captain in the Rev. War. He served in the militia in N.J. He M. Annetje (Hannah) Wickoff, Issue 6 ch. 14 THE PITTENGER FAMILY 1. Henry Pittenger Bap Nov. 27, I763 M. Mary (Maria) Vlckoff 10. 11. Abraham Pittenger B. I78O M. Margaret Van Fleet 111. John Pittenger 11. Iv. Nicholas Pittenger Baptized Nov. 27, I763 V. Maria Pittenger baptized April I6, I786 (5) Henry Pittenger, son of Richard Pittenger III and Rebecca Griggs vas B. July 10, I75O at Somerset N.J. and D. about l802 at Culpepper, Va. He came to Culpepper, Va. prior to 1778. He M. Elizabeth Sullivan about I786 In N.J. After Henry Pittenger 's death his widow and children moved to Spencer Co. Ky., where they lived and died. Issue 5 ch. 1. Richard R. Pittenger IV. B. Oct. 29, I787 11. Rebecca C. Pittenger B. Sug, 13, 1790 M. Horatio Day In I813 at Culpepper, Va. They moved to Spencer Co. Ky. 111. Charles C. Pittenger B. June 17, 1792 In Va. D. In Ky. Iv. Mary L. Pittenger B. July 19, 1793 In Va. M. James Tlcknor Feb. 2, I82O In Spencer Co. Ky. V. Elizabeth S. Pittenger B. Oct. 8, I8OO at Culpepper, Va . M. Preston Beauchamp Sept 17, 1825 In Spencer Co. Ky. She D. April 29, 1847 In Spencer Co. Ky. Elizabeth 3. Pittenger had a daughter named Mary Elizabeth Beauchamp B. June 4, 1828 In Spencer Co. Ky. On Dec. 2, l848 In Jefferson Co. Ky. she M. Henry May Woodsman and D. Feb. 9, I869 at Jefferson, Texas . They had a daughter named Mary Henry Woodsmall, B. Jan. 1, I862 at Park- vllle. Mo., who M. William Jennings Watklns at Owensboro, Ky. on Sept. 23, l884, They hajl a son Samuel Shelton Watklns B. Sept. 17, 1885 at Owensboro, Ky. , who M. Erie Bonner of Russellvllle, Ark at Washington, D.C. on Dec. 22, 1923. Of this marriage 3 children were bom, in N.Y. City, to- wlt: THE PITTENGER FAMILY 1^ 1. Elizabeth Bonner Watkins B. 1924 11. Mary Woodsmall Watkins B. 1927 D. In New York City. 111. Susan Ewlng Watkins B. 1931. Mary Woodsmall Watkins spent much time at Culpepper, Va. copying records of the Pittenger family. (6) Henry Pittenger son of Henry Pittenger Jr. and Maria Wlckoff B. April 2, 1764 D. l827 M. Polly Barcus Who D. May 1, I85I 1. John Pittenger M. Anna Smith 11. Rebecca Pittenger 12. ill. Thomas Pittenger B. 1791 M. Catherine Smith Iv. Henry Pittenger B. 1790 D. I82O M. Sara Taylor in 1&04. 13. V. Daniel Pittenger B. I818 M. Agnes Smith vi . Lydia Pittenger M. John Smith vii. Abraham Pittenger B. I8OO D. I832 vlii. Peter Pittenger M. Elizabeth Rice. (7) Rev. Nicholas Pittenger son of Henry Pittenger Jr. and Maria Wlckoff B. June I8, I766 M. Lidia Barcus, 12 ch. 1. Rebecca Pittenger B. July 7, I888 M. David McClure 11. Mary Pittenger B. Aug. 12, I789 ill. Henry Pittenger B. Oct. 23, 1791 M. Eleanor iv. Abram Pittenger B. Feb. 17, 1793 D. Aug. 3, 1853, at 60 years V. Isaac Pittenger B. May 23, 1795 vi. Jacob Pittenger B. Jan. 30, 1797 vii. Lidia Pittenger B. Oct. 8, 1799 vlii. Nicholas Pittenger B. Nov. 6, I8OI M. Phebe ix. Thomas Pittenger B. Apr. 23, l804 X. Sarah Pittenger B. April 23, l804 xi. Becky Clark Pittenger B. Aug. 5, I806 M. David McClure xil. Hannah Pittenger B. Mar. 9, l809 M. Hugh (8) John Pittenger son of Henry Pittenger Jr. and Maria Wlckoff B. Jan. 20, I77I D. Apr. 13, i860 l3t M. Nancy Spiv6y M. 2nd Catherine Pittenger B. 1780 D. April 3, 1858, issue 9 ch. 14 11 15. ill Iv 16. V 17. vl 18. vli 16 THE PITTENGER FAMILY I. Nicholas Plttenger M. Elizabeth Mathewson, Shuyler Co. III. Margaret Plttenger M. Benjamin Miller Mary Plttenger M. Jessie Roach John Plttenger Henry Plttenger B. l806 M. Elizabeth Adams William Plttenger B. July 8, l8l0 Nancy Plttenger M. P. Peterson In l842. She was B. Oct. 22, l8l2 19. vill. Elizabeth Plttenger M. Wm. Aten, Pulton Co. 111. ch of 2nd M. 20. Ix. Abraham Plttenger B. In I829 D. l894 M. Annie E. Fovler. She Is burled In Flats Cemetery. Abraham is ch. of 2nd M. (9) Abraham Plttenger B. July 22, 1773 D. 1855 M. Susanna Osborne B. I78O D. l847 In Harrison Co. Ind. Issue 11 ch. 1. Henry Plttenger settled In Richland Co. Ohio II. Samuel Plttenger B. 1798 In Harrison Co. Ind. D. 1875 In Carroll Co. Ind. M. Jane Le Masters. 21. 111. Peter Plttenger M. Jane Buchanan, D. In Carroll Co. Ind. Iv. Abraham Plttenger M. Sarah LeMaster and vent to California. V. Sarah Plttenger B. I805 M. John Holmes of Richland Co. Ind. vl. Isaac Osborne Plttenger M. Harriet Myers vll. Mary Vlckoff Plttenger M. John Buchanan vlll. Jacob Plttenger M. Mary Ann Hencrlcks Ix. John Plttenger went to Christian Co. 111. X. Phoebe Plttenger M. Robert Atkinson and went to Christian Co. xl. Nancy Plttenger M. James Foster, settled In Jackson Co . . xll. Nathaniel Plttenger settled at Denlson, Ohio. (10) Abraham Plttenger, son of Captain John Plttenger and Annetje Vlckoff was B. 178O D. l84l. He M. Margaret VanFleet B. I782. Issue 3 ch. 1. John Plttenger 11. William Plttenger 22. ill. Abraham Plttenger THE PITTENGER FAMILY !?_ (11) Nicholas Pittenger, 2nd son of Captain John Plttenger and Annetje Vlckoff , was Baptized Nov. 27, 1763 In Penn. He had a tvln brother, named Henry, vho vas named for his grandfather, Hendrlck Plttenger. Nicholas Plttenger vas named for his grandfather, Nlckolas Wlckoff . Nicholas Plttenger M. Leah Bennett, vho came from Holland, vhen 19 years of age. After their marriage Nicholas and Leah lived In Clark Co. 0. In 1818. Then later to Delavare Co. They settled on a farm vhich vas later ovned by Joe Short one half mile East of Desota. This land vas at one time ovned by Benjamin Plttenger, son of Nicholas, and later by Isaiah Plttenger, issue 13 ch. 1. Elizabeth Plttenger B. Mar. 29, 1793 M. George Shafer 11. John Plttenger B. Feb. 20, 1795 M. Nancy Humphries ill. Peter Plttenger B. Jan. 23, 1797 Jane "Wingart Iv. Abraham Plttenger B. Feb. 29, 1799- V. Henry Plttenger B. June 1, I8OI M. Matilda Carrier vl. Ann Plttenger B. August 26, I805 M. Hen^y Slpa vil. Andrev Plttenger B. August 26, I803 M. Phebe Hill vlll. Nicholas Plttenger B. Sept. 7, I807 Ix. Harriett Pittenger B. April 20, l809 M. James Russell X. Daniel Pittenger B. Mar. I3, I8II M. Fltzpatrick, 2nd M. E. Jones xi. Samuel Plttenger B. July 21, l8l2 Adam Sheller xli. Mary Pittenger B. August 1, I813 23. xiil. Benjamin Pittenger B. Dec. 11, I815 M. Sarah Dragoo (Dregeau)They vere grand parents of Mrs. E. B. Wall of Los Angeles, (12) Thomas Pittenger, son of Henry Plttenger and Polly Barcus vas B. in 1791. He M. Catherine Smith, B. 1797 D. I856, issue 5 ch. i. Alexander Pittenger B. I818 D. I856 M. Schvartz 18 THE PITTENGER FAMILY li. John Plttenger B. I823 M. Garver ill. Daniel Plttenger B. I825 M. Lydla Shutt Iv. Villlam Plttenger B. I83I V. Eliza Jane Plttenger B. I827 m. John wise of Portland, Ore. (13) Daniel Plttenger, son of Henry Plttenger and Polly Barcus vas B. I818 M. Agnes Smith at War- saw, Ind. In 18^5, Issue l4 ch. 1. David Plttenger 11. Anna Plttenger 111. Mary Plttenger Iv. Henry Plttenger V, Alexander Plttenger vl . Ann Plttenger vll. Thomas Plttenger vlll. Agnes Plttenger Ix. Rebecca Plttenger X. Daniel Plttenger xl. Elizabeth Plttenger xll. David Plttenger xlll. Catherine Plttenger xlv. John Plttenger (14) Margaret Pltcenger, daughter of John Plttenger and Nancy Splvey M. Benjamin Miller, Issue J> ch. 1. Morgan H. Miller M. Campbell 11. John Plttenger M. M. Campbell ill. Emily Plttenger M. Snovden (15) Mary Plttenger, dau. of John Plttenger and Nancy Splvey M. Jesse Roach. He Is burled at Flats Cemetery, Issue 4 ch. 1. Harvey Roach 11 . John Roach 111. Elsie Roach Iv. Mary Roach (16) Henry Plttenger, son of John Plttenger and Nancy Splvey vas B. I808 M. Elizabeth Abrams, Issue 3 ch. 1. Mary Ann Plttenger M. Waggoner 11. Elizabeth Plttenger M. J. Campbell 111. Maggie Plttenger THE PITTENGER FAMILY 19 (17) William Pittenger B. I816 M. He vas a son of John Pittenger and Nancy Spivey. issue 3 ch. i. Mary Ann Pittenger ii. Nancy Pittenger iii. Prank Pittenger (18) Nancy Pittenger, dau. of John Pittenger and Nancy Spivey, M. Peter Peterson in 1842, issue 4 ch. i. Murtilda Peterson li . Maggie Peterson ill. Elsie Peterson (19) Elizabeth Pittenger B. I825 vas a daughter of John Pittinger and Catherine Peterson Pittinger. After Nancy Spivey, wife of John Pittenger died, John Pittenger M. Catherine Peterson Pittinger. She vas the vidow of William Pittinger, vho was a relative of John Pittinger. John Pittinger had 7 children by his first marriage, and Catherine Petersgn Pittinger had 4 children, namely, Peter Nicholas Thomas and Ahymaz by her first marriage. John and Catherine had tvo children by their marriage. Elizabeth Pittenger M. Wm. Aten. issue 6 ch. i. Malissie Aten ii. Emma Aten iii. Ida Aten iv. Etta Aten V. John Aten vi. Frank Aten (20) Abraham Pittenger B. 1829 D. l894 in Hancock Co, W. Va. and is buried in Flats Cemetery. He M. Annie E. Fovler May 19, I853 . He vas a son of John Pittenger and Catherine ' Peterson Pittinger being the 2nd M. of each. Margaret Emma Pittinger B. Jan. 27, l854 Jolin Fowler Pittinger B. June 21, I856 Catherine Pittinger B. Oct. 1, I858 Elizabeth Agnes Pittinger B. Oct. 1, I858 Willie Samuel Pittenger B. Jan. 10, I865 James Sidney Pittenger B. Sept. I8, I868 Horace Edgar Pittenger B. Sept. J> , l875 25. i. 26. ii. iii. iv. 27. v. 28. vi. 29. vii. 20 THE PITTENGER FAMILY 31. vil 32 vlil 33. Ix 34. X (21) Peter Plttenger B. l800 D. 1854 was a son of Abraham Plttenger and Susanna Osborne. He M. Jane Buchanan in May 7, l824 Issue, 10 ch. 30. 1. Samuel Plttenger B. I825 M. rtebecca Brooks 11. Mary Plttenger B. I827 M. Issac Booth 111. Eavan Plttenger B. I830 M. D. in Carroll Co. Iv. Susanna Plttenger D. l854 In Carroll Co. V. Joseph Plttenger B. l844 vl. Nancy Plttenger B. I838 D. 1920 M. Alex- ander Riley. Margaret Plttenger M. David Davis John Plttenger B. l845 1st M. T. James M. 2nd Mary Rutledge M. 3rd Mrs. Robertson Ix. Sarah Plttenger B. l848 D. 1927 M. Jacob Miller Abraham Plttenger B. l842 D. I876 M. Elizabeth Davis. (22) Abraham Plttenger, son of Captain John Plttenger and Annetje Wlckoff was B. l8l2 M. Elizabeth Glatfelter, Issue. 7 ch. 1. Jacob Plttenger B. l834 D. I869 11. Margaret Plttenger B. l84l 111. Sarah Plttenger B. l846 D. 1926 M. M. J. Mlllor Iv. Belle Plttenger B. I852 D. I885 M. J. M. Baldwin v. William Plttenger B. I838 M. Ella Shafer vl. Mary Plttenger B. l843 M. George vll. John W. Plttenger B. l849 M. Clara (23) Benjamin Harrison Plttenger was a son of Nicholas Plttenger and Sarah Dragoo . He was B. Dec 13, 1815 In Penn. He M. Sarah Dragoo In Delaware Co. Ind. Mar. 25, I839 . He D. Mar. 28, 1865 In Muncle, Ind. They had a daughter named i. Mary Jane Plttenger B. Nov. 6, I859 In Delaware Co. Ind. who M. John Blair at Muncle Ind. He D. Mar. 20, 19IO at Carthage, Mo. They have a daughter Effemey Blair (now Mrs. E. B. Wall) of the Victoria Hotel Los Angeles, Cal . who has spent 30 years In tracing the Plttenger faunlly. Slxe knows more about the Plttenger THE PITTENGER FAMILY 21 family than any person living or dead. She has greatly assisted the author in preparing this publication. She is a genealogist by profession and one of the most capable in the United States, ii . Isaiah Sheller Pittenger was a son of Ben- jamin Howard Pittenger and Sarah Dragoo . He M. Sarah Josephine Swander. The author knows of two sons: a. Ira Pittenger, who lives on his father's farm at Desota. b. Lemuel Arthur Pittenger was B. at Desota, Ind. Sept 27, 1873. He received his A.B. degree from Indiana University in 1907 and his A.M. degree in 1908. In 1927 he was chosen President of Ball State Teachers College, Muncie, Ind. which position he still retains. He has fur- nished the author much valuable data in the preparation of this history. On Aug. 2, 1900, he M. Bertha Orr of Selma, Ind. issue 2 ch. Arthur Orr Pittenger Mary Josephine Pittenger (24) Daniel Pittenger, son of Thomas Pittenger and Catherine Smith was B. I825, M. Lydia Shutt, issue 5 ch. 1. Talitha Pittenger M. Landis ii. Wm. H. Pittenger ili. John Allen Pittenger iv. Maggie Pittenger M. ■ Smith V. May Pittenger M. Smith (25) Margaret Emma Pittenger, dau. of Abraham Pittenger and Annie E. Fowler was B. Jan. 27, 1854. She M. Frank Mc Millan and both are buried in Florence, Penn. Cemetery. Issue 6 ch. i. Allie May Mc Millan M. Wm. Jackson, issue 5 ch. 11. Charles Mc Millan M. has 1 son. ill. Lizzie Mc Millan M. and had 2 sons and 2 daughters. Iv. Edna Mc Millan M. Chas. Rice of Neward, 0. 3 sons 1 dau. 22 THE PITTENGER FAMILY V. Nora Mc Mlllan M. Ray Devlt, issue 6 ch. vl . Raymond Mc Mlllan (26) John Fowler Plttenger B. June 21, I856 M. Amy Jane Pugh, who vas B. Aug. 28, 186I . Thev M. 1880 Issue 2 boys. i. Roy Allen Plttenger B. Jan. I6, 1882 11. Harry Wlnfield Plttenger B. Feb. 26, I887 (27) Willie Samuel Plttenger, son of Abraham Plttenger •and Annie E. Fowler was B. Jan. 10, 1865. He M. Jennie M. Moore B. Aug. 5th, I869 Willie Samuel Plttenger lives at East Liverpool, Ohio, and l8 now 77 years of age. He has worked at the carpenter trade for over 50 years. He has a scrap book of the Plttenger family history. His scrapbook loaned to the author has made this history of the Plttenger family possible. issue 6 ch. 1. Mabel Annett Plttenger B. Aug. 12, I889 11. Sadie May Plttenger B. April 29, I89I ill. Edgar Moore Plttenger B. Feb. 12, l893 M. 1st Olive Finney M. 2nd Eva Mae Bailey, issue 2 ch. Alice Jane Plttenger Gall Edgar Plttenger iv. Albert Stehen Plttenger B. Nov. 20, l894. On Aug. 5, 1933 M. Mildred W. Parks B. 1905 issue 1 child Carolynne Plttenger B. Sept 28, 1936. V. Wilbur James Plttenger B. Aut . 13, l899. M. on June I8, 1924, he M. Lois R. Allison vl. Leland Charles Plttenger B. Dec. 22, 1903 . On Oct. 21, 1932 M. Nancy Fisher B. I9O6 issue 2 ch. Nancy Jane Plttenger B. Nov. l4, 1934 Wm. Leland Plttenger B. Oct. 6, 1937 (28) Rev. James Sidney Plttenger, son of Abraham Plttenger and Annie E. Fowler was B. Sept. 17, 1868 D. 1917 and is burled at Greenfield Penn. On May 28, I903 he M. Julia Etta Hobbs, 3 ch. 1. James Plttenger 11. John Plttenger ill. Mary Plttenger M. Phillip Earhart, issue 2 ch. THE PITTENGER FAMILY 2^ Mary Ellen Earhart James Phillip Earhart (29) Horace Edgar Pittenger, son of Abraham Plttenger and Annie E. Fovler B. Sept. 3, I873 M. Cora no issue. (30) Samuel B. Pittenger, son of Peter Pittenger and Jane Buchanan B. I825 D. 19IO He M. Rebecca Brooks at Brazil, Indiana in I85I, issue 3 ch. i. Nancy Jane Pittenger B. I853 D. 1922 M. Joseph Lane Rector ii. William Henry Pittenger _B. l857 D. I863 iii. Belden Clark Pittenger b'. i860 D. 1928. (31) Margaret Pittenger, dau. of Peter Pittenger and Jane Buchanan B. l84l D. 191^ M. David Davis B. 1839 D. 1919, 4 ch. i. Albert R. Davis B. I865 M. L. Gibson li. John M. Davis B. I87O D. 1929 1st M. E. North 2nd M. C. Miller iii. Oliver J. Davis B. 187^ M. M. Brover iv. Ina M. Davis B. I878 M. C. Jarvis. (32) John Pittenger, son of Peter Pittenger and Jane Buchanan B. l845 D. 1906. M. 1st T. James M. 2nd Mary Rutledge M. 3rd Mrs. Cordelia, issue 1 ch. I. Robert Wirt Pittenger B. l83l M. Mary Brooks, Canton, 0. (33) Sarah Pittenger, dau. of Peter Pittenger and Jane Buchanan M. Jacob Miller B. I85O D. 1926 at Wooster, 0. issue 2 c^. i. Edwin Ross Miller B. I869 D. l893 II. Grace M. Miller D. 189^ (34) Abraham Pittenger, son of Peter Pittenger and Jane Buchanan B. l842 D. I89I M. Elizabeth Davis of Delroy, 0. issue 2 ch. i. Harriett Jane Pittenger B. 187^ D^ 1907 M. Wm. Taylor, issue 2 girls ii. Mary Edna Pittenger. B. I876 M. Vm. Whalen, issue 3 boys. 24 THE PITTENGER FAMILY Chapter V ABRAHAM PITTENGER Abraham Pittenger vas a son of Richard Pittenger III and Rebecca Griggs. He was born at Somerset New Jersey in 1762 (Rev. War record) and was baptized July I6, I763 (church record). He moved with his parents from Somerset, N. J. to Culpep^^er, Va . in 1778. While at Culpeprer, Va. he purchased a farm. In 1798, he moved to Shelby County, now Spencer County, Ky. and settled on Elk Creek in Spencer Co. Ky. where he lived and died. He was a large land owner in Spencer County and had many slaves. He died May 1, l837. His will was offered for probate at Taylorsville . Ky. on June 5th, l837. His son William was his executor. He served in the Revolutionary War by enlisting in Culpepper County Va. in August 1778 and served three months as private under Captain Richard Noll in Colonel Dick's Virginia Regiment, during which period he marched to Richmond, where he was stationed for some time. Again in February he en- listed in Culpepper County, Va . as private in the company of Captain "Jlmmison" Colonel Stanton's Virginia Regiment. He later joined Major Bolce's Battalion of Light infantry and served six months, during which service he marched to Richmond, and from there to Chesterfield Courthouse. He again enlisted in September, 17ol and served three months as private in Captain Gillison's Company, Colonel Jameson's Virginia Regiment during which time, he was present at the surrender of Cornwallis at Yorktown and guarded the prisoners taken from there to Winchester Barracks. Abraham Pittenger drew a pension by reason of his services in the Revolutionary war of $30.00 per year, commencing March 4, l83l. The certificate for his pension was issued April 25, l834 recorded in Book C. Volume 7 page 23 of the records of the War Dept . By reason of his services in the Rev. War, all of the male descendants of Abraham Pittenger are eligible for membership in that patriotic society known as the "Son's of the American Revolution" and all of his female descendants are eligible for membership in the "Daughter's of the American Revolution". Abraham Pittenger M. Rebecca She D. April 30, 1837. Issue 7 children: THE PITTENGER FAMILY 25 1. Rachel Pittenger M. John Vhitaker May 9, l8l4 ii. Rebecca Pittenger M. Reasor lil. Smith Pittenger M. Eliza Tichenor Nov. 6, l827 iv. John Pittenger M. Sally Bennett in l8l6 V. Henry Pittenger M. Jane Helm June 17, 1859, dau. of John Helm 1. vi. Thomas Pittenger M. Nancy Tichenor, Feb. 24, I821. 2. vli. Wm. Pittenger B. Apr. 2, I806, D. Nov. 13, 1867. (1) Thomas Pittenger M. Nancy Tichenor Feb. 24, 1821. She died Dec. 30, I863 . Her father vas Jacob Tichenor of Elkcreek, Ky. and her mother was Fanny Bryant. There is a tradition in the family that after the marriage of Thomas Pit- tenger and Nancy Tichenor, he wanted to go west but his wife refused to go with him. He left his wife and children and was never heard of again. They resided at Elkcreek, Ky. Issue 5 ch. 1. Fanny Pittenger M. William Pigg 3. ii. Jacob Pittenger B, at Elk Creek, Ky. Nov. 1827 D. at Witchita, Kansas Feb. 7, 1907 and buried there. He was named for his grandfather Jacob Tichenor. On April 6, 1851 at Taylorsville, Ky. he M. his first cousin Rebecca Pittenger, daughter of William Pittenger and Nancy Pigg. In 187O, Jacob Pittenger and wife moved from Spencer Co. Ky. to Wichita, Kansas, where they lived until they died. When they went to Wichita no railroad had entered the town. Jacob Pittenger owned a number of farms around Wichita, and a ranch in Arizona. 4. iii. Rebecca Pittenger B. at Elk Creek, Ky. Nov. 21, 1825 and D. at Elk Creek, Ky. Feb. 16, 1847. Iv. Susan Pittenger M. 1st Robert Pigg and M. 2nd Obediah Howerton 5. V. Richard Vandyke Pittenger M. Marion Stout. (2) William Pittenger, son of Abraham and Rebecca was B. Apr. 2, I806 D. Nov. 13, I867. On Dec. 21, l829 at Taylorsville, Ky. he M. Nancy Pigg B. Nov. 10, I806 D. Dec. 15, I889 26 THE PITTENGER FAMILY William Pittenger and wife are burled In the Elk Creek Cemetery In Spencer Co. Ky. Nancy Pigg was the daughter of John Plgg and Ellen Sherwood of Elk Creek, Ky. Issue 7 ch. 1. John Pittenger B. Dec. 11, I83I. D. Dec. 16, 1832. ii . Sarah Elizabeth Pittenger B. Apr. 6, I832 M. George McKinley. ill. Rebecca Pittenger B. in Spencer Co. Ky. July 22, 1855. D. In Wichita, Kan. June, 15, 1923. On April 6, I85I, she M. her cousin, Jacob Pittenger. Her father gave his consent to the marriage. Rebecca Pittenger weighed less than 100 pounds, and for the last J>0 years of her life, she was blind, yet she never complained. She was patience personified and real dignified and had much culture and refinement. The history of their child Josephine is given under the head of Jacob Pittenger. 7. iv . Abraham Pittenger, B. June, I837 M. Martha Jewell, B. 1844. 8. V. Hester Ann Pittenger B. Apr. 4, l839 and D. Jan. 18, 1918. M. Robert Jones of Elk Creek, Ky. 9. vi. William C. Pittenger M. Mattie Moxley at Bloomfield, Ky. Aug. 25, I868. She D. Oct. 5, 1883. He D. Dec. I8, l894. vii. Nancy Beckam Pittenger B. Sept. 2, l844 D. June 24, 1845- (3) Jacob Pittenger B. at Elk Creek, Ky. Nov. 13, 1827 D. at Wichita, Kansas Feb. 7, 1907 and buried there. He was named for his grandfather Jacob Tichenor. On April 6, I85I at Taylors- ville, Ky. he M. his first cousin Rebecca Pit- tinger, daughter of William Pittenger and Nancy Pigg. In 1870, Jacob Pittenger and wife moved from Spencer Co. Ky. to Wichita, Kansas, where they lived until they died. When they went to Wichita no railroad had entered the town. Jacob Pittenger owned a number of farms around Wichita, and a ranch in Arizona. His favorite farm was 4 miles north of Wichita, where he spent much time. He weighed THE PITTENGER FAMILY 2? 250 pounds, and vas of a genial nature and well liked by all who knew him. The author has talked to many men, who knew Jacob Pittenger, and all spoke highly of him. In later life he was afflicted with rheumatism, and walked with a cane. After leaving Ky. he never returned, altho his wife and daughter made a number of visits back there. Issue of marriage 1 child. 10. i. Josephine Pittenger B. Dec. 8th, I856 at Elk Creek, Ky. D. June 7, l894. M. Almon Fleming Stanley. M. 2nd James Harvey Mc Call. (^) Rebecca Pittenger was a daughter of Thomas Pittenger and Nancy Tichenor. She was B. at Elk Creek, Ky. Nov. 21, I825 and D. at Elk Creek, Ky. Feb. I6, 184? . She M. William Reasor, son of Josiah Reasor and Elizabeth Allen. He was B. at Elk Creek Ky. Nov. 15, 1823 and died July 24, 1777 at Lei anon, Texas. After the death of Rebecca Pittenger, William Reasor M. 2nd Susan Carpenter Stout of Ky. Issue of marriage of William Reasor and Rebecca Pittenger 2 ch. 11. i. Josiah J. Reasor B. Jan. ^1 , l845 D. Aug. 8, 1930, M. Katherine Skinner. 12. ii. Nancy Jane Reasor B. Oct. 15, l84G D. Oct. 15, 1897. (5) Richard Vandyke Pittenger M. Marion Stout, issue 5 ch. i. Preston Pittenger, dead ii. Ada Pittenger, dead 13. iii. Cordelia Pittenger M. Seip iv. Charlie Pittenger V. Milton Pittenger. Cordelia Seip, and Charlie Pittenger live at 724 South 23rd St., Louisville, Ky. (6) Sarah Elizabeth Pittenger B. Apr. 6, I832 M. George Mc Kinley, issue 5 ch. 14. i. Wm. F. McKinley 1st M. Christina Sweets 2nd M. Susie Parsons. 15. ii. Anna Belle McKinley B. Feb. 2, l857 D. Feb. 10, 1918. M. Robert Foresman Coates. Hi. Albert Mc Kinley D. single 28 THE PITTENGER FAMILY Iv. Granville Mc Kinley D. single V. Mary Mc Kinley D. single (7) Abraham Pittenger, son of Wm. Pittenger and Nancy Pigg was B. in June I837. He M. Martha Jevell B. l84,4, issue 8 ch. i. John Pittenger D. in infancy 16. li. James W. Pittenger B. l864 M. Adelia Crabb 17. lii. Charles F. Pittenger B. I867 M. Carrie Crabb iv. Leonard R. Pittenger B. I872 M. Sarah Crabb, issue 6 ch. V. Sallie Jane Pittenger B. I87O D. at I8 months of age. 18. vi. Herbert Pittenger B. 1876 M. Ida Dale vii. Jacob C. Pittenger B. I882 M. Annie Hovard. He runs a grocery store at 1377 Bardstown road, Louisville, Ky. viii. Robinson Pittenger is M. and lives in Louisville, Ky. (8) Hester Ann Pittenger vas the dau. of Wra. Pittenger and Nancy Pigg. She vas B. Apr. h, 1839 and D. Jan. I8, I918. She M. Robert Jones of Elk Creek, Ky. He vas killed in a railroad vreck, caused by a cov on the track that de- railed the train, vhich occurred Sept. 8, 188I at Floyd's Fork Creek. 7 other men vere killed at the time. 9 ch. 2D. in infancy. i. Nannie B. Jones M. Lavrence Callan of Troy, N.Y. 1 ch. D. at birth. Sallie R. Jones M. Wm. H. WaTme Eddie Jones M. Kate Johnson Effie Jones M. Charlie Siefert Josephine Jones M. Charles Gibson Miles Julia Jones D. single at 19 years of age. Bertha Jones M. I^ycurgus Slemmons (9) William C. Pittenger M. Mattie Moxley at Bloom- field, Ky. Aug. 25, 1868. She D. Oct. 5, I883. He D. Dec. 18, 1894, issue 4 ch. 24. i. Mamie Pittenger B. Aug. 15, I87O D. Feb. 17, 1940. M. Thomas Honnaker. 25. li. Olga Pittenger B. Sept 1, 1873- M. Oven S. Kerlin 19. ii 20. iii 21. iv 22. V vi 23. vii THE PITTENGER FAMILY 29 26. ill. Bessie Lee Pittenger B. Nov. l6, I875 M. Geo. Julius Brunner. Iv. William M. Pittenger B. Aug. 23, 1877 D. Nov. 21, 1894. (10) Josephine Pittenger B. Dec. 5th, I856 at Elk Creek, Ky. D. June 7, l879, she M. Almon Fleming Stanley, the youngest brother of Governor Stanley of Kansas. M. 2nd James Harvey McCall on July 16, 1890 at Wichita, Kansas. Issue 1 child. 1, Fode S. Stanley B. July I6, I88I at Wichita, Kansas. On June 15, 1902, she M. Charles H. Hatton of Wichita, Kansas. He was B. In Wichita and vas the son of a pioneer at- torney of Wichita. He vas an investment Banker and President of many corporations. He took an active Interest in civic affairs and in 1932, he became International Presi- dent of the Lions. His largest contribution to Lionism vas committing Lions International to the policy of supplying "The Moral Code For Youth" to all schools of iT.S. He D. Aug. 23, 1936 in Wichita, Kansas. 11. Jacob Thomas McCall B. March l4, 1891 at Wichita, Kan. He resides vlth his sister Mrs. Chas. H. Hatton at ll45 Stanley Ave, Wichita, Kansas. He is engaged in the bank- ing business at Wichita, Kansas. (11) Josiah J. Reasor B. Jan. 31, l845 at Elk Creek, Ky. D. Aug. 8, 1930 at Los Angeles, Ky. and is buried there. On Nov. 24, 1870 he M. Katherine Skinner B. Jan. I6, l849 D. July 28, I888 at Kansas City, Mo. Issue 2 ch. 1. Lillian Adda Reasor B. June 15, I872 at Bloomfield, Ky. She nov resides at 330 North Plymouth St. L.A., Cal . ii. Amo Dale Reasor B. Jan. 2, l875 at Bloomfield Ky. D. Jan. 29, 1920 at Nashville, Tenn. (12) Nancy Jane Reasor B. Oct. 15, l846 at Elk Creek, Ky. D. Oct. 15, 1897 at Milo, Mo. When she vas 4 months old, her mother, Rebecca Pittenger D. and Nancy Jane and her brother Josiah J. Reasor vere reared by their grand parents Josiah Reasor and Elizabeth Allen. Josiah J. Reasor and Nancy 30 THE PITTENGER FAMILY Jane Reasor Inherited slaves from their grand- mother, Nancy Tichenor, and on January 12, l864 they gave written consent that the slaves be sold to settle the estate of their grandmother. On October 31, I865, Nancy Jane Reasor became the vife of Reuben Judiah Dale in Spencer Co. Ky. issue 9 ch. i. Emma K. Dale B. Sept. 10, I866 at Elk Creek, Ky. D. Oct. 22, I89O at Milo, Mo. and buried there, li. Anna Dale B. Jan. 10, 1868 at Elk Creek, Ky. D. Jan. 5, I888 at Milo, Mo. and buried there, iii. Ruth Dale B. April 30, I87I at Elk Creek, Ky. Lives at Lamar, Mo. iv. An unnamed baby B. May 5, I87O D. May 6, 1870. Bur. at Elk Creek, v. William Delancy Dale B. Mar. 3, I874 at Elk Creek, Ky. lives at Milo, Mo. vi. Maysue Dale B. Oct. 4, 1876 at Elk Creek, Ky. Lives at Sheldon, Mo. vii. Isaac Francis Dale B. Jan. 6, I88O at Elk Creek, Ky. lives at Sheldon, Mo. viii. Fred Miner Dale B. June 2, 1881 at Elk Creek, Ky. lives at Guymon, Okla. ix. Charles Beard Dale B. Mar. 9, l884 at Milo, Mo. lives at Mendon, Mo. Note. For a complete list of the des- cendants of Josiah J. Reasor and Nancy Jane Reasor see the book "A History of the Michael Reasor and Allied Families" by the author, which can be found in many of the leading libraries of the United States . (13) Cordelia Pittenger M. Seip, 2 ch. i. Chester Seip M. no ch. il. Nellie Siep (14) Wm. F. McKinley M. Christina Sweets, issue 3 ch. 27. i. Eudora L. McKinley M. Edward 0. Smith ii . Patronella McKinley M. Granville Crutcher, Issue 1 child. i. Evelyn Estelle Crutcher B. April 5, 1912 M. John Calhoun 1 ch. i. John Calhoun Jr. B. Jan. 1, 19^2 THE PITTENGER FAMILY ^l iii. Mary Elizabeth Mc Klnley D. at one year of age . Wm. P. Mc Klnley M. 2nd Susie Parsons, Issue 1 ch. I. Wra 0. Mc Klnley, age 42. (15) Anna Belle Mc Klnley, B. In Spencer Co. Ky. from an early age made her home with Jacob and Rebecca Plttenger at Wichita, Kan. She M. Robert Foresman Coates of Wichita, Kansas In 1891. She vas B. Feb. 2, l857 and D. In Wichita, Kan. Feb. 10, 1918, Issue 2 ch. 28. 1. Wm. Mc Klnley Coates B. Jan. 17, I892 M. Rachel Brooks . II. Margaret Elizabeth Coates B. April 17, 1896 In Wichita, D. Nov. 27, 1939 In Berwyn, 111. In Sept. 1922 she M. Leslie Cummlngs . (16) James Plttenger B. l864 M. Adella Crabb, who lives In Taylorsvllle, Ky. Issue 6 ch. 1. Grace C. Plttenger M. C. F. Mann, Issue 1 child I. Franklin Mann 11. James F. Plttenger M. Wllla Mae Dyer III. Ralph H. Plttenger M. Luclle Sullivan, a 2nd wife, 1 ch. 1. Nancy Plttenger II. Sam Plttenger, child by 1st wife Iv. Charles T. Plttenger D. in 1928 V. Twin Boys D. at Birth. (17) Charles Plttenger B. I867 M. Carrie Crabb, issue 1 ch. I. Edgar Plttenger is M. and has b children. (18) Herbert Plttenger B. I876 M. Ida Dal©, issue 2 ch. 1. Dale Plttenger, dead II. Estelle Plttenger M. Dr. Randell (19) Sallie R. Jones M. Wm. H. Wayne, Shelbyville, Ky. issue 3 ch. i. Roy Way D. at 3 years of age. ii. Rollo Wayne was an Art Director with Schubert's of N. Y. for 15 years. He has 32 THE PITTENGER FAMILY lived in Louisville for past two years and has been running an open air theater. He Is listed In all "Who's Who" theatrical journals and he has worked In London, Paris and Berlin. He attended Berea College and the University of Louisville. He Is A-1 In his profession. 111. Sylvester Wayne M. Violet Klnkton, Issue 2 dau. 1 son Iv. Wm. Earl Wayne M. Marie, Richardson, Issue 1 dau. (20) Eddie Jones M. Kate Johnson of Shelbyvllle, Ky. Issue 5 ch. 1. Robert Jones M. Freda Kruger of Boston, Mass. Issue 3 ch. 11. Jajnes Jones M. Irene Metzer, Issue 2 ch. They live In Louisville. 111. Orln Jones M. Clara Brown, Issue 2 ch. Iv. Julia Jones M. Bruno Schmitt, Issue k ch. V. Dorothy Jones M. Leslie Venrlck, Issue 2 sons, live In Nashville. (21) Effle Jones M. Charlie Slebert of Shelbyvllle, Issue 2 ch. 1. Hester Slebert M. Ray Thomas, Cleveland, Ohio, issue 4 ch. 11. Elizabeth Slebert M. Wra. Stoellzlng, oi* Cleveland, 0. Issue 2 ch. (22) Josephine Jones M. Charles Gibson Miles of Richmond, Va. Issue 2 ch. 1. Callan G. Miles M. Helen Wolfe, Issue 1 son 1. He Is Secty-Treas of Bomar-Summers Hdw. Co. Louisville, Ky. 11. Thomas G. Miles of California (23) Bertha Jones M. Lycurgus Slemmons. They reside at 1818 Tyler Parkway, Louisville, Ky. issue 1 son. 1. Guy Slemmons M. Ada Lonese Mc Kensle. Guy is District manager for the Curtis Pub. Co. (24) Mamie Pittenger B. Aug. 15, I87O. She D. at Tltusville, Fla. She D. Feb. 17, 19^0. She M. Thomas Tonnaker May 29, I89O. He D. Mar. 24, 1842. Both D. at Tltusville Fla, issue 11 ch. THE PITTENGER FAMILY 35 1. Roy Honnaker M. Alma Fleming, no Issue 11. Eleanora Honnaker M. Earl Edwards and D. at age 25, no Issue 29. 111. Gladys Honnaker M. Jack Ketcham of Boone- vllle, Ind. Issue 3 ch. Iv. Mabel Honnaker M. Maurice Bell and she D. at age 25 V. Geo. Albert Honnaker M. Evaleen Hudson, no Issue. They live In Tltusvllle, Fla. vl. Thomas, Lizzie Lee, William, Olga and Ethel Honnaker D. young. (25) Olga Plttenger B. Sept 1, 18T5 M. Oven S. Kerlln, now Dec. 4 eh. 1. Vm. Kerlln D. In Infancy 11. Ida Lee Kerlln M. John Stelnbruner, Issue 1 child. I. Evelln 3. 111. Mabel Kerlln Iv. Owen Thomas Kerlln (26) Bessie Lee Plttenger B. Nov. I6, l875 M. Geo. Julius Brunner October 17, 1900 at Louisville, Ky. Issue 3 ch. 1. Bessie M. Brunner B. Mar. 23, 1902 D. May 19, 1905 11. George C. Brunner B. July 10, 1904 M. Myrtle Hutchison May 10, 1932, Issue 1 child B. and D. June 17, 1933. 111. Lorraine Mildred Brunner B. Jan. 27, 1911 (27) Eudora L. Mc Klnley M. Edward 0. Smith, Issue 2 ch. 1. Lillian 0. Smith M. Chas. W. Sanders. Reside In Oakland, Cal. 11. Mildred Eudora Smith M. J. Edgar Boswell. He Is building Supt . for Reynolds Metal Co. Louisville, Ky. issue 2 ch. 1. Marietta Hughes Boswell B. May 18, 1928 II. J. Edgar Boswell B. Jan. 2, 1942. (28) Wm. Mc Klnley Coates B. Jan. 17, I892 M. Rachel Brooks Dec. 25, 19l4, issue 2 ch. 1. Mary Maxlne Coates B. Sept. 4, I916 M. Harold Louis Stephans on July 26, 194l. 11. Margaret Ann Coates B. July I6, 1919 in Wichita, Kans. M THE PITTENGER FAMILY (29) Gladys Honnaker M. Jack Ketcham of Boonesvllle, Ind. Issue 3 ch. 1. Eleanora Ketcham 11. Mary Jane Ketcham D. In Infancy 111. Howard Eaton Ketcham LIBRARY OF CONGRESS