LIBRARY OF CONGRESS I'li'lillill 007 799 763 5 m HOLUNGER pH8.5 Mill- RUN F3-1543 E 664 .L83 U54 Copy 1 V Y "3"olin ^Uo^ojr), Order of Proceedings FUNERAL John A. Logan, LATE A SENATOR FROM THE STATE OE ILLINOIS, DECEMBER 30tla aiad 31st, 1886, WASHINGTON. D. C. COvdcv of Ceremonies. The body will he taken by the Coiiiinittee ot Arrangements ot the United States Senate and of the House ot" Representatives, escorted by the Posts of the (Irand Army of the Republic of the District ot Colum- bia, at 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, December 30th, from the residence to the Rotunda of the Capitol, where it will lie in state until noon of the following day, under a Guard of Honor, detailed by the Grand Army of the Republic and the Military Order of the T.oyal Legion of the Uniteil States. From 2 o'clock p. m. of Thursday until 1 1 o'clock a. m. of Friday, the public will be admitted to the Rotunda, passing in at the east door and out at the west. The east door of the Senate wing of the Ca])itol will be opened at 10 o'clock A. M. on Friday to those having tickets of admission. The Galleries of the Semate Chamber. The Diplomatic Gallery will be reserved for the lamilies of the Diplomatic Corps — tickets thereto will be delivered to the Secretary ol State for distribution. The families of the President, of Cabinet Officers, of the Supreme (."ourt, the President J>rt> tern, of the Senate, of the Speaker of the House of Representatives, and of the Ex-Presidents and ex-Vice-Presidents will occupy seats in the gallery east of the Diplomatic Gallery. The families of Senators and of Members of the House of Rep- resentatives will occupy seats in the East Reserved (iallery. The Reporters' Gallery will be reserved exclusivel) for the Reporters of the Press, and admission thereto will be upon the usual tickets to that gallery. Order of the D AY Senators, Representatives, and all other persons invited or entitled to admission to the floor of the Senate, including the Committees of the Grand Anny of the Republic, the Loyal Legion, and Veterans of the Mexican War, are requested to be in the places assigned to them at 15 minutes before ra o'clock. The Speaker, if present, at the right hand of the Presiding Officer. The Clergy at the desk of the Secretary. At 10 ininutes before 12 o'clock promptly the following persons, in the order named, will be received without announcement at the south door of the Senate Chamber, and be shown to the seats assigned them : 1. The President and his Cabinet. 2. The Supreme Court. 3. The Diplomatic Corps. 4. The Committee of Senators. 5. The Committee of Representatives. 6. The family and relatives to be admitted from north door nearest Vice-President's Room, and followed by the Presiding Officer. 7. The Pall-Bearers. At 12 o'clock promptly, upon the announcement of the Presiding Officer, the Clergy will conduct the funeral ceremonies. At I o'clock, or as soon as the ceremonies are closed, the Sergeant- at-Arms will form and conduct the funeral procession in the following order to carriages in waiting : 1. The Clergy and Medical Attendants. 2. The Pall-Bearers. The Hearse. Committee of Senate and House of Refresent.\tives. The Family and Attendants. The President and Cabinet. The Supreme Court. The Diplom.\tic Corps. g. Senators. 10. Represent.\tives. I r. Officers of the Senate. 12. Governors of States and other invited persons. 13. Committees of the G. A. R., etc. The entire procession, civic and military, under command of Lieut. General P. H. Sheridan, to be formed and moved in the order com- manded by him. The remaining seals in the galleries will be open, without discrim- ination, to all who have general tickets for gallery seats. The Floor of the Seivate Chamber. The President and Cabinet officers will meet in the President's Room. The Supreme Court will meet at the Supreme Court Room. The Diplomatic Corps will meet in the Marble Room. The \'ice-President's Room will be reserved for Mrs. Logan and family. Members of the House of Re|>resentatives will meet at the Hall of the House. The Committees of the Grand Army of the Republic, of the Military Order of the Loyal Legion of the United States, and of the Mexican War Veterans, will meet in the Reception Room. The Pall-Bearers will meet in the office of the Secretary of the Senate. Seats will be reserved by the Sergeant-at-Arms for those entitled to seats upon the floor. Hon. John Sherman, a Senator of the United States from the State of Ohio, will preside. The order of procession from the' Capitol to Rock Creek Cemetery will be under the direction of Lieut. General P. H. Sheridan, to whom all organizations should report as speedily as possible. S. M. CULLOM, Clminiuin Cdiiiniitfee of ArrniKjemnils. .IBRflRY OF CONGRESS 007 799 ) 763 5 ^