Book -A^iUsi ^h^ ^.p'-^^^>^ ^'^^ HON. russe: Russell Alexander Alger I Late a Senator from Michigan^ MEMORIAL ADDRESSES * Fifty-ninth Congress Second Session SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES February 23, 1907 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES February 24, 1907 Compiled under the direction of the Joint Committee on Printing WASHINGTON : : GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE : : 1907 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page. Proceedings in the Senate 5 Prayer by Rev. Edward E. Hale 5 Memorial addresses by: Mr. Burrows, of Michigan 9 Mr. Daniel, of Virginia '5 Mr. Warren, of Wyoming ^3 Mr. Spooner, of Wisconsin ^^ Mr. Dolliver, of Iowa 33 Mr. Dick, of Ohio 42 Mr. Warner, of Missouri 54 Mr. Foraker, of Ohio ; 57 Mr. Smith, of Michigan 59 Proceedings in the House °3 Prayer by Rev. Henry N. Couden 63. 66 Memorial addresses by: Mr. Denby, of Michigan 69 Mr. Smith, of Michigan 8° Mr. Lacey , of Iowa -4 Mr. Fordney, of Michigan ^S Mr. Hamilton, of Michigan 95 Mr. Darragh, of Michigan '°2 Mr. Townsend, of Michigan }°7 3 Death of Senator Russell A. Alger PROCEEDINGS IN THE SENATE Thursday, yrt-wwrtTj 24^ 190J. The Chaplain, Rev. Edward E. Hale, offered the follow- ing prayer: In my Fatlicr's house arc niaiiv ho»ies. I go to prepare a place for you. If our earthly house of this tabernacle ivere dissolved^ tve have a building of God^ eternal in the heavens. They cease from their labors^ but their works do follow them. Let Tis pray. Father of life, teach ns the lesson of life at this moment of sudden death. Thon art pleased to call him to higher service, to see as he is .seen; to kliow as he is known. In a inoment, in the twinkling of an eye, he is changed, and this corruptible puts on incorruption, and this mortality is clothed with immortality. We need not pray for liini. He comes to Thee in the glad certainties of that larger life. But for ourselves, Father, we pray that our labors may be consecrated to Thee ; that we may live to Thy service ; that we ma\- go about Thy business; so that when Thou dost call us where S 6 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger we may cease from such labors, we shall enter into the higher service of the sons and daughters of the living God. We ask it in Him who is immortality and life for us, coming to Thee in the name of Thy well-beloved Son. Our Father who art in heaven^ hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdotn come, Thy zvill be done, on earth as it is done in keaz>en. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive ns our trespasses as zve forgive those who trespass against lis. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, is the pozver, is the glory, forever and forever. Amen. jNIr. Burrows. Mr. President, it becomes my painful duty to announce to the Senate the death of my colleague, Hon. Russell A. Alger, who died at half past 8 o'clock this morning at his residence in this city. This is not the time for eulogy. At some future date I will ask the Senate to set aside a day in which to pay fitting tribute to his memor}'. For the present, I ask the passage of the resolutions which I send to the desk. The Vice-President. The Senator from Michigan sub- mits resolutions, which will be read by the Secretary-. The Secretary read the resolutions, as follows: Resolved, That the Senate has heard with deep regret and profound sorrow of the death of Hon. RusSELL A. Alger, late a Senator from the State of Michigan. Resolved, That a committee of twelve Senators be appointed by the Vice-President to take order for superintending the funeral of Mr, .\LGER, which shall take place at his late residence on Saturday, January 26, at 2 o'clock p. m., and that the Senate will attend the same. Resolved, That as a further mark of respect his remains be removed from his late home in this city to Detroit, Mich., for burial in charge of the Sergeant-at-Amis, attended by the committee, who shall have full power Proceedings in the Senate 7 to carry these resolutions into effect, and that the Sergeant-at-Arms be directed to invite the Representatives from the State of Michigan to join the committee appointed by the Senate to escort the remains of the deceased to his place of burial. Resolved, That the Secretary communicate a copy of these resolutions to the House of Representatives. The Vice-President. The question is on agreeing to the resolutions which have been read by the Secretary. The resolutions were unanimously agreed to. The Vice-President appointed as the committee under the second resolution Mr. Burrows, Mr. Frye, Mr. Daniel, Mr. Nelson, Mr. Warren, Mr. Spooner, Mr. Scott, Mr. Dillingham, Mr. Foster, Mr. Patterson, Mr. Dick, and Mr. Crane. Mr. Burrows. Mr. President, as a further mark of respect to my late colleague, I move that the Senate do now adjourn. The motion was unanimously agreed to; and (at 1 2 o'clock and 17 minutes p. m.) the Senate adjourned until to-morrow, Friday, January 25, 1907, at 12 o'clock meridian. Saturday, January 26^ 190"]. Mr. Frye. I think the Senate ought to adjourn at this time, in order to attend the funeral of the late Senator Alger. There will be carriages at the door of the Senate to accommodate Senators. The last carriage will leave the door at precisely half past i o'clock, so that it is necessary that the Senate should now adjourn. I make that motion. The motion was agreed to; and (at i o'clock and 10 min- utes p. m.) the Senate adjourned until Monday, January 28, 1907, at 12 o'clock meridian. 8 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger Saturday, February jj, igoj. Mr. Burrows. I offer the resolutions which I send to the desk, and ask for their immediate consideration. The Vice-President. The resohitions presented by the Senator from Michigan will be read. The resolutions were read and unanimously agreed to, as follows : Resolved, That the Senate has heard with profound sorrow of the death of Hon. RUSSELI. A. Alger, late a Senator.from the iState of Michigan. Resolved, That as a mark of respect to the memory of the deceased the business of the Senate be now suspended to enable his associates to pay proper tribute to his high character and distinguished public services. Resolved, That the Secretary communicate these resolutions to the House of Representatives. Address of Mr. Bitrrozvs, of Michigan MEMORIAL ADDRESSES Address of Mr. Burrows, of Michigan Mr. President : For the second time during my brief service in the Senate the State of Michigan has been called upon to mourn the loss of one of its most distinguished rep- resentatives in this body ; first, Senator McMillan, and now, Senator Alger. Both rendered conspicuous service to the State and the nation, and died full of honors. Senator RusSELL A. Alger, at the time of his death had reached the allotted span of human life, and completed the work which Providence had assigned him, and died, as he had frequently expressed his desire to do, at his post of duty in the front of battle. Life's work was completed and he was content. RussEiX A. Alger was born in Medina Count}-, in the State of Ohio, February 27, 1836, where he spent the days of his early youth. I can not better describe the struggles of his boyhood than by quoting from an authentic account of his early life, a simple .stor)', which should be an inspiration to the youth of this day and in all days to come : His parents, after settling in the woods of Medina County, were ex- tremely poor and partially invalids, and young RussELL found it necessary to labor hard in order to earn support enough to sustain his parents, his younger brother and sister, and himself. * * * But the charge of supporting his invalid parents was not to last long. When he was but 12 years of age his father and mother died, and young Alger was left with a younger brother and sister to care for. That, lo Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger indeed, was a trying situation, and many a boy of weak moral fiber would have abandoned the responsibility. Not so with young ALGER. He grappled with circumstances as he found them. He secured for the chil- dren a home where each could be cared for and then proceeded to make something of himself. At first he worked for his board, clothing, and three months' schooling in the year. In 1S50, at the age of 14, he cut loose from so re.stricted a contract and really began life as a "hired man." His first engagement was for six months, during which time he received fj for the first month, I4 for the second month, and I5 a month for the remainder of the term. Out of these scanty earnings as a farm laborer he contributed to the needs of his brother and sister, who had been placed in families where their limited services were accepted for their board. * * * Thus young Alger had worked steadily forward from boyhood, had accepted what wages he could obtain, from their meagerness had aided in the support of his brother and sister, had not faltered in any of the long years from the time he was 12 years old until he was 20, but had gone steadily forward, doing what he considered was simply dutiful and manly. Until he was 20 years of age young Alger had simply struggled for the existence of himself and his two wards. Such is the simple story of his early life. Such condi- tions would ordinarily have daunted the bravest heart; but the Scotch and English blood that coursed in his veins stirred his heart and ners-ed his arm for the conflict before him. With undaunted courage he took up the duties and responsibilities of life, and under the most trying circum- stances discharged them all with manly spirit and an uncon- querable will. Finally, in 1859 he went to Michigan and engaged in the active duties of a business life. He had, however, scarcely entered this new field of his labors when the civil war broke out, and, turning his back upon the business career he had mapped out for himself and his hopes and ambitions for the future, he offered his services to the countn,-, and in August, 1861, enlisted as a private in the Second Michigan Cavalrj-, sharing the hardships and the privations of a private soldier. His soldierly qualities were soon recognized and promotions Address of Mr. Bnrroivs., of MicJtigan ii followed rapidly. He became captain of Company C, then major of the regiment, then lieutenant-colonel of the Sixth Michigan Cavalry-, and in 1863 was promoted to the colo- nelcy of the Fifth Michigan Cavalrj-. In 1864 he was g^ven the rank of brigadier-general for gallant conduct in battle, and finally, in June, 1865, having served until the close of the war, he was bre\-etted major-general of volunteers for gallant and meritorious ser^-ices during the war. He served until the close of the conflict, participating in sixty-six bat- tles and skirmishes, and rose from the ranks to a bre\-et major-general of volunteers. Returning to Michigan at the close of the war, with peace assured and the Union restored, he resumed his business enterprises, and in the forests of Michigan hewed his way to fortune and fame. The lumber industry, in which he was engaged, pro\-ed a most lucrative venture, and his indus- Xxy was ultimately rewarded with an abundant fortune. Before this time he had paid no attention to political affairs ; but in politics he had always been, from his earl\- manhood, an ardent Republican, and in 1884 was nominated by his party for governor, which office he held for two years, at the expiration of which time he declined to be a candi- date for reelection. The firm manner with which he dealt w-ith the labor troubles in the State induced him to foreeo a renomination in the interest of party harmony and strength. He retained his hold, however, upon the confidence and affection of the people of our State, and in 1888 the Michi- gan delegation to the national Republican convention at Chicago was instructed to present his name for the high oflSce of President, and in the con\-ention he received at one 12 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger time 142 votes, but the nomination was conferred upon another. In his political life, as in his business, no disappointment or adversity caused him to waver from his sense of duty, and entering into the campaign with all the enthusiasm of his nature, he devoted his time and substance to the triumph of his party. He was prominently identified with the Grand Army of the Republic, and in 1889 was chosen its com- mander in chief, with which organization he remained until the time of his deaths In 1897 General Alger was appointed Secretary of War by President McKinley, and he continued in that office until 1899, covering the entire period of the war with Spain. I often heard him speak of the gratification he felt over the fact that the conflict brought a reunited people together under one flag and for one countr\-. In his history of the Spanish war he says : Americans have not forgotten — tHey are not likely to forget — the splen- did spectacle of the country's response to the Government's ultimatum upon Spain which inevitably resulted in war. It was spontaneous and practically universal ; it was sincere and enthusiastic. One realized that thirty-three years of peace had made no change in the American charac- ter. More than 100,000 veterans of the civil war, wearers of the blue and wearers of the gray, pleaded for an opportunity to seri-e the reestablished Union. The sons of those who fought under Grant and Lee showed the soldierly and patriotic spirit of their sires had lost nothing in intensity by the lapse of years. I know, he often .said to me, that that consummation was worth all the war cost. In 1902 he was appointed Senator to fill the vacancy caused by the death of Senator McMillan, taking his seat December i, and subsequently elected by the legislature of the State for the full term of six vears. Address by Mr. Burrows, of Micliigau 13 There was but one sentiment in the State, and that was of vindication by the people who knew him best, among whom he had lived, and who had unshaken confidence in him. His death is sincerely mourned b\- all the people of our State, whom he served so long and so well, and his memor\- will be revered by the generations to come. Upon the receipt of the intelligence of Senator Alger's death, the governor of the State conveyed official notice of the sad event to the legislature, then in session, in the fol- lowing fitting terms: Executive Office, Lansing. January 24, igoy. To the President of the Senate: Hon. Russell A. Alger, Senator of the United States from Michigan, died at Washington, D. C, at S.45 a. m., January 24, 1907, thereby creat- ing a vacancy in the representation of this State in the Senate of the United States. Full of years and honors. Senator Alger has gone to his reward. It falls to the lot of few men to serve their State and nation in such exalted stations. Not alone because of the honors and responsibilities that came to him in civil life do we revere his memory. As a Michigan soldier he rendered distinguished services in the war of the rebellion. Michigan never failed during the lifetime of Senator Alger to testify to her love and devotion for him when the opportunity presented itself, and it is fitting in the highest degree that arrangements be made by the legislature of the State he loved and honored for services at which proper expressions may be given of the loss our State has sustained. Fred M. W.\rner, Governor. The legislature supplemented this tribute of the executive by declaring — The services of General ALGER in war and in peace have been signalized by conspicuous devotion to duty, unflinching courage, wisdom, and patriot- ism, and have been freely rendered to the State and the nation. He went to his death woimded, but with great courage. With malice toward none and charity for all, he laid down 14 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger the burden of life, leaving this declaration of mingled patriotism and pathos: Should war ever again come upon this country and find it so totally un- prepared as it was in 189S, I hope that those who have been so profuse in their criticisms and eager to discover faults may have the patriotism and pride of the country to rise above personalities and, instead of striving to tear down, may endeavor to strengthen the hands of those upon whom the burden maj- fall and whose onh' hope of reward is that satisfaction which comes from the consciousness of having labored honestly and unremit- tingly to serve a Government whose flag has never yet known defeat. Address of Mr. Daniel, of Virginia 15 Address of Mr. Daniel, of Virginia Mr. President: When one beloved once lay dead in a stricken home, a friend wrote these words to those who monrned : Watch and tenJ him as ye would, sickness and sorrow and pain and death at last would be his portion. Be not cast down that he is freed from them and that his spirit is at rest. Snch thoughts as these, Mr. President, commend them- selves to our reflection at the close of the long, eventful, and achieving life of our late colleague, Russell Alex- ander Alger. It had passed beyond the vigor of his active manhood and was already assailed by a mortal malady which he faced and knew. The last days of Gen- eral Alger must have been gloomy and depressing days to him, for they were marked by the signs of his early dis- solution. He had been told, and he instinctively knew from his own feeling, that the hand of death was on him. The adventitious charms of life were gone. Ambition's bugle call and fame's alluring smile could possess no attractiveness for him who had heard " the one clear call which came from beyond the harbor bar." The increasing feebleness of body made each day the more and more a burden, and yet in these days of heaviness and sore trial the very highest, noblest, and bravest quali- ties of the true man showed themselves in him. He came day by day to his post of duty in the Senate. He listened 1 6 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger to the proceedings and was careful to be present and to deliver his vote when the sense of the Senate was taken. Nice gentility marked his plain but trim dress. He , had a pleasant word of greeting and cheer for friends he met. He was composed and calm. Looking time and looking death in the face, watching, as it were, the last sands as they poured out of the down-turned glass of life, like a trained soldier under fire, he showed no wincing. He proved in his conduct and in his bearing that the sense of duty remained constant and predominant in him. If " dut}' " be the sublimest word in the language, surely duty realized and duty done, even in the face of death, is man's highest and most noble achievement. This is true great- ness of soul, and this did he display. If the history of any Senator here were written, it would probably be found that, like Senator Alger's, it runs back into the conditions, into the history, and into the very organism of the society of \vhich he is a part. Of course there are exceptions to this rule. There are the pertur- bations, the revolutions, upheavals of society, and great periods of transition when all rules are broken. But he, as well as the other two of our colleagues who have left our side in this Congress, illustrated the principle which these words indicate. / Bate, a clerk on a steamboat at 13, a soldier at 17, a law- yer and editor and soldier again, and then governor and Senator; Bate, born under the influences of that region in which Old Hickors' Jackson was a leading figure and influ- ence, came as naturally to his career and his opinions as Address of Mr. Daniel^ of I'irginia 17 man does to the atmosphere that gives to him the breath of her existence. Gorman, born in Mar\'land on the borderland of the civil conflict, page in yonth, then postmaster of the Senate, nat- nrallv entering into the great business of a commercial and manufacturing State, was representative of his time, of his geography, of the matters and things around him, just as truly as was Bate. General Alger represented a different segment of our his- tor\- and country. When the new States sprang into being beyond the Alleghenies they were under the guardianship of the great Government which the original States had founded. They were not either creators of the principles for which they stood nor were they, except in a minor sense, the achievers of the land or the independence which they enjoyed. It was perfectly natural that they should look upon the Government which created the Common- wealths and which raised them as children into the man- hood of sovereign States in a different light from those who were the descendants of the earliest pioneers and of the earliest fabricators of our institutions. Take either of the three men — Bate, Gorman, and Alger — and transpose their positions and their surround- ings, and each of them would have been a man of mark and leading; and with situations changed the very nature of- the men would also have differed with the diversity of things which they represented. But there is much like- ness, even if there be difference, in their contacts, associa- tions, and geographical relations. They were all three men S. Doc. 405, 59-2 2* i8 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger of high American ideals. They were all three devoted patriots and willing bnrden bearers of the people. All three of them rose from the undistinguishable obscurity of a boyhood which had no silver or golden spoon in its mouth and which was marked by no special opportunities. But each bespoke the sturdy and worthy stock from which he sprang by showing the stuff that was in him. Each illus- trated the tnxth expressed by Edmund Burke when he said, "It is a prerogative of man to be in a great degree a crea- ture of his own niaking." Each had in him the materials of success, and each molded that material into success b)' long, persistent, and hard striving on his own projected models. General Alger's career illustrates the tremendous oppor- tunities and the beckoning hands of ambition and enterprise of the old Northwest, which had been turned into young and magnificent commonwealths. A fanner's boy of lo, going to school of nights at one period of the \ear and teaching school at another ; a student of the law, admitted to the bar, forming his character upon ideals of a future career which seemed to open before him ; then passing from Ohio into the new Commonwealth of ^Michigan and there hearing the bugle blast that summoned its people to arms in 1861. There is comprehended in the mere statement of his military- career material out of which a graphic volume could be written. A private, a captain, a major, a lieutenant- colonel, a colonel, a general, crowned with brevet of major- generalship at its close, and participating in sixty-six bat- tles and skirmishes. This would seem extravagant to those unfamiliar with the imremitting tenor of the war ; but the Address of Mr. Daiiich of I irghiia 19 cannonade was as regular almost in the period of 1864 as the rising and the setting of the sun, and battles passed out of view in a day which in other times would have been written upon the brilliant scrolls of histor\-. The most marked feature in the history- of General Alger, and one which betokened his indomitable energ)-, his set- tled and fixed purpose, and the abilities which were behind them, is the fact that he strove in man)- things and succeeded in them all. Plunging into the wilderness as yet scarcely traversed by the white man's step, he rose to great eminence as a business man. Then he interwove the fortune whicli he had created by his own merit and genius into the mani- fold business relations which sprang up in the development of a more complex order of society. Turning his attention to the political field, he becomes elector at large to represent his part)- before the people, and then is elevated to the posts of governor and of Senator. These things tell their own stories, and I need not go into the detail of relation which has been so eloquenth- and well done by his colleague. In several ways I became better acquainted with General Alger than usualh- falls to the lot of Senators here who are not upon the same committees and are not in that unison of consultation which kindred political opinions often brings. I first met him socialh- in an agreeable and friendh" way in London ten years ago. The face of a countrAinan is alwa>s welcome in a strange land. We sojourned at the same hotel, and in daily contacts and associations I seemed to become familiar with his character, to see its lights and shades, to realize how friendh- and how kindly it was, and 20 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger to share and exchange hospitalities which rendered absence from home and countr^• an additional matter of jo}- inter- mingling with new scenes. The next time I was thrown frequently and for a much more prolonged period with General Alger was during the time of the Spanish war. He had then come to Washing- ton as Secretary of War, and a burden was thrown upon his shoulders such as has been thrown upon no man in this generation, unless it be the President in whose Cabinet he served. General ALGER-was not at that time in great vigor ^ of health, but he devoted himself to the task before him with an assiduity, with a patience, with a continuity of application which could not have been surpassed b)- any man. For the time being it seemed as if part)- lines had dis- appeared; and what particularly commended him to my admiration was not only his frequent expression of gratifi- cation that we were all one in the feelings of friendship and in sharing the burdens and the opportunities of government, but also one in deed. No man connected with the Admin- istration was more gratified to issue commissions to the sons and kindred of the men with whom he had fought, nor do I think there was any man in Washington who enjoyed more generous and complete satisfaction in the renewal of olden ties and in seeing the work of grace proceed that cements the affections as well as the interests of the people. I heard him make remarks on man)- occasions which I would not feel at libert>- to repeat in public, even though they were most honorable to him and such as furnished worthy examples for any man to imitate. Address of Mr. Daniel, of I'irginia 2i Mr. President, it was a matter of great disappointment to me that when you appointed the committee to attend Gen- eral Alger's remains to his home in Michigan I could only in part perform what was my becoming duty; as one of its members I did attend his funeral here, and was impressed by its simplicit>- and by the utter absence of all effort at ostentation. Befittingly, a battalion of cavalr>s in which arm of the ser\-ice he had been a distinguished officer, escorted his remains to the depot, from which they were transported to his home. Fittingly those who were his comrades in arms again put on their uniforms, that they might testify their especial sympathy. But beyond the mere forms and ceremonies which are necessary- to such an occasion, there was nothing more than the offerings of personal friendship and the sharing in grief which marked the departure of one so well known, and, by those who knew him best, so well beloved. I would ha\e accompanied his remains to the city of Detroit, and I felt a sense of keen disappointment that I^ could not do so, but I had in my hands tasks which I could not lay down without feeling that I was deserting my post of duty, and in preferring duty to even so sacred a call I felt I but imitated the worthy example which he himself had set before me. All of us have heard, Mr. President, and from many sources, of the beautiful home life of General AlGER and of the happy lives that were lived by those nearest and dearest to him under his roof. To that fortress of the heart, the home, we turn always in our troubles, and to that we turn instinctively as we seek to know those who have gone 22 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger forth into life's battle to bear life's burdens. The husband, the father, the friend had the capital of his life in his home. Thither bore he his trophies. Thither he returned when the weariness of the strife came on. There his friends ever found welcome, and there he was himself in the finest phase of his nature. He will be missed by comrades who shared his dangers and his hardships in days of conflict. He will be missed by some who were his enemies in war but who became his friends in peace, and who rejoice to know that he was their friend. He will be missed by men of public life who sought his counsel and his influence. He will be missed by men of business whose affairs were intenningled with his own and who got light and counsel from his sagacity and experience. But all this seems .scarcely of account when we recall how he will be missed by those who were next to him in the sweet and loving affections of the fire- side. Comfort it .is not ours to give to them; consolation we can not bestow ; though we would that both gifts were within the compass of our sympathy. We can only be glad that his suffering is ended, and believe that his good works on earth will follow him and that he is at peace and rest. Address 0/ Mr. IVarrcn, of IVyoming 23 Address of Mr. Warren, of Wyoming Mr. President: For more than a year prior to the 24th day of last month there moved among ns, participating in our labors, shirking none of the arduous duties attached to membership in this body, one who carried with him know- ingly his death warrant. Over a year ago our friend, in whose memory we are devot- ing these few feeble words, became informed of the serious condition of his health, and learned that au)- moment tl:e dread summons might come which would take him away from his family, friends, colleagues, and all that is loved and prized in this life. With the quiet courage which marked his whole life work he uttered no complaint, he showed no anxiety, he asked for no sympathy. He had the hope of being permitted to finish the term of service for which he had been elected, and with this hope actuating him he put his house in order, continued his daily tasks, and performed his duties quietly, gently, and yet with courage, which, as we look back upon the year's work, we must pronounce sublime. The world has admired the courage of the Spartan )outh who bore luimoved the gnawing of the wolf at his vitals ; but what courage was that compared with the faithful performance of duties from day to day by our colleague, his fate facing him every moment ? This closing year of the life of our friend, in which he car- ried silently and uncomplainingly his grievous burden, is but 24 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger typical of another period of his career, when, without harsh words or recrimination, he bore bravely and quietly the brunt of blame which by right should have been placed upon us — the Congress — and upon the people of the country-. It is needless to repeat history- so fresh in our minds ; but we all know that, following the great struggle of the civil war, we, as a nation, allowed ourselves to drift for over thirt>- years in blissful insecurity. The Congress, representing perhaps accurately the general sentiment of the country, maintained our Army on a footing inadequate to our commer- cial standing and importance in the world of nations. Sud- denh' forced into war, there was an outcn- against our unpreparedness, which naturally centered against the then Secretary of War, regardless of the fact that the deplorable condition of affairs was the accumulated result of the laxity of our own acts. Under bitter aspersions, and knowing his own blameless- ness. Secretary Alger never retaliated; under circum- stances of the most tr\-ing nature he never departed from the dignified poise of character which had so marked his life. While he lived no words of defense of his own acts, or con- demnation of the charges of his critics, passed his lips. Even though it should not come during his lifetime he knew that when the impartial histor)- of the war with Spain should be written it would be recorded that its errors were those of the remissness of our system and not the shortcomings of any officer of the Government. And on the day of his death came the official declaration of the War Department vindicating him. Of Secretary Address of Mr. JVarren, of IVyomhig 25 Alger's administration of the War Office, Mr. vSecretary of War Taft said : General Alger was patriotic, earnest, and most devoted to the interest of the Army and especially considerate of the welfare of the enlisted men. He was a gentle, kindly man, wHth great confidence in his friends and associates, and was much beloved by his subordinates. He was the sub- ject of unjust criticism because of the country's lack of preparedness for war when war came, although for this he was nowise responsible. It is not necessary- for nie at this time to recount to you in detail the life story of RussELL Alexander Alger; but I can not refrain from calling attention briefly to the salient features as shown in the modest biographical sketch which appears in the current Congressional Director>' and to point out the .self-evident fact which his life exemplifies, the untold possibilities our country offers the man who un- dertakes his life battle equipped with energ>-, application, honesty, and ambition. A penniless orphan at 13, facing want and privation; a plowboy at 20, doing the long drear>^ toil of the farm and field; a country school-teacher, with the petty, wearing trials of that calling; a lawyer, taking a leading place in his profession; a lumberman, understanding the intricacies of the business and attaining wealth through this knowledge ; a soldier, taking part in sixty-six battles and skirmishes ; a governor of a great State, administering the office creditably and honestly ; a Cabinet officer, grappling with problems that had never before confronted an officer of the Govern- ment, and, at his death, a Senator of the United States, loved by his constituents and his colleagues. Such is the story of our friend and colleague, and it fur- nishes a lesson of untold value to the American youth who 26 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger would reach high place in the business or political life of this countr}'. His was not accidental success, but all that he gained was by patient, untiring, intelligent effort, and with every act underlaid with the broad foundation of inher- ent honesty. His success exemplifies the truth of that well-known verse: The heights by great men reached and kept Were not attained by sudden flight, But they while their companions slept Were toiling upward in the night. To those of us who had the pleasure and privilege of close association with hiin was revealed the lovable side of his nature, of which the world at large necessarily could not know. His was a character in which predominated gener- ous, kindly sentiments toward his fellow-men, and traits brought to him throughout his entire career the loyal support and ardent friendship of eversone with whom he came in contact. It was this which endeared him to the people of his own State, who knew him well and who always held out to him the richest gifts and highest honors at their command. It was the citizens of Michigan — his friends and neighbors — who made him their governor, who voted for him loyally and steadily for the Presidential nomination in national conven- tions, and who, when the hands of the countn,- seemed to be raised against him, gave him just and fitting vindication by electing him to the Senate of the United States. We who have worked with him on the floor of the Senate and in committee and have had the privilege of meeting him Address of Mr. Warren, of Uyoming 27 in his charming home circle can well nnderstand the fealt\- of his State and the love \yhich its citizens bore him. It became ni}- sad dnty to go to the former home of Sena- tor Alger when his bod>- was consigned to its last earthh- resting place, and I saw while there widespread evidences of sincere and heartfelt grief. The people of his home lo\-ed him as we, who for the past six >ears have associated with him here, loved him, and they, as we, monrn his death, knowing and appreciating his noble traits and good deeds. Snch a character does not live in vain. Rich, he did not misuse his wealth, but kept it employed in the busy marts of commerce, that his fellow-men should share in its pro- ductiveness, and of his surplus he gave abundantly to the poor and needy. Powerful in politics, he was never domi- neering, but alwa)-s was mindful of the feelings and wishes of others and sympathetic with the people themselves. Able to live in idleness, yet he did the daily task which came to his hand as faithfully and cheerfulh- as the humblest workman. He has departed, but he has left in faithful effort, good deeds, and high accomplishments "a monument more last- ing than brass and more sublime than the regal erection of pyramids, which neither the wasting shower, the unavailing north wind, nor an innumerable succession of years and a flight of seasons shall be able to demolish." 28 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger Address of Mr. Spooner, of Wisconsin Mr. President: I can speak in tribute to the memor^^ of Senator AlgeR only the word which my heart shall send to my lips. I knew him long and well, and as I have listened to the eulogies which have been pronounced upon him I have had borne into my mind in an intense way the fact that it is only when we stand by the open grave of a man and cast our eyes along the pathwaj' which he trod from the begin- ning to the end that accurate judgment of his qualities, of his accomplishments, is possible to us. Senator Alger afforded for all time by his career indu- bitable e\-idence of the possession in full measure of many great and noble qualities. It was a long and toilsome jour- ney, Mr. President, from the village in Ohio, where as a vouth, unaided by adventitious circumstances, he began his struggle to the eminence upon which he died. No man without noble purpose, w-ell-justified ambition, strong fiber, and splendid qualities in abundance could have carved out and left behind him such a career. His pathway was from the beginning upw-ard, and all along it, at every stage of it, he discharged well every duty which manhood could demand ; and all along he scattered with generous hand deeds of kindness and helpfulness to those who were in need, sowing the seed which blossomed in fragrance along his pathway and made it beautiful. Address of Air. Spooner, of Wisconsin 29 A man of great commercial genius, born to coilimand, of nnquenchable spirit, of indomitable will, he wrought won- derful success in the realm of business ; and, Mr. President, it needs not to be said that in that realm no one ever dared to impeach his honor. No man without commercial honor would have wrought and accomplished in that field what he wrought and accomplished. The governor of a great State, carrying the splendid ad- ministrative ability which had given him triumph in the walks of business life to the capital in the ser\-ice of his people, he there vindicated their confidence and the wisdom of their choice of him to be their executive. And then turning aside from business and turning aside from home — and no man ever lived who held in his heart a tenderer love for home and wife and children — he betook himself to the field of battle, and, as has been stated here, in over sixty battles and skirmishes he bared his breast to the bullets of the enemy and offered his life that the Union might abide, and that what was its flag then should forever remain its flag, rising, Mr. President, from the humble but noble position of a private soldier to be captain, major, lieu- tenant-colonel, colonel, brigadier-general, and major-general, the latter brevet rank, for gallantry on the field of battle. When his friends and fellow-citizens lowered his inanimate body into the grave which had been digged in their midst, there was upon it more than one scar which he had received in defense of this Government. As Secretary of War — I allude to that, Mr. President, with some pain — I saw him often while he was in the Cabinet. I do not intend to go into the subject save in a few brief 30 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger words. His service there was difficult of performance in some of its aspects. Demands were made upon him which in the circumstances no man coukl completely meet, the fault not being his, but elsewhere, hing here, perhaps, and in the other I remember calling upon him one morning in the War Department during the war with vSpain, and as he walked from a little gathering of people he staggered with physical weakness. His face was as white as it was as he lay in his coffin, but his eyes were bright. I begged him to go to his home, and he made this characteristic response, "This is my place." I speak of it to show that wonderful spirit and characteristic devotion to duty, which was the law of his life to stand at the to which duty had assigned him ; and there can never be anywhere or in any time a more beautiful illustration of that loyal spirit and sense of duty than that which he exhibited in the later period of his life while a Senator of the United States. We noted from day to day his growing weakness. He knew as he moved around the Chamber and sought the committee rooms for service there that the Angel of Death walked by his side with outstretched hand, ready any mo- ment to grip his heart. But that courage, that devotion to dut)-, that scorn which he always had for rest in the hours of work buoyed him up and held him to this place almost to the last moment of his eventful life. He was a public-spirited citizen always. He was a gen- erous, kindly man whose sympathies were always easily aroused, helpful to those who deser\^ed help and helpful, alas, to many who did not. Address of Mr. Spooucr^ of li'iscoiisin 31 Mr. President, he was criticised for ha\iiig made poor appointments to the Army during the war with Spain. I think he would have done any kindness for me which he felt at liberty to do. I may say here that he never, during his term as Secretar}- of War, once gave an appointment to the Army from ni}' State, for each time — and there were not many — I took to him an order for the appointment from the President — and no President could have been more care- ful than was the Executive of that da}- in making .selec- tions — but it was impossible, as the world must know, in organizing suddenly a great army to choose with accuracy the men for command in small places and in high places. The wonder is, Mr. President, that so few men were com- missioned from civil life during that war who proved them- selves incompetent or otherwise uiiworthv. Senator Alger was generous to his friends and forgiving to his enemies, save where a wrong done him was such that no self-respecting man could forgive. Mr. President, this ceremonial seems like parting again with an old and dear friend. I think it can not be found that in any station or in any relation of life RussELL A. Alger was other than devoted and faithful. No sweeter act or juster act ever was done by a great State than was done by the State of Michigan when she sent him into this Chamber and to that desk with her certificate of confidence in his honor and in his ability. It was a proud distinction for him ; but I believe it left unhealed a wound which never could be healed. 32 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger Mr. President, his career is ended; his day's work is done. Michigan has made many notable contributions to the public service of the United States in civil and military life ; she has great treasure in the fame of her public men ; but among all her treasures she will cherish as a precious, imperishable jewel the name and fame of RussELL A. Alger. Address of Mr. Dolliver, of Iowa 33 Address of Mr. Doluver, of Iowa Mr. President: The death of Senator Alger has re- ino\-ed from the Senate one of the most attractive and useful men connected with our public affairs. It has been one of tlie happ)' experiences of my service here that Sen- ator Alger's desk was next to mine and that I have had a daily opportunity to enjoy the advantage of intimate conver- sation and acquaintance with him. Long ago I learned to admire his record, both as a soldier and a statesman. But during the years in which I have been sitting here by his side I have been permitted to studj- his character more closely and to confirm all the good opinions of other years. The life which we live in this world is so strange, so hard to understand, so wrapped in mysteries which baffle all our questions, that I have allowed the habit to grow upon me of finding out from others, and especialh- from those who by reason of their opportunities and their experience have sounded all its depths and shoals, what they think of it and what it means to them. It is a familiar sajang that no message comes back to us from the shadows which fall upon the end of even,- human life. But it is almcst as true that we are cut off from any communication with our fellow- tra\-elers that one can not understand what the others are saying, as the gi^eat procession moves along toward the silence of the grave. Even those who are working at the 34 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger same task, walking side b)- side upon the same road, appear like strangers, speaking different langnages and answering each other's questions in a foreign tongue. The most pathetic utterance of the Master recorded in the gospel, "Have I been so long time with you and yet have ye not known me?" is in a lesser sense true of all who meet together, as we journey together, till at last we shall know as we are known. It is this isolation, this separation from our fellows, this privacy upon which it is so hard to intrude, this miraculous thing which Lord Tennyson in his old age speaks of as the "abysmal depth of personality" which has invented the sweet vocabulary of childhood and discovered for our comfort such words as "lover," "com- rade," "friend," and kept them at the center of all great literatures and close to the heart of our religious faith. One da\- I asked General Alger what he had found in life which most fully explamed its meaning and threw the most light iipon the probleiu of its'worth. Almost with- out waiting he .said that he had found in his home, in his wife, and in his children its most complete interpretation. "And so no biography of him can exhibit any of the secrets of his strength or explain the inspiration of his achieve- ments which does not have in the foreground a picture of the one whom he chose in the years of his young manhood to be the partner of his joys and sorrows. I asked him one day, after he had told me somewhat of his early struggles and spoken in modest words of the suc- cess in business and public life which had come to him, what part of it gave him the most satisfaction, what among all the things he had tried to do he thought of with the Address of Mr. Dolliver^ of lozva 35 most pride. He said that if he had to leave even'thing- else out he would prefer to keep the recollection of the years which he had spent in the old Union Anny, defend- ing the flag of his country'. I could not get him to speak of the battles he had helped to fight, of the long marches, of the victories in which he had a share. He left all that to others, for he knew how truly the might}^ work which the Union Army wrought and the final victor}- which it won belonged to millions of men and women and how insignificant after all were the trophies of rank and high command. Whoever writes the biography of RussELL A. Alger will not be fortunate in estimating the importance of his public ser\'ice if he does not subordinate the fame which he acquired in the chief office of a great State, in the Cabinet of the President at an important epoch, in the Senate of the United States, to those four years of arduotis responsibility in the civil war. For more than once I have heard him say that the greatest ofiice which he had ever held, the distinction among his fellow-men which he prized the most, Avas commander in chief of the Grand Army of the Republic, that peaceful, unarmed host which, in humble quarters scattered throughout the land, preserA-es the traditions of our heroic age. And so it seemed fitting to me, as I stood the other day with multiplied thousands of his neighbors and friends about his grave, that the ministers of the church should stand apart and let an old Union soldier open the worn and faded ritual of the post of which he was a member and read, in the light of the setting sun, made weird and 36 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Als;er beaiitiftil by a landscape of snow, the parting benediction of his comrades npon his niemor}-. Senator Alger was a representative American business man, and, like nearly all such men, he had to fight the battle of life tipon his own resources. It was a favorite doctrine of his that a young man who begins with nothing to rely upon except his own energy has an altogether better chance than the children of affluence and fortime. And it is cer- tain that his own career is not peculiar in the illustration which it gives of the truth of this proverbial philosophy. At any rate, it does not take very much imagination to dis- cern behind the splendid outcome of his life, as lumberman, miner, merchant, manufacturer, railroad builder, and captain of industry, the poor boy, starting out in the world with nothing in his favor except health and strength and the ambition to win the prize. We live in times when the public ask troublesome ques- tions about great riches, when the cross-examination of swollen wealth is going on, not onh- in the courts, but about the firesides of the people; when the fierce light of curiosity, turning rapidly to anger, beats upon present-day accumulations of money, and when men are looking for some way to restore the old standards of integrity, which are, after all, .still held in respect even in the market place. The criticism is not directed against the law of property which we have inherited from our fathers ; it is aimed at those schemes of speculation through which the public interest is sacrificed to carry out the plans of avarice and greed. It is undoubtedly stimulated by the want of wisdom often seen among who have captured the highest stakes. Instead Address of Mr. Dollivcr, of Iowa t,J of hiding their phiiider like the old-time pirates, they often inflame the resentment of the unincorporated multitudes by vulgar ostentation and sometimes fill the newspapers of Europe and America with the scandals of their profligate living. There was a time when ever^bod)' who had an}- property felt a certain common interest with all property rights, how- ever large. But it would be idle to conceal the fact that the day seems to be approaching when the public mind is learning to discriminate between the honorable accumulation of property and the business methods which have already brought shame upon some departments of industry and commerce. I do not know how great General Alger's financial for- tune actually was, but probably not as great as commonly supposed. But whatever it was, there was no stain of dis- honor upon it. It represented the capacity, the patient industrs', and the genius for affairs which has never been without honor in the world of business. And it would be hard to find a better test of the real character of the man than to observe how little his wealth affected his manners; how slight its impression upon his daily walk and conver- sation ; in short, how much greater the man was than his possessions. And when on the daj- of his funeral I looked upon the streets of the city where he li\'ed and saw them crowded mile after mile with men and women and children standing with solemn faces and inicovered heads, it did not require the testimony of neighbors to let me know that he had used his fortune for the welfare of the people where his 38 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger lot was cast. A rich man with his heart full of love to humanity is God's best gift to modern society. I would have the young men of America, without measur- ing the possibilities of their success in money, treat the ac- cumulations which come to them as the result of honorable effort, not as a master to put them into slavery, but as a ser\-ant to be sent out upon errands of philanthrop^• to help and bless the world in which we live. Such a man was Senator Ai.GER. And while in this Chamber his voice was seldom heard in debate, no one of us can doubt that when his people sent him here thev con- tributed to the real deliberations of the Senate a strong and valuable giiidance, too often wanting in our management of practical affairs. If 1 were called upon to point out the most conspicuous public ser\'ice of General Alger in ci\il life, I would recall his labors as Secretar}- of War in the Cabinet of President IVIcKinley. I had an opportunity to know something of the burdens that were suddenly placed upon him, of the difficulties which he had to surmount, and of the noise which beset his office after the brief conflict with Spain was over. I do not know that anybody else has been impressed by it, but I have often wondered how it came about that nearh- everybody connected with the chief events arising out of our intervention in behalf of the colonies of Spain sooner or later was called to pass through humiliation, and one at least through despair and suffering even unto death. One day, sitting by Senator Alger's desk, I ventured to comment on this depressing aspect of our great victory, for- getting for a moment that he himself had tasted the bitter Address of Mr. Dolliver, of loiva 39 draft commended to his lips b>- the morbid and misguided opinion of some of his countrymen; and I can not forget the quiet smile of the old soldier of General Grant's army as he explained the interesting phenomena. His notion was that every generation has in its heart a \-ague longing for ex- ploits and far-sounding renown of its own; that we get tired of feeding our enthusiasm on the fame of other times. For that reason, as the war with Spain came on, so many people desired to get into it that the size of it was exagger- ated in the popular imagination, and nearly ever)-bod}- had a dull sensation of having been robbed of a chance to play a part on the stage of an epoch-making drama. The country was filled with talkative heroes, better suited to command the Pacific than Dewey, better suited to take Santiago than Shafter, better suited to blockade seaports than Sampson, better suited to stop up the mouths of harbors than Hobson, and better suited to equip and put armies in the field than the Secretary of War. As a net result of this surplus military energy this unissued stock in a patriotic enterprise grotesquely overcapitalized in the public mind, an audience was waiting for the campaign of abuse and slander, directed not only against the War Department, but against nearh- all our movements on land and sea. There have been few more discreditable episodes in the annals of American public opinion. It brings to mind, as we recall it, a chapter in the quaint fiction of Rabelais, in which the adventurer whose perils he records reaches the countrs' of Tapestry and finds there, being attracted to the spot, as he plainly says, by a loud and vari- ous noise like that of paper mills, "a diminutive, monstrous. 40 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger misshapen old fellow called 'Hearsay.' His mouth was slit up to his ears and in it were seven tongues, each of them cleft into seven parts. However, he chattered, tattled, and prated, with all the seven at once, of different matters and in divers languages. He had as many ears all over his head and the rest of his body as Argus formerly had eyes, and was blind as a beetle and had the palsy in his legs. About him stood an innumerable company of men and women, gaping, listening, and hearing very intensely. So that those men of happy memories grew learned in a trice and would most fluently talk with you of a world of prodigious things, the hundredth part of w^hich would take up a man's whole life to be fully known — ever>' individual word of it by hear- say." Having discovered "forty cartloads of modern histo- rians lurking behind a piece of tapestry, where they were at it dingdong, privately scribbling the Lord knows what, and making rare work of it," he ventures to ask the question, "What sort of study they applied themselves to?" and was told that "from their youth they learned to be evi- dencers, affidavit men, and vouchers, and were instructed in the art of swearing, in which they soon became such profi- cients that when they left that country and went back into their own they set up for themselves and very honesth' lived by their trade of evidencing, positively giving their testi- mony of all things whatsoever to those who feed them most roundly to do a job of journey work for them ; and all this by hearsay. Wherever printing is free and speech is free, the infirmi- ties of human nature seldom allow institutions like that to be closed even for repairs. Address of Mr. Dollirer, of lo'wa 41 But the friends of General Alger, recalling, as I feel bound to do to-day, the injustice which was visited upon him, no longer see the need of defending him, for their thoughts turn without bitterness from those dismal months, now Almost incredible to the American people, to the figure of the old soldier, sitting in his library in the pride of con- scious rectitude, setting down in writing, for his children and for his countr>'men, the whole histor)-, of the Spanish war, its greatness and its littleness, its meaning and influence upon the national life, trusting his own fame to the simple record of his official labors and to the impartial judgment of posterity. The State of Michigan, in which he had lived so long, to whose material development he had contributed so much, was quick to challenge the imputation involved in his retirement under such circumstances from public life. His election to the Senate was recognized everywhere as the answer of those who knew him best to the clamor with which his reputation had been assailed. He had borne with honor the chief dignity of the Commonwealth. By common consent its people had lovingly presented his name to the nation for the highest office of the Republic, and they lost no time, although he was broken b)- the cares and burdens of life, and though the infirmity of years was already upon him, to console his old age by their commission to sit in this historic Chamber and end his da>s in the service of the people who had trusted and believed in him for more than half a century-. 42 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger Address of Mr. Dick, of Offlo Mr. President: I feel 1 can not let this occasion pass without offering a few remarks. Senator Alger was born in Ohio, and only a few miles from mv o.wn home. He spent his youth in ni}- home count}' and prepared for admission to the bar in my home city. In later years he was a frequent visitor there, where he had social and business interests, and he always enjoyed the admiration and respect of the people of his nati\-e State. Those of us who knew him best loved him most. The career of Russell A. Alger is typical of what is best worthy of imitation in American life. Born in pov- ertv in a log cabin, which did not even possess a ridgepole, yet he enjoyed the rich heritage of descending from a long line of sturdy, respected. God-fearing ancestors of the best Puritan stock. They had been pioneers of early New Eng- land, his great-grandfather a brave soldier in the Revolu- tionar)' war, and his own father, early in the last century, joined the band of stalwart pioneers who moved from Con- necticut to the Western Reser\-e, where he broke a clearing in the wilderness, put up his cabin, and engaged in the stern struggle for existence which nature requires of her favored sons. * Young Alger was bereft of his parents at the early age of 12, and was left with a young brother and sister who looked to him for guidance and support. He spent the Address of Mr. Dirk, of Ohio 43 remainder of his bojhood years on the farm of an uncle, working at first for board and clothes and three months' schooling in each year. He attended conntry school and academy for such meager educational advantages as the ueighborhood afforded, and for two )'ears himself taught school. His first cash employment was for $3 a month and board, but for part of that year he was paid $5 a month, from which he clothed himself and helped his brother and sister. His earnings gradually increased to $20 a month, the highest wage paid at that time to farm laborers. He was industrious, faithful, and ambitious, and, like thousands of other American boys, felt that the larger opportunities lay in the town rather than in the country-. He moved to Akron, then a small country village, and entered upon the stud)- of law. His preceptors were able and successful law- yers 'of more than State-wide reputation. One was Chris- topher P. Wolcott, then attorney-general of Ohio and from 1862 to 1863 Assistant Secretary- of War under Edwin M. Stanton, with whom he had read law. The other preceptor, who still surviN-es, was William H. Upson, for four years an honored member of the National House of Representatives and for a dozen years judge of the suprenie and circuit courts of Ohio. Alger was admitted to the bar at Columbus in 1859, and entered a law office in Cleveland. The qualities which brought him success in other lines of industr>- would cer- tainlv have given him great success at the bar, but he remained in the practice only a few months, failing health forcing him out of doors and compelling him to follow life in the open air. He moved to Michigan, and with borrowed 44 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger capital engaged in the lumber business. The war soon - broke out and he promptly offered his services to his country. He enlisted in August, 1861, and the next month was mus- tered in as a captain of the Second Michigan Cavalr}-. For three }ears he ser\'ed in that branch of the Anny and ren- dered gallant and conspicuous service. His name is closely linked with the names of those two incomparable cavalry leaders, Sheridan and Custer, and had his military training been equal to theirs his military reputation would have been no less, for he was a born commander of men, with natural military genius. It is hard to realize that this quiet, retiring, modest gen- tleman, who has unobtrusively moved in and out among us for the past four years, was one of the most dashing and courageous cavalry commanders in the civil war, but such was the case. No portion of his career shines so resplendent and no braver or more gallant soldier ser^-ed in either army. Always the idol of his men, he often led them into desperate situations, but they were always eager to follow where he led. It has been said it was Alger who requested the gov- ernor of Michigan to issue a commission to Philip H. Sheridan, then an unknown captain of infantry, as colonel of a cavalry regiment, and Sheridan himself bears witness that it was Alger who, on the 25th day of May, 1862, handed to him telegraphic orders announcing his appoint- ment as colonel of the Second Michigan Cavalr\-. The two soldiers served together in the siege of Corinth, Miss., and are mentioned side by side in Gen. Gordon Granger's report for having well and faithfully performed their whole duty and Address of Mr. Dick, of Ohio 45 meriting the highest commendation from their general and their country in that campaign. Alger led the line of skirmishers in the advance on Boonville on IVIay 30, 1862, which led to its capture, and was mentioned by Colonel Sheridan as having rendered important service. A month later the enemy, with over 5,000 mounted men, attempteci to recapture Boonville, and attacked Sheridan, who was in command of two regiments, with only about 800 officers and men. When the attack developed the vastly superior force of the enemy, Sheridan detached Alger with 90 sabers and directed him to make a detour around the flank of the enemy and attack him in column in the rear. Sheridan in his memoirs says of this movement that he was "confident of Alger's determi- nation to accomplish the purpose for which he set out," and the movement was entirely successful. Sheridan attacked in front with his entire force at the same time Alger struck the rear, and the enemy stampeded and fled. Alger himself was slightly wounded and taken prisoner, but escaped and returned to his connnand the same day. It was a brilliant charge and nobly executed, and this engage- ment made Sheridan a brigadier-general and Alger a major. Every promotion that came to him was won by bravery and courage on the field of battle. On the i6th of October, 1862, he was made lieutenant-colonel of the Sixth Michigan Cavalry and ordered to the Arm}- of the Potomac. On February 28, 1863, he was appointed colonel of the Fifth Michi_gan Ca\alry, and his command was the first Union force to enter Gettysburg when threatened by the 46 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger approach of General Lee and his army. He rendered dis- tinguished service here and participated in the several charges made b)- his regiment on the fateful 3d of July. He was wounded July 8 at Boonesboro, Md., while in pur- suit of the enemy, but returned to dut)- the following September. To the end of his service he commanded this regiment, which was in Custer's brigade, except for short periods when he was temporaril>- in command of the brigade, and he was one of Custer's most trusted and fear- less regimental commanders. He repulsed an attack of the enemy in the operations around Culpeper. Court House in September, 1863, his regiment being in advance of the brigade and passing through the town. In fact, Alger'S entire military career while an)- fighting was going on was spent on the firing line, in the advance, in the skirmish line, or making desperate charges with his men. General Custer honored him as he did no other subordinate. In the winter of 1863-64 he performed special services for President Lincoln, receiving orders from him direct and visiting nearly all the armies in the field. In the movement from the Rapidan to the James in June, 1864, he participated in several brilliant engagements. Of the famous charge at Trevilian Station, June 11, General Sheridan says : The cavalry engagement of the nth and 12th was by far the most brilliant one of the present campaign. The enemy's loss was very heavy. My loss and captured will not exceed 160. They are principally from the Fifth Michigan Cavalry. This regiment, Col. R. A. AlgER, gallantly charged down the Gordonsville road, capturing 1,500 horses and about 800 prisoners, but were finally surrounded and had to give .them up. Address of Air. Dick, of Ohio 47 Alger's command in this charge did not exceed 300 men. Though surrounded by the enemy, he cut his way through a cohimn of troops and rejoined the Union Armv. For his distinguished gallantry in this engagement Colonel Alger was brevetted a brigadier-general. His own official report of this engagement was most modest. The only tone of exultation it contains was over the fact that through a severe and fatiguing campaign his regiment had not lost a single man from disease, although the total loss in killed and wounded and missing was ver^■ great. The condition of his health compelled him to retire from the Ami)- in October, 1864. He had participated in more than sixty battles and skirmishes, and at the close of the war was brevetted major-general for gallant and meritorious services. He returned home to begin again at the bottom to build for the future. He organized and planned large business enterprises. He acquired wealth, acquired it honesth', and never used it dishonestly. At one time he counted his lumber forests by the hundred square miles. He was a true captain of industry, for he created wealth and distributed it to others. He organized large industries by taking advantage of the opportunities which were open to all men. He was a prophet who looked into the future and foresaw coming demand. He never manipulated the stock market, never made a dollar by speculation, nor tore down what another had built up. When he benefited him- self he impoverished no one else, but added to the prosperity of all men with whom he dealt. His first entrance into politics was in 1884, when his party in Michigan looked for its strongest man in order to 48 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger regain political control of the State, then administered by the opposition, and named Alger as its candidate. His administration as governor was very popnlar because of his business methods, his strict honesty, and close attention to duty. He refused a renomination because he could not afford to longer neglect his own business, and he would not slight the State's business for his own. In the Republican national convention of 1 888 he was a formidable candidate for the Presidential nomination and led an enthusiastic and devoted following. On one ballot he received 143 votes out of a total of 830, or more than one- sixth. He was voted for by delegates from twenty-six States and Territories, scattered from Maine to Washington and from Florida to Arizona. In a field of twelve candi- dates he received on the second ballot the next to the highest \ote. After that he never stood lower than third on the list nor received less than 100 votes. On the last ballot, which ballot nominated Harrison, he received 100 votes to 118 for John Sherman, who had led on preceding ballots. No candidate before the convention had a more determined following, and his own State cast its solid vote for him from the beginning to the end of the contest. In this con- vention was first heard the exclamation, since heard in hundreds and thousands of public gatherings, " Who's all right?" " He's all right." It was applied by the news- boys of Detroit to General Alger. He was elected national commander of the Grand Army of the Republic by acclamation in 1889 and was one of the most popular and successful heads of that splendid organi- Address of Mr. Dick, of Ohio 49 zation. No soldier was more loved b>- his comrades who wore the blue. He was made Secretarv- of War in President :\IcKinley's Cabinet, with no thought that he would ever be called upon to assume the responsibilities of a war minister. Before the war clouds lowered the American people, with the blind optimism characteristic of them, believed war was impos- sible. When war did come the nation, as has always been the case in the past, was entireh- unprepared. There never was a more popular war, and man\- times more men offered themselves for service than could be accepted. While there were plenty of men, men as brave and patriotic as ever served the Stars and Stripes, there was a scarcit)- of ever^- other necessit>-. There \vere on hand bareh- enough of our newly adopted and improved rifles to arm our small Reo-ular Armv. The volunteers were equipped with an inferior arm, and our best was not as efficient a weapon as that carried by the eneni)-. \'olunteer regiments had to be sent to the firing line carrying cartridges loaded with black powder to face au enemy using only smokeless powder. We had no reser\-e supph" of uniforms or tents, and there was no cloth in the country with which to make the new service uniform required b\- climatic conditions in a tropical coun- trs-. The country' was surprised and shocked to learn that the State volunteers were not equipped for ser\-ice, though everyone conversant with the facts well knew such was the case, for in our national blindness we had believed war was impossible. While human passions remain as the\- have been since passion was born, and national ambitions cross S. Doc. 405, 59-2 4* 50 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger each other, as they always will, war will be a possibility always, and periodically a probability. It has come to the United States once at least in ever}- generation since the nation was born, and we have no assurance our future will change that record. No prudent nation will omit insuring itself against the risk of war any more than a prudent house- holder neglects to insure against the risk of fire. The only effective insurance against war is sufficient preparation for it, and even that protection will not always prevent war. We have profited some by our recent national expe- rience, but further preparation remains to be made before our national security is entirely assured. When the war with vSpain came upon us we had a very small but highh' trained Arm\-, and a Navy superior to any of its size in the world. Despite our lack of preparedness, the enemy was quickly crushed, both on land and sea. In a short campaign of less than a hundred days Cuba, Porto Rico, and the Philippines were oiirs for such disposition as we saw fit to make of them. The nation saw the results and applauded them, but knew little of the terrible strain imposed upon the Secretary of War and his Department in making the necessary preparations. The \-arious supply departments had to be reorganized for providing the munitions of war. " That they were fully provided and that the numerous demands on the industries of our people were met so promptly will remain one of the mar\-els of histon,'." Such was the verdict of the Commission to Investigate the Conduct of the War Department, and such will be the verdict of histor)'. The Comniis.sion reported on the Secretary of War that he " extended to all chiefs of Address of Mr. Dick., of Ohio 51 bureaus cordial and full support and promptly responded to everj- proper demand made upon him by commanding officers." If, as the Commission fiirther found, " there was lacking in the general administration of the War Depart- ment during the continuance of the war with Spain that complete grasp of the situation which was essential," who will say that this gallant, fearless soldier, this successful governor, this great captain of industry, whose leading characteristic was his high executive talent, was so much to blame as the departmental system against which more than one strong man has fretted out his heart in vain, tr\- ing to overcome its inertia and modernize its antiquated and useless methods. No army from a temperate zone had ever invaded the Tropics and achieved such magnificent results in such a brief space of time or with so small loss of life from dis- ease. The loss from disease in the army which never left the States was much less than the loss from the same cause during the civil war. At first came the rush of volunteers attempting to get into the service. The applications for volunteer commis- sions alone numbered over thirty thousand. Of the large numl^er who were appointed not over half a dozen were per- sonal appointments of the Secretary- himself. Mistakes were unavoidably made in the details of organization and preparation, and no secretary could have escaped criticism. The American people alone were to blame for the condi- tions existing at the outbreak of the war. As in the civil war there was a mad cry, "On to Richmond," long before the Army was ready for such a movement, so there was a mad 52 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger en', "On to Habana," when all the conditions and circum- stances declared such a movement a most rash and reckless one. War is no holiday pastime, and soldiering is not a trade to be picked up in a few days, and largely because of the lack of experience and knowledge on the part of volini- teer officers of the simplest rudiments of camp sanitation epidemics and fevers broke out and many \-aluable lives were uselessly sacrificed. A state of hysteria developed among the people, aided and abetted by an unbridled and indiscreet press, and the American public, which is prompt to praise and as ready to condemn, like the Roman piiblic at the gladiatorial contests, demanded a victim. It picked out the Secretary of War for its victim, and he was com- pelled to go. Now that that pa.ssion has had time to cool, and the conditions of those stirring weeks are weighed with more even balance, the country has a feeling only of kind- ness and high regard for our warm-hearted, generous friend. He never fell the least in the estimation of the people of his own State, and when the opportunity came they promptly manifested their lo\-e and devotion to him b\' sending him to the Senate, where he would have succeeded himself had he not voluntarily declined to be a candidate for reelection. He was easily the first citizen of Michigan. He was trained in the hard school of privation and pov- erty, and, for the perpetuity and vigor of our institutions and our national existence, it is hoped that .school will never disappear from among us. He made much of his oppor- tunities, and was a wise administrator of the wealth he acquired. He was generous in his charities, but shunned notoriety. His generosity was "a deep-flowing and contin- Address of Mr. Dick, of Ohio 53 ual stream," and no worthy appeal went nnanswered. He felt the greatest pride in the esteem and love of his own people. He was loved at home b)- all classes, but best loved ^ by the poor of his own city. He was incapable of a dishon- orable act. He never forgot friends nor their dependents. He fonght his foes in the open, and forgave his enemies and his critics. He was patient under abuse. He was true to his friends and his country, always cool, and brave under the most tr>'ing circumstances, dignified, unassuming, ap- proachable at all times, considerate to others. He was a man justly honored in State and nation, and his loss outside -his family circle will nowhere be more deeply felt than in this body, where for four >ears he was an honored member. 54 Memorial Addresses: Riisse/l A. Alger Address of Mr. Warner, of Missouri Mr. President: I have listened with genuine satisfac- tion to the eloquent and just tributes of respect which have been paid to the memory of RussELL Alexander Alger, only a few da>-s since a member of this body. Of his ser^aces and accomplishments as a United States vSenator I shall not speak, as my acquaintance with him in this Chamber covered but little more than a year. I knew him in another and different field. I knew him as a soldier and as a man, and enjoyed his personal friend- ship for more than a third of a century, and I shall con- tent m\-self with speaking a few brief words of the deceased as r\\\ friend and comrade, and in doing this I appreciate the depths of my poverty- of speech. To lose a friend is the greatest of all losses. Our most enduring riches are our friends — friends not of a day, but friends that we " grapple to our souls with hooks of steel." It was Emerson, I think, who said, "The only wa>- to have a friend is to be one." The truth of this saying was exemplified in the life of RrssELL Alex.\xder Alger. Of him it may be tnithfully said that those who knew him best loved him most. But our dead brother, :Mr. President, was more to me than a friend. He was my comrade. The most enduring and tender ties in this life outside of the family circle, I Address of Mr. Warner, of Missouri 55 am constrained to believe, are the ties that are welded in the fires of battle between those who have shared, in a common canse, the privations of the camp, the hardships of the march, and the dangers of the battle. As a citizen he was without reproach ; as a soldier he was without fear. To fittingh' speak of his record as a soldier would be to recount iu no small part the marches and battles of '61 to '65. He was ever upon the firing line, taking an important part in threescore and six battles and skirmishes. For gallant and meritorious services he was brevetted brigadier and major-general of \-olunteers. With him, the war ended at Appamattox. Then, in com- mon with those who had borne the battle " with malice toward none, with charity for all," he gladl)- exchanged the instruments of war for the implements of industry. But few men have been more highly honored b}' their States and b}- the nation than the deceased. Yet, much as he esteemed the honor of being governor, Cabinet minister, and United States Senator, no one nor all of these honors did he as highly prize, as he told me in this Chamber a few weeks before his death, as the one of being commander in chief of the Grand .\rmy of the Republic, an organization composed of the survivors of the men who, with him, had followed the flag of our nation as their "pillar of cloud b}' day and of fire b}- night." He deemed it a blessed privilege to have been an actor in that might}' drama of ages out of which came the convic- tion uni\'ersal, more earnest and firm than was ever expressed by the pen of a Hamilton or ever fell from the lips of a Webster, that there is no river, mountain, or other natural 56 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger boundarv- line that can ever divide this Republic ; that we are one people, one in law, one in hope, and one in destiny. He rejoiced that he had been spared to see the day when the men of the bltie and of the gray recall the scenes of the civil war without passion and review its results without regret. His was one of the gentlest and kindliest spirits I ever knew. His life was an inspiration to the young man of brain, industry, and honesty. He has pitched his tent with the old field marshal on the other side. His life being without reproach, he marched through the "valley of the shadow of death " seeing nothing here to regret or there to fear. It is a consolation that in the presence of our dead there comes to us an affirmative answer to the question of ages : "If a man die, shall he live again?" Letter frovi Mr. Foraker, of Ohio 57 Letter from Mr. Foraker, of Offlo :\Ir. BrRROWs. Mr. President, it was the desire of the Senator from Ohio [Mr. Foraker] to be present at these sen.-ices, but I received a letter from him this morning stating that illness detained him at his home. I ask that the letter may be inserted in the Record. The Vice-President. It will be so ordered. Mr. Foraker's letter is as follows: Washington, February 2j, 190J. Dear Senator Burrows: An attack of the grip pre- vents my attending the Senate and participating in the memorial exercises in honor of Senator Alger. I greatly regret that such is the case, for it would be to me a labor of love to join with you and his other colleagues and friends in paying proper tribute to such a splendid character. It was my good fortune to know him intimately for many years. He first attracted the attention of the Ameri- can people as a dashing cavalry officer in the civil war, where, on account of his own merit and gallant services at the front, he rose to high rank, succeeded to important commands, and won great distinction. He was a typical volunteer soldier of the Union Army. As commander in chief of the Grand Army of the Repub- lic, as the governor of ^lichigan, as the Secretary of War, and, finally, as United States Senator, he filled con- 58 MejHorial Addresses: RiisscU A. Alger spicuous places and rendered great services to his comrades, his State, and the nation. But great as are his claims upon us because of these distinguished services, I shall always think of him first because of his excellent qualities as a man. Amid the busy cares of his active life he never forgot the claims upon him of others. He was one of the most considerate of men. I never knew one freer from envy, jealousy, malice, and every other kind of ill disposi- tion toward others. He was always modest, generous, even tempered, and lovable. Nothing gratified him so much as to do a favor or extend help to those who were honestly struggling against odds in the battle of life. His family relations and home life were ideal. There love and affection reigned supreme ; and so it is that from whatever view may be taken of his life, character, and public services there comes a real inspiration to emulate his example. Again regretting that I can not be present to elaborate these suggestions, I remain, Very truly, yours, etc., J. B. FORAKER. Hon. J. C. Burrows, United States Senate, II 'as/iington, D. C. Address of Mr. Smith, of Michigan 59 Address of Mr. Smith, of Michigan Mr. President: To pa\- tribute to the deserving, to shower eulogy upon the dead, is the custom of ages and the privilege of friends. This historic Chamber, the scene of so many fierce polit- ical controversies and the abode of so much affectionate good will, is at once the tribune of popular expression, the forum of reflection, and the theater of action harmonioush' combined. Here the voices of the strong have been raised for the weak and the soldier of destiny has drawn his sword in royal battle. Here the favored son of fortune and the \-ictor over circumstances have poured out their souls in tuneful harmony, and histor}- recalls no loftier aspirations than have moved the hearts and minds of men in this high place. It is fitting, indeed, that from the vexatious affairs of state we turn in tearful contemplation to one whose life typified his country's greatness and in whose death the shadows fall tinted with mellow glow. Born in an humble cottage, his early life burdened with the perplexities o£ poverty and the difficult problems of existence, he soon mastered both himself and circumstances, and marked a ro}-al trail through the forest of life, romantic and thrilling in individual intensity. To make his wav alone from an humble frontier cabin to this exalted station, leaving monuments of generosity and 6o 2Ie}>iorial Addresses: Ritsscll A. Alger enterprise along the stormy path he tranversed, is. indeed, the priceless privilege of few. Laborer, lawyer, soldier, statesman, this busy man nnlocked with his magic key the hidden treasures of com- merce, and with dauntless spirit leveled forests, cleft moun- tains in twain, and delved with pick and shcr\-el and spade, guided only by his flickering lamp and his stout heart, to the choicest gifts of mother earth. Then with lavish hand he scattered his generous bounty into the lap of the poor and the unfortunate until the widow and the orphan, the sick and the distressed, came to look upon this goodly man as religion personified, while that vast army of newsboys in the city of his home, whom he met each year in princely conclave, came to look upon his kindly face with reverential awe, drawing from his inspir- ing life lessons of comfort and hope, pointing the way to the very summit of the possibilities of American manhood. To blaze the wa}- with ax and saw, to pore with patient vigil over the baffling intricacies of the law, and just as he had taken to his heart the queenh- wife who sustained and aided him with such noble dignity and womanl}- poise in life's great battle, to leave all and risk his life upon count- less battlefields is to do that which only a manly man can do. Obstacles only stimulated him. Danger fired his imagi- •nation and strengthened his resolution; poverty spurred him to greater endeavor, and disappointment could not dis- courage him nor alter his plans. Tall, lithe, agile, strong, he broke the bonds of circum- stances and cleared his own pathway to the highest goal, never doing injustice to any man. His fascinating figure ^^drcss of Mr. Siiiit/i, oj Michigan 6i became familiar to his countrymen as he moved with modest but intrepid mien, whether in the thickest of the fray upon the field of battle or in executive, administrative, or Senatorial office. His radiating and inspiring person- ality stimulated alike the old and the young; and when at last the strain of active life bore too heavih' upon him and his big heart broke, his noble character took on again the sweetness of gentle childhood, and he found his greatest comfort in mingling quietly and uncomplainingly among his fellows or in sharing the joj^s of his beautifvil home, where worth)- sons and sympathetic daughters vied with wife and mother in a home life that was perfect in its love- liness and in which no discordant note was ever heard. Senator Alger died like the soldier that he was. In the midst of ever\- earthlv blessing, richly dowered with the love of friends, he sat under the sword of fate, unmoved by fear and unawed b\' the shadow of death. He passed away in the gentle quiet of the early dawn, the morninof sun filling his death chamber with rich radi- ance, typical of his life among men. About his bier gathered the mighty of vState and nation. Soldiers in martial array rode sadly but proudly by his corpse. The flag of his countr)-, which he had defended so bravely, was his pall, enshrouding the dead chieftain in its graceful folds, while the remembrance of his loving countr}'- men constitutes his priceless mausoleum. ;\Ir. President, from this Chamber ^lichigan has gathered up the sacred dust of many noble sons who have borne with conspicuous honor the commission of our State. 62 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger Cass and Howard, Chandler and Ferry, Conger and Bald- win, Stockbridge and McMillan wrought mightily and faith- fully for their country, and the people of our Connnonwealth treasure their ashes in memory's golden urn. To-day we lovingly lay upon the shores of the limitless sea this last contribution to our innnortal dead. O unseen oarsman, genth-, lovingly, tenderly, and hope- fully bear him across the dark river, made wider b)- our affection and deepened by our tears. This Chamber may have echoed with more eloquent voices, and abler statesmen may have trod this matchless way; but no kindlier, gentler, manlier man was ever carried through yonder portals than the late modest, unassuming Senator from Michigan. Proceedings in the House 63 PROCEEDINGS IN THE HOUSE Thursday, /(/////(crr 24,190-/. The House met at 1 2 o'clock noon. The Chaplain, Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D., offered the following prayer : Our Father in heaven, we meet this morning in the shadow of the death of Senator Alger, of Michigan, a man who for more than forty years, as soldier ai^d statesman, has been conspicuous in the service of his countr\'. Our sympathies go out to the bereaved family and the stricken friends, and we most fervently pray that we may live so close to Thee that when our time comes we may be prepared to pass on and take up whatever awaits us in some other world; with faith, and trust, and confidence, and fortitude, in the spirit of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen. The Speaker laid before the House a message from the Senate announcing that the Senate had passed the follow- ing resolution: Resolved, That the Senate has heard with deep regret and profound sorro^y of the death of Hon. RusSELL A. Alcer, late a Senator from the State of Michigan. Resolved, That a committee of twelve Senators be appointed by the Vice-President to take order for superintending the funeral of Mr. Alger, which shall take place at his late residence on >Saturday, January 26, at 2 o'clock p. m., and that the Senate will attend the same. Resolved, That as a further mark of respect his remains be removed from his late home in this city to Detroit, Mich., for burial, in charge of the Sergeant-at-Arnis, attended by the committee, who shall have full power to carr)- these resolutions into effect, and that the Sergeant-at-Arms 64 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger be directed to invite the Representatives from tlie State of Michigan to join the committee appointed by the Senate to escort the remains of the deceased to his place of bnrial. Resolved, That the Secretary conmmnicate a copy of these resolutions to the House of Representatives. Resolved, That as a further mark of respect to the memory of the deceased the Senate do now adjourn. And that in compliance with the foregoing the Vice-Presi- dent had appointed as said committee Mr. Burrows, Mr. Frye, ]\Ir. Daniel, Mr. Nelson, Mr. Warren, Mr. vSpooner, Mr. Scott, Mr. Dillingham, l\Ir. Foster, Mr. Patterson, Mr. Dick, and Air. Crane. Mr. Bishop. Mr. Speaker, I am called upon to perform a .sad duty on behalf of my colleagues from Micliigau and mvself, in announcing to the country the death of Hon. Russell A. Alger, Senator from Michigan. This announcement comes at a time of peculiar fitness, at an hour when this House has been engaged in the con- sideration of a bill granting pensions to those who have served their country as soldiers and sailors of this Republic and to their widows and orphans. The distinguished vSenator who has passed out of service in the Senate this day spent the years of his early manhood in adding luster to the name of the American volunteer soldier in sixty-six battles and .skirmishes. He was commissioned captain of volunteers in August, 1861, major in 1862, lieutenant- colonel in 1863, brevet brigadier-general of volunteers for distinguished service in the field in 1864, brevet major- o-eneral of volunteers for distinguished braver\' on the field in 1865, commander in chief of the Grand Army of the Republic in 1889. He was elected governor of the State of Michigan in 1884, appointed Secretary of War by Presi- Proceedings in the House 65 dent McKinley in 1897, and chosen to represent the great State of Michigan in the United States Senate in 1902. He has enjoyed many honors bestowed by the admiring citizens of his State, but in the discharge of every public position he has earned the universal credit of duty well done. At some future time I shall ask the House to set aside a day to present proper eulogies on his life, char- acter, and public serv-ice. For the present I offer the following resolutions, which I send to the Clerk's desk to be read. The Clerk read as follows : Resolved, That the House has heard with profound sorrow of the death of Hon. RussEI,!, A. Alger, a Senator of the United States from the State of Michigan. Resoli>ed, That the Clerk comniunicate these resolutions to the Senate and transmit a copy thereof to the family of the deceased Senator. Resolved, That a committee of twelve Members be appointed on the part of the House to join the committee appointed on the part of the Senate to attend the. funeral. Resolved, That as a further mark of respect the House do now adjourn. The Speaker. The question is on agreeing to all the resolutions except the last. The resolutions, except the last one, were tmanimously agreed to. In pursuance of the foregoing resolutions, the Speaker annotuiced the following committee on the part of the House: Mr. R. P. Bishop, Mr. William Alden Smith, Mr. Samuel W. Smith, Mr. Charles E. Townsend, Mr. Edwin Denby, Mr. Washington Gardner, Mr. H. R. Burton, Mr. M. Iv. Smyser, Mr. J. A. Goulden, Mr. John H. Small, ]\Ir. David A. De Armond, and Mr. A. P. Pujo. S. Doc. 405, ,59-2 5* 66 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger The Speaker. The question is on agreeing to the last resohition. The question was taken; and the last resolution was agreed to. Accordingly (at 2 o'clock and 30 minutes p. ni.) the House adjourned. MOND.w, February iS, igoj. Mr. Dexbv. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent for the present consideration of the order which I send to the desk. The Clerk read as follows : Ordered, That the session of the House on Sunday, February 24, 1907, be held at 10 o'clock a. m., and that the time until 12 o'clock noon be set apart for memorial addresses on the life, character, and public services of Hon. Russell a. Alger, late a Senator from the State of Michigan. « The Speaker. Is there objection? [After a pause.] The Chair hears none. The question was taken ; and the resolnti'on was agreed to. SrXD.W, February j"/, i<^oj- The House met at 10 o'clock a. m. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Henry N. Couden, D. D., as follows : Let not your heart be trmiblcd : ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it zvcre not so, I zooiild have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. For ive knozv that if our earthly house of this tabernacle zvere dissolved, zve have a building of God, an Rouse not made -with hands, eternal in the heavens. For in this we groan, earnestly desiring to be clothed zv'ith our house zchicJi is from heaven: Proceedings in the House 67 If so be that being clotlicd 'a'c. shall not be found naked. For 7ce that are in this tabernacle do groan^ being bur- dened : not for that we would be unclothed, but clothed upon, that mortality might be sicallowed up of life. A'OiC he that hath -wrought for us the selfsame thing is God, -who also hath given unto us the earnest of the Spirit. For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature shall be able to separate us from the lore of (rod, -which is in Christ fesus our Lord. Eternal God, our hea\-enl)- Father, whose heart goes out in approbation and love to those who seek to do Thv will and thus add to the sum of human happiness and depart- ing leave the world a little better that they have lived and wrought. We thank Thee for the men whose characters and deeds we are here to memorialize, men whose gifts and talents fit- ted them in an eminent degree for the onerous duties laid tipon them by their fellow-citizens. Let Thy blessing, we beseech Thee, be upon this ser\-ice, that those who shall record their tribute of love and respect may inspire those who shall come after them to faithful service. We thank Thee for the hope of immortality which lifts us in our better moments to larger life and nobler deeds and which bids us look forward to a brighter world be\ond the confines of earth. Let Thine everlasting arms be about those who mourn the loss of their dear ones, and in Thine own, good time bring them to dwell together in or.e of the 68 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger many mansions prepared for those who love the Lord, and Thine be the praise forever. Amen. Mr. Denby. Mr. Speaker, I offer the following resolu- tions, which I send to the desk and ask to have read. The Clerk read as follows : Resolved, That the business of the House be now suspended that oppor- tunity may be given for tributes to the memory of Hon. RussELL A. Alger, late a Senator from the State of Micliigan. Resolved, That as a particular mark of respect to the memory of the deceased and in recognition of his distinguished public career, the House, at the conclusion of the exercises of this day, shall stand adjourned. Resolved. That the Clerk communicate these resolutions to the Senate. Resolved, That the Clerk send a copy of these resolutions to the family of the deceased. The SPE.A.KER pro tempore. The question is on agreeing to the resolutions. The question was taken, and the resolutions were agreed to. Mr. Denby. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that leave to print upon the subject of the day's exercises be extended to all Members of the House for a period of ten days. The Spe.a^KER pro tempore. Is there objection? There was no objection, and it was so ordered. Address of Mr. Dcnby, of Michigan 69 MEMORIAL ADDRESSES Address of Mr. Denby, of Miodgan Mr. Speaker: The truest tribute to the departed is the sileut requiem that chants in the hearts of a great people when death conies to a loved and honored leader. We who remain may vie with one another in the superlatives of praise, we ma}- exhaust the language of eulogy- — we do not add one jot or tittle to the fair fame of the illustrious dead. As it is bevond our power to take from him any part of that respect and love that have been his reward in life, so it is idle to suppose that we can control the hand of history and bv our feeble efforts make him nobler, better, greater than he was. He, the dead, whom we vainh- strive to exalt, gains nothing by our praise. His place is secure, and the stor\- of his life becomes a cherished possession — his legacy to the living. We have gathered here to-day to pay this public honor to our lamented Senator, RfSSELL A. Alger. But the oreat heart of ^Michigan has rendered to him in death an honor so perfect that no eulog}- spoken here can add to its simple dignity. What tribute can there be .so earnest and so pure as the bowed heads and the bitter tears of a mourning populace? Michigan, which so greatly honored him in life, received him home as a sorrowing mother receives the body of her yo Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger son. Upon a day of bitter cold the train arri\-ed. Snow co\-ered the streets of Detroit. It was Sunday morning, and, free from the engagements of their week-da\- toil, the citizens of the Senator's home chose to spend their holiday standing in the rigors of the open air to pa)- their sad trib- ute. The beautiful city opened wide her tender arms and took him to her heart again. The scene suggested another great occasion, when, having left the Cabinet of President McKinlev, the affectionate sympathy of Detroit went out to him and she made him welcome home. Then flags and music and niight\- cheers showed their lo^•alt^■ and devo- tion; but when last he returned the concourse that filled all the thoroughfares stood silent and stricken as he passed them by. As one was the generous outburst of sympathy and honor, that all the world might know how true to the living statesman beat the heart of ^lichigan when causeless slight was put upon him, so the other was the reverent ex- pression of her grief when he came home to stay fore\-er. And upon the next day, when the last honors were paid and the bugles sounded taps over the soldier's grave, again in the winter weather the people of Michigan came out to sav farewell. The streets were crowded, the cemeters- thronged with a silent multitude. All classes, all ages, all conditions, one purpose — to honor General Alger, repre- sentative and friend to all, benefactor to many. Delicate women, bus}- men, \eterans of the great war, worn and feeble that their country might be safe and strong, the sires of '6i and the .sons of "98, all standing bareheaded in the snow when the General came home. Address of Mr. Dctiby, of Michigan 71 Ah, sir, there was tribute, there was eulogy, such as few receive. What inspiration to the livino- in this high honor to the dead ! And these scenes, Mr. Speaker, but latelv I was witness of. With the thought of this li\-ing, throbbing eulogy so freshh- present in my mind, Wx. Speaker, do you think I can try to-day to eulogize Michigan's loved Sena- tor? But there is no stud\- more inspiring than that of the nation's patriots, who in nian\- walks of life have illustrated the energy, adaptability, and capacity that have always marked the men of America; there is no dutN- more o-rate- ful than that of paying loving respect to their memory. That study and that duty are ours to-day. General Alger was a typical product of his da^- and nation. It is the glor)- of our countr\- that this is so. Man)- other of his contemporaries raised themselves by their imaided efforts, as he did, from po\-ert}- to affluence, from obscurit)- to fame. Many other men fought gallantly at his side in the great struggle of 1861 — the new birth of freedom upon this continent. It is well with a nation when this is so. I take nothing from his fame when I .sav he came into being in a generation when the great emer- genc>- raised up many great men to meet it ; great fighters like himself, great statesmen, great patriots. It is said that every emergency breeds its master, as the Revohitiou bred Washington ; as the civil war, Lincoln ; the military exi- gency. Grant, when it .seemed that Grant, and onh- Grant, could wear out the gallant forces of the South. But it seems to me that, be the emergenc>- great enough, it will breed, in this country at least, not one man, but a nation of men of giant mold — men fit to cope with anything ; men of 72 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger one idea, if you like ; men at least with but one fear, and that of dishonor. The civil-war epoch was the heroic period of our national life. ]\Ien grew to their full .stature then. So terrible a .struggle, waged on both sides for principle's sake, could not fail to develop the greatest qualities in the character of its participants. WTien a man leaves all that home may mean to incur the horrors of march and battlefield, and offers upon the altar of his country and his conscience health and life and hope of the future, there is, ]\Ir. Speaker, something stirring within him that proves him one with the Eternal. And when an entire nation dedicates itself to furious war- fare, one part against another of the same great people, for four long }ears, and gladh- suffers all the unspeakable agonies of that awful struggle luitil from ver)- exhaustion the sword falls from the hand of one party to the conflict, mav we not say, sir, that that nation was not bom to die ? It, too, has shown itself of the immortals. I do not propose to burden this paper with statistics; but,, sir, to show where Michigan stood during this time and what she did to prove her right of equality in the sovereign sisterhood of States, I give you these facts only: On the outbreak of the war there were in Michigan about 775,000 inhabitants. During the war Michigan sent to the Federal Army 90,747 soldiers, or about 12 per cent of the entire population and about 60 per cent of her able- bodied sons. Of the 90,747 men and boys who ser\'ed under the flag, 177 officers were killed on the -field, 85 officers died of wounds, and 96 of disease — 358 in all; and 2,643 men were killed, 1,302 died of wounds, and 10,552 Address of Mr. Denby, of Michigan 73 died of disease, or i4497 enlisted men, a total of all ranks ^vho died during the war of 14,855— about 16 per cent of all soldiers engaged from the State. This does not take into account the great host whose lives vere shortened and whose health was destroyed. A notable fact in regard to this splendid army of volunteers from Michigan is that 67,468 of the men were native-born American citizens. Of the remainder, nearly 9,000 were Canadians, and about 13,000 were natives of the British Isles and Germany. Let me call your attention to one striking fact in regard to the mortality list. Two hundred and sixty-two officers were killed or died of wounds out of a total of 358 in all who died. Those men were well led whose officers died in such numbers on the field of battle. Against the lurid background of the war General ALGER first comes into publk view as captain of Company C, Second ^lichigan Cavalry. Thereafter, through successive promotions, earned by skill in the handling of troops and gallantry on the field, he rose to be colonel of the Fifth Michigan Cavalr>-, and later was brevetted major-general of United States \'olun- teers. There is not time to recite here the mau\' conflicts in which he participated or the many deeds of daring he performed during his ser\-ice in the Army. Certain it is that he was a brave and able soldier, leading his men with dash and vigor into the fiercest of the fighting, wherever it was to be found. He was the typical cavalryman, infinitely careful of the health, comfort, and well-being of his troopers when care could be shown, utterly reckless of their li^•es and of his own when attacking the enemy. The whole - Hall, the old Hall of the House of Representatives, a Valhalla in which the patriot dead of America will be commemorated. There is a place in that hall for General Alger, and whether chosen for that place or not, he has a more enduring place in the hearts of the people of the State which he has so greatly honored. In the civil war he became a general. He filled all the positions to which he was there called with the highest honor and ability, and shed his blood upon many battle- fields in behalf of his country and of his flag. I recall a political trip which was planned in the cam- paign of 1896 for General Alger — a wounded Union soldier and a general of high distinction — with General Sickles and General Howard — Sickles with but one leg and Howard but one arm — the three of them passing from State to State, Address of Mr. Lacey, of loiva 85 speaking briefly at different points, receiving an o\-ation that they so well earned dnring the days of the civil war. General Alger's career in that war will always be pointed to with especial pride by :Michigan. Michigan has honored him with high office as governor of the State and as Senator of the United States. He was chosen during a critical period for the position of Secretary- of War, and the Spanish war was conducted under his administration. For his part in that war he never received the credit that he deserved, but, in the language of Shakespeare, "did not escape calumny." In Roman triumph it was the custom to select a number of people to hoot at the conqueror as he passed b\-, to teach him that he was mortal. But mourners only appeared to watch the funeral train of the same conqueror when death had claimed him. When the Spanish war had closed there were those who were anxious to point out every flaw that could be found in the wonderful record of that brief but heroic epoch. Time has vindicated and will continue to vindicate General Alger's service in that war. His service and that of Gen- eral Shafter will be written in the history of the American Republic. General Shafter, who with 19,000 men sur- rounded and captured 29,000 Spaniards, received obloquy and carping criticism for his heroism and success. He did not break into the magazines in his own defense, but intrusted his career to time and to history, and that career will receive the due credit which it deserves. The Ameri- can historian will be just. General Alger, while directing from the ofhce of Secretar)- of War the management of that great war, great at least in its results, though brief in time, 86 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger never received the credit that he deserved. In one hun- dred and thirteen days the Spanish power was erased from the map in two hemispheres and the histor}- of the world was changed. Mr. vSpeaker, there is no such thing as a resultless war. We may have the wireless telegraph, we mav have the smokeless powder, we ma)- have the crown- less king or queen, but there is no such thing as a result- less war ; and the results of that brief war of one hundred and thirteen days will figure much in the history' not only of the United States of America, but of the world. General Alger's abilit\- in conducting the hurried details of that improvised war will be written to his honor in the future accounts of the nineteenth centur\-. On next Wednesday the seventieth birthday of General Alger will have arrived. He almost filled out, though not quite, the allotted three score years and ten of man. Those were hon- orable years. He was recognized for his true worth b>- those who knew him best and stood by him through evil and good report, and his State rallied around him and sent him to the Senate of the United States and would have elected him again if he had .so desired, but failing health led him to make the announcement that he did not desire that dis- tinction, and he failed to serve out quite the full term for which he was chosen. He was often spoken of for the Presidency. He was fonnally nominated in more than one national convention. Well do I remember, Mr. Speaker, the enthusiasm with which his name was received in 1888 in the Chicago convention when a soldier of his old regi- ment, who had after the civil war cast his lot in the South and had come up as a delegate to that convention, spoke Address of Mr. Lacey, of Iowa 87 about the various men who had been thought of and sug- gested, both before the meeting of the convention and on the floor of that convention, describing the heroism of Gen- eral Alger without naming him. He finally came to the statement, "What is the matter with Alger?" and a cr)- went up from the convention " He's all right," and there was a battle cr)- born right there on the floor of that con- vention. From that answer originated a phrase which has been upon the tongues of millions of all kinds of men in public meetings from that day down to the time General Alger's honorable career was rounded out with the sleep that knows no waking. We meet here this cold, blustery-, wintry day, selecting the holy Sabbath day to honor his memory in the closing hours of the Fifty-ninth Congress, when night sessions have overworked both of the bodies which make up the American Congress. We stop during these hurried hours in the closing days of this session to do honor to a man who has honored his State, honored his nation, and who has brought credit and distinction to the great legislative body of which this House is a part. I wish, Mr. Speaker, simply to lay upon the snow which covers his grave to-day a wreath from Iowa in memory of Michigan's distinguished soldier, citizen, and statesman. 88 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger Address of Mr. Fordney, of MicfflGAN Mr. Speaker: To-day we meet in commemoration of one of the most illnstrioiis sons of the great State of Mich- igan, and I deem it a profound privilege to here speak a few words in behalf of the memor\- of such an one as the late Senator Russell A. Alger. Mr. Speaker, I had known the deceased for over thirty vear.s — in fact, from my early manhood. I had known him as an employer, as a private citizen, as a public man, and as a friend ; and from that extended acquaintance with him I feel that my life has been enriched and ennobled to an extent far beyond my present ability to express. His life was so full of goodness, the purit>-, the simplicity, and the faithfulness so lacking in the most of us that justice can not be done his memory in the brief time I feel that I am privileged to ask at the hands of this House. Much will be said and much has been said here and else- where of our departed brother in more fitting phrases and loftier speech than it is my ability to command, but I doubt much whether any will hold the memory of that man in as loving reverence as do I by reason of my long acquaintance and association with him. Senator Alger came to Michigan a ^oung man, poor as viewed from the standpoint of latter-da)' greatness but rich in the eves of God. He came witii the muck of the furrow Address of Mr. Fordney, of Michigan 89 on his feet, but with a lieart of sterling inanhood beating in his breast. He came to nswhen to live in :Michigan meant more than mere sweat of brow, when it meant a fight with the help of the strong right arm of the Lord, when it meant unswerving trust in a power higher than humanity can be- stow, and when it meant to know no defeat in the face of seeming failure. He faced the obstacles of the sturdy pio- neer of his day with the fortitude that predicted his future success. He helped us hew our homes in the vast forest fastnesses of the great State ; he helped us lay the founda- tion of our State government ; he helped us to build what we have builded ; he toiled with us, arm to arm and shoul- der to shoulder, from our infancy to our present greatness, and whatever glor>' there may have been achieved b}- the State of Michigan, in either national or State affairs, his hand has been one of the guiding influences pointing to us the right way and helping our faint and faltering footsteps when we would turn back. Mr. Speaker, not an avenue of the life of our great Com- monwealth, be it religious, commercial, or political, is there but that has felt the beneficent touch of his gentle influence. He was with us in all our undertakings, and while many times honored at the hands of his adopted State, yet the gratitude thus expressed for him falls far short of just com- pensation for his life's efforts and .sacrifices in her behalf. His earlv life in Michigan was .spent in the woods when the lumber industry in that State was paramount, and as a lumberman he laid the foundation of his future prosperity. As a young man among us, forgetful of self, at the sacri- fice of opportunity, as it seemed then, at a time when hope go Afemon'a/ Addresses: RitsscH A. Alger and honest effort count for much in the lives of }-oung men, he put behind him all personal ambitions ; the then present opportunities became secondary in his thought, and with the zeal and love of a true American, in the year 1861, offered himself, his hopes, and his ambitions that his State and his country might be saved. His was a life and character to which war, with its attendant horrors and deprivations, did not appeal. He had other aims in life than that of marches and battle, but to his great sense of duty and patriotism there were no two ways. His not to reason why, His but to do and die. The necessit}' of his motherland was paramount. To know that she needed him was enough, and he went. His services in the war between the States, his achievements and sacrifices, his rise from the humble position of a captain of a company to the higher rank of brevet major-general, United States Volunteers, is fittingly chronicled elsewhere. On his return to us at the close of the war, bearing the scars and stains of his active and eventful participation therein, unchanged and untarnished b)- the glories of con- quest and the flattery of an admiring Commonwealth, in his gentle and retiring manner he took up the thread of life where it had been severed ; he started where he had left off, never fearing, nothing datmted, and by that indomitable perseverance so characteristic of his every effort and ambi- tion, never for a moment regretting the time he had given for the preservation of the Union, unaided, save by his silent reliance on that ever-present source of strength, he built the Address of Mr. Fordncy, of Michigan 91 foundation of a career, both private and public, attained by few. It was some years after his return from the war that I be- came acquainted with him, and at that time he was well on the road to success which so fittingly crowned his every effort. In later years it was my privilege to have been acquainted with him in his public and social life, and in all these opportunities of a most thorough acquaintance in all capacities I can sa\' that I ha\'e never known an}' man whose confidence and esteem I have cherished more than I do that of Senator Alger. Mr. Speaker, it is scarce in this life that we find a man of so retiring a nature, so tinassuming in every detail, so thoughtful of others, so unselfish and so faithful, who attains the position in public or private career as did Senator Alger. We find many admirable characteristics in all with whom we come in daily contact, and possibly very few undesirable qualities, but seldom do we find all of the virtues centering themselves in the life of one man that were characteristic of the life of Mr. Alger. His success was due to his nobleness of purpose, his fidelity to trust, his unswerving devotion to his friends and to his promises, his love for all mankind, and his purity of thought. A criticism once passed on him in m)' presence was that he placed too much reliance on everyone with whom he came in contact. Ah ! would that all men had that simple, childlike trust in their fellow-men that stamped every moment of the career of Senator Alger. Well may it be said that he believed all men, for suspicion is born of untruthfulness. And while Senator Alger may have suffered many times for this unfal- 92 Mc?iioria/ Addresses: Riisse/l A. A/ger terinw trust placed in his brother men, yet that ver^- trust which has shown a life so free from blame, so free from cor- ruption, so full of all that is most desirable in men, has borne him on pinions of love above the petty suspicions, inferences, and insinuations usual in these da\s, and has placed him on a pinnacle unscathed and unsullied. Mr. Speaker, no man can love uncleanness, corruption, or untruthfulness in another, and I say that few men are loved by those who know them best as was Senator AlgeR loved b}- those who knew him best. To be sure, his path- way in life was not without its disappointments, its defeats, and annoyances. His public career at times was attacked, his purposes assailed, and his ambitions thwarted, but through it all, through the malignity and abuse that was maliciously directed at him at one stage of his public life, does his untarnished character shine like a lone star in the blackness of night. From the chaos of envv, malice, selfishness, and abuse he rose purer, more loving, and more beloved than ever. Clad in an impenetrable annor of a clean conscience, a pure purpose, and a love for all man- kind, he marched with head aloft amid the pettv cross fire of political jealousy and intrigue, knowing full well that " truth, crushed to earth, will rise again," and that the invectives of hatred and malice could but make the brighter, by the contrast, the purity expressed in his every thought and deed. He conquered because he " loved his neighbors as him- self," and by this love his enemies became his friends. It was my privilege, Mr. Speaker, to be on intimate terms with Mr. Alger during the declining }-ears of his Address of Mr. Fordney^ of Michigan 93 life, through periods when his dear ones daily despaired of his recovery. I was with him at his rallying intervals, at which times he most faithfully attended to his every duty, both public and private, and I knew his condition — learned it from ]Mr. Alger himself — and, with the deepest sense of gratitude for the lesson of patience, cheerfulness, and hope which he thus taught me, I say not one word of complaint, irritability, or regret did I ever hear pass his lips. Stand- ing in the shadow of death's valley, and knowing it, to the end he maintained that same kindly. God-fearing, and for- bearing nature that had characterized his whole life. Little wonder a loving family mourns the loss of such a husband and father ; iittle wonder that the great State bows its head in silent anguish at the news of the death of such a son ; little wonder that a nation pauses to place the emblems of reverence and sorrow on his bier. Our friend Russell A. Alger remains with us only as a memor)', and since his death I have heard so man}- kindh- words spoken of him b)' his colleagues that it seems sad that living he might not have known how much we valued, trusted, and appreciated him. By nature he was sunny and cheerful, and the atmosphere about him was always warm and bright. Though possessed of great self-relihnce, he had no frills and needed no starch to strengthen his dignity. Those of us who came to know him best not only respected him, but learned to Io\-e him. Death came to him as it should come to all of us; not as an enemy, but as a friend; not as a defeat, but as a victory; not as an end, but as a beginning; not in the guise of a serpent, but in the form of an angel. Death came to him, 94 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger not as life's curse, but as life's coronation. His life work is finished, his pleasant voice is hushed, his feet no longer press the sands along the shores of time, but those of us with whom he mingled will, until our last days, be grateful for having known such a character; and I believe we are all broader, truer, and better men because our friend for a time sojourned with us. Address of Mr. Hamilton.^ of Michigan. 95 Address of Mr. Hamilton, of Michigan Mr. Speaker: Russell A. Alger was born in a log cabin in Medina County, Ohio, in the year 1836. He was born in poverty ; but it was the robust poverty of farm life in the earlier period of our Republic, which, though it knew nothing of luxun,-, and frequently lacked even the necessaries of life, was never abject. He was rich in the poverty of being born so poor that he could see something above him to struggle for. He was reared in povert}-, but it was the po\ert}- of boy- hood on the farm, rich with hope and health and ambition ; and it was the poverty of a time and place which drew no lines of ca.ste and social distinction. His father and mother died when he was 1 1 }ears old, and after their death he worked for his board and clothes ttntil, at the age of 14, he began to earn wages, beginning at $5 a month and increasing until at the age of 20 he was earning $15 a month. Meanwhile he had been going to school winters, and his schooling culminated with a term or two at Richfield Academy. In 1857 he began reading law with Wolcott &: Upson, in Akron, Ohio, and was admitted to the bar, but he never practiced law; and in 1861, having moved to Grand Rapids, ]\Iich., he enlisted as a private in the Second Michigan Cavalry, and was commissioned captain of Company C. He served three years, participated in sixty-six battles and 96 Memorial Addresses: Rtissell A. Alger skirmishes, was seriously wounded, and rose by successive promotions until he reached the rank ot colonel, and was brevetted major-general for gallant and meritorious ser\-ice. He was elected governor of Michigan in 1884, was a con- spicuous candidate for the Presidency in 1888, serv^ed as Secretar}' of War from 1897 to 1899, was appointed a Sen- ator of the United States to succeed James McMillan in 1902, was elected to that office in 1903, and died January 24, 1907. General Alger died a rich man. In 1867 he entered into a partnership known as " Moore, Alger & Co.," which evolved in 1881 into a corporation known as "R. A. Alger & Co." This partnership and this corporation dealt in pine timber lands. They acquired tracts of magnifi- cent pine forests, which increased in value while they held them until single trees were worth fi\-e times what the land whereon they grew had cost per acre. To lumber interests were added mining interests, rail- road interests, and banking interests, until General Alger became a multimillionaire. Victor Hugo says: " Be fortunate and you will be thought a great man." General Alger was something more than a fortunate man. Whatever there was of greatness in his personalit)- or his career is due not alone to good fortune, but to a blend of certain inherent qualities — the qualities of honesty, gen- erosity, philanthropy, courage, and patriotism. These qualities alone, however, do not make major- generals. Secretaries of War, United States Senators, or governors. Address of Mr. Hamilton, of Michigan 97 It is possible to hold these places without these qualities, and many a private in the ranks has had all these qualities and never been heard from outside his own immediate neighborhood. Neither is it greatness in itself to have held any or all of these offices. There have been man}' major-generals, and some few of them may be remembered. There have been many members of man)- Cabinets, and some few of them may be remembered. The various States from time to time have elected a good many Senators, and some few of these are still remembered. As to governors, there are fort)--five of them now per- forming their executi\'e functions, and there are two or three, perhaps, whose names are known beyond the bound- aries of their States. It has been estimated that about 4,000,000 people die every year, and the percentage of those who do things to make their names remembered is not high. It is impossible to analyze the baffling, illusive, internal illumination which we call personality which differentiates one man from another. There were greater lawyers than Lincoln, greater legis- lators than Lincoln, greater orators than Lincoln, and yet the personality which we call Abraham Lincoln will hold his name forever above the flood of years. By universal consent he has taken his place among the few great souls who belong to all time. We may account for the greatness of some men whom S. Doc. 405, 59-2 7* 98 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger conspicuous talent has driven on to great achievement by calling it the abnormality of genius. But if we point to most men of eminence and say such and such traits made them great, we are obliged to admit that others endowed apparently with these same traits have utterly failed. No philosopher has ever undertaken to name the elements and give their true proportion in the human compound which the world calls greatness. It is possible for a man to be great without honesty, like Marlborough ; brave without patriotism, like Benedict Ar- nold ; great without morality, like Rousseau, or great like Voltaire, to whom Frederick the Great wrote : " If your works deserve statues, your conduct deserves handcuifs." Then, too, greatness is a relative term, and it is hard to determine the point where it grades into mediocrity or the point where it shades into notoriety, which is a sort of bastard brother of greatness. To this class belong all those who possess that impalpa- ble quality— impossible to describe, teach, or counterfeit — the faculty of fooling the crowd, which amounts to genius in some cases and collects toll from the credulity of all ages. I lay no stress on money. I do not call a man great necessarily because he has capitalized an industry, taken the right tips on stock, discovered a mine, cornered oil or steel, captured the standing timber of a nation, owns a town, or controls a railroad. The men who have done these things have their reward, and their reward, among other things, amounts to the monotony of the very best, a dull faculty of enjoyment, and eternal vigilance to protect what they have obtained. Address of Mr. Ha/i/i/Zoii, of Michigan 99 Solomon tried it all. He asked God for wisdom, and because he asked God for wisdom and not for wealth or honor we are told that wisdom, wealth, and honor were added imto him; and, having tried it all, in his old age, from a throne of ivory in a palace of cedar, he pronounced it all vanit)-. We are like travelers on a journe>-. The world has been explored but it is a new country to all of us, and we travel mostly alone, although the caravan in which we journey is large. And we pick up the baubles which others have left along the way, make (Collections of them, capitalize them, issue shares on them, decorate ourselves with them, and go the way that those who left them went. One man has the money-getting faculty ; another has not. One man has the bump of acquisitiveness, and another has not; and generally when there is a convex on one side of a man's head there is a concave on the other side to make up for it. Of course there are great men of wealth and men of great wealth, but the public comment makes little distinction, except that the five-talent man attracts more attention than the two-talent man and is therefore singled out for more frequent denunciation. We have no titles of nobility, but we have men who command markets to rise, and they rise ; to fall, and they fall ; who could buy a moderate-sized kingdom without financial inconvenience, and we have constant illustrations of the involuntary deference that one million pays to two millions. loo Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger People are constantly rated according to their bank accounts, not only in Dun's and Bradstreet's, but socially. These distinctions are not abolished above-ground even in the cemetery-, where the shadow of the monument of financial success falls across the pauper's anonymous grave in the potter's field just over the fence. General Alger was a rich man, but his claims to dis- tinction are in no wise based upon his wealth, except that it enabled him to respond nobly to the charitable impulses within him, to respond nobly to his own constant desire to relieve want and to extend the hand of pity and alleviation to all those in distress. I read some da}-s ago the story of a man who died and, being called before a Mighty Presence, was asked to state what things he had accomplished while on earth, and he humbly answered that he had accomplished nothing ; that his life had been a failure, and then there rose up a multi- tude of witnesses of good deeds done in secret, until this feeble, wayworn failure in the race of life was glorified. And so I think some things in General Alger's life, least known about, may constitute his most enduring claim to glory. He was a man of exalted patriotism. He risked his life time and again for love of country. Perhaps humanity may sometimes meet upon some higher le\'el than patriotism, but at present there is no nobler trait in human nature than love of a man's country. He was an honest man, and the reputation of an honest public official is part of the moral capital of our whole countrN'. Address of Mr. Hamilton, of Michigan loi He was a modest fiian. He iie\-er stood around on promi- nent corners for the purpose of being pointed at as a celebrity. He was a sincere man. Sincerity is a trait that in the long run can not be counterfeited. It is like a flame— no one can paint it. A man's name comes to stand for what he is, and the name of Gen. RussELL A. Alger stands for the life of a brave, generous, honest gentleman, who loved his country and ser^-ed it to the best of his ability. I02 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger Address of Mr. Darragh, of Michigan Mr. Speaker: My acquaintance with Gen. Russell A. Alger had its beginning soon after the close of the civil war. He was at that time, as he ever after continued to be, the idol of the veteran soldiery- of Michigan. He was then serving as commander of the Department of Michigan, Grand Army of the Republic, to which office his comrades had elected him in recognition of his valor as a soldier and of his worth as a citizen. He was the first man ever chosen to fill that office. Our acqtiaintance later ripened into a warm personal attachment which remained unbroken to the end. The recollection of the kindh- interest which Senator Alger ever made manifest in matters which concerned me and the helpfulness of his counsel impel me to pay humble tribute to the memor}- of him whom I esteemed as a friend and admired as a man. To the people of the State of Michigan, whose love and high esteem for Senator Alger had been so frequently demonstrated, the announcement of his death came with all the force of a personal bereavement. His never-failing kindness, his faith in his fellow-man, his gracious hospi- tality, his munificent and yet unostentatious charity, his sublime courage and patience and dignity when unjustly assailed, his correct life, and his honorable and distinguished career as a soldier and as a citizen all endeared him to the Address of Mr. Darragh, of Michigan 103 hearts of the people of his State, who knew him best and loved him most. Russell A. Alger at the age of 11 years faced the world as a poor and obscure orphan boy. With something of that courage and confidence which was a dominant trait in his character he confronted the situation. He earned his daily bread and acquired an education. He studied law and was admitted to practice. At the outbreak of the civil war he raised a company of volunteers and was mustered into the service of the United States as captain of Company C, Second Michigan Volun- teer Cavaln,-, of which regiment Philip H. Sheridan was soon thereafter placed in command as its colonel. Captain AlgER was, by promotion, made major April 2, 1862. He was wounded and taken prisoner in action at Booneville, Miss., July i, 1862; was appointed lieutenant- colonel Sixth Michigan Cavalry October 30, 1862, and colonel Fifth jMichigan Cavalr}- June 11, 1863. He was again severely wounded in action July 8, 1863. He served with distinction under Sheridan, Kilpatrick, and Custer, and participated in more than three-score battles and minor engagements. "For gallant and meritorious ser\-ices during the war" he was commissioned brevet brigadier-general and was mustered out of the ser\-ice as brevet major-general. United States Volunteers, at the age of 29. Such is the brief histor)- of his brilliant and honorable military career. When hostilities had ceased and his country- tio' longer needed his services in th6 field", he r^effifnea !ns swor3^tcJ i^s ^sais!)kiki'^aAk''ii{^6t^e'a^^'fi'iri§^%'^6'^i).i§ifiiys''kffi^^^^^^^ I04 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger same energ)-, the same intelligent forcefnlness, the same courage that characterized his military service, and abun- dant success crowned his efforts. Senator Alger's life was one of achievement. The influence of such a life as his, let us hope, will live on as an inspiration to the young man of to-day and to the young man of the future. The greatest of English poets has said: The evil that men do lives after them; The good is oft interred with their bones. To this sentiment I do not fully subscribe. Rather let it be said that the good, equally with the evil, that men do will live after them and bear fruit each of its kind. From early life Senator Alger was deeply interested in public affairs. He did not seek political preferment until he was chosen by his party as its candidate for governor of his State in 1884. To this office he was elected, but declined a renomination two \ears later. At the Republican national convention in 1888 Governor Alger was the candidate of his State for the office of Presi- dent, and was one of the three leading candidates for that high office. From the date of the organization of the military orders of the Loyal Legion and the Grand Army of the Republic, Gen- eral Alger took a li\ely interest and a prominent part in the affairs of these .societies. He was elected commander in chief of the Grand Army of the Republic in the vear 1889. r3grPof^/v^j^^i^^"*^^'^'^'^^"^^y^PPO^'^ted General Alger to h\ #fi^o-Vy\ liif ^M'h^ la .SfS.'i^fe^- o^..Wa^- In the dis- Address of Mr. Darragh, o/Mic/iigan 105 by reason of the war with Spain, and because of our ahnost complete unpreparedness for war, General Alger labored diligently, and with a measure of success which few men could have equaled under like conditions. The following high tribute was paid to the character and services of General x\lger by his successor, :Mr. Secretary of War Taft, in the formal announcement of General Alger's death made to the Army: The Secretary of War announces with deep sorrow the death of the Hon. RussELi- AI.EXANDER Alger, which occurred on the 24th instant, at his residence in this city. General AXGER was Secretary of War during the Administration of President McKinley, from March 5, 1897, to August I, 1S99; a period during which the administration of tlie War Department was brought into great prominence througli its activities in connection with the war with Spain and the military operations in the Philippines that succeeded it. General Alger was patriotic, earnest, and most devoted to the interests of the Army, and especially considerate of the welfare of enlisted men. He was a gentle, kindly man, with great confidence in his friends and associates, and was much beloved by his subordinates. He was the sub- ject of unjust criticism because of the country's lack of preparedness for war when war came, although for this he was in no wise responsible. His record as a soldier in the civil war was long, useful, and highly honorable. General Alger became United States Senator by ap- pointment of the governor of Michigan on September 27, 1902, to sufcceed the late Senator James McMillan, and was elected to that office on January 20, 1903. Owing to failing health, he declined to be a candidate for reelection. His tenn of office as Senator would have expired on March 4 next. His last prayer was answered: I want to die in the harness. I want to give my family and friends just as little trouble as possible when the time comes. I would prefer to live, but I am ready to go. io6 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger "Like one that wraps the drapery of his couch about him and lies down to pleasant dreams," Senator Alger passed into the great imkijown. Upon no citizen of Michigan has a grateful people bestowed so many and such high honors as were cheerfully accorded to Senator Alger, if we except only Gen. Lewis Cass. Russell A. Alger died full of years and full of honors. His deeds will be his most enduring monument. We live in deeds, not years; in thoughts, not breaths; In feelings, not in figures on a dial. We should count time by heart-throbs. He most lives Who thinks most, feels the noblest, acts the best. Address of Mr. Townsend, of Michigan 107 Address of Mr. Townsend, of Michigan Mr. Speaker: To me it is a rather solemn and unpleas- ant duty to speak on memorial occasions, and were it not for the fact that he whose memor)- we honor here to-day was a resident of Michigan I should adhere to my hitherto mibroken rule of contemplating in silence the memory of my departed friends. I can see much that is proper and much that is beautiful in setting apart a day of the Congress to eulogize deceased Members. ■ I am only sorry that we live in such an age of business and of practical things that when a man dies we have scarcely time to attend his funeral, much less to memorialize him. It is undoubtedly an evidence of man's divinity that in the presence of death resentments are softened and only good thoughts are in control. Sometimes things are said on such occasions as this which ought to have been said before death had stopped the ears to words of censure or praise. It is probably true that he who has passed to the Great Beyond will not be affected b)- what we ma}- sa>- here to-day, but we possibl}-— the few of us who are here— will be made better for having contem- plated the man who has departed from among us. How much better it would be if we could only find time to say the things that the man would like to hear before he has gone out from among us. Russell A. Alger since 1859, and until his death in this city, was a resident of Michigan. He contributed io8 Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alger largely to the development of our State, and for many years was one of our foremost citizens. At his death he was con- sidered a wealthy man, but his wealth was due to his own energy and ability ; and he will not be known hereafter because of his wealth, but rather because of his life as a public citizen. His was a strenuous life, and much of it was passed dur- ing cn:cial periods of our country's history. When the rebellion broke out he enlisted and was mustered in as cap- tain of Company C, Second Michigan Cavalry, and at the end of seven months he was promoted to the position of major of his regiment. In six months more he became lieu- tenant-colonel of the Si.xth Michigan Cavalry, and after seven months more he was again advanced to the position of colonel of the Fifth Michigan Cavalry; and on June ii, 1864, for meritorious services in battles, he was brevetted brigadier-general, and one year later was made bre\et major- general of United States Volunteers. Few soldiers of the great civil war have advanced more rapidly ; but promotion came not as the result of achieve- ments on parade, but rather because of things done in action. He was engaged, as has been stated here, in sixty-six battles and skirmishes, and so strong was his faith, so dauntless his courage, that defeat was never contemplated b)- him. I have thought that the " plunger" in business life makes the most brilliant soldier ; he has a vision of something desirable, and no intervening obstacle retards him. General Alger in business more than once had his all staked on practicallv a single venture. He only saw success. He did not see, or, at least, was not deterred by, the difficulties in his path. Address of Mr. Totvusoid, of Michigan 109 He knew that lumber was a staple, and into it he plunged with all the vigor of his strong nature. Several times it seemed that he had gone in too deeply, but lumber rose to meet his necessities and success was his. In war it was the same. He believed in the ultimate triumph of the Union,' and recognized nothing insuperable in its pathway. In 1884 he was elected governor of Michigan, and in 1888 was a formidable candidate for President at the Republican national convention at Chicago. One of the sad )-et glo- rious memories of Michigan's citizens is General Alger'S connection with the War Department. Sad, because cir- cumstances placed upon his brow a crown of thorns, which malice and ignorance pressed down hard ; glorious, because he lived long enough to see himself vindicated and to have the crown of thorns supplanted by a wreath of immortelles. Michigan never lost faith in her distinguished son, and on the death of Senator McMillan the vacancy was filled by General Alger. He died in the harness. His was a nature which could not endure idleness, and his wish to serve to the last was gratified. Onl)' when the war was over and the Union pre- served did he lay down his sword. Only when the Great Commander ordered him to "fall out" did the beloved Sen- ator Alger quit the distinguished service he had rendered his State and nation. It seems fitting that his eyes should close here in the nation's capital. In 1865, at the age of 29 years, he, as major-general, beheld the glorious -concluding spectacle of the civil war. Here at the beginning of the Spanish war he was the Secretary of War. Here, as Senator since 1902, no Memorial Addresses: Russell A. Alzcr he assisted in shapino- the destiny of the nation he fought to preserve. From here loving hands tenderly bore his earthly tenement to its last resting place in Michigan, where there was bnt one heart, and that heart was sad. His bereaved family will miss him most, for he was preemi- nently a devoted husband and a loving father. But thousands of newsboys, who through his bounty and encouragement were inspired with ambition to do and to be, will mourn his death, and the citizens of Detroit and all Michigan will appreciate that one of their most respected and influential men has gone out from among them. Death is always a solemn thing ; whether it comes in the morning, at noon, or at night, it is unwelcome ; but of very few men could it be said that their work was more nearly finished, their lives more completely rounded out, their duty more fully performed than of Senator Alger when he "wrapped the drapery of his couch about him and lay down to pleasant dreams." For a year or more he stood in his open grave and waited for the walls to fall upon him ; but he was unafraid and asked no sympathy. He had met death before. He had become familiar with all the sensations which come to a man tmder those circumstances and was unterrified. A few days before he died I sat beside him in the dining room of this House, and he discussed his coming dissolution hopefully and cheerfully, and when I reminded him that all Michigan was his friend he said : " I believe that is true, and I would rather have that to console me than to know that I could have my days prolonged." His face lighted up, and his eyes shone with an expression of Address of Mr. Townsend^ of Michigan iii perfect faith and confidence. He was apparently ready to go, and well could he have repeated the words of the ven- erable poet, uttered under similar circumstances : I know not where His islands lift Their fronded palms in air ; I only know I can not drift Beyond His love and care. And so, beside the silent sea, I wait the muffled oar ; No harm can come from Him to me On ocean or on shore. His life work was well done and, the allotted span of life having been passed, he went to sleep amidst the flowers of love and esteem and awakened at the blaster's commenda- tion — " Well done thou good and faithful ser^-ant, enter thoti into the joy of thy Lord." o