Order of Proceedings I i.„i 4 *, i... i,.„ »,„ Vice-President of the United States PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE. ^2 7 f /^ ORDER OF PROCEEDINGS FOR THE FUNERAL OF THE HON. HENKY WILSON, VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES AND President of the Senate. The Committee of Arrangements, Pall-bearers, and Mourners, will attend at the Vice-President's Chamber in the Capitol, on Friday, the 26th of November instant, at 10 o'clock a. m., at which time the remains of the Honorable Henry Wilson, late Vice-President of the United States, will be removed from the Rotunda in charge of the Committee of Arrangements, attended by the Pall -bearers and Mourners, and the Ser- geant-at-Arms of the Senate, to the Senate Chamber, where, at half-past ten o'clock a. m., divine service will be performed. When these ceremonies shall have been completed, the funeral pro- cession, under command of IJrevet Major-General W. H. Emory, U. S. A., will nio\c, in the order prescribed, from the Senate Chamber to the depot f)f the Baltimore & Potomac Railroad Company, where the remains will be placed in charge bf the Committee appointed by the Governor of Mas- sachusetts to recjyyc them. X i- V ORDER OF PROCESSION. Military Escort. The Chaplain of the Senate, and an assisting clergyman. Physicians who attended the deceased. Committee of Arrangements — Mr. Garfield, Mr. Randall, Mr. Warren, Mr. Dennison. Mr. Thurman, Mr. Morrill, of Vermont, Mr. Justice Clifford, Mr. Hamilton Fish, The Committee appointed by the Governor of Massachusetts to take charge of the remains. Pall-bearers — Mr. Edmunds, Mr. Sherman, Mr. Bayard, Mr. Whyte, Mr. Blaine, Mr. Wood, Mr. Kasson, Mr. Mills. The Hearse. The relatives of the deceased. The President and Heads of Departments. The Sergeant-at-Arms of the Senate. The members of the Senate, preceded by the President of the Senate and the Secretary. The Sergeant-at-Arms of the House of Representatives. The members of the House of Representatives, preceded by the Clerk of the House. The Justices of the Supreme Court. The Diplomatic Corps. The Judges of the Court of Claims. The Commissioners of the District of Columbia. The Judges of the Supreme Court of the District of ColumUia. Officers of the Army and Navy and the Marine Corps. Organized associations who may desire to attend. Citizens and strangers. November 26, 1875. iili 011 A64 JM •» LIBRARY OF CONGREbb 011 464 377 4